3 values
This is not a course about concurrency with Scala ; it has very basic coverage of threads and synchronization towards the beginning , and that ' s it . This is about parallelism , specifically about approaches to program design with the goal of leveraging parallelism . Yes , the assignments require immersing oneself in problems that have little to do with parallelism per se . But they are interesting , fun , and of course they nicely illustrate the concepts that are being imparted . Another excellent course by EPFL .
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "assignments relatability", "positive" ], [ "course quality", "positive" ] ]
Very good course on an introduction to Meteor . js . The course is a nice speed and flows well . It would be nice if there were more assignments in the weeks 1 - 3 . You can create ones on your own ( which I did ) , but it would be nice if there were more guided or outlined ones .
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "presentation relatability", "negative" ], [ "assignments quantity", "negative" ] ]
This is third time , I was taking this course . Last two times , I left it in - between but this was something on my wish list a feat I wanted to achieve . finally it ' s done ! I am sincerely thankful to Dr . Matt McGarrity and his team for such a crisp and engaging course .
[ [ "faculty general", "positive" ], [ "course quality", "positive" ] ]
WOW ! Excellent classes ! I highly recommend , as a LL . M . in International Environmental Law .
[ [ "course general", "positive" ] ]
While I appreciated the challenge of the capstone project , I didn ' t feel like the assignment ' s requests accurately aligned or represented what was provided in the lecture series . As someone who bought this course as one large pack ( four courses , one capstone project ) , it would ' ve been nice to see more intersection . I felt a little " in the dark " on some of this . Given the short timeline to finish the work , too , many of these requests need more time ( e . g . building personas needs user research , ideally ) . All in all , a good challenge to a content professional , but don ' t expect all of this to align with what you learned in the lecture series .
[ [ "course quality", "positive" ], [ "course workload", "positive" ], [ "presentation quality", "positive" ], [ "course general", "positive" ] ]
Excellent course . Andrew Ng provides valuable instruction on the intuition and implementation of machine learning algorithms . Even better , he gives lot of advise on how to create effective and performant machine learning systems like accuracy metrics and troubleshooting techniques . The main drawback about this material , for me , is that machine learning has evolved since this course ' s inception . While these are excellent foundations , I wish there was almost a part two for more state of the art material , especially deep learning and an expansion of neural networks . This is just the beginning and it was a great place to start .
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "faculty general", "positive" ], [ "material quality", "positive" ] ]
Firstly Peter Clarke , what a legend ! ! thanks for all the help particularly through week 2 . I owe you a virtual beer . One change would be to make the forums the same format as course 1 - 3 as this was a much more efficient way to review issues . Over all the material was good , I stuck at it even when I wanted to quit and feel knowledgeable now on the lesson taught .
[ [ "faculty general", "positive" ], [ "faculty response", "neutral" ], [ "material quality", "positive" ] ]
Very helpful and inspiring course . Dr . McGarrity with a great sense of humor give all the support needed to get over your fears , to stand up in front of a lens , and to deliver a self - confidence speech . But more important , he gives a great example and guideline on how to prepare it . Highly recommended MOOC .
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "faculty relatability", "positive" ], [ "faculty general", "positive" ] ]
I enjoyed this class to the fullest ! It was very organized and user friendly ! The lectures were very interesting and well as easy to access actual wording because the transcript was right below the video . As an American I have always been interested by The State of Israel but did not know where to find a concise class that I could afford to take . Thank you for providing this !
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "course quality", "positive" ], [ "presentation quality", "positive" ], [ "presentation comprehensiveness", "positive" ] ]
Would have like to jump straight to the material . Although I understand some may need it , the command line course was pretty basic . This course on it ' s own doesn ' t give much . One can get started with Programming with R w o missing too much .
[ [ "material quality", "negative" ], [ "course general", "positive" ] ]
Interesting , useful , with very nice examples and helping tools . For me , Prof . Martin Haugh ' s style was more appealing , but I congratulate both Mr . Haugh and Mr . Iyengar for a difficult and beautiful course : ) . Thanks vm !
