class label
7.27k classes
We present explicit equations for the space of conics in the Fermat quintic threefold $X$, working within the space of plane sections of $X$ with two singular marked points. This space of two-pointed singular plane sections has a birational morphism to the space of bitangent lines to the Fermat quintic threefold, which in its turn is birational to a 625-to-1 cover of $\PP^4.$ We illustrate the use of the resulting equations in identifying special cases of one-dimensional families of conics in $X.$
[ "math.AG" ]
Algebraic Geometry
47Algebraic Geometry
Causal Dynamical Triangulations in four dimensions provide a background-independent definition of the sum over geometries in nonperturbative quantum gravity, with a positive cosmological constant. We present evidence that a macroscopic four-dimensional world emerges from this theory dynamically.
[ "hep-th", "gr-qc" ]
High Energy Physics - Theory;General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology
3,321High Energy Physics - Theory;General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology
The conformal crossing equation puts very stringent constraints on the conformal data. We formulate it in way that makes the conformal symmetry more transparent. This allows for generalization of the crossing equation to arbitrary Lie group G. Using the crossing equation for SU(2) as a toy model, we find infinitely many solutions to the G-crossing equation. In particular, when G is specialized to the conformal group SO(d+1,1), we get infinitely many solutions to the conformal crossing equation.
[ "hep-th" ]
High Energy Physics - Theory
3,266High Energy Physics - Theory
We analyse supersymmetric contributions to B_s mixing and their impact on mixing-induced CP asymmetries, using the mass insertion approximation. We discuss in particular the correlation of SUSY effects in the CP asymmetries of B_s -> J/psi phi and B_d -> phi K_S and find that the mass insertions dominant in B_s mixing and B_d -> phi K_S are (delta_{23}^d)_{LL, RR} and (delta_{23}^d)_{LR, RL}, respectively. We show that models with dominant (delta_{23}^d)_{LR, RL} can accomodate a negative value of S_{phi K_S}, in agreement with the BELLE measurement of that observable, but yield a B_s mixing phase too small to be observed. On the other hand, models with dominant (delta_{23}^d)_{LL, RR} predict sizeable SUSY contributions to both Delta M_s and the mixing phase, but do not allow the asymmetry in B_d -> phi K_S to become negative, except for small values of the average down squark mass, which, in turn, entail a value of Delta M_s too large to be observed at the Tevatron and the LHC. We conclude that the observation of B_s mixing at hadron machines, together with the confirmation of a negative value of S_{phi K_S}, disfavours models with a single dominant mass insertion.
[ "hep-ph" ]
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
3,129High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
We present an investigation of heat transport in gapless graphene-based Ferromagnetic /singlet Superconductor/Ferromagnetic (FG$\mid$SG$\mid$FG) junctions. We find that unlike uniform increase of thermal conductance vs temperature, the thermal conductance exhibits intensive oscillatory behavior vs width of the sandwiched s-wave superconducting region between the two ferromagnetic layers. This oscillatory form is occurred by interference of the massless Dirac fermions in graphene. Also we find that the thermal conductance vs exchange field $h$ displays a minimal value at $h/E_F\simeq 1$ within the low temperature regime where this finding demonstrates that propagating modes of the Dirac fermions in this value reach at their minimum numbers and verifies the previous results for electronic conductance. We find that for thin widths of superconducting region, the thermal conductance vs temperature shows linear increment i.e. $\Gamma\varpropto T$. At last we propose an experimental set-up to detect our predicted effects.
[ "cond-mat.supr-con" ]
Continuous invariants are an important component in deductive verification of hybrid and continuous systems. Just like discrete invariants are used to reason about correctness in discrete systems without having to unroll their loops, continuous invariants are used to reason about differential equations without having to solve them. Automatic generation of continuous invariants remains one of the biggest practical challenges to the automation of formal proofs of safety for hybrid systems. There are at present many disparate methods available for generating continuous invariants; however, this wealth of diverse techniques presents a number of challenges, with different methods having different strengths and weaknesses. To address some of these challenges, we develop Pegasus: an automatic continuous invariant generator which allows for combinations of various methods, and integrate it with the KeYmaera X theorem prover for hybrid systems. We describe some of the architectural aspects of this integration, comment on its methods and challenges, and present an experimental evaluation on a suite of benchmarks.
[ "cs.SC", "cs.LO" ]
Symbolic Computation;Logic in Computer Science
7,116Symbolic Computation;Logic in Computer Science
We measure the forward-backward asymmetries $A_{\rm FB}$ of charged $\Xi$ and $\Omega$ baryons produced in $p \bar{p}$ collisions recorded by the D0 detector at the Fermilab Tevatron collider at $\sqrt{s} = 1.96$ TeV as a function of the baryon rapidity $y$. We find that the asymmetries $A_{\rm FB}$ for charged $\Xi$ and $\Omega$ baryons are consistent with zero within statistical uncertainties.
[ "hep-ex" ]
High Energy Physics - Experiment
3,059High Energy Physics - Experiment
In quantum field theories with topological sectors, a non-perturbative quantity of interest is the topological susceptibility chi_t. In principle it seems straightforward to measure chi_t by means of Monte Carlo simulations. However, for local update algorithms and fine lattice spacings, this tends to be difficult, since the Monte Carlo history rarely changes the topological sector. Here we test a method to measure chi_t even if data from only one sector are available. It is based on the topological charges in sub-volumes, which we denote as slabs. Assuming a Gaussian distribution of these charges, this method enables the evaluation of chi_t, as we demonstrate with numerical results for non-linear sigma-models.
[ "hep-lat", "hep-ph" ]
High Energy Physics - Lattice;High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
3,105High Energy Physics - Lattice;High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
We prove large deviation results for the position of the rightmost particle, denoted by $M_n$, in a one-dimensional branching random walk in a case when Cram\'er's condition is not satisfied. More precisely we consider step size distributions with stretched exponential upper and lower tails, i.e.~both tails decay as $e^{-|t|^r}$ for some $r\in( 0,1)$. It is known that in this case, $M_n$ grows as $n^{1/r}$ and in particular faster than linearly in $n$. Our main result is a large deviation principle for the laws of $n^{-1/r}M_n$ . In the proof we use a comparison with the maximum of (a random number of) independent random walks, denoted by $\tilde M_n$, and we show a large deviation principle for the laws of $n^{-1/r}\tilde M_n$ as well.
[ "math.PR" ]
Existing domain adaptation methods assume that domain discrepancies are caused by a few discrete attributes and variations, e.g., art, real, painting, quickdraw, etc. We argue that this is not realistic as it is implausible to define the real-world datasets using a few discrete attributes. Therefore, we propose to investigate a new problem namely the Continuous Domain Adaptation (CDA) through the lens where infinite domains are formed by continuously varying attributes. Leveraging knowledge of two labeled source domains and several observed unlabeled target domains data, the objective of CDA is to learn a generalized model for whole data distribution with the continuous attribute. Besides the contributions of formulating a new problem, we also propose a novel approach as a strong CDA baseline. To be specific, firstly we propose a novel alternating training strategy to reduce discrepancies among multiple domains meanwhile generalize to unseen target domains. Secondly, we propose a continuity constraint when estimating the cross-domain divergence measurement. Finally, to decouple the discrepancy from the mini-batch size, we design a domain-specific queue to maintain the global view of the source domain that further boosts the adaptation performances. Our method is proven to achieve the state-of-the-art in CDA problem using extensive experiments. The code is available at
[ "cs.CV" ]
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
1,498Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
We introduce a general notion of twistorial map and classify twistorial harmonic morphisms with one-dimensional fibres from self-dual four-manifolds. Such maps can be characterised as those which pull back Abelian monopoles to self-dual connections. In fact, the constructions involve solving a generalised monopole equation, and also the Beltrami fields equation of hydrodynamics, and lead to constructions of self-dual metrics.
[ "math.DG" ]
Differential Geometry
2,010Differential Geometry
Contrastive learning (CL) can learn generalizable feature representations and achieve the state-of-the-art performance of downstream tasks by finetuning a linear classifier on top of it. However, as adversarial robustness becomes vital in image classification, it remains unclear whether or not CL is able to preserve robustness to downstream tasks. The main challenge is that in the self-supervised pretraining + supervised finetuning paradigm, adversarial robustness is easily forgotten due to a learning task mismatch from pretraining to finetuning. We call such a challenge 'cross-task robustness transferability'. To address the above problem, in this paper we revisit and advance CL principles through the lens of robustness enhancement. We show that (1) the design of contrastive views matters: High-frequency components of images are beneficial to improving model robustness; (2) Augmenting CL with pseudo-supervision stimulus (e.g., resorting to feature clustering) helps preserve robustness without forgetting. Equipped with our new designs, we propose AdvCL, a novel adversarial contrastive pretraining framework. We show that AdvCL is able to enhance cross-task robustness transferability without loss of model accuracy and finetuning efficiency. With a thorough experimental study, we demonstrate that AdvCL outperforms the state-of-the-art self-supervised robust learning methods across multiple datasets (CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, and STL-10) and finetuning schemes (linear evaluation and full model finetuning).
[ "cs.CV", "cs.AI", "cs.LG" ]
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition;Artificial Intelligence;Machine Learning
1,521Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition;Artificial Intelligence;Machine Learning
We use high-resolution angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy to map the three-dimensional momentum dependence of the superconducting gap in FeSe. We find that on both the hole and electron Fermi surfaces, the magnitude of the gap follows the distribution of $d_{yz}$ orbital weight. Furthermore, we theoretically determine the momentum dependence of the superconducting gap by solving the linearized gap equation using a tight binding model which quantitatively describes both the experimental band dispersions and orbital characters. By considering a Fermi surface only including one electron pocket, as observed spectroscopically, we obtain excellent agreement with the experimental gap structure. Our finding of a scaling between the superconducting gap and the $d_{yz}$ orbital weight supports the interpretation of superconductivity mediated by spin-fluctuations in FeSe.
