11 values
Kind of clickbait. Tldr: They want to use my legal name. I do not use my legal name and it does not accurately identify me. Edit::: Takeaways from discussion. I'd like to copy a piece of [this comment of mine]( > Look, I realize now that I came to the wrong place with this issue, because the obvious recommendation is a legal change, which I acknowledged in my original post. I shouldn't have come here for an evaluation of university name policy vs university anti-discrimination policy vs Title IX, partly because it's a lot more nuanced than "simple legal questions" and partly because going that direction instead of a legal name change would be bad advice. > > Really I just wanted to see whether a diploma is a legal document or not. I just want my name on a piece of paper, and if it's not a legal document then I can probably get it if I go into the registrar's office and ask nicely, because they probably just didn't want people putting stupid things on their university diplomas. > > Sorry for being argumentative in a place that isn't for that. University in question is a public institution in Michigan. You may be able to narrow down based on the subsequent details. I'm on a throwaway for that reason. My university, like many others, asks students intending to graduate to apply for graduation. Included is a section to enter "your name as you would like it to appear on your diploma and in commencement program." I have used a different name (which I refer to as "my name" from here forward) from my legal name throughout college. I use my name in the university system. My professors and classmates know me only by my name. I have published academic papers with my name. I have even combed through internet search engines and had the results pertaining to my legal name removed. Except for a few documents such as medical records, bank account, and my lease, *a person bearing my legal name effectively does not exist*. I have worked very hard to erradicate instances of my legal name for personal reasons. I have never committed a felony. It is unclear to me whether university diplomas are regarded as legal documents. The best explanation I've found is that they are "sometimes" regarded as such. Either way, I've seen no laws cited to support that. I have not seen a legal justification that I cannot have my diploma printed with my name. My university's name policy is explicit that my diploma should bear my legal name: > DIPLOMA NAME. Students indicate their diploma name on the [redacted]. The student name listed on a diploma or certificate must match the legal name as it is recorded on the student’s official university record, with the following exceptions: option of first name or initial; option of middle name or initial; inclusion of former or maiden name(s); and inclusion of proper capitalization and accentuation of name. In contrast, the preferred name policy, which allows me to use my name: > PREFERRED NAME. The university recognizes that many of its students use names other than their legal names to identify themselves. Students may indicate their preferred first name on [redacted]. Once established, preferred name will be used across university systems, where possible. I submitted my application for graduation with my name because I figured a diploma is ceremonial and I didn't need to use my legal name. The registrar's office contacted me requesting that I re-apply, stating, "We are unable to order your diploma until this discrepancy has been cleared." I explained that my name does not match my legal name and asked for their patience while I explore my resources to resolve the situation. I said that I do not agree to issuing a diploma with my legal name. Cherry on top: Because I'm hard-headed, I added that if necessary I would postpone my graduation before I would agree to having the diploma issued then ammended after a legal change. I refuse to go to commencement or have a diploma bearing my legal name. I realize a legal name change is the natural solution, but it requires time, money, and a court date (in my county of residency, in which I do not live) that I currently do not have and may not be able to secure in time to graduate this semester. Is there actually a legal barrier to printing my name on my diploma? If not, can I contest my university's policy? Thanks in advance for your comments.
My university will not issue my diploma with my name on it.
My (M27) soon to be ex fiancée(F30) has took off to her moms house in Indiana or possibly another state nearby(we live in California) with our 11 month old while I was at work. Before she took off she left a mote saying that her mom is in bad health, unhappy and is homesick and she is supposedly sorry for what she did. I tried contacting her mother through Facebook but I expected that she was also in on it. She reads my texts concerning about the safety of my daughter but does not respond. Obviously I’m traumatized by this so I tried contacting my fiancée but does not pick up. She does however FaceTime with me so I can see the baby but refuses to tell me where she is located at and offer a reason why she did what she did. I contacted the authorities but because I don’t have custody of the child, she can legally do that. I plan on filing a petition to establish parental relations to start getting custody of my child but from what I was told I most likely would need my daughters birth certificate and her ssn (both of which my fiancée took and I don’t remember her ssn) but would most likely would refuse to give back. It seems like I’m out of options atleast from my knowledge. Is there anything else I can do to bring my daughter back? Or is there nothing I can do at this point. I no longer care about my ex fiancée. I just want my daughter back safe in California.
My fiancée decided to “visit” her mom in Indiana while I was at work and took our 11 month old with her.
The following is an email to a property manager that manages my apartment building. The owner of the building picked a new property manager, these new guys came in and ruined everything, and claim they are now in charge of everyone's lease. I told them I am leaving, and now they are trying to take my security deposit. Names have been changed, few spelling errors intact, edits [ARE IN BRACKETS]. My original lease was for one year, the lease expired Dec 1st. I am past the window to give notice to leave, [STEVE JOHNSON] is trying to tell me i'm signed till next Dec. The new property manager made me sign nothing new. I'm in VA if it matters. Mr [JOHNSON], You encourage me to read the lease, huh? The one I signed with [ORIGINAL PROPERTY MANAGER], and not your company? I have read it. Would you kindly point me to the line in the lease where it states the agent/management may be changed at any time? I can't seem to find it.I did not sign a lease with [NEW PROPERTY MANAGER]. I signed a lease with [ORIGINAL PROPERTY MANAGER]. I would have never signed a lease with your company. Your intrusive and illegal practices are fairly well known among local renters, your reputation is questionable at best. Just because you say you can just "take over the lease" for [ORIGINAL PROPERTY MANAGER] does not make it legal or acceptable. There is nothing in the lease that even hints at that being an option. It is a ludicrous notion that the leasing agent and property manager can be changed out of the blue without any type of re-negotiation. As far as the law is concerned, I haven't had a lease since you took over. I've basically been squatting and sending you a check every month, (on-time 100% of the time I might add). I signed a legally-binding contract with [ORIGINAL PROPERTY MANAGER]. You can't just take that lease and claim it as your own, it doesn't work that way. I'm sure a lawyer would say the same. You may be able to strong-arm the vast majority, but It aint happening with me, [STEVE]. Your smug assertion that I still have a lease with your company is laughable. I haven't signed a thing. Next time you take over a building, make them sign new leases. It's lazy. Let's review all of the ways you have already either violated the lease, the law, decency, or all three at the same time since your taking over: • I was assured access to the storage lockers in the basement when I signed with [ORIGINAL PROPERTY MANAGER]. This was an enormous selling point for me. You guys "took over the lease" and immediately took away this important amenity. Would you enjoy stepping over boxes in your living room every day, [STEVE]? • Your workers have entered my apartment not once, but twice without any type of notice or appointment. Twice. How would you like tradesmen to enter your home with absolutely no notice? You didn't just do it to me, either. You did it to people I know living in this building. Unacceptable. People get tragically shot over these kinds of things. Think about trigger-happy gun owners next time you just cavalierly send someone in to an apartment without appointment. • You have issued master keys out to every tradesman in [MY CITY]. When I signed with [ORIGINAL PROPERTY MANAGER], my locks were unique, and the only people with a copy were the agent and myself. Now, under your control, one key will open every door in the building. You have proceeded to hand this key out to various plumbers, painters, carpenters, electricians, etc.. Would you and your family feel safe and secure living like this [STEVE]? Do you personally know and trust every tradesman that works for you, and know and trust all of their employees? Of course not. All it would take is one dishonest worker to compromise the security of every single tenant in the [BUILDING NAME] building. Also, I don't know how much you know about master key systems, but I know a bit. The addition of multiple shear-lines in a tumbler lock significantly reduces its security and makes them incredibly easy to pick with the most basic of implements. The security here is such a joke now, some keys work on other apartments. My key for A2 opened a friend's apartment with nothing more than a little jiggle of the wrist. This is completely unacceptable. Any idiot with a bump-key could rob the entire building. • In addition to simply entering my apartment without permission, you have missed more than five appointments where access was needed. Five. At least five days of lost productivity for me, waiting around for someone to. You and your office just brushed me off saying something to the effect of "oh well you don't have to be home." That completely misses the point. The point is most tenants want to be home when an unknown, untrusted worker is to be around their stuff. It is this kind of overbearing and pompous attitude you have for your tenant's privacy that is the most unacceptable for me. On the few occasions where notice was actually given for entry, your time windows have been offensive. 9am to 4pm with less than a day's notice? Do you think your tenants do not have jobs? Do you think our time is without value? How dare you. • Your refusal to address the issue of my 85 degree apartment. I shouldn't be spending money on AC in the middle of the winter. • Your office not addressing the moisture/mold issues. More on that below... [STEVE], here's how it is going to go down: Option One: I leave the apartment at the end of the month. You then issue a check for $850, we part ways, and you will never have to deal with me again. Option Two: I leave anyway, you hold on to the ridiculous notion I am locked into this lease I signed with a wholly different management company, and refuse my deposit. I haven't signed a thing with you. Even if I had, I'm sure I could still legally break lease just for your utter incompetence as a property manager. Should you go with option two, please know I am completely prepared to go to court, I think a judge would laugh this out of the courtroom. I have no problem picketing your business front. I will utilize my contacts in the local TV market, and tell my story to anyone that cares to listen. I will write the local paper. I will post negative reviews of your practices on every local review website I can think of. I'm sure the owner of [APARTMENT BUILDING NAME] would like to be informed of your management style as well. Also, should this go to court, trust I will sue for property damage resulting from black mold due to unfixed plumbing and moisture issues in the basement. I lost my favorite $500 pea coat, and two irreplaceable pieces of well-kept vintage furniture. The funny thing is, [STEVE], is that I thought you'd be excited that I was leaving. We got off to a bad start, and things just got worse. I'm sure you probably refer to me as "that asshole in the [BUILDING NAME]" around the office, or something similar. You don't want me here, and I don't want to be here. Let's just admit that. I really thought you'd be thrilled, but no... squeezing another $850 out of me if I leave, or keeping an already unhappy tenant if I stay seems to be your intent. Do you REALLY want to keep me as a tenant? Is $850 REALLY worth all of this? Mother told me to pick my battles wisely... Should you chose to pick this battle [STEVE], please know I'm the kind of person who is prepared to spend more time and effort than this is really worth until I extract a result I'm happy with, while exposing your egregious renting practices to anyone who will listen. Just let me go [STEVE]. You can get your crew in here sooner, fix the bathroom, and probably get a little more rent money out of it. I'll go on my merry way and leave all of this in the past... no battle, no court, no nasty reviews or attention. The way you try to infantilize your adult tenants is unacceptable. There are real human beings represented by these leases. You can't just trade us around like a paper contract, change the terms of the agreement, violate my privacy and security, then have the audacity to claim my deposit on a property I have greatly improved. It's absurd. You dropped the ball, I'm leaving, and I'm getting my money back, period. Attached you will find a picture of my favorite coat that was kept hung in the open, on the back of my bedroom door, in the air I breathed at night. I wonder if you sleep well at night, Mr [JOHNSON]. I hope you make the obvious and decent decision in this mater. -[TUNACRAB]
Did I go to far? and do I have a legal leg to stand on?
I was pulled over in Ontario for having a suspended license. I have to appear in court February 3rd and my car is impounded. I haven't been pulled over and have nothing in the mail saying it was suspended. So i had no idea. I don't know what to expect in court. Should i get a lawyer or just explain that I had absolutely no idea it was suspended? Thanks in advance for any advice.
License suspended without me being notified
Today while driving to work a truck tried to forcefully merge into my lane and ended up hitting my right side, tearing part of the bumper off. The other driver left the scene without me getting any identifiable information. I had work 15 minutes after the accident so I did not have time to call the police to file a report Should I still make a call my police department and file a report for my insurance claim? I am currently in a different city to where the accident occurred. My car is still drivable but the damage is extensive.
Can I make a police report for my insurance claim a couple hours after an accident?
Hi. I'm a software developer for a US tech company in SoCal. My company's mandating that all employees work remotely until September 1st, at the earliest. There's a foreign country that I've always wanted to live in, maybe for a few months, but I never could justify myself to do it because I cared too much about my career. Now that I can work remotely for about three months, I'm thinking of going to the country of my dreams for a few months and work remotely. Can I do this without getting into any legal issues?
Can I get in legal trouble for working remotely in a different country?
