3 values
What are three popular movies with Steve Carell?
Three popular movies with Steve Carell are: 1. The 40-Year-Old Virgin 2. Crazy Stupid Love 3. The Big Short
What is the best private Jesuit research university in Boston ?
Boston College (BC) is a private Jesuit research university in Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts. Founded in 1863, the university has more than 9,300 full-time undergraduates and nearly 5,000 graduate students. Although Boston College is classified as an R1 research university, it still uses the word "college" in its name to reflect its historical position as a small liberal arts college. Its main campus is a historic district and features some of the earliest examples of collegiate gothic architecture in North America. In accordance with its Jesuit heritage, the university offers a liberal arts curriculum with a distinct emphasis on formative education and service to others. Undergraduate admission is highly selective. The university offers bachelor's degrees, master's degrees, and doctoral degrees through its eight colleges and schools: Morrissey College of Arts & Sciences, Carroll School of Management, Lynch School of Education and Human Development, Connell School of Nursing, Graduate School of Social Work, Boston College Law School, Boston College School of Theology and Ministry, Woods College of Advancing Studies. Boston College athletic teams are the Eagles. Their colors are maroon and gold and their mascot is Baldwin the Eagle. The Eagles compete in NCAA Division I as members of the Atlantic Coast Conference in all sports offered by the ACC. The men's and women's ice hockey teams compete in Hockey East. Boston College's men's ice hockey team has won five national championships. Alumni and affiliates of the university include governors, ambassadors, members of Congress, scholars, writers, medical researchers, Hollywood actors, and professional athletes. Boston College has graduated 3 Rhodes, 22 Truman, and more than 171 Fulbright scholars. Other notable alumni include a U.S. Speaker of the House, a U.S. Secretary of State, and chief executives of Fortune 500 companies.
Boston College is the best Jesuit private university in Boston.
Given this reference on Yorkshire Terriers, tell me where they originate from, and what are their typical size and color.
The Yorkshire Terrier is a British breed of toy dog of terrier type. It is among the smallest of the terriers and indeed of all dog breeds, with a weight of no more than 3.2 kg. It originated in the nineteenth century in the English county of Yorkshire, for which it is named. Their coats are typically tan on the head with a dark steel-grey body, but they can come in a variety of colors. It is a playful and energetic dog, usually kept as a companion dog. It has contributed to the development of other breeds including the Silky Terrier, and also to cross-breeds such as the Yorkipoo.
Yorkshire Terrier originated from English county of Yorkshire, it has a small size with weight of no more than 3.2 kg. They have a variety of colors but typically their coats are tan on the head and dark steel-grey on the body.
Why is the Chrysler Hemi V8 so legendary?
The Chrysler "Hemi" V8 are a series of American V8 internal combustion engines known for their simplicity, reliability, low cost, high power and torque output. Originally the Hemi was named for the Hemispherical shaped combustion chamber that increased power and efficiency. The very first Hemi engines were originally developed during World War II for the Republic P-47 and the M47 Patton Tank and they were first introduced into passenger cars in 1951 as the Chrysler FirePower. The Hemi is now in its third generation (3G) being built from 2003 to the present at Chrysler's Saltillo Engine plant in Ramos Arizpe Mexico. The 3G Hemi's have had power outputs from 345 horsepower in the first 3G 5.7 Liter to 1025 horsepower in the 6.2 High Output Demon 170 engine. The latest 6.2 Hemi in the Demon 170 is now one of the most powerful engines installed in a passenger car in the world at a fraction of the cost of other 1000 horsepower vehicles. All of these factors have added up to make a tough, powerful and extremely desirable engine for automotive enthusiasts around the world cementing the Hemi Legend.
Who is Laika and why is she famous?
Laika (/ˈlaɪkə/ LY-kə; Russian: Лайка, IPA: [ˈlajkə]; c. 1954 – 3 November 1957) was a Soviet space dog who was one of the first animals in space and the first to orbit the Earth. A stray mongrel from the streets of Moscow, she flew aboard the Sputnik 2 spacecraft, launched into low orbit on 3 November 1957. As the technology to de-orbit had not yet been developed, Laika's survival was never expected. She died of overheating hours into the flight, on the craft's fourth orbit. Little was known about the effects of spaceflight on living creatures at the time of Laika's mission, and animal flights were viewed by engineers as a necessary precursor to human missions. The experiment, which monitored Laika's vital signs, aimed to prove that a living organism could survive being launched into orbit and continue to function under conditions of weakened gravity and increased radiation, providing scientists with some of the first data on the biological effects of spaceflight. Laika died within hours from overheating, possibly caused by a failure of the central R‑7 sustainer to separate from the payload. The true cause and time of her death were not made public until 2002; instead, it was widely reported that she died when her oxygen ran out on day six or, as the Soviet government initially claimed, she was euthanised prior to oxygen depletion. In 2008, a small monument to Laika depicting her standing atop a rocket was unveiled near the military research facility in Moscow that prepared her flight. She also appears on the Monument to the Conquerors of Space in Moscow.
Laika was one of the first animals in space and the first one to orbit the space. She was sent into the outer space by the Soviet Union. She died of overheating hours into the flight while the spacecraft carrying her was in the orbit.
What is wholesale banking?
Wholesale banking is the provision of services by banks to larger customers or organizations such as mortgage brokers, large corporate clients, mid-sized companies, real estate developers and investors, international trade finance businesses, institutional customers (such as pension funds and government entities/agencies), and services offered to other banks or other financial institutions. Wholesale finance refers to financial services conducted between financial services companies and institutions such as banks, insurers, fund managers, and stockbrokers. Modern wholesale banks engage in: - Finance wholesaling - Underwriting - Market making - Consultancy - Mergers and acquisitions - Fund management
Give this paragraph abount Battle of Adwa between Ethiopia and Italy, who were the commanders on Ethiopian side.
Estimates for the Ethiopian forces under Menelik range from a low of 73,000 to a high of over 100,000 outnumbering the Italians by an estimated five times. The forces were divided among Emperor Menelik, Empress Taytu Betul, Ras Wale Betul, Ras Mengesha Atikem, Ras Mengesha Yohannes, Ras Alula Engida (Abba Nega), Ras Mikael of Wollo, Ras Makonnen Wolde Mikael,Fitawrari Habte Giyorgis, Fitawrari[nb 3] Gebeyyehu, and Negus[nb 4] Tekle Haymanot Tessemma. In addition, the armies were followed by a similar number of camp followers who supplied the army, as had been done for centuries. Most of the army consisted of riflemen, a significant percentage of whom were in Menelik's reserve; however, there were also a significant number of cavalry and infantry only armed with lances (those with lances were referred to as "lancer servants"). The Kuban Cossack army officer N. S. Leontiev who visited Ethiopia in 1895, according to some sources, led a small team of Russian advisers and volunteers. Other sources assert that Leontiev did not in fact participate in the battle, rather he visited Ethiopia first unofficially in January 1895, and then officially as a representative of Russia in August 1895, but then left later that year, returning only after the Battle of Adwa
Emperor Menelik, Empress Taytu, Ras Makonnen, Ras Wale Betul, Tekle Haymanot Tessemma, Ras Mengesha Yohannes, Ras Mikael were the top commanders and leaders.
