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acarlrpi12 | politics | t5_2cneq | cpinjs3 | Actually, the answer there is usually gerrymandering. They've set it up so that the votes of moderate, liberals, and minorities basically count for less than those of conservatives. They claim to love American democracy, then systematically pervert, subvert, and flagrantly break its core tenants in order to win. The issue isn't just that our voter turnout is low, it much more complex. Money in politics, media that is complicit (or incompetent), gerrymandered districts, active discouragement/disenfranchisement, etc. All of those things also (not coincidentally) help lower voter turnout. | Complex political issues don't have one underlying cause. Who would have thought? |
Nienordir | politics | t5_2cneq | cpiuyh6 | I'd say you pretty much still need a mandatory minimum wage above the poverty line to avoid corporate subsidies through social services on unsustainable business models. Because 'dirty' corporations will abuse every loophole they can find.
For example: In Germany there are a lot of strong unions, but the law is still kinda flawed in favor of corporations. There are a lot of things they can do through subcontractors (which coincidentally happen to be owned by board members/high management), 'mandatory/pro corporate unions (if they have enough members competing unions lose all leverage and have to accept the same terms).
And then there's other stuff like intentionally poor work time scheduling. Instead of hiring full time employees, they use mostly part time workers (that are cheaper, because insurance and stuff) combined with a very low staff ceiling to force people into flexible schedules, that require them to be available all week to get their 20h or something, which prevents them from having multiple jobs due to the unreliable schedule (and getting fired if you're a no show), which again forces them into social services. Those things effectively subsides shitty corporate behavior with govt. taxes, that they shouldn't 'receive' at all. | minimum wage doesn't fix major issues in the system, but it closes some of the worst loopholes, that corporations use to fuck with people. |
zaoldyeck | politics | t5_2cneq | cpicqyy | This is supply and demand at its most basic. When the cost of something, whether it be a television or a worker, decreases, more of it is bought.
Assume a spherical cow? You could probably find a pretty cheap Geforce 7900, I have one on my desk right now, but demand for them is rather astoundingly low.
>Thus the cost of their product goes down.
Again, why? If the employee salary decreases, the employer is under NO obligation to lower prices unless the demand for the product the employee is selling changes. Now it very well might, because a lower end retail store is going to find without a minimum wage their customers have even less to spend, so demand would drop, but this sounds like a race to the bottom.
>Now, you might say that the lowered cost of production won't translate to lowered cost of goods (and thus higher demand), and that the increased profits won't be reinvested into the company.
Well, given that we have a minimum wage right now and companies are still sitting on piles of cash as their productivity skyrockets but real wages stagnate, yeah, 'reinvesting' hasn't really been seen.
>There are several things wrong with this. (a) The stockholders more or less keep a company responsible for reinvesting excess profits back into the company for expansion.
For a publicly traded firm, you might be able to make this argument. "Pay us dividends, or invest in something", but again, companies are sitting on rather large piles of cash right now, even without removing a minimum wage.
For a company owned privately, there are no stockholders to appease in the first place.
>It would take a massive collusion between all of the companies of a given sector of the economy to ensure that they all don't lower their prices.
... Yeah... because we've never seen companies manage to do that. I mean it's not like we are expected to pay thousands of dollars for a cheap rock from the ground because of some cartel.
It's profitable for companies to collude more than compete, and if you've managed to become quite profitable, it's pretty easy to ensure no one ever gets to force 'real competition'. How does eliminating the minimum wage fix that?
>Thus, the market forces these companies to lower the prices.
And it sounds like saying "in a perfect economy that ran by rules which clearly don't reflect the reality of the economy". I can use ideal gas law to model some systems, but it fails if I try to model every gas that way.
In practice, minimum wage jobs aren't used for large scale employment in the US with sectors that have demand which scales primarily based on that same minimum wage labor. You can 'invest' in a ton of PhDs to design a new computer chip, pay more PhDs, get more product, and you will create demand for your product, but those aren't minimum wage jobs.
EDIT: | The US doesn't necessarily have an 'efficient market' economy, and assuming it would if we eliminated the minimum wage seems silly. |
BombayTigress | politics | t5_2cneq | cpiesbq | At first I was "wow........he's really listening." Then I was "wait, ELIMINATE it? Like, 'here, shithead, here's your 3.34 an hour...'" | I'm bitter. |
midnightsbane04 | nfl | t5_2qmg3 | cpirlac | Always love it when people wish physical harm on others out of jealousy. Fact of the matter is yeah, he's probably going to get hit and it's definitely going to hurt. But not only is Brady the GOAT but he's also one of the most durable with only the one fluke ACL tear. So I think it's much more likely it'll be the Jets dicks going limp after Brady shoves his straight down your metaphorical throats. | Bring on the season. Please. |
Arimal | gaming | t5_2qh03 | cpk1nn4 | After playing for awhile I don't think it's the learning curve that turns people away. It's isolation. If you stay in the safe part of the game staring at mining lasers and running your hundredth mission its just not fun. I'm fairly confident you give most MMO palyers the chance to get out interacting with people and socializing they will be much more likely to stick around. | Hi-sec sucks get out as soon as you can. |
ShineeChicken | Fitness | t5_2qhx4 | cplydh8 | I have the same or a similar problem. Definitely check your form and don't push yourself, because you will pull/tear something and it will keep you from squatting/deadlifting/moving in general. Put me out of commission for about two months.
Along with all the other suggestions, what helped me was deloading and ensuring my form was perfect - trying a whole lot of tiny changes in my foot placement until I found the position that helped my glutes engage and took the stress off the inner thigh.
Another biggie - depth. I figured out I was forcing myself lower than my mobility allowed, causing my glutes to lose tension and placing a whole lot of stress on those weaker muscles in the groin/inner thigh. I just go to parallel now and it's extraordinary the difference it's made. Maybe not as impressive as ATG but I'll take injury-free lifting over that any day of the week.
So this turned into a | Form. Depth. Don't push yourself. |
TwizzleV | Fitness | t5_2qhx4 | cpkw92i | You're gonna need a partner who doesn't mind getting sextra close during your squat. Have them lay down, face up underneath you; then drop trough and perform your squat. If your butthole is tight going down, loosens at the bottom, and tightens going back up, you have buttwink. | Don't be a loose butthole. |
sour_soup | Fitness | t5_2qhx4 | cpl1p5y | Thanks!
There goes my master plan for ultra ganz.. | you die. |
Akintunde | Fitness | t5_2qhx4 | cpl5d3x | So I've kind of run out of options.
I have issues with my right shoulder - lack of ROM and pain in certain positions. I am certain I have throwers shoulder, as I was a thrower in high school and never did anything to counter this.
I went to the doctor, they examined and X-Rayed me, and said nothing was wrong with my shoulder. I went to another doctor, they examined my shoulder and the X-Rays and said "structurally your shoulder is fine." My insurance will not cover a different opinion because of doctor shopping, and my doctor said that if I still had pain in 2 months that she would schedule an MRI for me.
Yet they ignore that I've told them that if I preform as few as 6 forceful throws my arm starts to go numb (so likely my muscle is being impinged in the extreme range of motion). | So do I just fucking deal with it or could I, with little risk, attempt to fix my shoulder myself? I can't wait 2 months.
To clarify the ROM I'm missing: if I attempt to do the behind the back hands touching stretch, my right arm cannot reach my left shoulder blade without forcibly being moved that, and it will go numb if left there. |
cmde45 | Fitness | t5_2qhx4 | cpl97qd | Did you physically have the baby, or did your wife? I have an 8 month old (I'm the dad) and I feel you either way. I kept with it, but my intensity wasn't there. Just don't stop... ever. Something is better than nothing, and within a few months you'll be back in full swing. My wife on the other hand, she basically had to take off for about 7 months or so and is just getting back into the groove of things. | if you're the dad, stick with it, don't expect mad gainz, just workout to maintain. If you're the mom, good luck, you'll have to wait it out :( |
TheRabbitBandit | Fitness | t5_2qhx4 | cpler44 | If you take Whey Protein you don't really need BCAAs. Creatine is a great supplement, just drink lot's of water and don't spend a lot. Basic Creatine Monhydrate is super cheap from Optimum and other places and doesn't require loading. The only other supplements to take are maybe a multi, fish oil, and I've had good results with Glutamine for recovery (it's also super cheap). Other than that there aren't many supplements that are worth the money. | Protein, Creatine, multi+fish oil and maybe Glutamine. That's pretty much the standard for supplement stacks |
mikeszhang | summonerschool | t5_2t9x3 | cpl96ke | Viktor got a huge rework before becoming FOTM, and kennen's w got changed before he was good in competitive again too. Diana is being seen mostly because xiye brought it out in iem katowice and faker brought it out in lck last night. | koreans usually figure out the op champs first after they get changed, then other regions just copy the koreans |
Anon123212321 | worldnews | t5_2qh13 | cpm38mb | If the headline read "Chemists claim to have solved a riddle of how life began on Earth", then it seems like it would be correct.
It's possible that they were planning on putting that "a" there but forgot, or it's also possible that they deliberately left the "a" out so that it can still have that meaning, but it also looks more impressive and thus entices more people to click the article because it could also mean "Chemists claim to have solved the riddle of how life began on Earth". | It's either a typo or clickbait. |
veritasserum | technology | t5_2qh16 | cpoda04 | On what planet do you think this is OK? Who in the hell are you or the government or anyone else for that manner to tell the bandwidth providers how they should set their pricing?
The internet is not a public good, it's a privately paid for technology these days. The days of ARPANET are long behind us and if you want these companies to sink large amounts of capital into infrastructure to increase available bandwidth, you jolly well can't be telling them what to charge for the result.
Moreover, all this NN rhetoric is at complete odds with reality. I have been on the internet since it WAS ARAPANET and price per unit bandwidth has been steadily dropping while availability has been increasing without big bad government involvement .
Worst of all, you people don't grasp that this especially appeals to the political droolers like Obama. He and his bunch know that he got elected on a fluke. (The dislike of Bush the 1st time, and the Conservatives that didn't show up to vote for Romney the 2nd time.) These people know they cannot consistently win a straightup, fair election. Reality is biased to center right politics in the US. So ... they want to do what all Chicago politicians do - cheat and game the system. How does NN play into this? Simple, these clowns have wanted the horribly misnamed "Fairness Doctrine" reinstated. If they can get this shoved down the throat of the internet, their biggest political enemies - like, say, Fox - will be forced to give what the FCC decides is "equal time". They want this, because in the competitive marketplace of ideas, the right and center right is just crushing the other media outlets in viewership, readership, listeners, and so forth. NN + FD gives them a way to force people that support them to be given air time at the expense of their political opposition.
"No big deal", you say? "I hate the right anyway", you say? Oh yeah? American politics is cyclical. Sooner or later, some version of a rightwinger will get into power. If the left has established the precedent that NN can be construed to be lead to the Fairness Doctrine - and make no mistake the droolers in question EXACTLY want this - then what stops the political right from doing the exact same thing? | Net Neutrality is unnecessary, unfair, and a danger to free speech. It should be opposed by anyone who likes to be free. Not the phony "I want what I want and I don't want to pay for it" kind of freedom, but the "Everyone should be free to speak their mind as they wish" kind of freedom. |
TrenchMonkey | tifu | t5_2to41 | cpobn1g | Similar yet somehow worse thing happened my freshman year of college. I walked into the community area of my floor and there were two girls that were talking in hushed tones. Me not picking up on this since I had just been hanging out with the rest of the floor doing w/e proceed to ask who died....