Hello r/legaladvice A few months ago I moved in with several roommates into a home in Seattle, WA. My roommate's parents and he signed a lease and against my knowledge put in an application for a credit check without my knowledge, (this isn't my issue just another problem). The idea was that we would be roommates but not on the original lease. I requested for my rent information to be in writing but it was never done and I figured at the time that it worked in my favor to not have a paper trail in case anything went wrong. I agreed to pay a set amount of $650 a month for rent, (only verbally), and have paid this amount for one month already via venmo. I signed an agreement that I would be living on the property, but the document was only to agree to the homeowner's property rules. After I had made this agreement on a set amount of rent, the roommate who leased the house changed my rent price to $950 a month, I was aware he was trying to do this but I never agreed. The reason for him trying to charge me more was because our 4th roommate backed out. I am frustrated mainly because we initially based the room prices off of the size of the room. I had the smallest room and thus paid the smallest amount. When we lost the roommate, he wanted us all to pay the $950 and split is equally 3 ways. Even though his room is literally 3 times larger than mine and we agreed to pay for the size of our rooms. In our argument, he only demanded that I pay the $950 and wouldn't consider scaling the costs by a percentage. While trying to come to an agreement, he started making personal threats and said things were going to happen to me if I did not pay the $950 for the month. His family is extremely well off and legally intimidating to me as I don't have that kind of financial support. I sent the $650 I believed to have owed and he returned it to me saying that it is not the correct amount. I moved out of the house as I did not feel safe around him (he is schizophrenic as well...) Currently, I have been talking to his family accountant who says if I do not pay the $950 she is going to have a collector come after me. Without any paper trails, do I need to actually pay him anything? (I am aware this would be a dick move...he also said he was going to rape my unborn children) What is the legal standing of all of this? Is there a basis for a debt collector?
Rent Dispute Help
Please fix my flair if it’s incorrect. My MIL has a court date in February for assaulting her husband during marriage counseling, and she was arrested. She and everyone who supports her knows she was in the wrong and are not trying to get her out of the consequences. My wife and I just want make sure that there is an honest testimony if it’s possible. We don’t believe there will be because he constantly provokes her and uses her for money, and she has codependency issues and is too dumb to leave him. He is not a good guy and this is pretty much guaranteed to happen again. He filed for divorce and said he was going for alimony, but rescinded it as soon as she said that if she loses her job because of this, then he wouldn’t get alimony. Now they are working together to ensure they can stay together so he can still use her for money. All in the meanwhile, they fight every week about dumb stuff that they are never going to work past.
Could I request to testify in court?
I accidentally broke the front door to my 2nd floor apartment. The damage to the door would have been preventable if the door wasn't in such poor condition. The landlord fixed the door the next day and gave me an invoice. The invoice does not detail any of the costs, it simply says "Remove existing door, install new door with necessary hardware, $850". There is no phone number, the company's name is misspelled and does not exist online, and the address is for a coffee shop. I also found the exact same or very similar door at Home Depot for $184. The new door was put in with a new door knob, the same hinges, and no alteration to the frame, which I don't believe cost $650. I think my landlord made a fake invoice to get extra money from me. What should/can I do? Edit: The apartment is in Boston, MA
Landlord gave me a fake invoice
I reviewed the agreement, but I feel like I am missing something. Particularly while looking at section 4(a) of the agreement. I am located in California. "4. Release. Tenant does hereby and for the respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns of the undersigned, release, acquit and forever discharge (i) Landlord, (ii) REDACTED, a California limited partnership, (iii) REDACTED, a Maryland corporation, ((i) – (iii) are hereafter collectively referred to as “REDACTED”) and (vi) all of REDACTED respective predecessors, successors, assigns, affiliated entities, partners, members, parent entities, subsidiaries and any business entity in which REDACTED may own an interest, and REDACTED agents, employees, representatives, attorneys, officers, directors, board members, shareholders, contractors, subcontractors, assigns, receivers, heirs, spouses, devisees, executors, trustees and settlors of and from any and all claims, actions, causes of action, demands, rights, damages, costs, liabilities, expenses, and compensation whatsoever, whether known or unknown, which Tenant now has/have or which may hereafter accrue on account of or in any way arising out of the closure of parts or portions of the Community including, but not limited to, closure of Recreational Facilities and other amenities, due to COVID-19 or the related government declarations, proclamations, and/or orders. (a) It is further understood and agreed by the undersigned that all rights under Section 1542 of the Civil Code of California and any similar law of any state or territory of the United States are hereby expressly waived. Said section reads as follows: “1542. Certain claims not affected by general release. A general release does not extend to claims that the creditor or releasing party does not know or suspect to exist in his or her favor at the time of executing the release and that, if known by him or her, would have materially affected his or her settlement with the debtor or released party.”
Is this a standard termination agreement?
Hey! Me (based in Los Angeles, US) and my friend (based in EU) want to register an LLC and open a business bank account in the US for our business (also based in the US). I know registering a two member LLC shouldn't be an issue even with one of the members outside of US. However, will there be any problems with opening a business bank account for that LLC? Does the bank require for both members to be US-based, or will it suffice that one of them is based in the US? Thanks!
Opening a business bank account under 2-member LLC, one of whom is based in EU?
So I work at a grocery store and there are people who are assigned to go retrieve the carts from the parking lot. Well one of my coworkers treats this like a break. She hops in her friends car and sits there on her phone. Unauthorised break. Does this break any type of actual law considering it’s a monetary issue. Or is she just allowed to do this. Legally speaking. She has been caught by management on multiple occasions and has not been fired.
A coworker of mine doesn’t do her tasks when she’s on clock. (KS)
My SO works in an essential business, and our county was relatively untouched for a while, but things are very rapidly getting out of hand. Our governor Covid Kim is re-opening 77 counties in the state despite the outbreak having not even plateaued yet in our state, much less being on the downswing. Long story short, my SO is in an at-risk group due to cardiovascular conditions that already cause minor to moderate problems with breathing. My SO is growing more and more stressed by the day, and recently started having nightmares about being back in the hospital due to traumatic events a few years ago. I've seen a couple posts on here about workers getting doctors notes saying they would be at risk to go back to work. My SO however has never actually been out of work due to being in an essential service. Would a doctor's note be enough for her to seek unemployment if she had to outright quit her job? As a secondary (but I assume far less likely) question - legally speaking would I qualify for FMLA for this? I'm not back at work just yet but if/when my job opens back up, it's a very customer-facing, close-quarters position. I'd be exposed to dozens of people a day. I have never had to take FMLA before but my impression was that it was mostly used for your own long-term illness or taking care of a close family member's same; would I qualify to use it proactively?
Can an at-risk individual get unemployment if they work at an essential business and quit due to the outbreak? [Iowa]
Title says it all. I got furloughed on March 23rd due to COVID. My mother-in-law, who is immunocompromised due to PI and recently had surgery moved in. While she recovers she’s living with my SO and I. His sister also lives with us, who is a nurse working in a COVID unit. So she (nurse sister) has isolated herself in the in law suite while she works so we can safely take care of MIL. My boss called to inform me of the plan to bring back all employees on June 1st. I told him that I was not comfortable returning yet because of this, and while understanding, the owner of my company will be terminating anybody who doesn’t feel ready to return June 1st. It’s a bummer because I like my job but obviously my family’s health comes first. So if I’m terminated will I still be eligible to receive unemployment? Or is there someway they can deem it as me willingly not coming back?
Employer wants everyone back June 1st. Whoever is not comfortable with it will be terminated. If I am terminated, will I still continue receiving unemployment?
My public University has mandated that all summer classes be conducted online. With each of these classes the school is requiring students to pay $80 per class as a "distance fee" This fee seems unreasonably high and although I have no evidence I do believe the school is using this fee in order to profit from the students. If this were to be true would I have a legal case?
Can I file a lawsuit against my University?
I live in Lincoln, Nebraska. My landlords are my roommate's parents. I signed a year long lease with them in May of 2014. There is NOTHING in my lease that says anything about asking me to move properties. It is now 5 months into the one year lease. My roommate texted me tonight and said her parents found us a new house to move into and want to sell our property. I did not agree to moving properties. Would expecting me to move to the new house void the lease?
My landlords want me to move properties does this void my lease?
I am almost 3 days away from being 7 months pregnant. I am required to work 50 hours a week due to my position. It is hourly pay. I work 5 10 hour shifts and i am required 2 days off. Well if someone calls in i usually have to cover or find coverage. Well that and i have scheduled 51 hours. Which is over my required 50 and the other assistant manager and the general manager only have scheduled 50 and i am the only one with 51 hours. Well one of our shift managers called in and i had to take the shift because i was the last manager there. So i worked about 13 and half hours. I am starting to feel burnt out. My ob/gyn has offered to give me a paper stating i can only work 8 hours a day. Will they be able to demote me because of this? I am worried about it because i cant keep working 11-15 hours a day. I dont get a break and i am on my feet for the entirety of the shift. I know in texas we arent required breaks and our company does not require them either. And since most of the time i am alone on my shift i cant get a break. I have to eat on the "run".
USA Texas can my employer do this?
Okay so gonna try to keep this as short as possible. I was living in Australia in a hotel/apartment. I had to return to my home country because of the pandemic. The building manager asked me to send proof that I was required by my school to go home and that she would facilitate cancellation of my lease with my roommate and reassign another girl in the building (who was friends with my roommate) to live in my old room. Long story short it took a really long time to process that, and the girl moved in at the end of April. When I left, I paid a month rent from mid March to mid April. My roommate contacted me saying I owe from mid April to beginning of a month May because nobody had moved in (which I’m going to pay). She said that I also owe a $500 lease change fee. This is where I’m unsure. When I emailed the manager lady about what fees were charged this is what she told me. Does this not just sound like the girl’s unpaid rent from mid April to beginning of may? TIA!!
Does this sound like a lease change fee or rent?
In other words would an attorney help a client produce a lie to tell in court, or is he required to hold the client to the truth?
Do attorneys enforce the oath on witness stand?
(Wisconsin, USA) My partner and I are going to be moving into an apartment on June 15th, a little more than a month away, today her new landlord(bought out previous owner last fall) informed her they've already leased out the apartment she's currently in starting the first of June. Her lease was from May 2019 to May 2020, with month-to-month renewal until 60 day notice was given. Her lease states "..tenancy beyond the Lease Term shall be on a month-to-month basis, beginning the 1st day of the month succeeding the final month of the tenancy, under the terms and conditions of the Lease. Under all circumstances, TENANT must give and LANDLORD must receive WRITTEN notice of termination of tenancy AT LEAST 60 DAYS prior to the last day of the TENANT's final month." Does this in effect say we have to give 60 day notice that we're vacating, not the other way around? Are they allowed to remove us via email 25 days in advance? We gave notice last month saying we'd be out at the end of June and heard no response. We contacted again last week to make sure everything was still set for end-of-June and they responded saying we can do a one-month renewal. We accepted, but today they said the place was already rented out for the month of June. Is this something we can fight?
New landlord leased out apartment prematurely [US, WI]
Unsure of whether or not I did the flair right or if this is the right place but imma send it I'm considering doing a muffler delete as I've done it in the past but I was also in a one cop town at the time and he didn't care to enforce it nor did the shops there My question is this, what would happen if I were to get punished for deleting a muffler off my truck and a follow up of if it would pass inspection.
Texas muffler laws
I live in Florida. On my way to work (night shift) a spider jumped on my face from the side and scared the crap out of me. I slowed my car down ad slapped the spider off my face, and I saw it crawling up my shirt again so I freaked and tried swiping it off. The car drifted to the right and I scratched the car next to me. We pull over. The driver was a woman driver, but her husband is who came out of the car, very aggressively. My car had no damage and theirs was literally a scratch (because I had slowed down, the road we were on was a 30mph limit anyway so I got really slow). He walks around my car and sees a Georgia tag (the car at the time was under my dad's name, it's now in mine) and he flips out, saying it's illegal for me to drive a Georgia tag car with a Florida license, and that he should know he's a correction's officer, he's calling the police and I'm going to jail. During that time I had pulled out my registration and insurance info because since it wasn't even a scratch I didn't think it was going to escalate into police being involved. The police arrives, asks if anyone's been hurt, all say no. I tell him the truth, spider jumped on me and scared me. He wrote me a careless driving ticket and drove off. I've never been pulled over in my life, never even had a parking ticket before, and I feel like this is unfair. I wasn't trying to get a spider on my face. Can I fight this? The court date is Feb 5, I think it's a bit too late for me to hire anyone, I was going to represent myself. Thank you for all your help.