[ [ "course quality", "positive" ], [ "faculty general", "positive" ] ]
I started this course early and was so excited to learn this new information I just dove right in ! Unfortunately I am too far ahead and have to wait a few weeks until I can take my week 2 quiz . Instead of binge watching Netflix at night I get my nightly dose of Positive Psychology ! I recommended this course too all of my friends , family and co - workers .
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "assignments workload", "neutral" ] ]
Thank you Professor ! I want to learn from you more because you teach what I don ' t know and what are identical to lessons I ' ve learnt at my university !
[ [ "faculty general", "positive" ] ]
This was a great introductory course . I particularly appreciated the text book chapter being included as it was a really useful resource . Compared to some other Coursera courses ( quantitative and qualitative research methods ) there were many fewer lectures and resources . That ' s why I rated it a 4 / 5 . I ' m getting more out of the other two , but this was a fantastic introduction to get me thinking .
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "material quality", "positive" ], [ "course quality", "positive" ], [ "presentation quantity", "negative" ], [ "material quantity", "negative" ] ]
Very well taught and complete introduction to Unity3d and Game Development . I ' m a Unity developer since 2010 and i can say this course covers all the topics in a nice and clean , structured way . The projects required are quite easy to make , still require attention and some time if you want to make a step further . Definitely suggested to everybody .
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "course quality", "positive" ] ]
Very good course , but I did ' t like how the last week focused on test taking . The course should focus more on ' learning how to learn , ' not how to ace a test . In that regard , I felt the course began to be oriented more towards students rather than working adults . Why not spend more time on learning how to think innovatively ?
[ [ "course quality", "positive" ], [ "course general", "conflict" ] ]
This course very briefly presents large picture concepts of Entrepreneurship without going into a enough detail to provide any major benefit . I would see this being most useful to a person who had only vague ideas of what entrepreneurship entailed overall . The quizzes seemed to focus more on what was said during the lectures rather than what large scale constructs actually define entrepreneurs or processes overall . i . e . questions focused on sentence construction and ordering in a lecture rather than the overall concepts the sentences themselves were expected to convey .
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "assignments relatability", "neutral" ] ]
Good course for beginners . In my opinion , its strong point is simplicity ( it does not require much effort and yet allows you to learn something useful , and also makes you think that Chinese is not unbearably complex language after all ) and broad range of topics ( probably gives you all words necessary to survive short trip to China ) . What I didn ' t like in this course is lack of explanation : student is required to memorize entire sentences , but nothing was said about word ordering , personal pronouns and other basic structural features of language . I would also like to have more tests / exercises with feedback , probably some review tests covering previous lessons .
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "course comprehensiveness", "positive" ], [ "assignments workload", "negative" ] ]
It was an interesting insight . Especially for beginners I would recommend it . Is also suits the previous courses well Fundamentals of Quantitative Modeling and Introduction to Spreadsheets and Models ) . I study finance and economics , so it was a bit too basic though . The Excel features are nice though and something that you would use yourself so easy .
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "presentation relatability", "positive" ], [ "material quality", "positive" ] ]
I was a teacher who couldn ' t plan nor organize , somtimes I still struggle . Everybody kept telling me I would learn this along the way . For me that wasn ' t the case . Someone needed to teach me how . This course is beautifully explicit and clear . Thank you so much .
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "course comprehensiveness", "positive" ] ]
Excellent course ! I ' ve just finished it in this week and I ' m very happy for it . Was a good experience . I ' ll continue to study programming because I think it so exciting .
[ [ "course general", "positive" ] ]
A great course from a Great Professor . I really enjoyed this course and i am kinda sad that is over . It was even irrelevant to my field of study , but professor Murayama made it so easy to understand like i have been studying this subject my entire life . I highly recommend it to everyone ! ! Thank you so much !
