11 values
[Here'a a CORRECTED screenshot of what I found online]( I used the "search cases" link on the self help page of the county website. All the "minutes" options are a pop up saying they aren't released publicly. Ok, let me try to keep this as short and concise as possible. A little harder with the FML freak out I'm trying not to have. We've been separated 2 years but divorce papers filed Jan '15, in front of the judge in April which settled custody/support/visits, just had to wait the mandatory 6 mos for it to be final. I went back in July & filled out a Request for Default Judgment & we got the signed/dates/stamped "filed" by the judge complete paperwork in October last year. Everyone was happy. Ex & I always got along, pretty drama free divorce, thank the gods. I'm filing new requests to give him 7wks more a year, weird I know, but this way his wife can stay out of it & stop blocking him from getting more time. So I look up our case for exact dates & I see all those notes that are gibberish to me. Then at the top the word **"vacated"** caught my eye, my understanding is that term means that whatever case/order/decision is erased/canceled/no longer valid. Is that correct? I'm so confused as I wasn't notified of anything from the time I filed the Default till my copy of signed & filed orders in Oct and that was *literally* the very last thing heard. I'm hoping you can possibly help by: •explain what a 'Case Status Conference' is & if I shoulda been there? •it was postponed 9/14, then judgement is entered 10/22 and mailed to us - does that mean the Conference was canceled all together? •Why the hell they'd schedule another Conference literally 9 months after the first and 8 months after final judgement? •**what exactly** was vacated specifically and why June of this year? Wth?! •what does this all mean for us in the present? He got married 6/10/16, could this have anything to do with their marriage license being filed? If yes, what? Thank you SO much in advance!! I'm desperately hoping I'm not still married to this man. 15y was *freaking plenty*, sigh. Even though our divorce was easy and drama free, it became obvious that clear boundaries are now needed. Plus I didn't divorce the dude to get stuck in near constant bitchy contact for 4 months, I wanna stamp this crap and be done with it. Admittedly, the (teeny) evil side of me would crack the hell up if my fears were true, but the sane, smart side knows that it would be WW3 level tantrums that I did not sign up for. Nope. No thanks. Thanks again in advance! Edit: fixed the link
[CA] Looked up my year old divorce online for specific dates & I'm freaking out! FFS, is our divorce invalid? Are we still married?! (Good gawd, pls say no!). What about his new marriage!! HELP!!
Like the title says, I, and several other of the dog owners, got a letter posted on our doors stating that because of the volume of dog poop found after the snow thawed, they would begin evicting every dog owner in my building and two adjacent buildings due to no one being turned in (which on its own would bring a $250 fine per poop incident, up to eviction). In the lease it does state that each dog owner is responsible for cleaning up after our own dogs, but there is no "nuclear clause". There has not been any official letter from the lawyer's office that the apartment management company goes through, and only word from the managers of the property (who refuse to budge unless we point the finger at someone). It may just be hearsay, but there is also a rumor floating around that they are trying to displace people due to a new business development nearby, for which they are greatly increasing rent. I've been a perfect tenant, so theres no payment history issue or complaint that I know of against me. What should I do to (hopefully) keep my home and my dogs?
Apartment management company is threatening to evict all dog owners (including myself) from my building, what should I do? (UT)
Specifically, if I decide to move forward with litigation against my employer for their fuckery will they fire me on the spot once they are informed of the suit being brought against them?
WCGW if I decide sue my employer?
Reddit, What is the best way to recover a debt ($50K range) from someone who doesn't seem to want to give money back? There is a personal loan agreement. The money was given as a check. Edit: The location is California. TIA P.S. Sorry for a new account, writing from another machine.
What is the best way to recover a personal debt?
I'm a teacher for a California charter school, but I want to quit and find a new job (disagree with the current management policies and practices). However, I signed a contract and I don't know if I can quit. I can link to my full (and redacted) contract if that would help, but the key phrases: >FIXED TERM EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT >Term and Work Schedule: Subject to Section C, “Termination of Agreement” herein, Inspire Charter Schools hereby employs Employee for the term of the [XXX] Schools charters, commencing on or after September 1, 2016 and ending June 30, 2017. Workdays for the Employee shall be consistent with the applicable calendar of workdays for this position. The current year schedule is attached and incorporated by reference herein. [XXX] Schools shall have the right to assign or reassign the Employee to positions, duties, or additional duties and to make changes in responsibilities, work, or transfers, at any time during the contract term. >Employee Rights: Employment rights and benefits for employment at [XXX] Schools shall only be as specified in this Employment Agreement, [XXX] Schools’ charters, the Charter Schools Act and [XXX] Schools’ Personnel Handbook, which from time to time may be amended and modified by [XXX] Schools. Employment rights and benefits may be affected by other applicable agreements or directives or advisories from the California Department of Education or State Board of Education. During the term of this Agreement, Employee shall not acquire or accrue tenure, or any employment rights with [XXX] Schools. >C. TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT >This Agreement may be terminated by any of the following: >1. Early Termination with/without Cause: The School Administration or Board may unilaterally, and with or without cause or advance notice, terminate this Agreement. In consideration of the right to terminate this Agreement without cause, the School shall pay to Employee his/her salary for fifteen (15) calendar days after termination occurs. >2. Revocation/ Nonrenewal of Charter: In the event that the [XXX] Schools charters with the District are either revoked or non-renewed, this Agreement shall terminate immediately upon the effective date of the revocation/ nonrenewal of the charters, and without the need for the process outlined in Section b above. >D. NON-RENEWAL/EXPIRATION OF TERM. The Board may elect not to offer future employment agreements to Employee at its sole discretion, without cause, and this Agreement will lapse by its own terms. Please let me know if there's any other sections that I should include to help make a determination, but that's all I saw that discussed my rights or termination. I intend to follow best practices for quitting a normal job (two weeks notice), but I've never been on a fixed term contract before. Thank you!
[CA] Fixed term employment contract - can I quit?
My university works with a third party housing company, and I am the on-site representative for the university there. I live there as well. I had formed various friendships with the three people I directly work with and one supervises the other two. I had a failed personal relationship with one of them (I asked out on a date and she said no) in November 2016, and only once asked about that in March when we went on a lunch together. I will revisit this party of the story later. In early January 2018, the two of them (the one I asked out on a date and the supervisor) and their supervisor went to my supervisor and explained they (all of them, although I was told one was no present) were uncomfortable working with me any longer for the following reasons: 1. I had negatively targeted one of them (the one I asked out in November 2016) in several e-mails. I had also written several direct and mean e-mails since (saying things like "the way to get things from the company is to complain"). 2. I had a wild temper. They cited an event where (according to them)I yelled at their student staff member and one of the three I alluded to earlier on the phone. This took place in April 2016. 3. I had told them that I felt bad about being mean to them, and that was one of the reasons I started seeing a psychiatrist and proscribed adderall for ADHD. They were all very supportive, two of them were supportive in writing to me. They told my supervisor they were concerned about me because of this. The result of this was my supervisor decided that I had to leave the university, to which I was able to extend that through June based on the condition that I was searching for employment. I also live here, so I would be losing my home as well. While I was told this would be put in writing, it has yet to be, and I have since received a raise in writing. I was also told I had an impeccable record for the nearly two years I worked at the university, and the the reason I had to leave is that I didn't get along with the third party company. To address the three things: 1. All of those e-mails on the negative side were professional complaints. I had only written positive things that were personal. I also have loose proof that the one member primarily complaining did things against me as well (targeted my student staff member, misrepresented information). We had an issue that ended our friendship in April 2017, but looked to rebuild it in October 2017 to which I was told slowly. She also told me not to text, but I had professionally a few times (she answered thoroughly once) but I did send her a positive personal one as well, which was brought up. I had e-mailed them positives and negatives as well, negatives were professional issues, which did highlight some of the things she had done to me (some I can prove, I had apologized to them for anything I did to them a month prior). I did that in late November 2017. As for the comfortability piece, I was in discussion to present at their student staff training as late as November 2017, was the only school that ran events with them (which was optional) and met with two of them in late December 2017. One had also liked a Facebook status of mine on Christmas Day and the other I had a lot of personal texts that seemed comfortable as late as January 2018 (even after this was told to my supervisor). They also asked if we would continue working on an event we had planned in Feb 2018 (next week) and we are doing it. 2. They never showed me this incident report, and I did apologize to them (while I wasn't screaming and yelling, I wouldn't say it was my best professional moment either). The incident report stated they were fearful and scared of me, but I had worked with the student staff member in question many times since with no issues, and they never brought to my university at the time. 3. I'm just a bit horrified about this part. Although I was told they tied that into my temperament piece, although I began adderall in September and that incident was in April. I'm looking at what legal actions I can take against the third party company, as I feel they slandered me into costing me my job. I still currently live in the building and work with them under strict supervision (mostly e-mails, a lot less personal interaction). New York, New York
Third Party Company Potentially Costs Me Job
Hi legal advice, I was working for a burrito company within a mall in Canada, that also has stores all over the United States. I was let go last Friday as I did not wash the brown rice prior to cooking. The training books say to do this and this is completely my fault. However, since it was brown rice, the manager (who was let go a few weeks prior) told me it did not need to be washed. Anyways, someone reported me to the manager and was let go without warning, due to a health and safety violation. I had no previous write ups or conversations about food safety and had worked there for 6 months. It's worth noting that I am in school and after a certain period, they will re-emburse a portion of this school cost and that 2 months prior I hurt my back on the job and was off for 2 weeks. Here's the issue, 2 of my roommates work there as well and I cultivated a lot of friendships there and have gathered the following: The inspector (who makes sure all the stores in his jurisdiction are in compliance) had an issue with me and asked everyone what they thought of me and openly expressed that he did not like me to one of the managers, whom told me. I don't get along with one of my roommates, from what I've heard she is releasing things that occur at home (such as sexual conduct with my girlfriend and how she doesn't respect my religion because of this, etc.). The GM told one of his managers that I was not "let go" but sent home at the end of my shift, which makes me doubt that I was fired, but that I was baited into not showing up anymore. I called HR and asked about the above, they told me they I was still "active" but the system can take up to 2 weeks to update. From what I've been told after explaining this situation to my family is that I was at least, fired with insufficient cause at the worst there is some labour violations. I am waiting for a call from HR following their "investigation". I should receive my last pay this Friday and have requested a copy of my "final write-up". I am not in trouble for money as I have secured a paid internship starting in 2 weeks, but I could have kept this job as well. What should I do? Should I get a lawyer? Do I even have a case? General advise is appreciated as well. This company is very scared of future scandals as they have essentially turned into a meme all over the internet, so if the investigation turns out to be true, I suspect they will try and shut me up with money. How would I handle this? Thank you, Guys.
(Ontario, Canada) Let go from food service job for "health and safety violation" but I think I was let go without cause
I was in an accident where I got rear ended on December 15th. I was not at fault and it was reported to both the other drivers insurance agency and my own, there is also a police report. However I forgot to report it to the DMV. And the problem is that california law apparently states that you have 10 days to do so, and today is the 11th day. I have filled out the SR1 form and printed them out and I was wondering if anyone had any advice for me. Should I mail it out like it says? Or should I make a trip to the dmv and do things there. Thanks in advance guys
I forgot to report an accident I was involved in with the DMV
Today I saw a post about a man who was falsely accused for killing two teenagers. He was in prison for 25 years before the court ruled him not guilty. What compensation do these people get? Do they get any?
Question: What compensation do falsely accused get?
Location is in California.
How many emotional support animals is one allowed to have?
My partner and I had sadly decided to part ways. We do not own a house together and no kids, no joint access and no joint debt. Therefore, we have drafted a separation agreement to basically state that you keep yours and I keep mine. I was wondering where we should go from here. Involving a lawyer costs so much for what we have already agreed on. I found no instructions on the New York states website unfortunately. Is it going to involved signing the paper in front of a notary and then just mailed the paperwork?
Getting divorced in New York State
Hello LegalAdvice, TL;DR I was in a collision. Police report was filed. They admitted fault. Having the shop use their insurance. Beginning to notice back pain. Am I proceeding correctly so far and what should be my next steps? Somewhat regular reader here but never thought I would need to actually post myself. Currently being vague but if you need more information on the vehicles let me know. Earlier today I was in a collision in which I was not at fault. They hit me we called the police and filled out the report with both parties information. During the process they admitted to fault directly to the police officer. I have had my vehicle towed to a body shop to be repaired and requested they use the other party's insurance. At the time of the accident I did not notice any injury to myself however after waiting for a bit I am starting to notice some back pain. What would be the proper steps to take to get them to pay for my injuries/check-up and as I will be unable to use my vehicle for work will I be able to have them cover the costs of a rental? Additionally my vehicle is almost 10 years old and has 130k+ miles on it. If they claim it as a total loss is it possible for me to get them to revoke that? I would rather not have to purchase a new vehicle just yet if possible.
[MD] I was in a vehicle collision and need some advice about how to proceed.