Received my first citation ever, careless driving. I want to fight it, I need help.
Hello, I sub leased a room in UT to a tenant for 3 months. This person paid a deposit of $340 and did NOT sign a contract because all I required was 45-60 days notice if they were going to leave. I also told them the deposit would most likely be returned but not guaranteed. They gave 30 days notice but even towards the end of the month they were saying they might stay. They left the room messy and left food and a bunch of belongings I had to clean up. I wasn’t able to find a renter for two months. I used their deposit to pay their unpaid utilities and plus part of the first month without a renter. In the end I had to finger the extra costs but I never tried to collect because I figured that was the risk I took not requiring a signed contract. They never sent their new address or inquired about the deposit. It’s been 6 months and I just got a message from them saying if I don’t pay back their deposit they would take me to small claims. Am I in any trouble here?
Ex tenant wants to go to small claims
Hi all. So my partner and I have recently decided to move and i went to a house viewing and on the surface it all seemed okay. Partially furnished, not anything special but didn't look like a dump either. We paid deposit and first months rent, today(10th of jan) is the official first day of our lease that we haven't yet signed. I come to take a look, and it's a mess. The toilet bowl is pissed all over, there's trash all over the bedroom under furniture, there's tobacco and weed in the drawers of the bedside table, there's bottles and a PLATE under the sofa with like sause on it. I'm livid and disappointed. I asked him if it's possible for him to clean it up before we officially move in next month as i assumed it already would be sorted and he replied "thanks but the place is exactly how it was when you viewed it and accepted it" like ok sorry i didn't think to look into the toilet and all the drawers in the house as if everyone does that Now I'll mention again that we haven't yet signed the lease. I have the document, but it isn't signed. There's no minimum lease period, it's on a monthly renewal system so there won't be no early cancellation fees. If i were to end the lease after the first month, would i get deposit back? Is there a way i can maybe get all of it back and just never go there again? This is all in the UK btw and any and all help and advice is appreciated.
Do i have any leg to stand on?
Hello all. Looking for some advice on my wive's unemployment situation. A little background: We live in Minnesota. My wife has an auto immune disease that makes her immune suppressed. She works in the healthcare field as a physical therapist, and knew early on that working through this pandemic wasn't a smart idea healthwise. Weeks ago, she tried to be reassigned out of direct patient care. No luck. Her employer then decided to start furloughs, which my wive's supervisor thought was her best bet to get away from potential infection risk. Her employer promised to pay 50% of her salary and continue benefits. She took a 4 week furlough. We applied for unemployment the first chance we had. And here we are, four weeks later, her furlough now finished and we were just informed her benefits were denied. My first thought was that it's because her employer was still paying 50% of her income, however she has coworkers in the exact same position that have been receiving benefits and the extra $600 CAREs act for weeks now. Moving forward, my wife is now forced to take a medical leave of absence with no pay, so I'm assuming things may change, but it's such a cluster that I have no idea where to start. My questions are this: for the appeal process, do we have any merit in eventually getting benefits seeing that my wive's auto immune disease is the reason for her leave (Her doctor wrote a note saying she should avoid patient care). Is there anything else I am missing here? I would appreciate any help. I'm sort of lost and was hoping for some more thoughts and opinions. Thanks in advance!
Wife Denied Unemployment - Advice for appeal?
As the title says I was wondering if there was legal way to do this . I know it would probably require a lot of capital to make the markets move the way you want but could it theoretically be done or is it considered market manipulation/ insider trading?
Is it legal to buy cheap future contracts and then sell it to a partner at a higher price over and over again to make it seem like there’s a higher Demand than there really is to try and raise the price of the underlying asset?
I was convicted of 2 felonies in hawaii. Terroristic threatening and reckless endanger. My lawyer told me he got them down to misdemeanors and that all I had to do was sign these papers. After signing he says "oh these are the old papers brb" comes back an hour later and has me sign what I thought was the same papers. I go in to the court and plead guilty bc that was the agreement. After I'm released I'm told that I still have the felonies but my lawyer told me that he got them reduced. Now I'm in Texas and can't get a job bc of this. Can I appeal from Texas ? Can I get a public defender? I gave this guy 10k to get them reduced and he basically took my money and just signed whatever the first offer was to the prosecution and was like. Good luck. Oh and I'll die before I set foot in Hawaii again so that's not an option.
Appealing a conviction due to bad counsel? Hawaii
When I first signed my lease in my apartment, I tried to negotiate the cable+internet package out and they refused, saying it was non-negotiable. They deal with Spectrum’s “Community Services”, which is different from regular Spectrum. Each apartment basically has their own WiFi and password and they’re out of the reach to the residents. Since December 18 we’ve been without internet because Spectrum made a mass update that made our devices not work anymore. We’ve had multiple hour-long conversations with Spectrum representatives and have gotten 2 technicians to come to fix it and still no luck. I went to talk to the property manager, but she was too busy to talk to me, so after talking to the main desk lady, she said she’d help but encouraged us to call spectrum and figure it out ourselves. We haven’t gotten anywhere. We paid rent two days ago. Is there anything I could do to speed up the process or get a legal case here against the property for not taking accountability? Edit: I’m in Florida. TLDR; Have had no internet for 2 weeks. My community provides my internet, but it’s the internet provider’s fault. My community wants me to deal with them and fix it while I paid rent for internet I haven’t used. Any legal advice?
Landlord charges for internet but doesn’t fix it
Due to the current situation, the school put my belongings in my dorm into storage for the next semester. In that process, my RA called me and said they found a "dab pen" in my room. I kinda froze and didn't really know what to say. I acted like I couldn't understand or hear what he was talking about but eventually I just said I think its my friends or something....He said that I will be updated further on what is going to happen but they will continue the packing process for now. What am I supposed to do? Does anyone have an idea of how this is going to play out? How worried should I be. Any advice or help is appreciated, I'm really worried as of now. Edit: I live in New York but attend college in North Carolina
School found a THC pen/cart in my dorm room
I'm living in a house with three people. I think two of them have their names on the lease and me and the other person don't. The two with the names on the lease are my "landlords" and I pay rent to them. I've never signed any paperwork, and I did not agree to this security deposit withholding when I came. They are very much taking advantage of me on purpose, and the person who told me this is passive aggressive. I'm leaving next month and have given their required notice of 30 days (or like 25 days but I don't mind paying the whole 30 to adhere to their notice requirements). Because I've paid in cash I don't have any way to get the money from them after I leave. What options do I have here? What's the best way to get my security deposit back? Barring finding a new person, because that's very difficult and I don't feel responsible for filling their apartment. It's normally a legal requirement of the landlord, but because nobody signed anything they seem to be putting that responsibility on me Thanks for all the help. US, California.
The people who I pay rent to are withholding my security deposit until a new person is found to replace me. How should I proceed?
Quick backstory .. When I was 17b, I got extremely high on klonopin, blacked out , accidentally set a house on fire , [ only did 65$ worth of damage to the paint on the concrete house] and because of my terrible luck , someone set 3 trucks on fire about a mile away from where I set the house up. Because my lawyer told me it was in my beat interest to do so , I admitted to both of the crimes , neither of which I have any recollection of . I currently owe 11,000$ in restitution, and I've been on parole for 2 years , [only three left , wee!] So five years in prison , and 2 years on parole later , I'm wondering how I need to go about expunging my record . Any help whatsoever would be perfect . Thanks !
A question about convicted felons records ... [NY]
I am breaking my lease to move across the country. I found a new tenant for my apartment, and my apartment allowed me to break the lease because I had found one. EDIT: To be clear, they have officially signed a lease with the new tenant, she informed me earlier this week. After signing the lease with the new person, they notified me that I have to leave on February 19th instead of the end of the month. I told them they would have to pro-rate me for the last bit of the month. They communicated that they would not do that and were taking the full month's rent "as a fee" for me breaking my lease. In addition, on the phone the woman was already making comments about my deposit like "we'll need to paint and clean which will come out of your deposit" which was a major red flag for me. I told her that it was very clear that usual wear and tear cannot come out of a deposit and she immediately got defensive. I'm worried they are going to try and take my deposit, not prorate my rent AND I ended up paying for all of February. A few questions: 1. Is what they are doing regarding pro-rating my rent legal? 2. My lease doesn't say anything about the pro-rating of rent or breaking of lease terms. Does that mean their "policy" is not legally binding? Could I sue them over the money? 3. In NYC is it illegal or will it cause me problems to tell them my deposit is the last months rent and be done with it? Thank you for your help!
[NYC] Apartment wants me to move out early...and not prorate my rent
This is going to be a long one so buckle up. I (M32) divorced my EX (F31) in 2016. The divorce was finalized in 2017. The part that I’m needing advice on is regarding the sale of the house. Per our decree, any and all proceeds from the sale of the house were to be split 50-50. Just prior to the closing on the house 10/19,she decides that she wants a bigger portion of the money. We negotiate with a final agreement of her getting 15k, me getting the residual money ~13k and getting some items she was holding as collateral back. We sign at different times and I’m informed by the title company that there will be a check coming from either them or the bank holding the mortgage for escrow overage. I was informed that if it came from the title company, I would have the whole amount deposited into my account. Fast forward to early November of 2019, I call the mortgage holder and inquire about the check status and to what address it is being sent. I’m informed that it hasn’t been sent yet and the address they have on file is for EX new residence. I have them change it to my address and wait. Fast forward to to the end of December, I contact mortgage holder again regarding said check that has not arrived yet. I’m informed that it was mailed but nothing has been done with it. They will reissue and send to my address. Yesterday, I receive a piece of mail from the mortgage holder. I open it expecting a check and inside is a check, a CANCELLED check. The information on it shows that it was deposited into EX account on 11/18/19. Today, I contact EX , via text, asking when I can come get the full amount of the escrow check $1452.74 USD. I was informed that, by her, that I’m entitled to only half because she paid property taxes out of her portion too. ( She didn’t, she got 15k flat rate and I get the rest.) I was told after some back and forth that “half or nothing” was her final offer. Should I go ahead and take her to small claims court? If so, how should I go about filing it?
To sue or not to sue (TX)
Currently going through a divorce in NC in which I filed at the plaintiff for Child Custody, Child Support, Equitable Distribution, and Absolute Divorce. After waiting an additional 30 day extension that the STBX asked for she finally filed a Motion to Dismiss, Answer, and Counterclaim for Divorce from Bed and Board, Child Custody, Child Support, Attorneys Fees, Equitable Distribution, Post Separation Support, & Alimony on the final day with 30 minutes to spare. She enjoys dragging things out. STBX is asking for my claim of Absolute Divorce to be dismissed in favor of a Divorce from Bed and Board. We disagree about the separation date so she does not want an Absolute Divorce to be possible until August even though we actually separated in March. We have not lived together since March and when we stopped living together I considered the marriage was over. Would the court dismiss my absolute divorce claim? The interesting part though is that in her counter claim as she is listing her paragraphs (1, 2, 3, ....) she ends up duplicating herself. Her entire counterclaim should be 1-34 but she duplicated 22-26. Her entire counter claim ends at paragraph 29. These cover her counterclaims for Post Separation Support as well as Alimony. How am I supposed to draft a reply with such an error since I have to respond to each specific paragraph? Could this play into my favor in any way? Could I file a motion to dismiss those claims? In another section she asks for joint legal and shared physical custody yet on her summary page at the end she asks for joint legal and primary physical custody. Any issue with her using different wording or how this might help me? She has a lawyer who drafted all of this for her but the more I look at it the more little problems I am finding. I also have a lawyer but won't be able to meet with him until next week. I am just wanting to be proactive and try to get everything in order and prepare as much as I can. Any advice is greatly appreciated!
NC-Counterclaim paragraph numbers used twice and other mistakes.
About a year or 2 ago my brother was hit while riding his bike and nothing came about it until recently when he got a letter from the court saying that he had 20 days to get a lawyer and defense or pay 1500 for damages, what can be done it this situation?
