what is non controlling interest on balance sheet
[ "Minority interest In accounting, minority interest (or non-controlling interest) is the portion of a subsidiary corporation's stock that is not owned by the parent corporation. The magnitude of the minority interest in the subsidiary company is generally less than 50% of outstanding shares, or the corporation would generally cease to be a subsidiary of the parent.[1]", "Minority interest It is, however, possible (such as through special voting rights) for a controlling interest requiring consolidation to be achieved without exceeding 50% ownership, depending on the accounting standards being employed. Minority interest belongs to other investors and is reported on the consolidated balance sheet of the owning company to reflect the claim on assets belonging to other, non-controlling shareholders. Also, minority interest is reported on the consolidated income statement as a share of profit belonging to minority shareholders." ]
[ "Balance sheet Balance sheet substantiation is a key control process in the SOX 404 top-down risk assessment.", "Balance sheet Historically, balance sheet substantiation has been a wholly manual process, driven by spreadsheets, email and manual monitoring and reporting. In recent years software solutions have been developed to bring a level of process automation, standardization and enhanced control to the balance sheet substantiation or account certification process. These solutions are suitable for organizations with a high volume of accounts and/or personnel involved in the Balance Sheet Substantiation process and can be used to drive efficiencies, improve transparency and help to reduce risk.", "Balance sheet Balance sheet substantiation includes multiple processes including reconciliation (at a transactional or at a balance level) of the account, a process of review of the reconciliation and any pertinent supporting documentation and a formal certification (sign-off) of the account in a predetermined form driven by corporate policy.", "Balance sheet Formally, shareholders' equity is part of the company's liabilities: they are funds \"owing\" to shareholders (after payment of all other liabilities); usually, however, \"liabilities\" is used in the more restrictive sense of liabilities excluding shareholders' equity. The balance of assets and liabilities (including shareholders' equity) is not a coincidence. Records of the values of each account in the balance sheet are maintained using a system of accounting known as double-entry bookkeeping. In this sense, shareholders' equity by construction must equal assets minus liabilities, and thus the shareholders' equity is considered to be a residual.", "Off-balance-sheet The formal accounting distinction between on and off-balance sheet items can be quite detailed and will depend to some degree on management judgments, but in general terms, an item should appear on the company's balance sheet if it is an asset or liability that the company owns or is legally responsible for; uncertain assets or liabilities must also meet tests of being probable, measurable and meaningful. For example, a company that is being sued for damages would not include the potential legal liability on its balance sheet until a legal judgment against it is likely and the amount of the judgment can be estimated; if the amount at risk is small, it may not appear on the company's accounts until a judgment is rendered.", "Balance sheet Guidelines for balance sheets of public business entities are given by the International Accounting Standards Board and numerous country-specific organizations/companies. The standard used by companies in the USA adhere to U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). The Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board (FASAB) is a United States federal advisory committee whose mission is to develop generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) for federal financial reporting entities.", "Recession Krugman discussed the balance sheet recession concept during 2010, agreeing with Koo's situation assessment and view that sustained deficit spending when faced with a balance sheet recession would be appropriate. However, Krugman argued that monetary policy could also affect savings behavior, as inflation or credible promises of future inflation (generating negative real interest rates) would encourage less savings. In other words, people would tend to spend more rather than save if they believe inflation is on the horizon. In more technical terms, Krugman argues that the private sector savings curve is elastic even during a balance sheet recession (responsive to changes in real interest rates) disagreeing with Koo's view that it is inelastic (non-responsive to changes in real interest rates).[18][19]", "Off-balance-sheet Citibank has USD $960 billion in off-balance sheet assets in 2010, which amounts to 6% of the GDP of the United States.[3]", "Quantitative easing Professor Willem Buiter of the London School of Economics has proposed a terminology to distinguish quantitative easing, or an expansion of a central bank's balance sheet, from what he terms qualitative easing, or the process of a central bank adding riskier assets to its balance sheet:", "Off-balance-sheet A bank may have substantial sums in off-balance sheet accounts, and the distinction between these accounts may not seem obvious. For example, when a bank has a customer who deposits $1 million in a regular bank deposit account, the bank has a $1 million liability. If the customer chooses to transfer the deposit to a money market mutual fund account sponsored by the same bank, the $1 million would not be a liability of the bank, but an amount held in trust for the client (formally as shares or units in a form of collective fund). If the funds are used to purchase stock, the stock is similarly not owned by the bank, and do not appear as an asset or liability of the bank. If the client subsequently sells the stock and deposits the proceeds in a regular bank account, these would now again appear as a liability of the bank.", "Chola government The Chola bureaucracy did not differ much from its contemporaries. However, what distinguished it was its highly organised nature. A careful balance between central control and local independence was maintained and non-interference in local government was sacrosanct.", "Balanced scorecard Organizations have used systems consisting of a mix of financial and non-financial measures to track progress for quite some time.[9] One such system was created by Art Schneiderman in 1987 at Analog Devices, a mid-sized semi-conductor company; the Analog Devices Balanced Scorecard.[5] Schneiderman's design was similar to what is now recognised as a \"First Generation\" Balanced Scorecard design.[8]", "Flow of funds Flow of funds accounts are a system of interrelated balance sheets for a nation, calculated periodically. There are two types of balance sheets: those showing", "Depreciation Without an accumulated depreciation account on the balance sheet, depreciation expense is usually charged against the relevant asset directly. The values of the fixed assets stated on the balance sheet will decline, even if the business has not invested in or disposed of any assets. The amounts will roughly approximate fair value. Otherwise, depreciation expense is charged against accumulated depreciation. Showing accumulated depreciation separately on the balance sheet has the effect of preserving the historical cost of assets on the balance sheet. If there have been no investments or dispositions in fixed assets for the year, then the values of the assets will be the same on the balance sheet for the current and prior year (P/Y).", "Federal Reserve System NOTE: The Fed balance sheet shown in this article has assets, liabilities and net equity that do not add up correctly. The Fed balance sheet is missing the item \"Reserve Balances with Federal Reserve Banks\" which would make the figures balance.", "Balanced scorecard There are few empirical studies linking the use of balanced scorecards to better decision making or improved financial performance of companies, but some work has been done in these areas.[52] Broadcast surveys of usage have difficulties in this respect, due to the wide variations in definition of 'what a balanced scorecard is' noted above (making it hard to work out in a survey if you are comparing like with like).[1] Single organization case studies suffer from the 'lack of a control' issue common to any study of organizational change – what the organization would have achieved if the change had not been made isn't known, so it is difficult to attribute changes observed over time to a single intervention (such as introducing a balanced scorecard). However, such studies as have been done have typically found balanced scorecard to be useful.[9][28]", "Provision (accounting) Sometimes in IFRS, but not in GAAP, the term reserve is used instead of provision. Such a use is, however, inconsistent with the terminology suggested by International Accounting Standards Board.[citation needed] The term \"reserve\" can be a confusing accounting term. In accounting, a reserve is always an account with a credit balance in the entity's Equity on the Balance Sheet, while to non-professionals it has the connotation of a pool of cash set aside to meet a future liability (a debit balance).", "Government budget balance The government budget balance is further differentiated into the primary balance and the structural balance (also known as cyclically-adjusted balance). The primary budget balance equals the government budget balance before interest payments. The structural budget balances attempts to adjust for the impacts of the real GDP changes in the national economy.", "Government policies and the subprime mortgage crisis However, depository banks had moved sizable amounts of assets and liabilities off-balance sheet, via complex legal entities called special purpose vehicles. This allowed the banks to remove these amounts from the capital requirements computation, allowing them to take on more risk, but make higher profits during the pre-crisis boom period. When these off-balance sheet vehicles encountered difficulties beginning in 2007, many depository banks were required to cover their losses.[26] Martin Wolf wrote in June 2009: \"...an enormous part of what banks did in the early part of this decade – the off-balance-sheet vehicles, the derivatives and the 'shadow banking system' itself – was to find a way round regulation.\"[27]", "Balance of payments Especially in older balance sheets, a common division was between visible and invisible entries. Visible trade recorded imports and exports of physical goods (entries for trade in physical goods excluding services is now often called the merchandise balance). Invisible trade would record international buying and selling of services, and sometimes would be grouped with transfer and factor income as invisible earnings.[2]", "Balance sheet Under IFRS items are always shown based on liquidity from the least liquid assets at the top, usually land and buildings to the most liquid, i.e. cash. Then liabilities and equity continue from the most immediate liability to be paid (usual account payable) to the least i.e. long term debt such a mortgages and owner's equity at the very bottom.[17]", "Balance sheet Regarding the items in equity section, the following disclosures are required:", "Process control To determine the fundamental model for any process, the inputs and outputs of the system are defined differently than for other chemical processes[5]. The balance equations are defined by the control inputs and outputs rather than the material inputs. The control model is a set of equations used to predict the behavior of a system and can help determine what the response to change will be.", "Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization Costs for exploration are varied by methods and costs. Removal of the exploration portion of the balance sheet allows for a better comparison between the energy companies.", "Financial accounting Accounting standards often set out a general format that companies are expected to follow when presenting their balance sheets. International Financial Reporting Standards normally require that companies report current assets and liabilities separately from non-current amounts.[6][7]", "Sheet metal Photochemical machining, also known as photo etching, is a tightly controlled corrosion process which is used to produce complex metal parts from sheet metal with very fine detail. The photo etching process involves photo sensitive polymer being applied to a raw metal sheet. Using CAD designed photo-tools as stencils, the metal is exposed to UV light to leave a design pattern, which is developed and etched from the metal sheet.", "Interest For example, imagine that a credit card holder has an outstanding balance of $2500 and that the simple annual interest rate is 12.99% per annum, applied monthly, so the frequency of applying interest is 12 per year. Over one month,", "Canada Pension Plan Unlike most pension plans, the unfunded liability is not reported on the balance sheet of the Canada Pension Plan's financial statements. [19] Consequently, the balance sheet reports that the CPP's assets exceed its liabilities by $269 billion as at March 31, 2015.", "Sheet metal In most of the world, sheet metal thickness is consistently specified in millimeters. In the US, the thickness of sheet metal is commonly specified by a traditional, non-linear measure known as its gauge. The larger the gauge number, the thinner the metal. Commonly used steel sheet metal ranges from 30 gauge to about 7 gauge. Gauge differs between ferrous (iron based) metals and nonferrous metals such as aluminum or copper; copper thickness, for example is measured in ounces, which represents the weight of copper contained in an area of one square foot.", "Sufi whirling The tanoura tradition has attracted some interest from Westerners in the belly dancing community. These performers include both men and women, solo and in groups. Such performances may be augmented with pyrotechnics or props, such as veils, wings and ribbons.[14][non-primary source needed] The techniques used in Egyptian Tanoura can also be adopted by belly dancers to help with their balance and control dizziness.[citation needed]", "Antarctic ice sheet If the transfer of the ice from the land to the sea is balanced by snow falling back on the land then there will be no net contribution to global sea levels. The general trend shows that a warming climate in the southern hemisphere would transport more moisture to Antarctica, causing the interior ice sheets to grow, while calving events along the coast will increase, causing these areas to shrink. A 2006 paper derived from satellite data, measuring changes in the gravity of the ice mass, suggests that the total amount of ice in Antarctica has begun decreasing in the past few years.[16] A 2008 study compared the ice leaving the ice sheet, by measuring the ice velocity and thickness along the coast, to the amount of snow accumulation over the continent. This found that the East Antarctic Ice Sheet was in balance but the West Antarctic Ice Sheet was losing mass. This was largely due to acceleration of ice streams such as Pine Island Glacier. These results agree closely with the gravity changes.[17][18] An estimate published in November 2012 and based on the GRACE data as well as on an improved glacial isostatic adjustment model discussed systematic uncertainty in the estimates, and by studying 26 separate regions, estimated an average yearly mass loss of 69 ± 18 Gt/y from 2002 to 2010. The mass loss was geographically uneven, mainly occurring along the Amundsen Sea coast, while the West Antarctic Ice Sheet mass was roughly constant and the East Antarctic Ice Sheet gained in mass.[19]", "International Financial Reporting Standards Phase 2: Opening balance sheet as of 1 April 2012*", "Federal Reserve System Below is the balance sheet as of July 6, 2011 (in billions of dollars):", "Liability (financial accounting) Liabilities are reported on a balance sheet and are usually divided into two categories:", "Asset-based lending Still another subset of a collateralized loan is a pledging of receivables and an assignment of receivables as collateral for the debt. In these instances, receivables are transferred to the lender when they are pledged as collateral. When the receivables are pledged as collateral, or assigned with the condition that the lender has recourse in the event the receivables are uncollectible, the receivables continue to be reported as the borrower's asset on the borrower's balance sheet and only a footnote is required to indicate these receivables are used as collateral for debt. The debt is reported as a liability on the borrower's balance sheet and as an asset (specifically, a receivable) on the lender’s balance sheet.", "Federal Reserve Below is the balance sheet as of 6 July 2011[update] (in billions of dollars):", "Interest The outstanding balance Bn of a loan after n regular payments increases each period by a growth factor according to the periodic interest, and then decreases by the amount paid p at the end of each period:", "Inventory Finished goods inventories remain balance-sheet assets, but labor-efficiency ratios no longer evaluate managers and workers. Instead of an incentive to reduce labor cost, throughput accounting focuses attention on the relationships between throughput (revenue or income) on one hand and controllable operating expenses and changes in inventory on the other.", "Ice-sheet dynamics Ice shelves exert a dominant control in Antarctica, but are less important in Greenland, where the ice sheet meets the sea in fjords. Here, melting is the dominant ice removal process,[11] resulting in predominant mass loss occurring towards the edges of the ice sheet, where icebergs are calved in the fjords and surface meltwater runs into the ocean.", "Cash flow forecasting The three indirect methods are based on the company's projected income statements and balance sheets.", "Balanced scorecard The original thinking behind a balanced scorecard was for it to be focused on information relating to the implementation of a strategy, and over time there has been a blurring of the boundaries between conventional strategic planning and control activities and those required to design a balanced scorecard. This is illustrated well by the four steps required to design a balanced scorecard included in Kaplan & Norton's writing on the subject in the late 1990s:", "Partnership accounting The partners' equity section of the balance sheet reports the equity of each partner, as illustrated below.", "Non-vascular plant Non-vascular plants do not have a wide variety of specialized tissue types.[citation needed] Mosses and leafy liverworts have structures that look like leaves, but are not true leaves because they are single sheets of cells with no stomata, no internal air spaces and have no xylem or phloem. Consequently, they are unable to control the rate of water loss from their tissues and are said to be poikilohydric. These organisms do, however, have an elementary cuticle which was important in the evolution of land plants.[1]", "Accounting liquidity For a corporation with a published balance sheet there are various ratios used to calculate a measure of liquidity. These include the following:", "Sea level rise In 2002, Eric Rignot and R.H. Thomas found that the West Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets were losing mass, while the East Antarctic ice sheet was close to in balance (they could not determine the sign of the mass balance for The East Antarctic ice sheet).[62] Kwok and Comiso (J. Climate, v15, 487–501, 2002) also discovered that temperature and pressure anomalies around West Antarctica and on the other side of the Antarctic Peninsula correlate with recent Southern Oscillation events.", "Balance of payments The balance of payments, also known as balance of international payments and abbreviated B.O.P. or BoP, of a country is the record of all economic transactions between the residents of the country and the rest of world in a particular period of time (over a quarter of a year or more commonly over a year). The balance of payments is a summary of all monetary transactions between a country and rest of the world. These transactions are made by individuals, firms and government bodies. Thus the balance of payments includes all external visible and non-visible transactions of a country. It is an important issue to be studied, especially in international financial management field, for a few reasons.", "Goodwill (accounting) Previously, companies could structure many acquisition transactions to determine the choice between two accounting methods to record a business combination: purchase accounting or pooling-of-interests accounting. Pooling-of-interests method combined the book value of assets and liabilities of the two companies to create the new balance sheet of the combined companies. It therefore did not distinguish between who is buying whom. It also did not record the price the acquiring company had to pay for the acquisition. Since 2001, U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (FAS 141) no longer allows the pooling-of-interests method.", "Accounts receivable On a company's balance sheet, accounts receivable are the money owed to that company by entities outside of the company. Account receivables are classified as current assets assuming that they are due within one calendar year or fiscal year. To record a journal entry for a sale on account, one must debit a receivable and credit a revenue account. When the customer pays off their accounts, one debits cash and credits the receivable in the journal entry. The ending balance on the trial balance sheet for accounts receivable is usually a debit.", "Statement of changes in equity Therefore, the statement of retained earnings uses information from the income statement and provides information to the balance sheet.", "Safety data sheet The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations govern the use of hazardous substances in the workplace in the UK and specifically require an assessment of the use of a substance.[21] Regulation 12 requires that an employer provides employees with information, instruction and training for people exposed to hazardous substances. This duty would be very nearly impossible without the data sheet as a starting point. It is important for employers therefore to insist on receiving a data sheet from a supplier of a substance.", "Statement of changes in equity The statement is expected under the generally accepted accounting principles and explains the owners' equity shown on the balance sheet, where:", "Public–private partnership A 2008 report by PriceWaterhouseCoopers argued that the comparison between public and private borrowing rates is not fair, because there are \"constraints on public borrowing\", which may imply that public borrowing is too high, and so PFI projects can be beneficial by not putting debt directly on government books.[40] The fact that PPPs debt is not recorded as debt and remains largely \"off balance sheet\" is a raising concern. Indeed, keeping the PPP project and its contingent liabilities ‘off balance sheet,’ means that the true cost of the project is hidden[41]. According to the IMF, economic ownership of the asset should determine whether to record PPP-related assets and liabilities in the government’s or the private corporation’s balance sheet is not straightforward[42].", "Sheet music Many software products for modern digital audio workstation and scorewriters for general personal computers support generation of sheet music from MIDI files, by a performer playing the notes on a MIDI-equipped keyboard or other MIDI controller or by manual entry using a mouse or other computer device.", "Nitrogen balance Nitrogen balance is the traditional method of determining dietary protein requirements.[5] Determining dietary protein requirements using nitrogen balance requires that all nitrogen inputs and losses are carefully collected, to ensure that all nitrogen exchange is accounted for.[6] In order to control nitrogen inputs and losses, nitrogen balance studies usually require participants to eat very specific diets (so total nitrogen intake is known) and stay in the study location for the duration of the study (to collect all nitrogen losses). Because of these conditions, it can be difficult to study the dietary protein requirements of certain populations using the nitrogen balance technique (e.g. children).[7]", "Statement of changes in equity Retained earnings are part of the balance sheet (another basic financial statement) under \"stockholders equity (shareholders' equity)\" and is mostly affected by net income earned during a period of time by the company less any dividends paid to the company's owners / stockholders. The retained earnings account on the balance sheet is said to represent an \"accumulation of earnings\" since net profits and losses are added/subtracted from the account from period to period.", "Cascading Style Sheets One of the goals of CSS is to allow users greater control over presentation. Someone who finds red italic headings difficult to read may apply a different style sheet. Depending on the browser and the web site, a user may choose from various style sheets provided by the designers, or may remove all added styles and view the site using the browser's default styling, or may override just the red italic heading style without altering other attributes.", "Balanced scorecard The first generation of balanced scorecard designs used a \"four perspective\" approach to identify what measures to use to track the implementation of strategy. `The original four \"perspectives\" proposed[6] were:", "Engine balance A proportion of the reciprocating weight is balanced with the addition of an extra revolving weight in the wheel, i.e. still only balanced statically. The overbalance causes what is known as hammer blow or dynamic augment, both terms having the same definition as given in the following references. Hammer blow varies about the static mean, alternately adding to and subtracting from it with each wheel revolution.[18] In the United States it is known as dynamic augment, a vertical force caused by a designer's attempt to balance reciprocating parts by incorporating counterbalance in wheels.[19]", "Treasury stock On the balance sheet, treasury stock is listed under shareholders' equity as a negative number. The accounts may be called \"Treasury stock\" or \"equity reduction\".", "Credit card Credit card issuers usually waive interest charges if the balance is paid in full each month, but typically will charge full interest on the entire outstanding balance from the date of each purchase if the total balance is not paid.", "Ice sheet An ice sheet is a mass of glacier ice that covers surrounding terrain and is greater than 50,000 km2 (19,000 sq mi),[1] this is also known as continental glacier.[2] The only current ice sheets are in Antarctica and Greenland; during the last glacial period at Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) the Laurentide ice sheet covered much of North America, the Weichselian ice sheet covered northern Europe and the Patagonian Ice Sheet covered southern South America.", "Balanced budget Because of the multiplier effect, it is possible to change aggregate demand (Y) keeping a balanced budget. Suppose the government increases its expenditures (G), balancing the increase by an increase in taxes (T). Since only part of the income taken away from households would have actually been spent, the change in consumption expenditure will be smaller than the change in taxes. Therefore, the net change in spending (increased government spending and decreased consumption spending) at this point is positive, and the induced second and subsequent rounds of spending are also positive, giving a positive result for the balanced budget multiplier. In general and in the absence of induced changes in interest rates and the price level, a change in the balanced budget will change aggregate demand by an amount equal to the change in spending. Let the consumption function be", "Debt-to-equity ratio On a balance sheet, the formal definition is that debt (liabilities) plus equity equals assets, or any equivalent reformulation. Both the formulas below are therefore identical:", "Fixed rate bond There are a number of factors that you need to be aware of before choosing your account, for example, some accounts offer interest that it adds onto your balance monthly, which then accumulates more interest throughout the year based on the total balance. Other accounts pay the interest owed when the term ends, or pay the interest into a separate savings account on a monthly basis, so you will only be paid interest on the opening balance.", "Post-glacial rebound Recent global warming has caused mountain glaciers and the ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica to melt and global sea level to rise.[22] Therefore, monitoring sea level rise and the mass balance of ice sheets and glaciers allows people to understand more about global warming.", "Car controls In Formula One auto racing, many vehicle parameters can be set by the driver during a race. Controls for these are mounted on the steering wheel, and can include controls for: brake balance, differential, ignition timing, regenerative brake, rev limiter, and others.[15]", "Sheet metal There are many different metals that can be made into sheet metal, such as aluminium, brass, copper, steel, tin, nickel and titanium. For decorative uses, important sheet metals include silver, gold, and platinum (platinum sheet metal is also utilized as a catalyst.)", "Engine balance The effects of unbalanced inertias in a locomotive are briefly shown by describing measurements of locomotive motions as well as deflections in steel bridges. These measurements show the need for various balancing methods as well as other design features to reduce vibration amplitudes and damage to the locomotive itself as well as to the rails and bridges. The example locomotive is a simple, non-compound, type with 2 outside cylinders and valve gear, coupled driving wheels and a separate tender. Only basic balancing is covered with no mention of the effects of different cylinder arrangements, crank angles, etc. since balancing methods for 3 and 4 cylinder locomotives can be complicated and diverse.[10] Mathematical treatments can be found in 'further reading'. For example, Dalby's \"The Balancing of Engines\" covers the treatment of unbalanced forces and couples using polygons. Johnson and Fry both use algebraic calculations.", "Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 On January 7, 2009, the Federal Open Market Committee decided that, \"the size of the balance sheet and level of excess reserves would need to be reduced.\"[160] On January 13, Ben Bernanke said, \"In principle, the interest rate the Fed pays on bank reserves should set a floor on the overnight interest rate, as banks should be unwilling to lend reserves at a rate lower than they can receive from the Fed. In practice, the federal funds rate has fallen somewhat below the interest rate on reserves in recent months, reflecting the very high volume of excess reserves, the inexperience of banks with the new regime, and other factors. However, as excess reserves decline, financial conditions normalize, and banks adapt to the new regime, we expect the interest rate paid on reserves to become an effective instrument for controlling the federal funds rate.\"[161] The same day, Financial Week said Mr. Bernanke admitted that a huge increase in banks' excess reserves is stifling the Fed's monetary policy moves and its efforts to revive private sector lending.[162]", "Asset Also referred to as PPE (property, plant, and equipment), these are purchased for continued and long-term use in earning profit in a business. This group includes as an asset land, buildings, machinery, furniture, tools, IT equipment, e.g., laptops, and certain wasting resources e.g., timberland and minerals. They are written off against profits over their anticipated life by charging depreciation expenses (with exception of land assets). Accumulated depreciation is shown in the face of the balance sheet or in the notes. An asset is an important factor in a balance sheet.", "Flight control surfaces A control horn is a section of control surface which projects ahead of the pivot point. It generates a force which tends to increase the surface's deflection thus reducing the control pressure experienced by the pilot. Control horns may also incorporate a counterweight which helps to balance the control and prevent it from \"fluttering\" in the airstream. Some designs feature separate anti-flutter weights.", "Sheet bend One type of weaver's knot is topologically equivalent to a sheet bend, but is tied (usually in smaller stuff) with a different approach. Sheet bends are also used for netting.", "Deposit account In the audited financial statements of the bank, the $100 in currency would be shown on the balance sheet as an asset of the bank and the deposit account would be shown as a liability owed by the bank to its customer. The bank's financial statement reflects the economic substance of the transaction—which is that the bank has borrowed $100 from its depositor and has contractually obliged itself to repay the customer according to the terms of the agreement. These \"physical\" reserve funds may be held as deposits at the relevant central bank and will receive interest as per monetary policy.", "Watch A mechanical movement uses an escapement mechanism to control and limit the unwinding and winding parts of a spring, converting what would otherwise be a simple unwinding into a controlled and periodic energy release. A mechanical movement also uses a balance wheel together with the balance spring (also known as a hairspring) to control motion of the gear system of the watch in a manner analogous to the pendulum of a pendulum clock. The tourbillon, an optional part for mechanical movements, is a rotating frame for the escapement, which is used to cancel out or reduce the effects of gravitational bias to the timekeeping. Due to the complexity of designing a tourbillon, they are very expensive, and only found in prestigious watches.", "Controlling account For example, \"accounts receivable\" is the controlling account for the accounts receivable subsidiary ledger. In this subsidiary ledger, each credit customer has his own account with its own balance. Thus, while the \"accounts receivable balance\" can report how much the company is owed, the accounts receivable subsidiary ledger can report how much is owed from each credit customer.", "Deferred tax An asset on a company's balance sheet that may be used to reduce any subsequent period's income tax expense. Deferred tax assets can arise due to net loss carryover.", "Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act The title requires that in determining capital requirements for regulated organizations, off-balance-sheet activities shall be taken into consideration, being those things that create an accounting liability such as, but not limited to:\"[170]", "Income statement One important thing to remember about an income statement is that it represents a period of time like the cash flow statement. This contrasts with the balance sheet, which represents a single moment in time.", "Balanced scorecard Design methods for balanced scorecards continue to evolve and adapt to reflect the deficiencies in the currently used methods, and the particular needs of communities of interest (e.g. NGO's and government departments have found the third generation methods embedded in results-based management more useful than first or second generation design methods).[32]", "Federal Reserve System When these tools are used to drain reserves from the banking system, they do so by replacing bank reserves with other liabilities; the asset side and the overall size of the Federal Reserve's balance sheet remain unchanged. If necessary, as a means of applying monetary restraint, the Federal Reserve also has the option of redeeming or selling securities. The redemption or sale of securities would have the effect of reducing the size of the Federal Reserve's balance sheet as well as further reducing the quantity of reserves in the banking system. Restoring the size and composition of the balance sheet to a more normal configuration is a longer-term objective of our policies. In any case, the sequencing of steps and the combination of tools that the Federal Reserve uses as it exits from its currently very accommodative policy stance will depend on economic and financial developments and on our best judgments about how to meet the Federal Reserve's dual mandate of maximum employment and price stability.", "Federal Reserve When these tools are used to drain reserves from the banking system, they do so by replacing bank reserves with other liabilities; the asset side and the overall size of the Federal Reserve's balance sheet remain unchanged. If necessary, as a means of applying monetary restraint, the Federal Reserve also has the option of redeeming or selling securities. The redemption or sale of securities would have the effect of reducing the size of the Federal Reserve's balance sheet as well as further reducing the quantity of reserves in the banking system. Restoring the size and composition of the balance sheet to a more normal configuration is a longer-term objective of our policies. In any case, the sequencing of steps and the combination of tools that the Federal Reserve uses as it exits from its currently very accommodative policy stance will depend on economic and financial developments and on our best judgments about how to meet the Federal Reserve's dual mandate of maximum employment and price stability.", "Net operating assets Net operating assets (NOA) are a business's operating assets minus its operating liabilities. NOA is calculated by reformatting the balance sheet so that operating activities are separated from financing activities. 于悦今生大傻子This is done so that the operating performance of the business can be isolated and valued independently of the financing performance. Financing activities do not create value unless the company is in the finance industry, therefore reformatting the balance sheet allows investors to value just the operating activities and hence get a more accurate valuation of the company.", "Balance of power (international relations) In 1942, Robert Strausz-Hupé found that it \"is in the interests of the United States no less than that of humanity\" that the United States should be the only one \"geographical power nucleus\" from which a \"balancing and stabilizing\" power of arbiter be exercised. This \"will pave the way for a new and universal order.\"[84] Writing the same year in Life magazine, Joseph Thorndike tells about \"many observers\" seeking \"preponderant power in the postwar world\" to replace balance of power:", "Sheet music Use of the term \"sheet\" is intended to differentiate written or printed forms of music from sound recordings (on vinyl record, cassette, CD), radio or TV broadcasts or recorded live performances, which may capture film or video footage of the performance as well as the audio component. In everyday use, \"sheet music\" (or simply \"music\") can refer to the print publication of commercial sheet music in conjunction with the release of a new film, TV show, record album, or other special or popular event which involves music. The first printed sheet music made with a printing press was made in 1473.", "Western Union In 1987, Investor Bennett S. LeBow acquired control of Western Union through an outside of chapter 11 process that was a complex leveraged recapitalization. The transaction was backed by a total of $900 million in high-yield bonds and preferred stock underwritten by Michael Milken's group at Drexel Burnham Lambert as part of an exchange offer. LeBow installed Robert J. Amman as President and CEO who led a complete strategic, operational and balance sheet restructuring of the company over the subsequent 6 years.", "Non-compete clause The 2000 Ontario Court of Appeals case Lyons v. Multary established a general preference towards non-solicitation over non-competition agreements, regarding the latter as \"much more drastic weapons\" and held a non-competition agreement to be invalid when a non-solicitation agreement would have been sufficient to protect the company's interests.", "Control character These 65 control codes were carried over to Unicode. Unicode added more characters that could be considered controls, but it makes a distinction between these \"Formatting characters\" (such as the Zero-width non-joiner), and the 65 Control characters.", "Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd As of 2017, Islami Bank Bangladesh commands 90% of Islamic-banking assets and deposits in Bangladesh, is the country's biggest private lender overall, has 12 million depositors and a balance-sheet of $10 billion.[4]", "Foreign exchange risk Applying public accounting rules causes firms with transactional exposures to be impacted by a process known as \"remeasurement\". The current value of contractual cash flows are remeasured at each balance sheet date. If the value of the currency of payment or receivable changes in relation to the firm's base or reporting currency from one balance sheet date to the next, the expected value of these cash flows will change. U.S. accounting rules[5] for this process are specified in ASC 830, originally known as FAS 52. Under ASC 830, changes in the value of these contractual cash flows due to currency valuation changes will impact current income.", "Sheet music Classical musicians playing orchestral works, chamber music, sonatas and singing choral works ordinarily have the sheet music in front of them on a music stand when performing (or held in front of them in a music folder, in the case of a choir), with the exception of solo instrumental performances of solo pieces or concertos or solo vocal pieces (art song, opera arias, etc.), where memorization is expected. In jazz, which is mostly improvised, sheet music – called a lead sheet in this context – is used to give basic indications of melodies, chord changes, and arrangements. Even when a jazz band has a lead sheet, chord chart or arranged music, many elements of a performance are improvised.", "Sheet metal Fasteners that are commonly used on sheet metal include:", "Sheet bend Insecure (left-hand sheet bend[5])", "Sheet pan A sheet pan that has a continuous lip around all four sides may be called a jelly roll pan. A pan that has at least one side flat, so that it is easy to slide the baked product off the end, may be called a cookie sheet.", "Balance (ability) Body sway can occur in all planes of motion, which make it an increasingly difficult ability to rehabilitate. There is strong evidence in research showing that deficits in postural balance is related to the control of medial-lateral stability and an increased risk of falling. To remain balanced, a person standing must be able to keep the vertical projection of their center of mass within their base of support, resulting in little medial-lateral or anterior-posterior sway. Ankle sprains are one of the most frequently occurring injuries among athletes and physically active people. The most common residual disability post ankle sprain is instability along with body sway. Mechanical instability includes insufficient stabilizing structures and mobility that exceed the physiological limits.Functional instability involves recurrent sprains or a feeling of giving way of the ankle.[7] It is found that nearly 40% of patients with ankle sprains suffer from instability and an increase in body sway.[8] Injury to the ankle causes a proprioceptive deficit and impaired postural control. Individuals with muscular weakness, occult instability, and decreased postural control are more susceptible to ankle injury than those with better postural control.", "Recession A July 2012 survey of balance sheet recession research reported that consumer demand and employment are affected by household leverage levels. Both durable and non-durable goods consumption declined as households moved from low to high leverage with the decline in property values experienced during the subprime mortgage crisis. Further, reduced consumption due to higher household leverage can account for a significant decline in employment levels. Policies that help reduce mortgage debt or household leverage could therefore have stimulative effects.[20][21]", "Safety data sheet A safety data sheet (SDS),[1] material safety data sheet (MSDS), or product safety data sheet (PSDS) is an important component of product stewardship, occupational safety and health, and spill-handling procedures. SDS formats can vary from source to source within a country depending on national requirements.", "Historical cost Depreciation affects the carrying value of an asset on the balance sheet. The historical cost will equal the carrying value if there has been no change recorded in the value of the asset since acquisition. Improvements may be added to the cost basis of an asset.", "Bank The capital requirement is a bank regulation, which sets a framework within which a bank or depository institution must manage its balance sheet. The categorization of assets and capital is highly standardized so that it can be risk weighted." ]
how many episodes are in chicago fire season 4
[ "Chicago Fire (season 4) The fourth season of Chicago Fire, an American drama television series with executive producer Dick Wolf, and producers Derek Haas, Michael Brandt, and Matt Olmstead, was ordered on February 5, 2015, by NBC,[1] and premiered on October 13, 2015 and concluded on May 17, 2016.[2] The season contained 23 episodes.[3]" ]
[ "Chicago Fire (TV series) The network placed an order for the series in May 2012.[24] After receiving an additional script order in October, Chicago Fire was picked up for a full season on November 8, 2012.[25][26] On January 29, 2013, Chicago Fire had its episode total increased from 22 to 23.[27] One week later, on February 6, 2013, Chicago Fire received one more episode, giving it a total of 24 episodes for season one.[28] The pilot episode had an early release at NBC.com, before the series' premiere on television.[29]", "Chicago P.D. (season 4) Nick Wechsler joins the cast as Kenny Rixton, a former protégé of Voight's, for a multi-episode arc.[26] On February 7, 2017, it was revealed that Esai Morales will join the cast as Chief Lugo, a veteran of the Police Department who is trying to steer the CPD into a new style of policing. His first appearance will be in the three-way crossover with Chicago Fire and Chicago Justice, before recurring throughout the remainder of the season.[27]", "Chicago P.D. (season 1) On January 31, 2014, NBC ordered two additional episodes of Chicago P.D., bringing the total number of episodes for the first season to fifteen.[4]", "Chicago P.D. (season 2) Jesse Lee Soffer revealed that there will be a lot more crossovers this season between Chicago P.D. and parent show Chicago Fire; \"I think every episode from now on, they're going to have a couple characters from one show on the other\" he told media sources.[28]", "Chicago Fire (TV series) In February 2015, NBC announced plans to make another spinoff, the medical drama Chicago Med. A special backdoor pilot episode of the show aired during Chicago Fire's third season.[51] On May 1, 2015, Chicago Med was officially ordered to a series,[52] starring Oliver Platt, S. Epatha Merkerson, Nick Gehlfuss, Yaya DaCosta, Torrey DeVitto, Rachel DiPillo, Marlyne Barrett, Colin Donnell and Brian Tee.", "Chicago Fire Soccer Club In 2015, the Chicago Fire and then Comcast SportsNet Chicago agreed to a three-year deal, which includes 21 regular season and postseason matches for 2015.[59]", "How to Get Away with Murder (season 4) The fourth season of the American legal drama series How to Get Away with Murder was ordered on February 10, 2017, by ABC.[1] It began airing on September 28, 2017, with expected 15 episodes like the previous seasons.[2] This was made in a deal with Viola Davis that the series would be a limited series with only 15 or 16 episodes per season.[3][4]", "Chicago P.D. (season 2) Another crossover event aired on February 3 and February 4, 2015 starting with Chicago Fire and concluding with Chicago P.D..", "Chicago P.D. (season 1) Tania Raymonde was cast in the planned series as an Officer named Nicole. Kelly Blatz, the lead-actor of Disney XD's Aaron Stone, was also cast as a young but seasoned Officer Elam.[5] Scott Eastwood was set to portray Officer Jim Barnes. Eastwood also co-starred with Tania Raymonde in Texas Chainsaw 3D.[6] Melissa Sagemiller would portray Detective Willhite, a member of the Chicago P.D. Intelligence Unit.[7] LaRoyce Hawkins, in the role of Officer Kevin Atwater, was the only Chicago area actor originally cast in May.[8] These characters were introduced in the penultimate episodes of Chicago Fires first season.[3]", "Chicago P.D. (season 4) A three-way crossover between Chicago Fire, Chicago PD and the premiere of Chicago Justice aired on March 1, 2017, with heavy involvement from Chicago Med.", "Chicago Fire Soccer Club The Fire maintains an extensive development system, consisting of the Chicago Fire U-23 (Premier Development League and Super-20 League teams), the Chicago Fire Development Academy, and the Chicago Fire Juniors youth organization. They also operate the Chicago Fire Foundation, the team's community-based charitable division. Toyota Park is the Fire's home stadium.", "List of Chicago Fire characters In a Chicago PD episode \"All Cylinders Firing\", after Platt was a victim of brutal assault, Mouch goes to Chicago Med to see her and while there, was questioned by Voight and Lindsay. He took offense when he was labeled a suspect by them. But he affirms his innocence and demanded to know the truth about what had happened.", "Chicago (franchise) Chicago Justice follows the prosecutors and investigators at the Cook County State’s Attorney's Office. The Chicago P.D. episode \"Justice\" serves as the backdoor pilot. The series was canceled after one season.", "Chicago Fire (season 6) The show follows the lives of the firefighters and paramedics working at the Chicago Fire Department at the firehouse of Engine 51, Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61 and Battalion 25.", "Chicago Fire (season 2) The show follows the lives of the firefighters and paramedics working at the Chicago Fire Department at the firehouse of Engine 51, Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61 and Battalion 25.", "Chicago (band) The American cable music channel VH1 featured the band in an episode of its Behind the Music series, \"Chicago: Behind the Music,\" season 1, episode 133. The episode first aired on October 15, 2000.[82]", "Chicago Fire (season 1) On March 27, 2013, NBC announced plans for a proposed spin-off of Chicago Fire, Deadline reported they heard the spin-off would involve the Chicago Police Department, the spin-off series being created and produced by Dick Wolf, with Derek Haas, Michael Brant, and Matt Olmstead serving as executive producers.[32][33] It premiered on January 8, 2014.", "List of Chicago Fire characters Chicago Fire Department", "List of Chicago Fire characters Chicago Fire Department", "List of Chicago Fire characters Chicago Fire Department", "Chicago P.D. (season 5) The fifth season of Chicago P.D., an American police drama television series with executive producer Dick Wolf, and producers Derek Haas, Michael Brandt, and Rick Eid, premiered on September 27, 2017.[1] This season featured its 100th episode.", "Chicago Med (season 3) The third season of Chicago Med, an American medical drama television series with executive producer Dick Wolf, and producers Michael Brandt, Peter Jankowski and Andrew Schneider, premiered November 21, 2017.[1] This season will consist of 20 episodes.[2]", "How I Met Your Mother (season 1) The season was met with mixed reviews. On the review aggregation site, Rotten Tomatoes reported that 56% of critics gave the show a positive review, giving it a \"rotten\" score.[1] Despite the mixed reviews, the show appeared on several television best lists, including Time Magazine and Chicago Tribune.[2][3] The first season garnered an average of 9.47 million viewers per all 22 episodes in the U.S. Out of all regular primetime programming that aired during the 2005–2006 American television season, How I Met Your Mother ranked 51st out of 156, according to the Nielsen ratings system.[4] The pilot was watched by 10.94 million viewers,[5] while the finale was watched by 8.64 million viewers.[6]", "Chicago Fire Soccer Club Changes came quickly in Osorio's wake. On January 17, 2008, former Fire star Frank Klopas was named Technical Director in charge of player personnel, and longtime Fire assistant Denis Hamlett was appointed manager. While the Fire struggled at home in 2008 the team found unusual success on the road, gathering 22 out of a possible 45 away points. Momentum grew with the long-anticipated signing of Chicago native Brian McBride on a free transfer in July 2008. After disposing of the Red Bulls 5–2 in the season's final game, they decisively conquered New England in the first round of the playoffs with a 3–0 victory at home. This was Chicago's first playoff advancement over the Revolution in four consecutive seasons. But triumph only lasted for a week, as they again missed the league final with their 2–1 Eastern Conference Final loss to eventual champion Columbus.", "How to Get Away with Murder (season 2) The second season of the ABC American television drama series How to Get Away with Murder was ordered on May 7, 2015, by ABC.[1] The second season began airing on September 24, 2015, with 15 episodes like the previous season, and concluded on March 17, 2016.[2] This was made in a deal with Viola Davis that the series would be a limited series with only 15 or 16 episodes per season.[3][4] A promotional poster was released on August 18[5] and the trailer was released on September 10.[6]", "Family Guy (season 4) Season 4 received positive reviews from critics. Reviewing the season premiere, Mark McGuire of The Times Union wrote: \"... the first minute or so of the resurrected Family Guy ranks among the funniest 60 seconds I've seen so far this season.\"[51] The Pitt News reviewer John Nigro felt that the show had not lost its steam while it was on hiatus, and was surprised that the show had been canceled because of its \"wildly extravagant shock factor\".[52] Nigro cited \"Breaking Out Is Hard to Do\", \"Petarded\" and \"Perfect Castaway\" as the season's best episodes.[52] In 2007, BBC Three named the episode \"PTV\" \"The Best Episode...So Far\".[53] The episode has also been praised by Maureen Ryan of the Chicago Tribune, who called it \"Family Guy's most rebellious outing yet\".[54] The Boston Globe critic Matthew Gilbert felt Family Guy's fourth season was as \"crankily irreverent as ever\".[55]", "List of Chicago P.D. episodes Chicago P.D. is an American television drama on NBC spun off from Chicago Fire. The series focuses on a uniformed police patrol and the Intelligence Unit that pursues the perpetrators of the city's major street offenses. The series premiered on January 8, 2014. On May 10, 2017, NBC renewed the series for a fifth season, which is set to premiere on September 27, 2017.[1][2]", "Supernatural (season 7) In this table, the number in the first column refers to the episode's number within the entire series, whereas the number in the second column indicates the episode's number within this particular season. \"U.S. viewers in millions\" refers to how many Americans watched the episode live or on the day of broadcast.", "Rock Bottom (SpongeBob SquarePants) Series head writer of the first season Merriwether Williams said the episode's story is \"so simple.\"[4] She remarked \"To me, it's one of the best episodes. It just stayed with one idea.\"[4] The episode was about \"how he [SpongeBob] keeps missing the bus and how that makes him feel.\"[4] Williams said the episode was \"so small that you could explore gags and opportunities for gags.\"[4] The episode was an example of \"a good outline\" in the series where the storyboards and humor were done easily.[4] Williams said \"it was great for the board guys.\"[4] She added \"In many ways, my job was to create situations where the board guys could be funny, to create a situation that could be funny, and let them go for the actual, specific jokes.\"[4]", "Family Guy (season 4) The fourth season of the animated comedy series Family Guy aired on Fox from May 1, 2005, to May 21, 2006, and consisted of thirty episodes, making it the longest season to date. The first half of the season is included within the volume 3 DVD box set, which was released on November 29, 2005, and the second half is included within the volume 4 DVD box set, which was released on November 14, 2006. Volume 4 was split into seasons 4 and 5 in regions outside the United States, leading to confusion over season numbers between U.S., Australian, and UK consumers. The last three episodes of season 4 were the basis for the movie known as Stewie Griffin: The Untold Story, and are edited for content; Fox does not include these episodes in the official episode count.", "Game of Thrones (season 4) David Benioff and D. B. Weiss serve as main writers and showrunners for the fourth season. They co-wrote seven out of ten episodes. The remaining three episodes were written by Bryan Cogman (two episodes), and the author of A Song of Ice and Fire, George R. R. Martin (one episode).[14]", "Game of Thrones (season 4) Roles that were recast for season 4 include Michiel Huisman as Daario Naharis. Huisman replaces Ed Skrein, who portrayed the character in season 3.[26] Dean-Charles Chapman plays the role of Tommen Baratheon, King Joffrey's younger brother. Tommen was played by Callum Wharry in seasons 1 and 2.[27] Chapman appeared as Martyn Lannister in two episodes of season 3 (\"Walk of Punishment\" and \"Kissed by Fire\"). Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson was cast as Ser Gregor Clegane, called \"The Mountain\". Hafþór replaces Ian Whyte, who portrayed the character in season 2.[28]", "Bureau of Fire Protection The BFP has fire alarm levels to determine how many fire trucks should respond to the scene:", "Family Meeting The final episode and the final season as a whole received overwhelming praise from many notable critics.[2][3] Maureen Ryan of the Chicago Tribune said of the finale:", "Chicago Fire Soccer Club The \"Ring of Fire\" was established in 2003 by Chicago Fire Soccer Club and the Chicago Fire Alumni Association as permanent tribute to honor those who have made the club proud and successful over its history.[61] Aside from the initial member Piotr Nowak, only \"Ring of Fire\" members can select new inductees, and no more than one can be selected any year. Names and numbers (if applicable) are prominently displayed inside Toyota Park.", "Adventure Time (season 10) The season debuted with the episode \"The Wild Hunt\", which was viewed by 0.77 million viewers (this marked a decrease from the previous season finale, \"Three Buckets\", which was viewed by 0.85 million). The tenth season is slated to conclude with \"Come Along with Me\", a four-part episode that will also serve as the series finale. Critical reception to the season has been mostly positive, and the episode \"Ring of Fire\" was nominated for a Primetime Creative Arts Emmy Awards in 2018. Cartoon Network Studios and Frederator Studios produced the season. A DVD set containing the entire season is scheduled to be released on September 4, 2018.", "Our Lady of the Angels School fire The play entitled When Angels Wept by playwright Charles Grippo had two productions in Chicago in 2013 and was based on the Our Lady of the Angels School fire. The story is centered around a small group of survivors of the fire and how the tragedy affected their lives until present day.", "How to Get Away with Murder (season 1) The first season of the ABC American television drama series How to Get Away with Murder premiered on September 25, 2014 and concluded on February 26, 2015, with a total of 15 episodes. At the Television Critics Association Press Tour in July 2014, it was announced that How to Get Away with Murder would be a limited series with only 15 or 16 episodes per season.[1] The smaller size of episode count stems from the deal for the series star Davis.[2] On May 7, 2015, the show was renewed by ABC for a second season.[3]", "List of How to Get Away with Murder episodes As of March 15, 2018,[update] 60 episodes of How to Get Away with Murder have aired, concluding the fourth season.", "Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008 TV series) The first half of both Season 3 and Season 4 are diplomatic in nature; Season 3, in particular, has many stories that take place away from the battlefield. How different races and planets are affected by the galaxy-wide war are shown, as well as how the Republic Senate can make a bigger difference than even the Jedi Council at times. The first half of Season 3 is used mainly to make the Clone Wars series more cohesive as these first episodes created better chronology, setting themselves in and among the previous two seasons' episodes. The second half of both seasons, Anakin steps a little closer to the dark side. Meanwhile, the Sith experience turmoil among themselves.", "Chicago P.D. (season 4) Li Jun Li joins the cast as Officer Julie Tay for a three episode guest spot. She is set to replace Brian Geraghty's character Officer Sean Roman as Officer Kim Burgess' (Marina Squerciati) partner, after he left the series at the end of last season.[23] On September 28, it was reported that Jon Seda as character Antonio Dawson would move from P.D. to Justice, where Antonio will become an investigator for the SA's office.[24] It was further reported on October 5 that Seda's last episode of P.D. will be episode 8.[25]", "Kissed by Fire \"Kissed by Fire\" is the fifth episode of the third season of HBO's fantasy television series Game of Thrones, and the 25th episode of the series. Directed by Alex Graves and written by Bryan Cogman, it aired on April 28, 2013.", "How Your Mother Met Me \"How Your Mother Met Me\" is the sixteenth episode of the ninth season of the CBS sitcom How I Met Your Mother and the 200th episode overall. This is the only episode of the series in which the episode title was used instead of the usual opening that featured the cast and series's title.", "Chicago Fire Soccer Club Chicago Fire Soccer Club is an American professional soccer club based in the Chicago suburb of Bridgeview, Illinois. The team competes in Major League Soccer (MLS) as a member of the league's Eastern Conference, having moved to the conference in 2002.", "Chicago Fire Soccer Club For its first years in the league the Fire played at Soldier Field, the 61,500-capacity home of the Chicago Bears of the NFL and one of the main venues of the 1994 FIFA World Cup. While that stadium was undergoing a $632 million renovation, the Fire played at Cardinal Stadium in Naperville, Illinois, on the outskirts of the Chicago metropolitan area. They returned to Soldier Field toward the end of 2003, remaining there through the end of 2005.", "Hart of Dixie (Season 4) The season premiere was up from the previous season with 1.22 million people tuning in. The first episode had a 0.4 rating share for adults 18-49.[4]", "True Blood (season 4) The series hit record high ratings with episode 9 of season 4, titled \"Let's Get Out of Here\". The episode drew 5.53 million viewers, making it the most watched episode of True Blood to date.[11]", "Vikings (season 4) The fourth season consists of a double order of twenty episodes, split into two parts of ten episodes;[1][2][3] the second half premiered on November 30, 2016. The season follows the battles between Ragnar and Rollo in Francia, Bjorn's raid into the Mediterranean, and the Viking invasion of England. It concluded in its entirety on February 1, 2017.[4]", "Kenan & Kel The only DVD releases of Kenan and Kel that are currently available are the Best of Seasons 1 & 2 DVD and Best of Season 3 & 4 DVD. They are DVD-R Releases manufactured on demand though Amazon.com. Individual seasons are not available. The Best of Seasons 1 & 2 DVD is missing 3 Episodes (\"In the Line of Kenan\", \"Baggin' Saggin Kel\", and \"\"Safe and Sorry\"; all from season 1) to complete the set, but Season 2 is complete. And the Best of Seasons 3 & 4 DVD is also missing 3 episodes (\"The Chicago Witch Trials\", \"Freezer Burned\", and \"Who Love Who-ooh?\"; all from Season 3), but Season 4 is complete. These DVD releases are absent of any bonus features.", "The Lighthouse (How I Met Your Mother) \"The Lighthouse\" is the eighth episode of the ninth season of the CBS sitcom How I Met Your Mother, and the 192nd episode overall.", "Nannies (How I Met Your Mother) \"Nannies\" is the third episode of the eighth season of the CBS sitcom How I Met Your Mother, and the 163rd episode overall.", "List of Chicago Fire characters In \"The One that Matters the Most\", Boden contemplated moving up in rank after the CFD was considering promoting him. In \"One for the Ages\", after being encouraged by Casey and Severide to seek a promotion in \"The Unrivaled Standard\", he decides to run for Fire Commissioner of Chicago with the Mayor of Chicago endorsing him. In \"The Grand Gesture\", his run for the fire commissioner was stopped when allegations of bribery came into light. He then lost the campaign to Chief Carl Grissom when he became elected Fire Commissioner from the Mayor.", "Leroy Jethro Gibbs In the season 4 episode \"Singled Out\", McGee asks Gibbs how long he has been a special agent, to which Gibbs responds, \"16 years\". This contradicts Gibbs' statement in the JAG season 8 episode \"Ice Queen\", when in response to Harmon Rabb's question, \"How long have you been doing this, Gibbs?\", Gibbs responds, \"19 years\".", "How Lily Stole Christmas \"How Lily Stole Christmas\" is the 11th episode in the second season of the television series How I Met Your Mother. It originally aired on December 11, 2006.", "The Vampire Diaries (season 4) The Vampire Diaries, a one-hour American supernatural drama, was renewed for a fourth season by the U.S. channel The CW on May 3, 2012, seven days before the third season's finale. Unlike the previous seasons that aired in September, it premiered on October 11, 2012, to avoid competition from major television shows. Season 4 consisted of 23 episodes instead of the usual 22 episodes.", "1995–96 Chicago Bulls season The Bulls met rival New York Knicks in the Conference Semifinals. In the regular season, Chicago won the season series, 4–1. In Game 1 on May 5, the Bulls defeated the Knicks behind Jordan's 44 points.[28] Chicago would defeat New York again on May 7 to take a 2–0 series lead.[29] Playing at Madison Square Garden, the Bulls lost Game 3 in overtime, despite a 46-point offensive performance by Jordan.[30] In Game 4, Chicago defeated the Knicks by three points to take a 3–1 series lead.[31] To close out the series, the Bulls defeated New York at home behind double-double performances by Pippen and Rodman.[32]", "Great Chicago Fire The most popular and enduring legend maintains that the fire began in the O'Leary barn, as Mrs. O’Leary was milking her cow. The cow kicked over a lantern (or an oil lamp in some versions), setting fire to the barn. The O'Leary family denied this, stating that they were in bed before the fire started, but stories of the cow began to spread across the city. Catherine O'Leary seemed the perfect scapegoat: she was a poor, Irish Catholic immigrant. During the latter half of the 19th century, anti-Irish sentiment was strong throughout the United States and in Chicago. This was intensified as a result of the growing political power of the city's Irish population.[1]:442 Furthermore, the Protestant-founded United States had been distrustful of Catholics (or \"papists\", as they were often called) since its beginning[18][19][20][21][22] (main article: Anti-Catholicism in the United States); as an Irish Catholic, Mrs. O'Leary was a target of both anti-Catholic and anti-Irish sentiment. This story was circulating in Chicago even before the flames had died out, and it was noted in the Chicago Tribune's first post-fire issue. In 1893 the reporter Michael Ahern retracted the \"cow-and-lantern\" story, admitting it was fabricated, but even his confession was unable to put the legend to rest.[23] Although the O'Learys were never officially charged with starting the fire, the story became so engrained in local lore that Chicago's city council officially exonerated them—and the cow—in 1997.[24]", "How I Met Your Mother (season 9) The ninth season of How I Met Your Mother received mostly positive reviews from critics. The review aggregation website Rotten Tomatoes gave an 80% approval rating for the season with an average rating of 7.3/10, based on 10 reviews.[27] At the end of the season, Max Nicholson of IGN gave the season a negative review, writing: \"Many How I Met Your Mother fans felt betrayed after watching the series finale -- and understandably so after Season 9 spent 22 of its 24 episodes building towards a wedding that was basically meaningless. In retrospect, almost any other arc would have made a better foundation for Season 9, including the series finale. In the end, unbalanced storytelling, lack of focus and unfunny detours led to the show's eventual downfall.\"[28] Adam Vitcavage of Paste Magazine gave the season a lukewarm review, saying that \"Nothing was over-the-top funny, but it was a perfect combination of laughter and sweet moments that really do make up for all of the lackluster episodes in the past few seasons.\"[29]", "The Time Travelers (How I Met Your Mother) \"The Time Travelers\" is the 20th episode of the eighth season of the CBS sitcom How I Met Your Mother, and the 180th episode overall.", "Great Chicago Fire The fire also led to questions about development in the United States. Due to Chicago’s rapid expansion at that time, the fire led to Americans reflecting on industrialization. Based on a religious point of view, some said that Americans should return to a more old-fashioned way of life, and that the fire was caused by people ignoring traditional morality. On the other hand, others believed that a lesson to be learned from the fire was that cities needed to improve their building techniques. Frederick Law Olmsted observed that poor building practices in Chicago were a problem:", "History of the Carolina Panthers After a disappointing 2010 season, John Fox was fired along with most of his coaching staff 24 hours after the regular season concluded.[4] A few months later, the Panthers hired Ron Rivera as the fourth head coach in Panther history. Rivera was previously the defensive coordinator for the Chicago Bears and the San Diego Chargers.", "1995–96 Chicago Bulls season Chicago took on the Seattle SuperSonics, whose 64–18 franchise-best regular season record was overshadowed by the Bulls' 72–10 record. In the regular season, the two teams split the season series, 1–1. In Game 1 of the NBA Finals, Chicago defeated Seattle by 17 points.[37] The Bulls took a 2–0 series lead against the Sonics in the second game where Rodman accumulated 20 rebounds.[38] In KeyArena, Chicago won Game 3 behind Jordan's 36 points.[39] The Bulls lost Game 4 in a 21-point blowout on June 12.[40] On June 14, the Bulls lost against Seattle in Game 5.[41] Back in the United Center, Chicago defeated Seattle in Game 6[42] to win the NBA championship four games to two.", "How I Met Your Mother (season 4) The fourth season of the American television comedy series How I Met Your Mother premiered on September 22, 2008 and concluded on May 18, 2009. It consisted of 24 episodes, each running approximately 22 minutes in length. CBS broadcast the fourth season on Monday nights at 8:30 pm in the United States. The complete fourth season was released on Region 1 DVD on September 29, 2009. In the United Kingdom it aired on E4.", "List of Chicago Med episodes As of October 24, 2018,[update] 66 episodes of Chicago Med have aired.", "2016 Chicago Cubs season The 2016 Chicago Cubs season was the 145th season of the Chicago Cubs franchise, the 141st in the National League and the Cubs' 101st season at Wrigley Field. To celebrate their 100 years at Wrigley, the Cubs wore a patch on their home uniforms and wore 1916 throwback uniforms on July 6.[1]", "Chicago (band) In 2009, Chicago again toured with Earth, Wind & Fire.[87]", "American Idol (season 4) Season 4 of American Idol had an overall average viewership of 26.8 million and was the top show for the 2004–2005 TV season. Its Tuesday episodes averaged 27.32 million (ranked first) while the Wednesday episodes averaged 26.07 million (ranked third).[17] It also drove Fox, for the first time ever, to become the top network in the 18-to-49 demographic for the season.[18][19]", "Prison Break (season 4) The fourth season of Prison Break, an American serial drama television series commenced airing in the United States on September 1, 2008. It consists of 24 episodes (22 television episodes and 2 straight to DVD episodes), 16 of which aired from September to December 2008. After a hiatus, it resumed on April 17, 2009 and concluded on May 15, 2009 with a two episode finale.[1] The fourth season was announced as the final season of Prison Break, however the series returned in a limited series format as Prison Break: Resurrection, which premiered on April 4, 2017.", "Dewey, Cheatem & Howe In an episode of White Collar (Season 01 Episode 09, time index 0:05:41) the document that has the Judge's ID stamp lists the Plaintiff as being represented by \"Donald Dewey of the law firm Dewey, Chetham and Howe\".", "Younger (season 4) The season consisted of 12 episodes.[3] Just like the previous season, the fourth year stars Sutton Foster as the lead character, with Debi Mazar, Miriam Shor, Nico Tortorella, Hilary Duff, Molly Bernard and Peter Hermann co-starring in other main roles.[4]", "Chicago Fire Soccer Club On the field, behind Blanco and Wilman Conde, Osorio's central defender at Millionarios, the Fire went on an extended unbeaten run to close the season, easily qualifying for the playoffs but were defeated at New England in the Eastern Conference Final. On December 10, 2007, the Fire announced Osorio's resignation. He was named manager of the New York Red Bulls eight days later. Hauptman filed tampering charges with the league in protest, and the Fire were compensated by the Red Bulls with cash and draft picks.[4]", "Chicago Crossover \"Chicago Crossover\" was written by long-time Law & Order franchise writer Ed Zuckerman (teleplay), SVU executive producer/show runner Warren Leight and Law & Order: SVU creator Dick Wolf, and was directed by Steve Shill. This episode marks the first episode to credit Dick Wolf as a writer since the 100th episode of SVU, \"Control\", back in the fifth season. In this episode, Raúl Esparza (Assistant District Attorney Rafael Barba) and newcomer Peter Scanavino (Detective Sonny Carisi) were absent.", "One Tree Hill (season 4) The season premiere was seen by 3.64 million U.S. viewers and achieved a 1.7 Adults 18-49 rating, up 19% in viewers and 55% in demo from the season 3 finale.[3] Episode 2 hit a season high in the Adults 18-49 demo with a 2.0 rating,[4] while episode 10 hit season highs in viewers with 4.24 million.[12] The season finale was seen by 2.5 million viewers.[23]", "I Am a Singer (season 4) This episode is I Am a Singer Season 4 thirteenth time shows, is final round. Episode 13, in Beijing time April 8, 2016 at 8:30 p.m. in Hunan Television live broadcast.", "True Blood (season 4) As a special promotional broadcast, the season's second episode \"You Smell Like Dinner\" was made available on HBO Go a week earlier than usual. This, combined with the 4th of July holiday, is theorized to account for the dramatic decline in ratings for that particular episode.[4]", "List of Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters episodes (season 4) Between December 2005 and April 2008, Funimation Productions released the first 28 episodes of the season over three volumes of DVDs, each containing 7-9 episodes.[1][2][3][4] In late 2013, Cinedigm and 4K Media Inc. reached a distribution agreement that would result in the release of every episode from the Yu-Gi-Oh! franchise on DVD and Blu-ray and to digital retailers.[5] The complete fourth season, titled Yu-Gi-Oh! Classic: Season 4, was released on March 25, 2014, on DVD.[6] It was also released in two volumes, like the previous seasons, on the same day both digitally and on DVD.[7][8]", "A Study in Scarlet \"The Deductionist\", an episode of Elementary, contains many elements of Hope's case, including the motivation of revenge. The story was more closely adapted in the season 4 episode, \"A Study in Charlotte.\"", "Chicago Crossover The shooting of the SVU episode \"Chicago Crossover\" began on October 9, 2014 in New York City.[9] SVU cast members Hargitay, Pino, and Giddish shot the CPD conclusion episode starting October 22 in Chicago.[10]", "Windy City (nickname) The February 4, 1873, Philadelphia Inquirer called Chicago \"the great city of winds and fires.\"[6]", "List of Bravest Warriors episodes Season 4 was announced after the last episode of season 3 was uploaded.", "P.S. I Love You (How I Met Your Mother) \"P.S. I Love You\" is the 15th episode of the eighth season of the CBS sitcom How I Met Your Mother, and the 175th episode overall.", "Chicago The Chicago Police Department provides law enforcement and the Chicago Fire Department provides fire suppression and emergency medical services for the city and its residents. Civil and criminal law cases are heard in the Cook County Circuit Court of the State of Illinois court system, or in the Northern District of Illinois, in the federal system. In the state court, the public prosecutor is the Illinois State's Attorney; in the Federal court it is the United States Attorney.", "Chicago P.D. (season 4) Intelligence investigates in the wake of the warehouse fire that left Olinsky's daughter Lexi in critical condition. The team is on edge as they race to find the person responsible for starting the fire. After Lexi succumbs to her injuries, a grief-stricken Olinsky pitches in to track down the suspect. During a candlelight vigil for the 39 victims, Lindsay spots the suspect and, after taking him into custody, they hand the case over to Antonio Dawson (guest star Jon Seda) and Peter Stone (guest star Philip Winchester) at the State's Attorney's Office.", "Chicago In 1871, the Great Chicago Fire destroyed an area about 4 miles (6.4 km) long and 1-mile (1.6 km) wide, a large section of the city at the time.[50][51][52] Much of the city, including railroads and stockyards, survived intact,[53] and from the ruins of the previous wooden structures arose more modern constructions of steel and stone. These set a precedent for worldwide construction.[54][55] During its rebuilding period, Chicago constructed the world's first skyscraper in 1885, using steel-skeleton construction.[56][57]", "How I Met Your Mother (season 7) The seventh season of the American television comedy series How I Met Your Mother was announced in March 2011, along with confirmation of an eighth season.[2] The seventh season premiered on CBS on September 19, 2011, with two episodes airing back to back, and concluded on May 14, 2012.[3]", "Our Lady of the Angels School fire In 1959 the National Fire Protection Association’s report on the blaze blamed civic authorities and the Archdiocese of Chicago for \"housing their children in fire traps\" - their words - such as Our Lady of the Angels School.[citation needed] The report noted that both the Chicago School Board and the Archdiocese of Chicago continued to allow some schools to be legally operated despite having inadequate fire safety standards.", "Chicago Fire (season 5) 51 responds to an out of control warehouse fire with dozens of victims inside. The team races against time to try and save them all. One of the victims is Alvin Olinsky's (guest star Elias Koteas) daughter Lexi who was found in critical condition. Later on, 51 joins forces with Hank Voight (guest star Jason Beghe) and the police department when they discover that the fire was intentionally set. Also, Severide tries to get in contact with Anna.", "Chicago Blackhawks The Hawks' first season was a moderate success. They played their first game on November 17 when they played the Toronto St. Patricks in the Chicago Coliseum. The Black Hawks won their first game 4–1, in front of a crowd of over 7,000.[4] They ended up finishing the season in third place with a record of 19–22–3. The Black Hawks lost the 1927 first-round playoff series to the Boston Bruins.", "Grey's Anatomy (season 4) For the first time in the show's history, many cast changes occur, seeing the first departure of two main cast members. Despite garnering several awards and nominations for the cast members and the production team, the season received a mixed response from critics and fans. Show creator Shonda Rhimes heavily contributed to the production of the season, writing five out of the seventeen episodes. The highest-rated episode was the season premiere, which was watched by 20.93 million viewers. The season was interrupted by the 2007–2008 Writers Guild of America strike, which resulted in the production of only seventeen episodes, instead of twenty-three originally planned.[1]", "Gossip Girl (season 4) It was later announced that the show would stay in its Monday 9:00 p.m. timeslot as a lead-out to 90210.[3] The season premiered on September 13, 2010,[4] to a 1.0 Adults 18–49 rating and 1.84 million viewers.[5] The fourth episode achieved a 1.1 Adults 18–49 rating, the season's highest-rated episode,[6] while episode 11 was the most watched with 2.06 million viewers tuning in.[7] The season concluded on May 16, 2011, with 1.36 million live viewers tuning in.[8] On Metacritic, the season has a 75 out of 100 rating, indicating generally positive reviews by critics.[9]", "The Pineapple Incident \"The Pineapple Incident\" is the tenth episode in the first season of the television series How I Met Your Mother. It originally aired on November 28, 2005. It is the highest viewed episode in season 1 and the second highest overall episode during the nine seasons of How I Met Your Mother. It is widely considered of the best episodes in the entire series.[1][2]", "Smallville (season 10) The complete tenth season of Smallville was released on November 29, 2011 in North America in both DVD and Blu-ray format.[76] The DVD and Blu-ray box set were also released in region 2 and region 4 on October 17, 2011 and April 4, 2012, respectively.[77][78][78][79][80] The box set included various special features, including episode commentary, a documentary on the 200th episode called \"Smallville: Coming Home\", a featurette on Clark's father/son relationships over the course of ten seasons titled \"My Father, My Son\", and the music video \"How Do We Do\".[81]", "I Am a Singer (season 4) This episode is I Am a Singer Season 4 eighth time shows, is 3rd knockout round. Episode 8, in Beijing time February 25, 2016 recording, March 4, 2016 at 10:00 p.m. in Hunan Television broadcast. This episode, Coco Lee original order of performance is No.6, Jeff Chang original order of performances is No.2, then Coco Lee change the order with Chang Shin Che.", "Chicago Fire Soccer Club After the Fire moved to the Eastern Conference, meetings with Dallas and LA became less frequent. Rivalries with D.C. United and New England Revolution were stoked following several thrilling playoff meetings. The Fire and Revolution are MLS' most frequent playoff matchup, meeting in the MLS Cup Playoffs 8 different times in 10 seasons from 2000 to 2009, splitting those encounters 4–4, with the Fire winning in 2000, 2003, 2008, and 2009. New England ended the Fire's playoff runs in 2002, 2005, 2006, and 2007. Newer rivals include Columbus Crew, who are the closest MLS team geographically to the Fire, and New York Red Bulls following the departure of former Fire head coach Juan Carlos Osorio to New York in 2007.", "Tick Tick Tick (How I Met Your Mother) \"Tick Tick Tick\" is the tenth episode of the seventh season of the CBS sitcom How I Met Your Mother, and the 146th episode overall. It aired on November 14, 2011.[1]", "How I Met Your Mother (season 2) The second season of the American television comedy series How I Met Your Mother premiered on September 18, 2006 and concluded on May 14, 2007. It consisted of 22 episodes, each approximately 22 minutes in length. CBS broadcast the first three episodes of the second season on Monday nights at 8:30 pm in the United States, the remaining episodes were broadcast at 8:00pm. The complete second season was released on Region 1 DVD on October 2, 2007. In the United Kingdom it aired on E4 from October 2, 2009 weekdays at 7:30pm.", "The Limo (How I Met Your Mother) \"The Limo\" is the 11th episode in the first season of the television series How I Met Your Mother. It originally aired on December 19, 2005.", "How to Get Away with Murder (season 5) How to Get Away with Murder was renewed by ABC for a fifth season on May 11, 2018,[13] to premiere on September 27, 2018.[14] The season will most likely consist of fifteen episodes due to a deal made with Davis that the series would have only 15 or 16 episodes per season.[15][16] In July 2018, series creator and showrunner Peter Nowalk told Deadline Hollywood his plans for the fifth season, confirming that the wedding between Jack Falahee and Conrad Ricamora's characters would take place, as well as a flashback episode further exploring the marriage between Viola Davis and Tom Verica's characters Annalise and Sam Keating. Additionally, he stated that the season's flashforwards are expected to be \"twisty, and more fun,\" and tonally different.[17]", "The Lighthouse (How I Met Your Mother) Bill Kuchman of Popculturology praised the episode's ending, but said, \"No matter how beautiful and touching it seemed, it appears that HIMYM has screwed up its timeline.\" Kuchman cited the Season 7 episode \"Trilogy Time\" and noted how that episode showed Ted already having a baby daughter in 2015.[2] However, it ultimately transpired that there was no timeline error as shown in the series finale \"Last Forever\"." ]
who sings love will keep us alive by the eagles
[ "Love Will Keep Us Alive \"Love Will Keep Us Alive\" is a song written by Jim Capaldi, Paul Carrack, and Peter Vale, and produced by the Eagles, Elliot Scheiner, and Rob Jacobs. It was first performed by the Eagles in 1994, during their \"Hell Freezes Over\" reunion tour, with lead vocals by bassist Timothy B. Schmit." ]
[ "Love Will Keep Us Alive Although the song was never formally released as a single in the US, and thus was not eligible to appear on the US Billboard Hot 100 under the rules then in place, it spent three weeks at number 1 on the Billboard adult contemporary chart in early 1995[1] and reached number 22 on Billboard's Hot 100 Airplay chart. In the United Kingdom, \"Love Will Keep Us Alive\" was issued as a single and peaked at number 52 on the UK Singles Chart.[2]", "Love Will Keep Us Alive According to the liner notes that accompanied their 2003 greatest hits CD, this song was written when Carrack, Capaldi, and Schmit were planning to form a band with Don Felder and Max Carl during the late eighties or early nineties.[3] The band had the working name of Malibu Men's Choir.[4] This never materialized, so Schmit proposed the song for the Eagles' reunion album. According to Felder, they sent demo tapes to the Eagles manager, Irving Azoff, who rejected it as not good enough.[5] Felder thought it ironic that the Eagles would later record one of those rejected songs.[6]", "Love Will Keep Us Alive Paul Carrack recorded the song for his 1996 album, Blue Views; it also featured on his 2006 compilation album, Greatest Hits - The Story So Far.", "Love Will Keep Us Together \"Por Amor Viviremos\" would later appear on their May 1976 album Por Amor Viviremos, a Spanish track-for-track rerecording of their album Love Will Keep Us Together. It also appears on the 2002 Hip-O Records compilation album Ultimate Collection: The Complete Hits.", "Love Is Alive (Gary Wright song) The album's title cut and \"Love is Alive\" both peaked at No. 2 on the Billboard Hot 100 singles chart.[1] \"Love is Alive\" spent 27 weeks on the chart, seven weeks longer than \"Dream Weaver.\" Billboard ranked \"Love is Alive\" as the No. 9 song of 1976. In Canada, the song reached No. 6.[2]", "Hell Freezes Over The new song \"Get Over It\" became a modest hit, and another new song, \"Love Will Keep Us Alive\", reached No. 1 on the Billboard Adult Contemporary chart.", "Eagles (band) \"For the record, we never broke up, we just took a 14-year vacation,\" announced Frey at their first live performance in April 1994. The ensuing tour spawned a live album titled Hell Freezes Over (named for Henley's recurring statement that the group would get back together \"when hell freezes over\"), which debuted at number 1 on the Billboard album chart. It included four new studio songs, with \"Get Over It\" and \"Love Will Keep Us Alive\" both becoming Top 40 hits. The album proved as successful as the tour, selling six million copies in the U.S. The tour was interrupted in September 1994 because of Frey's serious recurrence of diverticulitis, but it resumed in 1995 and continued into 1996.[57] In 1998, the Eagles were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. For the induction ceremony, all seven Eagles members (Frey, Henley, Felder, Walsh, Schmit, Leadon, and Meisner) played together for two songs, \"Take It Easy\" and \"Hotel California.\" Several subsequent reunion tours followed (without Leadon or Meisner), notable for their record-setting ticket prices.[58][59]", "The History of Love The last chapter is entitled \"The Death of Leopold Gursky\" and is identical with the last chapter of the book inside a book The History of Love, both being the self-written obituary of Leopold Gursky. By ending the novel this way, Krauss is richly alluding to earlier parts of the novel and to her theme of how words keep people alive for us, indeed, make people in danger of becoming invisible, visible. Zvi Litvinoff carried Leo's self-written obit in his pocket for years, as a talisman guarding against Leo's death. Litvinoff, when preparing History of Love for publication, insists that his editor include the Leo Gursky obit at the end, his way of ensuring that Leo will continue to \"live\" in the hearts of all readers of the book. And finally, Nicole Krauss includes the same obit at the end of her novel, as a way of urging all readers to keep this Leo, and all Leos, alive.", "Love, Love, Love (Glee) \"Love, Love, Love\" was given mixed to positive reviews by critics. Miranda Wicker of TV Fanatic gave the episode a 3.5 out of 5, saying the episode \"was a technicolor return for the series, full of fun music for the audience to keep the audience singing along. But Finn Hudson's absence is evident.\" She commented negatively on the season's time-jump, saying \"[it] robbed the audience of some good moments,\" but commented positively on Blaine's proposal speech, calling it \"beautiful.\"[20]", "Love Is Alive (Gary Wright song) In 1989, New York rap group 3rd Bass sampled \"Love Is Alive\" for their song \"Wordz of Wisdom\" off their debut full-length album The Cactus Album.", "Love Is Alive (Gary Wright song) Chaka Khan covered the song as \"My Love Is Alive\" on her 1984 album I Feel For You. The track was edited, mixed and co-produced by John Robie.", "Don Henley In live shows, Henley plays drums and sings simultaneously on some Eagles songs.[41] On his solo songs and other Eagles songs, he plays electric guitar and simultaneously sings or just sings solo. Occasionally Eagles songs would get drastic rearrangements, such as \"Hotel California\" with four trombones.[42][43]", "2004 Philadelphia Eagles season weather= 54 °F (Cloudy) In Week 11, the Eagles faced the Washington Redskins for the first time all season. Using a steady rushing attack, the Redskins opened the scoring with a 35-yard Ola Kimrin field goal. The Eagles answered back with a touchdown – a 2-yard pass to a wide open Chad Lewis in the end zone. The Redskins got another field goal to make it 7–6, keeping pace with an Eagles team that had a sluggish first half. In the third quarter, the Eagles put together an impressive drive that ended with Donovan McNabb firing a bullet over the middle to Terrell Owens in the end zone. Brian Westbrook added two short yardage receiving touchdowns in the fourth quarter, breaking the game open and making the final score 28–6, prompting the Redskins to accuse the Eagles of running up the score after the game. It was not the Eagles' best offense performance, but McNabb, who fumbled and was intercepted, threw four touchdowns. Overshadowed receiver Todd Pinkston had 106 receiving yards, which led the team.", "I Could Fall in Love The first verse of \"I Could Fall in Love\" implores the object of the singer's desire to walk away, because her emotions are too overpowering and she feels love of unprecedented intensity. She fears that by allowing him to stay attached, she may \"lose control\". Selena believes that her infatuation can lead to romantic love. She then sings \"I could fall in love (in love) with you\" before wondering how she would feel if she were to touch him for the first time. The fear of being rejected and unloved leads her to keep her feelings to herself,[35] and she begins to believe that her love is \"not right\". She continues, \"and I guess I should try / to do what I should do / but I could fall in love / fall in love with you\". During the midpoint break, Selena sings in Spanish that she is always dreaming about him, imagining that he loves her. She sings the chorus twice before the song comes to an end without her ever having come to terms with her loved one.[26]", "Eagle Scout (Boy Scouts of America) Eagle Scout hat pins were produced from 1921 through 1958 with several variations.[39] Eagle Scouts who earned additional merit badges were recognized using Eagle Palms, introduced in 1927. Adults who had earned Eagle Scout began to be recognized in 1934 with a red, white and blue ribbon bar. In 1940, a small eagle pin was added to the bar. Ribbon bars were replaced by embroidered square knot patches in 1947.[40] Over the years, the knot was produced with various background colors to match the different uniforms. Although the Venturing and Sea Scout programs use different uniform shirts, the current knot is available only with a tan background that matches the Boy Scout uniform.[41] When the Distinguished Eagle Scout Award (DESA) was created in 1969,[42] a gold-colored eagle device was introduced for wear on the Eagle Scout square knot. The Eagle Scout Mentor pin was introduced in early 2004 in a gold-colored version. In early 2006 it was changed to a silver-colored antique finish to match the mother and father pins but in 2007 was changed back to gold-colored. In 2008, the National Eagle Scout Association (NESA) introduced a knot recognizing those Eagle Scouts who are life members of NESA; it uses the standard knot emblem with a silver border.", "War Eagle Another legend claims that \"War Eagle\" was the name given to the large golden eagle by the Plains Indians because the eagle furnished feathers for use in their war bonnets.", "Livewell A livewell is a tank found on many fishing boats that is used to keep bait and caught fish alive. It works by pumping fresh water from the surrounding body into the tank, as well as keeping the water aerated. A rule of thumb for determining the necessitated size of a livewell is that every one inch of fish needs a gallon of water if it is desired to keep the fish alive for a prolonged period of time.[1]", "The History of Love Zvi Litvinoff's perspective is introduced. In the past, a younger Leo wrote a letter to his old friend Zvi, asking for his manuscript of The History of Love to be returned to him. Leo had given Zvi The History before they parted, years ago. However, his wife Rosa informs him that the book was destroyed in a flood, choosing to hide that her husband did not write The History of Love. Zvi also describes an event where Leo fell gravely ill in Poland and wrote his own obituary, after which Zvi stole it in the hope that it would keep his friend alive.", "Eagle Psalm 103 mentions renewing one's youth \"as the eagle\". Augustine of Hippo gives a curious explanation of this in his commentary on the Psalms.[26] Moses, who spoke on Gods behalf, also expressed that an Eagle is unclean for consumption in Leviticus 11:13.", "Eurasian eagle-owl Eurasian eagle-owls are strictly territorial and will defend their territories from interloping eagle-owls year around, but territorial calling appears to peak around October to early January.[66] Territory size is similar or occasionally slightly greater than great horned owl: averaging 15 to 80 km2 (5.8 to 30.9 sq mi).[6] Territories are established by the male eagle-owl, who selected the highest points in the territory from which to sing. The high prominence of singing perches allows their song to be heard at greater distances and lessens the need for potentially dangerous physical confrontations in the areas where territories may meet.[66] Nearly as important in territorial behaviour as vocalization is the white throat patch. When taxidermied specimens with flared white throats were placed around the perimeter of eagle-owl territories, male eagle-owls reacted quite strongly and often attacked the stuffed owl, reacting more mildly to a stuffed eagle-owl with a non-flared white throat. Females were less likely to be aggressive to mounted specimens and did not seem to vary in their response whether exposed to the specimens with or without the puffed up white patch.[68] In January and February, the primary function for vocalization becomes for the purpose of courtship.[66] More often than not, eagle-owls will pair for life but usually engage in courtship rituals annually, most likely to re-affirm pair bonds.[14] When calling for the purposes of courtship, males tend to bow and hoot loudly but do so in a less contorted manner than the male great horned owl.[6] Courtship in the Eurasian eagle-owl may involve bouts of \"duetting\", with the male sitting upright and the female bowing as she calls. There may be mutual bowing, billing and fondling before the female flies to a perch where coitus occurs, usually taking place several times over the course of a few minutes.[24]", "Half of My Heart The lyrics of \"Half of My Heart\" are sung by both Mayer and Swift; Swift sings with Mayer in the chorus and in the song's bridge. The lyrics are about the duo, with half of their hearts saying they should continue to love each other, although the other half says they are not each other's true love, and cannot keep loving each other.", "Harpy eagle The harpy eagle was the inspiration behind the design of Fawkes the Phoenix in the Harry Potter film series.[65] A live harpy eagle was used to portray the now-extinct Haast's eagle in BBC's Monsters We Met.[66]", "Love Will Keep Us Together Dragon and Tennille acknowledged Sedaka's authorship — as well as his mid-1970s comeback — by working the phrase \"Sedaka is back\" into the song's fadeout, where the applause from the studio musicians can be heard. Their version would earn Sedaka and Greenfield a Grammy nomination for Song of the Year. Twenty years later in 1995, the duo would re-record the song for their Twenty Years of Romance CD.", "Boston College Eagles football The year 2001 saw Boston College end a 21-game losing streak to ranked opponents when, in the Music City Bowl, the Eagles beat No. 16 Georgia 20–16 to finish at 8–5.[43] But the most memorable moment of the year came in another thrilling game against then-No. 1 Miami at Alumni Stadium. Trailing 12–7 BC stood at the Hurricanes 9-yard-line, poised to win with just over 20 seconds left in the contest, but an interception thrown by Eagles quarterback Brian St. Pierre cost the game. St. Pierre threw too low for receiver Ryan Read, and the pass ricocheted off a Miami defender's leg and fell into the hands of defensive back Ed Reed, who returned it 80 yards for a touchdown—preserving a win for the Hurricanes and keeping its hopes alive for a national championship, which they would eventually win. Despite the heartbreaking loss, the season had several highs including running back William Green rushing for 1,559 yards and being the top RB taken in the 2002 NFL Draft; eight wins for the first time since 1993; and finishing the season ranked (No. 21) for the first time since 1994.", "Love Yourself Lyrically, \"Love Yourself\" is a kiss-off to a narcissistic ex-lover who did the protagonist wrong,[15][9] with Bieber singing in a snappy and spiteful tone[16] while \"hating on a girl for loving herself too much.\"[17] In the pre-chorus, he sings with a husky tone in the lower registers:[16] \"My mama don't like you, and she likes everyone,\" \"in a style that molds well to Sheeran's,\" according to Rolling Stone's Brittany Spanos.[1] \"And I [never] like to admit that I was wrong. And I've been so caught up in my job, didn't see what's going on, and now I know, I'm better sleeping on my own,\" he continues.[1] In the chorus, Bieber sings, \"Cause if you like the way you look that much, oh baby you should go and love yourself,\"[17] which according to Digital Spy's Amy Davidson, \"'love yourself' means 'go f**k yourself' in this context.\"[18] On March 7, 2017, composer Ed Sheeran stated on the Howard Stern Show that he had Rihanna in mind for the song at first, and the original lyric was indeed \"fuck yourself.\" [19] In the song's bridge, Bieber uses a \"brass-and-vocalese\" style.[20]", "Eagle eye Eagle weight varies: a small eagle could weigh 700 grams (1.5 lb), while a larger one weighs 6.5 kilograms (14 lb); an eagle of about 10 kilograms (22 lb) weight could have eyes as big as that of a human being who weighs 200 pounds (91 kg).[1] Although the size of the eagle eye is about the same as of a human being, the back side shape of the eagle eye is flatter. An eagle's retina allows for a higher Nyquist limit.[4] Its retina is more pronounced with rod cells and cone cells. In the eagle, the retina's fovea has one million cells per mm2 as compared to 200,000 per mm2 in humans. Eagles have a second fovea and three eyelids (two of which are visible).[2] The second fovea in eagles gives them better and sharper vision while the long, narrow ribbon-shaped area that connects the two eagle foveas is inferred to be a third fovea. The phenomenon of an eagle turning its flexible head almost 270 degrees,[3] while sitting or flying, is attributed to the fact that when its large head is turned fully its eyes are also turned, unlike a human.", "Golden eagle The golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) is one of the best-known birds of prey in the Northern Hemisphere. It is the most widely distributed species of eagle. Like all eagles, it belongs to the family Accipitridae. These birds are dark brown, with lighter golden-brown plumage on their napes. Immature eagles of this species typically have white on the tail and often have white markings on the wings. Golden eagles use their agility and speed combined with powerful feet and massive, sharp talons to snatch up a variety of prey, mainly hares, rabbits, marmots and other ground squirrels.[2]", "You'll Be in My Heart The song, originally called \"Lullaby\" is used in a scene when Tarzan's adoptive gorilla mother Kala sings that her baby should stop crying because she will protect him and keep him safe and warm. She says everything will be fine and she tells him that \"you will be in my heart always\". The song is about \"how love is a bond that cannot be broken\".[5]", "Double eagle In 1850, regular production began and continued until 1933 (when the official price of gold was changed to $35/oz by the Gold Reserve Act). Prior to 1850, eagles with a denomination of $10 were the largest denomination of US coin. The $10 eagles were produced beginning in 1795, just two years after the first U.S. mint opened. Since the $20 gold piece had twice the value of the eagle, these coins were designated \"double eagles\".", "List of social fraternities and sororities I am keeping the dream alive", "Eagles (band) Music writer turned filmmaker Cameron Crowe, an Eagles fan, had written articles about Poco and the Eagles during his journalism career. In 1982 his first screenplay was produced as the feature-length movie Fast Times at Ridgemont High. The film was co-produced by Eagles manager Azoff, who also co-produced the soundtrack album, released by Elektra. Henley, Walsh, Schmit and Felder all contributed solo songs to the film's soundtrack. The band playing at the dance toward the end of the movie covers the Eagles song \"Life in the Fast Lane.\"", "Who Do You Love? (Bo Diddley song) He also sings about a skull, a tombstone, a graveyard, and a scream in the night[2][3] to convey a sense of foreboding.[4] The use of the homonym \"who do\" is an allusion to \"hoodoo\", a Louisiana/Mississippi folk magic belief that events can be influenced by its use.[5] However, Bo Diddley uses imagery more common to the American Southwest, combined with exaggerated bravado.[6] He explained that the first line, \"I got forty-seven miles of barbed wire\", came to him quickly, \"but I couldn't get a rhyme for it. I thought of car tires and mule trains, and I couldn't get anything to fit. Then one day I said 'use a cobra snake,' and my drummer, Clifton James, added 'for a necktie'\".[1] These are directed at a female he is trying to woo – \"who do you love, me or him\".[4] The lyrics confirm the effect: \"Arlene took me by my hand, she said 'oo-ee daddy I understand', who do you love?\".[7]", "Love Will Find a Way (Disney song) The song is sung by Kovu and Kiara, who despite being from opposing tribes, fall in love. Kovu has just been driven out of the Pride Lands due to being falsely committed of a crime.[3] They sing about how their love will conquer all opposition and ultimately bring them together again.", "List of Warriors characters Brook has two brothers, Crag Where Eagles Nest (Crag), and Talon of Swooping Eagle (Talon). She is Stormfur's mate. She is the mother of Lark That Sings At Dawn (Lark) and Pine That Clings To Rock (Pine).", "Eddie the Eagle (film) Alonso Duralde of TheWrap wrote, \"Eddie the Eagle is designed for audiences who will throw their weight behind the film’s schmaltz and sentimentality. Anyone unwilling to commit to the movie’s shamelessness will feel like they’ve hit the ground headfirst.\"[26] KenyaBuzz called it a must-watch saying it is \"positively impetuous and unbearably affectionate.\"[27] A sportswriter who attended the events in which the real Eddie competed, wrote \"three generations of my family loved this film. You can't believe most of it, but you can believe in it. That's a subtle but important difference.\"[28]", "Wanted Dead or Alive (Bon Jovi song) In Bon Jovi's Slippery When Wet Special Edition, Jon and Richie perform the acoustic version of \"Wanted Dead Or Alive\" live, and before singing they mention they wrote the song in Richie's mother's basement a year ago (1985 or 1986) and Richie says \"Mom this is for you\" and Jon thanks her by saying \"Thanks for Richie's mom for not doing the laundry the day we wrote this song, it's called Wanted Dead or Alive\". In this version, Richie and Jon take turns singing during the second and the last verse. The guitar solo is performed on one of Sambora's trademark multi-necked 12 string Ovation guitars, rather than switching to an electric guitar for the solo and last verse of the song.", "Piece of My Heart Franklin said in an interview that when she first heard Joplin's version on the radio, she didn't recognize it because of the vocal arrangement.[6] Noted cultural writer Ellen Willis wrote of the difference: \"When Franklin sings it, it is a challenge: no matter what you do to me, I will not let you destroy my ability to be human, to love. Joplin seems rather to be saying, surely if I keep taking this, if I keep setting an example of love and forgiveness, surely he has to understand, change, give me back what I have given\". In such a way, Joplin used blues conventions not to transcend pain, but \"to scream it out of existence\".[7]", "We Sing of Only Blood or Love We Sing of Only Blood or Love is dominated by dark neo-blues rock songwriting structures, and also contains heavy metal, folk music, gothic rock, protopunk, and some experimental material. The album is a continuation of Riggs' musical evolution since fronting the Louisiana sludge metal band Acid Bath in the 1990s. Riggs uses a trained, rich vocal style most frequently sung in a blues-influenced baritone rasp. His lyrics contain various stylistic elements of metaphor and imagery, and touch upon personal and poetic subjects such as death, love, Satan, nocturnal hallucinations, mortality, phantoms, and morbidity.", "Deeper Than the Holler \"Deeper Than the Holler\" is a mid-tempo ballad in which the narrator describes his love for his woman. He starts by saying that he's heard many people sing about how they love their loved ones, and using metaphors to describe it. The man then decides to sing his song about how he feels about his lover.", "Philadelphia Eagles Merrill Reese, who joined the Eagles in 1976, is the play-by-play announcer, and former Eagles wide receiver Mike Quick, who replaced the offense lineman Stan Walters beginning in 1998, is the color analyst. The post game show, which has consisted of many Philadelphia sports personalities, as of the 2014 season is hosted by Kevin Riley, a former Eagles linebacker and special-teamer, and Rob Ellis. Riley was the former post-game host for the show on 94 WYSP before the WIP change over; Rob Ellis hosts a weekly show nightly from 6–10 on 94.1 WIP-FM. No announcement was made prior to the start of preseason regarding who would be the host(s) for 2015.", "Wedding of Prince William and Catherine Middleton In the busyness of each day keep our eyes fixed on what is real and important in life and help us to be generous with our time and love and energy. Strengthened by our union help us to serve and comfort those who suffer.", "First Love (2010 Thai film) First Love, also known as Crazy Little Thing Called Love,[2] (Thai: สิ่งเล็กเล็ก ที่เรียกว่า...รัก, Sing lek lek thi riak wa... rak, lit. \"A Little Thing Called Love\") is a 2010 Thai romantic comedy film and also a 2011 Asian sleeper hit film starring Mario Maurer and Pimchanok Luevisadpaibul. The story depicts love in the eye of young people who first experience it and how it affects their lives and their inspirations.", "Unit of length Horse racing and other equestrian activities keep alive:", "Eagle (Middle-earth) The eagles possessed a notable characteristic that distinguished them from other birds in early writings. Tolkien originally described that Eä, the World, was bounded by the Walls of Night, and that the space above the surface of the Earth up to the Walls was divided into three regions;[32] common birds could keep aloft only within the lower layer,[33] while the Eagles of Manwë could fly \"beyond the lights of heaven to the edge of darkness\".[34] The conception of the limited world and of the layers of the firmament was rejected during the writing of The Lord of the Rings.[35]", "Eagle Sea eagles or fish eagles take fish as a large part of their diets, either fresh or as carrion.", "List of 90210 characters Jane, portrayed by Kristina Apgar in season four, is a widow who becomes a love interest for Liam, but when it is found out that her husband is actually still alive, she returns to him.", "Eagle Despite filling the niche of a snake eagle, genetic studies suggest that the Madagascan serpent eagle Eutriorchis is not related.[20]", "Eagles (band) Schmit had a prolific solo career after the band's initial breakup. He had a hit song on the Fast Times at Ridgemont High soundtrack with \"So Much in Love.\" He contributed vocals to the Crosby, Stills & Nash album Daylight Again on the songs \"Southern Cross\" and \"Wasted on the Way\" when that band needed an extra vocalist due to David Crosby's drug overindulgence. Schmit sang backup vocals on Toto's Toto IV album, including the song \"I Won't Hold You Back\" and appeared with the group on their 1982 European tour. He spent three years (1983–1985) as a member of Jimmy Buffett's Coral Reefer band and coined the term \"Parrotheads\" for Buffett's die-hard fans. He had a Top 40 solo hit in 1987 with \"Boys' Night Out\" and a top-30 Adult Contemporary hit with \"Don't Give Up,\" both from his album Timothy B. Schmit appeared with Meisner and Walsh on Richard Marx's debut single \"Don't Mean Nothing.\" In 1992, Schmit and Walsh toured as members of Ringo Starr's All-Starr Band and appeared on the live video from the Montreux Jazz Festival. Schmit released two solo albums, Playin' It Cool in 1984 and Tell Me the Truth in 1990. He was the only Eagle to appear on the 1993 Eagles tribute album Common Thread: The Songs of the Eagles, singing backing vocals on Vince Gill's cover of \"I Can't Tell You Why.\"", "War Eagle Originally known simply as \"War Eagle\" this bird was retroactively named \"War Eagle II\" with the arrival of War Eagle III.", "Eagle Among the eagles are some of the largest birds of prey: only the condors and some of the Old World vultures are markedly larger. It is regularly debated which should be considered the largest species of eagle. They could be measured variously in total length, body mass, or wingspan. Different lifestyle needs among various eagles result in variable measurements from species to species. For example, many forest-dwelling eagles, including the very large Harpy eagle, have relatively short wingspans, a feature necessary for being able to maneuver in quick, short bursts through densely forested habitats.[7] Eagles in the genus Aquila, though found almost strictly in open country, are superlative soarers, and have relatively long wings for their size.[7]", "Eagle (Middle-earth) Tolkien's painting of an eagle on a crag appears in some editions of The Hobbit. According to Christopher Tolkien, the author based this picture on a painting by Archibald Thorburn[38] of an immature golden eagle, which Christopher found for him in The Birds of the British Isles by Thomas Coward.[39] However, Tolkien's use of this model does not necessarily mean that his birds were ordinary golden eagles.", "Who You Love Prior to being released as a single, \"Who You Love\" managed to chart in US and Canada. On the week ending December 21, the song debuted on the Billboard Hot 100 at number 80.[15] On the week ending January 4, fuelled by a sudden surge in streaming due to the debut of its music video, the song reached its new peak of number 48 on Hot 100.[16]", "War Eagle Since 1930, and continuously since 1960, Auburn has kept a live golden eagle on campus. Since 2001 Auburn has presented an untethered eagle to fly over Jordan-Hare stadium prior to the start of football games. War Eagle VII, a golden eagle named Nova, along with Spirit, a bald eagle, perform the War Eagle Flight before all Auburn home games at Jordan–Hare Stadium.", "Who Stole the Cookie from the Cookie Jar? Sometimes, a clapping or snapping beat is used by the children in the circle. Sometimes, the other children in the group sing along with the \"accuser\" after the \"accused\" has been identified. Some variations on the theme include the use by teachers of the song as a lesson in keeping with a beat and improvisation. As with many children's songs, there can be many variations on the execution of the performance.", "Secret Love Song \"Secret Love Song\" is a ballad.[6] It comprises pounding bass and melancholic strings.[7] Derulo's vocal uses vibrato and Auto-Tune.[8][9] He sings the song's second verse.[10] Nelson belts the high note during the song's bridge.[11]", "Harpy eagle The harpy eagle (Harpia harpyja) is a neotropical species of eagle. It is also called the American harpy eagle to distinguish it from the Papuan eagle, which is sometimes known as the New Guinea harpy eagle or Papuan harpy eagle.[3] It is the largest and most powerful raptor found in the rainforest,[4] and among the largest extant species of eagles in the world. It usually inhabits tropical lowland rainforests in the upper (emergent) canopy layer. Destruction of its natural habitat has caused it to vanish from many parts of its former range, and it is nearly extirpated in Central America. In Brazil, the harpy eagle is also known as royal-hawk (in Portuguese: gavião-real).[5]", "Lotta Love Neil Young recorded \"Lotta Love\" for his Comes a Time album with backing from Crazy Horse. Larson provided background vocals for the album but did not sing on its \"Lotta Love\" track, a spare version which emphasized the song's melancholy.", "2017 Philadelphia Eagles season The Eagles travelled to Dallas to take on the Cowboys, who were missing RB Ezekiel Elliott (Suspension), LT Tyron Smith (Groin), and LB Sean Lee (Hamstring). In a game that the Eagles were expected to dominate, the Eagles started off slow in the first half with Dallas leading 9–7 at halftime. Kicker Jake Elliott was ruled out for the game with a concussion, forcing the Eagles to use backup linebacker Kamu Grugier-Hill for kickoffs, and to go for two point conversions. The Eagles converted three of four two point conversions, as their touchdowns came on the ground from Corey Clement, and through the air, with Carson Wentz finding Torrey Smith for an 11-yard TD and Alshon Jeffery for a 17-yard TD on fourth down. Late in the fourth quarter, rookie defensive end Derek Barnett notched his 2nd sack of the game, a strip sack of Dak Prescott, leading to a Nigel Bradham 37 yard scoop and score. The Eagles harassed Dak Prescott all game, sacking him 4 times, intercepting him three times, and forcing one fumble. With this win, the Eagles improved to 9–1 and improved their lead in the NFC East.", "Deadpool Deadpool is effectively immortal, although he has died several times.[87][88] He is still alive 800 years in the future when the new X-Force encounters him.[89] In addition, Thanos once declared that Deadpool should \"consider yourself cursed ... with life!\" out of jealousy over Deadpool's status as Death's love interest.[90] His enemy T-Ray later resurrected him,[87] under Thanos' instruction, using an artifact he had given him.[91] Later, Deadpool was informed that Thanos had placed a curse on him, and tracked Thanos down. He revealed that the only thing keeping Wade alive was his \"spell of darkest necromancy\". Although Thanos removed this curse in order to kill Deadpool, he felt forced to immediately bring him back using \"a fusion of necromancy and science\" in order to request his aid in tracking down Mistress Death, who had gone missing.[92]", "We Found Love The lyrical content of the song is sparse and largely revolves around Rihanna chanting the song's hook line,[30] \"We found love in a hopeless place\".[1] Jody Rosen of Rolling Stone described it as \"half-baked romantic\".[28] Rihanna starts the song in a falsetto airy voice as she sings, \"Yellow diamonds in the light / And we’re standing side by side / As your shadow crosses mine / What it takes to come alive.\"[23][32] Michael Cragg commented that the first chorus is almost being sidelined in favor of a large chunk of Harris's riff, before they join on the second chorus.[31] The hook repeatedly rings throughout the song.[32]", "Philadelphia Eagles After the 1957 season, the Eagles moved from Connie Mack Stadium to Franklin Field at the University of Pennsylvania. Franklin Field would seat over 60,000 for the Eagles, whereas Connie Mack had a capacity of 39,000.[14] The stadium switched from grass to AstroTurf in 1969. It was the first NFL stadium to use artificial turf.", "Double eagle The \"eagle\", \"half eagle\", and \"quarter eagle\" were specifically given these names in the Act of Congress that originally authorized them (\"An act establishing a mint, and regulating coins of the United States\", section 9, April 2, 1792). Likewise, the double eagle was specifically created as such by name (\"An act to authorize the coinage of gold dollars and double eagles\", title and section 1, March 3, 1849).", "Dude, We're Getting the Band Back Together The explosion as Doofenshmirtz's firecracker rocket launches leaves the lair filthy and partly destroyed; the creepy look thrills Vanessa's arriving goth friends, who find it to be cool. Touched by this, Vanessa happily thanks both her father for getting one birthday party right for her and Perry for helping her father out. As the rocket ascends, Doofenshmirtz is himself cursing Perry, as usual, but pauses to notice Love Handel singing below. The band finish their song just as Doofenshmirtz's rocket explodes with a heart-shaped flare. The episode ends with Love Handel singing \"Music Makes Us Better\" and with everyone (including Doofenshmirtz, who has survived the explosion unscathed) dancing.", "Steller's sea eagle \"Steller's sea eagle\" has been designated the official name by the International Ornithologists' Union (IOC).[10] It is named after the German naturalist Georg Wilhelm Steller.[11] It is also known as Steller's fish eagle, Pacific sea eagle or white-shouldered eagle.[3] In Russian, the eagle has been called morskoi orel (sea eagle), pestryi morskoi orel (mottled sea eagle) or beloplechii orlan (white-shouldered eagle). In Japanese, it is called", "Singing the Blues Also this song is commonly used at Manchester City F.C. football matches, where the fans sing: \"Never felt more like singing the blues, City win, United lose.\"", "August: Osage County (film) As \"Little Charles\" sings Ivy a song he has written for her, Mattie Fae walks in and berates him. This exhausts Charles's patience with his wife's lack of love and compassion for her son, and he threatens to leave her if she keeps it up. Mattie subsequently reveals to Barbara, who unintentionally listened in, that she had a long-ago affair with Beverly, and Charles is in fact their younger half-brother and that is the true reason why Ivy and \"Little Charles\" cannot be together.", "Sing for the Moment \"Sing for the Moment\" received positive reviews from music critics, with many critics praising Eminem's rapping ability, the lyrics, and the \"Dream On\" sample. \"Sing for the Moment\" proved to be successful, peaking inside the Top 10 in twenty countries. In the United States, \"Sing for the Moment\" reached number fourteen on the Billboard Hot 100. The song, along with the original \"Dream On\", was used in a trailer for the 2016 animated film Sing.", "Used to Love Her \"Used to Love Her\" is a song by American rock band Guns N' Roses from the album G N' R Lies. It was first performed on stage on October 30, 1987 on the Appetite for Destruction tour.", "One of These Nights The cover for the album is an image of an artwork by Boyd Elder, also known as \"El Chingadero\".[14] Elder created artwork of painted skulls in the early 1970s, and pieces of his work, titled \"American Fetish\", were exhibited in an art gallery in Venice, California in 1972. Among those who attended the opening were members of the Eagles who performed \"Witchy Woman\" at the show, an early appearance by the band as the Eagles.[14][15] Elder was also a friend of the album cover designer Gary Burden, who had been responsible for the Eagles' three previous albums and who was interested in using one of Elder's pieces for this cover.[16] Elder presented two of his works to the Eagles in Dallas in late 1974, one of which was then chosen for the cover of One of These Nights.[17] Later another work of Elder, an image of an eagle's skull, would be used for the cover of Their Greatest Hits album. The painted animal skull motif was also used in the cover for their compilation album The Very Best of, and the skull of One of These Nights was used for the cover of the documentary History of the Eagles.", "Golden eagle At one time, the golden eagle lived in a great majority of temperate Europe, North Asia, North America, North Africa, and Japan. Although widespread and quite secure in some areas, in many parts of the range golden eagles have experienced sharp population declines and have even been extirpated from some areas. The total number of individual golden eagles from around the range is estimated to range somewhere between 170,000 and 250,000 while the estimated total number of breeding pairs ranges from 60,000 to 100,000.[2][110] Few other eagle species are as numerous, though some species like tawny eagle, wedge-tailed eagle and bald eagle have total estimated populations of a similar size to the golden eagle’s despite having distributions which are more restricted.[3][5] The world’s most populous eagle may be the African fish eagle (Haliaeetus vocifer), which has a stable total population estimated at 300,000 individuals and is found solely in Africa.[3][111] On a global scale, the golden eagle is not considered threatened by the IUCN.[1]", "I've Got My Love to Keep Me Warm \"I've Got My Love to Keep Me Warm\" is a popular song written in 1937 by Irving Berlin. It was introduced in the musical film On the Avenue (1937) by Dick Powell and Alice Faye.", "War Eagle During the 2000 football season, War Eagle VI began a tradition of performing a free flight before a home football game. War Eagle VI, and later other eagles kept by in the Southeastern Raptor Rehabilitation Center in Auburn, flew around the stadium before landing on the field as the crowd chanted \"War Eagle\". On February 8, 2002, War Eagle VI flew in Rice-Eccles Stadium as part of the opening ceremonies of the 2002 Olympic Winter Games in Salt Lake City. War Eagle VI was featured the next day on NBC's Today Show.", "Bee Gees In March 1978, the Bee Gees held the top 2 positions on the US Charts with \"Night Fever\" and \"Stayin' Alive\", the first time this had happened since the Beatles. On the US Billboard Hot 100 chart for 25 March 1978, five songs written by the Gibbs were in the US top 10 at the same time: \"Night Fever\", \"Stayin' Alive\", \"If I Can't Have You\", \"Emotion\" and \"Love is Thicker Than Water\". Such chart dominance had not been seen since April 1964, when the Beatles had all five of the top five American singles. Barry Gibb became the only songwriter to have four consecutive number one hits in the US, breaking the John Lennon and Paul McCartney 1964 record. These songs were \"Stayin' Alive\", \"Love Is Thicker Than Water\", \"Night Fever\" and \"If I Can't Have You\".", "Self-actualization In summary, self-actualizers feel finally themselves, safe, not anxious, accepted, loved, loving, and alive, certainly living a fulfilling life.", "Stayin' Alive On its release, \"Stayin' Alive\" climbed the charts to hit the number one spot on the Billboard Hot 100 the week of 4 February 1978, remaining there for four weeks. In the process, it became one of the band's most recognisable tunes, in part because of its place at the beginning of Saturday Night Fever. In the US, it would become the second of six consecutive number-one singles, tying the record with the Beatles for most consecutive number ones in the US at the time (a record broken by Whitney Houston who achieved seven consecutive number-ones).", "Love Is Alive (Gary Wright song) In 1997, dance act 3rd Party recorded the song for their debut album Alive.", "List of Not Going Out episodes After eight years of marriage, Lee and Lucy disagree over how to keep the romance alive.", "Don't You Wanna Stay \"We had the song pitched to us and originally it wasn’t a duet. The more I was listening to the thing and learning the song, I realized it set itself up to be a duet if we wanted to go that route. When I called my producer about it he asked who I wanted to sing it with me and I said Kelly Clarkson, but I didn’t think we’d be able to get her. I’ve always been a big fan of hers. I love her voice and I love her style. Long story short, we got her a copy of the song and she loved it. As soon as she started singing, it became obvious it was going to be great.\"[5]", "Eagle Lake, Texas U.S. Route 90 Alternate (US 90 Alt.) travels through Eagle Lake, leading east 66 miles (106 km) to Houston and west 38 miles (61 km) to Hallettsville. Eagle Lake is 16 miles (26 km) southeast of Columbus, the Colorado County seat.", "Crazy in Love \"Crazy in Love\" was the first song on Beyoncé's set list on The Beyoncé Experience in Los Angeles and the I Am... Tour at several venues, including the Odyssey Arena in Belfast, the O2 Arena in London, and in Athens and Sydney.[114] On August 5, 2007, Beyoncé performed the song at Madison Square Garden in New York City.[115][116] Beyoncé emerged in a sparkling silver dress with a long train. She walked to the front of the stage, did a couple of snaps of her neck and then started singing \"Crazy in Love\". She climbed a staircase where her all-female band and three backup singers were positioned.[115] The staircase moved forward in two places; top part moved while the bottom poked out more.[115] At the top of her staircase, she removed her train and returned to the main stage. Her backup singers followed and danced with Beyoncé.[115] After \"Crazy in Love\", Beyoncé performed a short rendition of Gnarls Barkley's \"Crazy\" (2006), singing: \"Who do you, who do you think you are? / Ha, ha, ha, bless your soul.\"[115]", "Eagle Heraldic eagles are most often found displayed, i.e. with their wings and legs extended. They can also occur close, i.e. with their wings folded, or rising, i.e. about to take flight. The heads, wings, and legs of eagles can also be found independently.", "Scat singing In vocal jazz, scat singing is vocal improvisation with wordless vocables, nonsense syllables or without words at all. In scat singing, the singer improvises melodies and rhythms using the voice as an instrument rather than a speaking medium.", "Bald eagle H. l. leucocephalus – Southern bald eagle\nH. l. washingtoniensis – Northern bald eagle", "Fly, Eagles Fly In 1998, following Mansure's/Saunders reintroduction of the song, The Eagles Pep Band completely rebuilt its popularity among fans by changing some aspects of the song: they modified the key, changed the opening lyric from \"Fight, Eagles Fight\" to \"Fly, Eagles Fly\", and re-marketed the song using the lyric change as the new title. In addition, they appended the popular \"E-A-G-L-E-S\" chant—which had emerged in the 1980s—to the end of the song.[2] While management planned to play the song throughout the 1998 season, the Eagles' poor performance that year caused them to hold off reintroducing the song until the following year. The Eagles fared better during their 1999 season, and subsequently, the fight song was played after every score.[3]", "War Eagle The mythical War Eagle I has the most colorful story of all of the \"War Eagle\" eagles. War Eagle I's story begins in the Civil War. According to the legend, a soldier from Alabama during the Battle of the Wilderness came across a wounded young eagle. The bird was named Anvre, and was cared for and nursed back to health by the soldier. Several years later the soldier, a former Auburn student, returned to college as a faculty member, bringing the bird with him. For years both were a familiar sight on campus and at events. On the day of Auburn's first football game in 1892 against the University of Georgia, the aged eagle broke away from his master during the game and began to circle the field, exciting the fans. But at the end of the game, with Auburn victorious, the eagle fell to the ground and died.\nIn 2010, a children's book,\"The War Eagle Story\" by Francesca Adler-Baeder and illustrated by Tiffany Everett was published that favors this version of the story.", "Johnny Patterson His talent for singing, clowning, and engaging with an audience was immense. He was talent-spotted by Pablo Fanque, who The Beatles sing about in 'Mr Kite' – he was a famous black Yorkshire showman. He saw Johnny in Cork, loved him, and brought him to England.[3]", "Crazy in Love Shaheem Reid of MTV News wrote: \"There are few (very few) ladies out there who can really sing, a lot who can dance, a lot more who look good — but really no other who can combine all three and add iconic star power like Miss Beyoncé, arguably the best all-around stage performer in the game right now.\"[115] Jon Pareles of The New York Times wrote: \"Beyoncé needs no distractions from her singing, which can be airy or brassy, tearful or vicious, rapid-fire with staccato syllables or sustained in curlicued melismas. But she was in constant motion, strutting in costumes (most of them silvery), from miniskirts to formal dresses, flesh-toned bodysuit to bikini to negligee.\"[116] Frank Scheck of The Hollywood Reporter wrote: \"Her performance of 'Crazy in Love' featured some surprising arrangements that gave the material freshness\".[117] Performances of \"Crazy in Love\" were included on her live albums The Beyoncé Experience Live (2007),[118] and the deluxe edition of I Am... World Tour (2010).[119] Beyoncé performed \"Crazy in Love\" wearing a pink fringe dress at a concert at Palais Nikaïa in Nice, France, on June 20, 2011, in support of her album 4,[120] and at the 2011 Glastonbury Festival on June 26, 2011 to an audience of 175,000.[121]", "Eagle Some authors include Gypohierax angolensis, the \"vulturine fish eagle\" (also called the palm-nut vulture) in this group.[18] However, genetic analyses indicate it is related to a grouping of Neophron–Gypaetus–Eutriorchis (Egyptian vulture, bearded vulture (lammergeier), and Madagascan serpent eagle).[20]", "Eagle Snake or serpent eagles are, as the name suggests, adapted to hunting reptiles.", "Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act DDT is a persistent toxin know to bioaccumulate in fish populations. A major component of the diet of bald eagles consists of fish which in turn exposed the population of these eagles to the toxin. In contrast, the golden eagle primarily eats rabbits, hares, ground squirrels, and other common prey which has allowed them to escape the harms of DDT and other related chemicals. Unlike the bald eagle eggshells, the golden eagles shells retained their thickness and are not subject to rupturing. DDT was banned in the United States in 1972. Other factors played a role in the declining of bald and golden eagles in the 50's,60's, and 70's. For instance, one source of golden and bald eagle mortality is the bioaccumulation of toxins in their reproduction system and blood stream. [7] Dieldrin and polychlorinated biphenyl are pollutants in the environment that have impacted eagle populations. These chemicals are persistent in the environment and are known to negatively affect these birds. Human activity is another reason for the decline of the bald eagle populations. The alteration of habitat and nest disturbance will have an effect on breeding and foraging. In addition, power lines can subject these birds to potential electrocution. For many years, the electric distribution utilities have worked with wildlife biologists and government agencies to research, develop and deploy of power lines and poles that are safer for all birds, including eagles. Some new power lines in nonurban areas have been built to \"raptor-safe\" construction standards.[7] Another thing that impacts eagles is animal traping. Traps are set on the ground to capture or kill animals for fur. Trapped animals can bait eagles which then have the potential to be harmed or injured by the traps. Since eagles' talons play a crucial role in food hunting, an injured bird can actually starve if they remain injured for a prolonged period of time. Also, hunting can directly or indirectly impact eagles. Duck and geese hunters who shoot but do not recover their game can have a harmful impact on eagles. If an eagle finds and consumes food contaminated with lead shot, the lead accumulates in the bird and can cause toxicity and even mortality. Lastly, majority of farmers and ranchers often will shoot bald and golden eagles that they consider a threat to their livestock. Unfortunately, many assumptions are made about the bald and golden eagles, thinking they are a harmful. The two eagles seek for dead animals that are killed from other factors.[22] The measures that were taken to protect bald and golden eagles such as the 1940 Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act, banning of DDT in 1972, the Bald Eagle Endangered Species Act of 1973, and the United States Fish and Wildlife Service Program of 1992 (to phase out the use of lead shot for waterfowl hunting), all helped upgrade their status from 'endangered' to 'threatened'.", "Fly, Eagles Fly Fly, Eagles Fly!\nOn the road to victory! (Fight! Fight! Fight!)\nFight, Eagles fight!\nScore a touchdown 1, 2, 3! (1! 2! 3!)\nHit 'em low!\nHit 'em high!\nAnd watch our Eagles fly!\nFly, Eagles Fly!\nOn the road to victory!\nE-A-G-L-E-S!\nEagles!", "Double eagle In the summer of 2002, a 1933 double eagle was auctioned off for US$7,590,020[2] which shattered the old record of $4,140,000 paid at a public auction for an 1804 silver dollar. This piece is unique as the only 1933 double eagle the U.S. government has deemed legal for its citizens to own (having been negotiated as such through terms of a U.S. treaty with a foreign government).[citation needed] Even illegal instances of the 1933 double eagle could be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, but it would be illegal for a U.S. coin dealer to broker a deal with one of these coins. There is no other date of St.-Gaudens double eagle that is worth a significant fraction of this extraordinary coin. A complete uncirculated set of all other St.-Gaudens double eagles could be put together for just over three million dollars (less than half the price paid for the 1933), including the extremely rare, ultra-high relief, proof pattern. Without the rare pattern, the set would be less than $750,000.", "Eagle Eagles are often informally divided into four groups.[note 1][18]", "Eagle Pass, Texas The United States Border Patrol has two stations in Eagle Pass. The Eagle Pass North Station located at 2285 Del Rio Blvd and the Eagle Pass South Station at 4156 El Indio Hwy Eagle Pass, TX.", "Dead or Alive 5 Dead or Alive 5 is set two years after the events of Dead or Alive 4 and the destruction of the DOATEC corporation's TriTower headquarters. Helena Douglas has undertaken the task of rebuilding DOATEC but wants to use its technology for peaceful ends. Helena dissolved DOATEC's Biotechnology Division, stopped the Military Division's biological weapons projects Alpha, Epsilon and Omega, fired all members of Donovan's faction, and announced that she intends to hold the Dead or Alive Tournament 5 (DOA5), hosted by Zack, \"to show the world the principles and philosophies upholding the new DOATEC.\"[9]", "Geoff Love In the late 1950s, playing under the pseudonym of 'Manuel and his Music of the Mountains', Love's created his Theme from Honeymoon (1959) which proved popular in the UK. His attempt to keep his identity secret whilst playing as 'Manuel' was impossible due to success, especially in the US in 1959 and 1960.", "Principal parts Most verbs are regular enough not to require a knowledge of the principal parts. For example, the verb love derives all its forms systematically (love, loves, loved, loving), and since these can all be deduced from the basic form (the citation, dictionary, or lexicographic form, which in English is the bare infinitive), no other principal parts have to be learned. With irregular verbs like the verb sing, on the other hand, the forms sang and (have) sung cannot be deduced, so the learner of English must memorize three principal parts, sing–sang–(have) sung. From these, all other forms (like sings or singing) can be deduced.", "Promised Land (The Vampire Diaries) Enzo (Michael Malarkey) keeps bothering Damon to keep his promise and bring him back to life. He also pesters Bonnie (Kat Graham) since she is the one who is able to do it. Bonnie asks Damon to make Enzo stop but instead he tells her that since she is working with Liv (Penelope Mitchell) on a spell to keep her alive when the Other Side collapses, they should include Enzo as well to the spell and save him too.", "Who Do You Love? Who Do You Love? may refer to:" ]
who is the leader of the ontario pc party
[ "Patrick Brown (politician) Patrick Walter Brown MPP (born May 26, 1978) is a Canadian politician who is the leader of the Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario and Ontario's Leader of the Official Opposition. Brown was a federal Conservative member of the House of Commons of Canada from 2006-15 representing the riding of Barrie.", "Patrick Brown (politician) In May 2015, Brown was elected leader of the Ontario PC Party, and stepped down as MP. He was elected Member of Provincial Parliament (MPP) for Simcoe North in a provincial by-election on September 3, 2015. Before being elected to federal office, Brown worked as a lawyer in Barrie.[1]" ]
[ "Leader of the Opposition (Ontario) The Leader of the Official Opposition in Ontario is the leader of the largest party in the Legislative Assembly of Ontario which is not part of the government. The current official opposition is formed by the Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario (PC).", "Leader of the Opposition (Ontario) 10 As Ontario PC leader John Tory did not win a seat in the 2007 election, he appointed Runciman as interim PC leader. (Tory had been running in the Don Valley West riding.) After spending more than a year outside the legislature, Tory sought a seat in the March 5, 2009 by-election in Haliburton—Kawartha Lakes—Brock.[2] He lost this by-election, and thereafter resigned as party leader, being replaced by Hudak.", "Leader of the Opposition (Ontario) Ontario's first Leader of the Opposition was Edward Blake of the Ontario Liberal Party who held the position from 1869 until 1871 when he became Premier of Ontario (Archibald McKellar had previously led the Liberal Party in the legislature for two years, but was not formally recognized as opposition leader). Ten Leaders were Premier before after they served this post.", "Leader of the Opposition (Ontario) 12Vic Fedeli was chosen interim leader of the PC Party by caucus on January 26, 2018, one day after Patrick Brown resigned due to allegations of sexual misconduct. He continued to serve as Leader of the Opposition after Doug Ford became party leader on March 10, 2018, as Ford does not have a seat in the legislature at present.", "Ontario New Democratic Party For many years, the ONDP was the most successful provincial NDP branch outside the national party's western heartland. It had its first breakthrough under its first leader, Donald C. MacDonald in the 1967 provincial election, when the party elected 20 Members of Provincial Parliament (MPPs) to the Ontario Legislative Assembly. After the 1970 leadership convention, Stephen Lewis became leader, and guided the party to Official Opposition status in 1975, the first time since the Ontario CCF did it twice in the 1940s. After the party's disappointing performance in the 1977 provincial election, that included losing second party status, Lewis stepped down and Michael Cassidy was elected leader in 1978. Cassidy led the party through one campaign, the 1981 election. The party did poorly again, and Cassidy resigned.", "Ontario New Democratic Party Andrea Horwath replaced him after she was elected leader at the 2009 leadership convention in Hamilton. Under her leadership in the 2011 Ontario general election, the party elected 17 MPPs to the legislature and in the 2014 Ontario general election, the party elected 21 MPPs. Under Horwath, the party achieved its second highest seat count ever (other than forming government in 1990) when it formed the Official Opposition with 40 MPPs after the 2018 Ontario general election.", "Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario leadership election, 2018 Patrick Brown, 40, is the MPP for Simcoe North (2015–2018 as a Progressive Conservative and 2018–present as an independent) and a former Conservative MP for Barrie (2006–2015). He was the leader of the Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario from 2015 until his 2018 resignation triggered this leadership election. Brown was expelled from the PC caucus hours before registering his candidacy on February 16, 2018.[26] On February 21, 2018 the party's nominations committee approved Brown to seek the leadership in a 3 to 2 vote.[173][174]", "Ontario New Democratic Party Donald C. MacDonald became leader in 1953,[8] and spent the next fifteen years rebuilding the party, from two seats when he took over the party's helm, to ten times that number when he stepped down in 1970. Delegates from the Ontario CCF, delegates from affiliated union locals, and delegates from New Party Clubs took part in the founding convention of the New Democratic Party of Ontario held in Niagara Falls at the Sheraton Brock hotel from 7–9 October 1961 and elected MacDonald as their leader.[8][9] The Ontario CCF Council ceased to exist formally on Sunday, 8 October 1961, when the newly elected NDP executive officially took over.[8]", "Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario leadership election, 2018 According to Article 23.1 of the PC party constitution, when there is a vacancy in the position of leader, the party caucus chooses an interim leader to serve until a new leader is elected in a leadership election, which must be held within 18 months of the vacancy occurring, and in which all party members can vote.[8] Party president Rick Dykstra told the media on January 25 that \"a leadership election will take place at such time as the PC party shall determine in its discretion\".[9] The party executive met on January 26, 2018, following the caucus election, to determine whether to have a leadership election before the provincial election, and if so, how it would proceed, or whether to have the interim leader lead the party into the election,[10] and called the leadership election for March 2018.[2]", "History of the Green Party of Canada In January 1997, although initially recruited by Ontario Green Party leader Frank de Jong, Wendy Priesnitz resigned over what she characterized as domination of the party by an \"old boys' network\" comprising the BC and Ontario provincial leaders and their male-dominated circles of organizers and advisors. Harry Garfinkle stepped in to be the interim Registered Leader of the Green Party of Canada, and a leadership convention by mail-in ballot was held.", "Ontario New Democratic Party As the Ontario Co-operative Commonwealth Federation under Ted Jolliffe as their first leader,[5] the party nearly won the 1943 Ontario provincial election, winning 34 seats and forming the official opposition for the first time.[6] Two-years later, they would be reduced to 8 seats. The final glory for the Ontario CCF came in the 1948 election, when party elected 21 MPPs, and again formed the official opposition.[7] They were even able to defeat Premier George A. Drew in his own constituency, when the CCF's Bill Temple won in High Park, even though the Conservatives won another majority government.[7] The breaking point for the Ontario CCF came in 1951. They were reduced to two MPP's in that year's provincial election, and never really recovered. In the two remaining elections while it existed, the party never had more than five members in the legislature. Jolliffe resigned as leader in 1953.", "Legislative Assembly of Ontario As at the federal level in Canada, Ontario uses a Westminster-style parliamentary government, in which members are elected to the Legislative Assembly through general elections, from which the Premier of Ontario and Executive Council of Ontario are appointed based on majority support. The premier is Ontario's head of government, while the Lieutenant Governor, as representative of the Queen, acts as head of state. The largest party not forming the government is known as the Official Opposition, its leader being recognized as Leader of the Opposition by the Speaker.", "United Conservative Party leadership election, 2017 Both Jason Kenney, leader of the PC Party, and Wildrose leader Brian Jean were expected to stand for leader of the new party, with Jean saying at the press conference that announced the merger agreement: \"Clearly we're both running for the leadership of this new party.\"[3] Former Conservative Party of Canada interim leader Rona Ambrose ruled herself out of consideration.[4]", "Patrick Brown (politician) In September 2014, Brown announced his intention to run in the contest to replace PC Party Leader, Tim Hudak. From the outset of his campaign, Brown positioned himself as an outsider, challenging the leadership of the PC Party, which had been defeated in the last four provincial elections. In the most recent election campaign, in 2014, the party election platform included a commitment to cut 100,000 public service jobs over 4 years through attrition.[37] As the only one of the original five leadership candidates who was not a member of the Ontario legislature, Brown was not involved in the promise, which he considered ill-advised,[36][38] [39] Brown's rivals attempted to use this same lack of previous involvement in provincial politics as an argument against his leadership bid.[40][41]", "Social Credit Party of Canada Alberta Premier Manning was becoming concerned with the perceived leftward trajectory of the federal Liberals and Progressive Conservatives (PCs). He encouraged Thompson to begin talks with the PCs about a merger. Negotiations failed and in March 1967, citing lack of support for the party from its provincial wings in Alberta and British Columbia, Thompson resigned as leader.[14] In the fall Bud Olson left to join the Liberals. With the support of both Manning and PC leader Robert Stanfield, Thompson crossed the floor to the PCs. He sought and won the PC nomination in Red Deer when the June 1968 federal election was called. Alexander Bell Patterson was named acting leader of the remains.", "Conservative Party of Canada The Conservative Party, while having no provincial wings, largely works with the former federal Progressive Conservative Party's provincial affiliates. There have been calls to change the names of the provincial parties from \"Progressive Conservative\" to \"Conservative\". However, there are other small \"c\" conservative parties with which the federal Conservative Party has close ties, such as the Saskatchewan Party and the British Columbia Liberal Party (not associated with the federal Liberal Party of Canada). The federal Conservative Party has the support of many of the provincial Conservative leaders. In Ontario, successive provincial PC Party leaders John Tory, Bob Runciman and Tim Hudak have expressed open support for Stephen Harper and the Conservative Party of Canada, while former Mike Harris cabinet members Tony Clement, and John Baird were ministers in Harper's government.[citation needed] In Quebec, businessman Adrien D. Pouliot leads a new Conservative Party of Québec which was formed in 2009 in the wake of the decline of the Action démocratique du Québec (ADQ) which had carried the support of many provincial conservatives.", "List of premiers of Ontario Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario\n  United Farmers of Ontario\n  Ontario Liberal Party\n  Ontario New Democratic Party", "Party leader In many representative democracies, party leaders compete directly for high political office.[2] It is thus typical in such states (e.g., in the Westminster system) for the party leader to seek election to the legislature, and, if elected, to simultaneously serve as the party's parliamentary leader.", "Party leader In politics, a party leader is the most powerful official within a political party.[1] The leader speaks to their designated political party, while acting as the party representatives. The party leader is typically responsible for managing the party's relationship with the general public. As such, he or she will take a leading role in developing and communicating party policy, especially election platforms, to the electorate. He or she is also typically the public face of the party and the principal media contact.", "History of the Liberal Party of Canada For the next decade, the Liberals dominated Canadian politics in a fashion not seen since the early years of Confederation. This was because of the destruction of the \"grand coalition\" of Western socially conservative populists, Quebec nationalists, and fiscal conservatives from Ontario that had supported the Progressive Conservatives in 1984 and 1988. The PCs' Western support, for all practical purposes, transferred en masse to the Western-based Reform Party, which replaced the PCs as the major right-wing party in Canada. However, the new party's agenda was seen as too conservative for most Canadians. It only won one seat east of Manitoba in an election (but gained another in a floor-crossing). Even when Reform restructured into the Canadian Alliance, the party was virtually nonexistent east of Manitoba, winning only 66 seats in 2000. Reform/Alliance was the official opposition from 1997 to 2003, but was never able to overcome wide perceptions that it was merely a Western protest party. The Quebec nationalists who had once supported the Tories largely switched their support to the sovereigntist Bloc Québécois, while the Tories' support in Ontario and the Atlantic provinces largely moved to the Liberals. The PCs would never be a major force in Canadian politics again; while they rebounded to 20 seats in the next election, they won only two seats west of Quebec in the next decade.", "Party leader In the Gilded Age (late 19th century in the United States), the government was known as Bossism. This government entailed powerful political machines, run by so-called \"bosses\" who awarded political positions to their associates (one example being Tammany Hall which was run by Boss Tweed) This kind of political system is also referred to as a particracy. Party leaders in the United States mostly refer to the President, Vice President and leaders of the Congress in both parties.", "Leader of the Opposition (Ontario) 1The Liberals were recognized as the Official Opposition following the 1923 election by the governing Conservatives, despite the fact that the United Farmers of Ontario had more seats. According to historian Peter Oliver, this was an arbitrary decision without basis in precedent or law. Conservative Premier G. Howard Ferguson used as justification an announcement by UFO general secretary James J. Morrison that the UFO would be withdrawing from party politics, though Oliver argues that this was facetious logic. UFO parliamentary leader Manning Doherty protested the decision, but to no avail. (source: Peter Oliver, G. Howard Ferguson: Ontario Tory, (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1977), p. 158.)", "Party leader The United Kingdom has more influence in electing the party leader than other countries in the Westminster system.[5][need quotation to verify] Sometimes a party leader will simultaneously hold the post of chairman. However, this occurs only rarely in the Westminster system.", "Party leader In Canada, all major parties elect their leaders at certain age.", "Leader of the Opposition (Ontario) 11 Wilson served as interim leader of the Progressive Conservative party following the resignation of Tim Hudak and continued to serve as Leader of the Opposition after Patrick Brown became party leader on May 9, 2015, until September when Brown won a seat in the legislature through a by-election.[3]", "United Conservative Party leadership election, 2017 Jason Kenney, 49, was the final Leader of the Progressive Conservative Association of Alberta (2017). He served as MP for Calgary Southeast (1997–2015) and Calgary Midnapore (2015–2016), and was Minister of Citizenship and Immigration (2008–2013), Minister of Employment and Social Development (2013–2015), Minister of Multiculturalism and Citizenship (2013–2015), and Minister of National Defence (2015) under the Harper government. Kenney was elected PC leader on a promise to merge the PC and Wildrose parties.", "Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario leadership election, 2018 Vic Fedeli, 62, was the Interim Leader (2018), Finance Critic and MPP for Nippissing (2011–present), past leadership candidate (2015) and former mayor of North Bay, Ontario (2003–2010). Fedeli told reporters that he will \"let my name stand for leader of our party\".[9] After the party executive announced its decision to schedule a leadership election in March, Fedeli reiterated his intention to run for the permanent leadership.[189] On January 30, 2018, however, he announced that he would not be running for the permanent leadership after all in order to focus on his duties as interim leader and correcting organizational problems within the party in the run up to the general election.[18]", "Leader of the Opposition (Ontario) 6 Interim Liberal leader of the party following the personal defeat of Premier David Peterson in the 1990 election.", "Leader of the Opposition (Pakistan) The Leader of the Opposition (Urdu: قائد حزب اختلاف), is the people's elected politician who, by law, is the leader of the Official Opposition in Pakistan. The current and incumbent Leader of the Opposition is Syed Khurshid Ahmed Shah of Pakistan Peoples Party Parliamentarians — a party representing PPP. The Leader of the Opposition also leads the Official Opposition to National Assembly of Pakistan, a lower house of Pakistan Parliament. The Leader of the Opposition is normally the leader of the largest party not within the government which is usually the second largest political party in the National Assembly. In established democracies he or she is normally viewed as an alternative Prime Minister. There is also a Leader of the Opposition in the Senate, who is elected / nominated separately.", "Patrick Brown (politician) On September 28, 2014, he announced his intention to run in the 2015 Ontario party leadership election. He registered as a leadership candidate on November 20, 2014. He said that, unlike the other candidates, he was not involved in the four consecutive losses that have kept the Ontario PCs out of power since 2003.[36] At the time of his jump to provincial politics, he chaired the Conservative Party of Canada's Greater Toronto Area caucus and the Canada-India Parliamentary Association.[5]", "Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario leadership election, 2018 The Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario leadership election was scheduled for 3 months before the 2018 provincial election scheduled for June 7. It came after a turbulent year of disputed and allegedly fraudulent nominations contests across the province for local PC candidates.[4] In two of these contests; Ottawa West—Nepean and Scarborough Centre the nominations were overturned after Brown's resignation and Brown's own nomination in Barrie—Springwater—Oro-Medonte was cancelled.[5] At the time of the leadership election Newmarket—Aurora and five others remained under active investigation by the party[6] and Hamilton West—Ancaster—Dundas remained under police investigation.[7]", "Leader of the Labour Party (UK) When the Labour Party is in Opposition, as it currently is, the Leader of the Labour Party usually acts as the Leader of the Opposition, and chairs the Shadow Cabinet. Concordantly, when the Party is in Government, the Leader would usually become the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, First Lord of the Treasury and Minister for the Civil Service, as well as appointing the Cabinet.", "Leader of the Official Opposition (Canada) The Leader of Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition (French: Chef de la loyale opposition de Sa Majesté) is the leader of Canada's Official Opposition, the party possessing the most seats in the House of Commons but is not the governing party or part of the governing coalition. The current Leader of the Opposition is Andrew Scheer, M.P., who was elected Leader of the Conservative Party on May 27, 2017.", "Party leaders of the United States Senate The Democratic Party first selected a leader in 1920. The Republican Party first formally designated a leader in 1925.", "Alberta general election, 2015 The Wildrose had its legislative caucus greatly reduced in 2014 when then-leader and Leader of the Official Opposition Danielle Smith and all but 5 Wildrose MLAs crossed the floor to sit with the governing PCs. In the 2015 general election, the party rebounded to 21 seats and retained Official Opposition status. All of their gains were in rural ridings taken from the PCs, and they failed to win a seat in Edmonton or Calgary.", "Ontario Meanwhile, Ontario's numerous waterways aided travel and transportation into the interior and supplied water power for development. As the population increased, so did the industries and transportation networks, which in turn led to further development. By the end of the century, Ontario vied with Quebec as the nation's leader in terms of growth in population, industry, arts and communications.[40]", "Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario leadership election, 2018 Candidates must be nominated by at least 100 party members, must agree to abide by the party's existing platform for the next election, and must be approved by the party's nominations committee as a PC candidate for the 2018 provincial election.[12]", "United Conservative Party leadership election, 2017 Brian Jean, 54, was the final Leader of the Wildrose Party (2015–2017). Jean is currently the MLA for Fort McMurray-Conklin (2015–present). He served as MP for Athabasca (2004–2006) and Fort McMurray—Athabasca (2006–2014), Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities (2006–2011), and Leader of the Official Opposition in Alberta (2015–2017). Jean was elected Wildrose leader after previous leader Danielle Smith and eight other Wildrose MLAs crossed the floor to join the PC government of then-Premier Jim Prentice.", "Leader of the Labour Party (UK) The post of Leader of the Labour Party was officially created in 1922. Before this, between when Labour MPs were first elected in 1906 and the general election in 1922, when substantial gains were made, the post was known as Chairman of the Parliamentary Labour Party.[1] In 1970, the positions of Leader of the Labour Party and Chairman of the Parliamentary Labour Party were permanently separated.", "Social Credit Party of Canada The party nominated two candidates in by-elections, each of whom won 96 votes. In the February 12 by-election in Chambly, Quebec, Emilian Martel placed last in a field of six, winning 0.2% of the total vote. Party leader Ken Campbell placed 7th out of 10, winning 0.4% of the total vote in the August 13 by-election in Oshawa, Ontario. John Turmel placed last with 50 votes in this race.", "Ontario New Democratic Party She distanced the ONDP from former Premier Bob Rae, now interim leader of the federal Liberal Party of Canada,[39] by pointing out that he is the exception to the rule of NDP Premiers in other provinces who have been able to balance provincial budgets.[40] At the official televised leaders' debate, her political rivals criticized the ONDP's handling of the economy in the early 1990s, but Horwath further distanced the New Democratic Party from Mr. Rae by pointing out his current allegiance to the federal Liberals as interim leader of the (federal) Liberal Party.[41] Her campaign largely refrained from mudslinging and personal attacks, and she led her party to an increase from 10 seats to 17 seats in the legislature. The Liberals were re-elected with a minority government giving Horwath's NDP the balance of power in the legislature.[42]", "Leader of the Conservative Party (UK) There are five living former party leaders.", "43rd Canadian federal election Due to Tom Mulcair failing his April 2016 leadership review by garnering only 48% of the delegate vote, the NDP held a leadership election on October 1, 2017, electing Ontario MPP and the former Deputy Leader of the Ontario New Democratic Party Jagmeet Singh as his successor.[4][5]", "Politics of Quebec The collapse of the Meech Lake Accord reshaped the entire Canadian political landscape. Lucien Bouchard, a Progressive Conservative Cabinet Minister who felt humiliated by the defeat of the Meech Lake Accord, led other Quebec Progressive Conservatives and Liberals out of their parties to form the sovereigntist Bloc Québécois. Mario Dumont, leader of the Quebec Liberal Party's youth wing left Bourassa's party to form a \"soft nationalist\" and sovereigntist Action démocratique du Québec party. The Progressive Conservative Party collapsed in the 1993 election, with Western conservatives voting Reform, Quebec conservatives voting for the Bloc Québécois, and Ontario and Western Montreal voters putting the Liberal Party led by Jean Chrétien into power. Jean Charest in Sherbrooke, Quebec, was one of two Progressive Conservatives left in Parliament, and became party leader.", "List of Leaders of the Official Opposition (Canada) If the leader of the opposition party is not a Member of Parliament, then a sitting MP takes the role of acting Leader of the Opposition until the party leader can obtain a seat. If there is a leadership race occurring within the party, an MP (usually the interim party leader) will serve as Leader of the Opposition until a new party leader is chosen.", "None of the above In Ontario, the None of the Above Party of Ontario is a registered political party, although its stated mandate is for its candidates to serve in the legislature as independent representatives who reflect the views and interests of their constituents, rather than simply as a \"reject all of the candidates\" placeholder.", "Alberta general election, 2015 The Progressive Conservative Association of Alberta (PCs) had a majority in the outgoing Assembly. As a result of the election, the Alberta New Democratic Party (NDP) were elected to a majority government under leader Rachel Notley. The NDP formed Government for the first time in Alberta history, ousting the PCs, who were reduced to third place in seats. Prentice resigned as PC leader and MLA for Calgary-Foothills on election night.[2] The Progressive Conservatives had won every provincial election since the 1971 election, making them the longest-serving provincial government in Canadian history. This was only the fourth change of government in Alberta since Alberta became a province in 1905, and one of the worst defeats a provincial government has suffered in Canada. It also marked the first time a left-of-centre political party had formed government in Alberta since the defeat of the United Farmers of Alberta in 1935 and the Depression-era radical monetary reform policies of William Aberhart's Social Credit government.[3]", "Communist Party of Canada The CPC held its 37th Central Convention in February 2013 in Toronto. According to a Toronto Star article the assembly drew 65 delegates most of whom were from Ontario, British Columbia and Quebec with a few from Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Nova Scotia. Party leader Miguel Figueroa called for the Communists to field 25 candidates in the upcoming federal election.", "Liberal Party of Canada Ontario and Quebec combine for a majority of seats in the House of Commons by virtue of Ontario's current population and Quebec's historic population (59 percent of the seats as of 2006[update]). As a result, it is very difficult to form even a minority government without substantial support in Ontario and/or Quebec. No party has ever formed a majority government without winning the most seats in either Ontario or Quebec. It is mathematically possible to form a minority government without a strong base in either province, but such an undertaking is politically difficult. The Liberals were the only party with a strong base in both provinces, thus making them the only party capable of forming a government.", "Political party When the party is represented by members in the lower house of parliament, the party leader simultaneously serves as the leader of the parliamentary group of that full party representation; depending on a minimum number of seats held, Westminster-based parties typically allow for leaders to form frontbench teams of senior fellow members of the parliamentary group to serve as critics of aspects of government policy. When a party becomes the largest party not part of the Government, the party's parliamentary group forms the Official Opposition, with Official Opposition frontbench team members often forming the Official Opposition Shadow cabinet. When a party achieves enough seats in an election to form a majority, the party's frontbench becomes the Cabinet of government ministers. They are all elected members.There are members who attend party without promotion", "Party leaders of the United States House of Representatives Informally, the minority leader has a wide range of party assignments. Lewis Deschler, the late House Parliamentarian (1928–1974), summarized the diverse duties of a party's floor leader:", "PC Master Race In current parlance, the term is used by PC enthusiasts both to describe themselves as a group, as well as their belief in the superiority of the PC platform in comparison to consoles, often citing features like more advanced graphics, smoother framerates, free online play, backwards compatibility, modifications, upgradability, customization, lower cost-over-time, open standards, multitasking, and performance.[3][4] Popular imagery, discussion, and media referencing the term also commonly describes console users who find consoles better than PC as \"console peasants\" and people who play on PC as the \"Glorious PC Gaming Master Race\".[5][6]", "Political party A political party is typically led by a party leader (the most powerful member and spokesperson representing the party), a party secretary (who maintains the daily work and records of party meetings), party treasurer (who is responsible for membership dues) and party chair (who forms strategies for recruiting and retaining party members, and also chairs party meetings). Most of the above positions are also members of the party executive, the leading organization which sets policy for the entire party at the national level. The structure is far more decentralized in the United States because of the separation of powers, federalism and the multiplicity of economic interests and religious sects. Even state parties are decentralized as county and other local committees are largely independent of state central committees. The national party leader in the U.S. will be the president, if the party holds that office, or a prominent member of Congress in opposition (although a big-state governor may aspire to that role). Officially, each party has a chairman for its national committee who is a prominent spokesman, organizer and fund-raiser, but without the status of prominent elected office holders.", "Leader of the Opposition (Ontario) 5 Interim Liberal leader of the partyfollowing the resignation of Stuart Smith.", "List of premiers of Ontario by time in office This is a list of Premiers of Ontario in order of time served in office as Premier of Ontario as of June 18, 2018. The preceding Premier always stays in office during an election campaign, and that time is included in the total. See also List of Ontario political parties by time in office.", "Leader of the Opposition (Ontario) 8 Interim Liberal leader between resignation of Elston and election of McLeod.", "Leader of the Opposition (India) While the position also existed in former Central Legislative Assembly of British India, and holders of it there included Motilal Nehru, it received statutory recognition through the Salary and Allowances of Leaders of Opposition in Parliament Act, 1977 which defines the term \"Leader of the Opposition\" as that member of the Lok Sabha or the Rajya Sabha who, for the time being, is the Leader of that House of the Party in Opposition to the Government having the greatest numerical strength and recognised, as such, by the Chairman of the Rajya Sabha or the Speaker of the Lok Sabha. However, in order to get formal recognition, the concerned party must have at least 10% of the total strength of the House (55 seats in the Lok Sabha). If any party fails to get 10% seats in opposition, the House will not have recognised leader of the opposition.[1][2] A single party has to meet the 10% seat criteria, not an alliance.[3]", "United States House of Representatives Each party elects a floor leader, who is known as the Majority Leader or Minority Leader. The Minority Leader heads their party in the House, and the Majority Leader is their party's second-highest-ranking official, behind the Speaker. Party leaders decide what legislation members of their party should either support or oppose.", "Ontario New Democratic Party In the 2003 election, the party emphasized their \"Public Power Campaign\", which had two key issues, primarily publicly owned electricity generation and distribution, and publicly run auto insurance.[18] As well, the Public Power Campaign also dealt with rolling-back the social program cuts from the Harris government's Common Sense Revolution. Many media outlets – including The Globe and Mail – thought that party leader Howard Hampton performed strongly in the televised leaders' debate.[19] Despite Hampton's debate performance and a 2.4% increase in the popular vote, the party lost two seats, once again losing official party status and their previous speaking privileges and funding.[19] One of the problems that likely affected NDP support was strategic voting, not unlike that of the 1999 election. Dozens of NDP voters voted Liberal in order to ensure that the Tories would be defeated.[20] This voting practice did do damage to the NDP's electoral fortunes because it was interpreted as a call for blanket support for Liberal candidates over NDP candidates, with no real thought to which candidate had a better chance to defeat a PC in any individual riding.[21] Several unions, such as the Canadian Auto Workers (CAW), promoted strategic voting to their membership and the public, which further added to the party's woes.[22] The newly elected Liberal government offered to give the NDP caucus research funding if their members agreed to sit as independents. Hampton refused and disrupted the government Throne Speech in protest.[23]", "Conservative Party of Canada In October and November, during the course of the PC party's process of ratifying the merger, four sitting Progressive Conservative MPs — André Bachand, John Herron, former Tory leadership candidate Scott Brison, and former Prime Minister Joe Clark — announced their intention not to join the new Conservative Party caucus, as did retiring PC Party president Bruck Easton. Clark and Brison argued that the party's merger with the Canadian Alliance drove it too far to the right, and away from its historical position in Canadian politics.", "Leader of the Labour Party (UK) There are six living former party leaders: four elected and two acting. From oldest to youngest:", "Party leaders of the United States Senate By rule, the Presiding Officer gives the Majority Leader priority in obtaining recognition to speak on the floor of the Senate. The Majority Leader customarily serves as the chief representative of their party in the Senate, and sometimes even in all of Congress if the House of Representatives and thus the office of Speaker of the House is controlled by the opposition party.", "Party leaders of the United States House of Representatives When the Majority Leader's party loses control of the House, and if the Speaker and Majority Leader both remain in the leadership hierarchy, convention suggests that they would become the Minority Leader and Minority Whip, respectively. As the minority party has one less leadership position after losing the speaker's chair, there may be a contest for the remaining leadership positions. Nancy Pelosi is the most recent example of an outgoing Speaker seeking the Minority Leader post to retain the House party leadership, as the Democrats lost control of the House in the 2010 elections. She ran successfully for Minority Leader in the 112th Congress.[7][8]", "Party leaders of the United States Senate The Senate Majority and Minority Leaders are two United States Senators and members of the party leadership of the United States Senate. These leaders serve as the chief Senate spokespeople for the political parties respectively holding the majority and the minority in the United States Senate, and manage and schedule the legislative and executive business of the Senate. They are elected to their positions in the Senate by their respective party caucuses, the Senate Democratic Caucus and the Senate Republican Conference.", "Lieutenant Governor of Ontario With the election in 1937 of the Liberal Party to a majority in the Legislative Assembly, the Office of the Lieutenant Governor in Ontario was targeted for spending cutbacks. Government House was closed and the viceroy given a suite at the Legislative Building as a replacement. The post then remained relatively low-key until 1985, when the personal discretion of Lieutenant Governor John Black Aird was required in the exercise of the royal prerogative: After Frank Miller that year lost the confidence of the Legislative Assembly, the opposing Liberal Party managed to negotiate a deal with both the New Democratic Party (NDP) and independent members of the assembly[11] and Aird, rather than dissolve the legislature only 55 days after the last election, called upon Liberal leader David Peterson to serve as premier.[12][13]", "Windows Virtual PC With each release of Virtual PC we spend a significant amount of time trying to decide which (guest) operating system should be officially supported. While Virtual PC is capable of running many operating systems, official support for an operating system means that we will test it thoroughly, not ship Virtual PC if an issue exists with that operating system, and provide full support for customers who encounter problems while running these operating systems under Virtual PC.[43]", "History of the Labour Party (UK) Arthur Henderson, who had been elected in 1931 as Labour leader to succeed MacDonald, lost his seat in the 1931 General Election. The only former Labour cabinet member who survived the landslide was the pacifist George Lansbury, who accordingly became party leader.", "Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario leadership election, 2018 All party members are eligible to cast votes by preferential ballot using electronic balloting, provided that they are members in good standing by February 16, 2018. To be eligible, one must be at least 14 years of age, a Canadian Citizen who is a resident of Ontario, and pay a $10 membership fee with personal funds (i.e. no corporation or union funds may be used).", "Labour Party (UK) Lansbury resigned as leader in 1935 after public disagreements over foreign policy. He was promptly replaced as leader by his deputy, Clement Attlee, who would lead the party for two decades. The party experienced a revival in the 1935 general election, winning 154 seats and 38% of the popular vote, the highest that Labour had achieved.[38]", "Ontario New Democratic Party Michael Cassidy was elected leader, but being the most left-wing of the three leadership candidates, he was not fully trusted by the party establishment. Cassidy's policy advisor in the leadership campaign was James Laxer, a former leader of The Waffle NDP faction which Lewis had expelled from the party in 1972. Some members of the NDP caucus considered Cassidy's election as a serious mistake, and encouraged him to resign before contesting an election. Cassidy ignored this advice, and remained as leader. The NDP declined further in the 1981 election and Cassidy stepped down.", "Party leaders of the United States House of Representatives Traditionally, the Speaker is reckoned as the leader of the majority party in the House, with the Majority Leader as second-in-command. For instance, when the Republicans gained the majority in the House after the 2010 elections, Eric Cantor succeeded Boehner as Majority Leader. Despite this, Cantor and his successor, Kevin McCarthy, have been reckoned as the second-ranking Republicans in the House, since Boehner was still reckoned as the leader of the House Republicans. However, there have been some exceptions. The most recent exception to this rule came when Majority Leader Tom DeLay generally overshadowed Speaker Dennis Hastert from 2003 to 2006.[6] In contrast, the Minority Leader is the undisputed leader of the minority party.", "Swaraj Party The Swaraj Party, Swarajaya Party or Swarajya Party or Swarajist Party, established as the Congress-Khilafat Swarajaya Party, was a political party formed in India in January 1923 after the Gaya annual conference in December 1922 of the National Congress, that sought greater self-government and political freedom for the Indian people from the British Raj. It was inspired by the concept of Swaraj. In Hindi and many other languages of India, swaraj means \"independence\" or \"self-rule.\" The two most important leaders were Chittaranjan Das, who was its president and Motilal Nehru, who was its secretary.", "Quebec referendum, 1995 Parizeau's resignation led to Bouchard becoming the leader of the PQ and Premier unopposed. While Bouchard maintained a third referendum was forthcoming provided \"winning conditions\" occurred, his government's chief priority became reform of the Quebec economy. Daniel Johnson would resign as leader of the Liberal Party of Quebec, and after significant pressure in English Canada, Charest resigned as national PC leader and was acclaimed as leader of the Quebec Liberals. Bouchard would defeat Charest in the 1998 election, and subsequently continue his government's focus on austerity.", "New Democratic Party The New Democratic Party has also formed government in Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Nova Scotia, Ontario, and in Yukon.", "Party leaders of the United States Senate The Constitution designates the Vice President of the United States as President of the United States Senate. The Constitution also calls for a President pro tempore to serve as the leader of the body when the President of the Senate (the Vice President) is absent. In practice, neither the Vice President nor the President pro tempore—customarily the most senior (longest-serving) Senator in the majority party—actually presides over the Senate on a daily basis; that task is given to junior Senators of the majority party. Since the Vice President may be of a different party than the majority and is not a member subject to discipline, the rules of procedure of the Senate give the presiding officer very little power and none beyond the presiding role. For these reasons, it is the Majority Leader who, in practice, manages the Senate. This is in contrast to the House of Representatives where the elected Speaker of the House has a great deal of discretionary power and generally presides over votes on bills.[citation needed]", "Conservative Party of Canada In the early months following the merger, MP Rick Borotsik, who had been elected as Manitoba's only PC, became openly critical of the new party's leadership. Borotsik chose not to run in the 2004 general election. Brison, at first, voted for and supported the ratification of the Alliance-PC merger, then crossed the floor to the Liberals.[36] Soon afterward, he was made a parliamentary secretary in Paul Martin's Liberal government. Herron also ran as a Liberal candidate in the election, but did not join the Liberal caucus prior to the election. He lost his seat to the new Conservative Party's candidate Rob Moore. Bachand and Clark sat as independent Progressive Conservatives until an election was called in the spring of 2004, and then retired from Parliament.", "Ontario Ontario is sometimes conceptually divided into two regions, Northern Ontario and Southern Ontario. The great majority of Ontario's population and arable land is located in the south. In contrast, the larger, northern part of Ontario is sparsely populated with cold winters and heavy forestation.", "Quebec referendum, 1995 Making matters more complex, especially for the \"No\" camp, was the federal nature of Canada. The governing Liberal Party of Canada and its leader, Prime Minister Jean Chrétien were not strongly represented in the province outside of Montreal. Chrétien's involvement in the 1982 negotiations and his stance against the Meech Lake Accord made him unpopular with moderate francophone federalists and sovereignists, who would be the swing voters in the referendum.[25] Lucienne Robillard, a nationalist former Bourassa-era cabinet minister, would serve as the federal Liberal representative on the \"No\" committee.[26] Jean Charest, leader of the Federal Progressive Conservative Party, would be prominently featured, as he and the PCs had closely and productively cooperated with the Quebec Liberals in the Meech Lake negotiations.[27]", "Ontario New Democratic Party These are the results for the Ontario CCF from 1934 to 1959 and the Ontario NDP from 1963 to present.", "Ontario Libertarian Party Conventions are held every three years to elect the Leader, Deputy Leader, Chairman, Vice Chair, Secretary, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, and Campaign Director for a three-year term. All of these positions, except Leader and Deputy Leader, may be replaced by election at a General Meeting. Members-at-Large are elected for a one-year term at a Convention or Annual General Meeting.[12]", "Party leaders of the United States House of Representatives A look at one minority leadership strategy—partisan opposition—may suggest why it might be employed in specific circumstances. The purposes of obstruction are several, such as frustrating the majority party's ability to govern or attracting press and media attention to the alleged ineffectiveness of the majority party. \"We know how to delay,\" remarked Minority Leader Gephardt[37] Dilatory motions to adjourn, appeals of the presiding officer's ruling, or numerous requests for roll call votes are standard time-consuming parliamentary tactics. By stalling action on the majority party's agenda, the minority leader may be able to launch a campaign against a \"do-nothing Congress\" and convince enough voters to put his party back in charge of the House. To be sure, the minority leader recognizes that \"going negative\" carries risks and may not be a winning strategy if his party fails to offer policy alternatives that appeal to broad segments of the general public.", "Taoiseach Historically, where there have been multi-party or coalition governments, the Taoiseach has come from the leader of the largest party in the coalition. One exception to this was John A. Costello, who was not leader of his party, but an agreed choice to head the government, because the other parties refused to accept then Fine Gael leader Richard Mulcahy as Taoiseach.", "History of the Liberal Party of Canada Ontario and Quebec are guaranteed a majority of seats in the House of Commons under both Constitution Acts (59 percent of the seats). As a result, it is very difficult to form even a minority government without substantial support in Ontario and/or Quebec. It is mathematically impossible to form a majority government without winning the most seats in either Ontario or Quebec. While it is mathematically possible to form a minority government without a strong base in either province, but such an undertaking is politically difficult. The Liberals were the only party with a strong base in both provinces, thus making them the only party capable of forming a government.", "Parti Québécois Until 5 June 2005, the office of Leader of the Parti Québécois was known as President of the Parti Québécois.", "New Democratic Party Provincial New Democratic parties, which are organizationally sections of the federal party, have governed in six of the ten provinces and a territory. The NDP governs the provinces of Alberta and British Columbia, forms the Official Opposition in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Ontario, and have sitting members in every provincial legislature except those of Quebec, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island. The NDP has previously formed the government in the provinces of Manitoba, Ontario, Saskatchewan, British Columbia, Nova Scotia and the Yukon Territory.", "Windows Virtual PC Earlier versions of Virtual PC supported the following features: (now removed in Microsoft Virtual PC 2004, 2007, and Windows Virtual PC):", "Windows Virtual PC Earlier versions of Virtual PC supported the following features: (now removed in Microsoft Virtual PC 2004, 2007, and Windows Virtual PC):", "Leader of the Liberal Democrats There are six living former party leaders. From oldest to youngest:", "Next United Kingdom general election The leader of the party commanding a majority of support in the House of Commons is the person who is called on by the monarch to form a government as Prime Minister, while the leader of the largest party not in government becomes the Leader of the Opposition. Other parties also form shadow ministerial teams. The leaders of the SNP and Plaid Cymru are not members of parliament, but instead members of their respective devolved legislatures, and so these parties have separate leaders in the House of Commons (Ian Blackford for the SNP and Liz Saville Roberts in the case of Plaid Cymru).", "PC Master Race The PC Master Race, sometimes referred to by its original phrasing as the Glorious PC Gaming Master Race, is an internet subculture, internet community, and a tongue-in-cheek term of superiority for PC gaming used among gamers to compare PC gaming to console gaming.[1][2]", "Party leaders of the United States House of Representatives Since Snell's description, other responsibilities have been added to the job. These duties involve an array of institutional and party functions. Before examining the institutional and party assignments of the minority leader, it is worth highlighting the historical origin of this position.", "Parti Québécois When a Parti Québécois leader does not have a seat in the National Assembly, another member leads the party in the legislature.", "Ontario general election, 2018 In March 2018, the NDP nominated Lyra Evans as their candidate in Ottawa-Vanier. Evans is the first openly transgender candidate nominated by a major party to run in an Ontario general election.[89][90]", "Ontario New Democratic Party Bob Rae became Premier of Ontario during the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression. In government, the NDP disappointed supporters by abandoning much of its ambitious program, including the promise to institute a public auto insurance system. As the recession worsened, the NDP implemented what it called the Social Contract – which represented a shift to fiscal conservatism that anticipated that of the Labour Party in the United Kingdom under the leadership of Tony Blair. This was a package of austerity measures that:", "History of the Liberal Party of Canada The Liberal Party held its first leadership convention in 1919, electing William Lyon Mackenzie King as leader. Prior to that party leaders were chosen by caucus.", "London, Ontario Guy Lombardo, an internationally acclaimed big band leader, was born in London, as was jazz musician Rob McConnell. Contemporary musicians born in London include hip hop artist and former CBC Radio host, Shad, and singer-songwriter Meaghan Smith. Justin Bieber was born in London prior to moving to Stratford, Ontario.", "Communist Party of China The CPC is, officially, organized on the basis of democratic centralism, a principle conceived by Russian Marxist theoretician Vladimir Lenin which entails democratic and open discussion on policy on the condition of unity in upholding the agreed upon policies. The highest body of the CPC is the National Congress, convened every fifth year. When the National Congress is not in session, the Central Committee is the highest body, but since the body meets normally only once a year most duties and responsibilities are vested in the Politburo and its Standing Committee. The party's leader holds the offices of General Secretary (responsible for civilian party duties), Chairman of the Central Military Commission (CMC) (responsible for military affairs) and State President (a largely ceremonial position). Through these posts the party leader is the country's paramount leader. The current paramount leader is Xi Jinping who was elected at the 19th National Congress held in October 2017.", "Democratic-Republican Party The modern Republican Party was formed in 1854 to oppose the expansion of slavery. Many former Whig party leaders (such as Abraham Lincoln – modern Republican Party supporters still sometimes refer to themselves as \"the party of Lincoln\") and former Free Soil Party leaders joined the newly formed anti-slavery party.[34] The party sought to combine Jefferson's ideals of liberty and equality with Clay's program of using an active government to modernize the economy.[35]" ]
nitty gritty dirt band fishin in the dark album
[ "Fishin' in the Dark \"Fishin' in the Dark\" is a song written by Wendy Waldman and Jim Photoglo and recorded by American country music group The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band. It was released in June 1987 as the second single from their album Hold On.[1] It reached number-one on the U.S. and Canadian country charts. It was the band's third number-one single on the U.S. country music charts and the second in Canada. After it became available for download, it has sold over a million digital copies by 2015.[2] It was certified Platinum by the RIAA on September 12, 2014.[3]" ]
[ "Nitty Gritty Dirt Band During 1989, Nitty Gritty Dirt Band again returned to Nashville, to record Will the Circle Be Unbroken: Volume Two. Returnees from the first Circle included Earl Scruggs, Vassar Clements, and Roy Acuff. Johnny Cash and the Carter Family, Emmylou Harris, and Ricky Skaggs joined the sessions, as did John Prine, Levon Helm, John Denver, John Hiatt, Bruce Hornsby, and former Byrds Roger McGuinn and Chris Hillman. This album won two Grammy Awards[2] and was named Album of the Year at the Country Music Association Awards for Best Country Vocal Performance (duo or group) and the Country Music Association's Album of the Year Award in 1989.", "Cadillac Ranch \"Cadillac Ranch\" is the name of a Bruce Springsteen song on his 1980 album The River, later covered by the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band.[1]", "Nitty Gritty Dirt Band During April 1992, they were the unwitting subject of one of George H. W. Bush's malapropisms when he referred to the group as the \"Nitty Ditty Nitty Gritty Great Bird\" at a country music awards ceremony in Nashville:", "Nitty Gritty Dirt Band Nitty Gritty Dirt Band next sought to solidify its reputation as a country band when band member John McEuen asked Earl Scruggs if he would record with the group. Earl's \"yes\" was followed the next week when John asked Doc Watson the same question, receiving the same answer of 'yes'. This set in motion the further addition of other artists, and with the help of Earl and Louise Scruggs, they set to traveling to Nashville, Tennessee, and recording what was to become a triple album, Will the Circle Be Unbroken with Nashville stalwarts Roy Acuff, Earl Scruggs, and Jimmy Martin, country pioneer Mother Maybelle Carter, folk-blues guitarist Doc Watson, Merle Travis, Norman Blake, and others. The title is from the song, \"Will the Circle Be Unbroken (By and By)\", as adapted by A. P. Carter, and reflects the album's theme of trying to tie together three generations of musicians: long-haired boys from California and older veterans of the middle American establishment. The track \"I Saw the Light\" with Acuff singing, was a success, and the album received two nominations for Grammy Award. Veteran fiddler Vassar Clements was introduced to a wider audience by the album, and a new career. The band also toured Japan twice soon after this period.", "All I Have to Do Is Dream The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band's version hit #66 on the Billboard Hot 100 in 1975.", "Nitty Gritty Dirt Band After returning from Russia, the band released its first 'greatest successes' compilation, another now rare triple album Dirt, Silver & Gold, in 1978. After that release, the band shortened its name to The Dirt Band, and the group's sound became more pop and rock oriented. Saxophonist Al Garth, drummer Merel Bregante, and bassist Richard Hathaway were also added to the lineup in 1978 and Jeff Hanna became the group's producer for a few albums.", "Winnie-the-Pooh In music, Kenny Loggins wrote the song \"House at Pooh Corner\", which was originally recorded by the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band.[49] Loggins later rewrote the song as \"Return to Pooh Corner\", featuring on the album of the same name in 1991. In Italy, a pop band took their name from Winnie, and were titled Pooh. In Estonia there is a punk/metal band called Winny Puhh.", "Nitty Gritty Dirt Band After the next album Les Thompson left the group, making the band a foursome. Stars & Stripes Forever was a live album that mixed old successes such as \"Buy for Me the Rain\" and \"Mr. Bojangles\" with Circle collaborations (fiddler Vassar Clements was a guest performer) and long storytelling spoken-word monologues. A studio album, Dream, was also released.", "Nitty Gritty Dirt Band During 2005 the band donated use of the song \"Soldier's Joy\" for the benefit album, Too Many Years to benefit Clear Path International's work with landmine survivors. Also in 2005, the band was recognized by the International Entertainment Buyers Association for 40 years of contributions to the music industry.", "Nitty Gritty Dirt Band During 1992, the band collaborated with Irish folk music's The Chieftains for the Grammy Award-winning Another Country. Other efforts included the album Acoustic, spotlighting their \"wooden\" sound, a duet with Karla Bonoff, \"You Believed in Me\" for the MCA Olympic compilation, One Voice, and a cover version of Buddy Holly's \"Maybe Baby\" for the Decca tribute album, Not Fade Away. The Christmas Album was released in 1997, followed by Bang! Bang! Bang! in 1999.", "I Fought the Law Sam Neely's version of the song went to No. 54 on the Billboard pop charts and no. 61 on the country charts in 1975. Hank Williams Jr. had a No. 15 country hit with the song in 1978 and another country version by the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band went to No. 66 in 1992.[19]", "Nitty Gritty Dirt Band The albums Make a Little Magic and Jealousy were released in 1980 and 1981, with the single \"Make a Little Magic\" featuring Nicolette Larson reaching the Top 25 on the pop chart. The group also performed the song on a 1980 Steve Martin television special, All Commercials, with an added comic element in which Martin lip-synced the Larson vocal for the last segment of the song.", "The Valley Road In 1989, Hornsby re-recorded \"The Valley Road\" with the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band, and this version of the song was included on the Dirt Band album Will the Circle Be Unbroken: Volume Two. Hornsby and the Dirt Band won a Grammy Award for this recording in 1990 in the category Best Bluegrass Recording. This version of the song was more in the country-bluegrass style of recording, inspired by Leon Russell and his collaborations with the New Grass Revival. Regarding what some in the bluegrass community felt about the award, Hornsby stated: \"I won the bluegrass Grammy. It pissed off all the purists. And I understand their feeling about this. Here's this pop guy, and he's making this quasi-bluegrass. I totally understood the purists' protest.\"[4]", "Michael Martin Murphey In February 2009, Murphey released Buckaroo Blue Grass, which marked a return to his bluegrass musical roots. Murphey's love of Bluegrass music dates back to when he sang lead vocals with the Earl Scruggs Band. Over the years, his songs have been recorded by Bluegrass artists such as Flatt and Scruggs, Doyle Lawson and Quicksilver, the Country Gentlemen, and the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band.", "Golden Bear (nightclub) Huntington Beach celebrated memories of the club for the city's centennial celebration in September 2009, with a two-day Golden Bear reunion at the Hilton Waterfront Beach Resort, a few blocks from the original location. Honk, David Lindley, Ray Manzarek of The Doors, the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band, Chris Hillman and Herb Pederson were among the performers for the city's 100-year anniversary.[15] In 2014, the city unveiled a commemorative plaque honoring the venue on the wall of the Pierside Pavilion.[16]", "Andrew Gold Gold played and recorded with artists such as Linda Ronstadt, Paul McCartney, Don Henley, James Taylor, Brian Wilson, Roy Orbison, Ringo Starr, Carly Simon, John Waite, Roxy Music, Jennifer Warnes, Stephen Bishop, America, Nicolette Larson, Maria Muldaur, Neil Diamond, Barbi Benton, Eric Carmen, Juice Newton, Leo Sayer, Freddie Mercury, Nitty Gritty Dirt Band, Karla Bonoff, Bette Midler, Diana Ross, Cher, Jesse McCartney and J. D. Souther.[1]", "Rocky Top Phish played \"Rocky Top\" regularly from 1987 to 2003 and, after reforming, again in 2009. There have been additional cover versions of the song by artists such as The Schwag, Dillard and Clark and country artists such as Buck Owens, Lynn Anderson, Dolly Parton, John Denver, Albert Lee, Conway Twitty, Billie Jo Spears, and John Stewart. Columbus, Ohio-based all-female rock trio Scrawl, included a cover of the song on their Nashville-recorded 1988 album \"He's Drunk\". Many contemporary groups and artists have performed the song while performing in Knoxville, including Rascal Flatts, Brad Paisley, Keith Urban, and Dierks Bentley. The country rock group the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band tackled the song on their 1976 compilation album Dirt, Silver and Gold. The 2011 pilot episode of NBC's sitcom Up All Night featured Christina Applegate and Will Arnett singing \"Rocky Top.\"", "What'll You Do About Me McGuffey Lane was the first artist or group to record the song in 1984 on their album Day by Day for Atlantic Records. Steve Earle was the second artist to record the song, doing so also in 1984, on Epic Records. Released as a single that year, Earle's rendition peaked at number 76 on the country charts. However, this version was not included on an album until 2005, when Koch Records included it on a reissue of the compilation album Early Tracks (1987). Other subsequent recordings of the song include John Schneider on his album Too Good to Stop Now (1984), Randy Travis on his album Always & Forever (1987), The Forester Sisters on their album I Got a Date (1992), Nitty Gritty Dirt Band on their album Not Fade Away (1992), and Doug Supernaw on his album Deep Thoughts from a Shallow Mind (1995). The Forester Sisters and Supernaw both released their versions as singles also. Supernaw's rendition was the highest-peaking of the three, peaking at number 16 on the U.S. country charts.", "Michael Martin Murphey In the summer of 1975, \"Wildfire\" became a chart-topping hit, reaching #2 in Cash Box and #3 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart, as well as #1 on the Adult Contemporary charts, giving Murphey a new level of commercial success and exposure. It immediately sold over one million copies, and was awarded a gold disc by the R.I.A.A. in July 1975.[8] It eventually surpassed two million in US sales and was awarded a platinum disc by the R.I.A.A. in September 2001. The song's harmonies were supplied by Jeff Hanna and Jimmy Ibbotson from the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band, and the piano introduction and ending coda played by jazz pianist Jac Murphy.[9] The introduction is based on a piece by the Russian classical composer Alexander Scriabin.", "Fishin' in the Dark The music video was directed by Bill Young and features the band playing in front of a live audience.", "Music history of the United States in the 1960s In 1968 Gram Parsons recorded Safe at Home with the International Submarine Band, arguably the first true country rock album.[37] Later that year he joined the Byrds for Sweetheart of the Rodeo (1968), generally considered one of the most influential recordings in the genre.[37] The Byrds continued in the same vein, but Parsons left to be joined by another ex-Byrds member Chris Hillman in forming The Flying Burrito Brothers who helped establish the respectability and parameters of the genre, before Parsons departed to pursue a solo career.[37] Country rock was particularly popular in the Californian music scene, where it was adopted by bands including Hearts and Flowers, Poco and Riders of the Purple Sage,[37] the Beau Brummels[37] and the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band.[38] A number of performers also enjoyed a renaissance by adopting country sounds, including: the Everly Brothers; one-time teen idol Ricky Nelson who became the frontman for the Stone Canyon Band; former Monkee Mike Nesmith who formed the First National Band; and Neil Young.[37] The Dillards were, unusually, a country act, who moved towards rock music.[37] The greatest commercial success for country rock came in the 1970s, with artist including the Doobie Brothers, Emmylou Harris, Linda Ronstadt and the Eagles (made up of members of the Burritos, Poco and Stone Canyon Band), who emerged as one of the most successful rock acts of all time, producing albums that included Hotel California (1976).[39]", "Rock music In 1968, Gram Parsons recorded Safe at Home with the International Submarine Band, arguably the first true country rock album.[136] Later that year he joined the Byrds for Sweetheart of the Rodeo (1968), generally considered one of the most influential recordings in the genre.[136] The Byrds continued in the same vein, but Parsons left to be joined by another ex-Byrds member Chris Hillman in forming the Flying Burrito Brothers who helped establish the respectability and parameters of the genre, before Parsons departed to pursue a solo career.[136] Bands in California that adopted country rock included Hearts and Flowers, Poco, New Riders of the Purple Sage,[136] the Beau Brummels,[136] and the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band.[137] Some performers also enjoyed a renaissance by adopting country sounds, including: the Everly Brothers; one-time teen idol Rick Nelson who became the frontman for the Stone Canyon Band; former Monkee Mike Nesmith who formed the First National Band; and Neil Young.[136] The Dillards were, unusually, a country act, who moved towards rock music.[136] The greatest commercial success for country rock came in the 1970s, with artists including the Doobie Brothers, Emmylou Harris, Linda Ronstadt and the Eagles (made up of members of the Burritos, Poco, and Stone Canyon Band), who emerged as one of the most successful rock acts of all time, producing albums that included Hotel California (1976).[138]", "Captain Fantastic and the Brown Dirt Cowboy Captain Fantastic and the Brown Dirt Cowboy is a 1975 album by Elton John. It is John's ninth studio album.", "Fishin' in the Dark The premise of the song is a couple contemplating a late-night fishing expedition. Specifically, the adventurers plan to make their way to an undisclosed river and chart constellations during an evening in which a full moon is present. Furthermore, the tentative date for this excursion is set in the late spring to early summer.", "Rainbow in the Dark \"Rainbow in the Dark\" was the second single released by Heavy Metal band Dio, taken from their Platinum-selling 1983 debut album, Holy Diver. Assisted by a popular MTV music video, it reached #12 on Billboard's Album Rock Tracks.", "Flint River (Georgia) Luke Bryan refers to the Flint in his 2008 song \"We Rode in Trucks\": \"Down where I was born was Heaven on Earth, the Flint River washes that red Georgia dirt.\" [6] He also refers to the Flint River in the 2013 song \"That's My Kind of Night\".[7] He refers to Muckalee Creek, part of the southernmost tip of the Flint river, in his song \"Muckalee Creek Water.\"[8] Bryan also refers to the river and Muckalee Creek in the song \"Huntin', Fishin' and Lovin' Every Day\", the fourth single from his 2015 album Kill the Lights.", "Every Good Boy Deserves Favour (album) The front cover has been imitated by the leader of the dark progressive band Current 93, David Tibet, for Halo, a live album released in 2004.", "We Love You (Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark song) \"We Love You\" is a song by British band Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark released as the second single taken from their 1986 album, The Pacific Age.", "Idiom The fixed words of the proverbs (in orange) again form a catena each time. The adjective nitty-gritty and the adverb always are not part of the respective proverb and their appearance does not interrupt the fixed words of the proverb. A caveat concerning the catena-based analysis of idioms concerns their status in the lexicon. Idioms are lexical items, which means they are stored as catenae in the lexicon. In the actual syntax, however, some idioms can be broken up by various functional constructions.", "Short Change Hero \"Short Change Hero\" is a song by English rock band The Heavy. It is the fifth track on their second studio album, The House That Dirt Built (2009). In 2012, the song peaked at number 109 on the French Singles Chart.", "Tito & Tarantula In late 2006, the band promised an album out in early 2007 on their Myspace blog. In early 2008, the band finally announced the approaching arrival of their next album, titled Back into the Darkness. The album was released on April 18, 2008.", "V Empire or Dark Faerytales in Phallustein V Empire or Dark Faerytales in Phallustein is an EP by English extreme metal band Cradle of Filth, and the first release following their 1994 debut studio album The Principle of Evil Made Flesh. It was released on 22 April 1996, and was the band's final release for Cacophonous Records.", "Europe (band) The songwriting for a new album, Start from the Dark, began early in 2003.[24] \"It was just a matter of moving forward and writing songs for the new album,\" Tempest said, \"That was always our intention. We thought that if we were gonna make a comeback, we wanted to do it properly, and that meant we wanted to write and record some new songs, a new album.\"[24] For the recording of Start from the Dark, the band decided to work with producer Kevin Elson, who had also produced The Final Countdown.[24] \"We could either go with a younger producer, or we could go with someone that we knew, someone experienced who is on the same wavelength as the band,\" Tempest said, \"So in the end we decided that Kevin would be the perfect choice.\"[24]", "Daryl Mosley In 2017, The Farm Hands were named Entertainers of the Year, Gospel Band of the Year,[6] as well as winning Song of the Year and Album of the Year for \"Dig In The Dirt\".[3] In 2017, Mosley was named Bluegrass Songwriter of the Year.[3]", "The Story So Far (band) Barrett Records released a split of The Story So Far and Morgan Foster in May 2011.[7] Pure Noise released the band's debut album Under Soil and Dirt in June.[8] On March 26, 2013, they released their second studio album, What You Don't See,[9] which debuted at number 46 on the Billboard 200 chart in the U.S.[10] They have also released a split with Stick to Your Guns on June 18.[11] This split contains one new original song, Clairvoyant, and one cover of Pinback's song \"Loro\". The band was featured on the cover of Alternative Press' March 2013 issue \"100 Bands You Need to Know.\"[12] The band played the entire Warped Tour 2014 on the main stage.[13]", "Levon Helm Helm released the album Electric Dirt on his own label on June 30, 2009.[17] The album won a best album Grammy for the newly created Americana category in 2010. Helm performed on the CBS television program Late Show with David Letterman on July 9, 2009. He also toured that same year in a supporting role with the band Black Crowes.", "Nightcall (song) \"Nightcall\" was covered by English band London Grammar for their debut album, If You Wait (2013). It was also covered by former Bluetones frontman Mark Morriss on his second solo album, A Flash of Darkness, and by British shoegaze band My Vitriol.", "Dark Night of the Soul English electronic band Depeche Mode make a clear reference in \"I Feel Loved\", the second single released from the album Exciter: \"It's the dark night of my soul and temptation's taking hold, but through the pain and the suffering, through the heartache and trembling I feel loved...\".", "Mötley Crüe Mötley Crüe's ninth studio album, titled Saints of Los Angeles, was released in Japan on June 17, 2008, and in America on June 24, 2008. The album was originally titled The Dirt, as it was loosely based on the band's autobiography of the same name, but the title was later changed. In the US, the album was released by Eleven Seven Music. Eleven Seven also took over US distribution of their back catalog.", "Europe (band) In the summer of 2004 Europe went on a festival tour through the European continent.[24] The concert setlists included the old hits, but also introduced the title track from Start from the Dark.[24] The album was released on 22 September 2004, the same day that John Norum became a father. Start from the Dark featured a more modern sound compared to Europe's previous albums. \"We wanted to be doing something at least that was a little bit relevant now; bit of a dry mix, detuned a bit,\" Tempest said, \"So we felt like we didn't want to do an 1980s album per se, we just wanted to start like a fresh band really.\"[27] Eventually, the album sold in excess of 600,000 copies worldwide.[12]", "Grunge The band Soundgarden's album Badmotorfinger and the band Alice in Chains' album Dirt, along with the band Temple of the Dog's self-titled album, a collaboration featuring members of Pearl Jam and Soundgarden, were also among the 100 top selling albums of 1992.[185] The popular breakthrough of these grunge bands prompted Rolling Stone to nickname Seattle \"the new Liverpool\".[79] Major record labels signed most of the prominent grunge bands in Seattle, while a second influx of bands moved to the city in hopes of success.[186] The grunge scene was the backdrop in the 1992 Cameron Crowe film Singles. There were several small roles, performances, and cameos in the film by popular Seattle grunge bands including Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, and Alice in Chains. Filmed in and around Seattle in 1991, the film was not released until 1992 during the height of grunge popularity.[79]", "Huntin', Fishin' and Lovin' Every Day Tour The Huntin', Fishin' and Lovin' Every Day Tour is the fifth and current headlining concert tour by American country music artist Luke Bryan. It began on May 5, 2017, in Nashville Tennessee and will conclude on October 28, 2017, San Bernadino, California.", "Ramleh (band) Early recordings of Ramleh were labeled as power electronics and noise music.[1][2][5] Nevertheless, in 1990s the band started experiment with more traditional rock music structures. The band's more traditional works were commonly labeled as \"noise rock.\"[4][6] Frances Morgan of The Quietus described the band music during this era as \"a brutal, abject strand of dark psychedelic rock,\"[7] while albums such as Works III and Boeing were labeled as \"heavy psych-noise rock.\"[5] Skullflower and Butthole Surfers were influences on these works.[2] Ramleh's first album after 2009 reunion expressed a revival of the band's original power electronics genre and was compared to the works of Japanese noise musician Merzbow,[2][5] while the band retained its rock music instrumentation during this era, performing on both genres.[2]", "Judas Priest The band participated more in the production of their next album, recorded during November and December 1975, and chose the producers themselves. The result, Sad Wings of Destiny (1976), included a variety of old material, including the aforementioned stage favourites and immediately shifted the band from a psychedelic sound to straight gritty metal with the opening track, the progressive epic \"Victim of Changes\". This song was a combination of \"Whiskey Woman\", a stage classic from the Al Atkins era of Judas Priest, and \"Red Light Lady\", a song that Halford had written with his previous group, Hiroshima. This album and a strong performance at the 1975 Reading Festival[14] helped to raise wider interest in the band and expand their fanbase.[citation needed]", "I Believe in a Thing Called Love \"I Believe in a Thing Called Love\" is a song by English rock band The Darkness, released as the third single from their debut studio album, Permission to Land.", "Rooster (song) \"Rooster\" is a song by the American rock band Alice in Chains, featured on their second studio album, Dirt (1992). The song was released as the fourth single from the album in 1993. It is the fifth song on the original pressing of the album and sixth on others. \"Rooster\" spent 20 weeks on Billboard's Mainstream Rock Tracks chart and peaked at No. 7.[3] The song was included on the compilation albums Unplugged (1996), Music Bank (1999), Greatest Hits (2001), and The Essential Alice in Chains (2006). A demo version of the song was also included on Music Bank.", "Killing Machine Killing Machine (known as Hell Bent for Leather in the US due to controversy over the Cleveland Elementary School shooting) is the fifth studio album by British heavy metal band Judas Priest. With its release in October 1978, the album pushed the band towards a more commercial style; however, it still contained the dark lyrical themes of their previous albums. At about the same time, the band members adopted their now-famous \"leather-and-studs\" fashion image, inspired by Rob Halford's interest in gay leather culture. It is the band's last studio album to feature drummer Les Binks.", "The Dark Side of the Moon The Dark Side of the Moon built upon experiments Pink Floyd had attempted in their previous live shows and recordings, but lacks the extended instrumental excursions which, according to critic David Fricke, had become characteristic of the band after founding member Syd Barrett left in 1968. Gilmour, Barrett's replacement, later referred to those instrumentals as \"that psychedelic noodling stuff\", and with Waters cited 1971's Meddle as a turning-point towards what would be realised on the album. The Dark Side of the Moon's lyrical themes include conflict, greed, the passage of time, death, and insanity, the latter inspired in part by Barrett's deteriorating mental state.[7] The album contains musique concrète on several tracks.[3]", "Dark Was the Night, Cold Was the Ground Johnson's music experienced a revival in the 1960s thanks in large part to the efforts of blues guitarist Reverend Gary Davis. A highly regarded figure within the burgeoning New York folk scene, Davis gave copies of Johnson's records to young musicians and taught them to play his songs. The Soul Stirrers, Staples Singers, Buffy Sainte-Marie and Peter, Paul & Mary all covered Johnson.[6] In 1969, the English folk-rock band Fairport Convention released the album What We Did on Our Holidays which included a song inspired by \"Dark Was the Night, Cold Was the Ground\" called \"The Lord Is in this Place...How Dreadful Is this Place\".[10] A compilation album titled Dark Was the Night was released in 2009 by the Red Hot Organization, a charity that raises awareness of HIV and AIDS issues through music. The Kronos Quartet recorded an arrangement of \"Dark Was the Night, Cold Was the Ground\" that appears on the album.[11] The song \"Excavating Rita\" by Half Man Half Biscuit on their 2011 album 90 Bisodol (Crimond) quotes the song's title.", "Elgin Marbles The marbles generally were very dirty ... from a deposit of dust and soot. ... I found the body of the marble beneath the surface white. ... The application of water, applied by a sponge or soft cloth, removed the coarsest dirt. ... The use of fine, gritty powder, with the water and rubbing, though it more quickly removed the upper dirt, left much embedded in the cellular surface of the marble. I then applied alkalies, both carbonated and caustic; these quickened the loosening of the surface dirt ... but they fell far short of restoring the marble surface to its proper hue and state of cleanliness. I finally used dilute nitric acid, and even this failed. ... The examination has made me despair of the possibility of presenting the marbles in the British Museum in that state of purity and whiteness which they originally possessed.", "Boy band In South Korea, boy bands have been very successful. On the Gaon Music Chart year-end albums chart of 2016, nine of the top 10 and 17 of the top 20 albums are by boy bands or by subunits/members of boy bands. BIGBANG,EXO had the second and third best-selling albums. Other boy bands with albums in the yearly top 20 of 2016 are BTS, SHINee, GOT7, Seventeen, INFINITE and VIXX.[27]", "The Dark Side of the Moon The album was originally released in a gatefold LP sleeve designed by Hipgnosis and George Hardie. Hipgnosis had designed several of the band's previous albums, with controversial results; EMI had reacted with confusion when faced with the cover designs for Atom Heart Mother and Obscured by Clouds, as they had expected to see traditional designs which included lettering and words. Designers Storm Thorgerson and Aubrey Powell were able to ignore such criticism as they were employed by the band. For The Dark Side of the Moon, Richard Wright instructed them to come up with something \"smarter, neater – more classy\".[61] The design was inspired by a photograph of a prism with a colour beam projected through it that Thorgerson had found in a photography book.", "Would? Would? is an EP by Alice in Chains. The title song from the EP was produced, engineered, and mixed by Dave Jerden and first appeared on the soundtrack to the 1992 film Singles—where the members of Alice in Chains make a cameo appearance—and later appeared on the band's album Dirt, also released in 1992. The song was included on the compilation albums Nothing Safe: Best of the Box (1999), Music Bank (1999), Greatest Hits (2001), and The Essential Alice in Chains (2006).", "I Will Follow You into the Dark Critical response to \"I Will Follow You into the Dark\" was generally positive. In their reviews for the album Plans, Robert Christgau selected the song as his \"choice cut\",[4] Pitchfork Media called it the album's \"quiet centerpiece\" and praised its \"unexpected turns of phrase\",[5] PopMatters called it \"one of the best written pop songs of the year – if not of the past five years\",[6] and Tiny Mix Tapes stated that it was \"one of the band's best songs to date.\"[7] Rolling Stone however, said that the song \"demonstrates how wise Gibbard is to let the band mess with his pristine melodies, which would sound wispy and ignorable on their own.\"[8]", "Kings of Leon The Followills' debut album, Youth and Young Manhood, was released in the UK in July 2003 and in the United States later that August. The album was recorded between Sound City Studios in Los Angeles and Shangri-La Studios in Malibu, California. It was produced by Angelo Petraglia and Ethan Johns.[7] According to Rolling Stone magazine, the band's retro-chic look and blend of Southern boogie and gritty garage rock inspired comparisons to both Lynyrd Skynyrd and the Strokes. The album became a sensation in the UK and Ireland, where NME declared it \"one of the best debut albums of the last 10 years\" and The Guardian described the band as \"the kind of authentic, hairy rebels the Rolling Stones longed to be\". The album still failed to make any significant impact in the US, where reviews were generally lukewarm and the modern rock audience was generally uninterested. In the United States, Youth and Young Manhood sold only 100,000 copies, compared with the 750,000 copies it moved abroad.", "The Dark Side of the Moon As the quadraphonic mix of the album was not then complete, the band (with the exception of Wright) boycotted the press reception held at the London Planetarium on 27 February.[73] The guests were, instead, presented with a quartet of life-sized cardboard cut-outs of the band, and the stereo mix of the album was presented through a poor-quality public address system.[74][75] Generally, however, the press were enthusiastic; Melody Maker's Roy Hollingworth described side one as \"so utterly confused with itself it was difficult to follow\", but praised side two, writing: \"The songs, the sounds, the rhythms were solid and sound, Saxophone hit the air, the band rocked and rolled, and then gushed and tripped away into the night.\"[76] Steve Peacock of Sounds wrote: \"I don't care if you've never heard a note of the Pink Floyd's music in your life, I'd unreservedly recommend everyone to The Dark Side of the Moon\".[74] In his 1973 review for Rolling Stone magazine, Loyd Grossman declared Dark Side \"a fine album with a textural and conceptual richness that not only invites, but demands involvement\".[77] In Christgau's Record Guide (1981), Robert Christgau found its lyrical ideas clichéd and its music pretentious, but called it a \"kitsch masterpiece\" that can be charming with highlights such as taped speech fragments, Parry's saxophone, and studio effects which enhance Gilmour's guitar solos.[66]", "Sparks (band) After Balls, the band resurfaced in 2002 with the release of the album which has been described as their \"genre-defying opus\". Lil' Beethoven, featuring quasi-classical arrangements strings and choirs,[8] led to renewed interest in the band, for instance Record Collector magazine named the album as one of its \"Best New Albums of 2002\", describing it as \"... possibly the most exciting and interesting release ever from such a long established act\"[20] and later in 2003 saying \"... it really does feel like one of the best albums ever made.\"[4] A UK and European tour had the band playing the entire album each night in the first half of the show, with fan favourites making up the second. The line-up now included former Faith No More guitarist Dean Menta in addition to Tammy Glover on drums. Long-time fan Morrissey invited Sparks to perform at the 2004 Meltdown Festival, of which he was curator. They performed their breakthrough Kimono My House album, followed by Lil Beethoven, both in their entirety.[6] Also in this period, the duo appeared in the music video for the Darkness' Justin Hawkins's cover of \"This Town Ain't Big Enough for Both of Us\", in which Ron and Russell play the referee and MC at a darts match between Hawkins and darts champion Phil Taylor. This version of \"This Town\" reached No. 6 in the UK charts.", "Fleetwood Mac (1975 album) Fleetwood Mac is the tenth studio album by British-American rock band Fleetwood Mac, released in July 1975 by Reprise Records. It was the band's second eponymous album; the first was their 1968 debut album. Among Fleetwood Mac fans, the album is often referred to as the White Album.[8] This is the first Fleetwood Mac album to feature Lindsey Buckingham as guitarist and Stevie Nicks as vocalist, after Bob Welch departed the band in late 1974. The album was also the band's last to be released on the Reprise label until 1997's The Dance (the band's subsequent albums until then were released through Warner Bros. Records, Reprise's parent company).", "Trivium (band) Trivium is an American heavy metal band from Orlando, Florida, formed in 1999.[1] After getting signed to Roadrunner Records in 2004, the band has released seven studio albums and over twenty singles. Their latest album, The Sin and the Sentence, is scheduled to be released on October 20, 2017. The band has sold over one million albums worldwide.[2]", "Great Big Sea Great Big Sea appeared on \"It's Friday\", a song by Dean Brody on his 2012 album Dirt.", "Lump (song) Another video was also made for the song. This version, commonly referred to as \"Lump 2\", was considered too disturbing and dark to be aired on MTV (reflecting the band's grunge and post-grunge origins). It features the band performing on a dark stage while various people lip sync the lines \"She's lump!\" during the chorus. This version can be found on \"Ten Year Super Bonus Special Anniversary Edition\" of The Presidents of the United States of America's debut album.", "In the Dark (Toots & the Maytals album) For a hybrid release of Funky Kingston for the United States, six songs from this album were substituted for five others from the original Jamaican version of Funky Kingston, adding in the 1969 \"Pressure Drop\" single. On March 25, 2003, In the Dark was released on compact disc by Universal complete in its original format, along with the Jamaican Funky Kingston album and the \"Pressure Drop\" single.", "Sparks (band) In 2002, the band switched back to a classically influenced rock/pop style with the release of their album Lil' Beethoven, replacing the beat-driven synthpop of their previous albums with complex orchestral arrangements. The band vocally acknowledged this change in style on the album's opening track \"The Rhythm Thief\".[52]", "Money (Pink Floyd song) From 1972 to 1975, \"Money\" was a regular feature of the band's Dark Side of the Moon set, and it was routinely performed as an encore during the band's 1977 tour. These later performances would typically last as long as twelve minutes. From 1987 to 1990, the band performed the song during tours supporting A Momentary Lapse of Reason, their first album without Waters, who had left the band in December 1985. In 1994 the band performed the song during tours supporting The Division Bell, their second album without Waters. An extended version of the song, again lasting up to twelve minutes, was regularly performed during Gilmour's 1984 US tour in support of his solo album About Face.", "Don't Take the Girl The song ends with a repeat of the song's opening line: \"Johnny's daddy was taking him fishin' when he was eight years old\".", "What Time Is It? (album) What Time Is It? is a 1982 album by The Time. The album was recorded at Sunset Sound and Prince's home studio in the Minneapolis suburbs. The title of the album comes from an exclamation by Morris Day that became associated with the band's on-stage theatrics, appearing frequently on the band's debut album as well.", "Darkness on the Edge of Town A box set reissue entitled The Promise: The Darkness on the Edge of Town Story was released on November 16, 2010.[37] The 6-disc set includes 3 CDs and 3 DVD or Blu-ray discs. This contains a remastered version of the Darkness on the Edge of Town album, a new 2-CD album, The Promise, containing 21 previously unreleased outtakes from the Darkness sessions, a documentary titled The Promise: The Making of Darkness on the Edge of Town, and 2 DVDs of live performances.[38][39] The deluxe box set contains an 80-page spiral-bound reproduction of Springsteen's original notebooks documenting the recording sessions for the album containing alternate lyrics, song ideas, recording details, and personal notes.[40]", "Hey Hey, My My (Into the Black) Many other bands and singers have played or recorded covers of this song: System of a Down (Festival of Hurricane in 2005), Dave Matthews Band, Cross Canadian Ragweed, Battleme (closing track of the Sons of Anarchy Season 3 finale), Rick Derringer, Nomeansno (FUBAR soundtrack), Mexican rock & roll band El Tri, Finnish glam rock band Negative, Argentine rock band La Renga, Chromatics, Jake Bugg (played live at the 2013 Glastonbury Festival), Axel Rudi Pell on his 2014 album Into the Storm. Romanian act Fjord covered the song for their 2016 album Textures.[7] Brazilian doom metal band HellLight recorded a version for an album of covers (The Light That Brought Darkness in 2012).[8] Blixa Bargeld and Teho Teardo covered the song on their 2017 album Fall.", "Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers On their fifth album, Long After Dark (1982), bass player Ron Blair was replaced by Howie Epstein (formerly of Del Shannon's backing band), giving the Heartbreakers their line-up until 1991. Long After Dark features the hits \"You Got Lucky\" (U.S. #20) and \"Change of Heart\" (U.S. #21), and was to feature a track called \"Keeping Me Alive\", but producer Jimmy Iovine vetoed it from the album. Petty has expressed that he feels the album would have turned out better if the song had been included on the album.[citation needed]", "Darkness on the Edge of Town Recovering from legal troubles and the stress of the breakthrough success of Born to Run, Springsteen released a somewhat less commercial album in Darkness on the Edge of Town.[8] In terms of the original LP's sequencing, Springsteen continued his \"four corners\" approach from Born to Run, as the songs beginning each side (\"Badlands\" and \"The Promised Land\") were martial rallying cries to overcome circumstances, while the songs ending each side (\"Racing in the Street\", \"Darkness on the Edge of Town\") were sad dirges of circumstances overcoming all hope.[8] Unlike Born to Run, the songs were recorded by the full band at once, frequently soon after Springsteen had written them.[8] Steven Van Zandt received a credit for production assistance for helping Springsteen tighten the arrangements from Born to Run's epic sound.[8] He went on tour for this album.", "The Gap Band During the 1990s, the band released three non-charting studio albums and two live albums.", "Tool (band) In March 2015, Jones revealed that the lawsuit had been settled in the band's favor, and as such, the band was turning their focus towards recording the album.[93] He said that he hoped the album would be finished before the end of 2015 but emphasized that the band would not rush their work to meet an arbitrary deadline.[93]", "Nickelback The album also remained in the top 20 on the Billboard 200 for weeks after its release.[46][47] The album was certified two times platinum in April 2009, and had by April 2010 sold over 3 million copies in the U.S.[47] However, critical reception of the album has been mostly mixed to negative.[48] In 2009, the band won three Juno Awards for Juno Fan Choice Award, group of the year, and album of the year;[49] the band performed their single \"Something In Your Mouth\" at the ceremony.[50] In 2010, Billboard year end charts listed Dark Horse as the top-selling rock and metal album of the year.[51] The band was also listed at the top selling hard rock artist.[52] On January 29, 2010 they released a Tap-Tap rhythm game for on the App Store, contrary to the band's prior comments against other music related video games such as Guitar Hero.[53] On February 28, 2010, Nickelback gave a performance at the beginning of the concert portion of the 2010 Winter Olympics closing ceremony, performing \"Burn It to the Ground\". In October 2010 Nickelback finished their Dark Horse Tour.[54]", "Us and Them (song) \"Us and Them\" is a song by the English progressive rock band Pink Floyd, from their 1973 album The Dark Side of the Moon. The music was written by Roger Waters and Richard Wright with lyrics by Waters. It is sung by David Gilmour, with harmonies by Wright. The song is 7 minutes, 51 seconds in length, making it the longest on the album.", "Beasts of Bourbon In 2012 the group announced plans to reunite the original line-up for a one-off gig at the 2013 Australian All Tomorrow's Parties music festival in mid-February.[15][16] As of January 2013 Jones works in his band, Nothing Butts, with Baker and The Drones' members Gareth Liddiard and Fiona Kitschin;[17] while Perkins fronts Tex Perkins & the Apes with Gus Agars (Dark Horses with Perkins) on drums and Raúl Sánchez (Magic Dirt) on guitar.[17]", "The Great Gig in the Sky \"The Great Gig in the Sky\" is the fifth track[nb 1] on The Dark Side of the Moon, the 1973 album by the English progressive rock band Pink Floyd. The song features music by Richard Wright and non-lexical vocals by Clare Torry.", "Eldora Dirt Derby The Eldora Dirt Derby is a 75-mile-long (121 km) annual race in the NASCAR Camping World Truck Series race held at Eldora Speedway in Rossburg, Ohio. The race is the only dirt track racing event on any NASCAR national touring series (Cup, Xfinity, or Truck) schedule and the first since 1970.", "Hail to the King (Avenged Sevenfold album) The band released four teasers on YouTube showing the band going through the recording process as well as providing snippets of songs off the album. On June 26, 2013, the band revealed the title, cover art and release date of album.[11][12][13] In July, the band revealed the complete track list of the album.[14]", "James (band) The band toured to promote the album, recruiting new member Michael Kulas while in the States, on rhythm guitar. Booth suffered a neck injury while dancing on stage in the US, resulting in a series of tour dates being cancelled as he underwent emergency surgery, and the band being offered a place instead on the Lollapalooza tour. In March 1998, a greatest hits album, The Best Of, was released, compiling all the band's hits since their signing to Fontana. The album reached number 1 in the UK Albums Chart,[3] and sell-out tours throughout the year followed.", "Harder to Breathe \"Harder to Breathe\" tells the story of a relationship Levine had with a woman named Jane,[3] who, according to Levine was the \"muse\" in the band's album. MacKenzie Wilson of AllMusic described the song as a \"soulful disposition\".[4] Meghan Bard of The Daily Campus described the single featuring \"a great up-tempo number with gritty guitar riffs and powerful vocals\" from Levine.[5] Bard noted that the theme in the song was about \"recovering from heartbreak\".[5] Angus Batey of The Times compared \"Harder to Breathe\" sounding as \"Zeppelin-esque\".[6]", "Eyes That See in the Dark Eyes That See in the Dark is the fifteenth studio album by Kenny Rogers, first released by RCA Nashville in August 1983.", "Steve Miller Band The Steve Miller Band is an American rock band formed in 1966 in San Francisco, California.[4] The band is led by Steve Miller on guitar and lead vocals. It is best known today for a string of (mainly) mid-to-late 1970s hit singles that are staples of classic rock radio, as well as several earlier psychedelic rock albums. Miller left his first band to move to San Francisco and form the Steve Miller Blues Band. Shortly after Harvey Kornspan negotiated the band’s landmark contract with Capitol Records in 1967, the band shortened its name to the Steve Miller Band. In February 1968, the band recorded its debut album, Children of the Future. It went on to produce the albums Sailor, Brave New World, Your Saving Grace, Number 5, Rock Love and more. The band's Greatest Hits 1974–78, released in 1978, sold over 13 million copies. The band continued to produce more albums and in 2014 toured with the rock band Journey In 2016, Steve Miller was inducted as a solo artist in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.", "Chicago (band) For the final Foster-produced album, Chicago 18, the band filled Pinnick's spot with several session guitarists, none of whom became band members. The album was released on September 29, 1986,[67] and included the No. 3 single \"Will You Still Love Me?\", and Top 20 Pop song \"If She Would Have Been Faithful...\", in addition to an updated version of \"25 or 6 to 4\" with a video that got airplay on MTV. Soon after the album was recorded, the band hired guitarist Dawayne Bailey,[68][69] formerly of Bob Seger's Silver Bullet Band.[70] Bailey and Scheff had previously played in bands together, so Scheff introduced Bailey to the band in time for the Chicago 18 tour.", "The Beatles (album) The Beatles, also known as \"The White Album\", is the ninth studio album by the English rock band the Beatles, released on 22 November 1968. A double album, its plain white sleeve has no graphics or text other than the band's name embossed,[a] which was intended as a direct contrast to the vivid cover artwork of the band's earlier Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. Although no singles were issued from The Beatles in Britain and the United States, the songs \"Hey Jude\" and \"Revolution\" originated from the same recording sessions and were issued on a single in August 1968. The album's songs range in style from British blues and ska to tracks influenced by Chuck Berry and by Karlheinz Stockhausen.", "Queen (band) The group's second LP, Queen II, was released in 1974, and features rock photographer Mick Rock's iconic image of the band on the cover.[15] This image would be used as the basis for the 1975 \"Bohemian Rhapsody\" music video production.[15][16] The album reached number five on the British album chart and became the first Queen album to chart in the UK.[13] The Freddie Mercury-written lead single \"Seven Seas of Rhye\" reached number ten in the UK, giving the band their first hit.[13] The album is the first real testament to the band's distinctive layered sound, and features long complex instrumental passages, fantasy-themed lyrics, and musical virtuosity.[17][18] Aside from its only single, the album also included the song \"The March of the Black Queen\", a six-minute epic which lacks a chorus. The Daily Vault described the number as \"menacing\".[19] Critical reaction was mixed; the Winnipeg Free Press, while praising the band's debut album, described Queen II as an \"over-produced monstrosity\".[20] Allmusic has described the album as a favourite among the band's hardcore fans,[21] and it is the first of three Queen albums to feature in the book 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die.[22]", "Skillet (band) The band released their first worship album, and fourth album overall, Ardent Worship in late 2000. The band kept much of their sound from Invincible on their next album Alien Youth.[5] With little time between touring and recording, Skillet released Alien Youth on August 28, 2001, which was the first album that John Cooper took on production duties. Before the release of Alien Youth, Haaland left the band, and Ben Kasica took over on guitar. The first single, the title track, was a major hit in the Christian market and drove Skillet into their first headlining shows.[citation needed]", "Fleetwood Mac (1975 album) The album cover photo for Fleetwood Mac emulates all of the band's albums, in that all the band members have never fully appeared on the front cover of any of their studio albums, The Dance from 1997, being the only exception.[17] Drummer Mick Fleetwood and bass guitarist John McVie are the only band members that are shown on the cover.", "Four (One Direction album) The album received generally positive reviews from music critics. It debuted at number one in 18 countries, including the United Kingdom, Australia and the United States. The album was also One Direction's last with member Zayn Malik, who announced he was leaving the band on 25 March 2015. In August 2015, Four became the band's fourth consecutive album to sell in excess of 1 million copies in the United States. The band became the first band to have their first four albums debut at number one in the United States.", "Someone Saved My Life Tonight \"Someone Saved My Life Tonight\" is an Elton John song from his album Captain Fantastic and the Brown Dirt Cowboy.", "The Marshall Tucker Band The band's self-titled debut album was categorized as country rock,[21] progressive rock[23] and \"a Southern rock classic\".[27] Guitarist/songwriter Toy Caldwell drew heavily from bluegrass and country while writing songs for the band's debut.[19] The follow-up album, A New Life, was categorized as having more of a country sound.[17][28] Where We All Belong has been described as a \"classic rock and roll album\".[29] The band's 1979 album Running Like the Wind features a pop rock and jazz fusion sound.[23] The follow-up Tenth album featured a boogie rock sound.[30] The band's 1998 album Face Down in the Blues consisted, as its title implies, entirely of blues music.[20]", "Archive (band) In 1997, Keeler and Griffiths regrouped and continued Archive with another female singer, Suzanne Wooder. In 1999, Archive released their second studio album on Independiente, entitled Take My Head. The album features a mix of pop and symphonic trip hop, far more melodic than its predecessor. Due to differences of musical taste with an undisclosed number of producers the band tried to work with on the album, they have described it as their least favorite album the band recorded.", "Kiss (band) For their next album, the band worked again with producer Ezrin, with whom Kiss had found success on Destroyer. Early press reports indicated that the new album would be a return to the hard rock style that had originally brought the band success. However, 1981's Music from \"The Elder\" was a concept album featuring medieval horns, strings, harps, and synthesizers.[48]", "AC/DC Malcolm and Angus Young developed the idea for the band's name after their sister, Margaret Young, saw the initials \"AC/DC\" on a sewing machine. \"AC/DC\" is an abbreviation meaning \"alternating current/direct current\" electricity. The brothers felt that this name symbolised the band's raw energy, power-driven performances of their music.[23][24] \"AC/DC\" is pronounced one letter at a time, though the band are colloquially known as \"Acca Dacca\" in Australia.[25][26] The AC/DC band name is stylised with a high voltage sign separating the \"AC\" and \"DC\" and has been used on all studio albums, with the exception of the international version of Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap.[27]", "Simulation Theory (album) Simulation Theory is the eighth studio album by English rock band Muse, to be released on 9 November 2018 through Warner Bros. Records and Helium-3. Co-produced by the band with Rich Costey, Mike Elizondo, Shellback, and Timbaland, it is a synth-rock album with themes of simulation and centering on the idea of \"fantasy becoming real\". Contrasting the band's previous three albums which dealt with darker themes, the band sought lighter influences from science fiction and 1980s pop culture and produced the album one track at a time without a focus on a greater narrative or theme. Recording began at AIR Studios in London in early 2017 with Elizondo, creating three tracks before embarking on a midyear tour of North America. Production restarted in Los Angeles in late 2017 with Costey, who had co-produced the band's 2003 album Absolution and 2006 album Black Holes and Revelations. \"Era-blending\" juxtapositioning and the contemporary political climate of the United States informed the album's music and lyrics.", "All I See Is War The album was released through Rise Records on May 11, 2018.[9] The band will begin touring in support of the album prior to its release, which will extend until at least June of the same year.[10] The first single from the album, \"Dirty\", was released ahead of the album on March 16, 2018.[11] A second song, \"Not Original\", was also released on April 6, 2018.[12] Both songs contained similar music videos, featuring the band playing in dark locations with futuristic electronic effects appearing around them.[13] On May 11, The band later released another music video for the song \"Medicated\", directed by Caleb Mallery who has previously worked on the first two music videos of this album.[14][15][16] Sevendust made the entire album available for streaming on YouTube.[17]", "Eagles (band) The band released their debut album, Eagles, in 1972, which spawned three top 40 singles: \"Take It Easy,\" \"Witchy Woman,\" and \"Peaceful Easy Feeling.\" Their next album, Desperado (1973), was less successful than the first, only reaching number 41 on the charts; neither of its singles reached the top 40. However, the album does contain what would go on to be two of the band's most popular tracks: \"Desperado\" and \"Tequila Sunrise.\" The band released On the Border in 1974, adding guitarist Don Felder as the fifth member midway through the recording of the album. The album generated two top 40 singles: \"Already Gone\" and their first number one, \"Best of My Love.\"", "Resistance Is Futile (album) Early in 2017 Kieran Evans said that he was not working on the new album with the band, and that he had heard two new songs that sounded \"very, very melodious\"; the album was expected to be released later in 2017, but then they had to move to a new studio and it got pushed back. Band member Nicky Wire said that this was a very long gap for the group, and if the new songs were not good enough they would not come out.[4] There was much speculation on whether they were releasing a new album at all, with Wire saying that the last two albums might have drained the band in terms of creativity, with the band saying that they were \"in a funny place\".[5]", "Tool (band) Jones is responsible for most of the band's artwork concepts. Their album Undertow features a ribcage sculpture by Jones on its cover and photos contributed by the band members.[24] Later albums included artwork by collaborating artists: Ænima[132] and Salival featured works by Cam de Leon; Lateralus[133] and 10,000 Days[127] were created with the help of Alex Grey. The releases garnered positive critical reception, with a music journalist of the Associated Press attributing to the band a reputation for innovative album packaging.[127]", "Godsmack (album) After playing the Boston area over the following two years, local radio stations began playing the singles \"Keep Away\" and \"Whatever\", both of which helped the band to sell copies of their self-financed album All Wound Up. After the demand for their album became too high, Republic Records/Universal Records stepped in and signed the band to their label in 1998. The band replaced drummer Darco with Stewart and All Wound Up was remastered and released six weeks later as their self-titled debut album Godsmack." ]
who were the three elves who got rings
[ "Three Rings According to Unfinished Tales, at the start of the War of the Elves and Sauron, Celebrimbor gave Narya together with the Ring Vilya to Gil-galad, High King of the Noldor. Gil-galad entrusted Narya to his lieutenant Círdan, Lord of the Havens of Mithlond, who kept it after Gil-galad's death. According to The Lord of the Rings, Gil-galad received only Vilya, while Círdan received Narya from the very beginning along with Galadriel receiving Nenya from the start." ]
[ "Silvan Elves The Silvan Elves of Lórien are also called the Galadhrim, literally \"tree-folk\". After the departure of Amroth in T.A. 1981, they were ruled by Celeborn and Galadriel. At the time of the War of the Ring they spoke a divergent dialect of Sindarin which had changed so much that Frodo Baggins, who spoke some Sindarin, could not understand them. Additionally, few Elves of Lórien could speak Westron, so that Haldir, one of the few who could, had to accompany them on their way to Caras Galadhon. During the War of the Ring the Galadhrim were the strongest of all the Elven kingdoms and aided in banishing Sauron the Necromancer from Dol Guldur.", "Rings of Power The Three Rings of the Elves were called Narya, the Ring of Fire (set with a ruby); Nenya, the Ring of Water or Ring of Adamant (made of mithril and set with a \"white stone\"), and Vilya, the Ring of Air, the \"mightiest of the Three\" (made of gold and set with a sapphire).[10]", "One Ring After its original forging (about S.A. 1600) Sauron waged the War of the Elves and Sauron against the Elves and all who opposed him. Sauron invaded and destroyed Eregion, and killed Celebrimbor, the maker of the three rings of the Elves. However, King Tar-Minastir of Númenor sent a great fleet to Middle-earth, and with this aid Gil-galad destroyed Sauron's army and forced Sauron to return to Mordor.", "The Lord of the Rings: War in the North The game is presented against the background of the history of the One Ring. At the dawn of the Second Age, after the defeat of the Dark Lord, Morgoth, the elves of Eregion forged the nineteen Rings of Power to help themselves, the dwarves and men rule Middle-earth. However, the elves were unaware that Sauron, Morgoth's closest ally, had survived his master's defeat, and in the guise of Annatar had been the one who taught the Elven-smiths, led by Celebrimbor, how to forge the Rings, whilst, in secret, he forged his own One Ring in the fires of Mount Doom, a Ring far more powerful than any of the others. However, in order for the One Ring to be powerful enough to control the other Rings, Sauron had to transfer most of his power into it. As soon as he put it on, the elves became aware of his ruse, removing and hiding their Three Rings, which Celebrimbor had forged without Sauron's aid. Sauron waged war on the elves, conquering much of Middle-earth and killing Celebrimbor. Thus began the Dark Years, when Sauron took possession of the remaining sixteen Rings, giving seven to the dwarves and nine to men in an effort to corrupt them. The dwarves proved relatively immune to the powers of the Rings, acquiring only a greed for gold, and becoming unconcerned with events in the wider world. Men proved less resilient, and the nine kings given the Rings become the nine Ring-wraiths, or Nazgûl, led by the Witch-king of Angmar.", "The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (video game) The game is presented against the background of the history of the One Ring. At the dawn of the Second Age, after the defeat of the Dark Lord, Morgoth, the elves of Eregion forged the nineteen Rings of Power to help themselves, the dwarves and men rule Middle-earth. However, the elves were unaware that Sauron, Morgoth's closest ally, had survived his master's defeat, and in the guise of Annatar had been the one who taught the Elven-smiths, led by Celebrimbor, how to forge the Rings, whilst, in secret, he forged his own One Ring in the fires of Mount Doom, a Ring far more powerful than any of the others. However, in order for the One Ring to be powerful enough to control the other Rings, Sauron had to transfer most of his power into it. As soon as he put it on, the elves became aware of his ruse, removing and hiding their Three Rings, which Celebrimbor had forged without Sauron's aid. Sauron waged war on the elves, conquering much of Middle-earth and killing Celebrimbor. Thus began the Dark Years, when Sauron took possession of the remaining sixteen Rings, giving seven to the dwarves and nine to men in an effort to corrupt them. The dwarves proved relatively immune to the powers of the Rings, acquiring only a greed for gold, and becoming unconcerned with events in the wider world. Men proved less resilient, and the nine kings given the Rings become the nine Ring-wraiths, or Nazgûl, led by the Witch-king of Angmar.", "Middle-earth peoples On the journey to Valinor, some of the Teleri (\"Those who tarried\") abandoned the main group and those of them who did not mingle with the Moriquendi became the Laiquendi (Green-elves), the Sindar (Grey-elves) and the Nandor. These elves of the great journey who remained in Middle-earth were then called the Úmanyar (The Unwilling). The Eldar who reached Valinor were eventually divided into three distinct groups: Vanyar, Noldor and Teleri. These three groups became known as the Calaquendi or \"Light-elves\" because they beheld the light of the Two Trees of Valinor.[1] Later some of the Noldor went back to Middle-earth in their quest for the Silmarils, while the Vanyar remained in Valinor.", "War of the Ring The war ended after the Battle of Bywater and, shortly afterwards, the deaths of Saruman and Gríma Wormtongue. Towards the end of the War of the Ring, Elessar was crowned King of Gondor, and forgave the Men who had fought under Sauron, heralding a great renewal of co-operation and communication between Men, Elves, and Dwarves.", "Middle-earth The Elves are known as the first born of Ilúvatar: intelligent beings created by Ilúvatar alone. There are many different clans of Elves, but the main distinction is between the Calaquendi or Light Elves and the Moriquendi or Dark Elves. Tolkien's work The Silmarillion tells of how the Valar came to Middle-earth shortly after the awakening of the Elves, and invited them to come and live with them in their home in the land of Aman. Those elves who accepted and began the Great Journey to Aman from their birthplace of Cuiviénen were called the Eldar or the Middle-earth Eldar. The elves who completed the journey were sometimes called the Light Elves because they saw the magical Light of the Two Trees, the source of light in Aman. Those elves who refused the offer were called the Avari, and the Eldar who tired of the long journey west and remained behind in Middle-earth were called the Dark Elves because they would never see the Light of the Two Trees. Generally Dark Elves were considered less powerful than Light Elves, but the term 'Dark' did not imply they were in any way evil. In later years some of the Light Elves (chiefly the Noldor clan) returned to Middle-earth, mainly on a quest to retrieve precious jewels called the Silmarils, stolen from them by Morgoth.", "One Ring Despite its power, the Ring did not render its bearer omnipotent. Three times Sauron suffered military defeat while bearing the Ring, first by Gil-galad in the War of Sauron and the Elves, again by Ar-Pharazôn when Númenórean power so overawed his armies that they deserted him, and again at the end of the Second Age with his personal defeat by Gil-galad and Elendil. Tolkien indicates, however, that such a defeat would not have been possible in the waning years of the Third Age, when the strength of the free peoples was greatly diminished. There were no remaining heroes of the stature of Gil-galad, Elendil, or Isildur; the strength of the Elves was fading and they were departing to the Blessed Realm; the Dwarves had been driven out of Moria and would have been unwilling to concentrate their strength in any event; and the Númenórean kingdoms had either declined or been destroyed, and had few allies.", "The Fellowship of the Ring Frodo's birthday and the date of his departure approach, but Gandalf does not appear, so Frodo decides to leave without him. Black Riders pursue Frodo's party. These turn out to be Nazgûl or Ringwraiths, \"the most terrible servants of the Dark Lord\" (men who have been corrupted by Sauron through the Nine Rings), who are searching for \"Baggins\" and the Ring. One of the Riders comes to the door of Sam's father, the Gaffer, the very evening before they depart. With the help of some elves led by Gildor and a hobbit named Farmer Maggot, the hobbits cross the Brandywine River and reach Crickhollow on the eastern border of the Shire. There Merry, Pippin, and Fatty reveal that they know of the Ring and of Frodo's plan to leave the Shire. Merry and Pippin decide to join Frodo and Sam, while Fatty stays behind as a decoy.", "The Who After the Hermits tour, the Who recorded their next single, \"I Can See for Miles\", which Townshend had written in 1966 but had avoided recording until he was sure it could be produced well.[82] Townshend called it \"the ultimate Who record\",[83] and was disappointed it reached only No. 10 in the UK.[83] It became their best selling single in the US, reaching No. 9.[71] The group toured the US again with Eric Burdon and the Animals, including an appearance on The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour, miming to \"I Can See For Miles\" and \"My Generation\".[84] Moon bribed a stage hand to put explosives in his drum kit, who loaded it with ten times the expected quantity. The resulting detonation threw Moon off his drum riser and his arm was cut by flying cymbal shrapnel. Townshend's hair was singed and his left ear left ringing, and a camera and studio monitor were destroyed.[85]", "List of Middle-earth Elves Tolkien decided late in his life that Elves of the Second Clan who lived in Eldamar bore several names:", "The Silmarillion The Valar had attempted to fashion the world for Elves and Men, but Melkor continually destroyed their handiwork. After he destroyed the two lamps that illuminated the world, the Valar moved to Aman, a continent to the west of Middle-earth, where they established their home called Valinor. Yavanna created Two Trees that illuminated Valinor and left Middle-earth to darkness and Melkor. Soon after, stars created by Varda began to shine and the Elves awoke. The elves originally formed three groups: the Vanyar, the Noldor, and the Teleri, though some elves were captured and enslaved by Melkor, eventually to be bred into orcs. Knowing the danger the Elves were in, the Valar decided to fight Melkor to keep the Elves safe. After defeating and capturing Melkor, they invited the Elves to live in Aman. Many Elves travelled to Aman, while others refused and still others stopped along the way, including the Elves who later became the Sindar, ruled by the Elf King Thingol and Melian, a Maia. Of the three tribes that set out, all of the Vanyar and Noldor, and many of the Teleri reached Aman.", "The Who The loud volume of the band's live show influenced the approach of hard rock and heavy metal.[374] Proto punk and punk rock bands such as the MC5,[375] the Stooges,[376] the Ramones[377] the Sex Pistols,[196] the Clash[378] and Green Day cite the Who as an influence.[379] The Who inspired mod revival bands, particularly the Jam,[380] which helped other groups influenced by the Who become popular.[363] The Who influenced hard rock bands such as Guns N' Roses.[381] In the mid-1990s, Britpop bands such as Blur[382] and Oasis were influenced by the Who.[383] The Who have also influenced pop punk band Panic! at the Disco.[384]", "Middle-earth Men were the second born of the Children of Ilúvatar, who awoke in Middle-earth much later than the Elves and (probably) also after the Dwarves. In appearance they are much like Elves, but unlike them they are mortal, ageing and dying quickly (usually living 40–80 years, though the Númenóreans lived several centuries), and also are on average less beautiful. The men involved in Tolkien's stories are mainly the three tribes of Men who allied themselves with the Elves of Beleriand in the First Age, called the Edain. As a reward for their loyalty and suffering in the Wars of Beleriand, the descendants of the Edain were given the island of Númenor to be their home. But as described in the section on Middle-earth's history, Númenor was eventually destroyed and a remnant of the Númenóreans established realms in the northern lands of Endor. Those who remained faithful to the Valar founded the kingdoms of Arnor and Gondor. They were then known as the Dúnedain. Other Númenórean survivors, still devoted to evil but living far to the south, became known as the Black Númenóreans. The languages spoken by Men include Adûnaic – spoken by the Númenóreans, Westron – The 'Common Speech' – represented by English, and Rohirric – spoken by the Rohirrim – represented in The Lord of the Rings by Old English. In the Third Age and the beginning of the Fourth, the King of Gondor is Aragorn, son of Arathorn. Other notable men in The Lord of the Rings are Théoden, Éowyn, and Éomer of Rohan, and the brothers Boromir and Faramir of Gondor. The term \"Man\" is used as a gender-neutral racial description, to distinguish humans from the other human-like races of Middle-earth.", "The Who Recording of Who Are You started in January 1978. Daltrey clashed with Johns over the production of his vocals, and Moon's drumming was so poor that Daltrey and Entwistle considered firing him. Moon's playing improved, but on one track, \"Music Must Change\", he was replaced as he could not play in 6/8 time.[200] In May, the Who filmed another performance at Shepperton Sound Studios for The Kids Are Alright. This performance was strong, and several tracks were used in the film. It was the last gig Moon performed with the Who.[201]", "Who Were the Shudras? In the book Ambedkar, citing Rigveda, Mahabharata and other ancient vedic scriptures, estimates that the Shudras were originally Aryans. They were a part of the Kshatriya Varna belonging to the Solar race (Suryavansha).", "The Who By 1966, Ready Steady Go! had ended, the mod movement was becoming unfashionable, and the Who found themselves in competition on the London circuit with groups including Cream and the Jimi Hendrix Experience.[72] Lambert and Stamp realised that commercial success in the US was paramount to the group's future, and arranged a deal with promoter Frank Barsalona for a short package tour in New York.[73] The group's performances, which still involved smashing guitars and kicking over drums, were well received,[74] and led to their first major US appearance at the Monterey Pop Festival. The group, especially Moon, were not fond of the hippie movement, and thought their violent stage act would stand in sharp contrast to the peaceful atmosphere of the festival. Hendrix was also on the bill, and was also going to smash his guitar on stage. Townshend verbally abused Hendrix and accused him of stealing his act,[75] and the pair argued about who should go on stage first, with the Who winning the argument.[76] The Who brought hired equipment to the festival; Hendrix shipped over his regular touring gear from Britain, including a full Marshall stack. According to biographer Tony Fletcher, Hendrix sounded \"so much better than the Who it was embarrassing\".[77] The Who's appearance at Monterey gave them recognition in the US, and \"Happy Jack\" reached the top 30.[77]", "The Silmarillion The concluding section of the book, comprising about 20 pages, describes the events that take place in Middle-earth during the Second and Third Ages. In the Second Age, Sauron emerged as the main power in Middle-earth, and the Rings of Power were forged by Elves led by Celebrimbor. Sauron secretly forged his own ring to control the others, which led to war between the peoples of Middle-earth and Sauron, culminating in the War of the Last Alliance, in which Elves and the remaining Númenóreans united to defeat Sauron, bringing the Second Age to an end. The Third Age began with the passing of the One Ring to Isildur, who was ambushed at the Gladden Fields shortly afterwards, and lost the ring in the River Anduin. This section also gives a brief overview of the events leading up to and taking place in The Lord of the Rings, including the waning of Gondor, the re-emergence of Sauron, the White Council, Saruman's treachery, and Sauron's final destruction along with the One Ring, after which the ages of magic end.", "The Who In 1991, the Who recorded a cover of Elton John's \"Saturday Night's Alright for Fighting\" for the tribute album Two Rooms: Celebrating the Songs of Elton John & Bernie Taupin. It was the last studio recording to feature Entwistle. In 1994, Daltrey turned 50 and celebrated with two concerts at New York's Carnegie Hall. The shows included guest spots by Entwistle and Townshend. Although all three surviving original members of the Who attended, they appeared on stage together only during the finale, \"Join Together\", with the other guests. Daltrey toured that year with Entwistle, Zak Starkey on drums and Simon Townshend filling in for his brother as guitarist.[254]", "The Who The Who announced in 2005 that they were working on a new album. Townshend posted a novella called The Boy Who Heard Music on his blog, which developed into a mini-opera called Wire & Glass, forming the basis for the album.[269] Endless Wire, released in 2006, was the first full studio album of new material since 1982's It's Hard and contained the band's first mini-opera since \"Rael\" in 1967. The album reached No. 7 in the US and No. 9 in the UK.[274] Starkey was invited to join Oasis in April 2006 and the Who in November 2006, but he declined and split his time between the two.[273]", "Lego Elves Emily Jones, shortly after the death of her grandmother, receives an amulet that teleports her to the parallel world of Elvendale. There, she befriends four young elves associated with the classical elements, who assist in her quest to return home, and whom she periodically visits thereafter.", "Elrond Elves\n     Men\n     Maiar\n     Half-elven\n     Half-elven who chose the fate of elves\n     Half-elven who chose the fate of mortal men", "The Who In 1990, the Who were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.[252] The group have a featured collection in the hall's museum, including one of Moon's velvet suits, a Warwick bass of Entwistle's, and a drumhead from 1968.[253]", "Elrond Near the end of the Second Age, the Last Alliance of Elves and Men was formed, and the army departed from Imladris to Mordor, led by Elendil and Gil-galad, who were both killed in the Siege of Barad-dûr. Elrond served as Gil-galad's herald, and Elrond and Círdan were entrusted with the two Elven Rings that Gil-galad held. Elrond and Círdan were the only ones to stand with Gil-galad when he fell.", "The Who The American forensic drama CSI (CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, CSI: Miami, CSI: NY, and CSI: Cyber) feature Who songs as theme music, \"Who Are You\", \"Won't Get Fooled Again\", \"Baba O'Riley\" and \"I Can See for Miles\" respectively.[388][389] The group's songs have featured in other popular TV series such as The Simpsons,[390] and Top Gear, which had an episode where the presenters were tasked with being roadies for the band.[391]", "The Who Dawson left after frequently arguing with Daltrey[7] and after being briefly replaced by Gabby Connolly, Daltrey moved to lead vocals. Townshend, with Entwistle's encouragement, became the sole guitarist. Through Townshend's mother, the group obtained a management contract with local promoter Robert Druce,[14] who started booking the band as a support act. The Detours were influenced by the bands they supported, including Screaming Lord Sutch, Cliff Bennett and the Rebel Rousers, Shane Fenton and the Fentones, and Johnny Kidd and the Pirates. The Detours were particularly interested in the Pirates as they also only had one guitarist, Mick Green, who inspired Townshend to combine rhythm and lead guitar in his style. Entwistle's bass became more of a lead instrument,[15] playing melodies.[16] In February 1964, the Detours became aware of the group Johnny Devlin and the Detours and changed their name.[17] Townshend and his roommate Richard Barnes spent a night considering names, focusing on a theme of joke announcements, including \"No One\" and \"the Group\". Townshend preferred \"the Hair\", and Barnes liked \"the Who\" because it \"had a pop punch\".[18] Daltrey chose \"the Who\" the next morning.[19]", "The Who The Who were not told until after the show because civic authorities feared crowd problems if the concert were cancelled. The band were deeply shaken upon learning of it and requested that appropriate safety precautions be taken in the future.[222] The following evening, in Buffalo, New York, Daltrey told the crowd that the band had \"lost a lot of family last night and this show's for them\".[223]", "The Who In November 2007, the documentary Amazing Journey: The Story of the Who was released, featuring unreleased footage of the 1970 Leeds appearance and a 1964 performance at the Railway Hotel when the group were The High Numbers. Amazing Journey was nominated for a 2009 Grammy Award.[275]", "The Who The Who have inspired many tribute bands; Daltrey has endorsed the Whodlums, who raise money for the Teenage Cancer Trust.[385][386] Many bands have covered Who songs; Elton John's version of \"Pinball Wizard\" reached No. 7 in the UK.[387]", "The Who After My Generation, the Who fell out with Talmy, which meant an abrupt end to their recording contract. [58] The resulting legal acrimony resulted in Talmy holding the rights to the master tapes, which prevented the album from being reissued until 2002.[59] The Who were signed to Robert Stigwood's label, Reaction, and released \"Substitute\". Townshend said he wrote the song about identity crisis, and as a parody of the Rolling Stones's \"19th Nervous Breakdown\". It was the first single to feature him playing an acoustic twelve-string guitar.[60] Talmy took legal action over the B-side, \"Instant Party\", and the single was withdrawn. A new B-side, \"Waltz for a Pig\", was recorded by the Graham Bond Organisation under the pseudonym \"the Who Orchestra\".[61]", "Who Knows Who \"Who Knows Who\" is a collaboration song by English alternative rock band Muse and English hip hop artist Mike Skinner. Not originally intended for official release, an early version of the song leaked onto several Muse internet forums in August 2008. The song was officially released as the B-side to the 7\" vinyl edition of the single \"Uprising\" on 7 September 2009. The lyrics were written by Skinner and the music was written by Muse's Matthew Bellamy.[2]", "Who Shot Ya? On MF DOOM and Madlib's project Madvillainy, the song \"Figaro\" references \"Who Shot Ya?\" with the line '\"Who shot ya/who got ya...'\"", "Celeborn Colour key:\n     Elves\n     Men\n     Maiar\n     Half-elven\n     Half-elven who chose the fate of elves\n     Half-elven who chose the fate of mortal men", "The Who The Who changed managers to Peter Meaden. He decided that the group would be ideal to represent the growing mod movement in Britain which involved fashion, scooters and music genres such as rhythm and blues, soul and beat. He renamed the group the High Numbers, dressed them up in mod clothes,[27] secured a second, more favourable audition with Fontana and wrote the lyrics for both sides of their single \"Zoot Suit\"/\"I'm the Face\" to appeal to mods. The tune for \"Zoot Suit\" was \"Misery\" by the Dynamics,[28] and \"I'm the Face\" borrowed from Slim Harpo's \"I Got Love If You Want It\".[29] Although Meaden tried to promote the single, it failed to reach the top 50[30] and the band reverted to calling themselves the Who.[31] The group began to improve their stage image; Daltrey started using his microphone cable as a whip on stage, and occasionally leapt into the crowd; Moon threw drumsticks into the air mid-beat; Townshend mimed machine gunning the crowd with his guitar while jumping on stage and playing guitar with a fast arm-windmilling motion,[32] or stood with his arms aloft allowing his guitar to produce feedback in a posture dubbed \"the Bird Man\".[33]", "The Who Kenney Jones replaced Moon and the group resumed activity, releasing a film adaptation of Quadrophenia and the retrospective documentary The Kids Are Alright. After Townshend became weary of touring, the group split in 1982. The Who occasionally re-formed for live appearances such as Live Aid in 1985, a 25th anniversary tour in 1989 and a tour of Quadrophenia in 1996–1997. They resumed regular touring in 1999, with drummer Zak Starkey. After Entwistle's death in 2002, plans for a new album were delayed. Townshend and Daltrey continued as the Who, releasing Endless Wire in 2006, and continued to play live regularly.", "Who's Cheatin' Who \"Who's Cheatin' Who\" debuted at number 61 on the U.S. Billboard Hot Country Singles & Tracks for the week of April 12, 1997.", "The Who In 2004, the Who released \"Old Red Wine\" and \"Real Good Looking Boy\" (with Palladino and Greg Lake, respectively, on bass) on a singles anthology, The Who: Then and Now, and went on an 18-date tour of Japan, Australia, the UK and the US, including a return appearance at the Isle of Wight.[271] Later that year, Rolling Stone ranked the Who No. 29 on their list of the 100 Greatest Artists of All Time.[272]", "The Who In 1966 the Who released \"I'm a Boy\", about a boy dressed as a girl, taken from an abortive collection of songs called Quads;[62] \"Happy Jack\";[63] and an EP, Ready Steady Who, that tied in with their regular appearances on Ready Steady Go![64] The group continued to have conflict; on 20 May, Moon and Entwistle were late to a gig having been on the Ready Steady Go! set with The Beach Boys' Bruce Johnston. During \"My Generation\", Townshend attacked Moon with his guitar; Moon suffered a black eye and bruises, and he and Entwistle left the band, but changed their minds and rejoined a week later.[65] Moon kept looking for other work, and Jeff Beck had him play drums on his song \"Beck's Bolero\" (with Page, John Paul Jones and Nicky Hopkins) because he was \"trying to get Keith out of the Who\".[66]", "Who's Who scam There are numerous variations of these practices. In former European monarchies, publishers compile volumes listing \"noblemen\" (such as dukes, counts and barons) who are often little more than fantasists who paid large sums to have their names inscribed in these books. Even high school students are not immune to such ploys; for many years a now-defunct company published a Who's Who Among American High School Students which justified its activities by offering (at random) a few scholarships, usually for $200.", "Elf (Middle-earth) During the Second and Third Age, they held some protected realms with the aid of the Rings of Power, but after the War of the Ring they waned further, and most Elves left Middle-earth for Valinor. Tolkien's published writings give somewhat contradictory hints as to what happened to the Elves of Middle-earth after the One Ring was destroyed at the end of the Third Age.", "The Who The transition to a hit-making band with original material, encouraged by Lambert, did not sit well with Daltrey, and a recording session of R&B covers went unreleased.[51] The Who were not close friends either, apart from Moon and Entwistle, who enjoyed visiting nightclubs together in the West End of London.[52] The group experienced a difficult time when touring Denmark in September, which culminated in Daltrey throwing Moon's amphetamines down the toilet and assaulting him. Immediately on returning to Britain, Daltrey was sacked,[53] but was reinstated on the condition that the group became a democracy without his dominant leadership. At this time, the group enlisted Richard Cole as a roadie.[54]", "The Elves and the Shoemaker The original story is the first of three fairy tales, contained as entry 39 in the German Grimm's Fairy Tales under the common title \"Die Wichtelmänner\". In her translation of 1884 Margaret Hunt chose The Elves as title for these three stories.[1]", "Three Rings The third ring, Vilya, was made of gold and adorned with a \"great blue stone\", probably a sapphire. The name is derived from the Quenya vilya meaning air. It is also called, Ring of Air, Ring of Firmament, or Blue Ring.", "Three Rings The second ring, Nenya, was made of mithril and adorned with a \"white stone\", presumably a diamond.[2] The name is derived from the Quenya nén meaning water. It is also called Ring of Adamant, Ring of Water and the White Ring.", "The Who By late 1964, the Who were becoming popular in London's Marquee club, and a rave review of their live act appeared in Melody Maker.[41] Lambert and Stamp attracted the attention of the American producer Shel Talmy, who had produced the Kinks. Townshend had written a song, \"I Can't Explain\", that deliberately sounded like the Kinks to attract Talmy's attention. Talmy saw the group in rehearsals and was impressed. He signed them to his production company,[42] and sold the recording to the US arm of Decca Records, which meant that the group's early singles were released in Britain on Brunswick Records, one of UK Decca's labels for US artists.[43] \"I Can't Explain\" was recorded in early November 1964 at Pye Studios in Marble Arch with the Ivy League on backing vocals, and Jimmy Page played fuzz guitar on the B-side, \"Bald Headed Woman\".[31]", "Rings of Power Peter Jackson's The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring begins with a similar prologue, though longer and more detailed. The three Elven rings are shown being cast using a cuttlebone mold, an ancient primitive casting technique. Additionally, Tolkien illustrators John Howe and Alan Lee, employed as conceptual designers for the films, have cameos as two of the nine human Ring-bearers who become Nazgûl.", "The Who During the Who's hiatuses in the 1980s and 90s, Townshend developed his skills as a music publisher to be financially successful from the Who without recording or touring. He countered criticism of \"selling out\" by saying that licensing the songs to other media allows a wider exposure and widens the group's appeal.[357]", "The Who Work on Tommy took up most of 1974, and live performances by the Who were restricted to a show in May at the Valley, the home of Charlton Athletic, in front of 80,000 fans,[185] and a few dates at Madison Square Garden in June.[186] Towards the end of the year, the group released the out-takes album Odds & Sods, which featured several songs from the aborted Lifehouse project.[187]", "Who's on First? Costello: Then who gets it?\nAbbott: Naturally.\nCostello: Naturally.\nAbbott: Now you've got it.\nCostello: I throw the ball to Naturally.\nAbbott: You don't! You throw it to Who!\nCostello: Naturally.\nAbbott: Well, that's it—say it that way.\nCostello: That's what I said.\nAbbott: You did not.\nCostello: I said I throw the ball to Naturally.\nAbbott: You don't! You throw it to Who!", "Elf Beliefs in elves causing illness remained prominent in early modern Scotland, where elves were viewed as being supernaturally powerful people who lived invisibly alongside everyday rural people.[37] Thus, elves were often mentioned in the early modern Scottish witchcraft trials: many witnesses in the trials believed themselves to have been given healing powers or to know of people or animals made sick by elves.[38][39] Throughout these sources, elves are sometimes associated with the succuba-like supernatural being called the mare.[40]", "The Who By 1973, the Who turned to recording the album Quadrophenia about mod and its subculture, set against clashes with Rockers in early 1960s Britain.[161] The story is about a boy named Jimmy, who undergoes a personality crisis, and his relationship with his family, friends and mod culture.[162] The music features four themes, reflecting the four personalities of the Who.[163] Townshend played multi-tracked synthesizers, and Entwistle played several overdubbed horn parts.[164] By the time the album was being recorded, relationships between the band and Lambert and Stamp had broken down irreparably, and Bill Curbishley replaced them.[165] The album reached No. 2 in both the UK and US.[166]", "The Who The Who toured in support of Endless Wire, including the BBC Electric Proms at the Roundhouse in London in 2006,[276] headlining the 2007 Glastonbury Festival,[277] a half-time appearance at the Super Bowl XLIV in 2010[278] and being the final act at the closing ceremony of the London 2012 Olympic Games.[279] In November 2012, the Who released Live at Hull, an album of the band's performance night after the Live at Leeds gig.[280]", "Three Rings The name is derived from the Quenya nár meaning fire. It was also called Narya the Great, Ring of Fire, Red Ring, and The Kindler.", "The Who Later that year, Lambert and Stamp formed a record label, Track Records, with distribution by Polydor. As well as signing Hendrix, Track became the imprint for all the Who's UK output until the mid-1970s.[89]", "Who's Cheatin' Who \"Who's Cheatin' Who\" is the title of a country music song written by Jerry Hayes and initially recorded by Charly McClain. It was the title track of her 1980 album for Epic Records, released in November 1980 as a single with \"Love Scenes\" on the B-side, and in early 1981, was her first Number One hit on the Billboard country charts.[1] 17 years later, Alan Jackson had chart success with the song as well, with his cover version reaching Top Five on the country charts.", "Orc (Middle-earth) This corrupted elves origin is probably the one used in Peter Jackson's live action films. In the film of The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, Saruman says:", "The Who After touring Who's Next, and needing time to write a follow-up, Townshend insisted that the Who take a lengthy break, as they had not stopped touring since the band started.[155] There was no group activity until May 1972, when they started working on a proposed new album, Rock Is Dead—Long Live Rock!,[156] but, unhappy with the recordings, abandoned the sessions. Tensions began to emerge as Townshend believed Daltrey just wanted a money-making band and Daltrey thought Townshend's projects were getting pretentious. Moon's behaviour was becoming increasingly destructive and problematic through excessive drinking and drugs use, and a desire to party and tour.[157] Daltrey performed an audit of the group's finances and discovered that Lambert and Stamp had not kept sufficient records. He believed them to be no longer effective managers, which Townshend and Moon disputed.[158] The painful dissolution of the managerial and personal relationships are recounted in James D. Cooper's 2014 retrospective documentary, Lambert & Stamp.[159] Following a short European tour, the remainder of 1972 was spent working on an orchestral version of Tommy with Lou Reizner.[160]", "Who Were the Shudras? Importantly, Ambedkar states that the Shudras of Hindu society are entirely different from Shudras of ancient Indo-Aryan Society. He writes,", "The Who After the 1976 tour, Townshend took most of the following year off to spend time with his family.[195] He discovered that former Beatles and Rolling Stones manager Allen Klein had bought a stake in his publishing company. A settlement was reached, but Townshend was upset and disillusioned that Klein had attempted to take ownership of his songs. Townshend went to the Speakeasy where he met the Sex Pistols' Steve Jones and Paul Cook, fans of the Who. After leaving, he passed out in a doorway, where a policeman said he would not be arrested if he could stand and walk. The events inspired the title track of the next album, Who Are You.[196]", "The Who The band toured the US and UK from June to October 2000,[259] to generally favourable reviews,[261] culminating in a charity show at the Royal Albert Hall for the Teenage Cancer trust with guest performances from Paul Weller, Eddie Vedder, Noel Gallagher, Bryan Adams and Nigel Kennedy.[262] Stephen Tomas Erlewine described the gig as \"an exceptional reunion concert\".[263] In 2001 the band performed the Concert for New York City at Madison Square Garden for families of firefighters and police who had lost their lives following the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center,[264] and were honoured with a Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award.[265]", "You Don't Even Know Who I Am According to Loveless, \"The one that got a lot of reaction was \"You Don't Even Know Who I Am.\" It starts out and you think, \"Okay, here's another woman crying about something,\" and then it swings around and it says he finds her ring on the pillow and he starts to think, \"Hey, you didn't know who I was either.\" They got to the point in their marriage that they didn't know each other anymore. There's been a lot of men that this song just tears up. I've often said that country is the cheapest therapy you can get. Music can be good for your soul. People can be moved to tears.\"[1]", "Silvan Elves Legolas of the Fellowship of the Ring, although he lived among them and presented himself as one of the Silvan folk in The Lord of the Rings, was not one of them. As a son of the Elven-king Thranduil, who had originally come from Doriath, Legolas was actually a Sindarin Elf.", "The Who By 1968 the Who had started to attract attention in the underground press.[94] Townshend had stopped using drugs and became interested in the teachings of Meher Baba.[95] In August, he gave an interview to Rolling Stone editor Jann Wenner describing in detail the plot of a new album project and its relationship to Baba's teachings. The album went through several names during recording, including Deaf Dumb and Blind Boy and Amazing Journey; Townshend settled on Tommy[96] for the album about the life of a deaf, dumb and blind boy, and his attempt to communicate with others.[97][98] Some songs, such as \"Welcome\" and \"Amazing Journey\" were inspired by Baba's teaching,[99] and others came from observations within the band. \"Sally Simpson\" is about a fan who tried to climb on stage at a gig by the Doors that they attended[100] and \"Pinball Wizard\" was written so that New York Times journalist Nik Cohn, a pinball enthusiast, would give the album a good review.[101] Townshend later said, \"I wanted the story of Tommy to have several levels ... a rock singles level and a bigger concept level\", containing the spiritual message he wanted as well as being entertaining.[102] The album was projected for a Christmas 1968 release[102] but recording stalled after Townshend decided to make a double album to cover the story in sufficient depth.[103]", "The Who In 2010, the Who performed Quadrophenia with parts played by Vedder and Tom Meighan at the Royal Albert Hall as part of the Teenage Cancer Trust series of 10 gigs.[281] A planned tour for early 2010 was jeopardised by the return of Townshend's tinnitus. He experimented with an in-ear monitoring system that was recommended by Neil Young and his audiologist.[282]", "The Who The Who are one of the most influential rock bands of the 20th century.[294][362] Their appearances at Monterey and Woodstock helped give them a reputation as one of the greatest live rock acts[363] and they have been credited with originating the \"rock opera\".[362] The band has sold over 100 million records worldwide.[364]", "The Who The Who's major contributions to rock music include the development of the Marshall stack, large PA systems, use of the synthesizer, Entwistle and Moon's lead playing styles, Townshend's feedback and power chord guitar technique, and the development of the rock opera. They are cited as an influence by hard rock, punk rock and mod bands, and their songs still receive regular exposure.", "One Ring Sauron intended it to be the most powerful of all Rings, able to rule and control those who wore the others. Since the other Rings were themselves powerful, Sauron was obliged to place much of his own power into the One to achieve his purpose.[2]", "Who Knows Who On 2 August, a low-posting member by the name of \"dopemc\" uploaded an mp3 file entitled \"Muse And The Streets - Who Knows Who\" on the popular fan forum Muselive.[9] After much debate and discussion among fans, Muse released an official note on their website explaining that \"The MP3 floating around on the message boards at the moment is a track we recorded with Mike Skinner a few months ago. The track was the result of a late night jam session and something we did for a bit of a laugh featuring a blues riff we have been playing live recently (similar to \"Heartbreaker\" by Led Zeppelin) upon which Skinner recorded some vocals. It is not intended to be a serious release so we are happy for it to be leaked around unofficially. Hope you enjoy, Cheers. Matt, Dom & Chris.\"[10][1]", "The Who The group followed Monterey with a US tour supporting Herman's Hermits.[77] The Hermits were a straightforward pop band and enjoyed drugs and practical jokes. They bonded with Moon,[78] who was excited to learn that cherry bombs were legal to purchase in Alabama. Moon acquired a reputation of destroying hotel rooms while on tour,[74] with a particular interest in blowing up toilets. Entwistle said the first cherry bomb they tried \"blew a hole in the suitcase and the chair\".[79] Moon recalled his first attempt to flush one down the toilet: \"[A]ll that porcelain flying through the air was quite unforgettable. I never realised dynamite was so powerful.\"[79] After a gig in Flint, Michigan on Moon's 21st birthday on 23 August 1967, the entourage caused $24,000 of damage at the hotel, and Moon knocked out one of his front teeth.[80] Daltrey later said that the tour brought the band closer, and as the support act, they could turn up and perform a short show without any major responsibilities.[81]", "The Who Daltrey's voice is negatively affected by marijuana smoke, to which he says he is allergic. On 20 May 2015, during a Who concert at Nassau Coliseum, he smelled a joint burning and told the smoker to put it out or \"the show will be over\". The fan obliged, without taking Pete Townshend's advice that \"the quickest way\" to extinguish a joint is \"up your fucking arse\".[330][331]", "Doctor Who Premiering the day after the assassination of John F. Kennedy, the first episode of Doctor Who was repeated with the second episode the following week. Doctor Who has always appeared initially on the BBC's mainstream BBC One channel, where it is regarded as a family show, drawing audiences of many millions of viewers; episodes were also repeated on BBC Three, before its transition to an online-only channel . The programme's popularity has waxed and waned over the decades, with three notable periods of high ratings.[132] The first of these was the \"Dalekmania\" period (circa 1964–1965), when the popularity of the Daleks regularly brought Doctor Who ratings of between 9 and 14 million, even for stories which did not feature them.[132][133] The second was the mid to late 1970s, when Tom Baker occasionally drew audiences of over 12 million.[132]", "Rings of Power To mortal observers who were not themselves wearing a Ring, a Ring of Power seemed to render the wearer invisible.[2] Although the Nazgûl could not be seen, they emanated an evil presence;[4] their steeds were also visible. When they wished to adopt a noticeable form, they wore dark cloaks over their invisible bodies.", "Rings of Power During the period of The Lord of the Rings, the Three were borne by Elrond, Galadriel, and Gandalf; but until the end of the book their rings are not seen. Only Frodo, the bearer of the One, sees Galadriel's ring, and only when she draws his attention to it. At the end of the book, these three take their rings, now visible and powerless, over the sea to the Undying Lands.", "The Who The Who are perceived as having had a poor working relationship. In the original band, Sandom had been the peacemaker and settled disputes. Moon, by contrast, was as volatile as Daltrey and Townshend. Entwistle was too passive to become involved in arguments.[353] The group established their live reputation and stage show in part out of insecurity and aggression amongst its members[354] and Townshend recalled that all decisions had to be made democratically \"because we always disagreed\".[355]", "Dwarf (Middle-earth) The Dwarves are portrayed as a very ancient people who awoke, like the Elves, at the start of the First Age, before the existence of the Sun and Moon (the Elves, however, awakened first).", "Three Rings The ring was wielded by Galadriel of Lothlórien, and possessed a radiance that matched that of the stars; while Frodo Baggins could see it by virtue of being a Ring-bearer, Samwise Gamgee tells Galadriel he only \"saw a star through your fingers\". (This appears in many editions as \"finger\"—which sounds more magical, since it suggests that her finger has somehow become transparent—but The Treason of Isengard, ch. 13, note 34, mentions it as an error.)", "Doctor Who When the revived series of Doctor Who was brought back, an aftershow series was created by the BBC, titled Doctor Who Confidential. There have been three aftershow series created, with the latest one titled Doctor Who: The Fan Show, which began airing from the tenth series. Each series follows behind-the-scenes footage on the making of Doctor Who through clips and interviews with the cast, production crew and other people, including those who have participated in the television series in some manner. Each episode deals with a different topic, and in most cases refers to the Doctor Who episode that preceded it.", "The Who By this time Townshend had fallen into depression, wondering if he was no longer a visionary.[229] He was again at odds with Daltrey and Entwistle, who merely wanted to tour and play hits[230] and thought Townshend had saved his best songs for his solo album, Empty Glass (1980).[231] Jones' drumming style was very different from Moon's and this drew criticism within the band.[230] Townshend briefly became addicted to heroin before cleaning up early in 1982 after treatment with Meg Patterson.[232]", "Culper Ring The Culper Ring was a spy ring organized by American Major (later Colonel) Benjamin Tallmadge under orders from General George Washington in the summer of 1778 during British occupation of New York City at the height of the American Revolutionary War. The \"Culper\" name was suggested by Washington, who devised it from Culpeper County, Virginia.[1] The two main members of the Ring were Abraham Woodhull and Robert Townsend, who used \"Samuel Culper, Sr.\" and \"Samuel Culper, Jr.\" respectively as aliases.[2] Tallmadge was in direct contact with and control of the Ring, but Washington often directed its operations.[3] Tallmadge was referred to by the alias of \"John Bolton.\"[1]", "Doctor Who In 2011, David Yates announced that he had started work with the BBC on a Doctor Who film, a project that would take three or more years to complete. Yates indicated that the film would take a different approach to Doctor Who,[147] although the current Doctor Who showrunner Steven Moffat stated later that any such film would not be a reboot of the series and a film should be made by the BBC team and star the current TV Doctor.[148][149]", "One Ring Although Sauron's body was destroyed in the Fall of Númenor, his spirit was able to travel back to Middle-earth and wield the One Ring in his renewed war against the Last Alliance of Elves and Men between S.A. 3429 and 3441. Tolkien emphasized that Sauron used his ring in Númenor to gain complete control over its people; and while Sauron's body perished in the Fall, the Ring somehow made it back to Middle-earth. Tolkien wrote, \"I do not think one need boggle at this spirit carrying off the One Ring, upon which his power of dominating minds now largely depended.\" (letter #211).", "Doctor Who Following the success of the 2005 series produced by Russell T Davies, the BBC commissioned Davies to produce a 13-part spin-off series titled Torchwood (an anagram of \"Doctor Who\"), set in modern-day Cardiff and investigating alien activities and crime. The series debuted on BBC Three on 22 October 2006.[151] John Barrowman reprised his role of Jack Harkness from the 2005 series of Doctor Who.[152] Two other actresses who appeared in Doctor Who also star in the series; Eve Myles as Gwen Cooper, who also played the similarly named servant girl Gwyneth in the 2005 Doctor Who episode \"The Unquiet Dead\",[153] and Naoko Mori who reprised her role as Toshiko Sato first seen in \"Aliens of London\". A second series of Torchwood aired in 2008; for three episodes, the cast was joined by Freema Agyeman reprising her Doctor Who role of Martha Jones. A third series was broadcast from 6 to 10 July 2009, and consisted of a single five-part story called Children of Earth which was set largely in London. A fourth series, Torchwood: Miracle Day jointly produced by BBC Wales, BBC Worldwide and the American entertainment company Starz debuted in 2011. The series was predominantly set in the United States, though Wales remained part of the show's setting.", "The Who The group reconvened in September 1977, but Townshend announced there would be no live performances for the immediate future, a decision that Daltrey endorsed. By this point, Moon was so unhealthy that the Who conceded it would be difficult for him to cope with touring. The only gig that year was an informal show on 15 December at the Gaumont State Cinema in Kilburn, London, filmed for the documentary, The Kids Are Alright.[197] The band had not played for 14 months, and their performance was so weak that the footage was unused. Moon's playing was particularly lacklustre and he had gained a lot of weight,[198] though Daltrey later said, \"even at his worst, Keith Moon was amazing.\"[199]", "War of the Ring Gondor (Mankind) Rohan (Mankind)Woodland Realm (Elves)Lothlórien (Elves)Rivendell (Elves)\nGrey Company (Mankind)", "Three Rings With the ring gone, the magic and beauty of Lórien also faded along with the extraordinary mallorn trees (save the one that Samwise Gamgee grew in Hobbiton) and it was gradually depopulated, until by the time Arwen came there to die in F.A. 121 it was deserted and in ruin.", "Lego Elves Lego Elves (sometimes called Elves for short, and stylized mostly as LEGO Elves) is a toy line and its accompanying media franchise, created by Danish company Lego or The Lego Group, that began in 2015.[1][2] It is part of the company's effort to make the brand more appealing to girls.[3] Afterwards, it began to become a web-show webisode series in 2015, with a special sort-of-\"short-movie\" titled \"Unite the Magic\" on the LEGO YouTube channel, and on Netflix.", "The Who The Quadrophenia tour started in Stoke on Trent in October[167] and was immediately beset with problems. Daltrey resisted Townshend's wish to add Joe Cocker's keyboardist Chris Stainton (who played on the album) to the touring band.[168] As a compromise, Townshend assembled the keyboard and synthesizer parts on backing tapes, as such a strategy had been successful with \"Baba O'Riley\" and \"Won't Get Fooled Again\".[74] Unfortunately, the technology was not sophisticated enough to deal with the demands of the music; added to this issue, tour rehearsals had been interrupted due to an argument that culminated in Daltrey punching Townshend and knocking him out cold.[169] At a gig in Newcastle, the tapes completely malfunctioned, and an enraged Townshend dragged sound-man Bob Pridden on-stage, screamed at him, kicked all the amps over and partially destroyed the backing tapes. The show was abandoned for an \"oldies\" set, at the end of which Townshend smashed his guitar and Moon kicked over his drumkit.[170][169] The Independent described this gig as one of the worst of all time.[171] The US tour started on 20 November at the Cow Palace in Daly City, California; Moon passed out during \"Won't Get Fooled Again\" and during \"Magic Bus\". Townshend asked the audience, \"Can anyone play the drums?—I mean somebody good.\" An audience member, Scot Halpin, filled in for the rest of the show.[172][171] After a show in Montreal, the band (except for Daltrey, who retired to bed early) caused so much damage to their hotel room, including destroying an antique painting and ramming a marble table through a wall, that federal law enforcement arrested them.[173]", "The Who By the time the Detours had become the Who, they had already found regular gigs, including at the Oldfield Hotel in Greenford, the White Hart Hotel in Acton, the Goldhawk Social Club in Shepherd's Bush, and the Notre Dame Hall in Leicester Square.[20] They had also replaced Druce as manager with Helmut Gorden, with whom they secured an audition with Chris Parmeinter for Fontana Records.[21] Parmeinter found problems with the drumming and, according to Sandom, Townshend immediately turned on him and threatened to fire him if his playing did not immediately improve. Sandom left in disgust, but was persuaded to lend his kit to any potential stand-ins or replacements. Sandom and Townshend did not speak to each other again for 14 years.[22]", "The Who To alleviate financial pressure on the band, Lambert arranged a song-writing deal which required each member to write two songs for the next album. Entwistle contributed \"Boris the Spider\" and \"Whiskey Man\" and found a niche role as second songwriter.[67] The band found they needed to fill an extra ten minutes, and Lambert encouraged Townshend to write a longer piece, \"A Quick One, While He's Away\". The suite of song fragments is about a girl who has an affair while her lover is away, but is ultimately forgiven. The album was titled A Quick One[68] (Happy Jack in the US),[69] and reached No. 4 in the UK charts.[70] It was followed in 1967 by the UK Top 5 single \"Pictures of Lily\".[71]", "The Who The album was released in May with the accompanying single, \"Pinball Wizard\", a début performance at Ronnie Scott's,[108] and a tour, playing most of the new album live.[109] Tommy sold 200,000 copies in the US in its first two weeks,[110] and was a critical smash, Life saying, \"... for sheer power, invention and brilliance of performance, Tommy outstrips anything which has ever come out of a recording studio\".[111] Melody Maker declared: \"Surely the Who are now the band against which all others are to be judged.\"[112] Daltrey had significantly improved as a singer, and set a template for rock singers in the 1970s by growing his hair long and wearing open shirts on stage.[107] Townshend had taken to wearing a boiler suit and Doctor Martens shoes.[107]", "Svartálfar In Norse mythology, svartálfar (O.N. \"black elves\", \"swarthy elves\", sing. svartálfr), also called myrkálfar (\"dark elves\", \"dusky elves\", \"murky elves\", sing. myrkálfr),[1][2] are beings who dwell in Svartalfheim (Svartálf[a]heimr, \"home of the black-elves\").[3] Both the svartálfar and Svartálfaheimr are primarily attested in the Prose Edda, written in the 13th century by Snorri Sturluson. Scholars have noted that the svartálfar appear to be synonymous with the dwarfs and potentially also the dökkálfar (\"dark elves\"). As dwarfs, the home of the svartálfar could possibly be another description for Niðavellir (\"dark fields\").", "The Cat Who... Yum Yum does not appear to have any extraordinary abilities, so she does not play as active a role in solving the mysteries, but is still a major character in the series. She is also Siamese, and had a troubled past. Her history is fully explained in The Cat Who Ate Danish Modern, but it can be summed up rather briefly. Qwilleran got Yum Yum as a kitten from the Taits, rich folk who did not treat Yum Yum properly and did not even truly decide on her name. Mr. Tait, a jade collector, named her Yu after a variety of jade, while Mrs. Tait, whose family originates from Aarhus, Denmark calls her Freya, after the Norse goddess of love.", "Middle-earth armies and hosts At the end of the First Age, Morgoth is defeated in a final campaign called the War of Wrath by the host of the Valar made up of the Elves of Valinor and possibly Maiar led by Eönwë, the Herald of Manwë. This host of the Valar, or host of Valinor, is described as a host and contains the armies[53] of Elven warriors of the Vanyar as well as those of the Noldor that remained behind in Aman. In The Silmarillion it was stated that \"the host of the Valar were arrayed in forms young and fair and terrible, and the mountains rang beneath their feet.\" possibly implying other Maiar present. Ingwion, the son of the High-king of all Elves, Ingwë, leads the Vanyar and Finarfin, son of Finwë and king of the Noldor in Valinor, leads the Noldor. The size of the host of the Valar is ascertained by relative statements by Elrond, who was present, and a similar statement in The Silmarillion, Of the Rings of Power and the Third Age,[54] in which it is described as the only host greater than that of the great host of the Last Alliance of Elves and Men.", "The Cat Who... In addition, the novels above are sometimes published as 3-in-1 volumes or omnibus box sets under various names playing on the general title themes (such as Two Cats, Three Tales or The Cat Who Put Four in a Box).", "Who We Are and How We Got Here Who We Are and How We Got Here was published by Oxford University Press in 2018, ISBN 978-0-19-882125-0. It is credited to David Reich alone, but he explains in the Acknowledgements that the book grew from a detailed collaboration with his wife, Eugenie Reich.", "World Series ring Teams have also increasingly added distinctive touches to make their rings unique from previous versions. For their 2007 World Series rings, the Boston Red Sox commissioned a special version for players who were on both the 2004 and 2007 championship teams, and for 2013, they included the Boston Strong logo on the side.[14][15] The St. Louis Cardinals had the Rally Squirrel engraved into their 2011 World Series championship rings.[16] For their 2014 World Series rings, the San Francisco Giants included three diamonds on the top bezel and five on the bottom, representing their three titles in five years, and eight championships overall.[17] The 2016 World Series rings for the Chicago Cubs each contain 108 diamonds around the bezel, one for each year that the team went without a championship, and also include an image of a goat on the inner band.[18][13] Companies that have been commissioned to create World Series rings include Jostens, Tiffany & Co., Dieges & Clust, and the L.G. Balfour Company.[19][20][21]", "Gimli (Middle-earth) Gimli is chosen to represent the race of Dwarves in the Fellowship of the Ring. As such, he is one of the primary characters of the novel. In the course of the adventure, Gimli aids the Ring-bearer Frodo Baggins, participates in the War of the Ring, and becomes close friends with Legolas, overcoming an ancient enmity of Dwarves and Elves.", "Who Dat? On March 4, 2010, the Monisteres' company, Who Dat? Inc., filed suit in federal court against the Saints, NFL Properties, and the state of Louisiana, alleging improper interference with their business interests. The suit alleges: in 1987 the New Orleans Saints were granted a license by Who Dat?, Inc. to use the Who Dat phrase; in that agreement, the Saints agreed that the mark was original and that Monistere was the first use owner of the trademark; the Saints also agreed to never challenge Monistere's ownership of the mark or aid any one else in doing so; and the Saints were to also help protect the mark from infringement by others on behalf of the licensors (Who Dat?, Inc.).[32][33][34][35] Who Dat? Inc. subsequently amended their complaint to name several local retailers as defendants, most notably Fleurty Girl, and the matter was set for initial hearing in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana on November 10, 2010.[36]" ]
converting stereo signal to mono signal is called
[ "Panning (audio) Panning is the distribution of a sound signal (either monaural or stereophonic pairs) into a new stereo or multi-channel sound field determined by a pan control setting. A typical physical recording console has a pan control for each incoming source channel. A pan control or pan pot (short for \"panoramic potentiometer\") is an analog knob or slider with a position indicator which can range continuously from the 8 o'clock when fully left to the 4 o'clock position fully right. Audio mixing software replaces pan pots with on-screen virtual knobs or sliders which function identically to the physical counterparts.", "Panning (audio) Panning can also be used in an audio mixer to reduce or reverse the stereo width of a stereo signal. For instance, the left and right channels of a stereo source can be panned straight up, that is sent equally to both the left output and the right output of the mixer, creating a dual mono signal.[citation needed]" ]
[ "FM broadcasting In addition, for a given RF level at the receiver, the signal-to-noise ratio and multipath distortion for the stereo signal will be worse than for the mono receiver.[10] For this reason many stereo FM receivers include a stereo/mono switch to allow listening in mono when reception conditions are less than ideal, and most car radios are arranged to reduce the separation as the signal-to-noise ratio worsens, eventually going to mono while still indicating a stereo signal is being received. In order to preserve stereo separation and signal-to-noise parameters it is normal practice to apply pre-emphasis to the left and right channels before encoding and to apply de-emphasis at the receiver after decoding.", "FM broadcasting Another way to look at the resulting signal is that it alternates between left and right at 38 kHz, with the phase determined by the 19 kHz pilot signal.[9] Converting the multiplex signal back into left and right audio signals is performed by a decoder, built into stereo receivers.", "Stereophonic sound The left and right channels are produced through a simple matrix: Left = Mid + Side; Right = Mid − Side (the polarity-reversed side signal). This configuration produces a completely mono-compatible signal and, if the Mid and Side signals are recorded (rather than the matrixed Left and Right), the stereo width can be manipulated after the recording has taken place. This makes it especially useful for film-based projects.", "FM broadcasting In the late 1950s, several systems to add stereo to FM radio were considered by the FCC. Included were systems from 14 proponents including Crosby, Halstead, Electrical and Musical Industries, Ltd (EMI), Zenith, and General Electric. The individual systems were evaluated for their strengths and weaknesses during field tests in Uniontown, Pennsylvania using KDKA-FM in Pittsburgh as the originating station. The Crosby system was rejected by the FCC because it was incompatible with existing subsidiary communications authorization (SCA) services which used various subcarrier frequencies including 41 and 67 kHz. Many revenue-starved FM stations used SCAs for “storecasting” and other non-broadcast purposes. The Halstead system was rejected due to lack of high frequency stereo separation and reduction in the main channel signal-to-noise ratio. The GE and Zenith systems, so similar that they were considered theoretically identical, were formally approved by the FCC in April 1961 as the standard stereo FM broadcasting method in the United States and later adopted by most other countries.[5][6] It is important that stereo broadcasts be compatible with mono receivers. For this reason, the left (L) and right (R) channels are algebraically encoded into sum (L+R) and difference (L−R) signals. A mono receiver will use just the L+R signal so the listener will hear both channels through the single loudspeaker. A stereo receiver will add the difference signal to the sum signal to recover the left channel, and subtract the difference signal from the sum to recover the right channel.", "Signal-to-noise ratio This theoretical maximum SNR assumes a perfect input signal. If the input signal is already noisy (as is usually the case), the signal's noise may be larger than the quantization noise. Real analog-to-digital converters also have other sources of noise that further decrease the SNR compared to the theoretical maximum from the idealized quantization noise, including the intentional addition of dither.", "Cell signaling Intraspecies signaling occurs especially in bacteria, yeast, social insects, but also many vertebrates. The signaling molecules used by multicellular organisms are often called pheromones. They can have such purposes as alerting against danger, indicating food supply, or assisting in reproduction.[27] In unicellular organisms such as bacteria, signaling can be used to 'activate' peers from a dormant state, enhance virulence, defend against bacteriophages, etc.[28] In quorum sensing, which is also found in social insects, the multiplicity of individual signals has the potentiality to create a positive feedback loop, generating coordinated response. In this context, the signaling molecules are called autoinducers.[29][30][31] This signaling mechanism may have been involved in evolution from unicellular to multicellular organisms.[29][32] Bacteria also use contact-dependent signaling, notably to limit their growth.[33]", "Cell signaling A more complex signal transduction pathway is shown in Figure 3. This pathway involves changes of protein–protein interactions inside the cell, induced by an external signal. Many growth factors bind to receptors at the cell surface and stimulate cells to progress through the cell cycle and divide. Several of these receptors are kinases that start to phosphorylate themselves and other proteins when binding to a ligand. This phosphorylation can generate a binding site for a different protein and thus induce protein–protein interaction. In Figure 3, the ligand (called epidermal growth factor (EGF)) binds to the receptor (called EGFR). This activates the receptor to phosphorylate itself. The phosphorylated receptor binds to an adaptor protein (GRB2), which couples the signal to further downstream signaling processes. For example, one of the signal transduction pathways that are activated is called the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway. The signal transduction component labeled as \"MAPK\" in the pathway was originally called \"ERK,\" so the pathway is called the MAPK/ERK pathway. The MAPK protein is an enzyme, a protein kinase that can attach phosphate to target proteins such as the transcription factor MYC and, thus, alter gene transcription and, ultimately, cell cycle progression. Many cellular proteins are activated downstream of the growth factor receptors (such as EGFR) that initiate this signal transduction pathway.[citation needed]", "Cell signaling In a multicellular organism, signaling between cells occurs either through release into the extracellular space, divided in paracrine signaling (over short distances) and endocrine signaling (over long distances), or by direct contact, known as juxtacrine signaling.[15] Autocrine signaling is a special case of paracrine signaling where the secreting cell has the ability to respond to the secreted signaling molecule.[16] Synaptic signaling is a special case of paracrine signaling (for chemical synapses) or juxtacrine signaling (for electrical synapses) between neurons and target cells. Signaling molecules interact with a target cell as a ligand to cell surface receptors, and/or by entering into the cell through its membrane or endocytosis for intracrine signaling. This generally results in the activation of second messengers, leading to various physiological effects.", "Railway signal Signals control motion past the point at which the signal stands and into the next section of track. They may also convey information about the state of the next signal to be encountered. Signals are sometimes said to \"protect\" the points/switches, section of track, etc. that they are ahead of. The term \"ahead of\" can be confusing, so official UK practice is to use the terms in rear of and in advance of. When a train is waiting at a signal it is \"in rear of\" that signal and the danger being protected by the signal is \"in advance of\" the train and signal.", "Digital signal processing The increasing use of computers has resulted in the increased use of, and need for, digital signal processing.[citation needed] To digitally analyze and manipulate an analog signal, it must be digitized with an analog-to-digital converter. Sampling is usually carried out in two stages, discretization and quantization. Discretization means that the signal is divided into equal intervals of time, and each interval is represented by a single measurement of amplitude. Quantization means each amplitude measurement is approximated by a value from a finite set. Rounding real numbers to integers is an example.", "Signal peptide The core of the signal peptide contains a long stretch of hydrophobic amino acids (about 5-16 residues long)[4] that has a tendency to form a single alpha-helix and is also referred to as the \"h-region\". In addition, many signal peptides begin with a short positively charged stretch of amino acids, which may help to enforce proper topology of the polypeptide during translocation by what is known as the positive-inside rule.[5] Because of its close location to the N-terminus it is called the \"n-region\". At the end of the signal peptide there is typically a stretch of amino acids that is recognized and cleaved by signal peptidase and therefore named cleavage site. However this cleavage site is absent from transmembrane-domains that serve as signal peptides, which are sometimes referred to as signal anchor sequences. Signal peptidase may cleave either during or after completion of translocation to generate a free signal peptide and a mature protein. The free signal peptides are then digested by specific proteases. Moreover, different target locations are aimed by different types of signal peptides. For example the structure of a target peptide aiming for the mitochondrial environment differs in terms of length and shows an alternating pattern of small positively charged and hydrophobic stretches. Nucleus aiming signal peptides can be found at both the N-terminus and the C-terminus of a protein and are in the majority of the cases retained in the mature protein.", "Cell signaling Cell signaling can be classified to be mechanical and biochemical based on the type of the signal. Mechanical signals are the forces exerted on the cell and the forces produced by the cell. These forces can both be sensed and responded by the cells.[10] Biochemical signals are the biochemical molecules such as proteins, lipids, ions and gases. These signals can be categorized based on the distance between signaling and responder cells. Signaling within, between, and amongst cells is subdivided into the following classifications:", "Distress signal In the Alps, the recommended way to signal distress is the Alpine distress signal: give six signals within a minute, then pause for a minute, repeating this until rescue arrives. A signal may be anything visual (waving clothes or lights, use of a signal mirror) or audible (shouts, whistles, etc.). The rescuers acknowledge with three signals per minute.", "Signal timing Signal timing is the technique which traffic engineers use to distribute right-of-way at a signalized intersection. Signal timing involves deciding how much green time the traffic signal provides to an intersection approach, how long the pedestrian WALK signal should be, and numerous other factors.", "Mobile phone signal Various signal booster systems are manufactured to reduce problems due to dropped calls and dead zones. Many options, such as wireless units and antennas, are intended to aid in strengthening weak signals.", "Railway signal In the U.S., semaphores were employed as train order signals,[3] with the purpose of indicating to engineers whether they should stop to receive a telegraphed order, and also as simply one form of block signalling. Mechanical signals worldwide are being phased out in favour of colour-light signals or, in some cases, signalling systems that do not require lineside signals (e.g. Radio Electronic Token Block or RETB).", "Railway signal Some locomotives are equipped to display cab signals. These can display signal indications through patterns of lights in the locomotive cab, or in simple systems merely produce an audible sound to warn the driver of a restrictive aspect. Occasionally, cab signals are used by themselves, but more commonly they are used to supplement signals placed at lineside. Cab signalling is particularly useful on high speed railways. In the absence of lineside signals, fixed markers may be provided at those places where signals would otherwise exist, to mark the limit of a movement authority.", "Distress signal Distress signals at sea are defined in the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea and in the International Code of Signals. Mayday signals must only be used where there is grave and imminent danger to life. Otherwise, urgent signals such as pan-pan can be sent. Most jurisdictions have large penalties for false, unwarranted or prank distress signals.", "Railway signal Originally, signals displayed simple stop/proceed indications. As traffic density increased, this proved to be too limiting and refinements were added. One such refinement was the addition of distant signals on the approach to stop signals. The distant signal gave the driver warning that he was approaching a signal which might require a stop. This allowed for an overall increase in speed, since train drivers no longer had to drive at a speed within sighting distance of the stop signal.", "Sampling (signal processing) In practice, the continuous signal is sampled using an analog-to-digital converter (ADC), a device with various physical limitations. This results in deviations from the theoretically perfect reconstruction, collectively referred to as distortion.", "Signal timing There are different categories of actuated signals. To save money on maintenance, some agencies opt to design an intersection as semi-actuated. Semi-actuated means the intersection has detection on the minor street approaches and major street left turns only. The whole intersection is then programmed to operate a fixed time every cycle, but the controller will service the other movements only when there is a 'call' or demand. An arterial series of signals that are operating in a semi-actuated or fixed mode and importantly operating with the same cycle length can be made to function in a coordinated manner. During signal coordination, most signal systems typically are designed to operate in a semi-actuated mode.", "Railway signal The signal head is the portion of a colour light signal which displays the aspects. To display a larger number of indications, a single signal might have multiple signal heads. Some systems used a single head coupled with auxiliary lights to modify the basic aspect.", "Notch signaling pathway To add another level of complexity, in mammals there are three Fringe GlcNAc-transferases, named lunatic fringe, manic fringe, and radical fringe. These enzymes are responsible for something called a \"fringe effect\" on notch signaling.[48] If Fringe adds a GlcNAc to the O-fucose sugar then the subsequent addition of a galactose and sialic acid will occur. In the presence of this tetrasaccharide, notch signals strongly when it interacts with the Delta ligand, but has markedly inhibited signaling when interacting with the Jagged ligand.[49] The means by which this addition of sugar inhibits signaling through one ligand, and potentiates signaling through another is not clearly understood.", "Cell signaling Cells communicate with each other via direct contact (juxtacrine signaling), over short distances (paracrine signaling), or over large distances and/or scales (endocrine signaling).", "Small-signal model The (large-signal) Shockley equation for a diode can be linear about the bias point or quiescent point (sometimes called Q-point) to find the small-signal conductance, capacitance and resistance of the diode. This procedure is described in more detail under diode modeling, which provides an example of the linear procedure followed in all small-signal models of semiconductor devices.", "Sampling (signal processing) In signal processing, sampling is the reduction of a continuous-time signal to a discrete-time signal. A common example is the conversion of a sound wave (a continuous signal) to a sequence of samples (a discrete-time signal).", "Railway signal For example, using a flashing aspect to display a less restrictive signal. If the relay that controls the flashing fails, the signal displays a more restricting signal. A flashing yellow, in Canada and the United States, at least on the top or middle heads if there are more than one lights, means advance clear to stop (that is, expect the next signal to be clear but not the one after). A solid yellow means clear to stop (that is, expect the next signal to be stop).[5]", "Railway signal In some situations or places, such as in tunnels, where there is insufficient room for a post or gantry, signals may be mounted at ground level. Such signals may be physically smaller (termed dwarf signals). Rapid transit systems commonly use nothing but dwarf signals due to the restricted space. In many systems, dwarf signals are only used to display 'restrictive' aspects such as low speed or shunt aspects, and do not normally indicate 'running' aspects.", "Citation signal When one or more signals are used, the signals should appear in the following order:[5]", "Digital signal processing There are some commonly used frequency domain transformations. For example, the cepstrum converts a signal to the frequency domain through Fourier transform, takes the logarithm, then applies another Fourier transform. This emphasizes the harmonic structure of the original spectrum.", "Signal-to-noise ratio While SNR is commonly quoted for electrical signals, it can be applied to any form of signal for example isotope levels in an ice core or biochemical signaling between cells or financial trading signals.", "Signal-to-noise ratio The concepts of signal-to-noise ratio and dynamic range are closely related. Dynamic range measures the ratio between the strongest un-distorted signal on a channel and the minimum discernible signal, which for most purposes is the noise level. SNR measures the ratio between an arbitrary signal level (not necessarily the most powerful signal possible) and noise. Measuring signal-to-noise ratios requires the selection of a representative or reference signal. In audio engineering, the reference signal is usually a sine wave at a standardized nominal or alignment level, such as 1 kHz at +4 dBu (1.228 VRMS).", "GPS signals Using a complex carrier allows the replicas to match the digitalized signal regardless of the signal's carrier phase and to detect that phase (the principle is the same used by the Fourier transform). The dot product is a complex number; its magnitude represents the level of similarity between the replica and the signal, as with an ordinary correlation of real-valued time series. The argument of the dot product is an approximation of the corresponding carrier in the digitalized signal.", "Stereophonic sound In the course of restoration or remastering of monophonic records, various techniques of \"pseudo-stereo\", \"quasi-stereo\", or \"rechanneled stereo\" have been used to create the impression that the sound was originally recorded in stereo. These techniques first involved hardware methods (see Duophonic) or, more recently, a combination of hardware and software. Multitrack Studio, from Bremmers Audio Design (The Netherlands),[60] uses special filters to achieve a pseudo-stereo effect: the \"shelve\" filter directs low frequencies to the left channel and high frequencies to the right channel, and the \"comb\" filter adds a small delay in signal timing between the two channels, a delay barely noticeable by ear,[note 2] but contributing to an effect of \"widening\" original \"fattiness\" of mono recording.[61][62]", "Signal processing Discrete-time signal processing is for sampled signals, defined only at discrete points in time, and as such are quantized in time, but not in magnitude.", "Signal transduction Signal transduction is the process by which a chemical or physical signal is transmitted through a cell as a series of molecular events, most commonly protein phosphorylation catalysed by protein kinases, which ultimately results in a cellular response. Proteins responsible for detecting stimuli are generally termed receptors, although in some cases the term sensor is used.[1] The changes elicited by ligand binding (or signal sensing) in a receptor give rise to a signaling cascade, which is a chain of biochemical events along a signaling pathway. When signaling pathways interact with one another they form networks, which allow cellular responses to be coordinated, often by combinatorial signaling events.[2] At the molecular level, such responses include changes in the transcription or translation of genes, and post-translational and conformational changes in proteins, as well as changes in their location. These molecular events are the basic mechanisms controlling cell growth, proliferation, metabolism and many other processes.[3] In multicellular organisms, signal transduction pathways have evolved to regulate cell communication in a wide variety of ways.", "Citation signal When multiple signals are used, they must be consistent with this order. Signals of the same basic type - supportive, comparative, contradictory or background - are strung together in a single citation sentence, separated by semicolons. Signals of different types should be grouped in different citation sentences. For example:", "Railway signal The oldest forms of signal displayed their different indications by a part of the signal being physically moved. The earliest types comprised a board that was either turned face-on and fully visible to the driver, or rotated away so as to be practically invisible. These signals had two or at most three positions.", "Cell signaling For several types of intercellular signaling molecules that are unable to permeate the hydrophobic cell membrane due to their hydrophilic nature, the target receptor is expressed on the membrane. When such a signaling molecule activates its receptor, the signal is carried into the cell usually by means of a second messenger such as cAMP.[24][25]", "Stereophonic sound The Red Book CD specification includes two channels by default, and so a mono recording on CD either has one empty channel, or else the same signal being relayed to both channels simultaneously. However, noncommercial CDs in other formats such as White Book or Orange Book can feature up to four hours of stereo music on one CD for the purposes of extended programming in public spaces, such as malls.", "Railway signal Signals have aspects and indications. The aspect is the visual appearance of the signal; the indication is the meaning. In American practice the indications have conventional names, so that for instance \"Medium Approach\" means \"Proceed at not exceeding medium speed; be prepared to stop at next signal\". Different railroads historically assigned different meanings to the same aspect, so it is common as a result of mergers to find that different divisions of a modern railroad may have different rules governing the interpretation of signal aspects.", "Distress signal In addition, a distress can be signaled using automated radio signals such as a Search and Rescue Transponder (SART) which responds to 9 GHz radar signal, or an Emergency Position-Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB) which operates in the 406 MHz radio frequency. EPIRB signals are received and processed by a constellation of satellites known as COSPAS-SARSAT. Older EPIRBs which use 121.5 MHz are obsolete. Many regulators require vessels which proceed offshore to carry an EPIRB.", "Signal-to-noise ratio Signal to noise ratio may be abbreviated as SNR and less commonly as S/N. PSNR stands for Peak signal-to-noise ratio. GSNR stands for Geometric Signal-to-Noise Ratio. SINR is the Signal-to-noise-plus-interference ratio.", "Calcium signaling Calcium ions are important for cellular signalling, as once they enter the cytosol of the cytoplasm they exert allosteric regulatory effects on many enzymes and proteins. Calcium can act in signal transduction resulting from activation of ion channels or as a second messenger caused by indirect signal transduction pathways such as G protein-coupled receptors.", "Analog-to-digital converter There can be other ADCs that use a combination of electronics and other technologies. A time-stretch analog-to-digital converter (TS-ADC) digitizes a very wide bandwidth analog signal, that cannot be digitized by a conventional electronic ADC, by time-stretching the signal prior to digitization. It commonly uses a photonic preprocessor frontend to time-stretch the signal, which effectively slows the signal down in time and compresses its bandwidth. As a result, an electronic backend ADC, that would have been too slow to capture the original signal, can now capture this slowed down signal. For continuous capture of the signal, the frontend also divides the signal into multiple segments in addition to time-stretching. Each segment is individually digitized by a separate electronic ADC. Finally, a digital signal processor rearranges the samples and removes any distortions added by the frontend to yield the binary data that is the digital representation of the original analog signal.", "Signal processing The concept of discrete-time signal processing also refers to a theoretical discipline that establishes a mathematical basis for digital signal processing, without taking quantization error into consideration.", "Distress signal A distress signal indicates that a person or group of people, ship, aircraft, or other vehicle is threatened by serious and/or imminent danger and requires immediate assistance.[1]:PCG D−3 Use of distress signals in other circumstances may be against local or international law. An urgency signal is available to request assistance in less critical situations.", "GPS signals The simplest way to acquire the signal (not necessarily the most effective or least computationally expensive) is to compute the dot product of a window of the digitalized signal with a set of locally generated replicas. The locally generated replicas vary in carrier frequency and code phase to cover all the already mentioned search space which is the Cartesian product of the frequency search space and the code phase search space. The carrier is a complex number where real and imaginary components are both sinusoids as described by Euler's formula. The replica that generates the highest magnitude of dot product is likely the one that best matches the code phase and frequency of the signal; therefore, if that magnitude is above a threshold, the receiver proceeds to track the signal or further refine the estimated parameters before tracking. The threshold is used to minimize false positives (apparently detecting a signal when there is in fact no signal), but some may still occur occasionally.", "Digital signal processing The most common processing approach in the time or space domain is enhancement of the input signal through a method called filtering. Digital filtering generally consists of some linear transformation of a number of surrounding samples around the current sample of the input or output signal. There are various ways to characterize filters; for example:", "Satellite television The downlinked satellite signal, weaker after traveling the great distance (see inverse-square law), is collected by using a rooftop parabolic receiving dish (\"satellite dish\"), which reflects the weak signal to the dish's focal point.[22] Mounted on brackets at the dish's focal point is a feedhorn[22] which passes the signals through a waveguide to a device called a low-noise block converter (LNB) or low noise converter (LNC) attached to the horn.[22] The LNB amplifies the weak signals, filters the block of frequencies in which the satellite television signals are transmitted, and converts the block of frequencies to a lower frequency range in the L-band range.[22] The signal is then passed through a coaxial cable into the residence to the satellite television receiver, a set-top box next to the television.", "Cell signaling Cell signaling (cell signalling in British English) is part of any communication process that governs basic activities of cells and coordinates all cell actions. The ability of cells to perceive and correctly respond to their microenvironment is the basis of development, tissue repair, and immunity, as well as normal tissue homeostasis. Errors in signaling interactions and cellular information processing are responsible for diseases such as cancer, autoimmunity, and diabetes.[1][2][3] By understanding cell signaling, diseases may be treated more effectively and, theoretically, artificial tissues may be created.[4]", "Signal peptide The co-translational pathway is initiated when the signal peptide emerges from the ribosome and is recognized by the signal-recognition particle (SRP).[6] SRP then halts further translation (translational arrest only occurs in Eukaryotes) and directs the signal sequence-ribosome-mRNA complex to the SRP receptor, which is present on the surface of either the plasma membrane (in prokaryotes) or the ER (in eukaryotes).[7] Once membrane-targeting is completed, the signal sequence is inserted into the translocon. Ribosomes are then physically docked onto the cytoplasmic face of the translocon and protein synthesis resumes.[8]", "Subwoofer In professional concert sound system design, subwoofers can be incorporated seamlessly with the main speakers into a stereo or mono full-range system by using an active crossover. The audio engineer typically adjusts the frequency point at which lower frequency sounds are routed o the subwoofer speaker(s), and mid- and higher frequency sounds are sent tio the full-range speakers. Such a system receives its signal from the main mono or stereo mixing console mix bus and amplifies all frequencies together in the desired balance. If the main sound system is stereo, the subwoofers can also be in stereo. Otherwise, a mono subwoofer channel can be derived within the crossover from a stereo mix, depending on the crossover make and model. While 2010-era subwoofer cabinet manufacturers suggest placing subwoofers on either side of a stage (as implied by the inclusion of pole cups for the full-range PA cabinets, Dave Purton argues that for club gigs, having two subwoofer cabinets on either side of a stage will lead to gaps in bass coverage in the venue; he states that putting the two subwoofer cabinets together will create a more even, omnidirectional sub-bass tone.[62]\n\nPA systems by size and subwoofer approach", "GPS signals In a major departure from previous GPS designs, the M-code is intended to be broadcast from a high-gain directional antenna, in addition to a full-Earth antenna. This directional antenna's signal, called a spot beam, is intended to be aimed at a specific region (several hundred kilometers in diameter) and increase the local signal strength by 20 dB, or approximately 100 times stronger. A side effect of having two antennas is that the GPS satellite will appear to be two GPS satellites occupying the same position to those inside the spot beam. While the whole Earth M-code signal is available on the Block IIR-M satellites, the spot beam antennas will not be deployed until the Block III satellites are deployed, tentatively in 2018.", "Railway signal Signals can be placed:", "Cell signaling Some signaling transduction pathways respond differently, depending on the amount of signaling received by the cell. For instance, the hedgehog protein activates different genes, depending on the amount of hedgehog protein present.[citation needed]", "Railway signal Searchlight signals were the most often used signal type in the U.S.[citation needed] until recently, although these have become less popular due to vandalism. In these, a single incandescent light bulb is used in each head, and either an A.C. or D.C. relay mechanism is used to move a coloured spectacle (or \"roundel\") in front of the lamp. In this manner, gravity (fail safe) returns the red roundel into the lamp's optical path. In effect, this mechanism is very similar to the colour light signal that is included in an electrically operated semaphore signal, except that the omission of the semaphore arm allows the roundels to be miniaturized and enclosed in a weatherproof housing. An elliptical reflector focuses the lamp through the roundel, a small lens and then a larger single or compound lensing arrangement is employed.[4] The Hall Signal Company first produced this type of signal in 1920, having purchased the patent rights from one Mr. Blake in 1918. US&S bought the Hall Company in 1925 thus naming this signal the Style \"H,\" with the later compound lens version (introduced in 1932) referred to as the Style \"H-2.\" The General Railway Signal Company's versions were known as the \"Type S, SA, SA-1 and SC\", the last having a sequential operating mechanism that could be used to directly replace motor-operated semaphores without any changes in system wiring.", "Railway signal Electric lamps for railway signals are often fitted with twin filaments, so that if one burns out, the other keeps the signal lit. A more complicated version of this, such as in the SL35 lamp, a filament changeover relay is fitted in series with the first filament, where if the first filament burns out, the relay drops and lights the second filament. This filament fail relay also activates an alarm in the signal box.", "Railway signal On the Pennsylvania Railroad (PRR) as on other railroads, initial efforts were made to replace the semaphore with illumination of the position of the blade rather than by colour lamps alone. Lamps with inverted half toric optic lenses, covered with a light yellow tinted conical cover glass with a frosted tip to avoid phantom indications were displayed in rows of three, corresponding to the positions of a semaphore blade. Multiple signal heads were used at interlockings for \"Speed Signaling\" purposes. The PRR chose to use their Superintendent of Signaling, A.H. Rudd's, in-house yet scientifically developed position light signals (as well as his \"Speed Signaling\" system of aspects and indications) to both replace the semaphores and their moving parts, also because the intense lemon yellow light provided superior visibility in adverse weather conditions such as rain or fog. The earliest installation of position lights used rows of four lamps in an offset fashion, much as with the upper right hand three position semaphore. The first installation of the four 5-volt, 10-watt lamp position light signals occurred on the Main Line between Philadelphia and Paoli, in conjunction with the 1915 electrification. These first signals differed from the later ones in that the lamps were mounted separately in front of a tombstone-shaped black painted metal backing. There were found issues with wind damage due to the rather larger \"sail area\" of the \"tombstone backing.\" Soon thereafter, the lamps were reduced in number to three per row, without adversely affecting long-range indication comprehension and the background as it is called correspondingly reduced in size and mounted as a disc. The lamp units and background on a mounting system known as a \"spider,\" were integrated into a single unit.", "Royal Corps of Signals In 1994, The Royal Corps of Signals relocated its training regiments: 11th Signal Regiment (the Recruit Training Regiment) and 8th Signal Regiment (the Trade Training School), from Catterick Garrison, North Yorkshire to Blandford Camp in Dorset, where the Royal School of Signals was already based.", "Signal timing Offset controls the timing of the start of the major street green and/or the end of the major street green, to keep the signal in coordination with other signals in the overall timing plan. This timing can be set by the master controller for the particular plan used.", "Around the World in 80 Days (1956 film) The original Todd-AO 70mm running time without the extra music was 179 minutes. However, after the Chicago showing Todd cut four minutes out of the Western sequence where Cantinflas is pursued by Indians. The 70mm print shown at The Rivoli theatre in NYC was 175 minutes. However, the original 35mm Technicolor/anamorphic magnetic stereo and mono optical prints ran the complete 179 minutes with the chase scene intact. Although the leaders on the optical sound prints were labelled for Perspecta directional encoding, the prints do not contain the signal and were standard mono.", "Electric guitar The guitar output jack typically provides a monaural signal. Many guitars with active electronics use a jack with an extra contact normally used for stereo. These guitars use the extra contact to break the ground connection to the on-board battery to preserve battery life when the guitar is unplugged. These guitars require a mono plug to close the internal switch and connect the battery to ground. Standard guitar cables use a high-impedance 1/4-inch (6.35-mm) mono plug. These have a tip and sleeve configuration referred to as a TS phone connector. The voltage is usually around 1 to 9 millivolts.", "Signal processing In communication systems, signal processing may occur at:", "Railway signal Signals are used to indicate one or more of the following:", "Cell signaling Hydrogen sulfide is produced in small amounts by some cells of the human body and has a number of biological signaling functions. Only two other such gases are currently known to act as signaling molecules in the human body: nitric oxide and carbon monoxide.[18]", "GPS signals Each composite signal (in-phase and quadrature phase) becomes:", "GPS signals L1C is a civilian-use signal, to be broadcast on the L1 frequency (1575.42 MHz), which contains the C/A signal used by all current GPS users. The L1C will be available with the first Block III launch, tentatively scheduled for the first half of fiscal year 2017.[32]", "Signal-to-noise ratio Because many signals have a very wide dynamic range, signals are often expressed using the logarithmic decibel scale. Based upon the definition of decibel, signal and noise may be expressed in decibels (dB) as", "Tuner (radio) The broadcast audio FM band (88 - 108 MHz in most countries) is around 100 times higher in frequency than the AM band and provides enough space for a bandwidth of 50 kHz. This bandwidth is sufficient to transmit both stereo channels with almost the full hearing range. Sometimes, additional subcarriers are used for unrelated audio or data transmissions. The left and right audio signals must be combined into a single signal which is applied to the modulation input of the transmitter; this is done by the addition of an inaudible subcarrier signal to the FM broadcast signal. FM stereo allows left and right channels to be transmitted. The availability of FM stereo, a quieter VHF broadcast band, and better fidelity led to the specialization of FM broadcasting in music, tending to leave AM broadcasting with spoken-word material.", "Transducer A transducer is a device that converts energy from one form to another. Usually a transducer converts a signal in one form of energy to a signal in another.[1]", "Traffic-light signalling and operation Another type of signal that can be found in China is the Unilight signal that displays all three colours in one signal section.", "Cell signaling The notch signaling mechanism is an example of juxtacrine signaling (also known as contact-dependent signaling) in which two adjacent cells must make physical contact in order to communicate. This requirement for direct contact allows for very precise control of cell differentiation during embryonic development. In the worm Caenorhabditis elegans, two cells of the developing gonad each have an equal chance of terminally differentiating or becoming a uterine precursor cell that continues to divide. The choice of which cell continues to divide is controlled by competition of cell surface signals. One cell will happen to produce more of a cell surface protein that activates the Notch receptor on the adjacent cell. This activates a feedback loop or system that reduces Notch expression in the cell that will differentiate and that increases Notch on the surface of the cell that continues as a stem cell.[11]", "Distress signal In order for distress signalling to be the most effective, two parameters must be communicated:", "Digital signal processing Digital signal processing (DSP) is the use of digital processing, such as by computers, to perform a wide variety of signal processing operations. The signals processed in this manner are a sequence of numbers that represent samples of a continuous variable in a domain such as time, space, or frequency.", "Thumb signal In baseball, umpires will sometimes jerk a thumbs-up over their shoulder as an \"out\" signal", "Electronic circuit Mixed-signal or hybrid circuits contain elements of both analog and digital circuits. Examples include comparators, timers, phase-locked loops, analog-to-digital converters, and digital-to-analog converters. Most modern radio and communications circuitry uses mixed signal circuits. For example, in a receiver, analog circuitry is used to amplify and frequency-convert signals so that they reach a suitable state to be converted into digital values, after which further signal processing can be performed in the digital domain.", "Digital signal processing In DSP, engineers usually study digital signals in one of the following domains: time domain (one-dimensional signals), spatial domain (multidimensional signals), frequency domain, and wavelet domains. They choose the domain in which to process a signal by making an informed assumption (or by trying different possibilities) as to which domain best represents the essential characteristics of the signal. A sequence of samples from a measuring device produces a temporal or spatial domain representation, whereas a discrete Fourier transform produces the frequency domain information, that is, the frequency spectrum.", "Signal peptide In both prokaryotes and eukaryotes signal sequences may act co-translationally or post-translationally.", "Small-signal model The small signal model is dependent on the DC bias currents and voltages in the circuit (the Q point). Changing the bias moves the operating point up or down on the curves, thus changing the equivalent small-signal AC resistance, gain, etc. seen by the signal.", "Railway signal Occasionally, a signal may be mounted to a structure such as a retaining wall, bridge abutment, or overhead electrification support.", "Signal processing Digital signal processing is the processing of digitized discrete-time sampled signals. Processing is done by general-purpose computers or by digital circuits such as ASICs, field-programmable gate arrays or specialized digital signal processors (DSP chips). Typical arithmetical operations include fixed-point and floating-point, real-valued and complex-valued, multiplication and addition. Other typical operations supported by the hardware are circular buffers and look-up tables. Examples of algorithms are the Fast Fourier transform (FFT), finite impulse response (FIR) filter, Infinite impulse response (IIR) filter, and adaptive filters such as the Wiener and Kalman filters.", "FM broadcasting The normal stereo signal can be considered as switching between left and right channels at 38 kHz, appropriately band limited. The quadraphonic signal can be considered as cycling through LF, LR, RF, RR, at 76 kHz.[13]", "Notch signaling pathway Notch signaling is required in the regulation of polarity. For example, mutation experiments have shown that loss of Notch signaling causes abnormal anterior-posterior polarity in somites.[57] Also, Notch signaling is required during left-right asymmetry determination in vertebrates.[58]", "Citation signal The first letter of a signal should be capitalized when it begins a citation sentence. If it is in a citation clause or sentence, it should not be capitalized.", "Thumb signal In basketball, when a held ball occurs, an official will jerk both thumbs in the air, signalling that a jump ball is in order.", "Signal-to-noise ratio Optical signals have a carrier frequency that is much higher than the modulation frequency (about 200 THz and more). This way the noise covers a bandwidth that is much wider than the signal itself. The resulting signal influence relies mainly on the filtering of the noise. To describe the signal quality without taking the receiver into account, the optical SNR (OSNR) is used. The OSNR is the ratio between the signal power and the noise power in a given bandwidth. Most commonly a reference bandwidth of 0.1 nm is used. This bandwidth is independent of the modulation format, the frequency and the receiver. For instance an OSNR of 20 dB/0.1 nm could be given, even the signal of 40 GBit DPSK would not fit in this bandwidth. OSNR is measured with an optical spectrum analyzer.", "Signal transduction The majority of signal transduction pathways involve the binding of signaling molecules, known as ligands, to receptors that trigger events inside the cell. The binding of a signaling molecule with a receptor causes a change in the conformation of the receptor, known as receptor activation. Most ligands are soluble molecules from the extracellular medium which bind to cell surface receptors. These include growth factors, cytokines and neurotransmitters. Components of the extracellular matrix such as fibronectin and hyaluronan can also bind to such receptors (integrins and CD44, respectively). In addition, some molecules such as steroid hormones are lipid-soluble and thus cross the plasma membrane to reach nuclear receptors.[9] In the case of steroid hormone receptors, their stimulation leads to binding to the promoter region of steroid-responsive genes.[10]", "I've Gotta Get a Message to You During preparation of The Studio Albums 1967-1968 box set, another mix from 1968 was discovered, a mono mix that sounds like the 1968 stereo mix. Since the North American Idea LP was released only in stereo, this companion mono mix was never released. It plays faster than the stereo mix, but that is true of all the mono mixes for Idea.", "Thumb signal In scuba diving, the thumbs-up gesture is a specific diving signal given underwater, in which the diver indicates that he or she is about to stop his or her dive and ascend. This occasionally causes confusion in new divers, who might automatically gesture thumbs-up when trying to indicate approval — actually indicating a desire to stop diving and to ascend. The diving signal for approval is the A-ok sign.[16]", "Railway signal The introduction of electric light bulbs made it possible to produce colour light signals which were bright enough to be seen during daylight, starting in 1904. These at first were \"short-range\" signals, used in low-speed applications. Improvements in signal glassware by Dr. Churchill of Cornell University in conjunction with Corning Glass Works (Corning, New York) increased the daylight viewing range to that of \"medium-range\" signals. These were quickly adopted by many U.S. rapid transit and trolley (street, light) railway systems. Ultimately, by 1913, Dr. Churchill developed the \"doublet lens\" combination wherein an outer clear Fresnel lens was sealed with inwards facing ribs to an inner glass of the desired colour with ribs facing the outer lens. Both inner and outer exposed surfaces were therefore smooth, avoiding dirt accumulation. The inner lens convexity permitted a 35-watt, 10-volt lamp filament to be almost surrounded by this system, gathering much more of the light produced than with previous systems. This yielded the first true \"long-range\" daylight signal with a range of over 2,500 feet (760 m) under bright sun conditions. The first application was by the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad's use of the US&S \"Style L\" colour light signal on their line through the Pacific Northwest in 1914. These were intentionally fitted from the start with two lamps one ahead of the other, the circuitry so arranged that failure of the main lamp caused the lighting the back-up lamp to assure the most restrictive indication always being illuminated. The final improvement came in the early 1920s with Corning's \"High Transmission\" glass colours, increasing this range to 3,500 feet (1,100 m) under bright sun conditions. The results were that in the U.S., all semaphore manufacturing had ceased by 1944, having been completely replaced with light signals of one type or another.", "Signal peptide In vertebrates, the region of the mRNA that codes for the signal peptide (i.e. the signal sequence coding region, or SSCR) can function as an RNA element with specific activities. SSCRs promote nuclear mRNA export and the proper localization to the surface of the endoplasmic reticulum. In addition SSCRs have specific sequence features: they have low adenine-content, are enriched in certain motifs, and tend to be present in the first exon at a frequency that is higher than expected.[12][13]", "Multiplexing In FM broadcasting and other analog radio media, multiplexing is a term commonly given to the process of adding subcarriers to the audio signal before it enters the transmitter, where modulation occurs. (In fact, the stereo multiplex signal can be generated using time-division multiplexing, by switching between the two (left channel and right channel) input signals at an ultrasonic rate (the subcarrier), and then filtering out the higher harmonics.) Multiplexing in this sense is sometimes known as MPX, which in turn is also an old term for stereophonic FM, seen on stereo systems since the 1960s.", "Cell signaling Additionally, interspecies signaling occurs between multicellular organisms. In Vespa mandarinia, individuals release a scent that directs the colony to a food source.[41]", "Signal processing Analog signal processing is for signals that have not been digitized, as in legacy radio, telephone, radar, and television systems. This involves linear electronic circuits as well as non-linear ones. The former are, for instance, passive filters, active filters, additive mixers, integrators and delay lines. Non-linear circuits include compandors, multiplicators (frequency mixers and voltage-controlled amplifiers), voltage-controlled filters, voltage-controlled oscillators and phase-locked loops.", "Signal transduction As is the case with GPCRs, proteins that bind GTP play a major role in signal transduction from the activated RTK into the cell. In this case, the G proteins are members of the Ras, Rho, and Raf families, referred to collectively as small G proteins. They act as molecular switches usually tethered to membranes by isoprenyl groups linked to their carboxyl ends. Upon activation, they assign proteins to specific membrane subdomains where they participate in signaling. Activated RTKs in turn activate small G proteins that activate guanine nucleotide exchange factors such as SOS1. Once activated, these exchange factors can activate more small G proteins, thus amplifying the receptor's initial signal. The mutation of certain RTK genes, as with that of GPCRs, can result in the expression of receptors that exist in a constitutively activated state; such mutated genes may act as oncogenes.[35]", "Railway signal Semaphore signals were used by Napoleon's army (when coupled with telescopes); later, they were adopted by the railways. They were patented in the early 1840s by Joseph James Stevens and soon became the most widely used form of mechanical signal, although they are now rapidly decreasing in number and a mere handful remain in U.S. railroad service. The semaphore arm consists of two parts: An arm or blade which pivots at different angles, and a spectacle holding coloured lenses which move in front of a lamp in order to provide indications at night. Usually these were combined into a single frame, though in some types (e.g. \"somersault\" signals in which the arm pivoted in the centre), the arm was separate from the spectacle. The arm projects horizontally in its most restrictive aspect; other angles indicate less restrictive aspects.", "Signal-to-noise ratio Signal-to-noise ratio (abbreviated SNR or S/N) is a measure used in science and engineering that compares the level of a desired signal to the level of background noise.", "Mobile phone signal A mobile phone signal (also known as reception and service) is the signal strength (measured in dBm) received by a mobile phone from a cellular network (on the downlink). Depending on various factors,such as proximity to a tower,any obstructions such as buildings or trees, etc. this signal strength will vary. Most mobile devices use a set of bars of increasing height to display the approximate strength of this received signal to the mobile phone user. Traditionally five bars are used. (see five by five)" ]
in order to prove disparate impact you first must establish
[ "Disparate impact A violation of Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act may be proven by showing that an employment practice or policy has a disproportionately adverse effect on members of the protected class as compared with non-members of the protected class.[1] Therefore, the disparate impact theory under Title VII prohibits employers \"from using a facially neutral employment practice that has an unjustified adverse impact on members of a protected class. A facially neutral employment practice is one that does not appear to be discriminatory on its face; rather it is one that is discriminatory in its application or effect.\"[2] Where a disparate impact is shown, the plaintiff can prevail without the necessity of showing intentional discrimination unless the defendant employer demonstrates that the practice or policy in question has a demonstrable relationship to the requirements of the job in question.[3] This is the \"business necessity\" defense.[1]" ]
[ "Disparate impact On June 25, 2015, by a 5–4 decision in Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs v. Inclusive Communities Project, the Supreme Court held[7] that disparate-impact claims are cognizable under the Fair Housing Act. In an opinion by Justice Kennedy, \"Recognition of disparate-impact claims is also consistent with the central purpose of the FHA, which, like Title VII and the ADEA, was enacted to eradicate discriminatory practices within a sector of the Nation's economy. Suits targeting unlawful zoning laws and other housing restrictions that unfairly exclude minorities from certain neighborhoods without sufficient justification are at the heartland of disparate-impact liability...Recognition of disparate impact liability under the FHA plays an important role in uncovering discriminatory intent: it permits plaintiffs to counteract unconscious prejudices and disguised animus that escape easy classification as disparate treatment.\" Under the Court's ruling in Inclusive Communities, in order to prove a case of disparate impact housing discrimination, the following must occur:", "Disparate impact In addition to Title VII, other federal laws also have disparate impact provisions, including the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967.[4] Some civil rights laws, such as Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, do not contain disparate impact provisions creating a private right of action,[5] although the federal government may still pursue disparate impact claims under these laws.[6] The U.S. Supreme Court has held that the Fair Housing Act of 1968 creates a cause of action for disparate impact.[7] Disparate impact contrasts with disparate treatment. A disparate impact is unintentional, whereas a disparate treatment is an intentional decision to treat people differently based on their race or other protected characteristics.", "Disparate impact Disparate impact is not the same as disparate treatment. Disparate treatment refers to the \"intentional\" discrimination of certain people groups during the hiring, promoting or placement process.", "Disparate impact The disparate impact theory has application also in the housing context under Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, also known as The Fair Housing Act,. The ten federal appellate courts that have addressed the issue have all determined that one may establish a Fair Housing Act violation through the disparate impact theory of liability. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity, the federal government which administers the Fair Housing Act, issued a proposed regulation on November 16, 2011 setting forth how HUD applies disparate impact in Fair Housing Act cases. On February 8, 2013, HUD issued its Final Rule.[15]", "Disparate impact In 2013, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) filed a suit, EEOC v. FREEMAN,[19] against the use of typical criminal-background and credit checks during the hiring process. While admitting that there are many legitimate and race-neutral reasons for employers to screen out convicted criminals and debtors, the EEOC presented the theory that this practice is discriminatory because minorities in the U.S. are more likely to be convicted criminals with bad credit histories than white Americans. Ergo, employers should have to include criminals and debtors in their hiring. In this instance U.S. District Judge Roger Titus ruled firmly against the disparate impact theory, stating that EEOC's action had been \"a theory in search of facts to support it.\" \"By bringing actions of this nature, the EEOC has placed many employers in the \"Hobson's choice\" of ignoring criminal history and credit background, thus exposing themselves to potential liability for criminal and fraudulent acts committed by employees, on the one hand, or incurring the wrath of the EEOC for having utilized information deemed fundamental by most employers. Something more... must be utilized to justify a disparate impact claim based upon criminal history and credit checks. To require less, would be to condemn the use of common sense, and this is simply not what the laws of this country require.\"", "Disparate treatment Under Title VII, a disparate-treatment plaintiff must establish \"that the defendant had a discriminatory intent or motive\" for taking a job-related action.[2] This doctrine was read into the act in Griggs v. Duke Power Co., which interpreted the Act to prohibit, in some cases, employers' facially neutral practices that, in fact, are \"discriminatory in operation.\" The Griggs Court stated that the \"touchstone\" for disparate-impact liability is the lack of \"business necessity\": \"If an employment practice which operates to exclude [minorities] cannot be shown to be related to job performance, the practice is prohibited.\"[3][4] If an employer met its burden by showing that its practice was job-related, the plaintiff was required to show a legitimate alternative that would have resulted in less discrimination.[5]", "Disparate impact Originally, the Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures provided a simple \"80 percent\" rule for determining that a company's selection system was having an \"adverse impact\" on a minority group. The rule was based on the rates at which job applicants were hired. For example, if XYZ Company hired 50 percent of the men applying for work in a predominantly male occupation while hiring only 20 percent of the female applicants, one could look at the ratio of those two hiring rates to judge whether there might be a discrimination problem. The ratio of 20:50 means that the rate of hiring for female applicants is only 40 percent of the rate of hiring for male applicants. That is, 20 divided by 50 equals 0.40, which is equivalent to 40 percent. Clearly, 40 percent is well below the 80 percent that was arbitrarily set as an acceptable difference in hiring rates. Therefore, in this example, XYZ Company could have been called upon to prove that there was a legitimate reason for hiring men at a rate so much higher than the rate of hiring women. Since the 1980s, courts in the U.S. have questioned the arbitrary nature of the 80 percent rule, making the rule less important than it was when the Uniform Guidelines were first published. A recent memorandum from the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunities Commission suggests that a more defensible standard would be based on comparing a company's hiring rate of a particular group with the rate that would occur if the company simply selected people at random.[11] In other words, if a company's selection system made it statistically more difficult than pure chance for a member of a certain group, such as women or African-Americans, to get a job, then this could be reasonably viewed as evidence that the selection system was systematically screening out members of that social group.", "Disparate treatment Disparate treatment is one kind of unlawful discrimination in US labor law. In the United States, it means unequal behavior toward someone because of a protected characteristic (e.g. race or gender) under Title VII of the United States Civil Rights Act. This contrasts with disparate impact, where an employer applies a neutral rule that treats everyone equally in form, but has a disadvantageous effect on some people of a protected characteristic compared to others.", "Lau v. Nichols However, there have been challenges to the Lau decision in recent decades. In the Supreme Court case Alexander v. Sandoval, 532 U.S. 275 (2001), the Court claimed that private plaintiffs did not have the right of action to sue against disparate impact violation under Title VI and they must provide proofs of intentional discrimination. It implied that students can no longer sue schools for policies that cause disparate impact, which significantly weakened the foundation of the Lau decision.[10]", "1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die 1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die, edited by Dr. Peter Boxall, Universe Publishing, United Kingdom, 2006 9781844-34178. First Edition", "Order of the Holy Sepulchre Despite an attempt in 1489 by Pope Innocent VIII to a merge with the Knights Hospitaller, along with other suppressed organisations, the Knights of the Holy Sepulchre persisted. While some of the property of the order in Italy was transferred to the newly established Order of Our Lady of Bethlehem, the attempt, however, proved a failure.[21] The Order of Our Lady of Bethlehem was suppressed almost as soon as it was founded and those orders whose goods the Pope had transmitted to it were re-established.[22][23]", "Negligence per se In order to prove negligence per se, the plaintiff usually must show that:", "Asylum in the United States Asylum has three basic requirements. First, an asylum applicant must establish that he or she fears persecution in their home country.[3] Second, the applicant must prove that he or she would be persecuted on account of one of five protected grounds: race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or particular social group. Third, an applicant must establish that the government is either involved in the persecution, or unable to control the conduct of private actors.", "Real number The supremum axiom of the reals refers to subsets of the reals and is therefore a second-order logical statement. It is not possible to characterize the reals with first-order logic alone: the Löwenheim–Skolem theorem implies that there exists a countable dense subset of the real numbers satisfying exactly the same sentences in first-order logic as the real numbers themselves. The set of hyperreal numbers satisfies the same first order sentences as R. Ordered fields that satisfy the same first-order sentences as R are called nonstandard models of R. This is what makes nonstandard analysis work; by proving a first-order statement in some nonstandard model (which may be easier than proving it in R), we know that the same statement must also be true of R.", "Supplemental Security Income In order to be eligible to receive SSI benefits, individuals must prove the following:[5]", "Exception that proves the rule It is also used in jocular nonsense. \"I am always punctual.\" \"Were you on time for breakfast this morning?\" \"Well no, but the exception proves the rule.\" In this case, the first speaker is aware that the phrase does not correctly apply to his or her initial statement, but is appealing to it ironically.", "You Must Love Me \"You Must Love Me\" was written by Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice, who had reunited for Evita after a ten-year creative separation due to their individual projects.[4] It was written specifically for the film, so that it would contain new material and be eligible for an Academy Award nomination for Best Original Song.[5] Madonna noted it as her favorite song from the film, recalling that the idea for \"You Must Love Me\" grew when Parker re-arranged the ending of the film from the original play, with the hopes of reuniting Rice and Webber to create new music.[6] According to Webber, the purpose of the song was to showcase Perón's emotional state at the time as well as her relationship with her husband Juan Perón; \"[Eva] is dying and she knows she's dying. One reason she is saying, 'You must love me', is out of desperation. She's also saying, 'You must love me because you must have always loved me', so it's a little word play, I guess, which Tim Rice has written\", he explained.[7] It was released as the soundtrack's first official single on October 27, 1996. Since its release, the song has been included in several productions of the play, including the 2006 London production and the 2012 Broadway revival.[8][9]", "Legal liability of certified public accountants In order to recover from an auditor under common law, the client must prove:[6]", "Employment discrimination law in the United States Height and weight requirements have been identified by the EEOC as having a disparate impact on national origin minorities.[157]", "Burden of proof (law) In civil law cases, the \"burden of proof\" requires the plaintiff to convince the trier of fact (whether judge or jury) of the plaintiff's entitlement to the relief sought. This means that the plaintiff must prove each element of the claim, or cause of action, in order to recover. However, in cases of proving loss of future earning capacity, the plaintiff must prove there is a real or substantial possibility of such a loss occurring.", "You Must Love Me \"You Must Love Me\" received generally positive reviews from critics. J. Randy Taraborrelli, author of Madonna: An Intimate Biography, wrote: \"Who can deny that her voice has remarkable and unmistakable presence when heard during 'You Must Love Me'?\".[15] Lucy O'Brien, author of Madonna: Like an Icon, appreciated the song's addition to the soundtrack and found \"pathos\" in Madonna's vocals.[13] Stephen Thomas Erlewine from AllMusic felt that \"Even with the faults, Evita has its merits, including the written-for-film ballad 'You Must Love Me'\".[16] Peter Keough, from the Boston Phoenix, wrote that \"['You Must Love Me'] is an aching farewell that dispels the illusion of a romance-of-convenience to reveal the inescapable love and tragedy beneath\".[17] Teresa Huang from The Tech, said it was \"a beautiful addition to an already powerful score\".[18]", "Impact event It was not until 1903–1905 that the Barringer Crater was correctly identified as an impact crater, and it was not until as recently as 1963 that research by Eugene Merle Shoemaker conclusively proved this hypothesis. The findings of late 20th-century space exploration and the work of scientists such as Shoemaker demonstrated that impact cratering was by far the most widespread geological process at work on the Solar System's solid bodies. Every surveyed solid body in the Solar System was found to be cratered, and there was no reason to believe that the Earth had somehow escaped bombardment from space. In the last few decades of the 20th century, a large number of highly modified impact craters began to be identified. The first direct observation of a major impact event occurred in 1994: the collision of the comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 with Jupiter.", "Axiom The Peano axioms are the most widely used axiomatization of first-order arithmetic. They are a set of axioms strong enough to prove many important facts about number theory and they allowed Gödel to establish his famous second incompleteness theorem.[12]", "Kiss You Tonight According to Nail, \"Kiss You Tonight\" had the impact on him similar to what \"Need You Now\" by Lady Antebellum had. He said that it \"was a song that the first time I heard it I knew I was going to record it. There was just something about it that made me remember so many songs from the past that, you know there’s not a specific thing that jumps out at you the first time you hear it you just know, 'Hey, I wanna hear that again.'\"[3]", "Voter ID laws in the United States Charges of racial discrimination in voter ID laws are founded in the disparate impact doctrine of constitutional law, which claims that any action—intentional or unintentional—that statistically disadvantages a protected class constitutes discrimination. Disparate impact is most often discussed in the context of African Americans. The moral validity and constitutionality of this doctrine is hotly debated.[101] This is relevant to voter ID laws because of accusations that these laws disproportionately reduce turnout among minority voters.[102]", "All horses are the same color The argument is proof by induction. First we establish a base case for one horse (\n\n\n\nn\n=\n1\n\n\n{\\displaystyle n=1}\n\n). We then prove that if \n\n\n\nn\n\n\n{\\displaystyle n}\n\n horses have the same color, then \n\n\n\nn\n+\n1\n\n\n{\\displaystyle n+1}\n\n horses must also have the same color.", "Allahabad pillar No one is to cause dissention in the Order. The Order of monks and nuns has been united, and this unity should last for as long as my sons and great grandsons, and the moon and the sun. Whoever creates a schism in the Order, whether monk or nun, is to be dressed in white garments, and to be put in a place not inhabited by monks or nuns. For it is my wish that the Order should remain united and endure for long. This is to be made known to the Order of monks and the Order of nuns. Thus says the Beloved of the Gods: You must keep one copy of this document and place it in your meeting hall, and give one copy to the laity. The laymen must come on every uposatha day [day of confession and penance] to endorse this order. The same applies to special officers who must also regularly attend the uposatha, and endorse this order, and make it known. Throughout your district you must circulate it exactly according to this text. You must also have this precise text circulated in all the fortress districts [under military control].[14]", "1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die 1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die, edited by Dr. Peter Boxall, Universe Publishing, New York, 2006 9780789314206", "The Book of Five Rings These things cannot be clearly explained in words. You must research what is written here. In these three ways of forestalling, you must judge the situation. This does not mean that you always attack first; but if the enemy attacks first you can lead him around. In strategy, you have effectively won when you forestall the enemy, so you must train well to attain this.", "Feynman diagram To clarify and prove the rule, consider a Feynman diagram formed from vertices, terms in the Lagrangian, with Fermion fields. The full term is Bosonic, it is a commuting element of the Grassmann algebra, so the order in which the vertices appear is not important. The Fermi lines are linked into loops, and when traversing the loop, one can reorder the vertex terms one after the other as one goes around without any sign cost. The exception is when you return to the starting point, and the final half-line must be joined with the unlinked first half-line. This requires one permutation to move the last ψ to go in front of the first ψ, and this gives the sign.", "People-first language In a 2008 publication about an experiment on teen's perception of people with disabilities, scientists gathered evidence to prove why people-first language, or word order, matters. the scientists divideded teenagers from a summer camp into two groups; one group was asked questions using the term \"people with epilepsy\" and the other group was asked using the term \"epileptics\". They asked the teenagers questions such as \"Do you think that people with epilepsy/epileptics have more difficulties at school?\" and \"Do you have prejudice toward people with epilepsy/epileptics?\" The studied showed that the teenagers had a higher \"stigma perception\" on the Stigma Scale of Epilepsy when it came to \"epileptics\", as opposed to \"people with epilepsy\".[6]", "South African criminal law intention, and more particularly dolus eventualis, cannot be established through the application of an objective criterion. It must be proved that the accused subjectively foresaw the possible occurrence of the consequence in question.[293]", "Second-order logic As mentioned above, Henkin proved that the standard deductive system for first-order logic is sound, complete, and effective for second-order logic with Henkin semantics, and the deductive system with comprehension and choice principles is sound, complete, and effective for Henkin semantics using only models that satisfy these principles.", "Equal Protection Clause Because inequalities can be caused either intentionally or unintentionally, the Supreme Court has decided that the Equal Protection Clause itself does not forbid governmental policies that unintentionally lead to racial disparities, though Congress may have some power under other clauses of the Constitution to address unintentional disparate impacts. This subject was addressed in the seminal case of Arlington Heights v. Metropolitan Housing Corp. (1977). In that case, the plaintiff, a housing developer, sued a city in the suburbs of Chicago that had refused to re-zone a plot of land on which the plaintiff intended to build low-income, racially integrated housing. On the face, there was no clear evidence of racially discriminatory intent on the part of Arlington Heights's planning commission. The result was racially disparate, however, since the refusal supposedly prevented mostly African-Americans and Hispanics from moving in. Justice Lewis Powell, writing for the Court, stated, \"Proof of racially discriminatory intent or purpose is required to show a violation of the Equal Protection Clause.\" Disparate impact merely has an evidentiary value; absent a \"stark\" pattern, \"impact is not determinative.\"", "Peer-to-peer file sharing There is still ongoing discussion about the economic impact of P2P file sharing. Norbert Michel, a policy analyst at the Heritage Foundation, said that because of \"econometric and data issues, studies thus far have produced disparate estimates of file sharing's impact on album sales.\"[10]", "Program evaluation Outcome measurement serves to help you understand whether the program is effective or not. It further helps you to clarify your understanding of your program. But the most important reason for undertaking the effort is to understand the impacts of your work on the people you serve.[16] With the information you collect, you can determine which activities to continue and build upon, and which you need to change in order to improve the effectiveness of the program.", "You Must Love Me In the United Kingdom, the song reached a peak of number 10 on the UK Singles Chart the week of November 2, 1996, and was present on the top 100 for a total of 9 weeks.[35] According to the Official Charts Company, the song had sold 90,428 copies by August 2008 in there.[36] In Australia, \"You Must Love Me\" peaked at number 11 on the ARIA Singles Chart the week of November 10, 1996, staying on this position for one week and a total of 9 weeks on the chart.[37] In Italy, it reached the fourth position of the FIMI Singles Chart.[38] On the year-end Italian charts, it was ranked at number 39.[39] \"You Must Love Me\" reached a peak of number 4 in Finland, and also reached a peak of number 21 on the Irish Singles Chart, where it remained for 2 weeks.[40][41] In Germany, it became one of Madonna's lowest charting singles, peaking at number 78.[42]", "Type I and type II errors ... is never proved or established, but is possibly disproved, in the course of experimentation. Every experiment may be said to exist only in order to give the facts a chance of disproving the null hypothesis.", "Legal issues in airsoft In order to possess a CO2, air, or spring operated firearm without a license, the impact energy of a projectile fired at a distance of four meters (from the muzzle) must be less than ten joules.", "Tap and die The biggest problem with simple hand-tapping is accurately aligning the tap with the hole so that they are coaxial—in other words, going in straight instead of on an angle. The operator must get this alignment rather close to ideal in order to (a) produce good threads and (b) avoid tap breakage. The deeper the depth of thread, the more pronounced the effect of the angular error becomes. With a depth of 1 or 2 diameters, it matters little. With depths beyond 2 diameters, the error becomes too pronounced to ignore. Another fact about this alignment task is that the first thread or two that is cut establishes the direction that the rest of the threads will follow. In other words, you can't make corrections to the angle once you have cut the first thread or two.", "The Chronicles of Narnia The only reason to read The Magician's Nephew first [...] is for the chronological order of events, and that, as every story teller knows, is quite unimportant as a reason. Often the early events in a sequence have a greater impact or effect as a flashback, told after later events which provide background and establish perspective. So it is [...] with the Chronicles. The artistry, the archetypes, and the pattern of Christian thought all make it preferable to read the books in the order of their publication.[25]", "Environmental impact assessment The National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA), enacted in 1970, established a policy of environmental impact assessment for federal agency actions, federally funded activities or federally permitted/licensed activities that in the U. S. is termed \"environmental review\" or simply \"the NEPA process.\"[57] The law also created the Council on Environmental Quality, which promulgated regulations to codify the law's requirements.[58] Under United States environmental law an Environmental Assessment (EA) is compiled to determine the need for an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). Federal or federalized actions expected to subject or be subject to significant environmental impacts will publish a Notice of Intent to Prepare an EIS as soon as significance is known. Certain actions of federal agencies must be preceded by the NEPA process. Contrary to a widespread misconception, NEPA does not prohibit the federal government or its licensees/permittees from harming the environment, nor does it specify any penalty if an environmental impact assessment turns out to be inaccurate, intentionally or otherwise. NEPA requires that plausible statements as to the prospective impacts be disclosed in advance. The purpose of NEPA process is to ensure that the decision maker is fully informed of the environmental aspects and consequences prior to making the final decision.", "You Must Love Me Commercially, \"You Must Love Me\" became a top-ten hit in some countries including Finland, Italy and the United Kingdom, while reaching the top-twenty in the United States. It was certified gold by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) for shipments of 500,000 physical units. A music video, directed by Alan Parker, was released as promotion for the single. Madonna has performed the song at the 69th Academy Awards and on her 2008–09 Sticky & Sweet Tour.", "Establishment Clause The Establishment Clause is a limitation placed upon the United States Congress preventing it from passing legislation respecting an establishment of religion. The second half of the Establishment Clause inherently prohibits the government from preferring any one religion over another. While the Establishment Clause does prohibit Congress from preferring or elevating one religion over another, it does not prohibit the government's entry into the religious domain to make accommodations for religious observances and practices in order to achieve the purposes of the Free Exercise Clause.", "Environmental impact assessment EIA must be performed for new establishments or projects and for expansions or renovations of existing establishments according to the Law for the Environment. [41]", "Environmental governance Destruction of biodiversity – The complexity of the planet’s ecosystems means that the loss of any species has unexpected consequences. The stronger the impact on biodiversity, the stronger the likelihood of a chain reaction with unpredictable negative effects. Another important factor of environmental degradation that falls under this destruction of biodiversity, and must not be ignored is deforestation. Despite all the damage inflicted, a number of ecosystems have proved to be resilient. Environmentalists are endorsing a precautionary principle whereby all potentially damaging activities would have to be analyzed for their environmental impact.", "Ben Hogan \"As you begin the backswing, you must restrain your hips from moving until the turning of the shoulders starts to pull the hips around…It is this increased tension that unwinds the upper part of the body. It unwinds the shoulder, the arms and the hands in that order, the correct order. It helps the swing so much it makes it almost automatic.\"[11]", "Blocking the plate If the runner slides, the catcher will often make a sweeping motion with his glove to quickly tag the runner out. Otherwise, the catcher must brace for impact and keep the ball in his glove or hand in order to tag the runner out.", "Order of the British Empire In particular, King George V wished to create an Order to honour many thousands of those who had served in a variety of non-combatant roles during the First World War. When first established, the Order had only one division. However, in 1918, soon after its foundation, it was formally divided into Military and Civil Divisions.[7] The Order's motto is For God and the Empire.[2]", "Sequence (game) Sequence rules dictate no table talk or coaching between team members and a precise order in which hands must be played (card, chip, replace card). If you forget to replace a card on your turn and if any of the other players points it out then, you cannot make it up in a later one and must continue playing the game with a reduced number of cards.", "Order of Australia The Order of Australia is an order of chivalry established on 14 February 1975 by Elizabeth II, Queen of Australia, to recognise Australian citizens and other persons for achievement or meritorious service. Before the establishment of the order, Australian citizens received British honours.", "China's peaceful rise The term proved controversial because the word 'rise' could fuel perceptions that China is a threat to the established order, so since 2004 the term China's peaceful development has been used by the Chinese leadership.", "Mail order T. Eaton Co. Limited was founded in 1869 in Toronto by Timothy Eaton, an Irish immigrant. The first Eaton's catalogue was a 34-page booklet issued in 1884. As Eaton's grew, so did the catalogue. By 1920, Eaton's operated mail order warehouses in Winnipeg, Toronto and Moncton to serve its catalogue customers. Catalogue order offices were also established throughout the country, with the first opening in Oakville in 1916.", "Plitvice Lakes National Park In 1538, king Ferdinand I ordered the establishment of the Croatian Military Frontier as a borderland of Habsburg Austria to the Ottoman Empire. The laws that prevailed in this area under special jurisdiction had formative impact on the local population for centuries. As a consequence of the establishment of this special regime, people abandoned these areas in great masses towards the West.", "South African labour law There must be a refusal to work in order for an action to qualify as a strike. This is the first hurdle that employees must cross. The refusal to work must be", "If You Must (Del the Funky Homosapien song) \"If You Must\" is a song by alternative hip hop artist Del the Funky Homosapien, first released on his 1999 album Both Sides of the Brain. The song samples \"La Di Da Di\" by Slick Rick and Doug E. Fresh, and \"Every Little Step\" by Bobby Brown. The song is a comedic song describing a man with poor bodily hygiene, who always hangs around the song's narrator, and how the narrator resents this.", "First Order (Star Wars) The small Resistance fleet manages to escape via a hyperspace jump, only for the First Order fleet to reappear at their location moments later: the First Order developed a new \"hyperspace tracking\" technology, making it impossible to evade them simply by jumping away. The Resistance ships would simply exhaust their fuel by making more hyperspace jumps, without shaking the First Order fleet, so they continue to flee at sub-light speed (at which they are slightly faster than the larger and more powerful First Order ships). This only forestalls the inevitable, however, as their sub-light fuel at continuous full speed will still be exhausted in a day. This devolves into a siege-like battle of attrition, as one by one the smaller Resistance ships run out of fuel and are destroyed by the chasing First Order Star Destroyers.", "Impact event Two 10-kilometre sized asteroids are now believed to have struck Australia between 360 and 300 million years ago at the Western Warburton and East Warburton Basins creating a 400-kilometre impact zone. According to evidence found in 2015 it is the largest ever recorded.[45] A third, possible impact was also identified in 2015 to the north, on the upper Diamantina River, also believed to have been caused by an asteroid 10 km across about 300 million years ago, but further studies are needed to establish that this crustal anomaly was indeed the result of an impact event.[46]", "Awaiting on You All Issued during a period when rock music was increasingly reflecting spiritual themes,[100] All Things Must Pass was a major commercial success,[101][102] outselling releases that year by Harrison's former bandmates,[103][104] and topping albums charts throughout the world.[105] Describing the impact of the album, with reference to \"Awaiting on You All\"'s exhortation to \"chant the names of the Lord\", author Nicholas Schaffner wrote of Harrison being \"rewarded with a Number One single all over the world\" with \"My Sweet Lord\".[106]", "South African criminal law Probably the most important principle of criminal liability is captured in the dictum actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea, or \"an act is not unlawful unless there is a guilty mind.\" To establish criminal liability, the State must prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, that the accused has committed", "Divine Mercy Sunday Yes, the first Sunday after Easter is the Feast of Mercy, but there must also be deeds of mercy, which are to arise out of love for Me. You are to show mercy to our neighbors always and everywhere. You must not shrink from this or try to absolve yourself from it.", "Ishmael (novel) The story of Genesis must be undone. First, Cain must stop murdering Abel. This is essential if you're to survive. The Leavers are the endangered species most critical to the world - not because they're humans but because they alone can show the destroyers of the world that there is more than one right way to live. And then, of course, you must spit out the fruit of the forbidden tree. You must absolutely and forever relinquish the idea that you know who should live and who should die on this planet.", "Heaven Must Have Sent You Issued with an edit of the original album version as B-side, the disco version of Pointer's \"Heaven Must Have Sent You\" became a hit over the summer and early fall of 1979 peaking at #11 on the U.S. Billboard Hot 100 and #10 on Cash Box[8] that October.[9] She also scored a minor hit on the Adult Contemporary chart at #43.", "Order of the Eastern Star On December 1, 1874, Queen Esther Chapter No. 1 became the first Prince Hall Affiliate chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star when it was established in Washington, D.C. by Thornton Andrew Jackson.[3]", "Second-order logic In standard semantics, also called full semantics, the quantifiers range over all sets or functions of the appropriate sort. Thus once the domain of the first-order variables is established, the meaning of the remaining quantifiers is fixed. It is these semantics that give second-order logic its expressive power, and they will be assumed for the remainder of this article.", "Military order (monastic society) A military order (Latin: Militaris ordinis) is a chivalric order with military elements. Western military orders were originally established as Catholic religious societies; the first orders originated during the medieval Crusades with the stated purpose of protecting Christians against violent persecution by Islamic conquests in the Holy Land, which later evolved into serving as a standing army that defended the Kingdom of Jerusalem.", "Driver's license In Turkey you must be at least 18 years old in order to drive a car and at least 17 to drive a motorbike. The driving test comprises a practical and theory test, which has been recently made tougher in order to meet European Union regulations. [33]", "Intelligence cycle Analysis establishes the significance and implications of processed intelligence, integrates it by combining disparate pieces of information to identify collateral information and patterns, then interprets the significance of any newly developed knowledge.", "General Orders for Sentries \"Having conversations about matters not pertaining to your duty is distracting and must be avoided. If someone tries to engage you in casual conversation while you are standing your watch, it is your responsibility to inform them courteously that you are on duty and cannot talk with them.[2]", "Establishment Clause The Establishment Clause was based on a number of precursors, including the Constitutions of Clarendon, the Bill of Rights 1689, and the Pennsylvania and New Jersey colonial constitutions. An initial draft by John Dickinson was prepared in conjunction with his drafting the Articles of Confederation. In 1789, then-congressman James Madison prepared another draft which, following discussion and debate in the First Congress, would become part of the text of the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights. The second half of the Establishment Clause includes the Free Exercise Clause, which allows individual citizens freedom from governmental interference in both private and public religious affairs.", "Executive order The U.S. Supreme Court has held[6] that all executive orders from the President of the United States must be supported by the Constitution, whether from a clause granting specific power, or by Congress delegating such to the executive branch.[7] Specifically, such orders must be rooted in Article II of the US Constitution or enacted by the congress in statutes. Attempts to block such orders have been successful at times when such orders exceeded the authority of the president or could be better handled through legislation.[8]", "Moon landing Upon approach of the target moon, a spacecraft will be drawn ever closer to its surface at increasing speeds due to gravity. In order to land intact it must decelerate to less than about 160 kilometres per hour (99 mph) and be ruggedized to withstand a \"hard landing\" impact, or it must decelerate to negligible speed at contact for a \"soft landing\" (which is the only viable option with human occupants). The first three attempts by the U.S. to perform a successful hard moon landing with a ruggedized seismometer package in 1962 all failed.[5] The Soviets first achieved the milestone of a hard lunar landing with a ruggedized camera in 1966, followed only months later by the first unmanned soft lunar landing by the U.S.", "90 Day Fiancé First, the petitioner must meet the beneficiary inside or outside the USA and then file a I-129F petition with evidence of meeting and of a relationship. After the petition is approved, the petitioner must pass biometrics and then the process is sent to the foreign embassy of the beneficiary. The beneficiary then files for a visa, before or after passing the medical requirements and is called for an interview. The beneficiary must prove that they meet the requirements of the visa including strong evidence of meeting and a valid relationship. The foreign fiancé travels to the States to live with his or her prospective American spouse. The couple must marry within 90 days, otherwise the beneficiary must leave the country. The couple may face language barriers, culture shock, the stigma of being thought of as a \"mail-order bride\" as well as skepticism of friends and family.", "First Order (Star Wars) The First Order's TIE fighters, designated TIE/fo, are more advanced than the old Empire's TIE/ln model, and show greater concern for unit stamina and survivability. The First Order's Special Forces use a more heavily armed two-man TIE/sf variant. Visually, their color scheme is reversed from the old Imperial design: the Empire's TIE Fighters have black solar panels on a light grey metal body frame, while First Order TIE Fighters have white solar panels on a dark metal frame.[1]", "First Order (Star Wars) With her political standing severely weakened, and the New Republic Senate gridlocked and unwilling to recognize the First Order's military buildup, Leia Organa decides to withdraw and form her own small private army, known as the Resistance, to fight the First Order within its own borders. She is joined by other members of the former Rebel Alliance such as Admiral Ackbar. Publicly the New Republic continues to disavow direct association with the Resistance to maintain plausible deniability, and though the majority of the Senate does not want to intervene against the First Order, several Senators privately channel funds and resources to the Resistance. This state of affairs continued on for the next six years until the events of The Force Awakens.[1][2] Comic book writer Charles Soule, creator of the 2015 Marvel Comics series Star Wars: Poe Dameron, explained that immediately prior to the events of The Force Awakens, \"The New Republic and the First Order are in a position of detente, and while there have been a few small skirmishes between the Resistance and the First Order, it's very much a sort of cold war.\"[5]", "Online community \"[T]hrough hazing, established members tell newcomers that they must be able to tolerate a certain level of aggressiveness, grossness, and obnoxiousness in order to fit in and be accepted by the BlueSky community\".[75]", "Impact event The Comet Shoemaker–Levy 9 impact provided the first direct observation of an extraterrestrial collision of Solar System objects, when the comet broke apart and collided with Jupiter in July 1994. An extrasolar impact was observed in 2013, when a massive terrestrial planet impact was detected around the star ID8 in the star cluster NGC 2547 by NASA's Spitzer space telescope and confirmed by ground observations.[5] Impact events have been a plot and background element in science fiction.", "You Must Love Me Other instrumentation for the song includes cello, which was played by a live orchestra.[10] As the song moves towards the chorus, the piano sounds stop and the cello plays with Madonna belting out the lyrics: \"Deep in my heart, I'm concealing, Things that I'm longing to say, Scared to confess what I'm feeling, Frightened you'll slip away\", when the piano and the orchestra sounds come back again. It proceeds in the same way and gradually fades out.[12] \"You Must Love Me\" is set in common time, with a moderate tempo of 92 beats per minute. It is composed in the key of B♭ major, with Madonna's vocals spanning from G3 to B♭4. The song has a basic sequence of B♭–E♭/B♭–F♭/B♭–B♭ in the beginning and changes to B♭–F♭ when Madonna sings the opening verse \"Where do we go from here?\".[14]", "Risk management Once risks have been identified, they must then be assessed as to their potential severity of impact (generally a negative impact, such as damage or loss) and to the probability of occurrence. These quantities can be either simple to measure, in the case of the value of a lost building, or impossible to know for sure in the case of an unlikely event, the probability of occurrence of which is unknown. Therefore, in the assessment process it is critical to make the best educated decisions in order to properly prioritize the implementation of the risk management plan.", "Benito Mussolini Your Excellency has carte blanche; the authority of the State must absolutely, I repeat absolutely, be re-established in Sicily. If the laws still in force hinder you, this will be no problem, as we will draw up new laws.[97]", "Environmental impact of the energy industry Consumption of fossil fuel resources leads to global warming and climate change. In most parts of the world little change is being made to slow these changes. If the peak oil theory proves true, and more explorations of viable alternative energy sources are made, our impact could be less hostile to our environment.", "You Look Good \"You Look Good\" is a song by American country music group Lady Antebellum and serves as the first single from the group's seventh studio album, Heart Break (2017). It was released on January 19, 2017 through Capitol Records Nashville and impacted American country radio on January 23. The song was written by Hillary Lindsey, Ryan Hurd, and its producer, busbee.[1]", "Dominican Order On August 15, 1217 Dominic dispatched seven of his followers to the great university center of Paris to establish a priory focused on study and preaching. The Convent of St. Jacques, would eventually become the order's first studium generale. Saint Dominic was to establish similar foundations at other university towns of the day, Bologna in 1218, Palencia and Montpellier in 1220, and Oxford just before his death in 1221.[28]", "First Order (Star Wars) The First Order employs a quality-over-quantity philosophy with its soldiers and personnel. Unable to conscript trillions of soldiers to fill its Stormtrooper ranks, yet unwilling to switch back to using a rapidly produced clone army (like the original Stormtroopers at the end of the Clone Wars), First Order Stormtroopers are trained from birth, raised their entire lives for no other purpose. First Order soldiers and crews have constantly trained for combat in war games and simulations, making them much more effective one-on-one than the endless waves of Stormtrooper conscripts fielded by the old Empire. First Order Stormtroopers are regularly put through mental indoctrination and propaganda programs, to make sure that they remain fanatically loyal and never hesitate or question orders. Being taken from their families at birth, these soldiers are not even given individual names for themselves but merely serial numbers, such as \"FN-2187\".[1] This was the name Finn, a defector and Resistance hero, was originally given. His current name, given by Poe Dameron, derives from the FN, which was the only part Dameron was able to remember easily.", "Own risk and solvency assessment Moreover, the ORSA should enable continued compliance with regulatory requirements in terms of own funds. For that the insurer must establish a set of systematic processes to monitor and control continuous compliance with the risk limits and identify major events – internal or external – which have a significant impact on the risk profile and lead to the update of the ORSA.", "Orange Order The Order's three main founders were James Wilson (founder of the Orange Boys), Daniel Winter and James Sloan.[24] The first Orange lodge was established in nearby Dyan, and its first grand master was James Sloan of Loughgall.[25] Its first ever marches were to celebrate the Battle of the Boyne and they took place on 12 July 1796 in Portadown, Lurgan and Waringstown.[26]", "Wikipedia:Your first article To put it simply, if there are reliable sources (such as newspapers, journals, or books) with extensive information published over an extended period about a subject, then that subject is notable and you must cite such sources as part of the process of creating (or expanding) the Wikipedia article. If you cannot find such reliable sources that provide extensive and comprehensive information about your proposed subject, then the subject is not notable or verifiable and almost certainly will be deleted. So your first job is to go find references to cite.", "First Order (Star Wars) The handful of surviving Resistance members escape on the Millenium Falcon with Rey. While the Resistance has been functionally destroyed, their one ship contains the seeds to destroy the First Order: Leia and her allies aboard live to rally the remnants of the New Republic in the rest of the galaxy, while Rey saved all of the ancient Jedi texts, to one day give rise to new generation of Jedi to fight the First Order.", "Rubber Room (Law & Order) Ken Tucker of Entertainment Weekly gave the episode a positive review, saying \"That’s why Law & Order in eternal reruns is so comforting. You can enjoy episodes even when you remember the case or the outcome, because you want to immerse yourself in that Law & Order feeling that didn’t insult your intelligence.\"[6]", "Criminal procedure in South Africa Court to which the application made may issue a provisional restraint order having immediate effect and simultaneously grant a rule nisi calling on the defendant to show cause why the provisional order should not be made final. The object of such orders is not to enrich the State, but to deprive the convicted person of ill- gotten gains.[552] The court must have reasonable grounds for granting such an order; a mere summary of allegations by the NDPP insufficient.[553] A mere assertion by the NDPP is not enough, but it is not necessary to prove that a final order will definitely be made.[554]", "Forging Forging dies are usually made of high-alloy or tool steel. Dies must be impact resistant, wear resistant, maintain strength at high temperatures, and have the ability to withstand cycles of rapid heating and cooling. In order to produce a better, more economical die the following standards are maintained:[15]", "Impact factor Coercive citation is a practice in which an editor forces an author to add extraneous citations to an article before the journal will agree to publish it, in order to inflate the journal's impact factor. A survey published in 2012 indicates that coercive citation has been experienced by one in five researchers working in economics, sociology, psychology, and multiple business disciplines, and it is more common in business and in journals with a lower impact factor.[43] However, cases of coercive citation have occasionally been reported for other scientific disciplines.[44]", "Order of Saint Augustine The North American foundation of the order occurred in 1796 when Irish friars founded Olde St. Augustine's Church in Philadelphia.[7] Michael Hurley was the first American to join the order the following year. Friars established schools, Universities and other works throughout the Americas, including Villanova University (1842) near Philadelphia and Merrimack College (1947) near Boston.", "Lean manufacturing Again Franklin's The Way to Wealth says the following about carrying unnecessary inventory. \"You call them goods; but, if you do not take care, they will prove evils to some of you. You expect they will be sold cheap, and, perhaps, they may [be bought] for less than they cost; but, if you have no occasion for them, they must be dear to you. Remember what Poor Richard says, 'Buy what thou hast no need of, and ere long thou shalt sell thy necessaries.' In another place he says, 'Many have been ruined by buying good penny worths'.\" Henry Ford cited Franklin as a major influence on his own business practices, which included Just-in-time manufacturing.", "All Things Must Pass \"I Dig Love\" resulted from Harrison's early experiments with slide guitar, a technique that Bramlett had introduced him to,[65] in order to cover for guitarist Dave Mason's departure from the Friends line-up.[69] Other songs on All Things Must Pass, all written during the first half of 1970, include \"Awaiting on You All\", which reflected Harrison's adoption of chanting through his involvement with the Hare Krishna movement;[70][71] \"Ballad of Sir Frankie Crisp (Let It Roll)\", a tribute to the original owner of Friar Park;[72] and \"Beware of Darkness\".[73] The latter was another composition influenced by Harrison's association with the Radha Krishna Temple,[74] and was written while some of the devotees were staying with him at Friar Park.[75]", "First Order (Star Wars) The First Order's handful of sectors simply do not possess the galaxy-wide resources the old Empire used to be able to draw upon, and in addition the armistice treaties with the New Republic put strict limitations on how many ships it could physically build. Therefore, unlike the old Galactic Empire's swarm tactics, the First Order's military has had to adapt to a more \"quality over quantity\" philosophy, making efficient use of what few resources it has.", "Ancient and Honorable Order of Turtles To gain admission, one must correctly answer a number (usually three or four) from a list of questions, each of which suggests a vulgar, lewd, or salacious answer, but the actual correct answer is rather innocuous. It is assumed that all prospective Turtles own a diabetic donkey, or one of a sweet and kindly disposition; therefore once inducted, a member must reply to the question \"Are you a Turtle?\" with \"You bet your sweet ass I am.\"[1][3] If the member is unable or unwilling (perhaps because of a social restriction on vulgarity) to provide the correct answer, he or she owes to each other turtle present a drink of the recipient's choice. A large part of the tradition of the order involves the qualifying questions that prospective members have to answer. These fun questions are actually small riddles: each suggests a vulgar or lewd answer, but the candidate has to provide a completely innocuous answer.", "History of scientific method [A]nother form of induction must be devised than has hitherto been employed, and it must be used for proving and discovering not first principles (as they are called) only, but also the lesser axioms, and the middle, and indeed all. For the induction which proceeds by simple enumeration is childish. —Novum Organum section CV", "Feminism in Canada Passed by prime minister of the time, Pierre Trudeau, The Canadian Human Rights Act gave basic rights to all humans. There was no discrimination based on sex, race, religion etc... It specified that there must be \"equal pay for work of equal value\". There had been significant disparity between the pay received by women and by men. However, by the mid-1980s there was still disparity: full-time female employees earned on average only 72% of what men earned.[8]" ]