Her father had just been in an accident and the look her friend gave me was nothing short of hatred. I apologized and went on my way after letting her know I was just trying to break the tension of what I thought was an awkward moment. | Put foot in mouth about death while floormate's father's life hung in the balance. |
claudizzaa | tifu | t5_2to41 | cpomqed | I always seem to read the full text and then get really annoyed when I see | at the bottom because I really should know better. |
SolbaneSuzumiya | leagueoflegends | t5_2rfxx | cpp2w56 | Look into Soraka if you want a true healer. As someone who mains Sona, I can honestly say her heal is somewhat close to a joke. It costs a large amount of mana early, and doesn't heal that well. Sona is VERY strong at long, sustained trades however. If your adc and you keep having skirmishes with the enemy, you'll outlast them no problem. Sona is VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY weak to being engaged on, as her only CC is her E powerchord (Which you typically don't get a point in E until level 4 or 8), or her ultimate. You're either gambling your life with a powerchord, or burning your ultimate just to save your life. Soraka has an AoE silence, which turns into a root if they stay in it at the end. You throw that puddle down and walk away like nothing happened. Nami's E is basically 3 Sona's E powerchords, except applicable on ANY ally, and Nami has her bubbles as well for disengage, counter-engage, or just straight engage if you're good enough. The other main difference is that Sona's heal is not targetted, and I've had cases where it would top of my 90% hp ally instead of healing the 20% one, whereas Nami and Soraka are able to target their heals. | Sona isn't the best person to be a healbot.
EDIT: Soraka's heal goes from 4 to 2 seconds based on points in it, whereas Sona keeps a static 12 second cooldown. |
trueblade10 | sex | t5_2qh3p | cpqoigt | Don't fucking listen to her. Me [23m] now, had a similar experience. My gf broke up with me when I was 22, about a year and a half ago, and we were dating for 3.5 years. THE DAY we broke up she hooked up with this guy nicknamed 'donkeydick'. Not the best way to end the relationship. That being said I had severe problems after that, thinking I'm too small (5.5in) and just putting myself in a real downer. The months to come I hooked up with a few chicks who said I shouldn't be worried. Today I'm happily in a relationship and the SO says I'm perfect. So in all honestly your ex was either fucking with you just to spite you OR telling the truth in which case who the fuck cares. You can't make your penis grow and please don't try, you could really hurt yourself. Trust me. | Your Ex is crazy, you dodged a bullet. Fuck her, you're better off without her. Women are crazy and will tell you anything you want or don't to hear. |
VW_LowLife | gaming | t5_2qh03 | cpsfusu | I printed out one of those at Kinkos, though I think mine was a bit higher resolution. It was something like 24 inches all around. Lamented and printed in full color ran me near 50 bucks. The reinforced backing idea isn't really necessary if you play on a table every time and store it, rolled up, in a poster tube or whatever.
If you're going to print it out though, find a picture with a higher res (like THIS so it looks clear and not grainy / low quality once printed. Will definitely be worth it.
Oh also, that game gets you drunk as fuck. Most people won't be able to make it to the end of the game because they'll end up puking from being overly full or getting too drunk to keep going. Every other square is like "shotgun a beer" in some indirect way and there's a moderate chance of significantly getting sent back a large number of squares. It's over-the-top and not for lightweights. | Takes a long time to finish, requires large quantities of alcohol, and requires a lot of attention/time. Play with at least 4 people for the most fun.
You've been warned. |
LBJsPNS | politics | t5_2cneq | cptlawx | MSNBC received stimulus money from Obama
Horseshit. Give me a real verifiable source. I don't care for MSNBC, it being corporatist masquerading as liberal, but a lie as big as yours needs to be stopped dead in its tracks. | Source or you're a liar. |
AndrewFlash | politics | t5_2cneq | cptr5gl | Cut defense. We don't need a billion tanks. We don't need to police every international dispute. If you wanna downvote an opinion go for it, but I don't think that it's fair that we force future generations to go into massive amounts of debt for higher education, even though it's barely considered higher since, for many of us, it's necessary, when we have the funds to make it happen free. | Education > Defense |
WantedAnimalRapist | politics | t5_2cneq | cptxhsa | Alright this might not be applicable to every part of the country but here, My school district in California worked in a way that the lowest performing schools received the most funding while the top performing schools received less. It was meant to level the playing field or something. I attended the highest performing highschool in the district and while it would have been nice to have newer books and computers, we were the top performing school because we tried the hardest. The kids at low performing schools simply don't care about learning or grades, which is a problem in culture, not funding. | underfunded school are so much a problem as undermotivated students. |
swolarbear | politics | t5_2cneq | cpuocs5 | I actually just addressed this issue with another redditor. I'm gonna copy my reply to you of why fining parents is not an effective method (unless of course you can show me about this school in the Philipines or elsewhere, where this method has worked. The Philipines isn't the US after all). "Thanks for a straight honest reply! I don't wanna leave you at a dead end without explaining my point. Too make an incredibly complex issue somewhat short and easily understandable; some parents simply can't be held accountable (not that they don't WANT to be good parents, some truly can't provide for their children the way they would like to). For example: a poor immigrant family that barely speaks English. They may want to help their kid but how? Not only are they struggling to make ends meet, but they have a huge language barrier to overcome. There's also the rural family whose father was arrested for cooking meth and the mother is an addict. She cares more about drugs than her family but CIS can't prove anything to take her kids away. How do you hold her accountable? Fine her? She has no money. Arrest her? That adds to our already overflowing and broken prison system. The change we need in the education system needs to happen at the top, the way we teach, getting rid of bullshit standards and standardized testing, a better way to manage funds and hold school boards accountable for how they spend their money. It's a long, messy road, but it's a fight we can win. I hope that was somewhat enlightening. At the very least, support teachers, support students, and support the future." | Are you going to fine poor families the same as rich families? What about poor families who can't afford the fines? What happens if they don't pay the fines? Is it fair to fine families that want to be involved, but can't? Just food for thought. |
tathougies | Fitness | t5_2qhx4 | cpvzdg7 | Having been in a ballroom dance team in college, this lift can be done by most guys, assuming the girl is in a normal weight range. Basically, both the girl and you provide initial momentum that you would not have in an OHP. You start with the girl standing and engaging her core, and the guy's hands on the girl's hips, while the guy is almost in a squatting position. The girl then jumps, and the guy pushes up through his back and then through his shoulders. | Basically, this lift involves more than just your shoulder muscles (like an OHP would), putting it into the ability of most guys. |
Aspiire2b | leagueoflegends | t5_2rfxx | cpw192s | Overall, I think you have a good idea. But in practical terms, it is unreasonable and difficult to administer. What happens when your entire team votekicks the first pick because he locked a jungler, where there was someone else who wanted to jungle? Problematic to say the least.
And another issue I've noticed: a ton of people do off-meta related things. playing such things as [NAMI JUNGLE]( could be considered trolling, but they could main said thing. sure Nocturne with Clairvoyance and Ghost is pretty troll, but ynow... use clairvoyance to spot enemies to ult from a distance, ghost to keep your fear tether easier... secret op strats m8 | too many problems with how this would have to be ran. Seems like youre addressing a problem that isn't necessarily... a problem? league of legends is just a game of course trolls happen, we all do it. Or we go on tilt. It's just an aspect of the game. Don't like it? There's not much you can do. You can't control every bit of the game. |
Strider08000 | summonerschool | t5_2t9x3 | cpxz1dc | Disagree with most of you... I believe you can play an aggressive playstyle always. Why? Because good mechanics of laning entails harrassing your lane opponent while they go for cs. That is aggression. If you don't do that you are missing free opportunities to harass. | Calculated aggression should always be your 'playstyle'. Passivity is never useful unless you're just really behind, in which case its only helping because it's not feeding them more. Not that useful. |
DealerNextDoor | politics | t5_2cneq | cpzpyms | Cashier here. Personally, the store I work at makes the customer manage all the EBT/SNAP from the card reader, so it doesn't bother anyone. The reason you see "the look of hate" when you have WIC is not because you're poor, but because of how tedious and annoying it is to enter the information into the register, I promise. We don't care what you make or how you're paying, but WIC does take longer than, say, a check or cash.
I work at Target so I don't know if this is how every place has to do it or not, but this is the process of entering a WIC check:
Read check and find all items that WIC covers
Make sure EVERY LAST DETAIL IS FOLLOWED, no matter how meticulous. I ended up having a guest a few days ago who had to go back to get a different type of milk because it was 2% and the check only covered 1%. We can't override this unless we get a manager to come over, and even then the managers will very likely just have someone in the grocery department bring the correct item up.
If all the items that the WIC check aren't in the line (which is surprisingly common, for some reason), inform guest that they can still get a few other things on the check. They probably already know this, but on the rare chance that they don't, they won't get the item(s).
Do not scan item. Instead, go to special menu for WIC. Enter all WIC information (WIC number, start date, end date). It's not in MM/DD/YYYY format, so that throws a lot of new people off because the check is.
Scan all items and hope that everything is "WICable". If the check says "Lowest priced brand" and you've been buying the same brand for the past few months, you still have to go back and get the cheapest brand if the current brand isn't WICable. Fun fact: this can add anywhere from five to ten minutes to checkout time.
Make sure, if there is a limit, that the check doesn't go over it. Sometimes, it only gives something along the lines of "$8 in fruit only". If it went over, they have to cover the rest.
Write total on check, have guest sign it, feed check into reader, and put in register.
Now I don't know if that process sounds complicated, but really it isn't. It just takes a bit of time because you have to follow it exactly, and it takes a bit of time as to the normal process (scan -> pay -> done). The reason it's annoying is because not only do you have to manage that, but you also have to handle people who think that taking that extra 2 minutes entering the WIC info is going to ruin their whole day, and you have to make sure the lines stay short (target policy; I don't know if any other places do this). If too many people get in your line, you have to call for help. If nobody can come to help, it's your fault. You took so long and you made me wait for what seemed like forever and I am going to be mad at your now because you're a cashier and cashiers clearly have control over every process in the entire store.
So trust me, cashiers don't hate you because you're poor, we just hate how complicated it is and how some people lack empathy. | Cashiers hate the system, not the person. |
looz4q | leagueoflegends | t5_2rfxx | cq0f8px | Top - usually tanks (Gnar, Maokai) or AP mage (Lissandra, Rumble)
Jungle - either earlygame based jungler, that snowballs other lanes with his huge damage earlygame (Lee Sin, Rek Sai) or utility tank (Sejuani, Zac) that shines in lategame.
Mid - mostly AP sustain damage (Orianna, Ziggs) or AP burst mages (Annie, Viktor etc.) or assassins (Zed, Katarina, LeBlanc). Most of mids stay by their supports and marksmans to peel each other, but assassins need to damage enemy backline.
ADC - physical damage carries, super squishy but he's main source of damage (Lucian, Graves, Caitlyn)
Support - adc's support (Thresh, Janna, Nami). He controls vision and makes plays by catching enemies, by engaging teamfights etc.
I'm mid main so I can tell you that mid is mostly about outfarming, outplaying (killing) and outroaming your opponent. The best champions right now are: Zed, Xerath, Ahri, LeBlanc, Viktor, Katarina, Annie (random order)
Laning phase takes place from start to about 10 or 20 minutes (really depends on how lanes are going and roaming). After that teams should be focused on taking objectives (Towers, Dragons, Baron;
Towers give map control and global gold,
Dragons give permament stacks, that gives you combat/movement/pushing stats (taking dragons is really good, because it pays off in lategame), but give no gold.
Baron gives same gold as 2 towers to everyone on team and gives a buff to everyone on team that gives you 40ap/40ad and faster recalling (4sec instead of 8sec) AND aura that makes your minions faster and stronger, but only when someone with baron buff is in range. | win lane by csing, roaming and killing ur enemy(not needed tho), then take objectives with your team or solo(split push). |
Miotoss | news | t5_2qh3l | cq1e8eu | I can see both sides, I can see how one is a deeply held belief, and the other is how they were born as humans.