Progressive making a claim when my brother wasn’t the cause
(In Saskatchewan, Canada) TLDR; what happens if I don't pay my ticket on time? How can I pay it if I can't afford it? I had recieved a ticket in July so I went to court in October to get it reduced. It was originally $580 but now it's $480. I have not been able to save up because all of my paychecks went to rent and food. Now I just lost my job due to unforeseen circumstances and I only have $200. Rent is due on the 1st and the ticket is due on the 31st. I called the provincial court but they are closed until the 2nd. I called SGI and they gave me a different number to call. I called them, which put me on an international call to America. I can't afford to pay any international call rates, so I hung up. What do I do? What will happen if I can't pay it on time? Is there any way I *can* pay it on time? Thank you in advance for any responses
I have a ticket due in 4 days
A little background... I was with my boyfriend for 6 years when we found out I was pregnant. It was at that point he flipped his lid and began behaving irrationally - he had a great job he quit, started drinking heavily/using drugs occasionally, sold his car so we could move across the country (an idea that came to him in the night) and in the end he started to withdraw from me and our relationship, all the while refusing to work and help me with preparing for our child. I finally got it out of him that he didn't want to be a father, that he had planned on it being just us (neither of us wanted kids) and that he wanted nothing to do with the child. I ended our relationship and am now a single mother to my 5 month old daughter. When she was born he changed his tune. He wanted to see her and work on us being a family. I was all for him seeing her and for three nights a week we would visit his house for a few hours so he could spend time with her. We had discussed getting back together and in order to do so I requested he try to get his act together for her - for the last few months he stopped the drinking/using drugs, he's been working steadily and things were looking up. All this time though I have been solely providing for her financially and caring for her while living in my own home. Last month he went back to his old ways and I think it's time that I just take this to court so we don't have to deal with each other. I'm nervous about custody/visitation though - will the courts allow him over night/unsupervised visits? The thought of leaving her alone with him makes my stomach lurch. He has no patience for her when she cries, he's never changed a diaper, and in the 5 months she's been alive he's maybe fed her a handful of times (she's bottle-fed). The latter two I can handle, but I don't want her alone with someone who sees her as an inconvenience. I'm also nervous about custody, though I don't particularly feel I have a reason to be. I have my own home, a great job, and if I may say so myself I'm a very loving and attentive mother. He's just been acting so irrational that I'm afraid he would try to get custody, whether partial or sole, just to have something over me. I want him to be a part of her life if he can get his head out of his ass and work on whatever issues he's having, but this came on pretty suddenly and he seems like he's quite comfortable with his new self. Any advice is appreciated, thank you!
(Ontario) Custody and visitation of infant daughter.
Washington State A friend was planning to move into an apartment in my complex this week. They paid the deposit, and the previous tenants were to be out by the end of May. The [eviction moratorium ]( was extended across the state by our governor. So now The tenants can’t be evicted—-so my friend can’t move in—-but the agency is not returning the deposit.
Friend paid deposit on an apartment but still have renters and can’t move in.
So I was driving in traffic when a car (speeding) bumped into mine and it got destroyed. No injuries apart from some pain in the back and neck (which is not that much). They were supposed to pay 100% for the car if there was no possible way to fix it (or at least their insurance). Today they told there was no possible fix (or it would be higher than buying a new car), so the only way is getting a new one, but the insurance refuses to pay for a new one and are only willing to pay tor the price of the old one, which is an old car from 1997 and run by gasoline, which isn't probably worth any significant thing. What can I do? The little amount of money they're probably willing to give isn't even enough for a bad car nowadays.
A car bumped into mine from the back and my car got completely destroyed. Insurance says they won't pay
So I was having a conversation with a friend and given the following situation, what would the outcome be? If a man comes home to a man raping his daughter, and the man proceeds to shoot the rapist, what would become of the man? Would the murder be understood or does the situation have to be life threatening to the man's daughter? Again this is just out of curiosity from a conversation with a friend. Thanks! Edit: Let's assume this is in Indiana, just for arguments sake but information of other states would be cool to know too.
Theoretical Rape/murder Case
I married my husband in secret years ago. This was due to the abusive nature of his family toward us both. So we lived away from them and they had no idea I was married to him. We also had two children without their knowledge. Husband died recently in a car accident. He never updated his life insurance due to it being a "family plan" with his parents. So now they found out about our secret family, and they are pissed. They are claiming all the insurance money for themselves, and I got served with a lawsuit for emotional distress for keeping the marriage and grandchildren a secret. They are also requesting visitation rights for seeing my children. I'm still trying to get a good lawyer that I am comfortable with. My questions are: is there any way to contest the life insurance going to his parents? Would a spouse be able to make a claim on it over his parents? Can this lawsuit get dropped? How likely is it that they can win both the lawuit and visitation rights? State is New Jersey.
Deceased husband's family threatening me with lawsuit, and claiming his insurance?
I have been working at this warehouse for a year now, just this Tuesday (5/26) I put in my two week notice but my last day will be (6/05). I have been keeping track of my hours for the past two months, before that I assumed my checks were correct since the amount seemed right in my ball park. I don’t go to work on Thursdays & I miss work sometimes because of school, car troubles and dentist appointments so I can get pretty lazy doing the math. Just right now, I’ve been doing the math and already, I have up to $100 stolen from me! I dont really care about my job nor my relationship with them, its a pretty bad environment and Im leaving to find a job that fits my skill level. What should I do? Should I check EVERY single paycheck that i have/can? I dont think it’d be possible to count which days ive missed or went home early. If i go to them directly Im sure theyre just going to try to talk their way out of it or come up with some b.s excuse. Should I contact the BBB? Im a 19 yr old male, this is technically my first job. I worked on the side with my dad before this.
My employer has been cutting 2-6 hours off my check, its random everytime. Advice?
Myself and my now ex-SO co-leased an apartment for one year. The lease began in June 2019 and runs until May 30, 2020. We are both students. Our landlord is extremely accommodating and waited patiently for our Financial Aid to come through before we paid rent. I paid $4500 upfront in September. I believe there are two ways to interpret this payment. 1. I paid in full six months rent for both myself and my SO, in essence, June-December. 2. I paid my entire half of the 12 month lease. My SO dropped the ball on their financial aid this past semester, so they decided they would pay their half in January when the next disbursement of money came through. Our landlord was totally cool with this. Well now we're separated. I have family in neighboring towns, so it makes the most sense for me to move out until I find new housing. But still, I feel like I am getting screwed financially here. I paid six months rent, my ex has paid nothing. They got to live in our apartment for free for six months and now I have to move out. I feel like I am owed half of my $4500 payment. I paid rent for the both of us under the impression our relationship would last the duration of the lease. In essence, I paid my half of the full 12 month lease, but I only got to live here for six months. We shared the space for six months and now they get to enjoy the apartment without another cohabitant. I don't think I would actually pursue legal action, as our split was rather amicable (about as amicable as a long term relationship breakup can be). But I'm just curious, do I have a case here? I'm in New York State by the way.
[New York] I paid my half of a 12 month co-leased apartment with my ex-SO. Now I am moving out. Does my SO owe me any money?
So I am planning to start sailing around the world next December or this December depending on Covid. I will be starting in the Caribbean and will need an income of money. Now I plan on helping other cruisers with repairs and other maintenance, mostly electrical repairs. Is this allowed? Do I need a certain permit to be able to do this type of freelancing work?
Freelancing in other countries?
When we got divorced, I qualified for free legal representation through an organization that helps (among others) people in abusive relationships get out. Ex did not have one, and refused to file for divorce for over a year because he couldn't be bothered to hire one. We were scheduled with a backwoods judge, and my attorney advised me not to mention abuse because this judge simply "doesn't believe in domestic abuse". He recognized her anyway, and made condescending remarks about us "not getting along" and "not playing nice" while smiling at my ex. It was disgusting. But I got my divorce and he got standard visitation. I was glad it was over. When I received the divorce in the mail, all it said was that the father was to get the child from Friday to Sunday on alternating weekends. Nothing about transportation, times, restrictions on travel, me knowing where he is, pick-up/drop-off locations... nothing. My ex is an emotionally abusive person and of course this has turned out to be a disaster. I only communicate with him via email, and only about our son. Every single weekend of his, we end up exchanging a dozen or more emails trying to iron out the details. He refuses to answer, insults me, does everything he can to hold on to me communicating with him, before he actually gives me an answer. (I printed several emails just from the past couple of months, calling me a whore, a slut, saying nasty things about my body, hoping I get raped and murdered, etc. and attempted to get an order of protection to keep him from talking to me like that. It didn't meet the standard for abuse so he can do whatever he wants I guess.) And then, almost always, he tells me on Sunday that he won't be returning him after all, but will take him to school on Monday. He lives with his mother where our son doesn't even have his own bed-- let alone his own room. Many, many of his weekends, our son is with his mom or his dad, because he's "working", which of course I don't find out until later. I also have found out a few times that they went out of town with him, and no one let me know where they were. He doesn't have to answer to me on any of that because the divorce doesn't specify. All I want is a detailed, specific custody arrangement from the court. Nail down the times, meeting place, etc. I'd also love it if my son had to stay with me if my ex had to "work", rather than be with my ex's parents, who really don't have that right. I want those weekends if he can't bother to make himself available. I'd also love it if my ex could only take him so far on his weekends, or have to notify me of taking him anywhere more than x miles away. (He has a significant drinking problem, but I know that would be impossible to prove.) Bottom line, I don't want to be forced to communicate with him this way every single time. I don't think that's too much to ask. I know I don't need a lawyer to go back before the judge for this (although I'm not sure of the process). I know that the divorce says we can make our own agreement in writing, but he won't go for that. But I honestly feel like I won't get a fair shake from that judge. I know many other women who had him for their divorces and even with proof of drug arrests, abuse, etc. he always favors dads. I've been told I have to go back to the same judge who issued the divorce. All local lawyers I've contacted require a $2500 retainer. That is literally my entire savings. If I hire a lawyer, can he use the disgusting emails to help me somehow (it evidently isn't illegal)? How do I know if I'd go over the $2500? Will me allowing him to bend the custody arrangement in the past hurt me? What happens if we do get this arrangement fixed and he still doesn't uphold it? Is there anything I can do about him not upholding it now, or is the divorce too vague? I am almost considering just not allowing him to get our son again, so that he has to take me to court if he wants him. Although I know that's a bad idea, especially with this judge. I'm sorry, I know this is a lot. Thank you for reading. I don't know what to do. I'm afraid to spend $2500 just to not be able to pay anything else and have the case stall.
[AL] Ex not upholding vague custody arrangement in divorce, won't sign agreement, scared to see sexist judge again with no lawyer. Options? (long)
which I have. Do I have to go to court to do this? or is there an easier way out
Got a speeding ticket in RI, cop said I could dismiss if I had my license for 3+ years?
Good day, I work in the aviation industry and have been laid off since early March. I have not paid rent since February, the office put a note in our door of "14 days before eviction is filed." It is now May and I have not heard of anything yet. It has been very difficult, I've tried unemployment and everything is on hold for me. I feel horrible about this as it feels to me like I'm taking advantage of living for free and have never been in this situation before, I am paranoid every time I hear a knocking sound, I can't sleep well, I'm scared they will come with the police and kick us out and keep our belongings... I've read a lot of things that people have experienced and I have no idea what can happen, I don't really have a plan. I know at the end of this month my lease is over. I am trying to leave before that but can someone please tell me what can happen? I read that because of COVID19 a lot of courts and everything was shut down and even evictions weren't going through. How should I proceed, whar are my options? I was relying on getting unemployment and with a bit of what used to be my savings maybe pay some of the rent at least, but I have been very bad at this. I did not plan for any of this, I'm only 23 trying to work and survive.. I appreciate some help please.. Thank you for your time.
{TENNESSEE} Eviction Procedures?
I've been job prospecting in other cities after getting laid off in February, largely because rent is expected to climb in my current area once the Amazon Fulfillment center gets up and running. I haven't moved anywhere yet since I don't know where my first successful job offer will be located, but when I get that offer, I'm going to have to move pronto. My current lease agreement has a clause requiring a 60-day notice for anticipated moves. In all likelihood, I may only be giving 7 to 14 days notice when that opportunity comes. My lease agreement says that the property can charge me attorney fees that may exceed the costs of actual rent. It doesn't explicitly mention anything about court summons for the tenant. Other than losing money, what's the worst consequence that I can be subject to as a result of breaking lease and giving inadequate notice?