where do characters live in this is us
[ "This Is Us (TV series) Most episodes feature a storyline taking place in the present (2016–2018, contemporaneous with airing) and a storyline taking place at a set time in the past; but some episodes are set in one time period or use multiple flashback time periods. Flashbacks often focus on Jack and Rebecca c.1980 both before and after their babies' birth, or on the family when the Big Three are children (at least ages 8–10) or adolescents; these scenes usually take place in Pittsburgh, where the Big Three are born and raised. Various other time periods and locations have also served a settings. As adults, Kate lives in Los Angeles, Randall and his family are in New Jersey, and Kevin relocates from Los Angeles to New York City." ]
[ "Live-action animated film During the popularity of the silent film in 1920's and 1930's, the popular animated cartoons of Max Fleischer included a series where his cartoon character Koko the Clown interacted with the live world; for example, having a boxing match with a live kitten. In a variation from this and inspired to do so Walt Disney's first directorial efforts, years before Oswald the Lucky Rabbit was born in 1927 and Mickey Mouse in 1928, were the live-action animated Alice Comedies cartoons, in which a young live action girl named Alice interacted with animated cartoon characters.", "Where's Wally? Where's Wally?, published in the US and Canada as Where's Waldo?, is a British series of children's puzzle books created by the English illustrator Martin Handford. The books consist of a series of detailed double-page spread illustrations depicting dozens or more people doing a variety of amusing things at a given location. Readers are challenged to find a character named Wally hidden in the group.", "Where's My Water? The place players were routing water towards became a bathtub, at which point the designers had to devise a reason for having a bathtub underground.[9] That reason came from the urban legend of alligators living in city sewers, so the game's lead character became a \"hygiene-conscious alligator\".[9] Unlike many mobile games released by Disney, where characters from the company's films are used, Where's My Water? represents the first time that Disney has produced an original character for a mobile game.[5] In designing that character, Disney Mobile wanted one \"that felt like it belonged when lined up with other Disney characters\".[9]", "Love Story (1970 film) NBC broadcast Love Story, a short-lived romantic anthology television series, in 1973-1974. Although it shared its name with the novel and movie and used the same theme song – \"(Where Do I Begin) Love Story\" – as the movie, it otherwise was unrelated to them, with no characters or storylines in common with either the novel or the movie. The original film was remade in Malayalam as Madanolsavam in 1978.", "DOS DOS is a single-user, single-tasking operating system with basic kernel functions that are non-reentrant: only one program at a time can use them and DOS itself has no functionality to allow more than one program to execute at a time. The DOS kernel provides various functions for programs (an application program interface), like character I/O, file management, memory management, program loading and termination.", "Live-action animated film Many previous films combining live action with stop motion animation using back projection, such as Willis O'Brien and Ray Harryhausen films in the United States, and Aleksandr Ptushko, Karel Zeman and more recently Jan Švankmajer in Eastern Europe. The first feature film to do this was The Lost World (1925). In the 1935 Soviet film The New Gulliver, the only character who wasn't animated was Gulliver himself.", "Alignment (Dungeons & Dragons) A chaotic evil character tends to have no respect for rules, other people's lives, or anything but their own desires, which are typically selfish and cruel. They set a high value on personal freedom, but do not have much regard for the lives or freedom of other people. Chaotic evil characters do not work well in groups because they resent being given orders and do not usually behave themselves unless there is no alternative.[9]", "How Do I Live Despite only peaking as high as No. 7 in the UK Singles Chart,[7] Rimes' version of \"How Do I Live\" spent 34 weeks on the chart, ending up as the 6th best selling single of 1998. As of August 2014, the song has sold 710,000 copies in the UK.[8]", "Independent living According to the IL Movement, with peer support, everyone - including persons with extensive developmental disabilities - can learn to take more initiative and control over their lives. For example, peer support is used in Independent Living Skills classes where people living with their families or in institutions learn how to run their everyday lives in preparation for living by themselves.", "Spaceship Earth (Epcot) The \"time machine\" vehicles now have an interactive screen where riders can choose their vision of the future.[13] This resembles a similar idea to the now-defunct Horizons attraction. At the beginning of the ride, a camera takes riders' pictures (using facial recognition technology) which are used at the end of the ride to conduct an interactive experience about the future of technology, featuring the riders' faces on animated characters with narration by Cam Clarke. Visitors are now also asked where in our Spaceship Earth they live; this is used in the post-show area where a map of the world is displayed with the riders' faces shown where they live.", "Where Do I Fit in the Picture Logan Neill of the St. Petersburg Times wrote, \"The haunting Where Do I Fit in the Picture gave evidence that he takes his singing seriously.[2] Shelly Fabian of About.com called it a \"steel-soaked country weeper\".[3] Leeann Ward of Country Universe listed \"Where Do I Fit in the Picture\" as the 382nd best country single of the 1990s and wrote, \"Sure, Walker milks this forlorn ballad for all it’s worth, but his ability to dramatically emote is the success of his trademark tear-soaked voice.\"[4]", "Till Death Do Us Part Till Death Do Us Part or Till Death Us Do Part may refer to:", "Where Do Broken Hearts Go The music video (directed by Peter Israelson) features Houston breaking up with a boyfriend and reflecting on happy memories; asking herself the title question, \"where do broken hearts go?\" At the conclusion of the music video, the couple reunites.", "List of DOS commands The CHOICE command is used in batch files to prompt the user to select one item from a set of single-character choices. Choice was introduced as an external command with MS-DOS 6.0;[1] Novell DOS 7[2] and PC DOS 7.0. Earlier versions of DR DOS supported this function with the built-in switch command (for numeric choices) or by beginning a command with a question mark.[2] This command was formerly called ync (yes-no-cancel).[citation needed]", "Living room Until the late 19th century, the front parlour was the room in the house used for formal social events, including where the recently deceased were laid out before their funeral. The term \"living room\" is found initially in the decorating literature of the 1890s, where a living room is understood to be a reflection of the personality of the designer, rather than the Victorian conventions of the day.[3]", "Chinese characters Chinese characters are logograms used in the writing of Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and some other Asian languages. In Standard Chinese, they are called hànzì (simplified Chinese: 汉字; traditional Chinese: 漢字, lit \"Han characters\").[2][3][4] They have been adapted to write a number of other languages, including Japanese, where they are known as kanji (漢字); Korean, where they are known as Hanja (漢字); and Vietnamese, in a system known as chữ Nôm. Collectively, they are known as CJK characters. Chinese characters constitute the oldest continuously used system of writing in the world.[5] By virtue of their widespread current use in East Asia, and historic use throughout the Sinosphere, Chinese characters are among the most widely adopted writing systems in the world by number of users.", "Simplified Chinese characters It is common for Hong Kong people to learn traditional Chinese characters in school, and some simplified Chinese in passing (either through reading mainland-published books or other media). For use on computers, however, people tend to type Chinese characters using a traditional character set such as Big5. In Hong Kong, as well as elsewhere, it is common for people who use both sets to do so because it is much easier to convert from the traditional character set to the simplified character set because of the usage of the aforementioned methods 8 and 9 of simplification[clarification needed].", "Till Death Us Do Part Created by Johnny Speight, Till Death Us Do Part centred on the East End Garnett family, led by patriarch Alf Garnett (Warren Mitchell), a reactionary white working-class man who holds racist and anti-socialist views. His long-suffering wife Else was played by Dandy Nichols, and his daughter Rita by Una Stubbs. Rita's husband Mike Rawlins (Anthony Booth) is a socialist layabout. Alf Garnett became a well-known character in British culture, and Mitchell played him on stage and television until Speight's death in 1998.", "Where Do Broken Hearts Go \"Where Do Broken Hearts Go\" is the fourth single from Whitney Houston's second album, Whitney. The ballad was released on February 25, 1988. The song was written by Frank Wildhorn and Chuck Jackson and produced by Narada Michael Walden. Wildhorn approached Jackson about the opportunity to write for Whitney Houston. Jackson came up with the title, and Wildhorn completed the music and lyrics for the song.", "Where Do We Go from Here (Filter song) Like many of the band's singles, the single version of \"Where Do We Go From Here\" (the one used for radio and the music video) is much shorter than the album version. The album version extends the pre-choruses and bridge mostly.", "Dude Ranch (Modern Family) \"It was a hard decision, and this was not remotely having to do with us wanting to upgrade the acting ability or jump the character in age. The twins who play the part (Jaden and Ella Hiller) were not happy. We started feeling like we were just being mean to these little girls, making them come to the stage. And the character is reaching an age where she would talk, and that was going to be an asset to us to have Cam and Mitch communicating with her.\"", "Where's My Water? Where's My Water? is a puzzle video game developed by Creature Feep and published by Disney Mobile, a subsidiary of Disney Interactive Studios. Released for desktop web browsers and devices using iOS, Android, Windows Phone and BlackBerry 10[2] operating systems, the game requires players to route a supply of water to an alligator. Where's My Water? has been praised for its gameplay and its graphical style, with special recognition of its lead character, Swampy, the first original Disney character for a mobile game, voiced by actor, Justin T. Bowler. The game has inspired multiple spin-offs including: Where's My Perry?, Where’s My Mickey?,[3] Where's My Water? featuring XYY[4] and Where's My Valentine?.", "Snidely Whiplash The character was voiced by Hans Conried in the original cartoon series. Alfred Molina played Whiplash in the 1999 live action film version Dudley Do-Right.[1]", "The Dakota The south entrance of the building was the location of the murder of John Lennon. It is prominently featured in Andrew Piddington's 2006 film The Killing of John Lennon; the Dakota was only used for exterior shots. In Roman Polanski's 1968 film Rosemary's Baby, the Dakota was used for exterior shots of \"The Bramford\", the apartment building where several of the characters live.", "DOS Starting with DOS 3.1, file redirector support was added to DOS. This was initially used to support networking but was later used to support CD-ROM drives with MSCDEX. IBM PC DOS 4.0 also had preliminary installable file system (IFS) support but this was unused and removed in DOS 5.0.", "Living Colour In an interview on breakdownroom.net, Glover hoped to release another album with the band next year. \"We're going to do something different [for us] and make a real record, right now, right after we've done this one,\" Glover said with a laugh. The band's song \"Cult of Personality\" received fresh exposure from 2011, as it was used as the entrance music for professional wrestler CM Punk. In 2013, Living Colour performed the song live during Punk's entrance at WrestleMania 29.", "Where Do We Go from Here: Chaos or Community? Where Do We Go from Here: Chaos or Community? is a 1967 book by African-American minister, Nobel Peace Prize laureate, and social justice campaigner Martin Luther King, Jr. Advocating for human rights and a sense of hope, it was King's fourth and last book before his assassination. He spent a long period in isolation, living in a rented residence in Jamaica with no telephone, composing the book.[1][2]", "List of Where the Red Fern Grows characters The following is a list of characters from the novel Where the Red Fern Grows.", "The Simpsons Despite the depiction of yearly milestones such as holidays or birthdays passing, the characters do not age between episodes (either physically or in stated age), and generally appear just as they did when the series began. The series uses a floating timeline in which episodes generally take place in the year the episode is produced even though the characters do not age. Flashbacks and flashforwards do occasionally depict the characters at other points in their lives, with the timeline of these depictions also generally floating relative to the year the episode is produced. For example, in the 1991 episode \"I Married Marge\", Bart (who is always 10 years old) appears to be born in 1980 or 1981. But in the 1995 episode \"And Maggie Makes Three\", Maggie (who always appears to be around 1 year old) appears to be born in 1993 or 1994.", "Character (computing) Examples of characters include letters, numerical digits, common punctuation marks (such as \".\" or \"-\"), and whitespace. The concept also includes control characters, which do not correspond to symbols in a particular natural language, but rather to other bits of information used to process text in one or more languages. Examples of control characters include carriage return or tab, as well as instructions to printers or other devices that display or otherwise process text.", "Control character The start of heading (SOH) character was to mark a non-data section of a data stream—the part of a stream containing addresses and other housekeeping data. The start of text character (STX) marked the end of the header, and the start of the textual part of a stream. The end of text character (ETX) marked the end of the data of a message. A widely used convention is to make the two characters preceding ETX a checksum or CRC for error-detection purposes. The end of transmission block character (ETB) was used to indicate the end of a block of data, where data was divided into such blocks for transmission purposes.", "One Life to Live cast members This is a list of actors and actresses who have had roles on the soap opera, One Life to Live. For a full historical character listing, see List of One Life to Live characters.", "DOS In PC DOS and DR DOS 5.0 and above, the DOS system files are named IBMBIO.COM instead of IO.SYS and IBMDOS.COM instead of MSDOS.SYS. Older versions of DR DOS used DRBIOS.SYS and DRBDOS.SYS instead.", "DOS Starting with DOS 5, DOS could directly take advantage of the HMA by loading its kernel code and disk buffers there via the DOS=HIGH statement in CONFIG.SYS. DOS 5+ also allowed the use of available UMBs via the DOS=UMB statement in CONFIG.SYS.", "Control character Many keyboards include keys that do not correspond to any ASCII printable or control character, for example cursor control arrows and word processing functions. The associated keypresses are communicated to computer programs by one of four methods: appropriating otherwise unused control characters; using some encoding other than ASCII; using multi-character control sequences; or using an additional mechanism outside of generating characters. \"Dumb\" computer terminals typically use control sequences. Keyboards attached to stand-alone personal computers made in the 1980s typically use one (or both) of the first two methods. Modern computer keyboards generate scancodes that identify the specific physical keys that are pressed; computer software then determines how to handle the keys that are pressed, including any of the four methods described above.", "DOS DOS uses the File Allocation Table (FAT) filesystem. This was originally FAT12 which supported up to 4078 clusters per drive. DOS 3.0 added support for FAT16 which used 16-bit allocation entries and supported up to 65518 clusters per drive. DOS 3.31 added support for FAT16B which removed the 32 MB drive limit and could support up to 2 GB. Finally MS-DOS 7.1 (the DOS component of Windows 9x) added support for FAT32 which used 32-bit allocation entries and could support hard drives up to 137 GB and beyond.", "Con Air In the webcomic Homestuck, the character John Egbert is a fan of the film, and there are numerous references to Con Air throughout the story. This includes published covers of the song \"How Do I Live\".[27]", "Scooby-Doo (character) Different iterations of the character have been developed and expanded in the various series featuring the characters, many of them contradicting, such as the original series and recent live-action movies where Shaggy and Scooby first meet as older teenagers for the first time. This contradicts the animated series A Pup Named Scooby-Doo, where they know each other from almost infancy, though the films may be seen as having a different continuity altogether than the cartoon products. As an adult canine, Scooby is usually treated as a mix of a pet and a friend by his companions.", "List of This Is Us characters Kate lives in Los Angeles and was her brother, Kevin's, personal assistant.[32] When Kevin decided to move to New York, he fired her in order to allow her to build her own life, apart from him.[26] She is an ardent Pittsburgh Steelers fan and has a routine where she watches the games with her dad's ashes.[17] At nine years old, she had her appendix removed on Christmas Eve.[27]", "David Seville Actor Jason Lee also portrays David Seville in a series of films about Alvin and the Chipmunks which uses a combination of live-action acting and computer animation. While Ross Bagdasarian, Jr. does not do any voices for the film series, the films are all produced in association with Bagdasarian Productions, which owns the rights to all of the characters.", "Chinese characters Along with Persian and Arabic, Chinese characters were also used as a foreign script to write the Mongolian language, where characters were used to phonetically transcribe Mongolian sounds. Most notably, the only surviving copies of The Secret History of the Mongols were written in such a manner; the Chinese characters 忙豁侖紐察 脫[卜]察安 (pinyin: mánghuōlúnniǔchá tuō[bo]chá'ān) is the rendering of Mongγol-un niγuca tobčiyan, the title in Mongolian.", "Do I Do \"Do I Do\" is a song written and performed by American singer and songwriter Stevie Wonder, first released in 1982 on the album Stevie Wonder's Original Musiquarium I. The single peaked at #2 on the soul chart and peaked at #13 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart in the US.[2] On the US dance chart, \"Do I Do\" went to number one for two weeks.[3] Overseas, it reached #10 in the UK.", "Design of the FAT file system The at-sign character (@) is used for filelists by many DR-DOS, PalmDOS, Novell DOS, OpenDOS and Multiuser DOS, System Manager and REAL/32 commands, as well as by 4DOS and may therefore sometimes be difficult to use in filenames.[52]", "I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do The song's release came shortly after their previous single, \"So Long\", performed disappointingly in terms of charts and sales. After the release of \"Waterloo\", ABBA were having difficulty establishing themselves as an act with longevity. \"I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do\", in many cases, put ABBA firmly back in the spotlight. With a rousing saxophone tune and homage to 1950s Schlager music, \"I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do\" became a significant improvement on the international charts, although it made little impact in Britain. The song's popularity was boosted (particularly in Australia) by the release of a promo clip shown on television. The song, presumably because of its title as much as the sentiment, is popular at weddings and was featured in the film Muriel's Wedding, when the ABBA-mad title character gets married.", "Enchanted (film) Enchanted is the first feature-length Disney live-action/traditional animation hybrid since Disney's Who Framed Roger Rabbit in 1988, though the traditionally animated characters do not interact in the live-action environment in the same method as they did in Roger Rabbit; however, there are some scenes where live-action characters share the screen with two-dimensional animated characters, for example, a live-action Nathaniel communicating with a cel-drawn Narissa, who is in a cooking pot. The film uses two aspect ratios; it begins in 2.35:1 when the Walt Disney Pictures logo and Enchanted storybook are shown, and then switches to a smaller 1.85:1 aspect ratio for the first animated sequence. The film switches back to 2.35:1 when it becomes live-action and never switches back, even for the remainder of the cartoon sequences. When this movie was aired on televised networks, the beginning of the movie (minus the logo and opening credits) was shown in the pillarboxed 4:3 aspect ratio; the remainder of the movie was shown in the 16:9 aspect ratio when it becomes live-action. Lima oversaw the direction of both the live-action and animation sequences, which were being produced at the same time.[8] Enchanted took almost two years to complete. The animation took about a year to finish while the live-action scenes, which commenced filming on location in New York City during the summer of 2006 and were completed during the animation process, were shot in 72 days.[8]", "Days of Our Lives characters (1960s) A list of notable characters from the NBC soap opera Days of Our Lives that significantly impacted storylines and debuted between November 8, 1965, and the end of 1969.", "Days of Our Lives characters (1980s) A list of notable characters from the NBC soap opera Days of Our Lives that significantly impacted storylines and debuted between January 1, 1980, and the end of 1989.", "Days of Our Lives characters (2010s) Tripp Dalton is a fictional character on the long running NBC soap opera Days of Our Lives portrayed by Lucas Adams. The character was first referenced in January 2016 as the presumed dead son of Steve Johnson and his late ex-lover, mafia princess Ava Vitali (Tamara Braun). The character was later developed and introduced by Dena Higley and Ryan Quan on March 23, 2017.[40][41]", "Chinese characters The cursive script (草書(书), cǎoshū, literally \"grass script\") is used informally. The basic character shapes are suggested, rather than explicitly realized, and the abbreviations are sometimes extreme. Despite being cursive to the point where individual strokes are no longer differentiable and the characters often illegible to the untrained eye, this script (also known as draft) is highly revered for the beauty and freedom that it embodies. Some of the simplified Chinese characters adopted by the People's Republic of China, and some simplified characters used in Japan, are derived from the cursive script. The Japanese hiragana script is also derived from this script.", "Peppa Pig The characters wear clothes, live in houses, and drive cars, but still display some characteristics of the animals on which they are based. Peppa and her family snort like pigs during conversations in which they are speaking in English, the other animals make their respective noises when they talk, with some exhibiting other characteristics, such as the Rabbit family's communications of squeaking sounds and their enjoyment of carrots. The Rabbits are also the sole exception to the rule of human-like habitation, in that they live in a burrow in a hill, although it does have windows and is furnished in the same way as the other houses. The characters also blush when embarrassed and their mouths are used to express other emotions such as sadness, happiness, irritation, bewilderment and confusion. Although the mammals are anthropomorphic, other animals are not, for example, Tiddles the tortoise, Polly Parrot, and the ducks. In addition, the narrator of the series John Sparkes reinforces the action and humour, saying things like \"Oh, dear\" when something unfortunate happens (such as George starts crying) or \"Look out!\" when a character is doing something unsafe (such as Peppa riding her bicycle without looking where she's going).", "List of Masters of the Universe characters The characters \"real name\" Sharella originates from the short-lived Masters of the Universe spin-off line \"The Powers of Grayskull\", where she was intended to be a tribal chieftess who would have helped Eldor raise Gray (aka He-Ro), and guided him in his battles against the Snake Men. While the Masters of the Universe Classics toyline used the name Sharella for the Goddess of Castle Grayskull, it was also mentioned that she started out as an apprentice to Queen Grayskull.", "Till Death Us Do Part Although Speight claimed he wrote the series to challenge racism, it was felt[by whom?] many people watched it because they agreed with Alf Garnett's views.[1] The linguist Alan Crosby has argued that the constant use of the phrase \"Scouse git\" with reference to Anthony Booth's character spread both the word \"Scouse\" and negative stereotypes of Liverpudlians.[2]", "Star Wars Roleplaying Game (Fantasy Flight Games) Disadvantages can be taken during character creation to offset point costs. Edge of the Empire has Obligations, something the character is forced or compelled to do. Age of Rebellion has Duties, something the character wants to do. The number of Player Characters in the group set the base disadvantage number, as the Game Master rolls at the beginning of play to see which character's disadvantage will be used during the session. The character can pay off the disadvantage with experience points in gameplay.", "List of Mighty Med characters He reappears in \"Growing Pains\" where he has been cured of the serum and given all the powers he intended to give himself, along with the ability to alter the age of any living thing. When doing so, that living thing's memories will remain intact and their clothes will alter their size to fit them. Occasionally, the object will continue aging/de-aging for a certain amount of time.", "DOS The emulated DOS in OS/2 and Windows NT is based upon DOS 5. Although there is a default configuration (config.sys and autoexec.bat), one can use alternate files on a session-by-session basis. It is possible to load drivers in these files to access the host system, although these are typically third-party.", "DOS Under OS/2 2.x and later, the DOS emulation is provided by DOSKRNL. This is a file that represents the combined IBMBIO.COM and IBMDOS.COM, the system calls are passed through to the OS/2 windowing services. DOS programs run in their own environment, the bulk of the DOS utilities are provided by bound DOS / OS2 applications in the \\OS2 directory. OS/2 can run Windows 3.1 applications by using a modified copy of Windows (Win-OS/2). The modifications allow Windows 3.1 programs to run seamlessly on the OS/2 desktop, or one can start a WinOS/2 desktop, similar to starting Windows from DOS.", "Magnolia (film) Anderson is known for his use of long takes in his films, moving along considerable distances with complex pivoting movements and transitions in actors and background.[12] Of the long takes in Magnolia, the most notable may be the 2 minutes 15 seconds where character Stanley Spector arrives at the studio for a taping of What Do Kids Know?, the camera seamlessly moving through multiple rooms and hallways, transitioning to follow different characters throughout the take.[13]", "Talk:Planet of the Apes (2001 film) Okay, first, her father, Senator Sandar is not the character played by Heston. Thade is not her brother, but is the son of Heston's actual character. Thade and Limbo do not live in Senator Sandar's household. Even other parts of the article show this stuff is wrong. (talk) 22:19, 19 June 2010 (UTC)", "Where Do You Go (La Bouche song) \"Where Do You Go\" is a song written by Peter Bischof and Franz Reuther. It was first recorded by Eurodance band La Bouche in 1995 as an album-only song from their Sweet Dreams album. A cover version of the song was recorded by Europop group No Mercy, taken from their debut album My Promise. On May 13, 1996,[1] it was released as their first single and became a worldwide hit entering the Top-5 not only in Germany where the trio was based, but also in Australia, Austria, France, Switzerland, UK and US.[2][3][4]", "List of This Is Us characters Beth Pearson, portrayed by Susan Kelechi Watson, is Randall's wife, whom he met in college and later married, circa 1999. The couple has two daughters, Annie and Tess.[14] Their marriage is based on honesty where they make an effort not to have secrets from one another. William revealed to Beth that he had met and communicated with Rebecca. This caused Beth to give Rebecca an ultimatum: to either tell Randall or she would. Growing up, Beth lived in a three-bedroom house with 14 other people.[22] After Randall quit his job, Beth took a job so Randall could be a stay-at-home dad.[19] But after a while, Beth thought Randall was in \"outer space\", and Beth thought working again would be good for Randall.[12]", "List of Red vs. Blue characters Rooster Teeth released a video detailing how Junior was filmed at such a small size, it was included on the Season 5 DVD. According to the video, fans speculated upon an outside modification being used, but in reality the crew simply used forced perspective.[11] In shots where Junior is standing next to other characters, the crew placed the Junior in the background of the shot and kept the feet of all the characters obscured so the distance between the characters was not noticeable. As Junior \"grew\", he was moved closer. In perspective shots where the characters looked down at Junior, the \"camera\" was simply positioned on top of the Warthog so that it was higher. In shots from Junior's perspective, the characters would then stand on top of the Warthog. Matt Hullum edited the image of a foot of one of the characters to look larger than it was, and positioned it next to Junior in perspective shots to make Junior look smaller than he really was.", "DOS Within a year Microsoft licensed MS-DOS to over 70 other companies,[6] which supplied the operating system for their own hardware, sometimes under their own names. Microsoft later required the use of the MS-DOS name, with the exception of the IBM variant. IBM continued to develop their version, PC DOS, for the IBM PC.[5] Digital Research became aware that an operating system similar to CP/M was being sold by IBM (under the same name that IBM insisted upon for CP/M), and threatened legal action. IBM responded by offering an agreement: they would give PC consumers a choice of PC DOS or CP/M-86, Kildall's 8086 version. Side-by-side, CP/M cost almost $200 more than PC DOS, and sales were low. CP/M faded, with MS-DOS and PC DOS becoming the marketed operating system for PCs and PC compatibles.[3]", "List of Clueless characters Murray is one of the leading male characters, particularly in the TV series, where he forms something of a comic double-act with Sean Holliday, with the two often taking part in schemes and stunts together. Murray and Sean fall out, however, after it emerges that Dionne dated Sean prior to Murray (the boys do subsequently patch up their differences).", "Love Don't Live Here Anymore \"Love Don't Live Here Anymore\" incorporated the use of the Electronic LinnDrum machine, and was one of the first songs to effectively use the sound reverbs of the instrument. LinnDrum had been used sparingly in their previous single \"Do Your Dance\", but in \"Love Don't Live Here Anymore\" its use was more spontaneous, which Dave Thompson, author of Funk noted as if \"it virtually duetted with Dickey, creating one of the most distinctive records of the year—and one of the most imitated of the age.\"[2] The song was mainly recorded at music contractor Gene Bianco's house, where Rose Royce lead singer Gwen Dickey was present during the recording. Buckmaster recalled: \"I was over at [Gene's] place almost every day with Norman, and some days I stayed away to write, or to mix the music. Gene had given me the keys to his apartment, and also let me use the piano to record the song. I didn't want to work on at Miles' because his piano was falling to bits.\"[1]", "Till Death Us Do Part Till Death Us Do Part is a British television sitcom that aired on BBC1 from 1965 to 1975. The show was first broadcast as a Comedy Playhouse pilot, then in seven series until 1975. Six years later in 1981, ITV continued the sitcom for six episodes, calling it Till Death.... The BBC produced a sequel from 1985 until 1992, In Sickness and in Health.", "Simplified Chinese characters Textbooks, official statements, newspapers, including the PRC-funded media, show no signs of moving to simplified Chinese characters. However, some students may opt to use the simplified form when taking notes or doing test papers to write faster.", "Live-action animated film With live action and traditional animated films, double-printing two negatives onto the same release print pre-digitally, while complex techniques used optical printers or aerial image animation cameras, which enabled more accurate positioning, and more realism into interaction of actors and ficitonal characters. Often, every frame of the live action film was traced by rotoscoping, so that the animator could add his drawing in the exact position. With the rise of computer animation, combining live action and animation became common.", "Barbarian Some Chinese characters used to transcribe non-Chinese peoples were graphically pejorative ethnic slurs, where the insult derived not from the Chinese word but from the character used to write it. Take for instance, the Written Chinese transcription of Yao \"the Yao people\", who primarily live in the mountains of southwest China and Vietnam. When 11th-century Song Dynasty authors first transcribed the exonym Yao, they insultingly chose yao 猺 \"jackal\" from a lexical selection of over 100 characters pronounced yao (e.g., 腰 \"waist\", 遙 \"distant\", 搖 \"shake\"). During a series of 20th-century Chinese language reforms, this graphic pejorative 猺 (written with the 犭\"dog/beast radical\") \"jackal; the Yao\" was replaced twice; first with the invented character yao 傜 (亻\"human radical\") \"the Yao\", then with yao 瑤 (玉 \"jade radical\") \"precious jade; the Yao.\" Chinese orthography (symbols used to write a language) can provide unique opportunities to write ethnic insults logographically that do not exist alphabetically. For the Yao ethnic group, there is a difference between the transcriptions Yao 猺 \"jackal\" and Yao 瑤 \"jade\" but none between the romanizations Yao and Yau.[55]", "Till Death Do Us Part (NCIS) \"Till Death Do Us Part\" is written by Gary Glasberg and directed by Tony Wharmby. The ninth season ended dramatically, with many unknown fates. According to Glasberg, \"NCIS has historically [...] done these end arcs or established a villain that carries through for a few episodes, and this one is really no different in that respect. The one difference in the approach in this season was we wanted to deliver a true cliffhanger\". The ending scene with Ducky's heart attack was planned for a long time. \"David [McCallum] and I have been talking about it for months, and he’s been preparing for it [...], and it’s really going to give his character a new perspective on life coming back from what he experienced.\"[3]", "Unitarian Universalism It's a blessing each of us was born; It matters what we do with our lives; What each of us knows about God is a piece of the truth; We don't have to do it alone.", "DOS In DOS, drives are referred to by identifying letters. Standard practice is to reserve \"A\" and \"B\" for floppy drives. On systems with only one floppy drive DOS assigns both letters to the drive, prompting the user to swap disks as programs alternate access between them. This facilitates copying from floppy to floppy or having a program run from one floppy while accessing its data on another. Hard drives were originally assigned the letters \"C\" and \"D\". DOS could only support one active partition per drive. As support for more hard drives became available, this developed into first assigning a drive letter to each drive's active primary partition, then making a second pass over the drives to allocate letters to logical drives in the extended partition, then a third pass to give any other non-active primary partitions their names (where such additional partitions existed and contained a DOS-supported file system). Lastly, DOS allocates letters for optical disc drives, RAM disks, and other hardware. Letter assignments usually occur in the order the drivers are loaded, but the drivers can instruct DOS to assign a different letter; drivers for network drives, for example, typically assign letters nearer the end of the alphabet.[34]", "(Where Do I Begin?) Love Story The song has been covered by many artists, including as an instrumental theme. The most notable are the versions by Andy Williams and Tony Bennett. In his AllMusic review of the 1971 Johnny Mathis album Love Story, Joe Viglione wrote, \"His rendition of '(Where Do I Begin) Love Story' is riveting, a sweeping and majestic piece to lead off the record, and not the usual Jack Gold musical movement, but more pronounced and determined.\"[18]", "What would Jesus do? This leads to many of the novel's characters asking, \"What would Jesus do?\" when faced with decisions of some importance. This has the effect of making the characters embrace Christianity more seriously and to focus on what they see as its core — the life of Christ.", "Where the Sidewalk Ends (poem) As Silverstein writes in the second stanza, saying \" Let us leave this place where the smoke blows black And the dark street winds and bends\" He is referencing the world that adults live in, the one that is far from what he described as the place where the sidewalk ends. Yes, this could be taken literally, as adults live and work in urban settings. But just as he has done previously, this description is referring to a state of mind. One that sees the world for everything bad that it possibly possesses, a mindset that is totally lacking in any sort of imagination.[1] There is a transition in the middle of this stanza though, a transition from despair to hope, hope of achieving the child like imagination that is found where the sidewalk ends. He says \"and watch where the chalk-white arrows go To the place where the sidewalk ends\" Meaning that if you are alert and aware, the hopeless mindset adult can find a way to get to the place where the sidewalk ends.", "Manic Pixie Dream Girl In a December 2012 video, AllMovie critic Cammila Collar embraced the term as an effective description of one-dimensional female characters who only seek the happiness of the male protagonist, and who do not deal with any complex issues of their own. The pejorative use of the term, then, is mainly directed at writers who do not give these female characters more to do than bolster the spirits of their male partners.[31]", "DOS It is still possible to create files or directories using these reserved device names, such as through direct editing of directory data structures in disk sectors. Such naming, such as starting a file name with a space, has sometimes been used by viruses or hacking programs to obscure files from users who do not know how to access these locations.", "List of This Is Us characters William was a recovering drug addict who was suffering from terminal stage-four stomach cancer in the present.[26] He grew up in Memphis,[18] and after his mother moved to Pittsburgh he stayed in Memphis to play in his cousin Ricky's band, where he played piano, wrote, and sang.[36] William left the band, with the intention of returning, to care for his dying mother. However, after meeting Randall's mother and becoming a drug addict, he never returned.[36] He got clean after he thought he saw a monkey on the streets, realizing that nothing good comes from a person being on the street at 3:30 am. (He also stayed clean for years after being told by a judge, who offered to help him after his first conviction, to picture the judge's face when he was tempted to do the wrong thing.)[30] William returned to Philadelphia to attend a Narcotics Anonymous meeting, hoping to find and reconnect with his former lover—a man named Jessie.[27]", "Paul Reubens Although he hasn't revealed much about the scripts, he has said that one of the two films opens in prison.[65] He has also said that using CGI for \"updating\" the puppets' looks could be an option, but it all depended on the budget the films would have.[13] Reubens once mentioned the possibility of doing one of the two as an animated film along the lines of The Polar Express, which uses performance capture technology, incorporating the movements of live actors into animated characters.[98]", "Fight of the Living Dead Ten well known YouTubers are thrown into a exiperiment by an organization known as CONOP Who developed a biological weapon that reanimates the dead and transforms them into zombies. The experiment places them in an area where zombies known to be present.They must fight for their lives by completing different missions together to Survive a 72 hour period in said area. Each episode chronicles the events that transpire in the 72 hours.[3] During their stay they meet up with several characters with unknown purposes and intent.", "DOS Eventually, the manufacturers of major DOS systems began to include their own environment managers. MS-DOS/IBM DOS 4 included DOS Shell;[42] DR DOS 5.0, released the next year, included ViewMAX, based upon GEM.[43]", "Days of Our Lives characters (2010s) Dario Hernandez is a fictional character on the NBC daytime soap opera, Days of Our Lives. The role was played by Francisco San Martin who originated the role from March to September 2011 and Jordi Vilasuso since February 2016.", "Character (arts) In the earliest surviving work of dramatic theory, Poetics (c. 335 BCE), the Classical Greek philosopher Aristotle deduces that character (ethos) is one of six qualitative parts of Athenian tragedy and one of the three objects that it represents (1450a12).[22] He understands character not to denote a fictional person, but the quality of the person acting in the story and reacting to its situations (1450a5).[23] He defines character as \"that which reveals decision, of whatever sort\" (1450b8).[23] It is possible, therefore, to have stories that do not contain \"characters\" in Aristotle's sense of the word, since character necessarily involves making the ethical dispositions of those performing the action clear.[24] If, in speeches, the speaker \"decides or avoids nothing at all\", then those speeches \"do not have character\" (1450b9—11).[25] Aristotle argues for the primacy of plot (mythos) over character (ethos).[26] He writes:", "List of This Is Us characters Refusing to take Kate's hesitance about the relationship lightly, Toby has continually come up with sweet gestures to win her over.[32] In the beginning, he felt that he had to compete with Kevin for Kate's attention.[32] Despite breaking his weight-loss goals, Toby decided dieting was not for him and went off his diet, resulting in Kate breaking up with him.[13] He surprised Kate by showing up at Randall's house for Christmas Eve, stating that he could live without pizza and junk food, but that he could not live without her.[27] On Christmas Eve, Toby collapsed and ended up in the hospital with an arrhythmia.[27]", "Simplified Chinese characters The first round, consisting of 498 Simplified characters from 502 Traditional characters, was promulgated by the Ministry of Education in 1969. The second round, consisting of 2287 Simplified characters, was promulgated in 1974. The second set contained 49 differences from the Mainland China system; those were removed in the final round in 1976. In 1993, Singapore adopted the six revisions made by Mainland China in 1986. However, unlike in mainland China where personal names may only be registered using simplified characters, parents have the option of registering their children's names in traditional characters in Singapore.", "International Bank Account Number Permitted IBAN characters are the digits 0 to 9 and the 26 upper-case Latin alphabetic characters A to Z.[9] This applies even in countries (e.g., Thailand) where these characters are not used in the national language.", "DOS Available DOS systems in 2012 are FreeDOS, DR-DOS, ROM-DOS, PTS-DOS, RxDOS and REAL/32. Some computer manufacturers, including Dell and HP, sell computers with FreeDOS as the OEM operating system.[21][22]", "Blake Lively Lively began her acting career at age 10, when she appeared in the 1998 film Sandman, which was directed by Lively's father. She describes her role as a \"bit part\".[19] She appeared in the film adaptation of the novel of the same name, The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, in 2005, as Bridget, one of the four female leads. Lively's performance in the film earned her a nomination for a Teen Choice Award for \"Choice Movie Breakout – Female.[20] In 2006, Lively co-starred with Justin Long in Accepted, and Lively had minor roles in the horror film, Simon Says. While Accepted was not well received by critics, Lively's performance was, earning her a 'Breakthrough Award' from Hollywood Life.[21] In 2007, she played one of the two title characters in Elvis and Anabelle as Anabelle, a bulimic girl who hoped to win a beauty pageant. Lively said of getting into character for the role that she had 'shed serious weight' for her height. Lively stated that that process was difficult for her because food is \"the No. 1 love of my life.\"[22] MovieLine.com praised her performance in the film and credited it as having been her \"breakthrough role\".[23]", "Slaughterhouse-Five As in other novels by Vonnegut, certain characters cross over from other stories, making cameo appearances and connecting the discrete novels to a greater opus. Fictional novelist Kilgore Trout, often an important character in other Vonnegut novels, in Slaughterhouse-Five is a social commentator and a friend to Billy Pilgrim. In one case, he is the only non-optometrist at a party, therefore, he is the odd-man-out. He ridicules everything the Ideal American Family holds true, such as Heaven, Hell, and Sin. In Trout's opinion, people do not know if the things they do turn out to be good or bad, and if they turn out to be bad, they go to Hell, where \"the burning never stops hurting.\" Other crossover characters are Eliot Rosewater, from God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater; Howard W. Campbell, Jr., from Mother Night; and Bertram Copeland Rumfoord, relative of Winston Niles Rumfoord, from The Sirens of Titan. While Vonnegut re-uses characters, the characters are frequently rebooted and do not necessarily maintain the same biographical details from appearance to appearance. Kilgore Trout in particular is palpably a different person (although with distinct, consistent character traits) in each of his appearances in Vonnegut's work.[citation needed]", "Evil Queen (Disney) An almost entirely alternate take on the character of the Evil Queen is Regina Mills, the main antagonist in the first season of the 2011 ABC live-action TV series Once Upon a Time where she is played by Lana Parrilla. Regina is the mayor of the idyllic town of Storybrooke, Maine, but is secretly the Evil Queen of legend, having cursed many beloved fairytale characters to live in a land without magic, where they will never get their happy endings. The show is not directly based on the Disney animated films, but is inspired by them and makes many references to them. One of its episodes is titled \"The Evil Queen\".", "The Sun Also Rises As a roman à clef, the novel based its characters on living people, causing scandal in the expatriate community. Hemingway biographer Carlos Baker writes that \"word-of-mouth of the book\" helped sales. Parisian expatriates gleefully tried to match the fictional characters to real identities. Moreover, he writes that Hemingway used prototypes easily found in the Latin Quarter on which to base his characters.[78] The early draft identified the characters by their living counterparts; Jake's character was called Hem, and Brett's was called Duff.[79]", "Character education Situationism\nImpressed by scientific experiments in social psychology, \"situationist\" philosophers argue that character traits are not stable or consistent and cannot be used to explain why people act as they do. Experimental data shows that much of human behavior is attributable to seemingly trivial features of the situations in which people find themselves. In a typical experiment, seminary students agreed to give a talk on the importance of helping those in need. On the way to the building where their talks were to be given, they encountered a confederate slumped over and groaning. Ironically, those who were told they were already late were much less likely to help than those who were told they had time to spare.", "Mack the Knife The song has been parodied numerous times. Steve Martin parodied \"Mack the Knife\" in his opening monologue to the premiere of Saturday Night Live's third season in 1977. In the mid-1980s, McDonald's introduced Mac Tonight, a character whose signature song was based on \"Mack the Knife\". There was a skit on The Muppet Show, where the characters play upon the sinister nature of the lyrics.[13] American political parodists the Capitol Steps used the tune for their song \"Pack the Knife\" on their 2002 album When Bush Comes to Shove.", "Shin (Korean surname) As with other Korean family names, the holders of the \"Shin\" family name are divided into various clans, each known by the name of a town or city, called bon-gwan in Korean. Usually that town or city is the one where the clan's founder lived. There are three lines of Shin: (1) Pyeongsan Shin, (2) Goryeong Shin, and (3) Yeongsan Shin clan. Although the two clans, Pyeongsan Shin and Goryeong Shin, share the same Chinese character, they are unrelated in heritage. The third line uses the Chinese character è¾›.", "Fernando Lamas After his death, Lamas's archetypal playboy image[11] lived on in popular culture via the \"Fernando\" character developed by Billy Crystal on Saturday Night Live in the mid-1980s. The character was outlandish and exaggerated but reportedly inspired by a remark Crystal heard Lamas utter on The Tonight Show; \"It is better to look good than to feel good.\" This was one of the Fernando character's two catchphrases along with the better-remembered \"You look marvelous!\" (usually spelled \"mahvelous\" in this context).[12][13] \"My father loved the impression of Billy Crystal doing him,\" says Lorenzo, \"He would puff up\" when asked about it.[14]", "Doing a Leeds Managers and chairmen, although sometimes obliged to \"chase the dream\"[10][11] (the inevitable precursor of \"doing a Leeds\"), are often forced to deny they are \"doing a Leeds\" in the wake of a large investment that some analysts predict cannot be afforded by their club and may overstretch their budget.[12][13] Similarly, fans may fear their club will \"do a Leeds\" if its expensively acquired and maintained team is unable to qualify for the Champions League[14] or is relegated from the Premier League, thereby failing to \"live the dream\".[15]", "Caitlin Todd Following JAG's \"Ice Queen\" and \"Meltdown\", the character of Kate was created to replace that of Vivian Blackadder (Robyn Lively), who Donald P. Bellisario felt was \"too soft\".[1] Alexander credits CBS President Les Moonves with her casting, stating that she \"had just finished doing a couple of other series for CBS and he said, 'come do this show'\".[2]", "DOS In an attempt to provide a more user-friendly environment, numerous software manufacturers wrote file management programs that provided users with menu- and/or icon-based interfaces. Microsoft Windows is a notable example, eventually resulting in Microsoft Windows 9x becoming a self-contained program loader, and replacing DOS as the most-used PC-compatible program loader. Text user interface programs included Norton Commander, DOS Navigator, Volkov Commander, Quarterdesk DESQview, and Sidekick. Graphical user interface programs included Digital Research's Graphics Environment Manager (originally written for CP/M) and GEOS.", "List of Monsters, Inc. characters The monster characters reside in the city of Monstropolis. According to a DVD bonus feature, Monstropolis was founded after all of the monsters who once co-existed with humans were all chased off the mainland and eventually moved to an island on an unknown world where they have lived ever since. The only way for them to enter human-inhabited areas was via closet doors.", "Where's Wally? A 13-episode animated series, Where's Wally?: The Animated Series, with Townsend Coleman as the voice of Wally, was produced by DiC for CBS in 1991 for the North American market under the \"Waldo\" name. The show was later translated for international markets – usually renaming the character to match the books of that country. The dialogue and theme song were recorded in alternative Wally versions, with the same voice cast of the original US production, in order to market the show in the UK. The distribution rights to the show are currently held by HIT Entertainment.[6]", "List of The Last of Us characters Bill (W. Earl Brown) is a survivor who lives just outside Boston, and is a business partner of Joel and Tess. A paranoid, aggressive and distrustful man in his late forties, Bill lives alone in a heavily fortified town, laden with booby traps that include some captured Infected. During the game, Joel finds Bill in the hope that he will pay off a debt by fixing up a car for them to drive to Tommy's, but Bill insists that the only working car battery is in the unexplored part of town. After fighting their way to the local high school, Bill discovers the battery he was going to use is missing. They escape the swarms of infected surrounding the school, and find themselves in an abandoned house, where Bill discovers his partner, Frank, has committed suicide by hanging there, and it is revealed that the two had had a falling out and Frank had been planning to escape in Bill's car. After getting the car started, Joel drops Bill off, and expresses sympathy for what happened between him and Frank. Bill merely responds by ensuring that their debt is settled and then ordering Joel to leave the town." ]
who makes the decisions about what to produce in a market economy
[ "Market economy A market economy is an economic system where decisions regarding investment, production, and distribution are based on the interplay of supply and demand,[1] which determines the prices of goods and services.[2] The major defining characteristic of a market economy is that investment decisions, or the allocation of producer good, are primarily made through capital and financial markets.[3] This is contrasted with a planned economy, where investment and production decisions are embodied in an integrated plan of production established by a state or other organizational body that controls the factors of production." ]
[ "Decision-making In psychology, decision-making (also spelled decision making and decisionmaking) is regarded as the cognitive process resulting in the selection of a belief or a course of action among several alternative possibilities. Every decision-making process produces a final choice, which may or may not prompt action.", "Decision-making Decision-making techniques can be separated into two broad categories: group decision-making techniques and individual decision-making techniques. Individual decision-making techniques can also often be applied by a group.", "Decision-making Biases usually affect decision-making processes. Here is a list of commonly debated biases in judgment and decision-making:", "Decision-making During their adolescent years, teens are known for their high-risk behaviors and rash decisions. Recent research[citation needed] has shown that there are differences in cognitive processes between adolescents and adults during decision-making. Researchers have concluded that differences in decision-making are not due to a lack of logic or reasoning, but more due to the immaturity of psychosocial capacities that influence decision-making. Examples of their undeveloped capacities which influence decision-making would be impulse control, emotion regulation, delayed gratification and resistance to peer pressure. In the past, researchers have thought that adolescent behavior was simply due to incompetency regarding decision-making. Currently, researchers have concluded that adults and adolescents are both competent decision-makers, not just adults. However, adolescents' competent decision-making skills decrease when psychosocial capacities become present.", "Decision-making According to Isabel Briggs Myers, a person's decision-making process depends to a significant degree on their cognitive style.[36][page needed] Myers developed a set of four bi-polar dimensions, called the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). The terminal points on these dimensions are: thinking and feeling; extroversion and introversion; judgment and perception; and sensing and intuition. She claimed that a person's decision-making style correlates well with how they score on these four dimensions. For example, someone who scored near the thinking, extroversion, sensing, and judgment ends of the dimensions would tend to have a logical, analytical, objective, critical, and empirical decision-making style. However, some psychologists say that the MBTI lacks reliability and validity and is poorly constructed.[37][38]", "Decision-making In reality, however, there are some factors that affect decision-making abilities and cause people to make irrational decisions – for example, to make contradictory choices when faced with the same problem framed in two different ways (see also Allais paradox).", "Decision-making Herbert A. Simon coined the phrase \"bounded rationality\" to express the idea that human decision-making is limited by available information, available time and the mind's information-processing ability. Further psychological research has identified individual differences between two cognitive styles: maximizers try to make an optimal decision, whereas satisficers simply try to find a solution that is \"good enough\". Maximizers tend to take longer making decisions due to the need to maximize performance across all variables and make tradeoffs carefully; they also tend to more often regret their decisions (perhaps because they are more able than satisficers to recognise that a decision turned out to be sub-optimal).[32]", "Decision-making Emotion appears able to aid the decision-making process. Decision-making often occurs in the face of uncertainty about whether one's choices will lead to benefit or harm (see also Risk). The somatic marker hypothesis is a neurobiological theory of how decisions are made in the face of uncertain outcome.[46] This theory holds that such decisions are aided by emotions, in the form of bodily states, that are elicited during the deliberation of future consequences and that mark different options for behavior as being advantageous or disadvantageous. This process involves an interplay between neural systems that elicit emotional/bodily states and neural systems that map these emotional/bodily states.[47] A recent lesion mapping study of 152 patients with focal brain lesions conducted by Aron K. Barbey and colleagues provided evidence to help discover the neural mechanisms of emotional intelligence.[48][49][50]", "Decision-making Evaluation and analysis of past decisions is complementary to decision-making. See also Mental accounting and Postmortem documentation.", "Decision-making Information overload is \"a gap between the volume of information and the tools we have to assimilate\" it.[9] Information used in decision making is to reduce or eliminate uncertainty.[10] Excessive information affects problem processing and tasking, which affects decision-making.[11] Crystal C. Hall and colleagues described an \"illusion of knowledge\", which means that as individuals encounter too much knowledge it can interfere with their ability to make rational decisions.[12]", "Decision-making One of the most prominent theories of decision making is subjective expected utility (SEU) theory, which describes the rational behavior of the decision maker.[23] The decision maker assesses different alternatives by their utilities and the subjective probability of occurrence.[23]", "Marketing research Managers make numerous strategic and tactical decisions in the process of identifying and satisfying customer needs. They make decisions about potential opportunities, target market selection, market segmentation, planning and implementing marketing programs, marketing performance, and control. These decisions are complicated by interactions between the controllable marketing variables of product, pricing, promotion, and distribution. Further complications are added by uncontrollable environmental factors such as general economic conditions, technology, public policies and laws, political environment, competition, and social and cultural changes. Another factor in this mix is the complexity of consumers. Marketing research helps the marketing manager link the marketing variables with the environment and the consumers. It helps remove some of the uncertainty by providing relevant information about the marketing variables, environment, and consumers. In the absence of relevant information, consumers' response to marketing programs cannot be predicted reliably or accurately. Ongoing marketing research programs provide information on controllable and non-controllable factors and consumers; this information enhances the effectiveness of decisions made by marketing managers.[5]", "Decision-making In 2008, Kristina Guo published the DECIDE model of decision-making, which has six parts:[17]", "Production–possibility frontier From a macroeconomic perspective, the PPF illustrates the production possibilities available to a nation or economy during a given period of time for broad categories of output. It is traditionally used to show the movement between committing all funds to consumption on the y-axis versus investment on the x-axis. However, an economy may achieve productive efficiency without necessarily being allocatively efficient. Market failure (such as imperfect competition or externalities) and some institutions of social decision-making (such as government and tradition) may lead to the wrong combination of goods being produced (hence the wrong mix of resources being allocated between producing the two goods) compared to what consumers would prefer, given what is feasible on the PPF.[19]", "Decision-making According to B. Aubrey Fisher, there are four stages or phases that should be involved in all group decision-making:[20]", "Decision-making In 2007, Pam Brown of Singleton Hospital in Swansea, Wales, divided the decision-making process into seven steps:[18]", "Market economy David McNally argues that the logic of the market inherently produces inequitable outcomes and leads to unequal exchanges, arguing that Adam Smith's moral intent and moral philosophy espousing equal exchange was undermined by the practice of the free markets he championed. The development of the market economy involved coercion, exploitation and violence that Adam Smith's moral philosophy could not countenance. McNally also criticizes market socialists for believing in the possibility of \"fair\" markets based on equal exchanges to be achieved by purging \"parasitical\" elements from the market economy, such as private ownership of the means of production. McNally argues that market socialism is an oxymoron when socialism is defined as an end to wage-based labor.[17]", "Market economy Robin Hahnel and Michael Albert claim that \"markets inherently produce class division.\"[16] Albert states that even if everyone started out with a balanced job complex (doing a mix of roles of varying creativity, responsibility and empowerment) in a market economy, class divisions would arise.", "Decision-making Decision-making can be regarded as a problem-solving activity terminated by a solution deemed to be optimal, or at least satisfactory. It is therefore a process which can be more or less rational or irrational and can be based on explicit or tacit knowledge and beliefs.", "Economic history of the Russian Federation For about 69 years, the Russian economy and that of the rest of the Soviet Union operated on the basis of a centrally planned economy, with a state control over virtually all means of production and over investment, production, and consumption decisions throughout the economy. Economic policy was made according to directives from the Communist Party, which controlled all aspects of economic activity. Since the collapse of Communism in the early 1990s, Russia has experienced difficulties in making the transition from a centrally planned economy to a market based economy.", "Services marketing In making place decisions, there are several related questions which must be asked. What is the purpose of the distribution program? Who are the customers? Who should the intermediaries be?", "Economy of the United States A central feature of the U.S. economy is the economic freedom afforded to the private sector by allowing the private sector to make the majority of economic decisions in determining the direction and scale of what the U.S. economy produces. This is enhanced by relatively low levels of regulation and government involvement,[343] as well as a court system that generally protects property rights and enforces contracts. Today, the United States is home to 29.6 million small businesses, 30% of the world's millionaires, 40% of the world's billionaires, as well as 139 of the world's 500 largest companies.[344][154][85][345]", "Group decision-making Groups have many advantages and disadvantages when making decisions. Groups, by definition, are composed of two or more people, and for this reason naturally have access to more information and have a greater capacity to process this information.[7] However, they also present a number of liabilities to decision-making, such as requiring more time to make choices and by consequence rushing to a low-quality agreement in order to be timely. Some issues are also so simple that a group decision-making process leads to too many cooks in the kitchen: for such trivial issues, having a group make the decision is overkill and can lead to failure. Because groups offer both advantages and disadvantages in making decisions, Victor Vroom developed a normative model of decision-making[8] that suggests different decision-making methods should be selected depending on the situation. In this model, Vroom identified five different decision-making processes.[7]", "Gift economy Many anarchists, particularly anarcho-primitivists and anarcho-communists, believe that variations on a gift economy may be the key to breaking the cycle of poverty. Therefore, they often desire to refashion all of society into a gift economy. Anarcho-communists advocate a gift economy as an ideal, with neither money, nor markets, nor central planning. This view traces back at least to Peter Kropotkin, who saw in the hunter-gatherer tribes he had visited the paradigm of \"mutual aid\".[68] In place of a market, anarcho-communists, such as those who inhabited some Spanish villages in the 1930s, support a currency-less gift economy where goods and services are produced by workers and distributed in community stores where everyone (including the workers who produced them) is essentially entitled to consume whatever they want or need as payment for their production of goods and services.[69]", "Socialist market economy The economic reform toward a socialist market economy is underpinned by the Marxist framework of historical materialism. In the late 1970s, then-Chairman Deng Xiaoping and the Communist Party leadership rejected the prior Maoist emphasis on culture and political agency as the driving forces behind economic progress and started to place a greater emphasis on advancing the material productive forces as the fundamental and necessary prerequisite for building an advanced socialist society. The adoption of market reforms was seen to be consistent with China's level of development and a necessary step in advancing the productive forces of society. This aligned Chinese policy with a more traditional Marxist perspective where a fully developed socialist planned economy can only come into existence after a market economy has exhausted its historical role and gradually transforms itself into a planned economy, nudged by technological advances that make economic planning possible and therefore market relations less necessary.[6]", "Group decision-making Sometimes, groups may have established and clearly defined standards for making decisions, such as bylaws and statutes. However, it is often the case that the decision-making process is less formal, and might even be implicitly accepted. Social decision schemes are the methods used by a group to combine individual responses to come up with a single group decision. There are a number of these schemes, but the following are the most common:", "Group decision-making In addition to the different processes involved in making decisions, group decision support systems (GDSSs) may have different decision rules. A decision rule is the GDSS protocol a group uses to choose among scenario planning alternatives.", "Consensus decision-making Consensus decision-making models overlap significantly with deliberative methods, which are processes for structuring discussion that may or may not be a lead-in to a decision.", "Market failure It is then a further question about what circumstances allow a monopoly to arise. In some cases, monopolies can maintain themselves where there are \"barriers to entry\" that prevent other companies from effectively entering and competing in an industry or market. Or there could exist significant first-mover advantages in the market that make it difficult for other firms to compete. In another way, a natural monopoly is an extreme case of the failure of competition as a restraint on producers. A natural monopoly is a firm whose per-unit cost decreases as it increases output; in this situation it is most efficient (from a cost perspective) to have only a single producer of a good.", "Group decision-making There are no perfect decision-making rules. Depending on how the rules are implemented in practice and the situation, all of these can lead to situations where either no decision is made, or to situations where decisions made are inconsistent with one another over time.", "Group decision-making The social identity approach suggests a more general approach to group decision-making than the popular groupthink model, which is a narrow look at situations where group and other decision-making is flawed. Social identity analysis suggests that the changes which occur during collective decision-making is part of rational psychological processes which build on the essence of the group in ways that are psychologically efficient, grounded in the social reality experienced by members of the group and have the potential to have a positive impact on society.[3]", "Marketing plan The purpose of a marketing budget is to pull together all the revenues and costs involved in marketing into one comprehensive document. The budget is a managerial tool that balances what is needed to be spent against what can be afforded, and helps make choices about priorities. A budget can further be used to measure a business's performance in the general trends of a business's spending.", "Consensus decision-making Consensus decision-making is an alternative to commonly practiced group decision-making processes.[5] Robert's Rules of Order, for instance, is a guide book used by many organizations. This book allows the structuring of debate and passage of proposals that can be approved through majority vote. It does not emphasize the goal of full agreement. Critics of such a process believe that it can involve adversarial debate and the formation of competing factions. These dynamics may harm group member relationships and undermine the ability of a group to cooperatively implement a contentious decision. Consensus decision-making attempts to address the beliefs of such problems. Proponents claim that outcomes of the consensus process include:[3][6]", "Group decision-making There is much debate as to whether this difference results in decisions that are better or worse. According to the idea of synergy, decisions made collectively tend to be more effective than decisions made by a single individual. However, there are also examples where the decisions made by a group are flawed, such as the Bay of Pigs invasion, the incident on which the groupthink model of group decision-making is based.[2]", "Consensus decision-making There are multiple stepwise models of how to make decisions by consensus. They vary in the amount of detail the steps describe. They also vary depending on how decisions are finalized. The basic model involves", "Economic system There are multiple components to economic system.Decision-making structures of an economy determine the use of economic inputs (the factors of production), distribution of output, the level of centralization in decision-making, and who makes these decisions. Decisions might be carried out by industrial councils, by a government agency, or by private owners.", "Informed consumer Consumer information is the most important element for consumer protection and policy decisions. It is the solution to issues ranging from online transactional threats, behavioural targeting, loss of privacy and other problems.[4] A consumer must treat every purchase as an important Investment. Making an uninformed investment in the stock market can result in huge financial losses to consumer, the similar rule applies to daily purchases. Being an informed consumer is advantageous to the economy, market and consumers . An informed consumer is capable of making sensible decisions, gains an insight about a product prior to its purchase. This insight equips the consumer with the data to arrive at an evidence based conclusion.", "Group decision-making Factors that impact other social group behaviours also affect group decisions. For example, groups high in cohesion, in combination with other antecedent conditions (e.g. ideological homogeneity and insulation from dissenting opinions) have been noted to have a negative effect on group decision-making and hence on group effectiveness.[2] Moreover, when individuals make decisions as part of a group, there is a tendency to exhibit a bias towards discussing shared information (i.e. shared information bias), as opposed to unshared information.", "Market segmentation Positioning is the final step in the S-T-P planning approach; Segmentation→ Targeting → Positioning; a core framework for developing marketing plans and setting objectives. Positioning refers to decisions about how to present the offer in a way that resonates with the target market. During the research and analysis that forms the central part of segmentation and targeting, the marketer will have gained insights into what motivates consumers to purchase a product or brand. These insights will form part of the positioning strategy.", "Market economy Free-market economy refers to an economic system where prices for goods and services are set freely by the forces of supply and demand and are allowed to reach their point of equilibrium without intervention by government policy. It typically entails support for highly competitive markets, private ownership of productive enterprises. Laissez-faire is a more extensive form of free-market economy where the role of the state is limited to protecting property rights.", "Marketing research The purpose of marketing research (MR) is to provide management with relevant, accurate, reliable, valid, and up to date market information. Competitive marketing environment and the ever-increasing costs attributed to poor decision making require that marketing research provide sound information. Sound decisions are not based on gut feeling, intuition, or even pure judgment.", "Group decision-making It is also the case that groups sometimes use discussion to avoid rather than make a decision. Avoidance tactics include the following:[7]", "Consensus decision-making Japanese companies normally use consensus decision-making, meaning that unanimous support on the board of directors is sought for any decision.[67] A ringi-sho is a circulation document used to obtain agreement. It must first be signed by the lowest level manager, and then upwards, and may need to be revised and the process started over.[68]", "Consensus decision-making Another method to achieve more agreement to satisfy a strict threshold a voting process under which all members of the group have a strategic incentive to agree rather than block.[40] However, this makes it very difficult to tell the difference between those who support the decision and those who merely tactically tolerate it for the incentive. Once they receive that incentive, they may undermine or refuse to implement the agreement in various and non-obvious ways. In general voting systems avoid allowing offering incentives (or \"bribes\") to change a heartfelt vote.", "Consensus decision-making Some decision-making bodies use a modified version of the colored card system with additional colors, such as orange to indicate a non-blocking reservation stronger than a stand-aside.[32]", "Consensus decision-making Although the modern popularity of consensus decision-making in Western society dates from the women's liberation movement of the 1970s,[59] and anti-nuclear movement[60] the origins of formal consensus can be traced significantly further back.[61]", "Consensus decision-making Outside of Western culture, multiple other cultures have used consensus decision-making. Perhaps the oldest example is the Iroquois Confederacy Grand Council, or Haudenosaunee, which has used consensus in decision-making using a 75% super majority to finalize decisions,[53] potentially as early as 1142.[54] In the Xulu and Xhosa (South African) process of indaba, community leaders gather to listen to the public and negotiate figurative thresholds towards an acceptable compromise. The technique was also used during the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference.[55][56] In Aceh and Nias cultures (Indonesian), family and regional disputes from playground fights to estate inheritance are handled through a musyawarah consensus-building process in which parties mediate to find peace and avoid future hostility and revenge. The resulting agreements are expected to be followed, and range from advice and warnings to compensation and exile.[57][58]", "Socialist market economy Public ownership in the socialist market economy consists of state-owned assets, collectively owned enterprises, and the publicly owned shares of mixed enterprises. These various forms of public ownership play a dominant role in the socialist market economy alongside substantial private and foreign enterprises.[1]", "Market economy Welfare capitalism refers to a capitalist economy that includes public policies favoring extensive provisions for social welfare services. The economic mechanism involves a free market and the predominance of privately owned enterprises in the economy, but public provision of universal welfare services aimed at enhancing individual autonomy and maximizing equality. Examples of contemporary welfare capitalism include the Nordic model of capitalism predominant in Northern Europe.[8]", "Market economy A more contemporary model of market socialism is that put forth by the American economist John Roemer, referred to as Economic democracy. In this model, social ownership is achieved through public ownership of equity in a market economy. A Bureau of Public Ownership (BPO) would own controlling shares in publicly listed firms, so that the profits generated would be used for public finance and the provision of a basic income.", "Buyer decision process The buying decision process is the decision-making process used by consumers regarding market transactions before, during, and after the purchase of a good or service. It can be seen as a particular form of a cost–benefit analysis in the presence of multiple alternatives.[1][2]", "General Motors From the 1920s onward, General Motors always maintained an internal dialog about what its economy-car and small-car policies should be.[108][109] The economy and size considerations often naturally overlapped, although a strong distinction was always drawn in the 20th century between policies for the U.S. market and policies for other markets. Economy (in some form) always had good demand anywhere, but its definition in the U.S. was long considered different from that in other markets. In this view, \"economy\" in the U.S. did not mean \"small\" in the sense of what qualified as \"small\" outside the U.S. The policy discussion often focused on topics like the higher demand for truly small cars in non-U.S. markets than in the U.S., and whether it made more sense to import a car into a certain country or to build it domestically within that country, either as some variant of knockdown or with truly extensive domestic sourcing.[108] GM's acquisitions of Vauxhall Motors Ltd (UK, 1925)[108] and Adam Opel AG (Germany, 1929),[108] rather than starting new domestic companies to compete against them, were based on analyses that convinced GM managers that acquiring an existing domestic manufacturer was a better business decision.[108]", "Home economics Home economists … found a receptive audience among many of its young female members who expressed interest in learning about how to improve their homes, spend their leisure time, and make decisions about what to buy, what to make at home, and even what books to read.[10] Though men’s participation in Home Economics programs was encouraged it was not actively recruited, and in future courses at universities such as Cornell, men’s roles became entrenched in such courses as hotel management in the hospitality industry.[7]", "Federal Open Market Committee The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC), a committee within the Federal Reserve System (the Fed), is charged under the United States law with overseeing the nation's open market operations (e.g., the Fed's buying and selling of United States Treasury securities).[1] This Federal Reserve committee makes key decisions about interest rates and the growth of the United States money supply.[2]", "Record producer In most cases the music producer is also a competent arranger, composer, musician or songwriter who can bring fresh ideas to a project. As well as making any songwriting and arrangement adjustments, the producer often selects or gives suggestions to the mixing engineer, who takes the raw recorded tracks and edits and modifies them with hardware and software tools and creates a stereo or surround sound \"mix\" of all the individual voices sounds and instruments, which is in turn given further adjustment by a mastering engineer. The producer will also liaise with the recording engineer who concentrates on the technical aspects of recording, whereas the executive producer keeps an eye on the overall project's marketability.", "Buyer decision process Common examples include shopping and deciding what to eat. Decision-making is a psychological construct. This means that although a decision can not be \"seen\", we can infer from observable behaviour that a decision has been made. Therefore, we conclude that a psychological \"decision-making\" event has occurred. It is a construction that imputes commitment to action. That is, based on observable actions, we assume that people have made a commitment to effect the action.", "Economy of Peru The decision to remove controls on the exchange rate had been expected to lead to a much higher foreign-exchange price, to encourage exports, and to permit import liberalization without a surging external deficit. But when the rate was set free, the price of dollars went down instead of going up. That initial effect could be explained by the tight restraints imposed on liquidity, which drove firms and individuals who held dollar balances to convert them to domestic currency in order to keep operating. This movement should presumably have gone into reverse when holdings of dollars ran out, but fully eighteen months later no reversal had occurred. Dollars remained too cheap to make exports profitable and too cheap for many producers to compete against imports for several reasons, including the continuing influx of dollars from the drug trade into street markets and then into the banking system. A second reason has involved the continuing low level of domestic income and production, and corresponding restraint of demand for imports as compared with what they would be in an expanding economy. But perhaps the most fundamental reasons have been the continuing squeeze on liquidity in terms of domestic currency and the resulting high rates of interest for borrowing domestic currency, which strongly favor borrowing dollars instead or repatriating them from abroad. All this means that the economy has had no foreign-exchange problem, but also that incentives to produce for export have been held down severely, when both near-term recovery and longer-term growth badly need the stimulus of rising exports.", "Economy A market-based economy is where goods and services are produced and exchanged according to demand and supply between participants (economic agents) by barter or a medium of exchange with a credit or debit value accepted within the network, such as a unit of currency.", "Group decision-making There are strengths and weaknesses to each of these social decision schemes. Delegation saves time and is a good method for less important decisions, but ignored members might react negatively. Averaging responses will cancel out extreme opinions, but the final decision might disappoint many members. Plurality is the most consistent scheme when superior decisions are being made, and it involves the least amount of effort.[4] Voting, however, may lead to members feeling alienated when they lose a close vote, or to internal politics, or to conformity to other opinions.[5] Consensus schemes involve members more deeply, and tend to lead to high levels of commitment. But, it might be difficult for the group to reach such decisions.[6]", "2008–09 Keynesian resurgence Macroeconomic policy focuses on high level government decisions which affect overall national economies rather than lower level decisions concerning markets for particular goods and services.", "Market penetration Market development aims at non-buying shoppers in targeted markets and new customers in order to maximise the potential market. Before developing a new market, companies should consider all the risks associated with the decision including the profitability of it.[15] If a company is confident about their products and believes its strengths and is enticing to the new consumers, then market development is a suitable strategy for the business.", "Consensus decision-making Unanimous, or apparently unanimous, decisions can have drawbacks.[47] They may be symptoms of a systemic bias, a rigged process (where an agenda is not published in advance or changed when it becomes clear who is present to consent), fear of speaking one's mind, a lack of creativity (to suggest alternatives) or even a lack of courage (to go further along the same road to a more extreme solution that would not achieve unanimous consent).", "Consensus decision-making The nature and meaning of individual gestures varies from group to group. Nonetheless, there is a widely adopted core set of hand signals. These include: wiggling of the fingers on both hands, a gesture sometimes referred to as \"twinkling\", to indicate agreement; raising a fist or crossing both forearms with hands in fists to indicate a block or strong disagreement; and making a \"T\" shape with both hands, the \"time out\" gesture, to call attention to a point of process or order.[28][34][35] One common set of hand signals is called the \"Fist-to-Five\" or \"Fist-of-Five\". In this method each member of the group can hold up a fist to indicate blocking consensus, one finger to suggest changes, two fingers to discuss minor issues, three fingers to indicate willingness to let issue pass without further discussion, four fingers to affirm the decision as a good idea, and five fingers to volunteer to take a lead in implementing the decision.[36] A similar set of hand signals are used by the Occupy Wall Street protesters in their group negotiations.[37]", "Economic globalization International commodity markets, labor markets, and capital markets make up the economy and define economic globalization.[5]", "CARICOM Single Market and Economy The CARICOM Single Market and Economy, also known as the Caribbean Single Market and Economy (CSME), is an integrated development strategy envisioned at the 10th Meeting of the Conference of Heads of Government of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) which took place in July 1990 in Grand Anse, Grenada. The Grand Anse Declaration[1] had three key Features:", "Morocco The major resources of the Moroccan economy are agriculture, phosphates, and tourism. Sales of fish and seafood are important as well. Industry and mining contribute about one-third of the annual GDP. Morocco is the world's third-largest producer of phosphorus after China and the United States,[91] and the price fluctuations of phosphates on the international market greatly influence Morocco's economy.", "Heuristics in judgment and decision-making There are competing theories of human judgment, which differ on whether the use of heuristics is irrational. A cognitive laziness approach argues that heuristics are inevitable shortcuts given the limitations of the human brain. According to the natural assessments approach, some complex calculations are already done rapidly and automatically by the brain, and other judgments make use of these processes rather than calculating from scratch. This has led to a theory called \"attribute substitution\", which says that people often handle a complicated question by answering a different, related question, without being aware that this is what they are doing.[47] A third approach argues that heuristics perform just as well as more complicated decision-making procedures, but more quickly and with less information. This perspective emphasises the \"fast and frugal\" nature of heuristics.[48]", "Marketing information system Developing a MkIS system is becoming extremely important as the strength of economies rely on services and to better understand the specific needs of customers. Kotler, et al. (2006) defined it more broadly as \"people, equipment, and procedures to gather, sort, analyze, evaluate, and distribute needed, timely, and accurate information to marketing decision makers.\"[3]", "History of economic thought They wondered about population growth, because demographic transition had begun in Great Britain at that time. They also asked many fundamental questions, about the source of value, the causes of economic growth and the role of money in the economy. They supported a free-market economy, arguing it was a natural system based upon freedom and property. However, these economists were divided and did not make up a unified current of thought.", "That's What It's All About According to Ronnie Dunn, “It’s [about the] simple things, really. The more you learn, the more you figure out… the more you realize the lessons you learned growing up, the things you feel – that is what really matters. It’s easy to miss that, chasing after a career or whatever – and you do have to work hard in this world, there’s no way around it – but when that gets out of balance with your family, with your friends, with the things that matter… well, that’s what this song is about.[1]”", "Subprime mortgage crisis The risks to the broader economy created by the housing market downturn and subsequent financial market crisis were primary factors in several decisions by central banks around the world to cut interest rates and governments to implement economic stimulus packages. Effects on global stock markets due to the crisis were dramatic. Between 1 January and 11 October 2008, owners of stocks in U.S. corporations suffered about $8 trillion in losses, as their holdings declined in value from $20 trillion to $12 trillion. Losses in other countries averaged about 40%.[24]", "Decision-making The combinational style is characterized by:", "Decision-making \"Unlike the combinational player, the positional player is occupied, first and foremost, with the elaboration of the position that will allow him to develop in the unknown future. In playing the positional style, the player must evaluate relational and material parameters as independent variables. ... The positional style gives the player the opportunity to develop a position until it becomes pregnant with a combination. However, the combination is not the final goal of the positional player – it helps him to achieve the desirable, keeping in mind a predisposition for the future development. The pyrrhic victory is the best example of one's inability to think positionally.\"[35]", "Decision-making When adolescents are exposed to social and emotional stimuli, their socioemotional network is activated as well as areas of the brain involved in reward processing. Because teens often gain a sense of reward from risk-taking behaviors, their repetition becomes ever more probable due to the reward experienced. In this, the process mirrors addiction. Teens can become addicted to risky behavior because they are in a high state of arousal and are rewarded for it not only by their own internal functions but also by their peers around them.", "Decision-making Human performance has been the subject of active research from several perspectives:", "Economic liberalisation in India Before the process of reform began in 1991, the government attempted to close the Indian economy to the outside world. The Indian currency, the rupee, was inconvertible and high tariffs and import licensing prevented foreign goods reaching the market. India also operated a system of central planning for the economy, in which firms required licences to invest and develop. The labyrinthine bureaucracy often led to absurd restrictions—up to 80 agencies had to be satisfied before a firm could be granted a licence to produce and the state would decide what was produced, how much, at what price and what sources of capital were used. The government also prevented firms from laying off workers or closing factories. The central pillar of the policy was import substitution, the belief that India needed to rely on internal markets for development, not international trade—a belief generated by a mixture of socialism and the experience of colonial exploitation. Planning and the state, rather than markets, would determine how much investment was needed in which sectors.", "What About Bob? What About Bob? was a financial success. It grossed $63 million domestically during its original theatrical run plus an additional $29 million in video rentals and sales bringing its overall domestic gross to $92 million.[2]", "Economy After the chaos of two World Wars and the devastating Great Depression, policymakers searched for new ways of controlling the course of the economy. This was explored and discussed by Friedrich August von Hayek (1899–1992) and Milton Friedman (1912–2006) who pleaded for a global free trade and are supposed to be the fathers of the so-called neoliberalism. However, the prevailing view was that held by John Maynard Keynes (1883–1946), who argued for a stronger control of the markets by the state. The theory that the state can alleviate economic problems and instigate economic growth through state manipulation of aggregate demand is called Keynesianism in his honor. In the late 1950s, the economic growth in America and Europe—often called Wirtschaftswunder (ger: economic miracle) —brought up a new form of economy: mass consumption economy. In 1958, John Kenneth Galbraith (1908–2006) was the first to speak of an affluent society. In most of the countries the economic system is called a social market economy.", "Economy of Morocco The major resources of the Moroccan economy are agriculture, phosphate minerals, and tourism. Sales of fish and seafoods are important as well. Industry and mining contribute about one-third of the annual GDP. Morocco is the world's third-largest producer of phosphates (after the United States and China), and the price fluctuations of phosphates on the international market greatly influence Morocco's economy. Tourism and workers' remittances have played a critical role since independence. The production of textiles and clothing is part of a growing manufacturing sector that accounted for approximately 34% of total exports in 2002, employing 40% of the industrial workforce. The government wishes to increase 3 exports from $1.27 billion in 2001 to $3.29 billion in 2010.", "Economy of Mexico Some experts including analysts at Goldman Sachs who coined the term BRIC in reference to the growing economies of Brazil, Russia, India, and China for marketing purposes believe that Mexico is going to be the 5th or 6th biggest economy in the world by the year 2050, behind China, United States, India, Brazil, and possibly Russia.", "Free market Critics of free market economics range from those who reject markets entirely in favour of a planned economy as advocated by various Marxists, to those who wish to see market failures regulated to various degrees or supplemented by government interventions. Keynesians support market roles for government, such as using fiscal policy for economic stimulus when actions in the private sector lead to sub-optimal economic outcomes of depressions or recessions. Business cycle theory is used by Keynesians to explain liquidity traps, by which underconsumption occurs, to argue for government intervention with fiscal policy.", "Target market The 4p's, also widely known as the marketing mix or occasionally as the marketing program, is a framework commonly used in marketing that covers four activities that make up the responsibilities of a marketing department or the marketing function. The marketing mix or marketing program is understood to refer to the \"set of marketing tools that the firm uses to pursue its marketing objectives in the target market\".[13] The traditional marketing mix refers to four broad levels of marketing decision, namely: product, price, promotion, and place.[14] When implemented successfully, these activities should deliver a firm's products or services to target consumers in a cost efficient manner. The four core marketing activities include: product, price, place and promotion.[15]", "Marketing management If the company has obtained an adequate understanding of the customer base and its own competitive position in the industry, marketing managers are able to make their own key strategic decisions and develop a marketing strategy designed to maximize the revenues and profits of the firm. The selected strategy may aim for any of a variety of specific objectives, including optimizing short-term unit margins, revenue growth, market share, long-term profitability, or other goals.", "Public participation Although broad agreements exist, the notion of public participation in environmental decision-making has been subject to a sustained critique concerning the real outcome of participatory environmental governance. Critics argue that public participation tends to focus on reaching a consensus between actors who share the same values and seek the same outcomes. However, the uncertain nature of many of the environmental issues would undermine the validity of public participation, given that in many cases the actors come to the table of discussion hold very different perceptions of the problem and solution which are unlikely to be welded into a consensus due to the incommensurability of different positions.[20] This may run the risk of expert bias, which generates further exclusion as those who are antagonistic to the consensus would be marginalised in the environmental decision-making process, which violates the assumed advantage of participatory approach to produce democratic environmental decisions. This raises the further question of whether consensus should be the measure of a successful outcome of participation.[21] As Davies suggests, participative democracy could not guarantee the substantive environmental benefits ‘if there are competing views of what the environment should be like and what it is valuable for’.[22] Consequently, who should be involved at what points in the process of environmental decision-making and what is the goal of this kind of participation become central to the debates on public participation as a key issue in environmental governance.[16]", "Marketing The traditional marketing mix refers to four broad levels of marketing decision, namely: product, price, promotion, and place.[40][41]", "Fayetteville, North Carolina Fort Bragg is the backbone of the county's economy. Fort Bragg and Pope Field pump about $4.5 billion a year into the region's economy,[24] making Fayetteville one of the best retail markets in the country. Fayetteville serves as the region's hub for shops, restaurants, services, lodging, health care and entertainment. Fayetteville boasts a low unemployment rate with a large labor pool of trained professionals.", "Consensus decision-making Furthermore, consent, as within Sociocracy, is defined simply by the absence of reasonable objections. An objection is a reason why doing what is proposed stands in the way of satisfying needs or goals, which the proposal aims to satisfy. Consent deliberately seeks objections, which reveal wisdom that can be used to improve proposals and agreements.", "Marketing information system 2. Application software. These are the programs that marketing decision makers use to collect, analyze, and manage data for the purpose of developing the information necessary for marketing decisions.", "Economy of Namibia The Namibian economy has a modern market sector, which produces most of the country's wealth, and a traditional subsistence sector. Although the majority of the population engages in subsistence agriculture and herding, Namibia has more than 200,000 skilled workers and a considerable number of well-trained professionals and managerials.[7]", "Trend Following: Learn to Make Millions in Up or Down Markets Trend Following: Learn to Make Millions in Up or Down Markets is an international bestseller written by Michael Covel.[1] It is about the investment strategy known as trend following, which utilizes the market trend mechanism and benefits from both sides of the market, enjoying profits from ups and downs of the stock or futures markets.[2]", "CARICOM Single Market and Economy Phase 2 is to take place between 2010 and 2015[9] and consists of the consolidation and completion of the Single Economy. It is expected that decisions taken during Phase 1 would be implemented within this time period, although the details will depend on the technical work, consultations and decisions that would have been taken. Phase 2 will include:", "List of Doctor Who producers This is a series of lists of those who have received a producer credit (executive, associate, etc.) on the long-running British science fiction television programme Doctor Who. The definition of producer has changed over the years, as has the nature of television production. Therefore, the list is just of those receiving a producer credit on-screen and not those who have effectively fulfilled producers' roles for the show, such as Terrance Dicks' brief tenure as producer before the arrival of Barry Letts, and a brief spell by David Maloney in 1978 when Graham Williams was incapacitated. It also excludes those who have produced Doctor Who outside the regular series only, such as animated or charity episodes, and in other media, such as the audio dramas from Big Finish Productions.", "Market basket A market basket or commodity bundle is a fixed list of items, in given proportions, used specifically to track the progress of inflation in an economy or specific market.", "Market economy Libertarian socialists and left-anarchists often promote a form of market socialism in which enterprises are owned and managed cooperatively by their workforce so that the profits directly remunerate the employee-owners. These cooperative enterprises would compete with each other in the same way private companies compete with each other in a capitalist market. The first major elaboration of this type of market socialism was made by Pierre Joseph Proudhon and was called \"mutualism\".", "Capitalist mode of production (Marxist theory) “Capitalism” as this money-making activity has existed in the shape of merchants and money-lenders who acted as intermediaries between consumers and producers engaging in simple commodity production (hence the reference to “merchant capitalism”) since the beginnings of civilization. What is specific about the “capitalist mode of production” is that most of the inputs and outputs of production are supplied through the market (i.e. they are commodities) and essentially all production is in this mode. For example, in flourishing Feudalism, most or all of the factors of production including labor are owned by the feudal ruling class outright and the products may also be consumed without a market of any kind, it is production for use within the feudal social unit and for limited trade.", "Marketing In a product innovation approach, the company pursues product innovation, then tries to develop a market for the product. Product innovation drives the process and marketing research is conducted primarily to ensure that profitable market segment(s) exist for the innovation. The rationale is that customers may not know what options will be available to them in the future so we should not expect them to tell us what they will buy in the future. However, marketers can aggressively over-pursue product innovation and try to overcapitalize on a niche. When pursuing a product innovation approach, marketers must ensure that they have a varied and multi-tiered approach to product innovation. It is claimed that if Thomas Edison depended on marketing research he would have produced larger candles rather than inventing light bulbs. Many firms, such as research and development focused companies, successfully focus on product innovation. Many purists doubt whether this is really a form of marketing orientation at all, because of the ex post status of consumer research. Some even question whether it is marketing.", "Consensus decision-making The Levi Hand Signal Technique (LHST) employed by Otesha[30] \"allows meeting participants to register their intent to make two distinct kinds of comments: those that are directly in response to someone else's comment ('reactive comments') and those that are separate thoughts ('unique comments'). Intent to register a reactive comment is signaled by a different hand signal than is intent to register a unique comment. We used an index finger for the former and a full hand for the latter.\" This clears direct responses to a contentious comment faster—and makes it harder to insert it in a long speakers' list and count on a long delay between the utterance and the challenge to create the appearance of agreement.", "Decision management Decision management is described as an \"emerging important discipline, due to an increasing need to automate high-volume decisions across the enterprise and to impart precision, consistency, and agility in the decision-making process\".[1] Decision management is implemented \"via the use of rule-based systems and analytic models for enabling high-volume, automated decision making\".[1]", "Industrial market segmentation One of the most significant uses of industrial market segmentation schemes is to make targeting and product positioning decisions. Companies chose to target some segments and downplay or avoid other segments in order to maximize their competitive advantage and the likelihood of success." ]
when is the new tappan zee bridge going to be finished
[ "Tappan Zee Bridge (2017–present) Tappan Zee Constructors began construction in 2013. The north span officially opened to westbound traffic on August 26, 2017; it also opened to eastbound traffic on October 6, 2017. Tappan Zee Constructors then began demolishing the old bridge. Eastbound traffic will be switched to the south span upon its completion. Both spans are expected to be operational by June 15, 2018." ]
[ "Tappan Zee Bridge Tappan Zee Bridge may refer to:", "New Tappan Zee Bridge The New Tappan Zee Bridge,[4][5] also known as the New NY Bridge[6] and officially named the Governor Mario M. Cuomo Bridge after the late former governor Mario Cuomo,[7] is a twin cable-stayed bridge being built to replace the current original Tappan Zee Bridge over New York's Hudson River. The new bridges are to the north of and roughly parallel to the existing Tappan Zee Bridge, and cross the Hudson River in a parallel east-to-west direction. In the final configuration, the north span will carry the northbound traffic of I-87, westbound traffic of I-287, and a bicycle/pedestrian path, with the south span that will carry southbound and eastbound traffic of I-87 and I-287, respectively. Construction began in 2013, and at 1:36 A.M. on August 26, 2017, the north span officially opened to westbound traffic. Eastbound traffic was switched onto the same span on October 6, 2017[8]. Tappan Zee Constructers are currently demolishing the old bridge and completing the south span, which eastbound traffic will use once complete. Both spans are expected to be operational by June 15, 2018.", "New Tappan Zee Bridge The new Tappan Zee Bridge was built by Tappan Zee Constructors, a design-build LLC composed of Fluor Corporation, American Bridge Company, Granite Construction Northeast and Traylor Bros. The Left Coast Lifter was used to install groups of pre-assembled girders one full span at a time.[24] By the end of 2013, General Electric had completed four seasons of dredging to remove contaminants from the river bottom. Approximately 70 percent of the sediments targeted for dredging were removed (totaling more than 1,900,000 cubic yards (1,500,000 m3) of sediment).[25]", "New Tappan Zee Bridge The deteriorating current structure bears an average of 138,000 vehicles per day, substantially more traffic than its designed capacity. During its first decade, the bridge carried fewer than 40,000 vehicles per day. Part of the justification for replacing the bridge stems from its construction immediately following the Korean War on a low budget of only $81 million. Unlike other major bridges in metropolitan New York, the Tappan Zee Bridge was designed to last only 50 years.[9] The new bridge is intended to last at least 100 years.[10]", "Tappan Zee Bridge (2017–present) The deteriorating structure bore an average of 138,000 vehicles per day, substantially more traffic than its designed capacity. During its first decade, the bridge carried fewer than 40,000 vehicles per day. Part of the justification for replacing the bridge stemmed from its construction immediately following the Korean War on a low budget of only $81 million. Unlike other major bridges in metropolitan New York, the Tappan Zee Bridge was designed to last only 50 years.[4] The new bridge is intended to last at least 100 years.[5]", "Hudson River The Hudson is crossed at numerous points by bridges, tunnels, and ferries. The width of the Lower Hudson River required major feats of engineering to cross, the results today visible in the George Washington Bridge and the Tappan Zee Bridge (soon to be replaced by the New Tappan Zee Bridge) as well as the Lincoln and Holland Tunnels and the PATH and Pennsylvania Railroad tubes. The George Washington Bridge, which carries multiple highways, connects Fort Lee, New Jersey to the Washington Heights neighborhood of Upper Manhattan, and is the world's busiest motor vehicle bridge.[9] The Tappan Zee Bridge is the longest bridge in New York, although the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge has a larger main span. The Troy Union Bridge between Waterford and Troy was the first bridge over the Hudson; built in 1804 and destroyed in 1909;[85] its replacement, the Troy–Waterford Bridge, was built in 1909.[86] The Rensselaer and Saratoga Railroad was chartered in 1832 and opened in 1835, including the Green Island Bridge, the second bridge over the Hudson south of the Federal Dam.[78]", "Tappan Zee Bridge (2017–present) The New York Metropolitan Transportation Council added the Tappan Zee Bridge to its list of projects eligible for federal funds in August 2012.[17] The United States Department of Transportation approved the plan on September 25, 2012. The approval process took fewer than 10 months as opposed to the traditional multi-year process as a result of being placed on a \"fast track\" for approval by the Obama Administration.[18] On December 17, 2012, New York state officials dropped their proposal for a 45 percent increase on the state Thruway toll for trucks, while advancing a $3.14 billion project to replace the bridge.[19]", "New Haven Line The New York State Department of Transportation, the New York State Thruway Authority, and Metro-North conducted extensive studies concerning the replacement of the deteriorated Tappan Zee Bridge. Proposals for rail connections to the New Haven Line were ultimately rejected as too expensive.", "George Washington Bridge For traffic from further away, such as traffic between New England (and points north/east) and Pennsylvania (and points south/west), Interstate 84, which crosses the Hudson on the Newburgh–Beacon Bridge, is often used as an alternative rather than either the GWB or the Tappan Zee Bridge, as it avoids the inner New York metropolitan area and is a less congested route.", "New Tappan Zee Bridge Originally, some motorists thought that bridge tolls could more than double (to $12-$15 for automobiles, eastbound only), rising to those of New York City's Hudson River crossings.[10] However, the state passed legislation freezing the toll on the bridge at $5 through 2020 in its 2016 legislative session.[20]", "New Tappan Zee Bridge On July 19, 2016, a crane used for construction of the bridge collapsed onto the existing older bridge. Five people were injured, including three drivers and two bridge workers; no one was killed or critically injured.[29][30]", "Hudson River Afterward, leaving the Hudson Highlands, the river enters Haverstraw Bay, the widest point of the river at 3.5 miles (5.6 km) wide.[4] Shortly thereafter, the river forms the Tappan Zee and flows under the Tappan Zee Bridge, which carries the New York State Thruway between Tarrytown and Nyack in Westchester and Rockland Counties respectively. South of the Tappan Zee Bridge, the west bank of the Hudson becomes Bergen and Hudson Counties of New Jersey, and further south the east bank of the river becomes Yonkers and then the Riverdale neighborhood of the Bronx in New York City. The Palisades, large, rocky cliffs along the west bank of the river, begin along the west bank of the river opposite the Bronx. South of the confluence of the Hudson and Spuyten Duyvil Creek, the east bank of the river becomes Manhattan.[7] The river is sometimes still called the North River at this point. The George Washington Bridge crosses the river between Fort Lee and the Washington Heights neighborhood of Manhattan.[9] The Lincoln Tunnel and the Holland Tunnel also cross under the river between Manhattan and New Jersey. South of the Battery, the river proper ends, meeting the East River to form Upper New York Bay, also known as New York Harbor. Its outflow continues through The Narrows between Brooklyn and Staten Island, under the Verrazano Bridge, and into Lower New York Bay and the Atlantic Ocean.[7]", "New York State Thruway When the Thruway opened in the mid-1950s, the cost to travel from Buffalo to New York City was $5.60 (equivalent to $41.00 in 2016). The closed ticket system, which at the time extended from Spring Valley to Williamsville, accounted for $5 of the toll, while the remaining $0.60 was charged at the Yonkers ($0.10) and Tappan Zee ($0.50) toll barriers.[51][17] As of April 2010, this trip costs $24.60: $18.35 for the closed ticket system from Williamsville to Woodbury, $5 for the Tappan Zee Bridge, and $1.25 for the Yonkers toll barrier.[56] After the south end of the major closed ticket system was moved from Spring Valley to Woodbury, the Spring Valley toll barrier became a fixed-rate toll for both cars and trucks.[52] The toll for cars was removed in July 1997. At the time, the toll was $0.40 (equivalent to $1.00 in 2016).[17][57]", "Sleepy Hollow (TV series) Aerial footage for the series is filmed over the actual village of Sleepy Hollow and the surrounding Tappan Zee region of New York.", "New Jersey Turnpike The purpose of this extension was to give motorists a \"more direct bypass of the New York City area\" to New England, by using the Tappan Zee Bridge. The extension was to parallel NY Route 303 and the present-day CSX River Line, and have limited interchanges. It was to have an interchange with the Palisades Interstate Parkway and at I-87/New York State Thruway in West Nyack. This project did not survive; by 1970, it became too expensive to buy right-of-way access, and community opposition was fierce. Therefore, the New Jersey Turnpike Authority and the New York State Thruway Authority cancelled the project.[38]", "2009 Taconic State Parkway crash At about 1 p.m., another call was made to Hance from Schuler's cell phone. During this call, one of Schuler's nieces reportedly told her father that Schuler was having trouble seeing and speaking clearly. Schuler herself then talked to Hance and said that she was disoriented and couldn't see clearly. Police believe that the car was stopped in a pull-off area beyond the Tappan Zee Bridge tollbooths for at least part of this call. Hance reportedly told Schuler to stay off the road while he came to meet them; follow-up calls from Hance to Schuler were not answered. For some unknown reason, she left her cell phone on the highway, which was found by another motorist by the side of the road near the toll lanes of the Tappan Zee Bridge.[9][14][16][17]", "Tappan Zee Bridge (2017–present) In the new bridge's final configuration, the north span will carry the northbound and westbound automobile traffic of I-87 and I-287; it will also carry a shared-use path for bicycles and pedestrians. The south span will carry the southbound and eastbound automobile traffic of I-87 and I-287.", "Hudson Line (Metro-North) Smaller, local-only suburban stations are passed as the Tappan Zee Bridge appears to the north and the river widens. Finally, between Irvington and Tarrytown, it passes overhead, as does the inevitable replacement known as the Governor Mario M. Cuomo Bridge. Rockland County fades to almost three miles (4.8 km) away across Haverstraw Bay. But after passing through Sing Sing prison, the train reaches Ossining, where a ferry brings travelers across the wide river.", "New York metropolitan area Known for its hilly terrain, picturesque settings, and quaint small towns and villages, the Lower Hudson Valley is centered around the Hudson River north of New York City and lies within New York State. Westchester and Putnam counties are located on the eastern side of the river, and Rockland and Orange counties are located on the western side of the river. Westchester and Rockland counties are connected by the heavily trafficked New Tappan Zee Bridge, as well as by the Bear Mountain Bridge near their northern ends. Several branches of the MTA Metro-North Railroad serve the region's rail commuters. Southern Westchester County contains more densely populated areas and includes the cities of Yonkers, Mount Vernon, New Rochelle, and White Plains. Although many of the suburban communities of Westchester are known for their affluence and expense (some examples: Scarsdale, Chappaqua, Armonk, Katonah, and Briarcliff Manor), the Lower Hudson Valley as a whole is one of the fastest-growing areas in the metropolitan area because of high housing costs in New York City and the inner suburbs.", "Pearl River High School (New York) Pearl River's main rival is the Nanuet High School Golden Knights. Each year, this rivalry takes center stage during their annual football game, dubbed the 'Little Brown Jug Game.' Pearl River has another rival, the Tappan Zee High School Dutchmen. The two schools play each other annually in football in a game known as the 'Orange Bowl.'", "Hudson Valley The Hudson River valley runs primarily north to south down the eastern edge of New York State, cutting through a series of rock types including Triassic sandstones and redbeds in the south and much more ancient Precambrian gneiss in the north (and east). In the Hudson Highlands, the river enters a fjord cut during previous ice ages. To the west lie the extensive Appalachian highlands. In the Tappan Zee region, the west side of the river has high cliffs produced by an erosion-resistant diabase; these cliffs range from 400–800 feet in height.[2]", "Ginger Zee After graduating from college, Zee worked for various media outlets such as WEYI-TV in Flint, Michigan, WYIN-TV in Merrillville, Indiana, WLAV-FM and WOOD-TV both in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and WMAQ in Chicago, Illinois, an NBC owned and operated station.[10] While working at WMAQ from 2006-2011, Zee was once asked to fill in as a guest meteorologist on the weekend edition of The Today Show, and this fulfilled her high school goal.[1][11] In addition, Zee is an AMS Certified Broadcast Meteorologist.[12]", "Zee World Zee World is an English-Bollywood channel in South Africa which launched on 3 February 2015 and is exclusive to the DStv service. It carries domestic programming from India dubbed from several languages (Hindi, Tamil & Telugu) into English. The channel is owned by Zee Entertainment Enterprises and has offices in Gordon's Bay, South Africa.", "New York State Thruway All three highways take generally parallel tracks to Elmsford, where I-87 directly intersects the Saw Mill River Parkway at exit 7A. Not far to the north is exit 8, a semi-directional T interchange with I-287 (the Cross-Westchester Expressway). I-287 joins the Thruway here, following I-87 west across the Hudson River into Rockland County on the Tappan Zee Bridge. I-87 and I-287 remain overlapped for 15 miles (24 km) through the densely populated southern portion of Rockland County, meeting the Palisades Interstate Parkway and the New York segment of the Garden State Parkway at exits 13 and 14A, respectively. The Thruway continues generally westward to Suffern, where I-87 and I-287 split at a large semi-directional T interchange (exit 15) near the New Jersey border. At this point, I-287 heads south into New Jersey while I-87 and the Thruway turn northward into the valley of the Ramapo River. Northbound Route 17 briefly joins the Thruway at the interchange with I-287 in Suffern, and leaves the Thruway a half mile north at Exit 15A in Hillburn.[10]", "Ruby Bridges In early 1960, Bridges was one of six black children in New Orleans to pass the test that determined whether they could go to the all-white school, William Frantz Elementary. Two of the six decided to stay at their old school, Bridges went to a school by herself, and three children were transferred to McDonogh No. 19 and became known as the McDonogh Three. Bridges and her mother were escorted to school by four federal marshals during the first year Bridges attended William Frantz Elementary.[5]", "Charles Bridge Charles Bridge (Czech: Karlův most [ˈkarluːf ˈmost] ( listen)) is a historic bridge that crosses the Vltava river in Prague, Czech Republic. Its construction started in 1357 under the auspices of King Charles IV, and finished in the beginning of the 15th century.[2] The bridge replaced the old Judith Bridge built 1158–1172 that had been badly damaged by a flood in 1342. This new bridge was originally called Stone Bridge (Kamenný most) or Prague Bridge (Pražský most) but has been \"Charles Bridge\" since 1870.[2] As the only means of crossing the river Vltava (Moldau) until 1841, Charles Bridge was the most important connection between Prague Castle and the city's Old Town and adjacent areas. This \"solid-land\" connection made Prague important as a trade route between Eastern and Western Europe.", "Chesapeake Bay Bridge While there are no pedestrian facilities on the bridge, the Bay Bridge Walk and Governor's Bay Bridge Run used to afford an opportunity to cross the bridge on foot, usually on the first Sunday in May.[26] The events took place on the eastbound span, which was closed to vehicles while two-way traffic shared the westbound span. Participants started on the east end of the bridge (on Kent Island) and proceeded west to the finish near the toll plaza. WMATA and MTA transit buses transported participants between outlying parking areas and the start and finish points.", "Cooper River Bridge Run Major alterations to the course were necessary for 2006 as USA Track and Field had to measure a new course to reflect the opening of the Arthur Ravenel, Jr. Bridge and construction on the Ansonborough Fields complex resulted in the moving of the finish line away from Alexander Street, where it had been set since 2000, and a new finish line at George Street and Meeting Street, across from the Carolina First Arena in Charleston, was established. The finish festival was held at Marion Square, which is located a short walk as runners made the cooldown from the finish line.", "Greenville Bridge HNTB, of Kansas City, Missouri, was the designer and consulting engineer for both the new bridge as well as the original Benjamin G. Humphreys Bridge.[4] The federal government provided $110 million to begin building the main part of the bridge consisting long spans supported by cables. The main superstructure construction began in December 2001.[5] Massman Construction Company in a joint venture with Traylor Brothers, Inc. received the contract to construct two large piers in the river; these were built using both floating caissons and open caisson construction.[6] The construction on the last main span section of the bridge was finished in April 2006.[7]", "They Won't Go When I Go \"They Won't Go When I Go\" is a song co-written and performed by Stevie Wonder from his 1974 album Fulfillingness' First Finale.", "Sony Ten In 2005, Zee Entertainment Enterprises launched Zee Sports as their 24-hour sports broadcasting network. Later, in November 2006, Zee acquired Taj Television India as a subsidiary. In 2010, a new channel named Ten Cricket was launched. Zee Sports was rebranded to Ten Action in 2010, which featured adventures sports and non-cricket content such as tennis and football. Ten also launched a separate feed for Pakistan.", "Dun & Bradstreet Dun & Bradstreet traces its history back to July 20, 1841, with the formation of The Mercantile Agency in New York City by Lewis Tappan, later called R.G. Dun & Company.[11] Recognizing the need for a centralized credit reporting system, Tappan formed the company to create a network of correspondents who would provide reliable, objective credit information to subscribers.[12] As an advocate for civil rights, Tappan used his abolitionist connections to expand and update the company’s credit information.[13] In spite of accusations for invading personal privacy, by 1844 the Mercantile Agency had over 280 clients. The agency continued to expand allowing offices to open in Boston, Philadelphia, and Baltimore. By 1849, Tappan retired, allowing Benjamin Douglass to take over the booming business.[14]", "Ruby Bridges Ruby Bridges was born in Tylertown, Mississippi, to Abon and Lucille Bridges. When she was four years old, the family relocated to New Orleans, Louisiana. In 1960, when she was six years old, her parents responded to a request from the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and volunteered her to participate in the integration of the New Orleans school system, even though her father was hesitant.[4]", "Ambassador Bridge The bridge is owned by Grosse Pointe billionaire Manuel Moroun through the Detroit International Bridge Company in the United States[4] and the Canadian Transit Company in Canada.[5] In 1979, when the previous owners of the bridge put it on the New York Stock Exchange and shares were traded, Moroun was able to buy shares, eventually acquiring the bridge.[6][7] The bridge carries 60 to 70 percent of commercial truck traffic in the region.[8][9] Moroun also owns the Ammex Detroit Duty Free Stores at both the bridge and the tunnel.[10]", "George Washington Bridge Construction on the bridge began in October 1927 as a project of the Port of New York Authority.[11] The bridge's chief engineer was Othmar Ammann, with Cass Gilbert as architect.[12] Geologists made 300-foot (91 m) test bores on the New Jersey side to determine if the geological strata would support the bridge.[13] When construction started, the estimated cost of the bridge was $75,000,000.[14] It was expected to carry 8 million vehicles and 1.5 million pedestrians in its first year of operation.[13]", "Cooper River Bridge Run The total Bridge Run and Walk participants in 2004 was 29,930. Females accounted for 45.1% of finishers.", "Mumbai The wide range of cable channels available includes Zee Marathi, Zee Talkies, ETV Marathi, Star Pravah, Mi Marathi, DD Sahyadri (All Marathi channels), news channels such as ABP Majha, IBN-Lokmat, Zee 24 Taas, sports channels like ESPN, Star Sports, National entertainment channels like Colors, Sony, Zee TV and Star Plus, business news channels like CNBC Awaaz, Zee Business, ET Now and Bloomberg UTV. News channels entirely dedicated to Mumbai include Sahara Samay Mumbai. Zing a popular Bollywood gossip channel is also based out of Mumbai. Satellite television (DTH) has yet to gain mass acceptance, due to high installation costs.[350] Prominent DTH entertainment services in Mumbai include Dish TV and Tata Sky.[351]", "When the Stars Go Blue The original recording of \"When the Stars Go Blue\" on the Gold album received little attention by critics due to the timing of the release and Adams' overwhelmingly large and ranging catalog. The Gold album was released on 25 September 2001, with a lead track called, \"New York, New York\", which became a radio hit in the wake of the attacks on the World Trade Center. In the next year, Adams produced material that could have made up four albums.[1] Critics have been known to be averse to reviewing Adams' works due to the large quantity and variety of his works.[2] Adams has had numerous attacks for his \"genre hopping\" and has been labeled as \"musically bipolar\" by critics.[3] It wasn't until Tim McGraw's cover that the song got critical attention. When Adams performs \"When the Stars Go Blue\" in concert now, critics note Adams' \"masterful ballad\" performances,[4] and \"When the Stars Go Blue,\" is the \"most gorgeous ballad on the [Gold] album\".[5]", "Cooper River Bridge Run With entrants exceeding 8,500 and a new 7,000 meter walk added, totaling over 10,000 participants, and tighter restrictions on weight on the Grace Bridge, in 1995 officials returned the Bridge Run to the Pearman bridge, with all three lanes being used, as traffic to Charleston could now be diverted to the Don N. Holt Bridge near Daniel Island on Interstate 526, which had opened in 1992. A new start line on SC 703 near Live Oak Street was positioned with runners passing Coming, Line, King, Market, and Meeting at Marion Square. With congestion becoming a concern, a year later officials moved back the finish to the corner of Meeting and Calhoun in Marion Square, resulting in a corresponding move back of the start on SC 703.", "List of bridges and tunnels in New York City New York's crossings date back to 1693, when its first bridge, known as the King's Bridge, was constructed over Spuyten Duyvil Creek between Manhattan and the Bronx, located in the present-day Kingsbridge neighborhood. The bridge, composed of stone abutments and a timber deck, was demolished in 1917. The oldest crossing still standing is High Bridge, built 1848 to carry the Croton Aqueduct from Manhattan to the Bronx over the Harlem River.[5] This bridge was built to carry water to the city as part of the Croton Aqueduct system.", "Royal Gorge Bridge In October 2003, while performing a proximity demonstration, wingsuiter Dwain Weston was killed attempting to fly over the bridge.[22] Weston was wearing a wingsuit, a skydiving suit with fabric extended below the arms to the body and between the legs to catch air, allowing for horizontal travel when skydiving. He was to go over the bridge while fellow skydiver Jeb Corliss was to go under it. Misjudging his distance from the bridge, Weston struck a railing while traveling an estimated 120 mph, severing his leg at the hip. He fell onto a ledge in the gorge under a parachute that had opened on impact, though it is assumed he had already died.[23][24][25]", "Adam's Bridge Pamban Island (Tamil Nadu, India) with its small port of Rameswaram is about 2 km from mainland India. The Pamban Bridge crossing the Pamban channel links Pamban Island with mainland India. It refers to both: a road bridge and a cantilever railway bridge. Small boats would go below the 2,065-metre-long (6,775 ft) road bridge, and the railway bridge would open up.", "When the Lights Go On Again When the lights go on again all over the world\nAnd the boys are home again all over the world\nAnd rain or snow is all that may fall from the skies above\nA kiss won't mean \"goodbye\" but \"hello to love\"\n\nWhen the lights go on again all over the world\nAnd the ships will sail again all over the world\nThen we'll have time for things like wedding rings and free hearts will sing\nWhen the lights go on again all over the world\n\nWhen the lights go on again all over the world\nAnd the ships will sail again all over the world\nThen we'll have time for things like wedding rings and free hearts will sing\nWhen the lights go on again all over the world", "Peggy Shippen After a military trial, Major André was condemned to death as a common spy and was hanged at Tappan, New York. He was later re-interred in London's Westminster Abbey.[13]", "Roman bridge The largest rivers to be spanned by solid bridges by the Romans were the Danube and the Rhine, the two largest European rivers west of the Eurasian Steppe. The lower Danube was crossed by least two (Trajan's Bridge, Constantine's Bridge) and the middle and lower Rhine by four different bridges (Roman Bridge at Mainz, Caesar's Rhine bridges, Roman Bridge at Koblenz, Roman Bridge at Cologne). For rivers with strong currents and to allow swift army movements, pontoon bridges were also routinely employed.[16] Going from the distinct lack of records of pre-modern solid bridges spanning larger rivers,[17] the Roman feat appears to be unsurpassed anywhere in the world until into the 19th century.", "New River Gorge Bridge The New River Gorge Bridge as seen from a small fixed-wing airplane. The Tunney Hunsaker Bridge is also visible.", "Humber Bridge In July 2013, work began on introducing a new electronic tolling system.[19] The existing Humber Bridge toll system is largely the same as it was when the bridge opened in 1981, and uses a computer system that is over 15 years old. This obsolete technology requires an increasing amount of maintenance and needs replacing.[citation needed]", "Queensboro Bridge The Queensboro Bridge carries New York State Route 25, which terminates at the west (Manhattan) side of the bridge. The bridge once carried NY 24 and NY 25A as well. The western leg of the Queensboro Bridge is flanked on its northern side by the freestanding Roosevelt Island Tramway. The bridge was, for a long time, simply called the Queensboro Bridge, but in March 2011, the bridge was officially renamed in honor of former New York City mayor Ed Koch.", "Watkins Glen International Prior to the 2014 season, the track was cleaning out a storage barn on track property when the original Dunlop Bridge was found. The bridge was originally used as a VIP area for Dunlop until being moved for use as the starters stand years later. It was taken down and replaced by a new starters stand during renovations in 2006. The bridge was put back up at the exit to the 90 near the original location where it once stood near the original start/finish line for the track and is now once again used for VIP use by companies on race weekends with the company sponsoring the bridge.", "Øresund Bridge Despite two schedule setbacks – the discovery of 16 unexploded World War II bombs on the seafloor and an inadvertently skewed tunnel segment – the bridge-tunnel was finished three months ahead of schedule.", "Indian Cricket League The pain of denial has been with Chandra since 2000 when the ICC World Cup rights were sold to NewsCorp's Global Cricket Corporation (GCC) for $550 million despite Zee bidding the highest at $650 million citing Zee's insufficient sports marketing experience.", "Tower Bridge The renovation of the walkway interior was completed in mid-2009. Within the walkways a versatile new lighting system has been installed, designed by Eleni Shiarlis, for when the walkways are in use for exhibitions or functions. The new system provides for both feature and atmospheric lighting, the latter using bespoke RGB LED luminaires, designed to be concealed within the bridge superstructure and fixed without the need for drilling (these requirements as a result of the bridge's Grade I status).[17]", "Arthur Ravenel Jr. Bridge The bridge is home to the annual USA Track & Field 10,000 meter (6.2 mi) Cooper River Bridge Run on the first weekend of April. This event attracts up to 50,000 people. The route starts in Mount Pleasant and finishes in downtown Charleston at Marion Square.", "Brooklyn Bridge In February 1867, the New York State Senate passed a bill that allowed the construction of a suspension bridge from Brooklyn to Manhattan.[19] Two months later, the New York and Brooklyn Bridge Company was incorporated. The company was tasked with constructing what was then known as the New York and Brooklyn Bridge.[20][21]", "Ambassador Bridge A new bridge, the Gordie Howe International Bridge, proposed by the Detroit River International Crossing (DRIC) commission,[11] has been approved for construction by the Canadian and United States governments. The new bridge further downriver between Detroit and Windsor will be owned and operated by the Windsor-Detroit Bridge Authority, a Crown corporation owned by the Canadian federal government.", "Bifröst In his translation of the Prose Edda, Henry Adams Bellows comments that the Grímnismál stanza mentioning Thor and the bridge stanza may mean that \"Thor has to go on foot in the last days of the destruction, when the bridge is burning. Another interpretation, however, is that when Thor leaves the heavens (i.e., when a thunder-storm is over) the rainbow-bridge becomes hot in the sun.\"[7]", "Zee Cine Award for Best Actor – Male The Zee Cine Award for Best Actor – Male is chosen by the viewers of Zee Entertainment Enterprises as part of its annual award ceremony for Hindi films, to recognise a male actor who has delivered an outstanding performance in a leading role. Following its inception in 1998, a ceremony was not held in 2009 and 2010, but resumed back in 2011. Shah Rukh Khan, with seven awards holds the record of the maximum wins in this category.", "Cooper River Bridge Run In 2000, the Bridge Run course went through a complete overhaul with the start further back on SC 703 near the shopping center, giving runners a 3,000 meter run on SC 703 before joining the walkers at the foot of the first span of the Pearman, then crossing the Crosstown Overpass, King Street, Calhoun Street, and finishing at Alexander. The course eliminated the use of Meeting Street, which had been used as the primary street in the past. This course would be used until 2005, when the Pearman and Grace bridges closed.", "Wood finishing Reactive finishes may use solvents such as white spirits and naphtha as a base. Varnishes, linseed oil and tung oil are reactive finishes, meaning they change chemically when they cure, unlike evaporative finishes. This chemical change is typically a polymerisation, and the resultant material is less readily dissolved in solvents .", "Mackinac Bridge Painting of the bridge takes seven years,[21] and when painting of the bridge is complete, it begins again.", "Surface finishing When the finish is specified as #3, the material is polished to a uniform 60–80 grit.", "Balmoral Castle The new house was completed in 1856, and the old castle subsequently was demolished.[3] By autumn 1857, a new bridge across the Dee, designed by Isambard Kingdom Brunel linking Crathie and Balmoral was finished.[7]:11", "Strait of Messina Bridge The Strait of Messina Bridge is a long-planned suspension bridge across the Strait of Messina, a narrow section of water between the eastern tip of Sicily and the southern tip of mainland Italy, specifically between north Messina's Torre Faro[1][2] and Villa San Giovanni.[3] In 2006, under Prime Minister Romano Prodi, the project was cancelled.[4] However, on 6 March 2009, as part of a massive new public works programme, Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi's government announced that construction of the Messina Bridge would indeed go ahead, pledging €1.3 billion as a contribution to the bridge's total cost, estimated at €6.1 billion.[5] The bridge would have been the longest suspension bridge in the world, almost doubling the main span of the Akashi-Kaikyo in Japan. The bridge would have been part of the Line 1 of Trans-European Transport Networks (TEN-T). Citing budget constraints, the project was cancelled again on 26 February 2013, by Prime Minister Mario Monti's government.[6]", "Go go bar The origin of the term go-go dancing goes back to a British film of the 1950s “Whiskey Galore”. This film tells the story of the sinking of a ship loaded with whiskey. The French title of this film was \"Whiskey à Go-Go”; go-go being the French expression for \"galore\". During the period that this film was showing in France, discotheques were just introduced as a new form of entertainment. Due to the success of the film and the snob appeal of drinking whiskey in France, a number of discotheques were given the name “Whiskey à Go-Go”. It was also the time when dances became popular, where partners were dancing apart from each other. Not long after the success of the discotheques in France, they were opened in French style in New York City, with the same name as their French example: “Whiskey A Go-Go”. American discos introduced soon a form of entertainment of young girls dancing in the new, loose style, without a partner. The go-go dancer was born.[1]", "Tell Me When to Go Another remix was done by Chingo Bling entitled \"Tell Me When to Go (Remix)\" from the album \"They All Want Him, But who Can Afford Him\"", "Surface finishing A #7 finish is produced by polishing with a 280–320 belt or wheel and sisal buffing with a cut and color compound. This is a semi-bright finish that will still have some polishing lines but they will be very dull. Carbon steel and iron are commonly polished to a #7 finish before chrome plating. A #7 finish can be made bright by color buffing with coloring compound and a cotton buff. This is commonly applied to keep polishing costs down when a part needs to be shiny but not flawless.", "Evergreen Point Floating Bridge All tolling is done automatically with no tollbooths. Tolling for people without \"Good to Go\" passes is done by license plates.[20] Toll readers were located on gantries at the east highrise,[27] but additional gantries on the east mainland were added to facilitate tolling on the new bridge once opened.", "Tashan-e-Ishq Note: Except for the Critics Awards, Zee awards are made by popular vote, making these essentially online polls. Nominations for the Zee Rishtey Awards are restricted to soap operas which air on the Zee TV channel.", "George Washington Bridge The George Washington Bridge – known informally as the GW Bridge,[4] the GWB,[5] the GW,[6] or the George[7] – is a double-decked suspension bridge spanning the Hudson River between the Washington Heights neighborhood of Manhattan in New York City and Fort Lee, New Jersey. As of 2016[update], the George Washington Bridge carried over 103 million vehicles per year,[8] making it the world's busiest motor vehicle bridge.[9][10] It is owned by the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, a bi-state government agency that operates several bridges, tunnels and airports, as well as marine seaports, and the PATH rapid transit system.", "Verrazano-Narrows Bridge There have been calls for a walkway or bike lane on the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge since its opening, when several people protested over the lack of bike lanes at the bridge's opening ceremony.[205] In 1977, as a temporary solution, the city modified three buses to fit 12 bikes and 20 passengers each, then operated these buses on a new \"S7 Verrazano Bridge\" route.[206] In 1993, the New York City Department of City Planning called for a footpath across the bridge as part of their Greenway Plan for New York City.[207] The next year, the city sought a $100,000 federal grant to fund a feasibility study into a Verrazano Bridge pedestrian and bike path.[208] In 1997, the DCP released its study, which found that two footpaths running between the suspender ropes along the upper level, separated for pedestrian and cyclist use, would cost a minimum of $26.5 million.[209][210] The MTA at the time expressed concern about the \"safety and liability inherent in any strategy that introduces pedestrian and bicycle access\" to the bridge.[209]", "Seven Mile Bridge The new bridge is a box-girder structure built from precast, prestressed concrete sections, comprising 440 spans. Near the center, the bridge rises in an arc to provide 65-foot (20 m)-high clearance for boat passage. The remainder of the bridge is considerably closer to the water surface. The new bridge does not cross Pigeon Key.", "Kumkum Bhagya In late 2015, the app introduced their Before TV service where they launched Kumkum Bhagya's episodes before airing on TV, new episodes where released during 5:30am (IST), the service was available on a subscription plan. Though YouTube service was terminated, the channel still release their episodes on the Zee TV website and Zee TV app.", "E! News In India, the show airs on Zee Cafe at 6:00 p.m from Monday to Friday.", "New River Gorge Bridge The West Virginia state quarter, released in 2005, features the New River Gorge Bridge.", "List of awards and nominations received by Priyanka Chopra The Zee Gaurav Puraskar are presented annually by Zee Network for excellence of cinematic achievements in Marathi cinema.", "Punjab, India Doordarshan is the broadcaster of the Government of India and its channel DD Punjabi is dedicated to Punjabi. Prominent Punjabi channels include news channels like ABP Sanjha,[57] Global Punjab TV,[58] Zee Punjab Haryana Himachal, Day & Night News and entertainment channels like GET Punjabi, Zee ETC Punjabi, Chardikla Time TV, PTC Punjabi, JUS Punjabi MH1 and 9x Tashan.[citation needed]", "When the Going Gets Tough, the Tough Get Going (album) When the Going Gets Tough, the Tough Get Going is the second full-length studio album by English new wave band Bow Wow Wow, released in 1983 by RCA Records. The cover photography was by David Bailey, and the album credits gave \"a kiss\" to \"Jim\" (James Honeyman-Scott) and John Belushi, who had both recently died.[1]", "Kumkum Bhagya In Africa, the series is dubbed in English airs as Twist of Fate on Zee World (Zee Africa).[citation needed]", "New Netherland The Algonquian Lenape population around New York Bay and along the Lower Hudson were seasonally migrational people. The Dutch called the numerous tribes collectively the River Indians,[18][19] known by their exonyms as the Wecquaesgeek, Hackensack, Raritan, Canarsee, and Tappan. These groups had the most frequent contact with the New Netherlanders. The Munsee inhabited the Highlands, Hudson Valley, and northern New Jersey,[18] while Minquas (called the Susquehannocks by the English) lived west of the Zuyd Rivier along and beyond the Susquehanna River, which the Dutch regarded as their boundary with Virginia.", "Richmond–San Rafael Bridge In 1989, after the Loma Prieta earthquake, the third lane was opened up as a normal lane to accommodate increased traffic after the Bay Bridge was shut down because of a failure of that span. Many commuters from San Francisco drove across the Golden Gate Bridge into Marin and then across the Richmond–San Rafael Bridge to go to Oakland (and vice versa). After the Bay Bridge was reopened, the third lane was again an emergency lane.", "Clifton Suspension Bridge It has been argued that the size and technology of these revisions was so great that the credit for its design should go to Barlow and Hawkshaw.[31] The towers remained in rough stone, rather than being finished in the Egyptian style. Work on the bridge was restarted in 1862. Initially a temporary bridge was created by pulling ropes across the gorge and making a footway of wire ropes with wood planks held together with iron hoops. This was used by the workers to move a \"traveller\", consisting of a light frame on wheels, to transport each link individually, which would eventually make up the chains supporting the bridge.[32] The chains are anchored in tapering tunnels, 25 metres (82 ft) long,[33] on either side of the bridge and plugs of Staffordshire blue brick infilled to prevent the chains being pulled out of the narrower tunnel mouth. After completion of the chains, vertical suspension rods were hung from the links in the chains and large girders hung from these. The girders on either side then support the deck, which is 3 feet (0.91 m) higher at the Clifton end than at Leigh Woods so that it gives the impression of being horizontal. The strength of the structure was tested by spreading 500 tons of stone over the bridge. This caused it to sag by 7 inches (180 mm), but within the expected tolerances.[34] During this time a tunnel was driven through the rocks on the Leigh Woods side beneath the bridge to carry the Bristol Port Railway to Avonmouth.[32] The construction work was completed in 1864–111 years after a bridge at the site was first planned.[35]", "Verrazano-Narrows Bridge The Verrazano-Narrows Bridge is named for the Italian explorer Giovanni da Verrazzano, who in 1524 became the first documented European explorer to enter New York Harbor and the Hudson River. Due to a mistake in naming, the bridge's name is spelled with only one \"z\", despite the explorer's name having two \"z\"s.[2] The bridge marks the gateway to New York Harbor. All ships arriving at the Port of New York and New Jersey pass underneath the bridge and must therefore be built to accommodate the clearance under it.[2]", "Blue Water Bridge The second three-lane bridge, just south of the first bridge, opened on July 22, 1997. The first bridge was immediately closed for extensive renovation. During this period, the new span used a three-lane configuration reminiscent of the one employed on the original bridge. A flyover ramp on the U.S. side temporarily diverted westbound traffic from the new bridge to the toll plaza, which was blocked off after the original bridge was rehabilitated.[12] The original span was reopened on November 13, 1999, making the Blue Water Bridge the largest infrastructure-crossing project in North America.[13]", "Lower Trenton Bridge The Lower Trenton Toll Supported Bridge, commonly called the Lower Free Bridge, Warren Street Bridge or Trenton Makes Bridge, is a two-lane Pennsylvania (Petit) through truss bridge over the Delaware River between Trenton, New Jersey and Morrisville, Pennsylvania, owned and operated by the Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Commission (DRJTBC). It is known as the Trenton Makes Bridge because of large lettering on the south side reading \"TRENTON MAKES   THE WORLD TAKES\", installed in 1935. In addition to being an important bridge from Pennsylvania to New Jersey, it is a major landmark in the city of Trenton. It is signed as US 1 Business, though does not officially carry that route.", "Tower Bridge The bridge featured in publicity for the 2012 Summer Olympics being held in London. In June 2012 a set of Olympic rings was suspended from the bridge to mark one month to go until the start of the games. The rings cost £259,817 to make, measured 25 by 11.5 metres (82 by 38 ft) and weighed 13 tonnes (14 short tons).[19]", "Cable-stayed bridge Cable-stayed bridges have been known since the 16th century and used widely since the 19th. Early examples often combined features from both the cable-stayed and suspension designs, including the famous Brooklyn Bridge. The design fell from favor through the 20th century as larger gaps were bridged using pure suspension designs, and shorter ones using various systems built of reinforced concrete. It once again rose to prominence in the later 20th century when the combination of new materials, larger construction machinery, and the need to replace older bridges all lowered the relative price of these designs.[1]", "When the Stars Go Blue In 2006, the song was released by Tim McGraw as the first single from his album Tim McGraw Reflected: Greatest Hits Vol. 2. Heribert Severing, creator and writer of severing.nu, included McGraw's version of \"When The Stars Go Blue\" on his list of the top Country singles of 2006.[8]", "Suspension bridge Most suspension bridges have open truss structures to support the roadbed, particularly owing to the unfavorable effects of using plate girders, discovered from the Tacoma Narrows Bridge (1940) bridge collapse. Recent[when?] developments in bridge aerodynamics have allowed the re-introduction of plate structures first seen on the Severn bridge built in the 1960s. In the picture of the Yichang Bridge, note the very sharp entry edge and sloping undergirders in the suspension bridge shown. This enables this type of construction to be used without the danger of vortex shedding and consequent aeroelastic effects, such as those that destroyed the original Tacoma Narrows bridge.", "Cooper River Bridge Run In 1983, the Grace Bridge run added a second uphill climb on the Crosstown Overpass connecting the Grace Bridge to US Highway 17 and Interstate 26, and the race finished in front of the United States Federal Building in Marion Square at Meeting Street. With the number of entrants exceeding 2,000, the start moved from Patriots Point in 1984 to SC Highway 703 (Coleman Boulevard) at Shem Creek. This course became the first Bridge Run course to be certified by The Athletics Congress.", "Stamford Bridge (stadium) In the early 1970s the club's owners embarked on an ambitious project to renovate Stamford Bridge. However, the cost of building the East Stand escalated out of control after shortages of materials and a builders' strike and the remainder of the ground remained untouched. The new East Stand was finished, but most of the (unusable) running tracks remained, and the new stand was also displaced by approx. 20 meters, compared to the pitch. The idea was to move the entire stadium towards the north. But due to the financial situation in the mid 1970s the other stands weren't rebuilt until the 1990s. \nThe increase in the costs, combined with other factors, sent the club into decline. As a part of financial restructuring in the late 1970s, the freehold was separated from the club and when new Chelsea chairman Ken Bates bought the club for £1 in 1982, he did not buy the ground. A large chunk of the Stamford Bridge freehold was subsequently sold to property developers Marler Estates. The sale resulted in a long and acrimonious legal fight between Bates and Marler Estates. Marler Estates was ultimately forced into bankruptcy after a market crash in the early 1990s, allowing Bates to do a deal with its banks and re-unite the freehold with the club.", "Verrazano-Narrows Bridge The cancellation of plans for the Narrows tunnel brought a resurgence of proposals for a bridge across the Narrows. In September 1947, Robert Moses, the chairman of the Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Authority, announced that the city was going to ask the War Department for permission to build a bridge across the Narrows.[37] Moses and Mayor William O'Dwyer both supported the Narrows Bridge plan, which was still being referred to as \"Liberty Bridge\".[38] The city submitted its request in July 1948,[39] and a commission composed of three United States Armed Forces branches was convened to solicit the public's opinions on the proposed span.[40]", "Tacoma Narrows Bridge (1940) The original Tacoma Narrows Bridge was the first to be built with girders of carbon steel anchored in concrete blocks; preceding designs typically had open lattice beam trusses underneath the roadbed. This bridge was the first of its type to employ plate girders (pairs of deep I-beams) to support the roadbed. With the earlier designs, any wind would simply pass through the truss, but in the new design the wind would be diverted above and below the structure. Shortly after construction finished at the end of June (opened to traffic on July 1, 1940), it was discovered that the bridge would sway and buckle dangerously in relatively mild windy conditions that are common for the area, and worse during severe winds. This vibration was transverse, one-half of the central span rising while the other lowered. Drivers would see cars approaching from the other direction rise and fall, riding the violent energy wave through the bridge. However, at that time the mass of the bridge was considered to be sufficient to keep it structurally sound.", "New River Gorge Bridge Bridge as seen from the National Park Service Visitors Center, with fog in the New River Gorge below", "The Bridge Builder The Bridge Builder is a poem written by Will Allen Dromgoole. \"The Bridge Builder\" has been frequently reprinted, including on a plaque on the Bellows Falls, Vermont Vilas Bridge in New Hampshire. It continues to be quoted frequently, usually in a religious context or in writings stressing a moral lesson.", "Queensboro Bridge In December 2010, the city announced that the bridge would be renamed in honor of former Mayor Ed Koch from the Queensboro Bridge to the Ed Koch Queensboro Bridge.[28] The new name became official in March 2011. The renaming decision was unpopular among Queens residents and business leaders, and many local residents continue to refer to the bridge by its older name.[29][30][31] New York City Council member Peter Vallone, Jr. from Queens vowed to remove Koch's name from the bridge. Vallone said, \"Never in a million years would they think to rename the Brooklyn or Manhattan bridges, but for some reason, it was OK to slap Queens around.\"[30]", "Triborough Bridge The Triborough Bridge, known officially as the Robert F. Kennedy Bridge since 2008, and sometimes referred to as the RFK Triborough Bridge, is a complex of three separate bridges and their connecting viaducts or elevated expressways[2] in New York City. The complex of bridges and elevated roads serves to connect three boroughs, Manhattan, Queens, and the Bronx. The viaducts were built on Randalls and Wards Islands, previously two islands which are now joined as one by landfill. The bridge complex, which carries Interstate 278 and unmarked New York State Route 900G, connects with the FDR Drive and the Harlem River Drive in Manhattan, the Bruckner Expressway and the Major Deegan Expressway in the Bronx, and the Grand Central Parkway and Astoria Boulevard in Queens.", "Manchester, New Hampshire The downtown rail loop, if approved by the Board of Mayor and Aldermen, would be about three miles long. The loop would go from the Manchester Millyards, down south for about half a mile, then turn over Elm Street, separate into two rails (the other going towards Manchester-Boston Regional Airport), and climb north to Bridge Street and up to the New Hampshire Tower, where it ends.", "List of crossings of the River Thames During the 18th century many stone and brick road bridges were built from new or to replace existing structures in London and further up the river. These included Westminster Bridge, Putney Bridge, Datchet Bridge, Windsor Bridge and Sonning Bridge. Several central London road bridges were built in the 19th century, most conspicuously Tower Bridge, the only bascule bridge on the river, designed to allow ocean-going ships to pass beneath it. The most recent road bridge sites are the bypasses at Isis Bridge and Marlow By-pass Bridge and the motorway bridges, most notably the two on the M25: Queen Elizabeth Bridge and M25 Runnymede Bridge.", "Howard Frankland Bridge Planning for a larger-capacity replacement began in 1978. Original plans ranged from a large, multi-lane suspension (or similar type) bridge, to two parallel bridges (with the central span reserved for HOV lanes). As traffic projections increased, further exacerbated by a disaster on the Sunshine Skyway Bridge in 1980, it was clear that the new bridge would need to handle at least eight lanes (four in each direction). By 1987, it was concluded that a parallel, four lane span would be built. Plans were also made to rehabilitate the older bridge after the new bridge opened." ]
who recorded i can't help falling in love with you
[ "Can't Help Falling in Love \"Can't Help Falling in Love\" is a pop ballad originally recorded by American singer Elvis Presley and published by Gladys Music, Presley's publishing company. It was written by Hugo Peretti, Luigi Creatore, and George David Weiss.[2] The melody is based on \"Plaisir d'amour\",[4] a popular romance by Jean-Paul-Égide Martini (1784). The song was featured in Presley's 1961 film, Blue Hawaii. During the following four decades, it was recorded by numerous other artists, including Tom Smothers, Swedish pop group A-Teens, and the British reggae group UB40, whose 1993 version topped the U.S. and UK charts." ]
[ "I Can't Make You Love Me \"I Can't Make You Love Me\" is a song written by Mike Reid and Allen Shamblin and recorded by American singer Bonnie Raitt for her eleventh studio album Luck of the Draw (1991). Released as the album's third single in 1991, \"I Can't Make You Love Me\" became one of Raitt's most successful singles, reaching the top-twenty on the Billboard Hot 100 chart and the top-ten on the Adult Contemporary.", "Can't Help Falling in Love (film) Can't Help Falling in Love earned ₱33 million on its first day making it the highest opening Black Saturday Filipino film.[7][8]", "Falling in Love Again (Can't Help It) \"Falling in Love Again (Can't Help It)\" is the English language name for a 1930 German song composed by Friedrich Hollaender as \"Ich bin von Kopf bis Fuß auf Liebe eingestellt\" (literally: \"I am, from head to toe, ready for love\"). The song was originally performed in the film Der Blaue Engel (English translation: The Blue Angel) by Marlene Dietrich, who also recorded the most famous English version, which became her anthem. The English lyrics were written by Sammy Lerner, though they do not include a translation of the original version's most erotic[citation needed] verse; when the English version is sung, the first verse is simply repeated. The song is sometimes co-credited to Reginald Connelly.", "I Could Fall in Love \"I Could Fall in Love\" is a song recorded by American Tejano singer Selena for her fifth studio album, Dreaming of You (1995), released posthumously by EMI Latin on June 26, 1995. \"I Could Fall in Love\" and \"Tú Sólo Tú\" were the album's lead promotional recordings, showcasing her musical transition from Spanish- to English-language songs. The lyrics explore feelings of heartbreak and despair and express the singer's fear of rejection by a man she finds herself falling in love with. Composed by Keith Thomas, \"I Could Fall in Love\" is a pop ballad with R&B, soul and soft rock influences.", "I Can't Stop Loving You The song has been recorded by many other artists. Some recordings are titled as \"I Can't Stop Lovin' You\" (with or without an apostrophe).", "I Could Fall in Love \"I Could Fall in Love\" is similar to \"Dreaming of You\" in its lyrics.[25] Many media outlets, including the Milwaukee Journal and Billboard magazine, called them \"confessional ballads\",[31] with an emotionally vulnerable narrator who wants true love but finds it unattainable.[32] Tarradell believed \"I Could Fall in Love\" was an indirect response to Selena's father and manager Abraham Quintanilla, Jr., who forced her and Perez to end their relationship just because Perez was a rocker. Tarradell asserted that the words \"I know it's not right but I guess I should try to do what I should do\" were directed at Abraham and reflected Selena's realization of her independence.[33] Ramiro Burr of the San Antonio Express-News believed that Selena's 1992 song \"Missing My Baby\" shared similarities with \"I Could Fall in Love\" in expressing uncontrollable \"adrenalin-fueled love\". Burr later wrote that the difference in \"I Could Fall in Love\" is that the lyrics are recorded with \"powerful agony\" which forces the narrator to \"fall into a phase of deep loneliness\" because her lover may or may not reciprocate her feelings.[34]", "I Can't Make You Love Me English singer George Michael covered \"I Can't Make You Love Me\" and released as a B-side of his single, \"Older\", which was released on 20 January 1997 as the fourth single from the album of the same name. Michael's version was also included on his compilation, Ladies & Gentlemen: The Best of George Michael (1998). \"Older\" and \"I Can't Make You Love Me\" both reached number 3 on the UK Singles Chart.", "Who's Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses The single included Bono's solo version of \"Can't Help Falling in Love,\" which was recorded in STS studios in Dublin on 29 June 1992 for the movie Honeymoon in Vegas.[4]", "I Am Woman Reddy's description of the \"typical DJ reaction\" to the song is quoted in The Billboard Book of Number One Hits: 'I can't stand this record! I hate this song! But you know, it's a funny thing, my wife loves it!'[27]", "I Could Fall in Love The first verse of \"I Could Fall in Love\" implores the object of the singer's desire to walk away, because her emotions are too overpowering and she feels love of unprecedented intensity. She fears that by allowing him to stay attached, she may \"lose control\". Selena believes that her infatuation can lead to romantic love. She then sings \"I could fall in love (in love) with you\" before wondering how she would feel if she were to touch him for the first time. The fear of being rejected and unloved leads her to keep her feelings to herself,[35] and she begins to believe that her love is \"not right\". She continues, \"and I guess I should try / to do what I should do / but I could fall in love / fall in love with you\". During the midpoint break, Selena sings in Spanish that she is always dreaming about him, imagining that he loves her. She sings the chorus twice before the song comes to an end without her ever having come to terms with her loved one.[26]", "Hello, I Love You This was one of six songs recorded by the proto-Doors band Rick & the Ravens on a demo for Aura Records in 1965, that the band shopped around Los Angeles record companies, eventually landing them a brief signing with Columbia Records. Sometimes the title is listed as \"Hello, I Love You (Won't You Tell Me Your Name?)\" or \"Hello, I Love You, Won't You Tell Me Your Name?\" The title that is printed depends on how early of a pressing the record is.", "Falling into You Falling into You is the fourth English-language studio album by Canadian singer Celine Dion, released on 8 March 1996, by Columbia/Epic Records. The follow-up to her commercially successful album The Colour of My Love (1993) and French-language D'eux (1995), Falling into You showed a further progression of Dion's music. Throughout the project, she collaborated with Jim Steinman, who wrote and produced \"It's All Coming Back to Me Now\", among others. Several songs were produced by David Foster, including Diane Warren's \"Because You Loved Me\". Generally, Dion worked with fourteen producers on Falling into You and a variety of songwriters and musicians.", "I Feel Fine \"I Feel Fine\" was the sixth single by the Beatles to hit number one on the Billboard Hot 100 in a calendar year (1964); an all-time record. In order, these singles were \"I Want to Hold Your Hand\", \"She Loves You\", \"Can't Buy Me Love\", \"Love Me Do\", \"A Hard Day's Night\" and \"I Feel Fine\". For songwriters Lennon and McCartney, it was the seventh number-one they wrote in the same calendar year (1964), another all-time record.", "I Can't Make You Love Me After releasing their second cover album in 2007, Motown: A Journey Through Hitsville USA, which was well received by critics, but failed to produce a successful single, the band announced plans for a new cover album, that features cover versions of songs by \"artists I don't think people would expect us to cover,\" according to member Shawn Stockman.[30] On October 23, 2009, \"I Can't Make You Love Me\" was announced as Love's lead-single.[31] The song was later released on October 27, 2009 through iTunes store.[32] For the band members, \"We wanted to stay true to our roots, and it's a very beautiful song. And with our sound, we gave it an R&B twist. It's always been a favorite of ours, and we hope people will fall in love with it again.\"[33]", "I Can't Get You Off of My Mind \"I Can't Get You Off of My Mind\" is a song written and recorded by Hank Williams. It appeared as the B-side to his 1948 single \"A Mansion on the Hill.\"", "I Can't Help Myself \"I Can't Help Myself\" is a song co-written and recorded by American country music artist Eddie Rabbitt. It was released in April 1977 as the first single from the album Rabbitt. The song reached number 2 on the Billboard Hot Country Singles & Tracks chart.[1] It was written by Rabbitt and Even Stevens.", "I Just Can't Stop Loving You \"I Just Can't Stop Loving You\" is a 1987 duet ballad by Michael Jackson and Siedah Garrett, and was the first single released from his seventh album, Bad. The song was written by Jackson, and co-produced by Jackson and Quincy Jones. It reached #1 on the Billboard Hot 100, R&B and adult contemporary charts.", "Can't Help Falling in Love (film) According to Twitter Philippines, \"Filipinos couldn't stop talking\" about the film, releasing 700,000 tweets related to the movie from April 10–17.[59] Netizens can't help but give their positive reviews, ratings and comments about the movie.", "Can't Buy Me Love \"Can't Buy Me Love\" is a song composed by Paul McCartney[2] (credited to Lennon–McCartney) and released by the Beatles on the A-side of their sixth British single, with \"You Can't Do That\" as the B-side, in March 1964. In September 2015, the Beatles donated the use of their recording of the song to People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals for a television commercial.[3]", "I Can't Get Started \"I Can't Get Started\" (also known as \"I Can't Get Started with You\" or \"I Can't Get Started (with You)\") is a popular song, with lyrics by Ira Gershwin and music by Vernon Duke (1936), that was first heard in the theatrical production Ziegfeld Follies of 1936 where it was sung by Bob Hope.", "Who Do You Love (Marianas Trench song) \"Who Do You Love\" (stylized as \"Who Do You Love?\") is a song recorded by Canadian pop rock group Marianas Trench for their fourth studio album, Astoria (2015). The song was written and produced by lead singer Josh Ramsay. \"Who Do You Love\" was released through 604 Records on September 8, 2016 as the record's third and final official single.[1]", "If I Can't Have You In 2016, English singer and songwriter Jess Glynne re-recorded \"If I Can't Have You\" in support of the French musical Saturday Night Fever, which is expected to be premiered in 2017. Warner Music France released her rendition as a digital single on 22 May 2016.[33]", "I Could Fall in Love Elizabeth Rodriguez Kessler and Anne Perrin wrote in their 2007 book Chican@s in the Conversations that \"I Could Fall in Love\" was a \"clean pop offering\".[47] Joey Guerra of the Houston Chronicle commented in 2008 that it had \"made the Tejano goddess a posthumous crossover star\".[48] On 31 March 2010, Teresa Jusino of Popmatters expressed the view that English-speaking music fans no longer remember Selena's name, saying that on playing \"Dreaming of You\" or \"I Could Fall in Love\", many would say \"I remember that song!\" or \"I love that one!\".[49] Randi Bergman of Fashion magazine, called the number an \"epic ballad\".[50]", "Please Help Me, I'm Falling In 1996, Puff Johnson recorded a version of \"Please Help Me (I'm Fallin' in Love with You)\" for her album, Miracle.", "Falling in Love Again (Can't Help It) \"Falling in Love Again\" is a 12-inch single punk band the Adicts, released under the name ADX. It is often included as bonus tracks on reissues of the band's third album, Smart Alex.", "The Way You Make Me Feel \"The Way You Make Me Feel\" generally received positive reviews from contemporary music critics. AllMusic reviewer Stephen Thomas Erlewine listed \"The Way You May Me Feel\" as well as the album's title track, \"I Just Can't Stop Loving You\" and \"Man In The Mirror\" as being a 'track picks' from Bad.[9] Erlewine commented that out of all of Bad's songs, \"only three can stand alongside album tracks from its predecessor\" which were \"Bad\", \"The Way You Make Me Feel,\" and \"I Just Can't Stop Loving You\".[9] Jon Pareles, a writer for The New York Times, commented that Jackson's songs, \"The Way You Make Me Feel\" and \"I Just Can't Stop Loving You\", \"say nothing more personalized than their titles\".[10]", "When Did You Stop Loving Me, When Did I Stop Loving You \"When Did You Stop Loving Me, When Did I Stop Loving You\" is a 1978 song recorded by singer Marvin Gaye for his Here, My Dear album, following his 1976 divorce when he was ordered to give half the takings of his next album to ex-wife Anna Gaye.[1] In the album, he \"poured his emotions into songs agonisingly documenting their relationship's rise and fall.\"[1]", "I Love How You Love Me \"I Love How You Love Me\" was originally intended for Tony Orlando, to be arranged in the same upbeat style as Orlando's precedent hits \"Bless You\" and \"Halfway to Paradise\".1 The song was written by Barry Mann and Larry Kolber (aka Kolberg) who were staff writers at Don Kirshner's Aldon Music near the Brill Building. Kolber had written the lyrics on a restaurant napkin within five minutes. When Phil Spector discovered the song on a visit to Kirshner's Aldon offices he persuaded Kirshner that the song would have more potential if rendered by a female act. Spector then recorded \"I Love How You Love Me\" with The Paris Sisters.", "Can't Buy Me Love \"Can't Buy Me Love\" was recorded on 29 January 1964 at EMI's Pathe Marconi Studios in Paris, France,[9] where the Beatles were performing 18 days of concerts at the Olympia Theatre. At this time, EMI's West Germany branch, Odeon, insisted that the Beatles would not sell records in any significant numbers in Germany unless they were actually sung in the German language[10] and the Beatles reluctantly agreed to re-record the vocals to \"She Loves You\" and \"I Want to Hold Your Hand\" prior to them being released in Germany. George Martin travelled to Paris with a newly mastered rhythm track for what was to be \"Komm, Gib Mir Deine Hand\". \"Sie Liebt Dich\" required the Beatles to record a new rhythm track as the original two-track recording had been scrapped.[9] EMI sent a translator to be present for this recording session which had been hurriedly arranged to tie in with the Beatles' Paris commitments. This was accomplished well within the allotted studio time allowing the Beatles an opportunity to record the backing track, with a guide vocal, to the recently composed \"Can't Buy Me Love\".[10][9] At this stage the song included background vocal harmonies. But after listening to the first take, the band concluded that the song did not need them. Therefore, \"Can't Buy Me Love\" became the first single the Beatles released without their characteristic background harmonies.", "Love You like a Love Song The music video was directed by Geremy Jasper and Georgie Greville, who previously worked with Goldfrapp and Florence & The Machine.[24] Gomez considered the video as \"the craziest video I've ever done\", and commented, \"[s]ometimes when you're in love, there are things you can't really explain and it doesn't make sense. That's how I feel when I'm in love.\"[24] The video was released on June 23, 2011 on VEVO.[25]", "I Can't Live Without You \"I Can't Live Without You\" is a song by Liechtenstein producer Al Walser.", "Rattle and Hum Studio versions of \"She's a Mystery to Me\" (a Bono/Edge composition that would eventually be recorded and released by Roy Orbison), Bruce Cockburn's \"If I Had a Rocket Launcher\", and \"Can't Help Falling in Love With You\", while recorded, have yet to be released. (A solo Bono cover of the Elvis Presley classic would be released on 1992's Honeymoon in Vegas album, however.) A cover of the Woody Guthrie song \"Jesus Christ\" was also recorded during these sessions for eventual inclusion on the cover album Folkways: A Vision Shared. Lastly, a cover of \"Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)\" was recorded and released for the first A Very Special Christmas album, released at the end of 1987.", "I Never Loved a Man the Way I Love You I Never Loved a Man the Way I Love You is the eleventh studio album by American singer Aretha Franklin. Released on March 10, 1967 by Atlantic Records, It went to number 2 on the Billboard album chart and number 1 on the magazine's Top R&B Selling chart. It was certified Gold by the RIAA in 1967. It received a number 83 ranking on Rolling Stone magazine's 2003 list of the 500 greatest albums of all time and inclusion in both the 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die (2005) and 1,000 Recordings to Hear Before You Die (2008). The album included two top-10 singles: \"Respect\" was a #1 single on Billboard's Hot 100 Pop singles chart, and \"I Never Loved a Man (The Way I Love You)\" peaked at number 9. The album was rated the 10th best album of the 1960s by Pitchfork.[3]", "Can't Help Falling in Love (film) For the first time in the Filipino movie history, a local film held a premiere night at United Arab Emirates.[41] Can’t Help Falling In Love has an advanced screening for fans on April 19 at 8pm at Novo Cinema Festival City.[42] The film released across the UAE on April 20 and it has grossed $150,443 after 4 days.[43][44] The film has grossed $900,000 in North America after 10 days.[45] The film was screened in the United States and Canada starting April 21 in 63 cinemas.[46] Due to popular demand it was extended up to four weeks[47][48]", "No More I Love You's \"No More 'I Love You's'\" was released on 7\" and 12\" vinyl by A&M in the UK, Germany, France, Australia, America and Canada.[7] The B-side, \"This Can't Go On!\", was taken from The Lover Speaks album. The 12\" version of the single included the additional B-side, \"Of Tears\", also from the album.[8]", "I Think I Love You On November 25, 1970, \"I Think I Love You\" was recorded by Perry Como, with Nick Perito's orchestra, at the International Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada. The song was released by RCA Victor Records on an album, It's Impossible, in December 1970, and reissued in 1975. RCA also released the recording on an EP in Mexico in 1971.", "It's the Same Old Song \"It's the Same Old Song\" is very similar in melody and chord progressions to \"I Can't Help Myself\", which in turn is even more similar in melody and chord progressions to \"Where Did Our Love Go\" by the Supremes, who covered \"It's the Same Old Song\" in 1967. Critic Maury Dean disputes that there is much in common with \"I Can't Help Myself\", saying that it is \"a dynamic NEW treatment, with just a hint of Benny Benjamin's thundering drums echoing\" \"I Can't Help Myself\".[7]", "I Can't Make You Love Me Chopra's version of \"I Can't Make You Love Me\" was used to promote Beats by Dre. In a press release, it was revealed that the song would be used in the launch of a new campaign for the popular Beats Pill XL portable Bluetooth speaker. Chopra and her new track would be featured in the national ad campaign, that ran nationwide from May 1 through May 25.[58]", "But You Know I Love You \"But You Know I Love You\" is a song written by Mike Settle, which was a 1969 pop hit for Kenny Rogers and The First Edition, a group that included Settle and Kenny Rogers. The song also became a major country hit by Bill Anderson in 1969. Evie Sands recorded the song for her album Any Way That You Want Me and Julie Rogers for her album Once More With Feeling, both in 1970. In 1981, a cover version of \"But You Know I Love You\" by singer Dolly Parton topped the country singles charts.", "If I Can't Have You \"If I Can't Have You\" (Yvonne Elliman's version) was also featured in the 1999 film Big Daddy as well as on the film's soundtrack.", "I Could Fall in Love \"I Could Fall in Love\" was released as a maxi single on June 26, 1995 in Australia[18] and Mexico[19] and on 10 August 1995 in Germany.[20] A maxi single featuring \"Dreaming of You\" and \"Sukiyaki\" was released in Japan. \"Tú Sólo Tú\" was released primarily to Spanish-speaking countries.[17] Fred Bronson of Billboard commented that if EMI Latin had released \"I Could Fall in Love\" as a single and it had debuted in the top 40 of the Billboard Hot 100 chart, then it would have been the first posthumous debut single to do so since \"Pledging My Love\" by Johnny Ace in 1955.[21]", "Let Me Love You (Until You Learn to Love Yourself) Sia built the song's chorus around the line \"Let me love you, and I will love you/ Until you learn to love yourself\", which would also become the song's title.[5] The record was then heard by Ne-Yo who decided to record the song, and proceeded to re-write some of the lyrics in the verses.[19] Speaking about the song Ne-Yo said he was inspired by the powerful chorus, and in a press release he elaborated on the song's lyrical content: \"It goes beyond the realm of just a relationship between man and woman, \"this is understanding what it is to allow another person to get close enough to you to teach you how to love yourself. This song, if taken care of the right way, could help the world!\"[5] Kim Dawson from the UK newspaper Daily Star described the song's production as \"energetic\", which came courtesy of Stargate, Hadfield and Di Scala.[18][20] The melody consists of \"euphoric synthesizers\" and \"pounding beats\".[21]", "Falling in Love Again (Can't Help It) \"Falling in Love Again\" was covered live by The Beatles in 1962, featuring Paul McCartney on lead vocals, and the band had updated the song's melody to a rock-'n'-roll style, with a change of lyrics. The Beatles' live version can be found on the double LP Live! at the Star-Club in Hamburg, Germany; 1962 (originally released in 1977) and it is the only available version of the song by the band.", "Can't Buy Me Love When pressed by American journalists in 1966 to reveal the song's \"true\" meaning, McCartney stated that, \"I think you can put any interpretation you want on anything, but when someone suggests that 'Can't Buy Me Love' is about a prostitute, I draw the line.\" He went on to say: \"The idea behind it was that all these material possessions are all very well, but they won't buy me what I really want.\"[7] However, he was to comment later: \"It should have been 'Can Buy Me Love'\" when reflecting on the perks that money and fame had brought him.[8]", "I Can't Make You Love Me In August 2000, Mojo magazine voted \"I Can't Make You Love Me\" the eighth best track on its The 100 Greatest Songs of All Time list.[1] The song is ranked at number 339 on the Rolling Stone magazine's list of The 500 Greatest Songs of All Time.[2] On 27 November 2016, the Grammy Hall of Fame announced its induction, along with that of another 24 songs.[3]", "I Can't Get Next to You \"I Can't Get Next to You\" was the second single from the 1969 Temptations LP Puzzle People, with \"Running Away (Ain't Gonna Help You)\", a ballad led by Paul Williams, as the b-side. The single was a number-one hit on both the Billboard Hot 100 chart and the Billboard Top R&B Singles charts. The song has been frequently covered, with the most notable cover being a 1970 version by Al Green, which strips the composition of its fast pace and multi-lead vocals, and instead renders it as a slow-burning plea for love. Green's cover, the title track of his 1971 LP Al Green Gets Next to You, reached number sixty on the Billboard Pop Singles chart, and number eleven on the R&B chart.", "I Want You, I Need You, I Love You En route from Amarillo, the airplane developed engine trouble and fell through the sky several times.[3] Upon arrival in Nashville on the morning of April 14, all four were disconcerted.[3] Presley arrived at the RCA Victor Studios without ideas for the recording session and therefore had no choice but to use Sholes' suggestions, one of which was \"I Want You, I Need You, I Love You\".[3]", "You Can't Hurry Love The idea of doing 'Can't Hurry Love' was to see if Hugh Padgham and I could duplicate that Sixties sound. It's very difficult today because most recording facilities are so much more sophisticated than they were back then. It's therefore hard to make the drums sound as rough as they did on the original. That's what we were going after, a remake, not an interpretation, but a remake.[20]", "I Just Can't Stop Loving You \"I Just Can't Stop Loving You\" was the lead single from Jackson's much-anticipated Bad album. The single debuted on the U.S. Billboard Hot 100 singles chart at #37, the week of August 8, 1987. The single was the highest debuting single of 1987, and quickly traveled to the top quarter of the Hot 100, advancing to #16 in its second week, and soaring to #1 in its seventh week on the tally, the week of September 19, 1987.", "I Just Called to Say I Love You \"I Just Called to Say I Love You\" is a ballad written, produced, and performed by Stevie Wonder.[2] It remains Wonder's best-selling single to date, having topped a record 19 charts.", "The Girl Can't Help It (song) The song was also used in commercials for Rowntrees Fruit Pastilles in the late 1980s and early 1990s. The advertising slogan was \"You just can't help chewing\".[citation needed]", "I and Love and You The following people contributed to I and Love and You:[23]", "Don't Forget to Remember Oh my heart, won't believe that you have left me I keep telling myself that it's true I can get over anything, you want my love But i can't get myself over you.", "I Love How You Love Me Spector's interest in the song was occasioned by its structural similarity to \"To Know Him Is to Love Him\", the No. 1 hit that Spector's group, the Teddy Bears, had scored in 1958. Annette Kleinbard who had been the Teddy Bears' vocalist, would weep upon hearing The Paris Sisters' \"I Love How You Love Me\" on her car radio: \"Before [Priscilla Paris] sung five words I knew it was Phil's record...it was just the most beautiful record, but I loved it and I hated it at the same time; it felt like Phil had taken my voice and passed it on to someone else\".[1] However Priscilla Paris would opine: \"My sound was not like Annette's - she had a very thin type of little girl voice. I have a heavy roque - that's a French word meaning very heavy, husky - voice. I think Phil fell into something he wanted to do, added extra ingredients, and ended up with something different.\"[2]", "Sparks Fly (song) According to Swift, the song is about \"falling for someone who you maybe shouldn't fall for, but you can't stop yourself because there's such a connection and chemistry.\"[6]", "I Walk the Line The song is very simple and like most Cash songs, the lyrics tell more of a story than the music conveys. (You've got a way to keep me on your side/You give me cause for love that I can't hide/For you I know I'd even try to turn the tide).", "Who Did You Think I Was \"Who Did You Think I Was\" is the debut single by blues-rock group John Mayer Trio from their first album, Try!. As it is from a live album, the single itself is a live recording. Speculation that Mayer was moving away from his known field of sensitive acoustic pop rock into blues was confirmed by the release of this single, being that it's a moderately heavy blues-rock song. Furthermore, the line from the first verse, \"Got a brand new blues that I can't explain\", indicates Mayer exploring blues unlike before.", "Please Help Me, I'm Falling In 1993, Dolly Parton, Loretta Lynn and Tammy Wynette recorded their version of \"Please Help Me (I'm Fallin' in Love with You)\" for their album, Honky Tonk Angels, although Loretta herself recording a duet with Conway Twitty from the 1987 Heartland Music album.", "Can't Help Falling in Love (film) During filming, the first teaser of the trailer officially released on March 15,[21][22] while the second teaser was released on March 21, 2017 has garnered more than 2 million views in less than 24 hours.[23] The production of the film still on editing room, when Star Cinema released first trailer on 29 March.[24][25] followed by the press conference which was held on 30 March at Villa Immaculada Events Place, Intramuros, Manila.[26] The malls tour promotion, dubbed \"Can't Help Summer Road Tour\" kicked off on April 2, 2017 at TriNoma & Market! Market! and ended on April 10 at SM Seaside City Cebu which has aired live on TV Patrol.[27] To promoted the film, Padilla and Bernardo performed on several live shows such as ASAP,[28] It's Show Time,[29] and Your Face Sounds Familiar: Kids 1.[30] They also guest starred in episodes of Magandang Buhay,[31] Tonight with Boy Abunda.[32] and an episode of Family Feud.", "Through the Looking-Glass ...I am bound to say that the 'wasp' chapter doesn't interest me in the least, and I can't see my way to a picture. If you want to shorten the book, I can't help thinking – with all submission – that there is your opportunity.[5]", "I Will Always Love You: The Best of Whitney Houston I Will Always Love You: The Best of Whitney Houston is a posthumous greatest hits album by American recording artist Whitney Houston. The album was released on November 13, 2012 via RCA Records.", "To Love You More It was recorded for a popular Japanese TV drama series, called Koibito yo (meaning My Dear Lover), and included on The Colour of My Love album re-release in Japan. Later it appeared on the Asian edition of Falling into You, Live à Paris (\"To Love You More\" was one of the radio singles promoting this album in Canada), and the US edition of Let's Talk About Love, being released as the third (but promotional only) single from this album.", "I Can't Give You What I Haven't Got \"I Can't Give You What I Haven't Got\" was the single, and one of two new tracks that was written for the singles compilation album From Here On In by Australian punk band The Living End. The song is an attack on record companies that tried to change The Living End for the album Modern ARTillery. This is seen as many as a return to form from The Living End with a unique sound. It is a regular on live for the band.", "I Won't Say (I'm in Love) \"I Won't Say (I'm in Love)\" was written by composer Alan Menken and lyricist David Zippel.[1] Menken originally composed a \"soaring\" ballad entitled \"I Can't Believe My Heart\" for Meg to sing in the film,[2] which he had intended to serve as a solo that conveys the heroine falling in love with Hercules.[3][4] However, Meg's supervising animator Ken Duncan disagreed with Menken's song because he believed the character was \"too tough\" and \"hardened by life\" to perform such a soft ballad.[2] The writers agreed that Meg \"wasn’t a ballad kind of girl.\"[5] Therefore, Menken was prompted to write \"I Won't Say (I'm in Love)\", the style of which he based on some of the girl group songs he had written for his stage musical Little Shop of Horrors (1982), with which \"I Can't Believe My Heart\" was ultimately replaced.[2] Although she enjoyed the first song, actress and singer Susan Egan, who voices Meg, agreed that the slower \"I Can't Believe My Heart\"[3] was not suitable for her character because she felt that it was \"too straightforward and literal\", whereas \"I Won't Say (I'm in Love)\" expresses a similar meaning, albeit \"the way Meg would—without admitting any of it.\"[6]", "I Hear You Knocking Several earlier blues and R&B songs use lyrics similar to \"I Hear You Knocking\".[2] James \"Boodle It\" Wiggins recorded an upbeat piano blues in 1928 titled \"Keep A Knockin' An You Can't Get In\" (Paramount 12662),[3] which repeated the title in the lyrics. It was followed by songs that used similar phrases, including \"You Can't Come In\", by Bert M. Mays (1928, Vocalion 1223); \"Keep On Knocking\", by Lil Johnson (1935); \"Keep a Knocking\", by Milton Brown & His Brownies (1936); and \"Keep Knocking (But You Can't Come In)\", by Bob Wills and His Texas Playboys (1938, Columbia 20228). None of these early singles listed a songwriter or composer.", "Didn't You Know How Much I Loved You \"Didn't You Know How Much I Loved You\" is a power ballad, backed primarily by piano and electric guitar. The female narrator describes the feeling of losing the one she loves, responding to him with the question: 'Didn't you know how much I loved you?'", "Prince (musician) Certified Platinum by the RIAA, Emancipation is the first record featuring covers by Prince of songs of other artists: Joan Osborne's top ten hit song of 1995 \"One of Us\";[98] \"Betcha by Golly Wow!\" (written by Thom Bell and Linda Creed);[99] \"I Can't Make You Love Me\" (written by James Allen Shamblin II and Michael Barry Reid);[100] and \"La-La (Means I Love You)\" (written by Thom Bell and William Hart).[101]", "If I Loved You \"If I Loved You\" is a show tune from the 1945 Rodgers and Hammerstein musical Carousel.", "I Can't Quit You Baby Otis Rush revisited \"I Can't Quit You Baby\" several times over the years, most notably when he recorded the song for the 1966 blues compilation Chicago|The Blues|Today! Vol. 2 on Vanguard Records (VSD 79217). This version featured an altered arrangement with an unusual turnaround (tonic chord followed by a half-step above the tonic chord) and staccato guitar fills. Most cover versions are based on Rush's Vanguard rendition.", "Mirrors (Justin Timberlake song) Aren't you somethin' to admire?\nCause your shine is somethin' like a mirror\nAnd I can't help but notice", "Can't Help Falling in Love European 2-track CD single", "Can't Help Falling in Love The video was directed by Gregory Dark and filmed in Los Angeles, California. It had two different versions. The \"Disney Version\", as the fans named it, features scenes of the movie, and also new scenes of the A-Teens with beach costumes. The \"A-Teens Version\" of the video, features the A-Teens on the white background with different close-ups and choreography, and scenes with puppies and different costumes.", "Can't Help Falling in Love 7\" single", "Can't Help Falling in Love European/Australian CD maxi", "Celine Dion Dion followed Falling into You with Let's Talk About Love (1997), which was publicized as its sequel.[47] The recording process took place in London, New York City, and Los Angeles, and featured a host of special guests, such as Barbra Streisand on \"Tell Him\"; the Bee Gees on \"Immortality\"; and tenor Luciano Pavarotti on \"I Hate You Then I Love You\".[24][48] Other musicians included Carole King, Sir George Martin, Bryan Adams and Jamaican singer Diana King, who added a reggae tinge to \"Treat Her Like a Lady\".[49]", "Stay with Me (Sam Smith song) According to Smith, \"the song is about the moment in the morning after a one night stand, where the person you are with leaves your house, and you are left by yourself, and it's just a second, where you are just like: 'I wish, I wish'. You don't even love them, you don't really fancy them that much, it's just nice to have someone in the bed next to you.\"[4] The song won the Grammy Awards for Record of the Year and Song of the Year, and in his acceptance speech for winning the Record of the Year, Smith said that \"I want to thank the man who this record is about who I fell in love with last year. Thank you so much for breaking my heart because you got me four Grammys.\"[6]", "She Loves You British Prime Minister Alec Douglas-Home made a gaffe in February 1964: his speechwriters, trying to make him appear in touch with popular culture, wrote him the line, \"I'm too modest to claim the country loves us, but you know that can't be bad.\" However, he appeared not to understand the reference, and actually said, \"but you know, err, that can't be too bad.\"[54]", "Falling into You At the 39th Annual Grammy Awards, Falling into You won Grammy Award for Album of the Year and Best Pop Album. \"Because You Loved Me\" was nominated for Grammy Award for Record of the Year, Best Female Pop Vocal Performance, Song of the Year and won Grammy Award for Best Song Written Specifically for a Motion Picture or Television. Thanks to Falling into You, Dion won three World Music Awards in 1997 for World's Best Selling Artist of the Year, World's Best Selling Pop Artist of the Year and World's Best Selling Canadian Artist of the Year. She was also nominated for American Music Awards for Favorite Pop/Rock Female Artist and Favorite Adult Contemporary Artist in both 1997 and 1998, and won American Music Award for Favorite Pop/Rock Female Artist in January 1998. At the Juno Awards of 1997, Dion won Juno Award for Female Vocalist of the Year and International Achievement Award. Falling into You won Juno Award for Best Selling Album (Foreign or Domestic) and was nominated for Album of the Year. \"Because You Loved Me\" was nominated for the Juno Award for Single of the Year.", "Piece by Piece (song) A lot of the reasons why I wrote \"Piece by Piece\" was I guess I didn't realize the gravity of the situation until I had a child of my own, and until I experienced love like I do with Brandon (Blackstock) on the daily basis. I guess you don't realize something is missing until you feel it. I can't imagine walking away from my little girl. I can't imagine not having that love anymore. I didn't know it was missing because I never had it. It was a revelation and that's why I wrote that song. I think a lot of people go through that.[2]", "Bridgit Mendler To Hartford Courant she commented that writing is a compulsion. \"It's also something I really enjoy. I like to create. It's part of being a recording artist. I love to write songs\".[159] Mendler also said she didn't want to make commercial songs, but timeless songs. \"I want to make music that stands the test of time. You look at what Bob Dylan and artists like him have done and you just can't help but be blown away. I'm just glad I have the opportunity to start with this and I just want to take it as far as I can. I wanted variety and to just make things really interesting. This isn't just something that comes out of a machine. It came out of me. This isn't about product. I want to grow as an artist. I remember listening to certain recording artists and songs that had a really big impact on me\".[159]", "But You Know I Love You Bill Anderson's cover version of \"But You Know I Love You\" rose to No. 2 on the Billboard magazine Hot Country Singles chart in 1969.", "Stephen Duffy I Love My Friends was released in 1998 by Cooking Vinyl Records, who also released the singles \"17\" and \"You Are\".", "How Deep Is Your Love (Bee Gees song) \"How Deep Is Your Love\" ranked number 375 on Rolling Stone's list of the 500 Greatest Songs of All Time. In a British TV special shown in December 2011, it was voted \"The Nation's Favourite Bee Gees Song\" by ITV viewers.[3] The song set a record by accumulating 33 weeks in one chart run. It was originally intended for Yvonne Elliman, but she later recorded \"If I Can't Have You\" instead.[4]", "Why I Love You (Jay-Z and Kanye West song) Jay-Z and Kanye West are both American rappers who have collaborated on several tracks together.[1] In 2010, they began production and recording on a collaborative record Watch the Throne.[1] The track features Mr Hudson, who is signed to West's GOOD Music label singing an interpolation of Cassius track \"I <3 U So\".[2][3] Mike Dean and West handled the production of the song.[4] The artwork for \"Why I Love You\" features the French flag with a black third substituted for blue and is exactly the same cover used for Kanye West and Jay-Z's song \"Niggas in Paris\", which was sent to rhythmic radio simultaneously with \"Why I Love You\" on September 13, 2011.[5] The track was performed by West and Jay on their Watch the Throne tour.[6] It was released as a single in the United Kingdom on November 28, 2011.[7]", "I Think I Love You The Partridge Family won a NARM award for the best-selling single of the year in 1970 for their hit \"I Think I Love You\".[4]", "You Can't Always Get What You Want Marianne Faithfull has also claimed a role: \"Obviously I also contributed to 'You Can't Always Get What You Want' and 'Dear Doctor' – junk songs ... I know they used me as a muse for those tough drug songs. I knew I was being used but it was for a worthy cause.\"[7]", "I Just Want to Make Love to You \"I Just Want to Make Love to You\" is a 1954 blues song written by Willie Dixon, first recorded by Muddy Waters,[2] and released as \"Just Make Love to Me\" (Chess 1571). The song reached number four on Billboard magazine's R&B Best Sellers chart.[3]", "I Won't Say (I'm in Love) \"I Won't Say (I'm in Love)\" is a mid-tempo R&B and doo-wop ballad reminiscent of the 1950s music that incorporates elements of Motown music and teen pop. Similar in style to songs recorded by American girl groups The Ronettes and The Supremes, its lyrics are about denying having romantic feelings for someone and parody those of traditional love songs. In its accompanying musical sequence, Meg realizes that she has reluctantly begun to fall in love with Hercules but constantly refuses to admit this. Meanwhile, the Muses insist that she stop denying her feelings for him and embrace them instead. \"I Won't Say (I'm in Love)\" was written to replace a slower, more emotional ballad Menken had originally intended for Meg, entitled \"I Can't Believe My Heart\"; the song was discarded because Meg's animator Ken Duncan felt that it did not compliment her strong personality. Menken based \"I Won't Say (I'm in Love)\" on songs he had written for his musical Little Shop of Horrors (1982).", "Country music In 1962, Ray Charles surprised the pop world by turning his attention to country and western music, topping the charts and rating number three for the year on Billboard's pop chart[59] with the \"I Can't Stop Loving You\" single, and recording the landmark album Modern Sounds in Country and Western Music.[60]", "Love Saint Augustine says that one must be able to decipher the difference between love and lust. Lust, according to Saint Augustine, is an overindulgence, but to love and be loved is what he has sought for his entire life. He even says, “I was in love with love.” Finally, he does fall in love and is loved back, by God. Saint Augustine says the only one who can love you truly and fully is God, because love with a human only allows for flaws such as “jealousy, suspicion, fear, anger, and contention.” According to Saint Augustine, to love God is “to attain the peace which is yours.” (Saint Augustine's Confessions)", "I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love is the debut studio album by American rock band My Chemical Romance, released on July 23, 2002 by Eyeball Records. The album was produced by the band Thursday's vocalist Geoff Rickly at Nada Recording Studio in New Windsor, New York.[2]", "She Loves You You think you lost your love,\nWell, I saw her yesterday.\nIt's you she's thinking of –\nAnd she told me what to say.\nShe says she loves you ...", "Love Don't Live Here Anymore \"I had the good fortune of finding material that Madonna really responded to, 'Love Don't Live Here Anymore' for instance, which was the old Rose Royce record. I was driving into work one day and heard it on the radio, I called producer Nile Rodgers and Madonna, they were in the studio. I said, 'I have an idea,. You know the old Rose Royce record, 'Love Don't Live Here Anymore'? Why don't you try and record a version of it for Like a Virgin?\"[26]", "I Will Always Love You In 1992, R&B singer Whitney Houston recorded a new arrangement of \"I Will Always Love You\" for the soundtrack to The Bodyguard, her film debut. The song has a saxophone solo by Kirk Whalum. She was originally to record Jimmy Ruffin's \"What Becomes of the Brokenhearted\" as the lead single from The Bodyguard. However, when it was discovered the song was to be used for Fried Green Tomatoes, Houston requested a different song. It was her co-star Kevin Costner who suggested \"I Will Always Love You\", playing her Linda Ronstadt's 1975 version from her album Prisoner in Disguise.[26][27] Producer David Foster re-arranged the song as a soul ballad.[24] Her record company did not feel a song with an a cappella introduction would be as successful; however, Houston and Costner insisted on retaining it. When Parton heard that Houston was using Ronstadt's recording as a template, she called Foster to give him the final verse, which was missing from the Ronstadt recording, as she felt it was important to the song. The tenor saxophone solo was played by Kirk Whalum. Whitney Houston's recording is not the only version of the song featured in the movie. In a scene where she dances with Kevin Costner, a version by John Doe can be heard playing on a jukebox.", "I and Love and You Bart Blasengame of Paste gave the album a very positive review, writing that the Avett Brothers \"...constructed something beautiful\" while still making their sound more mainstream. The review continued: \"The depth and beauty that spread all across I and Love and You will, with any luck, keep The Avett Brothers from becoming The Jonas Brothers.\"[17] Popmatters' Steve Leftridge called the album the band's best record yet, writing \"I and Love and You's new elegant musical direction and very strong set of new songs indicate that they are band that is indeed just getting revved up. They might remain too folk-fringe-y to be pop's Next Big Thing, but the Avetts' latest fully delivers on this band's considerable potential.\" Leftridge also praised Rick Rubin's contributions.[18]", "I and Love and You The song \"I and Love and You\" was chosen as the Starbucks iTunes Pick of the Week for September 22, 2009.[3] From September 8[4] to October 8,[5] 2009, The Avett Brothers released a 13 chapter video series about I and Love and You, each chapter featuring one song from the album (one chapter at a time, posting each on various websites before collecting them for viewing on their own page).", "I Belong to You (Lenny Kravitz song) The single featured several remixes for his previous single \"If You Can't Say No\", apart from the \"I Belong To You\" song.", "Can't You Hear Me Knocking Taylor added, \"I used a brown Gibson ES-345 for 'Dead Flowers' and the solo on 'Can't You Hear Me Knocking'.\"[1]", "Who Do You Love? Who Do You Love? may refer to:" ]
who plays the doc in back to the future
[ "Christopher Lloyd Christopher Allen Lloyd (born October 22, 1938)[1] is an American actor, voice actor, and comedian. He is best known for his roles as Emmett \"Doc\" Brown in the Back to the Future trilogy, Judge Doom in Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988), Merlock the Magician in DuckTales the Movie: Treasure of the Lost Lamp (1990), Uncle Fester in The Addams Family (1991) and its sequel Addams Family Values (1993), and Grigori Rasputin in Anastasia (1997)." ]
[ "Back to the Future: The Game Back to the Future: The Game is an episodic graphic adventure based on the Back to the Future film franchise. The game was developed and published by Telltale Games as part of a licensing deal with Universal Pictures. Bob Gale, co-creator, co-writer and co-producer of the film trilogy, assisted Telltale in writing the game's story. Original actors Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd allowed the developers to use their likenesses in the game for the lead characters Marty McFly and Doc Brown, respectively. Lloyd also provides the voice for Doc, while A.J. Locascio plays the role of Marty; Fox later appeared to voice two cameo roles in the final episode, reprising his role as future versions of Marty McFly in addition to playing his forefather William.[6]", "Mary Steenburgen In Back to the Future Part III (1990), Steenburgen played Clara Clayton, a school teacher who falls in love with Doc Brown, played by Christopher Lloyd. She was persuaded to play the role by her children, as well as by fans of the Back to the Future films, and reprised the role by providing the character's voice in Back to the Future: The Animated Series.", "Back to the Future Part II was released on November 22, 1989, to similar financial and critical success as the original, finishing as the third highest-grossing film of the year worldwide.[77][78] The film continues directly from the ending of Back to the Future and follows Marty and Doc as they travel into the future of 2015, an alternative 1985, and 1955 where Marty must repair the future while avoiding his past self from the original film. Part II became notable for its 2015 setting and predictions of technology such as hoverboards.[79][80][81] Part III, released on May 25, 1990, continued the story, following Marty as he travels back to 1885 to rescue a time-stranded Doc.", "Back to the Future: The Ride Riders entered the ride as \"volunteers\" for a time travel experiment at the Institute of Future Technology. Doc explained that the plan was for them to travel one day into the future, but that caution must be exercised as Biff, who graduated from Hill Valley High School in 1955, has escaped his time period and is now running amok in the space-time continuum. Once inside, Doc revealed some of the inventions he had been working on, including his \"crowning achievement\" – an 8-passenger DeLorean DMC-12 time machine (also a convertible), which is what the riders would be using in the experiment. Unknown to Doc, Biff had infiltrated the Institute – he appeared to the riders, asking for assistance in finding Doc's time machine. Heather then announced that the pre-flight system checks were in progress and informed the riders to stand by for an announcement from Doc.", "Back to the Future (franchise) Co-writer and director Robert Zemeckis, who has approval over all films in the Back to the Future franchise, has stated that he will block all attempts to remake or reboot the original film. Bob Gale stated that he did not wish to see another film in the series without the Marty McFly character nor any other actor than Michael J. Fox playing him, while acknowledging that Fox's current health condition would make this impossible. He illustrated this at a 2008 fan convention in Florida, stating \"The idea of making another Back to the Future movie without Michael J. Fox – you know, that's like saying, 'I'm going to cook you a steak dinner and I'm going to hold the beef.\"[1] Gale also said that the Telltale adaptation is the closest thing to what a fourth film could be like.[2] In a USA Today interview on October 21, 2015, the day of Marty McFly's purported arrival in the future, Christopher Lloyd stated that he would consider making a fourth film under the condition that the original cast and creative team returned, along with a story \"worth telling.\"[3] The same day, Lloyd once again reprised his role as Doc Brown in a brief segment in which Doc Brown returns to announce a special message explaining the discrepancy between reality and the \"future\" as depicted in the film.[4]", "List of Back to the Future characters In the first film, Doc successfully tests his time machine by placing Einstein in it and sending him one minute into the future. In the animated series, Einstein becomes anthropomorphic and smarter, helping Doc with his inventions for traveling to the past and the future.", "Back to the Future (franchise) In 2015, Fox and Lloyd starred alongside popular YouTube science personality Go Tech Yourself in an extended Toyota commercial for Toyota's new fuel cell vehicle, the Mirai, entitled Fueled by the Future. The commercial doubled as a tribute to the franchise and illustrated how the idea of converting trash into fuel had become reality. The commercial was released on October 21 — the same date to which Marty, Doc and Jennifer traveled in Back to the Future Part II.[39]", "List of Back to the Future characters Kid Tannen is Biff's father who only appears in the Back to the Future game. Kid is a gangster who runs a local speakeasy in the 1930s Hill Valley. He, like the rest of the Tannen family, bullies the McFly family forcing Marty's grandfather Arthur to do his accounting. Kid is brought down with the help of Marty, a young version of Doc, and Arthur McFly. He later marries Edna Strickland and reforms from his criminal ways with her help.", "Back to the Future: The Ride Visitors to the Institute waited outside the facility. The queue video featured clips from the Back to the Future trilogy, as well as new footage featuring Doc, diagrams for other innovations, ostensibly created by him, newsreel footage of him with Albert Einstein and other historical figures, and a \"live\" video feed from 2015 in which he explained the experiment.", "Back to the Future (franchise) The series continues as Doc Brown travels with Marty and Jennifer to the year 2015 where he has discovered Marty's family is in ruins. Shortly after correcting the situation, Marty buys a sports almanac containing the outcomes of 50 years (1950–2000) worth of sporting events to make easy money. However, Doc talks him out of it and throws the almanac in the trash, where the 2015 Biff Tannen finds it. A sleeping Jennifer has been taken by police to her future home, needing Marty and Doc to retrieve her before returning to 1985. While Marty and Doc are at the 2015 McFly home, 2015 Biff steals the DeLorean time machine and gives the book to his 1955 self just before he goes to the dance at the end of the first movie. When Doc and Marty return to 1985, they find that Biff has used the sports almanac's knowledge for financial gain, which allows him to turn Courthouse Square into a 27-story casino, take over Hill Valley, get away with the murder of Marty's father, and later marry Marty's mother. Marty learns that Biff was given the book by 2015 Biff on November 12, 1955, so he and Doc go back to that date in order to steal the almanac from Biff before he can use it to destroy their lives. They accomplish this in a complex fashion, often crossing their own past-selves' paths. When the duo are about to travel back to 1985, a lightning bolt strikes the DeLorean and activates the time circuits, sending Doc back to 1885 and leaving Marty stranded once again in 1955.", "Back to the Future Part II Marty secretly follows the 1955 Biff, and watches him receive the almanac from his 2015 self. Marty then follows him to the high school dance, being careful to avoid interrupting the events from his previous visit. After several fruitless attempts, Marty finally gets the almanac, leaving Biff to crash into a manure truck. Marty burns the almanac, reversing Biff's changes to the timeline, as Doc hovers above in the time machine. Before Marty can join him in the time machine, the DeLorean is struck by lightning and disappears. A Western Union courier immediately arrives and delivers a letter to Marty; it is from Doc, who explains that he was transported back to 1885. Marty races back into town to find the 1955 Doc, who had just helped the original Marty return to 1985. Shocked by Marty's sudden reappearance, Doc faints.", "Bill Nye the Science Guy Before his show launched, Nye had previously worked alongside Christopher Lloyd in Back to the Future: The Animated Series, where he played Doc Brown's assistant and demonstrated several experiments.[11]", "Back to the Future Part III The night before their departure, Marty and Doc place the DeLorean onto the rail spur. Unable to convince Clara the truth that he is from the future, Doc is spurned. Doc returns to the town saloon for a binge, but Marty rides to the saloon and convinces Doc to leave with him. Doc drinks a single shot of whiskey and passes out. Buford arrives early and calls out Marty, but Marty refuses to duel. Doc revives after drinking the bartender's special \"Wake-Up Juice\" and tries fleeing with Marty, but Buford's gang captures Doc, forcing Marty to duel. During a fistfight, Buford destroys the tombstone, is knocked unconscious into a wagon full of manure, and is then arrested for an earlier robbery. Marty and Doc depart to steal the locomotive.", "Back to the Future: The Game On return to 1986 they find it has changed: for some unknown reason, Kid was able to expand his criminal operations and owns all of Hill Valley. Marty and Doc return to 1931, and find another option: they convince Trixie, Kid's moll who has become smitten with Artie, to testify instead. Kid and his gang are jailed, and all appears well. Marty and Doc return to the future unaware that their actions have caused Edna to fall in love with Emmett, and their relationship causes Emmett to forgo his scientific inventions.", "Back to the Future Marty awakens the next morning to find his family changed: George is a self-confident, successful author, Lorraine is physically fit and happy, his brother David is a successful businessman, his sister Linda works in a boutique and has many \"boyfriends\" and Biff is now an obsequious auto valet. As Marty reunites with Jennifer, the DeLorean appears with Doc, dressed in a futuristic outfit, insisting they accompany him to 2015 to fix a problem with their future children. The trio gets inside the DeLorean and disappear into the future.", "List of Back to the Future characters The character was played by Claudia Wells in Back to the Future. However, Wells was not available to film the sequels for personal reasons, and the role was recast to Elisabeth Shue although Wells reprised her role as Jennifer in Back to the Future: The Game as a punk rock version of her character. Consequently, the opening scene of Back to the Future Part II was re-shot with Shue taking Wells' place, rather than using the ending of Back to the Future. In the spin-off Back to the Future: the Animated Series, Jennifer was voiced by Cathy Cavadini.", "Back to the Future: The Ride Biff trapped Doc in his office, and it was revealed that when one of the time traveling teams were conducting an experiment back in 1955, Biff stowed away. He takes the DeLorean and vanished into time. Worried about the havoc Biff would cause to the space-time continuum, Doc frantically pleaded with the riders to assist him and said that the only way to bring Biff back to the present was to accelerate to 88 miles per hour and bump him (which will open a time vortex that would send both time vehicles back to their original point of departure); they entered the 8-passenger time vehicle, led by one of Doc's assistants, after going over final safety instructions. Doc then informed them with some helpful advice saying that the time vehicle Biff had stolen had a sub-ether time-tracking scanner; that way whatever time period he may be, the riders' vehicle would pin-point to that exact location. They then followed Biff into time.", "Back to the Future Fox's schedule was opened up in January 1985 when Baxter returned to Family Ties following her pregnancy. The Back to the Future crew met with Goldberg again, who made a deal that Fox's main priority would be Family Ties, and if a scheduling conflict arose, \"we win\". Fox loved the script and was impressed by Zemeckis and Gale's sensitivity in releasing Stoltz, because they nevertheless \"spoke very highly of him\".[11] Per Welinder and Bob Schmelzer assisted on the skateboarding scenes.[24] Fox found his portrayal of Marty McFly to be very personal. \"All I did in high school was skateboard, chase girls and play in bands. I even dreamed of becoming a rock star.\"[22]", "Back to the Future Michael J. Fox was the first choice to play Marty McFly, but he was committed to the show Family Ties.[22] Family Ties producer Gary David Goldberg felt that Fox was essential to the show's success. With co-star Meredith Baxter on maternity leave, he refused to allow Fox time off to work on a film. Back to the Future was originally scheduled for a May 1985 release and it was late 1984 when it was learned that Fox would be unable to star in the film.[11] Zemeckis' next two choices were C. Thomas Howell and Eric Stoltz. Stoltz impressed the producers enough with his earlier portrayal of Roy L. Dennis in Mask (which had yet to be released) that they selected him to play Marty McFly.[9] Because of the difficult casting process, the start date was pushed back twice.[23]", "Back to the Future: The Game Marty's gotten into a sticky situation as he is dealing with the consequences of his and Doc's actions back in 1930s' Hill Valley, so it's going to take some crafty thinking for him to get out of this mess and back in time to fix the altered timeline.", "Hill Valley (Back to the Future) The town of Hill Valley is depicted as having been first settled in 1850 and incorporated in 1865. By the 1880s, it was connected by railroad to San Francisco. Construction of a new county courthouse was well underway in 1885, the setting of Back to the Future Part III, in which a new clock was dedicated for the building. The Shonash Ravine Bridge was completed in the summer of 1886, around the same time the ravine was renamed Clayton Ravine in memory of Clara Clayton, a school teacher who died from falling into the chasm. However, in a revised timeline where Doc Brown saved Clara's life, the town renamed it Eastwood Ravine after Marty McFly's persona.", "Back to the Future Part II Jennifer wakes up in her 2015 home and hides from the McFly family. She overhears that her future self's life with Marty is not what she expected, due to his involvement in an automobile accident. She witnesses Marty being goaded by his co-worker, Douglas J. Needles, into a shady business deal, resulting in Marty's firing. Attempting to escape the house, Jennifer encounters her 2015 self and they both faint. While Marty and Doc attend to her, Biff steals the time machine and uses it to travel back to 1955 and give the almanac to his younger self to get rich betting, then returns to 2015. Marty, Doc, and an unconscious Jennifer return to 1985, unaware of Biff's actions.", "Back to the Future Back to the Future spent 11 weeks at number one.[11] Gale recalled \"Our second weekend was higher than our first weekend, which is indicative of great word of mouth. National Lampoon's European Vacation came out in August and it kicked us out of number one for one week and then we were back to number one.\"[15] The film went on to gross $210.61 million in North America and $173.2 million in foreign countries, accumulating a worldwide total of $383.87 million.[4] Back to the Future had the fourth-highest opening weekend of 1985 and was the top-grossing film of the year.[49] Box Office Mojo estimates that the film sold over 59 million tickets in the US.[50]", "Back to the Future Part II Claudia Wells, who had played Marty McFly's girlfriend Jennifer Parker in the first film, was to reprise her role, but turned it down due to personal issues. The producers cast Elisabeth Shue instead, which involved re-shooting the closing scenes of the first film for the beginning of Part II. The re-shot sequence is a near shot-for-shot match with the original, with only minor differences: for example, Doc noticeably hesitates before reassuring Marty that his future self is fine – something he did not do in the first film. Marty is also wearing a watch in the second film whereas he was not in the first.[14][15]", "Back to the Future Alan Silvestri collaborated with Zemeckis on Romancing the Stone, but Spielberg disliked that film's score. Zemeckis advised Silvestri to make his compositions grand and epic, despite the film's small scale, to impress Spielberg. Silvestri began recording the score two weeks before the first preview. He also suggested Huey Lewis and the News create the theme song. Their first attempt was rejected by Universal, before they recorded \"The Power of Love\".[38] The studio loved the final song, but were disappointed it did not feature the film's title, so they had to send memos to radio stations to always mention its association with Back to the Future.[11] In the end, the track \"Back in Time\" was featured in the film, playing during the scene when Marty wakes up after his return to 1985 and also during the end credits.[38]", "Back to the Future President Ronald Reagan, a fan of the film, referred to the film in his 1986 State of the Union Address when he said, \"Never has there been a more exciting time to be alive, a time of rousing wonder and heroic achievement. As they said in the film Back to the Future, 'Where we're going, we don't need roads'.\"[65] When he first saw the joke about him being president, he ordered the projectionist of the theater to stop the reel, roll it back, and run it again.[9]", "Back to the Future Following Stoltz's departure, Fox's schedule during weekdays consisted of filming Family Ties during the day, and Back to the Future from 6:30 pm to 2:30 am. He averaged five hours of sleep each night. During Fridays, he shot from 10 pm to 6 or 7 am, and then moved on to film exterior scenes throughout the weekend, as only then was he available during daytime hours. Fox found it exhausting, but \"it was my dream to be in the film and television business, although I didn't know I'd be in them simultaneously. It was just this weird ride and I got on.\"[38] Zemeckis concurred, dubbing Back to the Future \"the film that would not wrap\". He recalled that because they shot night after night, he was always \"half asleep\" and the \"fattest, most out-of-shape and sick I ever was\".[11]", "Back to the Future Back to the Future opened on July 3, 1985, on 1,200 screens in North America. Zemeckis was concerned the film would flop because Fox had to film a Family Ties special in London and was unable to promote the film. Gale was also dissatisfied with Universal Pictures' tagline \"Are you telling me my mother's got the hots for me?\".", "Back to the Future Christopher Lloyd was cast as Doc Brown after the first choice, John Lithgow, became unavailable.[11] Having worked with Lloyd on The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai (1984), producer Neil Canton suggested him for the part. Lloyd originally turned down the role, but changed his mind after reading the script and at the persistence of his wife. He improvised some of his scenes,[25] taking inspiration from Albert Einstein and conductor Leopold Stokowski.[26][27] Brown pronounces gigawatts as \"jigawatts\", which was the way a physicist said the word when he met with Zemeckis and Gale as they researched the script,[24][28] rather than with an initial hard \"g\", although both pronunciations are acceptable.[29][30] Doc Brown's notable hunch came about because at 6'1\" Lloyd was considerably taller than Fox at 5'5\", and they needed to look closer in height.[31]", "List of Back to the Future characters George Douglas McFly (portrayed by Crispin Glover in Back to the Future and by Jeffrey Weissman in Back to the Future Part II and Back to the Future Part III and voiced by Michael X. Sommers in Back to the Future: The Game) is the father of Marty, Linda and Dave from the union with his wife Lorraine Baines McFly. Although he is one of the main characters in the first movie, George only makes cameos in Back to the Future Part II and Back to the Future Part III.", "Back to the Future The two were tempted to ally themselves with Steven Spielberg, who produced Used Cars and I Wanna Hold Your Hand, which were both box office bombs. Zemeckis and Gale initially had shown the screenplay to Spielberg, who had \"loved\" it.[14] Spielberg, however, was absent from the project during development because Zemeckis felt if he produced another flop under him, he would never be able to make another film.[14] Gale said \"we were afraid that we would get the reputation that we were two guys who could only get a job because we were pals with Steven Spielberg.\"[15] Zemeckis chose to direct Romancing the Stone instead, which was a box office success. Now a high-profile director, Zemeckis reapproached Spielberg with the concept.[11] Agreeing to produce Back to the Future, Spielberg set the project up at his production company, Amblin Entertainment, with Kathleen Kennedy and Frank Marshall joining Spielberg as executive producers on the film.[16][17]", "Back to the Future: The Ride Back to the Future: The Ride was a simulator ride at Universal Studios theme parks. It was based on and inspired by the Back to the Future film series and is a mini-sequel to 1990's Back to the Future Part III. It was previously located at Universal Studios Florida and Universal Studios Hollywood, where it has since been replaced by The Simpsons Ride and at Universal Studios Japan where it has since been replaced by Despicable Me Minion Mayhem.", "Back to the Future On review aggregator Metacritic, which assigns a normalized rating out of 100, the film received an average score of 86/100, which indicates \"universal acclaim\", based on 12 reviews.[51] Review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes reported that 96% of critics gave the film a positive review, based on 77 reviews, certifying it \"Fresh\", with an average rating of 8.7 out of 10 and the consensus: \"Inventive, funny, and breathlessly constructed, Back to the Future is a rousing time-travel adventure with an unforgettable spirit.\"[52]", "Back to the Future (franchise) Back to the Future: The Ride is a simulator ride based on and inspired by the Back to the Future films and is a mini-sequel to 1990's Back to the Future Part III. The original attraction opened on May 2, 1991, at Universal Studios Florida. It also opened on June 2, 1993 at Universal Studios Hollywood and on March 31, 2001 at Universal Studios Japan. The rides in the United States have since been replaced by The Simpsons Ride. The ride in Japan remained operational until May 31, 2016.", "8 Mile (film) In all rounds of the rap battle, Jimmy has to compete against one member of \"the Leaders.\" After winning the first two rounds, he has to challenge Papa Doc. He wins by exposing his opponent's weaknesses as well as his own. With nothing to say in rebuttal, Papa Doc hands the microphone back to Future, embarrassed. After being congratulated by Alex and his friends, Jimmy is offered a position by Future, hosting battles at The Shelter. Jimmy declines, saying he has to get back to work and to find success his own way.", "Marty McFly Marty was born in Hill Valley, California to a family of Irish descent. Little is known about Marty's life prior to the first Back to the Future film, except for the fact that he set fire to the living-room rug when he was 8 years old (which is revealed via a statement of Marty's to his future parents).[2] He met his friend Dr. Emmett \"Doc\" Brown when he was around fourteen after hearing that Brown was a dangerous lunatic. Marty, being the “red-blooded American teenager” he was, wanted to go see what it was all about for himself. He found Doc’s lab and was fascinated by all his inventions. When Doc caught him, he was glad to have someone who liked his work and their friendship started there.", "Back to the Future: The Ride Meanwhile, Doc traveled to 2015 in the original DeLorean (a new time machine being built out of another DeLorean) to make sure the space time continuum was back to normal after the events of his previous time traveling adventures, while his other Institute scientists traveled to 1885 and 1955. However, in 1955, Biff Tannen stowed away on the IFT scientists' time machine, hitching a ride back to the present-day Institute, which set up the ride's main storyline.", "Back to the Future (soundtrack) Back to the Future: Music from the Motion Picture Soundtrack is the soundtrack album to the film of the same name. It was released on July 8, 1985 by MCA Records. The album included two tracks culled from Alan Silvestri's compositions for the film, two tracks from Huey Lewis and the News, two songs played by the fictional band Marvin Berry and The Starlighters, one played by Marty McFly and The Starlighters, and two pop songs that are only very briefly heard in the background of the film.", "Back to the Future (franchise) In 1989, MCA Records released Back to the Future Part II soundtrack with 13 tracks.", "Back to the Future: The Ride In 2015, The Back to the Future gift shop in Universal Studios Japan was replaced by Minion Mart, a Despicable Me 2-themed store.", "Back to the Future Part II In the 2015 scene, the film imagines the Chicago Cubs winning the 2015 World Series against the fictional Miami-based Gators, referencing the Cubs' longstanding failure to win a championship. In the actual 2015 season, the Cubs qualified for the postseason, their first postseason appearance since 2008,[36] but the Cubs lost the National League Championship Series (not the World Series) to the New York Mets on October 21, 2015, which coincidentally was the same day as \"Back to the Future Day,\" the day Marty McFly arrived in 2015 in the film.[37] Despite losing in 2015, one year later the Cubs did win the 2016 World Series against the Cleveland Indians;[38] the official Twitter feed for the Back to the Future franchise tweeted out that Marty & Doc's time-traveling caused \"a rift in the space-time continuum\" that led to the 1994 strike (and subsequent cancellation of the 1994 World Series), thus delaying the accurate prediction by a year.[39] In the real 2015 World Series, the Kansas City Royals defeated the Mets to win their first World Series championship since 1985, the same year from which Marty and Doc time traveled in the film. As for the fictional Miami Gators, when the film was made Florida did not yet have a Major League Baseball team,[40] but the state has since gained two franchises: the Florida Marlins (now the Miami Marlins) in 1993 and the Tampa Bay Devil Rays (now the Tampa Bay Rays) in 1998. Neither qualified for the postseason in 2015.", "Doc McStuffins The series received positive reviews and criticisms after its release. Kia Morgan Smith of Cincomom.com said that \"It truly warmed my heart and almost brought tears to my eyes when my 8-year-old, Mikaela, saw 'Doc McStuffins' for the first time and said, 'Wow, mommy — she's brown,'\"[25] Myiesha Taylor of CoilyEmbrace.com said that \"This program featuring a little African-American girl and her family is crucial to changing the future of this nation.\" Taylor also applauded the concept of its portrayal of a young black girl who wishes to follow in the footsteps of her mother as a doctor as the lead character, that inspired her to collect pictures of 131 doctors — all women of color — and publish a collage online under the heading, 'We Are Doc McStuffins.'\"[26]", "Back to the Future (franchise) An animated television series, Back to the Future: The Animated series, lasted two seasons, each featuring 13 episodes, and ran on CBS from September 14, 1991 to December 26, 1992.", "Back to the Future (franchise) In 1999, Varèse Sarabande released Back to the Future trilogy soundtrack with eight tracks from the first film, seven from the second, four from the third, and one from the ride.", "Back to the Future Although it appears that Fox is actually playing a guitar, music supervisor Bones Howe hired Hollywood guitar coach and musician Paul Hanson to teach Fox to simulate playing all the parts so it would look realistic, including playing behind his head. Fox lip-synched \"Johnny B. Goode\" to vocals by Mark Campbell (of Jack Mack and the Heart Attack fame), with the guitar solo played by Tim May.[42]", "List of Back to the Future characters Copernicus is Doc's dog from 1955. Like his other dogs, Copernicus was used in many of Doc's experiments. When Copernicus died, he was replaced by Einstein.", "Doc McStuffins Each 11-minute episode includes original songs. During ending credits in Season 1, Doc gives advice to viewers about staying healthy. Seasons 1 and 2 have the original intro for the theme song, but in Season 3, the spoken line by Doc at the end of the theme song was re-recorded with Doc's new voice. In Season 3 Doc opens up a veterinarian clinic for fixing toy pets in addition to the regular medical services that she provides for the other toys. In Season 4, Doc's Grandma reveals her own magical stethoscope and teleports her and Doc to McStuffinsville, a magical city populated by living toys, and puts Doc in charge of the McStuffinsville Hospital.", "Back to the Future The Hill Valley town square scenes were shot at Courthouse Square, located in the Universal Studios backlot (34°08′29″N 118°20′59″W / 34.141417°N 118.349771°W / 34.141417; -118.349771). Gale explained it would have been impossible to shoot on location \"because no city is going to let a film crew remodel their town to look like it's in the 1950s.\" The filmmakers \"decided to shoot all the 50s stuff first, and make the town look real beautiful and wonderful. Then we would just totally trash it down and make it all bleak and ugly for the 1980s scenes.\"[38] The interiors for Doc Brown's house were shot at the Robert R. Blacker House, while exteriors took place at Gamble House.[39] The exterior shots of the Twin Pines Mall, and later the Lone Pine Mall (from 1985) were shot at the Puente Hills Mall in City of Industry, California. The exterior shots and some interior scenes at Hill Valley High School were filmed at Whittier High School in Whittier, California. The Battle of the Bands tryout scene was filmed at the McCambridge Park Recreation Center in Burbank, and the \"Enchantment Under the Sea\" dance was filmed in the gymnasium at Hollywood United Methodist Church. The scenes outside of the Baines' house in 1955 were shot at Bushnell Avenue, South Pasadena, California.[40]", "Back to the Future (franchise) In July 1997, Universal Studios announced that Back to the Future would be one of their first ten releases to the new format, though it ended up being delayed for five years. The films were finally released in 3-disc DVD box set on December 17, 2002 in both widescreen and fullscreen.[26]", "Back to the Future: The Game Back to the Future: The Game is a graphic adventure played from a third-person perspective. The player controls Marty to explore the 3D environments using either the keyboard, mouse or game controller to move around. The player can have Marty examine objects, talk to non-player characters (initiating dialog through conversation trees), and perform specific actions in order to solve puzzles and progress the game. Some items can be picked up and stored in Marty's inventory, and then can be used later to interact with other characters or objects. The game provides a list of current goals for the player to complete to advance the game. The player can access a hint system, revealing one clue at a time from a number of cryptic clues for how to solve a specific puzzle.[8][9]", "Back to the Future: The Ride As a result of the editing, the music played during the queue videos has been removed, and a section when Doc asks volunteers if they have seen Biff has also been removed. The pre-time travel systems check section of the pre-flight video has also been removed. In the main ride portion on the DVD release, the DeLorean based vehicle and ride cabin is virtually re-created (not totally accurate to the ride's dashboard). The time travel coordinates bear May 2, 1991 as the starting date in the beginning of the portion, which was the opening of the Florida ride as well as the fictional opening of the Institute within it. All of the pre-show and ride footage have been included as a special feature on the 2010 Blu-ray release.", "Back to the Future: The Ride Prior to the ride's debut at Universal Studios Japan, new audio was recorded in Japanese and was dubbed over the original cast. In the Japanese version, Takeshi Aono and Takashi Taniguchi voiced Doc Brown and Biff Tannen, respectively. Ayako Sasaki provided the voice for Heather, Masashi Hironaka as the IFT security guard, while Tetsuo Goto and Hironori Miyata voiced the IFT scientists.", "Back to the Future: The Game To promote the title, Telltale brought a replica of the DeLorean time machine as part of their booth display at the 2010 Penny Arcade Expo which occurred shortly after the game's announcement.[42][43] Prior to the game's release, Telltale Games published their first Facebook game, Back to the Future: Blitz Through Time, with mechanics similar to Bejeweled Blitz, to tie in with the episodic series.[44][45] It has been taken down as of 2012.", "List of Back to the Future characters Jennifer Jane Parker is the girlfriend (and, in 2015 in Back to the Future Part II, the wife) of Marty McFly.", "Back to the Future (franchise) The Back to the Future franchise is an American science fiction–adventure comedy film series written and directed by Robert Zemeckis, produced by Bob Gale and Neil Canton for Steven Spielberg's Amblin Entertainment, and distributed by Universal Pictures. The franchise follows the adventures of a high school student, Marty McFly (Michael J. Fox), and an eccentric scientist, Dr. Emmett L. Brown (Christopher Lloyd), as they use a DeLorean time machine to time travel to different periods in the history of Hill Valley, California.", "Back to the Future The original 1985 soundtrack album only included two tracks culled from Silvestri's compositions for the film, both Huey Lewis tracks, the songs played in the film by the fictional band Marvin Berry and The Starlighters (and Marty McFly), one of the vintage 1950s songs in the movie, and two pop songs that are only very briefly heard in the background of the film[citation needed]. On November 24, 2009, an authorized, limited-edition two-CD set of the entire score was released by Intrada Records.[43]", "Back to the Future: The Game As Michael J. Fox was unavailable to reprise his role as Marty for the game, newcomer A.J. Locascio voiced the character instead,[35] though Fox later provided voice work for Marty's great grandfather William in the fifth and final episode of the game, as well as for the three futuristic versions of Marty who appear in the game's final cutscene.[6][21][36] Locascio was able to get the part when his audition sample ended up in the email inbox of voice director Julian Kwasneski, and managed to impress both Gale and Lloyd with how closely it resembled the sound of Fox's voice during the time the trilogy was filmed.[35] Lloyd returned to voice Doc Brown and began his first recording session for the game in late September 2010.[37] Later, Claudia Wells joined the cast, reprising her role as Jennifer Parker from the first film.[38] Kid Beyond provides the voice for Biff Tannen in place of actor Tom Wilson,[39] and James Arnold Taylor as the younger Emmett.[40] Though the game features other returning characters including George and Lorraine McFly, voicework for these characters are provided by a variety of available voice actors in the Bay Area. Tom Wilson reprised his role as Biff Tannen for the 30th anniversary revamp.[41] The song Back in Time by Huey Lewis and the News, which was written for first film, appears in the game.", "Hill Valley (Back to the Future) According to an 1885 railroad map in Back to the Future Part III, Hill Valley is located in Northern California in the Sierra Nevada Mountains.", "Doc Holliday \"Doc Holliday Days\" are held yearly in Holliday's birthplace of Griffin, Georgia. Valdosta, Georgia held a Doc Holliday look-alike contest in January 2010, to coincide with its sesquicentennial celebration.[78]", "Back to the Future: The Game Back to the Future: The Game received generally positive reviews. The first episode, \"It's About Time\", was praised by several reviewers as an effective start to the series. IGN's Greg Miller gave the episode a score of 8.5/10, writing, \"it's a movie-inspired game that doesn't suck. Instead, it pushes the characters in interesting directions and whips up a good story.\" Miller praised Telltale Games for recreating the Back to the Future universe with attention to detail and for the iteration's witty dialogue.[62] Nathan Meunier of GameSpot gave the episode a 7.5/10 score, saying the series \"shows a lot of promise with its debut installment\". The review added that \"The entertaining story that follows is enhanced by believable character interactions, imbuing the adventure with a great sense of authenticity.\" Meunier did note that the installment was \"surprisingly light on challenge and content.\"[63] Ben PerLee from GameZone summarized his praise of the game by saying it is a \"feel good cinematic experience that any fan of Back to the Future will want to check out, and everyone else would do well to check it out.\"[64] PALGN gave the installment a 7/10, saying that fans of the films \"will find plenty to love with all of the callbacks and nostalgic moments\", but calling the game's pace slow and the 1930s setting uninspiring. The review concluded, \"Fans will delight in the more nostalgic and clever moments of \"It's About Time\", but it's a short, easy and somewhat bland introduction to the series, which we hope still has time to get a lot better.\"[65] In a 2/5 stars review, The Escapist said the first episode of the game \"doesn't quite get the tone [of the films] right and fails to offer up much compelling gameplay.\" The reviewer called the setting, situations, and characters \"bland\", further describing the characters as \"cardboard nobodies\", and did not review the rest of the series.[66] The consensus among critics was that the voice acting was exceptional, with particular praise directed at A.J. Locascio's impersonation of Michael J. Fox as Marty McFly. Most reviewers were critical of the episode's puzzles as being too simplistic and easy.[62][63][65][66] Review aggregator Metacritic assigned the episode an average review score of 74/100.[52]", "History of American football During World War II, college football players enlisted in the armed forces, some playing in Europe during the war. As most of these players had eligibility left on their college careers, some of them returned to college at West Point, bringing Army back-to-back national titles in 1944 and 1945 under coach Red Blaik. Doc Blanchard (known as \"Mr. Inside\") and Glenn Davis (known as \"Mr. Outside\") both won the Heisman Trophy, in 1945 and 1946 respectively. On the coaching staff of those 1944–1946 Army teams was future Pro Football Hall of Fame coach Vince Lombardi.[108][112]", "Back to the Future Writer and producer Bob Gale conceived the idea after he visited his parents in St. Louis, Missouri after the release of Used Cars. Searching their basement, Gale found his father's high school yearbook and discovered he was president of his graduating class. Gale thought about the president of his own graduating class, who was someone he had nothing to do with.[9] Gale wondered whether he would have been friends with his father if they went to high school together. When he returned to California, he told Robert Zemeckis his new concept.[10] Zemeckis subsequently thought of a mother claiming she never kissed a boy at school when, in fact, she was highly promiscuous.[11] The two took the project to Columbia Pictures, and made a development deal for a script in September 1980.[10]", "Back to the Future: The Ride Initial planning for the ride began in 1988.[2] A roller coaster was the original concept for a Back to the Future ride, however, the designers realized it would be too hard to effectively tell a story due to the fast motion. The second concept of a simulator ride ultimately came to fruition. Riders would board motion-based vehicles modeled after the DeLorean DMC-12 featured in the films, and watch a film projected onto a large, dome-shaped IMAX screen. During the development of the ride, the designers traveled with foam models of the DeLorean to the Expo Centre in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, where an OMNIMAX theatre was the setting for trial runs of the ride's film.[3] Intamin was eventually contracted to develop the ride system for the attraction.[4]", "List of Back to the Future characters Match (portrayed by Billy Zane), Skinhead (portrayed by Jeffrey Jay Cohen), and 3-D (portrayed by Casey Siemaszko) are the three high school boys who make up Biff Tannen's gang in 1955. Their nicknames are only given in the films' novels, screenplays, and credits. Only one of their real names is mentioned in the movies – Biff refers to Skinhead as Joey in one of the 1955 scenes in Back to the Future Part II, while outside of the \"Enchantment Under the Sea\" dance.", "Back to the Future Part II Back to the Future Part II was released by Universal Pictures on November 22, 1989. The film received mixed reviews from critics and grossed over $331 million worldwide, making it the third-highest-grossing film of 1989.", "Back to the Future Part III Marty arrives on September 2, 1885, in the middle of a United States Cavalry pursuit of Indians. When the fuel line is torn, Marty hides the car in a cave and walks to Hill Valley. He meets his Irish-born great-great-grandparents, Seamus and Maggie McFly, and runs afoul of Buford and his gang. Buford tries to hang Marty, but Doc rescues him. Doc agrees to leave 1885, but because commercial gasoline is not yet available, the DeLorean cannot reach 88 miles per hour under its own power.", "Doc Holliday Holliday was still practicing dentistry from his room in Fort Griffin, Texas, and in Dodge City, Kansas. In an 1878 Dodge newspaper advertisement, he promised money back for less than complete customer satisfaction, but this was the last known time that he worked as a dentist.[9]:113 He gained the nickname \"Doc\" during this period.[3]:74", "Back to the Future Zemeckis and Gale said that they had set the story in 1955 because a 17-year-old traveling to meet his parents at the same age arithmetically required the script to travel to that decade. The era also marked the rise of teenagers as an important cultural element, the birth of rock n' roll, and suburb expansion, which would flavor the story.[12] In an early script, the time machine was designed as a refrigerator, and its user needed to use the power of an atomic explosion at the Nevada Test Site to return home. Zemeckis was \"concerned that kids would accidentally lock themselves in refrigerators\", and found that it would be more convenient if the time machine were mobile. The DeLorean DMC-12 was chosen because its design made the gag about the family of farmers mistaking it for a flying saucer believable.[13] Zemeckis and Gale found it difficult to create a believable friendship between Marty and Brown before they created the giant guitar amplifier, and only resolved his Oedipal relationship with his mother when they wrote the line \"It's like I'm kissing my brother.\" Biff Tannen was named after studio executive Ned Tanen, who behaved aggressively toward Zemeckis and Gale during a script meeting for I Wanna Hold Your Hand.[11]", "Back to the Future Part III On December 17, 2002, Universal released Back to the Future Part III in a boxed set with the first two films on DVD and VHS. In the DVD widescreen edition, there was a framing flaw that Universal has since corrected, available in sets manufactured after February 21, 2003.[18]", "List of Back to the Future characters Einstein (portrayed by Tiger in the first film and Freddie in the other two and voiced by Danny Mann in the animated series) is Doc Brown's pet Catalan sheepdog. He later becomes one of the main characters in the animated series as the Brown family's dog.", "Marathon Man (film) When the brother of a Nazi war criminal is killed in a traffic accident, Doc suspects that the criminal, Dr. Christian Szell, will come to New York to retrieve a valuable diamond collection. Doc comes to New York under the guise of a visit to Babe. Meanwhile, Babe and his new girlfriend, Elsa Opel, who claims to be from Switzerland, are mugged by two men dressed in suits. When Doc takes Babe and Elsa to lunch, he tricks Elsa into revealing that she has been lying to Babe about her background. Though Doc suspects she may be connected to Szell, he tells Babe that she is seeking an American husband so that she can become a U.S. citizen. After Szell arrives in America, Doc confronts him, stating he is not welcome in the country. Szell accepts the pronouncement, but then stabs Doc with a blade concealed in his sleeve. Doc makes it back to Babe's apartment and dies.", "Doc Martin In 2004, Doc Martin won the British Comedy Award for Best TV Comedy Drama, having also been nominated as Best New TV Comedy. In the same year, Martin Clunes won the Best TV Comedy Actor award, primarily for his portrayal of Doc Martin.", "List of Back to the Future characters In Back to the Future, Lorraine is initially portrayed in 1985 as middle-aged and unhappy. After Marty changes the timeline, she is shown to be fit and happily married to George in 1985. In Part II, she is still happily married to George in 2015, but in the dystopian alternate 1985 timeline she is widowed and married to Biff.", "Arches National Park The following year, additional support for the monument idea came from Laurence Gould, a University of Michigan graduate student (and future polar explorer) studying the geology of the nearby La Sal Mountains, who was shown the scenic area by local physician Dr. J. W. \"Doc\" Williams.", "Back to the Future Part III Alan Silvestri, through his longtime collaboration with Zemeckis, returned to compose the score for Back to the Future Part III. Rather than dictate how the music should sound, Zemeckis directed Silvestri as he would an actor, seeking to evoke emotion and treating every piece of music like a character.[8]", "Hill Valley (Back to the Future) Many family businesses are passed down from generation to generation in Hill Valley. As a result, the city changes but remains similar from one generation to the next, as businesses are updated but rarely change. These recurring elements were a deliberate choice on the part of the filmmakers. The production designer of Back to the Future Part II, Rick Carter, is quoted in a DVD extra as saying, \"The future is built on the present.\" Director Robert Zemeckis adds that the continuity between the different eras in Hill Valley's history is an example of the adage, \"the more things change, the more they stay the same\".[14]", "Hill Valley (Back to the Future) According to the original script for Back to the Future Part II a partial view of the alternate 2015 was also to be depicted. By this time Biff now owns half the state of California with his influence having gained his son, Biff Jr., the seat of governor and they uphold their power and corruption with an army of large, powerful cyborg police officers.", "List of Back to the Future characters Originally Marty Jr. was to be arrested and sentenced to fifteen years in prison for joining a robbery initiated by Griff and his gang. Marlene attempted to help Marty Jr. break out of jail but failed and was sentenced to twenty years in a woman's prison. Doc and Marty prevented the event from ever happening.", "List of Back to the Future characters The characters had minor, non-speaking roles in Back to the Future Part III but were further developed in the animated series. Jules, an introvert, mostly imitates his father's interests and mannerisms while Verne appears to be more outgoing and extroverted. Several plot points of the animated series revolve around either Jules or Verne altering history and the steps necessary to correct the damage.", "Hill Valley (Back to the Future) Another timeline, branching off the events of Back to the Future: The Game, sees Irving Kid Tannen, the father of Biff Tannen and a prohibitionism era mafioso, avoid his lengthy arrest for illegal consumption and sale of alcohol. As such, in the alternate 1986 Biff Tannen has two brothers, and the Tannen family is a recognized crime family, ruling over Hill Valley with an iron grip.[11]", "Doc Martin In Region 4, Series 1, 2, 4, and \"On the Edge\" were released separately and in a nine-disc boxset entitled \"Doc Martin: Comedy Cure\", as well as an earlier seven-disc boxset not including Series 4. The two Sky Pictures telefilms were individually released in Region 4 (as 'Doc Martin: volume 1' and 'Doc Martin: volume 2, the Legend of the Cloutie') on the Magna Pacific label, but are now out-of-print. Series 1-8 are streaming on Acorn TV in the U.S. and Canada. The show is available on Netflix. Series 1-6 are currently available on Amazon Prime Video.", "Back to the Future When the film was released on VHS in 1986, Universal added a \"To be continued...\" graphic at the end to increase awareness of production on Part II. This caption is omitted on the film's DVD release in 2002[27] and on subsequent Blu-ray and DVD releases.", "Mathew Horne He also appeared in the first series of ITV production Doc Martin. In 2005, Horne appeared in an episode of The Smoking Room, playing Dominic the nephew of Janet who was conducting a psychological study of the employees.", "Last Flag Flying The group return to Portsmouth for Larry Jr's funeral, and where Washington persuades Doc that Larry's civilian suit will be too small and he should be buried in his dress blues. At the burial, Sal and Mueller wear their uniforms, and participate in the flag-folding ceremony. Back at Doc's house, Charlie gives Doc a letter from Larry, claiming not to have read it. Doc reads Larry's wishes; to be buried beside his mother wearing his uniform. Doc smiles as Larry thanks him for being a great father.", "DeLorean time machine In a letter Doc wrote to Marty in 1885, Doc states he is happy in his new life there and requests that Marty not attempt to retrieve him, but instead to return to 1985 and destroy the DeLorean, believing that it has brought them and the world nothing but disaster. However, Marty and the Doc of 1955 learn of tragedy to come Doc's way when he is murdered by Biff's grandfather, Buford \"Mad Dog\" Tannen, on September 7, 1885; therefore, 1955 Doc agrees to send Marty back to the Old West to rescue himself.", "DeLorean time machine Apparently, part of the problem is chromium parts becoming unstable during time travel, according to Alternate Doc. This DeLorean is then stolen by Edna Strickland, one of the game's main villains. The more adept Doc Brown returns in another duplicate DeLorean due to earlier events in the game, although it is unknown where it came from. Then Officer Danny Parker nearly arrests Marty and Doc for allegedly having the car that Edna got away in. After they explain to him that there is more than one DeLorean, Marty explains that the other DeLorean had malfunctioning time circuits. To make matters worse, the entire town of Hill Valley disappears around them. They go to \"Mary Pickford's\" house and see that the other DeLorean had been destroyed. After they get information from Mary, who was really Edna, they go to 1876. After they stop the fire that would've burned down Hill Valley, they chase down Edna, who is trying to get away in the first DeLorean. Marty synchronizes the two DeLoreans and hoverboards back to Doc's DeLorean, which is flying behind the one Edna's driving. They all travel back to 1931, with Edna's DeLorean duplicate vanishing because of the time ripples catching up with them, causing \"chronal decay\" (i.e., since the Alternate Doc timeline ceased to exist, the alternated Clone DeLorean was folded back with the real Clone DeLorean).[13]", "Hill Valley (Back to the Future) Hill Valley is the fictional town in California as shown with the clock that serves as the setting of the Back to the Future trilogy and its animated spin-off series. In the trilogy, Hill Valley is seen in four different time periods (1885, 1955, 1985 and 2015) as well as in a dystopian alternate 1985. The films contain many sight gags, verbal innuendos and detailed set design elements, from which a detailed and consistent history of the area can be derived.", "Back to the Future: Music from the Motion Picture Soundtrack Back to the Future: Music from the Motion Picture Soundtrack is the soundtrack album to the film of the same name. It was released on July 8, 1985 by MCA Records. The album included two tracks culled from Alan Silvestri's compositions for the film, two tracks from Huey Lewis and the News, two songs played by the fictional band Marvin Berry and The Starlighters, one played by Marty McFly and The Starlighters, and two pop songs that are only very briefly heard in the background of the film.", "Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides Documents (Google Docs)", "Back to the Future Part II The film was produced on a $40-million budget and was filmed back to back with its sequel, Part III. Filming began in February 1989 after two years were spent building the sets and writing the scripts. Two actors from the first film, Crispin Glover and Claudia Wells, did not return. While Elisabeth Shue was recast in the role of Wells's character, Jennifer, Glover's character, George McFly, was not only minimized in the plot, but also was obscured and recreated with another actor. Glover successfully sued Zemeckis and Gale, changing how producers can deal with the departure and replacement of actors in a role. Back to the Future Part II was also a ground-breaking project for effects studio Industrial Light & Magic (ILM): In addition to digital compositing, ILM used the VistaGlide motion control camera system, which allowed an actor to portray multiple characters simultaneously on-screen without sacrificing camera movement.", "Kevin Hagen Hagen considered his big break to be the role of a Confederate renegade who kills James Stewart's son and daughter-in-law in the 1965 film Shenandoah. His most famous role was one of his most pleasant, as kindly Doc Baker on Michael Landon's Little House on the Prairie. He played the part of Doc Baker from 1974 to 1983, as well as in a one-man show, A Playful Dose of Prairie Wisdom.", "Futures contract A futures account is marked to market daily. If the margin drops below the margin maintenance requirement established by the exchange listing the futures, a margin call will be issued to bring the account back up to the required level.", "Charles Durning In 1979, he played Doc Hopper, a man who owns a frog leg restaurant and the main antagonist in The Muppet Movie. In Tootsie, he played a suitor to Dustin Hoffman's cross-dressing lead character. The two actors worked together again in a 1985 TV production of Death of a Salesman.", "The Land Before Time VI: The Secret of Saurus Rock The next day, while the children are playing, Littlefoot accidentally falls off a cliff and is saved by a mysterious Diplodocus named Doc. Littlefoot is intrigued by Doc, who is scarred across one eye and displays prior knowledge of the Great Valley's topography. This causes him to assume Doc is the Lone Dinosaur. He tells his friends this, narrating an apparently extemporaneous legend to support his assumption. Inspired, Cera's infant nieces, twins Dinah and Dana, go to Saurus Rock unnoticed. The next day, a worried Cera informs Littlefoot that Dinah and Dana are missing, and the group deduces where they are headed.", "List of Back to the Future characters Goldie Wilson (played by Donald Fullilove in part 1) is a young man working at Lou's Cafe in 1955 who goes on to become the first black Mayor of Hill Valley in the 1980s. A campaign poster shows the name Goldie in quotation marks, suggesting Goldie is a nickname, presumably in reference to his gold tooth. He would also have a grandson, Goldie Wilson III (also played by Fullilove) in Part II, who works as a car salesman.", "Back to the Future Part II Director Robert Zemeckis said that, initially, a sequel was not planned for the first film, but its huge box office success led to the conception of a second installment. He later agreed to do a sequel, but only if Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd returned as well. With Fox and Lloyd confirmed, Zemeckis met with screenwriting partner Bob Gale to create a story for the sequel. Zemeckis and Gale would later regret that they ended the first one with Jennifer in the car with Marty and Doc Brown, because it required them to come up with a story that fit her in, rather than a whole new adventure.[4]", "Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides In order to view and edit documents, spreadsheets and presentations offline on a computer, users need to be using the Google Chrome web browser. A Chrome extension, Google Docs Offline, allows users to enable offline support for Docs, Sheets and Slides files on the Google Drive website.[49]", "List of Red vs. Blue characters In Reconstruction, when Washington comes to Blood Gulch, he finds most of the characters, including Doc, had departed. In Reconstruction Doc was called to assist a comatose Caboose, but Washington's team had already departed before Doc arrived. Doc is next seen in Revelation when Simmons, as Washington's prisoner, calls for a medic. Command sends the nearest one, Doc, who is soon attacked by Washington and also taken prisoner. Washington asks him to check The Meta's vitals. In the finale of Revelation, Doc manages to escape with the Red and Blue teams.", "Washington Redskins Kenny Albert does play-by-play, former Redskins quarterback Joe Theismann is the color analyst, and Rick \"Doc\" Walker is the sideline reporter." ]
when did they stop cigarette advertising on television
[ "Tobacco advertising After World War II, cigarette companies advertised frequently on television programs. To combat this move by the cigarette companies, the Federal Communications Commission required television stations to air anti-smoking advertisements at no cost to the organizations providing such advertisements. In 1970, Congress took their anti-smoking initiative one step further and passed the Public Health Cigarette Smoking Act, banning the advertising of cigarettes on television and radio starting on January 2, 1971. After the television ban, most cigarette advertising took place in magazines, newspapers, and on billboards. However, in 1999 all cigarette billboard advertisements were replaced with anti-smoking messages, with some of these anti-smoking messages playing parodies of cigarette companies advertising figures and slogans. Since 1984, cigarette companies have also been forced to place Surgeon's General warnings on all cigarette packs and advertisements because of the passing of the Federal Cigarette Labeling and Advertising Act.[8] Restrictions on cigarette companies became even tighter in 2010 with the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act. The act prohibits tobacco companies from sponsoring sports, music, and other cultural events and also prevents the display of their logos or products on T-shirts, hats, or other apparel.[9] The constitutionality of both this act and the Food and Drug Administration's new graphic cigarette warning labels are being questioned under cigarette companies' first amendment rights.[10]" ]
[ "Pall Mall (cigarette) During the era of cigarette advertising on television and radio, the commonly accepted pronunciation of the brand was /ˌpɛlˈmɛl/.[9] However, after the Public Health Cigarette Smoking Act banned cigarette advertising, the American pronunciation shifted to /ˌpælˈmæl/. Older smokers who heard the commercials often still use the older pronunciation, as do smokers from the United Kingdom — the cigarette and the street in London are pronounced the same.", "Criticism of advertising In advertisements, cigarettes \"are used as a fashion accessory and appeal to young women. Other influences on young people include the linking of sporting heroes and smoking through sports sponsorship, the use of cigarettes by popular characters in television programmes and cigarette promotions. Research suggests that young people are aware of the most heavily advertised cigarette brands.\"[46] Alcohol is portrayed in advertising similarly to smoking, \"Alcohol ads continue to appeal to children and portrayals of alcohol use in the entertainment media are extensive\".[67] The consumption of alcohol is glamorized and shown without consequences in advertisements, music, magazines, television, film, etc. The advertisements include alcoholic beverages with colorful packaging and sweet tasting flavors, catering to the interests and likes of children and teens. The alcohol industry has a big financial stake in underage drinking, hoping to gain lifelong customers. Therefore, the media are overrun with alcohol ads which appeal to children, involving animal characters, popular music, and comedy.[67]", "Television advertisement Many television advertisements feature songs or melodies (\"jingles\") or slogans designed to be striking and memorable, which may remain in the minds of television viewers long after the span of the advertising campaign. Some of these ad jingles or catch-phrases may take on lives of their own, spawning gags that appear in films, television shows, magazines, comics, or literature. These long-lasting advertising elements may be said to have taken a place in the pop culture history of the demographic to whom they appeared. An example is the enduring phrase, \"Winston tastes good like a cigarette should\", from the eighteen-year advertising campaign for Winston cigarettes from the 1950s to the 1970s. Variations of this dialogue and direct references to it appeared as long as two decades after the advertising campaign expired. Another example is \"Where's the Beef?\", which grew so popular it was used in the 1984 presidential election by Walter Mondale. Another popular catch-phrase is \"I've fallen and I can't get up\", which still appears occasionally, over two decades after its first use. Some advertising agency executives have originated more than one enduring slogan, such as Mary Wells Lawrence, who is responsible for such famous slogans as \"Raise your hand if you're Sure\", \"I♥New York\" and \"Trust the Midas touch.\"", "Electronic cigarette A 2014 review said, \"the e-cigarette companies have been rapidly expanding using aggressive marketing messages similar to those used to promote cigarettes in the 1950s and 1960s.\"[23] E-cigarettes and nicotine are regularly promoted as safe and beneficial in the media and on brand websites.[148] While advertising of tobacco products is banned in most countries, television and radio e-cigarette advertising in some countries may be indirectly encouraging traditional cigarette smoking.[23] There is no evidence that the cigarette brands are selling e-cigarettes as part of a plan to phase out traditional cigarettes, despite some claiming to want to cooperate in \"harm reduction\".[23] In the US, six large e-cigarette businesses spent $59.3 million on promoting e-cigarettes in 2013.[246] Easily circumvented age verification at company websites enables young people to access and be exposed to marketing for e-cigarettes.[45]", "Advertising The tobacco companies became major advertisers in order to sell packaged cigarettes.[29] The tobacco companies pioneered the new advertising techniques when they hired Bernays to create positive associations with tobacco smoking.[3][4]", "Tobacco advertising Formerly until 30 June 2008, tobacco advertising was shown on television, radio, print media, movie theaters, billboards and even sponsoring events. With that plenty of cigarette brands were created and advertised and some are remembered for their jingles and slogans. Most of the advertisements aired on television have portrayed young males almost smoking with the filter tip already in the lips and ready for smoking by lighting up with a lighter, leading to concerns by parents over their children mimicking the actions shown in the aforementioned advertisements.", "Tobacco advertising The first calls to restrict advertising came in 1962 from the Royal College of Physicians, who highlighted the health problems and recommended stricter laws on the sale and advertising of tobacco products. In 1971, an agreement between the government and the tobacco industry saw the inclusion of health warnings on all cigarette packets. All television commercials for cigarettes were banned on 1 August 1965, although commercials for loose tobacco and cigars continued until 1991.[56][57]", "Tobacco advertising In Indonesia, tobacco advertising is still allowed, but showing the cigarette packaging is outlawed. Broadcast of tobacco advertising on Indonesian television is only allowed from 9:30 pm until 5:00 am. Smoking warnings are also shown at the end of the advertisement explaining \"Smoking can cause cancer, heart attack, impotency and pregnancy and fetal disorders\". As of late December 2013, before January 1, 2014, a new warning is shown explaining \"Smoking kills you\" with an \"18+\" sign after it. In 2014, the Indonesian government halted the branding of cigarettes as \"light\" or \"mild\" on all smoking packages and has decided to place graphic images on the cigarette packs to show the adverse long-term effects of excessive smoking.", "Advertisement film Beginning on January 2, 1971, advertisements featuring cigarettes were banned from American TV. Advertisements for alcohol products are allowed, but the consumption of any alcohol product is not allowed in a television advertisement (for example, an actor in a beer commercial cannot be shown actually drinking the beer). The Federal Trade Commission and the Federal Communications Commission have laid out regulations for television advertising, outlining restrictions on certain products, content, and claims, in addition to mandating minimum technical standards.[22] Additional content standards are set by individual television broadcast entities to accommodate local laws, community standards, and their particular audience demographic; these broadcast outlets examine each incoming advertisement through a process known as \"clearance.\"", "Tobacco advertising The use of celebrities and famous athletes would also encourage smoking for youth. Popular comedian Bob Hope was used to advertise for cigarette companies.[25] The African-American magazine Ebony often used athletes to advertise major cigarette brands.[28]", "When Did You Stop Loving Me, When Did I Stop Loving You \"When Did You Stop Loving Me, When Did I Stop Loving You\" is a 1978 song recorded by singer Marvin Gaye for his Here, My Dear album, following his 1976 divorce when he was ordered to give half the takings of his next album to ex-wife Anna Gaye.[1] In the album, he \"poured his emotions into songs agonisingly documenting their relationship's rise and fall.\"[1]", "Advertisement film Many television advertisements feature songs or melodies (\"jingles\") or slogans designed to be striking and memorable, which may remain in the minds of television viewers long after the span of the advertising campaign. Some of these ad jingles or catch-phrases may take on lives of their own, spawning gags that appear in films, television shows, magazines, comics, or literature. These long-lasting advertising elements may be said to have taken a place in the pop culture history of the demographic to whom they appeared. An example is the enduring phrase, \"Winston tastes good like a cigarette should\", from the eighteen-year advertising campaign for Winston cigarettes from the 1950s to the 1970s. Variations of this dialogue and direct references to it appeared as long as two decades after the advertising campaign expired. Another example is \"Where's the Beef?\", which grew so popular it was used in the 1984 presidential election by Walter Mondale. Another popular catch-phrase is \"I've fallen and I can't get up\", which still appears occasionally, over two decades after its first use. Some advertising agency executives have originated more than one enduring slogan, such as Mary Wells Lawrence, who is responsible for such famous slogans as \"Raise your hand if you're Sure\", \"I♥New York\" and \"Trust the Midas touch.\"", "Pall Mall (cigarette) Pall Mall reached the height of its popularity in 1960 when it was the number one brand of cigarette in America.[2] The gambles in design had paid off and so the company introduced \"longs\", or 100mm cigarettes (again creating a standard, this time for long cigarettes), in 1966.[3] It was edged out in 1966 by Winston cigarettes, when Pall Mall found that it could no longer compete with the advertising campaign \"Winston tastes good like a cigarette should.\" In the 1940s, Pall Mall had its own grammatically incorrect slogan which touted it as the cigarette which \"travels the smoke further\", referencing the longer 85mm length. Their famous slogan during the '50s and early '60s was \"OUTSTANDING...and they are MILD!\"", "Tobacco advertising Passed in 1997, the Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement bans outdoor, billboard, and public transportation advertising of cigarettes in 46 states. It also prohibits tobacco advertising that targets young people, the usage of cartoons (such as the Marlboro Man or Joe Camel) in particular.[74] In the states which have not signed the agreement, billboards are a major venue of cigarette advertising (10% of Michigan billboards advertised alcohol and tobacco, according to the Detroit Free Press[75]).", "Advertisement film Similar to the European Union, advertising on Australian commercial television is restricted to a certain amount in a 24-hour period, but there are no restrictions on how much advertising may appear in any particular hour.[53] Australian television has one of the highest proportions of advertising content in the world. In primetime there can be 18 minutes or more of advertising (inc. news updates) per hour. Furthermore, product advertisements with informational content are labeled \"public service announcements\" and not included in the time restrictions; similarly with \"this program brought to you by...\" announcements, and station identifications. Consequently, there may be less than 40 minutes of actual programme time per hour. Foreign, older television programmes and films are noticeably cut; comedy shows often return from an ad break into laughter, for instance. Australia is also one of the few countries in the world where advertisements may appear prior to, and over the top of, the closing credits of a program. There are some restrictions on television advertising in Australia, such as a complete ban on advertising for cigarettes, as well as advertising during programmes intended for young children.[citation needed] The ABC, the nation's public broadcaster, broadcasts no external advertisements, but between programmes will broadcast promotions for itself, its own programmes and merchandise, although this is restricted to approximately five minutes per hour. SBS had similar restrictions on advertising until 2005 when it began airing external advertisements between programmes, and subsequently, during programmes, like the commercial networks, although still limited to 5 minutes per hour with the first advertisement being half-hourly news updates. Back in 1978, major commercial networks had the longest ever ad break run with the record 53 minutes of advertising.", "Tobacco advertising However, when Republic Act 9211 or the \"Act Regulating the Packaging, Use, Sale Distribution and Advertisements of Tobacco Products and for Other Purposes\" was passed on 23 June 2003 by President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo,[43] tobacco advertising became limited starting on 1 January 2007. Since 1 July 1993 until 30 June 2008, all tobacco advertising was required to display a health warning by the government indicating that \"Cigarette smoking is dangerous to your health\" (it is still continued for other areas not affected by the ban and on cigarette packaging prior to March 3, 2016, which was replaced by graphic health warnings). Television (including Philippine cable channels, whether broadcasting foreign or local content) and radio stations would not air tobacco advertising from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. local time (before R.A. 9211 was passed, it was from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.), with similar restrictions also implemented in cinemas showing G, PG-13 and R-13 rated movies. Advertising tobacco in print media is now only catered to men 18 years old and above, mostly in men's magazines and newspapers.", "Tobacco packaging warning messages Also, in Venezuela, tobacco advertising is strictly forbidden, so much so that the words tobacco, cigarette, cigar, etc. are not permitted in media such as radio and television and no one can smoke on television.", "Winston tastes good like a cigarette should In the radio and television advertisements, the slogan is presented in a singsong fashion with a noticeable two-beat clap near the end, so the jingle would sound like Win-ston tastes good like a (clap clap) cigarette should. The \"clap\" noise was sometimes substituted for actors in the commercials knocking twice against a truck carrying Winston cigarettes, or an actor flicking his lighter twice to the same conceit.", "List of smoking bans The Cable Television Network (Regulation) Amendment Bill, in force since 8 September 2000, completely prohibits cigarette and alcohol advertisements.[100]", "Television advertisement Advertising revenue provides a significant portion of the funding for most privately owned television networks. During the 2010s, the number of commercials has grown steadily, while at the same time, the length of each commercial has diminished.[2][3] Advertisements of this type have already promoted a wide variety of goods, services and ideas even from early times in the history of television.[4]", "Tobacco advertising The development of color lithography in the late 1870s allowed the companies to create attractive images to better present their products. This led to the printing of pictures onto the cigarette cards, previously only used to stiffen the packaging but now turned into an early marketing concept.[2] By the last quarter of the 19th century, magazines such as Punch carried advertisements for different brands of cigarettes, snuff, and pipe tobacco. Advertising was significantly helped by the distribution of free or subsidized branded cigarettes to troops during World War I and World War II. The second invention was a cigarette-making machine developed in the 1880s.[3]", "Television advertisement The growing popularity of the internet[20] continues to draw audiences away from advertisers populating just the television platform.", "Television advertisement After the video cassette recorder (VCR) became popular in the 1980s, the television industry began studying the impact of users fast forwarding through commercials. Advertising agencies fought the trend by making them more entertaining.[13] The introduction of digital video recorders (also known as digital television recorders or DTRs), such as TiVo, and services like Sky+, Dish Network and Astro MAX, which allow the recording of television programs into a hard drive, also enabled viewers to fast-forward or automatically skip through advertisements of recorded programs.", "Television advertisement Animation is often used in advertisements. The pictures can vary from hand-drawn traditional animation to computer animation. By using animated characters, an advertisement may have a certain appeal that is difficult to achieve with actors or mere product displays. Animation also protects the advertisement from changes in fashion that would date it. For this reason, an animated advertisement (or a series of such advertisements) can be very long-running, several decades in many instances. Notable examples are the series of advertisements for Kellogg's cereals, starring Snap, Crackle and Pop and also Tony the Tiger. The animation is often combined with real actors. Animated advertisements can achieve lasting popularity. In any popular vote for the most memorable television advertisements in the UK, such as on ITV[11] or Channel 4,[12] the top positions in the list invariably include animations, such as the classic Smash and Creature Comforts advertisements.", "Television advertisement It is important to choose a television production company and advertising agency with pertinent expertise in these two areas, and it is preferable to choose an agency that both produces advertisements and places air time, because expertise in broadcast quality production and broadcast standards is vital to gaining the advertisement's acceptance by the networks. After the advent of cheap video software and consumer cameras, numerous individuals have offered video production services on the internet. Video production companies that do not regularly place TV advertisements on the air often have their productions rejected by networks for technical or content issues, due to their inexperience with creating broadcast-ready content.", "Tobacco advertising Prior to 1964, many of the cigarette companies advertised their brand by claiming that their product did not have serious health risks. A couple of examples would be \"Play safe with Philip Morris\" and \"More doctors smoke Camels\". Such claims were made both to increase the sales of their product and to combat the increasing public knowledge of smoking's negative health effects.[25]", "Camel (cigarette) In the 1940s, Camel advertised their cigarettes as being the favorite choice among doctors, making smokers believe it was safe to smoke them.[13][14]", "List of smoking bans In Brazil, the legal age for sale and consumption of tobacco is 18. Tobacco advertising is restricted to posters in shops,[35] and is banned on television and radio. All cigarette packs contain advertisements against smoking and government warnings about possible adverse health effects of smoking.", "Regulation of electronic cigarettes  Norway: The sale and use of e-cigarettes are legal,[40] but nicotine cartridges can only be imported from other EEA member states (e.g. the UK) for private use.[66] Norway does not allow e-cigarette advertising.[67]", "Cigarette According to Simon Chapman, a professor of public health at the University of Sydney, the burning agents in cigarette paper are responsible for fires and reducing them would be a simple and effective means of dramatically reducing the ignition propensity of cigarettes.[48] Since the 1980s, prominent cigarette manufacturers such as Philip Morris and R.J. Reynolds developed fire-safe cigarettes, but did not market them.[citation needed]", "Television advertisement The first official, paid television advertisement came out in the United States on July 1, 1941, over New York station WNBT (subsequently WNBC) before a baseball game between the Brooklyn Dodgers and Philadelphia Phillies. The announcement for Bulova watches, for which the company paid anywhere from $4.00 to $9.00 (reports vary), displayed a WNBT test pattern modified to look like a clock with the hands showing the time. The Bulova logo, with the phrase \"Bulova Watch Time\", appeared in the lower right-hand quadrant of the test pattern while the second hand swept around the dial for one minute.[6][7] The first TV ad broadcast in the UK went on air on ITV on September 22, 1955, advertising Gibbs SR toothpaste. In Asia, the first TV ad broadcast appeared on Nippon Television in Tokyo on August 28, 1953, advertising Seikosha (subsequently Seiko); it also displayed a clock with the current time.[8]", "Tobacco advertising The Marlboro Man was one of the most successful cigarette advertising campaigns, lasting from the 1960s to the 1990s. The Marlboro brand was promoted by various cowboys, with Wayne McLaren posing for some promotional photographs in 1976. He died of lung cancer in 1992, having appeared in a television spot showing him in a hospital bed. That image was juxtaposed with him during the promotional shoot, with a voiceover warning about the dangers of smoking.[91]", "History of advertising Chicago, along with New York, was the center of the nation's advertising industry. Albert Lasker, known as the \"father of modern advertising,\" made Chicago his base 1898–1942. As head of the Lord and Thomas agency, Lasker devised a copywriting technique that appealed directly to the psychology of the consumer. Women seldom smoked cigarettes; he told them if they smoked Lucky Strikes they could stay slender. Lasker's use of radio, particularly with his campaigns for Palmolive soap, Pepsodent toothpaste, Kotex products, and Lucky Strike cigarettes, not only revolutionized the advertising industry but also significantly changed popular culture.[39]", "Electronic cigarette The health risks of e-cigarettes are uncertain.[9][4][10] They are likely safer than tobacco cigarettes but are of unclear effect in relation to other methods of stopping smoking.[11][12][13][14][15] Their long-term health effects are not known.[16][17][18][19][20] They may help some smokers quit.[7][21] When used by non-smokers, e-cigarettes can lead to nicotine addiction, and there is concern that children could start smoking after using e-cigarettes.[22][11] So far, no serious adverse effects have been reported in trials.[7] Less serious adverse effects include throat and mouth irritation, vomiting, nausea, and coughing.[23]", "Advertisement film Television advertising involves two main tasks: creating a television advertisement that meets broadcast standards and then, placing the advertisement on television via a targeted air time media buy that reaches the desired customer.", "Television licence Advocates argue that one of the main advantages of television fully funded by a licence fee is that programming can be enjoyed without interruptions for advertisements. Television funded by advertising is not truly free of cost to the viewer, since the advertising is used mostly to sell mass-market items, and the cost of mass-market goods includes the cost of TV advertising, such that viewers effectively pay for TV when they purchase those products. Viewers also pay in time lost watching advertising.", "Tobacco advertising In April 1970, President Nixon signed into law the Public Health Cigarette Smoking Act banning the advertising of cigarettes on television and radio starting on 2 January 1971.[67] The Virginia Slims brand was the last commercial shown, with \"a 60-second revue from flapper to Female Lib\", shown at 11:59 p.m. on 1 January during a break on The Tonight Show.[68] Smokeless tobacco ads, on the other hand, remained on the air until a ban took effect on 28 August 1986.[69] Even further restrictions took effect under the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act. Effective 22 June 2010, the new regulations prohibit tobacco companies from sponsoring sports, music, and other cultural events. Also, tobacco companies can no longer display their logos or advertise their products on T-shirts, hats, or other apparel. Eventually, the law is planned to require almost all tobacco advertisements to consist of black text on a white background, but the constitutionality of that requirement has come under scrutiny.[70]", "Nicotine marketing Advertising continued to use celebrities and famous athletes. Popular comedian Bob Hope was used to advertise for cigarette companies.[83] The African-American magazine Ebony often used athletes to advertise major cigarette brands.[84]", "Cigarette A list of 599 cigarette additives, created by five major American cigarette companies, was approved by the Department of Health and Human Services in April 1994. None of these additives is listed as an ingredient on the cigarette pack(s). Chemicals are added for organoleptic purposes and many boost the addictive properties of cigarettes, especially when burned.[citation needed]", "Tobacco advertising When marketing cigarettes to the developing world, tobacco companies use the Western lifestyle as a mechanism to lure this demographic into purchasing their products.[31] The tobacco industry targeted young rural men by creating advertisements with images of cowboys, hunters, and race car drivers.Teens in rural areas are less likely to be exposed to anti-tobacco messages in the media. Low income and predominantly minority neighborhoods often have more tobacco retailers and more tobacco advertising than other neighborhoods.[32]", "Electronic cigarette Consumers of e-cigarettes, sometimes called \"vapers\", have shown passionate support for e-cigarettes that other nicotine replacement therapies did not receive.[25][203] This suggests e-cigarettes have potential mass appeal that could challenge combustible tobacco's market position.[25]", "Advertising to children Commercial food promotion is the advertisement of food items for the purpose of sales or profit. Commercial food promotion can be found in any form of advertisement from televised commercials to magazine articles. When a product such as a food item is advertised to a little child this is commercial food promotion to little children.[21]", "Electronic cigarette In France in 2014, between 7.7 and 9.2 million people have tried e-cigarettes and 1.1 to 1.9 million use them on a daily basis.[60] 67% of French smokers use e-cigarettes to reduce or quit smoking. Of French people who have tried e-cigarettes, 9% have never smoked tobacco.[60] Of the 1.2% who had recently stopped tobacco smoking at the time of the survey, 84% (or 1% of the population surveyed) credited e-cigarettes as essential in quitting.[60]", "Tobacco advertising Tobacco advertising is only allowed in and around special tobacco stores, selling more than 90 kinds of tobacco products. Outside, no more than two square metres of advertisements is allowed. Inside the tobacco store, a limited amount of advertising is allowed. Salesmen can promote brands inside these stores, however their promotional material only contains dummy-cigarettes. Any other kind of advertising is a serious offence under Dutch law.", "Television advertisement Other long-running advertising campaigns catch people by surprise, even tricking the viewer, such as the Energizer Bunny advertisement series. It started in the late 1980s as a simple comparison advertisement, where a room full of battery-operated bunnies was seen pounding their drums, all slowing down except one, with the Energizer battery. Years later, a revised version of this seminal advertisement had the Energizer bunny escaping the stage and moving on (according to the announcer, he \"keeps going and going and going...\"). This was followed by what appeared to be another advertisement: viewers were oblivious to the fact that the following \"advertisement\" was actually a parody of other well-known advertisements until the Energizer bunny suddenly intrudes on the situation, with the announcer saying \"Still going...\" (the Energizer Battery Company's way of emphasizing that their battery lasts longer than other leading batteries). This ad campaign lasted for nearly fifteen years. The Energizer Bunny series has itself been imitated by others, via a Coors Light Beer advertisement, in motion pictures, and by current advertisements by GEICO Insurance.", "Cigarette smoking for weight loss Further research needs to examine trends in ethnicity concerning women and smoking for weight control. So far, studies have shown that young white women may be more prone to use cigarettes to manage their weight. Advertisements for particular brands and types of cigarettes seem to target this demographic accordingly.", "Regulation of electronic cigarettes  New Zealand: Sales of e-cigarettes and liquids that do not contain nicotine is legal. Sales of e-cigarettes are banned for people under 18 years of age. E-cigarette advertising is not allowed.[151] Nicotine vaping products are illegal to sell.[152] Consumers wanting nicotine liquids must import it from overseas for personal use.[153] Legislation of nicotine e-liquid for retail sale is under Ministry of Health consultation for parliamentary consideration.[154][needs update]", "Cigarette holder Fictional Peter Pan character Captain Hook possessed a unique double-holder, which allowed him to smoke two cigars (not cigarettes) at once. Batman's nemesis The Penguin also commonly uses a cigarette holder in the comics and the 1960s television series, as well as in the live-action film Batman Returns. Edna Mode from The Incredibles franchise is often seen with an unlit cigarette holder.", "Tobacco advertising Famous UK tobacco advertising campaigns have included \"You're never alone with a Strand\" (a disastrous campaign which led to Strand Cigarettes being taken off the market) and \"Happiness is a cigar called Hamlet\".", "Television advertisement In early instances, songs were often used over the objections of the original artists,[citation needed] who had lost control of their music publishing, the music of the Beatles being perhaps the most well-known case; more recently artists have actively solicited use of their music in advertisements and songs have gained popularity and sales after being used in advertisements. A famous case is Levi's company, which has used several one hit wonders in their advertisements (songs such as \"Inside\", \"Spaceman\", and \"Flat Beat\"). In 2010, research conducted by PRS for Music revealed that \"Light & Day\" by The Polyphonic Spree is the most performed song in UK TV advertising.[21]", "Television advertisement Another type of advertisement shown increasingly, mostly for advertising TV shows on the same channel, is an ad overlay at the bottom of the TV screen, which blocks out some of the picture. \"Banners\", or \"Logo Bugs\", as they are called, are referred to by media companies as Secondary Events (2E). This is done in much the same way as a severe weather warning is done, only these happen more frequently. They may sometimes take up only 5 to 10 percent of the screen, but in the extreme, they can take up as much as 25 percent of the viewing area. Subtitles that are part of the programme content can be completely obscured by banners. Some even make noise or move across the screen. One example is the 2E ads for Three Moons Over Milford, which was broadcast in the months before the TV show's première. A video taking up approximately 25 percent of the bottom-left portion of the screen would show a comet impacting into the moon with an accompanying explosion, during another television programme.", "Menthol cigarette On March 18, 2011, the Tobacco Products Scientific Advisory Committee (an advisory panel to the FDA) concluded that removing menthol cigarettes from the market would benefit public health in the United States, but stopped short of recommending that the Food and Drug Administration take any specific actions, like restricting or banning the additive.[17] In response, the tobacco industry released a report to the FDA changed focus subject by claiming menthol cigarettes are no riskier than regular cigarettes and should not be regulated differently.[18]", "Tobacco advertising In 2010, the Tobacco Control Act became active and placed new restrictions on tobacco marketing, including extensive constraints concerning the circulation of cigarettes and smokeless tobacco to minors. Newly effective with this act, \"audio advertisements are not permitted to contain any music or sound effects, while video advertisements are limited to static black text on a white background. Any audio soundtrack accompanying a video advertisement is limited to words only, with no music or sound effects.\"[76]", "Electronic cigarette Some medical authorities recommend that e-cigarettes have a role in smoking cessation, and others disagree. On the one hand, Public Health England recommends that stop-smoking practitioners should (1) advise people who want to quit to try e-cigarettes if they are failing with conventional nicotine replacement therapy (NRT); and (2) advise people who cannot or do not want to quit to switch to e-cigarettes.[28] On the other hand, the United States Preventive Services Task Force advised only use of conventional NRT products in smoking cessation and found insufficient evidence to recommend e-cigarettes for this purpose.[4]", "Regulation of electronic cigarettes  Denmark: Advertising is restricted. The Danish Medicines Agency classifies e-cigarettes containing nicotine as medicinal products. Thus, authorization is required before the product may be marketed and sold, and no such authorization has currently been given. The agency has clarified, however, that e-cigarettes that do not administer nicotine to the user, and are not otherwise used for the prevention or treatment of disease, are not considered medicinal devices.[41][42]", "Appropriation (art) During the 1970s and 1980s Richard Prince re-photographed advertisements such as for Marlboro cigarettes or photo-journalism shots. His work takes anonymous and ubiquitous cigarette billboard advertising campaigns, elevates the status and focusses our gaze on the images.", "Electronic cigarette Nicotine, a key ingredient in most e-liquids, is a highly addictive substance, on a level comparable to heroin and cocaine.[169] Nicotine stimulates regions of the cortex associated with reward, pleasure and reducing anxiety.[94] When nicotine intake stops, withdrawal symptoms include cravings for nicotine, anger/irritability, anxiety, depression, impatience, trouble sleeping, restlessness, hunger or weight gain, and difficulty concentrating.[51][170] It is not clear whether e-cigarette use will decrease or increase overall nicotine addiction,[171] but the nicotine content in e-cigarettes is adequate to cause or sustain nicotine dependence.[172]", "Advertisement film The effects of television advertising upon the viewing public (and the effects of mass media in general) have been the subject of philosophical discourse by such luminaries as Marshall McLuhan. The viewership of television programming, as measured by companies such as Nielsen Media Research, is often used as a metric for television advertisement placement, and consequently, for the rates which broadcasters charge to advertisers to air within a given network, television program, or time of day (called a \"daypart\").", "Advertising to children Spot advertising, a novel form of promotion in this era, came to be known as a prodigious way of advertising. Spot advertising is television advertising, which appears shortly between programmes.[2]", "Alcohol advertising In Malaysia, alcohol advertising on radio and televisions was outlawed in 1995. On Malaysian television, alcohol advertising is not shown before 10:00 pm and during Malay-language programs. However, non-Malay newspapers and magazines are allowed to continue alcohol advertising. Supermarkets and hypermarkets have also been criticized for advertising alcohol products on trolleys, which is controversial because Islam is the state religion of the country. After the ban of alcohol advertising on Malaysian radio and televisions, they continued to build the brands with sponsorships of concerts and entertainment events.", "History of advertising In the 1910s and 1920s, many ad men believed that human instincts could be targeted and harnessed – \"sublimated\" into the desire to purchase commodities.[24] Edward Bernays, a nephew of Sigmund Freud, promoted the approach making him a pioneer of modern cigarette advertising. Glantz argues, \"it was really the tobacco industry, from the beginning, that was at the forefront of the development of modern, innovative, advertising techniques.\"[25]", "Television advertisement Generic scores for advertisements often feature clarinets, saxophones, or various strings (such as the acoustic/electric guitars and violins) as the primary instruments.", "Tobacco advertising While cigarette vending machines were still allowed in licensed premises (until 1 October 2011 in England, 1 February 2012 in Wales, 1 March 2012 in Northern Ireland and 29 April 2013 in Scotland[61] when a full ban came into force) they were only allowed to display a picture of what was available (one image per brand) and no advertisements could be included on the machine.", "KFC advertising KFC began to advertise nationwide from 1966, with a US television budget of US$4 million.[39] In order to fund nationwide advertising campaigns, the Kentucky Fried Chicken Advertising Co-op was established, giving franchisees 10 votes and the company three when deciding on budgets and campaigns. In 1968, the budget was increased to US$9 million (around US$60 million in 2013).[40]", "Advertisement film In 2008, Ofcom announced a review of television advertising and teleshopping regulations, with a view to possibly changing their code, Rules on the Amount and Distribution of Advertising (RADA), which regulates the duration, frequency and restriction of adverts on television.", "Tobacco advertising Non-television advertising campaigns were still allowed in the UK but came under stricter guidelines in 1986, which in particular, prevented adverts from actually showing a person smoking. The tobacco producers responded with increasingly indirect and abstract campaigns, among which those of Benson & Hedges and Silk Cut became particularly recognisable. Until about the mid-1990s, many corner shops, newsagents and off licences had on their shop signs prominent branding by cigarette brands such as Benson & Hedges, Silk Cut, Regal etc. until the practice was outlawed.", "Regulation of electronic cigarettes On 19 December 2012 the European Commission adopted its proposal to revise the European Union Tobacco Products Directive 2001/37/EC which included proposals to introduce restrictions on the use and sales of e-cigarettes.[25][26][27]\nOn 8 October 2013 the European Parliament in Strasbourg voted down the Commission's proposal to introduce medical regulation for e-cigarettes, but proposed that cross-border marketing of e-cigarettes be regulated similarly to tobacco products, meaning that sales of e-cigarettes to under-18s would be prohibited in the European Union, along with most cross-border advertising. Warning labels also would be required. The Parliament and Member States are involved in trilogue discussions to reach a common conclusion.[28] In February 2014, the European Parliament approved new regulations for tobacco products, including e-cigarettes.[29] The new regulations forbid advertising of e-cigarettes, set limits on maximum concentrations of nicotine in liquids, limit maximum volumes of liquid that can be sold, require child-proof and tamper-proof packaging of liquid, set requirements on purity of ingredients, require that the devices deliver consistent doses of vapor, require disclosure of ingredients and nicotine content, and empower regulators to act if the regulations are violated.[16] In October 2014 e-cigarette manufacturer Totally Wicked won the right to challenge the directive at the Court of Justice of the EU. The hearing took place on 1 October 2015 and the results will not be announced until early 2016.[30]", "Dwight D. Eisenhower Eisenhower began chain smoking cigarettes at West Point, often three or four packs a day. He joked that he \"gave [himself] an order\" to stop cold turkey in 1949. But Evan Thomas says the true story was more complex. At first he removed cigarettes and ashtrays, but that did not work. He told a friend:", "Camel (cigarette) The Oriental tobacco that is used in Camel cigarettes has a much more distinctive odor when burned as compared to other cigarettes. Filtered Camel cigarettes sold outside the US by JT International do not contain Oriental tobacco, instead they are produced in Romania with local tobacco.[citation needed]", "Criticism of advertising \"Sports sponsorship is acknowledged by the tobacco industry to be valuable advertising. A Tobacco Industry journal in 1994 described the Formula One car as ‘The most powerful advertising space in the world’. …. In a cohort study carried out in 22 secondary schools in England in 1994 and 1995 boys whose favourite television sport was motor racing had a 12.8% risk of becoming regular smokers compared to 7.0% of boys who did not follow motor racing.\"[46]", "Cigarette In the English-speaking world, the use of tobacco in cigarette form became increasingly widespread during and after the Crimean War, when British soldiers began emulating their Ottoman Turkish comrades and Russian enemies, who had begun rolling and smoking tobacco in strips of old newspaper for lack of proper cigar-rolling leaf.[16] This was helped by the development of tobaccos suitable for cigarette use, and by the development of the Egyptian cigarette export industry.", "Electronic cigarette The number of e-cigarettes sold increased every year[139] from 2003 to 2015, when a slowdown in the growth in usage occurred in both the US and the UK.[48][49] As of 2014[update] there were at least 466 e-cigarette brands.[52] Worldwide e-cigarette sales in 2014 were around US$7 billion.[251] Approximately 30–50% of total e-cigarettes sales are handled on the internet.[33] The consumer preference for e-cigarettes is having a dramatic effect on the tobacco industry.[252]", "Product placement A variant of product placement is advertisement placement. In this case an advertisement for the product (rather than the product itself) is production. Examples include a Lucky Strike cigarette advertisement on a billboard or a truck with a milk advertisement on its trailer.", "Tobacco advertising In June 1967, the Federal Communications Commission ruled that programs broadcast on a television station that discussed smoking and health were insufficient to offset the effects of paid advertisements that were broadcast for five to ten minutes each day. \"We hold that the fairness doctrine is applicable to such advertisements,\" the Commission said. The FCC decision, upheld by the courts, essentially required television stations to air anti-smoking advertisements at no cost to the organizations providing such advertisements.", "Advertisement film An advertisement film (variously called a television commercial, commercial or ad in American English, and known in British English as a TV advert or simply an advert) is a span of television programming produced and paid for by an organization, which conveys a message, typically to market a product or service. Advertisers and marketeers may refer to television commercials as TVCs.[1]", "Advertising More recent research by Martin (2003) reveals that males and females differ in how they react to advertising depending on their mood at the time of exposure to the ads, and on the affective tone of the advertising. When feeling sad, males prefer happy ads to boost their mood. In contrast, females prefer happy ads when they are feeling happy. The television programs in which ads are embedded influence a viewer's mood state.[135] Susan Wojcicki, author of the article \"Ads that Empower Women don’t just Break Stereotypes—They’re also Effective\"[136] discusses how advertising to women has changed since the first Barbie commercial where a little girl tells the doll that, she wants to be just like her. Little girls grow up watching advertisements of scantily clad women advertising things from trucks to burgers, and Wojcicki states that this shows girls that they are either arm candy or eye candy.", "When Did You Stop Loving Me, When Did I Stop Loving You Written and produced solely by the artist himself, the song was unusual for having no distinct melody, no bridge and no distinct chorus and for its length.However, it did have near melodic consistencies, such as \"Memories of the things we did/Some we're proud of, some we hid\"..\"If you loved me with all of your heart/You'd never take a million dollars to part\". He would use the instrumental of this song as both an instrumental track (with several Gaye ad-libs) and as the reprise of the album to end it.", "Cigarette pack A soft pack is a box packaging made of thin paper, usually containing 20 cigarettes. Soft packs may be considered inconvenient as they rupture easily and cannot be resealed. They offer the immediate convenience of not having to open the package each time the smoker wants a cigarette. They require less physical 'pocket space' when fewer cigarettes remain in the pack. With American brands, cigarettes from a soft pack are usually a few millimeters longer than their hard-boxed counterparts.", "Advertising agency Typical ad agency clients include businesses and corporations,non-profit organizations and private agencies. Agencies may be hired to produce television commercials, radio commercials, online advertising, out-of-home advertising, mobile marketing, and AR advertising, as part of an advertising campaign.", "FCB (advertising agency) Founded as Lord & Thomas in Chicago in 1873, FCB is the third-oldest advertising agency in the U.S that's still around today. Albert Lasker, a founding figure of modern advertising, went to work for the firm as a clerk in 1898, working his way up until he purchased it in 1912. Chicago, along with New York, was the center of the nation's advertising industry, and Lasker, known as the \"father of modern advertising\", made Chicago his base from 1898-1942. When the agency acquired the Sunkist Growers, Incorporated account, the citrus industry was in a slump with an excess of produce. Lasker helped increase the consumption of oranges by creating a new market with his “Drink an orange” ads. Lasker's use of radio, particularly with his campaigns for Palmolive soap, Pepsodent toothpaste, Kotex feminine hygiene products, and Lucky Strike cigarettes, not only revolutionized the advertising industry but also significantly changed popular culture.[3]", "Menthol cigarette For over two decades, Kools were the only significant menthol cigarette brand in the United States, with a market share that never got much above 2%. Their advertisements focused on \"throat comfort\" and the medicinal properties of menthol, and some ads even suggested occasional use: \"In between the others, rest your throat with Kools.\"[3]", "Advertising to children Studies estimate that children between the ages of 6 and 11 spend on average 28 hours a week watching television[5] and are exposed to as many as 20,000 commercials in a single year.[6] With companies in the fast food industry right through to alcohol and drug industries all using television as an outlet for advertising, organizations are left to decide what is suitable for children to view and how little children will react to the messages they receive through their advertisements. Since the 1970s there has been a large amount of concern as to whether or not little children are able to comprehend advertisements and the extent to which they do so.[7] A study conducted by Goldberg, M. E., & Gorn, G. J. in 1983 looked at the acquisition of children's cognitive defences and found that, until the age of 8 most children are unable to understand the selling intent of televised advertisements. Between the ages of 8 and 11 children only have a partial understanding of selling intent, and it is not until at least the age of 11 that a child is able to fully understand the selling intent of televised advertisements.[8] The study concludes that there is a large difference in basic understanding of the purpose of advertising between children of a younger age and of an older age, and as a result different age groups have different reactions to televised advertisement.[7]", "Winston tastes good like a cigarette should Future R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company president Bowman Gray Jr. was in charge of marketing Winstons, which were a new addition to the R.J. Reynolds line in 1954. Gray listened to advertising employees from the William Esty Co., and the slogan \"Winston tastes good like a cigarette ought to\" was considered, then replaced by the more succinct \"Winston tastes good like a cigarette should.\"[5]", "Television advertisement The television market has grown to such an extent that it is estimated to reach $69.87 billion for TV ad spending in the United States for 2018. [9]", "History of advertising The late 1980s and early 1990s saw the introduction of cable television and particularly MTV. Pioneering the concept of the music video, MTV ushered in a new type of advertising: the consumer tunes in for the advertising message, rather than it being a by-product or afterthought. As cable and satellite television became increasingly prevalent, specialty channels emerged, including channels entirely devoted to advertising, such as QVC, Home Shopping Network, and ShopTV Canada.", "Cigarette Cigarettes labeled as “Lights”, “Milds”, or “Low-tar” are considered to have a “lighter”, less pronounced flavor than regular cigarettes.[citation needed] These cigarette brands may also contain lower levels of tar, nicotine, or other chemicals inhaled by the smoker.[117] The filter design is one of the main differences between light and regular cigarettes, although not all cigarettes contain perforated holes in the filter anymore. In some light cigarettes, the filter is perforated with small holes that theoretically diffuse the tobacco smoke with clean air. In regular cigarettes, the filter does not include these perforations. In ultralight cigarettes, the filter’s perforations are larger, and in theory, these larger holes produce an even smaller smoke-to-air ratio.", "Cigarette A cigarette, or cigaret, is a small cylinder of finely cut tobacco leaves rolled in thin paper for smoking. The cigarette is ignited at one end causing the cigarette to smoulder and allowing smoke to be inhaled from the other end, which is held in or to the mouth; in some cases, a cigarette holder may be used, as well. Most modern manufactured cigarettes are filtered, and also include reconstituted tobacco and other additives.[1]", "Cigarette Cigarettes are a significant source of tax revenue in many localities. This fact has historically been an impediment for health groups seeking to discourage cigarette smoking, since governments seek to maximize tax revenues. Furthermore, some countries have made cigarettes a state monopoly, which has the same effect on the attitude of government officials outside the health field.[45] In the United States, cigarettes are taxed substantially, but the states are a primary determinant of the total tax rate. Generally, states that rely on tobacco as a significant farm product tend to tax cigarettes at a low rate.[46] Higher prices for cigarettes discourage smoking. Every 10% increase in the price of cigarettes reduced youth smoking by about 7% and overall cigarette consumption by about 4%.[47] Thus, increased cigarette taxes are proposed as a means to reduce smoking. Coupled with the federal cigarette tax of $1.01 per pack, total cigarette-specific taxes range from $1.18 per pack in Missouri to $8.00 per pack in Silver Bay. States also charge sizable settlement payments to tobacco companies, and the federal government levies user fees to fund FDA regulatory measures over tobacco. While these charges are not cigarette-specific, tobacco companies are ultimately forced to pass on those costs to their consumers. Lastly, most jurisdictions apply sales tax to the full retail price of cigarettes.", "Advertisement film Other forms of TV advertising include product placement advertising in the TV shows themselves. For example, Extreme Makeover: Home Edition advertises Sears, Kenmore, and the Home Depot by specifically using products from these companies, and some sports events like the Sprint Cup of NASCAR are named after sponsors, and race cars are frequently covered in advertisements. Many major sporting venues in North America are named for commercial companies, dating back as far as Wrigley Field. Television programs delivered through new mediums such as streaming online video also bring different opportunities to the traditional methods of generating revenue from television advertising.", "Safety of electronic cigarettes Nicotine poisoning related to e-cigarettes include ingestion, inhalation, or absorption via the skin or eyes.[17] Accidental poisoning can result from using undiluted concentrated nicotine when mistakenly used as prepared e-liquids.[69] E-cigarettes involve accidental nicotine exposure in children.[18] Accidental exposures in pediatric patients include ingesting of e-liquids and inhaling of e-cigarette vapors.[18] Choking on e-cigarette components is a potential risk.[18] It is recommended that youth access to e-cigarettes be prohibited.[70]", "Construction of electronic cigarettes The cartomizer was invented in 2007, integrating the heating coil into the liquid chamber.[56] A \"cartomizer\" (a portmanteau of cartridge and atomizer.[57]) or \"carto\" consists of an atomizer surrounded by a liquid-soaked poly-foam that acts as an e-liquid holder.[3] They can have up to 3 coils and each coil will increase vapor production.[3] The cartomizer is usually discarded when the e-liquid starts to taste burnt, which usually happens when the e-cigarette is activated with a dry coil or when the cartomizer gets consistently flooded (gurgling) because of sedimentation of the wick.[3] Most cartomizers are refillable even if not advertised as such.[3]", "History of advertising In the United States, the granting of television and radio licenses by the FCC is contingent upon the station broadcasting a certain amount of public service advertising. To meet these requirements, many broadcast stations in America air the bulk of their required public service announcements during the late night or early morning when the smallest percentage of viewers are watching, leaving more day and prime time commercial slots available for high-paying advertisers.[citation needed]", "Cigarette filter The tobacco industry has reduced tar and nicotine yields in cigarette smoke since the 1960s. This has been achieved in a variety of ways including use of selected strains of tobacco plant, changes in agricultural and curing procedures, use of reconstituted sheets (reprocessed tobacco leaf wastes), incorporation of tobacco stalks, reduction of the amount of tobacco needed to fill a cigarette by expanding it (like puffed wheat) to increase its \"filling power\", and by the use of filters and high-porosity wrapping papers. However, just as a drinker tends to drink a larger volume of beer than of wine or spirits, so many smokers tend to modify their smoking pattern inversely according to the strength of the cigarette being smoked. In contrast to the standardized puffing of the smoking machines on which the tar and nicotine yields are based, when a smoker switches to a low-tar, low nicotine cigarette, they smoke more cigarettes, take more puffs and inhale more deeply. Conversely, when smoking a high-tar, high-nicotine cigarette there is a tendency to smoke and inhale less.[15]", "Tobacco packaging warning messages Since 2014 With the enforcement of 2012 Indonesian Government Regulation (Peraturan Pemerintah) No. 109, all of tobacco products/cigarette packaging and advertisement should include warning images and age restriction (18+). Graphic warning messages must consist 40% of cigarette packages. After the introduction of graphic images in Indonesian cigarette packaging, the branding of cigarettes as \"light\", \"mild\",\"filter\", etc. is forbidden.", "Advertising To counter this effect, a variety of strategies have been employed. Many advertisers have opted for product placement on TV shows like Survivor. Other strategies include integrating advertising with internet-connected EPGs, advertising on companion devices (like smartphones and tablets) during the show, and creating TV apps. Additionally, some like brands have opted for social television sponsorship.[80]", "Campaign advertising Japan distinguishes between party advertisements and candidate advertisements. There are few restrictions on political advertisements made by parties. One restriction is that party advertisements cannot mention specific candidates.[17] Candidate advertisements have greater limitations and are paid for by the government. Candidates are not allowed to purchase their own advertisements. The number and type of candidate advertisements are also limited, including the size of newspaper advertisements, and length of television and radio advertisements.[18] Japanese election law discourages negative campaign advertising directed at other candidates, parties, or political organizations.[19] Campaign advertisements can only be broadcast during the two-week official campaign period and are closely monitored for violations of election law.", "Advertisement film The Danish DR-channels are funded by a television licence, so they do not show any advertisements. The other Danish television network, TV2 shows advertisements only in blocks between the programs. These can take from 2 minutes to 10 minutes depending on the time to the next show. In Denmark, commercial breaks are strictly prohibited and advertising targeted to children is restricted. Channels like Kanal 5 and TV3 are allowed to interrupt programs, as these channels are being broadcast via satellite from the United Kingdom.", "Performance-based advertising IPTV promises to eventually combine features of cable television and the Internet. Viewers may see advertisements in a sidebar that are relevant to the show they are watching. They may click on an advertisement to obtain more details, and this action can be measured and used to charge the advertiser.", "Advertisement film From March 2014, advertisements shown on Argentine television began to use the phrase \"Aviso publicitario de producción nacional\" (Advertisement for domestic product) and \"Aviso publicitario de producción extranjera\" (Advertisement for foreign product) for local and foreign advertisements, respectively. Also, advertisements for alcoholic products had the warning \"Beber con moderación. Prohibida su venta a menores de 18 años\" (Drink in moderation. Do not sell to persons under 18). The warning was not used in alcohol advertising before 1997." ]
who has been chosen as the brand ambassador of the campaign 'beti bachao-beti padhao
[ "Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao Yojana In 26 August 2016, Olympics 2016 bronze medallist Sakshi Malik was made brand ambassador for BBBP.[7]" ]
[ "Dangal (film) Dangal was released in the United States on 21 December 2016 and worldwide on 23 December 2016.[80] The film was shown on an estimated 4,300 screens in India and 1,000 screens internationally.[81][82] It was also released in Tamil and Telugu dubbed versions as Yuddham.[83][84] It was declared tax-free in six Indian states – Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Haryana, Chhattisgarh, Delhi and Madhya Pradesh – to promote Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao, a Government of India's social campaign aiming to reduce the selective abortion of females, to protect girls, and to educate them.[85][86][87][88][89][90]", "Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao Yojana The trend was first noticed when results of the 1991 national census were released, and it was confirmed to be a worsening problem when results of the 2001 national census were released. The reduction in the female population of certain Indian states continues to worsen, as results of the 2011 national census have shown. It has been observed that the trend is most pronounced in relatively prosperous regions of India.[10] The dowry system in India is often blamed; the expectation that a large dowry must be provided for daughters in order for them to marry is frequently cited as a major cause for the problem.[11] Pressure for parents to provide large dowries for their daughters is most intense in prosperous states where high standards of living, and modern consumerism, are more prevalent in Indian society.", "Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao Yojana Sex-selective abortion or female foeticide has led to a sharp drop in the ratio of girls born in contrast to boy infants in some states in India. Ultrasound technology has made it possible for pregnant women and their families to learn the gender of a foetus early in a pregnancy. Discrimination against girl infants, for several reasons, has combined with the technology to result in a rise in abortions of foetuses identified as female during ultrasonic testing.", "Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao Yojana Speaking on the occasion of International Day of the Girl Child in 2014, the Prime Minister, Narendra Modi had called for the eradication of female foeticide and invited suggestions from the citizens of India via the MyGov.in portal.[4]", "Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao Yojana According to census data, the child sex ratio (0–6 years) in India was 927 girls per 1,000 boys in 2001, which dropped to 918[1] girls for every 1,000 boys in 2011. A 2012 UNICEF report ranked India 41st among 195 countries.[citation needed]", "Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao Yojana Strategies employed to succefully carry out the scheme are:[13]", "2016–17 FC Barcelona season On 20 August, Barcelona defeated Real Betis 6–2 in their first Liga match, with a hat-trick from Luis Suárez, two goals from Messi and one from Arda Turan.[26]", "2017–18 FC Barcelona season On 20 August, Barcelona defeated Real Betis 2–0 in their first Liga match of the season, following an own goal from Alin Toșca and a second within three minutes by Sergi Roberto.[20]", "Sheena, Queen of the Jungle The Bollywood film industry in India produced a string of uncredited Hindi versions of Sheena, beginning with Tarzan Sundari, also known as Lady Tarzan (1983); Africadalli Sheela (1986); and Jungle Ki Beti (1988).[citation needed]", "2016–17 FC Barcelona season On 29 January Barcelona drew 1–1 with Real Betis, an incident-packed game saw Suárez snatched a draw in the 90th minute after the Catalans had already seen at least one valid equaliser overruled.[66]", "2017–18 FC Barcelona season On 21 January, Barcelona beat Real Betis 0–5 away at the Estadio Benito Villamarín. Valverde’s men won in style with five second-half goals within 30 minutes as Rakitic, Messi (2), and Suárez (2) all found the net.[65]", "Aishwarya Rai Rai gave birth to a baby girl on 16 November 2011.[187] Her daughter became popularly known by the name of \"Beti B\", a name attributed to her by fans and the media, since the couple took over four months to name their daughter.[188][189]", "Transfer (association football) Ronaldo moved the following year to Inter Milan from Barcelona for a fee of £17 million,[183] which was followed in 1998 by the shock transfer of his fellow countryman Denílson from São Paulo of Brazil to Real Betis of Spain for a fee of approximately £21 million.[179][181][184]", "Hinduism and Sikhism Marriages between Sikhs and Hindus, particularly among Khatris, were frequent.[51] Dogra states that there has always been inter-marriage between the Hindu and the Sikh communities.[54] Charing and Cole state that \"Sikhism originated and developed within Hinduism. Hindus and Sikhs, in initial years of Sikhism, used to have what is termed as Roti Beti di Sanjh; that is they eat together and intermarry\".[55] William Owen Cole and Piara Singh Sambhi state that for some Sikhs, intermarriage between Hindus and Sikhs of same community was preferable than other communities.[56]", "Hyundai Motor India Limited The carmaker gets Shah Rukh Khan on board as its brand ambassador for the Hyundai Xcent,the company’s recently launched sub-compact sedan in India. Back in 1998, SRK shot his first TVC for the Hyundai Santro, and his association with the car brand has now turned 19. In 2010 Shah Rukh Khan won the \"Brand Ambassador of the Year\" for Hyundai i10 at NDTV Profit Car and Bike Awards. SRK also promotes the \"Be The Better Guy\" road safety campaign for Hyundai.", "Salman Khan Khan was associated as a brand when he had done the advertisements for Campa Cola,[117] Limca Soft drink,[118] Hero Honda bikes[119] and Double Bull shirts[120] well before he entered the film Industry. Even after he became a superstar, he never showed interest in promoting himself as a brand, but he was signed for Thums Up in 2002 and continued until its contract was over. Later Akshay Kumar replaced Khan. Later he was the brand ambassador of the soft drink Mountain Dew with whom he ended the contract in December 2010,[121] and now he is once again promoting Thums Up.[122][123] He has also become the brand ambassador for the travel website, Yatra.com, which also made him a shareholder.[124] He is also the face of the History Channel and the new brand ambassador for Suzuki motorcycles,[125] Previously he endorsed Red Tape Shoes,[126] and now he is endorsing Relaxo Hawaii.[127] Khan is also the brand ambassador of the detergent brand Wheel.[128] He has also appeared for Chlormint, a brand of gum, with his brother Sohail Khan. The actor has also done a jewellery brand, Sangini with Kareena Kapoor.[129] Apart from innerwear brand Dixcy Scott and tablet BlackBerry Playbook, Britannia' s Tiger biscuits is the latest endorsement of Salman.[130] He is also the face of Ranbaxy' s Revital, replacing Yuvraj Singh.[131] Apart from these brands, he also has Rotomac Pen and SF Sonic Batteries endorsements.[132] Now Khan has been roped in as the brand ambassador of Dubai-based fashion label Splash,[133] and has been also signed as the brand ambassador for Astral Poly Technik Ltd, the leading manufacturers of plumbing and drainage systems in the country.[134] Khan is also the brand ambassador of civic body Bombay Municipal Corporation's (BMC) drive against open defecation in Mumbai,[135] and has been also signed by the Security and Surveillance brand, CP PLUS as their CCTV ambassador.[136] Khan is now the second Ambassador along with Amitabh Bachchan for ‘Emami Healthy & Tasty’, ‘Himani Best Choice’ and ‘Rasoi’, apart from ‘Bake Magic’.[137]", "Narmada Bachao Andolan Amongst the major celebrities who have shown their support for Narmada Bachao Andolan are Booker Prize winner Arundhati Roy[28] and Aamir Khan.[29] It was also supported by music composer and bass guitarist in the band Indian Ocean, Rahul Ram, who was actively involved in the movement from 1990 to 1995. [30]", "List of most expensive association football transfers The 1996 transfer of Alan Shearer from Blackburn Rovers to Newcastle United, for a fee of £15m,[138] kickstarted a year-by-year succession of record breaking transfers: Ronaldo moved the following year to Inter Milan from FC Barcelona for a fee of £17m,[139] which was followed in 1998 by the shock transfer of his fellow countryman Denílson from São Paulo to Real Betis for a fee of approximately £21m.[135][137][140]", "Ambassador Among European powers, the ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary was historically regarded as the personal representative of the Sovereign. The custom of dispatching ambassadors to the head of state rather than the government has persisted. For example, ambassadors to and from the United Kingdom are accredited to or from the Royal Court of St James's. Ambassadors hold the highest diplomatic rank and have precedence over chargés d'affaires, who are accredited by the foreign minister. Ambassadors also outranked envoys until the 1960s, when the last legations were upgraded to embassies.", "Entertainment Ke Liye Kuch Bhi Karega After a gap of 2.5 years, N.P. Singh, the CEO of Sony Entertainment Television decided to relaunch the show again in May 2014. From 12 May 2014, It aired in the slot of 9-10pm replacing Desh Ki Beti Nandini and Kehta Hai Dil Jee Le Zara. The auditions for this season began on January 26, 2014.Anu Malik and Farah Khan again are the judges and the show is hosted by Krushna Abhishek and Mona Singh.", "Adidas India has been a very speculative market for Adidas. Despite this Dave Thomas, managing director of Adidas in India is ambitious of the country's potential.[61] The company hopes to double its revenue from Rs. 805 crores by 2020.[61] In 2015, the company had signed Ranveer Singh a prominent Bollywood actor as a brand ambassador to the company's products.[62] Ranveer then was a budding actor. The company later decided to use the people's almost religious adoration for the game cricket to promote their brand. It soon launched a new cricket campaign in the country.[63] The campaign was called FeelLoveUseHate with prominent Indian cricketer Virat Kohli.[64] However, in 2017, Virat Kohli was removed as the brand ambassador of the company.[65] The cricketer later signed a major deal with Puma India.[66] The company also sells its products online through e-commerce websites such as Myntra, Snapdeal, Jabong and Amazon. Adidas also has a website dedicated to the Indian audience that markets and sells products to its consumers in India.[67]", "Sriti Jha Since 2014, she has portrayed the character of Pragya Abhishek Mehra, Practical,Hard working and Simple Women who marries a Rockstar in Ekta Kapoor's Show Kumkum Bhagya opposite Shabir Ahluwalia. Her portrayal of Pragya won her many awards and nominations such as the Indian Telly Award for Best Actress in a Lead Role, Aadhi Aabadi Women Achiever Award and 6th GR8 Women Awards ME 2016. In 2015, she received Best Stylish Beti Award from Television Style Award. In 2016, she received 3 awards at Zee Rishtey Awards. In 2018 she received Zee Gold Award Best Actress (Popular) Female.", "Aishwarya Rai Rai made her first commercial for Camlin exam pencils when she was in the 9th grade. Rai became popular after appearing in a Pepsi commercial with actor Aamir Khan.[15] She is the only actress who endorsed both Pepsi and Coca-Cola.[140] She is one of the top brand ambassadors in the country and is one of the top paid Bollywood actresses in this respect.[141] She modelled for Titan Watches,[142] Longines watches, L'Oréal, Coca-Cola,[143] Lakmé Cosmetics, Casio pager, Philips, Palmolive,[144] Lux, Fuji films,[145] Nakshatra Diamond Jewellery,[146] and Kalyan Jewellers.[147] She was named the official brand ambassador for De Beers diamonds in India.[145] Rai has been ranked the 2nd most popular watch brand ambassador worldwide in a survey, conducted by World Watch Report.[148] In 2013 Rai and her husband Abhishek Bachchan have been roped in as the brand ambassadors by the TTK Group.[149] Rai endorses Lodha’s Worli project by Lodha Group World One.[150]", "Ahom kingdom The apaikan chamua was the gentry that were freed from the khels and paid only money-tax. The paikan chamua consisted of artisans, the literati and skilled people that did non-manual work and rendered service as tax. The kanri paik rendered manual labor. The lowest were the licchous, bandi-beti and other serfs and bondsmen. There was some degree of movement between the classes. Momai Tamuli Borbarua rose from a bondsman through the ranks to become the first Borbarua under Prataap Singha.", "Shah Rukh Khan Khan has been brand ambassador of various governmental campaigns, including Pulse Polio and National AIDS Control Organisation.[251] He is a member of the board of directors of Make-A-Wish Foundation in India,[258] and in 2011 he was appointed by UNOPS as the first global ambassador of the Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council.[259] He has recorded a series of public service announcements championing good health and proper nutrition, and joined India's Health Ministry and UNICEF in a nationwide child immunisation campaign.[260] In 2011, he received UNESCO's Pyramide con Marni award for his charitable commitment to provide education for children, becoming the first Indian to win the accolade.[261] In 2014, Khan became the ambassador for Interpol's campaign \"Turn Back Crime\".[262] In 2015, Khan received a privileged degree from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland.[263] In 2018, Khan was honoured by the World Economic Forum with their annual Crystal Award or his leadership in championing children’s and women’s rights in India.[264][265]", "Brand Therefore, when looking to communicate a brand with chosen consumers, companies should investigate a channel of communication which is most suitable for their short-term and long-term aims and should choose a method of communication which is most likely to be adhered to[clarification needed] by their chosen consumers.[79] The match-up between the product, the consumer lifestyle, and the endorser is important for effectiveness of brand communication.", "Ambassador An ambassador-at-large is a diplomat of the highest rank or a minister who is accredited to represent their country. But unlike the ambassador-in-residence, who is usually limited to a country or embassy, the ambassador-at-large can be appointed to operate in several usually neighbouring countries, a region or sometimes a seat of international organizations such as the United Nations or European Union. In some cases, an ambassador-at-large may even be specifically assigned a role to advise and assist the state or Government in particular issues.", "Ethnic groups in Cameroon Cameroon has an extremely heterogeneous population, consisting of approximately 250 ethnic groups. Cameroon Highlanders constitute the plurality at 38 percent of the total population. They include the Bamileke and the Bamoun. The coastal tropical forest peoples, including the Bassa, Douala, and many smaller entities account for about 12 percent of the population. In the southern tropical forest, ethnic groups include the Ewondo, Bulu, and Fang (all Beti subgroups), and the Maka and Pygmies (officially called Bakas). They account for about 18 percent of the population. The Fulani (Fula: FulÉ“e; French: Peul or Peuhl) account for about 14 percent of the population and the Kirdi account for about 18 percent.", "Alfonso XIII of Spain Alfonso was a promoter of tourism in Spain. The need for the lodging of his wedding guests prompted the construction of the luxury Hotel Palace in Madrid. He also supported the creation of a network of state-run lodges (Parador) in historic buildings of Spain. His fondness for the sport of football led to the patronage of several \"Royal\" (\"Real\" in Spanish) football clubs, the first being Real Club Deportivo de La Coruña in 1907.[21] Selected others include Real Madrid, Real Sociedad, Real Betis, Real Unión, Espanyol and Real Zaragoza.", "Laura Marano In August 2013, Marano has been named the 2013 UNICEF's Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF Ambassador, which encouraged children to raise money on Halloween to help children around the world. About the campaign, Laura said \"I'm so excited to celebrate Halloween this year by encouraging kids to support UNICEF's lifesaving work. The Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF campaign is a fun, easy way for kids to learn about world issues and to help other kids who are less fortunate.\"[32] In August 2014, Marano was ambassador for the Disney and Birds Eye Vegetables campaign 'Step up to the plate'.[33] The campaign's goal is to encourage children in the United States to explore healthy foods such as vegetables.", "Estée Lauder Companies Since at least February 2001, Estée Lauder and its brands have been the target of a boycott campaign. The boycott has been led by pro-Palestine activists who have targeted the corporation because of the pro-Israel activities of Ronald Lauder.[28][29] In June 2003, the San Francisco-based Queers Undermining Israeli Terrorism (QUIT) took up the boycott with their \"Estée Slaughter\" campaign.[30] The boycott has generated an anti-boycott campaign by supporters of the Israeli occupation.[31]", "Luka Modrić On 18 October 2016, Modrić signed a new contract with Real Madrid, keeping him at the club until 2020.[146] Due to injury of a left knee sustained in mid-September, he missed eight matches, returning early November.[147] On 18 December, he won the 2016 FIFA Club World Cup with Real Madrid, receiving the Silver Ball for his performances during the tournament.[148] On 12 March 2017, in a 2–1 win over Real Betis, Modrić played his 200th match for Real Madrid.[149]", "India Brand Equity Foundation Brand India Engineering is a campaign launched by Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government of India. Brand India Engineering campaign aims at creating true brand value in international markets for Indian engineering products & services.[9]", "Shatta Wale In 2014, Wale became a brand ambassador for Guinness Ghana Breweries.[60] and as the brand ambassador for Rush Energy Drink.[61][62][63]", "Celebrity branding Companies who use celebrity endorsers are at a risk financially, whether they are choosing the right celebrity endorser to represent their brand and return the favor with an increase in sales, or for the brand to become known on a wider scale. Firms are also taking risks in hoping that their chosen celebrity endorser will portray their brand in the correct way, because any small or big mistake can cost the company in a negative outcome, especially due to the celebrity's social status it can affect a huge audience. This could be due to miscommunication between the firm and the endorser advertising the product or service (Halonen-Knight and Hurmerinta, 2010).", "Narmada Bachao Andolan \"The Narmada Bachao Andolaan (NBA)has rendered a yeoman's service to the country by creating a high-level of awareness about the environmental and rehabilitation and relief aspects of Sardar Sarovar and other projects on the Narmada. But, after the court verdict it is incumbent on it to adopt a new role. Instead of 'damning the dam' any longer, it could assume the role of vigilant observer to see that the resettlement work is as humane and painless as possible and that the environmental aspects are taken due care of.\"[37]", "Australia's Next Top Model (cycle 10) The models competed in groups for a challenge in which they had to create a social media video for Colgate Optic White, with the best performer being chosen as an ambassador for the brand. The contestants later arrived at Randwick Racecourse, where they were introduced to Australian model Elle Macpherson, and took part in an equestrian inspired photo shoot with a racehorse.", "Ambassador In some countries, a former ambassador may continue to be styled and addressed as ambassador throughout their life (in the United States, \"Mr. Ambassador\" or \"Madam Ambassador\" may be heard). In other countries, ambassador is a title that accrues to its holder only with respect to a specific position, and may not be used after leaving or beyond the position. Some countries do not use the term while an ambassador is in the home country, as the office holder is not an ambassador there; for example, a Canadian ambassador while in Canada is not generally addressed as ambassador, although they may be referred to as \"Canadian ambassador to ...\"; that is, with reference to a specific job function; the person is addressed or styled as ambassador only while holding such office.", "Ambassador Because members of the Commonwealth of Nations have or had a common head of state, they do not exchange ambassadors, but instead have High Commissioners, who represent the government, rather than the head of state. The diplomat representing the Holy See is titled a nuncio. In diplomatic usage, both the high commissioner and nuncio are considered equivalent in rank and role to an ambassador. Resident Coordinators within the United Nations system are accredited to the Head of State and have the same rank as ambassador.", "Brand equity Brand equity refers to the value of a brand. In the research literature, brand equity has been studied from two different perspectives: cognitive psychology and information economics. According to cognitive psychology, brand equity lies in consumer’s awareness of brand features and associations, which drive attribute perceptions. According to information economics, a strong brand name works as a credible signal of product quality for imperfectly informed buyers and generates price premiums as a form of return to branding investments. It has been empirically demonstrated that brand equity plays an important role in the determination of price structure and, in particular, firms are able to charge price premiums that derive from brand equity after controlling for observed product differentiation.[5]", "Royal Stag On 10 February 2010, Pernod Ricard India announced that it had signed Shahrukh Khan, for an undisclosed amount, as the brand ambassador for Royal Stag, for a period of one year. The company said that Shahrukh would work in tandem with Saif Ali Khan, who has been the brand ambassador since 2007.[47] In April 2013, social activist T Satish Kumar and student leader Banoth Amru Naik, from the Nalgonda district of Andhra Pradesh, filed a complaint with the State Human Rights Commission (SHRC) against Telugu film actor Mahesh Babu for endorsing Royal Stag. The annulment of the agreemenet would result in Sri Lanka Cricket losing its rights to organise matches at the stadium.[48]", "Ambassador Ambassadors are diplomats of the highest rank, formally representing the head of state, with plenipotentiary powers (i.e. full authority to represent the government). In modern usage, most ambassadors on foreign postings as head of mission carry the full title of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary. \"Ordinary\" ambassadors and non-plenipotentiary status are rarely used, although they may be encountered in certain circumstances. The only difference between an extraordinary ambassador and an ordinary ambassador is that while the former's mission is permanent, the latter serves only for a specific purpose.[6]", "Adamawa Region Many more tribes entered the territory from the region of Chad between the 14th and 17th centuries. These included the Semi-Bantu tribes, such as the Bamileke, Bamun, Kom, Nso, Tikar, Widikum, and Wimbam. The Bantu came as well, examples being the Beti-Pahuin and Maka and Njem. Other groups who came were the Gbaya, from the present CAR, and the Vute, from the Lake Chad region. The Vute were region's first iron workers, and they founded the towns of Mbamnyang (present Banyo) and Tibaré (present Tibati). The Semi-Bantu peoples gradually moved south before settling near the headwaters of the Mbam River sometime between the 17th and 19th centuries. The Bantu settled east of them, south of the Adamawa Plateau. One or all of these populations founded Banyo, Tibati, and Ngaoundéré.", "Dove Campaign for Real Beauty The campaign has been criticized on the grounds that Unilever also produces Fair and Lovely, a skin-lightening product marketed at dark-skinned women in several countries.[22] It was also widely noted that Unilever brand Lynx's advertising campaign would seemingly contradict the sentiment of the Campaign for Real Beauty.[23] Moreover, Unilever owns Axe hygiene products, which are marketed to men using overtly sexualized women, and Slim Fast diet bars.[24][25] Writing for Forbes, Will Burns called such criticism \"totally irrelevant\".[25] He explained: \"No one thinks of Dove as a Unilever brand, for starters (nor should Dove) ... But more to the point, does Dove’s idea mean teen boys don’t still want to smell good for the ladies? Or that people who are overweight don’t want to lose a few pounds? These are different brands solving problems for completely different audiences.\"[25] The criticism has also been justified from others that state their concerns that the images that Dove portrays in their ads are supposed to be unedited and \"real\"; however, there have been comments made stating they have been photoshopped to smooth the appearance of the women's skin, hide wrinkles and blemishes, fix stray hairs, etc. Photo retoucher Pascal Dangin, who works for Box Studios in New York, told The New Yorker he made edits to the photos, “Do you know how much retouching was on that?” he asked. “But it was great to do, a challenge, to keep everyone’s skin and faces showing the mileage but not looking unattractive.”[26] The women who are targeted by these ads have mixed reviews as well. Some women were turned off that Dove was in essence telling them they knew the insecurities they felt and what all women felt. Social networking sites such as Facebook became an outlet for women to express their praise and criticism.[27]", "History of propaganda Drug cartels have been engaged in propaganda and psychological campaigns to influence their rivals and those within their area of influence. They use banners and narcomantas to threaten their rivals. Some cartels hand out pamphlets and leaflets to conduct public relation campaigns. They have been able to control the information environment by threatening journalists, bloggers and others who speak out against them. They have elaborate recruitment strategies targeting young adults to join their cartel groups. They have successfully branded the word narco, and the word has become part of Mexican culture. There is music, television shows, literature, beverages, food and architecture that all have been branded narco.[116][117]", "Celebrity branding Companies and firms in the 1980s then decided to start making products around celebrities (\"Celebrity Endorsement – Throughout the Ages,\" 2004). An example of this is in 1984 when the company Nike noticed a talented and young basketball player called Michael Jordan. Michael Jordan then became Nike's celebrity brand ambassador for their sports industry. Nike extremely relied on Michael Jordan's social status to make the brand internationally well known.", "Kendall Jenner After working in commercial print ad campaigns and photoshoots, Jenner had breakout seasons in 2014 and 2015, walking the runways for high fashion designers during the New York, Milan, and Paris Fashion Weeks. Jenner has done multiple editorials and cover shoots for LOVE and various international Vogue editions, walked for Victoria's Secret, and acts as brand ambassador for Estée Lauder's multimedia ad campaigns. Jenner made her debut at No. 16 on Forbes magazine's 2015 list of top earning models, with an estimated annual income of US$4 million.[7]", "MS Dhoni In February 2016, Dhoni launched lifestyle brand SEVEN. Dhoni owns the footwear side of the brand and is also the brand ambassador of SEVEN.[116]", "Annette Melton In 2014 Melton was cast as Gaile Owens in the television series Deadly Women. She hosted 'World Time Attack' with Toshi Hayama for Special Broadcasting Service's Speedweek program. And is the only Australian cover model to be cast a second time for Ministry of Sound's 'Maximum Bass' campaign, appearing in their latest TV commercial, CD cover and advertising.\nMelton was the summer face and brand ambassador of Lonsdale (clothing)'s Summer 2014 campaign.", "Àstrid Bergès-Frisbey She currently serves as a brand ambassador for Chanel.", "Amanda Holden In 2013, she became a celebrity ambassador for Battersea Dogs and Cats Home, following her work with Pedigree's 'Buy One, Feed One' campaign that she, along with Paul O'Grady have been supporting together. O'Grady is also an ambassador for Battersea.[34]", "Brand It is important that if a company wishes to develop a global market, the company name will also need to be suitable in different cultures and not cause offense or be misunderstood.[81] It has also been found[by whom?] that when communicating a brand a company needs to be aware that they must not just visually communicate their brand message and should take advantage of portraying their message through multi-sensory information.[82] One article suggests that other senses, apart from vision, need to be targeted when trying to communicate a brand with consumers.[83] For example, a jingle or background music can have a positive effect on brand recognition, purchasing behaviour and brand recall.", "Promotion (marketing) Promotions can be held in physical environments at special events such as concerts, festivals, trade shows, and in the field, such as in grocery or department stores. Interactions in the field allow immediate purchases. The purchase of a product can be incentive with discounts (i.e., coupons), free items, or a contest. This method is used to increase the sales of a given product. Interactions between the brand and the customer are performed by a brand ambassador or promotional model who represents the product in physical environments. Brand ambassadors or promotional models are hired by a marketing company, which in turn is booked by the brand to represent the product or service. Person-to-person interaction, as opposed to media-to-person involvement, establishes connections that add another dimension to promotion. Building a community through promoting goods and services can lead to brand loyalty.", "Sania Mirza Currently, Mirza is the brand ambassador for the Indian state of Telangana.[59]", "Shreya Ghoshal In 2011, Ghoshal became the brand ambassador for Joyalukkas jewellery.[189]", "Virat Kohli In November 2014, Kohli and Anjana Reddy's Universal Sportsbiz (USPL) launched a youth fashion brand WROGN. The brand started to produce men's casual wear clothing in 2015 and has tied up with Myntra and Shopper's Stop.[294] In late 2014, Kohli was announced as a shareholder and brand ambassador of the social networking venture 'Sport Convo' based in London.", "Mahesh Babu Mahesh is an ambassador for about a dozen South Indian brands.[105][106] In 2007, he signed a five-year endorsement deal with the cola company Thums Up to replace Chiranjeevi as its brand ambassador in Andhra Pradesh.[107] He endorsed brands such as UniverCell Mobile Store,[108] Navratna Oil,[109] Amrutanjan,[110] Provogue,[111] ITC Vivel,[112] Jos Alukkas,[113] Idea Cellular,[114] Santoor Soap,[115] South India Shopping Mall,[116] Royal Stag,[117] Rainbow Hospitals,[118] TVS Motor Company,[119] Mahindra Tractors,[120] Paragon footwear, and[121] Tata Sky in South India.[122] He was signed as the brand ambassador of Intex Mobiles in August 2015 for one year.[123] In 2012, he replaced Akshay Kumar as the national brand ambassador for Thums Up across India.[124] He also promotes the real estate firm Ramakrishna Venuzia.[125] Mahesh commands a figure of ₹25–30 million per endorsement per annum, thus earning around ₹300 million per annum as a brand ambassador.[126]", "Political campaign A political campaign is an organized effort which seeks to influence the decision making process within a specific group. In democracies, political campaigns often refer to electoral campaigns, by which representatives are chosen or referendums are decided. In modern politics, the most high-profile political campaigns are focused on general elections and candidates for head of state or head of government, often a president or prime minister.", "Brand awareness Different types of brand awareness have been identified, namely brand recall and brand recognition. Key researchers argue that these different types of awareness operate in fundamentally different ways and that this has important implications for the purchase decision process and for marketing communications. Brand awareness is closely related to concepts such as the evoked set and consideration set which describe specific aspects of the consumer's purchase decision. Consumers are believed to hold between three and seven brands in their consideration set across a broad range of product categories. [2] Consumers will normally purchase one of the top three brands in their consideration set.", "Brand The act of associating a product or service with a brand has become part of pop culture. Most products have some kind of brand identity, from common table salt to designer jeans. A brandnomer is a brand name that has colloquially become a generic term for a product or service, such as Band-Aid, Nylon, or Kleenex—which are often used to describe any brand of adhesive bandage; any type of hosiery; or any brand of facial tissue respectively. Xerox, for example, has become synonymous with the word \"copy\".", "Celebrity branding Since companies started making products around celebrities and the celebrity becoming the brand ambassador for the company, athletes and entertainment celebrity's then started to negotiate salaries and pay out's for them representing the company due to the competition of other firms. Due to salaries always increasing because of the demands of the celebrity, usually, sales for the company that the celebrity was promoting would increase.", "Brand Private label brands, also called own brands, or store brands have become popular. Where the retailer has a particularly strong identity (such as Marks & Spencer in the UK clothing sector) this \"own brand\" may be able to compete against even the strongest brand leaders, and may outperform those products that are not otherwise strongly branded.", "Anchor (brand) Anchor Spreadable is one of the brand's specialised products. This butter-based spread is softened with canola oil and spreads easily, but marketing claims of its being spreadable direct from the fridge have been questioned.[citation needed] A 2003 campaign for Anchor Spreadable, created by Jonti Picking, of Weebl and Bob fame, included television ads featuring wobbly cows.[citation needed]", "Brand equity While most brand equity research has taken place in consumer markets, the concept of brand equity is also important for understanding competitive dynamics and price structures of business-to-business markets. In industrial markets competition is often based on differences in product performance. It has been suggested however that firms may charge premiums that cannot be solely explained in terms of technological superiority and performance-related advantages. Such price premiums reflect the brand equity of reputable manufacturers.[11]", "Ambassadors of the United States Many well-known individuals have served the United States as ambassadors, or in formerly analogous positions such as envoy, including several who also became President of the United States (indicated in boldface below). Some notable ambassadors have included:", "Theo James In 2015, he became the brand ambassador for Hugo Boss fragrances for men.[24]", "Novak Djokovic In August 2011, Djokovic became the brand ambassador of Swiss watch manufacturer Audemars Piguet.[323] Less than a month later, Djokovic signed a sponsorship deal with German car company Mercedes-Benz.[324] In March 2012, Djokovic was announced by Bombardier Aerospace as its latest Learjet brand ambassador, thus joining the likes of actor and pilot John Travolta, architect Frank Gehry, maestro Valery Gergiev, and classical pianist Lang Lang.[325] From January 2014 Djokovic has been endorsing French car manufacturer Peugeot.[326] At the same time he entered into an endorsement deal with Japanese watch manufacturer Seiko,[327] having just ended his affiliation with their rivals Audemars Piguet.[328] In early 2015, ahead of the Australian Open, Djokovic teamed up with Australian banking corporation ANZ for a social media campaign to raise money for local communities across the Asia Pacific region.[329][330] At the same time his partnership with Jacob's Creek, an Australian wine brand owned by Orlando Wines, was announced in regards to the production and distribution of 'Made By' film series, a documentary style content meant to \"show a side of Novak not seen before as he recounts never before told life stories from Belgrade, Serbia, celebrating what has made him the champion he is today\".[331]", "Brand Marketers or product managers responsible for branding seek to develop or align the expectations behind the brand experience, creating the impression that a brand associated with a product or service has certain qualities or characteristics that make it special or unique.[citation needed] A brand can therefore become one of the most valuable elements in an advertising theme, as it demonstrates what the brand owner is able to offer in the marketplace.[clarification needed] The art of creating and maintaining a brand is called brand management. Orientation of an entire organization towards its brand is called brand orientation. Brand orientation develops in response to market intelligence.[citation needed]", "Pia Miller Pia Miller (née Loyola; born 2 November 1983) is a Chilean-born Australian fashion model, actress and television presenter. Miller came to prominence after winning Dolly's annual modelling competition. She later competed in the second series of Search for a Supermodel. Miller has appeared in various advertising campaigns for brands such as Myer and Mossimo. She became the co-host of Qantas' in-flight entertainment programs in 2010 and was named the first Australian celebrity tourism ambassador for Chile in 2014.", "Celebrity branding Source encoding is relevant often in celebrity branding. The sender, or source, of a communication is the person or organization that has information to share with another person or group of people. This is generally a hired spokesman, such as a celebrity, who appears in a company's advertisements (Belch, G. E., & Belch, M. A, 2012).[4] Brands must ensure that they carefully choose with whom they decide to endorse their brand, as this will be the first touch point the consumer encounters and they will be communicating the brand as well as endorsing it. Because the receiver's perceptions of the source influence how the communication of the brand is received, marketers must be very careful to pick a communicator the receiver believes is knowledgeable and trustworthy. They need to be someone who they can identify and relate the product to (Belch, G. E., & Belch, M. A, 2012). However, sometimes this method of communication can backfire on a brand. This can be the result of a public figure acting out of place and they are therefor viewed badly which results in the brand being viewed negatively also.", "Sathyaraj In 2011, he had a brief career as a television host for the game show Home Sweet Home on STAR Vijay.[6] He has also served as a brand ambassador for Pothys and Kumaran Jewelry Shop.[7]", "Brand awareness To increase the probability of a product's acceptance by the market, it is important to create high levels of brand awareness as early as practical in a product or brand's life-cycle. To achieve top-of-mind awareness, marketers have traditionally, relied on intensive advertising campaigns, especially at the time of a product launch.[54] To be successful, an intensive campaign utilises both broad reach (expose more people to the message) and high frequency (expose people multiple times to the message). Advertising, especially main media advertising, was seen as the most cost efficient means of reaching large audiences with the relatively high frequency needed to create high awareness levels. Nevertheless, intensive advertising campaigns can become very expensive and can rarely be sustained for long periods.", "Talk:Ye Meri Life Hai As we saw in the last episode how Maya is shocked to see Sudhaben and Rasikbhai at her place when she and her friends are having a party. Sudhaben and Rasikbhai tell Maya that they have come with some fruits and sweets and would like to invite their beti and jawaai home for lunch. Luckily, Ronit arrives at the scene and sees them. He takes his in-laws to his room to meet Poornima. Maya, for obvious reasons is not happy and seems very angry. Maybe more because of the fact about how her friends would think and react to this. Anyways, Sudhaben and Rasikbhai meet Poornima and asks them to come home. Sudhaben sees the wound on Poornima's hand and asks her the reason. She says she slept with her bangles on - Ronit agrees to go to Mehta house.", "Jonathan Goldsmith Beginning in April 2007 and continuing through 2015, Goldsmith had been featured in a high-profile television ad campaign, promoting Dos Equis beer.[10] The campaign, which transformed Goldsmith into \"the most interesting man in the world\", has been credited for helping to fuel a 15.4 percent sales increase for the brand in the United States in 2009 and also made him into a very popular meme.[6]", "Qnet The company partnered with former professional tennis player Martina Hingis in September 2015 and announced her as its Brand Ambassador of Qnet products and representative of the brand in India.[67][68]", "Doppelgänger brand image A doppelgänger brand image is a company logo that has been modified in a pejorative manner. Such images are most likely to be spread via social media, or through websites of anti-brand activists such as Adbusters, and are often intended to highlight ethical issues regarding the product advertised.", "Celebrity branding Advertisements can include television advertisements, radio, billboards, or magazine posters showing the celebrity in the brands advertisement to help increase the products image. The celebrity could be seen using the product, or the main character, as being seen in the advertisement can help viewers associate them with the brand.[37] An example of Celebrity Branding in an advertisement is George Clooney in Nespressos 'What else' advertising campaign. Celebrities used for voice-overs or radio advertisements generally have a distinct voice that viewers will recognize like Morgan Freeman's voice.", "The Little Prince The wide appeal of Saint-Exupéry's novella has led to it being adapted into numerous forms over the decades. Additionally, the title character himself has been adapted in a number of promotional roles, including as a symbol of environmental protection, by the Toshiba Group.[108] He has also been portrayed as a \"virtual ambassador\" in a campaign against smoking, employed by the Veolia Energy Services Group, [108] and his name was used as an episode title in the TV series Lost.", "Gallipoli Campaign The significance of the Gallipoli Campaign is felt strongly in both New Zealand and Australia, despite their being a small minority of the Allied forces; the campaign is regarded in both nations as a \"baptism of fire\" and had been linked to their emergence as independent states.[276] Approximately 50,000 Australians served at Gallipoli and from 14,000 to 17,000 New Zealanders.[277][278][279] It has been argued that the campaign proved significant in the emergence of a unique Australian identity following the war, which has been closely linked to popular conceptualisations of the qualities of the soldiers that fought during the campaign, which became embodied in the notion of an \"Anzac spirit\".[280]", "Shatta Wale 17 November 2017, Shatta Wale inked a deal with Boss Baker Beef Roll as brand ambassador.[65]", "Brand equity Without question, the most important consideration in reinforcing brands is the consistency of the marketing support that the brand receives - both in terms of the amount and nature of marketing support. Brand consistency is critical to maintaining the strength and favorability of brand associations. Brands that receive inadequate support, in terms of such things as shrinking research and development or marketing communication budgets, run the risk of becoming technologically disadvantaged or even obsolete.Consistency does not mean, however, that marketers should avoid making any changes in the marketing program. On the contrary, the opposite can be quite true - being consistent in managing brand equity may require numerous tactical shifts and changes in order to maintain the proper strategic thrust and direction of the brand. There are many ways that brand awareness and brand image can be created, maintained, or improved through carefully designed marketing programs. The tactics that may be most effective for a particular brand at any one time can certainly vary from those that may be most effective for the brand at another time. As a consequence, prices may move up or down, product features may be added or dropped, ad campaigns may employ different creative strategies and slogans, and different brand extensions may be introduced or withdrawn over time in order to create the same desired knowledge structures in consumers' minds.[20]", "Aamir Khan Aamir Khan later stated that he was not leaving the country.[251][252][237] A lawsuit was filed against Khan and Rao at Jaunpur in ACJM II court.[253] Khan was dropped as brand ambassador of the government's official Incredible India tourism campaign.[224] A company that Khan was endorsing, Snapdeal, faced backlash from Khan's critics for being associated with him, before the company distanced themselves from his comments.[228]", "Gucci Gucci has a strong digital presence online, and is heavily active across various social media channels with the brand name: Gucci. These include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Google+, Pinterest, and Snapchat.[30] In 2017, the brand was seen to be the most-discussed brand on social media within the high-end luxury market.[31] The brand has integrated itself into the modern digital world with campaigns such as the 'collaborative art project'. This campaign was to market a new line of watches, in which the brand collaborated with artists and popular Instagram meme accounts. Memes can be defined as a joke, fad or memorable piece of content that spreads across the web and is usually accompanied by a witty caption. For Gucci, the brand focused on Instagram ads, where they reimagined popular memes with their watch collection, prompting users to share and tag their friends. Despite the conversation and shares, the campaign was not wildly successful, with many viewers reacting negatively to the content.[32]", "Jackie Chan Chan is a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador, and has championed charitable works and causes. He has campaigned for conservation, against animal abuse and has promoted disaster relief efforts for floods in mainland China and the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami.[15][154][155]", "Brand awareness The concept was to introduce personalized Coke bottles or cans. Popular names were written in a 'look-alike Spencerian script' which is part of the Coke brand's distinctive brand identity. The campaign organisers seeded social media by targeting opinion leaders and influencers to get them to them lead the conversation and encourage others to seek out “Share a Coke” for themselves. [62] [63] Within days celebrities and others with no connection to Coke were spreading the concept across social networks. The campaign extended the audience reach as more people were exposed to the messages. According to Coke's creative team, \"That [Australian] summer, Coke sold more than 250 million named bottles and cans in a nation of just under 23 million people\". This campaign helped Coke extend its awareness across a broader age profile as they interacted with each customer on a personal level. [64]", "Ambassador One of the cornerstones of foreign diplomatic missions is to work for peace. This task can grow into a fight against international terrorism, the drug trade, international bribery, and human trafficking. Ambassadors help stop these acts, helping people across the globe. These activities are important and sensitive and are usually carried out in coordination with the Defense Ministry of the state (or the Defense Department in the U.S.) and the head of the nation.[5][4]", "Celebrity branding Touchpoints are crucial to a brand when it comes to marketing and advertising their product/service. Any point of contact where a business engages with a customer to exchange information about their good/service is considered a touchpoint. It targets the chosen market by taking advantage of the most effective channels to appeal to and entice this group to communicate their intended message. Brands need to think of the most optimal ways to get the word out about their good and the information surrounding it. Different touchpoints allow the brand to appeal to their specific market in the most direct way possible, which considers the particular targeted groups needs and wants out of accessing and receiving information about a product (Straker, K., Wrigley, C., & Rosemann, M. (2015)).[93]", "Jews as the chosen people The idea of chosenness has traditionally been interpreted by Jews in two ways: one way is that God chose the Israelites, while the other is that the Israelites chose God. Although collectively this choice was made freely, religious Jews believe that it created individual obligation for the descendants of the Israelites. Another opinion is that the choice was free in a limited context, thus: although the Jews chose to follow precepts ordained by God, the Kabbalah and Tanya teach that even prior to creation, the \"Jewish soul\" was already chosen.", "Jews as the chosen people However, most other Christians[citation needed] are of the view that all people who turn to Christ as their personal saviour are 'chosen' in the context of John 15:16 whereby Jesus referred to God's plan of salvation as his great redeeming work on the cross, that all who come to faith in him does so freely and are 'chosen' to bear 'fruit that lasts'. 1 Peter 2:9 refers to these (Christians) as 'chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's special possession'.[clarification needed]", "Brand By the early 1900s, trade press, advertising agencies and advertising experts began producing books and pamphlets exhorting manufacturers to bypass retailers and advertise direct to consumers with strongly branded messages. Around 1900, advertising guru, James Walter Thompson, published a house advertisement explaining trademark advertising. This was an early commercial explanation of what is now recognized as modern branding and the beginnings of brand management. [49] This trend continued to the 1980s, and is now quantified in concepts such as brand value and brand equity. Naomi Klein has described this development as \"brand equity mania\".[50] In 1988, for example, Philip Morris purchased Kraft for six times what the company was worth on paper. Business analysts have reported that what they really purchased was its brand name.", "Ambassador Another result of the increase in foreign travel is the growth of trade between nations. For most countries, the national economy is now part of the global economy. This means increased opportunities to sell and trade with other nations. When two nations are conducting a trade, it is usually advantageous to both parties to have an ambassador and perhaps a small staff living in the other land, where they act as an intermediary between cooperative businesses.[5][4]", "Ambassador While the title generally reflects the ambassador's second head position as head of a diplomatic mission, in some countries the term may also represent a rank held by career diplomats, as a matter of internal promotion, regardless of the posting, and in many national careers it is quite common for them to be appointed to other functions, especially within the ministry/ministries in charge of foreign affairs, in some countries in systematic alternation with actual postings.", "Celebrity branding Brand image can be described as \"the set of beliefs held about a particular brand\" (Kotler, 1988).[6] Research carried out by Keller & Aaker in 1992 suggests that a brand with better positive brand image and attitudes is more likely to achieve heightened development within their relevant market. (Keller & Aaker, 1992).[7] Therefore, choosing a celebrity who is going to beneficially contribute to the existing or intended image and attitudes of the brand is vital to ensure the success of the celebrity branding.", "Shinee To promote tourism business in Korea Shinee were chosen as honorary ambassadors for Seoul's Gangnam district in February 2014.[99] One year later in February 2015 the group became ambassadors of Ministry of Personnel Management to promote Korean music, dance and fashion.[100] Their tasks as ambassadors included performing at events around the world to encourage cultural exchanges between the nations.[101]", "Pawan Kalyan In August 2017, Pawan Kalyan was asked to be the brand ambassador to JEEVAN DAAN, an initiative started for organ donation by government of Andhra Pradesh", "Luis Suárez Suárez opened his goal scoring account by scoring a goal in the first leg of the 2016 Supercopa de España and winning the match 0–2. In the first match of the 2016–17 La Liga season, Suárez scored a hat-trick in a 6–2 victory against Real Betis in which he scored his first free-kick goal for Barcelona.[186] Suárez made his 100th Barcelona appearance in a 2–1 defeat at home to Alavés. Though unable to score, Suárez claimed the distinction of scoring more goals and assists in his first 100 games in Spain than both Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi. Suárez contributed 88 goals and 43 assists in his first 100 games for Barcelona, compared to Ronaldo's 95 goals and 29 assists, and Messi's 41 goals and 14 assists).[187]", "Lata Mangeshkar During the 80s, Lata gave some big hits such as \"Sun Sahiba Sun\" in Ram Teri Ganga Meli Hogayi(1985), (for Ravindra Jain), \"Chand Apna Safar\" in Shama (1981), \"Shayad Meri Shaadi\" and \"Zindagi Pyar Ka\" in Souten (1983), \"Hum Bhool Gaye Re\" in Souten Ki Beti (1989) for Usha Khanna, which was probably the biggest hit of her career. Hridaynath Mangeshkar had \"Kale Kale Gehre Saye\" in Chakra (1981), \"Ye Ankhen Dekh Kar\", which had a slight Khaiyyam touch and \"Kuchh Log Mohabbat Ko\" in Dhanwan (1981), \"Mujhe Tum Yaad Karna\" in Mashaal (1984), \"Jaane Do Mujhe\" in Shahenshah (1989) for Amar-Utpal, \"Sajan Mera Us Paar\" in Ganga Jamuna Saraswati (1988) and \"Mere Pyar Ki Umar\" in Waaris (1989) for Uttam Jagdish.[34]", "List of ambassadors of the United States to the Czech Republic In June 1992, the Slovak parliament voted to declare sovereignty and the Czech-Slovak federation dissolved peacefully on January 1, 1993. The United States recognized the Czech Republic and Slovakia as independent nations and moved to establish diplomatic relations. The previous ambassador to Czechoslovakia, Adrian A. Basora, continued as the ambassador to the Czech Republic and Theodore Russell, who served as deputy chief of mission under Ambassador Shirley Temple Black, became the first U.S. ambassador to Slovakia later that year.", "Brand awareness Research suggests that the number of brands that consumers can recall is affected by both individual and product factors including; brand loyalty, awareness set size, situational, usage factors and education level.[10] For instance, consumers who are involved with a category, such as heavy users or product enthusiasts, may be able to recall a slightly larger set of brand names than those who are less involved." ]
how many seasons of prison break are on netflix
[ "List of Prison Break episodes The first five seasons of Prison Break have been released on DVD and Blu-ray in Regions 1, 2, and 4. Each DVD boxed set includes all of the broadcast episodes from that season, the associated special episode, commentary from cast and crew, and profiles of various parts of Prison Break, such as Fox River State Penitentiary or the tattoo.[4][5][6][7] Prison Break is also available online, including iTunes, Amazon Video, and Netflix.[8][9] After the premiere of the second season of Prison Break, Fox began online streaming of the prior week's episode, though it originally restricted viewing to the United States.[10]" ]