I’m gonna try to keep it simple. - Car hit a rail at a downhill and curved street. - I started to slow down to stop for the car - car behind me swerved to try and avoid me but hit me - driver was unlicensed and uninsured, as well as car owner, 4 in the car - I was alone, full coverage and what not. - cops showed up, helped, but they didn’t tell me anything about what to do regarding them not being insured and unlicensed. Only thing he said was that I’m insured and have full coverage and should have uninsured driver coverage. - back hurting How should I continue? Insurance knows I’m not at fault. Car got towed to a shop. Should I visit a doctor and then let insurance know or do I call first before visiting one? What should I do regarding the other party? I’m assuming I’m going to have to pay a deductible of 500$ and since I’m not even at fault I obviously don’t want to pay. Don’t exactly have much money during these times. Other party if I’m being honest did not seem like any of them really had much money either, car was quite old. just looking for advice from people who have had similar experiences or maybe some of you work for insurance Thank you
Rear ended, uninsured and unlicensed driver at fault, back hurts, any advice?
United States/Ohio. I will try to keep this brief but thorough. I am a homeowner. Home is in my name w/ my mother as the cosigner. My live-in girlfriend, the mother of my toddler, has been diagnosed with mental illness for quite some time. I have only stayed with her and endured because she threatens to take my child with her if I evict her. There was an incident towards the end of last year where she I tried to end the relationship and she threatened suicide. Her eldest son (14) moved to a family members house and has been in therapy ever since. I threw my son in the car and left in the middle of the night for fear of his safety. Police were called but no police report ever filed. I moved out for nearly 3 months before I came home. I allowed her to remain in the home while I took on a 2nd job (i make great money at my 1st job, she was not working at all) and I told her I wanted her to work on a gameplan to leave. She refused to leave. I sadly gave in and returned home after 3 months—mostly because working long hours had put a strain on my relationship with my son. I felt like I was sacrificing so much for him but I would go almost 5 or 6 days at a time without seeing him and it was breaking my heart. Whether it was all in my head or whether it was actually happening, I don’t know, but towards the end of my working 2 jobs and living at my parents to support this woman who was not working and running my charge cards up, I felt like my son was starting to look at me as just some guy instead of Daddy. It was killing me. I had to come home and be with him. There was also the fact that my “gf” claimed our son on our taxes and threatened to size the entirety of the refund money (despite the fact that she did not work at all the past year and I had taken out a personal loan in my name for HER on the understanding we would pay that loan off with tax return money). But I cannot tolerate the mother any longer. She has used my unwillingness to evict her against me. I told myself that the next time things got bad, *she* was leaving *my* house. I have endured so much during this 3 year relationship for the sake of my son. Well I have recently come to the conclusion that my live in “girlfriend” has been driving around in the car smoking with my son in the back seat. I don’t know how long this has been happening for but I’ve had suspicions at least 2 months. She would take him on a drive to tire him out and he’d come home reeking of tobacco smoke. I’ve made many comments over the past few weeks when shed return from these drives, and she vehemently denies having ever smoked with her son in the car. For context, I caught her smoking during the pregnancy. Sneaking her black-n-mild cigars here and there on drives. I suspected her for weeks and she lied to my face about it many times. I finally found her stash one day and wrapped our baby’s fucking ultrasound picture around her cigar so the next time she went to go sneak a puff shed find a picture of her unborn son staring at her. I let her know in no uncertain terms she was out of the house on her ass if I ever caught her smoking while pregnant again. Now she has lied to me for at least 2 months about smoking with him in the backseat. Last night was the final straw. When he left he did not smell of smoke. My car did not smell of smoke. She returned reeking of smoke. His hair reeked. His jacket reeked. I walked outside and opened the car door, it was unmistakable that she had just smoked in the fucking car with him in it. I need to know how to get her out of my home. I don’t want to cut her out of my sons life but I need to get her out of my home without turning myself into a Weekend Dad. But this bitch has to go. Please. Someone tell me what I have to do to remove her from my house and what my options are to keep my son?
HELP My gf is crazy and I need to learn how to legally remove her from my home without losing my son forever
I’ve been working at this food truck for a few months now where we accept tips from customers via the square app, as well as having a tip jar on display. However us employees actually don’t ever receive the tips and instead the owner collects them. He claims that since it’s a food truck that’s been open for a year that people “tip the truck” to cover expenses for the first year. It’s also been over a year that the truck has been open and we still don’t receive tips. We are paid $8 an hour so there is not tip credits involved. This is also in Texas. Any help about what I can do about the situation would be appreciated !
Employer takes tips, claims it’s “tipping the truck”
Hi Guys, The title says the gist of it. Employer told the entire team that hour ours will be reduced from 40 to 16 a week temporarily due to COVID. They encouraged all of us to file for unemployment, but they said on paper they will still consider us as Full-Time employees so we can still accrue our benefits. All of us find their reasoning questionable we have this theory that they are doing this to get approved for the PPP loan. We don't have an HR Dept or HR Team to get any clarification about this. I have 2 questions: * Will the fact that I'm still considered a Full-Time employee, despite the reduced hours, affect my Unemployment filing? * Do employees have to be considered "Full-Time" to get approved for the PPP loan?
[California] Full-Time Hourly Employee. Got Hours Reduced from 40 to 16. Employer said they're still considering me Full-Time on Paper but is also encouraging us to file for Unemployment. Is this Considered Fraud?
23/IL. A couple of weeks ago I was involved in an accident - with no damage to my car and a cracked reflector to hers - after changing lanes to avoid a car stopped in the lane in front of me whose wheel had fallen off. I had checked behind me to see if cars were letting me in, as had been happening prior to the accident, saw the lane was clear, and completed a lane transition before being hit. Flipped on my hazards and got out to see an 87 year old lady who was insisting (albeit meanly) I better have good insurance, as she'd never been in an accident before in her entire life (neither have I, lady). An unmarked cop car rolled up to take our details for his report and write out a citation (apparently mine, as listed in the title). The cop said that I could likely appeal and get off with one of those driver safety classes and the ticket would drop off in six months, but I'm unsure if I could effectively represent myself or if I should hire a lawyer (I'm looking at one with "15 years of experience" in traffic law). I'm also unsure if this would be better or worse, time/money wise, than paying the $120 ticket and letting it sit on my record for however long. I was not intoxicated at the time, and she was just really old and kept insisting that I caused the wheel to fall off of the kid's car in the lane I'd switched out of. (I informed her approximately three times that I could not have caused his wheel to fall off, as my car was nowhere near his at the time it happened.) 1. Do you think I could get away with just the driver safety class if I argued my case effectively? 2. Should I hire a lawyer to defend me, or can I defend myself? 3. If I do lose the case, would it cost me more than the $120 ticket and potential lawyer fees? tl;dr - Got rear ended by an old lady who wasn't really with it. Should I fight the ticket I got?
Got rear ended but got the ticket for 'improper lane usage' - advice? [IL]
About a month ago, my roommate and I (from a different state) booked a property in Seattle, Washington listing on a platform similar to Airbnb, but we had to cancel after one week. The landlord explicitly told us (via this messaging platform and we have proof of it) that he would refund a certain amount of money if we cancelled. However, 5 weeks later, the landlord has still not refunded us the money and took 19 days to respond to our repeated messages. He finally responded when we filed a complaint with the BBB, informed him of our potential legal suit, and reminded him of his contractual obligation. The total dollar amount he owes us is more than $1k. We have already informed him that failure to refund us as agreed upon in the contract means that we will pursue legal action. If we do end up having to go through with this, what are the next best steps? Does anyone have any idea whether our case is winnable in small claims court in King County? (We have all the evidence and myriads of emails, communication with support staff of that platform who are on our side, all chats on the messaging platform, etc.)
(WA) Host not giving back agreed-upon amount after cancellation
\*Using They/Them/Their to help avoid possible identification, This takes place in Nevada Someone I know has had a recent issue at a very large retailer in regards to his wage. They recently stepped down to an hourly position and initially was told they would be paid a significantly smaller amount than anticipated, however the job offer was given for a much higher amount that they and their store manager signed off on. Two days ago he was notified by the store HR that they can only pay them the lower amount that wasn't agreed to. It's been three weeks since he received pay and if they go to accept the payout from the cash office they'll only pay them the hourly rate not signed off on for the hours worked which they worked under the rate they signed off on with their store manager. My friend is already beginning the open-door process and their store manager and Market HR have told them it was a mistake and it won't change. They are currently taking the next step which will be regional HR. Some Notes - Friend has a paper trail of the emails of the offer along with the emails and responses in regards to the open door. This done via computer, requiring both their and the store manager's signature (same manager that is trying to backtrack now). The system is still not registering them as an hourly employee, still has access to their salary manager tools and cannot punch in (Has done paper time adjustments though). Friend has worked at the company for many years, several being before they went to salary. They're also forcing them to claim 0 on their paycheck (not sure if this is legal or not?).
Legality of Strong-arming Someone to Cut Their hourly wage?
My sister has a daughter and another child on the way by the same man. The father is in prison, again. She has children by a different father and has visitation rights to them after the divorce but was not awarded primary custody. She has very little ability to provide. She claims to be in school. I know she is unemployed. I have no idea how she pays any bills or provides basic needs for my niece. The baby will not improve this situation. My 4 year old niece has begun to run away from all family members who my sister might see as a threat or how question her ability to parent. We believe she may be telling her lies about her family to keep her from telling us anything incriminating. What constitutes neglect in a legal sense? How do we go about having her investigated? If the neglect were proven and the children taken by whatever agency(assuming the baby has arrived by the time this all hypothetically happened), what is the best way for us to try and adopt them? We live out of state and are happily married, raising our own children successfully, both gainfully employed, can afford to adopt and provide for more children, own our own home. Please help us get our bearings and find out if this is A) possible, B)Probable. The last thing we want to do is try and fail, and then be denied access to our niece and her sibling forever. Thank you so much LegalAdvice
Colorado, USA. I believe my sister is neglecting her children. Is it possible for me and my wife to adopt them against her wishes?
Hello! First time posting here and hopefully it’s the last. Long story short, the ac was broken prior to move-in and took 2 weeks to get fixed and the landlord is dodging every question and concern I have. I live in Florida and no cooling caused the condo to reach temperatures regularly above 88° in mid April. I have read the tenant laws in Florida and feel pretty comfortable going to small claims as a last case scenario. What should I do to strengthen my case? I’ve already typed out the letter I’m going to get notarized and send via certified mail. Also been keeping a journal of all events, calls, and voicemails. There’s multiple small violations of the lease that I couldn’t care less about such as broken screens the fact that rent shouldn’t be collected until I am approved by the association (stated in the lease). Her ‘life partner’ also threatened me directly the same day I asked about being credited for the time lost saying they’d have no choice but to report bureau with the intention of destroying my credit. This was the point where I got fed up with them and told them I won’t communicate via phone and only in writing. I’m 99% sure this violates “Obligation of Good Faith”. Also, the receipts she sent for move in costs were mislabeled. rental payments to cover herself I guess. She listed the prorated first month rent as a first month deposit saying this is needed to reserve the unit. The lease is very clear what payments are required and what each one is. I paid a security deposit, last month’s rent, and prorated first month’s rent. I’ve also never dealt with someone more unprofessional than this. She’s called me countless times leaving voicemails how she is not comfortable with texts or emails as a form of communication, only calling as it is more convenient for her. Am I within my rights to refuse these calls and demand everything in writing concerning the lease and condo regulations? Sorry if this doesn’t belong here I’ll gladly take it down and put it somewhere else. I’m just so nervous about this situation on top of the global situation we’re all facing. Thank you for all your time, stay safe.
Landlord is Refusing to Credit Rent Due to Unit Being Untenable
My husband was arrested for DV 3rd in Alabama. I was unable to communicate clearly during the initial report. The reporting officer asked me to update the report. With the update the officer and my lawyer are considering the possibility of the case actually being DV 2. What should I expect in court for DV 2 and DV 3 (if the code is updated after giving my account of the incident).
I have a question about court proceedings.
I am a student who lives in an apartment in Arizona with three other roommates. I applied to renew my lease for the next year and was sent a lease but have not signed it. This past year our leases were written individually with each one of us receiving a lease between the landlord and one of us; however, this upcoming year the lease is between all four of us and then the landlord. Two people have signed but another roommate who also applied to renew but no longer plans on doing so and I have not. Today I received a call from the landlord who stated that we are legally bound by this lease despite not signing it yet with their reasoning being they have written a lease with our names on it. Is this true? Thank you for your help.
I applied to renew a lease but haven’t signed I legally bound to the lease offer?
Edit: He is in CT, some of us are in MA, NJ, CT, WA, and ME Like the title says, one of my (former) close friends is going to federal prison for hacking almost 300 people’s accounts and being a part of the Celebgate nude leak. Got a letter in the mail awhile back that I was a victim of Access Without Authorization to Obtain Information, but thought it was about the Equifax leak until this week. A lot of people in my friend group were victims, but we don’t know exactly what he took of ours or what he had access to. There isn’t any information on the VNS. What are our options here? Should we get lawyers? Do we ride it out until he is formally sentenced in a month and see where the cards fall? Thanks!