What are the consequences of failing to give 60 days notice before moving out, as required in my lease agreement (North Carolina)?
I have been using my Apple ID for 3-4 years and especially my iTunes account. I run digital businesses on almost all social media Platforms. My customers primary mode of payment is Bank Transfer or PayPal but in some cases i accept GiftCards as payment. Recently my apple ID was disabled in app store and iTunes, I didn’t know what to do. I emailed Apple support but they didn’t answer so i had to recharge my mobile carrier with alot of money to start an international call to apple. They picked and listened to my issue. They said in 24-48 hrs they will respond me, this was said by a person from iTunes senior support. 3 days passed I didn’t receive any email or call. I recharged my carrier again and called Apple. I told them my case ID and i was put into contact with a female advisor who said she is now taking over the last person that talked to me. Within a minute she told me that we cannot re enable your Apple ID. I was like ok whats the reason, i have proof of purchasing the apple cards and redeeming them with proof of ownership of whats my work and i have acquired these payments legally. She started to change the topic and starts guiding me about apple business accounts. I interrupt her and say, im sorry but i asked why is my account disabled? She says she cannot provide any info on that and asks me to go to apples website and their policy section. Ok so i go there and there is nothing related to my issue. Again im helpless, i had a 2350$ Apple ID balance that i had worked hard to collect for over a year. Besides that i had used over $15000 on appstore in the past 3 years. So i mail her again and she replies me’ im sorry i cannot help you, visit this link to sort out your problem, we won’t be replying to this case anymore. Have a good day. I was shocked because i knew they have disabled my ID without any official reason and I know that they don’t have a reason because i had acquired the money legally. Its been a week and im still helpless at this point. Someone please help me get my money back. I cannot sleep at night thinking about my loss and how am i going to cover all that up just makes me depressed and not wanting to do anything more in life because everyone just cares about themselves like apple who just ran away with my money.
Scammed by Apple for 2350$
So I'm a pretty good trader on the Bitcoin/stock market and I've had a lot of people ask me to help them with making some extra cash to the side. So I've decided to setup a company where people can buy a monthly subscription on my socialmedia channel and get a full overview of my trades / analysis on the market. Now keep in mind I'm not telling anyone to follow my trades / thoughts on the market. I will have a disclamer that says it's only an opinion and it's important to do your own research. Is this enough or should I add more to it? Also, would it be allowed to post my profit margin on my website? ​ Netherlands, EU (Question is about US laws not Dutch laws)
Is it legal for me to sell my personal stock/cryptocurrency trades and analysis in a public group?
**Location: Pittsburgh, PA** I opted into a Postmates Unlimited account one night for the 7-Day free trial with full intentions of cancelling on the final day. The disclaimer on the Postmates website said I would not be charged for cancelling. On the final day of my trial, I cancelled my Unlimited account and received [this email]( telling me my account was cancelled and I would not be charged. The following day, I get a notification from my bank account telling me that $85 was taken out of my account and that my account was overdrawn. I contacted Postmates customer support multiple times over the past 24 hours requesting a refund because my account was wrongfully charged. After getting fed up from a lack of a response, I discovered that Postmates wrongfully charging people and having awful customer service is not a new thing. They list no phone number on their website to call. Do I have any legal right to do anything in this situation? I wasn’t sure if this should be tagged as small claims or as contracts, but I would really like any help possible. Thank you in advance!
Postmates charged my bank account $85 for a year long subscription to Unlimited even though I cancelled my free trial in time and was told I would not be charged.
It seems california did something with statute of limitations. How would that apply to a tolling agreement that was set to expire last month? Would it extend it 90 days or would it not apply?
statute of limitations for a tolling agreement (CA)
I have video recording of an entire event of me being stuck by a motor vehicle and having right of way and being aware of surroundings. I was denied no fault benefits in stage of Michigan from assigned insurance as I didn't carry a policy. Would it damper on my outcome or have any negative effect on I'd I pursue a case?
Video Evidence - possible lawsuit
I work part time at my local pub, and have done for 2 years, even after the landlord changed. Now the new landlord has decided to sack me giving the reason that I drank cordial(water+juice) without paying for it. All my family have drank in this pub for numerous years and will all be boycotting but is there any grounds for unfair dismissal as I haven't ever been told to pay for drinks(if alcohol I would but I don't drink) and they didn't ask me to pay or warn me that I should be paying after seeing and just sacked me.
Unfair dismissal
Legal Wizards, I am throwing together a landing page in the next week or so to start collecting both user emails and potential clients (B2C Companies). We have several clients that have already stated that they will use our product (Light verbal agreement), as well as several clients that we believe would be a great fit for our product. My question is can I mention another company by name on the site, obviously it would not say/provoke anything negative but if we have not spoken with them and simply had their name on our site with no context could we get in trouble. Also, with companies I have spoken with we are going to write up small 'testimonial' quotes, my belief here is that as long as I have their verbal consent I can quote them. Any and every piece of advice is appreciated. Thank you very much, Shoger From Boston, MA Edit: Location
Mentioning other companies on your companies website..?
I pay my rent per month, due to the covid situation i had to flee the country, i packed all my stuff and cleaned the house. Now the question is: Can i not pay the rent and still get my deposit back? ( i know its unfair for the owner but money's really tight now due to the covid) The deposit is equal to 2 months of rent , so if i dont pay the owner would take the deposit. Should i still pay for an empty house? Europe.
Left the house and the country due to the current global situation, still have 2 months on my contract, can i not pay them and get my deposit back? (Eu)
I got into an accident about a week and a half ago where I rear-ended a car in front of me. The car visually looks undrivable because of the way the passenger side of the hood popped up but there was no damage to the engine. I called my insurance company and they said they didn’t have agents around here to assess the damage so they had to work through another company to be able to get an estimate and deemed whether it was totaled or not. My mom is the owner of the car since it’s under her name so she got called about the status of the car yesterday. They said the total damages were ~$6500. My car is a 2009 Honda Civic with almost 130,000 miles on it. I guess by their formula they have deemed it a total loss. My situation is this, the company that did the estimate apparently transported it to Pennsylvania to do the estimate since my insurance told me to release it to them. They offered us a price of ~$6000 if we sell it to them. However, if we wanted to get our car back, they offered ~$4500 AND we would have to retrieve it from PA. I don’t know what I should do. I was led to believe they were simply doing an estimate and get it back but I didn’t think they were taking it to another state. Now I want my car back so we can find a body shop that may be able to repair the damages for us. Did I incriminate myself by releasing it to the other company? Can I demand my insurance figure out a means of transportation to get my car back? What should I do?
[VA] I got into an accident, company told me to release my car to another company, now it’s in a different state and told us to come retrieve it if we want to keep it
(Tennessee) So recently I quit my job at Kroger Co. I’ve been working there for about a year and five months and I have vacation days/hours I have not used. I am 17 and wondering if they are required to give me those hours in the state of Tennessee. Thank you for your help
Is my employer required to give me my vacation hours?
I have sent nude pictures to 2 boyfriends in the past. One of them, I cannot determine which one, has sent a picture of me to an acquaintance. I found out that that the acquaintance has been showing this picture to other people. One of the people the acquaintance showed told me about it. I confronted the acquaintance and he apologized, but would not tell me if he had shown it to anyone else or where he got the picture. He said it was deleted. But I don't believe him. What can I do legally? This happened a year ago. The picture may have been sent even before this. I tried forgetting about it and letting it go but I can't. It's plaguing me. I don't know which boyfriend sent it to the acquaintance, I don't know how many people saw it, or if it is still circulating. I'm considering seeing a therapist. Any advice would be appreciated.
Ex boyfriend sent a nude picture of me to at least one other person. What can I do about it? CANADA
I was molested and verbally harassed by a coworker at a party. I told all of my bosses, and no one has done anything about it. It’s been months and he still works here, and it makes me extremely uncomfortable. Because it didn’t occur at work, is there anything that my bosses actually could’ve done and just refused to, or may have been unaware of? This has just really been taking a toll on my mental health, and I can’t make the money I make at this job somewhere else so it’s not really an option right now. I have looked around and tried as well. Also, I am transgender, and some of his derogatory comments related to that.
TW: Sexual Assault
Note: I'm writing this post for my dad, so I apologize if some replies might take a little as I have to consult with him for details. My dad was just asked by his employer to take 5 weeks off work as they're struggling with distributing hours to their employees. He's welcome to come back after 5 weeks, but until then he can't work, so he applied for unemployment claims. During his application, it asked him if he is still working for several companies he's never worked for in his life. We looked them up and they weren't parent companies or anything, one was a computer related place a few cities over and he doesn't know a thing about technology (as you can see by me writing this post for him). Is this an indication of identity theft or fraud? Any insight would be appreciated. Thank you.
Unemployment asking if I still work for jobs I've never actually worked for
I am in a group of college students who signed a lease for a house in January. We've already paid a security deposit of one month's rent and the lease starts on June 1st. With the whole pandemic, our school is shut down and we have no certainty of an on-campus fall semester, so some of the parents are of the opinion that we should not pay rent for a house that we have not moved into and that we do not plan on moving into. This is a really big concern since a lot of us have lost our summer internships and parents are in jeopardy of losing their jobs. The issue is that they are demanding us to send in the last month's rent, and 3 post-dated checks to cover the 3 months of summer (these were specified in the lease). The original plan was to find subletters for those of us not staying in the house until the start of the school year, but now, it is much harder to find subletters since the world is on lockdown. We're becoming more and more concerned that they will take legal action on us. The lease states that to break the contract, we must pay the full amount stated (12-month lease) and we will be required to pay for legal proceedings for both parties if we were to be sued (from our understanding of the wording). A few members of the group are willing to move-in if possible, but some others are definitely not planning to return, so those parents are not willing to send multiple months of rent and sign the guarantor agreement. We will attempt to negotiate a rent reduction and a delay in rent to find subletters and whatever else we can. Are we at risk of being sued if some parents don't sign and pay? Are we able to negotiate now even though the lease was signed many months prior or are they legally able to demand us for everything? If we are able to negotiate, what are things we can ask for? And if not, what would happen if the lease terms are not fulfilled considering most of the parents never signed the guarantor agreement and most families are in different states/countries? Thanks in advance!
[PA] Lease about to start for a group of students, but some are not planning on returning to campus and parents are trying to find a way out or some solution
Hello I’m 18 and live in Baltimore City, Maryland with my father and sister. Essentially my mother and dad were married for a couple of years, my mother had multiple affairs, there was lots of stuff that went on between us growing up and now; eventually my mother met a woman and decided to get with her, the female being half her age as well. When they got separated my mother came to the house and took everything, even stuff she did not personally buy. She moved out and left us there but would constantly demand that the girls ( my sister) move with her so she could claim child support, that’s all she was worried about from the beginning was money, it continues on with her moving from place to place because she couldn’t afford it. When the divorce papers were filed she placed custody of my sisters to herself; without my fathers knowledge and had him sign them. Now we are in a situation where she continuously blackmails him for money when she doesn’t have enough to afford her bills which we can provide proof of her spending her money irresponsibly to begin with. We want to possibly get custody of my sister under my dads name in attempts to avoid the blackmail and keep My sister where she wants to be and is happy at. I can provide more information as needed.
Mother keeps blackmailing father for more money even though he pays child support
So, my gf got a reckless driving ticket when leaving a Buffalo Wild Wings parking lot. She took a left turn in front of a cop purely by accident because she didn’t see the unmarked vehicle. The cop was off duty and had another cop come by just to write her a ticket. My gf wasn’t mad or anything, she kept apologizing to the cop over and over again. My gf also has a clean driving record. Never once gotten a ticket. Do you have any advice on how she can win in court? Do both officers have to be present in court on the court date to face my gf?
Fighting a Reckless Driving citation
I am a tenant of a Los Angeles apartment moving out at the end of the month. Days ago, I received a notice in the mail asking if I would like a pre move out inspection with someone from the leasing office (as per California law). I emailed the leasing office saying yes, however they replied saying they are not doing inspections due to COVID, and they suggested I take pictures before I leave. I worry they will pocket some money from my deposit after I move out even though the apartment is in immaculate condition (apart from very minor wear and tear). What should I do?