[ [ "faculty general", "positive" ], [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "faculty comprehensiveness", "positive" ] ]
The course is basically an advertisement for the software one of the teachers created . I did learn a bit of high level concepts , but when it comes to coding , the answers is always ' conveniently , my software does this for you ' . I wanted to actually learn about these concepts deeper , and implement them . I also was able to complete this 6 week paid course in a few days which should not be possible . I have since started the free Stanford course taught by a co - founder of coursera , and it is MUCH better ! I recommend it to anyone !
[ [ "faculty response", "negative" ], [ "course general", "negative" ] ]
Love this course . I really obtained new insight of those theorists . Thank you Dr . Bart and producers of this course ! I will definitly come back to your contemprary sociological theory course .
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "course quality", "positive" ], [ "faculty general", "positive" ] ]
Amazing course ! Chris Impey is a wonderful teacher . The lectures are captivating , but at a level that is appropriate for astronomy beginners . The quizzes are only easy if you were paying attention , and the writing assignments consolidate the material . This course has made me even more interested in the subject and since starting it I have even gone beyond the scope of this course and done my own investigations . Definitely recommended .
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "faculty general", "positive" ], [ "presentation comprehensiveness", "positive" ], [ "assignments quality", "positive" ], [ "assignments comprehensiveness", "positive" ], [ "assignments relatability", "positive" ], [ "course quality", "positive" ] ]
The course gave me an overview of the industry , the types of players in it , different models and strategies that can be applied . Many different types of companies are analyzed . There is a lot of information in it , also interviews with professionals . For me it was very helpful in order to gain understanding of the fashion and luxury industry and where I want to go . Thank you !
[ [ "course comprehensiveness", "positive" ], [ "course relatability", "positive" ], [ "faculty general", "positive" ] ]
Good course , gave it four rather than five starts because : The discussion boards were too prescriptive which did not lead to any open discussions . The videos referred to course material that was not always there . On the plus side , I found the course material useful and well structured . The personal journal was an essential part of the course and it should be emphasized as such . Without it I would not have learnt as much .
[ [ "course quality", "positive" ], [ "faculty response", "negative" ], [ "material relatability", "negative" ], [ "material quality", "positive" ], [ "course general", "neutral" ] ]
The lack of teacher or teaching assistant participation in the forum discussions is deafening . For an institution like the host institution , this is odd . I liked the course , but it was not very well organized . Seems like it was for experienced musicians , eve though the goals of the course hinted at it being for beginners as well . Good Course , badly organized .
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "course quality", "negative" ], [ "faculty response", "negative" ] ]
The teacher is excellent . This is excellent but poor introduction to HTML . The course , which is part of specialization should be much more detailed . With much more axamples . I think it is not worth 49 $ .
[ [ "faculty general", "positive" ], [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "course quality", "positive" ], [ "course value", "negative" ] ]
Python is really cool and this course is fascinating . Charles is charming ! I will continue learn Python here . . Thanks for your guidance . XD
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "faculty general", "positive" ], [ "faculty response", "positive" ] ]
Just boring lectures . After 30 minutes I was finish with the course . The course is very superficial . The instructor also speaks to fast . Sounds like she just read a text trough .
[ [ "presentation quality", "negative" ], [ "course quality", "negative" ], [ "faculty comprehensiveness", "negative" ] ]
The capstone is great . But I ' m not sure it ' s too easy or not . Maybe for a beginner , the project cannot be too hard . Anyway , I still learned so many from this capstone . I will finish the optional taskes further .
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "assignments quality", "positive" ] ]
Some profs are very good , some are terrible . The terrible ones need to improve their teaching skills and even language skills . As a native Chinese speaker , I find some of the lectures very boring . Good lectures are clear , concise , and right to the point . Good teachers make the learning experience effortless and fun , poor teachers make it like a torture .
[ [ "faculty general", "conflict" ], [ "presentation quality", "positive" ], [ "presentation comprehensiveness", "positive" ], [ "presentation relatability", "positive" ] ]
Excellent overview and introduction to Greek history . I am travelling to Greece later this year and wanted to get a better understanding of Greek history to appreciate the art , literature , architecture and sites which I will be visiting . This course was both educational and entertaining . I highly recommend and look forward to building upon the knowledge acquired in the course . Thank you !