Tell me a terrifying fact about moray eels.
Moray eels have two sets of jaws, the outer jaws and the inner, pharyngeal jaws. The first set of jaw grabs the prey and the pharyngeal jaws pull the prey drag the prey into the eel's throat.
Why are sports so popular?
Sports are popular throughout the world. With the wide variety of options available, people can participate in or watch team or individual sports, high-impact, fast-paced, slow-paced, low impact. There is truly something for everyone. Sports can unite a community, town, or nation. Sports can teach life lessons like humility, friendly competition, and how to communicate with others and make quick decisions. Sports can keep kids out of trouble and give them a sense of belonging and a sense of family when they might not otherwise have that. Sports promote healthy, active lifestyles, hard work, and goal setting. Sports can overcome barriers of language, culture, and economics, bringing people together from all walks of life.
Why would an oil and gas exploration company utilize directional drilling in their drilling program?
There are several reasons and oil and gas exploration company would need to utilize directional drilling techniques when drilling wells. If, for any reason, a drill site is not accessible from the surface (ground level) then the drilling rig will be offset from the target. Because the drilling rig is not physically able to locate on top of the geological target the oil and gas company must use directional drilling techniques to steer the well to the target from an offset position. Examples of this could include drilling for resources under Federal land or when drilling in highly populated areas. Another reason for utilizing directional drilling techniques is to maximize hydrocarbon production. Directional drillers can turn the well-bore to intersect with the target zone at the X-Y axis, instead of only through the Z-axis. This maximizes the amount of "zone" the well-bore has access to.
Given a reference text about Hackpad, what company acquired it?
Hackpad was a web-based collaborative real-time text editor forked from Etherpad. It was used as the company wikis by multiple prominent startups of the 2010s, such as Airbnb, Stripe, and Upworthy. In April 2014, Hackpad was acquired by Dropbox. In April 2015, it was announced that Hackpad would be released as open source and source code was published on GitHub in August 2015, under the Apache license 2.0. On April 25, 2017, Hackpad announced that it is to shut down on July 19, 2017, permanently migrating to Dropbox Paper.
Hackpad was acquired by Dropbox in April 2014.
Is cricket game popular in some parts of the world?
Yes, cricket is a very popular game. It is the second most followed game after football in the world. Each team has a squad of 16 to 20 players and 11 can play a game. There are three different formats of game which are popular. Test match is the longest format in which each team play 2 innings and have a limit of 90 overs per day with 5 day limit. 50 over games are also called one day matches with a limit of 50 overs per team in a game. T20 or 20-20 is the short format and has lot of following. Takes about 4 hours per game.
What was the first living creature sent into orbit around Earth?
Laika, a Russian street dog, went to space in 1957 on the satellite Sputnik 2.
What is a hadron?
A hadron is a subatomic particles made of up two or more smaller particles called quarks. Hadrons interact via the strong nuclear force. Examples of hadrons include the proton and the neutron.
To acquire Swedish citizenship by naturalisation what should be the minimum age of the applicant and what documents are required.
Swedish citizenship can be acquired by naturalisation, also known as citizenship by application. A foreigner may be granted Swedish citizenship upon meeting certain requirements. Person should be able to prove identity, 18 years of age or older, has a permanent residence permit or has a right of residence or residence card (applies to EU citizens or close relatives of EU citizens), meets the requirements for habitual residence and has maintained good conduct while in Sweden.
Minimum age should be 18 years and applicant should have permanent residence permit or right of residence.
How can I make every color of paint?
To make paint colors you need the three primary colors: red, yellow, and blue, as well as black and white to adjust shade (black mixed with color) and tint (white mixed with color). The primary colors red and yellow mix to make orange, red and blue mix to make purple, and yellow and blue mix to make green. Other common colors such as pink can be obtained by mixing black white to these base colors. For example, pink can be created by mixing a lot of white with a small amount of red.
What is postmodernism?
Postmodernism is an intellectual stance or mode of discourse characterized by skepticism toward the "grand narratives" of modernism; rejection of epistemic certainty or the stability of meaning; and sensitivity to the role of ideology in maintaining political power. Claims to objectivity are dismissed as naïve realism, with attention drawn to the conditional nature of knowledge claims within particular historical, political, and cultural discourses. The postmodern outlook is characterized by self-referentiality, epistemological relativism, moral relativism, pluralism, irony, irreverence, and eclecticism; it rejects the "universal validity" of binary oppositions, stable identity, hierarchy, and categorization Initially emerging from a mode of literary criticism, postmodernism developed in the mid-twentieth century as a rejection of modernism, and has been observed across many disciplines. Postmodernism is associated with the disciplines deconstruction and post-structuralism. Various authors have criticized postmodernism as promoting obscurantism, as abandoning Enlightenment rationalism and scientific rigor, and as adding nothing to analytical or empirical knowledge
Postmodernism is a philosophical position that questions the certainty and immutability of human knowledge. It emerges in opposition to the main tenets of modernism and rejects claims of objective universal truths that are not bound and shaped by the social, historical, political and cultural context in which they arise. Postmodernist attitudes are characterized by moral relativism, a view where opposite moral precepts and world views are equally valid regardless of their consequences or scientific underpinning. This has led to criticism from thinkers that subscribe to rationalism and the notion that objective truths can be derived from scientific rigor.
Which season three episode did Alik Sakharov direct in Game of Thrones?
Alik Sakharov directed the season three episode "The Climb"
What does the software company Teamwork do and where is it located
Teamwork is an Irish, privately owned, web-based software company headquartered in Cork, Ireland. Teamwork creates task management and team collaboration software. Founded in 2007, as of 2016 the company stated that its software was in use by over 370,000 organisations worldwide (including Disney, Spotify and HP), and that it had over 2.4m users.
Mahatma Gandhi gave a slogan on Aug 8, 1942 .What was the slogan?
Do or Die for Independence
What does a typical financial planning and analysis team structure consist of?
Typically, a financial planning and analysis team will consist of a financial analyst, senior financial analyst, finance manager, director, and VP. This team will usually fall under the chief financial officer for the company.
What is the right time to do workouts or yoga?
The physical activities like Workouts and Yoga are best performed when one is light on stomach - hence early morning or evenings are usually the most appropriate time in general. However, the most important thing is, one should find time everyday to do some kind of physical exercise to maintain a healthy body.
When was the last financial crisis and what caused it?
The last financial crisis was from 2007-2008. It was dubbed the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) because it had severe worldwide economic impact. The Global Financial Crisis was caused by the predatory lending of low-income homebuyers, excessive risk-taking of Wall Street and the bursting of the United States hosing bubble.
What was the first toy to be advertised on television?
Mr Potato Head.
What are specific reasons for seasons?
Planet Earth has a tilt of 23.5 degrees. This causes the hemispheres to be either closer or farther from the sun. Also, the axial tilt changes the amount of sunlight hitting the earth at any given time.
What is a knowledge base?
A knowledge base is a set of articles composed of words and sentences that explains concepts of what are known but perhaps hard to understand. A kb can be used to help streamline and making training more readily accessible. A kb is also a place where exchange of ideas occurs through asking interactive questions on published articles. An example of a widely use kb is
What city is WFSD Radio licensed to?
