3 values
Really interesting thesis about the impetus behind the formation of the Hebrew Bible . Makes a convincing case by linking the historical , geographical , archaeological , and textual evidence . Great lectures and guest lectures . Also provides a case for why studying the bible is important even for secular humanists and atheists . Includes really interesting ideas about the genesis ( pun intended ) of modern conceptions of nations and states .
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "presentation quality", "positive" ], [ "course relatability", "positive" ] ]
This course has been an eye opener for me , I truly enjoyed it . It gives you basic knowledge of what it takes to be a good public speaker , and you can apply this knowledge not only in presentations , but also in your daily life . The most difficult part for me was to make the videos and watch myself , but it really helps in your improvement . Also , the feedback of your classmates makes you see things you haven ' t caught . Try it out , you won ' t regret it .
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "course quality", "positive" ], [ "presentation comprehensiveness", "positive" ] ]
Amazing class ! Learned a lot ! Starts from beginning and you end with information to build your own machine learning solutions ! Recommended !
[ [ "course general", "positive" ] ]
Could be better . The teacher sometimes explain the concepts in a hard way , and not always shows how to do in practice . But you will get curious and in case of doubts , you can find more simple explanations on the web , and the forum is very good . The assignments are hard , you will need do research to accomplish then , but is the best way to learn . I think the specialization is good to someone without much knowledge on the field ( like me ) . But it ' s only the start !
[ [ "faculty comprehensiveness", "positive" ], [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "faculty response", "positive" ], [ "assignments comprehensiveness", "negative" ] ]
Good course . I did find the quizes not as challenging as the Marketing and Accounting courses I took through Wharton / Coursera . Sometimes it seems some of the Professors talk very quickly as opposed to the Core MBA offerings . Overall , great content . Thank you !
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "assignments quality", "negative" ], [ "faculty general", "neutral" ], [ "material quality", "positive" ] ]
10 out of 5 stars ! Yaakov , you are the best teacher in the world , and this is the best course in Coursera . If only this course lasted a bit longer than four weeks . I would really love to see you teaching just JavaScript in depth . Many , many thanks to you and all the stuff crew in creating this course .
[ [ "course quality", "positive" ], [ "faculty general", "positive" ], [ "course general", "positive" ] ]
Love this course ! I am only a Grade 10 student right now . This course is very structured and organised in a way a beginner can understand . It provides stimulations which is very helpful . Good course , definitely recommend !
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "course quality", "positive" ], [ "course comprehensiveness", "positive" ] ]
The information in the course was really excellent and was set up in a way that it wasn ' t overwhelming . I wish I could give four and a half only because some of the videos explaining procedures were really long and were obsolete , and also because different parts of the site would say that I needed to submit something and others would say that everything was received so it made me really nervous - at one point the site was telling me that I was late in submitted my work and that I ' d need to sign up for a later class but it turns out my assignments had been submitted and graded before the cut off time so that alert just really frazzled me if anything .
[ [ "course quality", "positive" ], [ "presentation quality", "negative" ], [ "assignments quality", "negative" ], [ "grades general", "negative" ] ]
Great course . Learned a lot about JSON and XML . Expanded my view of what is possible in programming . Never explained SOAP or why it sucks , and I can kinda explain REST , but still not quite sure what " representational state " refers to . Its just data , no state , and no representation , so why is it called that . Thanks !
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "course comprehensiveness", "positive" ], [ "presentation relatability", "negative" ] ]
Understanding statistics is not easy , but caffo makes us to understand them easily . . . Thank you very much Mr . Caffo Now i can say that i know some statistics .
[ [ "faculty comprehensiveness", "positive" ], [ "course general", "positive" ] ]
Very poor teaching . Extremely difficult to decipher what is important and will be tested , and what is not . They assume that you know terminology and concepts that are not taught . Half of what they show , you are told to ignore . Obviously smart and capable researchers , but teaching the lay person is not their strong point .
[ [ "faculty general", "negative" ], [ "faculty comprehensiveness", "negative" ], [ "course general", "negative" ] ]
This was a great refresher course for me having lived during the Civil Rights Movement but in the northern part of the United States . Dr . Lafayette did a wonderful job in his stories and descriptions to make the Movement struggles and successes real . He and others also shared interesting insider tidbits on those active in the movement . Great class ! Thank you for the opportunity to learn and grow in knowledge of those who fought hard so that each of us in this country can eat lunch or ride a bus however we need to in our every day lives .
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "faculty general", "positive" ], [ "faculty relatability", "positive" ] ]
Thank you so much for making this course , It really helpful to learn and also easy to follow so I think the early you learn this the better you are when you have to learn something new and especially is you are a student : ) Hope you enjoy the course like I do : ) Thank our teacher so much again for making learning how to learn
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "faculty general", "positive" ] ]
A solid course that delivers what it promises - - the foundations of everyday leadership . As someone who is in their 10th year of leading an organization , I took this class as part of the specialization because I want to make certain I ' m keeping my skills fresh . This course was fun for me , as I recognize many of the things I do every day in it . And I also gained some new skills and insights . I recommend this course for any one who is hoping to move into a leadership position , and for current leaders who are looking for a refresher .