[ "Prison Break (season 4) The fourth season of Prison Break, an American serial drama television series commenced airing in the United States on September 1, 2008. It consists of 24 episodes (22 television episodes and 2 straight to DVD episodes), 16 of which aired from September to December 2008. After a hiatus, it resumed on April 17, 2009 and concluded on May 15, 2009 with a two episode finale.[1] The fourth season was announced as the final season of Prison Break, however the series returned in a limited series format as Prison Break: Resurrection, which premiered on April 4, 2017.", "Prison Break On October 24, 2007, The Hollywood Reporter reported that a spin off was under development, tentatively titled Prison Break: Cherry Hill. The series was to revolve around an upper-middle-class housewife, Molly, and her stint in a women's prison.[39] However, the producers' original idea to introduce Molly in the third season of Prison Break was later dropped due to the writers' strike. The new series would instead begin under the Prison Break brand similar to CSI: Miami and CSI: NY.[40]", "Prison Break (season 3) The third season of Prison Break, an American serial drama television series, commenced airing in the United States on September 17, 2007. Prison Break is produced by Adelstein-Parouse Productions, in association with Rat Television, Original Television Movie and 20th Century Fox Television. The season contains 13 episodes, and concluded on February 18, 2008. The season was shorter than the previous two because of the Writer's Guild strike.", "Prison Break The DVD and Blu-ray Disc sets of each season were released after their television broadcast in various regions. At the 2006 International Consumer Electronics Show, 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment announced that the complete first season of Prison Break was to be released on Blu-ray in early 2007.[95] The release date was later announced to be November 13, 2007, and Prison Break became the first television show to be released on Blu-ray Disc by Fox. The Blu-ray box set contains six discs and includes all the DVD box set's special features.[96] A DVD set containing the first three seasons was released on May 19, 2008, in Region 2.[97] The television movie, Prison Break: The Final Break, was included in the Season 4 set in Regions 2 and 4, but was released separately in Region 1. The Final Break was later released separately in Regions 2 and 4. In France, Germany and the United Kingdom, a Blu-ray package of all four seasons including The Final Break has been released.[98][99][100] Over a year after its initial release, Season 4 was later re-issued in Region 4 without The Final Break included.", "Prison Break Prison Break maintains an ensemble cast for each season along with many recurring guest stars. The first season features a cast of ten actors who receive star billing, who were based in Chicago or at Fox River State Penitentiary.[14] The second season features a cast of nine actors who receive billing; three characters are downgraded from series regular to recurring status, another is upgraded, and a new character is introduced.[15] The third season introduces four new characters; two of whom are prisoners at Penitenciaría Federal de Sona.[16]", "Prison Break In Canada, Prison Break was broadcast on Global one hour before it aired on Fox, except in the Maritimes where it aired two hours before Fox's airing. Prison Break was the only new television series to be positioned in the top twenty television shows of 2005–2006 in Canada, achieving an average of 876,000 viewers in the key demographic of 18–49 and 1.4 million viewers nationally for its first season.[72] Prison Break premiered on Australian television network Seven on February 1, 2006, to an average audience of 1.94 million.[73] The first season attracted an overall average of 1.353 million viewers.[74] After decreasing ratings throughout the second season, Seven decided to fast-track the airing of the third-season episodes.[75] The fifth season revival moved to Network Ten and will debut on May 15, 2017.[76]", "Prison Break (season 2) The second season of Prison Break, an American serial drama television series, commenced airing in the United States on August 21, 2006 on Mondays at 9:00 pm (EST) on the Fox Broadcasting Company. Prison Break is produced by Adelstein-Parouse Productions, in association with Rat Television, Original Television Movie and 20th Century Fox Television. The season contains 22 episodes, and concluded on April 2, 2007. Series creator Paul Scheuring describes the second season as \"The Fugitive times eight\", and likens it to the \"second half of The Great Escape\".[1]", "Prison Break (season 1) A total of ten actors received star billing in the first season, with numerous supporting roles. Filming took place mostly in and around the Chicago area; Fox River was represented by Joliet Prison, which had closed in 2002. Critical reviews of the first season were generally favorable. The first season was released on DVD in Region One as a six-disc boxed set under the title of Prison Break: Season One on August 8, 2006.", "Prison Break (season 4) On January 13, 2009, Fox president Kevin Reilly confirmed the series would end at the conclusion of this season. He explained, \"Prison Break got to a point where a lot of the stories had been told.\" At the time, he said there was a possibility of adding two extra episodes, he said \"We want to finish strong.\"[1] These extra two episodes became Prison Break: The Final Break, although they never aired on Fox, and became available only on DVD.", "Prison Break The first three seasons of Prison Break were primarily filmed outside of Hollywood. The majority of the first season of the series was filmed on location in and around Chicago.[24] After it was closed down in 2002, Joliet Prison became the set of Prison Break in 2005, standing in as Fox River State Penitentiary on screen.[25] Scenes set in Lincoln's cell, the infirmary, and the prison yard were all shot on location at the prison.[26] Lincoln's cell was alleged to be the same one in which serial killer John Wayne Gacy was incarcerated,a which at least one member of the production crew refused to enter, because it was alleged to be haunted.[24][27] Other sets were built at the prison, including the cell blocks that housed the general prison population; these blocks had three tiers of cells (as opposed to the real cell block's two) and had cells much larger than real cells to allow more space for the actors and cameras.[26] Exterior scenes were filmed in areas around Chicago, Woodstock, and Joliet in Illinois. Other locations included O'Hare International Airport in Chicago and Toronto, Ontario in Canada. Prison Break spent $2 million per episode in the state of Illinois, which cost them a total of $24 million in 2005.[24]", "Prison Break The success of the series has inspired short videos for mobile phones, several official tie-ins in print and on the Internet, as well as a video game. A spin-off series, Prison Break: Proof of Innocence, was produced exclusively for mobile phones. The series has spawned an official magazine and a tie-in novel. The fourth season of Prison Break returned from its mid-season break in a new timeslot on April 17, 2009, for the series' last six episodes.[3] Two additional episodes, titled \"The Old Ball and Chain\" and \"Free\" were produced, and were later transformed into a standalone feature, titled The Final Break. The events of this feature take place before the last scene of the series finale, and are intended to conclude unfinished plotlines. The feature was released on DVD and Blu-ray July 21, 2009.[4] A nine-episode fifth season was announced by Fox in January 2016 and premiered on April 4, 2017, and aired on Tuesdays at 9:00 pm.[5] The season concluded on May 30, 2017.", "Prison Break (season 5) The fifth season of Prison Break (also known as Prison Break: Resurrection[1]) is a limited event television series and the continuation of the original series created by Paul Scheuring that aired on Fox from 2005 to 2009. The season is produced by 20th Century Fox Television in association with Adelstein/Parouse Productions and Original Film. Paul Scheuring serves as showrunner, with himself, Marty Adelstein, Neal H. Moritz and Dawn Olmstead, Vaun Wilmott, Michael Horowitz and Nelson McCormick serving as executive producers. McCormick also serves as director.[2] The season premiered on April 4, 2017, and concluded on May 30, 2017, consisting of 9 episodes.[3]", "Prison Break The tie-in novel, Prison Break: The Classified FBI Files (ISBN 1-4165-3845-3), contains details of the show's characters pertaining to the second season's storyline. Written by Paul Ruditis, the book is published by Simon & Schuster and was released on May 8, 2007.[104]", "Prison Break During the show's third season, a series of six online shorts, collectively known as Prison Break: Visitations, were made exclusively for Fox. They feature the characters Lechero, Sammy, McGrady, T-Bag, and Bellick. They were distributed on the Internet and are available for free from iTunes.", "Prison Break In addition to the television broadcast of the show, episodes of Prison Break have also been released on the Internet. Towards the end of the first season, episodes of Prison Break were made available for purchase online at the iTunes Store, which began on May 9, 2006. After the premiere of the second season of Prison Break, Fox began allowing online streaming of the current episode for free via more than 50 websites including AOL, Google, and Yahoo!, as well as its own extensive network. However, this was restricted to the United States only. The first three episodes of the second season were broadcast commercial free, available for a week after their television broadcast date.[101] Online streaming of episodes was postponed after the third episode. However, due to the show's three-week broadcast hiatus prompted by Fox's broadcast of the Major League Baseball playoff games in October, a strategy was developed by News Corporation (the parent company of Fox Broadcasting Company and MySpace) in an attempt to maintain their viewers' interest in the show. Starting in October, Fox began to stream past episodes of the second season on the social networking site MySpace and websites of the network's owned and operated stations (the stations are part of the Fox Television Stations Group). Although commercials were aired throughout the broadcast, the episodes were free of charge.[102]", "List of Prison Break episodes Prison Break is an American serial drama television series that premiered on the Fox network on August 29, 2005, and finished its fifth season on May 30, 2017. The series was simulcast on Global in Canada,[1] and broadcast in dozens of countries worldwide. Prison Break is produced by Adelstein-Parouse Productions, in association with Rat Television, Original Television and 20th Century Fox Television. The series revolves around two brothers: Michael Scofield (Wentworth Miller) and Lincoln Burrows (Dominic Purcell). In the first season, Lincoln is sentenced to death for a crime he did not commit, and Michael deliberately incarcerates himself to help him escape prison. Season two focuses on the manhunt of the prison escapees, season three revolves around Michael's breakout from a Panamanian jail, and the fourth and final[2] season unravels the criminal conspiracy that imprisoned Lincoln.", "Prison Break (season 1) Most of the first season of the series was filmed on location in and around Chicago.[23][24] After it was closed down in 2002, Joliet Prison became the set of Prison Break in 2005, standing in as Fox River State Penitentiary on screen. Scenes set in Lincoln's cell, the infirmary and the prison yard were all shot on location at the prison.[25] Lincoln's cell is the same one in which John Wayne Gacy was incarcerated. Most of the production crew refused to enter the cell, thinking that it was haunted.[23] Other sets were built at the prison, including the cell blocks that housed the general prison population; these blocks had three tiers of cells (as opposed to the real cell block's two) and had cells much larger than real cells to allow more space for the actors and cameras.[25] Exterior scenes were filmed in areas around Chicago, Woodstock, and Joliet in Illinois. Other locations included O'Hare International Airport in Chicago and Toronto, Ontario in Canada. Prison Break spent $2 million per episode in the state of Illinois, which cost them a total of $24 million in 2005.[23]", "Prison Break Season five received mixed reviews. On review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes, the season has an approval rating of 52% based on 21 reviews, with an average score of 6.61/10. The site's critical consensus reads, \"Prison Break recaptures some of its old urgency in its return, but familiar faces and frenetic action aren't enough to make up for a plot that manages to bore while beggaring belief.\"[61] On Metacritic, the season has a score of 48 out of 100, based on 18 critics, indicating \"mixed or average reviews\".[62]", "Netflix Orange Is the New Black debuted on the streaming service in July 2013.[155] In a rare discussion of a Netflix show's ratings, Netflix executives have commented that the show is Netflix's most-watched original series.[156][157] In February 2016, Orange is the New Black was renewed for a fifth, sixth and seventh season. On June 9, 2017, season 5 was premiered and the new season is expected to premier in 2018, Summer.[158]", "Prison Break The show debuted on August 29, 2005 to an estimated audience of 10.5 million viewers. Fox had not seen such success for summertime Monday numbers since Melrose Place and Ally McBeal aired in September 1998. The premiere was ranked first in both the 18–49 and 18–34 demographics.[49] The strong debut performance was also matched by various positive reviews. According to The New York Times, Prison Break was \"more intriguing than most of the new network series, and it certainly is one of the most original\", complimenting its ability to create a \"suspenseful thriller\" and its \"authentic look\".[50] Gillian Flynn of Entertainment Weekly dubbed it as one of the best new shows of 2005.[51] On the other hand, The Washington Post criticized the show for its \"somber pretentiousness\" and \"uniformly overwrought\" performances.[52] Due to its ratings success, Fox decided to extend Prison Break by an extra nine episodes, making it the first new series in the 2005–2006 television season to receive a full season order of 22 episodes.[53] The series averaged 9.2 million viewers per week in its first season.[42]", "Prison Break (season 2) Prison Break revolves around two brothers: one who has been sentenced to death for a crime he did not commit and his younger sibling, a genius who devises an elaborate plan to help him escape prison. The brothers, along with six other prisoners at Fox River State Penitentiary, manage to escape, and the second season follows a massive manhunt chasing the group.[2] Dubbed the Fox River Eight, the group splits and members go their individual way, occasionally meeting up to help each other. They struggle to escape from the police while avoiding a secret group of multinationals called The Company, that wants them all dead.", "Prison Break A video game based on Prison Break was in development for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 for release in February 2009, but was canceled when Brash Entertainment shut down.[106][107]", "Netflix A \"Netflix Original\" is content that is produced, co-produced, or distributed by Netflix exclusively on their services. Netflix funds their original shows differently than other TV networks when they sign a project, providing the money upfront and immediately ordering two seasons of most series.[14]", "Prison Break (season 1) The two-hour pilot episode garnered approximately 10.5 million viewers, giving Fox its \"best summertime Monday numbers since episodes of Melrose Place and Ally McBeal aired there in September 1998.\"[30] The show's first season attracted an average audience of 10 million viewers each week, with \"End of the Tunnel\" reaching 12 million viewers, and led the debuts of television in the 2005 American fall season.[31] Prison Break was originally planned for a 13-episode run, but was extended to include an extra nine episodes due to its popularity.[32]", "Prison Break Robert Knepper reprised his role as T-Bag in the 2011 A&E Network television series, Breakout Kings, which was created by Prison Break writers Matt Olmstead and Nick Santora.[112]", "Prison Break (season 5) Composer Ramin Djawadi stated that he would definitely like to return and work on the new season of Prison Break, after learning of the news of the possible revival, to which further stated, \"I literally just heard it, so it's news for me. It's very exciting because the show was such a good show but nobody has contacted me at this point.\" Djawadi later added, \"Most likely, if my schedule allows - that show was very close to me. I loved all the people involved. I thought it was an incredible show. Absolutely.\"[40] In June 2016, it was confirmed that Djawadi would return as composer for season five.[41]", "Netflix In May 2016, Netflix created a new tool called FAST to determine how fast one's Internet connection is.[148]", "Prison Break On October 24, 2006, the Associated Press reported that Donald and Robert Hughes filed a lawsuit against Fox Broadcasting Company and the show's executive producer and creator, Paul Scheuring, for copyright infringement, seeking unspecified damages and other costs. They claimed that in 2001, they had sent Fox their manuscript which was based on their own experiences of a prison break at a juvenile facility. In the 1960s, Donald Hughes planned and successfully executed a prison escape for his brother, Robert Hughes, who was wrongfully incarcerated.[71]", "Prison Break The premiere of the second season of Prison Break obtained an average of 9.4 million viewers.[54] The decline was steeper among young-adult viewers with a decrease of 20% in the 18–49 demographic compared to its series premiere, but its household rating grew from 3.6% to 3.9% during the last half-hour.[55] Robert Bianco of USA Today commented on the \"harebrained absurdities that have swamped this show\", and blamed the writers for being \"incredibly lazy\" for the continuous use of the tattoo as an \"all-purpose plot fix\".[56] In contrast, Detroit Free Press commended the second-season premiere on matching the standard set by the first season, which delivered \"rocking good entertainment\" due to its \"motley crew of cellblock characters\" and the \"taut, ingenious storytelling of series creator Paul T. Scheuring and his staff.\"[57] The second season obtained its largest audience on the original airdate of the episode, \"Chicago\" with an average of 10.1 million viewers.[58] Overall, the second season averaged 9.3 million viewers per week.[43]", "Prison Break There is also a live feature called \"Prison Break LIVE!\", created by The Sudden Impact! Entertainment Company, which is an interactive experience aimed at bringing to life the atmosphere from the television series. The attraction toured the US, Australia, UK, China, Germany and Mexico from 2006 to 2008.[105]", "Prison Break A spin-off series, Prison Break: Proof of Innocence, was produced exclusively for mobile phones and was broadcast first to Sprint customers in April 2006 on SprintTV's Fox station. The first episode of Proof of Innocence became available on the Internet for viewing on May 8, 2006. This was an exclusive deal made between Toyota Motor and News Corporation's Fox network, allowing Toyota to sponsor exclusive content of the show and to obtain advertising exclusivity.[103]", "Netflix Netflix revealed a prototype of the new device called \"The Switch\" at the 2015 World Maker Faire New York. \"The Switch\" allows Netflix users to turn off lights when connected to a smart home light system. It also connects to users' local networks to enable their servers to order takeout, and silence one's phone at the press of a button. Though the device hasn't been patented, Netflix released instructions on their website, on how to build it at home (DIY). The instructions cover both the electrical structure and the programming processes.[145][146]", "Breaking Bad In terms of Breaking Bad's immense global popularity, creator Vince Gilligan thanked the on demand video service Netflix at the Emmy Awards in September 2013. He even went as far as to say that Netflix \"kept us on the air\".[25]", "Netflix In November 2013, Netflix and Marvel Television announced a five-season deal to produce live action Marvel superhero-focused series: Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Iron Fist and Luke Cage. The deal involves the release of four 13-episode seasons that culminate in a mini-series called The Defenders. Daredevil and Jessica Jones premiered in 2015.[159][160][161] The Luke Cage series premiered on September 30, 2016, followed by Iron Fist on March 17, 2017 and The Defenders on August 18, 2017.[162][163] In April 2016 the Netflix series in the Marvel Cinematic Universe were expanded further, to include a 13-episode series of The Punisher.[164][165] In addition to the Marvel deal, Disney announced that the television series Star Wars: The Clone Wars would release its sixth and final season on Netflix, as well as all five prior and the feature film. The new Star Wars content was released on Netflix's streaming service on March 7, 2014.[166]", "Daredevil (season 2) When asked about the future of the series following the first season, showrunner Steven S. DeKnight said that Daredevil \"is one part of the bigger plan—Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, and then The Defenders. How that all fits together, and whether or not there will be a second season of this show—or if it will fold into the others—are questions nobody really has answers to yet.\"[20] In November 2014, DeKnight said that there \"probably will be more\" seasons of Daredevil following the first.[21] In January 2015, Netflix COO Ted Sarandos stated the series was \"eligible to go into multiple seasons for sure\" and Netflix would look at \"how well [they] are addressing both the Marvel fanbase but also the broader fanbase\" to determine if additional seasons would be appropriate.[22]", "Netflix In 2011, Netflix introduced a Netflix button for certain remote controls, allowing users to instantly access Netflix on compatible devices.[144]", "Netflix In October 2017, Netflix iterated a goal of having half of its library consist of original content by 2019, announcing a plan to invest $8 billion on original content in 2018. There will be a particular focus on films and anime through this investment, with a plan to produce 80 original films and 30 anime series.[175] In September 2017, Minister of Heritage Mélanie Joly also announced that Netflix had agreed to make a CDN$500 million (US$400 million) investment over the next five years in the production of content in Canada. The company denied that the deal was intended to result in a tax break.[176][177]", "Luke Cage (season 2) In January 2015, Netflix CCO Ted Sarandos stated the series was \"eligible to go into multiple seasons for sure\" and Netflix would look at \"how well [they] are addressing both the Marvel fanbase but also the broader fanbase\" in terms of determining if additional seasons would be appropriate.[16] In July 2015, Sarandos said some of the Defenders series would \"selectively have multiple seasons as they come out of the gate.\"[17] Regarding a second season, showrunner Cheo Hodari Coker stated he had \"a few ideas\", including possibly exploring the \"Hero for Hire\" aspect of Luke Cage, though noted he was not taking \"any of this for granted\" in terms of feeling a second season renewal from Netflix was guaranteed.[18] Actor Mike Colter also felt \"Heroes for Hire\" could be explored in future seasons, as well as further exploring Cage's lifestyle change regarding his relationship with Jessica Jones and introducing the couple's daughter.[19] In December 2016, Netflix renewed the series for a second season,[20] of 13 episodes.[21]", "Prison Break: The Final Break Michael develops an escape plan which he relays to Sara using a hidden message in a letter. While he is out however, FBI Agent Todd Wheatley (Chris Bruno) breaks into Michael's apartment, and sees the plans laid out on table. When Michael arrives, he points out that while the plans may look incriminating, he was merely looking for weaknesses to report to the prison warden (Amy Aquino) in the hopes that she may grant him visitation rights.", "Netflix and chill In September 2015, a joke app in the style of Tinder had been created for users to organize \"Netflix and chill\" sessions.[5] At two separate universities, students planned \"Netflix and chill\" festivals, with one being cancelled by authorities as they believed too many people would be in attendance.[6] During the World Maker Faire in New York, Netflix unveiled a prototype for a large button called \"The Switch\", which, when pressed, will dim the lights in the users' residence, activate the \"Do Not Disturb\" feature on their cell phones, and prepare Netflix for streaming—eliminating most distractions from their activities. This has been frequently referred to as the \"Netflix and chill button\".[7]", "Netflix In Australia, Netflix competes with several local streaming companies, most notably locally operated services Stan and Quickflix.[252] In the Nordic countries, Netflix competes with Viaplay, HBO Nordic and C More.[253][254] In Southeast Asia, Netflix competes with HOOQ,[255] Astro On the Go, Sky on Demand, Singtel TV, HomeCable OnDemand, and iflix.[256] In New Zealand, Netflix competes with local streaming companies including Television New Zealand (TVNZ),[257] Mediaworks New Zealand, Sky Network Television,[258] Lightbox,[259] Neon and Quickflix.[260] In Italy, Netflix competes with Infinity, Now TV and TIMvision.[261] In South Africa, Netflix competes with Showmax.[262] In the Middle East, Netflix competes with Starz Play Arabia.", "Prison escape Prevention of prison escape includes the numerous security measures that are in effect. How many and which measures are used depends on the security level and specific institution. Some of the preventative measures are:", "Netflix On January 14, 2013, Netflix signed an agreement with Time Warner's Turner Broadcasting System and Warner Bros. Television to distribute Cartoon Network, Warner Bros. Animation, and Adult Swim content, as well as TNT's Dallas, beginning in March 2013. The rights to these programs, previously held by Amazon Video, were given to Netflix shortly after their deal with Viacom to stream Nickelodeon and Nick Jr. programs expired.[201] However, Cartoon Network's ratings dropped by 10% in households that had Netflix, and so many of the shows from that channel and Adult Swim were removed in March 2015.[202] However, most of these shows were added to Hulu in May of the same year.[203]", "Netflix Netflix offers pricing tiers for DVD rental. On November 21, 2008, Netflix began offering subscribers rentals on Blu-ray disc for an additional fee. In addition, Netflix sold used discs, delivered and billed identically as rentals. This service was discontinued at the end of November.[117]", "Netflix Netflix and Blockbuster largely avoid offering pornography, but several \"adult video\" subscription services were inspired by Netflix, such as SugarDVD and WantedList.[250][251]", "Netflix On August 7, 2017, Netflix acquired Millarworld, the creator-owned publishing company of comic book writer Mark Millar, It is the first ever company acquisition in Netflix's history. Netflix plans to leverage Millar and his current and future work for future original content. Chief content officer Ted Sarandos described Millar as being a \"modern-day Stan Lee\".[91][92] The following week, Netflix announced that it had entered into an exclusive development deal with Shonda Rhimes.[93]", "Netflix Also in January 2016 Netflix announced it would begin blocking virtual private networks, or VPNs.[84] But some VPNs still works with Netflix [85] At the same time, Netflix reported 74.8 million subscribers and predicted it would add 6.1 million more by March 2016. Subscription growth has been fueled by its global expansion.[86] By the end of the year, Netflix added a feature to allow customers to download and play select movies and shows while offline.[87]", "Netflix Netflix's video on demand streaming service, formerly branded as Watch Now, allows subscribers to stream television series and films via the Netflix website on personal computers, or the Netflix software on a variety of supported platforms, including smartphones and tablets, digital media players, video game consoles, and smart TVs[100] According to a Nielsen survey in July 2011, 42% of Netflix users used a standalone computer, 25% used the Wii, 14% by connecting computers to a television, 13% with a PlayStation 3 and 12% an Xbox 360.[101]", "Netflix On November 30, 2016, Netflix launched an offline playback feature, allowing users of the Netflix mobile apps on Android or iOS to cache content on their devices in standard or high quality for viewing without an internet connection. The feature is primarily available on selected series and films, and Netflix stated that more content would be supported by the feature over time.[107][108][109] Netflix will partner with airlines to provide them with its mobile streaming technology. This will start in early 2018 as part of an effort to get airlines to provide better in-flight Wi-Fi.[110]", "List of Prison Break characters Lincoln Burrows (played by Dominic Purcell) is falsely and blatantly accused of the murder of Terrence Steadman and sentenced to death for the crime. He is surprised to see Michael Scofield in the same prison who plans to get him out of prison. He evaded authorities after escaping from prison and has been exonerated of all charges. Currently free, he has successfully assisted Michael and James Whistler to break out of Sona. As of season 4, he is now part of Self's covert \"A-Team\" assembled to bring down The Company.\nHe is also in the very last scene when he visits Michael Scofield's (his brother) grave, and he puts an origami crane on top of the grave so he can remember the time when he made them for him, so he would always know that his brother was caring for him. \nIn season 5, he finds out Michael is still alive and incarcerated in Yemen, and leads an operation to save his brother.", "Prison Break The third season was shot in Dallas and had a budget of $3 million per episode.[33] Several of the exterior scenes with Lincoln and Gretchen negotiating the escape from the Panama jail were shot in the Casco Viejo quarter of Panama City.[34] The principal photography for the fourth season was relocated to Los Angeles, California.[35]", "Netflix In June 2008, Netflix announced plans to eliminate its online subscriber profile feature.[131] Profiles allow one subscriber account to contain multiple users (for example, a couple, two roommates, or parent and child) with separate DVD queues, ratings, recommendations, friend lists, reviews, and intra-site communications for each. Netflix contended that elimination of profiles would improve the customer experience.[132] However, likely as a result of negative reviews and reaction by Netflix users,[133][134][135] Netflix reversed its decision to remove profiles 11 days after the announcement.[136] In announcing the reinstatement of profiles, Netflix defended its original decision, stating, \"Because of an ongoing desire to make our website easier to use, we believed taking a feature away that is only used by a very small minority would help us improve the site for everyone,\" then explained its reversal: \"Listening to our members, we realized that users of this feature often describe it as an essential part of their Netflix experience. Simplicity is only one virtue and it can certainly be outweighed by utility.\"[137]", "Netflix On March 2, 2018, Netflix stock price surge to new all-time high of $301.05 beating it 12 month price target of $300.00, and finishing the session with a market capitalization of $130 billion putting it within shouting distance of traditional media giants like Disney ($155 billion) and Comcast ($169 billion). The milestone came a day after British satcaster Sky announced a new agreement with Netflix to integrate Netflix's subscription VOD offering into its pay-TV service. Customers with its high-end Sky Q set-top box and service will be able see Netflix titles alongside their regular Sky channels.[98]", "Prison Break (season 2) For the season, three characters are downgraded from series regular to recurring status, and a new character is introduced. Filming took place in Dallas, Texas due to a close proximity of rural and urban settings. For the final three episodes, scenes were filmed in Pensacola, Florida to represent Panama. Critical reviews of the season were generally positive, with the addition of William Fichtner to the cast receiving much praise. Fox Home Entertainment released the season in Region 1 on September 4, 2007.[3]", "Orange Is the New Black (season 6) The sixth season of the American comedy-drama television series Orange Is the New Black premiered on Netflix on July 27, 2018, at 12:00 am PDT in multiple countries.[1] It consists of thirteen episodes, each between 50 and 84 minutes. The series is based on Piper Kerman's memoir, Orange Is the New Black: My Year in a Women's Prison (2010), about her experiences at FCI Danbury, a minimum-security federal prison. The series is created and adapted for television by Jenji Kohan.[2]", "Netflix Netflix reinvigorated the \"Profiles\" feature on August 1, 2013 that permits accounts to accommodate up to five user profiles, associated either with individuals or thematic occasions. \"Profiles\" effectively divides the interest of each user, so that each will receive individualized suggestions and adding favorites individually. \"This is important\", according to Todd Yellin, Netflix's Vice President of Product Innovation, because, \"About 75 percent to 80 percent of what people watch on Netflix comes from what Netflix recommends, not from what people search for\".[138] Moreover, Mike McGuire, a VP at Gartner, said: \"profiles will give Netflix even more detailed information about its subscribers and their viewing habits, allowing the company to make better decisions about what movies and TV shows to offer\".[139] Additionally, profiles lets users link their individual Facebook accounts, and thus share individual watch queues and recommendations,[139][140] since its addition in March after lobbying Congress to change an outdated act.[140] Neil Hunt, Netflix's former Chief Product Officer, told CNNMoney: \"profiles are another way to stand out in the crowded streaming-video space\", and, \"The company said focus-group testing showed that profiles generate more viewing and more engagement\".[141]", "Netflix In April 2017, Netflix was nominated for Broadcaster of the Year in the UK's Diversity in Media Awards.", "Netflix Netflix developed and maintains an extensive personalized video-recommendation system based on ratings and reviews by its customers. On October 1, 2006, Netflix offered a $1,000,000 prize to the first developer of a video-recommendation algorithm that could beat its existing algorithm Cinematch, at predicting customer ratings by more than 10%.[39]", "Netflix In July 2012, Netflix hired Kelly Bennett – former Warner Bros. Vice President of Interactive, Worldwide Marketing – to become its new Chief Marketing Officer. This also filled a vacancy at Netflix that had been empty for over six months when their previous CMO Leslie Kilgore left in January 2012.[219]", "Netflix Netflix (/nɛtflɪks/) is an American entertainment company founded by Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph on August 29, 1997, in Scotts Valley, California.[9] It specializes in and provides streaming media, video-on-demand online, and DVD by mail. In 2013, Netflix expanded into film and television production as well as online distribution. It is headquartered in Los Gatos, California.", "Netflix In April 2012, Netflix filed with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) to form a political action committee (PAC) called FLIXPAC.[67] Politico referred to the PAC, based in Los Gatos, California, as \"another political tool with which to aggressively press a pro-intellectual property, anti-video-piracy agenda.\"[67] The hacktivist group Anonymous called for a boycott of Netflix following the news.[68] Netflix spokesperson Joris Evers indicated that the PAC was not set up to support the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and the PROTECT IP Act (PIPA), tweeting that the intent was to \"engage on issues like net neutrality, bandwidth caps, UBB and VPPA.\"[69][70]", "List of How I Met Your Mother episodes How I Met Your Mother premiered to nearly 11 million viewers[4] and maintained a generally steady viewership.[5] The first seven seasons are available on DVD in Region 1, 2, and 4, while the season eight DVD was released in Region 1 and 2 in October 2013.[6] In addition, all nine seasons are formerly available for streaming on Netflix and Amazon Video, and may be purchased from the US iTunes store.[7]", "Netflix Netflix currently has exclusive pay TV deals with several studios. The pay TV deals give Netflix exclusive streaming rights while adhering to the structures of traditional pay TV terms. As of 2014, films catalogued in Netflix's United States library include recent releases from Relativity Media and its subsidiary Rogue Pictures,[179] as well as DreamWorks Animation,[180] Open Road Films[181] (though this deal expired in 2017; Showtime has assumed pay television rights[182]), FilmDistrict,[183] The Weinstein Company (one of whose founders, Harvey Weinstein, has been accused of sexual harassment as of 2017 (see Harvey Weinstein sexual abuse allegations), causing Netflix to decide not to host the 75th Golden Globe Awards with TWC, thus ending its Golden Globes partnership with the mini-major film studio[184]),[185][186] Sony Pictures Animation,[187] and the Walt Disney Studios catalog among others.", "Netflix Blockbuster Video entered the United States online market in August 2004, with a US$19.95 monthly subscription service (equivalent to $25.85 in 2017). This sparked a price war; Netflix had raised its popular three-disc plan from US$19.95 to US$21.99 just prior to Blockbuster's launch, but by October, Netflix reduced this fee to US$17.99. Blockbuster responded with rates as low as US$14.99 for a time, but, by August 2005, both companies settled at identical rates.[237] On July 22, 2007, Netflix dropped the prices of its two most popular plans by US$1.00 in an effort to better compete with Blockbuster's online-only offerings.[238] On October 4, 2012, Dish Network scrapped plans to make Blockbuster into a Netflix competitor.[239] (Dish bought the ailing Blockbuster, LLC in 2011 and will continue to license the brand name to franchise locations, and keep its \"Blockbuster on Demand\" video streaming service open.)[240]", "Netflix At their peak, in July 2011, Netflix shares were trading for $299. Following the customer dissatisfaction and resulting loss of subscribers after the announcements by CEO Hastings that streaming and DVD rental would be charged separately, leading to a higher price for customers who wanted both (on September 1), and that the DVD rental would be split off as the subsidiary Qwikster (on September 18), the share price fell steeply, to around $130.[283][284] However, on October 10, 2011, plans to split the company were scrapped. The reason being that \"two websites would make things more difficult\", he stated on the Netflix blog. On November 22, Netflix's share tumbled, as share prices fell by as much as 7%.[285] By December 2011, as a consequence of its decision to raise prices, Neflix had lost over 75% of its total value from the summer.[286][287] Describing their business model as \"broken\", Wedbush downgraded Netflix's stock rating to \"underperform\", the equivalent of sell.[288]", "Netflix In 2015, Netflix was caught up in an international copyright lawsuit involving the 1948 Italian film Bicycle Thieves.[296][297]", "Netflix Netflix got the largest share of 2016 Emmy award nominations among its competitors, with 16 major nominations. However, streaming shows only got 24 nominations out of a total of 139, falling significantly behind cable.[278] The 16 Netflix nominees were: House of Cards with Kevin Spacey, A Very Murray Christmas with Bill Murray, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, Master of None, and Bloodline.[278]", "This Is How a Heart Breaks \"This Is How a Heart Breaks\" was released in June 2005 as the second single from Matchbox Twenty frontman Rob Thomas's debut album, …Something to Be. The song was moderately successful on the charts peaking at number 52 in the USA and number 13 in Australia. It was certified gold by the RIAA selling over 500,000 copies and in 2006 it was nominated for a Grammy for Best Rock Vocal Performance, Solo.", "Breakout Kings Production was expected to begin in fall 2010 in Toronto for a 2011 premiere.[14] Robert Knepper appeared as his Prison Break character T-Bag in episode 3 of season one.[15][16] The other characters from Prison Break are also mentioned as \"the Fox River 8\" in that episode.", "Netflix As of 2017, Netflix shares are mainly held by institutional investors, including Capital Group Companies, The Vanguard Group, BlackRock and others.[99]", "Netflix Netflix was sued in 2016 for telling subscribers in marketing material that it \"would not increase monthly subscription prices as long as the subscribers maintained the subscription service continuously,\" However, it announced that it would \"phase out this grandfathering gradually over the remainder of 2016, with our longest tenured members getting the longest benefit.\" Thus, according to the class action, \"Netflix has broken its contract with these subscribers by unilaterally raising monthly subscription prices.\"[298]", "Netflix In 2000, when Netflix had just about 300,000 subscribers and relied on the U.S. Postal Service for the delivery of their DVDs, they were losing money and offered to be acquired by Blockbuster for $50 million. They proposed that Netflix, which would rename themselves Blockbuster, would handle the online business, while Blockbuster should take care of the DVDs, making them less dependent on U.S. Postal Service. But the offer was declined.[32][33]", "Netflix In 2014, opinion web blogger Felix Salmon wrote that Netflix couldn't \"afford the content that its subscribers most want to watch.\"[206] He cited as evidence the company's loss of rights to stream several major movies. According to journalist Megan McArdle, the loss of these movies was extremely problematic for the company; specifically, she said that \"[Netflix's] movie library is no longer actually a good substitute for a good movie rental place\".[207]", "Arrow (season 7) The seventh season is the first time the series will employ a female-dominated writing staff, with new writers being introduced this season.[33] Schwartz said the seventh season would not be based on David S. Goyer's scrapped film Green Arrow: Escape From Super Max, which would have featured Oliver Queen being arrested, exposed as the Green Arrow, and attempting a prison escape.[34] Amell reported that the season would employ a new storytelling technique.[35] This was later revealed to be sporadic flashforwards, as opposed to the weekly flashbacks of seasons past.[29] Schwartz named Westworld and This Is Us as inspirations for the time structure, and Prison Break as an inspiration for the prison arc.[29][31] Amell also revealed that he requested that the seventh season be written as if it were the series' last.[36]", "Michael Rapaport Rapaport had a recurring role in My Name is Earl as Frank, a convict Earl reunites with in prison. His character was the reason for many of the things in Earl's life, such as indirectly giving Earl his trailer and El Camino after a botched robbery with his partner, Paco. He played one of the main characters in the season four of Prison Break as Homeland Security Agent Don Self.", "List of Orange Is the New Black characters Orange Is the New Black is an American comedy-drama series created by Jenji Kohan that airs on Netflix. It is based on Piper Kerman's memoir, Orange Is the New Black: My Year in a Women's Prison, about her experiences in a women's prison.[1] The series' protagonist is Piper Chapman, a woman sentenced to 15 months in a woman's federal prison for her part in a drug smuggling operation ten years before the start of the first season. It follows Piper's experiences in and out of prison along with the experiences of a diverse ensemble.[2]", "Netflix In December 2017, Netflix was awarded PETA's Company Of The Year for promoting animal rights movies and documentaries like Forks Over Knives and What The Health.", "Netflix On October 1, 2008, Netflix announced a partnership with Starz to bring 2,500+ new films and shows to \"Watch Instantly\", under Starz Play.[111]", "Prisoner (TV series) After a long holiday break, Prisoner moved to an earlier time slot in the Melbourne area: Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 19:30. After a recap of the 1980 season on 3 February 1981, the series resumed with episode 166 the following evening. From episode 205, it returned to its original 20:30 timeslot.", "Netflix For some time the company had considered offering movies online, but it was only in the mid-2000s that data speeds and bandwidth costs had improved sufficiently to allow customers to download movies from the net. The original idea was a \"Netflix box\" that could download movies overnight, and be ready to watch the next day. By 2005, they had acquired movie rights and designed the box and service, and was ready to go public with it. But after discovering YouTube, and witnessing how popular streaming services were despite the lack of high-definition content, the concept of using a hardware device was scrapped and replaced with a streaming concept instead, a project that was completed in 2007.[38]", "Stopover in a Quiet Town This Twilight Zone episode is referenced in the sixth episode of the fourth season of the Netflix series Orange is the New Black. Inmate counselor Healy mentions the episode to the paranoid prisoner Lolly to convey that he understands that she confuses fantasy with reality in much the same way as Healy's mother did.", "Netflix When the streaming service first launched, Netflix's disc rental subscribers were given access at no additional charge. Subscribers were allowed approximately one hour of streaming per dollar spent on the monthly subscription (a $16.99 plan, for example, entitled the subscriber to 17 hours of streaming media). In January 2008, however, Netflix lifted this restriction, at which point virtually all rental-disc subscribers became entitled to unlimited streaming at no additional cost (however, subscribers on the restricted plan of two DVDs per month ($4.99) remained limited to two hours of streaming per month). This change came in a response to the introduction of Hulu and to Apple's new video-rental services.[102] Netflix later split DVD rental subscriptions and streaming subscriptions into separate, standalone services, at which point the monthly caps on Internet streaming were lifted.[103]", "Sara Tancredi Dr. Sara Scofield (nee Tancredi) is a fictional character from the American television series, Prison Break. She is played by Sarah Wayne Callies. Her role in the first season of the series is a prison physician.", "Prison Break: The Final Break Michael then begins the escape. Knowing of the plan thanks to Mahone's information, agent Wheatley orders all lights shut off, and positions armed officers near Michael's expected landing site. When the parachute comes down, it is riddled with bullets. Upon inspection, Wheatley discovers the parachute is attached to a dummy. Michael is then seen sneaking out from under Wheatley's car and running into the prison.", "Netflix On July 10, 2014, Netflix received 31 Emmy nominations. Among other nominations, House of Cards received nominations for Outstanding Drama Series, Outstanding Directing in a Drama Series and Outstanding Writing in a Drama Series. Kevin Spacey and Robin Wright were nominated for Outstanding Lead Actor and Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series. Orange is the New Black was nominated in the comedy categories, earning nominations for Outstanding Comedy Series, Outstanding Writing For A Comedy Series and Outstanding Directing For A Comedy Series. Taylor Schilling, Kate Mulgrew and Uzo Aduba were respectively nominated for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series, Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series and Outstanding Guest Actress in a Comedy Series (the latter was for Aduba's recurring role in season one, as she was promoted to series regular for the show's second season).[277]", "Netflix In Mexico, when Televisa launched its own streaming service Blim, it was heavily criticized for not understanding millennials,[263][264] Netflix themselves also criticized the poor quality of the productions content made by Televisa.[265]", "Daredevil (season 2) The first two episodes of the season premiered in Paris on March 7, 2016, with the full season of 13 episodes released on Netflix on March 18. Critics praised the introduction of Castle and Natchios, as well as Bernthal's performance in particular, the season's action, and storylines. However, many missed the presence of Vondie Curtis-Hall's Ben Urich from season one, and D'Onofrio's Wilson Fisk during the first half of season two. The series was renewed for a third season in July 2016.[1]", "Prison Break (season 5) Production on the season began in April 7, 2016, in Vancouver, once Miller and Purcell completed filming for Legends of Tomorrow.[35] Filming concluded in Vancouver on July 11, 2016.[36] On June 1, 2016, Dominic Purcell was almost killed on set in Morocco, after an iron bar used as a set piece had fallen onto his head, which caused a broken nose and a head injury. Purcell was immediately airlifted from Marrakesh to Casablanca for treatment where he recovered. Filming of the series was not substantially disrupted due to the accident.[37][38][39]", "Netflix In 2010, Netflix's stock price increased 219% to $175.70 and it added eight million subscribers, bringing its total to 20 million. Revenue jumped 29% to $2.16 billion and net income was up 39% to $161 million.[281]", "Netflix In April 2011, Netflix was expected to earn $1.07 a share in the first quarter of 2011 on revenue of $705.7 million, a huge increase compared to the year-earlier profit of 59¢ on revenue of $493.7 million, according to a survey of 25 analysts polled by FactSet Research.[282]", "Netflix In the United States, the company provides a monthly flat-fee for DVD and Blu-ray rentals. A subscriber creates a rental queue, a list, of films to rent. The films are delivered individually via the United States Postal Service from regional warehouses. As of March 28, 2011, Netflix had 58 shipping locations throughout the United States[116] The subscriber can keep the rented disc as long as desired, but there is a limit on the number of discs that each subscriber can have simultaneously via different tiers. To rent a new disc, the subscriber must return the previous disc in a metered reply mail envelope. Upon receipt, Netflix ships the next available disc in the subscriber's rental queue.", "List of awards and nominations received by Prison Break The following is a list of awards and nominations received by Prison Break, an American drama television series which has aired on the Fox Broadcasting Company since August 29, 2005.", "Netflix Netflix's success was followed by the establishment of numerous other DVD rental companies, both in the United States and abroad. Walmart began an online rental service in October 2002 but left the market in May 2005. However, Walmart later acquired the rental service Vudu in 2010.[236]", "Netflix In February 2007, the company delivered its billionth DVD,[40] and began to move away from its original core business model of DVDs, by introducing video on demand via the Internet. Netflix grew as DVD sales fell from 2006 to 2011.[41][42]", "Wentworth (TV series) In December 2014, Wentworth first premiered on Netflix in the United States and added seasons one and two to its streaming service.[48] In April 2016 the third season was released to US audiences via the platform.[49] Season 4 was released on Netflix in July 2016.[45] The show features on the “50 Best TV Shows on Netflix” list according to Netflix Life.[45] Seasons one to three are available to view via Amazon Video in the U.S.[50][51][52]", "Prison Modern prisons often hold hundreds or thousands of inmates, and must have facilities onsite to meet most of their needs, including dietary, health, fitness, education, religious practices, entertainment, and many others. Conditions in prisons vary widely around the world, and the types of facilities within prisons depend on many intersecting factors including funding, legal requirements, and cultural beliefs/practices. Nevertheless, in addition to the cell blocks that contain the prisoners, also there are certain auxiliary facilities that are common in prisons throughout the world.", "Daredevil (season 3) The third season of Daredevil is scheduled to be released in 2018 on the streaming service Netflix, worldwide,[10][3] in Ultra HD 4K.[20] Initially thought to be releasing in 2017,[10] Netflix COO Ted Sarandos stated in July 2016 that the season would not debut until 2018 at the earliest, after The Defenders released on August 18, 2017.[21][22] Cox was hopeful the season would debut in 2018,[14] and in October 2017, Marvel revealed the season was indeed expected to release in 2018.[3]", "The Killing (U.S. TV series) In March 2013, Netflix closed negotiations with Fox Television Studios with a deal to be the exclusive subscription service for the series' third season. Netflix streamed the season approximately three months after its finale. It already provides the first two seasons.[65] In November 2013, Netflix announced it picked up the series for a fourth and final season after AMC had canceled it.[20]", "How Many More Times In a contemporary review for Led Zeppelin on release, John Mendelsohn of Rolling Stone called \"How Many More Times\" as the album's \"most representative cut\". Mendelsohn complimented Page's guitar solo and Bonham's drumming but criticized Plant's vocals, calling them \"strained and unconvincing\".[9]" ]
what was the name of atom bomb dropped by usa on hiroshima
[ "Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki By August 1945, the Allies' Manhattan Project had produced two types of atomic bomb, and the 509th Composite Group of the United States Army Air Forces (USAAF) was equipped with the specialized Silverplate version of the Boeing B-29 Superfortress that could deliver them from Tinian in the Mariana Islands. Orders for atomic bombs to be used on four Japanese cities were issued on July 25. On August 6, one of its B-29s dropped a Little Boy uranium gun-type bomb on Hiroshima. Three days later, on August 9, a Fat Man plutonium implosion-type bomb was dropped by another B-29 on Nagasaki. The bombs immediately devastated their targets. Over the next two to four months, the acute effects of the atomic bombings killed 90,000–146,000 people in Hiroshima and 39,000–80,000 people in Nagasaki; roughly half of the deaths in each city occurred on the first day. Large numbers of people continued to die from the effects of burns, radiation sickness, and other injuries, compounded by illness and malnutrition, for many months afterward. In both cities, most of the dead were civilians, although Hiroshima had a sizable military garrison." ]
[ "Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki In preparation for dropping an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, the Oppenheimer-led Scientific Panel of the Interim Committee decided against a demonstration bomb and against a special leaflet warning. Those decisions were implemented because of the uncertainty of a successful detonation and also because of the wish to maximize shock in the leadership.[90] No warning was given to Hiroshima that a new and much more destructive bomb was going to be dropped.[91] Various sources gave conflicting information about when the last leaflets were dropped on Hiroshima prior to the atomic bomb. Robert Jay Lifton wrote that it was July 27,[91] and Theodore H. McNelly wrote that it was July 30.[90] The USAAF history noted that eleven cities were targeted with leaflets on July 27, but Hiroshima was not one of them, and there were no leaflet sorties on July 30.[88] Leaflet sorties were undertaken on August 1 and August 4. Hiroshima may have been leafleted in late July or early August, as survivor accounts talk about a delivery of leaflets a few days before the atomic bomb was dropped.[91] Three versions were printed of a leaflet listing 11 or 12 cities targeted for firebombing; a total of 33 cities listed. With the text of this leaflet reading in Japanese \"...we cannot promise that only these cities will be among those attacked...\"[87] Hiroshima was not listed.[92][93]", "Debate over the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki In August 1945 American military air forces dropped atomic bombs on the cities of Hiroshima (6 August) and of Nagasaki (9 August). These bombings were not caused by military necessity, and served primarily political aims. They inflicted enormous damage on the peaceable population.", "Debate over the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki The second atomic bombing, on Nagasaki, came only three days after the bombing of Hiroshima, when the devastation at Hiroshima had yet to be fully comprehended by the Japanese.[143] The lack of time between the bombings has led some historians to state that the second bombing was \"certainly unnecessary\",[144] \"gratuitous at best and genocidal at worst\",[145] and not jus in bello.[143] In response to the claim that the atomic bombing of Nagasaki was unnecessary, Maddox wrote:", "Debate over the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Modern debate over the applicability of the Hague Conventions to the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki revolves around whether the Conventions can be assumed to cover modes of warfare that were at the time unknown; whether rules for artillery bombardment can be applied to rules for aerial bombing. As well, the debate hinges on to what degree the Hague Conventions was being followed by the warring countries.", "Debate over the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki As American Christians, we are deeply penitent for the irresponsible use already made of the atomic bomb. We are agreed that, whatever be one's judgment of the war in principle, the surprise bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki are morally indefensible.[133]", "Debate over the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki But they also showed a meanness and viciousness towards their enemies equal to the Huns'. Genghis Khan and his hordes could not have been more merciless. I have no doubts about whether the two atom bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were necessary. Without them, hundreds of thousands of civilians in Malaya and Singapore, and millions in Japan itself, would have perished.", "Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Perhaps as many as 200 people from Hiroshima sought refuge in Nagasaki. The 2006 documentary Twice Survived: The Doubly Atomic Bombed of Hiroshima and Nagasaki documented 165 nijū hibakusha (lit. double explosion-affected people), nine of whom claimed to be in the blast zone in both cities.[285] On March 24, 2009, the Japanese government officially recognized Tsutomu Yamaguchi as a double hibakusha. He was confirmed to be 3 km (1.9 mi) from ground zero in Hiroshima on a business trip when the bomb was detonated. He was seriously burnt on his left side and spent the night in Hiroshima. He arrived at his home city of Nagasaki on August 8, the day before the bombing, and he was exposed to residual radiation while searching for his relatives. He was the first officially recognized survivor of both bombings.[286] He died on January 4, 2010, at the age of 93, after a battle with stomach cancer.[287]", "Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki In the spring of 1948, the Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission (ABCC) was established in accordance with a presidential directive from Truman to the National Academy of Sciences – National Research Council to conduct investigations of the late effects of radiation among the survivors in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.[260]", "Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki The population of Hiroshima had reached a peak of over 381,000 earlier in the war but prior to the atomic bombing, the population had steadily decreased because of a systematic evacuation ordered by the Japanese government. At the time of the attack, the population was approximately 340,000–350,000.[120] Residents wondered why Hiroshima had been spared destruction by firebombing.[121] Some speculated that the city was to be saved for U.S. occupation headquarters, others thought perhaps their relatives in Hawaii and California had petitioned the U.S. government to avoid bombing Hiroshima.[122] More realistic city officials had ordered buildings torn down to create long, straight firebreaks.[123] These continued to be expanded and extended up to the morning of August 6, 1945.[124]", "Surrender of Japan On August 6 at 8:15 AM local time, the Enola Gay, a Boeing B-29 Superfortress piloted by Colonel Paul Tibbets, dropped an atomic bomb (code-named Little Boy by the U.S.) on the city of Hiroshima in southwest Honshū.[84] Throughout the day, confused reports reached Tokyo that Hiroshima had been the target of an air raid, which had leveled the city with a \"blinding flash and violent blast\". Later that day, they received U.S. President Truman's broadcast announcing the first use of an atomic bomb, and promising:", "This Is Your Life One of the show's subjects was Rev. Kiyoshi Tanimoto, a survivor of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima. During the episode Edwards introduced Tanimoto to Robert A. Lewis, the co-pilot of the Enola Gay, the plane that dropped the bomb on Hiroshima.[4] Hanna Bloch Kohner, a Holocaust survivor, was a subject on May 27, 1953.[5]", "Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki A member of the U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey, Lieutenant Daniel McGovern, used a film crew to document the effects of the bombings in early 1946. The film crew shot 90,000 ft (27,000 m) of film, resulting in a three-hour documentary titled The Effects of the Atomic Bombs Against Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The documentary included images from hospitals showing the human effects of the bomb; it showed burned-out buildings and cars, and rows of skulls and bones on the ground. It was classified \"secret\" for the next 22 years.[242][243]", "Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park Every year on 6 August, \"A-bomb Day,\" the City of Hiroshima holds the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Ceremony to console the victims of the atomic bombs and to pray for the realization of lasting world peace. The ceremony is held in the morning from 8:00, in front of the Memorial Cenotaph with many citizens including the families of the deceased. During the ceremony, a one-minute silence to honor the victims is observed at 8:15, the time of the atomic bomb's explosion.[13][14]", "Debate over the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki The use of [the atomic bombs] at Hiroshima and Nagasaki was of no material assistance in our war against Japan. The Japanese were already defeated and ready to surrender because of the effective sea blockade and the successful bombing with conventional weapons ... The lethal possibilities of atomic warfare in the future are frightening. My own feeling was that in being the first to use it, we had adopted an ethical standard common to the barbarians of the Dark Ages. I was not taught to make war in that fashion, and wars cannot be won by destroying women and children.", "Soviet atomic bomb project After the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the program's leadership changed, when Stalin appointed Lavrentiy Beria on 22 August 1945.[27] Beria is noted for leadership that helped the program to its final implementation.[27]", "Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Hiroshima was subsequently struck by Typhoon Ida on September 17, 1945. More than half the bridges were destroyed, and the roads and railroads were damaged, further devastating the city.[291] The population increased from 83,000 soon after the bombing to 146,000 in February 1946.[292] The city was rebuilt after the war, with help from the national government through the Hiroshima Peace Memorial City Construction Law passed in 1949. It provided financial assistance for reconstruction, along with land donated that was previously owned by the national government and used for military purposes.[293] In 1949, a design was selected for the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park. Hiroshima Prefectural Industrial Promotion Hall, the closest surviving building to the location of the bomb's detonation, was designated the Hiroshima Peace Memorial. The Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum was opened in 1955 in the Peace Park.[294] Hiroshima also contains a Peace Pagoda, built in 1966 by Nipponzan-Myōhōji.[295]", "Debate over the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki The Pew Research Center conducted a 2015 survey showing that 56% of Americans support the atomic bombings on Hiroshima and Nagasaki from WWII, while only 34% oppose the bombings.[189] The study highlighted the impact of the respondent’s generation, showing that 70% of Americans 65 and older support the bombings, while only 47% of 18- to 29-year-olds support the bombings. Younger generations of Americans are less supportive of the bombings, according to the Pew Research Center statistics. Political leanings also impacted responses according to the survey. 74% of Republicans support the bombings while 52% of Democrats support the bombings.[189]", "Paul Tibbets Paul Warfield Tibbets Jr. (23 February 1915 – 1 November 2007) was a brigadier general in the United States Air Force. He is best known as the pilot who flew the Enola Gay (named after his mother) when it dropped Little Boy, the first of two atomic bombs used in warfare, on the Japanese city of Hiroshima.", "Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki The Vatican agreed; L'Osservatore Romano expressed regret that the bomb's inventors did not destroy the weapon for the benefit of humanity.[252] Rev. Cuthbert Thicknesse, the Dean of St Albans, prohibited using St Albans Abbey for a thanksgiving service for the war's end, calling the use of atomic weapons \"an act of wholesale, indiscriminate massacre\".[253] Nonetheless, news of the atomic bombing was greeted enthusiastically in the U.S.; a poll in Fortune magazine in late 1945 showed a significant minority of Americans (22.7%) wishing that more atomic bombs could have been dropped on Japan.[254][255] The initial positive response was supported by the imagery presented to the public (mainly the powerful images of the mushroom cloud).[254] During this time in America, it was a common practice for editors to keep graphic images of death out of films, magazines, and newspapers.[256]", "Military history of the United States during World War II As victory for the United States slowly approached, casualties mounted. A fear in the American high command was that an invasion of mainland Japan would lead to enormous losses on the part of the Allies, as casualty estimates for the planned Operation Downfall demonstrate. President Harry Truman gave the order to drop the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima on 6 August 1945, hoping that the destruction of the city would break Japanese resolve and end the war. A second bomb was dropped on Nagasaki on 9 August after it appeared that the Japanese high command was not planning to surrender. Approximately 140,000 people died in Hiroshima from the bomb and its aftereffects by the end of 1945, and approximately 74,000 in Nagasaki.", "Debate over the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Historical accounts indicate the decision to use the atomic bombs was made in order to provoke a surrender of Japan by use of an awe-inspiring power. These observations have caused Michael Walzer to state the incident was an act of \"war terrorism: the effort to kill civilians in such large numbers that their government is forced to surrender. Hiroshima seems to me the classic case.\"[119]\nThis type of claim eventually prompted historian Robert P. Newman, a supporter of the bombings, to say \"there can be justified terror, as there can be just wars\".[120]", "Duck and cover According to the 1946 book Hiroshima and other books which cover both bombings,[25] in the days between the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, some survivors of the first bombing went to Nagasaki and taught others about ducking after the atomic flash and informed them about the particularly dangerous threat of imploding window glass.[26] As a result of this and other factors, far fewer died in the initial blast at Nagasaki as compared to those who were not taught to duck and cover. The general population however was not warned of the heat or blast danger following an atomic flash, due to the new and unknown nature of the atomic bomb. Many people in Hiroshima and Nagasaki died while searching the skies, curious to locate the source of the brilliant flash.[25]", "Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki After the Hiroshima bombing, Truman issued a statement announcing the use of the new weapon. He stated, \"We may be grateful to Providence\" that the German atomic bomb project had failed, and that the United States and its allies had \"spent two billion dollars on the greatest scientific gamble in history—and won\". Truman then warned Japan: \"If they do not now accept our terms, they may expect a rain of ruin from the air, the like of which has never been seen on this earth. Behind this air attack will follow sea and land forces in such numbers and power as they have not yet seen and with the fighting skill of which they are already well aware.\"[173] This was a widely broadcast speech picked up by Japanese news agencies.[174]", "Duck and cover According to the 1946 book Hiroshima and other books which cover both bombings,[63] in the days between the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, some survivors of the first bombing went to Nagasaki and told others what they had done to survive after the initial flash and informed them about the particularly dangerous threat of imploding window glass. As a result of this timely warning, a number of lives were saved in the initial blast at Nagasaki. However these informed people were the exception and in both Hiroshima and Nagasaki many died while searching the skies, curious to locate the source of the brilliant flash.[63]", "Debate over the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki The firebombing of Tokyo alone killed 100,000 civilians on the night of March 9–10, 1945, causing more civilian death and destruction than the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.[33][34][35][36] A total of 350,000 civilians died in the incendiary raids on 67 Japanese cities. Because the United States Army Air Forces wanted to use its fission bombs on previously undamaged cities in order to have accurate data on nuclear-caused damage, Kokura, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and Niigata were preserved from conventional bombing raids. Otherwise, they would all have been firebombed.[37] Intensive conventional bombing would have continued or increased prior to an invasion. The submarine blockade and the United States Army Air Forces's mining operation, Operation Starvation, had effectively cut off Japan's imports. A complementary operation against Japan's railways was about to begin, isolating the cities of southern Honshū from the food grown elsewhere in the Home Islands. \"Immediately after the defeat, some estimated that 10 million people were likely to starve to death\", noted historian Daikichi Irokawa.[38] Meanwhile, fighting continued in the Philippines, New Guinea and Borneo, and offensives were scheduled for September in southern China and Malaya. The Soviet invasion of Manchuria had, in the week before the surrender, caused over 80,000 deaths.[33]", "Up An' Atom While at Tinian, Marquadt and crew B-10 flew Up An' Atom on eight training and practice bombing missions and pumpkin bomb missions against industrial targets in Taira and Hamamatsu, Japan. Capt. Bob Lewis's crew B-9 flew it on a pumpkin bomb mission to Tokushima subsequent to the Hiroshima mission, and Lt.Col. James Hopkins and crew C-14 used it to attack Nagoya with a pumpkin bomb.", "Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Frequent estimates are that 140,000 people in Hiroshima (38.9% of the population) and 70,000 people in Nagasaki (28.0% of the population) died in 1945, though the number which died immediately as a result of exposure to the blast, heat, or due to radiation, is unknown. One Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission report discusses 6,882 people examined in Hiroshima, and 6,621 people examined in Nagasaki, who were largely within 2000 meters from the hypocenter, who suffered injuries from the blast and heat but died from complications frequently compounded by acute radiation syndrome(ARS), all within about 20–30 days.[257][258] The average radiation dose that will kill approximately 50% of adults, the LD50, was approximately halved when the individual experienced concurrent blast or burn effect injuries, conventional skin injuries that cover a large area, frequently result in bacterial infection, the risk of which is increased when a usually non-lethal radiation dose, moderately suppresses the white blood cell count.[259]", "Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park The Association for the Mobilized Student Victims of Hiroshima Prefecture built this tower in May 1967 in order to console the souls of over 10,000 students, including those who were Atomic Bomb victims, who died in bombings during the Pacific War. In Hiroshima, there were 8,387 students who were mobilized; 6,907 of which were killed in the Atomic Bombing. The memorial is twelve meters tall, five stories, and is decorated with the Goddess of Peace as well as eight doves which are placed around the tower. To the sides of the tower are plaques which depict the work that the students did, such as factory work, female students sewing, or showing students working to increase food production. There is a plaque in front of the tower which has two buttons that narrate the background information in either Japanese or English.[24]", "Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki The discovery of nuclear fission by German chemists Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassmann in 1938, and its theoretical explanation by Lise Meitner and Otto Frisch, made the development of an atomic bomb a theoretical possibility.[53] Fears that a German atomic bomb project would develop atomic weapons first, especially among scientists who were refugees from Nazi Germany and other fascist countries, were expressed in the Einstein-Szilard letter. This prompted preliminary research in the United States in late 1939.[54] Progress was slow until the arrival of the British MAUD Committee report in late 1941, which indicated that only 5 to 10 kilograms of isotopically enriched uranium-235 were needed for a bomb instead of tons of natural uranium and a neutron moderator like heavy water.[55]", "Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki The 50,000-watt standard wave station on Saipan, the OWI radio station, broadcast a similar message to Japan every 15 minutes about Hiroshima, stating that more Japanese cities would face a similar fate in the absence of immediate acceptance of the terms of the Potsdam Declaration and emphatically urged civilians to evacuate major cities. Radio Japan, which continued to extoll victory for Japan by never surrendering,[87] had informed the Japanese of the destruction of Hiroshima by a single bomb.[177] Prime Minister Suzuki felt compelled to meet the Japanese press, to whom he reiterated his government's commitment to ignore the Allies' demands and fight on.[178]", "Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Motion picture company Nippon Eigasha started sending cameramen to Nagasaki and Hiroshima in September 1945. On October 24, 1945, a U.S. military policeman stopped a Nippon Eigasha cameraman from continuing to film in Nagasaki. All Nippon Eigasha's reels were confiscated by the American authorities, but they were requested by the Japanese government, and declassified.[243] The public release of film footage of the city post-attack, and some research about the effects of the attack, was restricted during the occupation of Japan,[244] but the Hiroshima-based magazine, Chugoku Bunka, in its first issue published on March 10, 1946, devoted itself to detailing the damage from the bombing.[245]", "Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki At the time of its bombing, Hiroshima was a city of both industrial and military significance. A number of military units were located nearby, the most important of which was the headquarters of Field Marshal Shunroku Hata's Second General Army, which commanded the defense of all of southern Japan,[111] and was located in Hiroshima Castle. Hata's command consisted of some 400,000 men, most of whom were on Kyushu where an Allied invasion was correctly anticipated.[112] Also present in Hiroshima were the headquarters of the 59th Army, the 5th Division and the 224th Division, a recently formed mobile unit.[113] The city was defended by five batteries of 7-cm and 8-cm (2.8 and 3.1 inch) anti-aircraft guns of the 3rd Anti-Aircraft Division, including units from the 121st and 122nd Anti-Aircraft Regiments and the 22nd and 45th Separate Anti-Aircraft Battalions. In total, an estimated 40,000 Japanese military personnel were stationed in the city.[114]", "Strategic bombing during World War II On 6 August 1945, the B-29 bomber Enola Gay flew over the Japanese city of Hiroshima in southwest Honshū and dropped a gun-type uranium-235 atomic bomb (code-named Little Boy by the U.S.) on it. Two other B-29 aircraft were airborne nearby for the purposes of instrumentation and photography. When the planes first approached Hiroshima, Japanese anti-aircraft units in the city initially thought they were reconnaissance aircraft, since they were ordered not to shoot at one or few aircraft that did not pose a threat, in order to conserve their ammunition for large-scale air raids. The bomb killed roughly 90,000–166,000 people; half of these died quickly while the other half suffered lingering deaths.[226] The death toll included an estimated 20,000 Korean slave laborers and 20,000 Japanese soldiers) and destroyed 48,000 buildings (including the headquarters of the Second General Army and Fifth Division).[227] On 9 August, three days later, the B-29 Bockscar flew over the Japanese city of Nagasaki in northwest Kyushu and dropped an implosion-type, plutonium-239 atomic bomb (code-named Fat Man by the U.S.) on it, again accompanied by two other B-29 aircraft for instrumentation and photography. This bomb's effects killed roughly 39,000–80,000 people,[226] including roughly 23,000–28,000 Japanese war industry employees, an estimated 2,000 Korean forced workers, and at least 150 Japanese soldiers. The bomb destroyed 60% of the city.[227][228] The industrial damage in Nagasaki was high, partly owing to the inadvertent targeting of the industrial zone, leaving 68–80% of the non-dock industrial production destroyed.[229]", "In This Corner of the World (film) The film is set in the 1930s-1940s in Hiroshima and Kure in Japan, roughly 10 years before and after the atomic bomb, but mainly in 1944-45. In the film, nature and traditional culture in Japan are clearly described and contrasted with the cruel and irredeemable scenes brought by the war. Though it is a fictional account, the episodes and background of the story are based on facts and real incidents researched by the production staff.[13] In the film, the lost townscape of pre-war Hiroshima, damaged by the atomic bombing in Hiroshima, is accurately revived in the scenes, following old photos, documents, and the memories of living people.[13]", "Historiography of the Cold War Starting with Gar Alperovitz in his influential Atomic Diplomacy: Hiroshima and Potsdam (1965), revisionists have focused on the United States decision to use atomic weapons against Hiroshima and Nagasaki during the last days of World War II.[2] In their belief, the nuclear bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima in effect started the Cold War. According to Alperovitz, the bombs were used not against an already-defeated Japan to win the war, but to intimidate the Soviets by signaling that the United States would use nuclear weapons to stop Soviet expansion, though they failed to do so.[1]", "Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Japanese historian Tsuyoshi Hasegawa argued that the entry of the Soviet Union into the war against Japan \"played a much greater role than the atomic bombs in inducing Japan to surrender because it dashed any hope that Japan could terminate the war through Moscow's mediation\".[301] A view among critics of the bombings, that was popularized by American historian Gar Alperovitz in 1965, is the idea of atomic diplomacy: that the United States used nuclear weapons in order to intimidate the Soviet Union in the early stages of the Cold War. Although not accepted by mainstream historians, this became the position in Japanese school history textbooks.[302]", "Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki As in Hiroshima, the bombing badly dislocated the city's medical facilities. A makeshift hospital was established at the Shinkozen Primary School, which served as the main medical centre. The trains were still running, and evacuated many victims to hospitals in nearby towns. A medical team from a naval hospital reached the city in the evening, and fire-fighting brigades from the neighboring towns assisted in fighting the fires.[224] Takashi Nagai was a doctor working in the radiology department of Nagasaki Medical College Hospital. He received a serious injury that severed his right temporal artery, but joined the rest of the surviving medical staff in treating bombing victims.[225]", "Soviet atomic bomb project After learning of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki that ended the Pacific War in 1945, the program was aggressively pursued, mainly through effective intelligence gathering about the German weapon project and the American Manhattan Project.[10] The Russian efforts also rounded up captured German scientists to join their program, and relied heavily on knowledge passed by the spy ring to the Russian intelligence agencies .[11]:242–243", "Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Military bases repeatedly tried to call the Army Control Station in Hiroshima. The complete silence from that city puzzled the General Staff; they knew that no large enemy raid had occurred and that no sizable store of explosives was in Hiroshima at that time. A young officer was instructed to fly immediately to Hiroshima, to land, survey the damage, and return to Tokyo with reliable information for the staff. It was felt that nothing serious had taken place and that the explosion was just a rumor.[172]", "Godzilla (1954 film) In the film, Godzilla symbolizes nuclear holocaust from Japan's perspective and has since been culturally identified as a strong metaphor for nuclear weapons.[12] Producer Tomoyuki Tanaka stated that, \"The theme of the film, from the beginning, was the terror of the bomb. Mankind had created the bomb, and now nature was going to take revenge on mankind.\"[13] Director Ishirō Honda filmed Godzilla's Tokyo rampage to mirror the Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, stating, \"If Godzilla had been a dinosaur or some other animal, he would have been killed by just one cannonball. But if he were equal to an atomic bomb, we wouldn't know what to do. So, I took the characteristics of an atomic bomb and applied them to Godzilla.\"[13]", "Debate over the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki A further argument, discussed under the rubric of \"atomic diplomacy\" and advanced in a 1965 book of that name by Gar Alperovitz, is that the bombings had as primary purpose to intimidate the Soviet Union, being the opening shots of the Cold War.[184] Along these lines some[who?] argue that the United States raced the Soviet Union and hoped to drop the bombs and receive surrender from Japan before a Soviet entry into the Pacific War.\nHowever, the Soviet Union, the United States, and the United Kingdom came to an agreement at the Yalta Conference on when the Soviet Union should join the war against Japan, and on how the territory of Japan was to be divided at the end of the war.[185]", "Timeline of the Manhattan Project The following is a timeline of the Manhattan Project. It includes a number of events prior to the official formation of the Manhattan Project, and a number of events after the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, until the Manhattan Project was formally replaced by the Atomic Energy Commission in 1947.", "Effects of nuclear explosions Details of nuclear weapon design also affect neutron emission: the gun-type assembly Hiroshima bomb leaked far more neutrons than the implosion type 21 kt Nagasaki bomb because the light hydrogen nuclei (protons) predominating in the exploded TNT molecules (surrounding the core of the Nagasaki bomb) slowed down neutrons very efficiently while the heavier iron atoms in the steel nose forging of the Hiroshima bomb scattered neutrons without absorbing much neutron energy.[24]", "Robert A. Lewis Robert Alvin Lewis (October 18, 1917 – June 18, 1983) was a United States Army Air Forces officer serving in the Pacific Theatre during World War II. He was the co-pilot of the Enola Gay, the B-29 Superfortress bomber which dropped the atomic bomb Little Boy on the Japanese city of Hiroshima on 6 August 1945.", "Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki The Tokyo control operator of the Japan Broadcasting Corporation noticed that the Hiroshima station had gone off the air. He tried to re-establish his program by using another telephone line, but it too had failed.[171] About 20 minutes later the Tokyo railroad telegraph center realized that the main line telegraph had stopped working just north of Hiroshima. From some small railway stops within 16 km (10 mi) of the city came unofficial and confused reports of a terrible explosion in Hiroshima. All these reports were transmitted to the headquarters of the Imperial Japanese Army General Staff.[172]", "Black Saturday bushfires It was estimated that the amount of energy released during the firestorm in the Kinglake-Marysville area was equivalent to the amount of energy that would be released by 1,500 Hiroshima-sized atomic bombs.[158][159]", "Debate over the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Supporters of the bombings have emphasized the strategic significance of the targets. Hiroshima was used as headquarters of the Second General Army and Fifth Division, which commanded the defense of southern Japan with 40,000 combatants stationed in the city. The city was also a communication center, an assembly area for combatants, a storage point, and had major industrial factories and workshops as well, and its air defenses consisted of five batteries of 7-cm and 8-cm (2.8 and 3.1 inch) anti-aircraft guns.[48][49] Nagasaki was of great wartime importance because of its wide-ranging industrial activity, including the production of ordnance, warships, military equipment, and other war material. The city's air defenses consisted of four batteries of 7 cm (2.8 in) anti-aircraft guns and two searchlight batteries.[50] An estimated 110,000 people were killed in the atomic bombings, including 20,000 Japanese combatants and 20,000 Korean slave laborers in Hiroshima and 23,145–28,113 Japanese factory workers, 2,000 Korean slave laborers, and 150 Japanese combatants in Nagasaki.[51][52][53]", "Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park The Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum is the primary museum in the park dedicated to educating visitors about the bomb. The Museum has exhibits and information covering the buildup to war, the role of Hiroshima in the war up to the bombing, and extensive information on the bombing and its effects, along with substantial memorabilia and pictures from the bombing. The building also has views of the Memorial Cenotaph, Peace Flame, and A-Bomb Dome.", "Soviet–Japanese War The Manchurian Strategic Offensive Operation, along with the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, combined to break the Japanese political deadlock and force the Japanese leaders to accept the terms of surrender demanded by the Allies.", "Debate over the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Another myth that has attained wide attention is that at least several of Truman's top military advisers later informed him that using atomic bombs against Japan would be militarily unnecessary or immoral, or both. There is no persuasive evidence that any of them did so. None of the Joint Chiefs ever made such a claim, although one inventive author has tried to make it appear that Leahy did by braiding together several unrelated passages from the admiral's memoirs. Actually, two days after Hiroshima, Truman told aides that Leahy had 'said up to the last that it wouldn't go off.'", "Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki For several months, the U.S. had warned civilians of potential air raids by dropping more than 63 million leaflets across Japan. Many Japanese cities suffered terrible damage from aerial bombings; some were as much as 97% destroyed. LeMay thought that leaflets would increase the psychological impact of bombing, and reduce the international stigma of area-bombing cities. Even with the warnings, Japanese opposition to the war remained ineffective. In general, the Japanese regarded the leaflet messages as truthful, with many Japanese choosing to leave major cities. The leaflets caused such concern that the government ordered the arrest of anyone caught in possession of a leaflet.[87][88] Leaflet texts were prepared by recent Japanese prisoners of war because they were thought to be the best choice \"to appeal to their compatriots\".[89]", "Microcephaly After the dropping of atomic bombs \"Little Boy\" on Hiroshima and \"Fat Man\" on Nagasaki, several women close to ground zero who had been pregnant at the time gave birth to children with microcephaly.[25] Microcephaly prevalence was seven of a group of 11 pregnant women at 11–17 weeks of gestation who survived the blast at less than 1.2 km (0.75 mi) from ground zero. Due to their proximity to the bomb, the pregnant women's in utero children received a biologically significant radiation dose that was relatively high due to the massive neutron output of the lower explosive-yielding Little Boy.[26] Microcephaly is the only proven malformation, or congenital abnormality, found in the children of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.[26]", "Debate over the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki If the Hague Conventions is admitted as applicable, the critical question becomes whether the bombed cities met the definition of \"undefended\". Some observers consider Hiroshima and Nagasaki undefended, some say that both cities were legitimate military targets, and others say that Hiroshima could be considered a legitimate military target while Nagasaki was comparatively undefended.[154] Hiroshima has been argued as not a legitimate target because the major industrial plants were just outside the target area.[155] It has also been argued as a legitimate target because Hiroshima was the headquarters of the regional Second General Army and Fifth Division with 40,000 combatants stationed in the city. Both cities were protected by anti-aircraft guns, which is an argument against the definition of \"undefended\".", "Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki People on the ground reported seeing a pika (ピカ)—a brilliant flash of light—followed by a don (ドン)—a loud booming sound.[143] Some 70,000–80,000 people, or around 30% of the population of Hiroshima, were killed by the blast and resultant firestorm,[144][145] and another 70,000 were injured.[146] Perhaps as many as 20,000 Japanese military personnel were killed.[147] U.S. surveys estimated that 4.7 square miles (12 km2) of the city were destroyed. Japanese officials determined that 69% of Hiroshima's buildings were destroyed and another 6–7% damaged.[148]", "Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Unlike the other target cities, Nagasaki had not been placed off limits to bombers by the Joint Chiefs of Staff's July 3 directive,[119][186] and was bombed on a small scale five times. During one of these raids on August 1, a number of conventional high-explosive bombs were dropped on the city. A few hit the shipyards and dock areas in the southwest portion of the city, and several hit the Mitsubishi Steel and Arms Works.[185] By early August, the city was defended by the 134th Anti-Aircraft Regiment of the 4th Anti-Aircraft Division with four batteries of 7 cm (2.8 in) anti-aircraft guns and two searchlight batteries.[114]", "Air force The air force's role of strategic bombing against enemy infrastructure was developed during the 1930s by the Japanese in China and by the Germans during the Spanish Civil War. This role for the bomber was perfected during World War II, during Allied \"Thousand Bomber Raid\" operations. The need to intercept these bombers, both during the day and at night, accelerated fighter aircraft developments. The war ended when United States Army Air Forces Boeing B-29 Superfortress bombers dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan in August 1945.", "Debate over the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki The atomic bomb had nothing to do with the end of the war at all.", "Debate over the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki In 1945 Secretary of War Stimson, visiting my headquarters in Germany, informed me that our government was preparing to drop an atomic bomb on Japan. I was one of those who felt that there were a number of cogent reasons to question the wisdom of such an act. During his recitation of the relevant facts, I had been conscious of a feeling of depression and so I voiced to him my grave misgivings, first on the basis of my belief that Japan was already defeated and that dropping the bomb was completely unnecessary, and secondly because I thought that our country should avoid shocking world opinion by the use of a weapon whose employment was, I thought, no longer mandatory as a measure to save American lives.[86]", "World War II The war in Europe concluded with an invasion of Germany by the Western Allies and the Soviet Union, culminating in the capture of Berlin by Soviet troops, the suicide of Adolf Hitler and the subsequent German unconditional surrender on 8 May 1945. Following the Potsdam Declaration by the Allies on 26 July 1945 and the refusal of Japan to surrender under its terms, the United States dropped atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on 6 August and 9 August respectively. With an invasion of the Japanese archipelago imminent, the possibility of additional atomic bombings and the Soviet invasion of Manchuria, Japan formally surrendered on 2 September 1945. Thus ended the war in Asia, cementing the total victory of the Allies.", "Debate over the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Truman's disinclination to delay the second bombing brings the Soviet factor back into consideration. What the destruction of Nagasaki accomplished was Japan's immediate surrender, and for Truman this swift capitulation was crucial in order to preempt a Soviet military move into Asia. ... In short, the first bomb was dropped as soon as it was ready, and for the reason the administration expressed: to hasten the end of the Pacific War. But in the case of the second bomb, timing was everything. In an important sense, the destruction of Nagasaki—not the bombing itself but Truman's refusal to delay it—was America's first act of the Cold War.[188]", "Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Nagasaki was also rebuilt after the war, but was dramatically changed in the process. The pace of reconstruction was initially slow, and the first simple emergency dwellings were not provided until 1946. The focus on redevelopment was the replacement of war industries with foreign trade, shipbuilding and fishing. This was formally declared when the Nagasaki International Culture City Reconstruction Law was passed in May 1949.[292] New temples were built, as well as new churches owing to an increase in the presence of Christianity. Some of the rubble was left as a memorial, such as a torii at Sannō Shrine, and an arch near ground zero. New structures were also raised as memorials, such as the Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Museum, which was opened in the mid-1990s.[296]", "Debate over the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Certain scholars and historians have characterized the atomic bombings of Japan as a form of \"state terrorism\". This interpretation is based on a definition of terrorism as \"the targeting of innocents to achieve a political goal\". As Frances V. Harbour points out, the meeting of the Target Committee in Los Alamos on 10 and 11 May 1945 suggested targeting the large population centers of Kyoto or Hiroshima for a \"psychological effect\" and to make \"the initial use sufficiently spectacular for the importance of the weapon to be internationally recognized\".[121][122] As such, Professor Harbour suggests the goal was to create terror for political ends both in and beyond Japan.[122] However, Burleigh Taylor Wilkins believes it stretches the meaning of \"terrorism\" to include wartime acts.[123]", "Enola Gay Enola Gay became the center of a controversy at the Smithsonian Institution when the museum planned to put its fuselage on public display in 1995 as part of an exhibit commemorating the 50th anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima.[37] The exhibit, The Crossroads: The End of World War II, the Atomic Bomb and the Cold War, was drafted by the Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum staff, and arranged around the restored Enola Gay.[38]", "Tsutomu Yamaguchi As he grew older, his opinions about the use of atomic weapons began to change. In his eighties, he wrote a book about his experiences (Ikasareteiru inochi) as well as a book of poetry ([1]) and was invited to take part in a 2006 documentary about 165 double A-bomb survivors (known as nijÅ« hibakusha in Japan) called Twice Survived: The Doubly Atomic Bombed of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which was screened at the United Nations.[9] At the screening, he pleaded for the abolition of atomic weapons.[7]", "Weapon of mass destruction The only country to have used a nuclear weapon in war is the United States, which dropped two atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War II. There are eight countries that have declared they possess nuclear weapons and are known to have tested a nuclear weapon, only five of which are members of the NPT. The eight are China, France, India, North Korea, Pakistan, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States.[citation needed]", "Tsutomu Yamaguchi At 11 am on August 9, Yamaguchi was describing the blast in Hiroshima to his supervisor, when the American bomber Bockscar dropped the Fat Man atomic bomb over the city. His workplace again put him 3 km from ground zero, but this time he was unhurt by the explosion.[7] However, he was unable to replace his now ruined bandages, and he suffered from a high fever for over a week.[4]", "Battle of Okinawa Mainline military historians believe that the Okinawa campaign led directly to the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, as a means of avoiding the planned ground invasion of the Japanese mainland. This view is explained by Victor Davis Hanson in his book Ripples of Battle:", "Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki In 1985, Johns Hopkins University geneticist James F. Crow examined Neel's research and confirmed that the number of birth defects was not significantly higher in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.[268] Many members of the ABCC and its successor Radiation Effects Research Foundation (RERF) were still looking for possible birth defects or other causes among the survivors decades later, but found no evidence that they were more common among the survivors.[265][269]", "Oklahoma City bombing Later, speaking about the military mindset with which he went about the preparations, he said, \"You learn how to handle killing in the military. I face the consequences, but you learn to accept it.\" He compared his actions to the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, rather than the attack on Pearl Harbor, reasoning it was necessary to prevent more lives from being lost.[46]", "Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki The Target Committee nominated five targets: Kokura, the site of one of Japan's largest munitions plants; Hiroshima, an embarkation port and industrial center that was the site of a major military headquarters; Yokohama, an urban center for aircraft manufacture, machine tools, docks, electrical equipment and oil refineries; Niigata, a port with industrial facilities including steel and aluminum plants and an oil refinery; and Kyoto, a major industrial center. The target selection was subject to the following criteria:", "Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki The 1943 Quebec Agreement merged the nuclear weapons projects of the United Kingdom and Canada, Tube Alloys and the Montreal Laboratory, with the Manhattan Project,[56][57] under the direction of Major General Leslie R. Groves, Jr., of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.[58] Groves appointed J. Robert Oppenheimer to organize and head the project's Los Alamos Laboratory in New Mexico, where bomb design work was carried out.[59] Two types of bombs were eventually developed, both named by Robert Serber. Little Boy was a gun-type fission weapon that used uranium-235, a rare isotope of uranium separated at the Clinton Engineer Works at Oak Ridge, Tennessee.[60] The other, known as a Fat Man device, was a more powerful and efficient, but more complicated, implosion-type nuclear weapon that used plutonium created in nuclear reactors at Hanford, Washington.[61]", "Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Japan announced its surrender to the Allies on August 15, six days after the bombing of Nagasaki and the Soviet Union's declaration of war. On September 2, the Japanese government signed the instrument of surrender, effectively ending World War II. The ethical and legal justification for the bombings is still debated to this day.", "Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Enola Gay stayed over the target area for two minutes and was ten miles away when the bomb detonated. Only Tibbets, Parsons, and Ferebee knew of the nature of the weapon; the others on the bomber were only told to expect a blinding flash and given black goggles. \"It was hard to believe what we saw\", Tibbets told reporters, while Parsons said \"the whole thing was tremendous and awe-inspiring ... the men aboard with me gasped 'My God'\". He and Tibbets compared the shockwave to \"a close burst of ack-ack fire\".[142]", "Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park The Rest House of Hiroshima Peace Park is another atomic bombed building in the park. The building was built as the Taishoya Kimono Shop in March 1929. It was used as a fuel distribution station when the shortage of fuel began in June 1944. On August 6, 1945, when the bomb exploded, the roof was crushed, the interior destroyed, and everything consumable burned except in the basement. Eventually, 36 people in the building died of the bombing; 47-year-old Eizo Nomura survived in the basement, which had a concrete roof through which radiation had a more difficult time penetrating.[7] He survived into his 80s.[8][9][10]", "Bomb The first bombing from a fixed-wing aircraft took place in 1911 when the Italians dropped bombs by hand on the Turkish lines in what is now Libya, during the Italo-Turkish War.[16] The first large scale dropping of bombs took place during World War I starting in 1915 with the German Zeppelin airship raids on London, England, and the same war saw the invention of the first heavy bombers. One Zeppelin raid on 8 September 1915 dropped 4,000 lb (1,800 kg) of high explosives and incendiary bombs, including one bomb that weighed 600 lb (270 kg).[17]", "Debate over the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki This policy of indiscriminate murder to shorten the war was considered to be a crime. In the Pacific war under our consideration, if there was anything approaching what is indicated in the above letter of the German Emperor, it is the decision coming from the Allied powers to use the bomb. Future generations will judge this dire decision ... If any indiscriminate destruction of civilian life and property is still illegal in warfare, then, in the Pacific War, this decision to use the atom bomb is the only near approach to the directives of the German Emperor during the first World War and of the Nazi leaders during the second World War.", "Aftermath of World War II Survivors of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, known as hibakusha (被爆者), were ostracized by Japanese society. Japan provided no special assistance to these people until 1952.[29] By the 65th anniversary of the bombings, total casualties from the initial attack and later deaths reached about 270,000 in Hiroshima[30] and 150,000 in Nagasaki.[31] About 230,000 hibakusha were still alive as of 2010[update],[30] and about 2,200 were suffering from radiation-caused illnesses as of 2007[update].[32]", "Debate over the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Notes made by one of Stimson's aides indicate that there was a discussion of atomic bombs, but there is no mention of any protest on Eisenhower's part.[71]", "Debate over the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Tony Coady, Frances V. Harbour, and Jamal Nassar also view the targeting of civilians during the bombings as a form of terrorism. Nassar classifies the atomic bombings as terrorism in the same vein as the firebombing of Tokyo, the firebombing of Dresden, and the Holocaust.[126]", "Hibakusha It was a common practice before the war for American Issei, or first-generation immigrants, to send their children on extended trips to Japan to study or visit relatives. More Japanese immigrated to the U.S. from Hiroshima than from any other prefecture, and Nagasaki also sent a high number of immigrants to Hawai'i and the mainland. There was, therefore, a sizable population of American-born Nisei and Kibei living in their parents' hometowns of Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the time of the atomic bombings. The actual number of Japanese Americans affected by the bombings is unknown — although estimates put approximately 11,000 in Hiroshima city alone — but some 3,000 of them are known to have survived and returned to the U.S. after the war.[11]", "Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Hansell's successor, Major General Curtis LeMay, assumed command in January 1945 and initially continued to use the same precision bombing tactics, with equally unsatisfactory results. The attacks initially targeted key industrial facilities but much of the Japanese manufacturing process was carried out in small workshops and private homes.[38] Under pressure from United States Army Air Forces (USAAF) headquarters in Washington, LeMay changed tactics and decided that low-level incendiary raids against Japanese cities were the only way to destroy their production capabilities, shifting from precision bombing to area bombardment with incendiaries.[39] Like most strategic bombing during World War II, the aim of the air offensive against Japan was to destroy the enemy's war industries, kill or disable civilian employees of these industries, and undermine civilian morale.[40][41]", "Nagasaki During World War II, the American atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki made Nagasaki the second and, to date, last city in the world to experience a nuclear attack (at 11:02 a.m., August 9, 1945 'Japan Standard Time (UTC+9)').[1]", "Modern history Italy surrendered in September 1943 and was split into a northern Germany-occupied puppet state and an Allies-friendly state in the South; Germany surrendered in May 1945. Following the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan surrendered, marking the end of the war on September 2, 1945.", "World War II The Allies called for unconditional Japanese surrender in the Potsdam Declaration of 27 July, but the Japanese government rejected the call. In early August, the USAAF dropped atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The Allies justified the atomic bombings as a military necessity to avoid invading the Japanese home islands which would cost the lives of between 250,000 and 500,000 Allied servicemen and millions of Japanese troops and civilians.[283] Between the two bombings, the Soviets, pursuant to the Yalta agreement, invaded Japanese-held Manchuria, and quickly defeated the Kwantung Army, which was the largest Japanese fighting force.[284][285] The Red Army also captured Sakhalin Island and the Kuril Islands. On 15 August 1945, Japan surrendered, with the surrender documents finally signed at Tokyo Bay on the deck of the American battleship USS Missouri on 2 September 1945, ending the war.[286]", "British contribution to the Manhattan Project William Penney worked on means to assess the effects of a nuclear explosion, and wrote a paper on what height the bombs should be detonated at for maximum effect in attacks on Germany and Japan.[92] He served as a member of the target committee established by Groves to select Japanese cities for atomic bombing,[93] and on Tinian with Project Alberta as a special consultant.[94] Along with Group Captain Leonard Cheshire, sent by Wilson as a British representative, he watched the bombing of Nagasaki from the observation plane Big Stink.[95] He also formed part of the Manhattan Project's post-war scientific mission to Hiroshima and Nagasaki that assessed the extent of the damage caused by the bombs.[96]", "Debate over the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki The Japanese had, in fact, already sued for peace. The atomic bomb played no decisive part, from a purely military point of view, in the defeat of Japan.", "Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Edwin O. Reischauer, a Japan expert for the U.S. Army Intelligence Service, was incorrectly said to have prevented the bombing of Kyoto.[74] In his autobiography, Reischauer specifically refuted this claim:", "Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki The Target Committee stated that \"It was agreed that psychological factors in the target selection were of great importance. Two aspects of this are (1) obtaining the greatest psychological effect against Japan and (2) making the initial use sufficiently spectacular for the importance of the weapon to be internationally recognized when publicity on it is released. ... Kyoto has the advantage of the people being more highly intelligent and hence better able to appreciate the significance of the weapon. Hiroshima has the advantage of being such a size and with possible focussing from nearby mountains that a large fraction of the city may be destroyed. The Emperor's palace in Tokyo has a greater fame than any other target but is of least strategic value.\"[74]", "Empire of Japan After securing airfields in Saipan and Guam in the summer of 1944, the United States Army Air Forces undertook an intense strategic bombing campaign, using incendiary bombs, burning Japanese cities in an effort to pulverize Japan's industry and shatter its morale. The Operation Meetinghouse raid on Tokyo on the night of March 9–10, 1945, led to the deaths of approximately 100,000 civilians. Approximately 350,000–500,000 civilians died in 66 other Japanese cities as a result of the incendiary bombing campaign on Japan. Concurrent to these attacks, Japan's vital coastal shipping operations were severely hampered with extensive aerial mining by the U.S.'s Operation Starvation. Regardless, these efforts did not succeed in persuading the Japanese military to surrender. In mid-August 1945, the United States dropped nuclear weapons on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. These atomic bombings were the first and only used against another nation in warfare. These two bombs killed approximately 120,000 to 140,000 people in a matter of minutes, and as many as a result of nuclear radiation in the following weeks, months and years. The bombs killed as many as 140,000 people in Hiroshima and 80,000 in Nagasaki by the end of 1945.", "Debate over the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Campbell Craig and Fredrik Logevall argue the two bombs were dropped for different reasons:", "Debate over the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki There is little point in attempting precisely to impute Japan's unconditional surrender to any one of the numerous causes which jointly and cumulatively were responsible for Japan's disaster. The time lapse between military impotence and political acceptance of the inevitable might have been shorter had the political structure of Japan permitted a more rapid and decisive determination of national policies. Nevertheless, it seems clear that, even without the atomic bombing attacks, air supremacy over Japan could have exerted sufficient pressure to bring about unconditional surrender and obviate the need for invasion.Based on a detailed investigation of all the facts, and supported by the testimony of the surviving Japanese leaders involved, it is the Survey's opinion that certainly prior to 31 December 1945, and in all probability prior to 1 November 1945, Japan would have surrendered even if the atomic bombs had not been dropped, even if Russia had not entered the war, and even if no invasion had been planned or contemplated.[78][79]", "Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki The reporting of doses in terms of absorbed energy (Gy and rad) rather than the use of the biologically significant, biologically weighted Sievert, in both the SMR and cognitive performance data is typical.[275] The reported threshold dose variance, between the two cities is sometimes explained due to Little Boy emitting substantially more neutron flux, whereas the Baratol that surrounded the core of Fat Man, filtered or shifted the absorbed radiation profile, so that the dose of radiation energy received in Nagasaki, is mostly that from exposure to gamma rays, in contrast to the environment within 1500 meters of the hypocenter at Hiroshima, were instead the dose was primarily due to absorbed neutrons, which have a higher biological effect per unit of energy absorbed.[276]", "Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park At 8:15 a.m. on August 6, 1945, the explosion of the atomic bomb about 600 meters above the hypocenter destroyed the building’s concrete roof. The interior was also badly damaged and gutted by ensuing fires, and everyone inside was killed except Nomura, who miraculously survived. The building was restored soon after the war and used as the Fuel Hall. In 1957, the Hiroshima East Reconstruction Office, which became the core the city’s reconstruction program, was established there.[12]", "Origins of the Cold War One week after the Potsdam Conference ended, the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki added to Soviet distrust of the United States, when shortly after the attacks, Stalin protested to U.S. officials when Truman offered the Soviets little real influence in occupied Japan.[68]", "Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Since Mayor Senkichi Awaya had been killed while eating breakfast with his son and granddaughter at the mayoral residence, Field Marshal Hata, who was only slightly wounded, took over the administration of the city, and coordinated relief efforts. Many of his staff had been killed or fatally wounded, including a Korean prince of the Joseon Dynasty, Yi Wu, who was serving as a lieutenant colonel in the Japanese Army.[164][165] Hata's senior surviving staff officer was the wounded Colonel Kumao Imoto, who acted as his chief of staff. Soldiers from the undamaged Hiroshima Ujina Harbor used suicide boats, intended to repel the American invasion, to collect the wounded and take them down the rivers to the military hospital at Ujina.[164] Trucks and trains brought in relief supplies and evacuated survivors from the city.[166]", "Boeing B-29 Superfortress Enola Gay, flown by Tibbets, dropped the first bomb, called Little Boy, on Hiroshima on 6 August 1945. Enola Gay is fully restored and on display at the Smithsonian's Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center, outside Dulles Airport in Washington, D.C. Bockscar dropped the second bomb, called Fat Man, on Nagasaki three days later. Bockscar is on display at the National Museum of the United States Air Force.", "Debate over the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki If the atomic bomb had not been used, evidence like that I have cited points to the practical certainty that there would have been many more months of death and destruction on an enormous scale.[39]", "Debate over the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Author Steven Poole said that the \"people killed by terrorism\" are not the targets of the intended terror effect. He said that the atomic bombings were \"designed as an awful demonstration\" aimed at Stalin and the government of Japan.[129]", "Empire of Japan Having ignored (mokusatsu) the Potsdam Declaration, the Empire of Japan surrendered and ended World War II, after the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and a declaration of war by the Soviet Union. In a national radio address on August 15, Emperor Hirohito announced the surrender to the Japanese people by Gyokuon-hōsō." ]
when did the us take over wake island
[ "Wake Island With the annexation of Hawaii in 1898 and the seizure of Guam and the Philippines during the Spanish–American War that same year, the United States began to consider unclaimed and uninhabited Wake Island, located approximately halfway between Honolulu and Manila, as a good location for a telegraph cable station and coaling station for refueling warships of the rapidly expanding United States Navy and passing merchant and passenger steamships. On July 4, 1898, United States Army Brigadier General Francis V. Greene of the 2nd Brigade, Philippine Expeditionary Force, of the Eighth Army Corps, stopped at Wake Island and raised the American flag while en route to the Philippines on the steamship liner SS China.[24]", "Wake Island On January 17, 1899, under orders from President William McKinley, Commander Edward D. Taussig of USS Bennington landed on Wake and formally took possession of the island for the United States. After a 21-gun salute, the flag was raised and a brass plate was affixed to the flagstaff with the following inscription:" ]
[ "Wake Island Subsequently, the island has been used for strategic defense and operations during and after the Cold War, with Wake Island serving as a launch platform for military rockets involved in testing anti-missile defense systems and atmospheric re-entry trials. Wake's location allows for a safe launch and trajectory over the unpopulated ocean with open space for intercepts.", "Wake Island On December 11, 1941, Wake Island was the site of the Empire of Japan's first unsuccessful attack on American forces in the Battle of Wake Island when U.S. Marines, with some US Navy personnel and civilians on the island repelled an attempted Japanese invasion, sinking two enemy destroyers and a transport. The island fell to overwhelming Japanese forces 12 days later in a second attack, this one with extensive support from Japanese carrier-based aircraft returning from the attack on Pearl Harbor naval and air bases in Hawaii further east, four days previously. Wake Island remained occupied by Japanese forces until the end of the war in September 1945.[1]", "Wake Island Wake Island, one of 14 U.S. insular areas, is administered by the United States Air Force under an agreement with the U.S. Department of the Interior. The center of activity on the atoll is at Wake Island Airfield (IATA: AWK, ICAO: PWAK), which is primarily used as a mid-Pacific refueling stop for military aircraft and an emergency landing area. The 9,800-foot (3,000 m) runway is the longest strategic runway in the Pacific islands. South of the runway is the Wake Island Launch Center, a missile launch site of the Ronald Reagan Ballistic Missile Defense Test Site operated by the United States Army Space and Missile Defense Command and the Missile Defense Agency. The Base Operations Support contractor at Wake is Chugach Federal Solutions, Inc. About 94 people live on the island, and access to it is restricted. Population fluctuates depending on operations being conducted by Missile Defense Agency activities.", "Wake Island In the early 1980s the National Park Service conducted an evaluation of Wake Island to determine if the World War II (WWII) cultural resources remaining on Wake, Wilkes and Peale were of national historical significance. As a result of this survey, Wake Island was designated as a National Historic Landmark (NHL) on September 16, 1985, helping to preserve sites and artifacts on the atoll associated with WWII in the Pacific and the transpacific aviation era prior to the war. As a National Historic Landmark, Wake Island was also included in the National Register of Historic Places.[72]", "Wake Island Wake Island was now clearly a territory of the United States, but during this period the island was only occasionally visited by passing American ships. One notable visit occurred in December 1906 when U.S. Army General John J. Pershing, later famous as the commander of the American Expeditionary Forces in western Europe during World War I, stopped at Wake on USAT Thomas and hoisted a 45-star U.S. flag that was improvised out of sail canvas.[29]", "When Love Takes Over In the song's accompanying music video, Rowland and Guetta reminisce of how the song came together. It follows the duo as they prepare for a party before coming together for the final result. \"When Love Takes Over\" was promoted mainly at award shows, including the MTV Latin Music Video Awards, NRJ Music Awards and the World Music Awards. Guetta and Rowland reunited in late 2009 to perform \"When Love Takes Over\" for the annual Miss Universe competition. The single earned seven Platinum certifications as well as five Gold certificates, selling over 5.5 million copies worldwide.[1][2] Additionally, it earned Guetta two Grammy Award nominations for \"Best Dance Recording\" and \"Best Non-Classical, Remixed Recording\", the latter of which Guetta won for his \"Electro Extended Mix\" of \"When Love Takes Over\".", "Wake Island With the end of hostilities with Japan and the increase in international air travel driven in part by wartime advances in aeronautics, Wake Island became a critical mid-Pacific base for the servicing and refueling of military and commercial aircraft. The United States Navy resumed control of the island, and in October 1945 400 Seabees from the 85th Naval Construction Battalion arrived at Wake to clear the island of the effects of the war and to build basic facilities for a Naval Air Base. The base was completed in March 1946 and on September 24 regular commercial passenger service was resumed by Pan American Airways (Pan Am). The era of the flying boats was nearly over, so Pan Am switched to longer-range, faster and more profitable airplanes that could land on Wake's new coral runway. Other airlines that established transpacific routes through Wake included British Overseas Airways Corporation (BOAC), Philippine Airlines and Transocean Airlines. Due to the substantial increase in the number of commercial flights, on July 1, 1947, the Navy transferred administration, operations and maintenance of the facilities at Wake to the Civil Aeronautics Administration (CAA). In 1949 the CAA upgraded the runway by paving over the coral surface and extending its length to 7,000 feet.", "Wake Island Since Wake Island is an active Air Force airfield, the commander is also the senior officer in charge of all activities on the island.", "Wake Island Air transportation facilities at Wake are operated by the United States Air Force at Wake Island Airfield in support of trans-Pacific military operations, western Pacific military contingency operations and missile launch activities. The 9,850-foot-long (3,000-meter) runway on Wake is also available to provide services for military and commercial in-flight emergencies. All aircraft operations and servicing activities are directed from base operations, which is manned Tuesday through Saturday 8 am - 4 pm. Aircraft ramps are available for processing passengers and cargo, and for refueling up to 36 aircraft types, including DC-8, C-5, C-130, and C-17 aircraft. Although there is only one flight scheduled every other week to transport passengers and cargo to Wake, approximately 800 aircraft per year use Wake Island Airfield.", "Wake Island Although Wake Island is supplied by sea-going barges and ships, the island's only harbor between Wilkes and Wake is too narrow and shallow for sea-going vessels to enter. The Base Operations Support (BOS) contractor maintains three small landing barges for transferring material from ships moored offshore to the dockyard in the harbor. Off-load hydrants are also used to pump gasoline and JP-5 fuels to the storage tanks on Wilkes. The landing barges and recreational offshore sportfishing boats are docked in the marina.[86]", "When Love Takes Over \"Frédéric had the right sounds on the drums and the keyboards, so I did not change very much. I just did some standard things, with EQ and compression and things like that. After that my obsession was to get the vocals to sound as good as possible. When I'm mixing a track, I want something to happen, something that takes the listener somewhere. You want the right things in the right place, but it's not a technical issue. It's actually an artistic issue to have everything in the right place – the mixing has to be magic. It was not difficult in this case, because I knew the song would be a hit, but I did my best to make the vocal sound magical, like an angel singing, so that the hit quality of the song was immediately obvious. I wanted to make sure that the voice takes you from the beginning to the end and doesn't lose you.\"[16]", "When Love Takes Over According to Rowland, the song inspired her to pursue a more dance-oriented sound for her album Here I Am (2011), while Guetta noted \"When Love Takes Over\" for providing the framework for his future musical explorations and inspiring him to experiment with more urban sounds. Guetta and Frédéric Riesterer produced the song with piano riffs and a melodic backing track. Veronica Ferraro mixed the song, focussing primarily on giving Rowland's vocals a magical and inspiring tone. Critics would later state that Rowland's vocals on \"When Love Take Over\" helped to establish herself as a solo vocalist. The song's lyrics carry a message of the euphoria one feels when in love with a significant other, while the production bears some similarities to Coldplay's 2002 hit single \"Clocks.\"", "Wake Island Wake Island was first encountered by Europeans on October 2, 1568, by Spanish explorer and navigator Álvaro de Mendaña de Neyra. In 1567 Mendaña and his crew had set off on two ships, Los Reyes and Todos los Santos, from Callao, Peru, on an expedition to search for a gold-rich land in the South Pacific as mentioned in Inca tradition. After visiting Tuvalu and the Solomon Islands, the expedition headed north and came upon Wake Island, \"a low barren island, judged to be eight leagues in circumference\". Since the date – October 2, 1568 – was the eve of the feast of Saint Francis of Assisi, the captain named the island San Francisco. The ships were in need of water and the crew was suffering from scurvy, but after circling the island it was determined that Wake was waterless and had \"not a cocoanut nor a pandanus\" and, in fact, \"there was nothing on it but sea-birds, and sandy places covered with bushes.\"[13][14][15]", "When Love Takes Over In the United Kingdom, Guetta and Rowland's original version debuted at number seven on the UK Singles Chart, having sold 25,000 copies.[13][60] The following week Guetta's version peaked at number one,[47] beating his previous best chart peak of number three with 2007's \"Love Don't Let Me Go (Walking Away)\".[61] It gave Rowland her second number one single in Britain, the first being \"Dilemma\" alongside Nelly in October 2002.[62] \"When Love Takes Over\" was awarded a Platinum certification by the British Phonographic Industry in July 2013 for shipping over 650,000 copies.[63] On The Official Charts Company's official countdown of the Top 100 British Downloads of all time, \"When Love Takes Over\" ranks at number 58, marking Rowland's only entry on the chart. However it is Guetta's second entry on the chart, behind \"Sexy Bitch\" (with Akon) which charted at number 27.[64] In total, the single has sold over 5.5 million copies worldwide.[1][65]", "Wake Island Although Wake is officially called an island in the singular form, it is actually an atoll composed of three islets and a reef surrounding a central lagoon:[3]", "Wake Island On July 29, 1870, the British tea clipper Dashing Wave, under the command of Captain Henry Vandervord, sailed out of Foochoo, China, en route to Sydney, Australia. On August 31 \"the weather was very thick, and it was blowing a heavy gale from the eastward, attended with violent squalls, and a tremendous sea.\" At 10:30 p.m. breakers were seen and the ship struck the reef at Wake Island. Overnight the vessel began to break up and at 10:00 a.m. the crew succeeded in launching the longboat over the leeward side. In the chaos of the evacuation, the captain secured a chart and nautical instruments, but no compass. The crew loaded a case of wine, some bread and two buckets, but no drinking water. Since Wake Island appeared to have neither food nor water, the captain and his 12-man crew quickly departed, crafting a makeshift sail by attaching a blanket to an oar. With no water, each man was allotted a glass of wine per day until a heavy rain shower came on the sixth day. After 31 days of hardship, drifting westward in the longboat, they reached Kosrae (Strong's Island) in the Caroline Islands. Capt. Vandervord attributed the loss of Dashing Wave to the erroneous manner in which Wake Island \"is laid down in the charts. It is very low, and not easily seen even on a clear night.\"[19][23]", "Wake Island Meanwhile, U.S. Navy military planners and the State Department were increasingly alarmed by the Empire of Japan's expansionist attitude and growing belligerence in the Western Pacific. Following World War I, the Council of the League of Nations had granted the South Pacific Mandate (\"Nanyo\") to Japan (which had joined the Allied Powers in the First World War) which included the already Japanese-held Micronesia islands north of the equator that were part of the former colony of German New Guinea of the German Empire; these include the modern nation/states of Palau, Federated States of Micronesia, Northern Mariana Islands and Marshall Islands. In the 1920s and 1930s Japan restricted access to its mandated territory and began to develop harbors and airfields throughout Micronesia in defiance of the Washington Naval Treaty of 1922, which prohibited both the United States and Japan from expanding military fortifications in the Pacific islands. Now with Trippe's planned Pan American Airways aviation route passing through Wake and Midway, the U.S. Navy and the State Department saw an opportunity to project American air power across the Pacific under the guise of a commercial aviation enterprise. On October 3, 1934, Trippe wrote to the Secretary of the Navy, requesting a five-year lease on Wake Island with an option for four renewals. Given the potential military value of PAA's base development, on November 13, Chief of Naval Operations Admiral William H. Standley ordered a survey of Wake by USS Nitro and on December 29 President Franklin D. Roosevelt issued Executive Order 6935, which placed Wake Island and also Johnston, Sand Island at Midway and Kingman Reef under the control of the Department of the Navy. In an attempt to disguise the Navy's military intentions, Rear Admiral Harry E. Yarnell then designated Wake Island as a bird sanctuary.[36]", "Wake Island In 1987, Wake Island was selected as a missile launch site for a Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) program named Project Starlab/Starbird. In 1989, the U.S. Army Strategic Defense Command (USASDC) constructed two launch pads on Peacock Point, as well as nearby support facilities, for the eight-ton, sixty-foot, multi-stage Starbird test missiles. The program involved using electro-optical and laser systems, mounted on the Starlab platform in the payload bay of an orbiting space shuttle, to acquire, track and target Starbird missiles launched from Cape Canaveral and Wake. After being impacted by mission scheduling delays caused by the explosion of the Space Shuttle Challenger, the program was cancelled in late September 1990 to protect funding for another U.S. Army space-based missile defense program known as Brilliant Pebbles. Although no Starbird missiles were ever launched from Wake Island, the Starbird launch facilities at Wake were modified to support rocket launches for the Brilliant Pebbles program with the first launch occurring on January 29, 1992. On October 16, a 30-foot Castor-Orbus rocket was destroyed by ground controllers seven minutes after its launch from Wake. The program was canceled in 1993.", "Wake Island After USAT Buford reached Manila, Captain Croskey reported on the presence of Japanese at Wake Island. He also learned that USAT Sheridan had a similar encounter at Wake with the Japanese. The incident was brought to the attention of Assistant Secretary of the Navy Charles Darling, who at once informed the State Department and suggested that an explanation from the Japanese Government was needed. In August 1902 Japanese Minister Takahira Kogorō provided a diplomatic note stating that the Japanese Government had \"no claim whatever to make on the sovereignty of the island, but that if any subjects are found on the island the Imperial Government expects that they should be properly protected as long as they are engaged in peaceful occupations.\"[28]", "Wake Island On August 28, 2006, the United States Air Force evacuated all 188 residents and suspended all operations as category 5 Super Typhoon Ioke headed toward Wake. By August 31 the southwestern eyewall of the storm passed over the island, with winds well over 185 miles per hour (298 km/h),[8] driving a 20 ft (6 m) storm surge and waves directly into the lagoon inflicting major damage.[9] A U.S. Air Force assessment and repair team returned to the island in September 2006 and restored limited function to the airfield and facilities leading ultimately to a full return to normal operations.", "Wake Island On December 20, 1841, the United States Exploring Expedition, commanded by Lt. Charles Wilkes, U.S.N., arrived at Wake on USS Vincennes and sent several boats to survey the island. Wilkes described the atoll as \"a low coral one, of triangular form and eight feet above the surface. It has a large lagoon in the centre, which was well filled with fish of a variety of species among these were some fine mullet.\" He also noted that Wake had no fresh water but was covered with shrubs, \"the most abundant of which was the tournefortia.\" The expedition's naturalist, Titian Peale, noted that \"the only remarkable part in the formation of this island is the enormous blocks of coral which have been thrown up by the violence of the sea.\" Peale collected an egg from a short-tailed albatross and added other specimens, including a Polynesian rat, to the natural history collections of the expedition. Wilkes also reported that \"from appearances, the island must be at times submerged, or the sea makes a complete breach over it.\"[18]", "When Love Takes Over Later in a 2010 interview, The Nervo Twins revealed that Rowland's record label were not keen on the song despite their and Rowland's enthusiasm. Consequently, \"When Love Takes Over\" was shelved until Guetta rediscovered the song when compiling his fourth studio album, One Love.[9] The finished song with Rowland's vocals and Guetta's production was premiered in March 2009 at the Ultra Music Festival in Miami.[5] A month later on 21 April 2009, the single was released in Europe,[10] and the United States.[11] In the UK, the single's release had to be brought forward to 11 June 2009 to combat an \"inferior\" cover version released on 9 May 2009.[12][13][14] Additionally, beginning in July/August 2009, American TV channel Bravo licensed the song for a two-month period, to use for in-house advertising.[15]", "Wake Island Wake Island has no permanent inhabitants and access is restricted. However, as of 2017, there are about 100 Air Force personnel and American and Thai contractors resident any given time.[84]", "When Love Takes Over The song was nominated for the Best Dance Recording award at the 52nd Grammy Awards ceremony. It lost out to \"Poker Face\" by Lady Gaga.[27] The song's Electro Extended Remix was successful at the ceremony, winning Guetta his first Grammy Award for the Best Remixed Recording, Non-Classical.[28][29] In 2013, Billboard named \"When Love Takes Over\" their number one dance-pop collaboration of all time.[30]", "Wake Island On October 1, 2002, administrative control and support of Wake Island was transferred from the U.S. Army to the U.S. Air Force's 15th Wing, an aviation unit of Pacific Air Forces based at Hickam Air Force Base in Hawaii. The 15th Wing had previously been in control of Wake from July 1, 1973 to September 30, 1994. Although the Air Force was once again in control, the Missile Defense Agency would continue to operate the Wake Island Launch Center and the U.S. Army's Ronald Reagan Ballistic Missile Defense Test Site would continue to maintain and operate the launch facilities and also provide instrumentation, communications, flight and ground safety, security, and other support.[77]", "Wake Island The garrison – supplemented by civilian construction workers employed by Morrison-Knudsen Corp. – repelled several Japanese landing attempts.[47] An American journalist reported that after the initial Japanese amphibious assault was beaten back with heavy losses on December 11, the American commander was asked by his superiors if he needed anything. Popular legend has it that Maj. James Devereux sent back the message, \"Send us more Japs!\" – a reply that became famous.[48][49] After the war, when Maj. Devereux learned that he had been credited with sending that message, he pointed out that he had not been the commander on Wake Island and denied sending the message. \"As far as I know, it wasn't sent at all. None of us was that much of a damn fool. We already had more Japs than we could handle.\"[50] In reality, Commander Winfield S. Cunningham, USN was in charge of Wake Island, not Devereux.[51] Cunningham ordered that coded messages be sent during operations, and a junior officer had added \"send us\" and \"more Japs\" to the beginning and end of a message to confuse Japanese code breakers. This was put together at Pearl Harbor and passed on as part of the message.[52]", "Wake Island Indigenous Marshallese oral tradition suggests that before European exploration, nearby Marshall Islanders traveled to what is now Wake Island, which the travelers called Enen-kio (Marshallese new orthography: Ānen-kio, [æ̯ænʲɛ̯ɛnʲ(e͡ɤ)-ɡɯ͡ii̯ɛ͡ɔɔ̯]) after a small orange shrub-flower said to have been found on the atoll.", "Wake Island On June 23, 1902, USAT Buford, commanded by Captain Alfred Croskey and bound for Manila, spotted a ship's boat on the beach as it passed closely by Wake Island. Soon thereafter the boat was launched by Japanese on the island and sailed out to meet the transport. The Japanese told Captain Croskey that they had been put on the island by a schooner from Yokohama in Japan and that they were gathering guano and drying fish. The captain suspected that they were also engaged in pearl hunting. The Japanese revealed that one of their parties needed medical attention and the captain determined from their descriptions of the symptoms that the illness was most likely beriberi. They informed Captain Croskey that they did not need any provisions or water and that they were expecting the Japanese schooner to return in a month or so. The Japanese declined an offer to be taken on the transport to Manila and were given some medical supplies for the sick man, some tobacco and a few incidentals.[27]", "When Love Takes Over The song received critical acclaim from music critics for both Guetta's catchy production and Rowland's strong vocals. It was called the strongest and most commercial single choice from Guetta's album, One Love. Critics noted that the song's opening piano riff was similar to that from Coldplay's hit single \"Clocks\" (2002).[26] David Jefferes of Allmusic gave the song a thumbs up saying, calling \"When Love Takes Over\" one of the strongest songs from One Love and praising the \"[addition of] the powerful voice of Kelly Rowland for one grand, uplifting floor-filler.\"[18] Simon Vozick-Levinson of Entertainment Weekly agreed calling the song the \"most memorable from the album\" and recalling \"Clocks\" by Coldplay to make \"a showstopper starring Kelly Rowland.\"[20] Michael Hibbard of MusicOMH was impressed with both the production and vocal work on \"When Love Takes Over\". He pointed out the rarity in the amount of promotion given to the song, referring to \"When Love Takes Over\" being given \"its own poster on the Tube.\" He also described the song as a \"euphoric masterpiece\" backed by \"at least eight remixes \" and the accompany vocals from \"Destiny's Child songbird Kelly Rowland on hand for a diva masterclass.\"[21] Also agreeing with these comments was Fraser McAlpine from BBC Online who awarded the song four out of five stars. \"The genius ingredients include a thinly reworked go at the piano riff to 'Clocks' by Coldplay and handclaps ... And the fairy dust is...well...it's your standard dance-pop production, actually.\" However he noted that the production was \"tastefully done to make sure that the good bits are not spoilt\". Other elements of the song such as the \"bed of synthistrings, a skippy beat, a breakdown, some riffing glassy electronics and a dramatic, cinematic bottom end drone\" were praised. McAlpine also praised Rowland's appearance on the track, commenting who she sounded \"entirely unlike herself, so that even SHE is all buffed up and shiny.\" He described the marriage of Rowland's vocals and Guetta's production by stating that \"[Rowland's] got a spiralling, sky-scraping melody to sing too.\"[25]", "Wake Island Certain authorities have been re-delegated by the general counsel to the Commander, Wake Island, a position currently held by Captain Marc Bleha with Detachment 1, Pacific Air Forces Regional Support Center. The commander may issue permits or registrations, appoint peace officers, impose quarantines, issue traffic regulations, commission notaries public, direct evacuations and inspections and carry out other duties, powers, and functions as the agent of the general counsel on Wake.[85]", "Wake Island In the ancient Marshallese religion, rituals surrounding the tattooing of tribal chiefs, called Iroijlaplap, were done using fresh human bones, which required a human sacrifice. A man could save himself from being sacrificed if he obtained a wing bone from a very large seabird said to have existed on Enen-kio. Small groups would brave traveling to the atoll in hopes of obtaining this bone, saving the life of the potential human sacrifice.[10][11] No archaeological evidence has been found to suggest that there was ever a permanent or temporary settlement by Marshall Islanders on Wake Island.[12]", "Wake Island In January 1908 the Japanese ship Toyoshima Maru, en route from Tateyama, Japan, to the South Pacific, encountered a heavy storm that disabled the ship and swept the captain and five of the crew overboard. The 36 remaining crew members managed to make landfall on Wake Island, where they endured five months of great hardship, disease and starvation. In May 1908 the Brazilian Navy training ship Benjamin Constant, while on a voyage around the world, passed by the island and spotted a tattered red distress flag. Unable to land a boat, the crew executed a challenging three-day rescue operation using rope and cable in order to bring on board the 20 survivors and transport them to Yokohama.[31]", "Wake Island On November 24, 1985, a Pan American Airlines (Pan Am) Boeing 747, renamed China Clipper II, came through Wake Island on a flight across the Pacific to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the inauguration of Pan American China Clipper Service to the Orient. Author James A. Michener and Lars Lindbergh, grandson of aviator Charles Lindbergh, were among the dignitaries on board the aircraft.[73]", "When Love Takes Over Rowland has acknowledged on several occasions that although she loved dance music, it was not really the type of music she would record. While in Europe in 2008, she met Guetta at one of his DJ shows in Southern France and commented that \"Listening to him was just crazy.\"[3] Guetta was playing the instrumental version of \"When Love Takes Over\". Recalling that it brought tears to her eyes,[4] Rowland remarked, \"I felt so much emotion from the track; something happened the first time I heard it, and it was just beautiful.[5] And I remember thinking 'Why is this touching me like this?' You know, it was like there was a kinda soul-tie to it!\"[6] Upon meeting Guetta, she asked him for the song so she could write its lyrics. \"So I met David and asked him for the track... He gave it to me, and I brought it back here to London, UK and wrote the actual song\".[6] At a writing session in a London hotel room, Rowland and songwriting duo Nervo wrote the lyrics and melody over Guetta's backing track.[7] Rowland later joined Guetta and Julie Terry Lefèvre-Han in the recording studio to finish off the song.[8]", "When Love Takes Over The music video was filmed on 19 May 2009 at Venice Beach, Los Angeles,[66] directed by Jonas Åkerlund.[67] Guetta revealed that the video's story and concept were designed to mimic the story behind the song's creation. He said, \"you see Kelly doing her thing and then me on the other side doing mine. Eventually we come together just like how we recorded the song. It's all about sharing the love from this record and making a big party\".[66] These reflections and more behind the scenes footage were revealed in the video clip \"Making of When Love Takes Over\" which was uploaded to Guetta's official YouTube channel on 1 June 2009.[66] The music video itself premiered on 8 June 2009 on Guetta's YouTube channel.[68] The video premiered after the European and United States digital release[10][11][69] but just before the single's UK digital release on 10 June 2009.[12]", "Wake Island Missile testing activities continued with the Lightweight Exo-Atmospheric Projectile (LEAP) Test Program, another U.S. Army strategic defense project that included the launching of two Aerojet Super Chief HPB rockets from Wake Island. The first launch, on January 28, 1993, reached apogee at 240 miles (390 kilometers) and was a success. The second launch, on February 11, reached apogee at 1.2 miles (1.9 kilometers) and was a failure.", "Wake Island To construct bases in the Pacific, Pan American Airways (PAA) chartered the 6,700-ton freighter SS North Haven, which arrived at Wake Island on May 9, 1935, with construction workers and the necessary materials and equipment to start to build Pan American facilities and to clear the lagoon for a flying boat landing area. The atoll's encircling coral reef prevented the ship from entering and anchoring in the shallow lagoon itself. The only suitable location for ferrying supplies and workers ashore was at nearby Wilkes Island; however, the chief engineer of the expedition, Charles R. Russell, determined that Wilkes was too low and at times flooded and that Peale Island was the best site for the Pan American facilities. To offload the ship, cargo was lightered (barged) from ship to shore, carried across Wilkes and then transferred to another barge and towed across the lagoon to Peale Island. By inspiration, someone had earlier loaded railroad track rails onto North Haven, so the men built a narrow-gauge railway to make it easier to haul the supplies across Wilkes to the lagoon. On June 12 North Haven departed for Guam, leaving behind various PAA technicians and a construction crew.[38]", "When Love Takes Over US digital EP[93]", "Marshall Islands The Marshall Islands also lays claim to Wake Island.[15] While Wake has been administered by the United States since 1899, the Marshallese government refers to it by the name Enen-kio.", "Wake Island Super Typhoon Olive barreled through Wake on September 16, 1952 with wind speeds reaching 150 knots. Olive caused major flooding, destroyed approximately 85% of its structures and caused $1.6 million in damages.[6]", "Gone Girl (The Vampire Diaries) Stefan and Damon watch over Elena waiting for her to wake up. Meanwhile Caroline and Tyler discuss her sleeping with Klaus. Matt takes Nadia's body to bury it despite Stefan's suggestion to throw her in a ditch. Bonnie is praying to her father at a church when Katherine appears, ready to cross over to the other side via Bonnie. Before she does, she takes the time to reveal to Bonnie that she had already accepted her death sentence before showing up at the Salvatore house, but that did not mean she would cooperate. When Katherine went to Wes' laboratory earlier, she found out that Wes never intended to help Nadia. He had instead extracted werewolf venom from Nadia's wound and used it to enhance the ripper virus. Katherine then injected herself with the virus so that when Elena wakes up, she will be doubly infected.", "Wake Island On September 16, 1967, at 10:40 pm local time, the eye of Super Typhoon Sarah passed over the island. Sustained winds in the eyewall were 130 knots (241 km/h), from the north before the eye and from the south afterward. All non-reinforced structures were demolished. There were no serious injuries, and the majority of the civilian population was evacuated after the storm.[7]", "Wake Me When It's Over (Willie Nelson song) \"Wake Me When it's Over\" was recorded during Nelson's second session with the label. Producer Joe Allison took him to Radio Recorders, on September 11–12, 1961.[3] Nelson's backing included: Billy Strange, Roy Nichols and Johnny Western on guitars; pianist Jim Pierce; bassists Red Wootten and Ray Pohlman; and drummer Roy Harte. The session produced the tracks for the album ...And Then I Wrote, with the song being selected as the A-side of one of the promotional singles.[4]", "When Love Takes Over After gaining Guetta's approval to write vocals for the song, Rowland took the instrumental version to London,[4] where she wrote the bulk of the lyrics with The Nervo Twins (Miriam and Olivia Nervo) before sending the song back to Guetta,[3] who added his own contributions with Frédéric Riesterer. Rowland uses a vocal range of F♯ 3 to D♯ 5.[22] Guetta said that \"Kelly['s vocals] had this Whitney Houston vibe and nailed it.\"[5] Critics agreed, noting that often her vocals were \"powerful\"[23] and \"grand\".[18] Others called them \"a diva masterclass\"[21] and \"emotionally charged\".[24] Fraser McAlpine from BBC Online compared Rowland's vocals to those by Madonna in \"Ray of Light\", for their \"hands-in-the-air pop song\" qualities.[25]", "Wake Island After a successful American air raid on October 5, 1943, Sakaibara ordered the execution of all of the 98 captured Americans who remained on the island. They were taken to the northern end of the island, blindfolded and machine-gunned.[57] One prisoner escaped, carving the message \"98 US PW 5-10-43\" on a large coral rock near where the victims had been hastily buried in a mass grave. This unknown American was soon recaptured and beheaded.[58] Sakaibara and his subordinate, Lt. Cmdr. Tachibana, were later sentenced to death after conviction for this and other war crimes. Tachibana's sentence was later commuted to life in prison. Sakaibara was executed on June 18, 1947, on Guam.[59] The remains of the murdered civilians were exhumed and reburied at the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific in section G.[60]", "When Love Takes Over UK 12\" Maxi single (1)[95]", "When Love Takes Over France 12\" Maxi single (2)[46]", "When Love Takes Over UK 12\" Maxi single (2)[46]", "When Love Takes Over \"[Rowland] is fierce throughout and it clearly experiencing a bit of a career resurgence after a dip. [She] gives her best Beyoncé-type stares straight into the camera (but we're sure that's just a coincidence)... Guetta, who is relegated to a supporting role in his own video, shows up pushing his gear on a cart, looking basically like any other homeless guy hanging out in Venice.\"", "When Love Takes Over Before working on the song's individual elements, Ferraro converted the recording sessions from a generic digital audio workstation system to her programme of choice, Pro Tools. Following this, she decided that she would focus primarily on Rowland's vocals.", "Wake (ceremony) It used to be the custom in most Celtic countries in Europe for mourners to keep watch or vigil over their dead until they were buried — this was called a \"wake\". This is still common in Ireland and North-western Scotland.", "Hawaiian Islands Captain James Cook visited the islands on January 18, 1778 and named them the \"Sandwich Islands\" in honor of John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich, who was one of his sponsors as the First Lord of the Admiralty.[3] This name was in use until the 1840s, when the local name \"Hawaii\" gradually began to take precedence.[4]", "Hans Island However, unknown to the politicians, Dome Petroleum was already doing research on the island. According to Kenn Harper, the Canadian Department of External Affairs conducting these negotiations with the Danes might not even have been aware that Dome Petroleum was already doing research on the island. Kenn Harper claims that in 1984 a senior official of Energy Mines and Resources, Canada, wrote him, saying, \"To my knowledge the Department of Energy, Mines & Resources did not confer with the Department of External Affairs over the use of the island by Dome Petroleum.\"", "When the War Is Over Moss described the song as, \"a pretty fine example of Steve's songwriting. It all seems fairly straight ahead and easy when you hear it, like all good things are. It's so simple, but so effective.\" Don Walker said, \"I didn't see the potential in it at the time. I thought, 'another ballad.' Since then, I know from the reaction when we play it live, this is one of the most loved songs that we did.\"[3]", "Spratly Islands dispute The Philippines' claims are based on sovereignty over the Spratlys on the issues of Res nullius and geography. The Philippines contend their claim was Res nullius as there was no effective sovereignty over the islands until the 1930s when France and then Japan acquired the islands. When Japan renounced their sovereignty over the islands according to the San Francisco Treaty, there was a relinquishment of the right to the islands without any special beneficiary. Therefore, the islands became Res nullius and available for annexation, according to the claim.", "The Gulf War Did Not Take Place The essays in Libération and The Guardian were published before, during and after the Gulf War and they were titled accordingly: during the American military and rhetorical buildup as \"The Gulf War Will not take Place\"; during military action as \"The Gulf War is not Taking Place\", and after action was over, \"The Gulf War Did Not Take Place\". A book of elongated versions of the truncated original articles in French was published in May 1991. The English translation was published in early 1995 translated by Paul Patton.", "Ages of consent in Oceania Baker Island, Howland Island, Jarvis Island, Johnston Atoll, Kingman Reef, Palmyra Atoll and Wake Island, are under the jurisdiction of the US Federal Government Department of the Interior, as part of the Pacific Remote Islands Marine National Monument. As such, all US Federal laws regarding age of consent would be applicable.", "When Did You Stop Loving Me, When Did I Stop Loving You \"When Did You Stop Loving Me, When Did I Stop Loving You\" is a 1978 song recorded by singer Marvin Gaye for his Here, My Dear album, following his 1976 divorce when he was ordered to give half the takings of his next album to ex-wife Anna Gaye.[1] In the album, he \"poured his emotions into songs agonisingly documenting their relationship's rise and fall.\"[1]", "Manitoulin Island In 1862, the government opened up the island to settlement by non-Native people by the Manitoulin Island treaty. As the Wikwemikong chief did not accept this treaty, his people's reserve was held back from being offered for development. That reserve remains unceded. On August 7, 1975 the Wikwemikong Unceded Indian Reserve reasserted their sovereignty over the islands off the east end of Manitoulin Island, declaring, \"Wikwemikong Band has jurisdiction over its reservation lands and surrounding waters.\"[12]", "Wake-on-LAN Abuse of the Wake-on-LAN feature only allows computers to be switched on; it does not in itself bypass password and other forms of security, and is unable to power off the machine once on. However, many client computers attempt booting from a PXE server when powered up by WoL. So, a combination of DHCP and PXE servers on the network can sometimes be used to start a computer with an attacker's boot image, bypassing any security of the installed operating system and granting access to unprotected, local disks over the network.", "Banana Island Banana Island hosts several high end residential developments such as Ocean Parade Towers [6] - a series of 14 luxury tower blocks strategically situated at one end of the island to take advantage of 180 degree panoramic views overlooking the lagoon. Similar to many of the developments on the island, it has dedicated leisure facilities such as a private health club - with tennis courts, squash courts and a swimming pool surrounded by extensive gardens.[7] At launch flats in Ocean Parade sold for over US$400,000.[8]", "Wake-on-LAN It is a common misconception that because Wake-on-LAN is built upon broadcast technology it can only be used within the current network subnet. While this is generally the case, there are some exceptions, and Wake-on-LAN can operate across any network in practice, given appropriate configuration and hardware, including remote wake-up across the Internet.", "Yellow crazy ant A cost benefit analysis by the Queensland government found that yellow crazy ants could cost Australia’s economy over $3 billion if the ants were not treated. This analysis did not take potential impacts on Australia's biodiversity into account.[18] The known impacts of crazy ants in tropical rainforests overseas may provide useful insights into these impacts, bearing in mind that the most significant impacts are associated with relatively small islands, such as Christmas Island.[14]", "History of Chicago The S.S. Eastland was a cruise ship based in Chicago and used for tours. On 24 July 1915—a calm, sunny day—the ship was taking on passengers when it rolled over while tied to a dock in the Chicago River. A total of 844 passengers and crew were killed. An investigation found that the Eastland had become too heavy with rescue gear that had been ordered by Congress in the wake of the Titanic disaster.[45]", "Wake-on-LAN Wake-on-LAN support may be changed using a subfunction of the ethtool command.", "Texas in the American Civil War Federal troops did not arrive in Texas to restore order until June 19, 1865, when Union Maj. Gen. Gordon Granger and 2,000 Union soldiers arrived on Galveston Island to take possession of the state and enforce the new freedoms of former slaves. The Texas holiday Juneteenth commemorates this date. The Stars and Stripes were not raised over Austin until June 25.[30]", "When the War Is Over Like many of the songs from \"Circus Animals\" that were deliberately written to be as different in style as possible from those on the pop-laced East that had preceded it, \"When the War is Over\" has a distinctly odd structure. The chorus is repeated at the beginning and end of the song, with the verses in the middle. It also deviates from traditional songwriting by featuring the instrumental break and guitar solo between the first and second verse, instead of the more usual arrangement between the second and third. Guitarist Ian Moss sings lead vocal on the first two verses, with the band's regular lead vocalist Jimmy Barnes singing the third, which rises to a crescendo before returning to the quiet, melodic refrain from the beginning of the song, underlined by more soloing from Moss. Despite this unusual arrangement, \"When the War is Over\" has become one of Cold Chisel's most popular songs and the one that has been covered by more artists than any other. At least five other versions of the song have been recorded, one of which attained #1 on the Australian music chart.", "The Gulf War Did Not Take Place Baudrillard argued the Gulf War was not really a war, but rather an atrocity which masqueraded as a war.[1] Using overwhelming airpower, the American military for the most part did not directly engage in combat with the Iraqi army, and suffered few casualties. Almost nothing was made known about Iraqi deaths. Thus, the fighting \"did not really take place\" from the point of view of the west. Moreover, all that spectators got to know about the war was in the form of propaganda imagery. The closely watched media presentations made it impossible to distinguish between the experience of what truly happened in the conflict, and its stylized, selective misrepresentation through simulacra.[2]", "Carnival On the island of Madeira, the island's capital, Funchal, wakes up on the Friday before Ash Wednesday to the sound of brass bands and Carnival parades throughout downtown. Festivities continue with concerts and shows in the Praça do Município for five consecutive days. The main Carnival street parade takes place on Saturday evening, with thousands of samba dancers filling the streets. The traditional street event takes place on Tuesday, featuring daring caricatures.[citation needed]", "Wake Island Out in the middle of the lagoon Bill Mullahey, a swimmer from Columbia University, was tasked with blasting hundreds of coral heads from a one-mile-long, 300-yard wide, six-foot deep landing area for the flying boats.[39]", "Wake-on-LAN Modern Mac hardware supports WoL functionality when the computer is in a sleep state, but it is not possible to wake up a Mac computer from a powered-off state.", "Jekyll Island The southern end of the island was virtually unused by settlers and visitors until the 19 century when the army installed a gun mount on the southern end during the Spanish–American War that looked over St. Andrews sound toward Little Cumberland. Homes and motels were built by the Jekyll Island Authority along the northern beaches of the island for use by whites, as Georgia had segregated facilities. Segregated facilities in the southern area were used chiefly by African Americans until after 1964, when the federal Civil Rights Act ended legal racial segregation. The multiple parallel dunes on the southernmost tip are a result of sand from the eroding north beaches traveling southward and being deposited in a recurved spit.[3]", "Philippines v. China The dispute has been affected by the fact that, after Japan renounced all claims to the Spratly Islands and other conquered islands and territories in the Treaty of San Francisco and Treaty of Peace with the Republic of China (Taiwan) signed on 8 September 1951, it did not indicate successor states[12] since China was not invited to the treaty talks held in San Francisco. In reaction to that, on 15 August, the Chinese government issued the Declaration on the Draft Peace Treaty with Japan by the US and the UK and on the San Francisco Conference by the then Foreign Minister Zhou Enlai, reitirating China's sovereignty over the archipelagos in the South China Sea, including the Spratly Islands, and protesting about the absence of any provisions in the draft on who shall take over the South China Sea islands following Japan's renouncement of all rights, title and claim to them. It reiterated that \"the Chinese government of the day had taken over those islands\" and that the PRC's rightful sovereignty \"shall remain intact\".[13]", "When Did You Stop Loving Me, When Did I Stop Loving You Written and produced solely by the artist himself, the song was unusual for having no distinct melody, no bridge and no distinct chorus and for its length.However, it did have near melodic consistencies, such as \"Memories of the things we did/Some we're proud of, some we hid\"..\"If you loved me with all of your heart/You'd never take a million dollars to part\". He would use the instrumental of this song as both an instrumental track (with several Gaye ad-libs) and as the reprise of the album to end it.", "Survivor: Ghost Island Chris led Naviti to an easy victory. The tribe instantly decided to go to rocks to determine who from Malolo would go to Ghost Island. Stephanie was sent to Ghost Island; her urn was empty. At Naviti, Chris and Donathan bonded over having to take care of their families.", "The Gulf War Did Not Take Place The Gulf War Did Not Take Place (French: La Guerre du Golfe n'a pas eu lieu) is a collection of three short essays by Jean Baudrillard published in the French newspaper Libération and British paper The Guardian between January and March 1991.", "When the War Is Over De Vito's version presented an acoustic-guitar and string driven theme as opposed to the strong guitar and drums of the original. It received very limited airplay on mainstream radio stations. Despite this, it managed to become the first independently recorded and released single to debut at #1 on the ARIA Singles Chart and was also the best selling independent Australian single for 2004. The release stayed in the Top 5 for over a month and was certified platinum for shipments of over 70,000 units.", "History of the Seattle Seahawks The 2009 offseason began with Jim L. Mora taking over the head coaching job over Holmgren. A big splash was made in the free agency market when the Seahawks managed to land talented wide receiver T. J. Houshmandzadeh from the Cincinnati Bengals and All-Pro running back Edgerrin James from division rival Arizona. In the draft, the Seahawks used their 4th overall pick on linebacker Aaron Curry from Wake Forest University, and sought to bolster their offensive line in the second round with 49th overall pick Max Unger.", "History of the Marshall Islands Micronesians settled the Marshall Islands in the 2nd millennium BC, but there are no historical or oral records of that period. Over time, the Marshall Island people learned to navigate over long ocean distances by canoe using traditional stick charts.[1]", "Climate of Hawaii Aerodynamic theory indicates that an island wind wake effect should dissipate within a few hundred kilometers and not be felt in the western Pacific. However, the wind wake caused by the Hawaiian Islands extends 1,860 miles (3,000 km), roughly 10 times longer than any other wake. The long wake testifies to the strong interaction between the atmosphere and ocean, which has strong implications for global climate research. It is also important for understanding natural climate variations, like El Niño.", "Treasure Island After a battle, the surviving mutineers retreat, having lost five men, but two more of the captain's group have been killed and Smollett himself is badly wounded. When Livesey leaves in search of Gunn, Jim runs away without permission and finds Gunn's homemade coracle. After dark, he goes out and cuts the ship adrift. The two pirates on board, Hands and O'Brien, interrupt their drunken quarrel to run on deck, but the ship—with Jim's boat in her wake—is swept out to sea on the ebb tide. Exhausted, Jim falls asleep in the boat and wakes up the next morning, bobbing along on the west coast of the island, carried by a northerly current. Eventually, he encounters the ship, which seems deserted, but getting on board, he finds O'Brien dead and Hands badly wounded. He and Hands agree that they will beach the ship at an inlet on the northern coast of the island. As the ship is about to beach, Hands attempts to kill Jim but is himself killed in the attempt. Then, after securing the ship as well as he can, Jim goes back ashore and heads for the stockade. Once there, in utter darkness, he enters the blockhouse—to be greeted by Silver and the remaining five mutineers, who have somehow taken over the stockade in his absence.", "Faroe Islands The islands are windy, cloudy and cool throughout the year with an average of 210 rainy or snowy days per year. The islands lie in the path of depressions moving northeast, making strong winds and heavy rain possible at all times of the year. Sunny days are rare and overcast days are common. Hurricane Faith struck the Faroe Islands on 5 September 1966 with sustained winds over 100 mph (160 km/h) and only then did the storm cease to be a tropical system.[20]", "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Argentina maintained a naval station, Corbeta Uruguay, on Thule Island in the South Sandwich Islands from 1976 until 1982 when it was closed by the Royal Navy. The Argentine claim over South Georgia contributed to the 1982 Falklands War, during which Argentine forces briefly occupied the island. Argentina continues to claim sovereignty over South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands.", "Five on a Treasure Island Arriving on the island, the five start searching the castle ruins to locate the old dungeons where the gold is hidden. Chasing a rabbit, Timmy the dog accidentally falls down the old well, which the children use to help them find the dungeon entrance. Exploring underground, they find the gold still there in a locked vault. Trouble soon arrives, as bad men come to the island hoping to steal the gold. They capture George and Julian, locking them in the dungeons. Unable to find Anne and Dick, they leave the island, taking the oars from the children's boat so that they cannot escape. Anne and Dick use the well shaft to rescue Julian and George from the dungeon, and the children hatch a plan to trap the men when they come back to the island with a boat to steal the gold.", "Cooper's Hill Cheese-Rolling and Wake The Cooper's Hill Cheese-Rolling and Wake is an annual event held on the Spring Bank Holiday at Cooper's Hill, near Gloucester in England.[1] It is traditionally done by and for the people who live in the local village of Brockworth, but now people from all over the world take part. The Guardian called it a \"world-famous event\", with winners from the United States, Australia, New Zealand, Nepal and Wales.[2]", "Wake-on-LAN A principal limitation of standard broadcast wake-on-LAN is that broadcast packets are generally not routed. This prevents the technique being used in larger networks or over the Internet. Subnet directed broadcasts (SDB)[8][9] may be used to overcome this limitation. SDB may require changes to intermediate router configuration. Subnet directed broadcasts are treated like unicast network packets until processed by the final (local) router. This router then broadcasts the packet using layer 2 broadcast. This technique allows a broadcast to be initiated on a remote network but requires all intervening routers to forward the SDB.[10][11] When preparing a network to forward SDB packets, care must be taken to filter packets so that only desired (e.g. WoL) SDB packets are permitted — otherwise the network may become a participant in DDoS attacks such as the Smurf Attack.", "Wake Me Up When September Ends \"Wake Me Up When September Ends\" is a song by American rock band Green Day, released on June 13, 2005, as the fourth single from the group's seventh studio album, American Idiot (2004). The song was written by frontman Billie Joe Armstrong regarding the death of his father.", "Senkaku Islands dispute The United States Department of State has stated that it does not take an official position on who owns the islands. Top US government officials, however, have declared in 2004, 2010, and September 2012, that as Japan maintains effective administrative control on the islands, the islands fall under the 1960 Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security between the United States and Japan which requires the US to assist Japan in defending the islands if anyone, including China, attacks or attempts to occupy or control them.[84]", "Micronesia Today, most of Micronesia are independent states, except for Guam and Wake Island, which are U.S. territories, and for the U.S. Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.", "Grand Hotel (Mackinac Island) Mackinac Island does not permit motor vehicles (except for emergency vehicles and, in winter, snowmobiles), and transport to and from the dock to the hotel is via horse-drawn carriage. The only other motor vehicles allowed in recent history were cars brought over for the filming of Somewhere in Time. During the winter months, when ice prevents ferry transport from the mainland, the hotel is closed. The island also has a small airport (no fuel or services) for private aircraft. The horse-drawn taxis will take guests from the airport to the hotel or any other destination.[16]", "Wake-on-LAN Apple's Apple Remote Desktop client management system can be used to send Wake-on-LAN packets, but there are also freeware and shareware Mac OS X applications available.", "United States Virgin Islands Water Island, a small island to the south of St. Thomas, was initially administered by the U.S. federal government and did not become a part of the United States Virgin Islands territory until 1996, when 50 acres (20 ha) of land was transferred to the territorial government. The remaining 200 acres (81 ha) of the island were purchased from the United States Department of the Interior in May 2005 for $10, a transaction that marked the official change in jurisdiction.[16]", "Speed limits in the United States by jurisdiction The speed limit on Wake Island is 40 mph (64 km/h).[214]", "Wake-on-LAN In order for Wake-on-LAN to work, parts of the network interface need to stay on. This consumes a small amount of standby power, much less than normal operating power. The link speed is usually reduced to the lowest possible speed to not waste power (e.g. a Gigabit Ethernet NIC maintains only a 10 Mbit/s link). Disabling wake-on-LAN when not needed, can very slightly reduce power consumption on computers that are switched off but still plugged into a power socket.[5]", "King Kong The thing that most interested me was, how big do you need to make [Kong], so that when someone lands on this island and doesn’t believe in the idea of myth, the idea of wonder – when we live in a world of social and civil unrest, and everything is crumbling around us, and technology and facts are taking over – how big does this creature need to be, so that when you stand on the ground and you look up at it, the only thing that can go through your mind is: \"That's a god!\"[53]", "Edward O'Hare O'Hare received further decorations later in 1943[21] for actions in battles near Marcus Island in August and subsequent missions near Wake Island in October.", "Bald Head Island, North Carolina Author David Stick surmises that Native Americans used Bald Head Island in much the same way that it is used now, as a seasonal retreat. Bald Head Island's creek estuaries and its abundance of shellfish were probably as attractive to Native American fishermen as they are to modern fishermen. Shellmounds found on Middle Island and Bluff Island indicate that Native Americans did visit the Smith Island complex, but disease and war killed off most of the Native American population, so it is difficult to know much about the original inhabitants.[6]", "A Nightmare on Elm Street Nancy has Glen watch over her as she falls asleep. She tries to find Freddy and sees him preparing to kill Rod. He turns his attention on her; she runs and wakes up when her alarm clock goes off. Nancy and Glen go to the jail and discover Rod dead in his cell in an apparent suicide. At Rod's funeral, Nancy's parents become worried when she describes the man in her dreams. Her mother Marge takes her to a dream clinic. In her dream, Nancy is attacked again and grabs Freddy's hat. When the staff wake her up, she has a gash on her arm and Freddy's hat in her possession." ]
when did american two party system began to emerge
[ "Two-party system There is general agreement that the United States has a two-party system; historically, there have been few instances in which third party candidates won an election. In the First Party System, only Alexander Hamilton's Federalist Party and Thomas Jefferson's Democratic-Republican Party were significant political parties. Toward the end of the First Party System, the Republicans dominated a one-party system (primarily under the Presidency of James Monroe). Under the Second Party System, the Democratic-Republican Party split during the election of 1824 into Adams' Men and Jackson's Men. In 1828, the modern Democratic Party formed in support of Andrew Jackson. The National Republicans were formed in support of John Quincy Adams. After the National Republicans collapsed, the Whig Party and the Free Soil Party quickly formed and collapsed. In 1854, the modern Republican Party formed from a loose coalition of former Whigs, Free Soilers and other anti-slavery activists. Abraham Lincoln became the first Republican president in 1860." ]
[ "Two-party system A genuine two-party system began to emerge,[58] with the accession to power of William Pitt the Younger in 1783 leading the new Tories, against a reconstituted \"Whig\" party led by the radical politician Charles James Fox.[59][60][61]", "Two-party system A report in The Christian Science Monitor in 2008 suggested that Spain was moving towards a \"greater two-party system\" while acknowledging that Spain has \"many small parties\".[26] However a 2015 article published by WashingtonPost.com written by academic Fernando Casal Bértoa noted the decline in support for the two main parties, the People's Party (PP) and the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE) in recent years, with these two parties winning only 52 percent of the votes in that year's regional and local elections. He explained this as being due to the Spanish economic crisis, a series of political corruption scandals and broken campaign promises. He argued that the emergence of the new Citizens and Podemos parties would mean the political system would evolve into a two-bloc system, with an alliance of the PP and Citizens on the right facing a leftist coalition of PSOE, Podemos and the United Left.[27]", "Party system Scholars of Argentina identify two distinct party systems, one in place between 1912 and 1940, the other emerging after 1946. The first party system was not consistently class based, but the second was, with the Radical Party representing the middle classes and the Peronists, workers and the poor.[20]", "Two-party system Historically, Brazil had a two-party system for most of its military dictatorship (1964–1985): the military junta banned all existing parties when it took power and created a pro-government party, the National Renewal Alliance and an official opposition party, the Brazilian Democratic Movement. The two parties were dissolved in 1979, when the regime allowed other parties to form.[25]", "Two-party system The bounty of the American economy, the fluidity of American society, the remarkable unity of the American people, and, most important, the success of the American experiment have all mitigated against the emergence of large dissenting groups that would seek satisfaction of their special needs through the formation of political parties.", "Two-party system The two-party system, in the sense of the looser definition, where two parties dominate politics but in which third parties can elect members and gain some representation in the legislature, can be traced to the development of political parties in the United Kingdom. There was a division in English politics at the time of the Civil War and Glorious Revolution in the late 17th century.[51] The Whigs supported Protestant constitutional monarchy against absolute rule and the Tories, originating in the Royalist (or \"Cavalier\") faction of the English Civil War, were conservative royalist supporters of a strong monarchy as a counterbalance to the republican tendencies of Parliament.[52] In the following century, the Whig party's support base widened to include emerging industrial interests and wealthy merchants.", "Two-party system Two-party systems have been criticized for downplaying alternative views,[4][5] being less competitive,[8] encouraging voter apathy since there is a perception of fewer choices,[4] and putting a damper on debate[5] within a nation. In a proportional representation system, lesser parties can moderate policy since they are not usually eliminated from government.[4] One analyst suggested the two-party approach may not promote inter-party compromise but may encourage partisanship.[5] In The Tyranny of the Two-party system, Lisa Jane Disch criticizes two-party systems for failing to provide enough options since only two choices are permitted on the ballot. She wrote:", "Two-party system A so-called third party in the United Kingdom are the Liberal Democrats. In the 2010 election, the Liberal Democrats received 23% of the votes but only 9% of the seats in the House of Commons. While electoral results do not necessarily translate into legislative seats, the Liberal Democrats can exert influence if there is a situation such as a hung parliament. In this instance, neither of the two main parties (at present, the Conservative Party and the Labour Party) have sufficient authority to run the government. Accordingly, the Liberal Democrats can in theory exert tremendous influence in such a situation since they can ally with one of the two main parties to form a coalition. This happened in the Coalition government of 2010. Yet in that more than 13% of the seats in the British House of Commons are held in 2011 by representatives of political parties other than the two leading political parties of that nation, contemporary Britain is considered by some to be a multi-party system, and not a two-party system.[39] The two party system in the United Kingdom allows for other parties to exist, although the main two parties tend to dominate politics; in this arrangement, other parties are not excluded and can win seats in Parliament. In contrast, the two party system in the United States has been described as a duopoly or an enforced two-party system, such that politics is almost entirely dominated by either the Republicans or Democrats, and third parties rarely win seats in Congress.[40]", "Two-party system South Korea has a multi-party system[22] that has sometimes been described as having characteristics of a two-party system.[23]", "Two-party system Duverger concluded that \"plurality election single-ballot procedures are likely to produce two-party systems, whereas proportional representation and runoff designs encourage multipartyism.\"[30] He suggested there were two reasons why winner-takes-all systems leads to a two-party system. First, the weaker parties are pressured to form an alliance, sometimes called a fusion, to try to become big enough to challenge a large dominant party and, in so doing, gain political clout in the legislature. Second, voters learn, over time, not to vote for candidates outside of one of the two large parties since their votes for third party candidates are usually ineffectual.[2] As a result, weaker parties are eliminated by voters over time. Duverger pointed to statistics and tactics to suggest that voters tended to gravitate towards one of the two main parties, a phenomenon which he called polarization, and tend to shun third parties.[6] For example, some analysts suggest that the Electoral College system in the United States, by favoring a system of winner-takes-all in presidential elections, is a structural choice favoring only two major parties.[33]", "Two-party system Herein lies the central tension of the two–party doctrine. It identifies popular sovereignty with choice, and then limits choice to one party or the other. If there is any truth to Schattschneider's analogy between elections and markets, America's faith in the two–party system begs the following question: Why do voters accept as the ultimate in political freedom a binary option they would surely protest as consumers? ... This is the tyranny of the two–party system, the construct that persuades United States citizens to accept two–party contests as a condition of electoral democracy.", "Politics of the United States The United States Constitution does not mention political parties, primarily because the Founding Fathers did not intend for American politics to be partisan. In Federalist Papers No. 9 and No. 10, Alexander Hamilton and James Madison, respectively, wrote specifically about the dangers of domestic political factions. In addition, the first President of the United States, George Washington, was not a member of any political party at the time of his election or during his tenure as president. Washington hoped that political parties would not be formed, fearing conflict and stagnation.[28] Nevertheless, the beginnings of the American two-party system emerged from his immediate circle of advisers. Hamilton and Madison ended up being the core leaders in this emerging party system.", "Two-party system Gary Cox suggested that America's two-party system was highly related with economic prosperity in the country:", "Elections in the United States Americans vote for a specific candidate instead of directly selecting a particular political party. The United States Constitution has never formally addressed the issue of political parties. The Founding Fathers such as Alexander Hamilton and James Madison did not support domestic political factions at the time the Constitution was written.[18] In addition, the first President of the United States, George Washington, was not a member of any political party at the time of his election or throughout his tenure as president. Furthermore, he hoped that political parties would not be formed, fearing conflict and stagnation. Nevertheless, the beginnings of the American two-party system emerged from his immediate circle of advisers, with Hamilton and Madison ending up being the core leaders in this emerging party system.", "Two-party system India also shows characteristics of a two party system with the United Progressive Alliance (UPA)[18] and National Democratic Alliance (NDA)[19] as the two main players. It is to be noted that both UPA and NDA are not two political parties but alliances of several smaller parties. Other smaller parties not aligned with either NDA or UPA exist,[20] and overall command about 20% of the 2009 seats in the Lok Sabha and had further increased to 28% in 2014 general elections", "Two-party system The traditional two-party dynamic started to broke after a while, especially in early 2000s; alternative parties won elections breaking the traditional two-party systems including Rafael Caldera's (National Convergence) victory in Venezuela in 1993, Álvaro Uribe (Colombia First) victory in 2002, Tabaré Vázquez (Broad Front) victory in Uruguay in 2004, Ricardo Martinelli (Democratic Change) victory in 2009 in Panama and Luis Guillermo Solís (Citizens' Action Party ) victory in 2014 in Costa Rica, all of them from non-traditional third parties in their respective countries.[17] In some countries like Chile and Venezuela the political system is now split in two large multy-party alliances or blocs, one on the left and one on the right of the spectrum[16] (Concertación/New Majority vs Alliance in Chile, Democratic Unity Roundtable vs Great Patriotic Pole in Venezuela).", "Political parties in the United States Nevertheless, the beginnings of the American two-party system emerged from his immediate circle of advisers. Hamilton and Madison, who wrote the aforementioned Federalist Papers against political factions, ended up being the core leaders in this emerging party system. It was the split camps of Federalists, given rise with Hamilton as a leader, and Democratic-Republicans, with Madison and Thomas Jefferson at the helm of this political faction, that created the environment in which partisanship, once distasteful, came to being.[7][8]", "Sixth Party System However, no clear disciplinary consensus has emerged pinpointing an electoral event responsible for shifting presidential and congressional control since the Great Depression of the 1930s, when the Fifth Party System emerged. Much of the work published on the subject has come from political scientists explaining the events of their time either as the imminent breakup of the Fifth Party System, and the installation of a new one; or in terms of such transition taking place some time ago.[3] Other current writing on the Fifth Party System expresses admiration of its longevity: the first four systems lasted about 30 to 40 years each, which would have implied that the early twenty-first century should see a Seventh Party System.[4] It is also possible, as argued in Jensen (1981) and elsewhere, that the party system has given way, not to a new party system, but to a period of dealignment in politics. Previous party systems ended with the dominant party losing two consecutive House elections by large margins, and also losing a presidential election coinciding with or immediately following (in 1896) the second House election—decisive electoral evidence of political realignment. Such a shift took place in 2006–2008 in favor of the Democrats, but the Republicans won the elections of 2010 by their biggest landslide since 1946 and finished the 2014 elections with their greatest number of U.S. House seats since 1928.[5]", "Two-party system However, as in other regions, the original rivalry between liberals and conservatives was overtaken by a rivalry between center-left (often social-democratic) parties vs center-right liberal conservative parties, focusing more in economic differences than in cultural and religious differences as it was common during the liberal vs conservative period. Examples of this include National Liberation Party vs Social Christian Unity Party in Costa Rica, the peronista Justicialist Party vs Radical Civic Union in Argentina, Democratic Action vs COPEI in Venezuela, the Colombian Liberal Party (despite the name, a democratic socialist party) vs the Colombian Conservative Party in Colombia, Democratic Revolutionary Party vs Panameñista Party in Panama and Liberal Party vs National Party in Honduras.[17] After the democratization of Central America following the end of the Central American crisis in the 90s former far-left guerrillas and former right-wing authoritarian parties, now in peace, make some similar two-party systems in countries like Nicaragua between the Sandinista National Liberation Front and the Liberals and in El Salvador between the Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front and the National Republican Alliance.", "Two-party system The politics of Zimbabwe are effectively a two party system between the Robert Mugabe led Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front and the opposition coalition Movement for Democratic Change.", "Two-party system An effort in 2012 by centrist groups to promote ballot access by Third Party candidates called Americans Elect spent $15 million to get ballot access but failed to elect any candidates.[34] The lack of choice in a two-party model in politics has often been compared to the variety of choices in the marketplace.", "Two-party system The main reason for America's majoritarian character is the electoral system for Congress. Members of Congress are elected in single-member districts according to the \"first-past-the-post\" (FPTP) principle, meaning that the candidate with the plurality of votes is the winner of the congressional seat. The losing party or parties win no representation at all. The first-past-the-post election tends to produce a small number of major parties, perhaps just two, a principle known in political science as Duverger's Law. Smaller parties are trampled in first-past-the-post elections.", "Two-party system Politics has lagged our social and business evolution ... There are 30 brands of Pringles in our local grocery store. How is it that Americans have so much selection for potato chips and only two brands—and not very good ones—for political parties?", "Two-party system In contrast, a voting system that allows only a single winner for each possible legislative seat is sometimes termed a plurality voting system or single-winner voting system and is usually described under the heading of a winner-takes-all arrangement. Each voter can cast a single vote for any candidate within any given legislative district, but the candidate with the most votes wins the seat, although variants, such as requiring a majority, are sometimes used. What happens is that in a general election, a party that consistently comes in third in every district is unlikely to win any legislative seats even if there is a significant proportion of the electorate favoring its positions. This arrangement strongly favors large and well–organized political parties that are able to appeal to voters in many districts and hence win many seats, and discourages smaller or regional parties. Politically oriented people consider their only realistic way to capture political power is to run under the auspices of the two dominant parties.[2]", "Liberal Party of Canada Stephen Clarkson (2005) shows how the Liberal Party has dominated all the party systems, using different approaches. It began with a \"clientelistic approach\" under Laurier, which evolved into a \"brokerage\" system of the 1920s, 1930s and 1940s under Mackenzie King. The 1950s saw the emergence of a \"pan-Canadian system\", which lasted until the 1990s. The 1993 election – categorized by Clarkson as an electoral \"earthquake\" which \"fragmented\" the party system, saw the emergence of regional politics within a four party-system, whereby various groups championed regional issues and concerns. Clarkson concludes that the inherent bias built into the first-past-the-post system, has chiefly benefited the Liberals.[122]", "Political party Although the framers of the 1787 United States Constitution did not anticipate that American political discourse would become partisan, political controversies in the early 1790s over the extent of federal government powers saw the emergence of two proto-political parties: the Federalist Party and the Democratic-Republican Party, which were championed by Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson, respectively.[10][11] However, a consensus reached on these issues ended party politics in 1816 for nearly a decade, a period commonly known as the Era of Good Feelings.[12]", "History of the Liberal Party of Canada Clarkson (2005) shows how the Liberal Party had dominated all the party systems, using different approaches. It began with a \"clientelistic approach\" under Sir Wilfrid Laurier, which evolved into a \"brokerage\" system of the 1920s, 1930s and 1940s under William Lyon Mackenzie King. The 1950s saw the emergence of a \"pan-Canadian system\", which lasted until the 1990s. The 1993 election — categorized by Clarkson as an electoral \"earthquake\" which \"fragmented\" the party system, saw the emergence of regional politics within a four party-system, whereby various groups championed regional issues and concerns. Clarkson concludes that the inherent bias built into the first-past-the-post system, had chiefly benefited the Liberals.[3]", "Two-party system Vigorous struggle between the two factions characterised the period from the Glorious Revolution to the 1715 Hanoverian succession, over the legacy of the overthrow of the Stuart dynasty and the nature of the new constitutional state. This proto two-party system fell into relative abeyance after the accession to the throne of George I and the consequent period of Whig supremacy under Robert Walpole, during which the Tories were systematically purged from high positions in government. However, although the Tories were dismissed from office for half a century, they still retained a measure of party cohesion under William Wyndham and acted as a united, though unavailing, opposition to Whig corruption and scandals. At times they cooperated with the \"Opposition Whigs\", Whigs who were in opposition to the Whig government; however, the ideological gap between the Tories and the Opposition Whigs prevented them from coalescing as a single party.", "Second Party System Jackson systematically used the federal patronage system, what was called the Spoils System. Jackson not only rewarded past supporters; he promised future jobs if local and state politicians joined his team. As Syrett explains: When Jackson became President, he implemented the theory of rotation in office, declaring it \"a leading principle in the republican creed.\"[12] He believed that rotation in office would prevent the development of a corrupt civil service. On the other hand, Jackson's supporters wanted to use the civil service to reward party loyalists to make the party stronger. In practice, this meant replacing civil servants with friends or party loyalists into those offices. The spoils system did not originate with Jackson. It originated under Thomas Jefferson when he removed Federalist office-holders after becoming president.[13] Also, Jackson did not out the entire civil service. At the end of his term, Jackson had only dismissed less than twenty percent of the original civil service.[14] While Jackson did not start the spoils system, he did encourage its growth and it became a central feature of the Second Party System, as well as the Third Party System, until it ended in the 1890s. As one historian explains:", "Greenback Party With the Democratic Party still discredited in the minds of many Northerners for its pro-Southern orientation and the Republican Party dominated by pro-gold interests, conditions had become ripe for the emergence of a new political organization to challenge the political hegemony of the two established parties of American politics.", "Party system American Party Systems was a major textbook by Charles Merriam in 1920s. In 1967 the most important single breakthrough appeared, The American Party Systems. Stages of Political Development, edited by William Nisbet Chambers and Walter Dean Burnham. It brought together historians and political scientists who agreed on a common framework and numbering system. Thus Chambers published The First Party System in 1972. Burnham published numerous articles and books. Closely related is the concept of critical elections (introduced by V. O. Key in 1955), and \"realignments.\" Critical elections or Realigning elections involve major changes to the political system, regarding the coalition of voters, the rules of the game, finance and publicity, party organization, and party leadership.", "Jacksonian democracy This era, called the Jacksonian Era (or Second Party System) by historians and political scientists, lasted roughly from Jackson's 1828 election as president until slavery became the dominant issue after 1848 and the American Civil War dramatically reshaped American politics. It emerged when the long-dominant Democratic-Republican Party became factionalized during the early-to-mid 1820s. Jackson's supporters began to form what would become the modern Democratic Party and supporters of his political rival, John Quincy Adams, created the National Republican Party, which would later combine with other anti-Jackson elements to form the Whig Party, named after Britain's Whig Party.", "Political parties in the United States Experts debate whether this era ended (and a Sixth Party System subsequently emerged) in the mid-1960s when the New Deal coalition died, the early 1980s when the Moral Majority and the Reagan coalition were formed, the early 1990s when Third Way emerged among Democrats, the mid-1990s during the Republican Revolution, or if the Fifth system continues in some form to the present.", "Swaraj Party The Madras Province Swarajya Party was established in 1923. S. Satyamurti and S. Srinivasa Iyengar led the party. The party contested in all provincial elections between 1923 and 1934 with the exception of the 1930 election which it did not participate officially due to the Civil Disobedience Movement, though some of the members of the party contested for office as independents. The party emerged as the single largest party in the 1926 and 1934 Assembly elections but refused to form the provincial government under the existing dyarchy system. In 1934, the Madras Province Swarajya Party merged with the All India Swarajya Party which subsequently merged with the Indian National Congress when it contested the 1935 elections to the Imperial Legislative Council under the Government of India Act 1935.", "Party system The concept of the party system was introduced by English scholar James Bryce in American Commonwealth (1885).", "Two-round system In the United States, the nonpartisan blanket primary, introduced in Louisiana for partisan state elections in 1975 and federal elections in 1978 (with a short return to a closed primary system in 2010), is virtually identical to the two-round system. Instead of the standard American system of primary elections to choose each party's candidate, followed by a general election contest between the winners of the primaries, the Louisiana primary allows voters to select any candidate, regardless of party affiliation. The two highest vote-winners in the primary – in effect, the first round of a two-round system – are then the only candidates whose names appear on the ballot at the general election, effectively requiring one candidate to win an absolute majority to take office.", "Emergency Broadcast System \"The system was established to provide the President of the United States with an expeditious method of communicating with the American public in the event of war, threat of war, or grave national crisis.\"[1] The Emergency Broadcast System replaced CONELRAD on August 5, 1963.[2] In later years, it was expanded for use during peacetime emergencies at the state and local levels.[1]", "Multi-party system Unlike a one-party system (or a two-party system), a multi-party system encourages the general constituency to form multiple distinct, officially recognized groups, generally called political parties. Each party competes for votes from the enfranchised constituents (those allowed to vote). A multi-party system prevents the leadership of a single party from controlling a single legislative chamber without challenge.", "List of third party performances in United States elections In the 58 presidential elections since 1788, third party or independent candidates have won at least 5.0% of the vote or garnered electoral votes 12 times (21%); this does not count George Washington, who was elected as an independent in 1788–1789 and 1792, but who largely supported Federalist policies and was supported by Federalists. Occasionally, a third party becomes one of the two major parties through a presidential election (the last time it happened was in 1856, when the Republicans supplanted the Whigs, who had withered and endorsed the ticket of the American Party): such an election is called a realigning election, as it causes a realignment in the party system; according to scholars, there have been six party systems so far. Only once one of the two major parties came third in an election, but that did not cause a realignment (in 1912 the Progressive Party surpassed the Republicans, but the party quickly disappeared and the Republicans re-gained their major party status). The last third party candidate to win one or more states was George Wallace of the American Independent Party in 1968, while the most recent third party candidate to win more than 5.0% of the vote was Ross Perot, who ran as an independent and as the standard-bearer of the Reform Party in 1992 and 1996, respectively.", "Realigning election Clarkson (2005) shows how the Liberal Party has dominated all the party systems, using different approaches. It began with a \"clientelistic approach\" under Laurier, which evolved into a \"brokerage\" system of the 1920s, 1930s and 1940s under Mackenzie King. The 1950s saw the emergence of a \"pan-Canadian system\", which lasted until the 1990s. The 1993 election — categorized by Clarkson as an electoral \"earthquake\" which \"fragmented\" the party system, saw the emergence of regional politics within a four party-system, whereby various groups championed regional issues and concerns. Clarkson concludes that the inherent bias built into the first-past-the-post system, has chiefly benefited the Liberals.[40]", "Sixth Party System The perceived Sixth Party System is characterized by an electoral shift from the electoral coalitions of the Fifth Party System during the New Deal: the Republican Party became the dominant party in the South, rural areas, and suburbs; while the Democratic Party increasingly started to assemble a coalition of African-Americans, Latinos and white urban Progressives. A critical factor was the major transformation of the political system in the Reagan Era or \"Age of Reagan\" of the 1980s and beyond, led by Ronald Reagan.[2][need quotation to verify]", "Major party Two major parties can lead to a two-party system. If there is only one major party, then it is a dominant-party system. In a multi-party system, a major party is one that occasionally controls the presidency or premiership and is the most influential party in a coalition government.", "Third Party System The collapse of the Whigs after 1852 left political chaos. Various prohibitionist and nativist movements emerged, especially the American Party, based originally on the secret Know Nothing lodges. It was a moralistic party that appealed to the middle class fear of corruption, which it identified with Catholics, especially the recent Irish immigrants who seemed to bring crime, corruption, poverty and bossism as soon as they arrived. The Republican Party was more driven, in terms of ideology and talent; it surpassed the hapless American Party in 1856. By 1858 the Republicans controlled majorities in every Northern state, and hence controlled the electoral votes for president in 1860.[7]", "History of Scotland With all the main parties committed to the Union, new nationalist and independent political groupings began to emerge, including the National Party of Scotland in 1928 and Scottish Party in 1930. They joined to form the Scottish National Party (SNP) in 1934, with the goal of creating an independent Scotland, but it enjoyed little electoral success in the Westminster system.[282]", "Third-party members of the United States House of Representatives Third-party members of the United States House of Representatives are generally rare. Although the Republican party and Democratic party have dominated American politics in a two-party system since 1856, other political parties and independents have run, been elected and exerted influence.", "Electoral system of Germany A single-vote system was used. Using this single vote, the voter elected both a state party list and a direct candidate of the same party from his electoral district. Therefore the voter did not have the possibility to give separate, independent votes for the person or the direct candidate and the party or the list. The voter of an independent direct candidate had in comparison with the two-vote system of today not the possibility to vote a party, with the risk that his vote in a case of unsuccessfulness of the candidate was lost.", "Social Credit Party (New Zealand) By the 1981 elections, the party's support had subsided somewhat, and Social Credit only gained 20.55% of the vote. As expected, the electoral system did not translate this into seats in parliament, but Social Credit did retain the two seats it already held. A year later, it officially dropped \"Political League\" from its official name, becoming merely the Social Credit Party.", "History of the United States Democratic Party The spirit of Jacksonian democracy animated the party from the early 1830s to the 1850s, shaping the Second Party System, with the Whig Party the main opposition. After the disappearance of the Federalists after 1815 and the Era of Good Feelings (1816–1824), there was a hiatus of weakly organized personal factions until about 1828–1832, when the modern Democratic Party emerged along with its rival the Whigs. The new Democratic Party became a coalition of farmers, city-dwelling laborers and Irish Catholics.[6]", "Party system Fifth Party System: This system was defined by the creation of the New Deal Coalition by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in response to the Great Depression. This coalition supporting new social welfare programs brought together many under-privileged, working class, and minority groups including unions, Catholics, and Jews. It also attracted African-Americans, who had previously largely supported the Republican Party due to Lincoln's freeing of the slaves. This era lasted approximately until 1968.[18]", "History of the United States Democratic Party Harry Truman took over after Roosevelt's death in 1945 and the rifts inside the party that Roosevelt had papered over began to emerge. Major components included the big city machines, the Southern state and local parties, the far-left and the \"Liberal coalition\" or \"Liberal-Labor coalition\" comprising the AFL, CIO and ideological groups such as the NAACP (representing Blacks), the American Jewish Congress (AJC) and the Americans for Democratic Action (ADA) (representing liberal intellectuals).[46] By 1948, the unions had expelled nearly all the far-left and communist elements.[47]", "First Party System The First Party System was primarily built around foreign policy issues that vanished with the defeat of Napoleon and the compromise settlement of the War of 1812. Furthermore, the fears that Federalists were plotting to reintroduce aristocracy dissipated. Thus an \"Era of Good Feelings\" under James Monroe replaced the high-tension politics of the First Party System about 1816. Personal politics and factional disputes were occasionally still hotly debated, but Americans no longer thought of themselves in terms of political parties.[29]", "Know Nothing The Native American Party, renamed the American Party in 1855 and commonly known as the Know Nothing movement, was an American nativist political party that operated nationally in the mid-1850s. It was primarily anti-Catholic, xenophobic, and hostile to immigration, starting originally as a secret society. The movement briefly emerged as a major political party in the form of the American Party. Adherents to the movement were to reply \"I know nothing\" when asked about its specifics by outsiders, thus providing the group with its common name.", "Boston Tea Party According to historian Alfred Young, the term \"Boston Tea Party\" did not appear in print until 1834.[79] Before that time, the event was usually referred to as the \"destruction of the tea\". According to Young, American writers were for many years apparently reluctant to celebrate the destruction of property, and so the event was usually ignored in histories of the American Revolution. This began to change in the 1830s, however, especially with the publication of biographies of George Robert Twelves Hewes, one of the few still-living participants of the \"tea party\", as it then became known.[80]", "Gerrymandering in the United States Proportional voting systems, such as those used in all but three European states, would bypass the problem altogether. In these systems, no districts are present, and the party that gets, for example, 30 percent of the votes gets roughly 30 percent of the seats in the legislature. Although it is common for European states to have more than two parties, the American two-party system could be maintained by implementing a sufficiently high election threshold. Proportional voting systems may break the strong constituency link[clarification needed] that is a cornerstone of current American elections.[36]", "Emergency Broadcast System The initial scripted announcement was: \"We interrupt this program. This is a national emergency. The President of the United States or his designated representative will appear shortly over the Emergency Broadcast System.\"", "American System (economic plan) A plan to strengthen and unify the nation, the American System, was advanced by the Whig Party and a number of leading politicians including Henry Clay, John C. Calhoun and John Quincy Adams. The System ran counter to federalism and included:", "Realigning election A realigning election (often called a critical election, political realignment, or critical realignment) is a term from political science and political history describing a dramatic change in the political system. Scholars frequently apply the term to American elections and occasionally to other countries. Usually it means the coming to power for several decades of a new coalition, replacing an old dominant coalition of the other party as in 1896 when the Republican Party (GOP) became dominant, or 1932 when the Democratic Party became dominant. More specifically, it refers to American national elections in which there are sharp changes in issues, party leaders, the regional and demographic bases of power of the two parties, and structure or rules of the political system (such as voter eligibility or financing), resulting in a new political power structure that lasts for decades.", "Presidential system Many people consider presidential systems more able to survive emergencies. A country under enormous stress may, supporters argue, be better off being led by a president with a fixed term than rotating premierships. France during the Algerian controversy switched to a semi-presidential system as did Sri Lanka during its civil war, while Israel experimented with a directly elected prime minister in 1992. In France and Sri Lanka, the results are widely considered to have been positive. However, in the case of Israel, an unprecedented proliferation of smaller parties occurred, leading to the restoration of the previous system of selecting a prime minister.", "Southern strategy Matthew Lassiter says, \"A suburban-centered vision reveals that demographic change played a more important role than racial demagoguery in the emergence of a two-party system in the American South.\"[89][90][91] Lassiter argues that race-based appeals cannot explain the GOP shift in the south while also noting that the real situation is far more complex.[92][93][94][95]", "Mexican Revolution During Francisco I. Madero's presidency (1911–1913), Church-state conflict was channeled peacefully.[129] The National Catholic Party became an important political opposition force during the Madero presidency.[130] In June 1912 congressional elections, \"militarily quiescent states...the Catholic Party (PCN) did conspicuously well.\"[131] During that period, the Catholic Association of Mexican Youth (ACJM) was founded. Although the National Catholic Party was an opposition party to the Madero regime, \"Madero clearly welcomed the emergence of a kind of two party system (Catholic and liberal); he encouraged Catholic political involvement, echoing the exhortations of the episcopate.\"[132] What was emerging during the Madero regime was \"Díaz's old policy of Church-state detente was being continued, perhaps more rapidly and on surer foundations.\"[133] The Catholic Church was working within the new democratic system promoted by Madero, but it had its own interests to promote, some of which were the forces of the old conservative Church, while the new, progressive Church supporting social Catholicism of the 1891 papal encyclical Rerum Novarum was also a current. When Madero was overthrown in February 1913 by counter-revolutionaries, the conservative wing of the Church supported the coup.[134]", "Emergency Broadcast System As official information began to emerge from various sources, non-primary stations were to broadcast it according to the following priority list:", "Emergency Broadcast System As the EBS was about to be replaced by its successor, the Emergency Alert System, some stations used the following message:", "Political party Political change is often easier with a coalition government than in one-party or two-party dominant systems.[dubious – discuss] If factions in a two-party system are in fundamental disagreement on policy goals, or even principles, they can be slow to make policy changes, which appears to be the case now in the U.S. with power split between Democrats and Republicans. Still coalition governments struggle, sometimes for years, to change policy and often fail altogether, post World War II France and Italy being prime examples. When one party in a two-party system controls all elective branches, however, policy changes can be both swift and significant. Democrats Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt and Lyndon Johnson were beneficiaries of such fortuitous circumstances, as were Republicans as far removed in time as Abraham Lincoln and Ronald Reagan. Barack Obama briefly had such an advantage between 2009 and 2011. As of 2017, President Donald Trump currently enjoys Republican control of both the house and senate.", "Complex system Another common feature of complex systems is the presence of emergent behaviors and properties: these are traits of a system which are not apparent from its components in isolation but which result from the interactions, dependencies, or relationships they form when placed together in a system. Emergence broadly describes the appearance of such behaviors and properties, and has applications to systems studied in both the social and physical sciences. While emergence is often used to refer only to the appearance of unplanned organized behavior in a complex system, emergence can also refer to the breakdown of organization; it describes any phenomena which are difficult or even impossible to predict from the smaller entities that make up the system.", "Party system The so-called Second Republic party system (since 1994) bears the following characteristic marks:", "Democratic-Republican Party The party selected its presidential candidates in a caucus of members of Congress. They included Thomas Jefferson (nominated 1796; elected 1800–1801, 1804), James Madison (1808, 1812) and James Monroe (1816, 1820). By 1824, the caucus system had practically collapsed. After 1800, the party dominated Congress and most state governments outside New England. By 1824, the party was also split four ways and lacked a center, as the First Party System collapsed. The emergence of the Second Party System in the 1830s realigned the old factions. One remnant followed Andrew Jackson and Martin Van Buren into the new Democratic Party by 1828. Another remnant led by John Quincy Adams and Henry Clay formed the National Republicans in 1828, which developed into the Whig Party by 1835.[7]", "Party system Sixth Party System: The transition to this system appears to have begun with the Civil Rights Act of 1964 with the Democrats subsequently losing their long dominance of the South in the late 1960s, leading to a Republican dominance as evidenced by election results.[19]", "Democratic Party of Illinois The Democratic Party of Illinois took shape during the late 1830s. Prior to that time, Illinois did not have organized political parties; instead, political competition in the state was more personalist, with prominent factions centered on Governors Ninian Edwards and Shadrach Bond. As the Democratic and Whig Parties began to form at the national level during the late 1820s and 1830s, Illinois politicians began sorting themselves accordingly and, in the summer of 1837, leading Democrats met to lay the groundwork for a Democratic Party organization in the state.", "Semi-presidential system Semi-presidential systems may sometimes experience periods in which the president and the prime minister are from differing political parties. This is called \"cohabitation\", a term which originated in France when the situation first arose in the 1980s. Cohabitation can create an effective system of checks and balances or a period of bitter and tense stonewalling, depending on the attitudes of the two leaders, the ideologies of their parties, or the demands of their constituencies.[14]", "Constitution Party (United States) The Constitution Party's website criticizes the dominance of two parties in the US electoral system, saying:", "Political parties in the United States Founded in 1854 by Northern anti-slavery activists and modernizers, the Republican Party rose to prominence in 1860 with the election of Abraham Lincoln, who used the party machinery to support victory in the American Civil War. The GOP dominated national politics during the Third Party System, from 1854 to 1896, and the Fourth Party System from 1896 to 1932.", "Party system Though more fragmented in the number of parties, the system was bipolar in its functioning. With time, both sides saw a strengthening of coalitions (even if with ups and downs) and the birth of unified parties (the Ulivo federation and then the Democratic Party on the left, and the People of Freedom party on the right side). The change in the electoral law in 2005 and the return to proportionality (although with a majority premium able to transform, in the lower chamber, the plurality in a 55% majority) didn't bring about a return to collusion, while still leaving such prospect open for the future.", "Grover Cleveland As his second administration began, disaster hit the nation when the Panic of 1893 produced a severe national depression, which Cleveland was unable to reverse. It ruined his Democratic Party, opening the way for a Republican landslide in 1894 and for the agrarian and silverite seizure of the Democratic Party in 1896. The result was a political realignment that ended the Third Party System and launched the Fourth Party System and the Progressive Era.[5]", "History of the Green Party of Canada Many members saw the party as a way to protest Canada's political system, and not much more. Nonetheless it did run candidates.", "Tomorrow, When the War Began (film) Tomorrow, When the War Began is a 2010 Australian action-adventure war drama film written and directed by Stuart Beattie and based on the novel of the same name (the first in a series of seven) by John Marsden. The film was produced by Andrew Mason and Michael Boughen. The story follows Ellie Linton, one of seven teenagers waging a guerrilla war against an invading foreign power in their fictional hometown of Wirrawee. The film stars Caitlin Stasey as Ellie Linton and features an ensemble cast including Rachel Hurd-Wood, Lincoln Lewis and Phoebe Tonkin. Production began in September 2009.[6][7][8]", "List of political parties in the Republic of Ireland The Workers' Party is a Marxist–Leninist party allied with the international workers and communist parties. It emerged from the Irish republican movement and was a continuation of Sinn Féin that did not break away in 1970. It retained links with the Official IRA. It renamed itself Sinn Féin The Workers' Party in 1977, and adopted its current title in 1982. It is organised in both the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. During the 1980s it was a significant party on the political scene with 7 TDs elected in 1989 and 1 MEP. A special Ard Fheis (conference) in 1992 designed to re-constitute the party and remove links with the OIRA resulted in a formal split with the bulk of the parliamentary party and councillors leaving to form Democratic Left. Democratic Left voted to merge with the Labour Party in 1999. The Workers' Party has two councillors, Éilis Ryan on Dublin City Council and Ted Tynan on Cork City Council.", "Origins of the American Civil War Such Southern hostility to the free farmers gave the North an opportunity for an alliance with Western farmers. After the political realignments of 1857–58—manifested by the emerging strength of the Republican Party and their networks of local support nationwide—almost every issue was entangled with the controversy over the expansion of slavery in the West. While questions of tariffs, banking policy, public land, and subsidies to railroads did not always unite all elements in the North and the Northwest against the interests of slaveholders in the South under the pre-1854 party system, they were translated in terms of sectional conflict—with the expansion of slavery in the West involved.[citation needed]", "First Party System An intense debate on ratification pitted the \"Federalists\" (who supported the Constitution, and were led by Madison and Hamilton) against the \"Anti-Federalists,\" (who opposed the new Constitution). The Federalists won and the Constitution was ratified. The Anti-Federalists were deeply concerned about the theoretical danger of a strong central government (like that of Britain) that someday could usurp the rights of the states.[5] The framers of the Constitution did not want or expect political parties would emerge, because they considered them divisive.[6]", "Third Party System As with the preceding Second Party System era, the Third was characterized by intense voter interest, routinely high voter turnout, unflinching party loyalty, dependence on nominating conventions, hierarchical party organizations, and the systematic use of government jobs as patronage for party workers, known as the spoils system. Cities of 50,000 or more developed ward and citywide \"bosses\" who could depend on the votes of clients, especially recent immigrants. Newspapers continued to be the primary communication system, with the great majority closely linked to one party or the other.[3]", "Political parties in Belgium From the creation of the Belgian state in 1830 and throughout most of the 19th century, two political parties dominated Belgian politics: the Catholic Party (Church-oriented and conservative) and the Liberal Party (anti-clerical and progressive). In the late 19th century the Labour Party arose to represent the emerging industrial working class. These three groups still dominate Belgian politics, but they have evolved substantially in character.", "Emergency Broadcast System An order to activate the EBS at the national level would have originated with the President and been relayed via the White House Communications Agency duty officer to one of two origination points – either the Aerospace Defense Command (ADC) or the Federal Preparedness Agency (FPA) – as the system stood in 1978. Participating telecommunications common carriers, radio and television networks, the Associated Press, and United Press International would receive and authenticate (by means of code words) an Emergency Action Notification (EAN) via an EAN teletypewriter network designed specifically for this purpose. These recipients would relay the EAN to their subscribers and affiliates.[1]", "Elections in France France does not have a fully-fledged two-party system; that is, a system where, though many political parties may exist, only two parties are relevant to the dynamics of power. However French politics has ordinarily displayed some tendencies characterizing a two-party system in which power alternates between relatively stable coalitions, each being led by a major party: on the left, the Socialist Party, on the right, Les Républicains and its predecessors. This pattern was upset in 2017, when neither of those parties' candidates reached the second round of the presidential election and the newly formed party En Marche! gained both the presidency and a comfortable majority in the National Assembly.", "Political parties in the United States The modern two-party system consists of the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. Several third parties also operate in the U.S., and from time to time elect someone to local office.[5] The largest third party since the 1980s is the Libertarian Party.", "Third party (politics) In electoral politics, a third party is any party contending for votes that failed to outpoll either of its two strongest rivals (or, in the context of an impending election, is considered highly unlikely to do so). The distinction is particularly significant in two-party systems. In any case \"third\" is often used figuratively, as in \"the third parties\", where the intent, literally stated, is \"the third and succeeding parties\".", "Social Credit Party (New Zealand) Social Credit gained support quickly, and in the 1954 elections, the party won 11.13% of the vote. The party failed to win seats in parliament under the first past the post electoral system. The party's quick rise did, however, prompt discussion of the party's policies. In 1960 P. H. Matthews replaced Owen as leader.", "First Party System Hofstadter (1970) shows it took many years for the idea to take hold that having two parties is better than having one, or none. That transition was made possible by the successful passing of power in 1801 from one party to the other. Although Jefferson systematically identified Federalist army officers and officeholders, he was blocked from removing all of them by protests from republicans. The Quids complained he did not go far enough.", "List of third party performances in United States presidential elections In 1856 the two-party system of Democrats and Whigs collapsed. The Whigs, who had been one-half of the two-party system since 1832 and had won the presidency in 1840 and 1848, disintegrated. Southern Whigs and a minority of northern Whigs coalesced around the anti-immigrant and anti-Catholic American Party, better known as the \"Know Nothing\" movement. Their candidate was former President Millard Fillmore, who won 22% but carried only one state, Maryland, thus winning 8 electoral votes. Many Northern Whigs, such as Abraham Lincoln, joined the newly formed Republican Party. The Republicans ran John C. Frémont, who finished second with 33.1% and 114 electoral votes. Democrat James Buchanan won the election.", "Tomorrow When the War Began (TV series) Tomorrow When the War Began was released on DVD and Blu-Ray on June 1, 2016 in Region 4/B.[21]", "Tomorrow When the War Began (TV series) Tomorrow When the War Began is broadcast on ABC3 and distributed in Australia by ABC Commercial.[20] The series will be distributed internationally by Annapurna Pictures.[1]", "Tomorrow, When the War Began (film) Tomorrow, When the War Began received mixed reviews. Review aggregate website Rotten Tomatoes reports that 64% of critics have given the film a positive review based on 54 reviews, with an average score of 5.6/10.[22] The site's consensus is that \"While the script isn't amazing and the story's race issues linger, this adaptation of John Marsden's book is an exciting, action-heavy adventure that should please fans of the series.\"[22] Marc Fennell of Triple J wrote that Tomorrow, When the War Began has \"patchy acting, fantastic action and some great slivers of humour in a movie that only gives off the faintest whiff of a xenophobic nation terrified of being invaded.\"[23] Margaret Pomeranz of At the Movies wrote that \"Stuart Beattie handles the action well; I think he's less adept at handling the development of character, but I'm sure the numerous fans of the book will be satisfied with the movie.\"[24] A review by the Australian Special Broadcasting Service was less generous, pointing out parallels to the 1984 film Red Dawn, starring Charlie Sheen and Patrick Swayze. It called the plot weak and the ending a letdown.[25] Despite not coming close to its A$27 million budget, the film was popular at the Australian and New Zealand box office, though internationally it was far less successful. In Australia, the film debuted at No. 1 and made $3.86 million during its first weekend and grossed NZ$358,653 in its No. 1 debut in New Zealand.[26] Within two weeks, the film grossed over $7.7 million in Australia to become the highest-grossing domestic film of 2010.[27] Paramount acquired distribution rights for the UK, Russia, South Africa, Portugal and Scandinavia and said upon its acquisition that they \"look forward to bringing this story to international audiences.\"[28] Despite earning over $13.5 million at the Australian box office, the film \"failed to find an international audience\"[29] and earned a total of under $3 million in the rest of the world combined. This included $341,995 in the U.K. and $1,026,705 in New Zealand.[30]", "International monetary systems Until the 19th century, the global monetary system was loosely linked at best, with Europe, the Americas, India and China (among others) having largely separate economies, and hence monetary systems were regional. European colonization of the Americas, starting with the Spanish empire, led to the integration of American and European economies and monetary systems, and European colonization of Asia led to the dominance of European currencies, notably the British pound sterling in the 19th century, succeeded by the US dollar in the 20th century. Some, such as Michael Hudson, foresee the decline of a single base for the global monetary system, and the emergence instead of regional trade blocs; he cites the emergence of the Euro as an example. See also Global financial systems, world-systems approach and polarity in international relations. It was in the later half of the 19th century that a monetary system with close to universal global participation emerged, based on the gold standard.", "Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Assembly The elections of 2008 resulted in the Awami National Party and Pakistan Peoples Party emerging as the two largest parties at the expense of the conservative Muttahida Majlis-i-Amal.[3]", "History of American newspapers The newspapers continued primarily party organs; the tone remained strongly partisan, though it gradually gained poise and attained a degree of literary excellence and professional dignity. The typical newspaper, a weekly, had a paid circulation of 500. The growth of the postal system, with the free transportation of newspapers locally and statewide, allowed the emergence of powerful state newspapers that closely reflected, and shaped, party views.", "Black Panther Party In 1972, the party began closing down dozens of chapters and branches all over the country, and bringing members and operations to Oakland. The political arm of the southern California chapter was shut down and its members moved to Oakland, although the underground military arm remained for a time.[122] The underground remnants of the LA chapter, which had emerged from the Slausons street gang, eventually re-emerged as the Crips, a street gang who at first advocated social reform before devolving into racketeering.[123]", "Emergency medical technician The EMT program in the United States began as part of the \"Alexandria Plan\" in the early 1970s, in addition to a growing issue with injuries associated with car accidents. Emergency medicine (EM) as a medical specialty is relatively young. Prior to the 1960s and 1970s, hospital emergency departments were generally staffed by physicians on staff at the hospital on a rotating basis, among them general surgeons, internists, psychiatrists, and dermatologists. Physicians in training (interns and residents), foreign medical graduates and sometimes nurses also staffed the Emergency Department (ED). EM was born as a specialty in order to fill the time commitment required by physicians on staff to work in the increasingly chaotic emergency departments of the time. During this period, groups of physicians began to emerge who had left their respective practices in order to devote their work completely to the ED. The first of such groups was headed by Dr. James DeWitt Mills who, along with four associate physicians; Dr. Chalmers A. Loughridge, Dr. William Weaver, Dr. John McDade, and Dr. Steven Bednar at Alexandria Hospital, VA established 24/7 year-round emergency care which became known as the \"Alexandria Plan\". It was not until the establishment of American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP), the recognition of emergency medicine training programs by the AMA and the AOA, and in 1979 a historical vote by the American Board of Medical Specialties that EM became a recognized medical specialty. The nation's first EMT's were from the Alexandria plan working as Emergency Care Technicians serving in the Alexandria Hospital Emergency Room. The training for these technicians was modeled after the established \"Physician Assistant\" training program and later restructured to meet the basic needs for emergency pre-hospital care. On June 24, 2011, The Alexandria Hospital Celebrated the 50th Anniversary of the Alexandria Plan. In attendance were three of the nation's first ECTs/EMTs: David Stover, Larry Jackson, and Kenneth Weaver.", "Emergency Broadcast System Despite these safeguards, the system was accidentally activated at 9:33 a.m. Eastern Standard Time on February 20, 1971.[3] Teletype operator W. S. Eberhardt \"played the wrong tape\" during a test, which sent an activation message authenticated with the codeword \"HATEFULNESS\" through the entire system, ordering stations to cease regular programming and broadcast the alert of a national emergency.[4] A cancellation message was sent at 9:59 a.m. EST, but it used an incorrect codeword. A cancellation message with the correct word, \"IMPISH\", was not sent until 10:13 a.m. EST[4] After 40 minutes and six incorrect cancellation messages, the accidental activation was terminated.", "Conservative Party (UK) The number of Conservative Party seats in the House of Commons was reduced to 316 in July 2017 when Anne Marie Morris had the Conservative whip suspended following the emergence of a recording of her using the racist idiom \"nigger in the woodpile\".[91]", "Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party The Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party (MFDP) was an American political party created in 1964 as a branch of the populist Freedom Democratic organization in the state of Mississippi during the Civil Rights Movement. It was organized by African Americans and whites from Mississippi to challenge the legitimacy of the regular Mississippi Democratic Party, which allowed participation only by whites, when African Americans made up 40% of the state population.", "Politics of India The party enjoyed a parliamentary majority save for two brief periods during the 1970s and late 1980s. This rule was interrupted between 1977 and 1980, when the Janata Party coalition won the election owing to public discontent with the controversial state of emergency declared by the then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. The Janata Dal won elections in 1989, but its government managed to hold on to power for only two years." ]
where are the mitochondria located in the sperm
[ "Sperm The mammalian sperm cell consists of a head, neck, a midpiece and a tail. The head contains the nucleus with densely coiled chromatin fibres, surrounded anteriorly by an acrosome, which contains enzymes used for penetrating the female egg. The neck contains the sperm centriole. The midpiece has a central filamentous core with many mitochondria spiralled around it, used for ATP production for the journey through the female cervix, uterus and uterine tubes. The tail or \"flagellum\" executes the lashing movements that propel the spermatocyte.[1]", "Sperm Motile sperm cells typically move via flagella and require a water medium in order to swim toward the egg for fertilization. In animals most of the energy for sperm motility is derived from the metabolism of fructose carried in the seminal fluid. This takes place in the mitochondria located in the sperm's midpiece (at the base of the sperm head). These cells cannot swim backwards due to the nature of their propulsion. The uniflagellated sperm cells (with one flagellum) of animals are referred to as spermatozoa, and are known to vary in size.[citation needed]" ]
[ "Mitochondrial DNA In sexual reproduction, mitochondria are normally inherited exclusively from the mother; the mitochondria in mammalian sperm are usually destroyed by the egg cell after fertilization. Also, most mitochondria are present at the base of the sperm's tail, which is used for propelling the sperm cells; sometimes the tail is lost during fertilization. In 1999 it was reported that paternal sperm mitochondria (containing mtDNA) are marked with ubiquitin to select them for later destruction inside the embryo.[17] Some in vitro fertilization techniques, particularly injecting a sperm into an oocyte, may interfere with this.", "Sperm motility Back and forth movement of the tail results from a rhythmical longitudinal sliding motion between the anterior and posterior tubules that make up the axoneme. The energy for this process is supplied by ATP produced by mitochondria. The velocity of a sperm in fluid medium is usually 1–4 mm/min. This allows the sperm to move towards an ovum in order to fertilize it.", "Human fertilization The sperm's tail and mitochondria degenerate with the formation of the male pronucleus. This is why all mitochondria in humans are of maternal origin. Still, a considerable amount of RNA from the sperm is delivered to the resulting embryo and likely influences embryo development and the phenotype of the offspring.[11]", "Sperm whale Sperm whales are not the easiest of whales to watch, due to their long dive times and ability to travel long distances underwater. However, due to the distinctive look and large size of the whale, watching is increasingly popular. Sperm whale watchers often use hydrophones to listen to the clicks of the whales and locate them before they surface. Popular locations for sperm whale watching include the town of Kaikoura on New Zealand's South Island, Andenes and Tromsø in Arctic Norway; as well as the Azores, where the continental shelf is so narrow that whales can be observed from the shore,[126][233] and Dominica[234] where a long-term scientific research program, The Dominica Sperm Whale Project, has been in operation since 2005.[235]", "Mitochondrion An individual's mitochondrial genes are not inherited by the same mechanism as nuclear genes. Typically, the mitochondria are inherited from one parent only. In humans, when an egg cell is fertilized by a sperm, the egg nucleus and sperm nucleus each contribute equally to the genetic makeup of the zygote nucleus. In contrast, the mitochondria, and therefore the mitochondrial DNA, usually come from the egg only. The sperm's mitochondria enter the egg, but do not contribute genetic information to the embryo.[124] Instead, paternal mitochondria are marked with ubiquitin to select them for later destruction inside the embryo.[125] The egg cell contains relatively few mitochondria, but it is these mitochondria that survive and divide to populate the cells of the adult organism. Mitochondria are, therefore, in most cases inherited only from mothers, a pattern known as maternal inheritance. This mode is seen in most organisms, including the majority of animals. However, mitochondria in some species can sometimes be inherited paternally. This is the norm among certain coniferous plants, although not in pine trees and yews.[126] For Mytilids, paternal inheritance only occurs within males of the species.[127][128][129] It has been suggested that it occurs at a very low level in humans.[130] There is a recent suggestion that mitochondria that shorten male lifespan stay in the system because they are inherited only through the mother. By contrast, natural selection weeds out mitochondria that reduce female survival as such mitochondria are less likely to be passed on to the next generation. Therefore, it is suggested that human females and female animals tend to live longer than males. The authors claim that this is a partial explanation.[131]", "Fertilisation In mammals, the binding of the spermatozoon to the GalT initiates the acrosome reaction. This process releases the hyaluronidase that digests the matrix of hyaluronic acid in the vestments around the oocyte. Fusion between the oocyte plasma membranes and sperm follows and allows the sperm nucleus, centriole and flagellum, but not the mitochondria, to enter the oocyte. The protein CD9 likely mediates this fusion in mice (the binding homolog). The egg \"activates\" itself upon fusing with a single sperm cell and thereby changes its cell membrane to prevent fusion with other sperm. Zinc atoms are released during this activation.[20]", "Sperm Some sperm banks hold up to 170 litres (37 imp gal; 45 US gal) of sperm.[13]", "Sperm motility Sperm motility describes the ability of sperm to move properly through the female reproductive tract (internal fertilization) or through water (external fertilization) to reach the egg. Sperm motility can also be thought of as the quality, which is a factor in successful conception; sperm that do not \"swim\" properly will not reach the egg in order to fertilize it. Sperm motility in mammals also facilitates the passage of the sperm through the cumulus oophorus (a layer of cells) and the zona pellucida (a layer of extracellular matrix), which surround the mammalian oocyte.", "Sperm whale There were only a few recorded catches during the first few decades (1709–1730s) of offshore sperm whaling. Instead, sloops concentrated on Nantucket Shoals, where they would have taken right whales or went to the Davis Strait region to catch bowhead whales. By the early 1740s, with the advent of spermaceti candles (before 1743), American vessels began to focus on sperm whales. The diary of Benjamin Bangs (1721–1769) shows that, along with the bumpkin sloop he sailed, he found three other sloops flensing sperm whales off the coast of North Carolina in late May 1743.[208] On returning to Nantucket in the summer 1744 on a subsequent voyage, he noted that \"45 spermacetes are brought in here this day,\" another indication that American sperm whaling was in full swing.[208]", "External fertilization Salmon, cod, trout, and char are all examples of the fishes that externally fertilize. The female and male both release their gametes into the water, where they diffuse together and fertilize.[23] On top of the sperm locating the oocyte and penetrating the gel layer, it must also infiltrate the mycropyle.[17] If there is turbulent water or even in open, calm water, the closer fish that releases sperm has the higher chance of fertilizing the eggs. If sperm is released too early, it can become to dilute or die before it ever reaches the eggs. If sperm is released too late, there is a higher chance that a different fish’s sperm has already reached the eggs. Also, the faster the speed of the sperm, as well as the number of sperm will increase the chances of fertilization.[23] There are instances where males will create habitats in an attempt to monopolize females and increase his chance of fertilizing the eggs.[17]", "Sperm Sperm were first observed in 1677 by Antonie van Leeuwenhoek[17] using a microscope, he described them as being animalcules (little animals), probably due to his belief in preformationism, which thought that each sperm contained a fully formed but small human.[citation needed]", "Sperm motility The tail of the sperm - the flagellum - confers motility upon the sperm, and has three principal components:", "Sperm The postmeiotic phase of mouse spermatogenesis is very sensitive to environmental genotoxic agents, because as male germ cells form mature sperm they progressively lose the ability to repair DNA damage.[8] Irradiation of male mice during late spermatogenesis can induce damage that persists for at least 7 days in the fertilizing sperm cells, and disruption of maternal DNA double-strand break repair pathways increases sperm cell-derived chromosomal aberrations.[9] Treatment of male mice with melphalan, a bifunctional alkylating agent frequently employed in chemotherapy, induces DNA lesions during meiosis that may persist in an unrepaired state as germ cells progress though DNA repair-competent phases of spermatogenic development.[10] Such unrepaired DNA damages in sperm cells, after fertilization, can lead to offspring with various abnormalities.", "Sperm In nematodes, the sperm cells are amoeboid and crawl, rather than swim, towards the egg cell.[22]", "Sperm whale Prior to the early eighteenth century, hunting was mostly by indigenous Indonesians.[205] Legend has it that sometime in the early eighteenth century, around 1712, Captain Christopher Hussey, while cruising for right whales near shore, was blown offshore by a northerly wind, where he encountered a sperm whale pod and killed one.[206] Although the story may not be true, sperm whales were indeed soon exploited by American whalers. Judge Paul Dudley, in his Essay upon the Natural History of Whales (1725), states that one Atkins, ten or twelve years in the trade, was among the first to catch sperm whales sometime around 1720 off the New England coast.[207]", "Sperm Non-motile sperm cells called spermatia lack flagella and therefore cannot swim. Spermatia are produced in a spermatangium.[21]", "Sperm The main sperm function is to reach the ovum and fuse with it to deliver two sub-cellular structures: (i) the male pronucleus that contains the genetic material and (ii) the centrioles that are structures that help organize the microtubule cytoskeleton.", "Sperm whale The total number of sperm whales in the world is unknown, but is thought to be in the hundreds of thousands.[3] The conservation outlook is brighter than for many other whales. Commercial whaling has ceased,[3] and the species is protected almost worldwide, though records indicate that in the eleven-year period starting from 2000, Japan has caught 51 sperm whales. Fishermen do not target the creatures sperm whales eat,[3] but long-line fishing operations in the Gulf of Alaska have complained about sperm whales stealing fish from their lines.[146]", "Fish reproduction Under a tough membranous shell, the tunica albuginea, the testis of some teleost fish, contains very fine coiled tubes called seminiferous tubules. The tubules are lined with a layer of cells (germ cells) that from puberty into old age, develop into sperm cells (also known as spermatozoa or male gametes). The developing sperm travel through the seminiferous tubules to the rete testis located in the mediastinum testis, to the efferent ducts, and then to the epididymis where newly created sperm cells mature (see spermatogenesis). The sperm move into the vas deferens, and are eventually expelled through the urethra and out of the urethral orifice through muscular contractions.", "Testicle The testes are covered by a tough membranous shell called the tunica albuginea. Within the testes are very fine coiled tubes called seminiferous tubules. The tubules are lined with a layer of cells (germ cells) that develop from puberty through old age into sperm cells (also known as spermatozoa or male gametes). The developing sperm travel through the seminiferous tubules to the rete testis located in the mediastinum testis, to the efferent ducts, and then to the epididymis where newly created sperm cells mature (see spermatogenesis). The sperm move into the vas deferens, and are eventually expelled through the urethra and out of the urethral orifice through muscular contractions.", "Sperm During fertilization, the sperm provides three essential parts to the oocyte: (1) a signalling or activating factor, which causes the metabolically dormant oocyte to activate; (2) the haploid paternal genome; (3) the centriole, which is responsible for forming the centrosome and microtubule system.[2]", "Sperm Ejaculated fluids are detected by ultraviolet light, irrespective of the structure or colour of the surface.[18] Sperm heads, e.g. from vaginal swabs, are still detected by microscopy using the \"Christmas Tree Stain\" method, i.e., Kernechtrot-Picroindigocarmine (KPIC) staining.[19][20]", "Sperm whale Dwarf sperm whale", "Sperm whale Pygmy sperm whale", "Sperm donation laws by country Sperm donation laws vary by country. Most countries have laws on sperm donation and place limits on how many children a sperm donor may give rise to. Other laws include a prohibition on use of donor semen after the donor has died, or to the payment to sperm donors. Other laws may restrict use of donor sperm for in vitro fertilisation (IVF) treatment, which may itself be banned or restricted in some way, such as to married heterosexual couples, banning such treatment to single women or lesbian couples.", "Sperm donation laws by country The law provides that there must not be more than six births per donor. The same law applies to egg donations. Prior to the change in the law in 2008, clinics set their own maximums on the numbers of children produced from each donor. Spain was becoming a destination for fertility tourists, i.e. women seeking to become pregnant through the use of donor sperm and Spanish clinics were purchasing donor sperm from other countries in order to satisfy demand (see Onselling in main article). Many UK women were travelling to Spain at that time to be impregnated with sperm imported from clinics in the UK for example, where there were already controls on the numbers of children which each donor could produce.", "Location, Location, Location A cliché used by property experts is that the three most important factors in determining the desirability of a property are \"location, location, location\". This tricolon appears in print as early as 1926,[1] though it is often incorrectly attributed to the real estate magnate Harold Samuel.[2]", "Mitochondrial DNA An IVF technique known as mitochondrial donation or mitochondrial replacement therapy (MRT) results in offspring containing mtDNA from a donor female, and nuclear DNA from the mother and father. In the spindle transfer procedure, the nucleus of an egg is inserted into the cytoplasm of an egg from a donor female which has had its nucleus removed, but still contains the donor female's mtDNA. The composite egg is then fertilized with the male's sperm. The procedure is used when a woman with genetically defective mitochondria wishes to procreate and produce offspring with healthy mitochondria.[36] The first known child to be born as a result of mitochondrial donation was a boy born to a Jordanian couple in Mexico on 6 April 2016.[37]", "Spermatogenesis Spermatogenesis takes place within several structures of the male reproductive system. The initial stages occur within the testes and progress to the epididymis where the developing gametes mature and are stored until ejaculation. The seminiferous tubules of the testes are the starting point for the process, where spermatogonial stem cells adjacent to the inner tubule wall divide in a centripetal direction—beginning at the walls and proceeding into the innermost part, or lumen—to produce immature sperm.[1] Maturation occurs in the epididymis. The location [Testes/Scrotum] is specifically important as the process of spermatogenesis requires a lower temperature to produce viable sperm, specifically 1°-8 °C lower than normal body temperature of 37 °C (98.6 °F).[4] Clinically, small fluctuations in temperature such as from an athletic support strap, causes no impairment in sperm viability or count.[5]", "Evolution of the wolf The mitochondria within each cell contain many copies of a small circular DNA genome and in mammals it is 16,000–18,000 base pairs in length. A cell contains hundreds or thousands of mitochondria and therefore the genes contained within those mitochondria are more abundant than the genes that occur in the nucleus of the cell.[73][74] The abundance of mitochondrial DNA (mDNA) is useful for the genetic analysis of ancient remains where the DNA has degraded.[74][75]", "Sperm whale Sperm whales increase levels of primary production and carbon export by depositing iron-rich faeces into surface waters of the Southern Ocean. The iron-rich faeces cause phytoplankton to grow and take up more carbon from the atmosphere. When the phytoplankton dies, it sinks to the deep ocean and takes the atmospheric carbon with it. By reducing the abundance of sperm whales in the Southern Ocean, whaling has resulted in an extra 2 million tonnes of carbon remaining in the atmosphere each year.[219]", "Sperm whale Sperm whales usually dive between 300 to 800 metres (980 to 2,620 ft), and sometimes 1 to 2 kilometres (3,300 to 6,600 ft), in search of food.[140] Such dives can last more than an hour.[140] They feed on several species, notably the giant squid, but also the colossal squid, octopuses, and fish such as demersal rays, but their diet is mainly medium-sized squid.[141] Some prey may be taken accidentally while eating other items.[141] Most of what is known about deep sea squid has been learned from specimens in captured sperm whale stomachs, although more recent studies analysed feces. One study, carried out around the Galápagos, found that squid from the genera Histioteuthis (62%), Ancistrocheirus (16%), and Octopoteuthis (7%) weighing between 12 and 650 grams (0.026 and 1.433 lb) were the most commonly taken.[142] Battles between sperm whales and giant squid or colossal squid have never been observed by humans; however, white scars are believed to be caused by the large squid. One study published in 2010 collected evidence that suggests that female sperm whales may collaborate when hunting Humboldt squid.[143] Tagging studies have shown that sperm whales hunt upside down at the bottom of their deep dives. It is suggested that the whales can see the squid silhouetted above them against the dim surface light.[144]", "Sperm whale The sperm whale respiratory system has adapted to cope with drastic pressure changes when diving. The flexible ribcage allows lung collapse, reducing nitrogen intake, and metabolism can decrease to conserve oxygen.[60][61] Between dives, the sperm whale surfaces to breathe for about eight minutes before diving again.[32] Odontoceti (toothed whales) breathe air at the surface through a single, S-shaped blowhole, which is extremely skewed to the left. Sperm whales spout (breathe) 3–5 times per minute at rest, increasing to 6–7 times per minute after a dive. The blow is a noisy, single stream that rises up to 2 metres (6.6 ft) or more above the surface and points forward and left at a 45° angle.[62] On average, females and juveniles blow every 12.5 seconds before dives, while large males blow every 17.5 seconds before dives.[63] A sperm whale killed 160 km (100 mi) south of Durban, South Africa after a 1-hour, 50-minute dive was found with two dogfish (Scymnodon sp.), usually found at the sea floor, in its belly.[64]", "Sperm whale The sperm whale is a pelagic mammal with a worldwide range, and will migrate seasonally for feeding and breeding.[4] Females and young males live together in groups, while mature males (bulls) live solitary lives outside of the mating season. The females cooperate to protect and nurse their young. Females give birth every four to twenty years, and care for the calves for more than a decade. A mature sperm whale has few natural predators, although calves and weakened adults are sometimes killed by pods of orcas (killer whales).", "Sperm whale Spermaceti (sperm oil), from which the whale derives its name, was a prime target of the whaling industry, and was sought after for use in oil lamps, lubricants, and candles. Ambergris, a solid waxy waste product sometimes present in its digestive system, is still highly valued as a fixative in perfumes, among other uses. Beachcombers look out for ambergris as flotsam.[8] Sperm whaling was a major industry in the nineteenth century, immortalised in the novel Moby Dick. The species is protected by the International Whaling Commission moratorium, and is listed as vulnerable by the International Union for Conservation of Nature.", "Sperm whale Spermaceti, obtained primarily from the spermaceti organ, and sperm oil, obtained primarily from the blubber in the body, were much sought after by eighteenth, nineteenth, and twentieth century whalers. These substances found a variety of commercial applications, such as candles, soap, cosmetics, machine oil, other specialised lubricants, lamp oil, pencils, crayons, leather waterproofing, rust-proofing materials and many pharmaceutical compounds.[201][202][203][204] Ambergris, a solid, waxy, flammable substance produced in the digestive system of sperm whales, was also sought as a fixative in perfumery.", "Reactive oxygen species Catalase, which is concentrated in peroxisomes located next to mitochondria, reacts with the hydrogen peroxide to catalyze the formation of water and oxygen. Glutathione peroxidase reduces hydrogen peroxide by transferring the energy of the reactive peroxides to a very small sulfur-containing protein called glutathione. The sulfur contained in these enzymes acts as the reactive center, carrying reactive electrons from the peroxide to the glutathione. Peroxiredoxins also degrade H2O2, within the mitochondria, cytosol, and nucleus.", "Condom For fertility treatments, a collection condom may be used to collect semen during sexual intercourse where the semen is provided by the woman's partner. Private sperm donors may also use a collection condom to obtain samples through masturbation or by sexual intercourse with a partner and will transfer the ejaculate from the collection condom to a specially designed container. The sperm is transported in such containers, in the case of a donor, to a recipient woman to be used for insemination, and in the case of a woman's partner, to a fertility clinic for processing and use. However, transportation may reduce the fecundity of the sperm. Collection condoms may also be used where semen is produced at a sperm bank or fertility clinic.", "Sperm whale In Jules Verne's Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, the Nautilus fights a group of \"cachalots\" (sperm whales) to protect a pod Southern right whales from their attacks. Verne portrays them as being savage hunters (\"nothing but mouth and teeth.\")", "Sperm donation laws by country In the United States, there are no regulations governing who may engage in sperm donation.[30] Rather, the American Society for Reproductive Medicine and other expert groups (e.g., American Association of Tissue Banks) provide recommendations and guidelines.[30] The ASRM guidelines limit a donor to 25 live births per population area of 850,000,[20] although this is not enforced by law, there is no central tracking, and it has been estimated that only about 40% of births are reported. It is likely that some donors have over one hundred genetic children.[31] Some sperm banks impose lower limits; e.g., the Sperm Bank of California has a limit of ten families per donor,[32] and the Rainbow Flag Sperm Bank has a limit of donor children by six different women.[33]", "Leech During reproduction, leeches use hypodermic injection of their sperm. They use a spermatophore, which is a structure containing the sperm. Once next to each other, leeches will line up with one's anterior side opposite the other's posterior. Each leech then shoots the spermatophore into the clitellar region of the other leech, where its sperm will make its way to the female reproductive parts.", "Caenorhabditis elegans Sperm entry into the oocyte commences formation of an anterior-posterior axis. The sperm microtubule organizing center directs the movement of the sperm pronucleus to the future posterior pole of the embryo, while also inciting the movement of PAR proteins, a group of cytoplasmic determination factors, to their proper respective locations.[23] As a result of the difference in PAR protein distribution, the first cell division is highly asymmetric.[24] C. elegans embryogenesis is among the best understood examples of asymmetric cell division.[25]", "Sperm whale A coda is a short pattern of 3 to 20 clicks that is used in social situations. They were once thought to be a way by which individuals identified themselves, but individuals have been observed producing multiple codas, and the same codas are used by multiple individuals.[114] However, each click contains a physical signature which suggests that clicks can be used to identify individuals.[78] Geographically separate pods exhibit distinct dialects.[115] Large males are generally solitary and rarely produce codas.[114] In breeding grounds, codas are almost entirely produced by adult females. Despite evidence that sperm whales share similar codas, it is still unknown whether sperm whales possess individually specific coda repertoires or whether individuals make codas at different rates.[116]", "Sperm whale Sperm whales can live 70 years or more.[31][42][156] They are a prime example of a species that has been K-selected, meaning their reproductive strategy is associated with stable environmental conditions and comprises a low birth rate, significant parental aid to offspring, slow maturation, and high longevity.[32]", "Sperm whale The sperm whale's lower jaw is very narrow and underslung.[49] The sperm whale has 18 to 26 teeth on each side of its lower jaw which fit into sockets in the upper jaw.[49] The teeth are cone-shaped and weigh up to 1 kilogram (2.2 lb) each.[50] The teeth are functional, but do not appear to be necessary for capturing or eating squid, as well-fed animals have been found without teeth or even with deformed jaws. One hypothesis is that the teeth are used in aggression between males.[51] Mature males often show scars which seem to be caused by the teeth. Rudimentary teeth are also present in the upper jaw, but these rarely emerge into the mouth.[52] Analyzing the teeth is the preferred method for determining a whale's age. Like the age-rings in a tree, the teeth build distinct layers of cementum and dentine as they grow.[53]", "Location manager Good location managers are well-poised and able to think on their feet as they are constantly moving, usually preceding production at a location, and overseeing final strike and wrap. They are the first and last people the public sees that represent the production, and are responsible for ensuring that the location is returned to the condition in which it was received. The location manager is also to be aware of the possible copyright issues which may be an issue if the show is filmed in a public place where there is art work or such, and where the artist has to give consent to the creation being depicted or covered or replaced by other artwork.", "Sperm whale Sperm whales are listed on Appendix I[223] and Appendix II[223] of the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS). It is listed on Appendix I[223] as this species has been categorized as being in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant proportion of their range and CMS Parties strive towards strictly protecting these animals, conserving or restoring the places where they live, mitigating obstacles to migration and controlling other factors that might endanger them. It is listed on Appendix II[223] as it has an unfavourable conservation status or would benefit significantly from international co-operation organised by tailored agreements. It is also covered by the Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans in the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and Contiguous Atlantic Area (ACCOBAMS) and the Memorandum of Understanding for the Conservation of Cetaceans and Their Habitats in the Pacific Islands Region (Pacific Cetaceans MOU).", "Artificial insemination Intratubal insemination (ITI) involves injection of washed sperm into the fallopian tube, although this procedure is no longer generally regarded as having any beneficial effect compared with IUI.[12] ITI however, should not be confused with gamete intrafallopian transfer, where both eggs and sperm are mixed outside the woman's body and then immediately inserted into the fallopian tube where fertilization takes place.", "Hypoxia (medical) In peripheral tissues, oxygen again diffuses down a pressure gradient into cells and their mitochondria, where it is used to produce energy in conjunction with the breakdown of glucose, fats, and some amino acids.[16]", "Artificial insemination Semen used is used either fresh, raw, or frozen. Where donor sperm is supplied by a sperm bank, it will always be quarantined and frozen, and will need to be thawed before use. When an ovum is released, semen is introduced into the woman's vagina, uterus or cervix, depending on the method being used.", "Epididymis Spermatozoa formed in the testis enter the caput epididymis, progress to the corpus, and finally reach the cauda region, where they are stored. Sperm entering the caput epididymis are incomplete—they lack the ability to swim forward (motility) and to fertilize an egg. It stores the sperm for 2–3 months. During their transit in the epididymis, sperm undergo maturation processes necessary for them to acquire these functions.[10] Final maturation is completed in the female reproductive tract (capacitation).", "Location A relative location, or situation, is described as a displacement from another site. An example is \"3 miles northwest of Seattle\".", "Sperm whale For some time researchers have been aware that pods of sperm whales may sleep for short periods, assuming a vertical position with their heads just below or at the surface. A 2008 study published in Current Biology recorded evidence that whales may sleep with both sides of the brain. It appears that some whales may fall into a deep sleep for about 7 percent of the time, most often between 6 p.m. and midnight.[104]", "Mitochondrion The first high-resolution electron micrographs appeared in 1952, replacing the Janus Green stains as the preferred way of visualising the mitochondria.[19] This led to a more detailed analysis of the structure of the mitochondria, including confirmation that they were surrounded by a membrane. It also showed a second membrane inside the mitochondria that folded up in ridges dividing up the inner chamber and that the size and shape of the mitochondria varied from cell to cell.", "Record locator In the past, the Reservec 2 system had eight character record locators in the form xxnnnnxx where x was a letter and n a decimal digit. Some CPARS (Compact Programmed Airlines Reservations System) systems used five character locators.", "Millipede The genital openings (gonopores) of both sexes are located on the underside of the third body segment (near the second pair of legs) and may be accompanied in the male by one or two penes which deposit the sperm packets onto the gonopods. In the female, the genital pores open into paired small sacs called cyphopods or vulvae, which are covered by small hood-like lids, and are used to store the sperm after copulation.[27] The cyphopod morphology can also be used to identify species. Millipede sperm lack flagella, a unique trait among myriapods.[5]", "Earthworm Mating occurs on the surface, most often at night. Earthworms are hermaphrodites; that is, they have both male and female sexual organs. The sexual organs are located in segments 9 to 15. Earthworms have one or two pairs of testes contained within sacs. The two or four pairs of seminal vesicles produce, store and release the sperm via the male pores. Ovaries and oviducts in segment 13 release eggs via female pores on segment 14, while sperm is expelled from segment 15. One or more pairs of spermathecae are present in segments 9 and 10 (depending on the species) which are internal sacs that receive and store sperm from the other worm during copulation. As a result, segment 15 of one worm exudes sperm into segments 9 and 10 with its storage vesicles of its mate. Some species use external spermatophores for sperm transfer.", "Artificial insemination The sperm used in artificial insemination may be provided by either the woman's husband or partner (partner sperm) or by a known or anonymous sperm donor (see sperm donation (donor sperm)).", "Oogenesis In ascaris, the oocyte does not even begin meiosis until the sperm touches it, in contrast to mammals, where meiosis is completed in the estrus cycle.", "Sperm whale The brain is the largest known of any modern or extinct animal, weighing on average about 7.8 kilograms (17 lb),[54][55] more than five times heavier than a human's, and has a volume of about 8,000 cm3.[56] Although larger brains generally correlate with higher intelligence, it is not the only factor. Elephants and dolphins also have larger brains than humans.[57] The sperm whale has a lower encephalization quotient than many other whale and dolphin species, lower than that of non-human anthropoid apes, and much lower than humans'.[55][58]", "Location A location, settlement, or populated place is likely to have a well-defined name but a boundary which is not well defined in varies by context. London, for instance, has a legal boundary, but this is unlikely to completely match with general usage. An area within a town, such as Covent Garden in London, also almost always has some ambiguity as to its extent.", "Chloroplast Like mitochondria, chloroplasts are usually inherited from a single parent. Biparental chloroplast inheritance—where plastid genes are inherited from both parent plants—occurs in very low levels in some flowering plants.[158]", "Global Location Number Location identified with GLN could be a physical location such as a warehouse or a legal entity such as a company or customer or a function that takes place within a legal entity. It can also be used to identify something as specific as a particular shelf in a store. Being able to identify locations with a unique number is a key to many business processes. The GLN is used in electronic messaging between customers and suppliers, where location advice is important. GLN is also used within companies to identify specific locations both electronically in a database and physically where the GLN can be produced in a bar code or GS1 EPC tag.", "Sperm whale Extensive whaling may have decreased their size, as males were highly sought, primarily after World War II.[36] Today, males do not usually exceed 18.3 metres (60 ft) in length or 51,000 kilograms (50 long tons; 56 short tons) in weight.[31] Another view holds that exploitation by overwhaling had virtually no effect on the size of the bull sperm whales, and their size may have actually increased in current times on the basis of density dependent effects.[38] Old males taken at Solander Islands were recorded to be extremely large and unusually rich in blubbers.[39]", "Sperm whale Lactation proceeds for 19 to 42 months, but calves, rarely, may suckle up to 13 years.[31] Like that of other whales, the sperm whale's milk has a higher fat content than that of terrestrial mammals: about 36%,[163] compared to 4% in cow milk. This gives it a consistency similar to cottage cheese,[164] which prevents it from dissolving in the water before the calf can eat it.[165] It has an energy content of roughly 3,840 kcal/kg,[163] compared to just 640 kcal/kg in cow milk.[166] Calves may be allowed to suckle from females other than their mothers.[31]", "Sperm donation laws by country In Switzerland sperm donation is only allowed for married heterosexual couples—not for unmarried couples, singles or homosexual couples. A donor may give rise to a maximum of eight children.", "Crista In conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease, the mitochondria develop inclusions that change the shape of the cristae and irregularities in the inner membrane of the mitochondria are also seen. [5]", "Sexual selection After copulation, male–male competition distinct from conventional aggression may take the form of sperm competition, as described by Parker[31] in 1970. More recently, interest has arisen in cryptic female choice,[32] a phenomenon of internally fertilised animals such as mammals and birds, where a female can get rid of a male's sperm without his knowledge.", "Protein kinase A The regulatory subunit dimer of PKA is important for localizing the kinase inside the cell. The dimerization and docking (D/D) domain of the dimer binds to the A-kinase binding (AKB) domain of A-kinase anchor protein (AKAP). The AKAPs localize PKA to various locations (e.g., plasma membrane, mitochondria, etc.) within the cell.", "Catalase The increased oxidative stress that occurs with aging in mice is alleviated by over-expression of catalase.[27] Over-expressing mice do not exhibit the age-associated loss of spermatozoa, testicular germ and Sertoli cells seen in wild-type mice. Oxidative stress in wild-type mice ordinarily induces oxidative DNA damage (measured as 8-oxodG) in sperm with aging, but these damages are significantly reduced in aged catalase over-expressing mice.[27] Furthermore, these over-expressing mice show no decrease in age-dependent number of pups per litter. Overexpression of catalase targeted to mitochondria extends the lifespan of mice.[28]", "Mitochondrion Proto-mitochondria", "Parthenogenesis In addition to these forms is hermaphroditism, where both the eggs and sperm are produced by the same individual, but is not a type of parthenogenesis. This is seen in three species of Icerya scale insects.[40]", "Human reproductive system The male reproductive system is a series of organs located outside of the body and around the pelvis region of a male that contribute towards the reproduction process. The primary direct function of the male reproductive system is to provide the male sperm for fertilization of the ovum.", "Olfactory receptor In vertebrates, the olfactory receptors are located in both the cilia and synapses of the olfactory sensory neurons[4] and in the epithelium of the human airway.[5] In insects, olfactory receptors are located on the antennae and other chemosensory organs.[6] Sperm cells also express odor receptors, which are thought to be involved in chemotaxis to find the egg cell.[7]", "Location-based service LBS is critical to many businesses as well as government organizations to drive real insight from data tied to a specific location where activities take place. The spatial patterns that location-related data and services can provide is one of its most powerful and useful aspect where location is a common denominator in all of these activities and can be leveraged to better understand patterns and relationships. Banking, Surveillance, On-line Commerce, and many Weapon Systems are all dependent on LBS.", "Cephalopod Mate choice is seen in cuttlefish species, where females prefer some males over others, though characteristics of the preferred males are unknown.[79] A hypothesis states that females reject males by olfactory cues rather than visual cues.[79] Several cephalopod species are polyandrous- accepting and storing multiple male spermatophores, which has been identified by DNA fingerprinting.[85] Females are no longer receptive to mating attempts when holding their eggs in their arm. Females can store sperm in two places (1) the buccal cavity where recently mated males place their spermatophores, and (2) the internal sperm-storage receptacles where sperm packages from previous males are stored.[79] Spermatophore storage results in sperm competition; which states that the female controls which mate fertilizes the eggs. In order to reduce this sort of competition, males develop agonistic behaviors like mate guarding and flushing.[79] The Hapalochlaena lunulata, or the blue-ringed octopus, is unable to distinguish between males and females and readily mates with both.[89]", "Oxidative phosphorylation The electron transport chain carries both protons and electrons, passing electrons from donors to acceptors, and transporting protons across a membrane. These processes use both soluble and protein-bound transfer molecules. In mitochondria, electrons are transferred within the intermembrane space by the water-soluble electron transfer protein cytochrome c.[6] This carries only electrons, and these are transferred by the reduction and oxidation of an iron atom that the protein holds within a heme group in its structure. Cytochrome c is also found in some bacteria, where it is located within the periplasmic space.[7]", "Mammalian reproduction If, in this transit, it meets with sperm, the egg selects sperm with which to merge; this is termed fertilization. The fertilization usually occurs in the oviducts, but can happen in the uterus itself. The zygote then implants itself in the wall of the uterus, where it begins the processes of embryogenesis and morphogenesis. When developed enough to survive outside the womb, the cervix dilates and contractions of the uterus propel the fetus through the birth canal, which is the vagina.", "Every Sperm Is Sacred The very phrase \"every sperm is sacred\" has become almost proverbial in the field of animal[4] and human sexuality and reproduction.[5] This extends to such areas as cloning, where the song is used to criticize anti-cloning activists who argue that every embryo or fertilized egg is sacred.[6] Pro-choice activists have sung the song outside abortion clinics to ridicule their opponents,[7] legal scholars have alluded to it in discussions of women's reproductive rights,[8] and it is used generally to do what has been described as \"[exposing] the absurdity of the anti-choice argument when taken to its extreme.\"[9]", "Artificial insemination When performed at home without the presence of a professional, aiming the sperm in the vagina at the cervix may be more difficult to achieve and the effect is to 'flood' the vagina with semen, rather than to target it specifically at the entrance to the cervix. This procedure is therefore sometimes referred to as intravaginal insemination (IVI).[1] Sperm supplied by a sperm bank will be frozen and must be allowed to thaw before insemination. The sealed end of the straw itself must be cut off and the open end of the straw is usually fixed straight on to the tip of the syringe, allowing the contents to be drawn into the syringe. Sperm from more than one straw can generally be used in the same syringe. Where fresh semen is used, this must be allowed to liquefy before inserting it into the syringe, or alternatively, the syringe may be back-loaded.", "Mitochondrion There are two hypotheses about the origin of mitochondria: endosymbiotic and autogenous. The endosymbiotic hypothesis suggests that mitochondria were originally prokaryotic cells, capable of implementing oxidative mechanisms that were not possible for eukaryotic cells; they became endosymbionts living inside the eukaryote.[25] In the autogenous hypothesis, mitochondria were born by splitting off a portion of DNA from the nucleus of the eukaryotic cell at the time of divergence with the prokaryotes; this DNA portion would have been enclosed by membranes, which could not be crossed by proteins. Since mitochondria have many features in common with bacteria, the endosymbiotic hypothesis is more widely accepted.[25][26]", "Spermatozoon Semen has an alkaline nature, and they do not reach full motility (hypermotility) until they reach the vagina where the alkaline pH is neutralized by acidic vaginal fluids. This gradual process takes 20–30 minutes. In this time, fibrinogen from the seminal vesicles forms a clot, securing and protecting the sperm. Just as they become hypermotile, fibrinolysin from the prostate dissolves the clot, allowing the sperm to progress optimally.", "Ketone bodies Fats stored in adipose tissue are released from the fat cells into the blood as free fatty acids and glycerol when insulin levels are low and glucagon and epinephrine levels in the blood are high. This occurs between meals, during fasting, starvation and strenuous exercise, when blood glucose levels are likely to fall. Fatty acids are very high energy fuels, and are taken up by all metabolizing cells which have mitochondria. This is because fatty acids can only be metabolized in the mitochondria.[1][5] Red blood cells do not contain mitochondria and are therefore entirely dependent on anaerobic glycolysis for their energy requirements. Neurons of the central nervous system (CNS) are also unable to uptake fatty acids because fatty acids cannot pass the blood-brain barrier. In all other tissues the fatty acids that enter the metabolizing cells are combined with co-enzyme A to form acyl-CoA chains. These are transferred into the mitochondria of the cells, where they are broken down into acetyl-CoA units by a sequence of reactions known as β-oxidation.[1][5]", "Protein Other methods for elucidating the cellular location of proteins requires the use of known compartmental markers for regions such as the ER, the Golgi, lysosomes or vacuoles, mitochondria, chloroplasts, plasma membrane, etc. With the use of fluorescently tagged versions of these markers or of antibodies to known markers, it becomes much simpler to identify the localization of a protein of interest. For example, indirect immunofluorescence will allow for fluorescence colocalization and demonstration of location. Fluorescent dyes are used to label cellular compartments for a similar purpose.[48]", "Life expectancy There is a recent suggestion that mitochondrial mutations that shorten lifespan continue to be expressed in males (but less so in females) because mitochondria are inherited only through the mother. By contrast, natural selection weeds out mitochondria that reduce female survival; therefore such mitochondria are less likely to be passed on to the next generation. This thus suggests that females tend to live longer than males. The authors claim that this is a partial explanation.[67][68]", "Sperm whale Rope-mounted teeth are important cultural objects throughout the Pacific. In New Zealand, the M훮ori know them as \"rei puta\"; such whale tooth pendants were rare objects because sperm whales were not actively hunted in traditional M훮ori society.[224] Whale ivory and bone were taken from beached whales. In Fiji the teeth are known as tabua, traditionally given as gifts for atonement or esteem (called sevusevu), and were important in negotiations between rival chiefs.[225] Friedrich Ratzel in The History of Mankind reported in 1896 that, in Fiji, whales' or cachalots' teeth were the most-demanded article of ornament or value. They occurred often in necklaces.[226] Today the tabua remains an important item in Fijian life. The teeth were originally rare in Fiji and Tonga, which exported teeth, but with the Europeans' arrival, teeth flooded the market and this \"currency\" collapsed. The oversupply led in turn to the development of the European art of scrimshaw.[227]", "Mitochondrion A few groups of unicellular eukaryotes have only vestigial mitochondria or derived structures: the microsporidians, metamonads, and archamoebae.[36] These groups appear as the most primitive eukaryotes on phylogenetic trees constructed using rRNA information, which once suggested that they appeared before the origin of mitochondria. However, this is now known to be an artifact of long-branch attraction—they are derived groups and retain genes or organelles derived from mitochondria (e.g., mitosomes and hydrogenosomes).[1]", "Eukaryote Autogenous models propose that a proto-eukaryotic cell containing a nucleus existed first, and later acquired mitochondria.[118]\nAccording to this model, a large prokaryote developed invaginations in its plasma membrane in order to obtain enough surface area to service its cytoplasmic volume. As the invaginations differentiated in function, some became separate compartments—giving rise to the endomembrane system, including the endoplasmic reticulum, golgi apparatus, nuclear membrane, and single membrane structures such as lysosomes.[119]\nMitochondria are proposed to come from the endosymbiosis of an aerobic proteobacterium, and it is assumed that all the eukaryotic lineages that did not acquire mitochondria became extinct.[120]\nChloroplasts came about from another endosymbiotic event involving cyanobacteria. Since all eukaryotes have mitochondria, but not all have chloroplasts, the serial endosymbiosis theory proposes that mitochondria came first.", "Sperm whale The sperm whale is the largest toothed whale, with adult males measuring up to 20.5 metres (67 ft) long and weighing up to 57,000 kilograms (56 long tons; 63 short tons).[32][33] By contrast, the second largest toothed whale (Baird's Beaked Whale) measures 12.8 metres (42 ft) and weighs up to 15 short tons (14,000 kg).[34] The Nantucket Whaling Museum has a 5.5 metres (18 ft)-long jawbone. The museum claims that this individual was 24 metres (80 ft) long; the whale that sank the Essex (one of the incidents behind Moby-Dick) was claimed to be 26 metres (85 ft). A similar size is reported from a jawbone from the British Natural History Museum. A 20m specimen is reported from a Soviet whaling fleet near the Kuril Islands in 1950.[35][36] There is disagreement on the claims of adult males approaching or exceeding 24 metres (80 ft) in length.[37]", "Inner mitochondrial membrane For typical liver mitochondria, the area of the inner membrane is about 5x as large as the outer membrane due to cristae. This ratio is variable and mitochondria from cells that have a greater demand for ATP, such as muscle cells, contain even more cristae. Cristae membranes are studded on the matrix side with small round protein complexes known as F1 particles, the site of proton-gradient driven ATP synthesis. Cristae affect overall chemiosmotic function of mitochondria.[1]", "Polyadenylation In as different groups as animals and trypanosomes, the mitochondria contain both stabilising and destabilising poly(A) tails. Destabilising polyadenylation targets both mRNA and noncoding RNAs. The poly(A) tails are 43 nucleotides long on average. The stabilising ones start at the stop codon, and without them the stop codon (UAA) is not complete as the genome only encodes the U or UA part. Plant mitochondria have only destabilising polyadenylation, and yeast mitochondria have no polyadenylation at all.[77]", "Every Sperm Is Sacred The song is a style pastiche of the song \"Consider Yourself\", from the musical Oliver! by Lionel Bart. Later, Jones denied that it was explicitly written to make fun of the genre of musical comedy: \"'Every Sperm is Sacred' is not a parody of these things, it just is those things, it's a musical song, it's a hymn, it's a Lionel Bart-style musical, but it's not making fun of a Lionel Bart-style musical.\"[1]", "Mitochondrion The mitochondrion (plural mitochondria) is a double membrane-bound organelle found in all eukaryotic organisms. Some cells in some multicellular organisms may however lack them (for example, mature mammalian red blood cells). A number of unicellular organisms, such as microsporidia, parabasalids, and diplomonads, have also reduced or transformed their mitochondria into other structures.[1] To date, only one eukaryote, Monocercomonoides, is known to have completely lost its mitochondria.[2] The word mitochondrion comes from the Greek μίτος, mitos, \"thread\", and χονδρίον, chondrion, \"granule\"[3] or \"grain-like\". Mitochondria generate most of the cell's supply of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), used as a source of chemical energy.[4]", "Location manager The first job of a location manager is managing the location scouting of a project, usually supervising several scouts and assistant managers during the course of a show. A location manager will work closely with the director and the production designer during preproduction to find and secure their creative vision, and oversee additional scouts to insure that all scripted locations are accounted for. The manager is also responsible for public relations at the locations used, and the safety of the crew during filming.", "Location manager The Location Managers Guild held their inaugural awards show in 2014 to honor the outstanding creative contributions of location professionals around the world, currently held in conjunction with the AFCI Location Show in Los Angeles, CA.", "Adipocyte Brown fat cells or plurivacuolar cells are polygonal in shape. Unlike white fat cells, these cells have considerable cytoplasm, with lipid droplets scattered throughout. The nucleus is round, and, although eccentrically located, it is not in the periphery of the cell. The brown color comes from the large quantity of mitochondria. Brown fat, also known as \"baby fat,\" is used to generate heat.", "Mitochondrion Mitochondria stripped of their outer membrane are called mitoplasts.", "Semen Semen quality is a measure of the ability of semen to accomplish fertilization. Thus, it is a measure of fertility in a man. It is the sperm in the semen that is the fertile component, and therefore semen quality involves both sperm quantity and sperm quality." ]
how many lines of symmetry are there in a equilateral triangle
[ "Equilateral triangle An equilateral triangle is the most symmetrical triangle, having 3 lines of reflection and rotational symmetry of order 3 about its center. Its symmetry group is the dihedral group of order 6 D3." ]
[ "Equilateral triangle Napoleon's theorem states that, if equilateral triangles are constructed on the sides of any triangle, either all outward, or all inward, the centers of those equilateral triangles themselves form an equilateral triangle.", "Equilateral triangle The integer-sided equilateral triangle is the only triangle with integer sides and three rational angles as measured in degrees.[20]", "Equilateral triangle Morley's trisector theorem states that, in any triangle, the three points of intersection of the adjacent angle trisectors form an equilateral triangle.", "Equilateral triangle Three kinds of cevians are equal for (and only for) equilateral triangles:[8]", "Hexagon The common length of the sides equals the radius of the circumscribed circle, which equals \n\n\n\n\n\n\n2\n\n3\n\n\n\n\n\n\n{\\displaystyle {\\tfrac {2}{\\sqrt {3}}}}\n\n times the apothem (radius of the inscribed circle). All internal angles are 120 degrees. A regular hexagon has 6 rotational symmetries (rotational symmetry of order six) and 6 reflection symmetries (six lines of symmetry), making up the dihedral group D6. The longest diagonals of a regular hexagon, connecting diametrically opposite vertices, are twice the length of one side. From this it can be seen that a triangle with a vertex at the center of the regular hexagon and sharing one side with the hexagon is equilateral, and that the regular hexagon can be partitioned into six equilateral triangles.", "Equilateral triangle An equilateral triangle is easily constructed using a compass and straightedge, as 3 is a Fermat prime. Draw a straight line, and place the point of the compass on one end of the line, and swing an arc from that point to the other point of the line segment. Repeat with the other side of the line. Finally, connect the point where the two arcs intersect with each end of the line segment", "Equilateral triangle The ratio of the area to the square of the perimeter of an equilateral triangle, \n\n\n\n\n\n1\n\n12\n\n\n3\n\n\n\n\n\n,\n\n\n{\\displaystyle {\\frac {1}{12{\\sqrt {3}}}},}\n\n is larger than that for any other triangle.[12]", "Equilateral triangle For any point P on the inscribed circle of an equilateral triangle, with distances p, q, and t from the vertices,[19]", "Equilateral triangle If a triangle is placed in the complex plane with complex vertices z1, z2, and z3, then for either non-real cube root \n\n\n\nω\n\n\n{\\displaystyle \\omega }\n\n of 1 the triangle is equilateral if and only if[17]:Lemma 2", "Equilateral triangle If a segment splits an equilateral triangle into two regions with equal perimeters and with areas A1 and A2 , then[11]:p.151,#J26", "Pyramid (geometry) The trigonal or triangular pyramid with all equilateral triangles faces becomes the regular tetrahedron, one of the Platonic solids. A lower symmetry case of the triangular pyramid is C3v, which has an equilateral triangle base, and 3 identical isosceles triangle sides. The square and pentagonal pyramids can also be composed of regular convex polygons, in which case they are Johnson solids.", "Equilateral triangle Viviani's theorem states that, for any interior point P in an equilateral triangle with distances d, e, and f from the sides and altitude h,", "Triangle both again holding if and only if the triangle is equilateral.", "Equilateral triangle Given a point P in the interior of an equilateral triangle, the ratio of the sum of its distances from the vertices to the sum of its distances from the sides is greater than or equal to 2, equality holding when P is the centroid. In no other triangle is there a point for which this ratio is as small as 2.[18] This is the Erdős–Mordell inequality; a stronger variant of it is Barrow's inequality, which replaces the perpendicular distances to the sides with the distances from P to the points where the angle bisectors of ∠APB, ∠BPC, and ∠CPA cross the sides (A, B, and C being the vertices).", "Reuleaux triangle The Reuleaux triangle may be constructed either directly from three circles, or by rounding the sides of an equilateral triangle.[6]", "Reuleaux triangle The Yanmouti sets are defined as the convex hulls of an equilateral triangle together with three circular arcs, centered at the triangle vertices and spanning the same angle as the triangle, with equal radii that are at most equal to the side length of the triangle. Thus, when the radius is small enough, these sets degenerate to the equilateral triangle itself, but when the radius is as large as possible they equal the corresponding Reuleaux triangle. Every shape with width w, diameter d, and inradius r (the radius of the largest possible circle contained in the shape) obeys the inequality", "Altitude (triangle) For any point P within an equilateral triangle, the sum of the perpendiculars to the three sides is equal to the altitude of the triangle. This is Viviani's theorem.", "Acute and obtuse triangles The equilateral triangle, with three 60° angles, is acute.", "Symmetrical components The phasors \n\n\n\n\n\nV\n\n(\na\nb\n)\n\n\n=\n\nV\n\n(\na\n)\n\n\n−\n\nV\n\n(\nb\n)\n\n\n;\n\n\nV\n\n(\nb\nc\n)\n\n\n=\n\nV\n\n(\nb\n)\n\n\n−\n\nV\n\n(\nc\n)\n\n\n;\n\n\nV\n\n(\nc\na\n)\n\n\n=\n\nV\n\n(\nc\n)\n\n\n−\n\nV\n\n(\na\n)\n\n\n\n\n\n{\\displaystyle \\scriptstyle V_{(ab)}=V_{(a)}-V_{(b)};\\;V_{(bc)}=V_{(b)}-V_{(c)};\\;V_{(ca)}=V_{(c)}-V_{(a)}}\n\n form a closed triangle (e.g., outer voltages or line to line voltages). To find the synchronous and inverse components of the phases, take any side of the outer triangle and draw the two possible equilateral triangles sharing the selected side as base. These two equilateral triangles represent a synchronous and an inverse system.", "Equilateral triangle For any triangle, the three medians partition the triangle into six smaller triangles.", "Isosceles triangle In geometry, an isosceles triangle is a triangle that has two sides of equal length. Sometimes it is specified as having two and only two sides of equal length, and sometimes as having at least two sides of equal length, the latter version thus including the equilateral triangle as a special case.", "Incircle and excircles of a triangle The radii of the incircle is related to the area of the triangle.[17] The ratio of the area of the incircle to the area of the triangle is less than or equal to \n\n\n\n\n\nπ\n\n3\n\n\n3\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n{\\displaystyle {\\frac {\\pi }{3{\\sqrt {3}}}}}\n\n, with equality holding only for equilateral triangles.[18]", "Incircle and excircles of a triangle The ratio of the area of the incircle to the area of the triangle is less than or equal to \n\n\n\n\n\nπ\n\n3\n\n\n3\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n{\\displaystyle {\\frac {\\pi }{3{\\sqrt {3}}}}}\n\n, with equality holding only for equilateral triangles.[26]", "Einthoven's triangle Einthoven's triangle is an imaginary formation of three limb leads in a triangle used in electrocardiography, formed by the two shoulders and the pubis.[1] The shape forms an inverted equilateral triangle with the heart at the center that produces zero potential when the voltages are summed. It is named after Willem Einthoven, who theorized its existence.[2]", "Acute and obtuse triangles The Calabi triangle, which is the only non-equilateral triangle for which the largest square that fits in the interior can be positioned in any of three different ways, is obtuse and isosceles with base angles 39.1320261...° and third angle 101.7359477...°.", "Area The ratio of the area of the incircle to the area of an equilateral triangle, \n\n\n\n\n\nπ\n\n3\n\n\n3\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n{\\displaystyle {\\frac {\\pi }{3{\\sqrt {3}}}}}\n\n, is larger than that of any non-equilateral triangle.[32]", "Equilateral triangle The area of a triangle is half of one side a times the height h from that side:", "Square pyramid If all the edges have the same length, then the sides are equilateral triangles, and the pyramid is an equilateral square pyramid, Johnson solid J1.", "Symmetry As quilts are made from square blocks (usually 9, 16, or 25 pieces to a block) with each smaller piece usually consisting of fabric triangles, the craft lends itself readily to the application of symmetry.[33]", "Equiangular polygon A rectangle (equiangular quadrilateral) with integer side lengths may be tiled by unit squares, and an equiangular hexagon with integer side lengths may be tiled by unit equilateral triangles. Some but not all equilateral dodecagons may be tiled by a combination of unit squares and equilateral triangles; the rest may be tiled by these two shapes together with rhombi with 30 and 150 degree angles.[1]", "Coat of arms of the Philippines During the 1896 Philippine Revolution, the Filipino leaders had no permanent political symbol, but, two different emblems were easily adopted. Both consisted of an equilateral triangle, but differed on what symbols were placed inside the triangle. Many documents of the Katipunan bore a letter K which stood for Kalayaan (Liberty), while some had the rising mythological sun in the center. General Emilio Aguinaldo, officially the first President of the Philippines, adopted the mythological sun and the three stars in each angle of the equilateral triangle as his emblem.", "Pyramid (geometry) When the side triangles are equilateral, the formula for the volume is", "Isosceles triangle There are exactly two distinct isosceles triangles with given area T and perimeter p if the isoperimetric inequality holds strictly as \n\n\n\n\np\n\n2\n\n\n>\n12\n\n\n3\n\n\nT\n.\n\n\n{\\displaystyle p^{2}>12{\\sqrt {3}}T.}\n\n If the inequality is replaced by the corresponding equality, there is only one such triangle, which is equilateral.[5]:Thm.2", "Reuleaux triangle where s is the constant width. One method for deriving this area formula is to partition the Reuleaux triangle into an inner equilateral triangle and three curvilinear regions between this inner triangle and the arcs forming the Reuleaux triangle, and then add the areas of these four sets. At the other extreme, the curve of constant width that has the maximum possible area is a circular disk, which has area \n\n\n\nπ\n\ns\n\n2\n\n\n\n/\n\n4\n≈\n0.78540\n\ns\n\n2\n\n\n\n\n{\\displaystyle \\pi s^{2}/4\\approx 0.78540s^{2}}\n\n.[14]", "Elbow When in anatomical position there are four main bony landmarks of the elbow. At the lower part of the humerus are the medial and lateral epicondyles, on the side closest to the body (medial) and on the side away from the body (lateral) surfaces. The third landmark is the olecranon found at the head of the ulna. These lie on a horizontal line called the Hueter line. When the elbow is flexed, they form an equilateral triangle called the Hueter triangle.[5]", "Geometric series For example, the area inside the Koch snowflake can be described as the union of infinitely many equilateral triangles (see figure). Each side of the green triangle is exactly 1/3 the size of a side of the large blue triangle, and therefore has exactly 1/9 the area. Similarly, each yellow triangle has 1/9 the area of a green triangle, and so forth. Taking the blue triangle as a unit of area, the total area of the snowflake is", "Triangle There are infinitely many lines that bisect the area of a triangle.[24] Three of them are the medians, which are the only area bisectors that go through the centroid. Three other area bisectors are parallel to the triangle's sides.", "Pyramid (geometry) Pyramids with a hexagonal or higher base must be composed of isosceles triangles; a hexagonal pyramid with equilateral triangles would be a completely flat figure, and a heptagonal or higher would have the triangles not meet at all.", "Screw thread Most triangular threadforms are based on an isosceles triangle. These are usually called V-threads or vee-threads because of the shape of the letter V. For 60° V-threads, the isosceles triangle is, more specifically, equilateral. For buttress threads, the triangle is scalene.", "Square root of 3 The square root of 3 can be found as the leg length of an equilateral triangle that encompasses a circle with a diameter of 1.", "Kite (geometry) One of the two diagonals of a convex kite divides it into two isosceles triangles; the other (the axis of symmetry) divides the kite into two congruent triangles.[10] The two interior angles of a kite that are on opposite sides of the symmetry axis are equal.", "Isosceles triangle A triangle with exactly two equal sides has exactly one axis of symmetry, which goes through the vertex angle and also goes through the midpoint of the base. Thus the axis of symmetry coincides with (1) the angle bisector of the vertex angle, (2) the median drawn to the base, (3) the altitude drawn from the vertex angle, and (4) the perpendicular bisector of the base.[4]", "Equilateral polygon A convex equilateral pentagon can be described by two angles α and β, which together determine the other angles. Concave equilateral pentagons exist, as do concave equilateral polygons with any larger number of sides.", "Equilateral polygon An equilateral polygon which is cyclic (its vertices are on a circle) is a regular polygon (a polygon that is both equilateral and equiangular).", "Altitude (triangle) The orthic triangle is closely related to the tangential triangle, constructed as follows: let LA be the line tangent to the circumcircle of triangle ABC at vertex A, and define LB and LC analogously. Let A\" = LB ∩ LC, B\" = LC ∩ LA, C\" = LC ∩ LA. The tangential triangle is A\"B\"C\", whose sides are the tangents to triangle ABC's circumcircle at its vertices; it is homothetic to the orthic triangle. The circumcenter of the tangential triangle, and the center of similitude of the orthic and tangential triangles, are on the Euler line.[20]:p. 447", "Equilateral pentagon The square of the length of the line dividing the orange and green triangles is:", "Equilateral polygon Viviani's theorem generalizes to equilateral polygons:[2] The sum of the perpendicular distances from an interior point to the sides of an equilateral polygon is independent of the location of the interior point.", "Equilateral pentagon According to the law of sines the length of the line dividing the green and blue triangles is:", "Isosceles triangle If a cubic equation has two complex roots and one real root, then when these roots are plotted in the complex plane they are the vertices of an isosceles triangle whose axis of symmetry coincides with the horizontal (real) axis. This is because the complex roots are complex conjugates and hence are symmetric about the real axis.", "Symmetry A long tradition of the use of symmetry in carpet and rug patterns spans a variety of cultures. American Navajo Indians used bold diagonals and rectangular motifs. Many Oriental rugs have intricate reflected centers and borders that translate a pattern. Not surprisingly, rectangular rugs have typically the symmetries of a rectangle—that is, motifs that are reflected across both the horizontal and vertical axes (see Klein four-group § Geometry).[34][35]", "Triangle where f is the fraction of the sphere's area which is enclosed by the triangle. For example, suppose that we draw a triangle on the Earth's surface with vertices at the North Pole, at a point on the equator at 0° longitude, and a point on the equator at 90° West longitude. The great circle line between the latter two points is the equator, and the great circle line between either of those points and the North Pole is a line of longitude; so there are right angles at the two points on the equator. Moreover, the angle at the North Pole is also 90° because the other two vertices differ by 90° of longitude. So the sum of the angles in this triangle is 90° + 90° + 90° = 270°. The triangle encloses 1/4 of the northern hemisphere (90°/360° as viewed from the North Pole) and therefore 1/8 of the Earth's surface, so in the formula f = 1/8; thus the formula correctly gives the sum of the triangle's angles as 270°.", "Rack (billiards) The most common shape of a rack is that of an equilateral triangle. Triangular racks are used for eight-ball, straight pool, one-pocket, bank pool, snooker and many other games. Diamond-shaped frames are sometimes used for the game of nine-ball (although a triangular rack can also be used) and template racks come in a variety of shapes.", "Equilateral triangle The sine of 60° is \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n3\n\n2\n\n\n\n\n\n{\\displaystyle {\\tfrac {\\sqrt {3}}{2}}}\n\n. Thus", "Equilateral triangle independent of the location of P.[13]", "Equilateral triangle For any point P in the plane, with distances p, q, and t from the vertices A, B, and C respectively,[19]", "Equilateral triangle which is the optic equation.", "Incircle and excircles of a triangle The three lines ATA, BTB and CTC are called the splitters of the triangle; they each bisect the perimeter of the triangle,", "Shape Some simple shapes can be put into broad categories. For instance, polygons are classified according to their number of edges as triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons, etc. Each of these is divided into smaller categories; triangles can be equilateral, isosceles, obtuse, acute, scalene, etc. while quadrilaterals can be rectangles, rhombi, trapezoids, squares, etc.", "Triangle There are thousands of different constructions that find a special point associated with (and often inside) a triangle, satisfying some unique property: see the article Encyclopedia of Triangle Centers for a catalogue of them. Often they are constructed by finding three lines associated in a symmetrical way with the three sides (or vertices) and then proving that the three lines meet in a single point: an important tool for proving the existence of these is Ceva's theorem, which gives a criterion for determining when three such lines are concurrent. Similarly, lines associated with a triangle are often constructed by proving that three symmetrically constructed points are collinear: here Menelaus' theorem gives a useful general criterion. In this section just a few of the most commonly encountered constructions are explained.", "Liberté, égalité, fraternité The Philippine national flag has a rectangular design that consists of a white equilateral triangle, symbolizing liberty, equality, and fraternity; a horizontal blue stripe for peace, truth, and justice; and a horizontal red stripe for patriotism and valor . In the center of the white triangle is an eight- rayed golden sun symbolizing unity, freedom, people's democracy, and sovereignty.", "Symmetry Symmetry is important to chemistry because it undergirds essentially all specific interactions between molecules in nature (i.e., via the interaction of natural and human-made chiral molecules with inherently chiral biological systems). The control of the symmetry of molecules produced in modern chemical synthesis contributes to the ability of scientists to offer therapeutic interventions with minimal side effects. A rigorous understanding of symmetry explains fundamental observations in quantum chemistry, and in the applied areas of spectroscopy and crystallography. The theory and application of symmetry to these areas of physical science draws heavily on the mathematical area of group theory.[24]", "Isosceles triangle In an isosceles triangle the incenter (the intersection of its angle bisectors, which is the center of the incircle, that is, the circle which is internally tangent to the triangle's three sides) lies on the Euler line.", "Symmetry In biology, the notion of symmetry is also used as in physics, that is to say to describe the properties of the objects studied, including their interactions. A remarkable property of biological evolution is the changes of symmetry corresponding to the appearance of new parts and dynamics.[22][23]", "Symmetry Symmetry (from Greek συμμετρία symmetria \"agreement in dimensions, due proportion, arrangement\")[1] in everyday language refers to a sense of harmonious and beautiful proportion and balance.[2][3][a] In mathematics, \"symmetry\" has a more precise definition, that an object is invariant to any of various transformations; including reflection, rotation or scaling. Although these two meanings of \"symmetry\" can sometimes be told apart, they are related, so they are here discussed together.", "Hexagon Like squares and equilateral triangles, regular hexagons fit together without any gaps to tile the plane (three hexagons meeting at every vertex), and so are useful for constructing tessellations. The cells of a beehive honeycomb are hexagonal for this reason and because the shape makes efficient use of space and building materials. The Voronoi diagram of a regular triangular lattice is the honeycomb tessellation of hexagons. It is not usually considered a triambus, although it is equilateral.", "Triangle An angle bisector of a triangle is a straight line through a vertex which cuts the corresponding angle in half. The three angle bisectors intersect in a single point, the incenter, usually denoted by I, the center of the triangle's incircle. The incircle is the circle which lies inside the triangle and touches all three sides. Its radius is called the inradius. There are three other important circles, the excircles; they lie outside the triangle and touch one side as well as the extensions of the other two. The centers of the in- and excircles form an orthocentric system.", "Symmetry Plants and sessile (attached) animals such as sea anemones often have radial or rotational symmetry, which suits them because food or threats may arrive from any direction. Fivefold symmetry is found in the echinoderms, the group that includes starfish, sea urchins, and sea lilies.[21]", "Dodecagon One of the ways the mathematical manipulative pattern blocks are used is in creating a number of different dodecagons.[5] They are related to the rhombic dissections, with 3 60° rhombi merged into hexagons, half-hexagon trapezoids, or divided into 2 equilateral triangles.", "Symmetrical components The synchronous component is in the same manner 3 times the deviation from the \"inverse equilateral triangle\". The directions of these components are correct for the relevant phase. It seems counter intuitive that this works for all three phases regardless of the side chosen but that is the beauty of this illustration.", "Square root of 3 If an equilateral triangle with sides of length 1 is cut into two equal halves, by bisecting an internal angle across to make a right angle with one side, the right angle triangle's hypotenuse is length one and the sides are of length 1/2 and √3/2. From this the trigonometric function tangent of 60° equals √3, and the sine of 60° and the cosine of 30° both equal √3/2.", "Triangular bipyramid The triangular bipyramid can be constructed by augmentation of smaller ones, specifically two stacked regular octahedra with 3 triangular bipyramids added around the sides, and 1 tetrahedron above and below. This polyhedron has 24 equilateral triangle faces, but it is not a Johnson solid because it has coplanar faces. It is a coplanar 24-triangle deltahedron. This polyhedron exists as the augmentation of cells in a gyrated alternated cubic honeycomb. Larger triangular polyhedra can be generated similarly, like 9, 16 or 25 triangles per larger triangle face, seen as a section of a triangular tiling.", "Flag of the Philippines The National Flag of the Philippines (Filipino: Pambansang Watawat ng Pilipinas) is a horizontal flag bicolor with equal bands of royal blue and scarlet, and with a white, equilateral triangle at the hoist. In the center of the triangle is a golden-yellow sun with eight primary rays, each representing a Philippine province.[a] At each vertex of the triangle is a five-pointed, golden-yellow star, each of which representing one of the country's three main island groups—Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao, the central star originally referred to Panay.[13]", "Equilateral polygon An equilateral quadrilateral is called a rhombus, an isotoxal polygon described by an angle α. It includes the square as a special case.", "Symmetry in biology Many viruses have radial symmetries, their coats being composed of a relatively small number of protein molecules arranged in a regular pattern to form polyhedrons, spheres, or ovoids. Most are icosahedrons.[4]", "Symmetry Symmetry can be found in various forms in literature, a simple example being the palindrome where a brief text reads the same forwards or backwards. Stories may have a symmetrical structure, as in the rise:fall pattern of Beowulf.[44]", "Facial symmetry According to the theory of sexual selection, facial symmetry plays a large role in what we perceive as attractiveness.[25] However there is question whether changes in either symmetry or averageness alone increase facial attractiveness. Experiments show that symmetry and averageness make independent contributions to attractiveness, but when the contribution of symmetry is excluded, averageness remains a significant predictor of attractiveness.[26] In addition, research has shown that when one couples facial symmetry with averageness, attractiveness ratings rise, suggesting these two influences are invariably linked.[27]", "Triangle One way to identify locations of points in (or outside) a triangle is to place the triangle in an arbitrary location and orientation in the Cartesian plane, and to use Cartesian coordinates. While convenient for many purposes, this approach has the disadvantage of all points' coordinate values being dependent on the arbitrary placement in the plane.", "Triangle A median of a triangle is a straight line through a vertex and the midpoint of the opposite side, and divides the triangle into two equal areas. The three medians intersect in a single point, the triangle's centroid or geometric barycenter, usually denoted by G. The centroid of a rigid triangular object (cut out of a thin sheet of uniform density) is also its center of mass: the object can be balanced on its centroid in a uniform gravitational field. The centroid cuts every median in the ratio 2:1, i.e. the distance between a vertex and the centroid is twice the distance between the centroid and the midpoint of the opposite side.", "Symmetry A geometric shape or object is symmetric if it can be divided into two or more identical pieces that are arranged in an organized fashion.[5] This means that an object is symmetric if there is a transformation that moves individual pieces of the object but doesn't change the overall shape. The type of symmetry is determined by the way the pieces are organized, or by the type of transformation:", "Square root of 2 Because ∠EBF is a right angle and ∠BEF is half a right angle, △BEF is also a right isosceles triangle. Hence BE = m − n implies BF = m − n. By symmetry, DF = m − n, and △FDC is also a right isosceles triangle. It also follows that FC = n − (m − n) = 2n − m.", "Rectangle It has two lines of reflectional symmetry and rotational symmetry of order 2 (through 180°).", "Isosceles triangle This is derived by drawing a perpendicular line from the base of the triangle, which bisects the vertex angle and creates two right triangles. The bases of these two right triangles are both equal to the hypotenuse times the sine of the bisected angle by definition of the term \"sine\". For the same reason, the heights of these triangles are equal to the hypotenuse times the cosine of the bisected angle. Using the trigonometric identity \n\n\n\nsin\n⁡\nθ\n=\n2\nsin\n⁡\n\n\n(\n\n\nθ\n2\n\n\n)\n\n\ncos\n⁡\n\n\n(\n\n\nθ\n2\n\n\n)\n\n\n\n\n{\\displaystyle \\sin \\theta =2\\sin {\\left({\\frac {\\theta }{2}}\\right)}\\cos {\\left({\\frac {\\theta }{2}}\\right)}}\n\n, we get", "Tessellation Any triangle or quadrilateral (even non-convex) can be used as a prototile to form a monohedral tessellation, often in more than one way. Copies of an arbitrary quadrilateral can form a tessellation with translational symmetry and 2-fold rotational symmetry with centres at the midpoints of all sides. For an asymmetric quadrilateral this tiling belongs to wallpaper group p2. As fundamental domain we have the quadrilateral. Equivalently, we can construct a parallelogram subtended by a minimal set of translation vectors, starting from a rotational centre. We can divide this by one diagonal, and take one half (a triangle) as fundamental domain. Such a triangle has the same area as the quadrilateral and can be constructed from it by cutting and pasting.[50]", "Triangle The Gergonne triangle or intouch triangle of a reference triangle has its vertices at the three points of tangency of the reference triangle's sides with its incircle. The extouch triangle of a reference triangle has its vertices at the points of tangency of the reference triangle's excircles with its sides (not extended).", "Right triangle In a right triangle, the Euler line contains the median on the hypotenuse—that is, it goes through both the right-angled vertex and the midpoint of the side opposite that vertex. This is because the right triangle's orthocenter, the intersection of its altitudes, falls on the right-angled vertex while its circumcenter, the intersection of its perpendicular bisectors of sides, falls on the midpoint of the hypotenuse.", "Symmetry in biology Biradial symmetry is a combination of radial and bilateral symmetry, as in the ctenophores. Here, the body components are arranged with similar parts on either side of a central axis, and each of the four sides of the body is identical to the opposite side but different from the adjacent side. This may represent a stage in the evolution of bilateral symmetry \"from a presumably radially symmetrical ancestor.\"[11]", "Tangent lines to circles Many special cases of Apollonius's problem involve finding a circle that is tangent to one or more lines. The simplest of these is to construct circles that are tangent to three given lines (the LLL problem). To solve this problem, the center of any such circle must lie on an angle bisector of any pair of the lines; there are two angle-bisecting lines for every intersection of two lines. The intersections of these angle bisectors give the centers of solution circles. There are four such circles in general, the inscribed circle of the triangle formed by the intersection of the three lines, and the three exscribed circles.", "Symmetry in biology Octamerism is found in corals of the subclass Octocorallia. These have polyps with eight tentacles and octameric radial symmetry. The octopus, however, has bilateral symmetry, despite its eight arms.", "Bahá'í House of Worship The dome is covered with thousands of small oval tiles, and the entrance gates of the temple are constructed in a unique three-dimensional design each consisting of an equilateral triangle of three vertical posts with multiple rows of bars stretching between them at various angles, each row of which gradually changes from vertical to horizontal.", "Triangular bipyramid The dual polyhedron of the triangular bipyramid is the triangular prism, with five faces: two parallel equilateral triangles linked by a chain of three rectangles. Although the triangular prism has a form that is a uniform polyhedron (with square faces), the dual of the Johnson solid form of the bipyramid has rectangular rather than square faces, and is not uniform.", "Symmetry in biology The phylum Echinodermata, which includes starfish, sea urchins and sand dollars, is unique among animals in having bilateral symmetry at the larval stage, but pentamerism (fivefold symmetry) as adults.[12]", "Triangle A non-planar triangle is a triangle which is not contained in a (flat) plane. Some examples of non-planar triangles in non-Euclidean geometries are spherical triangles in spherical geometry and hyperbolic triangles in hyperbolic geometry.", "The Bahamas The colours embodied in the design of the Bahamian flag symbolise the strength of the Bahamian people; the design reflects aspects of the natural environment (sun and sea) and the economic and social development. The flag is a black equilateral triangle against the mast, superimposed on a horizontal background made up of two colours on three equal stripes of aquamarine, gold and aquamarine.", "Icosagon These 10 symmetries can be seen in 16 distinct symmetries on the icosagon, a larger number because the lines of reflections can either pass through vertices or edges. John Conway labels these by a letter and group order.[3] Full symmetry of the regular form is r40 and no symmetry is labeled a1. The dihedral symmetries are divided depending on whether they pass through vertices (d for diagonal) or edges (p for perpendiculars), and i when reflection lines path through both edges and vertices. Cyclic symmetries in the middle column are labeled as g for their central gyration orders.", "Line (geometry) The \"shortness\" and \"straightness\" of a line, interpreted as the property that the distance along the line between any two of its points is minimized (see triangle inequality), can be generalized and leads to the concept of geodesics in metric spaces.", "Facial symmetry Facial symmetry has been shown to have an effect of ratings of attractiveness in human faces.[1][3] More symmetrical faces are perceived as more attractive in both males and females, although facial symmetry plays a larger role in judgments of attractiveness concerning female faces.[9] A wide variety of methods have been used to examine the claim that facial symmetry plays a role in judgments of beauty.", "Indiana Pi Bill It has been found that a circular area is to the square on a line equal to the quadrant of the circumference, as the area of an equilateral rectangle is to the square on one side.[8]", "Altitude (triangle) If the triangle ABC is oblique (does not contain a right-angle), the pedal triangle of the orthocenter of the original triangle is called the orthic triangle or altitude triangle. That is, the feet of the altitudes of an oblique triangle form the orthic triangle, DEF. Also, the incenter (the center of the inscribed circle) of the orthic triangle DEF is the orthocenter of the original triangle ABC.[21]", "Gothic architecture The Equilateral Arch lends itself to filling with tracery of simple equilateral, circular and semi-circular forms. The type of tracery that evolved to fill these spaces is known in England as Geometric Decorated Gothic and can be seen to splendid effect at many English and French Cathedrals, notably Lincoln and Notre Dame in Paris. Windows of complex design and of three or more lights or vertical sections, are often designed by overlapping two or more equilateral arches.[17]" ]
how many seasons of the oc are there
[ "The O.C. (season 4) The fourth and final season of The O.C., an American teen drama television series, aired in the United States from November 2, 2006 to February 22, 2007 and consisted of sixteen episodes. The O.C's final season aired Thursdays at 9:00 p.m. ET in the United States on Fox, a terrestrial television network.[1] Fox tested a new timeslot by airing the second episode on Wednesday at 9:00 p.m. ET against ABC's Lost and CBS's Criminal Minds.[2] With Lost about to enter a three-month hiatus, Fox hoped that changing the timeslot for The O.C. would attract back viewers it had lost since the end of the previous season; however, the move was unsuccessful and the show returned to its Thursday timeslot.[3]" ]
[ "How Many More Times In a contemporary review for Led Zeppelin on release, John Mendelsohn of Rolling Stone called \"How Many More Times\" as the album's \"most representative cut\". Mendelsohn complimented Page's guitar solo and Bonham's drumming but criticized Plant's vocals, calling them \"strained and unconvincing\".[9]", "Synchronous optical networking Note that the data-rate progression starts at 155 Mbit/s and increases by multiples of four. The only exception is OC-24, which is standardized in ANSI T1.105, but not a SDH standard rate in ITU-T G.707.[2][8] Other rates, such as OC-9, OC-18, OC-36, OC-96, and OC-1536, are defined but not commonly deployed; most are considered orphaned rates.[1][14][15]", "List of Army Wives characters Second Lieutenant Trevor LeBlanc (portrayed by Drew Fuller) is a former platoon leader in Bravo Company, 1st Brigade. When the show premiered he was a Private First Class and is promoted through the ranks to Sergeant before attending OCS. At the start of Season 6 he is a Second Lieutenant and platoon leader. He served under COL Frank Sherwood when the latter was a company and later brigade commander and as an assistant to then-LTC Joan Burton for some time and is highly regarded by both of them.[8] Frank later recommended him to OCS and Trevor, coincidentally, was once Jeremy's squad leader. During the latter part of Season 3 and the beginning of Season 4 he was a recruiter before receiving new orders to transfer back to frontline duty as a squad leader in preparation for the upcoming deployment to Afghanistan.", "Officer Candidate School (United States Navy) Part of the Post-War Holloway Plan, OCS was originally established to meet the demands of Cold War officer procurement. The successful OCS/Midshipman Schools of World War II era curriculum was followed. In addition to Officer Candidate School (OCS) at Naval Station Newport, Rhode Island, the Navy still operated Aviation Officer Candidate School (AOCS) at NAS Pensacola, Florida. AOCS trained prospective Naval Aviators, Naval Flight Officers, Aviation Maintenance Duty Officers, and Air Intelligence Officers, while OCS trained all other Naval Officer line communities (i.e., Surface Warfare Officers, Submarine Officers, Special Warfare (SEAL) Officers) as well as select Staff Corps officers. However a small percentage of OCS graduates to naval aviation.", "Glossary of North American railway terms Office-car special (OCS)", "The O.C. Screenlife and Mattel launched a The O.C. themed version of Scene It?, a DVD trivia game based on the first three seasons.[191] Cardinal Games released The OC Game, another trivia board game.[192] In 2006, Gameloft released a mobile game based on the show.[193]", "How I Met Your Mother (season 9) The ninth season of How I Met Your Mother received mostly positive reviews from critics. The review aggregation website Rotten Tomatoes gave an 80% approval rating for the season with an average rating of 7.3/10, based on 10 reviews.[27] At the end of the season, Max Nicholson of IGN gave the season a negative review, writing: \"Many How I Met Your Mother fans felt betrayed after watching the series finale -- and understandably so after Season 9 spent 22 of its 24 episodes building towards a wedding that was basically meaningless. In retrospect, almost any other arc would have made a better foundation for Season 9, including the series finale. In the end, unbalanced storytelling, lack of focus and unfunny detours led to the show's eventual downfall.\"[28] Adam Vitcavage of Paste Magazine gave the season a lukewarm review, saying that \"Nothing was over-the-top funny, but it was a perfect combination of laughter and sweet moments that really do make up for all of the lackluster episodes in the past few seasons.\"[29]", "Oil reserves in the United States The Minerals Management Service (MMS) estimates the Federal Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) contains between 66.6 and 115.1 billion barrels (10.59×10^9 and 18.30×10^9 m3) of undiscovered technically recoverable crude oil, with a mean estimate of 85.9 billion barrels (13.66×10^9 m3). The Gulf of Mexico OCS ranks first with a mean estimate of 44.9 billion barrels (7.14×10^9 m3), followed by Alaska OCS with 38.8 billion barrels (6.17×10^9 m3). At $80/bbl crude prices, the MMS estimates that 70 billion barrels (11×10^9 m3) are economically recoverable. As of 2008, a total of about 574 million acres (2,320,000 km2) of the OCS are off-limits to leasing and development. The moratoria and presidential withdrawal cover about 85 percent of OCS area offshore the lower 48 states. The MMS estimates that the resources in OCS areas currently off limits to leasing and development total 17.8 billion barrels (2.83×10^9 m3)(mean estimate).[13]", "Media of the United States Additionally, as investigative journalism declined at major daily newspapers in the 2000s, many reporters formed their own non-profit investigative newsrooms. Examples include ProPublica on the national level, Texas Tribune at the state level and Voice of OC at the local level.", "History of American journalism Additionally, as investigative journalism declined at major daily newspapers in the 2000s, many reporters formed their own non-profit investigative newsrooms. Examples include ProPublica on the national level, Texas Tribune at the state level and Voice of OC at the local level.", "Thai language 盧 lú < MC lu < OC *bra", "How I Met Your Mother (season 4) The fourth season is the only season of How I Met Your Mother to be nominated for the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Comedy Series.[1]", "Thai language 定 dìng < MC dengH < OC *adeng-s", "Officer Candidate School (United States Navy) When AOCS and OCS merged, the unified OCS program retained the Marine Corps tradition alongside Navy Recruit Division Commanders (RDC). This continuing Marine presence is the origin of the slogan \"Navy owned, Marine Corps trained\" and the distinctive blue \"Bulldog\" company guidons.", "Lego Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu The sixth season received much more positive reviews however. Fans and critics commented on how unique the season is and how it stand out from other seasons. The focus on Jay and Nya and the character of Nadakhan are main points of critical praise here, as well as the higher focus on action and character development, with many people commenting on how far Ninjago has come since its beginning in 2011.", "How I Met Your Mother (season 5) Reviews for season 5 of How I Met Your Mother were mixed.", "Louisiana Louisiana is rich in petroleum and natural gas. Petroleum and gas deposits are found in abundance both onshore and offshore in State-owned waters. In addition, vast petroleum and natural gas reserves are found offshore from Louisiana in the federally administered Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) in the Gulf of Mexico. According to the Energy Information Administration, the Gulf of Mexico OCS is the largest U.S. petroleum-producing region. Excluding the Gulf of Mexico OCS, Louisiana ranks fourth in petroleum production and is home to about 2 percent of total U.S. petroleum reserves.", "Optical Carrier transmission rates Optical Carrier transmission rates are a standardized set of specifications of transmission bandwidth for digital signals that can be carried on Synchronous Optical Networking (SONET) fiber optic networks.[1] Transmission rates are defined by rate of the bitstream of the digital signal and are designated by hyphenation of the acronym OC and an integer value of the multiple of the basic unit of rate, e.g., OC-48. The base unit is 51.84 Mbit/s.[2] Thus, the speed of optical-carrier-classified lines labeled as OC-n is n × 51.84 Mbit/s.", "Jackie Robinson In 1942, Robinson was drafted and assigned to a segregated Army cavalry unit in Fort Riley, Kansas. Having the requisite qualifications, Robinson and several other black soldiers applied for admission to an Officer Candidate School (OCS) then located at Fort Riley. Although the Army's initial July 1941 guidelines for OCS had been drafted as race neutral, few black applicants were admitted into OCS until after subsequent directives by Army leadership.[52] As a result, the applications of Robinson and his colleagues were delayed for several months.[53] After protests by heavyweight boxing champion Joe Louis (then stationed at Fort Riley) and the help of Truman Gibson (then an assistant civilian aide to the Secretary of War),[54] the men were accepted into OCS.[48][53][55] The experience led to a personal friendship between Robinson and Louis.[56][57] Upon finishing OCS, Robinson was commissioned as a second lieutenant in January 1943.[38] Shortly afterward, Robinson and Isum were formally engaged.[53]", "Officer Candidate School (United States Navy) AOCS was a department of the Naval Aviation Schools Command (NAVAVSCOLSCOM) and organized as a regiment with three battalions until just following the Vietnam War, when it was reduced in size to two battalions. Each battalion consisted of several AOCS classes graduating every two to three weeks. Like OCS, AOCS also emphasized Leadership, Physical and Military training. However, whereas OCS incorporated Academics such as Shipboard Engineering and Shipboard Navigation, AOCS incorporated \"the Big 3\" Aerodynamics, Aircraft Engines, Air Navigation and land and water survival training that USNA, NROTC, Marine Corps OCS and PLC, and USCGA and Coast Guard OCS graduates concurrently attended as part of NAVAVSCOLSCOM's Aviation Pre-Flight Indoctrination (API) program for commissioned officer flight students.", "Supernatural (season 7) In this table, the number in the first column refers to the episode's number within the entire series, whereas the number in the second column indicates the episode's number within this particular season. \"U.S. viewers in millions\" refers to how many Americans watched the episode live or on the day of broadcast.", "How I Met Your Mother (season 6) Season six of How I Met Your Mother was met with mostly positive reviews.[25][26]", "How to Get Away with Murder (season 1) The first season of the ABC American television drama series How to Get Away with Murder premiered on September 25, 2014 and concluded on February 26, 2015, with a total of 15 episodes. At the Television Critics Association Press Tour in July 2014, it was announced that How to Get Away with Murder would be a limited series with only 15 or 16 episodes per season.[1] The smaller size of episode count stems from the deal for the series star Davis.[2] On May 7, 2015, the show was renewed by ABC for a second season.[3]", "Optical Carrier transmission rates OC-1920 is a network line with transmission speeds of up to 99,532.8 Mbit/s.", "How Lily Stole Christmas \"How Lily Stole Christmas\" is the 11th episode in the second season of the television series How I Met Your Mother. It originally aired on December 11, 2006.", "The Real Housewives of Orange County (season 8) The following day after the final episode of season eight, the second spin-off to The Real Housewives of Orange County titled Tamra's OC Wedding premiered on Bravo, starring Barney and Eddie Judge.[16][17] The series documented the couple as they prepared for their wedding and as well as the wedding day itself.The three-part miniseries chronicles the weeks prior to the couple's wedding as well as the wedding itself — which took place on June 15, 2013, at the Monarch Beach Resort in Dana Point, California.[18][19][20] After the wedding and in future seasons, Barney is now known as Tamra Judge.[21]", "How Many Times Can We Say Goodbye How Many Times Can We Say Goodbye is an album recorded by Dionne Warwick, her sixth for the Arista label. It was recorded during the spring of 1983 and was released that fall. The LP was originally issued as number AL 8-8104 in the Arista Catalog.", "Officer Candidates School (United States Marine Corps) The Quigley is a legendary water obstacle used in training at OCS.[5] Lieutenant Colonel William J. Quigley, a veteran of both the Korean and Vietnam Wars, designed it in 1967. It consists of a long canal with 4-foot (1.2 m) cement culverts submerged in swampy water; candidates must swim through the Quigley as a part of the OCS training program", "How many angels can dance on the head of a pin? Dorothy L. Sayers argued that the question was \"simply a debating exercise\" and that the answer \"usually adjudged correct\" was stated as, \"Angels are pure intelligences, not material, but limited, so that they have location in space, but not extension.\"[11] Sayers compares the question to that of how many people's thoughts can be concentrated upon a particular pin at the same time. She concludes that infinitely many angels can be located on the head of a pin, since they do not occupy any space there:", "How I Met Your Mother (season 7) The seventh season of the American television comedy series How I Met Your Mother was announced in March 2011, along with confirmation of an eighth season.[2] The seventh season premiered on CBS on September 19, 2011, with two episodes airing back to back, and concluded on May 14, 2012.[3]", "Many-to-many (data model) In systems analysis, a many-to-many relationship is a type of cardinality that refers to the relationship between two entities[1] A and B in which A may contain a parent instance for which there are many children in B and vice versa.", "Optical Carrier transmission rates A standardized variant of 10 Gigabit Ethernet (10GbE), called WAN PHY, is designed to inter-operate with OC-192 transport equipment while the common version of 10GbE is called LAN PHY (which is not compatible with OC-192 transport equipment in its native form). The naming is somewhat misleading, because both variants can be used on a wide area network.", "2018 Atlantic hurricane season Ahead of and during the season, several national meteorological services and scientific agencies forecast how many named storms, hurricanes, and major hurricanes (Category 3 or higher on the Saffir-Simpson scale) will form during a season and/or how many tropical cyclones will affect a particular country. These agencies include the Tropical Storm Risk (TSR) Consortium of University College London, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and Colorado State University (CSU). The forecasts include weekly and monthly changes in significant factors that help determine the number of tropical storms, hurricanes, and major hurricanes within a particular year. Some of these forecasts also take into consideration what happened in previous seasons and an ongoing La Niña event that had recently formed in November 2017.[16] On average, an Atlantic hurricane season between 1981 and 2010 contained twelve tropical storms, six hurricanes, and three major hurricanes, with an Accumulated Cyclone Energy (ACE) index of between 66 and 103 units.[1]", "How Many More Times In an interview he gave to Guitar World magazine in 1993, Page stated that the song \"was made up of little pieces I developed when I was with the Yardbirds, as were other numbers such as 'Dazed and Confused'. It was played live in the studio with cues and nods.\"[5]", "The O.C. (season 4) Due to a combination of low ratings and the death of Marissa in season three, it was rumored that the show would not return for a fifth season.[31] In June 2006, Fox confirmed that \"the current order for The O.C. is 16 episodes\", but added that there was a chance to add more installments.[32] In September 2006, Rachel Bilson said that she felt \"like the show is over\",[5] and co-star Kelly Rowan stated that many of the cast realized the show was close to being cancelled. Rowan said that \"when [the fourth season] was picked up for just 16 episodes this year the cast had a feeling the end was near\".[33] On January 3, 2007, Fox announced that The O.C. was to be cancelled. In a statement, Schwartz said \"This feels like the best time to bring the show to its close\" adding that \"what better time to go out than creatively on top\".[34] A campaign was launched to save the show and over half a million people signed an official petition at www.fox.com/oc/savetheoc.[35] There were rumors that the show would be saved, and a move to the CW Television Network was mooted; however, CW president Dawn Ostroff, whose company is partly owned by Warner Bros, confirmed in January 2007 that while the move was discussed, it was decided against.[36]", "How to Get Away with Murder (season 4) The fourth season of the American legal drama series How to Get Away with Murder was ordered on February 10, 2017, by ABC.[1] It began airing on September 28, 2017, with expected 15 episodes like the previous seasons.[2] This was made in a deal with Viola Davis that the series would be a limited series with only 15 or 16 episodes per season.[3][4]", "Officer Candidate School (United States Navy) The United States Navy's Officer Candidate School (abbreviated OCS) provides initial training for officers of the line and select operational Staff Corps communities (Supply and CEC) in the United States Navy. Along with United States Naval Academy (USNA) and Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps (NROTC), OCS is one of three principal sources of new commissioned naval officers.", "United States Coast Guard Graduates of OCS are usually commissioned as ensigns, but some with advanced graduate degrees may enter as lieutenants (junior grade) or lieutenants. Graduating OCS officers entering active duty are required to serve a minimum of three years, while graduating reserve officers are required to serve four years. Graduates may be assigned to a cutter, flight training, a staff job, or an operations ashore billet.", "Many-to-many (data model) In web application frameworks such as CakePHP and Ruby on Rails, a many-to-many relationship between entity types represented by logical model database tables is sometimes referred to as a HasAndBelongsToMany (HABTM) relationship.[2]", "The Biggest Loser (season 8) Bob takes the blue team to The Food Bank at their request as they were \"inspired by the challenge last season.\" The director of the food bank states how many people in the United States are at risk for hunger (1 in 8). The Black team returns to the ranch and the last chance workout takes place. Jillian focuses particularly on Daniel, saying that he's been through two seasons and that he's just not showing the intensity as though there's something he's not telling her. Daniel cries during the workout and talks about how his mom was always trying to stop him from gaining weight, but he always saw it as her not loving him for who he was. Jill says that Daniel had an epiphany about his family dynamic and how it contributed to his weight.", "Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas! The Musical Dr Seuss' How The Grinch Stole Christmas! The Musical, or simply How The Grinch Stole Christmas! The Musical, is a seasonal musical adaptation of the Dr. Seuss book How the Grinch Stole Christmas!.[1]", "Daredevil (season 2) Jeph Loeb on how the season explores \"what it is to be a hero\".[27]", "Thai language 絕 jué < MC dzjwet < OC *bdzot ← Siamese codD1 'to record, mark' (Zhengzhang Shangfang 1999:8)", "University of British Columbia Jeff Wall OC FRSC, MA 1970, prominent Canadian artist, and most prominent figure of the Vancouver School", "How Many Times Can We Say Goodbye Despite strong reviews, it was a commercial disappointment, stalling at number 57 on Billboard's album chart. Two singles came from the album, 'How Many Times Can We Say Goodbye?' (a duet with album producer Luther Vandross) which hit #4 Adult Contemporary and #27 on Billboard's Hot 100 and Got a Date which hit #45 on Billboard's R & B chart.", "Commanding officer Appointments such as CO and OC may have specific powers associated with them. For example, they may have statutory powers to promote soldiers or to deal with certain disciplinary offences and award certain punishments. The CO of a unit may have the power to sentence an offender to 28 days detention, whereas the OC of a sub-unit may have the power to sentence an offender to 3 days restriction of privileges.", "How I Met Your Mother (season 6) The sixth season of the American television comedy series How I Met Your Mother premiered on September 20, 2010, and concluded on May 16, 2011 on CBS.", "Optical Carrier transmission rates OC-12 lines are commonly used by ISPs as Wide area network (WAN) connections. While a large ISP would not use an OC-12 as a backbone (main link), it would for smaller, regional or local connections. This connection speed is also often used by mid-sized (below Tier 2) internet customers, such as web hosting companies or smaller ISPs buying service from larger ones.", "How to Get Away with Murder (season 4) How to Get Away with Murder was renewed for a fourth season on February 10, 2017, by ABC.[1] Production began on May 8, 2017, when one of the writers of the show announced on Twitter that the writing staff was in full swing mapping and writing the fourth season.[14] The table read occurred on July 14, 2017.[15] Showrunner Peter Nowalk revealed the title of the season premiere to be \"I'm Going Away\".[16]", "How many angels can dance on the head of a pin? Peter Harrison (2016) has suggested that the first reference to angels dancing on a needle's point occurs in an expository work by the English divine, William Sclater (1575-1626). \nIn An exposition with notes vpon the first Epistle to the Thessalonians (1619), Sclater claimed that scholastic philosophers occupied themselves with such pointless questions as whether angels \"did occupie a place; and so, whether many might be in one place at one time; and how many might sit on a Needles point; and six hundred such like needlesse points.\" \nHarrison proposes that the reason an English writer first introduced the \"needle’s point\" into a critique of medieval angelology is that it makes for a clever pun on \"needless point\".[8]", "How to Get Away with Murder (season 2) The second season of the ABC American television drama series How to Get Away with Murder was ordered on May 7, 2015, by ABC.[1] The second season began airing on September 24, 2015, with 15 episodes like the previous season, and concluded on March 17, 2016.[2] This was made in a deal with Viola Davis that the series would be a limited series with only 15 or 16 episodes per season.[3][4] A promotional poster was released on August 18[5] and the trailer was released on September 10.[6]", "How to Get Away with Murder (season 5) The fifth season of the American legal drama television series How to Get Away with Murder revolves around criminal defense attorney Annalise Keating after her class action was accepted, earning back her notoriety within the law field, as well as her personal life's setbacks. The season is produced by Shondaland and NoWalk Entertainment in association with ABC Studios, with Peter Nowalk serving as the showrunner. The season premiered on September 27, 2018.", "Marissa Cooper Schwartz said that the network was \"nervous\" about the storyline and wanted it \"wrapped up as fast as humanly possible and Alex moving on out of the OC.\"[8]", "Officer Candidates School (United States Marine Corps) Located at Marine Corps Base Quantico, the United States Marine Corps Officer Candidates School (OCS) is a physically demanding, mentally challenging training regimen designed to screen and evaluate potential Marine Corps Officers. The course is designed to create a controlled, challenging environment wherein the officer candidates are pushed to their physical and mental limits in order to screen their decision-making abilities while physically exhausted. Those who successfully complete the period of instruction earn the title United States Marine and are commissioned as a Second Lieutenant. Unlike the other United States military services, the majority of Marine Corps officers complete OCS to earn a commission; the exceptions are midshipmen from the United States Naval Academy , limited duty officers, and inter-service transfers. Additionally, OCS boasts an attrition rate of 30–50%.", "How I Met Your Mother (season 5) The fifth season of the American television comedy series How I Met Your Mother premiered on September 21, 2009 and concluded on May 24, 2010. It consists of 24 episodes, each running approximately 22 minutes in length. CBS broadcast the fifth season on Monday nights at 8:00 pm in the United States.", "Grey's Anatomy (season 11) Perhaps the biggest storyline of Season 11 was the death of Derek Shepherd. After his last episode, How to Save a Life premiered, many fans were outraged with Shonda Rhimes for how the episode was written and vowed to never watch the show again. Samantha Highfill of Entertainment Weekly wrote: \"Of all the ways he could’ve gone—dying while saving that family in a shocking but heroic moment, or dying at Grey Sloan and getting a chance to say goodbye to everyone—this felt cheap. And quite frankly, it felt a little rude to the man himself. He was called McDreamy for a reason, and he deserved better than this.\"[59] Citing the storylines of Derek's death, Callie and Arizona splitting up, and April and Jackson losing their baby, The Hollywood Reporter wrote that Season 11 is one of the most depressing seasons of Grey's Anatomy.[60]", "Many Moons Her father, the king, asks the wisest men in his court how he can give his daughter the moon, and becomes outraged when they all claim that it is too large, too far away, and composed of unstable or dangerous substances.", "2017 Pacific typhoon season During the year, several national meteorological services and scientific agencies forecast how many tropical cyclones, tropical storms, and typhoons will form during a season and/or how many tropical cyclones will affect a particular country. These agencies include the Tropical Storm Risk (TSR) Consortium of University College London, PAGASA and Taiwan's Central Weather Bureau. The first forecast of the year was released by PAGASA during January 20, within its seasonal climate outlook for the period January – June.[4] The outlook noted that one to two tropical cyclones were expected between January and March, while two to four were expected to develop or enter the Philippine Area of Responsibility between April and June.[4] During March 23, the Hong Kong Observatory predicted that the tropical cyclone season in Hong Kong would be near-normal, with four to seven tropical cyclones coming within 500 km (310 mi) of the territory compared to an average of six, which was revised to six to nine tropical cyclones in August.[7]", "Many Moons Ultimately, the jester visits the princess, who is fondly gazing at the newly-risen moon. He asks her how the moon can be in two places, and she tells him the moon always grows back: like a child's tooth, a unicorn's horn, or flowers.", "Global Positioning System The GPS OCX program represents a critical part of GPS modernization and provides significant information assurance improvements over the current GPS OCS program.", "Many-to-many (data model) In a relational database management system, such relationships are usually implemented by means of an associative table (also known as cross-reference table), say, AB with two one-to-many relationships A -> AB and B -> AB. In this case the logical primary key for AB is formed from the two foreign keys (i.e. copies of the primary keys of A and B).", "How many angels can dance on the head of a pin? In the humoristic magazine Annals of Improbable Research, Anders Sandberg has presented a calculation based on theories of information physics and quantum gravity, establishing an upper bound of 8.6766×1049 angels.[12]\nComparing medieval superstition and modern science, George Bernard Shaw wrote in the introduction to the play Saint Joan that \"The medieval doctors of divinity who did not pretend to settle how many angels could dance on the point of a needle cut a very poor figure as far as romantic credulity is concerned beside the modern physicists who have settled to the billionth of a millimetre every movement and position in the dance of the electrons.\"[13]", "How I Met Your Mother (season 4) The fourth season of the American television comedy series How I Met Your Mother premiered on September 22, 2008 and concluded on May 18, 2009. It consisted of 24 episodes, each running approximately 22 minutes in length. CBS broadcast the fourth season on Monday nights at 8:30 pm in the United States. The complete fourth season was released on Region 1 DVD on September 29, 2009. In the United Kingdom it aired on E4.", "Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008 TV series) The first half of both Season 3 and Season 4 are diplomatic in nature; Season 3, in particular, has many stories that take place away from the battlefield. How different races and planets are affected by the galaxy-wide war are shown, as well as how the Republic Senate can make a bigger difference than even the Jedi Council at times. The first half of Season 3 is used mainly to make the Clone Wars series more cohesive as these first episodes created better chronology, setting themselves in and among the previous two seasons' episodes. The second half of both seasons, Anakin steps a little closer to the dark side. Meanwhile, the Sith experience turmoil among themselves.", "Telegraphy In 2006, a well-defined communication channel used for telegraphy was established by the SONET standard OC-768, which sent about 40 gigabits per second.", "How I Met Your Mother In January 2013, How I Met Your Mother was renewed for a ninth and final season.[48] Carter Bays stated to Entertainment Weekly that season nine \"will feature some of the most non-linear episodes we've ever done\".[49]", "List of How to Get Away with Murder episodes As of March 15, 2018,[update] 60 episodes of How to Get Away with Murder have aired, concluding the fourth season.", "The Lighthouse (How I Met Your Mother) \"The Lighthouse\" is the eighth episode of the ninth season of the CBS sitcom How I Met Your Mother, and the 192nd episode overall.", "Nannies (How I Met Your Mother) \"Nannies\" is the third episode of the eighth season of the CBS sitcom How I Met Your Mother, and the 163rd episode overall.", "How Your Mother Met Me \"How Your Mother Met Me\" is the sixteenth episode of the ninth season of the CBS sitcom How I Met Your Mother and the 200th episode overall. This is the only episode of the series in which the episode title was used instead of the usual opening that featured the cast and series's title.", "Officer Candidate School (United States Navy) Officer Candidates are already associated with a designator when they begin their training at OCS. This is in contrast to USNA and NROTC, where trainees are not associated with a community until soon before commissioning.", "Donald Sutherland Donald McNichol Sutherland, OC (born 17 July 1935)[1] is a Canadian actor whose film career spans more than five decades.[2]", "For We Are Many For We Are Many (sometimes written as …For We Are Many) is the fifth studio album by the heavy metal band All That Remains. Released on October 12, 2010, it is the third album by the band to be produced by the Killswitch Engage guitarist, Adam Dutkiewicz, who also produced This Darkened Heart and The Fall of Ideals.[1]", "America's Got Talent (season 7) The season premiere averaged 10.48 million viewers, with a 3.7 rating in the key 18-49 demographic. Although the AGT premiere achieved lower ratings than the previous season's opener,[26] it faced regular season competition from popular CBS comedies How I Met Your Mother (3.7 rating), and Two and a Half Men (3.9 rating) as well as ABC's Dancing with the Stars (2.6 rating). This contrasts with the previous season, where Talent premiered with no competition from regular season shows. Critics disputed how Howard Stern's presence on the show affected ratings.[26]", "Optical Carrier transmission rates OC-192 is a network line with transmission speeds of up to 9953.28 Mbit/s (payload: 9510.912 Mbit/s (9.510912 Gbit/s); overhead: 442.368 Mbit/s).", "Optical Carrier transmission rates OC-1 is a SONET line with transmission speeds of up to 51.84 Mbit/s (payload: 50.112 Mbit/s; overhead: 1.728 Mbit/s) using optical fiber.", "Commanding officer Sub-units, that is, company, squadron and battery, and formations (brigades, divisions, corps and armies) do not have a commanding officer. The officer in command of a sub unit holds the appointment \"officer commanding\" or \"OC\". Higher formations have commanders or a General Officer Commanding (GOC). Area commands have a Commander-in-Chief (C-in-C Land Army; C-in-C British Army of the Rhine) The OC of a sub-unit is customarily a major, though again the rank of the appointment holder and the holder's appointment are separate and independent of each other.", "How to Get Away with Murder (season 5) How to Get Away with Murder was renewed by ABC for a fifth season on May 11, 2018,[13] to premiere on September 27, 2018.[14] The season will most likely consist of fifteen episodes due to a deal made with Davis that the series would have only 15 or 16 episodes per season.[15][16] In July 2018, series creator and showrunner Peter Nowalk told Deadline Hollywood his plans for the fifth season, confirming that the wedding between Jack Falahee and Conrad Ricamora's characters would take place, as well as a flashback episode further exploring the marriage between Viola Davis and Tom Verica's characters Annalise and Sam Keating. Additionally, he stated that the season's flashforwards are expected to be \"twisty, and more fun,\" and tonally different.[17]", "William Howe, 5th Viscount Howe When Washington failed to take the bait, Howe withdrew the army to Perth Amboy, under harassment by Colonel Daniel Morgan's elite light unit, Morgan's Riflemen, who used their superior weapons to snipe at and harry his forces as they moved. Washington moved down to a more exposed position, assuming Howe was going to embark his army on ships. Howe then launched a lightning strike designed to cut Washington's retreat off. This attempt was foiled by the Battle of Short Hills, which gave Washington time to retreat to a more secure position. Howe then did in fact embark his army and sailed south with his brother's fleet. Howe maintained an effective secrecy surrounding the fleet's destination: not only did Washington not know where it was going, neither did many British rank and file.[69]", "Charmed (season 3) In 2016, Gavin Hetherington of SpoilerTV ran a series of Charmed articles in the run-up to the 10th anniversary of the series finale. The third was a complete season review of season three, in which Gavin comments that the season was the most iconic in the show's history. He wrote it was due in part to Doherty's departure at the end of the season, but said that \"this season continued the upward trend of rising quality that began with the season before\", saying season 2 was better than season 1, and season 3 is better than season 2. He concluded that there is \"no denying how iconic this season is\".[23]", "The Limo (How I Met Your Mother) \"The Limo\" is the 11th episode in the first season of the television series How I Met Your Mother. It originally aired on December 19, 2005.", "Daredevil (season 2) When asked about the future of the series following the first season, showrunner Steven S. DeKnight said that Daredevil \"is one part of the bigger plan—Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, and then The Defenders. How that all fits together, and whether or not there will be a second season of this show—or if it will fold into the others—are questions nobody really has answers to yet.\"[20] In November 2014, DeKnight said that there \"probably will be more\" seasons of Daredevil following the first.[21] In January 2015, Netflix COO Ted Sarandos stated the series was \"eligible to go into multiple seasons for sure\" and Netflix would look at \"how well [they] are addressing both the Marvel fanbase but also the broader fanbase\" to determine if additional seasons would be appropriate.[22]", "Dewey, Cheatem & Howe In an episode of White Collar (Season 01 Episode 09, time index 0:05:41) the document that has the Judge's ID stamp lists the Plaintiff as being represented by \"Donald Dewey of the law firm Dewey, Chetham and Howe\".", "History of French Langue d'oc, the languages which use oc or òc for \"yes\", is the language group in the south of France and northern Spain. These languages, such as Gascon and Provençal, have relatively little Frankish influence.", "How I Met Your Mother (season 3) The third season of the American television comedy series How I Met Your Mother premiered on September 24, 2007 and concluded on May 19, 2008. It consisted of 20 episodes, each running approximately 22 minutes in length. CBS broadcast the third season on Monday nights at 8:00 pm in the United States until December 10, 2007 when the season was interrupted by the writer's strike, when the season continued on March 17, 2008 it was moved back to 8:30pm. The complete third season was released on Region 1 DVD on October 7, 2008. In the United Kingdom it aired via E4 from October 30, 2009 weekdays at 7:30pm.", "The Time Travelers (How I Met Your Mother) \"The Time Travelers\" is the 20th episode of the eighth season of the CBS sitcom How I Met Your Mother, and the 180th episode overall.", "How to Get Away with Murder The second season also received positive reviews. On Rotten Tomatoes, it has an approval rating of 94% based on 87 reviews, with an average rating of 8.2/10. The site's critical consensus reads, \"Developing a stronger narrative this season, How to Get Away with Murder throws more improbable shocks and higher stakes into the mix, adding preposterous fuel to an addictive fire.\"[67] Lesley Brock, Paste Magazine, praised the second season writing: \"I would not put it past How to Get Away with Murder, which has turned all other ABC show plot lines upside down on their heads and shown that nothing is impossible, to throw incest into an already haphazard mix.\" Brock gave the season a score of 9 out of 10.[68] Kyle Anderson, Entertainment weekly, wrote that with Davis at the front the show can get away with anything.[69]", "Percy Girouard Sitting in his hut at Wadi Halfa, he drew up a comprehensive list. Nothing was forgotten. Every want was provided for; every difficulty was foreseen; every requisite was noted. The questions to be decided were numerous and involved. How much carrying capacity was required? How much rolling stock? How many engines? What spare parts? How much oil? How many lathes? How many cutters? How many punching and shearing machines? What arrangements of signals would be necessary? How many lamps? How many points? How many trolleys? What amount of coal should be ordered? How much water would be wanted? How should it be carried? To what extent would its carriage affect the hauling power and influence all previous calculations? How much railway plant was needed? How many miles of rail? How many thousand sleepers? Where could they be procured at such short notice? How many fishplates were necessary? What tools would be required? What appliances? What machinery? How much skilled labour was wanted? How much of the class of labour available? How were the workmen to be fed and watered? How much food would they want? How many trains a day must be run to feed them and their escort? How many must be run to carry plant? How did these requirements affect the estimate for rolling stock? The answers to all these questions, and to many others with which I will not inflict the reader, were set forth by Lieutenant Girouard in a ponderous volume several inches thick; and such was the comprehensive accuracy of the estimate that the working parties were never delayed by the want even of a piece of brass wire.", "Tinker Air Force Base Tinker is the headquarters of the Air Force Materiel Command's (AFMC) Oklahoma City Air Logistics Center (OC-ALC), which is the worldwide manager for a wide range of aircraft, engines, missiles, software and avionics and accessories components. The commander of OC-ALC is Lieutenant General Lee K. Levy II. The host unit at Tinker is the 72d Air Base Wing (72 ABW) which provides services and support for the Oklahoma City Air Logistics Center and its tenant organizations. The Wing and Installation Commander of Tinker Air Force Base is Col. Stephanie Wilson.[3]", "The Goat (How I Met Your Mother) \"The Goat\" is the 17th episode in the third season of the television series How I Met Your Mother and 61st overall. It originally aired on April 28, 2008.", "Benefits (How I Met Your Mother) \"Benefits\" is the 12th episode in the fourth season of the television series How I Met Your Mother and 76th overall. It originally aired on January 12, 2009.", "The Fight (How I Met Your Mother) \"The Fight\" is the tenth episode in the fourth season of the television series How I Met Your Mother and 74th overall. It originally aired on December 8, 2008.", "Many Moons Princess Lenore suffers from \"a surfeit of raspberry tarts\" — eating too many sweets. She insists she is gravely ill, but if her father brings her the moon she'll be well again.", "Glee (season 6) The opening of the season was received with positive reviews from critics, most of them remarking how it reminds them of Glee's first seasons.[49][50][51] The sixth-season premiere was the lowest watched season premiere in the show's history, with a rating of 2.34 and in adults 18-49 the premiere scored a 0.7/2.[2] On the review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes the sixth season got a rating of 67% fresh based on 9 reviews.[52]", "English plurals When asking How many?, plural is standard (e.g. How many bananas? not *How many banana?), even if the expected answer is only one.", "National Capital Region (Canada) Public transportation is handled by OC Transpo on the Ontario side, and the STO on the Quebec side. Together they serve a population over 1,130,761 and have an estimated annual ridership of over 113.2 million.[23][24]", "Bachelor Party (How I Met Your Mother) \"Bachelor Party\" is the 19th episode in the second season of the television series How I Met Your Mother. It originally aired on April 9, 2007.", "How I Met Your Mother (season 2) The second season of the American television comedy series How I Met Your Mother premiered on September 18, 2006 and concluded on May 14, 2007. It consisted of 22 episodes, each approximately 22 minutes in length. CBS broadcast the first three episodes of the second season on Monday nights at 8:30 pm in the United States, the remaining episodes were broadcast at 8:00pm. The complete second season was released on Region 1 DVD on October 2, 2007. In the United Kingdom it aired on E4 from October 2, 2009 weekdays at 7:30pm.", "Season (society) Many events of the season have traditional expectations with regard to dress.", "Pepper spray An emulsifier such as propylene glycol is used to suspend OC in water, and pressurized to make it aerosol in pepper spray. High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is used to measure the amount of capsaicin and major capsaicinoids within pepper sprays." ]
latest season on keeping up with the kardashians
[ "List of Keeping Up with the Kardashians episodes As of December 10, 2017 (2017-12-10), 205 original episodes of Keeping Up with the Kardashians have aired concluding the fourteen seasons." ]
[ "Keeping Up with the Kardashians (season 14) The fourteenth season of Keeping Up with the Kardashians, premiered on October 1, 2017 on E! cable network.", "List of Keeping Up with the Kardashians episodes Keeping Up with the Kardashians is an American reality television series that has aired on E! since October 14, 2007. The series has aired thirteen seasons, and focuses on the personal and professional lives of the Kardashian–Jenner family. Its premise was originated with Ryan Seacrest, who additionally serves as an executive producer. The series focuses on sisters Kourtney, Kim, and Khloé Kardashian.", "Keeping Up with the Kardashians The seventh-season premiere of the series, which aired on May 20, 2012 in its earlier timeslot, continued to deliver high ratings attracting almost three million total viewers which exceeded the premiere of the previous season by 16%.[93] Kim Kardashian has explained the success of the show by saying that people tune in to watch the series because they can relate themselves to the members of the family; in an interview with the V magazine she said: \"You can see that soap operas aren't on the air as much anymore. I think reality shows are taking over that genre, but I think the draw to our show is that we are relatable.\"[94] The eighth season debuted to 3 million viewers, up 6% from the previous season, while the subsequent ninth season's premiere was down by 20%.[95][96] The ninth season averaged 3.3 million total viewers and almost 2.2 million in the 18–49 years adult demographic, the most sought after by advertisers. It was the highest rated cable show in its timeslot.[22] The series finished as the most-social ad-supported cable program and, as of March 2015, Keeping Up with the Kardashians is the most-watched show on E! network.[97] The first episode of the tenth season averaged 2.5 million viewers, slightly less than the premiere of the ninth season.[98] In 2016, a New York Times study of the 50 TV shows with the most Facebook Likes found that Keeping Up with the Kardashians \"tends to most popular in areas with large Hispanic populations, particularly in the Southwest\".[99]", "Keeping Up with the Kardashians Roxana Hadadi, reviewing Keeping Up with the Kardashians for The Washington Post, was extremely negative towards the reality series due to its absurdity, and commented that the show: \"firmly captures all of Kim and Co.'s dumbest instances from the series' debut — from the simply self-absorbed to the downright despicable.\"[70] Amaya Rivera, writing about the series for Popmatters, noted: \"Indeed, there is something disturbing about the Kardashians' intense hunger for fame. But even worse—it is downright boring to watch this family live out their tedious lives.\"[71] John Kubicek, the senior writer of BuddyTV, reviewed the premiere of the third season of the show and discussed the reason for the family's success by saying that: \"the Kardashians' fame is a lot like Möbius strip or an M. C. Escher painting.\"[72] Harriet Ryan and Adam Tschorn of the Los Angeles Times described Keeping Up with the Kardashians as a: \"Hollywood version of The Brady Bunch -- the harmless high jinks of a loving blended family against a backdrop of wealth and famous connections\".[18] Jessica Chasmar of The Washington Times said that series: \"illustrates our nation's moral, spiritual and cultural decay.\" Chasmar emphasized its negative influence and noted: \"America of 50 years ago would regard Ms. Kardashian with a mixture of disdain and pity, embarrassed by the very idea of a young lady's most private moments being broadcast for all the world to see.\"[73]", "Keeping Up with the Kardashians Keeping Up with the Kardashians premiered on October 14, 2007 in the United States on the E! cable network at 10:30/9:30 pm ET/PT. The half-hour reality series continued to air every Sunday night in the same time slot, and the eight-episode first season of the show concluded on December 2. The subsequent season premiered the following year on March 9 in an earlier time slot at 10:00/9:00 pm with a repeated episode airing immediately afterwards.[111] The season ended on May 26, 2008 with an episode \"Junk in the Trunk\", which featured the Kardashian siblings sharing the most memorable moments of the season.[112] The third season commenced airing on March 8, 2009 and concluded with two back-to-back episodes which aired on May 25. The subsequent season premiered with a two-hour long episode entitled \"The Wedding\" on November 8, and ended on February 21, 2010;[111] some of the episodes aired throughout the season were extended to a full hour.[113]", "Keeping Up with the Kardashians The fifth season of Keeping Up with the Kardashians began airing on August 22, 2010 and concluded with another \"Junk in the Trunk\" episode on December 20.[112] The sixth season commenced on June 12, 2011 and ended with a television special \"Kim's Fairytale Wedding: A Kardashian Event\" which aired two extended episodes on October 9 and 10. The show later returned on December 19 with the episode \"Kendall's Sweet 16\".[111] Starting with the seventh season, which premiered on May 20, 2012, the half-hour reality series was extended to a full hour in a new 9:00/8:00 pm time slot.[114] The season concluded on October 28. The eighth season of the series started airing on June 2, 2013; it became the longest season with 21 episodes and ended on December 1. The ninth and tenth seasons aired in 2014 and 2015, respectively. The latter season included a television special entitled \"About Bruce\" which aired on May 17 and 18, 2015.[111] The eleventh season premiered on November 15, one month after the previous season finished.[111] The twelfth season of the show debuted on May 1, 2016.[115] The thirteenth season premiered on March 12, 2017.[116]", "Keeping Up with the Kardashians The network has also aired several television specials featuring important family events. A two-part television event called \"Kim's Fairytale Wedding: A Kardashian Event\", showcasing the wedding between Kim and Kris Humphries, was broadcast on October 9 and 10, 2011 as part of the sixth season; the special was highly successful with a combined 10.5 million viewers.[58] A few days after Caitlyn Jenner (then Bruce) came out as a trans woman during a 20/20 interview with Diane Sawyer in May 2015, E! aired a two-part special on Keeping Up with the Kardashians entitled \"About Bruce\", in which another side of the story was told featuring family members who were not involved in the previous interview on 20/20.[59] The first part of the special debuted on May 17, 2015, and attracted 2.92 million total viewers, a 40% increase from the previous episode, while the second part aired the following day with similar viewership.[60] I Am Cait, a separate documentary series, was announced immediately after the 20/20 interview. Jeff Olde, head of programming at E! network, said that the series is \"not at all a Kardashian spin-off\", and that \"we will not resort to spectacle,\" trying to emphasize its distinct format that is entirely different from most programming on the network, including Keeping Up with the Kardashians.[61] The eight-part, one-hour docuseries debuted on July 26, 2015, on E!, and focused on how Jenner was handling the aftermath of the transition; it also attempted to deal with various LGBT-related issues.[62][63] It was later cancelled after two seasons.[64] In April 2017, it was announced E! had ordered an 8-episode spin-off Life of Kylie revolving around Kylie Jenner which is set to premiere in summer 2017.[65]", "Keeping Up with the Kardashians However, several critics were more positive towards the show. A number of publications welcomed the show as \"guilty pleasure\", including The Huffington Post, The Atlantic, and The Week.[79][80][81] Tim Stack, writing for Entertainment Weekly, described the reality series as: \"my favorite little slice of reality TV spongecake.\"[82] Lauren Le Vine of Refinery29 appreciated the success of the family which \"achieved the American dream of making something out of nothing,\" using the given platform.[83] Libby Hill of The A.V. Club also acknowledged the show's success and said: \"Keeping Up With The Kardashians gives us real, joyous, ugly, unsavory, hilarious life, with all the polished sitcom trappings. And though the latter may have launched a multimedia empire, the former has made it last\".[84] Maura Kelly of The Guardian evaluated the aftermath of the failed wedding of Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries, which was documented on Keeping Up with the Kardashians, and subsequently caused public outrage, including an online protest petition to cancel the show. \"Since Kim doesn't exactly seem to be an exemplar of self-awareness, I suppose it's possible that she really believed she and Humphries would live happily ever after,\" Kelly speculated whether or not the marriage was a publicity stunt. \"But more likely, she and E! are laughing all the way to the bank – 10.5 million viewers tuned into \"Kim's Fairytale Wedding: A Kardashian Event\", after all,\" Kelly summarized the controversy.[85] Josh Duboff, writing for Vanity Fair, commented on the show's long run and said that \"it is near impossible to argue that their continued relevance, 10 years later, is anything other than awe-inspiring and remarkable\".[86]", "List of Keeping Up with the Kardashians episodes Keeping Up with the Kardashians is often criticized for emphasizing the \"famous for being famous\" concept and appearing to fabricate aspects of its storyline. The series has produced the spin-offs Kourtney and Kim Take Miami, Kourtney and Kim Take New York, Khloé & Lamar, Kourtney and Khloé Take The Hamptons, Dash Dolls, I Am Cait, Kocktails with Khloé, Revenge Body with Khloé Kardashian, Rob & Chyna, and Life of Kylie.", "Keeping Up with the Kardashians The idea of creating a reality series originated in 2006 when Kris Jenner showed an interest in appearing on a television show together with her family.[12] Jenner commented: \"Everybody thinks that [my children] could create a bunch of drama in their lives, but it's something that I felt I didn't even have to think about. It would be natural.\"[13] Producer Ryan Seacrest, who had his own production company, decided to develop the idea, having the popular family-based show The Osbournes in mind. He hired a camera man to visit the Kardashian's family home to film them having a Sunday barbeque: \"They were all together — as crazy and as fun as loving as they are,\" Seacrest described the family after seeing the tape. He later initiated the series by sharing the tape with E!, an American cable network which features mostly entertainment-related programming, and reality television series; the show was eventually picked up.[11][14] In August 2007, it was announced that the Kardashian and Jenner families would star in a yet-to-be-titled reality show on E! described as a \"new non-scripted family sitcom\", being produced by Ryan Seacrest and Bunim/Murray Productions. The series' announcement came one week after Paris Hilton and her friend Nicole Richie announced that their popular E! series, The Simple Life, was ending.[15]", "Keeping Up with the Kardashians (season 14) On September 19, 2017 E! introduced a new promo for the new season, in which the girls recreated the opening credits from the first season. [2]", "Keeping Up with the Kardashians (season 14) This season will also have a Christmas themed episode.[3]", "Keeping Up with the Kardashians The series' success has led additionally to the creation of numerous spin-off series, including: Kourtney and Kim Take Miami, Kourtney and Kim Take New York, Khloé & Lamar, Kourtney and Khloé Take The Hamptons, Dash Dolls, Rob & Chyna, and Life of Kylie. The network has also broadcast several television specials featuring special events involving members of the family.", "Kourtney Kardashian In the spring of 2010, Kourtney and her sisters released a clothing line for Bebe.[16][17][18] In August 2010, Kourtney announced that she and her sisters were working on another clothing line called K-Dash, sold on QVC.[19] Kardashian and her sisters created a sunless tanner called Kardashian Glamour Tan in 2010.[20] Kardashian wrote the book Kardashian Konfidential with her sisters Khloe and Kim; it was released in November 2010.[21]", "Jonathan Cheban Jonathan Cheban (born c. 1974)[1] is a reality-television star and entrepreneur. He is noted for his recurring role on the show Keeping Up with the Kardashians and its spinoffs.", "Two Weeks (The Office) Michael accidentally visits a website about actual monsters when trying to visit Monster.com, a popular employment site.[7][8] During work, Michael drinks a combination of scotch and Splenda, an artificial sweetener; Michael had the same drink in the third season episode \"Cocktails\".[7] Michael tries to get a job with Prince Family Paper Company only to find they have gone out of business; this is a reference to \"Prince Family Paper\", an episode from earlier in the fifth season, in which Michael and Dwight go undercover at Prince Paper to learn their company secrets and steal their clients.[8] While flirting with Charles, Kelly said her family was so close they were like the Kardashians, a reference to the E! reality series, Keeping Up with the Kardashians.[9]", "Melissa Reese Her first EP, Lissa, was released in 2007 under the name Lissa, and featured collaboration with Bryan Mantia and Pete Scaturro.[6] Three of the songs of the EP were featured in various TV shows, including Gossip Girl and Keeping up with the Kardashians.[3][5][2]", "Keeping up with the Joneses The phrase originates with the comic strip Keeping Up with the Joneses, created by Arthur R. \"Pop\" Momand in 1913. The strip ran until 1940 in The New York World and various other newspapers. The strip depicts the social climbing McGinis family, who struggle to \"keep up\" with their neighbors, the Joneses of the title. The Joneses were unseen characters throughout the strip's run, often spoken of but never shown. The idiom keeping up with the Joneses has remained popular long after the strip's end.[1][2][3][4]", "American Crime Story The first full trailer was released in December, along with a poster for the season. The trailer included Simpson sitting in the childhood bedroom of Kim Kardashian and contemplating suicide while Robert Kardashian tries to stop him.[44]", "The People v. O. J. Simpson: American Crime Story The first full trailer was released in December, along with a poster for the season. The trailer included Simpson sitting in the childhood bedroom of Kim Kardashian and contemplating suicide while Robert Kardashian tries to stop him.[29]", "Adrienne Bailon Bailon dated Rob Kardashian, from 2007 until 2009 ; later on, Kardashian revealed that they broke up because he cheated on her.[62][63][64]", "Kourtney Kardashian Kourtney made her acting debut with a guest appearance on the ABC soap One Life to Live on March 28, 2011, appearing as attorney Kassandra Kavanaugh.[22] Kardashian, who had grown up watching the soap opera and described her appearance as the realization of a \"lifelong dream,\" had reservations about her acting debut, stating: \"I'd thought I'd only have two lines. But my script is so long... I'm not an actress.\"[23][24] Her performance was met with negative reviews from critics.[25] In September 2012, she and younger sister Kim created another spinoff reality television series, Kourtney and Kim Take Miami, which began airing in January 2013. It features their mother Kris Jenner and sister Khloé Kardashian.[26]", "Keeping Up Appearances Due to the popularity of Keeping Up Appearances in the United States, books about the series have also been published across the Atlantic.", "Kourtney Kardashian Kourtney and her mother opened children's clothing boutiques called Smooch in the Los Angeles area and New York City; the boutiques carry the brand Crib Rock Couture. With sisters Kim and Khloe, Kardashian co-owns and operates D-A-S-H, a clothing boutique in Los Angeles, Miami, New York City, and a pop-up store in the Hamptons.[10]", "Kourtney Kardashian With sisters Kim and Khloé, Kourtney is involved in the retail and fashion industries. They have launched several clothing collections and fragrances, and additionally released the book Kardashian Konfidential in 2010.[citation needed]", "Keeping Up Appearances Three books related to the series have been released in the UK. Two were written by Jonathan Rice and published by BBC Books and the other one was written by Harold Snoad (the director of Keeping Up Appearances) and was published by Book Guild Publishing.", "Kylie Jenner Kylie Kristen Jenner (born August 10, 1997)[3] is an American reality television personality, model, entrepreneur, socialite, and social media personality. She is best known for starring in the E! reality television series Keeping Up with the Kardashians since age nine, her eponymous brand of cosmetics, and her large social media presence.", "Keeping Up Appearances In 2004, the documentary series featured an episode dedicated to Keeping Up Appearances. Stars Clive Swift, Josephine Tewson, Judy Cornwell and David Griffin, along with writer Roy Clarke and producer/director Harold Snoad, all discussed the series. Clips from an interview with Patricia Routledge from 2002 were also included. The episode revealed that there were serious artistic differences between Clarke and Snoad. Specifically, Clarke refused to act as anything but a writer and rarely visited the set or location shoots, necessitating that Snoad make minor rewrites to accommodate the realities of taping. This infuriated Clarke, who disliked any tampering of his work, and Snoad thought Clarke was being unreasonable. The situation was mitigated in later series by the hiring of a production assistant whose sole job was to keep Clarke apprised of Snoad's changes, and to keep Snoad informed of Clarke's opinion of them.[10]", "Blue Lagoon (geothermal spa) The Blue Lagoon was used as the pit stop for the first leg of The Amazing Race 6. The Blue Lagoon was used for the thermal spa scenes in the filming of Hostel: Part II. It was also shown in the Incubus documentary Look Alive, when the band visited Iceland, in the fifth cycle of Britain's Next Top Model which used as photoshoot location as well as Keeping up with the Kardashians.", "Keeping Up Appearances Keeping Up Appearances aired for five series, four Christmas specials, and one short Children in Need special, from 29 October 1990 to 25 December 1995. The series officially ended after the episode \"The Pageant\", because Patricia Routledge wanted to focus on other TV and theatre work, including Hetty Wainthropp Investigates which began airing in 1996. Clive Swift, who portrayed Richard, stated in a BBC interview that Routledge \"didn't want to be remembered as simply 'Mrs. Bucket'\".[10]", "Keep Ya Head Up \"Keep Ya Head Up\" is a 1993 hit single by 2Pac. The song features R&B singer Dave Hollister and is dedicated to black women and Latasha Harlins.", "Keeping Up Appearances In 2015, it was announced that a prequel to the series entitled Young Hyacinth would be made, following a 19-year-old Hyacinth Bucket during the early postwar years and set some forty years before the events of Keeping Up Appearances.[23] The cast were announced on 11 April 2016.[24] Hyacinth was played by Kerry Howard; Rose by Katie Redford; Daisy by Katherine Pearce; Violet by Tamla Kari and Daddy by Mark Addy. It was broadcast on BBC One on 2 September 2016.[25] The prequel sees Hyacinth working as a maid and attempting to manage her family so they appear well above their means. In the special, Hyacinth is in a relationship with a Mr. William Hitchcock, whom Hyacinth forces to dress up and wear a hat when they walk. The special ends with her drunken Daddy falling into the canal, which Hyacinth's employers see, causing her great embarrassment. However, she blames Daddy's behaviour on \"an old war injury\".[26][27] Approximately 4.14 million viewers watched the show within seven days of its broadcast, making it the 22nd most watched BBC One show for the week ending 4 September. A total of 4.39 million viewers watched the show within 28 days of its initial broadcast.[28]", "Shake It Up (season 1) The first season of Shake It Up aired on Disney Channel from November 7, 2010 to August 21, 2011. The series revolves around two best friends, Rocky Blue (Zendaya) and CeCe Jones (Bella Thorne) as they try to deal with the cons of being on the most famous TV show Shake It Up, Chicago. Throughout the series, they try to keep their head in the game when it comes to school, babysitting, and being on time and prepared to perform on the show. This season filmed from July 2010 to March 2011. The pilot episode was filmed in February 2010.", "Keeping up with the Joneses An alternative explanation is that the Joneses of the saying refer to the wealthy family of Edith Wharton's father, the Joneses.[6] The Joneses were a prominent New York family with substantial interests in Chemical Bank as a result of marrying the daughters of the bank's founder, John Mason.[7] The Joneses and other rich New Yorkers began to build country villas in the Hudson Valley around Rhinecliff and Rhinebeck, which had belonged to the Livingstons, another prominent New York family to whom the Joneses were related. The houses became grander and grander. In 1853, Elizabeth Schermerhorn Jones built a 24-room gothic villa called Wyndcliffe described by Henry Winthrop Sargent in 1859 as being very fine in the style of a Scottish castle, but by Edith Wharton, Elizabeth's niece, as a gloomy monstrosity.[8] The villa reportedly spurred more building, including a house by William B. Astor (married to a Jones cousin), a phenomenon described as \"keeping up with the Joneses\". The phrase is also associated with another of Edith Wharton's aunts, Mary Mason Jones, who built a large mansion at Fifth Avenue and 57th Street, then undeveloped. Wharton portrays her affectionately in The Age of Innocence as Mrs. Manson Mingott, \"calmly waiting for fashion to flow north\".", "Reality television Television shows that have been notably accused of, or admitted to, deception include The Real World,[53][54][55] the U.S. version of Survivor,[56] Joe Millionaire,[57] The Hills, Hell's Kitchen,[58] A Shot at Love with Tila Tequila,[59] Hogan Knows Best,[60] Extreme Makeover: Home Edition,[61] The Bachelor and The Bachelorette,[62][63][64][65][66][67] Pawn Stars,[68] Storage Wars,[69] and Keeping Up with the Kardashians.[70][71]", "O. J. Simpson murder case It can be argued that the presence of Robert Kardashian on Simpson's legal team, combined with the press coverage of the trial, would ultimately be the catalyst for the ongoing popularity of the Kardashian family.[117] While Kardashian's ex-wife Kris Jenner was already married to former Olympic gold medalist Caitlyn Jenner (then known as Bruce) at the time of the trial, Kardashian's family was mostly out of the public eye before the trial, only becoming famous due to the trial.[118]", "List of Keeping Up Appearances characters This page is a list of main characters for the British sitcom Keeping Up Appearances, which ran from 1990 to 1995.", "Armenian Genocide recognition On April 6, 2015, Armenian-American reality stars Kim Kardashian and Khloé Kardashian travelled to the Republic of Armenia. During their stay, the sisters visited the Tsitsernakaberd Genocide Memorial in Yerevan and in-doing so, brought global media attention to the recognition of the Armenian Genocide. Kim Kardashian's husband Kanye West also visited the Republic.[300]", "Jonathan Cheban Cheban's relationship with Kim Kardashian has remained in the public spotlight. In 2012, Cheban made a short video spoofing himself as someone living in the shadow of Kardashian's fame.[5]", "Keeping Up with the Joneses (film) Keeping Up with the Joneses is a 2016 American action comedy film directed by Greg Mottola and written by Michael LeSieur. Starring Zach Galifianakis, Jon Hamm, Isla Fisher and Gal Gadot, the film follows a suburban couple (Galifianakis and Fisher) who begin to suspect their new neighbors (Hamm and Gadot) are secret agents. The film was released on October 21, 2016 by 20th Century Fox, received generally negative reviews and was a box office bomb, grossing $29 million against its $40 million budget.", "The X Factor (U.S. TV series) Khloé Kardashian (2012)", "Keeping Up Appearances Hyacinth's neighbour Elizabeth Warden (Josephine Tewson) is frequently invited round to the Buckets' for coffee. Though she is ordinarily calm, Liz's nerves go to pieces in Hyacinth's house, causing her to smash Hyacinth's china and spill coffee and biscuits on Hyacinth's Burmese rug.[9] She is married with a daughter away at University, but her husband works abroad and, like Sheridan, neither character ever appears. Elizabeth is occasionally able to 'one-up' Hyacinth herself by reminding her neighbour that her daughter is at University, whilst Sheridan is studying at a lesser Polytechnic. Liz's brother Emmet (David Griffin) moves in with her at the beginning of series 2 after a messy divorce. Hyacinth, upon learning that Emmet is a musician, frequently and abruptly sings out-of-key at him in an attempt to get a part in one of his productions, making him terrified of leaving the house, lest she see him (\"She'll sing at me!\"). Emmet's problems are further complicated by Hyacinth's mistaken belief that his frightened reactions indicate that he is infatuated with her which, in fact, could not be further from the truth.", "Keeping Up Appearances Always hindering Hyacinth's best efforts to impress – and providing an unwelcome reminder of her less-than-refined roots – are her underclass sisters Daisy (Judy Cornwell) and Rose (Shirley Stelfox in series 1; Mary Millar thereafter), and Daisy's proudly \"bone-idle\" husband Onslow (Geoffrey Hughes). They, along with Hyacinth's senile father, frequently turn up inconveniently (usually in their clapped–out Ford Cortina Mk IV – which always makes a characteristic backfire when it arrives), with Hyacinth going to great lengths to avoid them (saying \"Richard, you know I love my family, but that's no reason why I should have to acknowledge them in broad daylight!\"). Hyacinth's senile father frequently has flashbacks to the Second World War, and often exhibits bizarre behaviour, sometimes involving embarrassing situations with women (Onslow describes him as \"barmy\"). Two relatives of whom Hyacinth is not ashamed are her wealthy sister Violet (Anna Dawson) and her unseen son Sheridan. Violet frequently telephones Hyacinth for advice, allowing her to loudly announce to anyone in earshot, \"It's my sister Violet – the one with a Mercedes, swimming pool/sauna and room for a pony\". However, Violet's social acceptability is damaged by the eccentric behaviour of her transvestite, equestrian-loving husband Bruce, whom she violently attacks because of his behaviour. Hyacinth also tries to impress people with the intellectual prowess of her beloved Sheridan (who actually only takes courses in needlework at a polytechnic). Hyacinth boasts about the \"psychic\" closeness of their relationship and how often he writes and phones her, although he never writes and usually phone calls only to ask for money (much to the despair of Richard).[7] Hyacinth is blissfully oblivious of the seemingly obvious hints that Sheridan, who lives with a man named Tarquin (who makes his own curtains, wears silk pyjamas, and has won prizes for embroidery), is homosexual.[8] It is at one point implied that Sheridan has come out to his father.", "Dancing with the Stars (U.S. season 13) Actor J.R. Martinez won the competition with over 9 million votes. Rob Kardashian and Ricki Lake who took second and third places, respectively.", "Reality television Several socialites, or children of famous parents, who were somewhat well known before they appeared on reality television shows have become much more famous as a result, including Paris Hilton, Nicole Richie, Kelly Osbourne, Kim Kardashian, and many of the rest of the Kardashian family.", "Keeping up with the Joneses (TV series) Keeping up with the Joneses is an Australian reality television series that follows the life of a family on a Cattle Station -- Coolibah Station[1] -- 600 km south-west of Darwin, Northern Territory. The show follows the daily lives of the Jones family as they muster cattle, fight fires, battle floods and even wrestle crocodiles. This raw and humorous snapshot of family life shows just what it takes to live in the outback. They own over 1,000,000 acres.", "Regular Show (season 8) After production on the series wrapped up, several of its' crew members continued to work with Quintel on his latest series, Close Enough.", "Keep Your Head Up (Andy Grammer song) \"Keep Your Head Up\" is featured as the theme song for Tricky Business. It also appears in the movie Pitch Perfect.[3]", "Keep Your Head Up (Andy Grammer song) The music video published for \"Keep Your Head Up\" was released November 11, 2010. It depicts singer Andy Grammer in a variety of unfortunate or awkward situations but shrugging his problems off. It also features actor Rainn Wilson. An interactive video of \"Keep Your Head Up\" was made exclusively on Vevo. The interactive video was named \"Most Innovative Video\" of 2011 at the MTV O Music Awards.[2]", "Keeping Up Appearances The opening sequence shows Hyacinth writing an invitation to one of her trademark candlelight suppers; this invitation lists Hyacinth's address as \"Waney Edge, Blossom Avenue, Fuddleton\". In the same sequence, the invitation is eventually sent to an address in Eddleton. Neither town actually exists. However, there are several references to the characters being in the West Midlands throughout the series, as when Hyacinth said that she could become the \"Barbara Cartland of the West Midlands Social Circuit Scene\" in the episode \"The Hostess\". In another episode, police officers wearing West Midlands Police jumpers escort Richard home.", "Keeping Up Appearances Australia – Region 4", "Keeping Up Appearances Various shows related to the programs were released:", "Keeping Up Appearances Mary Millar, who played Rose from series two to series five, died on 10 November 1998. George Webb, who played Daddy, died on 30 December 1998. Charmian May, who played Mrs. Councillor Nugent, died on 24 October 2002. Geoffrey Hughes, who played Onslow, died on 27 July 2012. Shirley Stelfox, who played Rose in series one, died on 7 December 2015.", "Keeping up with the Joneses One area in which \"living above one's means\" has caused negative social effects is that of credit card use. In the first quarter of 2002, total credit debt was $660 billion. By 2005, the total credit card debt had increased to $735 billion.[16] America's average credit card debt in 2007 was $8,400 per household. By the end of 2007, consumer debt in America had risen to $2.5 trillion.[17]", "Keeping Up Appearances This was first published in 1993, and is a light-hearted guide to manners, as seen through Hyacinth Bucket's eyes. It is based on the TV series' scripts and contains many black-and-white photos of scenes from the show.", "Keeping Up Appearances Onslow drives a 1978 Ford Cortina (number plate VSD 389S) that is in poor condition and backfires loudly almost every time it starts or stops, embarrassing Hyacinth, and frequently crushing her hopes of creating a perfect impression with new people. Onslow is also the owner of the rusting carcass of a Hillman Avenger in his front garden, wherein lives Onslow's dog that always barks at Hyacinth as she approaches.[13]", "Keeping Up Appearances Violet and Bruce own a Mercedes-Benz W126 S-class and later a Mercedes-Benz W202 C-class.", "Keeping Up Appearances Neighbour Elizabeth drives a white 1989 Austin Metro City hatchback with number plate F434 RLA (which, despite being the subject of comments from Hyacinth about its age, is actually newer than Richard's car).[13]", "Keeping Up Appearances Since it was written during the filming of the final series of episodes, Snoad included the co-authors of the guide as extras in the episode \"The Fancy Dress Ball\".", "Keeping up with the Joneses Ahmad Lewis has a song off his hit record called \"The Joneses.\"", "Keeping Up Appearances Exterior shots around Daisy and Onslow's council terrace were taped in Stoke Aldermoor in Coventry.[12] Other exterior street and town shots were taped in Leamington Spa, and in various towns throughout Warwickshire, along with many scenes from the large town of Northampton, mainly the church hall. Some scenes were also shot in Swindon, Oxford, and Bristol. One scene was shot in Oslo, Norway. One episode was filmed in Great Yarmouth, mainly in the Great Yarmouth Pleasure Beach Theme Park.", "Keeping Up Appearances In early 2008, Geoffrey Hughes reprised his role as Onslow once again for a clipshow of the series; this was to be broadcast on American television, and sees him teaching a credit course at the Open University, and has selected \"successful relationships\" as his subject matter. The special was also released on Region 1 DVD.", "Keeping Up Appearances In 1998, the BBC released three episodes of the show: \"A Job for Richard\", \"Country Retreat\" and \"Sea Fever\" on audio cassette. Clive Swift reprised his role as Richard recording a narrative to compensate for the lack of images.", "Keeping up with the Joneses A slightly different version is that the phrase refers to the grand lifestyle of the Joneses who by the mid-century were numerous and wealthy, thanks to the Chemical Bank and Mason connection. It was their relation Mrs William Backhouse Astor, Jr who began the \"patriarchs balls\", the origin of \"The Four Hundred\", the list of the society elite who were invited. By then the Joneses were being eclipsed by the massive wealth of the Astors, Vanderbilts and others but the four hundred list published in 1892 contained many of the Joneses and their relations—old money still mattered.", "List of Indian Premier League seasons and results IPL was established in 2008[6] and currently consists of eight teams in eight cities across India.[10][11] The inaugural IPL season was won by Rajasthan Royals.[12] As of May 2018, there have been eleven seasons of the IPL tournament,[13][6] with the latest eleventh season having been conducted from April to May 2018.[14]", "Shelby Mustang The interior of the 2014 Shelby GT had been overhauled to keep up with the latest trends. Unique touches to the interior included an A-pillar gauge pod with boost, and fuel and oil pressure gauges. This modification was only available on the GT/SC conversion.\nEven the standard GT conversion got the Shelby headrest covers, special GT dash plaque and engine plate. Leather upholstery in black was standard along with electrically adjustable seats.", "I'm a Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here! (UK series 12) Ant and Dec presented the latest action. Colin and Eric battle to keep their place in the jungle in the next trial, 'The Panic Rooms', which was completed by Colin, Charlie, Eric and Rosemary. Charlie supports Colin's bid to stay in the jungle, and Rosemary; Eric's bid. The trial was to put their hands in various holes and pick up small stars (like 'Hell Holes'). They could also pick up big stars, winning meals for camp. They won five out of a possible eight big stars. The result was announced at the end of the show.", "Blagsnarst, a Love Story In September 2013, it was revealed that Kim Kardashian would appear in an upcoming episode as a \"love interest\" for Roger.[1]", "Keep Ya Head Up The video opens up with the words \"Dedicated to the memory of Latasha Harlins, it's still on\", in reference to the 1992 L.A. Riots. The video has a basic format with Shakur rapping in the middle of a circle surrounded by a crowd of people and in some scenes he is seen holding a young child. His mother Afeni Shakur also appears in the video. Jada Pinkett Smith (then known as Jada Pinkett) made a cameo appearance in the music video.", "Ghost Whisperer (season 5) In the fifth season, five years have elapsed since the events of the previous season, and we are introduced to Jim and Melinda's son, Aiden Lucas. We learn that he can see the \"Shinies and the Shadows\", two opposing groups of ghosts that Melinda is unable to see. The Shadows are revealed to be the negative part of spirits that get left behind when they cross over, and their motives involve acquiring the Book of Changes. Melinda, Ned, and Eli, with the frequent help of Delia, work to keep the book safe from the Shadows. Throughout the season, Melinda struggles to keep Aiden safe and help him with his gift. He has frequent run-ins with the Shinies, who are presumed to be the kind group of spirits and are attracted to shiny objects. The Shadows show tremendous power throughout the season, forcing President Bedford, the president of Rockland University to blow up Delia's real estate office.", "Caesars Palace Caesars Palace has been a location in numerous films. It has appeared in films such as Hells Angels on Wheels (1967),[212] Where It's At (1969),[213] The Only Game in Town (1970),[214] The Electric Horseman (1979),[215] Rocky III (1982),[212] Oh, God! You Devil (1984),[216] You Ruined My Life (1987),[217] Rain Man (1988),[212] Hearts Are Wild (1992),[218] Fools Rush In (1997),[219] The Strip (1999),[212] Ocean's Eleven (2001),[212] Intolerable Cruelty (2003),[220] Dreamgirls (2006),[212] Iron Man (2008),[212] The Hangover (2009)[212] The Hangover Part III (2013) and Step Up: All In (2014). In television it has appeared in series such as The Partridge Family, the Viva Ned Flanders episode of The Simpsons, The Sopranos, Friends and Keeping Up With the Kardashians.[212]", "Kourtney Kardashian In 2011, during the final episode in the first season of Kourtney and Kim Take New York, Disick purchased an engagement ring and planned to propose to Kourtney during an evening meal in New York City. However, when Disick asked Kourtney's opinion on marriage, she responded with \"if things are so good now... why would we want to change that?\", so he did not propose.[37] On July 8, 2012, Kourtney gave birth to their second child, daughter Penelope Scotland Disick.[38] She was named after Scotland because of Kourtney's Scottish ancestry.[39]", "San Francisco 49ers The Raiders currently lead the all-time regular season series with 7 wins to the 49ers' 6. Oakland won the latest matchup 24–13 on December 7 in Week 14 of the 2014 regular season.", "Reality television Reality television personalities are sometimes derided as \"Z-list celebrities\", \"Bravolebrities\", or \"nonebrities\" who are effectively \"famous for being famous\" and have done nothing to warrant their sudden fame.[94] Some have been lampooned for exploiting an undeserved \"15 minutes of fame\".[95] The Kardashian family is one such group of reality television personalities who were subject to this criticism in the 2010s,[95][96] Kim Kardashian in particular.[97]", "Kendall Jenner In September 2015, each of the Jenner and Kardashian sisters released paid subscription mobile app websites in collaboration with Whalerock Industries.[163][164] Jenner's website was nominated for an International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences 2016 Webby Award in April of that year.[165] The Jenner sisters partnered with Glu Mobile to develop an app spinoff of Kim Kardashian: Hollywood;[166] the Kendall and Kylie app launched February 17, 2016.[167]", "Stand-up meeting A stand-up meeting (or simply \"stand-up\") is a meeting in which attendees typically participate while standing. The discomfort of standing for long periods is intended to keep the meetings short.", "List of Keeping Up Appearances characters Violet is Hyacinth's almost-invisible, wealthy sister whom Hyacinth always brags about variously having a large house, Mercedes, sauna, jacuzzi, swimming pool and room for a pony (though it is never clarified as to whether Violet actually has a pony or merely room for one). She also has a musical bidet. Violet leads a troubled marriage with cross-dressing husband Bruce (who works as a turf accountant) and repeatedly phones Hyacinth to complain about Bruce's mad behaviour, yet Hyacinth insists that she put up with Bruce for the luxurious lifestyle his wealth gives her, particularly the Mercedes. Bruce often confiscates Violet's clothes so he can wear them himself, leaving her with his clothes. Hyacinth does her best to keep the oddities of the latter away from her neighbours and friends. Violet is also the third-eldest of the four sisters and although in the episode, \"The Pageant\", Bruce states that he and Violet have children, they are never named nor referenced to after this. A sign outside their house reads \"The Paddocks\", but it is not revealed if Paddock is their last name or merely the name of their property.", "List of Keeping Up Appearances characters Daddy is the apparently senile widowed father of Hyacinth, Daisy, Rose and Violet; the prequel Young Hyacinth reveals his wife ran off with an American. He lives with Onslow, Daisy and Rose. Hyacinth repeatedly makes bizarre excuses as to why he can't live with her (one being that he brings Sheridan out in a rash), but she does love him dearly, yet his antics and constant requirement for attention put her social standing at risk. Daddy seems unable to keep himself out of trouble. Either chasing women and promising to marry them, or reliving his childhood or World War II experiences, he often goes missing and requires the rescue efforts of his daughters and sons-in-law. It is often said by Richard that the rundown terrace house that Daddy lives in is the one he has lived in all his life, therefore revealing that Hyacinth grew up in the grubby, decrepit area she loathes visiting. Daddy's screen appearances are somewhat rare, and his spoken lines even more so. Although his given name is unknown, his surname is revealed to be Walton in Young Hyacinth.", "List of The Partridge Family episodes Reuben's latest discoveries, a twin singing act, split up because of a crush on a girl: Laurie", "Kendall Jenner Jenner began her reality television career in 2007 as a supporting actor in her stepfamily's E! program Keeping Up with the Kardashians and its subsequent related spinoffs Kourtney and Khloé Take Miami, Kourtney and Kim Take New York, and Khloé & Lamar. In 2010, Jenner was cast in boy band One Call's Blacklight video along with Ashley Benson and Kevin McHale.[173] In 2012, Jenner appeared as AJ on the I Ka Wa Mamua episode of Hawaii Five-0.[174] Jenner did voiceover for the character Strawberry in The High Fructose Adventures of Annoying Orange episode Shakesparagus Speare, which aired on January 20, 2014. In August 2014, Jenner appeared in singer PartyNextDoor's video Recognize with sister Kylie Jenner and rapper Drake.[175]", "Shake It Up (season 1) Songs featured: \"Watch Me\" by Bella Thorne & Zendaya, \"Dance For Life\" by Adam Hicks and Drew Seeley, \"School's Out\" by Kyra Cristiaan , \"Season 1 Mash up\" by Various", "Erika Jayne She has been named a dance-pop diva and dance sensation by the public.[40] Described as being \"sassy, fun and provocative\" when performing on stage, Jayne has said that she originally created the alter ego \"Erika Jayne\" to keep that stage persona separate from who she really is. She described Erika Jayne as being \"a fantasy character\", despite being \"a real part of me, but not 24 hours a day.\"[41] She has appeared on several magazine editorials and front covers, including Billboard, LGBT Weekly, Flaunt and Celebrity Page.[42] In December 2017, Kim Kardashian's mobile game, Kim Kardashian: Hollywood added Jayne as a new virtual character as a part of a special quest for players.[43][44] Jayne's stage performances and travels have also been created into a book by photographer Marco Bollinger.[45] Jayne has received praise for her stage presence and voice during live performances.[46]", "Who's the Boss? Keeping ties with Tony's and Samantha's Brooklyn roots, motherly former neighbor Mrs. Rossini (Rhoda Gemignani), who ends up becoming a thorn in Mona's side, and several other friends turn up a few times each season, sometimes in New York, sometimes in Connecticut.", "Jason Street Later in the season, Jason meets a waitress named Erin during a blind date gone bad.[1] The two end up sleeping together, which results in Erin becoming pregnant. The season ends with Jason convincing her to keep the baby after having been previously told by doctors that his injury would prevent him from being able to conceive a child. Erin remains skeptical as they are both only nineteen and she needs to keep her job as a waitress.", "Lana Del Rey On May 23, Del Rey performed three songs at Kim Kardashian and Kanye West's pre-wedding celebration at the Palace of Versailles.[102] West had previously played Del Rey's \"Young & Beautiful\" during his proposal to Kardashian in October 2013.[103] \"Shades of Cool\", the second single, was released on May 26, 2014.[104] The third single and title track, \"Ultraviolence\", was released on June 4.[105] June 8 saw the release of the fourth single, \"Brooklyn Baby\".[106]", "Elementary (TV series) The first season was met with positive reviews from critics, who highlighted the show's novel approach to the source material, the writing quality, and the performances and chemistry found between its two leads and supporting cast. Season one holds an 85% approval rating on aggregate review site Rotten Tomatoes, based on 53 collected reviews, with an average score of 7.4 out of 10. The site's consensus reads: \"It may not appeal to purists, but Elementary provides a fresh new spin on Sherlock Holmes, and Jonny Lee Miller shines in the title role.\"[29] It also holds a Metacritic score of 73 out of 100 based on 29 sampled reviews, indicating \"generally favorable reviews\".[30] The Guardian's Phelim O'Neill felt that \"Jonny Lee Miller and Lucy Liu make it a double act to rival Sherlock\" and noted that \"the pacing feels perfect and the details are light: viewers can keep up with the investigation and feel involved, not something every investigative show achieves\".[31] Lori Rackl of the Chicago Sun-Times gave the pilot episode 3 stars out of 4, and said \"While the latest interpretation doesn't live up to the British import, it's still more entertaining than your typical CBS procedural.\"[32] Hank Stuever of The Washington Post gave it a B+ and felt that the show \"exhibits enough stylish wit in its mood and look to quickly distinguish itself from the latest British Sherlock series (seen on PBS)\".[33]", "List of Beavis and Butt-Head episodes The duo take to bowling as their latest activity, however, end up stealing Tom Anderson's bowling ball, blowing it up and dropping it from the roof of the building onto the street.", "Shell keep In English castle morphology, shell keeps are perceived as the successors to motte-and-bailey castles, with the wooden fence around the top of the motte replaced by a stone wall. Castle engineers during the Norman period did not trust the motte to support the enormous weight of a stone keep. A common solution was to replace the palisade with a stone wall then build wooden buildings backing onto the inside of the wall. This construction was lighter than a keep and prevented the walls from being undermined, meaning they could be thinner and lighter.", "Jameis Winston On April 17, 2018, the Buccaneers picked up the fifth-year option on Winston's contract.[69] On June 21, the NFL announced that Winston would be suspended for violating the league's personal conduct policy, regarding his latest incident where he allegedly groped a female Uber driver. On June 28, the announcement was made official, giving Winston a three game suspension to begin the 2018 season.[70]", "Squad number (association football) Argentina developed its numeration system independently from the rest of the world. This was due to the fact that until the 1960s, Argentine football developed more or less isolated from the evolution brought by English, Italian and Hungarian coaches, owing to technological limitations at the time in communications and travelling with Europe, lack of information as to keeping up with news, lack of awareness and/or interest in the latest innovations, and strong nationalism promoted by the Asociación del Fútbol Argentino (for example, back then Argentines playing in Europe were banned from playing in the Argentine national team).", "Shake It Up (season 1) Two best friends, Rocky Blue (Zendaya) and CeCe Jones (Bella Thorne) become dancing stars on their favorite show Shake It Up, Chicago with the help of Rocky's older brother, Ty (Roshon Fegan) and the girl's closest friend Deuce Martinez (Adam Irigoyen). Besides their career, they have to deal with the disadvantages of being on the show, such as keeping up with school, watching out for CeCe's younger brother, Flynn (Davis Cleveland), and dealing with other issues that involves with the show. They also deal with their competing frenemies, Gunther and Tinka Hessenheffer (Kenton Duty and Caroline Sunshine), who seems to usually annoy Rocky, CeCe, and the rest of the gang, but they sometimes bond with the group on certain occasions. The opening theme \"Shake It Up\" is performed by Selena Gomez and is included on the debut soundtrack of the series.", "Shake It Up (season 3) Selena Gomez sings the theme song. The opening theme starts with Rocky and CeCe dancing in grass skirts (as shown in \"Boot It Up\"), then showing various clips of the cast members (some clips from the previous seasons are also included), starting off with Zendaya and Bella Thorne, then going in order with Davis Cleveland, Roshon Fegan, Adam Irigoyen, and Caroline Sunshine. Kenton Duty is not a main cast member in this season, so he is not included in the credits. It then shows more various clips of the cast members as it gives credit to the creator of the series, Chris Thompson. A final clip shows the same thing that was shown in the previous seasons, but Rocky and CeCe are wearing different outfits. The theme song is also shortened only in this season.", "The Tale of Scrotie McBoogerballs The day after \"The Tale of Scrotie McBoogerballs\" aired, members of the Kardashian family responded positively to their portrayal and on-screen deaths. On her blog, Kim Kardashian wrote that the family found the episode very funny and were honored to be featured in the episode. She wrote, \"We were all dying when we saw this clip from South Park that aired last night... literally, LOL. They killed us all!!!\"[13][14] She also wrote, \"I managed to survive the longest... of course!\"[13][14] Kourtney Kardashian joked on her Twitter page, \"How rude! Southpark!!\",[13] Khloé Kardashian wrote she did not know about her appearance on the show until she suddenly received numerous messages on her Twitter page. Khloé also said she found the scene funny, and laughed at how unattractively she and her sisters were portrayed, although she said the Bruce Jenner cartoon looked very realistic. She wrote, \"Even though we all weren't portrayed as the most attractive South Park characters, I was still so flattered since I love that show haha.\"[15]", "Morgan Grimes At the start of the fifth season, Chuck uses Morgan's skills to help find the perfect house for Sarah, Chuck wanting to surprise Sarah keeps the search a secret. when Sarah realises the two are up to something, she dresses up in a seductive pose and breaks Chuck and then takes the planning binder from Morgan.", "The Amazing Race (U.S. TV series) The producers review previous seasons and make changes to new seasons as to keep the show fresh and unexpected; Littman stated that with as many season now filmed of the Race, many racers come to know what to expect and as producers, they need a way to shake things up, as \"whenever you throw a wrench into [the Race], it completely throws them off\".[20] For example, while teams at Pit Stops during the first several seasons were allowed to mingle, the producers have since purposely kept teams apart during this time, as it serves to both keep teams unaware of the finishing order and the fate of an eliminated team, and prevents alliances from forming to keep the teams competitive.[20] They also looked to change the format of the team structure, but found that their first such experiment with the season 8 \"Family Edition\" was poorly received by American audiences though had a strong reception from overseas broadcasts of that series.[20]", "The Walking Dead (season 2) Following the encore presentation of the second-season premiere on October 16, 2011, a live after-show titled Talking Dead, hosted by Chris Hardwick, premiered. The series airs after encore presentations of The Walking Dead on Sunday nights. It features host Chris Hardwick discussing the latest episode with fans, actors, and producers of the show.[23]", "Atlantic hurricane Though the official end of the Atlantic hurricane season occurs on November 30, the dates of October 31 and November 15 have also historically marked the official end date for the hurricane season.[31] December, the only month of the year after the hurricane season, has featured the cyclogenesis of fourteen tropical cyclones.[11] Tropical Storm Zeta in 2005 was the latest tropical cyclone to attain tropical storm intensity as it did so on December 30. However, the second Hurricane Alice in 1954 was the latest forming tropical cyclone to attain hurricane intensity. Both Zeta and Alice were the only two storms to exist in two calendar years – the former from 1954 to 1955 and the latter from 2005 to 2006.[37] No storms have been recorded to exceed Category 1 hurricane intensity in December.[11] In 1999, Hurricane Lenny reached Category 4 intensity on November 17 as it took an unprecedented west to east track across the Caribbean; its intensity made it the latest developing Category 4 hurricane, though this was well within the bounds of the hurricane season.[38] Hurricane Hattie (October 27-November 1, 1961) was initially thought to have been the latest forming Category 5 hurricane ever documented,[39] though reanalysis indicated that a devastating hurricane in 1932 reached such an intensity at a later date.[11][32] Consequently, this made the hurricane the latest developing tropical cyclone to reach all four Saffir–Simpson hurricane wind scale classifications past Category 1 intensity.[11]", "Shake It Up (season 1) Rocky and CeCe decides to do a marathon in Shake It Up! Chicago so CeCe can get the Spotlight Dance and Rocky can donate money to a retirement home and also impress an elderly lady who hates her. CeCe gets energy drinks because the rules are to keep dancing on the floor without falling down. However Flynn drinks all of the energy drinks and becomes energetic and that Rocky and CeCe are too tired stopping Flynn. At the marathon, they nearly feel sleepy but thanks to Deuce, who gave them lightning pants, they win the marathon but end up sleeping at the end. When they win the spotlight dance, they fall asleep and Flynn dances, but then falls to the ground, asleep.", "2016–17 Chelsea F.C. season On 14 December, Chelsea secured their tenth consecutive league victory with a 1-0 away win over Sunderland. Cesc Fàbregas scored his first league goal of the season in the 40th minute after an assist from Willian.[93] Eden Hazard missed his first league game of the season after picking up a knock during the win over West Brom.[94] César Azpilicueta made his 200th appearance for the Blues in the match, just one day after signing a three-and-a-half-year contract that will keep him at the club through the 2020 season.[95][96]" ]
how dose the poet present death as a voyage in crossing the bar
[ "Crossing the Bar The extended metaphor of \"crossing of bar\" represents traveling serenely and securely from life through death. The Pilot is a metaphor for God, whom the speaker hopes to meet face to face. Tennyson explained, \"The Pilot has been on board all the while, but in the dark I have not seen him…[He is] that Divine and Unseen Who is always guiding us.\"[1]" ]