I believe people should be open and honest who they are and what they believe. I dont believe in shamming people for thinking differently. It only leads to closet bigotry which is much worse than out in the open bigotry. | let people be dicks, than we know who they are. |
SkywalkerLego | leagueoflegends | t5_2rfxx | cq1vpgk | to keep it simple: If the passive has a name, it will not stack. if it just says Unique passive, it will stack. :)
So I Lichbane and a triforce, wont stack. A ghost blade and a Black cleaver armor pen, will stack! :D
So rememeber | Has passive name, no stacking, no name, will stack! |
SuperEdel | nfl | t5_2qmg3 | cq5g0ol | Did you read the article? His point is that he is already in counseling as part of his plea deal and meeting with two qualified psychiatrists does not equal an increase in treatment. | He is already getting counseling. |
Rabbyte808 | technology | t5_2qh16 | cq5p32z | You beat me to it. There's a strong opposition to the telescope among locals and especially Hawaii. There really is a fairly strong opposition or indifference to science in Hawaii, so a lot of people really don't understand why this should be built and just see it as a waste of money that's destroying nature. Petitions have been made with several thousand signatures opposing the telescope and politicians are starting to go with the opposition. | there's a strong chance it won't be built because supporters are much quieter than the opposition in Hawaii |
SupervillainIndiana | AskWomen | t5_2rxrw | cq6jvxe | As well as the fact they're usually not actually nice (well covered in this thread already) - it's the intentional or unintentional denial a woman has agency that I think turns a lot of people off. Women have eyes...and a libido too. They're allowed to not find you physically attractive and draw a line at friendship.
By that I mean the entitlement breeds this other attitude of "I tick off all this arbitrary stuff I'm told women like so why won't you, individual woman who has already said you don't find me attractive, suddenly drop your knickers/kiss me/want to marry me?"
There are general traits most people want in a partner but if you're fixated on that ONE woman maybe she just isn't into you in spite of those apparently universally loved traits? I think 'nice guys' think persistence is key but in my experience the "he won me over" stories come from women who already thought "he's cute and/or a great friend but I'm not sure" as opposed too "he kept denying my feelings and didn't respect my boundaries so by golly being told what women are SUPPOSED to do sure was a turn on, how could I resist?" Usually you won't change her mind by telling her she's going after jerks and is acting like a b-word for not giving you a chance.... | if I were out there dating again nothing would turn me off faster than a guy telling me what women think and feel wrong. Thanks for telling me I don't know what's going on inside my own head... |
aytrax | Games | t5_2qhwp | cq898gs | Alright, let me try to simplify it a bit - from what I can remember at the moment. A bit early-game spoilers from the first 2 games below, so beware.
Also, remember this, there are like almost 10 books set in The Witcher universe, written by Andrzej Sapkowski, a polish author, and the games are HEAVILY based on those books. Almost all main characters in the witcher games were in the books. And the books are fucking good.
You don't need to know anything to enjoy the games. They are very good at slowly inviting you into the storyline/lore. Reading the books and/or playing the previous game(s) just gives you the 'cherry on top' moments like "Oh yeah, it's that chick that Geralt banged in Oxenfurt medical school before chopping some assassins into pieces while enroute to some old shaman/witch doctor without teeth. Sweet!"
In Witcher 1 you basically are this middle-aged dude - named Geralt (of Rivia, lol - sweet moment from the book ;) ) - with amnesia who arrives half dead at a ruined castle. Turns out, that you are a member of an ancient (and almost completely dead) order of witchers - outcasts of society, who were turned into superhuman mutants by using sick ass drugs and bad mojo magic (which kills most of the 'candidates', but nobody cares 'cause they only 'use' orphans and whatever society spits out and doesn't give two fucks about)
The starting point is that you have amnesia and you want to recover your lost memories. And The game begins as you are thrown into the brutal game-of-throne-ish politics of the world with an attack by bandits that want to kill all the left-over remnants of the witcher order. The games has a prologue, five chapters and an epilogue. It introduces you into the world and basically sets the stage for the second game. There is a lot of fun things in this game world - war, racism, wild beasts, even wilder human-killing-and-eating monsters, murder, political murder, political mass murder, assassins and whores. The writing is the strongest part of the game as the mechanics of the first game are average at best. Oh, and you also get collectible stylish hand painted cards for every woman you bang in the game.
The Witcher 2 begins as you have kind of 'unwillingly' become a sidekick to one of the major 'players' in the political scene of this world. There is a LOT of politic-related plot points, so if you like this kind of thing then 'yay'. Oh, and it's the fun kind of politics - assassinations, mass murder, rebellions, dragons, power plays. From the perspective of having just finished the game again a few days ago, it's a great prelude to the third game, at least story-wise. The game has 16 possible endings. SIXTEEN ENDINGS. If you wish, you can see some fucking grim shit, and I'm not even talking mass murder - I'm talking torture by gouging out eyes of helpless characters - not innocent ones (not gonna spoil this one!), but still.
The game looks fucking amazing, even today, the monster design alone beats Dragon Age: Inquisition to the ground. There is a free combat-rebalance mod that makes the combat pretty fluid and fun. Oh, you still can bang chicks left and right, but I don't think you get porn-art styled cards for it this time /sadface.
Answering your question directly ( | During first two your protagonist - Geralt - recovers most of his memories and learns 'whats up'. He is a character with a huge 'baggage' thanks to extensive lore coming from both the books and the games. There are people dear to you that need to be found and there are people you have met that will help you do it. In the meantime, you are still the witcher - bad ass monster slayer that kills unique and horribly dangerous creatures for money using his mutant reflexes/strength and some 'simple' magic very similar to jedi powers. The big, awe-invoking magic is primarily used by other characters and monsters, as it is an extremely hard to control force of nature in this world.
At Witcher 3 start you are a well developed character set on a certain path. You will probably not change the main plot direction, but will be able to proceed in 'your own preferered way'. I have no idea what the possibilities are, but knowing that characters like Ciri and Yennefer are in the game (and it's a big fucking deal for people who read the books, I 'was' infatuated with those characters for most of my growing-up period) your decisions could be World Changing. And they probably will be. Why? Because it's fun. And CDPR is all about fun. |
Lookoutbehind | nfl | t5_2qmg3 | cq86iu3 | Well that's because it "works" if there are no external factors. I got a business degree, and majored in economics and had quite a few "debates" in class. "Well if they know I know that, why would htey choose different." Because they have better odds if they choose this. "Not if I know they have better odds choosing that, I'll choose that and they'll be screwed." But you won't pick that because it'd be worse for you. | Shits circles yo. |
CrimsonPony | tifu | t5_2to41 | cq9d426 | Note:If you saw this Thursday, Yes i am reposting it because it got removed. So here it is again
Today my dad left for California, which is a couple states away. He won't be home for a couple of days. He decided I was old enough to not need supervision for these couple of days ( I'm 17) so when I got home from school I was completely alone, without anyone in the house, and I had to fart. So with my newfound freedom I wanted it to be LOUD. I shat my pants. I was alone for 5 minutes and managed to shit myself. | home alone, shit my pants. |
pogoo2 | TwoXChromosomes | t5_2r2jt | cqfoco0 | You also have accused of people going "LALALA NOT LISTENING" I fail to see a difference in your "respond to nonsense with nonsense" method.
You simply apply a filter despite clearly lacking knowledge on the subject, and then project your own lack of comprehension as the speaker talking nonsense. A very stereotypical small town attitude.
Having displayed a lack of basic humanity by responding to a question asking if you felt a child should work 14 hours daily with "I believe children should have responsibilities." You still speak as a human rights authority.
I think one can safely assume that you would find it acceptable that despite women in the USA being given the right to vote in 1920, it took until 1938 for america to restrict child labor in factories and other industrial settings.
As you pointed out in another post about working on your neighbours farm, this failed to include agriculture, and so 500,000 children work, to various degrees, obviously. This is the result of a loop hole being exploited and being told through generations it builds character.
I am not against children lending a hand on the farm within reason, I am not against the fair treatment of women.
I am against people who condescend from a point of ignorance, as though that were the same thing as authority and expect to be lauded as cool and unflappable when they withdraw into a shell of pre-rehearsed one-liners and insults. Thinking that, by frustrating any attempt at discourse, you have actually won the argument. You think your gender matters at all? I used the pronoun she, because this is a subreddit for women despite its many male visitors. Please do not make this about your gender as if by revealing your trump card I will be stunned.
I genuinely despise the type of willful ignorance you display as the issue with modern society, all the frustrating environmental issues the "debate" on the reality of global warming, all the backwards religious bodies bloated with followers who will defend their dogma to the death at the drop of a hat, all of that to me stems from the same backwards mentality that change is inherently bad.
Nobody is disputing the existence of gender/racial/age inequalities and the need to address them, what people are disputing is the notion that 'The Patriarchy', the zeitgeist lurking manipulator, as it has been depicted by yourself and others is the sole cause of the situation and every unfavourable situation, and always has been.
I am not for propping up figureheads to toss stones at and I am not for blaming whole bodies for the acts of individuals. I am not for willfully ignoring facts as they are presented and then calling them nonsense. And even though I cannot condone willful ignorance I should not demonize you for it.
The Bard once said something about there being lots of stuff in the heavens and on the earth and its true, theres so much to see and learn and hear and feel and so many people to meet. It almost seems impossible to even make a ripple in the pond as it where.
It can be scary to open yourself up to that unimaginable vastness and not fear losing something, you are never certain quite what, you perceive as core to yourself. But thats the beauty, The constant change the mutable nature of life and thought lets what you are stay the same but slowly grow. And having grown see the world in a way your old self would have thought uncanny.
I am for the equal treatment of all human beings, and I am for the entire world becoming safe for anyone. I am for myself and for every other organism on this orb because frankly without them I would not exist, and to deny them the same joy in their lives would be wrong.
Thanks for helping me learn to not resent you.
A "Whiny man who is stressed out" | Learn to have your beliefs questioned and try to broaden your horizons |
Nolliee | nfl | t5_2qmg3 | cqgnlu0 | Uga Fan here. He played very well with Murray at Qb but still also had Gurley in the backfield who was the priority also once he left the next QB was Mason who wasn't that well of a passer so he suffered for that. | run first offense/not very good QB |
zlhill | AskWomen | t5_2rxrw | cqjsj43 | Your history is off, there's nothing particularly Christian about circumcision. It dates back . It is firmly a Semitic tradition. It was not practiced among Christians until the late 1800s, when it became popular in the English-speaking world for a combination of medical and moralistic, but non-theological, reasons. Today it's still not common in most predominantly Christian countries, i.e. Latin America and Europe. | Circumcision is Jewish. |
Spodermayne | leagueoflegends | t5_2rfxx | cql1jyv | They've already explained why this wouldn't work. They have to be able to penalize people with -lp without taking away their mmr. If Riot takes away 3 lp for a dodge or even 10 or more for repeated offenses, they can't take away mmr or a good player will play with bad players simply because he skipped. If you use an artificial lp system you can take away the merit without taking away mmr. If people can just check their mmr after a punishment and see it hasn't changed then they won't care about dodging or decay or anything else.
The lp system is necessary, just poorly implemented. Promotion series are largely arbitrary and completely contradictory to the idea of lp in the first place. Afks in a game could easily subtract from lp but not mmr (I'm not a worse player for losing the game because someone didn't connect than I would be if I won if he had). In other words the benefits that could have come from an lp system were largely ignored while drawbacks like lp cliffs (try dia 5) or promotion series are there for seemingly no reason.
The elo system as a whole breaks down after around the 2.5k elo mark anyway, so it's not really Riot's fault. Challenger and Master are huge and largely inneffective bandaids placed to keep it in check. Chess masters also use the elo system and the gripes are numerous. At a high enough elo it's impossible to seperate people consistantly and fairly. To get to 2.5 or even 2.9ish like some have done you need to beat worse players, but if a 2.9 elo shits on 2.3 elo kids all day every day, is he 3.0? How can he be if no one else is there? Who is to say how much better someone like Faker, Apdo, or Marin are than their counterparts? Are they winning because they're gods and could easily demolish people, or are they winning because their skill cap is just a liiiiiiitle bit higher than everyone else's? They'd win either way, but their skill is largely unknown. | ranking systems (esp for team games) (esp with "lp" systems on top) are hard as fuck to create and the math involved to create a new one and judge the extremes of the spectrums would be extraordinary and HIGHLY unlikely to come from a gaming studio. Hope this helps. |
Faroh_ | gaming | t5_2qh03 | cqm25g7 | I don't know if you're being serious or not, but your statement is incredibly flawed.