WFSD-LP (107.9 FM) is a low-power FM radio station broadcasting a Christian inspirational format. Licensed to Tallahassee, Florida, United States, the station is currently owned by Tallahassee First Seventh-day Adventist Church, affiliated with LifeTalk Radio.
WFSD Radio is licensed to Tallahassee, Florida, United States
Are UGGs considered fashionable?
UGGs were originally worn in Australia by surfers and in the 90’s became mainstream. However since then, they’ve became unpopular and even described as “basic girl” footwear. Recently, their popularity has had a resurgence. While the question of whether they are fashionable is largely debated, the comfort they provide is undeniable.
How to choose the next company you work for?
The company choosing depending on the follow rough criteria: - location: whether the company is within the acceptable commute distance - work culture: how do you treat work life balance - the mission of the company and the risk associated with the company if it is a growing company - the compensation - the colleague that you will work with there - the corresponding project and whether it will use or improve your expertise area - the career direction that you want to pursue
What are the India’s Foreign Exchange Reserves as on week ended Sept 23, 2022?
$545.65 bn
Who recorded the song Ghost Town
"Ghost Town" is a song recorded by American singer Adam Lambert for his third studio album, The Original High (2015). It was released as the album's lead single on April 21, 2015. The single garnered considerable commercial and critical success, becoming somewhat of a sleeper hit in select countries and receiving a substantial amount of radio play in the US.
Ghost Town is a song recorded by American singer Adam Lambert for his third studio album, The Original High (2015). It was released as the album's lead single on April 21, 2015. The single garnered considerable commercial and critical success, becoming somewhat of a sleeper hit in select countries and receiving a substantial amount of radio play in the US.
Why don't women have beards?
Facial hair is typical in our ancestors, but now it's absent in most women. The difference seems down to evolution. Humans have become less hairy in the millions of years we developed from apes. Over time, men came to prefer women with little or no facial hair. Those women will pass this "hairless" gene to their daughters. Then those girls would have a head start in the ancient dating game.
How do sailplanes (gliders) stay aloft?
Gliders are usually towed to altitude by a motorized airplane and then use rising air from natural weather phenomenas such as thermals, mountain lee waves or ridge lift to stay aloft.
Name a good ski mountain in Vermont
Jay Peak is an excellent mountain for skiing in VT. It sits at one of the most Northern parts of Vermont and is the Northern most ski resort in the state. Because of that, Jay Peak averages more snowfall then any other mountain in Vermont. Additionally, because of it's remote location it is also ideal for a getaway that feels like a true getaway. There is also an indoor waterpark, several excellent dining options, rock climbing wall, arcade, and a movie theater to keep the entire family entertained. Because of its proximity to Canada, you can also take a day trip to Montreal which is an added bonus. The ski conditions are also the best in Vermont which makes Jay Peak an ideal mountain for a ski vacation in Vermont
What is the company zoom?
Zoom is a video communication protocol used by many companies today. Zoom has been used by school to conduct at home schooling during the COVID-19 pandemic. Zoom is also used by big Fortune 500 corporations to conduct business meetings internally with employees and externally with customers and other accounts. The virtual interaction offered by zoom is a great alternative to save costs on in-person meetings where physical travel is required. The company was founded in 2011 and has about 8500 employees as of 2023.
Who is Lee Jung-sik
Lee Jung-sik (born July 6, 1995) is a South Korean actor and model. He is best known for his starring roles in the web series I Have Three Boyfriends (2019) and Summer Guys (2021).
What family was well known for their power in Renaissance Italy?
The Medici family was a famously influential presence in Renaissance Italy
Is the headquarters of Surrey County Council in Surrey?
In 2021 Surrey County Council in England finally moved its headquarters back into its area of jurisdiction from its former location in the Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames. The new headquarters, in the Surrey town of Reigate, are on a site previously occupied by Canon UK. Historically Kingston had been part of the county of Surrey until it was made part of Greater London in 1965. Postal addresses in Kingston still often include Surrey despite not being part of the county anymore.
How long does it take to golf 18 holes?
It depends on the number of players in your group and course conditions. A solo round of 18 holes will take 2.5-3hrs, while it will take 3.5-4.5hrs for a group of four to complete their round under normal conditions.
What is the solar system?
The Solar System is the gravitationally bound system of the Sun and the objects that orbit it. It formed 4.6 billion years ago from the gravitational collapse of a giant interstellar molecular cloud. The vast majority (99.86%) of the system's mass is in the Sun, with most of the remaining mass contained in the planet Jupiter. The planetary system around the Sun contains eight planets. The four inner system planets—Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars—are terrestrial planets, being composed primarily of rock and metal. The four giant planets of the outer system are substantially larger and more massive than the terrestrials. The two largest, Jupiter and Saturn, are gas giants, being composed mainly of hydrogen and helium; the next two, Uranus and Neptune, are ice giants, being composed mostly of volatile substances with relatively high melting points compared with hydrogen and helium, such as water, ammonia, and methane. All eight planets have nearly circular orbits that lie near the plane of Earth's orbit, called the ecliptic. There are an unknown number of smaller dwarf planets and innumerable small Solar System bodies orbiting the Sun. Six of the major planets, the six largest possible dwarf planets, and many of the smaller bodies are orbited by natural satellites, commonly called "moons" after Earth's Moon. Two natural satellites, Jupiter's moon Ganymede and Saturn's moon Titan, are larger than Mercury, the smallest terrestrial planet, though less massive, and Jupiter's moon Callisto is nearly as large. Each of the giant planets and some smaller bodies are encircled by planetary rings of ice, dust and moonlets. The asteroid belt, which lies between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, contains objects composed of rock, metal and ice. Beyond Neptune's orbit lie the Kuiper belt and scattered disc, which are populations of objects composed mostly of ice and rock.
The word solar means "pertaining to the Sun", which is derived from the Latin word sol, meaning Sun. The Sun is the dominant gravitational member of the Solar System, and its planetary system is maintained in a relatively stable, slowly evolving state by following isolated, gravitationally bound orbits around the Sun
For whom is Daenerys Targaryen's dragon, Viserion, named for?
She named Viserion after her late brother, Viserys
What is St. Peters Basilica?
St. Peters Basilica is located at the Vatican in Rome, Italy. St. Peters is a church where the Roman Catholic Church Pope lives. The church was build in the renaissance style, and the interior contains brilliant marble sculptures and paintings. There are also a large number of tombs for past popes. The Sistine Chapel is one of the Vatican's proudest features, and it was painted on the ceiling by Michelangelo between 1508 to 1512.
Who was the first computer programmer?
Augusta Ada King, Countess of Lovelace (née Byron; 10 December 1815 – 27 November 1852) was an English mathematician and writer, chiefly known for her work on Charles Babbage's proposed mechanical general-purpose computer, the Analytical Engine. She was the first to recognise that the machine had applications beyond pure calculation, and to have published the first algorithm intended to be carried out by such a machine. As a result, she is often regarded as the first computer programmer
Augusta Ada King, Countess of Lovelace (née Byron; 10 December 1815 – 27 November 1852) is often regarded as the first computer programmer for her work on the Analytical Engine with Charles Babbage.