[ "cond-mat.supr-con", "cond-mat.str-el" ]
Superconductivity;Strongly Correlated Electrons
7,102Superconductivity;Strongly Correlated Electrons
Finding the precise correspondence between lattice operators and the continuum fields that describe their long-distance properties is a largely open problem for strongly interacting critical points. Here we solve this problem essentially completely in the case of the three-state Potts model, which exhibits a phase transition described by a strongly interacting 'parafermion' conformal field theory. Using symmetry arguments, insights from integrability, and extensive simulations, we construct lattice analogues of nearly all the relevant and marginal physical fields governing this transition. This construction includes chiral fields such as the parafermion. Along the way we also clarify the structure of operator product expansions between order and disorder fields, which we confirm numerically. Our results both suggest a systematic methodology for attacking non-free field theories on the lattice and find broader applications in the pursuit of exotic topologically ordered phases of matter.
[ "cond-mat.stat-mech", "cond-mat.str-el", "hep-th" ]
Statistical Mechanics;Strongly Correlated Electrons;High Energy Physics - Theory
6,972Statistical Mechanics;Strongly Correlated Electrons;High Energy Physics - Theory
The classical ground state magnetic response of fullerene molecules that resemble capped carbon nanotubes is calculated within the framework of the antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model. It is found that the magnetic response depends subtly on spatial symmetry and chirality. Clusters based on armchair carbon nanotubes which are capped with non-neighboring pentagons and have D5d spatial symmetry have a number of magnetization discontinuities which increases with their size. This occurs even though the model completely lacks magnetic anisotropy, and even though the only source of frustration are the two groups of six pentagons located at the ends of the molecules, which become more strongly outnumbered as the clusters are filled in the middle with more unfrustrated hexagons with increasing size. For the cluster with 180 vertices there are already seven magnetization and one susceptibility discontinuities. Contrary to that, similar molecules which have D5h spatial symmetry reach a limit of one magnetization and two susceptibility ground state discontinuities, while fullerene molecules based on zigzag carbon nanotubes and capped by neighboring pentagons also reach a fixed number of discontinuities with increasing size.
[ "cond-mat.str-el" ]
Strongly Correlated Electrons
6,979Strongly Correlated Electrons
A bounded linear operator $T$ acting on a Hilbert space $\mathcal{H}$ is said to be recurrent if for every non-empty open subset $U\subset \mathcal{H}$ there is an integer $n$ such that $T^n (U)\cap U\neq\emptyset$. In this paper, we completely characterize the recurrence of scalar multiples of composition operators, induced by linear fractional self maps of the unit disk, acting on weighted Dirichlet spaces $S_\nu$; in particular on the Bergman space, the Hardy space, and the Dirichlet space. Consequently, we complete a previous work of Costakis et al. \cite{costakis} on recurrence of linear fractional composition operators on Hardy space. In this manner, we determine the triples $(\lambda,\nu,\phi)\in \mathbb{C}\times \mathbb{R}\times LFM(\mathbb{D})$ for which the scalar multiple of composition operator $\lambda C_\phi$ acting on $S_\nu$ fails to be recurrent.
[ "math.FA" ]
Functional Analysis
2,549Functional Analysis
We study a minimal model of traffic flows in complex networks, simple enough to get analytical results, but with a very rich phenomenology, presenting continuous, discontinuous as well as hybrid phase transitions between a free-flow phase and a congested phase, critical points and different scaling behaviors in the system size. It consists of random walkers on a queueing network with one-range repulsion, where particles can be destroyed only if they can move. We focus on the dependence on the topology as well as on the level of traffic control. We are able to obtain transition curves and phase diagrams at analytical level for the ensemble of uncorrelated networks and numerically for single instances. We find that traffic control improves global performance, enlarging the free-flow region in parameter space only in heterogeneous networks. Traffic control introduces non-linear effects and, beyond a critical strength, may trigger the appearance of a congested phase in a discontinuous manner. The model also reproduces the cross-over in the scaling of traffic fluctuations empirically observed in the Internet, and moreover, a conserved version can reproduce qualitatively some stylized facts of traffic in transportation networks.
[ "cond-mat.stat-mech", "physics.soc-ph" ]
Statistical Mechanics;Physics and Society
6,938Statistical Mechanics;Physics and Society
Text design is one of the most critical procedures in poster design, as it relies heavily on the creativity and expertise of humans to design text images considering the visual harmony and text-semantic. This study introduces TextPainter, a novel multimodal approach that leverages contextual visual information and corresponding text semantics to generate text images. Specifically, TextPainter takes the global-local background image as a hint of style and guides the text image generation with visual harmony. Furthermore, we leverage the language model and introduce a text comprehension module to achieve both sentence-level and word-level style variations. Besides, we construct the PosterT80K dataset, consisting of about 80K posters annotated with sentence-level bounding boxes and text contents. We hope this dataset will pave the way for further research on multimodal text image generation. Extensive quantitative and qualitative experiments demonstrate that TextPainter can generate visually-and-semantically-harmonious text images for posters.
[ "cs.CV" ]
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
1,498Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
In this paper, we identify and study an important problem of gradient item retrieval. We define the problem as retrieving a sequence of items with a gradual change on a certain attribute, given a reference item and a modification text. For example, after a customer saw a white dress, she/he wants to buy a similar one but more floral on it. The extent of "more floral" is subjective, thus prompting one floral dress is hard to satisfy the customer's needs. A better way is to present a sequence of products with increasingly floral attributes based on the white dress, and allow the customer to select the most satisfactory one from the sequence. Existing item retrieval methods mainly focus on whether the target items appear at the top of the retrieved sequence, but ignore the demand for retrieving a sequence of products with gradual change on a certain attribute. To deal with this problem, we propose a weakly-supervised method that can learn a disentangled item representation from user-item interaction data and ground the semantic meaning of attributes to dimensions of the item representation. Our method takes a reference item and a modification as a query. During inference, we start from the reference item and "walk" along the direction of the modification in the item representation space to retrieve a sequence of items in a gradient manner. We demonstrate our proposed method can achieve disentanglement through weak supervision. Besides, we empirically show that an item sequence retrieved by our method is gradually changed on an indicated attribute and, in the item retrieval task, our method outperforms existing approaches on three different datasets.
[ "cs.IR" ]
Information Retrieval
3,577Information Retrieval
We theoretically propose a scheme to generate distant bipartite entanglement between various subsystems in coupled magnomechanical systems where both the microwave cavities are coupled through single photon hopping parameter. Each cavity also contains a magnon mode and phonon mode and this gives five excitation modes in our model Hamiltonian which are cavity-1 photons, cavity-2 photons, magnon, and phonon modes in both YIG spheres. We found that significant bipartite entanglement exists between indirectly coupled subsystems in coupled microwave cavities for an appropriate set of parameters regime. Moreover, we also obtain suitable cavity and magnon detuning parameters for a significant distant bipartite entanglement in different bipartitions. In addition, it can be seen that a single photon hopping parameter significantly affects both the degree as well as the transfer of quantum entanglement between various bipartitions. Hence, our present study related to coupled microwave cavity magnomechanical configuration will open new perspectives in coherent control of various quantum correlations including quantum state transfer among macroscopic quantum systems
[ "quant-ph" ]
Quantum Physics
5,985Quantum Physics
In the paper I check approaches to identity in mathematics by Plato, Frege, and Geach against Category theory.
[ "math.CT" ]
Category Theory
757Category Theory
Reductive hydrogenation was applied to two types of single-walled carbon nanotubes with different diameter range. Alkali metal intercalation, followed by reaction with methanol, led to hydrogenated products. Both yield and selectivity of this reaction showed strong dependence on diameter, contrary to expectation based on simple curvature effects. The observed yield, as detected by thermogravimetry-mass spectroscopy and 1H-NMR, is drastically reduced in small-diameter tubes where the alkali dopant does not reach the inside of the bundles. Wide range optical transmission measurements were employed to determine the selectivity and indicate that besides higher yield, lower diameter selectivity occurs above a critical diameter.
[ "cond-mat.mtrl-sci" ]
Materials Science
4,287Materials Science
We consider the problem of an ideal polymer confined in a droplet. When the droplet radius is smaller than the (unconfined) polymer radius of gyration, the polymer entropy will depend on the droplet shape. We compute the resulting surface free energy. Using parameters appropriate for polymers confined in microemulsions, we find that the polymer and bending surface energies are comparable for the lowest modes. Finally, we argue that chain self-avoidance will decrease the strength of the polymer contribution to the surface energy.
[ "cond-mat" ]
Condensed Matter
1,697Condensed Matter
In this paper, we study the following problem: given a knowledge graph (KG) and a set of input vertices (representing concepts or entities) and edge labels, we aim to find the smallest connected subgraphs containing all of the inputs. This problem plays a key role in KG-based search engines and natural language question answering systems, and it is a natural extension of the Steiner tree problem, which is known to be NP-hard. We present RECON, a system for finding approximate answers. RECON aims at achieving high accuracy with instantaneous response (i.e., sub-second/millisecond delay) over KGs with hundreds of millions edges without resorting to expensive computational resources. Furthermore, when no answer exists due to disconnection between concepts and entities, RECON refines the input to a semantically similar one based on the ontology, and attempt to find answers with respect to the refined input. We conduct a comprehensive experimental evaluation of RECON. In particular we compare it with five existing approaches for finding approximate Steiner trees. Our experiments on four large real and synthetic KGs show that RECON significantly outperforms its competitors and incurs a much smaller memory footprint.