Gaming is a past time, sure. But dragging a TV and an XBox to a public location (after hours) is pretty indicative of addictive (and probably self-destructive) behavior.
You called it art - I know LOTS of artists. No one I know would bring their canvas and paint to a public place and set up shop. No one I know would practice their lines, sing scales, or rehearse a tap number in a public restaurant. Why? Because it's weird and inconsiderate. There are certain activities you do at home - if you're that much of an addict that you will go do it in a random public area just to get your fix, you more than likely have a problem.
Also, the most offensive part of your post is you refer to playing video games as "art". No. Just, no. Art by nature is a creative process. Sitting on your ass in your underwear isn't productive or creative in any way. I say this as an artist and as an avid lover of video games. You could say creating video games is a form of art, I'd go with that, but TAKING YOUR TV AND XBOX TO TACO BUENO TO PLAY VIDEO GAMES ISN'T ARTISTIC .
There's nothing to be ashamed of by playing video games and it isn't "weird" in and of itself, but let's be honest, doing what this guy isn't normal and shouldn't be considered normal or acceptable. I wouldn't have faulted either of those places for kicking him out. | Don't try to defend what this guy did as normal or healthy behavior, and for damn sure don't compare it to "art". |
VOZ1 | politics | t5_2cneq | cqmm1mk | I really am baffled that you see no problems at all with a treaty of this magnitude being negotiated in secret. And not just secret with only our elected officials "in on it," but massive international corporations are negotiating while citizens are kept completely in the dark. If these negotiations are so sensitive that a single "rogue senator" could upend them--which we all know is rather common with the GOP these days--then why does no other bill require the same degree of secrecy? Why do those with knowledge of the bill's contents concede that it has to be secret because, if it weren't, voters wouldn't stand for it? Even the USA PATRIOT Act wasn't negotiated in secret, and that was literally about saving lives, killing terrorists, and potentially torturing people. But I guess trade is far more sensitive and important than simple matters of national security and life or death. | your argument is absurd and anti-democratic. |
celticguy08 | technology | t5_2qh16 | cqobzlf | are not real.
Do you have any actual proof that this as much a hoax as "we have discovered life on another planet", or are you making that false equivilency hoping I wouldn't see it?
Your example has nothing to do with the situation, they are completely unrelated occurences. Just because this article has the form those other articles take, doesn't mean the science behind it "is not real".
You are essentially claiming that because the scientists working on this haven't figured it all out and don't have a huge breakthrough that is all over the news, that the small anomaly that was observed is completely insignificant. Actually more than that, you called it bullshit.
Now what if in a year that anomaly was the very first step to the eventual development of faster-than-light travel? Would it still be bullshit? | burden of proof lies on the accusor. All I am saying is it has the potential to be a breakthrough in science, but if you say it is bullshit you better be in that lab proving them wrong or else you don't have the merit to rain on our parade.
P.S. about the facebook stuff, It is inevitable some people will misinterpret this to mean we have warp drive or something, and those people are just straight stupid and should be ignored. That doesn't mean we intelligent people can't be excited about the implications a small observation could have for the future given that we know it is not as of yet a definitive collaborated conclusion. |
flantabulous | politics | t5_2cneq | cqpjr3a | Let's be honest here.
It never occurred to you (or most of the conservatives posting this crap) that - that they don't owe taxes on it - did it?
Hillary has a great phrase for republican nonsense like this:
What does it matter?
Because ultimately, what's your actual issue here?
That a foreign government gave money to a non-profit Foundation?
Then what does it matter whether it's 39 million, 139 million, or a trillion-billion-zillion, or a penny?
Pick an issue and stick with it.
They reported on other filings that they received the money. Rueters, the NYT, everyone agrees on that. They put it on the wrong line of the form.
What you really want is ZOMG!!!! headlines.
And you can't even get that because as the title notes -----they made mistakes on taxes.
EDIT - | As the kids like to say here: Proof or GTFO |
invadermoody | Fitness | t5_2qhx4 | cqpy35p | I'd say this is normal, but it depends. How much have you lost?
I ask because it's possible that you need to change your deficit again. For me once I lose 10-15lbs I need to reevaluate my macros because what was once a deficit is now closer to maintenance. I don't know how you're achieving your deficit; either nutrition, exercise, or a combination.
If it's strictly your nutrition you may want to lower your intake by another 100-200 kcals and see if that makes a difference. That being said, I don't know what your total intake is. Not knowing more than you've posted, and in my opinion, 800-1000 kcal deficit is pretty damn extreme. So certainly use you're own judgement here. Another option is adding like 20 minutes of HIIT a day to achieve more of a deficit and see if that changes something. | look at changing what you're eating again. Your body has changed and you will need to change with it.
edit I agree you are on the right track, though. |
AlexanderGson | sex | t5_2qh3p | cqut2h5 | Hm. As a guy with no sex life this seem weird to me.
The only reason I watch porn is because I don't have anyone to fuck, that I want to fuck. My porn usage would drop phenomenally if I got a steady partner. It's happened that I invited a girl home and for the whole week leading up to that day I've completely cut porn and minimalised my masturbation so I get more horny for the girl.
The only reason I'd use porn in a relation was if I just wanted to get off quick, since sex is a lot more effort.
Watching porn while getting my cock sucked? That seems disrespectful to the girl. I want to enjoy the moment. I want her to see how good she makes me feel. I want to be in that moment! And if I wanted her to do or try something new I saw in porn I'd just ask her. And if she would do it I'd show my appreciation by moaning and groaning, probably out of reflex and instinct. And the look she gives when looking up at me ugh... The phone would block that goodness!
You should talk to him about this. And how it makes you feel. I'd feel bad if a girl took out her phone when I ate her pussy. Because I like eating pussy and I love hearing the girl be into it and enjoy herself. | If you sucked my cock I'd show you how much I like it. |
lowspeedlowdrag | relationships | t5_2qjvn | cquoehd | This. If you arent comfortable having that talk there's nothing we can do to help. Yes, he is doing something odd and troubling, but so are you by coming to the internet for help instead of confronting him.
> | husband uses a term that bugs me and I do not know how to bring it up without making it a big deal.
It's a big deal. Make it a big deal. |
ShinyBloke | sex | t5_2qh3p | cqvx47h | Thanks for explaining. As for your issue with your wife, I suggest and this is serious, find a nice night out take her somewhere she likes maybe do something like you used, and this is very important. Have no agenda, just talk to each other, and see where there goes, don't get sloppy, the point is to communicate with each other as adults.
Also let her talk, don't put her down or joke about anything that she brings up, try to keep it fun and honest. | Go take your wife out on a date, and communicate and see where that gets you. OP report back to us, and we'll go from there.
Good luck! |
bRoccoLieD | leagueoflegends | t5_2rfxx | cqwacg8 | I didnt watch the replay completely, i was skipping for 30 secs or so till the end to see how the game progressed so I might be wrong but:
You should give kills to your teammates more. Now, i know it might sound crazy, but youre not going to carry 1v5. You just arent. Giving kills to your teammates will make the stronger and you will win as a team.
Dont build full tank eve when youre going fucking legendary. Get some damage and then you might see improvement. When you get 13 kills in a game you shouldnt really be going full tank, on 90% of the champions. The few exceptions are maybe Nunu, Nautilus, Sion and maybe top lane smite Shyvana. Other than that you should always get at least 1 or 2 damage items if youre this much up in gold. Those dont have to be Infinity Edges, you can buy Abyssal, Ryalis, Black Cleaver, etc.
Last one, the most important one. Try not to focus too much on others mistakes and try to play the game more calm. You werent even playing and I saw you were pretty salty. I can only imagine how it is when you play. Just try to relax a bit, if things dont work out for 2 or 3 games its alright, just go outside a bit, play some other game, do whatever. Pretty much | Try to not take the game as seriously, chill out for a bit and things will get better.
Hope it helped, good luck ;3
EDIT: I'm a plat 1 mid lane main, so i might not be able to help you that much jungle wise, but I know a lot about general knowledge of the game, if you need any more help you can pm me. |
oncemoreforluck | relationships | t5_2qjvn | cqy2bhd | What will be a issue for me? I would be happy to be the main bread winner if I was the higher earner. The only issue I have is when men throw a fit and act like bratty children cause I earn more
example one ex tried get me to quit my jobs, I worked 2 at the time, and go on social welfare like him because I paid for most stuff and he was feeling emasculated | In my experience its men who have a issue with earning less and project that insecurity onto women. |
Diamond_Kicker | sex | t5_2qh3p | cr1boy7 | Oh, I heard that I'm manipulative in the way I communicate with my SOs. I use humor and cockiness often to break the ice when I feel it, but to a casual observer it will often look like I'm disrespecting the other person's decisions/boundaries because of my intrusive comments/questions. It's hard to explain, but it's inconsequential here.
But onto your situation. If she wants to be dominant that's you guy's prerogative, but for what I'm about to suggest it'd be better if you were the dominant one:
Perhaps slowing down the speed at first will help, I mean slowing everything down to just a bit above slow motion speed. It gives you time to breath away your worries and nerves, which helps you take every step without worrying about anything cooling down.
It is important to note that whenever you take things this slow you gotta say something to the other party (who may be confused) such as: "Just stay still, this time I just want to draw in all of you at my leisure. So be patient love". This must be done while you longingly look at her body like you want to ravage it. It builds sexual tension. For both you and her.
Taking it slow may also allow you to stay erect in anticipation (which is an aphrodisiac). Just keep a condom close, take your clothes off (hastily) and then focus on undressing her however you wish (slowly). This allows you to not only to see what parts of her body you like the most, but also to focus on how you have complete control, and how nothing can ruin such a moment (since you're both alone), and how lucky you are to be with her, and how there's no pressure because you're simply dying to lay down with her and please her. Focusing on all these thoughts at once may give you a raging hard-on.
( Just to be sure: "ERASE every negative thought or doubt that may pop in your head, just stay in the moment!!" )
If such happens then you can grab a condom and put it on, but be sure to not focus on how you put it on, rather you should focus all the thoughts that contribute to your hard-on while you barely consciously put the condom on. I'm counting on the fact that you don't need 100% attention to put a condom on btw.
If you don't lose the hard-on while you have it on then get into her as soon as you can and enjoy your victory over your nervousness. Just focus on how good it feels to have sex with your woman with a condom on. How wet and warm she still feels and how you did it! Please don't forget to tell her she's the best (or that you love her) if this works out! | Try slowing down the pace and just focusing on the moment, and maybe your hard-on will be more cooperative. Good luck friend! :) |
tralfamadorianMD | AskWomen | t5_2rxrw | cr1ttqz | Yes! And the best part about our SO niche is that they have alllll this free time to read the books and watch the movies we can't! So we get | s from people we love talking to. Haha |
Jaythewolf | leagueoflegends | t5_2rfxx | cr2f4w0 | Not the viewers just you. it sounds like you're hearing what you want to hear. because riot knowing that NA LOVES SKT almost as much as tsm you should be experiencing the same for amount of noise from them according to your conspiracy theory. you should also hear sounds for FNC since a lot of na viewers favor them as well. I don't believe you know what your talking about for a lot of areas. Such as you believe that ONLY TSM fans came to this event, or the fact that you think just because their tsm fans means they don't have other teams they're fans of. | you're an idiot. sound is masked, you don't want the crowd to be too loud and can't hear the casters. TSM chant is so well known you can distinguish someone chanting it in a cafe full of chatter. Also are you upset a crowd is rooting for the home team? This whole post sucks and is extremely ignorant especially because you have no knowledge of what it actually sounds like from inside the venue itself. Please stop talking, and just enjoy the games crowd or not. |
GetBusy09876 | sex | t5_2qh3p | cr5ox3q | Hot as hell. My wife uses a wand and I cheer her on and assist as needed, playing with her breasts etc. About halfway through she'll get me to finger her g spot to orgasm, which I love. Then she vibes till she gets her clit off. | I love watching, but I REALLY love participating. |
shredder619 | leagueoflegends | t5_2rfxx | cr5x6y6 | very much has changed, new champs, new map, new items.
overall its to much to write all down, watch some patchnotes | things on youtube and similar things. |
Gheeds_Charm | politics | t5_2cneq | cr8afec | Unlimited cash in politics.