Close friend hacked me and others in 2013, now is going to federal prison. Can we get damages?
So the quick synopsis is, i was leaving a store to go to work, and I bumped into another car going about 3-4 mph or so. Initially I pulled in to write a note and instead I stupidly left bc I was running late to work. It was a stupid, asshole move and I get that. I talked to the police after they called me that night and I vaguely answered their questions trying my best to not say too much, they said I would get a citation to show up in court, which I obviously expected. I got it today and the criminal box is checked and it seems it’s being done as a criminal charge My criminal, and traffic record are both spotless, aside from this. I’ve been driving for about 7 years or so. My question to you all is, what should I do, I don’t have the money to pay for a legal representation, what are the possible ramifications if I show up alone to speak for myself? What should i do about legal representation? I’m really nervous and I’m in school and don’t have a lot of money.. I was planning on going and just agreeing to pay whatever fine and whatever else Thanks
Received a citation with the criminal box checked (Massachusetts) for a minor traffic incident. What do I do
Hello! So this post is going to be a bit of a mess, mostly because there are a lot of moving parts and I want to be 100% transparent. My lease began May 1st, but I didn't move in fully until the 12th. Yesterday evening I was baking some breadsticks and no more than 10min after having the oven on and 5 minutes of frozen breadsticks in the oven it caught fire. As smoke thickened my boyfriend (not a tenant just helping me move in) tried pulling the fire alarm but it didn't do anything so he knocked on neighbors' doors to let them know. One of my neighbors broke the extinguisher gas and went into my unit to put it out. I have called the fire department at this point. I gave my statements to police and fire. My landlord showed up to examine the unit and let me know they'd be replacing the oven, and I'll get it on the 16th. Luckily none of my stuff is permanently damaged, just gross from smoke and fire extinguisher dust. Especially since my renter's insurance doesn't kick in until tomorrow. In addition I have a bunny in my apartment that technically has not been approved by management though I have an ESA letter from my doctor. My question is, do I have any options for holding the company/landlord accountable? They say they did a safety check for electric, plumbing ect. But I have my doubts since it caught fire my first time using it. Let me know if you need any additional information.
IL - I moved into my apartment 3 days ago and yesterday the oven caught fire on my first time using it. The hallway fire alarms didn't work, do I have any options for recourse?
If I make contract agreeing to help someone out, to give him money at a later date for instance, and I don't honor that contract, can he then take me to court over it? (UK)
Agreeing to pay someone money without having received anything in exchange
In late 2017 me, my sister, and her boyfriend all agreed to rent a place together at the rate of $280 each. I have recently learned she is attempting to give me the boot in favor of a new room mate who is willing to pay more and my question is can she do that? Our agreement is only verbal with this facebook message being my only proof and as a side note does being co-head on the lease give me any benifit? Also she is threatening to stop paying completely if I don't leave after march.
Can I be kicked out of my room? (South Dakota)
Few things before I explain. Sorry for the format and grammar. I’m on mobile and English is not my native language. Just how the title says, my GF parents want to sue me because we had sex when she was underage but for some background I’ll explain. My GF and I met almost a year ago, she was still 17 and I was fresh from turning 18. We started talking and our relationship flourish. A few months we later we both decided to have sex. We used protection and everything was fine until they found out what we did. My GF parents have always been extreme to the point that that it can be considered abuse (not physical but emotional). They invade her privacy and she had to see psychologist for all the things that they have done and said. I won’t say the things because it’s not for me to share. Recently they haven’t let me see my GF even if we are both 18 and are college students. They have also said to my girlfriend that they can and will sue me if I keep “harassing their daughter” and because she was underage when we both consented to have sex. Now what I’m asking for it’s for some advice on how I can defend myself if they actually sue me. I have evidence on emotional abuse that they have caused to my girlfriend and I don’t know much about law but maybe the psychologist can say something too Any help will be much appreciated
My (18M) girlfriend (18F) parents want to sue me because we had sex when she was 17 even though we both consented.
Hello, Disclaimer: i realize how dumb it was that my husband and I , as well as the person selling us the car, didn't realize this at the point of sale. Will never make this mistake again and I just need some advice on what you would do to move forward if you were in this situation ​ TLDR- bought car from someone, the title was still registered to the original owner (guy's neighbor) and there's an active lien on it. Car is a 2002, think it could be a mistake with the company because that would be a really really long loan. if the original seller (neighbor) isn't responding to the seller we bought it from, what should we do to get the car legal or to otherwise get out of this situation? husband and I have essentially been sharing a car on and off for two years, but we live in a pretty rural area and it has posed many problems, as I commute to work about 40 mins away. After buying a second car in October 2019, we started having issues with the one we had been sharing & racking up miles on (it was my first car), so we started to look for another car. We ended up finding something on Facebook marketplace and meeting up with someone. He has been in contact with us since we purchased the vehicle from him. The person we bought the car from bought the car from his neighbor, and only used it a couple weeks as his truck was currently at the shop being worked on. The neighbor never filled out the title, so the title is still registered to the original seller (the neighbor). We figured this out after going on the vin lookup site for Michigan and seeing there is still an active lien on the title. The seller has been in contact with the neighbor and had told us some time ago that she was working to get the lien off and that he had given her $40 to do so. We message him every so often, and for a while it sounded like things were going well. In all honesty, it seems like she was not aware of the car still having an active lien on it because what good would it do her to knowingly sell a car with a lien on it, when the title is still registered to her? It's also believable that the person who sold the car to us didn't realize it, as it sounded like he was just driving it to work for a few weeks and didn't ever even register it. He was planning on selling it when he bought it, he told us. Should we just ask him for the information about the original seller and try to contact her about this and see what we can do to help, or is there a way we can go about this some other way? I would appreciate any guidance. ​ Obviously, none of us are very bright about this or were in that moment (lol). My husband and i were just so excited to have finally found a car that worked and ran, all for only $800. If there's one good thing, it's that at least we haven't sunk a lot of money into this so far, just a lot of regret about not looking over the title more carefully. This has been a huge source of anxiety for us. My husband struggles with Bipolar depression and I with anxiety, and though we have been able to relax on this issue being quarantined and me working from home, we are either going to have to get this resolved or buy another car before I have to start commuting back to work. Thanks for reading this.
Bought a car with a lien on the title, what to do now ( yeah, i know)
First, details : I live and rented from this landlord in Washington state. It was month to month, had to pay first+last+security deposit and it was relatively lax with a sparse rental agreement and payments in cash. It was a very casual rental situation because the landlord was cool and the place was a work-in-progress situation. After I gave her notice (which she acknowledged), cleaned, and moved out, I waited almost a month and didn't hear anything from her. I asked for her to send my deposit via text because that was how we communicated. No reply for a couple weeks, so I asked again and nothing. In comes my letter of demand asking for my deposit by 5/20 and she called me asking for a copy of the rental agreement because I assume she lost it. She is forgetful and a bit on the old side, so I understand, but I don't know if I should. I already told her I would send her a copy of the rental agreement like a fool because she's this frail character and I felt like I couldn't say no. I was also not sure if somewhere, somehow there is a little tidbit in law that says I would have to provide a copy if asked, but I feel like that is not the case and there would be no benefit to sending a copy. I don't want to be an asshole about anything because I feel like we've always been on relatively good terms, but I'm conflicted about this whole situation. Is there any reason for me to send her a copy of the rental agreement that *she* lost? For that matter, is there any reason I *shouldn't*? Since I already told her I would send her a copy, I don't want to go back on my word, but if I *should* avoid sending a copy, I don't know how to tell her no. ___ **tl;dr :** landlord is asking for a copy of the rental agreement after I sent her a letter of demand for my security deposit. I foolishly told her I would send her a copy but I'm not sure if I should. Any advice would be much appreciated. Thank you for your time.
Landlord is asking for a copy of rental agreement after I sent a letter of demand for my security deposit back.
Hello. My husband and I are located in Florida, the ex is in Missouri. They divorced in 2011 and have had a custody/child support agreement in place since then. The arrangement is she has the son during the school year and we have him during the summer, as we live 1000 miles away. She also receives monthly child support. Here’s the issue: we had originally discussed not taking him this year because of lockdowns and COVID. Flying isn’t exactly safe for virus free travel, nor is driving through 6 states with various stops for food/gas. Exposing myself or my husband like that is a concern, as is exposing his son during the trip and our daughter afterwards. We have expressed these concerns, but she just tells us it’s no higher risk. She is now threatening to take us back to court to increase the child support because we’re not following the custody arrangement (despite exigent circumstances). Additional information: their son is special needs; he’s severely developmentally delayed. He’s is 13 (almost 14) and has the mentality of a 6/7 year old. The mother said he’s been diagnosed autistic, but the diagnosis was done by a school counselor to get an IEP. She has never gotten him officially diagnosed nor proper therapy. Because of this, we can’t get him therapy or in a special day program here and we don’t have him long enough to get a diagnosis. He also has rage and defiance issues, especially towards me and my daughter. Please help. Should we risk the health of our family or take her back to court?
Husband’s ex-wife threatening court over custody arrangement and COVID
A section of the contract states, "Borrower will use all the proceeds of this Loan solely as **working capital** to alleviate economic injury caused by disaster-" It also states, "Borrower will, **to the extent feasible**, purchase only ***American-made*** equipment and products with the proceeds of this Loan." I am a drop ship business who can benefit from this working capital for the inventory I purchase but it is not American made. The paragraph also says, "-to the extent feasible-". Sourcing my inventory would be impossible since they are all manufactured in a foreign country. Since using the loan as working capital to purchase inventory that is American-made would not be easy nor convenient to my business, would that mean it would not breach contract to continue my operations as normal? ​ I understand that any information given is for informational purposes and should not be construed as legal advice.
EIDL Loan contract question (not grant)
Today the landlord told me mom cannot stay in the apartment anymore and I need to come up with ‘a plan’. My mom stopped taking her medication in February 2020 and since then she has been cycling between full delusions/hallucinations and depressions. I am her daughter and primary caregiver and we live together in a rental apartment. She has been constantly calling the police on ‘stalkers’ etc. Also going into loud arguments screaming/yelling with the imaginary people. This is a non smoking building and she smokes almost 2 packs a day and refuses to stop. If all of this is not bad enough, recently in the parking lot she backed up her car a few inches when a neighbor was walking past and threatened to hit her! This was the final straw as the landlord is frightened for the safety of the tenants etc. I completely understand the landlords concerns, but I need some guidance on mom’s rights and what kind of time line this will be? My mom is over 65 and is legally disabled both mentally and physically due to severe arthritis and is a fall risk. She is low income as well. She has refused all forms of medication and treatment . I have spoken to her doctors and case worker who cannot do anything as it’s her right to refuse treatment. She was 302 in February and it did not help at all. They discharged her after a few days. At this point I am afraid she will be homeless or living in the car. How fast can the landlord evict her? Is this a ‘valid’ reason for eviction? Mom won’t go willingly, will the landlord have to take her to court? what are her rights if any in this situation? We are in PA if that helps any. I appreciate any guidance or suggestions. Thank-you for reading.
Schizophrenic mother being evicted
My SO and I are looking to rent an apartment in HI. We are currently based in WA. We received an email from the landlord (who is our landlord because we have a signed rental agreement, payment of first months rent, and paid security deposit) saying that his lawyer advised him to collect second months rent as he’s holding the property for us, or he should just give the property out to someone else and refund our money. We signed the rental agreement in early May, and on the agreement our move in date was July 31st, conditional on payment of first months rent and the security deposit. My legal question is whether or not we need to pay the second months rent before we move in, AND, if he (the landlord) can delay the delivery of the keys that he has already shipped, or deny delivery of them to us until we pay it? The situation doesn’t sit right with me, how should I proceed?
HI- Landlord requesting second months rent before delivery of the keys citing advice from his lawyer, is this normal?
I’m from New York and I got a ticket for careless driving in New Jersey last month and am curious how this violation translates from NJ to NY and whether I’d be given any points on my license from the NY DMV. In NJ there is “careless driving”, and there is the more severe “reckless driving”. However in NY there is no “careless driving” violation, there is only “reckless driving”. Any help is appreciated, thanks!
NY driver, NJ ticket
My Fiancé was molested when he was younger. He recently came forward and filed a police report. An investigation was done both by the police and the employer of the molester who molested my fiancé while working for this organization. Both the police and the employers found the claim to be credible. However it was past the statute of limitations so no legal consequences fell to the molester or the organization. My fiancé started to see a counseling service for victims of sexual abuse. While at counseling, he was referred to a Law Firm that took up cases for victims of sexual abuse. After reviewing his case, this law firm offered to take his case and file a lawsuit. My fiancé was told by them that if he lost the case, there would be no financial payment, but if he won, they would take a substantial amount of the money awarded. This was fine with my fiancé as he wasn’t interested in the money, what was important to him was to hold molester and employer accountable. **Here’s where the problems start** My fiancé initially signed a contract with the law firm (without consulting me or anyone, he’s very trusting). Now the law firm is looking to hire an additional law firm and have sent a new contract to be signed. I insisted on seeing the new contract before he signed it and noticed a few worrying things. - Nowhere in the contract does it say that we don’t pay anything if we lose - It states they can ask for advance payment at any time, but doesn’t say if that would be reimbursed in the case of a loss. - It states they can cease working on this case and withdraw at any time and if they choose to do so, we owe them ALL their fees and costs. We are not sure what to do now, we emailed asking for clarification on these and they told us to call them to discuss it. My fiancé already signed the first contract that also has all these same clauses. We would like them to change the contract to remedy these worries but fear we have no bargaining power since he already signed the first contract. Right now it looks like we may be on the hook for a lot of legal expenses that we cannot afford. Any advice on how to proceed is greatly appreciated.