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "course quality", "positive" ] ]
I enrolled in this course looking for an introduction to supplement my current dental shadowing experience , but there is so much more . I really love the organization of the material . This course is thorough , and the instructors are great ! I really wish there was more of an interaction with the instructors , but overall this is an amazing course and I loved it . I recommend all PreDental students to take this course !
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "faculty general", "positive" ], [ "faculty response", "negative" ], [ "course quality", "positive" ] ]
Awesome course . Both the instructors are amazing . I love Dr . Oakley ' s lectures , her use of metaphors and zombies make the course really fun . Good job ! ! !
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "faculty general", "positive" ], [ "faculty value", "positive" ], [ "presentation quality", "positive" ] ]
Very well - structured & useful course ! Having already a background in SEO and digital marketing , I found this course very interesting with a lot of ideas presented in a clear and easy - to - digest manner . I didn ' t attend the other courses of the specialization but I think that this one summarizes really well the whole specialization . Recommend it ! tl ; dr : I recommend it . Good introduction to macroeconomics . Gives lots of insights and mechanisms . Long course , but it was necessary . A second part would be much appreciated , maybe with more econometrics to give a measure to all these effects .
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "course quality", "positive" ], [ "presentation comprehensiveness", "positive" ], [ "course relatability", "positive" ], [ "course workload", "positive" ] ]
The video lectures will help you to pass the quizzes , as they are primarily theory and background . The lectures will not , however , aide you in any way in completing the programming assignments . The first programming assignment is extremely difficult and very little is done in the lectures , the textbook , or in swirl to pull all of the pieces together prior to the first programming assignment / quiz . There are so many disparate concepts , that it would be nice if the instructor could at the very least , demonstrate a full analysis of some kind of tabular data in R . How to properly import the data , create the file , structure the data , and then perform some analysis . These concepts are introduced throughout the course , but never brought together in one complete project .
[ [ "presentation quality", "positive" ], [ "assignments comprehensiveness", "conflict" ], [ "assignments quality", "positive" ] ]
I knew nothing about programming when I started taking this course . Dr . Chuck ' s textbook and lectures are very fun and easy to understand . Mentors responded quickly and gave us great advice . I learned a lot from this course !
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "faculty general", "positive" ], [ "faculty comprehensiveness", "positive" ], [ "faculty response", "positive" ] ]
I learn a lot from this course . Instructor is good . The last part is the guest lecture from the REAL developer , engineer , designer and etc . With the sharing of their experience make me understand better how to become a game developer . Other than that i also learn the pro and cons to become a game developer .
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "faculty general", "positive" ], [ "course comprehensiveness", "positive" ] ]
In general , this course is great ! Thank you so much for it . Great lectures , great videos , animations and slides . One thing I didn ' t like is the assumption , that cooking at home will do so much help in slowing down the obesity epidemic . Here in Ukraine most of us don ' t eat out , but obesity is prevalent nevertheless .
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "presentation quality", "positive" ] ]
Such a nice course ! A lot of algorithms , and they are so well explained and ( what is the most important ) it is demonstrated how they work . Besides that , share coursera is awesome with all of its lecture notes . These knowledges helped me to do my master thesis work . Thank you so much !
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "presentation quality", "positive" ], [ "presentation comprehensiveness", "positive" ], [ "material quality", "positive" ] ]
The " Soul Beliefs " course seems to try presenting things in an unbiased manner yet they cannot hide their bias . If the intention was to hold up various beliefs in the past then try to shoot them down , they partially succeeded . Most rational believers however could still hold onto their beliefs because the arguments were very weak . A better title for the course would be " why there is no soul " . That way going in a student would realize that there actually was a hidden agenda .
[ [ "course general", "negative" ], [ "presentation comprehensiveness", "negative" ], [ "presentation relatability", "negative" ] ]
Very well - explained information is given . Anyone who is a chicken - lover or keeps chickens should take this course . It ' s not too much to learn . The videos are short and to the point , yet well - explained . A very good course .
[ [ "course comprehensiveness", "positive" ], [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "presentation quality", "positive" ], [ "presentation comprehensiveness", "positive" ] ]
The information in the videos was very interesting and well presented . I feel like I learned a lot . However , the quizzes and tests seemed to be of a very different level , and often covered material that was hardly discussed in the lectures . I understand that students are expected to do independent learning of material , but the gulf between lectures and test difficulty was extreme . If others were interested in learning about the basics of music theory , I would not recommend this course .