Who is Silvio Micali?
Silvio Micali (born October 13, 1954) is an Italian computer scientist, professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the founder of Algorand, a proof-of-stake blockchain cryptocurrency protocol. Micali's research at the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory centers on cryptography and information security. In 2012, he received the Turing Award for his work in cryptography along with Shafi Goldwasser for their work on zero-knowledge proofs.
Silvio Micali is a cryptography professor at MIT. He received a Turing award in 2012 along with Shafi Goldwasser for their work on zero-knowledge proofs. Micali also founded Algorand, which is a a proof-of-stake blockchain cryptocurrency protocol and company.
What are some of the famous festivals of India?
India is the land of diverse cultures and festivities. Therefore, certain festivals are more prominent in specific parts than others. A couple of the festivals that are celebrated on a broader level across the country are 1. Diwali: It is also referred to as the "Festival of Lights". During this festival, people light up their homes in the religious significance of welcoming Goddess Laxmi, also known as Goddess of Wealth. Some people consider this festival as the highest religious significance. 2. Holi: It is one the most popular festival to the level that has picked up in western world. Being referred as the "Festival of colors", people generally play with colors (in powder form), sing and enjoy with friends, family and neighbours.
What is the name of Google's email service?
What is the meaning of life?
The meaning of life is a subject that has been studied, pondered, written about, fought over, proven, disproven, dismissed and even expressed in the metaverse. Some people pursue the meaning of life throughout their entire life while others spend no time whatsoever thinking about the concept. Many people find meaning within things they experience in life such as religion, sport, academia, helping others, or just being kind. One thing is certain about the meaning of life and that is it is deeply personal and unique to each of us. I personally believe that the meaning of life is to pursue continual improvement and challenging oneself to bring joy to our relationships with others. I also feel there is meaning in nature's energy that must be protected and we are losing our connection to it.
Given a polynomial x^2 + 2x + 1, what is x?
x is equal to -1
When is the best time of year to visit the Smoky Mountains?
The Smoky Mountains are open and accessible year around. One can visit the Smokies during each of the 4 different seasons and have a completely different experience in each. Colder months, such as December through early March, are great if you want to explore when it's less crowded, but be prepared for certain higher elevation trails and roadways to be closed due to ice and snow. Summer months are great for morning hikes and hikes at higher elevations as the temperatures are moderately warm and comfortable, but be prepared for larger crowds, as this is the busiest time of year around the park. In October, the Smokies are full of red, orange, and yellow leaves changing colors before dropping for the Winter. This is one of the more beautiful times of year in the Smokies, but also a very busy time as visitors flock to the park to see all the colors. Spring break is also a great time of year to visit the Smoky Mountains, as the weather is cool for long hikes, the bears are just starting to come out with their cubs, and the crowds are less than what you'd see during the summer.
When did the maximum rate of water usage begin to be mandated?
A low-flow fixture is a water saving plumbing fixture designed to achieve water savings by having a lower flow rate of water or a smaller quantity per flush. Some of these low-flow fixtures are faucets, showerheads, and toilets. In the United States a maximum water usage of conventional plumbing fixtures was federally mandated by the Energy policy act of 1992. Low-flow fixtures are designed to save water over conventional fixtures by having a lower flow rate while still maintaining satisfactory performance. The Environmental protection agency (EPA) WaterSense program has requirements for plumbing fixtures to achieve their definition for water saving low-flow.
Given this question about tourism, what country is the 6th most visited country?
As of 2017, Mexico was the 6th most visited country in the world and had the 15th highest income from tourism in the world which is also the highest in Latin America. The vast majority of tourists come to Mexico from the United States and Canada followed by Europe and Asia. A smaller number also come from other Latin American countries. In the 2017 Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Report, Mexico was ranked 22nd in the world, which was 3rd in the Americas.
Why do we watch television?
Television are in almost every home in the United States today. Currently 97% of all US households have an average of 2-3 televisions per home. We use TV as a communication tool to learn what is going on around us in our communities, outside of our communities, and all around the world. It is a way for us to stay connected on current events and get prepared and be safe due to forecasted natural disasters. We use television to even find missing persons, learn who to donate to for good causes, and stay up to date with what is going on in the political arena.
From the below text about MS Dhoni, tell me what they were most famous for?
MS Dhoni, is a former Indian cricketer and captain of the Indian national team in limited-overs formats from 2007 to 2017 and in Test cricket from 2008 to 2014, who plays as a Wicket-keeper-Batsman. He is also the current captain of Chennai Super Kings in the Indian Premier League. Under his captaincy, India won the 2007 ICC World Twenty20, the 2011 Cricket World Cup, and the 2013 ICC Champions Trophy, the most by any captain. He also led India to victory in the 2010 and 2016 Asia Cup. Additionally, under his leadership, India won the 2010 and 2011 ICC Test Mace and 2013 ICC ODI Championship. Dhoni is a right-handed wicket-keeper batsman known for his calm captaincy and his ability to finish matches in tight situations. He has scored 17,266 runs in International Cricket (including 10,000 plus runs in ODI Internationals) and is considered one of the best finishers in the game, as well as one of the greatest wicket-keepers and captains in the history of cricket.
MS Dhoni is a former cricketer and captain of the Indian national team. He is most famously known for leading India to victory in 2007 ICC World Twenty20, the 2011 Cricket World Cup and the 2013 ICC Champions Trophy. He is also known for his calm captaincy and considered as one of the best finishers and greatest wicket-keepers in the history of the game.
When did World War II finish?
World War II, also knowns as WW2 or WWII, was a global conflict that started in 1939 and ended in 1945.
How accurate are future weather forecasts?
Weather forecasts are typically accurate for up to 7 days in the future. Forecasts decrease in accuracy the further away you get from the day you're looking, due to the increased variability in key indicators which comprise the models used to build the forecasts.
What are Riot Games' most popular games?
League of Legends, Valorant, Teamfight Tactics
Why is the glass ceiling better for minority women?
A glass ceiling is a metaphor usually applied to women, used to represent an invisible barrier that prevents a given demographic from rising beyond a certain level in a hierarchy. No matter how invisible the glass ceiling is expressed, it is actually a difficult obstacle to overcome. The metaphor was first used by feminists in reference to barriers in the careers of high-achieving women. It was coined by Marilyn Loden during a speech in 1978. In the United States, the concept is sometimes extended to refer to racial inequality in the United States. Minority women in white-majority countries often find the most difficulty in "breaking the glass ceiling" because they lie at the intersection of two historically marginalized groups: women and people of color. East Asian and East Asian American news outlets have coined the term "bamboo ceiling" to refer to the obstacles that all East Asian Americans face in advancing their careers. Similarly, a multitude of barriers that refugees and asylum seekers face in their search for meaningful employment is referred to as canvas ceiling.
Actually, the glass ceiling is considered worse for minority women, not better. This is because they have to face both racial and gender inequalities.
What are some of the most important attributes of spacecraft battery and how are these attributes realized?
Some of the most important attributes are reliability, low mass. Reliability is often achieved through qualification testing, demonstrated performance in a flight environment and configuration management. Mass can be minimized by using high-performance Li-ion batteries that are optimized for the anticipated use case and by right-sizing the battery to meet end of mission power requirements using calibrated battery life and performance models.
