class label
7.27k classes
In this paper, we study relative deformations of maps into a family of K\"ahler manifolds whose images are divisors. We show that if the map satisfies a condition called semiregularity, then it allows relative deformations if and only if the cycle class of the image remains Hodge in the family. This gives a refinement of the so-called variational Hodge conjecture. We also show that the semiregularity of maps is related to classical notions such as Cayley-Bacharach conditions and d-semistability.
[ "math.AG" ]
Algebraic Geometry
47Algebraic Geometry
We use a correlated local Fermi gas (LFG) model, which accounts also for long distance corrections of the RPA type and final-state interactions, to compute the polarization of the final lepton in charged-current quasielastic neutrino scattering. The present model has been successfully used in recent studies of inclusive neutrino nucleus processes and muon capture. We investigate the relevance of nuclear effects in the particular case of $\tau$ polarization in tau-neutrino induced reactions for several kinematics of relevance for neutrino oscillation experiments.
[ "nucl-th", "hep-ph" ]
Nuclear Theory;High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
4,914Nuclear Theory;High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
We consider a class of non-polynomial spline spaces over T-meshes, that is, of spaces locally spanned both by polynomial and by suitably-chosen non-polynomial functions, which we will refer to as generalized splines over T-meshes. For such spaces, we provide, under certain conditions, a dimension formula and a basis based on the notion of minimal determining set. We explicitly examine some relevant cases, which enjoy a noteworthy behaviour with respect to differentiation and integration; finally, we also study the approximation power of the just constructed spline spaces.
[ "math.NA" ]
Numerical Analysis
5,002Numerical Analysis
In the recent past, greater accessibility to powerful computational resources has enabled progress in the field of Deep Learning and Computer Vision to grow by leaps and bounds. This in consequence has lent progress to the domain of Autonomous Driving and Navigation Systems. Most of the present research work has been focused on driving scenarios in the European or American roads. Our paper draws special attention to the Indian driving context. To this effect, we propose a novel architecture, DR-Gaze, which is used to map the driver's gaze onto the road. We compare our results with previous works and state-of-the-art results on the DGAZE dataset. Our code will be made publicly available upon acceptance of our paper.
[ "cs.CV" ]
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
1,498Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
We propose the Kolmogorov stochasticity parameter, $\lambda$ for energy level spectra to classify quantum systems with corresponding classical dynamics ranging from integrable to chaotic. We also study the probability distribution function (PDF) of $\lambda$. Remarkably, the PDF of all the integrable systems studied here is the same and is found to be completely different from the PDF of chaotic systems. We also note that $\lambda_n$ for $n$ energy levels scales as $\lambda_n \sim n^{-\alpha}$. Furthermore, with $\alpha$, the stochastic probability (calculated from PDF) is seen to jump by about an order of magnitude as the systems turn chaotic.
[ "nlin.CD" ]
Chaotic Dynamics
810Chaotic Dynamics
We introduce the notion of Chern-Simons classes for curved DG-pairs and we prove that a particular case of this general construction provides canonical $L_\infty$ liftings of Buchweitz-Flenner semiregularity maps for coherent sheaves on complex manifolds.
[ "math.AG", "math.DG", "math.QA" ]
Algebraic Geometry;Differential Geometry;Quantum Algebra
104Algebraic Geometry;Differential Geometry;Quantum Algebra
We study the RHIC data on long range rapidity correlations, comparing their main trends with different string model simulations. Particular attention is paid to color percolation model and its similarities with color glass condensate. As both approaches corresponds, at high density, to a similar physical picture, both of them give rise to a similar behavior on the energy and the centrality of the main observables. Color percolation explains the transition from low density to high density.
[ "hep-ph" ]
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
3,129High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
The surface of lines in a cubic fourfold intersecting a fixed line splits motivically into two parts, one of which resembles a K3 surface. We define the analogue of the Beauville-Voisin class and study the push-forward map to the Fano variety of all lines with respect to the natural splitting of the Bloch-Beilinson filtration introduced by Mingmin Shen and Charles Vial.
[ "math.AG" ]
Algebraic Geometry
47Algebraic Geometry
Segmentation of histopathology sections is an ubiquitous requirement in digital pathology and due to the large variability of biological tissue, machine learning techniques have shown superior performance over standard image processing methods. As part of the GlaS@MICCAI2015 colon gland segmentation challenge, we present a learning-based algorithm to segment glands in tissue of benign and malignant colorectal cancer. Images are preprocessed according to the Hematoxylin-Eosin staining protocol and two deep convolutional neural networks (CNN) are trained as pixel classifiers. The CNN predictions are then regularized using a figure-ground segmentation based on weighted total variation to produce the final segmentation result. On two test sets, our approach achieves a tissue classification accuracy of 98% and 94%, making use of the inherent capability of our system to distinguish between benign and malignant tissue.
[ "cs.CV" ]
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
1,498Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
The observational signatures of multi-field inflation will generally evolve as the Universe reheats. We introduce a general analytic formalism for tracking this evolution through perturbative reheating, applicable to two field models with arbitrary separable potentials. The various transitions, including the onset of scalar field oscillations and the reheating of each field, can happen in different orders and on arbitrary hypersurfaces. The effective equations of state of the oscillating fields are also arbitrary. Nevertheless, our results are surprisingly simple. Our formalism encapsulates and generalises a huge range of previous calculations including two-field inflation, spectator models, the inhomogeneous end of inflation scenario and numerous generalised curvaton scenarios.
[ "astro-ph.CO", "hep-th" ]
Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics;High Energy Physics - Theory
1,765Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics;High Energy Physics - Theory
Modern statistical analyses often encounter datasets with massive sizes and heavy-tailed distributions. For datasets with massive sizes, traditional estimation methods can hardly be used to estimate the extreme value index directly. To address the issue, we propose here a subsampling-based method. Specifically, multiple subsamples are drawn from the whole dataset by using the technique of simple random subsampling with replacement. Based on each subsample, an approximate maximum likelihood estimator can be computed. The resulting estimators are then averaged to form a more accurate one. Under appropriate regularity conditions, we show theoretically that the proposed estimator is consistent and asymptotically normal. With the help of the estimated extreme value index, we can estimate high-level quantiles and tail probabilities of a heavy-tailed random variable consistently. Extensive simulation experiments are provided to demonstrate the promising performance of our method. A real data analysis is also presented for illustration purpose.
[ "stat.ME" ]
Using the notions of frame transform and of square integrable projective representation of a locally compact group $G$, we introduce a class of isometries (tight frame transforms) from the space of Hilbert-Schmidt operators in the carrier Hilbert space of the representation into the space of square integrable functions on the direct product group $G\times G$. These transforms have remarkable properties. In particular, their ranges are reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces endowed with a suitable 'star product' which mimics, at the level of functions, the original product of operators. A 'phase space formulation' of quantum mechanics relying on the frame transforms introduced in the present paper, and the link of these maps with both the Wigner transform and the wavelet transform are discussed.
[ "quant-ph" ]
Quantum Physics
5,985Quantum Physics
Extragalactic surveys in the emission line of [O III] 5007 have provided us with the absolute line strengths of large, homogeneous sets of planetary nebulae. These data have been used to address a host of problems, from the measurement of the extragalactic distance scale, to the study of stellar populations. I review our current understanding of the [O III] planetary nebula luminosity function (PNLF), and discuss some of the physical processes that effect its structure. I also describe the features of the H-alpha PNLF, a function that, upon first glance, looks similar to the [O III] PNLF, but which includes a very different set of objects. Finally, I discuss recent measurements of alpha, the number of PNe found in a stellar population, normalized to that population's bolometric luminosity. I show that, contrary to expectations, the values of alpha found in actively star-forming spirals is essentially the same as those measured in late-type elliptical and lenticular systems. I discuss how this result sheds light on the physics of the planetary nebula phenomenon.
[ "astro-ph.CO", "astro-ph.GA" ]
Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics;Astrophysics of Galaxies
1,727Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics;Astrophysics of Galaxies
This paper presents a methodology to construct a divergence-free polynomial basis of an arbitrary degree in a simplex (triangles in 2D and tetrahedra in 3D) of arbitrary dimension. It allows for fast computation of all numerical solutions from degree zero to a specified degree \textit{k} for certain PDEs. The generated divergence-free basis is orthonormal, hierarchical, and robust in finite-precision arithmetic. At the core is an Arnoldi-based procedure. It constructs an orthonormal and hierarchical basis for multi-dimensional polynomials of degree less than or equal to \textit{k}. The divergence-free basis is generated by combining these polynomial basis functions. An efficient implementation of the hybridized BDM mixed method is developed using these basis functions. Hierarchy allows for incremental construction of the global matrix and the global vector for all degrees (zero to \textit{k}) using the local problem solution computed just for degree \textit{k}. Orthonormality and divergence-free properties simplify the local problem. PDEs considered are Helmholtz, Laplace, and Poisson problems in smooth domains and in a corner domain. These advantages extend to other PDEs such as incompressible Stokes, incompressible Navier-Stokes, and Maxwell equations.
[ "math.NA", "cs.NA" ]
Numerical Analysis;Numerical Analysis
5,059Numerical Analysis;Numerical Analysis
The structural flexibility of the exponential propagation iterative methods of Runge-Kutta type (EPIRK) enables construction of particularly efficient exponential time integrators. While the EPIRK methods have been shown to perform well on stiff problems, all of the schemes proposed up to now have been derived using classical order conditions. In this paper we extend the stiff order conditions and the convergence theory developed for the exponential Rosenbrock methods to the EPIRK integrators. We derive stiff order conditions for the EPIRK methods and develop algorithms to solve them to obtain specific schemes. Moreover, we propose a new approach to constructing particularly efficient EPIRK integrators that are optimized to work with an adaptive Krylov algorithm. We use a set of numerical examples to illustrate the computational advantages that the newly constructed EPIRK methods offer compared to previously proposed exponential integrators.
[ "math.NA" ]
Numerical Analysis
5,002Numerical Analysis
In this paper, we discuss how certain radio access network optimization problems can be modelled using the concept of constraint satisfaction problems in artificial intelligence, and solved at scale using a quantum computer. As a case study, we discuss root sequence index (RSI) assignment problem - an important LTE/NR physical random access channel configuration related automation use-case. We formulate RSI assignment as quadratic unconstrained binary optimization (QUBO) problem constructed using data ingested from a commercial mobile network, and solve it using a cloud-based commercially available quantum computing platform. Results show that quantum annealing solver can successfully assign conflict-free RSIs. Comparison with well-known heuristics reveals that some classic algorithms are even more effective in terms of solution quality and computation time. The non-quantum advantage is due to the fact that current implementation is a semi-quantum proof-of-concept algorithm. Also, the results depend on the type of quantum computer used. Nevertheless, the proposed framework is highly flexible and holds tremendous potential for harnessing the power of quantum computing in mobile network automation.