[ [ "presentation quality", "positive" ], [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "polarity positive", "positive" ], [ "material relatability", "negative" ], [ "material quality", "positive" ] ]
I would advise anyone doing this specialization , to take the Java for Android first , then do the Engineering Maintainable Android apps , as its only in the Engineering Maintainable Android apps that there is an optional coursework to create and test a very simple app for the first time . All the other MOOCs optional courseworks start from very complex pre - existing app examples . I was able to complete these courseworks but I didnt really understand all the surrounding code that did a lot of important UI stuff , or the JUnit test . Its good to be forced to make a simple app and get used to JUnit from day 1 . I did not take this route , but I wish I had .
[ [ "course comprehensiveness", "negative" ], [ "course general", "positive" ] ]
It is an interesting course . I would say this course expects more from students than other courses . It does not take you by the hand in working with Pandas . For the assignments you will spend a lot of time in the Pandas documentation and Stack Overflow . I don ' t know about others , but this lead to my code being very clunky and not Pandorable code .
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "assignments workload", "negative" ], [ "assignments comprehensiveness", "negative" ] ]
I really feel I have learnt a lot from this course and I look forward to implementing some of their techniques . Dr Oakley was particularly good . I struggled with her somewhat soporific voice at the start of the course but once I realised how good the content was I managed to stay awake . I found Dr Senjowski somewhat harder to learn from .
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "faculty general", "positive" ], [ "course quality", "positive" ] ]
Very well made , great contents . The only reason I removed a star is it seemed to me there was more topics in the quizes than in the course itself in the first part . It was a bit confusing and the quizes required to look up information on the internet and there was no real way to know these topics would be in the quizes . Otherwise , I enjoyed the class and learned a gread deal .
[ [ "material quality", "positive" ], [ "assignments relatability", "negative" ], [ "assignments quality", "positive" ], [ "course general", "positive" ] ]
The video materials were very poor , they did not cover all the aspects and the explanations were very brief . The course only contained a single project , which although fun , is not enough for learning a new language . After completing this course I feel that I don ' t really know Swift , but I can use it . After each week you have to complete a quiz . They should replace these quizzes with project , where you write real code . I took this course for free , but I wouldn ' t pay for it .
[ [ "material quality", "negative" ], [ "course comprehensiveness", "negative" ], [ "course workload", "negative" ], [ "course general", "negative" ], [ "assignments quality", "neutral" ] ]
Thank you so much for this course , I really enjoyed it ! I only gave 4 stars because sometimes it is really hard to understand , especially key words ( I am not talking about the accent but the group and family latin names , etc ) ; I constantly had to check the subtitles for these . To be honest I wasn ' t expecting this content after reading the course title , but it was nice to see evolution from this point of view , great job !
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "course quality", "positive" ], [ "course comprehensiveness", "neutral" ] ]
I am working as an organisational consultant and thought this would add some knowledge - however it is really difficult to follow because it seems repetitive to me . I have paid for the certificate and still it is difficult for me to focus . It seems there is too much information and too much talk for things that are easily understood and do not need all this going over and over again . I got bored by the time I got to week 3 and it is seems impossible to stay focused and complete all assignments . I hope this changes in my third and last chance to get the certificate . . .
[ [ "course comprehensiveness", "positive" ], [ "course general", "negative" ], [ "assignments quality", "negative" ] ]
I enjoyed the course and it is quite light for project finance and I would think that this should act as an intro course for a second more complex course dealing with the actual complexities of project finance . Such as real financial close considerations in developed and emerging markets , early stage sub performance and restructuring as well as refinancing . I would also think that more time should be allocated to project bonds and use of derivative structures on securing cash flows and working ratios to support competitive financing and projects . There were highlights on impacts of Basel on long tenor financing , but more market considerations of new players and structures would have been invaluable .
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "course workload", "positive" ] ]
This course was just amazing ! A proper and a brief description is given in each and every lesson of the course . People , those who are very new to photography can find this thing very much interesting . My fascination towards photography has doubled ! I thank both the professors for their teachings .
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "course quality", "positive" ], [ "course value", "positive" ], [ "faculty general", "positive" ] ]
This course goes on a very fast pace and simply does not have the charm of all the other courses in the specialization . I understand that a lot of content is covered within a month , but there should be supplementary course material available . Moreover , TAs should be more active on the forums . I have seen most of the questions just being discussed among the students . A little disappointed . Will probably have to watch all the material again to have confidence with it .
[ [ "course general", "negative" ], [ "faculty response", "negative" ], [ "material relatability", "conflict" ] ]
This is an awesome course . . All the what ' s how ' s and why ' s are explained in an impeccable manner ! I got a really quick hands on on the technology ! Thanks a bunch !