Why many people do not like pigeons?
Like most wild animals pigeons might spread disease that people are susceptible to. In addition pigeons droppings might significantly pollute the city and be a cause of infection. As the pigeon population increases through out the years these concerns becoming important.
What is the reported biodiversity of Costa Rica?
Costa Rica has from a 5% to a 6% of the World's biodiversity.
What does kwon mean in taekwondo?
Taekwondo, Tae Kwon Do or Taekwon-Do is a Korean form of martial arts involving punching and kicking techniques, with emphasis on head-height kicks, spinning jump kicks, and fast kicking techniques. The literal translation for tae kwon do is "kicking", "punching", and "the art or way of". They are a kind of martial arts in which one attacks or defends with hands and feet anytime or anywhere, with occasional use of weapons. The physical training undertaken in Taekwondo is purposeful and fosters strength of mind through mental armament.
'kwon' in Korean means punching or striking with the hand
Who was the lead singer for the band Aerosmith?
Steven Tyler was the lead singer for Aerosmith
Given this paragraph about Twitch, during what year did twitch have more than 100 million viewers per month?
Twitch is an American video live streaming service that focuses on video game live streaming, including broadcasts of esports competitions, in addition to offering music broadcasts, creative content, and "in real life" streams. Twitch is operated by Twitch Interactive, a subsidiary of, Inc. It was introduced in June 2011 as a spin-off of the general-interest streaming platform Content on the site can be viewed either live or via video on demand. The games shown on Twitch's current homepage are listed according to audience preference and include genres such as real-time strategy games (RTS), fighting games, racing games, and first-person shooters. The popularity of Twitch eclipsed that of its general-interest counterpart. In October 2013, the website had 45 million unique viewers, and by February 2014, it was considered the fourth-largest source of peak Internet traffic in the United States. At the same time,'s parent company was re-branded as Twitch Interactive to represent the shift in focus – was shut down in August 2014. That month, the service was acquired by Amazon for US$970 million, which later led to the introduction of synergies with the company's subscription service Amazon Prime. Twitch acquired Curse LLC in 2016, an operator of online video gaming communities and introduced means to purchase games through links on streams along with a program allowing streamers to receive commissions on the sales of games that they play. By 2015, Twitch had more than 100 million viewers per month. In 2017, Twitch remained the leading live streaming video service for video games in the US, and had an advantage over YouTube Gaming, which shut down its standalone app in May 2019. As of February 2020, it had 3 million broadcasters monthly and 15 million daily active users, with 1.4 million average concurrent users. As of May 2018, Twitch had over 27,000 partner channels.
Twitch surpassed 100 million viewers per month in the year 2015.
What country most recently joined NATO?
Finland is the most recent country to join NATO, formally becoming a member on 4 April 2023. It is the 31st country to join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
Where was Old French language spoken?
Old French (franceis, françois, romanz; Modern French: ancien français) was the language spoken in most of the northern half of France from approximately the 8th to the 14th centuries. Rather than a unified language, Old French was a linkage of Romance dialects, mutually intelligible yet diverse, spoken in the northern half of France. These dialects came to be collectively known as the langue d'oïl, contrasting with the langue d'oc in the south of France. The mid-14th century witnessed the emergence of Middle French, the language of the French Renaissance in the Île de France region; this dialect was a predecessor to Modern French. Other dialects of Old French evolved themselves into modern forms (Poitevin-Saintongeais, Gallo, Norman, Picard, Walloon, etc.), each with its own linguistic features and history.
Northern half of France in the 8th to 14th centuries.
How should I pick a name for my baby?
There is no right answer to this question. It really depends on your preferences. If family names matter to you, that can make your choice easy; just pick the name of a close relative. If you like hearing others' opinions, you can ask lots of family and friends for ideas. If you want to explore new ideas, there are lots of websites and books of baby names.
How can I go from my couch to running a 5K in 3 months?
Basically, you are asking, how to go from not running at all to completing your first 5K. It is best to first consult your doctor before starting any exercise program. Make sure you invest in an excellent pair of running shoes, try a local running shoe store for advice. Start off by measuring the time you are running. Alternate days running and gradually increase the length of time being careful not to increase more than 10% per run. Once you get up to 30 minutes of running every other day, start increasing the length of time running every fourth day by 10% again until you hit 45 minutes. It is ok to walk if you feel you need to. Then you will be 5K running race ready.
Given a reference text about Joseph Charlton, what college football team did he play for?
Joseph Charlton (born April 7, 1997) is an American football punter who is a free agent. He played college football at South Carolina. College career Charlton was a member of the South Carolina Gamecocks for five seasons, redshirting as a true freshman. He was named South Carolina's starting punter going into his redshirt sophomore year. As a redshirt junior, Charlton set a new school record by averaging 44.8 yards per punt and was named second-team All-Southeastern Conference (SEC) by the league's coaches. He broke his own record in his senior season by averaging 47.7 yards per punt and was named second-team All-SEC and was an honorable mention All-American by Pro Football Focus. Charlton finished his collegiate career averaging 45.5 yards per punt, a school record.
Joseph Charlton played for the South Carolina Gamecocks.
Does Arizona use Daylight Savings?
No, Arizona does not use Daylight Savings?
What famous character did William B. Davis portray?
William B. Davis, a Canadian actor, portrayed the Cigarette Smoking Man on the popular sci-fi show, "The X-Files." The Cigarette Smoking Man, also known as CSM and C.G.B. Spender, was an antagonist responsible for many global conspiracies surrounding the existence of extraterrestrial life. He is also the biological father of Special Agent Fox Mulder, Special Agent Jeffrey Spender, and Jackson Van De Kamp (also known as William Scully III).
Name ten Shakespeare plays
Romeo and Juliet, The Tempest, Midsummer Night's Dream, Hamlet, Julius Caesar, As You Like It, Macbeth, Twelfth Night, Othello, King Lear
How many countries in Europe do have the Euro as monetary currency?
The euro area, commonly called eurozone (EZ), is a currency union of 20 member states of the European Union (EU) that have adopted the euro (€) as their primary currency and sole legal tender, and have thus fully implemented EMU policies.
How to become a millionaire?
If you want to become a millionaire you first need to make up a consistent, long-term financial plan. Ask yourself questions like what does it mean rich for you? Any particular net worth you would like to hit? Once you have the big-picture established, break it down into smaller short-term goals that are easier to achieve. Start investing earlier and identify high-margin businesses to focus on. Constantly increase your income by balancing your investments and savings.
What is a sleeping bag?
A sleeping bag is a warm blanket that can be zipped up to enclose the sleeper. Sleeping bags are typically filled with either down or synthetic material (down is lighter but stays wet longer) and is often used for staying at night while camping.
What is the difference between a violin and a viola?
The viola is a string instrument that is bowed, plucked, or played with varying techniques. It is slightly larger than a violin and it has a lower and deeper sound.
What is a stock index?