[WA State] Lawyers told us no payment if we lose case, contract says differently.
After being gone for the period of one half hour, I came home to drywall on the ground. The chunk of drywall in our closet (tub pipe access point) was moved. My dog was freaking out. I called my roommate, she did not cause this. She was in another state. A year ago I let my landlord know that there was a problem with pipes. Nothing. It was mostly affecting my downstairs neighbor. He never fixed it. Last week I told him I found mold in the closet, he said he'd "get someone to look at it." I text him asking him if someone came in here. He at first played dumb, but eventually said that he asked someone to. I asked who? Refused to answer. Tells me they're coming back tomorrow and to stop asking questions. He says "I own the building and have access to it." He ends with "Enough questions will be in there tomorrow to try to fix it." Knowing him, it's just some friend of his that he gave the key to, not a licenced plumber. My roommate and I are both working tomorrow and can't get the day off I have a dog and cat here. I'm afraid of some random man who has a key to my apartment. What if they copied it? It's just the two of us girls alone. Would it be illegal for me to change the locks tonight and send a copy in the mail to my landlord? I don't know who this person is nor when they're coming! Edit: If changing the locks is not a legal option, any other ideas or suggestions? Also, we have a month to month lease and will be leaving ASAP
(NH) Landlord had someone enter apartment while all tenants were gone, no notice given. Options? (somewhat urgent)
So I parked my car (legally) on the street in front of my house last night, and I woke up to find my car gone. The car that was parked behind me last night was totaled. There was broken glass everywhere and a wrought iron fence behind the cars was destroyed. Walked back to my house to find a notice on the door, left by the police at 2am saying my car was involved in an accident. I called the police, and they informed me that my car was towed for "obstructing traffic". I can only assume that whoever hit it either knocked it into the street or onto the sidewalk. The police gave me the number for the police report that had been filed, but told me they could not give me any other information until the report had been processed in 5-10 business days. In the mean time, my car is in the impound lot accruing fees. I had to pay $140 at the police station to get my vehicle released. My insurance company says there isn't anything they can do for me until they know who the driver was who hit my car. The police won't tell me if they identified the driver involved or not. I do not have collision insurance, so from what I understand, my insurance company is telling me that I will only get money for my car from the other party's insurance company, if they were identified. My car is still in the impound lot. It's totaled. The front half is completely smashed in, and I have no where to put it. My insurance company can't send someone out to look at it for two days, and in the mean time, I am having to pay $69 per day every day the car sits in the lot. After my insurance company looks at the car, I'm going to have to sign it over to the impound lot, I think. I also have to pay for them towing my car in the middle of the night, altogether it's going to be upward of $500. I missed work today to deal with this, and I'm going to have to call in again on Wednesday, when I go down to the lot to sign over the title to my car. I don't think my insurance company is planning to reimburse me for any of this, unless the other driver is found. I woke up to a big mess, reddit, and now I owe a bunch of people more money than I have. What, if anything, can I do? Am I really just shit out of luck? I can't afford to replace my car if I don't get reimbursed for the loss of my vehicle.
California: I woke up to find my car gone. It turns out someone totaled it while it was parked, in the middle of the night, and the police had it towed away. Now they're saying I owe a bunch of money, and my insurance company won't seem to help me. Advice?
(I live in California) This month I noticed that my Xfinity bill had increased significantly, which it really shouldn't as I am only 12 months'ish into a 24 month contract locked in at what should of been $118.38 a month. (increased from ~$118 to $145) The first increase in price I noticed was a HUGE increase in Xfinity BROADCAST FEE, which I am already familiar with being a bullshit scam fee made up by Xfinity. What was odd to me though was that the price jumped from a $10 a month Broadcasting Fee to $15 a month in February which is already suspicious due to being the beginning of the pandemic and that fee almost doubling. I understand that I was helpless against that fee, BUT my contract should still be good for the 24 months I signed it for. They said I had made "changes" to my contract when in fact I hadn't, and those so called "changes" are what nulled my contract. When I confronted them about the changes, they said that the contract didn't change but my "package bundle" is what changed and "it's kinda weird" how things works. They even tried to push the current increased price on me as "...the current cheapest option available..." (WTF!? I think my contract price that I should have for another year is the cheapest price!) I feel this seems way more shady than anything I've ever experienced with comcast, NOBODY answered my questions when confronted on these topics. I was put on hold multiple times for long periods after questioning them about these fake increases and "changes to my plan". They finally left me with no answers telling me they were going to launch an investigation. Did anyone else experience anything "weird" like this, this month? Should I contact a lawyer? Maybe I'm crazy, and have been inside too long. It all feels extra dirty to me happening during the middle of a pandemic. I have the Xfinity conversation PDF but everytime I try to share the link, this post gets removed.
Xfinity contract breaking? Price gouging? Exploiting the Pandemic? (Xpost r/rbi)
Location: California, USA First of all, I am not entirely sure if this is the best subreddit to post this in. So if there is a better place I'm completely open to suggestions. After noticing a weird reconnection fee charged on my October bill ($35), I started a chat looking for answers. The rep, Maria, stated that service can be interrupted automatically by the system if the balance carries over to the next due date. My service was never interrupted so there is no reason for a reconnection fee. Then she changes her statement and says that it can be interrupted ANYTIME after the next bill is generated and the balance from the previous bill isn't paid (needless to say I paid the bill 19 days late). I called her out and said that is not what she said earlier and I would be filing a complaint with the FCC. Right as I selected to email the chat to myself, my Wi-Fi cut out on all of my devices. Maria sent one last message that she would be getting her manager involved. I decide to hotspot to my computer to try and restore the chat but then when I clicked the email button again, the page refreshed on its own and I lost the chat. At that moment, I get a call from ATT who says they are going to take care of the charge, but then I get a text from google (I have 2 step authentication set up) that says they blocked an attempt to sign into my account. The warning says that they knew my password, but it wasn't an authorized device so they blocked it. The IP address of the device is registered to ATT! So the rep that called me said he would take care of the charge and transferred me to some other woman. I told her everything and she suggested that I copy the chat to MS Word. When I mentioned the Wifi cutting out she flat out said "yeah, the chat people do that so that you won't keep the conversations". I am still floored that she admitted this. I even asked her if this call was being recorded (since they called me and never told me about our call being recorded which is funny being that California is a 2 party consent state). She even agreed when I said that was unbelievable unethical. I'm still in shock about my experience, so I am any of this legal? How am I supposed to navigate this situation? Thank you for all of your help! EDIT: it seems that it is plausible that the sign in attempt could be related to the hotspot but there is the other aspect of the situation: the disconnection of my service during my chat. The ATT rep, Debbie, flat out admitted by her own submission that the chat people will find ways to disrupt the chat so that the customers cannot keep records of the chat. For me, my WiFi stopped working (it has NEVER done that before) and ATT directly called me. Plus, Debbie told me the call was being recorded AFTER I asked her. Not once did they mention to me before that.
ATT disrupted service after threatening FCC complaint and attempted to sign in to my google account.
Posting from the UK I'm unsure if this is the right place to post this. I'm currently at university, staying in student accommodation and my flat mate has said he was cooking and while the oven was still on. The inside layer of the glass door smashed while he was sitting at the other side of the room. I have no way of knowing if he actually did smash it himself as he was the only person present but there was another report of the same thing happening in the same residences. Now the halls wants us to pay £169 to repair it, is there anything we can do as we're all students and paying that would destroy our budgets. Thanks.
Our oven door smashed unexpectedly without anyone touching it, and our residential services wants us to pay.
I’m currently in California. I had to break my lease early due to a job opportunity out of state I understand that I’m on the hook for rent until a suitable tenant is found, and I have no problem with that. But I also understand that a landlord is required to make every effort to find a suitable tenant. So far, from my perspective, the landlord has been dragging his feet. It’s been a week since I have my notice and no effort have been made to put the unit on the market. I’ve been told twice that it was gonna get done “today”, but found out later that it didn’t get done. Where is the line as far as “making every effort to find a tenant” goes? Do I have any leverage at all to create some hustle in my landlord?
[CA] tenant rights when breaking a lease
The other night I parked on the side of the road to text someone back. After I was finished, I turned around and started driving. I was then pulled over and when I asked the officer why I was pulled over he said it was because I was "In a suspicious spot" and just generally being suspicious. He then interrogates me and complains to me about how one of the passengers in my car has been a "Thorn in his side" for quite some time. He tells me to sit back in my car and issues me a ticket for driving with more than one person in my car (Probationary License) Can I fight this in court and plea not guilty considering I was pulled over for absolutely no reason?
USA,NJ pulled over for being suspicious?
As above. Context: The previous tenants (according to our new neighhbours) turned the house into a crack den. They trashed the place thoroughly. The homeowners compounded this by refusing to let a professional touch the place. They hired property management to look after leasing the property, but insisted on doing all their own reno's. This has led to many issues so far, that the property management company I signed the lease with seems incapable of fixing, due to the owner's refusal to return any communications regarding maintenance and similar issues. So far, we have hauled around four full bags of trash out of suspicious dirt mounds in our corner of a level-yarded neighbourhood. These mounds have included used (and full) oil filters, atv parts, cigarette wrappers, grocery packaging, scrap floor tile from the homeowner's "renovations" (this is why we're certain the homeowner is responsible). This is not to mention that the house (which was advertised as freshly reno'd and painted) had only primer on the walls. No sanding had been done when they did the drywall mud before the primer, etc. The yard had no grass left to speak of because the owners spread shitty dirt/gravel over the grass and trash, then left leaves to rot on it over the course of their reno. They also laid their own asphalt driveway, without a liner or gravel bed so there are a ton of plants pushing through it. They cut the internet line to the house while they did that. They also insulated the garage, and cut a bunch of wires too the inside of the house. The electrical box got left unlabelled in the scramble to restore power (best guess). We've asked the property management about paint colours, grass, and even the tree branch rubbing the roof shingles off. And the power, and the internet, and the driveway. Their only response has been apologies and an in-person explanation that the owners are penny-pinching and awful to deal with, and that they won't respond to any messages. Bell gas stopped by to mark the lines for digging and fixing the exterior part. But like, what else can I do? I'm paying a hefty amount of cash for this 4 bed single house in Ontario, Canada. I don't really want to move, but I'm not convinced this is so much a landlord/tenant act case so much as an Environmental Protection Act case. Should I just suck it up? I dug up a lot of the garbage, trimmed all the plants and re-leveled some of the yard. We're seeding it today for grass. Any and all recommendations welcome.
My homeowners buried the previous tenants' garbage in the backyard, and more. What options do I have in Ontario?
One of the local bar owners asked if I have event insurance but I'm doing nothing more than asking people to come out for a pub crawl on the same night and go between 3 bars. I'm not asking for any money for any charity or business and I'm not having any shirts or anything made. I can't find any information about a permit or insurance that would apply here. I'm not trying to avoid any responsibility but I also don't want to just take a bar owners comments as the law. Any thoughts or experience?
[CA] does organizing a community pub crawl open me up to personal liability?