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "faculty comprehensiveness", "positive" ] ]
Awesome stuff ! Kudos to Prof . Andrew Ng for a great class . The class did take quite a bit of my time , but i have no complaints whatsoever ! It has been a great learning experience and what i also liked is the Prof ' s sincerity and passion .
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "faculty general", "positive" ], [ "presentation workload", "neutral" ], [ "course quality", "positive" ] ]
Take this course . The lectures are amazing and the mentors in the discussion forums are super helpful . I guess i grasped maybe 60 - 70 % of the course material but that has more to do with the student than the teacher . When i find the time I will revisit the videos , this time in conjunction with Prof . Mehrling ' s book " The New Lombard Street " and all the reading materials ( I skipped some ) which take WAY mare than 10 minutes to go through .
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "presentation quality", "positive" ], [ "faculty response", "positive" ], [ "material quality", "positive" ] ]
Excellent ! Very focused on concrete applications , but also in providing a certain level of depth on the theory side . Very clear and practical lectures . Very good programming exercises , progressively challenging and good to sediment the knowledge . A good way of getting in touch with main topics in ML .
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "presentation comprehensiveness", "positive" ], [ "assignments quality", "positive" ] ]
As a administration professional , this course improved my career in global sphere of negotiation . Teaching keys , tactics and many others ways to achieve what the best alternative to conduct situations . I have no doubt about this awesome learning method . Thank you Coursera ! Thank you Mr . George Siedel !
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "presentation quality", "positive" ], [ "faculty general", "positive" ] ]
The course was excellent all teachers were excellent specially Dr . Mathew Yee King is my favorite through out this course . Well done London University and well done Coursera . . keep it up like this excellent course .
[ [ "faculty general", "positive" ], [ "course general", "positive" ] ]
Thank you to the instructors and the university ! A very interesting course that not only focuses on the content and quality of Scandinavian TV and movie productions but also on the broader ( institutional and cultural ) framework in which they are produced . I would have rated it 4 . 5 starts if possible , but as halves are not possible I give it 4 . Possible improvements : - the delivery of the course can be a bit livier , smoother ; some instructors seem a bit at unease with this format - while an interest in Scandinavian movies and TV series is an implicit prerequisite for a course like this , sometimes simply mentioning ' lists ' of directors , movies , series you might never have heard of can make it a bit overwhelming , hard to relate to - students ' engagement could be enhanced with more interactive assignments
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "course quality", "conflict" ], [ "faculty general", "neutral" ], [ "assignments quality", "negative" ] ]
This course is a very good refresher of the basics and Dr Whiteman has explained things very clearly and precisely . Moreover , If you ' re following the complete series of courses , you ' d have grasped a good command over stress analysis . However , in the last leg of this course , I felt that couple of cases with statically indeterminate structures should have been in more detail . I highly recommend this course to everyone looking for a refresher in " Strength of Materials " . I am eagerly waiting for the next part in this series .
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "faculty comprehensiveness", "positive" ] ]
Excellent course . Professor Lee did a first - rate job of giving the intuition for Bayesian methods and building the foundations for further study of the topic . The course is short and to the point , but that is a feature and not a bug . It will prepare you to take further courses in Bayesian statistics or to study the topic on your own . Highly recommended .
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "faculty general", "positive" ], [ "faculty comprehensiveness", "positive" ], [ "course workload", "positive" ] ]
I loved the course ! I loved the way that the different issues are explained , I like the graphics , the videos , the quizzes - everything ! I just tried for the Passover the almond cake recepie and it was fantastic ! I really recommend this course not only for child nutrition but also for ' picky ' and stubborn adults . Thanks ! !
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "course comprehensiveness", "positive" ], [ "presentation quality", "positive" ], [ "assignments quality", "positive" ] ]
Prof . Charles is amazing . His lectures are very informative and clear . I appreciate this as a good platform to develop my Python skills . I do believe this may be my most favorite online course to date .
[ [ "faculty general", "positive" ], [ "faculty comprehensiveness", "positive" ], [ "course general", "positive" ] ]
An interesting and wonderful course , which gives a deep knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the nervous system , and also reveals the mechanisms of different pathologies . It will be useful to both students and doctors . Thank you , Dr . White ! You are the best !
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "course quality", "positive" ], [ "faculty general", "positive" ] ]
Amazing course ! First I have taken this course to understand the big picture of what is ML . After this excellent course provided by Professor Ng , the clarity of the concepts explained , I now want to do a shift in my career and go deeper in ML . Thanks Professor ! Thanks to Coursera too . I do not if you change the world , but at least , you have changed my world !
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "faculty general", "positive" ] ]
A bit too much math in the questions , although it seemed ( in the videos ) that we could skip it . I ' m very visually oriented ( and also a MENSA member ) and I would have explained more with graphics . Or at least not have to much ' equations ' in the questions .