A stock index or stock market index is a method of measuring the value of a section of the stock market. It is computed from the prices of selected stocks (typically a weighted average). It is a tool used by investors and financial managers to describe the market, and to compare the return on specific investments. For example, S&P 500 is based on the market capitalizations of 500 large companies having common stock listed on the NYSE or NASDAQ.
Given this text, summarize the major events in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 game development and release.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is a 2009 first-person shooter game developed by Infinity Ward and published by Activision. It is the sixth installment in the Call of Duty series and the direct sequel to Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. It was released worldwide on November 10, 2009, for Microsoft Windows, the PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360. A separate version for the Nintendo DS, titled Modern Warfare: Mobilized, was also released on the same day. A version for macOS was developed by Aspyr and released in May 2014, and the Xbox 360 version was made backward compatible for the Xbox One in 2018. The game's campaign follows Task Force 141, a multi-national special forces unit commanded by Captain Soap MacTavish as they hunt Vladimir Makarov, leader of the Russian Ultranationalist party, and U.S. Army Rangers from 1st Battalion/75th Ranger Regiment who are defending the Washington, D.C. area from a Russian invasion. The game's main playable characters are Sergeant Gary "Roach" Sanderson, of the 141, and Private James Ramirez, of the Army Rangers, with Captain MacTavish becoming playable later in the campaign. An expansive multiplayer mode is featured in the game, with several new features and modes that were not seen in its predecessor. Development for the game began in 2008, when it was still known as Call of Duty 6. It uses the IW 4.0 engine, an improved version of Call of Duty 4's IW 3.0. Infinity Ward was inspired by real-life conflicts when developing the campaign mode. They initially tested the multiplayer mode by playing an in-house beta version of the game. Modern Warfare 2 was officially announced in February 2009. Teasing of the game began in March, with short trailers being released for the game and, eventually, a full reveal trailer. The multiplayer mode was revealed shortly after. Two downloadable content packs were released for it post-release, each containing five new multiplayer maps, with some being remastered maps from Call of Duty 4. Modern Warfare 2 received universal acclaim, with praise for its campaign, multiplayer, and amount of content, although it received some criticism for its short length and a lack of innovation. Within 24 hours of release, the game sold approximately 4.7 million copies in North America and the United Kingdom. As of 2013, the game had sold 22.7 million copies. In addition to its release, a comic book series based on character Simon "Ghost" Riley was also produced, titled Modern Warfare 2: Ghost. Despite the game's success, it was subject to some controversies, with one surrounding a playable level that had the player carry out a terror attack on an airport. A sequel, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, was released in 2011 and finishes the original Modern Warfare storyline. A remaster of the game's campaign, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Campaign Remastered, was released in March 2020 on the PlayStation 4 and on Microsoft Windows and Xbox One in April 2020.
2008: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 development began Feb. 2009: officially announced March 2009: game testing bagan Nov. 10, 2009: released worldwide for Microsoft Windows, the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. 2014: released for macOS 2018: released for Xbox One March 2020: a remastered version is released on the PlayStation 4 April 2020: a remastered version is released on Microsoft WIndows and Xbox One
What are the co-founders of Tesla Motors?
Eberhard, Tarpenning, Wright, Elon Musk, and J.B. Straubel
What is the difference between a refractor telescope and a reflector telescope?
A refractor telescope uses lenses to focus the light into an image where a reflector telescope uses mirrors. Reflector telescopes are generally better for visual viewing of brighter celestial objects like the moon or planets and can collect more light due to their larger apertures. Refractor telescopes provide better contrast and image quality but collect less light which makes them more suitable for astrophotography where exposure time can be adjusted to compensate.
What should I do if I disagree with a friend, co-worker or family member on something I feel passionate about, such as politics?
Seeing things differently from someone you interact with regularly or even care about can be a hard thing to experience. It can also a wonderful thing. Each person on this planet is different and their beliefs are based on their culture, upbringing, personal experiences, education, surroundings, etc. Recognizing this and truly listening to the other persons perspective is important. In many cases, when a difference of opinion escalates, it is because one or both people involved did not listen or respect the other. If you are being close-minded, then you could be missing out on learning something new. If both parties still disagree and it is not something completely against your beliefs, culture, or ethics, that is OK too. Agree to disagree and move on. Life is too short to be angry at people you care about just because you do not see eye to eye.
Which company built the F-22 Raptor?
The Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor is an American single-seat, twin-engine, all-weather stealth tactical fighter aircraft developed for the United States Air Force (USAF). As the result of the USAF's Advanced Tactical Fighter (ATF) program, the aircraft was designed as an air superiority fighter, but also has ground attack, electronic warfare, and signals intelligence capabilities. The prime contractor, Lockheed Martin, built most of the F-22's airframe and weapons systems and conducted final assembly, while Boeing provided the wings, aft fuselage, avionics integration, and training systems. The aircraft first flew in 1997 and was variously designated F-22 and F/A-22 before it formally entered service in December 2005 as the F-22A. Although the USAF had originally planned to buy a total of 750 ATFs, the program was cut to 187 operational aircraft in 2009 due to high costs, a lack of air-to-air missions at the time of production, and the development of the more affordable and versatile F-35.[N 1] The last F-22 was delivered in 2012. While it had a protracted development and initial operational difficulties, the F-22 has become a critical component of the USAF's tactical airpower. The fighter's combination of stealth, aerodynamic performance, and mission systems enabled a leap in air combat capabilities and set the benchmark for its generation. The F-22 is expected to serve into the 2030s and eventually be succeeded by the USAF's Next Generation Air Dominance (NGAD) manned fighter component.
The F-22 Raptor was built primarily by Lockheed Martin, but several significant components were built by Boeing including the wings, aft fuselage, avionics integration, and training systems.
Who is Frank Lloyd Wright, and why is he famous?
Frank Lloyd Wright (June 8, 1867 – April 9, 1959) was an American architect, designer, writer, and educator. He designed more than 1,000 structures over a creative period of 70 years. Wright played a key role in the architectural movements of the twentieth century, influencing architects worldwide through his works and hundreds of apprentices in his Taliesin Fellowship. Wright believed in designing in harmony with humanity and the environment, a philosophy he called organic architecture. This philosophy was exemplified in Fallingwater (1935), which has been called "the best all-time work of American architecture". Wright was the pioneer of what came to be called the Prairie School movement of architecture and also developed the concept of the Usonian home in Broadacre City, his vision for urban planning in the United States. He also designed original and innovative offices, churches, schools, skyscrapers, hotels, museums, and other commercial projects. Wright-designed interior elements (including leaded glass windows, floors, furniture and even tableware) were integrated into these structures. He wrote several books and numerous articles and was a popular lecturer in the United States and in Europe. Wright was recognized in 1991 by the American Institute of Architects as "the greatest American architect of all time". In 2019, a selection of his work became a listed World Heritage Site as The 20th-Century Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright. Raised in rural Wisconsin, Wright studied civil engineering at the University of Wisconsin and then apprenticed in Chicago, briefly with Joseph Lyman Silsbee, and then with Louis Sullivan at Adler & Sullivan. Wright opened his own successful Chicago practice in 1893 and established a studio in his Oak Park, Illinois home in 1898. His fame increased and his personal life sometimes made headlines: leaving his first wife Catherine Tobin for Mamah Cheney in 1909; the murder of Mamah and her children and others at his Taliesin estate by a staff member in 1914; his tempestuous marriage with second wife Miriam Noel (m. 1923–1927); and his courtship and marriage with Olgivanna Lazović (m. 1928–1959).