[ "cs.DB" ]
A fundamental challenge to providing edge-AI services is the need for a machine learning (ML) model that achieves personalization (i.e., to individual clients) and generalization (i.e., to unseen data) properties concurrently. Existing techniques in federated learning (FL) have encountered a steep tradeoff between these objectives and impose large computational requirements on edge devices during training and inference. In this paper, we propose SplitGP, a new split learning solution that can simultaneously capture generalization and personalization capabilities for efficient inference across resource-constrained clients (e.g., mobile/IoT devices). Our key idea is to split the full ML model into client-side and server-side components, and impose different roles to them: the client-side model is trained to have strong personalization capability optimized to each client's main task, while the server-side model is trained to have strong generalization capability for handling all clients' out-of-distribution tasks. We analytically characterize the convergence behavior of SplitGP, revealing that all client models approach stationary points asymptotically. Further, we analyze the inference time in SplitGP and provide bounds for determining model split ratios. Experimental results show that SplitGP outperforms existing baselines by wide margins in inference time and test accuracy for varying amounts of out-of-distribution samples.
[ "cs.LG" ]
Machine Learning
3,882Machine Learning
In this paper, we propose a semi-automatic system for title construction from scientific abstracts. The system extracts and recommends impactful words from the text, which the author can creatively use to construct an appropriate title for the manuscript. The work is based on the hypothesis that keywords are good candidates for title construction. We extract important words from the document by inducing a supervised keyword extraction model. The model is trained on novel features extracted from graph-of-text representation of the document. We empirically show that these graph-based features are capable of discriminating keywords from non-keywords. We further establish empirically that the proposed approach can be applied to any text irrespective of the training domain and corpus. We evaluate the proposed system by computing the overlap between extracted keywords and the list of title-words for documents, and we observe a macro-averaged precision of 82%.
[ "cs.IR", "cs.CL" ]
Information Retrieval;Computation and Language
3,590Information Retrieval;Computation and Language
In this paper, we first present a method to autonomously detect helipads in real time. Our method does not rely on any machine-learning methods and as such is applicable in real-time on the computational capabilities of an average quad-rotor. After initial detection, we use image tracking methods to reduce the computational resource requirement further. Once the tracking starts our modified IBVS(Image-Based Visual Servoing) method starts publishing velocity to guide the quad-rotor onto the helipad. The modified IBVS scheme is designed for the four degrees-of-freedom of a quad-rotor and can land the quad-rotor in a specific orientation.
[ "cs.RO" ]
This paper presents an algorithm for sampling random variables that allows to separation of the sampling process into subproblems by dividing the sample space into overlapping parts. The subproblems can be solved independently of each other and are thus well suited for parallelization. Furthermore, on each of these subproblems it is possible to use distinct and independent sampling methods. In other words, specific samplers can be designed for specific parts of the sample space. The algorithms are demonstrated on a particle marginal Metropolis-Hastings sampler applied to calibration of a volatility model and two toy examples. Significant speedup and decrease of total variation is observed in experiments.
[ "stat.CO" ]
Implicit discourse relations are not only more challenging to classify, but also to annotate, than their explicit counterparts. We tackle situations where training data for implicit relations are lacking, and exploit domain adaptation from explicit relations (Ji et al., 2015). We present an unsupervised adversarial domain adaptive network equipped with a reconstruction component. Our system outperforms prior works and other adversarial benchmarks for unsupervised domain adaptation. Additionally, we extend our system to take advantage of labeled data if some are available.
[ "cs.CL" ]
Computation and Language
1,168Computation and Language
Analyzing plant roots is crucial to understand plant performance in different soil environments. While magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can be used to obtain 3D images of plant roots, extracting the root structural model is challenging due to highly noisy soil environments and low-resolution of MRI images. To improve both contrast and resolution, we adapt the state-of-the-art method RefineNet for 3D segmentation of the plant root MRI images in super-resolution. The networks are trained from few manual segmentations that are augmented by geometric transformations, realistic noise, and other variabilities. The resulting segmentations contain most root structures, including branches not extracted by the human annotator.
[ "cs.CV", "cs.LG" ]
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition;Machine Learning
1,593Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition;Machine Learning
In this paper we develop a model of an order-driven market where traders set bids and asks and post market or limit orders according to exogenously fixed rules. Agents are assumed to have three components to the expectation of future asset returns, namely-fundamentalist, chartist and noise trader. Furthermore agents differ in the characteristics describing these components, such as time horizon, risk aversion and the weights given to the various components. The model developed here extends a great deal of earlier literature in that the order submissions of agents are determined by utility maximisation, rather than the mechanical unit order size that is commonly assumed. In this way the order flow is better related to the ongoing evolution of the market. For the given market structure we analyze the impact of the three components of the trading strategies on the statistical properties of prices and order flows and observe that it is the chartist strategy that is mainly responsible of the fat tails and clustering in the artificial price data generated by the model. The paper provides further evidence that large price changes are likely to be generated by the presence of large gaps in the book.
[ "q-fin.TR", "physics.soc-ph" ]
Trading and Market Microstructure;Physics and Society
7,262Trading and Market Microstructure;Physics and Society
We discuss the procedure to resum large logarithms to all orders for DIS event shape variable distributions. Results are described for two variants of the thrust variable, both defined wrt the boson axis in the current hemisphere of the Breit frame, but with different normalisations.
[ "hep-ph" ]
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
3,129High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
We present a set-up for time-resolved X-ray diffraction based on a short pulse, laser-driven plasma X-ray source. The employed modular design provides high flexibility to adapt the set-up to the specific requirements (e.g. X-ray optics, sample environment) of particular applications. The configuration discussed here has been optimized towards high angular/momentum resolution and uses K$_{\alpha}$-radiation (4.51 keV) from a Ti wire-target in combination with a toroidally bent crystal for collection, monochromatization and focusing of the emitted radiation. $2\times 10^5$ Ti-K$_{\alpha1}$ photons per pulse with $10^{-4}$ relative bandwidth are delivered to the sample at 10 Hz repetition rate. This allows for high dynamic range ($10^4$) measurements of transient changes of the rocking curves of materials as for example induced by laser-triggered strain waves.
[ "physics.ins-det", "cond-mat.other", "physics.optics" ]
Instrumentation and Detectors;Other Condensed Matter;Optics
Two multi-user approaches to fiber-based quantum key distribution systems operating at gigahertz clock frequencies are presented, both compatible with standard telecommunications fiber.
[ "quant-ph" ]
Quantum Physics
5,985Quantum Physics
The finite time disentanglement or entanglement sudden death, when only one part of the composite system is subjected to a single noise, is examined. While it is shown that entanglement sudden death can occur when a part of the entangled mixed state is subjected to either amplitude noise or phase noise, local action of either of them does not cause entanglement sudden death in pure entangled states. In contrast, depolarizing noise is shown to have an abilitiy to cause sudden death of entanglement even in pure entangled states, when only one part of the state is exposed to it. The result is illustrated through the action of different noisy environments individually on a single qubit of the so-called X class of states and an arbitrary two-qubit pure state.
[ "quant-ph" ]
Quantum Physics
5,985Quantum Physics
Recent results on Gamma-Ray Bursts obtained with the X-ray Astronomy satellite BeppoSAX are reviewed. Main emphasis is given to the GRBs simultaneously detected with the Gamma-Ray Burst Monitor (40-700 keV) and the Wide Field Cameras (1.5-26 keV). These bursts were rapidly localized with high precision, which permitted a prompt pointing of their error boxes with the Narrow Field Instruments aboard the same satellite. In three cases of bursts, these prompt observations led to the discovery of an X-ray afterglow. For two events also an optical transient was discovered. We review these results and their implications.
[ "astro-ph" ]
Let \Sigma_g be a closed orientable surface let Diff_0(\Sigma_g; area) be the identity component of the group of area-preserving diffeomorphisms of \Sigma_g. In this work we present an extension of Gambaudo-Ghys construction to the case of a closed hyperbolic surface \Sigma_g, i.e. we show that every non-trivial homogeneous quasi-morphism on the braid group on n strings of \Sigma_g defines a non-trivial homogeneous quasi-morphism on the group Diff_0(\Sigma_g; area). As a consequence we give another proof of the fact that the space of homogeneous quasi-morphisms on Diff_0(\Sigma_g; area) is infinite dimensional. Let Ham(\Sigma_g) be the group of Hamiltonian diffeomorphisms of \Sigma_g. As an application of the above construction we construct two injective homomorphisms from Z^m to Ham(\Sigma_g), which are bi-Lipschitz with respect to the word metric on Z^m and the autonomous and fragmentation metrics on Ham(\Sigma_g). In addition, we construct a new infinite family of Calabi quasi-morphisms on Ham(\Sigma_g).
[ "math.GT", "math.GR", "math.SG" ]
Geometric Topology;Group Theory;Symplectic Geometry
Analysis of microscope images is a tedious work which requires patience and time, usually done manually by the microscopist after data collection. Here we introduce an approach of automatic image analysis, which is based on locally applied Fourier Transform and Machine Learning methods. In this approach, a whole image is scanned by a local moving window with defined size and the 2D Fourier Transform is calculated for each window. Then, all the Local Fourier Transforms are fed into Machine Learning processing. Firstly, a number of components in the data is estimated from Principal Component Analysis (PCA) Scree Plot performed on the data. Secondly, the data are decomposed blindly by Non-Negative Matrix Factorization (NMF) into interpretable spatial maps (loadings) and corresponding Fourier Transforms (factors). The microscopic image is analyzed and the features on the image are automatically discovered, based on the local changes in Fourier Transform. The user selects only a size and movement of the scanning local window which defines the final analysis resolution. This automatic approach was successfully applied to analysis of various microscopic images with and without local periodicity i.e. atomically resolved High Angle Annular Dark Field (HAADF) Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (STEM) image of Au nanoisland of fcc and Au hcp phases, Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM) image of Au-induced reconstruction on Ge(001) surface, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) image of metallic nanoclusters grown on GaSb surface, and Fluorescence microscopy image of HeLa cell line of cervical cancer. The proposed approach could be used to automatically analyze the local structure of microscopic images within a time of about a minute for a single image on a modern desktop/notebook computer and it is freely available as a Python analysis notebook and Python program for batch processing.
[ "eess.IV", "cond-mat.mes-hall", "" ]
Image and Video Processing;Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics;Applied Physics
We present a novel notion of stable objects in the derived category of coherent sheaves on a smooth projective variety. As one application we compactify a moduli space of stable bundles using genuine complexes.