First, I am sinply interested in thoughts or opinions. I have no damages and no intent to do anything. I am not upset; truly am just curious. I read this sub almost daily, and what I have read here over time has made me wonder if something was legally enforceable, or possibly insurance fraud. I'll try to be concise, and thanks in advance. Sorry for throwaway, I made it recently to ask a question but found the answer in another thread. (She doesn't suck. I was entirely wrong and upset at the moment. Turns out she's actually pretty cool.) About 10 years ago, I had a period of stress and lost a lot of weight, down from 120 to 80 over a few months. I believed I had anorexia and sought help by going to a therapist who recommended residential treatment where she also worked. It is *not* a medical facility, and is entirely voluntary. Clients are self-refered, and only need to see a doctor to be medically cleared to live there and participate. Insurance will often cover this sort of treatment. My own insurance pre-approved one week based on questions I was asked in an interview by the facility, then renewed on a weekly basis. (I realize each insurance company has different coverage; this was mine. Nearly all women there had a similar scheme where it had weekly or bi-weekly review for renewal) I was put on the waitlist until a bed came open 10 weeks from "acceptance" as they always have a months-long wait list. It was the first open bed in any of dozens of facilities I applied to nationwide. I think this is relevant, and why I wonder about the enforceability of the clause. When I signed the contract, I had to commit to a minimum of 30 days, but ideally the program is 3 to 12 months. I had approval for my insurance for 7 days, then needed their approval each week going forward. They said that if insurance stops paying, they will discharge, which I saw happen many times. Those clients would leave the next day without penalty. However, if I decided I wanted to leave at **any** time, not just the first month, unless either my insurance stopped paying, or they "graduated" me from the entire program, I would have to give 14 day's notice, or pay the full non-insurance-contracted price for those days. I was discharged after a couple weeks because I needed more medical care than they could provide. However, while I was there, two of the other women were both being "held" there during the notice period and (of course) opted to stay and have their insurance cover the larger portion (mine paid 70%) instead of the roughly $30,000 penalty for two weeks. They were miserable, wouldn't participate, and angry because they didn't want to be there, plus likely paying several thousand dollars for their coinsurance anyway. I don't blame them; I can only imagine how frustrating that would be. Pay 30k to be allowed to go home to your family and seek other treatment, or delay it by two weeks, and still pay a lot more money than most can easily afford for something you expressly don't want. My questions: First:: If someone left, the bed would be always filled no later than the following day, usually the same. Can they collect for two clients in the same spot? Is it like landlord tenant law where they can't double dip, or is this more like a lease break fee? (I read the contract, it does not give a reason, like mitigating turnover costs. The director explained it was indeed meant to discourage women from leaving, because women might change their minds, and shorter notice period places she used to work had too much turnover) Most women were just beginning adulthood and feel this was possibly an unenforceable scare tactic because 18 year olds don't understand contract laws. (Nor do I, but certainly more than I did at age 18.) Second: Since insurance only approves one week at a time, and the facility had to call and request approval for the next week, is it legal for them to request payment for services specifically *not* requested by the patient? I asked my insurance this, and they said they would have stopped paying on request, so "freeing" me if I wanted. But, we were not permitted to call our insurance companies ourselves. (House rules for phone use made it impossible.) Isn't it fraudulent to call insurance and request approval for services they know are not wanted by a patient? Shouldn't they be required to disclose the patient requested discharge? Sorry for so much text. Again, I am just curious about this from discussions that I've read here, and truly appreciate insight. If this is too off topic, please let me know where it might belong better. Also, if anyone wonders, I am doing well. I have difficulty eating, but it turned out the underlying cause was medical and not psychological. I religiously follow both medical treatment and my dietitians recommendations as its a chronic disease, and suffer no more or less mental problems than the average person. Everyone does to some extent, I suppose. I just misdiagnosed my own. TLDR: Can a residential facility for eating disorder charge a client 14 days of treatment not given for leaving before they facility felt they were "fixed", despite no monetary loss to the facility from the discharge? Also wonder if it's legal for a provider to request payment pre-approval for services a patient does not want, and told the provider they were unwanted. Plus a note that I am fine now.
Oregon] Question about a contract clause at an eating disorder facility. Bonus insurance question.
Question is self explanatory, but I'll give a bit of insight. So on Friday, my landlord texted me to ask if they could talk to me before I left to be out of town for a few weeks. Unfortunately I had already left on Wednesday so I let them know that I'd be happy to talk via phone call. They denied this and said it had to be in person, which is fine. Then, today, they messaged me asking why I was "lying" to them about being gone because they had seen my car moved from one parking spot to another (my roommate and I share a car, and they are still in town). The thing about this is that my landlord does NOT reside in the property and it means that they had to have come over to make sure that I wasn't lying. Not to mention lately they've been driving past the property, watching me from their car when I'm taking out the trash, getting the mail, or just minding my own business. To me, this is a huge violation of privacy. I feel uncomfortable to leave the house alone now when I return and I am not okay with this occurring. I believe that the landlord is trying to either find the right time to evict me, or simply try and pull some strings to raise my rent/pry me for personal information (My landlord is notorious for constantly trying to get more information on things. One of my old roommates moved out and they demanded to know their new housing situation, how much they were paying, etc. They also have tried to put 6 months worth of utilities dolloped at the end of the year when the lease specified it would be paid monthly, until I mentioned it to them two months into the lease). I have asked the landlord to kindly stop monitoring my every move, as it makes me incredibly unsafe and uncomfortable. I am a quiet tenant, I pay my rent on time, I keep the house and the hard tidy, and I rarely have people over. I do not know what would cause them to watch me like this. Is there anything I can do to stop this? Is there any legal action I can pursue?
Is my landlord able to survey and stalk me at their property I reside in?
Im back from college this winter, and my parents took my computer when I was out of their house at a friends. Their reason was because this is a computer free house. I told them that I want it back or I'm leaving. They refuse to give it back, I need that laptop to sign up for my next semester classes and answer emails. What can I do? My mom literally wont let me get my computer, so I can go hang at a friends house until my next semester starts. Please help. I live in California and go to college in Arizona.
Parents took laptop, I am 18 living on my own.
Just passed the Bar - first time taking it, so obviously I know what I'm doing. I have a lot of debt and bills I need to pay over the coming month. I want to use my new skill set to start suing people and making some cash either from quick settlements or winning outright. Anyone know of some prime targets I can go after...small businesses, shady companies, individuals, etc. Thanks!
Just passed the Bar exam - I want to sue someone/some company and make some money
We live in NJ, USA but are in different universities. So I am well aware that what he’s doing is a violation of academic integrity policies. If he gets caught that’s his problem and I’m not really concerned about it. But is there any way this could hurt my standing at my own school or get me into deeper trouble? If it makes a difference I am an alumni of the county college he currently attends. Thanks for any advice.
Friend who goes to a different college wants to pay me to complete an online class for him. Could I get in trouble for this?
Hello, I've had a roach problem in my apartment going on two years. I reported the problem in writing my first year living here. An exterminator was sent. Honestly I'm not sure these guys were real exterminators. I live in a sketch apartment. Anyway I stupidly signed the lease for a second year. I wasn't in the position to move at the time. I've purchased every roach deterrent you can think of. Still have roaches. I can't live like this. I'm disgusted in my own apartment. I can't even eat without thinking one is going to run up on my dining table. Which has happened. I'm going to lose my mind. Is there any legal way out without having to pay the fine for breaking the lease and paying for the remainder of the lease term? I've been documenting the roaches when I don't kill them first. Please help Thanks
Roaches. How Do I Get Out? [Dallas, TX]
Hey all. I was one of the lucky folks in L.A. to receive a red light camera ticket. The ticket arrived right after I lost my job, right before the holidays, and right before starting a new job, so I completely forgot about it (100% my fault). I received a final notice for the ticket that was dated March 3, 2020. The notice said I had 20 calendar days to pay the ticket before it would be sent to collections. On March 13, 2020, I went to the court's website to pay the ticket but was met with a notice that it had already been sent to collections. This also happened to be the day that LA County essentially went on lockdown due to COVID-19. I finally received the bill from the collections agency where the total cost owed is nearly double the original amount. My question is this: How should I best handle this situation considering the fact that the court sent this bill to collections before the court-specified 20 calendar days had passed? Thanks!
CA Court Sent Bill to Collections Before Date Specified in Notice
This has been a nightmare. I have lost hope, not even exaggerating. After three awesome years at this company, I was placed on a team a few months ago with a manager who did not like me. Lunches with the rest of the team without me, withholding info, etc etc. I always kept my cool. Never confronted. Kept doing a stellar job with our customers and receiving high feedback from customers. Then situations starting escalating: Two months ago a Training Director made a comment in a large group meeting, a joke about me having syphillis ( which I dont have obviously). I reported this to his boss, the VP of HR, who extended me a written apology. Two weeks later a second employee yelled at me on this team. I didnt report it, but a bystander did. However, nothing was done. Two weeks later my manager and another employee came into my office and took away my (company-provided) five foot shelf. They took my personal photos and books and stuffed them in a storage closet across the department, did not tell me what they had done, and my manager put the shelf in her own office. I went to her boss (VP of IT) and reported this, without excitement and in a very even tone. He responded by yelling at me " You're always causing trouble lately! Im done with you." He ORDERED ME to walk down to HR with him. Once at HR, the VP of HR told the VP of IT that he was being too loud and to please leave the building until he calmed down! He left! HR took my story. I told them all of this. When the VP of IT returned, he was with my manager. They told the HR persons I was with that I had yelled at someone when I discovered that my shelf was gone. COMPLETELY MANUFACTURED story. I was terminated right there. It's been six weeks. None of my contacts at work will respond to me, I think they all believe the story that was made-up about me. I've lost my reputation, and all of my references from that job. I had built a stellar career there. I live in an At Will state. Albuquerque, NM. They also told me that they were not firing me With Cause (despite the story they made up about me), so I have been able to collect a little Unemployment. But Im now a jobless single parent, dad to an 8 yr old, with termination in my immediate work history. Im scared and my bank account is running dry soon. Is there anything I can do to get justice out of this nightmare situation? What can I expect if I try, what are my chances?
Fired after reporting ongoing bullying, including sexual harassment. Do I have a case in this situation?
I am trying to gather some information regarding a minority partner who "sold" his shares in a business partnership. I recently put together a board of advisors for my business and we are seeking some clarity on the situation in order to make some better judgments. In October of this past year, after several months of some taxing negotiations, we agreed on a price for 'financial remuneration" (this was not an evaluation of the shares). During the last phase of these negotiations, however, he added into the cost payment of his legal fees that almost doubled the price we had agreed to. I informed him that I would not agree to purchase the interest for double the price that I had offered. A few weeks later, my landlord offered to "buy" the shares and simply pay him out of future profits over the course of the year (we don't have profits). I was presented with documents stating 1) that I had been offered first refusal and 2) that I approved of the transactional sale. I was merely at a point of decision exhaustion, depressed and burnt out through the series of events, my family was just wanting this to be done (he was emotionally unhinged the entire time). I signed the approval of the sale *thinking* that he could sell for whatever price he wanted to to the highest buyer as long as I turned it down. I thought this was the end of the story and I had a new minority partner that despite some conflicts of interest we could find a way to work together or pursue a purchase later on. Recently in going over our old operating agreement, I discovered that it notes that *if* a member proposes to sell his interest in whole or in part, there must be *mutual* agreement on the price ("that Member must first make a written offer to sell his or her interest to the other Members at a price determined by mutual agreement.") Since he raised the price beyond what we agreed on to what was out of my reach, was this actually a legal sale even though I signed in approval? It looks like those legal documents were drawn up without consideration of what our operating agreement stated and I got one pulled over on me. I am not sure what to do at this point. I only know that now my new minority partner wants to secure him the initial agreed upon amount PLUS those legal fees from our company which creates some ongoing tension among all parties. While I'm not obligated to shell this out if there are not profits, I am trying to unmuddy the waters and know what exactly is going on.
Business Partner May Have Sold Shares Illegally (KY)
I’m a graduate student living in a North Carolina housing complex. A few weeks ago a pipe burst under my 1st floor apartment. After I returned a week later the apartment was a mess – construction garbage everywhere, bathroom fixtures taken apart and not put back together, and the entire apartment was covered in a thick layer of construction dust (including my bedroom, where no work was done). I have been constantly contacting my housing office for the last few weeks but they have done nothing besides ask for photos of the damage. And I can’t go in person as the office is closed due to COVID. What is my recourse here? How should I proceed? Should I keep trying to contact the management off/other people in it? My toilet-paper holder is broken in half and I can’t hang up the bar/curtain in my shower because they removed the thing that holds it in place. I hate being stuck in here with all my things covered in construction dust/debris and it can’t be healthy for me to be locked in here due to COVID/Finals. Also, this isn’t the first time we’ve had flooding here. The entirety of the apartment had at least an inch of water in it right before interview week. The manager said they would compensate me for my ruined books and electronics, but sent me nothing, and I eventually got too busy with school/work/job hunting.
Apartment flooding/Construction Cleanup (NC)
I live in North Carolina and want to know if I could get out of school by becoming Amish.
If I convert to being Amish (NC) would I still have to attend online school?
Location: Snohomish County, Washington I got two tickets (speeding and no insurance) a while back and when I went to court the judge gave me an extension and told me she would like me to do the Alive @ 25 program instead of paying the tickets and I have to do that by Dec 27th. However, back in August I lost my job and had been homeless/couch jumping up until December 1st. I finally have the money to do the Alive @ 25 program but they're upcoming classes are full and the next class they have is in January. I emailed the coordinator of the program just in case they've had someone cancel for any of the classes soon. I am not going to rely on the possibility of squeezing into a class in 16 days and so I was wondering if there is a way I could ask for another extension of my court date.