[ "Crossing the Bar \"Crossing the Bar\" is an 1889 poem by Alfred, Lord Tennyson. It is considered that Tennyson wrote it in elegy; the poem has a tone of finality and the narrator uses an extended metaphor to compare death with crossing the \"sandbar\" between river of life, with its outgoing \"flood\", and the ocean that lies beyond [death], the \"boundless deep\", to which we return.", "Equivalent dose To enable consideration of stochastic health risk, calculations are performed to convert the physical quantity absorbed dose into equivalent dose, the details of which depend on the radiation type. For applications in radiation protection and dosimetry assessment, the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) and the International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements (ICRU) have published recommendations and data on how to calculate equivalent dose from absorbed dose.", "Cross of Lorraine The Cross of Lorraine (French: Croix de Lorraine) was originally a heraldic cross. The two-barred cross consists of a vertical line crossed by two shorter horizontal bars. In most renditions, the horizontal bars are \"graded\" with the upper bar being the shorter, though variations with the bars of equal length are also seen. The Lorraine name has come to signify several cross variations, including the patriarchal cross with its bars near the top.", "Victoria Cross As there was no formal order of wear laid down,[59] the Victoria Cross was at first worn as the recipient fancied. It was popular to pin it on the left side of the chest over the heart, with other decorations grouped around the VC. The Queen's Regulations for the Army of 1881 gave clear instructions on how to wear it; the VC had to follow the badge of the Order of the Indian Empire. In 1900 it was ordained in Dress Regulations for the Army that it should be worn after the cross of a Member of the Royal Victorian Order. It was only in 1902 that King Edward VII gave the cross its present position on a bar brooch.[60] The cross is also worn as a miniature decoration on a brooch or a chain with mess jacket, white tie or black tie. As a bearer of the VC is not a Companion in an Order of Chivalry, the VC has no place in a coat of arms.[61]", "Dose–response relationship The dose–response relationship, or exposure–response relationship, describes the change in effect on an organism caused by differing levels of exposure (or doses) to a stressor (usually a chemical) after a certain exposure time, or to a food.[1] This may apply to individuals (e.g.: a small amount has no significant effect, a large amount is fatal), or to populations (e.g.: how many people or organisms are affected at different levels of exposure).", "Bar stock Bar stock, also (colloquially) known as blank, slug or billet,[1] is a common form of raw purified metal, used by industry to manufacture metal parts and products. Bar stock is available in a variety of extrusion shapes and lengths. The most common shapes are round (circular cross-section), rectangular, square and hexagonal or hex. A bar is characterised by an \"enclosed invariant convex cross-section\", meaning that pipes, angle stock and objects with varying diameter are not considered bar stock.", "Equivalent dose This included a proposal to discontinue use of equivalent dose as a separate protection quantity. This would avoid confusion between equivalent dose, effective dose and dose equivalent, and to use absorbed dose in Gy as a more appropriate quantity for limiting deterministic effects to the eye lens, skin, hands & feet.[10]", "Death Be Not Proud (poem) Death Be Not Proud” presents an argument against the power of death. Addressing Death as a person, the speaker warns Death against pride in his power. Such power is merely an illusion, and the end Death thinks it brings to men and women is in fact a rest from world-weariness for its alleged “victims.” The poet criticizes Death as a slave to other forces: fate, chance, kings, and desperate men. Death is not in control, for a variety of other powers exercise their volition in taking lives. Even in the rest it brings, Death is inferior to drugs. Finally, the speaker predicts the end of Death itself, stating “Death, thou shalt die.” [1]", "Cross of Lorraine A golden double cross with equal bars, known as the Cross of Jagiellons, was used by Grand Duke of Lithuania and King of Poland Jogaila since his conversion to Christianity in 1386, as a personal insignia and was introduced in the Coat of Arms of Lithuania. Initially, the lower bar of the cross was longer than the upper, since it originates from the Hungarian type of the double cross. It later became the symbol of Jagiellon dynasty and is one of the national symbols of Lithuania, featured in the Order of the Cross of Vytis and the badge of the Lithuanian Air Force.", "Address bar In Opera and Safari, the address bar can double as a progress bar that indicates how much of the contents of the page has been loaded.", "Equivalent dose Somebody says that There is no confusion between equivalent dose and dose equivalent. Somebody says, Indeed, they are same concepts. Although the CIPM definition states that the linear energy transfer function of the ICRU is used in calculating the biological effect, the ICRP in 1990 [15] developed the \"protection\" dose quantities named effective and equivalent dose, which are calculated from more complex computational models and are distinguished by not having the phrase dose equivalent in their name.", "Equivalent dose Equivalent dose is a dose quantity H representing the stochastic health effects of low levels of ionizing radiation on the human body. It is derived from the physical quantity absorbed dose, but also takes into account the biological effectiveness of the radiation, which is dependent on the radiation type and energy. In the SI system of units, the unit of measure is the sievert (Sv).", "Ennius The Epicharmus presented an account of the gods and the physical operations of the universe. In it, the poet dreamed he had been transported after death to some place of heavenly enlightenment.", "Equivalent dose Equivalent dose is designated by the ICRP as a \"limiting quantity\"; to specify exposure limits to ensure that \"the occurrence of stochastic health effects is kept below unacceptable levels and that tissue reactions are avoided\".[1][2][3] This is a calculated value, as equivalent dose cannot be practically measured, and the purpose of the calculation is to generate a value of equivalent dose for comparison with observed health effects.[4]", "Poets' Corner Some of those buried in Poets' Corner also had memorials erected to them over or near their grave, either around the time of their death or later. In some cases, such as Joseph Addison, the burial took place elsewhere in Westminster Abbey, with a memorial later erected in Poets' Corner. In some cases a full burial of a body took place, in other cases the body was cremated and the ashes buried. There are also cases where there was support for a particular individual to be buried in Poets' Corner, but the decision was made to bury them elsewhere in the Abbey, such as Edward Bulwer-Lytton. Other notable poets and writers, such as Aphra Behn, are buried elsewhere in the Abbey. At least two of the memorials (both to individuals buried in Poets' Corner – Rowe and Gay) were later moved to a location elsewhere in the Abbey due to the discovery of old paintings on the wall behind them.", "Ulysses (poem) The Italian poet Giovanni Pascoli (1855–1912) stated that his long lyric poem L'ultimo viaggio was an attempt to reconcile the portrayals of Ulysses in Dante and Tennyson with Tiresias's prophecy that Ulysses would die \"a mild death off the sea\".[47] Pascoli's Ulysses leaves Ithaca to retrace his epic voyage rather than begin another.", "Equivalent dose Equivalent dose HT is used for assessing stochastic health risk due to external radiation fields that penetrate uniformly through the whole body. However it needs further corrections when the field is applied only to part(s) of the body, or non-uniformly to measure the overall stochastic health risk to the body. To enable this a further dose quantity called effective dose must be used to take into account the varying sensitivity of different organs and tissues to radiation.", "Equivalent dose In the US, three different equivalent doses are typically reported:", "Ming treasure voyages Minister of Finance Xia Yuanji was a vocal opponent to the treasure voyages.[93][175][176] In 1421, he was imprisoned for voicing his opposition against the Yongle Emperor's decision to undertake the third Mongol military campaign, which would add another expenditure to the existing ones.[175] The Hongxi Emperor was fiercely against the treasure voyages throughout his reign.[80] After the advice of Xia Yuanji, he ordered the cessation of the treasure voyages on 7 September 1424, the day of his accession to the throne.[93] On 8 September 1424, he released Xia Yuanji from his imprisonment.[96] However, the succeeding Xuande Emperor ordered Admiral Zheng He to command the fleet for the seventh voyage.[103] This was after the death of Xia Yuanji on 19 Februari 1430, thus it can be argued that an important obstacle disappeared after his death.[177] The Xuande Emperor went against the general court opinion when he ordered the seventh voyage.[110]", "Cross-bedding In a fluvial environment, the water in a stream loses energy and its ability transport sediment. The sediment \"falls\" out of the water and is deposited along a point bar. Over time the river may dry up or avulse and the point bar may be preserved as cross bedding.", "Stress (mechanics) This analysis assumes the stress is evenly distributed over the entire cross-section. In practice, depending on how the bar is attached at the ends and how it was manufactured, this assumption may not be valid. In that case, the value \n\n\n\nσ\n\n\n{\\displaystyle \\sigma }\n\n = F/A will be only the average stress, called engineering stress or nominal stress. However, if the bar's length L is many times its diameter D, and it has no gross defects or built-in stress, then the stress can be assumed to be uniformly distributed over any cross-section that is more than a few times D from both ends. (This observation is known as the Saint-Venant's principle).", "Cross of Lorraine The double-barred cross is one of the national symbols in Belarus, both as the Jagiellon Cross and as the Cross of St. Euphrosyne of Polatsk, an important religious artifact. The symbol is supposed to have Byzantine roots and is used by the Belarusian Greek Catholic Church as a symbol uniting Eastern-Byzantine and Western-Latin church traditions. The Belarusian Cross can be found on the traditional coat of arms of Belarus, the Pahonia.", "Bar stock Most metal produced by a steel mill or aluminium plant is formed (via rolling or extrusion) into long continuous strips of various size and shape. These strips are cut at regular intervals and allowed to cool, each segment becoming a piece of bar stock. A good analogy is pasta-making, in which lumps of dough are extruded into various cross-sectional shapes; cut into lengths; and then dried in that form. The cross-sectional shapes of pasta vary from simple bar or tube shapes (such as linguine or penne) to more elaborate extrusions (such as rotelle, fiori, or rotini). The same is true of metal bar stock. The most common shapes are round bar (also called rod), rectangular bar (including square bar, the special case of equal sides), and hexagonal bar (usually called hex bar for short). Tube and pipe are similar, but have hollow centers and are traditionally not called \"bar\" in industrial usage. (However, a product called hollow bar, essentially tube but with custom-orderable OD and ID and thus custom wall thickness, is marketed for lathe bar work which can benefit from obviation of drilling and rough boring.) Also similar in concept, but not called \"bar\", are the common structural shapes such as angle stock and channel stock. These are commonly available in steel and aluminum; the names \"angle iron\" and \"channel iron\" are still commonly used (informally) even though their literal namesake, wrought iron, has been replaced by steel and aluminum for most uses.", "Dose–response relationship The measured dose (usually in milligrams, micrograms, or grams per kilogram of body-weight for oral exposures or milligrams per cubic meter of ambient air for inhalation exposures) is generally plotted on the X axis and the response is plotted on the Y axis. Other dose units include moles per body-weight, moles per animal, and for dermal exposure, moles per square centimeter. In some cases, it is the logarithm of the dose that is plotted on the X axis, and in such cases the curve is typically sigmoidal, with the steepest portion in the middle. Biologically based models using dose are preferred over the use of log(dose) because the latter can visually imply a threshold dose when in fact there is none.", "Death mask One of the first real Ukrainian death masks was that of the poet Taras Shevchenko, taken by Peter Clodt von Jürgensburg in St. Petersburg, Russia.[3]", "Bar examination Most law schools teach students common law and how to analyze hypothetical fact patterns like a lawyer, but do not specifically prepare law students for any particular bar exam. Only a minority of law schools offer bar preparation courses.", "Address bar Some browsers address bars can be used to detect web feeds that can be used to subscribe to pages. The detection of a feed is normally indicated by the RSS icon \"\". A variety of other icons may also be present in the address bar if included with a browser extension.", "Victoria Cross The cross is suspended by a ring from a seriffed \"V\" to a bar ornamented with laurel leaves, through which the ribbon passes. The reverse of the suspension bar is engraved with the recipient's name, rank, number and unit.[16] On the reverse of the medal is a circular panel on which the date of the act for which it was awarded is engraved in the centre.[16]", "Radiation-induced cancer The linear dose-response model suggests that any increase in dose, no matter how small, results in an incremental increase in risk. The linear no-threshold model (LNT) hypothesis is accepted by the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) and regulators around the world.[32] According to this model, about 1% of the global population develop cancer as a result of natural background radiation at some point in their lifetime. For comparison, 13% of deaths in 2008 are attributed to cancer, so background radiation could plausibly be a small contributor.[33]", "Goiânia accident The outcomes for the 46 most contaminated people are shown in the bar chart below. Several people survived high doses of radiation. This is thought in some cases to be because the dose was fractionated.[citation needed] Given time, the body's repair mechanisms will reverse cell damage caused by radiation. If the dose is spread over a long time period, these mechanisms can mitigate the effects of radiation poisoning.", "Error bar Error bars are graphical representations of the variability of data and used on graphs to indicate the error or uncertainty in a reported measurement. They give a general idea of how precise a measurement is, or conversely, how far from the reported value the true (error free) value might be. Error bars often represent one standard deviation of uncertainty, one standard error, or a particular confidence interval (e.g., a 95% interval). These quantities are not the same and so the measure selected should be stated explicitly in the graph or supporting text.", "Prince of Poets Prince of Poets is similar to another Emirati poetry competition, Million's Poet; the latter promotes Nabati (Bedouin) poetry, while the former promotes classical Arabic poetry and is an attempt to revive it in modern society.[5][7] Like Million's Poet, it has been compared to American Idol.[6]", "Thunderbird (Holiday World) Thunderbird is located in the Thanksgiving theme section of the park along with The Voyage and it runs parallel and crosses over The Voyage twice: after the vertical loop and during the inline twist.[3]", "Crossing the Bar The words have been set to music by Sir Hubert Parry, Sir Joseph Barnby and Dr. George Hewson, organist at St Patrick's Cathedral Dublin.", "John Keats On arrival in Italy, he moved into a villa on the Spanish Steps in Rome, today the Keats–Shelley Memorial House museum. Despite care from Severn and Dr. James Clark, his health rapidly deteriorated. The medical attention Keats received may have hastened his death.[65] In November 1820, Clark declared that the source of his illness was \"mental exertion\" and that the source was largely situated in his stomach. Clark eventually diagnosed consumption (tuberculosis) and placed Keats on a starvation diet of an anchovy and a piece of bread a day intended to reduce the blood flow to his stomach. He also bled the poet: a standard treatment of the day, but also likely a significant contributor to Keats's weakness.[66] Severn's biographer Sue Brown writes: \"They could have used opium in small doses, and Keats had asked Severn to buy a bottle of opium when they were setting off on their voyage. What Severn didn't realise was that Keats saw it as a possible resource if he wanted to commit suicide. He tried to get the bottle from Severn on the voyage but Severn wouldn't let him have it. Then in Rome he tried again... Severn was in such a quandary he didn't know what to do, so in the end he went to the doctor who took it away. As a result Keats went through dreadful agonies with nothing to ease the pain at all.\" Keats was angry with both Severn and Clark when they would not give him laudanum (opium). He repeatedly demanded \"how long is this posthumous existence of mine to go on?\"[66]", "Death Be Not Proud (poem) Sonnet X, also known by its opening words as \"Death Be Not Proud\", is a fourteen-line poem, or sonnet, by English poet John Donne (1572–1631), one of the leading figures in the metaphysical poets of sixteenth-century English literature. Written between February and August 1609, it was not published during Donne's lifetime; it was first published posthumously in 1633.", "Military Order of the Stars and Bars In 1976 the organization changed its name to \"The Military Order of the Stars & Bars\" at the 39th General Convention held in Memphis, Tennessee. They adopted the Confederate battle flag (the square \"Southern Cross\" incorporated into the second and third National Flags of the Confederate States of America, not to be confused with the \"Stars and Bars\" adopted as the first national flag) as the official insignia of the order. The leader would be called the commander general of the Military Order of the Stars and Bars.", "Stress–strain curve Consider a bar of cross sectional area A being subjected to equal and opposite forces F pulling at the ends so the bar is under tension. The material is experiencing a stress defined to be the ratio of the force to the cross sectional area of the bar:", "The Book Thief Death is presented in a manner that is less distant and threatening. Because Death narrates and explains the reasons behind each character's destruction, as well as explains how he feels that he must take the life of each character, death is given a sense of care rather than fear. At one point, Death states \"even death has a heart,\" which reaffirms that there is a care present in the concept of death and dying.[2]", "Francis Drake The Queen declared that all written accounts of Drake's voyages were to become the Queen's secrets of the Realm, and Drake and the other participants of his voyages on the pain of death sworn to their secrecy; she intended to keep Drake's activities away from the eyes of rival Spain. Drake presented the Queen with a jewel token commemorating the circumnavigation. Taken as a prize off the Pacific coast of Mexico, it was made of enamelled gold and bore an African diamond and a ship with an ebony hull.[42]", "Cosmic Voyage Cosmic Voyage is a 1996 short documentary film produced in the IMAX format, directed by Bayley Silleck, produced by Jeffrey Marvin, and narrated by Morgan Freeman. The film was presented by the Smithsonian Institution's National Air and Space Museum,[1] and played in IMAX theaters worldwide. The film is available in the DVD format.", "Discovery of America: Voyages of Christopher Columbus At the time of both the Erikson and Columbus voyages, the Americas were inhabited by the Indigenous Americans, the descendants of Paleo-Indians who crossed the Bering Strait, at that time a land bridge, to North America beginning around 20,000 years ago.[3] Columbus's voyages led to the widespread knowledge that a new continent existed west of Europe and east of Asia. This breakthrough in geographical science led to the exploration and colonization of the New World by Spain and other European sea powers, and is sometimes cited as the start of the modern era.[4]", "List of Ancient Greek poets This list of Ancient Greek poets covers poets writing in the Ancient Greek language, regardless of location or nationality of the poet. For a list of modern-day Greek poets, see List of Greek poets.", "Error bar Error bars can be used to compare visually two quantities if various other conditions hold. This can determine whether differences are statistically significant. Error bars can also suggest goodness of fit of a given function, i.e., how well the function describes the data. Scientific papers in the experimental sciences are expected to include error bars on all graphs, though the practice differs somewhat between sciences, and each journal will have its own house style. It has also been shown that error bars can be used as a direct manipulation interface for controlling probabilistic algorithms for approximate computation.[1] Error bars can also be expressed in a plus-minus sign (±), plus the upper limit of the error and minus the lower limit of the error.[2]", "Voyager 2 The primary mission of Voyager 1 was to explore Jupiter, Saturn, and Saturn's moon, Titan. Voyager 2 was also to explore Jupiter and Saturn, but on a trajectory that would have option of continuing on to Uranus and Neptune, or being redirected to Titan as a backup for Voyager 1. Upon successful completion of Voyager 1's objectives, Voyager 2 would get a mission extension to send the probe on towards Uranus and Neptune.[4]", "Lake Poets The beauty of the Lake District has also inspired many other writers over the years, beyond the core Lake Poets. These include their contemporaries Bryan Procter, Felicia Hemans, and Walter Scott, as well as the labouring-class and slightly later John Close, who catered particularly to the growing tourist trade. Other poets include James Payn, Margaret Cropper, and Norman Nicholson.", "Voyager 1 Voyager 1 is expected to reach the theorized Oort cloud in about 300 years[77][78] and take about 30,000 years to pass through it.[60][71] Though it is not heading towards any particular star, in about 40,000 years, it will pass within 1.6 light-years of the star Gliese 445, which is at present in the constellation Camelopardalis.[79] That star is generally moving towards the Solar System at about 119 km/s (430,000 km/h; 270,000 mph).[79] NASA says that \"The Voyagers are destined—perhaps eternally—to wander the Milky Way.\"[80]", "Radiation Ionizing radiation has many practical uses in medicine, research and construction, but presents a health hazard if used improperly. Exposure to radiation causes damage to living tissue; high doses result in Acute radiation syndrome (ARS), with skin burns, hair loss, internal organ failure and death, while any dose may result in an increased chance of cancer and genetic damage; a particular form of cancer, thyroid cancer, often occurs when nuclear weapons and reactors are the radiation source because of the biological proclivities of the radioactive iodine fission product, iodine-131.[4] However, calculating the exact risk and chance of cancer forming in cells caused by ionizing radiation is still not well understood and currently estimates are loosely determined by population based on data from the atomic bombing in Japan and from reactor accident follow-up, such as with the Chernobyl disaster. The International Commission on Radiological Protection states that \"The Commission is aware of uncertainties and lack of precision of the models and parameter values\", \"Collective effective dose is not intended as a tool for epidemiological risk assessment, and it is inappropriate to use it in risk projections\" and \"in particular, the calculation of the number of cancer deaths based on collective effective doses from trivial individual doses should be avoided.\"[5]", "Christian cross However, the cross symbol was already associated with Christians in the 2nd century, as is indicated in the anti-Christian arguments cited in the Octavius[8] of Minucius Felix, chapters IX and XXIX, written at the end of that century or the beginning of the next,[9] and by the fact that by the early 3rd century the cross had become so closely associated with Christ that Clement of Alexandria, who died between 211 and 216, could without fear of ambiguity use the phrase τὸ κυριακὸν σημεῖον (the Lord's sign) to mean the cross, when he repeated the idea, current as early as the apocryphal Epistle of Barnabas, that the number 318 (in Greek numerals, ΤΙΗ) in Genesis 14:14 was interpreted as a foreshadowing (a \"type\") of the cross (T, an upright with crossbar, standing for 300) and of Jesus (ΙΗ, the first two letter of his name ΙΗΣΟΥΣ, standing for 18),[10] and his contemporary Tertullian could designate the body of Christian believers as crucis religiosi, i.e. \"devotees of the Cross\".[11] In his book De Corona, written in 204, Tertullian tells how it was already a tradition for Christians to trace repeatedly on their foreheads the sign of the cross.[12] The crucifix, a cross upon which an image of Christ is present, is not known to have been used until the 6th century AD.[13]", "Bar Rescue Taffer's team members train the staff on methods of improving food/drink preparation, customer service, and efficiency, frequently concentrating on a more limited selection of recipes than the bar typically offers. After the initial training, Taffer puts the bar through a \"stress test\" (similar to a soft opening), inviting in a large crowd of patrons in order to determine how well the staff can use their newly learned skills to deal with the pressure of a busy night. He uses market research, technological tools, and partner companies to scientifically measure the bar's performance. After discussing the stress test's results with owners and staff, Taffer meets with his experts to begin devising a new concept for the bar.", "Lake Poets Byron did not visit the Lakes, but he ridiculed the isolation and narrowness of mind of the older Lake Poets, as well as of their abandonment of radical politics.[13]", "Rives (poet) Rives (born 1968) is an American poet, storyteller, and author. He appeared on Seasons 3-6 of HBO's Def Poetry Jam[1] and was a member of Team Hollywood, which won the 2004 National Poetry Slam. His best-known poems include \"Kite,\"[2] about waking up alone in a new lover's apartment, and \"Mockingbird,\" which he performs differently every time, incorporating the words of other poets and speakers in the program.", "Christian cross Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox and Anglican bishops place a cross [+] before their name when signing a document. The dagger symbol (†) placed after the name of a dead person (often with the date of death) is sometimes taken to be a Christian cross.[20]", "United States Poet Laureate Currently, the laureate receives a $35,000 annual stipend, endowed by a gift from Archer M. Huntington. On October 3, 1985, the U.S. Congress passed legislation authored by Senator Spark M. Matsunaga of Hawaii changing the title of the position to Poet Laureate Consultant in Poetry.[1] The Library minimizes assigned duties, to allow incumbents to pursue their own projects while at the Library. The laureate presents an annual lecture and reading of his or her poetry, and usually introduces poets at the Library's poetry series, the oldest in the Washington area and among the oldest in the United States. This annual series of public poetry and fiction readings, lectures, symposia, and occasional dramatic performances began in the 1940s. Collectively the laureates have brought more than 2,000 poets and authors to the Library to read for the Archive of Recorded Poetry and Literature.", "Solar System The outer boundary of the heliosphere, the heliopause, is the point at which the solar wind finally terminates and is the beginning of interstellar space.[55] Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 are reported to have passed the termination shock and entered the heliosheath, at 94 and 84 AU from the Sun, respectively.[115][116] Voyager 1 is reported to have crossed the heliopause in August 2012.[117]", "Voyager 2 For more details on the Voyager space probes' identical instrument packages, see the separate article on the overall Voyager Program.", "Voyager 1 For more details on the Voyager space probes' identical instrument packages, see the separate article on the overall Voyager Program.", "Dose–response relationship A commonly used dose-response curve is the EC50 curve, the half maximal effective concentration, where the EC50 point is defined as the inflection point of the curve.", "Dead Poets Society Nolan investigates Neil's death at the request of the Perry family. Richard blames Neil's death on Keating to escape punishment for his own participation in the Dead Poets Society, and names the other members. Confronted by Charlie, Richard urges the rest of them to let Keating take the fall. Charlie punches Richard and is expelled. Each of the boys is called to Nolan's office to sign a letter attesting to the truth of Richard's allegations, even though they know they are false. When Todd's turn comes, he is reluctant to sign, but does so after seeing that the others have complied.", "Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross A teleprinter message dated 3 May 1945 was sent to the Commanders-in-Chief of those units still engaged in combat, empowering them to make autonomous presentations of the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross themselves. The following decision making chains of command were possible at this time:[23]", "Rodenticide Anticoagulants are defined as chronic (death occurs one to two weeks after ingestion of the lethal dose, rarely sooner), single-dose (second generation) or multiple-dose (first generation) rodenticides, acting by effective blocking of the vitamin K cycle, resulting in inability to produce essential blood-clotting factors—mainly coagulation factors II (prothrombin) and VII (proconvertin).", "American Red Cross An example of ARC International Services health programming is the Measles Initiative, launched in 2001, as a partnership committed to reducing measles deaths globally. The initiative provides technical and financial support to governments and communities on vaccination campaigns and disease surveillance worldwide. Leading these efforts are ARC, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the United Nations Foundation, UNICEF and the World Health Organization. The Measles Initiative has supported vaccination campaigns in more than 60 countries, mostly in Africa and Asia. Since 2001, the initiative has helped vaccinate one billion children in more than 60 developing countries.[45] The initiative supported the distribution of more than 37 million insecticide-treated mosquito nets for malaria prevention, 81 million doses of de-worming medicine, 95 million doses of polio vaccine, and 186 million doses of Vitamin A.", "Toxicity A central concept of toxicology is that the effects of a toxicant are dose-dependent; even water can lead to water intoxication when taken in too high a dose, whereas for even a very toxic substance such as snake venom there is a dose below which there is no detectable toxic effect. Toxicity is species-specific, making cross-species analysis problematic. Newer paradigms and metrics are evolving to bypass animal testing, while maintaining the concept of toxicity endpoints.[2]", "Ming treasure voyages There is an unlikely theory that the voyages were initiated to search for the dethroned Jianwen Emperor.[5][160] Another unlikely theory explained that the voyages were triggered in response to another power across Asia, namely the Timurid state of Tamerlane, an enemy of Ming China.[5] However, upon Tamerlane's death in 1405, Ming China was left unchallenged by the Timurid, because Shahrukh (r. 1405–1447) normalized diplomatic relations with China and was preoccupied with holding his state together.[5] The Jianwen or Tamerlane factors are absent from contemporary historical sources, thus they lack the support and conformation to be accepted.[5]", "Metered-dose inhaler A metered-dose inhaler (MDI) is a device that delivers a specific amount of medication to the lungs, in the form of a short burst of aerosolized medicine that is usually self-administered by the patient via inhalation. It is the most commonly used delivery system for treating asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and other respiratory diseases. The medication in a metered dose inhaler is most commonly a bronchodilator, corticosteroid or a combination of both for the treatment of asthma and COPD. Other medications less commonly used but also administered by MDI are mast cell stabilizers, such as cromoglicate or nedocromil.", "Mayflower II On April 20, 1957, Mayflower II began the solitary voyage across the Atlantic.[3] For time and to avoid the risk of winter ice, the new ship took a more southerly route than the original Mayflower in September 1620, but otherwise the voyage was an accurate replication of a period ocean crossing. The weather cooperated; Mayflower II first sailed calm seas and then met a violent storm off Bermuda, common weather for a transatlantic crossing.[3] She was commanded on her maiden voyage by Alan Villiers, and among the crew was Peter Padfield, who went on to become a naval historian.[7]", "Russo-Japanese War Much later, the Scottish poet Douglas Dunn devoted an epistolary poem in verse to the naval war in The Donkey's Ears: Politovsky's Letters Home (2000). This follows the voyage of the Russian Imperial Navy flagship Kniaz to its sinking at the Battle of Tsushima.[126]", "Lake Poets Letitia Elizabeth Landon's sketch, Grasmere Lake, A Sketch by a Cockney, in Fisher's Drawing Room Scrap Book, 1834, is a spoof on the Lake Poets, whom she admired (especially Wordsworth) but regarded as outmoded. In her view the days of Romanticism were over.", "Victoria Cross Indian troops were not originally eligible for the Victoria Cross since they had been eligible for the Indian Order of Merit since 1837 which was the oldest British gallantry award for general issue. When the Victoria Cross was created, Indian troops were still controlled by the Honourable East India Company and did not come under Crown control until 1860. European officers and men serving with the Honourable East India Company were not eligible for the Indian Order of Merit and the Victoria Cross was extended to cover them in October 1857. It was only at the end of the 19th century that calls for Indian troops to be awarded the Victoria Cross intensified. Indian troops became eligible for the award in 1911. The first awards to Indian troops appeared in the London Gazette on 7 December 1914 to Darwan Sing Negi and Khudadad Khan. Negi was presented with the Victoria Cross by King George V during a visit to troops in France. The presentation occurred on 5 December 1914 and he is one of a very few soldiers presented with his award before it appeared in the London Gazette.[46]", "Cross Road Blues \"Cross Road Blues\" was recorded during Johnson's third session in San Antonio, on Friday November 27, 1936.[14] The sessions continued at an improvised studio in Room 414 at the Gunter Hotel. ARC producers Art Satherley and Don Law supervised the recording and used a portable disc cutting machine.[15] It is unknown what input, if any, they had into Johnson's selection of material to record or how to present it.[16] Two similar takes of the song were recorded.[17]", "Borax Borax, sodium tetraborate decahydrate, according to one study, is not acutely toxic.[31] Its LD50 (median lethal dose) score is tested at 2.66 g/kg in rats,[32] meaning that a significant dose of the chemical is needed to cause severe symptoms or death. The lethal dose is not necessarily the same for humans. On pesticide information websites it is listed as a non-lethal compound and of no hazardous concerns.[33]", "Death education Death education is education about death that focuses on the human and emotional aspects of death. Though it may include teaching on the biological aspects of death, teaching about coping with grief is a primary focus. Death education is formally known as thanatology. Thanatology stems from the Greek word thanatos, meaning death, and ology meaning a science or organized body of knowledge.[1] A specialist in this field is referred to as a thanatologist. Death education refers to the experiences and activities of death that one deals with. Death education also deals with being able to grasp the different processes of dying, talk about the main topics of attitudes and meanings toward death, and the after effects on how to learn to care for people that are affected by the death. The main focus in death education is teaching people how to cope with grief. Many people feel death education is a taboo and instead of talking about death and grieving, they hide it away and never bring it up to others. With the right education of death, the less of a taboo it will be.", "Gordie Howe International Bridge The Gordie Howe International Bridge (French: Pont International Gordie-Howe), previously known during development as the Detroit River International Crossing and the New International Trade Crossing, is a project to build a cable-stayed bridge and border crossing across the Detroit River. The crossing will connect Detroit and Windsor by linking Interstate 75 and Interstate 96 in Michigan with the new extension of Highway 401 (called the Rt. Hon. Herb Gray Parkway) in Ontario. This route will provide uninterrupted traffic flow, as opposed to the current configuration with the nearby Ambassador Bridge, which connects to city streets on the Canadian side.[5] The bridge will be named after Floral, Saskatchewan born Canadian ice hockey player Gordie Howe, who was best known for his tenure with the Detroit Red Wings of the National Hockey League.", "Victoria Cross Three people have been awarded the VC and Bar, the bar representing a second award of the VC. They are: Noel Chavasse and Arthur Martin-Leake, both doctors in the Royal Army Medical Corps, for rescuing wounded under fire; and New Zealander Charles Upham, an infantryman, for combat actions.[79] Upham remains the only combatant soldier to have received a VC and Bar. An Irishman, Surgeon General William Manley, remains the sole recipient of both the Victoria Cross and the Iron Cross. The VC was awarded for his actions during the Waikato-Hauhau Maori War, New Zealand on 29 April 1864 while the Iron Cross was awarded for tending the wounded during the Franco-Prussian War of 1870–71.[80] Royal New Zealand Air Force Flying Officer Lloyd Trigg has the distinction of being the only serviceman ever awarded a VC on evidence solely provided by the enemy, for an action in which there were no surviving Allied witnesses.[81] The recommendation was made by the captain of the German U-boat U-468 sunk by Trigg's aircraft. Lieutenant Commander Gerard Roope was also awarded a VC on recommendation of the enemy, the captain of the Admiral Hipper, but there were also numerous surviving Allied witnesses to corroborate his actions.[82]", "These Are the Voyages... \"These Are the Voyages...\" is the series finale of the American science fiction television series Star Trek: Enterprise. The 22nd episode of the fourth season and the 98th of the series overall, it first aired on the UPN network in the United States on May 13, 2005. \"These Are the Voyages...\" is a frame story, where the 22nd century events of Star Trek: Enterprise are shown through a 24th-century holodeck re-creation during the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode \"The Pegasus\". The episode features guest stars Jonathan Frakes, Marina Sirtis, and Jeffrey Combs, as well as a voice cameo from Brent Spiner. Series creators Rick Berman and Brannon Braga, who co-wrote the episode, conceived \"These Are the Voyages...\" as a valentine to Star Trek fans.", "Rebar Larger bar sizes are based on the cross-sectional area of square bars that were formerly used. The diameter of the equivalent round shapes is rounded to the nearest ⅛ inch to provide the bar size. For example, #9 bar has a cross section of 1.00 square inches, and therefore a diameter of 1.128 inches. #10, #11, #14, and #18 sizes correspond to 1 1⁄8 inch, 1 1⁄4, 1 1⁄2, and 2 inch square bars, respectively.[11] #14 rebar is particularly affected by this approximation; by diameter it would be #13.5.", "Reflections of My Life The eight track tape was then turned over, and Campbell played against the reverse sound of the track, including his initial first four bars ensuring that he played another long “G” near the same point which could be cross-faded against the original – the tape was then turned over to normal setup, and he selected just 4 bars from the reverse recording which are bars 4-7 inclusive – this was cross-faded with the original at bar 4 – lhe then picked up from bar 8 through to bar 16 as normal, so in fact, only 4 bars are actually “reversed”.", "Columbia Bar The most accessible place to watch ships cross the bar is at the South Jetty viewing platform at Fort Stevens State Park located near Hammond, Oregon. This is also the north end of the Oregon Coast Trail. For a more dramatic view, hike the steep 0.75 mile trail to the Cape Disappointment Lighthouse at the Cape Disappointment State Park located in Ilwaco, Washington.", "Cross-cultural communication Cross-cultural communication is a field of study that looks at how people from differing cultural backgrounds communicate, in similar and different ways among themselves, and how they endeavour to communicate across cultures. Intercultural communication is a related field of study.[1]", "True Cross After King Baldwin I of Jerusalem presented King Sigurd I of Norway with a splinter of the True Cross following the Norwegian Crusade in 1110, the Cross was captured by Saladin during the Battle of Hattin in 1187, and while some Christian rulers, like Richard the Lionheart,[14] Byzantine emperor Isaac II Angelos and Tamar, Queen of Georgia, sought to ransom it from Saladin,[15] the cross was not returned and subsequently disappeared from historical records. The True Cross was last seen in the city of Damascus.[16]", "Death One of the challenges in defining death is in distinguishing it from life. As a point in time, death would seem to refer to the moment at which life ends. Determining when death has occurred is difficult, as cessation of life functions is often not simultaneous across organ systems.[13] Such determination therefore requires drawing precise conceptual boundaries between life and death. This is difficult, due to there being little consensus on how to define life. This general problem applies to the particular challenge of defining death in the context of medicine.", "CT scan An important issue within radiology today is how to reduce the radiation dose during CT examinations without compromising the image quality. In general, higher radiation doses result in higher-resolution images,[93] while lower doses lead to increased image noise and unsharp images. However, increased dosage raises the adverse side effects, including the risk of radiation induced cancer – a four-phase abdominal CT gives the same radiation dose as 300 chest X-rays (See the Scan dose section). Several methods that can reduce the exposure to ionizing radiation during a CT scan exist.[94]", "Voyager 1 Provided Voyager 1 does not collide with anything and is not retrieved, the New Horizons space probe will never pass it, despite being launched from Earth at a faster speed than either Voyager spacecraft. New Horizons is traveling at about 15 km/s, 2 km/s slower than Voyager 1, and is still slowing down. When New Horizons reaches the same distance from the Sun as Voyager 1 is now, its speed will be about 13 km/s (8 mi/s).[81]", "You Got the Love The 1997 video features the \"Now Voyager mix\" and portrays a man dressed like a friar carrying a cross being guided by an angel and tempted by the Devil.", "Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross The Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves (Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes mit Eichenlaub) was instituted on of 3 June 1940.[7] Before the introduction of the Oak Leaves only 124 members of the Wehrmacht had received the Knight's Cross. Prior to Case Yellow (Fall Gelb), the attack on the Netherlands, Belgium and France, just 52 Knight's Crosses had been awarded. In May 1940 the number of presentations peaked. The timing for the introduction of the Oak Leaves is closely linked to Case Red (Fall Rot), the second and decisive phase of the Battle of France.[8]", "Lethal injection Regardless of an alternative protocol, some death-penalty opponents have claimed that execution can be less painful by the administration of a single lethal dose of barbiturate.[citation needed] Supporters[who?] of the death penalty, however, state that the single-drug theory is a flawed concept.[citation needed] Terminally ill patients in Oregon who have requested physician-assisted suicide have received lethal doses of barbiturates. The protocol has been highly effective in producing a painless death, but the time to cause death can be prolonged. Some patients have taken days to die, and a few patients have actually survived the process and have regained consciousness up to three days after taking the lethal dose.[83] In a California legal proceeding addressing the issue of the lethal injection cocktail being \"cruel and unusual,\" state authorities said that the time to death following a single injection of a barbiturate could be as much as 45 minutes.[84]", "The Doctor (Star Trek: Voyager) In the final episode of Star Trek: Voyager, a future version of Janeway also informs him of his later invention of a device known as a 'synaptic transceiver', something that fascinates The Doctor; he's cut off by the 'present' Janeway, who is abiding by the Temporal Prime Directive, before he can learn more.", "Operation Chastise Of the survivors, 34 were decorated at Buckingham Palace on 22 June, with Gibson awarded the Victoria Cross. There were five Distinguished Service Orders, 10 Distinguished Flying Crosses and four bars, two Conspicuous Gallantry Medals, eleven Distinguished Flying Medals and one bar.[23]", "Valley Metro Rail Following the recommendation, the project now enters a technical definition phase, to better identify how the line would cross Interstate 17, in addition to defining how the route will transition from Glendale Avenue to Glenn Drive in downtown Glendale. Upon completion of this phase, the route will be presented for approval to both Glendale and Phoenix city councils.[52]", "Star Trek: Voyager Two video games based on the Voyager were released: Star Trek: Voyager – Elite Force for PC (2000) and PS2 (2001) and the arcade game Star Trek: Voyager – The Arcade Game (2002). The PS2 game Star Trek: Encounters (2006) also features the ship and characters from the show. Voyager was a graphic adventure video game developed by Looking Glass Technologies but it was cancelled in 1997.", "Cross of Lorraine René II, Duke of Lorraine inherited the two-barred cross as a symbol from his ancestors from the House of Anjou.[1] His grandfather, René the Good, who used it as his personal sigil,[3] laid claim to four kingdoms, including Hungary.[1] The cross was still known as the \"cross of Anjou\" in the 16th century.[4] René II placed the symbol on his flag before the Battle of Nancy in January 1477.[5] In the battle, René defeated the army of Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy, who had occupied the Duchy of Lorraine, and regained his duchy.[6] All coins struck for René bore the symbol thereafter.[1]", "Crux Explorer Amerigo Vespucci seems to have observed not only the Southern Cross but also the neighboring Coalsack Nebula on his second voyage in 1501–02.[8]", "Metered-dose inhaler Spacers can be especially helpful to adults and children who find a regular metered dose inhaler hard to use. People who use corticosteroid inhalers should use a spacer to prevent getting the medicine in their mouth, where oral yeast infections and dysphonia can occur.[10]", "Hans Christian Ørsted Ørsted was a published writer and poet. His poetry series Luftskibet (\"The Airship\") was inspired by the balloon flights of fellow physicist and stage magician Étienne-Gaspard Robert.[14] Shortly before his death, he submitted a collection of articles for publication under the title \"The Soul in Nature\". The book presents Ørsted's life philosophy and views on a wide variety of issues.[15]", "Management of acute coronary syndrome Aspirin inhibits platelet aggregation and formation of blood clots. It is effective across the entire spectrum of acute coronary syndromes, and it actually has been shown to reduce the rate of death in patients with STEMI and in patients presenting without ST elevation. Aspirin is contraindicated in patients with documented allergy or known platelet disorder. Patients who have had gastrointestinal symptoms while on long-term aspirin therapy are usually able to tolerate aspirin in the short term. For patients with true intolerance to aspirin clopidogrel is recommended. Lower doses need days to achieve full antiplatelet effect, therefore a loading dose is necessary for patients who are not already on aspirin.[42]", "Star Trek: Voyager Initial work on Star Trek: Voyager began in 1993, when the seventh and final season of Star Trek: The Next Generation and the second season of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine were in production. Seeds for Voyager's backstory, including the development of the Maquis, were placed in several The Next Generation and Deep Space Nine episodes. Voyager was shot on the stages The Next Generation had used, and where the Voyager pilot \"Caretaker\" was shot in September 1994. Costume designer Robert Blackman decided that the uniforms of Voyager's crew would be the same as those on Deep Space Nine.", "A Bar at the Folies-Bergère The painting was the inspiration of a song, {possibly by Sydney Carter} in the popular theatre production, The Lyric Revue, in London in 1951. The refrain went \"Oh, how I long to be Back in my dear Brittany ... But fate has chosen me For the bar at the Folies-Bergères\".", "Radiation-induced cancer Internal contamination due to ingestion, inhalation, injection, or absorption is a particular concern because the radioactive material may stay in the body for an extended period of time, \"committing\" the subject to accumulating dose long after the initial exposure has ceased, albeit at low dose rates. Over a hundred people, including Eben Byers and the radium girls, have received committed doses in excess of 10 Gy and went on to die of cancer or natural causes, whereas the same amount of acute external dose would invariably cause an earlier death by acute radiation syndrome.[55]", "Gliding Over All Gliding o'er all, through all,\nThrough Nature, Time, and Space,\nAs a ship on the waters advancing,\nThe voyage of the soul — not life alone,\nDeath, many deaths I'll sing." ]
who were farmers who kept a small portion of their crops & gave the rest to the landowners
[ "Sharecropping Sharecropping is a form of agriculture in which a landowner allows a tenant to use the land in return for a share of the crops produced on their portion of land. Sharecropping has a long history and there are a wide range of different situations and types of agreements that have used a form of the system. Some are governed by tradition, and others by law. Legal contract systems such as the Italian mezzadria, the French métayage, the Spanish mediero, or the Islamic system of muqasat, occur widely.[citation needed]" ]
[ "History of agriculture in the United States Sharecropping became widespread in the South as a response to economic upheaval caused by the end of slavery during and after Reconstruction.[36][37] Sharecropping was a way for very poor farmers, both white and black, to earn a living from land owned by someone else. The landowner provided land, housing, tools and seed, and perhaps a mule, and a local merchant provided food and supplies on credit. At harvest time the sharecropper received a share of the crop (from one-third to one-half, with the landowner taking the rest). The cropper used his share to pay off his debt to the merchant. The system started with blacks when large plantations were subdivided. By the 1880s, white farmers also became sharecroppers. The system was distinct from that of the tenant farmer, who rented the land, provided his own tools and mule, and received half the crop. Landowners provided more supervision to sharecroppers, and less or none to tenant farmers. Poverty was inevitable, because world cotton prices were low.[38]", "History of the Southern United States Reconstruction began as soon as the Union Army took control of a state; the start and ending times varied by state, beginning in 1863 and ending in 1877. Slavery ended and the large slave-based plantations were mostly subdivided into tenant or sharecropper farms of 20–40 acres (8.1–16.2 ha). Many white farmers (and some blacks) owned their land. However sharecropping, along with tenant farming, became a dominant form in the cotton South from the 1870s to the 1950s, among both blacks and whites. By the 1960s both had largely disappeared. Sharecropping was a way for very poor farmers to earn a living from land owned by someone else. The landowner provided land, housing, tools and seed, and perhaps a mule, and a local merchant provided food and supplies on credit. At harvest time the sharecropper received a share of the crop (from one-third to one-half, with the landowner taking the rest). The cropper used his share to pay off his debt to the merchant. The system started with blacks when large plantations were subdivided. By the 1880s white farmers also became sharecroppers. The system was distinct from that of the tenant farmer, who rented the land, provided his own tools and mule, and received half the crop. Landowners provided more supervision to sharecroppers, and less or none to tenant farmers.[39][40]", "African-American civil rights movement (1896–1954) White society also kept blacks in a position of economic subservience or marginality. Most black farmers in the South by the early 20th century worked as sharecroppers or tenant farmers. Relatively few were landowners.", "Agricultural Adjustment Act To accomplish its goal of parity (raising crop prices to where they were in the golden years of 1909–1914), the Act reduced crop production.[16] The Act accomplished this by offering landowners acreage reduction contracts, by which they agreed not to grow cotton on a portion of their land. By law, they were required to pay the tenant farmers and sharecroppers on their land a portion of the money; but after Southern Democrats in Congress complained, the Secretary of Agriculture surrendered and reinterpreted section 7 to no longer send checks to sharecroppers directly, hurting the tenants. The farm wage workers who worked directly for the landowner suffered the greatest unemployment as a result of the Act. There are few people gullible enough to believe that the acreage devoted to cotton can be reduced one-third without an accompanying decrease in the laborers engaged in its production.[17] Researchers concluded that the statistics after the Act took effect \"... indicate a consistent and widespread tendency for cotton croppers and, to a considerable extent, tenants to decrease in numbers between 1930 and 1935. The decreases among Negroes were consistently greater than those among whites.\" Another consequence was that the historic high levels of mobility from year to year declined sharply, as tenants and croppers tended to stay longer with the same landowner.[18]", "Tenant farmer A tenant farmer is one who resides on land owned by a landlord. Tenant farming is an agricultural production system in which landowners contribute their land and often a measure of operating capital and management; while tenant farmers contribute their labor along with at times varying amounts of capital and management. Depending on the contract, tenants can make payments to the owner either of a fixed portion of the product, in cash or in a combination. The rights the tenant has over the land, the form, and measure of the payment varies across systems (geographically and chronologically). In some systems, the tenant could be evicted at whim (tenancy at will); in others, the landowner and tenant sign a contract for a fixed number of years (tenancy for years or indenture). In most developed countries today, at least some restrictions are placed on the rights of landlords to evict tenants under normal circumstances.", "Sharecropping The sharecropper purchased seed, tools, and fertilizer, as well as food and clothing, on credit from a local merchant, or sometimes from a plantation store. At harvest time, the cropper would harvest the whole crop and sell it to the merchant who had extended credit. Purchases and the landowner's share were deducted and the cropper kept the difference—or added to his debt.", "Economy of the Ming dynasty Although images of autarkic farmers who had no connection to the rest of China may have some merit for the earlier Han and T'ang dynasties, this was certainly not the case for the Ming dynasty. During the Ming dynasty, the increase in population and the decrease in quality land made it necessary that farmers make a living off cash crops. Many of these markets appeared in the rural countryside, where goods were exchanged and bartered.[6]", "Cropping (animal) Cropping of large portions of the pinnae of other animals is rare, although the clipping of identifying shapes in the pinnae of livestock, called earmarks, was common prior to the introduction of compulsory ear tags.[3] Removal of portions of the ear of laboratory mice for identification, i.e. ear-notching, is still used. The practice of cropping for cosmetic purposes is rare in non-canines, although some selectively bred animals have naturally small ears which can be mistaken for cropping.", "Genetically modified food controversies Yields increased 9% for herbicide tolerance and 25% for insect resistance. Farmers who adopted GM crops made 69% higher profits than those who did not. The review found that GM crops help farmers in developing countries, increasing yields by 14 percentage points.[410]", "Sharecropping Sharecropping became widespread in the South as a response to economic upheaval caused by the end of slavery during and after Reconstruction.[18][19] Sharecropping was a way for very poor farmers, both white and black, to earn a living from land owned by someone else. The landowner provided land, housing, tools and seed, and perhaps a mule, and a local merchant provided food and supplies on credit. At harvest time, the sharecropper received a share of the crop (from one-third to one-half, with the landowner taking the rest). The cropper used his share to pay off his debt to the merchant.[20]", "Corn production in the United States In 2014, the \"direct payments\" portion of subsidies was abolished, and subsidies were mostly replaced with two programs. Farmers may pick Price Loss Coverage (a guarantee that the farmer will get a certain price for their crop) and Agricultural Risk Coverage (which guarantees a certain amount of revenue).[16][15]", "Land reform in the Philippines The Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program is the current law under which land reform is conducted. Large land-holdings are broken up and distributed to farmers and workers on that particular hacienda. The crops grown on such haciendas include sugar and rice. Each farmer is giving a \"certificates of land ownership award\" or CLOA for their new property.[15] Under the law, a landowner can only retain 5 hectares, regardless of the size of the hacienda.[15] Conflict can arise between previous landowners and \"beneficiaries\" and between competing farmers' groups that have conflicting claims.[15]", "George Washington Carver Carver developed techniques to improve soils depleted by repeated plantings of cotton. Together with other agricultural experts, he urged farmers to restore nitrogen to their soils by practicing systematic crop rotation: alternating cotton crops with plantings of sweet potatoes or legumes (such as peanuts, soybeans and cowpeas). These crops both restored nitrogen to the soil and were good for human consumption. Following the crop rotation practice resulted in improved cotton yields and gave farmers alternative cash crops. To train farmers to successfully rotate and cultivate the new crops, Carver developed an agricultural extension program for Alabama that was similar to the one at Iowa State. To encourage better nutrition in the South, he widely distributed recipes using the alternative crops.", "History of Arkansas White farmers in Arkansas were devastated following the war, and a combination of forces aligned to further depress the agriculture sector. Many Arkansas farmers faced new competition from outside their region for the first time, further depressing the prices they could ask for their crop.[116] Containing 2,373 miles (3,819 km) of track by 1895, the new railroads charged farmers higher rates to serve rural areas.[117] These circumstances forced desperate farmers into crop liens, when they put up their land to pay for seeds in spring.[118] Looking for a return on investment, the creditors usually insisted that farmers plant largely cotton, which remained the most valuable cash crop.[119] The other form of farming that became popular in Arkansas and throughout the South was tenant farming, where tenants work an owner's land in exchange for a fixed percentage of the crop yield. Nine such frustrated farmers in Prairie County formed an organization called the Grand Agricultural Wheel (usually shortened to Wheel) in 1882 to address issues relevant to the small farmer. Although open to all races, separate black and white Wheels were often formed. Major platform issues for the Wheel included high rates of farm foreclosure, anaconda mortgages, corrupt politicians who failed to assist farming issues, and high railroad rates. Although a strong populous movement, the Wheel struggled to provide a political voice for its supporters. A partnership with the Union Labor Party for the 1888 elections did not provide results as many Wheelers were hesitant to \"betray\" the Democrats who had traditionally earned their vote.", "History of Mississippi Beginning in the 1930s, the ravages of the boll weevil and federal crop restrictions and conservation programs encouraged many farmers to turn from cotton farming to growing other crops, such as soybeans; to sowing grasses for livestock; and to planting trees for timber. Agricultural productivity increased, and the soils were improved by crop rotation, strip planting, terracing, contour plowing, and the use of improved fertilizers, insecticides, and seeds. After 1945, farm mechanization advanced rapidly, especially in the Cotton Belt, and small farms were consolidated, as small farmers who could not afford the new machinery and sharecroppers left the land. Planters rapidly mechanized. It took only a few operators of cotton-picking machines to do the work of hundreds of laborers. The sharecroppers could find no other work, and this system collapsed after they moved to the cities in the North and West. By 1950 whites were a majority of the population statewide and in every region outside the Delta.[66]", "Ecological goods and services A market may be created wherein ecological goods and services are demanded by society and supplied by public and private landowners. Some believe that public lands alone are not adequate to supply this market, and that privately held lands are needed to close this gap. What has emerged is the notion that rural landowners who provide ecological goods and services to society through good stewardship practices on their land should be duly compensated. The main tool to accomplish this to date has been to pay farmers directly to set-aside portions of their land that would otherwise be in production. This exemplifies a shift in thinking from the \"polluter pays\" to the \"beneficiary pays\".", "Crop rotation George Washington Carver (1860s - 1943) studied crop-rotation methods in the United States, teaching southern farmers to rotate soil-depleting crops like cotton with soil-enriching crops like peanuts and peas.", "Economy of the Han dynasty Small and medium-sized estates were managed by single families. The father acted as the head manager, the sons as field workers. Wives and daughters worked with female servants to weave cloth and produce silk.[121] Very wealthy landowners who had a large peasant following often used a sharecropping system to similar to the government's system for state-owned lands. Under this system, peasants would receive land, tools, oxen, and a house in exchange for a third or a half of their crop yield.[122]", "The Farmer and the Cowman In contrast to the rest of the musical, \"The Farmer and the Cowman\" does not further the plot but does allow the audience to witness the tension between the farmers and the cowmen, a tension that comes from the farmers' desire to protect their crops with fences while the cowmen prefer the freedom to move cattle over a wide open range.[1] Carnes, Aunt Eller and Ike act as peacemakers and attempt to reconcile the two sides. The song appears to have no effect, and the two sides start fighting. Aunt Eller then shoots a gun in the air to stop the fighting, and conducts both groups – preaching peace with the lyrics of the song, but threatening violence.", "Farmer More distinct terms are commonly used to denote farmers who raise specific domesticated animals. For example, those who raise grazing livestock, such as cattle, sheep, goats, and horses, are known as ranchers (U.S.), graziers (Australia & U.K.), or simply stockmen. Sheep, goat, and cattle farmers might also be referred to respectively as shepherds, goatherds, and cowherds. The term dairy farmer is applied to those engaged primarily in milk production, whether from cattle, goats, sheep, or other milk producing animals. A poultry farmer is one who concentrates on raising chickens, turkeys, ducks, or geese, for either meat, egg, or feather production, or commonly, all three. A person who raises a variety of vegetables for market may be called a truck farmer or market gardener. Dirt farmer is an American colloquial term for a practical farmer, or one who farms his own land.[6]", "The Who In 1966 the Who released \"I'm a Boy\", about a boy dressed as a girl, taken from an abortive collection of songs called Quads;[62] \"Happy Jack\";[63] and an EP, Ready Steady Who, that tied in with their regular appearances on Ready Steady Go![64] The group continued to have conflict; on 20 May, Moon and Entwistle were late to a gig having been on the Ready Steady Go! set with The Beach Boys' Bruce Johnston. During \"My Generation\", Townshend attacked Moon with his guitar; Moon suffered a black eye and bruises, and he and Entwistle left the band, but changed their minds and rejoined a week later.[65] Moon kept looking for other work, and Jeff Beck had him play drums on his song \"Beck's Bolero\" (with Page, John Paul Jones and Nicky Hopkins) because he was \"trying to get Keith out of the Who\".[66]", "The Who By 1966, Ready Steady Go! had ended, the mod movement was becoming unfashionable, and the Who found themselves in competition on the London circuit with groups including Cream and the Jimi Hendrix Experience.[72] Lambert and Stamp realised that commercial success in the US was paramount to the group's future, and arranged a deal with promoter Frank Barsalona for a short package tour in New York.[73] The group's performances, which still involved smashing guitars and kicking over drums, were well received,[74] and led to their first major US appearance at the Monterey Pop Festival. The group, especially Moon, were not fond of the hippie movement, and thought their violent stage act would stand in sharp contrast to the peaceful atmosphere of the festival. Hendrix was also on the bill, and was also going to smash his guitar on stage. Townshend verbally abused Hendrix and accused him of stealing his act,[75] and the pair argued about who should go on stage first, with the Who winning the argument.[76] The Who brought hired equipment to the festival; Hendrix shipped over his regular touring gear from Britain, including a full Marshall stack. According to biographer Tony Fletcher, Hendrix sounded \"so much better than the Who it was embarrassing\".[77] The Who's appearance at Monterey gave them recognition in the US, and \"Happy Jack\" reached the top 30.[77]", "Serfdom Freemen, or free tenants held their land by one of a variety of contracts of feudal land-tenure and were essentially rent-paying tenant farmers who owed little or no service to the lord, and had a good degree of security of tenure and independence. In parts of 11th-century England freemen made up only 10% of the peasant population, and in the rest of Europe their numbers were small.", "Farmers' Alliance In practice, however, a system of virtual slavery emerged, in which poor whites and freed blacks became enmeshed in the usury of merchants and landowners providing essential supplies on credit. A crop-lien system emerged in which future crops would be mortgaged to merchants or landowners (often one and the same) in exchange for credit for current purchases.[16] Written contracts made these loans legally enforceable and those so enmeshed frequently found themselves forced to pay inflated prices at high rates of interest.[17] If the value of the credit exceeded the cash value of the crop, the arrangement was automatically rolled over for another year and a never-ending cycle amounting to a condition of perpetual servitude resulted.[16]", "Tenant farmer The Swedish terms statare and Torpare refer to slightly different types of tenant farmers. Their situation was usually poor, but in theory they were always free to leave. In some cases the Torpare (crofter) was the owner of his own plot of land (typically less than a quarter mantal) and was also a subject to taxation. This taxation could be in the form of corvée, but payment in money was usually cheaper if possible. The Torpare could have contracts as long as 50 years. They would work their own land as well as that of a free farmer (bonde), noble or other. In some aspects their situation made them easy victims of impressment The statare was a class of people who received their income mostly from labour on the land of the landowner, not in money but subsistence, and would have a one-year contract ending in October or September. Their lives were described by prominent Swedish and Finnish novelists and writers such as Ivar Lo-Johansson, Jan Fridegård, Väinö Linna (Under the North Star trilogy) and Moa Martinson who helped end the system of the statare in 1945 (Sweden) and 1918 (Finland).[29][30]", "Palm Beach, Florida An area known as the Styx housed many of the servants, most of whom were black. The workers rented their small houses from the landowners. In the early 1900s the landowners agreed to evict all of the residents of the Styx (who moved to West Palm Beach, Florida) and Edward R. Bradley bought up much of this land.[6] The houses were razed, according to the Palm Beach Daily News.", "The Who The loud volume of the band's live show influenced the approach of hard rock and heavy metal.[374] Proto punk and punk rock bands such as the MC5,[375] the Stooges,[376] the Ramones[377] the Sex Pistols,[196] the Clash[378] and Green Day cite the Who as an influence.[379] The Who inspired mod revival bands, particularly the Jam,[380] which helped other groups influenced by the Who become popular.[363] The Who influenced hard rock bands such as Guns N' Roses.[381] In the mid-1990s, Britpop bands such as Blur[382] and Oasis were influenced by the Who.[383] The Who have also influenced pop punk band Panic! at the Disco.[384]", "Chola dynasty The farmers occupied one of the highest positions in society.[133] These were the Vellalar community who formed the nobility or the landed aristocracy of the country and who were economically a powerful group.[133][134] Agriculture was the principal occupation for many people. Besides the landowners, there were others dependent on agriculture.[135] The Vellalar community was the dominant secular aristocratic caste under the Chola rulers, providing the courtiers, most of the army officers, the lower ranks of the bureaucracy and the upper layer of the peasantry.[99]", "African-American civil rights movement (1865–1896) The great majority of blacks in this period were farmers. Among them were four main groups, three of which worked for white landowners: tenant farmers, sharecroppers, and agricultural laborers.[26][27][28]", "History of Mississippi The state remained largely rural, but the nascent railroad system, which had been destroyed in the war, was rebuilt and more investments were made in infrastructure. A few more towns developed, as well as small-scale industry, notably the lumber industry in the Piney Woods region of the state. Most farmers continued to grow cotton. The \"crop-lien system involved local merchants who lent money for food and supplies all year, and then split the cotton crop to pay the debts and perhaps leave a little cash left over for the farmer—or often leave him further in debt to the merchants.\"[47]", "The Who After touring Who's Next, and needing time to write a follow-up, Townshend insisted that the Who take a lengthy break, as they had not stopped touring since the band started.[155] There was no group activity until May 1972, when they started working on a proposed new album, Rock Is Dead—Long Live Rock!,[156] but, unhappy with the recordings, abandoned the sessions. Tensions began to emerge as Townshend believed Daltrey just wanted a money-making band and Daltrey thought Townshend's projects were getting pretentious. Moon's behaviour was becoming increasingly destructive and problematic through excessive drinking and drugs use, and a desire to party and tour.[157] Daltrey performed an audit of the group's finances and discovered that Lambert and Stamp had not kept sufficient records. He believed them to be no longer effective managers, which Townshend and Moon disputed.[158] The painful dissolution of the managerial and personal relationships are recounted in James D. Cooper's 2014 retrospective documentary, Lambert & Stamp.[159] Following a short European tour, the remainder of 1972 was spent working on an orchestral version of Tommy with Lou Reizner.[160]", "Genetic diversity Genetic diversity in agriculture does not only relate to disease, but also herbivores. Similarly, to the above example, monoculture agriculture selects for traits that are uniform throughout the plot. If this genotype is susceptible to certain herbivores, this could result in the loss of a large portion of the crop.[19][20] One way farmers get around this is through inter-cropping. By planting rows of unrelated, or genetically distinct crops as barriers between herbivores and their preferred host plant, the farmer effectively reduces the ability of the herbivore to spread throughout the entire plot.[21][22][23]", "Free silver The \"free silver\" debate pitted the pro-gold financial establishment of the Northeast, along with railroads, factories, and businessmen, who were creditors deriving benefit from deflation and repayment of loans with valuable gold dollars, against farmers who would benefit from higher prices for their crops and a lightening of credit burdens. Free silver was especially popular among farmers in the Wheat Belt (the western Midwest) and the Cotton Belt (the Deep South), as well as silver miners in the West. It had little support among farmers in the Northeast and the Corn Belt (the eastern Midwest).", "Colonial history of the United States In New England, the Puritans created self-governing communities of religious congregations of farmers (or yeomen) and their families. High-level politicians gave out plots of land to settlers (or proprietors) who then divided the land amongst themselves. Large portions were usually given to men of higher social standing, but every man who wasn't indentured or criminally bonded had enough land to support a family. Every male citizen had a voice in the town meeting. The town meeting levied taxes, built roads, and elected officials who managed town affairs. The towns did not have courts; that was a function of the county, whose officials were appointed by the state government.[127]", "Norway Between 3000 and 2500 BC, new settlers (Corded Ware culture) arrived in eastern Norway. They were Indo-European farmers who grew grain and kept cows and sheep. The hunting-fishing population of the west coast was also gradually replaced by farmers, though hunting and fishing remained useful secondary means of livelihood.", "The Who Recording of Who Are You started in January 1978. Daltrey clashed with Johns over the production of his vocals, and Moon's drumming was so poor that Daltrey and Entwistle considered firing him. Moon's playing improved, but on one track, \"Music Must Change\", he was replaced as he could not play in 6/8 time.[200] In May, the Who filmed another performance at Shepperton Sound Studios for The Kids Are Alright. This performance was strong, and several tracks were used in the film. It was the last gig Moon performed with the Who.[201]", "Who Were the Shudras? In the book Ambedkar, citing Rigveda, Mahabharata and other ancient vedic scriptures, estimates that the Shudras were originally Aryans. They were a part of the Kshatriya Varna belonging to the Solar race (Suryavansha).", "Dakota Access Pipeline For pipelines, eminent domain is most often invoked to grant a legal \"right of way\" easement for a certain tract of land with a parcel owned by a private landowner(s) as is necessary for the pipeline to pass through the parcels along its route. While many people believe the invocation of \"eminent domain\" inherently means land is being taken away completely from landowners,[116][117] landowners do retain ownership of property affected by a pipeline right of way—however, those landowners lose certain rights to the portion of their property encumbered by the easement, including the right to freely use that portion of their property. Because US law requires landowners receive \"just compensation\" when eminent domain is invoked, landowners whose property rights are affected by the pipeline are compensated for the long-term use of their land, and they are paid for the loss of the current crop on farmland, replacement of fences, and re-seeding of grass.[118][119] When a landowner voluntarily enters an easement agreement granting a right of way for the pipeline in exchange for compensation, the easement is called a voluntary easement.", "Role of Christianity in civilization The world's first civilizations were Mesopotamian sacred states ruled in the name of a divinity or by rulers who were themselves seen as divine. Rulers, and the priests, soldiers and bureaucrats who carried out their will, were a small minority who kept power by exploiting the many.[27]", "Textile industry in India In 2010-2011 the jute industry was supporting 0.37 million workers directly and another 400,000 small and marginal farmers who were engaged in the cultivation of jute.", "Tenant farmer In Japan, landowners turned over their land to families of tenant farmers to manage.[23] During the Meiji period, Japanese tenant farmers were traditionally cultivators rather than capitalistic or entrepreneurial venture by nature, paid in kind for their labors. Approximately 30% of land was held by tenants. Many aspects of Tokugawa feudalism continued.[24] After WWII, the Farm Land Reform Law of 1946 banned absentee landlordism, re-distributing land and permitted tenants to buy. By the 1950s, it virtually eliminated the landlord-tenant relationship.[25]", "The Who The Who announced in 2005 that they were working on a new album. Townshend posted a novella called The Boy Who Heard Music on his blog, which developed into a mini-opera called Wire & Glass, forming the basis for the album.[269] Endless Wire, released in 2006, was the first full studio album of new material since 1982's It's Hard and contained the band's first mini-opera since \"Rael\" in 1967. The album reached No. 7 in the US and No. 9 in the UK.[274] Starkey was invited to join Oasis in April 2006 and the Who in November 2006, but he declined and split his time between the two.[273]", "Terrace (agriculture) In the South American Andes, farmers have used terraces, known as andenes, for over a thousand years to farm potatoes, maize, and other native crops. Terraced farming was developed by the Wari culture and other peoples of the south-central Andes before 1000 AD, centuries before they were used by the Inca, who adopted them. The terraces were built to make the most efficient use of shallow soil and to enable irrigation of crops.", "The Who In 1990, the Who were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.[252] The group have a featured collection in the hall's museum, including one of Moon's velvet suits, a Warwick bass of Entwistle's, and a drumhead from 1968.[253]", "WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control Nevertheless, the FCTC acknowledges that its agenda will inevitably hurt farmers who currently depend on tobacco for their livelihoods. To that end, the treaty encourages Parties to help tobacco farmers make the transition from tobacco to alternative crops. Article 17 of the Framework Convention states: \"Parties shall, in cooperation with each other and with competent international and regional intergovernmental organizations, promote, as appropriate, economically viable alternatives for tobacco workers, growers and, as the case may be, individual sellers.\"[16] In particular, the FCTC favors sustainable development options over tobacco farming. To achieve this, Party governments and tobacco control advocates are encouraged to invest in better infrastructure, especially transportation, to ease farmers' access to new and foreign markets when making the transition, while simultaneously improving farmers' access to credit that may be necessary in converting their existing facilities.[17]", "The Who The American forensic drama CSI (CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, CSI: Miami, CSI: NY, and CSI: Cyber) feature Who songs as theme music, \"Who Are You\", \"Won't Get Fooled Again\", \"Baba O'Riley\" and \"I Can See for Miles\" respectively.[388][389] The group's songs have featured in other popular TV series such as The Simpsons,[390] and Top Gear, which had an episode where the presenters were tasked with being roadies for the band.[391]", "Genetically modified crops In the US, by 2014, 94% of the planted area of soybeans, 96% of cotton and 93% of corn were genetically modified varieties.[47] In developing countries, about 18 million farmers planted 54% of GM crops worldwide by 2013.[1]", "History of Latvia Before the World War I some 2% of landowners owned 53% of land in Kurzeme and Vidzeme, in Latgale it was 38%. The Agrarian reform Law of September 16, 1920 created State Land Fund which took over 61% of all land. The German nobles were left with no more than 50 ha of land. This destroyed their manor house system. Many of them sold their possessions and left for Germany. Former manor house buildings often were used as local schools, administrative buildings or hospitals. The land was distributed to a new class of small-holding farmers - over 54,000 Jaunsaimnieki (New farmers) with average farm size of 17,1 ha, who usually had to create their farms from nothing, in process building new houses and clearing fields. Due to their small size and unfavorable grain prices, the new farmers rapidly developed dairy farming. Butter, bacon and eggs became new export industries. Flax and state owned forests were another export revenue source.[15]", "The Who Dawson left after frequently arguing with Daltrey[7] and after being briefly replaced by Gabby Connolly, Daltrey moved to lead vocals. Townshend, with Entwistle's encouragement, became the sole guitarist. Through Townshend's mother, the group obtained a management contract with local promoter Robert Druce,[14] who started booking the band as a support act. The Detours were influenced by the bands they supported, including Screaming Lord Sutch, Cliff Bennett and the Rebel Rousers, Shane Fenton and the Fentones, and Johnny Kidd and the Pirates. The Detours were particularly interested in the Pirates as they also only had one guitarist, Mick Green, who inspired Townshend to combine rhythm and lead guitar in his style. Entwistle's bass became more of a lead instrument,[15] playing melodies.[16] In February 1964, the Detours became aware of the group Johnny Devlin and the Detours and changed their name.[17] Townshend and his roommate Richard Barnes spent a night considering names, focusing on a theme of joke announcements, including \"No One\" and \"the Group\". Townshend preferred \"the Hair\", and Barnes liked \"the Who\" because it \"had a pop punch\".[18] Daltrey chose \"the Who\" the next morning.[19]", "The Who The Who were not told until after the show because civic authorities feared crowd problems if the concert were cancelled. The band were deeply shaken upon learning of it and requested that appropriate safety precautions be taken in the future.[222] The following evening, in Buffalo, New York, Daltrey told the crowd that the band had \"lost a lot of family last night and this show's for them\".[223]", "History of Mississippi Whitecapping was the name associated with activities by a dirt farmer movement that arose in the Piney Woods region of southern Mississippi. Poor whites organized against low prices, rising costs, and increasing tenancy brought about by the crop lien system. Whitecaps resented black tenant farmers on lands acquired by foreclosure by merchants–some of them Jewish. Whitecap Clubs, resembling fraternal and military organizations, tried to intimidate black laborers and landowners, and to prevent mercantile land acquisition. They were anti-black and anti-Jewish. Whitecaps came from the rural poor; their leaders from a higher social strata.[53]", "The Who In November 2007, the documentary Amazing Journey: The Story of the Who was released, featuring unreleased footage of the 1970 Leeds appearance and a 1964 performance at the Railway Hotel when the group were The High Numbers. Amazing Journey was nominated for a 2009 Grammy Award.[275]", "The Who The Who have inspired many tribute bands; Daltrey has endorsed the Whodlums, who raise money for the Teenage Cancer Trust.[385][386] Many bands have covered Who songs; Elton John's version of \"Pinball Wizard\" reached No. 7 in the UK.[387]", "The Who After My Generation, the Who fell out with Talmy, which meant an abrupt end to their recording contract. [58] The resulting legal acrimony resulted in Talmy holding the rights to the master tapes, which prevented the album from being reissued until 2002.[59] The Who were signed to Robert Stigwood's label, Reaction, and released \"Substitute\". Townshend said he wrote the song about identity crisis, and as a parody of the Rolling Stones's \"19th Nervous Breakdown\". It was the first single to feature him playing an acoustic twelve-string guitar.[60] Talmy took legal action over the B-side, \"Instant Party\", and the single was withdrawn. A new B-side, \"Waltz for a Pig\", was recorded by the Graham Bond Organisation under the pseudonym \"the Who Orchestra\".[61]", "The Who By 1968 the Who had started to attract attention in the underground press.[94] Townshend had stopped using drugs and became interested in the teachings of Meher Baba.[95] In August, he gave an interview to Rolling Stone editor Jann Wenner describing in detail the plot of a new album project and its relationship to Baba's teachings. The album went through several names during recording, including Deaf Dumb and Blind Boy and Amazing Journey; Townshend settled on Tommy[96] for the album about the life of a deaf, dumb and blind boy, and his attempt to communicate with others.[97][98] Some songs, such as \"Welcome\" and \"Amazing Journey\" were inspired by Baba's teaching,[99] and others came from observations within the band. \"Sally Simpson\" is about a fan who tried to climb on stage at a gig by the Doors that they attended[100] and \"Pinball Wizard\" was written so that New York Times journalist Nik Cohn, a pinball enthusiast, would give the album a good review.[101] Townshend later said, \"I wanted the story of Tommy to have several levels ... a rock singles level and a bigger concept level\", containing the spiritual message he wanted as well as being entertaining.[102] The album was projected for a Christmas 1968 release[102] but recording stalled after Townshend decided to make a double album to cover the story in sufficient depth.[103]", "Who Knows Who \"Who Knows Who\" is a collaboration song by English alternative rock band Muse and English hip hop artist Mike Skinner. Not originally intended for official release, an early version of the song leaked onto several Muse internet forums in August 2008. The song was officially released as the B-side to the 7\" vinyl edition of the single \"Uprising\" on 7 September 2009. The lyrics were written by Skinner and the music was written by Muse's Matthew Bellamy.[2]", "The Who Kenney Jones replaced Moon and the group resumed activity, releasing a film adaptation of Quadrophenia and the retrospective documentary The Kids Are Alright. After Townshend became weary of touring, the group split in 1982. The Who occasionally re-formed for live appearances such as Live Aid in 1985, a 25th anniversary tour in 1989 and a tour of Quadrophenia in 1996–1997. They resumed regular touring in 1999, with drummer Zak Starkey. After Entwistle's death in 2002, plans for a new album were delayed. Townshend and Daltrey continued as the Who, releasing Endless Wire in 2006, and continued to play live regularly.", "Félix Houphouët-Boigny In 1932, he decided to act, leading a movement of farmers against the influential white landowners and for the economic policies of the colonial government, who favoured the farmers.[5] On 22 December, he published an article titled \"On nous a trop volés\" (They have stolen too much from us), in the Trait d'union,[15] an Ivorian socialist newspaper. It was published under a pseudonym.[13]", "Who's Cheatin' Who \"Who's Cheatin' Who\" debuted at number 61 on the U.S. Billboard Hot Country Singles & Tracks for the week of April 12, 1997.", "The Who In 2004, the Who released \"Old Red Wine\" and \"Real Good Looking Boy\" (with Palladino and Greg Lake, respectively, on bass) on a singles anthology, The Who: Then and Now, and went on an 18-date tour of Japan, Australia, the UK and the US, including a return appearance at the Isle of Wight.[271] Later that year, Rolling Stone ranked the Who No. 29 on their list of the 100 Greatest Artists of All Time.[272]", "The Who After the Hermits tour, the Who recorded their next single, \"I Can See for Miles\", which Townshend had written in 1966 but had avoided recording until he was sure it could be produced well.[82] Townshend called it \"the ultimate Who record\",[83] and was disappointed it reached only No. 10 in the UK.[83] It became their best selling single in the US, reaching No. 9.[71] The group toured the US again with Eric Burdon and the Animals, including an appearance on The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour, miming to \"I Can See For Miles\" and \"My Generation\".[84] Moon bribed a stage hand to put explosives in his drum kit, who loaded it with ten times the expected quantity. The resulting detonation threw Moon off his drum riser and his arm was cut by flying cymbal shrapnel. Townshend's hair was singed and his left ear left ringing, and a camera and studio monitor were destroyed.[85]", "Who's Who scam There are numerous variations of these practices. In former European monarchies, publishers compile volumes listing \"noblemen\" (such as dukes, counts and barons) who are often little more than fantasists who paid large sums to have their names inscribed in these books. Even high school students are not immune to such ploys; for many years a now-defunct company published a Who's Who Among American High School Students which justified its activities by offering (at random) a few scholarships, usually for $200.", "Hurricane Ginger Further inland, the combination of strong winds and rains left heavy crop damage,[22] destroying 3 million bushels of corn and another million bushels of soybeans; losses to the corn crop were mitigated due to about half of the crop having been harvested before the storm's arrival. Heavy damage was also reported to the peanut crop as well as to various fruits and vegetables.[23] In some locations, up to 15% of the cotton crop was lost, particularly in the northeastern portion of the state.[24] In 45 counties in the eastern portion of the state, farmers affected by the hurricane were eligible for loans from the Farmers Home Administration, following federal approval from United States President Richard Nixon.[25] Governor Robert W. Scott requested federal disaster aid for 24 counties,[26] which was denied.[27] Damage in North Carolina was estimated at $10 million (1971 USD, $60.4 million 2018 USD),[4] of which about $1 million (1971 USD, $6.04 million 2018 USD) was from coastal flooding. One death occurred in Washington when a vehicle accident was possibly caused by a wind gust;[10] however, it was not conclusively linked to Ginger.[2]", "Zhou dynasty Agriculture in the Zhou dynasty was very intensive and, in many cases, directed by the government. All farming lands were owned by nobles, who then gave their land to their serfs, a situation similar to European feudalism. For example, a piece of land was divided into nine squares in the well-field system, with the grain from the middle square taken by the government and that of surrounding squares kept by individual farmers. This way, the government was able to store surplus food and distribute it in times of famine or bad harvest. Some important manufacturing sectors during this period included bronze smelting, which was integral to making weapons and farming tools. Again, these industries were dominated by the nobility who directed the production of such materials.", "The Who The transition to a hit-making band with original material, encouraged by Lambert, did not sit well with Daltrey, and a recording session of R&B covers went unreleased.[51] The Who were not close friends either, apart from Moon and Entwistle, who enjoyed visiting nightclubs together in the West End of London.[52] The group experienced a difficult time when touring Denmark in September, which culminated in Daltrey throwing Moon's amphetamines down the toilet and assaulting him. Immediately on returning to Britain, Daltrey was sacked,[53] but was reinstated on the condition that the group became a democracy without his dominant leadership. At this time, the group enlisted Richard Cole as a roadie.[54]", "Bourbon Restoration Between 1827 and 1830, France faced an economic downturn, industrial and agricultural, that was possibly worse than the one that sparked the Revolution of 1789. A series of progressively worsening grain harvests in the late 1820s pushed up the prices on various staple foods and cash crops.[71] In response, the rural peasantry throughout France lobbied for the relaxation of protective tariffs on grain to lower prices and ease their economic situation. However, Charles X, bowing to pressure from wealthier landowners, kept the tariffs in place. He did so based upon the Bourbon response to the \"Year Without a Summer\" in 1816, during which Louis XVIII relaxed tariffs during a series of famines, caused a downturn in prices, and incurred the ire of wealthy landowners, who were the traditional source of Bourbon legitimacy. Thus, between 1827 and 1830, peasants throughout France faced a period of relative economic hardship and rising prices.", "The Who By late 1964, the Who were becoming popular in London's Marquee club, and a rave review of their live act appeared in Melody Maker.[41] Lambert and Stamp attracted the attention of the American producer Shel Talmy, who had produced the Kinks. Townshend had written a song, \"I Can't Explain\", that deliberately sounded like the Kinks to attract Talmy's attention. Talmy saw the group in rehearsals and was impressed. He signed them to his production company,[42] and sold the recording to the US arm of Decca Records, which meant that the group's early singles were released in Britain on Brunswick Records, one of UK Decca's labels for US artists.[43] \"I Can't Explain\" was recorded in early November 1964 at Pye Studios in Marble Arch with the Ivy League on backing vocals, and Jimmy Page played fuzz guitar on the B-side, \"Bald Headed Woman\".[31]", "The Guess Who In November 1977 CBC approached the band about a reunion. Cummings and Bachman, busy with solo careers and their work together, were not interested. Kale, who was on tour in Kenora, Ontario, as well as Peterson, Winter, and McDougall, responded. Cummings and Bachman gave Kale permission to use the Guess Who name for the one show. Soon after, Kale found out that the name \"The Guess Who\" had never been registered; he promptly drove back to Winnipeg to register it, and maintains control of the band name to this day.", "The Who During the Who's hiatuses in the 1980s and 90s, Townshend developed his skills as a music publisher to be financially successful from the Who without recording or touring. He countered criticism of \"selling out\" by saying that licensing the songs to other media allows a wider exposure and widens the group's appeal.[357]", "Maurya Empire For the first time in South Asia, political unity and military security allowed for a common economic system and enhanced trade and commerce, with increased agricultural productivity. The previous situation involving hundreds of kingdoms, many small armies, powerful regional chieftains, and internecine warfare, gave way to a disciplined central authority. Farmers were freed of tax and crop collection burdens from regional kings, paying instead to a nationally administered and strict-but-fair system of taxation as advised by the principles in the Arthashastra. Chandragupta Maurya established a single currency across India, and a network of regional governors and administrators and a civil service provided justice and security for merchants, farmers and traders. The Mauryan army wiped out many gangs of bandits, regional private armies, and powerful chieftains who sought to impose their own supremacy in small areas. Although regimental in revenue collection, Maurya also sponsored many public works and waterways to enhance productivity, while internal trade in India expanded greatly due to new-found political unity and internal peace.[citation needed]", "The Who Work on Tommy took up most of 1974, and live performances by the Who were restricted to a show in May at the Valley, the home of Charlton Athletic, in front of 80,000 fans,[185] and a few dates at Madison Square Garden in June.[186] Towards the end of the year, the group released the out-takes album Odds & Sods, which featured several songs from the aborted Lifehouse project.[187]", "Federal Emergency Relief Administration FERA made welfare payments to Southern tenant farmers 1933-35, with the distribution of money across states and counties was strongly influenced by state governments and the influential planter class. Their interests rested mainly in not allowing federal welfare to undermine their authority and the economic structure that favored landowners. Tenant farmers, however, exerted significant counterpressure by organizing the Southern Tenant Farmers Union and the Alabama Sharecroppers' Union under the auspices of the Socialist Party and the Communist Party. The unions agitated for welfare assistance, and their events and campaigns drew national publicity. While tenant farmers remained terribly disadvantaged politically, their collective efforts improved matters substantially in areas where their organizations were strongest.[9]", "History of citizenship The French Revolution marked major changes and has been widely seen as a watershed event in modern politics. Up until then, the main ties between people under the Ancien Regime were hierarchical, such that each person owed loyalty to the next person further up the chain of command; for example, serfs were loyal to local vassals, who in turn were loyal to nobles, who in turn were loyal to the king, who in turn was presumed to be loyal to God.[56] Clergy and aristocracy had special privileges, including preferential treatment in law courts, and were exempt from taxes; this last privilege had the effect of placing the burden of paying for national expenses on the peasantry.[56] One scholar who examined pre-Revolutionary France described powerful groups which stifled citizenship and included provincial estates, guilds, military governors, courts with judges who owned their offices, independent church officials, proud nobles, financiers and tax farmers.[57] They blocked citizenship indirectly since they kept a small elite governing group in power, and kept regular people away from participating in political decision-making.[57]", "Tenant farmer Until about 1900, the majority of Ireland was held by landlords, as much as 97% in 1870, and rented out to tenant farmers who had to pay rent to landlords and taxes to the Church and State. The majority of the people had no access to land. 1.5% of the population owned 33.7% of the nation, and 50% of the country was in the hands of only 750 families. Absenteeism was common and detrimental to the country's progress. Tenants often sub-rented small plots on a yearly basis from local farmers paying for them by labour service by a system, known as conacre, most without any lease or land rights. Irish smallholders were indistinguishable from the cottiers of England.[12][13]", "The Who By 1973, the Who turned to recording the album Quadrophenia about mod and its subculture, set against clashes with Rockers in early 1960s Britain.[161] The story is about a boy named Jimmy, who undergoes a personality crisis, and his relationship with his family, friends and mod culture.[162] The music features four themes, reflecting the four personalities of the Who.[163] Townshend played multi-tracked synthesizers, and Entwistle played several overdubbed horn parts.[164] By the time the album was being recorded, relationships between the band and Lambert and Stamp had broken down irreparably, and Bill Curbishley replaced them.[165] The album reached No. 2 in both the UK and US.[166]", "Craven The farmlands were progressively taken from the Anglo-Scandinavian farmers and given by the King to selected Normans. The previous and subsequent landowners were recorded in the Domesday Book along with the area of the ploughland.", "Plantation complexes in the Southern United States Many plantations operated by absentee-landowners never had a main house on site. Just as vital and arguably more important to the complex were the many structures built for the processing and storage of crops, food preparation and storage, sheltering equipment and animals, and various other domestic and agricultural purposes. The value of the plantation came from its land and the enslaved people (later sharecroppers or tenants) who toiled on it to produce crops for a profit. These same people produced the built environment, from the main house for the plantation owner, the slave cabins, barns, and other structures of the complex.[6]", "The Who The Who toured in support of Endless Wire, including the BBC Electric Proms at the Roundhouse in London in 2006,[276] headlining the 2007 Glastonbury Festival,[277] a half-time appearance at the Super Bowl XLIV in 2010[278] and being the final act at the closing ceremony of the London 2012 Olympic Games.[279] In November 2012, the Who released Live at Hull, an album of the band's performance night after the Live at Leeds gig.[280]", "American Bulldog The Old English Bulldog was preserved by working class immigrants who brought their working dogs with them to the American South. Small farmers and ranchers used this all-around working dog for many tasks including farm guardians, stock dogs and catch dogs. These dogs were not an actual breed as considered by today's standards but were a generic bulldog type. There were no recorded pedigrees or records and breeding decisions were dependent on the best working farm dogs despite breed or background. Several separate strains of the \"bulldog\" type dogs were kept by ranchers as utilitarian working dogs.", "Boll Weevil Monument The boll weevil (Anthonomus grandis) was indigenous to Mexico, but appeared in Alabama in 1915. By 1918 farmers were losing whole cotton crops to the beetle. H. M. Sessions saw this as an opportunity to convert the area to peanut farming. In 1916 he convinced C. W. Baston, an indebted farmer, to back his venture. The first crop paid off their debts and was bought by farmers seeking to change to peanut farming. Cotton was grown again, but farmers learned to diversify their crops, a practice which brought new money to Coffee County.", "Genetically modified crops Opponents have objected to GM crops on multiple grounds including environmental impacts, food safety, whether GM crops are needed to address food needs, whether the are sufficiently accessible to farmers in developing countries[26] and concerns over subjecting crops to intellectual property law. Secondary issues include labeling, the behavior of government regulators, the effects of pesticide use and pesticide tolerance.", "The Who The Quadrophenia tour started in Stoke on Trent in October[167] and was immediately beset with problems. Daltrey resisted Townshend's wish to add Joe Cocker's keyboardist Chris Stainton (who played on the album) to the touring band.[168] As a compromise, Townshend assembled the keyboard and synthesizer parts on backing tapes, as such a strategy had been successful with \"Baba O'Riley\" and \"Won't Get Fooled Again\".[74] Unfortunately, the technology was not sophisticated enough to deal with the demands of the music; added to this issue, tour rehearsals had been interrupted due to an argument that culminated in Daltrey punching Townshend and knocking him out cold.[169] At a gig in Newcastle, the tapes completely malfunctioned, and an enraged Townshend dragged sound-man Bob Pridden on-stage, screamed at him, kicked all the amps over and partially destroyed the backing tapes. The show was abandoned for an \"oldies\" set, at the end of which Townshend smashed his guitar and Moon kicked over his drumkit.[170][169] The Independent described this gig as one of the worst of all time.[171] The US tour started on 20 November at the Cow Palace in Daly City, California; Moon passed out during \"Won't Get Fooled Again\" and during \"Magic Bus\". Townshend asked the audience, \"Can anyone play the drums?—I mean somebody good.\" An audience member, Scot Halpin, filled in for the rest of the show.[172][171] After a show in Montreal, the band (except for Daltrey, who retired to bed early) caused so much damage to their hotel room, including destroying an antique painting and ramming a marble table through a wall, that federal law enforcement arrested them.[173]", "The Who Later that year, Lambert and Stamp formed a record label, Track Records, with distribution by Polydor. As well as signing Hendrix, Track became the imprint for all the Who's UK output until the mid-1970s.[89]", "Who's Cheatin' Who \"Who's Cheatin' Who\" is the title of a country music song written by Jerry Hayes and initially recorded by Charly McClain. It was the title track of her 1980 album for Epic Records, released in November 1980 as a single with \"Love Scenes\" on the B-side, and in early 1981, was her first Number One hit on the Billboard country charts.[1] 17 years later, Alan Jackson had chart success with the song as well, with his cover version reaching Top Five on the country charts.", "The Who During the latter part of 1970, Townshend plotted a follow up Tommy: Lifehouse, which was to be a multi-media project symbolising the relationship between an artist and his audience.[132] He developed ideas in his home studio, creating layers of synthesizers,[133] and the Young Vic theatre in London was booked for a series of experimental concerts. Townshend approached the gigs with optimism; the rest of the band were just happy to be gigging again.[134] Eventually, the others complained to Townshend that the project was too complicated and they should simply record another album. Things deteriorated until Townshend had a nervous breakdown and abandoned Lifehouse.[135]", "The Who In 1991, the Who recorded a cover of Elton John's \"Saturday Night's Alright for Fighting\" for the tribute album Two Rooms: Celebrating the Songs of Elton John & Bernie Taupin. It was the last studio recording to feature Entwistle. In 1994, Daltrey turned 50 and celebrated with two concerts at New York's Carnegie Hall. The shows included guest spots by Entwistle and Townshend. Although all three surviving original members of the Who attended, they appeared on stage together only during the finale, \"Join Together\", with the other guests. Daltrey toured that year with Entwistle, Zak Starkey on drums and Simon Townshend filling in for his brother as guitarist.[254]", "Doctor Who Doctor Who is one of the five top grossing titles for BBC Worldwide, the BBC's commercial arm.[137] BBC Worldwide CEO John Smith has said that Doctor Who is one of a small number of \"Superbrands\" which Worldwide will promote heavily.[138]", "Who Were the Shudras? Importantly, Ambedkar states that the Shudras of Hindu society are entirely different from Shudras of ancient Indo-Aryan Society. He writes,", "The Who After the 1976 tour, Townshend took most of the following year off to spend time with his family.[195] He discovered that former Beatles and Rolling Stones manager Allen Klein had bought a stake in his publishing company. A settlement was reached, but Townshend was upset and disillusioned that Klein had attempted to take ownership of his songs. Townshend went to the Speakeasy where he met the Sex Pistols' Steve Jones and Paul Cook, fans of the Who. After leaving, he passed out in a doorway, where a policeman said he would not be arrested if he could stand and walk. The events inspired the title track of the next album, Who Are You.[196]", "Christian monasticism Women's communities were normally much smaller and poorer. The nuns had to do everything themselves, unless they had a couple of tenant-farmers to supply food, or pious who made donations. They spun and wove, kept their huts clean, milked their cows, and made their own meals, which could be meager.", "The Who The band toured the US and UK from June to October 2000,[259] to generally favourable reviews,[261] culminating in a charity show at the Royal Albert Hall for the Teenage Cancer trust with guest performances from Paul Weller, Eddie Vedder, Noel Gallagher, Bryan Adams and Nigel Kennedy.[262] Stephen Tomas Erlewine described the gig as \"an exceptional reunion concert\".[263] In 2001 the band performed the Concert for New York City at Madison Square Garden for families of firefighters and police who had lost their lives following the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center,[264] and were honoured with a Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award.[265]", "People's Party (United States) The drive to create a new political party out of the movement arose from the belief that the two major parties, Democrats and Republicans, were controlled by bankers, landowners and elites hostile to the needs of the small farmer. The movement reached its peak in 1892 when the party held a convention chaired by Frances Willard (leader of the WCTU and a friend of Powderly's)[13] in Omaha, Nebraska and nominated candidates for the national election.", "1910 Cuba hurricane A large number of pine trees were blown down near the city of Jupiter. One man near Lemon City was killed by falling timber. Small watercraft, docks and boathouses sustained damage, but otherwise the storm's effects on the east coast were more moderate compared to other areas. Portions of the Florida East Coast Railroad bed were washed out, and repairs were anticipated to be costly. An American schooner blew ashore at Boca Raton, killing three and leaving the rest of the crew stranded for 12 hours until help arrived. Estimates of the cyclone's impact on citrus crops in the region vary widely.[2]", "Cash crop Around 60 percent of African workers are employed in the agricultural sector, with about three-fifths of African farmers being subsistence farmers.[citation needed] For example, in Burkina Faso 85% of its residents (over two million people) are reliant upon cotton production for income, and over half of the country's population lives in poverty.[6] Larger farms tend to grow cash crops such as coffee,[7] tea,[7] cotton, cocoa, fruit[7] and rubber. These farms, typically operated by large corporations, cover tens of square kilometres and employ large numbers of laborers. Subsistence farms provide a source of food and a relatively small income for families, but generally fail to produce enough to make re-investment possible.", "Z for Zachariah The story's events are set almost entirely in Burden Valley, a small and remote valley somewhere in the USA. It was named after the protagonist's ancestors, who were its first settlers and built a farm in the northern end. The only other inhabitants were the Kleins, a couple who lived over the store and mainly did business with Amish farmers to the south.", "BP In 2009, another group of 95 Colombian farmers filed a suit against BP, saying the company's Ocensa pipeline caused landslides and damage to soil and groundwater, affecting crops, livestock, and contaminating water supplies, making fish ponds unsustainable. Most of the land traversed by the pipeline was owned by peasant farmers who were illiterate and unable to read the environmental impact assessment conducted by BP prior to construction, which acknowledged significant and widespread risks of damage to the land.[318]", "The Who In 2010, the Who performed Quadrophenia with parts played by Vedder and Tom Meighan at the Royal Albert Hall as part of the Teenage Cancer Trust series of 10 gigs.[281] A planned tour for early 2010 was jeopardised by the return of Townshend's tinnitus. He experimented with an in-ear monitoring system that was recommended by Neil Young and his audiologist.[282]", "The Who The Who are one of the most influential rock bands of the 20th century.[294][362] Their appearances at Monterey and Woodstock helped give them a reputation as one of the greatest live rock acts[363] and they have been credited with originating the \"rock opera\".[362] The band has sold over 100 million records worldwide.[364]", "The Who The Who's major contributions to rock music include the development of the Marshall stack, large PA systems, use of the synthesizer, Entwistle and Moon's lead playing styles, Townshend's feedback and power chord guitar technique, and the development of the rock opera. They are cited as an influence by hard rock, punk rock and mod bands, and their songs still receive regular exposure.", "Farmers Insurance Group Farmers' future co-founders John C. Tyler and Thomas E. Leavey first met after Tyler moved to California.[3] Tyler and Leavey had both grown up with rural backgrounds and believed that farmers and ranchers, who had better driving records than urbanites, deserved lower insurance premiums.[3][4][5] During the 1920s, farmers across the United States were establishing their own mutual insurance firms and cooperatives in order to have less expensive policies. Tyler, the son of a South Dakotan insurance salesman, and Leavey, who had formerly worked for the Federal Farm Loan Bureau and the National Farm Loan Association, recognized that these farmers, ranchers, and other rural drivers were an overlooked market and wished to create their own auto insurance firm.[3][4]" ]
what is pumped up kicks the song about
[ "Pumped Up Kicks \"Pumped Up Kicks\" is a song by American indie pop band Foster the People. It was released as the group's debut single in September 2010, and the following year was included on their EP Foster the People and their debut album, Torches. \"Pumped Up Kicks\" became the group's breakthrough hit and was one of the most popular songs of 2011. The song was written and recorded by frontman Mark Foster while he was working as a commercial jingle writer. Contrasting with the upbeat musical composition, the lyrics describe the homicidal thoughts of a troubled youth.", "Pumped Up Kicks The lyrics to \"Pumped Up Kicks\" are written from the perspective of a troubled and delusional youth with homicidal thoughts.[6] The lines in the chorus warn potential victims to \"outrun my gun\" and that they \"better run, better run, faster than my bullet.\" Foster said in a statement to CNN.com, \"I wrote 'Pumped Up Kicks' when I began to read about the growing trend in teenage mental illness. I wanted to understand the psychology behind it because it was foreign to me. It was terrifying how mental illness among youth had skyrocketed in the last decade. I was scared to see where the pattern was headed if we didn't start changing the way we were bringing up the next generation.\"[9] In writing the song, Foster wanted to \"get inside the head of an isolated, psychotic kid\"[6] and \"bring awareness\" to the issue of gun violence among youth, which he feels is an epidemic perpetuated by \"lack of family, lack of love, and isolation.\"[10][11] The song's title refers to shoes that the narrator's peers wear as a status symbol.[12][13]" ]
[ "Pumped Up Kicks The track received considerable attention after it was posted online in 2010 as a free download, and it helped the group garner a multi-album record deal with Columbia Records imprint Startime International. \"Pumped Up Kicks\" proved to be a sleeper hit; in 2011, after receiving significant airplay on modern rock stations, the song crossed-over onto contemporary hit radio stations. The song spent eight consecutive weeks at number three on the Billboard Hot 100 chart in the United States, making it the first Billboard Alternative Songs number-one single to crack the U.S. top 5 since Kings of Leon's \"Use Somebody\" in 2009. The song was widely praised by critics, and it has been licensed for use in a wide range of popular media since its release. \"Pumped Up Kicks\" received a Grammy Award nomination for Best Pop Duo/Group Performance.", "Pumped Up Kicks Reflecting on the lack of inspiration he felt when writing the song, Foster said, \"I've heard a lot of other artists talk about this as well, like, 'I'm not inspired right now. I've got writer's block. I'm just not really feeling anything.' And I've felt that way, too, just not being inspired and wanting to wait for inspiration to come before I wrote. But I wasn't inspired when I wrote 'Pumped Up Kicks,' and that's what came out. So... it just solidified the notion that perspiration is more powerful than inspiration.\"[5] Thinking that he was just recording a demo, he played all of the instruments on the song,[6] and using the software Logic Pro, he arranged and edited the song himself.[7] The demo is ultimately the version of the song that Foster released.[6]", "Pumped Up Kicks A listeners poll by Toronto radio station CFNY-FM (102.1 The Edge) voted it #1 in a list of the top 102 new rock songs of 2011.[48] NME ranked it number 21 on its list of the \"50 Best Tracks of 2011\", writing, \"Unusually for a song so omnipresent, listening to its hyper-upbeat melodies about a psycho high-school kid-killer is still an enjoyable experience.\"[49] The magazine's readers voted \"Pumped Up Kicks\" the year's eighth-best song.[50] At the end of 2011, the song received a Grammy Award nomination for Best Pop Duo/Group Performance.[51]", "Pumped Up Kicks \"Pumped Up Kicks\" drew considerable attention online after Foster posted the song on his website as a free download in early 2010; Nylon magazine used the track in an online advertising campaign,[17] and through various blogs, it went viral.[18] Foster the People first performed the song live at the Stand Up Charity Benefit in Venice in February.[19] The group, yet to be signed, garnered buzz with performances at the South by Southwest music festival in March.[20][21] Foster was emailed by many people about the song, and needing professional guidance, he contacted artist manager Brent Kredel at Monotone, Inc., saying, \"Everyone is calling me and emailing me—what do I do? Who are the good guys, who are the bad guys?\" Kredel recalled that \"He went from the guy who couldn't get a hold of anyone to being the guy who had hundreds of emails in his inbox.\" Kredel and Brett Williams were subsequently hired to co-manage Foster the People, and they helped the group get a multi-album record deal with Columbia Records imprint Startime International in May 2010.[17] Wishing to release a record that would back up the song's success, the group wrote new material between July–September 2010.[17]", "Pumped Up Kicks The official remix of the single was released by New York City-duo The Knocks in April 2011, under the name \"Pumped Up Kicks (The Knocks Speeding Bullet Remix)\", and was made available to subscribers to the band's email list. The song was covered by Weezer during their 2011 North American Tour, at the Orange County Fair on August 4, 2011. Weezer also played the song during their grandstand performance at the Minnesota State Fair on September 3, 2011.[59] Mark Foster said in reaction, \"Nine years ago, I met Rivers Cuomo at a party, and I had my acoustic guitar with me. He taught me how to play 'Say It Ain't So'. So nine years later, to watch him play one of my songs - it was wild. I can't wait to meet him and remind him of that story.\"[60] Peruvian sinder Tongo also recorded a cover in 2017, called Pan con ají (Bread and peppers), in allusion to a vague pronunciation with Spanish phonemes. In 2017, French DJ Klingande released a song titled \"Pumped Up\" using the same lyrics in the chorus of the song.", "Pumped Up Kicks Soon after Mark Foster formed Foster the People in 2009, he wrote and recorded \"Pumped Up Kicks\" in five hours while working as a commercial jingle writer at Mophonics in Los Angeles.[3][4] On the day of recording, Foster debated between songwriting in the studio and going to the beach. He explained: \"I really didn't have anything to do that day. I was standing there in the studio, and this thought came in my mind like, 'I'm going to write a song,'... and then I was like, 'I don't feel like writing. I don't want to write a song.' I was a block away from the beach, and it was a beautiful day. I kind of just wanted to just be lazy and go hang out at the beach or whatever. But I just forced myself to write a song... By that time the next day, the song was finished.\"[5]", "List of Pump It Up songs The Revolution is the first and only Pump It Up Infinity song added in Pump It Up Prime.", "List of Pump It Up songs Seize My Day is the first Pump It Up Infinity song added in Pump It Up Prime 2.", "List of Pump It Up songs Up & Up is the 3rd contest song of Pump It Up Prime 2.", "List of Pump It Up songs I Love You Baby is the first and only Pump It Up Exceed S.E song crossovered to main Pump It Up arcade series, Zero and NX.", "List of Pump It Up songs Ignition Starts is one of the several PIU original songs that were not revived in Pump It Up Fiesta until its revival in Pump It Up Prime ver. 1.01.0", "List of Pump It Up songs Move That Body! was originally titled as \"4Infinity\" and made exclusively for Pump It Up Infinity, but later changed to \"Move That Body!\" due to the song devoted only for main Pump It Up series.", "List of Pump It Up songs HTTP is the 4th contest song of Pump It Up Prime 2.", "List of Pump It Up songs Run to You is the only DJ DOC's song in Pump It Up Prime, since another song One Night was removed.", "List of Pump It Up songs Solitary 2 is the hidden song in Pump It Up Exceed 2. Composed by Yahpp", "List of Pump It Up songs 2006 Love Song is not to be confused as Love Song by Yoo Seung Jun from Pump It Up 3rd Dance Floor O.B.G.", "List of Pump It Up songs Butterfly (Full Song) is the full version of Butterfly from Pump It Up Fiesta EX.", "List of Pump It Up songs Move That Body! is the second song composed for main Pump It Up series by DM Ashura.", "List of Pump It Up songs V3 is the third classical remix song based on Ludwig Van Beethoven's \"Pathétique\" 3rd Movement after Beethoven Virus by BanYa from Pump It Up Perfect Collection and Latino Virus by Warak from Pump It Up Prime.", "List of Pump It Up songs PRIME 2 Opening is the fourth shortcut song of playable Pump It Up opening songs after Prime, NX and Exceed 2 Openings.", "List of Pump It Up songs Crashday is the remaining Pump It Up Fiesta EX K-pop license song in Prime 2.", "List of Pump It Up songs Bang Bang Bang is the first new song by Big Bang since Pump It Up Fiesta 2.", "List of Pump It Up songs Gotta Be You is the first new song by 2NE1 since Pump It Up Fiesta 2, although 2NE1 disbanded in early 2017 and the song was composed in 2014.", "List of Pump It Up songs Ineffective Boss Without Power is Norazo's third new song in the series since Pump It Up Fiesta EX.", "List of Pump It Up songs Move That Body's sample plays a vocal beat originally used in most songs of Pump It Up Premiere 3.", "Pump Up the Valuum According to Fat Mike, \"...the title track 'Pump Up the Valuum' got cut from the album. That's weird. We gave it to Epitaph for Punk O Rama 5.\"[3] Three other songs were mentioned in the Pump Up the Valuum booklet as songs that didn't make it to this record, but that will be in upcoming ones:", "Pump It Up (video game series) Pump It Up Infinity (2013) was intended as a reboot of the original Pro idea and introduces a \"Basic mode\" to encourage new players.[13] Infinity features songs from all Pump It Up versions, including the spinoff series Pump It Up Pro and Pump It Up Pro 2.[12]", "List of Pump It Up songs Moon Light Dance is the first and only J-Music song in Pump It Up Prime 2 when the game was released.", "List of Pump It Up songs Windmill is the fastest song in the series with constant BPM, beating She Likes Pizza from Pump It Up 3rd O.B.G Dance Floor.", "List of Pump It Up songs Super Fantasy's song background inscribes \"1999 / 07 / 25\" which is possibly a reference to the release date of Pump It Up 1st Dance Floor.", "Pumped Up Kicks —Mark Foster, on the song's success[52]", "Pump Up the Volume (song) In 1990, Pump Up the Volume became the theme song for the highly popular Finnish sketch comedy show Pulttibois. The song appeared in all the show's intros during the second and third season as well as occasionally playing over the credits. In the intro the stars of the show, Pirkka-Pekka Petelius and Aake Kalliala, dance and perform silly actions to the beat of the music while wearing suits against a red background. They also mouth the lyrics: \"Brothers and sisters! Pump up the Volume!\"", "Pumped Up Kicks Since May 2013 RIAA certifications for digital singles include on-demand audio and/or video song streams in addition to downloads.[136]", "List of Pump It Up songs Release dates from 1st Dance Floor until Prime--\"and forever\"—and Pump It Up dancers appear. Finally, posters from Fiesta, Exceed and Fiesta show up before the song background concludes the BGA.", "Pumped Up Kicks The song was pulled from some U.S. radio stations in December 2012 in the aftermath of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, due to lyrics that depict a school shooting.[58]", "List of Pump It Up songs Last song by Yahpp in the series until his next appearance in three consecutive games, Pump It Up Prime, due to his business on \"Hit the Beat\", Andamiro's another music rhythm game[8]", "List of Pump It Up songs Creamy Skinny is one of the few PIU original songs that were not used in remixes. never revived after its removal in Pump It Up Extra due to its plagiarism from \"Rapport\" by De Wolfe Music.", "Pump Up the Volume (song) As one of the first big British-made house hits, \"Pump Up the Volume\" marked a turning point in the popularity of the genre. Eric B. & Rakim's \"Paid in Full\", which had been released prior to the M|A|R|R|S track also hit the top 20 in November, both singles heavily borrowed from Coldcut's previous UK chart success \"Say Kids What Time Is It?\". This was a very rapid response, indeed, since \"Pump Up the Volume\" seemed to catch the record industry off-guard. It was not until February 1988, four months after \"Pump Up the Volume\" reached the top ten, that the floodgates truly opened. Like \"Pump Up the Volume\", many of the first major wave of British house hits were on independent labels. Not all of them displayed an obvious influence from M|A|R|R|S, though many did.", "List of Pump It Up songs U Got 2 Know shares similarities with X-Rave on Pump It Up PRO 2 and later in Pump It Up Fiesta EX.", "List of Pump It Up songs Rippin' It Up crossovered to Pump It Up Fiesta 2.", "What's Up? (song) \"What's Up?\" is a song by American rock group 4 Non Blondes from their 1992 debut album, Bigger, Better, Faster, More!. It was released as the album's second single in 1993. It was successful in the United States[1] and in several European countries, peaking at number one in Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Sweden, and Switzerland.", "List of Pump It Up songs Switchback is crossovered to Pump It Up Fiesta 2.", "List of Pump It Up songs Elise is crossovered to Pump It Up Fiesta 2.", "List of Pump It Up songs Monolith is crossovered to Pump It Up Fiesta 2.", "List of Pump It Up songs Utopia is crossovered to Pump It Up Fiesta 2", "List of Pump It Up songs Hardkore of the North is crossovered to Pump It Up Fiesta 2.", "List of Pump It Up songs Heel and Toe is crossovered to Pump It Up Fiesta 2.", "List of Pump It Up songs Star Command is crossovered to Pump It Up Fiesta 2.", "List of Pump It Up songs Virtual Emotion is crossovered to Pump It Up Fiesta 2.", "Pump It Up (video game series) The first series title was Pump It Up 1st Dance Floor, released by Korean coin-operated machine developer Andamiro in October 1999 for the arcade. This game introduced the series first in-house musician BanYa, the South Korean band working with Andamiro to compose original songs as well as a selection of popular K-pop and dance songs.[7] All versions between this one and Pump It Up Zero simply added new songs and new steps. If a game is not noted in this section, then that game simply introduced new songs with few noteworthy changes.", "List of Pump It Up songs Hypnosis (SynthWulf Mix) is crossovered to Pump It Up Fiesta 2.", "List of Pump It Up songs Version 1.10.0+ only in international release of Pump It Up Prime.", "List of Pump It Up songs Version 1.14.0+ only in international release of Pump It Up Prime.", "List of Pump It Up songs Version 1.20.0+ only in international release of Pump It Up Prime.", "List of Pump It Up songs Version 1.14.0+ only in international release of Pump It Up Prime.", "List of Pump It Up songs Version 1.15.0+ only in international release of Pump It Up Prime.", "List of Pump It Up songs Allegro Con Fuoco is crossovered to Pump It Up Fiesta EX", "List of Pump It Up songs Version 1.11.0+ only in international release of Pump It Up Prime", "List of Pump It Up songs Version 1.18.0+ only in international release of Pump It Up Prime", "Pump It Up (video game series) On November 11, 2004, Andamiro released the Korean version of Pump It Up: Exceed on the PlayStation 2, which includes most of the songs from the arcade Exceed version. An American version of the game was released on August 31, 2005 for the Xbox and PlayStation 2 under the title Pump It Up Exceed SE This version includes most of the songs from the Korean PS2 version and six US licensed songs, as well as revivals and removals from Exceed 2. Exceed SE also uses the updated engine from Exceed 2.", "List of Pump It Up songs Says is never revived again since Pump It Up Prime 2.", "List of Pump It Up songs Betrayer was removed in Pump It Up Prime until it was revived in version 1.11.0.", "List of Pump It Up songs Night Duty is never revived again since Pump It Up Prime 2.", "List of Pump It Up songs The Revolution is crossovered to Pump It Up Prime version 1.09.0 and Japanese Edition version 1.05.0.", "List of Pump It Up songs First Love (Spanish) is never revived again since Pump It Up Prime 2.", "List of Pump It Up songs The silent version of It's My Business is available in Pump It Up Fiesta as Mission Zone exclusive.", "What's Up? (song) The song appeared in the fourth episode, \"What's Going On?\", of the Netflix Original series Sense8.[54] The song also appears in the 5th episode of the second season, \"Fear Never Fixed Anything\" as a remix performed by Riley. Since its feature on the show, the song has become an anthem for the fandom and is often sung by the fans to welcome the cast and crew of the show.", "List of Pump It Up songs Miss's Story is revived again in Pump It Up Prime 2 after its removal in Prime.", "List of Pump It Up songs D Gang is revived again in Pump It Up Prime 2 after its removal in Prime.", "List of Pump It Up songs Blaze Emotion (Band Version) was released in mid-2012, and it is now available in Pump It Up Prime.", "List of Pump It Up songs Mission Possible is revived again in Pump It Up Prime 2 after its removal in Prime.", "List of Pump It Up songs Oh! Rosa is revived again in Pump It Up Prime 2 after its removal in Prime.", "List of Pump It Up songs Betrayer -Act 2- is revived again in Pump It Up Prime 2 after its removal in Prime.", "List of Pump It Up songs Get Your Groove On is revived again in Pump It Up Prime 2 after its removal in Prime.", "List of Pump It Up songs She Likes Pizza is revived again in Pump It Up Prime 2 after its removal in Prime.", "List of Pump It Up songs Le Grand Bleu was accidentally removed in version 2.00.0 of Pump It Up Prime 2 until it was fixed in 2.00.1", "List of Pump It Up songs K.O.A -Alice in Wonderworld- is used for staff roll video found in the final mission of Pump It Up NXA's WorldMax.", "Pump Up the Volume (song) \"Pump Up the Volume\" was used during the late 1980s and early 1990s as the theme for Univision's boxing series, Boxeo Budweiser.", "List of Pump It Up songs Blaze Emotion (Band Version) is the piano and rock non-vocal version of Blaze Emotion from Pump It Up NXA.", "List of Pump It Up songs Setsuna Trip uses original vocals on Pump It Up series, while BEMANI series uses the cover version sung by GUMI.", "List of Pump It Up songs Infinity is finally released, breaking its gap of 1 year and months since Pump It Up Prime 2's second trailer.", "List of Pump It Up songs U Got Me Rocking's whip-like shout sample is taken from Naissance 2 From Pump It Up Exceed 2.", "That's What It's All About According to Ronnie Dunn, “It’s [about the] simple things, really. The more you learn, the more you figure out… the more you realize the lessons you learned growing up, the things you feel – that is what really matters. It’s easy to miss that, chasing after a career or whatever – and you do have to work hard in this world, there’s no way around it – but when that gets out of balance with your family, with your friends, with the things that matter… well, that’s what this song is about.[1]”", "List of Pump It Up songs As said, both Hypnosis and Ignition Starts hold the record for the longest disappearance until their revival at 10 years since their removal in Pump It Up Zero.", "List of Pump It Up songs Mixes Faster Z, Beethoven Virus, Winter, Pump Me Amadeus, DJ Otada, Moonlight, Csikos Post, Get Up!, Chimera and The Devil", "List of Pump It Up songs Koul is never revived after its removal in Pump It Up Exceed 2 due to its plagiarism from \"Slam It\" and \"Def Jam\" by Network Music Ensemble.", "What's Up? (song) The title does not appear in the song's lyrics. However, the phrase \"what's going on?\" is prominently included in the chorus. The title was chosen to avoid confusion with Marvin Gaye's 1971 song \"What's Going On\".[2] Linda Perry told Rolling Stone that she hated the song's production.[3] Perry revealed on Behind the Music that she hated David Tickle's reworked version (with different lyrics) intended to be used for their album. Perry told Jimmy Iovine she hated Tickle's reworked version; Iovine agreed preferring Perry's demo version over Tickle's reworked version. Tickle's instrumental (over the original vocals) could be heard on Perry's episode of Behind the Music; Tickle's version was never released. The final version was recorded in one day after Iovine allowed 4 Non Blondes to re-record Perry's demo version. The music video was directed by Morgan Lawley.[4]", "List of Pump It Up songs Chung Hwa Ban Jeom, Deja Vu,and I'll Give You All My Love are remaining Freevolt K-Pop licenses present in Pump It Up Prime 2.", "What's Up? (song) \"What's Up?\" ranks number 94 on VH1's 100 Greatest One-Hit Wonders,[5] and ranks 86 on the MuchMore The Top 100 One Hit Wonders.[6]", "List of Pump It Up songs Overblow 2's title is the first new non-abbreviated and non-remix sequel title in the series with number \"2\" text since Monkey Fingers 2 by Banya from Pump It Up NX2.", "List of Pump It Up songs You Again My Love shares similarities with Yeo rae a by SID-Sound from Pump It Up Fiesta 2 due to having similar \"farewell\" background video, music style, and title's capitalization.", "Pump Up the Volume (song) Disco Mix Club Records, a British DJ pool and remix service, sought permission to remix \"Pump Up the Volume\" for several years. After continual setbacks resulting from the uneasy M|A|R|R|S collaboration, the organization gave up and released its own version in 1995 under \"Greed featuring Ricardo da Force.\"", "Pump It Up (video game series) The songs used in Pump It Up are mostly Korean-based. Premiere 3 and Exceed were the only versions to put a greater emphasis on international pop music due to its branching into other markets such as North and Latin America. After Exceed, the focus shifted back to K-pop as the players worldwide generally favored the game's original Korean music. Much of the music on Pump is contributed by an in-house (and mostly anonymous) collective known as BanYa. Two of the main members, Yahpp and Msgoon, recently became independent artists (and as of NX and Fiesta respectively, all of their songs are now branded using their aliases). Aside from the K-pop licenses, most in-house songs on Pump it Up are of Korean influence. The diversity in genres is very great despite this, covering everything from general pop to heavy metal to Hip hop as well as an assortment of uncommon genres such as jazz, folk, and ska. Some of BanYa's songs include covers of classical pieces such as Canon in D, mostly performed in a symphonic rock style.", "What Up with That Its popularity is also evident in the Nickelodeon crossover episode iParty with Victorious, an episode in which Thompson guest stars as himself. When Andre (Leon G. Thomas III) reveals that he will be hosting a party at Thompson's house, Rex the puppet sings part of the What Up with That theme song.[citation needed]", "What's My Name? (Rihanna song) In May 2011, in The Mix Review, an analyzing commercial productions, Mike Senior of Sound on Sound revisited the original mixing of the song. According to him, before he started the mix, Senior played the song a couple of times before releasing what thing about it \"bugged\" him.[10] Working it out, he noted that the harmony of the mix is undermined by the kick drum. \"What's My Name?\" contains basic harmonies that are a bar of F# minor, a bar of A major and two bars of D-major. Senior stated that on the other side however, there's a very little in the arrangement that could be seen like a traditional melodic bass-line. As the result of that, the \"808-style\" kick-drum's pronounce pitched components with a power of 37 Hz and 74 Hz fill that help void with a 'D' note. According to Senior, \"the problem is that this only really supports the D‑major chord, destabilizing the home chord of F# minor (by implying that it's actually part of a D‑major 7th chord) and clashing nastily with the A‑major.\"[10] He further stated that although might not be as apparent on small speakers, it still represents \"weakness\" for him. The section of the song at 3:12 has four bars without the kick-drum and four without it.[10]", "Far from Home (Five Finger Death Punch song) Guitarist Zoltan Bathory told Metal Hammer about this song's evolution: “We’d been kicking this song around for over a year, and we did record an early version of it, but somehow we couldn’t quite get it to gel. That can happen with songs – you’re not sure about them to start them, and then they grow into something special, which is really what happened with ‘The Bleeding’… I mean, that only just scraped onto the first album!", "List of Pump It Up songs Up & Down (Diva) is supposedly Diva's new song since Rebirth.", "List of Pump It Up songs \"What Do You Really Want? (Monochrome)\"'s BPM is sped up to 112.12, the original is 100." ]
2. what are the reasons states impose protectionists policies on other countries
[ "Protectionism Protectionism is the economic policy of restricting imports from other countries through methods such as tariffs on imported goods, import quotas, and a variety of other government regulations. Proponents claim that protectionist policies shield the producers, businesses, and workers of the import-competing sector in the country from foreign competitors. However, they also reduce trade and adversely affect consumers in general (by raising the cost of imported goods), and harm the producers and workers in export sectors, both in the country implementing protectionist policies, and in the countries protected against." ]
[ "Economy of Russia Russia is one of the leading nations for protectionist policies. According to the independent Global Trade Alert, Russia put significant protectionist policies in place. Russia's strategic trading block consisting of Russia, Belarus, and Kazakhstan is responsible for a significant portion of worldwide protectionism during 2013.[114] Of the protectionist policies, 43 percent were targeted bailouts and direct subsidies for local companies, while 15 percent were tariff measures.[115] Since 2008, Russia has implemented many protectionist measures, about the same scale as did India, however the most protectionist state was the United States.[116]", "Maternity leave in the United States The United States maternity leave policy is distinct for its relative scarcity of benefits in comparison to other industrialized countries. Thus, the legislation imposes relatively few restrictions on American firms and instead underscores employer discretion in the shaping of maternity leave policy. These firms are thus free to offer maternity leave policies on terms that are more aligned with corporate interests.[11] This United States policy differs greatly from most other western countries in terms of maternity leave provision.", "Reasonable suspicion Police may also set up roadblocks and stop drivers without particularized reasonable suspicion that the stopped individual is engaged in criminal activity, so long as the plan for the stop is applied neutrally, for instance, driving while intoxicated - so long as all vehicles are stopped or every third vehicle is stopped, or some other reasonably neutral policy is applied for stopping vehicles.[18] Note that some states also impose additional notice requirements for roadblocks, such as appropriate signage and/or flashing blue or red lights.", "Protectionism Europe became increasingly protectionist during the eighteenth century.[32] Economic historians Findlay and O'Rourke write that \"the immediate aftermath of the Napoleonic Wars, European trade policies were almost universally protectionist,\" with the exceptions being smaller countries such as the Netherlands and Denmark.[32]", "Protectionism In the modern trade arena many other initiatives besides tariffs have been called protectionist. For example, some commentators, such as Jagdish Bhagwati, see developed countries efforts in imposing their own labor or environmental standards as protectionism. Also, the imposition of restrictive certification procedures on imports are seen in this light.", "Canada–United States Free Trade Agreement Starting in 1855, while Canada was under British control, free trade was implemented between the colonies of British North America and the United States under the Reciprocity Treaty. In 1866, a year before Canadian Confederation, the United States Congress voted to cancel the treaty. Canada's first Prime Minister, John A. Macdonald, the protectionist National Policy attempted and failed to reinstate reciprocity, after which the government moved to a more protectionist policy. Fears grew among many politicians that closer economic ties with the United States would lead to political annexation. [3]", "Spanish American wars of independence Foreign trade policies varied among the new countries, some like the United Provinces of Río de la Plata and Peru applied initially protectionist policies while Chile was more open to foreign trade while still applying a kind of neomercantilism.[57]", "Trans-Pacific Partnership Other countries and regions interested in TPP membership include Taiwan,[34] the Philippines,[35] and Colombia[36] as of 2010; Thailand[37] and Laos[38] as of 2012; and Indonesia,[39] Cambodia,[40] Bangladesh,[41] and India[42] as of 2013. According to law professor Edmund Sim in 2013, many of these countries would need to change their protectionist trade policies in order to join the TPP.[43]", "Illegal agreement Contracts in restraint of trade if proved to be reasonable can be enforced. When restraint is placed on an ex-employee, the court will consider the geographical limits, what the employee knows and the extent of the duration. Restraint imposed on a vendor of business must be reasonable and is binding if there is a genuine seal of goodwill. Under common law, contracts to fix prices are legal. Sole supplier (\"solus\") agreements are legal if reasonable. Contracts which contravene public policy are void.", "List of country names in various languages (D–I) Most countries of the world have different names in different languages. Some countries have also undergone name changes for political or other reasons. This article attempts to give all known alternative names for all nations, countries and sovereign states. It does not offer any opinion about what the \"original\", \"official\", \"real\", or \"correct\" name of any country is or was.", "List of country names in various languages (Q–Z) Most countries of the world have different names in different languages. Some countries have also undergone name changes for political or other reasons. This article attempts to give all known alternative names for all nations, countries and sovereign states. It does not offer any opinion about what the \"original\", \"official\", \"real\", or \"correct\" name of any country is or was.", "Income tax in the United States The United States imposes tax on all citizens of the United States, including those who are residents of other countries, and U.S. corporations.", "2013 enlargement of the European Union Upon Croatia's accession to the European Union on 1 July 2013, several countries and territories outside the European Union aligned the visa requirements imposed on Croatian citizens with those imposed on other EU citizens. For example, on 1 July 2013, Hong Kong SAR extended the visa-free period of stay for Croatian citizens from 14 days to 90 days in line with the visa-free period of stay granted to other EU citizens,[74] whilst New Zealand introduced a 90-day visa exemption for Croatian citizens.[75] It is likely that these countries and territories amended their visa policy for Croatian citizens because of the European Union's visa reciprocity mechanism. However, other countries such as Barbados,[76] Brunei,[77] and the United States[78] have not amended their visa policies to harmonise their treatment of Croatian citizens and other EU citizens.", "New Deal There is consensus amongst economic historians that protectionist policies, culminating in the Smoot-Hawley Act of 1930, worsened the Depression.[78] Franklin D. Roosevelt already spoke against the act while campaigning for president during 1932.[79] In 1934 the Reciprocal Tariff Act was drafted by Cordell Hull. It gave the president power to negotiate bilateral, reciprocal trade agreements with other countries. The act enabled Roosevelt to liberalize American trade policy around the globe. It is widely credited with ushering in the era of liberal trade policy that persists to this day.[80]", "Economy of Europe This means because of the protectionist nature of the CAP, agricultural products from developing countries are rendered incompetitive in both Europe (an important export market for developing countries) and on their home markets (as European agricultural products are dumped on developing countries' markets with help from European agricultural subsidies). This controversy surrounds every system of agricultural subsidies (the United States' policy of subsidizing farmers is also controversial). The CAP is also controversial because 40% of the EU's budget is spent on it, and because of the overproduction caused by it.", "Reason Some thinkers, e.g. Foucault, believe there are other forms of reason, neglected but essential to modern life, and to our understanding of what it means to live a life according to reason.[10]", "Robert Walpole Walpole has attracted attention from heterodox economists as a pioneer of protectionist policies, in the form of tariffs and subsidies to woollen manufacturers. As a result, the industry became Britain's primary export, enabling the country to import the raw materials and food that fueled the industrial revolution.[63]", "Quebec sovereignty movement The hyphen between the words \"sovereignty\" and \"association\" was often stressed by Lévesque and other PQ members, to make it clear that both were inseparable. The reason stated was that if Canada decided to boycott Quebec exports after voting for independence, the new country would have to go through difficult economic times, as the barriers to trade between Canada and the United States were then very high. Quebec would have been a nation of 7 million people stuck between two impenetrable protectionist countries. In the event of having to compete against Quebec, rather than support it, Canada could easily maintain its well-established links with the United States to prosper in foreign trade.", "Tariffs in United States history Paul Bairoch states that since the end of the 18th century, the United States has been \"the homeland and bastion of modern protectionism\". In fact, the United States never adhered to free trade until 1945. A protectionist policy was adopted during the presidency of George Washington by Alexander Hamilton, the first US Treasury Secretary. Hamilton wrote the Report on Manufactures, which called for customs barriers to allow American industrial development and to help protect infant industries, including bounties (subsidies) derived in part from those tariffs. This text was one of the references of the German economist Friedrich List (1789–1846). This policy remained throughout the 19th century and the overall level of tariffs was very high (close to 50% in 1830). The victory of the protectionist states of the North over the free trade southern states at the end of the Civil War (1861–1865) perpetuated this trend, even during periods of free trade in Europe (1860–1880).[11]", "Immigration to the United States ... a right-wing proposal, which says essentially there is no United States ... you're doing away with the concept of a nation-state. What right-wing people in this country would love is an open-border policy. Bring in all kinds of people, work for $2 or $3 an hour, that would be great for them. I don’t believe in that. I think we have to raise wages in this country, I think we have to do everything we can to create millions of jobs.[239][240]", "Eurozone When it comes to fiscal policies, 12 percent of the US federal budget is used for transfers to states and local governments. Also, when a state has financial or economic difficulties, a fair amount of money is automatically transferred to the state. The US government does not impose restrictions on state budget policies. This is different from the fiscal policies of the eurozone, where Treaty of Maastricht requires each eurozone member country to run its budget deficit smaller than 3 percent of its GDP.[74]", "Israeli–Palestinian conflict The Israeli government states it is justified under international law to impose a blockade on an enemy for security reasons. The power to impose a naval blockade is established under customary international law and Laws of armed conflict, and a United Nations commission has ruled that Israel's blockade is \"both legal and appropriate.\"[215][216] The Israeli Government's continued land, sea and air blockage is tantamount to collective punishment of the population, according to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.[217] The Military Advocate General of Israel has provided numerous reasonings for the policy:", "Diplomatic immunity Diplomats are exempt from import duty and tariffs for items for their personal use. In some countries, this has led to charges that diplomatic agents are profiting personally from resale of \"tax free\" goods. The receiving state may choose to impose restrictions on what may reasonably constitute personal use (for example, only a certain quantity of cigarettes per day). When enacted, such restrictions are generally quite generous so as to avoid tit-for-tat responses.", "Kim Jong-un In July 2016, the United States Department of the Treasury imposed personal sanctions on Kim. Although his involvement in human rights abuses was cited as the reason,[142] officials said the sanctions target the country's nuclear and missile programs.[143]", "Protectionism Some European powers did not liberalize during the 19th century, such as the Russian Empire and Austro-Hungarian Empire which remained highly protectionist. The Ottoman Empire also became increasingly protectionist.[36] In the Ottoman Empire's case, however, it previously had liberal free trade policies during the 18th to early 19th centuries, which British prime minister Benjamin Disraeli cited as \"an instance of the injury done by unrestrained competition\" in the 1846 Corn Laws debate, arguing that it destroyed what had been \"some of the finest manufactures of the world\" in 1812.[37]", "Reasonable person Strictly according to the fiction, it is misconceived for a party to seek evidence from actual people in order to establish how the reasonable man would have acted or what he would have foreseen.[1][3] This person's character and care conduct under any common set of facts, is decided through reasoning of good practice or policy—or \"learned\" permitting there is a compelling consensus of public opinion—by high courts.[4][5]", "Soft power In international relations, soft power is generated only in part by what the government does through its policies and public diplomacy. The generation of soft power is also affected in positive (and negative) ways by a host of non-state actors within and outside the country. Those actors affect both the general public and governing elites in other countries, and create an enabling or disabling environment for government policies.[citation needed]", "Economic history of Argentina Juan Manuel de Rosas forced Lavalle to leave the province, and the federals ruled Buenos Aires until 1852.[38] Rosas modified a number of policies of the Rivadavian period but maintained others: he set a customs law with protectionist policies, but kept the port under the exclusive control of Buenos Aires and refused to call a constituent assembly.[39]", "Industrial policy Many types of industrial policies contain common elements with other types of interventionist practices such as trade policy and fiscal policy. An example of a typical industrial policy is import-substitution-industrialization (ISI), where trade barriers are temporarily imposed on some key sectors, such as manufacturing.[6] By selectively protecting certain industries, these industries are given time to learn (learning by doing) and upgrade. Once competitive enough, these restrictions are lifted to expose the selected industries to the international market.[7]", "History of Latin America In recent years, several Latin American countries led by socialist or other left wing governments—including Argentina and Venezuela—have campaigned for (and to some degree adopted) policies contrary to the Washington Consensus set of policies. (Other Latin counties with governments of the left, including Brazil, Chile and Peru, have in practice adopted the bulk of the policies). Also critical of the policies as actually promoted by the International Monetary Fund have been some US economists, such as Joseph Stiglitz and Dani Rodrik, who have challenged what are sometimes described as the \"fundamentalist\" policies of the International Monetary Fund and the US Treasury for what Stiglitz calls a \"one size fits all\" treatment of individual economies. The term has become associated with neoliberal policies in general and drawn into the broader debate over the expanding role of the free market, constraints upon the state, and US influence on other countries' national sovereignty.[citation needed]", "Economic policy Another type of non-discretionary policy is a set of policies which are imposed by an international body. This can occur (for example) as a result of intervention by the International Monetary Fund.", "Country Sometimes countries refers both to sovereign states and to other political entities,[2] while other times it refers only to states.[3] For example, the CIA World Factbook uses the word in its \"Country name\" field to refer to \"a wide variety of dependencies, areas of special sovereignty, uninhabited islands, and other entities in addition to the traditional countries or independent states\".[4][Note 1]", "Black Wednesday Other ERM countries such as Italy, whose currencies had breached their bands during the day, returned to the system with broadened bands or with adjusted central parities.[citation needed] Even in this relaxed form, ERM-I proved vulnerable, and ten months later the rules were relaxed further to the point of imposing very little constraint on the domestic monetary policies of member states.[citation needed]", "Protectionism Since then however, then-President-elect Donald Trump announced in November 2016 that he would abandon the TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership) deal, placing the protectionist policies reflected in Trumponomics very much on the table, despite the wishes of all the other G20 nations.", "Chinese economic reform China's trade surplus is considered by some in the United States as threatening American jobs. In the 2000s, the Bush administration pursued protectionist policies such as tariffs and quotas to limit the import of Chinese goods. Some scholars argue that China's growing trade surplus is the result of industries in more developed Asian countries moving to China, and not a new phenomenon.[38] China's trade policy, which allows producers to avoid paying the Value Added Tax (VAT) for exports and undervaluation of the currency since 2002, has resulted in an overdeveloped export sector and distortion of the economy overall, a result that could hamper future growth.[55]", "Visa policy of Turkey Even though Turkey is a candidate country for the membership in the European Union, it has a more complex visa policy than the visa policy of the Schengen Area.[2] Turkey requires visas from citizens of certain EU member states and Schengen Annex II countries and territories – Antigua and Barbuda, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bahamas, Barbados, Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, Dominica, East Timor, Grenada, Ireland, Kiribati, Malta, Marshall Islands, Mauritius, Mexico, Micronesia, Norway, Netherlands, Palau, Poland, Portugal, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Spain, Taiwan, Tonga, Tuvalu, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, and Vanuatu. On the other hand, Turkey grants visa-free access to citizens of other countries and territories – Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belize, Bolivia, Ecuador, Iran, Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, Jordan, Lebanon, Mongolia, Morocco, Qatar, Russia, Tajikistan, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.", "Either/Or Kierkegaard may have been responding to what Hegel wrote about \"divine commands and the State and country and community and Freedom and Reason\".", "Duty to rescue Many civil law systems, which are common in Continental Europe, Latin America and much of Africa, impose a far more extensive duty to rescue.[3] The duty is usually limited to doing what is “reasonable”. In particular, a helper must not endanger their own life or that of others.[23]", "Trade policy of Japan The 1970s and 1980s saw the emergence of policies to restrain exports in certain industries. The great success of some Japanese export industries created a backlash in other countries, either because of their success per se or because of allegations of unfair competitive practices. Under General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) guidelines, nations have been reluctant to raise tariffs or impose import quotas. Quotas violate the guidelines, and raising tariffs goes against the general trend among industrial nations. Instead, they have resorted to convincing the exporting country to \"voluntarily\" restrain exports of the offending product. In the 1980s, Japan was quite willing to carry out such export restraints. Among Japan's exports to the United States, steel, color television sets, and automobiles all were subject to such restraints at various times.", "One-child policy Sex-selected abortion, abandonment, and infanticide are illegal in China. Nevertheless, the United States Department of State,[124] the Parliament of the United Kingdom,[125] and the human rights organization Amnesty International[126] have all declared that infanticide still exists.[127][128][129] A writer for the Georgetown Journal of International Affairs wrote, \"The 'one-child' policy has also led to what Amartya Sen first called 'Missing Women', or the 100 million girls 'missing' from the populations of China (and other developing countries) as a result of female infanticide, abandonment, and neglect\".[130]", "School uniforms by country School uniforms are compulsory for school children in Burundi.[7] Burundi like most African countries has a compulsory school uniform policy. Burundi's school uniform policy dates back to the colonial days. During those days chief's sons' wore a white uniform and all other children wore khaki.[8] The uniform policy is still in force in Burundi to date. However, schools decide on what uniform the pupils wear. It is also argued that the school uniform policy in addition to poverty, especially in the rural areas, is negatively affecting enrollment into schools.[9]", "Manufacturing in the United States Manufacturing in the United States is a vital sector.[1] Manufacturing jobs helped build out the U.S. middle class after World War 2, as the U.S. established pro-labor policies and faced limited global competition. Since the 1990s, several trends, such as the rise of China, globalized free trade, and supply chain innovation, have arguably resulted in the off-shoring of thousands of U.S. manufacturing facilities and millions of manufacturing jobs to lower-wage countries.[2] Experts continue debating the merits of free trade versus protectionist positions, with job creation or preservation in the manufacturing sector an important topic in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.[3] The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) forecast in October 2017 that manufacturing employment would fall from 12.3 million in 2016 to 11.6 million in 2026, a decline of 736,000. As a share of employment, manufacturing would fall from 7.9% in 2016 to 6.9% in 2026, continuing a long-term trend.[4]", "One-child policy The policy was enforced at the provincial level through fines that were imposed based on the income of the family and other factors. \"Population and Family Planning Commissions\" existed at every level of government to raise awareness and carry out registration and inspection work.[63]", "Corporate tax Tax rates vary by jurisdiction and some countries have sub-country level jurisdictions like provinces, cantons, prefectures, cities, or other that also impose corporate income tax like Canada, Germany, Japan, Switzerland, and the United States.[12] Some jurisdictions impose tax at a different rate on an alternative tax base.", "Open Door Policy In more recent times, Open Door policy describes the economic policy initiated by Deng Xiaoping in 1978 to open up China to foreign businesses that wanted to invest in the country. This policy set into motion the economic transformation of modern China.[2]", "Now That's What I Call a Country Christmas Now That's What I Call a Country Christmas is a compilation album released on October 6, 2009, as part of the (US) Now That's What I Call Music! series.[2]", "Economic history of Greece and the Greek world As the reverberations of the Great Depression hit Greece in 1932, the Bank of Greece tried to adopt deflationary policies to stave off the crises that were going on in other countries, but these largely failed. For a brief period the drachma was pegged to the US dollar, but this was unsustainable given the country’s large trade deficit and the only long-term effects of this were Greece’s foreign exchange reserves being almost totally wiped out in 1932. Remittances from abroad declined sharply and the value of the drachma began to plummet from 77 drachmas to the dollar in March 1931 to 111 drachmas to the dollar in April, 1931. This was especially harmful to Greece as the country relied on imports from the UK, France and the Middle East for many necessities. Greece went off the gold standard in April, 1932 and declared a moratorium on all interest payments. The country also adopted protectionist policies such as import quotas, which a number of European countries did during the time period.", "Great Depression The reverberations of the Great Depression hit Greece in 1932. The Bank of Greece tried to adopt deflationary policies to stave off the crises that were going on in other countries, but these largely failed. For a brief period the drachma was pegged to the U.S. dollar, but this was unsustainable given the country's large trade deficit and the only long-term effects of this were Greece's foreign exchange reserves being almost totally wiped out in 1932. Remittances from abroad declined sharply and the value of the drachma began to plummet from 77 drachmas to the dollar in March 1931 to 111 drachmas to the dollar in April, 1931. This was especially harmful to Greece as the country relied on imports from the UK, France and the Middle East for many necessities. Greece went off the gold standard in April, 1932 and declared a moratorium on all interest payments. The country also adopted protectionist policies such as import quotas, which a number of European countries did during the time period.", "Environmental policy of the United States The environmental policy of the United States is a federal governmental action to regulate activities that have an environmental impact in the United States. The goal of environmental policy is to protect the environment for future generations while interfering as little as possible with the efficiency of commerce or the liberty of the people and to limit inequity in who is burdened with environmental costs. As his first official act bringing in the 1970s, President Richard Nixon signed the U.S. National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) into law on New Years Day, 1970. Also in the same year, American starts to celebrate the first earth day, which is \"the big bang of U.S. environmental politics, launching the country on a sweeping social learning curve about ecological management never before experienced or attempted in any other nation\"(RosenBaum, 2016, p. 9).[1] NEPA established a comprehensive US national environmental policy and created the requirement to prepare an environmental impact statement for “major federal actions significantly affecting the quality of the environment.” Eccleston has called NEPA, the world's “environmental Magna Carta”.[2]", "Duty of care California Civil Code section 1714 imposes a general duty of ordinary care, which by default requires all persons to take reasonable measures to prevent harm to others.[20]\nIn the 1968 case of Rowland v. Christian, the court held that judicial exceptions to this general duty of care should only be created if clearly justified based on the following public-policy factors:", "The Washington Institute for Near East Policy The Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP) is an American think tank based in Washington, D.C., focused on the foreign policy of the United States as it pertains to the countries in the Near East. Established in 1985, the institute's mission statement says that it seeks \"to advance a balanced and realistic understanding of American interests in the Middle East and to promote the policies that secure them.\"[1] Its stance is often described as pro-Israel.[2][3][4]", "Scramble for Africa Sub-Saharan Africa, one of the last regions of the world largely untouched by \"informal imperialism\", was also attractive to Europe's ruling elites for economic, political and social reasons. During a time when Britain's balance of trade showed a growing deficit, with shrinking and increasingly protectionist continental markets due to the Long Depression (1873–96), Africa offered Britain, Germany, France, and other countries an open market that would garner them a trade surplus: a market that bought more from the colonial power than it sold overall.[4]", "Median voter theorem With the difficulties associated with aggregating society's preferences, what are some alternatives that can be considered? Potentially, members of society could simply vote for their first choice rather than rank their preferences. Alternatively, there could be weights distributed based on the intensity and passion that members feel for specific issues. Both of these are problematic for several reasons, including the frequent occurrences of ties. In 1951, Kenneth Arrow received the Nobel Prize in economics for a theorem based on these challenges with aggregating preferences consistently. Arrow's Impossibility Theorem states that there is no general solution to the abstract social choice problem. Arrow had the insight to realize that numerous individuals of different demographics and geography cannot all have consistent and similar political, socioeconomic, or many other beliefs. Arrow found that the only way for the social choice problem to have a single solution was to either (1) restrict individual preferences to certain and specific bundles or (2) impose a dictatorship.[4] In reality, it seems that the party system in the United States and in other countries restricts your political beliefs to one side or the other.", "Economy of ancient Greece The main participants in Greek commerce were the class of traders known as emporoi (ἕμποροι). The state collected a duty on their cargo. At Piraeus (the main port of Athens), this tax was set initially at 1%, then at 2%. By the end of the 5th century, the tax had been raised to 33 talents (Andocides, I, 133-134). In 413, Athens ended the collection of tribute from the Delian League and imposed a 5% duty on all the ports of her empire (Thucydides, VII, 28, 4) in the hope (unrealized) of increasing revenues. These duties were never protectionist, but were merely intended to raise money for the public treasury.", "Visa policy of South Korea In 2007 the government introduced several new regulations to the E-2 visa. Included in these were a criminal record check, health check, and consulate/embassy interview for first-time applicants.[55] In 2008 several English-speaking countries that were disqualified from applying for the E-2 visa denounced it as discriminatory. The Philippines ambassador met with Korean Immigration officials to try to persuade them to change the policy and allow teachers from The Philippines to teach English in South Korea.[56] However, the government had already indicated earlier in the year that they planned to look at expanding E-2 visas to additional countries but it required the approval of various government agencies, so there was no timeframe for when it would come to fruition.[57] In the same year, foreign instructors already working in Korea also called the rules surrounding the visa discriminatory because they were subject to health criminal and other checks, unlike other foreigners on different visas, such as ethnic Koreans born abroad or foreigners who had married Koreans. Korean Immigration responded that it was their policy to favour ethnic Koreans and that other nations and territories followed similar policies.[58] Increasing crime was cited as a reason for the regulations, but some teachers felt it was a knee-jerk reaction to a suspected pedophile who had taught in South Korea, but never had a criminal record in the first place. Immigration again claimed the right to decide how and to whom it issued visas.[59] Later in 2009, a challenge was filed with the National Human Rights Commission in Korea over the checks by law professor Benjamin Wagner.[60]", "Vagueness doctrine In American constitutional law, a statute is void for vagueness and unenforceable if it is too vague for the average citizen to understand. There are several reasons a statute may be considered vague; in general, a statute might be called void for vagueness reasons when an average citizen cannot generally determine what persons are regulated, what conduct is prohibited, or what punishment may be imposed. Criminal laws which do not state explicitly and definitely what conduct is punishable for example are void for vagueness. A statute is also void for vagueness if a legislature's delegation of authority to judges and/or administrators is so extensive that it would lead to arbitrary prosecutions.[1] Related to the \"void for vagueness\" concept is the \"unconstitutional vagueness\" concept (see below).", "Mercantilism Over the rest of the 16th century, further protectionist measures were introduced. The height of French mercantilism is closely associated with Jean-Baptiste Colbert, finance minister for 22 years in the 17th century, to the extent that French mercantilism is sometimes called Colbertism. Under Colbert, the French government became deeply involved in the economy in order to increase exports. Protectionist policies were enacted that limited imports and favored exports. Industries were organized into guilds and monopolies, and production was regulated by the state through a series of more than one thousand directives outlining how different products should be produced.[28]", "American Bar Association Model Rules of Professional Conduct But the most important reason the California Bar is reluctant to adopt the ABA Model Rules is that most members believe the ABA Model Rules would not sufficiently protect the California public from harm. This is due to California law and public policy being so markedly different from the rest of the country in so many ways. For example, California is one of only four states where covenants not to compete are void as against public policy; and it is one of only three states where trusts are presumed to be revocable unless the trust instrument explicitly states the trust is irrevocable (whereas the opposite is true in the other 47 states).", "Reverse brain drain China has generally been seen as a developing country, and they have been impacted by brain drain through the migration of their talented minds to the developed world. What has assisted China in the flow of return migration are central government policies. These policies are changes in the domestic environment, the freedom to immigrate and emigrate freely, political stability, and changes in how the government uses people.[13] In addition, the local government was involved in the enhancement of return migration by cities rewarding the returnees with large bonuses from their home unit.[14] There are also other reasons which encouraged the migration back to the home country, which were higher social status in China, better career opportunities in China, and patriotism.[15]", "Visa policy of the Schengen Area The Schengen Area consists of 22 EU member states and four non-EU countries who are members of EFTA: Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland. Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus and Romania are not yet part of the Schengen Area but, nonetheless, have a visa policy that is based on the Schengen acquis.[2]", "Non-compete clause Third, to enforce a CNC, a Plaintiff must show the CNC is reasonable from the standpoint of a sound public policy. Virginia does not favor restrictions on employment and therefore CNCs are generally held against public policy unless they are narrowly drafted as enumerated above. In Virginia, a CNC does not violate public policy if the restrictions it imposes do not create a monopoly for the services offered by the employer or create a shortage of the skills provided by the employee.[44]", "Massachusetts health care reform The Division of Health Care Finance and Policy defined by regulation what contribution level meets the \"fair and reasonable\" test in the statute. The regulation imposes two tests. First, employers are deemed to have offered \"fair and reasonable\" coverage if at least 25% of their full-time workers are enrolled in the firm's health plan. Alternatively, a company meets the standard if it offers to pay at least 33% of the premium cost of an individual health plan. For employers with 50 or more FTEs, both standards must be met, or 75% of full-time workers must be enrolled in the firm's health plan. Regulatory and analytic information is available on the Division's website.[citation needed]", "Non-tariff barriers to trade The consequence of this trade barrier is normally reflected in the consumers’ loss because of higher prices and limited selection of goods as well as in the companies that employ the imported materials in the production process, increasing their costs. An import quota can be unilateral, levied by the country without negotiations with exporting country, and bilateral or multilateral, when it is imposed after negotiations and agreement with exporting country. An export quota is a restricted amount of goods that can leave the country. There are different reasons for imposing of export quota by the country, which can be the guarantee of the supply of the products that are in shortage in the domestic market, manipulation of the prices on the international level, and the control of goods strategically important for the country. In some cases, the importing countries request exporting countries to impose voluntary export restraints.", "Industrial policy The industrial policy of a country, sometimes denoted IP, is its official strategic effort to encourage the development and growth of part or all of the manufacturing sector as well as other sectors of the economy.[1][2][3] The government takes measures \"aimed at improving the competitiveness and capabilities of domestic firms and promoting structural transformation.\"[4] A country's infrastructure (transportation, telecommunications and energy industry) is a major part of the manufacturing sector that often has a key role in IP.", "Sunshine Policy Sunshine policy is often compared to the Western German Chancellor, Willy Brandt's Ostpolitik (Eastern Policy) which is a foreign policy of change through détente in the hopes of improving relations with East Germany, the Soviet Union, Poland and other Soviet Bloc countries in the early 1970s.[1]", "Opposition to immigration ...a right-wing proposal, which says essentially there is no United States...you're doing away with the concept of a nation-state. What right-wing people in this country would love is an open-border policy. Bring in all kinds of people, work for $2 or $3 an hour, that would be great for them. I don’t believe in that. I think we have to raise wages in this country, I think we have to do everything we can to create millions of jobs.[184][185]", "Income tax Income taxes are separately imposed by sub-national jurisdictions in several countries with federal systems. These include Canada, Germany, Switzerland, and the United States, where provinces, cantons, or states impose separate taxes. In a few countries, cities also impose income taxes. The system may be integrated (as in Germany) with taxes collected at the federal level. In Quebec and the United States, federal and state systems are independently administered and have differences in determination of taxable income.", "Free World During the Cold War, many neutral countries, namely those in what is considered the Third World, or those having no formal alliance with either the United States or the Soviet Union, viewed the claim of \"Free World\" leadership by the United States as grandiose and illegitimate.[2] The phrase has also been used in an ironically negative manner, usually in an anti-US context, by those who do not approve of either United States foreign policy or despise the United States as a whole.", "Monetary policy of India Monetary policy is the process by which monetary authority of a country\n, generally central bank controls the supply of money in the economy by its control over interest rates in order to maintain price stability and achieve high economic growth.[1] In India, the central monetary authority is the Reserve Bank of India (RBI).\nIt is so designed as to maintain the price stability in the economy. Other objectives of the monetary policy of India, as stated by RBI, are:-", "Salman of Saudi Arabia Al Jazeera referred to Salman's views reported in a 2007 US diplomatic cable.[59][60] Salman said that \"the pace and extent of reforms depend on social and cultural factors, ... that for social reasons—not [religious] reasons—reforms cannot be imposed by the [Saudi government] or there will be negative reactions, ... [and] that changes have to be introduced in a sensitive and timely manner.\" According to the cable, he said that \"democracy should not be imposed\" in Saudi Arabia, since the country \"is composed of tribes and regions and if democracy were imposed, each tribe and region would have its political party.\"[60]", "Economy of Africa Intra-African trade has been slowed by protectionist policies among countries and regions. Despite this, trade between countries belonging to the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), a particularly strong economic region, grew six-fold over the past decade up to 2012.[50] Ghana and Kenya, for example, have developed markets within the region for construction materials, machinery, and finished products, quite different from the mining and agriculture products that make up the bulk of their international exports.[51]", "Income inequality in the United States The NYT reported in 2014 that there were three key reasons for other industrialized countries improving real median income relative to the United States over the 2000-2010 period:", "Attorney general For historical reasons, the term United States Attorney General is used for what in most countries is called the minister of justice because the United States Attorney General is in fact the head of the United States Justice Department, and the attorney general of each US state has a similar role.", "Reason Philosophy is sometimes described as a life of reason, with normal human reason pursued in a more consistent and dedicated way than usual. Two categories of problem concerning reason have long been discussed by philosophers concerning reason, essentially being reasonings about reasoning itself as a human aim, or philosophizing about philosophizing. The first question is concerning whether we can be confident that reason can achieve knowledge of truth better than other ways of trying to achieve such knowledge. The other question is whether a life of reason, a life that aims to be guided by reason, can be expected to achieve a happy life more so than other ways of life (whether such a life of reason results in knowledge or not).", "Medical amnesty policy Medical Amnesty Policies are laws or acts enacted protecting from liability those who seek medical attention as a result of illegal actions. Such policies have been developing most notably in colleges in the United States regarding alcohol use by students. Schools such as Cornell University have implemented such policies to protect students seeking medical attention from illegal action for underage drinking and possession of alcohol and/or other drugs. The purpose of such policies is to reduce the hesitation caused by fear of legal action to seek medical attention.[1]\nSimilar policies are applicable at many levels: Colleges and universities, local communities, as well as state governments. In 2012, The Medical Amnesty Initiative was started with the specific purpose of advocating for the introduction, passage, and education of Medical Amnesty legislation throughout the United States.[2]", "International Development Association Although the IDA's funds are now regularly replenished, this does not happen without some financial and political challenges for the donating countries. When donor countries convene to negotiate the replenishments, there is often intense discussion about redefining the association's goals and objectives or even about reforming the IDA.[39] Due to delays in the United States Congress impeding the approval of IDA funding, the association's members implemented a set of policy triggers outlining the commitment threshold necessary for replenishment to take effect. The threshold imposed a requirement that an aggregate share of 85% in voting stock is necessary for executing a replenishment. The threshold was implemented with the aim to compel the United States to participate in replenishment rounds. Though countries intended for the triggers to hold the United States to its commitments, the threshold ultimately provided the United States a de facto veto power over replenishment and capital increase negotiations due to its ability to bring replenishment negotiations to an impasse by threatening to withhold support. The U.S. has used this influence to further its long-term foreign policy objectives and short-term political and economic goals by imposing conditionality on replenishment negotiations.[11][dubious – discuss]", "Jock tax The modern \"jock tax\" originated in 1991, when California imposed the tax on the earnings of Chicago Bulls players who traveled to Los Angeles to play the Lakers in that year's NBA Finals. Illinois soon retaliated, imposing its own \"jock tax\" on out-of-state players[1]—although Illinois' tax is only imposed on athletes from states that impose jock taxes on Illinois-based players.[2] Other states followed suit; by 2014, the only U.S. jurisdictions with major professional teams without a jock tax were Florida, Texas, Washington state, and Washington, D.C.[1] (the three states do not impose personal income taxes, while the U.S. Congress specifically prohibits the District of Columbia from imposing its income tax on non-residents who work there).", "Popular music In a 2015 study involving young students in Shanghai, youths stated they enjoyed listening to both Chinese, other Asian nationalities, and Anglo-American popular music. There are three ways that young people of China were able to access global music.[16] The first reason was a policy change since the late 1970s where the country was opened up to the rest of the world instead of being self-contained. This created more opportunities for Chinese people to interact with people outside of their country of origin to create a more globalized culture. The second reason is that the Chinese television and music industry since the 1980s has broadcast television shows from their neighboring Asian societies and the West. The third reason is the impact of the internet and smartphones on the accessibility of streaming music.[16]", "Paddy field In recent years rice consumption in Japan has fallen and many rice farmers are increasingly elderly. The government has subsidized rice production since the 1970s, and favors protectionist policies regarding cheaper imported rice.[33]", "Taxation in the United States The U.S. has an assortment of federal, state, local, and special-purpose governmental jurisdictions. Each imposes taxes to fully or partly fund its operations. These taxes may be imposed on the same income, property or activity, often without offset of one tax against another. The types of tax imposed at each level of government vary, in part due to constitutional restrictions. Income taxes are imposed at the federal and most state levels. Taxes on property are typically imposed only at the local level, although there may be multiple local jurisdictions that tax the same property. Other excise taxes are imposed by the federal and some state governments. Sales taxes are imposed by most states and many local governments. Customs duties or tariffs are only imposed by the federal government. A wide variety of user fees or license fees are also imposed.", "Visa policy of the Schengen Area Countries applying to join the European Union are obliged to adopt the EU's visa policy no later than three months before they formally join the Union.[217] Schengen countries give visa-free access to nationals of all European Union candidate and applicant states except Turkey.[218] Candidate states Albania, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia maintain similar visa policies to the Schengen Area with some notable exceptions regarding countries that were added to the Annex II more recently and additional nationalities not listed in Schengen Annex II, while Turkey still requires visas even from nationals of some of the Schengen member states. Bosnia and Herzegovina as an applicant country also has its visa policy mostly aligned with the Schengen Area.", "Environmental policy of the United States Critics of environmental legislation argue that the gains made in environmental protection come at too great a cost. The overall cost of environmental regulation in the United States is estimated to be about 2% of the gross domestic product-similar to many other countries, but calculating the cost is challenging both conceptually (deciding what costs are included) and practically (with data from a broad range of sources).[42] In 1994, almost $122 billion was spent on pollution abatement and control. $35 billion of that has been in direct government spending, $65 billion was spent by business, and $22 billion was spent by individuals.", "Reason A subdivision of Philosophy is Logic. Logic is the study of reasoning. Deduction is a form of reasoning in which a conclusion follows necessarily from the stated premises. A deduction is also the conclusion reached by a deductive reasoning process. One classic example of deductive reasoning is that found in syllogisms like the following:", "Subsidiary alliance The methodology was subsequently adopted by the East India Company, with Robert Clive imposing a series of conditions on Mir Jafar of Bengal, following the 1757 Battle of Plassey, and subsequently those in the 1765 Treaty of Allahabad, as a result of the Companies success in the 1764 Battle of Buxar. A successor of Clive, Richard Wellesley initially took a non-interventionist policy towards the Native states but later adopted, and refined the policy of forming subsidiary alliances. The purpose and ambition of this change are stated in his February 1804 dispatch to the East India Company Resident in Hyderabad[2]:", "Quds Day In 2006, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad threatened any country that supports Israel, and said the U.S. and its allies had \"imposed a group of terrorists\" on the region with their support of the Jewish state. He added that Israel no longer had any reason to exist and would soon disappear: \"This regime, thanks to God, has lost the reason for its existence. Efforts to stabilize this fake (Israeli) regime, by the grace of God, have completely failed... You should believe that this regime is disappearing.\"[28]", "International Monetary Fund In 2006, a senior ActionAid policy analyst Akanksha Marphatia stated that IMF policies in Africa undermine any possibility of meeting the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) due to imposed restrictions that prevent spending on important sectors, such as education and health.[95]", "Republic of Ireland Interest towards membership of the European Economic Community (EEC) developed in Ireland during the 1950s, with consideration also given to membership of the European Free Trade Area. As the United Kingdom intended on EEC membership, Ireland applied for membership in July 1961 due to the substantial economic linkages with the United Kingdom. However, the founding EEC members remained skeptical regarding Ireland's economic capacity, neutrality, and unattractive protectionist policy.[48] Many Irish economists and politicians realised that economic policy reform was necessary. The prospect of EEC membership became doubtful in 1963 when French President General Charles de Gaulle stated that France opposed Britain's accession, which ceased negotiations with all other candidate countries. However, in 1969 his successor, Georges Pompidou, was not opposed to British and Irish membership. Negotiations began and in 1972 the Treaty of Accession was signed. A referendum held in 1972 confirmed Ireland's entry, and it finally joined the EEC in 1973.[49]", "Universal Declaration of Human Rights Some legal scholars have argued that because countries have constantly invoked the Declaration over more than 50 years, it has become binding as a part of customary international law.[1][2] However, in the United States, the Supreme Court in Sosa v. Alvarez-Machain (2004), concluded that the Declaration \"does not of its own force impose obligations as a matter of international law.\"[3] Courts of other countries have also concluded that the Declaration is not in itself part of domestic law.", "Legal realism Holmes is a towering figure in American legal thought for many reasons, but what the realists drew most from Holmes was his famous prediction theory of law, his utilitarian approach to legal reasoning, and his \"realist\" insistence that judges, in deciding cases, are not simply deducing legal conclusions with inexorable, machine-like logic, but are influenced by ideas of fairness, public policy, and other personal and conventional values.", "List of countries without armed forces This is a list of countries without armed forces. The term country here means sovereign states and not dependencies (e.g., Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Bermuda), whose defense is the responsibility of another country or an army alternative. The term armed forces refers to any government-sponsored defense used to further the domestic and foreign policies of their respective government. Some of the countries listed, such as Iceland and Monaco, have no standing armies but still have a non-police military force.[1][2][3]", "Trade Trade sanctions against a specific country are sometimes imposed, in order to punish that country for some action. An embargo, a severe form of externally imposed isolation, is a blockade of all trade by one country on another. For example, the United States has had an embargo against Cuba for over 40 years.[60]", "Income tax in the United States A tax is imposed on net taxable income in the United States by the federal, most state, and some local governments.[2] Income tax is imposed on individuals, corporations, estates, and trusts.[3] The definition of net taxable income for most sub-federal jurisdictions mostly follows the federal definition.", "Economic history of the United States Specific government programs and policies which gave shape and form to the American School and the American System include the establishment of the Patent Office in 1802; the creation of the Coast and Geodetic Survey in 1807 and other measures to improve river and harbor navigation; the various Army expeditions to the west, beginning with Lewis and Clark's Corps of Discovery in 1804 and continuing into the 1870s, almost always under the direction of an officer from the Army Corps of Topographical Engineers, and which provided crucial information for the overland pioneers that followed; the assignment of Army Engineer officers to assist or direct the surveying and construction of the early railroads and canals; the establishment of the First Bank of the United States and Second Bank of the United States as well as various protectionist measures (e.g., the tariff of 1828).", "Two-child policy From 1954 to 1975, Vietnam was split into North and South Vietnam along the 17th parallel with separate governments and policies in each region. North Vietnam became the Democratic Republic of Vietnam and had a communist government, whereas South Vietnam became the Republic of Vietnam and was more aligned with the United States and other Western nations.[38] In 1963, North Vietnam began a policy advocating a two-or-three-child norm due to the sharp population increase of the largely poor and rural population.[34] Vietnam's family planning policy was developed before those of other countries, such as China and India, the government used a system of information, education, communication (IEC) campaign and publicly accessible contraceptives to curb the population.[39] After the reunification of North and South Vietnam in 1975 under the Communist Party, there was a governmental effort to extend the policies of the North to the rest of Vietnam, which extended into the next decade.[40] Though the government of the Republic of Vietnam adopted family planning in general as the official state policy, inadequate medical facilities prevented the policy from being effectively implemented.[41]", "Development aid Clark et al.’s paper takes Hirschman’s Exit-Voice-Loyalty model [1] and applies it to political developments inside a nation. When a government changes a policy that now has a negative effect on the welfare of some citizens, or is already being unresponsive to a deleterious situation, the citizens have the same 3 choices of response as before. Here, “exit” can take the form of citizens leaving the country The Art of Not Being Governed and hence depriving the state of their taxes or simply rearranging their capital and goods so they are not taxed by the government, as seen with British merchants threatening to move capital to the Netherlands if not given representation after the Glorious Revolution. “Voice” takes the form of non-violent civil disobedience, as seen with Gandhi's Salt March and the Black Lives Matter protests in Ferguson, a violent demonstration, as seen with Luddite breaking weaving machinery to protest the lack of protectionist policies by the English government, or even “everyday resistance” [2] where small, non-cooperation and false create high costs for the state. “Loyalty” entails that the citizens simply accept the situation and continue their lives before.", "Reason In the last several decades, a number of proposals have been made to \"re-orient\" this critique of reason, or to recognize the \"other voices\" or \"new departments\" of reason:", "South African criminal law The test of negligence, on the other hand, is not necessarily what the actor thought or foresaw, but rather what a reasonable person would have foreseen and done in the circumstances. The enquiry is thus not as to the actual state of the actor’s mind but rather as to whether his or her conduct measured up to that of the reasonable person. The test is \"objective.\"", "Price controls Historically, price controls have often been imposed as part of a larger incomes policy package also employing wage controls and other regulatory elements.", "Cuba–United States relations On June 16, 2017, President Trump announced that he was suspending what he called a \"completely one-sided deal with Cuba\" (referring to Obama's policy of granting Cuba economic sanctions relief for nothing in return). A new policy aims to impose new restrictions with regards to travel and funding, however travelling via airlines and cruise lines will not be prohibited completely. Moreover, diplomatic relations remain intact and embassies in Washington D.C. and Havana stay open.[84][85]" ]
where are they building the new raiders stadium
[ "Las Vegas Stadium Las Vegas Stadium is the working name for a domed stadium under construction in Paradise, Nevada for the Las Vegas Raiders of the National Football League (NFL) and the UNLV Rebels football team from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV). It is located on about 62 acres west of Mandalay Bay at Russell Road and Hacienda Avenue and between Polaris Avenue and Dean Martin Drive, just west of Interstate 15. Construction of the $1.9 billion stadium began in September 2017 and is expected to be completed in time for the 2020 NFL season." ]
[ "Oakland Raiders relocation to Las Vegas Mark Davis further increased the unlikelihood of the Raiders and the 49ers to share Levi's stadium when he told NFL Network reporter Ian Rapoport that he had no plans to share the stadium but that he did recognize the Raiders' need for a new home and that he hoped the new home would be in Oakland.[17] When Levi's Stadium had its grand opening on July 17, 2014, NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell mentioned to the live crowd that it would make a great home for the Raiders and that the team had to decide whether or not it wanted to play there or build a stadium on the site of the Oakland–Alameda County Coliseum.[18]", "History of the Los Angeles Raiders On February 19, 2015, the Raiders and the Chargers announced that they would build a privately financed $1.78 billion stadium in Carson, California if they were to move to the Los Angeles market.[22] Both teams stated that they would continue to attempt to get stadiums built in their respective cities.[23]", "Oakland Raiders After splitting the first home season between Kezar Stadium and Candlestick, the Raiders moved exclusively to Candlestick Park in 1961, where total attendance for the season was about 50,000, and finished 2–12. Valley threatened to move the Raiders out of the area unless a stadium was built in Oakland, so in 1962 the Raiders moved into 18,000-seat Frank Youell Field (later expanded to 22,000 seats), their first home in Oakland.[88] It was a temporary home for the team while the 53,000 seat Oakland Alameda Coliseum was under construction; the Coliseum was completed in 1966. The Raiders have shared the Coliseum with the Oakland Athletics since the A's moved to Oakland from Kansas City in 1968, except for the years the Raiders called Los Angeles home (1982–94). The Raiders have defeated and lost to all 31 other NFL teams at the Coliseum at least once.", "Oakland Raiders relocation to Las Vegas It was reported in early 2015 that the Raiders sat down with Athletics owner Lewis Wolff in an effort to create a stadium solution where two separate stadiums (one for the Raiders and one for the Athletics) would have been built on the coliseum site. The Athletics balked at the deal.[24] In an interview with J. T. the Brick on KGMZ on April 4, 2017, Davis revealed that he offered Wolff (the owner of the Athletics) 20 percent of the Raiders in an attempt to get a deal done. Davis further elaborated that the closest the Raiders came to a deal in Oakland was in 2013 with Colony Capital, before the Athletics agreed to a 10-year lease extension at the Coliseum with the city of Oakland.[25]", "Oakland Raiders The day following the conclusion of the 2015 regular season, the Raiders, St. Louis Rams, and San Diego Chargers all filed to relocate to Los Angeles.[57] On January 12, 2016, the NFL owners voted 30–2 to allow the Rams to return to L.A. and approved a stadium project in Inglewood, California proposed by Rams owner Stan Kroenke over a competing project in Carson, California that the Chargers and Raiders had jointly proposed. The Chargers were given a one-year approval to relocate as well, conditioned on negotiating a lease agreement with the Rams or an agreement to partner with the Rams on the new stadium construction. The Raiders were given conditional permission to relocate if the Chargers were to decline their option first.[58]", "Dodger Stadium Dodgers owner Guggenheim Partners internally discussed moving the Dodgers to a new stadium at a Downtown Los Angeles site proposed by the Anschutz Entertainment Group to allow an NFL team to build a stadium at the Dodger Stadium site. Guggenheim Partners also considered allowing an NFL team to build a stadium next to Dodger Stadium.[21] The NFL eventually chose to build a stadium in Inglewood.", "Oakland Raiders As early as 1986, Davis sought to abandon the Coliseum in favor of a more modern stadium. In addition to sharing the venue with the USC Trojans, the Raiders were less than ecstatic with the Coliseum as it was aging and still lacked the luxury suites and other amenities that Davis was promised when he moved the Raiders to Los Angeles.[27] Finally, the Coliseum had 95,000 seats and the Raiders were rarely able to fill all of them even in their best years, and so most Raiders home games were blacked out in Southern California. Numerous sites in California were considered, including one near now-defunct Hollywood Park in Inglewood, where a NFL stadium for the Rams and Chargers is under construction, and another in Carson. In August 1987, it was announced that the city of Irwindale paid Davis US$10 million as a good-faith deposit for a prospective stadium site.[28] When the bid failed, Davis kept the non-refundable deposit.[29][30] During this time Davis also almost moved the team to Sacramento in a deal that would have included Davis becoming the managing partner of the Sacramento Kings.[31]", "Oakland Raiders relocation to Las Vegas On August 11, 2016, Raiders' officials met with Northern Nevada officials about the possibility of Reno being the site of a new training camp/practice facility and toured several sites including the University of Nevada, Reno, Reno area high schools, and sports complexes.[41] On August 25, 2016, the Raiders filed a trademark application for \"Las Vegas Raiders\" on the same day renderings of a new stadium (located west of Interstate 15 at Las Vegas) were released to the public.[42]", "Oakland Raiders relocation to Las Vegas On March 6, 2017, the Raiders revealed that Bank of America would be replacing Sheldon Adelson's portion of the funding for the new stadium in Las Vegas.[59][60] On March 27, 2017, the National Football League officially approved the Raiders move from Oakland to Las Vegas in a 31–1 vote, ensuring them a new stadium in the process.[1][2] However, even though the Raiders were approved to move to Las Vegas, the club will still play the 2017 and 2018 NFL seasons at the Oakland–Alameda County Coliseum and still be known as the Oakland Raiders as long as they play in the San Francisco Bay Area. About one thousand season ticket holders asked for and received refunds after the move to Las Vegas was announced. Their tickets were sold to other fans within hours, and the Raiders' 53,250 season tickets were all sold out by late May.[61][62]", "Oakland Raiders As part of the Rams' relocation decision, the NFL offered to provide both the Chargers and Raiders $100 million each if they could work out new stadiums in their home markets. The Chargers eventually announced on January 12, 2017 that they would exercise their option to relocate to Los Angeles following the failure of a November 2016 ballot initiative to fund a new stadium in San Diego.[59][60] In an official statement on the Rams decision, the Raiders offered they would \"now turn our attention to exploring all options to find a permanent stadium solution.\"[61] Las Vegas and San Antonio were heavily rumored as possible relocation destinations. By mid-February 2016, the team had worked out a one-year lease agreement with the City of Oakland to play at O.co Coliseum with the option for a second one-year lease.[62]", "Las Vegas Stadium The Raiders closed the purchase of the land for the stadium at the Russell Road site on May 1. The purchase price was reported at $77.5 million.[33] In a Las Vegas Stadium Authority meeting on May 11, it was announced that in a joint venture Mortenson Construction and McCarthy Construction will be the developers for the stadium. Mortenson Construction previously worked on U.S. Bank Stadium in Minneapolis for the Minnesota Vikings. The stadium authority approved a stadium lease with the Raiders on May 18.[34] The lease is for 30 years with four successive extension options of five years each.[35]", "Oakland Raiders relocation to Las Vegas Around this time other markets expressed interest in luring the Raiders. For example Duluth, Minnesota submitted a proposal to construct a new stadium for the team, a proposal that was not taken seriously because of the metro area's small size, proximity to the Minnesota Vikings and unwillingness to commit money to the stadium proposal.[31]", "Oakland–Alameda County Coliseum The Athletics signed a 10-year lease to stay in Oakland and at the Coliseum on July 22, 2014. The deal required that the team look into a new stadium, but only in the city limits, which it more difficult for the Raiders to tear the Coliseum down for a football only facility. The A's began talks with an architect on August 6, 2014, to build a baseball-only stadium at the Coliseum site, according to Wolff.[25]", "Las Vegas Stadium On August 25, 2016, the Raiders filed a trademark application for \"Las Vegas Raiders\" on the same day renderings of a proposed stadium design were released.[16] On September 15, 2016, the Southern Nevada Tourism Infrastructure Committee unanimously voted to recommend and approve $750 million for the Las Vegas stadium plan.[17]", "Oakland Raiders On March 27, 2017, NFL team owners voted 31–1 to approve moving the Raiders to Las Vegas, Nevada.[13][14] The team is scheduled to begin play as the Las Vegas Raiders for the 2020 NFL season, playing home games at the Las Vegas Stadium, although a move to Las Vegas could happen as soon as 2019 with Sam Boyd Stadium. The Raiders became the third NFL franchise to relocate in the 2010s, following the Rams' move from St. Louis, Missouri back to Los Angeles, California on January 12, 2016,[89] and the Chargers' move from San Diego, California to Los Angeles on January 12, 2017.[90] The Raiders' move to Las Vegas comes after years of failed efforts to renovate or replace the Oakland–Alameda County Coliseum.", "Oakland–Alameda County Coliseum After the failure of the stadium plan, Raiders owner Mark Davis met with officials with the city of San Antonio on July 29, 2014, to discuss moving the Raiders to the city in time for the 2015 season; they would have temporarily played home games at the Alamodome until a new permanent stadium was built.", "2018 Oakland Raiders season On January 11, the NFL announced that the Raiders will play host to the Seattle Seahawks in a London Game in London, England. The game site, originally slated for Tottenham Hotspur Stadium, was later moved to Wembley Stadium. This will mark the fourth time in five seasons in which the Raiders will play a game outside the United States, as well as their second visit to London (the other being 2014).[63]", "2016 Oakland Raiders season On September 15, 2016, the Southern Nevada Tourism Infrastructure Committee unanimously voted to approve and recommend $750 million for the Las Vegas stadium plan.[21] Then on October 11, 2016, the Nevada State Senate voted 16–5 to approve the stadium funding bill and convention center expansion.[22] Three days later, on October 14, the Nevada Assembly voted to approve funding for the stadium, 28–13.[23] On October 18, Governor Brian Sandoval signed the stadium funding bill into law.[24] Reports state that the NFL will not consider the Raiders move until as late as July 2017.[25] Davis confirmed that the Raiders will stay in Oakland through their current lease, meaning the earliest the Raiders would play in Las Vegas would be 2019.[26]", "Oakland Raiders relocation to Las Vegas The Oakland Raiders were founded as a charter member of the American Football League (AFL) in 1960. The team joined the NFL as a result of the merger in 1970. From 1966 until 1981, it played home games at the Oakland–Alameda County Coliseum, which it shared with Major League Baseball's Oakland Athletics after that team moved to Oakland in 1968. In 1980 Al Davis, dissatisfied with the stadium situation in Oakland and seeing luxury boxes as the future of the NFL came to an agreement with the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum commission to move the Raiders to Los Angeles. The NFL had refused to let the team move, but a court over-ruled the league, clearing the way for the Raiders to move to Los Angeles and become the Los Angeles Raiders.[7] In 1982, the Raiders (then owned by Al Davis) were approved to relocate from Oakland to Los Angeles. The Raiders played home games at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum from 1982 to 1994. In 1995, after being unable to secure a new stadium in the Los Angeles area and after a proposed move to Sacramento that involved Davis taking ownership of the Sacramento Kings fell apart the Raiders moved back to Oakland.[8][9]", "Oakland Raiders relocation to Las Vegas On November 13, 2017, the Raiders officially broke ground on Las Vegas Stadium.[64][65]", "Oakland Raiders relocation to Las Vegas On January 2, 2018, the Henderson city council approved the sale of 55 vacant acres of land to the Raiders for their new headquarters and practice facility near Henderson Executive Airport.[66] In January, construction crews began blasting caliche rock with dynamite to excavate and create the stadium bowl.[67] As of April 2018, more than 30 Raiders employees had already relocated to Las Vegas from Oakland.[68]", "Oakland Raiders relocation to Las Vegas On January 29, 2016, Davis met with Las Vegas Sands owner Sheldon Adelson about possibly relocating to a $2.3 billion, 65,000 capacity domed stadium in Las Vegas, Nevada. During Davis' meeting with Adelson, he also visited the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV), which included a contingent consisting of the university's president Len Jessup, former university president Donald Snyder, Steve Wynn, and former Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) owner Lorenzo Fertitta. The proposed stadium would replace Sam Boyd Stadium and would serve as the home of both the Raiders and the UNLV Rebels college football program. A relocation to Las Vegas would be a long-term proposal, as Sam Boyd Stadium is undersized for the NFL and there are no other professional-caliber stadiums in Nevada. Raiders officials were also in Las Vegas to tour locations in the valley for a potential new home; they were also on the 42-acre site of the proposed stadium to ask questions about the site.", "Yankee Stadium (1923) After years of speculation that the Yankees would build a new ballpark to replace Yankee Stadium, construction on a new facility began on August 16, 2006 with a groundbreaking ceremony across the street in Macombs Dam Park, the site of the new stadium. This all but sealed the fate of Yankee Stadium and the Yankees played their final two seasons in the stadium in 2007 and 2008 while the new venue was being built.", "National Football League in Toronto In late 2015, the St. Louis Rams, San Diego Chargers and Oakland Raiders submitted applications to relocate to Los Angeles, thought it was unlikely that the league would approve all three teams moving to the city. It was reported that the Rams would consider moving to Toronto if their Los Angeles proposal had been rejected.[229] The Chargers and Raiders put forward a joint proposal to build a new stadium,[230] but the league chose the rival bid from the Rams. The Chargers were given a one-year option to join the Rams' in the new Los Angeles Stadium at Hollywood Park, and if they chose not to exercise this right the Raiders would be given the same option.[231] Both teams weighed their future relocation options, with Toronto one of the cities suggested as a possibility.[232] The return of the NFL to LA made Toronto the largest market in the United States or Canada without an NFL team. In January 2017, the Chargers announced that they had exercised their option to leave San Diego and move to Los Angeles with the Rams.[233] Raiders management met with officials in San Antonio, which has an NFL-caliber stadium in the Alamodome, about possibly moving the team there.[234] In March 2017 the Raiders' request to relocate to Las Vegas was approved by the league, effective the 2020 season at the latest.[235]", "History of the San Diego Chargers As attorney and team spokesperson Mark Fabiani continually bashed the local San Diego city government's efforts to negotiate a stadium replacement, St. Louis Rams owner Stan Kroenke announced in January 2015 his intention to build a new stadium in Inglewood, California. The Chargers decided to announce their own Los Angeles plan, to preserve what they claimed was \"25 percent of their fan base\" in the affluent Los Angeles and Orange County areas. The team soon announced a stadium proposal in Carson, California, in partnership with the Oakland Raiders, their AFC West divisional rival.[62]", "Shea Stadium In 1960, the National League agreed to grant an expansion franchise to the owners of the New York franchise in the abortive Continental League, provided that a new stadium be built. Mayor Robert Wagner, Jr. had to personally wire all National League owners and assure them that the city would build a stadium.", "Shea Stadium The New York Jets of the American Football League and later, the National Football League played at Shea for 20 seasons, from 1964 to 1983 (excluding their first home game in 1977 played at Giants Stadium). The stadium hosted three Jets playoff games: the American Football League Championship in 1968 (beat the Oakland Raiders, 27–23), an AFL Divisional Playoff in 1969 (lost 13–6 to the Kansas City Chiefs) and the 1981 AFC Wild Card Playoff game (lost 31–27 to the Buffalo Bills).", "MetLife Stadium As Giants Stadium approached 30 years of age, it was becoming one of the older stadiums in the NFL. The Jets, who had been the lesser tenants at the stadium (which was called simply \"The Meadowlands\" for Jets games), sought to have their own stadium built in Manhattan proper, the proposed West Side Stadium. Originally intended to be the 85,000-seat main stadium for New York's bid for the 2012 Summer Olympics, it was designed to be downsized to 75,000 seats for the Jets. However, the West Side Stadium would have required significant public funding, which collapsed in 2005. The Jets then entered into a joint venture with the Giants to build a new stadium in which the two teams would be equal partners.", "Oakland Raiders On March 7, 2012, then-mayor Jean Quan unveiled an ambitious project to the media that was designed to improve the sports facilities of all three major league sports teams in the city (the Raiders, Major League Baseball (MLB)'s Athletics and the National Basketball Association (NBA)'s Golden State Warriors), as well as attract new businesses to the city. The project, dubbed Coliseum City, had entailed the redevelopment of the existing Oakland Alameda Coliseum complex. The redevelopment would have seen the construction of two new stadiums on the present location, a baseball-only stadium and a football-only stadium, while Oracle Arena, home of the Warriors, will be either rebuilt or undergo extensive renovations. A sum of $3.5 million was committed to preliminary planning on the project. However, no officials from either of Oakland's major league teams were present at the media conference.", "Las Vegas Stadium On March 21, 2016, when asked about Las Vegas, Davis said, \"I think the Raiders like the Las Vegas plan,\" and \"it's a very very very intriguing and exciting plan\", referring to the stadium plan in Las Vegas. Davis also met with Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval about the stadium plan. On April 1, 2016, Davis toured Sam Boyd Stadium to evaluate whether UNLV could serve as a temporary home of the team and was with UNLV football coach Tony Sanchez, athletic director Tina Kunzer-Murphy, adviser Don Snyder and school president Len Jessup to further explore the possibility of the Raiders moving to Las Vegas.", "Greater Los Angeles For over twenty years the Los Angeles area media market lacked a National Football League team. After the 1994 season, the Los Angeles Rams moved to St. Louis, Missouri, and the Los Angeles Raiders returned to their original home of Oakland, California, due to the lack of an up-to-date NFL stadium. After numerous stadium proposals between 1995 and 2016 in an attempt to bring the NFL back,[47][48][49] the Oakland Raiders, St. Louis Rams, and San Diego Chargers all submitted plans to relocate back to Los Angeles after the 2015 NFL season. On January 12, 2016, the Rams were approved to move to Los Angeles and build Los Angeles Stadium at Hollywood Park with the Chargers or Raiders given the option to join them. On January 12, 2017, the Chargers announced their move to Los Angeles to join the Rams. The Rams temporarily play at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum while the Chargers temporarily play at StubHub Center. Both teams will share the new Los Angeles Stadium at Hollywood Park in Inglewood, California, once construction is completed.[50]", "MetLife Stadium The two teams formed the New Meadowlands Stadium Company, LLC (now MetLife Stadium Company), a 50/50 joint venture, to build and operate the stadium. The two teams leased the parcel of land on which the stadium stands from the NJSEA for a 25-year term, with options to extend it which could eventually reach 97 years. After the 15th year of the lease, and every five years, hence; one of the 2 teams may opt out of the lease after giving the state 12 months notice. However, if one team leaves for a new stadium, the other team would have to remain for the remainder of the lease. Based on the teams' histories, this clause presumably allows the Jets to eventually decide they want to play in their own stadium and leave if they can find a way to finance it. However, the high cost of building and relocating to a new stadium makes this very unlikely (although the Jets have relocated their facilities to Florham Park, New Jersey). The teams also get parking revenue from the Meadowlands' western parking lots year round, even when there are no events at the stadium (this would occur when other parts of the Meadowlands host events).[22]", "Oakland Raiders relocation to Las Vegas On May 23, 2016, the San Francisco Chronicle and other media outlets reported that a group led by former San Francisco 49ers safety (and Pro Football Hall of Fame member) Ronnie Lott and retired quarterback Rodney Peete were looking into building a new Oakland stadium for the Raiders.[38] The group met with team executives and Oakland city officials to brief them on their proposal. They also met with mayor Libby Schaaf. The Alameda County Board of Supervisors voted to begin negotiations with Lott's group and with the city of Oakland regarding the \"price and terms of sale\" for the 120-acre land of the Oakland Coliseum and Oracle Arena.", "Texas Stadium Murchison envisioned a new stadium with sky boxes and one in which attendees would have to pay a personal seat license as a prerequisite to purchasing season tickets.[9] With two games left for the Cowboys to play in the 1967 season, Murchison and Cowboys general manager Tex Schramm announced a plan to build a new stadium in the northwest suburb of Irving.[9]", "Oakland–Alameda County Coliseum In January 2016, Mark Davis met with Las Vegas Sands owner Sheldon Adelson about building a domed stadium on the UNLV campus for the Raiders and the UNLV Rebels.[35] After the approval of $750 million from the state of Nevada and backing from Bank of America after Adelson pulled out of the project the Raiders submitted papers for relocation to Las Vegas in January 2017, and on March 27, 2017, the Raiders' relocation to Las Vegas was approved. The team plans to continue to play at the Coliseum through the 2019 NFL season and relocate to Las Vegas in 2020.", "Rose Bowl (stadium) The Rose Bowl stadium has been the home football field for UCLA since 1982.[16] The UCLA Bruins had played their home games at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum since 1928. There was an attempt to build a 44,000 seat stadium on campus, at the site where Drake Stadium eventually was built. However, the proposal was blocked by influential area residents, as well as other politicians.[31][32]", "Centennial Olympic Stadium After the closing ceremony of the 1996 Paralympics, the stadium was officially leased by the Atlanta Braves. Private entities, including NBC and other Olympic sponsors, agreed to pay a large sum of the cost to build Centennial Olympic Stadium (approximately $170 million of the $209 million bill). The Atlanta Committee for the Olympic Games (ACOG) sought to build the stadium in a way that it could be converted to a new baseball stadium, and ACOG paid for the conversion.[6] This was considered a good agreement for both the Olympic Committee and the Braves, because there would be no use for a permanent 85,000 seat track and field stadium in Downtown Atlanta since the 71,000 seat Georgia Dome had been completed 4 years earlier by the state of Georgia and became the home of the National Football League's Atlanta Falcons. The Braves had already been exploring opportunities for a new venue to replace Atlanta–Fulton County Stadium.", "Oakland–Alameda County Coliseum The Raiders proposed a 50,000-seat stadium in the same spot of the Coliseum in 2013. It would have cost $800 million, with $300 million coming from the Raiders, $200 million coming from the NFL's stadium loan program, and the final $300 million coming from the city.[30].", "Oakland Raiders Feldman began the 1962 season as Raiders head coach but was fired on October 16, 1962 after an 0–5 start. From October 16 through December, the Raiders were coached by Oklahoma native and former assistant coach Red Conkright. Under Conkright, the Raiders went 1–8, finishing the season with 1–13 record. Following the 1962 season the Raiders appointed Conkright to an interim mentor position as they looked for a new head coach.", "Riverfront Stadium Despite Cincinnati's love of baseball, it was the prospect of a professional football team that finally moved the city to end 20 years of discussion and build a new stadium on the downtown riverfront. After playing for two seasons at Nippert Stadium on the University of Cincinnati campus, the Bengals built on the Reds' success in the stadium's first year when they recorded their first winning season and first playoff appearance in 1970, just their third year of existence.", "Lane Stadium In 1963, school administrator Stuart K. Cassell, namesake of Cassell Coliseum, proposed building a larger stadium to replace the 17,000-seat Miles Stadium. Construction of Lane Stadium began on April 1, 1964.[2] It took a total of four years to complete construction. However, the first game in the new stadium was played in 1965, when VT beat William & Mary 9–7. At the game, only the west stands and center section of the east bleachers were completed. It wasn't until the summer of 1968 that construction was completed on Lane Stadium, with an official cost of $3.5 million. This brand new stadium seated 35,050 which featured a press box for guests, writers, stats crew-members, scouts, and coaches.", "History of the Los Angeles Raiders The League was skeptical of the site and seemed to prefer the Rams' stadium plan on a site at Hollywood Park in Inglewood, the same place rejected by the Raiders in 1995. In response, Jerry Richardson, owner of the Carolina Panthers, who supported the plan, convinced Dean Spanos to recruit Bob Iger, CEO of The Walt Disney Company. Iger was appointed non-executive chairman of the Carson stadium project.[28]", "History of the Los Angeles Raiders On June 23, 1995, Davis signed a letter of intent to move the Raiders back to Oakland. The move was approved by the Alameda County Board of Supervisors the next month,[20] as well as by the NFL. The move was greeted with much fanfare,[21] and under new head coach Mike White. Hollywood Park would later become the site of an NFL Stadium for their former rivals, the Los Angeles Rams, set to open in 2020.", "Shea Stadium The origins of Shea Stadium go way back to the Brooklyn Dodgers' and the New York Giants' relocations to the U.S. west coast, which left New York without a National League baseball team. New York City official Robert Moses tried to interest Dodgers owner Walter O'Malley in the site as the location for a new stadium, but O'Malley refused, unable to agree on location, ownership, and lease terms. O'Malley preferred to pay construction costs himself so he could own the stadium outright. He wanted total control over revenue from parking, concessions, and other events. New York City, in contrast, wanted to build the stadium, rent it, and retain the ancillary revenue rights to pay off its construction bonds.[7] Additionally, O'Malley wanted to build his new stadium in Brooklyn, while Moses insisted on Flushing Meadows. When Los Angeles offered O'Malley what the City of New York wouldn't—complete ownership of the facility—he left for southern California in a preemptive bid to install the Dodgers there before a new or existing major league franchise could beat him to it. At the same time, Horace Stoneham moved his New York Giants to the San Francisco Bay Area, ensuring that there would be two National League West Coast teams, and preserving the longstanding rivalry with the Dodgers that continues to this day.", "Oakland Raiders relocation to Las Vegas On February 23, 2015, while still involved in the Carson project, Mark Davis attended a secret meeting at the UNLV International Gaming Research Center to look at Las Vegas sports betting, its effect on pro sports, how it could effect a pro sports team in Vegas and how the Raiders and the NFL could possibly work in Las Vegas. At the time Las Vegas was seen as a long shot candidate for the Raiders. The meeting was set up by Napoleon McCallum, former Raiders player and current Las Vegas Sands employee. McCallum approached Davis about moving the team to Las Vegas before a Broncos-Raiders game on November 9, 2014 in Oakland. McCallum was the first to suggest meeting with UNLV about the idea. Previously Las Vegas officials notably Mayor Carolyn Goodman had suggested building a stadium near Las Vegas Motor Speedway. In attendance at the meeting was Davis and McCallum along with then UNLV president Don Snyder and Bo Bernhard, executive director of the International Gaming Institute. The meeting would not be known about until two years later.[32]", "Mark Davis (American football) During Davis' meeting with Adelson, he also visited the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV), which included a contingent consisting of the university's president Len Jessup, former university president Donald Snyder, Steve Wynn, and former Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) owner Lorenzo Fertitta. The stadium is being proposed to replace Sam Boyd Stadium and would serve as the home of both the Raiders and the UNLV Rebels college football program. A relocation to Las Vegas would be a long-term proposal, as Sam Boyd Stadium is undersized for the NFL and there are no other professional-caliber stadiums in Nevada. Raiders officials were also in Las Vegas to tour locations in the valley for a potential new home; they were also on the 42-acre site of the proposed stadium to ask questions about the site.", "Veterans Stadium The stadium's design was nearly circular, and was known as an \"octorad\" design, which attempted to facilitate both football and baseball. Qualcomm Stadium in San Diego had been similarly designed. As was the case with other cities where this dual approach was tried (other examples include RFK Stadium in Washington, D.C.; Shea Stadium in New York City, the Astrodome in Houston; Atlanta–Fulton County Stadium in Atlanta; Busch Memorial Stadium in St. Louis; Riverfront Stadium in Cincinnati; and Three Rivers Stadium in Pittsburgh), the fundamentally different sizes and shapes of the playing fields made the stadium inadequate to the needs of either sport.", "Rose Bowl (stadium) The stadium has hosted the Super Bowl five times. The first was Super Bowl XI in January 1977, when the Oakland Raiders beat the Minnesota Vikings 32–14. The game was also played there in 1980 (XIV), 1983 (XVII), 1987 (XXI) and 1993 (XXVII). The Rose Bowl is one of two venues (with Stanford Stadium) to host a Super Bowl though having never served as the full-time home stadium for an NFL or AFL team (Stanford Stadium hosted one San Francisco 49ers game after the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake).", "Perth Stadium In July 2007, the Government of Western Australia announced its preference to build a new 60,000-seat stadium rather than re-develop Subiaco Oval,[7] and in early 2008 it confirmed that Subiaco Oval would be demolished for the new Perth super-stadium to be built next door at Kitchener Park.[8] This site was chosen ahead of the other suggested site at the old East Perth Power Station, which was set aside to house a new $500 million museum.[9]", "Tomb Raider The first spin-off title in the series was a game for the Game Boy Color (GBC) titled Tomb Raider, developed by Core Design and released in 2000.[5][38] Its sequel, Tomb Raider: Curse of the Sword, was released in 2001 for the GBC.[5][39] In 2002, a new game for the GBA called Tomb Raider: The Prophecy, was developed by Ubisoft Milan and published by Ubisoft.[5][40] In 2003, four Tomb Raider titles for mobile phones were released.[41] A platform-puzzler for mobile devices, Lara Croft Go, was released in 2015.[42]", "Pride Park Stadium Pride Park has hosted one full England international; a 4–0 friendly victory over Mexico on 25 May 2001, when the national side toured the country during the building of the new Wembley Stadium. The match also holds the record for the highest attendance at the stadium: a full-house of 33,598.", "Yankee Stadium In 1998, Bronx Borough President Fernando Ferrer proposed spending $600 million in public money to add dozens of luxury boxes to the stadium, to improve highway and public transportation access, and to create a Yankee Village, with shops, restaurants, and a museum. Steinbrenner rejected this as well. That same year, Mayor Rudy Giuliani unveiled a plan to relocate the Yankees to the West Side Yard for a $1 billion stadium. However, with most of the funding coming from taxpayers, Giuliani tabled the proposal, fearing rejection in a citywide referendum. The West Side Stadium plan resurfaced in December 2001, and by January 2002, months after the September 11 attacks, Giuliani announced \"tentative agreements\" for both the New York Yankees and New York Mets to build new stadiums. He estimated that both stadiums would cost $2 billion, with city and state taxpayers contributing $1.2 billion.[26]", "Las Vegas Stadium The budget for development of the stadium is estimated at $1.9 billion. Of this, an estimated $375 million is to be spent on land and infrastructure costs, $1.35 billion on construction, and $100 million on a Raiders practice facility, with the remaining $100 million as a contingency allowance for unexpected costs.[41][42][43]", "Mark Davis (American football) On May 20, 2016, New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft said he would support Davis and the Raiders move to Las Vegas, stating, \"I think it would be good for the NFL.\"[26] If the Raiders were to move to Las Vegas the only competition they would have is the Vegas Golden Knights of the National Hockey League. On August 11, 2016, Raiders officials met with Northern Nevada officials about the possibility of Reno being the site of a new training camp/practice facility and toured several sites including the University of Nevada, Reno, Reno area high schools, and sports complexes.[27] On August 25, 2016, the Raiders filed a trademark application for \"Las Vegas Raiders\" on the same day renderings of a new stadium (located west of Interstate 15 at Las Vegas) were released to the public.[28]", "History of the Los Angeles Rams Within months of the moves of the Rams and Raiders, several NFL teams were rumored to be replacements. They included the Cleveland Browns, the Cincinnati Bengals, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, and the Seattle Seahawks. However, the Browns moved to become the Baltimore Ravens in 1996 amid major controversy, and a new Browns team occupied a new stadium in 1999. The Bengals, Buccaneers and Seahawks, meanwhile, used L.A.'s vacancy as leverage to convince their cities to help finance new stadiums. Meanwhile, various entities proposed new stadiums in Los Angeles in an attempt to lure a team to the market.", "Dodger Stadium Between the 2013 and 2014 seasons, more renovations were put in place. Dodger Stadium was the beneficiary of improvements such as wider concourses in the pavilions, new restaurants \"Think Blue Bar-B-Que\" and \"Tommy Lasorda's Trattoria\", dedicated team store buildings replacing the tents that previously served as team stores, bullpen overlooks with overlook bars, and tree relocation at the top of the stadium.[23]", "Rose Bowl (stadium) At the start of the 1982 NFL season, with the Oakland Raiders scheduled to move in, UCLA decided to relocate its home games to the Rose Bowl Stadium.[33] The Bruins went on to play two straight Rose Bowl games in their new home stadium, the 1983 Rose Bowl and the 1984 Rose Bowl. UCLA has participated in five Rose Bowl games since moving to the stadium. The stadium is the host of the UCLA–USC rivalry football game on even numbered years, alternating with the Coliseum. In the first rivalry game at the stadium between UCLA and USC in 1982, USC fans sat on the west side of the stadium and UCLA fans sat on the east side of the stadium, mirroring an arrangement that existed when the teams shared the Coliseum. Both teams also wore their home uniforms. In 1984, USC fans were moved to the end zone seats, which ended the tradition of shared stadium. Because of the shared arrangement, and the participation of USC in a number of Rose Bowl games, both schools have winning records in each other's home stadium. The Bruins travel 26 miles from campus to Pasadena to play home games, but only 14 miles to their biggest road game at USC every other year.[31]", "Oakland Raiders relocation to Las Vegas On March 7, 2012, then-mayor Jean Quan unveiled an ambitious project to the media that was designed to improve the sports facilities of all three major league sports teams in the city (the Raiders, Major League Baseball (MLB)'s Athletics and the National Basketball Association (NBA)'s Golden State Warriors), as well as attract new businesses to the city. The project, dubbed Coliseum City, had entailed the redevelopment of the existing Oakland–Alameda County Coliseum complex. The redevelopment would have seen the construction of two new stadiums on the present location, a baseball-only stadium and a football-only stadium, while Oracle Arena, home of the Warriors, would have been either rebuilt or undergone extensive renovations. A sum of $3.5 million was committed to preliminary planning on the project. However, no officials from either of Oakland's major league teams were present at the media conference.", "History of the National Football League The league played a regular-season NFL game in Mexico City in 2005, the first-ever NFL regular season game held outside the United States, and marketed across the league as the Fútbol Americano game. On October 28, 2007, a regular season game between the Miami Dolphins and the New York Giants was held outside of North America for the first time in Wembley Stadium, the 90,000-seat national stadium, in London. It was a financial success with nearly 40,000 tickets sold within ninety minutes of the start of sales,[40] and a game-day attendance of over 80,000. In 2008, the New Orleans Saints and San Diego Chargers played at Wembley,[41] and in October 2009, the New England Patriots and Tampa Bay Buccaneers met.[42] In 2010, it was the Denver Broncos and the San Francisco 49ers that played in London. Starting from the 2008–09 season, building on league links with Toronto, the Buffalo Bills play an annual home game in Toronto's Rogers Centre, marketed by the team as the Bills Toronto Series.[43] In 2014, the Detroit Lions and the Atlanta Falcons played at Wembley Stadium. In 2016, the Raiders and Texans played a game in Estadio Azteca, Mexico. The Raiders and Patriots will play here in 2017.", "Melbourne Rectangular Stadium AAMI Park became Melbourne's first large purpose-built rectangular stadium when completed in 2010. Referred to as Melbourne Rectangular Stadium during its construction, the ground was officially named AAMI Park on 16 March 2010, in an eight-year sponsorship deal with insurance firm AAMI.[5] When the project to build the new stadium was approved, the largest stadiums in use were the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG) and Docklands Stadium. These were venues of oval configuration and best suited to Australian rules football or cricket. The previous largest rectangular stadium in the city, Olympic Park, was a repurposed track and field venue.", "Sports in New York City The 2000s have seen almost a complete revamping of the area's major sporting venues. This began in 2007, when the Devils moved to Newark, New Jersey and opened the Prudential Center. In 2009, both the Mets and Yankees opened new baseball stadiums adjacent to their old homes, with the Mets replacing Shea Stadium with Citi Field and the Yankees building a new Yankee Stadium. In 2010, the Jets and Giants moved to a new shared facility called New Meadowlands Stadium (now MetLife Stadium) and the Red Bulls opened their own soccer-specific stadium in Harrison, New Jersey called Red Bull Arena (the three had previously shared Giants Stadium in East Rutherford, New Jersey). In 2012, the Nets moved from New Jersey to the Barclays Center in Brooklyn and became the Brooklyn Nets. The Islanders left Nassau County, and followed the Nets into Brooklyn in 2015.", "2018 NFL season Two teams, the Carolina Panthers and Oakland Raiders, are entering the final year of their lease agreements with their current stadium.", "MetLife Stadium MetLife Stadium is an American sports stadium located in East Rutherford, New Jersey, 8 miles (13 km) outside of New York City. It is part of the Meadowlands Sports Complex and serves as the home stadium for two National Football League (NFL) franchises: the New York Giants and the New York Jets. The stadium is owned by the MetLife Stadium Company, a joint venture of the Giants and Jets, who jointly built the stadium using private funds on land owned by the New Jersey Sports and Exposition Authority. The stadium opened as New Meadowlands Stadium in 2010. In 2011, MetLife, an insurance company based in New York City, acquired the naming rights to the stadium. At a construction cost of approximately $1.6 billion, it was the most expensive stadium ever built,[9] at the time it opened.", "Oakland Raiders In 1970, the AFL–NFL merger officially took place and the Raiders joined the Western Division of the American Football Conference (actually the AFL West with the same teams as in 1969, except for the Cincinnati Bengals) in the newly merged NFL. The first post-merger season saw the Raiders win the AFC West with an 8–4–2 record and advance to the conference championship, where they lost to the Baltimore Colts. Despite another 8–4–2 season in 1971, the Raiders failed to win the division or playoff berth. When backup offensive lineman Ron Mix played, the 1971 Raiders had an eventual all-Pro Football Hall of Fame offensive line with tackle Art Shell, guard Gene Upshaw, center Jim Otto, and tackle Bob Brown.", "Oakland Raiders The move was greeted with much fanfare,[39] and under new head coach Mike White the 1995 season began well for the Raiders. Oakland started 8–2, but injuries to starting quarterback Jeff Hostetler contributed to a six-game losing streak for an 8–8 finish and the Raiders failed to qualify for the playoffs for a second consecutive season.", "Oakland Raiders On January 17, 2011, it was announced that offensive coordinator Hue Jackson was going to be the next Raiders head coach. A press conference was held on January 18, 2011, to formally introduce Jackson as the next Raiders head coach, the fifth in just seven years. Following Davis's death during the 2011 season, new owners Carol and Mark Davis decided to take the franchise in a drastically different direction by hiring a general manager. On New Year's Day of 2012, the Raiders played the San Diego Chargers, hoping to go to the playoffs for the first time since 2002, the game ended with a 38–26 loss. Their season ended with another disappointing 8–8 record.", "Oakland Raiders The rivalry between the Raiders and New England Patriots dates to their time in the AFL, but was intensified during a 1978 preseason game, when Patriots wide receiver Darryl Stingley was permanently paralyzed after a vicious hit delivered by Raiders free safety Jack Tatum. Before that, New England also lost a playoff game in 1976 to the Raiders; the game is unofficially known as \"The Ben Dreith Game\" due to a controversial penalty by head referee Dreith. While based in Los Angeles, the team hosted New England in the divisional round of the playoffs in 1986. The game was won by New England and marred by a chaotic rumble between the teams in the end zone as players were leaving the field after the game. The brawl was especially notable for Matt Millen attacking Patriots GM Patrick Sullivan with his helmet. The two teams met in a divisional-round playoff game in 2002, which became known as the \"Tuck Rule Game\". Late in the game, an incomplete pass, ruled a fumble, by Patriots quarterback Tom Brady was overturned, and New England went on to win in overtime and eventually won the Super Bowl against the heavily favored St. Louis Rams, the Raiders' former crosstown rivals in Los Angeles.[118] Since that game, the Patriots have won five of the last six regular season contests between the two teams. The first contest being the following year during the 2002 season in Oakland, with the Raiders winning 27–20; they met in the 2005 season opener in New England with the Patriots ruining Randy Moss' debut as a Raider 30–20; the Patriots defeated the Raiders 49–26 in December 2008 in Bill Belichick's 100th regular season win as Patriots coach; a Patriots 31–19 win during the 2011 season; a scrappy 16–9 Patriots win in the third week of the 2014 season, and the Patriots' 33–8 win in Mexico City in 2017.", "Oakland Raiders The Oakland Raiders were originally going to be called the \"Oakland Señors\"[15] after a name-the-team contest had that name finish first, but after being the target of local jokes, the name was changed to the Raiders before the 1960 season began. Having enjoyed a successful collegiate coaching career at Navy during the 1950s, San Francisco native Eddie Erdelatz was hired as the Raiders first head coach. On February 9, 1960, after rejecting offers from the NFL's Washington Redskins and the AFL's Los Angeles Chargers, Erdelatz accepted the Oakland Raiders head coaching position. In January 1960, the Raiders were established in Oakland, and because of NFL interference with the original eighth franchise owner, were the last team of eight in the new American Football League to select players, thus relegated to the remaining talent available (see below).", "Las Vegas Stadium On April 28, 2016, Davis said he wanted to move the Raiders to Las Vegas and pledged $500 million toward the construction of the proposed $2.4 billion domed stadium.[9][10] \"Together we can turn the Silver State into the silver and black state,\" Davis said.[9][11]", "Louis Armstrong Stadium The stadium has a retractable roof, the largest of its kind among the No. 2 stadiums at Grand Slam venues. At the time of its opening it was the 13th largest tennis venue in the world (based on capacity). On each side of the stadium, there are façades covered with terra cotta louvers, optimally positioned to keep rain out and, at the same time, allow for natural ventilation. Designers say the terra cotta material contextually relates to the traditional brick buildings on the site while using the material in a new way.", "New York Jets Defeated, the Jets agreed to enter a 50–50 partnership with their rival, the Giants, to build a new stadium effectively agreeing to a 99-year lease, which the Giants had signed earlier in the year, to remain in New Jersey.[49] The stadium, known as MetLife Stadium, became the first in the history of the NFL to be jointly built by two franchises.[50] The stadium, which is illuminated in different colors depending on which team is hosting a game, opened in April 2010 and saw the Jets and Giants open the stadium together in a preseason exhibition game.[51][52] The Jets' first regular season home game at the new stadium was held on September 13, 2010 and was shown nationwide on Monday Night Football. New York lost to the Ravens 10–9.[53] Team owners voted to have the stadium host Super Bowl XLVIII, held in 2014.[51]", "Rose Bowl (stadium) Because the NFL has a policy limiting the hosting of a Super Bowl to metropolitan areas with NFL teams, the Super Bowl has not been played at the Rose Bowl since the Rams and Raiders departed the Los Angeles area in 1995. The most recent Super Bowl held in southern California was XXXVII in San Diego in January 2003. The next L.A.-based Super Bowl (LVI) is scheduled for February 2022 at the Rams' and Chargers' new stadium in Inglewood (the Rams returned to Los Angeles in 2016, the Chargers the following year).", "Emirates Stadium In November 1999, Arsenal examined the feasibility of building a new stadium in Ashburton Grove.[25] Anthony Spencer, estate agent and club property adviser, recommended the area to director Danny Fiszman and vice-chairman David Dein having scoured over North London for potential areas.[25][32] The land, 500 yards (460 m) from Highbury was composed of a rubbish processing plant and industrial estate, 80% owned by the Islington Council, Railtrack and Sainsbury's.[32] After passing the first significant milestone at Islington Council's planning committee, Arsenal submitted a planning application for a new-build 60,000 seater stadium in November 2000.[25][33] This included a redevelopment project at Drayton Park, converting the existing ground Highbury to flats and building a new waste station in Lough Road.[25] As part of the scheme, Arsenal intended to create 1,800 new jobs for the community and 2,300 new homes.[34][35] Improvements to three railway stations, Holloway Road, Drayton Park and Finsbury Park, were included to cope with the increased capacity requirements from matchday crowds.[35]", "Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum Additionally, for Raiders home games, tarpaulins were placed over seldom-sold sections, reducing seating capacity to approximately 65,000. The changes were anticipated to be the first of a multi-stage renovation designed by HNTB that would have turned the Coliseum into a split-bowl stadium with two levels of mezzanine suites (the peristyle end would have been left as is). After the 1994 Northridge earthquake, however, $93 million was required from government agencies (including the Federal Emergency Management Agency) to repair earthquake damage, and the renovations demanded by the Raiders were put on hold indefinitely. The Raiders then redirected their efforts toward a proposed stadium at Hollywood Park in Inglewood before electing to move back to the Oakland–Alameda County Coliseum prior to the 1995 season. The last element of the Northridge earthquake repairs was the replacement of the condemned press box with a new press box in 1995.", "Veterans Stadium A brief history of how the stadium was named and a tribute to veterans of all wars is on display outside where the stadium stood. (2006)", "Oakland Raiders In 1976, the Raiders came from behind dramatically to beat Pittsburgh 31–28 in the season opener and continued to cement its reputation for dirty play by knocking WR Lynn Swann out for two weeks with a clothesline to the helmet. Al Davis later tried to sue Steelers coach Chuck Noll for libel after the latter called safety George Atkinson a criminal for the hit. The Raiders won 13 regular season games and a close controversial 21–17 victory over New England in the divisional playoffs. With the Patriots up by three points in final two minutes, referee Ben Dreith called roughing the passer on New England's Ray \"Sugar Bear\" Hamilton after he hit Oakland QB Ken Stabler. The Raiders went on to score a touchdown in the final minute to win. They then defeated the Steelers 24–7 in the AFC Championship to advance to their second Super Bowl. In Super Bowl XI, Oakland's opponent was the Minnesota Vikings, a team that had lost three previous Super Bowls. The Raiders jumped out to an early lead and led 16–0 at halftime. By the end, having forced Minnesota into multiple turnovers, the Raiders won 32–14 for their first post-merger championship.", "Nissan Stadium During the 1995 NFL Preseason, the Houston Oilers faced the Washington Redskins in an exhibition game at Neyland Stadium in Knoxville, Tennessee. At the game, Oilers owner Bud Adams met Nashville Mayor Phil Bredesen and began discussing the possibility of moving the team to Middle Tennessee,[citation needed] due to Adams' discontent with the team's lease at the Astrodome and unwillingness of the City of Houston to build a new football-only stadium. Later that fall, Adams and Bredesen announced the team's intent to move to Nashville. The city and team decided to locate a stadium on the eastern bank of the Cumberland River in downtown Nashville, on the site of a blighted industrial development.", "London Stadium Once the original deal collapsed a new process to select a tenant was begun. The athletics legacy clause was clarified to ensure that a track remained in the stadium.[139] West Ham immediately announced plans to become tenants of the stadium.[140][141] On 17 October 2011, a day before they were due in court for the judicial review to start into the original bidding process, Tottenham Hotspur ended their legal challenge about the original decision to award the stadium to West Ham United.[142] This marked Spurs' end to their interest in the stadium. On 18 October, Leyton Orient submitted an application to the Football League for permission for a move to the stadium. Chairman Barry Hearn said, \"We are asking for a 25,000-seater stadium and we want to see if we can get around the athletics track. It has to stay, we know that. But can we build up, if not down, and see if it's possible to get it covered while we play?\".[143]", "Parramatta Eels Parramatta's largest victory was a 74 – 4 win over Cronulla-Sutherland Sharks on 23 August 2003 at Parramatta Stadium. The club's largest defeat was a 0 – 68 loss to Canberra Raiders on 22 August 1993 at Canberra Stadium.[62]", "FedExField FedExField is not well known as a soccer venue, as D.C. United of Major League Soccer elected to remain at RFK Stadium after the new stadium's opening, and is now planning to build the new Audi Field within the city.", "Hard Rock Stadium For their first 21 seasons, the Miami Dolphins played at the Orange Bowl. Joe Robbie, the team's founder, led the financing campaign to build a new home for the team. He believed it was only a matter of time before a Major League Baseball team came to South Florida. At his request, the stadium was built so only minimal renovations would be necessary to ready it for a baseball team.[citation needed] Most notably, the field was made somewhat wider than is normally the case for an NFL stadium. The wide field also made it fairly easy to convert the stadium for soccer.", "Oakland Raiders Al Davis created the phrase Raider Nation in 1968. In September 2009, Ice Cube recorded a song for the Raiders named \"Raider Nation\".[citation needed] In 2010, he took part in a documentary for ESPN's 30 for 30 series titled Straight Outta L.A..[110] It mainly focuses on N.W.A and the effect of the Raiders' image on their persona.[111] In 2012, Ice Cube wrote another song for the Raiders, as a part of Pepsi's NFL Anthems campaign, \"Come and Get It\". It was released on September 14, 2012.[112]", "Major professional sports leagues in the United States and Canada The leagues also cooperate in the construction and use of facilities. Many NBA and NHL teams share arenas, and, in years past, such sharing was very common for MLB and NFL teams, though only one such situation (the Oakland Coliseum, home to both the Raiders and Athletics) still exists as of 2017, and that situation is set to end in 2020 when the Raiders relocate to Las Vegas. Multi-purpose stadiums were built to accommodate multiple sports in the later half of the 20th century. Even in situations where separate stadiums have been constructed for each team (as is generally the norm in the 21st century), the individual stadiums may be constructed adjacent to each other and share parking space and other infrastructure. More recently, MLS teams have used NFL and CFL stadiums as either full-time home fields (much less so now, due to the league's insistence on soccer-specific stadiums) or for special event games; in reverse, in at least one case, an NFL team (the Los Angeles Chargers) will use a soccer-specific MLS stadium on a temporary basis in 2017 and 2018 while a larger stadium is built for them. In recent years, two MLS teams have shared stadiums permanently with NFL teams that were explicitly built to host both sports. The Seattle Sounders share CenturyLink Field with the Seattle Seahawks; the Seahawks are owned by Paul Allen, who is a member of the Sounders ownership group. Atlanta United FC shares Mercedes-Benz Stadium with the Atlanta Falcons, both under the ownership of Arthur Blank. In Canada, the Vancouver Whitecaps F.C. share B.C. Place with the CFL BC Lions. All three stadiums employ innovative stadium design features to reduce maximum seating for MLS games to enhance gameday atmosphere. New York City F.C. shares Yankee Stadium with the New York Yankees MLB team, who also part own the club.", "San Diego State Aztecs football In 2015, the San Diego Chargers stepped up their efforts to relocate to Los Angeles, pending a vote of National Football League owners and a partnership with the Oakland Raiders or St. Louis Rams. In the face of this development, contingency plans have been generated for the future use of the current SDCCU Stadium site in Mission Valley. One proposal that has been put forward by State Senator Marty Block is for San Diego State to take over use of the site in order to expand the campus and also provide for a new multi-use 40,000-seat stadium for Aztecs football and a Major League Soccer team.[8] On January 13, 2016, the Chargers gained approval by the NFL to join the Rams in a move to Los Angeles. On January 12, 2017, the Chargers announced that they would move to Los Angeles for the 2017 season. There is no current[when?] decision as to the future of SDCCU Stadium in Mission Valley, nor has a deal been approved for San Diego State to take over the site in order to extend the campus or to build a new football stadium.", "Oakland Raiders Negotiations between Davis and Oakland commenced in January 1989, and on March 11, 1991, Davis announced his intention to bring the Raiders back to Oakland.[32] By September 1991, however, numerous delays had prevented the completion of the deal between Davis and Oakland. On September 11, Davis announced a new deal to stay in Los Angeles, leading many fans in Oakland to burn Raiders paraphernalia in disgust.[33][34]", "Camp Randall Stadium The stadium also houses athletic offices of the university. In 2002, a large-scale reconstruction project commenced, which added luxury boxes, a five-story office building, and separate football program offices. In addition, concessions, restrooms and other infrastructure items were upgraded, the walkway around the field was removed, and new scoreboards were installed. The construction was completed prior to the start of the 2004 season. The football team continued to play at the stadium throughout the construction.", "Dodger Stadium In the mid-1950s, Brooklyn Dodgers team president Walter O'Malley had tried to build a domed stadium in the New York City borough of Brooklyn, but was unable to reach an agreement with city officials for the land acquisition, and eventually reached a deal with the city of Los Angeles. The land for Dodger Stadium was purchased from local owners and inhabitants in the early 1950s by the city of Los Angeles using eminent domain with funds from the Federal Housing Act of 1949. The city had planned to develop the Elysian Park Heights public housing project, which included two dozen 13-story buildings and more than 160 two-story townhouses, in addition to newly rebuilt playgrounds and schools, and a college.", "Shea Stadium In accordance with New York City law, Shea Stadium was dismantled, rather than imploded.[13] The company with the rights to sell memorabilia was given two weeks after the final game to remove seats, signage and other potentially saleable and collectable items before demolition was to begin. The seats were the first ($869 per pair plus tax, a combination of '86 and '69),[14] followed by other memorabilia such as the foul poles, dugouts, stadium signage, and the giant letters that spelled out \"SHEA\" at the front of the building.", "Emirates Stadium Actual construction of the stadium began once Arsenal secured funding. The club appointed Sir Robert McAlpine in January 2002 to carry out building work and the stadium was designed by Populous, who were the architects for Stadium Australia and the redevelopment of Ascot Racecourse.[73] Construction consultants Arcadis and engineering firm Buro Happold were also involved in the process.[74][75]", "2020 Summer Olympics It was confirmed in February 2012 that the Olympic Stadium in Tokyo would be demolished and reconstructed, and receive a £1 billion upgrade for the 2019 Rugby World Cup as well as the 2020 Olympics.[12] As a result, a design competition for the new stadium was launched. In November 2012, the Japan Sport Council announced that out of 46 finalists, Zaha Hadid Architects was awarded the design for the new stadium. Plans included dismantling the original stadium, and expanding the capacity from 50,000 to a modern Olympic capacity of about 80,000.[13] However, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe announced in July 2015 that plans to build the New National Stadium would be scrapped and rebid on amid public discontent over the stadium's building costs. In Autumn 2015 a new design by Kengo Kuma was approved as winning project of new stadium design competition which decreased the capacity to between 60,000–80,000 depending by event[14]", "2018 Oakland Raiders season On January 6, 2018, the Raiders hired their former head coach, Jon Gruden, who returned to the Raiders and coaching from ESPN's Monday Night Football.[5] Gruden received a 10-year, $100-million contract to return to the Raiders.[6] Gruden last coached in the NFL in 2008 with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and last coached the Raiders in 2001.[7] At the press conference announcing the hiring of Gruden on January 9, Gruden announced that Los Angeles Rams quarterbacks coach Greg Olson had been hired as offensive coordinator, though Gruden would call plays, while former Cincinnati Bengals defensive coordinator Paul Guenther was hired as the new defensive coordinator.[8] Gruden also announced that former Tampa Bay Buccaneers and Dallas Cowboys special teams coordinator Rich Bisaccia was hired to serve as special teams coordinator.[9] On January 29, the Raiders named Brian Callahan, son of their former head coach Bill Callahan, as the new quarterbacks coach.[10]", "Oakland–Alameda County Coliseum The Raiders played their first game at the stadium on September 18, 1966. In 1968, the Kansas City Athletics moved to Oakland and began play at the stadium. The Athletics' first game was played on April 17, 1968. The stadium complex cost $25.5 million to build and rests on 120 acres (49 ha) of land. On April 17, 1968, Boog Powell hit the first major league home run in the history of the Coliseum.[36] On May 8 of that year, Catfish Hunter pitched the ninth perfect game in Major League history at the Coliseum.[37] The Coliseum hosted the 1967 and 1969 AFL championship games. Additionally, the venue had hosted the second match of the NPSL Final 1967.", "Gillette Stadium In Massachusetts, there was a proposal to build a \"Megaplex\" in Boston, which would be the site of the stadium, as well as a new Fenway Park (the home park of the Boston Red Sox) and a much needed convention center. The proposed sites for this hybrid convention center-stadium were along Summer Street in South Boston or at the so-called Crosstown site along Melnea Cass Boulevard in Roxbury, adjacent to Boston's South End. The administration of Massachusetts Governor William Weld pushed for construction of a full \"Megaplex\" at the crosstown site, with then-new Boston Mayor Thomas Menino favoring construction of a new, stand-alone convention center in South Boston. Ultimately, the residents of neither of these neighborhoods wanted a stadium, and as a result, Menino backed out, fearing that it would affect his chance at re-election.[24] The Fenway Park plan was cancelled after many \"Save Fenway Park!\" groups popped up to save the historic ballpark.", "2017–18 La Liga Atlético Madrid will be playing at their new stadium, Wanda Metropolitano, replacing their former stadium, Vicente Calderón Stadium, where they played since its opening in 1967.", "Los Angeles Chargers The day following the conclusion of the 2015 regular season, the Chargers, Rams, and Raiders all filed to relocate to Los Angeles.[78] On January 12, 2016, the NFL owners voted 30–2 to allow the Rams to return to Los Angeles and approved the Inglewood stadium project over the Carson project. The Chargers were given a one-year approval to relocate, conditioned on negotiating a lease agreement with the Rams or an agreement to partner with the Rams on the new stadium construction.[79]", "Camp Randall Stadium After an outcry from veterans over plans to turn the site into building lots, the state bought it in 1893 and presented it to the university. Soon afterward, it was pressed into service as an athletic ground. It was originally used by the track and field team before the football and baseball teams moved there in 1895. However, the wooden bleachers were very difficult to maintain, and a portion of them were actually condemned as unsafe in 1914. The university then asked for $40,000 to build a concrete-and-steel stadium, but only got half of the original request. However, after three sections of bleachers collapsed during a 1915 game, the state readily granted the additional money. The new stadium opened for the first time on October 6, 1917. It consisted of 7,500 concrete seats—roughly corresponding to the lower portion of the current stadium's east grandstand—and 3,000 wooden seats from the old field.", "Texas Stadium Texas Stadium, along with Arrowhead Stadium (1972), Rich Stadium (1973), and the Pontiac Silverdome (1975), were part of a new wave of football-only stadiums (all with artificial turf) built after the AFL–NFL merger. More so than its contemporaries, Texas Stadium featured a proliferation of luxury boxes, which provided the team with a large new income source exempt from league revenue sharing.[citation needed]", "Paul Revere & the Raiders The punk rock and new wave eras would see a wave of interest in the Raiders' music; \"I'm Not Your Stepping Stone\" was covered by the Sex Pistols, Minor Threat, and Liverpool band the Farm (although the Monkees' cover version was better known than the Raiders' original), and later \"Just Like Me\" would be covered by the Circle Jerks, Joan Jett and Pat Benatar. David Bowie covered \"Louie, Go Home\". In 1964, the Who took the song and changed the title and lyrics to \"Lubie (Come Back Home)\" in 1965. \"Hungry\" was covered by Sammy Hagar. The Flamin' Groovies tackled three Raiders songs (\"Him or Me, What's it Gonna Be?\", \"Sometimes\" and \"Ups and Downs\") and The Morrells did a country-tinged arrangement of \"Ups and Downs\" as well. The Paisley Underground, garage rock revival, and grunge movements would all acknowledge the Raiders' influence. \"Kicks\" was also covered by Micky Dolenz and Peter Tork of the Monkees as one of three new recordings included on their 1986 compilation, Then & Now... The Best of The Monkees.[citation needed]", "Perth Stadium The new stadium at Subiaco was scheduled to be built between 2011 and 2016, with the majority of the stadium to be completed in 2014. Subiaco Oval was to be demolished between 2014 and 2016 to allow the end of construction on Perth Stadium. The staged construction would have allowed for Australian rules football to be played at the new venue by 2014, when the stadium was two-thirds completed with an initial capacity of 40,000 seats. The final stage would be completed in 2016 and expand the stadium's capacity to 60,000.[8][10]" ]
what event provoked congress to propose the eleventh amendment and the states to ratify it
[ "Eleventh Amendment to the United States Constitution The Eleventh Amendment (Amendment XI) to the United States Constitution, which was passed by Congress on March 4, 1794, and ratified by the states on February 7, 1795, deals with each state's sovereign immunity and was adopted to overrule the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in Chisholm v. Georgia, 2 U.S. 419 (1793).[1]", "Eleventh Amendment to the United States Constitution The Eleventh Amendment was the first Constitutional amendment adopted after the Bill of Rights. The amendment was adopted following the Supreme Court's ruling in Chisholm v. Georgia, 2 U.S. 419 (1793). In Chisholm, the Court ruled that federal courts had the authority to hear cases in law and equity brought by private citizens against states and that states did not enjoy sovereign immunity from suits made by citizens of other states in federal court. Thus, the amendment clarified Article III, Section 2 of the Constitution, which gives diversity jurisdiction to the judiciary to hear cases \"between a state and citizens of another state\".[2]" ]
[ "Eleventh Amendment to the United States Constitution The Eleventh Amendment was proposed by the 3rd Congress on March 4, 1794, when it was approved by the House of Representatives by vote of 81–9,[3] having been previously passed by the Senate, 23–2, on January 14, 1794.[4] The amendment was ratified by the state legislatures of the following states:[5]", "Twenty-seventh Amendment to the United States Constitution It was submitted by Congress to the states for ratification on September 25, 1789, along with eleven other proposed amendments. While ten of these twelve proposals were ratified in 1791 to become the Bill of Rights, what would become the Twenty-seventh Amendment and the proposed Congressional Apportionment Amendment did not get ratified by enough states for them to also come into force with the first ten amendments.", "Eleventh Amendment to the United States Constitution As there were 15 States at the time, the ratification by twelve States added the Eleventh Amendment to the Constitution. It was subsequently ratified by:", "Twentieth Amendment to the United States Constitution The Congress proposed the Twentieth Amendment on March 2, 1932, and the following states ratified it:[6]", "List of amendments to the United States Constitution Thirty-three amendments to the United States Constitution have been proposed by the United States Congress and sent to the states for ratification since the Constitution was put into operation on March 4, 1789. Twenty-seven of these, having been ratified by the requisite number of states, are part of the Constitution. The first ten amendments were adopted and ratified simultaneously and are known collectively as the Bill of Rights. Six amendments adopted by Congress and sent to the states have not been ratified by the required number of states. Four of these amendments are still technically open and pending, one is closed and has failed by its own terms, and one is closed and has failed by the terms of the resolution proposing it.", "U.S. state Article V of the Constitution accords states a key role in the process of amending the U.S. Constitution. Amendments may be proposed either by Congress with a two-thirds vote in both the House and the Senate, or by a convention of states called for by two-thirds of the state legislatures.[30] To become part of the Constitution, an amendment must be ratified by either—as determined by Congress—the legislatures of three-quarters of the states or state ratifying conventions in three-quarters of the states.[31] The vote in each state (to either ratify or reject a proposed amendment) carries equal weight, regardless of a state's population or length of time in the Union.", "Twenty-fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution The Twenty-fourth Amendment (Amendment XXIV) of the United States Constitution prohibits both Congress and the states from conditioning the right to vote in federal elections on payment of a poll tax or other types of tax. The amendment was proposed by Congress to the states on August 27, 1962, and was ratified by the states on January 23, 1964.", "Article Five of the United States Constitution After being officially proposed, either by Congress or a national convention of the states, a constitutional amendment must then be ratified by three-fourths of the states. Congress is authorized to choose whether a proposed amendment is sent to the state legislatures or to state ratifying conventions for ratification. Amendments ratified by the states under either procedure are indistinguishable and have equal force as part of the Constitution. Of the 33 amendments submitted to the states for ratification, the state convention method has been used for only one, the Twenty-first Amendment, which became part of the Constitution in 1933.[5] This was also one of only four times that Congress has placed the mode of ratification in the body of an amendment rather than in accompanying legislation; the others being the Eighteenth, Twentieth, and Twenty-second Amendments.[12] In United States v. Sprague (1931), the Supreme Court affirmed the authority of Congress to decide how each individual constitutional amendment is ratified, in accordance with the options provided in Article V and the equal validity of amendments properly ratified in either fashion. The Court had earlier, in Hawke v. Smith (1920), ruled the ratification of the proposed Nineteenth Amendment (which Congress had sent to the state legislatures for ratification) by the Legislature of Ohio could not be referred to the electors (voters) of the state, and that the Ohio Constitution, in requiring such a referendum, was inconsistent with the U.S. Constitution.", "Twenty-sixth Amendment to the United States Constitution Having been passed by the 92nd United States Congress, the proposed Twenty-sixth Amendment was sent to the state legislatures for their consideration. Ratification was completed on July 1, 1971, after the amendment had been ratified by the following thirty-eight states:[25]", "History of taxation in the United States In response to the Supreme Court decision in the Pollock case, Congress proposed the Sixteenth Amendment, which was ratified in 1913,[19] and which states:", "Talk:Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution/Archive 1 In regard to the changes made: The Corwin Amendment or Proposed 13th Amendment was voted on by both Houses of Congress & signed by President Buchanan, submitted by Lincoln to the states & ratified by three. None of this information was there. I added that information along w/ the sources.", "Supermajority Amendments to the Constitution may be proposed in one of two ways: a two-thirds supermajority votes of each house of Congress or a convention called by Congress on application of two thirds (currently 34) of the states. Once proposed, the amendment must be ratified by three quarters (currently 38) of the states.", "Eleventh Amendment to the United States Constitution However, Justice David Souter, writing for a four-Justice dissent in Alden, said the states surrendered their sovereign immunity when they ratified the Constitution. He read the amendment's text as reflecting a narrow form of sovereign immunity that limited only the diversity jurisdiction of the federal courts. He concluded that neither the Eleventh Amendment in particular nor the Constitution in general insulates the states from suits by individuals.[9]", "Ratification For subsequent amendments, Article Five describes the process of a potential amendment's adoption. Proposals to adopt an amendment may be called either by a two-thirds vote by both houses of Congress or by a national convention as a result of resolutions adopted by two-thirds (presently at least 34 out of 50) of the states' legislatures. For an amendment to be adopted, three-quarters of the states (presently at least 38 out of 50) must ratify the amendment either by a vote of approval in each state's legislature or by state ratifying conventions – Congress may specify which method must be used to ratify the amendment. Congress may also set a deadline by which the threshold for adoption must be met.", "State ratifying conventions Ratification of a proposed amendment has been done by state conventions only once—the 1933 ratification process of the 21st Amendment.[1] The 21st is also the only constitutional amendment that repealed another one, that being the 18th Amendment, which had been ratified 14 years earlier.", "List of amendments to the United States Constitution Approximately 11,539 proposals to amend the Constitution have been introduced in Congress since 1789 (as of December 2014).[2] Collectively, members of the House and Senate typically propose around 200 amendments during each two–year term of Congress.[3] Most, however, never get out of the Congressional committees in which they were proposed, and only a fraction of those that do receive enough support to win Congressional approval to go through the constitutional ratification process. Beginning in the early 20th century, Congress has usually, but not always, stipulated that an amendment must be ratified by the required number of states within seven years from the date of its submission to the states in order to become part of the Constitution. Congress' authority to set ratification deadline was affirmed by the United States Supreme Court in Coleman v. Miller, 307 U.S. 433 (1939).", "Article Five of the United States Constitution Presently, the Archivist of the United States is charged with responsibility for administering the ratification process under the provisions of 1 U.S. Code § 106b. The Archivist officially notifies the states, by a registered letter to each state's Governor, that an amendment has been proposed.[15] Each Governor then formally submits the amendment to their state's legislature (or ratifying convention). When a state ratifies a proposed amendment, it sends the Archivist an original or certified copy of the state's action. Upon receiving the necessary number of state ratifications, it is the duty of the Archivist to issue a certificate proclaiming a particular amendment duly ratified and part of the Constitution.[d] The amendment and its certificate of ratification are then published in the Federal Register and United States Statutes at Large. This serves as official notice to Congress and to the nation that the ratification process has been successfully completed.[1]", "Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution When he introduced the Tenth Amendment in Congress, James Madison explained that many states were eager to ratify this amendment, despite critics who deemed the amendment superfluous or unnecessary:", "History of Washington, D.C. In 1978, Congress sent the District of Columbia Voting Rights Amendment to the states for ratification. This amendment would have granted the District representation in the House, Senate, and Electoral College as if it were a state. The proposed amendment had a seven-year limit for ratification, and only sixteen states ratified it in this period.", "Due Process Clause New York was the only state that asked Congress to add \"due process\" language to the U.S. Constitution. New York ratified the U.S. Constitution and proposed the following amendment in 1788:", "District of Columbia voting rights In 1978, the Congress proposed the District of Columbia Voting Rights Amendment. Under this amendment, the District of Columbia would have been \"treated as though it were a State\" regarding congressional representation, presidential elections (replacing the limited treatment under the Twenty-third Amendment) and the constitutional amendment process. The amendment had to be ratified within seven years to be adopted. The amendment was ratified by only 16 states, short of the requisite three-fourths (38) of the states, and so it expired in 1985.[40] The amendment has never been resubmitted for ratification.", "Eleventh Amendment to the United States Constitution Although the Eleventh Amendment grants immunity to states from suit for money damages or equitable relief without their consent, in Ex parte Young, 209 U.S. 123 (1908), the Supreme Court ruled that federal courts may enjoin state officials from violating federal law. In Fitzpatrick v. Bitzer, 427 U.S. 445 (1976), the Supreme Court ruled that Congress may abrogate state immunity from suit under Section 5 of the Fourteenth Amendment. In Central Virginia Community College v. Katz, 546 U.S. 356 (2006), the Court ruled the Congress could do the same regarding bankruptcy cases by way of Article I, Section 8, Clause 4 of the Constitution. In Lapides v. Board of Regents of Univ. System of Ga., 535 U.S. 613 (2002), the Supreme Court ruled that when a state invokes a federal court's removal jurisdiction, it waives the Eleventh Amendment in the removed case.", "Corwin Amendment On March 2, 1861, the United States Senate adopted it, with no changes, on a vote of 24 to 12.[13] Since proposed constitutional amendments require a two-thirds majority, 132 votes were required in the House and 24 in the Senate. The Senators and Representatives from the seven slave states that had already declared their secession from the Union did not vote on the Corwin Amendment.[14] The resolution called for the amendment to be submitted to the state legislatures and to be adopted \"when ratified by three-fourths of said Legislatures.\"[15] Its supporters believed that the Corwin Amendment had a greater chance of success in the legislatures of the Southern states than would have been the case in state ratifying conventions, since state conventions were being conducted throughout the South at which votes to secede from the Union were successful—just as Congress was considering the Corwin Amendment.", "Second Amendment to the United States Constitution By January 1788, Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Georgia and Connecticut ratified the Constitution without insisting upon amendments. Several specific amendments were proposed, but were not adopted at the time the Constitution was ratified. For example, the Pennsylvania convention debated fifteen amendments, one of which concerned the right of the people to be armed, another with the militia. The Massachusetts convention also ratified the Constitution with an attached list of proposed amendments. In the end, the ratification convention was so evenly divided between those for and against the Constitution that the federalists agreed to amendments to assure ratification. Samuel Adams proposed that the Constitution:", "Antonin Scalia Scalia took a broad view of the Eleventh Amendment, which bars certain lawsuits against states in the federal courts. In his 1989 dissent in Pennsylvania v. Union Gas Co., Scalia stated that there was no intent on the part of the framers to have the states surrender any sovereign immunity and that the case that provoked the Eleventh Amendment, Chisholm v. Georgia, came as a surprise to them. Professor Ralph Rossum, who wrote a survey of Scalia's constitutional views, suggests that the justice's view of the Eleventh Amendment was actually contradictory to the language of the Amendment.[65]", "Constitutional amendment All thirty-three amendment proposals that have been sent to the states for ratification since the establishment of the Constitution have come into being via the Congress. State legislatures have however, at various times, used their power to apply for a national convention in order to pressure Congress into proposing a desired amendment. For example, the movement to amend the Constitution to provide for the direct election of senators began to see such proposals regularly pass the House of Representatives only to die in the Senate from the early 1890s onward. As time went by, more and more state legislatures adopted resolutions demanding that a convention be called, thus pressuring the Senate to finally relent and approve what later became the Seventeenth Amendment for fear that such a convention—if permitted to assemble—might stray to include issues above and beyond just the direct election of senators.", "Equal Rights Amendment On March 22, 2017, the 45th anniversary of Congress's submission of the amendment to the states, the Nevada Legislature was the first to ratify the ERA after the expiration of the original deadline.[5]", "United States Constitution Six amendments approved by Congress and proposed to the states for consideration have not been ratified by the required number of states to become part of the Constitution. Four of these are technically still pending, as Congress did not set a time limit (see also Coleman v. Miller) for their ratification. The other two are no longer pending, as both had a time limit attached and in both cases the time period set for their ratification expired.", "Article Five of the United States Constitution In Dillon v. Gloss (1921), the Supreme Court upheld Congress's power to prescribe time limitations for state ratifications and intimated that clearly out of date proposals were no longer open for ratification. Granting that it found nothing express in Article V relating to time constraints, the Court yet allowed that it found intimated in the amending process a \"strongly suggest[ive]\" argument that proposed amendments are not open to ratification for all time or by States acting at widely separate times.[17] The court subsequently, in Coleman v. Miller (1939), modified its opinion considerably. In that case, related to the proposed Child Labor Amendment, it held that the question of timeliness of ratification is a political and non-justiciable one, leaving the issue to Congress's discretion. It would appear that the length of time elapsing between proposal and ratification is irrelevant to the validity of the amendment. Based upon this precedent, the Archivist of the United States proclaimed the Twenty-seventh Amendment as having been ratified when it surpassed the \"three fourths of the several states\" plateau for becoming a part of the Constitution. Declared ratified on May 7, 1992, it had been submitted to the states for ratification on September 25, 1789, an unprecedented time period of 202 years, 7 months and 12 days.[15]", "Article Five of the United States Constitution The Congress, whenever two thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to this Constitution, or, on the application of the legislatures of two thirds of the several states, shall call a convention for proposing amendments, which, in either case, shall be valid to all intents and purposes, as part of this Constitution, when ratified by the legislatures of three fourths of the several states, or by conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other mode of ratification may be proposed by the Congress; provided that no amendment which may be made prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any manner affect the first and fourth clauses in the ninth section of the first article; and that no state, without its consent, shall be deprived of its equal suffrage in the Senate.[3]", "Twenty-first Amendment to the United States Constitution As more and more Americans opposed the Eighteenth Amendment, a political movement grew for its repeal. However, repeal was complicated by grassroots politics. Although the U.S. Constitution provides two methods for ratifying constitutional amendments, only one method had been used up until that time; and that was for ratification by the state legislatures of three-fourths of the states. However, the wisdom of the day was that the lawmakers of many states were either beholden to or simply fearful of the temperance lobby. For that reason, when Congress formally proposed the repeal of Prohibition on February 20, 1933 (with the requisite two-thirds having voted in favor in each house; 63 to 21 in the United States Senate and 289 to 121 in the United States House of Representatives), it chose the second ratification method established by Article V, that being via state conventions. The Twenty-first Amendment is the only constitutional amendment ratified by state conventions rather than by the state legislatures.", "Nineteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution There was considerable desire among politicians of both parties to have the proposal made part of the Constitution before the 1920 general elections, so the President called a special session of the Congress so the proposal would be brought before the House again. On May 21, 1919, it passed the House, 42 votes more than necessary being obtained. On June 4, 1919, it was brought before the Senate and, after a long discussion, it was passed with 56 ayes and 25 nays. Within a few days, Illinois, Wisconsin, and Michigan ratified the amendment, their legislatures being in session. Other states followed suit at a regular pace, until the amendment had been ratified by 35 of the necessary 36 state legislatures. Much of the opposition to the amendment came from Southern Democrats, a trend which remained consistent with Tennessee as the last state to pass the amendment, during a special session right before the ratification period was to expire.[21] On August 18, 1920, Tennessee narrowly approved the Nineteenth Amendment, with 50 of 99 members of the Tennessee House of Representatives voting yes.[22] This provided the final ratification necessary to add the amendment to the Constitution.[23]", "Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution The Fourth Amendment was adopted in response to the abuse of the writ of assistance, a type of general search warrant issued by the British government, and a major source of tension in pre-Revolutionary America. The Fourth Amendment was introduced in Congress in 1789 by James Madison, along with the other amendments in the Bill of Rights, in response to Anti-Federalist objections to the new Constitution. Congress submitted the amendment to the states on September 28, 1789. By December 15, 1791, the necessary three-fourths of the states had ratified it. On March 1, 1792, Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson announced the adoption of the amendment.", "Eighteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution Section 3. This article shall be inoperative unless it shall have been ratified as an amendment to the Constitution by the legislatures of the several States, as provided in the Constitution, within seven years from the date of the submission hereof to the States by the Congress.", "Abrogation doctrine In Seminole Tribe v. Florida, 517 U.S. 44 (1996) the Supreme Court ruled that the Congress's authority, under Article One of the United States Constitution, could not be used to abrogate state sovereign immunity.[1] However, the Congress can authorize lawsuits seeking monetary damages against individual U.S. states when it acts pursuant to powers delegated to it by amendments subsequent to the Eleventh Amendment. This is most frequently done pursuant to Section 5 of the Fourteenth Amendment, which explicitly allows the Congress to enforce its guarantees on the states and thus overrides states' Eleventh Amendment immunity.", "Twenty-second Amendment to the United States Constitution Section 2. This article shall be inoperative unless it shall have been ratified as an amendment to the Constitution by the legislatures of three-fourths of the several states within seven years from the date of its submission to the states by the Congress.", "Article Seven of the United States Constitution New Hampshire became the ninth state to ratify the proposed constitution on June 21, 1788, thus establishing it as the new framework of governance for the United States. Though officially enacted, four states, Virginia, New York, North Carolina and Rhode Island remained outside the new government. The Congress of the Confederation chose March 4, 1789 as the day \"for commencing proceedings under the Constitution.\"[3] Virginia and New York ratified the Constitution before the members of the new Congress assembled on the appointed day to bring the new Government into operation. North Carolina and Rhode Island ratified only after Congress sent a series of constitutional amendments to the states (specific guarantees of personal freedoms and rights; clear limitations on the government's power in judicial and other proceedings; and explicit declarations that all powers not specifically delegated to Congress by the Constitution are reserved for the states or the people) for ratification.", "Article Five of the United States Constitution Whether once it has prescribed a ratification period Congress may extend the period without necessitating action by already-ratified States embroiled Congress, the states, and the courts in argument with respect to the proposed Equal Rights Amendment (Sent to the states on March 22, 1972 with a seven-year ratification time limit attached). In 1978 Congress, by simple majority vote in both houses, extended the original deadline by 3 years, 3 months and 8 days (through June 30, 1982).", "Flag Desecration Amendment Second, the amendment would empower Congress to act, but not the states. Congress might interpret the amendment as giving it the power to ratify state laws to this effect, as it does for interstate compacts. The Court may find that the amendment has a preemptive effect, acting as a bar to bodies other than Congress passing such regulations. If so, then cases involving flag desecration would likely be restricted to the U.S. federal courts, as are cases involving criminal violations of copyright law. These are the only criminal courts over which Congress has jurisdiction to permit federal crimes to be heard.", "Twenty-seventh Amendment to the United States Constitution In certifying that the amendment had been duly ratified, the Archivist of the United States had acted under statutory authority granted to his office by the Congress under Title 1, section 106b of the United States Code, which states:", "List of amendments to the United States Constitution Article Five of the United States Constitution detailed the two-step process for amending the nation's frame of government. Amendments must be properly Proposed and Ratified before becoming operative. This process was designed to strike a balance between the excesses of constant change and inflexibility.[1]", "Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution The states decided to ratify the Tenth Amendment, and thus declined to signal that there are unenumerated powers in addition to unenumerated rights.[11][12] The amendment rendered unambiguous what had previously been at most a mere suggestion or implication.", "Sixteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution On February 25, 1913, in the closing days of the Taft administration, Secretary of State Philander C. Knox, a former Republican senator from Pennsylvania and attorney general under McKinley and Roosevelt, certified that the amendment had been properly ratified by the requisite number of state legislatures. Three more states ratified the amendment soon after, and eventually the total reached 42. The remaining six states either rejected the amendment or took no action at all. Notwithstanding the many frivolous claims repeatedly advanced by so-called tax protestors, the Sixteenth Amendment to the Constitution was duly ratified as of February 3, 1913. With that, the Pollock decision was overturned, restoring the status quo ante. Congress once again had the \"power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration\".[37]", "Corwin Amendment The Restored Government of Virginia, consisting mostly of representatives of what would become West Virginia, voted to approve the amendment on February 13, 1862.[23] However, West Virginia did not ratify the amendment after it became a state in 1863.", "Twenty-first Amendment to the United States Constitution The Twenty-first Amendment (Amendment XXI) to the United States Constitution repealed the Eighteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, which had mandated nationwide Prohibition on alcohol on January 16, 1919. The Twenty-first Amendment was ratified on December 5, 1933.[1] It is unique among the 27 amendments of the U.S. Constitution for being the only one to repeal a prior amendment and to have been ratified by state ratifying conventions.", "Corwin Amendment In 1963, more than a century after the Corwin Amendment was submitted to the state legislatures by the Congress, a joint resolution to ratify it was introduced in the Texas House of Representatives by Dallas Republican Henry Stollenwerck.[31] The joint resolution was referred to the House's Committee on Constitutional Amendments on March 7, 1963, but received no further consideration.[32]", "District of Columbia Voting Rights Amendment Representative Don Edwards of California proposed House Joint Resolution 554 in the 95th Congress. The United States House of Representatives passed it on March 2, 1978, by a 289–127 vote, with 18 not voting.[2] The United States Senate passed it on August 22, 1978, by a 67–32 vote, with 1 not voting.[3] With that, the District of Columbia Voting Rights Amendment was submitted to the state legislatures for ratification. The Congress, via Section 4, included in the text of the proposed amendment the requirement that ratification by three-fourths (38) of the states be completed within seven years following its passage by the Congress (i.e., August 22, 1985) in order for the proposed amendment to become part of the Constitution.[4] By placing the ratification deadline in the text of the proposed amendment the deadline could not be extended, as had been done regarding the Equal Rights Amendment.[5]", "Fifteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution In the final years of the American Civil War and the Reconstruction Era that followed, Congress repeatedly debated the rights of the millions of black former slaves. By 1869, amendments had been passed to abolish slavery and provide citizenship and equal protection under the laws, but the election of Ulysses S. Grant to the presidency in 1868 convinced a majority of Republicans that protecting the franchise of black male voters was important for the party's future. On February 26, 1869, after rejecting more sweeping versions of a suffrage amendment, Congress proposed a compromise amendment banning franchise restrictions on the basis of race, color, or previous servitude. After surviving a difficult ratification fight, the amendment was certified as duly ratified and part of the Constitution on March 30, 1870.", "State ratifying conventions To some extent, the convention method of ratification loosely approximates a one-state, one-vote national referendum on a specific proposed federal constitutional amendment, thus allowing the sentiments of registered voters to be somewhat more directly felt on highly sensitive issues. The theory is that the delegates of the conventions—who presumably would themselves be average citizens—might be less likely to bow to political pressure to accept or to reject a given amendment than would be the case with state legislators. The United States Supreme Court has ruled that a popular referendum is not a substitute for either the legislature or a ratifying convention—nor can a referendum approve of, or disapprove of, a state legislature's, or a convention's, decision on an amendment (Hawke v. Smith, 253 U.S. 221, [1920]).", "Equal Rights Amendment In the context of this judicial precedent, nonpartisan counsel to the Nevada legislative committee concluded that \"If three more states sent their ratification to the appropriate federal official, it would then be up to Congress to determine whether a sufficient number of states have ratified the Equal Rights Amendment.\"[71]", "History of the United States Constitution However, the unanimity required under the Articles made all attempts at reform impossible. Martin's allies such as New York's John Lansing, Jr., dropped moves to obstruct the Convention's process. They began to take exception to the Constitution \"as it was\", seeking amendments. Several conventions saw supporters for \"amendments before\" shift to a position of \"amendments after\" for the sake of staying in the Union. New York Anti's \"circular letter\" was sent to each state legislature proposing a second constitutional convention for \"amendments before\". It failed in the state legislatures. Ultimately only North Carolina and Rhode Island would wait for amendments from Congress before ratifying.[112]", "United States Constitution A proposed amendment becomes an operative part of the Constitution as soon as it is ratified by three-fourths of the States (currently 38 of the 50 States). There is no further step. The text requires no additional action by Congress or anyone else after ratification by the required number of states.[57] Thus, when the Office of the Federal Register verifies that it has received the required number of authenticated ratification documents, it drafts a formal proclamation for the Archivist to certify that the amendment is valid and has become part of the nation's frame of government. This certification is published in the Federal Register and United States Statutes at Large and serves as official notice to Congress and to the nation that the ratification process has been successfully completed.[53]", "American Revolution Calling themselves \"Federalists,\" the nationalists convinced Congress to call the Philadelphia Convention in 1787.[96] It adopted a new Constitution that provided for a much stronger federal government, including an effective executive in a check-and-balance system with the judiciary and legislature.[97] The Constitution was ratified in 1788, after a fierce debate in the states over the nature of the proposed new government. The new government under President George Washington took office in New York in March 1789.[98] Amendments to the Constitution were spearheaded in Congress by James Madison as assurances to those who were cautious about federal power, guaranteeing many of the inalienable rights that formed a foundation for the revolution. The amendments were ratified by the states in 1791.", "Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution The amendment as proposed by Congress in 1789 reads as follows:", "Corwin Amendment The Corwin Amendment is a proposed amendment to the United States Constitution that would shield \"domestic institutions\" of the states (which in 1861 included slavery) from the constitutional amendment process and from abolition or interference by Congress.[1][2] It was passed by the 36th Congress on March 2, 1861, and submitted to the state legislatures for ratification. Senator William H. Seward of New York introduced the amendment in the Senate and Representative Thomas Corwin of Ohio introduced it in the House of Representatives. Prior to the American Civil War, it was one of several measures considered by Congress in an ultimately unsuccessful attempt to attract the seceding states back into the Union and in an attempt to entice border slave states to stay.[3]", "Secession in the United States The delegates to the Philadelphia Convention convened and deliberated from May to September 1787. Instead of pursuing their official charge they returned a draft (new) Constitution, proposed for constructing and administering a new federal—later also known as \"national\"—government. They further proposed that the draft Constitution not be submitted to the Congress (where it would require unanimous approval of the states); instead that it be presented directly to the states for ratification in special ratification conventions, and that approval by a minimum of nine state conventions would suffice to adopt the new Constitution and initiate the new federal government; and that only those states ratifying the Constitution would be included in the new government. (For a time, eleven of the original states operated under the Constitution without two non-ratifying states, Rhode Island and North Carolina.) In effect, the delegates proposed to abandon and replace the Articles of Confederation rather than amend them.[a]", "Third Amendment to the United States Constitution On November 20, 1789, New Jersey ratified eleven of the twelve amendments, rejecting Article II, which regulated Congressional pay raises. On December 19 and 22, respectively, Maryland and North Carolina ratified all twelve amendments.[13] On January 19, 25, and 28, 1790, respectively, South Carolina, New Hampshire, and Delaware ratified the Bill, though New Hampshire rejected the amendment on Congressional pay raises, and Delaware rejected Article I, which regulated the size of the House.[13] This brought the total of ratifying states to six of the required ten, but the process stalled in other states: Connecticut and Georgia found a Bill of Rights unnecessary and so refused to ratify, while Massachusetts ratified most of the amendments, but failed to send official notice to the Secretary of State that it had done so.[12][a]", "Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution This draft was edited by Congress; all the material before the first ellipsis was placed at the end, and some of the wording was modified. After approval by Congress, the amendment was ratified by the states on December 15, 1791 as part of the Bill of Rights. Every one of the five clauses in the final amendment appeared in Madison's draft, and in their final order those clauses are the Grand Jury Clause (which Madison had placed last), the Double Jeopardy Clause, the Self Incrimination Clause, the Due Process Clause, and then the Takings Clause.", "United States Constitution Presently, the Archivist of the United States is charged with responsibility for administering the ratification process under the provisions of 1 U.S. Code § 106b. The Archivist submits the proposed amendment to the states for their consideration by sending a letter of notification to each Governor. Each Governor then formally submits the amendment to their state's legislature. When a state ratifies a proposed amendment, it sends the Archivist an original or certified copy of the state's action. Ratification documents are examined by the Office of the Federal Register for facial legal sufficiency and an authenticating signature.[53]", "District of Columbia Voting Rights Amendment The District of Columbia Voting Rights Amendment was a proposed amendment to the United States Constitution that would have given the District of Columbia full representation in the United States Congress, full representation in the Electoral College system, and full participation in the process by which the Constitution is amended.", "Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution While the Constitution does not provide the President any formal role in the amendment process, the joint resolution was sent to Lincoln for his signature.[61] Under the usual signatures of the Speaker of the House and the President of the Senate, President Lincoln wrote the word \"Approved\" and added his signature to the joint resolution on February 1, 1865.[62] On February 7, Congress passed a resolution affirming that the Presidential signature was unnecessary.[63] The Thirteenth Amendment is the only ratified amendment signed by a President, although James Buchanan had signed the Corwin Amendment that the 36th Congress had adopted and sent to the states in March 1861.[64][65]", "Twenty-third Amendment to the United States Constitution The following states ratified the amendment:[12]", "Twelfth Amendment to the United States Constitution Having been ratified by the requisite three-fourths of the several states, there being 17 states in the Union at the time, the ratification of the Twelfth Amendment was completed. It was subsequently ratified by:", "Supermajority Many state constitutions allow or require amendments to their own constitutions to be proposed by supermajorities of the state legislature; these amendments must usually be approved by the voters at one or more subsequent elections. Michigan, for instance, allows the Legislature to propose an amendment to the Michigan Constitution; it must then be ratified by the voters at the next general election (unless a special election is called).[25]", "Tax protester constitutional arguments It has been argued that the imposition of the U.S. federal income tax is illegal because the Sixteenth Amendment, which grants Congress the \"power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration,\" was not properly ratified,[24] or that the amendment provides no power to tax income from labor. Proper ratification of the Sixteenth Amendment is disputed by tax protesters who argue that the quoted text of the Amendment differed from the text proposed by Congress, or that Ohio was not a State during ratification.[25] Sixteenth Amendment ratification arguments have been rejected in every court case where they have been raised and have been identified as legally frivolous.[6]", "Convention to propose amendments to the United States Constitution There have been two nearly successful attempts to amend the Constitution via an Article V Convention since the late 1960s. The first try was an attempt to propose an amendment that would overturn two Supreme Court decisions, Wesberry v. Sanders and Reynolds v. Sims, decisions that required states to adhere to the one man, one vote principle in drawing electoral districts for state and federal elections. The attempt fell only one state short of reaching the 34 needed to force Congress to call a convention in 1969, but ended by the death of its main promoter Senator Everett Dirksen. After this peak, several states (whose legislatures by this point had been re-engineered in the wake of the rulings) rescinded their applications, and interest in the proposed amendment subsided.[49]", "Second Amendment to the United States Constitution One version was passed by the Congress, and a slightly different version was ratified.[29][30][31][32][33] As passed by the Congress and preserved in the National Archives, with the rest of the original handwritten copy of the Bill of Rights prepared by scribe William Lambert, the amendment says:[34]", "Presidency of Abraham Lincoln In December 1863, a proposed constitutional amendment that would outlaw slavery was introduced in Congress; though the Senate voted for the amendment with the necessary two-thirds majority, the amendment did not receive sufficient support in the House.[187] On accepting the 1864 National Union nomination, Lincoln told the party that he would seek to ratify a constitutional amendment that would abolish slavery in the United States.[145] After winning re-election, Lincoln made ratification of the Thirteenth Amendment (as it would become known) a priority. With the aid of large majorities in both houses of Congress, Lincoln believed that the could permanently end the institution of slavery in the United States.[188] Though he had largely avoided becoming involved in Congressional legislative processes, Lincoln gave the ratification struggle his full attention. Rather than waiting for the 39th Congress to convene in March, Lincoln pressed the lame duck session of the 38th Congress to ratify the Thirteenth Amendment as soon as possible. Lincoln and Seward engaged in an extensive lobbying campaign to win their votes. In a vote held on January 31, the House narrowly cleared the two-thirds threshold in a 119-56 vote.[188] The Thirteenth Amendment was sent to the states for ratification, and Secretary of State Seward proclaimed its adoption on December 18, 1865. Some abolitionist leaders viewed their work as complete, but Douglass noted that \"slavery is not abolished until the black man has the ballot.\"[189]", "Twenty-seventh Amendment to the United States Constitution The following states ratified the Twenty-seventh Amendment:", "Convention to propose amendments to the United States Constitution The first proposal for a method of amending the Constitution offered in the Constitutional Convention, contained in the Virginia Plan, sought to circumvent the national legislature, stating that \"the assent of the National Legislature ought not to be required.\"[15] This was subsequently modified by the Committee of Detail to include a process whereby Congress would call for a constitutional convention on the request of two-thirds of the state legislatures.[16]", "United States Bill of Rights Article Two, initially ratified by seven states through 1792 (including Kentucky), was not ratified by another state for eighty years. The Ohio General Assembly ratified it on May 6, 1873 in protest of an unpopular Congressional pay raise.[73] A century later, on March 6, 1978, the Wyoming Legislature also ratified the article.[74] Gregory Watson, a University of Texas at Austin undergraduate student, started a new push for the article's ratification with a letter-writing campaign to state legislatures.[73] As a result, by May 1992, enough states had approved Article Two (38 of the 50 states in the Union) for it to become the Twenty-seventh Amendment to the United States Constitution. The amendment's adoption was certified by Archivist of the United States Don W. Wilson and subsequently affirmed by a vote of Congress on May 20, 1992.[75]", "Fifteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution The first twenty-eight states to ratify the Fifteenth Amendment were:[33]", "Franklin D. Roosevelt Roosevelt is the only President of the United States to serve more than two terms in office; in response to this, the 22nd Amendment limiting Presidential terms was passed by Congress in 1947 and ratified by the states in 1951.[318]", "History of the United States Constitution Revenues were requisitioned by Congressional petition to each state. None paid what they were asked; sometimes some paid nothing. Congress appealed to the thirteen states for an amendment to the Articles to tax enough to pay the public debt as principal came due. Twelve states agreed, Rhode Island did not, so it failed.[7] The Articles required super majorities. Amendment proposals to states required ratification by all thirteen states, all important legislation needed 70% approval, at least nine states. Repeatedly, one or two states defeated legislative proposals of major importance.[6]", "Titles of Nobility Amendment The Titles of Nobility Amendment is a proposed amendment to the United States Constitution. The 11th Congress passed it on May 1, 1810, and submitted to the state legislatures for ratification. It would strip United States citizenship from any citizen who accepted a title of nobility from an \"emperor, king, prince or foreign power.\" On two occasions between 1812 and 1816 it was within two states of the number needed to become part of the Constitution. Congress did not set a time limit for its ratification, so the amendment is still pending before the states. Ratification by an additional 26 states is now needed for its adoption.", "Women's suffrage in states of the United States Controlled by conservative Henry Roraback's Republican Party machine, Connecticut resisted the rapidly increasing pressure across the country to support the proposed Nineteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, which would prohibit the denial of the right to vote on the basis of sex. The state legislature, which finally met in a special session called specifically to consider the amendment, ratified it in September 1920, a month after it had already become the law of the land because a sufficient number of other states had ratified it.[50] Its work done, the CWSA dissolved in 1921.[42]", "National American Woman Suffrage Association After the elections, Wilson called a special session of Congress, which passed the suffrage amendment on June 4, 1919.[122]\nThe struggle now passed to the state legislatures, three-fourths of which would need to ratify the amendment before it would become law.", "Eleventh Amendment to the United States Constitution The territories of American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands and the Virgin Islands do not enjoy Eleventh Amendment immunity.[11][12][13]", "Article One of the United States Constitution Due to this restriction, application of the income tax to income derived from real estate and specifically income in the form of dividends from personal property ownership such as stock shares was found to be unconstitutional because it was not apportioned among the states;[32] that is to say, there was no guarantee that a State with 10% of the country's population paid 10% of those income taxes collected, because Congress had not fixed an amount of money to be raised and apportioned it between the States according to their respective shares of the national population. To permit the levying of such an income tax, Congress proposed and the states ratified the Sixteenth Amendment, which removed the restriction by specifically providing that Congress could levy a tax on income \"from whatever source derived\" without it being apportioned among the States or otherwise based on a State's share of the national population.", "Constitutional amendment Amendments to the Constitution are to be proposed by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress or by more than one-fifth of the deputies to the National People's Congress and adopted by a majority vote of more than two-thirds of all the deputies to the Congress.", "Nevada Department of Human Resources v. Hibbs In Hans v. Louisiana (1890), the Supreme Court of the United States held that the Eleventh Amendment prohibits states from being sued in federal court without their consent by their own citizens, despite the Eleventh Amendment's literal language.[6] Congress, however, when acting under its Section 5 power, may abrogate state sovereign immunity and allow states to be sued for money damages. The Supreme Court has held that Congress may do this only if the private remedies it enacts under Section 5 have \"congruence and proportionality\" to the constitutional wrongs which it seeks to redress.[7] Without the requisite congruence and proportionality, Congress cannot constitutionally authorize private litigants to recover money damages from the states, although such litigants can sue for equitable relief.[8]", "Second Amendment to the United States Constitution On December 15, 1791, the Bill of Rights (the first ten amendments to the Constitution) was adopted, having been ratified by three-fourths of the states, having been ratified as a group by all the fourteen states then in existence except Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Georgia - which added ratifications in 1939; Vermont ratified them all. [124]", "Equal Rights Amendment Congress had originally set a ratification deadline of March 22, 1979. Through 1977, the amendment received 35 of the necessary 38 state ratifications. With wide, bipartisan support (including that of both major political parties, both houses of Congress, and Presidents Ford and Carter)[2] it seemed headed for ratification until Phyllis Schlafly mobilized conservative women in opposition, arguing that the ERA would disadvantage housewives and cause women to be drafted into the military.[3] Four states rescinded their ratifications before the 1979 deadline; however, there is no precedent or mechanism within the US Constitution for rescinding, and, thus, it becomes a legal question. In 1978, a joint resolution of Congress extended the ratification deadline to June 30, 1982, but no further states ratified the amendment before that revised deadline.[4]", "List of amendments to the United States Constitution The thirty-three amendments to the United States Constitution—both ratified and unratified—are listed and detailed in the tables below.", "Legal history of income tax in the United States 2. Sixteenth Amendment. More importantly, in 1909 Congress proposed the Sixteenth Amendment. This amendment reads as follows:", "1st United States Congress The First United States Congress, consisting of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives, met from March 4, 1789, to March 4, 1791, during the first two years of George Washington's presidency, first at Federal Hall in New York City and later at Congress Hall in Philadelphia. With the initial meeting of the First Congress, the United States federal government officially began operations under the new (and current) frame of government established by the 1787 Constitution. The apportionment of seats in the House of Representatives was based on the provisions of Article I, Section 2, Clause 3 of the Constitution. Both chambers had a Pro-Administration majority. Twelve articles of amendment to the Constitution were passed by this Congress and sent to the states for ratification; the ten ratified as additions to the Constitution on December 15, 1791, are collectively known as the Bill of Rights.", "First Amendment to the United States Constitution The Bill of Rights was originally proposed to assuage Anti-Federalist opposition to Constitutional ratification. Initially, the First Amendment applied only to laws enacted by the Congress, and many of its provisions were interpreted more narrowly than they are today. Beginning with Gitlow v. New York (1925), the Supreme Court applied the First Amendment to states—a process known as incorporation—through the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.", "State ratifying conventions In Florida, the convention is made up of 67 members.[3] The governor has 45 days to call an election to be held from five to ten months after Congress proposes the constitutional amendment. Anyone can apply to be a member of the convention, with the state qualifications for the Florida House of Representatives used as an eligibility test. Candidates can officially declare that they are \"for\" or \"against\" the proposed amendment, or they may apply as unannounced. An application fee of $25 and a 500-name petition are also required. On the ballots, candidates are listed in three categories: \"for\", \"against\", and \"undecided\".[4] There is also provision for write-in candidates. The vote is at-large, meaning that the 67 top vote-getters statewide win the 67 seats in the convention. The convention begins on the second Tuesday following the election. Delegates are not compensated per diem or for expenses.", "Tax protester constitutional arguments Another tax protester argument centers upon the pending and inoperative Titles of Nobility Amendment. Proposed as an amendment to the Constitution by the 11th Congress in 1810, it would, if ratified by the required number of states, strip United States citizenship from any citizen who accepted a title of nobility from a foreign government. The contention here is that this amendment was in fact ratified by the required number of states (in the 1810s) to have become an operative part of the Constitution, and that, because this is so, actions taken by lawyers and judges, who use the title Esquire–asserted to be a title of nobility and monarchical–are unconstitutional. In fact, the use of \"Esquire\" by lawyers and judges is merely an informal custom in the United States, not a title with any legal standing.[29] This contention, rarely raised before courts, was most recently addressed in Campion v. Towns, No.CV-04-1516PHX-ROS, *2 n.1 (D. Ariz. 2005) as a defense to a charge of tax evasion. The court replied:", "Convention to propose amendments to the United States Constitution Opponents to a convention counter that the only national amendments convention, held in 1787, tells a very different story. Of the 12 states that sent delegates to the 1787 convention, only 2 placed no restrictions on the power of their delegates.[citation needed] The other 10 states, Congress, and Article XIII of the Articles of Confederation all gave very specific restrictions and rules for the convention, yet none of these were apparently honored.[citation needed] Proponents note that the delegates observed the amendment procedures detailed in the Articles of Confederation and that they were faithful to their instructions from the states as expressed in the Annapolis Convention and state resolutions \"to render the constitution of the Federal Government adequate for the exigencies of the Union.\"[citation needed] The delegates did, however, disregard Congress's recommendation to \"solely amend the Articles\"[36] but as Madison noted in Federalist No. 40, the resolution Congress passed in February 1787 endorsing the Convention was only a recommendation.[37] Regardless, the delegates sent nothing to the States at all, sending their new Constitution to Congress, as was their mandate. Congress debated the matter before voting to send it on to the States for ratification with no recommendation for or against.", "James Madison The Senate edited the amendments still further, making 26 changes of its own, and condensing their number to twelve.[61] Madison's proposal to apply parts of the Bill of Rights to the states as well as the federal government was eliminated, as was his final proposed change to the preamble.[62] A House–Senate Conference Committee then convened to resolve the numerous differences between the two Bill of Rights proposals. On September 24, 1789, the committee issued its report, which finalized 12 Constitutional Amendments for the House and Senate to consider. This version was approved by joint resolution of Congress on September 25, 1789.[63][64] Of the proposed twelve Amendments, Articles Three through Twelve were ratified as additions to the Constitution on December 15, 1791, were renumbered one through ten, and became the Bill of Rights.[65] Proposed Article Two became part of the Constitution in 1992 as the Twenty-seventh Amendment, while proposed Article One is technically still pending before the states.[66] Madison was disappointed that the Bill of Rights did not include protections against actions by state governments, but passage of the document mollified some critics of the original constitution and shored up Madison's support in Virginia.[67]", "Assassination of James A. Garfield Congress did not deal with the problem of what to do if a President were alive but incapacitated as Garfield was. Nor did the Congress take up the question 38 years later, when Woodrow Wilson suffered a stroke that put him in a coma for days and left him partially paralyzed and blind in one eye for the last year and a half of his Presidency. It was not until the Twenty-fifth Amendment was ratified in 1967 that there was an official procedure for what to do if the president became incapacitated.", "Privileges or Immunities Clause Congress gave final approval to the Privileges or Immunities Clause when the House proposed the Fourteenth Amendment to the states for ratification on June 13, 1866. There was much discussion of this proposed clause as the amendment awaited ratification by the states. For example, according to a November 15, 1866 pseudonymous letter published in the New York Times:[8]", "Twelfth Amendment to the United States Constitution On its first day, the 8th Congress considered the designation amendment. The first formulation of the amendment had the five highest electoral vote earners on the ballot in the House if no one candidate had a majority of the electoral votes. Republican John Clopton of Virginia, the largest state in the Union, argued that having five names on the list for a contingency election took the power from the people, so he proposed that there be only two names on the list. On October 20, the House appointed a seventeen-member committee (one Representative from each state) to fine-tune the amendment.[6]", "Equal Rights Amendment The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) is a proposed amendment to the United States Constitution designed to guarantee equal rights for all citizens regardless of sex; it seeks to end the legal distinctions between men and women in terms of divorce, property, employment, and other matters.[1] The ERA was originally written by Alice Paul and Crystal Eastman. The amendment was introduced in Congress for the first time in 1921 and has prompted conversations about the meaning of equality for women and men.", "James Madison In proposing the Bill of Rights, Madison considered over two hundred amendments that had been proposed at the state ratifying conventions. While most of the amendments he proposed were drawn from these conventions, he was largely responsible for the portions of the Bill of Rights that guarantee freedom of the press, protection of property from government seizure, and jury trials.[67] He initially introduced an amendment that guaranteed all citizens the right to a jury trial in all civil cases where there was $20 or more at stake. While the original amendment failed, the guaranty of a civil jury trial in federal cases was incorporated into the Bill of Rights as the Seventh Amendment.[68]", "Civil liberties in the United States The text of Amendment XXVI to the United States Constitution, ratified July 1, 1971, states that:", "Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution The Fourteenth Amendment was subsequently ratified:[22]" ]
does joe die in the purge election year
[ "The Purge: Election Year While fleeing the city, the ambulance is hit by Danzinger's team. Roan is pulled from the van by the soldiers before Barnes can assist. He leads the group and Bishop's team to a fortified cathedral where the NFFA plans to sacrifice her. Before Roan can be killed by the NFFA, the group arrives and assassinates Warrens, causing a shootout that kills the entire congregation except Owens and another NFFA loyalist, Harmon James, who escape. Owens is caught by Bishop's group, who still intends to kill him, but Roan manages to persuade them to spare him. The remaining paramilitary forces arrive, killing Bishop and his team. Danzinger and Barnes engage in a melee which ends with the former's death. As Roan and the team free the imprisoned purge victims, James emerges and kills a released prisoner. Joe shoots him, but is fatally wounded. Before dying, Joe asks Marcos to take care of his store." ]
[ "The Purge: Election Year The Purge: Election Year is a 2016 American dystopian action horror film written and directed by James DeMonaco and starring Frank Grillo, Elizabeth Mitchell, and Mykelti Williamson. It is the sequel to 2014's The Purge: Anarchy and is the third (chronologically, the fourth) installment in The Purge franchise.", "The Purge: Election Year The team arrives at an underground antipurge hideout run by Dante Bishop. Barnes discovers that Bishop's group intends to assassinate Owens, in an effort to end the purge. A large group of paramilitary forces arrives at the hideout looking for Bishop. Barnes and Roan escape back to the streets and meet Joe, Marcos, and Laney, who had left the hideout earlier to return to Joe's store.", "The Purge: Election Year On Rotten Tomatoes, the film has an approval rating of 53% based on 143 reviews and an average rating of 5.4/10. The site's critical consensus reads, \"It isn't particularly subtle, but The Purge: Election Year's blend of potent jolts and timely themes still add up to a nastily effective diversion.\"[16] On Metacritic, the film has a score of 55 out of 100 based on 31 critics, indicating \"mixed or average reviews\".[17] Audiences polled by CinemaScore gave the film an average grade of \"B+\" on an A+ to F scale.[18]", "The Purge A third film, The Purge: Election Year, was released on July 1, 2016.[18]", "The Purge: Election Year Two months later, Roan wins the election in a landslide, while Barnes is promoted to head of the Secret Service. Marcos and Laney renovate Joe's store and continue to run it in his memory. A news report then states that NFFA supporters have staged violent uprisings across the country in response to election results.", "The Purge: Election Year In September 2016, James DeMonaco, who wrote and directed every film in the series thus far, stated that the fourth Purge film would be a prequel to the trilogy. The film will reportedly show how the United States got to the point of accepting the Purge Night.[19]", "The Purge: Election Year Nathan Whitehead returned to compose the score, having done the music for the first two Purge films. The soundtrack was released on July 1, 2016, to coincide with the release of the film.[citation needed]", "The First Purge In September 2016, James DeMonaco, the creator of the franchise, said that the fourth film, a follow-up to 2016's The Purge: Election Year, would be a prequel to the trilogy, showing how the United States came to the point of accepting the Purge Night.[6] On February 17, 2017, DeMonaco announced that the fourth installment in The Purge franchise was in development at Universal Studios. DeMonaco did not return as director, but wrote the script and produced the film, with Jason Blum of Blumhouse Productions, Michael Bay, Andrew Form, and Brad Fuller of Platinum Dunes, and Sébastien K. Lemercier.[7]", "The First Purge During the end credits, Sabian reads a statement calling this experimental Purge a success, and that a nationwide Purge may begin as soon as the following year.", "Purges of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union The next systematic party purge in the Soviet Union was declared by Stalin in December 1932 to be performed during 1933. During this period, new memberships were suspended. A joint resolution of the Party Central Committee and Central Revision Committee specified the criteria for purging and called for setting up special Purge Commissions, to which every communist had to report. Furthermore, this purge concerned members of the Central Committee, Central Revision Committee, which previously were immune to purges, because they were elected at Party Congresses. In particular, Nikolai Bukharin, Alexei Ivanovich Rykov, and Mikhail Tomsky had to try hard to defend themselves during this purge. At this time, of 1.9 million members, about 18 percent were purged.", "The Purge The Purge is a 2013 American dystopian horror film written and directed by James DeMonaco and is the first (chronologically, the second) installment in The Purge franchise. The film stars Ethan Hawke, Lena Headey, Adelaide Kane, and Max Burkholder as a family held hostage during \"The Purge\", which is a 12-hour time in which all illegal acts are decriminalized.", "The Purge The Purge film itself and the concept of it were referenced numerous times during episode 9 of season 2 of the animated show Rick and Morty, where the two title characters become trapped on a \"purge world\".", "Joe Turner's Come and Gone Joe Turner- While Turner does not make an actual appearance in the play, he is often referred to with the expectation that the audience is aware of who he is. Joe Turner, the brother of the governor of Tennessee, would kidnap black men and force them into labor on his chain gang for seven years.", "The Purge In July 2014 the Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre produced the play, Seinfeld: The Purge, which parodied both Seinfeld and The Purge.[21] The play, which was written by John Ford and directed by Justin Donaldson, focused on what each Seinfeld character would do during a purge; for example, George tries to kill a former friend from the Seinfeld episode \"The Couch\".[22] Horror news website Bloody Disgusting gave the play \"four skulls\" and praised the show for its acting and storyline.[23]", "The Purge In 2014, the New Founding Fathers of America, a totalitarian political party portraying themselves as successors to the Founding Fathers of the United States, are voted into office following an economic collapse, and pass the 28th Amendment which sanctions an annual national civic tradition called \"The Purge\", the first of which takes place in 2017. The purge occurs for 12 hours, from 7 pm March 21 to 7 am March 22, during which all crime is legal and all police, fire, and medical emergency services remain unavailable. Restrictions prohibit government officials \"ranking 10\" from being disturbed, as well as the use of all weapons above class 4 (explosive devices such as grenades, rocket launchers, and bazookas). Violation of purge rules results in a summary execution by hanging. The purge has resulted in unemployment rates plummeting to 1%, low crime, and a strong economy.", "United States Senate elections, 2018 One-term Democratic Senator Joe Donnelly was elected with 50.04% of the vote in 2012. He will be 63 years old in 2018. He is running.[51]", "Mykelti Williamson His other notable roles include Free Willy, Heat, Lucky Number Slevin, Three Kings, Black Dynamite, The Final Destination, ATL, Species II and The Purge: Election Year.", "The Purge Rotten Tomatoes records a rating of 37% based on 140 reviews for The Purge, with a weighted average of 5.1/10, with the site's consensus stating, \"Half social allegory, half home-invasion thriller, The Purge attempts to use thriller formula to make an intelligent point—but ultimately only ends up sinking in numbing violence and tired cliches.\"[10] The film holds a score of 41 out of 100 on Metacritic, based on 33 critics, signifying \"mixed or average reviews\".[11]", "United States Senate elections, 2018 One-term Democratic Senator Joe Manchin was elected with 61% of the vote in 2012. He originally won the seat in a 2010 special election. He will be 71 years old in 2018. Manchin is running for re-election. Environmental activist Paula Jean Swearengin is also running for the Democratic nomination.[159][206]", "The Purge On March 21, 2022, James Sandin (Hawke), a top salesman for elaborate security systems designed specifically for purge night, returns to his home in an affluent Los Angeles gated community to wait out the night with his wife, Mary (Lena Headey), and their two children, Zoey (Adelaide Kane) and Charlie (Max Burkholder). The family is assured that the security system manufactured by James' company will keep them safe. Their neighbors attribute the size and fittings of the newly extended Sandins' house to his success in selling security products to them for purge night.", "G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra Inspired by the movie, The Ballad of G.I. Joe was released in 2009 on the website Funny or Die. Written by Daniel Strange and Kevin Umbricht, and featuring celebrities such as Olivia Wilde, Zack Galifianakis, Alexis Bledel, Henry Rollins, and Vinnie Jones, the video short parodies several characters from G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero by showing what they do in their spare time.[126][127]", "Lame-duck session If Congress adjourns sine die with contingent reconvening authority, on the other hand, the sine die character of the adjournment becomes final only if the leadership does not exercise this authority by the time the next session of Congress is slated to convene, pursuant to either the Constitution or law. If the authority is exercised, the existing session of the old Congress resumes, and the previous adjournment turns out not to have been sine die. Any post-election portion of this continuation of the previous session of Congress would be considered a lame duck session. The Speaker of the House used authority of this kind in 1998 to reconvene the chamber in a post-election continuation of a session that had previously been terminated by a conditional sine die adjournment.[7]", "United States Senate elections, 2020 One-term Democrat Chris Coons was re-elected in 2014; Coons first took office after winning a 2010 special election, which occurred after long-time Senator Joe Biden resigned his seat to become Vice President of the United States. Coons will be 57 years old in 2020.", "The Purge The film was the theme for a scare zone in the 2013 edition of Halloween Horror Nights at Universal Studios Hollywood. It was also used as a theme for a scare zone in the 2014 edition of Halloween Horror Nights at Universal Studios Orlando. \"The Purge\" was featured at the Orlando park again in 2015, alongside other popular horror franchises such as \"The Walking Dead,\" \"Freddy vs. Jason,\" and \"Insidious.\" [20]", "Great Purge The Great Purge or the Great Terror (Russian: Большо́й терро́р) was a campaign of political repression in the Soviet Union which occurred from 1936 to 1938.[1] It involved a large-scale purge of the Communist Party and government officials, repression of peasants and the Red Army leadership, widespread police surveillance, suspicion of \"saboteurs\", \"counter-revolutionaries\", imprisonment, and arbitrary executions.[2] In Russian historiography, the period of the most intense purge, 1937–1938, is called Yezhovshchina (Russian: Ежовщина; literally, \"Yezhov phenomenon\",[note 1] commonly translated as \"times of Yezhov\" or \"doings of Yezhov\"), after Nikolai Yezhov, the head of the Soviet secret police, the NKVD, who was himself later killed in the purge. Mobile gas vans were used to execute people without trial.[3][4][5] It has been estimated between 200,000 to 600,000 people died at the hands of the Soviet government during the Purge.[6][7][8][9]", "Criminal sentencing in Canada The effect of a discharge is that it will not be considered a criminal record. An absolute discharge is purged after one year. A conditional discharge is purged after three years.[18]", "Alberta general election, 2015 The provincial Election Act fixed the election date to a three-month period between March 1 and May 31 in the fourth calendar year after the preceding election day - in this case, April 23, 2012. However, the Act does not affect the powers of the Lieutenant Governor to dissolve the Legislature before this period.[1]", "John Doe \"John Doe\" , \"John Roe\" or \"Richard Roe\" (for men), \"Jane Doe\" or \"Jane Roe\" (for women), and \"Baby Doe\", \"Janie Doe\" or \"Johnny Doe\" (for children), or just \"Doe\" or \"Roe\" are multiple-use names that have two distinct usages. Firstly, and especially in the United States, Canada and Ireland, they may refer to an unidentified person, or a party in a legal action whose identity is being withheld officially.[1][2] In the context of law enforcement in the United States, such names are often used to refer to a corpse whose identity is unknown or unconfirmed. Secondly, such names are also often used to refer to a hypothetical \"everyman\" in other contexts, in a manner similar to \"John Q. Public\" or \"Joe Public\".", "Cotton-Eyed Joe Don't you remember Cotton-eyed Joe?\nCotton-eyed Joe, Cotton-eyed Joe,\nWhat did make you treat me so?\nI'd 'a' been married forty year ago\nEf it had n't a-been for Cotton-eyed Joe!\n\nCotton-eyed Joe, Cotton-eyed Joe,\nHe was de nig dat sarved me so, —\nTuck my gal away fum me,\nCarried her off to Tennessee.\nI'd 'a' been married forty year ago\nIf it had n't a-been for Cotton-eyed Joe.\n\nHi's teeth was out an' his nose was flat,\nHis eyes was crossed, — but she did n't mind dat.\nKase he was tall, and berry slim,\nAn' so my gal she follered him.\nI'd 'a' been married forty year ago\nEf it had n't a-been for Cotton-eyed Joe.\n\nShe was de prettiest gal to be found\nAnywhar in de country round;\nHer lips was red an' her eyes was bright,\nHer skin was black but her teeth was white.\nI'd 'a' been married forty year ago\nEf it had n't a-been for Cotton-eyed Joe.\n\nDat gal, she sho' had all my love,\nAn swore fum ne she'd never move,\nBut Joe hoodooed her, don't you see,\nAn' she run off wid him to Tennessee,\nI'd 'a' been married forty years ago,\nEf it hadn't a-been for Cotton-eyed Joe.\"", "Great Purge Another justification for the purge was to remove any possible \"fifth column\" in case of a war. Vyacheslav Molotov and Lazar Kaganovich, participants in the repression as members of the Politburo, maintained this justification throughout the purge; they each signed many death lists.[19] Stalin believed war was imminent, threatened both by an explicitly hostile Germany and an expansionist Japan. The Soviet press portrayed the country as threatened from within by fascist spies.[20]", "Joe Arpaio In August 2010, following the filing of complaints to the Maricopa Elections Department, the Office of Maricopa County Attorney found that one of the advertisements, a direct mailer, advocated the defeat of Romley and was an in-kind contribution to Bill Montgomery (Romley's primary election opponent), in violation of Arizona election law. The order stated that a civil penalty in the amount of three times the amount of money spent on the mailer would be imposed on Campaign to Re-Elect Joe Arpaio 2012.[104] In September 2010, Arpaio's campaign was fined $153,978.[105] Montgomery ultimately defeated Romley in the primary election, with Romley stating Arpaio's ads \"hurt\" his results.[106]", "The Purge Mary thanks their neighbors for their support, but one of them, Grace Ferrin (Arija Bareikis), reveals their hatred for the Sandins due to the wealth acquired at their expense. They tie Mary, Charlie, and Zoey up with duct tape, pulling them out into the hallway to kill them, but as the neighbors make final preparations for the murder, the man whom Charlie let in earlier reappears, kills a neighbor (Tom Yi) with a Browning Hi-Power, and holds Grace hostage, forcing the neighbors to free the Sandins. He asks if Mary wishes to kill the neighbors, but Mary spares them. Eventually, the sirens go off, announcing the end of the annual purge. The neighbors leave, Mary thanks the man for his help, and he bids the Sandins good luck.", "Great Purge In the 1920s and 1930s, 2,000 writers, intellectuals, and artists were imprisoned and 1,500 died in prisons and concentration camps. After sunspot development research was judged un-Marxist, twenty-seven astronomers disappeared between 1936 and 1938. The Meteorological Office was violently purged as early as 1933 for failing to predict weather harmful to the crops.[43] But the toll was especially high among writers. Those who perished during the Great Purge include:", "Snake Eyes (G.I. Joe) Snake Eyes is a member of G.I. Joe in all of the direct to video CG-animated movies. The continuity of these movies does not tie into the previous history, and more directly leads into the events of G.I. Joe: Sigma 6. Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow are once again on opposite sides fighting each other.", "Lame-duck session In the wartime year of 1942, Congress again remained in session continuously through the election, adjourning sine die on December 16. Congress generally followed a regular schedule of daily meetings throughout the period, except near the election, when it met every third day.", "John Doe (musician) Along with co-writer Exene Cervenka, Doe composed most of the songs recorded by X. Wild Gift, an album from that band's heyday, was named \"Record of the Year\" by Rolling Stone, The Los Angeles Times, and The New York Times. With Dave Alvin, he co-wrote two of the songs on the Blasters' 1984 album Hard Line, \"Just Another Sunday\" and \"Little Honey\". He also wrote \"Cyrano de Berger's Back\" for the Flesh Eaters LP A Minute to Pray, a Second To Die.", "John Doe In other English-speaking countries, unique placeholder names, numbers and/or codenames have become more often used in the context of police investigations. This has included the United Kingdom, where usage of \"John Doe\" originated during the Middle Ages. However, the legal term John Doe injunction (or John Doe Order),[3] has survived in English law and other legal systems influenced by it. Other names used informally such as \"Joe Bloggs\" or \"John Smith\" have sometimes been informally used as placeholders for an everyman in the UK, Australia and New Zealand, such names are seldom used in legal or police circles in the same sense as John Doe.", "Joe Davis Coinciding with his peak as a billiards player, Davis's interests shifted to snooker and he helped to organise the first snooker world championship in 1927 and won the tournament by beating Tom Dennis, for which he won UK£6 10s.[3] He went on to win the world championship every year until 1940. Joe's brother Fred, twelve years his junior, was also a snooker player and multiple World Champion. When Joe met Fred in the world championship final of 1940, Joe won 37–36.", "Great Purge According to Robert Conquest in his 1968 book The Great Terror: Stalin's Purge of the Thirties, with respect to the trials of former leaders, some Western observers were unable to see through the fraudulent nature of the charges and evidence, notably Walter Duranty of The New York Times, a Russian speaker; the American Ambassador, Joseph E. Davies, who reported, \"proof...beyond reasonable doubt to justify the verdict of treason\"[77] and Beatrice and Sidney Webb, authors of Soviet Communism: A New Civilization.[78] While \"Communist Parties everywhere simply transmitted the Soviet line\", some of the most critical reporting also came from the left, notably The Manchester Guardian.[79] The American journalist H. R. Knickerbocker also reported on the executions. He called them in 1941 \"the great purges\", and described how over four years they affected \"the top fourth or fifth, to estimate it conservatively, of the Party itself, of the Army, Navy, and Air Force leaders and then of the new Bolshevik intelligentsia, the foremost technicians, managers, supervisors, scientists\". Knickerbocker also wrote about dekulakization: \"It is a conservative estimate to say that some 5,000,000 [kulaks] ... died at once, or within a few years.\"[80]", "Great Purge The Great Purge has provoked numerous debates about its purpose, scale and mechanisms. According to one interpretation, Stalin’s regime had to maintain its citizens in a state of fear and uncertainty to stay in power (Brzezinski, 1958). Robert Conquest emphasized Stalin's paranoia, focused on the Moscow show trial of \"Old Bolsheviks\", and analyzed the carefully planned and systematic destruction of the Communist Party. Some others view the Great Purge as a crucial moment – or rather the culmination – of a vast social engineering campaign started at the beginning of the 1930s (Hagenloh, 2000; Shearer, 2003; Werth, 2003).[16]", "Primary election The Democratic National Committee (DNC) proposed a new schedule and a new rule set for the 2008 Presidential primary elections. Among the changes: the primary election cycle would start nearly a year earlier than in previous cycles, states from the West and the South would be included in the earlier part of the schedule, and candidates who run in primary elections not held in accordance with the DNC's proposed schedule (as the DNC does not have any direct control over each state's official election schedules) would be penalized by being stripped of delegates won in offending states. The New York Times called the move, \"the biggest shift in the way Democrats have nominated their presidential candidates in 30 years.\"[19]", "The First Purge As of August 12, 2018[update], The First Purge has grossed $68.5 million in the United States and Canada, and $58.7 million in other territories for a total worldwide gross of $127.2 million, against a production budget of $13 million.[2]", "Baseball Hall of Fame balloting, 2017 Jeff Bagwell, Tim Raines and Iván Rodríguez were elected. Raines and Lee Smith were on the ballot for their final time; Smith dropped off the ballot, while Raines was the fifth player to be elected in his final ballot, after Red Ruffing, Joe Medwick, Ralph Kiner, and Jim Rice.[8] Rodríguez was elected in his first year of eligibility.", "Great Purge In 1934, Stalin used the murder of Sergey Kirov as a pretext to launch the Great Purge, in which about a million people perished (see § Number of people executed). Some later historians came to believe that Stalin arranged the murder, or at least that there was sufficient evidence to reach such a conclusion.[18] Kirov was a staunch Stalin loyalist, but Stalin may have viewed him as a potential rival because of his emerging popularity among the moderates. The 1934 Party Congress elected Kirov to the central committee with only three votes against, the fewest of any candidate, while Stalin received 292 votes against. After Kirov's assassination, the NKVD charged the former oppositionists, an ever-growing group according to their determination, with Kirov's murder as well as a growing list of other offences, including treason, terrorism, sabotage, and espionage.", "The First Purge A crazed drug addict named Skeletor talks on camera about his dark thoughts, including his desire to \"purge\" and unleash his hatred on other people. An unknown voice on the other end of the camera tells Skeletor he will be able to soon do that.", "Joe's Garage (song) \"Joe's Garage\" is a single on Frank Zappa's 1979 album Joe's Garage Act I. After the introductory track, \"The Central Scrutinizer\", this song begins the story of Joe's Garage. Although it only charted in Norway and Sweden (where it was a top 20 hit in both countries), it was one of Zappa's songs which had the most airplay on American FM radio, at the time still album-centered. The song was played in concert from 1980 to 1988 along with the song \"Why Does it Hurt When I Pee?\" in all tours of Zappa's after the single's release. The single version of the song lacks many of the special effects that the album version contains. The single version of \"Joe's Garage\" was put onto Zappa's best-of Strictly Commercial.[1]", "Dwayne Bishop After Roan is captured and delivered at a Purge mass in an NFFA-captured Catholic cathedral by Earl Danzinger, the New Founding Fathers of America–supportive leader of a neo-Nazi paramilitary Purge group, to be executed by her rival, Minister Edwidge Owens and his superior, NFFA Chairman Caleb Warrens, Dwayne and his resistance group teams with Barnes and his group to rescue her. One of the shopkeepers, Marcos, assassinates Caleb Warrens and the anti-Purge group storms the church, instigating a chaos that leaves the entire NFFA congregation dead, aside from Edwidge Owens, and Harmon James, who escaped the initial shootout, but was later gunned down by Joe Dixon, who was killed by James. Bishop captures Owens in the cathedral's crypt wherein the latter goads the former on to kill him. Bishop contemplates killing him, much to the horror of Barnes and Roan, the latter protesting that Owens must be spared as she chooses to win fairly. He spares Owens on the condition that Roan wins the election. Bishop is killed by Danzinger after he and his group kills Danzinger's mercenaries. Barnes and Danzinger engage in a vicious melee fight wherein the latter is killed.", "United States presidential election, 1980 Rock star Joe Walsh ran a mock campaign as a write-in candidate, promising to make his song \"Life's Been Good\" the new national anthem if he won, and running on a platform of \"Free Gas For Everyone.\" Though the 33-year-old Walsh was not old enough to actually assume the office, he wanted to raise public awareness of the election.", "Negotiations to end apartheid in South Africa It was Joe Slovo, leader of the South African Communist Party, who in 1992 proposed the breakthrough \"sunset clause\" for a coalition government for the five years following a democratic election, including guarantees and concessions to all sides.[17]", "Great Purge However, the trials and executions of the former Bolshevik leaders, while being the most visible part, were only a minor part of the purges. A series of documents discovered in the Central Committee archives in 1992 by Vladimir Bukovsky demonstrate that there were quotas for arrests and executions as for all other activities in the planned economy.[42]", "Great Purge The Great Purge was started under the NKVD chief Genrikh Yagoda, but the height of the campaigns occurred while the NKVD was headed by Nikolai Yezhov, from September 1936 to August 1938, hence the name Yezhovshchina. The campaigns were carried out according to the general line, and often by direct orders, of the Party Politburo headed by Stalin.", "United States presidential election, 2012 The United States presidential election of 2012 was the 57th quadrennial American presidential election. It was held on Tuesday, November 6, 2012. The Democratic nominee, President Barack Obama, and his running mate, Vice President Joe Biden, were elected to a second term. They defeated the Republican ticket of former Governor Mitt Romney of Massachusetts and Representative Paul Ryan of Wisconsin.", "United States Senate elections, 1996 Does not include Oregon's January 1996 special election, which was not held at the same time as this election.", "G.I. Joe In July 2001, Devil's Due Publishing acquired the rights to G.I. Joe and released a four-issue limited series entitled G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero (Reinstated). The new series picked up seven years after the end of the Marvel Comics series, and also used elements from the animated TV series. Strong sales led to Reinstated being upgraded to ongoing, and DDP also published other G.I. Joe titles outside the existing continuity. DDP's license with Hasbro expired in 2008 and was not renewed.", "Dwayne Bishop One year after the events of The Purge, in the year 2023, Dwayne is now the partner of Carmelo Johns, the leader of a successful anti-Purge resistance fighter group. He appears during one of the film's climaxes, wherein he and Carmelo lead the anti-Purge gang in storming a Purge arena to rescue the film's protagonists from wealthy purgers and their security forces. When Liz chooses to stay behind to avenge her husband Shane's death from the hands of the wealthy Purgers rather than join the group in their escape, Dwayne and Carmelo aid her while their team continues to eliminate the other wealthy purgers and their security group.", "Elections in the Philippines National and local elections are held on the second Monday of May every third year starting 1992. The presidential and vice presidential elections are held every six years. Election Days in which the president and vice president and barangay officials are not elected are called \"midterm elections\"; Election Days in which the president and vice president are elected are called \"presidential elections.\" Barangay-level officials, although are currently elected in the same year as the other officials, are elected separately the succeeding months (see below).", "The \"Fish\" Cheer/I-Feel-Like-I'm-Fixin'-to-Die Rag In 2001, the heirs of New Orleans jazz trombonist Kid Ory launched a lawsuit against Country Joe McDonald, claiming that the music of \"I-Feel-Like-I'm-Fixin'-to-Die Rag\" constituted plagiarism of \"Muskrat Ramble\", a number by Ory,[16][17] recorded by Louis Armstrong and His Hot Five in 1926. In 2005, a court dismissed the suit, holding that the Ory estate had waited too long to make the claim. If the action had been successful Country Joe McDonald would have been required, under law, to pay $150,000 for each live performance of the song in the three years since the lawsuit was filed. McDonald would have also been barred from ever performing the song again without the possibility of further damages.[18]", "History of Charleston Since his election as mayor in 1975, Joe Riley has been the major proponent of reviving Charleston's economic and cultural heritage. The last thirty years of the 20th century saw major new reinvestment in the city, with a number of municipal improvements and a commitment to historic preservation. These commitments were not slowed down by Hurricane Hugo and continue to this day. Joe Riley resigned as mayor in late 2016.", "Theory of forms The key to not know how such a state might come into existence is the word \"founding\" (oikidzomen), which is used of colonization.[clarification needed] It was customary in such instances to receive a constitution from an elected or appointed lawgiver; however in Athens, lawgivers were appointed to reform the constitution from time to time (for example, Draco, Solon). In speaking of reform, Socrates uses the word \"purge\" (diakathairountes)[28] in the same sense that Forms exist purged of matter.", "Small Soldiers On making the film, director Joe Dante recalled \"Originally I was told to make an edgy picture for teenagers, but when the sponsor tie-ins came in the new mandate was to soften it up as a kiddie movie. Too late, as it turned out, and there are elements of both approaches in there. Just before release it was purged of a lot of action and explosions.\"[5]", "Methuselah Methuselah's father Enoch, who does not die but is taken by God, is the seventh patriarch, and Methuselah, the eighth, dies in the year of the Flood, which ends the ten-generational sequence from Adam to Noah, in whose time the world is destroyed.[24]", "Ready to Die In retrospect, Ready to Die has been highly acclaimed. In 1998, The Source included it on their 100 Best Rap Albums of All Time list,[33] and in 2002, they re-rated it to the maximum five 'mics'.[34] Rolling Stone has also given acclaim to Ready to Die over the years. In 2003, they ranked it number 133 on their 500 Greatest Albums of All Time list,[33] and one year later, they re-rated it to five stars.[29] In 2011, Rolling Stone also placed it at number eight on their 100 Best Albums of the Nineties list, and described it as \"mapping out the sound of 'Nineties cool\".[35] Kilian Murphy from Stylus Magazine wrote favorably of the album in a retrospective review, and concluded \"Sweet, hypocritical, sensitive, violent, depressed and jubilant; these words could all fittingly describe Big at various points on Ready to Die.\"[36]", "Bobby Joe Hill The story of Bobby Joe Hill and the 1966 Texas Western national championship has been immortalized in the film Glory Road, which was released in the U.S. in January, 2006, forty years after the \"fabulous five\" forever altered the landscape of college basketball. Derek Luke was cast to play Bobby Joe in the movie.", "Legend of the Lost They find the treasure after Joe deciphers the clues left by Paul's father. They load it and prepare to leave in the morning. Paul makes an attempt to seduce Dita; she rejects him and he gets into a fight with Joe. Later, Paul sneaks away during the night taking all the animals, supplies, and treasure with him and leaving the other two to die.", "Forging Drop forging is a forging process where a hammer is raised and then \"dropped\" onto the workpiece to deform it according to the shape of the die. There are two types of drop forging: open-die drop forging and closed-die drop forging. As the names imply, the difference is in the shape of the die, with the former not fully enclosing the workpiece, while the latter does.", "Purges of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union The first purge of the Joseph Stalin era took place in 1929–1930 in accordance with a resolution of the XVI Party Conference. Purges became deadly under Stalin. More than 10 percent of the party members were purged. At the same time, a significant number of new members, industrial workers, joined the Party. Additionally, Stalin ordered \"Case Spring\" the repression and/or execution of the officers of the Red Army who had served previously in the Russian Imperial Army, civilians who had been sympathetic to the White movement, or other subversives rounded up by the OGPU. Over 3,000 people were estimated to be executed and tens of thousands lost their positions and privileges.[3]", "Virginia elections, 2018 On November 6, the state will hold the general election for all 11 of Virginia's House of Representative seats, as well as the Class 1 Senate seat. Virginia's 8th House of Delegates district special election, 2018 will also be held that day. The seat, being vacated by Greg Habeeb, is being sought by Republican Roanoke County Supervisor Joe McNamara and Radford University associate director Democrat Carter Turner.[1]", "Great Purge In the summer of 1938 Yezhov was relieved from his post as head of the NKVD and was eventually tried and executed. Lavrentiy Beria, a fellow Georgian and Stalin confidant, succeeded him as head of NKVD. On 17 November 1938 a joint decree of Sovnarkom USSR and Central Committee of VKP(b) (Decree about Arrests, Prosecutor Supervision and Course of Investigation) and the subsequent order of NKVD undersigned by Beria, cancelled most of the NKVD orders of systematic repression and suspended implementation of death sentences. The decree signaled the end of massive Soviet purges.[citation needed]", "Great Purge In the second trial, Karl Radek provided (or more accurately was forced to provide)[citation needed] the pretext for greater purge to come on a massive scale with his testimony that there was a \"third organization separate from the cadres which had passed through [Trotsky's] school\"[28] as well as \"semi-Trotskyites, quarter-Trotskyites, one-eighth-Trotskyites, people who helped us, not knowing of the terrorist organization but sympathizing with us, people who from liberalism, from a Fronde against the Party, gave us this help.\"[29]", "List of The Following characters On the day of Joe's execution, Joe kills two guards and takes 3 people hostage, and reveals that he will kill them unless Ryan comes and visits him. Ryan had previously rejected an invitation from Joe to watch him die. Ryan heads over to the prison, and manages to get Joe to release the hostages by admitting to having dreams in which he and Joe are good friends and Joe even helps teach Ryan to kill. However, Theo's sister, Penny, who was watching Ryan and Joe on computer monitors, releases the other prisoners, in an attempt to have Ryan killed so that Theo would stop pursuing Ryan. This fails however as Ryan and Joe work together and kill the attacking prisoners. Joe's execution then goes ahead as planned and Ryan watches as his long-term foe dies.", "Live and Let Die (film) In 2004 the American Film Institute nominated the song \"Live and Let Die\" from the film for AFI's 100 Years...100 Songs.[32]", "Resident Evil 7: Biohazard Joe finds the base abandoned, but learns that the cure has been moved to a nearby paddle boat. He boards the paddle boat and recovers a full dose of the cure, defeating Swamp Man again in the process. Joe returns to Zoe, but she is kidnapped by Swamp Man before he can administer the cure. Joe gives chase into a heavily infected portion of the swamp, finding Zoe in an abandoned church. However, Joe is ambushed by the Swamp Man, and he is shocked to discover that the Swamp Man is in fact Jack before he is knocked out and thrown into the water to die.", "The First Purge Nya and Isaiah return to the church to see blood-soaked Purgers leaving it. They discover that Luisa and Selina survived, but Dolores' fate is unknown. They all return to Isaiah's apartment where Dolores has made it safely. At the NFFA headquarters, Updale is reviewing video footage of the Purge when she sees trained mercenary groups killing multiple civilians, including the ones at the church earlier. Sabian explains that he sent the mercenaries to help \"balance\" the rich and the poor. He then has Updale taken to a neighborhood where she is killed, and he erases all footage of the event.", "Barack Obama presidential campaign, 2008 Joe Biden also made history by becoming the first Roman Catholic to be elected Vice President. In addition, he is the longest-serving Senator to become Vice President, having served in the United States Senate for the 36 years prior to the election. Biden also won reelection to the Senate, but served only briefly in the 111th Congress before resigning to take his place as vice president.", "G.I. Joe For its first ten years, G.I. Joe was a generic soldier/adventurer with only the slightest hints of a team concept existing. In 1975, after a failed bid to purchase the toy rights to the Six Million Dollar Man, Hasbro issued a bionic warrior figure: Mike Power, Atomic Man. One million units were sold. Also added to the Adventure Team was a superhero, Bullet Man. This character had recurring enemies, The Intruders – Strongmen from Another World.[citation needed] Comics included with figures at the time featured \"Eagle Eye\" Joe, Atomic Man, and Bullet Man operating together; the Adventure Team was finally an actual team. The original 12-inch (30 cm) G.I. Joe line ended in America in 1976. At this time, Hasbro released a line of inexpensive, rotationally molded mannequins in the G.I. Joe style called The Defenders.", "National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum Predictably, the selection process catalyzes endless debate among baseball fans over the merits of various candidates. Even players elected years ago remain the subjects of discussions as to whether they deserved election. For example, Bill James' book Whatever Happened to the Hall of Fame? goes into detail about who he believes does and does not belong in the Hall of Fame.", "Die Hard Made for $28 million, Die Hard grossed over $140 million theatrically worldwide, and was given a positive reception from critics. The film turned Willis into an action star, became a metonym for an action film in which a lone hero fights overwhelming odds, and has been named one of the best action and Christmas-themed films ever made.[3][4][5] The film also ranks #29 on Empire's 2008 list of the 500 greatest movies of all time.[6] The film's success spawned the Die Hard franchise, which includes four sequels (Die Hard 2, Die Hard with a Vengeance, Live Free or Die Hard and A Good Day to Die Hard), video games, and a comic book.", "Midterm election In the United States, the president and vice president are elected every four years in indirect (electoral college) presidential elections. The legislative bodies of the United States are the Senate (who serve six year terms) and House of Representatives (2 year terms). The Senate has one-third of its members up for election every two years while the House has all its membership up for election every two years. Regarding elections to the United States Congress, the point of reference is the president's term. There are three classes of United States Senators; each election replaces one class, hence a \"midterm election\" appears as one-third through the term of one class and two-thirds through the other, while still midway the term of a president. While the Philippines and Liberia also conduct midterm elections, the winners of such elections take office in their respective legislative bodies that conduct such elections midway through the term of half of the other members, hence for the members who were not up for election, the incoming members take office midway through their terms.", "Elections in the United States While the United States Constitution does set parameters for the election of federal officials, state law, not federal, regulates most aspects of elections in the U.S., including primaries, the eligibility of voters (beyond the basic constitutional definition), the running of each state's electoral college, as well as the running of state and local elections. All elections—federal, state, and local—are administered by the individual states.[2]", "The First Purge On review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes, the film holds an approval rating of 52% based on 125 reviews, with an average rating of 5.3/10. The website's critical consensus reads, \"The First Purge should satisfy fans of the franchise and filmgoers in the mood for violent vicarious thrills, even if its subtextual reach exceeds its grasp.\"[15] On Metacritic, which assigns a normalized rating to reviews, the film has a weighted average score of 54 out of 100, based on 39 critics, indicating \"mixed or average reviews\".[16] Audiences polled by CinemaScore gave the film an average grade of \"B–\" on an A+ to F scale.[13]", "Oklahoma Joe's Oklahoma Joe's is a barbecue restaurant owned and operated by Joe Davidson, with locations in Oklahoma and Nebraska.", "London, Ontario London's municipal government is divided among fourteen councillors (one representing each of London's fourteen wards) and the mayor. Matt Brown was elected mayor in the 2014 municipal election, officially taking office on 1 December 2014[update].[110] Prior to Brown's election, London's most recent elected mayor was Joe Fontana; following Fontana's resignation on 19 June 2014, city councillor Joe Swan served as acting mayor[111] until councillor Joni Baechler was selected as interim mayor 24 June.[112] Until the elections in 2010, there was a Board of Control, consisting of four controllers and the mayor, all elected citywide.[113]", "Election Day (United States) For federal offices (President, Vice President, and United States Congress), Election Day occurs only in even-numbered years. Presidential elections are held every four years, in years divisible by four, in which electors for President and Vice President are chosen according to the method determined by each state. Elections to the United States House of Representatives and the United States Senate are held every two years; all Representatives are elected to serve two-year terms and are up for election every two years, while Senators serve six-year terms, staggered so that one third of Senators are elected in any given general election. General elections in which presidential candidates are not on the ballot are referred to as midterm elections. Terms for those elected begin in January the following year; the President and Vice President are inaugurated (\"sworn in\") on Inauguration Day, which is usually on January 20.", "Joe Frazier By February 1967 Joe had scored 14 wins and his star was beginning to rise. This culminated with his first appearance on the cover of Ring Magazine. In this month he met Ali, who hadn't yet been stripped of his title. Ali said Joe would never stand a chance of \"whipping\" him, not even in his wildest dreams. Later that year, Muhammad Ali was stripped of his world heavyweight title due to his refusal to be inducted into the military during the Vietnam War.", "General election In U.S. politics, general elections are elections held at any level (e.g. city, county, congressional district, state) that involve competition between at least two parties. General elections occur every two to six years (depending on the positions being filled with most positions good for four years) and include the presidential election, but unlike parliamentary systems the term can also refer to special elections that fill out positions prematurely vacated by the previous office holder (e.g. through death, resignation, etc.). Some parallels can be drawn between the general election in parliamentary systems and the biennial elections determining all House seats, although there is no analogue to \"calling early elections\" in the U.S., and the members of the elected U.S. Senate face elections of only one-third at a time at two-year intervals including during a general election.", "Election Commission of India One of the most important features of the democratic policy is elections at regular intervals. Holding periodic free and fair elections are essentials of a democratic system and a part of the basic structure of the Constitution. The Election Commission is regarded as the guardian of elections in the country. In every election, it issues a Model code of Conduct for political parties and candidates to conduct elections in a free and fair manner. The Commission issued the code for the first time in 1971 for the 5th Lok Sabha elections and revised it from time to time. It lays down guidelines for the conduct of political parties and candidates during an election period. However, there have been instances of violation of the code by various political parties with complaints being received for misuse of official machinery by the candidates.[11][12] The code does not have any specific statutory basis but only a persuasive effect.[11][12] It contains the rules of electoral morality.[11][12] However, this lack of statutory backing does not prevent the Commission from enforcing it.[11][12][13][14][15]", "Oregon gubernatorial election, 2018 The 2018 Oregon gubernatorial election will take place on November 6, 2018, in order to elect the Governor of Oregon. The person elected will serve a full four-year term, after the 2016 special election, where Governor Kate Brown was elected to serve the last two years of a four-year term.[1]", "Join, or Die The difference between the use of Join or Die in 1754 and 1765 is that Franklin had designed it to unite the colonies for 'management of Indian relations' and defense against France, but in 1765 American colonists used it to urge colonial unity against the British. Also during this time the phrase \"join, or die\" changed to \"unite, or die,\" in some states such as New York and Pennsylvania.", "The \"Fish\" Cheer/I-Feel-Like-I'm-Fixin'-to-Die Rag After a brief stint performing as a duo in Berkley, McDonald and Melton recruited more members and eventually signed a recording contract with Vanguard Records in December 1966.[6] Inspired by the live performances of Bob Dylan and The Paul Butterfield Blues Band, the group became fully intertwined in electronic rock, and recorded a new electrified version of \"I-Feel-Like-I'm-Fixin'-to-Die Rag\" in Sierra Sound Laboratories, in February 1967.[7][8] Initially, the song was going to be featured on Country Joe and the Fish's debut album, Electric Music for the Mind and Body, but record producer Sam Charters insisted that the track remain off the record. When the controversial composition, \"Superbird\", was not banned from airplay, \"I-Feel-Like-I'm-Fixin'-to-Die Rag\" was placed as the opening to their second album, I Feel Like I'm Fixin' to Die.[9][10]", "Kansas House of Representatives Representatives are elected to a two-year term. The Kansas House of Representatives does not have term limits. The legislative session convenes at the Kansas State Capitol in Topeka annually.", "Elections in the Bahamas The House of Assembly has 39 elected members who are elected in single-member constituencies.[1] Elections for the House are held every five years.[3]", "German federal election, 2017 As the CDU/CSU and the Social Democratic Party (SPD) are likely to win the most seats in the election, their leading candidates are referred to as 'Chancellor candidates'. This does not, however, mean that the new Bundestag is legally bound to elect one of them as Chancellor.", "Joe Chill In the prequel comic to Justice League: Gods and Monsters, Joe Chill is the right-hand man of Lew Moxon. When Batman corners them during a meeting with the other crimelords, killed Lew Moxon and drank Joe' Chill's blood. Upon becoming a vampire, Joe Chill later kills Lew Moxon's wife Angela. Batman avenged her death by killing the vampire Joe Chill with an axe.", "Hey Joe Patti Smith released a cover of the song as the A-side of her first single, \"Hey Joe\" b/w \"Piss Factory\", in 1974.[54] The arrangement of Smith's version is based on a recording by blues guitarist Roy Buchanan[citation needed] that was released the previous year (and dedicated to Hendrix). Smith's version is unique in that she includes a brief and salacious monologue about fugitive heiress Patty Hearst and her kidnapping and participation with the Symbionese Liberation Army.[55] Smith's version portrays Hearst as Joe with a \"gun in her hand\".[55]", "Cotton-Eyed Joe \"Cotton-eyed Joe, Cotton-eyed Joe,", "Elections in New Jersey New Jersey is a closed primary state.[9] This means that only voters who affiliate with a political party may vote in that party's candidate selection process (i.e., the primary election). However, unaffiliated voters may declare their party affiliation up to and including the day of the primary election.[7] Unaffiliated status does not affect participation in general elections.", "Infant baptism Presbyterian, Congregational and Reformed Christians believe that baptism, whether of infants or adults, is a \"sign and seal of the covenant of grace\", and that baptism admits the party baptised into the visible church.[45] Being a member of the visible church does not guarantee salvation; though it does provide the child with many benefits, including that of one's particular congregation consenting to assist in the raising of that child in \"the way he should go, (so that) when he is old he will not turn from it\". Elect infants (those predestined for salvation) who die in infancy are by faith considered regenerate on the basis of God's covenant promises in the covenant of grace.[46]", "Fall of man According to the Genesis narrative, during the antediluvian age, human longevity approached a millennium, such as the case of Adam who lived 930 years. Thus, to \"die\" has been interpreted as to become mortal.[3] However, the grammar does not support this reading, nor does the narrative: Adam and Eve are expelled from the Garden lest they eat of the second tree, the tree of life, and gain immortality.[Gen. 3:22][4]", "Joe Frazier During Frazier's amateur career, he won Golden Gloves Heavyweight Championships in 1962, 1963 and 1964. His only loss in three years as an amateur was to Buster Mathis.[14] Mathis would prove to be Joe's biggest obstacle to making the 1964 U.S. Olympic Boxing team. They met in the final of the U.S. Olympic Trials at the New York World's Fair in the summer of 1964. Their fight was scheduled for three rounds and they fought with 10 oz gloves and with headgear, even though the boxers who made it to Tokyo would wear no headgear and would wear 8 oz gloves. Joe was eager to get back at Mathis for his only amateur loss and KO'd two opponents to get to the finals. But once again, when the dust settled, the judges had called it for Mathis, undeservedly Joe thought. \"All that fat boy had done was run like a thief- hit me with a peck and backpedal like crazy.\" Joe would remark.[14]" ]
what is the meaning of the name comanche
[ "Comanche The Comanche /kəˈmæntʃiː/ (Comanche: Nʉmʉnʉʉ) are a Native American nation from the Great Plains whose historic territory, known as Comancheria, consisted of present-day eastern New Mexico, southeastern Colorado, southwestern Kansas, western Oklahoma, and most of northwest Texas and northern Chihuahua. The Comanche people are federally recognized as the Comanche Nation, headquartered in Lawton, Oklahoma.[1]", "Comanche The name \"Comanche\" is from the Ute name for them, kɨmantsi (enemy).[8]" ]
[ "Comanche The tribe operates its own housing authority and issues tribal vehicle tags. They have their own Department of Higher Education, primarily awarding scholarships and financial aid for members' college educations. Additionally, they operate the Comanche Nation College in Lawton, Oklahoma. They own ten tribal smoke shops and four casinos.[1] The casinos are Comanche Nation Casino in Lawton; Comanche Red River Casino in Devol; Comanche Spur Casino, in Elgin; and Comanche Star Casino in Walters, Oklahoma.[9]", "Comanche The language spoken by the Comanche people, Comanche (Numu tekwapu), is a Numic language of the Uto-Aztecan language group. It is closely related to the language of the Shoshone, from which the Comanche diverged around 1700. The two languages remain closely related, but a few low-level sound changes inhibit mutual intelligibility. The earliest records of Comanche from 1786 clearly show a dialect of Shoshone, but by the beginning of the 20th century, these sound changes had modified the way Comanche sounded in subtle, but profound, ways.[81][82] Although efforts are now being made to ensure survival of the language, most of its speakers are elderly, and less than one percent of the Comanches can speak it.[83]", "Comanche One of the most famous captives in Texas was a German boy named Herman Lehmann. He had been kidnapped by the Apaches, only to escape and be rescued by the Comanches. Lehmann became the adoptive son of Quanah Parker. On August 26, 1901, Quanah Parker provided a legal affidavit verifying Lehman's life as his adopted son 1877–1878. On May 29, 1908, the United States Congress authorized the United States Secretary of the Interior to allot Lehmann, as an adopted member of the Comanche nation, 160 acres of Oklahoma land, near Grandfield.[54]", "Comanche The US began efforts in the late 1860s to move the Comanche into reservations, with the Treaty of Medicine Lodge (1867), which offered churches, schools, and annuities in return for a vast tract of land totaling over 60,000 square miles (160,000 km2). The government promised to stop the buffalo hunters, who were decimating the great herds of the Plains, provided that the Comanche, along with the Apaches, Kiowas, Cheyenne, and Arapahos, move to a reservation totaling less than 5,000 square miles (13,000 km2) of land. However, the government did not prevent the slaughtering of the herds. The Comanche under Isa-tai (Coyote's Vagina) retaliated by attacking a group of hunters in the Texas Panhandle in the Second Battle of Adobe Walls (1874). The attack was a disaster for the Comanche, and the US army was called in during the Red River War to drive the remaining Comanche in the area into the reservation, culminating in the Battle of Palo Duro Canyon. Within just ten years, the buffalo were on the verge of extinction, effectively ending the Comanche way of life as hunters. In 1875, the last free band of Comanches, led by the Quahada warrior Quanah Parker, surrendered and moved to the Fort Sill reservation in Oklahoma. The last independent Kiowa and Kiowa Apache had also surrendered.", "Comanche Comanche men usually had pierced ears with hanging earrings made from pieces of shell or loops of brass or silver wire. A female relative would pierce the outer edge of the ear with six or eight holes. The men also tattooed their face, arms, and chest with geometric designs, and painted their face and body. Traditionally they used paints made from berry juice and the colored clays of the Comancheria. Later, traders supplied them with vermilion (red pigment) and bright grease paints. Comanche men also wore bands of leather and strips of metal on their arms. Except for black, which was the color for war, there was no standard color or pattern for face and body painting: it was a matter of individual preference. For example, one Comanche might paint one side of his face white and the other side red; another might paint one side of his body green and the other side with green and black stripes. One Comanche might always paint himself in a particular way, while another might change the colors and designs when so inclined. Some designs had special meaning to the individual, and special colors and designs might have been revealed in a dream. Comanche women might also tattoo their face or arms. They were fond of painting their bodies and were free to paint themselves however they pleased. A popular pattern among the women was to paint the insides of their ears a bright red and paint great orange and red circles on their cheeks. They usually painted red and yellow around their lips.[78]", "Comanche During World War II, many Comanche left the traditional tribal lands in Oklahoma to seek jobs and more opportunities in the cities of California and the Southwest. About half of the Comanche population still lives in Oklahoma, centered around the town of Lawton.", "Comanche The Comanche Nation is headquartered in Lawton, Oklahoma. Their tribal jurisdictional area is located in Caddo, Comanche, Cotton, Grady, Jefferson, Kiowa, Stephens, and Tillman Counties. Membership of the tribe requires a 1/8 blood quantum (equivalent to one great-grandparent).[1]", "Comanche The Comanche also had access to vast numbers of feral horses, which numbered approximately 2,000,000 in and around Comancheria, and which the tribe was particularly skilled at breaking to saddle. In the late 18th and early 19th centuries, the Comanche lifestyle required about one horse per person (though warriors each possessed many more). With a population of about 30,000 to 40,000 and in possession of herds many times that number, the Comanche had a surplus of about 90,000 to 120,000 horses.[26]", "Comanche Today, the Comanche Nation has 15,191 members, approximately 7,763 of whom reside in tribal jurisdictional area around the Lawton, Fort Sill, and surrounding areas of southwest Oklahoma.[4] The Comanche Homecoming Annual Dance is held annually in Walters, Oklahoma in mid-July.[5]", "Comanche Over time, these divisions were altered in various ways. In the early 19th century, the Jupes vanished from history, probably merging into the other divisions. Many Yamparikas moved southeast, joining the eastern Comanche and becoming known as the Tenewa. Many Kiowa and Plains Apache (or Naishan) moved to northern Comancheria and became closely associated with the Yamparika. A group of Arapaho, known as the Charitica, moved into Comancheria and joined Comanche society. New divisions arose, such as the Nokonis, closely linked with the Tenewa; and the Kwahadi, who emerged as a new faction on the southern Llano Estacado. The western-eastern distinction changed in the 19th century. Observers began to call them Northern, Middle and Southern Comanche.", "Comanche The 1890 Census showed 1,598 Comanche at the Fort Sill reservation, which they shared with 1,140 Kiowa and 326 Kiowa Apache.[46]", "Comanche Comanche people took pride in their hair, which was worn long and rarely cut. They arranged their hair with porcupine quill brushes, greased it and parted it in the center from the forehead to the back of the neck. They painted the scalp along the parting with yellow, red, or white clay (or other colors). They wore their hair in two long braids tied with leather thongs or colored cloth, and sometimes wrapped with beaver fur. They also braided a strand of hair from the top of their head. This slender braid, called a scalp lock, was decorated with colored scraps of cloth and beads, and a single feather. Comanche men rarely wore anything on their heads. Only after they moved onto a reservation late in the 19th century did Comanche men begin to wear the typical Plains headdress. If the winter was severely cold, they might wear a brimless, woolly buffalo hide hat. When they went to war, some warriors wore a headdress made from a buffalo's scalp. Warriors cut away most of the hide and flesh from a buffalo head, leaving only a portion of the woolly hair and the horns. This type of woolly, horned buffalo hat was worn only by the Comanche. Comanche women did not let their hair grow as long as the men did. Young women might wear their hair long and braided, but women parted their hair in the middle and kept it short. Like the men, they painted their scalp along the parting with bright paint.[77]", "Comanche Recently, an 80-minute 1920 silent film was \"rediscovered\", titled The Daughter of Dawn. It features a cast of more than 300 Comanche and Kiowa.[57]", "Comanche By the mid-19th century, the Comanche were supplying horses to French and American traders and settlers, and later to migrants passing through their territory on the way to the California Gold Rush, along the California Road.[citation needed] The Comanche had stolen many of the horses from other tribes and settlers; they earned their reputation as formidable horse thieves, later extending their rustling to cattle.[citation needed] Their stealing of livestock from Spanish and American settlers, as well as the other Plains tribes, often led to war.[citation needed]", "Comanche One of the largest groups, as well as the southernmost, lived on the edge of the Edwards Plateau and east across to the Cross Timbers, and became known as the Penateka, (Penatʉka Nʉʉ)[32] Southern Comanches.[33]", "Comanche Entering the Western economy was a challenge for the Comanche in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Many tribal members were defrauded of whatever remained of their land and possessions. Appointed paramount chief by the United States government, Chief Quanah Parker campaigned vigorously for better deals for his people, meeting with Washington politicians frequently; and helped manage land for the tribe. Parker became wealthy as a cattleman. Parker also campaigned for the Comanches' permission to practice the Native American Church religious rites, such as the usage of peyote, which was condemned by European Americans.[55]", "Comanche During the 19th century, the traditional Comanche burial custom was to wrap the deceased's body in a blanket and place it on a horse, behind a rider, who would then ride in search of an appropriate burial place, such as a secure cave. After entombment, the rider covered the body with stones and returned to camp, where the mourners burned all the deceased's possessions. The primary mourner slashed his arms to express his grief. The Quahada band followed this custom longer than other bands and buried their relatives in the Wichita Mountains. Christian missionaries convinced Comanche people to bury their dead in coffins in graveyards,[71] which is the practice today.", "Comanche Some of the Lipan Apache and Mescalero Apache bands with some Comanche in their company held out in northern Mexico until the early 1880s, when Mexican and U.S. Army forces drove them onto reservations or into extinction.", "What Do You Mean? Lyrically, \"What Do You Mean?\" talks about looking for romantic clarity and not being able to figure out the opposite sex,[9][16] with Bieber singing in the chorus: \"What do you mean / When you nod your head yes, but you wanna say no? / What do you mean / When you don't want me to move, but you tell me to go?.\"[9]", "Comanche A boy identified not only with his father but with his father's family, as well as with the bravest warriors in the band. He learned to ride a horse before he could walk. By the time he was four or five, he was expected to be able to skillfully handle a horse. When he was five or six, he was given a small bow and arrows. Often, a boy was taught to ride and shoot by his grandfather, since his father and other warriors were on raids and hunts. His grandfather also taught him about his own boyhood and the history and legends of the Comanche.[70]", "Comanche During that time, their population increased dramatically because of the abundance of buffalo, an influx of Shoshone migrants, and their adoption of significant numbers of women and children taken captive from rival groups. The Comanche never formed a single cohesive tribal unit, but were divided into almost a dozen autonomous groups, called bands. These groups shared the same language and culture, and rarely fought each other.[24] They were estimated to have taken captive thousands of people from the Spanish, Mexican and American settlers in their lands. Curtis Marez suggests that this contributed to the development of mestizaje in the borderlands, as the descendants of such captives were mixed-race.[25]", "Battle of the Little Bighorn Comanche was reputed to be the only survivor of the Little Bighorn, but quite a few Seventh Cavalry mounts survived, probably more than one hundred, and there was even a yellow bulldog. Comanche lived on another fifteen years, and when he died, he was stuffed and to this day remains in a glass case at the University of Kansas. So, protected from moths and souvenir hunters by his humidity-controlled glass case, Comanche stands patiently, enduring generation after generation of undergraduate jokes. The other horses are gone, and the mysterious yellow bulldog is gone, which means that in a sense the legend is true. Comanche alone survived.", "Ke-mo sah-bee In the 2013 film The Lone Ranger, Tonto states that it means \"wrong brother\" in Comanche, a seemingly tongue-in-cheek translation within the context of the plot.", "What Do You Mean? \"What Do You Mean?\" is a song recorded by Canadian singer Justin Bieber for his fourth studio album Purpose (2015). The song was released on August 28, 2015, as the album's lead single by Def Jam. Written by Bieber, Jason \"Poo Bear\" Boyd and Mason Levy, the song was produced by MdL and co-produced by Bieber. \"What Do You Mean?\" is a pop and tropical house song, with its instrumentation consisting in light flourishes of panpipes, looped vocal samples, piano chords, fervent synths, bass and \"slick beat\" elements with the sound of a clock ticking, while Bieber uses a smooth, soulful vocal. Lyrically, \"What Do You Mean?\" talks about not being able to figure out the opposite sex with Bieber asking a girl why her body language is conflicting with her words.", "Meaning of life What is the highest good in all matters of action? To the name, there is almost complete agreement; for uneducated and educated alike call it happiness, and make happiness identical with the good life and successful living. They disagree, however, about the meaning of happiness.", "Comanche Their original migration took them to the southern Great Plains, into a sweep of territory extending from the Arkansas River to central Texas. They reached present-day New Mexico and the Texas Panhandle by 1700, forcing the Lipan Apache people ever southward, defeating them in a nine-day battle along the Rio del Fierro (Wichita River) in 1723.[19][20] The river may be the location mentioned by Athanase de Mézières in 1772, containing \"a mass of metal which the Indians say is hard, thick, heavy, and composed of iron\", which they \"venerate...as an extraordinary manifestation of nature\", the Comanche's calling it Ta-pic-ta-carre [standing rock], Po-i-wisht-carre [standing metal], or Po-a-cat-le-pi-le-carre [medicine rock], the general area containing a \"large number of meteoric masses\".[21][22] By 1777, the Lipan Apache had retreated to the Rio Grande and the Mescalero Apache to Coahuila.[23]", "History of the Texas Ranger Division On January 27, 1858, Runnels allocated $70,000 to fund a force of Rangers, and John Salmon \"Rip\" Ford, a veteran Ranger of the war with Mexico, was commissioned as senior captain. With a force of some 100 Rangers, Ford began a large expedition against the Comanche and other tribes, whose raids against the settlers and their properties had become common. On May 12, Ford's Rangers, accompanied by Tonkawa, Anadarko and Shawnee scouts from the Brazos Reservation in Texas, crossed the Red River into Indian Territory and attacked a Comanche village in the Canadian River Valley, flanked by the Antelope Hills in what is now Oklahoma. Suffering only four casualties, the force killed a reported 76 Comanche (including a chief by the name of Iron Jacket) and took 18 prisoners and 300 horses.", "McLintock! At the request of Chief Puma, McLintock acts as the spokesman for the Comanche, translating Puma's speech into English at the kangaroo court hearing organized by Governor Humphrey. The governor announces that the Indians will be moved to Oklahoma, and Chief Puma and his subchiefs are imprisoned again. With the illicit help of G.W., a breakout is arranged and an Army train is looted of a cargo of Krag-Jorgenson rifles and ammunition. The Comanche head out on what Puma had called \"the last fight of the Comanche,\" hotly pursued by the local troop of U.S. Cavalry. This has the effect of bringing what Humphrey and Agard, the local Indian agent, have been doing to the attention of Washington. It is implied that both will shortly be removed from office.", "What Do You Mean? \"What Do You Mean?\" was written by Justin Bieber, Jason \"Poo Bear\" Boyd and Mason Levy.[8] It was produced by MdL and co-produced by Bieber. It was initially speculated by the media that Skrillex produced \"What Do You Mean?\". However, a spokesperson for Bieber confirmed in an interview for Rolling Stone that the song was produced by Bieber, and MdL who had previously collaborated with the singer on his single \"Boyfriend\" (2012).[9] Written in the key of Aâ™­ major, it has an upbeat tempo of 125 beats per minute. Bieber's vocal range spans from the low-note of F3 to the high note of G5.[10] It is a pop[11] and tropical house song.[12][13][14]", "Meaning (philosophy of language) Though not widely known, a new variation of the pragmatic theory was defined and wielded successfully from the 20th century forward. Defined and named by William Ernest Hocking, this variation is known as \"negative pragmatism\". Essentially, what works may or may not be true, but what fails cannot be true because the truth and its meaning always works.[27] James and Dewey's ideas also ascribe meaning and truth to repeated testing which is \"self-corrective\" over time.", "Meaning of life Logical positivists ask: \"What is the meaning of life?\", \"What is the meaning in asking?\"[89][90] and \"If there are no objective values, then, is life meaningless?\"[91] Ludwig Wittgenstein and the logical positivists said:[citation needed] \"Expressed in language, the question is meaningless\"; because, in life the statement the \"meaning of x\", usually denotes the consequences of x, or the significance of x, or what is notable about x, etc., thus, when the meaning of life concept equals \"x\", in the statement the \"meaning of x\", the statement becomes recursive, and, therefore, nonsensical, or it might refer to the fact that biological life is essential to having a meaning in life.", "What a Beautiful Name \"What a Beautiful Name\" is a song by Australian praise and worship group Hillsong Worship. It was released on 6 January 2017, as the lead single from their 25th live album, Let There Be Light (2016).[1] The song was led and written by Brooke Ligertwood, and was co-written with Ben Fielding.[2][3]", "Indian Territory Historically, the Arapaho had assisted the Cheyenne and Lakota people in driving the Kiowa and Comanche south from the Northern Plains, their hunting area ranged from Montana to Texas. Kiowa and Comanche controlled a vast expanse of territory from the Arkansas River to the Brazos River. By 1840 many plains tribes had made peace with each other and developed Plains Indian Sign Language as a means of communicate with their allies.", "Oklahoma Territory The Secretary of the Interior defined the boundaries and assigned the names of the three counties to be defined and their names assigned by executive proclamation when the Kiowa-Comanche and Wichita-Caddo Reservations were opened to settlement in 1901.[17]", "Comanche Children learned from example, by observing and listening to their parents and others in the band. As soon as she was old enough to walk, a girl followed her mother about the camp and played at the daily tasks of cooking and making clothing. She was also very close to her mother's sisters, who were called not aunt but pia, meaning mother. She was given a little deerskin doll, which she took with her everywhere. She learned to make all the clothing for the doll.[69]", "If You Know What I Mean \"If You Know What I Mean\" is a song written and recorded by Neil Diamond. The song is a track from Diamond's 1976 album, Beautiful Noise, and was Diamond's third number one on the Easy Listening chart, where it spent two weeks. \"If You Know What I Mean\" went to number one for two nonconsecutive weeks and peaked at number eleven on the Billboard Hot 100.[1] In Canada, the song reached number 19 on the pop singles chart[2] and hit number one on the Adult Contemporary chart.[3]", "What Do You Mean? After releasing \"Where Are Ü Now\" with Skrillex and Diplo for their project Jack Ü and achieving worldwide success and acclaim with it, Bieber announced \"What Do You Mean?\" as the first single from his then-upcoming album on July 28, 2015 on On Air With Ryan Seacrest.[1] While he was there, his manager, Scooter Braun, made Seacrest a promotional sign for the single to hold and suggested he should put the photo on his Instagram account. To further promote the song's release, Braun contacted several celebrities who started counting down the days until the release,[2] among them Mariah Carey, Ed Sheeran, Ariana Grande, Big Sean, Alanis Morissette, Meghan Trainor, Britney Spears, Hilary Duff, Little Mix, Chris Martin, Carly Rae Jepsen, and many others.[3] During an interview with Ryan Seacrest, he described it as \"fun\", \"summery\", and \"amazing.\" Regarding its lyrics he commented: \"Well, girls are often just flip-floppy. They say something and they mean something else. So … what do you mean? I don’t really know, that’s why I’m asking.\" Later, on August 19, 2015, Bieber direct-messaged different lyrics from the song to 49 randomly selected Twitter followers.[1] As explained by Billboard's Jason Lipshutz, \"Each message included a clock animation with a different time that corresponded to the lyric’s placement in the song, and Beliebers spent Wednesday collectively piecing together the upcoming single’s lyrics in order.\"[2] On August 5, 2015, Bieber presented the song to radio professionals at an iHeartMedia event.[4]", "Mean The Fréchet mean gives a manner for determining the \"center\" of a mass distribution on a surface or, more generally, Riemannian manifold. Unlike many other means, the Fréchet mean is defined on a space whose elements cannot necessarily be added together or multiplied by scalars. It is sometimes also known as the Karcher mean (named after Hermann Karcher).", "Assumed mean and so on. We are left with a sum of −30. The average of these 15 deviations from the assumed mean is therefore −30/15 = −2. Therefore, that is what we need to add to the assumed mean to get the correct mean:", "Meaning of life The meaning of life, or the answer to the question \"What is the meaning of life?\", pertains to the significance of living or existence in general. Many other related questions include \"Why are we here?\", \"What is life all about?\", or \"What is the purpose of existence?\" There have been a large number of proposed answers to these questions from many different cultural and ideological backgrounds. The search for life's meaning has produced much philosophical, scientific, theological, and metaphysical speculation throughout history. Different people and cultures believe different things for the answer to this question.", "Name of Mexico Mexico with a soft x like the Indians pronounced it means: \"where Christ is worshiped\" and [thus the term] \"Mexicans\" is the same as \"Christians.\" . . . And Mexi, I ask, means what? As the Indians pronounced it, it is a Hebrew word that means, taking it from the Latin unctus, what we call \"anointed,\" taking it from the Greek Chrestous, what we call \"Christ,\" and taking it from the Hebrew Mesci, what we call \"Messiah.\"[18]", "Texas–Indian wars At this point, the power and force of the Comanche was such that they were threatening to take over all of North Mexico. However, after driving out the Apaches, the Comanches were stricken by a smallpox epidemic from 1780 until 1781. As the epidemic was very severe, the Comanche temporarily suspended raids, and some Comanche divisions were disbanded. A second smallpox epidemic struck during the winter of 1816–1817. The best estimates are that more than half the total population of the Comanche were killed by these epidemics.[7][13]", "Comanche Moon (miniseries) The series starts in The Republic of Texas in the early 1800s with a massacre of Comanche chieftains, observed by a young Buffalo Hump. The opening coda then explains that The Texas Rangers \"were formed as a volunteer troop to contain the Comanche\" before indicating the locale as north-west Texas in 1858. Woodrow Call and Augustus McCrae join a party of eight others, led by Captain Scull and supported by a Kickapoo scout (Famous Shoes), who are hoping to capture Kicking Wolf, who is hiding in the camp of Buffalo Hump. Meanwhile, in Austin Clara Forsythe runs her shop and is visited by Maggie Tilton - the two become closer while both waiting for the party to return. In the nearby mansion, Inez Scull briefly seduces a young ranger, Jake Spoon.", "History of Texas The Comanche agreed to a peace treaty in 1785.[63] The Comanche were willing to fight the enemies of their new friends, and soon attacked the Karankawa. Over the next several years the Comanche killed many of the Karankawa in the area and drove the others into Mexico.[64]", "Meaning of life In The Simpsons episode \"Homer the Heretic\", a representation of God agrees to tell Homer what the meaning of life is, but the show's credits begin to roll just as he starts to say what it is.[151]", "Republic of Texas The Comanche Indians furnished the main Indian opposition to the Texas Republic, manifested in multiple raids on settlements, capture and rape of female pioneers, torture killings, and trafficking in captive slaves.[15] In the late 1830s, Sam Houston negotiated a peace between Texas and the Comanches. Lamar replaced Houston as president in 1838 and reversed the Indian policies. He returned to war with the Comanches and invaded Comancheria itself. In retaliation, the Comanches attacked Texas in a series of raids. After peace talks in 1840 ended with the massacre of 34 Comanche leaders in San Antonio, the Comanches launched a major attack deep into Texas, known as the Great Raid of 1840. Under command of Potsanaquahip (Buffalo Hump), 500 to 700 Comanche cavalry warriors swept down the Guadalupe River valley, killing and plundering all the way to the shore of the Gulf of Mexico, where they sacked the towns of Victoria and Linnville. Houston became president again in 1841 and, with both Texians and Comanches exhausted by war, a new peace was established.[16]", "Names of God in Judaism The name Elyon (Hebrew: עליון) occurs in combination with El, YHWH, Elohim and alone. It appears chiefly in poetic and later Biblical passages. The modern Hebrew adjective \"`Elyon\" means \"supreme\" (as in \"Supreme Court\") or \"Most High\". El Elyon has been traditionally translated into English as 'God Most High'. The Phoenicians used what appears to be a similar name for God, Έλιον. It is cognate to the Arabic `Aliyy.", "Ada (name) Ada is a feminine given name. One origin is the Germanic element \"adel-\" meaning \"nobility\", for example as part of the names Adelaide and Adeline.[2][3] The name can also trace to a Hebrew origin, sometimes spelt Adah - עָדָה, meaning \"adornment\". Ada also means \"first daughter\" in Igbo. Finally, the name occurs in Greek mythology and was in use in Ancient Greece.[3]", "Korean name Given names are typically composed of hanja, or Chinese characters. In North Korea, the hanja are no longer used to write the names, but the meanings are still understood; thus, for example, the syllable cheol (철, 鐵) is used in boys' names and means \"iron\".", "Rana (name) Rana in Arabic (Arabic: رنا); the name means \"eyecatching\", stemming from the word yarnū يرنو, meaning \"to gaze at longingly\". It is a given name for females in Arabic-speaking countries.", "What Do You Mean? On the chart dated December 5, 2015, after the release of Purpose, the song ascended from 6 to 5 on the Hot 100. That week, Bieber's \"Sorry\" and \"Love Yourself\" (a track from Purpose, which debuted on the chart, after selling 140,000 downloads) were at number two and four, respectively, which made the singer be only the third artist to have three singles inside the chart's top five (the others being The Beatles in 1964 and 50 Cent in 2005). Additionally, the same week, Bieber had 17 songs on the Hot 100 simultaneously, breaking the record previously held by The Beatles and Drake.[40] On the chart dated 6 February 2016, the song spent a 21st consecutive week inside the Hot 100's top ten, tying with Nicki Minaj's \"Starships\" and Maroon 5's \"Sugar\" for the most weeks a song has logged in the Hot 100's top 10 from its debut.[41] The record was surpassed later by Bieber's \"Love Yourself\", which spent 23 consecutive weeks in the top ten since its debut.[42] As of February 2016, \"What Do You Mean?\" has sold over 1,600,000 copies in the United States.[43]", "American frontier During the Comanche campaign, the Red River War was fought in 1874–75 in response to the Comanche's dwindling food supply of buffalo, as well as the refusal of a few bands to be inducted in reservations.[178] Comanches started raiding small settlements in Texas, which led to the Battle of Buffalo Wallow and Second Battle of Adobe Walls fought by buffalo hunters, and the Battle of Lost Valley against the Texas Rangers. The war finally ended with a final confrontation between the Comanches and the U.S. Cavalry in Palo Duro Canyon. The last Comanche war chief, Quanah Parker, surrendered in June 1875, which would finally end the wars fought by Texans and Indians.[179]", "Japanese name An example of such a name is Saitō. There are two common kanji for sai here. The two sai characters have different meanings: 斉 means \"together\" or \"parallel\", but 斎 means \"to purify\". These names can also exist written in archaic forms, as 齊藤 and 齋藤 respectively.", "Treaty of Fort Laramie (1851) The Comanche, Kiowa, and Kiowa Apache refused to send representatives to Fort Laramie because the fort was in Sioux territory. The Comanche, Kiowa, and Kiowa Apache considered the Sioux an enemy.[8]", "Texas–Indian wars At Plum Creek, near Lockhart, Texas, the Rangers and Militia caught up to the Comanche. Several hundred Militia under Mathew Caldwell and Ed Burleson, plus all Ranger companies and their Tonkawa allies engaged the war party in a huge running gun battle, as the Comanche tried to safeguard their loot, and the Militia tried to destroy the Indians. Ironically, again according to military historians, the same thing, greed, that had driven the Comanche into being the preeminent warriors of the plains, now made them vulnerable. The Rangers and Militia overran the Comanche guarding their loot and eventually in a running gun-fight recovered several dozen captives held by the Comanche and eventually recovered mules with several hundred thousand dollars in bullion on them.", "Joyce (name) The name Joyce is a contemporary given-name used for females and rarely used by males. As a family-name, it derived from the Old French Masculine name Josse, which derived from the Latin name Iudocus, the Latinized form of the Breton name Judoc meaning \"lord\". The name became rare after the 14th century, but later revived as a female given-name, which derived from the Middle English joise meaning \"rejoice\". [1]", "Akira (given name) Unrelated names with similar pronunciations occur in other cultures. In Scotland it is an anglicized female version of the Scottish male name Acair, meaning \"anchor\". Akira is also an Indian female name derived from Sanskrit meaning \"graceful strength\".[1] Akira (Thai: อาคิรา, อาคีรา, อาคีระ) is also a unisex name in Thai meaning 'the sun' or 'sunlight'.[2]", "Texas–Indian wars Lamar's two-year term was marked by escalating violence between the Comanche and colonists. There were not enough Rangers to battle the Comanche at Palo Duro Canyon, for instance, where they could catch them during winter.[13] At the end of 1839 however, some of the Comanche Peace Chiefs of the Penateka Band had come to believe that they could not drive the colonists completely from their homes as the tribe had the Apache. Cheyenne and Arapaho attacks along the northern border of Comanche territory coupled with huge losses in the two preceding generations in several smallpox epidemics had the Penateka Peace Chiefs convinced a treaty might be in their best interests. Additionally, they now realized the huge importance the captive Texans held by the Comanches, had in the Texan imagination. Thus, they reasoned great concessions could be gained from the Texans. Consequently, the Comanche offered, to meet with the Texans, in an effort to negotiate peace in return for a recognized boundary between the Republic and the Comancheria and the return of the hostages.[27]", "History of New Mexico After the Pueblo revolt, the Comanche posed the most serious threat to the Spanish settlers. Scholar Hämäläinen (2008) argues that from the 1750s to the 1850s, the Comanche were the dominant group in the Southwest, and they ruled a domain known as Comancheria. Hämäläinen calls it an empire. Confronted with Spanish, Mexican, French, and American outposts on their periphery in New Mexico, Texas, Louisiana, and Mexico, they worked to increase their own safety, prosperity and power. The Comanche used their military power to obtain supplies and labor from the Americans, Mexicans, and Indians through cunning, tribute, and kidnappings. The Comanche empire was primarily an economic construction, rooted in an extensive commercial network that facilitated long-distance trade. Dealing with subordinate Indians, the Comanche spread their language and culture across the region. In terms of governance, the Comanche created a decentralized political system, based on a raiding, hunting and pastoral economy. They created a hierarchical social organization in which young men could advance through success in war.[23]", "Name of France The name \"France\" (and its adjective \"French\") can have four different meanings which it is important to distinguish in order to avoid ambiguities. Its origin is the Germanic word \"frank\" which means \"free\" and is also a male name.", "Israel (name) In Israel, the name \"Israel Israeli\" is sometimes used to mean someone whose name is unknown or unspecified.", "Mean The generalized mean, also known as the power mean or Hölder mean, is an abstraction of the quadratic, arithmetic, geometric and harmonic means. It is defined for a set of n positive numbers xi by", "Spanish naming customs Finally, the nationalist leader Sabino Arana pioneered a naming custom of transposing the name-surname order to what he thought was the proper Basque language syntax order; e.g. the woman named Miren Zabala would be referred to as Zabalatar Miren – the surname first, plus the -tar suffix denoting \"from a place\", and then the name. Thus, Zabalatar Miren means \"Miren, of the Zabala family\". The change in the order is effected because in the Basque tongue, declined words (such as Zabalatar) that apply to a noun are uttered before the noun itself; another example of this would be his pen name, Arana ta Goiritar Sabin. This Basque naming custom was used in nationalist literature, not in formal, official documents wherein the Castilian naming convention is observed.", "History of Texas (1845–1860) In the late 1850s, settlers continued to push west and north, and by 1856 had begun settling, parts of the Comancheria in large numbers. Angry at the loss of their traditional hunting grounds, several bands of Comanche conducted raids on Texas settlers. In an effort to stop the violence and subdue the Comanche, in 1858 the Texas Rangers paired with members of the Tonkawa tribe—traditionally, enemies of the Comanche—for the Antelope Hills Expedition. Federal law promised Indian tribes safety in Indian Territory, located just north of Texas. Nevertheless, the Rangers crossed into Indian Territory and attacked a Comanche village at the Battle of Little Robe Creek. This was the first time any American forces had penetrated to the heart of the Comancheria, attacked Comanche villages with impunity, and successfully made it home. The expedition exhausted the annual Texas defense budget, and the governor disbanded the Rangers.", "Texas–Indian wars The years 1856–58 were particularly vicious and bloody on the Texas frontier as settlers continued to expand their settlements into the Comanche homeland, the Comancheria, and 1858 was marked by the first Texan incursion into the heart of the Comancheria, the so-called Antelope Hills campaign, marked by the Battle of Little Robe Creek. This battle signaled the beginning of the end of the Comanche as a viable people, as they were attacked in the heart of their domain, in force. Valuable Indian hunting grounds were plowed under, and grazing range for the Comanche horse herds lost.[13] The Comanche realized their homeland of the Comancheria was increasingly encroached on by Texas settlers, and incidents such as the attack on Potsʉnakwahipʉ \"Buffalo Hump\"'s camp showed the Comanches off the reservation they could expect no protection on it – and they struck back with a series of ferocious and bloody raids into Texas.[6]", "Comanche As the boy grew older, he joined the other boys to hunt birds. He eventually ranged farther from camp looking for better game to kill. Encouraged to be skillful hunters, boys learned the signs of the prairie as they learned to patiently and quietly stalk game. They became more self-reliant, yet, by playing together as a group, also formed the strong bonds and cooperative spirit that they would need when they hunted and raided.[70]", "Comanche Boys were highly respected because they would become warriors and might die young in battle. As he approached manhood, a boy went on his first buffalo hunt. If he made a kill, his father honored him with a feast. Only after he had proven himself on a buffalo hunt was a young man allowed to go to war.[70]", "Comanche Girls learned to gather healthy berries, nuts, and roots. They carried water and collected wood, and when about twelve years old learned to cook meals, make tipis, sew clothing, prepare hides, and perform other tasks essential to becoming a wife and mother. They were then considered ready to be married.[69]", "Comanche Before the first Oklahoma legislature, Quanah testified:", "Comanche First, the midwives softened the earthen floor of the tipi and dug two holes. One of the holes was for heating water and the other for the afterbirth. One or two stakes were driven into the ground near the expectant mother's bedding for her to grip during the pain of labor. After the birth, the midwives hung the umbilical cord on a hackberry tree. The people believed that if the umbilical cord was not disturbed before it rotted, the baby would live a long and prosperous life.[64]", "Comanche If a woman started labor while the band was on the move, she simply paused along the trail and gave birth to her child. After a few hours of rest, she would take the baby and catch up with the group. If a woman went into labor while the band was in camp, she was moved to a tipi, or a brush lodge if it was summer. One or more of the older women assisted as midwives. Men were not allowed inside the tipi during or immediately after the delivery.[63]", "Comanche The newborn was swaddled and remained with its mother in the tipi for a few days. The baby was placed in a cradleboard, and the mother went back to work. She could easily carry the cradleboard on her back, or prop it against a tree where the baby could watch her while she collected seeds or roots. Cradleboards consisted of a flat board to which a basket was attached. The latter was made from rawhide straps, or a leather sheath that laced up the front. With soft, dry moss as a diaper, the young one was safely tucked into the leather pocket. During cold weather, the baby was wrapped in blankets, and then placed in the cradleboard. The baby remained in the cradleboard for about ten months; then it was allowed to crawl around.[65]", "Loving County, Texas Loving County is named for Oliver Loving,[4] a cattle rancher and pioneer of the cattle drive who, along with Charles Goodnight, developed the Goodnight-Loving Trail. He was mortally wounded by members of the Comanche nation while on a cattle drive in 1867 in the vicinity of the county.", "D'You Know What I Mean? In a 1997 interview promoting Be Here Now, Noel Gallagher had the following to say about the first single: \"I was going to make up some profound statement in the chorus but I couldn't come up with anything that fitted. Then I just thought \"All my people right here, right now, d'you know what I mean? Yeah, yeah.\" Very vague, very ambiguous, that'll do. Look in the mirror and wink while you're singing it and it's quite saucy. And I fucking love that line, 'Coming in a mess, going out in style'. We were a bunch of scruffs from Manchester and we're going out in a Rolls Royce.\"", "Payton (given name) Payton is a given name in use in English speaking countries. One source indicates the name comes from a surname derived from a place name meaning \"PÅ“ga's town\" in Old English.[1] Another source indicates the name means \"fighting man's estate.\".[2]", "Nahla (name) Nahla is of Arabic origin meaning first drink of water. In African languages meaning successful. In Sanskrit meaning stem, hollow reed. In certain Latin cultures the name relates to fruit or sweetness.", "American Indian Wars The battles between settlers and Indians continued and in 1860, at the Battle of Pease River, Texas militia destroyed an Indian camp. In the aftermath of the battle, the Texans learned that they had recaptured Cynthia Ann Parker, the little girl captured by the Comanche in 1836. She returned to live with the Parkers, but missed her children, including her son Quanah Parker. He was the son of Parker and Comanche Chief Peta Nocona and would go on to be a Comanche war chief at the First Battle of Adobe Walls. As chief of the Quahadi Comanches, he finally surrendered to the overwhelming force of the federal government and in 1875 moved to a reservation in southwestern Oklahoma.", "History of archery An exception to this trend was the Comanche culture of North America, where mounted archery remained competitive with muzzle-loading guns. \"After... about 1800, most Comanches began to discard muskets and pistols and to rely on their older weapons.\"[51] Repeating firearms, however, were superior in turn, and the Comanches adopted them when they could. Bows remained effective hunting weapons for skilled horse archers, used to some extent by all Native Americans on the Great Plains to hunt buffalo as long as there were buffalo to hunt. The last Comanche hunt was in 1878, and it failed for lack of buffalo, not lack of appropriate weapons.[52]", "Simon (given name) Simon is a common name, from Hebrew שִׁמְעוֹן Šimʻôn, meaning \"listen\". It is also a classical Greek name, deriving from an adjective meaning \"flat-nosed\".[1]:232[2]", "Arabic name The ism (اسم), is the given name, first name, or personal name; e.g. \"Ahmad\" or \"Fatimah\". Most Arabic names have meaning as ordinary adjectives and nouns, and are often aspirational of character:", "Yaw (name) Yaw is a masculine given name originating from the Akan people and their day naming system, meaning born on a Thursday.", "Maya (given name) The similar-sounding Japanese name Mayu means \"truth, reason\", while some sources say Amaya (pronounced A-MAH-YAH) is a Japanese name meaning \"night rain\".[3][4]", "Meaning (philosophy of language) The types of meanings vary according to the types of the thing that is being represented. Namely:", "Harvey (name) Harvey is an English family and given name derived from the Old Breton name Huiarnviu, derived from the elements hoiarn, huiarn (modern Breton houarn) meaning \"iron\" and viu (Breton bev) meaning \"blazing\".[1] It is related to Old Welsh Haarnbiu.[2]", "Spirit (rover) After Spirit stopped working scientists studied old data from the Miniature Thermal Emission Spectrometer, or Mini-TES and confirmed the presence of large amounts of carbonate-rich rocks, which means that regions of the planet may have once harbored water. The carbonates were discovered in an outcrop of rocks called \"Comanche.\"[84][85]", "Names of Sri Lanka Another possible theory is that the name Lanka is derived from the Tamil word \"ilanku\" (இலங்கு), which means \"to shine\" or \"to glitter\", thus making Lanka a name that means \"that which glitters\".[3] It earned this name on account of the glittering of the gold and gems found on its surface.", "Todd (given name) Todd is a given name. The name originates in Middle English where it means a \"fox\".", "Rudolph (name) Rudolph or Rudolf (French: Rodolphe, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish: Rodolfo) or Rodolphe is a male first name, and, less commonly, a surname. It is a Germanic name deriving from two stems: Rod or Hrōð, meaning \"fame\", and olf meaning \"wolf\" (see also Hroðulf; cf. Adolf).", "Fida (name) Fida (Arabic: فدا‎‎), is an Arabic name given meaning redemption. It is a common female given name but also can be a male one.", "Texas–Indian wars See full article in Comanche Campaign", "Texas–Indian wars By 1858, only five of the twelve Comanche bands still existed, and one, the Penateka, had dwindled to only a few hundred on the reservation. Realizing their way of life was disappearing, the remaining free Comanche struck back with incredible violence.[13]", "Mean The mean of a probability distribution is the long-run arithmetic average value of a random variable having that distribution. In this context, it is also known as the expected value. For a discrete probability distribution, the mean is given by \n\n\n\n\n∑\nx\nP\n(\nx\n)\n\n\n\n{\\displaystyle \\textstyle \\sum xP(x)}\n\n, where the sum is taken over all possible values of the random variable and \n\n\n\nP\n(\nx\n)\n\n\n{\\displaystyle P(x)}\n\n is the probability mass function. For a continuous distribution,the mean is \n\n\n\n\n\n∫\n\n−\n∞\n\n\n∞\n\n\nx\nf\n(\nx\n)\n\nd\nx\n\n\n\n{\\displaystyle \\textstyle \\int _{-\\infty }^{\\infty }xf(x)\\,dx}\n\n, where \n\n\n\nf\n(\nx\n)\n\n\n{\\displaystyle f(x)}\n\n is the probability density function. In all cases, including those in which the distribution is neither discrete nor continuous, the mean is the Lebesgue integral of the random variable with respect to its probability measure. The mean need not exist or be finite; for some probability distributions the mean is infinite (+∞ or −∞), while others have no mean.", "Naming of chemical elements Lecoq de Boisbaudran, who named the element gallium after his native land of France (from Latin Gallia meaning Gaul) denied that the element's naming was for a pun on his own name (\"le coq\" means \"the rooster\" in French, as does \"gallus\" in Latin).[8][9]", "What's My Name? (Rihanna song) Thomas Conner from the Chicago Sun-Times neither praised nor criticized the song, but instead focused on the steamy nature of the composition. \"[Rihanna] and panting duet partner Drake steam the recording studio windows as he raps a helpless play-by-play\".[18] Bill Lamb from About.com gave the song a positive review, saying that \"There it is, the chorus opens the track with \"Oh na na...what's my name?\" and the hook is firmly implanted. It's not long before Drake's added on rap kicks in with clever, sexy and romantic rhyming. Then the dreamy drum machine rhythms and Rihanna's vocals kick in again. This is a hit... \"What's My Name?\" is a good addition to that romantic evening playlist.\"[11] Jocelyn Vena from MTV praised the \"song's chorus\" and \"Drake's verse\".[15] Molly Lambert of Pitchfork Media praised Rihanna's performance saying that \"On 'What's My Name', Rihanna doesn't have to tell us how desirable she is – it is a given. There is never any doubt in her delivery that Rihanna really might as well be the only girl in the world\".[19]", "Zero-energy building Despite sharing the name \"zero net energy\", there are several definitions of what the term means in practice, with a particular difference in usage between North America and Europe.[8]", "Mean In descriptive statistics, the mean may be confused with the median, mode or mid-range, as any of these may be called an \"average\" (more formally, a measure of central tendency). The mean of a set of observations is the arithmetic average of the values; however, for skewed distributions, the mean is not necessarily the same as the middle value (median), or the most likely value (mode). For example, mean income is typically skewed upwards by a small number of people with very large incomes, so that the majority have an income lower than the mean. By contrast, the median income is the level at which half the population is below and half is above. The mode income is the most likely income, and favors the larger number of people with lower incomes. While the median and mode are often more intuitive measures for such skewed data, many skewed distributions are in fact best described by their mean, including the exponential and Poisson distributions.", "Westward Expansion Trails The route skirted the northern edge and crossed the north-western corner of Comancheria, the territory of the Comanches, who demanded compensation for granting passage to the trail, and represented another market for American traders. Comanche raiding farther south in Mexico isolated New Mexico, making it more dependent on the American trade, and provided the Comanches with a steady supply of horses for sale. By the 1840s trail traffic along the Arkansas Valley was so heavy that bison herds could not reach important seasonal grazing land, contributing to their collapse which in turn hastened the decline of Comanche power in the region. The Trail was used as the 1846 U.S. invasion route of New Mexico during the Mexican–American War.", "Texas–Indian wars Although the Comanche are by far the best known of the Indian Plains tribes living in what is now Texas, they were the last to settle in the region. Their allies, the Kiowa and Kiowa Apache, originated in the west but migrated to what is now west Texas. Tribes indigenous to east Texas include the Caddo (including the Adai, Eyeish, Hainai, Kadohadacho, Nacono), Kitsai, Tonkawa, Towakoni and Wichita Indians. The Akokisa, Alabama, Atakapa, Karankawa, and Tamique lived along the Gulf coast." ]