[ "cs.NI", "cs.AI" ]
Networking and Internet Architecture;Artificial Intelligence
4,713Networking and Internet Architecture;Artificial Intelligence
In the paper we consider Lamperti type theorems for random fields. Together with known results we present some new results on ${\mathbb R}^m$-valued self-similar fields $\{{\bf X} ({\bf t}), \ {\bf t} \in {\mathbb R}^d \}$, their domains of attraction and the so-called Lamperti transformations, expressing the relation between self-similarity and stationarity. Also we investigate regularly and slowly varying functions of several variables.
[ "math.PR" ]
The aim of the Swedish-Japanese EISCAT campaign in February 1999 was to measure the ionospheric parameters inside and outside the auroral arcs. The ion line radar experiment was optimised to probe the E-region and lower F-region with as high a speed as possible. Two extra channels were used for the plasma line measurements covering the same altitudes, giving a total of 3 upshifted and 3 downshifted frequency bands of 25 kHz each. For most of the time the shifted channels were tuned to 3 (both), 4 (up), 5.5 (down) and 6.5 (both) MHz. Weak signals are seen whenever the radar is probing the diffuse aurora, corresponding to the relatively low plasma frequencies. At times when auroral arcs pass the radar beam, significant increases in return power are observed. Many cases with simultaneously up and down shifted plasma lines are recorded. In spite of the rather active environment, the highly optimised measurements enable investigation of the properties of the plasma lines. A modified theoretical incoherent scatter spectrum is used to explain the measurements. The general trend is an upgoing field-aligned current in the diffuse aurora, confirmed with a full fit of the combined ion and plasma line spectra. There are also cases with strong suprathermal currents indicated by large differences in signal strength between up- and downshifted plasma lines.
[ "" ]
Space Physics
6,764Space Physics
In this note, we propose a method to under-approximate finite-time reachable sets and tubes for a class of continuous-time linear uncertain systems. The class under consideration is the linear time-varying (LTV) class with integrable time-varying system matrices and uncertain initial and input values belonging to known convex compact sets. The proposed method depends upon the iterative use of constant-input reachable sets which results in convergent under-approximations in the sense of Hausdorff distance. We illustrate our approach through two numerical examples.
[ "eess.SY", "cs.NA", "cs.SY", "math.NA" ]
Systems and Control;Numerical Analysis;Systems and Control;Numerical Analysis
7,205Systems and Control;Numerical Analysis;Systems and Control;Numerical Analysis
The probability distribution function (PDF) tails of the zonal flow structure formation and the PDF tails of momentum flux by incorporating effect of a shear flow in ion-temperature-gradient (ITG) turbulence are computed in the present paper. The bipolar vortex soliton (modon) is assumed to be the coherent structure responsible for bursty and intermittent events driving the PDF tails. It is found that stronger zonal flows are generated in ITG turbulence than Hasegawa-Mima (HM) turbulence as well as further from marginal stability. This suggests that although ITG turbulence has a higher level of heat flux, it also more likely generates stronger zonal flows, leading to a self-regulating system. It is also shown that shear flows can significantly reduce the PDF tails of Reynolds stress and structure formation.
[ "physics.plasm-ph", "physics.flu-dyn" ]
Plasma Physics;Fluid Dynamics
5,578Plasma Physics;Fluid Dynamics
This work studies the robustness certification problem of neural network models, which aims to find certified adversary-free regions as large as possible around data points. In contrast to the existing approaches that seek regions bounded uniformly along all input features, we consider non-uniform bounds and use it to study the decision boundary of neural network models. We formulate our target as an optimization problem with nonlinear constraints. Then, a framework applicable for general feedforward neural networks is proposed to bound the output logits so that the relaxed problem can be solved by the augmented Lagrangian method. Our experiments show the non-uniform bounds have larger volumes than uniform ones and the geometric similarity of the non-uniform bounds gives a quantitative, data-agnostic metric of input features' robustness. Further, compared with normal models, the robust models have even larger non-uniform bounds and better interpretability.
[ "cs.LG", "stat.ML" ]
Machine Learning;Machine Learning
4,163Machine Learning;Machine Learning
The classical inequality of Bohr asserts that if a power series converges in the unit disk and its sum has modulus less than or equal to $1$, then the sum of absolute values of its terms is less than or equal to $1$ for the subdisk $|z|<1/3$ and $1/3$ is the best possible constant. Recently, there has been a number of investigations on this topic. In this article, we present a refined version of Bohr's inequality along with few other related improved versions of previously known results.
[ "math.CV" ]
Complex Variables
1,135Complex Variables
Based on measurements with the Effelsberg 100-m telescope, a multi-line study of molecular species is presented toward the gravitational lens system PKS1830-211. Obtaining average radial velocities and performing Large Velocity Gradient radiative transfer calculations, the aims of this study are (1) to determine the density of the gas, (2) to constrain the temperature of the cosmic microwave background, and (3) to evaluate the proton-to-electron mass ratio at redshift 0.9. Analyzing data from six rotational HC3N transitions (this includes the J=7-6 line, which is likely detected for the first time in the interstellar medium) we obtain about 2000 cm-3 for the gas density of the south-western absorption component. Again toward the south-western source, excitation temperatures of molecular species with optically thin lines and higher rotational constants are, on average, consistent with the expected temperature of the cosmic microwave background, T_CMB = 5.14 K. However, individually, there is a surprisingly large scatter which far surpasses expected uncertainties. A comparison of CS J=1-0 and 4-3 optical depths toward the weaker north-western absorption component results in an excitation temperature of 11 K and a 1-sigma error of 3 K. For the south-eastern main component, a comparison of velocities determined from ten optically thin NH3 inversion lines with those from five optically thin rotational transitions of HC3N, observed at similar frequencies, constrains potential variations of the proton-to-electron mass ratio, with respect to its present value, to <1.4 x 10^-6 with 3-sigma confidence. Also including optically thin rotational lines from other molecular species, it is emphasized that systematic errors are smaller than 1 km/s, corresponding to an uncertainty of 10-6.
[ "astro-ph.CO" ]
Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics
1,725Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics
We compare different methods for performing analytical continuation of spectral data from the imaginary time or frequency axis to the real frequency axis for the optical conductivity sigma(omega). We compare the maximum entropy (MaxEnt), singular value decomposition (SVD), sampling and Pade methods for analytical continuation. We also study two direct methods for obtaining sigma(0). For the MaxEnt approach we focus on a recent modification. The data are split up in batches, a separate MaxEnt calculation is done for each batch and the results are averaged. For the problems studied here, we find that typically the SVD, sampling and modified MaxEnt methods give comparable accuracy, while the Pade approximation is usually less reliable.
[ "cond-mat.str-el", "" ]
Strongly Correlated Electrons;Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability
Unexpected spectral features are observed in the two photon spectrum of the pure water in the forward direction when an 80 femtosecond laser pulse is focused at 10^10Wcm-2 or less. Such intensity is much lower than the breakdown or stimulated threshold of the liquid water. The two broad features are about 2700cm-1 and 5000cm-1 red shifted from the hyper-Rayleigh wavelength, respectively, and they are quadratic with the laser intensity. They do not match the known Raman or hyper-Raman frequencies of water, and they are both centered at a narrow angle in the forward direction. Several other liquids also exhibited similar but molecular specific spectral features.
[ "physics.chem-ph", "physics.optics" ]
Chemical Physics;Optics
911Chemical Physics;Optics
We propose a scalable ion trap architecture for universal quantum computation, which is composed of an array of ion traps with one ion confined in each trap. The neighboring traps are designed capable of merging into one single trap. The universal two-qubit $\sqrt{SWAP}$ gate is realized by direct collision of two neighboring ions in the merged trap, which induces an effective spin-spin interaction between two ions. We find that the collision-induced spin-spin interaction decreases with the third power of two ions' trapping distance. Even with a $200\ \mu m$ trapping distance between atomic ions in Paul traps, it is still possible to realize a two-qubit gate operation with speed in $0.1\ kHz$ regime. The speed can be further increased up into $0.1\ MHz$ regime using electrons with $10\ mm$ trapping distance in Penning traps.
[ "quant-ph", "cond-mat.mes-hall", "", "physics.atom-ph" ]
Quantum Physics;Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics;Applied Physics;Atomic Physics
We have performed angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy of the strongly spin-orbit coupled low-carrier density superconductor Sn1-xInxTe (x = 0.045) to elucidate the electronic states relevant to the possible occurrence of topological superconductivity recently reported for this compound from point-contact spectroscopy. The obtained energy-band structure reveals a small holelike Fermi surface centered at the L point of the bulk Brillouin zone, together with a signature of a topological surface state which indicates that this superconductor is essentially a doped topological crystalline insulator characterized by band inversion and mirror symmetry. A comparison of the electronic states with a band-non-inverted superconductor possessing a similar Fermi surface structure, Pb1-xTlxTe, suggests that the anomalous behavior in the superconducting state of Sn1-xInxTe is likely to be related to the peculiar orbital characteristics of the bulk valence band and/or the presence of a topological surface state.
[ "cond-mat.mes-hall", "cond-mat.str-el", "cond-mat.supr-con" ]
Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics;Strongly Correlated Electrons;Superconductivity
4,551Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics;Strongly Correlated Electrons;Superconductivity
We study the 3-\textsc{Coloring} problem in graphs with small diameter. In 2013, Mertzios and Spirakis showed that for $n$-vertex diameter-2 graphs this problem can be solved in subexponential time $2^{\mathcal{O}(\sqrt{n \log n})}$. Whether the problem can be solved in polynomial time remains a well-known open question in the area of algorithmic graphs theory. In this paper we present an algorithm that solves 3-\textsc{Coloring} in $n$-vertex diameter-2 graphs in time $2^{\mathcal{O}(n^{1/3} \log^{2} n)}$. This is the first improvement upon the algorithm of Mertzios and Spirakis in the general case, i.e., without putting any further restrictions on the instance graph. In addition to standard branchings and reducing the problem to an instance of 2-\textsc{Sat}, the crucial building block of our algorithm is a combinatorial observation about 3-colorable diameter-2 graphs, which is proven using a probabilistic argument. As a side result, we show that 3-\textsc{Coloring} can be solved in time $2^{\mathcal{O}( (n \log n)^{2/3})}$ in $n$-vertex diameter-3 graphs. We also generalize our algorithms to the problem of finding a list homomorphism from a small-diameter graph to a cycle.