An Extension for My Ticket/Court Date
I am from Connecticut in the United States. (Not sure how specific you need me to be). I was in an accident back on 12/31/15. The accident was not my fault, it was the other ladies fault. This part is not a question. She had admitted fault. My car was totaled and they already offered me money for the car. I had originally bought the car for $3,000 and they gave me ~$2500. I received way more then I thought I would, thus why I did not question this. Now here is where I am not sure what I should do. I was in pain for a month. I have gone to doctor appointments and chiropractic appointments at least three times a week during this time. I was also offered a rental car, which I did not take because I could not drive do to my neck. The pain stretched from my neck all they way across my shoulder blades from my left arm to right arm. I also missed only one day of pay do to the accident. Today, her agent called me and offered my a total of $2,555.71 for pain and suffering, missed wages, and my medical bills (copay, amublance, ER). The break down being $1500 for pain and suffering and $1055.71 for everything else. I have been talking to a few people and everyone says I should talk to a lawyer; that I should get more from my accident. Since this is my first accident like this, I am not sure if I should. Would it be worth it for the advice? Should I push for more money? Am I being greedy? I honestly do not want to sue, but I also do not want to be taken advantage of. Thank you for any advice. **TL;DR:** Was in a car accident, was given a settlement amount, should I talk to a lawyer?
I Was in a Car Accident, Should I contact a lawyer?
I have been giving free rent to a couple on my property for a year. I asked them to leave after the 12 months. They wanted to stay but pay rent. So I gave them a very reasonable price. We made a lease and they need to vacate by the end of June. [Lease ends 6/30th] 1. I sent a certified mail with the lease and desire NOT to extend the lease - but they said they didn't get the letter, but the post office has proof they received it. So that's the first step I took. My question is if they are willing to lie about the letter and seem to have no desire to leave when the lease is over. What steps do I need to take to get them off the property? This is in Montana. Thank you.
Evicting tenant Montant
I go to a private university in New York State (not city) and I got a parking ticket for "Improper Parking", basically I was parked on the end of the lot on hash lines. I knew it was not a spot but I was not blocking traffic, fire-lane or anything else for that matter. It was $30 and I said to myself "Why do I have to pay this?" I went down to the ticket office and the lady there told me that I was parked illegally and that I have to pay the ticket. I asked how is that illegal if its private property and what gives you as a private entity the right to issue tickets? She dismissed me and so I made a meeting with the Chief of Public Safety for tomorrow. I did some digging and I can't find anything that gives them the right to actually ticket the students. What I found is they could notify the police that there is a car that is not parked in accordance with there parking regulations and the police could issue a ticket and then the school could have the car towed, but that was about it. Also, the more I thought about it, colleges are the only private entity that issue tickets. Most other places (like a box store) just have the police deal with it. When I was poking around to find the schools parking regulations, they said a car could also be booted for outstanding tickets? How???? On top of that couldn't I post something in my window saying any boots attached to the car by a private entity in accepting that the boot is subject to destruction? Just wondering where I stand when I go talk to the Chief so I don't look like a dumbass haha. Edit: It seems that people think I'm a dumbass. Ok, but a) I'm asking for legal advice, so I don't know that law regarding this matter, surprise! And b) I probably will just pay the ticket, but I wanted to know why I actually had too because it didn't seem right. Lot of hostility towards me right now, not sure why.
Laws Regarding Parking on a NY Private University and Tickets/Boots
Time to become legitimate. Off grid too long. (Friends Account for obvious reasons) Need to know if it's possible to get a Social Security Card, Birth Certificate and Drivers License in another state. Will I be denied or arrested/extradited in this process? I understand Statute of Limitations will not apply in regard to "escape" due to the conviction. What's the best way to handle this? Can I be a legit part of society and just avoid Colorado or will I be flagged and stuffed back in the system? Felony was non-violent. Please help. EDIT: Are the DMV, SS Office etc. going to be flagged when I try to get documentation? EDIT: It's been just over five years since the "escape". **Thank you all for the tough love.
34 Yrs Old - Absconded from Halfway House while serving on a felony conviction in Colorado - HELP!
While picking up an order for UberEats I slipped on the curb and broke my foot. I had to get a cast that was $200 and I'll be out of work for the next few weeks. Since I was working while I injured myself, will Uber cover the cost of the cast by any chance?
[Toronto, Canada] Uber Eats Driver Injury
Hello, I’m posting this on behalf of my girlfriend. She lives in a student apartment not connected to the university we attended in North Carolina. Her lease states that the apartment complex will cover utilities up to a certain point, then the residents will be changed for anything over that cap. My girlfriend’s roommate (1 of 3 she lives with), regularly takes showers that are an hour long or more. (Every roommate has their own bathroom) Because of this, my girlfriend and her other two roommates have to pay an extra amount every month on top of their normal rent for the water bill. Her and her roommates all get the same water bill split between them even though it is clearly just the one roommate who is driving the bill above the cap. In addition, the apartment complex just sent out an email to all residents saying that their water bill was especially high this past month and they will be entering all apartments over the next week to check for water leaks. But if they can charge extra for the water bill per apartment, why wouldn’t they know which apartment is driving up that water bill? It all just sounds very fishy to me but as an economics major I have no idea if this is legal or not for them to charge extra to all roommates when it is only one roommate who is using the extra water. Any help as to where I could find more information would be incredibly helpful. A couple google searches revealed nothing specific for me. Thanks.
Can an apartment complex in NC charge all roommates equally for the water bill when one roommate is using tons more than all others?
It’s a long story of how we got to this point, but it’s been about a year since my boyfriend last talked to his parents. We traveled today to visit his grandparents, who we are on good terms with, in Tennessee. This is also where his parents live, but in a different city. When his parents found out, his dad called his 83 year old mother-in-law and screamed through the phone that he would be hiring a hit on me so that his son would finally come home. It brought his grandmother to tears. He went on about how he will take whatever punishment that would entail, IF he got caught. The seriousness in his voice was extremely unsettling. My boyfriend and I are driving back to our home in Michigan now. What legal steps can I take to make sure that these people do not come after me? Edit: accidentally omitted that I DID call the police and they are beginning an investigation. Wasn’t sure if there is more I can do.
Overheard boyfriend’s estranged dad saying he is going to hire a hit on me, what do I do next?
Hello reddit I'm hoping you can shed a little light on what I can do with my issue, I am at my wits end. Here's a little backstory: I live in RI, more specifically in housing projects. Each building has 4 apartments inside. Which means that in the entire building there are 4 families in each home. It's been a little over a year and we've had rats and mice. I've lived there for over 16 years and I've never seen a single rat there, up until a year ago. I call my property manager (or landlord as I call him) and he doesn't give me the time of day, I don't think he believes me. Other tenants in my building start to complain as well and his answer is pretty much "you aren't the only one with rats so get over it." We plead for him to send an exterminator and one finally does. I was so excited to see him thinking this whole issue will be laid to rest, until he whips out a glue trap and throws it behind the stove and then takes rat poison and places it behind the stove as well. The exterminator tells me that the rats should eat this and die within a week. Okay. Nothing happened that week or any other week for that matter. The tenants and I take it upon ourselves to set up various traps in our homes (glue traps, snap traps, poison traps, electrical traps etc) and we've caught a few mice. Over time these traps have stopped attracting the mice and now they walk around in daylight freely, I'm sure they are now accustomed to people. Before I get told "maybe you should clean up your house, kitchen, don't leave food out etc" it's been done. I clean every day and the trash gets thrown out on a daily basis. I even sealed up all the cracks and put insulation on my pipes. I do not make it any easier for rats and mice to come into my home. Now what I need some advice on reddit, is this: TECHNICALLY, the landlord "helped" us with the rat issue, but obviously it was not enough, can I sue him? And when I say sue, here are my reasons: * it's been over a year and the rat/mice issue continues to persist * I've spent hundreds of dollars in traps * if anyone in the house gets bitten we could be in serious trouble * its a health concern * it's really an unbearable situation to live in, constant fear and mental stress.
Rat and mice problem - wall of text
I moved to FL couple months ago and didn’t change my registration/title/plates because of how busy I’ve been at work. Yesterday, I was pulled over for an unrelated issue and received a violation for non resident tag exemption not allowed - 320.38. I didn’t realize that this counts as a criminal violation. The officer told me to setup a court date and that I will most likely have a positive outcome at the court. I am a health care professional and I really can’t afford to have this on my permanent record. I already got the title etc. changed over to Floridia today. So, I am really hoping that court will dismiss the case. Should I hire an attorney for this? I called someone for a quote and they wanted to charge me $2000 for this case. After some negotiation they came down to $900. It still seems steep to me. I am just worried because I recently bought a home and don’t want to end up loosing my job because of stupid shit like this.
[FL] charged with criminal offense for not changing registration and title to Florida after moving here.
Ok, I will try to make this as short as I can. Me and some friends are making a competitor to a popular esports betting website that uses in game items as currency for bets (namely CSGO and DOTA2). I have been doing hours of research and can find nothing about how this should be handled. I am not even sure if these items count as virtual currency because it is technically not decentralized. I also want to know if I need to get approved by any gambling commissions etc. Any advice would be helpful about how to proceed here, and if anyone could give me the name of an actual lawyer I could talk to about this, I would be very thankful.
[Ontario] Betting and Virtual Currency
I don’t have any information from troopers, they said they’d email me the info however I haven’t received anything as of yet. Family is telling me to go visit the hospital on his dime; however I’m still wondering what I can do as far as legal recourse to recoup the financial losses at hand? Used Car: $2,500
[WA] Just purchased a used car from a friend. 1 day later (No insurance) I’m struck by a drunk driver on the highway. Car is totaled. What should I do next?
I want to create a soundboard iOS app containing small samples (never more than a sentence each) of a famous US head basketball coach. The app would likely cost $0.99 to download. Is this legal? I’ve seen iOS apps with soundbites of Trump, for example, but was thinking maybe that is different because he’s a politician, making it public domain? Thanks for any help.
Legality of a soundboard app containing soundbites from a famous coach
So this is a work of fiction, in one of the Roleplaying Subreddits, however I think I might "Go to trial" so I would like some help for my "Case" I don't even know if this is correct, but I will post anyway. ------- So in this Rp.. This character, which we will call Ash, a girl about 17 has brain cancer.. ~~Don't ask me how she got it~~ My character, wanting to be nice, offered her money and she refused they had a battle of wills for a little while until my character drugged Ash, accidentally dropped her on a rock because apparently people fall quickly.. Then she dragged her to a car and started driving her to the nearest hospital.. When Ash woke up she was offered water/food/bandages to help feel better, and Ash attempted to flee, getting hurt in the process.. But Ash did manage to escape and all is well and there might be a fake "Court Case" for what happened ------- So if you look at this, I thank you.. I just want to see if this was a real court case, taking place in the laws of New York... I know this might be stupid, never the less I want to see what will happen. I will answer any questions that you guys have.
[New York] Do you guys do court cases in fictional works?
I live in South Dakota and my ex-husband and our two children live in Iowa. It is court ordered that my visitations are every other weekend and every other holiday, 2 weeks in June, 2 weeks in July and 1 week in August. My ex-husband has prevented me from having my visitation with our children, since March 18, 2020 and is continuing to do so now, all due to the COVID-19 and CDC recommendations of social distancing and no travel advisory, as well as him having "the final say." He has not talked to a judge to get a modification to seize my visitations. I have all of our conversations between us in emails. Neither Iowa nor South Dakota has ever had a "stay at home" or a "shelter in place" order. I don't have enough money to hire an attorney, so I will be taking him to court on my own. I'm trying to figure out which forms that I would need to fill out to start the contempt process, as I couldn't find anything on Iowa's Court website that fits what I am looking for.
Hello all, this week, around a week ago I was terminated from my job at a country club due to a clause in our application that states we may not work under / be supervised by a direct relative. In my case, my mother is my direct supervisor, (I'm 18 if that matters). I have been at this job for around a year and two months, ( have been full time for around the past 6 months) and this wasn't an issue when I was hired. The manager firing me is my mothers supervisor and has obviously disliked me and my mother since the day he started due to an ongoing power struggle between the two. Oddly enough, I was fired shortly after an incident with an event that went wrong that said manager tried to blame my mother for, and in turn she basically threw him under the bus because it was not her fault. I feel as though him firing me may be in retaliation because of her actions, because until this point, I have never called out, became full time even while still in high school, and was never written up for anything in general. Our General Manager has been out for about two weeks due to a medical emergency and nobody has been able to reach him, so talking to him about what happened has been a bust. Furthermore, in the maintenance department, which is made up of only two people, and surprisingly enough, are father and son. When my mother brought this up to the supervisor who fired me, he claimed he can't do anything about it because it's not his department. If it matters as well, I have already begun applying for unemployment. Thanks to everyone; cheers and happy new year!
[VA] wrongful termination and possible retaliation from job
Last night I negligently discharged my pistol when I was cleaning it. No one was hurt. I live in a three story apartment complex and I'm on the top floor. The bullet went through the roof. I called the police without thinking and now I've been slapped with both a class 2 and class 1 misdemeanor for discharging a gun within city limits and recklessly handling a gun. I've never been to court and have a clean criminal history. What is my best course of action? Do I have to worry about jail time?