who do you meet at the gates of heaven
[ "Pearly gates The image of the gates in popular culture is a set of large gold, white or wrought-iron gates in the clouds, guarded by Saint Peter (the keeper of the \"keys to the kingdom\"). Those not fit to enter heaven are denied entrance at the gates, and descend into Hell.[2] In some versions of this imagery, Peter looks up the deceased's name in a book, before opening the gate." ]
[ "The Five People You Meet in Heaven The Five People You Meet In Heaven is a novel by Mitch Albom. It follows the life and death of a maintenance man named Eddie. Eddie is killed and sent to heaven, where he encounters five people who had a significant impact upon him while he was alive. It was published in 2003 by Hyperion and remained on the New York Times Best Seller list for 95 weeks.", "Do You Wanna Go to Heaven The song is told through the eyes of a promiscuous young man who has had many sexual experiences, and plays upon the double-meaning of the word \"heaven.\" He first recalls his baptism and how the preacher asked the protagonist (then a young boy), \"Do you want to go to Heaven,\" referring to the religious concept of the afterlife (where good people go after their death).", "Papal primacy Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah. For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven. And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven", "Phase-gate process Note that gates are not merely project review points, status reports or information updates. Rather, they are tough decision meetings, where the critical go/kill and prioritization decisions are made on projects. Thus the gates become the quality control check points in the process ensuring that you do the right projects and also do the projects right.", "Heaven's Gate (film) Actor John Hurt spent so long waiting around on the production for something to do, he went off and made The Elephant Man (1980) for David Lynch in the interim, and then came back to shoot more scenes on Heaven's Gate.[34]", "The Five People You Meet in Heaven Eddie then finds himself awake and uninjured and realizes that he feels young and much more energetic. He also felt calm when he landed. He meets a man known simply as \"the Blue Man\" who suffered from argyria caused by silver nitrate poisoning and worked at Ruby Pier's sideshow (while it was still open, during the days of Eddie's childhood) and whose real name is Joseph Corvelzchik. Through their conversation, Eddie finds out that he is dead, has gone to Heaven and has embarked on a journey through five levels of Heaven, at each step meeting another person who has had a significant impact upon his life, or upon whom he has had a significant impact. He also finds the reason for his sudden energy, youth, and stamina - in the five stages of Heaven, you will feel exactly the same way you did (young, old, healthy, sick, strong, weak) as you did when you knew the person you are meeting. Eddie asks why Joseph, whom he does not know, is his first person, and Joseph informs Eddie that he died when Eddie and his brother threw a baseball which landed in the middle of the road, this caused The Blue Man to have a heart attack and pull over the car and collapse. From this, Eddie learns his first lesson which is that there are no random events in life and all individuals and experiences are connected in some way.", "Saint Peter Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven. And I tell you that you are Cephas (Peter) (Petros), and on this rock (petra) I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.", "Do You Wanna Go to Heaven Later in the song, the man recalls his sexual awakening, where—after a high school dance -- he and his teen-aged girlfriend, Bonnie Lou, are alone. Bonnie Lou uses her charms to come on to her boyfriend, asking him before they initiate sex, \"Do you want to go to heaven.\" In this sense, \"heaven\" refers to the blissful experience of sexual intercourse.", "Keys of the kingdom 17 Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven. 18 And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it. 19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” 20 Then he ordered his disciples not to tell anyone that he was the Messiah.[4]", "Who Do You Love? Who Do You Love? may refer to:", "Heaven's Gate (film) In subsequent years, some critics have come to the film's defense, beginning with European critics who praised it after the film played at the Cannes Film Festival.[11][12] Robin Wood was an early champion of Heaven's Gate and its reassessment, calling it \"one of the few authentically innovative Hollywood films ... It seems to me, in its original version, among the supreme achievements of the Hollywood cinema.\"[41][42] David Thomson calls the film \"a wounded monster\" and argues that it takes part in \"a rich American tradition (Melville, James, Ives, Pollock, Parker) that seeks a mighty dispersal of what has gone before. In America, there are great innovations in art that suddenly create fields of apparent emptiness. They may seem like omissions or mistakes at first. Yet in time we come to see them as meant for our exploration.\"[43] Martin Scorsese has said that the film has many overlooked virtues.[44] Some of these critics have attempted to impugn the motives of the earliest reviewers. Robin Wood noted, in his initial review of the film, reviewers tended to pile on the film, attempting to \"outdo [one an]other with sarcasm and contempt.\"[41] Several members of the cast and crew have complained that the initial reviews of the film were tainted by its production history and that daily critics were reviewing it as a business story as much as a motion picture.[11] In April 2011, the staff of Time Out London selected Heaven's Gate as the 12th greatest Western.[45] While Peter Biskind covered the many excesses and problems with the movie in his book Easy Riders, Raging Bulls, he also noted that Heaven's Gate was not dissimilar to other big-budget, troubled projects of the late 1970s and early 1980s (such as Steven Spielberg's 1941 and Warren Beatty's Reds), and that the backlash against Heaven's Gate could have easily been directed elsewhere. Biskind speculated that Michael Cimino's personal unpopularity was the main reason this film became so widely reviled.", "The Deer Hunter Cimino's next film, Heaven's Gate (1980), debuted to lacerating reviews and took in only $3 million in ticket sales, effectively leaving United Artists bankrupt. The failure of Heaven's Gate led several critics to revise their positions on The Deer Hunter. Canby said in his famous review of Heaven's Gate, \"[The film] fails so completely that you might suspect Mr. Cimino sold his soul to the Devil to obtain the success of The Deer Hunter, and the Devil has just come around to collect.\"[84] Andrew Sarris wrote in his review of Heaven's Gate, \"I'm a little surprised that many of the same critics who lionized Cimino for The Deer Hunter have now thrown him to the wolves with equal enthusiasm.\"[85] Sarris added, \"I was never taken in ... Hence, the stupidity and incoherence in Heaven's Gate came as no surprise since very much the same stupidity and incoherence had been amply evident in The Deer Hunter.\"[85] In his book Final Cut: Dreams and Disaster in the Making of Heaven's Gate, Steven Bach wrote, \"critics seemed to feel obliged to go on the record about The Deer Hunter, to demonstrate that their critical credentials were un-besmirched by having been, as Sarris put it, 'taken in.'\"[85]", "Heaven's Gate (film) When MGM (which acquired the rights to United Artists's catalog after its demise) released the film on VHS and videodisc in the 1980s, it released Cimino's 219-minute cut with the tagline \"Heaven's Gate... The Legendary Uncut Version.\" Subsequent releases on LaserDisc and DVD have contained only the 219-minute cut.", "Heaven's Gate (film) The fracas had a wider effect on the American film industry. During the 1970s, relatively young directors such as Francis Ford Coppola, Peter Bogdanovich, George Lucas, William Friedkin, and Steven Spielberg had been given large budgets with very little studio control (see New Hollywood). The studios evolved away from the director-driven film and eventually led to the new paradigm of the high concept feature, epitomized by Jaws and Star Wars. However, the directors' power lessened considerably, as a result of disappointing box-office performers such as both Friedkin's Sorcerer (1977) and Cruising (1980), and culminating in Coppola's One from the Heart and Cimino's Heaven's Gate. As the new high-concept paradigm of filmmaking became more entrenched, studio control of budgets and productions became tighter, ending the free-wheeling excesses that had begotten Heaven's Gate.", "Who Do You Think You Are (Spice Girls song) These are the formats and track listings of major single releases of \"Who Do You Think You Are\":", "Who Do You Love (Marianas Trench song) \"Who Do You Love\" (stylized as \"Who Do You Love?\") is a song recorded by Canadian pop rock group Marianas Trench for their fourth studio album, Astoria (2015). The song was written and produced by lead singer Josh Ramsay. \"Who Do You Love\" was released through 604 Records on September 8, 2016 as the record's third and final official single.[1]", "Who Do You Think You Are (Kim Wilde song) \"Who Do You Think You Are\" is the third single from Love Is, the 1992 album by Kim Wilde.", "Heaven's Gate (film) Due to the wide availability of the 219-minute 1980 premiere version of Heaven's Gate and its frequent labeling as either \"uncut\" or the \"director's cut\", Cimino insisted that the so-called \"original version\" did not fully correspond to his intentions, and that he was under pressure to bring it out for the predetermined date and did not consider the film ready, making even the 219-minute version essentially an \"unfinished\" film.[41]", "Who Do You Think You Are? (UK TV series) Series 1 – 11 of Who Do You Think You Are? are available on DVD in the UK (Region 2).", "Alms Be careful not to do your 'acts of righteousness' in front of others, to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven.", "That Thing You Do (song) \"That Thing You Do\" is a 1996 song that appears in the film That Thing You Do! The song is performed by the fictional 1960s band The Wonders, who are the focus of the film.", "Heaven's Gate (film) Transamerica then sold United Artists to Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, which effectively ended the studio's existence. MGM would later revive UA as a subsidiary division. While the money loss due to Heaven's Gate was considerable, United Artists was still a thriving studio with a steady income provided by the James Bond, The Pink Panther and Rocky franchises. On the other hand, UA was already struggling after the executive walkout in 1978 and several other major box office flops in 1980, including Cruising, Foxes and Roadie.", "Who Do You Love Now? \"Who Do You Love Now?\" is a song performed by Australian singer Dannii Minogue and Dutch dance DJs Zki & Dobri, performing under the group name Riva.", "Who Do You Think You Are (Spice Girls song) In February 1997, the group opened the BRIT Awards with \"Who Do You Think You Are\". The Union Jack dress that Geri Halliwell wore during the performance made the front page of various newspapers, and is now remembered as one of the most iconic symbols of Cool Britannia. \"Who Do You Think You Are\" became the official single of the 1997 Comic Relief, a video with the Sugar Lumps—a satirical version of the group—was released to help raise money for charitable causes and donated all the proceedings from the single.", "Seven Heavens In the Second Book of Enoch, Enoch travels through the seven heavens and gives geographical and visual documentation of them, describing houses, olive oil and flowers. He passes through the Garden of Eden in the Third Heaven on his way to meet the Lord in the 7th Heaven.[18]", "You Can't Do That on Television Cast Member: \"Who/What do you think is in the burgers?\"", "Who Do You Love Now? \"Who Do You Love Now?\" marked another turning point for Dannii who once again was going through contractual changes, and was a bridging point between her previous work and the then upcoming Neon Nights album. The single would be the first of a string of consecutive Top 20 hits in her home country, Australia, and the United Kingdom.", "Do You Want Fries with That \"Do You Want Fries with That\" is a moderate up-tempo. The song's male narrator is an employee at a fast-food restaurant. Having just lost his wife and kids to another man, he meets the wife's new partner at the drive-through window. The narrator further explains that he has been living in near poverty since the other man practically stole his previous lifestyle, then sarcastically asks him \"Do you want fries with that?\"", "Mikveh Are there any of the worthless idols of the nations, that can cause rain? or can the heavens give showers? Is it not you, Hashem our God, and do we not hope [nekaveh] in you? For you have made all these things.[43]", "Who Do You Love (Marianas Trench song) The band released a lyric video for \"Who Do You Love\" on September 7, 2016 when the song was announced as a single.[2]", "Who Do You Think You Are (Spice Girls song) \"Who Do You Think You Are\" was generally well received by contemporary music critics. In a review of the group's debut album Spice, Chuck Campbell of the Star-News said it is \"a slamming dance song\".[10] Daniel Incognito of Sputnikmusic said that with a \"dynamite chorus harmonising the girls voices, 'Who Do You Think You Are' still feels relevant today\", he added that \"each girl excels in their solo-lines\", and believed that Chisholm \"provides [a] delicious contrast with her loud and spirited lines\".[11] The Daily Mirror called the song \"a full-on disco number which would get to No. 1 even if it wasn't by Spice Girls and even if they weren't giving all the money to Comic Relief\".[12]", "Who Do You Love? (2008 film) The film was named after the Bo Diddley song \"Who Do You Love?\", which was co-produced by Leonard Chess.[1] The film had the working title of Chess.", "You Don't Know Her Like I Do \"You Don't Know Her Like I Do\" is a song recorded by American country rock artist Brantley Gilbert. It was released in December 2011 as the second single from the deluxe edition of his 2010 album Halfway to Heaven. The song was written by Gilbert and Jim McCormick and was the second most-played country song on radio in 2012.[1]", "Queen of heaven (antiquity) Then all the men who knew that their wives were burning incense to other gods, along with all the women who were present—a large assembly—and all the people living in Lower and Upper Egypt, said to Jeremiah, \"We will not listen to the message you have spoken to us in the name of the LORD! We will certainly do everything we said we would: We will burn incense to the Queen of Heaven and will pour out drink offerings to her just as we and our fathers, our kings and our officials did in the towns of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem. At that time we had plenty of food and were well off and suffered no harm. But ever since we stopped burning incense to the Queen of Heaven and pouring out drink offerings to her, we have had nothing and have been perishing by sword and famine.\"[17]", "God in Judaism According to traditional Judaism, people's actions do not have the ability to affect God positively or negatively.[citation needed] The Book of Job in the Hebrew Bible states: \"Gaze at the heavens and see, and view the skies, which are higher than you. If you sinned, how do you harm God, and if your transgressions are many, what do you do to God? If you are righteous, what do you give God? Or what does God take from your hand? Your wickedness [affects] a person like yourself, and your righteousness a child of humanity.\"", "The Five People You Meet in Heaven Ruby confesses that she picked the diner because that was where she had met Emile and wanted the diner to be a refuge for anyone who had ever been hurt in any way by Ruby Pier, which she grew to despise as it took so much away from them. This is the reason that Eddie's father, a harsh and abusive man, became a part of Ruby's Heaven. Ruby teaches Eddie to release his anger and forgive his father for all the trouble and hurt he had caused, only after she showed him the true cause of his father's death (different from what he had always believed had happened). Mickey Shea, a man who worked on rides at Ruby Pier with Eddie's father, was at Eddie's house drunk and in a terrible emotional state. He pulls out a flask, downs it, and then proceeds to try and force himself onto Eddie's mother. Eddie's father walks in at this point and manages to stop the drink fueled rape, then chases Mickey all the way to the pier, where Mickey jumps into the freezing water as an attempt to evade him, even though unable to swim. Eddie's father jumps in after Mickey and saves him instead as they had long been friends and he felt he owed him despite his recent drunken behavior towards his wife. Eddie's father later dies after falling ill due to being in the freezing water when he rescued Mickey. Ruby tells Eddie that he needs to forgive his father and tells him that hatred was a deadly weapon, \"We think it attacks the person we hate, but hatred has a curved blade, it also attacks us\". Then Eddie moves on to another heaven.", "Welsh rarebit The notion that toasted cheese was a favourite dish irresistible to the Welsh has existed since the Middle Ages. In A C Merie Talys (100 Merry Tales), a printed book of jokes of 1526 AD (of which William Shakespeare made some use), it is told that God became weary of all the Welshmen in heaven, 'which with their krakynge and babelynge trobelyd all the others', and asked the Porter of Heaven Gate, St Peter, to do something about it. So St Peter went outside the gates and called in a loud voice ' Cause bobe, yt is as moche to say as rostyd chese ': at which all the Welshmen ran out, and when St Peter saw they were all outside, he went in and locked the gates, which is why there are no Welshmen in heaven. The 1526 compiler says he found this story 'Wryten amonge olde gestys'.[25]", "The Five People You Meet in Heaven In the end, it shows that Eddie's Heaven was the Stardust Band Shell, where he met Marguerite. He is shown a vision of all the many people he saved along the years by his maintenance work, and consequently all their children's children down the generations. For he wants everyone to be free of accidents, everyone safe. He is once again told that every life touches another and that everything is connected, it is all one big life.", "Who Do You Think You Are? (UK TV series) Starting 15 January 2013, RTP1 broadcast a Portuguese version called Quem É que Tu Pensas Que És? (\"Who Do You Think You Are?\") at the 10:30 pm timeslot. The first season featured such names as the comedian Herman José, the actresses Maria do Céu Guerra and Maria João Abreu, the musician Zé Pedro from the Xutos & Pontapés rock band and the fadista Camané.[citation needed]", "What Do You Mean? Lyrically, \"What Do You Mean?\" talks about looking for romantic clarity and not being able to figure out the opposite sex,[9][16] with Bieber singing in the chorus: \"What do you mean / When you nod your head yes, but you wanna say no? / What do you mean / When you don't want me to move, but you tell me to go?.\"[9]", "Who Do You Think You Are? (UK TV series) Ireland's national broadcaster RTÉ has aired two series of Irish version of Who Do You Think You Are? in autumn 2008 and autumn 2009. The Irish version has included internationally recognised names such as Ardal O'Hanlon, Dana, Rosanna Davison, and Dermot Gavin.[24][25] The British version of the show already airs on TG4 in Ireland.", "The Way You Do the Things You Do Falsetto Eddie Kendricks sings lead on the record, composed by Robinson and Rogers while on the road with the Miracles as part of the Motortown Revue tour. Its plethora of pick-up lines (\"You got a smile so bright/you know you coulda been a candle/I'm holding you so tight/You know you coulda been a handle\") began as a light-hearted joke between Robinson and Rogers to pass time on the long bus rides. Realizing they had something they could work with, the Miracles kept the lyrics in mind and prepared the song for the Temptations, who at this time had had only one single that had ever made it onto a Billboard chart (1962's \"Dream Come True\" at #22 on the R&B singles chart) and six flopped singles. This version of the song actually appears on two of their mid 1960s albums: 1964's Meet The Temptations and 1965's The Temptations Sing Smokey.", "Who Are You (song) \"Who Are You\" was written about meeting Steve Jones and Paul Cook of the Sex Pistols after an awful 13-hour encounter with Allan Klein who, in my personal opinion, is the awesome rock leech-godfather. In one sense the song is more about the demands of new friendship than blood-letting challenge. Roger's aggressive reading of my nihilistic lyric redirected its function by the simple act of singing \"Who the fuck are you...\" when I had written \"Who, who, who are you...\" Steve and Paul became real 'mates' of mine in the English sense. We socialized a few times. Got drunk (well, I did) and I have to say to their credit, for a couple of figurehead anarchists, they seemed sincerely concerned about my decaying condition at the time.", "Who Do You Think You Are? (UK TV series) Who Do You Think You Are? is a British genealogy documentary series that has aired on the BBC since 2004. In each episode, a celebrity traces their family tree. It is made by the production company Wall to Wall. The show has regularly attracted an audience of more than 6 million viewers.[1] More than ten international adaptations of the show have been produced.", "Who Do You Think You Are (Spice Girls song) In February 1997, the group performed it at the 1997 BRIT Awards. They started rehearsals a few days after they returned to the UK from a promotional tour in the US, with choreographer Priscilla Samuels, who worked with the group on Fuller's recommendation.[38] On 24 February 1997, in front of a thousand VIPs at the Earls Court Exhibition Centre, the group opened the show with a lip-synched rendition of \"Who Do You Think You Are\". Halliwell's oufit, a black coloured mini dress emblazoned with an Union Jack on the front and a white peace symbol on the back, made the front page of various newspapers, and is now remembered as one of the most iconic symbols of Cool Britannia.[39] For the Return of the Spice Girls, Italian fashion designer Roberto Cavalli designed Halliwell a new Union Jack dress modelled on the original. The new version appeared slightly longer and the flag was made out of rhinestones and Swarovski crystals.[40] Thirteen years later, at the 2010 BRIT Awards, the group's \"Who Do You Think You Are\" performance won the Most Memorable Performance award of the BRITS last thirty years.[41]", "Who Do You Love? (2008 film) Who Do You Love? is a 2008 film that is a biopic of American record producer Leonard Chess (1917-1969). It was directed by Jerry Zaks[1] and written by Peter Martin Wortmann and Robert Conte, and stars Alessandro Nivola as Chess. The cast also includes David Oyelowo as Muddy Waters.[1]", "This Is the End In Heaven, Seth and Jay meet Craig, who tells them that Heaven is a place where any desire comes true. Jay wishes for the Backstreet Boys and the band performs \"Everybody (Backstreet's Back)\" as everyone dances.", "Thank You for Being a Friend \"Thank You for Being a Friend\" is a song written by Andrew Gold, who recorded it for his third album, All This and Heaven Too. The song reached number 25 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart in 1978.[2] On the Cash Box chart, \"Thank You For Being a Friend\" spent two weeks at #11.[3]", "Do What You Do (Jermaine Jackson song) In the ballad, Jackson is requesting that his lover continue with certain enjoyable events they have both experienced in the past: Why don't you do what you do / when you did what you did to me?", "The Five People You Meet in Heaven Eddie then asks Tala if she knows if he was able to save the little girl he attempted to save before his death. He tells her he fears that he failed to save her and he remembers feeling the little girl's hands in his just before his death. But Tala tells him he did indeed manage to save her, he had actually pushed her out of the way, and then reveals that it was her (Tala's) hands that Eddie had felt instead as she pulled him safely up to Heaven. So in reality, Eddie did manage to save the girl at Ruby Pier. Tala teaches Eddie that his life was not for nothing and that its purpose was to protect all the many children at Ruby Pier through his care for the safety of the rides. In this way, Tala explains, he also managed to atone every day for her unnecessary death.", "List of Jewish prayers and blessings Translation: \"Bless, (O) my soul, the LORD. LORD my God, You are very great; glory and majesty have You worn – Who dons light as a garment, Who stretches out the heavens like a curtain.\"", "Who Do You Think You Are (Spice Girls song) The songwriting session—held at Absolute's studio located on Tagg's Island near Chertsey—did not seem to go well at the beginning, as the duo was heavily into R&B music at the time, while the group according to Wilson was \"always very poptastic\".[4] After two sessions the duo phoned their managers and told them that the musical association between them and the group was not working. At this point, the duo heard \"Wannabe\" for the first time, Wilson remembers: \"We listen to it, and we didn't get it at all. It was so different to what we were doing. We thought, 'How's this gonna work? We're not the right people to be doing this band.'\"[4] For the next session the group wanted to write something uptempo and a bit more fun. A full-on disco backing track came up, and \"Who Do You Think You Are\" evolved from there. Wilson commented about that session:", "Who Do You Think You Are? (U.S. TV series) Who Do You Think You Are? is an American genealogy documentary series that is an adaptation of the British BBC series of the same name. In each episode, a different celebrity goes on a journey to trace parts of his or her family tree. The show premiered on NBC on March 5, 2010, as one of the replacement shows of The Jay Leno Show. It ran on NBC for three seasons before being cancelled in 2012;[1] it was then picked up by TLC,[2] where it has aired for six additional seasons.[3][4]", "Sonnet 94 They that have power to hurt and will do none,\nThat do not do the thing they most do show,\nWho, moving others, are themselves as stone,\nUnmoved, cold and to temptation slow;\nThey rightly do inherit heaven’s graces\nAnd husband nature’s riches from expense;\nThey are the lords and owners of their faces,\nOthers but stewards of their excellence.\nThe summer’s flower is to the summer sweet,\nThough to itself it only live and die,\nBut if that flower with base infection meet,\nThe basest weed outbraves his dignity:\nFor sweetest things turn sourest by their deeds;\nLilies that fester smell far worse than weeds.", "Phase-gate process A sample list of criteria is shown below, from which a scorecard can be developed that can then be used to score projects at a gate meeting.", "John the Baptist The gospels differ on the details of the Baptism. In Mark and Luke, Jesus himself sees the heavens open and hears a voice address him personally, saying, \"You are my dearly loved son; you bring me great joy\". They do not clarify whether others saw and heard these things. Although other incidents where the \"voice came out of heaven\" are recorded in which, for the sake of the crowds, it was heard audibly, John did say in his witness that he did see the spirit coming down \"out of heaven\". John 12:28–30, John 1:32", "Third Heaven In the non-canonical Second Book of Enoch, Third Heaven is described as a location \"between corruptibility and incorruptibility\" containing the Tree of Life, \"whereon the Lord rests, when he goes up into paradise.\" (chapter 8) Two springs in the Third Heaven, one of milk and the other of honey, along with two others of wine and oil, flow down into the Garden of Eden. (verse 6) In contrast with the common concept of Paradise, the Second Book of Enoch also describes it as \"a very terrible place\" for those who do wrong, with \"all manner of tortures\" inflicted by merciless angels on \"those who dishonour God, who on earth practice sin against nature,\" including sodomites, sorcerers, enchanters, witches, the proud, thieves, liars and those guilty of various other transgressions. (chapter 10)", "Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation The K-12 and higher education reform programs of the Gates Foundation have been criticized by some education professionals, parents, and researchers because they have driven the conversation on education reform to such an extent that they may marginalize researchers who do not support Gates' predetermined policy preferences.[125] Several Gates-backed policies such as small schools, charter schools, and increasing class sizes have been expensive and disruptive, but some studies indicate they have not improved educational outcomes and may have caused harm.[130][131]", "Beatitudes Luke 6:23 (\"Rejoice ye in that day, and leap for joy: for, behold, your reward is great in heaven: for in the like manner did their fathers unto the prophets.\") appears to parallel the text in Matthew 5:11-12, which reads, \"Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you\".", "DOS IBM again approached Bill Gates. Gates in turn approached Seattle Computer Products. There, programmer Tim Paterson had developed a variant of CP/M-80, intended as an internal product for testing SCP's new 16-bit Intel 8086 CPU card for the S-100 bus. The system was initially named QDOS (Quick and Dirty Operating System), before being made commercially available as 86-DOS. Microsoft purchased 86-DOS, allegedly for $50,000. This became Microsoft Disk Operating System, MS-DOS, introduced in 1981.[5]", "Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven (also known as Lift Yr. Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven! and Levez Vos Skinny Fists Comme Antennas to Heaven) is the second studio album by Canadian post-rock group Godspeed You! Black Emperor, released in 2000 as a double album.", "Agape You have heard that it was said, 'You shall love (agapēseis) your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But I say to you, Love (agapāte) your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven; for he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. For if you love those who love you, what reward have you?", "Jason Morgan and Sam McCall Sam: For me it's the stars. Just looking up in the sky and feeling just small and important at the same time, scared, yet happy to be a part of it. Do you think there are stars in heaven?\nJason: I think there's everything you'd want for the baby -- love, you know, security, happiness, and stars.", "Who Do You Think You Are (Spice Girls song) \"Who Do You Think You Are\" was a commercial and critical success, with Melanie Chisholm's vocals receiving praise from pop music critics. Released with \"Mama\" as a double A-side single in March 1997, it became the group's fourth consecutive number-one single in the United Kingdom, making them the first act in UK chart history to have its first four singles reach number one. Additionally, it was certified platinum by the British Phonographic Industry (BPI), and performed well internationally, reaching the top ten in many European countries and New Zealand, and the top twenty in Australia, France, and Norway.", "Conversion of Paul the Apostle As he neared Damascus on his journey, suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him. He fell to the ground and heard a voice say to him, \"Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?\"", "Who Do You Love? (Bo Diddley song) Rockabilly singer Ronnie Hawkins performed \"Who Do You Love?\" during live engagements as early as the late 1950s.[17] After several singles, Hawkins recorded the song in February 1963 for Roulette Records in New York City.[18] He was backed by the Hawks, who later toured with Bob Dylan and became the Band. Music historian Charlie Gillett describes Hawkins' vocal as \"low and hard, achieving all that rock 'n' roll could do\".[19]", "Talk:The Ninth Gate I don't understand at all about all this speculation about who Corso and the girl were supposed to symbolize, etc., etc. Do you really think Roman Polanski or the author of the book intended all of those hidden meanings? If so, why don't you ask Roman Polanski and then you can stop speculating once and for all. Instead of speculating, why don't you just do research on some of the easy to grasp details of the movie, starting at places like this:", "Is You Is or Is You Ain't My Baby In the 1932 American film Harlem Is Heaven, dancer Bill \"Bojangles\" Robinson, accompanied by jazz pianist Putney Dandridge, sings \"Is You Is or Is You Ain't.\" The song in the film has different lyrics; but, in addition to its title, its melody is at times similar to that later used for \"Is You Is or Is You Ain't My Baby.\"[4]", "Heaven (Beyoncé song) \"Heaven\" lyrically talks about the protagonist saying a final goodbye to a deceased beloved person.[14][20] It contains emotional lyrics which offer comfort to the protagonist.[13][9] The ballad opens with the line \"I fought for you the hardest, it made me the strongest, So tell me your secrets — I just can't stand to see you leaving\" sang with emotional and touching vocals by the singer.[3] The hook \"Heaven couldn't wait for you / No heaven couldn't wait for you / So go on, go home\" is continuously repeated.[21] BET'a Latifah Muhammad described Beyoncé's vocal rendition as \"heartbreaking yet optimistic\".[22] \"Heaven\" closes with a spoken 20-second snippet outro of the Lord's Prayer (Spanish: \"Padre Nuestro\") recited in Spanish by Melissa Vargas, the singer's brand manager.[9][4][23] Many critics noted how the song may have been inspired by the singer's miscarriage.[4][24] Clare Lobenfeld from Complex magazine concluded that the song featured Beyoncé's coping mechanisms for the loss of her child, which included using humor to hide pain.[6] According to Spin writer Anupa Mistry, it is in line with one of the themes touched on in the parent album, motherhood.[25] On the album, \"Heaven\" is placed before \"Blue\", as the penultimate track. It was noted by critics that both songs were antidotes to each other – while the former discusses notions of death, the latter celebrates birth.[26] Joey Guerra from the Houston Chronicle found the inclusion of those songs as the last on Beyoncé as a metaphor for the entire album \"Darkness always gives way to light, and heartbreak, if you hold on, is always followed by hope\".[4]", "Heaven's Gate (film) Twenty years later, Averill is passing through the booming town of Casper, Wyoming, on his way north to Johnson County where he is now a Marshal. Poor European immigrants new to the region are in conflict with wealthy, established cattle barons organized as the Wyoming Stock Growers Association; the newcomers sometimes steal their cattle for food. Nate Champion – a friend of Averill and an enforcer for the stockmen – kills a settler for suspected rustling and dissuades another from stealing a cow. At a formal board meeting, the head of the Association, Frank Canton, tells members, including a drunk Irvine, of plans to kill 125 named settlers, as thieves and anarchists. Irvine leaves the meeting, encounters Averill, and tells him of the Association's plans. As Averill leaves, he exchanges bitter words with Canton. Canton slapping Averill across the face immediately provokes retaliation, and Canton is knocked to the floor. That night, Canton recruits men to kill the named settlers.", "Biblical Sabbath Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor, and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the LORD your God. On it you shall not do any work .... For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy. —Ex. 20:8-11", "Who Do You Love (Marianas Trench song) The official music video for \"Who Do You Love\" premiered on October 10, 2016.[9] In lieu of a conventional video shoot, the group opted to direct the clip's $50,000 budget towards charitable endeavours, in keeping with the \"vibe\" of the song.[10] A camera crew followed the four members around Vancouver, British Columbia as they performed random acts of kindness, contributed towards a school's music program, and spent time with their families. According to drummer Ian Casselman, they were \"trying to inspire people to do good things,\" with this video and thus ended it with the song's title displayed across the screen with the word \"you\" italicized for emphasis.[10]", "Who Do You Love (Marianas Trench song) \"Who Do You Love\" debuted at number 99 on the Billboard Canadian Hot 100 chart dated December 3, 2016.[3] It has since reached a peak position of 56, on the chart dated February 11, 2017.[4] The song also peaked at number 50 on the Hot Canadian Digital Songs component chart.[5] \"Who Do You Love\" has become the group's most successful single at adult contemporary radio, reaching peak positions of 15 and 9 on the Canada AC and Canada Hot AC airplay charts, respectively.[6][7] These positions represent the group's highest peak on either chart since Billboard implemented them in late 2012. The song also reached a peak position of 31 on the Canada CHR/Top 40 chart.[8]", "Who Do You Love? (Bo Diddley song) Rock music critic Greil Marcus calls \"Who Do You Love\" \"one of the best rock'n'roll recordings to emerge from San Francisco [and] some of the finest hard rock ever recorded\".[34] In the description of the song, Legends of Rock Guitar: The Essential Reference of Rock's Greatest Guitarists includes:", "Who Do You Love? (Bo Diddley song) He also sings about a skull, a tombstone, a graveyard, and a scream in the night[2][3] to convey a sense of foreboding.[4] The use of the homonym \"who do\" is an allusion to \"hoodoo\", a Louisiana/Mississippi folk magic belief that events can be influenced by its use.[5] However, Bo Diddley uses imagery more common to the American Southwest, combined with exaggerated bravado.[6] He explained that the first line, \"I got forty-seven miles of barbed wire\", came to him quickly, \"but I couldn't get a rhyme for it. I thought of car tires and mule trains, and I couldn't get anything to fit. Then one day I said 'use a cobra snake,' and my drummer, Clifton James, added 'for a necktie'\".[1] These are directed at a female he is trying to woo – \"who do you love, me or him\".[4] The lyrics confirm the effect: \"Arlene took me by my hand, she said 'oo-ee daddy I understand', who do you love?\".[7]", "The Five People You Meet in Heaven Eddie now awakens in a room with several doors. Behind each of the doors there is a wedding from a different culture and Eddie meets his late wife, Marguerite, in one of the weddings. They spend an extended period together, moving from one wedding to the next and catching up on all the things they had not been able to share since Marguerite's death. They remember their own wedding, and in the end, Marguerite teaches Eddie that love is never lost in death, it just moves on and takes a different form. He begs her forgiveness for never making more of his life, never leaving his job at the pier, and for not giving her a better life she so richly deserved. However she answers that she loved the fairground and their life on the pier, and the only thing she regretted was them not being able to have any children. He replies that all he would've changed is to have had even more time together with her, for it not to have been cut short like it was by her early death.", "That Thing You Do! After DIVX failed, the film was released onto DVD on June 5, 2001. It included the featurette \"The Making of That Thing You Do!,\" and two music videos.", "The Right Stuff (film) After the financial failure of Heaven's Gate, the studio put The Right Stuff in turnaround. Then the Ladd Company stepped in with an estimated $17 million.", "Heaven's Gate (film) New York Times critic Vincent Canby panned the film, calling it \"something quite rare in movies these days - an unqualified disaster,\" comparing it to \"a forced four-hour walking tour of one's own living room.\"[38] Canby went even further by stating that \"[i]t fails so completely that you might suspect Mr. Cimino sold his soul to obtain the success of The Deer Hunter and the Devil has just come around to collect.\"[38]", "Kaaba The Kaaba was thought to be at the center of the world, with the Gate of Heaven directly above it. The Kaaba marked the location where the sacred world intersected with the profane; the embedded Black Stone was a further symbol of this as a meteorite that had fallen from the sky and linked heaven and earth.[50]", "Montgomery bus boycott If you have weapons, take them home; if you do not have them, please do not seek to get them. We cannot solve this problem through retaliatory violence. We must meet violence with nonviolence. Remember the words of Jesus: \"He who lives by the sword will perish by the sword\". We must love our white brothers, no matter what they do to us. We must make them know that we love them. Jesus still cries out in words that echo across the centuries: \"Love your enemies; bless them that curse you; pray for them that despitefully use you\". This is what we must live by. We must meet hate with love. Remember, if I am stopped, this movement will not stop, because God is with the movement. Go home with this glowing faith and this radiant assurance.[33]", "Who's Doing the Dishes? Who's Doing the Dishes? is a cooking game show that has aired on ITV from 1 September 2014 and is hosted by Brian McFadden.", "Ode to Joy Joy, beautiful spark of Divinity,\nDaughter from Elysium,\nWe enter, drunk with fire,\nHeavenly One, thy sanctuary!\nYour magic binds again\nWhat convention strictly divides;*\nAll people become brothers,*\nWhere your gentle wing abides.\n\nWho has succeeded in the great attempt,\nTo be a friend's friend,\nWhoever has won a lovely woman,\nAdd his to the jubilation!\nIndeed, who calls even one soul\nTheirs upon this world!\nAnd whoever never managed, shall steal himself\nWeeping away from this union!\n\nAll creatures drink of joy\nAt nature's breast.\nJust and unjust\nAlike taste of her gift;\nShe gave us kisses and the fruit of the vine,\nA tried friend to the end.\n[Even] the worm has been granted sensuality,\nAnd the cherub stands before God!\n\nGladly, as His heavenly bodies fly\nOn their courses through the heavens,\nThus, brothers, you should run your race,\nJoyful, like a hero going to conquest.\n\nYou millions, be embraced.\nThis kiss is for all the world!\nBrothers, above the starry canopy\nThere must dwell a loving Father.\nDo you fall in worship, you millions?\nWorld, do you know your creator?\nSeek him in the heavens\nAbove the stars must He dwell.", "That Thing You Do! That Thing You Do! was first released in mid-1997 on VHS. In 1998, the film became available in the DIVX format (as with all 20th Century Fox films), rather than DVD.", "Do Your Ears Hang Low? Do your balls hang low?\nDo they dangle to and fro?\nCan you tie them in a knot?\nCan you tie them in a bow?\n\nDo they itch when it's hot?\nDo you rest them in a pot?\n\nDo you get them in a tangle?\nDo you catch them in a mangle?\nDo they swing in stormy weather?\nDo they tickle with a feather?\n\nDo they rattle when you walk?\nDo they jingle when you talk?\n\nCan you sling them on your shoulder\nLike a lousy fucking soldier?\nDo your balls hang low?", "The Five People You Meet in Heaven Emile: Ruby's husband, who also created the original Ruby Pier. He wore \"a chalk-stripe suit and a derby hat.\"[13] He had neatly cut dark hair and a mustache that covered a constant smile.[13] Emile was known for \"his heavy, confident laughter\"[13] and being \"a spender and a risk taker.\"[14] He was injured in a big fire trying to save Ruby Pier from being destroyed.[15]", "To Bring You My Love The subject matter and tone of the songs on To Bring You My Love differ somewhat from what Harvey had presented on her earlier albums. The songs on Rid of Me (1993), for example, are more aggressive in their depictions of relationships. They focus more on revenge (\"Rid of Me\", \"Rub Til It Bleeds\"), or act as an attack on traditional masculinity[6] (\"Man-Size\", \"50ft. Queenie\", \"Me-Jane\"). Although these songs do directly consider longing and loss, many of the songs on To Bring You My Love focus particularly on these topics, specifically considering the loss of, or longing for, a departed lover. The title track presents a narrator who not only desires love but is willing to sacrifice everything to get it. \"I’ve lain with the devil,\" Harvey sings, \"Cursed God above/Forsaken Heaven/To bring you my love.\"", "New Jerusalem The new Jerusalem gates may bear some relation to the gates mentioned in Enoch, Chapters 33 - 35, where the prophet reports (at the extremities of the whole earth) \"heavenly gates opening into heaven; three of them distinctly separated.\" [33, 3.] And so on for each of the four major compass directions.[ref. Laurence translation, Book of Enoch.]", "Do You Really Want to Hurt Me A. \"Do You Really Want to Hurt Me\" – 4:22\nB. \"Do You Really Want to Hurt Me\" (Dub Version) – 3:38\n(Released at least in UK, Canada, Australia, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Portugal, Spain, Sweden)\nA. \"Do You Really Want to Hurt Me\" – 4:23\nB. \"You Know I'm Not Crazy\" – 3:35\n(Released in USA, Mexico)", "The Gate of the Year And I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year:\n“Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown.”\nAnd he replied:\n“Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the Hand of God.\nThat shall be to you better than light and safer than a known way.”\nSo I went forth, and finding the Hand of God, trod gladly into the night.\nAnd He led me towards the hills and the breaking of day in the lone East.", "Cloud Gate Although in the conventional sense Cloud Gate is not an opening that leads anywhere in the same way that monumental gates do, it frames a view and is celebratory in the way it creates a ceremonial place. The work is credited with achieving a new level or understanding described as a transubstantiation of material, reminiscent of that which the artist experienced during a 1979 trip to India. Kapoor's 1000 Names evolved immediately after this trip; twenty-five years later he created Cloud Gate, an object that emerged from material forms to become immaterial.[18]", "Heaven's Gate (film) Jim Averell was another homesteader who lived about 100 miles (160 kilometers) southwest of Johnson County. Two years before the Johnson County War began, he and his common-law wife Ella Watson were murdered by stockmen, who falsely accused Watson of exchanging sexual favors for stolen cattle. There is no evidence that Watson was a bordello madam, as portrayed in the film, nor that Watson or Averell ever knew Nate Champion.[17]", "Who Do You Love? (Bo Diddley song) \"Who Do You Love?\" was part of Bo Diddley's repertoire throughout his career, but none of his various recordings reached the record charts. The song has been interpreted and recorded by numerous musicians in different styles, often adding a Bo Diddley beat. Popular renditions include those by Ronnie Hawkins and George Thorogood, with charting singles by the Woolies, Tom Rush, Quicksilver Messenger Service, and Juicy Lucy.", "West Gate Bridge Those who argue for a suicide barrier claim that most of those who jump from the West Gate Bridge do so through impulse and that police officers who try to save those who try to jump are putting their own lives in danger. There are multiple incidents of police officers dangling off the side of the bridge while holding onto would-be jumpers.[30] A 2000 Royal Melbourne Hospital study on people who jumped from the bridge found at least 62 cases between 1991 and 1998. Seven people survived the 58-metre fall. Seventy-four percent of those who jumped from the bridge were male, with an average age of 33. More than 70 percent were suffering from mental illness.[31] Of those who jumped off the West Gate Bridge, 31 percent fell on land. Some of those who landed in water drowned afterwards.[32]", "The Five People You Meet in Heaven The scene changes and Eddie finds himself outside in a snowdrift, but he notices that the snow is neither cold nor wet. He notices a diner where he sees his father through a window and begins yelling and pleading for his attention. When his father appears to not be able to see or hear him, a well-dressed woman named Ruby appears and introduces herself to him. He assumes she must have been rich based on the manner of her clothing. She tells him that she has not always been this way and proceeds to explain to Eddie her story. Ruby tells Eddie that she had once worked as a waitress at the diner and explains that Ruby Pier was named after her by her husband Emile, who built it in tribute to her. Emile was wounded while fighting a fire that burned much of Ruby Pier and later died from pneumonia.", "Who Do You Love? (Bo Diddley song) Musically, \"Who Do You Love?\" is an uptempo song centered on one chord (Aâ™­) with guitar flourishes that complement the vocals.[8][3] It has a strong rhythm, but unlike later interpretations, it does not use the typical Bo Diddley beat.[2] Instead, the song uses a \"modified cut shuffle beat\"[2] or 2/4 time,[9] giving it an almost rockabilly feel, similar to Chuck Berry's \"Maybellene\".[10]", "What Do You Got? \"What Do You Got?\" was used in a promotional video for Grey's Anatomy in Canada.", "Army–McCarthy hearings Welch excluded himself from the remainder of the hearings with a parting shot to McCarthy:[32] \"Mr. McCarthy, I will not discuss this further with you... You have seen fit to bring [the Fisher/NLG affair] out, and if there is a God in heaven, it will do neither you nor your cause any good! I will not discuss it further... You, Mr. Chairman, may as you will, call the next witness!\"[33] After Welch deferred to Chairman Mundt to call the next witness, the gallery burst into applause.[34][35]", "Do You Want to Dance \"Do You Want to Dance\" is a song written by American singer Bobby Freeman and recorded by him in 1958. It reached number No. 5 on the United States Billboard Top 100 Sides pop chart and No. 2 on the Billboard R&B chart.[1][2][3] Cliff Richard and the Shadows' version of the song reached No. 2 in the United Kingdom in 1962, despite being a B-side. The Beach Boys' version reached No. 12 as \"Do You Wanna Dance?\" in the United States in 1965, and a 1972 cover by Bette Midler (\"Do You Want to Dance?\") reached No. 17." ]
what are bulls used for on a farm
[ "Bull Other than the few bulls needed for breeding, the vast majority of male cattle are slaughtered for meat before the age of three years, except where they are needed (castrated) as work oxen for haulage. Most of these beef animals are castrated as calves to reduce aggressive behavior and prevent unwanted mating,[22] although some are reared as uncastrated bull beef. A bull is typically ready for slaughter one or two months sooner than a castrated male or a female, and produces proportionately more, leaner muscle.[22]", "Bull Many cattle ranches and stations run bulls with cows, and most dairy or beef farms traditionally had at least one, if not several, bulls for purposes of herd maintenance.[32][33] However, the problems associated with handling a bull (particularly where cows must be removed from its presence to be worked) has prompted many dairy farmers to restrict themselves to artificial insemination (AI) of the cows.[34] Semen is removed from the bulls and stored in canisters of liquid nitrogen, where it is kept until it can be sold, at which time it can be very profitable, in fact, many ranchers keep bulls specifically for this purpose. AI is also used to increase the quality of a herd, or to introduce an outcross of bloodlines. Some ranchers prefer to use AI to allow them to breed to several different bulls in a season or to breed their best stock to a higher quality bull than they could afford to purchase outright. AI may also be used in conjunction with embryo transfer to allow cattle producers to add new breeding to their herds." ]
[ "Bull It is estimated that 42% of all livestock-related fatalities in Canada are a result of bull attacks, and fewer than one in twenty victims of a bull attack survives.[24] Dairy breed bulls are particularly dangerous and unpredictable; the hazards of bull handling are a significant cause of injury and death for dairy farmers in some parts of the United States[25][26][27] The need to move a bull in and out of its pen to cover cows exposes the handler to serious jeopardy of life and limb.[28] Being trampled, jammed against a wall or gored by a bull was one of the most frequent causes of death in the dairy industry before 1940.[29] With regard to such risks, one popular farming magazine has suggested, \"Handle [the bull] with a staff and take no chances. The gentle bull, not the vicious one, most often kills or maims his keeper\".[30]", "Dairy cattle Since the 1950s, artificial insemination (AI) is used at most dairy farms; these farms may keep no bull. Artificial insemination uses estrus synchronization to indicate when the cow is going through ovulation and is susceptible to fertilization. Advantages of using AI include its low cost and ease compared to maintaining a bull, ability to select from a large number of bulls, elimination of diseases in the dairy industry, improved genetics and improved animal welfare [31] Rather than a large bull jumping on a smaller heifer or weaker cow, AI allows the farmer to complete the breeding procedure within 5 minutes with minimum stress placed on the individual female's body [31]", "Sitting Bull After working as a performer with Buffalo Bill's Wild West show, Sitting Bull returned to the Standing Rock Agency in South Dakota. Because of fears that he would use his influence to support the Ghost Dance movement, Indian Service agent James McLaughlin at Fort Yates ordered his arrest. During an ensuing struggle between Sitting Bull's followers and the agency police, Sitting Bull was shot in the side and head by Standing Rock policemen Lieutenant Bull Head (Tatankapah, Lakota: Tȟatȟáŋka Pȟá) and Red Tomahawk (Marcelus Chankpidutah, Lakota: Čhaŋȟpí Dúta) after the police were fired upon by Sitting Bull's supporters. His body was taken to nearby Fort Yates for burial. In 1953, his Lakota family exhumed what were believed to be his remains, reburying them near Mobridge, South Dakota, near his birthplace.", "Bull riding The arenas used in professional bull riding vary. Some are rodeo arenas that are used only for bull riding and other rodeo events. Others are event centers that play host to many different sports. Common to all arenas is a large, open area that gives the bulls, bull riders, and bull fighters plenty of room to maneuver. The area is fenced, usually 6 to 7 feet high, to protect the audience from escaped bulls. There are generally exits on each corner of the arena for riders to get out of the way quickly. Riders can also hop onto the fence to avoid danger. One end of the arena contains the bucking chutes from which the bulls are released. There is also an exit chute where the bulls can exit the arena.", "Running of the Bulls The Running of the Bulls UK is a pub crawl event that takes place on London's Hampstead Heath and uses fast runners in place of bulls.", "Sitting Bull At the climactic moment, \"Sitting Bull intoned, 'The Great Spirit has given our enemies to us. We are to destroy them. We do not know who they are. They may be soldiers.' Ice too observed, 'No one then knew who the enemy were – of what tribe.'...They were soon to find out.\"(Utley 1992: 122–24)", "Information and communications technology in agriculture In Kenya, for example, the solution to prevent an elephant bull from wandering into farms and destroying precious crops was to tag the elephant with a device that sends a text message when it crosses a geo-fence. Using the technology of SMS and GPS, the elephant can roam freely and the authorities are alerted whenever it is near the farm.[7]", "Sitting Bull In 1953 Lakota family members exhumed what they believed to be Sitting Bull's remains, transporting them for reinterment near Mobridge, South Dakota, his birthplace.[58][59] A monument to him was erected there.", "Family farm Mid-size family farms (GCFI of $350,000 to $999,999); 5.66 percent of all US farms, 21.7 percent of total US farm area; median net farm income $154,538.", "Sitting Bull Around 5:30 a.m. on December 15, 39 police officers and four volunteers approached Sitting Bull's house. They surrounded the house, knocked and entered. Lt. Bull Head told Sitting Bull that he was under arrest and led him outside.[54] Sitting Bull and his wife noisily stalled for time, the camp awakened and men converged at the house. As Lt. Bullhead ordered Sitting Bull to mount a horse, he said the Indian Affairs agent needed to see the chief, and then he could return to his house. When Sitting Bull refused to comply, the police used force on him. The Sioux in the village were enraged. Catch-the-Bear, a Lakota, shouldered his rifle and shot Lt. Bullhead, who reacted by firing his revolver into the chest of Sitting Bull.[55] Another police officer, Red Tomahawk, shot Sitting Bull in the head, and he dropped to the ground. He died between 12 and 1 p.m.[55]", "Minoan Bull-leaper Archaeological evidence has now uncovered that the type of bull used by ancient Minoan bull leapers was a cross breed giant aurochs bull, now extinct in Europe. It had a shoulder height of over 6 ft (180 cm) and a hoof size similar to the size of a human head.[14][verification needed]", "Red Bull Red Bull's marketing arsenal also includes multiple sports team ownerships (Flying Bulls [actually owned by Dietrich Mateschitz], RB Leipzig, FC Red Bull Salzburg, Red Bull Brasil, New York Red Bulls, Red Bull Racing, Scuderia Toro Rosso), celebrity endorsements, and music, through its record label Red Bull Records.[11]", "Bull A common misconception widely repeated in depictions of bull behavior is that the color red angers bulls, inciting them to charge. In fact, like most mammals, cattle are red-green color blind.[21] In bullfighting, it is the movement of the matador's cape, and not the color, which provokes a reaction in the bull.", "Red Bull In 1995, Krating Daeng authorized its drink. labelled as Red Bull, to be sold in China. Since 2014, the Austrian Red Bull (carbonated) has also been exported to China. This has created confusion since both drinks use the same brand name, in both English and Chinese.", "Red Rock (bull) \"Every bull rider wanted a chance to try Red Rock because he was a great bucking bull and because they knew he wouldn't come after them,\" Growney said in a 1987 interview with the Las Vegas-Review-Journal, \"He won't step on bull riders or hook them once they're off, like most bulls...He has so much character in him. He has all the character of well-mannered person. At the ranch, we put kids on his back. He's a friend, a good soul.\"[4][5] \"A phenomenal bull!\" Ted Nuce was quoted as saying in 1987. \"Loves to buck cowboys off. He's smart. Know's what hand a guy's got down on his back. More than likely he won't turn back into a guy's hand. He's gonna set you up and get you loose before he goes to spinning.\"[5]", "Durham Bulls The Bulls were sold to the Raleigh-based Capitol Broadcasting Company in 1991. Capitol president Jim Goodmon initially proposed building the new stadium near Raleigh-Durham International Airport, but after city leaders in Durham offered to renovate the old ballpark or help build a new stadium, the current downtown Durham site was secured.[4] In July 1992, the Bulls unveiled their current mascot, Wool E. Bull, a moniker submitted by Durham resident Jim Vickery out of a pool of 500, inspired by the otherwise unrelated novelty song oldie, \"Wooly Bully\". The \"E\" in his name stands for \"education.\" The next June, the Bulls retired the number 18 belonging to Joe Morgan, the first hall of famer to play for the Bulls, who was a member of the 1963 club (Chipper Jones, who played for the Bulls in 1992, was the second, elected in 2018). Morgan's number remained the only one retired by the club for many years; he attended the ceremony where his number was retired. The team also retained the snorting bull sign that was used in Bull Durham and it remained at Durham Athletic Park until both team and sign left after the 1994 season.", "Bull Bulls become fertile at about seven months of age. Their fertility is closely related to the size of their testicles, and one simple test of fertility is to measure the circumference of the scrotum: a young bull is likely to be fertile once this reaches 28 centimetres (11 in); that of a fully adult bull may be over 40 centimetres (16 in).[9][10]", "Corporate farming \"Family farm\" and \"corporate farm\" are often defined as mutually exclusive terms, with the two having different interests.[11] This mostly stems from the widespread assumption that family farms are small farms while corporate farms are large-scale operations. While it is true that the majority of small farms are family owned, many large farms are also family businesses, including some of the largest farms in the US.[12]", "Bull Bulls have held a place of significance in human culture since before the beginning of recorded history. They appear in cave paintings estimated to be up to 17,000 years old. The mythic Bull of the Heavens plays a role in the ancient Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh, dating as far back as 2150 BC. The importance of the bull is reflected in its appearance in the zodiac as Taurus, and its numerous appearances in mythology, where it is often associated with fertility. See also Korban. In Hinduism, a bull named Nandi, usually depicted seated, is worshipped as the vehicle of the god Shiva and depicted on many of the images of that God. Symbolically, the bull appears commonly in heraldry, and, in modern times, as a mascot for both amateur and professional sports teams.", "Bull Bulls are much more muscular than cows, with thicker bones, larger feet, a very muscular neck, and a large, bony head with protective ridges over the eyes. These features assist bulls in fighting for domination over a herd, giving the winner superior access to cows for reproduction.[4] The hair is generally shorter on the body, but on the neck and head there is often a \"mane\" of curlier, wooly hair. Bulls are usually about the same height as cows or a little taller, but because of the additional muscle and bone mass they often weigh far more. Most of the time, a bull has a hump on its shoulders.[5] When a bull is full-grown, it can weigh as much as 2,000 pounds.[5]", "Bull The female counterpart to a bull is a cow, while a male of the species who has been castrated is a steer, ox[1] or bullock, although in North America this last term refers to a young bull, and in Australia to a draught animal. Usage of these terms varies considerably with area and dialect. Colloquially, people unfamiliar with cattle may refer to both castrated and intact animals as \"bulls\".", "Dairy cattle A bull calf with high genetic potential may be reared for breeding purposes. It may be kept by a dairy farm as a herd bull, to provide natural breeding for the herd of cows. A bull may service up to 50 or 60 cows during a breeding season. Any more and the sperm count will decline, leading to cows \"returning to service\" (to be bred again). A herd bull may only stay for one season, as when most bulls reach over two years old their temperament becomes too unpredictable.", "Bull riding For the bull, judges look at the animal's overall agility, power and speed; its back end kicks; and its front end drops. In general, if a bull gives a rider a very hard time, more points will be awarded. If a rider fails to stay mounted for at least 8 seconds the bull is still awarded a score.[9] The PBR, CBR, PRCA, IPRA and PRS record bulls' past scores so that the best bulls can be brought to the finals, ensuring that riders will be given a chance to score highly. All five organizations also award one bull the \"Bucking Bull of the Year\" award, decided by scores and the number of riders it has bucked off. The award brings prestige to the ranch at which the bull was raised.", "Bull shark The bull shark's diet consists mainly of bony fish and small sharks, including other bull sharks,[3] but can also include turtles, birds, dolphins, terrestrial mammals, crustaceans, echinoderms, and stingrays. They hunt in murky waters where it is harder for the prey to see the shark coming.[1][36][37] Bull sharks have been known to use the bump-and-bite technique to attack their prey. After the first initial contact, they continue to bite and tackle prey until they are unable to flee.[38]", "Red Bull Red Bull is sold in a tall and slim blue-silver can, while Krating Daeng is in a shorter gold can.[6] The two are different products, produced separately. The Red Bull company slogan is \"Red Bull gives you wings\".[7] Rather than following a traditional approach to mass marketing, Red Bull has generated awareness and created a seductive 'brand myth'[8][9] through proprietary extreme sport event series such as Red Bull Cliff Diving World Series, Red Bull Air Race, Red Bull Crashed Ice and stand-out stunts such as the Stratos space diving project.[10]", "Bull In larger pastures, particularly where a bull is kept with other cattle, the animals may simply be fed from a pickup truck or tractor, the vehicle itself providing some protection for the humans involved. Generally, bulls kept with cows tend to be less aggressive than those kept alone. In herd situations, cows with young calves are often more dangerous to humans. In the off season, multiple bulls may be kept together in a \"bachelor herd\".", "Bull riding In the American tradition, the rider must stay on top of the bucking bull while holding onto the bull rope with one hand for eight seconds and not touching the bull or himself with his free hand. A bull rope is a fiber rope wrapped around the chest of the bull directly behind the bull's front legs, which the rider grips while riding. If he does that, it is a qualified ride. If he gets bucked off before eight seconds, it is a no score. In most bull riding circuits, four judges mark scores for the rider and the bull. Two judges score the rider based on his ability up to 25 points each for up to a total of 50 points. The other two judges score the bull on his bucking performance for up to 25 points each for a total of up to 50 points. Thus, the ride is scored up to 100 points. Most professional riders score between the mid-70s and high 80s. American Bull riding has been called \"the most dangerous eight seconds in sports.\"[1]", "Chicago Bulls Between 2009 and 2017, the Bulls wore a variation of their red uniforms as part of the NBA's \"Noche Latina\" festivities every March. The only notable change in this uniform was the \"Los Bulls\" wordmark in front. For 2014, the Bulls briefly retired the look in favor of a black sleeved uniform featuring \"Los Bulls\" in white with red trim.", "Red Bull Racing Red Bull Technology uses rFactor Pro driving simulation software.[59][60][61]", "Red Bull In 2014, Red Bull faced a US$13 million settlement addressing two consumer class action lawsuits in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York.[59] The listed plaintiffs were Benjamin Careathers, David Wolf, and Miguel Almarez[60] who sued the company for Red Bull's marketing and labeling, claiming that the company violated \"express warranty and unjust enrichment\" since their products were first launched. The court hearing took place the morning of 1 May 2015 in an attempt to determine approval for the settlement. Customers that submitted claims then have the opportunity to receive a US$10 cash reimbursement or product option of US$15 in Red Bull products[61] within 150 days of the approved appeals.[62]", "Chicago Bulls The first round of the playoffs for the Bulls was against the New Jersey Nets, a team led by Keith Van Horn, Kendall Gill and Sam Cassell. The Bulls swept the Nets three to nothing in a best of five series. The conference semi-finals were more challenging with the Charlotte Hornets stealing game two from the Bulls at the United Center, and tying the series 1–1. But the Bulls easily defeated the Hornets in the next three games of the series. The Conference Finals was a challenge for the Bulls as they went up against the Reggie Miller-led Indiana Pacers. Experts were of the opinion that the Pacers had the best chance to defeat the Bulls.[17] The Pacers gave the Bulls no road wins, winning games 3, 4, and 6, sending the series to a deciding game seven at the United Center. The Bulls prevailed and beat the Pacers 88–83, winning their 6th Eastern Conference Championship.", "Benny the Bull The current and most popular Benny has had many \"relatives\" or family members over the years. His great-grandfather, in the late 60s, was the first NBA mascot. Many other variations/family members of the bull where passed on to different ones, including Benny's chubby predecessor (or father) in the 90s. A slim, dunking bull mascot named \"Da Bull\" was added at the time. According to an article on the Bull's website: \"Da Bull is Benny the Bull's cousin, and he made his first appearance at a Bulls game during the 1995–96 season. That is why his uniform number is 95. Among Da Bull's many talents are tumbling, gymnastics, playing basketball, break dancing, reading, officiating basketball games, and most importantly, performing his signature slam dunks. Da Bull does not have a tail like other Bulls. He lost his tail while practicing his amazing dunks at the United Center. By not having a tail, Da Bull has been able to perform even more slam dunks and tumbling because his long, skinny tail no longer gets in the way. An injury to his hoof during the 1999–2000 Bulls season sidelined Da Bull briefly, but he returned to the trampoline after a short recovery period.\" [3][4] His performer, Chester Brewer, was arrested in 2004 for illegally selling marijuana from his car, therefore retiring the mascot.[5]", "Bull A wild, young, unmarked bull is known as a micky in Australia.[2] Improper or late castration on a bull results in it becoming a coarse steer, also known as a stag in Australia, Canada and New Zealand.[3] In some countries an incompletely castrated male is known also as a rig or ridgling.", "Red Bull Racing \"Aston Martin Red Bull Racing\" logo while sponsored by Aston Martin, used since 2018.", "Corporate farming In the US, the average size of a non-family corporate farm is 1078 acres, i.e. smaller than the average family corporate farm (1249 acres) and smaller than the average partnership farm (1131 acres).[17]", "Bull riding Although steer riding contests existed into the 1920s, the sport did not gain popularity until bulls were returned to the arena and replaced steers as the mount of choice.[3] The first-known rodeo to use brahma bulls was in Columbia, Mississippi, produced in 1935 by Canadian brothers Earl and Weldon Bascom with Jake Lybbert and Waldo Ross. This rodeo was the first to feature a bull riding event at a night rodeo held outdoors under electric lights. A pivotal moment for modern bull riding, and rodeo in general, came with the founding of the Rodeo Cowboy Association (RCA) in 1936, which later became the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association (PRCA). Through this organization many hundreds of rodeos are held each year. Since that time, the popularity of all aspects of the rodeo has risen. In addition to the PRCA, which has PRCA ProRodeo with bull riding and the Xtreme Bulls events for bull riding only, there are two separate organizations that promote and produce shows for stand-alone professional bull riding in the United States: Championship Bull Riding (CBR) and Professional Bull Riders (PBR). CBR tours all over the United States and its major league tour, the Road to Cheyenne Tour, is broadcast on Fox Sports Networks. The CBR world championships take place at Cheyenne Frontier Days. The Professional Bull Riders (PBR) stages a large number of events in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, and Australia. For many years the annual PBR World Finals were held at the Thomas and Mack Center in Las Vegas, Nevada. However, starting in 2016, the Finals are now held at the T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas.[5] The PBR's major league tour, currently titled the Unleash the Beast Series, is broadcast on CBS Sports Network, with the primary broadcast network televising selected bonus rounds (known as 15/15 bucking battles). The previous tour name, which ran from 2003 until 2017 was titled the Built Ford Tough Series.[6][7] From these roots, bull riding as a competitive sport has spread to a number of other nations worldwide.", "Chicago Bulls In the 2006 NBA Draft, the Bulls were awarded forward-center LaMarcus Aldridge and immediately traded him to the Portland Trail Blazers for forward Tyrus Thomas and forward Viktor Khryapa. In a second draft-day trade, the Bulls selected Rodney Carney and traded him to the Philadelphia 76ers for guard Thabo Sefolosha. Later that summer, four-time Defensive Player of the Year Ben Wallace signed with the Bulls for a reported four-year, $60 million contract. Following the signing of Wallace, the Bulls traded Tyson Chandler, the last remaining player of the Krause era, to the (then) New Orleans/Oklahoma City Hornets for veteran power forward P.J. Brown and J. R. Smith and salary cap space that was used to sign former Chicago co-captain Adrian Griffin.", "Red Bull The program has received criticism as being an \"elaborate advertising scheme\",[99] as some of the artwork has been used in Red Bull advertising campaigns.[100]", "Bull riding Some of Australia’s best bull riders travel and compete internationally in Canada, New Zealand and the United States. Some of Australia's leading bull riders conduct bull riding clinics to assist learners and novice riders.[19]", "Bull shark In a research experiment, the bull sharks were found to be at the mouth of an estuary for the majority of the time.[27] They stayed at the mouth of the river independent of the salinity of the water. The driving factor for a bull shark to be in fresh or salt water, however, is its age; as the bull shark ages, its tolerance for very low or high salinity increases.[27] The majority of the newborn or very young bull sharks were found in the freshwater area, whereas the much older bull sharks were found to be in the saltwater areas, as they had developed a much better tolerance for the salinity.[27] Reproduction is one of the reasons why adult bull sharks travel into the river—it is thought to be a physiological strategy to improve juvenile survival and a way to increase overall fitness of bull sharks.[27] The young are not born with a high tolerance for high salinity, so they are born in fresh water and stay there until they are able to travel out.", "Mixed farming Mixed farming is a type of farming which involves both the growing of crops as well as the raising of livestock. This type of farming is mostly practiced in continents like Asia and countries like India, Malaysia, Indonesia, Afghanistan, China and Russia. It was first mainly used for self-consumption, but now in countries like US, Japan, etc., this is done for a commercial purpose.[1]", "List of The Dukes of Hazzard episodes Boss Hogg forecloses on the Duke farm and a bunch of other farms to sell the land to a major developer. What Boss doesn't know is that she plans on using Hazzard to strip-mine coal.", "Bull Terrier The Bull Terrier is a breed of dog in the terrier family. There is also a miniature version of this breed which is officially known as the Miniature Bull Terrier.", "Durham Bulls In 2009, they won the division for a third consecutive season with an 83-61 record. Facing the Louisville Bats in the first round again, the Bulls were victorious, winning in five games. The third time was the charm for the Bulls in the Governors' Cup final, as they dethroned the Scranton/Wilkes-Barre Yankees in three games to win the championship, their third since joining the International League. The Bulls advanced to the Triple-A Baseball National Championship Game against the champions of the Pacific Coast League for the first time in team history, as that championship game did not exist at the time of the Bulls' previous two Governors' Cup championships. Facing the Memphis Redbirds, the Bulls would win their first class championship, scoring the winning run on a wild pitch in the bottom half of the eleventh inning. Also in 2009, the Bulls retired the number 8 of Crash Davis, the main character of Bull Durham, which was their first number retirement in sixteen years.", "Bull shark Bull sharks are apex predators and seldom have to fear being attacked by other animals. Humans are their biggest threat. Larger sharks, such as the tiger shark and great white shark, may attack them.[3] Crocodiles may be a threat to bull sharks in rivers. Saltwater crocodiles have been observed preying on bull sharks in the rivers and estuaries of Northern Australia,[51] and a Nile crocodile was reported as consuming a bull shark in South Africa.[52]", "Red Bull Racing Red Bull's owner, Dietrich Mateschitz, reportedly tried to recruit former Formula One driver and BMW Motorsport chief (and fellow Austrian) Gerhard Berger to help guide the team through its debut season. However, this was never realised. For 2005, the chassis was christened the RB1. Red Bull Racing used Cosworth engines in its maiden year due to the ease of continuing with the engine Jaguar Racing used.[citation needed]", "Bull Adult bulls may weigh between 500 and 1,000 kilograms (1,100 and 2,200 lb). Most are capable of aggressive behavior and require careful handling to ensure safety of humans and other animals. Those of dairy breeds may be more prone to aggression, while beef breeds are somewhat less aggressive, though beef breeds such as the Spanish Fighting Bull and related animals are also noted for aggressive tendencies, which are further encouraged by selective breeding.", "Chicago Bulls During the off-season, the Bulls drafted Jimmy Butler 30th overall in the 2011 NBA draft. After the NBA lockout ended, the Bulls lost Kurt Thomas to free agency, and released Keith Bogans. The Bulls signed veteran shooting guard Richard \"Rip\" Hamilton to a three-year deal, after he was waived by the Detroit Pistons. The Bulls also gave MVP Derrick Rose a 5-year contract extension worth $94.8 million.", "Family farm In Canada, the number of \"family farms\" cannot be inferred closely, because of the nature of census data, which do not distinguish family and non-family farm partnerships. In 2011, of Canada’s 205,730 farms, 55.4 percent were sole proprietorships, 24.5 percent were partnerships, 17.4 percent were family corporations, 2.4 percent were non-family corporations and 0.3 percent were other categories.[21] Because some but not all partnerships involve family members, these data suggest that family farms account for between about 72.8 and 97.3 percent of Canadian farms. The family farm percentage is likely to be near the high end of this range, for two reasons. The partners in a [Canadian] farm partnership are typically spouses, often forming the farm partnership for tax reasons.[22] Also, as in the US,[23] family farm succession planning can use a partnership as a means of apportioning family farm tenure among family members when a sole proprietor is ready to transfer some or all of ownership and operation of a farm to offspring. Conversion of a sole proprietorship family farm to a family corporation may also be influenced by legal and financial, e.g. tax, considerations. The Canadian Encyclopedia estimates that more than 90 percent of Canadian farms are family operations.[24] In 2006, of Canadian farms with more than one million dollars in annual gross farm receipts, about 62.5 percent were family corporations and 13.1 percent were non-family corporations.[25]", "Bull's-Eye Barbecue Sauce These are the current list of flavors use for the logo of Bull's-Eye Barbecue Sauce (25 Years of BBQ Experience):", "Charging Bull In 2010, a similar Charging Bull sculpture by Di Modica was installed in Shanghai on commission by the Shanghai city authority; it is informally also called the Bund Bull.[9]", "Chicago Bulls For the 1973–74 season, the Bulls drastically changed their look, removing the side stripes and drop shadows while moving the front numbers to the left chest. While the white uniforms saw the \"Bulls\" wordmark go from a vertically arched to radially arched arrangement, the red uniforms saw a more significant makeover, featuring black lettering and a script \"Chicago\" wordmark. With a few tweaks in the lettering, these uniforms were used until 1985.[51]", "Bull In horned cattle the horns of bulls tend to be thicker and somewhat shorter than those of cows,[6] and in many breeds they curve outwards in a flat arc rather than upwards in a lyre shape. It is not true, as is commonly believed, that bulls have horns and cows do not: the presence of horns depends on the breed, or in horned breeds on whether the horns have been disbudded (conversely, in many breeds of sheep indeed only the males have horns). Cattle that naturally do not have horns are referred to as polled, or muleys.[7]", "Sitting Bull From 1866 to 1868, Red Cloud as a leader of the Oglala Lakota fought against US forces, attacking their forts in an effort to keep control of the Powder River Country of Montana. In support of him, Sitting Bull led numerous war parties against Fort Berthold, Fort Stevenson, and Fort Buford and their environs from 1865 through 1868.[13] Sitting Bull also made guerrilla attacks on emigrant parties and smaller forts throughout the upper Missouri River region.[citation needed]", "Bonanza farms Bonanza farming was dependent on the use of seasonal migrant labor. At planting and harvesting times foremen often supervised some 500 to 1000 extra workers on a bonanza farm. When weather and market conditions were good, bonanza farms made large profits; because the managers could buy seeds and equipment in bulk, they had lower production costs. But in times of drought or low wheat prices, their profits fell. As the Red River Valley was developed for agriculture, the Bonanza farms were distinguished by their widespread use of migrant labor, some of whom were Mexican immigrants or migrants, known as braceros. European Americans also worked as migrant laborers. Family farmers, with fewer workers to pay and less money invested in equipment, could better handle boom-and-bust cycles. By the 1890s, most bonanza farms had broken up into smaller farms.", "Chicago Bulls The second return of Derrick Rose gave the Bulls and their fans optimism for the 2014–15 season. With 2-time NBA Champion Pau Gasol and a deep bench consisting of Taj Gibson, Nikola Mirotić, Tony Snell, Aaron Brooks, Doug McDermott, Kirk Hinrich, among others, the Bulls were one of the two favorite teams to come out of the Eastern Conference along with the Cleveland Cavaliers. The Bulls started off the season in style with a blowout win of the New York Knicks, and then winning 7 of their first 9 games (losses coming to the Cleveland Cavaliers and Boston Celtics). The emergence of Jimmy Butler as a primary scorer for the Bulls was a major surprise and he surged into the forefront of the \"Most Improved Player of the Year\" award race. Butler's statistical jump was noted by many as one of the greatest in NBA History,[29] going from scoring just 13 points per game in 2013–14 to scoring 20 points per game in 2014–15. Pau Gasol was considered a huge asset for the Bulls and averaged a double-double throughout the season. Both Butler and Gasol ended up making the Eastern Conference All-Star team. The Bulls' second half of the season was marred by inconsistency and frustration set in with Derrick Rose blasting the team for not being on the same page. Tension between management and Tom Thibodeau continued to be a dark cloud hanging over the organization. The Bulls finished with a 50–32 record and the 3rd seed in the Eastern Conference. They faced the Milwaukee Bucks in the first round, and took advantage of the young and inexperienced Bucks by going up a quick 3–0 in the series. However, inconsistency and not being on the same page yet again plagued the Bulls as the Bucks won the next two games, sending a scare to Chicago. The Bulls bounced back with fury in Game 6 however, beating the Bucks by a playoff record 54 points winning the series 4–2. The next round saw the Bulls facing their arch-rival Cleveland Cavaliers, and their biggest nemesis, LeBron James, who had beaten the Bulls in all three of their previous playoff meetings. The Bulls shocked the Cavs in Game 1 dominating them and never trailing. The Cavs answered back in Game 2 in the same fashion, never trailing the entire game. In a pivotal Game 3 in Chicago, the Bulls and Cavs battled closely all the way through, but the Bulls prevailed on a last-second buzzer beating 3-pointer by Derrick Rose. In Game 4, the Cavs would answer once again, with LeBron James hitting the buzzer-beating shot to win the game. The Bulls lack of consistency and poor offensive showing doomed them once again as the Cavs won the next 2 games handily and closed out the series 4–2. After the series, speculation erupted about Tom Thibodeau's job security due to escalating feud between Thibodeau and Bulls front office managers Gar Forman and John Paxson.", "Chicago Bulls The flagship station for the Bulls is WLS AM 890. The Bulls signed a multiyear deal with Cumulus Media to broadcast regular and postseason games on WLS through 2021.[63] Chuck Swirsky and Bill Wennington are the announcers. Spanish-language station WRTO also airs all Bulls games since 2009, with Omar Ramos as play-by-play announcer and Matt Moreno as color analyst.", "Bull's-Eye Barbecue Sauce Bulls-Eye was introduced in 1985 with the tag line The Big, Bold Taste of Bulls-Eye can`t be beat. In 2009, Bull's-Eye launched a marketing campaign entitled the Bull's-Eye Brotherhood with a comedic series of web videos featuring Canadian comedian Gerry Dee.[2]", "Running of the Bulls The English town of Stamford, Lincolnshire was host to the Stamford Bull Run for almost 700 years until it was abandoned in 1837.[32] According to local tradition, the custom dated from the time of King John when William de Warenne, 5th Earl of Surrey, saw two bulls fighting in the meadow beneath. Some butchers came to part the combatants and one of the bulls ran into the town, causing a great uproar. The earl, mounting his horse, rode after the animal, and enjoyed the sport so much, that he gave the meadow in which the fight began, to the butchers of Stamford, on condition that they should provide a bull, to be run in the town every 13 November, for ever after. As of 2013 the bull run had been revived as a ceremonial, festival-style community event.", "Running of the Bulls In Dewey Beach, Delaware, the Starboard bar[37] sponsors an annual Running of the Bull [sic], in which hundreds of red and white-clad beachgoers are chased down the shore by a single \"bull\" (two people in a costume).", "Durham Bulls The most notable baseball player to have once played for the Bulls is Hall of Famer Joe Morgan. Morgan spent part of the 1963 season with the Bulls before earning a promotion to the Houston Colt 45s (Houston Astros). His number 18 was retired by the team on August 9, 2002, during a postgame ceremony which he attended. Danny Gans, a Las Vegas entertainer and former minor league baseball player, played Bulls' third baseman in Bull Durham. In 2012, Hideki Matsui, former New York Yankee & 2009 World Series MVP, also played for the team.", "Bull Terrier At the start of the 19th century the \"Bull and Terrier\" breeds were developed to satisfy the needs for vermin control and animal-based blood sports. The Bull and Terriers were based on the Old English Bulldog (now extinct) and Old English Terriers with possible other terriers. This new breed combined the speed and dexterity of lightly built terriers with the dour tenacity of the Bulldog, which was a poor performer in most combat situations, having been bred almost exclusively for fighting bulls and bears tied to a post. Many breeders began to breed bulldogs with terriers, arguing that such a mixture enhances the quality of fighting. Despite the fact that a cross between a bulldog and a terrier was of high value, very little or nothing was done to preserve the breed in its original form. Due to the lack of breed standards—breeding was for performance, not appearance—the \"Bull and Terrier\" eventually divided into the ancestors of \"Bull Terriers\" and \"Staffordshire Bull Terriers\", both smaller and easier to handle than the progenitor.[10][11][12][13]", "Bull shark Bull sharks are large and stout, with females being larger than males. The bull shark can be up to 81 cm (2.66 ft) in length at birth.[10] Adult female bull sharks average 2.4 m (7.9 ft) long and typically weigh 130 kg (290 lb), whereas the slightly smaller adult male averages 2.25 m (7.4 ft) and 95 kg (209 lb). While a maximum size of 3.5 m (11 ft) is commonly reported, a single record exists of a female specimen of exactly 4.0 m (13.1 ft). The maximum recorded weight of a bull shark was 315 kg (694 lb), but may be larger.[3][11][12] Bull sharks are wider and heavier than other requiem sharks of comparable length, and are grey on top and white below. The second dorsal fin is smaller than the first. The bull shark's caudal fin is longer and lower than that of the larger sharks, and it has a small snout, and lacks an interdorsal ridge.[10]", "Bosque Farms, New Mexico What is today Bosque Farms was part of a Spanish land grant dating from 1716, originally known as Bosque del Pino (Forest Pines), or Los Pinos.", "Running of the Bulls A variation is the nightly \"fire bull\" where balls of flammable material are placed on the horns. Currently the bull is often replaced by a runner carrying a frame on which fireworks are placed and dodgers, usually children, run to avoid the sparks.", "Chicago Bulls In 1979, the Bulls lost a coin flip for the right to select first in the NBA draft (Rod Thorn, the Bulls' General Manager, called \"heads\"). Had the Bulls won the toss, they would have selected Magic Johnson; instead, they selected David Greenwood with the second pick. The Los Angeles Lakers selected Johnson with the pick acquired from the New Orleans Jazz, who traded the selection for Gail Goodrich.", "Red Bull Red Bull GmbH is headquartered in Fuschl am See, an Austrian village of about 1,500 inhabitants near Salzburg. The company is 51 percent controlled by the Yoovidhya family who, for technical reasons, own the trademark in Europe and the US.[19]", "Bull riding Chainsaw was one of Australia's most famous bucking bulls. Only nine contestants scored on him and he won the Australian national title of Bull of the Year a world record eight times during 1987 to 1994.[18]", "Running of the Bulls In 2014, the eBook guide, Fiesta: How To Survive The Bulls Of Pamplona, caused headlines around the world when one of the contributors was gored by a bull soon after its publication.[28] (See Further Reading section below.)", "Organic farming Organic farming methods combine scientific knowledge of ecology and modern technology with traditional farming practices based on naturally occurring biological processes. Organic farming methods are studied in the field of agroecology. While conventional agriculture uses synthetic pesticides and water-soluble synthetically purified fertilizers, organic farmers are restricted by regulations to using natural pesticides and fertilizers. An example of a natural pesticide is pyrethrin, which is found naturally in the Chrysanthemum flower. The principal methods of organic farming include crop rotation, green manures and compost, biological pest control, and mechanical cultivation. These measures use the natural environment to enhance agricultural productivity: legumes are planted to fix nitrogen into the soil, natural insect predators are encouraged, crops are rotated to confuse pests and renew soil, and natural materials such as potassium bicarbonate[35] and mulches are used to control disease and weeds. Genetically modified seeds and animals are excluded.", "Poultry farming While often confused with free range farming, yarding is actually a separate method by which a hutch and fenced off area outside are combined when farming poultry. The distinction is that free-range poultry are either totally unfenced, or the fence is so distant that it has little influence on their freedom of movement. Yarding is common technique used by small farms in the Northeastern US. The birds are released daily from hutches or coops. The hens usually lay eggs either on the floor of the coop or in baskets if provided by the farmer. This husbandry technique can be complicated if used with roosters, mostly because of aggressive behavior.", "Bull (2016 TV series) The series follows the employees at Trial Analysis Corporation (TAC), a jury consulting firm headed by Dr. Jason Bull, who is a psychologist and trial science expert. Bull uses his skills and those of his team not only to select the right jurors for his clients, but to help his clients' lawyers decide which type of argument will win over jurors best.", "Red Bull Racing However, as the season progressed, Red Bull failed to keep up with their competitors. Red Bull scored just 5 points in the last 10 races, and Toro Rosso – the Red Bull 'B team' – had overhauled their total by the season's end and won the rain-affected Italian Grand Prix, becoming the first Red Bull-owned team to win a race. This fact led many to claim that the Renault engine powering the Red Bull was lacking in horsepower compared to the Ferrari and Mercedes engines. For the 2009 season, Renault were allowed to equalise the difference in engine power compared to their competitors after the single year freeze in engine development from 2007.[19]", "Bull riding Public health researchers found evidence suggesting that bull riding helmets are protective, when riders wearing one particular type of helmet suffered approximately 50% fewer head and facial injuries.[10][11] In 2004, at the 1st International Rodeo Research and Clinical Care Conference in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, a group of top rodeo medicine researchers and clinical care providers came to a consensus on the use of helmets declaring that all youth rodeo participants should wear helmets, and that helmets should be recommended for adult bull riders.[12]", "Bull trout Young bull trout feed on zooplankton and zoobenthos, especially chironomids. As they grow larger, they begin to feed heavily upon other fish. In coastal Washington, some of the southernmost populations of bull trout feed heavily on salmon eggs and fry, as well as fish.", "Organic farming Mechanical and physical weed control practices used on organic farms can be broadly grouped as:[46]", "Dryland farming Dry farming may be practiced in areas that have significant annual rainfall during a wet season, often in the winter. Crops are cultivated during the subsequent dry season, using practices that make use of the stored moisture in the soil. California, Colorado and Oregon, in the United States, are three states where dry farming is practiced for a variety of crops.[4][5]", "Chicago Bulls During the Bulls' run of dominance, the player introductions became world-famous. Longtime announcer Tommy Edwards was the first to use \"Sirius\",[40] \"On The Run\" and other songs in game presentation in the NBA. When Edwards moved to Boston for employment with CBS Radio, he was replaced by Ray Clay in 1990, and Clay continued many of the traditional aspects of the Bulls introductions, including the music, The Alan Parsons Project's \"Sirius\", for all six championship runs. The lights are first dimmed during the visiting team introduction, accompanied by \"The Imperial March\" from Star Wars composed by John Williams or \"On the Run\" by Pink Floyd, or \"Tick of the Clock\" by Chromatics. Virtually all lights in the stadium are then shut off for the Bulls introduction, and a spotlight illuminates each player as he is introduced and runs onto the court; the spotlight is also focused on the Bulls logo prior to the introductions. Since the move to the United Center, lasers and fireworks have been added, and with improvements to the arena's White Way video screen, computer graphics on the stadium monitors have been added. These graphics feature the 3D-animated 'Running of the Bulls' en route to the United Center, along the way smashing a bus featuring the opposing team's logo. Coincidentally, Alan Parsons wrote \"Sirius\" for his own band and was the sound engineer for \"On the Run\" from Pink Floyd's album The Dark Side of the Moon.", "Durham Bulls Durham Bulls Athletic Park opened its doors in 1995, complete with a new snorting bull sign. The 1997 season was the final one in which the Bulls were an affiliate of the Atlanta Braves and also their last year in the High-A Carolina League. In 1998, the franchise moved two levels up to Triple-A and joined the International League (IL), in part because of their popularity as the main team in Bull Durham, and also because the Triple-A leagues needed two more teams to accommodate affiliates for the Major League Baseball expansion teams Tampa Bay Devil Rays and Arizona Diamondbacks. Wolff's dream of attracting Triple-A baseball came true when the Bulls became the Triple-A affiliate of the Tampa Bay Devil Rays (now Tampa Bay Rays), who have remained their parent club ever since. DBAP expanded its seating capacity due to the move. 1998 also saw the Bulls play their first game outside the United States when they played road games against the Ottawa Lynx (now the Lehigh Valley IronPigs), though it would be another year before they recorded their first win in Canada.", "Red Bull Red Bull contains caffeine, taurine, B vitamins (B3, B5, B6, B12), sucrose, and glucose.[24][25] To produce Red Bull Sugarfree, sugars sucrose and glucose have been replaced by the sweeteners acesulfame K and aspartame/sucralose.[26]", "Running of the Bulls In 2008, Red Bull Racing driver David Coulthard and Scuderia Toro Rosso driver Sébastien Bourdais performed a version of a 'bull running' event in Pamplona, Spain, with the Formula One cars chasing 500 runners through the actual Pamplona route.[33]", "Chicago Bulls The Bulls won 72 games during the 1995–96 NBA season, setting an NBA record that stood until the Golden State Warriors won 73 games during the 2015–16 NBA season. The Bulls were the first team in NBA history to win 70 games or more in a single season, and the only NBA franchise to do so until the 2015–16 Warriors.[6] Many experts and analysts consider the 1996 Bulls to be one of the greatest teams in NBA history.", "Nose ring (animal) Generally the use of both a ring and a halter, and management of the bull by two people, is the preferred method today for controlling the bull. Typically, a bull was led by a wooden staff with a steel end that snapped into the ring.[23] A long rigid steel or wooden bull staff locked into the ring could also be used to push a bull out of a pen without requiring the handler to enter the pen for cleaning or feeding.[24] Because of the risk that the bull may drive the staff into the handler if the bull misbehaves[25] many handlers prefer to avoid their use nowadays. One current veterinary text still recommends the use of a staff in addition to the halter:", "Red Bull Racing Red Bull Technology is the subsidiary set up to design, engineer and build the cars for Red Bull Racing, and previously its sister team Scuderia Toro Rosso. Red Bull Technology was regarded as a loop-hole to allow Red Bull to run two teams with the same car, which had been prohibited in Formula One since the 1980s. Complaints were issued to the FIA from rival teams, but they were discarded by the sport's governing body.[56] Neither Red Bull Racing nor Scuderia Toro Rosso denied they ran fundamentally the same chassis, but claimed the separate development programs, different engines and in their opinion that the chassis was designed by neither team made it legal.[57]", "Body farm The body farms have contributed a great deal to the field of forensic anthropology. However, many people living near the body farms find these facilities to be disturbing. Many have made the argument that the decomposing corpses will attract insects and scavenging animals. After the opening of the University of Tennessee's Body Farm, there were a number of complaints about the odor that was coming from the farm. Also, many people even claimed that they could see the decomposing bodies from their homes. The university fixed this problem by installing a privacy fence. In Tennessee, after the opening of the first body farm, an organization called Solutions to Issues of Concern to Knoxvillians (SICK) protested the facility by holding up signs that read, \"This makes us SICK.\" [33]", "Chicago Bulls The Bulls started the 2007–08 NBA season by losing 10 of their first 12 games and on December 24, 2007, after a 9–16 start, the Bulls fired head coach Scott Skiles. Jim Boylan was named the interim head coach on December 27, 2007.", "Poultry farming Suitable land requires adequate drainage to minimise worms and coccidial oocysts, suitable protection from prevailing winds, good ventilation, access and protection from predators. Excess heat, cold or damp can have a harmful effect on the animals and their productivity.[11] Free-range farmers have less control than farmers using cages in what food their chickens eat, which can lead to unreliable productivity, though supplementary feeding reduces this uncertainty.[citation needed] In some farms, the manure from free-range poultry can be used to benefit crops.[12]", "Wind farm There have been multiple scientific, peer-reviewed studies into wind farm noise, which have concluded that infrasound from wind farms is not a hazard to human health and there is no verifiable evidence for 'Wind Turbine Syndrome', although some suggest further research might still be useful.[110]", "Chicago Bulls On June 10, 2008, the Chicago Bulls G.M. John Paxson hired Vinny Del Negro, with no coaching experience, to coach the young Bulls. On July 3, 2008, the Chicago Tribune reported that Del Harris agreed to become an assistant coach for the Chicago Bulls along with former Charlotte Bobcats head coach Bernie Bickerstaff and longtime NBA assistant Bob Ociepka. Along with Bickerstaff and Ociepka, Harris helped establish a veteran presence on the coaching staff and helped rookie head coach Del Negro.", "Things Ain't What They Used to Be In 1941 there was a strike against the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers, of which Duke Ellington was a member. Because of the strike he could not air his songs on the radio. Instead, he used songs written by his son Mercer and pianist Billy Strayhorn. Strayhorn's compositions of this time include \"Take the 'A' Train\", \"Chelsea Bridge\" and \"Day Dream\", and Mercer wrote \"Things Ain't What They Used to Be\", \"Blue Serge\" and \"Moon Mist\".[1]", "Bull riding Initially bullocks and steers were used for roughriding events and these were owned by local graziers that lent them for these events. Nowadays bulls are used for the open events and stock contractors supply the various roughriding associations. Contract stock has produced a more uniform range of bucking stock which is also quieter to handle. The competitions are run and scored in a similar style to that used in the United States.[15]", "Bull shark Behavioral studies have confirmed that sharks can take visual cues in order to discriminate between different objects.[45] The bull shark is able to discriminate between colors of mesh netting that is present underwater.[45] It was found that bull sharks tended to avoid mesh netting of bright colors rather than colors that blended in with the water. Bright yellow mesh netting was found to be easily avoided when it was placed in the path of the bull shark. This was found to be the reason that sharks are attracted to bright yellow survival gear rather than ones that were painted black.[45] This is very important because it gives an insight into how bull sharks are able to pick up certain visual keys underwater that might give them an advantage when seeking out certain prey.", "Corporate farming Most legal definitions of corporate farming in the United States pertain to tax laws,[2] anti–corporate farming laws,[3] and census data collection.[4] These definitions mostly reference farm income, indicating farms over a certain threshold as corporate farms, as well as ownership of the farm, specifically targeting farms that do not pass ownership through family lines.", "State Farm In 2014, the company sold its Canadian operations to the Desjardins Group, which is continuing to use the State Farm name.[7]", "Chicago Bulls On February 18, 2010, John Salmons was traded to the Milwaukee Bucks for Joe Alexander and Hakim Warrick. Meanwhile, Tyrus Thomas was traded to the Charlotte Bobcats for Acie Law, Flip Murray and a future protected first round pick. On April 14, 2010, the Bulls clinched the playoffs with the number 8 seed. Unlike the previous year, however, the Bulls' playoff run was shorter and less dramatic as they were eliminated by the Cleveland Cavaliers in five games. On May 4, 2010, the Bulls officially fired head coach Vinny Del Negro.[26]", "The Story of an African Farm It is Lyndall's turn to bid farewell to Waldo. She tells him that she will never forget him, and muses upon what they may have become when they are reunited. Waldo leaves the farm; Lyndall watches him go until he is out of sight.", "Durham Bulls In 1967, the Bulls became a New York Mets affiliate. One year later, the Bulls were renamed the Raleigh-Durham Mets. The franchise was renamed because the Bulls acquired the nearby Raleigh Pirates and merged with them. The team still maintained their affiliation with the Mets, playing half of their home games at Durham Athletic Park and half at Devereaux Meadow in Raleigh. The team switched affiliations from the Mets to the Philadelphia Phillies and were renamed the Raleigh-Durham Phillies for the 1969 season. The team hadn’t been affiliated with the Phillies since the 1932 season. The Phillies abandoned the franchise and the team became independent, renaming themselves the Raleigh-Durham Triangles for the 1970 season. The team played as the Triangles from 1970–1971 and remained independent for both seasons. The franchise disbanded again before the 1972 season, and baseball would not return to Durham until 1980. Also, minor league baseball in Raleigh ended for good. \nFor the 1980 season, the Raleigh-Durham Triangles were reformed and renamed back to the Durham Bulls. On June 22 of that same year, the local CBS affiliate, then WTVD in Durham, broadcast the Bulls game locally, the first time that the Bulls had ever been featured on television.[2] The team also became an affiliate of the Atlanta Braves that season and would remain so until 1998.[3]", "Bull riding Outside of the United States, bull riding traditions with varying rules and histories also exist in Canada, Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Cuba, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Australia and New Zealand with the majority of them following similar rules, especially with the Professional Bull Riders organization.[2]" ]
is spain the second largest country in europe
[ "Geography of Spain The Spanish mainland is bordered to the south and east almost entirely by the Mediterranean Sea (except for a small land boundary with Gibraltar); to the north by France, Andorra, and the Bay of Biscay; and to the west by the Atlantic Ocean and Portugal. With an area of 504,030 km2, Spain is the largest country in Southern Europe, the second largest country in Western Europe (behind France) and the fourth largest country in the European continent (behind Russia, Ukraine and France). It has an average altitude of 650 m." ]
[ "Economy of Spain The automotive industry is one of the largest employers in the country. In 2015 Spain was the 8th largest automobile producer country in the world and the 2nd largest car manufacturer in Europe after Germany.[117]", "Spain Another statistically significant factor is the large number of residents of EU origin typically retiring to Spain's Mediterranean coast. In fact, Spain was Europe's largest absorber of migrants from 2002 to 2007, with its immigrant population more than doubling as 2.5 million people arrived.[179] In 2008, prior to the onset of the economic crisis, the Financial Times reported that Spain was the most favoured destination for Western Europeans considering a move from their own country and seeking jobs elsewhere in the EU.[180]", "Tourism in Spain Tourists also arrive in Spain by road, rail and over the water. Spanish freeways interconnecting the touristic cities are also linked up with the French freeway network across the Pyrenees. The main train operator is RENFE, including AVE (Spanish high speed train) or Talgo intercity services. Spain's high-speed rail link is the largest in Europe[8] and second largest in the world after China. There is also a number of high-end tourism oriented hotel-train services, such as Transcantábrico.", "List of countries by national capital, largest and second-largest cities This is a list of the largest and second-largest cities by population in each country. If a territory or region of a certain country is listed, the name of the country is specified in parentheses immediately after the name of the territory.", "Economy of Spain The Spanish economy is the fifth-largest in Europe behind Germany, United Kingdom, Italy and France; and the fourth-largest in the Euro zone, based on nominal GDP statistics. In 2012, Spain was the twelfth-largest exporter in the world and the sixteenth-largest importer.", "Economy of France The economic disparity between French regions is not as high as that in other European countries such as the UK, Italy or Germany, and higher than in countries like Sweden or Denmark, or even Spain. However, Europe's wealthiest and second largest regional economy, Ile-de-France (the region surrounding Paris), has long profited from the capital city's economic hegemony.", "Tourism in Spain To date, Spain has a total of 15 National Parks, of which 10 are on the mainland, 1 in the Balearic Islands and 4 in the Canary Islands. Spain's most visited National Park is the Teide National Park in the Canary Islands, with 3,142,148 visitors in 2007 and crowned with the third largest Volcano in the world from its base, the Teide, with 3,718 meters above the sea level (also the highest point in Spain). The Teide also has the distinction of being the most visited national park in Europe and second in the world.[23]", "Economy of Spain The economy of Spain is the world's fourteenth-largest by nominal GDP, and it is also one of the largest in the world by purchasing power parity. The country is a member of the European Union, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, and the World Trade Organization. Spain has a capitalist mixed economy.", "Spain Culturally, Spain is a Western country. Almost every aspect of Spanish life is permeated by its Roman heritage, making Spain one of the major Latin countries of Europe. Spanish culture is marked by strong historic ties to Catholicism, which played a pivotal role in the country's formation and subsequent identity. Spanish art, architecture, cuisine, and music has been shaped by successive waves of foreign invaders, as well as by the country's Mediterranean climate and geography. The centuries-long colonial era globalised Spanish language and culture, with Spain also absorbing the cultural and commercial products of its diverse empire.", "Europe Glaciation during the most recent ice age and the presence of man affected the distribution of European fauna. As for the animals, in many parts of Europe most large animals and top predator species have been hunted to extinction. The woolly mammoth was extinct before the end of the Neolithic period. Today wolves (carnivores) and bears (omnivores) are endangered. Once they were found in most parts of Europe. However, deforestation and hunting caused these animals to withdraw further and further. By the Middle Ages the bears' habitats were limited to more or less inaccessible mountains with sufficient forest cover. Today, the brown bear lives primarily in the Balkan peninsula, Scandinavia, and Russia; a small number also persist in other countries across Europe (Austria, Pyrenees etc.), but in these areas brown bear populations are fragmented and marginalised because of the destruction of their habitat. In addition, polar bears may be found on Svalbard, a Norwegian archipelago far north of Scandinavia. The wolf, the second largest predator in Europe after the brown bear, can be found primarily in Central and Eastern Europe and in the Balkans, with a handful of packs in pockets of Western Europe (Scandinavia, Spain, etc.).", "Economy of Spain The port of Valencia in Spain is the busiest seaport in the Mediterranean basin, 5th busiest in Europe and 30th busiest in the world.[104] There are four other Spanish ports in the ranking of the top 100 busiest world seaports; as a result, Spain is tied with Japan in the third position of countries leading this ranking.[104]", "Languages of Europe Five languages have more than 50 million native speakers in Europe: Russian, German, French, Italian and English. While Russian has the largest number of native speakers (more than 100 million in Europe), English in Europe has the largest number of speakers in total, including some 200 million speakers of English as a second language.", "Spain Spain (Spanish: España [esˈpaɲa] ( listen)), officially the Kingdom of Spain (Spanish: Reino de España),[a][b] is a sovereign state mostly located on the Iberian Peninsula in Europe. The country's mainland is bordered to the south and east by the Mediterranean Sea except for a small land boundary with Gibraltar; to the north and northeast by France, Andorra, and the Bay of Biscay; and to the west and northwest by Portugal and the Atlantic Ocean. Spanish territory includes two large archipelagoes, the Balearic Islands in the Mediterranean Sea and the Canary Islands off the African Atlantic coast, two cities, Ceuta and Melilla, on the African mainland and several small islands in the Alboran Sea near the African coast. Spain is the only European country to have a border with an African country (Morocco).[h]", "History of Spain However, economic and administrative problems multiplied in Castile, and the weakness of the native economy became evident in the following century. Rising inflation, financially draining wars in Europe, the ongoing aftermath of the expulsion of the Jews and Moors from Spain, and Spain's growing dependency on the silver imports, combined to cause several bankruptcies that caused economic crisis in the country, especially in heavily burdened Castile.", "History of the Jews in Spain The modern Jewish community in Spain consists mainly of Sephardim from Northern Africa, especially the former Spanish colonies. In the 1970s, there was also an influx of Argentine Jews, mainly Ashkenazim, escaping from the military Junta. With the birth of the European community, Jews from other countries in Europe are moving to Spain because of its weather, lifestyle as well as for its cost of living relative to the north of Europe. Some Jews see Spain as an easier life for retirees and for young people. Mazarron has seen its Jewish community grow as well as La Manga, Cartagena and Alicante.", "French people In Mexico, a sizeable population can trace its ancestry to France. After Spain, this makes France the second largest European ethnicity in the country. The bulk of French immigrants arrived in Mexico during the 19th and early 20th centuries.", "Ukraine At 603,628 square kilometres (233,062 sq mi) and with a coastline of 2,782 kilometres (1,729 mi), Ukraine is the world's 46th-largest country (after South Sudan and before Madagascar). It is the largest wholly European country and the second-largest country in Europe (after the European part of Russia, before metropolitan France).[e][38] It lies between latitudes 44° and 53° N, and longitudes 22° and 41° E.", "Spain Spain has a number of descendants of populations from former colonies, especially Latin America and North Africa. Smaller numbers of immigrants from several Sub-Saharan countries have recently been settling in Spain. There are also sizeable numbers of Asian immigrants, most of whom are of Middle Eastern, South Asian and Chinese origin. The single largest group of immigrants are European; represented by large numbers of Romanians, Britons, Germans, French and others.[164]", "Agriculture in Spain Spain was Western Europe's leading fishing nation, and it had the world's fourth largest fishing fleet. Spaniards ate more fish per capita than any other European people, except the Scandinavians. In the mid-1980s, Spain's fishing catch averaged about 1.3 million tons a year, and the fishing industry accounted for about 1 percent of GDP. Sardines, mussels, cephalopods, cod, mackerel, and tuna, most of which came from the Atlantic Ocean, were the principal components of the catch.", "Religion in Europe Religion in Europe has been a major influence on today's society art, culture, philosophy and law. The largest religion in Europe is Christianity.[2] Three countries in Southeastern Europe have Muslim majorities. Ancient European religions included veneration for deities such as Zeus. Modern revival movements of these religions include Heathenism, Rodnovery, Romuva, Druidry, Wicca, and others. Smaller religions include Indian religions, Judaism, and some East Asian religions, which are found in their largest groups in Britain, France, and Kalmykia.", "Monarchy of Spain The king and members of the royal family have represented Spain in Europe, Latin America, in the United States and in Canada, nations in the Middle East and North Africa, in China, Japan, the Philippines, Australia, New Zealand and many countries in sub-Sahara Africa. The king and Prince of Asturias have addressed many international organizations which include the United Nations, the institutions of the European Union, the Council of Europe, the Organization of American States, UNESCO, the International Labour Organization, and the Arab League. Since 2000, Felipe has represented Spain in half of all diplomatic engagements.", "Geography of Poland Present-day Poland is a country with favorable agricultural prospects, and over two million private farms. It is the leading producer of potatoes and rye in Europe,[4] the world's largest producer of triticale,[5] and one of the more important producers of barley, oats, sugar beets, flax, and various fruits.[4] It is also the European Union's fourth largest supplier of pig meat after Germany, Spain and France.[6]", "Western Europe Western Europe is one of the richest regions of the world. Germany has the highest GDP in Europe and the largest financial surplus of any country, Luxembourg has the world's highest GDP per capita, and the United Kingdom has the highest Net National Wealth of any European state.", "Religion in Europe The decrease in theism is illustrated in the 1981 and 1999 according to the World Values Survey,[14] both for traditionally strongly theist countries (Spain: 86.8%:81.1%; Ireland 94.8%:93.7%) and for traditionally secular countries (Sweden: 51.9%:46.6%; France 61.8%:56.1%; Netherlands 65.3%:58.0%). Some countries nevertheless show increase of theism over the period, Italy 84.1%:87.8%, Denmark 57.8%:62.1%. For a comprehensive study on Europe, see Mattei Dogan's \"Religious Beliefs in Europe: Factors of Accelerated Decline\" in Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion.", "Economic history of Spain More drastic remedies were required as Spain's isolation from the rest of Western Europe became exacerbated. Neighboring states were in the process of establishing the EC and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA—see Glossary). In the process of liberalizing trade among their members, these organizations found it difficult to establish economic relations with countries wedded to trade quotas and bilateral agreements, such as Spain.", "Bangladesh Bangladesh's textile and ready-made garment industries are the country's largest manufacturing sector, with 2014 exports of $25 billion.[189] Leather-goods manufacturing, particularly footwear, is the second-largest export sector. The pharmaceutical industry meets 97 percent of domestic demand, and exports to many countries.[190][191] Shipbuilding has grown rapidly, with exports to Europe.[192]", "Continental Europe Kontinenten (the Continent) is a vernacular Swedish expression that refers to the area excluding Sweden, Norway, and Finland but including Denmark (even the Danish archipelago) and the rest of continental Europe. In Norway, similarly, one speaks about Kontinentet as a separate entity, usually referring to Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, the Benelux countries, and such.", "History of Spain In the wake of its joining the EEC, Spain experienced an economic boom during two decades, cut painfully short by the financial crisis of 2008. During the boom years, Spain attracted a large number of immigrants, especially from the United Kingdom, but also including unknown but substantial illegal immigration, mostly from Latin America, eastern Europe and north Africa.[92] Spain had the fourth largest economy in the Eurozone, but after 2008 the global economic recession hit Spain hard, with the bursting of the housing bubble and unemployment reaching over 25%, sharp budget cutbacks were needed to stay in the Euro zone. The GDP shrank 1.2% in 2012.[93] Although interest rates were historically low, investments were not encouraged sufficiently by entrepreneurs.[94] Losses were especially high in real estate, banking, and construction. Economists concluded in early 2013 that, \"Where once Spain's problems were acute, now they are chronic: entrenched unemployment, a large mass of small and medium-sized enterprises with low productivity, and, above all, a constriction in credit.\"[95] With the financial crisis and high unemployment, Spain is now suffering from a combination of continued illegal immigration paired with a massive emigration of workers, forced to seek employment elsewhere under the EU's \"Freedom of Movement\", with an estimated 700,000, or 1.5% of total population, leaving the country between 2008 and 2013.[96]", "Spain Native Spaniards make up 88% of the total population of Spain. After the birth rate plunged in the 1980s and Spain's population growth rate dropped, the population again trended upward, based initially on the return of many Spaniards who had emigrated to other European countries during the 1970s, and more recently, fuelled by large numbers of immigrants who make up 12% of the population. The immigrants originate mainly in Latin America (39%), North Africa (16%), Eastern Europe (15%), and Sub-Saharan Africa (4%).[146] In 2005, Spain instituted a three-month amnesty programme through which certain hitherto undocumented aliens were granted legal residency.[147]", "G20 As previously stated, the Spanish government's policy is to not request official membership. Despite being hit hard by the economic crisis after 2008, Spain is still the world's fourteenth largest economy by nominal GDP (the 5th in the European Union) and sixteenth largest by purchasing power parity, clearly exceeding the numbers of several current members of the G20 such as Argentina or South Africa. In addition, since the 1990s several Spanish companies have gained multinational status, often expanding their activities in culturally close Latin America, where Spain is the second biggest foreign investor after the United States and keeps an important influence. These facts have reinforced the idea that Spain should seek permanent membership of the G20. On the other hand, Spain, which is a European country, is not a representation of Latin America, therefore some observers think another country from South America should be included as well as Argentina.", "Spain during World War I Spain remained neutral throughout World War I between 28 July 1914 and 11 November 1918, and despite domestic economic difficulties,[1] it was considered \"one of the most important neutral countries in Europe by 1915\".[2] Spain had enjoyed neutrality during the political difficulties of pre-war Europe, and continued its neutrality after the war until the Spanish Civil War began in 1936.[2] While there was no direct military involvement in the war, German forces were interned in Spanish Guinea in late 1915.", "Warsaw The University of Warsaw was established in 1816, when the partitions of Poland separated Warsaw from the oldest and most influential Polish academic center, in Kraków.[139] Warsaw University of Technology is the second academic school of technology in the country, and one of the largest in East-Central Europe, employing 2,000 professors.[140] Other institutions for higher education include the Medical University of Warsaw, the largest medical school in Poland and one of the most prestigious; the National Defence University, highest military academic institution in Poland; the Fryderyk Chopin University of Music, the oldest and largest music school in Poland and one of the largest in Europe;[141] the Warsaw School of Economics, the oldest and most renowned economic university in the country;[142] the Warsaw University of Life Sciences, the largest agricultural university, founded in 1818;[143] and the University of Social Sciences and Humanities, the first private secular university in the country.", "History of Spain Spain's world empire reached its greatest territorial extent in the late 18th century but it was under the Habsburg dynasty in the 16th and 17th centuries it reached the peak of its power and declined. When Spain's first Habsburg ruler Charles I became king of Spain in 1516, Spain became central to the dynastic struggles of Europe. After he became king of Spain, Charles also became Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor and because of his widely scattered domains was not often in Spain. As he approached the end of his life he made provision for the division of the Habsburg inheritance into two parts. On the one hand was Spain, its possessions in Italy, North Africa, the Americas and Northern Europe; on the other hand was the Holy Roman Empire. This was to create enormous difficulties for his son Philip II of Spain.", "Castilian Spanish However, some traits of the Spanish spoken in Spain are exclusive to that country, and for this reason, courses of Spanish as a second language often neglect them, preferring Mexican Spanish in the United States and Canada whilst European Spanish is taught in Europe. Spanish grammar and to a lesser extent pronunciation can vary sometimes between variants.", "Spain As a member of NATO since 1982, Spain has established itself as a participant in multilateral international security activities. Spain's EU membership represents an important part of its foreign policy. Even on many international issues beyond western Europe, Spain prefers to co-ordinate its efforts with its EU partners through the European political co-operation mechanisms.[vague]", "Habsburg Spain The growth of Spain's empire in the New World was accomplished from Seville, without the close direction of the leadership in Madrid. Charles I and Philip II were primarily concerned with their duties in Europe, and thus control of the Americas was handled by viceroys and colonial administrators who operated with virtual autonomy. The Habsburg kings regarded their colonies as feudal associations rather than integral parts of Spain. No Spanish king could, or did, visit the colonies, either. The Habsburgs, whose family had traditionally ruled over diverse, noncontiguous domains and had been forced to devolve autonomy to local administrators, replicated those feudal policies in Spain, particularly in the Basque country and Aragon.", "Spain Continued wars and other problems eventually led to a diminished status. The Napoleonic invasions of Spain led to chaos, triggering independence movements that tore apart most of the empire and left the country politically unstable. Prior to the Second World War, Spain suffered a devastating civil war and came under the rule of an authoritarian government, which oversaw a period of stagnation that was followed by a surge in the growth of the economy. Eventually democracy was peacefully restored in the form of a parliamentary constitutional monarchy. Spain joined the European Union, experiencing a cultural renaissance and steady economic growth until the beginning of the 21st century, that started a new globalized world with economic and ecological challenges.", "Immigration to Europe In the years since 1970, the largest increase in the immigrant population has come from countries in Asia (including Turkey), Africa and South America, increasing from about 3500 in 1970 to about 300,000 in 2011. In the same period, the immigrant population from other Nordic countries and Western Europe has increased modestly from around 42,000 to around 130,000.", "Sweden At 449,964 km2 (173,732 sq mi), Sweden is the 55th-largest country in the world,[78] the 4th-largest country entirely in Europe, and the largest in Northern Europe. The lowest elevation in Sweden is in the bay of Lake Hammarsjön, near Kristianstad, at −2.41 m (−7.91 ft) below sea level. The highest point is Kebnekaise at 2,111 m (6,926 ft) above sea level.", "Economy of Spain Spain is the largest producer and exporter in the EU of citrus fruit (oranges, lemons and small citrus fruits), peaches and apricots.[127] It is also the largest producer and exporter of strawberries in the EU.[128]", "Romania With an area of 238,391 square kilometres (92,043 sq mi), Romania is the largest country in Southeastern Europe and the twelfth-largest in Europe.[141] It lies between latitudes 43° and 49° N, and longitudes 20° and 30° E.", "Economic history of Spain Although the Spanish Miracle years (1959–1974) witnessed unprecedented improvements in infrastructure and social services, Spain still lagged behind most of Western Europe. Education was limited, women were largely excluded from the workforce, health care was largely private and unevenly distributed and the country's infrastructure was relatively poor. In 1985, Spain had only 2,100 km (1,300 mi) of motorways. Since the end of the economic miracle in 1974, the country's economy had been stagnant. Joining the European Economic Community was perceived by most of the population as a way to restart the process of modernization and improvement of the population's average purchasing power.", "Metallurgy during the Copper Age in Europe The theory that metallurgy was imported into Europe from the Near East has been practically ruled out. A second hypothesis, that there were two main points of origin of metallurgy in Europe, in southern Spain and in West Bulgaria, is also doubtful due to the existence of sites outside the centers of diffusion where metallurgy was known simultaneously with, or before, those in the ‘original’ nuclei, such as Brixlegg (Tyrol, Austria), while sites closer to the supposed origins of metallurgy, such as in the north of Spain, show fewer metal artifacts than sites in the south and practically no evidence of production (Perez Arrondo 1986).", "Southern Europe The Nazi regime under Adolf Hitler came to power in 1933, and along with Mussolini's Italy sought to gain control of the continent by the Second World War. Following the Allied victory in the Second World War, Europe was divided by the Iron Curtain. The countries in Southeastern Europe were dominated by the Soviet Union and became communist states. The major non-communist Southern European countries joined a US-led military alliance (NATO) and formed the European Economic Community amongst themselves. The countries in the Soviet sphere of influence joined the military alliance known as the Warsaw Pact and the economic bloc called Comecon. Yugoslavia was neutral.", "Frankfurt The city is considered a multicultural city because it is home to people of 180 nationalities. The city contains sizable immigrant populations from Turkey, Croatia, Italy, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Bulgaria, Greece, Macedonia, Russia, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Spain, Portugal, France, China, Japan, the United States, Austria, the United Kingdom, Pakistan, Morocco and India.[citation needed] The Frankfurt urban area is also home to the second-largest Korean community in Europe, and to Germany's largest Sri Lankan Tamil community.[29]", "Spain In 2008 the population of Spain officially reached 46 million people, as recorded by the Padrón municipal (Spain's Municipal Register).[144] Spain's population density, at 91/km² (235/sq mi), is lower than that of most Western European countries and its distribution across the country is very unequal. With the exception of the region surrounding the capital, Madrid, the most populated areas lie around the coast. The population of Spain more than doubled since 1900, when it stood at 18.6 million, principally due to the spectacular demographic boom in the 1960s and early 1970s.[145]", "Economy of Spain During the 1990s, Spain experienced a period of economic crisis as a result of a larger, Europe-wide economic episode that led to a rise in unemployment rates. Many young adults in Spain found themselves trapped in a cycle of temporary jobs, which resulted in the creation of a secondary class of workers through reduced wages, job stability and advancement opportunities.[69] As a result, many Spaniards, predominantly unmarried young adults, emigrated to other countries in order to pursue job opportunities and raise their standard of life,[70] which left only a small amount of young adults living below the poverty line in Spain.[71] Spain experienced another economic crisis during the 2000s, which also prompted a rise in Spanish citizens emigrating to neighboring countries with more job stability and better economic standings.[72] Youth unemployment remains a concern in Spain, prompting researchers such as Anita Wölfl to suggest that Spain could decrease unemployment by making labor market programs and job-search assistance accessible to the most disadvantaged youth. She has also posited that this would improve Spain's weakened youth labor market, as issues with the school to work transition has made it difficult to find long-term employment. As a solution, Wölfl has suggested making improvements by matching their skills with businesses.[73]", "Southern Europe The most widely spoken family of languages in Southern Europe are the Romance languages, the heirs of Latin, which have spread from the Italian peninsula, and are emblematic of Southwestern Europe. (See the Latin Arch.) By far the most common Romance languages in Southern Europe are Italian (spoken by over 50 million people in Italy, San Marino, and the Vatican) and Spanish, which is spoken by over 40 million people in Spain and Gibraltar. Other common Romance languages include Romanian (spoken in Romania and Moldova), Portuguese (spoken in Portugal), Catalan (spoken in eastern Spain), Galician (spoken in northwestern Spain) and Occitan, which is spoken in the Val d'Aran in Catalonia, in the Occitan Valleys in Italy and finally in southern France.", "Salami In Europe, the main countries that produce salami are France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, and Spain, which make \"several of hundred millions kg per year.\"[5]", "Spain By the middle decades of a war- and plague-ridden 17th-century Europe, the Spanish Habsburgs had enmeshed the country in continent-wide religious-political conflicts. These conflicts drained it of resources and undermined the economy generally. Spain managed to hold on to most of the scattered Habsburg empire, and help the imperial forces of the Holy Roman Empire reverse a large part of the advances made by Protestant forces, but it was finally forced to recognise the separation of Portugal (with whom it had been united in a personal union of the crowns from 1580 to 1640) and the Netherlands, and eventually suffered some serious military reverses to France in the latter stages of the immensely destructive, Europe-wide Thirty Years' War.[48]", "Islam by country Western Europe hosts large Muslim immigrant communities where Islam is the second largest religion after Christianity, where it represents 6% of the total population or 24 million people.[17] Converts and immigrant communities are found in almost every part of the world.", "List of largest universities The following is a list of largest universities in the world by country listing only the largest university in each country.", "Religion in Europe The Jews were dispersed within the Roman Empire from the 2nd century. At one time Judaism was practiced widely throughout the European continent; throughout the Middle Ages, Jews were accused of ritual murder and faced pogroms and legal discrimination. The Holocaust perpetrated by Nazi Germany decimated Jewish population, and today, France is home to the largest Jewish community in Europe with 1% of the total population (between 483,000 and 500,000 Jews).[62][63] Other European countries with notable Jewish populations include the United Kingdom (291,000 Jews),[63] Germany (119,000), and Russia (194,000) which is home to Eastern Europe's largest Jewish community.[63]", "J Balvin J Balvin is currently in his 'Energia' World Tour performing in countries such as France, Spain, Israel amongst others in Europe, Asia and South/Central America as well as the USA.", "Spain A study made by the Union of Islamic Communities of Spain demonstrated that there were about 1,700,000 inhabitants of Muslim background living in Spain as of 2012[update], accounting for 3–4% of the total population of Spain. The vast majority was composed of immigrants and descendants originating from Morocco and other African countries. More than 514,000 (30%) of them had Spanish nationality.[202]", "Tourism in Spain On top of that, by 2016 Spain is home to 48 biosphere reserves, covering 5.5 million hectares, almost 11% of the country, making Spain the world leader of such protected areas[24]", "Canary Islands Tenerife is the largest and most populous island of the archipelago. Gran Canaria, with 865,070 inhabitants, is both the Canary Islands' second most populous island, and the third most populous one in Spain after Majorca. The island of Fuerteventura is the second largest in the archipelago and located 100 km (62 mi) from the African coast.", "Oil and gas industry in the United Kingdom In 2008, the UK was the 14th largest oil and gas producer in the world (10th largest gas producer and 19th largest oil producer).[10] In Europe the UK is second only to Norway in oil and gas production.", "Spain There are several major rivers in Spain such as the Tagus (Tajo), Ebro, Guadiana, Douro (Duero), Guadalquivir, Júcar, Segura, Turia and Minho (Miño). Alluvial plains are found along the coast, the largest of which is that of the Guadalquivir in Andalusia.", "Hungary Hungary is home to the largest synagogue in Europe (Great Synagogue), built in 1859 in Moorish Revival style with a capacity of 3000 people, the largest medicinal bath in Europe (Széchenyi Medicinal Bath), completed in 1913 in Modern Renaissance Style and located in the City park, the biggest building in Hungary with its 268 metres (879 feet) length (the Parliament building), one of the largest basilicas in Europe (Esztergom Basilica), the second largest territorial abbey in the world (Pannonhalma Archabbey), and the largest early Christian necropolis outside Italy (Pécs).", "History of Spain Spain's neutrality in World War I allowed it to become a supplier of material for both sides to its great advantage, prompting an economic boom in Spain. The outbreak of Spanish influenza in Spain and elsewhere, along with a major economic slowdown in the postwar period, hit Spain particularly hard, and the country went into debt. A major workers' strike was suppressed in 1919.", "Demographics of Germany Islam is the second largest religion in Germany, with an estimated 6.1% of the population according to a 2017 Pew Research Survey. Germany has the second largest Muslim population in Europe, at nearly 5 million, and is expected to grow significantly in the coming decades.[36]", "Spain Spain provides one of the highest degrees of liberty in the world for its LGBT community. Among the countries studied by Pew Research Center in 2013, Spain is rated first in acceptance of homosexuality, with an 88% of society supporting the gay community compared to 11% who do not.[91]", "History of Spain Spain lost all of its North and South American colonies, except Cuba and Puerto Rico, in a complex series of revolts 1808–26.[62][63] Spain was at war with Britain 1798–1808, and the British Navy cut off its ties to its colonies. Trade was handled by American and Dutch traders. The colonies thus had achieved economic independence from Spain, and set up temporary governments or juntas which were generally out of touch with the mother country. After 1814, as Napoleon was defeated and Ferdinand VII was back on the throne, the king sent armies to regain control and reimpose autocratic rule. In the next phase 1809–16, Spain defeated all the uprising. A second round 1816–25 was successful and drove the Spanish out of all of its mainland holdings. Spain had no help from European powers. Indeed, Britain (and the United States) worked against it. When they were cut off from Spain, the colonies saw a struggle for power between Spaniards who were born in Spain (called \"peninsulares\") and those of Spanish descent born in New Spain (called \"creoles\"). The creoles were the activists for independence. Multiple revolutions enabled the colonies to break free of the mother country. In 1824 the armies of generals José de San Martín of Argentina and Simón Bolívar of Venezuela defeated the last Spanish forces; the final defeat came at the Battle of Ayacucho in southern Peru. After that Spain played a minor role in international affairs. Business and trade in the ex-colonies were under British control. Spain kept only Cuba and Puerto Rico in the New World.[64]", "Ukraine Ukraine is a developing country and ranks 84th on the Human Development Index. As of 2018, Ukraine has the lowest personal income and the lowest GDP per capita in Europe.[17] It also suffers from a very high poverty rate and severe corruption.[18] However, because of its extensive fertile farmlands, Ukraine is one of the world's largest grain exporters.[19][20] Ukraine also maintains the second-largest military in Europe after that of Russia. The country is home to a multi-ethnic population; 77.8 percent of whom are Ukrainians, followed by a very large Russians minority as well as Georgians, Romanians, Belarusians, Crimean Tatars, Bulgarians and Hungarians. Ukraine is a unitary republic under a semi-presidential system with separate powers: legislative, executive and judicial branches. The country is a member of the United Nations since its founding, the Council of Europe, OSCE, GUAM, and one of the founding states of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS).", "Adidas The first Adidas item of apparel was the Franz Beckenbauer tracksuit created in 1967.[1] Adidas AG is the largest manufacturer of sports bras in Europe, and the second largest manufacturer in the world.[32]", "List of countries by largest historical GDP This list of countries by largest historical GDP shows how the membership and rankings of the world's ten largest economies has changed. While the United States has consistently had the world's largest economy since the late nineteenth century, and by a margin that has generally widened over time, in the last fifty years the world has seen the rapid rise and fall in relative terms of the economies of other countries.", "England The economy of England is the largest part of the UK's economy,[132] which has the 18th highest GDP PPP per capita in the world. England is a leader in the chemical[135] and pharmaceutical sectors and in key technical industries, particularly aerospace, the arms industry, and the manufacturing side of the software industry. London, home to the London Stock Exchange, the United Kingdom's main stock exchange and the largest in Europe, is England's financial centre—100 of Europe's 500 largest corporations are based in London.[136] London is the largest financial centre in Europe, and as of 2014[update] is the second largest in the world.[137]", "Time in Spain Spain used Greenwich Mean Time (UTC±00:00) before the Second World War (except for the Canary Islands which used GMT−01:00 before this date). However, the time zone was changed to Central European Time during the war and has remained so since then, meaning that Spain does not use its \"natural\" time zone under the coordinated time zone system. Some observers believe that this time zone shift plays a role in the country's relatively unusual daily schedule (late meals and sleep times).", "Sperm donation laws by country The change in the law in Spain coincided with Europe-wide discussions on the use and export of human cells.", "Iberian Peninsula The Iberian Peninsula /aɪˈbɪəriən pəˈnɪnsjʊlə/,[a] also known as Iberia /aɪˈbɪəriə/,[b] is located in the southwest corner of Europe. The peninsula is principally divided between Portugal and Spain, comprising most of their territory. It also includes Andorra, and a small part of France along the peninsula's northeastern edge, as well as Gibraltar on its south coast, a small peninsula that forms an overseas territory of the United Kingdom. With an area of approximately 582,000 km2 (225,000 sq mi), it is the second largest European peninsula, after the Scandinavian.", "Spain The centre-right government of former prime minister José María Aznar worked successfully to gain admission to the group of countries launching the euro in 1999. Unemployment stood at 7.6% in October 2006, lower than many other European countries, and significantly below Spain's early 1990s unemployment rate of at over 20%. Perennial weak points of Spain's economy include a large informal economy,[113][114][115] and an education system which OECD reports place among the poorest for developed countries, together with the United States and UK.[116]", "Politics of Spain The politics of Spain takes place under the framework established by the Constitution of 1978. Spain is established as a social and democratic Sovereign country,[1] wherein the national sovereignty is vested in the people, from which the powers of the state emanate.[1]", "Habsburg Spain Inflation - both in Spain and in the rest of Europe - was primarily caused by debt, but a level of debt made possible later by the rising silver imports; Charles had conducted most of his wars on credit, and in 1557, a year after he abdicated, Spain was forced into its first debt moratorium, setting a pattern that would be repeated with ever more disruptive economic consequences.", "Broward County, Florida Broward County Schools has the sixth largest school district in the country and the second largest in the state after Dade.", "Time in Europe The time zones actually in use in Europe differ significantly from their \"pure\" theoretical variants as used for example under the nautical time system. Theoretically the world is divided into 24 time zones of 15 degrees. However, due to geographical and cultural factors it is not practical to divide the world so evenly and actual time zones may differ significantly from their theoretical borders. In Europe's case, the widespread use of the Central European Time Zone causes a major distortion in some areas from the theoretical time or the solar time. CET is theoretically centred on 15°E. However, Spain lying almost entirely in the Western hemisphere, and France with some regions to the west should theoretically use UTC, as they did before the Second World War.[1] The general result is a solar noon which is much later than clock noon. This results in later sunrises and sunsets than should theoretically happen. The Benelux countries should also theoretically use GMT.", "Sweden In the middle of the 17th century Sweden was the third-largest country in Europe by land area, only surpassed by Russia and Spain. Sweden reached its largest territorial extent under the rule of Charles X after the treaty of Roskilde in 1658.[40][41] The foundation of Sweden's success during this period is credited to Gustav I's major changes to the Swedish economy in the 16th century, and his introduction of Protestantism.[42] In the 17th century, Sweden was engaged in many wars, for example with the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth, with both sides competing for territories of today's Baltic states, with the disastrous Battle of Kircholm being one of the highlights.[43] One-third of the Finnish population died in the devastating famine that struck the country in 1696.[44] Famine also hit Sweden, killing roughly 10% of Sweden's population.[45]", "Tourism in Spain Spain's national airline is Iberia, but the country can be flown into on many international passenger airlines and charter airlines.", "Madrid The \"National Distance Education University\", in Spanish Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED) has as its mission the public service of higher education through the modality of distance education. Facts and data about UNED: At more than 205,000 students (2015), UNED has the largest student population in Spain and is one of the largest universities in Europe. Since 1972, UNED has sought to translate into action the principle of equal opportunity in access to higher education through a methodology based on the principles of distance learning and focused on the needs of the student. UNED is the leader in the implementation of cutting edge technologies applied to learning, with the largest offer of virtual courses in Spain.", "1936 Summer Olympics The protests were ultimately unsuccessful; in 1935 the Amateur Athletic Union of the United States voted to compete in the Berlin Games and other countries followed suit. Forty-nine teams from around the world participated in the 1936 Games, the largest number of participating nations of any Olympics to that point. However, in Spain, an alternative was organised in the IOC's second choice for a host city, Barcelona, although it was cancelled owing to supervening events.[81]", "Colonial American military history Queen Anne's War (1702–1713) was the second war for control of the continent and was the counterpart of the War of the Spanish Succession in Europe. The conflict also involved a number of American Indian tribes and Spain, which was allied with France.", "History of Idaho The Basque people from the Iberian peninsula in Spain and southern France were traditionally shepherds in Europe. They came to Idaho, offering hard work and perseverance in exchange for opportunity.[18] One of the largest Basque communities in the US is in Boise,[19] with a Basque museum [20] and festival held annually in the city.", "Developed country Developed countries have post-industrial economies, meaning the service sector provides more wealth than the industrial sector. They are contrasted with developing countries, which are in the process of industrialization, or undeveloped countries, which are pre-industrial and almost entirely agrarian. As of 2015, advanced economies comprise 60.8% of global GDP based on nominal values and 42.9% of global GDP based on purchasing-power parity (PPP) according to the International Monetary Fund.[2] In 2015, the ten largest advanced economies by GDP in both nominal and PPP terms were Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Spain, the United Kingdom, and the United States.[3]", "Bulgaria Bulgaria (/bʌlˈɡɛəriə, bʊl-/ ( listen); Bulgarian: България, tr. Bǎlgariya), officially the Republic of Bulgaria (Bulgarian: Република България, tr. Republika Bǎlgariya, IPA: [rɛˈpublikɐ bɐɫˈɡarijɐ]), is a country in southeastern Europe. It is bordered by Romania to the north, Serbia and Macedonia to the west, Greece and Turkey to the south, and the Black Sea to the east. The capital and largest city is Sofia; other major cities are Plovdiv, Varna and Burgas. With a territory of 110,994 square kilometres (42,855 sq mi), Bulgaria is Europe's 16th-largest country.", "Spain in the 17th century Habsburg Spain at the beginning of the 17th century of Spain stood at the end of its Golden Age, and although it retained its vast empire, Spain had experienced severe difficulties in the later 16th century, including military defeats in Europe like the Spanish Armada and a series of financial crises that had caused the Spanish Crown to declare bankruptcy four times in the late 1500s (1557, 1560, 1576, 1596). Many different factors, including the decentralized political nature of Spain, inefficient taxation, a succession of weak kings, power struggles in the Spanish court and a tendency to focus on the American colonies instead of Spain's domestic economy, all contributed to the decline of the Habsburg rule of Spain.[1]", "History of Europe Around 16,000 BC, Europe witnessed the appearance of a new culture, known as Magdalenian, possibly rooted in the old Gravettian. This culture soon superseded the Solutrean area and the Gravettian of mainly France, Spain, Germany, Italy, Poland, Portugal and Ukraine. The Hamburg culture prevailed in Northern Europe in the 14th and the 13th millennium BC as the Creswellian (also termed the British Late Magdalenian) did shortly after in the British Islands. Around 12,500 BC, the Würm glaciation ended. Slowly, through the following millennia, temperatures and sea levels rose, changing the environment of prehistoric people. Nevertheless, Magdalenian culture persisted until c. 10,000 BC, when it quickly evolved into two microlithist cultures: Azilian (Federmesser), in Spain and southern France, and then Sauveterrian, in northern France and Central Europe, while in Northern Europe the Lyngby complex succeeded the Hamburg culture with the influence of the Federmesser group as well. Evidence of permanent settlement dates from the 8th millennium BC in the Balkans. The Neolithic reached Central Europe in the 6th millennium BC and parts of Northern Europe in the 5th and 4th millenniums BC.", "Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir Astruc has said that the show has reached over 120 countries.[22] Disney Channel has had broadcasting rights in Europe, the Middle East and Africa, having to do with participation from The Walt Disney Company France: specifically, it acquired cable and satellite television rights in Europe, Eastern Europe and Scandinavia, and free-to-air rights in Spain, Germany, Russia and Turkey.[2][60]", "Economic history of Spain Spanish membership in these groups was not politically possible, but Spain was invited to join a number of other international institutions. In January 1958, Spain became an associate member of the Organisation for European Economic Co- operation (OEEC), which became the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in September 1961. In 1959 Spain joined the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank. These bodies immediately became involved in helping Spain to abandon the autarkical trade practices that had brought its reserves to such low levels and that were isolating its economy from the rest of Europe.", "Temperate rainforest Temperate rainforest occurs in fragments across the north and west of Europe in countries such as southern Norway (see Scandinavian coastal conifer forests) and northern Spain. Other temperate rainforest regions include areas of south eastern Europe such as mountains on the east coast of the Adriatic Sea, surrounding North Western Bulgaria along with the Black Sea.", "History of Spain Constitutional monarchy continued under King Alfonso XIII.[74] Alfonso XIII was born after his father's death and was proclaimed king upon his birth. However, the government had become destabilized by Alfonso XII's unexpected death in 1885, followed by the assassination of prime minister Antonio Cánovas del Castillo in 1897. The reign of Alfonso XIII (1886–1931) saw the Spanish–American War of 1898, culminating in the loss of the Philippines plus Spain's last colonies in the Americas, Cuba and Puerto Rico; the \"Great War\" in Europe (now known as World War I, 1914–18), although Spain maintained neutrality throughout the conflict; the influenza pandemic nicknamed the Spanish Flu (1918–19); and the Rif War in Morocco (1920–26). His reign also saw the rise to dictatorship of General Miguel Primo de Rivera, who seized control of the government by military coup in 1923 and ruled as a dictator – with the monarch's support – for seven years (1923–30). The worldwide recession, marked first by the Wall Street Crash of 1929, caused deepening economic hardships in Spain and the resignation of Primo de Rivera's government in 1930. General elections were held in 1931 to replace the government, with Republican and anticlerical candidates winning the majority of votes. Alfonso XIII left the country in response to the proclamation of the Second Spanish Republic, although he never abdicated.", "Eastern Europe Some countries in Southeast Europe can be considered part of Eastern Europe. Some of them can sometimes, albeit rarely, be characterized as belonging to Southern Europe,[3] and some may also be included in Central Europe.", "Diclofenac Despite the vulture crisis, diclofenac remains available in other countries including many in Europe.[45] It was controversially approved for veterinary use in Spain in 2013 and continues to be available, despite Spain being home to around 90% of the European vulture population and an independent simulation showing that the drug could reduce the population of vultures by 1-8% annually. Spain's medicine agency presented simulations suggesting that the number of deaths would be quite small.[46][47]", "Special Operations Executive The continent of Europe was largely closed to normal travel. Although it was possible in some cases to cross frontiers from neutral countries such as Spain or Sweden, this was slow and there were issues over violating these countries' neutrality. SOE had to rely largely on its own air or sea transport for movement of people, arms and equipment.", "Investment management The US remained by far the biggest source of funds, accounting for around a half of conventional assets under management or some $36 trillion. The UK was the second largest centre in the world and by far the largest in Europe with around 8% of the global total.[3]", "ABN AMRO The bank is a product of a long history of mergers and acquisitions that date to 1765. In 1991, Algemene Bank Nederland (ABN) and AMRO Bank (itself the result of a merger of the Amsterdamsche Bank and the Rotterdamsche Bank in the 1960s) agreed to merge to create the original ABN AMRO. By 2007, ABN AMRO was the second-largest bank in the Netherlands and the eighth-largest in Europe by assets. At that time the magazine The Banker and Fortune Global 500 placed it 15th[6] in the list of world’s biggest banks and it had operations in 63 countries, with over 110,000 employees.", "History of Western civilization For Greece, Spain and Portugal, ideological battles between left and right continued and the emergence of parliamentary democracy was troubled. Greece experienced Civil War, coup and counter-coup into the 1970s. Portugal, since the 1930s under a quasi-Fascist regime and among the poorest nations in Europe, fought a rearguard action against independence movements in its empire, until a 1974 coup. The last authoritarian dictatorship in Western Europe fell in 1975, when Francisco Franco, dictator of Spain, died. Franco had helped to modernize the country and improve the economy. His successor, King Juan Carlos, transformed the country into a constitutional monarchy. By 1980, all Western European nations were democracies.", "Lettuce Lettuce is the only member of the genus Lactuca to be grown commercially.[43] Although China is the top world producer of lettuce, the majority of the crop is consumed domestically. Spain is the world's largest exporter of lettuce, with the US ranking second.[27]", "Economy of Spain Due to the lack of own resources, Spain has to import all of its fossil fuels. Besides, until the 2008 crisis, Spain's recent performance had shown an inflationary tendency and an inflationary gap compared to other EMU countries, affecting the country's overall productivity.[91] Moreover, when Spain joined the euro zone, it lost the recourse of resorting to competitive devaluations, risking a permanent and cumulative loss of competitive due to inflation.[92] In a scenario of record oil prices by the mid 2000s this meant much added pressure to the inflation rate. In June 2008 the inflation rate reached a 13-year high at 5.00%.", "Catholic Church in the United States The numbers of Catholics surged starting in the 1840s as German, Irish, and other European Catholics came in large numbers. After 1890 Italians and Poles comprised the largest numbers of new Catholics, but many countries in Europe contributed, as did Quebec. By 1850, Catholics had become the country's largest single denomination. Between 1860 and 1890, their population tripled to seven million." ]
difference between single layer perceptron and multilayer perceptron
[ "Multilayer perceptron The term \"multilayer perceptron\" does not refer to a single perceptron that has multiple layers. Rather, it contains many perceptrons that are organized into layers. An alternative is \"multilayer perceptron network\". Moreover, MLP \"perceptrons\" are not perceptrons in the strictest possible sense. True perceptrons are formally a special case of artificial neurons that use a threshold activation function such as the Heaviside step function. MLP perceptrons can employ arbitrary activation functions. A true perceptron performs binary classification (either this or that), an MLP neuron is free to either perform classification or regression, depending upon its activation function." ]
[ "Multilayer perceptron This depends on the change in weights of the \n\n\n\nk\n\n\n{\\displaystyle k}\n\nth nodes, which represent the output layer. So to change the hidden layer weights, the output layer weights change according to the derivative of the activation function, and so this algorithm represents a backpropagation of the activation function.[5]", "Artificial neural network The multilayer perceptron is a universal function approximator, as proven by the universal approximation theorem. However, the proof is not constructive regarding the number of neurons required, the network topology, the weights and the learning parameters.", "Convolutional neural network While traditional multilayer perceptron (MLP) models were successfully used for image recognition[example needed], due to the full connectivity between nodes they suffer from the curse of dimensionality, and thus do not scale well to higher resolution images.", "Multilayer perceptron MLPs were a popular machine learning solution in the 1980s, finding applications in diverse fields such as speech recognition, image recognition, and machine translation software,[6] but thereafter faced strong competition from much simpler (and related[7]) support vector machines. Interest in backpropagation networks returned due to the successes of deep learning.", "Multilayer perceptron MLPs are useful in research for their ability to solve problems stochastically, which often allows approximate solutions for extremely complex problems like fitness approximation.", "Multilayer perceptron The first is a hyperbolic tangent that ranges from -1 to 1, while the other is the logistic function, which is similar in shape but ranges from 0 to 1. Here \n\n\n\n\ny\n\ni\n\n\n\n\n{\\displaystyle y_{i}}\n\n is the output of the \n\n\n\ni\n\n\n{\\displaystyle i}\n\nth node (neuron) and \n\n\n\n\nv\n\ni\n\n\n\n\n{\\displaystyle v_{i}}\n\n is the weighted sum of the input connections. Alternative activation functions have been proposed, including the rectifier and softplus functions. More specialized activation functions include radial basis functions (used in radial basis networks, another class of supervised neural network models).", "Multilayer perceptron MLPs are universal function approximators as showed by Cybenko's theorem,[3] so they can be used to create mathematical models by regression analysis. As classification is a particular case of regression when the response variable is categorical, MLPs make good classifier algorithms.", "Artificial neural network Rosenblatt[7] (1958) created the perceptron, an algorithm for pattern recognition. With mathematical notation, Rosenblatt described circuitry not in the basic perceptron, such as the exclusive-or circuit that could not be processed by neural networks at the time.[8]", "Mind uploading A sufficiently complex and accurate model of the neurons is required. A traditional artificial neural network model, for example multi-layer perceptron network model, is not considered as sufficient. A dynamic spiking neural network model is required, which reflects that the neuron fires only when a membrane potential reaches a certain level. It is likely that the model must include delays, non-linear functions and differential equations describing the relation between electrophysical parameters such as electrical currents, voltages, membrane states (ion channel states) and neuromodulators.", "Artificial neural network Each block consists of a simplified multi-layer perceptron (MLP) with a single hidden layer. The hidden layer h has logistic sigmoidal units, and the output layer has linear units. Connections between these layers are represented by weight matrix U; input-to-hidden-layer connections have weight matrix W. Target vectors t form the columns of matrix T, and the input data vectors x form the columns of matrix X. The matrix of hidden units is \n\n\n\n\nH\n\n=\nσ\n(\n\n\nW\n\n\nT\n\n\n\nX\n\n)\n\n\n{\\displaystyle {\\boldsymbol {H}}=\\sigma ({\\boldsymbol {W}}^{T}{\\boldsymbol {X}})}\n\n. Modules are trained in order, so lower-layer weights W are known at each stage. The function performs the element-wise logistic sigmoid operation. Each block estimates the same final label class y, and its estimate is concatenated with original input X to form the expanded input for the next block. Thus, the input to the first block contains the original data only, while downstream blocks' input adds the output of preceding blocks. Then learning the upper-layer weight matrix U given other weights in the network can be formulated as a convex optimization problem:", "Receptive field The term receptive field is also used in the context of artificial neural networks, most often in relation to convolutional neural networks (CNNs). When used in this sense, the term adopts a meaning reminiscent of receptive fields in actual biological nervous systems. CNNs have a distinct architecture, designed to mimic the way in which real animal brains are understood to function; instead of having every neuron in each layer connect to all neurons in the next layer (Multilayer perceptron), the neurons are arranged in a 3-dimensional structure in such a way as to take into account the spatial relationships between different neurons with respect to the original data. Since CNNs are used primarily in the field of computer vision, the data that the neurons represent is typically an image; each input neuron represents one pixel from the original image. The first layer of neurons is composed of all the input neurons; neurons in the next layer will receive connections from some of the input neurons (pixels), but not all, as would be the case in a MLP and in other traditional neural networks. Hence, instead of having each neuron receive connections from all neurons in the previous layer, CNNs use a receptive field-like layout in which each neuron receives connections only from a subset of neurons in the previous (lower) layer. The receptive field of a neuron in one of the lower layers encompasses only a small area of the image, while the receptive field of a neuron in subsequent (higher) layers involves a combination of receptive fields from several (but not all) neurons in the layer before (i. e. a neuron in a higher layer \"looks\" at a larger portion of the image than does a neuron in a lower layer). In this way, each successive layer is capable of learning increasingly abstract features of the original image. The use of receptive fields in this fashion is thought to give CNNs an advantage in recognizing visual patterns when compared to other types of neural networks.", "Biochemical oxygen demand Rustum et al. (2008) proposed the use of the KSOM to develop intelligent models for making rapid inferences about BOD using other easy to measure water quality parameters, which, unlike BOD, can be obtained directly and reliably using on-line hardware sensors. This will make the use of BOD for on-line process monitoring and control a more plausible proposition. In comparison to other data-driven modeling paradigms such as multi-layer perceptrons artificial neural networks (MLP ANN) and classical multi-variate regression analysis, the KSOM is not negatively affected by missing data. Moreover, time sequencing of data is not a problem when compared to classical time series analysis.", "Cerebellum Theories in the \"learning\" category almost all derive from publications by Marr and Albus. Marr's 1969 paper proposed that the cerebellum is a device for learning to associate elemental movements encoded by climbing fibers with mossy fiber inputs that encode the sensory context.[22] Albus proposed in 1971 that a cerebellar Purkinje cell functions as a perceptron, a neurally inspired abstract learning device.[5] The most basic difference between the Marr and Albus theories is that Marr assumed that climbing fiber activity would cause parallel fiber synapses to be strengthened, whereas Albus proposed that they would be weakened. Albus also formulated his version as a software algorithm he called a CMAC (Cerebellar Model Articulation Controller), which has been tested in a number of applications.[46]", "Network switch A network switch is a multiport network bridge that uses hardware addresses to process and forward data at the data link layer (layer 2) of the OSI model. Some switches can also process data at the network layer (layer 3) by additionally incorporating routing functionality. Such switches are commonly known as layer-3 switches or multilayer switches.[2]", "Printed circuit board In multi-layer boards, the layers of material are laminated together in an alternating sandwich: copper, substrate, copper, substrate, copper, etc.; each plane of copper is etched, and any internal vias (that will not extend to both outer surfaces of the finished multilayer board) are plated-through, before the layers are laminated together. Only the outer layers need be coated; the inner copper layers are protected by the adjacent substrate layers.", "Database abstraction layer This level is aware of the differences between the databases and able to construct an execution path of operations in all cases. However the conceptual layer defers to the physical layer for the actual implementation of each individual operation.", "Layers (digital image editing) In graphics software, a layer is the term used to describe the different levels at which you can place an object or image file. In the program, you can stack, merge or define layers when creating a digital image. Layers can be partially obscured allowing portions of images within a layer to be hidden or shown in a translucent manner within another image, or you can use layers to combine two or more images into a single digital image. For the purpose of editing, working with layers allows you to go back and make changes within a layer as you work.", "Machine learning Arthur Samuel, an American pioneer in the field of computer gaming and artificial intelligence, coined the term \"Machine Learning\" in 1959 while at IBM[17]. As a scientific endeavour, machine learning grew out of the quest for artificial intelligence. Already in the early days of AI as an academic discipline, some researchers were interested in having machines learn from data. They attempted to approach the problem with various symbolic methods, as well as what were then termed \"neural networks\"; these were mostly perceptrons and other models that were later found to be reinventions of the generalized linear models of statistics.[18] Probabilistic reasoning was also employed, especially in automated medical diagnosis.[19]:488", "Data link layer The data link layer, or layer 2, is the second layer of the seven-layer OSI model of computer networking. This layer is the protocol layer that transfers data between adjacent network nodes in a wide area network (WAN) or between nodes on the same local area network (LAN) segment.[1] The data link layer provides the functional and procedural means to transfer data between network entities and might provide the means to detect and possibly correct errors that may occur in the physical layer.", "Support vector machine Classifying data is a common task in machine learning. Suppose some given data points each belong to one of two classes, and the goal is to decide which class a new data point will be in. In the case of support vector machines, a data point is viewed as a \n\n\n\np\n\n\n{\\displaystyle p}\n\n-dimensional vector (a list of \n\n\n\np\n\n\n{\\displaystyle p}\n\n numbers), and we want to know whether we can separate such points with a \n\n\n\n(\np\n−\n1\n)\n\n\n{\\displaystyle (p-1)}\n\n-dimensional hyperplane. This is called a linear classifier. There are many hyperplanes that might classify the data. One reasonable choice as the best hyperplane is the one that represents the largest separation, or margin, between the two classes. So we choose the hyperplane so that the distance from it to the nearest data point on each side is maximized. If such a hyperplane exists, it is known as the maximum-margin hyperplane and the linear classifier it defines is known as a maximum margin classifier; or equivalently, the perceptron of optimal stability.[citation needed]", "Network switch An Ethernet switch operates at the data link layer (layer 2) of the OSI model to create a separate collision domain for each switch port. Each device connected to a switch port can transfer data to any of the other ports at any time and the transmissions will not interfere.[a] Because broadcasts are still being forwarded to all connected devices by the switch, the newly formed network segment continues to be a broadcast domain. Switches may also operate at higher layers of the OSI model, including the network layer and above. A device that also operates at these higher layers is known as a multilayer switch.", "Presentation layer The presentation layer is responsible for the delivery and formatting of information to the application layer for further processing or display.[4] It relieves the application layer of concern regarding syntactical differences in data representation within the end-user systems. An example of a presentation service would be the conversion of an EBCDIC-coded text computer file to an ASCII-coded file.", "Session layer The session layer of the OSI model is responsible for session checkpointing and recovery. It allows information of different streams, perhaps originating from different sources, to be properly combined or synchronized.", "Presentation layer In the OSI model: the presentation layer ensures the information that the application layer of one system sends out is readable by the application layer of another system. For example, a PC program communicates with another computer, one using extended binary coded decimal interchange code (EBCDIC) and the other using ASCII to represent the same characters. If necessary, the presentation layer might be able to translate between multiple data formats by using a common format.", "Germ layer Among animals, sponges show the simplest organization, having a single germ layer. Although they have differentiated cells (e.g. collar cells), they lack true tissue coordination. Diploblastic animals, Cnidaria and Ctenophora, show an increase in complexity, having two germ layers, the endoderm and ectoderm. Diploblastic animals are organized into recognisable tissues. All higher animals (from flatworms to humans) are triploblastic, possessing a mesoderm in addition to the germ layers found in Diploblasts. Triploblastic animals develop recognizable organs.", "Convolutional neural network An alternate view of stochastic pooling is that it is equivalent to standard max pooling but with many copies of an input image, each having small local deformations. This is similar to explicit elastic deformations of the input images,[46] which delivers excellent MNIST performance. Using stochastic pooling in a multilayer model gives an exponential number of deformations since the selections in higher layers are independent of those below.", "OSI model The presentation layer establishes context between application-layer entities, in which the application-layer entities may use different syntax and semantics if the presentation service provides a mapping between them. If a mapping is available, presentation protocol data units are encapsulated into session protocol data units and passed down the protocol stack.", "Sandwich The verb to sandwich has the meaning \"to position anything between two other things of a different character, or to place different elements alternately,\"[20] and the noun sandwich has related meanings derived from this more general definition. For example, an ice cream sandwich consists of a layer of ice cream between two layers of cake or biscuit.[21] Similarly, Oreos and Custard Creams are described as sandwich biscuits (UK/Commonwealth) or sandwich cookies (US) because they consist of a soft filling between the baked layers.[22]", "Content delivery network Server-load balancing uses one or more techniques including service-based (global load balancing) or hardware-based, i.e. layer 4–7 switches, also known as a web switch, content switch, or multilayer switch to share traffic among a number of servers or web caches. Here the switch is assigned a single virtual IP address. Traffic arriving at the switch is then directed to one of the real web servers attached to the switch. This has the advantage of balancing load, increasing total capacity, improving scalability, and providing increased reliability by redistributing the load of a failed web server and providing server health checks.", "Convolutional neural network The loss layer specifies how training penalizes the deviation between the predicted and true labels and is normally the final layer. Various loss functions appropriate for different tasks may be used there. Softmax loss is used for predicting a single class of K mutually exclusive classes. Sigmoid cross-entropy loss is used for predicting K independent probability values in \n\n\n\n[\n0\n,\n1\n]\n\n\n{\\displaystyle [0,1]}\n\n. Euclidean loss is used for regressing to real-valued labels \n\n\n\n(\n−\n∞\n,\n∞\n)\n\n\n{\\displaystyle (-\\infty ,\\infty )}\n\n.", "Layering The horticultural layering process typically involves wounding the target region to expose the inner stem and optionally applying rooting compounds. In ground layering or simple layering, the stem is bent down and the target region buried in the soil. This is done in plant nurseries in imitation of natural layering by many plants such as brambles which bow over and touch the tip on the ground, at which point it grows roots and, when separated, can continue as a separate plant. In either case, the rooting process may take from several weeks to a year.", "Aluminium-conductor steel-reinforced cable The hysteresis effect is negligible on ACSR conductors with even numbers of aluminium layers and so it is not considered in these cases. For ACSR conductors with an odd number of aluminium layers however, a magnetization factor is used to accurately calculate the AC resistance. The correction method for single-layer ACSR is different than that used for three-layer conductors. Due to applying the magnetization factor, a conductor with an odd number of layers has an AC resistance slightly higher than an equivalent conductor with an even number of layers.", "Printed circuit board A printed circuit board can have multiple copper layers. A two-layer board has copper on both sides; multi layer boards sandwich additional copper layers between layers of insulating material. Conductors on different layers are connected with vias, which are copper-plated holes that function as electrical tunnels through the insulating substrate. Through-hole component leads sometimes also effectively function as vias. After two-layer PCBs, the next step up is usually four-layer. Often two layers are dedicated as power supply and ground planes, and the other two are used for signal wiring between components.", "Layers (digital image editing) Layers are used in digital image editing to separate different elements of an image. A layer can be compared to a transparency on which imaging effects or images are applied and placed over or under an image. Today they are an integral feature of image editors.", "LAN switching There is no performance difference between a layer 3 and a layer 4 switch because the routing/switching is all hardware based (routing decision is done by specialized ASIC with the help of content-addressable memory).[2]", "Vertical pressure variation Note that even that is a simplification, as temperature also varies with height. However, the temperature variation within the lower layers (troposphere, stratosphere) is only in the dozens of degrees, as opposed to difference between either and absolute zero, which is in the hundreds, so it is a reasonably small difference. For smaller height differences, including those from top to bottom of even the tallest of buildings, (like the CN tower) or for mountains of comparable size, the temperature variation will easily be within the single-digits. (See also lapse rate.)", "Internet protocol suite Even when the layers are examined, the assorted architectural documents—there is no single architectural model such as ISO 7498, the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model—have fewer and less rigidly defined layers than the OSI model, and thus provide an easier fit for real-world protocols. One frequently referenced document, RFC 1958, does not contain a stack of layers. The lack of emphasis on layering is a major difference between the IETF and OSI approaches. It only refers to the existence of the internetworking layer and generally to upper layers; this document was intended as a 1996 snapshot of the architecture: \"The Internet and its architecture have grown in evolutionary fashion from modest beginnings, rather than from a Grand Plan. While this process of evolution is one of the main reasons for the technology's success, it nevertheless seems useful to record a snapshot of the current principles of the Internet architecture.\"", "Layers (digital image editing) Two Layers can blend using one of several modes which result in different light and colour combinations.", "Secondary cell wall The secondary cell wall consists primarily of cellulose, along with other polysaccharides, lignin, and glycoprotein. It sometimes consists of three distinct layers - S1, S2 and S3 - where the direction of the cellulose microfibrils differs between the layers.[1]", "Proxy server Most of the time 'proxy' refers to a layer-7 application on the OSI reference model. However, another way of proxying is through layer-3 and is known as Network Address Translation (NAT).\nThe difference between these two proxy technologies is the layer in which they operate, and the procedure to configuring the proxy clients and proxy servers.", "Layering Layering is more complicated than taking cuttings, but has the advantage that the propagated portion continues to receive water and nutrients from the parent plant while it is forming roots. This is important for plants that form roots slowly, or for propagating large pieces. Layering is used quite frequently in the propagation of bonsai; it is also used as a technique for both creating new roots and improving existing roots.", "Multitier architecture While the concepts of layer and tier are often used interchangeably, one fairly common point of view is that there is indeed a difference. This view holds that a layer is a logical structuring mechanism for the elements that make up the software solution, while a tier is a physical structuring mechanism for the system infrastructure.[1][2] For example, a three-layer solution could easily be deployed on a single tier, such as a personal workstation.[3]", "Anticline Passive-flow folds form when the rock is so soft that it behaves like weak plastic and slowly flows. In this process different parts of the rock body move at different rates causing shear stress to gradually shift from layer to layer. There is no mechanical contrast between layers in this type of fold. Passive-flow folds are extremely dependent on the rock composition of the stratum and can typically occur in areas with high temperatures.[4]", "Explosive material In Materials Science and Engineering, explosives are used in cladding. A thin plate of some material is placed atop a thick layer of a different material, both layers typically of metal. Atop the thin layer is placed an explosive. At one end of the layer of explosive, the explosion is initiated. The two metallic layers are forced together at high speed and with great force. The explosion spreads from the initiation site throughout the explosive. Ideally, this produces a metallurgical bond between the two layers.", "The Only Difference Between Martyrdom and Suicide Is Press Coverage \"The Only Difference Between Martyrdom and Suicide is Press Coverage\" (often shortened to \"The Only Difference...\") is the debut single and second track from American rock band Panic! at the Disco's debut studio album A Fever You Can't Sweat Out (2005). It achieved some commercial success and exposed the band to an audience, subsequently reaching number 77 on the US Billboard Hot 100. No music video was ever made for it.", "Physical layer In the seven-layer OSI model of computer networking, the physical layer or layer 1 is the first and lowest layer.[1] This layer may be implemented by a PHY chip.", "Multiprotocol Label Switching MPLS operates at a layer that is generally considered to lie between traditional definitions of OSI Layer 2 (data link layer) and Layer 3 (network layer), and thus is often referred to as a layer 2.5 protocol. It was designed to provide a unified data-carrying service for both circuit-based clients and packet-switching clients which provide a datagram service model. It can be used to carry many different kinds of traffic, including IP packets, as well as native ATM, SONET, and Ethernet frames.", "Stateless protocol There can be complex interactions between stateful and stateless protocols among different protocol layers. For example, HTTP is an example of a stateless protocol layered on top of TCP, a stateful protocol, which is layered on top of IP, another stateless protocol, which is routed on a network that employs BGP, another stateful protocol, to direct the IP packets riding on the network.", "Artificial neural network In common ANN implementations, the signal at a connection between artificial neurons is a real number, and the output of each artificial neuron is computed by some non-linear function of the sum of its inputs. The connections between neurons are called 'edges'. Artificial neurons and edges typically have a weight that adjusts as learning proceeds. The weight increases or decreases the strength of the signal at a connection. Artificial neurons may have a threshold such that the signal is only sent if the aggregate signal crosses that threshold. Typically, artificial neurons are aggregated into layers. Different layers may perform different kinds of transformations on their inputs. Signals travel from the first (input), to the last (output) layer, possibly after traversing the layers multiple times.", "Germ layer The mesoderm germ layer forms in the embryos of triploblastic animals. During gastrulation, some of the cells migrating inward contribute to the mesoderm, an additional layer between the endoderm and the ectoderm.[citation needed] The formation of a mesoderm leads to the development of a coelom. Organs formed inside a coelom can freely move, grow, and develop independently of the body wall while fluid cushions and protects them from shocks.[citation needed]", "Allotropes of carbon A single layer of graphite is called graphene and has extraordinary electrical, thermal, and physical properties. It can be produced by epitaxy on an insulating or conducting substrate or by mechanical exfoliation (repeated peeling) from graphite. Its applications may include replacing silicon in high-performance electronic devices. With two layers stacked, bilayer graphene results with different properties.", "Ellora Caves Ellora occupies a relatively flat rocky region of the Western Ghats, where ancient volcanic activity in this area had created multilayered basalt formations, known as the Deccan Traps. The volcanic activity that formed the west-facing cliff, which houses the Ellora caves, occurred during the Cretaceous period. The resulting vertical face made access to many layers of rock formations easier, enabling architects to pick basalt with finer grains for more detailed sculpting.[14]", "Layering Simple layering can be more attractive when managing a cascading or spreading plant.[3] These plants tend to propagate in this manner anyway, and potting a new limb will give extra plants without having to sow new seed.", "Session layer Within the service layering semantics of the OSI network architecture, the session layer responds to service requests from the presentation layer and issues service requests to the transport layer.", "Presentation layer In the seven-layer OSI model of computer networking, the presentation layer is layer 6 and serves as the data translator for the network.[1][2] It is sometimes called the syntax layer.[3]", "Internet protocol suite The Internet protocol suite provides end-to-end data communication specifying how data should be packetized, addressed, transmitted, routed, and received. This functionality is organized into four abstraction layers, which classify all related protocols according to the scope of networking involved.[1][2] From lowest to highest, the layers are the link layer, containing communication methods for data that remains within a single network segment (link); the internet layer, providing internetworking between independent networks; the transport layer, handling host-to-host communication; and the application layer, providing process-to-process data exchange for applications.", "Cerebral cortex The different cortical layers each contain a characteristic distribution of neuronal cell types and connections with other cortical and subcortical regions. There are direct connections between different cortical areas and indirect connections via the thalamus, for example. One of the clearest examples of cortical layering is the line of Gennari in the primary visual cortex. This is a band of whiter tissue that can be observed with the naked eye in the fundus of the calcarine sulcus of the occipital lobe. The line of Gennari is composed of axons bringing visual information from the thalamus into layer four of the visual cortex.", "Biological pigment Pigment color differs from structural color in that it is the same for all viewing angles, whereas structural color is the result of selective reflection or iridescence, usually because of multilayer structures. For example, butterfly wings typically contain structural color, although many butterflies have cells that contain pigment as well.[2]", "Cerebral cortex The cerebral cortex is composed of a heterogenous population of cells that give rise to different cell types. The majority of these cells are derived from radial glia migration that form the different cell types of the neocortex and it is a period associated with an increase in neurogenesis. Similarly, the process of neurogenesis regulates lamination to form the different layers of the cortex. During this process there is an increase in the restriction of cell fate that begins with earlier progenitors giving rise to any cell type in the cortex and later progenitors giving rise only to neurons of superficial layers. This differential cell fate creates an inside-out topography in the cortex with younger neurons in superficial layers and older neurons in deeper layers. In addition, laminar neurons are stopped in S or G2 phase in order to give a fine distinction between the different cortical layers. Laminar differentiation is not fully complete until after birth since during development laminar neurons are still sensitive to extrinsic signals and environmental cues.[48]", "X-ray telescope Like MSSTA, NIXT used normal incidence reflective multilayer optics.[13]", "LAN switching Layer 3 switching is solely based on (destination) IP address stored in the header of IP datagram (see layer 4 switching later on this page for the difference). The difference between a layer 3 switch and a router is the way the device is making the routing decision. Traditionally, routers use microprocessors to make forwarding decisions in software, while the switch performs only hardware-based packet switching (by specialized ASIC with the help of content-addressable memory).[2] However, some traditional routers can have advanced hardware functions as well in some of the higher-end models.", "Tower of Hanoi In 2014, scientists synthesized multilayered palladium nanosheets with the Tower of Hanoi like structure.[30]", "Communications protocol The network interface layer uses physical addresses and all the other layers only use IP addresses. The boundary between network interface layer and Internet layer is called the high-level protocol address boundary.[58] The modules below the application layer are generally considered part of the operating system. Passing data between these modules is much less expensive than passing data between an application program and the transport layer. The boundary between application layer and transport layer is called the operating system boundary.[59]", "Multitier architecture In a logical multilayered architecture for an information system with an object-oriented design, the following four are the most common:", "History of photography A new era in color photography began with the introduction of Kodachrome film, available for 16 mm home movies in 1935 and 35 mm slides in 1936. It captured the red, green, and blue color components in three layers of emulsion. A complex processing operation produced complementary cyan, magenta, and yellow dye images in those layers, resulting in a subtractive color image. Maxwell's method of taking three separate filtered black-and-white photographs continued to serve special purposes into the 1950s and beyond, and Polachrome, an \"instant\" slide film that used the Autochrome's additive principle, was available until 2003, but the few color print and slide films still being made in 2015 all use the multilayer emulsion approach pioneered by Kodachrome.", "Physical layer The physical layer consists of the electronic circuit transmission technologies of a network.[2] It is a fundamental layer underlying the higher level functions in a network. Due to the plethora of available hardware technologies with widely varying characteristics, this is perhaps the most complex layer in the OSI architecture.[citation needed]", "Single parent A similar study on the mental health of single mothers attempted to answer the question, \"Are there differences in the prevalence of psychiatric disorders, between married, never-married, and separated/divorced mothers?\" Statistically, never married, and separated/divorced mothers had the highest regularities of drug abuse, personality disorder and PTSD.[61] The family structure can become a trigger for mental health issues in single mothers. They are especially at risk for having higher levels of depressive symptoms.[62]", "Talk:Presentation layer What is HTML doing as an example of the presentation layer? HTML is an app layer protocol!Danielcohn 18:41, 30 March 2006 (UTC)", "OSI model Despite using a different concept for layering than the OSI model, these layers are often compared with the OSI layering scheme in the following way:", "Thunderstorm There are four main types of thunderstorms: single-cell, multi-cell, squall line (also called multi-cell line) and supercell. Which type forms depends on the instability and relative wind conditions at different layers of the atmosphere (\"wind shear\"). Single-cell thunderstorms form in environments of low vertical wind shear and last only 20–30 minutes.", "Presentation layer The common application service element sublayer provides services for the application layer and request services from the session layer. It provides support for common application services, such as:", "My Life (Billy Joel song) The differences between the single and album versions are the following:", "Smart glass Micro-blinds—currently under development at the National Research Council (Canada)[7][8]—control the amount of light passing through in response to applied voltage. Micro-blinds are composed of rolled thin metal blinds on glass. They are very small and thus practically invisible to the eye. The metal layer is deposited by magnetron sputtering and patterned by laser or lithography process. The glass substrate includes a thin layer of a transparent conductive oxide (TCO) layer. A thin insulator is deposited between the rolled metal layer and the TCO layer for electrical disconnection. With no applied voltage, the micro-blinds are rolled and let light pass through. When there is a potential difference between the rolled metal layer and the transparent conductive layer, the electric field formed between the two electrodes causes the rolled micro-blinds to stretch out and thus block light. The micro-blinds have several advantages, including switching speed (milliseconds), UV durability, customized appearance and transmission. Theoretically, the blinds are simple and cost-effective to fabricate.[7][8] A video available on YouTube[9] describes briefly the micro-blinds.", "Physical layer Within the semantics of the OSI model, the physical layer translates logical communications requests from the data link layer into hardware-specific operations to cause transmission or reception of electronic signals.", "Germ layer In the human embryo, after about three days, the zygote forms a solid mass of cells by mitotic division, called a morula. This then changes to a blastocyst, consisting of an outer layer called a trophoblast, and an inner cell mass called the embryoblast. Filled with uterine fluid, the blastocyst breaks out of the zona pellucida and undergoes implantation. The inner cell mass initially has two layers: the hypoblast and epiblast. At the end of the second week, a primitive streak appears. The epiblast in this region moves towards the primitive streak, dives down into it, and forms a new layer, called the endoderm, pushing the hypoblast out of the way (this goes on to form the amnion.) The epiblast keeps moving and forms a second layer, the mesoderm. The top layer is now called the ectoderm.[6]", "Presentation layer Encryption is typically done at this level too, although it can be done on the application, session, transport, or network layers, each having its own advantages and disadvantages.[1] Decryption is also handled at the presentation layer. For example, when logging on to bank account sites the presentation layer will decrypt the data as it is received.[1] Another example is representing structure, which is normally standardized at this level, often by using XML. As well as simple pieces of data, like strings, more complicated things are standardized in this layer. Two common examples are 'objects' in object-oriented programming, and the exact way that streaming video is transmitted.", "Physical layer The physical layer is also concerned with:", "Session layer Other examples of session layer implementations include Zone Information Protocol (ZIP) – the AppleTalk protocol that coordinates the name binding process, and Session Control Protocol (SCP) – the DECnet Phase IV session-layer protocol.", "Application layer (Session Layer under OSI model) The IETF definition document for the application layer in the Internet Protocol Suite is RFC 1123. It provided an initial set of protocols that covered the major aspects of functionality of the early Internet.[1]", "Talk:Presentation layer Why do some books (such as Cisco publications) present these graphics formats as being part of Layer 6? This article should mention this, and clarify what seems to be contradictory information. It seems to me that there is no unique layer 6 \"graphic format header\", and that they have nothing to do with preparing to send the data over the network, so what is the explanation for why Cisco mentions them at this layer?Jimhoward72 (talk) 10:08, 4 December 2008 (UTC)", "Physical layer The major functions and services performed by the physical layer are:", "Sea surface temperature There are a variety of techniques for measuring this parameter that can potentially yield different results because different things are actually being measured. Away from the immediate sea surface, general temperature measurements are accompanied by a reference to the specific depth of measurement. This is because of significant differences encountered between measurements made at different depths, especially during the daytime when low wind speed and high sunshine conditions may lead to the formation of a warm layer at the ocean's surface and strong vertical temperature gradients (a diurnal thermocline).[2] Sea surface temperature measurements are confined to the top portion of the ocean, known as the near-surface layer.[3]", "Myocyte The cell membrane of a myocyte has several specialized regions, which may include the intercalated disk and the transverse tubular system. The cell membrane is covered by a lamina coat which is approximately 50 nm wide. The laminar coat is separable into two layers; the lamina densa and lamina lucida. In between these two layers can be several different types of ions, including calcium.[10]", "Semantic layer Semantic layer maps tables to classes and rows to objects.", "Microspore The microspore has three different wall layers. The outer layer is called the perispore, the next is the exospore, and the inner layer is the endospore. The perispore is the thickest of the three layers while the exospore and endospore are relatively equal in width.[4]", "Single sign-on As different applications and resources support different authentication mechanisms, single sign-on must internally store the credentials used for initial authentication and translate them to the credentials required for the different mechanisms.", "Service set (802.11 network) An extended service set (ESS) is a set of two or more interconnected wireless BSSs that share the same SSID (network name), security credentials and integrated (that is, providing translation between 802.3 and 802.11 frames) wired local area networks that appear as a single BSS to the logical link control layer at any station associated with one of those BSSs. This facilitates mobile IP and fast secure roaming applications. Furthermore, the BSSs may work on the same channel, or work on different channels to boost aggregate throughput.", "Layers of Fear \"Truly, Layers of Fear is a masterpiece to behold.\" - Jake Yanik, CGMagazine Online[11]", "Hagen–Poiseuille equation When two layers of liquid in contact with each other move at different speeds, there will be a shear force between them. This force is proportional to the area of contact A, the velocity gradient in the direction of flow Δvx/Δy, and a proportionality constant (viscosity) and is given by", "Layers of Fear \"Layers of Fear is like P.T. on drugs.\" - Danielle Riendeau and Dave Tach, Polygon[10]", "Talk:Presentation layer JTM - \"Job Transfer and Manipulation\" was one of the initial set of OSI application-layer standards", "Layers of Fear Layers of Fear is the one of the biggest horror surprises of the year.\" - Patricia Hernandez, Kotaku\"[9]", "Intestinal epithelium The epithelium is part of the intestinal mucosa layer. The epithelium is composed of a single layer of cells. The other two layers of the mucosa, the lamina propria and the muscularis mucosae, support and articulate the epithelium layer. To securely contain of the contents of the intestinal lumen, the cells of the epithelial layer are joined together by tight junctions thus forming a contiguous and relatively impermeable membrane.", "Digital single-lens reflex camera A digital single-lens reflex camera (also called digital SLR or DSLR) is a digital camera that combines the optics and the mechanisms of a single-lens reflex camera with a digital imaging sensor, as opposed to photographic film. The reflex design scheme is the primary difference between a DSLR and other digital cameras. In the reflex design, light travels through the lens, then to a mirror that alternates to send the image to either the viewfinder or the image sensor. The traditional alternative would be to have a viewfinder with its own lens, hence the term \"single lens\" for this design. By using only one lens, the viewfinder of a DSLR presents an image that will not differ substantially from what is captured by the camera's sensor. A DSLR differs from non-reflex single-lens digital cameras in that the viewfinder presents a direct optical view through the lens, rather than being captured by the camera's image sensor and displayed by a digital screen.", "Estuary In this type of estuary, river output greatly exceeds marine input and tidal effects have a minor importance. Fresh water floats on top of the seawater in a layer that gradually thins as it moves seaward. The denser seawater moves landward along the bottom of the estuary, forming a wedge-shaped layer that is thinner as it approaches land. As a velocity difference develops between the two layers, shear forces generate internal waves at the interface, mixing the seawater upward with the freshwater. An example of a salt wedge estuary is the Mississippi River.[7]", "Internet The Internet standards describe a framework known as the Internet protocol suite. This is a model architecture that divides methods into a layered system of protocols, originally documented in RFC 1122 and RFC 1123. The layers correspond to the environment or scope in which their services operate. At the top is the application layer, space for the application-specific networking methods used in software applications. For example, a web browser program uses the client-server application model and a specific protocol of interaction between servers and clients, while many file-sharing systems use a peer-to-peer paradigm. Below this top layer, the transport layer connects applications on different hosts with a logical channel through the network with appropriate data exchange methods.", "Ozone layer Venus also has a thin ozone layer at an altitude of 100 kilometers from the planet's surface.[4]", "Layers of Fear Layers of Fear received \"generally favorable\" reviews, according to video game review aggregator Metacritic.[1][2][3]", "Tropical hardwood hammock Tropical hardwood hammock is characterized by a diverse, closed canopy of hardwood species, primarily of West Indian origin, and by a fairly open shrub layer and a sparse, species-poor herb layer. Hammock composition changes over space, and hammocks in different regions (e.g., the Miami Rock Ridge versus the Florida Keys) are composed of different species. Snyder et al. (1990) recorded over 150 species of tree and shrub species that were native to tropical hardwood hammocks in South Florida. Kruer (1992) noted differences in plant community composition and dominant species between lower Keys and upper Keys hammocks." ]
what is the meaning of the dragon boat festival
[ "Dragon Boat Festival The Duanwu Festival, also often known, especially in the West, as the Dragon Boat Festival, is a traditional holiday originating in China, occurring near the summer solstice. It is also known as Zhongxiao Festival (Chinese: 忠孝節; pinyin: Zhōngxiàojié), commemorating fealty and filial piety. The festival now occurs on the 5th day of the 5th month of the traditional Chinese calendar, which is the source of the festival's alternative name, the Double Fifth Festival.[1] The Chinese calendar is lunisolar, so the date of the festival varies from year to year on the Gregorian calendar. In 2016, it occurred on June 9; and in 2017, on May 30." ]
[ "Chinese dragon At special festivals, especially the Duanwu Festival, dragon boat races are an important part of festivities. Typically, these are boats paddled by a team of up to 20 paddlers with a drummer and steersman. The boats have a carved dragon as the head and tail of the boat. Dragon boat racing is also an important part of celebrations outside of China, such as at Chinese New Year. A similar racing is popular in India in the state of Kerala called Vallamkali and there are records on Chinese traders visiting the seashores of Kerala centuries back (Ibn Batuta).", "Portland Rose Festival Dragon boat crew practicing a few weeks before the start of the Rose Festival", "Dragon Boat Festival It is said that the local people, who admired him, raced out in their boats to save him, or at least retrieve his body. This is said to have been the origin of dragon boat races. When his body could not be found, they dropped balls of sticky rice into the river so that the fish would eat them instead of Qu Yuan's body. This is said to be the origin of zongzi.[10]", "Dragon Boat Festival Another suggestion is that the festival celebrates a widespread feature of east Asian agrarian societies: the harvest of winter wheat. Offerings were regularly made to deities and spirits at such times: in the ancient Yue, dragon kings; in the ancient Chu, Qu Yuan; in the ancient Wu, Wu Zixu (as a river god); in ancient Korea, mountain gods (see Dano). As interactions between different regions increased, these similar festivals eventually merged into one holiday.", "Dragon Boat Festival Among Malaysian, Singaporean, and Taiwanese Hokkien speakers, the festival is also known as the \"Fifth Month Festival,\" the \"Fifth Day Festival,\" and the \"Dumpling Festival.\"", "Portland Rose Festival The festival also hosts the Starlight Parade, a fireworks display, and carnival rides along the Portland waterfront, among other events. Dragon boat races on the Willamette River have been included every year since 1989.[11]", "Dragon Boat Festival The story best known in modern China holds that the festival commemorates the death of the poet and minister Qu Yuan (c. 340–278 BC) of the ancient state of Chu during the Warring States period of the Zhou Dynasty.[10] A cadet member of the Chu royal house, Qu served in high offices. However, when the king decided to ally with the increasingly powerful state of Qin, Qu was banished for opposing the alliance and even accused of treason.[10] During his exile, Qu Yuan wrote a great deal of poetry. Twenty-eight years later, Qin captured Ying, the Chu capital. In despair, Qu Yuan committed suicide by drowning himself in the Miluo River.", "Dragon Boat Festival A notable part of celebrating Duanwu is making and eating zongzi with other family members. People traditionally wrap zongzi in leaves of bamboo, lotus or banana which give a special aroma and flavor to the sticky rice and fillings. Choices of fillings vary depending on regions. Northern regions in China prefer sweet or dessert-styled zongzi, with bean paste, dates and nuts as fillings. Southern regions in China prefer savory zongzi, with a variety of fillings including marinated pork belly, chicken, sausage and salted duck eggs.", "Dragon Boat Festival Realgar wine or xionghuang wine is a Chinese alcoholic drink that is made from Chinese yellow wine dosed with powdered realgar, a yellow-orange arsenic sulfide mineral. Realgar is often used as a pesticide against mosquitoes and other insects during the hot summers, and as a common antidote against poison in ancient Asia.", "Dragon Boat Festival ", "Dragon Boat Festival Modern research suggests that the stories of Qu Yuan or Wu Zixu were superimposed onto a pre-existing holiday tradition. The promotion of these stories might be encouraged by Confucian scholars, seeking to legitimize and strengthen their influence in China.", "Tempe Town Lake The Arizona Dragon Boat Association, the Gila Dragons Dragon Boat Team and several Outrigger Clubs all have their home on the lake.", "Denver The Dragon Boat Festival in July, Moon Festival in September and Chinese New Year are annual events in Denver for the Chinese and Asian residents. Chinese hot pot (huo guo) and Korean BBQ restaurants have been growing in popularity. The Denver area has 2 Chinese newspapers, the Chinese American Post and the Colorado Chinese News.[101]", "Ottawa Ottawa hosts a variety of annual seasonal activities—such as Winterlude, the largest festival in Canada,[150] and Canada Day celebrations on Parliament Hill and surrounding downtown area, as well as Bluesfest, Canadian Tulip Festival, Ottawa Dragon Boat Festival, Ottawa International Jazz Festival, Fringe Festival and Folk Music Festival, that have grown to become some of the largest festivals of their kind in the world.[151][152] In 2010, Ottawa's Festival industry received the IFEA \"World Festival and Event City Award\" for the category of North American cities with a population between 500,000 and 1,000,000.[153]", "Budweiser Made in America Festival The festival was the subject of the 2013 documentary Made in America, directed by Ron Howard and produced by Brian Grazer and Jay-Z.[10] In a statement to the press, Howard called the documentary \"a reflection of the fabric of what it means to be 'Made in America'—what the festival represents, why Jay is doing it and how he relates to each artist.\"[11]", "Glossary of nautical terms Dragon boat (also dragonboat)", "Chinese dragon In some circles, it is considered bad luck to depict a dragon facing downwards, as it is seen as disrespectful to place a dragon in such manner that it cannot ascend to the sky. Also, depictions of dragons in tattoos are prevalent as they are symbols of strength and power, especially criminal organisations where dragons hold a meaning all on their own. As such, it is believed that one must be fierce and strong enough, hence earning the right to wear the dragon on his skin, lest his luck be consumed by the dragons.[citation needed]", "Chinese dragon On auspicious occasions, including Chinese New Year and the opening of shops and residences, festivities often include dancing with dragon puppets. These are \"life sized\" cloth-and-wood puppets manipulated by a team of people, supporting the dragon with poles. They perform choreographed moves to the accompaniment of drums, drama, and music. They also wore good clothing made of silk.", "Dragon dance The dragon acts of the Han Dynasty were also mentioned in the Tang and Song Dynasty. Figures similar to the dragon lantern (龍燈) used during Lantern Festival were described in the Song Dynasty work Dreams of Splendor of the Eastern Capital, where figures of dragon mounted for display were constructed out of grass and cloth and inside which numerous candle lights may be placed.[11][12] Such dragon lanterns may also be carried and paraded by performers in the street during the Lantern festival at nighttime.[13] A wide variety of dragon dances have developed in various regions in China,[14] for example, the Fenghua Cloth Dragon (奉化布龙) from Zhejiang was made with bamboo frame and covered with cloth, and is said to have been developed in the 1200s.[15][16] A form of dragon dance from Tongliang County (铜梁龙舞), which originated as snake totem worship, began during the Ming Dynasty and became popular in the Qing Dynasty.[17] In the modern era, the government of People's Republic of China adapted and promoted various traditional folk dances,[18] which contributed to the popularity of the current form of the dragon dance now found widely in China as well as Chinese communities around the world.", "Mid-Autumn Festival As China gradually evolved from an agrarian society to a mixed agrarian-commercial one, traditions from other festivals began to be transmitted into the Mid-Autumn Festival, such as the putting of lanterns on rivers to guide the spirits of the drowned as practiced during the Ghost Festival, which is observed a month before.[10] Hong Kong fishermen during the Qing dynasty, for example, would put up lanterns on their boats for the Ghost Festival and keep the lanterns up until Mid-Autumn Festival.[10]", "What Do You Mean? Lyrically, \"What Do You Mean?\" talks about looking for romantic clarity and not being able to figure out the opposite sex,[9][16] with Bieber singing in the chorus: \"What do you mean / When you nod your head yes, but you wanna say no? / What do you mean / When you don't want me to move, but you tell me to go?.\"[9]", "Wakeboard boat Generally speaking, wakeboard specific boats are V-drive boats. This means they are an inboard boat with the engine placed backwards in the rear of the boat. This is done to keep more weight in the back of the boat and make the wake larger. Some wakeboard specific boat models are direct drive boats where the engine is in the middle of the boat. Most wakeboard boats will have several features that help to create large wakes. These include ballast, hydrofoil, and hull technology. Ballast is a simple term for weight. When wakeboard boats have ballast tanks, it means that they have room for extra weight to weigh the boat down for larger wakes. For example. If the rider is surfing on the starboard side of the stern. Then you want to activate the starboard ballast in order to give the rider a surf-able wave. All these key features would not be anything if it was not for cruise control. Cruise control innovated wake boarding. Throttles on v drive boats are extremely sensitive and it is hard to get to the desired speed of the rider. When cruise control is set the driver can push the throttle all the way down and the boat will not go any faster than the desired speed. It locks the engine in at that rpm. Cruise control is also very safe because when pulling a rider there is a lot to have to worry about. Cruise control minuses one less worry allowing for a fun wakeboard run.", "How to Train Your Dragon The twelfth and final book in the How to Train Your Dragon series. Hiccup wakes up on the beach at Hero's End with the Wodensfang, Hogfly... and amnesia sustained when he hit his head on the mast of the boat at the end of the previous book. The Wodensfang tries to explain who Hiccup is, but before they can they are attacked by Sharkworms and the Vampire Spydragon from the previous book. After defeating the dragons, Hiccup takes a boat which has washed up on the beach and sails towards Tomorrow. Fishlegs, Camicazi, and the Triple-Headed Deadly Shadow Dragon try and rescue Hiccup, but he attacks them because he doesn't know who they are and the Wodensfang is asleep from a poison dart. Once Hiccup reaches Tomorrow, he is captured by the Dragon Guardians of Tomorrow who attempt to kill by performing Death by Airy Oblivion, but halfway up realize that they have made a mistake and Hiccup should not be killed, and so drop him in the swamp. Hiccup crawls out of the swamp and enters Grimbeard the Ghastly's castle just as Alvin is about to be crowned king by the Druid Guardian. At this point, Hiccup regains his memory and gives a speech convincing the Druid Guardian to crown him king instead. Hiccup is crowned and prepares to engage the Dragon Furious in single combat. The Druid Guardian tells Hiccup the secret of the Dragon Jewel: that it contains two tiny dragons which are carrying a deadly virus that can wipe out dragonkind if the jewel is cracked. However, Hiccup's jewel doesn't have the dragons, meaning that it is a fake. This means that Hiccup will have to defeat the Dragon Furious with might alone. Hiccup rides the Windwalker, accompanied by Toothless and the Wodensfang, into battle and is knocked off the Windwalker's back by Furious. As Furious prepares to kill Hiccup, Hiccup remembers a speech Furious gave at the beginning of battle, where he talks about how Hiccup was the new Grimbeard and would be a cruel king. Furious cites how Hiccup has the king's things and the lobster necklace, which Fishlegs gave him for luck. Hiccup deduces that the necklace was also Grimbeards, and so gets Toothless to crack open the necklace with his jaws, revealing the real Dragon Jewel. Hiccup threatens Furious with the jewel and talks to him, reaching a peace agreement. Once the agreement has been reached, Hiccup throws the jewel into the sea. However, before the agreement can be made, Alvin and the Witch attack Furious, thus violating the laws of single combat. Furious gets the dragon army to attack and so soon there is an all-out Vikings vs. Dragons battle. Meanwhile, Camicazi and Fishlegs capture and detain Alvin, who reveals that he found the necklace in Grimbeard's tomb and gave it to a princess as a present while masquerading as a fisherman, which means that Alvin is Fishlegs' father. After telling this, Alvin prepares to kill Fishlegs before the Dragon Guardians intervene and kill him. Hiccup convinces Furious to call off the attack once more and are once again about to reach a peace agreement when the Witch attacks Hiccup with the Stormblade. Furious intervenes and kills the Witch, then completes the treaty and makes himself and Hiccup blood brothers. However, the Stormblade was poisoned and so Furious leaves his command of the dragons to Luna, his second-in-command, and goes out to sea to die. The epilogue shows how Hiccup built a new kingdom of harmony on Tomorrow where humans and dragons could live in peace, but also had humans domesticate horses and hawks so that he can fulfill his promise which stated that if humans didn't change by the time he died, dragons would have to go into hibernation. Hiccup also instructed Fishlegs to perpetuate that the whole story was just a myth.", "Mid-Autumn Festival Aside from the story of Chang'e (Vietnamese: Hằng Nga), there are two other popular folktales associated with the festival. The first describes the legend of Cuội, whose wife accidentally urinated on a sacred banyan tree. The tree began to float towards the moon, and Cuội, trying to pull it back down to earth, floated to the moon with it, leaving him stranded there. Every year, during the Mid-Autumn Festival, children light lanterns and participate in a procession to show Cuội the way back to Earth.[25] The other tale involves a carp who wanted to become a dragon, and as a result, worked hard throughout the year until he was able to transform himself into a dragon.[9]", "Boracay Dragon boat races are held annually on Boracay under the auspices of the Philippine Dragon Boat Federation, with teams coming from around the Philippines and from other Asian nations to compete. The races usually take place sometime in April or May. The 2012 Boracay Edition of the PDBF International Club Crew Challenge to is scheduled for April 26–28, 2012.[49]", "The Amazing Race 11 The Detour was a choice between Noodle or Dragon. In Noodle, teams had travel to the factory of Fábrica de Sopa de Fita Weng Kei inside Edificio Fabril Veng Kin, choose a noodle making station, and use traditional methods to flatten and cut dough into two bundles of Chinese noodles. Teams must do it properly to receive their next clue. In Dragon, teams had to travel to a warehouse, obtain a dragon head and drum, and carry them three-quarters of a mile (1.2 km) to the harbor at Nam Van Lake. There, they had to attach the dragon head to a matching dragon boat and deliver the drum to the boat's master to receive their next clue.", "Chinese dragon There are a number of places in China called \"Nine Dragons\", the most famous being Kowloon (in Cantonese) in Hong Kong. The part of the Mekong in Vietnam is known as Cửu Long, with the same meaning.", "Dragon dance A number of dragon dance competitions have been organized around the world. In competition performances however, there are strict rules governing the specifications of the dragon body and the routine performed, and so dragons made for these events and what are mostly seen in the impressive stage shows are made for speed and agility, to be used by the performing team for maximum trick difficulty. In these dragons, the head is smaller and light enough to be whipped around, and must be a minimum of 3 kg, the body pieces are a light aluminium with cane and the majority of the hoops will be very thin PVC tubing. Performances are typically 8- to 10-minute routines with an accompanying percussion set.", "Dungeons & Dragons gameplay In the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game, game mechanics and die rolls determine much of what happens. These mechanics include:", "What Do You Mean? \"What Do You Mean?\" is a song recorded by Canadian singer Justin Bieber for his fourth studio album Purpose (2015). The song was released on August 28, 2015, as the album's lead single by Def Jam. Written by Bieber, Jason \"Poo Bear\" Boyd and Mason Levy, the song was produced by MdL and co-produced by Bieber. \"What Do You Mean?\" is a pop and tropical house song, with its instrumentation consisting in light flourishes of panpipes, looped vocal samples, piano chords, fervent synths, bass and \"slick beat\" elements with the sound of a clock ticking, while Bieber uses a smooth, soulful vocal. Lyrically, \"What Do You Mean?\" talks about not being able to figure out the opposite sex with Bieber asking a girl why her body language is conflicting with her words.", "Japanese festivals One can always find in the vicinity of a matsuri booths selling souvenirs and food such as takoyaki, and games, such as Goldfish scooping. Karaoke contests, sumo matches, and other forms of entertainment are often organized in conjunction with matsuri. If the festival is next to a lake, renting a boat is also an attraction.", "Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods The March 2013 issue of V Jump revealed that Beerus would appear in the Dragon Ball Heroes arcade game as a boss battle,[15] and subsequently in its Nintendo 3DS version titled Dragon Ball Heroes: Ultimate Mission. It also announced the Dragon Ball Z Festival at Toei Kyoto Studio Park from March 16 to September 8 in celebration of Battle of the Gods.[15] Starting on March 30, Beerus appeared in the Dragon Ball arcade game Zenkai Battle Royale. Beerus, Whis, and Goku's Super Saiyan God form are all playable characters in the video game Battle of Z.[34]", "List of Rugrats episodes The gang attends a medieval festival, where they deal with a robotic dragon controlled by Stu.", "List of festivals in Nepal This entirely Newar festival is held on the 1st day of Bhadon. Newars who have lost loved ones during the year traditionally disguised themselves as cows and danced around the palace of the king. However, in modern times, the ceremony is performed only as a masked dance with the singing of songs. Gaijatra, the festival of cows, (gai means cow and jatra means festival in Nepali: गाईजात्रा, and Nepal Bhasa: सापारु) is celebrated in Nepal, mainly in Kathmandu valley by the Newar and Tharu community. It is also a grand festival in Jumla, celebrated by people of all caste . The festival commemorates the death of people during the year. During the festival, cows are marched in the streets and generally celebrated in the Nepalese month of Bhadra (August–September).", "List of festivals in Nepal Traditionally on the 15th of Chait, all horses and ponies belonging to government servants were assembled at the grand parade ground and entered into a race in front of the king and top officials who are stationed around a central monument. The monument bore Sir Jang Bahadur's statue. After the event, gambling is allowed for two days and nights and the festival ends with an illumination of the monument. In 1875, Bahadur's statue and four dragon monuments were moved into a newly built temple in his honor, hence the location of the festival moved.", "What Do You Mean? \"What Do You Mean?\" was written by Justin Bieber, Jason \"Poo Bear\" Boyd and Mason Levy.[8] It was produced by MdL and co-produced by Bieber. It was initially speculated by the media that Skrillex produced \"What Do You Mean?\". However, a spokesperson for Bieber confirmed in an interview for Rolling Stone that the song was produced by Bieber, and MdL who had previously collaborated with the singer on his single \"Boyfriend\" (2012).[9] Written in the key of Aâ™­ major, it has an upbeat tempo of 125 beats per minute. Bieber's vocal range spans from the low-note of F3 to the high note of G5.[10] It is a pop[11] and tropical house song.[12][13][14]", "Skylanders Academy In the world of Skylands, Spyro the Dragon, Stealth Elf, and Eruptor are new graduates at Skylanders Academy. Under the teachings of Master Eon and Jet-Vac, the three of them will learn what it means to be a Skylander while fighting the evil Kaos and other villains of Skylands.", "Glastonbury Festival In 1985, the festival grew too large for Worthy Farm, but neighbouring Cockmill Farm was purchased.[22] That year saw a wet festival with considerable rain; Worthy Farm is a dairy farm and what washed down into the low areas was a mixture of mud and liquefied cow dung. This did not prevent festival-goers from enjoying the knee-deep slurry in front of the pyramid stage.", "Meaning of life Logical positivists ask: \"What is the meaning of life?\", \"What is the meaning in asking?\"[89][90] and \"If there are no objective values, then, is life meaningless?\"[91] Ludwig Wittgenstein and the logical positivists said:[citation needed] \"Expressed in language, the question is meaningless\"; because, in life the statement the \"meaning of x\", usually denotes the consequences of x, or the significance of x, or what is notable about x, etc., thus, when the meaning of life concept equals \"x\", in the statement the \"meaning of x\", the statement becomes recursive, and, therefore, nonsensical, or it might refer to the fact that biological life is essential to having a meaning in life.", "How to Train Your Dragon The third in the series starts during a Boarding-An-Enemy-Ship Lesson. Gobber explains to his students that they will practice on the easy target of a Peaceable fishing boat. Gobber warns his students not to leave the bay, or else they might have an encounter with Sharkworms. Snotlout and Dogsbreath ram their ship at Hiccup and Fishlegs' ship (the Hopeful Puffin) and the ship loses course and they get lost. Fishlegs cannot see through the fog, and mistakes a Roman ship for a Peaceable fishing boat, and the two are attacked by the Romans. While on board, Hiccup listens in on two men (the Fat Consul and the Thin Prefect) discussing their plan to steal all the dragons in the Inner Isles. Their plan was to kidnap the heirs to Bog-Burglars and Hairy Hooligans, with each kidnapping squad disguised as the other tribe, so each tribe would accuse the other of kidnapping, and while they were arguing, the Romans would be free to capture all the dragons in the Inner Isles.", "Reading and Leeds Festivals The festivals are run by Festival Republic, which was divested from Mean Fiddler Music Group.[1] From 1998–2007 the festivals were known as the Carling Weekend: Reading and the Carling Weekend: Leeds for promotional purposes. In November 2007 the sponsored title was abolished after nine years and the Reading Festival reclaimed its original name.[2] \nIn 2011, the capacity of the Reading site was 87,000,[3] and the Leeds site was 75,000,[4] an increase of several thousand on previous years.[5]", "The Boat Race Moved from the original festivities by the stone in Mortlake, these are therefore at the clubhouse by Grove Park, Chiswick, west of the bridge. Nonetheless the arms of the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames, covering more than half of the Surrey bank, has two griffin supporters that hold oars, one light blue, one dark, in reference to the Boat Race, colours which are 'later tinctures' in English heraldry.", "Chessington World of Adventures Land of the Dragons is the park's main children's area.[17] Opening in 2004, it is a self-contained, dragon-themed land containing rides and attractions designed to appeal to very young children. It is the only area of the park not themed to a time or place from world culture. There are two play areas in the land: Dragon's Playhouse, a large soft play area, and adjacent to this is Canopy Capers, an outdoor treehouse rope bridge attraction. Griffin's Galleon is a Kontiki rock'n'tug ride and Sea Dragons in a spinning boat ride from Mack Rides.", "Boat As the forests of Britain and Europe continued to be over-harvested to supply the keels of larger wooden boats, and the Bessemer process (patented in 1855) cheapened the cost of steel, steel ships and boats began to be more common. By the 1930s boats built entirely of steel from frames to plating were seen replacing wooden boats in many industrial uses and fishing fleets. Private recreational boats of steel remain uncommon. In 1895 WH Mullins produced steel boats of galvanized iron and by 1930 became the world's largest producer of pleasure boats.", "If You Know What I Mean \"If You Know What I Mean\" is a song written and recorded by Neil Diamond. The song is a track from Diamond's 1976 album, Beautiful Noise, and was Diamond's third number one on the Easy Listening chart, where it spent two weeks. \"If You Know What I Mean\" went to number one for two nonconsecutive weeks and peaked at number eleven on the Billboard Hot 100.[1] In Canada, the song reached number 19 on the pop singles chart[2] and hit number one on the Adult Contemporary chart.[3]", "The dragon (Beowulf) The Beowulf dragon is the earliest example in literature of the typical European dragon and first incidence of a fire-breathing dragon.[10] The Beowulf dragon is described with Old English terms such as draca (dragon), and wyrm (reptile, or serpent), and as a creature with a venomous bite.[11] Also, the Beowulf poet created a dragon with specific traits: a nocturnal, treasure-hoarding, inquisitive, vengeful, fire-breathing creature.[12]", "Hạ Long Bay The name Ha Long means \"descending dragon\".", "What Do You Mean? After releasing \"Where Are Ü Now\" with Skrillex and Diplo for their project Jack Ü and achieving worldwide success and acclaim with it, Bieber announced \"What Do You Mean?\" as the first single from his then-upcoming album on July 28, 2015 on On Air With Ryan Seacrest.[1] While he was there, his manager, Scooter Braun, made Seacrest a promotional sign for the single to hold and suggested he should put the photo on his Instagram account. To further promote the song's release, Braun contacted several celebrities who started counting down the days until the release,[2] among them Mariah Carey, Ed Sheeran, Ariana Grande, Big Sean, Alanis Morissette, Meghan Trainor, Britney Spears, Hilary Duff, Little Mix, Chris Martin, Carly Rae Jepsen, and many others.[3] During an interview with Ryan Seacrest, he described it as \"fun\", \"summery\", and \"amazing.\" Regarding its lyrics he commented: \"Well, girls are often just flip-floppy. They say something and they mean something else. So … what do you mean? I don’t really know, that’s why I’m asking.\" Later, on August 19, 2015, Bieber direct-messaged different lyrics from the song to 49 randomly selected Twitter followers.[1] As explained by Billboard's Jason Lipshutz, \"Each message included a clock animation with a different time that corresponded to the lyric’s placement in the song, and Beliebers spent Wednesday collectively piecing together the upcoming single’s lyrics in order.\"[2] On August 5, 2015, Bieber presented the song to radio professionals at an iHeartMedia event.[4]", "Chinese dragon Dragons similar to the Chinese dragon:", "Flag of Wales The flag of Wales (Welsh: Baner Cymru or Y Ddraig Goch, meaning the red dragon) consists of a red dragon passant on a green and white field. As with many heraldic charges, the exact representation of the dragon is not standardised and many renderings exist.", "DreamWorks Dragons Taking place between How to Train Your Dragon and How to Train Your Dragon 2, DreamWorks Dragons follows Hiccup as he tries to keep balance within the new cohabitation of Dragons and Vikings. Alongside keeping up with Berk's newest installment—A Dragon Training Academy—Hiccup, Toothless, and the rest of the Viking Teens are put to the test when they are faced with new worlds harsher than Berk, new dragons that can't all be trained, and new enemies who are looking for every reason to destroy the harmony between Vikings and Dragons altogether.", "Festival Among the many offspring of general arts festivals are also more specific types of festivals, including ones that showcase intellectual or creative achievement such as science festivals, literary festivals and music festivals.[15] Sub-categories include comedy festivals, rock festivals, jazz festivals and buskers festivals; poetry festivals,[16] theatre festivals, and storytelling festivals; and re-enactment festivals such as Renaissance fairs.", "Assumed mean and so on. We are left with a sum of −30. The average of these 15 deviations from the assumed mean is therefore −30/15 = −2. Therefore, that is what we need to add to the assumed mean to get the correct mean:", "Meaning of life The meaning of life, or the answer to the question \"What is the meaning of life?\", pertains to the significance of living or existence in general. Many other related questions include \"Why are we here?\", \"What is life all about?\", or \"What is the purpose of existence?\" There have been a large number of proposed answers to these questions from many different cultural and ideological backgrounds. The search for life's meaning has produced much philosophical, scientific, theological, and metaphysical speculation throughout history. Different people and cultures believe different things for the answer to this question.", "Dragon Tales Dragon Land is the fantasy world where the majority of the show takes place. It is home to numerous colorful, anthropomorphic dragons and many other fantastical creatures. Max and Emmy travel to Dragon Land by holding an enchanted dragon scale while reciting the rhyme: \"I wish, I wish, with all my heart, to fly with dragons in a land apart.\" The scale then teleports them to Dragon Land. It appears that it does not matter who does or does not say the rhyme, as long as at least one person says it; whoever is holding the dragon scale while they say the rhyme will be teleported with them. Returning home from Dragon Land is done in the same fashion, although no dragon scale is needed. The rhyme is: \"I wish, I wish, to use this rhyme, to go back home until next time.\" The person reciting the rhyme, as well as all those holding their hand, will be transported back to where the reciter said the rhyme that took them to Dragon Land.", "Dragon Tales In 2001, Mott's ran a five-month Dragon Tales promotion with its apple juice packs. Dragon Tales character stickers were offered on 50 million packs. Additionally, 20 million bottles offered an instant win game with the top prize as a Dragon Tales themed party with the pink dragon Cassie and an additional 10,000 prizes of Dragon Tales books.[44]", "Boat Boats can be propelled by manpower (e.g. rowboats and paddle boats), wind (e.g. sailboats), and motor (both gasoline and diesel fueled).", "The dragon (Beowulf) Beowulf is the oldest extant heroic poem in English literature and the first to present a dragon slayer. The legend of the dragonslayer already existed in Norse sagas such as the tale of Sigurd and Fafnir, and the Beowulf poet incorporates motifs and themes common to dragon-lore in the poem.[2] Beowulf is the earliest surviving piece of Anglo-Saxon literature to feature a dragon, and it is possible that the poet had access to similar stories from Germanic legend.[3] Secular Germanic literature and the literature of Christian hagiography featured dragons and dragon fights.[4] Although the dragons of hagiography were less fierce than the dragon in Beowulf, similarities exist in the stories such as presenting the journey to the dragon's lair, cowering spectators, and the sending of messages relaying the outcome of the fight.[5]", "Dragon dance The dragon dance is often performed during Chinese New Year. Chinese dragons are a symbol of China's culture, and they are believed to bring good luck to people, therefore the longer the dragon in the dance, the more luck it will bring to the community.[1] The dragons are believed to possess qualities that include great power, dignity, fertility, wisdom and auspiciousness. The appearance of a dragon is both fearsome and bold but it has a benevolent disposition, and it was an emblem to represent imperial authority. The movements in a performance traditionally symbolize historical roles of dragons demonstrating power and dignity.", "Dragon dance Aside from the popular form of dragon dance, other regional dragon dances include one from Zhanjiang, Guangdong province whereby the body of the dragon is formed entirely of a human chain of dozens to hundreds of performers, and in Pujiang County, Zhejiang Province, the body of the dragon is formed using wooden stools.[1][19] The number of different dragon dances has been put at over 700.[20]", "Pompano Beach, Florida Pompano Beach holds several annual events including the Pompano Beach Seafood Festival, St. Patrick's Irish Festival, St. Coleman's Italian Festival, the Pompano Beach Holiday Boat Parade, The Holiday Yuletide Parade and the Annual Nautical Flea Market at Pompano Community Park & Amphitheater.[1]", "DreamWorks Dragons A 3D Unity-based in-browser game, titled Dragons: Wild Skies, was launched on August 27, 2012, on CartoonNetwork.com.[32] Players will go through a tutorial with Hiccup, and train a Deadly Nadder, before being able to free roam around the several islands in the Barbaric Archipelago, with dragons scattered around them. The player can choose to be a blonde/brunette male or female Viking, before setting off to explore the islands. To train a dragon, players must feed the dragons correct food before doing correct gestures to gain the dragon's trust. In the game, players do not die or otherwise fail. Players complete challenges to earn gold for buying tools to obtain food for training dragons. The overworld consists of six islands, each with a unique dragon to tame. The number of dragons and worlds to explore is set to expand over time, as the series introduces more and more places and dragons...[33]", "Dragon Quest VII The English language localization of Dragon Warrior VII began directly after the game's Japanese release. Enix of America was tasked with translating over 70,000 pages of text via 20 translators and 5 copy editors.[13] No effort was made to edit or censor the context of the Japanese script.[13] Weeks prior to the game's US release, Enix released new information about the game's different mechanics on their website weekly to introduce players to the game.[10] Paul Handelman, president of Enix America, commented on the game that \"All the talk this month about new systems with the latest technological wizardry doesn't diminish the fact that at the end of the day, compelling game play is what it's all about, and Dragon Warrior VII provides just that.\"[21] Dragon Warrior VII was released in the US on November 1, 2001 and was the last game in the series to have Warrior in its title instead of Quest. In 2003, Square Enix registered the Dragon Quest trademark in the US, with the intent to retire the Dragon Warrior name. Soon after the game's release, developer Heartbeat went on hiatus. Justin Lucas, product manager of Enix America, commented on the hiatus, saying that the developer merely \"worked their tails off on Dragon Warrior 7 and Dragon Warrior 4. They decided to take a sabbatical for a while and rest up\", noting that it had nothing to do with the game's US sales.[22]", "Chinese New Year Many celebrate the festival in Chinatown, Kolkata, India where a significant community of people of Chinese origin exists. In Kolkata, Chinese New Year is celebrated with lion and dragon dance.", "Chinese dragon With the addition of the Yellow Dragon of the Center to Azure Dragon of the East, these Vermilion, White, and Black Dragons coordinate with the Four Symbols, including the Vermilion Bird of the South, White Tiger of the West, and Black Tortoise of the North.", "Dragon Soul \"Dragon Soul\" is the seventh single by Japanese singer Takayoshi Tanimoto. He performed the song with guitarist and composer Takafumi Iwasaki as part of a special unit also called \"Dragon Soul\". It was released on CD on May 20, 2009, as both a regular and limited edition; the limited edition included a Dragon Ball Kai Dragon Battlers trading card game card.[1][2] The song was used as the opening theme of the Dragon Ball Kai anime.", "Boat Until the mid-19th century most boats were made of natural materials, primarily wood, although reed, bark and animal skins were also used. Early boats include the bound-reed style of boat seen in Ancient Egypt, the birch bark canoe, the animal hide-covered kayak[18] and coracle and the dugout canoe made from a single log.", "Boat A wooden boat in Morocco", "Komodo dragon As with other varanids, Komodo dragons have only a single ear bone, the stapes, for transferring vibrations from the tympanic membrane to the cochlea. This arrangement means they are likely restricted to sounds in the 400 to 2,000 hertz range, compared to humans who hear between 20 and 20,000 hertz.[11][28] It was formerly thought to be deaf when a study reported no agitation in wild Komodo dragons in response to whispers, raised voices, or shouts. This was disputed when London Zoological Garden employee Joan Proctor trained a captive specimen to come out to feed at the sound of her voice, even when she could not be seen.[29]", "Meaning of life In The Simpsons episode \"Homer the Heretic\", a representation of God agrees to tell Homer what the meaning of life is, but the show's credits begin to roll just as he starts to say what it is.[151]", "How to Train Your Dragon The witch then tells Hiccup how Grimbeard the Ghastly had three kids, Thugheart, Chucklehead and Hiccup Horrendous Haddock II. Grimbeard tried to kill the second Hiccup by leaving him in the mountainside, upsetting his wife who left to look for the second Hiccup. Meanwhile, the second Hiccup was adopted by Grimler dragons and learned to speak Dragonese, but was found by Hooligans, and he and his adopted step dragon brother, a Seadragonus Giganticus Maximus named Furious, lived with Grimbeard. One day, Hiccup wanted to hold a petition for the dragons to demand freedom. However, Thugheart tricked Grimbeard into thinking that it was an attack and Grimbeard killed Hiccup, but soon he realizes that Hiccup just wanted a peaceful petition, and regrets his actions and buried his treasures and left in his boat(Furious took the second Hiccup's corpse away). The witch guesses Hiccup's correct name, and Hiccup guesses that the witch is Alvin the Treacherous's mother, both being correct. Hiccup then escapes by using a key that had been in Toothless' belly to unlock the door to the cell and rescues Camicazi and they return to the Berserk Village. Hiccup goes back into his cage just as the feeding of \"the Beast\" begins. Alvin, surprised that Hiccup has returned, chooses Hiccup to be fed to \"the Beast\" first. Hiccup realizes that \"the Beast\" is actually the \"Dragon Furious\". After realizing that Hiccup is a descendant of a boy he loved, he swears a \"cross my heart and hope to die\" oath (this is an oath that any dragon cannot break) if Hiccup sets him free. The oath was that the Dragon Furious will help free the prisoners on the island and never harm humans. Hiccup realizes that the key he has can free the Dragon Furious and they free the thirteen fiancés and cause chaos in the village. The Dragon Furious, however, then reveals that he only has HALF A HEART; therefore he can obey a part of the oath and ignore the other (the Dragon Furious picked the first part, obviously). He sets fire to the Berserk woods and tells Hiccup that a year after he leaves the Archipelago, he shall return to destroy the humans along with a dragon army (The Dragon Furious really hates humans). Hiccup, Camicazi, Fishlegs, Toothless, the Windwalker and the Chickenpoxer return to Berk along with the honey.", "Boat Anchored boats in Portovenere, Italy", "Boat Injection-molded plastic boat", "Chinese dragon Chinese dragons were considered to be physically concise. Of the 117 scales, 81 are of the yang essence (positive) while 36 are of the yin essence (negative). Initially, the dragon was benevolent, wise, and just, but the Buddhists introduced the concept of malevolent influence among some dragons. Just as water destroys, they said, so can some dragons destroy via floods, tidal waves, and storms. They suggested that some of the worst floods were believed to have been the result of a mortal upsetting a dragon.", "Komodo dragon The evolutionary development of the Komodo dragon started with the genus Varanus, which originated in Asia about 40 million years ago and migrated to Australia, where it evolved into giant forms (the largest of all being the recently extinct Megalania), helped by the absence of competing placental carnivorans. Around 15 million years ago, a collision between Australia and Southeast Asia allowed these larger varanids to move back into what is now the Indonesian archipelago, extending their range as far east as the island of Timor. The Komodo dragon was believed to have differentiated from its Australian ancestors 4 million years ago. However, recent fossil evidence from Queensland suggests the Komodo dragon actually evolved in Australia before spreading to Indonesia.[1][21] Dramatic lowering of sea level during the last glacial period uncovered extensive stretches of continental shelf that the Komodo dragon colonised, becoming isolated in their present island range as sea levels rose afterwards.[1][11] Extinct Pliocene species of similar size to the modern Komodo dragon, such as Varanus sivalensis, have been found in Eurasia as well, indicating that they fared well even in environments containing competition such as mammalian carnivores until the climate change and extinction events that marked the beginning of the Pleistocene.[22]", "Boat Boats can be categorized into three main types:", "Chinese dragon The coiled dragon or snake form played an important role in early Chinese culture. The character for \"dragon\" in the earliest Chinese writing has a similar coiled form, as do later jade dragon amulets from the Shang period.[12]", "Taiji, Wakayama Taiji's summer festival is called the Taiji Isana Festival that is held annually on 14 August.[17] Isana is an old Japanese word for whales. Its annual autumn festival is the Taiji Kujira Matsuri (\"Taiji Whale Festival\"), held on the first Sunday of November. Both festivals are heavily whale-themed and the attractions include the Kujira Odori (\"whale dance\") and the Kujira Daiko (\"whale drumming\"). The Kujira Odori is a traditional dance that whalers performed in the past to celebrate a good catch. This dance is unique, as the dancers only move their upper bodies as they dance sitting in whaling boats. It is identified as intangible cultural heritage by Wakayama Prefecture.[18] The Kujira Daiko is also traditional and its performance describes a battle between a large whale and small whaling boats.", "The dragon (Beowulf) In From Homer to Harry Potter: A Handbook on Myth and Fantasy, Matthew Dickerson and David O'Hara argue that the Beowulf poet added the figure of the dragon to \"the pot...that is ladeled out of by most modern fantasy writers\"; they argued that both numerous works with villainous dragons, as well as literature with benign dragons like the My Father's Dragon books and the Pern series by Anne McCaffrey, were influenced by Beowulf's dragon. Dickerson and O'Hara further elaborated that through its dragon, Beowulf turned the \"notion of having a monstrous evil (and not mere human foes) as the enemy\" into \"a hallmark of modern fantasy\" present in C. S. Lewis' Narnia books, Ursula K. Le Guin's Earthsea books, and the Thomas Covenant series by Stephen Donaldson.[46] J. R. R. Tolkien used the dragon story of Beowulf as a template for Smaug of The Hobbit; in each case, the dragon awakens upon the hoard being disturbed by one stealing a chalice and goes into a wrathful rampage until slain by another person.[47] Aia Hussein of the National Endowment for the Humanities has written that the fight between Harry Potter and the Hungarian Horntail in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2000) by J. K. Rowling was influenced by the confrontation between the dragon and the title character in Beowulf.[48] James Parker of The Atlantic saw similarities between the dragon in Beowulf and the dragons in Game of Thrones (2011–present).[45]", "Dragons' Den (UK TV series) Contestants have what they perceive to be a viable and potentially profitable business idea but lack funding, or are already operating their business but need additional funds for promotion or expansion. As part of their opening pitch, they are required to specify the amount of money they require from the Dragons. The rules stipulate that if they do not raise at least this amount from one or more Dragons, then they would leave with nothing. In exchange for the investment, the contestants offer equity in their business, the percentage of which is also stipulated at the beginning of the pitch. If the Dragons see potential in the business idea or product, negotiations then take place around the amount of equity on offer, with the contestant having the opportunity to negotiate further, accept any offers, or simply walk away. Dragons can also offer a percentage of the money requested if they do not wish to commit the full amount, leaving the other Dragons free to do the same. This can lead to the contestant receiving the financial backing of more than one Dragon, with the benefit of a broader range of expertise. However, for this to occur, the contestant usually has to agree to relinquish a larger share in their business than they had first planned.", "Boat A boat in an Egyptian tomb, painted around 1450 BC", "Chinese dragon One such early form was the pig dragon. It is a coiled, elongated creature with a head resembling a boar.[24] The character for \"dragon\" in the earliest Chinese writing has a similar coiled form, as do later jade dragon amulets from the Shang dynasty.", "The dragon (Beowulf) Beowulf's fight with the dragon has been described variously as an act of either altruism[19] or recklessness.[20] In contrast with the previous battles, the fight with the dragon occurs in Beowulf's kingdom and ends in defeat, whereas Beowulf fought the other monsters victoriously in a land distant from his home. The dragon fight is foreshadowed with earlier events: Scyld Shefing's funeral and Sigmund's death by dragon, as recounted by a bard in Hrothgar's hall. Beowulf scholar Alexander writes that the dragon fight likely signifies Beowulf's (and by extension, society's) battle against evil.[21] The people's fate depend on the outcome of the fight between the hero and the dragon, and, as a hero, Beowulf must knowingly face death.[22]", "Chinese dragon Chinese dragons are strongly associated with water and weather in popular religion. They are believed to be the rulers of moving bodies of water, such as waterfalls, rivers, or seas. The Dragon God is the dispenser of rain as well as the zoomorphic representation of the yang masculine power of generation.[18] In this capacity as the rulers of water and weather, the dragon is more anthropomorphic in form, often depicted as a humanoid, dressed in a king's costume, but with a dragon head wearing a king's headdress.", "Mid-Autumn Festival In Cambodia, the Mid-Autumn Festival is primarily celebrated by the Chinese Cambodian community however the day also has a significant meaning to the native Khmer people as the day is associated with the Buddhist legend of the rabbit.[31][32][33]", "Chinese dragon The binomial name for a variety of dinosaurs discovered in China, Mei long, in Chinese (寐 mèi and 龙 lóng) means \"sleeping dragon.\" Fossilized remains of Mei long have been found in China in a sleeping and coiled form, with the dinosaur nestling its snout beneath one of its forelimbs while encircling its tail around its entire body.[15]", "Dayton Dragons Radio: All Dragons home and road games are broadcast on radio on 980 WONE, with Tom Nichols as the lead broadcaster. The broadcasts are also available via the internet at daytondragons.com and wone.com and on mobile devices via the Dragons mobile app. Dragons radio broadcasts moved to WONE starting with the 2011 season after Dragons games aired on WING 1410 AM from 2003-2010 and on WHIO 1290 AM from 2000-2002. Nichols has served as the Dragons Director of Broadcasting and lead play-by-play announcer since the 2008 season. Mike Vander Woude was the team's primary broadcaster from 2000-2007. All home and road games have been scheduled for broadcast throughout the Dragons history.", "Dragon dance In more recent times, luminous dragons whereby the dragons are painted with luminous paints that fluoresce under black light are also used in competition.", "Festival Many festivals have religious origins and entwine cultural and religious significance in traditional activities. The most important religious festivals such as Christmas, Rosh Hashanah, Diwali, and Eid al-Adha serve to mark out the year. Others, such as harvest festivals, celebrate seasonal change. Events of historical significance, such as important military victories or other nation-building events also provide the impetus for a festival. An early example is the festival established by Ancient Egyptian Pharaoh Rameses III celebrating his victory over the Libyans.[9] In many countries, royal holidays commemorate dynastic events just as agricultural holidays are about harvests. Festivals are often commemorated annually.", "Festival A food festival is an event celebrating food or drink. These often highlight the output of producers from a certain region. Some food festivals are focused on a particular item of food, such as the National Peanut Festival in the United States, or the Galway International Oyster Festival in Ireland. There are also specific beverage festivals, such as the famous Oktoberfest in Germany for beer. Many countries hold festivals to celebrate wine. One example is the global celebration of the arrival of Beaujolais nouveau, which involves shipping the new wine around the world for its release date on the third Thursday of November each year.[17][18] Both Beaujolais nouveau and the Japanese rice wine sake are associated with harvest time.", "Boat positions Boats that are bow coxed rely on communication between the bowman and the cox - as the cox cannot see boats coming up from behind. Bowmen tend to be the smallest of the rowers in the boat.", "Boat Ming Dynasty Chinese painting of the Wanli Emperor enjoying a boat ride on a river with an entourage of guards and courtiers", "Dragons' Den (UK TV series) Dragons' Den: On Tour was a series of five episodes which aired between 6 September and 7 October 2009. Each episode follows the Dragons (James Caan, Deborah Meaden, Peter Jones, Theo Paphitis and Duncan Bannatyne) as they travel by bus around the United Kingdom to find out what some of the budding entrepreneurs who had appeared on the show have been up to since, including success stories, awful failures, and some very obvious missed opportunities.", "Mid-Autumn Festival A unique tradition is celebrated quite exclusively in the island city of Xiamen. On the festival, families and friends gather to play a gambling sort of game involving 6 dice. People take turns in rolling the dice in a ceramic bowl with the results determining what they win. The number 4 is mainly what determines how big the prize is.[23]", "Chinese dragon Chinese dragons or East Asian dragons are legendary creatures in Chinese mythology, Chinese folklore, and East Asian culture at large. East Asian dragons have many animal-like forms such as turtles and fish, but are most commonly depicted as snake-like with four legs. They traditionally symbolize potent and auspicious powers, particularly control over water, rainfall, typhoons, and floods. The dragon is also a symbol of power, strength, and good luck for people who are worthy of it in East Asian culture. During the days of Imperial China, the Emperor of China usually used the dragon as a symbol of his imperial power and strength.[1]", "Dragon Quest VIII Dragon Quest VIII was the first game in the series to bear the Dragon Quest name (rather than Dragon Warrior) in North America.[17] Dragon Quest's North American name had been changed due to a trademark conflict with the pen-and-paper role-playing game DragonQuest, published by wargame publisher Simulation Publications in the 1980s, until the company's bankruptcy in 1982 and purchase by TSR, Inc., which then published it as an alternate line to Dungeons & Dragons until 1987.[22] In 2003, Square Enix registered the Dragon Quest trademark in the US, making the Dragon Warrior name obsolete. As this installment of the series was the first after 2003 to be released outside Japan, it was the first to receive the Quest in its title.[23]", "What Do You Mean? On the chart dated December 5, 2015, after the release of Purpose, the song ascended from 6 to 5 on the Hot 100. That week, Bieber's \"Sorry\" and \"Love Yourself\" (a track from Purpose, which debuted on the chart, after selling 140,000 downloads) were at number two and four, respectively, which made the singer be only the third artist to have three singles inside the chart's top five (the others being The Beatles in 1964 and 50 Cent in 2005). Additionally, the same week, Bieber had 17 songs on the Hot 100 simultaneously, breaking the record previously held by The Beatles and Drake.[40] On the chart dated 6 February 2016, the song spent a 21st consecutive week inside the Hot 100's top ten, tying with Nicki Minaj's \"Starships\" and Maroon 5's \"Sugar\" for the most weeks a song has logged in the Hot 100's top 10 from its debut.[41] The record was surpassed later by Bieber's \"Love Yourself\", which spent 23 consecutive weeks in the top ten since its debut.[42] As of February 2016, \"What Do You Mean?\" has sold over 1,600,000 copies in the United States.[43]", "Dragon Ball The Dragon Ball manga has been adapted into two anime series produced by Toei Animation: Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z, which together were broadcast in Japan from 1986 to 1996. Additionally, the studio has developed 19 animated feature films and three television specials, as well as two anime sequel series titled Dragon Ball GT (1996–1997) and Dragon Ball Super (2015–2018). From 2009 to 2015, a revised, faster-paced version of Dragon Ball Z aired in Japan under the title Dragon Ball Kai, in which most of the original version's \"filler\" material is removed. Several companies have developed various types of merchandising based on the series leading to a large media franchise that includes films, both animated and live-action, collectible trading card games, numerous action figures, along with several collections of soundtracks and a large number of video games. As of January 2012, the franchise generated $5 billion in merchandise,[1] making Dragon Ball one of the most merchandisable anime based media franchises of all time.", "Tall Stacks The first Tall Stacks festival was held in October 1988 as a part of Cincinnati's bicentennial celebration. Fourteen riverboats made appearances in the three-day festival, which included tours of the boats, cruises, and races between rivals Delta Queen and Belle of Louisville—a renewal of their annual race during the Kentucky Derby Festival in Louisville, Kentucky. More than 700,000 people attended." ]
who is edmund on days of our lives
[ "Susan Banks Kristen's attempt to force Susan into giving the child back ends with the death of Susan's identical sister, Penelope Kent. Fearing she'll be charged with murder, Kristen pretends to be Susan and is forced to marry Susan's boyfriend, Edmund Crumb (Adam Caine).[24] In the meantime, \"Susan\" and Edmund go on a honeymoon and Laura is arrested for Kristen's murder.[20] Edmund admits to Kristen's \"murder\" and they soon run into the real Susan who explains that Kristen sold her into a harem; it is then revealed that the dead person was Susan's other sibling, Penelope Kent. To get revenge against Kristen, Susan exchanges her freedom for Kristen to be sold to the harem.[25][26]" ]
[ "Days of Our Lives Almost unmodified since the show's debut in 1965, the title sequence of Days of Our Lives features an hourglass, with sand slowly trickling to the bottom against the backdrop of a partly cloudy sky,[116] as well as the trademark voiceover, \"Like sands through the hourglass, so are the Days of Our Lives.\" From the show's debut in 1965 until March 1966, announcer Ed Prentiss spoke the phrase, adding \"Days of Our Lives, a new dramatic serial starring Macdonald Carey.\"[116] Since April 1966, the voice has been that of Macdonald Carey, who played Dr. Thomas Horton from the show's premiere until the actor's 1994 death from lung cancer.[117] From 1966 to 1994, he would add \"This is Macdonald Carey, and these are the Days of Our Lives.\" After Carey's death in 1994, this second part was removed out of respect for Carey and his family. At each intermission, his voice also says \"We will return for the second half of Days of Our Lives in just a moment\".[116]", "Days of Our Lives The show has had many high-profile fans. In 1976, TIME magazine reported that then-Justice of the Supreme Court, Thurgood Marshall, would call a recess around the 1 p.m. hour to watch Days of Our Lives.[123] Actress Julia Roberts admitted at the 2002 People's Choice Awards that she was a fan of Days of Our Lives, asked to be seated near the cast, and upon winning her award stated, \"I'm very nervous because the cast of Days of Our Lives is here.\" In 2004, during the show's Melaswen storyline, Roberts' interest was considered notable enough that Entertainment Weekly quoted her saying that \"the show has gotten a little wacko.\"[20] A 1998 TIME article mentioned that Monica Lewinsky was a passionate fan of Days of Our Lives, so much so that she wrote a poem about the series in her high school yearbook. The article compared her whirlwind experiences in the White House to a story on Days of Our Lives.[124] Best-selling novelist Brian Keene has stated in interviews that he has watched the show since 1983, and pauses from writing each day during the hour it is on.[124]", "Days of Our Lives However starting in 2011, Days of Our Lives started to lose ground significantly to the point that it sometimes occupied the last position among all soaps for both total viewership and the 18-49 women demographic. The ending of All My Children on ABC combined with the return of several cast members allowed a brief resurgence of Days of Our Lives in October 2011, but ratings soon declined again. In December 2011, Days of Our Lives recorded three consecutive weeks of new lows in the 18-49 women key demo category.,[93][94][95][96] and again another consecutive three weeks of low ratings in the same demographic during March–April 2012 [97][98][99]", "Days of Our Lives By 1980, Days of Our Lives had displaced Another World as NBC's highest-rated soap. However, the entire NBC soap lineup was in ratings trouble. In fact, by 1982, all of its shows were rated above only one ABC soap (The Edge of Night) and below all four CBS soaps. The \"supercouple\" era of the 1980s, however, helped bring about a ratings revival, and the 1983–1984 season saw Days of Our Lives experience a surge in ratings. It held onto its strong numbers for most of the 1980s, only to decline again by 1990, eventually falling back into eighth place. In the mid-1990s, however, the show experienced a resurgence in popularity and the show reached number two in the ratings, where it remained for several years before experiencing another ratings decline beginning in 1999, the year that Days of Our Lives became NBC's longest-running daytime program (upon the cancellation of Another World). Throughout the 2000s (decade), Days of Our Lives and all the other remaining network daytime serials have witnessed a steady erosion of viewers, mainly due to vastly altered viewing habits induced by cable networks and alternative genres such as reality and talk shows on minor network affiliates.", "Days of Our Lives Throughout Canada, Days of Our Lives currently airs at 1:00 pm on Global Television Network.[106] Episodes are aired in sync with the NBC broadcast to take advantage of simultaneous substitution regulations.", "Days of Our Lives In Australia, Days of Our Lives was initially broadcast on the Nine Network from March 25, 1968, until April 26, 2013, when the network axed the show based on a commercial decision.[5][108] During its run on the Nine Network in the early 2000s, episodes ended up being nearly five years behind the United States, due to the network's coverage of cricket each summer.[5] In an attempt to get viewers up to date with the US, Nine aired a one-hour special on September 13, 2004, titled, Days of Our Lives: A New Day, which summarized four years of storylines and caused mixed feelings among regular viewers.[5] This special was followed by episodes airing at the same pace as the US.[5] However, the show ended up being behind the US again, and by April 2013, episodes were airing at a delay of 16 months. On June 17, 2013, Days of Our Lives resumed to Australian viewers free and on-demand through Sony's Crackle service, as well as across Crackle's web apps on mobile devices, connected TVs and game consoles.[109] Crackle picked up where the Nine Network left off with 10 new episodes in its first week and seven new episodes every Monday thereafter.[109] From January 20, 2014, Crackle began releasing five episodes each week.[110]", "Days of Our Lives However, this first golden period for NBC daytime proved to be short-lived, as Days of Our Lives' ratings began to decline in 1977. Much of the decline was due to ABC's expansion of its increasingly popular soap All My Children to a full hour, the last half of which overlapped with the first half of Days of Our Lives By January 1979, the network, in a mode of desperation more than anything else, decided to jump headlong against AMC and moved the show ahead to the same 1:00 p.m./12 Noon time slot.[3] In exchange to its affiliates for taking away the old half-hour access slot at 1:00/Noon, NBC gave them the 4 p.m./3 slot, which many (if not most) stations had been preempting for years anyway.[90] By 1986, ABC and CBS followed suit, under the intense pressure of lucrative (and cheap) syndicated programming offered to affiliates.", "These Are the Days of Our Lives \"These Are the Days of Our Lives\" is a song by the British rock band Queen. Although credited to the whole band, it was largely written by their drummer Roger Taylor, and is the eighth track on the band's 1991 album Innuendo.[1] Keyboards were programmed by the four band members in the studio, and conga percussion (a synthesised conga) was recorded by their producer David Richards (although it was mimed in the video by Roger Taylor).", "Days of Our Lives characters (2010s) Dario Hernandez is a fictional character on the NBC daytime soap opera, Days of Our Lives. The role was played by Francisco San Martin who originated the role from March to September 2011 and Jordi Vilasuso since February 2016.", "Days of Our Lives For the first three years on the air, Days of Our Lives was near the bottom of the Nielsen ratings, and close to cancellation. However, its ascent to the top was rapid; as the 1969 TV season ended, it became an effective tool of NBC, which attempted to dethrone daytime leader CBS. By 1973 the show, pitted against CBS' popular Guiding Light and ABC's The Newlywed Game at 2 p.m. (ET)/1 p.m. (CT),[3] had matched the first-place ratings of As the World Turns and sister NBC soap Another World. Due to the success of the program, it expanded from a half-hour to one hour on April 21, 1975. This expansion had followed the lead of Another World, which became TV's first-ever hour-long soap on January 6, three-and-a-half months earlier. Further, Days of Our Lives' new starting time of 1:30 p.m./12:30[3] finally solved a scheduling problem that began in 1968 when NBC lost the game Let's Make a Deal to ABC, and in its wake, eight different shows were placed into the slot (Hidden Faces, You're Putting Me On, Life with Linkletter, Words & Music, Memory Game, Three on a Match, Jeopardy!, and How to Survive a Marriage).", "Days of Our Lives Past characters returned in June 2010 to honor the passing of matriarch Alice Horton, whose character died on June 23, 2010.[70] On June 23, 2011, Days of Our Lives introduced Sonny Kiriakis, the show's first contract gay character onto the canvas to be featured in the show's first gay story line.[71] Freddie Smith (Sonny) said in an interview, \"He’s very confident and mature, he’s traveled the world and is very open-minded. I’m very excited to portray him.\"[71] Subsequent to Sonny's arrival, Will Horton investigates his own sexuality, and reveals himself to be gay.[72] He later starts a romantic relationship with Sonny.[73] They eventually marry.", "Days of Our Lives The theme that regularly accompanies each sequence was composed by Charles Albertine, Tommy Boyce, and Bobby Hart.[118] The theme has only been modified a few times since Days of Our Lives premiered: in 1972; in 1993, when the opening titles were changed to computerized visuals (designed by Wayne Fitzgerald and Judy Loren); in 2004, with an orchestral arrangement that was only used in eight episodes, after which time the theme was reverted to the 1993 arrangement; and in 2009, when the theme was edited for time and shortened. Beginning with the November 8, 2010 episode, there were slight changes to the coloring of the sky background in the sequence now being displayed in 16:9 widescreen. However, there was very little change in the sequence's appearance from the 1993 version.", "Days of Our Lives In the 1990s, the show branched out into supernatural story lines, which critics immediately panned, as it was seen as a departure from more realistic storylines for which the show had originally become known. However, these storylines did have the desired effect, making Days of Our Lives the most-watched daytime soap among young and middle-aged women, also becoming one of NBC's five most profitable shows in any time slot.[30][31] In 2006, when asked about his character, Jack Deveraux, \"coming back from the dead\"—for the third time—actor Matthew Ashford responded, \"It is hard to play that because at a certain point it becomes too unreal...actors look at that and think, 'What is this — the Cartoon Network'?\"[32]", "Days of Our Lives characters (1990s) Edmund was a soft-hearted and somewhat dimwitted pilot who fell in love with Susan Banks after Susan came to stay at his mother Violet's pub in England. Edmund came to Salem to find Susan, who was a suspect in Kristen's murder, and proposed to her. It wasn't Susan, however, but actually Kristen posing as Susan without anyone else knowing. Edmund and Kristen married while the real Susan was held prisoner in an island harem. Susan escaped and found Edmund and Kristen shortly after Edmund confessed to \"Susan\" that he accidentally killed Kristen. When Edmund saw both Kristen and Susan he was confused as to whom he had accidentally murdered. It turns out it was Susan's other sister, Penelope Kent. Susan forgave Edmund and they locked Kristen up in the harem and raised baby Elvis together in England.", "Days of Our Lives characters (1960s) A list of notable characters from the NBC soap opera Days of Our Lives that significantly impacted storylines and debuted between November 8, 1965, and the end of 1969.", "Days of Our Lives characters (1980s) A list of notable characters from the NBC soap opera Days of Our Lives that significantly impacted storylines and debuted between January 1, 1980, and the end of 1989.", "Days of Our Lives characters (1980s) Actress Genie Francis joined Days of Our Lives in the contract role of Diana Colville on April 13, 1987.[5] In June 1989, Francis announced her decision to depart the series.[6] She last aired on June 21, 1989.", "Edmund Bertram In London, Henry Crawford encounters Edmund's sister Maria, who is now married to the wealthy but stupid Mr Rushworth. They run away together, bringing disgrace and embarrassment to the Bertrams. Edmund, visiting Mary, is affronted by her response to Henry's and Maria's \"folly\": rather than evincing moral disapproval, she feels that they have simply made imprudent decisions that led to their being caught, and that Maria ought to continue living with Henry in order to persuade him to marry her, and thus save their social standing. Edmund is disgusted by Mary's lack of moral outrage and concern for social standing, tells her so, and leaves, thus ending their attachment.", "Days of Our Lives The Cordays and Bell combined the \"hospital soap\" idea with the tradition of centering a series on a family, by making the show about a family of doctors, including one who worked in a mental hospital.[22] Storylines in the show follow the lives of middle- and upper-class professionals in Salem, a middle-America town, with the usual threads of love, marriage, divorce, and family life, plus the medical story lines and character studies of individuals with psychological problems.[23] Former executive producer Al Rabin took pride in the characters' passion, saying that the characters were not shy about \"sharing what's in their gut.\"[24]", "Days of Our Lives In February 2016, several days after the show was renewed for another year, Soap Opera Digest exclusively reported that Griffith has departed the show as head writer with Higley remaining; they further revealed that script writer Ryan Quan has been promoted to replace Griffith.[84] On January 23, 2017, Soap Opera Digest broke news that both Higley and Quan had been let go from their positions as co-head writers. According to the report, Quan was given a new title of Creative Consultant, while Higley was let go all-together. Former One Life to Live and General Hospital head writer Ron Carlivati was named as Higley's replacement, \"effective immediately\". In addition to Carlivati's appointment, it was also announced that Anderson would return to the soap, sharing the role of Creative Consultant with Quan.[85][86] Carlivati will receive his first episodic credit as head writer on July 19, 2017.[87]", "Days of Our Lives characters (2010s) Summer Townsend is a fictional character from the American NBC Daytime soap opera Days of Our Lives, portrayed by former Port Charles and As the World Turns actress Marie Wilson. Wilson previously played the recurring role of Bree Tjaden on the soap from October 31, 2014 until February 9, 2015.[24][25] In October 2015, Wilson was announced to return on Days of Our Lives in a newly created role. Wilson made her first appearance as Summer on February 2, 2016.[26][27] One month after her debuted aired, it was revealed that Wilson was among four actors let go from the show, following the departures of head writers Josh Griffith and Beth Milstein.[28][29][30] Wilson last aired on July 29, 2016.[31][32]", "Days of Our Lives characters (1990s) Edmund Phineas Crumb, played by Adam Caine from January 8, 1998, to May 8, 1998. Edmund is the husband of Susan Banks and the stepfather of EJ DiMera.", "Days of Our Lives Since January 1993 after the cancellation of Santa Barbara, WPXI-TV in Pittsburgh airs Days weekdays during its 3:00 p.m. time slot while some stations such as WJAC-TV in Johnstown, Pennsylvania air the program during the 2:00 p.m. timeslot, but most stations continue to air Days at its 1 p.m. time slot. Some Central Time Zone affiliates carry it at noon with the main Eastern feed, such as Green Bay, Wisconsin's WGBA-TV, which uses it as an alternative to programming what would likely be a low-rated local newscast against long-established local competition.", "Days of Our Lives characters (2010s) Tripp Dalton is a fictional character on the long running NBC soap opera Days of Our Lives portrayed by Lucas Adams. The character was first referenced in January 2016 as the presumed dead son of Steve Johnson and his late ex-lover, mafia princess Ava Vitali (Tamara Braun). The character was later developed and introduced by Dena Higley and Ryan Quan on March 23, 2017.[40][41]", "Days of Our Lives The show has been parodied by SCTV (as \"The Days of the Week\") and the television sitcom Friends, with some cast members making crossover appearances on the show, including Kristian Alfonso,[17] Roark Critchlow,[18] Matthew Ashford, Kyle Lowder, and Alison Sweeney.[19] The show has had high-profile fans such as actress Julia Roberts,[20] and the Supreme Court justice Thurgood Marshall.[21]", "This Is Our Time: Live This Is Our Time: Live is a live album from Planetshakers. Integrity Music released the album on October 21, 2014. They worked with Joth Hunt in the production of this album.[1] The video of the song \"This is Our Time\" was nominated for the Dove Award Long Form Video of The Year 2014.[2]", "Days of Our Lives However, the program received schedule and station shifts with the start of the 2013-14 television season. One NBC station, KSNV-DT in Las Vegas, stopped carrying the show on August 19, 2013 due to a long-term move to an all-news schedule outside of network news and primetime programming; the program moved to the market's CW affiliate KVCW, where it aired at its traditional 1:00 p.m. time slot until an ownership change saw the show return to KSNV in late December 2014 as part of a change in the all-news plans. With the cancellation of Passions, Days is now NBC's last remaining daytime soap opera, as well as the network's last remaining daytime program.[102] Salt Lake City's KSL-TV moved the show to the late night 1:05 a.m. slot three weeks later on September 9 for unknown reasons, though a romantic plot line between two gay characters was theorized as a reason for the move; the station is owned by the broadcasting arm of the LDS Church.[103]", "Edmund Hillary The Hillary family has had a connection with the west coast of Auckland since 1925, when Louise's father built a bach at Anawhata.[93] The family donated land at Whites Beach that is now crossed by trampers on the Hillary Trail, named for Edmund.[94]\nHillary said of the area: \"That is the thing that international travel brings home to me – it's always good to be going home.\nThis is the only place I want to live in; this is the place I want to see out my days.\"[95]", "Ben Weston (Days of Our Lives) During the week of April 7, 2014, rumors circulated that Gaston had been replaced by actor Robert Scott Wilson, with neither actor nor the show commented on the speculation.[8] On April 14, 2014, Soap Opera Digest confirmed the rumor and reported that Gaston was indeed replaced by Wilson, known for being the first male model on The Price Is Right and his portrayal of Peter Cortlandt in the short-lived online reboot of the ABC soap, All My Children.[9] Wilson commented on the news that he would soon depart from the game show, and thanked fans.[10] The following day, Wilson confirmed his final appearance on The Price is Right as April 15, and assured fans that he was not leaving on bad terms but did not comment on his new gig at Days of Our Lives.[11] Wilson made his debut on May 22, 2014, in scenes opposite Kate Mansi as Abigail and Days veteran Kristian Alfonso as Hope Brady.[12] At the time, Wilson was testing for another project on Fox. When the project fell through, Wilson returned to Boston to visit his family for Christmas which is when he learned he got the job. \"It came at a time when I didn't expect,\" Wilson told Soap Opera Digest.[13] Ironically, Wilson had just purchased a brand new Mercedes Benz the week before booking the gig. \"Fortune favors the bold\" he said of his luck.[14] He started filming on January 8, 2014, and had filmed twelve episodes by the end of February. Wilson accredited his landing the role to his time on All My Children and one of his former costars, Jill Larson who played his mother, Opal. Wilson also found common ground with former AMC alum, Chrishell Stause who played Ben's sister, Jordan Ridgeway and said Stause and [Kate] Mansi helped him make the transition. After landing the gig, Wilson learned he would also be working opposite [Kristian] Alfonso, another Boston native.[13]", "Ben Weston (Days of Our Lives) When Wilson reprised his role in 2017, Ryan White-Nobles excitedly declared \"The sexiest serial killer in soap history is returning to Days of our Lives!\"[89] \"If Will is returning to Salem, it should only make sense that the man who 'killed' him does, too, right?\"[90] Michael Fairman described the December 2017 scenes in which Ben attempts to re-enact Will's murder, as \"riveting\" \"can't-miss soap opera!\" He said the scenes were \"portrayed masterfully\" by Wilson and his co-stars, Alison Sweeney and Chandler Massey. The three \"all played their beats to perfection in this very dark and twisted plotpoint.\"[91] On-Air On-Soaps said Wilson had the \"Best Performance by a recurring\" actor for the year 2017. Fairman said \"Wilson has taken this disturbed character and brought him to soap opera cult status.\"[92] Gold Derby and Soap Hub credited Ben's 2017 return with helping the show win its 4th Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Drama Series as one of the episodes submitted featured Wilson's reappearance as Ben.[93][94]", "Ben Weston (Days of Our Lives) In January 2018, Wilson revealed on social media that he had been on set at Days of Our Lives, which led to rumors that he would soon reprise the role of Ben.[56] When actress Denice Duff announced that she would reprise her role as midwife Wendy Taylor, the speculation of Wilson's return increased, due to Wendy being one of Ben's victims during the serial killer plot. Soaps.com reported that Duff would reappear alongside Wilson in May 2018.[57] On April 26, 2018, Soap Opera Digest announced that Wilson would return as a series regular after signing a new deal with the soap. \"I'm really grateful,\" Wilson said to in a statement to the magazine. \"I love what Ron [Carlivati, head writer] and the whole team has been doing with him thus far, so I'm really excited to see where they take him after this.\"[58] Wilson credited his co-star Deidre Hall (Marlena) with being partly responsible for his return. \"She kind of rallied for me be back there\" he said. \"After our scenes, she'd say, 'Get this kid a contract.'\"[1]", "Days of Our Lives In April 2012, it was confirmed that McPherson and Thomas Jr. were fired from their positions as co-head writers. Gary Tomlin and Christopher Whitesell were hired for the position.[80] It was later confirmed that former All My Children headwriter Lorraine Broderick would join Tomlin and Whitesell as a breakdown writer on the series.[81] In February 2015, Soap Opera Digest confirmed that both Tomlin and Whitesell had been ousted in their roles as head-writers; they further confirmed that former head writer Higley would return, alongside former The Young and the Restless head writer Josh Griffith. The change took effect on February 16, 2015.[82]", "These Are the Days of Our Lives ^shipments figures based on certification alone", "Days of Our Lives Also from 1993 to 1998, the soap saw a lot of actress Eileen Davidson. Her character, Kristen DiMera suffers a miscarriage in secret, and in a panic to keep John Black away from Marlena, pretends to still be pregnant with John's child. Stefano hires a doppelganger, Susan Banks to conceive and bear a child for her (which resulted in the birth of EJ DiMera). Eileen Davidson portrayed the entire Banks family clan, four in total (including one male), as well as her main character.[66][67][68]", "Days of Our Lives In celebration of the soap's fiftieth anniversary in 2015, several cast members returned to the soap, including Peter Reckell, Stephen Nichols and Penghlis.[77]", "These Are the Days of Our Lives The version of the finished video serviced to the U.S. market also featured some animated footage produced by animators for the Walt Disney Studios, as Queen's North American record label, Hollywood Records, is a subsidiary of The Walt Disney Company.[9] The US version also used video editing to add Brian May into several shots, giving the appearance that all four members were side-by-side during filming. In Europe, a different, 'clean' version of the video without the animated sequences was released. Then another video version was released in 1992 to promote the Classic Queen compilation album in the US, combining old footage of the band from 1973 to 1991 plus the performances of the band from the US aired video.[10]", "Days of Our Lives In August 2015, reports stated that Higley would be taking a leave of absence from the show. In her place, Sony would be sending a writer from The Young and the Restless to help Griffith with the transition. The writer was later revealed to be former head writer Beth Milstein.[83]", "These Are the Days of Our Lives A cover version by Petula Clark is included on her 2008 compilation album Then & Now.", "These Are the Days of Our Lives It was released as a single in the US on Freddie Mercury's 45th birthday, 5 September 1991, and as double A-side single in the UK on 9 December, in the wake of Mercury's death, with the Queen track \"Bohemian Rhapsody\". The single debuted at #1 on the UK Singles Chart, and remained at the top for five weeks.[2] The song was awarded a Brit Award for \"Best Single\" in 1992.[3]", "Raaz Pichhle Janam Ka It uses conscious meditative technique to recover memories of our past lives. It helps address fears, phobias and even physical ailments in our present day lives by finding their roots in our previous lives.", "Edmund Bertram Edmund is infatuated with the beautiful and talented Mary Crawford. He tells Fanny of his love, which affects her as she is in love with Edmund. At one point, Edmund even declares to Fanny that Mary is the only lady in the world whom he can think of as a wife. However, Edmund is also greatly upset when he discovers that Mary is opposed to him becoming a clergyman. Mary suggests to Edmund other possible professions. At a ball, Mary informs Edmund that they will never dance again, as she is soon to go away for a time and when she comes back, he will be ordained a clergyman and she never dances with clergymen. When Tom becomes dangerously ill, she rather callously hopes that Edmund will inherit the baronetcy and estate if his brother dies.", "Andra Day Andra Day performed with the Baltimore Children's Choir for the opening musical performance at the March for Our Lives rally in Washington, D.C. on March 24, 2018.[27][28]", "Bill Hayes (actor) His singing career also found its way to his storyline on Days of Our Lives; in the story, Doug was introduced as a convict who was also a lounge singer.", "March for Our Lives On March 21, NRA TV host Grant Stinchfield stated that \"March for Our Lives is backed by radicals with a history of violent threats, language and actions\"; fact-checker PolitiFact has rated this statement as being \"without merit\" and \"Pants on Fire\" indicating that it is a \"ridiculous claim\".[97][98]", "Days of Our Lives characters (2000s) Nathan Horton, portrayed by Mark Hapka, is a doctor who came to Salem in June 2009 to start an internship at Salem University Hospital. He is the son of Melissa Horton; his father has never been identified. On his first day at the hospital, he meets Melanie Layton, and they start a flirtation. Later, Melanie is surprised and alarmed when she returns home to Maggie Horton's house to find a half-dressed Nathan, fresh out of the shower, as she hadn't yet learned that he is Maggie's grandson; Maggie soon arrives and explains that Nathan would be living there. When Nathan learns that Melanie was the girl his cousin Nick Fallon had been involved with, he blames her for ruining Nick's life and speaks harshly to her about it. When Maggie informs Nathan that Melanie had been Nick's victim and that she spoke on his behalf in court, Nathan apologizes to Melanie and she accepts. He moves into Lucas's house after learning Maggie feels uncomfortable with him and Melanie dating while living under the same roof.", "Our Day Will Come That said, the thinking behind the decision to release Winehouse's rendition of Ruby and the Romantics' 1963 hit 'Our Day Will Come' quickly becomes apparent. Over a smoky melody and reggae-tinged beat she promises wistfully, \"Our day will come, and we'll have everything,\" before professing her everlasting love for her beau. The result serves as a timely reminder that beneath the demons that plagued her final years, her raw talent was undeniable.[16]", "Days of Our Lives characters (1990s) Jonesy, played by Robert Mandan from 1997–1998, was Vivian's bizarre husband and caretaker of the DiMera townhouse in Salem. Vivian was first interested in Jonesy because she thought he owned the expensive townhouse and all of its treasures. Vivian accomplished this by hosting a mock séance in which the real Flora Dora told Jonesy to move on with Vivian. Jonesy was not a well man and Vivian and he married in England, with Susan Banks and Edmund Crumb standing up for them. Jonesy died of a heart attack after consummating the marriage. Vivian inherited all of Jonesy's treasures which forced Stefano, the original owner of the townhouse, to marry Vivian in order to reclaim his possessions.", "March for Our Lives James Corden promoted the March for Our Lives event.[55] John Zimmer and Logan Green, the co-founders of Lyft, announced their support of the rallies and stated that their company would provide free rides for those attending demonstrations.[56] Dating app Bumble CEO Whitney Wolfe Herd subsequently announced that they were supporting the NeverAgain movement by banning all images of firearms on their dating application.[57]", "This Is Our Time: Live Signaling in a four star review from Louder Than the Music, Jono Davies responds, \"'This Is Our Time' is an album about raising up people who are ready to fall in love with God and do His work in the world. If you want to be inspired and uplifted then this is the album for you.\"[8] Joshua Andre, specifying in a three and a half star review for 365 Days of Inspiring Media, replies, \"Overall an enjoyable album that has overall reinvigorated my interest for Planetshakers a bit more; this album achieved what it set out to do\".[3] Bestowing a seven out of ten rating upon the album at Jesus Wired, Maddy Agers recognizes, \"Anyone with a love for worship music will enjoy this, but I will say that it is for those with a love for softer worship, and those who enjoy both male and female vocals throughout.\"[7]", "Days of Our Lives characters (2000s) In February 2011, Allie goes to live in Hong Kong with her father Lucas for a while, after the man who is masquerading as her step-father Rafe Hernandez is mean to her several times. She returns after it is revealed that the man is an imposter. Sami and the real Rafe try to help Allie understand what has happened.", "Our Day Will Come The song's composers were hoping to place \"Our Day Will Come\" with an established easy listening act and only agreed to let the new R&B group Ruby & the Romantics record the song after Kapp Records' A&R director Al Stanton promised that if the Ruby & the Romantics' single failed Kapp would record the song with Jack Jones. Stanton cut two versions of \"Our Day Will Come\" with Ruby & the Romantics, one with a mid-tempo arrangement and the other in a bossa nova style; the latter version, featuring a classic Hammond organ solo, was selected for release as a single in December 1962 and reached number one on the Billboard Hot 100 in March 1963. \"Our Day Will Come\" also charted at number 11 in Australia and at number 38 the United Kingdom.[1] The personnel on the original recording were: Leroy Glover on organ; Vinnie Bell, Al Gorgoni and Kenny Burrell on guitars; Russ Savakus on bass; Gary Chester on drums; and George Devens on percussion.", "Holiday (Green Day song) The chorus's refrain—\"This is our lives on holiday\"—was intended to reflect the average American’s apathy on the issues of the day.[8] Armstrong characterized the song as \"not anti-American, it’s anti-war.\"[9]", "Paul Telfer (actor) Paul Telfer (born 30 October 1979) is a Scottish actor, who has lived and worked in both his native United Kingdom and the United States. He portrayed the role of Xander Kiriakis on the NBC's soap opera drama series Days of Our Lives.[1]", "Living Constitution In addition to pragmatist arguments, most proponents of the living Constitution argue that the Constitution was deliberately written to be broad and flexible to accommodate social or technological change over time. Edmund Randolph, in his Draft Sketch of Constitution, wrote this:[16]", "I Knew the Bride \"I Knew the Bride (When She Used to Rock 'n' Roll)\" is a song written by Nick Lowe and first popularized by Dave Edmunds. It was released on Edmunds's 1977 album Get It and a year later in a live version by Nick Lowe's Last Chicken in the Shop on Live Stiffs Live.", "Deidre Hall In 1986, Hall began playing Jesse Witherspoon on the family drama, Our House, which ran for two seasons on NBC. Wilford Brimley, who is thirteen years older than Hall, played her father-in-law in the series; Chad Allen, her son; Shannen Doherty, her older daughter. Hall initially reacted without concern on playing on two television series at a time, explaining that she filmed Our House on weekdays while taping Days of our Lives on Saturdays.[3] However, Hall exited Days of our Lives in 1987 when it became too difficult to co-ordinate her prime time and daytime schedules. Our House was cancelled in 1988, though she did not immediately return to the soap opera.", "Time of Our Lives (Chawki song) The song \"Time of Our Lives\" is in English language but as the release was targeted mainly for the French-speaking markets where Chawki had already had a previous hit with \"Habibi I Love You\", the song presented a bilingual refrain: \"Allez, Allez, here we go, allez / This is the time of our lives) allez being French for \"come on\" used throughout the song.", "The Day the Earth Stood Still Edmund H. North, who wrote The Day the Earth Stood Still, also created the alien language used in the film, including the iconic phrase \"Klaatu barada nikto\". The official spelling for the phrase comes directly from the script (as shown in the adjacent image) and provides insight as to its proper pronunciation.", "Days of Our Lives characters (2000s) Ciara lives with Hope and Bo the first couple of years of her life before living with Hope, Doug and Julie after her mother and father separate for a short while. Ciara's parents have since reunited and separated again.", "Edmund Bertram Tom Bertram returns from Antigua before his father but Edmund still seems to be in charge of the estate while Tom amuses himself visiting people and taking part in horse races. When Tom comes up with the plan of putting on a play, Lovers' Vows at Mansfield Park, both Edmund and Fanny are opposed. Eventually, Edmund is persuaded that bringing in a person from another family would be worse than his participating in a rather suggestive scene with Mary as Anhalt to her Amelia. Sir Thomas returns just before the play is due to be staged and is greatly displeased. Edmund admits his culpability and emphasises Fanny's constant opposition to the play.", "Nicole Walker After her departure, it is mentioned that Nicole had plans to marry \"some soap actor.\" This was presumably a nod to Zucker's marriage to her former Days of Our Lives costar, Kyle Lowder, who played Brady.[1]", "Love of My Life (Queen song) With its similar lyrical theme, the Roger Taylor penned single \"These Are the Days of Our Lives\" would later hearken back to \"Love of My Life\", twice using the line \"I still love you\". At the end of \"These Are the Days of Our Lives\", Mercury simply speaks those words, as he would often do in live versions of \"Love of My Life\".[4]", "Early Christianity “And on the day which is called Sunday there is an assembly in the same place of all who live in cities or in country districts; and the records of the apostles, or the writings of the prophets, are read as long as we have time… Sunday is the day on which we all hold our common assembly, because it is the day on which God, when he changed the darkness and matter, made the world; and Jesus Christ our Savior on the same day rose from the dead.”\n(Justin Martyr, written 140 AD, from “Apologies” 1:67)", "Demon Days Live Demon Days Live was a limited concert tour performed by the British alternative rock virtual band Gorillaz, in support of their second studio album Demon Days.[1][2][3] Demon Days Live is unique among Gorillaz' live tours, featuring only two venues: five shows were played at the Manchester Opera House in England, and another five were played at New York City's Apollo Theater. The Manchester leg of the tour was later released onto DVD as Demon Days: Live at the Manchester Opera House.[4] The New York leg of the tour was broadcast on MHD (now MTV Live) as Gorillaz: Live in Harlem.[5]", "Led Zeppelin concerts [Led] Zeppelin was a live band and that's how we got our reputation. The press hated us in the early days. Our only way of promotion was to play a lot of live shows, especially in the UK. It used to spread by word-of-mouth.[2]", "Our Chalet In addition to World Thinking Day and the FIS Alpine Skiing World Cup being special events at Our Chalet and Adelboden, New Year's Eve and Our Chalet's birthday are also major events. The Our Chalet birthday is 31 July and it is celebrated in conjunction with 1 August, which is the day Switzerland became a confederation in 1291.[11]", "Bryan Dattilo He returned to the role of Lucas Horton on Days Of Our Lives in February 2012.[4]", "The Best Years of Our Lives 1947 Academy Awards\nThe Best Years of Our Lives received nine Academy Awards. Fredric March won his second Best Actor award (also having won in 1932 for Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde).", "Days of Our Lives characters (1960s) Susan was an old high school classmate of Julie Olson, her storyline involved the first major \"Days\" death when her son Dickie Martin accidentally died in May 1967, which culminated into the first \"Days\" murder Susan kills her husband, David Martin.", "Disneyland Frontierland recreates the setting of pioneer days along the American frontier. According to Walt Disney, \"All of us have cause to be proud of our country's history, shaped by the pioneering spirit of our forefathers. Our adventures are designed to give you the feeling of having lived, even for a short while, during our country's pioneer days.\" Frontierland is home to the Pinewood Indians band of animatronic Native Americans, who live on the banks of the Rivers of America. Entertainment and attractions include Big Thunder Mountain Railroad, the Mark Twain Riverboat, the Sailing Ship Columbia, Pirate's Lair on Tom Sawyer Island, and Frontierland Shootin' Exposition. Frontierland is also home to the Golden Horseshoe Saloon, an Old West-style show palace, where the comedic troupe \"Billy Hill and the Hillbillies\" entertains guests.", "Days of Our Lives characters (2010s) A secret investigation of Clyde leads to a sting operation involving JJ, Roman Brady, and DEA agent Watts leads to Clyde's arrest for drug trafficking and the murder of EJ. A furious Clyde discovers during his arrest that JJ was secretly an informant and that Clyde's drug ring has been exposed to the Salem Police and DEA. Clyde calls his son Ben and claims to be set up by JJ but Roman reveals that Clyde is being extradited to Florida for a murder charge there. On October 20, 2015, Ben is brought to a meeting at the police station with Clyde who tells Ben he is being extradited to Florida that day. Ben reveals to Clyde that he is the \"necktie killer\".", "Edmund Kemper Edmund Emil Kemper III (born December 18, 1948) is an American serial killer who murdered 10 people, including his paternal grandparents and mother. He regularly engaged in necrophilia and claimed to have consumed the flesh of at least one of his victims, but later retracted this confession.", "Days of Our Lives characters (2010s) Eric and Nicole are rescued by Brady and the Salem Police and immediately implicate Xander in the attempt on their lives. Meanwhile, Xander is preparing to leave Salem when he is kidnapped by Victor's henchmen. A furious Victor berates Xander not following his orders to leave town and his attempt to kill Nicole and Eric, who as Salem police commissioner Roman Brady's son, will bring extra police efforts to convict Xander and thus bring attention to Victor's criminal activities. Xander explains to Victor that he has always been devoted and loyal to Victor and the Kiriakis family and has done numerous unpleasant deeds that none of Victor's other relatives had the intelligence or willingness to do. Xander also berates Victor for favoring Daniel over Xander, who is Victor's flesh and blood while Daniel is not even family. Victor reveals the distance between him and his brother Titus Kiriakis, Xander's father. Eventually Victor had stopped communicating with and helping Titus when he died. Its strongly implied that Victor's contempt and distance for his brother Titus were transferred to Xander because he was Titus' son.", "Pat Sajak In 1983, Sajak portrayed Kevin Hathaway in the NBC daytime soap opera Days of Our Lives.", "Our Lady of the Pillar Pope Calixtus III in a bull issued 23 September 1456 declares seven years' indulgence for those who visit Our Lady of Zaragoza. The text of the bull specifically mentions a pillar, for the first time suggesting the existence of an image known as Our Lady of the Pillar.[7] The feast day of 12 October was officially introduced by the Council of Zaragoza in 1640.[8]", "Days of Our Lives characters (2000s) In October 2014, Allie moves with Sami, Johnny and Sydney, to live in California. A year later Sami takes them all on a round-the-world trip, and in the fall of 2017 the children stay with their Aunt Carrie and Uncle Austin in Switzerland.", "List of Friends characters Cecilia Monroe (Susan Sarandon): an actress who portrays Jessica Lockhart on Days of Our Lives. In Days of our Lives, Jessica dies, and Drake Ramoray, played by Joey, gets her brain, so he can awaken from his coma, a procedure Ross takes issue with on medical grounds.[e 130] Jessica was famous for throwing drinks at people and slapping them. Her daughter, Dina, was seeing a man named Frederick, of whom she did not approve. She was thrown off a horse and onto an electric fence, an accident set up by Frederick and Dina.", "The Best Years of Our Lives The Best Years of Our Lives has a 98% \"Fresh\" rating at Rotten Tomatoes, based on 37 reviews.[19] Chicago Sun Times film critic Roger Ebert put the film on his \"Great Movies\" list in 2007, calling it \"...modern, lean, and honest.\"[20]", "Days of Our Lives characters (1960s) Susan Martin was originated by Denise Alexander from April 14, 1966 to February 6, 1973, when the character was written out of the show temporarily when the Days casting office hit a snag renewing Alexander's contract and the contract lapsed. ABC Daytime rushed to offer her a then-unheard of salary/perks package to join General Hospital as Lesley Webber. When Susan finally returned to Days, a new actress, Bennye Gattleys played her from April 6, 1973 to October 1, 1976.", "Our Tune Bates presented a one-off special of Our Tune across GCap Media stations on Valentine's Day 2006, and The Very Best of Our Tune, a CD featuring some of the most popular songs requested from the slot's Radio 1 days was released.[9]", "Greg Vaughan In the July 16, 2012 edition of Soap Opera Digest, it was announced that Vaughan would join the NBC soap opera Days of Our Lives as Eric Brady,[3] who was ordained as a priest before returning to Salem. He first aired on November 13.", "Crystal Chappell Chappell returned to her role on Days of Our Lives in September 2009 and begin airing in October.[1]", "Melissa Reeves Reeves returned to Days of Our Lives on June 9, 2010 and continues to play the role of Jennifer Horton.", "Days of Our Lives characters (1980s) Claire returns soon after and reveals that she did not get a place in Juilliard but Eve does not return with her and her Whereabouts remain unknown until her sister Theresa reveals that she is no longer living in Salem when talking about her upcoming wedding to her fiancée Brady Black.", "Days of Our Lives characters (2010s) Lani Price, portrayed by actress Sal Stowers, known to daytime audiences for portrayal of Cassandra Foster on the short lived online reboot of All My Children, was introduced as a new police cadet at the Salem Police department and later reveals herself to be the illegitimate daughter of Mayor Abe Carver (James Reynolds).[21][22][23]", "ISA (Days of Our Lives) Directors (or \"Chiefs\") of the ISA depicted on the show have included George Nickerson, Ogden Vaughn, \"Chief\" Tarrington, and most recently, Pamela Van Damme. None of these officials have shied away from unsavory actions to meet their objectives, and most (except Tarrington) have proven to be outright corrupt, if not psychotic. In fact, the agency itself occasionally finds itself acting as badly (or worse) than the organizations it is battling.", "Stephen Nichols Nichols returned to the role of Steve (Patch) Johnson on Days of our Lives. His original portrayal (1985-90) earned him an Emmy nomination for Outstanding Actor in a Leading Role and five Soap Opera Digest Best Actor Awards. Steve and Kayla (Mary Beth Evans) remain one of the most popular couples, and the most-covered, on Days of our Lives ever.[citation needed]", "Our Lady of the Angels School fire The play entitled When Angels Wept by playwright Charles Grippo had two productions in Chicago in 2013 and was based on the Our Lady of the Angels School fire. The story is centered around a small group of survivors of the fire and how the tragedy affected their lives until present day.", "Our Day Will Come Recorded for her 2003 debut album Frank, the Amy Winehouse remake of \"Our Day Will Come\" was first issued on the singer's posthumous compilation album Lioness: Hidden Treasures. The song was released to UK contemporary hit radio on November 2, 2011, as the album's second single,[15] Winehouse's first solo single release since \"Love Is a Losing Game\" in 2007 (a duet with Tony Bennett on \"Body and Soul\" had been issued as a single on September 14, 2011—which would have been her 28th birthday).", "Vivian Alamain Vivian Alamain is a fictional character from the American NBC soap opera Days of Our Lives, played by Louise Sorel.", "Edmund Pettus Bridge Televised images of the brutal attack presented Americans and international audiences with horrifying images of marchers left bloodied and severely injured, and roused support for the Selma Voting Rights Movement. Amelia Boynton, who had helped organize the march as well as participating therein, was beaten unconscious. A photograph of her lying on Edmund Pettus Bridge appeared on the front page of newspapers and news magazines around the world.[12] In all, 17 marchers were hospitalized and 50 treated for lesser injuries; the day soon became known as \"Bloody Sunday\" within the African American community.[13]", "Days of Our Lives characters (1980s) Jake Kositchek was played by Jack Coleman from June 10, 1981, until June 1, 1982, when the character was written out of the show. After Days, Coleman would later be known as the second actor to play Steven Carrington in the ABC prime time soap opera Dynasty and as Noah Bennet in the NBC science-fiction drama series Heroes and its spin-off Heroes Reborn.", "Days of Our Lives characters (2000s) Grace died on June 9, 2009 from bacterial meningitis. Grace's parents, Sami Brady and Rafe Hernandez, were at her bedside when she died. She had also been held on that day by her biological mother, Mia. On June 11, 2009 Sami revealed to E.J. that he was \"Grace's biological father,\" still unaware that the baby she had raised was not genetically theirs.", "Take Our Kids to Work Day Developed by The Learning Partnership, Take Our Kids to Work Day is the most recognized career exploration event in Canada, in which Grade 9 students experience a day in the life of various professionals, careers and industries.", "March for Our Lives On the day of the protests, Florida Republican senator Marco Rubio responded by stating: \"However, many other Americans do not support a gun ban\" and \"view banning guns as an infringement on the Second Amendment rights of law abiding citizens that ultimately will not prevent these tragedies\". He called for protesters to find \"common ground with those who hold opposing views\" for change to happen. However, a blanket gun ban was not called for by the protests.[104][105][106]", "Days of Our Lives characters (1990s) Lisanne came to Salem in 1992, where she began working for Lawrence Alamain as Alamain Industries corporate lawyer. She and Lawrence began a relationship, but Lawrence still had feelings for Carly Manning. Lisanne learned that Vivian and Carly were keeping a secret involving a past pregnancy, so told Lawrence, and it eventually emerged that Carly had been pregnant with Lawrence's child, who it was believed had died. However, when Vivian Alamain brought her adopted son, Nicky, to the United States later that year, a different story was to emerge. After some investigation into Nicky's background, Lisanne discovered that he was, in fact Lawrence and Carly's son, who Vivian had actually stolen. Lisanne began to blackmail Vivian with this information, but her plans were to lead to her demise. Nikki returned home one day to find his aunt and Lisanne engaged in a heated argument. He saw Vivian falling to the floor and, believing that Lisanne was hurting his aunt, he tried to separate the two. But in the process of this, Lisanne fell and struck her head on a stone cat. The fall proved fatal for Lisanne, but Vivian told Nicky that she was just unconscious. Vivian and Lawrence's servant, Ivan Marais, then concealed Lisanne's body in the basement, before later making it look as though she had been killed in a car crash. But Lisanne's death led Lawrence to realise that Nicky was his son, something which caused Vivian to suffer a heart attack. While recovering in hospital, she revealed the truth to Lawrence - i.e., that she had told Carly that Nicky had died, then raised him as her own, even buying her servant's son's birth certificate to cover up the truth. Lawrence subsequently told Carly, who confronted Vivian, threatening to take Nicky away from her. Vivian then tried to leave Salem with Nicky, but was stopped from doing so. Kidnapping charges were brought against Vivian, but later dropped; while she desperately tried to hide the truth from Nicky. However, he was ultimately to learn his real identity. Meanwhile, suspecting that Lisanne's death may have been the result of foul play, Bo Brady began investigating the Alamains. Vivian told Lawrence to dispose of the stone cat and the rug on which Lisanne had fallen, as both had traces of her blood. Lawrence buried the items in the woods, but was seen by a prostitute, who reported it to the police. Soon afterwards, Bo caught Lawrence trying to dig up the stone cat and arrested him. Lawrence was charged with Lisanne's murder, and sent for trial, but it was to emerge that Nicky had killed her. The charges against Lawrence were dropped, but Nicky never found out that he'd been responsible for the death.", "Days of Our Lives characters (2000s) Rex and his twin sister Cassie were discovered half-naked during a meteor shower and were originally suspected to be aliens. As time went on it was discovered that they were the children of Andre DiMera (who at the time was impersonating his cousin Tony DiMera and Marlena Evans but this turned out to be false. In reality a sperm sample was somehow taken from Roman Brady during his years of captivity at the hands of Tony's father Stefano DiMera and combined with eggs taken from Kate Roberts who was a prostitute and associate of Stefano's.", "Days of Our Lives characters (2000s) When Nicole learns that Sami had just recently given birth to her and E.J.'s daughter the same day Mia gave birth to hers, Nicole switches the babies, preferring to have E.J.'s biological daughter over an unrelated child. Nicole instantly bonds with Sydney, and vows to always protect her no matter what happens. Sami and E.J. are none the wiser to Nicole's treachery, and Sami and Rafe bond with \"Sami's\" daughter, while EJ and Nicole bond with \"their\" daughter.", "Days of Our Lives characters (2000s) Barb Reiber, played by Tamara Clatterbuck, is the wife of Glen Reiber, the biological father of J. T. Brady, who was switched at birth with Zack Brady, resulting in a complicated custody battle.", "March for Our Lives Following the school shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, on February 14, Cameron Kasky, a junior at the school, and his classmates, announced the march four days later.[19] Also joining the march efforts are Alex Wind of Stoneman Douglas High School, who along with four friends created the \"Never Again\" campaign.[10] Emma González and David Hogg, also survivors of the shooting, have been vocal supporters of the march.[20]" ]
i want to be with you everywhere song
[ "Everywhere (Fleetwood Mac song) \"Everywhere\" is a song by British-American rock band Fleetwood Mac from their fourteenth studio album Tango in the Night (1987), written by Fleetwood Mac member Christine McVie, who also performs lead vocals on the song. \"Everywhere\" was released as the fourth single from Tango in the Night on November 28, 1987 in the United States, where it reached number 14 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart and number-one on the Adult Contemporary chart, remaining there for three weeks.[1] \"Everywhere\" was released in the United Kingdom on 21 March 1988 and reached number four. It also reached number 45 in Australia." ]
[ "I Want You to Stay A B-side from Maxïmo Park's February 2005 single for \"Apply Some Pressure\" features a song called \"I Want You to Leave,\" a play on the title of \"I Want You to Stay.\" The song is also included on the band's 2006 compilation album Missing Songs.", "All I Want for Christmas Is You Carey has performed \"All I Want for Christmas Is You\" in numerous live television appearances and tours throughout her career. In 2010, Carey re-recorded the song for her second holiday album, Merry Christmas II You, titled \"All I Want for Christmas Is You (Extra Festive)\". Carey also re-recorded the song as a duet with Canadian singer Justin Bieber for his 2011 album Under the Mistletoe, titled \"All I Want for Christmas for You (SuperFestive!)\". The song has also been covered by many artists over the years.", "All You Wanted \"All You Wanted\" received generally positive reviews and became a bigger hit in the United States, peaking at number six on the Billboard Hot 100. This is, to date, Branch's only top-ten single, surpassing the peaking position of her previous debut single \"Everywhere\", which peaked at number 12. However, the song underperformed in the United Kingdom, underperformed significantly in the Netherlands, and stalled inside the top-thirty in Australia. In New Zealand, however, \"All You Wanted\" became Branch's second top-three single, after \"Everywhere\", reaching number three on the RIANZ chart.", "I Wouldn't Want to Be Like You \"I Wouldn't Want to Be Like You\" is a song by the British progressive rock band The Alan Parsons Project, featured on their 1977 album I Robot. Written by band leaders Alan Parsons and Eric Woolfson, \"I Wouldn't Want to Be Like You\" was sung by pop singer Lenny Zakatek, who would go on to sing many of the band's songs. In the United States, the song was a moderate success and charted at #36 on the Billboard Hot 100.", "I Want You to Want Me The band has also released a festive alternative version of the song, with slightly different lyrics, called \"I Want You For Christmas\", in 2012.[8][9]", "I Want You to Want Me \"I Want You to Want Me\" is a song by the American rock band Cheap Trick from their second album In Color, released in September 1977. It was the first single released from that album, but it did not chart in the United States.", "I Don't Want You to Go (Lani Hall song) \"I Don't Want You to Go\" is the second single from American singer La Toya Jackson's second album My Special Love.[2] It was released on 7\" format with the album track \"Love Song\" as a B-side. Jackson performed \"I Don't Want You to Go\" on the October 10, 1981 episode of \"Soul Train\". Allmusic reviewer Justin Kantor praised Jackson's vocal performances on the other songs on My Special Love but said that her performance of \"I Don't Want You to Go\" \"isn't up to the task\".[2]", "I Only Want to Be with You \"I Only Want to Be with You\" is a rock and roll song written by Mike Hawker[1] and Ivor Raymonde. The debut solo single released by British singer Dusty Springfield under her long-time producer Johnny Franz, \"I Only Want to Be with You\" peaked at number 4 on the UK Singles chart in January 1964. Three remakes of the song have been UK chart hits, the first two by the Bay City Rollers (1976) and the Tourists (1979) matching the number 4 peak of the Dusty Springfield original, while the 1989 remake by Samantha Fox peaked at number 16. In the US on the Billboard Hot 100 chart, \"I Only Want to Be with You\" has been a Top 40 hit three times, with both the Dusty Springfield original and the Bay City Rollers' remake peaking at number 12 while the Samantha Fox remake peaked at number 31. \"I Only Want to Be with You\" has also been recorded by a wide range of artists, several of whom sing the song with lyrics translated from the original English.", "The Way I Want to Touch You \"The Way I Want to Touch You\" is a song written by Toni Tennille, which started the professional recording careers for Captain & Tennille.", "All I Want Is You (U2 song) \"All I Want Is You\" is the final song on U2's 1988 album, Rattle and Hum, and was released on 13 June 1989 as the album's fourth and final single. It is the closing song from the film, Rattle and Hum. String arrangements on the song are by Van Dyke Parks.[2]", "You Can't Always Get What You Want Marianne Faithfull has also claimed a role: \"Obviously I also contributed to 'You Can't Always Get What You Want' and 'Dear Doctor' – junk songs ... I know they used me as a muse for those tough drug songs. I knew I was being used but it was for a worthy cause.\"[7]", "I Don't Want to Live Without You Released as the follow-up single to the song \"Say You Will\", \"I Don't Want to Live Without You\" peaked at #5 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart in May 1988.[2] It was the band's sixteenth (and, to date, final) entry on the Billboard pop Top 40. On the Billboard adult contemporary chart, the song became Foreigner's only #1 hit, spending one week atop the tally the week of May 14, 1988.[3] The band had previously reached the Top 5 on the AC chart twice, with the songs \"Waiting for a Girl Like You\" (#5 in 1981) and \"I Want to Know What Love Is\" (#3 in 1985).", "(If You're Wondering If I Want You To) I Want You To On the week ending September 12, 2009, (If You're Wondering If I Want You To) I Want You To\" debuted on the Billboard Hot 100 at number 82. It fell off the following week, but on the week ending November 21, 2009 (the same week that their album Raditude debuted at number 7 on the Billboard 200), it re-entered at number 81. On the Alternative Rock Chart, it peaked at number 2 in its eighth week and stayed there for 12 consecutive weeks behind Muse's \"Uprising\". It is Weezer's longest charting song on the Billboard Alternative Rock Chart to date.", "All I Want Is You (U2 song) All I Want Is You", "All I Want for Christmas Is You (Vince Vance & The Valiants song) In his review of the album All I Want for Christmas Is You, Allmusic reviewer Jason Birchmeier referred to the song as a \"holiday favorite within the country community during the '90s\" but noted that the rest of the album was not \"remotely worth bothering with.\"[4] Having received frequent rotation on country radio and adult contemporary radio during the Christmas season since its 1993 re-release, \"All I Want for Christmas Is You\" is also the most-played country music Christmas song.[5]", "I Want You to Be My Baby \"I Want You to Be My Baby\" is a jump blues song written by Jon Hendricks for Louis Jordan whose recording - made 28 May 1953 - was an R&B hit that autumn.[1]", "You Made Me Love You (I Didn't Want to Do It) \"You Made Me Love You (I Didn't Want to Do It)\" is a popular song. The music was written by James V. Monaco, the lyrics by Joseph McCarthy and the song was published in 1913. It was introduced by Al Jolson in the Broadway revue The Honeymoon Express (1913) and used in the 1973 revival of the musical Irene.", "I Don't Want to See You Again \"I Don't Want to See You Again\" is a song by Paul McCartney credited to Lennon–McCartney, that was released by Peter and Gordon in 1964 as a single. It reached #16 on the Billboard Hot 100.[1]", "I Want to Spend My Lifetime Loving You \"I Want to Spend My Lifetime Loving You\" is a 1998 song written by James Horner and lyricist Will Jennings for the 1998 film The Mask of Zorro, of which it is the main theme.", "But You Know I Love You \"But You Know I Love You\" is a song written by Mike Settle, which was a 1969 pop hit for Kenny Rogers and The First Edition, a group that included Settle and Kenny Rogers. The song also became a major country hit by Bill Anderson in 1969. Evie Sands recorded the song for her album Any Way That You Want Me and Julie Rogers for her album Once More With Feeling, both in 1970. In 1981, a cover version of \"But You Know I Love You\" by singer Dolly Parton topped the country singles charts.", "I Want You Back Originally considered for Gladys Knight & the Pips and later for Diana Ross, as \"I Wanna Be Free\", \"I Want You Back\" explores the theme of a lover who decides that he was too hasty in dropping his partner. An unusual aspect about \"I Want You Back\" was that its main lead vocal was performed by a tween, Michael Jackson.", "All I Want Is You (U2 song) An enhanced version of the CD contains the video for \"All I Want Is You.\"", "All You Wanted \"All You Wanted\" was written by Branch and produced by John Shanks.[1] \"If you want to/I can save you/I can take you away from here,\" she wails over a crumbling wall of guitars.[2] Lyrically, it talks about a heartbreak.[3]", "I Don't Know Why You Don't Want Me \"I Don't Know Why You Don't Want Me\" is a song co-written and recorded by American country music artist Rosanne Cash. It was released in February 1985 as the first single from the album Rhythm & Romance. \"I Don't Know Why You Don't Want Me\" was Rosanne Cash's fourth number one on the country charts. The single stayed at number one for a single week and spent a total of 15 weeks on the chart.[1] Cash wrote the song with then-husband Rodney Crowell.", "I Want You (Janet Jackson song) \"I Want You\" was released as a double A-side with \"All Nite (Don't Stop)\".", "Here, There and Everywhere The harmonic fascination with the bridge segment beginning \"I want her everywhere\" is that at that point the key centre does go \"everywhere\". It shifts via an F7 chord (a ♭VII in the old G key and a V7 in the new B♭ key) to a I–vi–ii (B♭–Gm–Cm) chord progression in B♭ major. It then shifts again via a D7 chord (a III7 in the old B♭ key and a V7 in the new Gm key) to G minor where we go through a i–iv (Gm–Cm chord) progression. Finally the pivot of D7 takes us back to the G major tonic and reinforcing G melody note of \"Everywhere\".[17]", "I Just Want to Make Love to You \"I Just Want to Make Love to You\" is a 1954 blues song written by Willie Dixon, first recorded by Muddy Waters,[2] and released as \"Just Make Love to Me\" (Chess 1571). The song reached number four on Billboard magazine's R&B Best Sellers chart.[3]", "I Want You (Janet Jackson song) \"I Want You\" was written by Harold Lilly, Kanye West, and John Legend, while production was handled by West, Jimmy Jam & Terry Lewis, and Jackson.[1] It was initially titled \"Have Your Way with Me\" in its early stages, and was one of two songs from the album which Jackson did not co-write, along with \"Thinkin' 'Bout My Ex\", written by Kenneth \"Babyface\" Edmonds. Describing the song, Jackson said, \"It's a different kind of song for me, it's more of like a throwback. More of a doowoop-y [feel], which I've never done before which is quite exciting, and I enjoyed recording it in the studio.\"[2] John Platt, senior Vice President of Virgin Records and EMI Publishing, commented that Damita Jo \"is really about positive love and where she's at in her life right now. The second half of the album was very easy once me and Janet got to know each other, and found the songs that really were true to her and that she can sing with conviction. That's why there's so much passion in this \"I Want You\" record, that's where she's at in her life right now.\"[3]", "All I Want for Christmas Is You (Vince Vance & The Valiants song) \"All I Want for Christmas Is You\" is a Christmas song recorded by American novelty act Vince Vance & The Valiants. Initially released as a single in 1989, Vince Vance's version of the song has charted several times on the Billboard country singles charts. It is Vince Vance & the Valiants' only chart entry.", "I Want to Take You Higher \"I Want to Take You Higher\" opens with a bluesy guitar riff played by Freddie Stone. The song, one of the most upbeat recordings in the Family Stone canon, is a remake of sorts of \"Higher\", a song from the band's 1968 Dance to the Music LP. \"Higher\" itself has its origins in \"Advice\", a song Sly Stone co-wrote and arranged for Billy Preston's album The Wildest Organ In Town in 1966.", "All I Want for Christmas Is You \"All I Want for Christmas Is You\" is a Christmas song performed by American singer and songwriter Mariah Carey. She wrote and produced the song alongside Walter Afanasieff. Columbia Records released it on November 1, 1994, as the lead single from her fourth studio album and first holiday album, Merry Christmas (1994). It is an uptempo love song that includes bell chimes, heavy back-up vocals, and synthesizers.", "Everything You Want (Vertical Horizon song) Lead vocalist Matt Scannell has cited \"Everything You Want\" as a great example of honest songwriting and added, \"I still experience joy singing it because I know it came from a true place.\"[2] The song's main theme deals with unrequited love,[3] which Scannell discussed in a 2010 interview:", "I Want You (Savage Garden song) \"I Want You\" is a song by Australian pop duo Savage Garden. It was originally released in Australia in May 1996[1] as the lead single from their eponymous debut album, Savage Garden. The single hit number one in Canada, and peaked on #4 on the US Billboard Hot 100[2] and in Australia.[3] The single also peaked at #11 on the UK Singles Chart.[4]", "Here, There and Everywhere Deeply impressed by Wilson's songs,[10] McCartney wrote \"Here, There and Everywhere\" two weeks later at Lennon's house in Weybridge, while waiting for Lennon to wake up. McCartney recalled: \"I sat out by the pool on one of the sun chairs with my guitar and started strumming in E. And soon [I] had a few chords, and I think by the time he'd woken up, I had pretty much written the song, so we took it indoors and finished it up.\"[11]", "All I Want for Christmas Is You \"All I Want for Christmas Is You\" is played at a original tempo of 150.162 beats per minute. According to the sheet music published at Musicnotes.com by Sony/ATV Music Publishing, the song is set in common time and in the key of G major. Carey's vocal range in the song spans from the note of G3 to the high note of G5.[14] Carey wrote the song's lyrics and melody, while Afanasieff arranged and produced the piece with synthetically created computerized equipment.[13]", "All I Really Want to Do I ain't lookin' to make you fry\nSee you fly or watch you die\nAnd I don't want to drag you down\nChain you down or be your clown", "I Want You, I Need You, I Love You En route from Amarillo, the airplane developed engine trouble and fell through the sky several times.[3] Upon arrival in Nashville on the morning of April 14, all four were disconcerted.[3] Presley arrived at the RCA Victor Studios without ideas for the recording session and therefore had no choice but to use Sholes' suggestions, one of which was \"I Want You, I Need You, I Love You\".[3]", "All I Want for Christmas Is You Shona Craven of Scotland's The Herald, said, \"[it's] a song of optimism and joy that maybe, just maybe, hints at the real meaning of Christmas.\"[22] Additionally, she felt the main reason it was so successful is the subject \"you\" in the lyrics, explaining, \"Perhaps what makes the song such a huge hit is the fact that it's for absolutely everyone.\" Craven opened her review with a bold statement: \"Bing Crosby may well be turning in his grave, but no child of the 1980s will be surprised to see Mariah Carey's sublime All I Want For Christmas Is You bounding up the charts after being named the nation's top festive song.\"[22]", "If I Didn't Have You (Disney song) Newman received a standing ovation when collecting his Best Original Song trophy for the song. He said: \"I want to thank, first of all, the music branch [of the Motion Picture Academy] for giving me so many chances to be humiliated over the years...I am absolutely astounded that I won for this.\" During the ceremony he performed \"If I Didn't Have You\" with help from actor John Goodman.[8] Later, he said \"I'd rather have had it for a score, but I was much more moved by the event that I ever thought I would be. You know it's not a measure of anything real, but I was up there and so was Jennifer Lopez and the orchestra stood up and it kind of got to me. I was almost embarrassed - but not quite.\"[9]", "All I Want for Christmas Is You (Vince Vance & The Valiants song) \"All I Want for Christmas Is You\" is a mid-tempo in triple meter, featuring lead vocals from Lisa Burgess Stewart, who now records under the name Lisa Layne.[1][2] In it, the female narrator (Layne), explains that she does not want Christmas decorations or gifts from Santa Claus. Instead, all she wants for Christmas is her lover. The melody used in the song is based on Bobby Vinton's number 9 pop hit single from early 1964, \"My Heart Belongs to Only You,\" with a few minor alterations.[3]", "Say You Will (Fleetwood Mac song) \"Everybody’s experienced it - when you like somebody, it makes you a different person. It changes you and it changes you in a minute. But that song is not just about Lindsey. It’s about a movie I saw about Arturo Sandoval, the trumpet player. I loved this movie, and I just loved the way that through all the pain and separation, they managed to do music and stay happy and keep love alive, and dancing and rhythm and music, how healing it was. That was really my inspiration for that song. The chorus was written first, then I went back to write the verses. It was initially inspired by that movie. But then once you get part of the poem down, you can’t always write all of it about what inspired it initially. You have to go back. You have this great chorus that basically says, \"If you dance with me, you won’t be mad at me anymore. We can be in a huge argument, but if we put on some music and start to dance, everything will be great.\" Then I had to think about what to make the verses about. So I went back over all my relationships with people and think of different ways that I have felt when I wanted basically to burst into song and sing that chorus (laughs). Give me one more chance. That’s what came out of it. It’s funny because, we just did an interview the day before yesterday, and I don’t think any of the band knows that that was the reason I wrote the song.\".[3] In other interviews Nicks has referred to Christine McVie as the inspiration to the song.", "Dilbert principle I wrote The Dilbert Principle around the concept that in many cases the least competent, least smart people are promoted, simply because they’re the ones you don't want doing actual work. You want them ordering the doughnuts and yelling at people for not doing their assignments—you know, the easy work. Your heart surgeons and your computer programmers—your smart people—aren’t in management. That principle was literally happening everywhere.", "Straight to Hell (song) The song has a distinctive drum beat. \"You couldn't play rock 'n' roll to it. Basically it's a Bossa Nova.\" said Topper Headon. Joe Strummer has said \"Just before the take, Topper said to me \"I want you to play this\" and he handed me an R Whites lemonade bottle in a towel. He said \"I want you to beat the bass drum with it.\" [3]", "Everything You Want (Vertical Horizon song) \"Everything You Want\" is a song by American alternative rock band Vertical Horizon and the eponymous second single from their third studio album Everything You Want. Released on April 4, 2000. The single reached the top of the Billboard Hot 100 after a 26-week climb on July 15 of that year. \"Everything You Want\" is Vertical Horizon's most successful single.", "I Want You to Be My Baby In the UK Annie Ross - John Hendricks' future co-partner in Lambert, Hendricks & Ross - had an October 1955 single release of \"I Want You to Be My Baby\" recorded with Tony Crombie & His Orchestra: neither this disc nor a 1956 UK single release of \"I Want You to Be My Baby\" by Don Lang charted. The song became a UK Top 40 hit in the autumn of 1968 via a recording by Billie Davis. Produced by Ready Steady Go! co-host Michael Aldred and arranged by Mike Vickers, Davis' version featured a chorale comprising Madeline Bell, Kiki Dee, Kay Garner, Doris Troy and the Moody Blues. The single's failure to rise no higher than #33 is attributable to a strike at the Decca processing plant, which stopped the pressing of discs. [3]", "Call It What You Want (Taylor Swift song) \"Call It What You Want\" has been described as a \"stark synth-pop love song\".[4] Jack Antonoff, the co-producer and co-writer of the track, revealed on Twitter that \"Call It What You Want\" was \"made with an MPC, live kick, dx7 strings and samples of Taylor's voice as the intro and throughout. Making her voice into an instrument.\" He also added that he was \"honored to have 'Call It What You Want' out in the world. That song means a great deal to me\", and recommend fans to \"listen on headphones at night on a walk\".[5] \"Call It What You Want\" features Swift rapping.[6]", "Stay (I Missed You) \"Stay\" was covered in 2006 by Filipino singer Chris Cayzer for his self-titled debut album. In 2007, it was covered by pop-punk band New Found Glory for From the Screen to Your Stereo Part II and featured Loeb on supporting vocals. Sarah Silverman performed a cover version of the song in the episode \"I Thought My Dad Was Dead, But It Turns Out He's Not\" from the second season of The Sarah Silverman Program. Two lines from the song (\"You say I only hear what I want to/You say I talk so all the time\") can be heard from Much has Been Said, a song by the Filipino rock band Bamboo from their album Light Peace Love.", "I Want You (She's So Heavy) Lennon and Harrison overdubbed multi-tracked heavy guitars on 18 April 1969. Billy Preston's keyboards and Ringo Starr's congas were added on 20 April 1969. \"I Want You\" received the \"She's So Heavy\" vocals on 11 August, and thus the title became \"I Want You (She's So Heavy)\".[10] \"'She's So Heavy' was about Yoko,\" Lennon told Rolling Stone. \"When you're drowning, you don't say, 'I would be incredibly pleased if someone would have the foresight to notice me drowning and come and help me.' You just scream.\"[4]", "Do You Want to Build a Snowman? \"Do You Want to Build a Snowman?\" is a song from the 2013 Disney animated feature film Frozen, with music and lyrics composed by Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez. As of November 25, 2016, the total sales of the digital track stands at 1,600,000 downloads according to Nielsen SoundScan, placing it second on the list of all-time best-selling Christmas/holiday digital singles in SoundScan history (behind Mariah Carey's 1994 hit single, \"All I Want for Christmas Is You\").[2]", "Miss You (Aaliyah song) \"Miss You\" was written by R&B singer Ginuwine, Johnta Austin and Teddy Bishop, while produced by the latter,[1] and was originally crafted for Ginuwine's second studio album 100% Ginuwine (1999). It was fall of 1999, and while Aaliyah was recording tracks for self-titled third album (2001) in the Manhattan Center Studios, she requested Austin and Bishop to play her a couple of tracks they had produced with other artists, including \"I Miss You\" for which Ginuwine had already lent his vocals.[2] Bishop later commented, \"She was like, 'I want to cut this record' [...] She got on the phone, called him and said 'Hey I know you cut this record already, but I would love to cut it'.\"[2] Ginuwine, who was a part writer on the song, allowed her to cut her own version of it and the same night, Aaliyah re-recorded the whole track.[2] Though she reportedly wanted to put the song out herself, Blackground Records, her label, felt the song was no \"smash record\" and thus, the song was left unused until her death in August 2001.[2]", "List of songs recorded by Elvis Presley on the Sun label In 1951 Eddy Arnold recorded a song titled “I Want to Play House with You” [3][34] [35] by Cy Coben. [4] This song has been misidentified as the same song. It is not.[36]", "I Look to You In the Summer 2009 edition of Rap-Up, R&B singer Akon spoke about working with Houston for the then-upcoming album. In the interview he revealed that he had worked with her on two songs for the album; one of which, \"Like I Never Left\", was previously leaked to the internet. It had initially been tipped as a single.[6] Davis said Houston wanted an island song, so they reached out to Akon.[1] The song was likened to Janet Jackson's \"My Baby,\" which featured Kanye West.[7] American singer R. Kelly also wrote two songs for the album. One of the songs \"Salute\" was described as being \"militaristic [with a] marching beat\" that also features Kelly on the backing vocals in the chorus. In the song Houston makes reference to LL Cool J with the lyric, \"Don't call it a comeback, I've been here for years.\"[1] Kelly's other contribution, \"I Look to You\" became the album's title song, and was released as the album's debut single. When speaking of the piano ballad Houston said, \"It sums up all I wanted to say.\" The album also contains a cover of the 1970s Leon Russell song, \"A Song for You\". Houston's cover begins with a slow piano intro, which picks up in the middle.[1]", "The Heart Wants What It Wants \"The Heart Wants What It Wants\" is a midtempo pop and R&B song,[9][10] that contains a minimal electropop beat complete with finger snaps, ominous synths and haunting groans.[11] Several critics noted the reminiscence of the song to the works by singers Lorde and Lana Del Rey.[11][12] Lyrically, Gomez details being in love with a bad boy despite knowing he may not be a stand-up guy.[11] She sings, \"The bed's getting cold and you're not here / The future that we hold is so unclear / But I'm not alive until you call / And I'll bet the odds against it all... / There's a million reasons why I should give you up / But the heart wants what it wants.\"[11]", "Stay (I Missed You) According to Rhik Samadder, Loeb's guitar picks out a simple arpeggio as she admonishes: \"You say I only hear what I want to,\" warning us that this may be the most self-involved song ever written. Almost every line contains a clutch of first person singulars: \"I turned the radio on, I turned the radio up, and this woman was singing my song.\"[7] Based on the song's theme the break-up song is not about a relationship with a departed lover, but the relationship with ourselves [...] About accepting that our basic loneliness is unsophisticated and shared, and that we have to abandon the selfish dramas of our malaise to properly love. It's a point of emotional development [...]\"[7] Regarding the lyrical content, Loeb's explained; \"\"I turned the radio on, I turned the radio up, and this woman was singing my song,\" Lisa explains: \"That was when you hear somebody telling your exact story. It's funny, because it wasn't until later, after a couple of major breakups, that I realized when you're depressed and you're going through these breakups, the breakup was supposed to happen. If you're going through difficult times, it's hilarious how you turn on the radio and even the most cliché things perfectly capture how you're feeling. And then you realize why people wrote those songs.\"[5]", "I Don't Want to Know Rolling Stone Magazine critic John Swenson described \"I Don't Want to Know\" as \"pure post-Buffalo Springfield country-rock formula.\"[4] Carroll attributes its strength to the vocal harmonies between Nicks and Buckingham and to Buckingham's \"strong country-pop guitar solo.\"[5] Stylus Magazine critic Patrick McKay regards \"I Don't Want to Know\" as one of the \"strongest tracks\" on Rumours.[7] In his book Killing Yourself to Live: 85% of a True Story, Chuck Klosterman praised Buckingham's acoustic guitar playing in that the way you can hear the squeaking sound of his fingers sliding down the guitar strings made the opening of the song sound \"organic and raw.\"[8] Music historian Joel Whitburn lists \"I Don't Want to Know\" as an essential song for downloading to an iPod.[9] Author Joe S. Harrington regards Liz Phair's \"Six Foot One\" as a \"musical [and] spiritual descendent\" of \"I Don't Want to Know.\"[10]", "I Want You to Be My Baby In the summer of 1955 \"I Want You to Be My Baby\" was remade as the debut disc by comedy musical act Lillian Briggs resulting in an expedient cover version by veteran vocalist Georgia Gibbs: producers Hugo & Luigi had Gibbs fly in from her Massachusetts home to New York City on Wednesday 3 August 1955 to cut \"I Want You to Be My Baby\" that same afternoon; New York City disc jockeys were provided with acetates of the Gibbs' version by the following morning with regular jockey copies being shipped out Friday 5 August 1955.[2] Neither version of the song would reach the Top Ten: Gibbs' version had the higher chart peak at #14 but it was the rough voiced Briggs - whose version peaked at #18 - who had the million seller.", "Stay with Me (Sam Smith song) According to Smith, \"the song is about the moment in the morning after a one night stand, where the person you are with leaves your house, and you are left by yourself, and it's just a second, where you are just like: 'I wish, I wish'. You don't even love them, you don't really fancy them that much, it's just nice to have someone in the bed next to you.\"[4] The song won the Grammy Awards for Record of the Year and Song of the Year, and in his acceptance speech for winning the Record of the Year, Smith said that \"I want to thank the man who this record is about who I fell in love with last year. Thank you so much for breaking my heart because you got me four Grammys.\"[6]", "The End (The Doors song) Every time I hear that song, it means something else to me. It started out as a simple good-bye song... Probably just to a girl, but I see how it could be a goodbye to a kind of childhood. I really don't know. I think it's sufficiently complex and universal in its imagery that it could be almost anything you want it to be.[9]", "I Can Dream About You While recording a mimed TV performance of the song, Hartman explained why one music video featured actors: \"The producers and directors of Streets of Fire wanted the best of everything, so they hired the best singers, the best dancers and best actors to play the parts in the film. So the singers in \"I Can Dream About You\" who are the Sorels are actually actors, and I wrote and sang this song.\"[23]", "I Don't Ever Want to See You Again \"I Don't Ever Want to See You Again\" is a song performed by American contemporary R&B singer Uncle Sam. It is the closing track on his eponymous debut album and was issued as the album's lead single. The song was written[3] and produced[1] by Boyz II Men member Nathan Morris. Released in 1997,[2] it was Sam's only hit on the Billboard Hot 100, peaking at #6 in 1998.[4]", "Here, There and Everywhere In his authorized biography, Many Years From Now, McCartney names \"Here, There and Everywhere\" as one of his personal favorites.[3] Beatles producer George Martin has also highlighted it among his favorite McCartney songs. Lennon reportedly told McCartney that \"Here, There and Everywhere\" was \"the best tune\" on Revolver. In a 1980 interview for Playboy magazine, Lennon described it as \"one of my favorite songs of the Beatles\".[4] Lennon's \"Woman \" bears similar structure to \"Here, There and Everywhere\".", "All I Want for Christmas Is You Critics also noted the song a tad reminiscent of the works of Judy Garland and Nat King Cole, while also describing it as hearkening back to \"'60s and '70s Motown covers of prewar Christmas classics, such as The Jackson 5's [and] Stevie Wonder\". Slate's Ragusea conceded that \"All I Want For Christmas Is You\" \"sounds like it could have been written in the '40s and locked in a Brill Building safe.\"[15] In a piece on the song in Vogue, a writer felt the song's lyrics helped solidify its status over two decades later: \"those lyrics could have been sung by Frank Sinatra—well, maybe not Frank, but another singer back then. I think that's what gives it that timeless, classic quality.\"[17]", "I Thought I Lost You \"I Thought I Lost You\" was nominated for Broadcast Film Critics Association Award for Best Song and Golden Globe Award for Best Original Song, but lost both to Bruce Springsteen's \"The Wrestler\" from The Wrestler (2008). The song's accompanying music video has Cyrus and Travolta performing the song in a recording studio and features clips from Bolt. \"I Thought I Lost You\" was promoted by few live performances by Cyrus.", "I Want You to Want Me \"My recollection is that [songwriter Rick Nielsen] did that song as a bit of a joke, because at the time when we had done that song there was a lot of pop music on the radio—ABBA, and all sorts of things, disco, [Rick thought] 'I'm just going to do an over-the-top pop song. I just want to do one that's so silly—total pop—and then we'll do a heavy version of it.' He didn't know what was going to happen with it. The idea was to have it like a heavy metal pop song. Cheap Trick doing ABBA—except a very heavy version.\"[citation needed]", "Bridgit Mendler To Hartford Courant she commented that writing is a compulsion. \"It's also something I really enjoy. I like to create. It's part of being a recording artist. I love to write songs\".[159] Mendler also said she didn't want to make commercial songs, but timeless songs. \"I want to make music that stands the test of time. You look at what Bob Dylan and artists like him have done and you just can't help but be blown away. I'm just glad I have the opportunity to start with this and I just want to take it as far as I can. I wanted variety and to just make things really interesting. This isn't just something that comes out of a machine. It came out of me. This isn't about product. I want to grow as an artist. I remember listening to certain recording artists and songs that had a really big impact on me\".[159]", "Lotta Love \"I got that song off a tape I found lying on the floor of Neil's car. I popped it in the tape player and commented on what a great song it was. Neil said: 'You want it? It's yours.'\"[4]", "If I Kiss You \"If I Kiss You (Will You Go Away)\" is a popular 1967 song by country singer Lynn Anderson.", "Lilly, Do You Want to Know a Secret? Every Hannah Montana episode title references a song; \"Lilly, Do You Want to Know a Secret?\" is a play on the title of The Beatles song \"Do You Want to Know a Secret?\".[3] Jackson's line of \"When you got it, flaunt it\" references a song from the musical, The Producers.[3] Fermine is based on Franck Eggelhoffer, Martin Short's character from the movies Father of the Bride and Father of the Bride Part II.", "I Just Want to Dance with You \"I Just Want to Dance with You\" is a song written by John Prine and Roger Cook, and performed by American country music singer George Strait. It was released in April 1998 as the first single to his album, One Step at a Time, it is his 34th Number One single on the Billboard Hot Country Singles & Tracks (now Hot Country Songs) chart, and his 42nd Number One single when all major trade charts are counted. Prine recorded it 12 years earlier, for his 1986 album \"German Afternoons.\"", "Exile on Main St. At the time of Exile's release, Jagger said, \"This new album is fucking mad. There's so many different tracks. It's very rock & roll, you know. I didn't want it to be like that. I'm the more experimental person in the group, you see I like to experiment. Not go over the same thing over and over. Since I've left England, I've had this thing I've wanted to do. I'm not against rock & roll, but I really want to experiment. The new album's very rock & roll and it's good. I mean, I'm very bored with rock & roll. The revival. Everyone knows what their roots are, but you've got to explore everywhere. You've got to explore the sky too.\"[4]", "I Want You (Janet Jackson song) \"I Want You\", along with Jackson's other singles from Damita Jo and her following two albums, was blacklisted by many major radio formats following her controversial Super Bowl Halftime Show incident that resulted in several media conglomerates receiving massive U.S. Federal Communications Commission fines in its aftermath, such as Viacom, which owns many radio formats, MTV, and CBS, which broadcast the event and owns Clear Channel Communications.[40] The blacklisting of Jackson drew attention and commentary from music critics, with many claiming the song would likely have achieved greater success if the blockage had not occurred. Glenn Gamboa of Newsweek stated, \"Unfortunately, it's not clear whether these songs will get heard,\" saying after the incident, \"Jackson has been put in the pop culture penalty box. The result is that despite some initial backing for \"Just a Little While\", radio and TV support for her music has withered, as the conglomerates worry about angering the FCC and Congress\" in fear of receiving fines for supporting Jackson. Gamboa added that \"I Want You\" would have been an \"across-the-board smash pre-Nipplegate.\"[41] In retrospect, Rich Juzwiak of Gawker commented that the \"lush\" single would have been successful for Jackson given a different set of circumstances.[13]", "I Know What You Did Last Summer (song) The artists co-wrote \"I Know What You Did Last Summer\" with its producers Ido Zmishlany and Noel Zancanella, with Bill Withers receiving songwriting credits for the sampling of his 1971 single \"Ain't No Sunshine\". Cabello described \"I Know What You Did Last Summer\" as a \"conversation between two people in a relationship where it's dying, but nobody wants to admit that it's dying.\"[1] The song is sung in A minor, with a tempo of 114 bpm and a time signature of 4\n4.[3]", "I Want It That Way \"I Want It That Way\" became one of the Backstreet Boys' signature songs and one of the most praised songs by the group. Rolling Stone listed Backstreet Boys at number 1 on their Readers' Poll: The Best Boy Bands of All Time, writing that \"the five-piece scored several huge hits, but their 1999 smash 'I Want It That Way' is a genre-transcending classic\".[16] While listing the 10 biggest boy bands from 1987 until 2012, Billboard placed the band at number 2, writing that, \"They tallied up six Hot 100 top 10 hits including well-loved tunes like 'I Want It That Way' and 'Quit Playing Games (with My Heart)'.[17] \"I Want It That Way\" was also placed at number 2 on Complex list of The 30 Best Boy Band Songs.", "Blurred Lines Someone who says \"I know you want it\" is probably overly cocky and presumptuous as hell by assuming you/she wants \"it,\" but nothing about \"I know you want it\" is saying \"I know you want it, and I'm going to force you to have it\" or \"I had sex with you and you didn't consent, but I know you wanted it.\" Yes, \"I know you want it\" could be said by a rapist—but so could \"Do you want to go to a movie tonight?\"[64]", "If It's Lovin' that You Want \"If It's Lovin' that You Want\" is a song recorded by Barbadian singer Rihanna, from her debut studio album Music of the Sun (2005). It was written by Samuel Barnes, Scott La Rock, Makeba Riddick, Jean-Claude Oliver, Lawrence Parker, and produced by Poke & Tone. It was released on September 13, 2005, as the second and final single from the album. The lyrics revolve around \"basically telling a guy, 'If it's lovin' that you want, you should make me your girl because I've got what you need\".[1]", "I Belong to You (Lenny Kravitz song) The single featured several remixes for his previous single \"If You Can't Say No\", apart from the \"I Belong To You\" song.", "You Can't Always Get What You Want \"You Can't Always Get What You Want\" is a song by the Rolling Stones on their 1969 album Let It Bleed. Written by Mick Jagger and Keith Richards, it was named as the 100th greatest song of all time by Rolling Stone magazine in its 2004 list of the \"500 Greatest Songs of All Time\".", "I-message If an \"I\" message contains \"you-messages\", it can be problematic in conflict situations. For example: \"I feel..., when you..., and I want you to...\" This can put the receiver of the statement on the defensive. In a dispute, use of a phrase that begins with \"I want\" may encourage the parties to engage in positional problem solving. This may make conflicts more difficult to resolve. An \"interest-based\" approach to conflict resolution suggests using statements that reflect why the individual wants something.[8]", "Lord Kitchener Wants You Recruitment posters in general have often been seen as a driving force helping to bring more than a million men into the Army.[30] September 1914, coincident with publication of Leete's image, saw the highest number of volunteers enlisted.[9] The Times recorded the scene in London on 3 January 1915; \"Posters appealing to recruits are to be seen on every hoarding, in most windows, in omnibuses, tramcars and commercial vans. The great base of Nelson's Column is covered with them. Their number and variety are remarkable. Everywhere Lord Kitchener sternly points a monstrously big finger, exclaiming 'I Want You'\".[9] One contemporaneous publication decried the use of advertising methods to enlist soldiers: \"the cold, basilisk eye of a gaudily-lithographed Kitchener rivets itself upon the possible recruit and the outstretched finger of the British Minister of War is levelled at him like some revolver, with the words, 'I want you.' The idea is stolen from the advertisement of a 5c. American cigar.\"[31] Although it became one of the most famous posters in history,[9] its widespread circulation did not halt the decline in recruiting.[9]", "I Know What You Want In Billboard, Brian Garrity wrote that on \"I Know What You Want,\" Busta Rhymes \"takes an R&B turn.\"[2] Amazon.com editor Dalton Higgins wrote that in this duet Busta \"croons.\"[3]", "(If Loving You Is Wrong) I Don't Want to Be Right \"(If Loving You Is Wrong) I Don't Want to Be Right\" is a song written by Stax Records songwriters Homer Banks, Carl Hampton and Raymond Jackson. Originally written for The Emotions, it has been performed by many singers, most notably by Luther Ingram, whose original recorded version[1] topped the R&B chart for four weeks and rose to number three on the Billboard Hot 100 chart in 1972.[2] Billboard ranked it as the No. 16 song for 1972.[3]", "All I Want for Christmas Is You In the United States, in the first week of January 1995, \"All I Want for Christmas Is You\" peaked at number six on the Billboard Hot Adult Contemporary and at No. 12 on the Hot 100 Airplay chart.[25] The song placed on these two charts again in December 1995 and in December 1996.[25] The song was ineligible for inclusion on the Billboard Hot 100 during its original release, because it was not released commercially as a single. This rule lapsed in 1998, however, allowing the song to chart on the Billboard Hot 100 (peaking at No. 83 in January 2000). The song topped the Billboard Hot Digital Songs chart in December 2005, but it was unable to attain a new peak on the Billboard Hot 100 chart because it was considered a recurrent single and was thus ineligible for chart re-entry.[26]", "Heathens (song) As I was writing the song I was like, I want this song to be a Twenty One Pilots song first. And I want it to resonate with our fans and make sense at our show. Even though the themes in the movie inspired the beginning of it, as the lyrics came together, and as the song came together, I realized, like, this was our song.", "Sock It To Me In their 1969 song \"It's Your Thing\", The Isley Brothers reference the phrase: \"It's your thing, do what you want to do. I can't tell you who to sock it to.\"", "See You in September Sid Wayne would recall the song's inception: \"I was in the habit of going from my home on Long Island every day to Brill Building, on Tin Pan Alley [to] meet with different songwriters there. We'd eat at Jack Dempsey's or The Turf Restaurant and then we'd go up to one of the publishers' offices and work in the piano room. We'd sit around saying to each other, 'What do you want to write today? A hit or a standard?'\" At 11 a.m. on a Friday in June 1959 Wayne thus met up with Sherman Edwards: \"he said, 'What do you want to write?' 'I'd like to write a song called See You in September,\"' I said. We talked it back and forth and I think I may have contributed part of the opening music, but with Sherman it didn't matter, because he could throw me back half the lyric — that's how he worked. I think probably by two in the afternoon we got the song finished. It needed to be written; it was like boiling inside of us.\"", "Halo (Beyoncé song) There was this huge scandal that originally \"Halo\" was meant to go to Leona. That was never the case ... That song was written for Beyoncé. What happened was that Beyoncé waited long enough to record that song ... I thought this would be a brilliant first single for Leona, which it would have ... What I did was foolishly say to Leona's camp, \"I have it on hold for another A-list artist and I'm pretty sure they'll take it, but if they don't, I just want to know if you like it enough to consider it\". I sent it to them and they flipped on it. They loved it and instantly said they wanted to do it. I was like, \"Wait, wait, wait, no, it's not free yet!\"[5]", "I Feel for You \"I Feel for You\" is a song written by Prince that originally appeared on his 1979 self-titled album. The most successful and best-known version was recorded by R&B singer Chaka Khan and appeared on her 1984 album I Feel for You. Prince, as songwriter, won the 1985 Grammy Award for Best R&B Song.", "Swinging on a Star The song was parodied in a The Far Side cartoon, which depicted a man-turned-pig saying to his wife, \"Hey! So I made the wrong decision! [referring to the part of the song which says \"Or would you rather be a pig\"]... But you know, I really wasn't sure I wanted to swing on a star, carry moonbeams home in a jar!\"", "Where You Want to Be The first single from Where You Want to Be was \"A Decade Under the Influence,\" which was released to radio in late June 2004. While Taking Back Sunday was on the 2004 Warped Tour, Where You Want to Be was released in late July on Victory Records. After an appearance at the Reading Festival in England, the group toured Europe and began a U.S. fall tour. They worked with Blink-182 member Tom DeLonge to create a music video, \"This Photograph Is Proof (I Know You Know),\" which was filmed in 48 hours. The band went on a winter tour with Atreyu and Funeral for a Friend, and \"This Photograph Is Proof (I Know You Know)\" was released to radio in early January 2005. Taking Back Sunday then began a co-headlining tour with Jimmy Eat World.", "Rise and Fall, Rage and Grace In an interview with the LA Times,[30] Dexter Holland said: \"Who decides what is and what isn't punk? I want to write songs that people hear and feel and I want to be successful and reach a big audience,\" he says. \"I'm not trying to be the coolest guy in the world, I'm trying to write songs that mean something to people. As you get successful, sometimes you lose one set of fans and gain another.\"", "Do You Want to Dance \"Do You Want to Dance\" is a song written by American singer Bobby Freeman and recorded by him in 1958. It reached number No. 5 on the United States Billboard Top 100 Sides pop chart and No. 2 on the Billboard R&B chart.[1][2][3] Cliff Richard and the Shadows' version of the song reached No. 2 in the United Kingdom in 1962, despite being a B-side. The Beach Boys' version reached No. 12 as \"Do You Wanna Dance?\" in the United States in 1965, and a 1972 cover by Bette Midler (\"Do You Want to Dance?\") reached No. 17.", "Martin Luther King Jr. I want you to say that day that I tried to be right on the war question. I want you to be able to say that day that I did try to feed the hungry. I want you to be able to say that day that I did try in my life to clothe those who were naked. I want you to say on that day that I did try in my life to visit those who were in prison. And I want you to say that I tried to love and serve humanity.", "I Want to Be Your Man \"I Want to Be Your Man\" is a song by American funk singer-songwriter Roger Troutman, from his third studio album Unlimited!. It was released as the lead single from the album in 1987 by Reprise Records. The song was co-written by Roger's brother, Larry Troutman, and produced by Roger, who conceived of the song as a statement on romantic commitment. \"I Want to Be Your Man\" features Roger singing in both his natural tenor and his trademark talk box.", "All You Wanted \"All You Wanted\" is a song recorded by American singer-songwriter Michelle Branch, released as the second single from her debut album The Spirit Room. It was released by the Maverick Recording Company and Warner Bros. Records on October 28, 2001. The song was written by Branch and was produced by John Shanks.", "1999 (song) The album version of the song starts with a slowed-down voice, reassuring the listener \"Don't worry, I won't hurt you. I only want you to have some fun.\" Prince shares lead vocals on the track with members of his band The Revolution, namely Dez Dickerson, Lisa Coleman and Jill Jones. Originally conceived to be a three-part harmony, it was later decided to separate out the voices that started each verse.", "I'll Cry If I Want To I'll Cry If I Want To was the debut album of Lesley Gore. The album included her hit singles \"It's My Party\" and its follow-up, \"Judy's Turn to Cry\". The album was rushed out after \"It's My Party\" became a big hit, and the songs are mostly about crying, linking to the hit single's first line \"It's my party and I'll cry if I want to\", incorporating songs with titles such as \"Cry\", \"Just Let Me Cry\" and \"Cry and You Cry Alone\".[1][2] Besides the hit singles, the album included pop standards such as \"Misty\", \"Cry Me a River\" and \"What Kind of Fool Am I?\".[1] The album reached #24 on the Billboard 200.[3][4] Edsel Records released the album on Compact Disc in 2000 in combination with Gore's second album, Lesley Gore Sings of Mixed-Up Hearts.[5] The album was named the 181st best album of the 1960s by Pitchfork.[6]", "You Can't Always Get What You Want \"You Can't Always Get What You Want\" was the first song recorded for the album. It exists in two versions, a 5:00 single mix[1] and a 7:28 album mix.[2] \"You Can't Always Get What You Want\" was recorded on 16 and 17 November 1968 at Olympic Sound Studios in London. It features the London Bach Choir opening the song (the choir opening is only on the album version), highlighting throughout, and bringing it to its conclusion. Jimmy Miller, the Stones' producer at the time, plays drums on this song instead of Charlie Watts. Al Kooper plays piano and organ, as well as the French horn intro, while Rocky Dijon plays congas and maracas.[citation needed]", "I Wanna Talk About Me Like Keith's 1998 single \"Getcha Some\", \"I Wanna Talk About Me\" is cited as an example of country-rap, due to the use of a strong beat and rhythmically spoken lyrics.[4][5] \"I Wanna Talk About Me\" tells of a male's frustration in his inability to converse with his partner, who wants to talk about herself. In the chorus, the singer states \"I like talking about you, you, you, you, usually / But occasionally / I wanna talk about me\".[5] A musical strength of the song is its use of a I-V-vi-IV arpeggio played in a punchy rhythm.", "Got to Get You into My Life In Barry Miles' 1997 book Paul McCartney: Many Years from Now, McCartney disclosed that the song was about marijuana.[3] \"'Got to Get You into My Life' was one I wrote when I had first been introduced to pot ... So [it's] really a song about that, it's not to a person.\"[3] Many lyrics from the song suggest this: \"I took a ride, I didn't know what I would find there / Another road where maybe I could see some other kind of mind there.\",'\"What can I do? What can I be? When I'm with you, I want to stay there / If I am true, I will never leave and if I do, I'll know the way there.\" \"It's actually an ode to pot,\" McCartney explained, \"like someone else might write an ode to chocolate or a good claret.\"[11]" ]
what degree is a crock pot on low
[ "Slow cooker To use a slow cooker, the cook places raw food and a liquid, such as stock, water, or wine, in the slow cooker. Some recipes call for pre-heated liquid. The cook puts the lid on the slow cooker and turns it on. Some cookers automatically switch from cooking to warming (maintaining the temperature at 71–74 °C (160–165 °F) after a fixed time or after the internal temperature of the food, as determined by a probe, reaches a specified value." ]
[ "Animal glue It has several advantages and disadvantages compared to other glues. The glue is applied hot, typically with a brush or spatula. Glue is kept hot in a glue pot, which may be an electric unit built for the purpose, a double boiler, or simply a saucepan or crock pot to provide a warm water bath for the container of glue.", "The Two Pots In this connection, there is a likeness between the story and a passage in the debated book of Ecclesiasticus that advises caution in such unequal relationships: 'Have no fellowship with one that is richer than thyself. What agreement shall the earthen pot have with the kettle? For if they knock one against the other, it shall be broken' (13.2-3). Since this particular scripture is in Greek and dates from the 2nd century BCE, it is possible that the passage quoted and the fable are both based on a popular proverb. But there is also a connection with a later Talmudic proverb which underlines the no-win situation of the fable: 'If a pot falls upon a stone, woe to the pot; if a stone falls upon a pot, woe to the pot; either way, woe to the pot' (Esther Rabbah, 7:10).", "Low-pass filter Telephone lines fitted with DSL splitters use low-pass and high-pass filters to separate DSL and POTS signals sharing the same pair of wires.[3][4]", "Slow cooker A slow cooker, also known as a crock-pot (after a trademark owned by Sunbeam Products but sometimes used generically in Australia, South Africa, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States), is a countertop electrical cooking appliance used to simmer at a lower temperature than other cooking methods, such as baking, boiling, and frying.[1] This facilitates unattended cooking for many hours of dishes that would otherwise be boiled: pot roast, soups, stews and other dishes (including beverages, desserts and dips). A wide variety of dishes can be prepared in slow cookers, including ones typically made quickly, such as cocoa and bread.", "Potting soil Potting soil, also known as potting mix or potting compost, is a medium in which to grow plants, herbs and vegetables in a pot or other durable container. The first recorded use of the term is from an 1861 issue of the American Agriculturist.[1]", "Pol Pot Pol Pot displayed what Chandler called a \"genteel charisma\",[205] with many observers commenting on his distinctive smile.[206] As a child, his brother characterised him as having been sweet tempered and equable while fellow school pupils recalled Pol Pot as having been mediocre, but pleasant.[205] As a teacher, he was characterised by his pupils as having been calm, honest and persuasive,[205] having an \"evident good nature and attractive personality\".[105] According to Short, Pol Pot's varied and eclectic upbringing meant that he was \"able to communicate naturally with people of all sorts and conditions, establishing an instinctive rapport that invariably made them want to like him\".[206]", "Slow cooker Cooking the meal in a single pot reduces water waste resulting from cleaning multiple dishes, and the low cooking temperature and glazed pot make cleaning easier than conventional high-heat pots.", "Frasier (season 11) Frasier chips an old earthenware crock pot while preparing dinner, and is about to throw it away, when he pauses, and remembers the dinners associated with the item, going back in time until finally remembering the first dinner he had made for his father, Niles, Daphne and Roz. The show invented new scenes from previous seasons, with the cast wearing the hairstyles, clothes, and vocal and semiotic mannerisms from those previous seasons, in some cases wearing wigs.", "Potting soil As with garden soil, potting soil can attract insects. For example, the fungus gnat is often found around houseplants because it lays eggs in moist potting soil.[9]", "Rake (poker) There are several ways for the rake to be taken.[4] Most rake is a fixed percentage of the pot, taken on a sliding scale, with a capped maximum amount that can be removed from the pot regardless of pot size. Less frequently, rake is a fixed amount no matter what the size of the pot.", "Omaha hold 'em In the deal above, Chris wins the high-hand half of the pot with his J-high straight, and Bryan and Eve split the low half (getting a quarter of the pot each) with 7-5-3-2-A.", "Pol Pot Renaming the country Democratic Kampuchea and seeking to create an agrarian socialist society, Pol Pot's government forcibly relocated the urban population to the countryside to work on collective farms. Those regarded as enemies of the new government were killed. These mass killings, coupled with malnutrition, strenuous working conditions, and poor medical care, killed between 1.5 to 3 million people of a population of slightly over 8 million (about 25 per-cent), a period later termed the Cambodian genocide. Marxist–Leninists unhappy with Pol Pot's government encouraged Vietnamese intervention. In 1978, the Vietnamese invaded Cambodia, toppling Pol Pot's government in 1979. The Vietnamese installed a rival Marxist–Leninist faction opposed to Pol Pot and renamed the country as the People's Republic of Kampuchea. Pol Pot and his Khmer Rouge retreated to a jungle base near the Thai border. Until 1993, they remained part of a coalition internationally recognized as Cambodia's rightful government. The Ta Mok faction placed Pol Pot under house arrest, where he died.", "Omaha hold 'em In Omaha hi-low split-8 or better (simply Omaha/8), each player makes a separate five-card high hand and five-card ace-to-five low hand (eight-high or lower to qualify), and the pot is split between the high and low (which may be the same player). To qualify for low, a player must be able to play an 8-7-6-5-4 or lower (this is why it is called \"eight or better\"). A few casinos play with a 9-low qualifier instead, but this is rare. Each player can play any two of his four hole cards to make his high hand, and any two of his four hole cards to make his low hand. If there is no qualifying low hand, the high hand wins (scoops) the whole pot. This game is usually played in the fixed limit version, although pot limit Omaha/8 is becoming more popular. A few low-stakes online tournaments feature no limit Omaha/8.", "Pol Pot The Khmer Rouge took Phnom Penh on 17 April 1975. As the leader of the Communist Party, Sâr became the de-facto leader of the country. He adopted the title \"brother number one\" and used the nom de guerre Pol Pot. Philip Short offered an explanation for the origin of Pol Pot's name, stating that Sâr announced that he was adopting the name in July 1970. Short suspects that it derives from pol as \"the Pols were royal slaves, an aboriginal people\" and that \"Pot\" was simply a \"euphonic monosyllable\" that he liked.[150] However, the Khmer word pol is derived from Sanskrit bala (\"army\", \"guard\") and the Khmer spelling differs from the spelling of Pol Pot's name.[151] The name has no particular meaning in Khmer.[152]", "Jambalaya The second style, more characteristic of southwestern and south-central Louisiana, is Cajun jambalaya, which contains no tomatoes (the idea being the farther away from New Orleans one gets, the less common tomatoes are in dishes). The meat is browned in a cast-iron pot. The bits of meat that stick to the bottom of the pot (sucs) are what give a Cajun jambalaya its brown color. A little vegetable oil is added if there is not enough fat in the pot. The trinity (of 50% onions, 25% celery, and 25% green or red bell pepper, although proportions can be altered to suit one's taste) is added and sautéed until soft. Stock and seasonings are added in the next step, and then the meats are returned to the pot. This mixture is then simmered, covered, for at least one hour. Lastly, the mixture is brought to a boil and rice is added to the pot. It is then covered and left to simmer over very low heat for at least 1/2 hour without stirring. The dish is finished when the rice has cooked.", "Pol Pot In September 1977, Cambodia launched division-scale raids over the border, which once again left a trail of murder and destruction in villages. The Vietnamese claimed that around 1,000 people had been killed or injured. Three days after the raid, Pol Pot officially announced the existence of the formerly secret Communist Party of Kampuchea (CPK) and finally announced to the world that the country was a Communist state. In December, after having exhausted all other options, Vietnam sent 50,000 troops into Cambodia in what amounted to a short raid. The raid was meant to be secret. The Vietnamese withdrew after declaring that they had achieved their goals and the invasion was just a warning. Upon being threatened, the Vietnamese army promised to return with support from the Soviet Union. Pol Pot's actions made the operation much more visible than the Vietnamese had intended and they created a situation in which Vietnam appeared to be weak.", "Pol Pot Pol Pot fled to Thailand where he lived for the next six years. His headquarters was a plantation villa near Trat.", "Pol Pot Pol Pot lived in the Phnom Malai area, giving interviews in the early 1980s and accusing all of those who opposed him of being traitors and \"puppets\" of the Vietnamese until he disappeared from public view. In 1985, his \"retirement\" was announced, but he retained his influence over the party.[180] A cadre interviewed during this period described Pol Pot's views on the death toll under his government:", "Pol Pot Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge had been evacuating captured urban areas for many years, but the evacuation of Phnom Penh was unique in its scale. Pol Pot stated that \"the first step in progress [was] deliberately designed to exterminate an entire class\".[158] The first operations to evacuate urban areas occurred in 1968, in the Ratanakiri area and aimed at moving people deeper into Khmer Rouge territory to control them more easily. From 1971–1973, the motivation changed. Pol Pot and the other senior leaders were frustrated that urban Cambodians retained old capitalist habits of trade and business. When all other methods had failed, the government adopted the policy of evacuation to the countryside in order to solve the \"problem\".", "Potting soil Infections due to potting mix have been reported in Australia,[10] New Zealand,[11] the Netherlands[12] and the United States.[13]", "Into the Cannibal's Pot Into the Cannibal's Pot: Lessons for America From Post-Apartheid South Africa is the second book by paleolibertarian author and columnist Ilana Mercer, published in 2011.", "Potting soil Some common ingredients used in potting soil are peat, composted bark, sand, perlite and recycled mushroom compost, although many others are used and the proportions vary hugely. Most commercially available brands have their pH fine-tuned with ground limestone; some contain small amounts of fertilizer and slow-release nutrients.[2] Despite its name, little or no soil is used in potting soil because it is considered too heavy for growing houseplants.[3]", "Pol Pot During his childhood, Pol Pot developed a love of music and romantic French poetry, with the work of Paul Verlaine being among his favourites.[35]", "Melting pot In the pre-Spanish era the Philippines was the trading nexus of various cultures and eventually became the melting pot of different nations. This primarily consisted of the Chinese, Indian and Arab cultures; followed by the Japanese, Koreans, and various Middle Eastern countries. This is also includes neighboring southeast Asian cultures. The cultures and races mixed with indigenous tribes, mainly of Austronesian descent (i.e. the Indonesians, Malays and Brunei) and the Negritos. The result was a mix of cultures and ideals. This melting pot of culture continued with the arrival of Europeans, mixing their western culture with the nation. The Spanish as well as the British colonized the Philippines for more than three centuries, and during the early 20th century, was both colonized and annexed by the Americans and the Japanese during World War II. In modern times, the Philippines has been the place of many retired Americans, Japanese expatriates and Korean students. It continues to uphold its status as a melting pot state today.", "Melting pot Since World War II, the idea of the melting pot has become more racially inclusive in the United States, gradually extending also to acceptance of marriage between whites and non-whites.", "Melting pot Analyzing the \"racial masquerade\" that was involved in creation of a white \"melting pot\" culture through the stereotyping and imitation of black and other non-white cultures in the early 20th century, historian Michael Rogin has commented: \"Repudiating 1920s nativism, these films [Rogin discusses The Jazz Singer, Old San Francisco (1927), Whoopee! (1930), King of Jazz (1930) celebrate the melting pot. Unlike other racially stigmatized groups, white immigrants can put on and take off their mask of difference. But the freedom promised immigrants to make themselves over points to the vacancy, the violence, the deception, and the melancholy at the core of American self-fashioning\".[17]", "Pol Pot Born Saloth Sar (Khmer: សាឡុត ស) to a prosperous farmer in Prek Sbauv, French Cambodia, Pol Pot was educated at some of Cambodia's elite schools. In the 1940s, Pol Pot moved to Paris, France, where he joined the French Communist Party and adopted Marxism–Leninism, particularly as it was presented in the writings of Joseph Stalin and Mao Zedong. Returning to Cambodia in 1953, he joined the Marxist–Leninist Khmer Việt Minh organisation in its guerrilla war against King Norodom Sihanouk's newly independent government. Following the Khmer Việt Minh's 1954 retreat into North Vietnam, Pol Pot returned to Phnom Penh, working as a teacher while remaining a central member of the Cambodian Marxist–Leninist movement. In 1959, he helped to convert the movement into the Kampuchean Labour Party—later renamed the Communist Party of Kampuchea—and in 1960 took control of it as party secretary. To avoid state repression, he relocated in 1962 to a Việt Cộng encampment in the jungle before visiting Hanoi and Beijing. In 1968, he re-launched the war against Sihanouk.", "Melting pot The exact term \"melting pot\" came into general usage in the United States after it was used as a metaphor describing a fusion of nationalities, cultures and ethnicities in the 1908 play of the same name, first performed in Washington, D.C., where the immigrant protagonist declared:", "Show Low, Arizona In the summer, highs in Show Low average approximately 85 °F (29 °C), with an occasional day above 90 °F (32 °C) not uncommon for the city. As the sun sets in the summertime, temperatures plummet dramatically, sometimes upwards of 30 degrees. This nightly temperature swing results in summertime lows typically ranging between 50 °F (10 °C) and 60 °F (16 °C).", "Melting pot No reverberatory effect of The Great War has caused American public opinion more solicitude than the failure of the 'melting-pot.' The discovery of diverse nationalistic feelings among our great alien population has come to most people as an intense shock.", "Pol Pot Pol Pot was an extreme nativist and xenophobe who sought to remove all ethnic and religious minorities from Kampuchea.[196][197][198] In addition, native religions were banned as part of the attempt to eliminate religion from the country.[199][200]", "Pol Pot At the time, Cambodia was a monarchy but the king had little political control, which was instead exercised by the French colonial regime.[13] Pol Pot's family had connections to the Cambodian royal household; his cousin Meak was a consort of the king, Sisowath Monivong, and later worked as a ballet teacher.[14] When Pol Pot was six years old, he and an older brother were sent to live with Meak in the capital city of Phnom Penh; informal adoptions by wealthier relatives was a standard practice in Cambodian society at the time.[10] In Phnom Penh, he spent several months as a novice monk in the city's Vat Botum Vaddei monastery.[15] There he became literate in the Khmer language.[16]", "Lowe's The first Lowe's store, Lowe's North Wilkesboro Hardware, was first opened in North Wilkesboro, North Carolina in 1921 by Lucius Smith Lowe (1879 - 1940).[7][8][9] After Lowe died in 1940, the business was inherited by his daughter Ruth, who sold the company to her brother Jim that same year. Jim took on Carl Buchan as a partner in 1943.[10]", "The pot calling the kettle black The earliest appearance of the idiom is in Thomas Shelton's 1620 translation of the Spanish novel Don Quixote. The protagonist is growing increasingly restive under the criticisms of his servant Sancho Panza, of which one is that \"You are like what is said that the frying-pan said to the kettle, 'Avant, black-browes'.\"[1] The Spanish text at this point reads: Dijo la sartén a la caldera, Quítate allá ojinegra (Said the pan to the pot, get out of there black-eyes).[2] It is identified as a proverb (refrán) in the text, functioning as a retort to the person who criticises another of the same defect that he plainly has. Among several variations, the one where the pan addresses the pot as culinegra (black-arse) makes clear that they are dirtied in common by contact with the cooking fire.[3]", "Melting pot Reunited with Vera and watching the setting sun gilding the Statue of Liberty, David Quixano has a prophetic vision: \"It is the Fires of God round His Crucible. There she lies, the great Melting-Pot—Listen! Can't you hear the roaring and the bubbling? There gapes her mouth, the harbor where a thousand mammoth feeders come from the ends of the world to pour in their human freight\". David foresees how the American melting pot will make the nation's immigrants transcend their old animosities and differences and will fuse them into one people: \"Here shall they all unite to build the Republic of Man and the Kingdom of God. Ah, Vera, what is the glory of Rome and Jerusalem where all nations and races come to worship and look back, compared with the glory of America, where all races and nations come to labour and look forward!\"", "Lowe's Lowe's faced a backlash from several quarters, including Muslim-American and Arab-American organizations. The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee called upon members to contact Lowe's to urge it to reverse its position.[25] The Los Angeles chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations met to consider possible actions, including boycotts and protests.[26] Several celebrities also called for a boycott.[26] California State Senator Ted Lieu called Lowe's decision \"naked religious bigotry\" and said he would consider legislative action if Lowe's did not apologize to Muslim-Americans and reinstate the ads.[27] Abraham Foxman of the Anti-Defamation League expressed similar views.[28] Keith Ellison, the first Muslim elected to the United States Congress, criticized Lowe's decision to \"uphold the beliefs of a fringe hate group and not the creed of the First Amendment\".[26] Representative John Conyers of Michigan called on Lowe's to apologize. Michigan state representative Rashida Tlaib contacted the company's corporate headquarters, reporting that Lowe's declined to change its decision.[25]", "Do Your Ears Hang Low? Do your balls hang low?\nDo they dangle to and fro?\nCan you tie them in a knot?\nCan you tie them in a bow?\n\nDo they itch when it's hot?\nDo you rest them in a pot?\n\nDo you get them in a tangle?\nDo you catch them in a mangle?\nDo they swing in stormy weather?\nDo they tickle with a feather?\n\nDo they rattle when you walk?\nDo they jingle when you talk?\n\nCan you sling them on your shoulder\nLike a lousy fucking soldier?\nDo your balls hang low?", "Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act Diana Spatz, executive director of Lifetime, a statewide organization of low-income parents in California, advocates for the repeal of PRWORA because it prevents women from doing what she did prior to its passage, earn her bachelor's degree while supported by welfare.[49]", "Pol Pot Pol Pot aligned the country diplomatically with the People's Republic of China and adopted an anti-Soviet line. This alignment was more political and practical than it was ideological. Vietnam was aligned with the Soviet Union, so Cambodia aligned itself with the Asian rival of the Soviet Union and Vietnam (China had supplied the Khmer Rouge with weapons for years before they took power).", "Melting pot The fusing process goes on as in a blast-furnace; one generation, a single year even—transforms the English, the German, the Irish emigrant into an American. Uniform institutions, ideas, language, the influence of the majority, bring us soon to a similar complexion; the individuality of the immigrant, almost even his traits of race and religion, fuse down in the democratic alembic like chips of brass thrown into the melting pot.[9]", "Melting pot The desirability of assimilation and the melting pot model has been reconsidered by proponents of multiculturalism,[4][5] who have suggested alternative metaphors to describe the current American society, such as a mosaic, salad bowl, or kaleidoscope, in which different cultures mix, but remain distinct in some aspects.[6][7][8] Others argue that cultural assimilation is important to the maintenance of national unity, and should be promoted.", "Lowe's The first case was filed in October 2002 by employees of the Lowe's store in Shawnee, Kansas. In September 2005, the cases were certified as class action. Lowe's has four similar cases in New York, Indiana, Pennsylvania, and Ohio. The lawsuits for New York, Indiana, and Kansas resulted in an out-of-court settlement on September 22, 2006.[34]", "Academic degree The earliest doctoral degrees (theology – Divinitatis Doctor (D.D.), law – Legum Doctor (LL.D., later D.C.L.) and medicine – Medicinæ Doctor (M.D., D.M.)) reflected the historical separation of all higher University study into these three fields. Over time, the D.D. has gradually become less common outside theology and is now mostly used for honorary degrees, with the title \"Doctor of Theology\" being used more often for earned degrees. Studies outside theology, law, and medicine were then called \"philosophy\", due to the Renaissance conviction that real knowledge could be derived from empirical observation. The degree title of Doctor of Philosophy is a much later time and was not introduced in England before 1900. Studies in what once was called philosophy are now classified as sciences and humanities.", "Lowe's In February 2013, former Walmart Canada and Loblaw Companies executive Sylvain Prud'homme was hired as CEO of Lowe's Canada.[31]", "Melting pot In the early years of the state of Israel, the term melting pot (כור היתוך), also known as \"Ingathering of the Exiles\" (קיבוץ גלויות), was not a description of a process, but an official governmental doctrine of assimilating the Jewish immigrants that originally came from varying cultures (see Jewish ethnic divisions). This was performed on several levels, such as educating the younger generation (with the parents not having the final say) and (to mention an anecdotal one) encouraging and sometimes forcing the new citizens to adopt a Hebrew name.", "Cookware and bakeware The development of pottery allowed for the creation of fireproof cooking vessels in a variety of shapes and sizes. Coating the earthenware with some type of plant gum, and later glazes, converted the porous container into a waterproof vessel. The earthenware cookware could then be suspended over a fire through use of a tripod or other apparatus, or even be placed directly into a low fire or coal bed as in the case of the pipkin. Ceramics conduct heat poorly, however, so ceramic pots must cook over relatively low heats and over long periods of time. However, most ceramic pots will crack if used on the stovetop, and are only intended for the oven.", "Lowe's Based in Toronto, Ontario, Lowe's opened its first three stores in Canada on December 10, 2007, in Hamilton, Brampton and Brantford. On February 1, 2008, they opened three more stores in Toronto, East Gwillimbury, and a second store in Brampton as well as a new location in Maple (Vaughan).[29] Currently, additional stores are under construction, with 19 now open in the province of Ontario. Lowe's also recently announced expansion into Western Canada, starting with three new stores in Calgary, Alberta. One of the three locations opened in late September 2010. The other two opened in early 2011. There are now stores in British Columbia, Manitoba and Saskatchewan. To date (2018) Lowe's has 62 locations in Canada. Each store represents an average investment of $20.5 million ($20.4 million USD).[30]", "Jersey Among other traditional dishes are cabbage loaf, Jersey wonders (les mèrvelles), fliottes, bean crock (les pais au fou), nettle (ortchie) soup, vraic buns.", "Lowe's On May 11, 2015, Lowe's Canada announced that it would acquire the leases of 13 former Target Canada stores, as well as an Ontario distribution centre, for $151 million.[32]", "Pol Pot Property was collectivized, and education was dispensed at communal schools. Children were raised on a communal basis. Even meals were prepared and eaten communally. Pol Pot's regime was extremely paranoid. Political dissent and opposition was not permitted. People were treated as opponents based on their appearance or background. Torture was widespread, thousands of politicians and bureaucrats accused of association with previous governments were executed. The régime turned Phnom Penh into a ghost city, while people in the countryside died of starvation or illnesses, or were simply killed.", "Melting pot In response to the pressure exerted on immigrants to culturally assimilate and also as a reaction against the denigration of the culture of non-Anglo white immigrants by Nativists, intellectuals on the left such as Horace Kallen, in Democracy Versus the Melting-Pot (1915), and Randolph Bourne, in Trans-National America (1916), laid the foundations for the concept of cultural pluralism. This term was coined by Kallen.[26] Randolph Bourne, who objected to Kallen's emphasis on the inherent value of ethnic and cultural difference, envisioned a \"trans-national\" and cosmopolitan America. The concept of cultural pluralism was popularized in the 1940s by John Dewey.", "Tree Bonsai (盆栽, lit. The art of growing a miniature tree or trees in a low-sided pot or tray) is the practice of hòn non bộ originated in China and spread to Japan more than a thousand years ago, there are similar practices in other cultures like the living miniature landscapes of Vietnam hòn non bộ. The word bonsai is often used in English as an umbrella term for all miniature trees in containers or pots.[130]", "Melting pot In the United States, where the term melting pot is still commonly used, the ideas of cultural pluralism and multiculturalism have, in some circles, taken precedence over the idea of assimilation.[27][28][29] Alternate models where immigrants retain their native cultures such as the \"salad bowl\"[30] or the \"symphony\"[27] are more often used by sociologists to describe how cultures and ethnicities mix in the United States. Nonetheless, the term assimilation is still used to describe the ways in which immigrants and their descendants adapt, such as by increasingly using the national language of the host society as their first language.", "Single malt whisky The initial distilled spirit produced by a pot still, known as low wine has an alcohol content of about 20 to 40%. The low wines are then pumped into a second still, known as the spirit still, and distilled a second (and sometimes a third) time. The final spirit, called \"new make spirit\", generally has an alcohol content of 60 to 70%.", "Magma Pegmatite may be produced by low degrees of partial melting of the crust. Some granite-composition magmas are eutectic (or cotectic) melts, and they may be produced by low to high degrees of partial melting of the crust, as well as by fractional crystallization. At high degrees of partial melting of the crust, granitoids such as tonalite, granodiorite and monzonite can be produced, but other mechanisms are typically important in producing them.", "Daddy's Little Girl You're the end of the rainbow My Pot of Gold You're Daddy's Little Girl to have and hold A precious gem is what you are You're Mommy's Bright and shining star.", "Melting pot Since the 1960s, much research in Sociology and History has disregarded the melting pot theory for describing interethnic relations in the United States and other counties.[27][28][29] The theory of multiculturalism offers alternative analogies for ethnic interaction including salad bowl theory, or, as it is known in Canada, the cultural mosaic. In the 1990s, political correctness in the United States emphasized that each ethnic and national group has the right to maintain and preserve its cultural distinction and integrity, and that one does not need to assimilate or abandon one's heritage in order to blend in or merge into the majority Anglo-American society.[citation needed]", "Melting pot Throughout the history of the modern Olympic Games, the theme of the United States as a melting pot has been employed to explain American athletic success, becoming an important aspect of national self-image. The diversity of American athletes in the Olympic Games in the early 20th century was an important avenue for the country to redefine a national culture amid a massive influx of immigrants, as well as American Indians (represented by Jim Thorpe in 1912) and blacks (represented by Jesse Owens in 1936). In the 1968 Summer Olympics in Mexico City, two black American athletes with gold and bronze medals saluted the U.S. national anthem with a \"Black Power\" salute that symbolized rejection of assimilation.[20]", "Honours degree Examples of honours degree include the honors bachelor's degree in the United States,[1] the bachelor's degree with honours in the United Kingdom,[2] Hong Kong,[3] Sri Lanka[citation needed] and India,[4] the honours bachelor's degree in Ireland,[5] the honours bachelor's degree in Canada,[6] and the bachelor honours degree in Australia.[7] In South Africa the bachelor honours degree is a postgraduate degree that follows on from the completion of a bachelor's degree.[8] The undergraduate master of arts degree awarded by the ancient universities of Scotland in place of the bachelor of arts may be awarded as an honours or non-honours degree; these are at the same level as equivalent bachelor's degrees.[9][10] At master's level, the integrated master's degrees in British universities, which students enter at the same level as bachelor's degrees, are also honours degrees.[11] Honours degrees should not be confused with the Latin honors attached to degrees in the US and some other countries.", "Engineer's degree A degree with some form of the word engineer or engineering in the title is not necessarily an engineer's degree. Particularly, a \"Master of Engineering\" (M.Eng.) or \"Bachelor of Engineering\" (B.Eng.) degree is not an Engineer's degree, nor is any other bachelor's, master's, or doctoral degree. Rather, the engineer's degree is in a category of its own. For example, a student with a B.S. and M.S. in electrical engineering might next earn the degree Electrical Engineer. The person would then have a B.S. in E.E., a M.S. in E.E., and an E.E. degree. The former two are degrees in engineering, and only the latter degree is actually an engineer's degree.", "The Two Pots The connection with the passage in Ecclesiasticus was noted by Andrea Alciato in the various editions of his Emblemata. The aim of his collection was to point a moral lesson through an iconic illustration, supported by Latin verses (and translations into other languages) and a commentary. The fable of the two pots was chosen to illustrate the Latin proverb Aliquid mali propter vicinum malum (Bad comes of a bad neighbour), which Erasmus had included in his Adagia (Adage 32).[3] The English poet Geoffrey Whitney followed Alciato in all this, using an illustration from one of his editions in his Choice of Emblemes (1568), but supporting it with an 18-line poem of his own.[4] The final stanza sums up the meaning of the fable:", "Melting pot Colombia is a melting pot of races and ethnicities. The population is descended from three racial groups—Native Americans, blacks, and whites—that have mingled throughout the nearly 500 years of the country's history. No official figures were available, since the Colombian government dropped any references to race in the census after 1918, but according to rough estimates in the late 1980s, mestizos (white and Native American mix) constituted approximately 50% of the population, whites (predominantly Spanish origin, Italian, German, French, etc.) made a 25%, mulattoes (black-white mix) 14% and zambos (black and Native American mix) 4%, blacks (pure or predominantly of African origin) 3% percent, and Native Americans 1%.", "Degree (angle) A degree (in full, a degree of arc, arc degree, or arcdegree), usually denoted by ° (the degree symbol), is a measurement of a plane angle, defined so that a full rotation is 360 degrees.", "Melting pot Afghanistan seems to be in the process of becoming a melting pot, as customs specific to particular ethnic groups are becoming summarily perceived as national traits of Afghanistan. The term Afghan was originally used to refer to the Pashtuns in the Middle Ages, and the intention behind the creation of the Afghan state was originally to be a Pashtun state, but later this policy changed, leading to the inclusion of non-Pashtuns in the state as Afghans. Today in Afghanistan, the development of a cultural melting pot is occurring, where different Afghanistan ethnic groups are mixing together to build a new Afghan ethnicity composed of preceding ethnicities in Afghanistan today, ultimately replacing the old Pashtun identity which stood for Afghan. With the churning growth of Persian, many ethnic groups, including de-tribalized Pashtuns, are adopting Dari Persian as their new native tongue. Many ethnic groups in Afghanistan tolerate each other, while the Hazara–Pashtun conflict was notable, and often claimed as a Shia-Sunni conflict instead of an ethnic conflict, as this conflict was carried out by the Taliban. The Taliban, which are mostly ethnically Pashtun, have spurred Anti-Pashtunism across non-Pashtun Afghans. Pashtun–Tajik rivalries have lingered about, but are much more mild. Reasons for this antipathy are criticism of Tajiks (for either their non-tribal culture or cultural rivalry in Afghanistan) by Pashtuns and criticism of Taliban (mostly composed of Pashtuns) by Tajiks. There have been rivalries between Pashtuns and Uzbeks as well, which is likely very similar to the Kyrgyzstan Crisis, which Pashtuns would likely take place as Kyrgyz (for having a similar nomadic culture), rivaling with Tajiks and Uzbeks (of sedentary culture), despite all being Sunni Muslims.", "Bachelor's degree Under the British system, and those influenced by it, undergraduate academic degrees are differentiated as either non-honours degrees (known variously as pass degrees, ordinary degrees or general degrees) or honours degrees, the latter sometimes denoted by the addition of \"(Hons)\" after the degree abbreviation.[2] An honours degree generally requires a higher academic standard than a pass degree, and in some systems an additional year of study beyond the non-honours bachelor's. In some countries, e.g. Australia, there is a \"postgraduate\" bachelor's honours degree, which may be taken as a consecutive academic degree, continuing on from the completion of a bachelor's degree program in the same field, or (in a similar manner to the UK system) as part of an integrated honours program.", "Honours degree In South Africa, non-professional bachelor's degrees (BA, BSc, BCom) are three year degrees (professional degrees such as engineering degrees or medicine are longer). The honours degree is an optional fourth-year and is an additional one-year qualification. Usually the honours degree specialises in one subject matter (e.g., mathematics, English). Intake into the honours degree is often highly selective. The bachelor's degree is at level 7 and the honours degree at level 8 on the National Qualifications Framework of the South African Qualifications Authority. Research components must comprise at least 25% of the honours degree.[33]", "Demographics of Brazil Following the trend of several other countries in the Americas, which encouraged immigration from many countries, Brazil quickly became a melting pot of races and nationalities, but being peculiar in the sense of having the highest degree of intermarriage in the world. Immigrants found a strong social and cultural tolerance toward inter-racial marriage, including large numbers of Mulattoes (white and black), Caboclos (Indian and White) and mixed European, African and Indian people, though it was not accompanied by an entire lack of racism. Correspondingly, the same mentality reflected in low psychological and social barriers regarding intermarriage between Europeans, Middle Easterners and Asians of several origins, as well as between people of different religions.", "Polyolefin Low degrees of crystallinity (0-20%) are associated with liquidlike-to-elastomeric properties. Intermediate degrees of crystallinity (20-50%) are associated with ductile thermoplastics, and degrees of crystallity over 50% are associated with rigid and sometimes brittle plastics.[5]", "Melting Pot (song) The song peaked at number three in the UK Singles chart in the first week of 1970, and also reached Number 11 in Ireland.[2] It became the opening track on the group's 1969 debut album, also titled Melting Pot.[3]", "Pol Pot The Khmer Rouge also classified people based on their religious and ethnic backgrounds. Under the leadership of Pol Pot, the Khmer Rouge had a policy of state atheism.[161] All religions were banned, and the repression of adherents of Islam,[162] Christianity[163] and Buddhism was extensive. Nearly 25,000 Buddhist monks were massacred by the regime.[164] The regime dispersed minority groups, forbidding them to either speak their languages or practise their customs.[165] They especially targeted Muslims, Christians, Western-educated intellectuals, educated people in general, people who had contact with Western countries or Vietnam, disabled people and ethnic Chinese, Laotians and Vietnamese. Some were imprisoned in the S-21 camp for interrogation involving torture in cases where a confession was useful to the government. Many others were summarily executed.[166]", "Boiling Water on the outside of a pot, i.e., a wet pot, increases the time it takes the pot of water to boil. The pot will heat at a normal rate once all excess water on the outside of the pot evaporates.", "Value (ethics) In ethics, value denotes the degree of importance of some thing or action, with the aim of determining what actions are best to do or what way is best to live (normative ethics), or to describe the significance of different actions. It may be described as treating actions themselves as abstract objects, putting value to them. It deals with right conduct and living a good life, in the sense that a highly, or at least relatively highly, valuable action may be regarded as ethically \"good\" (adjective sense), and an action of low in value, or somewhat relatively low in value, may be regarded as \"bad\".[citation needed] What makes an action valuable may in turn depend on the ethic values of the objects it increases, decreases or alters. An object with \"ethic value\" may be termed an \"ethic or philosophic good\" (noun sense).", "Bachelor's degree Where students opt to study two bachelor's degrees simultaneously—referred to as a \"conjoint degree\" or \"double degree\"—an extra year of study is added. The number of years of study required is determined based on the degree with the greatest number of years. For example, a B.Com. degree requires three years of full-time study, but a double B.Com.–LL.B. degree will require five years of full-time study because the LL.B. degree is four years long. Exceptional students may choose to complete a degree in a shorter amount of time by taking on extra courses, usually with the help of summer school. Students who complete a double degree program will have two separate bachelor's degrees at the end of their studies.", "Academic degree Undergraduate students in Brazilian universities graduate either with a bachelor's degree, a Licentiate degree or a Technologist degree.", "Lowe's On 18 January 2016 Woolworths announced that it intended to \"either sell or wind up\" all its home improvement area, including the Masters hardware chain. Chairman Gordon Cairns said that it would take years to become profitable and that the ongoing losses could not be sustained. The windup will involve Woolworths buying back a 33.3 per cent interest in the venture, held by the Lowe's subsidiary WDR Delaware Corporation. As of 28 August 2016 all stores are due to cease trading on, or before, 11 December 2016.", "Bachelor's degree The Bachelor of Pharmacy (B.Pharm.) degree is a common undergraduate degree for the practice of pharmacy. In the United States, Canada, and France, however, all colleges of pharmacy have now phased out the degree in favor of the Pharm.D., or doctor of pharmacy, degree or the Ph.D., doctor of philosophy, degree in pharmacy. Some universities, such as the University of Mississippi, award a Bachelor of Science in pharmaceutical sciences (B.Sc.P.Sc.) degree as a part of the seven-year Pharm.D. program after the completion of the first four years. However, the B.ScP.Sc. degree does not qualify the recipient for the practice of pharmacy, for which it is required that students earn a Pharm.D. degree.", "Academic degree After this, students, now called \"profesional\" (professionals), Tecnólogos (associates) or \"técnicos\" (technicians), can opt for higher degrees. Formal education after the bachelor's degree is the master's degree with the title of \"Maestro\", and Doctorate's degree known as \"Doctorado\" (doctorate). The master's degree normally consists of two years.", "Engineer's degree In Europe, the engineer degree is ranked at the same academic level as a master's degree, and is often known literally as an \"engineer diploma\" (abbreviated Dipl.-Ing. or DI). In some countries of Latin America and the United States, the engineer's degree can be studied after the completion of a master's degree and is usually considered higher than the master's degree and equivalent to doctorate degree in engineering (abbreviated Eng.D.). In other countries of Latin America, there is no proper engineer's degree, but the title of Engineer is used for 5 year bachelor's graduates.", "Melting pot Nevertheless, some prominent scholars, such as Samuel P. Huntington in Who Are We? The Challenges to America's National Identity, have expressed the view that the most accurate explanation for modern-day United States culture and inter-ethnic relations can be found somewhere in a fusion of some of the concepts and ideas contained in the melting pot, assimilation, and Anglo-conformity models. Under this theory, it is asserted that the United States has one of the most homogeneous cultures of any nation in the world. This line of thought holds that this American national culture derived most of its traits and characteristics from early colonial settlers from Britain, Ireland, and Germany. When more recent immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe brought their various cultures to America at the beginning of the 20th century, they changed the American cultural landscape just very slightly, and, for the most part, assimilated into America's pre-existing culture which had its origins in Northwestern Europe.", "This Is a Low The song's lyrics reference a low-pressure area of weather hitting Britain. The lyrics are based on the Shipping Forecast, with references made to the various areas surrounding the country.[1] In the lyric \"sail on by with the tide\", passing reference is also made to the tune Sailing By, which ends each day's broadcast of BBC Radio 4. Music writer John Harris described the lyrics as \"a fantasia centred around the shipping forecast - [an] inexplicably calming institution that soundtracks the switching-off of the UK's night-lights - narrarated as if the writer was gazing at the whole of The British Isles.\"[4]", "Bachelor's degree Most bachelor's degrees are three years full-time, but certain degrees, such as the Bachelor of Laws and the Bachelor of Engineering degrees, require four years of study. A Bachelor of Medicine degree requires a minimum of six years.", "Engineer's degree In German, the traditional engineer's degree is called Diplom-Ingenieur (Dipl.-Ing., in Austria also DI) . This degree is generally equivalent to a Master's degree, which is not to be confused with the old Magister degree. Most programs that used to lead to a Dipl.-Ing. degree lead to master's degrees today, as the Diplom-Ingenieur as an academical title is phased out because of the Bologna process. However, some universities continue to hand out so-called equivalence certificates that certify the equivalence of a Dipl.-Ing. with the newly introduced M.Sc. Degrees.", "Bachelor's degree The Bachelor of Talmudic Law degree (B.T.L.) or a First Talmudic Degree (F.T.D.) is the degree awarded in most Yeshivas around the United States.", "Master's degree In Australia, master's degrees vary from 1 year for a \"research\" or \"coursework\" master's following on from an Australian honours degree in a related field, with an extra six months if following on straight from an ordinary bachelor's degree and another extra six months if following on from a degree in a different field, to four years for an \"extended\" master's degree.[61]", "Bachelor's degree A bachelor's degree (from Middle Latin baccalaureus) or baccalaureate (from Modern Latin baccalaureatus) is an undergraduate academic degree awarded by colleges and universities upon completion of a course of study lasting three to seven years (depending on institution and academic discipline). In some institutions and educational systems, some bachelor's degrees can only be taken as graduate or postgraduate degrees after a first degree has been completed. In countries with qualifications frameworks, bachelor's degrees are normally one of the major levels in the framework (sometimes two levels where non-honours and honours bachelor's degrees are considered separately), although some qualifications titled bachelor's degrees may be at other levels (e.g. MBBS) and some qualifications with non-bachelor's titles may be classified as bachelor's degrees (e.g. the Scottish MA and Canadian MD).", "Degree of a polynomial The degree of the sum (or difference) of two polynomials is less than or equal to the greater of their degrees; the equality always holds when the degrees of the polynomials are different i.e.", "Master's degree At the start of the twentieth century there were therefore four different sorts of master's degree in the UK: the Scottish MA, granted as a first degree; the Master of Arts (Oxbridge and Dublin), granted to all BA graduates a certain period after their first degree without further study; master's degrees that could be gained either by further study or by gaining an honours degree (which, at the time in the UK involved further study beyond the ordinary degree, as it still does in Scotland and some Commonwealth countries); and master's degrees that could only be obtained by further study (including all London master's degrees). In 1903, the London Daily News criticised the practice of Oxford and Cambridge, calling their MAs \"the most stupendous of academic frauds\" and \"bogus degrees\".[30] Ensuing correspondence pointed out that \"A Scotch M.A., at the most, is only the equivalent of an English B.A.\" and called for common standards for degrees, while defenders of the ancient universities said that \"the Cambridge M.A. does not pretend to be a reward of learning\" and that \"it is rather absurd to describe one of their degrees as a bogus one because other modern Universities grant the same degree for different reasons\".[31][32]", "Academic degree The standard first degree in England, Northern Ireland and Wales is the Bachelor's degree conferred with honours. Usually this is a Bachelor of Arts (BA) or Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree. Other variants exist, for example Bachelor of Education. It usually takes three years to read for a bachelor's degree.", "Bachelor's degree Bachelor's degrees exist in almost every country in Europe. However, these degrees were only recently introduced in some Continental European countries, where bachelor's degrees were unknown before the Bologna process. Undergraduate programs in Europe overall lead to the following most widely accepted degrees:", "Bachelor's degree Like Austria and Germany, Switzerland did not have a tradition of bachelor's and master's degrees. In 2003, after the application of the Bologna process, bachelor's and graduate master's degrees replaced the old degrees. As of 1 December 2005 the Rectors' Conference of the Swiss Universities granted holders of a lizentiat or diploma the right to use the corresponding master title. As of 2006[update], certificates of equivalence are issued by the university that issued the original degree. Currently three to four years of study are required to be awarded a bachelor's degree. A master's degree will require another two to three years of coursework and a thesis.", "Bachelor's degree The Canadian MD degree is, despite its name, classified as a bachelor's degree.[18]", "Degree of a polynomial The degree of the product of two polynomials over a field or an integral domain is the sum of their degrees", "Academic degree Bachelor's degrees, master's degrees and small doctorates in the form of shortcuts (Bc., Mgr., Ing., ...) are listed before name of person, Doctor degree (Ph.D.) is listed after name (e. g. MUDr. Jan Novák, Ph.D.). Czechs are very proud of their academic degrees and titles therefore its omission is considered disrespectful.", "The pot calling the kettle black \"Not so! not so!\" kettle said to the pot;\"'Tis your own dirty image you see;For I am so clean – without blemish or blot – That your blackness is mirrored in me.\"[8]", "Academic degree Before the adaptation to international standards, the lowest degree that would normally be studied at universities in Denmark was equivalent to a master's degree (kandidatgrad). Officially, bachelor's degrees was always obtained after 3 years' university studies.", "Academic degree Some universities award a Master's as a first degree following an integrated programme of study (an 'integrated master's degree'). These degrees are usually designated by the subject, such as Master of Engineering for engineering, Master of Physics for physics, Master of Mathematics for mathematics, and so on; it usually takes four years to read for them. Graduation to these degrees is always with honours. Master of Engineering in particular has now become the standard first degree in engineering at the top UK universities, replacing the older Bachelor of Engineering.", "Honours degree In Scotland, all undergraduate degrees with Honours must be of four-year duration. Students can choose to do the Honours degree or the general (or pass/ordinary) degree. The first two years of both types of degrees are the same; however, after that, students who pursue the Honours route will complete more advanced subjects and a dissertation in their last year, while students who choose to do the general degree will complete their third year at a lower level of specialisation.[32]", "Degree of a polynomial The degree of a polynomial is the highest degree of its monomials with non-zero coefficients. The degree of a term is the sum of the exponents of the variables that appear in it. The term order has been used as a synonym of degree but, nowadays, may refer to several other concepts (see order of a polynomial). For example, the polynomial \n\n\n\n7\n\nx\n\n2\n\n\n\ny\n\n3\n\n\n+\n4\nx\n−\n9\n\n\n{\\displaystyle 7x^{2}y^{3}+4x-9}\n\n has three terms. (Notice, this polynomial can also be expressed as \n\n\n\n7\n\nx\n\n2\n\n\n\ny\n\n3\n\n\n+\n4\n\nx\n\n1\n\n\n\ny\n\n0\n\n\n−\n9\n\nx\n\n0\n\n\n\ny\n\n0\n\n\n\n\n{\\displaystyle 7x^{2}y^{3}+4x^{1}y^{0}-9x^{0}y^{0}}\n\n.) The first term has a degree of 5 (the sum of the powers 2 and 3), the second term has a degree of 1, and the last term has a degree of 0. Therefore, the polynomial has a degree of 5 which is the highest degree of any term.", "Bachelor's degree In the Netherlands, the Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts degrees were introduced in 2002. Until that time, a single program that led to the doctorandus degree was in effect, which comprised the same course load as the bachelor's and Master's programs put together. (The doctorandus title was in use for almost all fields of study; other titles were used for legal studies (meester) and engineering (ingenieur).) Those who had already started the doctorandus program could, upon completing it, opt for the doctorandus degree (before their name, abbreviated to 'drs.'), or simply use the master's degree (behind their name) in accordance with the new standard. Since these graduates do not have a separate bachelor's degree (which is in fact—in retrospect—incorporated into the program), the master's degree is their first academic degree.", "Master's degree In the UK, postgraduate master's degrees may be either \"research\" or \"taught\", with taught degrees being further subdivided into \"specialist or advanced study\" or \"professional or practice\" (see above). Taught degrees (of both forms) typically take a full calendar year (i.e. three semesters, 12 months), although some may be completed within an academic year (i.e. two semesters, 8 months), while research degrees often take either a full calendar year or two academic years.[47] The UK integrated master's degree is combined with a bachelor's degree for a four (England, Wales and Northern Ireland) or five (Scotland) academic year total period - one academic year longer than a normal bachelor's degree.[56]" ]