[ [ "course quality", "positive" ], [ "presentation comprehensiveness", "positive" ], [ "course general", "positive" ] ]
Great ! This is a great course to learn the idea of machine learning even I am not a computer science and data science student . It provides a chance for us to study different type of machine learning algorithm . The assignment also gives you a chance to practice these algorithms on some application example . If this course can provide more deeply mathematics algorithm or guideline for future study on learning algorithm , it will be a perfect course !
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "assignments quality", "positive" ] ]
The material in this course is very interesting . I feel comfortable with the concepts and algorithms . I am definitely prepared to utilize these skills in an entry - level manner - it will take some hands - on practice with real datasets to build expertise , understand the nuances of these approaches and expand my knowledge base . I recommend a decent level of comfort with programming . I completed the Python for Everybody specialization , but still struggled with the programming in this course .
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "material quality", "positive" ] ]
If you love to see a couple of entertaining movies about robots and some interesting concepts about them , grab some popcorn and take this course , because , hey , it’s about cool robots ! ! If you are crazy enough and actually want to learn something new or even consider to get the certificate , I would not recommend to participate in this course . The videos are quite ok and cover a good part of what I think this course should be about . But there are a bunch of quizzes , which are sometimes quite off the lecture material and you have to research a lot to get all of the questions right . I managed to solve all quizzes in the end , but it was some kind of a frustrating and discouraging process .
[ [ "course relatability", "positive" ], [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "course comprehensiveness", "negative" ], [ "presentation quality", "positive" ], [ "assignments relatability", "negative" ], [ "material relatability", "negative" ] ]
Great great course . I ' m a beginner in this matter so to me there are cases difficult to understand . One thing that could help a lot would be more exemplas of real life for each theorical concept . As done at the beginning with coffee , latte , muffin , ect . Thanks for the energy dedicated to create this course .
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "course comprehensiveness", "conflict" ] ]
Programming for Everybody ( Getting Started with Python ) helped me familiarize with basics of python in less than 8 hours I have a programming background ) . The interactive interface along with course materials kept me involved throughout and it was over before i knew it . Dr . Chuck is awesome .
[ [ "polarity positive", "positive" ], [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "material quality", "positive" ] ]
Only 2 * because of technical issue that i faced in most of the videos are not loading properly . they will stuck somewhere and only audio will be continuing . so i couldnt finish the course . apart from that teaching is really good . hope you guys work on it to fix it .
[ [ "presentation quality", "negative" ], [ "faculty general", "positive" ] ]
When the course started it was very interesting . I really enjoyed learning about how the brain functions and how memory works . Barbara Oakly was great . However , towards the end of the course I found that it got boring and not that stimulating . Maybe the parts dedicated to test preparation and studying should have been shorter .
[ [ "course general", "negative" ], [ "faculty general", "positive" ], [ "assignments workload", "neutral" ] ]
I really liked the course . I would have preferred to have been forced to do the optional assignment as it takes that little bit of extra motivation coming up to Christmas to do these optional assignments . I still plan to do them but being forced to do them to get a pass would help . Otherwise I really like what I learning and how its presented . Just need to use it somehow to get a job !
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "assignments quality", "positive" ], [ "assignments workload", "positive" ], [ "presentation quality", "positive" ] ]
Excellent course ! The ideas of every topics are well conveyed , and the programming exercises are great fun . I did get what I expected in this course . Thank you Prof . Ng for sharing your knowledge !
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "course value", "positive" ], [ "presentation quality", "positive" ], [ "assignments quality", "positive" ] ]
This was my first experience with HTML5 . I enjoyed and learned so much from this course . Dr . Colleen van Lent is very informative and provided excellent video lectures and valuable assignments . I ' m looking forward to finding more courses from her .