[ "cs.DS", "cs.DM" ]
Data Structures and Algorithms;Discrete Mathematics
1,938Data Structures and Algorithms;Discrete Mathematics
This article studies the sequence of iterative degrees of a birational map of the plane. This sequence is known either to be bounded or to have a linear, quadratic or exponential growth. The classification elements of infinite order with a bounded sequence of degrees is achieved, the case of elements of finite order being already known. The coefficients of the linear and quadratic growth are then described, and related to geometrical properties of the map. The dynamical number of base-points is also studied. Applications of our results are the description of embeddings of the Baumslag-Solitar groups and GL(2,Q) into the Cremona group.
[ "math.AG", "math.DS" ]
Algebraic Geometry;Dynamical Systems
107Algebraic Geometry;Dynamical Systems
Good tracking requires that the quintessence energy fraction slowly increase while the roll $\lambda\equiv -d\ln V/\varkappa d\phi$ slowly decreases, but is not yet truly slow-rolling. The supernova bound on the present quintessence equation of state requires either (1) a cosmological constant or other fine-tuned "crawling quintessence" or (2) "roll-over quintessence" that tracked until recently, but now became slow rolling, because of a sharp increase in potential curvature. Thus, fine-tuning is required by constant equation of state and inverse power potentials, but can be avoided by the SUGRA and Skordis-Albrecht potentials and other good trackers, provided quintessence energy domination and slow roll {\em both} began only recently. This makes the time in which we live special in {\em two} respects.
[ "astro-ph" ]
We explain theoretically how to reconstruct the 3D scene from successive frames in order to see the video in 3D. To do this, features, associated to moving rigid objects in 3D, are extracted in frames and matched. The vanishing point computed in frame corresponding to the direction of moving object is used for 3D positioning of the 3D structure of the moving object. First experiments are conducted and the obtained results are shown and publicly available. They demonstrate the feasibility of our method. We conclude this paper by future works in order to improve this method tacking into account non-rigid objects and the case of moving camera.
[ "cs.CV" ]
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
1,498Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Observations of dust polarized emission toward star forming regions trace the magnetic field component in the plane of the sky and provide constraints to theoretical models of cloud collapse. We compare high-angular resolution observations of the submillimeter polarized emission of the low-mass protostellar source NGC 1333 IRAS 4A with the predictions of three different models of collapse of magnetized molecular cloud cores. We compute the Stokes parameters for the dust emission for the three models. We then convolve the results with the instrumental response of the Submillimeter Array observation toward IRAS 4A. Finally, we compare the synthetic maps with the data, varying the model parameters and orientation, and we assess the quality of the fit by a \chi^2 analysis. High-angular resolution observations of polarized dust emission can constraint the physical properties of protostars. In the case of IRAS 4A, the best agreements with the data is obtained for models of collapse of clouds with mass-to-flux ratio >2 times the critical value, initial uniform magnetic field of strength ~0.5 mG, and age of the order of a few 10^4 yr since the onset of collapse. Magnetic dissipation, if present, is found to occur below the resolution level of the observations. Including a previously measured temperature profile of IRAS 4A leads to a more realistic morphology and intensity distribution. We also show that ALMA has the capability of distinguishing among the three different models adopted in this work. Our results are consistent with the standard theoretical scenario for the formation of low-mass stars, where clouds initially threaded by large-scale magnetic fields become unstable and collapse, trapping the field in the nascent protostar and the surrounding circumstellar disk. In the collapsing cloud, the dynamics is dominated by gravitational and magnetic forces.
[ "astro-ph.GA", "astro-ph.IM", "astro-ph.SR" ]
Astrophysics of Galaxies;Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics;Solar and Stellar Astrophysics
499Astrophysics of Galaxies;Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics;Solar and Stellar Astrophysics
We propose a simple renormalizable model for the spontaneous CP violation based on $SU(2)_{L}\times U(1)_{Y}\times A_{4}$ symmetry in a radiative seesaw mechanism, which can be guaranteed by an extra $Z_{2}$ symmetry. In our model CP is spontaneously broken at high energies, after breaking of flavor symmetry, by a complex vacuum expectation value of $A_{4}$-triplet and gauge singlet scalar field. We show that the spontaneously generated CP phase could become a natural source of leptogenesis, %CP violation for neutrino oscillation and leptogenesis, respectively. Then, and also investigate CP violation at low energies in the lepton sector and show how the CP phases in PMNS could be arisen through spontaneous symmetry breaking mechanism. As a numerical study, interestingly, we show that the normal mass hierarchy favors relatively large values of $\theta_{13}$, large deviations from maximality of $\theta_{23}<\pi/4$ and Dirac-CP phase $0^{\circ}\leq\delta_{CP}\leq50^{\circ}$ and $300^{\circ}\leq\delta_{CP}\leq360^{\circ}$. For the inverted hierarchy case, the experimentally measured values of $\theta_{13}$ favors $\theta_{23}>\pi/4$ and discrete values of $\delta_{CP}$ around $100^{\circ},135^{\circ},255^{\circ}$ and $300^{\circ}$. Finally, with a successful leptogenesis our numerical results give more predictive values on the Dirac CP phase: for the normal mass hierarchy $1^{\circ}\lesssim\delta_{CP}\lesssim10^{\circ}$ and for inverted one $\delta_{CP}\sim100^{\circ},135^{\circ},300^{\circ}$.
[ "hep-ph" ]
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
3,129High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
A $[k,n,1]$-graph is a $k$-partite graph with parts of order $n$ such that the bipartite graph induced by any pair of parts is a matching. An independent transversal in such a graph is an independent set that intersects each part in a single vertex. A factor of independent transversals is a set of $n$ pairwise-disjoint independent transversals. Let $f(k)$ be the smallest integer $n_0$ such that every $[k,n,1]$-graph has a factor of independent transversals assuming $n \ge n_0$. Several known conjectures imply that for $k \ge 2$, $f(k)=k$ if $k$ is even and $f(k)=k+1$ if $k$ is odd. While a simple greedy algorithm based on iterating Hall's Theorem shows that $f(k) \le 2k-2$, no better bound is known and in fact, there are instances showing that the bound $2k-2$ is tight for the greedy algorithm. Here we significantly improve upon the greedy algorithm bound and prove that $f(k) \le 1.78k$ for all $k$ sufficiently large, answering a question of MacKeigan.
[ "math.CO" ]
The Simons Observatory (SO) is an upcoming polarization-sensitive Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) experiment on the Cerro Toco Plateau (Chile) with large overlap with other optical and infrared surveys (e.g., DESI, LSST, HSC). To enable the readout of \bigO(10,000) detectors in each of the four telescopes of SO, we will employ the microwave SQUID multiplexing technology. With a targeted multiplexing factor of \bigO{(1,000)}, microwave SQUID multiplexing has never been deployed on the scale needed for SO. Here we present the design of the cryogenic coaxial cable and RF component chain that connects room temperature readout electronics to superconducting resonators that are coupled to Transition Edge Sensor bolometers operating at sub-Kelvin temperatures. We describe design considerations including cryogenic RF component selection, system linearity, noise, and thermal power dissipation.
[ "astro-ph.IM", "physics.ins-det" ]
Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics;Instrumentation and Detectors
3,754Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics;Instrumentation and Detectors
We derive a formula for the velocity distribution of an axially symmetric galaxy where the mass density is corrected using the mass formula from special relativity. We take some reasonable test mass densities and numerically compute the resulting galaxy rotation curves. We then compare these to the rotation curves obtained from a similar formula without a relativistic correction factor. We find that the correction factor has a small dark-matter like effect. Finally, we compare these to the corresponding Keplerian velocity curves. We find that there is a large discrepancy in this case, where away from the galactic center, up to the galactic edge, the curves computed using our formulas give a noticeably higher velocity.
[ "gr-qc", "astro-ph.GA" ]
General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology;Astrophysics of Galaxies
2,678General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology;Astrophysics of Galaxies
In this note, we compute the reproducing kernel for the RKHS of functions on $\mathbb{R}^n$ in a sufficiently high Sobolev norm.
[ "math.CA" ]
Classical Analysis and ODEs
934Classical Analysis and ODEs
The exploration of the QCD phase diagram is the goal of many experiments in the world. The low net baryon density region is relatively well studied, while the one corresponding to higher net densities still contains multiple unrevealed puzzles getting significant attention. In multiple experimental complexes such as STAR or HADES, the heavy ions collide at relatively lower energies than those obtained at LHC, creating "not the hottest soup" of nuclear matter. The examination of it provides unique insights into understanding the properties of matter production and its transitions. In this paper, several of the significant experimental discoveries are reviewed.
[ "nucl-ex", "hep-ex" ]
Nuclear Experiment;High Energy Physics - Experiment
4,863Nuclear Experiment;High Energy Physics - Experiment
There is a growing interest in developing data-driven reduced-order models for atmospheric and oceanic flows that are trained on data obtained either from high-resolution simulations or satellite observations. The data-driven models are non-intrusive in nature and offer significant computational savings compared to large-scale numerical models. These low-dimensional models can be utilized to reduce the computational burden of generating forecasts and estimating model uncertainty without losing the key information needed for data assimilation to produce accurate state estimates. This paper aims at exploring an equation-free surrogate modeling approach at the intersection of machine learning and data assimilation in Earth system modeling. With this objective, we introduce an end-to-end non-intrusive reduced-order modeling (NIROM) framework equipped with contributions in modal decomposition, time series prediction, optimal sensor placement, and sequential data assimilation. Specifically, we use proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) to identify the dominant structures of the flow, and a long short-term memory network to model the dynamics of the POD modes. The NIROM is integrated within the deterministic ensemble Kalman filter (DEnKF) to incorporate sparse and noisy observations at optimal sensor locations obtained through QR pivoting. The feasibility and the benefit of the proposed framework are demonstrated for the NOAA Optimum Interpolation Sea Surface Temperature (SST) V2 dataset. Our results indicate that the NIROM is stable for long-term forecasting and can model dynamics of SST with a reasonable level of accuracy. Furthermore, the prediction accuracy of the NIROM gets improved by one order of magnitude by the DEnKF algorithm. This work provides a way forward toward transitioning these methods to fuse information from Earth system models and observations to achieve accurate forecasts.