royal society for the protection of birds number of members
[ "Royal Society for the Protection of Birds The RSPB has over 1,300 employees, 18,000 volunteers and more than a million members (including 195,000 youth members), making it the largest wildlife conservation charity in Europe.[6] The RSPB has many local groups and maintains 200 nature reserves.[7]" ]
[ "Royal Society for the Protection of Birds The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) is a charitable organisation registered in England and Wales[3] and in Scotland.[4] It was founded as the Plumage League in 1889 by Emily Williamson. It works to promote conservation and protection of birds and the wider environment through public awareness campaigns, petitions and through the operation of nature reserves throughout the United Kingdom.[5]", "Royal Society for the Protection of Birds Bird Notes' successor Birds (ISSN 1367-983X) replaced it immediately, with volume 1, number 1 being the January–February 1966 edition. Issues were published quarterly, numbered so that a new volume started every other year.", "Royal Society The society also elects royal fellows, honorary fellows and foreign members. Royal fellows are those members of the British Royal Family, representing the British monarchy's role in promoting and supporting the society, who are recommended by the society's council and elected via postal vote. There are currently[when?] five royal fellows: The Duke of Edinburgh, The Prince of Wales, The Duke of Kent, the Princess Royal, and The Duke of Cambridge.[48] Honorary fellows are people who are ineligible to be elected as fellows but nevertheless have \"rendered signal service to the cause of science, or whose election would significantly benefit the Society by their great experience in other walks of life\". Six honorary fellows have been elected to date, including Baroness O'Neill of Bengarve.[49] Foreign members are scientists from non-Commonwealth nations \"who are eminent for their scientific discoveries and attainments\". Eight are elected each year by the society and also hold their membership for life. Foreign members are permitted to use the post-nominal ForMemRS (Foreign Member of the Royal Society) and currently[when?] number about 140.[50]", "Royal Society The society is governed by its Council, which is chaired by the Society's President, according to a set of statutes and standing orders. The members of Council and the President are elected from and by its Fellows, the basic members of the society, who are themselves elected by existing Fellows. As of 2016, there are about 1,600 fellows, allowed to use the postnominal title FRS (Fellow of the Royal Society), with up to 52 new fellows appointed each year. There are also royal fellows, honorary fellows and foreign members, the last of which are allowed to use the postnominal title ForMemRS (Foreign Member of the Royal Society). The Royal Society President is Venkatraman Ramakrishnan, who took up the post on 30 November 2015.[3]", "Royal Society for the Protection of Birds The title changed to Bird Notes in 1947. In the 1950s, there were four copies per year (one for each season, published on the 1st of each third month, March, June, September and December). Each volume covered two years, spread over three calendar years. For example, volume XXV (25), number one was dated Winter 1951, and number eight in the same volume was dated Autumn 1953.", "Feral parakeets in Great Britain Because parakeets are spreading and breeding so quickly, estimates of parakeet numbers vary. According to the London Natural History Society in the early 2000s, the largest population was believed to exist in the South London suburbs where, until 2007, the birds nested principally in Esher Rugby Ground, Esher (Esher Rugby Club named its women's team \"The Parakeets\" in a tribute to the birds).[1][11] The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) estimates that there are around 8,600 breeding pairs in Britain.[10] Other scientific counts in 2012 have placed the number at around 32,000 birds.[4]", "Shark finning The great white sharks have been given full protection in the territorial waters of New Zealand[69] but shark finning is legal on other shark species if the shark is dead. The Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society of New Zealand are campaigning to raise awareness of shark finning[70] and a number of foodies have fronted the campaign.[71]", "Environmentalism These ideas also inspired various environmental groups in the UK, such as the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, established in 1889 by Emily Williamson as a protest group to campaign for greater protection for the indigenous birds of the island.[29][30] The Society attracted growing support from the suburban middle-classes as well as support from many other influential figures, such as the ornithologist Professor Alfred Newton. By 1900, public support for the organisation had grown, and it had over 25,000 members. The Garden city movement incorporated many environmental concerns into its urban planning manifesto; the Socialist League and The Clarion movement also began to advocate measures of nature conservation.[31]", "Ascension Island Off the east coast of Ascension is the islet of Boatswain Bird Island. It is a haven for sea birds providing refuge from the rats, cats and people that came to Ascension Island from Europe and Africa. Following a successful campaign headed by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, the main island was in 2006 declared free of feral cats, and sea birds are now once again nesting on Ascension Island.[33]", "Environmental movement The late 19th century saw the formation of the first wildlife conservation societies. The zoologist Alfred Newton published a series of investigations into the Desirability of establishing a 'Close-time' for the preservation of indigenous animals between 1872 and 1903. His advocacy for legislation to protect animals from hunting during the mating season led to the formation of the Plumage League (later the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds) in 1889.[11] The society acted as a protest group campaigning against the use of great crested grebe and kittiwake skins and feathers in fur clothing.[12] The Society attracted growing support from the suburban middle-classes,[11] and influenced the passage of the Sea Birds Preservation Act in 1869 as the first nature protection law in the world.[13][14]", "Royal Society for the Protection of Birds The Autumn 2013 edition, dated August–October 2013, being vol. 25 no. 7, was the last.[20]", "Cape of Good Hope SPCA Established in 1872, the Cape of Good Hope SPCA (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) in Cape Town is the founding society of the SPCA movement in South Africa and is the oldest animal welfare organisation in the country. A registered non-profit organisation and Public Benefit Organisation, the society is affiliated to the Royal Society for the Protection of Animals (RSPCA) and are Executive Members of the National Council of SPCAs South Africa (NSPCA), as well as a member of the World Animal Protection organization.[1]", "Royal Society Through Royal Society Publishing, the society publishes the following journals:[79]", "Anne, Princess Royal She is also a Royal Fellow of the Royal Society[70] and the Academy of Medical Sciences.[71] Royal Fellows are members of the Monarchy who are recommended and elected by the Society's Council. The Royal Society has only five Royal Fellows, including the Princess Royal herself, the Duke of Edinburgh, the Prince of Wales, the Duke of Kent, and the Duke of Cambridge.[72] She is the Academy of Medical Sciences' first Royal Fellow.[71]", "Environmental impact of wind power In the United Kingdom, the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) concluded that \"The available evidence suggests that appropriately positioned wind farms do not pose a significant hazard for birds.\"[17] It notes that climate change poses a much more significant threat to wildlife, and therefore supports wind farms and other forms of renewable energy as a way to mitigate future damage. In 2009 the RSPB warned that \"numbers of several breeding birds of high conservation concern are reduced close to wind turbines\" probably because \"birds may use areas close to the turbines less often than would be expected, potentially reducing the wildlife carrying capacity of an area.[93]", "Royal Society The President of the Royal Society is head of both the society and the council. The details for the presidency were set out in the second charter and initially had no limit on how long a president could serve for; under current society statute, the term is five years.[61]", "Proceedings of the Royal Society Proceedings of the Royal Society is the parent title of two scientific journals published by the Royal Society. Originally a single journal, it was split into two separate journals in 1905:", "Royal Society The Royal Society started from groups of physicians and natural philosophers, meeting at a variety of locations, including Gresham College in London. They were influenced by the \"new science\", as promoted by Francis Bacon in his New Atlantis, from approximately 1645 onwards.[9] A group known as \"The Philosophical Society of Oxford\" was run under a set of rules still retained by the Bodleian Library.[10] After the English Restoration, there were regular meetings at Gresham College.[11] It is widely held that these groups were the inspiration for the foundation of the Royal Society.[10]", "North-East India The population and diversity of the region’s birds largely reflects the diversity of habitats associated with a wide altitudinal range. North East India supports some of the highest bird diversities in the Orient, with about 850 bird species. The Eastern Himalaya and the Assam plains have been identified as an Endemic Bird Area by the Royal Society for Protection of Birds, (ICBP 1992). The global distribution of 24 restricted-range species is limited to the region. The region’s lowland and montane moist-to-wet tropical evergreen forests are considered to be the northernmost limit of true tropical rainforests in the world.[37]", "Egg Collecting eggs of wild birds is now banned by many countries and regions in consideration of the threaten to rare species. In the United Kingdom, Protection of Birds Act 1954 and Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 both state that if a person intentionally takes or destroys an egg of any wild bird, he shall be considered guilty and penalized. [31] On the other hand, ongoing underground trading is becoming a serious issue. In the documentary film Poached (2015) [32], director Timothy Wheeler got the opportunity to work with the U.K.’s Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) and the country’s National Wildlife Crime Unit, and delved into the motivation behind egg-collecting criminals. [33]", "Royal Society The Invisible College has been described as a precursor group to the Royal Society of London, consisting of a number of natural philosophers around Robert Boyle. The concept of \"invisible college\" is mentioned in German Rosicrucian pamphlets in the early 17th century. Ben Jonson in England referenced the idea, related in meaning to Francis Bacon's House of Solomon, in a masque The Fortunate Isles and Their Union from 1624/5.[4] The term accrued currency for the exchanges of correspondence within the Republic of Letters.[5]", "Royal Society The society is governed by its council, which is chaired by the society's president, according to a set of statutes and standing orders. The members of council, the president and the other officers are elected from and by its fellowship.", "Fellow of the Royal Society Fellowship of the Royal Society (FRS, ForMemRS and HonFRS) is an award granted to individuals that the Royal Society judges to have made a \"substantial contribution to the improvement of natural knowledge, including mathematics, engineering science and medical science\".[1]", "Journal of the Royal Statistical Society From 1838–1886, the journal was published as the Journal of the Statistical Society of London (ISSN 0959-5341). In 1887 it was renamed the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society (ISSN 0952-8385) when the society was granted a Royal Charter.", "Royal Society The helmet of the arms was not specified in the charter, but the engraver sketched out a peer's helmet on the final design, which is used. This is contrary to the heraldic rules, as a society or corporation normally has an esquire's helmet; it is thought that either the engraver was ignorant of this rule, which was not strictly adhered to until around 1615, or that he used the peer's helmet as a compliment to Lord Brouncker, a peer and the first President of the Royal Society.[44]", "Royal Society The premises at 6–9 Carlton House Terrace is a Grade I listed building and the current headquarters of the Royal Society, which had moved there from Burlington House in 1967.[72] The ground floor and basement are used for ceremonies, social and publicity events, the first floor hosts facilities for Fellows and Officers of the Society, and the second and third floors are divided between offices and accommodation for the President, Executive Secretary and Fellows.[73]", "Royal Horticultural Society In 2009, more than 363,000 people were members of the society, and the number increased to more than 414,000 in 2013.[1] Membership and fellowship of the society were previously decided by election, but are now by financial contribution. Fellowship may be secured through a \"suggested\" £5,000 donation each year.[4][5]", "Royal Society The society's early meetings included experiments performed first by Hooke and then by Denis Papin, who was appointed in 1684. These experiments varied in their subject area, and were both important in some cases and trivial in others.[15] The society also published an English translation of Essays of Natural Experiments Made in the Accademia del Cimento, under the Protection of the Most Serene Prince Leopold of Tuscany in 1684, an Italian book documenting experiments at the Accademia del Cimento.[16] Although meeting at Gresham College, the Society temporarily moved to Arundel House in 1666 after the Great Fire of London, which did not harm Gresham but did lead to its appropriation by the Lord Mayor. The Society returned to Gresham in 1673.[17]", "Royal Society The 18th century featured remedies to many of the society's early problems. The number of fellows had increased from 110 to approximately 300 by 1739, the reputation of the society had increased under the presidency of Sir Isaac Newton from 1703 until his death in 1727,[22] and editions of the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society were appearing regularly.[23] During his time as president, Newton arguably abused his authority; in a dispute between himself and Gottfried Leibniz over the invention of infinitesimal calculus, he used his position to appoint an \"impartial\" committee to decide it, eventually publishing a report written by himself in the committee's name.[22] In 1705, the society was informed that it could no longer rent Gresham College and began a search for new premises. After unsuccessfully applying to Queen Anne for new premises, and asking the trustees of Cotton House if they could meet there, the council bought two houses in Crane Court, Fleet Street, on 26 October 1710.[24] This included offices, accommodation and a collection of curiosities. Although the overall fellowship contained few noted scientists, most of the council were highly regarded, and included at various times John Hadley, William Jones and Hans Sloane.[25] Because of the laxness of fellows in paying their subscriptions, the society ran into financial difficulty during this time; by 1740, the society had a deficit of £240. This continued into 1741, at which point the treasurer began dealing harshly with fellows who had not paid.[26] The business of the society at this time continued to include the demonstration of experiments and the reading of formal and important scientific papers, along with the demonstration of new scientific devices and queries about scientific matters from both Britain and Europe.[27]", "Royal Life Saving Society Canada The Royal Life Saving Society Canada operates throughout Canada as the Lifesaving Society. The Lifesaving Society is a national, volunteer and charitable organization and registered charity composed of 10 provincial/territorial Branches, tens of thousands of individual members, and over 4,000 affiliated swimming pools, waterfronts, schools and clubs. The Society works to prevent drowning and water-related injury through its training programs, Water Smart public education, drowning prevention research, safety management and lifesaving sport.", "Royal Adelaide Show There are a number of competitions the Royal Agricultural and Horticultural Society of South Australia run at the Show. Animals exhibited at the Show include:", "Journal of the Royal Statistical Society On its centenary in 1934, the society inaugurated a Supplement to the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society to publish work on industrial and agricultural applications.[3] In 1948 the society reorganised its journals and the main journal became the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A (General) (ISSN 0035-9238) and the supplement became Series B (Statistical Methodology).[2] In 1988, Series A changed its name to Series A (Statistics in Society).", "Royal Society Politically within the society, the mid-18th century featured a \"Whig supremacy\" as the so-called \"Hardwicke Circle\" of Whig-leaning scientists held the society's main Offices. Named after Lord Hardwicke, the group's members included Daniel Wray and Thomas Birch and was most prominent in the 1750s and '60s. The circle had Birch elected secretary and, following the resignation of Martin Folkes, the circle helped oversee a smooth transition to the presidency of Earl Macclesfield, whom Hardwicke helped elect.[30] Under Macclesfield, the circle reached its \"zenith\", with members such as Lord Willoughby and Birch serving as vice-president and secretary respectively. The circle also influenced goings-on in other learned societies, such as the Society of Antiquaries of London. After Macclesfield's retirement, the circle had Lord Morton elected in 1764 and Sir John Pringle elected in 1772.[31] By this point, the previous Whig \"majority\" had been reduced to a \"faction\", with Birch and Willoughby no longer involved, and the circle declined in the same time frame as the political party did in British politics under George III, falling apart in the 1780s.[32]", "Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences is a biweekly peer-reviewed scientific journal published by the Royal Society. The editor-in-chief is John Pickett (Rothamsted Research).[1]", "André-Marie Ampère In 1827 Ampère was elected a Foreign Member of the Royal Society and in 1828, a foreign member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Science.[7]", "Royal Society During the 18th century, the gusto that had characterised the early years of the society faded; with a small number of scientific \"greats\" compared to other periods, little of note was done. In the second half, it became customary for His Majesty's Government to refer highly important scientific questions to the council of the society for advice, something that, despite the non-partisan nature of the society, spilled into politics in 1777 over lightning conductors. The pointed lightning conductor had been invented by Benjamin Franklin in 1749, while Benjamin Wilson invented blunted ones. During the argument that occurred when deciding which to use, opponents of Franklin's invention accused supporters of being American allies rather than being British, and the debate eventually led to the resignation of the society's president, Sir John Pringle. During the same time period, it became customary to appoint society fellows to serve on government committees where science was concerned, something that still continues.[21]", "Royal Australian Historical Society The Royal Australian Historical Society is a voluntary organisation founded in Sydney, Australia in 1901[1][2] with Andrew Houison as founding president.[3] Its goals are to encourage the study of and interest in Australian history. It has a membership throughout Australia and many of its activities and facilities are funded by contributions from its members and benefactors.[4]", "Ornithology Organizations were started in many countries, and these grew rapidly in membership, most notable among them being the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) in Britain and the Audubon Society in the US, which started in 1885. Both these organizations were started with the primary objective of conservation. The RSPB, born in 1889, grew from a small group of women in Croydon, who met regularly and called themselves the \"Fur, Fin, and Feather Folk\" and who took a pledge \"to refrain from wearing the feathers of any birds not killed for the purpose of food, the ostrich only exempted.\" The organization did not allow men as members initially, avenging a policy of the British Ornithologists' Union to keep out women.[39] Unlike the RSPB, which was primarily conservation oriented, the British Trust for Ornithology was started in 1933 with the aim of advancing ornithological research. Members were often involved in collaborative ornithological projects. These projects have resulted in atlases which detail the distribution of bird species across Britain.[3] In the United States, the Breeding Bird Surveys, conducted by the US Geological Survey, have also produced atlases with information on breeding densities and changes in the density and distribution over time. Other volunteer collaborative ornithology projects were subsequently established in other parts of the world.[65]", "Society Greater degrees of social stratification appeared in agrarian societies. For example, women previously had higher social status because they shared labor more equally with men. In hunting and gathering societies, women even gathered more food than men. However, as food stores improved and women took on lesser roles in providing food for the family, they increasingly became subordinate to men. As villages and towns expanded into neighboring areas, conflicts with other communities inevitably occurred. Farmers provided warriors with food in exchange for protection against invasion by enemies. A system of rulers with high social status also appeared. This nobility organized warriors to protect the society from invasion. In this way, the nobility managed to extract goods from “lesser” members of society.", "Royal Victorian Order Thereafter follow those honoured with different grades of the order, divided into five levels—the highest two conferring accolades of knighthood and all having post-nominal letters—and, lastly, the holders of the Royal Victorian Medal in either gold, silver, or bronze.[2] Foreigners may be admitted as honorary members, there are no limits to the number of any grade, and promotion is possible. The styles of knighthood are not used by princes, princesses, or peers in the uppermost ranks of the society, save for when their names are written in their fullest forms for the most official occasions. Retiring Deans of the Royal Peculiars of St. George's Chapel at Windsor Castle and Westminster Abbey are customarily inducted as Knights Commander; clergymen appointed to the higher levels of the Royal Victorian Order do not use the associated styles, however, and honorary members are not permitted to hold them at all.", "Caroline Herschel She was the first woman to be awarded a Gold Medal of the Royal Astronomical Society (1828), and to be named an Honorary Member of the Royal Astronomical Society (1835, with Mary Somerville). She was also named an honorary member of the Royal Irish Academy (1838). The King of Prussia presented her with a Gold Medal for Science on the occasion of her 96th birthday (1846).[3]", "Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society By the mid-eighteenth century, the most notable editors, besides Oldenburg, were Hans Sloane, James Jurin and Cromwell Mortimer.[3][12] In virtually all cases the journal was edited by the serving secretary of the society (and occasionally by both secretaries working in tandem). These editor-secretaries carried the financial burden of publishing the Philosophical Transactions. By the early 1750s, the Philosophical Transactions came under attack, most prominently by John Hill, an actor, apothecary, and naturalist. Hill published three works in two years, ridiculing the Royal Society and the Philosophical Transactions. The Society was quick to point out that it was not officially responsible for the journal. Yet, in 1752 the Society took over the Philosophical Transactions. The journal would henceforth be published \"for the sole use and benefit of this Society\"; it would be financially carried by the members' subscriptions; and it would be edited by the Committee of Papers.[3]", "Fellow of the Royal Society Statute 12 is a legacy mechanism for electing members before official honorary membership existed in 1997.[citation needed] Fellows elected under statute 12 include David Attenborough (1983) and John Palmer, 4th Earl of Selborne (1991). Prime Ministers of the United Kingdom such as Margaret Thatcher (1983),[2] Neville Chamberlain (1938),[2] H. H. Asquith (1908)[2] were elected under statute 12, see Category:Fellows of the Royal Society (Statute 12).", "Caroline Herschel The Royal Astronomical Society elected her an Honorary Member in 1835, along with Mary Somerville; they were the first women members. She was also elected as an honorary member of the Royal Irish Academy in Dublin in 1838.[6]", "List of presidents of the Royal Society After informal meetings at Gresham College, the Royal Society was officially founded on 28 November 1660 when a group of academics decided to found \"a Colledge for the Promoting of Physico-Mathematicall Experimentall Learning\",[1] acquiring a Royal Charter on 15 July 1662.[2] The Royal Charter nominated William Brouncker as president, and stipulated that future presidents should be elected by the Council and Fellows of the society at anniversary meetings each year on St. Andrew's Day (30 November).", "Responsibility to protect The focused scope is part of what the UN Secretary-General has termed a \"narrow but deep approach\" to the Responsibility to Protect: A narrow application to four crimes, but a deep approach to response, employing the wide array of prevention and protection instruments available to Member States, the United Nations system, regional and subregional organizations and civil society.[27]", "Royal Australian Historical Society The society is a constituent member of the Federation of Australian Historical Societies.[5]", "Kiwi Operation Nest Egg is a programme run by the BNZ Save the Kiwi Trust—a partnership between the Bank of New Zealand, the Department of Conservation and the Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society. Kiwi eggs and chicks are removed from the wild and hatched and/or raised in captivity until big enough to fend for themselves—usually when they weigh around 1200 grams (42 ounces). They are then returned to the wild. An Operation Nest Egg bird has a 65% chance of surviving to adulthood—compared to just 5% for wild-hatched and raised chicks.[43] The tool is used on all kiwi species except little spotted kiwi.", "Royal Horticultural Society The Society's first garden was in Kensington, from 1818–1822. In 1820 the society leased some of Hugh Ronalds' nursery ground at Little Ealing to set up an experimental garden,[8] but the next year part of the Duke of Devonshire's estate at Chiswick was obtained. In 1823 it employed Joseph Paxton there. From 1827 the society held fêtes at the Chiswick garden, and from 1833, shows with competitive classes for flowers and vegetables. In 1861 the RHS (as it had now become) developed a new garden at South Kensington on land leased from the Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851 (the Science Museum, Imperial College and the Royal College of Music now occupy the site), but it was closed in 1882.[9] The Chiswick garden was maintained until 1903–1904, by which time Sir Thomas Hanbury had bought the garden at Wisley and presented it to the RHS.", "Journal of the Royal Statistical Society When founded, the membership of the Statistical Society of London overlapped almost completely with the statistical section of the British Association for the Advancement of Science. In 1837 a volume of Transactions of the Statistical Society of London were written, and in May 1838 the society began its journal. The first editor-in-chief of the journal was Rawson W. Rawson.[1] In the early days of the society and the journal, there was dispute over whether or not opinions should be expressed, or merely the numbers. The symbol of the society was a wheatsheaf, representing a bundle of facts, and the motto Aliis exterendum, Latin for \"to be threshed out by others.\" Many early members chafed under this prohibition, and in 1857 the motto was dropped.[2]", "Montserrat The national bird is the endemic Montserrat oriole (Icterus oberi).[38] The IUCN Red List classifies it as Critically Endangered.[39] Captive populations are held in several zoos in the UK including: Chester Zoo, Zoological Society of London, Jersey Zoo and Royal Zoological Society of Scotland.", "Royal Navy The current role of the Royal Navy is to protect British interests at home and abroad, executing the foreign and defence policies of Her Majesty's Government through the exercise of military effect, diplomatic activities and other activities in support of these objectives. The Royal Navy is also a key element of the British contribution to NATO, with a number of assets allocated to NATO tasks at any time.[105] These objectives are delivered via a number of core capabilities:[106]", "National symbols of Canada In 2015, the Royal Canadian Geographical Society launched a National Bird Project in order to declare a national bird in time for Canada's sesquicentennial in 2017.[8] In November 2016 they selected the Grey jay (formerly known as the Canada jay) and lobbied the government to make it an official national symbol before the end of 2017.", "Norman Borlaug Borlaug was elected a Foreign Member of the Royal Society (ForMemRS) in 1987.[2][61]", "Royal Parks of London The Royal Parks Foundation is a registered charity which raises funds to protect, support and create new opportunities within the Parks. They have a number of membership schemes such as adoption and champion programmes.", "Liver bird Representations of the bird can be found throughout Liverpool. The two most famous stand atop the clock towers of the Royal Liver Building at Liverpool's Pier Head, overlooking the Mersey. The building, headquarters to the Royal Liver Assurance, was opened in 1911. The metal cormorant-like birds were designed by Carl Bernard Bartels and constructed by the Bromsgrove Guild.", "Fellow of the Royal Society New Fellows are admitted to the Society at a formal admissions day ceremony held annually in July,[39] when they sign the Charter Book and the Obligation which reads: \"We who have hereunto subscribed, do hereby promise, that we will endeavour to promote the good of the Royal Society of London for Improving Natural Knowledge, and to pursue the ends for which the same was founded; that we will carry out, as far as we are able, those actions requested of us in the name of the Council; and that we will observe the Statutes and Standing Orders of the said Society. Provided that, whensoever any of us shall signify to the President under our hands, that we desire to withdraw from the Society, we shall be free from this Obligation for the future\".[1]", "Royal Society The period did lead to some reform of internal Society statutes, such as in 1823 and 1831. The most important change there was the requirement that the Treasurer publish an annual report, along with a copy of the total income and expenditure of the Society. These were to be sent to Fellows at least 14 days before the general meeting, with the intent being to ensure the election of competent Officers by making it readily apparent what existing Officers were doing. This was accompanied by a full list of Fellows standing for Council positions, where previously the names had only been announced a couple of days before. As with the other reforms, this helped ensure that Fellows had a chance to vet and properly consider candidates.[36] The Society's financial troubles were finally resolved in 1850, when a government grant-in-aid of £1,000 a year was accepted. This was increased to £4,000 in 1876, with the Society officially acting merely as the trustee for these funds, doling them out to individual scientists.[37] This grant has now grown to over £47 million, some £37 million of which is to support around 370 fellowships and professorships.[38][39]", "Proceedings of the Royal Society Proceedings of the Royal Society A publishes peer-reviewed research articles in the mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences. As of 2017[update] editor-in-chief is Professor Sir Mark Welland[1][8] FRS. According to Journal Citation Reports, As of 2014[update] the journal has a impact factor of 2.192[9]", "Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society After the takeover of the journal by the Royal Society, management decisions including negotiating with printers and booksellers, were still the task of one of the Secretaries—but editorial control was exercised through the Committee of Papers. The Committee mostly based its judgements on which papers to publish and which to decline on the 300 to 500-word abstracts of papers read during its weekly meetings. But the members could, if they desired, consult the original paper in full.[3] Once the decision to print had been taken, the paper appeared in the volume for that year. It would feature the author's name, the name of the Fellow who had communicated the paper to the Society, and the date on which it was read. The Royal Society covered paper, engraving and printing costs.[3] The Society found the journal to be a money-losing proposition: it cost, on average, upwards of £300 annually to produce, of which they seldom recouped more than £150. Because two-fifths of the copies were distributed for free to the journal's natural market, sales were generally slow, and although back issues sold out gradually it would usually be ten years or more before there were fewer than 100 left of any given print run.[3]", "Joseph Swan In 1894, Swan was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society (FRS),[36] and in September 1901, he was awarded the honorary degree of Doctor of Science (D.Sc.) from the University of Durham.[37] In 1904, he was knighted, awarded the Royal Society's Hughes Medal, and made an honorary member of the Pharmaceutical Society. Swan died in 1914 at Warlingham in Surrey.", "Bird Governments and conservation groups work to protect birds, either by passing laws that preserve and restore bird habitat or by establishing captive populations for reintroductions. Such projects have produced some successes; one study estimated that conservation efforts saved 16 species of bird that would otherwise have gone extinct between 1994 and 2004, including the California condor and Norfolk parakeet.[271]", "Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society In July 2011 programmer Greg Maxwell released through The Pirate Bay, the nearly 19 thousand articles that had been published before 1923, and were therefore in the public domain. They had been digitised for the Royal Society by JSTOR, for a cost of less than USD100,000, and public access to them was restricted through a paywall.[26][27] In October of the same year, the Royal Society released for free all its articles prior to 1941, but denied that this decision had been influenced by Maxwell's actions.[26]", "Wildlife management The late 19th century saw the passage of the first pieces of wildlife conservation legislation and the establishment of the first nature conservation societies. The Sea Birds Preservation Act of 1869 was passed in Britain as the first nature protection law in the world[10] after extensive lobbying from the Association for the Protection of Seabirds.[11]", "Fellow of the Royal Society The Council of the Royal Society oversees the selection process and appoints 10 subject area committees, known as Sectional Committees,[12] to recommend the strongest candidates for election to Fellowship. The final list of up to 52 Fellowship candidates and up to 10 Foreign Membership candidates is confirmed by the Council in April and a secret ballot of Fellows is held at a meeting in May. A candidate is elected if he or she secures two-thirds of votes of those Fellows present and voting.", "Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel (Hebrew: החברה להגנת הטבע‎‎, HaHevra LeHaganat HaTeva), or SPNI, is an Israeli non-profit environmental organization working to preserve plants, animals, and natural environments that represent bio-diversity, by protecting the lands and waters needed for their survival, and is Israel's oldest and largest conservation organization.[1]", "The Wash The Wash is a largely rectangular bay and estuary at the north-west corner of East Anglia on the East coast of England, where Norfolk meets Lincolnshire. One of the broadest estuaries in the United Kingdom, it is fed by the rivers Witham, Welland, Nene and Great Ouse. It is a 62,046-hectare (153,320-acre) biological Site of Special Scientific Interest.[1][3] It is also a Nature Conservation Review site, Grade I,[4] a National Nature Reserve,[5] a Ramsar site,[6] a Special Area of Conservation[7] and a Special Protection Area.[8] It is in the Norfolk Coast Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty[9] and part of it is the Snettisham Royal Society for the Protection of Birds nature reserve.[10]", "Royal Society When George became King, he authorised the demolition of Carlton House, with the request that the replacement be a residential area. John Nash eventually completed a design that saw Carlton House turned into two blocks of houses, with a space in between them.[74] The building is still owned by the Crown Estates and leased by the Society; it underwent a major renovation from 2001 to 2004 at the cost of £9.8 million, and was reopened by the Prince of Wales on 7 July 2004.[14]", "Superb bird-of-paradise The superb bird-of-paradise (Lophorina superba), is a species of the Paradisaeidae (bird-of-paradise) family. It is the only member in the genus Lophorina.", "Bird nest Many species of bird conceal their nests to protect them from predators. Some species may choose nest sites that are inaccessible or build the nest so as to deter predators.[84] Bird nests can also act as habitats for other inquiline species which may not affect the bird directly. Birds have also evolved nest sanitation measures to reduce the effects of parasites and pathogens on nestlings.", "List of I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings characters There are a number of minor characters in Caged Bird, members of the Black and white community in Stamps that fill out Maya's world and inform her influences and early experiences. Among the most notable are:", "Bird Birds sometimes use plumage to assess and assert social dominance,[150] to display breeding condition in sexually selected species, or to make threatening displays, as in the sunbittern's mimicry of a large predator to ward off hawks and protect young chicks.[151] Variation in plumage also allows for the identification of birds, particularly between species.", "Evolution of birds There is significant evidence that birds emerged within theropod dinosaurs, specifically, that birds are members of Maniraptora, a group of theropods which includes dromaeosaurs and oviraptorids, among others.[4] As more non-avian theropods that are closely related to birds are discovered, the formerly clear distinction between non-birds and birds becomes less so. This was noted already in the 19th century, with Thomas Huxley writing:", "Kennet and Avon Canal East of Newbury town centre the Kennet passes through the Thatcham Reed Beds a 169-acre (68 ha) Site of Special Scientific Interest, nationally important for its extensive reedbed, and species-rich alder woodland and fen habitats. The latter supports Desmoulin's whorl snail (Vertigo moulinsiana), which is of national and European importance. A large assemblage of breeding birds including nationally rare species such as Cetti's warbler (Cettia cetti) make use of the reedbed, fen and open water habitats found at Thatcham Reed Beds.[119] Thatcham's network of gravel pits, reed bed, woodland, hedges and grassland is rich in wildlife and has been made into The Nature Discovery Centre by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds.[120]", "Bird vision Vision is the most important sense for birds, since good eyesight is essential for safe flight, and this group has a number of adaptations which give visual acuity superior to that of other vertebrate groups; a pigeon has been described as \"two eyes with wings\".[1] The avian eye resembles that of a reptile, with ciliary muscles that can change the shape of the lens rapidly and to a greater extent than in the mammals. Birds have the largest eyes relative to their size in the animal kingdom, and movement is consequently limited within the eye's bony socket.[1] In addition to the two eyelids usually found in vertebrates, it is protected by a third transparent movable membrane. The eye's internal anatomy is similar to that of other vertebrates, but has a structure, the pecten oculi, unique to birds.", "John Jacob Astor IV Astor was a member of several military and hereditary societies. He was an early member of the New York Society of Colonial Wars and was assigned membership number 138. He was also a member of the Military Order of Foreign Wars, Society of the Army of Santiago de Cuba, and the Society of the American Wars of the United States.[citation needed]", "Bird-of-paradise The exact limits of the family have been the subject of revision as well. The three species of satinbird (the genera Cnemophilus and Loboparadisea) were treated as a subfamily of the birds-of-paradise, Cnemophilinae. In spite of differences in the mouth, foot morphology and nesting habits they remained in the family until a 2000 study moved them to a separate family closer to the berrypeckers and longbills (Melanocharitidae).[4] The same study found that the Macgregor's bird-of-paradise was actually a member of the large Australasian honeyeater family. In addition to these three species, a number of systematically enigmatic species and genera have been considered potential members of this family. The two species in the genus Melampitta, also from New Guinea, have been linked with the birds-of-paradise,[5] but their relationships remain uncertain, more recently being linked with the Australian mudnesters.[2] The silktail of Fiji has been linked with the birds-of-paradise many times since its discovery, but never formally assigned to the family. Recent molecular evidence now places the species with the fantails.[6]", "Proceedings of the Royal Society Proceedings of the Royal Society B publishes research related to biological sciences. As of 2017[update] the editor-in-chief is Professor Spencer Barrett.[2][10] Topics covered in particular include ecology, behavioural ecology and evolutionary biology, as well as epidemiology, human biology, neuroscience, palaeontology, psychology, and biomechanics. The journal publishes predominately research articles and reviews, as well as comments, replies, and commentaries. In 2005, Biology Letters (originally a supplement to Proceedings B), was launched as an independent journal publishing short articles from across biology. According to Journal Citation Reports, As of 2015[update] the journal has an impact factor of 4.823.[11]", "Isaac Newton Starting in 1699, other members of the Royal Society (of which Newton was a member) accused Leibniz of plagiarism. The dispute then broke out in full force in 1711 when the Royal Society proclaimed in a study that it was Newton who was the true discoverer and labelled Leibniz a fraud. This study was cast into doubt when it was later found that Newton himself wrote the study's concluding remarks on Leibniz. Thus began the bitter controversy which marred the lives of both Newton and Leibniz until the latter's death in 1716.[32]", "Royal College of Art See also: The Royal College of Art Society amalgamated with OSARCA (the Old Students Association of the RCA 1912) for the benefit of graduates and associates of the Royal College of Art", "David Attenborough Attenborough has received the title Honorary Fellow from Clare College, Cambridge (1980), the Zoological Society of London (1998), the Linnean Society (1999), the Institute of Biology (Now the Royal Society of Biology) (2000) and the Society of Antiquaries (2007). He is Honorary Patron of the North American Native Plant Society[61] and was elected as a Corresponding Member of the Australian Academy of Science.[62]", "Datura stramonium The seed is thought[by whom?] to be carried by birds and spread in their droppings. Its seeds can lie dormant underground for years and germinate when the soil is disturbed. The Royal Horticultural Society has advised worried gardeners to dig it up or have it otherwise removed,[19] while wearing gloves to handle it.[20]", "Royal Horticultural Society The Award of Garden Merit, or AGM, is the principle award made to garden plants by the Society after a period of assessment by the appropriate committees of the Society. Awards are made annually after plant trials.", "Sydney Royal Easter Show The Sydney Royal Easter Show, also known as the Royal Easter Show, The Easter Show or The Royal, is an annual show held in Sydney, Australia over two weeks around the Easter period. It comprises an agricultural show, an amusement park and a fair and combines the elements of each, showcasing the judging of livestock and produce. The event is run by the Royal Agricultural Society of New South Wales and was first held in 1823. Queen Victoria awarded the society and its show the right to use the word \"Royal\" in its name.[1]", "Bird egg The number of eggs laid in a single brood is referred to as the clutch. Clutch size is usually within a small range of variation. Some birds respond to the accidental loss of eggs by laying a replacement egg. Others will stop laying based on the apparent size of the clutch. According to whether they respond to addition, removal, or both addition and removal of eggs, birds are classified as determinate layers (number of eggs laid is predetermined and do not respond to change) or as indeterminate layers. In general birds, birds with small clutch size tended to be indeterminate.[12]", "Bird Among the most famous of these bird artists was John James Audubon, whose paintings of North American birds were a great commercial success in Europe and who later lent his name to the National Audubon Society.[251] Birds are also important figures in poetry; for example, Homer incorporated nightingales into his Odyssey, and Catullus used a sparrow as an erotic symbol in his Catullus 2.[252] The relationship between an albatross and a sailor is the central theme of Samuel Taylor Coleridge's The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, which led to the use of the term as a metaphor for a 'burden'.[253] Other English metaphors derive from birds; vulture funds and vulture investors, for instance, take their name from the scavenging vulture.[254]", "Royal Holloway, University of London Royal Holloway employs around 2,300 members of staff, including 534 academic staff and 132 research staff.[19] The total number of undergraduate and postgraduate students is 10,325,[3] from 100 countries.[11]", "Society Many societies distribute largess at the behest of some individual or some larger group of people. This type of generosity can be seen in all known cultures; typically, prestige accrues to the generous individual or group. Conversely, members of a society may also shun or scapegoat members of the society who violate its norms. Mechanisms such as gift-giving, joking relationships and scapegoating, which may be seen in various types of human groupings, tend to be institutionalized within a society. Social evolution as a phenomenon carries with it certain elements that could be detrimental to the population it serves.", "Royal Variety Performance A total of 16 members of the Royal Family have attended the 86 Royal Variety Performances, and the 1912 Royal Command Performance.", "Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society While expenditure was a worry for the Treasurer, as Secretary (from 1854), George Gabriel Stokes was preoccupied with the actual content of the Transactions and his extensive correspondence with authors over his thirty-one-years as Secretary took up most of his time beyond his duties as Lucasian Professor at Cambridge. Stokes was paramount in establishing a more formalised refereeing process at the Royal Society. It was not until Stokes's Presidency ended, in 1890, that his influence over the journal diminished. The introduction of fixed terms for Society officers precluded subsequent editors from taking on Stokes's mantle, and meant that the Society operated its editorial practices more collectively than it had done since the mechanisms for it were established in 1752.[14]", "Parental care in birds Kavanau (1987) was the first to find that unique bi-parental care seen in modern birds probably evolved from extinct birds. They developed the ability to provide protection, escorting, nurturing and egg guarding abilities for their young. Evolution of homeothermy and flight most likely occurred in bi-parental birds with precocial chicks. Kavanau said extant birds (David J. Varricchio)[6] evolved and learned flight through evolution to access ground nests faster. (Kavanau)[7]", "Royal Horticultural Society Banks proposed his friend Thomas Andrew Knight for membership. The proposal was accepted, despite Knight's ongoing feud with Forsyth over a plaster for healing tree wounds which Forsyth was developing. Knight was President of the society from 1811–1838, and developed the society's aims and objectives to include a programme of practical research into fruit-breeding.", "Royals (song) Matthew Perpetua from BuzzFeed noted \"Royals\"' are based on growing up in a society subjected to cultural imperialism. According to Matthew, the singer is", "The Asiatic Society of Mumbai Initially, the Literary Society of Bombay published its transactions under the title, Transactions of the Literary Society of Bombay. In 1841, the Asiatic Society of Bombay commenced publishing its journal titled, Journal of the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. From 1955 to 2002, it published its journal under the name, Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bombay and from 2002, its journal has been published under the name, Journal of the Asiatic Society of Mumbai.", "Bird Under the fourth definition Archaeopteryx is an avialan, and not a member of Aves. Gauthier's proposals have been adopted by many researchers in the field of palaeontology and bird evolution, though the exact definitions applied have been inconsistent. Avialae, initially proposed to replace the traditional fossil content of Aves, is often used synonymously with the vernacular term \"bird\" by these researchers.[13]", "Journal of the Royal Statistical Society The Statistician (ISSN 0039-0526) is no longer published, but was published 4 times a year up to 2003, being replaced by Significance. The final editors were A.J. Watkins (University of Wales) and L.C. Wolstenholme (City University London).[9] The Statistician was added in parallel to Series A-C as a Royal Statistical Society publication in 1993, having previously been published by the Institute of Statisticians.", "The Asiatic Society From 1784 to 1828, only Europeans were elected members of the Society. In 1829, at the initiative of H.H. Wilson, a number of Indians were elected members, which include Dwarakanath Tagore, Sivchandra Das, Maharaja Baidyanath Roy, Maharaja Bunwari Govind Roy, Raja Kalikrishna Bahadur, Rajchunder Das, Ram Comul Sen and Prasanna Coomar Tagore. On 12 December 1832 Ram Comul Sen was elected 'Native Secretary'. Later, Rajendralal Mitra became the first Indian President in 1885.[1] Both the orientalist, Brajendranath De, and one of his grandsons, the historian, Barun De, were for sometime vice president of the Asiatic Society.[2][3][4]", "Society of Jesus The society is divided into 83 provinces along with six independent regions and ten dependent regions.[11] On 1 January 2007, members served in 112 nations on six continents with the largest number in India and the US. Their average age was 57.3 years: 63.4 years for priests, 29.9 years for scholastics, and 65.5 years for brothers.[16]", "Cruelty to animals On 18 August 1911, the House of Commons introduced the Protection of Animals Act 1911 (c.27) following lobbying by the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA). The maximum punishment was 6 months of \"hard labour\" with a fine of 25 pounds.[166]" ]
when was theme from a summer place released
[ "Theme from A Summer Place Following its initial film appearance, the theme has been recorded by many artists in both instrumental and vocal versions, and has also appeared in a number of subsequent films and television programs. The best-known cover version of the theme is an instrumental version by Percy Faith and his orchestra that was a Number One hit for nine weeks on the Billboard Hot 100 chart in 1960.[1]", "Theme from A Summer Place Percy Faith recorded the most popular version of the theme, an instrumental orchestral arrangement, at the Columbia 30th Street Studio in New York City.[2] It was released in September 1959 as a single on Columbia Records, credited to \"Percy Faith and his Orchestra,\" prior to the November 1959 release of the film A Summer Place.[1]" ]
[ "Theme from A Summer Place \"Theme from A Summer Place\" is a song with lyrics by Mack Discant and music by Max Steiner, written for the 1959 film A Summer Place, which starred Sandra Dee and Troy Donahue. It was recorded for the film as an instrumental by Hugo Winterhalter. Originally known as the \"Molly and Johnny Theme\", the piece is not the main title theme of the film, but a secondary love theme for the characters played by Dee and Donahue.", "Theme from A Summer Place More recently, the song's peaceful and relaxed theme has taken on a darker significance as it has been used to convey an eerie sense of false security in horror productions, such as the TV miniseries Rose Red (2002), and the films Final Destination 3 (2006), Dark Shadows (2012) and Beautiful Creatures (2013).", "Ontario Place (theme park) To commemorate the opening of the theme park and promote the province of Ontario, a multi-media exhibition was created and presented inside the pavilion. Dolores Claman wrote the music and Richard Morris wrote lyrics for the music to this presentation, entitled \"Theme from Ontario Place\". \"Theme from Ontario Place\" was subsequently released by the Ontario Department of Trade and Development as a double sided 45 manufactured by Quality Records (OP1971), side A containing a \"Pop\" version and Side B an \"Easy Listening\" recording. A photo of the still under construction Ontario Place was used on the cover.", "A Summer Place (film) The 1960 instrumental hit \"Theme from A Summer Place\", composed by Max Steiner, was used in the film as a secondary musical theme (not the main title theme) for scenes featuring Molly and Johnny. The version used in the film was recorded by Hugo Winterhalter. It was later arranged and recorded by Percy Faith and performed by his orchestra, enriching and improving on the original. In 1960, the Percy Faith version reached Number One on the Billboard Hot 100 chart for nine consecutive weeks, a record at that time.[2] The theme has been covered in instrumental or vocal versions by numerous other artists, including The Lettermen, Andy Williams, Cliff Richard, Julie London, Billy Vaughn, Joanie Sommers and The Ventures, and has been featured in many other films and television programs.", "2016 Summer Paralympics The opening ceremony of the 2016 Summer Paralympics took place on the evening of 7 September 2016 at Maracanã Stadium. With the theme \"Todo Mundo tem um Coração\" (\"Everybody Has a Heart\"), the artistic portions of the ceremony featured sequences themed around inclusivity and the culture of Brazil.[32]", "Theme from S.W.A.T. \"Theme from S.W.A.T.\" is an instrumental song written by Barry De Vorzon and performed by American funk group Rhythm Heritage, released on their debut album Disco-Fied. It reached number one on the Billboard Hot 100 singles chart in the United States on the chart date of February 28, 1976.", "A Summer Place (film) A Summer Place is a 1959 romantic drama film based on Sloan Wilson's 1958 novel of the same name, about teenage lovers from different social classes who get back together twenty years later, and then must deal with the passionate love affair of their own teenage children by previous marriages. Delmer Daves directed the movie, which stars Richard Egan and Dorothy McGuire as the middle-aged lovers, and Troy Donahue and Sandra Dee as their children. The film contains a memorable instrumental theme composed by Max Steiner, which spent nine weeks at #1 on the Billboard Hot 100 singles chart in 1960.[2]", "Talk:The Ninth Gate According to my (probably USA) copy of the soundtrack, track 16's title is listed as \"Vocalise - Theme from the Ninth Gate (Reprise)\" not \"Vocalise - Theme from a Summer Place\". The track is indeed almost identical to track 1, and is shorter by two seconds.", "(Theme from) Valley of the Dolls In the UK \"(Theme from) Valley of the Dolls\" had a February 1968 release with \"Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah\" as the B-side, peaking at UK #28.", "(Theme From) The Monkees \"(Theme from) The Monkees\" is a 1966 popular song, written by Tommy Boyce and Bobby Hart as the theme song for the TV series The Monkees.[2] Two versions were recorded - one for their first album The Monkees[2] and a second shorter version designed to open the television show. Both versions feature vocals by Micky Dolenz. The full length version was released as a single in several countries including Australia, where it became a hit, reaching #8.[3] It also made Billboard Magazine's \"Hits of the World\" chart in both Mexico and Japan, reaching the Top 20 in Japan and the Top 10 in Mexico (#2 Jun.17, 1967).[4] It is still played on many oldies radio stations. An Italian version of the song was featured on a Monkees compilation album.[2] Ray Stevens did a version of the Monkees Theme song on his 1985 album He Thinks He's Ray Stevens featuring a male German group of singers, Wolfgang and Fritzy, that are arguing during the refrain of the song. (\"Hey Hey Bist Du Monkees\".)", "Catch and Release (film) Catch and Release was filmed in the spring/summer of 2005, in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, with a reprise in December 2005. In July 2005, several scenes were filmed in Boulder, Colorado, where the story takes place.", "Donna Summer In 1990, a Warner compilation, The Best of Donna Summer, was released (No U.S. issue). The album went Gold in the UK after the song \"State of Independence\" was re-released there to promote the album. The following year, Summer worked with producer Keith Diamond emerged with the album Mistaken Identity, which included elements of R&B as well as new jack swing. \"When Love Cries\" continued her success on the R&B charts, reaching No. 18. In 1992, Summer embarked on a world tour and later that year received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.[28] She reunited with Giorgio Moroder, for the song \"Carry On\", which was included on the 1993, Polygram issued The Donna Summer Anthology, it contained 34 tracks of Summer's material with Casablanca and Mercury Records, and from her tenures with Atlantic and Geffen.[29]", "Theme from Z-Cars It was soon adopted by fans of the First Division football club Everton, who are based in Liverpool near where the programme supposedly took place. The theme tune is still played as the team come out onto the pitch at the beginning of all their home matches and has become synonymous with the club. They also use the theme tune on their official podcasts, used at the beginning to introduce the podcast.", "Theme from Star Trek Over time, the show's theme music has become immediately recognizable, even by many people who have never seen the program. Portions of the original theme have been used in subsequent Star Trek series and motion pictures. For 1979's Star Trek: The Motion Picture, scored by Jerry Goldsmith, Alexander Courage provided additional cues featuring his theme, where it softly accompanies the \"captain's log\" scenes. Dennis McCarthy reused the original theme's fanfare when he reworked Goldsmith's main theme for use as Star Trek: The Next Generation's theme music, where the fanfare precedes Goldsmith's theme. Most of the subsequent Star Trek motion pictures's main title themes started with the fanfare before segueing into music composed specially for the given film. 2009's Star Trek broke with this tradition; instead, composer Michael Giacchino used the opening notes sparingly in the movie, but featured an arrangement of the theme in the film's end credits. All the Star Trek feature films to date use the fanfare at some point.", "Theme from Mission: Impossible \"Theme from Mission: Impossible\" is the theme tune of the TV series Mission: Impossible (1966–1973). The theme was written and composed by Argentine composer Lalo Schifrin and has since gone on to appear in several other works of the Mission: Impossible franchise, including the 1988 TV series, the film series and the video game series. The 1960s version has since been acknowledged as one of TV's greatest theme tunes.[1]", "Summer Days continue to lengthen from equinox to solstice and summer days progressively shorten after the solstice, so meteorological summer encompasses the build-up to the longest day and a diminishing thereafter, with summer having many more hours of daylight than spring. Reckoning by hours of daylight alone, summer solstice marks the midpoint, not the beginning, of the seasons. Midsummer takes place over the shortest night of the year, which is the summer solstice, or on a nearby date that varies with tradition.", "Theme from The Dukes of Hazzard (Good Ol' Boys) The \"Theme from The Dukes of Hazzard (Good Ol' Boys)\" is a song written and recorded by American country music singer Waylon Jennings. It was released in August 1980 as the second single from the album Music Man. Recognizable to fans as the theme to the CBS comedy adventure television series The Dukes of Hazzard, the song became a #1 hit on the Billboard magazine Hot Country Singles chart in 1980.", "2018 NBA Summer League In its first year, the California Classic is scheduled to take place before the Las Vegas Summer League begins, with the teams in place for the event involving the Sacramento Kings, Los Angeles Lakers, Golden State Warriors, and Miami Heat. During the month of May, the Kings confirmed that their own Summer League event (titled the California Classic Summer League) would take place from July 2-5, 2018 (taking a day off to celebrate the Fourth of July), replacing the Orlando Pro Summer League.", "Hocus Pocus (1993 film) Hocus Pocus was released July 16, 1993 and came in at #4 at the box office with $8,125,471. It dropped from the top 10 after two weeks of release.[9] The film was released the same day as Free Willy.[10] The unusual summer release of Hocus Pocus is said to be due to Disney not wanting it to compete against their other Halloween-themed film, The Nightmare Before Christmas, which was due for release the coming October by Touchstone Pictures.[11]", "Sharleen Spiteri With the continued Texas success, the band followed up the success of their album with a second single. \"Summer Son\" was released on 16 August 1999. Summer Son charted in the UK Top 10 at No. 5, making Summer Son the band's seventh UK Top 10 single at that point. \"Summer Son\" received a lot of fair radio airplay in the United Kingdom and other parts of Europe and received a fair amount of positive reviews. The song serves as one of Texas's biggest and best known songs to date. One more single was released from The Hush, \"When We Are Together\". The song was released on 15 November 1999 and missed the UK Top 10, but became the band's 13th UK Top 40 singles (including their UK Top 10 Singles). The song charted at No. 12 on the UK Singles Chart behind Garbage's 1999 James Bond film theme \"The World Is Not Enough\". The Hush has become one of the band's biggest selling albums worldwide.", "Love's Theme In addition, \"Love's Theme\" was also recorded in a vocal version by Love Unlimited (on their 1974 album In Heat). Enoch Light recorded an electro-disco instrumental version of the song on his 1977 album, Disco Disque. The song is also part of Meco's instrumental medley \"Hooked On Instrumentals Part I\" (from the 1985 album Hooked On Instrumentals). In May 1993, Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark released the single \"Dream of Me (Based on Love's Theme)\" (from their album Liberator, released the same year) which used a sample of this Barry White composition. This single reached #24 on the UK Singles Chart, and Barry White was given a writing credit.", "Theme from Mahogany (Do You Know Where You're Going To) Later released as a single, \"Theme from Mahogany\" became a number-one hit on both the U.S. Billboard Hot 100, and the Easy Listening charts.[2]", "Theme from Star Trek The music was played over both the opening and closing credits of the original series. The opening credits begin with the now-famous \"where no man has gone before\" monologue recited by series star William Shatner, accompanied by an opening fanfare. The main theme begins, punctuated at several points by the Enterprise flying toward and past the camera with a \"whoosh\" sound for dramatic effect, created vocally by Courage himself.[2] A slightly longer version of the theme, minus the fanfare, was played over the closing credits, which were overlaid on a series of stills from various episodes.", "Inglourious Basterds The opening theme is taken from the pseudo-folk ballad \"The Green Leaves of Summer\", which was composed by Dimitri Tiomkin and Paul Francis Webster for the opening of the 1960 film The Alamo.[68][70] The soundtrack uses a variety of music genres, including Spaghetti Western and R&B. Prominent in the latter part of the film is David Bowie's theme from the 1982 film Cat People.[71] The soundtrack, the first of Tarantino's not to include dialogue excerpts, was released on August 18, 2009.[72][73]", "Theme from Mission: Impossible Brave Combo covered the theme as a \"deep groove cumbia\" on their 2008 album, The Exotic Rocking Life.", "Theme from Star Trek The \"Theme from Star Trek\" (originally scored under the title \"Where No Man Has Gone Before\")[1] is an instrumental musical piece composed by Alexander Courage for Star Trek, the science fiction television series created by Gene Roddenberry and originally aired between September 8, 1966, and June 3, 1969.", "In the Summertime (Thirsty Merc song) \"In the Summertime\" is a song by Australian rock group Thirsty Merc. It was released in the Australian Summer of 2004. The track is a tribute to the Australian summer and is a reflection of the laidback Aussie style. The song reached #43 in the ARIA charts, and is used as the theme song for the Australian television program Bondi Rescue. Its music video was nominated for an ARIA Award in 2005.", "Theme from Mission: Impossible The theme's melodies form the basis of Limp Bizkit's 2000 single \"Take A Look Around\", which was recorded for the soundtrack of the second film.", "Summer Wine On April 18, 2013, Lana Del Rey released a music video for her and Barrie-James O'Neill's (from Kassidy) cover of \"Summer Wine\" by Lee Hazlewood.[8]", "Ontario Place (theme park) Ontario Place served as a filming location for the episode Angel Of Death from the TV series War Of The Worlds in which it was the setting for the shootout at the end of the episode where Dr Harrison Blackwood, his team, and a supposed alien ally confront the evil aliens which are personally led by the alien advocacy.", "The Endless Summer The Endless Summer is a seminal 1966 surf movie (the initial release was in 1964, world-wide release was 1966[citation needed]).", "Theme from Star Trek The unaired pilot \"The Cage\" used a wordless rendition of the melody line, sung by soprano Loulie Jean Norman with flute and organ, over an orchestral arrangement. When originally composed (and as heard in \"The Cage\"), Courage had Norman's vocalizations and the various instruments mixed equally to produce what Courage described as a unique \"'what is that that I'm hearing?' sound.\"[4] According to Courage, however, Gene Roddenberry had the mix changed to bring up the female vocal, after which Courage felt the theme sounded like a soprano solo. Finally, for the third season it was remixed again, this time emphasizing the organ.", "Summer Newman Tension quickly rose on their union as Summer became more jealous when Austin develops a friendship with Cassie's twin sister Mariah Copeland, whom she strongly dislikes. When Summer's mother recovers from her coma, Summer introduces Austin as her friend, upsetting Austin with Summer claiming that the doctor is requiring her family not to give upsetting or shocking information to Phyllis. Phyllis learns from Summer that the two are \"engaged\" and is enraged; but not as enraged when she learns the two are married and Austin is a felon. Phyllis sees the relationship is blossoming so Phyllis agrees to ease up and leave them be. Months later, it is revealed to Summer that Sharon switched her paternity results. Summer and Austin once again face relationship problems, when Summer learns Mariah kissed Austin. On Valentine's Day 2015, Abby Newman invites Summer, Austin, Mariah, Kevin Fisher, Fenmore, Noah, and Courtney to the Abbott Cabin. After Fenmore spiked Abby's punch everyone falls asleep. After Kevin wakes up, so does everyone else to discover that Austin is missing. Kevin searches outside in an intense snowstorm and finds nothing. While the group is talking about Austin's possible whereabouts Austin falls out of a wardrobe and after Courtney (a police officer) tries to revive a unresponsive Austin, she declares that he is dead.[52]", "(Theme from) Valley of the Dolls Warwick re-recorded a Pat Williams-arranged and Burt Bacharach-produced version of the theme at A&R Studios in New York because contractual restrictions from her home label, Scepter Records, would not allow her version from the film to be included in the 20th Century-Fox soundtrack album. The re-recorded version became a million-seller. The RIAA-certified Gold Scepter LP that contained the hit version of the song, Dionne Warwick in Valley of the Dolls, peaked at number six on the Billboard Top 10 Albums chart, and would remain on the chart for over a year.", "Wooly Bully Eddie and the Hot Rods released a version of the song as a single in the United Kingdom in 1976, but it did not chart.[10] The song is referenced by Joe Strummer in the live version of The Clash hit \"Capital Radio\" featured on the live album titled Live: From Here to Eternity. The song is also heard in a number of films: Big Bully, The Rookie, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Full Metal Jacket, The Shrimp on the Barbie, Splash, Scrooged, Happy Gilmore, Monsters vs. Aliens, Religulous, Monsieur Ibrahim, Encino Man, Made in Dagenham, Mr Holland's Opus starring Richard Dreyfuss, and The Chipmunk Adventure, in which it is performed by Alvin and the Chipmunks. It is currently[when?] used as an entrance theme by PDC darts professional Terry Jenkins due to his darting nickname, the Bull.\nGonzo the Great, Rizzo the Rat, and Fozzie Bear covered the song for the 1993 album Muppet Beach Party. The Tubes included a song on their final album from 1985, Love Bomb, entitled \"Theme from a Wooly Place,\" a mashup in which the string arrangement for \"Theme from A Summer Place\" was played over \"Wooly Bully\" for 46 seconds. Another cover of the song was made by Canned Heat. The Iranian musical group Zinguala Ha covered the song, renamed \"Atal Matal\"; it is featured on the Raks Raks Raks – 27 Golden Garage Psych Nuggets From The Iranian 60s Scene compilation. Ace Cannon recorded an instrumental version for his 1967 album Memphis Golden Hits. Disco Tex and the Sex-O-Lettes released a version of the song on their 1977 album, A Piece of the Rock.[11]", "Theme from Star Trek In 2006, CBS began syndicating a \"remastered\" version of the series with numerous changes, including a re-recording of the theme music, which was used for all episodes of the series. Elin Carlson, a professional singer and lifetime Star Trek fan, re-recorded Norman's vocalization.[6]", "Ontario Place (theme park) Designed originally to promote the Province of Ontario through exhibits and entertainment,[2] its focus changed over time to be that of a theme park for families with a water park, a children's play area, and amusement rides. Exhibits in the pods were discontinued and the building became a venue for private events. The concert stage was turned over to a private concert operator and rebuilt as the Amphitheatre. After a long period of declining attendance, the Government of Ontario closed the facility except for its music venue and marina. It plans to re-open the facility after redevelopment into a year-round multiple-use facility.", "Only Happy When It Rains \"Only Happy When It Rains\" is a song written and produced by alternative rock band Garbage for their self-titled debut studio album (1995). The song was recorded at the band's own recording studio, Smart Studios, in Madison, Wisconsin, being mixed twice before its release. The song's bleak lyrics were a parody of the typically angst-filled themes of mid-1990s alternative rock, and a sarcastic reference to Garbage's own preference for dark themes.", "Summer Summer is the hottest of the four temperate seasons, falling between spring and autumn. At the summer solstice, the days are longest and the nights are shortest, with day-length decreasing as the season progresses after the solstice. The date of the beginning of summer varies according to climate, tradition and culture. When it is summer in the Northern Hemisphere, it is winter in the Southern Hemisphere, and vice versa.", "Summer Summer is usually a low point in television viewing, and television schedules generally reflect this by not scheduling new episodes of their most popular shows between the end of May sweeps and the beginning of the television season in September, instead scheduling low-cost reality television shows and burning off commitments to already-canceled series. There is an exception to this with children's television. Many television shows made for children and are popular with children are released during the summer months, especially on children's cable channels such as the Disney Channel in the United States, as children are off school. Disney Channel, for example, ends its preschool programming earlier in the day for older school age children in the summer months while it reverts to the original scheduling as the school year begins. Conversely, the music and film industries generally experience higher returns during the summer than other times of the year and market their summer hits accordingly. The summer season is also most popular for animated movies to be released theatrically in movie theaters.[citation needed]", "Ontario Place (theme park) Landscape architect Michael Hough overlaid a scale model of the University of Toronto's excellent walking paths onto the Ontario Place plans to check for appropriate walking distances. This ensured that comfortable rest areas were placed appropriately, so that children and the elderly would not need to walk too far without a comfortable seat. Soon after opening in 1971, a rubber-wheeled tractor train was used to take visitors between key points on the various islands, though this has long since been discontinued.", "Donna Summer In 1975, Summer passed on an idea for a song to Moroder who was working with another artist; a song that would be called \"Love to Love You\". Summer and Moroder wrote the song together, and together they worked on a demo version with Summer singing the song. Moroder decided that Summer's version should be released. Seeking an American release for the song, it was sent to Casablanca Records president Neil Bogart. Bogart played the song at one of his extravagant industry parties, where it was so popular with the crowd, they insisted that it be played over and over, each time it ended. Bogart requested that Moroder produce a longer version for discothèques. Moroder, Bellotte, and Summer returned with a 17-minute version. Bogart tweaked the title to \"Love to Love You Baby\", and Casablanca signed Summer, releasing the single in November 1975. The shorter 7\" version of the single was promoted by radio stations, while clubs regularly played the 17 minute version (the longer version would also appear on the album).", "James Bond Theme The \"James Bond Theme\" is the main signature theme of the James Bond films and has featured in every Eon Productions Bond film since Dr. No, released in 1962. The piece has been used as an accompanying fanfare to the gun barrel sequence in almost every James Bond film.", "Ontario Place (theme park) Over and above these capital and cleanliness projects, Ontario Place also made significant investments in entertainment, marketing and sponsorship for its 40th anniversary celebrations. Free grounds admission was offered to the public for the first time in 20 years. Live entertainment performances were quadrupled, to over 2,000. Advertising was reinstated, with a new ad campaign developed by Draft FCB of Toronto. And a significant sponsorship of the 40th birthday celebration by CTV generated over $1,500,000 in extra advertising value. Ontario Place was recognized in 2011 by IAAPA as a worldwide finalist for a \"Brass Ring Award\" in the category of \"Best Integrated Marketing Campaign.\"", "Summer Roberts Summer is adjusting to her senior year at Harbor School, with the year starting originally with her best friend Marissa Cooper being expelled from Harbor as a result of her involvement in the shooting of Trey Atwood. As a result, Summer reluctantly seeks a more involved role in student politics, thus gaining a new rival in fellow student Taylor Townsend (Autumn Reeser). They have since become (albeit at times reluctantly on Summer's part) friends, particularly when Taylor helped her get Marissa back in by organizing a petition. \nSummer was initially insecure about her relationship with Seth, because she often felt that he was smarter than her and she feared that he would break up with her for someone more like him. However, when Summer gets a very high SAT score, Summer's personality changes upon realizing that she is smart and has the potential to be smart. This gives Summer the ambition to change and this season Summer begins to focus on school.\nAlso, her relationship with Seth is closer than it was during much of the previous year, and the couple's post-graduation future is one she finds harder to ignore. They had trouble earlier in the season deciding what colleges to go to and how it would affect their future together, but eventually they both agreed on going to Brown University, which was more feasible after Summer got a high SAT score. Summer cares a lot about Seth and when Seth starts smoking pot, she becomes worried about him and forgives him if he promises to stop. When Summer finds out that Seth is still smoking pot, she is upset with him, but Seth apologizes with a letter on a napkin, admitting his lies and mistakes and tells Summer that if he messed up again, she could show it to his parents. Summer forgives Seth. Shortly before they got their college acceptance letters Summer said that if should she get into Brown and not Seth, she would not go. When they got their college acceptance letters, to Seth's dismay this was exactly what happened. Seth, not wanting to be personally responsible for Summer turning down a major educational and life opportunity for him said he did not want to go to Brown anymore. As a result they broke up, with Seth stating when confronted by Summer that he did not love her anymore. While their future as a couple seemed uncertain at this point, (and was further complicated by the return of Seth's ex-girlfriend Anna Stern). Summer takes a Korean Pop Star as date for the prom and when seeing Seth with Anna, Summer becomes hurt, when Summer has fallen off the stage after being announced Prom Queen for the second time in a row, Seth runs to Summer and tells her the truth about Brown and they reconcile. They have resigned to going to school together in Rhode Island, albeit at different schools.", "Summer Holiday (song) \"Summer Holiday\" is a song recorded by Cliff Richard and The Shadows, written by rhythm guitarist Bruce Welch and drummer Brian Bennett.[1] It is taken from the film of the same name,[1] and was released as the second single from the film in February 1963. It went to number one in the UK Singles Chart for a total of three weeks, as had the first single from the film, \"The Next Time\".[2] After \"Summer Holiday\" had spent two weeks at number one, The Shadows' instrumental \"Foot Tapper\" - also from the same film - took over the top spot for one week, before \"Summer Holiday\" returned to the top spot for one further week.[3] The track is one of Richard's best known titles and it remains a staple of his live shows. It was one of six hits Richard performed at his spontaneous gig at the 1996 Wimbledon Championships when rain stopped the tennis.", "In My Place A live recording of \"In My Place\" from Glastonbury Festival 2011 was released to download on 26 June 2011.", "The Long, Hot Summer The Long, Hot Summer is a 1958 film directed by Martin Ritt. The screenplay was written by Irving Ravetch and Harriet Frank Jr., based in part on three works by William Faulkner: the 1931 novella \"Spotted Horses\", the 1939 short story \"Barn Burning\", and the 1940 novel The Hamlet. The title is taken from The Hamlet, as Book Three is called \"The Long Summer\". Some characters, as well as tone, were inspired by Tennessee Williams' 1955 play, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof,[2] a film adaptation of which – also starring Paul Newman – was released five months after the release of The Long, Hot Summer.", "ER (TV series) In 1996, Atlantic Records released an album of music from the first two seasons, featuring James Newton Howard's theme from the series in its on-air and full versions, selections from the weekly scores composed by Martin Davich (Howard scored the two-hour pilot, Davich scored all the subsequent episodes and wrote a new theme used from 2006–2009 until the final episode, when Howard's original theme returned) and songs used on the series.[54]", "When the Grass Grows Over Me \"When the Grass Grows Over Me\" is a song by George Jones. It was released on the Musicor label in 1968 and rose to #2 on the Billboard country singles chart. It was written by Don Chapel, Tammy Wynette's husband before George. The song is similar in theme to Jones' later comeback hit \"He Stopped Loving Her Today\" except from a first person point of view, with the narrator claiming he will only stop loving his departed lover when he is dead and buried:", "Much Ado About Nothing In July 2014, a webseries modernization of the play, A Bit Much was released.[30] Created by Colleen Scriven, the series places the play in a modern-day summer camp.", "James Bond Theme When Roger Moore came to the role, the \"James Bond Theme\" became a string orchestra driven piece. Likewise, in Live and Let Die, the James Bond theme was featured in a Funk-inspired version of the tune reflecting the music of Blaxploitation films popular at the time. After that in 1974 John Barry composed the theme and song but sung by Lulu. The brief quote of the theme in the pre-credits music of The Spy Who Loved Me, titled \"Bond 77\", featured a disco sound, reflecting a style of music which was very popular at the time. The Spy Who Loved Me returned briefly to using the surf-rock guitar associated with the theme from the early days. One unusual instance occurred in Octopussy, when Bond's contact, who is disguised as a snake charmer played a few notes of the tune for Roger Moore's James Bond, presumably as a pre-arranged identification signal; this is an example of the tune being used as diegetic music. In the last Bond film of Roger Moore, A View to a Kill the melody of the theme was played on strings.", "Theme from Mission: Impossible The Gavin Report wrote about the song: \"Those not familiar wiith this piece of music A) are under five years of age, B) have been living with Theodore Kaczynski for the past 25 years, or C) are not aware of television. This interpretation by half of U2 will he heard by millions of moviegoers expected to see what's been anticipated as the film of the summer. Try cranking this up and driving around the hills of San Francisco! Very cool.\"[7]", "How Can You Be in Two Places at Once When You're Not Anywhere at All How Can You Be in Two Places at Once When You're Not Anywhere at All is the second comedy album recorded by The Firesign Theatre. It was originally released in July 1969 by Columbia Records.", "Sigmund and the Sea Monsters A teaser trailer for the pilot was released in Comic Con 2017 with changes from the original show: David Arquette plays the evil villain Captain Barnabus who believes sea monsters are real and devotes his time capturing them, and instead of living with a housekeeper the boys are spending the summer at their aunt's place with their cousin when they discover Sigmund. On October 13, Amazon Prime streamed out 6 episodes of Sigmund and the Sea Monsters.[5]", "Ontario Place (theme park) At Expo 67, the new IMAX movie technology was first exhibited. A great success, it was decided to build the first permanent IMAX installation at Ontario Place. The Cinesphere, an 800-seat theatre, was built. Its building is a 'spherical triodetic dome', with a 61-foot (19 m) outer radius, and a 56-foot (17 m) inner radius. The dome is supported by prefabricated steel aluminum alloy tubes.", "Cannabis cultivation In most places of the subtropics, cannabis is germinated from late spring to early summer and harvested from late summer to early autumn.", "No Place for Disgrace No Place for Disgrace is the second album by American thrash metal band Flotsam and Jetsam, released in 1988. This marked the band's first album release through a major label, Elektra Records, and was also their first album with the bass guitarist Troy Gregory, who had replaced Jason Newsted when the latter left the band in 1986 to join Metallica.[1] Despite not playing on the album, three songs on it were co-written by Newsted. No Place for Disgrace also received some notice for its cover of an Elton John song, \"Saturday Night's Alright for Fighting\",[2] and upon its release charted on Billboard at 143.[3] The band re-recorded the album in 2014 under the title No Place For Disgrace 2014.", "Summer of '69 When Adams appeared on The Early Show in 2008, he was asked about \"Summer of '69\" and its lyrical meaning. Adams said the song was about sex and making love in the summertime. \"69\" is a reference to the sexual position, 69.[3] On the Reckless 25th anniversary, Adams told In the Studio that the song was built on the theme of nostalgia, such as the \"cultural revolution\", the break-up of The Beatles, his discovery of music and the moon landing, but also about a character who plays until his fingers bleed and sexual discovery.[4] Vallance however has gone for the more conventional interpretation of the title being a reference to a year. He notes Jackson Browne's \"Running on Empty\", which contains references to 1965 and 1969, as his own influence, and recalls Adams citing the film Summer of '42 as his.[2]", "When We Were Young (Take That song) \"When We Were Young\" is the second and final single by British pop group Take That from the band's first EP, Progressed. It acted as the theme song in the feature film adaptation of The Three Musketeers, which premiered in the United Kingdom on 14 October 2011.[1] The song is the last to feature Jason Orange and Robbie Williams and features Williams and Gary Barlow on lead vocals. The single was released to radio on 11 July 2011 and was released in the United Kingdom as a digital download on 22 August 2011.[1]", "Lego Minifigures (theme) Series 14 (set number: 71010) was released in early August 2015 for the UK and mid-August for the USA. This series has a Halloween theme. This series consists of the following units:", "Johnny's Theme \"Johnny's Theme\" has since been released in cover versions and on compilation albums. It has appeared in several films, and been played live in concert by school bands and by amateur and professional musicians, including Doc Severinsen's Big Band.", "Legal release However, most releases are much more detailed in the recitation of what is being released and the extent of the release (where it is valid, when it become valid if there are conditions on its validity, the amount of consideration if it is substantial) and they are either copied and modified as necessary from various form books or drafting manuals used by lawyers or are preprinted forms that are purchased from legal form publishers.", "Connaught Place, New Delhi The art project United Buddy Bears was presented in Connaught Place during the summer of 2012.", "Summer Roberts Summer is adjusting to life in college without Seth and Marissa in an unexpected fashion. She tries to separate herself from Orange County and her former materialistic lifestyle. During the final season, she and Taylor go from being rivals to best friends.\nWhilst attending college she befriends another college freshman, Che. Che is an environmentalist and Summer joins him in an attempt to take her mind off the death of her best friend, Marissa Cooper. She attends protests, stops shaving her legs and rearranges her dorm to fit her new lifestyle. After some time, she tries to return to her former self, but realizes that she prefers caring about the environment, attending protests and other political pursuits to reading tabloid magazines and watching television such as The Valley. She decides to balance her personality between her two sides. However, her environmental activism creates trouble for herself, when she and Che release lab rabbits from a science lab. When Brown officials investigate the incident, she remains truthful aside for not naming her accomplice. Unfortunately, Che blames her for other protest crimes that have occurred at the university, believing himself fundamental to the environmental movement at Brown, which results in Summer's year-long expulsion. Summer has moved back into her old Newport house with the Coopers and Taylor. Upon hearing of her expulsion, her boyfriend Seth decided to put off college plans until next Fall so they could return to Providence together. Close to New Year's Eve, Summer had a pregnancy scare, which ultimately caused Seth to ask her hand in marriage. Although the newly engaged Summer found out she was not pregnant, plans for their marriage stay the same.", "Overwatch seasonal events Blizzard released its second seasonal event for Halloween, which lasted throughout the month of October 2016. It included over 100 new cosmetic items (in jack-o'-lantern-themed loot boxes) and the game's first game mode against computer players, Junkenstein's Revenge.[16] Several characters received new Halloween-themed cosmetic skins. PC Gamer wrote that they were among the game's best add-ons,[9] and Kill Screen felt the new character skins were much more enjoyable compared to those offered for the Summer Games.[17] Players could now purchase the seasonal add-ons with in-game credits (at a premium), in response to criticism Blizzard received from players during the Summer Games.[16]", "Johnny's Theme \"Johnny's Theme\" began life as \"Toot Sweet\", a pop instrumental composed in 1959 by Paul Anka and recorded by Tutti's Trumpets.[2] It was released on Disney's Buena Vista label as the B-side to The Camarata Strings' single \"Lost In a Fog\".[3][a]", "Donna Summer Summer received four nominations for 1980 American Music Awards, and took home awards for Female Pop/Rock and Female Soul/R&B Artist; and well as Pop/Rock single for \"Bad Girls\". Just over a week after the awards, Donna had her own nationally televised special, The Donna Summer Special,[16] which aired on ABC network on January 27, 1980. After the release of the On the Radio album, Summer wanted to branch out into other musical styles, which led to tensions between her and Casablanca Records. Casablanca wanted her to continue to record disco only. Summer was upset with President Neil Bogart over the early release of the single \"No More Tears (Enough is Enough)\"; she had penned \"Dim All the Lights\" alone, and was hoping for a number-one hit as a songwriter. Not waiting until \"Dim All the Lights\" had peaked, or at least another month as promised; Summer felt it had detracted from the singles chart momentum. Summer and the label parted ways in 1980, and she signed with Geffen Records, the new label started by David Geffen. Summer had filed a 10-million-dollar suit against Casablanca; the label counter-sued. In the end, she did not receive any money, but won the rights to her own lucrative song publishing.[17]", "Johnny's Theme When Johnny Carson, a fan of jazz music, was preparing to take over as the permanent host of The Tonight Show starting in October 1962, he recognized that he would need a theme song.[2] Carson and Anka had worked together in England on the television special An Evening with Paul Anka in 1961;[6] when they happened to meet up again in New York City the following year, Carson manager Al Bruno mentioned needing a theme.[7]", "United States at the 1984 Summer Olympics Team USA won 83 Gold medals at the 1984 Summer Olympics, which is as of 2016, the record for most first-place finishes in a Summer Olympics by a host nation.", "Donna Summer A remix album titled Love To Love You Donna, containing new remixes of some of Summer's classics, was released in October 2013.[34] \"MacArthur Park\" was remixed by Laidback Luke for the remix collection; it was also remixed by Ralphi Rosario, which version was released to dance clubs all over America and successfully peaked at No. 1, giving Summer her first posthumous number-one single, and her twentieth number-one on the charts.[35]", "5 Seconds of Summer On 17 July 2015, 5 Seconds of Summer released the first single, \"She's Kinda Hot\", from their second studio album. On 12 August, the band announced that their second studio album was titled Sounds Good Feels Good. On 28 August, the band released their seventh EP, She's Kinda Hot, in the UK and Ireland only.[36]", "Uprising of 1953 in East Germany West German group Alphaville mention the date explicitly as \"the seventeenth of June\" but without reference to the year in their 1984 song \"Summer in Berlin,\" from the album Forever Young. When the compilation album Alphaville Amiga Compilation was assembled for release in East Germany in 1988, the song \"Summer in Berlin\" was submitted for inclusion, but rejected \"for political reasons.\"[18]", "Tales from the Crypt (TV series) In 2000, Capitol Records released another album titled Tales from the Crypt: Monsters of Metal.[12] This album is a compilation of horror-themed songs from popular metal bands with wraparound narration by the Cryptkeeper (John Kassir).", "The Song from Moulin Rouge The Norman Luboff Choir released a version of the song on their 1964 album, \"Great Movie Themes\".", "Picnic at Hanging Rock (film) There is currently no official soundtrack commercially available. In 1976, CBS released a vinyl LP titled \"A Theme from Picnic at Hanging Rock\", a track of the same name and \"Miranda's Theme\". A 7\" single was released in 1976 of the Picnic At Hanging Rock theme by the Nolan-Buddle Quartet. David Appleyard's cover of Bruce Smeaton's \"Picnic At Hanging Rock (The Ascent Music)\" was released in 2018.", "Summer of '69 Upon the release of the album Reckless in November 1984, \"Summer of '69\" received some airplay on album-oriented rock radio stations but was mostly overshadowed by the tracks \"Run to You\" and \"It's Only Love\", only managing to reach number 40 on Billboard's Top Rock Tracks chart. After it was released as a single in June 1985, \"Summer of '69\" climbed to number 5 on the Billboard Hot 100 and helped push Reckless to the number one position on the Billboard 200 album chart in August 1985.[note 1] Like the previous single released from Reckless, \"Heaven\", \"Summer of '69\" was a commercial success worldwide. \"Summer of '69\" debuted at number fifty-nine, and managed to climb up the chart, and two weeks later reached its peak position 42, on August 24, 1985, on the UK Singles Chart. The single remained on the country's chart for four consecutive weeks from August to September 1985, before falling out of the top 100.[15] The track debuted at number twenty-two on September 22, and peaked at number seven in the fifth week on the New Zealand Singles Chart. The song debuted at 95 on the Canadian RPM Singles Chart on June 29, 1985,[16] jumping to fifty in its second week[17] and peaking at eleven on September 14, 1985 after spending seven weeks on the chart.[18]", "Til I Hear It from You \"Follow You Down\" was also issued January 23, 1996 as the headline track on a four-track CD maxi single which featured \"Til I Hear It from You\" plus two tracks from the \"Til I Hear It from You\" CD maxi single release of September 1995: \"Seeing Stars\" and \"Idiot Summer\". (\"Idiot Summer\" was also included on the soundtrack to Wayne's World 2.)", "Donna Summer In 1977, Summer released the concept album I Remember Yesterday. The song \"I Feel Love\", reached No. 6 on the Hot 100 chart. and No. 1 in the UK. She received her first American Music Award nomination for Favorite Soul/R&B Female Artist. The single would attain Gold status and the album went Platinum in the U.S. Another concept album, also released in 1977, was Once Upon a Time, a double album which told of a modern-day Cinderella \"rags to riches\" story. This album would attain Gold status. Summer recorded the song \"Down Deep Inside\" as the theme song for the 1977 film The Deep. In 1978, Summer acted in the film Thank God It's Friday, the film met with modest success; the song \"Last Dance\", reached No. 3 on the Hot 100. The soundtrack and single both went Gold and resulted in Summer winning her first Grammy Award, for Best Female R&B Vocal Performance. Its writer, Paul Jabara, won both an Academy Award and Golden Globe Award for the composition. Summer also had \"With Your Love\" and \"Je t'aime... moi non plus\", on the soundtrack. Her version of the Jimmy Webb ballad, \"MacArthur Park\", became her first No. 1 hit on the Hot 100 chart. It was also the only No. 1 hit for songwriter Jimmy Webb; the single went Gold and topped the charts for three weeks. She received a Grammy nomination for Best Female Pop Vocal Performance. The song was featured on Summer's first live album, Live and More, which also became her first album to hit number one on the U.S. Billboard 200 chart and went double-Platinum, selling over 2 million copies. The week of November 11, 1978, Summer became the first female artist of the modern rock era to have the No. 1 single on the Hot 100[13] and album on the Billboard 200 charts, simultaneously.[14] The song \"Heaven Knows\", which featured Brooklyn Dreams singer Joe \"Bean\" Esposito; reached No. 4 on the Hot 100 and became another Gold single.", "Heaven Knows (Donna Summer song) On the single version released by Summer (credited as Donna Summer with Brooklyn Dreams), singer Joe \"Bean\" Esposito sings second lead to Summer, while Summer and the group provide backing vocals. However, on the version that appears on Brooklyn Dreams's 1979 album, Sleepless Nights, it is Esposito who sings the lead vocal with Summer singing second lead, with Summer and the group provide backing vocals. On the group's album, this version is credited as Brooklyn Dreams with Donna Summer.", "Six Flags Great Adventure This section makes up of what used to be the \"Fun Fair\" and \"Action Town\" sections of the park. It is themed as a Hollywood back lot, complete with Hollywood style buildings, and movie-themed ride, shops, stalls, and other attractions. Most of the attractions include DC Comics (Batman: The Ride, Justice League). Over the years, many of the movie props have been removed, and all the flat rides in this section of the park have been moved or dismantled, leaving the section with very few rides. The addition of The Dark Knight Coaster meant the removal of the Movietown Water Effect, a themed Splashdown ride. Batman and Robin: The Chiller and Stuntman's Freefall (an Intamin free-fall ride) had already been removed; so now the section is relatively empty. Nitro was included in Movietown until the 2011 season, when it became part of Adventure Seaport. In summer 2016, permits were released for a Justice League: Battle for Metropolis dark ride to be placed where Batman and Robin: The Chiller once stood. The area surrounding Justice League: Battle for Metropolis was rethemed to Metropolis, but is still treated as part of Movietown.", "Lara's Theme Jarre's esthetic fears notwithstanding, the theme became an instant success and gained fame throughout the world. By special request of Connie Francis, Paul Francis Webster later took the theme and added lyrics to it to create \"Somewhere, My Love\". Francis, however, withdrew from the project when the lyrics were presented to her because she thought of them as too \"corny\". A few weeks later, Francis reconsidered her position and recorded the song nonetheless, but by then Ray Conniff had also recorded a version of his own, reaching #9 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart in 1966. Conniff's version of the song also topped the \"Easy listening\" chart in the U.S. for four weeks. Despite Conniff's success, Francis also had her version released as a single, and although it failed to chart in the US, it became one of her biggest successes internationally, becoming one of the \"Top 5\" in territories such as Scandinavia and Asia. In Italy, her Italian version of the song, \"Dove non so\", became her last #1 success.", "(Theme From) The Monkees A notable line is \"We're the young generation, and we've got somethin' to say,\" reflecting the youth counterculture of the time.", "James Bond Theme Norman describes the distinctive rhythm of the guitar in the first few bars of the \"James Bond Theme\" as \"Dum di-di dum dum\". He claims that it was inspired by the song \"Good Sign Bad Sign\" sung by Indian characters in A House for Mr Biswas, a musical he composed based on a novel by V.S. Naipaul set in the Indian community in Trinidad. Norman showed his manuscript music from A House for Mr Biswas in a filmed interview and sang its lyrics. In 2005, Norman released an album called Completing the Circle that features \"Good Sign Bad Sign\", the \"James Bond Theme,\" and a similar-sounding song titled \"Dum Di-Di Dum Dum.\" For these songs Norman added lyrics that explain the origin and history of the \"James Bond Theme\".", "Lara's Theme One of the main reasons the theme is featured in so many tracks is that Lean had hired an impromptu balalaika orchestra from several Russian Orthodox Churches in Los Angeles; the musicians could only learn 16 bars of music at a time, and could not read written music. Edgar Stanistreet, a street musician from Philadelphia, claimed that he was asked to play the song over the telephone to an MGM executive, and was later taken into the studio to record. He was not credited, however. Tracks which feature it include (from the 1995 Extended Soundtrack release):", "Table tennis at the 2016 Summer Olympics Table tennis at the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro took place from 6 to 17 August 2016 at the third pavilion of Riocentro. Around 172 table tennis players (equally distributed between men and women) competed in both the singles and team events.[1][2] Table tennis had appeared at the Summer Olympics on seven previous occasions beginning with the 1988 Summer Olympics in Seoul. In addition to men's and women's singles, the team events were staged for the third time since replacing doubles events at the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing.", "Jeezy He also portrayed himself in the hip-hop fighting themed game Def Jam: Icon. In 2007, Young Jeezy's group U.S.D.A. (alongside Blood Raw and Slick Pulla) released their debut album, Cold Summer. The album debuted at number 4 on the Billboard 200 with 95,000 copies sold in its first week.", "When Heaven and Earth Changed Places Stone read her memoir when it was published in 1989 and felt that his look at the Vietnam War was incomplete without telling the story from the perspective of the Vietnamese. He optioned the book and the film was released in 1993. The film version was also based in part on Hayslip's second book, Child of War, Woman of Peace, about her adaptation to life in the United States. The film was not as well-received as Platoon or Born on the Fourth of July.[1][5]", "California's Great America In the summer of 2009, Cedar Fair announced that all the Nickelodeon themed areas would be replaced with Peanuts themed areas. In 2010, the newly rethemed Planet Snoopy opened in the park.", "Leo Arnaud Arnaud was commissioned by conductor Felix Slatkin to create a piece for his album Charge! in 1958. For this, he wrote \"The Charge Suite\", published by Shawnee Press, which included \"Bugler's Dream\". ABC began using the composition as the theme to its coverage of the 1964 Winter Olympics in Innsbruck, Austria, and in future Olympics.[5] It was also used as the title piece for the series ABC's Wide World of Sports. NBC went with an alternate theme in 1988 when it obtained the rights to the 1988 Summer Olympics in Seoul, South Korea, but brought \"Bugler's Dream\" back for its coverage of the 1992 Summer Olympics in Barcelona, Spain.", "I'm Still Here (Jim's Theme) \"I'm Still Here (Jim's Theme)\" is a song written by the Goo Goo Dolls frontman John Rzeznik for Disney's animated film Treasure Planet. The song is in the key of A Major and was released by Rzeznik as a single away from The Goo Goo Dolls. It was a moderately successful pop hit.", "Suddenly, Last Summer (film) Suddenly, Last Summer was a hit at the box office, earning $6.4 million upon release.[26]", "More (Theme from Mondo Cane) Al Bishop and the Faxar from Iceland recorded the song in Oslo on August 23, 1967, released as single HMV 45-AL 6149.", "Charlotte's Web (1973 film) \"Zuckerman's Famous Pig\" is the title that saves Wilbur from being slaughtered in the story. It is the theme of the finale song in the film. It was composed and arranged in a barbershop quartet style by the Sherman Brothers, in keeping with the time and place of the story.[18] It was covered by the Brady Kids and was chosen for release on their first single taken from The Brady Bunch Phonographic Album by producer Jackie Mills.[19]", "Theme from New York, New York \"Theme from New York, New York\" (or \"New York, New York\") is the theme song from the Martin Scorsese film New York, New York (1977), composed by John Kander, with lyrics by Fred Ebb. It was written for and performed in the film by Liza Minnelli. It remains one of the best-known songs about New York City. In 2004 it finished #31 on AFI's 100 Years...100 Songs survey of top tunes in American Cinema.", "The Boy from New York City The song was later covered by Darts and The Manhattan Transfer, both becoming chart hits in the UK and US respectively. Darts peaked at No. 2 in the UK Singles Chart in May 1978,[6] while The Manhattan Transfer's version peaked at No. 7 on the US Billboard Hot 100 in August 1981. The song also inspired a response song by The Beach Boys, \"The Girl from New York City\", from their 1965 album Summer Days (And Summer Nights!!).\nThe Manhattan Transfer version was used by pro wrestler Boogie Woogie Man Jimmy Valiant as his theme music during his tenure with Jim Crockett promotions in the 1980s", "Miami Vice Theme \"Miami Vice Theme\" is a musical piece composed and performed by Jan Hammer as the theme to the television series Miami Vice. It was first presented as part of the television broadcast of the show in September 1984, was released as a single in 1985, and peaked at the number one spot on the Billboard Hot 100. It was the last instrumental to top the Hot 100 until 2013, when \"Harlem Shake\" by Baauer reached number one.[1] It also peaked at number five in the UK and number four in Canada. In 1986, it won Grammy Awards for \"Best Instrumental Composition\" and \"Best Pop Instrumental Performance.\" This song, along with Glenn Frey's number two hit \"You Belong to the City\", put the Miami Vice soundtrack on the top of the US album chart for 11 weeks in 1985, making it the most successful TV soundtrack of all time until 2006, when Disney Channel's High School Musical beat its record.", "Summer Roberts Summer was about to go on an overseas trip to Italy with Zach and his family, when the feelings she still had for Seth prevented her from doing so and she left her heartbroken Zach at the airport, going back to Seth. Zach returned later on in the season however, and this along with Zach and Seth once again going into a partnership for a comic book strained her relationship with Seth. Zach also somewhat subtly exploited this to weaken Seth and Summer's relationship and restart his relationship with her, causing something of a love triangle. The introduction of Reed, a female attractive, older comic book executive who Seth was not initially truthful about also caused difficulties. This was eventually resolved when on the day of the Junior Prom they flipped a coin as to who would go to the prom with Summer and who would meet George Lucas for a comic book project meeting, with Zach winning the date with Summer. \nHowever at the Prom both Summer and Zach seemed unhappy with their choices, and at the last minute Seth arrived at the prom to receive the Prom Queen/King award with Summer and reconciled their relationship. Zach apparently succeeded in impressing Lucas and it has been rumored he was given an internship and moved away from Newport as a result, explaining his absence for season 3." ]
when does jenny humphrey come back to gossip girl
[ "Jenny Humphrey In the final episode of the series, it is revealed that Jenny knew that her brother, Dan Humphrey, was the mysterious blogger behind Gossip Girl. She returns to the Upper East Side, appearing in the five-year time jump for her brother's wedding to Serena van der Woodsen. Jenny works as a designer for Blair's fashion empire, implying that they have gotten over their past animosity. Together they create their own clothing line, \"J for Waldorf\"." ]
[ "Jenny Humphrey When asked during a Vanity Fair interview if \"real\" girls could afford the looks from the show, costume designers Eric Daman and Meredith Markworth-Pollack commented on Jenny's style and stated \"Of course! Have fun with it like Jenny Humphrey does, and listen to your fashion sense. Go to a vintage or thrift store and have it tailored so it looks like Marc Jacobs [...] but it’s all about individuality.\" [31]", "Jenny Humphrey Jennifer Humphrey is the daughter of Rufus Humphrey, an editor of Beat poets who has never been published himself, and Jeanette Humphrey, who ran off with a European aristocrat. She has an older brother, Dan Humphrey, an aspiring writer. Jenny is a student at the Constance Billard School for Girls, a small, elite, all-girls school on the Upper East Side that Serena van der Woodsen and Blair Waldorf also attend. In the book series, Jenny is described as a short, well-endowed brunette, but the television show depicts her as tall, skinny and blonde.", "Valley Girls Discussion about a Gossip Girl spin-off began in 2008. Despite believing the project was \"unlikely,\" Gossip Girl executives explored potential concepts including an adaptation of the Gossip Girl book series' spin-off, The It Girl. However, they felt that The It Girl's world, centered on character Jenny Humphrey's stay at boarding school, was too small and insular to sustain a television series.[3] They were also concerned about disrupting Gossip Girl's chemistry by taking away any of the show's cast members.[2][4] In December 2009, Variety magazine reported that while the \"Gossip Girl spinoff [was] still in the very early stages of development\", CW had begun to consider making a backdoor pilot. Such a pilot would allow the company to evaluate viewer interest in a spin-off while saving money.[5]", "Jenny Humphrey In the Gossip Girl prequel It Had To Be You, Jenny is noted for having a rather flat chest until she begins taking breast enlargement supplements, which are the cause of her DD cup size.", "Jenny Humphrey Jenny has been living in Hudson with her mother since May. Blair finds Jenny preparing for an interview with Tim Gunn, and grants her a special day pass. When Chuck steals Jenny's portfolio, she is forced to visit The Empire Hotel, where Blair had forbidden her to go. This results in Blair and Jenny scheming against each other, and Jenny eventually telling Gossip Girl that she lost her virginity to Chuck, not Damien Dalgaard. While Jenny is left feeling victorious, a defeated Blair blames Chuck. Jenny ultimately realises the damage of her return and decides to leave for good, telling Blair and Chuck that their vindictive games against each other will soon destroy them both.", "Jenny Humphrey During the season finale and Serena’s hunt for Gossip Girl, Jenny decides to compete to be the next Queen Bee after Blair leaves. She almost drops out, but Blair gives her a touching speech about keeping her eye on the prize. In the end Blair chooses Jenny and crowns her queen of Constance.[12]", "Gossip Girl (season 2) The series revolves around the lives of privileged teenagers Serena van der Woodsen, Blair Waldorf, Dan Humphrey, Nate Archibald, Jenny Humphrey, and Chuck Bass attending an elite private school on Manhattan's Upper East Side in New York City. It also features Serena's mother, Lily van der Woodsen, and Jenny and Dan's father, Rufus Humphrey, along with Dan's childhood friend Vanessa Abrams, who recently moved back from Vermont.", "Gossip Girl (season 4) Absent: Taylor Momsen as Jenny Humphrey.", "Gossip Girl (season 4) Absent: Taylor Momsen as Jenny Humphrey.", "Gossip Girl (season 1) Absent: Taylor Momsen as Jenny Humphrey.", "List of Gossip Girl characters Portrayed by Dreama Walker in seasons one and two, Hazel Williams is a member of Blair's clique until she was dethroned as queen bee; constantly shifts her allegiance between Blair and Jenny. Jenny steals her mother's Valentino dress during Jenny's birthday. She forgives her right after Jenny impresses Blair's clique by bringing Nate during their dinner at Butter. Like Penelope, she gives Jenny the benefit of the doubt when Jenny lies about having sex with Asher, eventually breaking her friendship with Jenny. Along with Isabel and Penelope, she succeeds in publicly humiliating Vanessa at the Snowflake Ball. Hazel has tendency to be desperate for a boyfriend and Jenny at one point blackmails her to treat Nelly Yuki better by reminding her that she once hooked up with her cousin. She also regularly checks Gossip Girl's blog and once suffered symptoms of withdrawal when Rachel Carr has cellphones banned from Constance premises.", "New York, I Love You XOXO Gossip Girl follows the lives of a group of young adults coming from a wealthy background. In this final episode, the death of Bart Bass rushes Chuck Bass (Ed Westwick) to marry Blair Waldorf (Leighton Meester) and the identity of Gossip Girl is revealed. A five-year flash forward takes place and shows the wedding of Dan Humphrey (Penn Badgley) to Serena van der Woodsen (Blake Lively).", "Jenny Humphrey Rufus eventually agrees to Jenny being home-schooled after seeing how committed and good at her job she is. At work, Jenny befriends Agnes Andrews (Willa Holland), a model who convinces her to start her own fashion line. Realizing that working for Eleanor won't help her develop as a designer and that Eleanor has begun to take advantage of her talents, Jenny leaves.[8] Jenny also begins a short relationship with Nate when they share a passionate kiss after he rescues her from being taken advantage of by an older photographer. Jenny and Rufus argue over her quitting Eleanor’s and Jenny moves out of the Humphreys' apartment and moves in with Agnes, who suggests that they plan a guerrilla fashion show at the charity gala honoring Lily and Bart.[9] The show is a big success but Vanessa witnesses her kissing Nate, thereby straining their friendship. Rufus tries to get her arrested but is stopped by Lily. Agnes's fiery temper and their growing disagreements over the clothing line make it hard for them to close a business deal. Jenny steals Agnes’s contact list, attempting to make a deal by herself. Upon learning of Jenny’s betrayal, Agnes burns all her dresses and kicks her out of her apartment, leaving her with nothing.[10]", "Gossip Girl (season 3) Chuck finds himself once again at odds with Jack when Chuck learns that his mother, Elizabeth, is in fact a con artist in love with Jack and she betrays Chuck by having him sign ownership the hotel over to Jack. Meanwhile, Eleanor (Margaret Colin) puts Blair in charge of making sure her latest fashion show is a huge success with an important client. Rufus attempts to get Jenny back on track by volunteering to have her help with Eleanor's fashion show, but the opportunity takes a big turn for the worse when Jenny learns that her old friend-turned-bitter enemy, Agnes (Willa Holland), will be one of the models, and who seeks revenge against Jenny. When Jenny is drugged and left by Agnes at a gentleman's club, Jenny calls on Nate to rescue her. Elsewhere, Dan and Vanessa announce their newfound romance to everyone and try to have a real date when Vanessa tries to cook dinner at the Humphrey loft.", "Taylor Momsen Taylor Michel Momsen (born July 26, 1993)[1] is an American singer, songwriter, former actress and model. She is known for being the lead singer and frontwoman of the American rock band The Pretty Reckless. She is also known for portraying the character of Jenny Humphrey on the CW teen drama series Gossip Girl (2007–2012) and Cindy Lou Who in the film Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000).[2]", "Jenny Humphrey Blair and Serena have another fight about Serena's growing popularity, and Jenny is dragged into it during Eleanor's fashion show. When she changes the seating arrangement Blair had planned, Blair retaliates by telling Rufus that Jenny has been skipping school, and he confronts her. Blair attempts to sabotage Jenny’s work in the show but Jenny improvises, proposing that Serena and the socialites walk the runway. In an effort to ruin Serena, Blair switches the final dress with one that Jenny made, drawing Eleanor's ire. The dress is a huge hit with the audience and the fashion show is a big success. Jenny realizes Blair's frustrations with her friendship with Serena, commenting that they have worked hard for what they’ve wanted and Serena just glides through. Eleanor later praises Jenny for her work.[7]", "G.G. (Gossip Girl) The episode received generally favorable reviews. Zap2it wrote, \"Sure, Blair's (Leighton Meester) been dreaming of her fairytale wedding since she was just a little girl. But it's also true that producers of Gossip Girl have been dreaming of this moment for a long time as well. And the Upper East Side drama didn't disappoint. In fact, it was easy the best episode this season.\"[18] Steve Marsi from TV Fanatic gave the episode a four stars rating out of five writing, \"In what has come to be sort of a make-or-break episode, Gossip Girl had a golden opportunity to redeem its recent mediocrity and prove itself worthy of all the passion and loyalty we've invested over the years. While there were some gaping plot holes and disappointments tonight - especially depending on your couple of choice - you can't find fault with the pure number of twists, especially during the last five minutes.\"[19] Marsi appreciated the references to Gossip Girl's early days, \"The promised homages to the old days were there in spades, and incorporated in ways that actually fit the present-day story. Case in point: A memorable Gossip Girl quote (\"I love you, always have, always will\") which was spoken to a very different character long ago. Also, the cover of \"Young Folks\" at the onset was fun.\"[19] The Huffington Post's Laura Prudom also found the episode had honored Gossip Girl's past, \"For the first time in recent memory, this week's milestone episode of Gossip Girl finally recaptured the confident plotting and razor sharp shocks of its first two seasons.\" She also praised the fact Georgina is Gossip Girl which was totally unexpected.[20] The Hollywood Reporter wrote, \"In classic Gossip Girl fashion, the 100th episode was full of witty one-liners, many of them from the mouth of Georgina Sparks and one in honor of The Princess Bride; paid homage to the pilot; and featured several head-turning moments.\"[21] Ology gave the episode a 9/10 grade.[22]", "Jenny Humphrey Eleanor fires Jenny after a critical remark about one of her dresses, but during a citywide blackout, Eleanor realizes her talent and hires Jenny. After constant harassment by Blair’s minions, Jenny decides to skip school to pursue a future in fashion.", "Gossip Girl The third season focuses on Blair, Dan and Vanessa getting into New York University along with movie star Olivia Burke (Hilary Duff),[70] whom Dan starts dating; Nate getting into Columbia University; Serena taking a year off from school; Jenny becoming Queen Bee at Constance; and Chuck running Bass Industries, along with now adoptive mother Lily van der Woodsen. The first couple of episodes feature part of the summer vacation, respectively the week before the start of University classes and school. The role of \"Gossip Girl\" is slightly decreased throughout the season.", "Taylor Momsen Beginning in 2007, she played the character of Jenny Humphrey in The CW television series Gossip Girl, which is based on the book series by Cecily von Ziegesar. Momsen's appearances on the series became increasingly sporadic, and by the end of the first half of the fourth season, she had only appeared in four episodes. It was then announced that the actress would be scheduled for an indefinite hiatus from the show,[10] which ultimately resulted in her leaving the series as a regular cast member, following the completion of the fourth season in 2011. Later that year, on August 16, 2011, Momsen told Elle magazine that she had quit acting to focus on her music career.[11] However, on October 16, 2012, it was reported that Momsen would be returning to Gossip Girl for the final episode of the sixth and final season, in which she appeared briefly in the wedding sequence.[12][13]", "List of Call the Midwife characters Trixie has a much more outgoing disposition than Jenny, but the two share the sense of adventure in their work and become firm friends. Trixie loves nothing more than gossiping with her colleagues and is quite nosey when it comes to other people's business.", "Gossip Girl (season 2) Gossip Girl decides to liven things up at the Constance Billard and St. Jude's graduation by sending out a shocking and damaging email blast in the midst of the commencement ceremony, stirring Serena to come up with a plan of attack. Lily and Rufus get engaged and move in together. With Blair's blessing, Jenny becomes the new \"Queen Bee\". Chuck finally admits his love to Blair and the two reconcile. Nate decides to go on the backpacking trip with Vanessa, while Georgina recovers Dan's money and requests Blair for a roommate at New York University. Carter Baizen reveals to Serena where her father is. In the end, Serena is going to Brown, Blair, Dan, Vanessa, and Georgina are going to NYU, and Nate is going to Columbia University.", "Gossip Girl (season 4) —Katie Cassidy on fans thinking she was Gossip Girl.[63]", "Gossip Girl On July 25, 2012, Style Network announced that it had acquired the off-network rights to Gossip Girl and started airing repeats of the show on August 15, 2012.[158]", "Gossip Girl The first season's main focus is Serena van der Woodsen's sudden return to the Upper East Side following her mysterious disappearance. Everyone is extremely shocked at her sudden return after first sightings of her spread across the web, when she is spotted at Grand Central station including her best friend, Blair Waldorf. It turns out Serena returns from Boarding School to see her suicidal brother, Eric. Blair soon finds out that Serena had slept with her boyfriend, Nate Archibald, the night of her disappearance. Meanwhile, Brooklyn boy Dan Humphrey and Serena begin dating while Nate struggles with his feelings for Blair. The two try to salvage what's left of their relationship, only leaving Blair to lose her virginity to Nate's best friend, Chuck Bass, instead. Jenny Humphrey constantly tries to make it in this upscale world by following around Blair and her friends. Rufus Humphrey, her father, worries that Jenny may be losing herself as she strives for popularity. Vanessa Abrams, Dan's best friend, returns. We find out that Dan had confessed his love for Vanessa in the past, but the two move beyond this as friends, considering Dan is now with Serena. It is discovered that Lilly van der Woodsen and Rufus Humphrey have a romantic past, yet both struggle with other relationships. The two decide to see other people in light of their children's romance. Blair and Nate eventually break up, after finally having sex, despite her affair with Chuck. Nate finds out about the affair and he and Chuck stop associating with one another. Throughout the season, Chuck tries to seduce Blair and the two somewhat come to terms with their feelings for each other. Georgina Sparks, past friend of Serena, comes back and causes havoc, including outing Eric van der Woodsen. Georgina's return reminds Serena of the real reason she left the Upper East Side. Problems erupt between Dan and Serena, since Serena tries to hide her secret from him and Georgina (pretending to be Sarah) manipulates Dan. It is revealed that the true reason Serena left the Upper East Side was because she was involved in a drug-related death and felt responsible for the situation. However, the incident is finally resolved and Georgina leaves. However, Dan and Serena's relationship is in ruins and the two decide to break it off. Meanwhile, Lilly accepts her proposal from Bart Bass, despite her ever-present feelings for Rufus, and the season ends with a Bass wedding and Blair waiting for Chuck at the airport.", "Dan Humphrey The new couple make a slow and rocky debut on the Upper East side and are faced with numerous challenges including their relations in the bedroom, Blair's lingering feelings for Chuck, and Serena's distaste for their relationship. When Gossip Girl intentionally exposes Blair's secrets on Gossip Girl, Dan comes to terms with Blair's feelings for Chuck, as well as Serena's attempts to sabotage their relationship. In the finale, Dan, having been left by Blair for Chuck, teams up with Georgina in order to write his follow up to \"Inside\". This time, however, he pledges to write the novel \"he should have written from the beginning.\" Georgina, with her own score to settle with the Upper East side, is more than happy to help.", "Gossip Girl (novel series) In May 2008, a follow-up series, Gossip Girl: The Carlyles, began publication, following the Carlyle triplets as they begin moving to the Upper East Side. As of October 2009, four novels have been released in this series. Ziegesar created a spin-off series, The It Girl, which began publication in 2005, and Yen Press has adapted the series into a manga series titled Gossip Girl: For Your Eyes Only.", "List of Gossip Girl characters Portrayed by Yin Chang in seasons one, two and six, Nelly Yuki is Blair's academics rival. Depicted as a bookworm, she's a Merit Scholar, a Peabody Scholar, and an Intel Science Talent Search Finalist. Itzhak Perlman gave her first violin and her parents own a substantial amount of property in Tribeca. Despite being sabotaged by Blair during the SATs, she has a short-lived friendship with her, and sides with Blair (along with Isabel) during Blair's battle for the throne. She also brands Jenny Humphrey a liar, ending Jenny's status as Queen Bee. Nelly is part of Blair's clique in season two. Jenny tries to help her out when she fears the girl is being bullied too much by the other clique members, using Nelly's knowledge to blackmail them into backing off. When Nelly realizes Jenny has no intention of taking over as the new Queen Bee, she reveals she was playing Jenny the whole time to take advantage of a regime change and goes back to the clique. She wins admittance to Yale University over Blair after their long rivalry in the second season. Nelly eventually approves of Jenny becoming Queen at the end of the 2nd season. In Season 5, Nelly, still remaining a student at Yale, is invited to return to tryout to become a bridesmaid at Blair's wedding but doesn't show up because she hates her and is replaced by Charlie instead. In Season 6 episode 2, Nelly Yuki returns as a fashion reporter sent to review Blair's new fashion line. Blair, having bullied Nelly throughout high school, becomes convinced Nelly is working with Poppy Lifton to sabotage her debut and goes to extreme means to stop it only to discover that Nelly just let Blair \"implode\" as she often does. Nelly also gives Dan advice to stop trying to get into the elite crowd. Nelly later judges Blair's first fashion show, seated next to Serena who assumes Nelly is still one of Blair's minions until the show goes badly, and Nelly writes it up as a disaster. However, she eventually gives a stellar review of Blair's line, contributing to Blair's success in the fashion industry. In Season 6 episode 3, she equivocally displays her affections for Dan at a bar, only to be overlooked for a tall, red-headed woman with whom Dan leaves the bar.", "Oliver & Company Later, Jenny meets up with Fagin, who is shocked that the \"very rich cat owner person\" is only a little girl. Bothered by his conscience after seeing Jenny distraught over losing Oliver, Fagin gives Oliver back freely. Just then, Sykes comes out of the shadows and kidnaps Jenny, intending to ransom her and declaring Fagin's debt paid.", "Gossip Girl (season 5) It's Valentine's Day on the Upper East Side and Blair can't resist playing Cupid for someone she loves as she tries to get Serena and Dan back together. Georgina is intent on stirring up more drama and trouble since taking over Gossip Girl's website. With the help of a group of informants, Georgina decides to crash Nate's Valentine's Day party which is being held at the Empire Hotel, while Chuck does not feel in the holiday spirit and falls into his old habits. Meanwhile, Ivy Dickens returns to New York for a quick visit, but has a run-in with the real Charlie Rhodes, working at the party, whom Nate is still pining after. Serena is shocked by something she witnesses at the party when Dan and Blair's relationship takes a turn when Dan kisses Blair and she kisses him back. Georgina figures out that Dan was the one who leaked the video of Blair confessing her love for Chuck at her wedding, but keeps silent when Dan discovers her own secret of being Gossip Girl. Charlie discovers Ivy, whom she used to know from acting school, has been impersonating her and also remains quiet as she sets out to investigate her. Ivy is also revealed to have spent the last three months hiding out in the Hamptons where she keeps a bedside vigil at a local hospice for a terminally sick CeCe Rhodes.", "Gossip Girl As the show continued its first season, the response became considerably more positive, and by the second season critical response was favorable. Metacritic gave the new season an improved score of 71. \"Summer's been good to this girl,\" claimed Entertainment Weekly, who awarded the series its highest grade of \"A\".[92] The New York Daily News claimed the show had found its footing by stating \"It knows exactly what it wants and needs its new hybrid product to be. The hockey fights video of teen romance drama.\" Gossip Girl was designated the \"Greatest Teen Drama of All Time\" by New York magazine.[93] The magazine wrote, \"the show has resurrected the potential for scripted dramas to be effective social satire—to present a world more accurately than a \"reality\" program can. Gossip Girl presents a wealth-eye view of the city, but because it is a cartoon we can laugh along with the conspicuousness of the consumption.\"[94]", "List of Gossip Girl characters Portrayed by Amanda Setton in seasons one, two, four and five, Penelope Shafai is a member of Blair's clique until she was dethroned as queen bee; and constantly shifts her allegiance between Blair and Jenny. She makes no secret of her crush on Nate when she aids in Blair's dethroning and Jenny's ascent as Queen with Jenny earning her and Hazel's favor when Jenny salvages herself after Blair attempted to sabotage her birthday. She helps host Jenny's party with Asher and gives the freshman the benefit of the doubt when she lied about having sex with Asher Hornsby, eventually ending her friendship with her when Jenny reveals the truth. She is also a national Merit Scholar. Chuck persuades her to ruin Amanda Lasher's hair which ends up in a fight between Dan and Serena. Isabel and Penelope contribute to the new rift between Blair and Serena when the position of Queen shifts from Blair to Serena. Penelope attempts to get Nate as her date to the Snowflake Ball, planning with the girls and a reluctant Jenny to humiliate Vanessa. Isabel, Penelope and Nelly Yuki are all present when they plan on declaring Emma Boardman as the new Queen, which went to Jenny. Penelope refuses to have a girl from Brooklyn carry out their legacy but Blair convinces them otherwise. Penelope returns in season 4 as she attends Columbia University. She is currently a member of an exclusive club, the Hamilton House. She also continues to be Blair's loyal right-hand woman, and the ring-leader of her sidekicks. The following season, Penelope competes, alongside Blair's former minions Kati and Jessica, for a spot as Blair's bridesmaid in her upcoming wedding.", "Gossip Girl Each episode begins with the home page of the Gossip Girl website and Serena's picture from the pilot episode. Afterward, a recap of events relevant to the upcoming narrative is shown, which ends again with the home page of the website, only this time with a picture from other character(s) with a text about a recent event connected with the picture.", "Gone Maybe Gone In the fifth season finale, Blair Waldorf (Leighton Meester) decides she wants to have a relationship with Chuck Bass (Ed Westwick) and she meets him in a casino of Monte Carlo. Serena van der Woodsen (Blake Lively) leaves New York City after being rejected by Blair and Dan Humphrey (Penn Badgley) and does drugs with a stranger in a train. Dan decides to expose the real world of the Upper East Side in his new book and teams up with Georgina Sparks (Michelle Trachtenberg) while Nate Archibald (Chace Crawford) tries to unmask Gossip Girl. Lily Bass (Kelly Rutherford) annuls her marriage to Rufus Humphrey (Matthew Settle) in order to get back with Bart Bass (Robert John Burke) who recently resurfaced. Ivy Dickens (Kaylee DeFer) plans to take down Lily with the help of Lola Rhodes (Ella Rae Peck). \"Gone Maybe Gone\" picks up right after those events; Blair and Chuck have sex in a room of the casino's hotel, Serena is seen unconscious in the train, Dan is in Italy with Georgina who tries to make him write, and Nate prints pictures of a video featuring the masked Gossip Girl.", "Dan Humphrey The accident causes Serena, who is alongside Nate and Dan, to be more furious at Gossip Girl than ever before, and blames her entirely for the accident caused. Dan monotonously states that she didn't jump on one of the motorcycles and chase Chuck and Blair down the road, but Serena angrily responds that the accident is merely the result of all the amount of damage that Gossip Girl has caused throughout the years. Nate agrees, and he Serena begin planning on taking Gossip Girl down for good, to avenge Chuck and Blair, as Dan anxiously waits for news on Blair.", "Gossip Girl (season 5) With the confirmation of the 2011–12 schedule, The CW announced that Gossip Girl would be returning to Mondays at 8:00pm as a lead-in to Hart of Dixie.", "Gossip Girl Merchants, designers and trend consultants say that \"Gossip Girl\" ... is one of the biggest influences on how young women spend. Fans stride into boutiques bearing magazine tear sheets that feature members of the cast and ask for their exact outfits. Or they order scoop-neck tops and hobo bags by following e-commerce links from the show’s Web site.", "Gossip Girl (season 4) Erik Adams from The A.V. Club reviewed the direction of the fourth season following the fourth-season premiere. \"By the time a television show reaches its fourth season, the characteristics of its main ensemble ought to be deeply entrenched and immediately recognizable to regular viewers. But on the occasion of Gossip Girl's fourth season première, the ongoing teen soap—and its characters—are allowed some reinvention. The CW's flagship franchise is in a precarious position: it's a show that's both out of time and losing its sizzle.\" Adams cited the show's expensive art direction despite the economic woes outside of the show and the doubtful following of the Gossip Girl world considering the rise of micro-blogging in celebrity culture. Adams praised the development of Blair and Serena's relationship, declaring their friendship as \"the great, central romance of Gossip Girl.\"[80]", "Gossip Girl CW executive Dawn Ostroff later compared Gossip Girl's role as the show that defined its network to House of Cards for Netflix. Its television audience was never very large, but the show was influential on culture; Savage recalled that the crew likened working on it to working for a lifestyle magazine. A hairstylist for the show compared media interest in Lively's hair to that for Jennifer Aniston's \"The Rachel\".[23] In 2008, The New York Times reported the show has had a profound impact on retail, saying Gossip Girl is probably \"the first [show] to have been conceived, in part, as a fashion marketing vehicle\". While it has had middling success in terms of ratings, it \"may well be the biggest influence in the youth culture market\", said a trendspotter.[103] According to Zoe Fox of Mashable, the show popularized social media networks and mobile communication, becoming \"a pioneer in its use of mobile\".[104] In 2008, New York Magazine named the series as \"Best Show Ever\".[105] In 2009, Rolling Stone named the series as \"TV's Hottest Show\".[106]", "Jenny Schecter In season five, while filming Lez Girls, she is promoted as the director. Jenny hires Adele Channing (Malaya Rivera Drew) as her personal assistant. Jenny then starts a relationship with the film's biggest star, Niki Stevens (Kate French). While on a camping trip, Jenny and Niki make a private sex tape. Adele then steals the tape and makes numerous copies. Niki, who is a closeted lesbian and needs to stay in the closet for the sake of her career, is shocked when Adele reveals her plans to send the tapes to the media if Jenny doesn't hand the director's job to her. She stands down and asks Niki to join her; they split up when she doesn't join her. Shane later sleeps with Niki, leaving Jenny heartbroken.", "Gossip Girl (season 6) Five years later: The group gathers for Dan and Serena's wedding. Eric and Jenny are both in attendance as is Eleanor and Cyrus Rose who is delivering the vows. Nate has become successful with The Spectator and will likely run for Mayor of New York City. Chuck and Blair are still married and have a four-year-old son named Henry Bass. Ivy has written a best-selling autobiography titled Ivy League which has been adapted into a major Hollywood feature film with her as the screenwriter and starring Olivia Burke and Lola Rhodes as the Serena and Ivy/Charlie characters. Georgina and Jack have gotten together, Lily and William are finally back together and Rufus is with Lisa Loeb. In the final shot, a new generation of wealthy Upper East Siders are seen at Constance as a new lonely boy walks past his classmates, denoting the beginning of a brand-new Gossip Girl.", "Serena van der Woodsen A stubborn Serena chooses to stay in prison, until Dan bails her out and the two go to prom together. Her arrest soon adds to her fame as she becomes a local celebrity. On the day of graduation, Gossip Girl sends a blast that further ruins Serena and her friends' reputations. Declaring war on Gossip Girl, Serena finds herself the center of blame when a ticked-off Gossip Girl decides to drop every unreleased piece of gossip she had in store, creating further divide within the group. Sending a text to Gossip Girl, Serena calls a bluff that she knows Gossip Girl's identity, only for Gossip Girl to escape and warning everyone that she'll be pursuing them in college. She spends the summer leaving New York with Carter in pursuit of her father.", "Gossip Girl (novel series) The first novel, Gossip Girl, was released in April 2002; the eleventh novel of the series was released in May 2007, with a prequel novel following in October 2007. Another follow-up novel, in which the characters return home from college for the holidays, was released in hardback format in November 2009. The original novel became the inspiration for the Gossip Girl teen drama television series, created by Josh Schwartz and Stephanie Savage, which premiered on The CW Television Network on September 19, 2007. There are now 13 novels.", "Gossip Girl At the conclusion of the fourth season, Momsen, who went on an indefinite hiatus during the season while retaining regular billing,[29][30] and Jessica Szohr both left the show.[31] Throughout the series' run, Connor Paolo consistently declined to elevate his recurring role of Eric van der Woodsen to regular status, citing personal reasons for his decision.[32] After becoming a regular on the ABC series Revenge, Paolo confirmed his departure from Gossip Girl in August 2011.[33]", "Gossip Girl (season 3) Chuck and Blair are faced with the most difficult decision they have ever faced as a couple when Jack tells Blair that she has to sleep with him for Chuck to get the hotel back. Blair reluctantly agrees, before Jack reveals to her that Chuck organized it. Meanwhile, Serena plans a surprise birthday party for Nate, but Jenny does her best to sabotage Serena's efforts by keeping Nate away and tries to make a move onto him. Elsewhere, Dan and Vanessa's new relationship hits a bump in the road, when they have to evaluate each other's work.", "Gossip Girl (novel series) The television adaptation of the novel series, also titled Gossip Girl, was picked up by The CW.[32] Josh Schwartz, the creator of The O.C., is executive producer for the project.[33] In the show, Blake Lively plays Serena, Leighton Meester plays Blair, Chace Crawford plays Nate, Penn Badgley plays Dan, Ed Westwick plays Chuck, Taylor Momsen plays Jenny and Jessica Szohr plays Vanessa. The show is loosely based on the books and does not follow the same story line.[34] Some key characters from the books, such as Aaron Rose or the Lord, are introduced into the show with different storylines, and some characters undergo changes to their personality and characteristics. For example, Serena's older brother in the books, Erik van der Woodsen, is two years younger than her instead of older, and the characters of Serena, Blair, Chuck and Nate have been best friends since childhood compared to the novel series where the story's main friendship was only between Serena, Blair and Nate; with Chuck not being one of the main characters.", "Gossip Girl (season 2) Thanksgiving in the Waldorf household finds Blair upset that her mom's new boyfriend, Cyrus, has decided to ruin all her favorite traditions, but that's nothing compared to what's coming next. Lily finds herself trying to broker a peace treaty between Rufus and Jenny who is prepared to cut off all communication with her father if she does not get her way. Serena is not quite ready to come clean with Aaron about her complicated past, but Dan ends up accidentally revealing a few tidbits of his own. Vanessa and Chuck come to their friend's aid when Nate is once again forced to confront his father's abandonment. Finally, Eric discovers a secret that Bart has been keeping from Lily.", "The Debarted (Gossip Girl) \"The Debarted\" is the 55th episode of the CW television series, Gossip Girl.[1] It was also the twelfth episode of the show's third season. The episode was written by executive producer and one of the series' creator Stephanie Savage and directed by Jason Ensler. It originally aired on Monday, December 7, 2009 on the CW.", "Gossip Girl (season 5) Chuck, Nate, Blair, Serena and Lola team up to uncover what they think is an explosive secret between Diana and Jack. Meanwhile, Dan is offered a prestigious fellowship in Rome for the summer, but turns it down for his relationship with Blair. Dan tells Blair he loves her but she doesn't say it back. Nate and Lola team up with Gossip Girl to take back the site from Serena leaving her hopeless. Diana is seen to be running a high class brothel service. At the end of the episode Chuck finds out his father Bart Bass is still alive.", "Jenny Schecter New York magazine also describe the series and how Jenny took on the whole character traits of the show: \"Like Jenny, The L Word was, at any given moment, capricious, obnoxious, patronizing, fabulous, fun, sexy, non sequitur, overreaching, under-reaching, annoying, and yes, unforgettable. Not one other character besides Jenny embodied the whole character of the show.\"[9] British lesbian magazine Diva call Jenny \"the girl we love to hate.\"[7] They also opined that \"poor old Jenny didn't have much going for her from the start.\" That after her failed romances with Tim and Marina, she \"got all pretentious\" when she became an author.[7] They also branded her the most hated lesbian character since Joan Ferguson (Maggie Kirkpatrick) on Prisoner: Cell Block H, credited most of the hatred upscaling when she had her dog put down and praised Kirshner for rising to the challenge of playing her.[7]", "Valley Girls If you never lived through that era — like most of our “Gossip Girl” audience didn’t — there is a fascination, like we were fascinated by the ’70s. My sense [...] is that their connection to that era is via Michael Jackson, Madonna — those broader pop culture references. Fashion-driven, especially. So there’s an appetite there, they want to go deeper into that era. [...] In the same way New York is a character on “Gossip Girl,” the ’80s will be a character on Valley Girls\".[19]", "Jenny Schecter In season six, it is revealed that Jenny is dead. The series then reverts three months before the incident, picking up from the previous series finale. Shane's ex-girlfriend Molly Kroll (Clementine Ford) gives Jenny a letter of apology addressed to Shane. Jenny hides the letter so Shane will not find it. Tina defends Jenny after the original film reels of Lez Girls are stolen, preventing the film from being released. Jenny later starts a relationship with Shane. Jenny steals Alice Pieszecki's (Leisha Hailey) ideas for a play which sparks a feud between the pair. Alice tries to convince everyone that the ideas were hers. Jenny keeps up the pretense and convinces everyone it is an original idea. Alice tries to break Shane and Jenny up to no avail. Jenny then reveals to Dylan Moreland (Alexandra Hedison) that Helena Peabody (Rachel Shelley) and the rest of their friends are setting her up to find out if she is in love with Helena or her money. Jenny starts teasing Max by buying him feminine gifts for his pregnancy. This alienates Shane and is worsened by her trust issues involving Shane's fidelity. Shane sleeps with Niki once more and their relationship reaches a breaking point. Helena later finds out that Jenny revealed the truth to Dylan. This makes Helena desperate for revenge on her old friend. Tina and Shane later find Molly's letter in the loft. Tina then finds the stolen originals of Lez Girls and she goes to confront Jenny.", "Gossip Girl Primarily filming in New York, Gossip Girl has been declared by New York Magazine as the \"Most Restauranty Show Since Sex and the City\", citing the pilot episode filming locales such as the Japanese restaurant, Geisha, the Campbell Apartment where Nate and Serena were filmed having sex and the New York Palace Hotel bar Gilt.[39] Other New York City landmarks and well-known establishments were filmed throughout the first season. Victor/Victrola filmed the fictional infamous Chuck Bass burlesque club, Victrola, at The Box Manhattan, a sister club to The Box Soho in London.[40] The fictional Constance Billard-St.Judes School, based on novel writer Cecil Von Ziegesar's alma mater, Nightingale-Bamford used external shots of the Museum of the City of New York.[41]", "Jenny Wolek Jenny rears a child born during Jenny's delivery to Karen's former fellow prostitutes, Katrina Karr (Nancy Snyder). She then divorces Brad, marrying Dr. Peter Janssen (Denny Albee) September 2, 1981.[11] She is soon widowed for a second time when Peter is killed in a car accident in May 1982.[12] Only a short time after losing her husband Peter, Jenny learns the truth about Karen's baby switch and makes the wrenching decision to give the child back to Katrina.[13] Unknown to Jenny and Katrina, both of their children were fathered by Brad.", "Gossip Girl The first half of the season deals with Serena's growing prominence as a socialite which draws the attention of Blair as their friendship is tested when the character of Poppy Lifton (Tamara Feldman) arrives, a socialite who inadvertently drives a wedge between Serena and Blair after inspiring Serena to take her place in the spotlight during the early episodes of the season. Serena and Dan get back together for a brief period of time and eventually break up due to complications.[66] Nate faces the aftermath of his father's criminal past and pursues a relationship with Vanessa, who becomes entangled in the world of the Upper East Side. Jenny reignites her rebellious nature by pursuing a career as a fashion designer, thereby challenging Rufus' skills as a parent while Dan's friendship with Nate and relationship with Serena slowly transforms him from a social outcast to an insider. The show finished its first half during the first week of December, with the shocking death of Bart Bass.", "Dan Humphrey While Blair and Chuck are whisking away in a limo, planning on running away together and raising Blair's unborn baby as Chuck's child, they both end up in a serious, life-threatening car accident when paparazzi tail them continuously after Charlie sends Gossip Girl a blast, informing her on Chuck and Blair's whereabouts.", "Gossip Girl Season four's main mystery revolves around Juliet Sharp (Katie Cassidy), a secretive girl with an agenda against Serena involving her past. The second half of the season builds on the complications of Serena's new found relationship with her former teacher Colin, Chuck trying to regain control of Bass Industries from Russell Thorpe (Michael Boatman), and Dan and Blair's growing friendship. The season also focuses on Lily's past betrayals coming back to haunt her; Chuck and Blair's tumultuous relationship after their break up; Dan and Vanessa's deteriorating friendship; and the arrival of Serena's cousin Charlie Rhodes (Kaylee Defer) to the Upper East Side. By the end of the season, Blair has ignored Chuck, Dan has told Vanessa they are no longer friends, and Serena is on that single grind.", "Gossip Girl With the approach of the fifth season, New York Magazine reviewed the life expectancy of the show, noting its waning cultural relevancy despite the growing prominence of its actors, and the loss of its status as The CW's No.1 show, having been beaten out in terms of ratings by other shows of the network like Supernatural and 90210. \"The series itself hasn't quite kept up, even if its plotting is as juicy and lunatic as ever.\" and that \"The cast would all rather be making movies, while the showrunners are focusing on launching new projects via their nascent Fake Empire production company (including CW newcomer Hart of Dixie). Barring an unexpected brand reboot or another stab at a spinoff, we're afraid the end is near. XOXO.\"[99] AOL TV ranked Gossip Girl the 20th Best School Show of All Time and the 4th TV's Biggest Guilty Pleasure.[100][101] The show was declared the tenth highest rated show for the first ten years of IMDb.com Pro (2002-2012).[102]", "Valley Girls On January 14, 2009, CW green-lit a back-door pilot for an untitled spin-off series starring a young Lily van der Woodsen.[6][7] The concept was based on an original idea by Gossip Girl producers Schwartz and Savage.[2] The pilot episode, eventually named \"Valley Girls\", was written by Stephanie Savage and Josh Schwartz and directed by Mark Piznarski,[8] all of whom had previously worked the same roles for the Gossip Girl pilot.[9] \"Valley Girls\" was shot on location in New York City, New York and in Los Angeles, California beginning in February 2009.[10][11] Flashbacks were set apart from present day scenes through a grainy, sepia tone.[12] A scene in which Lily conceives and carries out an \"elaborate plan to kiss a boy, and then lie about it\" in order to violate her school's honor code and be expelled, was cut from the final episode.[13] \"Valley Girls\" aired on May 11, 2009.[4][14]", "Jenny Schecter Jenny was negatively received amongst TV critics and viewers from the very first episode after she cheated on her boyfriend, Tim, with another woman for no clear reason, despite Tim being portrayed as a decent and caring partner with no hint of abuse. This prompted Chaiken to implement a series of changes to Jenny to help make her more likable.[13] Chaiken defended Jenny stating: \"I'm well aware of the response to Jenny. I love the character, and I love that people are passionate about her. I know there are a lot of people who just can't stand her. And that's why it's so important to have that character in the mix.\"[13] Kirshner defended Jenny stating: \"Jenny's a very controversial character. I think the great thing about her is the fact that she's so flawed.\"[15] During season two Jenny is seen coming out, getting her hair cut and becoming best friends with Shane McCutcheon (Katherine Moennig). AfterEllen.com stated that Jenny cutting off her hair was a defining moment in her development because it also symbolized her cutting all of the bad stuff that happened before out of her life.[15] Jenny's transition continued into season three, Chaiken stated: \"We find Jenny coming together, I predict this [...] that Jenny will be more likable and accessible to the audience than she has ever been. She's recovering.\"[13]", "When Did Your Heart Go Missing? The song was used in the second episode of Gossip Girl. It was also used in the movie Nancy Drew.", "Gossip Girl (season 2) In a humorous twist, Blair questions the lack of passion in her relationship with Marcus, while at the same time Chuck appears to have lost his \"passion\" for any woman other than Blair. Meanwhile, Nate struggles between his feelings for Vanessa and his more-complicated-by-the-day relationship with Catherine. Jenny risks losing her internship when Eleanor catches Jenny critiquing one of the Eleanor Waldorf designs. Whilst being stuck in a elevator due to the blackout, Dan and Serena talk about their relationship and come to the conclusion that they are totally two different people and that it will not work out for the two.", "Gossip Girl (season 5) Following the wedding, Blair tries to leave for the Dominican Republic, with the help of Dan, to get a divorce from Louis without his consent due to a loophole in the Dominican Republic's law. However, she realizes that she forgot her passport and so asks Dorota for help. Serena, Chuck, Nate reluctantly team up with Georgina to find Blair, until Georgina gets a tip from one of her sources and she leaves. Georgina then, as Gossip Girl, informs Louis and Sophia of Blair's location. Nate, Serena and Chuck eventually find Blair in a hotel room with Dan. Sophia finds Blair and threatens to forcefully sell Eleanor's company as dowry if Blair chooses not to return, on which Blair reluctantly decides to go back. Elsewhere, Nate has another meeting with the real Charlie Rhodes, who goes by the name of Lola. At the end, it is implied that neither Chuck nor Serena, who takes the blame, leaked the video of Blair confessing her love for Chuck. It is revealed that Georgina is simply filling in for Gossip Girl ever since she abandoned the blog after Chuck and Blair's car accident.", "Gossip Girl The first episodes of the first season included the original concept from the books, mainly following the lives of the five wealthy and privileged teenage characters in their high school years. Serena van der Woodsen (Blake Lively) is often described as the 'it girl'. It is revealed that she has had a scandalous past that continues to haunt her throughout the show and she is notorious for her many on-again, off-again relationships with countless male characters as well as for her rebellious drive-outs. Dan Humphrey (Penn Badgley) is an outsider who becomes a part of the turbulent Manhattan scene, an aspiring writer and fairly straight-arrow guy with a good heart and morals. Blair Waldorf (Leighton Meester) is the beautiful Queen Bee of Constance Billard School's social scene, as well as Serena's best friend and fierce rival (at points, threatening their relationship). Nate Archibald (Chace Crawford) is the perfect \"Golden Boy\" of the Upper East Side, always being fought over by the prominent female characters, and deals with a lot of issues that compromise his \"perfect\" life. Chuck Bass (Ed Westwick) serves as the show's antihero, being a womanizer and party lover with a troubled life and past that provide a hidden vulnerable side.", "Eric van der Woodsen When Jenny returns to the Upper East Side briefly for an interview with Tim Gunn, Eric attempts to help her make a good impression and keep her away from both Chuck and Blair. Later, he and Dan scheme against Blair and Chuck to get Jenny to come back for their parents' anniversary. The plan fails when Blair and Chuck sign a treaty and come to a truce. After Dan steals the treaty from Nate, Eric backs out of the plan. Eric unknowingly leads his parents to Blair's party where Dan's plan is about to go through, thinking Dan had abandoned the plan.", "How I Survived Middle School On Career Day, Jenny's aunt comes to give a talk and inadvertently makes Jenny jealous when she takes an interest in Liza's artwork.", "Nate Archibald (Gossip Girl) He has been dating Blair since middle school. However, Nate is shown to have deep, unresolved feelings for Serena. They have sex during the summer at a wedding. He reveals this to Blair in the first novel after Serena returns, and right before they were supposed to lose their virginity to each other, which causes their first breakup. He gets together with freshman Jenny Humphrey, but later dumps her for Blair for being too clingy. He and Blair have an on-again-off-again relationship throughout most of the novels.", "Jenny from the Block \"Jenny from the Block\" is considered one of Lopez's signature songs and most iconic single.[46][47] The lyrical content of country artist Faith Hill's 2005 song \"Mississippi Girl\" was considered to be influenced by the song, with Rolling Stone describing it as \"country music's version\" of the single;[48] Billboard called it \"a countrified 'Jenny from the Block'\".[49] Other songs that were noted to have followed the theme of \"Jenny from the Block\" were Gwen Stefani's \"Orange County Girl\" and Fergie's \"Glamorous\".[50][51] Singer Taylor Swift, who performed the song with Lopez during a Los Angeles concert as part of The Red Tour in 2013, described \"Jenny from the Block\" as her \"hair brush song\", saying: \"When I was a little girl, you know how you have your favorite song that you would just play over and over again, you’d blast it in your room? You’d sing it in front of a mirror, into a hairbrush right?\"[52] Mexican-American recording artist Becky G recorded a cover version of the song, entitled \"Becky from the Block\". The song's accompanying music video was shot in Inglewood, California.[53] Lopez made a cameo appearance towards the end of the music video.[54][55] The lyrics of this version are significantly different from the original.[56][57] Entertainment Tonight described the version to have \"give[n] Jenny's NY-based tune a West Coast slant\".[58] Australian rapper Iggy Azalea referenced the song in her verse from Lopez's 2014 song \"Booty\", stating: \"The last time the world seen a booty this good, it was on Jenny from the block.\"[59] In her 2018 single, \"Dinero\" featuring DJ Khaled, American rapper Cardi B ends her verse by referencing rapper's and Lopez's beginnings: \"Two bad bitches that came from the Bronx, Cardi from the pole and Jenny from the block\".", "Gossip Girl (season 3) Now back together, Nate and Serena decide to explore the boundaries of their new relationship. Meanwhile, Blair suspects that Chuck is having trouble forgetting about the mysterious woman he saw at his father's grave. Serena asks to accompany Damien to a State Dinner, but is unaware that he needs her help with a drug exchange. Things are complicated when Jenny and Nate crash the event and Serena inadvertently acquires Jenny's coat with the contraband stash sewed into it. Elsewhere, Dan and Vanessa attempt to move past the awkwardness of Dan's confession of love. Rufus returns from a ski trip and tries his best to avoid Lily whom he suspects was unfaithful.", "The O.C. There were plans to turn the show into something of a reverse spin-off. Schwartz planned to release a spin-off of his series Gossip Girl entitled Valley Girls, originally to premiere in the fall of 2009. Schwartz wanted to tie in the younger versions of the characters from both The O.C. and the principals from Valley Girls to establish a continuity with Gossip Girl.", "Jenny Wolek Jenny next engages in a relationship with David \"David Renaldi\" Reynolds (Michael Zaslow), the former lover of Dr. Dorian Lord (Robin Strasser) and father to Dorian's daughter, Cassie. Despite being married to Herb Callison (Anthony Call) at the time, Dorian does her best to split up Jenny and David. After finally getting Dorian to relent, Jenny and David wed June 1, 1984.[14][15] She soon becomes worrisome upon learning David to be a secret agent investigating communist espionage activity for the American government. Jenny last appears onscreen making amends with cousin Larry and ex-husband Brad before relocating to Switzerland with David in May 1986.[16]", "Gossip Girl Featuring nine regular speaking roles, the majority of the ensemble cast was assembled from February to April 2007. Leighton Meester and Blake Lively – who started auditioning in December 2006[17] – were the first two actresses to be chosen in February for the lead roles of Blair Waldorf and Serena van der Woodsen, respectively.[18] Penn Badgley, who had previously worked with Stephanie Savage on The Mountain,[17] Taylor Momsen, Chace Crawford, Kelly Rutherford, and Connor Paolo also auditioned successfully and landed roles in the series in March, as did Florencia Lozano who appeared only in the pilot, and was replaced by Margaret Colin.[19][20][21] Badgley at first turned down the part of Dan,[22] as did Lively—who planned to attend college—for the role of Serena.[23] Actors for the roles of Chuck Bass and Rufus Humphrey were found in April when English actor Ed Westwick, and Matthew Settle were cast.[24] Westwick first read for the role of Nate but was then asked to try Chuck.[17] As rumors swirled about the impending cancellation of Veronica Mars, it was revealed at The CW's 2007 Upfronts on May 17, 2007, that Kristen Bell had narrated the pilot, thus making her the title character of another show on the network.[25] Jessica Szohr was signed on to portray the recurring role of Vanessa Abrams and received regular status during the fourteenth episode of the first season.[26][27] Kaylee DeFer joined the series in the eighteenth episode of the fourth season and was promoted to series regular for the show's fifth season.[28]", "Eric van der Woodsen At Blair's annual sleepover, Blair dares Jenny to break into the Ostroff Center and take Eric out for the night. Jenny and Blair succeed and they take him to a bar downtown. Lily is made aware of his disappearance and begins to panic. She quickly informs Rufus, whose son, Dan, is on a date with Serena, after she cannot get hold of her. They contact the couple to make sure Eric is alright and to bring him home. Later, Lily realizes that Eric is ready to come out of the medical center. He is present during Thanksgiving dinner at the Humphrey's apartment when Lily and Rufus reveal they had a previous relationship years ago. Due to his mother's engagement to billionaire Bart Bass, he develops a close friendship with Chuck Bass, whom he soon sees as a brother.", "Blair Waldorf Gossip Girl is a series of novels about socially prominent young adults in New York City. The story primarily follows Blair Waldorf and her best friend Serena van der Woodsen during their years in high school and college. Due to her fame on the Upper East Side, Blair is featured on the website of \"Gossip Girl,\" an anonymous gossip blogger whose posts appear occasionally throughout the story.", "Valley Girls On February 5, 2009, Krysten Ritter became the first guest star to be officially cast for the Valley Girls pilot.[15] Brittany Snow was the producers' top choice for young Lily Rhodes and was offered the role in early February 2009 without auditioning.[16] Initially, the series' producers wanted to cast an undiscovered star in the role while Snow was interested in continuing her film career. However, after viewing a reel featuring Snow's work ranging from Hairspray to Nip/Tuck, Savage and Schwartz found her \"perfect\" and \"pulled out all the stops\" to convince her to come back to TV.[1][17] Ryan Hansen had previously starred as \"Douche\" on Schwartz's web series Rockville CA. Schwartz deemed Hansen's performance there \"so unlikable in such a likable way, that we cast him on the Gossip Girl spin-off.\"[1] On March 6, 2009, Entertainment Weekly reported that Cynthia Watros and Andrew McCarthy were in final talks to join the show as Lily's parents, thereby filling Valley Girls' last starring roles.[18]", "List of Gossip Girl characters Dr. William van der Woodsen, portrayed by William Baldwin in seasons three, four, five and six, is Lily's first husband and the father of Serena and Eric. Lily hides the fact that she has cancer from her family except her mother and goes to her ex-husband for treatment. When Rufus finds out, it causes a strain in their marriage. Meanwhile, Serena is angry with Lily for concealing this from her since Serena had been searching for her father for these past 3 years. When William comes back to the Upper East Side, he is met with hostility from his family. Lily decides that she needs him; Eric is cautious about his agenda, Serena decides she wants to get to know her father; and Rufus is angry at his intrusion. Although William really had been treating Lily, he continues to keep her just sick enough for him to be needed because he had fallen in love with her again and misses his family. Jenny wanted her Humphrey family back and the rest of the family finds out William's plot to separate Lily and Rufus. When Serena finds out, she is especially devastated, and William leaves town as the police closes in on him. He returns in season four when Lily is arrested to support his family. He also makes amends with Rufus. In Season 5, William van der Woodsen returns to the Upper East Side for the wake, and is the executor of CeCe's estate. Ivy Dickens is announced as CeCe's heir and we learn that CeCe was apparently aware the whole time of Ivy's real identity. Carol Rhodes also reveals the identity of Charlie's father as William Van der Woodsen. In season 6, it is shown that William is in a relationship with Ivy, the two seemingly working together for a plot to take Lilly down. When Bart Bass dies, William consoles Lilly about it and the two rekindle their old love. Ivy is confused when she is ready to tell Lilly about them and William claims to have never met Ivy before. In private, William reveals to Ivy that he was using her all along in a plan to get back with Lilly and coldly dismisses her. The final moments of the series reveal that William and Lilly have remarried.", "Vanessa Abrams Vanessa Abrams is a fictional character in the Gossip Girl (novel series). She is portrayed by Jessica Szohr in Gossip Girl. Vanessa was introduced on the first season as a recurring character, but became series regular after a successful run due to the popularity of their character, but left the series at the end of the fourth season.", "List of Gossip Girl characters Portrayed by Katie Cassidy in season four, Juliet Sharp is an intriguing woman that Nate first met in a bar while he's on a date with one of the girls of Chuck's little black book. She knows much more about the gang than what she lets on, and she's the one who advises Vanessa to get back together with Dan, so that Nate can get Serena back. At the end of the third episode, she meets a man in prison, Ben, who is later found out to be her brother. When Nate begins to suspect Juliet's strange behaviour and busy schedule, he asks her to tell him more about her life. She takes him to what appears to be her apartment, but while Nate goes to see the place, she hands some cash to a man who tells that the real owners of the apartment will be back in the next day. Her glamorous, impenetrable façade and dismissive approach to love actually hides a sensitive, caring nature and as the season progresses, she declares to having genuine feelings for Nate. But after her brother attacks Nate's father in jail for Juliet's attempt at forgoing their plans, she calls Nate, and ends their relationship for the sake of Howard's safety. After she hangs up, Serena's professor Colin then enters the room and hands Juliet a cheque, thus making us believe that he is in on her plan to sabotage Serena. We later learn that he is in fact her cousin, and that the cheque was to cover her rent and school fees, he has no idea of her and her brother's plans for Serena. Juliet, Vanessa, and Jenny come together to strike a savage blow against Serena, landing her a place at the Ostroff Center for recovery. Juliet proceeds to blackmail Lily for a monthly cheque by telling that she will reveal one of Serena's other dirty secrets if she does not provide her with cash. To avoid the wrath of Blair and others, Juliet leaves to return to her home town. A while later, Juliet sees Damien, Dan, and Blair getting into a car together, making her assume that they know all about what she's done and bringing her back to Manhattan to tell Serena everything. Serena and Juliet make peace when Juliet finds out that it was really Lily who signed the document that caused her brother sentenced five years in prison. Before she departs for her home town once more, Juliet promises not to cause harm to Serena or anyone else again. However, this does not convince Nate, who rebukes her. This hurts Juliet immensely as she leaves.", "Gossip Girl (season 1) Kristen Bell voiced \"Gossip Girl\", whose gossip commentary blog is widely visited by the youths of the Upper East Side social scene.[20] Numerous supporting characters were given expansive and recurring appearances in the progressive storyline, including Connor Paolo who portrayed Serena's brother, Eric van der Woodsen, who had been placed into a rehab center following a suicide attempt. Margaret Colin acted as Blair's mother, Eleanor Waldorf, a fashion designer. Colin took over from Florencia Lozano who played the role in the pilot episode. Michelle Trachtenberg acts as Georgina Sparks, a girl from Serena's past who returns after escaping rehab in Utah. Sam Robards and Francie Swift portrayed Nate's parents Howard and Anne Archibald. Nicole Fiscella and Nan Zhang acted as Blair's loyal sidekicks Isabel Coates and Kati Farkas. Other members of Blair's clique include Amanda Setton as Penelope Shafai, Dreama Walker as Hazel Williams and Emma Demar as Elise Wells.", "Gossip Girl (season 1) Having been recently dethroned as \"Queen Bee\", Blair hesitantly returns to school with the support of her BFF, Serena. Meanwhile, Serena struggles to adjust to her new living arrangements with her future step-brother, Chuck, while receiving disturbing packages from an unknown sender. Jenny needs something to wear to her birthday party and her drive to be popular hits an all-new time high when she does something illegal to fit in with her new Upper East Side friends.", "Gossip Girl (season 4) Juliet sends a Gossip Girl blast that starts a very damaging rumor about Serena, saying she has an STD. Vanessa becomes worried that Dan and Serena may have slept together and turns to Juliet to help her get answers. After checking Serena's phone, Vanessa discovers than Dan and Serena did not sleep together. Vanessa then becomes collateral damage in Juliet's vendetta against Serena when she frames her for sending an email from Serena's phone to her English professor offering sex for grades. Elsewhere, Chuck threatens Blair's chances to become the new assistant to powerful businesswoman Martha (Marlyne Barrett).", "Ajab Prem Ki Ghazab Kahani As Rahul's father does not like Jenny and completely opposes relationship between Jenny and Rahul, mainly due to the religious barrier, Jenny being a Christian and Rahul a Hindu, when Prem visits Rahul's house for Jenny's proposal with Rahul, he is insulted by Rahul's father. Prem convinces his mother to let Jenny hide in their house while Rahul's family search for her, but they are eventually caught by the police. After that, Jenny lies to the police, claiming that she and Prem are in love, to save Rahul's name. While Prem corroborates Jenny's lie, he gets emotional and spurts out his true feelings for Jenny, which Jenny mistakes for over-acting.", "Gossip Girl (season 3) The third season of the American teen drama television series Gossip Girl premiered on The CW on September 14, 2009, and concluded on May 17, 2010, consisting of 22 episodes. Based on the novel series of the same name by Cecily von Ziegesar, the series was developed for television by Josh Schwartz and Stephanie Savage. The season premiered with 2.55 million viewers and a 1.4 Adults 18-49 rating,[1] up 14% in viewers from its season two finale.[2]", "Gossip Girl (season 4) Serena learns that she has until the end of Chuck's Saints & Sinners Masquerade Ball to choose between Dan or Nate. Jenny joins forces with Juliet and Vanessa to take down Serena. Meanwhile, Blair sets her sights on becoming the new face of Anne Archibald's Foundation for Girls, but her relationship with Chuck may be problematic. In the episode, the song \"Make Me Wanna Die\" by The Pretty Reckless, which is fronted by Momsen, is heard.", "List of Suits characters Mike has feelings for Trevor's girlfriend Jenny Griffith and is her boyfriend after she breaks up with Trevor.[2] However, Jenny breaks up with him because he has feelings for Rachel Zane, a colleague. He does not want to base his relationship with Rachel on a lie, so he intends to tell her that he does not have a law degree. Harvey advises him against this, and Rachel senses Mike is hiding something and breaks up with him. He eventually does tell her but the timing is awful, as Rachel had just found out that she was denied admission to Harvard Law. She smacks Mike in the face a few times, and they have sex in the file room. Mike later takes a job as an investment banker to avoid having his fraud come back to haunt him, jeopardizing his future as well as Harvey's.", "When the Boat Comes In The series' creator James Mitchell also wrote three tie-in books to the T.V. show: When the Boat Comes In, When the Boat Comes In: The Hungry Years and When the Boat Comes In: Upwards and Onwards. The final book brings the reader up to date with the end of the second series of the TV show.", "Dan Humphrey In the season finale, Dan wakes up with Serena in his bed. The viewers learn that the two did not sleep together but - after staying up until 4AM talking and drinking wine - they shared a kiss, that of which Serena classifies as them \"falling into a comfortable path for one...or ten minutes.\" When Dan hears that Serena breaks up with Nate, he calls her, possibly to say he had feelings for her. When she announces she won't be back to talk to him till September he appears very disappointed. He then shuts the e-mail he had opened to write to Vanessa, his current girlfriend, who is no longer taking his calls (due to Nate's interception after finding out from Gossip Girl's blast and later overhearing at the hospital about the kiss). When he later learns that Serena is going to Paris with Blair, he goes online to book a ticket. Before he can, however, Georgina visits Dan and tells him that she's pregnant with his child.", "List of Squid Girl episodes On a rainy day, Squid Girl exhibits a talent for art, though the depictions of her friends are somewhat scary. Later, Eiko tells Sanae that she should give up on her crush on Squid Girl and try to become proper friends with her. However, holding herself back proves to be harder than Sanae thought. Later, when Kiyomi's baseball team falls short one member, Squid Girl decides to help her out. Though she initially has trouble with the game, her tentacles soon come into good use.", "Jenny Schecter In the book Blood Moon's GT Gay and Lesbian Film, Darwin Porter brands Jenny \"one of the most annoying, needy characters on television\" and calls her a \"lost damaged soul\".[1] Fellow cast member Leisha Hailey has commented that Jenny is at her best when she is spiraling out of control.[24] Hillary Frey of The New York Observer opined that Jenny provided \"voyeuristic pleasure\" for straight females in season one.[25] She said she believed Jenny's confusion to whom she should be with was plausible. Also adding the fact she gradually became self-obsessed – yet still conveyed the \"thrill and pleasure of a fresh sexual experience\", while portraying the sadness.[25]", "Riding in Town Cars with Boys Serena van der Woodsen (Blake Lively): Serena is very nostalgic in this episode. She looks back and realizes she hasn't found anybody better than Dan or Nate. She and Dan make up and are now friends. After the accident, Serena commits herself to taking Gossip Girl down.", "Jenny Lind Many places and objects have been named for Lind, including Jenny Lind Island in Canada, the Jenny Lind locomotive and a clipper ship, the USS Nightingale. An Australian schooner was named Jenny Lind in her honour. In 1857, it was wrecked in a creek on the Queensland coast; the creek was accordingly named Jenny Lind Creek.[34]", "Gossip Girl (season 4) Most of Juliet's plan is revealed by the end of the first half of the season, with some elements set to carry over. Juliet also recruits two main characters to help take Serena down.[10] Blair and Dan team up to help Serena.[75] The two characters who joined Juliet were Vanessa and Jenny.[74] The three manage to turn everyone against Serena when Juliet and Jenny dress up as her at a masquerade party. Juliet takes photos of herself with cocaine and drugs Serena, causing Lily to believe Serena had gone off the rails again and has her committed to the Ostroff center. Jenny, feeling guilty about what they have done, reveals everything to Blair. Vanessa leaves town to avoid Blair, while Blair and Dan form an alliance to seek revenge on Juliet.[76] After they track her down, Juliet goes to Serena and explains everything to her. It is revealed in a confrontation with Lily that Juliet's brother Ben was Serena's former teacher at her boarding school in Connecticut, who was accused of having an affair with Serena. Lily forged Serena's signature on the police affidavit, which in Lily's plan, would allow Serena to return home and, inadvertently, had sent Ben to prison. Serena then hatches a plan to help free Ben from prison. This involves proving that her mother forged the affidavit against Ben. Chuck also learns that Lily was planning to sell Bass Industries behind his back.[77]", "Gossip Girl (season 3) Despite being grounded, Jenny continues to secretly see Damien who tells Jenny that he wants to have sex with her. Meanwhile, Lily tells Rufus the big secret she has been keeping from him even though she knows it is a huge risk. Dan and Vanessa explore a new stage of their romantic relationship. Serena and Nate have an argument about their past events. Chuck is forced to make an extremely difficult decision about transferring ownership of his hotel to Elizabeth when a lawsuit is served against him by female employees for sexual harassment, as his devious uncle, Jack Bass (Desmond Harrington), returns to New York with an agenda.", "Tim Gunn Gunn guest starred as himself on the 6th episode of CW's fourth season of Gossip Girl, \"Easy J\".[15]", "Their Eyes Were Watching God As she expected, the residents gossip about her when she arrives back in town. The story ends where it started, and Janie finishes telling her story to Pheoby.", "Blair Waldorf Blair Cornelia Waldorf[1] is the lead character of Gossip Girl,[2] introduced in the original series of novels and also appearing in the television and manga adaptations. Described as \"a girl of extremes\" by creator Cecily von Ziegesar,[3] she is a New York City socialite and a comical overachiever who possesses both snobbish and sensitive sides. Due to her position as queen bee of Manhattan's social scene, Blair's actions and relations are under constant scrutiny from the mysterious Gossip Girl, a popular blogger.", "Make Me Wanna Die The track plays during the end credits of the 2010 film Kick-Ass,[12] and is also included on its soundtrack.[13] In August 2010, the song was used in a trailer for the second season of The Vampire Diaries.[14] \"Make Me Wanna Die\" was featured in the ninth episode of the fourth season of Gossip Girl, \"The Witches of Bushwick\", which aired on November 5, 2010. It was playing when Jenny (Momsen's character), while impersonating Serena, pulls the curtain down to reveal Blair and Chuck talking together. The track was also used during the opening segment of the 2011 Victoria's Secret Fashion Show.[15] The song also appeared on the March 30, 2017 episode of Supernatural, titled \"Ladies Drink Free\".[16]", "List of Pair of Kings episodes Brady overhears Candis gossiping with Mikayla, and discovers that Mikayla does not want to date him because she believes that he is immature and will never grow up as long as he is the king of Kinkow. Brady leaves the island to go back to Chicago and vows to not come back until he can prove himself to be worthy of Mikayla. Boomer finds out about this and tries to follow Brady. But when a storm hits Kinkow sending people from the neighboring island of Mindu to them, it forces him to stay. They find the young king of Mindu has the Kinkow birthmark on his bellybutton which means he is also the king of Kinkow. Mason reveals that the boy is Brady and Boomer's long-lost triplet brother, Boz, who was raised by monkeys after being lost in a storm and presumed dead.", "Mark Humphrey (actor) Humphrey appeared in the 2005 independent film Cruel But Necessary with his ex-wife Wendel Meldrum and their son Luke Humphrey.[8]" ]
when did athens emerges as wealthiest greek city state
[ "Economic history of Greece and the Greek world Athens emerged as the dominant economic power in Greece around the late 6th century BCE, this was further bolstered by the finding of several veins of silver in the neighbouring mountains which further added to their wealth. They facilitated an efficient trading system with other Greek city states. Again, pots and other forms of cooking utensils seem to have been the most quantitatively traded product (over 80,000 amphorae and other such things have been recovered from around Athens in archaeological digs). Marble and bronze artwork also seems to have been traded (though it was largely a luxury product, and this trade only really exploded after the rise of the Roman Republic, as Greek Art exerted a massive influence on Roman Culture on all levels). Athens began to import grain due to poor soil conditions however." ]
[ "History of Athens During the early Middle Ages, the city experienced a decline, then recovered under the later Byzantine Empire and was relatively prosperous during the period of the Crusades (12th and 13th centuries), benefiting from Italian trade. Following a period of sharp decline under the rule of the Ottoman Empire, Athens re-emerged in the 19th century as the capital of the independent and self-governing Greek state.", "Athens Greater Athens and Greater Piraeus combined make up the continuous built up Athens Urban Area (Greek: Πολεοδομικό Συγκρότημα Αθηνών), also called the Urban Area of the Capital (Greek: Πολεοδομικό Συγκρότημα Πρωτεύουσας) or simply Athens (the most common use of the term), spanning over 412 km2 (159 sq mi),[58] with a population of 3,090,508 people as of 2011. The Athens Urban Area is considered to form the city of Athens as a whole, despite its administrative divisions, which is the largest in Greece and one of the most populated urban areas in Europe.", "Athens The large City Centre of the Greek capital falls directly within the municipality of Athens, which is the largest in population size in Greece. Piraeus also forms a significant city centre on its own, within the Athens Urban Area and being the second largest in population size within it, with Peristeri and Kallithea following.", "Athens Athens is the hub of the country's national railway system (OSE), connecting the capital with major cities across Greece and abroad (Istanbul, Sofia and Bucharest).The Port of Piraeus connects Athens to the numerous Greek islands of the Aegean Sea, with ferries departing, while also serving the cruise ships that arrive.", "History of Athens The finest legacy of this period are the buildings of the University of Athens (1837), the National Gardens of Athens (1840), the National Library of Greece (1842), the Old Royal Palace (now the Greek Parliament Building; 1843), the Old Parliament Building (1858), the City Hall (1874), the Zappeion Exhibition Hall (1878), the Greek National Academy (1885) and the New Royal Palace (now the Presidential Palace; 1897). In 1896 the city hosted the 1896 Summer Olympics.", "Ancient Greece By the 6th century BC several cities had emerged as dominant in Greek affairs: Athens, Sparta, Corinth, and Thebes. Each of them had brought the surrounding rural areas and smaller towns under their control, and Athens and Corinth had become major maritime and mercantile powers as well.", "History of Athens In 480BC, the Persians returned under Darius's son Xerxes. When a small Greek force holding the pass of Thermopylae was defeated, the Persians proceeded to capture an evacuated Athens. The city of Athens got captured and sacked twice by the Persians within one year after Thermopylae.[17] Subsequently, the Athenians (led by Themistocles), with their allies, engaged the much larger Persian navy at sea in the Battle of Salamis. Xerxes built a throne on the coast in order to watch the Greek navy being defeated, but instead, the Persians were routed. This established a great turning point in the war.", "Fifth-century Athens Pericles governed Athens throughout the 5th century BC bringing to the city a splendour and a standard of living never previously experienced. All was well within the internal regiment of government, however discontent within the Delian League was ever increasing. The foreign affairs policies adopted by Athens did not reap the best results; members of the Delian League were increasingly dissatisfied. Athens was the city-state that dominated and subjugated the rest of Greece and these oppressed citizens wanted their independence.", "Ancient Greek literature By 338 BC all of the Greek city-states except Sparta had been united by Philip II of Macedon.[71] Philip's son Alexander the Great extended his father's conquests greatly. Athens lost its preeminent status as the leader of Greek culture, and it was replaced temporarily by Alexandria, Egypt.[72]", "Athenian democracy Alexander the Great had led a coalition of the Greek states to war with Persia in 336 BC, but his Greek soldiers were hostages for the behavior of their states as much as allies. His relations with Athens were already strained when he returned to Babylon in 324 BC; after his death, Athens and Sparta led several Greek states to war with Macedon and lost.[13]", "History of Athens After World War II the city began to grow again as people migrated from the villages and islands to find work. Greek entry into the European Union in 1981 brought a flood of new investment to the city, but also increasing social and environmental problems. Athens had some of the worst traffic congestion and air pollution in the world at that time. This posed a new threat to the ancient monuments of Athens, as traffic vibration weakened foundations and air pollution corroded marble. The city's environmental and infrastructure problems were the main reason why Athens failed to secure the 1996 centenary Olympic Games.", "History of Athens Athens experienced its second period of explosive growth following the disastrous war with Turkey in 1921, when more than a million Greek refugees from Asia Minor were resettled in Greece. Suburbs such as Nea Ionia and Nea Smyrni began as refugee settlements on the Athens outskirts.", "Athens International Airport Athens International Airport \"Eleftherios Venizelos\" (Greek: Διεθνής Αερολιμένας Αθηνών «Ελευθέριος Βενιζέλος», Diethnís Aeroliménas Athinón \"Elefthérios Venizélos\") (IATA: ATH, ICAO: LGAV), commonly initialized as \"AIA\", began operation on 28 March 2001 and is the primary international airport that serves the city of Athens and the region of Attica. It is Greece's busiest airport and it serves as the hub and main base of Aegean Airlines as well as other Greek airlines. The airport is currently in Group 2 of Airports Council International (10–25 million)[2] and as of 2016, Athens International is the 27th busiest airport in Europe.", "Temple of Olympian Zeus, Athens Over the following centuries, the temple was systematically quarried to provide building materials and material for the houses and churches of medieval Athens. By the end of the Byzantine period, it had been almost totally destroyed; when Ciriaco de' Pizzicolli (Cyriacus of Ancona) visited Athens in 1436 he found only 21 of the original 104 columns still standing. The fate of one of the columns is recorded by a Greek inscription on one of the surviving columns, which states that \"on 27 April 1759 he pulled down the column\". This refers to the Turkish governor of Athens, Tzisdarakis, who is recorded by a chronicler as having \"destroyed one of Hadrian's columns with gunpowder\" in order to re-use the marble to make plaster for the mosque that he was building in the Monastiraki district of the city. During the Ottoman period the temple was known to the Greeks as the Palace of Hadrian, while the Turks called it the Palace of Belkis, from a Turkish legend that the temple had been the residence of Solomon's wife.[5]", "Plague of Athens The Plague of Athens was an epidemic that devastated the city-state of Athens in ancient Greece during the second year of the Peloponnesian War (430 BC) when an Athenian victory still seemed within reach. It is believed to have entered Athens through Piraeus, the city's port and sole source of food and supplies. Much of the eastern Mediterranean also saw outbreak of the disease, albeit with less impact.[1] The plague returned twice more, in 429 BC and in the winter of 427/426 BC. Some 30 pathogens have been suggested as causing the plague.[2]", "History of Athens Athens was chosen as the Greek capital for historical and sentimental reasons. There are few buildings dating from the period of the Byzantine Empire or the 18th century. Once the capital was established, a modern city plan was laid out and public buildings were erected.", "Ancient Greek religion One of the most important moral concepts to the Greeks was the fear of committing hubris. Hubris constituted many things, from rape to desecration of a corpse,[4][5] and was a crime in the city-state of Athens. Although pride and vanity were not considered sins themselves, the Greeks emphasized moderation. Pride only became hubris when it went to extremes, like any other vice. The same was thought of eating and drinking. Anything done to excess was not considered proper. Ancient Greeks placed, for example, importance on athletics and intellect equally. In fact many of their competitions included both. Pride was not evil until it became all-consuming or hurtful to others.", "Classical Athens Sparta's former allies soon turned against her due to her imperialist policies, and Athens's former enemies, Thebes and Corinth, became her allies. Argos, Thebes and Corinth, allied with Athens, fought against Sparta in the decisive Corinthian War of 395–387 BC. Opposition to Sparta enabled Athens to establish a Second Athenian League. Finally Thebes defeated Sparta in 371 in the Battle of Leuctra. However, other Greek cities, including Athens, turned against Thebes, and its dominance was brought to an end at the Battle of Mantinea (362 BC) with the death of its leader, the military genius Epaminondas.", "History of Athens Finally Thebes defeated Sparta in 371 BC in the Battle of Leuctra. But then the Greek cities (including Athens and Sparta) turned against Thebes, whose dominance was stopped at the Battle of Mantinea (362 BC) with the death of its military-genius leader Epaminondas.", "Greece After the establishment of the Greek Kingdom, the architecture of Athens and other cities was mostly influenced by the Neoclassical architecture. For Athens, the first King of Greece, Otto of Greece, commissioned the architects Stamatios Kleanthis and Eduard Schaubert to design a modern city plan fit for the capital of a state. As for Thessaloniki, after the fire of 1917, the government ordered for a new city plan under the supervision of Ernest Hébrard. Other modern Greek architects include Anastasios Metaxas, Panagis Kalkos, Ernst Ziller, Dimitris Pikionis and Georges Candilis.", "Agora The agora (/ˈæɡərə/; Ancient Greek: ἀγορά agorá) was a central public space in ancient Greek city-states. The literal meaning of the word is \"gathering place\" or \"assembly\". The agora was the center of the athletic, artistic, spiritual and political life of the city.[1] The Ancient Agora of Athens was the best-known example.", "State religion Many of the Greek city-states also had a god or goddess associated with that city. This would not be its only god/dess, but the one that received special honors. In ancient Greece, the city of Athens had Athena, Sparta had Ares, Delphi had Apollo and Artemis, Olympia had Zeus, Corinth had Poseidon and Thebes had Demeter.", "Athens Mycenean Athens in 1600–1100 BC could have reached the size of Tiryns; that would put the population at the range of 10,000 – 15,000.[67] During the Greek Dark Ages the population of Athens was around 4,000 people. In 700 BC the population grew to 10,000. In 500 BC the area probably contained 200,000 people. During the classical period the city's population is estimated from 150,000 – 350,000 and up to 610,000 according to Thucydides. When Demetrius of Phalerum conducted a population census in 317 BC the population was 21,000 free citizens, plus 10,000 resident aliens and 400,000 slaves. This suggests a total population of 431,000.[68][69][70][71][72][73][74][75][76]", "Ancient Greek warfare The Greco-Persian Wars (499-448 BC) were the result of attempts by the Persian Emperor Darius the Great, and then his successor Xerxes I to subjugate Ancient Greece. Darius was already ruler of the cities of Ionia, and the wars are taken to start when they rebelled in 499 BC. The revolt was crushed by 494 BC, but Darius resolved to bring mainland Greece under his dominion. Many city-states made their submission to him, but others did not, notably including Athens and Sparta.[8] Darius thus sent his commanders Datis and Artaphernes to attack Attica, to punish Athens for her intransigence. After burning Eretria, the Persians landed at Marathon.", "Athens Athens is serviced by a variety of transportation means, forming the largest mass transit system of Greece. The Athens Mass Transit System consists of a large bus fleet, a trolleybus fleet that mainly serves Athens's city center, the city's Metro, a commuter rail service[101] and a tram network, connecting the southern suburbs to the city centre.[102]", "Athens In the 1980s it became evident that smog from factories and an ever-increasing fleet of automobiles, as well as a lack of adequate free space due to congestion, had evolved into the city's most important challenge. A series of anti-pollution measures taken by the city's authorities in the 1990s, combined with a substantial improvement of the city's infrastructure (including the Attiki Odos motorway, the expansion of the Athens Metro, and the new Athens International Airport), considerably alleviated pollution and transformed Athens into a much more functional city. In 2004 Athens hosted the 2004 Summer Olympics.", "Peloponnesian War The Peloponnesian War reshaped the ancient Greek world. On the level of international relations, Athens, the strongest city-state in Greece prior to the war's beginning, was reduced to a state of near-complete subjection, while Sparta became established as the leading power of Greece. The economic costs of the war were felt all across Greece; poverty became widespread in the Peloponnese, while Athens found itself completely devastated, and never regained its pre-war prosperity.[2][3] The war also wrought subtler changes to Greek society; the conflict between democratic Athens and oligarchic Sparta, each of which supported friendly political factions within other states, made civil war a common occurrence in the Greek world.", "Ancient Corinth Corinth (/ˈkɔːrɪnθ/; Greek: Κόρινθος Kórinthos) was a city-state (polis) on the Isthmus of Corinth, the narrow stretch of land that joins the Peloponnese to the mainland of Greece, roughly halfway between Athens and Sparta. The modern city of Corinth is located approximately 5 kilometres (3.1 mi) northeast of the ancient ruins. Since 1896, systematic archaeological investigations of the Corinth Excavations by the American School of Classical Studies at Athens have revealed large parts of the ancient city, and recent excavations conducted by the Greek Ministry of Culture have brought to light important new facets of antiquity.", "Breadbasket Sicily and Africa were considered the breadbaskets of the Roman Republic. Later on, Egypt was considered the breadbasket of the Roman Empire. Crimea was the source of a huge quantity of grain supplied to Greek city-states, especially Athens.", "Greece By 500 BC, the Persian Empire controlled the Greek city states in Asia Minor and Macedonia.[43] Attempts by some of the Greek city-states of Asia Minor to overthrow Persian rule failed, and Persia invaded the states of mainland Greece in 492 BC, but was forced to withdraw after a defeat at the Battle of Marathon in 490 BC. A second invasion by the Persians followed in 480 BC. Following decisive Greek victories in 480 and 479 BC at Salamis, Plataea, and Mycale, the Persians were forced to withdraw for a second time, marking their eventual withdrawal from all of their European territories. Led by Athens and Sparta, the Greek victories in the Greco-Persian Wars are considered a pivotal moment in world history,[44] as the 50 years of peace that followed are known as the Golden Age of Athens, the seminal period of ancient Greek development that laid many of the foundations of Western civilization.", "Classical Greece The end of the Peloponnesian War left Sparta the master of Greece, but the narrow outlook of the Spartan warrior elite did not suit them to this role.[38] Within a few years the democratic party regained power in Athens and in other cities. In 395 BC the Spartan rulers removed Lysander from office, and Sparta lost her naval supremacy. Athens, Argos, Thebes, and Corinth, the latter two former Spartan allies, challenged Sparta's dominance in the Corinthian War, which ended inconclusively in 387 BC. That same year Sparta shocked the Greeks by concluding the Treaty of Antalcidas with Persia. The agreement turned over the Greek cities of Ionia and Cyprus, reversing a hundred years of Greek victories against Persia. Sparta then tried to further weaken the power of Thebes, which led to a war in which Thebes allied with its old enemy Athens.", "Athens The Athens commuter rail service, referred to as the \"Proastiakós\", connects Eleftherios Venizelos International Airport to the city of Kiato, 106 km (66 mi)[112] west of Athens, via Larissa station, the city's central rail station and the port of Piraeus. The service is sometimes considered the fourth line of the Athens Metro. The length of Athens's commuter rail network extends to 120 km (75 mi),[112] and is expected to stretch to 281 km (175 mi) by 2010.[112] The Proastiakos will be extended to Xylokastro west of Athens and Chalkida.[112]", "Athens Measures taken by the Greek authorities throughout the 1990s have improved the quality of air over the Attica Basin. Nevertheless, air pollution still remains an issue for Athens, particularly during the hottest summer days. In late June 2007,[98] the Attica region experienced a number of brush fires,[98] including a blaze that burned a significant portion of a large forested national park in Mount Parnitha,[99] considered critical to maintaining a better air quality in Athens all year round.[98] Damage to the park has led to worries over a stalling in the improvement of air quality in the city.[98]", "Greek shipping Many Greek shipping companies have their headquarters located either in Athens or London and New York City, and are run by Greek traditional shipping families which are notable for their great wealth and influence in the international maritime industry, such as the Onasis, Vardinoyannis, Latsis, Livanos, Angelicoussis, Niarchos, Angelopoulos and Goulandris. The 7th Secretary General (2003-2011) of the International Maritime Organization was Efthymios Mitropoulos.", "Neoclassical architecture From about 1800 a fresh influx of Greek architectural examples, seen through the medium of etchings and engravings, gave a new impetus to neoclassicism that is called the Greek Revival. Although several European cities — notably St Petersburg, Athens, Berlin and Munich — were transformed into veritable museums of Greek revival architecture, the Greek revival in France was never popular with either the State or the public.", "Greek nationality law A Greek national does not usually lose their Greek citizenship when they obtain another nationality unless they specifically request it or in the rare case where a permit for citizenship was granted for by the Greek government to that citizen and they subsequently obtain the citizenship of another country.[7] A Greek citizen may voluntarily renounce citizenship by submitting an application to the Ministry of Interior in Athens.[8] For male Greek nationals, renunciation of citizenship is subject to the completion of their military duties.[9]", "History of Athens From very early on the imperial period, but accelerating in the third century AD, the centre of the Roman Empire moved towards the eastern half of the Mediterranean basin. The Empire became Christianized, and the use of Latin declined in favour of exclusive use of Greek: in the early Roman period, both languages had been used. The empire after this transition is known today as the Byzantine Empire due to its focus on the imperial capital at Constantinople, the old Greek city of Byzantion. The division is historically useful, but misleading, with an unbroken chain of emperors continuing up until the thirteenth century, and all citizens identifying themselves as fully Roman (\"Rhomaioi\"). The conversion of the empire from paganism to Christianity greatly affected Athens, resulting in reduced reverence for the city.[23] Ancient monuments such as the Parthenon, Erechtheion and the Hephaisteion (Theseion) were converted into churches. As the empire became increasingly anti-pagan, Athens became a provincial town and experienced fluctuating fortunes. Many of its works of art were taken by the emperors to Constantinople.\nAthens was sacked by the Slavs in 582, but remained in imperial hands thereafter, as highlighted by the visit of Emperor Constans II in 662/3 and its inclusion in the Theme of Hellas.[22] The city was threatened by Saracen raids in the 8th–9th centuries—in 896, Athens was raided and possibly occupied for a short period, an event which left some archaeological remains and elements of Arabic ornamentation in contemporary buildings[24]—but there is also evidence of a mosque existing in the city at the time.[22] In the great dispute over Byzantine Iconoclasm, Athens is commonly held to have supported the iconophile position, chiefly due to the role played by Empress Irene of Athens in the ending of the first period of Iconoclasm at the Second Council of Nicaea in 787.[22] A few years later, another Athenian, Theophano, became empress as the wife of Staurakios (r. 811–812).[22]", "History of Sparta In the same year a united Greek fleet under the Spartan King, Leotychidas, won the Battle of Mycale. When this victory led to a revolt of the Ionian Greeks it was Sparta that rejected their admission to the Hellenic alliance. Sparta proposed that they should abandon their homes in Anatolia and settle in the cities that had supported the Persians.[41] It was Athens who, by offering these cities alliance sowed the seeds of the Delian League.[42] In 478 BC, the Greek fleet led by Pausanias, the victor of Plataea, mounted moves on Cyprus and Byzantium. However, his arrogant behavior forced his recall. Pausanias had so alienated the Ionians that they refused to accept the successor, Dorcis, that Sparta sent to replace him. Instead those newly liberated from Persia turned to Athens.[43] The sources give quite divergent impressions about Spartan reactions to Athens' growing power and this may reflect the divergence of opinion within Sparta.[44] According to this view one Spartan faction was quite content to allow Athens to carry the risk of continuing the war with Persia while an opposing faction deeply resented Athens' challenge to their Greek supremacy.[45]", "History of Athens According to Thucydides, the Athenian citizens at the beginning of the Peloponnesian War (5th century BC) numbered 40,000, making with their families a total of 140,000 people in all. The metics, i.e. those who did not have citizen rights and paid for the right to reside in Athens, numbered a further 70,000, whilst slaves were estimated at between 150,000 and 400,000.[10] Hence, approximately a tenth of the population were adult male citizens, eligible to meet and vote in the Assembly and be elected to office. After the conquests of Alexander the Great in the 4th century BC, the city's population began to decrease as Greeks migrated to the Hellenistic empires in the east.", "History of Athens Prior to the rise of Athens, Sparta considered itself to be the leader of the Greeks, or hegemon. In 499 BC, Athens sent troops to aid the Ionian Greeks of Asia Minor, who were rebelling against the Persian Empire (the Ionian Revolt). This provoked two Persian invasions of Greece (see Persian Wars). In 490 BC, the Athenians, led by the soldier-statesman Miltiades, defeated the first invasion of the Persians under Darius I at the Battle of Marathon.", "Greek shipping The most prominent of the Greek cities that emerged as maritime powers were those from western Greece, primarily Galaxidi and Missolonghi, but also Arta, Preveza and Corfu, due to their early commercial ties with the Italian cities. In addition, the Aegean Islands were heavily active in shipping, where traditionally the inhabitants occupied with maritime commerce, especially Hydra, Spetses, Andros, Syros, Chios, Kasos, Psara and Mykonos. Although they did not have their own national flag, they flew the flags of the Russian and the British Empire for international routes. In 1792, the first Greek insurance company was founded in Trieste and those of Odessa followed in 1808 and 1814. Gradually, Greek seafarers made a lot of money and gained further knowledge and experience as they had to refine their ships and themselves in warfare against pirates. The growth of the Greek merchant fleet gave confidence and success to them, while their contact with the western peoples awakened their national consciousness and made them feel free. The existence of a reservoir of trained sailors was to be proven an inestimable advantage once the Greek War of Independence had broken out, when the Greek merchant fleet converted to a formidable martial weapon against the cumbersome ships of the Ottoman fleet.", "History of Athens The name of Athens, connected to the name of its patron goddess Athena, originates from an earlier Pre-Greek language.[2][verification needed] The etiological myth explaining how Athens acquired this name through the legendary contest between Poseidon and Athena was described by Herodotus,[3] Apollodorus,[4] Ovid, Plutarch,[5] Pausanias and others. It even became the theme of the sculpture on the West pediment of the Parthenon. Both Athena and Poseidon requested to be patrons of the city and to give their name to it, so they competed with one another for the honour, offering the city one gift each. Poseidon produced a spring by striking the ground with his trident,[6] symbolizing naval power.", "Ancient Greek technology The Greeks developed extensive silver mines at Laurium, the profits from which helped support the growth of Athens as a city-state. It involved mining the ore in underground galleries, washing it and smelting it to produce the metal. Elaborate washing tables still exist at the site, which used rain water held in cisterns and collected during the winter months. Mining also helped to create currency by the conversion of the metal into coinage.", "Athens Parnitha National Park is punctuated by well-marked paths, gorges, springs, torrents and caves dotting the protected area. Hiking and mountain-biking in all four mountains are popular outdoor activities for residents of the city. The National Garden of Athens was completed in 1840 and is a green refuge of 15.5 hectares in the centre of the Greek capital. It is to be found between the Parliament and Zappeion buildings, the latter of which maintains its own garden of seven hectares.", "Themistocles After returning to Athens in the winter, Plutarch reports that Themistocles made a proposal to the city while the Greek fleet was wintering at Pagasae:", "Greek tragedy The passion of the Greeks for the tragedy was overwhelming: Athens, said the critics, spent more on theatre than on the fleet. When the cost for the shows became a sensitive subject, an admission fee was instated, alongside the so-called theorikon, a special fund to pay for festival's expenses.[31]", "Marathon, Greece After Miltiades (the general of the Greek forces) defeated Darius' Persian forces, the Persians decided to sail from Marathon to Athens in order to sack the unprotected city. Miltiades ordered all his hoplite forces to march \"double time\" back to Athens, so that by the time Darius' troops arrived they saw the same Greek force waiting for them.", "Hellenistic Greece The final downfall of Greece came in 88 BC, when King Mithridates of Pontus rebelled against Rome, and massacred up to 100,000 Romans and Roman allies across Asia Minor. Although Mithridates was not Greek, many Greek cities, including Athens, overthrew their Roman puppet rulers and joined him. When he was driven out of Greece by the Roman general Lucius Cornelius Sulla, Roman vengeance fell upon Greece again, and the Greek cities never recovered. Mithridates was finally defeated by Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus (Pompey the Great) in 65 BC .", "Political history of the world Roman and Greek ideals of nationhood can be seen to have strongly influenced Western views on the subject, with the basis of many governmental systems being on authority or ideas borrowed from Rome or the Greek city-states. Notably, the European states of the Dark Ages and Middle Ages gained their authority from the Roman Catholic religion, and modern democracies are based in part on the example of Ancient Athens.[citation needed]", "Temple of Olympian Zeus, Athens The Temple of Olympian Zeus was badly damaged during the Herulian sack of Athens in 267. It is unlikely to have been repaired, given the extent of the damage to the rest of the city. Assuming that it was not abandoned it would certainly have been closed down in 425 by the Christian emperor Theodosius II when he prohibited the worship of the old Roman and Greek gods. Material from the (presumably now ruined) building was incorporated into a basilica constructed nearby during the 5th or 6th century.[4]", "Athens The municipality (City) of Athens is the most populous in Greece, with a population of 664,046 people (in 2011)[1] and an area of 38.96 km2 (15.04 sq mi),[17] forming the core of the Athens Urban Area within the Attica Basin. The current mayor of Athens is Giorgos Kaminis. The municipality is divided into seven municipal districts which are mainly used for administrative purposes.", "Twelve Tables Around 450 BC, the first decemviri (decemvirate, board of \"Ten Men\") were appointed to draw up the first ten tables. According to Livy, they sent an embassy to Greece to study the legislative system of Athens, known as the Solonian Constitution, but also to find out about the legislation of other Greek cities.[6][7] Some scholars dispute the veracity of any claim that the Romans imitated the Greeks in this respect[8] or suggest that they visited the Greek cities of Southern Italy, and did not travel all the way to Greece.[9] In 450 BC, the second decemviri started to work on the last two tables.", "Second Persian invasion of Greece In 491 BC, Darius sent emissaries to all the Greek city-states, asking for a gift of 'earth and water' in token of their submission to him.[19] Having had a demonstration of his power the previous year, the majority of Greek cities duly obliged. In Athens, however, the ambassadors were put on trial and then executed; in Sparta, they were simply thrown down a well.[19] This meant that Sparta was also now effectively at war with Persia.[19]", "Battle of Salamis In 491 BC, Darius sent emissaries to all the Greek city-states, asking for a gift of 'earth and water' in token of their submission to him.[21] Having had a demonstration of his power the previous year, the majority of Greek cities duly obliged. In Athens, however, the ambassadors were put on trial and then executed; in Sparta, they were simply thrown down a well.[21] This meant that Sparta was also now effectively at war with Persia.[21]", "Athens Athens was awarded the 2004 Summer Olympics on 5 September 1997 in Lausanne, Switzerland, after having lost a previous bid to host the 1996 Summer Olympics, to Atlanta, United States.[21] It was to be the second time Athens would host the games, following the inaugural event of 1896. After an unsuccessful bid in 1990, the 1997 bid was radically improved, including an appeal to Greece's Olympic history. In the last round of voting, Athens defeated Rome with 66 votes to 41.[21] Prior to this round, the cities of Buenos Aires, Stockholm and Cape Town had been eliminated from competition, having received fewer votes.[21]", "History of Athens Under the Burgundian dukes, a bell tower was added to the Parthenon. The Burgundians brought chivalry and tournaments to Athens; they also fortified the Acropolis. They were themselves influenced by Byzantine Greek culture.", "State of emergency The Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002 gives the government and local city council the power to issue a state of emergency, either over the entire country or within a specific region.[53] This may suspend ordinary work and essential services if need be. The state of emergency in New Zealand expires on the commencement of the seventh day after the date on which it was declared, unless it is extended. However, the minister of civil defence or local mayor may lift the state of emergency after an initial review of the region's status.", "Peloponnesian War As the preeminent Athenian historian, Thucydides, wrote in his influential History of the Peloponnesian War, \"The growth of the power of Athens, and the alarm which this inspired in Lacedaemon, made war inevitable.\"[5] Indeed, the nearly fifty years of Greek history that preceded the outbreak of the Peloponnesian War had been marked by the development of Athens as a major power in the Mediterranean world. Its empire began as a small group of city-states, called the Delian League—from the island of Delos, on which they kept their treasury—that came together to ensure that the Greco-Persian Wars were truly over. After defeating the Persian invasion of Greece in the year 480 BC, Athens led the coalition of Greek city-states that continued the Greco-Persian Wars with attacks on Persian territories in the Aegean and Ionia. What then ensued was a period, referred to as the Pentecontaetia (the name given by Thucydides), in which Athens increasingly became in fact an empire,[6] carrying out an aggressive war against Persia and increasingly dominating other city-states. Athens proceeded to bring under its control all of Greece except for Sparta and its allies, ushering in a period which is known to history as the Athenian Empire. By the middle of the century, the Persians had been driven from the Aegean and forced to cede control of a vast range of territories to Athens. At the same time, Athens greatly increased its own power; a number of its formerly independent allies were reduced, over the course of the century, to the status of tribute-paying subject states of the Delian League. This tribute was used to support a powerful fleet and, after the middle of the century, to fund massive public works programs in Athens, causing resentment.[7]", "Athens The ancient site of Athens is centred on the rocky hill of the acropolis. In ancient times the port of Piraeus was a separate city, but it has now been absorbed into the Athens Urban Area. The rapid expansion of the city, which continues to this day, was initiated in the 1950s and 1960s, because of Greece's transition from an agricultural to an industrial nation.[77] The expansion is now particularly toward the East and North East (a tendency greatly related to the new Eleftherios Venizelos International Airport and the Attiki Odos, the freeway that cuts across Attica). By this process Athens has engulfed many former suburbs and villages in Attica, and continues to do so. The table below shows the historical population of Athens in recent times.", "Gotham City The Diamond District is a district of Gotham that is home to the city's wealthiest citizens.", "City-state Historical city-states included Sumerian cities such as Uruk and Ur; Ancient Egyptian city-states, such as Thebes and Memphis; the Phoenician cities (such as Tyre and Sidon); the five Philistine city-states; the Berber city-states of the Garamantes; the city-states of ancient Greece (the poleis such as Athens, Sparta, Thebes, and Corinth); the Roman Republic (which grew from a city-state into a great power); the Mayan and other cultures of pre-Columbian Mesoamerica (including cities such as Chichen Itza, Tikal, Copán and Monte Albán); the central Asian cities along the Silk Road; the city-states of the Swahili coast; Venice; Ragusa; states of the medieval Russian lands such as Novgorod and Pskov; and many others. Danish historian Poul Holm has classed the Viking colonial cities in medieval Ireland, most importantly Dublin, as city-states.[13]", "Athens Ethel (Greek: ΕΘΕΛ) (Etaireia Thermikon Leoforeion), or Thermal Bus Company, is the main operator of buses in Athens. Its network consists of about 300 bus lines which span the Athens Metropolitan Area,[103] with an operating staff of 5,327, and a fleet of 1,839 buses.[104] Of those 1,839 buses 416 run on compressed natural gas,[104] making up the largest fleet of natural gas-powered buses in Europe.[105]", "History of Europe The most powerful city-states were Athens, Sparta, Thebes, Corinth, and Syracuse. Athens was a powerful Hellenic city-state and governed itself with an early form of direct democracy invented by Cleisthenes; the citizens of Athens voted on legislation and executive bills themselves. Athens was the home of Socrates,[13] Plato, and the Platonic Academy.", "Bible translations into Greek In 1901, Alexandros Pallis translated the Gospels into Modern Greek. This translation was known as Evangelika (Ευαγγελικά). There were riots in Athens when this translation was published in a newspaper. University students protested that he tried to sell the country to the Slavs and the Turks in order to break Greek religious and national unity. All translations were confiscated.[10] The Holy Synod of the Greek Orthodox Church resolved that any translation of the Holy Gospels is “profane” and redundant. It also “contributes to scandalising the consciousness [of Greeks] and to the distortion of [the Gospels’] divine concepts and didactic messages.[11]", "Argos After talks concerning the intentions of the Greek government to move the Greek capital from Nafplio to Athens, discussions regarding the possibility of Argos also being a candidate as the potential new capital became more frequent, with supporters of the idea claiming that, unlike Athens, Argos was naturally protected by its position and benefited from a nearby port (Nafplio). Moreover, it was maintained that construction of public buildings would be difficult in Athens, given that most of the land was owned by the Greek church, meaning that a great deal of expropriation would have to take place. On the contrary, Argos did not face a similar problem, having large available areas for this purpose. In the end, the proposition of the Greek capital being moved to Argos was rejected by the father of king Otto, Ludwig, who insisted in making Athens the capital, something which eventually happened in 1834.[13]", "Battle of Salamis The Battle of Salamis (/ˈsæləmɪs/; Ancient Greek: Ναυμαχία τῆς Σαλαμῖνος, Naumachia tēs Salaminos) was a naval battle fought between an alliance of Greek city-states under Themistocles and the Persian Empire under King Xerxes in 480 BC which resulted in a decisive victory for the outnumbered Greeks. The battle was fought in the straits between the mainland and Salamis, an island in the Saronic Gulf near Athens, and marked the high-point of the second Persian invasion of Greece.", "Athens Many of the southern suburbs (such as Alimos, Palaio Faliro, Elliniko, Voula, Vouliagmeni and Varkiza) host a number of sandy beaches, most of which are operated by the Greek National Tourism Organisation and require an entrance fee. Casinos operate on both Mount Parnitha, some 25 km (16 mi)[64] from downtown Athens (accessible by car or cable car), and the nearby town of Loutraki (accessible by car via the Athens – Corinth National Highway, or the suburban rail service Proastiakos).", "Athens Located on Panepistimiou Street, the old campus of the University of Athens, the National Library, and the Athens Academy form the \"Athens Trilogy\" built in the mid-19th century. Most of the university's workings have been moved to a much larger, modern campus located in the eastern suburb of Zografou. The second higher education institution in the city is the Athens Polytechnic School, found in Patission Street. This was the location where on 17 November 1973, more than 13 students were killed and hundreds injured inside the university during the Athens Polytechnic uprising,[95] against the military junta that ruled the nation from 21 April 1967 until 23 July 1974.", "Ecclesia (ancient Athens) In ancient Greece an ekklesiasterion was a building specifically built for the purpose of holding the supreme meetings of the ecclesia. Like many other cities Athens did not have an ekklesiasterion. Instead, the regular meetings of the assembly were held on the Pnyx and two annual meetings took place in the Theater of Dionysus. Around 300 BC all the meetings of the ekklesia were moved to the theater. The meetings of the assembly could attract large audiences: 6,000 citizens might have attended in Athens during the fifth century BC.[2]", "Law The Old Testament dates back to 1280 BC and takes the form of moral imperatives as recommendations for a good society. The small Greek city-state, ancient Athens, from about the 8th century BC was the first society to be based on broad inclusion of its citizenry, excluding women and the slave class. However, Athens had no legal science or single word for \"law\",[15] relying instead on the three-way distinction between divine law (thémis), human decree (nomos) and custom (díkē).[16] Yet Ancient Greek law contained major constitutional innovations in the development of democracy.[17]", "Classical Greece In 387 BC, an edict was promulgated by the Persian king, preserving the Greek cities of Asia Minor and Cyprus as well as the independence of the Greek Aegean cities, except for Lymnos, Imbros and Skyros, which were given over to Athens.[48] It dissolved existing alliances and federations and forbade the formation of new ones. This is an ultimatum that benefited Athens only to the extent that Athens held onto three islands. While the \"Great King,\" Artaxerxes, was the guarantor of the peace, Sparta was to act as Persia's agent in enforcing the Peace.[49] To the Persians this document is known as the \"King's Peace.\" To the Greeks, this document is known as the Peace of Antalcidas, after the Antalcidas who was sent to Persia as negotiator. Sparta had been worried about the developing closer ties between Athens and Persia. Accordingly, Antalcidas was directed to get whatever agreement he could from the \"Great King\". Accordingly, the \"Peace of Antalcidas\" is not a negotiated peace at all. Rather it is a surrender to the interests of Persia, drafted entirely for its benefit.[49]", "Athens Athens was voted as the third best European city to visit in 2015 by European Best Destination. More than 240,000 people voted.", "Greek tragedy In the case of Aeschylus' tragedy The Persians, it was performed in 472 BC in Athens, eight years after the battle of Salamis, when the war with Persia was still in progress. It tells the story of the Persian fleet's defeat at Salamis and how the ghost of former Persian King Darius accuses his son Xerxes of hubris against the Greeks for waging war on them.", "Athens Athens sprawls across the central plain of Attica that is often referred to as the Athens or Attica Basin (Greek: Λεκανοπέδιο Αττικής). The basin is bounded by four large mountains: Mount Aigaleo to the west, Mount Parnitha to the north, Mount Pentelicus to the northeast and Mount Hymettus to the east.[32] Beyond Mount Aegaleo lies the Thriasian plain, which forms an extension of the central plain to the west. The Saronic Gulf lies to the southwest. Mount Parnitha is the tallest of the four mountains (1,413 m (4,636 ft)),[33] and has been declared a national park.", "History of Athens Under Ottoman rule, the city was denuded of any importance and its population severely declined, leaving Athens as a \"small country town\" (Franz Babinger).[24] From the early 17th century, Athens came under the jurisdiction of the Kizlar Agha, the chief black eunuch of the Sultans' harem. The city had originally been granted by Sultan Ahmed I (r. 1603–1617) to Basilica, one of his favourite concubines, who hailed from the city, in response of complaints of maladministration by the local governors. After her death, Athens came under the purview of the Kizlar Agha.[27]", "Greek alphabet There were initially numerous local (epichoric) variants of the Greek alphabet, which differed in the use and non-use of the additional vowel and consonant symbols and several other features. A form of western Greek native to Euboea, which among other things had Χ for /ks/, was transplanted to Italy by early Greek colonists, and became the ancestor of the Old Italic alphabets and ultimately, through Etruscan, of the Latin alphabet. Athens used a local form of the alphabet until the 5th century BC; it lacked the letters Ξ and Ψ as well as the vowel symbols Η and Ω. The classical 24-letter alphabet that became the norm later was originally the local alphabet of Ionia; this was adopted by Athens in 403 BC under archon Eucleides and in most other parts of the Greek-speaking world during the 4th century BC.", "Ancient history The Archaic Period in Greece is generally considered to have lasted from around the eighth century BC to the invasion by Xerxes in 480 BC. This period saw the expansion of the Greek world around the Mediterranean, with the founding of Greek city-states as far afield as Sicily in the West and the Black sea in the East.[189] Politically, the Archaic period in Greece saw the collapse of the power of the old aristocracies,[190] with democratic reforms in Athens and the development of Sparta's unique constitution. The end of the Archaic period also saw the rise of Athens, which would come to be a dominant power in the Classical period, after the reforms of Solon and the tyranny of Pisistratus.[190]", "Carthage Both the Phoenicians and the Cathaginians were well known in antiquity for their secrecy in general, and especially pertaining to commercial contacts and trade routes.[105][106][107] Both cultures excelled in commercial dealings. Strabo (63BC-AD21) the Greek geographer wrote that before its fall (in 146 BC) Carthage enjoyed a population of 700,000, and directed an alliance of 300 cities.[108] The Greek historian Polybius (c.203–120) referred to Carthage as \"the wealthiest city in the world\".[109]", "Federal Emergency Management Agency Many states have disaster relief agencies of their own. In the event of a disaster outside of a state's operating capacity, the director of said agency will advise the Governor whether or not to proclaim a state of emergency. Declaring a state of emergency, upon Presidential approval, entitles a state to federal assistance. It is important to note that proclaiming a state of emergency does not guarantee federal assistance. States also rely on mutual aid agreements, such as the Civil Defense and Disaster Compact. A mutual aid agreement can be between neighboring states, cities, counties and cities, states and cities or an entire region. These agreements allow agencies to share resources so they are better prepared for emergencies.[76]", "Battle of Thermopylae The Athenians had also been preparing for war with the Persians since the mid-480s BC, and in 482 BC the decision was taken, under the guidance of the Athenian politician Themistocles, to build a massive fleet of triremes that would be essential for the Greeks to fight the Persians.[36] However, the Athenians lacked the manpower to fight on both land and sea; therefore, combating the Persians would require an alliance of Greek city-states. In 481 BC, Xerxes sent ambassadors around Greece requesting \"earth and water\" but very deliberately omitting Athens and Sparta.[37] Support thus began to coalesce around these two leading states. A congress of city-states met at Corinth in late autumn of 481 BC,[38] and a confederate alliance of Greek city-states was formed. It had the power to send envoys to request assistance and dispatch troops from the member states to defensive points, after joint consultation. This was remarkable for the disjointed Greek world, especially since many of the city-states in attendance were still technically at war with each other.[39]", "Ancient Greek art Most of the best known surviving Greek buildings, such as the Parthenon and the Temple of Hephaestus in Athens, are Doric. The Erechtheum, next to the Parthenon, however, is Ionic. The Ionic order became dominant in the Hellenistic period, since its more decorative style suited the aesthetic of the period better than the more restrained Doric. Some of the best surviving Hellenistic buildings, such as the Library of Celsus, can be seen in Turkey, at cities such as Ephesus and Pergamum.[87] But in the greatest of Hellenistic cities, Alexandria in Egypt, almost nothing survives.", "Athens Different etymologies, now commonly rejected, were proposed during the 19th century. Christian Lobeck proposed as the root of the name the word ἄθος (áthos) or ἄνθος (ánthos) meaning \"flower\", to denote Athens as the \"flowering city\". Ludwig von Döderlein proposed the stem of the verb θάω, stem θη- (tháō, thē-, \"to suck\") to denote Athens as having fertile soil.[24]", "Athens Two main motorways of Greece begin in Athens, namely the A1/E75, which crosses through Athens's Urban Area from Piraeus, heading north towards Greece's second largest city, Thessaloniki; and the A8/E94 heading west, towards Patras, which incorporated the GR-8A. Before their completion much of the road traffic used the GR-1 and the GR-8.", "Town In written speech, Greeks use the word πόλη (póli) to express 'city' and the word κωμόπολη (komópoli) to express 'town', both with a feminine grammatical gender. For Greeks, a town (komópoli) is a human settlement with a population of 2,000–9,999. If a settlement has a lower population, it is considered a village (χωριό, chorjó). For the cities, Greeks, use the word 'póli', whereas for bigger cities with a population above 1 million, they usually use another name, μητρόπολη (mitrópoli), in English Metropolis. In the Greek speaking world (Greece and Cyprus) only Athens and Salonica can be described as \"metropoleis\".", "State of emergency The First Amendment of the Constitution of 1939 allows an emergency to be declared during wars in which the state is a non-belligerent, subject to resolutions by the houses of the Oireachtas.[27] By the 2nd Amendment of 1941, an emergency ends, not automatically when the war does, but only by Oireachtas resolutions.[28] The 21st Amendment of 2002 prevents the reintroduction of capital punishment during an emergency.[29]", "Deme In Ancient Greece, a deme or demos (Greek: δῆμος) was a suburb of Athens or a subdivision of Attica, the region of Greece surrounding Athens. Demes as simple subdivisions of land in the countryside seem to have existed in the 6th century BC and earlier, but did not acquire particular significance until the reforms of Cleisthenes in 508 BC. In those reforms, enrollment in the citizen-lists of a deme became the requirement for citizenship; prior to that time, citizenship had been based on membership in a phratry, or family group. At this same time, demes were established in the city of Athens itself, where they had not previously existed; in all, at the end of Cleisthenes' reforms, Attica was divided into 139 demes[1] to which one should add Berenikidai, established in 224/223 BC, Apollonieis (201/200 BC) and Antinoeis (126/127). The establishment of demes as the fundamental units of the state weakened the gene, or aristocratic family groups, that had dominated the phratries.[2]", "Pericles Between 438–436 BC Pericles led Athens' fleet in Pontus and established friendly relations with the Greek cities of the region.[70] Pericles focused also on internal projects, such as the fortification of Athens (the building of the \"middle wall\" about 440 BC), and on the creation of new cleruchies, such as Andros, Naxos and Thurii (444 BC) as well as Amphipolis (437–436 BC).[71]", "Athens The Athens Metropolitan Area consists of 58[19] densely populated municipalities, sprawling around the municipality of Athens (the city centre) in virtually all directions. For the Athenians, all the urban municipalities surrounding the city centre are called suburbs. According to their geographic location in relation to the City of Athens, the suburbs are divided into four zones; the northern suburbs (including Agios Stefanos, Dionysos, Ekali, Nea Erythraia, Kifissia, Maroussi, Pefki, Lykovrysi, Metamorfosi, Nea Ionia, Nea Filadelfeia, Irakleio, Vrilissia, Melissia, Penteli, Chalandri, Agia Paraskevi, Galatsi, Psychiko and Filothei); the southern suburbs (including Alimos, Nea Smyrni, Moschato, Kallithea, Agios Dimitrios, Palaio Faliro, Elliniko, Glyfada, Argyroupoli, Ilioupoli, Voula and Vouliagmeni); the eastern suburbs (including Zografou, Dafni, Vyronas, Kaisariani, Cholargos and Papagou); and the western suburbs (including Peristeri, Ilion, Egaleo, Koridallos, Agia Varvara, Chaidari, Petroupoli, Agioi Anargyroi and Kamatero).", "My Number One After Greece won Eurovision, a mass party started on the streets of Athens. People went out onto the streets with Greek flags, and started singing \"My Number One\", as well as honking car horns. This was similar to when Greece won Euro 2004, the 2005 Eurobasket title and when Greece won the silver medal in the 2006 FIBA World Championship. When Paparizou arrived back to Greece from Kiev, mass crowds met her at the Athens International Airport, where she held up a Greek flag and the trophy.", "Macedonia (ancient kingdom) In ancient Athens, the Athenian democracy was restored on three separate occasions following the initial conquest of the city by Antipater in 322 BC.[221] When it fell repeatedly under Macedonian rule it was governed by a Macedonian-imposed oligarchy composed of the wealthiest members of the city-state.[note 24] Other city-states were handled quite differently and were allowed a greater degree of autonomy.[222] After Philip II conquered Amphipolis in 357 BC, the city was allowed to retain its democracy, including its constitution, popular assembly, city council (boule), and yearly elections for new officials, but a Macedonian garrison was housed within the city walls along with a Macedonian royal commissioner (epistates) to monitor the city's political affairs.[223] Philippi, the city founded by Philip II, was the only other city in the Macedonian commonwealth that had a democratic government with popular assemblies, since the assembly (ecclesia) of Thessaloniki seems to have had only a passive function in practice.[224] Some cities also maintained their own municipal revenues.[222] The Macedonian king and central government administered the revenues generated by temples and priesthoods.[225]", "State of emergency The federal government of Canada can use the Emergencies Act to invoke a state of emergency. A national state of emergency automatically expires after 90 days, unless extended by the Governor-in-Council.[10] There are different levels of emergencies: Public Welfare Emergency, Public Order Emergency, International Emergency, and War Emergency.[11]", "Types of democracy A direct democracy or pure democracy is a type of democracy where the people govern directly. It requires wide participation of citizens in politics.[2] Athenian democracy or classical democracy refers to a direct democracy developed in ancient times in the Greek city-state of Athens. A popular democracy is a type of direct democracy based on referendums and other devices of empowerment and concretization of popular will.", "Slavery in ancient Greece The academic study of slavery in ancient Greece is beset by significant methodological problems. Documentation is disjointed and very fragmented, focusing primarily on the city-state of Athens. No treatises are specifically devoted to the subject, and jurisprudence was interested in slavery only as much as it provided a source of revenue. Greek comedies and tragedies represented stereotypes, while iconography made no substantial differentiation between slaves and craftsmen.", "Greek Civil War The king's return to Greece reinforced British influence in the country. Nigel Clive, then a liaison officer to the Greek Government and later the head of the Athens station of MI6, stated, \"Greece was a kind of British protectorate, but the British ambassador was not a colonial governor\". There were to be six changes of prime ministers within just two years, an indication of the instability that would then characterise the country's political life.", "History of Athens The sack of the city by the Heruls in 267 and Alaric in 396, however, dealt a heavy blow to the city's fabric and fortunes, and Athens was henceforth confined to a small fortified area that embraced a fraction of the ancient city.[22] The city remained an important center of learning, especially of Neoplatonism—with notable pupils including Gregory of Nazianzus, Basil of Caesarea and emperor Julian—and consequently a center of paganism. Christian items do not appear in the archaeological record until the early 5th century.[22] The Emperor Justinian I closed down the city's philosophical schools in 529, an event whose impact on the city is much debated,[22] but is generally taken to mark the end of the ancient history of Athens.", "Salamis Island Salamis (/ˈsæləmɪs/; Greek: Σαλαμίνα Salamína, Ancient and Katharevousa: Σαλαμίς Salamís),[2] is the largest Greek island in the Saronic Gulf, about 1 nautical mile (2 km) off-coast from Piraeus and about 16 kilometres (10 miles) west of Athens. The chief city, Salamina, lies in the west-facing core of the crescent on Salamis Bay, which opens into the Saronic Gulf. On the Eastern side of the island is its main port, Paloukia, in size second in Greece only to Piraeus, the port of Athens.", "Athens Athens hosts 17 Foreign Archaeological Institutes which promote and facilitate research by scholars from their home countries. As a result, Athens has more than a dozen archaeological libraries and three specialized archaeological laboratories, and is the venue of several hundred specialized lectures, conferences and seminars, as well as dozens of archaeological exhibitions, each year. At any given time, hundreds of international scholars and researchers in all disciplines of archaeology are to be found in the city.", "Molon labe The phrase was reportedly the defiant response of King Leonidas I of Sparta to Xerxes I of Persia when Xerxes demanded that the Greeks lay down their arms and surrender. This was at the onset of the Battle of Thermopylae (480 BC). Instead, the Greeks held Thermopylae for three days. Although the Greek contingent was defeated, they inflicted serious damage on the Persian army. Most importantly, this delayed the Persians' progress to Athens, providing sufficient time for the city's evacuation to the island of Salamis. Though a tactical defeat, Thermopylae served as a strategic and moral victory, inspiring the Greek forces to crush the Persians at the Battle of Salamis later the same year and the Battle of Plataea one year later.", "Ancient Greek warfare Following the eventual defeat of the Athenians in 404 BC, and the disbandment of the Athenian-dominated Delian League, Ancient Greece fell under the hegemony of Sparta. The peace treaty which ended the Peloponnesian War left Sparta as the de facto ruler of Greece (hegemon). Although the Spartans did not attempt to rule all of Greece directly, they prevented alliances of other Greek cities, and forced the city-states to accept governments deemed suitable by Sparta." ]
why does king from tekken wear a mask
[ "King (Tekken) The first King used to be a ruthless street brawling orphan with no care in the world except fighting. In one of his fights, King was grievously wounded and collapsed in front of a monastery. The Marquez priests saved him from death. After recovering, King realized the error of his ways and resolved to start a new life. He became a Catholic priest and renounced his old fighting ways. He then became a man with a mission; he dreamed of building an orphanage for street children, hoping to save them from becoming the kind of person he used to be. Lacking the necessary funds to achieve his dream, King entered the first King of Iron Fist Tournament, in order to obtain them. He managed to get third place, winning enough prize money for the orphanage. He also met his rival, Armor King. After a child died in his care, King became depressed and, giving up his jaguar mask, returned to the street and became a raging alcoholic. He would have perished had he not been convinced by his old friend and rival, Armor King, to again wear the jaguar mask and join The King of Iron Fist Tournament 2. King trained intensely and recovered from his alcoholism. He battled Armor King at the tournament and was defeated, not before leaving a scar below Armor King's eye. After the tournament, King participated in both pro-wrestling and martial arts tournaments to win money for his orphanage. He also taught his fighting skills to the children under his care as a means of self-defense. Sometime later on, Ogre, the God of Fighting, was awakened from an ancient ruin in Mexico by Heihachi Mishima's Tekken Force. Ogre attacked several martial artists around the world, including King, who was killed afterwards." ]
[ "King (Tekken) King appears in the non-canon Tekken games Tekken Tag Tournament, Tekken Card Challenge, Tekken Advance, Tekken Resolute, Tekken Tag Tournament 2, Tekken 3D: Prime Edition and Tekken Arena and as a playable character in Street Fighter X Tekken, with his official tag partner, Marduk. King also made an appearance in the Namco crossover Namco × Capcom with Felicia from the Darkstalkers series as his fighting partner. King appears as a default playable character in the free-to-play game, Tekken Revolution.", "King (Tekken) GameSpy called King's chain throws \"ridiculously intricate\".[24] 1UP.com criticizes King's \"Stagger Kicks\" attack by calling it \"lazy\".[25] However, before being confirmed for Street Fighter X Tekken, 1UP.com listed King as one of the characters they wanted to see in the game.[26] In the official poll by Namco, King is currently ranked as the 20th most requested Tekken character to be playable in Tekken X Street Fighter, at 6.47% of votes.[27]", "King (Tekken) King is a character that has more of a defensive approach rather than a full blown offensive one, despite popular belief. King has to be played carefully since he has a limited range and is very unsafe. King relies on quick strikes, good movement, and a very good view on punishment. In game he is known for his speed and has an arsenal of over 200 moves in his command list. Being a professional wrestler with lucha libre influences, King has many powerful throws at his disposal, and has a lot of strong counterattacks.[9] King is notable for his chains throws, which he's had since Tekken 2, when he was one of the very few characters to have them. He also utilizes duck throws, ground throws and air throws, uncommon for characters in the Tekken series.", "Masking (personality) Each person masks their emotions differently. During one's childhood, an individual learns to behave a certain way when they receive approval from those around them and thus develops a mask. The individual is \"not conscious of the role they've adopted and is projecting outwards to people they meet\".[5] In some cases where the individual is highly conscious, they may not know that they are wearing a mask. Wearing a mask takes away energy from our consciousness and, in the long run, wears out our energy.[5] A person's mask is noticeable when he or she is sick or weak as the individual will no longer have the power to keep the mask on.", "Goaltender mask Sportsmaster, a fictional supervillain from DC Comics, also wears a hockey mask to hide his identity and protect himself from attack.", "Tekken 7 Tekken 7 (鉄拳7) is a fighting game developed and published by Bandai Namco Entertainment. The game is the ninth installment in the Tekken series, and the first to make use of the Unreal Engine. Tekken 7 had a limited arcade release in Japan in March 2015. An updated arcade version, Tekken 7: Fated Retribution, was released in Japan in July 2016, and features expanded content including new stages, costumes, items and characters.[1] The same version was released for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One in June 2017.[2]", "Tekken 7 Set shortly after the events of Tekken 6, the plot focuses on the events leading up to the final battle between martial artist Heihachi Mishima and his son, Kazuya. Tekken 7 introduces elements for the fighting system such as the Rage and the Power Crush to increase the characters' powers. Tekken 7 was a critical and commercial success, selling almost three million copies worldwide by the end of March 2018.", "Alan Walker (music producer) \"A lot of people ask me why I am wearing a mask. The mask is more of a sign and a symbol of unity and being alike each other, rather than me being different.\" said Walker, behind the scenes of the single \"Alone\".[45]", "Tekken 7 In January 2014, Tekken series director and producer Katsuhiro Harada expressed interest in continuing the series on PlayStation 4,[25] and later said that PlayStation was the primary platform of development for the new installment.[26] Tekken 7 was announced by Harada on July 13, 2014 during EVO 2014.[27] The announcement was not initially planned, but was done as a last minute response to a leak of the game's announcement trailer that morning.[28] The game was developed using the Unreal Engine 4, which allows for it to be developed for multiple platforms.[29][30] While Tekken games historically have been PlayStation-based in arcades, Harada stated that Tekken 7 runs on an arcade board based on PC architecture.[31]", "The Burger King In October 2005, Burger King began to sell Halloween masks resembling The King and Burger King's viral marketing character The Subservient Chicken. There was little promotion on these masks, as Burger King's website[11] had no link to the bkmasks.com website and no commercials were aired advertising them. Nonetheless, the masks quickly sold out, and some masks were also sold on eBay for hundreds of dollars. In October 2006, the masks were again sold for the Halloween season. Unavailable for some time, the masks are now available again through Burger King's online shop.[12]", "Goaltender mask The first goaltender mask was a metal fencing mask donned in February 1927 by Queen's University netminder Elizabeth Graham, mainly to protect her teeth.[1] In 1930, the first crude leather model of the mask (actually an American football \"nose-guard\") was worn by Clint Benedict to protect his broken nose.[2] After recovering from the injury, he abandoned the mask, never wearing one again in his career. At the 1936 Winter Olympics, Teiji Honma wore a crude mask, similar to the one worn by baseball catchers. The mask was made of leather, and had a wire cage which protected the face, as well as Honma's large circular glasses.", "Why Does It Hurt So Bad The song was not promoted through an official music video, although Houston appeared at the 1996 MTV Movie Awards held at Walt Disney Studios, Burbank and performed \"Why Does It Hurt So Bad\".[16] The performance was directed and taped by Bruce Gowers[17] and was later used as a promotional clip to accompany the song.[18] The performance features Houston sitting on a chair, wearing a white outfit, and singing the song.", "Tekken 7 Within the first two months of release, Tekken 7 had sold over two million copies worldwide.[104] Harada was satisfied with these sales as they surpassed the team's own expectations.[105] By the end of the year, Tekken 7 sold over 2.5 million copies.[106] By March 31, 2018 the sales for the game had reached 2.8 million.[107]", "Tekken 7 Tekken 7 received \"generally favorable\" reviews, according to review aggregator Metacritic.[72][73][74]", "Traditional African masks Ritual and ceremonial masks are an essential feature of the traditional culture of the peoples of a part of Sub-Saharan Africa, e.g. roughly between the Sahara and the Kalahari Desert. While the specific implications associated to ritual masks widely vary in different cultures, some traits are common to most African cultures. For instance, masks usually have a spiritual and religious meaning and they are used in ritual dances and social and religious events, and a special status is attributed to the artists that create masks to those that wear them in ceremonies. In most cases, mask-making is an art that is passed on from father to son, along with the knowledge of the symbolic meanings conveyed by such masks. African masks come in all different colours, such as red, black, orange, and brown.", "Goaltender mask It was not until 1959 that a goaltender wore a mask full-time. On November 1, 1959, in a game between the Montreal Canadiens and New York Rangers of the National Hockey League (NHL), Canadiens goaltender Jacques Plante was struck in the face by a shot from Andy Bathgate. Plante had previously worn his mask in practice, but head coach Toe Blake refused to allow him to wear it in a game, fearing it would inhibit his vision. After being stitched up, Plante gave Blake an ultimatum, refusing to go back out onto the ice without the mask, to which Blake obliged not wanting to forfeit the game since NHL teams did not have back-up goaltenders at the time. Plante went on a long unbeaten streak wearing the mask, which stopped when he was asked to remove it for a game. After that particular loss, Plante resumed donning the mask for the remainder of his career. When Plante introduced the mask into the game, many questioned his dedication and bravery; in response, Plante made an analogy to a person skydiving without a parachute. Although Plante faced some laughter, the face-hugging fiberglass goaltender mask soon became the standard.", "Does a Tiger Wear a Necktie? Does A Tiger Wear A Necktie? was directed by Michael Schultz in his Broadway debut after years of professional work with the Negro Ensemble Company,[3] and was produced by Huntington Hartford, an heir to the A&P supermarket empire.", "Why Does It Hurt So Bad Why Does It Hurt So Bad (Live)", "Tekken 7 In July 2015, Bandai-Namco announced a crossover with The Idolmaster, a property owned by the company, involving Idolmaster costumes for the female characters of Tekken 7.[50] The male characters, meanwhile, are given the option to fight barechested.[51] A Bandai Namco-sponsored tournament, \"The King of Iron Fist Tournament 2015, took place in November–December 2015 as well, with a prize of ¥10,000,000 (~$81,000) awarded to the finalists.[52] Two top placers from EVO 2015 were also reserved seats, as were select players from South Korea, North America, and other places.[52]", "Does a Tiger Wear a Necktie? The title of the play is explained by the character Fullendorf, who said, \"Does a tiger wear a necktie? It ain't for us to go straight. We're like the tigers. We always chucked on raw meat. We was raised on it, and we like it.\"[2]", "Traditional African masks One of the well-known representations of female beauty is the Idia mask of Benin. It is believed to have been commissioned by a king of Benin in memory of his mother. To honor his dead mother, the king wore the mask on his hip during special ceremonies.[11]", "Tekken 7 While the announcement and reveal of the Filipina Josie Rizal character was also met with mostly positive feedback,[40][41] her revelation was also met with a mix of excitement[42] and derision among Filipino netizens.[43] Among the criticisms around the net were the lack of respect towards the martyred Philippine national hero José Rizal, as well as misrepresentation of Filipino Martial Arts.[44] According to Tekken chief producer Katsuhiro Harada, Mad Catz community manager Mark Julio,[45] and Josie's character designer Mari Shimazaki,[46] Josie Rizal practiced kickboxing and Eskrima, but the move set in her reveal video consisted of mostly generic and recycled moves from earlier existing characters in the Tekken series. Someone claiming to be an official of the National Commission for Culture and the Arts was not quite happy with the way the character of Josie was depicted and stated that they would try to look at steps to remedy how she might affect the image of José Rizal and the Philippines[47] by possibly submitting additional materials for the Tekken Team to use.[48] However, NCCA legal counsel Trixie Cruz-Angeles clarified that the agency had yet to issue any position on the matter in a post she made on her personal Facebook page: \"The NCCA has not asked for the deletion of Tekken character Josie Rizal. In fact, the NCCA has not taken cognizance of the issue nor issued an opinion.\"[49]", "Son of the Mask A decade after the events of the first film, Dr. Arthur Neuman is giving a tour of the hall of Norse mythology in Edge City Museum. When Dr. Neuman reaches the part concerning Loki's mask, a man in black becomes increasingly anxious. Dr. Neuman mentions that Loki created the mask and unleashed it on Earth, and that those who wear the mask would have the powers of Loki. When Dr. Neuman mentions that Odin punished Loki with imprisonment, the stranger becomes very angry and transforms, revealing himself to be Loki. The tourists panic and flee, but Dr. Neuman stays to argue with the angry god. Loki takes the mask, but realizes it is a fake. In anger, he removes Dr. Neuman's still talking face from his body and puts it on the mask stand, before getting rid of the guards and storming out of the museum in a whirlwind of rage.", "The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask The final mask to be gained in the game is the Fierce Deity's Mask. Although the use of this mask is strictly limited to boss battles, it is possible to wear it anywhere using a glitch. Upon donning this mask, Link grows to nearly two-and-a-half times his normal height. His clothes turn white and his face appears with a type of war paint on it. The sword that Fierce Deity Link carries is a helix shape that shoots beams at enemies.", "African art As the masks are held to be of great spiritual power, it is considered a taboo for anyone other than specially trained persons or chosen ones to wear or possess certain masks. These ceremonial masks are each thought to have a soul, or life force, and wearing these masks is thought to transform the wearer into the entity the mask represents.", "Tekken 7 The game was rated 36 out of 40 for both the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions by Famitsu.[77] Eurogamer Italy said, \"Tekken 7 is what the fighting game community was waiting for. Awesome gameplay, new mechanics, great characters and a good amount of contents.\"[87] Metro summarised it as \"Tekken with better graphics - the gameplay and characters are still a huge amount of fun.\"[86] 4Players said that players would be \"rewarded with one of the deepest combo-filled fighters out there that will give Injustice 2's superheroes a run for their money.\"[88]", "Mardi Gras in Mobile, Alabama Mystic society members wear elaborate costumes that reflect the theme of their parade, ball or float. Costumes include custom-made hats or feather headdresses, though some societies do not require this. Most of the traditional krewes require riders to wear a mask that is sufficient to conceal the rider's identity. Excessive cutting of the mask or removing the mask at any time during the parade is grounds for dismissal from some societies. Some mystic societies also require that members wear masks during the society's ball (typically held the same night of its parade).", "Mardi Gras in Mobile, Alabama After 1902 the use of masks were largely limited to mystic societies or children under 12.[17] In 1918, public masking was forbidden in Mobile during World War I (repealed in 1920);[17] by 1947, masks were limited to mystic societies only, plus a masked individual was forbidden to \"wear gloves or have his hands concealed\" or covered.[17] After 1957, the general public were allowed to wear masks, but only on Mardi Gras day from 9a.m.–9p.m., or as members of mystic societies.[17]", "List of King of Mask Singer episodes This is a list of episodes of the South Korean variety-music show King of Mask Singer. The show airs on MBC as part of their Sunday Night lineup. The names listed below are in performance order.", "Goaltender mask In the 1970s, a helmet/cage combination became popular, which was popularized by Vladislav Tretiak, the noted Russian goaltender who competed against Canada in the 1972 Summit Series and against the USA in the 1980 winter Olympics known as the \"Miracle On Ice\". Like the original fiberglass design, the helmet/cage combination has been criticized for not providing adequate facial/cranial protection. Dan Cloutier switched from this type of mask to the more popular full fiberglass citing safety reasons upon the advice of the Los Angeles Kings. Dominik Hašek, a Hart Memorial Trophy and Vezina Trophy-winner in the late 1990s, used this type of mask; Hašek retired from the NHL in 2008. Rick DiPietro, last with the New York Islanders in 2013, was one of the last NHL goaltenders to use this type of mask.[10] Following Clint Malarchuk's life threatening injury in 1989, more goaltender masks have adopted a plastic extension to guard the neck, usually hanging loose for more maneuverability. On March 4, 2014, Tim Thomas took the ice for the Florida Panthers wearing an old Cooper helmet painted dark blue with a modern Bauer cage and white Itech neck guard attached. During the game, the cage would break from a slapshot and Thomas would return with a red Mage-style helmet with a similar Bauer cage.[11] Goaltenders at lower levels of hockey (such as high-school, college or recreational leagues) who choose to use this design cite reasons such as the plastic helmet used is lighter than the fiberglass or composite materials used in other designs, and that the helmet has a wider opening than a traditional mask for a less claustrophobic feeling and better sight of the puck.", "Goaltender mask With the available surface area provided by fiberglass masks, goaltenders find it fashionable to give their mask distinctive decorations. This tradition started with the earliest masks, notably by the aforementioned, now-retired Boston Bruins goaltender Gerry Cheevers, who was known for drawing stitches on his mask whenever it got hit.[12] These stitches represented where Cheevers would have been cut had he not been wearing his mask.[13] Modern-day masks also offer this ability, and goaltenders are well-identified with their helmet design, often transferring the motif into their new team's colours when traded or signed to a new team (for example, Patrick Lalime's Marvin the Martian theme, Félix Potvin's cat theme, Curtis Joseph's Cujo theme, Ed Belfour's eagle theme, Martin Brodeur's Devils theme, Peter Budaj's Ned Flanders theme, Cam Talbot's Ghostbusters theme or John Gibson's Arcade game theme).", "Tekken 7 Darry Huskey's score of 9.5/10 on IGN said that \"Tekken 7 is a hallmark fighting game that's both accessible and highly technical, with great customization options.\"[83] GamesMaster agreed, saying it was a \"gratifying fighting game\".[80]", "Softball In slow pitch, the catcher must wear a helmet and mask at youth levels. At adult levels, there is no formal requirement for the catcher to wear a mask, although the official rules recommend it. A female catcher may optionally wear a body protector in slow pitch.[18]", "Tuxedo Mask \"Tuxedo Mask\" represents a disguise Mamoru created for himself in order to hunt for the Silver Crystal incognito and—later—to assist the Sailor Soldiers in battle. In addition to his white mask, he wears a full-dress tailcoat (as opposed to the dinner jacket of an actual tuxedo) with a red-lined black cape, and in the anime and live-action series he carries a black baton which he uses like a sword. He takes the place of Sailor Earth.[21]", "Wayang Wayang gedog theatrical performance take themes from the Panji cycles stories from the kingdom of Janggala. The players wear masks known as wayang topeng or wayang gedog. The word gedog comes from kedok, which, like topeng means \"mask\".", "Goaltender mask A goaltender mask, commonly referred to as a goalie mask or a hockey mask, is a mask worn by ice hockey, inline hockey, and field hockey goaltenders to protect the head from injury. Jacques Plante was the first goaltender to create and use a practical mask in 1959. Plante's mask was a piece of fiberglass that was contoured to his face. This mask later evolved into a helmet/cage combination, and single piece full fiberglass mask. Today, the full fiberglass mask with the birdcage facial protector is the more popular option because it is safer and offers better visibility.", "Why Does It Have to Be (Wrong or Right) \"Why Does It Have to Be (Wrong or Right)\" is a song written by Randy Sharp and Donny Lowery and recorded by American country music group Restless Heart. It was released in April 1987 as the third single from the album, Wheels. The song was Restless Heart's third number one song on the country chart. The single went to number one for one week and spent a total of 25 weeks on the charts.", "Death mask When taken from a living subject, such a cast is called a life mask. Proponents of phrenology used both death masks and life masks for pseudoscientific purposes.", "Why Does It Always Rain on Me? \"Why Does It Always Rain on Me?\" is a song by Scottish band Travis, released as the third single from their second studio album, The Man Who. The song became the group's international breakthrough single, receiving recognition around the world. It was their first Top 10 hit on the UK Singles Chart, peaking at number 10. The song also peaked at number 11 in Australia, and achieved success in Japan and America.", "Carnival of Venice Near the end of the Republic, the wearing of the masks in daily life was severely restricted. By the 18th century, it was limited only to about three months from December 26. The masks were traditionally worn with decorative beads matching in colour.", "Man in the Iron Mask The Man in the Iron Mask has also appeared in many works of fiction, most prominently in the late 1840s by Alexandre Dumas. A section of his novel The Vicomte of Bragelonne: Ten Years Later, the final installment of his D'Artagnan saga, features the Man in the Iron Mask. Here the prisoner is forced to wear an iron mask and is portrayed as Louis XIV's identical twin.[4] Dumas also presented a review of the popular theories about the prisoner extant in his time in the chapter \"L'homme au masque de fer\" in the sixth volume of his non-fiction Crimes Célèbres.[5]", "Tuxedo Mask Tuxedo Mask (タキシード仮面, Takishīdo Kamen), also known as Mamoru Chiba (地場 衛, Chiba Mamoru, renamed \"Darien Shields\" in some English adaptations), is a fictional character and one of the primary protagonists of the Sailor Moon media franchise created by Naoko Takeuchi. He disguises himself in order to support the series' central heroines, the Sailor Soldiers. Wearing a mask to conceal his identity, he interferes with enemy operations, offers the Sailor Soldiers advice, and sometimes physically aids them in battle.", "Vermilion (song) \"Vermilion\" is a song by American metal band Slipknot. The song is released as the second single from their third album, Vol. 3: (The Subliminal Verses). When the band plays the song live, they switch from their ordinary masks and wear their alternative \"death masks\", which is an actual cast of each member's face.[4] However, during the All Hope Is Gone tour, all members except Craig and Paul did not wear the death masks for the song.[5] The song includes a follow-up entitled \"Vermilion Pt. 2\" which is a continuation of the first part.", "The Simpsons opening sequence The shot cuts to Homer working at the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant wearing a safety mask while handling a green rod of uranium with tongs. An unknown co-worker in the background eats a sandwich, also with a pair of tongs. The end-of-shift whistle blows, and Homer immediately takes off his mask and drops the tongs to leave work. As he does so, the glowing rod bounces into the air and falls down the back of his radiation suit.", "Death mask Masks of deceased persons are part of traditions in many countries. The most important process of the funeral ceremony in ancient Egypt was the mummification of the body, which, after prayers and consecration, was put into a sarcophagus enameled and decorated with gold and gems. A special element of the rite was a sculpted mask, put on the face of the deceased. This mask was believed to strengthen the spirit of the mummy and guard the soul from evil spirits on its way to the afterworld. The best known mask is Tutankhamun's mask. Made of gold and gems, the mask conveys the highly stylized features of the ancient ruler. Such masks were not, however, made from casts of the features; rather, the mummification process itself preserved the features of the deceased.", "Fencing Other ballistic fabrics, such as Dyneema, have been developed that resist puncture, and which do not degrade the way that Kevlar does. FIE rules state that tournament wear must be made of fabric that resists a force of 800 newtons (180 lbf), and that the mask bib must resist twice that amount.", "Tekken 7 At E3 2016, Tekken 7 was announced to be released for the Xbox One and Windows platforms in 2017, in addition to the PlayStation 4 version.[66] An official trailer, revealed during same event, showcased some of new features that was included in Fated Retribution, such as graphical updates and stages, as well as a story mode, which adds cutscenes and dialogue during battles.[67]", "Does a Tiger Wear a Necktie? The play, however, was characterized as more of a documentary about the lives of addicts and our rehabilitation system. It does not provide morality or solutions. It leaves judgment to the audience.", "Theatre of ancient Greece Melpomene is the muse of tragedy and is often depicted holding the tragic mask and wearing cothurni. Thalia is the muse of comedy and is similarly associated with the mask of comedy and the comedic \"socks\".", "Spanish flu Policemen wearing masks provided by the American Red Cross in Seattle, 1918", "Facial Masks are removed by either rinsing the face with water, wiping off with a damp cloth, or peeling off of the face. Duration for wearing a mask varies with the type of mask, and manufacturer's usage instructions. The time can range from a few minutes to overnight. Those with sensitive skin are advised to first test out the mask on a small portion of the skin, in order to check for any irritations. Some facial masks are not suited to frequent use. A glycolic mask should not be used more frequently than once a month without the risk of burning the skin.[citation needed]", "Full face diving mask Kirby-Morgan makes a unique configuration of full-face mask, the KM-48 Supermask, which has some characteristics of a half mask, while retaining many of the advantages of the full face mask:[5] The rigid plastic main frame of the mask has a rubber skirt which seals around the eyes and nose like a standard half-mask, and the nose may be pinched through the rubber nose pocket to equalize in the same way as with a half mask, and there is an extension to the skirt which seals around the lower part of the face and encloses the mouth. This mask has a clip-on pod section which carries the demand valve, and this part seals against the lower part of the frame, allowing the diver to remove the regulator pod when on the surface, or to use an alternative gas supply, which can either be mounted on another pod, or be an ordinary Scuba regulator second stage with a standard mouthpiece. This feature makes it possible to use bailout gas supplied by a dive buddy with a standard regulator while wearing a Supermask. An optional pod with a dive/surface valve for use with rebreathers is available to military users.[6]", "Tekken 7 Tekken 7 focuses on 1v1 battles.[3] Two mechanisms are introduced in the game. The first, Rage Art, allows the player to execute critical attacks that deal roughly 30% damage depending on the character once their health bar is critical, in exchange for inactivating the normal attack power increase. The second, Power Crush, lets the player continue their attacks even while being hit by the enemy, although they would still receive the damage dealt by the enemy's attacks. The mechanic also works for absorbing high and mid attacks.[4] The bound system, which staggers a character to increase opportunity for additional hits, is replaced by Screw Attack, which makes the enemy spin sideways when they are hit airborne, allowing the player to inflict additional hits after they reach the ground. Unlike bound, however, Screw Attack cannot be used to do wall combos. With a new display system, the game's multiplayer allows players to choose which side of the screen to play on.[5] Movement has undergone some changes and is similar to the movement mechanics found in Tekken Revolution, most notably when characters walk backwards.", "Why Does It Hurt So Bad Houston starred in the 1995 romance film Waiting to Exhale, directed by Forest Whitaker. Although Houston did not intend to contribute to the film's soundtrack, when Whitaker hired Babyface to score the soundtrack, she opted in.[1] Babyface, Houston and some other African-American female singers recorded songs for the album.[1] The song was one of the final additions to the soundtrack.[1] \"Why Does It Hurt So Bad\" was originally written by Babyface for Houston, two years prior to the release of Waiting to Exhale,[1] but Houston refused to record it at that time.[1] \"I wasn't really in the mood for singing about why it hurts so bad,\" said Houston.[1] Two years later, according to Chris Willman of Entertainment Weekly, the emotions of the movie merged with the real-life circumstances of Houston's troubled marriage to Bobby Brown.[1] \"Now, I'm ready to sing not only the joys of things, but the pains of things, also,\" Houston explained.[1]", "Magic Sword (band) Magic Sword[1] is an American electronic trio from Boise, Idaho. They are known for wearing cloaks and masks during their performances, so as not to reveal their faces or bodies.[2][3]", "Carnival of Venice While both men and women now wear this mask, it began as a woman's analog to the bauta.", "Tekken 7 Fated Retribution features several gameplay changes to the game. The new \"Rage Drive\" allows the player to empower certain attacks by sacrificing their Rage Mode. Rage Art is also adjusted so that the amount of damage dealt to the enemy is inversely proportional to the player's current health bar. The update introduces meter-type characters, who utilize jump-in attacks and special cancels, and use an EX/Super meter as a limiter for some special attacks in place of Rage Drive. However, they have no 10-hit combo moves. This type is reserved for three characters: Eliza, and the guest characters Akuma from Street Fighter, and Geese Howard from the SNK fighting game series. Meanwhile, Noctis Lucis Caelum from Final Fantasy XV incorporates both aspects of preexisting gameplay types (he has Tekken-type gameplay but possesses jump-in moves).", "Why Does It Hurt So Bad \"Why Does It Hurt So Bad\" is an R&B ballad.[2] The song was written and produced by Kenneth Brian Edmonds, popularly known as \"Babyface\". According to the sheet music book for The Greatest Hits at Sheetmusicplus.com, the song is written in the key of B♭ major, and moves at a tempo of 69 beats per minute.[3] It is set in time signature of common time and features a basic chord progression of B/E–Em–C♯m–G♯7.[3] Houston's vocals span from the note of Am7 to the note of D5.[3] According to Stephen Holden of New York Times, the song is a \"lovelorn lament with a realistic twist\".[4] He noted that, through the verses, the singer congratulates herself for breaking up with an abusive boyfriend and admits that she is still in love.[4]", "Son of the Mask It also stars Alan Cumming as the god of mischief, Loki, whom Odin has ordered to find the Mask. It co-stars Traylor Howard, Kal Penn, Steven Wright, and Bob Hoskins as Odin. Ben Stein makes a brief reappearance within the first few minutes of the film as Dr. Arthur Neuman from The Mask to reestablish the relationship with the mask and Loki. Bill Farmer and Richard Steven Horvitz provide the voice and vocal effects of Masked Otis.", "The Man in the Iron Mask (1998 film) In Alexandre Dumas' The Vicomte de Bragelonne, although the plot to replace King Louis XIV with his twin brother is foiled, the twin is initially depicted as a much more sympathetic character than the King. However, in the last part of the novel, the King is portrayed as an intelligent, more mature, and slightly misunderstood man who in fact deserves the throne - and the Musketeers themselves are split, Aramis (with assistance from Porthos) siding with the prisoner, D'Artagnan with King Louis, and Athos retiring from politics entirely. In the 1929 silent version, The Iron Mask starring Douglas Fairbanks as D'Artagnan, the King is depicted favorably and the twin brother as a pawn in an evil plot whose thwarting by D'Artagnan and his companions seems more appropriate.", "Quarantine Also other TB carriers who refuse to wear a mask in public have been indefinitely involuntarily committed to regular jails, and cut off from contacting the world.[32][33]", "Human sacrifice in Aztec culture Posthumously, their remains were treated as actual relics of the gods which explains why victims' skulls, bones and skin were often painted, bleached, stored and displayed, or else used as ritual masks and oracles. For example, Diego Duran's informants told him that whoever wore the skin of the victim who had portrayed god Xipe (Our Lord the Flayed One) felt he was wearing a holy relic. He considered himself 'divine'.[8][8]", "5 Whys It is interesting to note that the last answer points to a process. This is one of the most important aspects in the 5 Why approach - the real root cause should point toward a process that is not working well or does not exist.[3] Untrained facilitators will often observe that answers seem to point towards classical answers such as not enough time, not enough investments, or not enough manpower. These answers may be true, but they are out of our control. Therefore, instead of asking the question why?, ask why did the process fail?", "The Mask of Zorro The Mask of Zorro caught the attention of European Royalty with the film's foreign premieres. Spain's King Juan Carlos I, Queen Sophia, and Princess Elena attended the first Royal premiere in Madrid in seven years. On December 10, 1998, a Royal Command Performance for Zorro was toplined by Prince Charles and his sons.[51]", "Black Forest The German holiday of Fastnacht, or Fasnet, as it is known in the Black Forest region, occurs in the time leading up to Lent. On Fasnetmendig, or the Monday before Ash Wednesday, crowds of people line the streets, wearing wooden, mostly hand-carved masks. One prominent style of mask is called the Black Forest Style, originating from the Black Forest Region.", "Jason Voorhees The script for Part 3 called for Jason to wear a mask to cover his face, having worn a bag over his head in Part 2; what no one knew at the time was that the mask chosen would become a trademark for the character, and one instantly recognizable in popular culture in the years to come.[6] During production, Steve Miner called for a lighting check. None of the effects crew wanted to apply any make-up for the light check, so they decided to just throw a mask on Brooker. The film's 3D effects supervisor, Martin Jay Sadoff, was a hockey fan, and had a bag of hockey gear with him on the set. He pulled out a Detroit Red Wings goaltender mask for the test.[86] Miner loved the mask, but it was too small. Using a substance called VacuForm, Doug White enlarged the mask and created a new mold to work with. After White finished the molds, Terry Ballard placed red triangles on the mask to give it a unique appearance. Holes were punched into the mask and the markings were altered, making it different from Sadoff's mask.[86] There were two prosthetic face masks created for Richard Brooker to wear underneath the hockey mask. One mask was composed of approximately 11 different appliances and took about six hours to apply to Brooker's face; this mask was used for scenes where the hockey mask was removed. In the scenes where the hockey mask is over the face, a simple head mask was created. This one-piece mask would slip on over Brooker's head, exposing his face but not the rest of his head.[86]", "Son of the Mask Son of the Mask is a 2005 American fantasy comedy film directed by Lawrence Guterman. The film stars Jamie Kennedy as Tim Avery, an aspiring cartoonist from Fringe City who has just had his first child born with the powers of the Mask. It is the stand-alone sequel to the successful 1994 film The Mask, an adaptation of Dark Horse Comics which starred Jim Carrey and Cameron Diaz.", "Dark Knight (nickname) Cinematic Sociology: Social Life in Film theorizes why Batman is also known as \"The Dark Knight\". Its author writes that Batman acts for justice and order, but \"it is not always clear which side of the law he stands\". The book says, \"Batman's dubiousness makes him unique as a superhero in that his activities are motivated by a prominent inner struggle that causes him, as well as others, to question the moral orientation of his motivations and loyalties.\"[8] Screening the Face says Batman wears an upper-face mask similar to a knight's visor. The book writes that the mask justifies Batman's \"status as a Dark Knight, the paradoxical (both dark and knight) lynchpin of the recurring, and hence mythical, Batman narrative\".[9]", "Thomas Blood Blood, that wears treason in his face,\nVillain complete in parson's gown,\nHow much he is at court in grace\nFor stealing Ormond and the crown!\nSince loyalty does no man good,\nLet's steal the King, and outdo Blood!", "Plague doctor costume The costume is also associated with a commedia dell'arte character called Il Medico della Peste (the Plague Doctor), who wears a distinctive plague doctor's mask.[27] The Venetian mask was normally white, consisting of a hollow beak and round eye-holes covered with clear glass, and is one of the distinctive masks worn during the Carnival of Venice.[28]", "Unsharp masking The \"unsharp\" of the name derives from the fact that the technique uses a blurred, or \"unsharp\", negative image to create a mask of the original image.[1] The unsharped mask is then combined with the positive (original) image, creating an image that is less blurry than the original. The resulting image, although clearer, may be a less accurate representation of the image's subject. In the context of signal processing, an unsharp mask is generally a linear or nonlinear filter that amplifies the high-frequency components of a signal.", "Cabin pressurization In jet fighter aircraft, the small size of the cockpit means that any decompression will be very rapid and would not allow the pilot time to put on an oxygen mask. Therefore, fighter jet pilots and aircrew are required to wear oxygen masks at all times.[28]", "Burger King advertising CP+B reinstated the Burger King character used in the 1970s and 1980s for the Burger King Kingdom advertising campaign. The character was redesigned as a caricature of the original, now simply called the Burger King or just the King. The new incarnation replaced the singing and dancing Magical Burger King with a miming actor who wore an oversized, grinning plastic mask resembling the original actor who played King. Employing the practice of viral marketing, CP+B's advertisements generated significant word of mouth and a new use of what has become known as the Creepy King persona, an appellation that CP+B used in later advertisements.[10] In April 2009, a CP+B advertisement for Burger King's \"Texican burger\" was removed from television because it caused an international uproar over insults to Mexico.[13][14]", "Deanna Troi Phil Farrand, author of The Nitpicker's Guides, criticized the way Troi was costumed and filmed. \"Why does Troi get to wear the skin-tight bunny suit? ... Why would Troi want to wear the bunny suit? ... How would you react to a psychologist dressed like this?\"[9] At least one scholarly paper has explored Troi's many \"extravagant hairstyles [and] low-cut costumes that emphasize her body...Every season brings another cut and shape to her hair and another neckline, hemline, color, and fabric to her clothes–a remarkable contrast to the occasional change in collar for the rest of the crew.\"[10][11] One reviewer compared her to Doctor McCoy from the older Star Trek television series.[12] (Wesley Crusher is another character that gets different outfits)", "Unsharp masking In the photographic procedure, the amount of blurring can be controlled by changing the \"softness\" or \"hardness\" (from point source to fully diffuse) of the light source used for the initial unsharp mask exposure, while the strength of the effect can be controlled by changing the contrast and density (i.e., exposure and development) of the unsharp mask.", "The Life and Death of 9413: a Hollywood Extra The film also touches upon Hollywood's perceived mistreatment of women. While the male actors wear masks, which symbolize their ability to act, the female Extra #13 does not wear any and is instead expected to simply stand obediently and listen to the male filmmakers. Her only role is to be an object for men to look upon.[36] The fact that she is able to achieve success by filling this simple role, contrasted against the protagonist's inability to succeed despite his hard work, reveals how differently the film industry views the roles of male and female actors.[36]", "Goaltender mask Since the invention of the fiberglass hockey mask, professional goaltenders no longer play without a mask. The last goaltender to play without a mask was Andy Brown, who played his last NHL game in 1974. He would then go to the Indianapolis Racers of the World Hockey Association and play without a mask till his retirement in 1977.[3]", "Latin Kings (gang) Most Kings wear black/and or gold. The teams Kings represent are usually Chicago teams; such as the Chicago Cubs, and Chicago Blackhawks. but also the Pittsburgh Pirates, Pittsburgh Steelers, Pittsburgh Penguins, New Orleans Saints, Los Angeles Kings and Boston Bruins.", "Geography of Halloween Halloween is a work day in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and not celebrated until recently. For the past few years, it has been popular among younger generations.[26] Since wearing masks has become highly popular among children and teenagers, e.g. in many Bosnian schools, both elementary as well as high schools (gymnasiums and vocational), students will usually wear costumes and masks on Halloween. There it is called Noć vještica (English: Night of Witches).", "Nina Williams In 2006, Gaming Target listed Nina as the fifth best Tekken character, calling her the \"world's sexiest assassin.\"[29] In 2010, G4 included Nina among the best assassins in all video games.[30] In 2011, PlayStation Official Magazine listed her among \"PlayStation’s meanest mothers\".[31] That same year, Joystick Division ranked Nina as the second most \"badass\" Irish character in video games.[32] In 2012, FHM listed a fight between Nina and Poison as one of the ten \"awesome fantasy fights\" in Street Fighter X Tekken, adding that \"hot girls fighting is always a spectacle to see, and these two represent the sauciest for both franchises.\"[33] Complex ranked Nina as the second best Tekken character, commenting \"Nina Williams is the ultimate ice queen. She's got a huge arsenal of pokes at her disposal, not to mention chain throws and combo launchers.\"[34] In an official poll by Namco, Nina ranked as the 14th most requested Tekken character to be playable in Tekken X Street Fighter.[35] In 2014, What Culture ranked Nina as the 12th greatest ever fighting game character, opining she \"isn’t overtly sexualised in the same way that, say, Ivy and Taki from SoulCalibur are,\" and regarding her as among the strongest female video game characters.[36] In 2015, WatchMojo ranked Nina as the sixth top Tekken character.[37]", "Fly mask It is generally recommended that the mask be removed and inspected daily and washed frequently. Some individuals remove the mask at night.", "Does a Tiger Wear a Necktie? Aside from the students, there are only four characters in the rehabilitation center – a teacher, a psychiatrist, a policeman, and the center's principal.", "Isolation (health care) Respiratory isolation is used for diseases that are spread through particles that are exhaled.[2] Those having contact with or exposure to such a patient are required to wear a mask.", "List of Happy Tree Friends characters The Polar Opposite of Splendid. He was freed when Splendid plugged a volcano with a large rock, the pressure built up, and it was launched into outer space. The rock broke the mirror prison, setting him free. Splendid is blue with light blue patagiums, a light blue oval marking on his tummy, and wears a red mask, while Splendont is red with dark red patagiums, a light red oval marking on his tummy, and wears a blue mask.", "Welfare definition of economics (2) Assumes equivalency between welfare and economic activity. For Robbins, there are economic activities which do not promote human welfare. For example, the sale of cocaine or heroin. Here Robbins says, “Why talk of welfare at all? Why not throw away the mask altogether”.", "Vermilion (song) In \"Vermilion Pt. 1\", it shows a girl living a tortured life in a crowded city. She walks around in contortions and twists as people walk by in a blur, not noticing her pain at all. The only time she gets noticed is when she wears a Maggot Mask (a mask specially designed for fans of the band to wear) which makes the members of the band appear and dance with the girl. On the first time she puts on the mask, the band members appear in front of her and they put on a white mask which enables their true faces to be seen for a couple of seconds. Then the band members dance with her. A caterpillar is also seen growing in the video and at the end seen it turns into a butterfly. The video ends with the girl screaming and tearing her hair out in misery.", "From a Jack to a King Dutch country singer Ben Steneker released his single of \"From a Jack to a King\" in 1963.", "Facial hair in the military Personnel with beards may still be required to modify or shave off the beard, as environmental or tactical circumstances dictate (e.g., to facilitate the wearing of a gas mask).", "For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky Samuel Walters called it \"a surprisingly effective episode about blind faith in rules and dogma, as well as a touching love story,\" with the qualification that the story \"does a good job of providing character growth for McCoy. Had the episode not succumbed to an easy solution to his predicament—purely because these episodes need their characters to remain, essentially, the same—then this could have been a profound, moving narrative.\"[4] A negative review by Michelle Erica Green focused on plot illogic: \"Why are the men wearing shiny plaid suits and carrying swords when wrongdoers can be punished for their crimes by a computer? Why are the women wearing provocative gowns when only the priestess is allowed to choose her own mate?\"[5]", "King Kong Filk Music artists Ookla the Mok's \"Song of Kong\", which explores the reasons why King Kong and Godzilla shouldn't be roommates, appears on their 2001 album Smell No Evil.", "Full face diving mask A system of three to five straps is used to secure the mask to the diver's head. This component is often referred to as the spider. It is usually a rubber component comprising a group of straps radiating from a central patch or ring, which rests against the back of the diver's head, low enough to resist slipping off over the top. The straps may pass through quick-adjust buckles attached to the mask skirt, or may have holes to hook onto the buttons of a band mask. This strap system is generally more secure than the single double-ended strap of the half-mask, and a full-face mask is considerably less easy to replace underwater if dislodged than a half-mask.[citation needed]", "Man in the Iron Mask One of Charles's confirmed illegitimate sons, the Duke of Monmouth, has also been proposed as the man in the mask. A Protestant, he led a rebellion against his uncle, the Catholic King James II. The rebellion failed and Monmouth was executed in 1685. But in 1768, a writer named Saint-Foix claimed that another man was executed in his place and that Monmouth became the masked prisoner, it being in Louis XIV's interests to assist a fellow Catholic like James who would not necessarily want to kill his own nephew. Saint-Foix's case was based on unsubstantiated rumours and allegations that Monmouth's execution was faked.[6]", "Friday the 13th (2009 film) When Mears went to audition for the role, he was asked, \"Why do we need an actor as opposed to just a guy in a mask?\" Mears said portraying Jason is similar to Greek Mask Work, in which the mask and the actor are separate entities, and depending on the scene, there will be various combinations of mask and actor in the performance. Mears said the energy from the actor's thoughts will be picked up by the camera. He compared his experience behind the camera to a stock car race: he is the driver and the effects team is his pit crew. As he performs, the effects team subtly suggest ways he can give the character more life on camera.[17]", "Traditional African masks African masks are usually shaped after a human face or some animal's muzzle, albeit rendered in a sometimes highly abstract form. The inherent lack of realism in African masks (and African art in general) is justified by the fact that most African cultures clearly distinguish the essence of a subject from its looks, the former, rather than the latter, being the actual subject of artistical representation. An extreme example is given by nwantantay masks of the Bwa people (Burkina Faso) that represent the flying spirits of the forest; since these spirits are deemed to be invisible, the corresponding masks are shaped after abstract, purely geometrical forms.", "Excoriation disorder One method is to have individuals wear a form of protective clothing that limits the ability of the patient to pick at his body, e.g., gloves or face mask.[7]", "Goaltender mask Gerry Cheevers' use of the face-hugging mask for the Boston Bruins was among the first to be \"decorated\" in a custom manner; as prompted by then-Bruins trainer John \"Frosty\" Forristall as a joke, painting on a fake stitch where Cheevers had been struck in the mask by an errant puck on the mask.[4] Cheevers adopted the \"stitch mask\" as his own,[5] and went on to set a NHL record (which still stands) of 32-straight wins during the Bruins' 1971–72 season.[6][7]", "Academic graduation by country At King's College London, the graduands shake the hand of the university's President & Principal (normally equivalent to a UK university's vice-chancellor). In addition, the hand of the Chairman of the King's College London Council, instead of its Chancellor (the senior official of University of London) is shaken. After being vested the power to award its own degrees from the University of London in 2006,[2] graduates since 2008 wear an academic dress that does not feature a hat, designed by Dame Vivienne Westwood.[3]", "Bag valve mask Bag-valve masks come in different sizes to fit infants, children, and adults. The face mask size may be independent of the bag size; for example, a single pediatric-sized bag might be used with different masks for multiple face sizes, or a pediatric mask might be used with an adult bag for patients with small faces.", "Exhaust gas Exhaust gas from an internal combustion engine whose fuel includes nitromethane will contain nitric acid vapour, which is corrosive, and when inhaled causes a muscular reaction making it impossible to breathe. People exposed to it should wear a gas mask.[8]" ]
who sings war don't let me down
[ "Don't Let Me Down (The Chainsmokers song) \"Don't Let Me Down\" is a song by American production duo The Chainsmokers. The song features the vocals of American singer Daya, and was released on February 5, 2016, through Disruptor Records and Columbia Records.[4][5] The song was written by Andrew Taggart, Emily Warren and Scott Harris. It was released on March 22, 2016, as the radio single follow-up to \"Roses\".[6]" ]
[ "Don't Let Me Down (Beatles song) They performed \"Don't Let Me Down\" twice during their rooftop concert of 30 January 1969, one of which was included in the Let It Be (1970) film, directed by Michael Lindsay-Hogg.[8] When the \"Get Back\" project was revisited, Phil Spector dropped \"Don't Let Me Down\" from the Let It Be (1970) album.[9]", "Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me \"Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me\" has been a popular song for other artists to perform or record including:", "Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood \"Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood\" was one of five songs involving the writing of Benjamin and Marcus, presented for Nina Simone's 1964 album Broadway-Blues-Ballads. There, it is taken at a very slow tempo and arranged around harp and other orchestral elements; a backing choir appears at several points. Simone sings it in her typically difficult-to-categorize style.[3] Horace Ott's involvement did not end with his initial songwriting; he was the arranger and orchestral conductor for the entire album. Backed with \"A Monster\", \"Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood\" was released as a single in 1964, but failed to chart.", "Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me I took a chance and changed your way of life\nbut you misread my meaning when I met you\nclosed the door and left me blinded by the light\ndon't let the sun go down on me\nalthough I search myself, it's always someone else I see.\nI'd just allow a fragment of your life to wander free\nbut losing everything is like the sun going down on me.", "Don't Let Me Down (Beatles song) Rod Stewart's 1976 song \"The Killing of Georgie (Part I and II)\" employs a melody almost identical to the Beatles' \"Don't Let Me Down\". In a 1980 interview, a clearly annoyed John Lennon said, \"the lawyers never noticed\".[15]", "I Won't Let the Sun Go Down on Me The original video for \"I Won't Let the Sun Go Down on Me\" shows Kershaw singing the song on a hillside and in a castle. He is accompanied by children, and by a minstrel, who plays the guitar parts on a lute. The video was filmed in Maidstone, Kent.[4]", "Let It Be Following several rejected mixes by Glyn Johns, a new version of the album was produced by Phil Spector in March–April 1970. While three songs from the sessions were released as singles before the album's release, \"Get Back\"/\"Don't Let Me Down\" and \"Let It Be\", the songs were remixed by Spector for the album and \"Don't Let Me Down\" was not included. Let It Be... Naked was released in 2003, an alternative version of the album, without any of Spector's production work and using some different takes of songs.", "Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me \"Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me\" was co-written by Elton John and Bernie Taupin during a ten-day period in January 1974 along with the other songs for John's Caribou album. The song was released as the first single from the album in May 1974 in the United Kingdom, and on 10 June 1974 in the United States.", "Don't Let Me Be Lonely Tonight \"Don't Let Me Be Lonely Tonight\" has also been performed live by artists including George Benson Pat Metheny and Earth Wind and Fire", "Don't Let Me Down (The Chainsmokers song) The key of the song was originally a step lower, but the duo changed it in order to better accommodate Daya's range. The third drop, which includes the saxophone, was created later in the process.[8] The song has a double-time tempo of 80 beats per minute and a key of G♯ minor. \"Don't Let Me Down\" follows a chord progression of E – B – F♯ – G♯m, and Daya's vocals span from G♯3 to C♯5.[10]", "Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me \"Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me\" is a song written by English singer Elton John and his lyricist Bernie Taupin. It was originally recorded in 1974 by Elton John for his studio album Caribou and was released as a single that peaked at number two on the Billboard Hot 100 chart and reached number 16 on the UK Singles Chart. The song found further success in 1991 in a live cover version recorded as a duet between John and George Michael, which reached number one in the UK and US.", "Don't Let Me Down (Beatles song) Written by Lennon as an anguished love song to Yoko Ono,[1] it was interpreted by Paul McCartney as a \"genuine plea\", with Lennon saying to Ono, \"I'm really stepping out of line on this one. I'm really just letting my vulnerability be seen, so you must not let me down.\"[2]", "I Won't Let the Sun Go Down on Me I Won't Let the Sun Go Down on Me (Extended Remix)", "Don't Bring Me Down On 4 November 2007, Lynne was awarded a BMI (Broadcast Music, Inc) Million-Air certificate for \"Don't Bring Me Down\" for the song having reached two million airplays.", "The Fightin' Side of Me Here, the singer fills the role of a man frustrated with people deriding the country, particularly those who are \"harpin' on the wars we fight\" and \"runnin' down my countrymen,\" a reference to the then-ongoing Vietnam War.[2] People who do this, claims the singer, are \"walkin' on the fightin' side of me\" and warns them that \"if you don't love it, leave it.\"", "Don't Let Me Cross Over Honky-tonk singer Carl Butler is best remembered for \"Don't Let Me Cross Over,\" which Allmusic writer Jim Worbois described as a \"country heartbreak song.\" The song was one of several in which Butler's wife, Pearl, joins him on harmony.[2]", "Don't Let Me Cross Over The Kendalls also covered the song in the late 1970s. In 1996, Dolly Parton, who'd worked with the Butlers early in her career, included a recording of \"Don't Let Me Cross Over\" (with harmony vocals by Raul Malo) on Treasures, an album of covers of some of her favorite songs.", "Never Let Me Go (Florence and the Machine song) Musically, \"Never Let Me Go\" is a downtempo baroque pop and R&B ballad in the key of A major completed with piano and drums while backing vocals repeatedly sing \"never let me go\" throughout the song. Many critics noted similarities between the song's composition and materials by other artists including Enya, Evanescence and Ryan Tedder-produced songs. The song received acclaim by critics who praised Welch's vocals and its balladry nature.", "Down in the River to Pray As I went down in de valley to pray,\nStudying about dat good old way,\nWhen you shall wear de starry crown,\nGood Lord, show me de way.\nO mourner,* let's go down, let's go down, let's go down,\nO mourner, let's go down,\nDown in de valley to pray", "Let Me In (film) John Ajvide Lindqvist, author of Let the Right One In, who also wrote the screenplay for the original Swedish film, was pleased with Let Me In. He said:", "25 (Adele album) The drum-filled folk song \"I Miss You\"[57] has been described as \"explicitly seductive\" due to the lyrics: \"Bring the floor up to my knees/Let me fall into your gravity/And kiss me back to life to see/Your body standing over me.\"[58] \"When We Were Young\", another piano-led ballad,[59] is \"a reflective serenade about treasuring the moments you will look back on in years to come\",[60] while the ballad \"Remedy\", was written about Adele's best friend, her grandparents, her boyfriend, and her son.[7]\n\"Water Under the Bridge\" is a mid-tempo pop song,[60][61] featuring an electro-drum beat and a tropical, trip hop riff,[62] with Adele proclaiming to her lover \"If you're gonna let me down, let me down gently/Don't pretend that you don't want me/Our love ain't water under the bridge\". The gospel-tinged \"River Lea\" talks about the singer growing up in Tottenham, London, England,[63]\nAdele sings about The Lea, a river in London. During the song Adele speaks of how the river's polluted waters have seeped into her blood causing her relationship failures.[20]\n\"Love in the Dark\" is a torch ballad.[64]", "Don't Let the Man Get You Down \"Don't Let the Man Get You Down\" is a song by British big beat musician Fatboy Slim. It was released as a single from his album Palookaville. The single peaked at number 153 on the UK Singles Chart. It samples the opening line of the song \"Signs\" by Five Man Electrical Band.", "List of The X Factor finalists (UK series 6) He received another standing ovation after he sang \"Sorry Seems to Be the Hardest Word\" on the eighth live show, with Dannii Minogue and Louis Walsh admitting they had to see him in the final.[14] By 29 November, he was the only remaining competitor in Cheryl's category. After singing three separate songs in the final, \"Don't Let The Sun Go Down on Me\" as a duet with George Michael, \"Don't Stop Believin'\", and \"Sorry Seems to be the Hardest Word\", McElderry made it into the final two, with Olly Murs and himself beating Stacey Solomon to the final two. He was then voted the winner.", "Don't Let Me Down (The Chainsmokers song) In the video, Andrew Taggart and Alex Pall (The Chainsmokers) get into a yellow convertible at sunrise and begin to drive down a wooded mountain road. Intercut with shots of them driving is Daya, dressed in black leather pants and jacket, singing in a misty field full of bushes. Taggart and Pall stop the car when Daya, surrounded by dancers dressed similarly to her, stand in the middle of the road, blocking it. Daya sings as the girls perform dance moves around her while Taggart and Pall watch from the car. Suddenly, the car begins bouncing up and down on its wheels. As the beat progresses, the rocking of the car becomes more violent and aggressive. Towards the end of the song, the rocking lifts Taggart and Pall out of the car and they are suspended in the air as the girls disperse.", "Shoo Fly, Don't Bother Me Shoo, fly, don't bother me,\nShoo, fly, don't bother me,\nShoo, fly, don't bother me,\nFor I belong to somebody.\n\nI feel, I feel, I feel like a morning star,\nI feel, I feel, I feel like a morning star.\n\nOh, shoo, fly, don't bother me,\nShoo, fly, don't bother me,\nShoo, fly, don't bother me,\nFor I belong to somebody.", "Girl Don't Tell Me Brian Wilson wrote the song in early 1965 while on honeymoon with Marilyn. He recalled that \"a whole song came to me. It was 'Girl Don't Tell Me.' I didn't have any way to get it down. But I just heard the whole thing up there, from start to finish, and I remembered it well enough to go later and write down the lyrics on a piece of paper.\"[1]", "Could I Have This Kiss Forever \"Clive Davis and I were talking about this song that I'd heard a demo of and loved. And he says, 'Why don't you do it with Whitney?' So we did, and it turned out fantastic. Clive was very nice about letting Whitney sing with me — I'm not even an Arista artist.\", Iglesias explained.[2]", "Please Don't Let Me Go The music video for \"Please Don't Let Me Go\" premiered on 23 July 2010.[6] It was filmed on location at a house near Reading, Berkshire. The video shows Murs pursuing a young girl who is playing hard-to-get at a large party. When he starts to lose hope, she then pursues him and the video culminates with both of them dancing into the night. The woman playing the female subject of the song was chosen personally by Murs. The owner of the house also appeared as an extra in the video.[7] As Murs was well known for his dancing on The X Factor, he wanted a video in which he did not dance, to make it more about the song.[4]", "Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood A Disco version of the song by the disco group Santa Esmeralda, which took The Animals' arrangement and added some disco, flamenco, salsa, and other Latin rhythm and ornamentation elements to it, also became a hit in the late 1970s. First released in summer 1977 as a 16-minute epic that took up an entire side of their Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood album, it was picked up for more worldwide distribution by the label of the time, Casablanca Records.[10] A 12-inch club remix was extremely popular, hitting number one on the U.S. Billboard Club Play Singles chart and in some European countries as well. The single peaked at number four on the Hot Dance/Disco-Club Play chart.[11] Released as a pop single late in the year, it did well as well, reaching number 15 on the Billboard Hot 100 by early 1978. NBC Sports would use the song frequently in the years following its release, especially during their coverage of the World Series.", "Never Let Me Down Again The coda of \"Never Let Me Down Again\" references Soft Cell's song \"Torch\".[4] The main remix version of the track, known as the \"Split Mix\", came about with direct involvement from the band. The 12\" maxi release stretched to exactly nine and a half minutes long. Oddly enough, despite the pleasing results from the point of view of the band, that proved to be the last time in decades that a remix came out with their direct involvement.[3]", "White Light, White Heat, White Trash The lyrics on this album are as socially conscious as most of their previous albums with \"Don't Drag Me Down\" and \"Down Here (w/the Rest Of Us)\". There are also reflective songs such as \"I Was Wrong\", \"Crown of Thorns\" and \"Pleasure Seeker\". There are a couple of more personal songs for Ness on the album like \"Dear Lover\" and \"When The Angels Sing\" which is said to be a tribute to Ness's grandmother.[6]", "Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me In the song, Elton John sings to someone he has helped and from whom he is now experiencing rejection:", "Interstate matches in Australian rules football Greg Champion wrote a song, \"Don't Let The Big V Down\", about the traditional navy blue jumper with a large white \"V\" used to represent Victoria in state games. The song is about a young man who is about to play his first state game and is approached by another man who tells him to not let the Big V down.", "Coming Out of the Dark Gloria was careful not to turn Into the Light into a pity party. \"I hate pity,\" she told the Los Angeles Daily News. \"I'm very self-reliant and independent, and I'm used to that role. I don't like people feeling sorry for me. So I wrote 'Coming Out of the Dark' to let the people around me know how important they are to me. But that was as far as I wanted to go with the accident. I didn't want this to become 'the album on the accident.' What am I going to sing - 'Oh, this bus hit me'?\"", "Wilhelmus My God, I pray thee, save me\nFrom all who do pursue\nAnd threaten to enslave me,\nThy trusted servant true.\nO Father, do not sanction\nTheir wicked, foul design,\nDon't let them wash their hands in\nThis guiltless blood of mine.", "Never Let Me Down Again \"Never Let Me Down Again\" is Depeche Mode's nineteenth UK single, released on 24 August 1987, and the second single for the then upcoming album Music for the Masses. A relatively moderate hit in the UK at number 22, it was a smash in West Germany, where it hit number 2, and a Top 10 success in several other European countries (Sweden, Switzerland, etc.). The cover art features fragments of a Soviet map of Russia and Europe, with different fragments used for the different editions of the single.", "Never Let Me Down Again The main 12\" remix of \"Never Let Me Down Again\" is known as the \"Split Mix\", as stated above, and the nine-and-a-half-minute track featured direct involvement from the band during its creation.[3] In detail, the remix features the regular song, an added intro piece, and a techno-like musical arrangement appended at the end. The arrangement was expanded to the \"Aggro Mix\" on the 12\" B-side, a piece additionally available as a bonus track on the CD and cassette tape versions of Music for the Masses.", "Skylar Grey Grey's second album, Don't Look Down, was released in July 2013, under KIDinaKORNER and Interscope Records. The album produced four singles including the Eminem-assisted lead single \"C'mon Let Me Ride\". Grey's third studio release, Natural Causes, was issued in September 2016.", "Across the Universe (film) Jojo and Sadie, who have reconciled, put on a rooftop concert, with Prudence as a member of their band (\"Don't Let Me Down\"). Max brings Jude to the rooftop, but the police arrive to break up the concert, while Lucy nearly joins, but can't bring herself to face Jude again. Jude manages to remain on the roof and begins to sing (\"All You Need Is Love\"). The police allow the band to accompany him, while Lucy tries to get back to the building, but is blocked by the police. Max draws Jude's attention to an opposite rooftop where Lucy is standing and looking at him. Lucy and Jude gaze smilingly at each other across opposite rooftops as the performance concludes (\"Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds\").", "Don't Let Him Go \"Don't Let Him Go\" is a song written by Kevin Cronin. It was originally released as the opening song for REO Speedwagon's #1 album Hi Infidelity. It was also released as a single, reaching #24 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart.[1] \"Don't Let Him Go\" has appeared on several REO Speedwagon greatest hits albums.[2]", "Don't Trust Me \"Don't Trust Me\" was released on June 1, 2008 as the lead single for the band's label debut. \"Don't Trust Me\" is also featured in the game, Tap Tap Revenge for the iPhone OS. It was also used on Pretty Little Liars and The Hills. The official remix features Kid Cudi.", "Don't Say You Love Me (Fifth Harmony song) \"Don't Say You Love Me\" was critically well-received by music critics who reviewed the album upon its release, with some citing it as one of the highlights of the album while prasing the melancholy and vulnerability expressed in the song's lyrical content and sonic elements. An accompanying music video for \"Don't Say You Love Me\" was released on May 18, 2018 as a farewall before the group go into an infefinide hiatus. Directed by P.R. Brown, the video was shot in an abandoned warehouse and features the four members dancing in gowns and long dresses while emotionally singing the song. At the end of the video, the group embrace while holding hands in a circle before leaving through a door in the room that remains open as the last member leaves.", "Never Let Me Down Again There are two music videos for \"Never Let Me Down Again\", directed by Anton Corbijn. The long version is featured on the Strange video, and uses the \"Split Mix\" (minus the intro and outro) and during the later EBM portion of the song, Gahan's shoes are shown walking without anyone wearing them, before someone puts them on and wears them to dance. There is also a short video with just the single version of the song, which ends before the animated shoes. The short version appears on The Videos 86>98, the DVD of The Best of Depeche Mode Volume 1 and on Video Singles Collection.", "It All Belongs to Me \"It All Belongs to Me\" is a midtempo pop and R&B song that lasts for four minutes and six seconds.[8][9] Classified as a ballad, the first verse starts with Brandy singing, \"No, no, no, sugar/You must be blind/You must be dumb/You must be tripping/You must be crazy/To think I'm gonna let you off that easy.\"[15] As the chorus follows, Monica starts to sing along with Brandy, with both stating that they do not belong to their boyfriends, \"But put that back/That ain't yours/Have a fit/Slam the door/But leave them bags/On the floor/That s--- belongs to me/Those clothes, cars, those rings/And that MacBook/That s--- belongs to me/So log off your Facebook, it all belongs to me.\"[15] Sowmya Krishnamurthy of MTV said the track \"is all about girl power and kicking that no-good-low-down-dirty-dog guy to the curb.\"[16] According to John Mitchel also of MTV, \"the fierce twosome are joining forces against to kick the no-good men in their lives to the curb.\"[17] Towards the end of the song, Brandy and Monica starts to sing in a melismatic form, with the latter singing the last line.[18]", "Champagne Supernova This writer, he was going on about the lyrics to \"Champagne Supernova\", and he actually said to me: 'You know, the one thing that's stopping it being a classic is the ridiculous lyrics.' And I went: 'What do you mean by that?' And he said: 'Well, Slowly walking down the hall, faster than a cannonball — what's that mean?' And I went: 'I don't know. But are you telling me, when you've got 60,000 people singing it, they don't know what it means? It means something different to every one of them.'[3]", "As Long as You Love Me (Justin Bieber song) \"I'm not going to try to conform to what people want me to be or go out there and start partying, have people see me with alcohol. I want to do it at my own pace. I don't want to start singing about things like sex, drugs and swearing. I'm into love, and maybe I'll get more into making love when I'm older. I want to be someone who is respected by everybody.\"[9]", "The Animals \"Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood\" by The Animals is featured as the title of Chapter 7 in the 2015 novel \"Dying in June,\" by Amy Magness.[27]", "Let Me In (film) Let Me In received critical acclaim upon release. Review aggregation website Rotten Tomatoes gives the film a score of 88% based on reviews from 220 critics, with an average score of 7.6/10. The consensus is that \"similar to the original in all the right ways—but with enough changes to stand on its own—Let Me In is the rare Hollywood remake that doesn't add insult to inspiration.\"[47] Let Me In was included on Rotten Tomatoes list of the ten best reviewed wide-release films of 2010[48] in addition to being the best reviewed horror film of 2010.[49] Metacritic gave the film an average score of 79/100 based on 35 reviews, judged to be \"generally favorable reviews\".[50] According to Metacritic, Let Me In was one of the ten best-reviewed wide-release films of 2010[51] and the best reviewed film of the year in the horror category.[52]", "It Don't Matter to Me \"It Don't Matter to Me\" has been covered by the R&B group The Friends of Distinction in 1971.", "You Don't Love Me (No, No, No) \"You Don't Love Me (No, No, No)\" is a song by Jamaican recording artist Dawn Penn from her debut studio album, No, No, No (1994). The song's lyrics are credited to Penn, Bo Diddley and Willie Cobbs, and production was handled by Steely and Clevie. Penn recorded a song in 1967 called \"You Don't Love Me\", which incorporates elements of the music and lyrics of Cobbs' 1960 song \"You Don't Love Me\". The Cobbs song was, in turn, based on Diddley's 1955 song \"She's Fine, She's Mine\". Thus, both are credited as songwriters on Penn's recording. In 1994, after a 17-year break from the music industry, she re-recorded a dancehall version of the song retitled \"You Don't Love Me (No, No, No)\".", "Let Me Go, Lover! \"Let Me Go, Lover\" was featured on the television program Studio One on November 15, 1954, and caught the fancy of the public. The episode was a murder mystery that revolved around a hit record and a disc jockey. Producer Felix Jackson asked Columbia Records' Mitch Miller for a recording to use in the show, and Miller provided Joan Weber's version of \"Let Me Go, Lover\". Miller took advantage of the recording's exposure on national television and sent copies of the record to 2,000 disc jockeys, who began to play it on their radio stations.[2]", "Marvin Gaye (song) Puth said during an interview with Billboard that he had come up with the drumbeat for \"Marvin Gaye\" while sitting at a cafe in Hollywood,[6] adding that he and Trainor \"were at a party one night, and we were exchanging the new music, and she heard \"Marvin Gaye\" and asked, \"Who else is singing on this? It should be a duet. Let me sing on it!\" So I'm like ... OK, Meghan Trainor just asked me to sing on my song, absolutely! In one day, she knew the whole thing. We did it all in one take.\"[6]", "Don't Trust Me \"Don't Trust Me\" is the second single by the band 3OH!3 and the third track from their second album Want.", "Let Me In (film) Let Me In is a 2010 American-British romantic horror film[6] written and directed by Matt Reeves and starring Kodi Smit-McPhee, Chloë Grace Moretz, Elias Koteas, and Richard Jenkins. It is a remake of the 2008 Swedish film Let the Right One In.[7] The film tells the story of a bullied 12-year-old boy who develops a friendship with a female child vampire in Los Alamos, New Mexico in the early 1980s.", "Never Let Me Go (2010 film) Never Let Me Go is a 2010 British dystopian romantic drama film based on Kazuo Ishiguro's 2005 novel Never Let Me Go. The film was directed by Mark Romanek from a screenplay by Alex Garland. Never Let Me Go is set in an alternative history and centres on Kathy, Ruth and Tommy portrayed by Carey Mulligan, Keira Knightley and Andrew Garfield respectively, who become entangled in a love triangle. Principal photography began in April 2009 and lasted several weeks. The movie was filmed at various locations, including Andrew Melville Hall. The film was produced by DNA Films and Film4 on a US$15 million budget.", "Don't Bring Me Down A common mondegreen in the song is the perception that, following the title line, Lynne shouts \"Bruce!\". In the liner notes of the ELO compilation Flashback and elsewhere, Lynne has explained that he is singing a made-up word, \"Grooss,\" which some have suggested sounds like the German expression \"Gruß.\" After the song's release, so many people had misinterpreted the word as \"Bruce\" that Lynne actually began to sing the word as \"Bruce\" for fun at live shows.[5][6]", "Don't Stand So Close to Me During several parts of Zoolander 2, Sting calls Hansel (who is established as Hansel's biological father) on numerous occasions, often quoting songs such as \"Don't Stand So Close To Me\", and \"Spirits in the Material World\".", "Dab (dance) I'm a firm believer that if you don't like me to do it then don't let me in ... I just like doing it, man. It's not to be boastful, and from the crowd's response they like seeing it. ... Tell me what to do \"Dab on them folks,\" so I tried \"Dab on them folks,\" in that tone too. \"Dab on them folks.\" He's only like 16, but he's got an Adam's apple out of this world.[11]", "Like a Stone The melancholy tone and certain parts of the lyrics of \"Like a Stone\" have prompted some to wonder if Cornell wrote the song about the late Alice in Chains singer Layne Staley, who died in April 2002. Cornell has denied this, saying \"No. I'm not one of those guys where, like, something happens and then I go run around, 'Ooh, 9/11, and now it's 9/12, let me write about that. I wrote the lyrics before he died. [...] You can misinterpret that stuff pretty easy, but I don't tend to sit down and plan on writing about a specific issue. They come up or they don't.\"[4]", "The Chainsmokers The Chainsmokers released their first EP titled Bouquet on Disruptor Records, featuring \"New York City\", \"Until You Were Gone\", \"Waterbed\", \"Good Intentions\", and \"Roses\".[23] Their follow-up single \"Don't Let Me Down\", was released on February 5, 2016, featuring the singer Daya.[18] Two months later, they released the single, \"Inside Out\", featuring the Swedish singer Charlee.", "Don't Cha The opening sequence of the video features the Pussycat Dolls riding in jeeps and Busta Rhymes rapping his verse, simultaneously. The video continues to switch back and forth from Scherzinger singing her parts separately and the other Pussycat Dolls singing along. Scherzinger is seen throughout the video wearing the infamous \"don't cha\" hoodie that features the first line of the chorus (\"Don't cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me\") on the top part of her sweater. Once the chorus kicks in, the group is seen performing a dance routine surrounded by walls with graffiti printed on each side. Then, the group is seen at an underground party where each member is jumping from a ground trampoline. The Pussycat Dolls are seen surrounded by party guests as they strut down a case of stairs. Once the girls are on the ground, another dance routine is performed. Busta Rhymes is featured in the next scene where he raps his final verse. The scene continues to switch between Scherzinger and Busta Rhymes together and Scherzinger with the group until chorus starts again and Scherzinger is in the center of the group and then lifts herself and kicks two chairs in front of her. The Pussycat Dolls continue to dance and sing until the video ends. Robin Antin and Cee-Lo Green make appearances in the video towards the end.", "I Don't Know Why You Don't Want Me \"I Don't Know Why You Don't Want Me\" is a song co-written and recorded by American country music artist Rosanne Cash. It was released in February 1985 as the first single from the album Rhythm & Romance. \"I Don't Know Why You Don't Want Me\" was Rosanne Cash's fourth number one on the country charts. The single stayed at number one for a single week and spent a total of 15 weeks on the chart.[1] Cash wrote the song with then-husband Rodney Crowell.", "Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus! Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus! is a children's picture book by Mo Willems. Released by Disney-Hyperion in 2003, it was Willems' first book for children, and received the Caldecott Honor.[1] The plot is about a bus driver who has to leave so he asks the reader to not allow the pigeon to drive the bus. The pigeon tries many excuses and tries to finagle readers into letting it drive the bus. An animated adaptation of the book won the 2010 Carnegie Medal for Excellence in Children's Video.[2]", "White Light, White Heat, White Trash \"Don't Drag Me Down\" featured on the soundtrack for the 2000 Acclaim computer game Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX.", "John Masefield Let no religious rite be done or read\nIn any place for me when I am dead,\nBut burn my body into ash, and scatter\nThe ash in secret into running water,\nOr on the windy down, and let none see;\nAnd then thank God that there's an end of me.\n[12]", "Don't Say You Love Me (M2M song) Lyrically, the song is about getting \"the rules straight on a budding relationship: Slow down and don't say you love me until you give me some time and get to know me.\"[9] According to musicologist Jon Mikkel Broch Ålvik, \"Don't Say You Love Me\" is the \"thinking person's teen pop.\"[12] Ålvik rejects a superficial interpretation that the lyrics are a \"moralistic message of abstinence\", arguing instead that M2M \"signal a stance that sounds considered and assured rather than prudish\" and that the song is a statement of \"burgeoning agency.\"[12] The song has been described as bubblegum pop music[1] with similar lyrical qualities to songs by girl groups of the 1960s, while also having more influence from rock and singer-songwriter genres than was typical for other teen pop songs of the late 1990s.[9][12]", "Why Don't They Let Us Fall in Love \"Why Don't They Let Us Fall in Love\" is a song written by Phil Spector, Ellie Greenwich, and Jeff Barry. It was first recorded by American singer Ronnie Spector, who was credited as Veronica. In 1964, it was released as an A-sided single backed with \"Chubby Danny D\".[1] It did not chart.[2]", "Never Let Me Go (2010 film) Never Let Me Go earned $9.5 million at the box office and an additional $1.89 million in DVD sales revenue. Never Let Me Go was met with generally positive reviews from film critics, with most reviewers praising the cast's performances.", "Let Me Be the One (Five Star song) * The 6:06 Philadelphia Remix of Let me be the one was released on the Rhino CD \"Smooth Grooves - After Hours Cool Down\" in 2002 (Cat R2 78276) and in 2009 on volume 25 of the Dance Classics CD series released by Rodeo Media. Also released as an extra track on the 2010 remastered 'Luxury Of Life' album.", "Fancy (Bobbie Gentry song) Fancy recalls her mother's parting words: \"Here's your one chance Fancy don't let me down\" and \"If you want out, well, it's up to you.\" Fancy ends up using sex and connections she makes to build a better life for herself (eventually owning a Georgia mansion and a New York City townhouse flat), eventually making peace with her mother, denouncing \"hypocrite\" social conservatives who criticize her and her mother for her actions, and acknowledging the complexity of the decision her mother was forced to make.", "Let Me Be the One (Five Star song) 2. Let Me Be The One (LP Version) 4:41", "Let Me Be the One (Five Star song) 1. Let Me Be The One (Philadelphia Remix) 6:06 *", "Never Let Me Go (2010 film) Never Let Me Go was scheduled for a limited release for select cities in the United States on 1 October 2010,[43] but the date was later moved up to 15 September.[44] The film was released in the United Kingdom on 11 February 2011, and in France on 9 February 2011.[45] As a forum of promotion for the film, Mulligan made guest appearances to introduce Never Let Me Go at movie theatre screenings, including at the Landmark Theatres and AMC Loews Lincoln Square.[46] Upon the film's release at the Telluride Film Festival, a writer for the Los Angeles Times called the film an \"Oscar wild card\". He believed its reviews were \"likely to be split between those who consider the film a bleak masterpiece and others who find it straining so mightily for aesthetic perfection that it fails to provide a gripping narrative.\"[47] The Globe and Mail called Never Let Me Go one of 2010's \"big noise\" films.[48] In the United States, Never Let Me Go was released on DVD on 1 February 2011.[49] By 6 February, it had sold 44,911 units (amounting to US$628,305 in consumer revenue) and was the 17th-best selling DVD for that week.[50][when?] the DVD sales revenue stands at US$1,886,997.[50]", "Let Me In (film) Lou Lumenick of The New York Post called Let Me In \"the scariest, creepiest and most elegantly filmed horror movie I’ve seen in years—it positively drives a stake through the competition.\"[57] A. O. Scott of The New York Times wrote \"what makes 'Let Me In' so eerily fascinating is the mood it creates. It is at once artful and unpretentious, more interested in intimacy and implication than in easy scares or slick effects.\"[58] Roger Ebert of the Chicago Sun-Times praised the film while comparing it to the original. He stated, \"Reeves understands what made the first film so eerie and effective, and here the same things work again.\"[59] Rolling Stone film critic Peter Travers, who was initially skeptical, gave the film a positive review while writing, \"I thought for sure that any Hollywood remake of Tomas Alfredson's artful Swedish vampire film, Let the Right One In, would be a crass desecration. Well, color me blushing\" and \"Prepare to be wowed. It's a spellbinder.\"[60] Roger Moore of the Orlando Sentinel gave the film 3.5 out of 4 stars, stating, \"Reeves has Americanized a very good foreign film without defanging it.\"[61]", "Death Wish (1974 film) NYPD Lt. Frank Ochoa investigates the vigilante killings. His department narrows it down to a list of men who have had a family member recently killed by muggers and who are war veterans. Ochoa soon suspects Paul and is about to make an arrest when the District Attorney intervenes and tells Ochoa to \"let him loose\" in another city instead. The D.A. and the Police Commissioner do not want the fact to get out that street crime in New York City has dropped dramatically since Paul became a vigilante and fear that if he is not stopped the whole city will descend into chaos. But they don't want him to be arrested, because they don't want a martyr. Ochoa does not like the idea, but relents.", "Don't Let Him Waste Your Time \"Don't Let Him Waste Your Time\" is a song by English singer and songwriter Jarvis Cocker. Before recording the song for his debut solo album Jarvis in November 2006, the song appeared on Nancy Sinatra's self-titled 2004 album (Nancy Sinatra) (along with \"Baby's Coming Back to Me\", which also made it onto Jarvis). The song was released as a single on 8 January 2007,[1] reaching number 36 in the UK Singles Chart[2] and number 1 on the UK indie chart.[3]", "Forever Country Initially, it was unknown how many stars would participate. To narrow the list down, only previous CMA winners were considered for the parts.[9] Artists like Miranda Lambert, Luke Bryan, and Brad Paisley who came in early had to cover a lot of ground, since it was not known if every line would be covered. Lambert for one would record almost the entire \"Take Me Home, Country Roads\" and pieces of \"On the Road Again.\" McAnally kept saying, \"I need your voice, if I don't get all these singers, to cover these patches.\"[5] In an interview with Billboard magazine, McAnally said that \"some of those people were really generous with their time, singing a lot more than what ended up on the track. As we neared the finish line, it came down to some folks literally having just one line left they could sing, and it was like, \"Please, God, just let this work with their voice.\"\"[5] Most of the artists sang a line or two, while Little Big Town appeared the most.[12] Not every artist contacted was able to make it into the project. There were a handful of people whose the team could not get their schedules to work.[9]", "Sing Me to Sleep \"Sing Me to Sleep\" is a song by Norwegian record producer and DJ Alan Walker. Incorporating uncredited vocals provided by Norwegian recording artist Iselin Solheim, it was released commercially for digital consumption on 3 June 2016.[3] Upon release, the recording was generally acclaimed by music critics, with several noticing similarities to the style of its predecessor, \"Faded\".[4]", "Let Me In (film) The rights for the English-language film were later acquired by Hammer Films at the 2008 Tribeca Film Festival, where Let the Right One In won the \"Founders Award for Best Narrative Feature,\" and Matt Reeves was quickly introduced as the director.[9] John Nordling and Carl Molinder, the Swedish producers of the original film, were both involved as producers for the adaptation.[10] Tomas Alfredson, the director of the Swedish film, was initially asked to direct the remake, but he turned it down stating that \"I am too old to make the same film twice and I have other stories that I want to tell.\"[11] Hammer Films producer Simon Oakes initially referred to the film with \"If you call it a faithful remake, I think that's true to say that's what it is. It's not a reimagining; the same beats [are there], maybe the scares are a little bit more scary.\"[12] He later said, \"I call it his [Reeves'] version. I don't call it his remake or his re-imagining of it.\"[13] The decision to make a new film adaptation has been criticized by Tomas Alfredson. He has stated on numerous occasions that he is not in favor of remaking his film.[14][15] \"If one should remake a film, it's because the original is bad. And I don't think mine is,\" he said.[16] Producer Donna Gigliotti said, \"We're incredibly admiring of the original, but to be honest with you, that picture grossed $2 million. It's not like we're remaking Lawrence of Arabia.\"[17] Producer Simon Oakes made it clear that the plot of Let Me In would closely resemble that of the original film, except that it will be made \"very accessible to a wider audience.\"[12]", "Star Wars (film) For the film's opening crawl, Lucas originally wrote a composition consisting of six paragraphs with four sentences each.[19] He said, \"The crawl is such a hard thing because you have to be careful that you're not using too many words that people don't understand. It's like a poem.\" Lucas showed his draft to his friends.[50] Director Brian De Palma, who was there, described it: \"The crawl at the beginning looks like it was written on a driveway. It goes on forever. It's gibberish.\"[51] Lucas recounted what De Palma said the first time he saw it: \"George, you're out of your mind! Let me sit down and write this for you.\" De Palma helped to edit the text into the form used in the film.[50]", "Let Me Be the One (Five Star song) 2. Let Me Be The One (Long Hot Soulful Summer Mix)", "I Won't Let You Down I Won't Let You Down may refer to:", "Time Won't Let Me In 1966 the Outsiders recorded their debut album for Capitol, which was produced by Tom King, Time Won't Let Me and named for the hit song.[5][6][14] It contained five original songs written by King and Kelley.[10][14] They proved to be a formidable songwriting team, and the band was also adept at handling covers of R&B songs.[10][14] Drummer Ronnie Harkai departed shortly after the recording of \"Time Won't Let Me\" to join the Air Force, and Jim Fox returned briefly to fill in, playing on most of the remaining cuts recorded for the Time Won't Let Me album.[5][6][9] Following the recording of the album, Bennie Benson became the group's drummer, later to be replaced by Ricky Baker.[5][6]", "Snuff (song) \"This is the slow one. It's another personal one. Again, not naming names, it's about someone who helped me through a lot and I thought she felt the same way that I did and then she really let me down. At the same time, it was good that she did, because it was that final push to me figuring out myself. The lyrics are pretty self-explanatory.\" – Corey Taylor[8]", "Let Me Roll It \"Let Me Roll It\" is a song by Wings released on the 1973 album Band on the Run. The song was also released as the B-side to \"Jet\" in early 1974, and has remained a staple of McCartney's live concerts since it was first released.", "Complicated (Avril Lavigne song) David Browne of Entertainment Weekly gave the song a B- and said \"Avril Lavigne's not kidding about that title, she's the epitome of the blossoming anti-Britney movement\".[19] Christina Saraceno of Allmusic described 'Complicated' as \"a gem of a pop/rock tune with a killer chorus\" and noted similarities between it and the Pink song \"Don't Let Me Get Me\".[3] Saraceno highlighted the song as a \"track pick\" in a review of the album, Let Go.[3]", "Please Don't Say You Love Me \"Please Don't Say You Love Me\" was written and composed in 2012 by Aplin and Nicholas Atkinson. Sheet music shows that \"Please Don't Say You Love Me\" is set in the key of C Major. It is written in 2/2 time with a slow tempo of 86 beats per minute. Aplin's vocals span from A3 to C5.[1]", "Let Me Be the One (Five Star song) 2. Let Me Be The One (Edited Philadelphia Remix - 3:59) - exclusive to this release", "The World Turned Upside Down The World Turned Upside Down (To the Tune of, When the King enioys his own again.)\n\nListen to me and you shall hear, news hath not been this thousand year:\nSince Herod, Caesar, and many more, you never heard the like before.\nHoly-dayes are despis'd, new fashions are devis'd.\nOld Christmas is kickt out of Town.\nYet let's be content, and the times lament, you see the world turn'd upside down.\n\nThe wise men did rejoyce to see our Savior Christs Nativity:\nThe Angels did good tidings bring, the Sheepheards did rejoyce and sing.\nLet all honest men, take example by them.\nWhy should we from good Laws be bound?\nYet let's be content, and the times lament, you see the world turn'd upside down.\n \nCommand is given, we must obey, and quite forget old Christmas day:\nKill a thousand men, or a Town regain, we will give thanks and praise amain.\nThe wine pot shall clinke, we will feast and drinke.\nAnd then strange motions will abound.\nYet let's be content, and the times lament, you see the world turn'd upside down.\n \nOur Lords and Knights, and Gentry too, doe mean old fashions to forgoe:\nThey set a porter at the gate, that none must enter in thereat.\nThey count it a sin, when poor people come in.\nHospitality it selfe is drown'd.\nYet let's be content, and the times lament, you see the world turn'd upside down.\n \nThe serving men doe sit and whine, and thinke it long ere dinner time:\nThe Butler's still out of the way, or else my Lady keeps the key,\nThe poor old cook, in the larder doth look,\nWhere is no goodnesse to be found,\nYet let's be content, and the times lament, you see the world turn'd upside down.\n \nTo conclude, I'le tell you news that's right, Christmas was kil'd at Naseby fight:\nCharity was slain at that same time, Jack Tell troth too, a friend of mine,\nLikewise then did die, rost beef and shred pie,\nPig, Goose and Capon no quarter found.\nYet let's be content, and the times lament, you see the world turn'd upside down.", "Lucy Fallon Fallon competed in the ITV Christmas special All Star Musicals aired on 24 December 2017 and was voted the winner. Her rendition of \"Don't Cry for Me Argentina\" from the musical Evita received praise; Michael Crawford, who coached the show's contestants, was \"absolutely mesmerised\" by her singing and believed \"we're going to hear a lot more about\" her.[10]", "Let You Love Me The accompanying music video for \"Let You Love Me\" was released on YouTube on 21 September 2018. The video was filmed in London and directed by Malia James.[2]", "It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding) Dylan has cited \"It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding)\" as one of his songs that means the most to him.[2] In 1980 he stated that \"I don't think I could sit down now and write 'It's Alright, Ma' again. I wouldn't even know where to begin, but I can still sing it.\"[2] In 1997, Dylan told The New York Times, \"I've written some songs that I look at, and they just give me a sense of awe. Stuff like, 'It's Alright, Ma,' just the alliteration in that blows me away.\"[19]", "Hair (musical) \"Don't Put It Down\" satirizes the unexamined patriotism of people who are literally \"crazy\" for the American flag.[75] \"Be In (Hare Krishna)\" praises the peace movement and events like the San Francisco and Central Park Be-Ins.[76] Throughout the show, the tribe chants popular protest slogans like \"What do we want? Peace!  – When do we want it? Now!\" and \"Do not enter the induction center\".[63] The upbeat song, \"Let the Sun Shine In\", is a call to action, to reject the darkness of war and change the world for the better.[61]", "That Don't Impress Me Much \"That Don't Impress Me Much\" is a song co-written and recorded by Canadian singer Shania Twain. It was released in December 1998 as the sixth country single from her third studio album, Come On Over (1997). It was third to pop and fourth to international markets. The song was written by Robert John \"Mutt\" Lange and Twain, and was originally released to North American country radio stations in late 1998. It became her third biggest single on the Billboard Hot 100 and remains one of Twain's biggest hits worldwide. \"That Don't Impress Me Much\" has appeared in all of Twain's tours (Come On Over, Up! Tour, Rock This Country and Now Tour). The country version was performed on the Come on Over Tour and the dance version on the Up! Tour. \"That Don't Impress Me Much\" was named Foreign Hit of the Year at the 2000 Danish Grammy Awards.[1]", "Don't Cry for Me Argentina The song reached number-one on the UK Singles Chart and earned a gold certification from the British Phonographic Industry (BPI), with over a million copies sold. It also reached the top of the charts in Australia, Belgium, Ireland, New Zealand and the Netherlands. \"Don't Cry for Me Argentina\" was critically appreciated, with Rice and Lloyd Webber winning the 1977 Ivor Novello award in the category of Best Song Musically and Lyrically. When Evita moved to a London theatre, Covington—who had become disenchanted with the whole project—refused to reprise the part of Eva and the role went to Elaine Paige. \"Don't Cry for Me Argentina\" has been covered by multiple artists, including The Carpenters, Olivia Newton-John, and Sinéad O'Connor as well as actors Lea Michele and Chris Colfer from the TV series Glee‍.", "Miss Susie Susie had a steamboat\nThe steamboat had a bell\nSusie went to Heaven\nThe steamboat went to–\n\n–Hello operator\nJust give me number nine\nDon't put me on hold\nOr I'll kick you from be\n\n'hind the 'frigerator\nSusie broke some glass\nThen she sat upon it\nAnd broke her little\n\nAsk me no more questions\nI'll tell you no more lies\nThe boys are in the bathroom\nZipping up their\n\nFlies are in the meadows\nThe bees are in the trees\nSusie and her boyfriend\nAre kissing the\n\nD-A-R-K\nD-A-R-K\nDark, dark, dark, dark!\n\nDarker than the ocean\nDarker than the sea\nDarker than the underwear\nMy mommy put on me!\n\nNow you know my mommy\nNow you know my pa\nNow you know my sister\nWith the forty-acre bra\n\nMy mommy is Godzilla\nMy daddy is King Kong\nMy sister is the stupid one\nWho made me sing this song- DUH.\n\n(The DUH is usually punctuated by a gentle nudge or hit towards the sibling and/or friend who made the other sing/started singing first)", "Diana, Princess of Wales The Princess's influential short hairstyle was created by Sam McKnight after a Vogue shoot in 1990, which, in McKnight and Donatella Versace's opinion, brought her more liberty as \"it always looked great\".[325][355] The Princess reportedly did her own make up and would always have a hairstylist by her side before an event. She told McKnight: \"It's not for me, Sam. It is for the people I visit or who come to see me. They don't want me in off-duty mode, they want a princess. Let's give them what they want.\"[325]", "Let Me Take You Dancing The extended version (6:15) of \"Let Me Take You Dancing\" is available on the 1994 Hot Classics 12 CD.", "Let Me Love You Tonight \"Let Me Love You Tonight\" is a 1980 song by the American pop and country rock band Pure Prairie League." ]
who invented the frisbee and how did it get its name
[ "Walter Frederick Morrison In 1946, he sketched out a design (called the Whirlo-Way) for the world's first flying disc. In 1948 an investor, Warren Franscioni, paid for molding the design in plastic. They named it the Flyin-Saucer. After disappointing sales, Fred & Warren parted ways in early 1950. In 1954, Fred bought more of the Saucers from the original molders to sell at local fairs, but soon found he could produce his own disc more cheaply. In 1955, he and Lu designed the Pluto Platter, the archetype of all modern flying discs. On January 23, 1957, they sold the rights for the Pluto Platter to the Wham-O toy company. Initially Wham-O continued to market the toy solely as the \"Pluto Platter\", but by June 1957 they also began using the name Frisbee after learning that college students in the Northeast were calling the Pluto Platter by that name. Morrison also invented several other products for Wham-O, but none were as successful as the Pluto Platter." ]
[ "Frisbee Enthusiasts founded the International Frisbee Association in 1967, and the next year, the Frisbee Golf Tournament began in Kalamazoo. Also in 1967, some New Jersey teenagers invented Ultimate Frisbee, a game that is still played enthusiastically today. All this attention for Frisbees certainly made it a hot commodity with sales reaching 100 million Frisbees by 1994 and later in 1998 the Frisbee was inducted into the National Toy Hall of Fame. Today they are very popular toys.[20]", "Frisbee The game of guts was invented by the Healy Brothers in the 1950s and developed at the International Frisbee Tournament (IFT) in Eagle Harbor, Michigan. Two teams of one to five team members stand in parallel lines facing each other across a court and throw flying discs at members of the opposing team.", "Frisbee In June 1957, Wham-O co-founders Richard Knerr and Stan Lee decided to stimulate sales by giving the discs the additional brand name Frisbee (pronounced \"friz'-bee\"), after learning that Northeastern college students were calling the Pluto Platter by that name,[9] the term \"Frisbee\" coming from the name of the Connecticut-based pie manufacturer, Frisbie Pie Company,[10] which supplied pies to Yale University, where students started the campus craze by tossing empty pie tins stamped with the company's logo. \"I thought the name was a horror. Terrible,\" Morrison told The Press-Enterprise of Riverside in 2007.[11] In 1982, Morrison told Forbes magazine that he had received about US$2 million in royalty payments and said: \"I wouldn't change the name of it for the world.\"[11]", "Yale University Yale students claim to have invented Frisbee, by tossing empty Frisbie Pie Company tins.[169][170]", "Talk:Boston Celtics Where did the Boston Celtics get their name from? I don't mean about the actual Celts or anything like that, but how did this basketball team get their name?", "Sports in the United States Disc guts was invented in the 1950s and developed at the International Frisbee Tournament. Ultimate, the most widely played disc sport, began in the late 1960s. In the 1970s it developed as an organized sport with the creation of the Ultimate Players Association. Double disc court was invented and introduced in the early 1970s. In 1974, disc freestyle competition was created.[58] In 1976, the game of disc golf was standardized by the Professional Disc Golf Association. Beginning in 1974, the International Frisbee Association became the regulatory organization for all of these sports.[59]", "Traffic light The Barnes Dance is named after an American traffic engineer, Henry A. Barnes. Barnes did not claim to have invented the system but was a strong advocate of it, having observed the difficulties his daughter faced crossing the road to get to school.[32]", "Who Are the DeBolts? And Where Did They Get Nineteen Kids? Who Are the DeBolts? And Where Did They Get Nineteen Kids? is a 1977 documentary film about Dorothy and Bob DeBolt, an American couple who have adopted 14 children, some of whom are severely disabled war orphans (in addition to raising Dorothy's five biological children and Bob's biological daughter). VHS and DVD releases use the shortened title Who Are the DeBolts?", "The Naming of Cats The poem uses a short rhythmic dialogue to describe how cats get or choose their names. It also shows how cats are also mysterious and devious, e.g., with the line \"The name that no human research can discover—but THE CAT HIMSELF KNOWS, and will never confess.", "List of Andi Mack episodes Andi later gives Bex a lesson on how to properly throw a frisbee. After Bex lets one fly, Andi goes to retrieve it and then sees Amber with a guy, but it is not Jonah.", "Disc golf Two early coordinators of the sport are George Sappenfield and Kevin Donnelly, who, through similar backgrounds and the help of Wham-O, were able to individually spread the sport in their California cities. Donnelly began playing a form of Frisbee golf in 1959 called Street Frisbee Golf. In 1961, while a recreation leader and then recreation supervisor for the City of Newport Beach, California, he formulated and then began organizing Frisbee golf tournaments at nine of the city's playgrounds he supervised. This culminated in 1965 with a fully documented, Wham-O sponsored, citywide Frisbee golf tournament. This highly publicized tournament included hula hoops as holes, with published rules, hole lengths, pars, and prizes; an event in which Walter Frederick Morrison, the Frisbee inventor, was in attendance.[12] In 1965, Sappenfield was a recreation counselor during a summer break from college during which, he set up an object course for his children to play on. When he finished college in 1968, Sappenfield became the Parks and Recreation supervisor for Conejo Recreation and Park District in Thousand Oaks, California. Sappenfield planned a disc golf tournament as part of a recreation project and contacted Wham-O Manufacturing to ask them for help with the event. Wham-O supplied Frisbees for throwing, and hula hoops for use as targets.[13] Before 1973 and the invention of the disc golf target called the disc pole hole, there were only a few disc golf object courses in the U.S. and Canada. Despite having never heard of the International Frisbee Association (IFA) that Ed Headrick and Wham-O had put together, or ever seeing a copy of the IFA Newsletter, Jim Palmeri, his brother, and a small group of people from Rochester, NY, had been playing disc golf as a competitive sport on a regular basis since August of 1970, including tournaments and weekly league play. By 1973, they had even promoted two City of Rochester Disc Frisbee Championship events which featured disc golf as the main event. In Canada, beginning in 1970, newly arrived Americans, Ken Westerfield and Jim Kenner played Frisbee golf daily on an 18 object hole course they designed at Queens Park in downtown Toronto. In California, the Berkeley Frisbee Group established a standardized 18 hole object course on the Berkeley campus in 1970. University of Michigan Nichols Arboretum, Ann Arbor had an object Frisbee golf course designed in the early 1970’s.[14][15]", "Macdonald Hall Macdonald Hall is closing! Their school is in jeopardy and the best way to save it, according to Bruno, is to get the word out about how great their school is. Bruno leads a scheme to get the name of Macdonald Hall known all over Canada. While the boys are doing this, to blow off steam, Bruno starts playing with one of Elmer Drimsdale's inventions and inadvertently starts a police investigation into the activities of the operative known as \"The Fish.\"", "Samwise Gamgee \"There was a curious local character, an old man who used to go about swapping gossip and weather-wisdom and such like. To amuse my children I named him Gaffer Gamgee... The choice of Gamgee was primarily directed by alliteration; but I did not invent it. It was caught out of childhood memory, as a comic word or name. It was in fact the name when I was small (in Birmingham) for 'cotton-wool'. (Hence the association of the Gamgees with the Cottons.) I knew nothing of its origin.\"[8]", "How High In November 2010, Redman further stated, \"Blackout! 3 is coming, Muddy Waters 2 is coming and How High 2 is coming. But remember, Universal owns the rights to How High. They own the names, they own the characters, they own the whole thing. If Red and Meth do a movie, we can't call it How High. Only person that can get us out of that is Keenen Ivory Wayans.\"[6]", "How to Make It in America The second season did not get much positive reception on Metacritic and currently does not hold a Metascore because of lack of enough reviews (However the only two existing reviews are positive).[25] Maureen Ryan of Huffington Post wrote the show has \"a little more discipline and focus than they did in season 1.\" [26] Phillip Maciak of Slant Magazine also added that the show is \"anchored by gorgeous production design and the pop naturalism of its performances, How to Make It in America dramatizes this particular cultural moment with uncommon style and a little grace as well.\" [27]", "Why Did I Get Married? Tyler Perry's Why Did I Get Married? is a 2007 American comedy-drama film adaptation written, produced, directed, and starring Tyler Perry. It was inspired by Perry's play of the same name. The film also stars Janet Jackson, Jill Scott, Malik Yoba, Sharon Leal, Tasha Smith, Michael Jai White, Richard T. Jones, Denise Boutte, and Keesha Sharp. The film was released in the United States by Lionsgate on October 12, 2007.", "National Inventors Hall of Fame But attendance did not meet the expectations and the museum never made a profit, although its related ventures and programs, such as Invent Now and Camp Invention, proved to be more successful. In 2002, its name was changed to the National Inventors Hall of Fame Museum. Six years later the Hall moved to Alexandria. Its former facility was converted to a specialty school for students in grades between 5th and 8th. It is now the National Inventors Hall of Fame STEM Middle School, a middle school for the Akron Public Schools.[7][8][9][10]", "William Howe, 5th Viscount Howe When Washington failed to take the bait, Howe withdrew the army to Perth Amboy, under harassment by Colonel Daniel Morgan's elite light unit, Morgan's Riflemen, who used their superior weapons to snipe at and harry his forces as they moved. Washington moved down to a more exposed position, assuming Howe was going to embark his army on ships. Howe then launched a lightning strike designed to cut Washington's retreat off. This attempt was foiled by the Battle of Short Hills, which gave Washington time to retreat to a more secure position. Howe then did in fact embark his army and sailed south with his brother's fleet. Howe maintained an effective secrecy surrounding the fleet's destination: not only did Washington not know where it was going, neither did many British rank and file.[69]", "The Last Song (film) In its opening weekend, the film grossed $16,007,426, finishing fourth at the box office behind Clash of the Titans ($61,235,105), Why Did I Get Married Too? ($29,289,537) and How to Train Your Dragon ($29,010,044).[1]", "Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball Co Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball Company [1892] EWCA Civ 1 is an English contract law decision by the Court of Appeal, which held an advertisement containing certain terms to get a reward constituted a binding unilateral offer that could be accepted by anyone who performed its terms. It is notable for its curious subject matter and how the influential judges (particularly Lindley LJ and Bowen LJ) developed the law in inventive ways. Carlill is frequently discussed as an introductory contract case, and may often be the first legal case a law student studies in the law of contract.", "Dear Evan Hansen The musical has its origins in an incident that took place during Pasek's high school years. The musical \"takes the notion of a teenager, ... Evan Hansen, who invents an important role for himself in a tragedy that he did not earn.\"[2]", "The Silver Box Roper, Barthwick's lawyer, wants to know how to present the case in the police court. Mrs. Barthwick believes that Jack's involvement is an invention of Jones; Jack is unwilling to appear in court; Barthwick is anxious that the details should not get into the papers.", "Invention of the integrated circuit The two-inventor version persisted through the 2010s.[119] Its variation puts Kilby in front, and considers Noyce as an engineer who improved the Kilby's invention.[120] Fred Kaplan in his popular book \"1959: The Year Everything Changed\" (2010) spends eight pages on the IC invention and assigns it to Kilby,[121] mentioning Noyce only in a footnote[122] and neglecting Hoerni and Last.", "Necktie The Windsor knot is named after the Duke of Windsor, although he did not invent it. The Duke did favour a voluminous knot; however, he achieved this by having neckties specially made of thicker cloths.", "Madison, Wisconsin Madison has several active ultimate disc leagues organized through the nonprofit Madison Ultimate Frisbee Association.[94] In 2013, the Madison Radicals, a professional ultimate frisbee team, debuted in the city.[95]", "How to Get Away with Murder The second season also received positive reviews. On Rotten Tomatoes, it has an approval rating of 94% based on 87 reviews, with an average rating of 8.2/10. The site's critical consensus reads, \"Developing a stronger narrative this season, How to Get Away with Murder throws more improbable shocks and higher stakes into the mix, adding preposterous fuel to an addictive fire.\"[67] Lesley Brock, Paste Magazine, praised the second season writing: \"I would not put it past How to Get Away with Murder, which has turned all other ABC show plot lines upside down on their heads and shown that nothing is impossible, to throw incest into an already haphazard mix.\" Brock gave the season a score of 9 out of 10.[68] Kyle Anderson, Entertainment weekly, wrote that with Davis at the front the show can get away with anything.[69]", "History of baseball team nicknames As the news media (primarily newspapers) began covering games extensively and assigning specialists to write about them, the inventive scribes might use the established names, or they might invent some new ones. Initially, they often referred to a club in the plural form, either by its city name or by its club name. Examples:", "Wizards of Waverly Place (season 2) Alex bonds with a new art teacher, who turns out to be a teenager, Jenny, under a spell. Alex changes her back into a teenager, but with no teacher art class is cancelled. Alex manages to convince Mr. Laritate of how important art is, and he promises to get them a new teacher. Meanwhile, Max gets out of gym class by inventing a disease called Mono-oranegeosis, which makes him unable to see the color orange. This fake disease gets him sympathy from celebrities like Dwayne Johnson and Misty May-Treanor (who guest-star). But his ruse is soon revealed by a girl from school, who appears to be Misty May-Treanor's niece.", "Naming in the United States By the 1970s and 1980s, it had become common within the culture to invent new names, although many of the invented names took elements from popular existing names. Prefixes such as La/Le, Da/De, Ra/Re, or Ja/Je and suffixes such as -ique/iqua, -isha, and -aun/-awn are common, as well as inventive spellings for common names. The name LaKeisha is typically considered American in origin, but has elements pulled from both French and African roots. Other names like LaTanisha, JaMarcus, DeAndre, and Shaniqua were created in the same way. Punctuation marks are seen more often within African-American names than other American names, such as the names Mo'nique and D'Andre.[2][7]", "Invention In the process of developing an invention, the initial idea may change. The invention may become simpler, more practical, it may expand, or it may even morph into something totally different. Working on one invention can lead to others too.[8]", "Tetra Pak Upon visiting the Tetra Pak factory in Lund in the 1950s, Danish physics professor and Nobel Prize laureate Niels Bohr allegedly claimed to \"never have seen such an adequate practical application of a mathematical problem\" as the tetrahedron package and the innovation of the milk tetrahedron, the basis for Tetra Pak, has indeed given rise to differences in view as to who is to be credited for the invention.[74] Erik Wallenberg did not get any formal recognition until 1991 when he was awarded the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences Great Gold Medal for outstanding achievement for the invention.[75]", "Names of Japan These names were invented after the introduction of Chinese into the language, and they show up in historical texts for prehistoric legendary dates and also in names of gods and Japanese emperors:", "Frisbee Double disc court", "Frisbee The most widely played disc game began in the late 1960s with Joel Silver and Jared Kass. In the 1970s it developed as an organized sport with the creation of the Ultimate Players Association by Dan Roddick, Tom Kennedy and Irv Kalb. The object of the game is to advance the disc and score points by eventually passing the disc to a team member in the opposing team’s end zone. Players may not run while holding the disc.", "Frisbee Flying discs are thrown and caught for free-form (freestyle) recreation and as part of many flying disc games. A wide range of flying disc variants are available commercially. Disc golf discs are usually smaller but denser and tailored for particular flight profiles to increase/decrease stability and distance. The longest recorded disc throw is by David Wiggins, Jr. with a distance of 338.0 meters.[2] Disc dog sports use relatively slow flying discs made of more pliable material to better resist a dog's bite and prevent injury to the dog. Flying rings are also available; they typically travel significantly farther than any traditional flying disc. There are also illuminated discs meant for nighttime play—they are made of a phosphorescent plastic or contain battery-powered light-emitting diodes or chemiluminescent glowing sticks. Others whistle when they reach a certain velocity in flight.", "Frisbee In 1974, freestyle competition was created and introduced by Ken Westerfield and Discrafts Jim Kenner. Teams of two or three players are judged as they perform a routine that consists of a series of creative throwing and catching techniques set to music.[22]", "Frisbee A patented game scoring points by throwing and deflecting the flying disc and hitting or entering the goal. The game ends when a team scores exactly 21 points or \"chogs\" the disc for an instant win.", "Frisbee \"We worked fairs, demonstrating it,\" Morrison told the Virginian-Pilot. The two of them once overheard someone saying the pair were using wires to make the discs hover, so they developed a sales pitch: \"The Flyin-Saucer is free, but the invisible wire is $1.\" \"That's where we learned we could sell these things,\" he said, because people were enthusiastic about them.", "Invention An invention is a unique or novel device, method, composition or process. The invention process is a process within an overall engineering and product development process. It may be an improvement upon a machine or product or a new process for creating an object or a result. An invention that achieves a completely unique function or result may be a radical breakthrough. Such works are novel and not obvious to others skilled in the same field. An inventor may be taking a big step in success or failure.", "List of How to Get Away with Murder episodes As of March 15, 2018,[update] 60 episodes of How to Get Away with Murder have aired, concluding the fourth season.", "Research and development Research is the most risky financing area because both the development of an invention and its successful realization carries uncertainty including the profitability of the invention.[5] One way entrepreneurs can reduce these uncertainties is to buy the licence for a franchise, so that the know-how is already incorporated in the licence.[6]", "Christopher Reeve At the Institute, one of his aides was a Jamaican man named Glenn Miller, nicknamed Juice, who helped him learn how to get into the shower and how to use a powered wheelchair, which was activated by blowing air through a straw. Miller and Reeve would watch the film Cool Runnings and joke about Reeve directing the sequel, Bobsled Two.[73]", "Invention The Timeline for invention in the arts lists the most notable artistic inventors", "Patent A patent is requested by filing a written application at the relevant patent office. The person or company filing the application is referred to as \"the applicant\". The applicant may be the inventor or its assignee. The application contains a description of how to make and use the invention that must provide sufficient detail for a person skilled in the art (i.e., the relevant area of technology) to make and use the invention. In some countries there are requirements for providing specific information such as the usefulness of the invention, the best mode of performing the invention known to the inventor, or the technical problem or problems solved by the invention. Drawings illustrating the invention may also be provided.", "A Song Is Born Mild-mannered Professor Hobart Frisbee (Danny Kaye) and his fellow academics, among them Professor Magenbruch (Benny Goodman), are writing a musical encyclopedia. In the process, they discover that there is some new popular music that is called jazz, swing, boogie woogie or rebop, introduced to them by two window washers Buck and Bubbles. The professors become entangled in the problems of nightclub singer Honey Swanson (Virginia Mayo). She needs a place to hide out from the police, who want to question her about her gangster boyfriend Tony Crow (Steve Cochran). She invites herself into their sheltered household, over Frisbee's objections. While there, she introduces them to the latest in jazz, with which they are unfamiliar, giving the film an excuse to feature many of the best musicians of the era. The songs they play include \"A Song Is Born\", \"Daddy-O\", \"I'm Getting Sentimental Over You\", \"Flying Home\", and \"Redskin Rumba\".", "Talk:Tennis ball \"This human hair is believed to have come from the enemies of the Scottish, and was harvested on one of their many conquests to Great Britain.\" Who are these enemies conquering Great Britain - the English? How did their balls get stuck in the roof? It's one to ponder. --OhNoPeedyPeebles (talk) 18:10, 23 October 2008 (UTC)", "Illinois Fighting Illini Club sports include men's ice hockey, men's lacrosse, women's ice hockey, rowing, men's rugby, women's rugby, tennis, men's volleyball, men's soccer, women's soccer, men's ultimate frisbee, women's ultimate frisbee, men's and women's cross country, and men's and women's track and field.", "The Illustrated Science and Invention Encyclopedia The Illustrated Science and Invention Encyclopedia was an encyclopedia of books originally published in parts in the United Kingdom under the title How It Works, by Marshall Cavendish Limited,[1] and republished in the United States in 1974 by H.S. Stuttman Publishers in Westport, Connecticut, in 21 volumes (OCLC 3643238). It was supplanted by their The New Illustrated Science and Invention Encyclopedia: How It Works, a 28 volume set edited by Donald Clarke and Mark Dartford, published in 1987 (ISBN 9780874754506) (OCLC 1333004714), and then republished in 28 volumes from 1989 to 1993 (ISBN 9780874754506),(OCLC 28822057). A 2003 edition numbered 20 volumes, and was well reviewed.[2]", "Invention Inventions are of three kinds: scientific-technological\n(including medicine), sociopolitical (including economics and law), and humanistic, or cultural.", "List of Beavis and Butt-Head episodes Beavis and Butt-head use an antique plate belonging to Stewart's mother as a Frisbee.", "Who Did You Think I Was The B-side to \"Who Did You Think I Was\" is \"Come When I Call\", which did not appear on the album Try!, but was frequently played throughout the trio live performances, like the song, \"I Don't Need No Doctor\".", "History of the Quran Qur'anic studies, as a field of academic research, appears today to be in a state of disarray. Those of us who study Islam's origins have to admit collectively that we simply do not know some very basic things about the Qur'an – things so basic that the knowledge of them is usually taken for granted by scholars dealing with other texts. They include such questions as: How did the Qur'an originate? Where did it come from, and when did it first appear? How was it first written? In what kind of language was – is – it written? What form did it first take? Who constituted its first audience? How was it transmitted from one generation to another, especially in its early years? When, how, and by whom was it codified? Those familiar with the Qur'an and the scholarship on it will know that to ask even one of these questions immediately plunges us into realms of grave uncertainty and has the potential to spark intense debate. To put it another way, on these basic issues there is little consensus even among the well-trained scholars who work on them.", "History of Canadian sports In Canada, organized disc sports began in the early 1970s, with promotional efforts from Irwin Toy (Frisbee distributor for Canada), the Canadian Open Frisbee Championships, Toronto (1972–1985), the Vancouver Open Frisbee Championships (1974-1976). Freestyle, double disc court, disc guts, ultimate and disc golf, became disc sports first events. The first Canadian Ultimate Championships (CUC) were held, for the open division, in Ottawa 1987, produced by Marcus Brady and Brian Guthrie. OCUA subsequently hosted the 1993, 1999, 2002 and 2011 Canadian Ultimate Championships.[41][42]", "How to Get Away with Murder How to Get Away with Murder airs on Thursdays at 10:00 p.m., Eastern Time. ABC pushed Grey's Anatomy and Scandal to 8 p.m. and 9 p.m., creating an all-night block of Shonda Rhimes-produced dramas airing on Thursdays, a rarity in American television.[114] It was announced on July 14, 2014 that the series would debut September 25, 2014.[1] In Canada, the series airs with sim-subbing of advertising in same timeslot on CTV, though it airs three hours earlier before the original ABC timeslot in the Atlantic Time Zone on CTV Atlantic in the Maritime Provinces.[115][116]", "Who Are the DeBolts? And Where Did They Get Nineteen Kids? The Academy Film Archive preserved Who Are the DeBolts? in 2007.[3]", "List of Wild Kratts episodes When the Tortuga gets taken over by spotted skunks who decide to den up, the Wild Kratts team must try to reclaim their headquarters. In what turns out to be a very stinky situation, the Wild Kratts team gets sprayed one by one and are forced to try ever more elaborate plans to take back their HQ, while simultaneously searching for an effective skunk stink antidote. Meanwhile, Zach sneaks into the Tortuga to take it and all of Aviva's inventions data, and even kidnaps the skunks with his new invention. The crew learned about their defenses and how they release their stench. The Kratt brothers must use their skunk creature powers to stink up Zach to flee him away from the Sonoran Desert and free the skunks from the Tortuga. The Wild Kratts team then have to use Aviva's antidote to freshen them again.", "Nutbush City Limits The first recording of \"Nutbush City Limits\" was produced by Ike Turner at his Inglewood, California facility, Bolic Sound Studio, in May 1973 and released as a single the following month by the couple under their professional name, Ike & Tina Turner. Though Ike composed the music, he did not list his name in the credits alongside Tina, who wrote the lyrics.[citation needed] This version is characterized by inventive guitar sounds, a clavinet, a substantial synthesizer solo, and a funky brass section.", "Peace Corps Frank Zappa and The Mothers of Invention have a song named \"Who Needs the Peace Corps?\" on their 1968 album We're Only in It for the Money.", "Dmitri Mendeleev He invented pyrocollodion, a kind of smokeless powder based on nitrocellulose. This work had been commissioned by the Russian Navy, which however did not adopt its use. In 1892 Mendeleev organized its manufacture.", "Israel (name) In Nazi Germany, male Jews who did not have \"typically Jewish\" given names were forced to add \"Israel\" as of January 1939. This decree was revoked by the Allies in 1945.", "If on a winter's night a traveler Author David Mitchell described himself as being \"magnetised\" by the book from its start when he read it as an undergraduate, but on rereading it, felt it had aged and that he did not find it \"breathtakingly inventive\" as he had the first time, yet does stress that \"however breathtakingly inventive a book is, it is only breathtakingly inventive once\" – with once being better than never.[4]", "Renaissance The intellectual basis of the Renaissance was its own invented version of humanism, derived from the concept of Roman Humanitas and the rediscovery of classical Greek philosophy, such as that of Protagoras, who said that \"Man is the measure of all things.\" This new thinking became manifest in art, architecture, politics, science and literature. Early examples were the development of perspective in oil painting and the recycled knowledge of how to make concrete. Although the invention of metal movable type sped the dissemination of ideas from the later 15th century, the changes of the Renaissance were not uniformly experienced across Europe.", "Invention of the integrated circuit In October 1966, Kilby and Noyce were awarded the Ballantine Medal from the Franklin Institute \"for their significant and essential contribution to the development of integrated circuits\".[92] This event initiated the idea of two inventors. The nomination of Kilby was criticized by contemporaries who did not recognize his prototypes as \"real\" semiconductor ICs. Even more controversial was the nomination of Noyce: the engineering community was well aware of the role of the Moore, Hoerni and other key inventors, whereas Noyce at the time of his invention was CEO of Fairchild and did not participate directly in the creation of the first IC.[92] Noyce himself admitted, \"I was trying to solve a production problem. I wasn't trying to make an integrated circuit\".[105]", "Domain Name System Security Extensions The original design of the Domain Name System (DNS) did not include any security details; instead, it was designed to be a scalable distributed system. The Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC) attempts to add security, while maintaining backward compatibility. RFC 3833 documents some of the known threats to the DNS and how DNSSEC responds to those threats.", "Oops!... I Did It Again (song) \"Oops!... I Did It Again\" is a song by American singer Britney Spears, from her second album of the same name. It was released on March 27, 2000, by Jive Records as the lead single from the album. The song was written and produced by Max Martin and Rami Yacoub. \"Oops!... I Did It Again\" is a song that lyrically speaks of a female who views love as a game, and she decides to use that to her advantage by playing with her lover's emotions. Its bridge features a dialogue which references the blockbuster film Titanic (1997).", "Cherokee language Cherokee is written in an 85-character syllabary invented by Sequoyah (also known as Guest or George Gist). Many of the letters resemble the Latin letters they derive from, but have completely unrelated sound values; Sequoyah had seen English, Hebrew, and Greek writing but did not know how to read them.[61]", "Who's on First? Costello: Then who gets it?\nAbbott: Naturally.\nCostello: Naturally.\nAbbott: Now you've got it.\nCostello: I throw the ball to Naturally.\nAbbott: You don't! You throw it to Who!\nCostello: Naturally.\nAbbott: Well, that's it—say it that way.\nCostello: That's what I said.\nAbbott: You did not.\nCostello: I said I throw the ball to Naturally.\nAbbott: You don't! You throw it to Who!", "Rise of Nations: Thrones and Patriots Big Huge Games added multiple new features to the game during its development, in an attempt to fix issues with the original version. In an interview with GameSpot, executive producer Tim Train explained the development of the expansion pack. He stated how some nations were previously either too weak or too strong, and so features were added to balance gameplay. One way they did this is armed caravans and merchants were added to the Dutch nation, in order to weaken raids initiated by other players who rush their opponent. He said Big Huge Games brought in professional players in order to get suggestions on how to improve the game.[13]", "Invention of the telephone In 1906 the citizens of the City of Brantford, Ontario, Canada and its surrounding area formed the Bell Memorial Association to commemorate the invention of the telephone by Alexander Graham Bell in July 1874 at his parent's home, Melville House, near Brantford.[56][57] Walter Allward's design was the unanimous choice from among 10 submitted models, winning the competition. The memorial was originally to be completed by 1912 but Allward did not finish it until five years later. The Governor General of Canada, Victor Cavendish, 9th Duke of Devonshire, ceremoniously unveiled the memorial on October 24, 1917.[56][57]", "How to Get Away with Murder (season 1) The first season of the ABC American television drama series How to Get Away with Murder premiered on September 25, 2014 and concluded on February 26, 2015, with a total of 15 episodes. At the Television Critics Association Press Tour in July 2014, it was announced that How to Get Away with Murder would be a limited series with only 15 or 16 episodes per season.[1] The smaller size of episode count stems from the deal for the series star Davis.[2] On May 7, 2015, the show was renewed by ABC for a second season.[3]", "Marcelling Accounts vary about the invention of the style. Some reports ascribe the invention of the technique to Marcel Grateau (1852–1936), who invented it in 1872 (others say 1875).[3][4][5] François Marcel Woelfflé, who later changed his name to François Marcel,[6] was granted U.S. patents for implements for performing the technique: the first, U.S. patent 806386, entitled \"Curling-Iron\", was published in 1905,[7] and the second, entitled \"Hair-Waving Iron\", for an electric version, under the name François Marcel, was published in 1918.[6] There is also a 1936 obituary for Francois Marcel Grateau, with dates matching those of the first-named Marcel Grateau.[2] Given the dates, and the coincidence of names, it is quite possible that they were all the same man.[citation needed]", "How to Train Your Dragon To save Fishlegs and escape, Hiccup secretly takes a nanodragon from the bowl of nanodragons the Fat Consul is eating, and replaces it with an Electricsquirm. The Fat Consul is electrocuted, and while all the Romans are distracted by this, Hiccup unlocks the dragon's cages, wreaking havoc, and Hiccup and Fishlegs escape. The Thin Prefect tries to grab Hiccup's \"How to Speak Dragonese\" Book, but it instead rips into two. Toothless gets captured. When back at Berk, Hiccup tries to tell his dad what has happened and tells him to send a War Party to save Toothless. Stoick does not believe him, and is more worried about Hiccup's grades. The next morning, Hiccup remembers the nanodragon he had rescued. The nanodragon tells Hiccup that his name is Ziggerastica the Living God. The nanodragon promises to do one thing for Hiccup, in return for what he did for him. During a Frightening Foreigners lesson, the Romans, poorly disguised as Bog-Burglars, kidnap Hiccup and Fishlegs and take them to Fort Sinister. There they discover Alvin the Treacherous is the Thin Prefect, who cut his way out of the dead Strangulator's stomach but lost his position as Chief of the Outcasts due to his hair falling out from its stomach juices. He is working with the Romans and trying to learn Dragonese. His plan is to create a dragon army that can swim down to get the treasure of Grimbeard the Ghastly (from the previous book) for him.", "List of English inventions and discoveries English inventions and discoveries are objects, processes or techniques invented, innovated or discovered, partially or entirely, in England by a person from England (that is, someone born in England – including to non-English parents – or born abroad with at least one English parent and who had the majority of their education or career in England). Often, things discovered for the first time are also called inventions and in many cases, there is no clear line between the two.", "Lord Howe Island It appears that, prior to European discovery and settlement, Lord Howe Island was uninhabited, and unknown to Polynesian peoples of the South Pacific.[18] The first reported European sighting of Lord Howe Island was on 17 February 1788 by Lieutenant Henry Lidgbird Ball, commander of the Armed Tender HMS Supply (the oldest and smallest of the First Fleet ships), which was on its way from Botany Bay with a cargo of nine male and six female convicts to found a penal settlement on Norfolk Island.[8] On the return journey of 13 March 1788 Ball observed Ball's Pyramid and sent a party ashore on Lord Howe Island to claim it as a British possession.[9] Numerous turtles and tame birds were captured and returned to Sydney.[19] Ball named Mount Lidgbird and Ball's Pyramid after himself and the main island after Richard Howe, First Earl Howe, who was First Lord of the Admiralty at the time.[9]", "The Man Who Invented Christmas (film) On review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes, the film has an approval rating of 80% based on 149 reviews, with an average rating of 6/10. The site's critical consensus reads, \"The Man Who Invented Christmas adds holiday magic to the writing of A Christmas Carol, putting a sweetly revisionist spin on the story behind a classic yuletide tale.\"[7] On Metacritic, which assigns a normalized rating to reviews, the film has a weighted average score 60 out of 100, based 32 critics, indicating \"mixed or average reviews\".[8]", "Peanut butter As the US National Peanut Board confirms, \"Contrary to popular belief, George Washington Carver did not invent peanut butter.\"[11] Carver was given credit in popular folklore for many inventions that did not come out of his lab. By the time Carver published his document about peanuts, entitled \"How to Grow the Peanut and 105 Ways of Preparing it For Human Consumption\" in 1916,[12] many methods of preparation of peanut butter had been developed or patented by various pharmacists, doctors and food scientists working in the US and Canada.[13][14][10] January 24 is National Peanut Butter Day in the United States.[15]", "Nobel Prize Alfred Nobel left his fortune to finance annual prizes to be awarded \"to those who, during the preceding year, shall have conferred the greatest benefit on mankind.\"[149] He stated that the Nobel Prizes in Physics should be given \"to the person who shall have made the most important 'discovery' or 'invention' within the field of physics.\" Nobel did not emphasise discoveries, but they have historically been held in higher respect by the Nobel Prize Committee than inventions: 77% of the Physics Prizes have been given to discoveries, compared with only 23% to inventions. Christoph Bartneck and Matthias Rauterberg, in papers published in Nature and Technoetic Arts, have argued this emphasis on discoveries has moved the Nobel Prize away from its original intention of rewarding the greatest contribution to society.[150][151]", "Boy, Did I Get a Wrong Number! Boy, Did I Get a Wrong Number! is a 1966 DeLuxe Color American comedy film starring Bob Hope and Elke Sommer. This film marked the first of three film collaborations for Hope and comedian Phyllis Diller, and was followed by Eight on the Lam in 1967 and The Private Navy of Sgt. O'Farrell in 1968.[2]", "NC State Wolfpack NC State has a proud intercollegiate tradition in ultimate frisbee. The men's team won the national championships in 1999.", "Japanese name Women's personal name changes were recorded less often, so they may not have changed their names as frequently as men did, but women who went into service as maids or entertainers frequently changed their names for the duration of their service. During their employment, their temporary names were treated as their legal names. For example, a maid who was involved in legal dealings in Kyoto in 1819-1831 signed legal documents as Sayo during one period of employment and as Mitsu during a later period of employment, but she signed as Iwa, presumably her birth name, when she was between jobs.[23]", "Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property It is also possible, for example, in the case of exhibited patentable inventions, to make provision for temporary protection by other means, namely, by prescribing that, during a certain period, such exhibition will not destroy the novelty of the invention and that the person who exhibits the invention will also be protected against usurpation of his invention by third parties. Still another possibility of protection consists in the recognition of a right of prior use in favor of the exhibitor as against possible rights acquired by third parties.[5]", "Homecoming (The Vampire Diaries) Back at home, Damon is furious at how they did not manage to kill Klaus after planning everything accurately. Katherine calls to say goodbye and when they hang up, it is revealed that Stefan is with her and that she was the one who woke him up and helped him get to the party. Klaus told her, thinking that she is Elena, that if they kill him his hybrids will kill Damon anyway and that is why Stefan did not let Damon kill Klaus, to save him.", "Nice Work If You Can Get It (song) The song was included in the Tony Award-winning Broadway musical Crazy for You and lent its name to the musical Nice Work If You Can Get It.", "Daguerreotype Morse met the inventor of the daguerreotype, Louis-Jacques-Mande Daguerre, in Paris in January 1839 when Daguerre's invention was announced [2].[127] While the daguerreotype fascinated Morse, he was concerned about how the new invention would compete with his telegraph.[127] However, Morse's viewing of the daguerreotype alleviated his fears when he saw how revolutionary its technology was.[127] Morse wrote a letter to his brother Sidney describing Daguerre's invention, which Sidney then published in the New-York Observer on April 20, 1839.[127] While this was not the first report of the daguerreotype to appear in America, it was the first in-person report to appear in the United States.[127]", "Let's Get Out of This Country Pitchfork placed the album at 45 on its year-end list and at number 179 on their list of top 200 albums of the 2000s.[20][21] PopMatters listed the album 60th on its list of the year's best albums, and it named Let's Get Out of This Country the second best indie pop album of the year.[22][23] Stylus Magazine ranked the album 22 on its year-end list.[24] In a retrospective of Merge Records, Paste named Let's Get Out of This Country the label's best 2006 release.[25] Under the Radar ranked the album fourth in its list of the Best Albums of the Decade (2000–2009).[26] Fact magazine listed the album at 93 on its 2000s list.[27]", "Histology In the 17th century, Italian Marcello Malpighi invented one of the first microscopes for studying tiny biological entities. Malpighi analysed several parts of the organs of bats, frogs and other animals under the microscope. Malpighi, while studying the structure of the lung, noticed its membranous alveoli and the hair-like connections between veins and arteries, which he named capillaries. His discovery established how the oxygen breathed in, enters the blood stream and serves the body.[2]", "Life Savers Candy manufacturer Clarence Crane of Garrettsville, Ohio,[1] (father of the poet Hart Crane) invented the brand in 1912 as a \"summer candy\" that could withstand heat better than chocolate. The candy's name is derived from its similarity to the shape of life preservers used for saving people who have fallen from boats.", "Who Are the DeBolts? And Where Did They Get Nineteen Kids? During her first marriage Dorothy had five biological children with Ted Atwood and adopted two children from Korea . After her husband's death, she adopted two boys from Vietnam (she relates in the film that many are surprised to learn that she didn't ascertain before the adoption whether the children were from North Vietnam or South Vietnam). Following Atwood's marriage to Bob DeBolt, who had one biological daughter from a previous marriage, the couple went on to adopt 10 more children from Korea, Vietnam, the United States, and Mexico — the last was adopted after the initial film was made and is not included in the \"19 kids\" of the title.", "How to Get Away with Murder (season 5) After Nate confronts Annalise about Bonnie's past, he asks her to tell Bonnie that her child may be alive. She hesitates to do so, while she tries to obtain permission to argue insanity in Nate Sr.'s case. Emmett tries to sign a new rich client with the help of Tegan, who tests Michaela's ambition by trying having her attempt to develop a blackmail ploy to force the client to sign. Connor discovers that Annalise did help him to get back into Middleton, and he later confronts her about it, causing her to make Gabriel, rather than Connor, second chair for Nate Sr.'s case. Oliver confronts Frank about hacking Gabriel, and both he and Laurel start investigating on their own. Eventually, Annalise tells Bonnie about the file that Denver had on her, and how Nate discovered her child may be alive.", "The End of Time (Doctor Who) I knew I'd write David's last episode one day, so I've had this tucked away. You do think: 'How can the stakes get bigger?' And they do. They really do. I don't mean just in terms of spectacle, but in terms of how personal it gets for him.", "Who Are the DeBolts? And Where Did They Get Nineteen Kids? The film was narrated by Henry Winkler, who also served as executive producer, and won an Academy Award for Best Feature-length Documentary in 1978,[1] as well as the Directors Guild of America Award and the Humanitas Award for producer and director John Korty in 1979. A 50-minute version of the film shown on ABC in December, 1978, earned a 1979 Emmy Award for Outstanding Individual Achievement - Informational Program and an Emmy nomination for Outstanding Informational Program for Winkler, Korty, and producers Warren Lockhart and Dan McCann. A sequel, Steppin' Out: The DeBolts Grow Up, was made in 1980 with Kris Kristofferson as host and narrator. The DVD edition typically includes the 46-minute sequel as a featurette. The family was also the subject of a book, 19 Steps Up the Mountain: The Story of the DeBolt Family, by Joseph P. Blank.", "Winchester Winchester College invented and gave its name to Winchester College Football, played exclusively at the College and in some small African/South American communities.[citation needed]", "How Will the Wolf Survive? Critical reaction to the album was favorable. Mark Deming's retrospective review gushed, \"While rarely flashy, even a casual listen offers all the proof you might need that Los Lobos were a band of world-class musicians, with David Hidalgo's guitar work especially impressive throughout.\"[4] Robert Christgau praised the group's originality: \"Their debut LP makes it sound as if they invented the style. Who did the original of that one, you wonder, only to discover that you're listening to the original.\"[9]", "African-American culture By the 1970s and 1980s, it had become common within the culture to invent new names, although many of the invented names took elements from popular existing names. Prefixes such as La/Le-, Da/De-, Ra/Re-, or Ja/Je- and suffixes such as -ique/iqua, -isha, and -aun/-awn are common, as well as inventive spellings for common names.[115]", "With Tired Eyes, Tired Minds, Tired Souls, We Slept Does this darkness have a name? This cruelty, this hatred. How did it find us? Did it steal into our lives or did we seek it out and embrace it? What happened to us, that we now send our children into the world like we send young men to war? Hoping for their safe return, but knowing that some will be lost along the way. When did we lose our way? Consumed by the shadows, swallowed whole by the darkness. Does this darkness have a name? Is it your name?", "Bloody Mary (cocktail) New York's 21 Club has two claims associated with it. One is that it was invented in the 1930s by a bartender named Henry Zbikiewicz, who was charged with mixing Bloody Marys. Another attributes its invention to the comedian George Jessel, who frequented the 21 Club.[5] In 1939, Lucius Beebe printed in his gossip column This New York one of the earliest U.S. references to this drink, along with the original recipe: \"George Jessel's newest pick-me-up which is receiving attention from the town's paragraphers is called a Bloody Mary: half tomato juice, half vodka\".[6][verification needed]", "List of Dog with a Blog episodes Avery's dress gets destroyed, and she tries to find out who did it.", "Chicken tikka masala A specific version of the British explanation recounts how a Pakistani chef, Ali Ahmed Aslam, proprietor of the Shish Mahal restaurant in the west end of Glasgow, invented chicken tikka masala by improvising a sauce made from yogurt, cream, and spices.[9][10] In 2013, his son Asif Ali told the story of its invention in 1971 to the BBC's Hairy Bikers TV cookery programme:[11]", "Why Did I Get Married Too? Wesley Morris of The Boston Globe gave the film 2½ out of 4 stars, claiming: \"If Perry's cinematic vision remains less than 20/20, his sagacity gets stronger by the movie.\"[7] Lisa Schwarzbaum of Entertainment Weekly graded the film a D, writing in her review: \"It's a contradiction in terms to think of the phenomenally successful, prolific entertainment showman Tyler Perry as lazy, but there's no other description for this particular product: Terribly shot and crudely assembled.\"[8] Scott Wilson concurred, stating: \"Why Did I Get Married Too? lacks the underlying goodwill of some of his better work and plays like a gift wrapped present to his detractors.\" Wilson graded the movie 1.5/5 stars." ]