Discharged a firearm in my apartment. State of Virginia
First of all, I'm in California. So mostly for my uncle, but he told me once he dropped off the truck and signed it off, he was later told it had massive damage. They want him to pay $1,000+, but he's pretty sure it wasn't him. The damage looks to be from a big hit, which he was never involved in. He signed it off and left them them the truck. Wasn't until later they claimed damage on truck and blamed him. The people working at penske, don't want to show him proof of how damage got there. He even asked if he could get camera footage to see car when it was dropped off, but was told they don't have cameras. He works for a food stocking company and car is rented via his company. He's talked to his boss and they told him they'll see what they can do. He's an honest guy and says on the off chance somehow was his fault, he wants proof first. Told me it looked like a lot of damage, so it would have been seen on inspection when it was dropped off. Just need some advice on what he should do or try.
Issue with false penske truck damage.
My company’s website data has been published on Panjiva and ImportGenius. I’ve already submitted confidentially from customs to prevent more info being published, but is it possible to have them remove that info online? There’s no “opt out” feature so I’d guess I’d have to email the company directly, but even then would they honor the request?
Is it possible to remove all company export data from websites who publish it, just like how you can remove personal info from online directory websites by opting out?
Hello, I have a question regarding child support. My original divorce agreement was made in NY and states that I must pay child support until my child is 21. I have dutifully paid this support each and every month and on time for 14 years. Soon after the agreement was made both me and my ex moved to NC, where the Age of Majority is 18. By the time my child is 18 we will have lived in NC for fourteen years. I fully intend on funding my child's college education (at least 70% of it) and expect to support her with living expenses until she is at least 21. I do not want to continue paying my ex (a terrible parent who my child wants nothing to do with) child support after the age of 18. Currently my child is with me (where she is happy and settled) approximately 60% of the time. I spoke with a lawyer in NC about a year ago and they told me that if I took my ex to court for full custody and my child testified that she is unhappy with my ex and the living arrangements there I would almost certainly "win". However, I don't really want to put my daughter through this process. Given that we have not lived in NY for this period of time does the NC or NY Age of Majority apply? Thank you
Age of Majority NY vs. NC
Am I required by law to submit a PowerPoint presentation for a virtual class ceremony? The ceremony was recorded on a district platform where I presented my work but I wasn’t hired to do the work I presented.
Made redundant on 1st May 2020. Was working until that day to finish whatever handover could be completed. Now supposed to be on garden leave. Office now calls to ask for 3 weeks of handover help (i.e. til end of may). Lawyer says "it's my choice what to do". I've heard I can be liable for any mistakes that occur now and can be sued. However, lawyer says Office has every right to ask for more help from me, even after redundancy. If I do not comply, there may be disciplinary actions. Lawyer doesn't seem of much help now.
Redundant - but called back to finish handover
I live in Florida I signed up to the Healthcare market place so that I could get Health Insurance. After finishing my application, I found that the plans offered were too expensive for me to pay. My mother then handed me a phone number that she got from a TV advertisment that promised free health insurance. I called and everything seemed fine. They pulled up the market place without my prompting, and said that I was eligible. This seemed fishy to me. That I could have free insurance with no catch. To assure me, they directed me to, and gave me their employee number so I can verify. That website is, as a far as I know, an official goverment website, and the person I talked to was registerd with it. But the whole thing still feels strange. Was I scammed? What can I do to protect myself if that was the case?
Free health insurance a scam?
Custodial dad finally asked for child support from noncustodial mother. He is in PA, she is in a southeastern state. He filed in September and finally got a letter yesterday from the local county courthouse stating there is a hearing set for about 2 weeks from now. It stated he does not need to come if he doesn't want, and it also stated that the defendant can go to her local child support office to try to settle, sooner. When he filed, he was told that his state would contact her state, and the whole thing is pretty automatic, so we're a bit confused now. -First, where is the hearing? There is no time or location listed. The letterhead is of the courthouse, not of the local child support office (which is an annex, different location and different address). Is it in his local courthouse, or will it be in the southeastern state where the defendant is? -Second, why a hearing? It doesn't state that anything was disputed, and he already submitted information regarding her ability to work (she is married, has not worked in 3 years, but he made screenshots of her LinkedIn profile which show work history and degrees and submitted that at the child support office in his request to impute her income.) - Does he need to show up even though it states he doesn't have to? My suggestion was he should be there, regardless what state it is in, to dispute anything she might try to say, and be ready to show his evidence since those things don't always make it to the hands of the appropriate people.
Advice re: child support notice of hearing (PA)
I am in employment and have the opportunity to move on to something more stable. My current contract is a 7 months contract (I have been here 2.5 years), after reading my current contract to understand the rules relating to the notice period I notice that I need to give a written notice of 180 days to terminate, a crazy amount of time to provide as notice which I was not aware of until now, however, the contract is dated from 01/01/2020 — As it is a 7 month contract technically it ceases on 01/08/2020. What are my rights here? I would like to start my new job in October — Will I receive a penalty in fees if I terminate without providing the 180 days notice? Considering my current contract ends in 90 days to provide 180 days notice is technically unfeasible without signing a new contract. How much notice do you think is reasonable for me to provide? Thanks!
Looking for advice for terminating my work contract
If two owners own an SCorp and subsequently own 2/3 of an LLC in which they are managers, can those two SCorp owners/LLC managers pay themselves W2 income from the LLC? Typically a member in an LLC can not receive W2 income. Is that still true if the member is an SCorp, but the owners of the SCorp are the employees of the LLC?
If an SCorp owns an LLC can the owners pay themselves W2 from the LLC?
Phoenix, AZ My mom is on section 8 and lives in an apartment complex that regulated the hot/cold ac outlet for all units. Last week, the temperature was in the 100's and the one before that the high 90's. This week, low 90's. The complex has not turned on the AC for specifically her building where other tenants also reside. They have not offered her an answer as to why it has not been turned on. They gave her a cooler that doesn't do much and she is having trouble sleeping due to the heat, This is not right. Especially in PHX. Is there any way for me to report them to PHA or anywhere else? I looked in to PHA and they would require a written statement, which could take weeks. Meanwhile, my mother has many health issues so she is susceptible to heat. Thank you
My mom's[62] apartment complex has not turned on cold AC for weeks
I used to work for one of, probably the biggest credit repair law firm in the country. I have gained quite a bit of knowledge on how to repair and better credit. I would like to start offering my services but I'm not sure if it is legal for me to state that I used to work there or that I can do it at a much affordable rate. I wouldn't go as far as stating that they're a rip off (they are) but to what degree can I go about saying that I'm the better option?
Is it illegal for me to sell services based on knowledge that I have acquired working for a company that is in the same buissness?
This happens every month, I have to go and tell them to remove these automatic charges on my account. They remove them and assure me it won't happen again, and it is still happening. Right now they owe me probably $75 that they stole from my bank account. I don't know the laws, but in what other sort of transaction could you get away with charging extra for something the customer didn't use, and then only returning the money if the person notices, with zero penalty to you for taking it in the first place? If I caught a thief taking money from my pocket, him giving me the money back wouldn't change the fact that he just tried to steal from me, and will in all likelihood continue to steal from others. Because that is basically what they are doing to me, only instead of just taking my money, they are also doing so under the threat that if I don't pay all the charges on my account including these bogus utilities, they will start eviction proceedings. And this is actually a big management company, Havenbrook Homes, so I can't be the only one this is happening to, especially based on the reviews of them online. They suck. Oh and also, they have repeatedly charged me illegally high late rent fees in the past, which I informed them of several times and they did reverse them after a long time hassling them about it, but I can only assume that if I were to withhold rent they would charge the same amount they've been charging. Please advise me here, thanks.
Can I withold rent or break the lease if my landlord repeatedly charges me for common/shared utilities on my bill? (Chicago)
Im trying to keep details vague so i can’t be identified. Im getting ready to graduate from a university. I work at some of the bars around campus and the other day a girl that I know and her friend were thrown out of the bar. They seem to think it was me that threw them out and another girl from the same friend group came up to me in the bar and said basically what the fuck and I told her I had nothing to do with it. I then get a strew of text messages from the girl that was kicked out basically saying to stay out hers, fuck you, and that “You raped one of my friends and You know it” I told her the next day via text that I’m sorry she got kicked out of the bar and told her she can talk to the managers and what not and then i said that I don’t know why she or anyone would accuse me of rape and that I’ve never done that. The Only girl that she’s friends with that I’ve slept with happened over 3 years ago. We went to a party and she got sick so I took care of her, there were other witnesses that said things like oh I wish all guys were like this, I held her hair and wiped her mouth and stuff and then fed her gold fish and water till we slept on the couch together and then in the morning we had sex after she felt better and we walked back to campus together. We hung out and talked and another girl told me she wanted to date me that night too. We’re still friends on Facebook and all this happened the other night. This is the only girl that she’s friends with that I’ve been with and we were both sober during the sex time and other girls and guys saw me taking care of her for hours. I’ve never thought I’d be accused of something like this and that’s the only time I’ve ever been with one of her friends. I’m about to graduate and I’m terrified that I’m going to be accused of something that I didn’t do and have my image ruined and kicked out of the university. I can’t believe anyone would say that against me and I feel sick to my stomach, I literally don’t know what to do. My girlfriend says the girl was just drunk when she sent that but she hasn’t replied and it’s been almost 24 hours. I’ve never been this afraid of something before in my life, I’ve heard the horror stories of people just being accused of rape and how even though they’re not convicted it can ruin there life and I just don’t know what to do. And I don’t want her saying I raped someone, I’m literally beside myself on what I should do.
Accused of Rape
So I just went out to check the mail and I see our wall-mounted bank of mailboxes sealed off by plastic with a sign saying there may have been asbestos in the air due to remodeling so all our mail is being held at the post office several miles away. I received no prior notice nor timeline for this fix. They’ve been remodeling the clubhouse which this bank is mounted to but I’ve seen workers coming and going with no breathing protection or hazmat PPE whatsoever. Renovations have been going for at least a month and Mail has been delivered with no issues. What are my rights here? The post office is miles away, only open when I’m working, chronically busy, and we’re fast approaching the worst time of year to get caught in a post office. I don’t even get mail that often but standing in line for half an hour at the post office just to get told I didn’t receive any mail doesn’t sound super fun. Thoughts?
Community Mailboxes Out of Order
Location: USA Background information: I'm the account holder of 6 Tmobile lines & Tmobile official legal documents states that I am the owners of the lines. 2 people want to leave the plan & take their numbers. They threatened me to take me to court. Haha I'm happy to so & will be doing it tomorrow. Assumption: I'm pretty sure that they don't have a case. If they did, it would be a weak case. Fact: my sister is judge & 5 cousins are lawyers. Yes, I could ask them. As I mentioned, I'm pretty sure that the 2 people have no case.
Can you be taken to court for phone numbers?
So our apartment complex never gave us a notice around our 60 day time period. They said they left something on our door but we never saw it. Luckily I was loosely keeping track of it and asked about our options a few days before we needed to give our notice. We gave notice via email on the exact 60 day date that we would like to renew our lease after exploring our options. They sent us an electronic lease and it was inaccurate. We have 2 dogs and have had them since we move in. I've called and emailed multiple times to get this fixed and they still have not sent us an accurate lease it's been 11 days. They also we're going to try and charge us for the dogs even though we paid $600 for them when we moved in. I'm getting seriously concerned about continuing to rent there. Is there anyway we can back out of our renewal at this point?? I'd prefer to move after all this bullshit but we technically have given notice and the 60 day threshold has passed. Do we have options?!
Lease Renewal Issues, Please Help!
I recently watched the sixth episode of Rick ad Morty and at the end of the episode there was a joke advertisement for a train with the website []( but that website does not exist. Would I get in trouble for taking the domain name?
Would I encounter legal trouble if I created a website with the domain name of a website in the tv show Rick and Morty?
I have worked at a gym/pool for 2 years now as a lifeguard. Recently, over the past couple months I’ve been trying to move away from lifeguarding and do something else because we have been really short staffed and I’ve been working way more hours than I’d like while I’m in high school. So a couple months ago, I became an official swim instructor and got hired as a swim instructor at the same place about 3 months ago. Since then, they have not scheduled me to do swim lessons once, I have only done lifeguarding. Last month I told my boss I wanted to go on call for lifeguarding and just do swim lessons so if they ever needed me once in a while for lifeguarding I could still do that. Last month, three other employees and myself all said we wanted to go on call. She let all three of them go on call except me. Can she do that? Should I go talk to HR? In addition she now rejects the fact that I was hired as a swim instructor. In an email she said that lifeguarding is the priority and that I am not an official swim instructor. But I have a contract that says I’m a swim instructor! Should I show her and/or HR the contract that says I am a swim instructor? I think I might just officially quit lifeguarding and then they’d have to schedule me as a swim instructor I think? Idk what to do about this whole situation. Should I just go talk to HR? Thanks for any advice you guys can give me (Not sure if it matters but this is in Idaho.)