Democrats are just as guilty as republicans, they spend nearly the same amount. How does one side complain about what the other is spending when BOTH outspend THIRD PARTIES by about a factor of 100!!
I am all for fairness with money in politics, but ONLY if it extends beyond Democrats and Republicans.
I hear all of this democrat rhetoric about how elections should be equal with money invested.
Wonder what would happen if a bill was proposed saying that they can't outspend 3rd parties. Dems and Reps would laugh it off of the floor. | if you're not for leveling the playing field for third parties as well, it's hypocritical |
Sorge74 | politics | t5_2cneq | cr8iixp | As a liberal Democrat, I completely agree. Some form of ID should be available for free. I believe some states do, some don't. We cannot get a federal ID, because while it makes sense, a few million Americans will think its the mark of the beast, a few million will outcry privacy, a few million will outcry ID theft concerns, and a few crazies will say its for fema death camps.
As per state, as a skeptic, I know even though I doubt there are THAT many people in Ohio who don't and cannot afford IDs. 12 million people in Ohio, let's cut out children, let's just call it 9. So we have to look at how many of that 9 mil have drivers license, a vast majority, have 20 dollars for state ID if they don't, actually want an ID. I think if we really looked at the numbers, the vaay vast majority either A have an ID, or B don't care, lost it, fuck it, whatever. Even if you work part time at McDonalds, you probably had an ID at some point. Now let's take the people who actually vote.... | I'm sure its a plan to stop some people from voting, but I'd be amazed if more then a handful of people would be turned away |
PanchDog | sex | t5_2qh3p | cr9hehx | Wall of text. All you needed was | It's normal. |
georgedengit | leagueoflegends | t5_2rfxx | cra5558 | What good comes out of them giving you an update? If it gets delayed all you are going to do is bitch at them. If they hype it up you're going to bitch at them for not doing this or doing that. And if you don't bitch at them somebody else will. I'm pretty sure you noticed lately riot doesn't give any heads up to anything until it is almost done, aka at most several weeks in advanced. Riot has slowly learned from the past that telling people way too early do nothing but create disappointment and backlash (remember magma chamber?). So I don't blame them for not saying anything.
With that being said, I personally think it will be a feature that riot has dropped or maybe put on hiatus indefinitely. I say that cuz it's not that important of a feature. Sure you see it being brought up on reddit but the reddit player base is pretty much tiny compared to the entire league player base and I'm pretty sure they did polls and found that not enough people cared enough for it. Most of us just wants to play the damn game and they're probably working on other things to improve the player experience (I actually visited their hq and saw some pretty cool projects that go towards this goal that isn't just skins or champions). Plus there are 3rd party tools to let you do replays already. | Riot will probably never update us on anything unless it's pretty much finished. If you see a post on replay system it will probably be deployed in a few weeks but I doubt they're working on it cuz of the other projects that they are working on that could benefit a more general player base. |
Isogash | leagueoflegends | t5_2rfxx | cra6raf | As I've sad elsewhere, bandwidth is almost never an issue for datacentres. Unlike storage, which expands with time, bandwidth remains constant. Sending data through a cable doesn't cost money, but the cable does. In comparison to storage, bandwidth is incredibly cheap and only needs to be paid for once, with some small maintenance costs. | Riot only has to pay for bigger cables once. |
Grimreap32 | news | t5_2qh3l | crcx056 | Well the way the new welfare scheme works out they've pretty much written off this generation of people on benefits, to make sure the next generation can handle and manage their money better (though for a large amount of these people bad management of funds is what gets them on benefits). | Endless circle jerk under the guise of 'self-control' |
jaweeks | news | t5_2qh3l | crc790m | I receive assistance, I changed my habits once this started. I don't carry cash, I don't buy beer, I don't buy name brand foods, etc.. I try to maximize what is provided for me. When it runs out i'll change more habits to accommodate. I however am not who laws and rules like this are aimed at. They want to make sure their welfare funds aren't being wasted on drugs, and gold plated iPhones, 70" LCD TVs and Xbox ones and gold live subscriptions with new games weekly, at the states expense.
How about a two level system. I confirm I'm not wasting funds by way of audits and testing and I get unfettered access to my funds. I refuse these audits and I'm restricted to these odd rules. That way they have sufficient access to their funds and we limit drug usage within the welfare community?
As for rent, I could see as part of my assistance, receiving a state issued check for x amount of my rent or all, of my rent issued in my landlords name and remove that amount from my assistance. This way, there is a trail, No bounces, and some guarantee that rents get paid. Maybe they just pay the rent directly, and take that off my to do list. The landlord would just have to agree to be audited as to the condition of this guaranteed check. The only thing to watch for there would be bloated rents with kickbacks to residents for getting them that fat guaranteed paycheck. But even then the standard of living is increased and somewhat guaranteed.
If you want support from your community, I feel that its only right that they expect I not waste it, and that I actually need it. If I don't want the state meddling in what I buy, I better take extra ordinary steps to support myself. Once I'm earning my own money, they can go take a flying leap. | I'm asking for free money I'm ok with some strings and restrictions, but when I'm earning my money buzz off. Oh, and an idea.
I'm not arguing or trolling so don't expect a response if you disagree with me. |
TheDragon99 | wow | t5_2qio8 | crdgb5t | This is a great approach. For me personally, I don't keybind 5 because it's too far away to easily hit. Then again, I do bind T which is arguably as far away, so to each his own.
Definitely start with the number keys. You'll notice small things, like that you probably don't want 2 to be bound to something you need to use a lot while moving (since you'll likely hit both 2 and W with the same key).
Q, E, R, F, and C are all pretty easy to hit. I'd bind these next.
After that, you can choose between shift modifiers or branching out to keys like X, Z, G, T, V.
Eventually, for most classes, you'll need all of these keys bound plus shift modifiers for them. For some classes you may need ctrl modifiers as well.
But | don't overwhelm yourself, start small. |
fsbx- | leagueoflegends | t5_2rfxx | crh9dbr | You're the stupid one if you can't even understand what he said. His friend is playing bad (aka toxic play) so that in the end everyone reports his teammates because they flamed through chat while he said nothing but enraged others with his lack of team play and unwillingness to win. | his friend wants to ban random people for laughs |
Jope-Ga | news | t5_2qh3l | crhqkw2 | Smaller areas tend to deal with heroine as a health issue because a small number of people in a small community can have a massive impact. You don't have the gang affiliations of larger cities in rural areas either so the family/community can help guide people to make better life decisions. With that said I have some experience with local heroine problems....
In my town of 7,000 people for example I've had the same 20 year old neighbor kid steal scrap from my garage then several months later steal an old GPS from my wife's car. During the first round of court BS I had to deal with I worked with the police to see to it that he continued to get help, stay off drugs, and start gaining weight back. His family was involved during the court hearings and it was nice that we could as neighbors deal with his problems properly. I agreed to a suspended sentence due to all the arrests that came from him turning on his friends/dealers. In a small town like mine it's easy to show empathy to people's problems because it has such a huge impact on the community.
About a month ago he got arrested while breaking into his friends house to steal electronics. When the cops arrested him they found out he had been walking around town with a spark plug popping windows and stealing anything he could sell for heroine. My wife's car was unlocked so he rifled through it and stole the GPS without us even knowing. The cops called me to let me know the GPS had our home address in it which is how they knew it was mine. At this point I'm not giving the kid any leeway and I've already agreed to un-suspending his original sentence on top of the charges I've added to his B&E and destruction of property for all the busted car windows. | Rural communities show more empathy to drug problems because the lack of gangs and want to help the community stay healthy. Steal scrap from me once and I feel remorse for the bad actions of a underage kid who needs help. Steal from me twice and I'll see you in jail for everything that's happened. |
XcSDeadDeer | leagueoflegends | t5_2rfxx | crk3i27 | in an ARAM yesterday. Other than that, about a week ago a guy called jungle, picked elise, then somebody else instalocked jungle yi shortly after. So elise played support | Support Elise with smite is not OP |
xUndefined | leagueoflegends | t5_2rfxx | crkgilt | Well, leaverbuster does its work and bans people who leaves a lot in games so after all you don't need to report anyone for afk. Leaverbuster detects it.
Now, from my point of view, I have always said that if your pc can't handle the game you shouldn't be playing. You're being selfish if you do so, only caring about your fun even knowing that you could end crashing or dcing and therefore making your team lose.
My philosophy is that if someone disconnects, I report him. If it only happened for a game then he won't be banned anyways. And if he really has a shitty computer that can't play the game then you are helping the system to make him stop ruining anyone else game.
| report always, one report for DC does nothing, but 60 will mean he, knowing his computer can't play the game, still plays and fucks games, and that's a no. |
Melkrow2 | science | t5_mouw | crlxmhq | Great explanation, and the best | ever. |
GalacticCow | science | t5_mouw | crlgera | Quantum computers are theoretical computers that are impossibly fast. A tiny quantum computer can be more powerful than the world's largest supercomputer at certain tasks. If we can make a quantum computer, we can solve a lot of mathematical and computer science problems.
Quantum computers use special things called "Qubits". Computers usually are made of "Bits", which can be 1's and 0s. But Qubits, for some weird reason, can be both 1's and 0s and the same time. Because quantum mechanics are really damn weird.
Now, enter the Majorana. It's a quantum particle that is special, because it has the exact characteristics you need to make a Qubit. However, they're really annoying to work with -- you need a powerful magnetic field, as well as a superconductor (something that conducts electricity perfectly).
Up to now, the issue is that the material they've been using -- Aluminum (or aluminium for non-Americans) -- doesn't work right isn't quite perfect for making Qubits. But now, they found a new material, niobium titanium nitride, which seems to work great better for the purpose. | Quantum computers only work in certain conditions. Researchers finally found a material that satisfies those conditions really well. So it's really important for people who want to make quantum computers. |
Forty_Cakes | technology | t5_2qh16 | crn2hch | For media. Duh.
[According to Nielsen,]( as of 2011, a combined 25% of Netflix's traffic came from either the Xbox 360 or the PS3. Given that number, I think it's safe to say that streaming media consumption is a huge use case for game consoles, and, therefore, a driving force in the purchase of consoles.
Besides, even if it isn't the PS4 and Xbox One that deliver 4K content to people's UHDTVs, integrated Smart TV functionality will be doing it instead. Hell, you won't even need HDMI 2.0 to do it that way. | Don't worry about delivery of 4K content. It's not an issue, going forward. |
Dopeworm5 | leagueoflegends | t5_2rfxx | crnhypf | My favourite part is when loading screen freezes when everyone's at 100% and you're like "dafuq this is taking a while" and then you realise Riot are retarded and have put no way of detecting if you've crashed or not whilst in loading screen, so you reload and the enemy laner is five levels ahead AND WOW I'VE GOT SUCH A GREAT GAME AHEAD OF ME. | Riot are fucking idiots |
kallisti_gold | sex | t5_2qh3p | crnb3gf | Look, the pineapple thing? It's overhyped. Eat some pineapple with your lunch and your spunk won't taste as bad for dessert after dinner.
However, it's not a magical cure-all. It can only do so much, and you can only eat so much pineapple before you start to hate it.
If you want to make a real change in the way you taste, you have to make a real change in your diet.
Keep yourself hydrated, drink water throughout the day.
Cut back on or completely eliminate soda, red meat, fried greasy food, and dairy.