[ [ "faculty general", "positive" ], [ "presentation quality", "positive" ], [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "assignments quality", "positive" ] ]
Very much enjoyed the course , its focus on method and real - world problems / issues . The quality of the instruction , including the technical , graphic support was high and always in evidence . The instructor ' s humor also came through , as well as his upward potential as a dancer . Thanks for the kind introduction to the subject matter ; I intend to follow through with the next courses to achieve the Specialization via Coursera . Best from Munich
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "course relatability", "positive" ], [ "faculty relatability", "neutral" ] ]
The most amzing course I ' ve taken yet ! Video lectures are extremely well made ! Beautiful design ! Very very professional !
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "presentation quality", "positive" ] ]
Very good course . I knew some of the things in the course but I was clueless about some others . Very information . I do recommend this course for people who never put too much consideration into personal finance before .
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "course quality", "positive" ] ]
Instructor is so passionate about the topic , that it is hard Not to do what he is suggesting . I ' ll definitely try to sign in to his other courses . One can tell how much effort was put into making this course . Course setup , lecture length , difficulty level , it was all appropriate . Thank you for very enjoyable , and worth a wile 5 weeks !
[ [ "faculty general", "positive" ], [ "presentation quality", "positive" ], [ "course value", "positive" ], [ "course general", "positive" ] ]
Thank you ! This course advanced my skills in Korean . I appreciate your efforts and those of your students . I am better not than when I started . 대단히 감사합니다 .
[ [ "course general", "positive" ] ]
It was an awesome and challenging course . And , the lecturer Mr . Tim Roughgarden did introduced the gist that I need . So , of course , I owe him a big thank . Thank you all .
[ [ "course quality", "positive" ], [ "faculty general", "positive" ] ]
I loved this course . It present a modern perspective on what strategy means in the XXI century that totally changed my way of thinking about it . It will help me to improve my own performance and my company ' s as well . Thanks to CBS for a great learning experience ; I ' ll see on you on the next ones from the same Specialization Program .
[ [ "course general", "positive" ] ]
The course is great for advanced beginners looking for a refresher in html / css and fully dives into JavaScript . If you are not familiar with JavaScript , I would suggest supplementing this course with another JS course or book because the course moves quickly through concepts most programmers have a hard time mastering . Still if you are a total noob , you should take the course anyway , as the projects emphasis use of form validation and object - oriented programming in JavaScript which is important for any new web developer . Due to the lack of support from the instructor and aides in terms of technical issues , grading , and discussion board input , I gave the course a 3 out of 5 . My understanding is that Coursera is working with the instructor to take care of these issues though .
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "course relatability", "positive" ], [ "faculty response", "negative" ], [ "grades general", "negative" ] ]
More than a course . More than poetry . More than it ' s international community . More than edifying . More than inspiring .
[ [ "course general", "positive" ] ]
Wonderful lectures and good assignments . Very , very clear presentations . Minor drawbacks : there ' s no assistance available for the assignments ( which can be quite difficult ) . The quizzes require sometimes information that is not directly available in the video lectures . Note that it takes more hrs per week than mentioned ( but it ' s worthwhile ! ) .
[ [ "presentation quality", "positive" ], [ "assignments quality", "positive" ], [ "course workload", "negative" ], [ "faculty response", "negative" ], [ "assignments relatability", "negative" ] ]
A very good course . The information is really useful and the professors explain it in a simple way . It was not very interesting for me to listen to the functions of i - phone ans sumsung I think it ' s better to do this information not obligatory but on choice
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "course quality", "positive" ], [ "faculty general", "positive" ], [ "course relatability", "neutral" ] ]
Today I , m very happy to completed course chinese for Beginners . i would like to coursera and paking university who encouraged me . Presentation were expected to meet . way of teacher learning was very appreciated . Xièxiè ni
[ [ "presentation quality", "positive" ], [ "faculty general", "positive" ] ]
Very informative and richly educative course . I rate this course 5 star . Dr . Aloysius O . Ikwuka , MD
[ [ "course quality", "positive" ], [ "course general", "positive" ] ]
Dr Chuck is a very good instructor who manage to inject both humor and clarity into his teaching . He got me hooked on Python ! I always look forward to the next lesson . The lesson content is well - planned and paced . . Great work !