[ "physics.flu-dyn" ]
Fluid Dynamics
2,452Fluid Dynamics
We address the fully-developed wrinkle pattern formed upon stretching a Hookean, rectangular-shaped sheet, when the longitudinal tensile load induces transverse compression that far exceeds the stability threshold of a purely planar deformation. At this "far from threshold" parameter regime, which has been the subject of the celebrated Cerda-Mahadevan (CM) model, the wrinkle pattern expands throughout the length of the sheet and the characteristic wavelength of undulations is much smaller than its width. Employing Surface Evolver simulations over a range of sheet thicknesses and tensile loads we elucidate the theoretical underpinnings of the far-from-threshold framework in this set-up. We show that the evolution of wrinkles comes in tandem with collapse of transverse compressive stress, rather than vanishing transverse strain, such that the stress field approaches asymptotically a compression-free limit, describable by tension field theory. We compute the compression-free stress field by simulating a Hookean sheet that has finite stretching modulus but no bending rigidity, and show that this singular limit encapsulates the geometrical nonlinearity underlying the amplitude-wavelength ratio of wrinkle patterns in physical, highly bendable sheets, even though the actual strains may be so small that the local mechanics is perfectly Hookean. Finally, we revisit the balance of bending and stretching energies that gives rise to a favorable wrinkle wavelength, and study the consequent dependence of the wavelength on the tensile load as well as the thickness and length of the sheet.
[ "cond-mat.soft" ]
Soft Condensed Matter
6,537Soft Condensed Matter
The PVLAS signal has renewed the interest in light bosons coupled to the electromagnetic field. However, astrophysical bounds coming from the lifetime of the sun and the CAST experiment are seemingly in conflict with this result. We discuss effective models that allow to suppress production of axion-like particles in the sun and thereby relax the bounds by some orders of magnitude. This stresses the importance of laboratory searches.
[ "hep-ph" ]
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
3,129High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
There is a standard story about decay in multi-dimensional flux landscapes: that from any state, the fastest decay is to take a small step, discharging one flux unit at a time; that fluxes with the same coupling constant are interchangeable; and that states with N units of a given flux have the same decay rate as those with -N. We show that this standard story is false. The fastest decay is a giant leap that discharges many different fluxes in unison; this decay is mediated by a 'minimal' brane that wraps the internal manifold and exhibits behavior not visible in the effective theory. We discuss the implications for the cosmological constant.
[ "hep-th", "gr-qc" ]
High Energy Physics - Theory;General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology
3,321High Energy Physics - Theory;General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology
This edition of the Australian Astronomical Observatory Observer contains articles on the commissioning of the new SAMI instrument giving the first hexabundle galaxy spectra; galaxy parameter variations across and through the 6dFGS Fundamental Plane; an introduction to the new Dragonfly stellar interferometer; an update on the RAdial VElocity (RAVE) survey at half a million spectra; the Magellanic Quasars Survey; the Integrated Photonic Spectrograph's first look at the heart of the Scorpion; using AAOMega to measure the age of the young open cluster IC2602; making MANIFEST fibres for the Giant Magellan Telescope and a Voyage through Filaments of Galaxies. The Observer also contains thoughts on diversity in the astronomy community and reports on the recent Supernovae and their Host Galaxies conference and the 2011 Science Meets Parliament. In addition there are the usual features of the AUSGO Corner, Epping News and Letter from Coona.
[ "astro-ph.IM", "astro-ph.CO", "astro-ph.GA", "astro-ph.SR" ]
Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics;Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics;Astrophysics of Galaxies;Solar and Stellar Astrophysics
3,710Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics;Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics;Astrophysics of Galaxies;Solar and Stellar Astrophysics
We discuss the SM-like Higgs boson mass in the MSSM in an R-invariant direct gauge mediation model with the gravitino mass in the O(1) keV range. The gravitino dark matter scenario in this mass range is a good candidate for a slightly warm dark matter. We show that the Higgs boson mass around 125 GeV suggested by the ATLAS and CMS experiments can be easily achieved in the direct gauge mediation model with this gravitino mass range.
[ "hep-ph" ]
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
3,129High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
Explicit dependencies of the local density of states and the magnetization local density of states have been obtained around magnetic point defects in a two-dimensional electron gas with Rashba spin-orbit interaction . The expressions are given in the Born approximation for arbitrary magnitude and orientation of the defect magnetic moment, and for arbitrary size of the constant of spin-orbit interaction alpha/. On the basis of our asymptotically exact formulas a procedure for the determination of the constant alpha/ in STM experiments is proposed. The novel analytical results are compared with the numerical and approximate results of previous work. At variance with earlier work we find that that magnetic scattering in the presence of spin-orbit interaction does not modify the local density of states and that the spin texture resulting from in-plain orientation of the defect magnetic moment, and elastic scattering, is not a purely in-plane spin texture.
[ "cond-mat.mes-hall" ]
Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics
4,450Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics
A spectral sequence is defined which converges to the \v{C}ech cohomology of the Euclidean hull of a tiling of the plane with Euclidean finite local complexity. The terms of the second page are determined by the so-called ePE homology and ePE cohomology groups of the tiling, and the only potentially non-trivial boundary map has a simple combinatorial description in terms of its local patches. Using this spectral sequence, we compute the \v{C}ech cohomology of the Euclidean hull of the Penrose tilings.
[ "math.AT", "math.DS", "math.GN" ]
Algebraic Topology;Dynamical Systems;General Topology
We firstly discuss classical stability for a dynamical system of two ions levitated in a 3D Radio-Frequency (RF) trap, assimilated with two coupled oscillators. We obtain the solutions of the coupled system of equations that characterizes the associated dynamics. In addition, we supply the modes of oscillation and demonstrate the weak coupling condition is inappropriate in practice, while for collective modes of motion (and strong coupling) only a peak of the mass can be detected. Phase portraits and power spectra are employed to illustrate how the trajectory executes quasiperiodic motion on the surface of torus, namely a Kolmogorov-Arnold-Moser (KAM) torus. In an attempt to better describe dynamical stability of the system, we introduce a model that characterizes dynamical stability and the critical points based on the Hessian matrix approach. The model is then applied to investigate quantum dynamics for many-body systems consisting of identical ions, levitated in 2D and 3D ion traps. Finally, the same model is applied to the case of a combined 3D Quadrupole Ion Trap (QIT) with axial symmetry, for which we obtain the associated Hamilton function. The ion distribution can be described by means of numerical modeling, based on the Hamilton function we assign to the system. The approach we introduce is effective to infer the parameters of distinct types of traps by applying a unitary and coherent method, and especially for identifying equilibrium configurations, of large interest for ion crystals or quantum logic.
[ "physics.atom-ph", "nlin.CD", "nlin.SI", "physics.comp-ph" ]
Atomic Physics;Chaotic Dynamics;Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems;Computational Physics
Detailed characterization of an extrasolar planet's atmosphere provides the best hope for distinguishing the makeup of its outer layers, and the only hope for understanding the interplay between initial composition, chemistry, dynamics & circulation, and disequilibrium processes. In recent years, some areas have seen rapid progress while developments in others have come more slowly and/or have been hotly contested. This article gives an observer's perspective on the current understanding of extrasolar planet atmospheres prior to the considerable advances expected from the next generation of observing facilities. Atmospheric processes of both transiting and directly-imaged planets are discussed, including molecular and atomic abundances, cloud properties, thermal structure, and planetary energy budgets. In the future we can expect a continuing and accelerating stream of new discoveries, which will fuel the ongoing exoplanet revolution for many years to come.
[ "astro-ph.EP", "astro-ph.IM" ]
Earth and Planetary Astrophysics;Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics
2,376Earth and Planetary Astrophysics;Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics
We modify the Relative State Interpretation (RSI) of Quantum Mechanics so that it does not imply many worlds and parallel realities. We drop the assumption that probability amplitudes correspond one-to-one with reality: Not all information is contained in amplitudes, and not all amplitudes need be realized. Amplitudes do not "collapse" after a measurement, but evolve continuously, including unrealized ones. After each "event" only one possible outcome is realized. Therefore, if a value is measured, that value is real, all others are not; there is only one reality and one world. Reality content is "quantized" : unity for realized outcomes, zero for all others. It is "conserved": can move along any possible sequence of events, but only one at a time. The modified RSI is is strictly deterministic in the sense that the "global" probability amplitudes of the universe are determined for all times by the laws of physics and the initial conditions. They guide all events. But it is not deterministic in the sense that from the amplitudes one can not predict which outcome actually happens; that represents new information that accumulates as history unfolds. To the extent that information is part of the physical world, the coming into being of the universe is ongoing, even after the Big Bang. All predictions of the two versions agree, except possibly in esoteric, untested cases.
[ "quant-ph" ]
Quantum Physics
5,985Quantum Physics
In the \textsc{Subset Feedback Vertex Set (Subset-FVS)} problem the input is a graph $G$, a subset \(T\) of vertices of \(G\) called the `terminal' vertices, and an integer $k$. The task is to determine whether there exists a subset of vertices of cardinality at most $k$ which together intersect all cycles which pass through the terminals. \textsc{Subset-FVS} generalizes several well studied problems including \textsc{Feedback Vertex Set} and \textsc{Multiway Cut}. This problem is known to be \NP-Complete even in split graphs. Cygan et al. proved that \textsc{Subset-FVS} is fixed parameter tractable (\FPT) in general graphs when parameterized by $k$ [SIAM J. Discrete Math (2013)]. In split graphs a simple observation reduces the problem to an equivalent instance of the $3$-\textsc{Hitting Set} problem with same solution size. This directly implies, for \textsc{Subset-FVS} \emph{restricted to split graphs}, (i) an \FPT algorithm which solves the problem in $\OhStar(2.076^k)$ time \footnote{The \(\OhStar()\) notation hides polynomial factors.}% for \textsc{Subset-FVS} in Chordal % Graphs [Wahlstr\"om, Ph.D. Thesis], and (ii) a kernel of size $\mathcal{O}(k^3)$. We improve both these results for \textsc{Subset-FVS} on split graphs; we derive (i) a kernel of size $\mathcal{O}(k^2)$ which is the best possible unless $\NP \subseteq \coNP/{\sf poly}$, and (ii) an algorithm which solves the problem in time $\mathcal{O}^*(2^k)$. Our algorithm, in fact, solves \textsc{Subset-FVS} on the more general class of \emph{chordal graphs}, also in $\mathcal{O}^*(2^k)$ time.