[ [ "assignments relatability", "negative" ] ]
Thank you all for this great course . I ' ve learned a lot of things with Python and with Dr . Chuck . Thanks for the great jobs and all open course material and all things to promote education . Thanks from Brazil .
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "faculty general", "positive" ], [ "material quality", "positive" ] ]
This is such a great course to help you unpack the mind . Dr . Barbara Oakley ' s lectures are very easy to follow along . She presents material in a way that ' s really approachable and easy to digest . I would highly recommend this course !
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "presentation quality", "positive" ], [ "material quality", "positive" ], [ "faculty general", "positive" ] ]
This was an excellent follow up on the first two courses in this specialization . So much useful information , and complex ideas broken down in more simple terms that are much easier to digest . Dr . Chuck is amazing ! Can ' t wait to take the next course !
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "faculty comprehensiveness", "positive" ], [ "faculty general", "positive" ] ]
Very good tools to use for time management . My favorite lesson is where the facilitator stated we teach people how to treat us i . e . answering emails at 2am . It can wait .
[ [ "course general", "positive" ] ]
The content and articulation was excellent . Inspired and motivated me to continue the course in spite of my struggle to understand certain concepts . There are lot more statisticians out there who are heaps better than myself and it was excellent experience to read the questions and answers in the discussion forum . Will continue the course and get my certification and enroll for capstone project as well .
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "presentation quality", "positive" ] ]
Nice job but somewhat slow in presentation and lumbering . The playing on recording to other students for grades is way too cumbersome . Outside of the necessary downloads , recordings , playback the course was presented well and scales and position playing were particularly helpful and clear . Position playing is not as easy as one might perceived and the Instructor did a commendable job elaborating and in particular explaining how the information can be used to be creative and improvise . The reason not a 5 is that the grading is cumbersome and time - consuming to set up
[ [ "presentation quality", "conflict" ], [ "grades general", "negative" ], [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "course quality", "positive" ], [ "faculty general", "negative" ] ]
Save your money and just work through the free Galaxy 101 tutorials on the Galaxy site ! I found that the lecturers sometimes used random terminology without ever explaining it for example , " tags " is another word for sequencing reads , but this is only ever used in RNA - seq methodology , and then only rarely ) . Also , the final peer reviewed project isn ' t explained very well and uses tools and methods that aren ' t even within the scope of the module . Mostly just a waste of time .
[ [ "course value", "negative" ], [ "course quality", "negative" ], [ "faculty comprehensiveness", "negative" ] ]
I really want to take moment to appreciate the careful designing of course material . Start from basic and touched every major point of programming . At least we can take this knowledge ahead and use this in more real world scenario . This has given me enough encouragement to stay connected for future guidance . Kudos to Course designers and Coursera .
[ [ "material quality", "positive" ], [ "course quality", "positive" ], [ "course general", "positive" ] ]
Very encouraging and challenging with lot of learning on the way . Dr . Vijay and his colleagues have made this course sufficient in information and resources required for the course . I feel privileged to be a part of this course . I will try to implement these learning in my professional work . Thank You
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "faculty general", "positive" ] ]
The University of London is amazing . As a person with severe anxiety who is also a full time student I don ' t have as much time as I would like to focus on these courses but this course was so well compartmentalized and polished that it was a great experience even for me . I really liked how the pace of the assignments is increasing in complexity at a very nice pace . As a person with anxiety peer reviewed assignments can be a very frustrating process people can be petty with peer reviewed assignments I can ' t convey to them my other learning disabilities .
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "assignments quality", "conflict" ] ]
This was one of my first online courses and I think the lecturers did an excellent job of conveying the material especially through this medium . They were also quick to respond to any questions that I had about lectures . I loved the material they presented as well . Great Course . I would definitely recommend it .
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "faculty comprehensiveness", "positive" ], [ "faculty response", "positive" ], [ "material quality", "positive" ] ]
The assignments are well thought out and explain the algorithms step - by - step . The subtitles / transcripts are a disappointment : ( . Full of mistakes . Sometimes to the point of being useless or even worse - saying the exact of opposite of what the lecturer says . Since the lecturer sometimes is unclear - this is problematic . As usual - Graphlab Create sometimes crashes , however there are explanations how to run the assignments using Scikit - Learn .
[ [ "assignments quality", "positive" ], [ "presentation quality", "negative" ], [ "course general", "negative" ], [ "faculty general", "negative" ] ]
Course was informative and well - paced . The videos were superbly recorded and points explained . It is suitable for students in school as well as adults trying to learn something new which can be quite hard at their age . A fresh perspective or insight into learning is always beneficial and this course can either surprise you or completely change the way you learn . Worth a try !