Boss now rejects that I was hired
Hi, ok, this is complicated but I'll do my best to be succinct. If you need more details please ask or PM, I will do my best. Years ago my grandma passed. She left a large inheritance in the form of a trust for my mom along with three large cash gifts to me and my two siblings. Before she passed, her husband had created a QTIP for her in case he went first to upkeep homes and memberships. She went first, he's still around. After she passed, family got shady, aunt became trustee of mom's trust, and siblings and I never saw the money left to us. I've read the will and the QTIP, just confused because QTIPS are normally for blended families. So, questions: Does the will override anything set up in the QTIP fund (like who a trustee is for QTIP and or trust)? (To clarify, aunt was named trustee in QTIP, but in grandma's will mom was named trustee) Why has the trustee not dispersed the inheritance to my siblings or me? How to I deal with this? I would assume a litigation lawyer but I have zero money to pay one, will they take these things on contingency basis since there are such large sums of money involved? How the heck do I find and pick a GOOD lawyer? EDIT to space out questions more, sorry 'bout that.
[CA] it's a mess, QTIP, trust fund, inheritance not my brain
I work for a small company that currently employs 4 people, including me (not counting the boss / owner of the company). The boss / owner is cheap and will find any excuse not to pay us fairly (or at least he does it to me; I know others make more but they’ve been there longer and I also don’t know what they make other than that it’s more than what I make). I worked for him many years ago for about 2 years but left because we had some disagreements (and back then he paid me well and I was happy). That was about 5 years ago and I moved away and did other things during that time. When I moved back into town this August, he contacted me and offered me a job. He was desperate for someone with my experience and expertise. I agreed to meet with him. He offered me much less than what I was willing to accept with the promise that I’d get a raise and be put on salary after 3 months so long as I did well (and that every 3 months, I’d get evaluated again for a raise until I was at the right salary, which is equal to what the other employees there are making). Well 3 months passed (last month) and I asked him about it. He said he wasn’t happy with my work but couldn’t tell me why. He said he isn’t sure if I’m working hard enough even though I give my all to that job and I’m pretty sure he knows that (after all, he told me when he hired me that he’s had a hard time finding an employee who works as hard and has the knowledge of the work that I have, and on top of all that, he also needed a content creator and he likes my writing style and I had written all the content on his site when I worked for him before, he even fired his current content creator because he was terrible and so he actually hired me to do the job of two people but for a much lower wage than what he pays his current workers and his previous content creator so he saved a ton of money by hiring me to do both jobs). So anyway, I asked him to tell me what I do wrong so I can work on improving but he couldn’t even come up with one thing except that I’m sometimes too quiet. I have my own private office and we don’t work with clients in person (our clients are all over the world so we mainly communicate through emails). When he called me in August, I had just moved to town a few days prior and wasn’t even ready to start working yet cuz I was going through so much after escaping from a 12 year abusive relationship, moving to a new town with my kid, and also was in a car crash a few days after moving to town, and that’s not even everything I’m dealing with and he knows all about it. He knows all this stuff because he’s been a friend of the family for several years and was close with my brother until like a month ago, when they got into a big fight and now he says he isn’t friends with him anymore. He knows I’m a single mom and I work hard and have bills to pay. None of this is his problem, I know, but he could at least try to be more accommodating, considering he reached out to me cuz he needed a hard worker who knew the work and was good at it. Another coworker who is a single mom is allowed to work from home every day but I asked for just one day a week to work from home and was shut down immediately. Even though the work I do could easily be done from home. He insists he needs me in the office. He actually doesn’t but whatever, that’s fine. What’s not fine is him breaking a promise he made to me which is the only reason I agreed to take the job at all. He refused to give me the raise he promised and since I have nothing in writing, I guess I’m shit out of luck. Today he messaged me out of the blue to let me know he won’t be paying for the holidays. In the past when I worked for him he always paid. Even this time he’s paid me for thanksgiving and some other days when the office was closed. I mentioned that he always used to pay for Christmas break and he said that was many years ago and things have changed since then (back then I was his only worker and now he’s got more workers). I also know for a fact he is paying his other workers (I’ve spoken to one of them and he said he paid him last year and is expecting he’ll pay again this year) and in fact the last girl who quit before me did so because she was the only one who didn’t get paid for Christmas. I asked if I can work from home during those days so I don’t lose the pay and he said no. He said he won’t pay for my vacation so I then offered to come work in the office and cancel my holiday trip. Again, he said no because all the offices are closed and he says there won’t be anything for me to do. I can find work to do. There’s always stuff to do in this line of work. Just this week he had me write a paper for him, not related to the job at all but because he didn’t want to pay me my normal wage that I charge to write papers, he had me do it during office hours. Fine whatever. I used to do freelance writing before I took this job and I charge by the word usually or I am open to negotiation but he wasn’t open to it at all. I did it for him anyway just to show him how I’m willing to go above and beyond for his business. I told him I love the job but that I feel like he’s trying to push me out and if he wants to get rid of me then he should just tell me that instead of jerking me around. He insists that’s not the case. I think if he fires me for no reason then I can get unemployment and he doesn’t want that. So maybe he’s just trying to push me until I quit. I don’t know what to do. Is there even anything I can do? Am I stuck working for someone who doesn’t appreciate me and who won’t pay me what I’m worth or keep the promises he made me? Is there any way I can leave this job and get what I deserve? I’m planning to look for another job but it’s not an easy task. I want him to pay me what I’m worth and to keep his promises. But I don’t think he will do that. So Reddit, is there anything I can do or am I stuck? I’d love any kind of advice on this situation because I feel horrible. I’ve never had an employer unhappy with my work. I’ve always given my all and I know I’m good at what I do and the results pretty much speak for themselves. I also think that if he is unhappy with my work that he should be able to tell me what I need to work on instead of just shrugging his shoulders and making shit up so as not to pay me what I’m worth. I know I should have gotten something in writing and that not doing so just royally fucked me. I trusted him and that was stupid. I don’t know what to do. I’m so upset. I’m also an addict in recovery and he knows that (again he’s been a friend of my family for years so he knows a lot about me). He knows how hard I work and that I put my all into work because it helps me to stay sober. So he’s only doing this because he’s cheap and doesn’t want to pay me fairly. He says he doesn’t want to lose me but I don’t want to work for someone who doesn’t appreciate me or pay me what I’m worth. Any and all advice would be very welcome and greatly appreciated. Even if it’s just to tell me I’m screwed and there’s nothing I can do. I just need to hear that if that’s the case. So thank you for reading my rant and thanks in advance to all who reply. Side note: if this doesn’t belong in this sub then I’m sorry and if someone can point me to the right sub, I’ll move my post there. Thanks again for reading all that. And happy holidays to everyone.
My boss is taking advantage of me, not paying me what I’m worth, not keeping his promises, and basically jerking me around - is there anything I can do?
I have basic insurance through Farmers. My parked car was hit on Thanksgiving, my sister-in-law witnessed the incident. My wife calls PD, files report and gives officer shell of passenger mirror that came from the perps vehicle. Sunday night we are out and see vehicle matching description of our perp with matching damages to passenger side and missing mirror shell. Followed perp to residence, got plate number and pictures. Update: After waiting a week I was able to reach an on duty officer on Thursday night. I told him where to find the vehicle in question, the mirror shell matched the vehicle perfectly. They found the owner and found out she doesn't have insurance. The owner claimed she wasn't the one driving but wouldn't give the name of the individual who was. Officer told us the report would be ready monday. It wasn't. Hopefully tomorrow. What happens next? How do we get he money to cover the costs of repair (estimated $3900) What tickets/charges will the owner of the car receive? Can we try to get the money outside of a court or insurance company if we tried a contract/payment plan? Any advice on the subject would be appreciated.
(AR) Hit & Run driver found :UPDATE
I am currently attending college and received threats of eviction from my landlord today. The reason I am facing eviction is because I signed a lease with 3 other people who since moving in have caused property damage, thrown parties that have gotten out of hand, and had the police called on us numerous times. I have taken no part in these activities (I'm out of town quite a bit), and my roommates are well aware of this. All of us face eviction, and if we are evicted I have nowhere to go. I am out of money, my parents are out of the picture, and I will be SOL. I am an absolute idiot for signing a lease with these barbarians, so before you crucify me for doing it know that I am aware of my monumental mistake. I currently pay $400/ month. If evicted, my landlord will continue to cash my checks until the end of my lease (May). If evicted I will have to find another place to stay, which will obviously cost me more money that I do not have. Any advice is welcome.
[WI] Potentially facing eviction.
Let’s say a minor gets into a physical altercation at school. That minor is taken to a room, in the presence of a police officer, and told to right a statement. The minor requests a parent or lawyer present before their write anything, but are told that they do not have that right. The student writes a statement claiming that nothing happened. The student is then forced to write another statement, in which they claim self defense. Then, the student is forced to write a third statement. The student at this point has been interrogated by police officers, in the presence of a police officer, not allowed to leave, and denied the right to speak to a parent or attorney. Is this a violation of Miranda Rights? This is in Indiana.
Miranda Rights for minor in school?
I don’t have a reddit account so I’m using someone else’s account to post this. My friend and I rented out separate rooms in the basement of a house without a lease. The only agreement we made was verbally and that was only about how much the rent is going to be and to pay it every month. I paid the landlord the first and last month rent when moving in. My friend decided to move out by January and told the Landlord about it. I don’t know the Landlord’s response to that since it was between my friend and him. But, according to my friend he just left without getting back his last month rent. Today, the landlord informed me that the internet has been cut because he was not able to receive January’s rent from my friend even though my friend had told him he was going to be moving out. The problem is that I’m getting the blame for this, I go to university and I need the internet to do my work. We got into pretty heated arguments (cussing) in person about the mess and the rent situation. The mess isn’t that bad that an hour of cleaning wont fix. The place is already run down before I moved in; it had broken ceilings and random damages everywhere else. There is another room in the basement that no one rented out and I think that’s because of how bad the original condition of the basement was; we were desperate. Anyways, after the argument, we concluded that if I have the basement professionally cleaned, then we can come to a “fair” solution. At this point, I want to move out and get my January’s rent and my last month rent back. I am planning on calling the professional cleaners on Saturday, however I am worried that once the place has been cleaned, the landlord will not give me the money as he has constantly expressed that he has financial problems. I was wondering what is the best possible approach to this situation? How can I guarantee that he will give me the money back once I get the house cleaned? Should I make my own written agreement and make him sign it? He seems like he is desperate for the money, so I have a feeling he doesn’t want to kick me out because I’m pretty sure he won’t get someone else to rent the place out. I'm a student, so this is a big problem for me academically and financially. Thanks for you time and i appreciate any responses. Here is the text exchange we had:
[Hamilton, Ontario] Renting with no lease. Landlord threatening to kick me out while withholding my money.
So this morning my girlfriend got a call from her former landlord that she will not be getting her security deposit returned to her and she will also be invoiced for damages done to her former apartment. Apparently, the landlord doesn't have the contact information of the gentleman that she was rooming with, so they are pitting all the charges on her. She was subletting her apartment from a graduated student near a college in Pittsburgh, PA. She was sharing the space with a young man who was also subletting the apartment from a graduated student. I was over the apartment several times over the course of 4 months that she lived there and seldom saw this roommate, but would hear him being loud and obnoxious at times. At one point, he put a hole in his door as well as broke his screen to his window. We only knew of these damages (which are also relatively inexpensive) because we could see them. This morning she got the phone call from her former landlord as well as received several pictures of an entire wall inside of his room that was smashed. He left a lot of his stuff in the apartment and was late to move out as well. There was his food left in the refrigerator as well as dirty dishes and garbage in the kitchen. When we left, we wrote several notes telling him that we cleaned her portion of the apartment as well as some stuff that was left from the former inhabitants. She took pictures of all of these notes that she laid through the apartment. What action should we take to make sure that she doesn't need to pay the invoice for damage done to the apartment. Getting the security deposit back isn't of the most importance at this point, but she fears that she will be on the hook for several thousand dollars of damage done. We have the roommates full name, as well as knowing his last two places of employment. We don't know if he still works at either place right now, but thats about all that we know. She also has his phone number (if it is still the same). I don't want to do anything now that could limit our future options.
GF's former roommate trashed the place
My car, which was parked at my house, was hit by someone who was driving a rental car and drove off. My neighbors chased after the driver and got video of the driver in the car, admitting fault. I contacted the rental car company and got the driver's information as well as their insurance (they only have insurance via the rental company.) I have filed a claim with their insurance but every time I call they tell me that I have no proof the driver hit the car (despite me sending the video and having witnesses.) The witnesses did call the police when the accident occurred but they did not come as no one was hurt. I was told by my insurance company (who won't cover the costs) that the opposing insurance company has to wait 45 days for the driver to respond to their calls before taking action on their own. The driver hasn't answered any of their calls (he was drunk tbh and I think he's just going to continue to claim he didn't do it.) I want to know what to do after the 45 days are up; should I take the insurance company (or the driver?) to small claims court? Am I owed anything in the interim such as a rental (I haven't been able to drive my car since the accident and that has complicated my life considerably.) Should I reach out directly to the driver and ask them to cooperate with the insurance company? Thanks for your help!
Parked car hit by rental car, their insurance company won't admit fault (Oregon state, USA)