[ "cs.DS" ]
Data Structures and Algorithms
1,908Data Structures and Algorithms
Neutron(n)-capture elements are produced by s-process nucleosynthesis in low- and intermediate-mass AGB stars, and therefore can be enriched in planetary nebulae (PNe). In the last ten years, n-capture elements have been detected in more than 100 PNe in the Milky Way and nearby galaxies. In some objects, several different n-capture elements have been detected, providing valuable constraints to models of AGB nucleosynthesis and evolution. These detections have motivated theoretical and experimental investigations of the atomic data needed to derive accurate n-capture element abundances. In this review, I discuss the methods and results of these atomic data studies, and their application to abundance determinations in PNe.
[ "astro-ph.SR" ]
Solar and Stellar Astrophysics
6,668Solar and Stellar Astrophysics
The DART spacecraft will impact Didymos's secondary, Dimorphos, at the end of 2022 and cause a change in the orbital period of the secondary. For simplicity, most previous numerical simulations of the impact used a spherical projectile geometry to model the DART spacecraft. To investigate the effects of alternative, simple projectile geometries on the DART impact outcome we used the iSALE shock physics code in two and thee-dimensions to model vertical impacts of projectiles with a mass and speed equivalent to the nominal DART impact, into porous basalt targets. We found that the simple projectile geometries investigated here have minimal effects on the crater morphology and momentum enhancement. Projectile geometries modelled in two-dimensions that have similar surface areas at the point of impact, affect the crater radius and the crater volume by less than 5%. In the case of a more extreme projectile geometry (i.e., a rod, modelled in three-dimensions), the crater was elliptical and 50% shallower compared to the crater produced by a spherical projectile of the same momentum. The momentum enhancement factor in these test cases, commonly referred to as beta, was within 7% for the 2D simulations and within 10% for the 3D simulations, of the value obtained for a uniform spherical projectile. The most prominent effects of projectile geometry are seen in the ejection velocity as a function of launch position and ejection angle of the fast ejecta that resides in the so-called `coupling zone'. These results will inform the LICIACube ejecta cone analysis.
[ "astro-ph.EP" ]
Earth and Planetary Astrophysics
2,351Earth and Planetary Astrophysics
Let $R$ be a semilocal Dedekind domain. Under certain assumptions, we show that two (not necessarily unimodular) hermitian forms over an $R$-algebra with involution, which are rationally ismorphic and have isomorphic semisimple coradicals, are in fact isomorphic. The same result is also obtained for quadratic forms equipped with an action of a finite group. The results have cohomological restatements that resemble the Grothendieck--Serre conjecture, except the group schemes involved are not reductive. We show that these group schemes are closely related to group schemes arising in Bruhat--Tits theory.
[ "math.RA" ]
Rings and Algebras
6,272Rings and Algebras
We study envy-free mechanisms for scheduling tasks on unrelated machines (agents) that approximately minimize the makespan. For indivisible tasks, we put forward an envy-free poly-time mechanism that approximates the minimal makespan to within a factor of $O(\log m)$, where $m$ is the number of machines. We also show a lower bound of $\Omega(\log m / \log\log m)$. This improves the recent result of Hartline {\sl et al.} \cite{Ahuva:2008} who give an upper bound of $(m+1)/2$, and a lower bound of $2-1/m$. For divisible tasks, we show that there always exists an envy-free poly-time mechanism with optimal makespan.
[ "cs.GT" ]
Computer Science and Game Theory
1,449Computer Science and Game Theory
We present extensive first-principles calculations on the inverse full-Heusler compounds having the chemical formula X$_2$YZ where (X = Sc, Ti, V, Cr or Mn), (Z = Al, Si or As) and the Y ranges from Ti to Zn. Several of these alloys are identified to be half-metallic magnets. We show that the appearance of half-metallicity is associated in all cases to a Slater-Pauling behavior of the total spin-magnetic moment. There are three different variants of this rule for the inverse Heusler alloys depending on the chemical type of the constituent transition-metal atoms. Simple arguments regarding the hybridization of the d-orbitals of neighboring atoms can explain these rules. We expect our results to trigger further experimental interest on this type of half-metallic Heusler compounds.
[ "cond-mat.mtrl-sci" ]
Materials Science
4,287Materials Science
The statistical properties of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) image texture reveals useful target characteristics. It is well-known that these images are affected by speckle, and prone to contamination as double bounce and corner reflectors. The $\mathcal{G}^0$ distribution is flexible enough to model different degrees of texture in speckled data. It is indexed by three parameters: $\alpha$, related to the texture, $\gamma$, a scale parameter, and $L$, the number of looks which is related to the signal-to-noise ratio. Quality estimation of $\alpha$ is essential due to its immediate interpretability. In this article, we compare the behavior of a number of parameter estimation techniques in the noisiest case, namely single look data. We evaluate them using Monte Carlo methods for non-contaminated and contaminated data, considering convergence rate, bias, mean squared error (MSE) and computational cost. The results are verified with simulated and actual SAR images.
[ "stat.AP", "cs.CV" ]
Applications;Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
285Applications;Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Modular Reconfigurable Robots (MRRs) represent an exciting path forward for industrial robotics, opening up new possibilities for robot design. Compared to monolithic manipulators, they promise greater flexibility, improved maintainability, and cost-efficiency. However, there is no tool or standardized way to model and simulate assemblies of modules in the same way it has been done for robotic manipulators for decades. We introduce the Toolbox for Industrial Modular Robotics (Timor), a Python toolbox to bridge this gap and integrate modular robotics into existing simulation and optimization pipelines. Our open-source library offers model generation and task-based configuration optimization for MRRs. It can easily be integrated with existing simulation tools - not least by offering URDF export of arbitrary modular robot assemblies. Moreover, our experimental study demonstrates the effectiveness of Timor as a tool for designing modular robots optimized for specific use cases.
[ "cs.RO" ]
This paper shows that it is possible to reason about the safety and termination of programs handling potentially cyclic, singly-linked lists using propositional reasoning even when the safety invariants and termination arguments depend on constraints over the lengths of lists. For this purpose, we propose the theory SLH of singly-linked lists with length, which is able to capture non-trivial interactions between shape and arithmetic. When using the theory of bit-vector arithmetic as a background, SLH is efficiently decidable via a reduction to SAT. We show the utility of SLH for software verification by using it to express safety invariants and termination arguments for programs manipulating potentially cyclic, singly-linked lists with unrestricted, unspecified sharing. We also provide an implementation of the decision procedure and use it to check safety and termination proofs for several heap-manipulating programs.
[ "cs.LO" ]
Logic in Computer Science
3,801Logic in Computer Science
The intrinsic orbital Hall effect (OHE), the orbital counterpart of the spin Hall effect, was predicted and studied theoretically for more than one decade, yet to be observed in experiments. Here we propose a strategy to convert the orbital current in OHE to the spin current via the spin-orbit coupling from the contact. Furthermore, we find that OHE can induce large nonreciprocal magnetoresistance when employing magnetic contact. Both the generated spin current and the orbital Hall magnetoresistance can be applied to probe the OHE in experiments and design orbitronic devices.
[ "cond-mat.mtrl-sci" ]
Materials Science
4,287Materials Science
Transportation networks are highly complex and the design of efficient traffic management systems is difficult due to lack of adequate measured data and accurate predictions of the traffic states. Traffic simulation models can capture the complex dynamics of transportation networks by using limited available traffic data and can help central traffic authorities in their decision-making, if appropriate input is fed into the simulator. In this paper, we design an integrated simulation-prediction system which estimates the Origin-Destination (OD) matrix of a road network using only flow rate information and predicts the behavior of the road network in different simulation scenarios. The proposed system includes an optimization-based OD matrix generation method, a Neural Network (NN) model trained to predict OD matrices via the pattern of traffic flow and a microscopic traffic simulator with a Dynamic Traffic Assignment (DTA) scheme to predict the behavior of the transportation system. We test the proposed system on the road network of the central terminal area (CTA) of the Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), which demonstrates that the integrated traffic simulation-prediction system can be used to simulate the effects of several real world scenarios such as lane closures, curbside parking and other changes. The model is an effective tool for learning the impact and possible benefits of changes in the network and for analyzing scenarios at a very low cost without disrupting the network.
[ "eess.SP", "cs.LG", "cs.SY", "eess.SY" ]
Signal Processing;Machine Learning;Systems and Control;Systems and Control
6,444Signal Processing;Machine Learning;Systems and Control;Systems and Control
The use of biocomposites on a daily basis for industrial products brings to light the influence of environmental factors on the evolution of mechanical properties. This aging has a major influence in the lifetime of any product based on such materials. Among biobased composites, poly(lactic acid) reinforced with plant fibers are known to be sensitive to hydrothermal aging due to the intrinsic nature of their components. Although some papers studied the influence of temperature and water absorption on such materials, so far the difference between reversible and irreversible effects of aging has been hardly studied. This distinction is the purpose of this study. Poly(lactic acid) samples reinforced with various content of flax fibers (0%, 10%, and 30%) were immersed in water at different temperature (20, 35, and 50{\textdegree}C) up to 51 days. The physical and chemical phenomena responsible for the changes in the mechanical properties of biocomposites were evaluated. It was observed that these changes were mainly reversible. However, irreversible effects of aging turned out to increase drastically with the amount of fiber and the aging temperature. While hydrolysis drastically deteriorated PLA for longer aging times, the lifetime of biocomposites was significantly extended (+ 230% at 50{\textdegree}C from 0% to 10% in fiber content) by the presence of fibers which postponed the failure of PLA.
[ "" ]
Applied Physics
319Applied Physics
We present Large-scale Known-committee Stake-based Agreement (LaKSA), a chain-based Proof-of-Stake protocol that is dedicated, but not limited, to cryptocurrencies. LaKSA minimizes interactions between nodes through lightweight committee voting, resulting in a simpler, more robust, and more scalable proposal than competing systems. It also mitigates other drawbacks of previous systems, such as high reward variance and long confirmation times. LaKSA can support large numbers of nodes by design, and provides probabilistic safety guarantees in which a client makes commit decisions by calculating the probability that a transaction is reverted based on its blockchain view. We present a thorough analysis of LaKSA and report on its implementation and evaluation. Furthermore, our new technique of proving safety can be applied more broadly to other Proof-of-Stake protocols.
[ "cs.CR" ]
Cryptography and Security
1,782Cryptography and Security
We use the method of Lightcone Conformal Truncation (LCT) to obtain form factors and spectral densities of local operators $\mathcal{O}$ in $\phi^4$ theory in two dimensions. We show how to use the Hamiltonian eigenstates from LCT to obtain form factors that are matrix elements of a local operator $\mathcal{O}$ between single-particle bra and ket states, and we develop methods that significantly reduce errors resulting from the finite truncation of the Hilbert space. We extrapolate these form factors as a function of momentum to the regime where, by crossing symmetry, they are form factors of $\mathcal{O}$ between the vacuum and a two-particle asymptotic scattering state. We also compute the momentum-space time-ordered two-point functions of local operators in LCT. These converge quickly at momenta away from branch cuts, allowing us to indirectly obtain the time-ordered correlator and the spectral density at the branch cuts. We focus on the case where the local operator $\mathcal{O}$ is the trace $\Theta$ of the stress tensor.