[ "math.AG" ]
Algebraic Geometry
47Algebraic Geometry
Type IIA string theory compactified on SU(3)-structure manifolds with orientifolds allows for classical de Sitter solutions in four dimensions. In this paper we investigate these solutions from a ten-dimensional point of view. In particular, we demonstrate that there exists an attractive class of de Sitter solutions, whose geometry, fluxes and source terms can be entirely written in terms of the universal forms that are defined on all SU(3)-structure manifolds. These are the forms J and Omega, defining the SU(3)-structure itself, and the torsion classes. The existence of such universal de Sitter solutions is governed by easy-to-verify conditions on the SU(3)-structure, rendering the problem of finding dS solutions purely geometrical. We point out that the known (unstable) solution coming from the compactification on SU(2)x SU(2) is of this kind.
[ "hep-th" ]
High Energy Physics - Theory
3,266High Energy Physics - Theory
This paper presents a proper generalized decomposition (PGD) based reduced-order model of hierarchical deep-learning neural networks (HiDeNN). The proposed HiDeNN-PGD method keeps both advantages of HiDeNN and PGD methods. The automatic mesh adaptivity makes the HiDeNN-PGD more accurate than the finite element method (FEM) and conventional PGD, using a fraction of the FEM degrees of freedom. The accuracy and convergence of the method have been studied theoretically and numerically, with a comparison to different methods, including FEM, PGD, HiDeNN and Deep Neural Networks. In addition, we theoretically showed that the PGD converges to FEM at increasing modes, and the PGD error is a direct sum of the FEM error and the mode reduction error. The proposed HiDeNN-PGD performs high accuracy with orders of magnitude fewer degrees of freedom, which shows a high potential to achieve fast computations with a high level of accuracy for large-size engineering problems.
[ "math.NA", "cs.LG", "cs.NA" ]
Numerical Analysis;Machine Learning;Numerical Analysis
5,045Numerical Analysis;Machine Learning;Numerical Analysis
Cyber-physical systems (CPS) are systems where a decision making (cyber/control) component is tightly integrated with a physical system (with sensing/actuation) to enable real-time monitoring and control. Recently, there has been significant research effort in viewing and optimizing physical infrastructure in built environments as CPS, even if the control action is not in real-time. Some examples of infrastructure CPS include electrical power grids; water distribution networks; transportation and logistics networks; heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) in buildings; etc. Complexity arises in infrastructure CPS from the large scale of operations; heterogeneity of system components; dynamic and uncertain operating conditions; and goal-driven decision making and control with time-bounded task completion guarantees. For control optimization, an infrastructure CPS is typically viewed as a system of semi-autonomous sub-systems with a network of sensors and uses distributed control optimization to achieve system-wide objectives that are typically measured and quantified by better, cheaper, or faster system performance. In this article, we first illustrate the scope for control optimization in common infrastructure CPS. Next, we present a brief overview of current optimization techniques. Finally, we share our research position with a description of specific optimization approaches and their challenges for infrastructure CPS of the future.
[ "eess.SY", "cs.AI", "cs.SY" ]
Systems and Control;Artificial Intelligence;Systems and Control
7,158Systems and Control;Artificial Intelligence;Systems and Control
We obtain a complete classification of hypercomplex manifolds, on which a compact group of automorphisms acts transitively. The description of the spaces as well as the proofs of our results use only the structure theory of reductive groups, in particular the notion of "stem" of a reduced root system, introduced in the first paper of this series.
[ "math.DG", "math.GR" ]
Differential Geometry;Group Theory
2,056Differential Geometry;Group Theory
Radiation pressure dominated accretion discs around compact objects may have turbulent velocities that greatly exceed the electron thermal velocities within the disc. Bulk Comptonization by the turbulence may therefore dominate over thermal Comptonization in determining the emergent spectrum. Bulk Comptonization by divergenceless turbulence is due to radiation viscous dissipation only. It can be treated as thermal Comptonization by solving the Kompaneets equation with an equivalent "wave" temperature, which is a weighted sum over the power present at each scale in the turbulent cascade. Bulk Comptonization by turbulence with non-zero divergence is due to both pressure work and radiation viscous dissipation. Pressure work has negligible effect on photon spectra in the limit of optically thin turbulence, and in this limit radiation viscous dissipation alone can be treated as thermal Comptonization with a temperature equivalent to the full turbulent power. In the limit of extremely optically thick turbulence, radiation viscous dissipation is suppressed, and the evolution of local photon spectra can be understood in terms of compression and expansion of the strongly coupled photon and gas fluids. We discuss the consequences of these effects for self-consistently resolving and interpreting turbulent Comptonization in spectral calculations in radiation MHD simulations of high luminosity accretion flows.
[ "astro-ph.HE" ]
High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena
2,990High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena
Consider the Boltzmann equation in a general non-convex domain with the diffuse boundary condition. We establish optimal BV estimates for such solutions. Our method consists of a new $W^{1,1}-$trace estimate for the diffuse boundary condition and a delicate construction of and an $\varepsilon-$tubular neighborhood of the singular set.
[ "math.AP" ]
Analysis of PDEs
205Analysis of PDEs
Generalized fusion frame and some of their properties in tensor product of Hilbert spaces are described. Also, the canonical dual g-fusion frame in tensor product of Hilbert spaces is considered. Finally, the frame operator for a pair of g-fusion Bessel sequences in tensor product of Hilbert spaces is presented.
[ "math.FA" ]
Functional Analysis
2,549Functional Analysis
State-of-the-art visual perception models for a wide range of tasks rely on supervised pretraining. ImageNet classification is the de facto pretraining task for these models. Yet, ImageNet is now nearly ten years old and is by modern standards "small". Even so, relatively little is known about the behavior of pretraining with datasets that are multiple orders of magnitude larger. The reasons are obvious: such datasets are difficult to collect and annotate. In this paper, we present a unique study of transfer learning with large convolutional networks trained to predict hashtags on billions of social media images. Our experiments demonstrate that training for large-scale hashtag prediction leads to excellent results. We show improvements on several image classification and object detection tasks, and report the highest ImageNet-1k single-crop, top-1 accuracy to date: 85.4% (97.6% top-5). We also perform extensive experiments that provide novel empirical data on the relationship between large-scale pretraining and transfer learning performance.
[ "cs.CV" ]
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
1,498Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
A thermodynamic analysis of the harmonic oscillator is presented. Motivation for the study is provided by the blackbody radiation spectrum; when blackbody radiation is regarded as a system of noninteracting harmonic oscillator modes, the thermodynamics follows from that of the harmonic oscillators. Using the behavior of a harmonic oscillator thermodynamic system under a quasi-static change of oscillator frequency w, we show that the thermodynamic functions can all be derived from a single function of w/T, analogous to Wien's displacement theorem. The high- and low-frequency energy limits allow asymptotic energy forms involving T alone or w alone, corresponding to energy equipartition and zero-point energy. It is noted that the Planck spectrum with zero-point radiation corresponds to the function satisfying the Wien displacement result which provides the smoothest possible interpolation between energy equipartition at low frequency and zero-point energy at high frequency.
[ "physics.class-ph", "physics.gen-ph" ]
Classical Physics;General Physics
993Classical Physics;General Physics
Objective measurement of perceptually motivated music attributes has application in both target driven mixing and mastering methodologies and music information retrieval. This work proposes a perceptual model of mix clarity which decomposes a mixed input signal into transient, steady-state, and residual components. Masking thresholds are calculated for each component and their relative relationship is used to determine an overall masking score as the model's output. Three variants of the model were tested against subjective mix clarity scores gathered from a controlled listening test. The best performing variant achieved a Spearman's rank correlation of rho = 0.8382 (p<0.01). Furthermore, the model output was analysed using an independent dataset generated by progressively applying degradation effects to the test stimuli. Analysis of the model suggested a close relationship between the proposed model and the subjective mix clarity scores particularly when masking was measured using linearly spaced analysis bands. Moreover, the presence of noise-like residual signals was shown to have a negative effect on the perceived mix clarity.
[ "cs.SD", "eess.AS" ]
Sound;Audio and Speech Processing
6,734Sound;Audio and Speech Processing
Bulk phase separation is responsible for the occurrence of stacks of different layers in sedimentation of colloidal mixtures. A recently proposed theory (de las Heras and Schmidt 2013 Soft Matter 9 8636) establishes a unique connection between the bulk phase behaviour and sedimentation-diffusion-equilibrium. The theory constructs a stacking diagram of all possible sequences of stacks under gravity in the limit of very high (infinite) sample heights. Here, we study the stacking diagrams of colloidal mixtures at finite sample height, h. We demonstrate that h plays a vital role in sedimentation-diffusion-equilibrium of colloidal mixtures. The region of the stacking diagram occupied by a given sequence of stacks depends on h. Hence, two samples with different heights but identical colloidal concentrations can develop different stacking sequences. In addition, the stacking diagrams for different heights can be qualitatively different since some stacking sequences occur only in a given interval of sample heights. We use the theory to investigate the stacking diagrams of both model bulk systems and mixtures of patchy particles that differ either by the number or by the types of patches.
[ "cond-mat.soft" ]
Soft Condensed Matter
6,537Soft Condensed Matter
We investigate various limits of the twistor spaces associated to the self-dual metrics on n CP ^2, the connected sum of the complex projective planes, constructed by C. LeBrun. In particular, we explicitly present the following 3 kinds of degenerations whose limits of the metrics are: (a) LeBrun metrics on (n-1) CP ^2$, (b) (Another) LeBrun metrics on the total space of the line bundle O(-n) over CP ^1 (c) The hyper-Kaehler metrics on the small resolution of rational double points of type A_{n-1}, constructed by Gibbons and Hawking.