Eat more fruits and vegetables. Yes, pineapple can be one of them. | You are what you eat. |
kekekefear | Games | t5_2qhwp | crqn7xb | I love Mass Effect series, and i tink we need more epic sci-fi games. But TBH, i do not believe that Bioware can make ME4 at least on the level of ME1-2. Everithing after ME2 looked kinda weak and non-interesting for me (and ME3 was so rushed to realease that its hurt the game) at least not really interesting (it was onle DA3 i suppose?).
Anyway, with current management from EA, and without co-founders, i do not believe nex ME will be good game. Plus, i really want more personal adventure in ME universe, not saving galaxy again, but knowing Biware i think they will stick to classy formula - some crazy thing want to destroy galaxy, make a team of some cliche characters and make some sex with them and also maybe save the world (Bioware forums make it looks like this is what really their fans are interested. | I dont feel like im target demographic for new ME. |
youareallscum | politics | t5_2cneq | c0auxy5 | what is this | mean? |
DestructiveDreaming | gaming | t5_2qh03 | c0axg12 | I'm thinking the problem has more to do with studios being afraid to fund nonviolent games because they're not seen as commercially safe. The "hardcore" community seems to really enjoy nonviolent (or less violent) games, provided they're actually good games . For instance:
Beyond Good and Evil
There are others, too. As far as I can tell, it's the less-serious (but not "casual") gamers who are assuring the commercial supremacy of Halo, Gears, CoD, etc. -- people who play games as a pastime, probably have a console, but don't have a huge personal stake in gaming as an industry or an art form, or what have you. It could be that this newer, wider gaming demographic actually has a predominant interest in violent games, or it could be that they haven't been properly exposed to interesting nonviolent titles. I'm not sure -- I don't have data for any of this.
Of course, "hardcore" gamers buy popular violent games as well, but it seems to me that most devoted gamers have wider palettes. If you judge on quality of execution more than subject matter, a really well-done violent game and a similarly high-quality nonviolent game are equally interesting. The point is that the content should make sense considering the context. It's incredibly frustrating to see anything sanitized for the sake of marketability. Games (or movies, television shows, etc.) that should be unsettling but instead have been plastered over with fake profanity and ridiculous kiss-and-make-up compromises have been stripped of their power -- neutered. And the insipid, saccharine marketing tie-ins that flood local Gamestops for every commercial property that can be sold to the under-12 market are even worse, because they had no soul to begin with, and that encouraging bullshit is all they are. That's what the gaming "scene" hates, I think: clean for clean's sake. We just want good games .
Wow, | Short version: Maybe the problem is a general shortage of good nonviolent games in the mainstream. |
unsee | technology | t5_2qh16 | c0c2blk | downvoted you for basically being incorrect, and callously lumping 'variant of iphone'.
Edit : I read 'generic variant of the iPhone' to mean the iPhone copies on the market - not the chinese iPhones, but the nokia/moto/sonye/blahfoo iPhonealikes - completely different devices. | it's the software, stupid. |
kungtotte | gaming | t5_2qh03 | c0e5p8f | I think it would be very difficult to make such a system balanced, intuitive and fun. It would of course be very rewarding if you succeeded, but the punishment for failure seems steeper than an unbalanced traditional progression-system.
The fish thing is simple enough I guess. Time of day, location, what bait gets what sort of fish, how strong a line and pole you need for a given type of fish and that's about it. Not very difficult to implement nor balance, so no large chance of failure here.
Take a more complex skill-set such as swordplay however, and it can easily make or break your game. First of all you need to include things like strength, speed and dexterity in the equation, as there is a big difference between a strong but slow swordsman and a weak but fast one, and for every point between those polar opposites. The strong one wouldn't need to learn any fancy moves, and could just rely on bulling his way through his opponents' defences, bashing a shield so hard it breaks or sends shocks through the arm of the other guy, or maybe even breaking the sword if he hits it hard enough at the right angle. The fast one would need to finesse his way around the defences of an opponent, working his own defences such that incoming blows glance off rather than catching them full on, and when on the attack try to poke the other guy through the holes in his armour.
And of course you need to make sure that the equipment is logically designed, so that swordsmen can select equipment that emphasises their respective strengths. What I would really like to see in terms of weapons and armour is to do away with inherent stats altogether and just rely on the properties of the equipment in terms of metal, make and model. So the metal would be divided into a couple of tiers of quality first of all (low, mid, high). The higher the quality the more resistant it is to breaking and the sharper you can make a weapon. Then the make comes into play, a good weaponsmith will have higher quality weapons than a bad one, more resistant to breaking, better balance, sharper edges and whatnot.
And finally there is the model, i.e what kind of armour or weapon it is. A full plate ought to be very different from a hauberk, a shortsword different from a cutlass and both of them different from a longsword, and not just in terms of damage output. Full plates offer lots of protection but they also slow you down significantly, and despite being designed for some flexibility you aren't nearly as agile in them. A hauberk (or the much shorter byrnie) doesn't offer as much protection obviously but it also doesn't slow you down much if at all, and you are as agile as if you weren't wearing armour at all. A shortsword is inherently a weapon to be used in formation, blocking a few cuts and then a short lunge to stab your opponent and only rarely do you try to slice with it. With a cutlass you rarely lunge, using it more like a machete to chop your way through obstacles and opponents and rarely used in formation. A longsword is unlike either of them in that you use it more to fence than anything else, parries, thrusts, swings and all, and its length and the style of fighting makes it completely unsuited for use in formation.
Mount & Blade is the only game I've played so far that even comes close to making a good job of the inherent qualities of weapons, including speed and size as properties that actually matter . Speed is what determines how fast you can swing or thrust the weapon, both the time it takes to complete a blow and the time it takes to recover for a second. Size determines how easily the weapon snags on the environment or other soldiers. So sometimes you are better served by taking a smaller, faster sabre over a more unwieldy longsword or the unwieldier (it's a word) still, two-hander. Sure your bigger weapon might do more damage, but when you're locked into the press in a siege, working your way through the narrow corridor of a tower, your weapon will be useless as it will snag on soldiers left and right of you if you try a horizontal swing, and it'll bang into the ceiling if you try an overhead one. | Your ideas are intriguing to me, and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter. |
Sciensen_Hedonis | gaming | t5_2qh03 | c0e7o68 | I felt especially relieved when I first completed the game a few months ago.
It may not be perfect, but in spite of the quality of recent games (especially sequels), it's a pretty decent pice of work. Fallout 1&2 had great influence over me, I simply cannot describe the way that universe made me feel.
Let me tell You my experince with S.T.A.L.K.E.R.;
I've ben waiting eagerly for the release since I've heard the first news on its freshly started developenment. The months became years, and when I finally got myself a copy, I tought my face will melt from joy.
After one hours of gameplay, my face ineed melted...
The atmosphere of the game was everything I imagined, it was the sole reason I played it through the end. But I quickly realized, that the game itself is rotting from the core. The X-ray engine was buggy, and unrefined, let alone optimized. It was totally bullshit.
I wept in agony.
(keep in mind, that was not even a sequel, just a very anticipated game)
Now as I remember the experience of playing Fallout 3, i feel, thet it was done pretty well, and I have all the reasons to be grateful and satisfied.
I am very glad, that they didn't rape my childhood memories.
Thank You Bethesda. | F3 isn't perfect, but they could've fucked it up much, much worse. |
kirktastic | technology | t5_2qh16 | c0ftn70 | I didn't know Steve Ballmer was a Redditor. You should do an AMA!
Of course, Ballmer was pitching the idea of a subscription model instead of a penny a song model you're suggestion (the artists whine today their cut 99c brings, them, I'm sure they'd love 7% of a penny!).
Another flaw that jumps out to me is these teenagers aren't all sporting 160GB iPods. Most kids have an 8GB or smaller iPod nano.
But you're also forgetting that most MP3 players do more than play music. A movie or TV show takes up a lot more space. So these teenagers in your example can fill up their iPods for far less than $26K . But wait! These kids are probably stealing TV and Movie content too! Is your solution to that to have movies only cost a penny too?
You're also assuming that these teenagers are going to fill up the 160GB iPods they're all carrying around. I'm betting a lot of iPod Classic owners don't fill up their drives unless they enable disk mode and put other stuff on it. Or they're audiofiles and encode everything on it with Apple lossless. The fact is the price of storage comes down, the amount offered at each price point will go up. It is the foundation of the HDD manufacturer's operating model.
I do agree that the music industry needs to wake up and realize their old model is broken. Digital music isn't just a new form factor that replaced the LP, 8-track, cassette, and CD. It is also a shift in habits. If you came to me in the 1980s when I got my cassette Walkman and said someday I'd be able to carry 26,000 songs in a device that was smaller than my Walkman, I would have thought you were high on that new drug called crack.
What many studies show is the people that "steal" music also buy more music which makes record industry executives heads explode. Free digital music can be used as a promotional tool to drive consumers to buy the album or see the concert. Some artists and labels get that and not just the "indie" acts that you don't seem to like.
The music "industry" blames piracy for falling sales. Sure that's some of it, but it also has a lot to do with the product they are offering. They want the good old days when you had to buy a $15 CD to get the one or two good songs. They're whole model is based on that for the pop acts. Now you can just buy the one or two songs you like and that makes it hard to make the lease payments on the Gulfstream.
Rather than seeing digital downloads as the enemy they should embrace it. It is can be a promotional tool cheaper than any other they use now. And with P2P they labels don't even have to pay the bandwidth on the downloads!
But this is the same industry that sees the threat in people putting music on YouTube rather than see it as the gold mine it is. But they'd rather keep their draconian practices and keep the laws that make. Rick Astley made a lot more money last year than he or his record company thought he would because of Rick-rolling. They didn't have to spend a penny. And early on the only money they spent was on lawyers sending tackedown notices to YouTube. | I agree with the premise that the music industry is broken but disagree with your rationale for it. |
valkyrii99 | gaming | t5_2qh03 | c0gin1k | The stereotype on Reddit, the assumption that other Redditors are men and not women, extends into other topics beyond just gaming. I think Redditors and male gamers think there are a lot fewer female gamers than there really are.
Regarding what kinds of games women might want to play, I actually do not resent the idea that they may wish to play The Sims. In fact, I think The Sims has opened up gaming for women by showing the industry that there is a highly lucrative market for female gamers. The Sims is the first game I can think of that actually tried to target a female demographic, and in return when it came out in 2002 it was the [best-selling video game in history](
So, not only do I not resent the assumption that women might be more inclined to like a game like The Sims--I think it is progressive for a game that actively targets a female market to exist. Sure, it's Barbies on the computer and that's pretty girly--but it's a step in the right direction because at least it wasn't targeting only 14 year-old boys.
Personally, I don't think I fit a "female gamer" stereotype. I do like simulators like The Sims and Sim City, but I also like RTS, TBS, RPG, MMORPG, and flight sims. Pretty much the only genre I don't play is FPS. I'm probably a more well-rounded gamer than most of my male gamer friends.
I also was not introduced to gaming by some boyfriend. Rather, I was born to it--my father raised us, and is the hugest nerd I know. He had my sisters and I gaming for as long as I can remember, setting up a LAN and having us battle each other like little conquistadoras. So instead of having boyfriends get me into gaming, I've had boyfriends who shared my interest in gaming--we didn't have to change each other to have this in common. I think it works better when you both share interests in the first place.
Now, I think many gamers underestimate the amount of prejudice there is against female gamers. Of the core players in my WoW guild, 1/4 were female, include the guild leader. This does not mean that 1/4 of WoW gamers are female; it means that female gamers feel more inclined to play with other females. Why is this?
Not only are other females less likely to discriminate against female gamers, but guilds with female gamers in them are more likely to include guys who aren't asshats. One of my guildmates joined a pre-made battleground group and, as soon as she joined vent, was told "chicks can't fucking play games" and was booted out. That is one kind of discrimination female gamers face. Many other guys assume that being openly female means you are an "attention whore." Women are faced with a lot of negative reinforcement when they choose not to hide their sex.