California Landlord Refusing Pre Move-Out Inspection due to COVID
As far as I can gather from There is not enough useful information about inspections and housing for my state available online for me to present the apartments with a case as to why they are wrong for what they are doing. They sent out a post card to every apartment/townhouse in the complex stating they would be replacing the furnace filters and checking to make sure the smoke detectors were working correctly. They also supposedly (although I have not seen it) claimed they sent out similar information stating they would be inspecting apartments because other tenants have been leaving the apartments damaged. As far as I am concerned, they are not allowed to do these inspections. That is what a security deposit is for, to cover damages when the tenant moves out. My main issue is that I cant seem to find information online to help me to understand if what they are doing is actually legal or not. I also am unsure of who to contact to find out for sure. tl;dr apartments said they were replacing an air filter and checking smoke detectors. Turns out they snooped though my house and are saying we ruined the carpet and want us to fix it. Only the apartment personnel were present during their "search". Who do I ask for help? Does anyone have any experience with this issue? edit: according to Last sentence of the third paragraph: "You have the right to be present whenever someone enters and the right to refuse entry." Their notices always state that "No appointments will be made!!!" That in itself is refusing tenants what is essentially a tenant right to be present while a landlord enters the home. Right?
Bay City Michigan, Apartments claimed they would be coming in to change air filter and check fire detectors, they also performed an inspection and have threatened with eviction.
I have a 12 month lease with my current apartment. Every since day one we have had nightmare neighbours. After months they finally got evicted, but they must’ve cut keys for all of their buddies because now random people are sleeping in my hallway doing drugs and are trying to break into the empty suite. Just a minute ago three dudes tried to force the door down. A week ago a lady got her face kicked in by one of the “friends” of these people. I fear for my safety. How can I make my landlord change the locks on the building or let me out of my lease?
Is there a way to break a 12 month lease if a tenants safety is at stake?
My wife received an email from HR stating they are undergoing a company wide reorganization. Due to the restructuring, her position was eliminated effected at close of business day, today. Her supervisor had no clue and HR has not picked up the phone. She does not have a blemish on her record. They have been trying to hire more of her position. This is all out of left field. Are there any options here?
6 month pregnant wife position eliminated due to company wide reorganization - NJ
They want to move and I should change schools, leave my friends and my summer job behind.. I don’t want to move because I will be repeating a year of school, and I don’t want to lose my friends. Is there something I can do about it ?
Can my 17M Parents move without my consent ?
They are both on the lease for the house. She punched him in the face and his glasses smooshed into one of his eyes. He says his face is very bloody. After she punched him, she threatened to call the cops and report a domestic assault on him. Stupidly, he took her phone and left the house on foot. Cruisers are now patrolling the neighborhood. He's not going to be picked up if he doesn't want to be. Most of what he owns is inside the house. She has to work tomorrow and so she will be gone during the day tomorrow. He is bundled up and can survive the night if need be. What is his best immediate course of action? Thanks people. He needs help, bad.
Delaware. My best friend just got assaulted by his gf. Then his gf told him she was calling the cops. He took her phone and left the house and is on the run. I need help, please.
So can I get a UPS street address for my organizer, registered office address, and mailing address? And get a registered agent and use their address for registered agent? And should I use a generic info@ or contact@ email alias for email for official notices?
Registering an LLC
2 part question and kind of long but please, bear with me. Okay, so out of the blue, I get a call from a lawyer representing my late grandmother(on my mom's side) informing me she's got a check for a substantial amount of money..thats amazing and great and more money than I know what to do with...where do I go from here to help make that money grow and not just blow it all? Second part is...a year ago my father passed and my stepmother said I had a TSA under my name, that he had set up for me when I was a kid, we didn't have much of a relationship past my 12th birthday (I'm 30 now btw), anyways..upon returning back to NC from where my father died..she reneged and said she thought he did, but that he must of canceled it before passing..then offers to buy me a $10k car. Well, my dad's mom passed recently as well and I'm sure she left money for me, but I know my uncle's and aunts would be the type to keep that from me. My question here is, how do I go about finding out if my dad and his mom (my grandma) left me money without having to ask my uncle/aunt/stepmom...full disclosure they would hide this money because I was an opiate addict for a long time..but I've been clean and out of contact with them for 5 years.
Help with finding out if my family is keeping any inheritance from me, after my father and grandmother passed away
I am temporarily laid off from my part time job due to Covid. I am also self-employed part time, which I can still do from home. I’ve applied for unemployment but haven’t gotten benefits for any of the past 6 weeks because my self-employment income has been higher than my benefit amount. I’m not sure exactly what my benefit amount is because I’ve worked in two states in the past 18 months (MD and WA), but it should be somewhere between $50 and $188. I usually make slightly more than that in self-employment, around $200/week. So my question is, how does this affect the extra $600/week from the CARES Act? Is my ~$200 in self-employment subtracted from the total weekly amount ($600 + $50 or $188), meaning I’d get around $400-$600/week, or do I not get the $600 at all if my self-employment is more than the standard unemployment amount? I’d hate to think that I’m disqualified for the benefits that were supposed to help self-employed people because I‘m still making $200 a week, which is hardly enough to get by on.
How does the extra $600/week unemployment in the CARES Act apply if you lost one part time job and make too much at another part time job to get benefits? (Maryland/Washington state)
I currently have a pest infestation at my apartment: mostly cockroaches, but there is a fair share of spiders and earwigs. I encounter these pests daily and have timestamped photos which I use to document each time I find/kill one. It’s is affecting my health as my allergies are already bad enough and is truly disgusting. I have three documented maintenance requests. I received treatment, a gel + a spray, two of the three times; my most recent request sent on March 3, 2020. Each treatment seemingly worked for a bit, but then eventually resurfaced. I maintain a clean house, so I can say without a doubt this isn’t of my own doing. The office said it was unusual as my upstairs neighbors nor my neighbors on each side are dealing with the same issues. Due to Covid-19 precautions, maintenance has been postponed for the time being. I am purchasing my own contact-killing sprays and preventative gels in an attempt to remedy the problem, unfortunately to no avail. I am looking to find recourse for the situation. I have not yet consulted a lawyer. I am a college student and first-time renter unfamiliar with landlord-tenant law. With that said, I have a limited budget should my case be viable and I must pursue legal action. Options that I am willing to agree on are the following: the landlord allows me to move to a vacant apartment that does not have any issues or to break my lease. My lease has a termination fee of the rent due through the end of the leasing period minus rents paid by a replacement tenant- can that be waived should I be able to break the lease? How should I pursue this matter?
[CA] Cockroach infestation
Just as the title says my lease says I cannot repair my car on the property. Does this include oil changes and if so can I do this on the street or something? Asking from Florida
Lease Says I Can't Repair Car on the Property What Are My Options?
Hello and thanks for any advice ahead of time. For sake of clarity, 'biller' will be the entity that is sending the bill. I wish to keep them as vague as possible as I am sure this is a small mistake, but it's becoming a rather annoying problem. And despite the problems I'm experiencing, I do rather like them. The only thing I can really mention to help make sense of it is this biller is a school and I am based in New York. Backstory: This biller provided a meal plan service that was covered by Financial Aid. Generally, I received enough aid through scholarships and grants that this service was covered. However, on my final year the billing department encountered an error in which funds were not properly withdrawn from financial aid. So this resulted in my meal plan in being terminated prematurely and a bill being generated a bill in X amount. I made sure that I paid this bill as soon as possible to avoid any issues that may have impacted my graduation. It wasn't much to begin with as well. This happened in 2014, on May 15th. The reason I know the exact date in which I paid the bill, I used a personal check. The reason I know that check was cashed, I have the check cashed receipt from my bank, and my bank statement the following month, showing the deduction. Also, the cherry on top: I still have the original receipt that the clerk gave me. Yes, I still have all this information. Yes I have provided this information to my biller already... 3 times. Every time is the same, I get complimented on how well organized I am, and that they will fix this issue immediately. Well, I received a 4th statement from them stating that I am overdue. I really don't want this to upset me, since I know for a fact that I have payed this "bill." But I'm tired now. Every time this happens, I have to find out when is the earliest day I can come in, and provide them my information. Information that should have solved this problem ages ago. Now, I am not looking to sue people. It's not my nature to do so. Especially during this time of year where work keeps me incredibly busy; and I'm on a strict schedule. And given that this keeps happening despite my efforts of fixing it, there might be something that my biller is doing wrong that could hurt them legally. What I need is a surefire, no hassle way of ensuring that this is the last and final time I have to provide this information. Again, I'm not looking to sue, but if there is anything, that could at least scare them to the point that it's fixed immediately, it would be helpful. I have looked online, and it seems that most advice given is to have them provide another receipt, or something in writing to go by. But if I do get something in writing, what should it say? Again, thank you for any input on the matter. I received the statement today, and to be frank it is actually starting to aggravate me.
Consistently receiving a bill that is already paid
Happy New Year Everyone. If your resolution is to help someone who has a combination of poor foresight and really unfortunate circumstances, boy do I have an opportunity for you. About 10 months ago my wife and I started renting a single-family home with the intent of staying there for about 5 years. They agreed to give us a 2 year lease. The husband and wife who owned the house were incredibly friendly and we hit it off. He was listed as the manager of the property, but she was listed as a landlord as well. 2 months later they got divorced, she got the house. Last month she told us she was interested in selling the house rather than continuing to rent, and gave us an opportunity to buy before listening it. At a meeting with her realtor present, we asked if she'd release us from our lease if we couldn't come to terms so that we could move sooner rather than later (planning to start a family soon; didn't want to move during pregnancy or with a child). She quickly agreed, we had a really nice preliminary conversation. We ended up agreeing on a price, but our inspection turned up safety hazards and major work that was done without a permit and against local codes (requiring likely >10K to fix). We withdrew our offer, and now she won't release us from our 2 year lease (14 months remaining). Our termination fee is 25% of remaining rent, coming out to $7,150. To make things worse, there's a stipulation in our lease that we don't get our security deposit back if we don't complete the term of our lease, that's $2200 more to lose. I'm pretty sure we have a case for damages because she had an obligation to ensure the safety of the property she is renting, but I'd love to find a way to waive the termination fee. My wife and I just want to leave. We don't want to make money or make her pay a bunch of money. We just want to move out ASAP. I would sincerely appreciate some advice. Happy to answer specific questions. tl;dr: renting a house, landlord divorced, ex-wive wanted to sell but we pulled our offer due to safety and housing code violations, now she won't release us from our lease without paying big money. Help please [HVAC Report](
Georgia - trapped by landlord, just want to leave.
I’ve had so many problems with this teacher, but today in class she started asking students to vote on another students grade. I live in Florida and I’m wondering if this is legal and if not what are my options???
My teacher had student vote on another students grade
Throwaway here. USA-TX This company sells through official dealers, each company has one assigned to every region they target. I have access to supply chains and have secured goods from a source within the company. My plan is to sell online at low cost. The question is what kind of legal issues can I run into? I ship anonymously to the lower 48, use European email servers, domain info is private and operate mostly as a shell company. This industry is very small, niche and not flowing in money (which is why I was able to secure shipments with a simple cash offer) so i don't expect people to actively pursue me but just wanted to see what would happen if they did. TIA.
Selling products from overseas around official USA dealers.
To put it simply, what is the best process to go through the filing? It is an Ohio dissolution with one military and one child. Choices are sift through the headache inducing PDF’s myself or file online or with an attorney? What is the fastest, cleanest course of action.