[ "math.DG" ]
Differential Geometry
2,010Differential Geometry
Hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) has recently gained a strong interest as a strategic component in engineering van der Waals heterostructures built with two dimensional crystals such as graphene. This work reports micro-Raman measurements on hBN flakes made of a few atomic layers, prepared by mechanical exfoliation. The temperature dependence of the Raman scattering in hBN is investigated first such as to define appropriate measurements conditions suitable for thin layers avoiding undesirable heating induced effects. We further focus on the low frequency Raman mode corresponding to the rigid shearing oscillation between adjacent layers, found to be equal to 52.5 cm-1 in bulk hBN. For hBN sheets with thicknesses below typically 4 nm, the frequency of this mode presents discrete values, which are found to decrease down to 46.0(5) cm-1 for a three-layer hBN, in good agreement with the linear-chain model. This makes Raman spectroscopy a relevant tool to quantitatively determine the number of layers in ultra thin hBN sheets, below 8L.
[ "cond-mat.mtrl-sci" ]
Materials Science
4,287Materials Science
We employ an appropriate perturbative scheme in the large viscous regime to study oscillating states in driven Langevin systems. We explicitly determine oscillating state distribution of under-damped Brownian particle subjected to thermal, viscous and potential drives to linear order in anharmonic perturbation. We also evaluate various non-equilibrium observables relevant to characterize the oscillating states. We find that the effects of viscous drive on oscillating states are measurable even in the leading order and show that the thermodynamic properties of the system in these states are immensely distinct from those in equilibrium.
[ "cond-mat.stat-mech" ]
Statistical Mechanics
6,821Statistical Mechanics
A fundamental problem in object recognition is the development of image representations that are invariant to common transformations such as translation, rotation, and small deformations. There are multiple hypotheses regarding the source of translation invariance in CNNs. One idea is that translation invariance is due to the increasing receptive field size of neurons in successive convolution layers. Another possibility is that invariance is due to the pooling operation. We develop a simple a tool, the translation-sensitivity map, which we use to visualize and quantify the translation-invariance of various architectures. We obtain the surprising result that architectural choices such as the number of pooling layers and the convolution filter size have only a secondary effect on the translation-invariance of a network. Our analysis identifies training data augmentation as the most important factor in obtaining translation-invariant representations of images using convolutional neural networks.
[ "cs.CV" ]
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
1,498Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
The effects of initial-state Coulomb interactions in the charge-symmetry-breaking reaction dd -> alpha pi^0 are investigated within a previously published formalism. This is a leading order effect in which the Coulomb interaction between the two initial state protons leads to the breakup of the two deuterons into a continuum state that is well connected to the final alpha pi^0 state by the strong emission of a pion. As a first step, we use a simplified set of d and alpha wave functions and a plane-wave approximation for the initial dd state. This Coulomb mechanism, by itself, yields cross sections that are much larger than the experimental ones, and which are comparable in size to the contributions from other mechanisms. Inclusion of this mechanism is therefore necessary in a realistic calculation.
[ "nucl-th", "hep-ph", "nucl-ex" ]
Nuclear Theory;High Energy Physics - Phenomenology;Nuclear Experiment
4,919Nuclear Theory;High Energy Physics - Phenomenology;Nuclear Experiment
An oscillating electric field at 1.356 GHz was used to promote the resonant energy transfer process: $43d_{5/2}+43d_{5/2} \to 45p_{3/2}+41f$ between translationally cold $^{85}$Rb Rydberg atoms. The ac Stark shifts due to this dressing field created degeneracies between the initial and final two-atom states of this process. The ac field strength was scanned to collect spectra which are analogous to dc electric-field-induced resonant energy transfer spectra. Different resonances were observed for different magnetic sublevels involved in the process. Compared to earlier work performed at higher frequencies, the choice of dressing frequency and structure of the spectra may be intuitively understood, by analogy with the dc field case.
[ "physics.atom-ph" ]
Atomic Physics
569Atomic Physics
In this paper we derive the maximum entropy characteristics of a particular rank order distribution, namely the discrete generalized beta distribution, which has recently been observed to be extremely useful in modelling many several rank-size distributions from different context in Arts and Sciences, as a two-parameter generalization of Zipf's law. Although it has been seen to provide excellent fits for several real world empirical datasets, the underlying theory responsible for the success of this particular rank order distribution is not explored properly. Here we, for the first time, provide its generating process which describes it as a natural maximum entropy distribution under an appropriate bivariate utility constraint. Further, considering the similarity of the proposed utility function with the usual logarithmic utility function from economic literature, we have also explored its acceptability in universal modeling of different types of socio-economic factors within a country as well as across the countries. The values of distributional parameters estimated through a rigorous statistical estimation method, along with the $entropy$ values, are used to characterize the distributions of all these socio-economic factors over the years.
[ "physics.soc-ph", "", "q-fin.GN" ]
Physics and Society;Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability;General Finance
5,486Physics and Society;Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability;General Finance
The Asynchronous pi-calculus, as recently proposed by Boudol and, independently, by Honda and Tokoro, is a subset of the pi-calculus which contains no explicit operators for choice and output-prefixing. The communication mechanism of this calculus, however, is powerful enough to simulate output-prefixing, as shown by Boudol, and input-guarded choice, as shown recently by Nestmann and Pierce. A natural question arises, then, whether or not it is possible to embed in it the full pi-calculus. We show that this is not possible, i.e. there does not exist any uniform, parallel-preserving, translation from the pi-calculus into the asynchronous pi-calculus, up to any ``reasonable'' notion of equivalence. This result is based on the incapablity of the asynchronous pi-calculus of breaking certain symmetries possibly present in the initial communication graph. By similar arguments, we prove a separation result between the pi-calculus and CCS.
[ "cs.PL", "cs.LO" ]
Programming Languages;Logic in Computer Science
5,816Programming Languages;Logic in Computer Science
We present a proposal for the construction and development of a new instrument for radio astronomical observations based on interferometric techniques, that will provide high angular resolution in the 21 cm band, with the intention of improving and extending the current performance of the instruments used at the Argentine Institute of Radio Astronomy. This will allow internationally competitive scientific research and the acquisition of cutting-edge scientific and technological know-how in the aforementioned techniques, enabling interferometric measurements and the development of very long baseline or VLBI techniques. This project is called MIA, an acronym for "Multipurpose Interferometric Array".
[ "astro-ph.IM" ]
Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics
3,689Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics
(abridged) Using a deep Chandra exposure (574 ks), we present high-resolution thermodynamic maps created from the spectra of $\sim$16,000 independent regions, each with $\sim$1,000 net counts. The excellent spatial resolution of the thermodynamic maps reveals the dramatic and complex temperature, pressure, entropy and metallicity structure of the system. Excluding the 'X-ray arms', the diffuse cluster gas at a given radius is strikingly isothermal. This suggests either that the ambient cluster gas, beyond the arms, remains relatively undisturbed by AGN uplift, or that conduction in the intracluster medium (ICM) is efficient along azimuthal directions. We confirm the presence of a thick ($\sim$40 arcsec or $\sim$3 kpc) ring of high pressure gas at a radius of $\sim$180 arcsec ($\sim$14 kpc) from the central AGN. We verify that this feature is associated with a classical shock front, with an average Mach number M = 1.25. Another, younger shock-like feature is observed at a radius of $\sim$40 arcsec ($\sim$3 kpc) surrounding the central AGN, with an estimated Mach number M > 1.2. As shown previously, if repeated shocks occur every $\sim$10 Myrs, as suggested by these observations, then AGN driven weak shocks could produce enough energy to offset radiative cooling of the ICM. A high significance enhancement of Fe abundance is observed at radii 350 - 400 arcsec (27 - 31 kpc). This ridge is likely formed in the wake of the rising bubbles filled with radio-emitting plasma that drag cool, metal-rich gas out of the central galaxy. We estimate that at least $\sim1.0\times10^6$ solar masses of Fe has been lifted and deposited at a radius of 350-400 arcsec; approximately the same mass of Fe is measured in the X-ray bright arms, suggesting that a single generation of buoyant radio bubbles may be responsible for the observed Fe excess at 350 - 400 arcsec.
[ "astro-ph.CO", "astro-ph.HE" ]
Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics;High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena
1,749Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics;High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena
In this paper, we obtain a regularized trace formula for a Sturm Liouville problem which has two points of discontinuity and also contains an eigenparameter in a boundary ondition.
[ "math.CA" ]
Classical Analysis and ODEs
934Classical Analysis and ODEs
The broken symmetry state with off-diagonal long-range order (ODLRO), which is characterized by the vacuum expectation value of the operator of creation of the conserved quantum number Q, has the time-dependent order parameter. However, the breaking of the time reversal symmetry is observable only if the charge Q is not strictly conserved and may decay. This dihotomy is resolved in systems with quasi-ODLRO. These systems have two well separated relaxation times: the relaxation time \tau_Q of the charge Q and the energy relaxation time \tau_E. If \tau_Q >> \tau_E, the perturbed system relaxes first to the state with the ODLRO, which persists for a long time \tau_Q and finally relaxes to the full equilibrium static state. In the limit \tau_Q -> \infty, but not in the strict limit case when the charge Q is conserved, the intermediate ODLRO state can be considered as the ground state of the system at fixed Q with the observable spontaneously broken time reversal symmetry. Examples of systems with quasi-ODLRO are provided by superfluid phase of liquid 4He, Bose-Einstein condensation of magnons (phase coherent spin precession) and precessing vortices.
[ "cond-mat.other", "hep-ph" ]
Other Condensed Matter;High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
5,376Other Condensed Matter;High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
The influence of disordering upon critical behavior of the system with hidden degrees of freedom is considered. It is shown that there is a tricritical behavior in the constrained system, while in the unconstrained system only phase transitions of the second order occur.