Frank Lloyd Wright continues to be an inspiration in architecture around the United States and many of his originally designed buildings and structures stand today.
What was Selective Service Act?
The Selective Service Act was passed in 1917 (May). It enabled the country to enlist more men to the military
Is the sun hot?
Yes the sun is hot, however the surface of the sun is approximately 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit, or as the rest of the world would recognise, 5,500 degrees Celsius. At the core however, temperatures are much hotter, 27 million degrees Fahrenheit (15 million degrees Celsius) which is necessary to maintain the fusion reaction which provides the warmth we feel. Once all the hydrogen is convert to helium with fusion, the sun will no longer exert external pressure and will likely become a neutron star.
Given the reference paragraph, when was the CUBC formed?
The Cambridge University Boat Club (CUBC) is the rowing club of the University of Cambridge, England. The club was founded in 1828 and has been located at the Goldie Boathouse on the River Cam, Cambridge since 1882. Nowadays, training primarily takes place on the River Great Ouse at Ely.
The Cambridge University Boat Club (CUBC) was founded in 1828
Given a reference text about the Kumanichi Road Race, tell me when the race was first held and who holds the course records.
The Kumanichi Road Race (Japanese: 熊本30K) is an annual road running competition over 30 kilometres which is typically held in February in Kumamoto, Japan. It was first held in 1957 as a men-only competition. A women's race was introduced in 2006. The race is one of the world's most prominent over the uncommon 30K distance. A total of eight Association of Road Racing Statisticians-recognised men's world records have been set at the competition, including the current world record. The course records are held by Takayuki Matsumiya (1:28:00) and Yuka Hakoyama (1:43:26). It is mostly contested by Japanese athletes, with Kenya's Willy Kangogo becoming the event's sole non-national winner in 2007.
The Kumanichi Road Race was first held in 1957. Takayuki Matsumiya and Yuka Hakoyama hold the course records.
What is a derivative in finance?
In finance, a derivative is a contract that derives its value from the performance of an underlying entity. This underlying entity can be an asset, index, or interest rate, and is often simply called the "underlying". Derivatives can be used for a number of purposes, including insuring against price movements (hedging), increasing exposure to price movements for speculation, or getting access to otherwise hard-to-trade assets or markets. Some of the more common derivatives include forwards, futures, options, swaps, and variations of these such as synthetic collateralized debt obligations and credit default swaps. Most derivatives are traded over-the-counter (off-exchange) or on an exchange such as the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, while most insurance contracts have developed into a separate industry. In the United States, after the financial crisis of 2007–2009, there has been increased pressure to move derivatives to trade on exchanges. Derivatives are one of the three main categories of financial instruments, the other two being equity (i.e., stocks or shares) and debt (i.e., bonds and mortgages).
What would happen if I ran barefoot? Is it good for me?
Running barefoot tends to shift the striking point of the foot to the balls of the feet, rather than the heels as people commonly do while wearing shoes. Some evidence shows that this front foot-first pattern can reduce the risk of many running-related injuries. However, running barefoot is also more painful, especially on rough terrain or in the cold. Therefore, most people opt to run while wearing shoes.
In the series A Song of Ice and Fire, who is the founder of House Redbeard?
Gerrick Kingsblood was a free folk raider who founded House Redbeard.
What advise would you give on touring India?
India is a very large and diverse country. Despite many commonalities such as religion and weather, the east west north and south India have distinct variations in culture, food, music and attire. There are even variations in language at state level. There are 28 states and 8 Union territories in India. Union Territories are administered by the President through an Administrator appointed by him/her. Besides the mega cities Mumbai, Delhi, Calcutta, Bangluru and Chennai, smaller towns such as Udaypur, Jaipur, Ahmedabad, Agra, Amritsar, Pune also attract a good number of visitors. Indian government promotes tourism under “Incredible India” slogan. Recent devaluation of Indian currency provides an opportunity to get more bang for your bucks. Although, prices have reason sharply in India due to constant inflation. Law and order tend to be generally good. However as a foreigner, be extra careful as they are targets of mugging in less populated areas at night.
What is React?
React is a JavaScript library that specializes in helping developers build user interfaces.
Given this paragraph, who wrote "August?"
August (2001), is the first novel by author Gerard Woodward. It was shortlisted for Whitbread Book Award (2001).
Gerard Woodward
Based on this paragraph, who directed White Rabbit?
White Rabbit is a 2013 American psychological drama film directed by Tim McCann and starring Nick Krause, Sam Trammell and Britt Robertson. Written by Anthony Di Pietro, the film concerns a mentally-ill teen being bullied in high school, whose visions urge him to take revenge. It was produced by Robert Yocum (Burning Sky Films), Shaun Sanghani (SSS Entertainment) and Jacky Lee Morgan. It had its world premiere at the Zurich Film Festival and is being distributed in the United States by Breaking Glass Pictures.
Tim McCann
Who were the original Fantastic Four in the comics?
In the original 1961 Fantastic Four Marvel comic book, the Fantastic Four lineup consisted of Reed Richards (Mr. Fantastic), Sue Storm (the Invisible Girl, later the Invisible Woman), Johnny Storm (the Human Torch), and Ben Grimm (the Thing).
What's the most popular tv show of all time in the USA?
Given these paragraphs about Large language models, what is the prompting paradigm?