[ [ "course quality", "positive" ], [ "presentation quality", "positive" ], [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "course value", "positive" ] ]
The scope of the course is interesting , the objective is ambitious and the structure is fine , but the contents and quizzes are very often off - point . A specialist should go critically through the scripts and make a thorough review of the contents . Affirmations are most times not justified at all ( " incremental prototyping will yield a feature - rich and robust software " ) . The quizzes some times ask about things which have nothing to do with what was explained before . The contents about SCRUM are presented eight times partially through the introduction and here . I know it takes a lot of time to prepare this material , but clearly that last effort for quality was not done .
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "course comprehensiveness", "positive" ], [ "course quality", "positive" ], [ "assignments quality", "negative" ], [ "material quality", "negative" ], [ "presentation quality", "negative" ] ]
Simply : this is the single best and most important course of learning I have ever done . Not only has it inspired and uplifted me , it has given me real and concrete methods and techniques for becoming a much better student ( of life ! ) . For all people of all ages , backgrounds and interests I tell you : take the opportunity to do this course and you will not look back . I wish I had this course when I started university ; it should be compulsory material for learners and students everywhere . In short , this course is OUTSTANDING . I want to thank Barbara Oakley in particular for teaching me how to be a much more capable human being .
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "course quality", "positive" ], [ "material relatability", "positive" ], [ "faculty general", "positive" ] ]
Incredibly enriching program by prof Daniel MacFarland ! Brilliant ! You get to dive into nearly a dozen of organizational theories and learn when and how to apply them as part of your management toolbox . Tons of use cases and real life examples , Very well done . ) Do yourself a favor and enroll !
[ [ "faculty general", "positive" ], [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "material quantity", "positive" ] ]
A really enjoyable course . Very well presented and structured . I learnt a lot and it gave me much to think about in relation to world issues in 2017 . Thank you . I hope there is a follow up course on modern sociologists very soon .
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "presentation quality", "positive" ] ]
It ' s a good course and learnt many things and the expert Dr . Wooldridge has awesome skill in teaching , an expert touch . Good course good teaching . But I thought available and unavailable energy modules will also be there , that was missing . Except that , it ' s wonderful .
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "faculty general", "positive" ], [ "material relatability", "negative" ] ]
Awesome online course . Put together really well . This course makes you reflect on ideas rather than just teaching you concepts . A great opportunity and a must for anyone studying or working in Education . I loved the experience !
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "course relatability", "positive" ] ]
It is a great course for introduction about identifying social entrepreneurship opportunities . They show you some organizations , what they do , how they were created and so on through interviews . They also provide links and interseting documents where you can get additional information . It is also good because you can interact with other students , their projects and ideas . I miss a few things like giving you tools and social business plans but I believe that they will come in the next courses .
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "presentation relatability", "positive" ], [ "material relatability", "positive" ] ]
Unlike the very first course for beginners , there is a little bit more content here , so I put 2 stars . However , I still found the pace was too slow , with too much distraction ( " funny " videos , teacher drinking and making mistakes , hummm ! ! ! ) . It is OK to be relaxed as long as the course delivers content in proportion to what has been paid ! I strongly believe this specialisation cycle should actually take one or maximum two courses , not 5 ( with the capstone ) . I am planning to move forward with Python , and to keep reading the booklet which is good ( I like the introduction about the HTTP , XML , JSON and SQL databases ) but sorry Dr Chuck I will not complete this specialisation , it is overpriced for what it is ! !
[ [ "course general", "negative" ], [ "course quality", "negative" ], [ "course value", "negative" ], [ "presentation quality", "negative" ] ]
This is a very interesting course that helps you to understand how an image can be read and interpreted . The focus is very much on the veracity of photography and on the decisioning process which goes through the process of taking pictures . I really enjoyed studying for this course . However , I would expect something more in terms of revision of the final assignment . I would expect some feedback also in order to understand if my reasonings were correct .
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "course comprehensiveness", "positive" ], [ "assignments quality", "negative" ], [ "faculty response", "negative" ] ]
This was an excellent course . So well designed , and really carefully planned . Great professors . The assignments and the exams really help with developing knowledge . Thank you !
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "course quality", "positive" ], [ "faculty general", "positive" ], [ "assignments quality", "positive" ] ]
Very useful course ! Specially if you are in school or college , but good for anyone ! Very practical , interesting and inspiring , great tips . I enjoyed it very much . Now I have a very clear idea of how to study to learn ( not to just pass a test ) and I will be able to help my son very soon with these techniques . Thumbs up .
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "presentation quality", "positive" ] ]
This course is great ! Prof . Andrew Ng is an awesome teacher . I have learned a lot from this course . I recommend it to everybody who wants to learn Machine Learning .
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "faculty general", "positive" ], [ "course quality", "positive" ] ]
Great experience ! This course is really well structured . It have short but very objective lessons with really good take home messages . Easy to understand , and no time consuming . Congratulations to the organizers , specially to Maya Adams . I recommend this course to every one .