A more common form of discrimination female gamers have to put up with is general disbelief. I join a group, we all get on vent (it could be WoW, it could be that MMO version the Russians made of Fallout 2), and inevitably someone says "omg wtf ur a grl???" Sometimes this is followed by requests for naked pics, but not always. I have a theory about those guys. I theorize that they don't want female gamers to exist, or else they wouldn't make them feel so uncomfortable.
Not all guys are dicks--usually, someone will say "shut the fuck up" or "leave her alone" or "get over it," something like that. Or even better, no one mentions it at all. I have a theory about those guys, as well. I theorize that they do want female gamers to exist, and to be comfortable playing with them. (Hint, hint, gaming Reddit!)
I understand that many of those who exclaim in shock that a fellow gamer is female genuinely are surprised, and maybe those guys are also 12, but that does not erase the negative impact of their words. We're being singled out because of our sex, and many of us feel uncomfortable being singled out. Honestly, this is why I've always avoided LAN parties.
Practically speaking, female gamers right now have to choose to just deal with sexism online, avoid allowing her sex to be revealed, or play only with people she knows in real life (or, of course, play only single player games). When choosing not to hide her sex, keeping control of the game is a good option--for example, being a female guild leader or an admin allows you to just kick out chick-hating jerks. But it sucks that we have to face this uncomfortable barrier to our enjoyment of a game.
If male gamers want there to be more female gamers, they would be well-served to not focus on her being female, and to discourage others from doing so. | Don't be mean to girl gamers, it makes us sad pandas. |
t0asterb0t | gaming | t5_2qh03 | c0giok1 | Wow, that was intense. I have to admit, I've been "that guy" a few times IRL. Frankly, I only know 1 or 2 gamer girls, so I'm surprised whenever I meet one. This is usually followed by me trying to get her hooked on some random game I just started playing, so it's not like I'm discouraging.
What I really don't understand why anyone would have a problem with girl gamers playing on a team/server. I honestly don't give a damn whether she's good; there are always plenty of guys worse than her playing and nobody complains about them. A girl that shares any of my hobbies is a turn-on for me, because it makes it that much easier to be legit friends with her. | Games are fun, everyone should play :D |
_oogle | gaming | t5_2qh03 | c0gqo68 | Or, in actuality, it is you.
Got into an argument with me 8 days ago, where he lost, raged, and subsequently created a new account:
6 days ago, which he has attempted to troll with since to do his post-stalking under a different username.
When that was a complete failure, he (you) went back to your MotivePower name, and as your comment history shows, re-initiated your post-stalking activity. | MotivePower=oggle=angry troll (with an unhealthy obsession) |
MyLifeIsAnRPG | gaming | t5_2qh03 | c0ifh1l | There is nothing in this review that says anything about violence toward women. What the hell?
Exploitation films are films that exploit some sort of subject matter. Exploitation games, therefore would do the same thing. Bayonetta is nothing more than a game made in the Sexploitation genre.
That doesn't make it a bad thing, it makes it a throwback. I don't know what you are angry about, but you seriously need to chill. Please grow up. | You fuck off. Also, reported. |
akahige | politics | t5_2cneq | c0k5r4z | Before the campaign, I had a kind of grudging respect for John McCain. By the end, I came to the realization that he was as vain, petty, mean-spirited, shallow, thin-skinned, and two-faced as a politician can be. In many ways he's the embodiment of the power-hungry-yet-hollow politician cliche. | McCain is a fucking asshole, and we should all thank our lucky stars he isn't the president. |
zem | technology | t5_2qh16 | c0keodh | When, halfway down the article, I read
"Dear visitors from google...", thought "how daft
Can people be?", then saw the comment thread,
I must admit, I laughed and laughed and laughed
[ | verse]( |
Qeraeth | TwoXChromosomes | t5_2r2jt | c0n59r5 | HolidayBlues is something of a troll who believes feminism is hate speech and that women should beautify themselves for the same reason wealthy neighbourhoods should have uniform architecture and trimmed hedges- public beautification. So, he sees us as objects. Literally. That's where he and the links he posts are coming from.
As to that "Myth#2" let me break it down for you:
>Fact: The 75 cent figure is terribly misleading. This statistic is a snapshot of all current full-time workers. It does not consider relevant factors like length of time in the workplace, education, occupation, and number of hours worked per week. (The experience gap is particularly large between older men and women in the workplace.) When economists do the proper controls, the so-called gender wage gap narrows to the point of vanishing.
Emphasis mine.
The part I bolded is the critical bit. This is often used as an excuse for the wage gap. However, people who deploy that standard line tend not to ask why women work fewer hours, why there is a glaring experience gap among older workers, and so on and so on.
The main "myth" about the wage gap is that all women make 75 cents on comparable men's dollar across the board. This obviously is not true. The gap emerges because society makes it harder for women to work, basically. Social standards surrounding motherhood, for example, stigmatise women who work long hours or who work hard after having a baby. Many women (as some recent high profile lawsuits against big firms are showing) are actually forced to reduce hours or are even made redundant after having kids, in a way fathers rarely experience just because they suddenly became dads.
If you are expected to take five to ten years off of work, or work only part time during that period, that causes an experience gap that is very hard for women to overcome.
As to education, as groups in the US men and women tend to have similar levels thereof, to the point where it cannot be said to appreciably affect the wage gap.
But there is an interesting point to be made about that. Blue collar jobs that men could get on high school diplomas (which remain male dominated) are often unionised and pay well.
So called pink-collar jobs, which are jobs that are predominantly or even almost exclusively female, tend to pay a lot less. Some, like waitressing, are part of an income bracket that is legally allowed to pay less than minimum wage (because tips are supposed to make up the difference). The devaluing of so called "women's work" is part of the problem.
Even in high class fields like academia, male dominated math and physics pays more than gender-equal biology.
This is part of the reason women are cramming into colleges because many of us know that if we want decent incomes we really cannot afford not to. The corollary to this, which is a developing story in modern politics, is that men are going to feel the burn of this too very soon. Those blue collar jobs I mentioned are rapidly disappearing, and men who could get by on HS diplomas are beginning to find they no longer can.
At any rate, the causes of the wage gap are myriad. It does not arise from every single boss saying "I'm going to pay you a quarter less because you're a woman." It's a slow, social process that is often unconscious (although overt and direct sexism occurs as it did in the Lily Ledbetter case).
I'm already going on too long but another part of the problem is that because assertiveness tends to be rewarded in men but seen as a sign of ill-temperament among women, men tend to ask for raises more often than women do.
Misogyny plays a huge role in all of this, but it's not direct person-to-person sexism in many cases. In some, it takes the form of, say, firing a pregnant mum. In others it's something that gradually happens as women enter a profession.
The uber | The link is bogus. |
laforge | science | t5_mouw | c0nos2t | Yea we need to hurry up and get to Mars to find those ruins. Then we can use Mass Relays and get F | ives! It's going to be awesome. |
Xanthorraceae | science | t5_mouw | c0ox9ke | Sorry to all the conspiracy nuts out there, but GMO in and of itself is not evil, dangerous, or unnecessary. The wrong edits in an organism's genome can cause anything from nonviability, to great growth, to virulence, and a million other traits in between.
It would be like saying everyone has to stop using the internal combustion engine because gas is flammable and can blow up. At least come up with a salient argument rather than showing that one soya plant over time may have effect on hamsters. Soya has "phytoestrogens" which can affect sex hormones in the body, GMo or not. | Any technology has the potential for harm in the wrong hands, but GMO is a good thing and necessary to feed the world. |
countingchickens | politics | t5_2cneq | c0oydn2 | My boyfriend is an immigration lawyer and I've learned a lot about the immigration process from him. The long waiting periods mentioned by others are part of the problem, but we also regulate how many visas are available annually, and only give so many per country. I don't know the numbers for Mexico but probably fairly low - as you might expect (fear?) wealthier whiter countries have higher numbers in general. The main ways that I know about to get visas (other than for students) are: investor (basically you're rich, and we let you buy a visa because you'll be "good for the economy); hardship or asylum (very difficult to obtain); extraordinary ability (as someone mentioned - being able to do a job most Americans can't, like being an internationally renowned neurosurgeon or something); and various employment visas (having your employer sponsor you). And obviously marriage to a citizen, but even that takes a long time and can be complicated.
One obvious problem is the kids of undocumented residents - they may have been brought over when they were very young, thus growing up essentially American in every way but having no papers - they get totally screwed because they basically get treated as if they chose to cross over illegally.
This is already too long and still doesn't begin to answer your question... [This]( might help a little. And it doesn't help at all that our immigration laws are inconsistent and often impossible to enforce, and that the various agents of the various bureaus are even more inconsistent in their application of those laws. I personally know someone who got deported because of an INS mistake, and my boyfriend rages about their incompetence all the time. | holy hell our immigration laws are complicated and confusing, and irregularly applied. Good question. |
Dark_Crystal | worldnews | t5_2qh13 | c0p4n0o | You have an opinion. You have taken a side. By your own logic, your opinion is no longer valid. If your opinion is not valid, then taking a side does not invalidate opinions. If that is the case, your opinion is valid, and we start all over again. | What you have stated is a logical paradox, please try to unfuck your shit, and try again. |
Dark_Crystal | worldnews | t5_2qh13 | c0p4pxb | No, I was trying to point out the logical issues with your statement, as worded. Nothing having to do with me, logically what you said is impossible as stated. Let me give you a more clear example:
The following sentence is true.
The previous sentence is false. | again: I was trying to point out that what you said was logically flawed, and being very snarky while doing it. |
newliberty | politics | t5_2cneq | c0pertx | The Credit, Housing, Health Care and Wall Street Bubbles were created by deregulation.
That is a myth - there was no relevant deregulation (a real deregulation would be a separation of economy and state, except protecting property rights and contracts) - regulatory budgets, housing policy intervention, and federal reserve intervention only increased in the years leading up to the bust. The government has a monopoly on the supply of money - something that is used in 1/2 of most transactions - and hence we have a state-controlled market and, in particular, an extremely state-controlled financial market - as it is perhaps the highest regulated industry.
Federal reserve policy was at the heart of this business cycle:
Now, Tom Dilorenzo makes this case:
> Most recently, the current economic crisis is said to be caused by the "excesses" of economic freedom and "too little regulation" of the economy, especially financial markets. This is said by the president and numerous other politicians, with straight faces, despite the facts that there are a dozen executive-branch cabinet departments, over 100 federal agencies , more than 85,000 pages in the Federal Register , and dozens of state and local government agencies that regulate, regiment, tax, and control every aspect of every business in America, and have been doing so for decades.
> Laissez-faire run amok in financial markets is said to be a cause of the current crisis. But the Fed alone — a secret government organization that is accountable to no one and which has never been audited — performs hundreds of regulatory functions, in addition to recklessly manipulating the money supply. And it is just one of numerous financial regulatory agencies (the SEC, Comptroller of the Currency, Office of Thrift Supervision, FDIC, and numerous state regulators also exist). In a Fed publication entitled "The Federal Reserve System: Purposes and Functions," it is explained that "The Federal Reserve has supervisory and regulatory authority over a wide range of financial institutions and activities." That's the understatement of the century. Among the Fed's functions are the regulation of
> Bank holding companies, State-chartered banks, Foreign branches of member banks, Edge and agreement corporations, US state-licensed branches, agencies, and representative offices of foreign banks, Nonbanking activities of foreign banks, National banks (with the Comptroller of the Currency), Savings banks (with the Office of Thrift Supervision), Nonbank subsidiaries of bank holding companies, Thrift holding companies, Financial reporting, Accounting policies of banks, Business "continuity" in case of an economic emergency, Consumer-protection laws, Securities dealings of banks, Information technology used by banks, Foreign investments of banks, Foreign lending by banks, Branch banking, Bank mergers and acquisitions, Who may own a bank, Capital "adequacy standards", Extensions of credit for the purchase of securities, Equal-opportunity lending, Mortgage disclosure information, Reserve requirements, Electronic-funds transfers, Interbank liabilities, Community Reinvestment Act subprime lending requirements, All international banking operations, Consumer leasing, Privacy of consumer financial information, Payments on demand deposits, "Fair credit" reporting, Transactions, between member banks and their affiliates, Truth in lending, and truth in savings.