[ "cond-mat.dis-nn", "cond-mat.stat-mech" ]
Disordered Systems and Neural Networks;Statistical Mechanics
2,174Disordered Systems and Neural Networks;Statistical Mechanics
In this paper, we consider a wide class of time-varying multivariate causal processes which nests many classic and new examples as special cases. We first prove the existence of a weakly dependent stationary approximation for our model which is the foundation to initiate the theoretical development. Afterwards, we consider the QMLE estimation approach, and provide both point-wise and simultaneous inferences on the coefficient functions. In addition, we demonstrate the theoretical findings through both simulated and real data examples. In particular, we show the empirical relevance of our study using an application to evaluate the conditional correlations between the stock markets of China and U.S. We find that the interdependence between the two stock markets is increasing over time.
[ "econ.EM" ]
Injection of coaxial-gun-formed magnetized plasmas into a background transverse vacuum magnetic field or into a background magnetized plasma has been studied in the helicon-cathode (HelCat) linear plasma device at the University of New Mexico [M. Gilmore et al., J. Plasma Phys.81, 345810104 (2015)]. Magnetized plasma jet launched into a background transverse magnetic field shows emergent kink stabilization of the jet due to the formation of a sheared flow in the jet above the kink-stabilization threshold $0.1kV_A$ [Y. Zhang et al., Phys. Plasmas 24, 110702 (2017)]. Injection of a spheromak-like plasma into a transverse background magnetic field led to the observation of finger-like structures on the side with a stronger magnetic field null between the spheromak and background field. The finger-like structures are consistent with magneto-Rayleigh-Taylor instability. Jets or spheromaks launched into a background, low-$\beta$ magnetized plasma show similar behavior as above, respectively, in both cases.
[ "physics.plasm-ph" ]
Plasma Physics
5,556Plasma Physics
A restricted form of Landauer's Principle, independent of computational considerations, is shown to hold for thermal systems by reference to the joint entropy associated with conjugate observables. It is shown that the source of the compensating entropy for irreversible physical processes is due to the ontological uncertainty attending values of such mutually incompatible observables, rather than due to epistemic uncertainty as traditionally assumed in the information-theoretic approach. In particular, it is explicitly shown that erasure of logical (epistemic) information via reset operations is not equivalent to erasure of thermodynamic entropy, so that the traditional, information-theoretic form of Landauer's Principle is not supported by the physics. A further implication of the analysis is that there is no Maxwell's Demon in the real world.
[ "quant-ph", "physics.hist-ph" ]
Quantum Physics;History and Philosophy of Physics
6,095Quantum Physics;History and Philosophy of Physics
We study the ground state properties of a quantum antiferromagnet on the kagome lattice in the presence of a magnetic field, paying particular attention to the stability of the plateau at magnetization 1/3 of saturation and the nature of its ground state. We discuss fluctuations around classical ground states and argue that quantum and classical calculations at the harmonic level do not lead to the same result in contrast to the zero-field case. For spin S=1/2 we find a magnetic gap below which an exponential number of non-magnetic excitations are present. Moreover, such non-magnetic excitations also have a (much smaller) gap above the three-fold degenerate ground state. We provide evidence that the ground state has long-range order of valence-bond crystal type with nine spins in the unit cell.
[ "cond-mat.str-el", "cond-mat.stat-mech" ]
Strongly Correlated Electrons;Statistical Mechanics
7,046Strongly Correlated Electrons;Statistical Mechanics
In this letter, we discuss generation of magnetic field from cosmological perturbations. We consider the evolution of three component plasma (electron, proton and photon) evaluating the collision term between elecrons and photons up to the second order. The collision term is shown to induce electric current, which then generate magnetic field. There are three contributions, two of which can be evaluated from the first-order quantities, while the other one is fluid vorticity which is purely second order. We estimate the magnitudes of the former contributions and shows that the amplitude of the produced magnetic field is about $\sim 10^{-19} {\rm G}$ at 10Mpc comoving scale at the recombination. Compared to astrophysical and inflationary mechanisms for seed-field generation, our study suffers from much less ambiguities concerning unknown physics and/or processes.
[ "astro-ph" ]
We consider the setup of an evaporating black hole in AdS$_{4}$ coupled to an external bath, embedded in type IIB string theory. We study quantum extremal islands in these backgrounds, in relation to the existence of a massive graviton. Using explicit results of the microscopic embedding of AdS$_{4}$ massive gravity in string theory, we investigate whether it is possible to achieve backgrounds with extremal islands, in which the lowest lying graviton is only slightly massive. For certain regions of the microscopic parameters, the graviton mass can be computed explicitly, and we explain how it directly affects the existence and the properties of the islands. We also show that islands can in principle exist within the regime of validity of the massive gravity effective field theory. However we see via numerical computations that the existence of quantum extremal islands at zero temperature is highly constrained, also when the dilaton is allowed to vary, so that the mass of the graviton cannot be made arbitrarily light. At finite temperature, we also identify a critical parameter, above and below which islands still exist but exhibit a different behavior. Our work supports recent proposals that the unitary evolution of black holes in higher dimensions, and more precisely their Page curve, strongly relies on the presence of a massive graviton in the effective theory.
[ "hep-th" ]
High Energy Physics - Theory
3,266High Energy Physics - Theory
Biomolecular condensates constitute a newly recognized form of spatial organization in living cells. Although many condensates are believed to form as a result of phase separation, the physicochemical properties that determine the phase behavior of heterogeneous biomolecular mixtures are only beginning to be explored. Theory and simulation provide invaluable tools for probing the relationship between molecular determinants, such as protein and RNA sequences, and the emergence of phase-separated condensates in such complex environments. This review covers recent advances in the prediction and computational design of biomolecular mixtures that phase-separate into many coexisting phases. First, we review efforts to understand the phase behavior of mixtures with hundreds or thousands of species using theoretical models and statistical approaches. We then describe progress in developing analytical theories and coarse-grained simulation models to predict multiphase condensates with the molecular detail required to make contact with biophysical experiments. We conclude by summarizing the challenges ahead for modeling the inhomogeneous spatial organization of biomolecular mixtures in living cells.
[ "", "cond-mat.soft", "q-bio.BM" ]
Biological Physics;Soft Condensed Matter;Biomolecules
713Biological Physics;Soft Condensed Matter;Biomolecules
Internet-wide scans are a common active measurement approach to study the Internet, e.g., studying security properties or protocol adoption. They involve probing large address ranges (IPv4 or parts of IPv6) for specific ports or protocols. Besides their primary use for probing (e.g., studying protocol adoption), we show that - at the same time - they provide valuable insights into the Internet control plane informed by ICMP responses to these probes - a currently unexplored secondary use. We collect one week of ICMP responses (637.50M messages) to several Internet-wide ZMap scans covering multiple TCP and UDP ports as well as DNS-based scans covering > 50% of the domain name space. This perspective enables us to study the Internet's control plane as a by-product of Internet measurements. We receive ICMP messages from ~171M different IPs in roughly 53K different autonomous systems. Additionally, we uncover multiple control plane problems, e.g., we detect a plethora of outdated and misconfigured routers and uncover the presence of large-scale persistent routing loops in IPv4.
[ "cs.NI" ]
Networking and Internet Architecture
4,711Networking and Internet Architecture
We present a method that can be used to recover the spectrum of turbulence from observations of optically thin emission lines formed in astrophysical disks. Within this method we analyze how line intensity fluctuations depend on the angular resolution of the instrument, used for the observations. The method allows us to restore the slope of the power spectrum of velocity turbulent pulsations and estimate the upper boundary of the turbulence scale.
[ "astro-ph.IM" ]
Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics
3,689Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics
We study the Penrose limit about a null geodesic with 3 equal angular momenta in the recently obtained type IIB solution dual to an exactly marginal $\gamma$-deformation of N=4 SYM. The resulting background has non-trivial NS 3-form flux as well as RR 5- and 3-form fluxes. We quantise the light-cone Green-Schwarz action and show that it exhibits a continuum spectrum. We show that this is related to the dynamics of a charged particle moving in a Landau plane with an extra interaction induced by the deformation. We interpret the results in the dual N=1 SCFT.
[ "hep-th" ]
High Energy Physics - Theory
3,266High Energy Physics - Theory
Extremely low mass (ELM) white dwarfs (WDs) with masses <0.25 Msun are rare objects that result from compact binary evolution. Here, we present a targeted spectroscopic survey of ELM WD candidates selected by color. The survey is 71% complete and has uncovered 18 new ELM WDs. Of the 7 ELM WDs with follow-up observations, 6 are short-period binaries and 4 have merger times less than 5 Gyr. The most intriguing object, J1741+6526, likely has either a pulsar companion or a massive WD companion making the system a possible supernova Type Ia or .Ia progenitor. The overall ELM Survey has now identified 19 double degenerate binaries with <10 Gyr merger times. The significant absence of short orbital period ELM WDs at cool temperatures suggests that common envelope evolution creates ELM WDs directly in short period systems. At least one-third of the merging systems are halo objects, thus ELM WD binaries continue to form and merge in both the disk and the halo.
[ "astro-ph.SR", "astro-ph.GA" ]
Solar and Stellar Astrophysics;Astrophysics of Galaxies
6,669Solar and Stellar Astrophysics;Astrophysics of Galaxies
We consider a class of Cahn-Hilliard equation that models phase separation process of binary mixtures involving nontrivial boundary interactions in a bounded domain with non-permeable wall. The system is characterized by certain dynamic type boundary conditions and the total mass, in the bulk and on the boundary, is conserved for all time. For the case with physically relevant singular (e.g., logarithmic) potential, global regularity of weak solutions is established. In particular, when the spatial dimension is two, we show the instantaneous strict separation property such that for arbitrary positive time any weak solution stays away from the pure phases +1 and -1, while in the three dimensional case, an eventual separation property for large time is obtained. As a consequence, we prove that every global weak solution converges to a single equilibrium as the time goes to infinity, by the usage of an extended Lojasiewicz-Simon inequality.
[ "math.AP" ]
Analysis of PDEs
205Analysis of PDEs
In this paper we give an overview of some recent and older results concerning free boundary problems governed by elliptic operators.