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "course quality", "positive" ], [ "course comprehensiveness", "positive" ], [ "faculty general", "positive" ], [ "presentation comprehensiveness", "positive" ] ]
I really , really enjoyed this course . As a beginner in the teaching career , it was really mind opening , I ' ve already applied some of the things learned in my classes . The teachers are amazing , and made me really want to have classes with them personally . I ' ve just started the next course , and probably will do all the ones available . Thank you , very very much !
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "course quality", "positive" ], [ "faculty general", "positive" ] ]
Loved the short but sharp classes ! Thank you ! Would love to see more peer reviews ( didn ' t get any on my poems yet ) . Best of luck ! Katya
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "faculty response", "negative" ], [ "course workload", "positive" ] ]
This course should be taken by EVERY 1st year teacher once they are in the classroom or before they step into their own classroom . I ' m positive that this course will help you and will guide you through some of the toughest situations . I really appreciate the fact that they encourage scripting and practicing the toughest things like giving consequences . I will definitely use the tools that they taught me in my second year and to be a more effective teacher . TWO THUMBS UP !
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "course quality", "positive" ] ]
Thanks so much for putting together another outstanding course . I love the easy to understand building block approach Dr . Chuck uses to teach Python . Excellent course and excellent instructor .
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "course comprehensiveness", "positive" ], [ "faculty general", "positive" ] ]
This course was truly an excellent way to learn about Einstein ' s Special Theory of Relativity . The content covered most of the main aspects of Special Relativity , and the instructor did a top notch job of explaining how the various aspects of the theory are derived and many implications of the Theory . The maths involved in this course is no more than high - school level algebra with a few tricks , and as such the course should be within most people ' s reach with a bit of effort . Mind you , the concepts themselves are somewhat counter - intuitive , so be prepared to think a lot about the implications . However , all that being said , I highly recommend this course ! It is a very well presented and accessible way to start to grasp Einstein ' s most profound work in his " miracle year " of 1905 .
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "faculty comprehensiveness", "positive" ], [ "course quality", "positive" ], [ "presentation quality", "positive" ] ]
Loved this class . Perfect level of difficulty for me , engaging videos , and the material provides the right amount of info to get the assignments done without being too obvious . Dr . Chuck is really entertaining : ) I am seeing more and more ways that I can apply this to my work and look forward to the continuing classes .
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "course quality", "positive" ], [ "presentation quality", "positive" ], [ "material quantity", "positive" ], [ "assignments quality", "positive" ], [ "faculty general", "positive" ] ]
Excellent course . The content is well organized . It has a short task after each module . It helps a lot to understand every part of the course . I highly recommend it ! ! !
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "material quality", "positive" ], [ "assignments quality", "positive" ], [ "course comprehensiveness", "positive" ] ]
Prof . Ng explains everything super clear . He focuses much more on conceptual understanding than detailed mathematical derivations . All the MATLAB / Octave exercises are interesting and relevant . The best part is that all the peripheral coding is provided and one only needs to focus on implementing machine learning related core functions . Overall an excellent introductory course .
[ [ "faculty comprehensiveness", "positive" ], [ "assignments quality", "positive" ], [ "assignments relatability", "positive" ], [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "course relatability", "positive" ] ]
Great course to attend ! It allowed me to discover machine learning algorithms and to see I use some variant of those algorithms in other mathematical problems in my job and studies . Andrew is a great pedagogue and it was a pleasure to listen his explanations . I did like the fact that there was an emphasis on debugging and improving the performance of algorithms . I am now looking forward to learn more and practice machine learning in the future .
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "faculty general", "positive" ] ]
This course is great . I enjoyed every minute of the lectures and the interviews too . It was very motivating and informative . I learned a lot from it to teach my self and my kids too . Barbara did a great job throughout the course . I recommend this course for everyone at any age .
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "presentation quality", "positive" ], [ "course quality", "positive" ], [ "faculty general", "positive" ] ]
I enjoyed the lectures , but I felt they didnt go into enough details on analysis of sequence data . The final project was considerably harder than the material taught in the class and problems with the course ( e . g . the final exam file not being available ) had obviously not been fixed since the last version of the course . A fell I now have a good basic understanding of python but not enough to do any real analysis . Fantastic course mentor / TA .
[ [ "presentation quality", "positive" ], [ "course relatability", "negative" ], [ "assignments comprehensiveness", "negative" ], [ "material relatability", "negative" ], [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "faculty general", "positive" ] ]
Some of this content is glaringly wrong e . g that F Roosevelt ' s freedoms weren ' t seen by him as inalienable rights , that culture and education were attributes of Eleanor ' s approach to freedom that were distinctive from FDr . One can go on and on .