who plays v on orange is the new black
[ "Lorraine Toussaint Toussaint received critical acclaim and an Independent Spirit Award nomination for her performance in the 2012 drama film Middle of Nowhere, written and directed by Ava DuVernay. In 2014, she played the role of Yvonne \"Vee\" Parker, the main antagonist in the second season of the Netflix comedy-drama series Orange Is the New Black, for which she received critical acclaim and a Critics' Choice Television Award for Best Supporting Actress in a Drama Series. She later played the role of Amelia Boynton Robinson in the 2014 historical drama film Selma, directed by Ava DuVernay." ]
[ "Orange Is the New Black Hank Stuever, television critic for The Washington Post, gave Orange Is the New Black a perfect score. In his review of the series, he stated: \"In Jenji Kohan's magnificent and thoroughly engrossing new series, Orange Is the New Black, prison is still the pits. But it is also filled with the entire range of human emotion and stories, all of which are brought vividly to life in a world where a stick of gum could ignite either a romance or a death threat.\"[41] Maureen Ryan, of The Huffington Post, wrote: \"Orange is one of the best new programs of the year, and the six episodes I've seen have left me hungry to see more.\"[42]", "Orange Is the New Black Orange Is the New Black generated more viewers and hours viewed in its first week than the other Netflix original series House of Cards and Arrested Development.[76][77] In October 2013, Netflix stated that the show is a \"tremendous success\" for the streaming platform. \"It will end the year as our most watched original series ever and, as with each of our other previously launched originals, enjoys an audience comparable with successful shows on cable and broadcast TV.\"[78][79] As reported in February 2016, Orange Is the New Black remains Netflix's most-watched original series.[4][6][80] In 2016, a New York Times study of the 50 TV shows with the most Facebook Likes found that Orange Is the New Black is one of the shows most watched in urban areas, and despite its \"minority-rich ensemble cast,\" the series \"appeals more to a white audience.\"[81]", "Orange Is the New Black Orange Is the New Black has received critical acclaim, particularly praised for humanizing prisoners[36][37] and for its depiction of race, sexuality, gender and body types.[38]", "Orange Is the New Black (season 1) Orange Is the New Black was considered one of the best shows of the year by many critics and journalists.[24]", "Orange Is the New Black Orange Is the New Black has become Netflix's most-watched original series.[4][6] It has received critical acclaim and many accolades. For its first season, the series garnered 12 Primetime Emmy Award nominations, including Outstanding Comedy Series, Outstanding Writing for a Comedy Series, and Outstanding Directing for a Comedy Series, winning three. A new Emmy rule in 2015 forced the series to change categories from comedy to drama.[7] For its second season, the series received four Emmy nominations, including Outstanding Drama Series, and Uzo Aduba won for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series. Orange Is the New Black is the first series to score Emmy nominations in both comedy and drama categories.[8] The series has also received six Golden Globe Award nominations, six Writers Guild of America Award nominations, a Producers Guild of America Award, an American Film Institute award, and a Peabody Award.", "Orange Is the New Black The first season received positive reviews from critics, review aggregator Metacritic gave it a weighted average score of 79 out of 100 based on reviews from 32 critics, indicating favorable reviews.[39] On Rotten Tomatoes, season one has a 93% approval rating based on 40 reviews, with an average rating of 8.2 out of 10 . The site's critical consensus is \"Orange Is the New Black is a sharp mix of black humor and dramatic heft, with interesting characters and an intriguing flashback structure.\"[40]", "Orange Is the New Black: My Year in a Women's Prison The book was adapted into the Netflix original comedy-drama series Orange Is the New Black.[2]", "Orange Is the New Black (season 6) The sixth season of the American comedy-drama television series Orange Is the New Black premiered on Netflix on July 27, 2018, at 12:00 am PDT in multiple countries.[1] It consists of thirteen episodes, each between 50 and 84 minutes. The series is based on Piper Kerman's memoir, Orange Is the New Black: My Year in a Women's Prison (2010), about her experiences at FCI Danbury, a minimum-security federal prison. The series is created and adapted for television by Jenji Kohan.[2]", "List of Orange Is the New Black characters Orange Is the New Black is an American comedy-drama series created by Jenji Kohan that airs on Netflix. It is based on Piper Kerman's memoir, Orange Is the New Black: My Year in a Women's Prison, about her experiences in a women's prison.[1] The series' protagonist is Piper Chapman, a woman sentenced to 15 months in a woman's federal prison for her part in a drug smuggling operation ten years before the start of the first season. It follows Piper's experiences in and out of prison along with the experiences of a diverse ensemble.[2]", "Orange Is the New Black For its third season, Orange Is the New Black won Screen Actors Guild Awards for Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Comedy Series and Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Comedy Series (Aduba).[58] It received a Golden Globe Award nomination for Best Television Series – Musical or Comedy.[54] The series has also received, among other accolades, six Writers Guild of America Award nominations,[59] five Satellite Awards,[60][61] four Critics' Choice Television Awards,[62][63] a GLAAD Media Award,[64] an American Cinema Editors Award,[65] a Producers Guild of America Award,[66] and a Peabody Award.[67]", "V (drink) A limited-edition variety of V flavoured with blood orange called V Energy Not Orange was released in September and October 2012 in New Zealand and in Australia in March 2013. It appears intermittently for a limited amount of time in selected markets. V Energy Purple Plasma was another limited edition first released in late 2012 as a tie-in to the Halo 4 video game, with Halo characters appearing on the side of each can.", "Piper Chapman Piper Elizabeth Chapman is a fictional character (played by Taylor Schilling) and the protagonist of the Netflix series Orange Is the New Black. She is based on Piper Kerman, author of the non-fiction book Orange Is the New Black: My Year in a Women's Prison, upon which the series is based.[1] Schilling was nominated for awards in both comedy and drama categories for this role.", "V (drink) V 0% Sugar, released in Australia in late 2013 in Citrus Fusion, Tropical Rush, and Blood Orange Burst, was a new sugar-free version.", "Orange Order The Royal Black Institution was formed out of the Orange Order two years after the founding of the parent body. Although it is a separate organisation, one of the requirements for membership in the Royal Black is membership of the Orange Order and to be no less than 17 years old. The membership is exclusively male and the Royal Black Chapter is generally considered to be more religious and respectable in its proceedings than the Orange Order.", "Orange Is the New Black (season 3) The third season received critical acclaim. On Metacritic, it has a score of 83 out of 100 based on 24 reviews.[6] On Rotten Tomatoes, it has a 96% rating with an average score of 8.2 out of 10 based on 53 reviews. The site's critical consensus reads: \"Thanks to its blend of potent comedy and rich character work, Orange is the New Black remains a bittersweet pleasure in its third season.\"[7]", "Orange Is the New Black (season 1) Casting announcements began in August 2012 with Taylor Schilling, the first to be cast, in the lead role as Piper Chapman,[7] followed by Jason Biggs as Piper's fiancé Larry Bloom.[8] Laura Prepon and Yael Stone were next to join the series.[9] Abigail Savage, who plays Gina, and Alysia Reiner, who plays Fig, had auditioned for role of Alex Vause.[4][10] Prepon initially auditioned for Piper Chapman,[11] however Kohan felt she would not worry about her [in prison], noting a \"toughness and a presence to her that wasn’t right for the character.\" Kohan instead gave her the role of Alex.[4] Stone had originally auditioned for the role of Nicky Nichols, but she was not considered \"tough enough\" for the character;[12] she was asked to audition for Lorna Morello instead.[13] Likability was important for Morello, whom casting director Jen Euston deemed \"a very helpful, nice, sweet Italian girl.\"[13] Laverne Cox, a black transgender woman, was cast as Sophia Burset, a transgender character. The Advocate touted Orange Is the New Black as possibly the first women-in-prison narrative to cast a transgender woman for this type of role.[14] Natasha Lyonne was to audition for Alex, but was asked to read for the character Nicky Nichols; \"[Kohan knew] she could do Nicky with her eyes closed. She was perfect,\" said Euston.[13] Uzo Aduba read for the part of Janae Watson but was offered the character Suzanne \"Crazy Eyes\" Warren.[13][15] Taryn Manning was offered the role of Tiffany \"Pennsatucky\" Doggett.[13] This American Life host Ira Glass was offered a role as a public radio host, but he declined. The role instead went to Robert Stanton, who plays the fictional host Maury Kind.[16]", "Orange Is the New Black (season 6) The sixth season received positive reviews from critics, with most critics noting its improvement over the previous season. On Metacritic, it has a score of 69 out of 100 based on 14 reviews.[6] On Rotten Tomatoes, it has an 84% rating with an average score of 7.3 out of 10 based on 32 reviews. The site's critical consensus reads: \"Brutality and humor continue to mesh effectively in a season of Orange Is the New Black that stands as a marked improvement from its predecessor, even if some arcs are more inspired than others.\"[7]", "Julie Lake Julie Lake is an American actress, best known for playing inmate Angie Rice on Orange is the New Black,[1] for which she is a two-time winner of the Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Comedy Series.", "Vancouver Canucks In 1978, aiming for a more aggressive image, the organization asked San Francisco-based design agency Beyl & Boyd to design new uniforms. These consisted of a huge yellow, red-orange and black striped \"V\" coming down from the shoulders (suggesting \"victory\", according to its designers). Hockey writer Stephen Cole described it as looking like \"a punch in the eye\".", "Orange County, New York Orange County was officially established on November 1, 1683, when the Province of New York was divided into twelve counties. Each of these was named to honor a member of the British royal family, and Orange County took its name from the Prince of Orange, who subsequently became King William III of England. As originally defined, Orange County included only the southern part of its present-day territory, plus all of present-day Rockland County further south. The northern part of the present-day county, beyond Moodna Creek, was then a part of neighbouring Ulster County.", "New York Mets With the introduction of black as an official color, an alternate team logo was created in 1999. It is identical to the original logo, but the skyline is black instead of blue and the \"Mets\" script is blue trimmed in orange and white instead of orange trimmed in white (the alternate black jerseys displayed the primary blue and orange logo on the left sleeves in 1998; in 1999 this was changed to the alternate black and blue logo). The logo fell into disuse after the Mets dropped the alternate black jerseys and caps in 2012.", "Annie Golden In 2013, she began playing the role of the nearly mute Norma Romano in the Netflix comedy-drama series Orange Is the New Black, for which she won a 2015 Screen Actors Guild Award (along with the rest of the ensemble cast).[2][6]", "Orange (colour) In Europe and America orange and yellow are the colours most associated with amusement, frivolity and entertainment. In this regard, orange is the exact opposite of its complementary colour, blue, the colour of calm and reflection. Mythological paintings traditionally showed Bacchus (known in Greek mythology as Dionysus), the god of wine, ritual madness and ecstasy, dressed in orange. Clowns have long worn orange wigs. Toulouse-Lautrec used a palette of yellow, black and orange in his posters of Paris cafes and theatres, and Henri Matisse used an orange, yellow and red palette in his painting, the Joy of Living.[31]", "I'll Take You There The song was also featured in the pilot episode of Netflix's Orange Is The New Black.", "Orange Is the New Black (season 2) The second season received critical acclaim. Rotten Tomatoes gave a rating of 98%, with an average rating of 9.1 out of 10 based on 42 reviews. The site's critical consensus reads: \"With a talented ensemble cast bringing life to a fresh round of serial drama, Orange Is the New Black's sophomore season lives up to its predecessor's standard for female-led television excellence.[6] Metacritic gave the second season a score of 89 out of 100 based on 31 critics, indicating \"universal acclaim.\"[7] David Wiegland of the San Francisco Chronicle gave the season a positive review, calling the first six episodes \"not only as great as the first season, but arguably better.\"[8]", "Orange Is the New Black The series began airing on broadcast television in New Zealand on TV2 on August 19, 2013.[68] It premiered in Australia on October 9, 2013, on Showcase.[69] The second season began on Showcase on July 16, 2014,[70] and the third season premiered on June 11, 2015.[71] The first season began airing on broadcast television in the UK on Sony Channel from April 19, 2017.[72]", "Prison uniform In July 2014, because the popular television program Orange Is the New Black was making the orange jumpsuits in his prison fashionable, Saginaw County, Michigan Sheriff William Federspiel decided to replace them with traditional black-and-white-striped uniforms.[26]", "List of Orange Is the New Black characters Cindy \"Black Cindy\" Hayes (played by Adrienne C. Moore) – A bubbly, laid-back and perpetually cheerful inmate, 'Black' Cindy is seen often with the other black inmates. During Taystee's time on the outside, she is seen more frequently joking around with Poussey. Her back story is explained more in the second season, where it is revealed that she worked for the TSA and occasionally stole items from the luggage of travelers. It is shown that she also had a nine-year-old daughter named Monica who was raised by her mother under the pretense that Cindy was her older sister. She is shown to shirk her responsibilities; in one instance, she took her daughter out for ice cream, only to leave her in the car for hours after she spontaneously decided to hang out with some friends. In the third season, she decides to pretend to be Jewish as a response to the inferior food quality resulting from the budget cuts so she can get better tasting kosher meals. After the prison brings in a rabbi to discover who is really Jewish and ends up being outed as a faker, she decides to convert for real and completes her conversion by performing a ritual immersion, using the lake behind the prison as a mikveh. In the beginning of season four, she gets involved in an escalating turf war with her new inmate, Alison Abdullah, who is an observant Muslim, during which the two frequently trade barbs about their respective religions. However, they begin to get along and Abdullah joins Cindy's group of friends.", "Mike Birbiglia In addition to starring in Sleepwalk with Me, Birbiglia has acted in the films Trainwreck, Going the Distance, Cedar Rapids, Your Sister's Sister, The Fault in Our Stars and Annie, and in the HBO series Girls,[22] and has played Danny Pearson on the Netflix series Orange Is the New Black.", "Henry V (play) A tradition, impossible to verify, holds that Henry V was the first play performed at the new Globe Theatre in the spring of 1599—the Globe would have been the \"wooden O\" mentioned in the Prologue—but Shapiro argues that the Chamberlain's Men were still at The Curtain when the work was first performed, and that Shakespeare himself probably acted the Chorus.[17][18] In 1600, the first printed text states that the play had been played \"sundry times\". The earliest performance for which an exact date is known, however, occurred on 7 January 1605, at Court.", "Wests Tigers The club's name and logo are a combination of the two partners. The uniform colours are a combination of the black and white of the Western Suburbs Magpies uniform and the black and orange from the Balmain Tigers uniform. The logo combines a modern \"in your face\" Tiger with a traditional Wests 'V' in the background. There is also a Magpie (taken from the Western Suburbs Logo) on both sleeves of the Jersey.", "Orange (fruit) Florida farmers obtained seeds from New Orleans around 1872, after which orange groves were established by grafting the sweet orange on to sour orange rootstocks.[5]", "Port Orange, Florida Port Orange was settled by John Milton Hawks, who brought freed blacks to work at his sawmill after the U.S. Civil War. Esther Hawks established an integrated school in the area. The colony struggled soon after its creation and most colonists left. The area that became known as Freemanville is a legacy of the settlers who stayed in the area.[6]", "Red–black tree Since \n\n\n\n\nv\n′\n\n\n\n{\\displaystyle v'}\n\n has h(\n\n\n\n\nv\n′\n\n\n\n{\\displaystyle v'}\n\n) > 0 it is an internal node. As such it has two children each of which have a black-height of either bh(\n\n\n\n\nv\n′\n\n\n\n{\\displaystyle v'}\n\n) or bh(\n\n\n\n\nv\n′\n\n\n\n{\\displaystyle v'}\n\n)-1 (depending on whether the child is red or black, respectively). By the inductive hypothesis each child has at least \n\n\n\n\n2\n\nb\nh\n(\n\nv\n′\n\n)\n−\n1\n\n\n−\n1\n\n\n{\\displaystyle 2^{bh(v')-1}-1}\n\n internal nodes, so \n\n\n\n\nv\n′\n\n\n\n{\\displaystyle v'}\n\n has at least:", "Netflix Orange Is the New Black debuted on the streaming service in July 2013.[155] In a rare discussion of a Netflix show's ratings, Netflix executives have commented that the show is Netflix's most-watched original series.[156][157] In February 2016, Orange is the New Black was renewed for a fifth, sixth and seventh season. On June 9, 2017, season 5 was premiered and the new season is expected to premier in 2018, Summer.[158]", "Henry V (play) Shakespeare's primary source for Henry V, as for most of his chronicle histories, was Raphael Holinshed's Chronicles; the publication of the second edition in 1587 provides a terminus post quem for the play. Edward Hall's The Union of the Two Illustrious Families of Lancaster and York appears also to have been consulted, and scholars have supposed that Shakespeare was familiar with Samuel Daniel's poem on the civil wars. An earlier play, the Famous Victories of Henry V is also generally believed to have been a model for the work.[3]", "Dascha Polanco Dascha Polanco (born December 3, 1982)[1][2] is a Dominican American actress. She is known for playing the character Dayanara \"Daya\" Diaz on the Netflix series Orange Is the New Black.[3] As of January 2018, she has a recurring role on The Assasination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story.", "Blood orange The 'Moro' is the most colorful of the blood oranges, with a deep red flesh and a rind with a bright red blush.[10] The flavor is stronger and the aroma is more intense than a normal orange. This fruit has a distinct, sweet flavor with a hint of raspberry.[11] This orange is more bitter than the 'Tarocco' or the 'Sanguinello'. The 'Moro' variety is believed to have originated at the beginning of the 19th century in the citrus-growing area around Lentini (in the Province of Siracusa in Sicily)[12][13] as a bud mutation[14] of the \"Sanguinello Moscato\".[7] The 'Moro' is a \"deep blood orange\",[7] meaning that the flesh ranges from orange-veined with ruby coloration, to vermilion, to vivid crimson, to nearly black.", "Henry V (play) Samuel Pepys saw a Henry V in 1664, but it was written by Roger Boyle, 1st Earl of Orrery, not by Shakespeare. Shakespeare's play returned to the stage in 1723, in an adaptation by Aaron Hill.[19]", "Vis a vis (TV series) When the premise of the series was first announced, it was immediately compared to American television series Orange Is the New Black and some media accused it of being a mere copy. When the pilot episode was screened for critics, they noted both series are different in tone as Vis a vis is mostly a thriller while Orange Is the New Black is a comedy-drama. Besides the comparisons, the series received favourable reviews.[11][12][13]", "Orange Is the New Black Show creator Jenji Kohan read Piper Kerman's memoir after a friend sent it to her. She then set up a meeting with Kerman to pitch her on a TV adaptation, which she notes she \"screwed up\" as she spent most of the time asking Kerman about her experiences she described in the book rather than selling her on the show. This appealed to Kerman as it let her know that she was a fan and she signed off on the adaptation.[9] Kohan would later go on to describe the main character, Piper Chapman, as a \"trojan horse\" for the series, allowing it to focus on characters whose demographics would not normally be represented on TV.[10]", "List of recurring Orange Is the New Black characters Rhea Boyle (played by Yelena Shmulenson) – A Jewish inmate who is used by Black Cindy to convert to Judaisim. Boyle is shown to be rather monotonous and blunt, and only shows small personality when talking about her child, a 5 year old. Boyle then also educates Leanne Taylor and Angie Rice on dinosaurs while waiting in line at the pharmacy.", "Orange (colour) The modern flag of New York City takes its colours from the Dutch flag of the 17th century, and has an orange stripe in honour of the House of Orange-Nassau.", "Philadelphia Flyers The Flyers wore a black uniform for the 2017 NHL Stadium Series, featuring enlarged black numbers with white trim, orange striping on the sleeves and tail, and orange nameplate with black lettering.", "Henry V (play) Shakespeare's plays are in five acts. In Henry V, the first two deal largely with the king and his decision to invade France, persuaded that through ancestry, he is the rightful heir to the French throne. The French Dauphin, son of King Charles VI, answers Henry's claims with an insulting gift of tennis balls.", "Orange County, New York Orange County is the only county in New York State which borders both the Hudson and Delaware Rivers.", "National Lacrosse League The league then announced that the Saints would relocate to the Nassau Coliseum on Long Island beginning in the 1989 season. The team name was changed to the New York Saints to reflect their new home. The MILL announced that it would award expansion teams to Detroit, Michigan, and Boston, Massachusetts. The teams began play in the 1989 season. The Detroit team was named the Turbos, and began play in the Joe Louis Arena. Their team colors were announced to be purple, silver and black. The Boston entry was called the New England Blazers and they played their home games at the Worcester Centrum. The Blazers used green, orange, and white as their team colors.", "Orange County, California Orange County SC is a United Soccer League team and are the only professional soccer club in Orange County. The team's first season was in 2011 and it was successful as Charlie Naimo's team made it to the quarter-finals of the playoffs. With home games played at Championship Soccer Stadium in Orange County Great Park the team looks to grow in the Orange County community and reach continued success. Former and current Orange County SC players include Richard Chaplow, Bright Dike, Maykel Galindo, Carlos Borja, and goalkeeper Amir Abedzadeh.", "Electronic color code A common convention for wiring systems in industrial buildings is: black jacket – AC less than 7003100000000000000♠1,000 volts, blue jacket – DC or communications, orange jacket – medium voltage 7003230000000000000♠2,300 or 7003416000000000000♠4,160 V, red jacket 7004138000000000000♠13,800 V or higher. Red-jacketed cable is also used for relatively low-voltage fire alarm wiring, but has a much different appearance.", "Nissan Sentra For the 2004–2006 model years, no significant cosmetic changes were added to differentiate the SE-R model, although it still retained its side-skirt extensions, rear spoiler, black housing headlights and newly designed wheels. The 2004 model year also featured a new style of tail-light which is reminiscent of the Skyline GT-R's quadruple taillights. Volcanic Orange, an exclusive color for the SE-R and Spec V trim was available for 2004–2006 models.", "Orange River The earliest precolonial inhabitants called the river Gariep'.[6] An early Dutch name for the river was Groote Rivier meaning \"Great River\". [8] The river was named the Orange River by Colonel Robert Gordon, commander of the Dutch East India Company garrison at Cape Town, on a trip to the interior in 1779.[6] Gordon named the river in honor of William V of Orange.[6] A popular but incorrect belief is that the river was named after the supposedly orange color of its water, as opposed to the color its tributary, the Vaal River (vaal being Afrikaans for pale or grey).[citation needed] Since the end of apartheid, the name \"Gariep\" has had greater favour in official correspondence in South Africa, although the name \"Orange\" has greater international recognition.[6] In Lesotho, where the river rises, it is known as the Senqu River.", "Official (American football) The United States Football League, which played from February to July before shutting down in 1986, allowed officials to wear black shorts. The United Football League, which launched play in October 2009, featured officials wearing solid red shirts (no stripes) with black numbers and black pants. As no teams in the league wore red or orange, there was no prospect of a clash of colors. From 2010, the UFL switched to a customized version of the traditional stripes.", "Orange Order The Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland has issued several statements condemning violence and paramilitarism.[138] Answering accusations of paramilitary links by Sinn Féin in 2011, an Orange spokesman said: \"The Orange Order has consistently condemned all terrorist violence\".[139] In 2008, Armagh Orangemen condemned the flying of paramilitary flags.[140] Denis Watson, the then secretary of the Grand Lodge of Ireland, has publicly called for anyone convicted of terrorist offences to be thrown out.[141] Addressing a 12 July demonstration in 2000, Orangeman and Democratic Unionist politician Jeffrey Donaldson said \"It is essential that the Orange Order does not allow the paramilitaries to infiltrate its parades or hijack legitimate protests as a means of flaunting their aggression and engaging in displays of naked intimidation ... The Orange Order stands for higher ideals than this and must at every opportunity condemn the illegal activities of the paramilitaries and of all those who engage in acts of violence\".[142] Eric Kaufmann, in his book The New Unionism, writes: \"The Orange Order actually took a firm stand against violence and paramilitarism throughout the Troubles. This opposition was rooted in the large contingent of Protestant clergymen who are built into the power structure of the Order. Young Orangemen were urged to join the RUC (police) or UDR (local security forces) and to stay away from paramilitaries\".[143]", "Orange County, New York At that date, the only European inhabitants of the area were a handful of Dutch colonists in present-day Rockland County, and the area of modern Orange County was entirely occupied by the native Munsee people. Due to its relatively small population, the original Orange County was not fully independent and was administered by New York County.", "Orange Is the New Black (season 3) Poussey, Taystee and Suzanne save Soso from her overdose. Piper confronts Flaca about stealing the proceeds from her panty business, but soon comes to realize that Stella is the culprit, as she will have no money to live on when she gets released. Piper exacts revenge by framing Stella for possession of dangerous contraband, resulting in Stella being dragged off to maximum security prison. Healy investigates the possibility of a romantic life with Red, but Red quashes the opportunity. Morello marries Vince, while Black Cindy shows a newfound sincerity in her attempts to become Jewish. She is however frustrated because converting fully requires a Jewish baptism (called a tevilah), which in turn requires a natural body of water that she does not have access to inside a prison. Complications arise concerning Daya's baby after Cesar is arrested. For the first time Norma faces losing her followers after Poussey angrily confronts her for her role in Soso's attempted suicide. Tensions between Flaca and Gloria come to a head, as do those between Leanne and Norma. Caputo, after promising to head up the staff union, accepts a promotion from MCC, causing the staff to walk out. A construction mishap allows all the prisoners to escape to a nearby beach and play in the lake, Soso is taken in by the African-American group, while Suzanne bonds with Maureen. Black Cindy, with unexpected access to the required natural body of water, performs her ritual immersion and officially becomes Jewish. Alex is cornered in the greenhouse by a new guard sent by Kubra, and her fate is left uncertain. As the prisoners frolic in the lake, construction crews convert the prison's beds into two-tiered bunkbeds, doubling the prison's capacity, and several busloads of new prisoners arrive at Litchfield.", "Orange County, New York In 1798, after the American Revolutionary War, the boundaries of Orange County changed. Its southern corner was used to create the new Rockland County, and in exchange, an area to the north of the Moodna Creek was added, which had previously been in Ulster County. This caused a reorganization of the local administration, as the original county seat had been fixed at Orangetown in 1703, but this was now in Rockland County. Duties were subsequently shared between Goshen, which had been the center of government for the northern part of Orange County, and Newburgh, which played a similar role in the area transferred from Ulster County. The county court was established in 1801. It was not until 1970 that Goshen was named as the sole county seat.", "Anaheim Ducks The team's colors were purple and jade until the change of ownership in 2006. At this point, they became orange, black and gold, with white in place of black for the away jersey. The only exception is the alternate jersey, which is mostly orange. Orange, which has become one of the team's primary colors, is in reference to Orange County, where Anaheim is located.[37]", "Adrienne C. Moore Moore is known for her role as Cindy \"Black Cindy\" Hayes in the Netflix comedy-drama series Orange Is the New Black. She was recurring cast member in the first two seasons and was promoted to series regular for season 3.[5][6]", "Uzo Aduba In 2013, Aduba began portraying Suzanne \"Crazy Eyes\" Warren in the Netflix comedy-drama series Orange Is the New Black.[18] On being cast, Aduba said:", "The Annoying Orange Orange has several recurring mannerisms. He often begins an episode by repeatedly yelling \"Hey, (name of character)!\" until the character responds. Orange also often refers to the character as something that plays on the object's name or appearance (such as calling Grapefruit \"Apefruit\"). If he does not like an object, he will often say \"You're an apple!\", even if the object is not (e.g., a tomato). Orange uses various tactics, such as telling rude and offensive jokes, burping and making childish noises with his tongue, to get attention.", "Ospreys (rugby union) Their main home ground is the Liberty Stadium, Swansea, although some smaller profile games have been played at the Brewery Field, Bridgend. Ospreys currently play in a black home strip, while the away strip is white and orange. The Ospreys logo consists of an image of an Osprey mask.", "Playing with Fire (Black Pink song) Black Pink also released the dance practice video for \"Playing With Fire\" on their official YouTube channel on November 4, 2016. It was choreographed by Kyle Hanagami, who had worked with them for \"Boombayah\" from their previous single \"Square One\".[4]", "West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette Two of the justices who changed their minds between Minersville and West Virginia v. Barnette—Hugo Black and William O. Douglas—would become the most ardent supporters of the First Amendment.", "Almost Paradise In Orange Is the New Black season 2, episode 4 (\"A Whole Other Hole\", air date June 6, 2014), hearing the song on the radio inspires Morello to steal the prison van to visit her supposed fiancé's house; the song also plays over the episode's closing credits.[14] This song is also the theme song for the TV series Bachelor in Paradise.", "Orange (colour) The post-impressionists went even further with orange. Paul Gauguin used oranges as backgrounds, for clothing and skin colour, to fill his pictures with light and exoticism. But no other painter used orange so often and dramatically as Vincent van Gogh. who had shared a house with Gauguin in Arles for a time. For Van Gogh orange and yellow were the pure sunlight of Provence. He created his own oranges with mixtures of yellow, ochre and red, and placed them next to slashes of sienna red and bottle green, and below a sky of turbulent blue and violet. He put an orange moon and stars in a cobalt blue sky. He wrote to his brother Theo of \"searching for oppositions of blue with orange, of red with green, of yellow with violet, searching for broken colours and neutral colours to harmonize the brutality of extremes, trying to make the colours intense, and not a harmony of greys.\"[14]", "Annie Golden Annie Golden (born October 19, 1951)[1] is an American actress and singer. She is best known for portraying mute Norma Romano in Orange Is the New Black since 2013.", "Orange Is the New Black (season 6) Piper, Sophia and Blanca are told they'll be released the next day, the day of the kickball championship, of Taystee's verdict, and the day fantasy inmate concludes. Piper and Alex are \"prison married\" by Nicky. Aleida is shocked to see Daya high on heroin, but continues supplying her eldest to save her younger children. Taystee is found guilty; Caputo confronts a CERT member, who punches him; Figueroa sets aside business to tend his wounds. Luschek visits Gloria who challenges him to stop the fight. Carol and Barbara meet in a closet; the war is a diversion for them to infiltrate B Block and kill Frieda. Maria has a change of heart and McCullough lets the captains pick new teams, mixing the blocks. When Badison signals the attack, Suzanne kicks a high ball and the inmates are caught in the excitement of the play. With no fight causing a lockdown, Barbara and Carol's antagonism results in their deaths, bumping Copeland from last to first in fantasy inmate. Pregnant Lorna is brought to medical in distress. Piper and Sophia are united with family members, but Blanca is immediately taken into custody by Immigration and Customs Enforcement, for which PolyCon is running a detention facility. Piper contemplates her freedom.", "List of birds of Florida The icterids are a group of small to medium-sized, often colorful, passerines restricted to the New World, including the grackles, New World blackbirds and New World orioles. Most have black as a predominant plumage color, often enlivened by yellow, orange or red.", "Orange Order There are currently two Orange Lodges in New York City, one in Manhattan and the other in the Bronx.[194][195]", "Oklahoma State Cowboys football Throughout the 2000s, the Cowboys had four main uniform combinations. For the 2011 football season, it was revealed that Nike had created new uniforms for the Cowboys, offering three different helmet options in either gray, black, or white. New jerseys and pants consisting of black, orange, grey and white also came aboard, allowing for up to 48 different variations. The Cowboys debuted their new gray uniforms for the first game of the 2011 season. In a 2012 home game against Iowa State, the Cowboys debuted the new orange helmets, along with a new Pistol Pete decal. This would bring the different uniform combinations up to 64.[34]", "Agent Orange The use of Agent Orange has been controversial in New Zealand, because of the exposure of New Zealand troops in Vietnam and because of the production of Agent Orange for Vietnam and other users at an Ivon Watkins-Dow chemical plant in Paritutu, New Plymouth. There have been continuing claims, as yet unproven, that the suburb of Paritutu has also been polluted; see New Zealand in the Vietnam War.[134] There are cases of New Zealand soldiers developing cancers such as bone cancer but none has been scientifically connected to exposure to herbicides.[135]", "Born Gangstaz The song \"I Don't Give A Fuck\" featured as the Closing Credits song of the episode \"Lesbian Request Denied\" from Season 1 of the Netflix TV show Orange Is the New Black.[4]", "List of Orange Is the New Black characters Larry Bloom (played by Jason Biggs) – Larry is a Jewish freelance writer trying to establish a journalism career, and Piper's anxious and selfish fiancé. He is blindsided at the beginning of the series when his then girlfriend Piper reveals to him her former life as a lesbian who smuggled cash for a drug cartel 10 years ago. Larry is initially vocally supportive of Piper, and proposes marriage to her before she goes inside. As the series progresses, he begins to lose interest toward her, becoming angry when he learns that Piper's former lover is in the same prison and that she didn't tell him about it. Later on, he begins writing a newspaper article titled \"One Sentence, Two Prisoners\" about the experience of having a fiancée in prison. This article is published in The New York Times and allows him to move up in the journalistic world. He is close to his parents, who are strongly opposed to his marriage plans. After a conversation with Alex, Larry's controlled anxiety gets the better of him, and he breaks off his engagement with Piper. During the second season, he begins an affair with Piper's best friend Polly after becoming a more supportive partner than her husband, who was frequently gone for trips. Shortly after this, Larry and Polly reveal the affair to Piper and asked for her blessing in their relationship. At the end of the second season, Piper asks Larry and Polly to arrange for Alex to be thrown back in prison for violating her probation. Although Larry expresses doubts, Piper is able to appeal to Polly who agrees to help. While he didn't appear in the third or fourth seasons, he appeared in a flashback during the fifth season, which reveals he has a tattoo of the Kool-Aid Man on his butt. When Piper mentions him to other inmates during the riot, one of them notes she's never heard his name and has no idea who he is.", "Orange Order The Loyal Orange Institution, more commonly known as the Orange Order, is a Protestant fraternal order based primarily in Northern Ireland. It also has lodges in the Republic of Ireland, a Grand Orange Lodge in the Scottish Lowlands and other lodges throughout the Commonwealth, as well as in the United States and Togo.[1][2][3] The Orange Order was founded in County Armagh in 1795, during a period of Protestant–Catholic sectarian conflict, as a Masonic-style fraternity sworn to maintain the Protestant Ascendancy. It is headed by the Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland, which was established in 1798. Its name is a tribute to the Dutch-born Protestant king William of Orange, who defeated the army of Catholic king James II in the Williamite–Jacobite War (1688–1691). Its members wear orange sashes and are referred to as Orangemen. The order is best known for its yearly marches, the biggest of which are held on or around 12 July ('The Twelfth').", "Cincinnati Bengals Black, Orange, White[2][3]", "Philadelphia Flyers Orange, black, white[1][2]", "Which Way Is Up? Which Way is Up? is a 1977 American comedy film starring Richard Pryor and directed by Michael Schultz. It is a remake of the 1972 Italian comedy film The Seduction of Mimi starring Giancarlo Giannini and directed by Lina Wertmüller. Richard Pryor plays three roles: an orange picker who has two women at the same time, the orange picker's father, and a Reverend who gets the orange picker's wife pregnant.", "List of birds of California The icterids are a group of small to medium-sized, often colorful passerine birds restricted to the New World and include the grackles, New World blackbirds, and New World orioles. Most species have black as a predominant plumage color, often enlivened by yellow, orange, or red.", "New Zealand Barbarians The New Zealand Barbarians were also selected for the All Blacks trial replacing the 'Possibles XV' and in 2009 a New Zealand Barbarians under 85 kg Team toured Australia winning both of their games. The team played against the Māori All Blacks in 2010 at Okara Park, losing 31 - 37 before a crowd of 9,000. A Middleweight Barbarian side was also selected in 2011 to play four games. In 2015, the New Zealand Barbarians won over the Māori All Blacks 17-34.", "Orange Is the New Black (season 1) Sentenced to 15 months for a crime committed 10 years earlier, Piper Chapman leaves her supportive fiancé Larry for her new home: a women's prison. Her counselor, Sam Healy, empathizes with her and tries to gently give her tips to survive. She grapples with the racial dynamics of prison life and learns some of the rules. Unfortunately, she offends Red, the powerful matriarch of the prison kitchen, who responds by serving Piper a bloody tampon and subsequently starving her. Piper is then shocked to discover that Alex Vause, her former lover (who recruited her into carrying drug money) is in the same prison.", "Orange County, New York The Army Black Knights of the United States Military Academy in West Point field NCAA Division I teams in 24 different sports. The Orange County Community College Colts compete in the National Junior College Athletic Association. Mount Saint Mary College in Newburgh fields 15 teams in the Eastern College Athletic Conference and the Skyline Conference of NCAA Division III.", "List of Orange Is the New Black characters Poussey Washington (played by Samira Wiley) – An often good-natured and joking inmate, who is best friends with Taystee. During the first-season finale, she is revealed to have a great singing voice, and performs an improvised rendition of Amazing Grace. Flashbacks during the second season reveal that she is a military brat, and that her father, who was an officer in the United States Army, would often move her family across the world for assignments. While her father was stationed in Germany, she had a sexual relationship with the daughter of one of her father's German superior officers. When the relationship was discovered, it was implied that the German officer had her father reassigned to a post in the United States. This led to Poussey trying to kill him before being stopped by her father, who subsequently defended her homosexuality from him. In the present, it is implied that she is in love with Taystee, who does not return her feelings on account of being straight, but does make an effort to be gentle with her about this. After failing to get her to market her moonshine, Vee begins to antagonize Poussey, mostly out of jealousy of her closeness to Taystee, and partly out of implied homophobia. She separates Poussey and Taystee, causing a rift in their relationship.", "List of Orange Is the New Black characters Alex Vause (played by Laura Prepon) – Alex is a former drug smuggler for an unspecified international drug cartel. Years prior to the beginning of the series, she took a sexual interest in Piper after meeting her in a bar, and gradually integrated her into the drug trade while they traveled the world living in luxury. Alex once convinced Piper to smuggle cash through customs at an airport in Europe, the crime for which Piper is doing time. Alex specifically named Piper during her testimony, which is what led to Piper's later arrest. After Piper broke up with her, Alex began using heroin, but cleaned up in prison. She states during an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting that being in prison is her \"rock bottom\" experience. Alex's mother had worked four jobs, and her father was a washed-up rock star. Alex tracked down her father and struck up a friendship with his drug dealer who subsequently became her industry contact in a drug cartel. Alex is not particularly broken up about being in prison, since she at least managed to free herself of her drug addiction. She admits to Piper and Nicky that she isn't sure what she'll do with her life when she gets out, as her only life skill is \"moving massive amounts of heroin.\" She appears to have moments of depression, telling Nicky that she can no longer \"get past the swirling darkness in her brain long enough to land on anything,\" and mentioning to Piper that upon entering prison, she was on anti-depressants, which she now trades for black eyeliner.", "Orange Bowl In the 1990s, the Orange Bowl was a member of the Bowl Coalition, but kept its Big 8 tie-in. It was later a member of the Bowl Alliance. From 1998 to 2013, The Orange Bowl was a member of the now-defunct Bowl Championship Series (BCS). The Orange Bowl served as the BCS National Championship Game in 2001 and 2005. However, beginning with the 2006 season, the BCS National Championship Game became a stand-alone event, hosted by the local bowl organization about one week following the New Year's Day bowl games (including the Orange Bowl). Under that format the Orange Bowl Committee hosted two separate games in both 2009 (the 2009 Orange Bowl on January 1 and the 2009 BCS National Championship Game on January 8) and in 2013 (the 2013 Orange Bowl on January 1 and the 2013 BCS National Championship Game on January 7), all at Sun Life Stadium. The BCS ended after the 2013 season, being replaced by the current College Football Playoff.", "Agent Orange Agent Orange was tested by the United States in Thailand during the war in Southeast Asia. Buried drums were uncovered and confirmed to be Agent Orange in 1999.[145] Workers who uncovered the drums fell ill while upgrading the airport near Hua Hin District, 100 km south of Bangkok.[146]", "Orange Is the New Black (season 4) Due to the recent economies, the prison starts to run thin on supplies including tampons, causing a black market to form around the prison. The guards meanwhile start targeting the ethnic prisoners and subjecting them to random searches. While Caputo attends a convention for prison employees with Linda, Taystee manages to guess the password to the computer in his office and gets access to the internet. At the convention, Caputo gets into an altercation with Danny Pearson, who attempts to use the event to speak out against the system, and is arrested. However, Linda finds this hot, and the two have sex in a closet. In an effort to stop Maria from cutting into her panty business, Piper requests and is given permission by Piscatella to form a security group. However, during their first meeting, the volunteers (all white) begin to openly voice racist sentiments. Piper is horrified to realize she has accidentally created a white power group.", "Orange Order Founded by Ogle Gowan, in Brockville Ontario, the Orange Order played an important role in the history of Canada, where it was established in 1830. Most early members were from Ireland, but later many English, Scots, Italians[175] and other Protestant Europeans joined the Order, as well as Mohawk Native Americans.[176] Toronto was the epicentre of Canadian Orangeism: most mayors were Orange until the 1950s, and Toronto Orangemen battled against Ottawa-driven initiatives like bilingualism and Catholic immigration. The Toronto lodge has held an annual Orange parade since 1821, claiming it to be the longest running consecutive parade on the North American continent.[177] A third of the Ontario legislature was Orange in 1920, but in Newfoundland, the proportion has been as high as 50% at times. Indeed, between 1920 and 1960, 35% of adult male Protestant Newfoundlanders were Orangemen, as compared with just 20% in Northern Ireland and 5%–10% in Ontario in the same period.[178]", "List of Orange Is the New Black characters She is one of the few black inmates not to fall for Vee's charms, and begins a long campaign to fight her throughout the season. Vee's numerous efforts to force her to back down, including gentle coaxing, threats and even a violent beating from Suzanne are unsuccessful. Eventually, Poussey causes irreparable damage to Vee's tobacco business by smashing up an entire batch of tobacco and pouring bleach on it, and Vee, realizing that no amount of intimidation will stop her, and killing her would be an overreaction, decides to remove her reason for fighting her by ejecting Taystee from the gang. The two later make up after a physical fight in the library, and work together to turn the other black inmates against Vee. In the third season, she has become obsessed with trying to discover who was stealing her moonshine and starts to set traps to catch what she believed was a squirrel stealing it. Feeling depressed, lonely and in need of a girlfriend, she joins Norma's \"cult,\" although she later ends up leaving when she becomes unsatisfied with them. While in the library to help herself to some of her hooch, she discovers Brook passed out from a drug overdose. Realizing that Brook will be taken to psych if the truth is known, she takes the foils and gets Taystee and Suzanne instead of the CO's. On Taystee's recommendation, they induce vomiting to purge the medication and try to keep Brook from falling asleep at breakfast the next morning. Once Brook has recovered, the African American gang welcomes her into their circle of friends. Poussey later confronts Norma's cult for the way they treated Brook, and threatens Leanne.", "The Annoying Orange The success of the series had received attention of Fargo advertising agency H2M, who, in 2006, created its own “Talking Orange”, which is the spokesman for an ad campaign for the North Dakota Department of Transportation. Both of the two characters were two anthropomorphic oranges with ties to the Fargo-Moorhead area. Despite only slightly resembling the “Talking Orange”, the Annoying Orange was looked into by H2M’s attorneys as an intellectual property matter. Boedigheimer stated he had not watched the “Talking Orange” videos before he was told about the disagreement, also believing that the characters weren’t very similar.[19] Boedigheimer and Grove were later sued by H2M in May 2013 for allegedly copying the character.[20] No source has been released stating whether the case has been disclosed or is still going on.", "Barry Lyndon Other Kubrick stalwarts to appear were Leonard Rossiter (2001: A Space Odyssey), Steven Berkoff, Patrick Magee and Anthony Sharp (A Clockwork Orange). Philip Stone, who plays Graham, also appeared in A Clockwork Orange and would go on to feature in The Shining.", "Agent Orange The U.S. military, with the permission of the Canadian government, tested herbicides, including Agent Orange, in the forests near the Canadian Forces Base Gagetown in New Brunswick.[119] In 2007, the government of Canada offered a one-time ex gratia payment of $20,000 as compensation for Agent Orange exposure at CFB Gagetown.[120] On July 12, 2005, Merchant Law Group LLP on behalf of over 1,100 Canadian veterans and civilians who were living in and around the CFB Gagetown filed a lawsuit to pursue class action litigation concerning Agent Orange and Agent Purple with the Federal Court of Canada.[121] On August 4, 2009, the case was rejected by the court due to lack of evidence. The ruling was appealed.[122][123] In 2007, the Canadian government announced that a research and fact-finding program initiated in 2005 had found the base was safe.[124]", "Jaffa orange The Zionists who immigrated to Palestine introduced the advanced cultivation methods that spurred the 'Jaffa' orange industry. According to the Hope Simpson Enquiry of 1930,", "Black Friday (shopping) The news media usually give heavy play to reports of Black Friday shopping and their implications for the commercial success of the Christmas shopping season, but the relationship between Black Friday sales and retail sales for the full holiday season is quite weak and may even be negative.[27]", "Buffalo Braves For the franchise's first season (1970–71) team colors were blue, red & gold; home white uniforms featured lettering and striping in only red & gold, with road uniforms being blue, also with red & gold lettering and striping. In the second season, (1971–72) color scheme was changed to only orange and black, with now familiar \"feather B\" logo featured on uniforms that had diagonal stripes across both jerseys and shorts (predominant color on the road being orange). This scheme was kept one more season (1972–73) and, with the 1973–74 season, the team adopted another new color scheme of Columbia blue and white, with uniforms including black accents outlining the lettering and also striping on jerseys and shorts; they continued with these uniforms until the team was moved to California. (Despite the new color scheme, the logo – which no longer appeared on the uniforms – remained the black and orange \"feather B\").", "Nick Sandow Nick Sandow (born August 3, 1966) is an American actor, writer, producer and director, best known for his role as Joe Caputo in Orange Is the New Black. He grew up in an Italian neighborhood in the Bronx.", "Wests Tigers In 2009, to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the joint venture, a predominantly white strip with an orange 'V' was unveiled.[24]", "Agent Orange In 2004, Monsanto spokesman Jill Montgomery said Monsanto should not be liable at all for injuries or deaths caused by Agent Orange, saying: \"We are sympathetic with people who believe they have been injured and understand their concern to find the cause, but reliable scientific evidence indicates that Agent Orange is not the cause of serious long-term health effects.\"[80]", "United States v. Miller Heart of Atlanta Motel v. United States (1964); (concurring opinion of Black; Footnote 11)", "Shades of orange A discussion of the difference between the color orange (the color halfway between red and yellow, shown below as color wheel orange) and the color orange peel (the actual color of the outer skin of an orange), may be found in Maerz and Paul.[15] Orange peel is the color halfway between orange (color wheel) and amber on the color wheel.", "List of birds of Ontario The icterids are a group of small to medium-sized, often colourful passerine birds restricted to the New World and include the blackbirds, meadowlarks, cowbirds, grackles, and New World orioles. Most species have black as a predominant plumage colour, often enlivened by yellow, orange, or red." ]
how long prime minister stay in office canada
[ "Prime Minister of Canada The Canadian prime minister serves at Her Majesty's pleasure, meaning the post does not have a fixed term. Once appointed and sworn in by the governor general, the prime minister remains in office until he or she resigns, is dismissed, or dies.[14] The lifespan of parliament was limited by the constitution to five years and, though the governor general may still, on the advice of the prime minister, dissolve parliament and issue the writs of election prior to the date mandated by the Canada Elections Act; the King–Byng Affair was the only time since Confederation that the governor general deemed it necessary to refuse his prime minister's request for a general vote. As of 2007, with an amendment to the Elections Act, Section 56.1(2) was changed to limit the term of a majority government to four years, with election day being set as the third Monday in October of the fourth calendar year after the previous polling date.[15]" ]
[ "Prime Minister's Office (India) The PMO provides secretarial assistance to the Prime Minister. It is headed by the Principal Secretary to the Prime Minister. The PMO includes the anti-corruption unit and the public wing dealing with grievances. The office houses the Prime Minister and few selected officers of Indian Civil Service who work with him to manage and coordinate government and his office. The Prime Minister through his office coordinates with all ministers in the central union cabinet, minister of independent charges and governors and ministers of state government. The PMO is located at the South Block of the Secretariat Building.", "Prime Minister of Sweden Whenever a Prime Minister resigns, dies, or is forced from office by the Riksdag, the Speaker of the Riksdag asks him (or his deputy) to keep the government as a caretaker government until a successor has been elected. The Speaker then holds consultations with the party leaders and appoints a Prime Minister-designate, who is submitted for approval to the Riksdag. If the Prime Minister-designate is approved, the Prime Minister chooses which and how many ministers are to be included in the government.[6]", "Prime Minister of Canada Canada continues the Westminster tradition of using the title Prime Minister when one is speaking to the federal head of government directly; this is in contrast to the United States protocol of addressing the federal head of government as mister (as in, Mister President); the Department of Canadian Heritage advises that it is incorrect to use the term Mr Prime Minister.[48] The written form of address for the prime minister should use his or her full parliamentary title: The Right Honourable [name], [post-nominal letters], Prime Minister of Canada. However, while in the House of Commons during Question Period, other members of parliament may address the prime minister as The Right Honourable, Member for [prime minister's riding] or simply The Right Honourable Prime Minister.[49] Former prime ministers retain the prefix The Right Honourable for the remainder of their lives; should they remain sitting MPs, they may be referred as The Right Honourable Member for [member's riding] or by their portfolio title (if appointed to one), as in The Right Honourable Minister of National Defence.", "Prime Minister's Office (India) During the tenure of Jawaharlal Nehru as Prime Minister, the then Prime Minister's Secretariat was headed by a Joint Secretary until his death.[1] The post of Principal Secretary to Prime Minister was created during the tenure of Indira Gandhi as Prime Minister.[1] The Principal Secretary to PM is the head of the Prime Minister's Office.", "List of Prime Ministers of Canada The Prime Minister of Canada is an official who serves as the primary minister of the Crown, chair of the Cabinet, and thus head of government of Canada. Officially, the prime minister is appointed by the Governor General of Canada, but by constitutional convention, the prime minister must have the confidence of the elected House of Commons. Normally, this is the leader of the party caucus with the greatest number of seats in the house. But, if that leader lacks support of the majority, the governor general can appoint another leader who has that support or may dissolve parliament and call a new election. By constitutional convention, a prime minister holds a seat in parliament and, since the early 20th century, this has more specifically meant the House of Commons.[1]", "Belt and Road Initiative In addition, Mahathir also threatened to deny foreign buyers a long-stay visa, prompting a clarification by Housing Minister Zuraida Kamaruddin and the Prime Minister's Office.[60]", "Prime minister In non-Commonwealth countries the prime minister may be entitled to the style of Excellency like a president. In some Commonwealth countries prime ministers and former prime ministers are styled Right Honourable due to their position, for example in the Prime Minister of Canada. In the United Kingdom the prime minister and former prime ministers may appear to also be styled Right Honourable, however this is not due to their position as head of government but as a privilege of being current members of Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council.[14]", "Prime Minister of Mauritius The current Prime Minister of Mauritius, Pravind Jugnauth, leader of the MSM, was appointed by the President on 23 January 2017 following the resignation of coalition leader Sir Anerood Jugnauth who held the post following victory of his Alliance in the 2014 General Election.The official residence of the Prime Minister during his term in office is the Clarisse House, the Prime Minister's Office is located in Port Louis. The longest serving prime minister is Anerood Jugnauth who held the office for 18th year as Prime Minister.", "Premier (Canada) In Canada, a premier is the head of government of a province or territory. Though the word is merely a synonym for prime minister, it is employed for provincial prime ministers to differentiate them from the Prime Minister of Canada. There are currently 10 provincial premiers and three territorial premiers. These persons are styled The Honourable only while in office,[1] unless they are admitted to the Queen's Privy Council for Canada, in which case they retain the title even after leaving the premiership.", "Prime Minister of Canada While there is no legal requirement for the prime minister to be a member of parliament, for practical and political reasons the prime minister is expected to win a seat very promptly.[10] However, in rare circumstances individuals who are not sitting members of the House of Commons have been appointed to the position of prime minister. Two former prime ministers—Sir John Joseph Caldwell Abbott and Sir Mackenzie Bowell—served in the 1890s while members of the Senate.[11] Both, in their roles as Government Leader in the Senate, succeeded prime ministers who had died in office—John A. Macdonald in 1891 and John Sparrow David Thompson in 1894. That convention has since evolved toward the appointment of an interim leader from the commons in such a scenario.", "Prime Minister of Canada Should a serving or former prime minister die, he or she is accorded a state funeral, wherein their casket lies in state in the Centre Block of Parliament Hill.[39] Only Bowell and the Viscount Bennett were given private funerals, Bennett also being the only former Prime Minister of Canada to die and be buried outside the country and Bowell the only whose funeral was not attended by politicians. John Thompson also died outside Canada, at Windsor Castle, where Queen Victoria permitted his lying-in-state before his body was returned to Canada for a state funeral in Halifax.[40]", "Prime Minister of Pakistan The official residence and principal workplace of the Prime Minister is the Prime Minister's Office located in northeast Islamabad. The Prime Minister is the Chief Executive who heads and exercises the authority of the Government of Pakistan. After obtaining a vote of confidence, the Prime Minister is invited by the President to take the oath of office and form the government.[30] In practice, the Prime Minister nominates the members of the Cabinet who supervise the important functions and ministries of the Government of Pakistan.[30] In addition, the Prime Minister communicates to the President all decisions of the Cabinet relating to the administration of affairs of state and proposals for legislation.[32]", "Prime Minister of Canada Pierre Trudeau is credited with, throughout his tenure as prime minister between 1968 and 1984, consolidating power in the PMO,[18] which is itself filled by political and administrative staff selected at the prime minister's discretion and unaccountable to parliament. At the end of the 20th century and into the 21st, analysts—such as Jeffrey Simpson,[19] Donald Savoie, Andrew Coyne,[20] and John Gomery—argued that both parliament and the Cabinet had become eclipsed by prime ministerial power;[n 3][21] Savoie wrote: \"The Canadian prime minister has little in the way of institutional check, at least inside government, to inhibit his ability to have his way.\"[22] Indeed, the position has been described as undergoing a \"presidentialisation\",[18][23] to the point that its incumbents publicly outshine the actual head of state (and prime minister's spouses are sometimes called the \"First Lady of Canada\"[24][25]).[26][27] Former governor general Adrienne Clarkson alluded to what she saw as \"an unspoken rivalry\" that had developed between the prime minister and the Crown.[28] It has been theorized that such is the case in Canada as its parliament is less influential on the executive than in other countries with Westminster parliamentary systems; particularly, Canada has fewer MPs, a higher turnover rate of MPs after each election, and an Americanised system for selecting political party leaders, leaving them accountable to the party membership rather than caucus, as is the case in the United Kingdom.[29]", "Prime Minister of India The Prime Minister's Office (PMO) acts as the principal workplace of the prime minister. The office is located at South Block, and is a 20-room complex, and has the Cabinet Secretariat, the Ministry of Defence and the Ministry of External Affairs adjacent to it. The office is headed by the Principal Secretary to the Prime Minister, generally a former civil servant either from the Indian Administrative Service (IAS) or the Indian Foreign Service (IFS).", "Deputy Prime Minister of Canada The official duties of the deputy prime minister are to answer questions pertaining to overall government policy during Question Period and to chair the Cabinet in the absence of the prime minister. The office has no standing in law and does not carry any formal duties or tasks—that is, it is without a portfolio—though, the prime minister may negotiate or assign specific tasks in conjunction with the title. With the exception of Herb Gray, all deputy prime ministers have held a portfolio alongside this title.", "Prime Minister of Australia The Prime Minister is, like other ministers, normally sworn in by the Governor-General and then presented with the commission (Letters patent) of office. When defeated in an election, or on resigning, the Prime Minister is said to \"hand in the commission\" and actually does so by returning it to the Governor-General. In the event of a Prime Minister dying in office, or becoming incapacitated, or for other reasons, the Governor-General can terminate the commission. Ministers hold office \"during the pleasure of the Governor-General\" (s. 64 of the Constitution of Australia), so theoretically, the Governor-General can dismiss a minister at any time, by notifying them in writing of the termination of their commission; however, their power to do so except on the advice of the Prime Minister is heavily circumscribed by convention.", "Prime Minister of Greece The prime minister's official seat (but not residence) is the Maximos Mansion in the centre of Athens. The office is described in the Constitution either as Prime Minister or President of the Government (Πρόεδρος της Κυβερνήσεως). This is the reason why the prime minister is also addressed as \"Mister President\".", "Prime Minister of Mauritius The Prime Minister is appointed by the President. He or She holds the second most senior position in the country, second only to the president. The Prime Minister is usually the leader of the largest party in the ruling coalition. The position of Prime Minister alongside with the office of Deputy Prime Minister is specified under CHAPTER VI Section 59 Part 1 of the Constitution of Mauritius.", "Prime Minister of Sri Lanka The Prime Minister would receive a salary (as of 2016) of LKR 858,000 annually paid from the Prime Minister's Office.", "Prime Minister of New Zealand The incumbent Prime Minister's official residence is Premier House, Tinakori Road, Wellington. Unlike the residences of certain other heads of government (e.g. the White House and 10 Downing Street), Premier House does not serve as the government headquarters; instead the Beehive is the location of the prime minister's office.[12] The prime minister's governmental work is supported by the non-partisan Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet. The separate Private Office of the Prime Minister provides advice and support on political party matters.[12]", "Prime Minister of Canada Prime ministers who are not Members of Parliament upon their appointment (or who lose their seats while in office) have since been expected to seek election to the commons as soon as possible. For example, William Lyon Mackenzie King, after losing his seat in the 1925 federal election (that his party won), briefly \"governed from the hallway\" before winning a by-election a few weeks later. Similarly, John Turner replaced Pierre Trudeau as leader of the Liberal Party in 1984 and subsequently was appointed prime minister while not holding a seat in the House of Commons; Turner won a riding in the next election but the Liberal Party was swept from power. Turner was the last serving prime minister to not hold a commons seat.", "Prime Minister of Canada The position of prime minister is not outlined in any Canadian constitutional document and is mentioned only in passing in the Constitution Act, 1982,[4][5] and the Letters Patent, 1947 issued by King George VI.[6] The office and its functions are instead governed by constitutional conventions and modelled on the same office in the United Kingdom.", "Prime Minister of Singapore The role of Deputy Prime Minister is the second highest post and senior Cabinet Minister in Singapore. The holder will sometimes assume the role of Acting Prime Minister when the PM is temporarily absent. Since the mid-1980s, Singapore has usually had two Deputy Prime Ministers at a time. Only Ong Teng Cheong and Tony Tan served under more than one Prime Minister during their time as Deputy Prime Minister. In the cabinet of Goh Chok Tong in the 1990s to 2004, President Tony Tan and Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong were the deputy prime ministers too. Currently, the deputy prime ministers in office are Mr Teo Chee Hean and Mr Tharman Shanmugaratnam.", "Prime Minister of Sri Lanka The official residence of the prime minister is the Prime Minister's House most commonly referred to as Temple Trees. The Prime Minister's Office is located on Sir Ernest de Silva Mawatha (formerly known as Flower Road) in Colombo.", "Deputy Prime Minister of the United Kingdom The Deputy Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (DPM) is a senior member of the Cabinet of the United Kingdom. The office of the Deputy Prime Minister is not a permanent position[1], existing only at the discretion of the Prime Minister, who may appoint to other offices – such as First Secretary of State – to give seniority to a particular cabinet minister.", "Prime Minister of Israel If the prime minister dies in office, the cabinet chooses an interim prime minister,[4] to run the government until a new government is placed in power. Yigal Allon served as interim prime minister following Levi Eshkol's death, as did Shimon Peres following the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin.", "Prime Minister of Israel During his term of office, the prime minister lives in Jerusalem. Since 1974, the official residence of the prime minister is Beit Aghion, at the corner of Balfour and Smolenskin streets in Rehavia.[5]", "Deputy Prime Minister of the United Kingdom The Deputy Prime Minister's Office (DPMO) is a non-statutory office, only being formed when a deputy prime minister is appointed which consists of the staff members and advisers who assist the deputy prime minister in his or her role. The most recent Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg maintained an office at the Cabinet Office headquarters, 70 Whitehall, which is linked to 10 Downing Street.[6] Clegg's predecessor, John Prescott, maintained his main office at 26 Whitehall.[7] The office is not an official single department and as such is part of and organised as part of the Cabinet Office.", "Prime Minister of Canada The Senate may delay or impede legislation put forward by the Cabinet, such as when Brian Mulroney's bill creating the Goods and Services Tax (GST) came before the upper chamber and, given Canada's federal nature, the jurisdiction of the federal government is limited to areas prescribed by the constitution. Further, as executive power is constitutionally vested in the monarch, meaning the Royal Prerogative belongs to the Crown and not to any of its ministers,[32][33][34] the sovereign's supremacy over the prime minister in the constitutional order is thus seen as a \"rebuff to the pretensions of the elected: As it has been said, when the Prime Minister bows before the Queen, he bows before us [the Canadian people].\"[35][36] Either the sovereign or his or her governor general may therefore oppose the prime minister's will in extreme, crisis situations.[n 4] Near the end of her time as governor general, Adrienne Clarkson stated: \"My constitutional role has lain in what are called 'reserve powers': making sure that there is a prime minister and a government in place, and exercising the right 'to encourage, to advise, and to warn'[...] Without really revealing any secrets, I can tell you that I have done all three.\"[37]", "Prime Minister of Japan To date, 62 people have served this position. The current Prime Minister is Shinzō Abe, who re-took office on December 26, 2012. He is the first former Prime Minister to return to office since 1948, and the 5th longest serving member to date.", "Unemployment benefits Employers contribute 1.4 times the amount of employee premiums. Since 1990, there is no government contribution to this fund. The amount a person receives and how long they can stay on EI varies with their previous salary, how long they were working, and the unemployment rate in their area. The EI system is managed by Service Canada, a service delivery network reporting to the Minister of Employment and Social Development Canada.", "Prime Minister of Australia The formal power to appoint the Governor-General lies with the Queen of Australia, but this appointment is done on the formal advice of the Prime Minister. By convention, this advice is provided by the Prime Minister alone, and thus the appointment is effectively the Prime Minister's personal choice. The Prime Minister may also advise the monarch to dismiss the Governor-General, though it remains unclear how quickly the monarch would act on such advice in a constitutional crisis. This uncertainty, and the possibility of a \"race\" between the Governor-General and Prime Minister to sack the other, was a key question in the 1975 constitutional crisis.", "History of Canada Following Mulroney's resignation as prime minister in 1993, Kim Campbell took office and became Canada's first female prime minister.[234] Campbell remained in office for only a few months: the 1993 election saw the collapse of the Progressive Conservative Party from government to two seats, while the Quebec-based sovereigntist Bloc Québécois became the official opposition.[235] Prime Minister Jean Chrétien of the Liberals took office in November 1993 with a majority government and was re-elected with further majorities during the 1997 and 2000 elections.[236]", "History of Canada During his long tenure in the office (1968–79, 1980–84), Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau made social and cultural change his political goals, including the pursuit of official bilingualism in Canada and plans for significant constitutional change.[218] The west, particularly the petroleum-producing provinces like Alberta, opposed many of the policies emanating from central Canada, with the National Energy Program creating considerable antagonism and growing western alienation.[219] Multiculturalism in Canada was adopted as the official policy of the Canadian government during the prime ministership of Pierre Trudeau.[220]", "List of Prime Ministers of Japan This is a list of Prime Ministers of Japan, including those of the Empire of Japan, from when the first Japanese prime minister (in the modern sense), Itō Hirobumi, took office in 1885, until the present day. The office is currently held by Shinzō Abe. Those Prime Ministers under the Meiji Constitution had a mandate from the Emperor. The \"electoral mandates\" shown are for the lower house of the Imperial Diet that was not constitutionally guaranteed to have any influence on the appointment of the Prime Minister.", "Prime Minister of Canada After exiting office, former prime ministers of Canada have engaged in various pursuits. Some remained in politics: Bowell continued to serve as a senator, Stephen Harper returned to the House of Commons as a backbench Member of Parliament, and Bennett moved to the United Kingdom after being elevated to the House of Lords.[59] A number led Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition in the Canadian parliament: John A. Macdonald, Arthur Meighen, Mackenzie King,[60] and Pierre Trudeau, all before being re-appointed as prime minister (Mackenzie King twice); Alexander Mackenzie and John Diefenbaker, both prior to sitting as regular Members of Parliament until their deaths;[61] Wilfrid Laurier dying while still in the post;[62] and Charles Tupper,[63] Louis St. Laurent,[64] and John Turner, each before they returned to private business. Meighen was also appointed to the Senate following his second period as prime minister, but resigned his seat to seek re-election and moved to private enterprise after failing to win a riding.[65] Following Meighen into civilian life were: Robert Borden, who served as Chancellor of Queen's and McGill Universities, as well as working in the financial sector; Lester B. Pearson, who acted as Chancellor of Carleton University;[66] Joe Clark and Kim Campbell, who became university professors, Clark also consultant and Campbell working in international diplomacy and as the director of private companies and chairperson of interest groups; while Pierre Trudeau and Jean Chrétien returned to legal practice.[67] Former prime ministers also commonly penned autobiographies—Tupper,[63] for example—or published their memoirs—such as Diefenbaker and Paul Martin.[61]", "Premier (Canada) In a number of provinces, premiers were previously known by the title prime minister, with premier being an informal term used to apply to all prime ministers, even the Prime Minister of Canada. This practice was eventually phased out to avoid confusing the provincial leaders with the federal prime minister, as well as to indicate the distinct nature of the provincial offices. Officially, the last such case outside Quebec was that of W. A. C. Bennett, who served as Premier of British Columbia and styled himself as prime minister until leaving office in 1972. The title premier is not granted by any written law. The formal name of the government position held by the premier is President of the Executive Council or some similar term, but that formal term is rarely used.", "Prime Minister of South Korea The Prime Minister is the principal executive assistant to the President, who is the actual head of government, not the prime minister.[4] The Prime Minister holds the second position after the President in the State Council of South Korea, which is the cabinet. The Prime Minister assists the President by supervising ministries, make recommendations for ministers, and is the Vice-Chairman of the Cabinet. The Prime Minister is the first in the order of succession to discharge the duties of the office of the President as the Acting President should the president be unable to discharge her or his office. The most recent person to have served as Acting President was Hwang Kyo-ahn, during the impeachment of Park Geun-hye in 2016.", "Prime Minister of Pakistan The Prime Minister can be removed before the expiry of the term through a vote of no confidence in the parliament.[30] If the vote of no confidence is passed by the National Assembly by not less than 20%, the Prime Minister ceases to retain the office.[30] In the past, prime ministers (and their governments) have been dismissed by the President exercising the VIII Amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan (1985), but this was repealed by the XVIII Amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan (2010).[36][37] In addition, the Prime Minister himself has absolute constitutional immunity from criminal and civil proceedings, and no proceedings can be initiated or continued against him during the term of his office.[38]", "Prime minister Australia's constitution makes no mention of a Prime Minister of Australia and the office only exists by convention, based on the British model.", "Prime Minister of Greece Before taking office, the prime minister is sworn in inside the Presidential Mansion. Until 2015, all Prime Ministers were sworn in by the Archbishop of Athens (the head of the Church of Greece), in a religious ceremony. The Archbishop begins with a few prayers and the Kyrie Eleison, and then the Prime Minister-Elect places his hand on the Bible placed in between two lit candles, all on a table between him and the Archbishop. Following after the Archbishop, the Prime Minister-Elect then recites the oath:", "List of Prime Ministers of Tanzania This is a list of the Prime Ministers of Tanzania, from the establishment of the office of Chief Minister of Tanganyika in 1960 to the present day.", "Prime Minister of Japan The Prime Minister (内閣総理大臣, Naikaku-sōri-daijin, or 首相 Shushō) is the head of government of Japan. The Prime Minister is appointed by the Emperor of Japan after being designated by the National Diet and must enjoy the confidence of the House of Representatives to remain in office. He or she is the head of the Cabinet and appoints and dismisses the other Ministers of State. The literal translation of the Japanese name for the office is Minister for the Comprehensive Administration of (or the Presidency over) the Cabinet.", "Records of Prime Ministers of the United Kingdom After Sir Robert Walpole, three other Prime Ministers have been in office at a time when no former Prime Ministers were alive:", "Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Unequivocal legal recognition was given in the Ministers of the Crown Act 1937, which made provision for payment of a salary to the person who is both \"the First Lord of the Treasury and Prime Minister\". Explicitly recognising two hundred years' of ambivalence, the Act states that it intended \"To give statutory recognition to the existence of the position of Prime Minister, and to the historic link between the Premiership and the office of First Lord of the Treasury, by providing in respect to that position and office a salary of ...\" The Act made a distinction between the \"position\" (Prime Minister) and the \"office\" (First Lord of the Treasury), emphasising the unique political character of the former. Nevertheless, the brass plate on the door of the Prime Minister's home, 10 Downing Street, still bears the title of \"First Lord of the Treasury\", as it has since the 18th century as it is officially the home of the First Lord and not the Prime Minister.[52][53]:P 34", "Prime Minister of Malaysia Mahathir and the PH coalition have confirmed that, after a period of around 2 years, People's Justice Party (PKR) leader Anwar Ibrahim will take over as Prime Minister. On 11 June 2018, Mahathir said he's prepared to stay as Prime Minister for more than two years if that is what members of the public wants.[2]", "Prime Minister of Sweden The government offices, including the Prime Minister's office, is located at Rosenbad in central Stockholm, straight across the water from the Riksdag building on Helgeandsholmen.", "Prime Minister of Belgium With the expansion of voting rights after World War I, more political parties started to win seats in parliament—especially the Belgian Socialist Party—and this made it impossible to achieve an absolute majority in parliament. Since then, coalition governments have been necessary, which has made the task of forming a government by the appointed formateur more difficult. Consequently, the formateur increasingly gained greater respect, and much prestige. Thus the formateur became prominent as a position of leadership. As the ministers of the government now represented various political parties, there was a need for someone to coordinate the proceedings of the various ministers. The Prime Minister was now asserted as the actual head of government, and this is how the office of Prime Minister came into existence.", "List of prime ministers of Elizabeth II This section lists prime ministers during Elizabeth's reign of former states that became republics during her reign. Where an office of prime minister remained after the transition, and the incumbent at the time of transition remained in that office, the date of the end of that period in office is given in the tables below.", "Records of Prime Ministers of the United Kingdom Only six Prime Ministers came to serve office under sovereigns in whose own reigns they were born. The present Prime Minister, Theresa May, is the third Prime Minister to have been born in the reign of the present sovereign Queen Elizabeth II.", "Prime Minister of Malaysia The Prime Minister of Malaysia (Malay: Perdana Menteri Malaysia) is the head of government and the highest political office in Malaysia. The Yang di-Pertuan Agong appoints Prime Minister as a Member of Parliament (MP) who, in his opinion, is most likely to command the confidence of a majority of MPs. The Prime Minister chairs the Cabinet of Malaysia, the de facto executive branch of government. On 18 October 2018, 7th Prime Minister, Mahathir Mohamad, annouced a two-term limit (10 years Max) to all Cabinet Profolio.", "Prime Minister of Australia The power of the Prime Minister is subject to a number of limitations. Prime Ministers removed as leader of their party, or whose government loses a vote of no-confidence in the House of Representatives, are expected to advise an election of the lower house or resign the office. If they fail to do this they will be dismissed by the Governor-General.[6]", "Records of Prime Ministers of the United Kingdom After Lord Wilmington, eleven other Prime Ministers have been in office at a time when only one former Prime Minister has been alive:", "Records of Prime Ministers of the United Kingdom Seven Prime Ministers have died in office:", "Prime Minister of Romania The Prime Minister of Romania (Romanian: Prim-ministrul României) is the head of the Government of Romania. Initially, the office was styled President of the Council of Ministers (Romanian: Președintele Consiliului de Miniștri), when the term \"Government\" included more than the Cabinet, and the Cabinet was called The Council of Ministers (Consiliul de Miniștri). The title was officially changed to Prime Minister during the communist regime.[when?]", "Spouse of the Prime Minister of India To date there have been 10 women who have been married to Prime Ministers whilst in office. India has also had one bachelor, one estranged, one widow, and two widower Prime Ministers.", "Records of Prime Ministers of the United Kingdom No future Prime Ministers have yet served in the flying services, although Neville Chamberlain, Prime Minister in 1937–40, and Sir Winston Churchill, Prime Minister in 1940–45 and 1951–55, were honorary Air Commodores in the Auxiliary Air Force during their respective terms of office.", "Government of Canada In federal department press releases, the government has sometimes been referred to by the phrase [last name of prime minister] Government; this terminology has been commonly employed in the media. [10] In late 2010, an informal instruction from the Office of the Prime Minister urged government departments to consistently use in all department communications the term (at that time Harper Government) in place of Government of Canada.[11] The same cabinet earlier directed its press department to use the phrase Canada's New Government.[10]", "Deputy Prime Minister of Canada Chrétien is the only deputy prime minister who has become prime minister. However, no deputy prime minister has directly (or within one parliamentary term) ascended to the position of prime minister or party leader. By contrast, five Ministers of Finance have become Prime Minister; Sir Charles Tupper, R.B. Bennett, John Turner, Jean Chrétien, and Paul Martin. All but Chrétien (during his 1984 leadership bid) were considered the front-runners to succeed the outgoing prime minister or party leader. Chrétien was finance minister from 1977–79, deputy prime minister in the short-lived government of John Turner in 1984, was the front-runner when he mounted his successful 1990 leadership bid, and became prime minister after his party won a majority in the 1993 election.", "Prime minister Most prime ministers in parliamentary systems are not appointed for a specific term in office and in effect may remain in power through a number of elections and parliaments. For example, Margaret Thatcher was only ever appointed prime minister on one occasion, in 1979. She remained continuously in power until 1990, though she used the assembly of each House of Commons after a general election to reshuffle her cabinet.", "Prime Minister of Bangladesh The Leader of the House is responsible for managing and scheduling Government business in the Jatiya Sangsad. The office is always held by Prime Minister of Bangladesh.", "Prime minister The post of prime minister may be encountered both in constitutional monarchies (such as Belgium, Denmark, Japan, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Malaysia, Morocco, Spain,[13] Sweden, Thailand, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom), and in parliamentary republics in which the head of state is an elected official (such as Finland, the Czech Republic, France, Greece, Hungary, India, Indonesia (1945-1959), Ireland, Pakistan, Portugal, Montenegro, Croatia, Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia and Turkey). See also \"First Minister\", \"Premier\", \"Chief Minister\", \"Chancellor\", \"Taoiseach\", \"Statsminister\" and \"Secretary of State\": alternative titles usually equivalent in meaning to, or translated as, \"prime minister\".", "Prime Minister of the United Kingdom According to the now defunct Department for Constitutional Affairs, the Prime Minister is made a Privy Counsellor as a result of taking office and should be addressed by the official title prefixed by \"The Right Honourable\" and not by a personal name.[citation needed] Although this form of address is employed on formal occasions, it is rarely used by the media. As \"Prime Minister\" is a position, not a title, the incumbent should be referred to as \"the Prime Minister\". The title \"Prime Minister\" (e.g. \"Prime Minister James Smith\") is technically incorrect but is sometimes used erroneously outside the United Kingdom, and has more recently become acceptable within it.[102] Within the UK, the expression \"Prime Minister Smith\" is never used, although it, too, is sometimes used by foreign dignitaries and news sources.", "Deputy Prime Minister of India The first Deputy Prime Minister of India was Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, who was also home minister in Jawaharlal Nehru's cabinet. The office has since been only intermittently occupied. The seventh and last deputy prime minister was L. K. Advani, who took on the role in addition to his home ministership from 2002 to 2004 in Atal Bihari Vajpayee's government. The current government does not have a Deputy Prime Minister.", "Deputy Prime Minister of Canada Legally speaking, any \"interim\" Prime Minister appointed by the Governor General would not merely be an \"Acting Prime Minister\", and would have the full powers and prerogatives of any other prime minister.", "List of Prime Ministers of India by longevity The longest lived Prime Minister was Gulzarilal Nanda, who lived to the age of 99 years, 195 days. Morarji Desai was the second-longest lived Prime Minister, and the longest lived elected Prime Minister (Nanda, a cabinet minister, served as acting Prime Minister when both Jawaharlal Nehru and Lal Bahadur Shastri died in office). Desai lived to the age of 99 years, 41 days, only 154 days short of matching Nanda. The shortest lived Prime Minister was Rajiv Gandhi, who was assassinated at the age of 46 years, 274 days.", "House of Commons of Canada The House of Commons was established in 1867, when the British North America Act—now called the Constitution Act, 1867—created the Dominion of Canada, and was modelled on the British House of Commons. The lower of the two houses making up the parliament, the House of Commons in practice holds far more power than the upper house, the Senate. Although the approval of both Houses is necessary for legislation, the Senate very rarely rejects bills passed by the commons (though the Senate does occasionally amend bills). Moreover, the Cabinet is responsible solely to the House of Commons. The prime minister stays in office only as long as they retain the support, or \"confidence\", of the lower house.", "Deputy Prime Minister of Canada The position of deputy prime minister was created by Pierre Trudeau in 1977, largely to recognize the long years of service of Allan J. MacEachen.[1] Before then, Trudeau had given the title of Senior Minister to a member of his cabinet.[1] The last to occupy that position was Paul Hellyer.[1]", "Cabinet Secretary In Canada, the equivalent position is the Clerk of the Privy Council, who functions as Deputy Minister to the Prime Minister of Canada and heads the Privy Council Office. Canada's provinces and territories also have equivalent officials as the head of their respective public services, as in the list below:", "List of Prime Ministers of Australia Thirty people have served as Prime Minister of Australia since the office was created in 1901.[1]", "Prime Minister of the Bahamas The Prime Minister of The Bahamas is the head of government of the Bahamas, currently Hubert Minnis. Minnis, as leader of the governing Free National Movement party (FNM), He was sworn in as Prime Minister on 11 May 2017, succeeding Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) leader Perry Christie. This was a result of the FNM's victory in the Bahamas general election of May 10, 2017. The Prime Minister is formally appointed into office by the Governor General of the Bahamas, who represents Elizabeth II, the Queen of the Bahamas (The Bahamian Head of State).", "Records of Prime Ministers of the United Kingdom Three Prime Ministers married while in office, all to second wives:", "Records of Prime Ministers of the United Kingdom Nine Prime Ministers have died while their immediate successor was in office:", "Prime Minister's Office (Pakistan) Initially, the PMO was referred to as the Prime Minister's Secretariat until it was renamed by former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif in 2013.[2] The PMO was designed by the Capital Development Authority (CDA).[3][4]", "Prime Minister's Office (India) The Prime Minister's National Relief Fund (PMNRF) and the National Defence Fund (NDF) are operated directly from the PMO. The Prime Minister's National Relief Fund was established in January 1948 as Trust, by then Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, with public contributions to assist displaced persons from Pakistan, due to partition of India. In the year 2013-2014, the Fund received donations worth Rs. 377.04 crore.[2]", "Team Canada Mission Team Canada Mission in Canadian politics is a public-relations mission led by the Prime Minister of Canada, the Minister of International Trade along with the leaders of the provinces and territories of Canada.", "Prime Minister of India Former prime ministers are entitled to a bungalow,[98][99] former prime ministers are also entitled the same facilities as those given to a serving cabinet minister,[98] this includes a fourteen-member secretarial staff, for a period of five years; reimbursement of office expenses; six domestic executive-class air tickets each year and; and security cover from the Special Protection Group.[98][99] In addition, former prime ministers rank seventh on the Indian order of precedence, equivalent to chief ministers of states (within their respective states) and cabinet ministers[100][101][102] As a former member of the parliament, the prime minister receives a minimum pension of ₹20,000 (US$310) per month, plus — if he/she served as an MP for more than five years — ₹15,000 (US$230) for every year served.", "Prime Minister of the United Kingdom 10 Downing Street, in London, has been the official place of residence of the Prime Minister since 1732; they are entitled to use its staff and facilities, including extensive offices. Chequers, a country house in Buckinghamshire, gifted to the government in 1917, may be used as a country retreat for the Prime Minister.", "Prime Minister of Russia Currently Prime Minister is appointed by the President of Russia, subject to the consent of the State Duma (before 1993 the Supreme Soviet). Unlike most other \"Prime Ministers\", who are also elected members of the legislative body or parliament, the Chairman of the Government of Russia can be any Russian citizen, as long as they do not also hold citizenship of another country.", "Canada–United Kingdom relations Most of Canada's early attempts at diplomacy necessarily involved the \"mother country\". Canada's first (informal) diplomatic officer was Sir John Rose, who was sent to London by Prime Minister John A. Macdonald. George Brown was subsequently dispatched to Washington by Prime Minister Alexander Mackenzie to influence British-American trade talks. The British government desired to formalise Canada's representation abroad rather than deal with so many informal lobbyists, and so, in 1880, Alexander Tilloch Galt became the first High Commissioner sent from a Dominion to Britain.", "Prime Minister of New Zealand The term \"prime minister\" had made its first formal appearance in the New Zealand context in the 1873 Schedule of the Civil List Act, but originally the head of government was titled \"colonial secretary\" or \"first minister\". This was changed in 1869 to \"premier\". That title remained in use for more than 30 years, until Richard Seddon informally changed it to \"prime minister\" in 1901 during his tenure in the office.[4] Following the declaration of New Zealand as a Dominion in 1907, the title of Prime Minister has been used exclusively. New Zealand prime ministers are styled as \"The Right Honourable\", a privilege they retain for life.[5]", "Prime Minister of Sri Lanka The president will appoint a member of parliament as prime minister, who in the President’s opinion, \"is most likely to command the confidence of Parliament\". The prime minister will continue to hold office throughout the period during which the cabinet of ministers continues to function under the provisions of the constitution unless he/she resigns from the post or ceases to be a member of parliament.[3]", "Oath of office The oath of office for Prime Minister and other members of the Union Council of Ministers:", "Deputy Prime Minister of the United Kingdom However, only two Deputy Prime Ministers have gone on to become Prime Minister. Clement Attlee won the 1945 general election and succeeded Winston Churchill after their coalition broke up but only after a two-month interval when Attlee was not a member of the government. Anthony Eden succeeded Churchill as Prime Minister not because he had been Deputy Prime Minister, but because he had long been seen as Churchill's heir apparent and natural successor.", "Prime minister In the UK, where devolved government is in place, the leaders of the Scottish, Northern Irish and Welsh Governments are styled First Minister. Between 1921 and 1972, when Northern Ireland was a Majority Rule Parliament the head of government would be known as the Prime Minister of Northern Ireland.In India, the Prime Minister is referred to as Pradhan Mantri, meaning \"prime minister\".[clarification needed] In Pakistan, the prime minister is referred to as Wazir-e-Azam, meaning \"Grand Vizier\".", "Prime Minister of India In 2010, the prime minister's office reported that he/she does not receive a formal salary, but was only entitled to monthly allowances.[91] That same year The Economist reported that, on a purchasing power parity basis, the prime minister received an equivalent of $4106 per year. As a percentage of the country's per-capita GDP (Gross Domestic Product), this is the lowest of all countries The Economist surveyed.[92]", "Prime Minister of Bengal The office was created under the Government of India Act 1935, which granted Bengal a bicameral legislature, including the Bengal Legislative Council and the Bengal Legislative Assembly. The Prime Minister was in charge of the executive branch.[1] The Prime Minister of Bengal played an important role in pan-Indian politics, including proclaiming the Lahore Resolution and dealing with Japanese attacks during World War II.", "Deputy Prime Minister of Canada Similarly, no deputy prime minister has been named in the cabinet of incumbent Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Ralph Goodale is deputy leader of the Liberal Party and ranks first in the \"order of precedence\" in the current cabinet, and an order in council designated him as first in line to assume the Prime Minister's duties in the event Trudeau ever became incapacitated.[6] However, media analysts focused on Dominic Leblanc, who despite being lower in the official order of precedence serves on numerous cabinet committees and as the government's liaison with the Senate, as being the \"de facto deputy prime minister\".[7]", "Prime Minister of Sri Lanka In recent years from time to time, Temple Trees has been by some presidents such as Kumaratunga and Rajapaksa. While certain Prime Minister such as Wickremesinghe have chosen to stay at his personal residence.", "Minister of State The first Minister of State in New Zealand was Keith Holyoake, a former Prime Minister. Other prominent people to have held the office include Jim Bolger and Robin Gray (a former Prime Minister and a former Speaker, respectively). Examples of people who held the office simply in order that they might be appointed as associate ministers include Mita Ririnui, Damien O'Connor, and Dover Samuels.", "Prime minister By the late 20th century,[11][12] the majority of the world's countries had a prime minister or equivalent minister, holding office under either a constitutional monarchy or a ceremonial president. The main exceptions to this system have been the United States and the presidential republics in Latin America modelled on the U.S. system, in which the president directly exercises executive authority.", "Prime Minister of Spain Once a general election has been announced by the king, political parties nominate their candidates to stand for the presidency of the government-usually the party leader. An outgoing prime minister who is not running in that election remains in office as a caretaker until their successor is sworn in, such as José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero; this differs from other parliamentary governments whose prime ministers always lead their parties during the election campaign.", "Prime Minister of Pakistan (5) The member elected under clause (4) shall be called upon by the President to assume the office of Prime Minister and he shall, before entering upon the office, make before the President oath in the form set out in the Third Schedule:", "List of Prime Ministers of the United Kingdom by age The prime minister with the longest retirement is Duke of Grafton, at 41 years and 45 days. He achieved this record on 1 January 1799, surpassing Earl of Bute, who died 28 years, and 337 days after leaving office. Bute held the record for 7 years. The closest anyone has been to Grafton's record since was Henry Addington, who left office on 10 May 1804, and died 39 years, and 281 days later on 15 February 1844. Of the four former prime ministers currently alive, John Major has been retired the longest, he left office on 2 May 1997. If he is still alive on 24 June 2038, he will surpass Grafton's record and become the longest lived prime minister after office. The prime minister with the shortest retirement is Henry Campbell-Bannerman, who died only 15 days after leaving office.", "Prime Minister of Spain Constitutionally, the Prime Minister and the cabinet are responsible to the monarch, not the Cortes. On paper, the monarch is free to name anyone he sees fit as his prerogative to form a government. In practice, however, due to the need for the Prime Minister to command the confidence of the Congress of Deputies, it is all but impossible for a monarch to appoint a government entirely of his own choosing or keep it in office against the will of the Congress of Deputies. For this reason, the Prime Minister is usually the leader of the largest party in the Congress.[7] For the Crown to nominate the political leader whose party controls the Congress can be seen as a royal endorsement of the democratic process— a fundamental concept enshrined in the 1978 Constitution.", "Prime Minister of Russia Russian law does not specify who should become acting Prime Minister in case of his incapacity. Despite the presence of several Vice Prime Ministers, the President appoints the acting Prime Minister, and not always the acting Head of Government is his Deputy. Very often, the acting Prime Minister later proposed the State Duma as the new Prime Minister.", "Oath of office In addition to swearing, the Oath of Allegiance upon becoming a Member of Parliament, the Prime Minister, Ministers and Parliamentary Secretaries also recite an Oath of Office upon entering office. The wording of this oath is not prescribed within the Constitution and is ultimately determined by the Prime Minister of the day. Traditionally the oath has repeated the swearing of allegiance to the Sovereign, although this is not required.[3] The current Oath of Office is:", "Canada–United States relations Canada's first Prime Minister also said:", "Prime Minister of Romania One of the roles of the President of the Republic is to designate a candidate for the office of Prime Minister. The President must consult with the party that has the majority in the Parliament or, if no such majority exists, with the parties represented in Parliament.[3]" ]
where was the movie jeremiah johnson filmed at
[ "Jeremiah Johnson (film) The script was by John Milius and Edward Anhalt; the film was shot at various locations in Redford's adopted home state of Utah. It was entered into the 1972 Cannes Film Festival.", "Jeremiah Johnson (film) After Warner Bros. advanced Redford $200,000 to secure him for the film, they decided that it had to be shot on its backlot due to cost constraints. Insisting that it must be shot on location in Utah, Redford and Pollack convinced the studio that this could be done at the same cost.[8] To prepare for production, art director Ted Haworth drove over 26,000 miles to find locations.[4] Ultimately, it was shot in nearly 100 locations across Utah, including: Mount Timpanogos, Ashley National Forest, Leeds, Snow Canyon State Park, St. George, Sundance Resort, Uinta National Forest, Wasatch-Cache National Forest, and Zion National Park.[10]" ]
[ "Jeremiah Johnson (film) Casting for the role of Swan, Jeremiah's wife, took three months. After auditioning for another role, actress Delle Bolton was spotted by the casting director.[9] Bolton then interviewed alongside 200 Native American women and eventually won the role.[4]", "Jeremiah Johnson (film) The film took seven and a half months to edit. \"It's a picture that was made as much in the editing room as it was in the shooting,\" said Pollack. \"It was a film where you used to watch dailies and everybody would fall asleep, except Bob and I, because all you had were these big shots of a guy walking his horse through the snow. You didn't see strong narrative line. It's a picture made out of rhythms and moods and wonderful performances.\"[12]", "Jeremiah Jeremiah resisted the call by complaining that he was only a child and did not know how to speak.[26] However, the Lord insisted that Jeremiah go and speak, and he touched Jeremiah's mouth to place the word of the Lord there.[27] God told Jeremiah to \"Get yourself ready!\"[28] The character traits and practices Jeremiah was to acquire are specified in Jeremiah 1 and include not being afraid, standing up to speak, speaking as told, and going where sent.[29] Since Jeremiah is described as emerging well trained and fully literate from his earliest preaching, the relationship between him and the Shaphan family has been used to suggest that he may have trained at the scribal school in Jerusalem over which Shaphan presided.[30][31]", "Jeremiah Johnson (film) The score was composed by Tim McIntire and John Rubinstein; known primarily as actors, they were also musicians. This was their film composing debut, arising after Rubinstein met Sydney Pollack through his agent.[13] As Pollack recalls in the DVD commentary, McIntire and Rubinstein were \"kids that just auditioned with a tape.\"[14]", "Dwayne Johnson Johnson appeared in Fast Five (2011), the fifth film of The Fast and the Furious film series, as DSS agent Luke Hobbs, who is assigned to hunt down the series' protagonists. He landed the role after series star Vin Diesel read comments and feedback from fans, the majority of whom wanted to see Diesel and Johnson in a movie together. Johnson, a fan of the franchise, had wanted to work with Universal Studios again after they had given him his first film roles. Fast Five grossed over $86 million in its opening weekend, the biggest opening for a Fast & Furious film, the biggest opening for an April release,[237] and the biggest opening for a Johnson movie.[238] Johnson starred in the adventure sequel film Journey 2: The Mysterious Island (2012) and headlined the action drama film Snitch (2013), based on a true story, which opened to mixed reviews; however, Johnson's performance was praised.", "Jeremiah In Jewish rabbinic literature, especially the aggadah, Jeremiah and Moses are often mentioned together;[46] their life and works being presented in parallel lines. The following ancient midrash is especially interesting, in connection with Deut. xviii. 18, in which \"a prophet like Moses\" is promised: \"As Moses was a prophet for forty years, so was Jeremiah; as Moses prophesied concerning Judah and Benjamin, so did Jeremiah; as Moses' own tribe [the Levites under Korah] rose up against him, so did Jeremiah's tribe revolt against him; Moses was cast into the water, Jeremiah into a pit; as Moses was saved by a slave (the slave of Pharaoh's daughter); so, Jeremiah was rescued by a slave (Ebed-melech); Moses reprimanded the people in discourses; so did Jeremiah.\"[47]", "Jeremiah Jeremiah's ministry prompted plots against him. (Jer.11:21–23) Unhappy with Jeremiah's message, possibly for concern that it would shut down the Anathoth sanctuary, his priestly kin and the men of Anathoth conspired to kill him. However, the Lord revealed the conspiracy to Jeremiah, protected his life, and declared disaster for the men of Anathoth.[31][36] When Jeremiah complains to the Lord about this persecution, he is told that the attacks on him will become worse.[37]", "Jeremiah Jeremiah (/dʒɛrɪˈmaɪ.ə/;[1] Hebrew: יִרְמְיָהוּ‎, Modern: Yirmeyahu  [jiʁmeˈjahu], Tiberian: Yirmĭyāhū; Greek: Ἰερεμίας; Arabic: إرميا‎‎ Irmiyā meaning \"Yah Exalts\"), also called the \"Weeping prophet\",[2] was one of the major prophets of the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament). According to Jewish tradition, Jeremiah authored the Book of Jeremiah, the Books of Kings and the Book of Lamentations,[3] with the assistance and under the editorship of Baruch ben Neriah, his scribe and disciple.", "Jeremiah Jeremiah was sympathetic to as well as descended from the Northern Kingdom. Many of his first reported oracles are about, and addressed to, the Israelites at Samaria. He resembles the northern prophet Hosea, in his use of language, and examples of God's relationship to Israel. Hosea seems to have been the first prophet to describe the desired relationship as an example of ancient Israelite marriage, where a man might be polygynous, while a woman was only permitted one husband. Jeremiah often repeats Hosea's marital imagery (Jer. 2:2b–3; 3:1–5, 19–25; 4:1–2).[41]", "Jeremiah Muslim literature narrates a detailed account of the destruction of Jerusalem, which parallels the account given in the Book of Jeremiah.[54]", "Katherine Johnson Johnson has been portrayed in the media. In a 2016 episode of the NBC series Timeless, titled \"Space Race\", the mathematician is portrayed by Nadine Ellis.[42] The highly acclaimed December 2016 film Hidden Figures, based on the non-fiction book of the same title by Margot Lee Shetterly, follows Johnson and other female African-American mathematicians (Mary Jackson and Dorothy Vaughan) who worked at NASA. Taraji P. Henson plays Johnson in the film.[23] Johnson appeared alongside Henson at the 89th Academy Awards.[43] In an earlier interview, Johnson offered the following comment about the movie: \"It was well-done. The three leading ladies did an excellent job portraying us.\"[44]", "Jeremiah Jeremiah inspired the French noun jérémiade, and subsequently the English jeremiad, meaning \"a lamentation; mournful complaint,\"[59] or further, \"a cautionary or angry harangue.\"[60]", "Shall We Gather at the River? The song is also heard in Gene Fowler, Jr.'s The Oregon Trail (1959) and in Elliot Silverstein's Cat Ballou (1965). It was used in the Sam Peckinpah films Major Dundee (1965) and also The Wild Bunch (1969) where it was employed as ironic counterpoint during an onscreen massacre. It was similarly put to use in such dark, late-period Westerns as 1968's Hang 'Em High and 1972's Jeremiah Johnson.[1]", "Jeremiah Jeremiah's ministry was active from the thirteenth year of Josiah, king of Judah (3298 AM,[7] or 626 BC[8]), until after the fall of Jerusalem and the destruction of Solomon's Temple in 3358 AM or 587 BC.[9] This period spanned the reigns of five kings of Judah: Josiah, Jehoahaz, Jehoiakim, Jehoiachin, and Zedekiah.[8] The Hebrew-language chronology Seder HaDoroth (published 1768) gives Jeremiah's final year of prophecy to be 3350 AM or 595 BC, at which point he transmitted his teachings to Baruch ben Neriah.[10]", "My Hero (Foo Fighters song) The song was featured in the movie Varsity Blues during the climactic scene of the final football game. The scene was later parodied in the 2001 film Not Another Teen Movie. The song also appeared in the 2010 films Somewhere and The Other Guys when part of the song was heard during the scene where two characters (played by Dwayne \"The Rock\" Johnson and Samuel L. Jackson) jump to their death.", "Book of Jeremiah The influence of Jeremiah during and after the Exile was considerable in some circles, and three additional books, the Book of Baruch, Lamentations, and the Letter of Jeremiah, were attributed to him in Second Temple Judaism (Judaism in the period between the building of the Second Temple in about 515 BCE and its destruction in 70 CE); in the Greek Septuagint they stand between Jeremiah and the Book of Ezekiel, but only Lamentations is included in modern Jewish or Protestant bibles (the Letter of Jeremiah appears in Catholic bibles as the sixth chapter of Baruch).[27] Jeremiah is mentioned by name in Chronicles and the Book of Ezra, both dating from the later Persian period, and his prophecy that the Babylonian exile would last 70 years was taken up and reapplied by the author of the Book of Daniel in the 2nd century BCE.", "Film The terminology used for describing motion pictures varies considerably between British and American English. In British usage, the name of the medium is \"film\". The word \"movie\" is understood but seldom used.[10][11] Additionally, \"the pictures\" (plural) is used semi-frequently to refer to the place where movies are exhibited, while in American English this may be called \"the movies\", but it is becoming outdated. In other countries, the place where movies are exhibited may be called a cinema or movie theatre. By contrast, in the United States, \"movie\" is the predominant form. Although the words \"film\" and \"movie\" are sometimes used interchangeably, \"film\" is more often used when considering artistic, theoretical, or technical aspects. The term \"movies\" more often refers to entertainment or commercial aspects, as where to go for fun evening on a date. For example, a book titled \"How to Understand a Film\" would probably be about the aesthetics or theory of film, while a book entitled \"Let's Go to the Movies\" would probably be about the history of entertaining movies and blockbusters.", "Film industry Distinct from the centers are the locations where movies are filmed. Because of labor and infrastructure costs, many films are produced in countries other than the one in which the company which pays for the film is located. For example, many U.S. movies are filmed in Canada, many Nigerian movies are filmed in Ghana, while many Indian movies are filmed in the Americas, Europe, Singapore etc.", "Brian Johnson In May 2014, Quest broadcast Cars That Rock with Brian Johnson, a documentary series fronted by Johnson where he explores his favourite iconic motor cars. The first episode looks at the history of the Mini, with Johnson driving a big selection of the cars, including the car from the 1969 British caper film The Italian Job and the world's fastest Mini. It concludes with Johnson racing a Mini Cooper at Brands Hatch, and finishes with him stating he has bought the car he raced. As of 2016, the show can now be seen on the Velocity channel.", "Eric Johnson (actor) Johnson played the anti-Mormon son, Joshua Steed, in The Work and the Glory movie series.", "Book of Jeremiah Jeremiah is written in a very complex and poetic Hebrew (apart from verse 10:11, curiously written in Biblical Aramaic). It has come down in two distinct though related versions, one in Hebrew, the other known from a Greek translation.[3] Scholars have had differing opinions as to how to reconstruct the historical aspects of the Book of Jeremiah due to the differences each version contains when compared with each other.[4] The book is a representation of the message and significance of the prophet substantially intended for the Jews in Babylonian exile: its purpose is to explain the disaster as God's response to Israel's pagan worship:[5] the people, says Jeremiah, are like an unfaithful wife and rebellious children: their infidelity and rebelliousness make judgement inevitable, although restoration and a new covenant are foreshadowed.[6]", "Movie theater Some outdoor movie theaters are just grassy areas where the audience sits upon chairs, blankets or even in hot tubs, and watch the movie on a temporary screen, or even the wall of a building. Colleges and universities have often sponsored movie screenings in lecture halls. The formats of these screenings include 35 mm, 16 mm, DVD, VHS, and even 70 mm in rare cases. Some alternative methods of showing movies have been popular in the past. In the 1980s the introduction of VHS cassettes made possible video-salons, small rooms where visitors viewed movies on a large TV. These establishments were especially popular in the Soviet Union, where official distribution companies were slow to adapt to changing demand, and so movie theaters could not show popular Hollywood and Asian films.", "Book of Jeremiah The Deuteronomists were a school or movement who edited the books of Joshua, Judges, Samuel and Kings into a more or less unified history of Israel (the so-called Deuteronomistic History) during the Jewish exile in Babylon (6th century BCE).[19] It is argued that the Deuteronomists played an important role in the production of the book of Jeremiah; for example, there is clear Deuteronomistic language in chapter 25, in which the prophet looks back over twenty-three years of unheeded prophecy. From the Deuteronomistic perspective the prophetic role implied, more than anything else, concern with law and covenant after the manner of Moses. On this reading Jeremiah was the last of a long line of prophets sent to warn Israel of the consequences of infidelity to God; unlike the Deuteronomists, for whom the call for repentance was always central, Jeremiah seems at some point in his career to have decided that further intercession was pointless, and that Israel's fate was sealed.[20]", "Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century (film) Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century is a 1999 Disney Channel Original Movie, starring Kirsten Storms as the eponymous heroine, and directed by Kenneth Johnson.[1] The film was based on the book Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century written by Marilyn Sadler and Roger Bollen. The film was originally conceived as a pilot for a potential television series.[2] The film was the first under the Disney Channel Original Movie banner to produce a sequel, Zenon: The Zequel (2001). A third and final installment was also produced, Zenon: Z3 (2004).", "Aaron Taylor-Johnson Johnson was born in High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire,[5] the son of Sarah and Robert Johnson, a housewife mother and civil engineer father, respectively.[3][6] He has a sister, Gemma, who appeared in his film Tom & Thomas (2002) in a small role.[7] Johnson is Jewish.[8] He was educated at Holmer Green Senior School[9] and attended the Jackie Palmer Stage School in High Wycombe between 1996 and 2008, where he studied drama, tap, jazz, acrobatics, and singing.[10]", "Dude, Where's My Car? A sequel titled Seriously Dude, Where's My Car? was in development for years, but never came to be. The first movie was a breakthrough role for Ashton Kutcher, allowing him to transition from That '70s Show to movie stardom. The sequel was scheduled to begin filming in 2003. Scott was interested in the sequel, but Kutcher shot the idea down before filming could begin.", "Not Another Teen Movie Not Another Teen Movie is a 2001 American comedy film directed by Joel Gallen and written by Mike Bender, Adam Jay Epstein, Andrew Jacobson, Phil Beauman, and Buddy Johnson. The film features an ensemble cast including Chyler Leigh, Chris Evans, Jaime Pressly, Eric Christian Olsen, Eric Jungmann, Mia Kirshner, Deon Richmond, Cody McMains, Sam Huntington, Samm Levine, Cerina Vincent, Ron Lester, Randy Quaid, Lacey Chabert, and Riley Smith.", "Carousel (film) The world premiere of the film, held in New York, was attended by Washington diplomats as well as film stars. Among those in the audience were Averell Harriman and Edmund Muskie. Muskie was at that time the governor of Maine, where the story is set and where a large part of the movie was filmed. Locations for the film include:", "You'll Always Find Your Way Back Home Singer-songwriter Taylor Swift became involved with Hannah Montana: The Movie when filmmakers emailed her specifically to request the use of her music in the film. Swift agreed to make a cameo appearance in the film to sing \"Crazier\" as well as to co-write a song with Boys Like Girls lead singer Martin Johnson.[2] In an interview with MTV, Johnson described working with Swift:", "Arte Johnson Johnson was born January 20, 1929, in Benton Harbor, Michigan, and is the son of Abraham Lincoln and Edythe Mackenzie (Golden) Johnson. His father was an attorney.[1] Johnson attended the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, where he worked at the campus radio station and the UI Theater Guild with his brother Coslough \"Cos\" Johnson, and graduated in 1949.[citation needed]", "Book of Jeremiah According to its opening verses the book records the prophetic utterances of the priest Jeremiah son of Hilkiah, \"to whom the word of YHWH came in the days of king Josiah\" and after. Jeremiah lived during a turbulent period, the final years of the kingdom of Judah, from the death of king Josiah (609 BCE) and the loss of independence that followed, through the destruction of Jerusalem by the Babylonians and the exile of much its population (587/586).[18] The book depicts a remarkably introspective prophet, impetuous and often angered by the role into which he has been thrust, alternating efforts to warn the people with pleas to God for mercy, until he is ordered to \"pray no more for this people.\" He engages in extensive performance art, walking about in the streets with a yoke about his neck and engaging in other efforts to attract attention. He is taunted and retaliates, is thrown in jail as the result, and at one point is thrown into a pit to die.", "Godzilla (2014 film) Legendary turned its attention to casting parts for the movie. On January 7, 2013, it was reported that Joseph Gordon-Levitt had turned down being cast in the film in the fall of 2012. It was reported that Henry Cavill, Scoot McNairy, and Caleb Landry Jones comprised the shortlist for lead of the film.[15] On January 10, it was first reported that Legendary Pictures was interested in Aaron Taylor-Johnson for the lead role.[97] It was reported that Bryan Cranston and Elizabeth Olsen were also in talks to co-star.[98] Olsen confirmed her involvement at the 2013 BAFTA awards.[99] Juliette Binoche and David Strathairn were then signed on to join Taylor-Johnson, Cranston and Olsen in the film.[100][101]", "Dude, Where's My Car? The film's sequel would leave off where the first movie ended. Jesse, Chester, Wanda and Wilma would end up traveling in their flying car to a planet populated by giant women.", "Magic Johnson In January 2012, Johnson joined with Guggenheim Partners and Stan Kasten in a bid for ownership of the Los Angeles Dodgers baseball team.[163] In March 2012, Johnson's ownership group was announced as the winner of the proceedings to buy the Dodgers.[164] The Johnson-led group, which also includes movie executive Peter Guber, paid $2 billion for the Dodgers, the largest amount paid for a professional sports team. While Magic Johnson is considered the leader of the ownership group, the controlling owner is Mark Walter, chief executive officer for Guggenheim Partners. Peter Guber, who is co-owner of the Golden State Warriors, owns a small stake in the Dodgers along with Johnson. Johnson and Guber were also partners in the Dayton Dragons, a minor league baseball team that has sold out 844 consecutive games, a record for professional sports.[165][166] Johnson and Guber sold their stake in the team in 2014.[167]", "Howard Johnson's In the film Blazing Saddles, a joke is made of recreating the town of Rock Ridge \"right down to the orange roof on Howard Johnson's outhouse\" and signage boasting \"1 flavor\". The character named Howard Johnson was played by John Hillerman.[50]", "Sarah Michelle Gellar Gellar was cast opposite Dwayne Johnson, Seann William Scott, and Justin Timberlake in Richard Kelly's comedy-thriller Southland Tales, where she appeared as Krysta Now, an adult film star working on creating a reality television show. The film, set in 2008 as part of an alternate history, is a portrait of Los Angeles, and a satire on the military–industrial complex and the entertainment industry. Gellar had met with Kelly and was drawn to the original ideas for the movie, accepting the role before she even read the script.[120][121] It opened at the 2006 Cannes Film Festival[122] and was released in November 2007 in selected theaters,[123] receiving mediocre reviews.[124] However, J. Hoberman for Village Voice remarked that the director \"contrives two memorable comic performances\" by Gellar and Johnson.", "Andre Johnson The best game of Johnson's 2015 season came against his former team, the Texans, where he caught six passes for 77 yards and two touchdowns. Johnson was released on March 9, 2016.[24] In his only season with the Colts, Johnson made 41 receptions for 503 yards and four touchdowns.[25]", "Brian Johnson A car and racing enthusiast, Johnson currently enjoys racing his vintage race cars: a Royale RP-4 and a Pilbeam MP84, which he races in vintage and historic races throughout the United States. In 1997, Johnson recorded with the band Jackyl on their song \"Locked and Loaded\", and in 2002 wrote lyrics on the track \"Kill the Sunshine\" from their album Relentless. In the video game Call of Duty: Finest Hour, he voices Sergeant Starkey. He made a cameo appearance in the 2005 film Goal! where he appears as a Newcastle United fan in a bar in California watching a Newcastle game.", "Jake Johnson Jake Johnson (born Mark Jake Johnson Weinberger; May 28, 1978)[1] is an American actor and comedian who plays Nick Miller in the Fox sitcom New Girl opposite Zooey Deschanel, for which he has received a Teen Choice Award nomination. Johnson also co-starred in the 2009 film Paper Heart and the 2012 film Safety Not Guaranteed, as well as appearing in Get Him to the Greek, 21 Jump Street, and Jurassic World. His first starring role in a feature film was Drinking Buddies, and he also starred in the 2014 comedy Let's Be Cops, alongside fellow New Girl star Damon Wayans, Jr.", "The Inbetweeners Movie On its first day of release, The Inbetweeners Movie grossed over £2.5 million in 409 cinemas.[8] The film then went on to set a new record for the most successful opening weekend ever achieved by a comedy film in the UK, overtaking Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason and The Hangover Part II[9] after earning £13.22 million,[10] compared to second-place Rise of the Planet of the Apes which took £2.4 million.[9] The Inbetweeners Movie was confirmed as having the biggest opening weekend for an independent British film.[9] It retained its number 1 position in the UK film charts for four weeks before being overtaken by Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy on 20 September 2011, by which time The Inbetweeners Movie had grossed £41.8 million overall.[11] The film saw a limited theatrical release in the United States on 7 September 2012, where it grossed $36,000 making its total box office revenue $88,025,781.[citation needed]", "Bart Johnson Johnson helmed \"The Run\" as writer/director, an adventure comedy short film shot on location in Baja California.[1]", "Ashley Johnson Johnson was born in Camarillo, California, the youngest daughter of Nancy Spruiell Johnson, an independent film producer, and Clifford Johnson, the captain of an exploration ship. Her father died in July 2000 from Hepatitis C and cancer.[2] She is of Norwegian,[3] Swedish, Danish, Irish, Scottish, and Native American descent. When she was nine days old, her father got a new job and the family moved to Franklin, Michigan. Johnson graduated from high school at 15.[citation needed]", "Logan Paul In February 2017, Dwayne \"The Rock\" Johnson released on his own YouTube channel \"Logan Paul has been cut from, like, all of The Rock's movies\", a video starring himself and Paul, in which Johnson informs Paul that he has been cut from all of Johnson's films, and consoles Paul by making him the \"ambassador\" to his upcoming Baywatch feature film.[18] That April, Johnson and Paul reunited for \"Logan Paul is, like, totally terrible at falling in love with Alexandra Daddario\", the first part of a video sketch in which Paul tries to impress Johnson in order to win a part in the film, and falls in love with actress Alexandra Daddario in the process.[19] It was later revealed in a deleted scene that Paul really was cut from the 2017 film Baywatch. He would have cameoed as Zane, who bullies Ronnie for taking his shirt off.[20]", "Show Boat (1951 film) The film was first telecast on January 3, 1972, on The NBC Monday Movie. This marked the first time any production of Show Boat was telecast, with the exception of an experimental telecast in 1931 of a scene from the 1929 film version. NBC repeated the film on Saturday June 17, 1972. Several years later, the film went to CBS, where it appeared twice as a holiday offering on The CBS Late Movie. From there the film went to local stations and then to cable.", "Movie theater A movie theater or movie theatre (also called a cinema) is a building that contains an auditorium for viewing films (also called movies), for entertainment. Most, but not all, theaters are commercial operations catering to the general public, who attend by purchasing a ticket. Some movie theaters, however, are operated by non-profit organizations or societies which charge members a membership fee to view films.", "Wyatt Earp After his death in 1929, Earp's character did not appear in a movie until the famous gunfight was depicted for the first time in the 1932 film Law and Order, although the Wyatt Earp character is named Frame ‘Saint’ Johnson (Walter Huston).[250] Since then, about 40 other movies have included his character.[194][287]", "B movie A B movie or B film is a low-budget commercial movie, but not an arthouse film. In its original usage, during the Golden Age of Hollywood, the term more precisely identified films intended for distribution as the less-publicized bottom half of a double feature (akin to B-sides for recorded music). Although the U.S. production of movies intended as second features largely ceased by the end of the 1950s, the term B movie continues to be used in its broader sense to this day. In its post-Golden Age usage, there is ambiguity on both sides of the definition: on the one hand, the primary interest of many inexpensive exploitation films is prurient; on the other, many B movies display a high degree of craft and aesthetic ingenuity.", "Andre Johnson Johnson made his playoff debut against the Cincinnati Bengals on January 7, 2012. In the game, Johnson had 5 receptions for 90 yards, including a 40-yard touchdown catch. The Texans won 31-10 and advanced to the divisional round where they fell to the Baltimore Ravens 20-13. Johnson caught 8 passes for 111 yards in the losing effort.", "The Town That Dreaded Sundown Andrew Prine, who played Norman Ramsey, wrote the last fifth of the film because it had no ending.[9] Both Ben Johnson and he were hung over while filming the train scene after partying the night before.[9] During the rain scene with Ramsey, a snake made its way on the set. Crew members were yelling at Andrew that it was a moccasin, but Prine wanted to finish his scene without reshooting, so the crew killed the snake afterwards.[9] The last shot of the film where the killer is seen standing in line at the movie theater was Pierce's wife's idea.", "Aaron Taylor-Johnson Aaron Taylor-Johnson (born Aaron Perry Johnson;[1] 13 June 1990)[2][3] is an English actor, best known as the title character in the Kick-Ass films and Quicksilver in Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015).", "Looper (film) Makeup artist Kazuhiro Tsuji created the prosthetics that Gordon-Levitt wore in the film so that he would physically resemble Willis.[13] The film's score was composed by Nathan Johnson, Rian Johnson's cousin.[14]", "Impeachment of Andrew Johnson A trial started in the Senate, presided by Chief Justice Salmon P. Chase, and committees were organized to represent the prosecution and defense. The impeachment committee was made up of Thaddeus Stevens, Benjamin F. Butler, John A. Bingham, John A. Logan, George S. Boutwell, Thomas Williams and James F. Wilson. Johnson's defense team was made up of Alexander Morgan, Henry Stanbery, William M. Evarts, Benjamin R. Curtis, Thomas A. R. Nelson and Jeremiah S. Black (who resigned before the trial began). The trial began on March 13, 1868.[16]", "Dwayne Johnson Johnson broke into the mainstream with roles in the blockbuster action films The Mummy Returns (2001), The Scorpion King (2002), the action comedy The Rundown (2003), and the remake of Walking Tall (2004). He played a supporting role in Be Cool (2005) and was the primary antagonist in Doom (2006). Roles in Gridiron Gang (2006) and Reno 911!: Miami (2007) soon followed. Johnson played against type in Southland Tales (2007). He played a cocky famous American football player in The Game Plan (2007) and Agent 23 in Get Smart (2008). He presented the Academy Award for Best Visual Effects at the 80th Academy Awards in February 2008.[232] He was nominated for the Favorite Movie Actor award at the 2008 Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards for his role in The Game Plan but lost out to Johnny Depp in Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End.[233][234]", "The Most Dangerous Game (film) The 1932 film was referenced in the plot of the David Fincher movie Zodiac (2007). Jake Gyllenhaal's character recognizes quotes from the film in letters from the Zodiac Killer sent to the newspaper office where he works.", "Johnson & Johnson In 2007, Johnson & Johnson sued Abbott Laboratories over the development and sale of the arthritis drug Humira. Johnson & Johnson claimed that Abbott used technology patented by New York University and licensed exclusively to Johnson & Johnson's Centocor division to develop Humira. Johnson & Johnson won the court case, and in 2009 Abbott was ordered to pay Johnson & Johnson $1.17 billion in lost revenues and $504 million in royalties.[114] The judge also added $175.6 million in interest to bring the total to $1.84 billion.[115] This was the largest patent-infringement award in U.S. history[114] until the 2013 decision against Teva in favor of Takeda and Pfizer for over 2.1 billion dollars.[116] In 2010 Abbott appealed the verdict[115] and in 2011 won the appeal.[117]", "Masters of the Universe (film) On January 10, 2014, Schmoes Know reported that Joe Cornish (Attack the Block), Rian Johnson (Looper), Andrés Muschietti (Mama), Kirk DeMicco and Chris Sanders (The Croods), and Phil Lord and Chris Miller (The Lego Movie) were named as frontrunners to direct the film.[39] On February 26, it was reported that directors Mike Cahill, Jeff Wadlow, Harald Zwart, and Chris McKay are on the short list to direct.[40][41] On April 9, Schmoes Know reported that Wadlow will direct the film, but The Hollywood Reporter announced that he's rewriting the script of the film.[42][43]", "True Movies An example of some of the films shown on True Movies:", "Johnson & Johnson Robert Wood Johnson's granddaughter, Mary Lea Johnson Richards, was the first baby to appear on a Johnson & Johnson baby powder label.[9][10][11] His great-grandson, Jamie Johnson, made a documentary called Born Rich about the experience of growing up as the heir to one of the world's greatest fortunes.", "The Nun (2018 film) On June 15, 2016, Warner Bros. Pictures and New Line Cinema announced The Nun, a spin-off film to The Conjuring 2, which had opened five days earlier. Peter Safran and James Wan produced. The initial script for the film was written by David Leslie Johnson.[5] On February 17, 2017, it was announced that Corin Hardy had signed on to direct The Nun with a new screenplay from Wan and Gary Dauberman.[6] During the filming of Annabelle: Creation, Safran revealed that The Nun would chronologically come first in The Conjuring Universe, making it a further prequel to The Conjuring series and Annabelle series. He said, \"We have a board that we created that has what we hope will ultimately be our series of movies. We have it in chronological order, so we can keep track of where it all happens.\"[7]", "Rebel (2012 film) In June 2012, the unit went back to Bangkok for the third time to shoot two songs of the movie.[18] After completing the schedule, the filming resumed at Pollachi where scenes on Prabhas and other lead cast were canned.[19] The filming shifted to Pondicherry where action episodes involving Prabhas were shot.[20] The last schedule of filming took at an aluminium factory in Hyderabad.[21]", "The Life and Times of Grizzly Adams Dan Haggerty also played Jeremiah, a modern-day version of Grizzly Adams, in the films Grizzly Mountain (1997) and Escape to Grizzly Mountain (2000).", "Dwayne Johnson Johnson's first leading film role was in The Scorpion King in 2002. For this, he was paid US$5.5 million, a world record for an actor in his first starring role.[13] One of his more prominent roles is Luke Hobbs in The Fast and the Furious franchise. Johnson hosted and produced The Hero, a reality competition series and has since continued to produce TV shows and films through his production company Seven Bucks Productions. In 2013, Forbes listed Johnson No. 25 in the Top 100 Most Powerful Celebrities and has been in the top twenty every year since.[14] He was the world's highest-paid actor of 2016.[15] Time named him one of the 100 most influential people in the world in 2016.[16] In 2015, Muscle & Fitness named Johnson their \"Man of the Century\".[17]", "Fast & Furious 6 Fogelson said that the racing aspect had put a \"ceiling\" on the number of people willing to see films in the series, and that, by turning it into a series where car driving ability is just one aspect of the film, he hoped to increase the series' audience.[8] On Johnson's character, Fogelson added \"[Johnson] also wants to appear in and be integral to the action in Fast Six.\"[8]", "Scary Movie 3 Scary Movie 3 is a 2003 American horror comedy film, which parodies the horror, sci-fi, and mystery genres. It is the third film in the Scary Movie franchise, and the first to be directed by David Zucker.", "Book of Jeremiah It is generally agreed that the three types of material interspersed through the book – poetic, narrative, and biographical – come from different sources or circles.[10] Authentic oracles of Jeremiah are probably to be found in the poetic sections of chapters 1–25, but the book as a whole has been heavily edited and added to by followers (including perhaps the prophet's companion, the scribe Baruch) and later generations of Deuteronomists.[11] The date of the final versions of the book (Greek and Hebrew) can be suggested by the fact that the Greek shows concerns typical of the early Persian period, while the Masoretic (i.e., Hebrew) shows perspectives which, although known in the Persian period, did not reach their realisation until the 2nd century BCE.[12]", "Amy Johnson A collection of Amy Johnson souvenirs and mementos was donated by her father to Sewerby Hall in 1958. The hall now houses a room dedicated to Amy Johnson in its museum. In 1974, Harry Ibbetson's statue of Amy Johnson was unveiled in Prospect Street, Hull where a girls' school was named after her (the school closed in 2004).[22] In 2016 new statues of Johnson were unveiled to commemorate the 75th anniversary of her death. The first, on 17 September, was at Herne Bay, close to the site she was last seen alive,[23] and the second, on 30 September, was unveiled by Maureen Lipman near Hawthorne Avenue, Hull, close to Johnson's childhood home.[24] A blue plaque commemorates Johnson at Vernon Court, Hendon Way, in Childs Hill, London NW2.[25]", "B movie In either usage, most B movies represent a particular genre—the Western was a Golden Age B movie staple, while low-budget science-fiction and horror films became more popular in the 1950s. Early B movies were often part of series in which the star repeatedly played the same character. Almost always shorter than the top-billed films they were paired with,[1] many had running times of 70 minutes or less. The term connoted a general perception that B movies were inferior to the more lavishly budgeted headliners; individual B films were often ignored by critics.", "Nicole Randall Johnson Johnson had supporting roles in such films as Role Models, The 40 Year Old Virgin, Transformers and In Her Shoes.[2]", "Piglet's Big Movie The soundtrack also features five tracks of the film's score by Carl Johnson, as well as five of Simon's original demo recordings.", "Johnson & Johnson Since 2003, Johnson & Johnson and Boston Scientific have both claimed that the other had infringed on their patents covering heart stent medical devices. The litigation was settled when Boston Scientific agreed to pay $716 million to Johnson & Johnson in September 2009 and an additional $1.73 billion in February 2010.[112] Their dispute was renewed in 2014, now on the grounds of a contract dispute.[113]", "Book of Jeremiah Jeremiah exists in two versions, a Greek translation, called the Septuagint, dating from the last few centuries before Christ and found in the earliest Christian manuscripts, and the Masoretic Hebrew text of traditional Jewish bibles – the Greek version is shorter than the Hebrew by about one eighth, and arranges the material differently. Equivalents of both versions were found among the Dead Sea Scrolls, so that is clear that the differences mark important stages in the transmission of the text.[13] Most scholars hold that the Hebrew text underlying the Septuagint version is older than the Masoretic text, and that the Masoretic evolved either from this or from a closely related version.[14][15] The shorter version ultimately became canonical in Greek Orthodox churches, while the longer was adopted in Judaism and in Western Christian churches.[16]", "Johnson & Johnson Johnson & Johnson has set several positive goals to keep the company environmentally friendly and was ranked third among the United States's largest companies in Newsweek's \"Green Rankings\".[76] Some examples are the reduction in water use, waste, and energy use and an increased level of transparency.[77] Johnson & Johnson agreed to change its packaging of plastic bottles used in the manufacturing process, switching their packaging of liquids to non-polycarbonate containers.[78] The corporation is working with the Climate Northwest Initiative and the EPA National Environmental Performance Track program.[79] As a member of the national Green Power Partnership, Johnson & Johnson operates the largest solar power generator in Pennsylvania at its site in Spring House, PA.[80]", "Dragonheart In a 2013 MTV interview about his upcoming film 5-25-77, DragonHeart creator Patrick Read Johnson expressed a desire to remake the film with Sean Connery and Liam Neeson, who was on board to play the role of Bowen before Johnson was fired from the project.[24] In April 2016, Matthew Feitshans, screenwriter of Dragonheart 3 and Dragonheart 4, stated that Universal wants to use the prequels to keep up the film series' momentum, mentioning the possibility and the hopes of them leading to a remake of the original film.[25] In 2017, Dragonheart was listed as no. 8 on WatchMojo.com's list of \"Top 10 Movie Remakes We Actually WANT To See.\" [26]", "Johnson & Johnson Johnson & Johnson is headquartered in New Brunswick, New Jersey, the consumer division being located in Skillman, New Jersey. The corporation includes some 250 subsidiary companies with operations in 60 countries and products sold in over 175 countries. Johnson & Johnson had worldwide sales of $70.1 billion during calendar year 2015.[3] The company has made the 3rd largest pharmaceutical settlement with the U.S. Department of Justice.", "The Proud Family Movie The score to the film was composed by Elika Alvarez, Frank Fitzpatrick and Freddy Sheinfel. The film features new songs written by Frank Fitzpatrick, Jorge Corante, Robyn Johnson, Stephen Anderson and Jayne Houston, along with covers of calypso songs. The songs featured in the film are:", "Man with a Movie Camera \"The film Man with a Movie Camera represents", "Love Story (1970 film) NBC broadcast Love Story, a short-lived romantic anthology television series, in 1973-1974. Although it shared its name with the novel and movie and used the same theme song – \"(Where Do I Begin) Love Story\" – as the movie, it otherwise was unrelated to them, with no characters or storylines in common with either the novel or the movie. The original film was remade in Malayalam as Madanolsavam in 1978.", "Johnson & Johnson DePuy was acquired by J&J in 1998, rolling it into the Johnson & Johnson Medical Devices group. On June 14, 2012, Johnson and Johnson completed the acquisition of Synthes for $19.7 billion,[20] which was then integrated with the DePuy franchise to establish the DePuy Synthes Companies of Johnson & Johnson which includes; Codman & Shurteff, Inc., DePuy Mitek, Inc., DePuy Orthopaedics, Inc. and DePuy Spine, Inc. In February 2015, DePuy announced it would acquire Olive Medical Corporation.[21] In May 2016, DePuy Orthopaedics, Inc. acquired Biomedical Enterprises, Inc., an industry leader in small bone fixation.[22]Later in December of the same year, DePuy Synthes announced it would acquire Pulsar Vascular Inc., adding Pulsar to its Codman division.[23]", "Not Another Teen Movie Mick LaSalle of the San Francisco Chronicle called the film \"a crass act\" and pointed out the futility of trying to parody films that are already absurd. LaSalle complained that the film too closely copies She's All That, calling it \"pathetic\" that Not Another Teen Movie is just another formulaic teen movie.[3]", "Horror film This psychological horror film has a variety of themes; \"evil children\", alcoholism, telepathy and insanity. This type of film is an example of how Hollywood's idea of horror started to evolve. Murder and violence were no longer the main themes of horror films. During the 1970s and 1980s, psychological and supernatural horror started to take over cinema. Another classic Hollywood horror film is Tobe Hooper's Poltergeist (1982). Poltergeist is ranked the 20th scariest movie ever made by the Chicago Film Critics Association. Both The Shining and Poltergeist involve horror being based on real-estate values. The evil and horror throughout the films come from where the movies are taking place.[21][22]", "Scary Movie 4 Scary Movie 4 is a 2006 American horror comedy film and the fourth film of the Scary Movie franchise, as well as the first film in the franchise to be released under The Weinstein Company banner since the purchase of Dimension Films. It was directed by David Zucker, written by Jim Abrahams, Craig Mazin, and Pat Proft, and produced by Robert K. Weiss and Craig Mazin.", "Bart Johnson Johnson also filmed 6 Bucks and a Bottle of Water, a documentary with his brothers, hitchhiking from Los Angeles to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. produced by Robert Moore.[2]", "Looper (film) Talking about Looper and time travel in film, Rian Johnson said:", "Where the Wild Things Are (film) Critic A.O. Scott named the film the best of 2009 and placed it at number five on his list of top ten movies of the decade.[38]", "Meriam Al Khalifa In 2001, a made-for-TV movie based on her relationship with Jason Johnson, their flight from Bahrain to the U.S., and their elopement, The Princess and the Marine,[10] aired on NBC. It starred Mark-Paul Gosselaar as Johnson and Marisol Nichols as Meriam.[11] The movie reportedly \"caused one of the biggest bidding wars for packaged rights in the history of television movies,\" estimated at more than $500,000.[12]", "Bam Margera Presents: Where the ♯$&% Is Santa? Bam Margera Presents: Where the #$&% Is Santa? (A.K.A. Bam Margera Presents: Where the Fuck Is Santa?) is a film released in 2008 by Warner Bros.. The film stars Bam Margera, Brandon Novak, Mark The Bagger, and other members both of Margera's family and friends. It follows the daredevil and comedic themes of Margera's MTV shows Viva La Bam and Jackass, while retaining a holiday-themed goal for the film; namely celebrating Christmas and finding Santa Claus.[1] Bam Margera also mentioned a sequel to this movie on Radio Bam.", "Dwayne Johnson In 2016, Johnson co-starred with Kevin Hart in the action-comedy Central Intelligence and had a lead voice role in the Disney animated film Moana, in which he voiced the Polynesian demigod", "Johnson & Johnson Johnson & Johnson registered the Red Cross as a U.S. trademark for \"medicinal and surgical plasters\" in 1905 and has used the design since 1887.[107] The Geneva Conventions, which reserved the Red Cross emblem for specific uses, were first approved in 1864 and ratified by the United States in 1882. However, the emblem was not protected by U.S. law for the use of the American Red Cross and the U.S. military until after Johnson & Johnson had obtained its trademark. A clause in this law (now 18 U.S.C. 706) permits this pre-existing uses of the Red Cross to continue.", "Marsha P. Johnson Johnson was born Malcolm Michaels[1] on August 24, 1945 at St. Elizabeth Hospital[1] in Elizabeth, New Jersey. She was raised by a single mother, alongside an older sister, Norma. Johnson was brought up in a Roman Catholic church and remained religious her entire life, stating that she \"got married to Jesus... he takes me seriously\" and that she talked to him all the time.[3] Johnson stated in a 1992 interview that she first began wearing dresses at the age of five but stopped because \"boys next door would try and get fresh with me\" and describes being raped as a child.[3] Johnson in her late teens told her mother she was gay and her mother responded that she was \"lower than a dog\".[3] After graduating from high school in 1963, Johnson moved to Greenwich Village in New York City where she at first worked at a restaurant until she began to pursue a new life as \"the biggest drag queen in the world\" where she began performing onstage in NYC drag balls where she initially went with the name \"Black Marsha\", before shortening it.[3][9] Johnson stated she never \"did drag seriously\" because she \"didn't have money to do serious drag\", stating she'd always get her clothes from the thrift shop, and was known to add flowers all over her head; Johnson often designed most of her outfits.[3] Johnson began hustling in the streets to make ends meet.[3] Johnson lived on the streets of Greenwich Village by 1966.", "Movie theater In 2009, movie exhibitors became more interested in 3D film. The number of 3D screens in theaters is increasing. The RealD company expects 15,000 screens worldwide in 2010. The availability of 3D movies encourages exhibitors to adopt digital cinema and provides a way for theaters to compete with home theaters. One incentive for theaters to show 3D films is that although ticket sales have declined, revenues from 3D tickets have grown.[19] In the 2010s, 3D films became popular again. The IMAX 3D system and digital 3D systems are used (the latter is used in the animated movies of Disney/Pixar).", "Johnson & Johnson Paul Janssen founded his own research laboratory in 1953 on the third floor of the building in the Statiestraat, still within the Richter-Eurpharma company of his father. On 5 April 1956, the name of the company was changed to NV Laboratoria Pharmaceutica C. Janssen (named after Constant Janssen). On 2 May 1958, the research department in Beerse became a separate legal entity, the N.V. Research Laboratorium C. Janssen. On 24 October 1961, the company was acquired by the American corporation Johnson & Johnson. On 10 February 1964, the name was changed to Janssen Pharmaceutica N.V. Between 1990 and 2004, Janssen Pharmaceuticals expanded worldwide, with the company growing in size to approximately 28000 employees worldwide. In 1999, clinical research and non-clinical development become a global organization within Johnson & Johnson. In 2001, part of the research activities was transferred to the United States with the reorganization of research activities in the Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical Research and Development organization. The research activities of the Janssen Research Foundation and the R.W. Johnson Pharmaceutical Research Institute were merged into the new global research organization. On 27 October 2004, the Paul Janssen Research Center, for discovery research, was inaugurated.", "Scary Movie 3 The film's plot significantly parodies the films The Ring, Signs, The Matrix, The Matrix Reloaded, and 8 Mile. The film grossed $220.7 million worldwide. It is the last film in the series to be released by The Walt Disney Company's subsidiary Miramax Films, under the brand Dimension Films. After Dimension Films brand left Disney, Scary Movie 4 became the first film to be released by The Weinstein Company. It was named the 2004 Teen Choice Awards in the category of Choice Movie: Your Parents Didn't Want You to See.[4]", "The Great Movie Ride The line wound through a recreation of the Chinese Theatre lobby past glass display cases containing actual costumes, props, and set pieces from various films. The lobby also featured digital posters of various motion pictures. The line then took guests into a small pre-show theatre where Turner Classic Movies host Robert Osborne provided insight and commentary about various motion pictures and film genres—such as musicals, adventure, science-fiction, westerns, romance, and gangster films— including those films that were featured within the ride. The queue line ended at a pair of automatic doors at the front of the theatre that lead into a 1930s era Hollywood soundstage where guests were loaded onto waiting ride vehicles.", "Johnson & Johnson On top of Alex Gorsky and Sandi Peterson, current members of Executive Committees of Johnson & Johnson are: Dominic Caruso (the company's chief financial officer),[38] Peter Fasolo, Paul Stoffels, and Michael Sneed.[58]", "Black Mass (film) On June 9, Depp's 51st birthday, he was filming scenes on location in Quincy,[50][51] where actress Dakota Johnson was in Back Bay, playing Whitey Bulger's longtime former girlfriend, Lindsey Cyr.[52] On June 11, shooting was underway in Lynn, where the crew was filming scenes in which Bulger and Stephen Flemmi pick up a prostitute named Deborah Hussey (played by Juno Temple) from the police station. Temple was seen on the set.[53][54] On June 16, Depp and Plemons were spotted on the set of the film in South Boston.[55]", "Jimmie Johnson Johnson made an appearance as himself in the 2005 film Herbie: Fully Loaded, commenting on Herbie's sunroof as unusual for a stock car to have, and his car is also briefly seen from Herbie's POV.", "Where the Wild Things Are (film) Some critics have noted the movie's dark adaptation for children, such as David Denby from The New Yorker saying, \"I have a vision of eight-year-olds leaving the movie in bewilderment. Why are the creatures so unhappy?\"[35] Stephanie Zacharek of Salon.com criticized the film's visual aspect, \"Even the look of the picture becomes tiresome after a while — it starts to seem depressive and shaggy and tired.\" She also stated that \"The movie is so loaded with adult ideas about childhood — as opposed to things that might delight or engage an actual child.\"[36] The Globe and Mail's Liam Lacey branded the production a \"self-consciously sad film.\"[37]", "Bee Movie Roger Ebert of the Chicago Sun-Times gave the film two out of four stars, saying \"All of this material, written by Seinfeld and writers associated with his television series, tries hard, but never really takes off. We learn at the outset of the movie that bees theoretically cannot fly. Unfortunately, in the movie, that applies only to the screenplay. It is really, really, really hard to care much about a platonic romantic relationship between Renee Zellweger and a bee, although if anyone could pull it off, she could.\"[36] Ty Burr of The Boston Globe gave the film three out of four stars, saying \"The vibe is loose-limbed and fluky, and the gags have an extra snap that's recognizably Seinfeldian. If I believed in a sitcom afterlife, I'd swear the whole thing was cooked up by Kramer and George's dad.\"[37] Jack Mathews of the New York Daily News gave the film three out of four stars, saying \"Watching this pun-filled cartoon is like falling into a tray of children's watercolors—the warm end, where oranges and yellows and ambers wave.\"[38] Stephen Whitty of the Newark Star-Ledger gave the film two and a half stars out of four, saying \"The movie has some pretty pictures and a few good jokes, but not nearly enough. And the story suffers from sitcom attention-deficit disorder, veering off in a new direction every half-hour or so.\"[33] David Botti of Newsweek said, \"What I like about Bee Movie is its comfy, off-the-cuff charm: unlike a lot of animated family entertainment, it's not all Thwack Smash Kaboom.\"[39] Moira MacDonald of The Seattle Times gave the film two and a half stars out of four, saying \"Bee Movie doesn't touch the bar raised so high by Pixar, but it creates a little buzz of its own.\"[40] Peter Howell of the Toronto Star gave the film two and a half stars out of four, saying \"Bee Movie is a cute movie. Not that there's anything ... well, you know the rest. But cute is not what adults expect from Jerry Seinfeld, although children will be delighted.\"[41]" ]
when do willow and tara get back together
[ "Tara Maclay After tentatively courting each other in \"Entropy\", Tara returns to Willow, and they reconcile through the next episode, \"Seeing Red\". Throughout the season, Buffy is dogged by three techno-nerds calling themselves The Trio, who envision themselves to be supervillains, with Buffy their nemesis. She continues to foil their plans, and during \"Seeing Red\", Warren Mears, one of the Trio, arrives at Buffy's house with a gun. He shoots several rounds, hitting Buffy, and the last stray shot hits Tara through the heart, killing her as Willow looks on. Willow is taken over by a dark alter ego, going on a rampage, torturing Warren and skinning him alive. She then attempts to murder the other two members of the Trio, but is unsuccessful. To end her pain, she attempts to end the world. Xander stops her by forcing her to deal with her grief in a healthy, non-violent way.[21]" ]
[ "Willow Rosenberg Following protests angry about the death of Tara, Whedon and the writing team made a decision to keep Willow gay. In 2002, he told The Advocate about the possibility of Willow having a relationship with a man, \"We do that now, and we will be burned alive. And possibly justifiably. We can't have Willow say, 'Oh, cured now, I can go back to cock!' Willow is not going to be straddling that particular fence. She will just be gay.\"[37] Kennedy is markedly different from Tara. She is younger, outspoken, and aggressively pursues Willow, who hesitates to become involved again.[72] When they first kiss in the episode \"The Killer in Me\", Willow's realization that she let Tara go reacts with a curse put upon her by another witch named Amy Madison (Elizabeth Anne Allen), turning Willow into Warren, Tara's murderer. The spell is broken when Willow acknowledges her guilt and Kennedy kisses her again. Kennedy expresses that she does not understand the value of magic and assumes it involves tricks, not the all-consuming energy that Willow is capable of. When Willow eventually exhibits what power she has, it briefly frightens Kennedy. Willow worries about becoming sexually intimate with Kennedy, unsure of what may transpire if she loses control of herself.[73] In season 7 episode 20, \"Touched\", in which practically all the main cast has sex (two by two) Willow and Kennedy take part in the first lesbian sex scene on primetime television.[74]", "Willow Rosenberg Whedon made a conscious effort to focus on Willow and Tara's relationship instead of either's identity as a lesbian or the coming out process. When Willow discloses to Buffy what she feels for Tara, she indicates that she has fallen in love with Tara, not that she is a lesbian, and avoids categorizing herself. Some critics regard this as a failure on Willow's part to be strong;[60] Em McAvan interprets this to mean that Willow may be bisexual.[61] Scholar Farah Mendlesohn asserts that Willow's realization that she is in love with Tara allows viewers to re-interpret Willow's relationship with Buffy; in the first three seasons, Willow is often disappointed that she is not a higher priority to Buffy, and even after Willow enters a relationship with Tara, still desires to feel integral to Buffy's cause and the Scooby Gang.[62]", "Tara Maclay Tara becomes more outspoken during the sixth season about the ethics of Willow's use of magic, cautioning Willow that she depends too much on it. The dynamics of their relationship suddenly turn during \"Once More, with Feeling\". Willow had cast a spell on Tara to alter her memory in the preceding episode and Tara finds out about it during \"Once More, with Feeling\", the musical episode of the series. Tara was given a prominent role in the musical due to the skill of Benson's voice: she sings a love ballad to Willow, a duet with Giles, and backup in two other songs. The musical nature of the episode compelled the characters to express what they had been feeling secretly, or had refused to admit to themselves. Tara's song is a fervent and explicit expression of love for Willow which she had not made clear to the audience until this point.[13] Tara later sings with Giles that she will leave Willow if she does not change. Self-conscious about her singing abilities, Hannigan requested not to be given a song and sings only a few lines in the episode. Critics saw this as Tara's personality becoming more forceful as Willow begins to show signs of weakness as she is overtaken by her addiction.[14][15] Tara challenges Willow to go for a week without using any magic. Willow almost immediately breaks her promise, however, and Tara leaves her at the end of \"Tabula Rasa\". Tara remains a part of the group, spending time with Dawn, and non-judgmentally acting as Buffy's confessor when Buffy divulges she has a painful and compulsive sexual relationship with Spike, a vampire whom she loathes.[16]", "Willow Rosenberg Academics, however, comment that Willow is a less sexual character than the others in the show. She is displayed as \"cuddly\" in earlier seasons, often dressing in pink fuzzy sweaters resulting in an innocent tomboyishness. She becomes more feminine in her relationship with Tara, who is already feminine; no issues with gender are present in their union.[68][69] Their relationship is sanitized and unthreatening to male viewers. When the series moved broadcast networks from the WB to UPN in 2001, some of the restrictions were relaxed. Willow and Tara are shown in some scenes to be \"intensely sexual\", such as in the sixth season episode \"Once More, with Feeling\" where it is visually implied that Willow performs cunnilingus on Tara.[70] When Willow and Tara reconcile, they spend part of the episode in \"Seeing Red\" unclothed in bed, covered by red sheets.", "Tara Maclay Willow was a popular character when Tara was introduced, and the onset of their relationship was met with some resistance from fans. Tara grows from a reserved girl who is unsure of herself to being the moral center of Buffy's circle of friends, named the Scooby Gang. Her relationship with Willow is consistently positive, and the first recurring depiction of a lesbian couple on prime time network series television in the United States. Tara is killed by a stray gunshot toward the end of the sixth season, causing Willow to go on a rampage. Series writers and producers received angry protests from some fans when Tara was killed, including accusations of homophobia. Whedon upheld that it was the necessary course to take to propel Willow's story arc further; both the show's producers and Amber Benson deny that there was any malicious intent behind the decision. Tara was included in AfterEllen.com's Top 50 Lesbian and Bisexual Characters, ranking at No. 15.[1]", "Tara Maclay The Big Bad of the seventh season is the First Evil, who taunts Buffy and her friends by appearing as loved ones who previously died. Whedon asked Benson to appear as Tara to Willow in \"Conversations with Dead People\", but Benson turned down the role, concerned about what fans of the show would think about an evil Tara. Instead, the producers used Cassie, a character who dies early in the seventh season and speaks for Tara, telling Willow to kill herself.[31] Whedon also considered bringing Tara back in a storyline where Buffy would be given one wish to be granted, but the possibility did not come to fruition.[32]", "Willow Rosenberg Not all viewers considered Willow and Tara's relationship a positive development. Some fans loyal to Willow reacted angrily as she chose to be with Tara when Oz made himself available, and they lashed out at Tara and Amber Benson on the fansite message boards. Whedon replied sardonically, \"we're going to shift away from this whole lifestyle choice that Willow has made. Just wipe the slate. From now on, Willow will no longer be a Jew. And I think we can all breathe easier.\" However, he seriously explained his motivation, writing \"My show is about emotion. Love is the most powerful, messy, delightful and dangerous emotion... Willow's in love. I think it's cool.\"[55] Hannigan was also positive about the way the character and her relationship with Tara was written: \"It is not about being controversial or making a statement. I think the show is handling it really nicely. It's about two people who care about each other.\"[65]", "Willow Rosenberg Contrasting with some of the more sexual relationships of the other characters, Willow and Tara demonstrate a sentimental, soft, and consistent affection for each other. Some of this was pragmatic: the show was restricted in what it could present to viewers. Willow and Tara did not kiss until the fifth season in an episode that diverted the focus away from the display of affection when Buffy's mother dies in \"The Body\". Before this, much of their sexuality is represented by allusions to witchcraft; spells doubled for physical affection such as an erotic ritual in \"Who Are You?\" where Willow and Tara chant and perspire in a circle of light until Willow falls back on a pillow gasping and moaning.[note 2] Within the Buffy universe, magic is portrayed in a mostly female realm. As opposed to it being evil, it is an earth-bound force that is most proficiently harvested by women.[63] The treatment of the lesbian relationship as integral to magic, representative of each other (love is magic, magic is love), earned the series some critical commentary from conservative Christians.[51] To avoid large-scale criticism, scenes had to be shot several different ways because censors would not allow some types of action on screen. In the fourth and fifth seasons, the characters could be shown on a bed, but not under the covers. Hannigan noted the inconsistent standards with the other relationships on the show: \"you've got Spike and Harmony just going at it like rabbits, so it's very hypocritical\".[66] As a couple, Willow and Tara are treated by the rest of the Scoobies with acceptance and little fanfare. Susan Driver writes that younger viewers especially appreciate that Willow and Tara are able to be affectionate without becoming overly sexual, thus making them objects of fantasy for male enjoyment. Willow and Tara's influence on specifically younger female viewers is, according to Driver, \"remarkable\".[67]", "Tara Maclay Network executives encouraged the lesbian element in the relationship, but put strict guidelines on what could be shown. For several episodes in the fourth season, Tara and Willow's friendship grows as they practice magic. To work within the censorship imposed on their relationship, writers used allusions to spells and witchcraft to symbolize their affection and growing sexuality.[6][7] Willow does not tell her friends about Tara for several episodes, instead just expressing the wish to spend time with Tara, where she can have something just for herself.[8] Tara is unwaveringly supportive and committed to Willow.", "Tara Maclay Tara is introduced in the fourth season episode \"Hush\" as a college student who attends a Wicca meeting where Willow Rosenberg (Alyson Hannigan) goes to find some like-minded people. Tara is hesitant to speak out during the meeting and has a pronounced stammer that returns throughout the series when she is upset. She reacts positively during the meeting to Willow's suggestion that the Wiccan group discuss spellcasting, but the rest of the group scoff at the suggestion and silence Tara and Willow. Tara was created to appear in only a few episodes as a friend with whom Willow could learn magic and develop her skills. Amber Benson had known Hannigan previously, but did not tell her she was up for the part. Benson almost missed a callback audition because she left town, but the casting department postponed the session so she could return and read. When she did, Hannigan found her on set and upon learning she was up for the role, told Whedon to hire Benson at the same moment Benson got the call from her agent that she had won the part.[2] Benson and Hannigan had such chemistry that the relationship was written to be more intimate. In \"Hush\", Tara and Willow each individually attempt to use magic to move a heavy object, without success. They then join hands and easily fling the object across the room. Whedon and the producers found the scene to be very sensual. Network executives also noticed the chemistry between the actresses. After some discussion, Whedon informed Benson and Hannigan that the characters would become lovers.[3]", "Tara Knowles Tara extends an olive branch to Gemma by placing her on daycare visitor's list and allowing her to watch the boys. Gemma is stoned when she wrecks her car with Abel and Thomas in the backseat. Tara punches Gemma when she confesses to being high while driving with the boys. Tara's fears intensify over the increasing threats to her family; she starts to defend and protect them in Gemma-like ways. Tara cuts her out of the family, but agrees to let Gemma back in if she helps Jax with getting intel from Clay on plot to undermine his leadership. Tara receives good prognosis for her hand and gets recruited for a surgical job in Oregon. Meanwhile, Otto agrees to Tara's plea on RICO if she will bring him Luann's crucifix.", "Tara Maclay Despite their separation, Tara remains devoted to Willow's recovery and supports her in her decision to abstain from using magic. She is, according to author Lorna Jowett, one of the few characters who is never seduced by evil.[16] Shuttleworth notes that most Buffy characters go through a rite of transformation except for Tara.[17] Among female characters she is the most virtuous. Like the other Buffy characters in the series whose names have symbolic interpretations, Tara's name resembles the Latin terra, meaning \"earth.\" She is solidly grounded, with Willow attached to her, and Benson's body more naturally representative of women.[18] Tara is wholly feminine both in dress and demeanor, as opposed to Buffy and (less) Willow mostly dressed with trousers and jackets, but never seeks male approval. She is clad in earthy, natural colors, long flowing skirts and clinging blouses, with an intent to comfort instead of arouse as other women on the show are dressed.[19] Her admonishments to other characters are always made with love, with their best interests at heart.[16] Even Tara's last words, commenting that Willow's shirt is stained (with Tara's own blood), indicate her preoccupation with the welfare of others.[20]", "Buffy the Vampire Slayer (season 6) Willow becomes addicted to magic. Tara becomes concerned and challenges Willow to go a week without magic, but Willow gives in to her addiction, causing Tara to leave her. Despite their separation, Tara is still devoted to helping Willow with her addiction, leading to their reconciliation.", "Tara Maclay Willow was featured from the beginning of the series and already had a strong fanbase. Earlier in the fourth season, she had a boyfriend named Oz (Seth Green), who abruptly left town. Oz returns in the episode \"New Moon Rising\", determined to win Willow back. That episode marked the first time Tara is introduced to the Scooby Gang as a whole, and Willow is faced with choosing between Tara and Oz. She favors Tara in the end, causing some of the show's fans to react angrily on the fansite message boards, with some leaving homophobic remarks and characterizing Benson as overweight and unattractive. Benson, who was referred to as \"astoundingly non-Hollywood\" by a Scottish journalist,[4] frequented the boards and read the comments, finding them hurtful and taking some of them personally. She responded, protesting that she was, at 5 feet 4 inches (1.63 m) and 118 pounds (54 kg), quite slender, although she appears larger than her more petite costars. She went on to write:", "Tara Maclay Writer Peg Aloi calls the backlash at Whedon \"staggering\", and summarizes Tara's effect with Willow, stating that they were a single unit the moment they met: \"Willow's need for approval and Tara's need for unconditional love allowed their supernova trajectory its singular, incendiary thrust toward its triumphant but tragic end; like all witches who burn, martyred by flames, they move on to a place where their gods are the right ones.\"[33]", "Tara Maclay Buffy scholar Ian Shuttleworth writes that Benson was able to \"admirably\" portray the same range of emotions inherent in Tara although the character loses her identity.[10] Willow's powers are significant enough that she is able to battle Glory more effectively than Buffy, if not completely successfully.[11] In the final episode of season 5, Willow uses her magic to restore Tara's sanity, significantly weakening Glory in the process.", "Willow Rosenberg Buffy earned international attention for its unflinching focus on the relationship between Willow and Tara Maclay. Whedon and the writing staff had been considering developing a story arc in which a character explores his or her sexuality as the Scoobies left high school, but no particular effort was made to assign this arc to Willow. In 1999, at the end of the third season, the Boston Herald called Buffy \"the most gay show on network TV this year\" despite having no overtly gay characters among the core cast. It simply presented storylines that resembled coming out stories.[56] In the fourth season episode \"Hush\", Willow meets Tara, and to avoid being killed by a group of ghouls, they join hands to move a large vending machine telekinetically to barricade a door. The scene was, upon completion, noticeably sensual to Whedon, the producers, and network executives, who encouraged Whedon to develop a romantic storyline between Willow and Tara, but at the same time placed barriers on how far it could go and what could be shown.[57][58] Two episodes later, Hannigan and Amber Benson were informed that their characters would become romantically involved. The actors were not told the end result of the Willow–Oz–Tara storyline, not sure what the eventual trajectory of the relationship would be, until Hannigan said, \"Then finally it was, 'Great! It's official. We're in luurrvvve.'\"[59]", "Willow Rosenberg Willow chooses to attend college with Buffy in Sunnydale although she is accepted to prestigious schools elsewhere. Her relationships with Buffy and Xander become strained as they try to find their place following high school. Willow becomes much more confident in college, finally finding a place that respects her intellect, while Buffy has difficulty in classes and Xander does not attend school. Willow's relationship with Oz continues until a female werewolf appears on the scene, aggressively pursuing him, and he leaves town to learn how to control the wolf within. She becomes depressed and explores magic more deeply, often with powerful but inconsistent results. She joins the campus Wicca group, meeting Tara Maclay, eventually falling in love with and choosing to be with her even when Oz returns to Sunnydale after apparently getting his lycanthropic tendencies under control.[16]", "Tara Knowles Tara's career is on the line when she is investigated as an accessory to Otto's brutal murder of a prison nurse that was killed with Luann's crucifix. Jax assures Tara that they will get through the investigation just like they get through everything else to which she quips, \"that's what scares me.\" She becomes guarded when Jax doesn't walk away after meeting his goal to save the MC with RICO shutdown. She is pressed to reply to the offer and internally struggles with moving on as it is the \"last chance\" for her and Jax to get out of Charming. While meeting to prepare Tara's defense, Lowen prompts Tara to think about legal custody of sons if anything was to happen to her. Tara agrees to Providence Health & Services job offer before telling Jax.", "The Yoko Factor Meanwhile, pretending to have sneaked into the Initiative and retrieved some disks with information, Spike charges into Giles's place. Giles continues to get drunk while Willow tries to decrypt the disks. Spike talks to Willow and Tara about their Wicca interest and how her friends don't seem to support it. Willow thinks he means that their friends aren't accepting their romantic relationship.", "Tara Knowles When Tara gets a chance to go to the bathroom, she breaks off a piece of a mirror to use as a weapon. When Salazar's girlfriend breaks into the bathroom, Tara cuts her neck and almost escapes with Margaret, but Salazar stops them. After a stand off, Tara tells him his girlfriend is in the bathroom bleeding badly. She says she will keep his girlfriend alive if he lets Margaret go. When Salazar's girlfriend dies in the car, he throws Tara against the car and puts a gun to her head.", "Tara Chambler In the episode \"Remember\", when the survivors arrive in Alexandria, Tara is assigned the job of a supply runner. In the episode \"Spend, Tara is tasked with looting the warehouse for parts needed to restore power to Alexandria, along with Nicholas, Aiden, Glenn, Noah, and Eugene. Inside the warehouse, Aiden accidentally shoots a grenade on a walker, leaving Tara knocked unconscious by the blast. Eugene looks after Tara and, when the walkers begin to close in, he summons up the courage to carry her out to safety inside the van and Tara is taken back to Alexandria. In the season finale \"Conquer\", after days of being unconscious, Tara wakes up in Alexandria with Rosita by her side.", "Tara Chambler In the episode \"The King, the Widow, and Rick\", Tara expresses to Daryl her desire to kill Dwight, as revenge for him killing her girlfriend. In the mid-season finale \"How It's Gotta Be\", Tara and others find Dwight on a road, after a lone Savior gets away amid gunfire. Dwight goes back to Alexandria with her group, spared from death.[1]", "Tara Knowles When Eli leaves, stating he'll be outside, Tara calls for Wayne, assuming his truck outside meant he was in the house. Caught off guard, Gemma comes out of the laundry room and lunges for Tara, who cannot escape in time. Gemma hits her with an iron but doesn't knock her out. Tara struggles against Gemma's beating and her head is badly smashed on the sink, where Gemma then attempts to drown her. In one of the show's most gruesome moments, Tara struggles for several seconds before Gemma grabs a barbecue fork and stabs Tara multiple times in the back of the head and her neck. Blood gushing out of the back of her head, Tara collapses and dies.", "Buffy the Vampire Slayer (season 6) Tara's death causes Willow to descend into darkness and unleash all of her dark magical powers. Willow hunts down and flays Warren alive in vengeance. Driven by grief, Willow fights and overpowers Buffy, who is forced to fight when she is unable to condone Willow's actions. Giles returns to help face Willow in battle and infuses her with light magic, tapping into her remaining humanity. This backfires when Willow feels the pain in everyone around the world and decides to destroy the world in order to end everyone's suffering. At the climax of the season, Xander prevents Willow from destroying the world by reminding her of their friendship and telling her that he loves her no matter what, the same way Tara did. She eventually breaks down, and the dark magic drains from her. Meanwhile, Buffy comes to terms with being alive again, and promises to be there for her friends.", "Showtime (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) The Turok-Han charges at the house and breaks the front door down. Willow puts up a barrier that keeps the vampire at bay, but it's almost too much for Willow and Buffy instructs everyone to run out the back. The gang encounters Bringers in the backyard, but they are destroyed and the gang runs off as the Turok-Han finally breaks through Willow's magical barrier. Meanwhile, Anya and Giles return to their usual dimension and Giles explains that the disturbance in the Slayer line was Buffy's revival from death. Anya realizes that if they had never brought Buffy back to life, the First wouldn't be doing this to them now. The gang runs down the street together and then Buffy tells them to break up. Willow and Xander lead the potential slayers, as well as Dawn and Andrew to a safe location while Buffy turns and attacks the Turok-Han. After a brief struggle, Buffy runs and tries to get the vampire to follow her.", "Willow Willows are used as food plants by the larvae of some Lepidoptera species, such as the mourning cloak butterfly.[7] Ants, such as wood ants, are common on willows inhabited by aphids, coming to collect aphid honeydew, as sometimes do wasps.", "The Wind in the Willows Patrick Benson re-illustrated the story in 1994 and HarperCollins published it in 1994 together with the William Horwood sequels The Willows in Winter, Toad Triumphant and The Willows and Beyond. It was published in the US in 1995 by St Martin's Press.", "Hell's Bells (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) Willow runs into Xander in the kitchen and offers the final \"best man\" talk then leaves him to practice his vows. Anya continues to go over her vows in front of Tara, who advises against using the term \"sex poodle\". As the music begins, Buffy arrives to get Anya, but Willow pulls her out of the room and breaks the news that Xander is gone. Stalling while Willow looks for Xander, Buffy uses the excuse that the minister is also a doctor and the ceremony will be delayed while he performs an emergency c-section.", "Willow Some of humans' earliest manufactured items may have been made from willow. A fishing net made from willow dates back to 8300 BC.[22] Basic crafts, such as baskets, fish traps, wattle fences and wattle and daub house walls, were often woven from osiers or withies (rod-like willow shoots, often grown in coppices). One of the forms of Welsh coracle boat traditionally uses willow in the framework. Thin or split willow rods can be woven into wicker, which also has a long history. The relatively pliable willow is less likely to split while being woven than many other woods, and can be bent around sharp corners in basketry. Willow wood is also used in the manufacture of boxes, brooms, cricket bats, cradle boards, chairs and other furniture, dolls, flutes, poles, sweat lodges, toys, turnery, tool handles, veneer, wands and whistles. In addition, tannin, fibre, paper, rope and string can be produced from the wood. Willow is also used in the manufacture of double basses for backs, sides and linings, and in making splines and blocks for bass repair.", "List of Liv and Maddie episodes Karen needs help saving the music group at Ridgewood High, so the Dream gets back together to perform. Willow ends up blurting out about Liv and Holden's relationship and Andie gets really upset. Meanwhile, Maddie is trying to pick a college and Joey and Parker try to beat Artie at the Paws on a Porcupine game.", "Willow Rosenberg Vamp Willow appears in the third season episodes \"The Wish\" and \"Doppelgangland\". She is capricious and aggressive, the opposite of Willow's usual nature; her bad behavior so exaggerated that it does not instill fear into the viewer like other female vampires in the series, but indicates more about Willow's personality. Shocked upon seeing her alter ego in \"Doppelgangland\", Willow states \"That's me as a vampire? I'm so evil and skanky. And I think I'm kinda gay!\" Angel is stopped by Buffy in telling the Scoobies that the vampire self carries many of the same attributes as the human self, at which Willow says that is nothing like her. Many Buffy fans saw this as a funny Easter egg when Willow revealed herself to actually be a lesbian in later seasons.[28] As surprised as Willow is with Vamp Willow, she feels bound to her, and does not have the heart to allow Buffy to kill her. Both Willows make the observation that \"this world's no fun\",[35] before they send Vamp Willow back into the alternate dimension from which she came, whereupon she is staked and dies immediately.[36]", "Tara Chambler In the episode \"New Best Friends\", Tara is part of the group who meets the Scavengers while Rick negotiates a deal with them to fight the Saviors. She is dismayed to see Rosita becoming more restless and eager to fight while Tara advises patience. In the episode \"Say Yes\", Tara is shown to be conflicted as she knows that Oceanside has the numbers and weapons to make a difference in the fight, but does not want to break her promise to Cyndie. She also knows that if Rick and the others go to Oceanside, it will most likely lead to a fight. She ultimately comes to Rick at the end of the episode and states she there is something she needs to tell him. In the episode \"Something They Need\", it is shown that Tara told Rick and the others about Oceanside and their considerable firepower, causing them to form a plan to ambush the community and take the weapons. Tara infiltrates the community and attempts to convince Natania and Cyndie to join them and fight rather than hide. When they refuse, Tara is forced to allow Rick's plan to take the community hostage. Natania manages to disarm Tara and holds her at gunpoint, demanding they all leave. Rick refuses and states they are taking the guns one way or another. The tensions are halted when a herd of walkers converges on them, forcing the groups to work together. When Oceanside still refuses to aid them, the group leaves with their weapons (although Tara promises to return them once the fighting is done). After thanking Cydnie once more for her help, Rick approaches Tara and reminds her that she does not have to feel guilty. Tara responds that she knows that and does not anymore. Tara returns to Alexandria with Rick and the others, to find Rosita waiting for them. She explains that Dwight is in their cell.", "Willow Rosenberg Willow's earliest and most consistent relationships are with Buffy and Xander, both of whom she refers to as her best friends although they have their conflicts, and Giles as a father figure. Willow takes on the leadership role when Buffy is unavailable, and her growing powers sometimes make her resent being positioned as Buffy's sidekick. Some scholars see Willow as Buffy's sister-figure or the anti-Buffy, similar to Faith, another Slayer whose morals are less strict.[48] In early seasons, Willow's unrequited crush on Xander creates some storylines involving the relationships between Xander, Cordelia, and Oz. Willow is part of a powerful quartet: she represents the spirit, Giles intelligence, Xander heart, and Buffy strength of the Scoobies. Although they often drift apart, they are forced to come together and work in these roles to defeat forces they are unable to fight individually.[49]", "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together \"We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together\" became Swift's second number one in Canada, following \"Today Was a Fairytale,\" after debuting at number one; it is her second song to do so, tying her with Eminem and Katy Perry for multiple songs to debut at number one.[83] The song spent four non-consecutive weeks at number one.[84] It stayed at the top ten for thirteen weeks and charted for twenty-four weeks.[85] The single is certified Gold by Music Canada for sales exceeded of 40,000 digital downloads.", "Get Back In 2003, \"Get Back\" was re-released on the Let It Be... Naked album, remixed by independent producers with the sanction of the surviving ex-Beatles Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr, with John Lennon's and George Harrison's widows. The \"naked\" version of \"Get Back\" is ostensibly a cleaned up version of the single version albeit much shorter as there is a fade immediately before the final \"whoo\" and coda. The single's reverb effect was also omitted from this remix. Apple also prepared a specially-created music video of the Let It Be ... Naked release of the song to promote that album in 2003. This video is edited together using stock footage of the band, along with Billy Preston, George Martin and others.", "Willow Rosenberg At Salon.com, Stephanie Zacharek writes that Dark Willow is \"far from being a cut-out angry lesbian, is more fleshed out, and more terrifyingly alive, than she has ever been before. More than any other character, she has driven the momentum of the past few episodes; she very nearly drove it off a cliff.\"[43] Several writers state that Willow's transition into Dark Willow is inevitable, grounded in Willow's self-hatred that had been festering from the first season.[44][45] Both Dark Willow and even Willow herself state that Willow's sacrifices for her friends and lack of assertiveness are her undoing. In \"Doppelgangland\", Willow (posing as Vampire Willow) says \"It's pathetic. She lets everyone walk all over her and gets cranky at her friends for no reason.\" In \"Two to Go\", Dark Willow remarks \"Let me tell you something about Willow. She's a loser. And she always has been. People picked on Willow... and now Willow's a junkie.\" Vamp Willow served as an indicator of what Willow is capable of; immediately before she flays Warren in one violent magical flash, she uses the same line Vamp Willow used in the third season: \"Bored now.\"[45][46]", "Willow Substantial research undertaken from 2006 has identified that willows often inhabit an unoccupied niche when they spread across the bed of shallow creeks and streams and if removed, there is a potential water saving of up to 500 mm/per year per hectare of willow canopy area, depending on willow species and climate zone. This water could benefit the environment or provision of local water resources, especially during dry periods.[10].[11][12]. To aid management of willows, a remote sensing method has been developed to accurately map willow area along and in streams across southern Australia.[13]", "Get Back The single version of the song contains a chamber reverb effect throughout and a coda after a false ending, with the lyrics \"Get back Loretta / Your mommy's waiting for you / Wearing her high-heel shoes / And her low-neck sweater / Get back home, Loretta.\" This does not appear on the album version; the single version's first LP appearance would come three years later on the 1967–1970 compilation. This version also appeared in the albums 20 Greatest Hits, Past Masters and 1. It was also included in the original line-up of the proposed Get Back album that was scheduled to be released during the fall of 1969.", "Dude, We're Getting the Band Back Together As well as the show's regular voice actor cast members, \"Dude, We're Getting the Band Back Together\" featured guest stars in the roles of the three band members. Jaret Reddick[6] (the leader of the Grammy-nominated band Bowling for Soup,[7][8] who also perform the show's regular, Emmy-nominated theme song[7][9][10]), Carlos Alazraqui, and Steve Zahn portrayed each of the bandmates.[6]", "Tara (plantation) In 1868, Rhett and Scarlett get married. Rhett has Tara restored the way it was before the war. Rhett and Scarlett have a house built in Atlanta. Though Scarlett resides in Atlanta, she considers Tara her true home. The house is restored and refurnished, the outbuildings are rebuilt, the fields are again stocked with cattle, turkeys,and horses, the land is again planted with cotton (raised now by poor white and free black sharecroppers). By the end of the novel, Tara has come to resemble, as closely as it can, the beautiful red-earthed plantation it was before the war. Scarlett, however, is unable to find peace or happiness. Though she has come back from defeat and starvation to become one of the wealthiest women in the south and is even far richer and more spoiled than she ever expected to be, she feels miserable and empty. Most of this is due to, first her hopeless love for Ashley Wilkes, later her loss of Rhett's love (unfortunately, after realizing Rhett is the one she loves), and the death of their daughter Bonnie, (and perhaps her loss of Melanie's friendship through her death, as well). After Rhett leaves Scarlett, she returns to Tara, declaring that she will win back his love one day.", "Get Back \"Get Back\" is unusual in the Beatles' canon in that almost every moment of the song's evolution has been extensively documented, from its beginning as an offhand riff to its final mixing in several versions. Much of this documentation is in the form of illegal (but widely available) bootleg recordings, and is recounted in the book Get Back: The Unauthorized Chronicle of the Beatles' Let It Be Disaster by Doug Sulpy and Ray Schweighardt.[2]", "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together The song and video were parodied by teddiefilms in the style of Breaking Bad. The parody, called \"We Are Never Ever Gonna Cook Together,\" was uploaded to YouTube on October 18, 2012.[112] The 22nd episode of Grey's Anatomy's tenth season is titled \"We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together\".[113] On September 8, 2012, YouTube star Shane Dawson, parodied the song, releasing a studio version[114] and a music video on his YouTube channel.[115] Sky News remixed portions of speeches by David Cameron to make it appear as though he was reciting the chorus as promotion for their coverage of the 2014 Scotland Independence Referendum.[116]", "Tara Browne However the song's other lyricist-composer, Paul McCartney, had a very different inspiration. He is quoted as saying: \"The verse about the politician blowing his mind out in a car we wrote together. It has been attributed to Tara Browne, the Guinness heir, which I don't believe is the case, certainly as we were writing it, I was not attributing it to Tara in my head. In John's head it might have been. In my head I was imagining a politician bombed out on drugs who'd stopped at some traffic lights and didn't notice that the lights had changed. The 'blew his mind' was purely a drugs reference, nothing to do with a car crash.\"[3]", "Tara Chambler In the season premiere \"First Time Again\", Tara is still recovering in bed while Maggie and Rosita check up on her. She is soon able to walk around and helps with building a wall barrier, to help guard the walkers that are stuck in the quarry. She and Maggie discuss how Nicholas caused Noah's death and Maggie reveals to her that Nicholas tried to kill Glenn. Maggie then reminds her she too used to be on the enemy's side when The Governor attacked, and the two hug. In the episode \"JSS\", Tara is first seen in the infirmary with Eugene. Tara meets Denise and asks why hasn't she met her yet. Tara asks Denise if she can help her with a headache. As the wolves attack Alexandria, Tara, Eugene and Denise stay in the infirmary. An injured Holly is brought in who has been stabbed. Tara notices Denise being reluctant to help a dying Holly and pressures her to help. Despite Denise trying her best to save Holly, she dies due to blood loss. Before Tara leaves the infirmary, she quietly reminds Denise to destroy Holly's brain so she will not reanimate. In the episode \"Now\", Tara encourages Denise not to give up hope on Scott. Denise tells her later that he will make it and kisses her. In the episode \"Heads Up\", Tara saves an Alexandrian, Spencer (Austin Nichols) by shooting at walkers after Spencer falls into a herd for trying to use a zip-line to crawl across. Despite saving his life, Rick is angry at her for wasting bullets and she flips him off. Rick apologizes but says that she didn't need to save him. In the mid-season finale \"Start to Finish\", Tara is first seen helping drag Tobin to safety when the walls fall down and the herd enters Alexandria. She and Rosita then rescue Eugene and take refuge in a nearby garage, trapped in there by the walkers. Rosita is beginning to give up hope but Tara encourages her to keep going and the trio start working to escape the garage. Later on, they escape and stumble into the same room The Wolf is holding Denise captive, with Carol and Morgan unconscious on the floor. He forces them to surrender their weapons and Tara watches helplessly as he takes Denise with him as a hostage. In the mid-season premiere \"No Way Out\", Tara joins Rick and the rest of the town in wiping out the walkers. In the episode \"The Next World\", two months later, it is shown that Tara and Denise (who managed to survive the event) are now living together as a couple. In the episode \"Not Tomorrow Yet\", Tara accompanies the group to the Saviors' compound to infiltrate and kill them. Both Jesus and Father Gabriel comfort Tara, who is feeling guilty for lying to Denise. She later kills one member of the Saviors. Heath and Tara then leave to go on a two-week supply run.", "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together \"We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together\" entered at number twenty-five on Billboard Radio Songs, the highest debut rank for a song by a female country act in the airplay tally's 21-year history.[68] The single entered the top ten at number ten on its fourth week, became Swift's fourth top ten hit on Billboard Radio Songs.[69] It reached its peak at number three on the week-ending October 3, 2012 and stayed there for three non-consecutive weeks.[70]", "Get Back When McCartney introduced the song to the group during the Twickenham rehearsals, the lyrics were mostly incomplete except for the \"Get Back\" chorus. McCartney improvised various temporary lyrics leading to what has become known in Beatles' folklore as the \"No Pakistanis\" version. This version parodied the anti-immigrant views of Enoch Powell, a member of parliament whose racially charged speeches had recently gained much media attention. The lyrics addressed attitudes toward immigrants in the United States and the United Kingdom: \"... don't need no Puerto Ricans living in the USA\"; and \"don't dig no Pakistanis taking all the people's jobs,\" though these lyrics were meant to be a parody and a criticism of those prejudiced against immigrants.[8] Later during the same session, the subject of immigration came up again in an improvised jam that has become known as \"Commonwealth\". The lyrics included a line \"You'd better get back to your Commonwealth homes\".[9]", "Get Back McCartney also performed the song as a kind of encore on Saturday Night Live on 11 December 2010. The performance was unusual for the show because McCartney had played the two standard songs that musical guests play, then had played a third song (\"A Day in the Life\"). At the normal conclusion of the show, when host Paul Rudd thanked the cast, McCartney took the stage again for \"Get Back\", the broadcast of which was partially cut off due to time constraints.", "Buffy the Vampire Slayer (season 5) Glory attacks Willow's girlfriend Tara Maclay, draining her of her sanity. In a rage, Willow turns to dark magic in order to gain powers to match Glory's. She vengefully attacks the hell goddess futilely and is nearly killed, but Buffy intervenes. Despite the defeat, this event results in Willow becoming significantly more powerful, but her dependency on magic increases and her personality starts to change in a sinister way.", "Get Back In both the UK and US, the single was released by Apple, although EMI retained the rights to the song as part of their contract. It was the only Beatles' single to include an accompanying artist's name, crediting \"Get Back/Don't Let Me Down\" to \"The Beatles with Billy Preston\". Neither Apple nor Capitol Records created a picture sleeve for the single — it was simply packaged in a sleeve stating \"The Beatles on Apple\".[13] Apple launched a print ad campaign for the song concurrent with its release showing a photo of the band with the slogan The Beatles as Nature Intended, indicating that the sound of \"Get Back\" harked to the group's earlier days.[14]", "The Beatles' recording sessions Let It Be was put together from the above Get Back sessions, thus some of the songs do not have formal take numbers.", "Buffy the Vampire Slayer (season 4) Oz leaves town after realizing that he is too dangerous as a werewolf and after a horrific encounter with The Initiative. Willow falls in love with Tara Maclay, another witch. They begin a relationship.", "Once More, with Feeling (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) Buffy essayist Ian Shuttleworth writes that Amber Benson (Tara) has \"the sweetest singing voice of all the lead players\", referring to \"Under Your Spell\" as \"heavenly and salacious\"; author Nikki Stafford concurs, writing that Benson \"has the most stunning voice, showing a surprising range\".[12] Whedon acknowledged that the \"lyrical, heavenly quality\" of Benson's voice led him to assign her the episode's love song.[9] Alyson Hannigan (Willow) was unwilling to sing much and her performance is \"apprehensive\", according to Shuttleworth. He considers this an example of Tara's quieter strength coming out in front of Willow's showy demonstrations of powerful magic.[41] Buffy studies scholar Rhonda Wilcox interprets Willow's diminished role representing the show's silence about Willow's descent into addiction and darkness through the rest of the season.[42] Benson remarked that Tara's story arc is significant within the episode, starting out with ecstasy but soon recognizing the illusory circumstances surrounding her bliss and that \"life can't be perfect all the time\".[9]", "Tara Chambler Tara's family encounters the Governor, under the alias \"Brian Heriot\", and they invite him into their apartment complex. Later, Tara's sister, Lilly, forms a relationship with him, although Tara remains fiercely protective of her sister and her niece. Eventually, after her father dies, the Governor and Tara's family leave the apartment complex and find Martinez's camp. As the Governor coerces the people of the camp to attack the safe haven prison, Tara discovers his true brutality and the vendetta he maintains, and is traumatized when he murders Hershel. After the downfall of the prison, Glenn comes to Tara for help in finding his wife, Maggie, who escaped during the gunfire. Tara reluctantly follows him on his quest and, eventually, becomes a member of Rick Grimes's group after he forgives her for being part of the Governor's militia. She remains an active part of the group when they reach the Alexandria Safe-Zone where she sparks up romance with Dr. Denise Cloyd, and becomes one of Alexandria's primary supply runners.", "I Was Made to Love You Anya and Tara discuss the Internet and Anya's knowledge of online stock trading and websites. April approaches them, asking if they know where Warren is but when the girls can't help her, April moves on to another person and asks the same question. Buffy and Xander dance at a university party while Anya, Tara and Willow look on. After dancing, Buffy locates Ben at the party and casually catches his attention. They chat briefly but awkwardly, and Buffy asks Ben to dance.", "Tara Knowles Gemma confronts Tara about Providence Health & Services offer and threatens Tara \"I'm done with your power push.\" Gemma threatens to tell investigators that Tara planned the killing of an innocent nurse to reverse RICO. Tara enlists Wendy as guardian and is now more determined to pull her sons out of Charming's \"cesspool.\" Jax disapproves of Wendy as Guardian, but Tara insists it is her 'job as an old lady to be strong ... when and where [he] can't be.\" She tells him she accepted a job offer in Oregon to spare them from becoming like Gemma and Clay, which will force the boys to relive their mistakes.", "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together Rolling Stone named it the second-best song of 2012 in their end-of-year critics' poll: \"It's like a Clash of the Titans: Swift, the world's hottest pop singer or songwriter, meets up with Max Martin, the Swedish maestro who's been the Dr. Evil of global trash-disco for more than a decade. To nobody's surprise, they cook up a perfect three-minute teen tantrum about country girls getting mad at high-strung indie boys, topping the charts faster than you can say, \"This is exhausting.\" It's a stadium-chant breakup song that may have less to do with the actual guy it's about than with the massive raging-cowgirl audience Swift has led to the pinnacle of the music world.[38] The song was marked at number four on Time magazine's \"Top 10 Songs of 2012 Playlist\".[39] It was voted the sixth best single of 2012 by The Village Voice's 40th annual Pazz & Jop critics' poll.[40] \"We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together\" was named the 169th best song of 2010-2014 on Pitchfork's \"The 200 Best Tracks of the Decade So Far (2010-2014)\" list.[41] It has also received a Grammy nomination for Record of the Year for the 2013 Grammy Awards.[42]", "Willow In Japanese tradition, the willow is associated with ghosts. It is popularly supposed that a ghost will appear where a willow grows. Willow trees are also quite prevalent in folklore and myths.[32][33]", "Drawn Together In March 2008, Tara Strong confirmed that the show had been cancelled,[4] and the back of the third season DVDs box refers to it as the \"third and final season\".", "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together \"We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together\" debuted atop the Billboard Hot Digital Songs chart, selling 623,000 digital copies in the week ending September 1, 2012. It is Swift's fourth number one on that chart.[63] It set the record for the biggest digital sales week ever for a song by a female artist, surpassing the record held by Kesha's \"Tik Tok\", which sold 610,000 digital copies in its largest week. It also surpassed Lady Gaga's song \"Born This Way\" to become the song with the highest first-week digital sales for a female act.[76] It is also the second largest figure ever overall. Only Flo Rida's \"Right Round\" has sold more in a week, when it debuted at number one with 636,000 on the Digital Songs chart dated February 28, 2009; both Swift and Rida's records were surpassed by Adele's \"Hello\", which sold 1,112,000 downloads in its first sales week in 2015.[77] \"We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together\" spent a second week at number one on the Digital Songs chart with 307,000 downloads sold. Despite a 51% drop, the song became one of just five songs in 2012 to sell more than 300,000 downloads in multiple weeks.[78] The song topped again the chart on the succeeding three weeks, making it the first song to spend its first five weeks at number one on Billboard Hot Digital Songs since Eminem and Rihanna's \"Love the Way You Lie\" did it in July 2010.[79] It reached the 3 million American download mark in November 2012 and has been certified quintuple platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America. It became Swift's sixth song to pass two million mark there, which is more than any other country artist in the United States.[80][81] As of November 2017, the song has sold 4.1 million copies in the United States.[82]", "The Wind in the Willows William Horwood created several sequels to The Wind in the Willows: The Willows in Winter, Toad Triumphant, The Willows and Beyond, and The Willows at Christmas.", "Get Back At the end of the last rooftop performance of \"Get Back\", the audience applauds and McCartney says \"Thanks, Mo\" in reply to Maureen Starkey's cheering. Lennon adds: \"I'd like to say thank you on behalf of the group and ourselves and I hope we've passed the audition\".[6] Spector used some of the talk preceding the master take of 27 January and edited on these comments to make the album version sound different from the single.[6]", "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together The video, which is done seemingly as one continuous shot, begins with Swift in colorful pajamas recounting the events of her off and on again relationship with her ex-boyfriend (played by Noah Mills). The video then segues into Swift going into her living room where her band is dressed up in animal costumes and Swift belts out the chorus of the song. The video then goes to a TV where Swift says \"Like, ever.\" and then to the dining room where we see she returns to recounting the events of her relationship and receives a phone call from her ex who is calling her from a nightclub. Swift hangs up on him and he walks off screen into the nightclub. It then goes to the two in a truck having an argument then to them having a stroll in the park. Swift then runs off and we see her on the phone telling the person on the other line how she and her ex are not getting back together and her frustration of their entire relationship. The video then segues back to Swift's living room where a party is going on and her ex shows up unannounced trying to woo her back and she slams the door in his face. The video ends with Swift on her window ledge where she was at the beginning of the video, singing the last line of the song.[98]", "Get Back \"Get Back\" is a song recorded by the Beatles and written by Paul McCartney (though credited to Lennon-McCartney), originally released as a single on 11 April 1969 and credited to \"The Beatles with Billy Preston.\"[1] A different mix of the song later became the closing track of Let It Be (1970), which was the Beatles' last album released just after the group split. The single version was later issued on the compilation albums 1967–1970, 20 Greatest Hits, Past Masters, and 1.", "Get Back In the UK and Europe \"Get Back/Don't Let Me Down\" was the Beatles' last single to be released in mono, but in the US the single was released in stereo. It was the Beatles' first single to be released in true stereo instead of mono as part of the \"stereo only\" movement gaining force in 1969. In both versions the lead guitar played by Lennon is in the left channel and the rhythm guitar played by Harrison is in the right channel. The single was also released in the experimental PocketDisc format by Americom in conjunction with Apple and Capitol in the late 1960s.", "List of Dog with a Blog episodes Max starts to date Karl, but when they break up, Avery and Lindsay try to get them back together.", "J.D. (Scrubs) While J.D. and Elliot had an on-and-off romance throughout the series, it is not until the conclusion of Season 6 that they appear ready to get back together. The episode \"My Point of No Return\" ends with J.D. and Elliot lying on a bed in the on-call room, leaning in for a kiss. The action remains unresolved until Season 7, when Elliot backs out. They both then say that the almost-kiss had nothing to do with their feelings for each other.[36] In Season 8, they become a couple again after they talk about their history together, and Dr. Kelso advises them to do whatever makes them happy.[37]", "Do You Remember the First Time? (The Vampire Diaries) In 1994, Kai (Chris Wood) tries to fix the ascendant so he and Bonnie (Kat Graham) be able to do the spell again and get back to present. Bonnie tells him that she will not help him get out, she hits him, takes all the pieces of the ascendant and runs away. She tries to put the pieces back together so she can leave on her own but she cannot find the last piece. Kai appears with the last piece and Bonnie tries to get away from him but he captures her and they both go back to where they can do the spell. Kai tells Bonnie that he regrets what he did to his family to convince her that he has changed. Bonnie agrees to do the spell but instead of the two of them go back home, Bonnie puts her magic in her teddy bear and sends it back leaving her and Kai trapped in 1994.", "United States of Tara Tara Gregson is a wife and mother of two children in Overland Park, Kansas, a suburb of Kansas City, who has been diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder (DID). When stressed, Tara often transitions into one of her alternate personalities: wild and flirty teenager T; 1950s style housewife Alice; and male, loud, beer-drinking Vietnam vet Buck. A fourth personality, Gimme, is introduced later in the first season. During the second season of the series, two further personalities were introduced. The former, called Shoshana, is Tara's \"therapist\" of sorts, while the sixth personality's name is Chicken, an infantile representation of Tara when she was five years old. Another personality emerges in Season 3, that of Tara's previously unknown half-brother Bryce. Tara is supported by her husband Max, daughter Kate, and son Marshall. Her sister, Charmaine, is initially not very supportive of Tara, expressing doubts about the validity of her sister's disorder, though she becomes increasingly more understanding and receptive as the series progresses. The show is a representation of a seemingly typical American family who must cope with the daily struggles of dissociative identity disorder.", "Willow The willow is one of the four species associated with the Jewish festival of Sukkot. Willow branches are also used during the synagogue service on Hoshana Rabbah, the seventh day of Sukkot.", "Tara Thornton After being shot and left for dead, Tara is turned into a vampire by Pamela Swynford De Beaufort at the request of Lafayette and Sookie. She subsequently attacks Lafayette and Sookie upon awaking, holding resentment that the only people she loved would turn her into her worst nightmare. Pam gives her work at Fangtasia first as a bartender, and later as a dancer. As the fifth season progresses Tara becomes more comfortable with her new life, befriends fellow baby vampire Jessica Hamby, and begins to develop romantic feelings for Pam. During Eric Northman and Bill Compton's involvement with the Vampire Authority, Tara assists in the murder of vampire sheriff Elijah Stormer. Pam is arrested by the Authority and held captive, being freed when Tara joins Eric, Jason, Sookie, and Nora Gainesborough in the infiltration of the Authority's headquarters. Upon reuniting, Tara and Pam share a passionate kiss.", "Willow Almost all willows take root very readily from cuttings or where broken branches lie on the ground. The few exceptions include the goat willow (Salix caprea) and peachleaf willow (Salix amygdaloides). One famous example of such growth from cuttings involves the poet Alexander Pope, who begged a twig from a parcel tied with twigs sent from Spain to Lady Suffolk. This twig was planted and throve, and legend has it that all of England's weeping willows are descended from this first one.[4][5]", "Soul2Soul: The World Tour \"We have the best fans in the world, who have been with us through our entire journey and we are so excited to celebrate with them by going back on the road and showcasing an exciting new show. It’s always great when we get to work together and it’s been awhile since we got to do that.\"[4]", "List of United States of Tara characters When Ted Mayo lends Tara a book written by Shoshana Schoenbaum, his old therapist in New York, Tara adopts Shoshana's persona as her new alter. Ted Mayo comments with shock that she perfectly resembles the real Shoshana Schoenbaum. She appears as a stereotypical 1970s feminist, and speaks with a New York accent. She is the most psychologically profound alter. After the incident in which her relapses came to light, Tara told others she had found a great shrink, but actually she was seeing herself and didn't even know it. In several scenes Tara and Shoshana converse with each other. A good example is when Max tentatively allows himself to be seen by Shoshana, Tara is portrayed as showing up to find her appointment stolen, and waits outside the closed door. In the season three episode \"Bryce Will Play\" Shoshana is killed by Bryce. The book that Ted gave to Tara was burned, making Tara unable to \"feel\" Shoshana.", "List of Liv and Maddie episodes Maddie is helping Willow practice for varsity softball tryouts, but Willow is overwhelmed by her crush on Joey. Liv suggests sneaking in a love note from a secret admirer to distract Willow, but Willow believes it is from Joey. Meanwhile, Karen gets Liv an appearance on the local morning news program, but Liv accidentally mistakes permanent glue for makeup glue when trying on a costume for an upcoming role, so Liv improvises. Additionally, Parker helps Evan train for his blue belt in karate.", "List of United States of Tara characters Mimi (Kathleen Noone) served as Tara and Charmaine's foster mother when they were temporarily removed from the Craine home following Bryce's abuse of Tara—a fact that neither Tara nor Charmaine was aware of until Tara began to dream of her. After asking their mother, who feigned ignorance, about Mimi, the two then sought Mimi out, hoping that she might be able to provide Tara with some answers and help her to understand the cause of her DID. Mimi is very similar to Tara's alter Alice in terms of appearance, style of clothing, tone of voice and manners.", "Once More, with Feeling (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) \"Under Your Spell\" received attention from Buffy studies writers because it presents a frank and unflinching expression of lesbian romance. Buffy the Vampire Slayer was the first show in U.S. television history to portray a long-term lesbian relationship among the core cast of characters.[38] Previous televised depictions of lesbian relations were primarily limited to single \"coming out\" or \"lesbian kiss\" episodes, showing lesbian-identified characters as affectionate but not erotic.[note 4] Tara and Willow demonstrate throughout the series, and specifically in \"Once More, with Feeling\", that they are \"intensely sexual\", according to Buffy essayist Justine Larbalestier. Near the end of Tara's song, she sings, \"Lost in ecstasy / Spread beneath my Willow tree / You make me / Com — plete\", as Tara levitates off the bed while Willow tacitly performs cunnilingus on her.[39] Lorna Jowett called the song \"the most erotic scene\" of the series.[40] Whedon admitted on the DVD commentary for the episode that the song is \"pornography\" and \"probably the dirtiest lyric I've ever written, but also very, very beautiful\".[6]", "List of United States of Tara characters T is a 16-year-old girl. She smokes pot and is wild and flirty. She is provocative in her mannerisms and style of dress. She relates well with Kate, providing her with the morning-after pill and frequently attempting to take her on shopping sprees with Tara's credit cards. She is very good at playing Dance Dance Revolution and manages to dance in style. She often tries to seduce Max. He refuses her since he and Tara have an agreement that having sex with any of the alters would cause too many problems (although under their previous agreement, Max and T did have sex). Her unruly and selfish actions often disrupt Tara's life. After a major hiatus (Alice said she resorted to Seattle and became a gutterpunk), T makes a brief and wild return in the penultimate episode of season two in order to confront Duane, Mimi's partner. After a long while, T managed to get a hold of Tara's body. T tells Kate how she was always jealous of her and says goodbye to Kate before being killed by Bryce. In the final episode T is seen apparently alive in the back of Max's truck as he and Tara prepare to leave.", "Get Together (The Youngbloods song) In March 1970, the Dave Clark Five reached number 8 on the UK Singles Chart with their version retitled \"Everybody Get Together\".[9]", "Get Together (The Youngbloods song) In 1968, the Sunshine Company released a version of the song titled \"Let's Get Together\" as a single that reached number 112 on the Billboard chart.[7]", "Willow Hans Christian Andersen wrote a story called \"Under the Willow Tree\" (1853) in which children ask questions of a tree they call \"willow-father\", paired with another entity called \"elder-mother\".[34]", "Willow \"...I will be the willow on your bedside.\"", "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together Upon initial release, the song received positive reviews from music critics. Robert Myers of The Village Voice felt that the song, while \"good\", was \"not Swift at her best\" and speculated that the decision to release it as a lead single was made for commercial reasons: \"I doubt 'Never Ever' is even close to being the best song on Red; it's a teaser, an indication to her fans of what's coming up. That sounds like commercial calculation of the worst kind, but I don't think it is. Swift's connection with her audience is possibly more important than her connection with her boyfriends. And there is one brilliant touch: the spoken bit that comes after the middle eight.\"[29] Grady Smith of Entertainment Weekly drew comparisons with Avril Lavigne and praised the \"undeniable, instantly catchy hook\".[18] While describing the song as \"joyous\", he nevertheless expressed concern that the song's \"juvenile sensibilities\" marked a regression following Swift's work on Speak Now.[18] Jody Rosen of Rolling Stone noted that the song's \"hooks, plural, have a zing that's more Stockholm than Nashville. But it's unmistakably Taylor: a witty relationship postmortem, delivered in inimitable girlie-girl patois. And this bit – \"I'm just, I mean, this is exhausting. Like, we are never getting back together. Like, ever\" – might be the most sublime spoken-word interlude in pop since Barry White died.\"[28]", "Amber Benson Benson is best known for her recurring role as Tara Maclay on the television series Buffy the Vampire Slayer. The character first appeared in the season 4 episode \"Hush\" and soon became the girlfriend of Willow Rosenberg (Alyson Hannigan). Benson remained with the series until season 6 when her character was killed off. In her final episode, Benson was credited for the only time as a regular cast member.", "Willow Rosenberg The seventh season starts with Willow in England, unnerved by her power, studying with a coven near Giles' home to harness it. She fears returning to Sunnydale and what she is capable of doing if she loses control again, a fear that dogs her the whole season.", "Gemma Teller Morrow The next day, Gemma sees Clay take money out of their safe and hours later someone tries to kidnap Tara. When Gemma confronts Clay, they end up fighting leaving Gemma badly beaten. Afterwards, Gemma realizes that Clay is beyond salvation and he has to die at the hand of the son. The next day, she learns that Jax and Tara are planning to leave SAMCRO and Charming. She also discovers that Wendy has returned and wants to be a part of Abel's life and confronts her. When Unser tells Opie what happened to Piney to get Opie to kill Clay she tells him to try to stop it, because she wants Jax to do it. Unser is unable to stop it and Clay ends up shot by Opie, but he survived. Gemma then convinces Tara to give her the letters. Once she has them she takes out the ones that implicates her and Unser and gives the rest to Jax. She tells Jax everything that Clay has done and then tells Jax to kill Clay and take his place at the head of the table as the President of SAMCRO. While Jax is reading the letters, Gemma and Tara talk and Tara lets her that she knew about Gemma's plan to keep them in Charming. When Jax comes out after reading the letters Tara gives Jax a way to kill Clay and tells him that once it is done to come take her and their sons out of Charming. He promises that he will. Gemma is forced to watch her plan to have Jax become the next president fall apart. When she asks what Tara is doing, Tara tells her everything Gemma taught her. Tara then tells Gemma that Jax is hers. The same day Gemma sees Jax in the hospital coming out of Clay's room and tries to beg him to stay and Jax tells her that he is not leaving and that Clay won't hurt her again. When she goes into the room she sees that Clay is still alive. Later, Gemma burns the letters that implicate her in John's death and when the men are having church she sees Jax at the head of the table and Tara standing behind him.", "List of Dawson's Creek episodes Pacey and Dawson finally start hanging out together again when Dawson tells him that he has feelings for Gretchen. Pacey hates the idea, so when he and Gretchen go on a road trip to her ex-boyfriend's house to pick up her truck, Pacey tries to get them back together. However, after being there for a while, Pacey sees that the guy he's trying to get Gretchen back together with is not who he thought he was. Back in Capeside, Joey has her fair share of problems when she gets locked in a storage area at the Yacht Club with Drue Valentine, an event he set up to avoid going to visit his father. Meanwhile, Dawson observes the feelings growing between Brooks and Grams and fears that Grams will get hurt when she finds out that Brooks is terminally ill. Gretchen finally gives into her feelings for Dawson.", "Doomed (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) At the party, Willow sees Percy, whom she tutored in high school. Laurie, Percy's date, objects to his talking with Willow and suggests that they go somewhere else. Meanwhile, a guy mixing drinks in one of the dorm rooms has his throat slit by a large demon. Willow overhears Percy trying to soothe Laurie by describing Willow as an \"Egghead\" and \"Captain of the Nerd Squad\". Depressed, Willow goes into one of the dorm rooms to lie on a bed, but when the lights come back on, she finds herself next to the body that was mutilated by the demon.", "Gadar: Ek Prem Katha Subsequently and back in the present, Sakina starts living in Tara's house and their respect culminates into love. One day, Tara's aunt comes to meet him and taking pity on the orphaned Sakina, asks her boy to transport her to the Muslim refugee camps. Tara and Sakina head out towards the camp but are again attacked by a violent mob. Tara again saves his Madamji. Slowly Sakina and Tara Singh fall in love, get married and become parents of a baby boy named Jeet. Their life seems like a bed of roses, until Sakina sees an old newspaper during Holi festival that has a photograph of her father, Ashraf Ali (Amrish Puri), whom she believes had been killed during the riots during the Partition.", "Willow Rosenberg At the end of the second season, Willow begins to study magic following the murder of the computer teacher and spell caster Jenny Calendar (Robia LaMorte). Willow is able to perform a complicated spell to restore the soul of Angel, a vampire who is also Calendar's murderer and Buffy's boyfriend. During the third season three episodes explore Willow's backstory and foreshadow her development. In \"Gingerbread\", her home life is made clearer: Sunnydale falls under the spell of a demon who throws the town's adults into a moral panic, and Willow's mother is portrayed as a career-obsessed academic who is unable to communicate with her daughter, eventually trying to burn Willow at the stake for being involved in witchcraft;[14] her father is never featured. In \"The Wish\" a vengeance demon named Anya (Emma Caulfield) grants Cordelia's wish that Buffy never came to Sunnydale, showing what would happen if it were overrun with vampires. In this alternate reality, Willow is an aggressively bisexual vampire. In a related episode, \"Doppelgangland\", Willow meets \"Vamp Willow\", who dresses provocatively and flirts with her.[15]", "Tara Knowles Lt. Roosevelt walks in on the scene and discovers Gemma sitting on the floor next to Tara's body, in obvious shock. Gemma is mumbling incoherently about how it had to be done because she was going to rat out the MC. Roosevelt tells her she didn't rat out the MC, and that Jax is giving himself up to protect her. Immediately after this, Juice walks in, sees the scene, shoots Lt. Roosevelt twice in the back and then comforts Gemma. After this he begins cleaning up the murder scene. Jax returns home later that evening. He sees Lt. Roosevelt's legs on the kitchen floor, draws his gun, and then enters the kitchen, where he finds both Eli and Tara dead on the floor. Stunned, he drops his gun at Eli's feet and cradles Tara in his arms.", "Get Together (The Youngbloods song) \"Let's Get Together\" was the third song on side 2 of the Jefferson Airplane's first album, Jefferson Airplane Takes Off, released in August 1966. As Tim Jurgens said in his review of the album in the January 1967 issue of Crawdaddy,[4] \"Jefferson Airplane Takes Off is the most important album of American rock issued this year (1966); it is the first LP to come out of the new San Francisco music scene..\". He called \"Let's Get Together\" a \"most sensitive, hopeful and contemporary ballad\", and wondered why it isn't sung in church. However, the song wasn't released as a single, although the album did make the top 100 of 1966, as number 97.", "Willow Rust, caused by fungi of genus Melampsora, is known to damage leaves of willows, covering them with orange spots.[18]", "List of Sons of Anarchy characters Agent Joshua \"Josh\" Kohn (Jay Karnes) is a Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives agent pretending to investigate SAMCRO. He and Dr. Tara Knowles dated in Chicago until he became threatening and she obtained a restraining order against him. He later stalks Tara in Charming becoming increasingly violent and unhinged. This culminates in him trying to rape Tara, who shoots him in the gut. Tara calls Jax because she doesn't know what to do with the bleeding out Kohn, and when he insults Tara, Jax kills him. The Santa Rosa Press Democrat called the character \"terrifically creepy.\"[3]", "I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do The song's release came shortly after their previous single, \"So Long\", performed disappointingly in terms of charts and sales. After the release of \"Waterloo\", ABBA were having difficulty establishing themselves as an act with longevity. \"I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do\", in many cases, put ABBA firmly back in the spotlight. With a rousing saxophone tune and homage to 1950s Schlager music, \"I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do\" became a significant improvement on the international charts, although it made little impact in Britain. The song's popularity was boosted (particularly in Australia) by the release of a promo clip shown on television. The song, presumably because of its title as much as the sentiment, is popular at weddings and was featured in the film Muriel's Wedding, when the ABBA-mad title character gets married.", "Wayne Unser Unser is distraught over Tara's death. He joined the San Joaquin Sheriff's Department, working with the new sheriff Althea Jarry under the title \"Consulting Investigator\", in an attempt to help find Tara and Eli's killer. Juice, who is on the run from the Club and hiding in Wendy's apartment, kidnaps Unser when he finds him snooping in Wendy's apartment. Juice frees Unser and tells him Gemma has been helping him hide. Unser attempts to help him get in touch with SAMCRO, to see if there's a chance the club will take him back. When this fails, Wayne, Gemma, and Wendy attempt to smuggle Juice down south, but he takes off after Gemma attempts to kill him.", "Gadar: Ek Prem Katha Tara and his son, accompanied by a friend,enter Pakistan illegally at the border. Tara tries to take shelter in his old friend's house but hearing his wife fight about that, leaves the place with his son Jeet and his assistant. There they find out that Sakina is getting married and reach her before the marriage takes place. Mother and son reunite happily. A fight is about to break out when the priest stops them, as this can end up harming Sakina's father's career in politics. Ashraf Ali agrees for their marriage under two conditions: they should live in Pakistan and Tara should convert to Islam. But, after the second attack occurs, little Jeet is badly injured. These conditions are accepted by Tara in public the next day which was against Ashraf Ali's plans. He makes Tara insult his country to prove that he is a true Pakistani, which enrages him and this makes him kill a member of the mob that was hired by Ashraf to kill him. Tara, Sakina, their son, and a friend manage to escape. Tara and Sakina escape from the city and hide in a poor couple's cottage near the border forest. But the man's wife is a greedy woman who simply wants all of Sakina's ornaments for herself. She refuses to listen to her husband and tries to throw Sakina out from the house when she does not get more jewellery from her.", "Willow (film) Later on, the baby is stolen by a group of brownies. While chasing them, Willow and Meegosh are trapped, but rescued by Cherlindrea, a Fairy Queen, who identifies the baby as Elora Danan, the future princess of Tir Asleen and Bavmorda's bane, and assigns Willow the task of helping the baby fulfill her destiny. Willow sends Meegosh home, and two of the brownies, Franjean and Rool, are instructed to guide Willow to the sorceress Fin Raziel. The three of them later encounter Madmartigan at a tavern, where he is disguised as a woman to hide from Lug, a cuckolded husband, who then flirts with the disguised Madmartigan. Sorsha arrives and reveals his identity, and in the ensuing brawl started by the furious Lug upon the realisation that Madmartigan is not a woman, Willow, Madmartigan and the brownies escape. Madmartigan guides them to a lake where Raziel lives, but departs again as they cross it.", "Tara Thornton The character Tara Thornton appears in the following:" ]
do all private schools have uniforms in america
[ "School uniforms by country Most schools in the United States do not require uniforms, but instead enforce a dress code delineating what types of clothing are appropriate and inappropriate for students to wear to school. Dress codes vary from school to school, but are normally based on broader policies set by the school district's elected school board. Private schools and other specialized schools sometimes require uniforms.", "School uniforms by country A study conducted in 2000 found that only 23% of public, private, and sectarian schools had any sort of uniform policy in the United States at or before 2000.[72] Over the past decade, more public schools, specifically those in urban areas, have instituted stricter dress codes; roughly half the public schools in the United States have these more limiting dress codes.[73]", "School uniforms by country For instance, red, white or blue polo shirts, with a logo, with navy or khaki bottoms and a belt, was the uniform policy imposed at Palmer Elementary School in Houston, Texas.[74] Schools may also have polo shirts and trousers as a uniform. Dress codes vary widely among private schools, although a Catholic school uniform tends to keep the shirt and tie.[75]" ]
[ "School uniforms by country As in many other former British colonies, all South African private and public schools have a uniform, and it is compulsory in all public schools and in the vast majority of private schools for children above pre-school level.[54] Uniform types vary less between public and private schools than they do across regions, where schools in more rural areas tend to forgo the daily wearing of ties and/or blazers for boys and girls regardless of their public or private nature. However, many of these same schools will have a \"number ones\" uniform for special occasions which include such items. In cities such as Cape Town, on the other hand, it is more common to see formal apparel required in public and private schools on a daily basis.", "School uniforms by country In Australia, each school or school system can set its own uniform policy. Wearing a uniform is compulsory in most Australian private and all Catholic schools, as well as in most public schools, although it is sometimes less enforced in primary schools that have uniforms. Uniforms usually have a color scheme based on the school colors. Uniform and appearance are generally strictly enforced in private and Catholic schools, although public schools are beginning to become increasingly strict about their uniforms. Most, if not all, public and private schools have the school logo incorporated in the uniform ensemble, typically on the necktie and the blazer breast pocket.", "School uniforms by country Brazilian school uniforms can vary widely from school. There are many schools that opt for a more elegant outfit, while others opt for a simpler one (social shirt, shorts). These \"intelligent uniforms\" are embedded with locater chips that allow computers to automatically know whether pupils have arrived in school or not. If pupils do not turn up for school or classes, automated message is sent to inform the parents accordingly. The benefit of the automated system is to curb absenteeism and class skipping. In this country, all schools, both private and public; it is the student's obligation to wear a uniform.[6]", "School uniforms by country In El Salvador, all students from public schools and private schools are required to wear uniforms. Uniforms vary depending on the school.", "School uniforms by country Nowadays, with the increase of private schools in Indonesia, most private schools have their own signature school uniform. Most consist of shirts with shorts or trousers for males, and skirts for females, only with differences on the colour.", "School uniforms by country School uniforms (Filipino: uniporme or kasuotang pampaaralan, \"school attire\"), much like Mexico, are commonplace in public schools and required in private schools. In some private schools, there are specified days when students can wear civilian clothing, typically in special occasions like a holiday or last day of school. There is usually no uniform in universities and progressive schools except for uniforms used in P.E classes, and in specific schools such as the University of Santo Tomas.", "School uniforms by country Most schools in Vietnam requires uniform, and the rules on uniform vary from schools and areas. The most common type of uniform consists of a white shirt with school logo on left sleeve and navy/black trousers, with a red scarf for students from grade 3 to grade 9. This kind of uniform is often seen in public schools in North Vietnam or in rural areas, and there is no differences between boy's and girl's uniforms. However, many schools (private or famous public schools) have their own designed uniforms, which often replace trousers with skirts for girls or include bows, ties or vests/blazers.[83]", "School uniforms by country There are a total of 471 Taiwanese high schools. All schools have two sets of uniforms, a summer uniform and an uniform for winter. According to the provisions, sportswear is worn.", "School uniforms by country Uniforms are compulsory for all students with very few variations from the standard model throughout the public and private school systems, including colleges and universities.", "School uniforms by country There is no legal requirement for school uniforms in Brazil. On a state-by-state or city-by-city basis, governments may issue uniforms to public school pupils but may not require their use.[5] Private schools are free to set their own uniform policy", "School uniform Internationally, there are differing views of school uniforms. In the Australian state of Queensland, Ombudsman Fred Albietz ruled in 1998 that state schools may not require uniforms.[15] In the Philippines, the Department of Education abolished the requirement of school uniforms in public schools[when defined as?].[16] In England and Wales, technically a state school may not permanently exclude students for \"breaching school uniform policy\", under a policy promulgated by the Department for Children, Schools and Families but students not wearing the correct uniform are asked to go home and change. In Scotland, some local councils (that have responsibility for delivering state education) do not insist on students wearing a uniform as a precondition to attending and taking part in curricular activities.[17] Turkey abolished mandatory uniforms in 2010.[18]", "School uniforms by country In Colombia, all students are required to wear uniforms in public and private schools. Uniforms in Colombia consist of two sets, one for everyday use and a sports one for physical education. Everyday use uniforms for girls generally include a knee-length skirt, a white T-shirt and a vest over it along with white mid-calf socks, and for the boys the uniform generally is a dark long trousers and a short or long-sleeved shirt. The shoes for both girls and boys are black lace-up shoes (sometimes it may vary for dark blue or red wine shoes depending on the uniform colours) and the shirts usually have the school's symbol at the left side. The sports uniform is a sweatpant, a collar T-shirt and white sports shoes. The designs and the colours of the uniforms depend on the school's colours and the principal's preference.", "School uniforms by country Children cannot be disciplined for not wearing a uniform if their parents do not want their child to wear it. However, a child that simply refuses to wear the school uniform can be disciplined by the school if it thinks that academic or disciplinary problems might be caused by the refusal. Many schools do have a policy covering the wearing of school clothing. The policy may state that certain items must be worn and that other items cannot be worn, for example, jeans. Schools must take religious and cultural requirements into account when drawing up a school uniform policy.[69]", "School uniforms by country In Spain the use of school uniforms is not compulsory in the public school at any stage. Their use depends on school councils involving parents. However, it is customary to wear uniforms in private schools, where typically girls wear uniform shirt and jersey skirt and boys wear white shirt and tie and sometimes jacket.", "School uniforms by country Uniforms are, however, used in most private schools, and also in special or alternative programs of Public and Catholic schools, such as the Traditional Learning Centres, a program that takes a liberal arts approach, while focusing on high levels of academic excellence. In Quebec however, most metropolitan anglophone school boards require a uniform.", "School uniforms by country School uniforms are compulsory for school children in Burundi.[7] Burundi like most African countries has a compulsory school uniform policy. Burundi's school uniform policy dates back to the colonial days. During those days chief's sons' wore a white uniform and all other children wore khaki.[8] The uniform policy is still in force in Burundi to date. However, schools decide on what uniform the pupils wear. It is also argued that the school uniform policy in addition to poverty, especially in the rural areas, is negatively affecting enrollment into schools.[9]", "School uniforms by country Thailand however has a few international schools which do not require uniforms.", "School uniforms by country Regardless of what type of uniform any particular school assigns its students, all schools have a summer version (usually consisting of a white dress shirt and dark slacks for boys and a reduced-weight traditional uniform or blouse and tartan skirt with tie for girls) and a sports-activity uniform (a polyester track suit for year-round use and a T-shirt and shorts for summer activities). Depending on the discipline level of their school, students may wear seasonal and activity uniforms in the same classroom during the day. Students may attempt to subvert the system of uniforms by wearing them incorrectly or by adding prohibited elements such as large loose socks or badges.", "Guatemala The government runs a number of public elementary and secondary-level schools, as youth in Guatemala do not fully participate in education. These schools are free, though the cost of uniforms, books, supplies, and transportation makes them less accessible to the poorer segments of society and significant numbers of poor children do not attend school. Many middle and upper-class children go to private schools. Guatemala has one public university (USAC or Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala), and fourteen private ones (see List of universities in Guatemala). USAC was the first university in Guatemala and one of the first Universities of America.", "School uniforms by country In recent years there has been criticism, including by the Department of Education of the requirement a school uniform jumper must have the school crest or name imprinted onto it and of the practice, where a schools uniform can only be bought from a certain supplier, which can markedly increase the price of a uniform. As well as rules regarding the wearing of a uniform many schools have regulations regarding hair, footwear, the growth of facial hair for males, the wearing of makeup and the length of school skirts. Since the late 90s students are no longer required to wear uniform during state examinations.[51]", "Private school Private schools are almost fully funded by tuition fees paid by students' parents, but they do receive some government subsidies. Private schools are popular for academic and sporting performance, prestige, exclusivity and old boys/girls networks; however, many state-integrated schools and some prestigious single-sex state schools, such as Auckland Grammar School and Wellington College, are actively competitive with private schools in academic and sporting achievement, history and character.", "School uniform Another negative aspect of school uniforms is that it can be sexist. Boys and girls are not disciplined the same when it comes to dress codes. \"Transgender students have been sent home for wearing clothing different from what’s expected of their legal sex, while others have been excluded from yearbooks.\"[40] Some schools are not advocates of females and females dressing of the opposite sex. Research on how school uniforms and school dress codes influence the student can be inconclusive, but many people oppose to school uniforms and strict dress code policies. \"In the U.S., over half of public schools have a dress code, which frequently outline gender-specific policies.\"[40]", "School uniforms by country School uniforms used to be the norm in the state's early days, but have since fallen out of favour. However, in recent years, the number of schools using school uniforms has been increasing once more. Many teachers, parents and students are in favour of returning the school uniform to common use to prevent the deepening of the gap between affluent children and those less well-off. Nowadays school uniforms are mainly associated with \"national religious\" schools within the Israeli system of education.[26] Schools for Arab citizens of Israel also frequently require uniforms: for girls, it is often a pinafore to be worn over trousers and shirt.", "School uniforms by country Uniforms are a common part of the schools in China. Almost all secondary schools as well as some elementary schools require students to wear uniforms. Uniforms in mainland China usually consist of five sets: 2 formal sets and 3 everyday sets. Each formal set is for either summer or winter and are worn on Mondays or special occasions (school anniversaries, school ceremonies, etc.) They consist of a white collared shirt with a sweater on top and a skirt for girls or a suit for boys with one set for summer and one set for winter. Everyday uniforms for boys in the winter usually consist of a zip up sweater and trousers and a collared shirt (usually white), with thinner materials in the spring and fall and short or long trousers in the summer. The everyday uniforms for girls are basically the same as the boys uniform. It is relatively common for there to be some kind of sponsored advert on some non-formal school uniform shirts, though this trend has been fluctuating in recent years.", "Private school In the Philippines, the private sector has been a major provider of educational services, accounting for about 7.5% of primary enrollment, 32% of secondary enrollment and about 80% of tertiary enrollment. Private schools have proven to be efficient in resource utilization. Per unit costs in private schools are generally lower when compared to public schools. This situation is more evident at the tertiary level. Government regulations have given private education more flexibility and autonomy in recent years, notably by lifting the moratorium on applications for new courses, new schools and conversions, by liberalizing tuition fee policy for private schools, by replacing values education for third and fourth years with English, mathematics and natural science at the option of the school, and by issuing the revised Manual of Regulations for Private Schools in August 1992.", "Private school In 1999, 5.6% of Canadian students were enrolled in private schools,[9] some of which are religious or faith-based schools, including Christian, Catholic, Jewish, and Islamic schools. Some private schools in Canada are considered world class, especially some boarding schools with a long and illustrious history. Private schools have sometimes been controversial, with some[10] in the media and in Ontario's Provincial Ministry of Education asserting that students may buy inflated grades from private schools.[11]", "Private school In Portugal, private schools were traditionally set up by foreign expatriates and diplomats in order to cater for their educational needs. Portuguese speaking private schools are mainly concentrated in Lisbon and Porto. The Ministério da Educação acts as the supervisory and regulatory body for all schools, including international schools.", "School uniforms by country School uniforms were first introduced on a large scale during the reign of King Henry VIII.[62] The uniforms of the time were referred as \"bluecoats\", as they consisted of long trench-coat-style jackets dyed blue. Blue was the cheapest available dye and showed humility amongst all children. The first school to introduce this uniform was Christ's Hospital in London (now in Sussex).[63]", "School uniforms by country Ghana like most African countries is characterised by low incomes and high levels of poverty. Hence the cost of school uniforms acts as one of the barriers to educational access. In an effort to achieve universal primary education the government, as part of its educational policy, initiated free school uniform distribution throughout the country in 2010.[20] According to government data, a total of 170,221 pupils were supplied with free school uniforms in 2013 and it planned to supply 10,000 uniforms in 2014.[21] There are public programs to offer poor families financial help to buy uniforms. Over 8,000 school uniforms have been distributed by the government to needy students in the communities from the Tarkwa Nsuaem municipality, one of the mining districts in Ghana, which is severely affected by poverty. This is part of a program instituted in 2010 to supply disadvantaged children with school uniforms.[22]", "School uniforms by country There are also uniform for Physical Education in Vietnam schools, usually includes T-shirt and tracksuit, which the T-shirts have school logo on them. The tracksuit jacket is popular and often used as winter uniform, even out of gym activity.", "Private school The majority of schools not administered by the state are Catholic. In the period 2008–2009 Catholic schools were about 57% of all private schools, with a tendency to decrease.", "School uniform There are two main empirical findings that are most often cited in the political rhetoric surrounding the uniform debate. One of these, the case study of the Long Beach Unified School District, is most often cited in support of school uniforms and their effectiveness whereas Effects of Student Uniforms on Attendance, Behavior Problems, Substance Use, and Academic Achievement is the most frequently cited research in opposition to the implementation of school uniform policies.", "School meal When they are not provided to all students, free school meals can stigmatize children who do receive them. Studies have shown that many children entitled to free meals do not take them, and those who do may suffer negative consequences. Additionally, not all children who could benefit from free or reduced-price lunch qualify for it. Organisations such as the Child Poverty Action Group have called for school meals to be provided free of charge for all pupils to address these issues. In the United States of America, Share Our Strength has funded free-school-meal-to-all pilot programs in some school districts.[4]", "School uniform Kathleen Wade conducted an experiment to see if bullying and gang presence was higher in uniform or non-uniform schools. The research was done with multiple schools where she gave a questionnaire to both students, and faculty to see if there was a significant difference. Her results showed that bullying and gang presence significantly decreases with students wearing school uniforms. [36]", "School uniform In 2003, Liberty High School, a school of the Clark County School District in Henderson, Nevada, implemented a uniform policy of khakis and red, white or blue polo shirts. A junior by the name of Kimberly Jacobs was suspended a total of five times because she wore a religious shirt to school and got cited for uniform violations. Her family sued the Clark County School District under the claims that her First Amendment rights were being infringed upon and that the uniform policy was causing students to be deprived of due process. The plaintiff's requests were for injunctive relief, the expunging of suspensions from Jacob's school record and awarding of damages. The injunction was granted to the family meaning that the school could no longer discipline her for breaking the uniform policy. At this ruling, the school district appealed. The next court ruled on the side of the school district as it determined that the uniform policy was in fact neutral and constitutional, and it dismissed the claims of the plaintiff.[21]", "School uniforms by country In Tonga all schools require a uniform. Uniforms are usually in the colours of their respective churches and Red for Government Schools. Catholic schools are usually light blue, Wesleyan (Royal Blue), Anglican (Navy Blue) and LDS Schools (Green). A Ta'ovala bordered with school colours and a tupenu are usually worn by boys with a white button-up shirt. Primary school students usually wear shorts and a white button up shirt. Nearly all Tongan secondary schools require girls to wear a pinafore dress with a white shirt except for Catholic schools which allow a striped blouse and skirt. Students are usually required to wear Roman sandals in English-medium schools and thongs in most other schools.", "School uniforms by country The debate on mandatory school uniformed intensified in Germany when two Muslim girls dressed in burka arrived at a school in Bonn in 2006. The girls' actions were interpreted as political action and were subsequently suspended from school. The then Justice Minister Brigitte Zypries in an interview with the Welt am Sonntag stated that the simple solution to the issue under consideration is mandatory introduction of school uniforms for boys and girls across Germany. She further argued that school uniforms would help to prevent conflicts arising from religious or political differences. Her stance was supported by the then Minister Of Education Annette Schavan. The proposal was met with opposition from the teacher union and opposition political parties. The teacher union argued that school uniforms are not the solution for integration problems nor fight fashion obsession. The leader of the teacher union Heinz-Peter Meidinger also added that the school uniforms have been a controversial issue in Germany over the years.[15]", "School uniforms by country However, school uniforms were officially abolished on 27 November 2012, when the Turkish Ministry of Education suddenly abolished the nationwide uniform requirement in schools (international/foreign schools are excluded) and lifted the headscarf ban for religious imam-hatip schools, prompting fierce criticism from opposition parties, unions and educators. Opponents claim that economic differences cause pedagogical traumas for children and that permitting headscarves harms secular education. Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan defended the move, saying education in uniform has drawn complaints for many years. But students attending minority schools (Greeks, Jews and Armenians), which are also part of the Turkish Ministry of Education, have been excluded from this change, and are still required to wear school uniforms.[58]", "Private school Evidence from a major longitudinal study suggests that British private schools provide advantages in educational attainment and access to top universities,[31] and that graduates of private schools have a labour market advantage even controlling for their educational qualifications.[32]", "School uniform Uniforms often start to increase in popularity around middle school in the United States, when students begin going through puberty. Uniforms can be seen as a way to restrict the sexualization of girls (rules on hems of skirts, no shoulders). Uniforms take the focus away from sexuality and focus it on academics in a school setting for girls.[26]", "Private school Ergänzungsschulen are secondary or post-secondary (non-tertiary) schools, which are run by private individuals, private organizations or rarely, religious groups and offer a type of education which is not available at public schools. Most of these schools are vocational schools. However, these vocational schools are not part of the German dual education system. Ergänzungsschulen have the freedom to operate outside government regulation and are funded in whole by charging their students tuition fees.", "School uniforms by country During the Soviet period, a standardised \"universal\" school uniform was worn by all schools. Originally of a military style with peaked cap and high collared tunic, by the 1980s boys wore a functional dark blue pattern with shoulder patches identifying the school. For formal occasions such as the first day of term, girls wore white lace collars and aprons dating back to the reign of Catherine the Great. During the initial post Soviet period from 1994 to 2013, the mandatory uniform policy was abandoned and pupils generally wore casual clothing such as jeans, T-shirts and sweaters. However, uniforms were reintroduced under a new education law in September 2013.[52] Among the supporters of the new uniform law of 2013, arguments included tackling social inequality, but also putting an end to the controversial problem of whether school students are allowed to wear traditional religious clothing to school.[53]", "School uniforms by country In the Haredi or ultra-Orthodox school system, uniforms are compulsory in essentially all girls' schools. In the vast majority of these, the style adopted by the Beit Ya'akov network is used: a sky-blue, button-down, open-collar, loose-fitting blouse with an Oxford-blue, pleated skirt which comes to just below the knee and dark stockings. In cold weather, a Yale-blue sweater may be added. A small fraction of schools alter the color scheme to pink and burgundy, while otherwise retaining the same overall appearance. In boys' schools there is usually not an identifiable school uniform, distinct from what is considered acceptable for ordinary street wear. However, the standards of acceptable street wear for boys and men in Haredi communities are so precise and exacting that in almost all cases all of the boys in a particular school will be dressed identically.", "School uniforms by country School uniform or school uniforms is a practice which dates to the 16th century in the United Kingdom. It is believed that the Christ Hospital School in London in 1552 was the first school to use a school uniform.[1] The earliest documented proof of institutionalised use of a standard academic dress dates back to 1222 when the then Archbishop of Canterbury ordered the wearing of the cappa clausa about 800 years ago.[2]", "Private school In the United Kingdom and several other Commonwealth countries including Australia and Canada, the use of the term is generally restricted to primary and secondary educational levels; it is almost never used of universities and other tertiary institutions. Private education in North America covers the whole gamut of educational activity, ranging from pre-school to tertiary level institutions. Annual tuition fees at K-12 schools range from nothing at so called 'tuition-free' schools to more than $45,000 at several New England preparatory schools.[3]", "School uniform In some cultures, the topic of school uniforms has sparked a multitude of controversies and debates over the years.[29] Debates concerning the constitutionality and economic feasibility of uniforms also contribute to the controversy.", "Culture of the Philippines Other types of schools in the country include private schools, preparatory schools, international schools, laboratory high schools, and science high schools. Of these schools, private Catholic schools are the most famous. Catholic schools are preferred in the Philippines due to their religious beliefs. Most Catholic schools are co-ed. The uniforms of Catholic schools usually have an emblem along with the school colors.", "School uniforms by country The most common secondary school uniform in Northern Ireland is a shirt, blazer and sweater with a tie and a skirt or trousers. The uniform (most likely the sweater and tie) may change after Year 12. The uniform in primary school is similar to those used in the Republic of Ireland.", "School uniforms by country In Italy, school uniforms are uncommon, partially because child uniforms are associated with the era of Benito Mussolini before World War II when children were placed according to their age into Italian Fascist youth movements and had to wear uniforms inside and outside school.", "School uniforms by country School uniforms have a long history in Turkey. They were first introduced because normal clothing would give hints about the child's family's economic situation. In order to prevent groupings amongst children from different social classes, uniforms were accepted.", "Private school There are two main categories of private schools in Australia: Catholic schools and Independent schools.[7]", "School uniforms by country Miniskirts have been very popular in Japan, where they became part of school uniforms, and they came to be worn within the Kogal culture.[31][32]", "School uniforms by country In non-Haredi schools today, school uniforms in Israel consist only of a shirt with the school logo. In the summer, the uniform shirt is a simple T-shirt, while in the winter, the shirts worn are warm or hooded sweaters. Although the shirts are uniform, they usually come in various colours, and allow students to customise and express themselves even while wearing a uniform. The shirts sell for a very small amount of money, so that even the less well-off can acquire them.", "Private school In Ireland, private schools (Irish: scoil phríobháideach) are unusual because a certain number of teacher's salaries are paid by the State. If the school wishes to employ extra teachers they are paid for with school fees, which tend to be relatively low in Ireland compared to the rest of the world. There is, however, a limited element of state assessment of private schools, because of the requirement that the state ensure that children receive a certain minimum education; Irish private schools must still work towards the Junior Certificate and the Leaving Certificate, for example. Many private schools in Ireland also double as boarding schools. The average fee is around €5,000 annually for most schools, but some of these schools also provide boarding and the fees may then rise up to €25,000 per year. The fee-paying schools are usually run by a religious order, i.e., the Society of Jesus or Congregation of Christian Brothers, etc.", "Private school In the United States, the term \"private school\" can be correctly applied to any school for which the facilities and funding are not provided by the federal, state or local government; as opposed to a \"public school\", which is operated by the government or in the case of charter schools, independently with government funding and regulation. The majority of private schools in the United States are operated by religious institutions and organizations.[33]", "School District of Philadelphia Beginning in 2001 the district required all schools to enact school uniforms or strict dress codes. Some schools had already adopted uniforms prior to 2001.[32]", "Private school The right to create private schools in Germany is in Article 7, Paragraph 4 of the Grundgesetz and cannot be suspended even in a state of emergency. It is also not possible to abolish these rights. This unusual protection of private schools was implemented to protect these schools from a second Gleichschaltung or similar event in the future. Still, they are less common than in many other countries. Overall, between 1992 and 2008 the percent of pupils in such schools in Germany increased from 6.1% to 7.8% (including rise from 0.5% to 6.1% in the former GDR). Percent of students in private high schools reached 11.1%.[12]", "School uniforms by country In recent times, the introduction of school uniforms has been discussed, but usually the expression \"uniform\" (the word is the same in German) is avoided in favour of terms like \"school clothing\" (\"Schulkleidung\"). School clothing has been introduced in a small number of schools, for example in Hamburg-Sinstorf in 2000, and in Friesenheim and Haag (Oberbayern) in 2005. In these cases the clothes are collections of shirts, sweaters, and the like, catering to contemporary fashion senses. Uniforms in a more traditional sense are almost never proposed in earnest.", "School uniforms by country The uniform in primary school is often a polo shirt or a shirt and a jumper, with trousers or shorts for boys and skirts or trousers for girls. In some primary schools, in the summer girls are allowed to wear dresses. The uniform in secondary school varies. Normally it is a blazer in the school colours or a white shirt or blouse; a tie, trousers or skirt in a black, grey, or blue and black shoes. It could also be a shirt, sweater, and tie or a polo shirt and a sweatshirt. Most English primary and secondary schools require pupils to wear uniforms. Boys wear a white shirt, long grey or black trousers, jumper or sweater with the school logo on, school tie, black shoes. The colour is the choice of the schools. Girls wear trousers or skirts as part of their uniform - typically black, grey, navy, or sometimes brown or maroon. During the summer term girls often wear summer school dresses.", "Education in Victoria Regardless of whether a school is government or independent, they are required to adhere to the same curriculum frameworks. Education in all government schools must be secular and not promote any particular religious practice, denomination or sect.[5] Most school students, be they in a government or independent school, usually wear uniforms, although there are varying expectations and some schools do not require uniforms.", "Private school Funding for private schools is generally provided through student tuition, endowments, scholarship/school voucher funds, and donations and grants from religious organizations or private individuals. Government funding for religious schools is either subject to restrictions or possibly forbidden, according to the courts' interpretation of the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment or individual state Blaine Amendments. Non-religious private schools theoretically could qualify for such funding without hassle, preferring the advantages of independent control of their student admissions and course content instead of the public funding they could get with charter status.", "Private school Private schools are often Anglican, such as King's College and Diocesan School for Girls in Auckland, St Paul's Collegiate School in Hamilton, St Peter's School in Cambridge, Samuel Marsden Collegiate School in Wellington, and Christ's College and St Margaret's College in Christchurch; or Presbyterian, such as Saint Kentigern College and St Cuthbert's College in Auckland, Scots College and Queen Margaret College in Wellington, and St Andrew's College and Rangi Ruru Girls' School in Christchurch. However, the Catholic schismatic group, the Society of St Pius X in Wanganui operates three private schools (including the secondary school, St Dominic's College).", "Private school In India, private schools are called independent schools, but since some private schools receive financial aid from the government, it can be an aided or an unaided school. So, in a strict sense, a private school is an unaided independent school. For the purpose of this definition, only receipt of financial aid is considered, not land purchased from the government at a subsidized rate. It is within the power of both the union government and the state governments to govern schools since Education appears in the Concurrent list of legislative subjects in the constitution. The practice has been for the union government to provide the broad policy directions while the states create their own rules and regulations for the administration of the sector. Among other things, this has also resulted in 30 different Examination Boards or academic authorities that conduct examinations for school leaving certificates. Prominent Examination Boards that are present in multiple states are the CBSE and the CISCE, NENBSE", "Regents Examinations Though all public schools are required to follow either the Regents Exam system or some form of alternative assessment, private schools need not. The vast majority of private schools do use Regents exams and award Regents diplomas, but some, usually academically prestigious private schools, do not. These schools' argument is that their own diploma requirements exceed Regents standards. Schools run by the Society of Jesus, such as Canisius High School, Fordham Prep, McQuaid Jesuit, Regis and Xavier, and by the Society of Mary (Marianists), such as Chaminade and Kellenberg, have not used Regents exams for decades. The Masters School, The Ursuline School, The Hackley School, The Harvey School, Long Island Lutheran Middle & High School, Manlius Pebble Hill School, and Nichols School also do not use the Regents system.", "School uniform In the Canady v. Bossier Parish School Board lawsuit in 2000, a Louisiana district court ruled in favour of the school board because it did not see how the free speech rights of the students were being violated due to the school board's uniform policy. Even though the plaintiff appealed the decision, the Fifth Circuit Court also ruled in favour of the school board after implementing a four-step system that is still used today. Firstly, a school board has to have the right to set up a policy. Secondly, the policy must be determined to support a fundamental interest of the board as a whole. Thirdly, the guidelines cannot have been set for the purpose of censorship. Finally, the limits on student expression cannot be greater than the interest of the board. As long as these four policies are in place, then no constitutional violation can be claimed.[19]", "School uniform Brunsma stated that despite the inconclusiveness of the effects of uniforms, they became more common because \"this is an issue of children's rights, of social control, and one related to increasing racial, class and gender inequalities in our schools.\"[11]", "School uniforms by country School uniforms are used in Nigeria.[47] There are also programs to financially help the most disadvantaged families: for instance, the Chairman of Ejigbo Local Council Development Area, LCDA, Kehinde Bamigbetan has distributed 7,200 school uniforms to pupils in the nine primary schools within the council area, with the aim of improving the standard of education in Lagos state.[48]", "Private school A recent group of private schools run as a business has been formed by Academic Colleges Group; with schools throughout Auckland, including ACG Senior College in Auckland’s CBD, ACG Parnell College in Parnell, and international school ACG New Zealand International College.", "School uniforms by country As Taiwan experienced a long period of Japanese colonial rule, it is influenced by Japanese culture and the uniform style can be said to be close. However the school uniforms in the two regions are not identical.", "School bus The vast majority of schools in Australia (both government and private) do not have their own buses for transporting children between the school and their home and thus most school children in Australia that do travel by bus travel on public transport buses, either on standard scheduled public transport routes, or on specific 'school travel' routes. Most school routes do not allow the general adult public to ride along with the children, although this does vary by location according to practicality (i.e. remote areas) and local regulation.", "School uniforms by country The Northern Ireland Executive supports poor families with the cost of paying for school uniforms with a £35 primary school uniform allowance. This is claimed via local Education and Library Boards for parents in receipt of income support. At the end of August 2009, there were 24,135 successful applications for the grant.[71]", "School uniforms by country The Welsh Assembly Government issued detailed guidance to governing bodies on uniform and appearance policies that begins by making explicit, \"There is no education legislation specifically covering the wearing of school uniform or other aspects of appearance such as hair colour and style, and the wearing of jewellery and makeup. However, as part of its responsibility for the conduct of the school, a governing body can specify a uniform which pupils are required to wear and other rules relating to appearance.\"[70]", "All-America At the high school level, noted All-America teams are selected by Parade magazine in football, and from 1957 to 2015 in basketball.[17] Also in basketball, the McDonald's restaurant chain selects players annually for its McDonald's All-American Game,[18] and there is also a Ballislife All-American Game. In football, there is the U.S. Army All-American Bowl and the Under Armour All-America Game. Since 2000, the United States Army has sponsored its own annual All-American high school football competition, the U.S. Army All-American Bowl, which includes an All-American football team, split East and West, and an All-American marching band.", "School uniforms by country The proportion of U.S. public schools requiring uniforms had increased from 3% in 1996 to 25% in 2010.", "School District of Philadelphia In 1976 66% of all students of the School District of Philadelphia were black; this number was proportionally high since whites of all economic backgrounds had a tendency to use private schools, with wealthier whites using elite private schools and lower income whites using Catholic schools. Wealthier blacks chose not to use private schools because their neighborhoods were assigned to higher quality public schools.[13]", "All I Have to Do Is Dream (album) All I Have to Do Is Dream contains the same songs as Bobbie Gentry and Glen Campbell from 1968 plus the 1970 single track \"All I Have to Do Is Dream\".", "Private school After Malaysia's independence in 1957, the government instructed all schools to surrender their properties and be assimilated into the National School system. This caused an uproar among the Chinese and a compromise was achieved in that the schools would instead become \"National Type\" schools. Under such a system, the government is only in charge of the school curriculum and teaching personnel while the lands still belonged to the schools. While Chinese primary schools were allowed to retain Chinese as the medium of instruction, Chinese secondary schools are required to change into English-medium schools. Over 60 schools converted to become National Type schools.", "Catholic school Private schools, also known as independent schools are not managed by local, state or national governments. They instead may select their students and are funded in whole or in part by the tuition fees charged to students, rather than relying on the government as public schools do. Students may also get scholarships to enter into a private school depending on the student’s talent.[citation needed]", "Alternative Learning System (Philippines) The program has two different schematics for conducting instruction: school-based and community-based. On the school-based program, instructions are conducted in school campuses while in the community-based program, formal instruction are conducted in community halls or on private places. The ALS program follows a uniform lesson modules for all academic subjects covering the sciences, mathematics, English, Filipino, social studies, current events among others. Delivery of instructions are provided by government-paid instructors or by private non-government organization.", "School uniforms by country Sylvan I. Alleyne, Velma LaPoint, Jennifer Lee and Harold W. Mitchell of The Journal of Negro Education stated that little empirical research exists regarding how effective school uniforms are in enhancing academic performance and social environments, and that little research exists regarding teachers' beliefs regarding issues related to dress codes, especially so regarding racial and ethnic minorities.[79] In the United States, literature regarding public school student clothing and behavior cites anecdotal viewpoints from teachers. The literature discussed opinions on faculty, staff, and other employees on how to deal with student dress issues.[80] A 2003 article of The Journal of Negro Education said that research and reports regarding the beneficial impact of school uniforms was not conclusive. Despite the federal government of the United States issuing a set of guidelines encouraging school uniforms in public schools, as of 2003 political support varied.[81]", "Private school Chinese schools were being founded by the ethnic Chinese in Malaya as early as the 19th century. The schools were set up with the main intention of providing education in the Chinese language. As such, their students remain largely Chinese to this day even though the school themselves are open to people of all races and backgrounds.", "St. John the Baptist Diocesan High School All students must wear the official school uniform appropriate for season, grade year, and gender to school. School shoes can be purchased through White Cross and uniforms through Lobel's in Massapequa, New York. If a uniform is worn improperly, a uniform infraction or a detention will be issued. Skorts are worn by the female class body and must be worn at an appropriate length or detentions will be issued by the faculty.\nAlso introduced during the 2007–2008 school year were identification cards. All students and faculty must wear their ID card with an official lanyard around their neck when they enter a building as a safety precaution. If a student forgets their ID cards three times, detention is issued.", "Education in Germany After allowing for the socio-economic status of the parents, children attending private schools are not as able as those at state schools. At the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) for example, after considering socioeconomic class, students at private schools underperformed those at state schools.[16] One has, however, to be careful interpreting that data: it may be that such students do not underperform because they attend a private school, but that they attend a private school because they underperform. Some private Realschulen and Gymnasien have lower entry requirements than public Realschulen and Gymnasien.", "Shorts The traditional grey flannel shorts associated with British school uniform had become well-established by the 1920s, when they were knee-length or just above knee-length.[60][61] Up until the 1950s school shorts were also described as 'knickers' in tailoring catalogues and jargon.[62] This term possibly originated as an abbreviation of knickerbockers, which began being worn by schoolboys for sports in the 1880s.[63] As the term 'knickers' had become synonymous with panties in the 20th century, it was rarely used colloquially for shorts. By 2004, a study of British private schools noted that traditional grey school shorts had become denoters of private or public school uniform, as they were no longer required wear by state schools.[64] Similar tailored shorts form part of school uniform in a number of countries, including Australia, Singapore, South Africa and New Zealand,[59] and are also part of the uniform worn by children in organisations such as the Cub Scouts.", "School uniforms by country The National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) conducted a phone survey of 755 principals in 2000, which revealed that 21% of public schools had a uniform policy; 23% had firm plans to create one.[76] However, this only accounts for those with school uniform policies and not for standardised dress codes, which provide for allowable student dress but are slightly more lax: For instance, instead of requiring everyone to wear the same shirt, or set of shirts, they may specify \"any solid collared three-button polo/oxford shirt\" and leave more specific details up to the parents. In 2007-2008, 55% of public school principals said their schools enforce a strict dress code, requiring students at least wear a collared shirt and trousers with an acceptable belt to school.[77]", "School bullying Bystanders and the school climate as a whole are also affected by school violence and bullying. Unsafe learning environments create a climate of fear and insecurity and a perception that teachers do not have control or do not care about the students, and this reduces the quality of education for all.[4]", "School uniforms by country In June 2013, the Abu Dhabi Education Council standardised the uniforms for pupils in public school across Abu Dhabi. [1] Earlier, each school had its own uniform. Uniforms include options for varying weather conditions. [2] Boys in Kindergarten and Cycle 1 (Grades 1 to 5) can wear either a long-sleeved shirt and trousers or a short-sleeved shirt and shorts. Tie, winter blazer, and cardigan are optional. Boys in Cycle 2 and Cycle 3 (Grades 6 to 12) wear a kandoora (traditional white robe) and ghetra (head scarf). Pullover sweater or blazer are optional Girls in Kindergarten or Cycle 1 (Grades 1 to 5) wear a long sleeved shirt with either a school dress or skirt. Cardigan, blazer, and scarf are optional. Girls in Cycle 2 or 3 (Grades 6 to 12) wear a long sleeved shirt with a choice of a skirt or two different styles of dress plus a scarf. Cardigan or blazer are optional. rthese are only for the schools with the Arabic curriculum, not the other schools.", "Uniform of the Union Army Private Francis Brownwell of the 11th New York Volunteer Infantry regiment-in Zouave Uniform", "Private (rank) In the Israel Defense Forces, טוראי Turai (\"private\") refers to the lowest enlisted rank. After 7–10 months of service (7 for combatants, 8 for combat support and 10 for non-combatants) soldiers are promoted from private to corporal (rav-turai or rabat), if they performed their duties appropriately during this time. Soldiers who take a commander's course, are prisoner instructors or practical engineers become corporals earlier. An IDF private wears no uniform insignia and is sometimes described as having a \"slick sleeve\" for this reason.", "School uniforms by country However, until the early 1960s many high schools required girls to wear black grembiule (resembling a doctor smock) on top of their clothes: no uniform was required for boys. Perhaps this was because at one time high schools were the only public schools to admit both sexes (as opposed to junior schools and elementary), and girls may be required to \"cover up\" not to distract their male counterparts. Indeed, this policy was highly disputed during the sexual revolution of the 1960s and later abolished.", "Private school Private schooling in the United States has been debated by educators, lawmakers and parents, since the beginnings of compulsory education in Massachusetts in 1852. The Supreme Court precedent appears to favor educational choice, so long as states may set standards for educational accomplishment. Some of the most relevant Supreme Court case law on this is as follows: Runyon v. McCrary, 427 U.S. 160 (1976); Wisconsin v. Yoder, 406 U.S. 205 (1972); Pierce v. Society of Sisters, 268 U.S. 510 (1925); Meyer v. Nebraska, 262 U.S. 390 (1923).", "Medical school In Argentina there are public and private medical schools, however the prestige of the public institutions is undeniable and the private institutions do not normally appear in international rankings. A person who can afford to attend a private university, quite expensive for the average Argentinian, will choose that option over public education because of the smaller groups of students in each class and because of the lack of strictness in course evaluation. By law entrance into public institutions is open and tuition-free to all who have a high school diploma, and universities are expressly forbidden[9] from restricting access with difficult entrance exams. Point in case, in 2016 La Universidad Nacional de la Plata was obligated by the governing bodies to stop forcing its students to write an entrance exam. As a result, that university experienced a major increase in the size of its student population. When it comes to educational quality, la Universidad de Buenos Aires, a public university, is widely recognised as the top medical school in the country.[10]", "Baseball uniform In 1916, the Cleveland Indians became the first team to add numbers on their uniforms, positioned on the left sleeve of the home uniforms only. (Okkonen, p. 36, p. 120)[3] In 1929, numbers were first added on the backs of uniforms by the New York Yankees and the Cleveland Indians. By 1932, all major league baseball teams had numbers on their players' uniforms.[3] The Brooklyn Dodgers, in 1952, became the first baseball team to add numbers to the fronts of their uniforms.[3][7] In 1960, the Chicago White Sox were the first team to place players' names on the back of their jerseys, doing so on their road jerseys; within a few years, this practice became almost universal in MLB, though to this day the Yankees only wear names on their uniforms for Players Weekend, a yearly event where alternate uniforms with nicknames are used.[10]", "School uniforms by country In privately run schools, the suit is very similar but the colors might differ. They range from khaki and dark green to bright blue.", "Private school Special assistance schools aim to improve the lives of their students by providing services tailored to very specific needs of individual students. Such schools include tutoring schools and schools to assist the learning of handicapped children.", "All-America The term has also been used in athletics in new ways to recognize the academic achievements of student-athletes as \"Academic All-America\" teams are named.[2] The term \"Academic All-America\" is a registered trademark of the College Sports Information Directors of America, which began the program in 1952 to recognize college athletes at all levels of competition and in all collegiate sports.", "Single-sex education In the Middle East public schools are all gender-segregated, whereas private schools are coeducational. There are single-sex private schools as well. In Iran, single-sex public schools have been in place since the Islamic Revolution. Universities are mostly coeducational in Iran.[22]" ]
who performed the first c section in 1794
[ "Jesse Bennett Dr. Jesse Bennett (July 10, 1769 —July 13, 1842) was the first American physician to perform a successful Caesarean section, which he performed on his own wife at the birth of their only child on January 14, 1794.[1][2]" ]
[ "Caesarean section The Babylonian Talmud, an ancient Jewish religious text, mentions a procedure similar to the caesarean section. The procedure is termed yotzei dofen. It also discusses at length the permissibility of performing a c-section on a dying or dead mother. [93]", "Caesarean section Self-inflicted caesarean section is the concept of a mother alone performing her own caesarean section. There have apparently been a few successful cases, notably Inés Ramírez Pérez of Mexico who in March 2000, performed a successful Caesarean section on herself.[125][126][127]", "Who's on First? Abbott and Costello performed \"Who's on First?\" numerous times in their careers, rarely performing it exactly the same way twice. They did the routine for President Franklin Roosevelt several times. An abridged version was featured in the team's 1940 film debut, One Night in the Tropics. The duo reprised the bit in their 1945 film The Naughty Nineties, and it is that longer version which is considered their finest recorded rendition.[a] They also performed \"Who's on First?\" numerous times on radio and television (notably in The Abbott and Costello Show episode \"The Actor's Home\", widely considered the definitive version).", "Caesarean section The World Health Organization officially withdrew its previous recommendation of a 15% C-section rate in June 2010. Their official statement read, \"There is no empirical evidence for an optimum percentage. What matters most is that all women who need caesarean sections receive them.\"[84]", "Operators in C and C++ The syntax of expressions in C and C++ is specified by a phrase structure grammar.[3] The table given here has been inferred from the grammar.[citation needed] For the ISO C 1999 standard, section 6.5.6 note 71 states that the C grammar provided by the specification defines the precedence of the C operators, and also states that the operator precedence resulting from the grammar closely follows the specification's section ordering:", "Caesarean section In the United States C-section rates have increased from just over 20% in 1996 to 33% in 2011.[3] This increase has not resulted in improved outcomes resulting in the position that C-sections may be done too frequently.[3]", "The Echoing Green Copy C, 1789, 1794 (Library of Congress) object 14 (The Echoing Green 2)", "Who's on First? In February 1938, Abbott and Costello joined the cast of The Kate Smith Hour radio program, and the sketch was first performed for a national radio audience that March.[1] The routine may have been further polished before this broadcast by burlesque producer John Grant, who became the team's writer, and Will Glickman, a staff writer on the radio show.[3] Glickman may have added the nicknames of then-contemporary baseball players like Dizzy and Daffy Dean to set up the routine's premise. This version, with extensive wordplay based on the fact that most of the fictional baseball team's players had \"strange nicknames\" that seemed to be questions, became known as \"Who's on First?\" Some versions continue with references to Enos Slaughter, which Costello misunderstands as \"He knows\" Slaughter. By 1944, Abbott and Costello had the routine copyrighted.", "Indian literature In the 18th century, some well-known works like Yatharthadeepika (by Vaman Pandit), Naladamayanti Swayamvara (by Raghunath Pandit), Pandava Pratap, Harivijay, Ramvijay (by Shridhar Pandit) and Mahabharata (by Moropant) were produced. However, the most versatile and voluminous writer among the poets was Moropanta (1729–1794) whose Mahabharata was the first epic poem in Marathi. The historical section of the old Marathi literature was unique as it contained both prose and poetry. The prose section contained the Bakhars that were written after the foundation of the Maratha kingdom by Shivaji. The poetry section contained the Povadas and the Katavas composed by the Shahirs. The period from 1794 to 1818 is regarded as the closing period of the Old Marathi literature and the beginning of the Modern Marathi literature.", "501(c)(3) organization Section 501(c)(3) organizations are prohibited from supporting political candidates, as a result of the Johnson Amendment enacted in 1954.[29] Section 501(c)(3) organizations are subject to limits on lobbying, having a choice between two sets of rules establishing an upper bound for their lobbying activities. Section 501(c)(3) organizations risk loss of their tax-exempt status if these rules are violated.[30][31] An organization that loses its 501(c)(3) status due to being engaged in political activities cannot subsequently qualify for 501(c)(4) status.[32]", "Cherokee Nation (1794–1907) The Cherokee Nation (ᏣᎳᎩᎯ ᎠᏰᎵ, pronounced Tsalagihi Ayeli[1]) from 1794–1907 was a legal, autonomous, tribal government in North America recognized from 1794 to 1907. Often referred to simply as \"The Nation\" by its inhabitants, it should not be confused with what is known in the 21st century also as the Cherokee Nation.", "Section 13 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms Section 13 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms is a section of the Charter which, along with section 11 (c), specifies rights regarding self-incrimination.", "C++ The standard incorporates the STL that was originally designed by Alexander Stepanov, who experimented with generic algorithms and containers for many years. When he started with C++, he finally found a language where it was possible to create generic algorithms (e.g., STL sort) that perform even better than, for example, the C standard library qsort, thanks to C++ features like using inlining and compile-time binding instead of function pointers. The standard does not refer to it as \"STL\", as it is merely a part of the standard library, but the term is still widely used to distinguish it from the rest of the standard library (input/output streams, internationalization, diagnostics, the C library subset, etc.).[57]", "Who's on First? Costello: Then who gets it?\nAbbott: Naturally.\nCostello: Naturally.\nAbbott: Now you've got it.\nCostello: I throw the ball to Naturally.\nAbbott: You don't! You throw it to Who!\nCostello: Naturally.\nAbbott: Well, that's it—say it that way.\nCostello: That's what I said.\nAbbott: You did not.\nCostello: I said I throw the ball to Naturally.\nAbbott: You don't! You throw it to Who!", "Who's on First? At one point in the routine, Costello thinks that the first baseman is named Naturally:", "Who's on First? The skit was usually performed on the team's radio series at the start of the baseball season. In one instance it serves as a climax for a broadcast which begins with Costello receiving a telegram from Joe DiMaggio asking Costello to take over for him due to his injury.[6] (In this case, the unidentified right fielder would have been Costello himself. While Joe DiMaggio was best known as a center fielder, when Abbott and Costello honed the sketch in 1936-7, Joe DiMaggio had played a number of games at right field (20 in 1936).[7])", "Suite: Judy Blue Eyes The second section is performed in half time relative to the first section, and features four verses of three-part harmony from the band, with Stills performing a brief vocal solo between the second and third. This section runs from 2:56 to 4:43.", "History of aerial warfare Some minor warfare use was made of balloons in the infancy of aeronautics. The first instance was by the French Aerostatic Corps at the Battle of Fleurus in 1794, who used a tethered balloon, L'entreprenant, to gain a vantage point.[4][5][6]", "Comparison of Java and C++ Also, some performance problems occur in C++:", "Who's on First? Who picks up the ball and throws it to What. What throws it to I Don't Know. I Don't Know throws it back to Tomorrow—a triple play.\nAbbott: Yeah, it could be.\nCostello: Another guy gets up and it's a long fly ball to Because. Why? I don't know. He's on third, and I don't give a darn!\nAbbott: What was that?\nCostello: I said, I DON'T GIVE A DARN!", "If I Had Words The tune was taken from the main theme of the maestoso section of Saint-Saëns' Symphony No.3 in C minor (Symphony with organ) with an added reggae beat. (In the symphony, the theme used in the song is first exposed by the strings section in the second movement; it is later also played by the organ.[1]) The lyrics and arrangement were by Jonathan Hodge, a prolific writer of TV jingles and movie themes, who also produced the single.", "Caesarean section Caesarean section is recommended when vaginal delivery might pose a risk to the mother or baby. C-sections are also carried out for personal and social reasons. Systematic reviews have found no strong evidence about the impact of caesareans for non-medical reasons.[10][11] Recommendations encourage counseling to identify the reasons for the request, addressing anxieties and information, and encouraging vaginal birth.[10][12] Elective caesareans at 38 weeks showed increased health complications in the newborn.[13] For this reason, planned caesarean sections (also known as elective caesarean sections) should not be scheduled before 39 weeks gestation unless there is medical reason to do so.", "Symphony No. 101 (Haydn) Haydn completed the symphony in 1793 or 1794. He wrote it for the second of his two visits to London. Having heard one of his symphonies played in London with an orchestra of 300-strong, his Clock Symphony has that large scale grandeur written in it.[1] On 3 March 1794, the work was premiered with an orchestra of 60 personally gathered by Haydn's colleague and friend Johann Peter Salomon, who also acted as concertmaster, in the Hanover Square Rooms, as part of a concert series featuring Haydn's work organized by Salomon; a second performance took place a week later.[2]", "C++ It was designed with a bias toward system programming and embedded, resource-constrained and large systems, with performance, efficiency and flexibility of use as its design highlights.[7] C++ has also been found useful in many other contexts, with key strengths being software infrastructure and resource-constrained applications,[7] including desktop applications, servers (e.g. e-commerce, web search or SQL servers), and performance-critical applications (e.g. telephone switches or space probes).[8] C++ is a compiled language, with implementations of it available on many platforms. Many vendors provide C++ compilers, including the Free Software Foundation, Microsoft, Intel, and IBM.", "Caesarean section An early account of caesarean section in Iran is mentioned in the book of Shahnameh, written around 1000 AD, and relates to the birth of Rostam, the national legendary hero of Iran.[96][97] According to the Shahnameh, the Simurgh instructed Zal upon how to perform a Caesarean section, thus saving Rudaba and the child Rostam.[98]", "String section The string section is the largest body of a single instrument category in the standard Classical orchestra. It normally consists of the first violins, the second violins, the violas, the cellos, and the double basses (or basses). The first and second violinists play the same types of instruments; the difference between the two sections is in the types of musical lines that are typically given to each section. The first violins are generally given the melody or higher-pitch musical lines, whereas the second violins generally play a part that is lower in pitch than the first violins. The second violins may play a harmony part, a countermelody or an accompaniment passage. In discussions of the instrumentation of a musical work, the phrase \"the strings\" or \"and strings\" is used to indicate a string section as just defined. An orchestra consisting solely of a string section is called a string orchestra. Smaller string sections are used in jazz, pop and rock music arrangements and in musical theatre pit orchestras.", "Plastic surgery British physicians traveled to India to see rhinoplasties being performed by Indian methods.[12] Reports on Indian rhinoplasty performed by a Kumhar vaidya were published in the Gentleman's Magazine by 1794.[12] Joseph Constantine Carpue spent 20 years in India studying local plastic surgery methods.[12] Carpue was able to perform the first major surgery in the Western world in the year of 1815.[13] Instruments described in the Sushruta Samhita were further modified in the Western world.[13]", "Flag of France Flag used by the Kingdom of France and the First French Republic from 1790 to 1794.", "Sectionals \"Sectionals\" received mostly positive reviews from critics. TV Guide's Natalie Abrams felt it ended the beginning of the season on a \"high note\",[22] while Raymund Flandez of The Wall Street Journal commented: \"You couldn’t have asked for a better cliffhanger of a fall finale\".[18] IGN's Eric Goldman rated the episode 9/10, calling it \"very satisfying\",[23] and Gerrick Kennedy of the Los Angeles Times commended it as \"fine television.\"[24] James Poniewozik of Time wrote: \"I'm not sure I expected or wanted a feel-good ending out of the first half of Glee. But what we got from \"Sectionals\" left me feeling very good about where the show is going this spring.\"[1] In contrast, Alan Sepinwall of The Star-Ledger, felt that the episode brought too many storylines to a head at once, \"not allowing all to have as much impact as they might have had the big developments been spaced out\". Sepinwall commented, however, that the acting and especially singing performances were \"uniformly strong.\"[25]", "Right of self-defense in Maryland (c) Subsection (b) of this section does not apply to a person who is convicted of a crime of violence under ยง 14-101 of the Criminal Law Article, assault in the second degree, or reckless endangerment arising out of the circumstances described in subsection (b) of this section.", "Ball bearing Although bearings had been developed since ancient times, the first modern recorded patent on ball bearings was awarded to Philip Vaughan, a Welsh inventor and ironmaster who created the first design for a ball bearing in Carmarthen in 1794. His was the first modern ball-bearing design, with the ball running along a groove in the axle assembly.[1]", "Act Prohibiting Importation of Slaves On March 22, 1794, Congress passed the Slave Trade Act of 1794, which prohibited making, loading, outfitting, equipping, or dispatching of any ship to be used in the trade of slaves, essentially limiting the trade to foreign ships.[4] On August 5, 1797, John Brown of Providence, Rhode Island, became the first American to be tried in federal court under the 1794 law. Brown was convicted and was forced to forfeit his ship Hope.[5] On April 7, 1798, the fifth Congress passed an act that imposed a three hundred dollar per slave penalty on persons convicted of performing the illegal importation of slaves. It was an indication of the type of behavior and course of events soon to become commonplace in the Congress.[6] In the Slave Trade Act of 1800, Congress outlawed U.S. citizens' investment in the trade, and the employment of U.S. citizens on foreign vessels involved in the trade.[7]", "C-3PO Anthony Daniels again reprised the role of C-3PO in Star Wars: The Force Awakens, the first installment of the sequel trilogy, which was released on December 18, 2015.[10] The film takes place thirty years after the events of Return of the Jedi and reunites many of the main cast from the original trilogy.[10] Daniels has also signed to appear in the trilogy's two sequels.[10] C-3PO is seen with a red painted left arm but gets a gold arm in the end of the film. In the film, he is first seen in the Resistance base with Leia, who is trying to look for Luke, who went into exile years before. C-3PO is a spymaster of the Resistance's network of spy droids, and is helping the Resistance in trying to find the droid BB-8. Later, he, along with Leia and a Resistance team, pick up Han, the stormtrooper Finn, BB-8, and Chewbacca on the planet Takodana. During their adventures, C-3PO is reunited with R2-D2, who is reactivated after having been shut off for years.", "Symphony No. 94 (Haydn) The second, \"surprise\", movement, is an andante theme and variations in 2\n4 time in the subdominant key of C major. The theme is in two eight-bar sections, each repeated. The repeat at the end of the first section is pianissimo with pizzicato in the lower strings to set up the surprise. Four variations of the theme follow, starting with embellishment in sixteenth notes by the first violins, moving to a stormy variation in C minor with trumpets and timpani, followed by solos for the first oboist and flautist, and concluding with a sweeping and lyrical forte repeat in triplets. In the coda section, the opening notes are stated once more, this time reharmonized with gently dissonant diminished seventh chords over a tonic pedal.", "Stafford Stafford Prison is a Category C men's prison, operated by HM Prison Service. The prison holds a number of vulnerable prisoners, mainly sex offenders. It was built on its current site in 1794, and has been in almost continuous use, save a period between 1916 and 1940.", "C dynamic memory allocation C dynamic memory allocation refers to performing manual memory management for dynamic memory allocation in the C programming language via a group of functions in the C standard library, namely malloc, realloc, calloc and free.[1][2][3]", "Section 21 notice For a deposit that was received from 6 April 2007, if the deposit was not protected in accordance with an authorised scheme by the required time limit, then the landlord must first return the deposit in full to the tenant or with such deductions as are agreed between them before the landlord may give a section 21 notice. Alternatively, a section 21 notice may be given if the tenant or the person who paid the deposit on behalf of the tenant has made an application to the county court against the landlord for a penalty under section 214(1) of the 2004 Act, and the claim has been determined by the court, withdrawn or settled.[xxiii][15][17]", "501(c)(3) organization Prior to October 9, 1969, nonprofit organizations could declare themselves to be tax-exempt under Section 501(c)(3) without first obtaining Internal Revenue Service recognition by filing Form 1023 and receiving a determination letter.[19] A nonprofit organization that did so prior to that date could still be subject to challenge of its status by the Internal Revenue Service.[19]", "Cherokee Nation (1794–1907) The Cherokee called themselves the Ani-Yun' wiya. In their language this meant \"leading\" or \"principal\" people. Before 1794, the Cherokee had no standing national government. The people dwelt in \"towns\" located in scattered autonomous tribal areas related by kinship throughout the southern Appalachia region. Various leaders were periodically appointed (by mutual consent of the towns) to represent the tribes to French, British and, later, American authorities as was needed. The title this leader carried among the Cherokee was \"First Beloved Man\"[3] —being the true translation of the title Uku, which the English translated as \"chief\". The chief's function was to serve as focal point for negotiations with the encroaching Europeans, such as the case of Hanging Maw, who was recognized as chief by the United States government, but not by the majority of Cherokee peoples.[4]", "Air Mobility Command The C-5 Galaxy strategic airlifter, also inherited from MAC, is being modernized and upgraded into the C-5M Super Galaxy model. It is planned to modernize all C-5Bs and C-5Cs and many of the C-5As to the C-5M standard. The first C-5M conversion was completed on May 16, 2006, and performed its first flight on June 19, 2006. It is estimated that the modifications will extend the service life of the C-5 to about 2040.", "501(c)(3) organization Organizations described in section 501(c)(3) are prohibited from conducting political campaign activities to intervene in elections to public office.[35] The Internal Revenue Service website elaborates on this prohibition:[35]", "Homecoming The Alumni Band consists of former college and university band members who return for homecoming to perform with the current marching band (usually made up from recent graduates to members who graduated years or decades before ) either during halftime as a full band or a featured section i.e.the Trumpet Section or the Tubas and Drumline squads as well as performing with the current band during the post game concert.", "Chevrolet C/K For the first Chevrolet C Series, made from 1911 to 1913, see Chevrolet Series C Classic Six (the first Chevy).", "Interstate 20 I-20 in the Palmetto State is known as either the J. Strom Thurmond Freeway or John C. West Freeway. The first section to be completed was the bridge over the Savannah River in 1965; the last, the section between US 401 and I-95 (including the business spur), opened in August 1975.", "Beta distribution All four parameters (\n\n\n\n\n\n\nα\n^\n\n\n\n,\n\n\n\nβ\n^\n\n\n\n,\n\n\n\na\n^\n\n\n\n,\n\n\n\nc\n^\n\n\n\n\n\n{\\displaystyle {\\hat {\\alpha }},{\\hat {\\beta }},{\\hat {a}},{\\hat {c}}}\n\n of a beta distribution supported in the [a, c] interval -see section \"Alternative parametrizations, Four parameters\"-) can be estimated, using the method of moments developed by Karl Pearson, by equating sample and population values of the first four central moments (mean, variance, skewness and excess kurtosis).[1][37][38] The excess kurtosis was expressed in terms of the square of the skewness, and the sample size ν = α + β, (see previous section \"Kurtosis\") as follows:", "Trout Quintet The development section starts with a similar abrupt shift, from E major (at the end of the exposition) to C major. Harmonic movement is slow at first, but becomes quicker; towards the return of the first theme, the harmony modulates in ascending half tones.", "List of One-Punch Man characters C-Class (C級, C-kyū) is the lowest tier of the Hero Association. Members must regularly perform heroic acts, usually those of helping civilians or petty criminals. Those who are inactive for one week are removed from the Hero Registry.Ch. 17 Among the C-Class superheroes are:", "Conic section After introducing Cartesian coordinates the focus-directrix property can be used to produce equations that the coordinates of the points of the conic section must satisfy.[6] By means of a change of coordinates (a rotation of axes and a translation of axes) these equations can be put into standard forms.[7] For ellipses and (general) hyperbolas a standard form would have the x-axis as the principal axis and the origin (the point (0,0)) as the center. The vertices would have coordinates (±a, 0) and foci coordinates (±c,0). Define b by the equations c2 = a2 − b2 for an ellipse and c2 = a2 + b2 for a hyperbola. For a circle, c = 0 so a2 = b2. For the parabola, the standard form has the focus on the x-axis at the point (a, 0) and the directrix the line with equation x = −a. In standard form the parabola will always pass through the origin. A special case of the hyperbola occurs when its asymptotes are perpendicular. This special case is called a rectangular or equilateral hyperbola. In this case, the standard form is obtained by taking the asymptotes as the coordinate axes and the line x = y as the principal axis. The foci would have coordinates (c, c) and (−c, −c).[8]", "Postpartum infections Due to the risks following C-section, it is recommended that all women receive a preventive dose of antibiotics such as ampicillin around the time of surgery.[1] Treatment of established infections is with antibiotics, with most people improving in two to three days.[1] In those with mild disease, oral antibiotics may be used; otherwise intravenous antibiotics are recommended.[1] Common antibiotics include a combination of ampicillin and gentamicin following vaginal delivery or clindamycin and gentamicin in those who have had a C-section.[1] In those who are not improving with appropriate treatment, other complications such an abscess should be considered.[1]", "Caesarean section European travelers in the Great Lakes region of Africa during the 19th century observed Caesarean sections being performed on a regular basis.[101] The expectant mother was normally anesthetized with alcohol, and herbal mixtures were used to encourage healing. From the well-developed nature of the procedures employed, European observers concluded they had been employed for some time.[101] James Barry carried out the first successful Caesarean by a European doctor in Africa in Cape Town, while posted there between 1817 and 1828.[102]", "List of The X Factor finalists (U.S. season 2) Their initial audition song was \"Hell on Heels\" by the Pistol Annies. For their \"judges' houses\" performance they performed \"Leavin\" by Shelby Lynne. They performed \"Hell on Heels\" for the second time during the first live show on October 31, 2012. Sister C was put into a sing-off with 1432, during the first live results show on November 1, where they performed \"When I Look at You\". After the sing-off Cowell chose 1432 (currently Fifth Harmony) to continue on and Sister C were eliminated from the competition.", "Catherine Tate Tate's former partner is stage manager Twig Clark. They have a daughter named Erin,[56] who was born at London's Chelsea and Westminster Hospital in January 2003 and was delivered following an emergency C-section.[3]", "Caesarean section Both have higher risks than a vaginal birth with no previous caesarean section. There are many issues which must be taken into account when planning the mode of delivery for every pregnancy, not just those complicated by a previous caesarean section and there is a list of some of these issues in the list of indications for section in the first part of this article. A vaginal birth after caesarean section (VBAC) confers a higher risk of uterine rupture (5 per 1,000), blood transfusion or endometritis (10 per 1,000), and perinatal death of the child (0.25 per 1,000).[26] Furthermore, 20% to 40% of planned VBAC attempts end in caesarean section being needed, with greater risks of complications in an emergency repeat caesarean section than in an elective repeat caesarean section.[27][28] On the other hand, VBAC confers less maternal morbidity and a decreased risk of complications in future pregnancies than elective repeat caesarean section.[29]", "Classic female blues A key figure in popularizing the blues was the composer W. C. Handy, who published the first of his blues songs in 1912.[4] His compositions, notably \"The Memphis Blues\" and \"St. Louis Blues\", quickly became standards for blues singers. Songs modeled on Handy's were performed in black stage shows and were also performed and recorded by white vaudevillians, such as Sophie Tucker.[5]", "Section 21 notice No section 21 notice may be given by a landlord while the landlord is in breach of a prescribed requirement relating to the condition of the property, health and safety of the occupiers, and the energy performance of the property.[xxxv] Two requirements have been prescribed under this section[xxxvi] for tenancies which began from 1 October 2015, other than statutory periodic tenancies that have been excluded.[xxxiv][14]", "First sergeant In combat units, First Sergeants are very often platoon sergeants, or given the responsibility for independently operating detachments of support weapons. They are often given instructional billets as well in training schools. First sergeants normally answer to the company sergeant major, assisting the latter in the mentorship, guidance and command of the more junior specialists (Third and Second Sergeants) who are section commanders.", "First Nations Bill C-31 also gave elected bands the power to regulate who was allowed to reside on their reserves and to control development on their reserves. It abolished the concept of \"enfranchisement\" by which First Nations people could gain certain rights by renouncing their Indian status.[99]", "Entrance length V\n\na\nv\ng\n\n\n=\n\n\n\n∫\nu\n\nd\n\nA\n\n\nA\n\nc\n\n\n\n\n\n\n{\\displaystyle V_{avg}={\\frac {\\int u\\mathrm {d} A}{A_{c}}}}\n\n where \n\n\n\n\nA\n\nc\n\n\n\n\n{\\displaystyle A_{c}}\n\n is Area of cross section", "Records of members of parliament of the United Kingdom Francis Mackenzie, MP for Ross-shire 1784–90 and 1794–96, who became deaf and almost dumb from scarlet fever at about age of 12.", "Woodward Report The Woodward Report, formally titled the Report of the Committee on Freedom of Expression at Yale, was issued by Yale University in 1975. Historian C. Vann Woodward chaired the committee. Yale endorsed the first section of the report as official policy.", "Für Elise The piece is basically in rondo form, ABACA. It is in A minor and in 38 time. It begins with an A minor theme marked Poco moto (in some motion), with the left hand playing arpeggios alternating between A minor and E major. The same motifs follow around C major and G major, before returning to the original theme. The B section in the submediant major of F major which concludes in 32nd note runs leading to a repeat of the A section. In the C section, an agitated theme in the subdominant key of D minor is accompanied by repetitive chords on a pedal point, with some dramatic diminished seventh chords. This section concludes with an ascending A minor arpeggio followed by a chromatic descent over two octaves, leading to another repeat of the A section. While the A section is not difficult to play, the runs in the B section and the rapid rising figure in the C section require more pianistic skill.", "Maritime history The Continental Navy was formed during the American Revolution in 1774–1775. Through the efforts of the Continental Navy's apparent patron, John Adams and vigorous congressional support in the face of stiff opposition, the fleet cumulatively became relatively substantial when considering the limitations imposed upon the Patriot supply poole. The \"Six original United States frigates\" were the first United States frigates of the United States Navy, first authorized by the Congress with the Naval Act of 1794 on March 27, 1794 at a cost of $688,888.82.", "Hell's Bells (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) Willow runs into Xander in the kitchen and offers the final \"best man\" talk then leaves him to practice his vows. Anya continues to go over her vows in front of Tara, who advises against using the term \"sex poodle\". As the music begins, Buffy arrives to get Anya, but Willow pulls her out of the room and breaks the news that Xander is gone. Stalling while Willow looks for Xander, Buffy uses the excuse that the minister is also a doctor and the ceremony will be delayed while he performs an emergency c-section.", "C-3PO C-3PO returns in Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace, the first chapter of the Star Wars prequel trilogy, where it was revealed that he was salvaged and rebuilt by Anakin Skywalker, the boy who grew up to become Darth Vader, who built him out of spare parts (the story \"Thank the Maker!\" in Star Wars Tales explains that Anakin found the parts in a junk heap, and guessed they were very old).", "C++ According to Stroustrup: \"the name signifies the evolutionary nature of the changes from C\".[18] This name is credited to Rick Mascitti (mid-1983)[12] and was first used in December 1983. When Mascitti was questioned informally in 1992 about the naming, he indicated that it was given in a tongue-in-cheek spirit. The name comes from C's ++ operator (which increments the value of a variable) and a common naming convention of using \"+\" to indicate an enhanced computer program.", "Joe C. Joe C. was first featured on the demo \"Cool Daddy Cool\" in 1995.", "Savannah, Georgia The First Bryan Baptist Church is an African-American church that was organized by Andrew Bryan in 1788. The site was purchased in 1793 by Bryan, a former slave who had also purchased his freedom. The first structure was erected there in 1794. By 1800, the congregation was large enough to split: those at Bryan Street took the name of First African Baptist Church, and Second and Third African Baptist churches were also established.[70] The current sanctuary of First Bryan Baptist Church was constructed in 1873.", "C Jam Blues \"C Jam Blues\"\" is a jazz standard composed in 1942 by Duke Ellington and performed by countless other musicians, such as Dave Grusin, Django Reinhardt, Oscar Peterson, and Charles Mingus.", "The C++ Programming Language The first edition of The C++ Programming Language was published in 1985. As C++ evolved, a second edition was published in July 1991, reflecting the changes made.", "Sectionals James Poniewozik of Time on Rachel's performance of \"Don't Rain on My Parade\".[1]", "C++ C++ is standardized by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), with the latest standard version ratified and published by ISO in December 2014 as ISO/IEC 14882:2014 (informally known as C++14).[9] The C++ programming language was initially standardized in 1998 as ISO/IEC 14882:1998, which was then amended by the C++03, ISO/IEC 14882:2003, standard. The current C++14 standard supersedes these and C++11, with new features and an enlarged standard library. Before the initial standardization in 1998, C++ was developed by Bjarne Stroustrup at Bell Labs since 1979, as an extension of the C language as he wanted an efficient and flexible language similar to C, which also provided high-level features for program organization. The C++17 standard is due in July 2017, with the draft largely implemented by some compilers already, and C++20 is the next planned standard thereafter.", "Conic section The discriminant B2 – 4AC of the conic section's quadratic equation (or equivalently the determinant AC – B2/4 of the 2×2 matrix) and the quantity A + C (the trace of the 2×2 matrix) are invariant under arbitrary rotations and translations of the coordinate axes,[14][15][16] as is the determinant of the 3×3 matrix above.[17]:pp. 60–62 The constant term F and the sum D2+E2 are invariant under rotation only.[17]:pp. 60–62", "Internal combustion engine Various scientists and engineers contributed to the development of internal combustion engines. In 1791, John Barber developed the gas turbine. In 1794 Thomas Mead patented a gas engine. Also in 1794, Robert Street patented an internal combustion engine, which was also the first to use liquid fuel, and built an engine around that time. In 1798, John Stevens built the first American internal combustion engine. In 1807, French engineers Nicéphore (who went on to invent photography) and Claude Niépce ran a prototype internal combustion engine, using controlled dust explosions, the Pyréolophore. This engine powered a boat on the Saône river, France. The same year, the Swiss engineer François Isaac de Rivaz built an internal combustion engine ignited by an electric spark. In 1823, Samuel Brown patented the first internal combustion engine to be applied industrially.", "History of the internal combustion engine Various scientists and engineers contributed to the development of internal combustion engines. In 1791, John Barber developed a turbine. In 1794 Thomas Mead patented a gas engine. Also in 1794 Robert Street patented an internal combustion engine, which was also the first to use liquid fuel (gasoline), and built an engine around that time. In 1798, John Stevens designed the first American internal combustion engine. In 1807, French engineers Nicéphore (who went on to invent photography) and Claude Niépce ran a prototype internal combustion engine, using controlled dust explosions, the Pyréolophore. This engine powered a boat on the Saône river, France. The same year, the Swiss engineer François Isaac de Rivaz built an internal combustion engine ignited by electric spark. In 1823, Samuel Brown patented the first internal combustion engine to be applied industrially.", "First class facilities of the RMS Titanic The staterooms on B and C-Decks were richly appointed in a great variety of decorative styles. A label over every door announced the style of that particular stateroom, including Louis XIV, XV, and XVI, French Empire, Georgian, Jacobean and Italian Renaissance.[4] There was a wide range of finely carved panelling, veneers, and marquetry made from exotic imported woods like Mahogany, Sycamore, Walnut, Oak and Satinwood. Such was the attention to historic detail that every piece of furniture, light fixture, upholstery, and woodwork was recreated with an obsessive care for accuracy by designers and master craftsmen at Harland and Wolff. First-Class accommodation occupied almost the entirety of B and C Decks, but also large sections forward on A, D and E-Decks; a handful of First-Class cabins were located on the Boat Deck between the forward Grand Staircase and Officer's Quarters.[5] On E-Deck staterooms and cabins were interchangeable between First and Second-Class, meaning sections could be prioritized for either one of the classes in the event of overbooking or high demand.[6] Only the starboard side of E-Deck belonged to First/Second-Class, the whole of the Port side contained Third-Class and Crew cabins.", "Terrorism Oxford English Dictionary reportedly states that the word 'terrorist' (French: terroriste) was invented in the year 1794, during the French Revolution. The first meaning of the word 'terrorist' was then: adherent or supporter of the Jacobins.[18] Apparent from the context given in an article in the Guardian, the indication 'Jacobins' in that Oxford definition bears on the group around Maximilien Robespierre, also called 'Montagnards', that after 1794 were held responsible by some commentators for the repressive and violent government over France between June 1793 and July 1794, a period analogously labeled 'Reign of Terror' by commentators.[18] The given definition in Oxford Dictionary shows, the term 'terrorist' in its first use was meant as abusive term for someone's political or historical ideas or allegiances, not as description of his personal actions.[18]", "Blood-C Blood-C was a collaborative production between Production I.G and CLAMP. Production I.G is an animation studio which had created the Blood franchise with the 2000 film Blood: The Last Vampire, which was the studio's first attempt at an original in-house project. CLAMP is an all-female manga artist group made up of writer Nanase Ohkawa and artists Mokona, Tsubaki Nekoi, and Satsuki Igarashi. The main staff included both newcomers and people who had worked on previous entries in the Blood franchise. These included concept creator and co-writer Junichi Fujisaku, one of the original creators of the Blood franchise; and director Tsutomu Mizushima, whose most notable recent work was the anime adaptation of CLAMP's manga xxxHolic. Background artwork was created by Hiromasa Ogura, and setting artwork was created by Kazuo Kanpei of Kusanagi. 3D CGI was handled by Tsukamoto Mori.[2][3] The music was composed by Naoki Satō, whose previous work included Sword of the Stranger.[2] The opening theme \"Spiral\" was performed by Dustz, who worked hard to make the song a suitable addition to the Blood canon and incorporated both Japanese and French lyrics. The ending theme, \"Junketsu Paradox\", was sung by Nana Mizuki—the voice actress for Saya—who used the anime's story as inspiration and incorporated archaic phrases for the lyrics.[13] The production team was dubbed \"Project BLOOD-C TV\".[3]", "C Moon The song is in the key of C and is in 4/4 time. The performers change instruments from their usual places. Guitarist Henry McCullough plays drums, guitarist Denny Laine plays bass, and drummer Denny Seiwell plays xylophone.[6]", "Kauffman Stadium Beginning with the 2007 season, the Royals had a red seat placed in the stadium amongst the all-blue seats behind home plate to honor Buck O'Neil. Every game, there will be a person who embodies the spirit of Buck O'Neil selected from community nominees to sit in that seat, formerly occupied by O'Neil. The seat is located behind home plate in what was Section 101, Row C, Seat 1, until 2008. Due to the stadium renovations and accompanying section renumbering in 2009, the seat number is now Section 127, Row C, Seat 9, and the seat bottom is now padded. O'Neil played for the Kansas City Monarchs of the Negro League from 1937 to 1955.", "Sectionals Having previously discovered that his wife Terri (Jessalyn Gilsig) was faking her pregnancy, Will tells her he no longer feels the same way he did when they first fell in love. He later attends Ken and Emma's delayed wedding, only to find that Ken has ended the relationship as a result of Emma's feelings for Will. She announces her intention to leave McKinley High School, explaining that it will be too painful for her to carry on working with Will and Ken. Back at school, Principal Figgins (Iqbal Theba) suspends cheerleading coach Sue Sylvester (Jane Lynch) for leaking the glee club's set list, and has Will reinstated as the director of New Directions. The glee club members show Will their trophy and perform \"My Life Would Suck Without You\" for him. The dance moves in the finale are a combination of the dances from other songs that have been performed so far. As Emma prepares to leave the school, Will chases after her and stops her with a kiss. Both are happy, but uncertain of what will happen next.", "C++ During C++'s development period, the language had been referred to as \"new C\" and \"C with Classes\"[12][19] before acquiring its final name.", "Caesarean section The patron saint of Caesarean section is Caesarius of Africa, a young deacon martyred at Terracina, who has replaced and Christianized the pagan figure of Caesar.[105] The martyr (Saint Cesareo, in italian) is invoked for the good success of this surgical procedure.", "Duodenum The duodenum is a 25–38 cm (12-15 inch) C-shaped structure lying adjacent to the stomach. It is divided anatomically into four sections. The first part of the duodenum lies within the peritoneum but its other parts are retroperitoneal.[8]:273", "Sectionals As a result of a technicality in the show choir competition rules, glee club director Will Schuester (Matthew Morrison) is not allowed to accompany New Directions to sectionals. Guidance counsellor Emma Pillsbury (Jayma Mays) postpones her own wedding by a few hours so that she can take the club in his place, although her fiancé, football coach Ken Tanaka (Patrick Gallagher), feels she is choosing Will over him.", "Top of the Pops Legs & Co's first performance (credited as Legs & Co): 11 November 1976 – Dancing to \"Spinning Rock Boogie\" by Hank C. Burnette", "Indigenous peoples in Canada The Indian Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. I-5) sets the legal term Indian and \"means a person who pursuant to this Act is registered as an Indian or is entitled to be registered as an Indian\".[23] Section 5 of this act states that a registry shall be maintained \"in which shall be recorded the name of every person who is entitled to be registered as an Indian under this Act\".[23] No other term is legally recognized for the purpose of registration and the term Indian specifically excludes reference to Inuit as per section 4 of the Indian Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. I-5). Indian remains in place as the legal term used in the Canadian Constitution. Its usage outside such situations can be considered offensive.[7]", "Gun laws in North Carolina (c) For purposes of this section, the term \"recreational facilities\" includes only the following:", "Take the \"A\" Train Based loosely on the chordal structure of \"Exactly Like You\", the song combines the propulsive swing of the 1940s-era Ellington band with the confident sophistication of Ellington and the black elite who inhabited Sugar Hill in Harlem. The tune is in AABA form, in the key of C, with each section being a lyric couplet. (The Ellington band's version begins in C and rises to the key of Eb after the second chorus.)", "Lockheed C-5 Galaxy C-5s have also been used to deliver support and reinforce various US allies over the years. During the Yom Kippur war in 1973, multiple C-5s and C-141 Starlifters delivered critical supplies of ammunition, replacement weaponry and other forms of aid to Israel, the US effort was named as Operation Nickel Grass.[59][60] The C-5 Galaxy's performance in Israel was such that the Pentagon began to consider further purchases.[61] The C-5 was regularly made available to support American allies, such as the British-led peacekeeper initiative in Zimbabwe in 1979.[62]", "Caesarean section The Misgav Ladach method is a modified caesarean section which has been used nearly all over the world since the 1990s. It was described by Michael Stark, the president of the New European Surgical Academy, at the time he was the director of Misgav Ladach, a general hospital in Jerusalem. The method was presented during a FIGO conference in Montréal in 1994[52] and then distributed by the University of Uppsala, Sweden, in more than 100 countries. This method is based on minimalistic principles. He examined all steps in caesarean sections in use, analyzed them for their necessity and, if found necessary, for their optimal way of performance. For the abdominal incision he used the modified Joel Cohen incision and compared the longitudinal abdominal structures to strings on musical instruments. As blood vessels and muscles have lateral sway, it is possible to stretch rather than cut them. The peritoneum is opened by repeat stretching, no abdominal swabs are used, the uterus is closed in one layer with a big needle to reduce the amount of foreign body as much as possible, the peritoneal layers remain unsutured and the abdomen is closed with two layers only. Women undergoing this operation recover quickly and can look after the newborns soon after surgery. There are many publications showing the advantages over traditional caesarean section methods. However, there is an increased risk of abruptio placentae and uterine rupture in subsequent pregnancies for women who underwent this method in prior deliveries.[53][54]", "Treason Section 16 provides that nothing in Part 2 repeals or affects anything enacted by the Treason Act 1351 (25 Edw.3 c. 2).[8] This section reproduces section 6 of the Treason Felony Act 1848.", "Paranoid Android Los Angeles string quartet The Section recorded the song for Strung Out on OK Computer: The String Quartet Tribute to Radiohead (2001);[73] half of this quartet went on to form the Section Quartet, who performed \"Paranoid Android\" and the rest of OK Computer during two concerts in October 2006.[74]", "C++ Most C++ compilers, and all major ones, provide a standards conforming implementation of the C++ standard library.", "C++ As of 2017, C++ remains the third most popular programming language, behind Java and C.[16][17]", "C++ In 2014, C++14 (also known as C++1y) was released as a small extension to C++11, featuring mainly bug fixes and small improvements.[24] The Draft International Standard ballot procedures completed in mid-August 2014.[25]", "Section modulus Section modulus is a geometric property for a given cross-section used in the design of beams or flexural members. Other geometric properties used in design include area for tension and shear, radius of gyration for compression, and moment of inertia and polar moment of inertia for stiffness. Any relationship between these properties is highly dependent on the shape in question. Equations for the section moduli of common shapes are given below. There are two types of section moduli, the elastic section modulus (S) and the plastic section modulus (Z). The section modulus of different profiles can also be found as numerical values for common profiles in tables listing properties of such.", "Breech birth In twin pregnancies, it is very common for one or both babies to be in the breech position. Most often twin babies do not have the chance to turn around because they are born prematurely. If both babies are in the breech position and the mother has gone into labour early, a cesarean section may be the best option. About 30-40% of twin pregnancies result in only one baby being in the breech position. If this is the case, the babies can be born vaginally.[29] After the first baby who is not in the breech position is delivered, the baby who is presented in the breech position may turn itself around, if this does not happen another procedure may performed called the breech extraction. The breech extraction is the procedure that involves the obstetrician grabbing the second twin's feet and pulling him/her into the birth canal. This will help with delivering the second twin vaginally.[29] However, if the second twin is larger than the first, complications with delivering the second twin vaginally may arise and a cesarean section should be performed. At times, the first twin (the twin closest to the birth canal) can be in the breech position with the second twin being in the cephalic position (vertical). When this occurs, risks of complications are higher than normal. In particular, a serious complication known as Locked twins. This is when both babies interlock their chins during labour. When this happens a cesarean section should be performed immediately.", "South African labour law A collective agreement binds for the whole period of the collective agreement every person bond in terms of section (1)(c) who was a member at the time it became binding, or who becomes a member after it became binding, whether or not that person continues to be a member of the registered trade union or registered employers’ organisation for the duration of the collective agreement.", "MISRA C For the first two editions of MISRA-C (1998 and 2004) all Guidelines were considered as Rules. With the publication of MISRA C:2012 a new category of Guideline was introduced - the Directive whose compliance is more open to interpretation, or relates to process or procedural matters." ]
who sang in the movie i walk the line
[ "Walk the Line (soundtrack) Walk the Line: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack is the soundtrack album to the 2005 biographical drama film of the same name released November 15, 2005 by Wind-Up Records. There are nine songs performed by Joaquin Phoenix (as Johnny Cash), four songs by Reese Witherspoon (as June Carter Cash), one song by Waylon Payne (as Jerry Lee Lewis), one song by Johnathan Rice (as Roy Orbison), two songs by Tyler Hilton (as Elvis Presley), and one song by Shooter Jennings (as Waylon Jennings). At the Golden Globe Awards Joaquin Phoenix was awarded the Best Actor - Musical or Comedy and Reese Witherspoon was awarded the Best Actress - Musical or Comedy, as well as the film won the Best Picture - Musical or Comedy. Joaquin Phoenix and Reese Witherspoon were also nominated for the Academy Award for Best Actor and Best Actress, which Witherspoon won." ]
[ "I Sang Dixie \"I Sang Dixie\" is a song written and recorded by American country music artist Dwight Yoakam. It was released in October 1988 as the second single from his album Buenas Noches from a Lonely Room. In 1989, \"I Sang Dixie\" went to number one on the US Country chart.[1]", "Maria von Trapp Maria von Trapp made a cameo appearance in the movie version of The Sound of Music (1965). For an instant, she, her daughter Rosmarie, and Werner's daughter Barbara can be seen walking past an archway during the song, \"I Have Confidence\", at the line, \"I must stop these doubts, all these worries / If I don't, I just know I'll turn back.\"[19] Maria von Trapp sang \"Edelweiss\" with Andrews on The Julie Andrews Hour in 1973. In 1991, a 40 episode anime series, titled Trapp Family Story aired in Japan, her character referred to by her maiden name (Maria Kutschera), voiced by Masako Katsuki. She was portrayed in the 2015 film The von Trapp Family: A Life of Music by Yvonne Catterfeld.", "I Walk the Line The song is very simple and like most Cash songs, the lyrics tell more of a story than the music conveys. (You've got a way to keep me on your side/You give me cause for love that I can't hide/For you I know I'd even try to turn the tide).", "Be Cool In an August 2015 interview with Deadline, director F. Gary Gray discussed the failure of the film, stating: \"With Be Cool, I made some assumptions in thinking that movie was going to work. I’d just made a successful PG-13 movie [The Italian Job], and when I walked into Be Cool, it was rated R and then at the last minute in preproduction I was told, 'Well, you have to make this PG-13.' I should have walked off the film. This was a movie about shylocks and gangsta rappers and if you can’t make that world edgy, you probably shouldn’t do it. I walked in thinking I was going to make one movie and then it changed. Maybe it was arrogant of me to think because I had success in this realm of PG-13 I could make that work\".[5]", "Walk the Line Walk the Line was released on November 18, 2005, in 2,961 theaters, grossing $22.3 million on its opening weekend. It went on to earn $119.5 million in North America and $66.9 million in the rest of the world for a total of $186.4 million, well above its $28 million budget, making it a box office success.[5] It was the all-time highest grossing music biopic until Straight Outta Compton surpassed it in 2015.", "Jarvis Cocker Cocker sang a duet, \"Ciao!\", with Miki Berenyi on British shoegazing band Lush's 1996 album Lovelife. In 1997, he collaborated with David Arnold on a cover of \"All Time High\" by Rita Coolidge, the theme from Octopussy. Furthermore, he gained co-writing credits for several songs (\"Walk Like a Panther\", \"1st Man in Space\", \"Drive Safely Darlin'\", \"Stars on Sunday\", and \"Happy Birthday Nicola\") on The All Seeing I's album Pickled Eggs & Sherbet, released in 1999. He contributed lead vocals to \"Drive Safely Darlin'\". He also performed live with The All Seeing I on Top of the Pops, singing \"Walk Like a Panther\" in place of Tony Christie, who sang on the recorded version.[23]", "Walk the Line Walk the Line is a 2005 American biographical drama film directed by James Mangold. The screenplay, written by Mangold and Gill Dennis, is based on two autobiographies authored by singer-songwriter Johnny Cash—Man in Black: His Own Story in His Own Words and Cash: The Autobiography. The film follows Cash's early life, his romance with June Carter, and his ascent to the country music scene. It stars Joaquin Phoenix as Cash, Reese Witherspoon as Carter, Ginnifer Goodwin as Vivian Liberto, and Robert Patrick as Cash's father.", "Walk This Way Aerosmith reference lyrics from the song in \"Legendary Child\". The line \"I took a chance at the high school dance never knowing wrong from right\" references lyrics from the songs \"Walk This Way\" and \"Adam's Apple\" respectively. Both songs first appeared on the album \"Toys in the Attic\".", "The Lambeth Walk The story line of Me and My Girl concerns a Cockney barrow boy who inherits an earldom but almost loses his Lambeth girlfriend. It was turned into a 1939 film The Lambeth Walk which starred Lane.", "I Walk the Line When performing this song on record, and in later live and television appearances, Cash would place a piece of paper under the strings of his guitar towards the tuning end. As he explained during a 1990s appearance on The Nashville Network, he did this in order to simulate the sound of a snare drum, an instrument to which he did not have access during the original Sun session.", "Since I Saw You Last Barlow cites that after the release of Twelve Months, Eleven Days, he stopped singing as he walked away from the limelight. He said, \"I never even sang in my own studio; I was telling myself [that] I don't need to be an artist anymore; I started as a songwriter.\" However, after the success of the Take That reunion, he felt that he had to face his demons and right the wrongs he felt took hold of his last full studio album. He said, \"The one thing I was dreading was that the last album would be on my shoulder the whole time I made this one, but it wasn't—it was flushed out really quickly. I’m not haunted by that time. My experience 14 years ago was completely different from now.[6] The last album I made was so laden with people telling me who I should sound like that I listen back now and think 'Who's that?', but Since I Saw You Last was easy to make; there's a lot of my life on this record.\"[7]", "Burt Reynolds In 1973, Reynolds released the country/easy listening album Ask Me What I Am. He also sang in two movie musicals: At Long Last Love (1975) and The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas (1982).[66]", "The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel \"Well, I have been promising news of the Flamel movie. Here's the press release. The movie was set up with New Line, but New Line were absorbed by Warner and the rights reverted to me. There has been tremendous interest in the series and eventually, it went to Lorenzo di Bonaventura, who is the man responsible for bringing Harry Potter to Warner when he was there. He genuinely loves this series. The next step now is to attach a writer – I will not write it, I have 3 more books to do!\" Michael Scott[29]", "The Man Who Fell to Earth I just threw my real self into that movie as I was at that time. It was the first thing I'd ever done. I was virtually ignorant of the established procedure [of making movies], so I was going a lot on instinct, and my instinct was pretty dissipated. I just learned the lines for that day and did them the way I was feeling. It wasn't that far off. I actually was feeling as alienated as that character was. It was a pretty natural performance. ... a good exhibition of somebody literally falling apart in front of you. I was totally insecure with about 10 grams [of cocaine] a day in me. I was stoned out of my mind from beginning to end.[15]", "The Man Who Walked Between the Towers The Man Who Walked Between The Towers follows the French street performer Philippe Petit in an illustrated children's book made by author Mordicai Gerstein. Philippe Petit had an idea to walk a wire between the twin towers and acted upon it with much planning and setting up. He had once walked a wire on the Notre Dame where he lived in Paris, France. Early on an August morning, since the towers were not quite finished, Philippe Petit and his friend dressed up as a construction worker and went up the south tower. They got a 440 lbs of cable into the elevator. Took it to the top 10 floors and waited until nightfall. Then they carried everything up 180 stairs into the roof. At midnight, two more friends came to help and tied a line through an arrow and shot it across to Philippe 140 feet away. It missed and landed on a ledge who crawled down the ledge of the tower to get the arrow. To the line he attached a stronger line, whom his friends pulled back and he tied it to a cable that was 5/8 of an inch thick. The cable was so heavy that it took them 3 hours to secure the line from across the two towers. By past dawn of August 7, 1974, they had tightened it between the towers. Philippe then put on his black shirt and tights and picked up his 28-foot balancing pole and started walking on the wire. He felt, \"Alone and absolutely free\", as author Mordecai Gerstein writes. The bystanders notice someone walking between the two towers and quickly notify the police. Officers rushed to the roof of the towers and yelled to Philippe, \"You're under arrest!\" For almost an hour Philippe walked, danced, and leaped back and forth between the wire. He even laid down to rest. When he felt completely satisfied, he walked towards the tower and held out his wrists towards the handcuffs. They brought Philippe to court and the judge sentenced him to perform in the park for the children of the city. This he did happily. Though during his performance some kids jerked his wire and Philippe fell but caught himself. Now the towers are gone but the memory remains of August 7, 1974 when a man walked between the towers.", "Grammatical tense The present and past are distinguished by verb form, using either ablaut (sing(s) ~ sang) or suffix (walk(s) ~ walked). For details, see English verbs.", "The Closer I Get to You I tried to reach out to Donny. That's how we managed to do the song we did last year. I felt this need because I didn't know what to do. I couldn't save him, I knew he was sick. But I knew when he sat down at that piano and sang for me it was like it was eight or nine years ago because he sang and played his ass off.[6]", "Walking in Memphis Soon after returning to New York City, Cohn began constructing the melody for his Memphis song on his guitar: \"I started playing an arpeggiated figure that I liked, but it didn't take long for me to realize that I couldn't play it very well on guitar. So I went to the piano, where that kind of rolling rhythm was easier for me to play. Then I added that first line to the piano riff and I was off to the races. The music for 'Walking in Memphis', except for the bridge, is really just the same thing over and over again. It's an attempt to keep things simple so that the narrative is what the listener focuses on. The story keeps changing; it goes from one scenario to another, all following the thread of my elation, described in the lyric 'Walking with my feet ten feet off of Beale'. What's being expressed is my love of music and the spiritual transformation I've always felt through it. The line: 'Tell me are you a Christian child, and I said 'Ma'am I am tonight' - even in the moment I wrote it down, I knew I was getting closer to finding my songwriting voice. To this day, people still ask me if I am a Christian. While I have to admit that I enjoy the confusion the lyric brings, the thing that makes that line work is the fact that I'm a Jew. So many great artists over the years needed to hide the fact that they were Jewish to protect themselves and their families from anti-Semitism, so I'm proud of the fact that I could come right out and practically announce my religion on the first song I ever released.\"[5] Cohn wrote numerous drafts before he had a set of lyrics which satisfied him: \"When I finished the song, I felt like I had completed a jigsaw puzzle. I wasn't sure if it was a hit, because I was still years away from being signed to Atlantic Records. Six months later [in 1986], after I wrote many of the songs that would later comprise my album 'Marc Cohn', I went back to the Hollywood Café to play them all for Muriel. After I finished, Muriel said to me: 'You know the one where you mention me at the end? That's the best one you got!'\"[5] (Muriel Davis Wilkins, born December 6, 1923, would die October 1, 1990, five months before the release of \"Walking in Memphis\".)", "Grown Ups (film) The film won at the 2011 MTV Movie Awards for the \"Best Line from a Movie\" category, which it won for the line \"I want to get chocolate wasted!\", delivered by Becky, played by Alexys Nycole Sanchez.[citation needed]", "Walk On By (song) In 1978, The Stranglers recorded a punk rock sounding version of \"Walk on By\" (with an extended organ solo) that hit No. 21 on the UK Singles Chart.[6] The video for the Stranglers' version was based on the 1966 movie \"Blowup\" and was filmed in the same location as the movie, Maryon Park in London.[7]", "I Love Paris \"I Love Paris\" is a popular song written by Cole Porter and published in 1953. The song was introduced by Lilo in the musical Can-Can. A line in the song's lyrics inspired the title of the 1964 movie \"Paris When It Sizzles.\"", "I Walk the Line (film) According to TV Guide, \"[t]he one reason to watch is the astonishing, unsung Weld, the modern Louise Brooks, who can suggest amorality, skewed innocence and ageless sensuality—she played nymphets through her thirties with infinite ease—that makes Bardot pale.\"[3]", "I Walk the Line (film) Alma seduces him, then persuades Tawes to provide protection for her father Carl McCain (Ralph Meeker), who makes moonshine whiskey with an illegal still. Tawes obliges her until a federal agent, Bascomb (Lonny Chapman), turns up. He obeys orders and destroys the still.", "I Feel Pretty The original stage version of the lyrics were altered in the making of the movie version of West Side Story due to a change in the scenes occurrence. Making 'I feel pretty and witty and bright/And I pity/Any girl who isn't me tonight' into 'I feel pretty, and witty and gay/And I pity/Any girl who isn’t me today'. In the movie this night scene was changed to the daytime, and presumably for this reason, the rhyming words \"bright\" and \"tonight\" were changed to \"gay\" and \"today.\"[2][3]", "Transmission line The telegrapher's equations (or just telegraph equations) are a pair of linear differential equations which describe the voltage (\n\n\n\nV\n\n\n{\\displaystyle V}\n\n) and current (\n\n\n\nI\n\n\n{\\displaystyle I}\n\n) on an electrical transmission line with distance and time. They were developed by Oliver Heaviside who created the transmission line model, and are based on Maxwell's Equations.", "My Guy When Wells recorded her vocal she sang over the song's outro with a huskiness evoking the line delivery of Mae West: Wells would recall: \"I was only joking but the producers said 'Keep it going, keep it going'.\"[1]", "Killer Within \"Killer Within\" was written by Sang Kyu Kim. Guy Ferland directed, his second such credit for The Walking Dead's third season.[1] Ferland previously directed episode 3, \"Walk with Me\".[2]", "Take Me Home, Country Roads They sang the song for Denver and as he recalled, \"I flipped.\" The three stayed up until 6:00 a.m., changing words and moving lines around. When they finished, John announced that the song had to go on his next album.[7]", "I Walked with a Zombie While I Walked with a Zombie was declared to be \"a dull, disgusting exaggeration of an unhealthy, abnormal concept of life\" by The New York Times in 1943,[5] critics later called it \"intelligent\" (William K. Everson),[6] \"exceptional\" (Leonard Maltin)[7] and \"the most elegant\" in Lewton's RKO horror series (Tom Milne).[8]", "History of the Poles in the United States \"...children who speak Polish on the streets of Vilna are punished and performances of any kind in the Polish language are forbidden. Polish is not allowed anywhere, and the police are still as strict as ever in trying to prevent its use. The first night I sang at Vilna I was wild to sing in Polish. I spoke to the manager about it and he implored me on his knees not to think of such a thing. But I was determined to do it if I could, so at the end of the performance, when the audience kept demanding encores, I prepared for it by singing a song in Russian. Then I sang one of Chopin's songs in Polish.", "Walk the Line The band begins touring as Johnny Cash and the Tennessee Two. On tour, Johnny meets June Carter, with whom he falls in love. Cash begins spending more time with June, who divorces her first husband, Carl Smith. After his attempt to woo June fails, Cash starts abusing drugs and alcohol. After his behavior reaches a bottom during a performance with June, they separate.", "The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas Once citizens are old enough to know the truth, most, though initially shocked and disgusted, ultimately acquiesce with that one injustice which secures the happiness of the rest of the city. However, a few citizens, young and old, silently walk away from the city, and no one knows where they go. The writing ends with \"The place they go towards is a place even less imaginable to most of us than the city of happiness. I cannot describe it at all. It is possible it does not exist. But they seem to know where they are going, the ones who walk away from Omelas.\"", "Walking in Memphis English electronic band Shut Up and Dance released \"Raving I'm Raving\" on May 18, 1992, based significantly on \"Walking in Memphis\". Several lyrics were altered including the line \"I'm walking in Memphis\" becoming \"I'm raving I'm raving\".", "Decapitation I consider it essential for you to know that Languille displayed an extraordinary sang-froid and even courage from the moment when he was told, that his last hour had come, until the moment when he walked firmly to the scaffold. It may well be, in fact, that the conditions for observation, and consequently the phenomena, differ greatly according to whether the condemned persons retain all their sang-froid and are fully in control of themselves, or whether they are in such state of physical and mental prostration that they have to be carried to the place of execution, and are already half-dead, and as though paralysed by the appalling anguish of the fatal instant.", "I Don't Want to Grow Up Bill was recording with Black Flag and he invited me up to do backing vocals for Loose Nut. He pulled me aside and he’s like \"Hey, I got these songs, but they’re not Black Flag songs, they're really more Descendents songs\", and I said \"Let me hear them.\" It was just an instrumental track and he sang over it and sang \"Silly Girl\" to me and I was like \"Wow!\" He said \"I can't do these in Black Flag.\" I said \"Well, maybe we should do them!\"[8]", "Olly Murs In the final on 12 December, he repeated his audition song, \"Superstition\", following which Cowell said putting him in the final 12 was \"the best risk I have ever taken in my life\". Murs then sang with British entertainer Robbie Williams on a duet of \"Angels\", in which Williams fluffed his lines as he walked on stage to join Murs and came in at the wrong time, singing the second line of the song, but was helped by Murs to find the right spot.[18] There was then a repeat performance of his week 2 song \"Fool in Love\". Murs qualified for the final two and first sang a repeat performance of \"Twist and Shout\", following which Walsh commented, \"You're a born, born showman and no matter what happens tonight you're going to have a great career in music.\" In his final performance on the show he performed the winner's song, \"The Climb\", finishing it in tears.[19] He was told by Cole, \"You absolutely tore it from your soul. I've never heard you sing like that. I thought it was a beautiful version of the song.\"[20] He lost the final to Joe McElderry the next day and finished as the runner-up.[21]", "Blurred Lines Someone who says \"I know you want it\" is probably overly cocky and presumptuous as hell by assuming you/she wants \"it,\" but nothing about \"I know you want it\" is saying \"I know you want it, and I'm going to force you to have it\" or \"I had sex with you and you didn't consent, but I know you wanted it.\" Yes, \"I know you want it\" could be said by a rapist—but so could \"Do you want to go to a movie tonight?\"[64]", "I've Got a Lovely Bunch of Coconuts The song appeared in I Could Go On Singing (1963), Judy Garland's last film. A portion of the song also appeared in Disney's 1994 The Lion King (sung by Rowan Atkinson). Nicolas Cage also sang part of this song in National Treasure: Book of Secrets. Ringo Starr sang an impromptu version of the song in Magical Mystery Tour, The Beatles' TV special broadcast by the BBC on 26 December 1967.[5] Also, actors Hayden Rorke and Bill Daily performed a few lines of the song on ukulele in the 1969 I Dream of Jeannie episode \"Uncles a Go-Go. In the first episode of the 1977 sitcom Mind Your Language it is mentioned that a professor went crazy and sang this song.[citation needed]", "I Don't Know How to Love Him • On 2 September 2006 episode of How Do You Solve a Problem like Maria? potential eliminees Helena Blackman and Leanne Dobinson sang a joint version of \"I Don't Know How to Love Him\" for Andrew Lloyd Webber, who elected to \"save\" Blackman.", "Walk the Line Cash discovers that most of his fan mail is from prisoners, who are impressed with his outlaw image. He proposes to Columbia Records that he will record an album live inside Folsom Prison. Despite Columbia's doubts, Cash says that he will perform, and his label can use the tapes if they wish. At the Folsom Prison concert, Cash says that he has been sympathetic to prisoners, explaining that his arrest for drug possession helped him to relate to them. With this success, Cash embarks on a tour with June and his band. On the bus, he stops to talk with June and proposes to her, but she turns him down. At the next concert, June says she will only speak with him on stage. Cash later performs \"Ring of Fire\" on stage. After the song, Cash invites June to a duet and stops in the middle, saying he cannot sing \"Jackson\" any more unless June agrees to marry him. June accepts and they share a passionate embrace on stage.", "Totally Spies! The Movie There was also an official soundtrack released in France. It includes the song \"Walk Like an Egyptian\" by The Bangles. The opening and closing for the movie is the song \"Gold Guns Girls\" by Canadian rock band Metric.[7]", "Only Daddy That'll Walk the Line \"Only Daddy That'll Walk the Line\" is a song written by Jimmy Bryant, and recorded by American country music singer and musician Waylon Jennings. It was released in July 1968 as the second single from Jennings' album Only the Greatest.[2]", "Movie 43 Wessler spent years recruiting actors for the film. Many turned down the project.\n\"Most agents would avoid me because they knew what I wanted to do—what agent wants to book their big client in a no pay, $800-a-day, two-day shoot?\" he said. \"The truth is, I had a lot of friends who were in this movie. And if they didn't say yes, this movie wouldn't have gotten made.\" In the end, most of the actors were willing to take part because the film only required a few days of their time and often allowed them to play a character outside of their wheelhouse.[11]", "I Dreamed a Dream As part of a compilation, and the title track to the Australian album, Lucy Maunder sang the song for ABC Classics I Dreamed a Dream: The Hit Songs of Broadway[17]", "I Wonder as I Wander A girl had stepped out to the edge of the little platform attached to the automobile. She began to sing. Her clothes were unbelievable dirty and ragged, and she, too, was unwashed. Her ash-blond hair hung down in long skeins.... But, best of all, she was beautiful, and in her untutored way, she could sing. She smiled as she sang, smiled rather sadly, and sang only a single line of a song.[2]", "Motel Shot In the liner notes, Delaney Bramlett dedicates the album to \"My mom who sang alto.\" Bonnie Bramlett wrote \"If this album can make one person feel half of what I felt on this session, then I am happy. It is to all of you with love.\"", "I Can Dream About You While recording a mimed TV performance of the song, Hartman explained why one music video featured actors: \"The producers and directors of Streets of Fire wanted the best of everything, so they hired the best singers, the best dancers and best actors to play the parts in the film. So the singers in \"I Can Dream About You\" who are the Sorels are actually actors, and I wrote and sang this song.\"[23]", "Hugh Jackman Wolverine was tough for Jackman to portray because he had few lines, but a lot of emotion to convey in them. To prepare, he watched Clint Eastwood in the Dirty Harry movies and Mel Gibson in Road Warrior. \"Here were guys who had relatively little dialogue, like Wolverine had, but you knew and felt everything. I'm not normally one to copy, but I wanted to see how these guys achieved it.\"[29] Jackman was adamant about doing his own stunts for the movie. \"We worked a lot on the movement style of Wolverine, and I studied some martial arts. I watched a lot of Mike Tyson fights, especially his early fights. There's something about his style, the animal rage, that seemed right for Wolverine. I kept saying to the writers, 'Don't give me long, choreographed fights for the sake of it. Don't make the fights pretty.\"[30] Jackman also had to get used to wearing Wolverine's claws. \"Every day in my living room, I'd just walk around with those claws, to get used to them. I've got scars on one leg, punctures straight through the cheek, on my forehead. I'm a bit clumsy. I'm lucky I didn't tell them that when I auditioned.\"[12]", "I Heard It Through the Grapevine By 1966, Barrett Strong, the singer on Motown Records' breakthrough hit, \"Money (That's What I Want)\", had the basics of a song he had started to write in Chicago, where the idea had come to him while walking down Michigan Avenue that people were always saying \"I heard it through the grapevine\".[2] The phrase is associated with black slaves during the Civil War, who had their form of telegraph: the human grapevine.[3][4] Producer Norman Whitfield worked with Strong on the song, adding lyrics to Strong's basic Ray Charles influenced gospel tune and the single chorus line of \"I heard it through the grapevine\".[5] This was to be the first of a number of successful collaborations between Strong and Whitfield.[6]", "If I Fell \"If I Fell\" was a part of the Beatles repertoire during their US and Canadian tour in 1964. The group typically performed the song faster than the studio version, and Lennon and McCartney often sang it with barely suppressed laughter. On more than one occasion it was introduced as \"If I Fell Over\".[6]", "Jim O'Connor O'Connor appeared in the movie Sweet Home Alabama as a reporter who holds a microphone out as Reese Witherspoon and Patrick Dempsey's characters walk past the crowd after the engagement scene. He also appeared in the comedy movie Undercover Brother as a cigarette executive, and Mystic Pizza.", "Hippocratic Oath I will respect the hard-won scientific gains of those physicians in whose steps I walk, and gladly share such knowledge as is mine with those who are to follow.", "Don't Go Away Mad (Just Go Away) Bassist Nikki Sixx told Rolling Stone: \"I saw that line in a movie somewhere, I can't even remember what movie. I thought, 'Great idea for a song.' A little tongue in cheek. A little sarcasm there.\" The movie referred to by Sixx could have been Heartbreak Ridge from 1986. Vocalist Vince Neil added: \"That's a great song. We've been playing it for years. I love to play guitar and sing that song. It's kind of a feel-good song. When that song comes on everybody wants to sing along with you.\" This song also contains lyrical references to 1984's \"Too Young to Fall in Love\". The phrase \"Don't go away mad, just go away\" is also used in the song \"Just Go Away\" on Blondie's 1978 album Parallel Lines.", "Shaq–Kobe feud After his retirement, O'Neal was hired by Turner Sports as an NBA analyst. When asked whether it would be difficult for him to criticize Bryant, he answered \"I have the ability and the backing to give fair criticism. The only time I have trouble with people giving criticism is when they haven't walked that walk. I've walked many walks in my 19-year career, so I think any criticism that I give should be fair.\"[140] During the 2011 NBA lockout, Bryant discussed his problems with O'Neal with a radio station in Italy, saying \"I like players who workout. I used to do that 6–7 hours per day. I cannot stand players who practice for 30 minutes.\"[141] O'Neal countered that he did not need to work out, and that \"My three Finals MVPs speaks for itself.\"[142]", "The Man Who Fell to Earth Bowie, who was using cocaine during the movie's production, was in a fragile state of mind when filming was underway, going so far as to state in 1983 that \"I'm so pleased I made that [film], but I didn't really know what was being made at all\".[14] He said of his performance:", "Walking After You \"Walking After You\" is a song by the Foo Fighters and appears on the band's 1997 album The Colour and the Shape. In 1998 a re-recorded version appeared on The X-Files: The Album, the soundtrack to the original X-Files movie, and was released as a single.", "I Walked with a Zombie Betsy Connell (Frances Dee), a Canadian nurse, relates in a voiceover how she once \"walked with a zombie.\"", "Snakes on a Plane Originally, the film, under the working title \"Snakes on a Plane\", was going to be directed by Hong Kong action director Ronny Yu.[5] Jackson, who had previously worked with Yu on The 51st State, learned about the announced project in the Hollywood trade newspapers and, after talking to Yu, agreed to sign on without reading the script based on the director, storyline, and the title.[7] Initially New Line did not believe that Jackson had actually signed on to the project and had to call his agent to clarify.[8] Jackson would later defend his choice of starring in the movie by stating \"it was the kind of movie I would have gone to see when I was a kid\"[8] further clarifying \" I feel sorry for all those people that are going through that whole trip of ‘Why would Samuel Jackson do something like this?’ and ‘It’s lowbrow.’ It’s a movie. People go to movies on Saturday to get away from the war in Iraq and taxes and election news and pedophiles online and just go and have some fun and I like doing movies that are fun.” [8]", "Walk the Line Wind-up Records released the soundtrack in November 2005. It featured nine songs performed by Joaquin Phoenix, four songs by Reese Witherspoon, two songs by Tyler Hilton, and one song each by Waylon Payne, Johnathan Rice, and Shooter Jennings. The album received a Grammy at the 49th Annual Grammy Awards for Best Compilation Soundtrack Album for Motion Pictures, Television or Other Visual Media.", "Walk the Line On February 28, 2006, a single-disc DVD and a two-disc collector edition DVD were released; these editions sold three million copies on their first day of release.[21] On March 25, 2008, a two-disc 'extended cut' DVD was released for region one. The feature on disc one is 17 minutes longer than the theatrical release, and disc two features eight extended musical sequences with introductions and documentaries about the making of the film. The film has been released on Blu-ray Disc in France, Sweden and the UK in the form of its extended cut. The American Blu-ray features the shorter theatrical cut.", "Walk the Line In 1968, as an audience of inmates at Folsom State Prison cheer for Johnny Cash's band, he waits backstage near a table saw, reminding him of his early life.", "Walk the Line Later, over Vivian's objections, Johnny persuades June to come out of semi-retirement, and tour with him. The tour is a success, but backstage, Vivian becomes critical of June's influence. After one performance in Las Vegas, Johnny and June sleep together. The next morning, she notices Johnny taking pills, and doubts her choices. At that evening's concert, Johnny, upset by June's apparent rejection, behaves erratically, and eventually passes out on stage. June disposes of Johnny's drugs, and begins to write \"Ring of Fire\", describing her feelings for him and her pain at watching him descend into addiction.", "Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me MacLachlan's reluctance was also caused by a decline of quality in the second season of the show. He said \"David and Mark [Frost] were only around for the first season... I think we all felt a little abandoned. So I was fairly resentful when the film, Fire Walk with Me, came around.\"[11] Although he agreed to be in the film, MacLachlan wanted a smaller role, forcing Lynch and co-writer Robert Engels to rewrite the screenplay so that Teresa Banks's murder was investigated by Agent Chester Desmond and not by Cooper as originally planned. MacLachlan ended up working only five days on the movie.", "Walking Walking for normal able bodied children is a lot different than walking for below-knee-amputees. Walking is less fluid and symmetrical for the children who are amputees. Research was conducted in order to find the best way to get the amputee children to develop a more symmetrical and fluid walking form like normal able bodied children. Because of the results of the study which showed that the normal bodied children can withstand a lot more external loading than the amputees, researchers are now looking into the manufacturing and design of the prosthetics that these amputees use. Potentially, they could come up a new idea or a model that can improve the walking capabilities of these amputee children.", "Lucas Till Early in his life, Till’s parents became aware of his ability to imitate voices and characters. Joy Pervis discovered Till while he was attending a local acting class that his mother had enrolled him in. When he was 10, he started doing commercials as well as appearing in print. At the age of 12, he was cast in The Adventures of Ociee Nash in which he played Harry Vanderbilt, the bully of the main character.[7] In 2004, Till played the role of Jay in the feature film Lightning Bug which filmed in Fairview, Alabama. His first major movie role was Jack Cash, the older brother of Johnny Cash, who died in a sawmill accident, in the biographical movie Walk the Line. After Walk the Line, Till was featured in a number of independent movies and films for Lifetime Television.[7] In 2008, Till auditioned for Hannah Montana: The Movie starring Miley Cyrus and he landed the role of Travis Brody. In an interview, Till said that prior to filming he had actually never ridden a horse before. Till further stated that he does not have any current plans for another Disney movie.[7] He worked alongside action film actor Jackie Chan in the movie The Spy Next Door, in which Till plays the role of a Russian spy.[7] He also starred in Taylor Swift's music video \"You Belong with Me\". He was in an episode of House, and on Leo Little's Big Show along with Emily Osment.[citation needed]", "Time in a Bottle \"The night before we were going to mix, I was watching a horror movie on TV, and something must have lodged in my brain because when I walked into the studio the next day, I saw this harpsichord sitting in a corner and got an idea. A jingle company had used it on a session and in walked a couple of guys from SIR [Studio Instruments Rental] to haul it away. I asked them to take a lunch break and told Bruce to put a couple of mics on it. He was whining that it was out of tune, but I asked him to let me try something. I added two tracks of harpsichord, told the movers they could remove it, walked into Jerry's office and asked if I could borrow the electric bass that was sitting on his couch, played that on just the second verse and the outro, and that was that! Radio compression worked in our favor on that record. It made the harpsichord blend with the two guitars in an unusual way. But we thought this record would only be an album cut.\"[4]", "The Walking Dead (season 4) In an interview with showrunner Scott Gimple, he shares: \"The ultimate inspiration for The Walking Dead is the comic book. Sometimes, we can go far away from the comic book story, but often we ultimately serve the comic book story. And even when we go far away from it, we're inspired by it - and the novels as well. And then beyond that, all of the great stuff that we have consumed along the way, from zombie movies to Star Wars to other comics to really highbrow movies like The Grand Illusion to Jaws. And also really, world history. The plague storyline was inspired by both Camus' The Plague and other stories about the plague I heard in Edinburgh. But really, it starts with the comic book.\"[10]", "Walking the Streets in the Rain The song is a ballad, with Moore singing about walking away from his former lover after she has ended their relationship. As he recounts his emotions at the event, he makes the comment that \"nobody knows I am crying/'Cause I'm walking the streets in the rain\".", "How Far I'll Go Vajèn van den Bosch (nl) (Dutch), Laura Tesoro (Flemish) and Cerise Calixte (French) sang the song both for the end credits and the movie.", "Hey Paula (song) Boon (Peter Riegert) and Katy (Karen Allen) sang it to each other while high in the movie, National Lampoon's Animal House from 1978.", "If I Only Had a Brain Roger Daltrey sang a rock and roll tempo in the 1995 television special when he performed as the Tin Man while Jewel who performed as Dorothy sang the verse \"Wherefore art thou Romeo?\" in order for it to have a girl's voice in the background.", "Suite: Judy Blue Eyes \"[Stephen] came to where I was singing one night on the West Coast and brought his guitar to the hotel and he sang me \"Suite: Judy Blue Eyes,\" the whole song. And of course it has lines in it that referred to my therapy. And so he wove that all together in this magnificent creation. So the legacy of our relationship is certainly in that song.\"", "Line dance There are now many websites that illustrate the dance steps and provide step sheets for the dancers. Many dance clubs exist in every continent. A very good directory for line dance locations is VineRight.com It appears there is a new movie coming on this subject located at LineDance the Movie", "The Man Who Walked Between the Towers The Man Who Walked Between the Towers is a children's picture book written and illustrated by American Mordicai Gerstein. Published in 2003, the book recounts the heart-stopping achievement of Philippe Petit, a French man who, on an August morning in 1974, walked, lay, knelt and danced on a tightrope wire between the roofs of the twin towers of the World Trade Center, a quarter mile above the ground. Gerstein won the 2004 Caldecott Medal for his illustrations.[1] The book has been adapted to film and ballet.", "Walking Down Canal Street Walking along canal street\nKnockin' on every door\nGoddamn son of a bitch\nI couldnae find a whore", "I Am Australian Spectators seated in the public gallery of the Australian House of Representatives erupted into applause and sang part of \"I am Australian\" when Parliament voted on and legalised same sex marriage on the 7th December 2017.[5]", "Walk On By (Leroy Van Dyke song) The 19-week run of \"Walk On By\" is a record that stood for 51 years until \"Cruise\" by Florida Georgia Line reached its 19th week at No. 1 on July 20, 2013; the following week, \"Cruise\" surpassed the standard when it recorded its 20th week at No. 1. Until Florida Georgia Line surpassed it in total weeks at No. 1, \"Walk On By\" held the record for most weeks at No. 1 since the introduction of the all-encompassing Hot Country Songs (then called Hot C&W Sides) chart in October 1958; the all-time record for most weeks at No. 1 (21 weeks) is held jointly by three songs: \"I'll Hold You In My Heart (Till I Can Hold You In My Arms)\" by Eddy Arnold (1947); \"I'm Movin' On\" by Hank Snow (1950); and \"In the Jailhouse Now\" by Webb Pierce (1955).", "I Walked with a Zombie That night at dinner, Betsy meets Paul's half-brother and employee, Wesley Rand (James Ellison), who clearly resents Paul. While getting ready for bed, Betsy hears crying. When she investigates, a woman in a white robe walks towards her, her eyes staring. Betsy screams, waking the rest of the household. Paul takes charge of Jessica Holland, the woman Betsy is to care for. The next morning, Dr. Maxwell tells Betsy that Jessica's spinal cord was irreparably damaged by a serious illness, leaving her totally without the willpower to do anything for herself.", "Long Walk to Freedom A follow-up memoir was published in 2017, compiled by Mandla Langa from Mandela's handwritten notes and unfinished draft, together with archive material and with a prologue by Graça Machel: entitled Dare Not Linger: The Presidential Years, this volume took its title from the closing sentence of Long Walk to Freedom: \"But I can only rest for a moment, for with freedom comes responsibilities, and I dare not linger, for my long walk is not ended.\"[9][10][11][12][13]", "Beyond the Sea (song) Kevin Spacey sang the song in the movie Beyond the Sea, a biopic about Bobby Darin, in a \"fantasy\" sequence leading up to his marriage to Sandra Dee.", "Assassination of Abraham Lincoln About 10:25 P.M., a man came in and walked slowly along the side on which the \"Pres\" box was and I heard a man say, \"There's Booth\" and I turned my head to look at him. He was still walking very slow and was near the box door when he stopped, took a card from his pocket, wrote something on it, and gave it to the usher who took it to the box. In a minute the door was opened and he walked in.", "If I Had $1000000 The line \"but not a real green dress that's cruel\" was originally written as \"with a tastefully rounded neck\". Page incorrectly sang the former lyric in the studio, which Robertson found so funny that the rest of the band decided to leave it in the finished song.[citation needed]", "Draggin' the Line In 2000, Tommy James and the Shondells reprised twelve of their most famous songs at the well known Greenwich Village nightclub, The Bitter End. Although technically a solo hit for Tommy James, the band performed \"Draggin' the Line\". Other hits featured included \"Crimson & Clover\", \"I Think We're Alone Now\", \"Hanky Panky\", \"Mony Mony\", and \"Crystal Blue Persuasion\". The live set was filmed and made into the 2000 movie, Tommy James & the Shondells: Live! At the Bitter End.[19]", "B movie In the 1940s, RKO stood out among the industry's Big Five for its focus on B pictures.[41] From a latter-day perspective, the most famous of the major studios' Golden Age B units is Val Lewton's horror unit at RKO. Lewton produced such moody, mysterious films as Cat People (1942), I Walked with a Zombie (1943), and The Body Snatcher (1945), directed by Jacques Tourneur, Robert Wise, and others who would become renowned only later in their careers or entirely in retrospect.[42] The movie now widely described as the first classic film noir—Stranger on the Third Floor (1940), a 64-minute B—was produced at RKO, which would release many additional melodramatic thrillers in a similarly stylish vein.[43] The other major studios also turned out a considerable number of movies now identified as noir during the 1940s. Though many of the best-known film noirs were A-level productions, most 1940s pictures in the mode were either of the ambiguous programmer type or destined straight for the bottom of the bill. In the decades since, these cheap entertainments, generally dismissed at the time, have become some of the most treasured products of Hollywood's Golden Age.[44]", "Nam Sang-mi Nam Sang-mi (born May 3, 1984) is a South Korean actress.", "List of Lab Rats episodes Donald and the Lab Rats attend a fan convention about the movie, Alien Gladiators. The Lab Rats queue up to meet Andre Ethier, but Caitlin comes and makes them let her cut in line in front of them, getting the lost spot and meeting Andre Ethier. They fight with Caitlin and are thrown in a security holding area with a fanboy. Meanwhile, Leo and Donald are taking part in the Fire Staff Competition to get the walk-in role in the next Alien Gladiators movie.", "Mister Ed The voice actor for Ed's spoken lines was Allan \"Rocky\" Lane, a former B-movie cowboy star. Sheldon Allman provided Ed's singing voice in episodes; his solo line (\"I am Mister Ed\") at the close of the show's theme song was provided by its composer, Jay Livingston. Allan Lane was alluded to by the producers only as \"an actor who prefers to remain nameless.\" After the show became a hit, Lane campaigned the producers for credit but never received it.", "Hey Hey, My My (Into the Black) Def Leppard begins their song \"Rock of Ages\" with the lines \"I got something to say / It's better to burn out than fade away\"; the same lines were used in the movie Highlander by The Kurgan and used in the Queen song \"Gimme The Prize (Kurgan's Theme)\" on their A Kind Of Magic album.", "Ronald Ryan Opas in defending Ryan put a lot of pressure on a warder who made conflicting statements, Paterson had made several mutually contradictory statements to police about what he saw, heard and did on that day. In his first statement given to Detective Sergeant Carton on 19 December 1965 Paterson said; \"I did not hear a shot fired other than the one I fired.\" In a second statement given to Senior Detective Morrison on 12 January 1966 Paterson said; \"Just as I turned into the entrance to the garden I heard a shot.\" In a third statement on 3 February 1966 Paterson said; \"I ran back inside and asked for a gun, I went to the main gate and I received a gun and ran back outside, as I was running on to the lawn I heard the crack of a shot.\" Paterson changed his story, too, about who was in the line of fire when he aimed his rifle. In his first statement Paterson said; \"I sighted my rifle at Ryan and was about to fire when a woman walked into the line of fire and I lifted my rifle.\" In his second statement Paterson said; \"I took aim at Ryan but two prison officers were in the line of fire so I dropped my rifle again.\" In his third statement Paterson said; \"I took aim at Ryan and I found out I had to fire between two prison officers to get Ryan, so I lowered my gun again.\" [1][10]", "The Lincoln Lawyer (film) The movie comes out March 18. A couple days ago I saw an unfinished cut of it and could not be happier. I thought it was very loyal to the story and the character of Mickey Haller. Matthew McConaughey nails him. Those who loved the book will love the movie, I think. Those who don't know the book will love it just the same. The casting and acting is really superb. Like I said, I could not be happier. I'm very excited and can't wait to see what fans of the book think.", "Canada's Walk of Fame The first group of members was inducted in 1998, and to date 168 Canadians have been inducted into Canada's Walk of Fame. These Inductees include athletes; coaches; actors, directors, writers and producers of movies, television and stage; singers, songwriters and musicians; playwrights; authors; comedians; cartoonists and models.", "Walk the Moon In July 2015, Cincinnati-originated Walk the Moon performed \"Shut Up and Dance\" in front of a hometown crowd at Great American Ballpark, prior to the start of the Home Run Derby.[34][35] On July 24, 2015, they joined Taylor Swift on stage at Gillette Stadium in Foxborough, Massachusetts, during her 1989 tour to perform \"Shut Up and Dance\".[36] On November 16, 2015, the group sang the national anthem preceding a Monday Night Football game between the Cincinnati Bengals and the Houston Texans, which was played at Paul Brown Stadium in Cincinnati.", "Where Are You, Christmas? \"Christmas, Why Can't I Find You?\" is a song co-written by James Horner and Will Jennings for the movie How the Grinch Stole Christmas in 2000.[1] In the movie, it is first sung by Taylor Momsen, who played Cindy Lou Who.", "If I Ruled the World Andy Hallett, the actor best known for playing the part of Lorne ('The Host') in the television series Angel, sang the song in that series' final episode. The politician-spoofing BBC panel show If I Ruled the World was named after the song.", "The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie Baywatch and Knight Rider star David Hasselhoff accepted the role when his daughters, Taylor-Ann and Hayley, urged him:[44] \"I got an offer to do a cameo in the SpongeBob Movie and I turned to my girls, who were like 16 and 14, and I said, 'Who's SpongeBob?' and they said, 'Oh my God, Dad, it's the number one cartoon in the world, you gotta do it.'\"[44] Hasselhoff enjoyed his cameo: \"It was great fun and to this day around the world kids stop me and say, 'Are you David Hasselhoff?' because I was the only human in the picture.\"[44] Hasselhoff said that the film gained him new fans: \"It's amazing - so many of the kids were so young and didn't see Baywatch and Knight Rider so I got a whole new legion of fans.\"[44]", "The Lambeth Walk The choreography from the musical, in which the song was a show-stopping Cockney-inspired extravaganza, inspired a \npopular walking dance, performed in a jaunty strutting style. Lane explained the origin of the dance as follows: \"I got the idea from my personal experience and from having worked among cockneys. I'm a cockney born and bred myself. The Lambeth Walk is just an exaggerated idea of how the cockney struts.\" [2]", "The Care Bears Movie Mentioning The Care Bears Movie as \"the most recent example\", Charles Solomon brought up the subject of feature-length toy adaptations in an April 1985 interview on Los Angeles' KUSC-FM.[214]:130 He spoke to Warner Bros. animator Chuck Jones, who replied: \"I feel that it's proper—after all, that's the way Alice in Wonderland was written: the dolls were all made first, then they made the picture about the dolls, right?\"[214]:131 In July 1985 Sarah Stiansen of United Press International (UPI) called The Care Bears Movie \"another licensing innovation for TCFC\", following the department's previous endeavours.[215] UPI's Vernon Scott (in 1985),[78] and Bruce A. Austin (in his 1989 book Immediate Seating),[216] observed how the merchandising arrived in advance of the film's release. In forthcoming years, several media adaptations based on established toy lines would follow a similar marketing tactic.[85][217][218] Examples included films based on Hasbro's Transformers (in 1986 and 2007) and My Little Pony;[217][219] features with Tonka's Gobots (Battle of the Rock Lords) and Pound Puppies (Legend of Big Paw);[220][221] and a television series and feature with Hallmark's Rainbow Brite.[218][222] The Care Bears Movie was parodied in \"At the Movies\", a 1991 episode of Nickelodeon and Klasky Csupo's animated series Rugrats. In that episode, the Pickles family goes to see The Land Without Smiles, starring the Dummi Bears (who are patterned after the Care Bears).[223]", "Here I Go Again And here I go again on my own\nGoin' down the only road I've ever known\nLike a hobo I was born to walk alone", "Movie 43 John Hodgman, who plays opposite Justin Long in one sketch, signed on with no knowledge of the project. Long, Hodgman's co-star in the long-running series of Apple's commercials, asked him what the project was, and he then signed on, without still knowing too much. Hodgman said, \"I got an e-mail from Justin that said, 'I'm going to be dressing up as Robin again. Do you want to dress up as the Penguin?' And I said yes. Without even realizing cameras would be involved, or that it would be a movie.\"[11]" ]
where did aeneas go when he left carthage
[ "Aeneas After the sojourn in Carthage, the Trojans returned to Sicily where Aeneas organized funeral games to honor his father, who had died a year before. The company traveled on and landed on the western coast of Italy. Aeneas descended into the underworld where he met Dido (who turned away from him to return to her husband) and his father, who showed him the future of his descendants and thus the history of Rome." ]