Filing for dissolution of marriage with child
21M my parents are blatently and consistently mentally abusive, and i feel like it has come down to this, they refuse to change their atitude, position or actions constantly have threatened me with homelessness and to cut off funding for my college, not to mention my father is in a cult hes homophobic and racist, my mother emasculates me constantly, and has called me a "lazy son of a b**ch". my father has also "joked" about killing me too, i just dont have any Physical evidence, i dont know what goes into these cases and i dont know if having witenesses to events of to their abusive nature helps, im told it doesnt count and its hearsay but idk, any advice? would a lawyer take this i guess i should mention my parents are getting an $100,000+ remodel on the house as well and have already paid for my sisters education, the only thing i want is $50,000 for 4 years of college plus my lawyers fees, any criticism or advice is appreciated
i want to sue my parents for emotional damages
My grandparents died fairly close in time around early may 2019. They had a fairly simple will stating their possessions (eg, the family farm) were to be shared in a trust between my father (the executor) and my aunt(MO) and uncle(IL). After the funeral I was told that I could stay in the house free of charge (except bills and general upkeep). I initially said I decline because I had a decent housing situation. Now my housing situation has changed and I asked my father and uncle if it would still be on the table if I could move in by the third. My uncle was a little dumbfounded when I asked but eventually agreed. So for about the last week my immediate family and I had been cleaning out the first floor of my grandparents 2 story farm house so I could move in. Today my uncle stops by and him and my father talk away from the rest of us to talk about what I assume I was going to cover for bills. I reassured I could pay the bills of the house and he said alright and shook my hand and left. 2 hours later my father gets a text from my uncle saying that I could no longer stay at the house and just because my father was the executor he had no power in a 2 vs 1 decision, I should also mention that the trust has not yet been started as our lawyer is slow(I assume) My question is do I have any rights in a non-written verbal agreement and does my father having 1/3 claim to the estate give us any rights to the house to stay in and live?
2 days out from moving in to grandparents house was told I (20m, IL)can no longer move in.
My girlfriend and I lease an apartment in New Hampshire and we’ve been here for almost a year and a half. Our landlords (a couple) own(ed) the apartment which is in an apartment complex. We renewed our one year lease in July, 2019. We haven’t had any issues with our landlord before and they’re really nice people. My girlfriend is addicted to Zillow. So at the beginning of November, she noticed that our apartment was listed on Zillow as pre-foreclosure. A few weeks later, we began receiving notifications from the landlords’ bank stating that they are now the owners of the apartment. They even offered cash-for-keys to get us out within 30 days. We relayed this information to our landlords and they told us that they were disputing the foreclosure with bank and they were doing everything they could to retain the apartment and keep us as tenants. They never told us the cause of foreclosure other than saying it was a “HUGE mistake” by the bank/mortgage company but didn’t provide any details. We even received letters addressed to the landlords stating ‘mortgage dispute’ on the envelope. We forwarded them to the landlords. The big kicker was when we received a 90 day eviction notice from the bank a few days ago. We informed our landlords. They said the same thing, that it was still in dispute and they are trying to keep the apartment. They said they would have final word 12/11 but we haven’t heard anything. The last time we spoke to our landlords over the phone, they told us that they were still paying the mortgage and that would like us to keep paying them rent… I have a few questions: 1) Can we withhold rent payments till we know who the true owner of our apartment is? Of course we would hold them in a separate account. 2) Can the bank evict us within 90 days with a signed lease agreement? Our lease is set to expire in July 2020. I see that Congress has permanently reauthorized the Protecting Tenants at Foreclosure Act which may protect tenants who have a signed lease. I’ve also read that some courts have ruled that the act only applies to loans taken out through a federal program. The eviction notice states that they are evicting us according to NH law RSA 540:2 II(e) and RSA 540:2 V “being a legitimate business and economic reason: the owner of the premises following a foreclosure desires to market, sell and/or convey the property in a vacant condition.” 3) Should we sue our landlord for breach of contract? I’ve had several friends recommend we contact an attorney to send them a demand letter as they did not hold up their end of the lease. Luckily, my girlfriend and I are in a financial situation where we wouldn’t have any big issues moving to a new place; but, I would like to exercise my legal rights and we love this apartment. It’s a real pain in the ass. We appreciate any advice! Tl;dr: Living in NH. Landlords got foreclosed on. We received a 90 day eviction notice from the bank. Landlords say they are still disputing the foreclosure and want us to continue to pay them rent, as “they are still paying the bank the monthly mortgage payments during the dispute.” Do we have to pay them rent? Are we protected from being evicted? And should we sue our landlords for breach of contract?
Landlord lost property in foreclosure, now being evicted
Hello Reddit. My friend was starting a company last summer in the US with his accountant friend and hired me on to do social media marketing. I set up social media, working to build up our presence and following (Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook, Tumblr, Instagram, and Reddit). The company has since taken off in the last few months and is growing really well so my friend wants to let me go to take over marketing and distributing along with design to make this his full-time gig As he's letting me go, should (legally or just ethically) I be asking for ongoing compensation since the networks I set up will be continued to be utilized? We had an initial written contract but we did not predict he would be letting me go so did not have this covered in our agreement
Helped start an online company that is now taking off by doing the marketing. The founder wants to let me go and do marketing on his own, should I be getting ongoing compensation for initial social network set-up?
Hello, so I'm coming here to ask this question as I feel a YouTuber I watch is technically hosting an underage gambling service. I'll try to provide as much information as possible for the best opinion/advice. So a YouTuber I won't name, opened up a competition where you can purchase priority passes to enter. It requests that you're 16 or have parents permission to purchase. The competition is worth usually $1,000-2,500. But, at this point you must have the pass to get in from how popular it is. The pass ranges from $10, $20, $30, and $50. And even if you purchase the $20 tier you're not guaranteed to get in. Roughly 90% of competitions are completely luck based. If not more. Keep in mind this creators audience is generally 10-16 year olds. The reason I'm asking this question is I'm under the impression that this would be the same thing as a kid going into a casino and doing a slot machine. The contest has 150-250 kids in it. And there's of course only one winner. Curious to hear what you all have to say. I can provide more information if needed.
YouTuber potentially running underage gambling?
My girlfriend is a freshman at a private university in Florida and her roommate filed a report today at the campus security office accusing her of touching her butt and putting Clorox in her toothpaste. Now, this is ridiculous but my girlfriend is worried because she's studying to be a teacher and doesn't want anything on her criminal record. I know sexual assault accusations are extremely serious so I just want to know if will go anywhere or if it could hurt her job prospects in the future. Also, would it be possible to pursue legal action against the roommate for defamation/slander?
[FL] Girlfriend's roommate accused her of sexual assault among other things
I turned 18 last february and since then have been wanting to change my last name to my mothers last name but I have no idea where to begin. I’ve yet to get my drivers license but already have my ID. How would I even begin? I’m located in California and I don’t know much here.
Wanting to change my name after 18.
I have a website at []( Someone has created their own site with the same name along with []( . I don't want to link the other site over here. I notice that it has all the same topics as present in my tutorials with slight modifications of the headings. The structure and examples are also very similar except that most sentences are deleted and remaining sentences are very slightly reworded. The domain name is directly the same as mine except that its on []( . Does anyone know whether I can take some legal action on this site to get it removed?
Someone seems to have copied my website and modified the data somewhat
Atlanta, Georgia / Berlin, Germany Hello all, I’ll keep this short and sweet. I (24F) am an American citizen with an American passport and Georgia driver’s license. As far as the US government knows, I reside in Georgia. I have been living in Germany since January 2020, though due to Corona I am still here here on a Schengen 90 Day Visa. I am technically a tourist. I was wondering if I am eligible to file for unemployment in the US or if this is fraud since I am not currently living there. My last American job I held was in December 2018. I have not been employed in the US or any other country (as far as the US gov knows) since then. Further, if I can file, do I need to get off unemployment when I receive a working visa in Germany? My working visa will be under my other nationality’s passport (Israel). I will likely get this visa within the next month. Thank you!
Filing for Unemployment Abroad: Fraud?
Hey so I need some help, I had a roommate July 2018-July 2019 . We both had our names on the lease, the lease wasn’t over til September though. In July, she asked that I move out, so I did and I went to the office to get my name off the lease, they told me they would contact her and have her come fill out her part of the paperwork and I could go, i tell them she is trying to move someone else in and they assure me that she can’t do that without breaking lease and blah blah . Fast forward a week, I call them and ask how it’s going and they say they are waiting on her to turn in her paystubs... okay . Meanwhile, she has a new roommate. So I’m like.. hmm is no one going to reprimand her for that? So , life moved on and I see she’s still living there because all our friends haven’t told me she left. Today I get a creditor letter saying I owe $817.25 ... why????????? I CALL THE LEASING OFFICE AND THEY SAY THEY NEVER TOOK MY NAME OFF BECAUSE SHE NEVER BROUGHT PAPERWORK ! I ask them... why not go knock on her door for her paperwork or evict her when you knew I wasn’t there anymore, why not do things the right way? He said he wasn’t chasing anybody down, Then he said her or the other person didn’t turn in their stuff.... so I said that didn’t answer my question and also, why did y’all let someone else move in???? He basically couldn’t help me and told me it’ll be on my credit if I don’t pay... so can someone tell me, do I have a chance at winning this in court ? I could also sue her for the fact that my camera got stolen out of my closet while I was away on a 2week trip . Didn’t take the camera bag that the camera was in... just the camera. Idk , I think she sold it idk or one of her dudes took it . Why they were in my closet ??? I DONT KNOW HELP ME PLEASE
Bad Roommate Situation
My Mom (63 years old) and I live in a 1 bedroom Mitchell Lama in New York. In order to be accepted, you must apply, sit on a waiting list, undergo a credit/background check, get interviewed, and put a down payment (ours was $28k). Also, bedroom distribution is dependent on the amount of people in your household; 3 or more people are allocated to a 2+ bedroom apartment (since we’re 2 people we were able to get a 1 bedroom). We’ve been here for about 5 years now and love it, except for one problem, our neighbors and their children who make incessant noise... Right next to us (1 bedroom apartment meaning only 1-2 people on the lease) lives a handicapped lady and her home attendant; it was just them for the first 3 years of us living here and all was well till about 2 years ago when the home attendant moved in his 2 children and wife... They are LOUD. For starters, the wife and husband constantly (I’m talking at LEAST 4 times a week) engage in arguments with yelling and cursing. These arguments don’t just happen in the day, but also sometimes at 2 o’clock in the morning. Same goes for their TV, it’s so loud that it sounds like it’s being viewed inside my apartment and this lasts till the morning hours of the night as well. Additionally, their 2 children scream (I’m talking screeching) and stomp and run around till this time as well. It’s so loud and bold that it can be heard CLEARLY from my room with the door closed. I’ve woken up a countless amount of times to these nuisances. They are also DANGEROUS. NYPD has arrested the wife for assaulting the handicapped woman. NYPD has also arrested the wife and husband and CPS has confiscated their children from them. On TWO separate occasions, NYFD has had to break down their door while they were not home because they left the gas on and it was leaking into the hallway. This has been an on-going problem for 2 years now; it’s everyday if not 4/7 days of the week. I’ve lost sleep, had to leave my home to complete college assignments, and in the midst of COVID-19 have had to leave Zoom conference calls because the noise was too disruptive. We’ve done all we can: call security (well over 30 times and I wish I was exaggerating), try and speak with them, write to the Board of Directors, etc. They refuse to do anything because the lady who owns the apartment is handicapped. They are clearly breaking the rules of the lease (and quite frankly are not occupying it lawfully because 1) they did not go through the process and 2) are surpassing the capacity for 1 bedroom apartments). Is this grounds for a lawsuit? It’s violating our rights as cooperatives. We have hundreds of recordings, copies of the letters sent to the Board of Directors, and documentation proving we called security.
2 Years of Noisy Neighbors in my Mitchell Lama
Hi! I've recently moved out of an apartment, and I've been given an sum (~2000) for repairs by my landlord. Some of them I'm willing to pay such as the 120 for painting because I did paint the walls and didn't match the white correctly. However, a large portion of the list I don't agree with. It's mostly flooring issues. There is a crack in the limeolum as it breaks into carpet and some of the carpet has come up and exposed nails. The issue with these flooring problems is that they were there upon move in (was not given a form to fill out damages when I first moved in). I have a video of the apartment when I moved in--as my brother in law wanted to send it back to the folks to show them what my new place looked like. I also have numerous matienance requests (spanning from the first week to a month ago, basically everytime my foot gets cut on an exposed nail) for both issues. There is also a 400 fee to replace the tub flooring. But this WASN'T me. I went on vacation and the repair men came in and left my hot water running in my tub for seven whole days (this also caused mold and swelling on my walls). It broke and created a hole in the flooring. I not only have history of matienance requests to fix this hole, but an email from the management apologizing for the issue and reducing the electric bill that month as it was not my fault it would be so high. Should I take it immediately to small claims? Even though I'm moving across the country? Or should I try to talk to the landlord first?