[ "math.AP" ]
Analysis of PDEs
205Analysis of PDEs
Recently there has been considerable progress on the analysis of stability and performance properties of so-called economic Nonlinear Model Predictive Control (NMPC) schemes; i.e. NMPC schemes employing stage costs that are not directly related to distance measures of pre-computed setpoints. At the same time, with respect to the energy transition, the use of NMPC schemes is proposed and investigated in a plethora of papers in different contexts. For example receding-horizon approaches to generator dispatch problems, which is also known as multi-stage Optimal Power Flow (OPF), naturally lead to economic NMPC schemes based on non-convex discrete-time Optimal Control Problems (OCP). The present paper investigates the transfer of analytic results available for general economic NMPC schemes to receding-horizon multistage OPF. We propose a blueprint formulation of multi-stage opf including AC power flow equations. Based on this formulation we present results on the dissipativity and recursive feasibility properties of the underlying OCP. Finally, we draw upon simulations using a 5 bus system and a 118 bus system to illustrate our findings.
[ "cs.SY" ]
Systems and Control
7,149Systems and Control
This paper presents a novel adaptive fading cubature Kalman filter (AFCKF) based on double transitive factors. The developed adaptive algorithm is explained in two stages; stage (i) a single transitive factor is used to update the predicted state error covariance, ${\bf \hat P_{k}}^{-}$ based on innovation or residual vector, whereas, in stage (ii), the measurement noise covariance matrix, ${\bf \hat R_{k}^{*}}$ is scaled by another transitive factor. Furthermore, showing the proof concept for estimation of the process noise, ${\bf \hat Q_{k}^{*}}$ and measurement noise covariance matrices by combining the innovation and residual vector in the AFCKF algorithm. It can provide reliable state estimation in the presence of unknown noise statistics. Bench-marking target tracking example is considered to show the performance improvement of the developed algorithms. As compared with existing adaptive approaches, the proposed fading algorithm can provide better estimation results.
[ "eess.SY", "cs.SY", "eess.SP" ]
Systems and Control;Systems and Control;Signal Processing
7,233Systems and Control;Systems and Control;Signal Processing
The luminescence caused by the interband transitions of hot carriers in graphene is considered theoretically. The dependencies of emission in mid- and near-IR spectral regions versus energy and concentration of hot carriers are analyzed; they are determined both by an applied electric field and a gate voltage. The polarization dependency is determined by the angle between the propagation direction and the normal to the graphene sheet. The characteristics of radiation from large-scale-area samples of epitaxial graphene and from microstructures of exfoliated graphene are considered. The averaged over angles efficiency of emission is also presented.
[ "cond-mat.mes-hall", "cond-mat.mtrl-sci" ]
Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics;Materials Science
4,493Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics;Materials Science
We propose and experimentally verify a cooling limit for a quantum channel going through an incoherent environment. The environment consists of a large number of independent non-interacting and non-interfering elementary quantum systems - qubits. The qubits travelling through the channel can only be randomly replaced by environmental qubits. We investigate a conditional cooling limit that exploits an additional probing output. The limit specifies when the single-qubit channel is quantum, i.e. it preserves entanglement. It is a fundamental condition for entanglement-based quantum technology.
[ "quant-ph" ]
Quantum Physics
5,985Quantum Physics
We propose and study an active cooling mechanism for the nanomechanical resonator (NAMR) based on periodical coupling to a Cooper pair box (CPB), which is implemented by a designed series of magnetic flux pluses threading through the CPB. When the initial phonon number of the NAMR is not too large, this cooling protocol is efficient in decreasing the phonon number by two to three orders of magnitude. Our proposal is theoretically universal in cooling various boson systems of single mode. It can be specifically generalized to prepare the nonclassical state of the NAMR.
[ "quant-ph" ]
Quantum Physics
5,985Quantum Physics
We studied a metasurface constituted as a periodic array of semiconductor split-ring resonators. The resonance frequencies of the metasurface excited by normally incident light were found to be continuously tunable in the terahertz regime through an external magnetostatic field of suitable orientation. As such metasurfaces can be assembled into 3D metamaterials, the foregoing conclusion also applies to metamaterials comprising semiconductor split-ring resonators.
[ "cond-mat.mtrl-sci", "cond-mat.other", "physics.optics" ]
Materials Science;Other Condensed Matter;Optics
4,359Materials Science;Other Condensed Matter;Optics
We present a novel inertial-isolation scheme based on six degree-of-freedom (6D) interferometric sensing of a single reference mass. It is capable of reducing inertial motion by more than two orders of magnitude at 100\,mHz compared with what is achievable with state-of-the-art seismometers. This will enable substantial improvements in the low-frequency sensitivity of gravitational-wave detectors. The scheme is inherently two-stage, the reference mass is softly suspended within the platform to be isolated, which is itself suspended from the ground. The platform is held constant relative to the reference mass and this closed-loop control effectively transfers the low acceleration-noise of the reference mass to the platform. A high loop gain also reduces non-linear couplings and dynamic range requirements in the soft-suspension mechanics and the interferometric sensing.
[ "astro-ph.IM", "gr-qc", "physics.ins-det" ]
Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics;General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology;Instrumentation and Detectors
3,734Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics;General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology;Instrumentation and Detectors
We describe a non-parametric, "example-based" method for estimating the depth of an object, viewed in a single photo. Our method consults a database of example 3D geometries, searching for those which look similar to the object in the photo. The known depths of the selected database objects act as shape priors which constrain the process of estimating the object's depth. We show how this process can be performed by optimizing a well defined target likelihood function, via a hard-EM procedure. We address the problem of representing the (possibly infinite) variability of viewing conditions with a finite (and often very small) example set, by proposing an on-the-fly example update scheme. We further demonstrate the importance of non-stationarity in avoiding misleading examples when estimating structured shapes. We evaluate our method and present both qualitative as well as quantitative results for challenging object classes. Finally, we show how this same technique may be readily applied to a number of related problems. These include the novel task of estimating the occluded depth of an object's backside and the task of tailoring custom fitting image-maps for input depths.
[ "cs.CV" ]
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
1,498Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Ionization injection triggered by short wavelength laser pulses inside a nonlinear wakefield driven by a longer wavelength laser is examined via multi-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations. We find that very bright electron beams can be generated through this two-color scheme in either collinear propagating or transverse colliding geometry. For a fixed laser intensity $I$, lasers with longer/shorter wavelength $\lambda$ have larger/smaller ponderomotive potential ($\propto I \lambda^2$). The two color scheme utilizes this property to separate the injection process from the wakefield excitation process. Very strong wakes can be generated at relatively low laser intensities by using a longer wavelength laser driver (e.g. a $10 \micro\meter$ CO$_2$ laser) due to its very large ponderomotive potential. On the other hand, short wavelength laser can produce electrons with very small residual momenta ($p_\perp\sim a_0\sim \sqrt{I}\lambda$) inside the wake, leading to electron beams with very small normalized emittances (tens of $\nano\meter$). Using particle-in-cell simulations we show that a $\sim10 \femto\second$ electron beam with $\sim4 \pico\coulomb$ of charge and a normalized emittance of $\sim 50 \nano\meter$ can be generated by combining a 10 $\micro\meter $ driving laser with a 400 $\nano\meter$ injection laser, which is an improvement of more than one order of magnitude compared to the typical results obtained when a single wavelength laser used for both the wake formation and ionization injection.
[ "physics.acc-ph", "physics.plasm-ph" ]
Accelerator Physics;Plasma Physics
20Accelerator Physics;Plasma Physics
We report the observation of nonexponential decay of pulsed microwave transmission through quasi-one-dimensional random dielectric media that signals the breakdown of the diffusion model of transport for temporally coherent extended waves. The decay rate of transmission falls nearly linearly in time due to a nearly gaussian distribution of the coupling strengths of quasi-normal electromagnetic modes to free space at the sample surfaces. The peak and width of this distribution scale as L^{-2.05} and L^{-1.81}, respectively.
[ "cond-mat.dis-nn" ]
Disordered Systems and Neural Networks
2,129Disordered Systems and Neural Networks
We explore the effects of disordered charged defects on the electronic excitations observed in the photoemission spectra of doped transition metal oxides in the Mott insulating regime by the example of the $R_{1-x}$Ca$_x$VO$_3$ perovskites, where $R=$La,$\dots$,Lu. A fundamental characteristic of these vanadium $d^2$ compounds with partly filled $t_{2g}$ valence orbitals is the persistence of spin and orbital order up to high doping, in contrast to the loss of magnetic order in high-$T_c$ cuprates at low defect concentration. We demonstrate that the disordered electronic structure of doped Mott-Hubbard insulators can be obtained with high precision within the unrestricted Hartree-Fock approximation. In particular: (i) the atomic multiplet excitations in the inverse photoemission spectra and the various defect-related states and satellites are well reproduced, (ii) a robust Mott gap survives up to large doping, and (iii) we show that the defect states inside the Mott gap develop a soft gap at the Fermi energy. The soft defect states gap can be characterized by a shape and a scale parameter extracted from a Weibull statistical sampling of the density of states near the chemical potential. We demonstrate that charge defects trigger small spin-orbital polarons, with their internal kinetic energy responsible for the opening of the soft defect states gap. The small size of spin-orbital polarons is inferred by an analysis of the inverse participation ratio which explains the origin of the robustness of spin and orbital order. Using realistic parameters for La$_{1-x}$Ca$_x$VO$_3$, we show that its soft gap is well reproduced as well as the marginal doping dependence of the position of the chemical potential relative to the center of the lower Hubbard band.
[ "cond-mat.str-el", "cond-mat.mtrl-sci" ]
Strongly Correlated Electrons;Materials Science
7,006Strongly Correlated Electrons;Materials Science
We calculate, in chiral perturbation theory, the change in the self-energy of decuplet baryons in nuclear matter. These self-energy shifts are relevant in studies of meson-nucleus scattering and of neutron stars. Our results are leading order in an expansion in powers of the ratio of characteristic momenta to the chiral symmetry-breaking scale (or the nucleon mass). Included are contact diagrams generated by 4-baryon operators, which were neglected in earlier studies for the $\Delta$ isomultiplet but contribute to the self-energy shifts at this order in chiral perturbation theory.