[ [ "faculty general", "positive" ], [ "material quality", "positive" ], [ "course general", "positive" ] ]
The course was very fruitful . It is was not that easy of course , I think it is one of the most difficult courses on Coursera but it deserves to try it once , twice and as many as you can until you understand the idea behind the course . The exams and the honor assignments were so tricky and not that easy to solve . If you don ' t have a probabilistic background , I think first better for you to take a course in data analysis and probability .
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "course quality", "positive" ], [ "assignments quality", "positive" ] ]
Outdated materials , theory is taught and then praxis is tested . Course needs an update to materials and either teach AND test theory , or teach AND test praxis . I passed this class by switching sessions multiple times in order to use the time to learn the practical skills in data visualization I needed to pass the tests . Additionally , the presented materials and the lecture format are very uninspiring .
[ [ "material quality", "negative" ], [ "course quality", "negative" ], [ "presentation quality", "negative" ], [ "course workload", "negative" ], [ "course general", "negative" ] ]
The course is well structured and Prof Muppala presents it in an interesting way . The range of technology covered was good and would be useful . The CapStone Project timelines are not realistic at all - one has to start implementing almost from the word go , the artificial interim reports are distracting if one does not realize that and I think many students are forced to a second session to complete the course .
[ [ "course quality", "positive" ], [ "faculty comprehensiveness", "positive" ], [ "course comprehensiveness", "positive" ], [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "course workload", "negative" ] ]
Im really fascinated with this course . By the way , i think some quiz have few mistakes as the module about pricing swaptions in the calibration model . The answer the professor gave is not 13300 or 19400 , but 1330 or 1940 respectively . The quiz # 6 , the answer for the question 1 and 2 is multiple , its between a range and i cant complete it , please check the parameters again .
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "assignments quality", "negative" ], [ "faculty response", "negative" ] ]
This course was useful and practical . It had essentially real - world application problems . The instructor elucidates every detail , though you may will face much harder problems on the assignments . This what makes the course more interesting and engaging . I also would recommend it to anyone whose future profession somehow is connected to economics / finance / accounting because these are basic skills . You MUST know them !
[ [ "course quality", "positive" ], [ "polarity positive", "positive" ], [ "assignments comprehensiveness", "negative" ] ]
Thank You Professor Phillip Nichols . This was one of my very favorite classes . I too know that corruption is a danger to humanity and Mother Earth . I also believe we can eliminate it together , ' Good People ' ! Sincerely , Shawnee Love HHD , PhD
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "faculty general", "positive" ] ]
Best course for a beginner . Professor Charles Severance is excellent at teaching . The contents were easy to follow with a very clear explanation . Highly recommended . I ' m very happy that I had this course . Thanks a lot .
[ [ "faculty general", "positive" ], [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "material comprehensiveness", "positive" ] ]
Wayne comes across as very enthusiastic and likable . The course material is interesting . It does feel like the course if artificially stretched out a bit too long , though . The material and exercises seem to get repetitive after week 3 , when the pattern has been established to sum up all forces , and then to sum up all cross - products . Nevertheless , this is an introductory course , so too much depth can not be expected . As an introduction , it was a great experience .
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "faculty general", "positive" ], [ "material quality", "negative" ], [ "assignments quality", "negative" ] ]
A bit of a mess . If you are going in expecting to learn nuances of creating effective wireframes and mockups , you will be disappointed . Assignments are good and thought - provoking , but not clearly written . You will get out of the course what you invest in it . Take your assignments seriously and invest a lot of time , even if you know that you are able to pass with a lesser effort .
[ [ "assignments quality", "positive" ], [ "course quality", "negative" ], [ "course value", "positive" ] ]
Amazing in it ' s simplicity ! It allowed me to understand the core concepts of Project Management without all the fluff that exists in some on campus courses . Truly designed with the professional in mind . Quick , simple , comprehensive , all with a very professional appearance . I especially appreciated the real life examples and the case studies Melonie presented . They really helped me better understand the principles she was trying to explain .