> That's a pretty comprehensive list, the result of 96 years of bureaucratic empire building by Fed bureaucrats. It gives the lie to the notion that there has been "too little regulation" of financial markets. Anyone who makes such an argument is either ignorant of the truth or is lying.
Now, again [regarding regulatory budgets](
> In a Mercatus Center study, Veronique de Rugy and Melinda Warren found that outlays for banking and financial regulation increased from only $190 million in 1960 to $1.9 billion in 2000 and to more than $2.3 billion in 2008 (in constant 2000 dollars) .
Focusing specifically on the Securities and Exchange Commission—the agency at the center of Wall Street regulation—budget outlays under President George W. Bush increased in real terms by more than 76 percent, from $357 million to $629 million (2000 dollars) .
And the Glass-Steagall repeal wasn't a full deregulation, and indeed the act was largely a red herring, as Cato explains:
> Gramm-Leach-Bliley
> Central to any claim that deregulation caused the crisis is the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act. The core of Gramm-Leach-Bliley is a repeal of the New Deal-era Glass-Steagall Act's prohibition on the mixing of investment and commercial banking. Investment banks assist corporations and governments by underwriting, marketing, and advising on debt and equity issued. They often also have large trading operations where they buy and sell financial securities both on behalf of their clients and on their own account. Commercial banks accept insured deposits and make loans to households and businesses. The deregulation critique posits that once Congress cleared the way for investment and commercial banks to merge, the investment banks were given the incentive to take greater risks, while reducing the amount of equity they are required to hold against any given dollar of assets.
> But there are questions about how much impact the law had on the financial markets and whether it had any influence on the current financial crisis. Even before its passage, investment banks were already allowed to trade and hold the very financial assets at the center of the financial crisis: mortgage-backed securities, derivatives, credit-default swaps, collateralized debt obligations. The shift of investment banks into holding substantial trading portfolios resulted from their increased capital base as a result of most investment banks becoming publicly held companies, a structure allowed under Glass-Steagall.
> Second, very few financial holding companies decided to combine investment and commercial banking activities. The two investment banks whose failures have come to symbolize the financial crisis, Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers, were not affiliated with any depository institutions. Rather, had either Bear or Lehman possessed a large source of insured deposits, they would likely have survived their short-term liquidity problems. As former president Bill Clinton told BusinessWeek in 2008, "I don't see that signing that bill had anything to do with the current crisis. Indeed, one of the things that has helped stabilize the current situation as much as it has is the purchase of Merrill Lynch by Bank of America, which was much smoother than it would have been if I hadn't signed that bill."
> Gramm-Leach-Bliley has been presented by both its supporters and detractors as a revolution in financial services. However, the act itself had little impact on the trading activities of investment banks. The off-balancesheet activities of Bear and Lehman were allowable prior to the act's passage. Nor did these trading activities undermine any affiliated commercial banks, as Bear and Lehman did not have affiliated commercial banks. Additionally, those large banks that did combine investment and commercial banking have survived the crisis in better shape than those that did not. | The bottom line is that there should be no reason that two people (or two members of different companies) shouldn't be able to make a financial contract with each other. The government should enforce contracts and protect property rights. But if people are to claim that allowing freedom of transaction contributes to an unstable market - it is only because the current financial system rests of the shaky foundations of fractional-reserve banks propped up by a cartelizing Fed. Any regulation or phony deregulation that doesn't address those foundations will miss the point. |
Superbird42 | gaming | t5_2qh03 | c0phbi2 | Yeah, like the video in Hammer2000's comment, don't play it like it's MW2. You're far more sluggish and multifunctional, and it's a game based around helping your team to win as opposed to camping and playing for yourself.
Every role has a support feature, and remembering to use that & assisting team mates is just as worthy as running to the front line and killing as many people as possible.
When you start out take it slow, try to learn the maps as fast as possible to avoid being a level 30 who can't sneak into a base because he only uses the main road.
Knife kills are slow compared to MW2; really slow! Use them if you need to reload but one more enemy comes through the door or if you've successfully snuck up on an enemy (But expect to miss sometimes at point blank). | Help teammates and take it slow [that's as fast as your guy can run anyway]. |
LG03 | gaming | t5_2qh03 | c0phh3a | I'll play the part of the anonymous elitist asshole for a minute and I fully expect downvotes for it. This video demonstrates neither effectiveness nor any spectacular skill. The player quite often runs around in circles, doesn't react to getting shot, tosses a med pack out in the open and waits to die, goes minutes with half a magazine spent without reloading and passes up or ignores kills. Seems to me like the player here is one of those people that just spam rezzes anyone in sight and I fucking hate medics that do this. Quite often I'm one of the only people rushing an MCOM and dying behind the enemy line, surrounded by many men, goes with the job. The last thing I want is for some idiot medic to come screaming in there and reviving me just so I can die again but that's just me ranting. | this player is mediocre at BEST and there's no reason to spend 20 minutes watching this.
Also as I watch part 2 he's one of those idiots that types team warnings/information in All chat. I just hate those people. |
JudgeHolden | politics | t5_2cneq | c0pmnlg | Through years of working in the construction industry I am good friends with several guys who did 10+ years and am acquainted with many more. The guys who get fucked with are almost always sex offenders (especially if minors were involved), snitches, or young and scared dudes who are not physically or mentally strong. Also, never accept any favors from anyone unless they're in your car. Finally, and this seems like something I shouldn't have to say but that people --especially on Reddit-- seem to always forget, most convicts are liars and it's often very hard to tell if you're getting a straight story out of them.
One friend who did 11 years at OSP tells me that they could almost always tell, as soon as a fish (new guy) walked on the yard, if he was going to make it or not. According to him, and other sources as well, if you're a smart and reasonably strong dude and can keep your wits about you and follow basic prison rules, you'll be fine. This particular guy I'm talking about should know too. When he first went down he was in his early twenties, was 5'6", white and had a "Blood Killer" tattoo on his back because he was an 18th St. Crip. At that time, in the early 90s, white guys in traditionally black or latino gangs were a brand new phenomenon and it wasn't something that was accepted. It's much more accepted now, but for the first two-three years of his 11 year sentence, he had to fight every time he left his cell. The white guys would beat him for being in a black gang, and the black guys would beat him for being in a black gang and if he wasn't a tough-as-nails little bastard, he would have been somebody's victim. (The white guys told him to cut the tattoo off. He never did, still has it today though he doesn't run with the Crips anymore) Fortunately for him he went down in Oregon and not California where he probably wouldn't have made it. Anyhow after a few years other white Crips started to filter into the system and they eventually became a well-established car at OSP. He told me another story about a new kid who came in, seemed alright, so they took him into their car, but someone else publicly disrespected him and he didn't "take care of business," so they straight up traded him to a giant black dude who was known rapist and who did in fact rape the crap out of him. Another time they sold a guy who they found out was a snitch. It's very very hard, but that's the way you have to be if you want to maintain respect and not get victimized yourself. If someone disrespects you, you don't have a choice, you have to fight. | I know a lot of convicts who've done serious time. Bottom line; it's very very rare that everyone doesn't know exactly who is at risk of ending up a bitch when they walk out on the yard for the first time. What that should tell you is that there really are a pretty obvious set of characteristics that lead to victimization, whether the victims realize it themselves or not. |
xeromem | worldnews | t5_2qh13 | c0pvrqm | To be fair, I was treated with the same attitude by Canadian customs and immigration a few years ago. I was told by my customer (a U.S. Company with Canadian offices) that this was common, so I came prepared with documentation from the company who was my customer as well as the on-site Canadian contact. Even then I was told to sit and wait until everyone else was processed, and it still took over an hour for them to let me go. It wasn't really fair to give me such grief, but they were just doing their job.
It looks like this woman's only mistake was not telling US Customs that she was there as a tourist, which would not have been a lie IMHO. | Canadian customs were meanies and hurt my feelings. |
buZZRd | worldnews | t5_2qh13 | c0pxjhk | I had a similar experience entering the U.S. for an unpaid internship. In fact, I was not receiving room and board, and had to pay those expenses out of pocket, and still had to spend several hours in U.S. Immigration trying to convince the (very nice and polite) border guard that I wasn't being paid or compensated in any way, except for a grade for completing an internship course at my Canadian university. I did try to do my research, but this situation wasn't 'volunteering' and it wasn't 'work', so I just drove to the border and sorted it out there. In the end, it was a printout of my bank balance that convinced him to let me in, something I included in my papers as an afterthought! | Same thing happened to me except that having money in my pocket convinced the U.S. border guards to let me in. |
Tusularah | politics | t5_2cneq | c0qfsmz | It's in there. $143 Million in Tax Revenue. Did you read it?
Yeah, I did, and it looked low, so I did a very rough, very quick, most likely incredibly inaccurate guesstimate of the numbers. I figured:
(400000 illegal adults)(0.75 rate of employment)($10000/per year on consumables/adult)*(.06 sales tax) = ~180m/year from sales tax (technically a TPT)
I then looked at the numbers that FAIR provided, and they listed the revenue from sales tax at 78 million, which was within a power of ten of what I got (so we're both based in the same version of reality), but still seemed low. So, I googled FAIR, and low-and-behold, they’re not exactly a group that’s unbiased when it comes to non-whites. Heck, these crazy crackers even embrace eugenics against minorities . So when I said “You know that study ignores the fact that illegals buy things” I was more trying to say that, “You know that study is going to ignore every positive economic effect that might result from illegals participating in the economy.” In a sentence: FAIR will low-ball benefits from consumer purchasing power, taxes, and the revenue provided by cheap labor.
As for the AZ deficit, considering how much AZ citizens are saving because your state is so addicted to illegal labor, you really shouldn’t be complaining. Plus, since you lot are so crappy about actually fixing the immigration situation, but rather choose this authoritarian window-dressing bullshit, I really think you only have yourselves to blame over your budget issues.
>Illegal resident does not pay taxes
Wait, you just accused me of not reading the article, and you whip this gem out? Jesus, my condolences to the poor, disappointed parents who raised you. Illegal immigrants do pay income tax and Soc Sec (suspense files), and since they tend to arrive in their prime working age and are not eligible for the two big social costs (Medicaid, Medicare), they’re much less of a drain then you've been brainwashed into parroting. Add to that the fact that they’re providing cheap labor to businesses, thus inflating your state economy, you really don’t have too much to complain about.
That said, if anyone should be complaining about tax burdens here, it should be me. You see, I’m a New Yorker. For every buck I give to the federal government, my state gets $0.79 back. You meanwhile, I’m assuming are an Arizonan. For every dollar you give the federal government, your state gets $1.19 back. So I have to say, before you bitch any more about Mexicans stealing your money - while you relax on your cheaply and well-manicured law, in front of your cheaply and well-built house, with your cheaply and well-cared for children being babysat by a nice lady possibly named Consuela - where the fuck is my 44 cents? | FAIR is a crappy source of economic analysis, illegals pay taxes, your state owes my state money.
EDIT: Added summary, and because I wanted to emphasize that you think illegals don't pay taxes. |
rasslinjd | Fitness | t5_2qhx4 | c0qe5n3 | Maybe go slow to start to get good form? However, many exercises are about explosion. Let's take a look at three of the most awesome exercises: squats, deadlifts, powercleans. For squats, you can go relatively slow on the way down, but you're gonna see better results if you explode back up. Again, maybe go slow at the beginning make sure you're using good form. Kinda the same for deadlifts. When lowering the weight, control it all the way down instead of dropping it, but then explode up. And with cleans and other power movements slow is the enemy. These are explosive exercises where you are getting that weight up as quickly and with as much power as possible. | Explosive movements are key and go against this slow concept. |
Subsets and Splits