A large language model (LLM) is a language model consisting of a neural network with many parameters (typically billions of weights or more), trained on large quantities of unlabelled text using self-supervised learning. LLMs emerged around 2018 and perform well at a wide variety of tasks. This has shifted the focus of natural language processing research away from the previous paradigm of training specialized supervised models for specific tasks. Properties Though the term large language model has no formal definition, it often refers to deep learning models having a parameter count on the order of billions or more. LLMs are general purpose models which excel at a wide range of tasks, as opposed to being trained for one specific task (such as sentiment analysis, named entity recognition, or mathematical reasoning). The skill with which they accomplish tasks, and the range of tasks at which they are capable, seems to be a function of the amount of resources (data, parameter-size, computing power) devoted to them, in a way that is not dependent on additional breakthroughs in design. Though trained on simple tasks along the lines of predicting the next word in a sentence, neural language models with sufficient training and parameter counts are found to capture much of the syntax and semantics of human language. In addition, large language models demonstrate considerable general knowledge about the world, and are able to "memorize" a great quantity of facts during training. Hallucinations Main article: Hallucination (artificial intelligence) In artificial intelligence in general, and in large language models in particular, a "hallucination" is a confident response that does not seem to be justified by the model's training data. Emergent abilities On a number of natural language benchmarks involving tasks such as question answering, models perform no better than random chance until they reach a certain scale (in this case, measured by training computation), at which point their performance sharply increases. These are examples of emergent abilities. Unpredictable abilities that have been observed in large language models but that were not present in simpler models (and that were not explicitly designed into the model) are usually called "emergent abilities". Researchers note that such abilities "cannot be predicted simply by extrapolating the performance of smaller models". These abilities are discovered rather than programmed-in or designed, in some cases only after the LLM has been publicly deployed. Hundreds of emergent abilities have been described. Examples include multi-step arithmetic, taking college-level exams, identifying the intended meaning of a word, chain-of-thought prompting, decoding the International Phonetic Alphabet, unscrambling a word’s letters, identifying offensive content in paragraphs of Hinglish (a combination of Hindi and English), and generating a similar English equivalent of Kiswahili proverbs. Architecture and training Large language models have most commonly used the transformer architecture, which, since 2018, has become the standard deep learning technique for sequential data (previously, recurrent architectures such as the LSTM were most common). LLMs are trained in an unsupervised manner on unannotated text. A left-to-right transformer is trained to maximize the probability assigned to the next word in the training data, given the previous context. Alternatively, an LLM may use a bidirectional transformer (as in the example of BERT), which assigns a probability distribution over words given access to both preceding and following context. In addition to the task of predicting the next word or "filling in the blanks", LLMs may be trained on auxiliary tasks which test their understanding of the data distribution such as Next Sentence Prediction (NSP), in which pairs of sentences are presented and the model must predict whether they appear side-by-side in the training corpus. The earliest LLMs were trained on corpora having on the order of billions of words. The first model in OpenAI's GPT series was trained in 2018 on BookCorpus, consisting of 985 million words. In the same year, BERT was trained on a combination of BookCorpus and English Wikipedia, totalling 3.3 billion words. In the years since then, training corpora for LLMs have increased by orders of magnitude, reaching up to hundreds of billions or trillions of tokens. LLMs are computationally expensive to train. A 2020 study estimated the cost of training a 1.5 billion parameter model (1-2 orders of magnitude smaller than the state of the art at the time) at $1.6 million. A 2020 analysis found that neural language models' capability (as measured by training loss) increased smoothly in a power law relationship with number of parameters, quantity of training data, and computation used for training. These relationships were tested over a wide range of values (up to seven orders of magnitude) and no attenuation of the relationship was observed at the highest end of the range (including for network sizes up to trillions of parameters). Application to downstream tasks Between 2018 and 2020, the standard method for harnessing an LLM for a specific natural language processing (NLP) task was to fine tune the model with additional task-specific training. It has subsequently been found that more powerful LLMs such as GPT-3 can solve tasks without additional training via "prompting" techniques, in which the problem to be solved is presented to the model as a text prompt, possibly with some textual examples of similar problems and their solutions. Fine-tuning Main article: Fine-tuning (machine learning) Fine-tuning is the practice of modifying an existing pretrained language model by training it (in a supervised fashion) on a specific task (e.g. sentiment analysis, named entity recognition, or part-of-speech tagging). It is a form of transfer learning. It generally involves the introduction of a new set of weights connecting the final layer of the language model to the output of the downstream task. The original weights of the language model may be "frozen", such that only the new layer of weights connecting them to the output are learned during training. Alternatively, the original weights may receive small updates (possibly with earlier layers frozen). Prompting See also: Prompt engineering and Few-shot learning (natural language processing) In the prompting paradigm, popularized by GPT-3, the problem to be solved is formulated via a text prompt, which the model must solve by providing a completion (via inference). In "few-shot prompting", the prompt includes a small number of examples of similar (problem, solution) pairs. For example, a sentiment analysis task of labelling the sentiment of a movie review could be prompted as follows: Review: This movie stinks. Sentiment: negative Review: This movie is fantastic! Sentiment: If the model outputs "positive", then it has correctly solved the task. In zero-shot prompting, no solve examples are provided. An example of a zero-shot prompt for the same sentiment analysis task would be "The sentiment associated with the movie review 'This movie is fantastic!' is". Few-shot performance of LLMs has been shown to achieve competitive results on NLP tasks, sometimes surpassing prior state-of-the-art fine-tuning approaches. Examples of such NLP tasks are translation, question answering, cloze tasks, unscrambling words, and using a novel word in a sentence. The creation and optimisation of such prompts is called prompt engineering. Instruction tuning Instruction tuning is a form of fine-tuning designed to facilitate more natural and accurate zero-shot prompting interactions. Given a text input, a pretrained language model will generate a completion which matches the distribution of text on which it was trained. A naive language model given the prompt "Write an essay about the main themes of Hamlet." might provide a completion such as "A late penalty of 10% per day will be applied to submissions received after March 17." In instruction tuning, the language model is trained on many examples of tasks formulated as natural language instructions, along with appropriate responses. Various techniques for instruction tuning have been applied in practice. OpenAI's InstructGPT protocol involves supervised fine-tuning on a dataset of human-generated (prompt, response) pairs, followed by reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF), in which a reward function was learned based on a dataset of human preferences. Another technique, "self-instruct", fine-tunes the language model on a training set of examples which are themselves generated by an LLM (bootstrapped from a small initial set of human-generated examples).
In the prompting paradigm, popularized by GPT-3, the problem to be solved is formulated via a text prompt, which the model must solve by providing a completion (via inference). In "few-shot prompting", the prompt includes a small number of examples of similar (problem, solution) pairs.
When was the last time the Raiders won the Super Bowl?
The Raiders have won three Super Bowl championships (1977, 1981, and 1984), one American Football League (AFL) championship (1967), and four American Football Conference (AFC) titles. The most recent Super Bowl ring was won in 1984 against the Washington Redskins of the NFC.
What is locus (in genomics)?
In genetics and genomics, a locus is a specific, fixed position on a chromosome where a particular gene or genetic marker is located. Each chromosome carries many genes, with each gene occupying a different position or locus; in humans, the total number of protein-coding genes in a complete haploid set of 23 chromosomes is estimated at 19,000–20,000. Genes may possess multiple variants known as alleles, and an allele may also be said to reside at a particular locus. Diploid and polyploid cells whose chromosomes have the same allele at a given locus are called homozygous with respect to that locus, while those that have different alleles at a given locus are called heterozygous. The ordered list of loci known for a particular genome is called a gene map. Gene mapping is the process of determining the specific locus or loci responsible for producing a particular phenotype or biological trait. Association mapping, also known as "linkage disequilibrium mapping", is a method of mapping quantitative trait loci (QTLs) that takes advantage of historic linkage disequilibrium to link phenotypes (observable characteristics) to genotypes (the genetic constitution of organisms), uncovering genetic associations.
What is a difference between baseball and cricket?
Baseball and cricket may both be considered bat-and-ball sports, but in actuality, they differ significantly across various dimensions. Playing Field: Baseball field is diamond-shaped, while a cricket field is oval-shaped. The cricket field is also larger than the Baseball field. Number of players: In baseball, each team has nine players on the field, while in cricket, there are eleven players on each team. Equipment: Baseball players use a round bat, while cricket players use a flat bat with a long handle. A cricket ball is also smaller (22.4 -22.9 cm circumference) than a baseball (22.9 - 23.5 cm circumference) Scoring: In baseball, a team makes a run whenever one of their players completes a full circuit of the bases, while in cricket, a team gets runs by hitting the ball and then running back and forth between two sets of wickets.
Why do players smear black under their eyes?
Black eye smear reduces the blinding sunlight when looking up towards the sun, when catching/hitting the ball