[ [ "course quality", "positive" ], [ "course comprehensiveness", "positive" ], [ "faculty comprehensiveness", "positive" ], [ "faculty relatability", "positive" ], [ "course general", "positive" ] ]
Awesome ! ! I had nothing to do with programming my whole life - this lecture was my first step and it really make me fall in love : ) ! Dr . Chuck is explaining everything in simple words and with lots of fun , so everything is easy & practical , but still deep ! ! Thank you for this lecture - it ' s a really life - turning experience for me !
[ [ "presentation quality", "positive" ], [ "faculty comprehensiveness", "positive" ], [ "course quality", "positive" ], [ "course comprehensiveness", "positive" ] ]
Excelent course ! I really recomend it . I have learned and enjoyed a lot these weeks . Special thanks to Yaakov . You ' re a master .
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "faculty general", "positive" ], [ "course quality", "positive" ] ]
Awesome class ! Detailed explanation . Interesting assignments . Cool instructor . Thanks for the course coursera . : )
[ [ "faculty general", "positive" ], [ "presentation relatability", "positive" ], [ "assignments quality", "positive" ] ]
This course is * unbelievably * good . It opens your mind and changes the way you reason about programming . Truly a remarkable course about functional programming . Dan is an amazing teacher and the way he explains advanced concepts makes it seem like they are not advanced at all . Every one should take this one .
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "faculty comprehensiveness", "positive" ], [ "faculty general", "positive" ] ]
This course has amazing information in the lectures , but it is difficult in the video lectures to pick out what bits of information are going to be relevant in the quizzes , you will have to re - take quizzes a number of times , no matter how well you are taking notes . Also the very last section is entirely made of a rushed - maths lesson , and a quiz based on that rushed maths lesson that is VERY difficult . I would highly recommend this for anyone who already knows basic Astronomy Math , and caution anyone who doesn ' t .
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "assignments comprehensiveness", "negative" ], [ "presentation relatability", "negative" ], [ "course relatability", "negative" ] ]
I just finished the course and I want to say it is pretty details and covers a huge variety of topics in machine learning . The problems I had with this course is specifically with the quizzes and programming assignments ; I would get stuck with no idea of what the correct way is to solve it , what I ' m doing wrong , or sometimes I don ' t even know what the question wants me to do . However , with perseverance , I was able to get through every one of them .
[ [ "course quality", "positive" ], [ "assignments comprehensiveness", "negative" ] ]
This has been one of the best educational experience I have had and I have had some , Ph . D . , MBA . The best part about this course is that it is impeccably organized and possess timely help to students in need of assistance . This course should be used as the “gold standard” for teaching , whether online or in the classroom . I send my congratulations to all that have been and are now involved with overseeing the success of this wonderful achievement .
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "course quality", "positive" ], [ "presentation quality", "positive" ], [ "faculty response", "positive" ] ]
Thank you Dr . Zwetsloot , your lessons and examples were : practical , crisp an clear . Learned a lot . Just wish I had slides to refer to . Can you include that in the future ?
[ [ "faculty general", "positive" ], [ "faculty comprehensiveness", "negative" ] ]
If you ' re interested in learning virtual instruction , then this is the course for you . The instructors encourage students to record a series of videos ( 1 to 4 minutes long ) , but those without a Web cam can also submit text files . Making a fool of yourself is allowed . The instructors provide excellent andragogy . Highly recommended .