[ "hep-th", "cond-mat.str-el", "hep-lat" ]
High Energy Physics - Theory;Strongly Correlated Electrons;High Energy Physics - Lattice
3,413High Energy Physics - Theory;Strongly Correlated Electrons;High Energy Physics - Lattice
In connection with the classical Schwartz kernel theorem, we show that in the framework of Colombeau generalized functions a large class of linear mappings admit integral kernels. To do this, we need to introduce news spaces of generalized functions with slow growth and the corresponding adapted linear mappings. Finally, we show that in some sense Schwartz' result is contained in our main theorem.
[ "math.FA" ]
Functional Analysis
2,549Functional Analysis
In the last decade, many semantic-based routing protocols had been designed for peer-to-peer systems. However, they are not suitable for IoT systems, mainly due to their high demands in memory and computing power which are not available in many IoT devices. In this paper, we develop a semantic-based routing protocol for dynamic IoT systems to facilitate dynamic IoT capability discovery and composition. Our protocol is a fully decentralized routing protocol. To reduce the space requirement for routing, each node maintains a summarized routing table. We design an ontology-based summarization algorithm to smartly group similar capabilities in the routing tables and support adaptive routing table compression. We also design an ontology coding scheme to code keywords used in the routing tables and query messages. To complete the summarization scheme, we consider the metrics for choosing the summarization candidates in an overflowing routing table. Some of these metrics are novel and are difficult to measure, such as coverage and stability. Our solutions significantly reduce the routing table size, ensuring that the routing table size can be bounded by the available memory of the IoT devices, while supporting efficient IoT capability lookup. Experimental results show that our approach can yield significantly lower network traffic and memory requirement for IoT capability lookup when compared with existing semantic-based routing algorithms including a centralized solution, a DHT-based approach, a controlled flooding scheme, and a cache-based solution.
[ "cs.NI", "cs.DC" ]
Networking and Internet Architecture;Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing
4,727Networking and Internet Architecture;Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing
We perform numerical evolutions of the fully non-linear Einstein-(complex, massive)Klein-Gordon and Einstein-(complex)Proca systems, to assess the formation and stability of spinning bosonic stars. In the scalar/vector case these are known as boson/Proca stars. Firstly, we consider the formation scenario. Starting with constraint-obeying initial data, describing a dilute, axisymmetric cloud of spinning scalar/Proca field, gravitational collapse towards a spinning star occurs, via gravitational cooling. In the scalar case the formation is transient, even for a non-perturbed initial cloud; a non-axisymmetric instability always develops ejecting all the angular momentum from the scalar star. In the Proca case, by contrast, no instability is observed and the evolutions are compatible with the formation of a spinning Proca star. Secondly, we address the stability of an existing star, a stationary solution of the field equations. In the scalar case, a non-axisymmetric perturbation develops collapsing the star to a spinning black hole. No such instability is found in the Proca case, where the star survives large amplitude perturbations; moreover, some excited Proca stars decay to, and remain as, fundamental states. Our analysis suggests bosonic stars have different stability properties in the scalar/vector case, which we tentatively relate to their toroidal/spheroidal morphology. A parallelism with instabilities of spinning fluid stars is briefly discussed.
[ "gr-qc", "astro-ph.HE", "hep-th" ]
General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology;High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena;High Energy Physics - Theory
2,734General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology;High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena;High Energy Physics - Theory
We study $\mathfrak{sl}_2$ and $\mathfrak{sl}_3$ global conformal blocks on a sphere and a torus, using the shadow formalism. These blocks arise in the context of Virasoro and $\mathcal{W}_3$ conformal field theories in the large central charge limit. In the $\mathfrak{sl}_2$ case, we demonstrate that the shadow formalism yields the known expressions in terms of conformal partial waves. Then, we extend this approach to the $\mathfrak{sl}_3$ case and show that it allows to build simple integral representations for $\mathfrak{sl}_3$ global blocks. We demonstrate this construction on two examples: the four-point block on the sphere and the one-point torus block.
[ "hep-th" ]
High Energy Physics - Theory
3,266High Energy Physics - Theory
Asymptotic cones of metric spaces were first invented by Gromov. They are metric spaces which capture the 'large-scale structure' of the underlying metric space. Later, van den Dries and Wilkie gave a more general construction of asymptotic cones using ultrapowers. Certain facts about asymptotic cones, like the completeness of the metric space, now follow rather easily from saturation properties of ultrapowers, and in this survey, we want to present two applications of the van den Dries-Wilkie approach. Using ultrapowers we obtain an explicit description of the asymptotic cone of a semisimple Lie group. From this description, using semi-algebraic groups and non-standard methods, we can give a short proof of the Margulis Conjecture. In a second application, we use set theory to answer a question of Gromov.
[ "math.GT", "math.LO" ]
Geometric Topology;Logic
We perform a global fit of the most relevant neutrinoless double beta decay experiments within the standard model with massive Majorana neutrinos. Using Bayesian inference makes it possible to take into account the theoretical uncertainties on the nuclear matrix elements in a fully consistent way. First, we analyze the data used to claim the observation of neutrinoless double beta decay in Ge-76, and find strong evidence (according to Jeffrey's scale) for a peak in the spectrum and moderate evidence for that the peak is actually close to the energy expected for the neutrinoless decay. We also find a significantly larger statistical error than the original analysis, which we include in the comparison with other data. Then, we statistically test the consistency between this claim with that of recent measurements using Xe-136. We find that the two data sets are about 40 to 80 times more probable under the assumption that they are inconsistent, depending on the nuclear matrix element uncertainties and the prior on the smallest neutrino mass. Hence, there is moderate to strong evidence of incompatibility, and for equal prior probabilities the posterior probability of compatibility is between 1.3% and 2.5%. If one, despite such evidence for incompatibility, combines the two data sets, we find that the total evidence of neutrinoless double beta decay is negligible. If one ignores the claim, there is weak evidence against the existence of the decay. We also perform approximate frequentist tests of compatibility for fixed ratios of the nuclear matrix elements, as well as of the no signal hypothesis. Generalization to other sets of experiments as well as other mechanisms mediating the decay is possible.
[ "hep-ph", "hep-ex", "nucl-ex", "nucl-th" ]
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology;High Energy Physics - Experiment;Nuclear Experiment;Nuclear Theory
3,215High Energy Physics - Phenomenology;High Energy Physics - Experiment;Nuclear Experiment;Nuclear Theory
In this paper, we propose a model for evaluating the transmission performance of multipath transport. Previous researches focused exclusively on single pair users in simple scenarios. The distinct perspective in this paper is to build models for analyzing the performance when multipath transport is used in the entire network scope. We illustrate the influences on the transmission performance caused by the variation of network topologies, the services' arrival rate, the services' size and other parameters. We demonstrate through simulation that multipath transport could conditionally increase the throughput than single-path transport. And it has the capability to support higher services' arrival rate in various network topologies. And higher multi-parent probability will be beneficial for multipath transport to take its advantages.
[ "cs.NI" ]
Networking and Internet Architecture
4,711Networking and Internet Architecture
Given the magnitude of online auction transactions, it is difficult to safeguard consumers from dishonest sellers, such as shill bidders. To date, the application of Machine Learning Techniques (MLTs) to auction fraud has been limited, unlike their applications for combatting other types of fraud. Shill Bidding (SB) is a severe auction fraud, which is driven by modern-day technologies and clever scammers. The difficulty of identifying the behavior of sophisticated fraudsters and the unavailability of training datasets hinder the research on SB detection. In this study, we developed a high-quality SB dataset. To do so, first, we crawled and preprocessed a large number of commercial auctions and bidders' history as well. We thoroughly preprocessed both datasets to make them usable for the computation of the SB metrics. Nevertheless, this operation requires a deep understanding of the behavior of auctions and bidders. Second, we introduced two new SB pattern s and implemented other existing SB patterns. Finally, we removed outliers to improve the quality of training SB data.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.CY" ]
Machine Learning;Computers and Society
4,070Machine Learning;Computers and Society
The Arnold-Beltrami-Childress (ABC) flow and the Kolmogorov flow are three dimensional periodic divergence free velocity fields that exhibit chaotic streamlines. We are interested in front speed enhancement in G-equation of turbulent combustion by large intensity ABC and Kolmogorov flows. We give a quantitative construction of the ballistic orbits of ABC and Kolmogorov flows, namely those with maximal large time asymptotic speeds in a coordinate direction. Thanks to the optimal control theory of G-equation (a convex but non-coercive Hamilton-Jacobi equation), the ballistic orbits serve as admissible trajectories for front speed estimates. To study the tightness of the estimates, we compute the front speeds of G-equation based on a semi-Lagrangian (SL) scheme with Strang splitting and weighted essentially non-oscillatory (WENO) interpolation. Time step size is chosen so that the Courant number grows sublinearly with the flow intensity. Numerical results show that the front speed growth rate in terms of the flow intensity may approach the analytical bounds from the ballistic orbits.
[ "math.NA", "cs.NA", "math.AP" ]
Numerical Analysis;Numerical Analysis;Analysis of PDEs
5,061Numerical Analysis;Numerical Analysis;Analysis of PDEs
Let $h$ be a harmonic function defined on a spherical disk. It is shown that $\Delta^k |h|^2$ is nonnegative for all $k\in \mathbb{N}$ where $\Delta$ is the Laplace-Beltrami operator. This fact is generalized to harmonic functions defined on a disk in a normal homogeneous compact Riemannian manifold, and in particular in a symmetric space of the compact type. This complements a similar property for harmonic functions on $\mathbb{R}^n$ discovered by the first two authors and is related to strong convexity of the $L^2$-growth function of harmonic functions.
[ "math.SP", "math.AP", "math.DG" ]
Spectral Theory;Analysis of PDEs;Differential Geometry
6,783Spectral Theory;Analysis of PDEs;Differential Geometry
In a recent paper [Phys. Rev. B 72, 153314 (2005)], the $k^{3}$-Dresselhaus term in the contacts and the full form of the current operator are considered for spin-dependent tunneling through a symmetric barrier. The authors found that the full form of the current operator has a much larger influence on the spin polarization than it was initially thought. In this Comment we will show that their treatment of the other problem, the $k^{3}$-Dresselhaus term in the contacts, is incorrect. Their proposed solution in the contacts simply does not obey the Schr\"{o}dinger equation. In this context we also comment on the definition and the suitability of spin polarization in contacts with spin-orbit coupling.