Can landlord charge fees for repairs that were noted in matenience request the week of move in/things that they broke themselves?
19 years old, bought a car in october. Tried spending my time looking over things, but long story short there were some extra stuff on the contract that I didn't really notice, and my original car payment was going to be about 365 a month. Went back within around 24 hrs and signed a new contract to remove some things making my new payment 330s. left, went home, great. ​ Got an email to sign a cancellation form that shows wat is being cancelled. I sent this 11/18. First car payment was due 12/10 and payment still didn't change. I was contacting the dealership NON stop and they are not helpful. It is now almost 2 months and the payment is still the same, and VW says they have not received anything from the dealership. What do I do???? The director of the dealership told me last friday everything would be solved monday.. now hes not returning any of my calls. Can i take legal action? Please help.
First car, new contract - need help.
I recently moved and was discussing my security deposit return with my previous landlord. My deposit was $1200 and we agreed he would deduct the amount of days I stayed which was 12 totaling to $464 , perfectly fine with me. He then stated he’d be charging me for 4 days in which my boyfriend had stayed over. These days were non consecutive and the lease does not state that I’m not allowed to have stay over guests. I also cleared it with the landlord if my boyfriend was allowed to stay over every once in awhile. Is he allowed to do this ? I’m loosing a lot of money from my deposit now. I live in NY and more specifically Suffolk County.
Is it legal for my landlord to charge me for people whose name was not on my lease nor lived with me ?
This is my first time posting on this sub; I apologize if I make any mistakes. I work for a small (5 people) insurance company in Georiga. We are currently occupying a space in an office building (the building has multiple floors, regular office space, and executive suites) where we meet with clients and conduct our daily business. Here is what happened in chronological order: * We started out with a 1 year lease on a 120 sqft. executive suite (mostly for meeting clients); we paid first and last month's rent as a deposit ($400/month). * A few months later, we moved to a different, larger executive suite down the hallway; we signed another 1 year lease for the new space and paid first and last month's rent as a deposit ($600/month). * A year later, a 2500 sqft. space became available on a different floor. This was not an executive suite. This was a more traditional office space. We spoke to the landlord and agreed on a rental rate of $4000/month. He asked for first and last month's rent as a deposit (total $8000). Since we had a pretty good relationship with the landlord, we gave him a check for $8000. He then started preparing the suite for us (paint, blinds, carpet, etc.). We had not signed a lease at this time. Even for previous leases, the leases were signed after we moved in so we expected this to be the same way. * We were supposed to move in on August 1, but the suite was not completed; the painting was not finished, the carpeting was not done, etc. This was not a huge deal for us since the land lord allowed us to keep using our previous space until the work was finished. * On August 15, we moved into the larger suite that was mostly finished (a third of the space still needed carpeting and paint) so that we could conduct business. He had told us that he would paint and carpet the space for us. We started conducting business as usual and expected that the lease would start on September 1. * On August 18, we received a rent invoice for the space (prorated for 15 days at $600/month and 16 days at $4000/month). We didn't think that this was right, so we spoke to him and he said that we can delay the start of the lease to January 1 and that we can pay him a lump-sum amount ($10,000) for the use of the space through the end of the year and that we would sign a lease in January. Over the last few months (August-December), the quality of the space has become intolerable. The Air Conditioning doesn't work properly (Aug-Nov was super hot and Dec-present is freezing), the internet goes down frequently for long periods of time, the parking lot lights have been turned off and our clients have tripped a few times, the carpet that was installed was bad quality and has started to fray and tear at the seams, our mail (sometimes with important, time sensitive payments) doesn't get delivered on time, etc. We would like to leave the space as soon as possible, but we don't know if we are on proper legal grounds to just "get up and leave". When we agreed to delay starting the lease, we signed a document: [Lease Agreement and Reservation]( Specific questions: * If we identify another suitable space, can we just move out of the current space? If yes, what happens to all the security deposits? If not, how can we best vacate the space with minimal legal "stress"? * Are we locked into anything based on the document that we have signed? * Is there anything else we should be worried about? The landlord is quite litigious from what the other tenants tell us, who are also planning on leaving soon (for similar reasons). My supervisor asked me to find anything I can for this type of situation (precedents, etc.), but I have no idea where to start. Thanks in advance for any insight you can provide. If you have questions, or need me to clarify anything, please me know.
[GA] My company would like to move out of the building. I need advice on some options.
Hello friends, so I have a bit of an issue. My parents live in an apartment complex. A few years ago a guy moved in across the hall from my parents. The doors on said apartments are the type to close on their own like if they have a spring or something, and they kinda slammed when they closed. This dude would come out and cuss everyone out my mom, dad, brother (12), sister (15) saying “my whole damn house shakes when you slam the door, it’s so fucking loud” and shit like that. It had never been a problem, previous tenants didn’t have an issue. We were use to just opening the door for us to walk in and letting it go. Cool. We stopped it would slam here and there because we were carrying food or cases of water making it a tad bit harder to grab the door and slowly close it. BOOM, every time without fail he’d come out. It wasn’t even on purpose. We had enough he would legit be cussing out my little brother, so we went to the leasing office and reported him, idk what happened but he moved to another building, two buildings down. Every so often while my parents, little brother and/or sister were outside he would say shit to them, it wasn’t much we brushed it off. A few weeks ago my mom and sister got Covid. The maintenance guys were supposed to change the air filter and my parents told the office don’t send anyone in we’re quarantined. Keep in mind that these are the only people in the apartment complex that know what’s going on. Now fast forward to today. My little brother goes out to throw the trash, there are two trash bins across from each other and we sit in between them so either or is the same distance, we can go to whichever one (not that we have assigned trash bins). This dude starts to cuss my little brother out and he started making fun of them for having Covid. Now that’s fucking interesting? How the fuck would he know? He’s known to be friends with the leasing office manager, he legit would go (when it was open) and sit in the office and just spend hours talking to her. When I lived with my parents and would run up into the office to drop off checks and stuff there he would be just chillin. Some one in the office told this guy that my family had Covid. Not even our family really knows that they got Covid, only the people they had to tell for having close contact. I don’t know what to do or who to talk to. Today we called the non emergency line to report it so we have another documented harassment since the leasing office is closed. At this point I wanna take matters into my own hands but that’s not the way to go so I wanna do this as clean as I can so we can actually get this dude to stop.
Continuous Harassment.
I got into an accident earlier this month in Cook County, IL. It was snowing really bad so I was being careful as I have been trained to do. I was engaged in the intersection waiting to take a left at a light (this one does not have a left turn signal, so I almost always wait until the yellow), and once it turned yellow I made sure I was clear, and took my left as the light changed to red. There was a car, but it was a good distance away and looked as if it had stopped. The other driver said she "skid" and hit the side of my car. Her car's front right headlight was taken out, and my car had very minor cosmetic damage. Since I didn't care for the damage to my car we just exchanged insurance information, DL numbers, phone numbers. We both had to get home so we did not call the police as the conditions were bad enough that it would take a long time. I filed with my insurance online immediately, they called me and told me I was not at fault and asked if I wanted to file for damages. I did not, so that was the end. Today she texted me and asked if I filed and I said yes. She asked what they said, and I told her they said that they would handle anything that came up (which is true). She said that her insurance told her that we need to make a police report. I said I would call my insurance and get back to her. I called a rep, and they told me that State Farm (I am with Geico) did not have any claim on file for her, and actually wanted Geico to file one (he called them while I was on the line). And then my rep said that I should not get a police report, but then changed his mind and said I -may- want to! So, legaladvice, would it be a good idea or a bad idea to file one now so late? How can this hurt me, how can it help me? Because I am done at this point, I would rather just forget about it. And what should I tell her if I do not want to file a police report? And finally, should I just try to talk to a different Geico rep?
Got into an accident about 20 days ago. I reported to my insurance and was told I was not at fault. Now other driver wants to get a police report.
I thank in advance to anyone who can shed some light and come with a thorough explanation. Alright, shell companies. Everyone knows that they are used primarily for tax evasion and shady business in general, that is why they have a pretty bad reputation. However, I am interested in finding out exactely what are the capabilities of such an entity and what can an owner use it for (I know this depends on the jurisdiction). So I would like to receive information on the followig: 1.What exactely is a tax heaven and what are the safest and most secretive such jurisdictions? 2.How exactely does a legitimate company with legit activity (based in France, for example) use a shell company (based in Nevis, for example) in order to avoid paying taxes? 3.Can a shell company be used to open a legitimate company? Alright, this is a complex one. One of the many benefits of a shell company is that its owner is completely anonymous (at least he should be). Can someone who wants to open a legitimate business in his country and be completely anonymous as its owner use a shell company to open this legitimate business? 4.Can a shell company be used to buy a legitimate business? If the legitimate business is purchased by a shell company, does it still have to pay taxes? And ultimately, will the anonymous owner of the shell company remain anonymous as the new owner of the legitimate business that he bought through the shell company? 5.In the scenarios mentioned at points 3 and 4, does the new anonymous owner of the legitimate business need to appoint a company representative (for the legitimate biz) to conduct business on his behalf in order to remain completely anonymous? Thank you for taking the time to read my questions. I would be grateful to anyone with expertise in the field who can answer them. This is just a curiosity, as I don't have the financial means to have my own business, let alone doing all sorts of schemes like these to avoid taxes :)).
How do shell companies really work and what can you do with one?
I go to a gym in Astoria, NY. I have been a member since July 2014. When I arrived at the gym today, I saw a sign that the gym was closed because of inclement weather and that members could use the alternate location instead. It also said that tomorrow (3/6) would be the gym's last day of operation at that location. The thing is, my gym (let's call it TUV) does not have an alternate location. I scan the front window and see a sign that must have been posted just recently, since I went to the gym a few days ago. It says something to the effect of "We are delighted to announce our merger with XYZ gym at such and such location." So, my gym has a new location and this location is closed. Strange, I think, but I'll give it a shot. So I trudge several blocks through the snow to XYZ gym. I'm told by the owner of XYZ gym that XYZ now possesses all of TUV members' contracts and that our monthly automatic withdrawals will now be withdrawn by XYZ gym. He said the terms and conditions of our contract with TUV gym will not change and the monthly price that is automatically charged to our credit cards will not go up, even though XYZ charges more per month for their members. Again, this is all verbal and there is no guarantee my credit card will not be charged more. I worked out at XYZ gym because TUV gym already charged the membership fee for March, so why not. On my way out of XYZ gym after my workout, I overheard an XYZ employee say that the TUV owner was in a legal battle with the landlord of the TUV gym, and was ultimately evicted. Is it legal to effectively sell contracts and hand over everyone's credit card info to another gym and call it a merger? And to do so without prior notice and an option to cancel? As far as I can tell, XYZ gym will not be partnering with TUV gym; it seems like TUV is going out of business. TUV gym requires 30 days notice in order to cancel a membership and thus terminate the monthly withdrawals, but hasn't my contract been voided since they closed operations within less than a year of my signing the contract? (Article 30 of the NY General Business Law § 642). But XYZ says we go through them now, and that there will be no new contract, since it was a "merger." Am I entitled to a new contract? I can't tell if this is cut and dry "c'est la vie" NYC-Style or if this is something a bit more out of the norm. Thanks r/legaladvice.
My gym went out of business without notice and handed over our contracts and credit card info to another gym
Hi all, my roommate moved out 3 mo ago since we weren't getting along. I am the one who asked him to move out. He did so.. amicably. I had been paying our rent in full every month and he'd pay me back his share. He was not on the lease. I paid his last mo's rent too. While he was moving out, I told him I will tell him the final amount he owes me with all the documentation once I get the last mo's utility bill. Two weeks ago, I sent him the final bill and he is not in the mood to pay it. He is not responding to my texts or calls. I am worried. I don't know where he lives or who his employer is but I am sure he is in the same city. He knows he has me by the balls. What can I do now to get my money back?
[CA] Roommate moved out owing me last month's rent w/o giving me his new address (he is in the same city) and looks like he is not interested in paying me.