[ "hep-ph" ]
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
3,129High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
Low $L_{FIR}$ Isolated Galaxies (IGs) from the AMIGA sample have low level of Star Formation (SF) activity. We observed the HCN(1-0) emission in a sample of IGs in order to test whether they follow the tight relation between $L_{HCN}$ and $L_{FIR}$ found for galaxies with more active SF.
[ "astro-ph.CO" ]
Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics
1,725Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics
We present a model for dilepton production of proton-proton collisions using a realist T-matrix that by incorporating Delta-isobar degrees of freedom fits the NN-scattering data up to 2 GeV. The results we find differ in details from earlier work that use less sophisticated interactions but the overall agreement with these calculations is good.
[ "nucl-th" ]
Nuclear Theory
4,876Nuclear Theory
Galaxy clusters are important probes for both cosmology and galaxy formation physics. We test the cosmological, hydrodynamical FLAMINGO simulations by comparing to observations of the gaseous properties of clusters measured from X-ray observations. FLAMINGO contains unprecedented numbers of massive galaxy groups ($>10^6$) and clusters ($>10^5$) and includes variations in both cosmology and galaxy formation physics. We predict the evolution of cluster scaling relations as well as radial profiles of the temperature, density, pressure, entropy, and metallicity for different masses and redshifts. We show that the differences between volume-, and X-ray-weighting of particles in the simulations, and between cool-core non cool-core samples, are similar in size as the differences between simulations for which the stellar and AGN feedback has been calibrated to produce significantly different gas fractions. Compared to thermally-driven AGN feedback, kinetic jet feedback calibrated to produce the same gas fraction at $R_{\rm 500c}$ yields a hotter core with higher entropies and lower densities, which translates into a smaller fraction of cool-core clusters. Stronger feedback, calibrated to produce lower gas fractions and hence lower gas densities, results in higher temperatures, entropies, and metallicities, but lower pressures. The scaling relations and thermodynamic profiles show almost no evolution with respect to self-similar expectations, except for the metallicity decreasing with redshift. We find that the temperature, density, pressure, and entropy profiles of clusters in the fiducial FLAMINGO simulation are in excellent agreement with observations, while the metallicities in the core are too high.
[ "astro-ph.GA", "astro-ph.CO" ]
Astrophysics of Galaxies;Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics
470Astrophysics of Galaxies;Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics
This paper presents a new modeling strategy for joint unsupervised analysis of multiple high-throughput biological studies. As in Multi-study Factor Analysis, our goals are to identify both common factors shared across studies and study-specific factors. Our approach is motivated by the growing body of high-throughput studies in biomedical research, as exemplified by the comprehensive set of expression data on breast tumors considered in our case study. To handle high-dimensional studies, we extend Multi-study Factor Analysis using a Bayesian approach that imposes sparsity. Specifically, we generalize the sparse Bayesian infinite factor model to multiple studies. We also devise novel solutions for the identification of the loading matrices: we recover the loading matrices of interest ex-post, by adapting the orthogonal Procrustes approach. Computationally, we propose an efficient and fast Gibbs sampling approach. Through an extensive simulation analysis, we show that the proposed approach performs very well in a range of different scenarios, and outperforms standard Factor analysis in all the scenarios identifying replicable signal in unsupervised genomic applications. The results of our analysis of breast cancer gene expression across seven studies identified replicable gene patterns, clearly related to well-known breast cancer pathways. An R package is implemented and available on GitHub.
[ "stat.AP" ]
This paper considers the state of nuclear and radiological security in the UK and abroad and reports on the methods that could be employed by terrorists with radiological or nuclear material to cause destruction. It is shown that despite current safeguards that problems arise due to materials that are unaccounted for and poor implementation of detection regimes in some geographical regions. The prospect of a future terrorist event that involves nuclear or radiological materials seems likely despite best efforts of prevention.
[ "physics.soc-ph" ]
Physics and Society
5,463Physics and Society
Recent advances in deep learning have led to substantial improvements in deepfake generation, resulting in fake media with a more realistic appearance. Although deepfake media have potential application in a wide range of areas and are drawing much attention from both the academic and industrial communities, it also leads to serious social and criminal concerns. This chapter explores the evolution of and challenges in deepfake generation and detection. It also discusses possible ways to improve the robustness of deepfake detection for a wide variety of media (e.g., in-the-wild images and videos). Finally, it suggests a focus for future fake media research.
[ "cs.CV" ]
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
1,498Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
This paper develops a polyhedral approach to the design, analysis, and computation of dynamic allocation indices for scheduling binary-action (engage/rest) Markovian stochastic projects which can change state when rested (restless bandits (RBs)), based on partial conservation laws (PCLs). This extends previous work by the author [J. Ni\~no-Mora. Restless bandits, partial conservation laws and indexability. Adv. Appl. Probab., vol. 33, 76-98, 2001], where PCLs were shown to imply optimality of index policies with a postulated structure under admissible linear objectives, and they were deployed to obtain sufficient conditions for the existence of Whittle's index and an adaptive-greedy index algorithm. The contributions include: (i) we develop the polyhedral foundation of the PCL framework, based on structural and algorithmic properties of a polytope associated with an accessible set system ($\mathcal{F}$-extended polymatroid); (ii) we present new indices for RBs, motivated by an admission control model, which extend Whittle's and have a significantly increased scope; (iii) we deploy PCLs to obtain both sufficient conditions for the existence of the new indices (PCL-indexability) and a reformulated adaptive-greedy index algorithm; (iv) we interpret PCL-indexability in terms of the economic law of diminishing marginal returns and characterize the index as an optimal marginal cost rate; (v) we carry out a PCL-indexability analysis of the motivating admission control model, which gives, under mild conditions, a new index characterization of optimal threshold policies; and (vi) we apply the latter to present new heuristic index policies for two hard queueing control problems: admission control and routing to parallel queues; and scheduling a multiclass make-to-stock queue with lost sales, both under state-dependent holding cost rates and birth-death dynamics.
[ "math.OC", "math.PR" ]
Optimization and Control;Probability
5,331Optimization and Control;Probability
The effective potential $\Phi$ of a classical ion in a weakly correlated quantum plasma in thermodynamic equilibrium at finite temperature is well described by the RPA screened Coulomb potential. Additionally, collision effects can be included via a relaxation time ansatz (Mermin dielectric function). These potentials are used to study the quality of various statically screened potentials that were recently proposed by Shukla and Eliasson (SE) [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 108}, 165007 (2012)], Akbari--Moghanjoughi (AM) [Phys. Plasmas {\bf 22}, 022103 (2015)] and Stanton and Murillo (SM) [Phys. Rev. E {\bf 91}, 033104 (2015)] starting from quantum hydrodynamic theory (QHD). Our analysis reveals that the SE potential is qualitatively different from the full potential, whereas the SM potential (at any temperature) and the AM potential (at zero temperature) are significantly more accurate. This confirms the correctness of the recently derived [Michta {\em et al.}, Contrib. Plasma Phys. {\bf 55}, (2015)] pre-factor $1/9$ in front of the Bohm term of QHD for fermions.
[ "physics.plasm-ph" ]
Plasma Physics
5,556Plasma Physics
The numerical conditions to generate a high-fidelity Yurke-Stoler states ($|\alpha>+ e^{i \psi} |-\alpha>$)were found for two cascade-placed beam splitters with one squeezed state input and two coherent state inputs. Controlling the amplitude and the phases of beams, allows for various Yurke-Stoler states to be manipulated with ultra high-fidelity, and the expected theoretical fidelity is of more than 0.9999.
[ "physics.optics", "quant-ph" ]
Optics;Quantum Physics
5,227Optics;Quantum Physics
The $2$-layer drawing model is a well-established paradigm to visualize bipartite graphs. Several beyond-planar graph classes have been studied under this model. Surprisingly, however, the fundamental class of $k$-planar graphs has been considered only for $k=1$ in this context. We provide several contributions that address this gap in the literature. First, we show tight density bounds for the classes of $2$-layer $k$-planar graphs with $k\in\{2,3,4,5\}$. Based on these results, we provide a Crossing Lemma for $2$-layer $k$-planar graphs, which then implies a general density bound for $2$-layer $k$-planar graphs. We prove this bound to be almost optimal with a corresponding lower bound construction. Finally, we study relationships between $k$-planarity and $h$-quasiplanarity in the $2$-layer model and show that $2$-layer $k$-planar graphs have pathwidth at most $k+1$.
[ "cs.DM", "cs.CG", "cs.DS" ]
Discrete Mathematics;Computational Geometry;Data Structures and Algorithms
Four-photon scattering in nonlinear waveguides is an important physical process that allows photon-pair generation in well defined guided modes, with high rate and reasonably low noise. Most of the experiments to date used the scalar four-photon scattering process in which the pump photons and the scattered photons have the same polarization. In birefringent waveguides, vectorial four-photon scattering is also allowed: these vectorial scattering processes involve photons with different polarizations. In this article, the theory of four-photon scattering in nonlinear, birefringent, and dispersive fibers is developed in the framework of the quantum theory of light. The work focusses on the spectral properties and quantum correlations (including entanglement) of photon-pairs generated in high-birefringence and low-birefringence fibers.
[ "quant-ph" ]
Quantum Physics
5,985Quantum Physics
In 1984, Charney and Lee defined a category of stable curves and exhibited a rational homology equivalence from its geometric realisation to (the analytification of) the moduli stack of stable curves, also known as the Deligne-Mumford-Knudsen compactification. We strengthen this result by showing that, in fact, this category captures the stratified homotopy type of the moduli stack. In particular, it classifies constructible sheaves via an exodromy equivalence.
[ "math.AG", "math.AT", "math.GT" ]
Algebraic Geometry;Algebraic Topology;Geometric Topology
56Algebraic Geometry;Algebraic Topology;Geometric Topology