[ "cond-mat.mes-hall" ]
Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics
4,450Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics
The reaction between D$^+$ and H$_2$ plays an important role in astrochemistry at low temperatures and also serves as a prototype for simple ion-molecule reaction. Its ground $\tilde{X}~^1A^{\prime}$ state has a very small thermodynamic barrier (up to 1.8$\times 10^{-2}$ eV) and the reaction proceeds through the formation of an intermediate complex lying within the potential well of depth of at least 0.2 eV thus representing a challenge for dynamical studies. In the present work, we analyze the title reaction within the temperature range of 20 $-$ 100 K by means of ring polymer molecular dynamics (RPMD) and quasi-classical trajectory (QCT) methods over the full-dimensional global potential energy surface developed by Aguado et al. [A. Aguado, O. Roncero, C. Tablero, C. Sanz, and M. Paniagua, J. Chem. Phys., 2000, 112, 1240]. The computed thermal RPMD and QCT rate coefficients are found to be almost independent of temperature and fall within the range of 1.34 $-$ 2.01$\times$10$^{-9}$ cm$^3$ s$^{-1}$. They are also in a very good agreement with the previous time-independent quantum mechanical and statistical quantum method calculations. Furthermore, we observe that the choice of asymptotic separation distance between the reactants can markedly alter the rate coefficient in the low temperature regime (20 $-$ 50 K). Therefore it is of utmost importance to correctly assign the value of this parameter for dynamical studies, particularly at very low temperatures of astrochemical importance. We finally conclude that experimental rate measurements for the title reaction are highly desirable in future.
[ "physics.chem-ph" ]
Chemical Physics
859Chemical Physics
A model of a light $Z'$ boson is constructed and phenomenological bounds are derived. This $Z'$ boson arises from a very simple extension to the Standard Model, and it is constrained to be light because the vacuum expectation values which generate its mass also break the electroweak gauge group. It is difficult to detect experimentally because it couples exclusively or primarily (depending on symmetry breaking details) to second and third generation leptons. However, if the $Z'$ boson is sufficiently light, then there exists the possibility of the two-body decay $\tau \rightarrow \mu Z'$ occuring. This will provide a striking signature to test the model.
[ "hep-ph" ]
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
3,129High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
The analysis of the quantum Hall response of a small system of ultracold bosonic atoms through the variation of its Hall resistivity against the applied gauge magnetic field, provides a powerful method to unmask its strongly correlated states in a quite eshaustive way. Within a fixed range of values of the magnetic field in the lowest Landau-level regime, where the resistivity displays two successive plateaux, we identify the implied states as the Pfaffian and the state with filling factor \nu=2/3 in the thermodynamic limit. We fix the conditions to have good observability.
[ "cond-mat.quant-gas" ]
Quantum Gases
5,914Quantum Gases
In one-stage or non-adaptive group testing, instead of testing every sample unit individually, they are split, bundled in pools, and simultaneously tested. The results are then decoded to infer the states of the individual items. This combines advantages of adaptive pooled testing, i. e. saving resources and higher throughput, with those of individual testing, e. g. short detection time and lean laboratory organisation, and might be suitable for screening during outbreaks. We study the COMP and NCOMP decoding algorithms for non-adaptive pooling strategies based on maximally disjunct pooling matrices with constant row and column sums in the linear prevalence regime and in the presence of noisy measurements motivated by PCR tests. We calculate sensitivity, specificity, the probabilities of Type I and II errors, and the expected number of items with a positive result as well as the expected number of false positives and false negatives. We further provide estimates on the variance of the number of positive and false positive results. We conduct a thorough discussion of the calculations and bounds derived. Altogether, the article provides blueprints for screening strategies and tools to help decision makers to appropriately tune them in an outbreak.
[ "stat.AP", "cs.DM", "q-bio.QM" ]
Applications;Discrete Mathematics;Quantitative Methods
Integrating the outputs of multiple classifiers via combiners or meta-learners has led to substantial improvements in several difficult pattern recognition problems. In the typical setting investigated till now, each classifier is trained on data taken or resampled from a common data set, or (almost) randomly selected subsets thereof, and thus experiences similar quality of training data. However, in certain situations where data is acquired and analyzed on-line at several geographically distributed locations, the quality of data may vary substantially, leading to large discrepancies in performance of individual classifiers. In this article we introduce and investigate a family of classifiers based on order statistics, for robust handling of such cases. Based on a mathematical modeling of how the decision boundaries are affected by order statistic combiners, we derive expressions for the reductions in error expected when such combiners are used. We show analytically that the selection of the median, the maximum and in general, the $i^{th}$ order statistic improves classification performance. Furthermore, we introduce the trim and spread combiners, both based on linear combinations of the ordered classifier outputs, and show that they are quite beneficial in presence of outliers or uneven classifier performance. Experimental results on several public domain data sets corroborate these findings.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.CV", "cs.NE" ]
Machine Learning;Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition;Neural and Evolutionary Computing
4,060Machine Learning;Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition;Neural and Evolutionary Computing
This White Paper sets out to explain the value that metamodelling can bring to air traffic management (ATM) research. It will define metamodelling and explore what it can, and cannot, do. The reader is assumed to have basic knowledge of SESAR: the Single European Sky ATM Research project. An important element of SESAR, as the technological pillar of the Single European Sky initiative, is to bring about improvements, as measured through specific key performance indicators (KPIs), and as implemented by a series of so-called SESAR 'Solutions'. These 'Solutions' are new or improved operational procedures or technologies, designed to meet operational and performance improvements described in the European ATM Master Plan.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI", "cs.SY", "eess.SY" ]
Machine Learning;Artificial Intelligence;Systems and Control;Systems and Control
3,991Machine Learning;Artificial Intelligence;Systems and Control;Systems and Control
We introduce and study a family of spaces of entire functions in one variable that generalise the classical Paley-Wiener and Bernstein spaces. Namely, we consider entire functions of exponential type $a$ whose restriction to the real line belongs to the homogeneous Sobolev space $\dot{W}^{s,p}$ and we call these spaces fractional Paley-Wiener if $p=2$ and fractional Bernstein spaces if $p\in(1,\infty)$, that we denote by $PW^s_a$ and $\mathcal B^{s,p}_a$, respectively. For these spaces we provide a Paley-Wiener type characterization, we remark some facts about the sampling problem in the Hilbert setting and prove generalizations of the classical Bernstein and Plancherel-P\'olya inequalities. We conclude by discussing a number of open questions.
[ "math.CV", "math.FA" ]
Complex Variables;Functional Analysis
1,154Complex Variables;Functional Analysis
We present the adaptive optics assisted, near-infrared VLTI instrument - GRAVITY - for precision narrow-angle astrometry and interferometric phase referenced imaging of faint objects. Precision astrometry and phase-referenced interferometric imaging will realize the most advanced vision of optical/infrared interferometry with the VLT. Our most ambitious science goal is to study motions within a few times the event horizon size of the Galactic Center massive black hole and to test General Relativity in its strong field limit. We define the science reference cases for GRAVITY and derive the top level requirements for GRAVITY. The installation of the instrument at the VLTI is planned for 2012.
[ "astro-ph" ]
Red-blue pebble games model the computation cost of a two-level memory hierarchy. We present various hardness results in different red-blue pebbling variants, with a focus on the oneshot model. We first study the relationship between previously introduced red-blue pebble models (base, oneshot, nodel). We also analyze a new variant (compcost) to obtain a more realistic model of computation. We then prove that red-blue pebbling is NP-hard in all of these model variants. Furthermore, we show that in the oneshot model, a $\delta$-approximation algorithm for $\delta<2$ is only possible if the unique games conjecture is false. Finally, we show that greedy algorithms are not good candidates for approximation, since they can return significantly worse solutions than the optimum.
[ "cs.CC" ]
Computational Complexity
1,280Computational Complexity
We study defects of various dimensions moving through Anti-de Sitter space. Using the AdS/CFT correspondence this allows us to probe aspects of the dual quantum field theory. We focus on the energy loss experienced by these defects as they move through the CFT plasma. We find that the behavior of these physical quantities is governed by induced world-volume horizons. We identify world-volume analogs for several gravitational phenomena including black holes, the Hawking-Page phase transition and expanding cosmological horizons.
[ "hep-th" ]
High Energy Physics - Theory
3,266High Energy Physics - Theory
The set of all separable quantum states is compact and convex. We focus on the two-qubit quanum system and study the boundary of the set. Then we give the criterion to determine whether a separable state is on the boundary. Some straightforward geometrical interpretations for entanglement are based on the concept and presented subsequently.
[ "quant-ph" ]
Quantum Physics
5,985Quantum Physics
We offer predictions of symmetron modified gravity in the neighborhood of realistic dark matter halos. The predictions for the fifth force are obtained by solving the nonlinear symmetron equation of motion in the spherical NFW approximation. In addition, we compare the three major known screening mechanisms: Vainshtein, Chameleon, and Symmetron around such dark matter sources, emphasizing the significant differences between them and highlighting observational tests which exploit these differences. Finally, we demonstrate the host halo environmental screening effect ("blanket screening") on smaller satellite halos by solving for the modified forces around a density profile which is the sum of satellite and approximate host components.
[ "astro-ph.CO", "gr-qc" ]
Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics;General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology
1,745Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics;General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology
Past studies have already shown that stars in open clusters are chemically homogeneous (e.g. De Silva et al. 2006, 2007 and 2009). These results support the idea that stars born from the same giant molecular cloud should have the same chemical composition. In this context, the chemical tagging technique was proposed by Freeman & Bland-Hawthorn 2002. The principle is to recover disrupted stellar clusters by looking only to the stellar chemical composition. In order to evaluate the feasibility of this approach, it is necessary to test if we can distinguish between stars born from different molecular clouds. For this purpose, we studied the chemical composition of stars in 32 old and intermediate-age open clusters, and we applied machine learning algorithms to recover the original cluster by only considering the chemical signatures.
[ "astro-ph.SR", "astro-ph.GA" ]
Solar and Stellar Astrophysics;Astrophysics of Galaxies
6,669Solar and Stellar Astrophysics;Astrophysics of Galaxies
By employing Pauli measurements, we present some nonlinear steering criteria applicable for arbitrary two-qubit quantum systems and optimized ones for symmetric quantum states. These criteria provide sufficient conditions to witness steering, which can recover the previous elegant results for some well-known states. Compared with the existing linear steering criterion and entropic criterion, ours can certify more steerable states without selecting measurement settings or correlation weights, which can also be used to verify entanglement as all steerable quantum states are entangled.