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "faculty general", "positive" ] ]
I really loved taking this extremely inspiring and informative course . Gary Burton is a fabulous instructor . I learned so much . Really wonderful . Thank you . Lisa Lukas
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "faculty general", "positive" ] ]
This is my first certification i am doing . I known this website through my friend . i found it very useful for me . i have learned a new type of learning thanks to Mr . Charles Severance
[ [ "faculty general", "positive" ] ]
Amazing Course Module , I learned a lot of concepts for classifications using Decision Trees , Logistic Functions , Boosting , Ensemble and way to attack problems . Also a lot of coding with Graphlab , I personally like to program by my own but I also appreciating the tool for the class and comparing my skills with other tools . Very cool ! Nice Class
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "course quality", "positive" ], [ "assignments workload", "positive" ] ]
This is an excellent introduction to Chinese language and grammar . I think it could have some introduction to written Chinese because Pinyin is not so common . I struggled with some of the quizzes where written answers were given , even when my answers were correct some quizzes required stops ( . ) others didn ' t . Apart from that it was excellent .
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "assignments comprehensiveness", "neutral" ], [ "course comprehensiveness", "neutral" ] ]
I thought she was a nice Teacher but Didn ' t teach the Basics steps into speaking & learning chinese . If she had started with ABC alphabet how to write & speak the first week then taught to sound each letter out in different pitches of volume 2week then to sentences building 3rd week so on . it would had been much more helpful I believe . I sad that i had to leave the course b / c it seem and look like a great obertonty . but it went to fast didn ' t cover what i Expected it would . .
[ [ "course workload", "negative" ], [ "faculty general", "negative" ], [ "course general", "negative" ] ]
It was very interesting . The lecturer is aslo very interesting . I recommend this course . Thanks you for your free ibook " python for informatic " . No doubt I will use python in my job ( scientific research ) . Many thanks .
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "faculty general", "positive" ] ]
By the end of the course , you do start to develop the " hacker mentality " the course writers want you to develop . That being said , it does seem that they could have done a much better job in the video introducing core concepts that would have given non - programmers a better starting point for looking for outside researchers . A ton of time is wasted in the earliest set of videos on super basic topics , but then the course jumps into some very advanced topics with little attention paid to core concepts except by the mentors in the forums . If these really are " core concepts " , as described by the mentors , one would think that the teachers would spend time on those concepts in the videos instead of on more arcane use cases ( which are precisely the sorts of thing it makes sense to look for in other sources ) . It really does seem that the teachers have no concept of what is critical content for beginners , given this odd imbalance of tons of time on extremely basic topics , tons of time on fairly advanced topics , and almost no time on critical intermediate - level content .
[ [ "course quality", "negative" ], [ "presentation quality", "negative" ], [ "presentation comprehensiveness", "positive" ], [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "course workload", "negative" ], [ "faculty response", "positive" ], [ "faculty relatability", "negative" ] ]
This course is much more informative than the previous two in my opinion . I liked the sample spreadsheets provided . I still however feel the price is a bit steep compared to other similar courses you can find online . The quizzes aren ' t that challenging and it may be nicer to expand the assignments to practice more . i love this program . it has developed me more on how to approach a subject or course . . kudos to Dr . Barbara Oakley . . . u are a good teacher one of the best courses I ever learned , each topic explained very thoroughly . I liked the dictionary section and file section very much . guess tuples are easy , but are underdogs , they can be game changers in next lessons . Thank you Dr . Chunk
[ [ "course quality", "positive" ], [ "faculty general", "positive" ], [ "presentation quality", "positive" ], [ "presentation relatability", "positive" ], [ "course comprehensiveness", "positive" ] ]
I feel robbed . I did not get any feedback on my work . Only a classmate gave their ok " yes , there is something written " . I did not follow the course to get a " certificate " but to learn and to revceive feedback . If you don ' t have a special purpose for the certificate - don ' t pay a cent for this .
[ [ "faculty response", "negative" ], [ "course general", "negative" ] ]
Excellent class , and an even better interface now that it changed to always available . Prof . Noor explains with such clarity that even a 5 year old can learn about DNA . This is my 2nd time taking this class , and I ' ve seen already many positive changes in this 1st week alone . Thank you Coursera , Duke University , all participants in general , and a very special thank you to Prof . Noor , your contagious love for science spreads like wild fire .
[ [ "course general", "positive" ], [ "faculty comprehensiveness", "positive" ], [ "course quality", "positive" ] ]