[ [ "course general", "negative" ] ]
Dr . Severance put in lot of efforts to make python easy for all the learners . This Course is about the basics of python . If you are a beginner , you will learn a lot of concepts very easily . For people who have a bit of programming knowledge in other languages , this will help in learning the syntax . Overall a good course to go through .
[ [ "faculty general", "positive" ], [ "course general", "positive" ] ]
Dear sir , its great to study with youCan i have a favor please Can i have a hard copy certificate from NUS it ' s sad because i want to learn this course because i love NUS a lot can you give me a favor please , it will be more meaningful to me to spend time and try my best to pass all 5 modules
[ [ "course general", "positive" ] ]
Dr . Impey is skilled at covering a very broad range of topics and sciences that are all a part of " astronomy " . The slides were clear . The transcripts helped to reinforce the information , although probably done with vocalization software as there are many sentence fragments , homonyms for the actual word , etc . I did not see a date done but I would guess this course was constructed in 2013 - 2014 , so the information is certainly current .
[ [ "faculty general", "positive" ], [ "presentation quality", "positive" ], [ "material quality", "positive" ], [ "course general", "positive" ] ]
I was new to Python . With the guidance of Prof . Severance I am able to learn the basics of Python . Many Thanks to Prof . Severance .
[ [ "faculty general", "positive" ] ]
I would give this course a 4 . 5 if I could . I liked the course overall , but felt that there could have been more explanations with the answers to the weekly projects . For answers I couldn ' t solve , I had to look at the solutions and back out the correct formula to teach myself sometimes . I thought the videos were very helpful , but sometimes hard to follow since the text being input in the video was hard to see .
[ [ "presentation comprehensiveness", "conflict" ], [ "course quality", "positive" ], [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "assignments comprehensiveness", "neutral" ] ]
The course is interesting but at the same time quite repetitive . There are many examples in it , but they are all high level examples which are not really going into the details of the creative process . The high level process proposed is good , but it is into the details where the processes fails , and there are no detailed examples here . By far , the worst thing related to this course is the peer review . they define rules which nobody respects and the scoring system is subjective and badly defined . I really regret my decision to join this specialization and the waist of money .
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "course quality", "neutral" ], [ "presentation relatability", "negative" ], [ "faculty response", "negative" ], [ "course value", "negative" ] ]
I learn some interesting things . The course gets better for week 3 - 4 . However , the course could use better the Coursera format and strenght . The certified certificate is pricy compared to other courses . In overall it’s good .
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "course value", "negative" ] ]
Excellent course with wonderful explanations and illustrations . The team handling the grader technology has done a very good job too . Last but not the least , the forums for discussions have been eye - openers in the case of a few problems . The mentors have promptly replied to queries in the best possible way . 5 stars from me .
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "presentation comprehensiveness", "positive" ], [ "presentation quality", "positive" ], [ "faculty general", "positive" ], [ "faculty response", "positive" ], [ "course quality", "positive" ] ]
I found this course very useful and learnt how use of regular expressions and later used them to parse HTML pages to look at various tags and content . The use of urllib and BeautifulSoup make my life easier to scrape webpages . Finally , I learnt how to parse XML and JSON . Again , Thank you Dr Chuck and your team for creating such an interesting and exiting course . I have thoroughly enjoyed this .
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "faculty general", "positive" ] ]
This course is the best online course I have heard so far at Coursera . As well it is the best course compared to other learning platforms . This course achieves to introduce to the main concepts and provides an intuitive understanding of machine learning . Without drifting too much into the mathematical foundations still the main ideas are very well presented . I really want to thank Andrew Ng for providing this nice course ! ! !
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "course comprehensiveness", "positive" ], [ "presentation comprehensiveness", "positive" ], [ "faculty general", "positive" ] ]
This course is amazing ! It really explains the topic in depth and you learn a lot from both professors ! This course also provides a lot of practical information and you know that it ' s evidence based . It ' s definitely worth the time and effort to watch all the videos and I recommend this course to everyone who wants to learn something . More important : This course is mainly focused on academics but it also links the knowledge to everyday learning ( skills like cooking great dishes , learn a sport or any other skill really )
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "course quality", "positive" ], [ "faculty general", "positive" ], [ "course relatability", "positive" ], [ "course value", "positive" ], [ "presentation quality", "positive" ] ]
This course was outstanding ! I learned more from one month of this course than I did while taking a semester of computer science course at my university . Also , the language being taught in this course ( Python ) is much more intuitive than many of the other programming languages I have tried ( C + + and BASIC ) . This course is a must for anyone who wants to learn computer science !
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "course quality", "positive" ] ]
I expected to see much more about " Information " Design , in a sense of Design of Comunication , Design of the Data , Theory of Comunication and how can you remove ambiguity from a design ( visual , industrial , content or what ever design it is ) . Still ok , but I expected better than wireframes and mockups which we already learned a while back . Nice roadmap although .
[ [ "course general", "negative" ] ]