[ "quant-ph" ]
Quantum Physics
5,985Quantum Physics
This text surveys classical and recent results in the field of amenability of groups, from a combinatorial standpoint. It has served as the support of courses at the University of G\"ottingen and the \'Ecole Normale Sup\'erieure. The goals of the text are (1) to be as self-contained as possible, so as to serve as a good introduction for newcomers to the field; (2) to stress the use of combinatorial tools, in collaboration with functional analysis, probability etc., with discrete groups in focus; (3) to consider from the beginning the more general notion of amenable actions; (4) to describe recent classes of examples, and in particular groups acting on Cantor sets and topological full groups.
[ "math.GR", "math.FA" ]
Group Theory;Functional Analysis
2,946Group Theory;Functional Analysis
The Standard Model of particle physics contains about two dozen parameters - such as particle masses - whose origins are still unknown and cannot be predicted, but whose values are constrained through their interactions. In particular, the masses of the top (t) quark (M_t) and W boson constrain the mass of the long-hypothesized, but thus far not observed, Higgs boson. A precise measurement of the top-quark mass can therefore point to where to look for the Higgs, and indeed whether the hypothesis of a SM Higgs is consistent with experimental data. Since top quarks are produced in pairs and decay in only ~10^-24 s into various final states, reconstructing their mass from their decay products is very challenging. Here we report a technique that extracts far more information from each top-quark event and yields a greatly improved precision on the top mass of 5.3 GeV/c^2, compared to previous measurements. When our new result is combined with our published measurement in a complementary decay mode and with the only other measurements available, the new world average for M_t becomes 178.0 +- 4.3 GeV/c^2. As a result, the most likely Higgs mass increases from the experimentally excluded value of 96 GeV/c^2 to 117 GeV/c^2, which is beyond current experimental sensitivity. The upper limit on the Higgs mass at 95% confidence level is raised from 219 GeV/c^2 to 251 GeV/c^2.
[ "hep-ex", "hep-ph" ]
High Energy Physics - Experiment;High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
3,075High Energy Physics - Experiment;High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
Verification of theoretical predictions of an oscillating behavior of the fine-structure constant alpha with cosmic time requires high precision Delta alpha/alpha measurements at individual redshifts, while in earlier studies the mean Delta alpha/alpha values averaged over wide redshift intervals were usually reported. This requirement can be met via the single ion differential alpha measurement (SIDAM) procedure proposed in Levshakov et al. (2005). We apply the SIDAM to the FeII lines associated with the damped Ly-alpha system observed at z=1.15 in the spectrum of HE0515-4414. The weighted mean <Delta alpha/alpha> calculated on base of carefully selected 34 FeII pairs {1608,X} (X = 2344, 2374, and 2586 A) is <Delta alpha/alpha> = (-0.07+/-0.84) 10^{-6} (1sigma C.L.). The precision of this estimate improves by a factor 2 the previous one reported for the same system by Quast et al. (2004). The obtained result represents an absolute improvement with respect to what has been done in the measurements of Delta alpha/alpha.
[ "astro-ph" ]
A sufficient condition for $\bar{\partial}$ to have closed range is given for pseudoconvex, possibly unbounded domains in $\mathbb{C}^n$.
[ "math.CV" ]
Complex Variables
1,135Complex Variables
We study birational geometry of the moduli space of parabolic bundles over a projective line, in the framework of Mori's program. We show that the moduli space is a Mori dream space. As a consequence, we obtain the finite generation of the algebra of type A conformal blocks. Furthermore, we compute the H-representation of the effective cone which was previously obtained by Belkale. For each big divisor, the associated birational model is described in terms of moduli space of parabolic bundles.
[ "math.AG", "math.QA", "math.RT" ]
Algebraic Geometry;Quantum Algebra;Representation Theory
146Algebraic Geometry;Quantum Algebra;Representation Theory
Quantum non-perturbative geometry of the universal hypermultiplet is investigated. We consider the simple case when the D-instantons, originating from the Calabi-Yau wrapped D2-branes, preserve a U(1)xU(1) symmetry of the universal hypermultiplet moduli space. The cluster decomposition of D-instantons is proved to be valid in a curved spacetime. We find an SL(2,Z) duality-invariant quaternionic solution to the effective NLSM metric of the universal hypermultiplet, which is governed by a modular-invariant function. This function appears to be the same function found by Green and Gutperle, and describing the modular invariant completion of the R^4 term by the D-instanton effects in the type-II superstring/M-theory. We argue that our solution interpolates between the perturbative (large CY volume) region and the superconformal (Landau-Ginzburg) region in the universal hypermultiplet moduli space. We also calculate a non-perturbative scalar potential in the hyper-K\"ahler limit, when an abelian isometry of the universal hypermultiplet moduli space is gauged in the presence of D-instantons.
[ "hep-th" ]
High Energy Physics - Theory
3,266High Energy Physics - Theory
By analyzing Fe-Ni-B compositional diagram we predict an energetically and dynamically stable FeNiB2 compound. This system belongs to the class of highly responsive state of material, as it is very sensitive to the external perturbations. This state is also characterized by a high level of spin fluctuations which strongly influence possible magnetic long- and short-range orders. Furthermore, we demonstrate that these antiferromagnetically dominating fluctuations could lead to the appearance of spin mediated superconductivity. The obtained results suggest a promising avenue for the search of strong spin fluctuation systems and related superconductors.
[ "cond-mat.mtrl-sci" ]
Materials Science
4,287Materials Science
Sand fences are widely applied to prevent soil erosion by wind in areas affected by desertification. Sand fences also provide a way to reduce the emission rate of dust particles, which is triggered mainly by the impacts of wind-blown sand grains onto the soil and affects the Earth's climate. Many different types of fence have been designed and their effects on the sediment transport dynamics studied since many years. However, the search for the optimal array of fences has remained largely an empirical task. In order to achieve maximal soil protection using the minimal amount of fence material, a quantitative understanding of the flow profile over the relief encompassing the area to be protected including all employed fences is required. Here we use Computational Fluid Dynamics to calculate the average turbulent airflow through an array of fences as a function of the porosity, spacing and height of the fences. Specifically, we investigate the factors controlling the fraction of soil area over which the basal average wind shear velocity drops below the threshold for sand transport when the fences are applied. We introduce a cost function, given by the amount of material necessary to construct the fences. We find that, for typical sand-moving wind velocities, the optimal fence height (which minimizes this cost function) is around $50\,$cm, while using fences of height around $1.25\,$m leads to maximal cost.
[ "physics.comp-ph", "physics.flu-dyn" ]
Computational Physics;Fluid Dynamics
1,400Computational Physics;Fluid Dynamics
One can derive a large class of new $\mathcal{N}=1$ SCFTs by turning on $\mathcal{N}=1$ preserving deformations for $\mathcal{N}=2$ Argyres-Dougals theories. In this work, we use $\mathcal{N}=2$ superconformal indices to get indices of $\mathcal{N}=1$ SCFTs, then use these indices to derive chiral rings of $\mathcal{N}=1$ SCFTs. For a large class of $\mathcal{N}=2$ theories, we find that the IR theory contains only free chirals if we deform the parent $\mathcal{N}=2$ theory using the Coulomb branch operator with smallest scaling dimension. Our results provide interesting lessons on studies of $\mathcal{N}=1$ theories, such as $a$-maximization, accidental symmetries, chiral ring, etc.
[ "hep-th" ]
High Energy Physics - Theory
3,266High Energy Physics - Theory
We study the interface between two different Z(3) vacua in the deconfined phase of SU(3) pure gauge theory in 2+1 dimensions just above the critical temperature. In simulations of the Euclidean lattice gauge theory formulation of the system we measure the fluctuations of the interface as the critical temperature is approached and as a function of system size. We show that the intrinsic width of the interface remains small even very close to the critical temperature. Some dynamical exponents which govern the interaction of the interface with our Monte Carlo algorithm are also estimated. We conclude that the Z(3) interface has properties broadly similar to those in many other comparable statistical mechanical systems.
[ "hep-lat" ]
High Energy Physics - Lattice
3,092High Energy Physics - Lattice
In light of the LHCb observations about the $B_s \to D_s^{(*)}\ell \nu_\ell$ semileptonic decays, we study these channels within the Standard Model framework of covariant confined quark model. The necessary transition form factors are computed in the entire dynamical range of momentum transfer squared with built-in infrared confinement. Our computed ratios of the decay widths from tau mode to muon mode for $D_s$ and $D_s^*$ mesons are found to be $R(D_s) = 0.271 \pm 0.069$ and $R(D_s^*) = 0.240 \pm 0.038$. We further determine the ratio of the decay width from $D_s$ and $D_s^*$ channel for muon mode $\Gamma(B_s \to D_s \mu^+ \nu_\mu)/\Gamma(B_s \to D_s^* \mu^+ \nu_\mu) = 0.451 \pm 0.093$. Our results are in excellent agreement with the data from the latest LHCb experiments as well as lattice quantum chromodynamics simulations. We also compare the shape of differential decay distribution for $B_s \to D_s^* \mu^+ \nu_\mu$ with the LHCb data and our results are in very good agreement throughout all the individual bins. Some other physical observables such as forward-backward asymmetry and longitudinal polarizations of leptons in the final state are also computed.
[ "hep-ph" ]
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
3,129High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
Quantum computation based on geometric phase is generally believed to be more robust against certain errors or noises than the conventional dynamical strategy. However, the gate error caused by the decoherence effect is inevitable, and thus faster gate operations are highly desired. Here, we propose a nonadiabatic holonomic quantum computation (NHQC) scheme with detuned interactions on $\Delta$-type three-level system, which combines the time-optimal control technique with the time-independent detuning adjustment to further accelerate universal gate operations, {so that the gate-time can be greatly shortened within the hardware limitation}, and thus high-fidelity gates can be obtained. Meanwhile, our numerical simulations show that the gate robustness is also stronger than previous schemes. Finally, we present an implementation of our proposal on superconducting quantum circuits, with a decoherence-free subspace encoding, based on the experimentally demonstrated parametrically tunable coupling technique, which simplifies previous investigations. Therefore, our protocol provides a more promising alternative for future fault-tolerant quantum computation.
[ "quant-ph" ]
Quantum Physics
5,985Quantum Physics