[ "Aeneas After a brief but fierce storm sent up against the group at Juno's request, Aeneas and his fleet made landfall at Carthage after six years of wanderings. Aeneas had a year-long affair with the Carthaginian queen Dido (also known as Elissa), who proposed that the Trojans settle in her land and that she and Aeneas reign jointly over their peoples. A marriage of sorts was arranged between Dido and Aeneas at the instigation of Juno, who was told that her favorite city would eventually be defeated by the Trojans' descendants. Aeneas's mother Venus (the Roman adaptation of Aphrodite) realized that her son and his company needed a temporary respite to reinforce themselves for the journey to come. However, the messenger god Mercury was sent by Jupiter and Venus to remind Aeneas of his journey and his purpose, compelling him to leave secretly. When Dido learned of this, she uttered a curse that would forever pit Carthage against Rome, an enmity that would culminate in the Punic Wars. She then committed suicide by stabbing herself with the same sword she gave Aeneas when they first met.", "Aeneas In imitation of the Iliad, Virgil borrows epithets of Homer, including; Anchisiades, magnanimum, magnus, heros, and bonus. Though he borrows many, Virgil gives Aeneas two epithets of his own in the Aeneid: pater and pius. The epithets applied by Virgil are an example of an attitude different from that of Homer, for whilst Odysseus is poikilios (\"wily\"), Aeneas is described as pius (\"pious\"), which conveys a strong moral tone. The purpose of these epithets seem to enforce the notion of Aeneas' divine hand as father and founder of the Roman race, and their use seem circumstantial: when Aeneas is praying he refers to himself as pius, and is referred to as such by the author only when the character is acting on behalf of the gods to fulfill his divine mission. Likewise, Aeneas is called pater when acting in the interest of his men.[7]", "History of Carthage The Roman poet Virgil (70–19 BC) presents Dido as a tragic heroine in his epic poem the Aeneid, whose hero Aeneas travels from Troy, to Carthage, to Rome.[35] The work contains inventive scenes, loosely based on the legendary history of Carthage, e.g., referring to the then well-known story how the Phoenician Queen cunningly acquired the citadel of the Byrsa.[36][37][38] In Virgil's epic, the god Jupiter requires the hero Aeneas to leave his beloved Dido, who then commits suicide and burns in a funeral pyre.[39] This episode employs not only the history or legends narrated by Trogus (mentioned above), but perhaps also subsequent mythical and cult-based elements, as Dido would become assimilated to the Punic or Berber goddess Tanit. Each autumn a pyre was built outside the old city of Carthage; into it the goddess was thought to throw herself in self-immolation for the sake of the dead vegetation god Adonis–Eshmun.[40][41]", "Aeneas In Greco-Roman mythology, Aeneas (/ɪˈniːəs/;[1] Greek: Αἰνείας, Aineías, possibly derived from Greek αἰνή meaning \"praised\") was a Trojan hero, the son of the prince Anchises and the goddess Aphrodite (Venus). His father was a first cousin of King Priam of Troy (both being grandsons of Ilus, founder of Troy), making Aeneas a second cousin to Priam's children (such as Hector and Paris). He is a character in Greek mythology and is mentioned in Homer's Iliad. Aeneas receives full treatment in Roman mythology, most extensively in Virgil's Aeneid, where he is an ancestor of Romulus and Remus. He became the first true hero of Rome. Snorri Sturluson identifies him with the Norse Æsir Vidarr[2].", "History of Carthage Carthage initiated peace negotiations, which dragged for a year but ultimately faltered. Dionysius had consolidated his gains during the lull, and attacked Punic Sicily. He was decisively defeated in the battle of Cronium in 376 BC by Himilco, the son of Mago. Carthage did not follow up the victory but settled for an indemnity payment of 1000 talents and restoration of Carthaginian holdings in Sicily.[109] Nothing is known of how or when Carthage subdued the African and Sardinian rebellion.", "Dido and Aeneas The opera opens with Dido in her court with her attendants. Belinda is trying to cheer up Dido, but Dido is full of sorrow, saying 'Peace and I are strangers grown'. Belinda believes the source of this grief to be the Trojan Aeneas, and suggests that Carthage's troubles could be resolved by a marriage between the two. Dido and Belinda talk for a time—Dido fears that her love will make her a weak monarch, but Belinda and the Second Woman reassure her that \"The hero loves as well.\" Aeneas enters the court, and is at first received coldly by Dido, but she eventually accepts his proposal of marriage.", "Aeneas The rest of Aeneas's biography is gleaned from other ancient sources, including Livy and Ovid's Metamorphoses. According to Livy, Aeneas was victorious but Latinus died in the war. Aeneas founded the city of Lavinium, named after his wife. He later welcomed Dido's sister, Anna Perenna, who then committed suicide after learning of Lavinia's jealousy. After Aeneas's death, Venus asked Jupiter to make her son immortal. Jupiter agreed. The river god Numicus cleansed Aeneas of all his mortal parts and Venus anointed him with ambrosia and nectar, making him a god. Aeneas was recognized as the god Jupiter Indiges.[15]", "Aeneas The Aeneid explains that Aeneas is one of the few Trojans who were not killed or enslaved when Troy fell. Aeneas, after being commanded by the gods to flee, gathered a group, collectively known as the Aeneads, who then traveled to Italy and became progenitors of Romans. The Aeneads included Aeneas's trumpeter Misenus, his father Anchises, his friends Achates, Sergestus, and Acmon, the healer Iapyx, the helmsman Palinurus, and his son Ascanius (also known as Iulus, Julus, or Ascanius Julius). He carried with him the Lares and Penates, the statues of the household gods of Troy, and transplanted them to Italy.", "Ancient Rome The Roman poet Virgil recounted this legend in his classical epic poem the Aeneid, where the Trojan prince Aeneas is destined by the gods to found a new Troy. In the epic, the women also refuse to go back to the sea, but they were not left on the Tiber. After reaching Italy, Aeneas, who wanted to marry Lavinia, was forced to wage war with her former suitor, Turnus. According to the poem, the Alban kings were descended from Aeneas, and thus Romulus, the founder of Rome, was his descendant.", "Carthage In the end, however, most Punic writings that survived the destruction of Carthage \"did not escape the immense wreckage in which so many of Antiquity's literary works perished.\"[155] Accordingly, the long and continuous interactions between Punic citizens of Carthage and the Berber communities that surrounded the city have no local historian. Their political arrangements and periodic crises, their economic and work life, the cultural ties and social relations established and nourished (infrequently as kin), are not known to us directly from ancient Punic authors in written accounts. Neither side has left us their stories about life in Punic-era Carthage.[156]", "Aeneid Finally, when Aeneas arrives in Latium, conflict inevitably arises.[39] Juno sends Alecto, one of the Furies, to cause Turnus to go against Aeneas. In the ensuing battles, Turnus kills Pallas, who is supposed to be under Aeneas's protection. This act of violence causes Aeneas to be consumed with fury. Although Turnus asks for mercy in their final encounter, when Aeneas sees that Turnus has taken Pallas' sword belt, Aeneas proclaims:", "Aeneas Aeneas had an extensive family tree. His wet-nurse was Caieta,[23] and he is the father of Ascanius with Creusa, and of Silvius with Lavinia. Ascanius, also known as Iulus (or Julius),[24] founded Alba Longa and was the first in a long series of kings. According to the mythology outlined by Virgil in the Aeneid, Romulus and Remus were both descendants of Aeneas through their mother Rhea Silvia, making Aeneas the progenitor of the Roman people.[25] Some early sources call him their father or grandfather,[26] but considering the commonly accepted dates of the fall of Troy (1184 BC) and the founding of Rome (753 BC), this seems unlikely. The Julian family of Rome, most notably Julius Cæsar and Augustus, traced their lineage to Ascanius and Aeneas,[27] thus to the goddess Venus. Through the Julians, the Palemonids make this claim. The legendary kings of Britain – including King Arthur – trace their family through a grandson of Aeneas, Brutus.[28]", "Aeneas Despite its many dramatic elements, Aeneas's story has generated little interest from the film industry. Portrayed by Steve Reeves, he was the main character in the 1961 sword and sandal film Guerra di Troia (The Trojan War). Reeves reprised the role the following year in the film The Avenger, about Aeneas's arrival in Latium and his conflicts with local tribes as he tries to settle his fellow Trojan refugees there.", "Aeneas Latinus, king of the Latins, welcomed Aeneas's army of exiled Trojans and let them reorganize their lives in Latium. His daughter Lavinia had been promised to Turnus, king of the Rutuli, but Latinus received a prophecy that Lavinia would be betrothed to one from another land — namely, Aeneas. Latinus heeded the prophecy, and Turnus consequently declared war on Aeneas at the urging of Juno, who was aligned with King Mezentius of the Etruscans and Queen Amata of the Latins. Aeneas's forces prevailed. Turnus was killed, and Virgil's account ends abruptly.", "Aeneas in the action game Warriors: Legends of Troy, Aeneas is a playable character. The game ends with him and the Aeneans fleeing Troy's destruction and, spurned by the words of a prophetess thought crazed, goes to a new country (Italy) where he will start an empire greater than Greece and Troy combined that shall rule the world for 1000 years, never to be outdone in the tale of men (The Roman Empire).", "Where Did I Go Wrong \"Where Did I Go Wrong\" is a song written and recorded by American country music artist Steve Wariner. It was released in January 1989 as the first single from the album I Got Dreams. It was Wariner's eighth number-one country single, spending one week at the top of the chart during a fourteen-week chart run.[1]", "Carthage Starting in the 19th century,[69] various texts claim that the Roman general Scipio Aemilianus Africanus plowed over and sowed the city of Carthage with salt after defeating it in the Third Punic War (146 BC), sacking it, and forcing the survivors into slavery. However, no ancient sources exist documenting the salting itself. The Carthage story is a later invention, probably modeled on the story of Shechem.[70] The ritual of symbolically drawing a plow over the site of a city is, however, mentioned in ancient sources, though not in reference to Carthage specifically.[71] When Pope Boniface VIII destroyed Palestrina in 1299, he issued a papal bull that it be plowed \"following the old example of Carthage in Africa\", and also salted.[72] \"I have run the plough over it, like the ancient Carthage of Africa, and I have had salt sown upon it....\"[73]", "Where Did Our Love Go Written and produced by Motown's main production team Holland–Dozier–Holland, \"Where Did Our Love Go\" was the first single by the Supremes to go to the number-one position[1] on the Billboard Hot 100 pop singles chart in the United States, a position it held for two weeks, from August 16 to August 29, 1964.[2][3] It was also the first of five Supremes songs in a row to reach number one (the others being \"Baby Love\", \"Come See About Me\", \"Stop! In the Name of Love\", and \"Back in My Arms Again\"). The song also reached number one on the Cash Box R&B singles chart.[4]", "Aeneas The Roman mythographer Gaius Julius Hyginus (c. 64 BCE – CE 17) in his Fabulae[13] credits Aeneas with killing 28 enemies in the Trojan War. Aeneas also appears in the Trojan narratives attributed to Dares Phrygius and Dictys of Crete", "Aeneas Aeneas and Dido are the main characters of a 17th-century broadside ballad called \"The Wandering Prince of Troy.\" The ballad ultimately alters Aeneas's fate from traveling on years after Dido's death to joining her as a spirit soon after her suicide.[32]", "History of Carthage Carthage also became a centre of early Christianity. Tertullian rhetorically addressed the Roman governor with the fact that the Christians of Carthage that just yesterday were few in number, now \"have filled every place among you —cities, islands, fortresses, towns, market-places, the very camp, tribes, companies, palaces, senate, forum; we have left nothing to you but the temples of your gods.\" (Apologeticus written at Carthage, c. 197).", "History of Carthage The nature of the conflict between Carthage and the Greeks was more due to economic factors rather than ideological and cultural differences. The Greeks did not wage a crusade to save the world from Imperium Barbaricum but to extend their own area of influence, neither was Carthage interested in wiping out Greek ideals. It was the vulnerability of the Carthaginian economy to Greek commercial competition that caused Carthage to take on the Greeks during the early years of her empire.", "Second Punic War The end of the war did not meet with a universal welcome in Rome. When the Senate decided upon a peace treaty with Carthage, Quintus Caecilius Metellus, a former consul, said he did not look upon the termination of the war as a blessing to Rome, since he feared that the Roman people would now sink back again into its former slumbers, from which it had been roused by the presence of Hannibal.[62] Others, most notably Cato the Elder, feared that if Carthage was not completely destroyed it would soon regain its power and pose new threats to Rome; he pressed for harsher peace conditions. Even after the peace, Cato insisted on the destruction of Carthage, ending all his speeches with \"Carthage must be destroyed\", even if they had nothing to do with Carthage.[63]", "Where Did Our Love Go According to Brian Holland, \"Where Did Our Love Go\" was written with The Supremes in mind.[8] Though Supremes member Mary Wilson would later write that the song had been originally given to The Marvelettes, Holland would deny this claim, as would the Marvelettes themselves. Marvelettes member Katherine Anderson-Schnaffer later said that the song didn't quite fit her group's repertoire, as the song was produced under a slower beat and their music was more uptempo.[8] When the Supremes were eventually given the song, the group members weren't pleased with the record, with member Florence Ballard later stating that they had wanted a stronger single similar to the Marvelettes' \"Please Mr. Postman\".[9][10] Although the group felt the song didn't have the hook to make it successful, they decided that they really didn't have a choice and prepared to record the song.[11]", "Carthage The suburb has six train stations of the TGM line between Le Kram and Sidi Bou Said: Carthage Salammbo (named for Salambo, the fictional daughter of Hamilcar), Carthage Byrsa (named for Byrsa hill), Carthage Dermech (Dermèche), Carthage Hannibal (named for Hannibal), Carthage Présidence (named for the Presidential Palace) and Carthage Amilcar (named for Hamilcar).", "Aeneid During these events (in which only men participate), Juno incites the womenfolk to burn the fleet and prevent the Trojans from ever reaching Italy, but her plan is thwarted when Ascanius and Aeneas intervene. Aeneas prays to Jupiter to quench the fires, which the god does with a torrential rainstorm. An anxious Aeneas is comforted by a vision of his father, who tells him to go to the underworld to receive a vision of his and Rome's future. In return for safe passage to Italy, the gods, by order of Jupiter, will receive one of Aeneas's men as a sacrifice: Palinurus, who steers Aeneas's ship by night, falls overboard.", "Parallels between Virgil's Aeneid and Homer's Iliad and Odyssey Book VI of the Aeneid reveals a prophecy for Aeneas by the Sibyl of Cumae stating that a Latin-born Achilles, who is also the son of a goddess (Aeneid, Book VI, lines 89–90),[1] exists. There are many scholarly debates on who this Latin-born Achilles is, whether he is Aeneas, Turnus, or some other character, and if so, is the opponent symbolic of another character from the Iliad?[citation needed] If comparing Aeneas to Achilles and Turnus to Hector, several parallels can be drawn. One example is when Aeneas is absent from the battlefield, Turnus lays waste to the Trojan army, just as Hector did to the Greek army in the absence of Achilles. Just as Hector kills Patroclus, Turnus slaughters Pallas, and to avenge the deaths of their friends, both Achilles and Aeneas slay their opponents.[4]", "Aeneas Aeneas appears in David Gemmell's Troy series as a main heroic character who goes by the name Helikaon.", "Carthage When Carthage fell, its nearby rival Utica, a Roman ally, was made capital of the region and replaced Carthage as the leading center of Punic trade and leadership. It had the advantageous position of being situated on the outlet of the Medjerda River, Tunisia's only river that flowed all year long. However, grain cultivation in the Tunisian mountains caused large amounts of silt to erode into the river. This silt accumulated in the harbor until it became useless, and Rome was forced to rebuild Carthage.", "Aeneas In the role-playing game Vampire: The Requiem by White Wolf Game Studios, Aeneas figures as one of the mythical founders of the Ventrue Clan.", "Carthage In Carthage the people seemed politically satisfied and submissive, according to the historian Warmington. They in their assemblies only rarely exercised the few opportunities given them to assent to state decisions. Popular influence over government appears not to have been an issue at Carthage. Being a commercial republic fielding a mercenary army, the people were not conscripted for military service, an experience which can foster the feel for popular political action. But perhaps this misunderstands the society; perhaps the people, whose values were based on small-group loyalty, felt themselves sufficiently connected to their city's leadership by the very integrity of the person-to-person linkage within their social fabric. Carthage was very stable; there were few openings for tyrants. Only after defeat by Rome devastated Punic imperial ambitions did the people of Carthage seem to question their governance and to show interest in political reform.[121]", "Aeneas Scenes depicting Aeneas, especially from the Aeneid, have been the focus of study for centuries. They have been the frequent subject of art and literature since their debut in the 1st century.", "Aeneid He tells of how, rallying the other survivors, he built a fleet of ships and made landfall at various locations in the Mediterranean: Thrace, where they find the last remains of a fellow Trojan, Polydorus; the Strophades, where they encounter the Harpy Celaeno, who tells them to leave her island and to look for Italy; Crete, which they believe to be the land where they are to build their city, which they name Pergamea (but they are set straight by Apollo); and Buthrotum. This last city had been built in an attempt to replicate Troy. In Buthrotum, Aeneas meets Andromache, the widow of Hector. She is still lamenting the loss of her valiant husband and beloved child. There, too, Aeneas sees and meets Helenus, one of Priam's sons, who has the gift of prophecy. Through him, Aeneas learns the destiny laid out for him: he is divinely advised to seek out the land of Italy (also known as Ausonia or Hesperia), where his descendants will not only prosper, but in time rule the entire known world. In addition, Helenus also bids him go to the Sibyl in Cumae.", "History of Carthage It has been noted that the culture of Phoenician colonies had gained a distinct \"Punic\" characteristic by the end of the 7th century BC, indicating the emergence of a distinct culture in Western Mediterranean.[60] In 650 BC, Carthage planted her own colony,[61] and in 600 BC, she was warring with Greeks on her own away from the African mainland. By the time King Nebuchadnezzar II of Babylon was conducting the 13-year siege of Tyre starting from 585 BC, Carthage was probably independent of her mother city in political matters. However, close ties with Tyre still remained, Carthage continued to send annual tribute to Tyre (for the temple of Melqart) at irregular intervals over the centuries. Carthage inherited no colonial empire from Tyre and had to build her own. It is likely that Carthage did not have an empire prior to 6th century BC.", "Ancient Carthage In addition to manufacturing, Carthage practised highly advanced and productive agriculture,[134] using iron ploughs, irrigation,[135] crop rotation, threshing machines, hand-driven rotary mills and horse mills, the latter two which they invented in the late 6th century BC and 375–350 BC, respectively.[136][137] After the Second Punic War, Hannibal promoted agriculture[138] to help restore Carthage's economy and pay the war indemnity to Rome (10,000 talents or 800,000 Roman pounds of silver),[139][140] and he was largely successful. When Rome conquered and destroyed Carthage in 146 BC, the Roman Senate decreed that Mago's famous treatise on agriculture be translated into Latin.[141]", "History of Carthage When Carthage fell, its nearby rival Utica, a Roman ally, was made capital of the region and replaced Carthage as the leading centre of Punic trade and leadership. It had the advantageous position of being situated on the Lake of Tunis and the outlet of the Medjerda River, Tunisia's only river that flowed all year long. However, grain cultivation in the Tunisian mountains caused large amounts of silt to erode into the river. This silt was accumulated in the harbour until it was made useless, and Rome was forced to rebuild Carthage.", "Carthage Carthage remained a residential see until the high medieval period, mentioned in two letters of Pope Leo IX dated 1053,[76] written in reply to consultations regarding a conflict between the bishops of Carthage and Gummi. In each of the two letters, Pope Leo declares that, after the Bishop of Rome, the first archbishop and chief metropolitan of the whole of Africa is the bishop of Carthage. Later, an archbishop of Carthage named Cyriacus was imprisoned by the Arab rulers because of an accusation by some Christians. Pope Gregory VII wrote him a letter of consolation, repeating the hopeful assurances of the primacy of the Church of Carthage, \"whether the Church of Carthage should still lie desolate or rise again in glory\". By 1076, Cyriacus was set free, but there was only one other bishop in the province. These are the last of whom there is mention in that period of the history of the see.[77][78]", "Aeneid Later in Book 6, Aeneas travels to the underworld where he sees his father Anchises, who tells him of his own destiny as well as that of the Roman people. Anchises describes how Aeneas's descendant Romulus will found the great city of Rome, which will eventually be ruled by Caesar Augustus:", "Carthage The ancient city was destroyed by the Roman Republic in the Third Punic War in 146 BC then re-developed as Roman Carthage, which became the major city of the Roman Empire in the province of Africa. The Roman city was again occupied by the Muslim conquest of the Maghreb, in 698. The site remained uninhabited, the regional power shifting to the Medina of Tunis in the medieval period, until the early 20th century, when it began to develop into a coastal suburb of Tunis, incorporated as Carthage municipality in 1919.", "Carthage Carthage (/ˈk", "Carthage Mago (6th century) was King of Carthage; the head of state, war leader, and religious figurehead. His family was considered to possess a sacred quality. Mago's office was somewhat similar to that of a pharaoh, but although kept in a family it was not hereditary, it was limited by legal consent. Picard, accordingly, believes that the council of elders and the popular assembly are late institutions. Carthage was founded by the king of Tyre who had a royal monopoly on this trading venture. Thus it was the royal authority stemming from this traditional source of power that the King of Carthage possessed. Later, as other Phoenician ship companies entered the trading region, and so associated with the city-state, the King of Carthage had to keep order among a rich variety of powerful merchants in their negotiations among themselves and over risky commerce across the Mediterranean. Under these circumstance, the office of king began to be transformed. Yet it was not until the aristocrats of Carthage became wealthy owners of agricultural lands in Africa that a council of elders was institutionalized at Carthage.[124]", "Carthage The Roman Exarchate of Africa was not able to withstand the seventh-century Muslim conquest of the Maghreb. The Umayyad Caliphate under Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan in 686 sent a force led by Zuhayr ibn Qais, who won a battle over the Romans and Berbers led by King Kusaila of the Kingdom of Altava on the plain of Kairouan, but he could not follow that up. In 695, Hasan ibn al-Nu'man captured Carthage and advanced into the Atlas Mountains. An imperial fleet arrived and retook Carthage, but in 698, Hasan ibn al-Nu'man returned and defeated Emperor Tiberios III at the 698 Battle of Carthage. Roman imperial forces withdrew from all of Africa except Ceuta. Roman Carthage was destroyed—its walls torn down, its water supply cut off, and its harbors made unusable.[75] The destruction of the Exarchate of Africa marked a permanent end to the Byzantine Empire's influence in the region.", "Carthage In the 1950s the Lycée Français de Carthage was established to serve French families in Carthage. In 1961 it was given to the Tunisian government as part of the Independence of Tunisia, so the nearby Collège Maurice Cailloux in La Marsa, previously an annex of the Lycée Français de Carthage, was renamed to the Lycée Français de La Marsa and began serving the lycée level. It is currently the Lycée Gustave Flaubert.[90]", "Ancient Carthage Following these losses, Carthage sued for peace, but Pyrrhus refused unless Carthage was willing to renounce its claims on Sicily entirely. According to Plutarch, Pyrrhus set his sights on conquering Carthage itself, and to this end, began outfitting an expedition. However, his ruthless treatment of the Sicilian cities in his preparations for this expedition, and his execution of two Sicilian rulers whom he claimed were plotting against him led to such a rise in animosity towards the Greeks, that Pyrrhus withdrew from Sicily and returned to deal with events occurring in southern Italy.[65][66]", "Ancient Carthage Stephen Baxter also features Carthage in his alternate history Northland trilogy; in Baxter's narrative it is Carthage that prevails and subjugates Rome.[178]", "Aeneid Furthermore, her people, hearing of their queen's death, have only one avenue on which to direct the blame: the already-departed Trojans. Thus, Dido's request of her people and her people's only recourse for closure align in their mutual hate for Aeneas and his Trojans. In effect, Dido's violent suicide leads to the violent nature of the later relationship between Carthage and Rome.[38]", "Punic Wars In 219 BC, Hannibal attacked the town of Saguntum, which stood under the special protection of Rome. According to Roman tradition, Hannibal had been made to swear by his father never to be a friend of Rome, and he certainly did not take a conciliatory attitude when the Romans berated him for crossing the river Iberus (Ebro), which Carthage was bound by treaty not to cross. Hannibal did not cross the Ebro River (Saguntum was near modern Valencia – well south of the river) in arms, and the Saguntines provoked his attack by attacking their neighboring tribes who were Carthaginian protectorates and by massacring pro-Punic factions in their city. Rome had no legal protection pact with any tribe south of the Ebro River. Nonetheless, they asked Carthage to hand Hannibal over, and when the Carthaginian oligarchy refused, Rome declared war on Carthage.[6]", "History of Carthage Following the defeat of Carthage, their mercenaries revolted against them, which threatened the survival of the Punic social order. Yet Carthage endured, under their opposing leaders Hanno II the Great, and Hamilcar Barca. During this crisis at Carthage, Rome refused to aid the rebels (underpaid mercenaries and dissident Berbers), but later occupied Sardinia.[125][126]", "Carthage After Tunisian independence in 1956, the Tunis conurbation gradually extended around the airport, and Carthage (قرطاج Qarṭāj) is now a suburb of Tunis, covering the area between Sidi Bou Said and Le Kram.[91][92] Its population as of January 2013 was estimated at 21,276,[93] mostly attracting the more wealthy residents.[94] If Carthage is not the capital, it tends to be the political pole, a « place of emblematic power » according to Sophie Bessis,[95] leaving to Tunis the economic and administrative roles. The Carthage Palace (the Tunisian presidential palace) is located in the coast.[96]", "Aeneid In a dream, Hector, the fallen Trojan prince, advised Aeneas to flee with his family. Aeneas awoke and saw with horror what was happening to his beloved city. At first he tried to fight the enemy, but soon he lost his comrades and was left alone to fend off the Greeks. He witnessed the murder of Priam by Achilles' son Pyrrhus. His mother, Venus, appeared to him and led him back to his house. Aeneas tells of his escape with his son, Ascanius, and father, Anchises, after the occurrence of various omens (Ascanius' head catching fire without his being harmed, a clap of thunder and a shooting star). After fleeing Troy, he goes back for his wife, Creusa, but she has been killed. Her ghost tells him that his destiny is to found a new city in the West.", "Punic Wars Hanno had lost many elephants and soldiers when he became complacent after a victory in the Mercenary War. Further, when he and Hamilcar were supreme commanders of Carthage's field armies, the soldiers had supported Hamilcar when his and Hamilcar's personalities clashed. On the other hand, he was responsible for the greatest territorial expansion of Carthage's hinterland during his rule as strategus and wanted to continue such expansion. However, the Numidian king of the relevant area was now a son-in-law of Hamilcar and had supported Carthage during a crucial moment in the Mercenary War. While Hamilcar was able to obtain the resources for his aim, the Numidians in the Atlas Mountains were not conquered, like Hanno suggested, but became vassals of Carthage.", "Dido and Aeneas After 1705 it disappeared as a staged work, with only sporadic concert performances, until 1895 when the first staged version in modern times was performed by students of the Royal College of Music at London's Lyceum Theatre to mark the bicentenary of Purcell's death.[16] Dido and Aeneas received its first performance outside England on 14 December 1895 in a concert version at the University Society in Dublin.", "Carthage Auguste Audollent divides the area of Roman Carthage into four quarters, Cartagenna, Dermèche, Byrsa and La Malga. Cartagenna and Dermèche correspond with the lower city, including the site of Punic Carthage; Byrsa is associated with the upper city, which in Punic times was a walled citadel above the harbour; and La Malga is linked with the more remote parts of the upper city in Roman times.", "History of Carthage The trade network which Carthage inherited from Tyre depended heavily on Carthage keeping commercial rivals at arm's length. The goods produced by Carthage were mainly for the local African market and were initially inferior to Greek goods.[73] Carthage was the middleman between mineral resource-rich Iberia and the east. She bartered low-priced goods for metals, then bartered those for finished goods in the east and distributed these through their network. The threat from the Greek colonists was threefold: undercutting the Phoenicians by offering better products; taking over the distribution network; and preying on Punic shipping. While the Greek colonies also offered increased opportunities for trade and piracy, their nosing into areas of Punic influence caused the Punic cities to look for protection from their strongest city. Carthage took up the challenge.", "History of Carthage Some ancient translations of Punic texts into Greek and Latin as well as inscriptions on monuments and buildings discovered in North Africa survive.[169] However, the majority of available primary source material about Carthaginian civilization was written by Greek and Roman historians, such as Livy, Polybius, Appian, Cornelius Nepos, Silius Italicus, Plutarch, Dio Cassius and Herodotus. These authors came from cultures nearly always in competition and often in conflict, with Carthage. The Greeks contested with Carthage for Sicily,[170] and the Romans fought the Punic Wars against Carthage.[171] Inevitably, the accounts of Carthage written by outsiders include significant bias. Recent excavation of ancient Carthaginian sites has brought much more primary material to light. Some of the finds contradict or confirm aspects of the traditional picture of Carthage, but much of the material is still ambiguous.", "Joseph Smith: The Prophet of the Restoration Back in Nauvoo, Smith tells the people that God has told him to build another temple. After quite a bit of the construction has been completed, Smith and Hyrum are in the basement of the temple discussing going to Carthage. Their enemies from Missouri and other places are trying to get them to Carthage to kill them and Smith tells Hyrum that if they go, they will not come back. Smith is shown conferring all of the keys and authorities that he holds on the apostles, including Brigham Young.", "Carthage \"[Carthage] each day produced one hundred and forty finished shields, three hundred swords, five hundred spears, and one thousand missiles for the catapults... . Furthermore, [Carthage although surrounded by the Romans] built one hundred and twenty decked ships in two months... for old timber had been stored away in readiness, and a large number of skilled workmen, maintained at public expense.\"[99]", "Ancient Carthage In 509 BC, a treaty was signed between Carthage and Rome[30] indicating a division of influence and commercial activities.[31] This is the first known source indicating that Carthage had gained control over Sicily and Sardinia.", "Carthage Probably some of Hiempsal II's libri punici, that had escaped the fires that consumed Carthage in 146 BC, wound up later in the large royal library of his grandson Juba II (r.25 BC-AD 24).[149] Juba II not only was a Berber king, and husband of Cleopatra's daughter, but also a scholar and author in Greek of no less than nine works.[150] He wrote for the Mediterranean-wide audience then enjoying classical literature. The libri punici inherited from his grandfather surely became useful to him when composing his Libyka, a work on North Africa written in Greek. Unfortunately, only fragments of Libyka survive, mostly from quotations made by other ancient authors.[151] It may have been Juba II who 'discovered' the five-centuries-old 'log book' of Hanno the Navigator, called the Periplus, among library documents saved from fallen Carthage.[152][153][154]", "History of Carthage In 509 BC, a treaty was signed between Carthage and Rome indicating a division of influence and commercial activities. This is the first known source indicating that Carthage had gained control over Sicily and Sardinia, as well as Emporia and the area south of Cape Bon in Africa. Carthage may have signed the treaty with Rome, then an insignificant backwater, because Romans had treaties with the Phocaeans and Cumae, who were aiding the Roman struggle against the Etruscans at that time. Carthage had similar treaties with Etruscan, Punic and Greek cities in Sicily. By the end of the 6th century BC, Carthage had conquered most of the old Phoenician colonies e.g. Hadrumetum, Utica and Kerkouane, subjugated some of the Libyan tribes, and had taken control of parts of the North African coast from modern Morocco to the borders of Cyrenaica. It was also fighting wars in defence of Punic colonies and commerce. However, only the details of her struggle against the Greeks have survived – which often makes Carthage seem \"obsessed with Sicily\".", "Carthage Carthage was one of the largest cities of the Hellenistic period and was among the largest cities in preindustrial history. Whereas by AD 14, Rome had at least 750,000 inhabitants and in the following century may have reached 1 million, the cities of Alexandria and Antioch numbered only a few hundred thousand or less.[7] According to the not always reliable history of Herodian, Carthage rivaled Alexandria for second place in the Roman empire.[8]", "Siege of Fort William Henry Historians disagree on where to assign responsibility for the Indian actions. Francis Jennings contends that Montcalm anticipated what was going to happen, deliberately ignored it when it did happen, and stepped in only after the atrocities were well under way. In his opinion, the account by Bougainville, who left for Montreal on the night of 9 August and was not present at the massacre, was written as a whitewash to protect Montcalm.[46][47] Parkman is more vigorous in his defence of Montcalm, claiming that he and other French officers did what they could to prevent atrocities, but were powerless to stop the onslaught.[48]", "Ancient Carthage Mary Gentle used an alternate history version of Carthage as a setting in her novels Ash: A Secret History and Ilario, A Story of the First History. In these books, Carthage is dominated by Germanic tribes, and the premise is that the Visigoths conquered Carthage and set up a huge empire that repelled the Muslim conquest. In these novels, titles such as \"lord-amir\" and \"scientist-magus\" indicate a fusion of European and Northwest African cultures, and Arian Christianity is the state religion.", "History of Carthage Hanno, son of Hamilcar may be the famous Hanno the Navigator,[104] which places his expedition around 460–425 BC, and Himilco may be the same as Himilco the Navigator,[105] which puts his expedition sometimes after 450 BC. Hanno the Navigator sailed down the African coast as far as Cameroon, and Himilco the Navigator explored the European Atlantic coast up to Britain in search of tin. These expeditions took place when Carthage was at the zenith of its power.[106] If Hanno and Himilco are indeed related to Mago, then Carthage had recovered quite rapidly from her \"crippled\" state. If Hanno and Himilco are not of the Magoniod family, then these expeditions may have taken place before 500 BC and Carthage might have been crippled for 70 years.", "Haiti: Where Did the Money Go The film begins by discussing the astounding amount of money raised to aid Haiti. Americans alone donated 1.4 billion[3] in relief funds to NGOs in the year following the disaster. These organizations faced criticism in the past due to their unorganized responses to previous disasters. When the earthquake in Haiti struck, these aid groups envisioned a new system of organization, or “humanitarian aid 2.0,” that would provide effective and quick relief. Michele Mitchell travelled to Haiti for the first time in November 2010 to see if this had been carried out.", "History of Carthage The fall of Carthage came at the end of the Third Punic War in 146 BC at the Battle of Carthage. This resulted in the end of Carthaginian power and the complete destruction of the city by Scipio Aemilianus. The Romans pulled the Phoenician warships out into the harbor and burned them before the city, and went from house to house, capturing and enslaving the people. About 50,000 Carthaginians were sold into slavery. The city was set ablaze and then, according to tradition, it was ploughed over and salted. A new city of Carthage was built on the same land by Julius Caesar in the period from 49 to 44 BC, and by the 1st century, it had grown to be the second-largest city in the western half of the Roman Empire. It was the centre of the province of Africa. Among its major monuments was an amphitheatre. Carthage was captured in the 5th century by Genseric, king of the Vandals, a Germanic people who defeated the Roman general Bonifacius and made the city his capital. After a failed attempt to recapture the city in the fifth century, the Eastern Roman Empire finally subdued the Vandals in the Vandalic War in 533–534. Thereafter, the city became the seat of the praetorian prefecture of Africa, which was made into an exarchate during the emperor Maurice's reign. In 695, Hasan ibn al-Nu'man captured Carthage and advanced into the Atlas Mountains. An imperial fleet arrived and retook Carthage, but in 698, Hasan ibn al-Nu'man returned and defeated Emperor Tiberios III at the Battle of Carthage. Roman imperial forces withdrew from all of Africa except Ceuta. Roman Carthage was destroyed—its walls torn down, its water supply cut off, and its harbours made unusable.[1] It was replaced by Tunis as the major regional centre, which has spread to include the ancient site of Carthage in a modern suburb.", "Roman conquest of Hispania The strong fortifications of Saguntum and stiff resistance repelled Hannibal's attack. Hannibal was seriously wounded when he went under the city wall. Fierce fighting continued. When the Roman ambassadors arrived at the port Hannibal said that it was unsafe for them to go to the city (one mile inland) and that he was too busy to see them. As he knew that if they could not see him they would go to Carthage, he sent a letter to his supporters there telling them to prevent his opponents from making any concessions to Rome.[4] The mission of the commissioners in Carthage was a failure. The Carthaginian council replied that the war was started by the Saguntines not by Hannibal, and that Rome would commit an act of injustice if they took the side of the Saguntines. After a lull that allowed the Saguntines to build a new wall to replace the damaged one, fierce fighting resumed. Then Hannibal left for the territories of the Oretani of southeastern central Hispania and the Carpetani of central Hispania because they rebelled due to exasperation with a rigorous conscription. However, the attack on Saguntum was not slackened. When Hannibal returned the Carthaginians were ready to attack the citadel. Hannibal's peace conditions were that Saguntum was to give all its gold and silver to the Turduli and that the townsfolk were to leave the city and go wherever the Carthaginians should order them. The Saguntines threw the gold and silver into a fire. Hannibal seized the city and there was a great slaughter of its inhabitants. The siege of Saguntum was said to have taken eight months. Hannibal then wintered in Cartago Nova.[5]", "Carthage Both the Phoenicians and the Cathaginians were well known in antiquity for their secrecy in general, and especially pertaining to commercial contacts and trade routes.[105][106][107] Both cultures excelled in commercial dealings. Strabo (63BC-AD21) the Greek geographer wrote that before its fall (in 146 BC) Carthage enjoyed a population of 700,000, and directed an alliance of 300 cities.[108] The Greek historian Polybius (c.203–120) referred to Carthage as \"the wealthiest city in the world\".[109]", "Carthage The Modern Standard Arabic form قرطاج ( Qarṭāj) is an adoption of French Carthage, replacing an older local toponym reported as Cartagenna that directly continued the Latin name.[6]", "Carthage Carthage is some 15 kilometres (9.3 miles) east-northeast of Tunis; the settlements nearest to Carthage were the town of Sidi Bou Said to the north and the village of Le Kram to the south. Sidi Bou Saint was a village which had grown around the tomb of the eponymous sufi saint (d. 1231), which had been developed into a town under Ottoman rule in the 18th century. Le Kram was developed in the late 19th century under French administration as a settlement close to the port of La Goulette.", "They Won't Go When I Go \"They Won't Go When I Go\" is a song co-written and performed by Stevie Wonder from his 1974 album Fulfillingness' First Finale.", "History of Carthage Carthage was founded in the 9th century BC on the coast of North Africa, in what is now Tunisia. It developed into a significant trading empire throughout the Mediterranean, and was seen as home to a wealthy and brilliant civilization. After a long conflict with the emerging civilisation of Ancient Rome, known as the Punic Wars, during which advantage shifted from one side to the other and Hannibal conducted a campaign in Italy after first crossing the Alps, Rome finally destroyed Carthage in 146 B.C. A Roman Carthage was established on the ruins of the first.", "When You Reach Me \"So the garden is where they appear when they get home at the end of the book. Remember? They land in the broccoli. So if they had gotten home five minutes before they left, like those ladies promised they would, then they would have seen themselves get back. Before they did\".[7]", "All You Zombies Finally the Bartender returns to 1970, arriving a short time after he left the bar. He allows a customer to play \"I'm My Own Grandpa\" on the jukebox, having yelled at the customer for playing the song before he left. Closing the bar, he time travels again to his home base. As he beds down for a much deserved rest, he contemplates the scar left over from the Caesarean section performed when he gave birth to his daughter, father, mother, and entire history. He thinks, \"I know where I came from—but where did all you zombies come from?\"", "Roman conquest of Hispania Scipio sent Marcus Silianus to Tarraco and Lucius Marcius to southern Hispania. He then joined the latter as he was approaching the coast. Scipio wanted to go to Gades to meet Masinissa and conclude an alliance with him. Lucius Marcius informed Masinissa that Scipio was coming. Masinissa persuaded Mago to let him go to the mainland to for some plundering (at that time Cadiz was on an island). When the two men met Masinissa thanked Scipio for sending his nephew back home and pledged his help if Rome sent Scipio to Africa. He thought that if he did Carthage would be defeated. Scipio then returned to Tarraco. Mago lost all hope for Hispania and was preparing to leave. He received orders from Carthage to take his fleet in Gades to Italy, raise an army and assist Hannibal there. Sailing along the coast he landed a force near Cartago Nova and plundered the nearest fields. Then he took his fleet to the city, thinking that it was held only by a small Roman garrison and hoping for the support of the townsfolk. He attacked the city wall. The city gate was opened and the Romans burst out. Thrown into confusion, the enemy fled, was pursued to the shore and suffered heavy losses. They were rescued by the ships. Those who tried to swim to the ships could not see them and drowned. When Mago returned to Gades the city gates were closed to him. He anchored nearby and complained. He was told that the townsfolk had done this because they were angry about the pillaging by the soldiers when they embarked. Mago summoned the town officials, who were executed. Then he went to the Balearic Islands to winter there. He was repulsed by the inhabitants of the bigger island. He went on to the smaller island, which did not have strong defences, and wintered there.[56]", "Battle of Carthage (c. 149 BC) The deserters too then hurled themselves into the flames,[7] upon which Scipio Aemilianus began weeping. He recited a sentence from Homer's Iliad,[8] a prophecy about the destruction of Troy, that could be applied now to Carthage's end. Scipio declared that the fate of Carthage might one day be Rome's.[9][10] In the words of Polybius:", "Carthage Popular assemblies also existed at Carthage. When deadlocked the Suffets and the quasi-senatorial institution of elders might request the assembly to vote; also, assembly votes were requested in very crucial matters in order to achieve political consensus and popular coherence. The assembly members had no legal wealth or birth qualification. How its members were selected is unknown, e.g., whether by festival group or urban ward or another method.[114][115][116]", "Carthage The archaeological site was first surveyed in 1830, by Danish consul Christian Tuxen Falbe. Excavations were performed in the second half of the 19th century by Charles Ernest Beulé and by Alfred Louis Delattre. The Carthage National Museum was founded in 1875 by Cardinal Charles Lavigerie. Excavations performed by French archaeologists in the 1920s attracted an extraordinary amount of attention because of the evidence they produced for child sacrifice, in Greco-Roman and Biblical tradition associated with the Canaanite god Baal Hammon. The open-air Carthage Paleo-Christian Museum has exhibits excavated under the auspices of UNESCO from 1975 to 1984.", "Ancient Carthage Hamilcar, grandson of Hanno the Great, led the Carthaginian response and met with tremendous success. By 310 BC, he controlled almost all of Sicily and had laid siege to Syracuse itself. In desperation, Agathocles secretly led an expedition of 14,000 men to the mainland,[58] hoping to save his rule by leading a counterstrike against Carthage itself. In this, he was successful: Carthage was forced to recall Hamilcar and most of his army from Sicily to face the new and unexpected threat. Although Agathocles's army was eventually defeated in 307 BC, Agathocles himself escaped back to Sicily and was able to negotiate a peace which maintained Syracuse as a stronghold of Greek power in Sicily.", "History of Carthage Following these losses, Carthage sued for peace, but Pyrrhus refused unless Carthage was willing to renounce its claims on Sicily entirely. According to Plutarch, Pyrrhus set his sights on conquering Carthage itself, and to this end, began outfitting an expedition. The Carthaginians fought a battle outside Lilybaeum in 276 BC, and lost. The ruthless treatment of the Sicilian cities in his preparations for this expedition, and the execution of two Sicilian rulers whom Pyrrhus claimed were plotting against him, led to such a rise in animosity towards the Greeks that Pyrrhus withdrew from Sicily and returned to deal with events occurring in southern Italy.[118] The fleet of Pyrrhus was defeated by Carthage, the Greeks losing 70 ships in the battle. Pyrrhus' campaigns in Italy were futile, and Pyrrhus eventually withdrew to Epirus. For Carthage, this meant a return to the status quo. For Rome, however, the failure of Pyrrhus to defend the colonies of Magna Graecia meant that Rome absorbed them into its \"sphere of influence\", bringing it closer to complete domination of the Italian peninsula. Rome's domination of Italy, and proof that Rome could pit its military strength successfully against major international powers, would pave the way to the future Rome–Carthage conflicts of the Punic Wars.", "Aeneid Upon returning to the land of the living, Aeneas leads the Trojans to settle in Latium, where he courts Lavinia, the daughter of King Latinus. Although Aeneas wished to avoid a war, hostilities break out. Juno is heavily involved in bringing about this war—she has persuaded the Queen of Latium to demand that Lavinia be married to Turnus, the ruler of a local people, the Rutuli. Juno continues to stir up trouble, even summoning the fury Alecto to ensure that a war takes place.", "Carthage Thus, of their ancient writings we have little of major interest left to us by Carthage, or by Phoenicia the country of origin of the city founders. \"Of the various Phoenician and Punic compositions alluded to by the ancient classical authors, not a single work or even fragment has survived in its original idiom.\" \"Indeed, not a single Phoenician manuscript has survived in the original [language] or in translation.\"[169] We cannot therefore access directly the line of thought or the contour of their worldview as expressed in their own words, in their own voice.[170] Ironically, it was the Phoenicians who \"invented or at least perfected and transmitted a form of writing [the alphabet] that has influenced dozens of cultures including our own.\"[171][172][173]", "Ancient Carthage The Purple Quest by Frank G. Slaughter is about the founding of Carthage.", "Jason Gideon Gideon began to lose confidence in his profiling skills after Frank Breitkopf murdered his girlfriend, Sarah Jacobs. During his final case in Arizona, he further lost faith in his abilities when his decision to release the unsub resulted in the deaths of both the unsub and a young woman. As a result of his actions, Aaron Hotchner was suspended, which was the final straw for Gideon. He then left his cabin shortly afterwards, leaving his gun and badge behind along with a letter for Reid to find as he sought to regain a belief in happy endings. He then leaves and begins traveling abroad. Gideon is last seen going into a Nevada diner to make an order. When asked by a waitress where he is going, he replies that he doesn't know where he was going or how he would know when he got there. He then leaves the diner and subsequently drives off in his vehicle.", "Dido and Aeneas Originally based on Nahum Tate's play Brutus of Alba, or The Enchanted Lovers (1678), the opera is likely, at least to some extent, to be allegorical. The prologue refers to the joy of a marriage between two monarchs, which could refer to the marriage between William and Mary. In a poem of about 1686, Tate alluded to James II as Aeneas, who is misled by the evil machinations of the Sorceress and her witches (representing Roman Catholicism, a common metaphor at the time) into abandoning Dido, who symbolises the British people. The same symbolism may apply to the opera.[6] This explains the addition of the characters of the Sorceress and the witches, which do not appear in the original Aeneid. It would be noble, or at least acceptable, for Aeneas to follow the decree of the Gods, but not so acceptable for him to be tricked by ill-meaning spirits.", "Hannibal's crossing of the Alps Hannibal could not achieve the ends that he had hoped for, and in the end he sent news to Carthage (where the peace party, his political enemies, were in power)[41] to the effect that the Saguntines were aggressively handling one of their subject tribes, the Torboletes,[37] and encamped in front of Saguntum to besiege it without awaiting any reply from Carthage. Words were exchanged in the Carthaginian Senate to the effect that Hannibal should be handed over to the Romans and his actions disavowed. However, the multitude in Carthage was too much in support of the conflict to order a stop to the war.[37]", "Uses of English verb forms Compare He had left when we arrived (where his leaving preceded our arrival), with the form with the simple past, He left when we arrived (where his leaving was concurrent with or shortly after our arrival).", "Latins (Italic tribe) But whatever the origin of the legend, it is clear that the Latins had no historical connection with Aeneas and none of their cities were founded by Trojan refugees. Furthermore, Cornell regards the city of Alba Longa itself as probably mythical. Early Latial-culture remains have been discovered on the shore of the Alban lake, but they indicate a series of small villages, not an urbanised city-state. In any case, traces of the earliest phase of Latial culture also occur at Rome at the same time (c. 1000 BC), so archaeology cannot be used to support the tradition that Rome was founded by people from Alba Longa.[30] If Alba Longa did not exist, then nor did the \"Alban kings\", whose genealogy was almost certainly fabricated to \"prove\" Romulus' descent from Aeneas. The genealogy's dubious nature is shown by the fact that it ascribes the 14 Alban kings an average reign of 30 years' duration, an implausibly high figure. The false nature of the Aeneas-Romulus link is also demonstrated by the fact that, in some early versions of the tradition, Romulus is denoted as Aeneas' grandson, despite being chronologically separated from Aeneas by some 450 years.[51]", "At First Sight (1999 film) Virgil's sight begins deteriorating. After consulting with Dr. Aaron, Virgil realizes that he is losing his sight yet again. He decides to look for his father. Virgil reveals to him that he is going blind again, and asks him why he left. His father tells him that he felt he was a failure when he did not find a way to help his son regain sight. Virgil states that he should not have left because his mother and sister suffered greatly after his father walked away.", "Aeneid Fate, described as a preordained destiny that men and gods have to follow, is a major theme in the Aeneid. One example is when Aeneas is reminded of his fate through Jupiter and Mercury while he is falling in love with Dido. Mercury urges, \"Think of your expectations of your heir,/ Iulus, to whom the whole Italian realm, the land/ Of Rome, are due.\"[30] Mercury is referring to Aeneas's preordained fate to found Rome, as well as Rome's preordained fate to rule the world:", "History of Carthage A new city of Carthage was built on the same land, and by the 1st century AD it had grown to the second largest city in the western half of the Roman Empire, with a peak population of 500,000. It was the centre of the Roman province of Africa, which was a major \"breadbasket\" of the empire. Carthage briefly became the capital of a usurper, Domitius Alexander, in 308–311 AD.", "Ancient Carthage Accounts of child sacrifice in Carthage report that beginning at the founding of Carthage in about 814 BC, mothers and fathers buried their children who had been sacrificed to Ba`al Hammon and Tanit in the\ntophet.[174] The practice was apparently distasteful even to Carthaginians, and they began to buy children for the purpose of sacrifice or even to raise servant children instead of offering up their own. However, Carthage's priests demanded the youth in times of crisis such as war, drought, or famine. Special ceremonies during extreme crisis saw up to 200 children of the most affluent and powerful families slain and tossed into the burning pyre.[175]", "Roman conquest of Hispania The Second Punic War between Carthage and Rome was sparked off by an attack by Hannibal on this Hellenised coastal city. He found a pretext to wage war on Saguntum in a dispute in this city. According to Livy the neighbours of this city, particularly the Turduli, intervened in this dispute. They supported the man who had sown the seeds of the dispute. When it was clear that this man aimed at ending it by force, rather than arbitration, Saguntum sent envoys to Rome to ask for help. The Roman senate decided to send commissioners to Hispania to investigate the situation there, to warn Hannibal, if necessary, not to interfere with Saguntine matters and then to proceed to Carthage to submit the Saguntine complaints to the Carthaginian council. However, Hannibal had begun the siege of Saguntum before their departure. The senate debated how to deal with the new situation. It was decided to send the commissioners to Hannibal and, if he refused to cease hostilities, they were to go to Carthage and demand his surrender in satisfaction of the broken treaty.[3]", "Ancient Carthage The empire of Carthage depended heavily on its trade with Tartessos[103] and with other cities of the Iberian peninsula,[104] from which it obtained vast quantities of silver, lead, copper and – even more importantly – tin ore,[105] which was essential for the manufacture of bronze objects by the civilizations of antiquity. Carthaginian trade-relations with the Iberians, and the naval might that enforced Carthage's monopoly on this trade and the Atlantic tin trade,[106] made it the sole significant broker of tin and maker of bronze in its day. Maintaining this monopoly was one of the major sources of power and prosperity for Carthage; Carthaginian merchants strove to keep the location of the tin mines secret.[107] In addition to its role as the sole significant distributor of tin, Carthage's central location in the Mediterranean and control of the waters between Sicily and Tunisia allowed it to control the eastern peoples' supply of tin. Carthage was also the Mediterranean's largest producer of silver, mined in Iberia[108] and on the Northwest African coast; after the tin monopoly, this was one of its most profitable trades. One mine in Iberia provided Hannibal with 300 Roman pounds (3.75 talents) of silver a day.[109][110]", "Carthage The issues involved in rural land management also reveal underlying features of Punic society, its structure and stratification. The hired workers might be considered 'rural proletariat', drawn from the local Berbers. Whether or not there remained Berber landowners next to Punic-run farms is unclear. Some Berbers became sharecroppers. Slaves acquired for farm work were often prisoners of war. In lands outside Punic political control, independent Berbers cultivated grain and raised horses on their lands. Yet within the Punic domain that surrounded the city-state of Carthage, there were ethnic divisions in addition to the usual quasi feudal distinctions between lord and peasant, or master and serf. This inherent instability in the countryside drew the unwanted attention of potential invaders.[21] Yet for long periods Carthage was able to manage these social difficulties.[22]", "Where Did Our Love Go Initially, the producers argued over who should sing the song, as the song had been cut in the same key as Mary Wilson's voice but since Berry Gordy had assigned the lead singer role to Diana Ross, the producers eventually gave the song to Ross, who sang it in her usual high register in the recording studio on April 8. As a result, Ross was told to sing the song in a lower register and begrudgingly complied with Holland/Dozier/Holland's \"to the letter\" formula. Mary Wilson and Florence Ballard's vocal contribution was significant in bringing a fresh yet hypnotic sexiness to the overall sound of the song while remaining true to the backup arrangements that Lamont Dozier had set down.", "Where Did Our Love Go The Supremes' version is ranked #475 on Rolling Stone's 500 Greatest Songs of All Time and was selected for preservation in the National Recording Registry in 2016 due to its \"cultural, historic, or artistic significance.\"[5][6] Billboard named the song #4 on their list of 100 Greatest Girl Group Songs of All Time.[7]", "Haiti: Where Did the Money Go It is in one of these camps that Michele met Wilma Vital, a mother of 2 whose business was destroyed in the earthquake. She expressed anger at the American Red Cross for helping those in other camps but not those in hers. Many other Haitians expressed similar sentiments; they believed that NGOs used the money they raised to fund themselves, hotels, restaurants instead of helping Haiti.", "Haiti: Where Did the Money Go Part 2: Wilma" ]
when does the new season of lost in space come out
[ "Lost in Space (2018 TV series) Lost in Space is an American science fiction television series based on a re-imagining of the 1965 series of the same name (itself a re-imagining of the 1812 novel The Swiss Family Robinson), following the adventures of a family of pioneering space colonists whose ship veers off-course. It is written by Matt Sazama and Burk Sharpless and consists of ten episodes produced by Legendary Television, Synthesis Entertainment, Clickety-Clack Productions, and Applebox Entertainment, with Zack Estrin serving as showrunner. Netflix released the series on April 13, 2018.[1]", "Lost in Space (2018 TV series) The series was released on April 13, 2018, on Netflix.[1] On March 31, 2018, the pilot of the series was screened exclusively at Awesome Con in Washington, D.C., followed by a Q&A session with series executive directors and writers Matt Sazama & Burk Sharpless.[19]" ]
[ "Lost in Space There were no other legal challenges to the title until 1995, when New Line Cinema announced their intention to turn Lost in Space into a big budget motion picture. New Line had purchased the screen rights from Prelude Pictures (which had acquired the screen rights from the Irwin Allen Estate in 1993). At that time, Melchior contacted Prelude Pictures and insisted that Lost in Space was directly based upon his 1964 treatment. Melchior was aided in his efforts by Ed Shifres, a fan who had written a book entitled Space Family Robinson: The True Story (later reprinted with the title, Lost in Space: The True Story). The book attempts to show how Allen allegedly plagiarized Melchior's concept, with two outlines presented side-by-side.", "Lost in Space Star Trek creator Gene Roddenbery insisted that the two shows could not be compared. He was more of a philosopher, while understanding that Irwin Allen was a storyteller. When asked about Lost in Space, Roddenberry acknowledged: \"That show accomplishes what it sets out to do. Star Trek is not the same thing.\"", "Lost in Space The third season had more straight adventure, with the Jupiter 2 now functional and hopping from planet to planet, but the episodes still tended to be whimsical and to emphasize humor, including fanciful space hippies, more pirates, off-beat inter-galactic zoos, ice princesses and Lost in Space's beauty pageant.", "Lost in Space On October 10, 2014, it was announced that Legendary TV was developing a new reboot of Lost in Space for Netflix with Dracula Untold screenwriters Matt Sazama and Burk Sharpless attached to write.[37][38] On June 29, 2016, Netflix ordered the series with 10 episodes.[39][40] The series hit Netflix on April 13, 2018. The series was renewed for a second season on May 13, 2018.", "Coming out When coming out is described as a gradual process or a journey,[1] it is meant to include becoming aware of and acknowledging one's gender identity or non-heteronormative sexual orientation. This preliminary stage, which involves soul-searching or a personal epiphany,[14] is often called \"coming out to oneself\" and constitutes the start of self-acceptance. Many LGBT people say that this stage began for them during adolescence or childhood, when they first became aware of their sexual orientation toward members of the same sex. Coming out has also been described as a process because of a recurring need or desire to come out in new situations in which LGBT people are assumed to be heterosexual or cisgender, such as at a new job or with new acquaintances. As Diana Fuss (1991) explains, \"the problem of course with the inside/outside rhetoric...is that such polemics disguise the fact that most of us are both inside and outside at the same time\".", "Lost in Space At the start of the second season the repaired Jupiter 2 launches into space once more, to escape the destruction of Priplanus following a series of cataclysmic earthquakes, but in the fourth episode the Robinsons crash-land on a strange new world, to become planet-bound again for another season. This replicated the format of the first season, but now the focus of the series was more on humor than on action/adventure, as evidenced by the extreme silliness of Dr. Smith amidst a plethora of unlikely aliens who began appearing on the show, often of a whimsical fantasy-oriented nature. One of these colorful visitors even turned out to be Smith's own cousin, intent on swindling him out of a family inheritance with the assistance of a hostile gambling machine. A new theme tune was recorded by Warren Barker for the second season, but it was decided to retain the original.[citation needed]", "Lost in Space One of the last episodes, \"The Great Vegetable Rebellion\" with actor Stanley Adams as Tybo, the talking carrot, took the show into pure fantasy. (Called \"the most insipid and bizarre episode in television history\", Kristen recalls that Goddard complained that \"seven years of Stanislavski\" method acting had culminated in his talking to a carrot.) A writer Irwin had employed to script a planned crossover between Lost in Space and Land of the Giants noted that Irwin seemed scared of the vegetable story, for it got pushed further and further to the back of the schedule, as the filming of season 3 progressed. The episode's writer, Peter Packer, who was one of the most prolific writers for Lost in Space and had penned some of the series best episodes, apologized to Harris for the script, stating he hadn't \"one more damned idea in my head\". During filming, Guy Williams and June Lockhart were written out of the next two episodes, on full pay, for laughing so much during the production. Astute viewers will notice the smirks as the actors, notably Mark Goddard, tried to contain themselves during the filming of the story. \"The Great Vegetable Rebellion\" appears to have directly inspired the \"Rules of Luton\" episode on Space 1999 season 2. In 1977 TV Guide listed \"The Great Vegetable Rebellion\" at position #76 in its list of the '100 Best Episodes of All Time'.", "Lost in Space There have been a number of Lost in Space soundtrack CDs released.", "Lost in Space (American Dad!) \"Lost in Space\" is the eighteenth episode of the ninth season of American Dad!. The episode aired on May 5, 2013, on Fox's Animation Domination lineup. The episode was written by series co-creator Mike Barker and directed by series regular Chris Bennett. \"Lost in Space\" was incorrectly promoted as episode 150 by Fox and numerous mainstream media reports; it is actually episode 151, while the episode \"The Full Cognitive Redaction of Avery Bullock by the Coward Stan Smith\" is episode 150. \"Lost in Space\" continues a plot line established in the episode \"Naked to the Limit, One More Time.\" In addition, several of the episodes that aired in between \"Naked to the Limit, One More Time\" and \"Lost in Space\" contribute to the plot line in question.", "Lost in Space For Season Three, the opening theme was revised (again by Williams) to a more exciting and faster tempo score, accompanied by live action shots of the cast, featuring a pumped-up countdown from seven to one to launch each week's episode. Seasons 1 and 2 had animated figures \"life-roped\" together drifting \"hopelessly lost in space\" and set to a dizzy and comical score that Bill Mumy once described in a magazine interview as \"sounding like a circuit board\".", "Lost in Space In the third season, a major format change was introduced, to bring the series back to its roots as solid adventure, by allowing the Robinsons to travel to more planets. The Jupiter 2 was now allowed to freely travel space, visiting a new world each week, as the family attempt to return to Earth or to reach their original destination in the Alpha Centauri system. A newly built \"Space Pod\", that mysteriously appeared as though it had always been there, provided a means of transportation between the ship and passing planets, as well as being a plot device to launch various escapades. This season had a dramatically different opening credits sequence and a new theme tune – which, like the original, was composed by John Williams – as part of the show's new direction.[citation needed]", "Coming out In political, casual, or even humorous contexts, \"coming out\" means by extension the self-disclosure of a person's secret behaviors, beliefs, affiliations, tastes, identities, and interests that may cause astonishment or bring shame. Some examples include: \"coming out as an alcoholic\",[63] coming out as a BDSM participant\",[64] \"coming out of the broom closet\" (as a witch),[65] \"coming out as a conservative\",[66] \"coming out as disabled\",[67] \"coming out as a liberal\",[68] \"coming out as intersex\",[69] \"coming out as multiple\",[70] \"coming out as polyamorous\",[71] \"coming out as a sex worker\",[72] and \"coming out of the shadows\" as an undocumented immigrant within the United States.[73] The term is also used by members of online BIID communities to refer to the process of telling friends and families about their condition.", "Lost in Space A compromise was struck as part of a legal settlement. In addition to an undisclosed sum of money, Western Publishing would be allowed to change the name of its comic book to Lost in Space.", "Coming out Coming out of the closet is the source of other gay slang expressions related to voluntary disclosure or lack thereof. LGBT people who have already revealed or no longer conceal their sexual orientation or gender identity are out, i.e. openly LGBT. Oppositely, LGBT people who have yet to come out or have opted not to do so are labelled as closeted or being in the closet. Outing is the deliberate or accidental disclosure of an LGBT person's sexual orientation or gender identity, without their consent. By extension, outing oneself is self-disclosure. Glass closet means the open secret of when public figures' being LGBT is considered a widely accepted fact even though they have not officially come out.[5]", "Coming out American gender theorist Judith Butler argues that the process of \"coming out\" does not free gay people from oppression. Although they may feel free to act as themselves, the opacity involved in entering a non-heterosexual territory insinuates judgment upon their identity, she argues in Imitation and Gender Insubordination (1991).", "Lost in Space In late 2003, a new television series, with a somewhat changed format, was in development in the U.S. It originally was intended to be closer to the original pilot with no Smith, but including a robot, had an additional older Robinson child called David, and Penny was an infant. The pilot (titled, \"The Robinsons: Lost in Space\") was commissioned by The WB Television Network. It was directed by John Woo and produced by Synthesis Entertainment, Irwin Allen Productions, Twentieth Century Fox Television and Regency Television.", "Lost in Space In 1991 Bill Mumy provided \"Alpha Control Guidance\" for a Lost in Space revival in comic book form Lost in Space comic book for Innovation Comics, writing six of the issues. The first officially licensed comic to be based on the TV series (as the previous Gold Key version was based on the 1962 concept), the series was set several years after the show. The kids were now teenagers, with Will at 16 years old, and the stories attempted to return the series to its straight adventure roots with one story even explaining the camp / farce episodes of the series as fanciful entries in Penny's Space Diary. Complex adult-themed story concepts were introduced and even included a love triangle developing between Penny, Judy and Don. Mark Goddard wrote a \"Don\" story, something he never had in the original series (with the possible exception of \"the Flaming Planet\", which might qualify as a \"Don\" episode). The Jupiter 2 had various interior designs in the first year as artists were obviously not familiar with the original layout of the ship while Michal Dutkiewicz got it 'spot-on'. The first year had an arc ultimately leading the travelers to Alpha Centauri with Smith contacting his former alien masters along the way. Aeolis 14 Umbra were furious with Smith for not having succeeded in his mission to prevent the Jupiter 2, built with technology from a crashed ship of their race, from reaching the star system they had claimed as their own. The year ended with Smith caught out for his traitorous associations and imprisoned in a freezing tube for the Jupiter's final journey to the Promised Planet. Year two was to be Mumy's own full season story of a complex adventure following the Robinson's arrival at their destination and capture by the Aoleans. Innovation folded in 1993 with the story only halfway through and it wasn't until 2005 that Mumy was able to present his story to Lost in Space fandom as a complete graphic novel via Bubblehead Publishing. The theme of an adult Will Robinson was also explored in the film and in the song \"Ballad of Will Robinson\"—written and recorded by Mumy.", "Coming out Coming out of the closet, or simply coming out, is a metaphor for LGBT people's self-disclosure of their sexual orientation or of their gender identity. The term coming out can also be used in various non-LGBT applications (e.g. atheists).", "Lost in Space In this adaptation John Robinson was a retiring war hero of an alien invasion and had decided to take his family to another colony elsewhere in space. However the ship is attacked by the aliens, David is lost amidst it all, and the Robinsons, along with Don, are forced to escape in the small Jupiter 2 \"Space Pod\" of the mothership. The series, presumably, would have revolved around the family trying to recover David from the aliens.", "Coming out In 1996, the acclaimed British film Beautiful Thing had a positive take in its depiction of two teenage boys coming to terms with their sexual identity. In 1987, a two-part episode of the Quebec television series Avec un grand A, “Lise, Pierre et Marcel”, depicted a married closeted man who has to come out when his wife discovers that he has been having an affair with another man. In the Emmy Award-nominated episode \"Gay Witch Hunt\" of The Office, Michael inadvertently outs Oscar to the whole office.", "Coming out In 1997 on The Oprah Winfrey Show, actress Ellen DeGeneres came out as a lesbian. Her real-life coming out was echoed in the sitcom Ellen in \"The Puppy Episode\" in which the eponymous character Ellen Morgan played by DeGeneres outs herself over the airport public address system.\nOn March 29, 2010, Puerto Rican pop singer Ricky Martin came out publicly in a post on his official web site by stating, \"I am proud to say that I am a fortunate homosexual man. I am very blessed to be who I am.\"[44][45] Martin said that \"these years in silence and reflection made me stronger and reminded me that acceptance has to come from within and that this kind of truth gives me the power to conquer emotions I didn't even know existed.\"[46] Singer Adam Lambert came out after pictures of him kissing another man were publicly circulated while he was a participant on American Idol season 8.", "Lost in Space In 1965 Allen filmed a 50-minute black-and-white series pilot for Fox, which is usually known as \"No Place to Hide\" (although this title does not actually appear). After CBS accepted the series, the characters Smith and the Robot were added, the spaceship, originally named the Gemini 12, was redesigned by adding a second deck, interior equipment, and altering some consoles slightly, and was rechristened the Jupiter 2. For budget considerations, a good part of the footage included in the pilot episode was reused, being carefully worked into the early series episodes. CBS was also offered Star Trek at around the same time, but turned it down in favor of Lost in Space. In an ironic twist of fate, in 2006, CBS gained the television rights to the Star Trek franchise.[citation needed]", "Lost in Space Other nations are racing to colonize space, and they would stop at nothing, not even sabotage, to thwart the United States's effort. It turns out that Dr. Zachary Smith (Jonathan Harris), Alpha Control's doctor, and later said to be a psychiatrist and environmental control expert, is secretly an agent for one of those competing nations. After disposing of a guard who catches him on board the spacecraft, Smith reprograms the Jupiter 2's B-9 environmental control robot (voiced by Dick Tufeld) to destroy critical systems on the spaceship eight hours after launch. Smith, however, unintentionally becomes trapped aboard at launch and his extra weight throws the Jupiter 2 off course, causing it to encounter a meteor storm. This, plus the robot's rampage that causes the ship to prematurely engage its hyperdrive, causes the expedition to become hopelessly lost in the infinite depths of outer space.[citation needed]", "Lost in Space Lost in Space received a 1966 Emmy Award nomination for Cinematography-Special Photographic Effects but did not win, and again in 1968 for Achievement in Visual Arts & Makeup but did not win. In 2005, it was nominated for a Saturn Award for Best DVD Retro Television Release, but did not win. In 2008, TVLand nominated and awarded the series for Awesomest Robot.", "Lost in Space To satisfy Melchior, Prelude Pictures hired the 78-year-old filmmaker as a consultant on their feature film adaptation. This accommodation was made without the knowledge or consent of the Irwin Allen Estate or Space Productions, the original copyright holder of Lost in Space. Melchior's contract with Prelude also guaranteed him 2% of the producer's gross receipts, a provision that was later the subject of a suit between Melchior and Mark Koch of Prelude Pictures. Although an Appellate Court ruled partly[10] in Melchior's favor, on November 17, 2004, the Supreme Court of California[11] denied a petition by Melchior to further review the case.", "Coming out Every coming out story is the person trying to come to terms with who they are and their sexual orientation.[15] Several models have been created to describe coming out as a process for gay and lesbian identity development, e.g. Dank, 1971; Cass, 1984; Coleman, 1989; Troiden, 1989. Of these models, the most widely accepted is the Cass identity model established by Vivienne Cass.[16] This model outlines six discrete stages transited by individuals who successfully come out: identity confusion, identity comparison, identity tolerance, identity acceptance, identity pride, and identity synthesis. However, not every LGBT person follows such a model. For example, some LGBT youth become aware of and accept their same-sex desires or gender identity at puberty in a way similar to which heterosexual teens become aware of their sexuality, i.e. free of any notion of difference, stigma or shame in terms of the gender of the people to whom they are attracted.[citation needed] Regardless of whether LGBT youth develop their identity based on a model, the typical age at which youth in the United States come out has been dropping. High school students and even middle school students are coming out.[17][18][19]", "Coming out Gay people in the pre-war years [pre-WWI]... did not speak of coming out of what we call the gay closet but rather of coming out into what they called homosexual society or the gay world, a world neither so small, nor so isolated, nor... so hidden as closet implies[11]", "Lost in Space The Robinson family, selected from two million volunteers for this mission, consisted of Professor John Robinson, played by Guy Williams, his wife, Maureen, played by June Lockhart, their children, Judy (Marta Kristen), Penny (Angela Cartwright), and Will (Billy Mumy). They are accompanied by their pilot, U.S. Space Corps Major Donald West (Mark Goddard), who is trained to fly the ship when the time comes for the eventual landing. Initially the Robinsons and Major West will be in freezing tubes for the voyage, with the tubes opening when the spacecraft approached its destination. Unless there is a problem with the ship's navigation or guidance system during the voyage, Major West was only to take the controls during the final approach and landing on the destination planet, while the Robinsons were to strap themselves into contour couches on the lower deck for the landing.[citation needed]", "Coming out In 2013, basketball player Jason Collins (a member of the Washington Wizards) came out as gay, becoming the first active male professional athlete in a major North American team sport to publicly come out as gay.", "Lost in Space On October 16, 1997, 32 years in the future from the perspective of viewers in 1965, the United States is about to launch one of history's great adventures: man's colonization of space. The Jupiter 2 (called Gemini 12 in the unaired pilot episode), a futuristic saucer-shaped spacecraft, stands on its launch pad undergoing final preparations. Its mission is to take a single family on a five-and-a-half-year journey (altered from 98 years in the unaired pilot) to a planet orbiting the nearest star, Alpha Centauri (the pilot show had referred to the planet itself as Alpha Centauri but this error was corrected for the series), which space probes have revealed possesses ideal conditions for human life. All of this is presented as a news report of a real space expedition, with news commentators informing us of the mission's backstory.[citation needed]", "Coming out On the personal and relationship levels, effects of not coming out have been the subject of studies. For example, it has been found that same-sex couples who have not come out are not as satisfied in their relationships as same-sex couples who have.[22]\nFindings from another study indicate that the fewer people know about a lesbian's sexual orientation, the more anxiety, less positive affectivity, and lower self-esteem she has.[23] Further, Gay.com states that closeted individuals are reported to be at increased risk for suicide.[24]", "Lost in Space Much of the incidental music in the series was written by Williams who scored his four TV episodes with the movie soundtrack quality that not only helped him gain credibility and a boost towards his later success but also gave Lost in Space its distinctive musical style that is instantly recognizable by all of the show's fans. Other notable film and television composers included Alexander Courage (composer of the Star Trek theme), who contributed six scores to the series. His most recognizable (\"Wild Adventure\") included his key theme for \"Lorelei\" composed for organ, woodwinds, and harp — thus cementing this highly recognizable theme with Williams' own \"Chariot\" and the main theme for the series. The dramatic music of the show served the serious drama episodes well while highlighting the whimsy of later episodes when the deadly serious tunes were used to underscore comical and laughable fantasy threats.", "Craps Many players will use a come bet as \"insurance\" against sevening out: if the shooter rolls a seven, the come bet pays 1:1, offsetting the loss of the pass line bet. The risk in this strategy is the situation where the shooter does not hit a seven for several rolls, leading to multiple come bets that will be lost if the shooter eventually sevens out.", "Lost in Space In 1962, the first appearance of a space-faring Robinson family occurred in a comic book published by Gold Key Comics. The Space Family Robinson, who were scientists aboard Earth's \"Space Station One\", are swept away in a cosmic storm in the comic's second issue. These Robinsons were scientist father Craig, scientist mother June, early teens Tim (son) and Tam (daughter), along with pets Clancy (dog) and Yakker (parrot). Space Station One also boasted two spacemobiles for ship-to-planet travel.[citation needed]", "Out Come the Freaks The song's parent album was later renamed Out Come The Freaks when it was remastered and expanded in 2004. A companion remix album is titled (The) Woodwork Squeaks.", "Lost in Space Smith's selfish actions and laziness frequently endanger the expedition. After the first half of the first season, Smith's role assumes less sinister overtones, although he continues to display many character flaws. In \"The Time Merchant\" Smith shows he actually does care about the Robinsons, when he travels back in time to the day of the Jupiter 2 launch, with the hope of changing his own fate by not boarding the ship, so allowing the Robinsons to start the mission as originally planned. However, he learns that without his weight altering the ship's course, the Jupiter 2 will be destroyed by an uncharted asteroid. So he sacrifices his chance to stay on earth, electing to re-board the ship, thus saving the lives of the family and continuing his role amongst them as the reluctant stowaway.[citation needed]", "National Coming Out Day Most people think they don't know anyone gay or lesbian, and in fact everybody does. It is imperative that we come out and let people know who we are and disabuse them of their fears and stereotypes.", "Lost in Space In 1962, Gold Key comics (formerly Dell Comics), a division of Western Publishing Company, began publishing a series of comic books under the title Space Family Robinson. The story was largely inspired by The Swiss Family Robinson but with a space-age twist. The movie and television rights to the comic book were then purchased by noted television writer Hilda Bohem (The Cisco Kid), who created a treatment under the title, Space Family 3000.", "When the Boat Comes In The series' creator James Mitchell also wrote three tie-in books to the T.V. show: When the Boat Comes In, When the Boat Comes In: The Hungry Years and When the Boat Comes In: Upwards and Onwards. The final book brings the reader up to date with the end of the second series of the TV show.", "List of Lab Rats episodes The Lab Rats are at school when Marcus asks them if he can stay at their house for the weekend because his dad is out of town and he does not want to stay with his grandma. They agree to let him stay. The Lab Rats discover they have secret abilities, but when they confront Donald, they find out that he does not know the type of ability they will have or the time it will come. When Marcus comes over, they have to go into space because Donald's satellite is about to get hit by a meteor shower due to a breach. They get there and fix the breach, but Adam accidentally breaks his tether with his heat vision. Marcus infiltrates the lab and places a microscopic spy camera inside. Later, Marcus notifies a mysterious man about his infiltration in Donald's lab.", "I'm Coming Out \"I'm Coming Out\" has been regarded as an anthem for the LGBT community. The phrase \"coming out\" to describe one's self-disclosure of sexual orientation or gender identity had been present in the gay subculture in the early 20th century[3], analogous to a débutante's coming-out party or celebration of her formal presentation to society. It has also been understood as \"coming out of the closet\" or coming out from hiding. The song is thus interpreted as a celebration of lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender, identity and the encouragement of self-disclosure.", "We Travel the Space Ways The album includes a number of alternative versions of songs that also appear - usually in better quality recordings - on other early Saturn albums; Interplanetary Music and Space Loneliness appear on Interstellar Low Ways; Eve is also on Sun Ra and his Solar Arkestra Visits Planet Earth; We Travel The Space Ways from When Sun Comes Out; ; Tapestry From An Asteroid from The Futuristic Sounds of Sun Ra on Savoy Records; New Horizons from Jazz by Sun Ra; & Velvet which appears on Jazz In Silhouette. All of these records had already been released by the time We Travel the Space Ways was produced.", "Coming out In 2011, as the U.S. prepared to lift restrictions on service by openly gay people, Senior Airman Randy Phillips conducted a social media campaign to garner support for coming out. The video he posted on YouTube of the conversation in which he told his father he was gay went viral.[48] In one journalist's summation, he \"masterfully used social media and good timing to place himself at the centre of a civil rights success story\".[49]", "List of Carolina Panthers seasons The team's worst regular season record was 2001, where they finished 1–15, worst in the league for that season; although they won their first game, they lost each of the remaining 15. Their best regular season record was accomplished in 2015, when they finished 15–1. The team has reached the Super Bowl twice; in 2003, when they lost Super Bowl XXXVIII 29–32 to the New England Patriots, and 2015, when they lost Super Bowl 50 10-24 to the Denver Broncos. Overall, the team has recorded 7 winning seasons, 12 losing seasons, and three 8–8 seasons; they have reached the playoffs 8 times. Including the playoffs, they have an overall record of 192 wins, 191 losses, and 1 tie (.501 winning percentage).", "Lost (TV series) The fifth season once again received mostly positive critical reception. Season 5 was given a weighted average of 78 out of 100 by Metacritic. Variety said that \"The ABC series remains one of primetime's most uncompromising efforts, and this year's latest wrinkle on flashbacks, flash-forwards and island-disappearing flashes of light does nothing to alter that perception.\"[143] Alan Sepinwall of The Newark Star Ledger said that season 5 may finally be \"a day of reckoning between those viewers who embrace the show's science-fiction trappings, and those who prefer not to think about them.\" Sepinwall also related that \"I loved every minute. But I'm also a geek who read Ray Bradbury and Isaac Asimov growing up.\"[144] Heather Havrilesky of Salon.com criticized the use of time travel saying that \"when a narrator brings magic or time travel or an act of God into the picture, then uses it without restraint, the story loses its anchor to real life.\" The critic also asked \"Why does it matter what Locke and Richard Alpert and Daniel Faraday or anyone else does, when they all seem as clueless and unfettered from reality as we are as viewers? How can these characters have any concrete agenda or strategic approach or philosophical perspective on anything when the rug is pulled out from under them by another Act of God every few seconds?\"[145] The New York Times also commented that \"what has been most dispiriting about the current season is the show's willingness to abandon many of the larger and more compelling themes that grounded the elaborate plot: the struggles between faith and reason; the indictments of extreme capitalism, the futility of recovery. All that remains is the reductively limned battle between fate and free will largely playing out, now, in Jack Shephard's belief that returning to the island is his Destiny.\"[146] The A.V. Club said of the fifth-season finale, \"Me? I found the ending frustrating, but in a good way. This finale was entertaining as all get-out to me, and despite the occasional groaner moment, I think this may be Lost's most purposeful, surprising finale.\"[147]", "Coming out Ellen DeGeneres's coming out in the media as well as an episode of Ellen, \"The Puppy Episode\", \"ranks, hands down, as the single most public exit in gay history\", changing media portrayals of lesbians in Western culture.[60] In 1999, Russell T Davies's Queer as Folk, a popular TV series shown on Channel 4 (UK) debuted and focused primarily on the lives of young gay men; in particular on a 15-year-old going through the processes of revealing his sexuality to those around him. This storyline was also featured prominently in the U.S. version of Queer As Folk, which debuted in 2000.", "Coming out Emerging research suggests that gay men from religious backgrounds are likely to come out online via Facebook and Blogs as it offers a protective interpersonal distance. This largely contradicts the growing movement in social media research indicating that online use, particularly Facebook, can lead to negative mental health outcomes such as increased levels of anxiety. While further research is needed to assess whether these results generalize to a larger sample, these recent findings open the door to the possibility that gay men's online experiences may differ from heterosexuals' in that it may be more likely to provide mental health benefits than consequences.[20]", "Smurfs: The Lost Village Smurfette sneaks out into the night to look for the lost village, however, and Brainy, Clumsy, and Hefty volunteer to come with her. Smurfette agrees to let them join her and together the four enter the Forbidden Forest. Gargamel soon discovers them trying to find the lost village and heads out with Azrael and Monty to stop them.", "Lost in Space As copyright law only protects the actual expression of a work, and not titles, general ideas or concepts, in 1964 Allen moved forward with his own take on Space Family Robinson, with characters and situations notably different from either the Bohem or the Melchior treatments (none of the three treatments contained the characters of Smith or the Robot).", "Out Come the Freaks A fourth song related to \"Out Come the Freaks\" called \"Look What's Back\" appears as the final track on the group's fourth album Are You Okay? in 1990. The song is a 43-second acoustic camp-fire rendition in which the group chants the chorus: 'Woodwork squeaks, and out comes the freaks'.", "Lost in Space Guy Williams grew embittered with his role on the show as it became increasingly \"campy\" in Seasons 2 and 3 while centering squarely on the antics of Harris' Dr. Smith character. Whether Williams would have returned for a fourth season or not wasn't revealed, but he never acted again after the series, choosing instead to retire to Argentina.[19]", "List of When the Boat Comes In episodes This is list of episodes for BBC One period drama When the Boat Comes In which aired four seasons consisting of 51 episodes between 1976 and 1981.", "Lost in Space The fate of the castaways is never resolved, as the series was unexpectedly canceled at the end of season 3.[citation needed]", "When the Boat Comes In The memorable traditional tune \"When The Boat Comes In\" was adapted by David Fanshawe and sung by Alex Glasgow for the title theme of the series. Fanshawe also composed the incidental music.", "Reactions to On the Origin of Species The position of Richard Owen was unknown: when emphasising to a Parliamentary committee the need for a new Natural History museum, he pointed out that \"The whole intellectual world this year has been excited by a book on the origin of species; and what is the consequence? Visitors come to the British Museum, and they say, 'Let us see all these varieties of pigeons: where is the tumbler, where is the pouter?' and I am obliged with shame to say, I can show you none of them...\" As to showing you the varieties of those species, or of any of those phenomena that would aid one in getting at that mystery of mysteries, the origin of species, our space does not permit; but surely there ought to be a space somewhere, and, if not in the British Museum, where is it to be obtained?\"", "List of winless seasons The Major League Soccer schedule has consisted of between twenty-six and thirty-four games. No team in Major League Soccer has ever come close to losing all its games: the most losses in a MLS season is 24 from 32 games by the Kansas City Wizards in 1999, the year when the league used shootouts to decide all tied games. Shootouts were abandoned the following season. In 2013, D.C. United set new MLS records in futility. They won a league low three games, and lost a record 24 games, tying the aforementioned Wizards.", "Lost in Space The original pilot and much of Season One reused Bernard Herrmann's eerie score from the classic sci-fi film The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951).", "Lost in Space For self-defense, the crew of the Jupiter 2 — including Will on occasion — had an arsenal of laser guns at their disposal, both slings-carried rifles and holstered pistols. (The first season's personal issue laser gun was a film prop modified from a toy semi-automatic pistol made by Remco.[22] The laser had only been invented 5 years before.) The crew also employed a force field around the Jupiter 2 for protection while on alien planets. The force shield generator was able to protect the campsite but in one season 3 episode was able to shield the entire planet.[citation needed]", "Robot (Lost in Space) Two versions of the robot were used during Lost in Space filming – a \"hero robot\" costume worn by Bob May, and a static, \"stunt robot\" prop that was used for distant or hazardous shots. Both versions fell into disrepair after the series, but these have since been discovered and restored. The \"hero\" is privately owned by TV and film producer Kevin Burns, who commissioned a replica in the early 1990s for touring and conventions. The \"stunt robot\" is in storage at the Science Fiction Museum and Hall of Fame in Seattle, Washington.", "List of Arizona Diamondbacks seasons Arizona made their Major League debut in the 1998 baseball season when they became the 14th expansion team.[3] After going 65-97 in their first their first season, the Diamondbacks were the National League West Division Champions in the 1999 baseball season when they went 100-62. They made it to the National League Division Series but they lost to the New York Mets.[4] The early success of the franchise was exemplified in 2001 when the Diamondbacks defeated the New York Yankees in a dramatic seven game World Series in 2001.[5] In the 2002 baseball season, Arizona returned to the playoffs but were defeated by the St. Louis Cardinals in the National League Division Series.[6] Post season baseball did not return to the desert until the 2007 season when Arizona lost to the Colorado Rockies in the National League Championship Series.[7] The following season, Arizona narrowly missed the playoffs, when they finished 2 games behind the Los Angeles Dodgers. In 2011, the Diamondbacks won their division but were ousted by the Milwaukee Brewers in the National League Division Series.", "Inflation (cosmology) As the inflationary field slowly relaxes to the vacuum, the cosmological constant goes to zero and space begins to expand normally. The new regions that come into view during the normal expansion phase are exactly the same regions that were pushed out of the horizon during inflation, and so they are at nearly the same temperature and curvature, because they come from the same originally small patch of space.", "1970 New York Jets season The 1970 New York Jets season was the 11th season for the team and the first in the National Football League, following the AFL–NFL merger. It began with the team trying to maintain or improve upon its 10–4 record from 1969 under head coach Weeb Ewbank. The Jets finished with a record of 4–10. One of the highlights of the season was the Jets' first game when they appeared on the first ever Monday Night Football game vs. the Cleveland Browns. The Jets lost the game 31–21. In the fifth game of the season, quarterback Joe Namath was lost for the season when he broke his wrist vs. the Baltimore Colts in Shea Stadium, the first meeting between the teams since Namath guaranteed victory in Super Bowl III. Namath's injury occurred when he hit his hand on the helmet of Colts defensive tackle Fred Miller. With Namath on the sidleines, the Jets were forced to play untested Al Woodall, who guided New York to upsets of NFC powerhouses Los Angeles and Minnesota, but only one other victory, over the lowly Boston Patriots.", "When the Whip Comes Down In a 1978 interview with Rolling Stone magazine to mark the release of Some Girls, Jagger responded to questions regarding the song's lyrics: \"...There is one song that's a straight gay song—\"When the Whip Comes Down\"—but I have no idea why I wrote it. It's strange - the Rolling Stones have always attracted a lot of men... I don't know why I wrote it. Maybe I came out of the closet {laughs}. It's about an imaginary person who comes from L.A. to New York City and becomes a garbage collector... I sure hope the radio stations will play [it].\" The lyrics could be taken to imply that the singer becomes a male prostitute,", "Lost in Space (film) TVT Records released a soundtrack album on March 31, 1998, featuring 11 tracks of Bruce Broughton's original score (which makes no reference to either of the TV themes composed by John Williams) and eight tracks of techno music (most of which is heard only over the film's end credits).[2] A European version of the soundtrack album was released that omits the tracks \"Spider Attack\", \"Jupiter Crashes\", and \"Spider Smith\" in favor of three new songs unused in the film by Aah-Yah, Asphalt Ostrich, and Anarchy.[3] Intrada Records released a score album for the film the following year, and the complete score in 2016. The track \"Thru the Planet\" on the TVT album is not the same as \"Through the Planet\" on the Intrada release, but is a shortened version of Broughton's unused end-title music heard on the score album as \"Lost in Space.\"[citation needed]", "RuPaul's Drag Race (season 6) Before the compilation's release, RuPaul confirmed on Twitter that a new album, in which each of the Season 6 contestants covered a song from his catalog, would be coming out.[citation needed]", "...And Out Come the Wolves ...And Out Come the Wolves was released on August 22, 1995, and peaked at number 45 on the Billboard 200 album chart.[16] Five months after its release, the album was certified gold.[2]", "Coming out On August 15, 2013, WWE wrestler Darren Young came out, making him the first openly gay active professional wrestler.", "Lost in Space (American Dad!) Not to be confused with the revealing of Roger's birth planet, the setting of \"Lost in Space\" is simply a spaceship owned by members of Roger's alien race. Fox has misreported this episode as the revealing of Roger's birth planet.[1] The episode centers around Jeff Fischer's attempts to escape a slave spaceship full of aliens (the slave-owning aliens of which are Roger's race) that he was suddenly shoved onto by Roger in \"Naked to the Limit, One More Time\". In \"Lost in Space,\" Jeff endeavors to prove to slave-owning aliens the legitimacy of his love for wife Hayley Smith in order to escape the spaceship.", "Out Come the Freaks The second recording is slower and sparser as opposed to the post-disco sound of the original. This version is sung by Harry Bowens, who sings the Woodwork Squeaks chorus as more of a refrain than a chant. This version adds a new introductory verse which sets up the concept of the song. The final chorus replaces the words \"the freaks\" with a succession of song titles including \"Papa's Got A Brand New Bag\" and \"The Shadow of Your Smile\", implying a more positive spin on the idea of a \"freak\" to counterpoint the earlier verses. \"(Return to the Valley of) Out Come the Freaks\" was the only single from Born to Laugh at Tornadoes to chart in the UK, and was also their first hit in that country, hitting the UK top 50.[2]", "Coming Out of the Dark Gloria was careful not to turn Into the Light into a pity party. \"I hate pity,\" she told the Los Angeles Daily News. \"I'm very self-reliant and independent, and I'm used to that role. I don't like people feeling sorry for me. So I wrote 'Coming Out of the Dark' to let the people around me know how important they are to me. But that was as far as I wanted to go with the accident. I didn't want this to become 'the album on the accident.' What am I going to sing - 'Oh, this bus hit me'?\"", "Lost in Space In 1998, New Line Cinema produced a film adaptation. It includes some homages, cameos and story details related to the original TV-series, including:", "Lost in Space The then new and exciting invention called a jet pack (specifically, a Bell Rocket Belt) was used occasionally by Prof Robinson or Major West.[citation needed]", "Philadelphia Eagles Eagles fans had high expectations going into the 2012 season. The Eagles started off winning three out of their four first games, but that changed when they lost the next eight games, and were eliminated from the playoff hunt. They only won one out of their last four games. After a loss to the New York Giants on December 30, 2012, longtime head coach Andy Reid was fired after fourteen seasons with the team.[25]", "Coming out In 1975, Leonard Matlovich, while serving in the United States Air Force, came out to challenge the U.S. military's policies banning service by homosexuals. Widespread coverage included a Time magazine cover story and a television movie on NBC.[47]", "I'm Coming Out \"I'm Coming Out\" is a song recorded by American singer Diana Ross. It was written and produced by Chic members Bernard Edwards and Nile Rodgers, and released in August 22, 1980 as the second single from Ross' self-titled tenth album Diana (1980).", "List of New York Mets seasons In 1986, the team posted 108 wins, the most in franchise history, and defeated the Houston Astros in the National League Championship Series (NLCS) to advance to the World Series. Trailing three games to two in the series, the Mets were one out from defeat in game six before coming back to win 6–5; they won game seven two days later to earn their second World Series championship.[6] After a second-place finish in 1987, the Mets won the NL East the next year, but lost to the Los Angeles Dodgers in the NLCS. The Mets' next playoff appearances were their back-to-back wild card-winning seasons of 1999 and 2000; in the latter year, they won their fourth NL championship, but lost to the cross-town New York Yankees in the \"Subway Series\".[7] The 2006 Mets earned an NL East title, before the St. Louis Cardinals defeated them in the NLCS. In 2007 and 2008, the team was eliminated from playoff contention on the last day of the regular season.[8] The Mets won the NL East in 2015, and swept the Chicago Cubs in four games to win the NLCS and advance to the World Series for the first time since 2000;[9] they lost the Series to the Kansas City Royals in five games. In the most recent season, 2017, the Mets finished in fourth place in the NL East and did not qualify for the postseason.", "Space probe A space probe is a robotic spacecraft that does not orbit the Earth, but, instead, explores further into outer space.[1] A space probe may approach the Moon; travel through interplanetary space; flyby, orbit, or land on other planetary bodies; or enter interstellar space.", "Intermembrane space The intermembrane space of the chloroplast is exceedingly small, from 10-20 nm thick. Unlike the intermembrane space of the mitochondria, the intermembrane space of the chloroplast does not seem to have any obvious function.", "List of New York Knicks seasons From 1988 to 2001, the franchise reached the playoffs in fourteen consecutive seasons, but did not win an NBA title. The team reached its first NBA Finals in twenty-one seasons during the 1993–94 season, but lost to the Houston Rockets in seven games. Five years later, New York again lost in the NBA Finals, this time in a five-game series against the San Antonio Spurs. After the 2000–01 season, the Knicks had nine consecutive losing seasons between 2001–02 and 2009–10. The Knicks made the postseason in the next three seasons, but declined to their worst-ever record of 65 losses in 2014–15. In the most recent season, 2016–17, New York missed the playoffs with a 31–51 win–loss record.", "Lost in Space It was not among the network's series pick-ups confirmed later that year. Looking back at the pilot when the 2018 Netflix reboot was aired, Neil Calloway of Flickering Myth said \"you’re hardly on the edge of your seat.\" and \"You start to wonder where the $2 million went, and then you question why something directed by John Woo is so pedestrian.\"[35]", "Lost (TV series) For its first season, Lost averaged 16 million viewers, ranking 14th in viewership among prime-time shows and 15th among the eighteen to forty-nine-year-old demographic.[86] Its second season fared equally well: again, Lost ranked 14th in viewership, with an average of 15.5 million viewers. However, it improved its rating with 18- to 49-year-olds, ranking eighth.[87] The second-season premiere was even more viewed than the first, pulling in over 23 million viewers and setting a series record.[88] The third-season premiere brought in 18.8 million viewers. The seventh episode of the season, back from a three-month hiatus, saw a drop to 14.5 million. Over the course of the spring season, ratings would plunge to as low as 11 million viewers before recovering to near 14 million for the season finale. The ratings drop was partially explained when Nielsen released DVR ratings, showing Lost as the most recorded series on television. However, despite overall ratings losses, Lost still won its hour in the crucial 18–49 demographic and put out the highest 18–49 numbers in the 10:00 p.m. time slot ahead of any show on any network that season. The fourth-season premiere saw an increase from the previous episode to 16.1 million viewers,[89] though by the eighth episode, viewers had decreased to a series low of 11.461 million.[89] A survey of 20 countries by Informa Telecoms and Media in 2006 concluded that Lost was the second most popular TV show in those countries, after CSI: Miami.[90] The sixth-season premiere was the first to climb in the ratings year-over-year since the second season, drawing 12.1 million viewers.[91]", "Out Come the Freaks Despite the three songs' abundant similarities, each song is distinctive, as differing lyrics in the verses of each song tell stories about different societal outcasts. As well, each recording had a different contemporary sound, a thoroughly different arrangement, and reworked the melody while still retaining the chorus vocal: Woodwork squeaks, and out comes the freaks.", "Connected space In general, note that any path connected space must be connected but there exist connected spaces that are not path connected. The deleted comb space furnishes such an example, as does the above-mentioned topologist's sine curve.", "Come with Me Now In 2011, Kongos released their album Lunatic, which featured \"Come with Me Now\" which was released as a single. With the band performing the song live while opening for American band Linkin Park in South Africa, \"Come with Me Now\" was considered a fan favorite there though it initially struggled to find an audience in the United States. The band admitted that when \"it didn't seem like things were getting along we really lost heart – we were ready to move on to new material\".[3]", "Eleanor Roosevelt At age 17 in 1902, Roosevelt completed her formal education and returned to the United States; she was presented at a debutante ball at the Waldorf-Astoria hotel on December 14. She was later given her own \"coming out party\".[21] She said of her debut in a public discussion once (as later recounted in her New York Times obituary), \"It was simply awful. It was a beautiful party, of course, but I was so unhappy, because a girl who comes out is so utterly miserable if she does not know all the young people. Of course I had been so long abroad that I had lost touch with all the girls I used to know in New York. I was miserable through all that.\"[5]", "List of Lost in Space episodes In the year 1997, the Robinson family leaves Earth in the Gemini 12 space ship and sets out on a journey to be the first humans to colonize Alpha Centauri. Disaster strikes when their ship encounters a meteor storm, veers off course and crash lands on an alien planet. By December 2001, after a delayed revival from suspended animation, the family has settled in over a six-month period and made the planet their home, but a severe winter is coming and they must journey south. Traveling in their all-terrain \"chariot,\" the family encounters fearsome cyclops monsters, survives a stormy sea, and explores the cave of an ancient civilization. Eventually they find a tropical region and set up camp, but unbeknownst to them they are being observed by a pair of humanoid aliens.\nGuest stars: Don Forbes (TV Commentator), Ford Rainey (The President), Lamar Lundy (The Giant)", "Meet John Doe The John Doe philosophy spreads across the country, developing into a broad grassroots movement whose simple slogan is, \"Be a better neighbor\". However, Norton secretly plans to channel support for Doe into support for his own national political ambitions. When a John Doe rally is scheduled, with John Doe clubs from throughout the country in attendance, Norton instructs Mitchell to write a speech for Willoughby in which he announces the foundation of a new political party and endorses Norton as its presidential candidate. On the night of the rally, Willoughby, who has come to believe in the John Doe philosophy himself, learns of Norton's treachery from a drunken Connell. He denounces Norton and tries to expose the plot at the rally, but Norton speaks first, exposing Doe as a fake and claiming to have been deceived, like everyone else, by the staff of the newspaper. Despondent at letting his now-angry followers down, Willoughby plans to commit suicide by jumping from the roof of the City Hall on Christmas Eve, as indicated in the original John Doe letter. Mitchell, who has fallen in love with Willoughby, desperately tries to talk him out of jumping (saying another John Doe has already died for the sake of humanity), and Hanson and his neighbors tell him of their plan to restart their John Doe club. Convinced not to kill himself, Willoughby leaves, carrying a fainted Mitchell in his arms, and Connell turns to Norton and says, \"There you are, Norton! The people! Try and lick that!\"", "Lost in Space (American Dad!) \"Lost in Space\" is unconventional in that Jeff is, for the most part, the only main character from the show to appear, although Roger and Hayley have brief cameo appearances, and the rest of the family makes a brief appearance together in the beginning recap. The episode received positive reviews from television critics, with praise directed to the visual style and humor.", "List of Lost in Space episodes The family finds a planet able to support human life and the Professor feels they should land there. He decides to first check out the planet himself and goes off in a space suit with forearm mounted \"Para-Jet\" thrusters. The thrusters malfunction and contact is lost. Major West tries to land on the planet, but Dr. Smith demands they return to Earth and uses the reprogrammed robot to force his authority. West manages to subdue Smith but the Jupiter 2 falls from orbit and crashes on the planet. With everyone safe, West leads a mission in the Chariot to find the Professor. Meanwhile, Smith schemes a plan to escape the planet and orders the robot to eliminate all \"non-essential personnel.\"", "I'm Coming Out In 2003, American singer Amerie covered \"I'm Coming Out\" for the soundtrack to the film Maid in Manhattan. Her version was released as a single in select European countries and Australia. The final single version to be released was the Loren Dawson remix. The original single version (which is similar to the original) can be found on both CD singles and the original motion picture soundtrack to Maid in Manhattan. Ross' version appears on the film's soundtrack album as well.", "Coming Home (Diddy – Dirty Money song) \"Coming Home\" goes to everybody out there who's going through a struggle or obstacle. I've been lost in life, I'm still lost in life in these sense of trying to find your way back to that person who your grandmother or father wanted you to be. Sometimes you get lost through drug addiction or you break up with up your partner or remission from cancer etc. you struggle to find your way back to yourself. That's what \"Coming Home\" is about.[11]", "Space Shuttle retirement The Shuttle was presented to the public in 1972 as a \"space truck\" which would, among other things, be used to build a United States space station in low earth orbit in the early 1990s and then be replaced by a new vehicle. When the concept of the U.S. space station evolved into that of the International Space Station, which suffered from long delays and design changes before it could be completed, the service life of the Space Shuttle was extended several times until 2011 when it was finally retired.[citation needed]", "The Biggest Loser (season 8) The crew visits Dina now. She says the person she was when she came to the ranch had zero confidence but she's beginning to see her potential. \"I'm gonna win this battle. I'm going to look in the mirror one day and see the Dina that's been hiding.\" They show her update and she weighs 188 pounds, having lost 65 pounds. She has now made working out more of a family affair. She goes to get a makeover in an effort to help let go of her past. She comes out with new clothes and a different hairdo to the cheers of her family. It is revealed that she recently[when?] completed her first half marathon and hopes to complete a full marathon.", "...And Out Come the Wolves The album received positive reviews, Stephen Thomas Erlewine of AllMusic described the album as having \"classic moments of revivalist punk\". Erlewine praised the music and claims the album \"doesn't mark an isolationist retreat into didactic, defiantly underground punk rock\". The album received a rating of four and a half out of five stars, while \"Time Bomb,\" \"Ruby Soho\" and \"Roots Radicals\" earned Rancid its heaviest airplay on MTV and radio stations to date.[1] In 2005, ...And Out Come the Wolves was ranked number 368 in Rock Hard magazine's book of The 500 Greatest Rock & Metal Albums of All Time.[17] BuzzFeed included the album at number 14 on their \"36 Pop Punk Albums You Need To Hear Before You F——ing Die\" list.[18]", "I'm Coming Out Nile recorded all the tracks and vocals and called me and my horn section for a 3-hour date. We had a great time, as the songs were fabulous—especially \"Upside Down\" and \"I'm Coming Out\". We sounded great—Nile was pleased and as I was packing up, he asked me to stay and play a jazz trombone solo on one of the tracks. I said, \"Nile, there are a lot of hit records with jazz saxophone solos—even some with jazz trumpet solos, but not one with a trombone\"!! He said. \"That's exactly why I want you to do it\"!! I was a little bit rusty at first as I hadn't had a call to play jazz in years, so we ended up with four separate tracks of solos, with the intention of picking the best parts to make one great solo when later he went to mix it. I reminded Nile of our agreement and he said he was looking forward to 'The Empire Strikes Back' as he was a Star Wars fan himself.", "List of Lost in Space episodes Dr. Smith intercepts a distress call from an alien ship that asks for medical assistance and promising a \"great reward\" to whoever helps. Smith and the Robot take the space pod and board the alien craft where they find a crew of androids who take Smith to their sick leader – a malfunctioning computerized brain. Smith realizes he is in over his head and tries to leave, but the androids threaten to kill him if he backs out. The Robot comes to the rescue stating he can fix the computer, but he refuses once he learns the brain is evil and wants to take over the universe. Meanwhile, the androids capture the Jupiter 2 and threaten to kill the Robinsons if the Robot doesn't conduct the repairs.", "List of The Big Bang Theory characters In season nine, he comes to Howard and Bernadette's house since they are talking about renovating and he comes over to help. While Howard and he are busy together, Mike asks Howard why he does not want kids, but Howard sets things straight when he tells Mike that it is actually Bernadette who does not want kids and she causes the dust avalanche on both of them. Bernadette had lied to her father about not wanting kids because she did not want to disappoint him. Mike says he does not want to see her miss out since raising children was the most rewarding experience of his life, but Bernadette points out that her mother did everything while all Mike did was come home from work, sit on the couch, and drink beer, which is unrelated to raising kids. Defeated, Mike leaves, saying this is really a conversation for husband and wife and tells Bernadette if her mother asks, he was at the Wolowitz house until 10. He briefly comes back into the kitchen and sees Howard and Bernadette doing \"dirty talk\" and then disappears again through the doorway.", "List of NCIS characters After murdering Special Agent Kate Todd in the episode \"Twilight\", and mounting several further attacks on NCIS members (including Gibbs) in the two part episodes \"Kill Ari (Part I)\" and \"Kill Ari (Part 2)\", his reign of terror finally comes to an end when Ari is killed by his half-sister, Mossad officer Ziva David, who is later offered and accepts a position at NCIS as Mossad liaison officer. It is revealed in the episode \"Aliyah\" by Director Vance that Ziva had been under orders to kill Ari, as he was out of control and planning a massive terrorist attack, and to gain Gibbs' trust in the process, which ended whatever secret Gibbs and Ziva could keep from the rest of NCIS. Ziva initially does not believe that Ari was an enemy agent and becomes his control officer in hopes of protecting him, until he nearly kills Gibbs, when she hears the truth from his own lips. Ziva does not fully come to terms with killing her brother, and experiences moments of guilt and hurt, even with her departure from Mossad (after the beginning of season 7) and her new American citizenship coming through (in that season's finale episode \"Rule Fifty-One\"). Haswari is mentioned various times even after the character's death and Ziva's departure from NCIS. In the season 12 premiere he is mentioned by his half-brother terrorist Sergei Mishnev, the main antagonist of the season (Alex Veadov), who attempts to kill Gibbs in revenge.", "Deep Space Nine (fictional space station) In the year 2383, DS9 – while under the command of Captain Ro Laren – was destroyed by a series of bombs planted by the Typhon Pact, when an attempt to distract Starfleet from their efforts to discreetly use the wormhole backfires, although the station is evacuated in time so that only a thousand people are lost of those on the station at the time, none of whom are major characters. In honor of the station, and the Bajoran people, Starfleet Command and the Federation Council agreed to build a new station in the Bajoran system and name it Deep Space Nine.[18]", "Iowa State Cyclones football The Cyclones continued their success under McCarney in the 2005 season. High points during the season include a blowout win against #8 Iowa and a home victory over #22 Colorado. They missed out yet again on the Big 12 title when they lost in overtime to the Kansas after a missed field goal by Bret Culbertson. They led the game in the 4th quarter but allowed Kansas to come back.[53] They got a berth in the 2005 Houston Bowl, but lost 24–27 to the TCU Horned Frogs. TCU opened the game with back-to-back first quarter rushing touchdowns. The Cyclones responded with two Bret Meyer touchdown passes and by forcing a TCU safety. Late in the fourth quarter the game was tied at 24–24 but the Cyclones ultimately lost yet another bowl game on a fourth quarter field goal.[54]" ]
who are involved in selling product of mutual fund and insurance
[ "Unit-linked insurance plan There are several public and private sector insurance providers that either operate solo or have partnered with foreign insurance companies to sell unit linked insurance plans in India. The public insurance providers include LIC of India, SBI Life and Canara while and some of the private insurance providers include Aegon Life, Edelweiss Tokio Life Insurance, Reliance Life, ICICI Prudential, HDFC Life, Bajaj Allianz, Aviva Life Insurance,Max life insurance , Kotak Mahindra Life, and DHFL Pramerica Life Insurance." ]
[ "Mutual fund A mutual fund pays expenses related to buying or selling the securities in its portfolio. These expenses may include brokerage commissions. These costs are normally positively correlated with turnover.", "Farmers Insurance Group In August 2000, Farmers Financial Solutions registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission as a broker-dealer. Through it, Farmers began offering mutual fund and variable insurance products.[11]", "Mutual fund In 2003, the mutual fund industry was involved in a scandal involving unequal treatment of fund shareholders. Some fund management companies allowed favored investors to engage in late trading, which is illegal, or market timing, which is a practice prohibited by fund policy. The scandal was initially discovered by former New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer and led to a significant increase in regulation.", "Life insurance These are unique insurance plans which are basically a mutual fund and term insurance plan rolled into one. The investor doesn't participate in the profits of the plan per se, but gets returns based on the returns on the funds he or she had chosen.", "Mutual fund At the end of 2016, mutual fund assets worldwide were $40.4 trillion, according to the Investment Company Institute.[5] The countries with the largest mutual fund industries are:", "Buy–sell agreement It may be thought of as a sort of premarital agreement between business partners/shareholders or is sometimes called a \"business will\". An insured buy–sell agreement (triggered buyout is funded with life insurance on the participating owners' lives) is often recommended by business-succession specialists and financial planners to ensure that the buy–sell arrangement is well-funded and to guarantee that there will be money when the buy–sell event is triggered.", "Universal health care Sometimes, the health funds are derived from a mixture of insurance premiums, salary related mandatory contributions by employees and/or employers to regulated sickness funds, and by government taxes. These insurance based systems tend to reimburse private or public medical providers, often at heavily regulated rates, through mutual or publicly owned medical insurers. A few countries, such as the Netherlands and Switzerland, operate via privately owned but heavily regulated private insurers, which are not allowed to make a profit from the mandatory element of insurance but can profit by selling supplemental insurance.", "New York Life Insurance Company Both NYL (and its primary American insurance subsidiary, New York Life Insurance and Annuity Corporation) are licensed to do business in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.[20][21] The company also sells annuities and long-term care insurance; mutual funds through its subsidiary NYLIFE Securities, a registered broker-dealer; and provides institutional asset-management and retirement-plan services from subsidiary New York Life Investment Management (NYLIM).[22][23]", "Mutual funds in India Deposit being available in the market[2] less than 10% of Indian households have invested in mutual funds.[citation needed] A recent report on Mutual Fund Investments in India published by research and analytics firm, Boston Analytics, suggests investors are holding back from putting their money into mutual funds due to their perceived high risk and a lack of information on how mutual funds work.[3] There are 46 Mutual Funds as of June 2013.[4]", "Mutual fund Mutual funds have disadvantages as well, which include:", "Mutual fund In the United States, the principal laws governing mutual funds are:", "Mutual fund in the Hong Kong market: mutual funds are regulated by two authorities.", "World Financial Group WFG works with hundreds of product provider companies, including mutual funds and unit investment trusts, and various insurance and financial services-related companies.[15][16]", "Mutual fund In Taiwan, mutual funds are regulated by the Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC).[16]", "Mutual fund The sponsor or fund management company, often referred to as the fund manager, trades (buys and sells) the fund's investments in accordance with the fund's investment objective. A fund manager must be a registered investment adviser. Funds that are managed by the same company under the same brand are known as a fund family or fund complex.", "Mutual fund Mutual funds in the United States are required to report the average annual compounded rates of return for one-, five-and ten year-periods using the following formula:[19]", "Mutual fund In the European Union, funds are governed by laws and regulations established by their home country. However, the European Union has established a mutual recognition regime that allows funds regulated in one country to be sold in all other countries in the European Union, but only if they comply with certain requirements. The directive establishing this regime is the Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities Directive 2009, and funds that comply with its requirements are known as UCITS funds.", "Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority The Finance Minister of India announced an insurance repository system, helping policyholders buy and maintain insurance policies in electronic form rather than on paper. Insurance repositories, like share depositories or mutual fund transfer agencies, will hold electronic records of insurance policies issued to individuals as electronic or e-policies.[11]", "Mutual fund Open-end and closed-end funds are overseen by a board of directors, if organized as a corporation, or by a board of trustees, if organized as a trust. The Board must ensure that the fund is managed in the interests of the fund's investors. The board hires the fund manager and other service providers to the fund. The fund sponsors trades (buys and sells) the fund's investments in accordance with the fund's investment objective. Funds that are managed by the same company under the same brand are known as a fund family or fund complex.", "Mutual fund Open-end mutual funds must be willing to buy back (\"redeem\") their shares from their investors at the net asset value (NAV) computed that day based upon the prices of the securities owned by the fund. In the United States, open-end funds must be willing to buy back shares at the end of every business day. In other jurisdictions, open-funds may only be required to buy back shares at longer intervals. For example, UCITS funds in Europe are only required to accept redemptions twice each month (though most UCITS accept redemptions daily).", "Life insurance in India Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC), the state owned behemoth, remains by far the largest player in the market. The private companies like Exide Life Insurance have come out with products called ULIPs (Unit Linked Investment Plans) which offer both life cover as well as scope for savings or investment options as the customer desires. These type of plans are subject to a minimum lock-in period of five years to prevent misuse of the significant tax benefits offered to such plans under the Income Tax Act. Comparison of such products with mutual funds would be erroneous.", "Mutual fund Most open-end funds also sell shares to the public every business day; these shares are priced at NAV.", "Mutual fund The first modern investment funds (the precursor of today's mutual funds) were established in the Dutch Republic. In response to the financial crisis of 1772–1773, Amsterdam-based businessman Abraham (or Adriaan) van Ketwich formed a trust named Eendragt Maakt Magt (\"unity creates strength\"). His aim was to provide small investors with an opportunity to diversify.[1][2]", "North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company Today, North Carolina Mutual Life Company still stands and operates in Durham. It currently services as clients all across the world through partnerships and offices in many states. The company has total assets of $162 million, with net life insurance of $14.3 billion. North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance now provides many different life insurance products. These include whole and term life, hospital indemnity plans, and per-need insurance. The company has also introduced medical and dental benefits packages for employer groups. It is licensed to do business in 24 states as well as Washington D. C. and has an alliance with Minnesota Life. It has launched a full service Insurance Agency (the North Carolina Mutual Insurance Agency) offering annuities, disability income, and universal life. The company has had ten presidents in its history, and is currently under the leadership of Michael L. Lawrence.", "Index fund As of 2014, index funds made up 20.2% of equity mutual fund assets in the US. Index domestic equity mutual funds and index-based exchange-traded funds (ETFs), have benefited from a trend toward more index-oriented investment products. From 2007 through 2014, index domestic equity mutual funds and ETFs received $1 trillion in net new cash, including reinvested dividends. Index-based domestic equity ETFs have grown particularly quickly, attracting almost twice the flows of index domestic equity mutual funds since 2007. In contrast, actively managed domestic equity mutual funds experienced a net outflow of $659 billion, including reinvested dividends, from 2007 to 2014.[4]", "Index fund Turnover refers to the selling and buying of securities by the fund manager. Selling securities in some jurisdictions may result in capital gains tax charges, which are sometimes passed on to fund investors. Even in the absence of taxes, turnover has both explicit and implicit costs, which directly reduce returns on a dollar-for-dollar basis. Because index funds are passive investments, the turnovers are lower than actively managed funds. According to a study conducted by John Bogle over a sixteen-year period, investors get to keep only 47% of the cumulative return of the average actively managed mutual fund, but they keep 87% in a market index fund. This means $10,000 invested in the index fund grew to $90,000 vs. $49,000 in the average actively managed stock mutual fund. That is a 40% gain from the reduction of silent partners.[2]", "Mutual fund Unit investment trusts (UITs) are issued to the public only once, when they are created. UITs generally have a limited life span, established at creation. Investors can redeem shares directly with the fund at any time (similar to an open-end fund) or wait to redeem them upon the trust's termination. Less commonly, they can sell their shares in the open market.", "Health insurance The remaining 45% of health care funding comes from insurance premiums paid by the public, for which companies compete on price, though the variation between the various competing insurers is only about 5%.[citation needed] However, insurance companies are free to sell additional policies to provide coverage beyond the national minimum. These policies do not receive funding from the equalization pool, but cover additional treatments, such as dental procedures and physiotherapy, which are not paid for by the mandatory policy.", "Liberty Mutual In 1964, Liberty Mutual Insurance Company began offering life insurance through its Liberty Life Assurance Branch. In 2002, the company converted into its current mutual holding company structure. The conversion was controversial, as it proposed to give policyholders an interest in the mutual insurance company, which some policyholders believed would dilute their interest in the overall company and limit their dividends.[12] A lawsuit was filed, alleging that information provided to policyholders was misleading. Liberty Mutual settled the lawsuit in December 2001, which required additional disclosure and limited certain compensation to company officers and directors.[13] Despite these concerns, the plan was approved by voting policyholders around November 2001.[14] Leveraging the greater flexibility of the mutual company structure, Liberty Mutual transformed from a single-line, highly regional insurer to one of the world's leading property and casualty insurance companies.[citation needed]", "Mutual fund The management fee is paid by the fund to the management company or sponsor that organizes the fund, provides the portfolio management or investment advisory services and normally lends its brand to the fund. The fund manager may also provide other administrative services. The management fee often has breakpoints, which means that it declines as assets (in either the specific fund or in the fund family as a whole) increase. The fund's board reviews the management fee annually. Fund shareholders must vote on any proposed increase, but the fund manager or sponsor can agree to waive some or all of the management fee in order to lower the fund's expense ratio.", "Business valuation It is important to understand why this capitalization rate for small, privately held companies is significantly higher than the return that an investor might expect to receive from other common types of investments, such as money market accounts, mutual funds, or even real estate. Those investments involve substantially lower levels of risk than an investment in a closely held company. Depository accounts are insured by the federal government (up to certain limits); mutual funds are composed of publicly traded stocks, for which risk can be substantially minimized through portfolio diversification.", "Mutual fund A fund's net asset value (NAV) equals the current market value of a fund's holdings minus the fund's liabilities. (This figure may also be referred to as the fund's \"net assets\"). It is usually expressed as a per-share amount, computed by dividing net assets by the number of fund shares outstanding. Funds must compute their net asset value according to the rules set forth in their prospectuses; most compute their NAV at the end of each business day.", "Mutual fund Index funds generally charge a lower management fee than actively-managed funds.", "Insurance Demutualization of mutual insurers to form stock companies, as well as the formation of a hybrid known as a mutual holding company, became common in some countries, such as the United States, in the late 20th century. However, not all states permit mutual holding companies.", "Mutual fund In the United States, closed-end funds remained more popular than open-end funds throughout the 1920s. In 1929, open-end funds accounted for only 5% of the industry's $27 billion in total assets.", "Mutual fund Bond funds invest in fixed income or debt securities. Bond funds can be sub-classified according to:", "Great Recession in the United States The Federal Reserve, Treasury, and Securities and Exchange Commission took several steps on September 19 to intervene in the crisis. To stop the potential run on money market mutual funds, the Treasury also announced on September 19 a new $50 billion program to insure the investments, similar to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) program.[74] Part of the announcements included temporary exceptions to section 23A and 23B (Regulation W), allowing financial groups to more easily share funds within their group. The exceptions would expire on January 30, 2009, unless extended by the Federal Reserve Board.[75] The Securities and Exchange Commission announced termination of short-selling of 799 financial stocks, as well as action against naked short selling, as part of its reaction to the mortgage crisis.[76]", "Buy side Buy-side is a term used in investment firms to refer to advising institutions concerned with buying investment services. Private equity funds, mutual funds, life insurance companies, unit trusts, hedge funds, and pension funds are the most common types of buy side entities.", "Mutual fund Valuing the securities held in a fund's portfolio is often the most difficult part of calculating net asset value. The fund's board typically oversees security valuation.", "Liberty Mutual \"Perspectives Can Change at Liberty Mutual\" provides a newspaper published look at Liberty Mutual's claims process; where Liberty Mutual sued its own insured for filing a claim; and forced an award against Liberty Mutual. The article also disclosed that Liberty Mutual's legal team that represented the case usually paid less than half of the judgements.[35]", "Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks Like many other fraternal orders, the Elks at one point sponsored an insurance fund. The Elks Mutual Benefit Association was founded in 1878. At the 1885 Grand Lodge it was reported that the EMBA was prosperous, but its finances were carelessly managed. The Association was disbanded after the 1907 Grand Lodge passed a resolution banning mutual or insurance features, as well as degrees and auxiliaries.[29]", "Mutual fund Funds may invest in commodities or other investments.", "Mutual organization As a form of corporate ownership the mutual has fallen out of favor in the U.S. since the 1980s. Savings and loan industry deregulation and the late 1980s savings and loan crisis led many to change to stock ownership, or in some cases into banks. Many large U.S.-based insurance companies, such as the Prudential Insurance Company of America and the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company have demutualized, with shares of stock being distributed to their policyholders to represent the ownership interest they formerly had in the form of their interest as mutual policyholders.", "Mutual fund The fund manager or sponsor may agree to subsidize some of these charges.", "Insurance When insured parties experience a loss for a specified peril, the coverage entitles the policyholder to make a claim against the insurer for the covered amount of loss as specified by the policy. The fee paid by the insured to the insurer for assuming the risk is called the premium. Insurance premiums from many insureds are used to fund accounts reserved for later payment of claims – in theory for a relatively few claimants – and for overhead costs. So long as an insurer maintains adequate funds set aside for anticipated losses (called reserves), the remaining margin is an insurer's profit.", "Liberty Mutual In the United States, Liberty Mutual remains a mutual company where policyholders holding contracts for insurance are considered shareholders in the company. However, Liberty Mutual Group's brand usually operates as a separate entity outside the United States. In other countries, subsidiaries are often created in countries where legally recognized mutual company benefits cannot be enjoyed.", "Mutual fund No-load funds in the United States often have two classes of shares:", "Mutual fund Turnover is a measure of the volume of a fund's securities trading. It is expressed as a percentage of average market value of the portfolio's long-term securities. Turnover is the lesser of a fund's purchases or sales during a given year divided by average long-term securities market value for the same period. If the period is less than a year, turnover is generally annualized.", "Mutual fund In the United States at the end of 2016, assets in hybrid funds were $1.4 trillion, representing 7% of the industry.[18]", "Mutual fund Distribution charges pay for marketing, distribution of the fund's shares as well as services to investors. There are three types of distribution charges.", "Mutual fund In the United States at the end of 2016, assets in money market funds were $2.7 trillion, representing 14% of the industry.[18]", "Mutual fund Fund managers counter that fees are determined by a highly competitive market and, therefore, reflect the value that investors attribute to the service provided. They also note that fees are clearly disclosed.", "Life Insurance Corporation The Bombay Mutual Life Assurance Society, formed in 1870, was the first native insurance provider. Other insurance companies established in the pre-independence era included", "Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation In February 2006, President George W. Bush signed into law the Federal Deposit Insurance Reform Act of 2005 (FDIRA) and a related conforming amendments act. The FDIRA contains technical and conforming changes to implement deposit insurance reform, as well as a number of study and survey requirements. Among the highlights of this law was merging the Bank Insurance Fund (BIF) and the Savings Association Insurance Fund (SAIF) into a new fund, the Deposit Insurance Fund (DIF). This change was made effective March 31, 2006. The FDIC maintains the DIF by assessing depository institutions an insurance premium. The amount each institution is assessed is based both on the balance of insured deposits as well as on the degree of risk the institution poses to the insurance fund.", "Insurance It was the world's first mutual insurer and it pioneered age based premiums based on mortality rate laying \"the framework for scientific insurance practice and development\" and \"the basis of modern life assurance upon which all life assurance schemes were subsequently based.\"[9]", "Closed-end fund A closed-end fund differs from an open-end mutual fund in that:", "Health insurance In 2006, a new system of health insurance came into force in the Netherlands. This new system avoids the two pitfalls of adverse selection and moral hazard associated with traditional forms of health insurance by using a combination of regulation and an insurance equalization pool. Moral hazard is avoided by mandating that insurance companies provide at least one policy which meets a government set minimum standard level of coverage, and all adult residents are obliged by law to purchase this coverage from an insurance company of their choice. All insurance companies receive funds from the equalization pool to help cover the cost of this government-mandated coverage. This pool is run by a regulator which collects salary-based contributions from employers, which make up about 50% of all health care funding, and funding from the government to cover people who cannot afford health care, which makes up an additional 5%.[citation needed]", "National Insurance See National Insurance for more details of the operation of the National Insurance Fund and liability for contributions.", "History of insurance Initially people used to sell goods in their own villages and gathering society. However, with the passage of time, they turned to nearby villages to sell (North, 1991). Furthermore, in the thirteenth and early fourteenth centuries, the European traders used to travel to sell their goods across the globe and to hedge the risk of theft or fraud by the Capitan or crew also known as Risicum Gentium. However, they realized that selling this way, involves not only the risk of loss (i.e. damaged, theft or life of trader as well) but also they cannot cover the wider market. Therefore, the trend of hiring commissioned base agents across different markets emerged (Roover, 1945). The traders sent (export) their goods to the agents who on the behalf of traders sold them. Sending goods to the agents by road or sea involves different risks i.e. sea storms, pirate attack; goods may be damaged due to poor handling while loading and unloading, etc. Traders exploited different measures to hedge the risk involved in the exporting. Instead of sending all the goods on one ship/truck, they used to send their goods over number of vessels to avoid the total loss of shipment if the vessel was caught in a sea storm, fire, pirate, or came under enemy attacks but this was not good practice due to prolonged time and efforts involved. \nInsurance is the oldest method of transferring risk, which was developed to mitigate trade/business risk (Mundy, 2001). Marine insurance is very important for international trade and makes large commercial trade possible (Petersson, 2010). According to Kingstons (2011) the risk hedging instruments our ancestors used to mitigate risk in medieval times were sea/marine (Mutuum) loans, commenda contract, and bill of exchanges.\nNelli (1972) highlighted that commenda contract and sea loans were almost the closest substitute of marine insurance. Furthermore, he pointed out that for half century, it was considered that the first marine insurance contract was floated in Italy on October 23, 1347; however, professor Federigo found that the first written insurance contracts dates back to February 13, 1343 in Pisa. Furthermore, Italian traders spread the knowledge and use of insurance into European and Mediterranean. In fifteenth century, word policy for insurance contract became standardized. By the sixteenth century, insurance was common among Britain, France, and Holland as well. The concept of insuring outside the country emerged in the seventeenth century due to reduced trade or higher cost of insurance in native country. According to Kingston (2011), the Lloyd’s Coffeehouse was the prominent marine insurance marketplace in London during eighteenth century and European/American traders used this marketplace to insure their shipments.\nThe rules and regulations of insurance were adopted from Italian merchants known as “Law Merchant” and initially these rules governed the marine insurance across the globe. In case of dispute, policy writer and holder choose one arbitrator each and these two arbitrators choose a third impartial arbitrator and parties were bound to accept the decision made by the majority. Because of the inability of this informal court (arbitrator) to enforce their decisions, in the sixteenth century, traders turned to formal courts to resolve their disputes. Special courts were setup to solve the disputes of marine insurance like in Genoa, insurance regulation passed to impose fine, on who did not obey the Church’s prohibitions of usury (Sea loans, Commenda) in 1369. In 1435, Barcelona ordinance issued, making it mandatory for traders to turn to formal courts in case of insurance disputes. In Venice, “Consoli dei Mercanti”, specialized court to dealt with marine insurance were setup in 1436. In 1520, the mercantile court of Genoa was replaced by more specialized court “Rota” which not only follows the merchant’s customs but also incorporated the legal laws in it.[1]", "Life insurance The specific uses of the terms \"insurance\" and \"assurance\" are sometimes confused. In general, in jurisdictions where both terms are used, \"insurance\" refers to providing coverage for an event that might happen (fire, theft, flood, etc.), while \"assurance\" is the provision of coverage for an event that is certain to happen. In the United States, both forms of coverage are called \"insurance\" for reasons of simplicity in companies selling both products.[citation needed] By some definitions, \"insurance\" is any coverage that determines benefits based on actual losses whereas \"assurance\" is coverage with predetermined benefits irrespective of the losses incurred.", "All India Financial Institutions By the end of 2006, there were around 200 mutual funds schemes in India. The amount of assets that are managed by the mutual funds grew from Rs. 47,000 Crores to Rs. 217,707[10] by 31 March 2006. The mutual funds are managed by fund managers for small investors, who often does not have enough information to adequately invest there funds.", "Liberty Mutual In May 2017, Liberty Mutual Insurance has completed its acquisition of Ironshore Inc.Hamilton, Bermuda from Fosun International Limited for $2.93 billion.[19]", "Non-bank financial institution The two main types of mutual funds are open-end and closed-end funds. Open-end funds generate new investments by allowing the public to purchase new shares at any time, and shareholders can liquidate their holding by selling the shares back to the open-end fund at the net asset value. Closed-end funds issue a fixed number of shares in an IPO. In this case, the shareholders capitalize on the value of their assets by selling their shares in a stock exchange.", "Insurance Adjusting liability insurance claims is particularly difficult because there is a third party involved, the plaintiff, who is under no contractual obligation to cooperate with the insurer and may in fact regard the insurer as a deep pocket. The adjuster must obtain legal counsel for the insured (either inside \"house\" counsel or outside \"panel\" counsel), monitor litigation that may take years to complete, and appear in person or over the telephone with settlement authority at a mandatory settlement conference when requested by the judge.", "Insurance In 2017, within the framework of the joint project of the Bank of Russia and Yandex, a special check mark (a green circle with a tick and ‘Реестр ЦБ РФ’ (Unified state register of insurance entities) text box) appeared in the search for Yandex system, informing the consumer that the company's financial services are offered on the marked website, which has the status of an insurance company, a broker or a mutual insurance association.[47]", "National Insurance The National Insurance Funds are used to pay for certain types of welfare expenditure and National Insurance payments cannot be used directly to fund general government spending. However, any surplus in the funds is invested in government securities, and so is effectively lent to the government at low rates of interest. National Insurance contributions are paid into the various National Insurance Funds after deduction of monies specifically allocated to the National Health Services (NHS). However a small percentage is transferred from the funds to the NHS from certain of the smaller sub-classes. Thus the four NHS organisations are partially funded from NI contributions but not from the NI Fund.[9] Less than half of benefit expenditure (42.1%) now goes on contributory benefits, compared with over 65% in 1978–79 because of the growth of means-tested benefits since the late 1970s.[10]", "Mutual fund fees and expenses For the reasons cited above, it is important for a prospective investor to compare the fees of the various funds under consideration. Investors should also compare fees against industry benchmarks and averages. There are many different types of fees, as discussed below. To facilitate comparison of funds, it is helpful to compare the total expense ratio. The following table shows the median total expense ratios for different types of mutual funds as published by Morningstar.[1]", "Mutual fund fees and expenses Redemption Fee — another type of fee that some funds charge their shareholders when they sell or redeem shares. Unlike a deferred sales load, a redemption fee is paid to the fund (not to a Stockbroker) and is typically used to defray fund costs associated with a shareholder's redemption.[2]", "Mutual organization This is a competitive advantage to such companies—the idea of owning a piece of the company could be more attractive to some potential clients than the idea of being a source of profits for investors. In the typical stock company, profits go to shareholders. In contrast, a mutual manages the company in the best interests of the customers. Furthermore, a mutual company is able to focus on a longer horizon than a typical company. Some mutual insurance companies make this claim explicitly.[2]", "Index fund What we need is a no-load, minimum management-fee mutual fund that simply buys the hundreds of stocks making up the broad stock-market averages and does no trading from security to security in an attempt to catch the winners. Whenever below-average performance on the part of any mutual fund is noticed, fund spokesmen are quick to point out \"You can't buy the averages.\" It's time the public could.", "Index fund Because the composition of a target index is a known quantity, relative to actively managed funds, it costs less to run an index fund.[1] Typically expense ratios of an index fund range from 0.10% for U.S. Large Company Indexes to 0.70% for Emerging Market Indexes. The expense ratio of the average large cap actively managed mutual fund as of 2015 is 1.15%.[15] If a mutual fund produces 10% return before expenses, taking account of the expense ratio difference would result in an after expense return of 9.9% for the large cap index fund versus 8.85% for the actively managed large cap fund.[2]", "Vehicle insurance The victims of accidents caused by non-insured vehicles could be compensated by a Warranty Fund, which is covered by a fixed amount of each insurance premium.", "North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company The N. C. Mutual Life Insurance business came to represent a major divergence from the militant strategy of W. E. B. Du Bois. It mirrored the tendency of the blacks in Durham to follow the gradualist plan of Booker T. Washington. N. C. Mutual was founded to bring about “racial self-help and uplift,” which are mentioned on the company’s website as “traditions of the Company dating back to its founding.” Its goal was to help them overcome the differences of a segregated society through economic pursuits. The company generated massive revenue for black Durham without the involvement of whites. That revenue was then used to better the situation of blacks throughout the community. This process all but embodied Washington’s ideals to win equality financially and economically before anything else.", "Liberty Mutual Property and casualty, as well as group benefits commercial insurance products fall into two distinct categories: Business Insurance and National Insurance. The former caters to businesses with fewer than 1,000 employees, while the latter serves businesses in certain industries or which have greater than 1,000 employees. Group benefits products include disability insurance and group life insurance.[21]", "The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America is one of the largest mutual life insurance companies in the United States. Based in New York, New York, it has approximately 8,000 employees in the United States and a network of over 3,000 financial representatives in more than 70 agencies nationwide. It currently ranks 254th on the Fortune 500 list of largest corporation in the United States.[1] In 2015, Guardian achieved the highest earning in its 155-year history with $7.3 billion in capital and $1.5 billion in operating costs.[2] Founded in Manhattan in 1860, the company offers a wide range of insurance products and services, including life insurance, disability income insurance, annuities, investments, dental, and vision.[3]", "Anthem (company) Anthem Insurance Company grew out of two Indianapolis, Indiana based mutual insurance companies, Mutual Hospital Insurance Inc. and Mutual Medical Insurance Inc. formed in 1944 and 1946.[4] The companies grew significantly, controlling 80% of the medical insurance market in Indiana by the 1970s. In 1972 they came together to create a joint operating agreement,[5] and merged in 1985 as parent company, Associated Insurance Companies, Inc, to form Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Indiana.[5][6][7]", "Allstate Allstate added products throughout the 1950s, including fire insurance in 1954 and homeowners and life insurance in 1957. Allstate began selling insurance to Canadians in 1953. Allstate Insurance Company of Canada was incorporated in 1964.[7] (In 1952 and 1953, Sears also sold an automobile called Allstate.)", "Vehicle insurance Third-party vehicle insurance is a mandatory requirement in Indonesia and each individual car and motorcycle must be insured or the vehicle will not be considered legal. Therefore, a motorist cannot drive the vehicle until it is insured. Third Party vehicle insurance is included through a levy in the vehicle registration fee which is paid to the government agency Samsat (Sistem Administrasi Manunggal di bawah Satu Atap), which is responsible for cars and roads.[18] Third-Party Vehicle Insurance is regulated under Act No. 34 Year 1964 Re: Road Traffic Accident Fund and merely covers Bodily injury, and managed by a SOE named PT. Jasa Raharja (Persero).[19] The Indonesian government has a road insurance fund which includes life insurance for traffic accidents. The annual fee is called the Compulsory Contribution Fund for Traffic Accidents or Sumbangan Wajib Dana Kecelakaan Lalu Lintas Jalan.[18]", "Index fund John Montgomery of Bridgeway Capital Management says that the resulting \"poor investor returns\" from trading ahead of mutual funds is \"the elephant in the room\" that \"shockingly, people are not talking about.\"[23] Related \"time zone arbitrage\" against mutual funds and their underlying securities traded on overseas markets is likely \"damaging to financial integration between the United States, Asia and Europe.\"[24]", "Who You Selling For Credits adapted from the liner notes of Who You Selling For.[18]", "Insurance in the United States Insurance and the insurance industry has grown, diversified and developed significantly ever since. Insurance companies were, in large part, prohibited from writing more than one line of insurance until laws began to permit multi-line charters in the 1950s. From an industry dominated by small, local, single-line mutual companies and member societies, the business of insurance has grown increasingly towards multi-line, multi-state and even multi-national insurance conglomerates and holding companies.[4]", "Who You Selling For Who You Selling For debuted at number 13 on the US Billboard 200 with 19,580 copies sold in pure album sales.[13][14] The album debuted at number 23 on the UK Albums Chart, selling 4,157 copies in its first week.[15]", "Whole life insurance In a participating policy (also \"par\" in the United States, and known as a \"with-profits policy\" in the Commonwealth), the insurance company shares the excess profits (divisible surplus) with the policyholder in the form of annual dividends. Typically these \"refunds\" are not taxable because they are considered an overcharge of premium (or \"reduction of basis\"). In general, the greater the overcharge by the company, the greater the refund/dividend ratio; however, other factors will also have a bearing on the size of the dividend. For a mutual life insurance company, participation also implies a degree of ownership of the mutuality.[10]", "State Farm The group's main business is State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company, a mutual insurance firm that also owns the other State Farm companies. The corporate headquarters are in Bloomington, Illinois.", "Unit Trust of India UTI Mutual Fund is promoted by the four of the largest Public Sector Financial Institutions as sponsors, viz., State Bank of India, Life Insurance Corporation of India, Bank of Baroda and Punjab National Bank with each of them holding a 18.24% stake in the paid up capital of UTI AMC.", "Fund accounting The label, fund accounting, has also been applied to investment accounting, portfolio accounting or securities accounting – all synonyms describing the process of accounting for a portfolio of investments such as securities, commodities and/or real estate held in an investment fund such as a mutual fund or hedge fund.[3][4] Investment accounting, however, is a different system, unrelated to government and nonprofit fund accounting.", "Insurance A recent example of a new insurance product that is patented is Usage Based auto insurance. Early versions were independently invented and patented by a major US auto insurance company, Progressive Auto Insurance (U.S. Patent 5,797,134) and a Spanish independent inventor, Salvador Minguijon Perez (EP 0700009 ).", "Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Bond interest payments of the Financing Corporation, the funding vehicle for the \"Resolution Fund\" of the now defunct Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation (FSLIC), are funded by DIF premiums.", "Insurance Many independent inventors are in favor of patenting new insurance products since it gives them protection from big companies when they bring their new insurance products to market. Independent inventors account for 70% of the new U.S. patent applications in this area.", "Farmers Insurance Group Farmers' future co-founders John C. Tyler and Thomas E. Leavey first met after Tyler moved to California.[3] Tyler and Leavey had both grown up with rural backgrounds and believed that farmers and ranchers, who had better driving records than urbanites, deserved lower insurance premiums.[3][4][5] During the 1920s, farmers across the United States were establishing their own mutual insurance firms and cooperatives in order to have less expensive policies. Tyler, the son of a South Dakotan insurance salesman, and Leavey, who had formerly worked for the Federal Farm Loan Bureau and the National Farm Loan Association, recognized that these farmers, ranchers, and other rural drivers were an overlooked market and wished to create their own auto insurance firm.[3][4]", "Insurance Claims and loss handling is the materialized utility of insurance; it is the actual \"product\" paid for. Claims may be filed by insureds directly with the insurer or through brokers or agents. The insurer may require that the claim be filed on its own proprietary forms, or may accept claims on a standard industry form, such as those produced by ACORD.", "Hedge fund Hedge funds must conform to the national, federal and state regulatory laws in their respective locations. The U.S. regulations and restrictions that apply to hedge funds differ from its mutual funds.[176] Mutual funds, unlike hedge funds and other private funds, are subject to the Investment Company Act of 1940, which is a highly detailed and extensive regulatory regime.[177] According to a report by the International Organization of Securities Commissions the most common form of regulation pertains to restrictions on financial advisers and hedge fund managers in an effort to minimize client fraud. On the other hand, U.S. hedge funds are exempt from many of the standard registration and reporting requirements because they only accept accredited investors.[65] In 2010, regulations were enacted in the US and European Union, which introduced additional hedge fund reporting requirements. These included the U.S.'s Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Act[7] and European Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive.[178]", "Health insurance The resulting programme is profession-based: all people working are required to pay a portion of their income to a not-for-profit health insurance fund, which mutualises the risk of illness, and which reimburses medical expenses at varying rates. Children and spouses of insured people are eligible for benefits, as well. Each fund is free to manage its own budget, and used to reimburse medical expenses at the rate it saw fit, however following a number of reforms in recent years, the majority of funds provide the same level of reimbursement and benefits.", "Mutual exchange A mutual exchange may involve more than two tenants. The largest reported swap in England has involved a group of 6 tenants swapping their homes between them.[4]", "MetLife In 2000, MetLife converted from a mutual insurance company operated for the benefit of its policyholders to a for-profit public company. The de-mutualization process allowed MetLife to enter unrelated insurance businesses and increase executive compensation.", "Investment management Investment management is the professional asset management of various securities (shares, bonds and other securities) and other assets (e.g., real estate) in order to meet specified investment goals for the benefit of the investors. Investors may be institutions (insurance companies, pension funds, corporations, charities, educational establishments etc.) or private investors (both directly via investment contracts and more commonly via collective investment schemes e.g. mutual funds or exchange-traded funds).", "Title insurance In many states, separate policies exist for construction loans. Title insurance for construction loans require a Date Down endorsement that recognizes that the insured amount for the property has increased due to construction funds that have been vested into the property.", "Bond (finance) Price changes in a bond will immediately affect mutual funds that hold these bonds. If the value of the bonds in their trading portfolio falls, the value of the portfolio also falls. This can be damaging for professional investors such as banks, insurance companies, pension funds and asset managers (irrespective of whether the value is immediately \"marked to market\" or not). If there is any chance a holder of individual bonds may need to sell their bonds and \"cash out\", interest rate risk could become a real problem (conversely, bonds' market prices would increase if the prevailing interest rate were to drop, as it did from 2001 through 2003. One way to quantify the interest rate risk on a bond is in terms of its duration. Efforts to control this risk are called immunization or hedging.", "Social Security Trust Fund The \"Social Security Trust Fund\" comprises two separate funds that hold federal government debt obligations related to what are traditionally thought of as Social Security benefits. The larger of these funds is the Old-Age and Survivors Insurance (OASI) Trust Fund, which holds in trust special interest-bearing federal government securities bought with surplus OASI payroll tax revenues.[8] The second, smaller fund is the Disability Insurance (DI) Trust Fund, which holds in trust more of the special interest-bearing federal government securities, bought with surplus DI payroll tax revenues.[9]", "List of fastest-selling products This is a list of the fastest-selling product superlatives. The definition of \"fastest-selling\" typically refers to sales results in the first week of a product's release, (i.e., which product had the biggest launch). Sometimes, rather than comparing sales figures relative to time, the target to be reached is fixed (e.g. sales at 5 million units), and the comparison is based upon how many weeks it takes to reach it (e.g. 52 weeks vs. 56 weeks)." ]
when was the last time the military drafted
[ "Conscription in the United States Conscription in the United States, commonly known as the draft, has been employed by the federal government of the United States in five conflicts: the American Revolution, the American Civil War, World War I, World War II, and the Cold War (including both the Korean War and the Vietnam War). The third incarnation of the draft came into being in 1940 through the Selective Training and Service Act. It was the country's first peacetime draft.[1] From 1940 until 1973, during both peacetime and periods of conflict, men were drafted to fill vacancies in the United States Armed Forces that could not be filled through voluntary means. The draft came to an end when the United States Armed Forces moved to an all-volunteer military force. However, the Selective Service System remains in place as a contingency plan; all male civilians between the ages of 18 and 25 are required to register so that a draft can be readily resumed if needed.[2] United States Federal Law also provides for the compulsory conscription of men between the ages of 17 and 45 and certain women for militia service pursuant to Article I, Section 8 of the United States Constitution and 10 U.S. Code ยง 246.[3][4][5]", "Conscription in the United States Senatorial opponents of the war wanted to reduce this to a one-year extension, or eliminate the draft altogether, or tie the draft renewal to a timetable for troop withdrawal from Vietnam;[67] Senator Mike Gravel of Alaska took the most forceful approach, trying to filibuster the draft renewal legislation, shut down conscription, and directly force an end to the war.[68] Senators supporting Nixon's war efforts supported the bill, even though some had qualms about ending the draft.[66] After a prolonged battle in the Senate, in September 1971 cloture was achieved over the filibuster and the draft renewal bill was approved.[69] Meanwhile, military pay was increased as an incentive to attract volunteers, and television advertising for the U.S. Army began.[61] With the end of active U.S. ground participation in Vietnam, December 1972 saw the last men conscripted, who were born in 1952[70] and who reported for duty in June 1973. On February 2, 1972, a drawing was held to determine draft priority numbers for men born in 1953, but in early 1973 it was announced by Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird that no further draft orders would be issued.[71][72] In March 1973, 1974, and 1975, the Selective Service assigned draft priority numbers for all men born in 1954, 1955, and 1956, in case the draft was extended, but it never was.[73]" ]
[ "Draft evasion Draft evasion is said to have characterized every military conflict of the 20th and 21st centuries.[2] Laws against certain draft evasion practices go back at least as far as the ancient Greeks.[38] Examples of draft evasion can be found in many nations over many time periods:", "Draft evasion Yet by the middle of the decade of the 2000s, draft evasion (including outright draft refusal) and desertion had reached all-time highs.[55] Fully 5% of young men and 3% of young women were supposedly failing their pre-military psychological tests, both all-time highs.[55] Some popular entertainers, including rock star Aviv Geffen, grand-nephew of military hero Moshe Dayan, have been encouraging draft evasion (Geffen publicly said he would commit suicide if he were taken by the military).[55] In 2007 the Israeli government initiated what some called a \"shaming campaign\", banning young entertainers from holding concerts and making television appearances if they failed to fulfill their military requirement.[55] By 2008 over 3,000 high school students belonged to \"Shministim\" (Hebrew for twelfth graders), a group of young people claiming to be conscientiously opposed to military service.[55] American actor Ed Asner has written a column supporting the group.[59] Another group, New Profile, was started by Israeli peace activists to encourage draft refusal.[55]", "Military service In December 2011, the National Assembly re-established the possibility of mandatory military service for every male citizen - with Hungarian address - between the age of 18 and the age of 40. Even though drafting is still banned in peace time, the listing of citizens fit for military service starts in January 2012. According to the legislation, the conscripts can only be drafted in \"state of emergency\" or as defensive measure, the National Assembly can authorise drafting.[37]", "Military service Finland has mandatory military service for men of a minimum duration of five and half months (165 days); depending on the assigned position: those trained as officers or NCOs serve for eleven and half months (347 days), specialist troops serve for eight and half (255 days) or eleven and half months, while rank and file serve for the minimum period. Unarmed service is also possible, and lasts eight and half months (270 days) or eleven and half (347 days).[67] All males are required to participate in the drafting event (Finnish: kutsunnat) in their municipality of domicile in the year that they turn 18. The fitness for service and the actual induction to the service then takes place at the time and place decided individually for each conscript during the drafting event. The induction takes place usually at the age of 19 but the allowed age range is 18–29. The delayed induction is permissible for serious personal reasons, such as studies, but induction cannot be delayed beyond 29. The military strives to accommodate the wishes of the future conscript when determining the time of induction and the duty location, but these are ultimately determined by the needs of service.[68]", "Military service The Norwegian Armed Forces will normally not draft a person who has reached the age of 28. In Norway, certain voluntary specialist training programs and courses entail extended conscription of one to eight years. Pacifists can apply for non-military service, which lasts 12 months.", "Canadian College Draft Territorial exemptions were last made in 1984 as they were abolished in 1985, introducing the modern era of the CFL Draft. In 1986, the draft was reduced from nine rounds to eight rounds and was further reduced to seven rounds in 1993. In 1997, the Canadian College Draft consisted of only six rounds, which was a format that was used until it was changed in 2013 when it was expanded to seven rounds.[6][7] For the 2016 CFL Draft, the format was changed to include eight rounds of selections.[8]", "Military service Norway has mandatory military service of nineteen months for men and women between the ages of 19 (18 in war time) and 44 (55 in case of officers and NCOs). The actual draft time is six months for the home guard, and twelve months for the regular army, air force and navy. In October 2014, Norway extended compulsory military service to women.[90]", "Draft-card burning From 1948, under the Selective Service Act, all American men aged 18 through 25 were required to register with a local draft board. In case of war, the able-bodied ones among them could be drafted to serve in the military. The law required the men to carry their draft cards with them at all times. These were small white cards bearing the registrant's identifying information, the date and place of registration, and a unique Selective Service number.", "NBA Draft Combine Beginning in 2010, a D-League elite mini camp lasting two days preceded the Combine.[19] Beginning in 2016, players could enter the draft and participate in the combine multiple times.[20]", "Draft evasion Resistance to the draft was sometimes violent. In the North, nearly 100 draft enrollment officers were injured in attacks.[4] An anti-draft riot in New York City in 1863 lasted several days and resulted in up to 2,000 deaths.[4]", "2018 NBA draft The 2018 NBA draft will be held on June 21, 2018 at the Barclays Center in Brooklyn, New York. National Basketball Association (NBA) teams will take turns selecting amateur U.S. college basketball players and other eligible players, including international players. It will be televised nationally by ESPN. This draft will be the last to use the original weighted lottery system that gives teams near the bottom of the NBA draft better odds at the top three picks of the draft while teams higher up had worse odds in the process; the rule was agreed upon by the NBA on September 28, 2017, but would not be implemented until the 2019 draft.[1] With the last year of what was, at the time, the most recent lottery system (with the NBA draft lottery being held in Chicago instead of in New York), the Phoenix Suns won the first overall pick on May 15, 2018, with the Sacramento Kings at the second overall pick and the Atlanta Hawks at third overall pick.[2] The Suns' selection is their first No. 1 overall selection in franchise history.", "Identity document The Selective Service System has in the past, in times of a military draft, issued something close to a National ID Card, only for men that were eligible for the draft.", "Draft (sports) In the NBA, Manu Ginóbili, a key contributor to four San Antonio Spurs championships in the 21st century and centerpiece of Argentina's Olympic gold medal team in 2004, was the next-to-last pick in the 1999 draft. Another notable draft steal was Isaiah Thomas, selected as the 60th and last pick in 2011 but emerging as an All-Star in 2017. Draymond Green was selected as the 35th pick of the 2012 NBA draft then helped the Golden State Warriors win the 2015 NBA Finals and 2017 NBA Finals. Green also won the NBA Defensive Player of the Year Award in 2017.", "This Is the Last Time The first music video for \"This Is the Last Time\" was used only during gigs as a live visual. This first video featured a baby in a pushchair, graffiti on the walls and pink trees without leaves. The next two different videos were released for British and American markets, with the Fierce Panda single in 2003. The second video clip shows several trees under a pink sky and rain falling down. Island Records used this idea to shoot a third video with a similar background but this time Keane appearing on it.", "List of American football players who died during their careers This table is only for players who ended their NFL career to join the military in a time of war, including players who were drafted into the military, and were killed in action.", "Draft evasion One issue is the effectiveness of the various kinds of draft evasion practices with regard to ending a military draft or stopping a war. Historian Michael S. Foley sees many draft evasion practices as merely personally beneficial.[26] In his view, only public anti-draft activity, consciously and collectively engaged in, is relevant to stopping a draft or a war.[26] By contrast, sociologist Todd Gitlin is more generous in his assessment of the effectiveness of the entire gamut of draft evasion practices.[15] Political scientist James C. Scott, although speaking more theoretically, makes a similar point, arguing that the accumulation of thousands upon thousands of \"petty\" and obscure acts of private resistance can trigger political change.[149]", "Draft evasion The United States has employed a draft several times, usually during war but also during the Cold War. Each time the draft has been met with at least some resistance.", "National Football League Draft The National Football League Draft, also called the Player Selection Meeting, is an annual event in which it serves as the league's most common source of player recruitment. The basic design of the draft is that each team is given a position in the drafting order in reverse order relative to its record in the previous year, which means that the last place team is positioned first. From this position, the team can either select a player or trade their position to another team for other draft positions, a player or players, or any combination thereof. The round is complete when each team has either selected a player or traded its draft position. Certain aspects of the draft, including team positioning and the number of rounds in the draft, have seen revisions since its first creation in 1936, but the fundamental methodology has remained the same. Currently the draft consists of seven rounds. The original rationale in creating the draft was to increase the competitive parity between the teams as the worst team would, ideally, have chosen the best player available.", "Draft (sports) Draft order in the NFL is determined in a reverse-record order (the previous season's worst team picking first, the Super Bowl winner picking last). There are 7 rounds of the draft, so each team can have 7 selections, plus whatever compensatory selections a team receives as a result of free agency (up to 32 compensatory selections are given each year). Teams are allowed to trade draft picks (now including compensation picks) among each other in exchange for other draft picks or in exchange for players.", "Vietnam War The morale and discipline problems and resistance to conscription (the draft) were important factors leading to the creation of an all-volunteer military force by the United States and the termination of conscription. The last conscript was inducted into the army in 1973.[367][368] The all-volunteer military moderated some of the coercive methods of discipline previously used to maintain order in military ranks.[369]", "Time Enough at Last In the era of the Internet and eBooks, the irony depicted in \"Time Enough at Last\" has an information age counterpart, according to Weston Ochse of Storytellers Unplugged. As Ochse points out, when Bemis becomes the last person on Earth, he finally has time to read, with all his books at his fingertips and the only impediment is technology when his medium for accessing them—his glasses—breaks. In a hypothetical world where all books are published electronically, Ochse observes, readers would be \"only a lightning strike, a faulty switch, a sleepy workman or a natural disaster away from becoming Henry Bemis at the end of the world\"—that is, a power outage has the potential to give them time to read, yet like Bemis, they too would lose their medium for accessing their books—namely the computer.[8]", "Draft (sports) Major League Soccer has two types of draft that occur each year, plus a third that is held intermittently when the league adds one or more teams. The two annual drafts are the MLS SuperDraft and MLS Supplemental Draft, with the MLS Expansion Draft held in the offseason immediately before the league expands.", "2008 NBA draft For the first time in draft history the first three draft picks were all freshmen.[5] The Chicago Bulls used the first overall pick to draft Chicago native Derrick Rose from the University of Memphis, who later went on to win the NBA Rookie of the Year Award, making him the first player to be drafted first overall and to win Rookie of the Year since LeBron James in 2003.[6] The Miami Heat used the second pick to draft Michael Beasley from Kansas State University, and the Minnesota Timberwolves used the third pick to draft O. J. Mayo from University of Southern California.[5] With five players taken in the draft, the University of Kansas tied University of Connecticut (2006) and University of Florida (2007) for the record with the most players selected in the first two rounds of an NBA draft.[5] Another record was set when twelve freshmen were drafted, ten of whom were drafted in the first round.[7] Of the players drafted, 29 are forwards, 19 are guards, and 12 are centers.", "NBA draft Some of the most noted NBA draft years are 1984, 1996, and 2003. Each of those is often referred to as one of, if not the, best NBA draft ever. The 2003 NBA draft is now considered the best draft in the last 15 years, with superstars such as LeBron James, Dwyane Wade, Carmelo Anthony and Chris Bosh headlined. The 2000 NBA draft has been regarded as the worst in history, with Sports Illustrated calling its first round \"a horrible group of players\".[8] The 1986 Draft was notable for the number of solid and even outstanding players selected in later rounds, partly because of drug problems that claimed the life of second overall pick Len Bias and affected the careers of several other first-round picks.[9][10]", "Military justice The Finnish military law concerns the members of the Finnish Defence Forces and the Finnish Border Guard. The military jurisdiction encompasses all military persons: conscripts, students training for a paid military position, females serving voluntarily and paid military personnel. However, military chaplains are outside the criminal military jurisdiction.[2]:§ 4\nReservists belong to the military jurisdiction when activated voluntarily or involuntarily. The military jurisdiction starts from the moment when a person reports to duty or was liable to report to duty and lasts to the moment when the person has been discharged from service and, in case of conscripts and involuntarily activated reservists, has also left the military area. During wartime, also civilians serving in the Defence Forces or in civilian institutions that have been put under the direction of Defence Forces are under military jurisdiction.[2]:§§1–2[3]:§§ 45:27–28 Enemy prisoners of war fall under Finnish military jurisdiction during their imprisonment.[3]:28", "Conscription Every male citizen of the Republic of Austria up to the age of 35 can be drafted for a six month long basic military training in the Bundesheer. For men refusing to undergo this training, a nine-month lasting community service is mandatory.", "Draft lottery (1969) In 1963, a coup was organized by South Vietnamese generals which resulted in the death of Diem. President Lyndon B. Johnson increased U.S. personnel in Vietnam due to the political instability in the country. In August 1964, two U.S. warships were attacked by North Vietnamese torpedo boats. Johnson issued an attack order against North Vietnam, and Congress passed a motion which gave him more authority over military decisions. In 1965, President Johnson had sent 82,000 troops to Vietnam, and his officials wanted another 175,000. Due to the heavy demand for military personnel, the United States required more than what the regular military could provide, causing the acceleration of the draft. Between 1965 and 1972 the draft provided 2,215,000 service members to the U.S. military.[5]", "Draft (sports) In the NHL, Luc Robitaille, drafted 171st in the 1984 NHL Entry Draft, would eventually retire as the highest-scoring left winger in NHL history. Interestingly, Pavel Datsyuk, also drafted 171st in the 1998 NHL Entry Draft, would go on to win multiple Stanley Cups and be considered one of the most talented players of all time.[19] Vezina Trophy winner Henrik Lundqvist was drafted 205th in the 2000 NHL Entry Draft making him one of the best goalie draft steals. Theoren Fleury was drafted by the Calgary Flames in the 8th round, 166th overall, at the 1987 NHL Entry Draft, and played over 1,000 games in the NHL between 1989 (winning a Stanley Cup) and 2003.", "2018 NBA draft The NBA draft lottery took place during the playoffs on May 15, 2018. This year will be the last time it uses what was originally the updated system for the NBA draft lottery to upgrade draft odds for teams in the lower regions of the NBA. Starting in 2019 onward, the newer updated draft lottery will give the bottom 3 teams equal odds for the No. 1 pick, while some of the teams higher up the NBA draft would get an increased chance for a top-four pick instead of a top-three pick like in this year, thus hoping to discourage teams from potentially losing games on purpose for higher draft picks (and potentially better talent in the process). There were also two tiebreakers involved for lottery odds this season; the first involved the Dallas Mavericks having one more result favoring them having the No. 1 pick over Atlanta after splitting the odds together, while the second tiebreaker had the Chicago Bulls splitting odds with the Sacramento Kings, resulting in the Bulls having slightly better odds on their end in the process.", "Draft (sports) The WNBA Draft is held every spring. It has had several locations during its history; the most recent 2018 draft was held at Nike New York Headquarters, a secondary headquarters for the athletic apparel giant that recently opened in Midtown Manhattan. The draft is currently three rounds long with each of the 12 teams in the league (trades aside) getting three picks each. Draft order for teams that made the playoffs the previous year are based on team records. The team with the highest previous record will pick last. Since eight teams qualify for playoffs, the bottom eight picks are determined by this method. For the remaining top four picks, a selection process similar to the NBA Draft Lottery is conducted for the four teams that did not qualify for the playoffs.", "First and Last and Always An early recording of \"First and Last and Always\", which, according to Gary Marx, was \"previously called 'The Scottish One'\", was \"completed pretty early on\".[8] Marx sang an early draft of the later Ghost Dance lyric of \"When I Call\", which mentioned the name of a friend of the band's from Hamburg; Marianne.[9]", "Heart (band) Mike Fisher, Roger's brother, was set to be drafted into the military. Nancy Wilson has stated that when he did not report for duty, his home was raided, but he slipped out a rear window, escaped to Canada and became a Vietnam War \"draft dodger\".[12]", "Draft (sports) Conversely, a lowly-drafted player going on to have a stellar career is a draft steal. Mike Piazza, who went on to become one of the best catchers of the 1990s, a 12-time MLB All-Star selection and a Hall of Famer, was chosen in the 62nd round (1390th overall)[16] of the 1988 draft, and was selected only as a favor to Tommy Lasorda. (To further put the pick in historic perspective, the MLB draft now has 40 rounds.)", "Draft evasion In the United States during World War I, the word \"slacker\" was commonly used to describe someone who was not participating in the war effort, especially someone who avoided military service, an equivalent of the later term \"draft dodger.\" Attempts to track down such evaders were called \"slacker raids.\"[70][71] Under the Espionage Act of 1917, activists including Eugene V. Debs and Emma Goldman were arrested for speaking out against the draft.[69]", "2011 NFL Draft The selection of Newton, a junior, marked the third straight draft where the first overall selection was an underclassman. Since non-seniors were first eligible to be drafted in 1990, fourteen first overall picks (including six of the last seven) have been players who have entered the draft early.[21] Eight of the first ten players chosen in this draft were non-seniors, which broke the record of six set in 1997 and matched in 2006. Jake Locker and Von Miller were the only two seniors among the first ten draftees.[21]", "Draft (hull) Canals are not the only draft-limited shipping lanes. A Malaccamax ship, is the deepest draft able to transit the very busy but relatively shallow Strait of Malacca. The Strait only allows ships to have .4 m (1.3 ft) more draft than the Suez Canal. Capesize, Ultra Large Crude Carriers and a few Chinamax carriers, are some of the ships that have too deep a draft when laden, for either the Strait of Malacca or the Suez Canal.", "Draft (hull) Draft is a significant factor limiting navigable waterways, especially for large vessels. This includes many shallow coastal waters and reefs, but also some major shipping lanes. Panamax class ships—the largest ships able to transit the Panama Canal—do have a draft limit (and an \"air draft\" limit for passing under bridges) but are usually limited by beam, or sometimes length overall, for fitting into locks. However, ships can be longer, wider and higher in the Suez Canal, the limiting factor for Suezmax ships is draft. Some supertankers are able to transit the Suez Canal when unladen or partially laden, but not when fully laden.", "Draft lottery (1969) Draft lotteries were conducted again in 1970 (for those born in 1951) and from 1971 to 1975 (for 1952 to 1956 births). The draft numbers issued in 1972 were never used the next year to call for induction into service, because the last call was December 7 and authority to induct expired on June 30, 1973.", "History of the Pittsburgh Steelers Rooney and Bell lobbied to delay the 1942 NFL Draft due to the uncertainty of the war situation, but they were overruled by their fellow owners. The Steelers had the first overall selection, due to their last-place showing the previous season. They made Virginia halfback \"Bullet\" Bill Dudley the first pick. They then rounded out the draft by choosing as many married players as possible with an eye toward the likelihood those players could avoid the military draft, at least for the upcoming season.[97][98]", "Time Enough at Last Much of the implacable seriousness of The Twilight Zone is seemingly keyed by the clipped, dour delivery of Serling himself and the interlocutor. He never encourages us to laugh, or even smile, even when the plot twist is at least darkly funny. For example, in 'Time Enough at Last' ... The H-bomb is still lurking in the background of the bookworm's 'accident.' The point is that the bomb could never have gone off on network television were the plot couched in a more realistic format.", "Military These relationships are seen from the perspective of political-military relations, the military-industrial complex mentioned above, and the socio-military relationship. The last can be divided between those segments of society that offer support for the military, those who voice opposition to the military, the voluntary and involuntary civilians in the military forces, the populations of civilians in a combat zone, and of course the military's self-perception.", "WWE draft On May 25, 2016, due to SmackDown moving to Tuesdays and to a live broadcast starting July 19, necessitating a brand extension, WWE announced that the draft would be returning.[2] It would later be announced that the 2016 WWE draft would take place on July 19 during SmackDown's first live broadcast, which was also the first time that the draft took place on SmackDown.[3] The 2017 draft was labeled the Superstar Shake-up as instead of a traditional draft, the general managers of Raw and SmackDown could trade and make deals between their respective talent.[4]", "Time Enough at Last \"Time Enough at Last\" was one of the first episodes written for The Twilight Zone.[5] It introduced Burgess Meredith to the series; he went on to star in three more episodes, being introduced as \"no stranger to The Twilight Zone\" in promotional spots for season two's \"The Obsolete Man\". He also narrated for the 1983 film Twilight Zone: The Movie, which made reference to \"Time Enough at Last\" during its opening sequence, with the characters discussing the episode in detail.", "Military service As of 2009[update], Greece (Hellenic Republic) has mandatory military service of 9 months for men in the Army and 12 months for the Navy and Air Force. Some are entitled to reduced service due to serious family reasons (single parent families, parent serving in the army etc.). Although Greece is developing a professional army system, it continues to enforce the 9-month mandatory military service. It has been stated that the draft is to be reduced to six months in future. Women are accepted into the Greek army as salaried professionals, but are not obliged to mandatory conscript service. Conscript soldiers receive full health insurance and a nominal salary of €9 per month for privates and €12 for the rank of draft corporal and draft sergeant. There is the option of serving as a non-regular officer designate. In that case the received salary is €569 (with an additional €150 if the cadet is sent far from his home) after basic training is over. The duration of cadet training is roughly 4 months and 9 more months are dedicated for the actual service. Adding the 1 month spent in rookie training, a cadet's conscription will last a total of 14 months. In the last month of his service the cadet takes the rank of second lieutenant. The minimum wage for an unskilled worker stands at around €650 per month in Greece, while professional soldiers are paid upwards of €800. This results in reservist corporals and sergeants receiving a wage that is 1/70th that of a professional soldier, whom they outrank. This inconsistency was partly dealt with by abolishing the rank of sergeant for conscripts.", "WWE draft During the 2002 draft, Undisputed WWE Champion Triple H and Women's Champion Jazz were ineligible to be drafted as, at the time, their respective services were deemed available to both brands. The rest of the champions, however, were eligible to be drafted to either brand's roster. The first half of the draft was televised live on TNN for two hours, as part of the WWF's flagship program, Raw.[5] The second half was conducted over the Internet on WWF's official website, WWF.com.[6] There were thirty draft picks, with sixty superstars drafted overall by co-owners of the WWF, onto their respective brands, Raw and SmackDown.[7] The remaining superstars were divided randomly in a draft lottery, with each brand receiving a grand total of thirty superstars.[8]", "National Football League Draft Each team has its representatives attend the draft. During the draft, one team is always \"on the clock.\" In Round 1, teams have 10 minutes to make their choice (previously 15)[time needed]. The decision time drops to 7 minutes (previously 10) in the second round and 5 minutes in Rounds 3–6. In round 7, and for compensatory picks, teams only have 4 minutes to make their choice. If a team does not make a decision within its allotted time, the team still can submit its selection at any time after its time is up, but the next team can pick before it, thus possibly 'stealing' a player the team with the earlier pick may have been considering. This occurred in the 2003 draft, when the Minnesota Vikings, with the 7th overall pick, were late with their selection. The Jacksonville Jaguars drafted quarterback Byron Leftwich and the Carolina Panthers drafted offensive tackle Jordan Gross before the Vikings were able to submit their selection of defensive tackle Kevin Williams. This also happened in 2011; as the Baltimore Ravens were negotiating a trade with the Chicago Bears, their time expired and allowed the Kansas City Chiefs to pick ahead of Baltimore, who was unable to finalize the trade with Chicago.", "Draft evasion In 2014, The Christian Science Monitor ran a headline claiming that South Korea had the \"most draft dodgers in prison\"[62] The article, by veteran correspondent Donald Kirk, explained that South Korea's government, which had instituted a draft, did not allow for conscientious objection to war; as a result, 669 mostly religiously motivated South Koreans were said to be in jail for draft evasion in 2013. Only 723 draft evaders were said to be in jail worldwide at that time.[63]", "United Nations Security Council veto power France uses its veto power sparingly. The last time it unilaterally vetoed a draft was in 1976 to block a resolution on the question of the independence of the Comoros, which was done to keep the island of Mayotte as a French overseas community.[27] It also vetoed, along with U.K, a resolution calling on the immediate cessation of military action by the Israeli army against Egypt in 1956 during the Suez Crisis.[27] The last time France used its veto power was in December 1989 concerning the situation in Panama.[27] In 2003, the threat of a French veto of resolution on the impending invasion of Iraq caused friction between France and the United States.", "Pakistan The United States, Turkey, and China maintain close military relations and regularly export military equipment and technology transfer to Pakistan.[315] Joint logistics and major war games are occasionally carried out by the militaries of China and Turkey.[314][316][317] Philosophical basis for the military draft is introduced by the Constitution in times of emergency, but it has never been imposed.[318]", "Rule 5 draft The Rule 5 draft is a Major League Baseball player draft that occurs each year in December, at the annual Winter Meeting of general managers. The Rule 5 draft aims to prevent teams from stockpiling too many young players on their minor league affiliate teams when other teams would be willing to have them play in the majors.[1] The Rule 5 draft is named for its place in Major League Rules. (It is sometimes erroneously referenced with a Roman numeral.) The June Rule 4 draft, known as simply \"the draft\", \"amateur draft\", or \"first year player draft\", is a distinctly different process in which teams select high school and college players.", "Draft evasion There had been some opposition to the Vietnam-era draft even before the U.S. became heavily involved in the Vietnam War. The large cohort of Baby Boomers who became eligible for military service during the Vietnam War also meant a steep increase in the number of exemptions and deferments, especially for college and graduate students.[78] According to peace studies scholar David Cortright, more than half of the 27 million men eligible for the draft during the Vietnam War were deferred, exempted, or disqualified.[78]", "Draft (sports) Mr. Irrelevant is a title given to the last player selected in each year's NFL Draft. The phrase pokes fun at the typically poor chances such a player has of ultimately making an impact in the league, although several went on to productive NFL careers.", "Last Days and Time Last Days and Time is the third studio album by American R&B group Earth, Wind & Fire, released in November 1972, their first release on Columbia Records. It was recorded at Sunset Sound Studios in Hollywood, California.", "The Last Time I Saw Paris (song) The song inspired the title of and figures prominently in the film The Last Time I Saw Paris (1954) when it was sung by Odette Myrtil.", "Time Enough at Last Although \"Time Enough at Last\" implies that nuclear warfare has destroyed humanity, film critic Andrew Sarris notes that the episode's necessarily unrealistic format may have been what allowed its production to commence:[9]", "Conscription in the United States The World War II draft operated from 1940 until 1946 when further inductions were suspended, and its legislative authorization expired without further extension by Congress in 1947. During this time, more than 10 million men had been inducted into military service.[30] However, the Selective Service System remained intact.", "Draft lottery (1969) The military draft method used back in the 1950s and 1960s involved using dates and numbers mixed randomly and then drawn to decide who would go to war. In the present-day, not much has changed on how the draft would be conducted if it was ever needed. The Selective Service Committee who presides over the draft procedures still have a large tumbler that holds all the number and dates that will be drawn to select candidates and the only thing that seems to have changed between the method of the past and the present one is that instead of using pieces of paper in blue capsules the SSC now uses ping pong balls with the dates and numbers on them.[14]", "Draft (sports) A draft is a process used in some countries and sports to allocate certain players to teams. In a draft, teams take turns selecting from a pool of eligible players. When a team selects a player, the team receives exclusive rights to sign that player to a contract, and no other team in the league may sign the player.", "National Football League Draft The NFL Draft is bid on each year by NFL cities and is held in the city of the winning bid in a process that began in 2015.[77] The 2006 draft was held at New York City's Radio City Music Hall, the first time this venue had hosted the gala, and it was held there until 2015, when the draft was held in Chicago's Auditorium Theater. The move marked the first time that the Draft had been in Chicago since 1964. The Theater at Madison Square Garden had hosted the event for a ten-year period, but the NFL moved it to the Javits Convention Center in 2005 following a dispute with the Cablevision-owned arena, who were opposing the West Side Stadium, which would have served as home of the New York Jets and the centerpiece of the New York City bid for the 2012 Summer Olympics, because the new stadium would have competed with the Garden for concerts and other events.[78]", "2017 NFL Draft The player selections were announced from an outdoor theater built on the Rocky Steps, marking the first time an entire NFL draft was held outdoors.[4] The NFL announced that the draft was the most attended in history, with more than 250,000 people.[5][6] Starting from this draft, compensatory picks could be traded.[7] A new-record 37 trades were made during the draft itself, surpassing 34 made in 2008.[8]", "NBA draft The NBA draft has been televised since 1980, the same year the NFL and NHL televised (or publicized) theirs. USA Network broadcast the draft as part of its contract with the NBA until 1984; starting in 1985, TBS did so as part of its NBA on TBS package. From 1990 to 2002, TNT took over the draft as more NBA properties moved to the network (the NBA on TNT). When ESPN acquired the rights to the NBA from NBC in 2002, ESPN began broadcasting the draft (starting in 2003) with the NBA on ESPN, which it continues to do today.", "Draft (sports) When the Russian Superleague became the Kontinental Hockey League, the collective bargaining agreement between the KHL and its players introduced a draft, starting from the very first season of the league. It also allows teams to use a first-round draft pick to select protected players from a team's farm system.", "National Football League Draft The location of the draft has continually changed over the years to accommodate more fans, as the event has gained popularity. The draft's popularity now garners prime-time television coverage.", "Major League Baseball draft The 2007 draft was the first to be televised live, on June 7, 2007.[30] The draft coverage took place at Disney's Wide World of Sports Complex at Walt Disney World near Orlando, Florida. Since the 2009 draft, the first round of the draft has been broadcast annually on MLB Network live and in prime time from its studios in Secaucus, New Jersey.", "2011 NFL Draft The top two picks in the draft, Cam Newton and Denver linebacker Von Miller, played against each other in Super Bowl 50 on the teams that drafted them. This marked the first time that the top two picks in a single draft faced each other in the Super Bowl.[7] The Broncos won, 24-10, with Miller winning Super Bowl MVP.", "1984 NBA draft The 1984 NBA draft was the 37th annual draft of the National Basketball Association (NBA). It was held at the Felt Forum at Madison Square Garden in New York City, New York, on June 19, 1984, before the 1984–85 season.[1] The draft was broadcast in the United States on the USA Network.[2] In this draft, 23 NBA teams took turns selecting amateur U.S. college basketball players and other eligible players, including international players. The Houston Rockets won the coin flip and were awarded the first overall pick, while the Portland Trail Blazers, who obtained the Indiana Pacers' first-round pick in a trade, were awarded the second pick.[3] The remaining first-round picks and the subsequent rounds were assigned to teams in reverse order of their win–loss record in the previous season. The Cleveland Cavaliers were awarded an extra first-round draft pick as compensation for the draft picks traded away by their previous owner, Ted Stepien.[4] A player who had finished his four-year college eligibility was automatically eligible for selection. Before the draft, five college underclassmen announced that they would leave college early and would be eligible for selection.[5] Prior to the draft, the San Diego Clippers relocated to Los Angeles and became the Los Angeles Clippers.[6] The draft consisted of 10 rounds comprising the selection of 228 players. This draft was the last to be held before the creation of the Draft Lottery in 1985.[7] It was also the first NBA Draft to be overseen by David Stern.", "Conscription in the United States In 2004, the platforms of both the Democratic and Republican parties opposed military conscription, but neither party moved to end draft registration. John Kerry in one debate criticized Bush's policies, \"You've got stop-loss policies so people can't get out when they were supposed to. You've got a backdoor draft right now.\"", "Military justice Military justice is distinct from martial law, which is the imposition of military authority on a civilian population as a substitute for civil authority, and is often declared in times of emergency, war, or civil unrest. Most countries restrict when and in what manner martial law may be declared and enforced.", "System time The Wikipedia system time when this page was last generated. → Purge this page, and update this counter.", "Draft (sports) The league has incrementally expanded the draft lottery process over the course of the early 2010s to discourage \"tanking\"—the act of deliberately losing to get a better draft pick. Historically, the league only subjected the first overall pick to the draft lottery among the five worst teams in the league, meaning that if a draft had more than one marquee prospect (a generally rare occurrence), it would still be a viable strategy to tank, as a second overall pick was still guaranteed. This was made evident in the 2015 NHL Entry Draft, where marquee prospects Connor McDavid and Jack Eichel were both seen as NHL-ready and likely to be stars; much speculation surrounded the struggling Buffalo Sabres, who allegedly tanked to secure the rights to at least the second overall pick (a charge that, although the Sabres' fans openly encouraged it, the team officially denied). Beginning with the 2016 NHL Entry Draft, the top three overall picks are subject to lottery among all fourteen teams that did not make the playoffs, meaning the last-place team will only be assured of the fourth overall pick, at which point virtually any marquee prospect will have already been selected.", "National Football League Draft An African-American had not played in the NFL since prior to the draft's institution. In 1939, Kenny Washington was, to no small extent, viewed as one of the greatest college football players of all time. After information was made available to at least one owner of a franchise, Washington was not drafted by any team for the 1940 NFL Draft.[44]", "Draft evasion University of Manchester sociologist Yulia Zemilinskaya has interviewed members of New Profile and Shministim, along with members of two groups of Israeli soldiers and reservists who have expressed an unwillingness to engage in missions they disapprove of – Yesh Gvul and Courage to Refuse.[60] Despite commonalities, she found a difference between the draft refusers and the military selective-refusers:", "List of Vancouver Canucks draft picks The Canucks selected Dale Tallon, a defenceman from the Toronto Marlboros, with their first pick, second overall in the 1970 NHL Amateur Draft. The Canucks also drafted Trevor Linden from the Medicine Hat Tigers in 1988. Linden is currently the all-time leader in games played for the Canucks.[4] All-time, the Canucks had 13 top-five draft picks, but have never received the first overall pick. The Canucks are one of the two franchises in the NHL to have drafted two twin brothers in the same year—they drafted Daniel Sedin second overall and Henrik Sedin third overall in 1999.[5]", "WNBA draft In 2003 and 2004, there would be dispersal drafts due to the folding of the Cleveland Rockers, Miami Sol and Portland Fire. The players were reallocated to existing teams. There were also dispersal drafts in 2007 with the folding of the Charlotte Sting, 2009 with the shuttering of the Houston Comets, and in 2010 when the Maloofs cast off the Sacramento Monarchs to focus their resources on the Kings franchise in the NBA.", "2014 NFL Draft The Southeastern Conference (SEC) led all college athletic conferences in terms of first round selections with eleven, including the first two picks of the draft.[14] For the first time since the league's second draft in 1937, no player from the University of Texas was selected.[22]", "Military service In Tunisia compulsory military service applies to all citizens from 20 to 35. Those who are engaged in higher education or vocational training programs prior to their military drafting are allowed to delay service until they have completed the programs. The duration of the military service is 1 year. And Conscripts Benefit a monthly allowance of 200 dinars for holders of a higher school diploma or have completed at least two years of graduate successfully and holders of a higher technician certificate of vocational training and 100 dinars for other recruits.", "WWE draft During the 2007 draft, ECW World Champion Bobby Lashley was stripped of the title after being drafted to Raw. The first half of the draft was televised live for three hours on World Wrestling Entertainment's flagship program, Raw on USA Network.[17][18][19] The second half of the draft, or the \"supplemental draft\", was conducted over WWE's website, WWE.com, for four hours on June 17, 2007 as draft picks were announced at twenty-minute intervals.[20] There were twenty-three draft picks, with twenty-seven wrestlers drafted overall, between the promotion's three brands: Raw, SmackDown, and ECW.[17][21] For the televised half of the draft, each brand's draft pick was determined by nine matches, one being a battle royal for two draft picks, where wrestlers from their respective brands wrestled to earn a draft pick.[22][23] The supplemental draft, however, was conducted randomly, with each brand receiving random draft selections. Raw and SmackDown! received five random draft picks, while ECW received three random draft picks.[20] The televised draft picks were randomly selected by a computer that was shown on the Raw titantron.[24][25] Every WWE wrestler from Raw, SmackDown!, and ECW was eligible to be drafted.[26]", "Draft lottery (1969) The 1970s were a time of turmoil in the United States, beginning with the civil rights movement which set the standards for practices by the anti-war movement. The 1969 draft lottery only encouraged resentment of the Vietnam War and the draft. It strengthened the anti-war movement,[verification needed] and all over the United States, people decried discrimination by the draft system \"against low-education, low-income, underprivileged members of society\".[11]", "Creedence Clearwater Revival In 1966, the group suffered a setback when John Fogerty and Doug Clifford received draft notices and chose to enlist in the military instead to avoid conscription. Fogerty joined the Army Reserve while Clifford joined the Coast Guard Reserve.", "Military of ancient Rome The role and structure of the military was then altered during the empire. It became less Roman, the duties of border protection and territorial administration being more and more taken by foreign mercenaries officered by Romans. When they divided at last into warring factions the empire fell, unable to keep out invading armies.", "Draft (hull) The draft of ships can be increased when the ship is in motion in shallow water, a phenomenon known as squat (nautical term for the hydrodynamic effect of lower pressure pulling the ship down as it moves).", "Time Enough at Last Finding himself totally alone in a shattered world with food to last him a lifetime (but no one to share it with) and no means of leaving to look for other survivors, Bemis succumbs to despair. As he prepares to commit suicide using a revolver he has found, Bemis sees the ruins of the public library in the distance. Investigating, he finds that the books are still intact and readable; all the books he could ever hope for are his for the reading, and (as he gazes upon a huge fallen face of a clock) learns that he has all the time in the world to read them without interruption.", "1965 in the Vietnam War McGeorge Bundy wrote a memo to President Johnson saying: \"Last night, Bob McNamara said for the first time what many others have thought for a long time -- that the Pentagon and the military have been going at this thing the wrong way round from the very beginning: they have been concentrating on military results against guerrillas in the field, when they should have been concentrating on intense police control from the individual villager on up.\"[36]", "2011 NBA draft The 2011 NBA draft marked the final time the New Jersey Nets made an NBA draft appearance. After the end of the Nets' 2011-12 season, the franchise relocated to Brooklyn, New York and was renamed to the Brooklyn Nets. The Nets made their first draft appearance with the Brooklyn moniker in 2012. Four of the first round picks, including three of the top four picks, Kyrie Irving, Derrick Williams, Tristan Thompson, and Iman Shumpert would all eventually become teammates on the Cleveland Cavaliers. This is considered one of the most loaded drafts in recent memory. Six players in the draft would also play in at least one All-Star game, including the final pick of the draft, Isaiah Thomas. Thompson and Thomas would also be teammates on the Cavaliers, but only for a short while, as Thomas was traded to the Los Angeles Lakers.", "When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom'd \"When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom'd\" is a long poem in the form of an elegy written by American poet Walt Whitman (1819–1892) in 1865.", "Conscription in Israel The military draft process occurs in the following steps: The Army calls upon a potential soldier in a letter and this is called the \"First Calling\" or Tzav Rishon. This letter states that the teenager must report to a certain place at a certain time for a day-long examination and interviewing. After careful looking over of the Tzav Rishon's results the army will call the people to enlist when they turn a certain age to begin the army process and basic training.", "Military service Belarus has mandatory military service for all fit men from eighteen to twenty-seven years of age. Military service lasts for eighteen months for those without higher education, and for twelve months for those with higher education.", "Daniel (Elton John song) Bernie Taupin wrote \"Daniel\" after reading an article in either Time or Newsweek about a Vietnam War veteran who had been wounded, and wanted to get away from the attention he was receiving when he went back home.[7] The last verse in the original draft was cut from the final version, which has led to some speculation on the contents.[8]", "Military service Cyprus has compulsory military service for all Greek Cypriot men between the ages of seventeen and fifty. Additionally, from 2008 onwards, all men belonging to the religious groups of Armenians, Latins and Maronites, also serve their military service. Military service lasted for twenty-four months. From 2016 a new law was implied and military service now lasts for fourteen months. After that, ex-soldiers are considered reservists and participate in military exercises for a few days every year. Conscientious objectors can either do thirty-three months’ unarmed service in the army or thirty-eight months’ community work.[64] In 2016, however, the Cypriot parliament had voted to reduce its mandatory service to 14 months and make up for lost manpower by hiring professional soldiers.", "Draft Day The team celebrates an outstanding draft for the Browns. After the draft party, Sonny reconciles with his mother over his excellent draft performance and her soon-to-be first grandchild.", "Military brat (U.S. subculture) To a lesser degree, military classism also includes the branch of service to which the military parent belongs. If asked to name \"the best branch of service,\" military brats will almost invariably name the one to which their parent belonged. They will be able to articulate many reasons why \"their\" branch of the service is the best. These biases are maintained well past the time they cease to be military dependents. When brats grow up, these boundaries are replaced by a shared identity based upon that of being a military brat.[46]", "2011 NFL Draft For the second consecutive year—and the third time in NFL history—the top two selections of the draft won Offensive and Defensive Rookie of the Year awards, respectively.[6]", "Disaster draft The Kontinental Hockey League (KHL) contingency plan was implemented after the Lokomotiv Yaroslavl plane crash that killed the team's entire traveling roster. In the policy, each team makes three players eligible for the disaster draft, with the team that suffered the disaster being able to call up five players from its farm teams. There is no mention of a goaltender minimum for the draft, unlike the NFL disaster draft on quarterbacks or NHL disaster draft on goaltenders, or a mention of a team being able to surrender only one player, unlike other leagues, in the draft.[8] The afflicted team will have a spot in the draft lottery, thus guaranteeing that the team will pick at least as high as 4th overall in the next KHL Junior Draft and it will also be able to protect any player it wants for the next five entry drafts.", "Military funeral The British Army carries reversed arms at military funerals. The Last Post and Rouse or Reveille are sounded at the right moment during the rite.", "List of New Orleans Saints first-round draft picks In the 1967 NFL Draft, the Saints had two first-round picks; first and last. They traded away the first overall pick to the Baltimore Colts,[3] while with the 26th pick, they selected Leslie Kelley, a running back from Alabama.[4] The Saints have selected first overall once, drafting George Rogers in 1981,[5] second overall twice, drafting Archie Manning in 1971 and Reggie Bush in 2006,[6] and third overall once, drafting Wes Chandler in 1978.[4] The team's most recent first-round selections was defensive end Marcus Davenport.", "Draft (sports) The Pakistan Super League uses a draft system for player recruitment before the start of every season to fairly distribute the league's new players. Teams are allotted slots in every round of the draft and slots can be exchanged with other teams. In 2017 for the psl draft of third edition 501 players are drafted", "Major League Baseball draft Major League Baseball has used a draft to assign minor league players to teams since 1921.[3][4] In 1936, the National Football League held the first amateur draft in professional sports.[5] A decade later, the National Basketball Association instituted a similar method of player distribution. However, the player draft was controversial. Congressman Emanuel Celler questioned the legality of drafts during a series of hearings on the business practice of professional sports leagues in the 1950s.[6] Successful clubs saw the draft as anti-competitive. Yankees executive Johnny Johnson equated it with communism.[7] At the same time, Pulitzer Prize-winning sports columnist Arthur Daley compared the system to a \"slave market.\"[8]", "John Fogerty Fogerty received his draft notice for military service during the Vietnam War in 1966, but that same day, he went to a local United States Army Reserve recruiter, who signed him up immediately. Fogerty was grateful and believed the recruiter dated the paperwork to take effect before the draft letter arrived.[7] During his time in the Army, Fogerty served at Fort Bragg, Fort Knox and Fort Lee.", "2017 NBA draft The draft lottery took place during the playoffs on May 16, 2017. The 53–29 Boston Celtics, who were also the #1 seed in the Eastern Conference and reached the Eastern Conference Finals at the time of the NBA draft lottery, won the #1 pick with pick swapping rights thanks to a previous trade with the Brooklyn Nets, who had the worst record the previous season. The Los Angeles Lakers, who had risked losing their 2017 first round pick to the Philadelphia 76ers, moved up two spots to get the No. 2 pick, while Philadelphia moved up to receive the No. 3 pick due to the Sacramento Kings moving up in the draft, which activated pick swapping rights the 76ers had from an earlier trade. On June 19, four days before the NBA draft began, the Celtics and 76ers traded their top first round picks to each other, meaning the holders of the top four picks of this year's draft would be exactly the same as the previous year's draft.[2]", "National Football League Each April (excluding 2014 when it took place in May), the NFL holds a draft of college players. The draft consists of seven rounds, with each of the 32 clubs getting one pick in each round.[114] The draft order for non-playoff teams is determined by regular-season record; among playoff teams, teams are first ranked by the furthest round of the playoffs they reached, and then are ranked by regular-season record. For example, any team that reached the divisional round will be given a higher pick than any team that reached the conference championships, but will be given a lower pick than any team that did not make the divisional round. The Super Bowl champion always drafts last, and the losing team from the Super Bowl always drafts next-to-last.[115] All potential draftees must be at least three years removed from high school in order to be eligible for the draft.[116] Underclassmen that have met that criterion to be eligible for the draft must write an application to the NFL by January 15 renouncing their remaining college eligibility.[117] Clubs can trade away picks for future draft picks, but cannot trade the rights to players they have selected in previous drafts.[118]" ]
where was the capital of the habsburg empire located
[ "Habsburg Monarchy The Habsburg Monarchy (German: Habsburgermonarchie) or Empire is an unofficial appellation among historians for the countries and provinces that were ruled by the junior Austrian branch of the House of Habsburg between 1521 and 1780 and then by the successor branch of Habsburg-Lorraine until 1918. The Monarchy was a composite state composed of territories within and outside the Holy Roman Empire, united only in the person of the monarch. The dynastic capital was Vienna, except from 1583 to 1611,[2] when it was moved to Prague. From 1804 to 1867 the Habsburg Monarchy was formally unified as the Austrian Empire, and from 1867 to 1918 as the Austro-Hungarian Empire.[3][4]" ]
[ "House of Habsburg The House of Habsburg-Lorraine retained Austria and attached possessions after the dissolution of the Holy Roman Empire; see below.", "House of Habsburg The arms of dominion began to take on a life of their own in the 19th century as the idea of the state as independent from the Habsburg dynasty took root. They are the national arms as borne by a sovereign in his capacity as head of state and represent the state as separate from the person of the monarch or his dynasty. That very idea had been, heretofore, foreign to the concept of the Habsburg state. The state had been the personal property of the Habsburg dynast. Since the states, territories, and nationalities represented were in many cases only united to the Austro-Hungarian Empire by their historic loyalty to the head of the house of Habsburg as hereditary lord, these full (\"grand\") arms of dominion of Austria-Hungary reflect the complex political infrastructure that was necessarily to accommodate the many different nationalities and groupings within the empire after the Austro-Hungarian Compromise of 1867.", "House of Habsburg The kingship of Bohemia was from 1306 a position elected by its nobles.[citation needed] As a result, it was not an automatically inherited position. Until the rule of Ferdinand I, Habsburgs didn't gain hereditary accession to the throne and were displaced by other dynasties. Hence, the kings of Bohemia and their ruling dates are listed separately. The Habsburgs became hereditary kings of Bohemia in 1627. By their acquisition of the Bohemian Crown in 1526 the Habsburgs secured the highest rank among the secular prince-electors of the Holy Roman Empire.", "House of Habsburg The Habsburg dynasty achieved the position of a true world power by the time of Charles V's election in 1519, for the first and only time in their history—the \"World Emperor\" ruling an \"empire on which the sun never sets\".", "House of Habsburg On 11 November 1918, with his empire collapsing around him, the last Habsburg ruler, Charles I of Austria (who also reigned as Charles IV of Hungary) issued a proclamation recognizing Austria's right to determine the future of the state and renouncing any role in state affairs. Two days later, he issued a separate proclamation for Hungary. Even though he did not officially abdicate, this is considered the end of the Habsburg dynasty. In 1919, the new republican Austrian government subsequently passed a law banishing the Habsburgs from Austrian territory until they renounced all intentions of regaining the throne and accepted the status of private citizens. Charles made several attempts to regain the throne of Hungary, and in 1921 the Hungarian government passed a law which revoked Charles' rights and dethroned the Habsburgs.", "List of state and union territory capitals in India The state and union territory capitals are sorted according to no legislative and judicial capitals. The administrative capital is where the executive government offices are located, the legislative capital is where the state assembly convenes, and the judicial capital is the location of the state or territorial High Courts. Union territories are marked with a dagger ().", "Capital of Germany Prior to 1871, Germany was not a unified nation state, and had no capital city. The medieval German Holy Roman Empire, used to have Aachen as its preferred seat of government during Charlemagne's reign, and until 1531 it was the place where 31 Holy Roman Emperors were crowned Kings of the Germans. The coronation later moved to Frankfurt. However after Charlemagne, none of the subsequent Holy Roman Emperors moved to Aachen or Frankfurt, instead retaining their own original constituent kingdom or principality as base or moving into temporary Royal palaces dotted around the confederate realm known as Kaiserpfalz. The last imperial ruling house (the Habsburgs) had Vienna as its permanent seat of government.", "Belvedere, Vienna The Belvedere was built during a period of extensive construction in Vienna, which at the time was both the imperial capital and home to the ruling Habsburg dynasty. This period of prosperity followed on from the commander-in-chief Prince Eugene of Savoy's successful conclusion of a series of wars against the Ottoman Empire.", "House of Habsburg In the heraldic composition of 1915, the shields of the two foci of the empire, Austria and Hungary, were brought together. The griffin supporter on the left was added for Austria and an angel on the right as a supporter for Hungary. The center featured the personal arms of the Habsburgs (Habsburg, Austria and Lorraine). This small shield was topped with a royal crown and surrounded by the collar of the Order of the Golden Fleece, below which was the Military Order of Maria Theresa, below which was the collars of the Orders of St. Stephen's and Leopold. At the bottom was the motto that read \"AC INDIVISIBILITER INSEPARABILITER\" (\"indivisible and inseparable\"). There were other simplified versions which did not have the supports depicted, and the simple shields of Austria and Hungary. These were the arms of the Empire of Austria with an inescutcheon of Austria, and the Arms of Hungary (with chequer of Croatia at the tip).", "Ljubljana During antiquity, a Roman city called Emona stood in the area.[8] Ljubljana itself was first mentioned in the first half of the 12th century. Situated at the middle of a trade route between the northern Adriatic Sea and the Danube region, it was the historical capital of Carniola,[9] one of the Slovene-inhabited parts of the Habsburg Monarchy.[6] It was under Habsburg rule from the Middle Ages until the dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian Empire in 1918. After World War II, Ljubljana became the capital of the Socialist Republic of Slovenia, part of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. It retained this status until Slovenia became independent in 1991 and Ljubljana became capital of the newly formed state.[10]", "Benin Empire The Benin Empire was a pre-colonial empire located in what is now southern Nigeria. Its capital was Edo, now known as Benin City, Edo state. It should not be confused with the modern-day country called Benin, formerly called Dahomey. The Benin Empire was \"one of the oldest and most highly developed states in the coastal hinterland of West Africa, dating perhaps to the eleventh century CE\",[2] until it was annexed by the British Empire in 1897.", "House of Habsburg By 1276, Count Radbot's seventh generation descendant Rudolph of Habsburg moved the family's power base from Habsburg Castle to the Duchy of Austria. Rudolph became King of Germany in 1273, and the dynasty of the House of Habsburg was truly entrenched in 1276 when Rudolph became ruler of Austria, which the Habsburgs ruled until 1918.", "Serbia In 1718–39, the Habsburg Monarchy occupied Central Serbia and established the \"Kingdom of Serbia\". Apart from Vojvodina and Northern Belgrade which were absorbed into the Habsburg Empire, Central Serbia was occupied by the Habsburgs again in 1686–91 and in 1788–92.", "Habsburg Spain The growth of Spain's empire in the New World was accomplished from Seville, without the close direction of the leadership in Madrid. Charles I and Philip II were primarily concerned with their duties in Europe, and thus control of the Americas was handled by viceroys and colonial administrators who operated with virtual autonomy. The Habsburg kings regarded their colonies as feudal associations rather than integral parts of Spain. No Spanish king could, or did, visit the colonies, either. The Habsburgs, whose family had traditionally ruled over diverse, noncontiguous domains and had been forced to devolve autonomy to local administrators, replicated those feudal policies in Spain, particularly in the Basque country and Aragon.", "House of Habsburg The War of the Austrian Succession took place after the extinction of the male line of the Austrian Habsburg line upon the death of Charles VI. The direct Habsburg line itself became totally extinct with the death of Maria Theresa of Austria, when it was followed by the House of Lorraine, styled of Habsburg-Lorraine.", "House of Habsburg The Austrian branch became extinct in the male line in 1740 with the death of Charles VI and in the female line in 1780 with the death of his daughter Maria Theresa; it was succeeded by the Vaudemont branch of the House of Lorraine in the person of her son Joseph II. The new successor house styled itself formally as House of Habsburg-Lorraine (German: Habsburg-Lothringen), although it was often referred to as simply the House of Habsburg. The heiress of the last Austrian Habsburgs Maria Theresa had married Francis Stephan, Duke of Lorraine[13] (both of them were great-grandchildren of Habsburg Emperor Ferdinand III, but from different empresses). Their descendants carried on the Habsburg tradition from Vienna under the dynastic name Habsburg-Lorraine, although technically a new ruling house came into existence in the Austrian territories, the House of Lorraine (see Dukes of Lorraine family tree). It is thought that extensive intra-family marriages within both lines contributed to their extinctions.", "Late Middle Ages Bohemia prospered in the 14th century, and the Golden Bull of 1356 made the king of Bohemia first among the imperial electors, but the Hussite revolution threw the country into crisis.[38] The Holy Roman Empire passed to the Habsburgs in 1438, where it remained until its dissolution in 1806.[39] Yet in spite of the extensive territories held by the Habsburgs, the Empire itself remained fragmented, and much real power and influence lay with the individual principalities.[40] In addition, financial institutions, such as the Hanseatic League and the Fugger family, held great power, on both economic and political levels.[41]", "House of Habsburg The kingship of Hungary remained in the Habsburg family for centuries; but as the kingship was not strictly inherited (Hungary was an elective monarchy until 1687) and was sometimes used as a training ground for young Habsburgs, as \"Palatine\" of Hungary, the dates of rule do not always match those of the primary Habsburg possessions. Therefore, the kings of Hungary are listed separately.", "Habsburg Monarchy Over the course of its history, other lands were, at times, under Austrian Habsburg rule (some of these territories were secundogenitures, i.e. ruled by other lines of Habsburg dynasty):", "Serbia After the loss of independence to the Kingdom of Hungary and the Ottoman Empire, Serbia briefly regained sovereignty under Jovan Nenad in the 16th century. Three Habsburg invasions and numerous rebellions constantly challenged Ottoman rule. One famous incident was the Banat Uprising in 1595, which was part of the Long War between the Ottomans and the Habsburgs.[30] The area of modern Vojvodina endured a century-long Ottoman occupation before being ceded to the Habsburg Empire at the end of the 17th century under the Treaty of Karlowitz.", "Roman emperor This line of Emperors lasted until 1806 when Francis II dissolved the Empire during the Napoleonic Wars. Despite the existence of later potentates styling themselves \"emperor\", such as the Napoleons, the Habsburg Emperors of Austria, and the Hohenzollern heads of the German Reich, this marked the end of the Western Empire. Although there is a living heir, Karl von Habsburg, to the Habsburg dynasty, as well as a Pope and pretenders to the positions of the electors, and although all the medieval coronation regalia are still preserved in Austria, the legal abolition of all aristocratic prerogatives of the former electors and the imposition of republican constitutions in Germany and Austria render quite remote any potential for a revival of the Holy Roman Empire.", "House of Habsburg Before 1915, the arms of the different territories of the Austrian part of the Empire (heraldry was added to some areas not shown in the previous version and to the left to the Hungarian part) appeared together in the shield positioned on the double-headed eagle coat of arms of the Austrian Empire as an inescutcheon. The eagle was inside a shield with a gold field. The latter shield was supported by two griffins and was topped by the Austrian Imperial Crown (previously these items were included only in the large shield). Then, shown in the center of both arms of dominion, as an inescutcheon to the inescutcheon, is the small shield, i.e. personal arms, of the Habsburgs. All this was surrounded by the collar Order of the Golden Fleece[24][25]", "Iran Shiraz, with a population of around 1.8 million (2016 census), is Iran's sixth most populous city. It is the capital of the province of Fars, and was also the capital of Iran under the reign of the Zand dynasty. It is located near the ruins of Persepolis and Pasargadae, two of the four capitals of the Achaemenid Empire.", "Power (international relations) During the time of the Renaissance, powers in Europe included Spain, Portugal, England, France, the Habsburg Empire, Poland–Lithuania and the Ottoman Empire. Bolstered by shipments of gold and silver from the Americas, the Spanish Habsburg dynasty emerged as a dominant force and regularly launched military interventions to project its power and defend Catholicism, while its rival, France, was torn apart by religious civil war. Meanwhile,\nin Eastern Europe, the Ottoman Empire reached its zenith and completed its conquest of the Balkan region.", "House of Habsburg Archduke of Austria, was invented in the Privilegium Maius, a 14th-century forgery initiated by Duke Rudolf IV of Austria. Originally, it was meant to denote the \"ruler\" (thus \"Arch-\") of the duchy of Austria, usually from Vienna, in an effort to put the Habsburgs on a par with the Prince-electors, as Austria had been bypassed as hereditary prince-electors of the empire when the Golden Bull of 1356 assigned that title to the highest ranking Imperial princes. The Holy Roman Emperor Charles IV refused to recognise the title.", "List of wars 1500–1799 Habsburg Monarchy\n Holy Roman Empire[20]\n Great Britain (until 1801)\n United Kingdom (from 1801)\n Russia (until 1799)\n French Royalists\n Portugal\n Kingdom of Naples\n Ottoman Empire", "Empire State New York is widely known by the nickname \"Empire State\", and its effects can be seen throughout the state.[1] Manhattan's Empire State Building opened in 1931 and was the world's tallest building until the completion of the north tower of the World Trade Center in 1970. Following the September 11 attacks, the Empire State Building once again became the tallest building in Manhattan until One World Trade Center claimed the title in April 2012.[4][5] The main offices of state government are located at the Empire State Plaza (ESP) in Albany, the state capital. Its most iconic structure is the Erastus Corning Tower, the tallest building in New York outside of New York City.[6]", "Milan In 1556, Charles V abdicated in favour of his son Philip II and his brother Ferdinand I. Charles's Italian possessions, including Milan, passed to Philip II and remained with the Spanish line of Habsburgs, while Ferdinand's Austrian line of Habsburgs ruled the Holy Roman Empire.", "Causes of World War I In fact, during the pre-war decade the Habsburg lands passed through a phase of strong economic growth with a corresponding rise in general prosperity. Most inhabitants of the empire associated the Habsburg state with the benefits of orderly government, public education, welfare, sanitation, the rule of law, and the maintenance of a sophisticated infrastructure.", "Ignaz Semmelweis During 1848–1849, some 70 000 troops from the Habsburg-ruled Austrian Empire thwarted the Hungarian independence movement, executed or imprisoned its leaders and in the process destroyed parts of Pest. Semmelweis, upon arriving from the Habsburg Vienna in 1850, likely was not warmly welcomed in Pest.", "Location, Location, Location A cliché used by property experts is that the three most important factors in determining the desirability of a property are \"location, location, location\". This tricolon appears in print as early as 1926,[1] though it is often incorrectly attributed to the real estate magnate Harold Samuel.[2]", "History of France The religious conflicts that plagued France also ravaged the Habsburg-led Holy Roman Empire. The Thirty Years' War eroded the power of the Catholic Habsburgs. Although Cardinal Richelieu, the powerful chief minister of France, had mauled the Protestants, he joined this war on their side in 1636 because it was in the raison d'État (national interest). Imperial Habsburg forces invaded France, ravaged Champagne, and nearly threatened Paris.[35]", "Ottoman Empire Ottoman cuisine refers to the cuisine of the capital, Istanbul, and the regional capital cities, where the melting pot of cultures created a common cuisine that most of the population regardless of ethnicity shared. This diverse cuisine was honed in the Imperial Palace's kitchens by chefs brought from certain parts of the Empire to create and experiment with different ingredients. The creations of the Ottoman Palace's kitchens filtered to the population, for instance through Ramadan events, and through the cooking at the Yalıs of the Pashas, and from there on spread to the rest of the population.", "House of Habsburg The Habsburgs' policies against Protestantism led to an eradication of the former throughout vast areas under their control.", "Armistice Day National Independence Day is a public holiday in Poland celebrated on 11 November to commemorate the anniversary of the restoration of Poland's sovereignty as the Second Polish Republic in 1918, after 123 years of partition by the Russian Empire, the Kingdom of Prussia and the Habsburg Empire.", "Bosporus The event also marked the end of the Byzantines—the final remnants of the Roman Empire—and the transfer of the control of the Bosporus into Ottoman hands, who made Constantinople their new capital, and from where they expanded their empire in the centuries that followed.", "Languages of Mexico Except for the Second Mexican Empire, led by the Habsburg Maximilian I, no Mexican government tried to prevent the loss of indigenous languages during the 19th century.[3]", "Balkan Wars Habsburg-ruled Austria-Hungary wished for a continuation of the existence of the Ottoman Empire, since both were troubled multinational entities and thus the collapse of the one might weaken the other. The Habsburgs also saw a strong Ottoman presence in the area as a counterweight to the Serbian nationalistic call to their own Serb subjects in Bosnia, Vojvodina and other parts of the empire. Italy, primary aim at the time seems to have been the denial of access to the Adriatic Sea to another major sea power. The German Empire, in turn, under the \"Drang nach Osten\" policy, aspired to turn the Ottoman Empire into its own de facto colony, and thus supported its integrity.", "Akkadian Empire Understanding of the Akkadian Empire continues to be hampered by the fact that its capital Akkad has not yet been located, despite numerous attempts.[13][14] Precise dating of archaeological sites is hindered by the fact that there are no clear distinctions between artifact assemblages thought to stem from the preceding Early Dynastic period, and those thought to be Akkadian. Likewise, material that is thought to be Akkadian continues to be in use into the Ur III period.[15]", "Hungary Because of external and internal problems, reforms seemed inevitable and major military defeats of Austria forced the Habsburgs to negotiate the Austro-Hungarian Compromise of 1867, by which the dual Monarchy of Austria–Hungary was formed. This Empire had the second largest area in Europe (after the Russian Empire), and it was the third most populous (after Russia and the German Empire). The two realms were governed separately by two parliaments from two capital cities, with a common monarch and common external and military policies. Economically, the empire was a customs union. The old Hungarian Constitution was restored, and Franz Joseph I was crowned as King of Hungary. The era witnessed impressive economic development. The formerly backward Hungarian economy became relatively modern and industrialized by the turn of the 20th century, although agriculture remained dominant until 1890. In 1873, the old capital Buda and Óbuda were officially united with Pest,[90] thus creating the new metropolis of Budapest. Many of the state institutions and the modern administrative system of Hungary were established during this period.", "List of wars 1500–1799 Habsburg Monarchy\n Holy Roman Empire[20]\n Prussia (until 1795)\n Great Britain\n French Royalists\n Spain (until 1795)\n Portugal\n Sardinia\n Naples and Sicily\nOther Italian states[21]\n Ottoman Empire\n Dutch Republic (until 1795)", "Franco-Ottoman alliance The alliance was an opportunity for both rulers to fight against the hegemony of the House of Habsburg. The objective for Francis I was to find an ally against the Habsburgs,[3] although the policy of courting a Muslim power was in reversal of that of his predecessors.[11] The pretext used by Francis I was the protection of the Christians in Ottoman lands, through agreements called \"Capitulations of the Ottoman Empire\".", "House of Habsburg Before Rudolph rose to German king, the Habsburgs were Counts of Baden in what is today southwestern Germany and Switzerland.[18]", "Vehicle registration plates of Canada The diplomatic plates are issued by the province in which the consulate or embassy is located. Thus, most plates are issued in Ontario, where the capital Ottawa is located.", "Military history of France After the Wars of Religion, France could do little to challenge the dominance of the Holy Roman Empire, although the empire itself faced several problems. From the east it was severely endangered by the Ottoman Empire, with which France formed an alliance.[33] The vast Habsburg empire also proved impossible to manage effectively, and the crown was soon divided between the Spanish and Austrian holdings. In 1568, the Dutch declared independence, launching a war that would last for decades and would illustrate the weaknesses of Habsburg power. In the 17th century, the religious violence that had beset France a century earlier began to tear the empire apart. At first France sat on the sidelines, but under Cardinal Richelieu it saw an opportunity to advance its own interests at the expense of the Habsburgs. Despite France's staunch Catholicism, it intervened on the side of the Protestants. The Thirty Years' War was long and extremely bloody, but France and its allies came out victorious. After the defeat of Spain in these two wars, France emerged as the sole dominant European power. In parallel, French explorers, such as Jacques Cartier or Samuel de Champlain, claimed lands in the Americas for France, paving the way for the expansion of the French colonial empire.", "Capital One In 2015, Capital One closed 186 branch locations.[57]", "History of Austria With Bonaparte's assumption of the title of Emperor of the First French Empire on 18 May 1804, Francis II, seeing the writing on the wall for the old Empire, and arbitrarily took the new title of \"Emperor of Austria\" as Francis I, in addition to his title of Holy Roman Emperor. This earned him the title of Double Emperor (Doppelkaiser) (Francis II of the Holy Roman Empire, Francis I of Austria). The arrival of a new, French, emperor on the scene and the restructuring of the old presented a larger threat to the Habsburgs than their territorial losses to date, for there was no longer any certainty that they would continue to be elected. Francis had himself made emperor of the new Austrian Empire on 11 August not long after Napoleon. The new empire referred to not a new state but to the lands ruled by Austria, that is the Habsburgs, which was effectively many states.", "Austro-Hungarian Compromise of 1867 As a consequence of the Second Italian War of Independence and the Austro-Prussian War, the Habsburg Empire was on the verge of collapse in 1866, as the wars caused monumental state debt and a financial crisis.[28]", "History of Italy At the time, the struggle for Italian unification was perceived to be waged primarily against the Austrian Empire and the Habsburgs, since they directly controlled the predominantly Italian-speaking northeastern part of present-day Italy and were the single most powerful force against unification. The Austrian Empire vigorously repressed nationalist sentiment growing on the Italian peninsula, as well as in the other parts of Habsburg domains. Austrian Chancellor Franz Metternich, an influential diplomat at the Congress of Vienna, stated that the word Italy was nothing more than \"a geographic expression.\"[61]", "History of the Ottoman Empire By contrast, the Habsburg frontier had settled into a reasonably permanent border, marked only by relatively minor battles concentrating on the possession of individual fortresses. The stalemate was caused by a stiffening of the Habsburg defences[25] and reflected simple geographical limits: in the pre-mechanized age, Vienna marked the furthest point that an Ottoman army could march from Istanbul during the early spring to late autumn campaigning season. It also reflected the difficulties imposed on the Empire by the need to support two separate fronts: one against the Austrians (see: Ottoman wars in Europe), and the other against a rival Islamic state, the Safavids of Persia (see: Ottoman wars in Near East).", "Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor Charles was only 56 when he abdicated, but after 40 years of energetic rule he was physically exhausted and sought the peace of a monastery, where he died at the age of 58. Upon Charles's abdications, the Holy Roman Empire was inherited by his younger brother Ferdinand, who had already been given the Austrian lands in 1521. The Spanish Empire, including the possessions in the Netherlands and Italy, was inherited by Charles's son Philip II of Spain. The two empires would remain allies until the 18th century (when the Spanish branch of the House of Habsburg became extinct).", "Holy Roman Emperor While earlier Germanic and Italian monarchs had been crowned as western Roman Emperors, the actual Holy Roman Empire is usually considered to have begun with the crowning of the Saxon king Otto I. It was officially an elective position, though at times it ran in families, notably the four generations of the Salian dynasty in the 11th century. From the end of the Salian dynasty through the middle 15th century, the Emperors drew from many different German dynasties, and it was rare for the throne to pass from father to son. That changed with the ascension of the Austrian House of Habsburg, as an unbroken line of Habsburgs would hold the Imperial throne until the 18th century, later a cadet branch known as the House of Habsburg-Lorraine would likewise pass it from father to son until the abolition of the Empire in 1806. Notably, the Habsburgs also dispensed with the requirement that emperors be crowned by the pope before exercising their office. Starting with Ferdinand I, all successive Emperors forwent the traditional coronation.", "Crown land From the late 18th century onwards, the territories acquired by the Austrian Habsburg Monarchy were called crown lands (German: Kronländer). Initially ruled in personal union by the House of Habsburg-Lorraine, they played a vital role as constituent lands of the Habsburg nation-building and were ultimately reorganised as administrative divisions of the centralised Austrian Empire established in 1804. During the restoration period after the Revolutions of 1848, the Austrian crown lands were ruled by Statthalter governors directly subordinate to the Emperor according to the 1849 March Constitution.", "Revolutions of 1848 Great Britain, Belgium, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, the Russian Empire (including Poland and Finland), and the Ottoman Empire did not encounter major national revolutions over this period. Sweden and Norway were also little affected. Serbia, though formally unaffected by the revolt as it was a part of the Ottoman state, actively supported Serbian revolutionaries in the Habsburg Empire.[36]", "House of Habsburg By marrying Elisabeth of Luxembourg, the daughter of Holy Roman Emperor Sigismund in 1437, Duke Albert V (1397–1439) became the ruler of Bohemia and Hungary, expanding the family's political horizons. The next year, Albert V was crowned as the King of the Romans as Albert II. After his early death in war with the Turks in 1439, and after the death of his son Ladislaus Postumus in 1457, the Habsburgs lost Bohemia and Hungary again. National kingdoms were established in these areas, and the Habsburgs were not able to restore their influence there for decades.", "House of Habsburg The senior Habsburg dynast generally ruled Lower Austria from Vienna as archduke (\"paramount duke\") of the Duchy of Austria. The Styrian lands had already been ruled in personal union by the Babenberg dukes of Austria since 1192 and were finally seized with the Austrian lands by the Habsburg king Rudolph I of Germany upon his victory in the 1278 Battle on the Marchfeld. In 1335 Rudolph's grandson Duke Albert II of Austria also received the Carinthian duchy with the adjacent March of Carniola at the hands of Emperor Louis the Bavarian as Imperial fiefs.", "The Capital The Capital, the Maryland Gazette and their sister publications have been composed and printed for more than 270 years in numerous locations in and near Annapolis.", "Rise of the Ottoman Empire Of great symbolic importance for Ottoman centralization was the practice whereby Ottoman rulers would customarily stand upon hearing the sound of martial music, indicating their willingness to participate in gaza. Shortly after the Conquest of Constantinople in 1453, Mehmed II discontinued this practice, indicating that the Ottoman ruler was no longer a simple frontier warrior, but the sovereign of an empire.[36] The empire's capital was shifted from Edirne, the city symbolically connected with the frontier warrior ethos of gaza, to Constantinople, a city with deeply imperial connotations due to its long history as the capital of the Byzantine Empire. This was seen, both symbolically and practically, as the moment of the empire's definitive shift from a frontier principality into an empire.[37]", "Capital of Germany It was only during the 1871 Unification of Germany that the newly unified German Empire was first assigned an official capital. Since Berlin was the capital of Prussia, the leading state of the new Reich, it became the capital of Germany as well. Berlin had been the capital of Prussia since 1518. Berlin remained the capital of the united Germany until 1945. However, for a period of a few months following the First World War, the national assembly met in Weimar because civil war was ravaging Berlin. In 1945, Germany was occupied by the Allies as the outcome of World War II, and Berlin ceased to be the capital of a sovereign German state.", "Capitalism Vladimir Lenin, in Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism (1916), further developed Marxist theory and argued that capitalism necessarily led to monopoly capitalism and the export of capital – which he also called \"imperialism\" – to find new markets and resources, representing the last and highest stage of capitalism.[237] Some 20th-century Marxian economists consider capitalism to be a social formation where capitalist class processes dominate, but are not exclusive.[238]", "Austria-Hungary The first Hungarian steamship was built by Antal Bernhard in 1817, called S.S. Carolina. It was also the first steamship in Habsburg ruled states.[95] However it was Count István Széchenyi (with the help of Austrian ship's company Erste Donaudampfschiffahrtsgesellschaft (DDSG)), who established the Óbuda Shipyard on the Hungarian Hajógyári Island in 1835, which was the first industrial scale steamship building company in the Habsburg Empire.[96]", "European wars of religion The Holy Roman Empire, encompassing present-day Germany and surrounding territory, was the area most devastated by the wars of religion. The Empire was a fragmented collection of practically independent states with an elected Holy Roman Emperor as their titular ruler; after the 14th century, this position was usually held by a Habsburg. The Austrian House of Habsburg, who remained Catholic, was a major European power in its own right, ruling over some eight million subjects in present-day Germany, Austria, Bohemia and Hungary. The Empire also contained regional powers, such as Bavaria, the Electorate of Saxony, the Margraviate of Brandenburg, the Electorate of the Palatinate, the Landgraviate of Hesse, the Archbishopric of Trier, and Württemberg. A vast number of minor independent duchies, free imperial cities, abbeys, bishoprics, and small lordships of sovereign families rounded out the Empire.", "Austria-Hungary Rail transport expanded rapidly in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Its predecessor state, the Habsburg Empire, had built a substantial core of railways in the west, originating from Vienna, by 1841. Austria's first steam railway from Vienna to Moravia with its terminus in Galicia (Bochnie) was opened in 1839. The first train travelled from Vienna to Lundenburg (Břeclav) on 6 June 1839 and one month later between the imperial capital in Vienna and the capital of Moravia Brünn (Brno) on 7 July. At that point, the government realized the military possibilities of rail and began to invest heavily in construction. Pozsony (Bratislava), Budapest, Prague, Kraków, Graz, Laibach (Ljubljana) and Venedig (Venice) became linked to the main network. By 1854, the empire had almost 2,000 km (1,200 mi) of track, about 60–70% of it in state hands. The government then began to sell off large portions of track to private investors to recoup some of its investments and because of the financial strains of the 1848 Revolution and of the Crimean War.", "Henry IV of France During the reign of Henry IV, rivalry continued among France, the Habsburg rulers of Spain, and the Holy Roman Empire for the mastery of Western Europe. The conflict was not resolved until after the Thirty Years' War.", "List of wars 1500–1799 Denmark-Norway (1625–1629)\n France (from 1635)[7]\n Bohemia (1618–1620)\n Swedish Empire\n Saxony\n United Provinces\n Electorate of the Palatinate\n Brunswick-Lüneburg\n England (1625–30)[8]\n Brandenburg-Prussia\n Transylvania\nHungarian Anti-Habsburg Rebels[9]\n Zaporozhian Cossacks\n Ottoman Empire", "Australian Capital Territory The Australian Capital Territory (ACT; known as the Federal Capital Territory until 1938) is Australia's federal district, located in the south-east of the country and enclaved within the state of New South Wales. It contains Canberra, the capital city of Australia.", "History of Spain After the completion of the Reconquista, the Crown of Castile began to explore across the Atlantic Ocean in 1492, expanding into the New World and marking the beginning of the Golden Age under the Spanish Empire. The kingdoms of Spain were united under Habsburg rule in 1516, that unified the Crown of Castile, the Crown of Aragon and smaller kingdoms under the same rule. Until the 1650s, Habsburg Spain was among the most powerful states in the world.", "History of Austria The Habsburg Empire developed a policy of war and trade as well as intellectual influence across the borders. While opposing Prussia and Turkey, Austria was friendly to Russia, though tried to remove Romania from Russian influence.", "Habsburg Spain The Spanish Inquisition was formally launched during the reign of the Catholic Monarchs, continued by their Habsburg successors, and only ended in the 19th century. Under Charles I the Inquisition became a formal department in the Spanish government, hurtling out of control as the 16th century progressed.", "Sikh Empire The Sikh Empire was divided into four provinces: Lahore, in Punjab, which became the Sikh capital, Multan, also in Punjab, Peshawar and Kashmir from 1799 to 1849.", "Spanish Empire The period of the 16th to the mid-17th century is known as \"the Golden Age of Spain\" (in Spanish, Siglo de Oro). As a result of the marriage politics of the Catholic Monarchs (in Spanish, Reyes Católicos), their Habsburg grandson Charles inherited the Castilian empire in America, the Possessions of the Crown of Aragon in the Mediterranean (including a large portion of modern Italy), lands in Germany, the Low Countries, Franche-Comté, and Austria (this, along with the rest of the hereditary Hapsburg domains, was almost immediately transferred to Ferdinand, the Emperor's brother).", "Habsburg Spain This meant that taxes, infrastructure improvement, and internal trade policy were defined independently by each territory, leading to many internal customs barriers and tolls, and conflicting policies even within the Habsburg domains. Charles I and Philip II had been able to master the various courts through their impressive political energy, but the much weaker Philip III and IV allowed it to decay, and Charles II was incapable of controlling anything at all. The development of Spain itself was hampered by the fact that Charles I and Philip II spent most of their time abroad; for most of the 16th century, Spain was administrated from Brussels and Antwerp, and it was only during the Dutch Revolt that Philip returned to Spain, where he spent most of his time in the seclusion of the monastic palace of El Escorial. The empire, held together by a determined king keeping the bureaucracy together, experienced a setback when a less-trusting ruler came to the throne. Philip II distrusted the nobility and discouraged any independent initiative among them. While writers of the time offered novel solutions to Spain's problems such as using irrigation in agriculture and encouragement of economic activity, the nobility never really produced anyone that could bring about serious reforms.", "Bohemia The formal independence of Bohemia was further jeopardized when the Bohemian Diet approved administrative reform in 1749. It included the indivisibility of the Habsburg Empire and the centralization of rule; this essentially meant the merging of the Royal Bohemian Chancellery with the Austrian Chancellery.", "Wellington In 1865, Wellington became the capital city in place of Auckland, which William Hobson had made the capital in 1841. The New Zealand Parliament had first met in Wellington on 7 July 1862, on a temporary basis; in November 1863, the Prime Minister of New Zealand, Alfred Domett, placed a resolution before Parliament in Auckland that \"... it has become necessary that the seat of government ... should be transferred to some suitable locality in Cook Strait [region].\" Apparently, there had been some concerns that the more populous South Island (where the goldfields were located) would choose to form a separate colony in the British Empire. Several Commissioners invited from Australia, chosen for their neutral status, declared that Wellington was a suitable location because of its central location in New Zealand and good harbour. Parliament officially met in Wellington for the first time on 26 July 1865. At that time, the population of Wellington was just 4,900.[14] Wellington's status as capital is by constitutional convention rather than statute.[15]", "History of Western civilization The Holy Roman Emperor exerted no great influence on the lands of the Holy Roman Empire by the end of the Thirty Years' War. In the north of the empire, Prussia emerged as a powerful Protestant nation. Under many gifted rulers, like King Frederick the Great, Prussia expanded its power and defeated its rival Austria many times in war. Ruled by the Habsburg dynasty, Austria became a great empire, expanding at the expense of the Ottoman Empire and Hungary.", "Bourbon claim to the Spanish throne Therefore, with her brother's death, as a birthright, María Teresa could inherit the vast Spanish Empire and all the wealth it offered, since there was no restriction in Spanish succession law to the accession of a queen regnant (unlike in France, with its infamous Salic Law). Likewise, if María Teresa refused the throne, it would pass to the next blood descendants, the Austrian Habsburgs, who were also descended from a female line of the Spanish Habsburgs.", "History of Spain Spain's world empire reached its greatest territorial extent in the late 18th century but it was under the Habsburg dynasty in the 16th and 17th centuries it reached the peak of its power and declined. When Spain's first Habsburg ruler Charles I became king of Spain in 1516, Spain became central to the dynastic struggles of Europe. After he became king of Spain, Charles also became Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor and because of his widely scattered domains was not often in Spain. As he approached the end of his life he made provision for the division of the Habsburg inheritance into two parts. On the one hand was Spain, its possessions in Italy, North Africa, the Americas and Northern Europe; on the other hand was the Holy Roman Empire. This was to create enormous difficulties for his son Philip II of Spain.", "Habsburg Spain Ferdinand's death led to the ascension of young Charles to the throne as Charles I of Castile and Aragon, effectively founding the monarchy of Spain. His Spanish inheritance included all the Spanish possessions in the New World and around the Mediterranean. Upon the death of his Habsburg father in 1506, Charles had inherited the Netherlands and Franche-Comté, growing up in Flanders. In 1519, with the death of his paternal grandfather Maximilian I, Charles inherited the Habsburg territories in Germany, and was duly elected as Holy Roman Emperor that year. His mother Joanna remained titular queen of Castile until her death 1555, but due to her mental health and worries of her being proposed as an alternative monarch by opposition (as happened in the Revolt of the Comuneros), Charles kept her imprisoned.", "Capital city A capital city (or simply capital) is the municipality exercising primary status in a country, state, province, or other administrative region, usually as its seat of government. A capital is typically a city that physically encompasses the government's offices and meeting places; the status as capital is often designated by its law or constitution. In some jurisdictions, including several countries, the different branches of government are located in different settlements. In some cases, a distinction is made between the official (constitutional) capital and the seat of government, which is in another place.", "Austrian Empire Klemens von Metternich became Foreign Minister in 1809. He also held the post of Chancellor of State from 1821 until 1848, under both Francis I and his son Ferdinand I. The period of 1815-1848 is also referred to as the \"Age of Metternich\".[4] During this period, Metternich controlled the Habsburg Monarchy's foreign policy. He also had a major influence in European politics. He was known for his strong conservative views and approach in politics. Metternich's policies were strongly against revolution and liberalism.[5] In his opinion, liberalism was a form of legalized revolution.[6] Metternich believed that absolute monarchy was the only proper system of government.[4] This notion influenced his anti-revolutionary policy to ensure the continuation of the Habsburg monarchy in Europe. Metternich was a practitioner of balance-of-power diplomacy.[7] His foreign policy aimed to maintain international political equilibrium to preserve the Habsburgs' power and influence in international affairs. Following the Napoleonic Wars, Metternich was the chief architect of the Congress of Vienna in 1815.[7] The Austrian Empire was the main beneficiary from the Congress of Vienna and it established an alliance with Britain, Prussia, and Russia forming the Quadruple Alliance.[5] The Austrian Empire also gained new territories from the Congress of Vienna, and its influence expanded to the north through the German Confederation and also into Italy.[5] Due to the Congress of Vienna in 1815, Austria was the leading member of the German Confederation.[8] Following the Congress, the major European powers agreed to meet and discuss resolutions in the event of future disputes or revolutions. Because of Metternich's main role in the architecture of the Congress, these meetings are also referred to as the \"Metternich congress\" or \"Metternich system\". While Metternich was the Austrian foreign minister, other congresses would meet to resolve European foreign affairs. These included the Congresses of Aix-la-Chapelle (1818), Carlsbad (1819), Troppau (1820), Laibach (1821), and Verona (1822).[4] The Metternich congresses aimed to maintain the political equilibrium among the European powers and prevent revolutionary efforts. These meetings also aimed to resolve foreign issues and disputes without resorting to violence. By means of these meetings and by allying the Austrian Empire with other European powers whose monarchs had a similar interest in preserving conservative political direction, Metternich was able to establish the Austrian Empire's influence on European politics. Also, because Metternich used the fear of revolutions among European powers, which he also shared, he was able to establish security and predominance of the Habsburgs in Europe.[5]", "United Empire Loyalist \"Those Loyalists who have adhered to the Unity of the Empire, and joined the Royal Standard before the Treaty of Separation in the year 1783, and all their Children and their Descendants by either sex, are to be distinguished by the following Capitals, affixed to their names: U.E. Alluding to their great principle The Unity of the Empire.\"", "War of the Spanish Succession With Germany and Italy providing the buffer with France, the Austrian Habsburgs had maintained what was crucial to their security and interests. Together with the recent Balkan conquests, Charles VI now ruled an extensive Habsburg empire. Austria had confirmed its position as a major power, yet the Habsburg dynasty had fallen short of its full war aims: Spain had been lost to Philip V and Sicily lost to the Duke of Savoy. Although Sardinia was exchanged for Sicily in 1720 the island, together with the acquisitions of the Spanish Netherlands and Naples, extended the Monarchy's responsibilities beyond their traditional interests and commitments – an overextension which made the Habsburg territories more vulnerable at their periphery, particularly without the assistance of the Maritime Powers.[163] In Germany, the Imperial army had been unable to recover the lost lands in Alsace and Lorraine, and the Holy Roman Empire itself made no gains, and even lost territory (Landau). This was largely due to the fact that Vienna's principal concern had been to establish a secure Danubian state, and the Emperor and his ministers had been unwilling to put German interests before those of Italy and Hungary. The Habsburgs would make further gains when Prince Eugene once again defeated the Ottomans in the Austro-Turkish War of 1716–18, but Vienna's influence within the Empire declined, not least because the rulers of Hanover, Saxony, and Prussia had territorial claims beyond Germany, and now had royal titles which they considered equal to the Emperor.[164]", "Habsburg Spain Perhaps more important to the strategy of the Spanish king, the League had allied itself with the French, and efforts in Germany to undermine the League had been rebuffed. Francis’s defeat in 1544 led to the annulment of the alliance with the Protestants, and Charles took advantage of the opportunity. He first tried the path of negotiation at the Council of Trent in 1545, but the Protestant leadership, feeling betrayed by the stance taken by the Catholics at the Council, went to war, led by the Saxon elector Maurice. In response, Charles invaded Germany at the head of a mixed Dutch-Spanish army, hoping to restore the Imperial authority. The Emperor personally inflicted a decisive defeat on the Protestants at the historic Battle of Mühlberg in 1547. In 1555, Charles signed the Peace of Augsburg with the Protestant states and restored stability in Germany on his principle of cuius regio, eius religio (\"whose realm, his religion\"). Charles's involvement in Germany would establish a role for Spain as protector of the Catholic Habsburg cause in the Holy Roman Empire.", "History of Belgium By 1433 most of the Belgian and Luxembourgish territory along with much of the rest of the Low Countries became part of Burgundy under Philip the Good. When Mary of Burgundy, granddaughter of Philip the Good married Maximilian I, the Low Countries became Habsburg territory. Their son, Philip I of Castile (Philip the Handsome) was the father of Charles V. The Holy Roman Empire was unified with Spain under the Habsburg Dynasty after Charles V inherited several domains.", "Habsburg Spain In 1618, beginning with the Defenestration of Prague, Austria and the Holy Roman Emperor, Ferdinand II of Germany, embarked on a campaign against the Protestant Union and Bohemia. Zúñiga encouraged Philip to join the Austrian Habsburgs in the war, and Ambrogio Spinola, the rising star of the Spanish army, was sent at the head of the Army of Flanders to intervene. Thus, Spain entered into the Thirty Years’ War.", "History of Mexico City With Tenochtitlan in ruins, the victorious Cortés first settled himself in Coyoacán on the lake shore at the southern edge of Lake Texcoco. He created the ayuntamiento or town council of the Spanish capital there, so that he could choose where the city would finally be. No one but Cortés wanted to rebuild the Aztec site. Most of the other conquistadors wanted the new city to be closer to the mountains, pastures and groves they would need for supplies, for example in Tacuba or in Coyoacán. Some accounts state that the Aztec islet was chosen because its location was strategic, allowing for rapid communication by boat to communities on the shorelines. However, the decision was Cortés’s alone.[25][26] According to Bernardino Vázquez de Tapia Cortés's reason was cultural.[10] Leaving the site as it was would leave a memory of what was and would perhaps allow for a rival city to emerge. So the site was chosen so that all remains of the old empire could be erased.[10] Major flooding in the early seventeenth century, however, raised again the question of where the capital should be located, with elite property owners facing losses if the capital were moved.[27]", "House of Habsburg Archduke was initially borne by those dynasts who ruled a Habsburg territory, i.e., only by males and their consorts, appanages being commonly distributed to cadets. But these \"junior\" archdukes did not thereby become independent hereditary rulers, since all territories remained vested in the Austrian crown. Occasionally a territory might be combined with a separate gubernatorial mandate ruled by an archducal cadet.", "Habsburg Spain Charles's victory at the Battle of Pavia (1525) surprised many Italians and Germans and elicited concerns that Charles would endeavor to gain even greater power. Pope Clement VII switched sides and now joined forces with France and prominent Italian states against the Habsburg Emperor, in the War of the League of Cognac. In 1527, due to Charles' inability to pay them sufficiently, his armies in Northern Italy mutinied and sacked Rome itself for loot, forcing Clement, and succeeding popes, to be considerably more prudent in their dealings with secular authorities: in 1533, Clement's refusal to annul Henry VIII of England's marriage to Catherine of Aragon (Charles' aunt) was a direct consequence of his unwillingness to offend the emperor and perhaps have his capital sacked a second time. The Peace of Barcelona, signed between Charles and the pope in 1529, established a more cordial relationship between the two leaders that effectively named Spain as the protector of the Catholic cause and recognized Charles as king of Lombardy in return for Spanish intervention in overthrowing the rebellious Florentine Republic.", "Ottoman Empire Economic and political migrations made an impact across the empire. For example, the Russian and Austria-Habsburg annexation of the Crimean and Balkan regions respectively saw large influxes of Muslim refugees – 200,000 Crimean Tartars fleeing to Dobruja.[175] Between 1783 and 1913, approximately 5–7 million refugees flooded into the Ottoman Empire, at least 3.8 million of whom were from Russia. Some migrations left indelible marks such as political tension between parts of the empire (e.g. Turkey and Bulgaria) whereas centrifugal effects were noticed in other territories, simpler demographics emerging from diverse populations. Economies were also impacted with the loss of artisans, merchants, manufacturers and agriculturists.[176] Since the 19th century, a large proportion of Muslim peoples from the Balkans emigrated to present-day Turkey. These people are called Muhacir.[177] By the time the Ottoman Empire came to an end in 1922, half of the urban population of Turkey was descended from Muslim refugees from Russia.[97]", "House of Habsburg Sigismund had no children and adopted Maximilian I, son of duke Frederick V (emperor Frederick III). Under Maximilian, the possessions of the Habsburgs would be united again under one ruler, after he had re-conquered the Duchy of Austria after the death of Matthias Corvinus, who resided in Vienna and styled himself duke of Austria from 1485–1490.", "Mali Empire Following this period, a period of weak emperors, conflicts and disunity began in Mali. Ibn Khaldun died in 1406, and following his death there was no continuous record of events in the Mali Empire. It is known from the Tarikh al-Sudan that Mali was still a sizeable state in the 15th century. The Venetian explorer Alvise Cadamosto and Portuguese traders confirmed that the peoples of the Gambia were still subject to the mansa of Mali.[9] Upon Leo Africanus's visit at the beginning of the 16th century, his descriptions of the territorial domains of Mali showed that it was still a kingdom of considerable size. However, from 1507 neighbouring states such as Diara, Great Fulo and the Songhay Empire were eroding the extreme territories of Mali. In 1542, the Songhay invaded the capital city of Niani but were unsuccessful in conquering the empire. During the 17th century, the Mali empire faced incursions from the Bamana Empire. After unsuccessful attempts by Mansa Mama Maghan to conquer Bamana, in 1670 Bamana sacked and burned Niani, and the Mali Empire rapidly disintegrated and ceased to exist, being replaced by independent chiefdoms. The Keitas retreated to the town of Kangaba, where they became provincial chiefs.[10]", "Ottoman wars in Europe The Ottoman Empire conducted another major war against the Habsburgs and their Hungarian territories between 1566 and 1568. The 1566 Battle of Szigetvar, the third siege in which the fort was finally taken, but the aged Sultan died, deterring that year's push for Vienna.", "Spain By the middle decades of a war- and plague-ridden 17th-century Europe, the Spanish Habsburgs had enmeshed the country in continent-wide religious-political conflicts. These conflicts drained it of resources and undermined the economy generally. Spain managed to hold on to most of the scattered Habsburg empire, and help the imperial forces of the Holy Roman Empire reverse a large part of the advances made by Protestant forces, but it was finally forced to recognise the separation of Portugal (with whom it had been united in a personal union of the crowns from 1580 to 1640) and the Netherlands, and eventually suffered some serious military reverses to France in the latter stages of the immensely destructive, Europe-wide Thirty Years' War.[48]", "Maurya Empire The population of the empire has been estimated to be about 50–60 million, making the Mauryan Empire one of the most populous empires of Antiquity.[12][13] Archaeologically, the period of Mauryan rule in South Asia falls into the era of Northern Black Polished Ware (NBPW). The Arthashastra[14] and the Edicts of Ashoka are the primary sources of written records of Mauryan times. The Lion Capital of Ashoka at Sarnath has been made the national emblem of India.", "Sudetenland From the Luxembourgs, the rule over Bohemia passed through George of Podiebrad to the Jagiellon dynasty and finally to the House of Habsburg in 1526. Both Czech and German Bohemians suffered heavily in the Thirty Years War. Bohemia lost 70% of its population. From the defeat of the Bohemian Revolt that collapsed at the 1620 Battle of White Mountain, the Habsburgs gradually integrated the Kingdom of Bohemia into their monarchy. During the subsequent Counter-Reformation, less populated areas were resettled with Catholic Germans from the Austrian lands. From 1627 the Habsburgs enforced the so-called Verneuerte Landesordnung (\"Renewed Land's Constitution\") and one of its consequences was that German according to mother tongue gradually became the primary and official language while Czech declined to a secondary role in the Empire. Also in 1749 Austrian Empire enforced German as the official language again. Emperor Joseph II in 1780 renounced the coronation ceremony as Bohemian king and unsuccessfully tried to push German through as sole official language in all Habsburg lands (including Hungary). Nevertheless, German cultural influence grew stronger during the Age of Enlightenment and Weimar Classicism.", "Location manager Good location managers are well-poised and able to think on their feet as they are constantly moving, usually preceding production at a location, and overseeing final strike and wrap. They are the first and last people the public sees that represent the production, and are responsible for ensuring that the location is returned to the condition in which it was received. The location manager is also to be aware of the possible copyright issues which may be an issue if the show is filmed in a public place where there is art work or such, and where the artist has to give consent to the creation being depicted or covered or replaced by other artwork.", "Habsburg Spain Olivares attempted to suppress the Catalan Revolt by launching an invasion of southern France. The quartering of Spanish troops in Catalonia only made the situation worse, and the Catalans decided to secede from Spain altogether and unite with France. French troops soon arrived in Catalonia, but when a renewed civil war (the Fronde) broke out at home, their domestically distracted forces were driven out in 1652 by Catalan and Spanish Habsburg forces.", "Inca Empire The Inca Empire (Quechua: Tawantinsuyu, lit. \"The Four Regions\"[2]), also known as the Incan Empire and the Inka Empire, was the largest empire in pre-Columbian America.[3] Its political and administrative structure \"was the most sophisticated found among native peoples\" in the Americas.[4] The administrative, political and military center of the empire was located in Cusco in modern-day Peru. The Inca civilization arose from the highlands of Peru sometime in the early 13th century. Its last stronghold was conquered by the Spanish in 1572.", "House of Habsburg While in Rome, Frederick III married Eleanor of Portugal, enabling him to build a network of connections with dynasties in the west and southeast of Europe. Frederick was rather distant to his family; Eleanor, by contrast, had a great influence on the raising and education of Frederick's children, and therefore played an important role in the family's rise to prominence. After Frederick III's coronation, the Habsburgs were able to hold the imperial throne almost continuously for centuries, until 1806.[8]" ]
who plays general hux in the last jedi
[ "General Hux General Armitage Hux[1] is a fictional character in the Star Wars franchise. First introduced in the 2015 film Star Wars: The Force Awakens, he is portrayed by Domhnall Gleeson.[2] He is a ruthless commander in a power struggle with Kylo Ren for the First Order leadership, and being exceeded only by Supreme Leader Snoke.[3] The character first featured in The Force Awakens media and merchandising, and returned in the film's sequel, Star Wars: The Last Jedi." ]
[ "General Hux Hux first appears in The Force Awakens as the commander of the First Order. Hux is part of a mission to Jakku to recover a map to Luke Skywalker, the last Jedi. Kylo Ren leads the search for the map, which they are unable to locate. To prevent the return of the Jedi and to eliminate the Resistance, which, under the command of General Leia Organa, emerged to combat the First Order, Snoke allows Hux to use the Starkiller weapon against the Republic's capital world of Hosnian Prime. The Resistance is left without military support from the Republic, so Hux soon turns the weapon towards the Resistance base on D'Qar. Before he can destroy them, however, an attack squadron led by Commander Poe Dameron, with ground support from Han Solo, former stormtrooper Finn, and the Jakku scavenger Rey, destroys Starkiller Base, forcing Hux, his troops, and a defeated Ren to flee the planet.", "General Hux General Hux appears in The Last Jedi as the primary general reporting directly to Supreme Leader Snoke. He attempts to respond to a transmission from Dameron, who pretends not to hear him and describes him as \"pasty.\" Hux then leads the subsequent battle, during which both sides sustain heavy losses. He also oversees the bombardment of the remaining three ships of the Resistance. When he discovers that Snoke is dead, he initially protests Ren's claim to be the new Supreme Leader, but is swiftly persuaded otherwise when Ren uses the Force to choke him, proclaiming \"The Supreme Leader is dead, long live the Supreme Leader.\" At the end of the film, he accompanies Ren to the planet Crait in their attempt to finish off the Resistance. When Ren orders his men to fire on Luke Skywalker, Hux admonishes him to focus on the escaping Resistance members; Ren silences him by using the Force to slam him into a wall, knocking him out.", "General Hux In his review of The Force Awakens, Henry Barnes of The Guardian wrote that Gleeson's \"screechy pseudo-Nazi role\" as General Hux is \"not as colourful or as nuanced\" as Adam Driver's part as Kylo Ren, \"but – given he's a functionary – Gleeson certainly makes an impression.\"[7] Reviewing Hux and his role in the film, David Rutz of The Washington Free Beacon wrote that while Hux is portrayed as a villain, he is shown to be a capable general and \"a committed soldier to his cause with laser-like focus on achieving the First Order's ends.\"[8]", "General Hux Some details about the backstory of Hux and his father Brendol appear in the 2016 novel Star Wars: Aftermath: Life Debt by Chuck Wendig.[1][2][4] Hux and Brendol are also characters in the 2017 novel Star Wars: Phasma by Delilah S. Dawson.[5]", "General Hux Hux also is a playable Dark Side squad leader in a sequel-era update to the mobile MOBA Star Wars: Force Arena, released in late 2017.[6]", "Star Wars: The Last Jedi In January 2015, Disney CEO Bob Iger stated that Episode VIII would be released in 2017,[87] and in March, Lucasfilm announced a release date of May 26, 2017.[88][89] In January 2016, The Last Jedi was rescheduled for December 15, 2017 in 3D and IMAX 3D.[51][90] On January 23, 2017, the film's title was announced as Star Wars: The Last Jedi.[52] Similarly to The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens, \"Episode VIII\" was included in the film's opening crawl, although not in its official title.[91]", "Jedi Jedi Master is a term of respect used by beings who respect the Jedi. Regarded as among the most accomplished and recognized polymaths in the Star Wars galaxy. Upon completion of vocational or postgraduate education, a Jedi Knight becomes a Jedi Master after successfully training a Padawan learner to Knight status. Though this is the most common manner, there are other ways of attaining the rank.", "Star Wars: The Last Jedi Star Wars: The Last Jedi (also known as Star Wars: Episode VIII – The Last Jedi) is a 2017 American epic space opera film written and directed by Rian Johnson. It is the second installment of the Star Wars sequel trilogy and the eighth main installment of the Star Wars franchise, following Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015). It was produced by Lucasfilm and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures. The ensemble cast includes Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Adam Driver, Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Oscar Isaac, Andy Serkis, Lupita Nyong'o, Domhnall Gleeson, Anthony Daniels and Gwendoline Christie in returning roles, with Kelly Marie Tran, Laura Dern and Benicio del Toro joining the cast. The film features the final film performance by Fisher, who died in December 2016, and it is dedicated to her memory. The plot follows Rey as she receives Jedi training from Luke Skywalker, in hopes of turning the tide for the Resistance in the fight against Kylo Ren and the First Order.", "Jedi Luke Skywalker was a male human Grand Master of the Jedi and the protagonist of the Star Wars original trilogy. As the last Padawan of Obi-Wan Kenobi, he became an important figure in the Rebel Alliance's struggle against the Galactic Empire. Luke is heir to a family deeply rooted in the Force, being the twin brother of Rebellion leader Princess Leia Organa of the planet Alderaan, the son of former Queen of Naboo and Republic Senator Padmé Amidala and Jedi turned Sith Lord Darth Vader (Anakin Skywalker), and the maternal uncle of Ben Solo. After redeeming his father from the Dark Side of the Force, Luke set out to train a new generation of Jedi to rebuild the Order, only to have them wiped out by Ren. Skywalker then spent the rest of his life in exile on Ahch-To, with a final heroic act of using Force Projection to distract Ren and help the Resistance flee the planet Crait.", "Jedi As depicted in the canon, the Jedi study and utilize the Force, in order to help and protect those in need. The Jedi members, known as Jedi Knights, respect all life by defending and protecting those who cannot do it for themselves, striving for peaceful and non-combative solutions to any altercations they encounter and fighting only in self-defense and for the defense of those they protect. Like their evil counterparts, the Sith, their main weapon is the lightsaber. By training the mind and the body, the Jedi seek to improve themselves by gaining unfettered access to the Force while also seeking to improve those individuals and groups they come in contact with.", "Jedi Bendu debuted in the Star Wars Rebels season 3 episode, \"Steps Into Shadow\". Bendu was a Force-sensitive individual who resided on the remote planet of Atollon and represented the \"center\" of the Force, between the light side and the dark side. \"Jedi and Sith wield the Ashla and Bogan. The light and the dark. I'm the one in the middle. The Bendu...\" stated Bendu. He is depicted as one who seeks balance, and has been likened to Tom Bombadil of The Lord of the Rings. The term \"Bendu\" first appears in the original script for Star Wars as the name of the Jedi Knights, the \"Jedi-Bendu\".[31][32][33][34]", "Jedi Anakin Skywalker was a human male Jedi Knight and main protagonist of the prequel trilogy. He was apprenticed to Obi-Wan Kenobi and proved to be a very gifted duelist and Force user, being appointed to the Jedi High Council at the age of 23, though being denied the rank of Master. He secretly married Padme Amidala and had two children. He eventually fell to the Dark Side and became Darth Vader. While he was not technically a Jedi Master, he was a member of the Old Jedi Council, and trained a Padawan of his own, Ahsoka Tano during the Clone Wars, who dutifully called him \"Master\".", "Jedi On April 6, 2015, thousands of Turkish students raised their voices in campaigns to build Jedi and Buddhist temples at their universities, after a series of mosques were constructed on their campuses by rectors who stressed \"huge demand.\"[42] A number of Dokuz Eylül University students in the western province of Izmir have demanded a Jedi temple to be built on their campus.[43] \"There are less and less Jedi left on the Earth... the nearest temple [is] billions of light years away,\" the petition says. It adds that \"uneducated Padawan\" are moving to the dark side... To recruit new Jedi and to bring balance to the Force, we want a Jedi temple,” said the petition that received more than 6,000 signatures on change.org, referring to the famed knights of the fictional Star Wars universe.[44] The page on Change.org also features a still of Jedi Grand Master Yoda from \"Star Wars: Episode II -- Attack of the Clones\" teaching young Jedi how to use a light saber. The petition was started by Akin Cagatay Caliskan, an 18-year-old computer science student from Ankara: \"We want freedom of worship. There are mosques everywhere, but no Jedi temple!\" Caliskan says he is surprised by the impact his petition has made: \"I did not expect so many supporters. I thought maybe it might [have] 100.\"[42][45][46][47][48]", "Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi was a male human Jedi Master who initiated Anakin and Luke Skywalker to the Jedi arts and served as a central character during the events of the Clone Wars. Obi-Wan proved himself an adept strategist, duelist, and spy, as his leadership style heavily favored subterfuge and misdirection while commanding clone troopers, or wielding the Force.", "Jedi The Jedi Archives, known as The Great Library of Ossus or The Great Library of the Jedi, contained the galaxy's most priceless and ancient of texts sacred to Jedi scholars and archaeologists. Among these were Sith artifacts, considered by the Jedi Order to be the most dangerous artifacts in the galaxy, that were accessible only to those able to control the Dark Side of the Force.[24]", "Jedi In novels set after the events of the film series, Luke Skywalker re-established the Jedi High Council as part of his New Jedi Order. The most notable difference between the format of the new council and the old is that only half of the council are made up of Jedi, while the other half consisted of politicians. Following the Yuuzhan Vong War, the Jedi withdrew their support from any one political entity and relocated to Ossus, where Luke had a full Jedi Council re-established.", "Star Wars: The Last Jedi Several tie-in books were released on the same day of the North American release of the movie, including The Last Jedi: Visual Dictionary, the novelization, and various children's reading and activity books. Related novelizations included the prequel book Cobalt Squadron, and the Canto Bight, a collection of novellas about the Canto Bight Casino.", "Jedi In novels set after the events of the original-trilogy film series, The New Jedi Order was the restored and reformed Jedi organization, in the wake of the Great Jedi Purge and subsequent fall of the Galactic Empire. The Jedi Knights, reduced in number to only a handful, were slowly restored, primarily under the leadership of Grandmaster Luke Skywalker. Luke Skywalker abolished the traditional Master/Padawan system. He believed all Jedi should be both teachers and students; that they should both learn from and mentor each other, and not just from one Master.", "Jedi The Four Branches of the Jedi Council are fictional institutions from the Star Wars universe. They serve the Jedi Order as an organized administrative body that governed the Order's academies, temples, interests and organizations.", "Jedi Within the Expanded Universe, The New Jedi Order indicates that the Jedi Temple on Coruscant is no longer standing but it is rebuilt as a gift to Jedi for their services and achievements during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion. The new temple is in the form of a massive pyramid made from stone and transparisteel that is designed to fit into the new look of Coruscant, though internally it is identical to the design seen in Revenge of the Sith.", "Jedi Eta-2 Actis Jedi Interceptors first appeared in Revenge of the Sith. Delta-7B Aethersprite Jedi starfighters appear in Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones and Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith. In Attack of the Clones, Obi-Wan Kenobi travels via Jedi starfighter to Kamino to investigate the attempted assassination of Padmé Amidala; he also flies a Jedi starfighter to Geonosis in an attempt to track down the bounty hunter Jango Fett.[21] Lacking a hyperdrive, the starfighter relies on an external sled to propel it through hyperspace.[21] Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker (Hayden Christensen) fly updated Jedi starfighters (called Jedi Interceptors) in the opening sequence of Revenge of the Sith.[21] Later, Plo Koon (Matt Sloan) flies an Revenge of the Sith-era starfighter when he is shot down by clone troopers carrying out Emperor Palpatine's (Ian McDiarmid) Order 66.[21]", "Jedi Mind Tricks In an interview conducted in September 2007 on the Art of Rhyme website, Jus Allah announced that he has rejoined Jedi Mind Tricks.[7] In the interview he states that \"I'm back in the group [and that] I'm focused on... putting out the next Jedi Mind Tricks album... a History of Violence.\" A History of Violence (album) was released on November 11, 2008. This album would be the last JMT album released on Babygrande Records.", "Jedi The Jedi starfighter's triangular shape in Attack of the Clones stems from the shape of Imperial Star Destroyers in the original Star Wars trilogy.[22] Industrial Light & Magic designer Doug Chiang identified the Jedi starfighter as one of the first designs that bridges the aesthetic between the prequel and original trilogies.[23] Chiang noted that viewers' familiarity with the Star Destroyer's appearance and Imperial affiliation gives added symbolism to the Jedi craft's appearance and foreshadows the Empire's rise to power.[23] The starfighter seen in Revenge of the Sith is a cross between the previous film's vessel and the Empire's TIE fighters from the original trilogy.[22] Hasbro's expanding wings in the Attack of the Clones Jedi starfighter toy inspired the opening wings in the Revenge of the Sith vessel.[22] The starfighter in the Revenge of the Sith is called a Jedi Interceptor Starfighter.", "Star Wars: The Last Jedi Luke appears and confronts the First Order to enable surviving Resistance members to escape. Kylo orders the First Order's forces to fire on Luke but to no effect. He then engages Luke in a lightsaber duel and strikes Luke but realizes he has been fighting Luke's Force projection. Luke tells Kylo he will not be the last Jedi, while Rey uses the Force to help the Resistance escape on the Falcon. Luke, exhausted, dies peacefully on Ahch-To. His death is sensed by Rey and Leia, but Leia tells surviving rebels that the Resistance has all it needs to rise again. At Canto Bight, one of the children who helped Finn and Rose escape grabs a broom with the Force and gazes into space.", "Star Wars: The Last Jedi In December 2015, Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy stated that \"we haven't mapped out every single detail [of the sequel trilogy] yet\". She said that Abrams was collaborating with Johnson and that Johnson would in turn work with (then) Episode IX director Colin Trevorrow to ensure a smooth transition.[50] Abrams is an executive producer along with Jason McGatlin and Tom Karnowski.[51] Lucasfilm announced the film's title, Star Wars: The Last Jedi, on January 23, 2017.[52]", "List of Star Wars species (U–Z) The Xexto are short, (1.30m [4'3\"] max), have four arms, two legs and long necks. They hail from the planet Troiken. Some prominent Xexto include Gasgano, the Podracer pilot; and Yarael Poof, Jedi Master and one of the last members of the Jedi Council before the Great Jedi Purge, who was a member of a genetically altered sect of Xexto, the Quermians.", "Star Wars: The Last Jedi In lieu of a traditional spotting session with Johnson, Williams was provided a temp track of music from his previous film scores as a reference for scoring The Last Jedi.[84] The score briefly quotes \"Aquarela do Brasil\" by Ary Barroso in its \"Canto Bight\" track as another reference to the film Brazil. It also contains a brief quote of Williams's own theme for The Long Goodbye (co-composed by Johnny Mercer) during Finn and Rose's escape, although this quote is not heard in the official soundtrack release.[85]", "Jedi In Star Wars and Philosophy, William Stephens compares the Jedi to Stoicism", "Jedi Various careers, occupations, ranks and titles were available to all Jedi. Upon a Padawan's ascension to \"Knighthood-status\", a Jedi pursued higher education or vocational education and training in a field of expertise. Before the Great Jedi Purge, Knights would choose a career based on preference, personal talents and skills, and were given the opportunity to join the Order of the Guardian, the Order of the Consular, or Order of the Sentinel. In addition to their specialization, in times of war the High Council could demand that the members of the Order assume military ranks in order to defend the Republic.", "Jedi By the fall of the Galactic Republic in 19 BBY, many of the ancient academies had been shut down for decades, with the Council of First Knowledge preferring the central teachings of the Coruscant Temple. After the dissolution of the Order during the Great Jedi Purge, all orthodox Temples and academies were routed and burned in order to prevent any more Jedi from learning the secrets of the Force. However, the Galactic Empire's chokehold on Force-education did not last and the Order was reformed following the conclusion of the Galactic Civil War. When Grand Master Luke Skywalker's New Order became a single class of twelve students including his nephew Ben Solo, however it was reduced to only himself when his nephew turned to the darkside and became Kylo Ren.", "Jedi The Council of First Knowledge administered the Temple-based academy and its curriculum, and funded scholar's scientific research. To this end, the Council guarded and maintained the Temple Archives and its holocron vaults, as well as the \"Shadow program\" at the Jedi Temple: Jedi Sentinels tasked with hunting down Sith artifacts.[16]", "Jedi Within the Star Wars universe, the Jedi are usually portrayed wearing simple robes and carrying specialized field gear for their missions. Their philosophical lifestyles mirror those of real-world religious vows and evangelical counsels, as their personal possessions are provided exclusively by the Jedi Order, and are only meant to allow self-sufficiency.", "Star Wars: The Last Jedi The Last Jedi was part of a new trilogy of films announced after Disney's acquisition of Lucasfilm in October 2012. It was produced by Lucasfilm President Kathleen Kennedy and Ram Bergman, with Force Awakens director J. J. Abrams as an executive producer. John Williams, composer for the previous films, returned to compose the score. Scenes that required shooting at Skellig Michael in Ireland were filmed during pre-production in September 2015, with principal photography beginning at Pinewood Studios in England in February 2016 and ending in July 2016. Post-production wrapped in September 2017.", "Jedi An Initiate who successfully completes \"fundamental training\" is given a second-class education and then undergoes Padawan training under the tutelage of Mentor (usually a Jedi Knight or Jedi Master). They are also called \"Apprentices\" and \"Padawan learners\". As a rite of passage and the final test before the trials to knighthood, Padawans must build their own lightsabers. In the Old Republic, Padawans usually wore a hair braid on the right side of their head which was removed with a lightsaber upon attaining knighthood. They also served as Commanders in the Clone Wars. The term \"padawan\" appears to originate in Sanskrit and can be understood as “learner,\" both in Sanskrit and by contemporary native speakers of Sanskrit-based languages.[5][6][7]", "Music of Star Wars From The Last Jedi", "Star Wars: The Last Jedi R2-D2 persuades Luke to train Rey. After Kylo tells Rey about what happened between him and Luke that caused him to choose the dark side of the Force, Luke confesses that he momentarily contemplated killing Kylo upon sensing that Supreme Leader Snoke had corrupted him, causing Kylo to destroy Luke's new Jedi Order in retaliation. Convinced that Kylo can be redeemed, Rey leaves Ahch-To to confront Kylo without Luke. Luke prepares to burn down the Ahch-To Jedi temple and library, but hesitates. Yoda's ghost appears and destroys the temple, claiming Rey has all she needs to learn, and encourages Luke to learn from his failure.", "Star Wars: The Last Jedi The Last Jedi had its world premiere in Los Angeles on December 9, 2017, and was released in the United States on December 15, 2017. It has grossed over $1.2 billion worldwide, making it the highest-grossing film of 2017, the 6th-highest-grossing film in North America and the 9th-highest-grossing film of all time, as well as the second-highest-grossing film of the Star Wars franchise. It received highly positive reviews from critics, who praised its ensemble cast, visual effects, musical score, action sequences and emotional weight; some considered it the best Star Wars film since The Empire Strikes Back.[7][8][9][10][11] The film received four nominations at the 90th Academy Awards, including Best Original Score for Williams and Best Visual Effects, as well two nominations at the 71st British Academy Film Awards. A sequel, provisionally titled Star Wars: Episode IX, is scheduled for release on December 20, 2019.[12]", "Jedi Most notably, Anakin Skywalker's padawan Ahsoka Tano left the Jedi Order, and continued to wield the Force, she never affiliated or created any Force sensitive organization.", "Finn (Star Wars) Finn, designation number FN-2187, is a fictional character in the Star Wars franchise. He first appeared in the 2015 film Star Wars: The Force Awakens in which he is a stormtrooper for the First Order who flees and turns against it after being shocked by their cruelty in his first combat mission. He is played by British actor John Boyega, who reprises the role in Star Wars: The Last Jedi.", "Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast In June 2007, GameTrailers's list of the 10 best Star Wars games saw Jedi Outcast rank at number one, with the editorial commenting that \"this may not be the first time in which you play as a Jedi in a video game, but this is the first time in which you actually felt like one.\" They also praised the lightsaber and Force combat systems, a story which they felt was consistent with the films, and the cameos from some key Star Wars characters (namely Luke Skywalker and Lando Calrissian).[86]", "Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast However, prior to the removal a fork called \"OpenJK\" was created on GitHub with the problematic code parts already excised.[50] The goal of the OpenJK community project is to \"maintain and improve Jedi Academy + Jedi Outcast released by Raven Software.\"[51] This includes the unification of the Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy engines, maintaining the compatibility of previous releases, and providing source ports for Mac and Linux. Daily builds for Windows and early Linux builds are already available.[52]", "Return of the Jedi Contemporary critics were largely positive. In 1983, film critic Roger Ebert gave the film four stars out of four,[44] and James Kendrick of Q Network Film Desk described Return of the Jedi as \"a magnificent experience.\"[45] The film was also featured on the May 23, 1983, TIME magazine cover issue (where it was labeled \"Star Wars III\"),[46] where the reviewer Gerald Clarke said that while it was not as exciting as the first Star Wars film, it was \"better and more satisfying\" than The Empire Strikes Back, now considered by many as the best of the original trilogy.[47] Vincent Canby of The New York Times called it \"by far the dimmest adventure of the lot\".[48] ReelViews.net's James Berardinelli wrote about the 1997 special edition re-release that \"Although it was great fun re-watching Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back again on the big screen, Return of the Jedi doesn't generate the same sense of enjoyment. And, while Lucas worked diligently to re-invigorate each entry into the trilogy, Jedi needs more than the patches of improved sound, cleaned-up visuals, and a few new scenes. Still, despite the flaws, this is still Star Wars, and, as such, represents a couple of lightly-entertaining hours spent with characters we have gotten to know and love over the years. Return of the Jedi is easily the weakest of the series, but its position as the conclusion makes it a must-see for anyone who has enjoyed its predecessor.\"[49]", "First Order (Star Wars) Kylo fails to retrieve the map fragment that would lead him to Luke, and the Resistance manages to destroy the Starkiller Base moments before it is able to fire on the Resistance base on D'Qar, though Kylo and General Hux are able to escape the explosion.", "Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast Game Informer scored the game 9.5 out of 10, with reviewer Andrew Reiner calling it \"the quintessential Star Wars game and a feast for all FPS devotees.\" He also wrote, \"without question, Jedi Outcast is the most enjoyable and accomplished Star Wars game yet.\" He was also extremely impressed with multiplayer, calling it \"a highly addictive, over-the-top experience that all FPS players must see to believe.\"[58] Brian Gee of Game Revolution gave the game an A-. He praised how authentically 'Star Wars' the game felt, as well as the lightsaber interface, writing \"I've played a ton of Star Wars games in my time, and I don't think any of them can match the excitement and fun of lightsaber play in Jedi Outcast.\"[64]", "Jedi Mind Tricks On November 7, 2014, JMTHIPHOP.com confirmed Stoupe's return to Jedi Mind Tricks. On November 27, 2014, a post on jmthiphop.com revealed that Vinnie Paz and Stoupe would be returning as Jedi Mind Tricks in 2015.[12]", "Jedi Ezra Bridger is a human male who was born on the planet Lothal precisely on the day the Galactic Empire was established. He witnessed many injustices of the Imperial occupation of his homeworld for much of his childhood and was separated from his parents from a very early age. He was able to survive alone using street smarts and skills, but was discovered by Kanan Jarrus to have potential Force sensitivity after he encounters the Spectres for the first time. After discovering how much of a team player he could be during a rescue operation, they recruit Bridger, tasking Jarrus to begin training him in the ways of the Jedi, a task made difficult by the premature death of Jarrus' master, Depa Bilaba, executed after the Clone Wars. It would be weeks before Bridger would lay his hands on a lightsaber, which was uniquely designed to accommodate his early inability to deflect projectiles with a built-in knuckle guard and mini-blaster, and even so, he was more skilled at battling stormtroopers, rather than the Inquisitors or Darth Vader, the latter who easily bested him in combat and disarmed him. After a dangerous mission to the planet Malachor to discover the key to defeating the Sith, Bridger recovers a Sith holocron believed to hold the answers he sought, becoming the first ever known Jedi to open a Sith holocron, but soon fell under its sway for some time as he improved his combat skills and was even promoted to commander in the Rebel ranks. It is not until after some encounters with the former Sith Lord Maul does Bridger discover that Obi-Wan Kenobi holds the key to the Sith's undoing, as he will train Luke Skywalker to confront his corrupted father.", "Jedi The word Jedi is said to have been adapted by George Lucas from Japanese 時代劇 (jidaigeki) (meaning \"period drama\" motion pictures about samurai),[2] or perhaps inspired by the words Jed (King) and Jeddak (Emperor) in the Barsoom series by Edgar Rice Burroughs, a series that Lucas considered adapting to film.[3][4] The film Rogue One suggests that it relates to the planet Jedha, source of the kyber crystals used in lightsabers.", "Star Wars: The Last Jedi Pre-sale tickets went on sale in the United States on October 9, 2017, and as with The Force Awakens and Rogue One, ticket service sites such as Fandango had their servers crash due to heavy traffic and demand.[99] In the United States and Canada, industry tracking had The Last Jedi grossing around $200 million from 4,232 theaters in its opening weekend.[100] The film made $45 million from Thursday night previews, the second-highest amount ever (behind The Force Awakens' $57 million).[101] It went on to make $104.8 million on its first day (including previews) and $220 million over the weekend, both the second-highest amounts of all time.[102] The opening weekend figure included an IMAX opening-weekend of $25 million, the biggest IMAX opening of the year and the second biggest ever behind The Force Awakens.[103] After dropping by 76% on its second Friday, the worst Friday-to-Friday drop in the series, the film fell by a total of 67.5% in its second weekend, grossing $71.6 million. It was the largest second-weekend drop of the franchise, although it remained atop the box office.[104] It grossed an additional $27.5 million on Christmas day, the second biggest Christmas day gross of all time behind The Force Awakens ($49.3 million), for a four-day weekend total of $99 million.[105] It made $52.4 million in its third weekend, again topping the box office. It also brought its domestic total to $517.1 million, overtaking fellow Disney vehicle Beauty and the Beast as the highest of 2017.[106] It grossed $23.7 million and was dethroned the following weekend by Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (which was in its third week) and newcomer Insidious: The Last Key.[107]", "Return of the Jedi \"I played a very important part in bringing Harrison back for Return of the Jedi. Harrison, unlike Carrie Fisher and Mark Hamill signed only a two picture contract. That is why he was frozen in carbonite in The Empire Strikes Back. When I suggested to George we should bring him back, I distinctly remember him saying that Harrison would never return. I said what if I convinced him to return. George simply replied that we would then write him in to Jedi. I had just recently negotiated his deal for Raiders of the Lost Ark with Phil Gersh of the Gersh Agency. I called Phil who said he would speak with Harrison. When I called back again, Phil was on vacation. David, his son, took the call and we negotiated Harrison's deal. When Phil returned to the office several weeks later he called me back and said I had taken advantage of his son in the negotiations. I had not. But agents are agents.\"[22]", "Jedi George Lucas acknowledged Jedi, Sith, and other Force concepts have been inspired by many sources. These include: knighthood chivalry, paladinism, samurai bushido, Shaolin Monastery, Feudalism, Hinduism, Qigong, Greek philosophy, Greek mythology, Roman history, Roman mythology, parts of the Abrahamic religions, Confucianism, Shintō, Buddhism and Taoism, not to mention countless cinematic precursors. The works of philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche and mythologist Joseph Campbell, especially his book The Hero with a Thousand Faces (1949), directly influenced Lucas, and was what drove him to create the 'modern myth' of Star Wars.[8][9]", "Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith The film begins three years after the onset of the Clone Wars. The Jedi Knights are spread across the galaxy, leading a massive war against the Separatists. The Jedi Council dispatches Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi to eliminate the notorious General Grievous, leader of the Separatist Army. Meanwhile, Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker grows close to Palpatine, the Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic and, unknown to the public, a Sith Lord. Their deepening friendship threatens the Jedi Order, the Republic, and Anakin himself.", "Yoda Yoda appears in the 2003 Cartoon Network animated television series Star Wars: Clone Wars, voiced by Tom Kane. In the show, Yoda is made a General, like many of the Jedi Knights and Masters. Yoda escorts Padmé on their journey to an unspecified planet, but Yoda senses several Jedi in distress on Ilum. Using the Jedi mind trick to convince Captain Typho to take them to Ilum, Yoda saves two Jedi Knights and finds a message from Count Dooku giving orders to destroy the Jedi Temple on Ilum. In the animated series' final episode, Yoda fights side by side with Mace Windu to defend Coruscant, which is under attack from the Separatists. The two Jedi Masters realize too late that the battle is a distraction; Separatist leader General Grievous truly intends to kidnap Palpatine. The Jedi Master's effort to stop Grievous fails, and Palpatine is taken hostage, thus setting the stage for Revenge of the Sith.", "Return of the Jedi The issue of whether Harrison Ford would return for the final film arose during pre-production. Unlike the other stars of the first film, Ford had not contracted to do two sequels, and Raiders of the Lost Ark had made him an even bigger star. Return of the Jedi producer Howard Kazanjian (who also produced Raiders of the Lost Ark) convinced Ford to return:", "Ferdinand (film) In the United States and Canada, Ferdinand was released alongside Star Wars: The Last Jedi, and was projected to gross $15–20 million from 3,621 theaters in its opening weekend.[26] It made $350,000 from Thursday night previews at 2,385 theaters, which began at 5 P.M. and $3.6 million on its first day. It went on to open to $13.3 million, finishing second behind The Last Jedi.[27]", "The Master (Doctor Who) The actors who have played the role of the Master in the series and the dates of their first and last appearances in the role, are:", "Return of the Jedi Return of the Jedi's theatrical release took place on May 25, 1983. It was originally slated to be May 27, but was subsequently changed to coincide with the date of the 1977 release of the original Star Wars film.[27] With a massive worldwide marketing campaign, illustrator Tim Reamer created the image for the movie poster and other advertising. At the time of its release, the film was advertised on posters and merchandise as simply Star Wars: Return of the Jedi, despite its on-screen \"Episode VI\" distinction. The original film was later re-released to theaters in 1985.", "Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast Over the course of the game, Kyle is joined by various other characters. Three of the most prominent are Jan Ors (Vanessa Marshall[19]), a fellow mercenary and subsequent love interest; Lando Calrissian (Billy Dee Williams[19]), the sophisticated administrator of Cloud City, as seen in The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi; and Luke Skywalker (Bob Bergen[19]), leader of the Jedi Academy on Yavin IV. The player also receives help from other Jedi and New Republic soldiers,[20] while Mon Mothma (Carolyn Seymour[19]), Chief-of-State of the New Republic, assigns Kyle and Jan missions during the game.[21]", "General Grievous Sometime later, Grievous searched for Supreme Chancellor Palpatine on Coruscant and fought several Jedi that took Palpatine to a secret bunker aboard a maglev train. However, while the general's Magnaguards distracted the lead Jedi, Grievous reached the hardened bunker, killed two other Jedi and captured Palpatine. As Grievous was about to escape, Mace Windu Force-crushed his chest plates, severely injuring him. Although many fans believed this to be the reason for his persisting cough heard in Revenge of the Sith, Grievous was actually intended to have had the cough all along (evidenced by him having the cough from the beginning in the subsequent CGI series Star Wars: The Clone Wars). The confusion arose due to the writers of Star Wars: Clone Wars having to produce the series before all of Grievous's final characterizations had been nailed down.", "Star Wars: The Last Jedi Joonas Suotamo appears as Chewbacca, taking over the role from Peter Mayhew after previously serving as his body double for The Force Awakens.[25] Mayhew, who was 73 years old and suffering from chronic knee and back pain,[26] is credited as \"Chewbacca consultant.\" Billie Lourd, Mike Quinn, and Timothy D. Rose reprise their roles as Lieutenant Connix, Nien Nunb, and Admiral Ackbar respectively from previous films.[27][28][29] Amanda Lawrence appears as Commander D'Acy, and Mark Lewis Jones and Adrian Edmondson play Captains Canady and Peavey respectively. BB-8 is controlled by puppeteers Dave Chapman and Brian Herring,[30] with initial voice work by Ben Schwartz and final sound effects voiced by Bill Hader modulated through a synthesizer.[31] Jimmy Vee portrays R2-D2.[32][33] Veronica Ngo portrays Rose's sister Paige Tico,[23] a Resistance gunner who sacrifices her life to destroy a First Order dreadnought.", "Mace Windu In 2017, Marvel released Star Wars: Jedi of the Republic—Mace Windu, a 5-issue series centered around Mace Windu during the early days of the Clone Wars. He leads a small team of Jedi on a mission to the planet Hissrich, to find out what the Separatists are doing there. During the mission, Windu's faith in the Jedi path is tested by his interactions with two new characters: AD-W4, a mercenary droid with a thirst for murdering Jedi; and Prosset Dibs, a literally blind Jedi Master who becomes disillusioned with the Jedi Order and turns on Windu. Ultimately, Windu ends up besting both adversaries in single combat, respectively, and his faith in the Jedi way is strengthened by the experience.", "List of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic characters Bao-Dur is a Zabrak from Iridonia, and a technician who fought under the command of the Jedi Exile during the Mandalorian Wars. Bao-Dur is the inventor of the Mass Shadow Generator that ended the battle on Malachor V by completely obliterating the Mandalorian Armada and inadvertently killing many Republic soldiers on his own side of the battle, leading to a great deal of guilt later in his life. The Exile (who much later befriended Bao-Dur) gave the command, which sent massive echoes in the Force throughout the galaxy. Bao-Dur is trainable as a Jedi Guardian.", "Star Wars: Clone Wars (2003 TV series) Surrounding this storyline are various battles focusing on other Jedi and their wartime exploits: Jedi Master Mace Windu (T.C. Carson) faces an entire droid army unarmed on Dantooine; Grand Master Yoda (Tom Kane) travels to the ice world Ilum in order to save two imperiled Jedi Knights; the amphibious Kit Fisto (Richard McGonagle) leads an aquatic regiment of clone troopers on the waterworld Mon Calamari; and a team of Jedi encounter the dreaded General Grievous (John DiMaggio in season 2; McGonagle in season 3) on Hypori.", "Lando Calrissian The novel Star Wars Last Shot reveals that between Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens, Lando, is considering to settle down with a Twi'lek girlfriend.[17]", "Palpatine Lucas and director Richard Marquand cast McDiarmid to play Emperor Palpatine for Return of the Jedi. He was in his late 30s and had never played a leading role in a feature film, though he had made minor appearances in films like Dragonslayer (1981). After Return of the Jedi, he resumed stage acting in London.[67] In an interview with BackStage, McDiarmid revealed that he \"never had his sights set on a film career and never even auditioned for the role of Palpatine.\" He elaborated, \"I got called in for the interview after a Return of the Jedi casting director saw me perform in the Sam Shepard play Seduced at a studio theatre at the Royal Court. I was playing a dying Howard Hughes.\"[68]", "Peter Mayhew While Mayhew portrayed Chewbacca in Star Wars: The Force Awakens, he was not in Star Wars: The Last Jedi but was listed in the credits as 'Chewbacca Consultant'.[10] Mayhew retired from playing Chewbacca due to health issues. Joonas Suotamo shared the portrayal of Chewbacca with Mayhew in Star Wars: The Force Awakens, and then replaced him in subsequent Star Wars films.[11][12]", "Star Wars: The Last Jedi The story begins immediately after the last scene of The Force Awakens.[37] He had his story group watch films such as Twelve O'Clock High, The Bridge on the River Kwai, Gunga Din, Three Outlaw Samurai, Sahara, and Letter Never Sent for inspiration while developing ideas.[37][49] He felt it was difficult to work on the film while The Force Awakens was being finished.[37]", "General Grievous In Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith, General Grievous holds Supreme Chancellor Palpatine hostage aboard his flagship, the Invisible Hand. When the Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker launch a rescue operation, the latter kills Separatist Head of State Count Dooku. Grievous traps the fleeing Jedi and the Chancellor in a ray shield, and has them brought along with R2-D2 to the ship's bridge. He confiscates Kenobi and Skywalker's lightsabers, cackling that he will add them to his vast collection. When R2-D2 creates a distraction, Obi-Wan and Anakin use the Force to retrieve their lightsabers and free themselves. A short battle ensues with Obi-Wan and Anakin overcoming Grievous's MagnaGuards and Battle Droids before turning their attention to the General himself. Grievous escapes by using the electrostaff of a fallen MagnaGuard to shatter the bridge's glass and create a vacuum that pulls everything out towards space. He subsequently fires a grapple-hook to secure himself to the ship and scales its exterior en route to an escape pod. Grievous launches all of the other pods as well to prevent the Jedi from escaping the doomed vessel.", "Jedi Mind Tricks In early 2006, rumors spread that the group had reunited with estranged member Jus Allah, and that he would be featured on Servants in Heaven, Kings in Hell, but no collaboration appeared.[6] However, on September 20, 2006 a newly recorded Jedi Mind Tricks/Jus Allah collaboration, produced by Brods, titled \"The Rebuilding\" appeared online. In a January 2007 interview Paz stated that Jus would be featured on the group's upcoming sixth album, titled A History of Violence.[4] Jus Allah, Doap Nixon and Demoz were added to the AotP roster in 2007, and contributed verses to the group's second studio album Ritual of Battle, which was released on September 25, 2007. Also, in summer 2008, Jedi Mind Tricks' Label, Babygrande, released a JMT DVD. \"With a 12+ year career under their belt and a continually growing rabid fan base, the history of Jedi Mind Tricks has never been officially documented…until summer 2008, “Divine Fire: The Story of Jedi Mind Tricks DVD,” promises an insightful excursion into the roots of an underground empire.\" This is from Babygrande's Newsletter.", "Andy Serkis In Gareth Edwards' 2014 science-fiction monster film Godzilla, Serkis was the consultant on the film's motion capture sequences in order to \"control the souls\" of the creatures.[27][28] Serkis played Ulysses Klaue in Marvel Studios' Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015), and was also a motion capture consultant on the film.[29] Serkis played Supreme Leader Snoke in the 2015 Star Wars: The Force Awakens and reprised the role in the 2017 Star Wars: The Last Jedi.[30]", "Star Wars comics Star Wars Adventures is an anthology series published by IDW Publishing. It debuted in September 2017 and is part of the \"Journey to Star Wars: The Last Jedi\" publishing program.[67]", "Revised Standard Version Some opponents of the RSV took their antagonism beyond condemnation. Luther Hux, a pastor in Rocky Mount, North Carolina, announced his intention to burn a copy of the RSV during a sermon on November 30, 1952. This was reported in the press and attracted shocked reactions, as well as a warning from the local fire chief. On the day in question, he delivered a two-hour sermon entitled \"The National Council Bible, the Master Stroke of Satan—One of the Devil's Greatest Hoaxes\". After the sermon was complete, he led the congregation out of the church, gave each worshipper a small American flag and proceeded to set light to the pages containing Isaiah 7:14. Hux informed the gathered press that he did not burn the Bible, but simply the \"fraud\" that the Isaiah pages represented. Hux would later go on to write a tract against the RSV entitled Modernism's Unholy Bible.[8]", "The Who Recording of Who Are You started in January 1978. Daltrey clashed with Johns over the production of his vocals, and Moon's drumming was so poor that Daltrey and Entwistle considered firing him. Moon's playing improved, but on one track, \"Music Must Change\", he was replaced as he could not play in 6/8 time.[200] In May, the Who filmed another performance at Shepperton Sound Studios for The Kids Are Alright. This performance was strong, and several tracks were used in the film. It was the last gig Moon performed with the Who.[201]", "Last Post Its use in Remembrance Day ceremonies in Commonwealth nations has two generally unexpressed purposes: the first is an implied summoning of the spirits of the Fallen to the cenotaph, the second is to symbolically end the day, so that the period of silence before the Rouse is blown becomes in effect a ritualised night vigil. The Last Post as played at the end of inspection typically lasted for about 45 seconds; when played ceremonially with notes held for longer, pauses extended, and the expression mournful, typical duration could be 75 seconds or more.[5]", "Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith As with the previous film and its allusions to The Empire Strikes Back, some deliberately placed references have been made to draw allusions with Return of the Jedi. The title is similar in style to the original planned \"Revenge of the Jedi\". Some dialog is mirrored in both films especially the line \"I can feel your anger!\" spoken by Palpatine, who also orders his personal entourage/bodyguards to \"Leave us\" at important moments in both films. Darth Vader attempts to play on Luke's fear of loss by taunting him with threats against Leia. His own fear of the loss of Padmé is what draws him to the dark side. Prior to settling on the Ewoks as the main helpers, the Wookiee race was originally planned to be in Jedi. Anakin's decision to save Palpatine over Master Windu parallels the decision he would eventually make as Darth Vader to save Luke from Palpatine in \"Return of the Jedi.\"", "List of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic characters Brianna, voiced by Grey DeLisle, is the \"Last Handmaiden\" on a Jedi Academy located on Telos IV in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords. She initially does not reveal her name to the Exile; until she mentions her name late in the game, she is referred to as the Handmaiden. Brianna joins the party after leaving Telos on the Ebon Hawk if the player's character is male. Her training before joining the Exile's party makes her a skilled close quarter combatant and, after fulfilling certain combat and conversation requirements, she can be trained to become a Jedi Guardian or a Dark Jedi Guardian. It is revealed by Kreia that Brianna takes up Atris' role as the historian of the jedi.", "Return of the Jedi The original theatrical version of Return of the Jedi was released on VHS and Laserdisc several times between 1986 and 1995,[37] followed by releases of the Special Edition in the same formats between 1997 and 2000. Some of these releases contained featurettes; some were individual releases of just this film, while others were boxed sets of all three original films.", "Galactic Empire (Star Wars) The Jedi begin to distrust the Chancellor's motives, fearing he has come under the influence of a Dark Lord of the Sith named Darth Sidious. Palpatine insists to the Jedi that the war, and thus his emergency powers, will continue until Separatist leader General Grievous is killed. Their concerns are shared by several Senators, who suspect Palpatine may not return his emergency powers to the Senate as promised. Among them are two who had long supported Palpatine, Padmé Amidala and Bail Organa. The film eventually reveals that Palpatine and Sidious are one and the same, and that he has been manipulating the Republic and the Separatists against each other.", "Star Wars: The Last Jedi I'm just starting into it, but so far, honestly, it's the most fun I've ever had writing. It's just joyous. But also for me personally, I grew up not just watching those movies but playing with those toys, so as a little kid, the first movies I was making in my head were set in this world. A big part of it is that direct connection, almost like an automatic jacking back into childhood in a weird way. But I don't know, ask me again in a few years and we'll be able to talk about that.[48]", "Who Was in My Room Last Night? The music video was directed by William Stobaugh, and animated by Tom Holleran and Wes Archer.[1] The video depicts a man who drives to a bar where the Butthole Surfers are performing the song. He orders a drink from the bartender (played by Flea of the Red Hot Chili Peppers) and, upon consuming it, experiences some bizarre hallucinations (mostly involving the bar's waitress (played by Therese Kablan[2]) who is depicted as the man's girlfriend, a nurse, and a series of creatures) before he suffers an apparent accident and is last seen falling down a void of cartoon skulls.", "Star Trek: The Next Generation Several actors who appeared in Star Trek: The Next Generation later played other roles within the franchise. These include Robert Duncan McNeill, Ethan Phillips, and Tim Russ, who played Tom Paris, Neelix, and Tuvok, respectively, on Voyager. Salome Jens and James Sloyan appeared in episodes of The Next Generation before landing recurring roles in Deep Space Nine. Suzie Plakson and Tony Todd also appeared in The Next Generation, and they later played roles in both Deep Space Nine and Voyager. Marc Alaimo, who depicted one of the franchise's first Cardassians in The Next Generation, later played the Cardassian Dukat throughout Deep Space Nine's seven seasons. Like Armin Shimerman, Max Grodénchik played a Ferengi in The Next Generation before being cast as a recurring Ferengi, Rom, in Deep Space Nine. Emmy Award-winner James Cromwell appeared twice in The Next Generation, and he played Zefram Cochrane in the second Next Generation film, First Contact.", "Palpatine Novels and comics published before 1999 focus on Palpatine's role as Galactic Emperor. Shadows of the Empire (1996) by Steve Perry and The Mandalorian Armor (1998) by K. W. Jeter—all set between The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi—show how Palpatine uses crime lords such as Prince Xizor and bounty hunters like Boba Fett to fight his enemies.[28][29] Barbara Hambly's novel Children of the Jedi (1995), set eight years after Return of the Jedi, features a woman named Roganda Ismaren who claims that Palpatine fathered her son Irek.[30] The Jedi Prince series of novels introduces an insane, three-eyed mutant named Triclops who is revealed to be Palpatine's illegitimate son.[31] Created from DNA extracted from Palpatine and placed into a woman, he was born mutated, cast away and forgotten. Triclops had a son named Ken who became known as the \"Jedi Prince\".", "Last Post \"The Last Post\" is the title of a theatre play by David Owen Smith and Peter Came performed during Armistice Week at Lincoln Drill Hall, Lincoln in November 2014. The play concerns the Beechey family of Lincoln, UK. Amy Beechey had eight sons who all enlisted to fight during the First World War; only three of them survived. The bugle call is played during the final moments of the play. The play was directed by Janie Smith and performed by people of Lincoln.", "Yoda In Star Wars: The Last Jedi, Yoda appears to Luke as a force ghost as Luke debates whether to burn down the tree storing the only remaining copies of the Sacred Texts of the Jedi.[21] As Luke makes his way to the tree, Yoda appears behind him and talks to Luke about the inner conflicts going on inside him and reminds him that a Jedi must always be sure of his path. When Luke decides against burning down the tree and destroying the texts, Yoda summons a lightning bolt down upon the tree, setting it ablaze while Luke steps back in horror at the sight of the texts seemingly being lost forever (unaware that Rey had taken them earlier as she left the island.) When confronting Yoda as to why he did it, Yoda tells Luke that the true Jedi knowledge is within Jedi themselves and it is their responsibility, not books, to pass that knowledge on and continue the way of the Jedi. As Luke takes in the message, he sits with Yoda and shares a quiet moment with his former master.", "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire – Play It! Who Wants To Be A Millionaire - Play It! was an attraction at Disney's Hollywood Studios (formerly Disney-MGM Studios) theme park at Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando, Florida and Disney California Adventure in Anaheim, California. The attraction was a modified version of the Who Wants to Be a Millionaire television game show.", "Princess Leia Princess Leia Organa of Alderaan (also Senator Leia Organa or General Leia Organa) is a fictional character in the Star Wars franchise, portrayed in films by Carrie Fisher. Introduced in the original Star Wars film in 1977, Leia is princess of the planet Alderaan, a member of the Imperial Senate and an agent of the Rebel Alliance. She thwarts the sinister Sith Lord Darth Vader and helps bring about the destruction of the Empire's cataclysmic superweapon, the Death Star. In The Empire Strikes Back (1980), Leia commands a Rebel base and evades Vader as she falls in love with the smuggler, Han Solo. In Return of the Jedi (1983), Leia leads the operation to rescue Han from the crime lord Jabba the Hutt, and is revealed to be Vader's daughter and the twin sister of Luke Skywalker. The prequel film Revenge of the Sith (2005) establishes that the twins' mother is Senator (and former queen) Padmé Amidala of Naboo, who dies after childbirth. Leia is adopted by Senator Bail and Queen Breha Organa of Alderaan. In The Force Awakens (2015) and The Last Jedi (2017), Leia is the founder and General of the Resistance against the First Order. She and Han have a son named Ben, who adopted the name Kylo Ren after turning to the dark side of the Force.", "First Order (Star Wars) Robbie Collin of The Telegraph described the disfigured and skeletal Snoke as a \"sepulchral horror\" and referred to Hux as \"a spitting fanatic of the First Order whose every gesture speaks of utter contempt for, well, everyone.\"[13][15]", "Star Wars: The Last Jedi Leia recovers and stuns Poe, allowing the evacuation to begin. Holdo remains on the ship to mislead Snoke's fleet as the others flee to an abandoned Rebel Alliance base on Crait. DJ reveals the Resistance's plan to the First Order, and the evacuation transports are slowly destroyed. Holdo sacrifices herself by ramming Snoke's fleet at lightspeed; Rey escapes in the chaos, while Kylo declares himself Supreme Leader. BB-8 frees Finn and Rose, who escape after defeating Captain Phasma, and join survivors on Crait. When the First Order arrives, Poe, Finn, and Rose attack with old speeders. Rey draws the TIE fighters away with the Falcon, while Rose prevents Finn from completing a suicide run against the enemy siege cannon, which penetrates the Resistance fortress.", "The Scottish Play According to the superstition, Shakespeare got a few of the lines from an actual coven of witches, and when they saw the play they were greatly offended and cursed the play.[citation needed] Another tradition tells that the original propmaster could not find a suitable pot for a cauldron and stole one from a coven, who then cursed the play in revenge for the theft.[citation needed] It is believed that breaking the taboo calls the ghosts of the three witches to the show and it is they who cause all the mishaps. The last, and probably most spectacular view of the curse is that Shakespeare used the curse in the play to actually curse the play himself, guaranteeing that no one other than himself would be able to direct it.[citation needed] It is also reported that when Shakespeare learned that James I, whose Scottish heritage he was trying to celebrate with the play, had not particularly enjoyed it, he became bitterly disappointed and would only refer to the play as \"that Scottish play\" for the rest of his life.[citation needed]", "Galactic Empire (Star Wars) Emperor Palpatine proceeds to purge the Jedi, who had been the upholders of peace and justice in the Republic, and replaces them by redeeming the Sith. Though Palpatine's Sith identity remains a secret to most, his apprentice Darth Vader is the Sith Lord who is publicly known to the galaxy as the ally of Palpatine who is serving the Empire to purge the galaxy of the Jedi. By the time of Episode IV: A New Hope, the Empire has transformed into a fully totalitarian regime, opposed by the Alliance To Restore The Republic.", "First Order (Star Wars) The handful of surviving Resistance members escape on the Millenium Falcon with Rey. While the Resistance has been functionally destroyed, their one ship contains the seeds to destroy the First Order: Leia and her allies aboard live to rally the remnants of the New Republic in the rest of the galaxy, while Rey saved all of the ancient Jedi texts, to one day give rise to new generation of Jedi to fight the First Order.", "Obi-Wan Kenobi After finding the Separatist encampment, Obi-Wan fights Grievous and eventually kills the cyborg with a blaster after failing to overcome him in hand-to-hand combat. When Palpatine—who is secretly the Sith Lord Darth Sidious—issues Order 66 to have the clone troopers turn on the Jedi, Obi-Wan survives the attempt on his life and escapes, rendezvousing with Yoda and Senator Bail Organa of Alderaan aboard Organa's ship Tantive IV. Returning to Coruscant, he and Yoda discover that every Jedi in the Jedi Temple has been murdered. After sending a beacon to all surviving Jedi to scatter across the galaxy and remain in hiding, a heartbroken Obi-Wan watches security footage revealing that it was Anakin — who is now Sidious' Sith apprentice Darth Vader—who led the slaughter. Yoda charges Obi-Wan with hunting down Vader while Yoda fights Sidious. Obi-Wan is loath to fight his best friend, but reluctantly accepts.", "Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast GameSpot scored the GameCube version 8.2 out of 10. As with the Xbox version, Ajami was critical of the cutscene graphics, but concluded that \"Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast makes a fine addition to the Nintendo console's gradually growing list of action games.\"[67] GameSpy gave the same version three-and-a-half stars out of five. Reviewer Scott Steinberg was critical of the game's slow start and the nature of some of the puzzles. Of the port, he wrote \"This game was an award-winning game on a prior platform, so you'd be in the right to demand more. But from the perspective of a GameCube owner just getting your first taste of the galactic goodie that is the Jedi Knight series, things could have been a lot worse [...] Jedi Knight II: Outcast stands as a respectable effort, but disappointing reminder that when you swap content from platform to platform, something often gets lost in the transition.\"[69] IGN scored it 7.2 out of 10, with reviewer Aaron Boudling arguing that the graphics and controls were significantly poorer than in either the PC or Xbox versions. Of the controls, Boulding wrote \"While the Xbox version allows you to map your favorite moves to the black and white buttons for quick access, GameCube owners are out of luck and will have to fumble around with the D-Pad in the heat of battle.\" He concluded \"It's obvious that no work at all went into trying to get this game to properly run on GameCube. The framerate is erratic and constantly alternates between smooth and choppy, further complicating the already clunky control system [...] If you're a multi-console owner, get the superior Xbox version to see a better realized port.\"[75] Nintendo World Report scored it 6 out of 10, also citing the inferior controls and poorer graphics than the PC and Xbox versions; \"Jedi Outcast ends up being a pretty terrible port of an excellent PC title. The trick to enjoying the GameCube incarnation will be coming to terms with the control and graphic inadequacies in the game and then being able to make yourself get over the \"hump\" so that you can enjoy the meat and potatoes of the whole experience.\"[87]", "First and Last and Always On 1 April, Marx played his last concert with The Sisters of Mercy, followed by a TV appearance the day after, during which the band played live in the studio versions of \"First and Last and Always\" and \"Marian\".[27]", "Princess Leia In Millennium Falcon (2008) by James Luceno, set between Legacy of the Force and Fate of the Jedi, a mysterious device hidden inside the eponymous spacecraft sends Han, Leia and Allana on an adventure to investigate the ship's past before it came into Han's possession. Troy Denning's Crucible (2013), set after Fate of the Jedi and the last novel to date in the Star Wars Legends chronology, reunites Leia, Han and Luke with Lando as they aid him to thwart a vast criminal enterprise threatening his asteroid mineral refinery in the Chilean Rift nebula.", "The Cat Who... In addition, the novels above are sometimes published as 3-in-1 volumes or omnibus box sets under various names playing on the general title themes (such as Two Cats, Three Tales or The Cat Who Put Four in a Box).", "Star Wars (film) Lucas began researching the science fiction genre by watching films and reading books and comics.[43] His first script incorporated ideas from many new sources. The script would also introduce the concept of a Jedi Master father and his son, who trains to be a Jedi under his father's friend; this would ultimately form the basis for the film and, later, the trilogy. However, in this draft, the father is a hero who is still alive at the start of the film.[44]", "Darth Vader Upon the release of the prequel films, the Expanded Universe grew to include novels about Vader's former life as Anakin Skywalker. Greg Bear's 2000 novel Rogue Planet and Jude Watson's Jedi Apprentice and Jedi Quest series chronicle Anakin's early missions with Obi-Wan, while James Luceno's 2005 novel Labyrinth of Evil, set during the Clone Wars, depicts Anakin battling Separatist commander General Grievous. In Luceno's Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader (2005), set a few months after the events of Revenge of the Sith, Vader disavows his identity as Anakin Skywalker as he systematically pursues and kills the surviving Jedi and cements his position in the Empire. The novel reveals that Vader plans to eventually overthrow Palpatine and that he betrayed the Jedi because he resented their supposed failure to recognize his power.", "Luke Skywalker In the Hand of Thrawn Duology, Luke, now a Jedi Master, works again with Mara Jade, who has learned to better her Force knowledge since her training at Luke's Jedi Academy. He falls in love with her and they eventually marry. Later, in Edge of Victory: Rebirth, they have a son whom they name Ben after Obi-Wan Kenobi's pseudonym Ben.", "Nightwatchman (cricket) However the nightwatchman's effort is not considered to be wasted, nor is he expected to play foolishly; otherwise he would not last very long. The role of nightwatchman is generally given to players who emphasise defensive technique over quick run-scoring. However, there have been occasions when nightwatchmen have made a big score, and six have made centuries in test matches. Generally speaking, the nightwatchman plays conservatively on the night, but the next day may be allowed a freer role to score runs." ]
what happened to the brother in the accountant
[ "The Accountant (2016 film) Chris goes to Lamar's mansion, where the hitman and his men await. During the battle, the hitman recognizes Chris repeating the nursery rhyme and reveals that he is Chris's brother Braxton; they have not seen each other since Chris's imprisonment. Braxton attacks Chris, as he is both resentful over his brother's estrangement from him and blames him for their father's death. During a pause in their fight Lamar arrogantly interrupts; Chris shoots him, ending the battle. Chris amicably agrees to meet Braxton in a week, saying he will find him." ]
[ "What's Happening!! The show was syndicated on many local channels (with all 66 episodes of sequel series What's Happening Now!! joining the syndication package in the fall of 1988 to total 131 episodes) and continued in an on-again, off-again manner until 2009.", "What's Happening!! On August 27, 2013, it was announced that Mill Creek Entertainment had acquired the rights to various television series from the Sony Pictures library including What's Happening!![8] On September 2, 2014 they re-released the first two seasons on DVD.[9]", "What's Happening Now!! What's Happening Now!! is an American sitcom sequel to the original \nABC 1976–79 sitcom What's Happening!! focusing on its main characters as adults. It aired in first-run broadcast syndication from September 7, 1985, to March 26, 1988, and, like the previous series, What's Happening Now!! is loosely based on the motion picture Cooley High (written by Eric Monte and directed by Michael Schultz).", "What Happens in Vegas What Happens in Vegas is a 2008 American comedy film directed by Tom Vaughan, written by Dana Fox and starring Cameron Diaz and Ashton Kutcher. The title is based on the Las Vegas marketing catchphrase \"What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.\"", "What's Happening!! Dwayne Clemens Nelson (Haywood Nelson) is the youngest member of the trio. Dwayne has an unassuming, good-natured demeanor and suffers from debilitating shyness and acute fear of the dark. While Rerun attempts to enter dance contests and Roger aggressively pursues his dream of becoming a famous writer, Dwayne's plotlines often deal with his problems with girls, bullies, and uncertain future. Dwayne's character is well known for his greeting, \"Hey, hey, hey!\" (with an emphasis on the second \"hey\"). His other trademark catchphrase is when he utters \"Uh-Uhn\" when he denies or refuses something. Dwayne is the only character who appears in every episode of What's Happening!!", "What Happens in Vegas What Happens in Vegas received generally negative reviews from critics. On Rotten Tomatoes the film has a rating of 27%, based on 130 reviews, with an average rating of 4.5/10. The site's critical consensus reads, \"What Happens in Vegas has a few laughs, but mostly settles for derivative romantic comedy conventions and receives little help from a pair of unlikable leads.\"[6] On Metacritic the film has a score of 36 out of 100, based on 31 critics, indicating \"generally unfavorable reviews\".[7]", "A Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies It is important to look at A Short Account as an important observation of what was happening to the indigenous people at the hands of the Spanish conquistadors, instead of only looking at it as an example of rhetoric or propaganda.", "What's Happening Now!! During the third season, the series introduced a pair of characters that harkened back to the original incarnation of What's Happening!!. Maurice Warfield (Martin Lawrence) was a teenager who spent his afternoons as a busboy at Rob's under the supervision of Shirley and Raj while his best friend Darryl (Ken Sagoes) hung out with him. Together, they had many misadventures not unlike the original trio of Raj, Dwayne, and Rerun.", "Christopher Marlowe Some biographers, such as Kuriyama[49] and Downie,[50] nevertheless take the inquest to be a true account of what occurred, but in trying to explain what really happened if the account was not true, others have come up with a variety of murder theories.", "What Happens to My Family? What Happens to My Family? (Hangul: 가족끼리 왜 이래; RR: Gajokggiri Wae Irae; lit. What's With This Family?) is a 2014-2015 South Korean television series starring Yoo Dong-geun, Kim Hyun-joo, Kim Sang-kyung, Yoon Park and Park Hyung-sik.[1][2] It aired on KBS2 on Saturdays and Sundays at 19:55 from August 16, 2014 to February 15, 2015.", "What's Happening!! Leon (Henry Robinson) made two appearances as Rob's customer in \"Shirley's a Mother\" and as a strong arm gangster who bets on Rerun's disco dance abilities in \"Disco Dollar Disaster\".", "What's Happening!! Mabel Thomas (Mabel King) is Raj's \"large-and-in-charge\" mother. She is typically the voice of wisdom, and the parental authority over not only Raj and Dee, but Dwayne and Rerun as well. Mabel's ex-husband drifts in and out of her life during the first season. Her role became less important in later episodes until eventually, she disappeared from the show, though her character was never really written out and still mentioned off-screen. Supposedly, King disagreed with the show's concept and direction and decided to leave the show. Her trademark phrase is \"This is true\" when agreeing with something said.", "What's Happening!! During the second season, using the show's first season success as leverage, Fred Berry demanded a higher salary and better studio accommodations for the actors. The accommodations issue eventually led to a full-fledged walkout by Berry and Thomas during the second-season episode \"If I'm Elected\" (leaving Haywood Nelson to carry the entire episode, with Shirley Hemphill stepping in to a much more featured role).[3] The dispute was quickly settled, and both returned the following episode. In addition, Mabel King had a much-reduced role in the series during the second season, largely due to creative differences with the producers (she wanted the Roger and Dee characters to have married parents, rather than divorced). Her character, Mama, was not written out of the show, but rather limited to brief appearances on set (where she would say she was \"leaving for work\" or \"going to the store\"), or mentioned in passing by other characters as being \"at work.\"", "What's Happening!! Detective \"Big Earl\" Barnett (John Welsh) is a police detective who lives in the apartment building Raj and Rerun move into in the third and final season.", "Management accounting Management accountants (also called managerial accountants) look at the events that happen in and around a business while considering the needs of the business. From this, data and estimates emerge. Cost accounting is the process of translating these estimates and data into knowledge that will ultimately be used to guide decision-making.[4]", "Anne Neville There are various accounts of what happened subsequently, including the story that Clarence hid her in a London cookshop, disguised as a servant, so that his brother would not know where she was. Gloucester is said to have tracked her down and escorted her to sanctuary at the Church of St Martin's le Grand.[6] In order to win the final consent of his brother George to the marriage, Richard of Gloucester renounced most of Warwick’s land and property, including the earldoms of Warwick (which the earl had held in his wife’s right) and Salisbury and surrendered to Clarence the office of Great Chamberlain of England.[2]", "My Brother Sam Is Dead My Brother Sam Is Dead (1974) is a young adult historical fiction novel by James Lincoln Collier and Christopher Collier. The book realistically depicts what happened in the American Revolution. It is a Newbery Honor book that was also named an ALA Notable Children's Book and nominated for a National Book Award in 1975. The ALA reports that My Brother Sam is Dead was the twelfth most frequently challenged book in the period from 1990 to 2000,[1] and the 27th most challenged book from 2000 to 2009.[2]", "Liability (financial accounting) When cash is withdrawn from a bank, the opposite happens: the bank \"credits\" its cash account and \"debits\" its deposits account. In this case, the bank is crediting an asset and debiting a liability, which means that both decrease.", "Stream processing This is actually oversimplified. It assumes the instruction vector_sum works. Although this is what happens with instruction intrinsics, much information is actually not taken into account here such as the number of vector components and their data format. This is done for clarity.", "Bede Some historians have questioned the reliability of some of Bede's accounts. One historian, Charlotte Behr, thinks that the Historia's account of the arrival of the Germanic invaders in Kent should not be considered to relate what actually happened, but rather relates myths that were current in Kent during Bede's time.[98]", "What Happens in Vegas Joy gets the promotion she'd been working for, but tells her boss she would rather be happy doing nothing than doing something she hates and being miserable. Jack talks to his parents and they tell him it looks like he and Joy are in love. Realizing his mistake, he goes to find her. Tipper tells Jack that she quit her job and that nobody knows where she is. He has a suspicion that she has gone to a beach (Fire Island, New York) that she told him about, the only place that makes her feel truly happy. Jack asks her to be his wife (again) and she says yes. As the two embrace, Joy says that she quit her job and has no idea what she's going to do. Jack reminds her that they have a lot of money between them. Joy states that they hit the jackpot, to which Jack replies that he certainly did (referring to both the money and to Joy).", "What Is History? In this section of the book Carr talks about causation in history. He believed that everything that happened in this world happened because of cause and effect. Carr holds on to a deterministic outlook in history and firmly believes that events could not have happened differently unless there was a different cause. He called “these so called accounts in history represent a sequence of cause and effect interrupting and so to speak clashing with the Sequence of which the historian is primarily concerned to investigate.”[15] He feels that the main job of a historian is to investigate the reasons/causes as to why events occurred and not to create the events or justify them. He was not a fan of \"what if\" history and he found it pointless because it did not happen. Carr saw accidents in history as impossible and felt that historians should seek rational causes as to why events happened rather than blame them on chance. He gives various examples throughout the book to illustrate his point that everything has a reason. One involves a common man who apparently we are friendly with and he one day acts out, it is because of something else in his life that is influencing him to act out the norm not just chance.", "Account planning The account planner is the bridge between the business side to the creative side of a marketing campaign. On the business side, the planner works with the account manager to understand what the client is looking for and then relate that to what the consumer wants. On the creative side, the planner helps to create an expressive snapshot or a single-minded directional creative brief to lead the way to the drawing board.", "Sklar Brothers The brothers have become a regular staple of Jim Rome's monthly show, Rome on Showtime with a popular segment, titled \"Sklarred for Life\", where Jim Rome tees up the 6-8 craziest stories of the last month that happened in the world of sports, video clips, photos, arrests, and the brothers mercilessly skewer the subjects of those stories in a fast paced joke-ladened segment.", "What Is History? \"Social history is the bedrock. To study the bedrock alone is not enough; and becomes tedious; perhaps this is what happened to Annales. But you can't dispense with it\".[70]", "Chuckle Brothers In February 2014, the Chuckle Brothers attended the trial of Dave Lee Travis. Paul stated that it was a \"complete shock\" that such an attack had occurred in their presence.[45] After giving evidence, the Brothers posed for a selfie outside Southwark Crown Court with Paul tweeting it[46] to thousands of followers on his Twitter account.[47] The Brothers had smiled whilst taking the photograph, and later some deemed their actions as inappropriate.[48]", "Pierre-Simon Laplace In 1884, however, the astronomer Hervé Faye[78][79] affirmed that this account of Laplace's exchange with Napoleon presented a \"strangely transformed\" (étrangement transformée) or garbled version of what had actually happened. It was not God that Laplace had treated as a hypothesis, but merely his intervention at a determinate point:", "What Happens in Vegas Post-credits, Dave is telling Hater about a party that evening, but Hater no longer wants to associate with Dave, citing Jack as being \"the glue\" that held the two of them together as friends. With that, Hater simply leaves. Dave asks a random guy on the street if he likes to party.", "What Happens in Vegas The newlyweds devise more and more cunning schemes to undermine each other, such as Jack telling Joy that their counseling session is canceled to prove she's not committed, and Joy inviting girls to their apartment to try to get Jack to cheat on her, throwing a party where Jack's friend Dave shows up. Jack gives Joy's ex-fiancé, Mason, her engagement ring back without Joy knowing. At Joy's job retreat, Jack and Joy find themselves developing an unexpected attraction to one another, and they soon realize that being with each other has brought out the best in both of them.", "What's Happening Now!! TV One began showing reruns on May 8, 2015, airing twice a week on Friday nights.", "What Happened to Monday Adrian hears about the incident and rushes to the apartment. Thursday takes him hostage and blames him for her sisters' deaths. He is at first confused but claims to love Monday after realizing they are siblings. Thursday convinces Adrian to help by telling him Monday is still alive. Adrian sneaks Thursday into C.A.B. headquarters in a body bag. As she is prepared for disposal, a child undergoes cryosleep. Instead of being frozen, she is incinerated, which Thursday records. After overpowering the guards, Adrian and Thursday rescue Monday. But when they reached her cell, they learn that it's Tuesday. They deduced that it is Monday who has sold them out to Cayman.", "What Happened to Monday Rotten Tomatoes, a review aggregator, reports that 61% of 18 surveyed critics gave the film a positive review; the average rating is 5.8/10.[9] Jessica Kiang of Variety called it a \"ludicrous, violent, amusingly dumb sci-fi actioner\". Kiang said that, although it is full of plot holes and Rapace's characters are thinly characterized, it is likely to become a cult film.[3]", "What's Happening Now!! The show also aired on FamilyNet in reruns, from September 1, 2014.[2]", "What Happens in Vegas In New York City, high-strung equity trader Joy Ellis McNally is dumped by her fiancé at a surprise birthday party she throws for him. At the same time, easy-going carpenter Jack Fuller is fired from his job by his father, Jack, Sr. Both become emotionally distraught and, with best friends Toni \"Tipper\", a bartender, and Jeff \"Hater\", a lawyer, take a debauched trip to Las Vegas.", "What Happens in Vegas The film had its world premiere at the Odeon in Leicester Square, London on April 22, 2008. Twentieth Century Fox held the U.S. premiere on May 1, 2008 at the Mann Village Theatre in Westwood, CA.[2] It opened in wide release in the United States on May 9, 2008.", "What's Happening Now!! BET reran both series from September 20, 1993 to October 27, 1995.", "Brothers of Jesus Other Christian denominations, such as Baptists,[51] view the adelphoi as Jesus' half-brothers or do not specify,[49] since the accounts in the Gospels do not speak of Mary's relationship to them but only to Jesus.[52][53] Certain critical scholars of the Jesus Seminar say that the doctrine of perpetual virginity has obscured recognition that Jesus had full brothers and sisters.[54]", "Siege of Fort William Henry Historians disagree on where to assign responsibility for the Indian actions. Francis Jennings contends that Montcalm anticipated what was going to happen, deliberately ignored it when it did happen, and stepped in only after the atrocities were well under way. In his opinion, the account by Bougainville, who left for Montreal on the night of 9 August and was not present at the massacre, was written as a whitewash to protect Montcalm.[46][47] Parkman is more vigorous in his defence of Montcalm, claiming that he and other French officers did what they could to prevent atrocities, but were powerless to stop the onslaught.[48]", "Management accounting principles In contrast, management accounting principles have been overlooked from both a conceptual and a standards point of view and, for the most part, overshadowed by financial accounting standards. Generally accepted accounting principles applies strictly to financial accounting because it was either the only guidance they had at the time, or did not know what else to do.[5][6]", "Capital account The above definition is the one most widely used in economic literature,[10] in the financial press, by corporate and government analysts (except when they are reporting to the IMF), and by the World Bank. In contrast, what the rest of the world calls the capital account is labelled the \"financial account\" by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), and by the United Nations System of National Accounts (SNA). In the IMF's definition, the capital account represents a small subset of what the standard definition designates the capital account, largely comprising transfers.[11][12][13] Transfers are one-way flows, such as gifts, as opposed to commercial exchanges (i.e., buying/selling and barter). The largest type of transfer between nations is typically foreign aid, but that is mostly recorded in the current account. An exception is debt forgiveness, which in a sense is the transfer of ownership of an asset. When a country receives significant debt forgiveness, that will typically comprise the bulk of its overall IMF capital account entry for that year.", "The Watsons Go to Birmingham – 1963 As soon as they realize that Joetta is safe, the Watsons decide to immediately return home to Flint, trying to avoid explaining the full implications of what has happened to the children. Kenny is unable to process the events in Birmingham and avoids his family and friends over the ensuing weeks, instead spending many hours hiding behind the sofa. Byron eventually coaxes him out and gets Kenny to talk about what happened, which finally brings a flood of tears from Kenny. Encouraging his little brother to \"keep on stepping\", Byron explains that although the world is not perfect, he has to keep moving on.", "Joseph (Genesis) After their father died, the brothers of Joseph feared retribution for being responsible for Joseph’s deliverance into Egypt as a slave. Joseph wept as they spoke and told them that what had happened was God’s purpose to save lives and the lives of his family. He comforted them and their ties were reconciled. (Genesis 50:15-21)", "Current account If an economy is running a current account deficit, it is absorbing (absorption = domestic consumption + investment + government spending) more than that it is producing. This can only happen if some other economies are lending their savings to it (in the form of debt to or direct/ portfolio investment in the economy) or the economy is running down its foreign assets such as official foreign currency reserve.", "After-action review An after action review (AAR) is a structured review or de-brief (debriefing) process for analyzing what happened, why it happened, and how it can be done better by the participants and those responsible for the project or event. After-action reviews in the formal sense were originally developed by the U.S. Army. Formal AARs are used by all US military services and by many other non-US organizations. Their use has extended to business as a knowledge management tool and a way to build a culture of accountability.", "Acts of the Apostles Luke was written to be read aloud to a group of Jesus-followers gathered in a house to share the Lord's supper.[17] The author assumes an educated Greek-speaking audience, but directs his attention to specifically Christian concerns rather than to the Greco-Roman world at large.[25] He begins his gospel with a preface addressed to Theophilus, informing him of his intention to provide an \"ordered account\" of events which will lead his reader to \"certainty\".[12] He did not write in order to provide Theophilus with historical justification—\"did it happen?\"—but to encourage faith—\"what happened, and what does it all mean?\"[26]", "I Didn't Do It (TV series) The series follows brother-sister twins, Lindy and Logan Watson, and their three best friends, Jasmine, Garrett, and Delia, as they begin their freshman year of high school at Ditka High. Each episode in the first season began with a comedic \"what just happened\" situation followed by the story being told in flashbacks. This concept was abandoned in the second season.", "The Truth About Jane Jane's brother tells his close classmate in class about Jane and Taylor, who happens to be the younger brother of one of Jane's former friends whom she stopped seeing in order to see Taylor more. As a result, one night after dinner, Janice gets an anonymous phone call from someone asking if she knows her daughter is a lesbian. Not knowing what to do, Jane's parents confront her about it and ask if it's true. Fearing that her parents will hate her, Jane lies and claims that she and Taylor were just practicing, which is what her father already assumed they were doing.", "Brunei The local Brunei accounts[36] differ greatly from the generally accepted view of events. What was called the Castilian War was seen as a heroic episode, with the Spaniards being driven out by Bendahara Sakam, purportedly a brother of the ruling sultan, and a thousand native warriors. Most historians consider this to be a folk-hero account, which probably developed decades or centuries after.[37] The country suffered a civil war from 1660 to 1673.", "Tale of Two Brothers Because of the Egyptian location wherein the scene is staged, it is not impossible to detect in the biblical account of Joseph and Potiphar's wife a more recent echo of the very old Egyptian fable of the two brothers Bata and Anpu.[10][11][not in citation given]", "Accounting Professional accounting bodies include the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) and the other 179 members of the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC),[40] including CPA Australia, Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) and Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW). Professional bodies for subfields of the accounting professions also exist, for example the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA).[41] Many of these professional bodies offer education and training including qualification and administration for various accounting designations, such as certified public accountant and chartered accountant.[42][43]", "Accounting Accounting has several subfields or subject areas, including financial accounting, management accounting, auditing, taxation and accounting information systems.[6]", "Kray twins This event started turning many people against the Krays, and some were prepared to testify to Scotland Yard as to what had happened, fearing that what happened to McVitie could easily happen to them. Leonard \"Nipper\" Read reopened his case against them.[citation needed]", "Berlin Blockade Berlin quickly became the focal point of both US and Soviet efforts to re-align Europe to their respective visions. As Soviet Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov noted, \"What happens to Berlin, happens to Germany; what happens to Germany, happens to Europe.\"[15] Berlin had suffered enormous damage; its prewar population of 4.3 million people was reduced to 2.8 million.", "Accounting Accounting or accountancy is the measurement, processing, and communication of financial information about economic entities[1][2] such as businesses and corporations. The modern field was established by the Italian mathematician Luca Pacioli in 1494.[3] Accounting, which has been called the \"language of business\",[4] measures the results of an organization's economic activities and conveys this information to a variety of users, including investors, creditors, management, and regulators.[5] Practitioners of accounting are known as accountants. The terms \"accounting\" and \"financial reporting\" are often used as synonyms.", "Siege of Chittorgarh (1303) Accounts vary about what happened to Ratnasimha, the ruler of Chittor. The early Muslim chroniclers such as Amir Khusrau, Ziauddin Barani and Isami, state that the unnamed ruler (\"Rai\") of Chittor surrendered to Alauddin, and was pardoned.[9][10] The Jain writer Kakka Suri (1336) states that Alauddin took away his wealth, and \"made him move like a monkey from one city to another\".[11]", "Accounting Accounting has variously been defined as the keeping or preparation of the financial records of an entity, the analysis, verification and reporting of such records and \"the principles and procedures of accounting\"; it also refers to the job of being an accountant.[26][27][28]", "Accounting Double-entry bookkeeping was pioneered in the Jewish community of the early-medieval Middle East,[17][18] and subsequently developed in medieval Europe,[19] and accounting split into financial accounting and management accounting with the development of joint-stock companies. The first work on a double-entry bookkeeping system was published in Italy, by Luca Pacioli.[20] Accounting began to transition into an organized profession in the nineteenth century,[21] with local professional bodies in England merging to form the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales in 1880.[22]", "Accounting Organizations in individual countries may issue accounting standards unique to the countries. For example, in the United States the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) issues the Statements of Financial Accounting Standards, which form the basis of US GAAP,[1] and in the United Kingdom the Financial Reporting Council (FRC) sets accounting standards.[49] However, as of 2012 \"all major economies\" have plans to converge towards or adopt the IFRS.[10]", "Plot (narrative) In this phase the protagonist and antagonist have solved their problems and either the protagonist or antagonist wins the conflict. The conflict officially ends. Some stories show what happens to the characters after the conflict ends and/or they show what happens to the characters in the future.", "What Were Once Vices Are Now Habits What Were Once Vices Are Now Habits is the fourth studio album by American rock band The Doobie Brothers, released in 1974.", "Accounting This branch of accounting is also studied as part of the board exams for qualifying as an actuary. It is interesting to note that these two professionals, accountants and actuaries, have created a culture of being archrivals.", "Accounting Empirical studies document that leading accounting journals publish in total fewer research articles than comparable journals in economics and other business disciplines[61], and consequently, accounting scholars are relatively less successful in academic publishing than their business school peers.[62] Due to different publication rates between accounting and other business disciplines, a recent study based on academic author rankings concludes that the competitive value of a single publication in a top-ranked journal is highest in accounting and lowest in marketing.[63]", "PricewaterhouseCoopers In 1854 William Cooper founded an accountancy practice in London, which became Cooper Brothers seven years later when his three brothers joined.[1]", "Brother, Can You Spare Two Dimes? Several critics have praised DeVito's appearance. DVD Movie Guide's Colin Jacobson said he enjoyed seeing what happened to Herb, \"and DeVito's performance helps make the show more successful; they really need to bring him back one of these days.\"[19] Tom Adair of The Scotsman considers \"Brother, Can You Spare Two Dimes?\" to be a classic episode of the show, in part because of DeVito's performance.[20] Gibron also liked the choice of DeVito as the voice of Herb as he is \"almost the antithesis of everything Dan Castellaneta does with Homer vocally.\"[18] Ditum ranked DeVito's performance as the tenth best guest appearance in the show's history.[21]", "Baseband The figure shows what happens with AM modulation:", "Made in America (The Sopranos) This wasn't really about \"leaving the door open.\" There was nothing definite about what happened, but there was a clean trend on view—a definite sense of what Tony and Carmela's future looks like. Whether it happened that night or some other night doesn't matter.", "What Happens to My Family? As part of his scheme Soon-bong takes his children to court, since he has received none of the filial piety that he is due; he asks instead for a cash sum that none of them can pay. The children settle instead for granting their father seven requests. As these requests are fulfilled they each in turn comes to realize the reason for their father's bizarre behavior. To make him happy, all that the children have left is to set right their own lives.", "What Happens to My Family? The drama aired with English subtitles on KBS World two weeks after its initial broadcast in Korea.", "Accounting Financial accounting focuses on the reporting of an organization's financial information to external users of the information, such as investors, potential investors and creditors. It calculates and records business transactions and prepares financial statements for the external users in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP).[7] GAAP, in turn, arises from the wide agreement between accounting theory and practice, and change over time to meet the needs of decision-makers.[1]", "Maus Art asks after Anja's diaries, which Vladek tells him were her account of her Holocaust experiences and the only record of what happened to her after her separation from Vladek at Auschwitz, and which Vladek says she had wanted Art to read. Vladek comes to admit that he burned them after she killed herself. Art is enraged, and calls Vladek a \"murderer\".[17]", "Brother vs. Brother Brother vs. Brother may refer to:", "Battle of Hürtgen Forest The abstract of a U.S. report describes what happened:[15]", "Accounting Accounting firms grew in the United States and Europe in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, and through several mergers there were large international accounting firms by the mid-twentieth century. Further large mergers in the late twentieth century led to the dominance of the auditing market by the \"Big Five\" accounting firms: Arthur Andersen, Deloitte, Ernst & Young, KPMG and PricewaterhouseCoopers.[44] The demise of Arthur Andersen following the Enron scandal reduced the Big Five to the Big Four.[45]", "Wyatt Earp This incident arose after Earp learned that one of his prize horses, stolen more than a year before, was in the possession of Ike Clanton and his brother Billy. Earp and Holliday rode to the Clanton ranch near Charleston to recover the horse. On the way, they overtook Behan, who was riding in a wagon. Behan was also heading to the ranch to serve an election-hearing subpoena on Ike Clanton.[78] Accounts differ as to what happened next. Earp later testified that when he arrived at the Clanton ranch, Billy Clanton gave up the horse even before being presented with ownership papers. According to Behan's testimony, however, Earp had told the Clantons that Behan was on his way to arrest them for horse theft. After the incident, which embarrassed both the Clantons and Behan, Behan testified that he did not want to work with Earp and chose Woods instead.[78]", "Baltic Sea The lands on the Baltic's eastern shore were among the last in Europe to be converted to Christianity. This finally happened during the Northern Crusades: Finland in the twelfth century by Swedes, and what are now Estonia and Latvia in the early thirteenth century by Danes and Germans (Livonian Brothers of the Sword). The Teutonic Order gained control over parts of the southern and eastern shore of the Baltic Sea, where they set up their monastic state. Lithuania was the last European state to convert to Christianity.", "Debits and credits Whether a debit increases or decreases an account depends on what kind of account it is. For instance, an increase in an asset account is a debit. An increase in a liability or an equity account is a credit.", "Accounting Accounting research is carried out both by academic researchers and practicing accountants. Methodologies in academic accounting research can be classified into archival research, which examines \"objective data collected from repositories\"; experimental research, which examines data \"the researcher gathered by administering treatments to subjects\"; and analytical research, which is \"based on the act of formally modeling theories or substantiating ideas in mathematical terms\". This classification is not exhaustive; other possible methodologies include the use of case studies, computer simulations and field research.[60]", "Brothers (The Black Keys album) The group found their time at Muscle Shoals to be productive and inspirational, as they recorded all day in \"a kind of focused frenzy\" with a sense of immediacy.[5][9] Neill recalled, \"Things were happening that were very, very transcendent, as soon as they began playing. First few takes, we literally couldn't believe what we were hearing. Dan and Pat were kind of looking at each other saying, 'That doesn't even sound like us.' Seriously.\"[5] Much of the songs crafted were based on \"idea fragments\" that had been cut beforehand as demos at both Neill's and Auerbach's studios, but eventually evolved into entirely different creations as the sessions progressed.[5] The band recorded 10 of the 15 tracks on Brothers in their 10 days at the studio.[5][9]", "Lorien Legacies He goes to paradise and hugs Malcolm which brings back memories of Henri. He ruminates on tracking Mark James' father to tell him what really happened. Finally he steps on Sarah's doorstep still unable to tell her parents what happened.", "A Fox, a Rabbit, and a Cabbage In a Las Vegas casino bar, Malvo sits at a table talking to Burt, Louise, and Jemma as Lester Nygaard watches from the bar. Burt tells Mike they will meet his brother tomorrow, but they can't bring phones. Before Malvo can ask who is after his brother, Lester walks up to him and taps him on the shoulder. Malvo pretends not to recognize him, despite Lester's attempts to explain what happened in Minnesota last year. Malvo tells Burt that he has never met this man and suggests that they leave. As they get up from the table, Malvo quietly tells Lester, \"Walk away.\"", "What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? (1962 film) On review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes the film holds an approval rating of 92% based on 48 reviews. The site's critical consensus reads, \"What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? combines powerhouse acting, rich atmosphere, and absorbing melodrama in service of a taut thriller with thought-provoking subtext.\"[17]\nIn his review in The New York Times, Bosley Crowther observed, \"[Davis and Crawford] do get off some amusing and eventually blood-chilling displays of screaming sororal hatred and general monstrousness ... The feeble attempts that Mr. Aldrich has made to suggest the irony of two once idolized and wealthy females living in such depravity, and the pathos of their deep-seated envy having brought them to this, wash out very quickly under the flood of sheer grotesquerie.\"[18]", "Susanna Dickinson Illiterate, Susanna left no written accounts of what happened in the Alamo, but did give several similar oral accounts. She remarried soon afterward to a man named Williams, in 1837, but they divorced almost immediately afterward on the grounds of cruelty. She married a third time in 1838 to a man named Herring, but he died of alcoholism. She married a fourth time in 1847, to a man named Bellows, but they divorced in 1857, allegedly due to her having an affair. In 1858 she married a fifth and final time to a man named J. W. Hannig, a cabinet maker, and with whom she remained for the rest of her life.", "Ain't No Sunshine The Boris Gardiner Happening recorded a version of \"Ain't No Sunshine\" in 1973 with Paul Douglas singing lead, and Boris Gardiner playing bass guitar, for the album Is What's Happening.[10]", "England–Scotland football rivalry The 1977 match is memorable less for what happened during the game itself as for what happened on the park after the game. The Scottish fans invaded the pitch, ripping up large sections of it and tearing down the goalposts.[27] This incident contributed towards the growing awareness of football hooliganism in the United Kingdom.", "The Finale (Everybody Loves Raymond) A few moments after Marie leaves, a nurse enters the waiting room and asks for Debra. Debra asks how the procedure went and the nurse, after asking whether Ray had any medical conditions that he did not disclose, states that they are having trouble bringing Ray out of the anesthesia. Debra starts to cry and the rest of the family (minus Marie who is in the bathroom) comes over. Debra tells them what the nurse said and everyone begins to panic. Robert attempts to rush to the operating table, telling the nurse that he and Ray are the same blood type and that he can wake his brother up. Just before he walks through the door, the doctor emerges and says that everything is fine and that it occasionally happens due to hypertension. Everyone is relieved and agrees that they can't tell Ray or Marie about what happened.", "Historian The process of historical analysis involves investigation and analysis of competing ideas, facts, and purported facts to create coherent narratives that explain \"what happened\" and \"why or how it happened\". Modern historical analysis usually draws upon other social sciences, including economics, sociology, politics, psychology, anthropology, philosophy, and linguistics. While ancient writers do not normally share modern historical practices, their work remains valuable for its insights within the cultural context of the times. An important part of the contribution of many modern historians is the verification or dismissal of earlier historical accounts through reviewing newly discovered sources and recent scholarship or through parallel disciplines like archaeology.", "Turing's proof Now, what happens when we apply E to G itself?", "Talk:Naturopathy/Archive 5 Paints a very good picture of what is happening here. Information suppression", "Fight Club (novel) Palahniuk once had an altercation while camping,[6] and though he returned to work bruised and swollen, his co-workers avoided asking him what had happened on the camping trip. Their reluctance to know what happened in his private life inspired him to write Fight Club.", "List of Brothers Conflict episodes As the family trip is cancelled due to everyone's busy schedule, Kaname invites every one to his buddha club event in which he is the host. Everyone agrees and Natsume, Ema, Ukyo, Masaomi, Azusa, Futo and Wataru go on a trip as rest of the brothers are busy. On their way, Hikaru asks Ema if anything happened in Natsume's apartment, which startles Natsume of them and Natsume tells nothing happened as they are siblings and Ema agrees. He then asks if anything happened in the hospital, Azusa is shocked and tells nothing happened on which Natsume looks him suspiciously. At the festival, Wataru asks Ema to show him around, where they see Futo's concert and later a guy named Chiaki who is friend of Kaname meets Ema, and asks her if she is a follower then Kaname comes and tells him they are siblings. Another monk named Yuusei comes and tells them to go back to customers or they yell on them. Yuusei tells Ema that family love is true love and that will keep them together in conflict. During dinner, Ema admits to all she wants to be more like family at which all agree or rather so. That night, Kaname thanks Ema for coming. Futo goes to Ema's room while she is sleeping and tries to rape her but stops and says he can't see her as family as he loves her. On their way home the brothers take Ema to visit the graves of her birth parents and she thanks them for having her.", "Höðr This account seems to fit well with the information in the Prose Edda, but here the role of Baldr's avenging brother is emphasized.", "Loituma Girl I first found out there was something going on when I looked at the statistics of my own web page and then I realized that something weird is happening because there is such a huge traffic there. And most of the traffic came from Russia and then I started to track down what is happening and then I found this video. And well, I have no idea what this video is about, and what this girl is about.", "Judgement (afterlife) A central theme of many religions is what happens to people upon death. Almost all religions are greatly devoted to the afterlife, emphasizing that what you do in your current life affects what happens to you in the afterlife. This usually takes the form of judgement by a deity, in which ones deeds and characteristics in life determine either punishment or reward (when one has been mostly good).", "The Real Housewives of New York City (season 7) Following the final episode of the season, \"Secrets Revealed\", a special was aired on Watch What Happens Live tiled \"100th Episode Watch What Happens Live Special\".[15] The special was hosted by Andy Cohen with many housewives, past and present, returning to discuss the series, the drama that occurred and how it affected their lives.[16] Jill Zarin declined to participate in the special, but appeared on her own during an episode of Watch What Happens Live the following month in October, 2015. Zarin was shown footage of the special and spoke on her feud with Frankel.[17]", "Shall and will Thus would and should can be used with \"future-in-the-past\" meaning, to express what was expected to happen, or what in fact did happen, after some past time of reference. The use of should here (like that of shall as a plain future marker) is much less common and is generally confined to the first person. Examples:", "Mark E. Brown The company R&R Partners, is best known for creating the advertising campaign slogan \"What Happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas\" for the City of Las Vegas.[2][3] Its \"What happens here\" slogan is not new, see What happens on tour, stays on tour, yet the campaign brought Las Vegas a record-breaking 37.4 million visitors in 2004. Since then the phrase has been used by many celebrities. Gambling fan Ben Affleck used it on Saturday Night Live. Billy Crystal used it to close the 2004 Oscars. It has been a clue on Wheel of Fortune. In 2004 on The Tonight Show when Jay Leno asked Laura Bush whether she had gambled or had seen a Chippendales show while visiting the Las Vegas Strip, the then First Lady got a big hand by replying, \"Jay, what happened in Vegas, stays in Vegas.\"[6] In later years the phrase was used as the title for a 2008 movie 'What Happens in Vegas' starring Cameron Diaz and Ashton Kutcher. It has also been used in the 2009 blockbuster hit The Hangover.", "Personal account A personal account is an account for use by an individual for that person's own needs. It is a relative term to differentiate them from those accounts for corporate or business use. The term \"personal account\" may be used generically for financial accounts at banks and for service accounts such as accounts with the phone company, or even for email accounts.", "Marx Brothers The act slowly evolved from singing with comedy to comedy with music. The brothers' sketch \"Fun in Hi Skule\" featured Groucho as a German-accented teacher presiding over a classroom that included students Harpo, Gummo, and Chico. The last version of the school act was titled Home Again and was written by their uncle Al Shean. The Home Again tour reached Flint, Michigan in 1915, where 14-year-old Zeppo joined his four brothers for what is believed to be the only time that all five Marx Brothers appeared together on stage.[25] Gummo then left to serve in World War I, reasoning that \"anything is better than being an actor!\"[26] Zeppo replaced him in their final vaudeville years and in the jump to Broadway, and then to Paramount films.", "Accounting In addition to being the largest bankruptcy reorganization in American history, the Enron scandal undoubtedly is the biggest audit failure.[65] It involved a financial scandal of Enron Corporation and their auditors Arthur Andersen, which was revealed in late 2001. The scandal caused the dissolution of Arthur Andersen, which at the time was one of the five largest accounting firms in the world. After a series of revelations involving irregular accounting procedures conducted throughout the 1990s, Enron filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in December 2001.[66]", "Nathaniel Taylor (actor) Nathaniel Taylor (born March 31, 1938) is an American television actor, best known for his recurring role as Rollo Lawson in the 1970s sitcom Sanford and Son, a role he later reprised on its 1980-1981 spin-off Sanford. He later played the first version of Jim-Jam with Redd Foxx on the 1986 series The Redd Foxx Show. Later, he played Rerun's (Fred Berry) brother-in-law Ike in the sitcom What's Happening!!." ]
when were the winnie the pooh books written
[ "Winnie-the-Pooh The first collection of stories about the character was the book Winnie-the-Pooh (1926), and this was followed by The House at Pooh Corner (1928). Milne also included a poem about the bear in the children's verse book When We Were Very Young (1924) and many more in Now We Are Six (1927). All four volumes were illustrated by E. H. Shepard." ]
[ "Winnie-the-Pooh (book) The book Winnie-the-Pooh is the first in a series of books published in the 1920s about Winnie the Pooh and friends. These books were themselves adapted from a collection of stories penned by Milne and originally published in Punch, St. Nicholas Magazine, Vanity Fair and others, prior to publication in book form. A variety of famous illustrators were hired by the magazines to decorate Milne's text including J. H. Dowd, Reginald Birch, E. H. Shepard, A. H. Watson and others. According to a 1998 article published in the Queens Quarterly (105/4), by Ross Kilpatrick entitled \"Winnie the Pooh and the Canadian Connection\", the first chapter of Milne's book entitled \"Winnie-the-Pooh\", was adapted by Milne from \"Teddy Bear's Bee Tree\", by Canadian author Charles G. D. Roberts. Following Disney's licensing of certain rights to Pooh from Stephen Slesinger and the A.A. Milne Estate in the 1960s, the Milne story lines were used by Disney in its cartoon featurette Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree. The \"look\" of Pooh was adapted by Disney from Stephen Slesinger's distinctive American Pooh with his famous red shirt that had been created and used in commerce by Slesinger since the 1930s.", "Winnie-the-Pooh (book) Winnie-the-Pooh (1926) is the first volume of stories about Winnie-the-Pooh, by A. A. Milne. It is followed by The House at Pooh Corner. The book focuses on the adventures of a teddy bear called Winnie-the-Pooh and his friends Piglet, a small toy pig; Eeyore, a toy donkey; Owl, a live owl; and Rabbit, a live rabbit. The characters of Kanga, a toy kangaroo, and her son Roo are introduced later in the book, in the chapter entitled \"In Which Kanga and Baby Roo Come to the Forest and Piglet has a Bath\". The bouncy toy-tiger character of Tigger is not introduced until the sequel, The House at Pooh Corner.", "Gopher (Winnie-the-Pooh) Gopher's most recent appearances were in A Winnie the Pooh Thanksgiving and Winnie the Pooh: A Valentine for You. He also made minor appearances in A Very Merry Pooh Year and appeared in Boo to You Too! Winnie the Pooh, which was included as part of Pooh's Heffalump Halloween Movie. To date, this is Gopher's last appearance in the Winnie the Pooh media line.", "Winnie-the-Pooh Magical World of Winnie the Pooh (Note: These are episodes from The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh)", "Winnie-the-Pooh (book) Winnie-the-Pooh was shortly followed by The House at Pooh Corner, also by Milne.", "Gopher (Winnie-the-Pooh) Gopher is a fictional grey anthropomorphic gopher, character who first appeared in the 1966 Disney animated film Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree, introducing himself as Samuel J. Gopher. He has a habit of whistling out his sibilant consonants, one of various traits he has in common with the beaver in Lady and the Tramp, by whom he may have been inspired. While he never made appearances in any episodes of Welcome to Pooh Corner, Gopher was fleshed out a bit further in the television series The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh. He is portrayed as generally hard-working, especially in his tunnels (which he inevitably falls into at least once). He does not appear in the original books Winnie the Pooh and The House at Pooh Corner by A. A. Milne until 1966 (a fact that is regularly pointed out in Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree, when he breaks the fourth wall by saying he's \"not in the book, y'know\", also trying to say that he would not be in a phone book). Gopher's voice was originally done by Howard Morris, who retired from the role and was replaced by Michael Gough.", "Piglet (Winnie-the-Pooh) Piglet is a fictional character from A. A. Milne's Winnie‑the‑Pooh books. Piglet is Winnie‑the‑Pooh's closest friend amongst all the toys and animals featured in the stories. Although he is a \"Very Small Animal\" of a generally timid disposition, he tries to be brave and on occasion conquers his fears.", "List of Winnie-the-Pooh characters This is a list of characters appearing in the Winnie-the-Pooh books and the Disney adaptations of the series.", "Piglet (Winnie-the-Pooh) Piglet was originally omitted by Disney in the first Pooh film, Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree (1966). According to the film's director, Wolfgang Reitherman, Piglet was replaced by Gopher, which was thought to have a more \"folksy, all-American, grass-roots image\".[2] Many familiar with the classic Milne books protested Disney's decision to exclude Piglet, and Disney relented. Piglet appeared in the next Pooh film, Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day (1968).", "List of Winnie-the-Pooh characters The storyteller who speaks off-screen. Sometimes the characters, who are aware that they are in a book, speak with him while facing him. They sometimes affectionately call him \"Mr. Narrator\". He sometimes uses his position to help the characters, since he can manipulate the book and pages. Some stories, such as Pooh's Grand Adventure: The Search for Christopher Robin have a narrator, but omit the \"book\" feature, so the characters are unaware of him. Welcome to Pooh Corner is the only time when viewers actually see his face. He does not appear at all in The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, Piglet's Big Movie and Pooh's Heffalump Movie (in Pooh's Heffalump Movie, Pooh is the narrator). He is the only Disney-only character who returns for Winnie the Pooh. Typically, he speaks with a Southern English Accent.", "Winnie-the-Pooh In music, Kenny Loggins wrote the song \"House at Pooh Corner\", which was originally recorded by the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band.[49] Loggins later rewrote the song as \"Return to Pooh Corner\", featuring on the album of the same name in 1991. In Italy, a pop band took their name from Winnie, and were titled Pooh. In Estonia there is a punk/metal band called Winny Puhh.", "Rabbit (Winnie-the-Pooh) The first appearance of Rabbit is in chapter II in the Winnie-the-Pooh book by A. A. Milne. He also appears in chapters VII, VIII, IX and X of that book, as well as in chapters III, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, and X in The House at Pooh Corner.", "Winnie the Pooh (Disney character) Disney's Pooh was originally voiced by Sterling Holloway (1966–1977) in three featurettes that were later used as segments in The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (1977). Hal Smith (1980–1987) took over for the 1981 short Winnie the Pooh Discovers the Seasons, and would maintain the role until Jim Cummings (1988–present) began voicing Pooh in the animated series The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (1988–1991). Cummings continues to voice Pooh (as well as Tigger) to this day.", "The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (attraction) The ride vehicles go out of the load area, and arrive near a giant story-book showing Winnie the Pooh and Christopher Robin. The vehicles arrive in the Hundred Acre Wood during a rather blustery day (thus placing the events of the ride at Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day, instead of Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree, which is considered the beginning of The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh), with Piglet holding onto a broom while being spun around. Pooh is holding onto a balloon while trying to reach for some honey, while Eeyore patronizes him. Meanwhile, Roo begins to be blown away as Kanga holds onto him.", "Winnie-the-Pooh Since 1966, Disney has released numerous animated productions starring Winnie the Pooh and related characters. These have included theatrical featurettes, television series, and direct-to-video films, as well as the theatrical feature-length films The Tigger Movie, Piglet's Big Movie, Pooh's Heffalump Movie, and Winnie the Pooh.", "Rabbit (Winnie-the-Pooh) Ken Sansom replaced Ryan beginning with The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh and is to date Rabbit's longest-running portrayer, having continued the voice up to and including My Friends Tigger and Pooh.[1] Tom Kenny most recently provided the voice for the 2011 film, Winnie the Pooh. Peter Capaldi will voice Rabbit in Christopher Robin, the live-action adaptation of Winnie the Pooh franchise.", "List of Winnie-the-Pooh characters Gopher is a much more prominent character in The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh. The series depicts him as a hard worker who takes pride in building tunnels and doing other work, and enjoys blowing things up with dynamite. Gopher and Rabbit often disagree with and complain at each other. In the episode \"Lights Out\", he is afraid of the dark (mostly instigated by Tigger's claims of dangerous creatures living within his dark tunnels). His grandfather also appears. Gopher's most recent appearances were in A Winnie the Pooh Thanksgiving, Winnie the Pooh: A Valentine for You and Boo to You Too! Winnie the Pooh. The latter was included as part of Pooh's Heffalump Halloween Movie. Gopher was notably absent from the 2011 film.[2]", "Winnie the Pooh (Disney character) Pooh has his own spell card known as \"Winnie the Pooh's Honey Bees\" in the attraction Sorcerers of the Magic Kingdom. Pooh also has his own show in Disneyland Paris known as Winnie the Pooh and Friends, too! In the same park, Pooh takes part in Disney Magic on Parade, on his own float.", "Winnie-the-Pooh Christopher Milne had named his toy bear after Winnie, a Canadian black bear he often saw at London Zoo, and \"Pooh\", a swan they had met while on holiday. The bear cub was purchased from a hunter for $20 by Canadian Lieutenant Harry Colebourn in White River, Ontario, Canada, while en route to England during the First World War.[5] He named the bear \"Winnie\" after his adopted hometown in Winnipeg, Manitoba. \"Winnie\" was surreptitiously brought to England with her owner, and gained unofficial recognition as The Fort Garry Horse regimental mascot. Colebourn left Winnie at the London Zoo while he and his unit were in France; after the war she was officially donated to the zoo, as she had become a much loved attraction there.[6] Pooh the swan appears as a character in its own right in When We Were Very Young.", "Winnie-the-Pooh These features integrate stories from The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh and/or holiday specials with new footage.", "Winnie-the-Pooh The American writer William Safire surmised that the Milnes' invention of the name \"Winnie the Pooh\" may have also been influenced by the haughty character Pooh-Bah in Gilbert and Sullivan's The Mikado (1885).[7]", "Winnie-the-Pooh The Pooh stories have been translated into many languages, including Alexander Lenard's Latin translation, Winnie ille Pu, which was first published in 1958, and, in 1960, became the only Latin book ever to have been featured on The New York Times Best Seller list.[1]", "List of Winnie-the-Pooh characters Gopher is a fictional gray anthropomorphic bucktoothed gopher with a habit of whistling out his sibilant consonants. He is based on the beaver in Lady and the Tramp. He often accidentally falls into one of the many holes he makes in the forest ground by forgetting to watch where he is going. Gopher first appears in Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree and regularly breaks the fourth wall by pointing out that he is \"not in the book\", although this simply means that he is 'not in the Phone Book', and the purpose of his statement being to get better business. Originally, he was intended to replace Piglet, but he later became his own character. He also appears in Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day with a smaller role, warning Pooh about the \"Windsday\".", "Golden age of American animation On December 15, 1966, Walt Disney died of lung cancer. The last two films he was involved in was The Jungle Book and The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, since one of the shorts Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree was released during his lifetime, and he was involved in the production of Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day. The Jungle Book was released a year after his death and Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day released two years later, while The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh was released in 1977. Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day also won the 1968 Academy Award for Animated Short Film. After Walt Disney's death, the animated films produced by the Disney company were only moderately successful.[clarification needed] The animation department did not fully recover until the late 1980s and early 1990s with the Disney Renaissance.", "Winnie-the-Pooh In 1979 a double audio cassette set of \"Winnie the Pooh\" was produced featuring British actor Lionel Jeffries reading all characters in the stories. This was followed in 1981 by an audio cassette set of stories from \"House at Pooh Corner\" also read by Lionel Jeffries.[35]", "List of Winnie-the-Pooh characters A Woozle is a weasel-like monster imagined by the characters in the third and ninth chapters of Winnie-the-Pooh. No Woozles actually appear in A. A. Milne's original stories, but the book depicts them as living in cold, snowy places. They are first mentioned when Pooh and Piglet attempt to capture one, which they assume made the tracks in the snow going around a larch spinney. The more they follow them, the more sets of tracks they find, but Christopher Robin shows them that the tracks around the spinney are their own.", "Winnie-the-Pooh (book) The Best Bear in All The World, by Paul Bright, Jeanne Willis, Kate Saunders and Brian Sibley is the second official post-Milne Pooh book, published by Egmont on 6 October 2016.[4] The four different authors have written four short stories around the four seasons of Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall, and the book is again illustrated by Mark Burgess.", "Winnie-the-Pooh The landscapes depicted in E. H. Shepard's illustrations for the Winnie-the-Pooh books were directly inspired by the distinctive landscape of Ashdown Forest, with its high, open heathlands of heather, gorse, bracken and silver birch punctuated by hilltop clumps of pine trees. Many of Shepard's illustrations can be matched to actual views, allowing for a degree of artistic licence. Shepard's sketches of pine trees and other forest scenes are held at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London.[11]", "E. H. Shepard Shepard was recommended to A. A. Milne in 1923 by another Punch staffer, E. V. Lucas. Milne initially thought Shepard's style was not what he wanted, but used him to illustrate the book of poems When We Were Very Young. Happy with the results, Milne then insisted Shepard illustrate Winnie-the-Pooh. Realising his illustrator's contribution to the book's success, the writer arranged for Shepard to receive a share of his royalties. Milne also inscribed a copy of Winnie-the-Pooh with the following personal verse:[15]", "Piglet (Winnie-the-Pooh) Travis Oates has provided Piglet's voice since Fielder's death, including in Kingdom Hearts II and Pooh's Heffalump Halloween Movie (only for the newest material since much of the dialogue is still voiced by Fiedler).[3] His first major performance as Piglet was in My Friends Tigger & Pooh. He and Jim Cummings were the only actors to return for the 2011 film Winnie the Pooh. Piglet was voiced by Nick Mohammed for the 2018 live-action film Christopher Robin.[4]", "Piglet (Winnie-the-Pooh) Piglet is introduced in the text from Chapter III of Winnie‑the‑Pooh, although he is shown earlier in one of the illustrations for Chapter II. He also appears in Chapters V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, and X, as well as every chapter of The House at Pooh Corner. Piglet is best friends with Pooh and is also especially close to Christopher Robin and the rest of the main characters.", "Winnie-the-Pooh (book) The work has been translated into many languages, including Latin. The Latin translation by the Hungarian Lénárd Sándor (Alexander Lenard), Winnie ille Pu was first published in 1958, and, in 1960, became the first foreign-language book to be featured on the New York Times Best Seller List, and the only book in Latin ever to have been featured therein. It was also translated into Esperanto in 1972, by Ivy Kellerman Reed and Ralph A. Lewin, Winnie-La-Pu.[2] The work was featured in the iBooks app for Apple's iOS as the \"starter\" book for the app.", "Winnie the Pooh (Disney character) The live-action series Welcome to Pooh Corner ran on the Disney Channel from 1983 to 1986. In 1988, Disney launched the animated series The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, which aired from 1988 to 1991 with a total of 83 episodes. Pooh appeared with Tigger in the anti-drug TV special Cartoon All-Stars to the Rescue.", "The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh Walt Disney Pictures released a sequel, Winnie the Pooh, on April 15, 2011 in the United Kingdom, and on July 15, 2011 in the United States.", "Winnie-the-Pooh Pooh is also a talented poet, and the stories are frequently punctuated by his poems and \"hums.\" Although he is humble about his slow-wittedness, he is comfortable with his creative gifts. When Owl's house blows down in a storm, trapping Pooh and Piglet and Owl inside, Pooh encourages Piglet (the only one small enough to do so) to escape and rescue them all by promising that \"a respectful Pooh song\" will be written about Piglet's feat. Later, Pooh muses about the creative process as he composes the song.", "Hundred Acre Wood The following places are shown on Ernest H. Shepard's map at the beginning of the Winnie-the-Pooh book:", "Winnie the Pooh (Disney character) In 2002, TV Guide compiled a list of the 50 greatest cartoon characters of all time as part of the magazine's 50th anniversary. Winnie the Pooh was given the honor of number 27.", "Winnie-the-Pooh Unabridged recordings read by Peter Dennis of the four Pooh books:", "Disney Consumer Products and Interactive Media In 1994, DCP ended an exclusive licensing agreement with Sears for Winnie the Pooh. Three distinct product lines were created for Pooh: Disney Pooh, based on the Disney red-shirted tan bear cartoon version; 100 Acre Collection, a more upscale line for department stores and the Classic Pooh line based on the original A.A. Milne books' Ernest H. Shephard illustrations.[17]", "Word play Word play can cause problems for translators: e.g. in the book Winnie-the-Pooh a character mistakes the word \"issue\" for the noise of a sneeze, a resemblance which disappears when the word \"issue\" is translated into another language.", "Winnie-the-Pooh A. A. Milne named the character Winnie-the-Pooh after a teddy bear owned by his son, Christopher Robin Milne, who was the basis for the character Christopher Robin. The rest of Christopher Robin Milne's toys – Piglet, Eeyore, Kanga, Roo, and Tigger – were incorporated into Milne's stories.[2][3] Two more characters, Owl and Rabbit, were created by Milne's imagination, while Gopher was added to the Disney version. Christopher Robin's toy bear is on display at the Main Branch of the New York Public Library in New York City.[4]", "Walt Disney Animation Studios The Sword in the Stone was released in 1963 and was the sixth highest-grossing film of the year in North America with estimated rentals of $4.75 million.[85] A featurette adaptation of one of A. A. Milne's Winnie-the-Pooh stories, Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree, was released in 1966,[86] to be followed by several other Pooh featurettes over the years and a full-length compilation feature, The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, which was released in 1977.[86]", "List of Winnie-the-Pooh characters The Backson is a creature imagined by the characters after misunderstanding Christopher Robin's note, which meant he would be \"back soon\" from school. He is mentioned but not seen in The House at Pooh Corner as \"the Spotted or Herbaceous Backson\" He is the main antagonist in Winnie the Pooh where the animals think he has captured Christopher Robin. Owl describes him as a large, ugly, mean and scary purple and blue creature who ruins or destroys many everyday items, such as books, socks and crayons. Pooh and his friends build a trap to try to capture him (a pit with a trail of books, socks, dishes, toys and other items leading to it), but Christopher Robin reveals that he was never captured, just away at school. At the end of the film, the Backson turns out to be real, but he is a kind and helpful creature who wants to return people's things to them. However, the trap does capture him, as he picks up all the items and then falls into the pit.", "The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh The 25th anniversary edition DVD includes, among other bonus features, \"The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh: The Story Behind the Masterpiece\", which documents the history of the books and their initial film adaptations. It also features interviews with animators Ollie Johnston, Frank Thomas, and Burny Mattinson, as well as the Sherman Brothers, Paul Winchell, and others. Digital Media FX reviewer Shannon Muir stated that the audio and video quality of the film on this DVD was very high.[7]", "The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh is a 1977 American animated film produced by Walt Disney Productions and distributed by Buena Vista Distribution. It is the 22nd Disney animated feature film and was first released on a double bill with The Littlest Horse Thieves on March 11, 1977.", "Winnie-the-Pooh In 1991, Stephen Slesinger, Inc. filed a lawsuit against Disney which alleged that Disney had breached their 1983 agreement by again failing to accurately report revenue from Winnie the Pooh sales. Under this agreement, Disney was to retain approximately 98% of gross worldwide revenues while the remaining 2% was to be paid to Slesinger. In addition, the suit alleged that Disney had failed to pay required royalties on all commercial exploitation of the product name.[24] Though the Disney corporation was sanctioned by a judge for destroying forty boxes of evidential documents,[25] the suit was later terminated by another judge when it was discovered that Slesinger's investigator had rummaged through Disney's garbage to retrieve the discarded evidence.[26] Slesinger appealed the termination and, on 26 September 2007, a three-judge panel upheld the lawsuit dismissal.[27]", "TTFN In Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day, a 1968 Disney featurette, the voice of Tigger was performed by Paul Winchell, whose wife Jean Freeman suggested that he ad-lib the line.[1][7][8] It was further used by Tigger in The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (1988–1991), often followed by a \"hoo hoo hoo hoo!\" as he bounces away on his tail. However, the phrase does not appear in the original books by A. A. Milne.", "The House at Pooh Corner In 1968 Jefferson Airplane referenced the book in their song The House at Pooneil Corners, a surrealistic depiction of global nuclear war co-written by Paul Kantner and Marty Balin, ending with the line \"Which is why a Pooh is poohing in the sun\".", "Winnie-the-Pooh In the Milne books, Pooh is naive and slow-witted, but he is also friendly, thoughtful, and steadfast. Although he and his friends agree that he \"has no Brain\", Pooh is occasionally acknowledged to have a clever idea, usually driven by common sense. These include riding in Christopher Robin's umbrella to rescue Piglet from a flood, discovering \"the North Pole\" by picking it up to help fish Roo out of the river, inventing the game of Poohsticks, and getting Eeyore out of the river by dropping a large rock on one side of him to wash him towards the bank.", "Teddy bear Some popular mass-marketed teddy bears made today include Rupert, Sooty, Paddington, and Pudsey Bear. Books have also been written with the teddy bear featured as their main character. These include Winnie-the-Pooh, Corduroy, Teddy Tells Time, Tristan the Teddy Bear (from the Teddy Bear Tales) and Teddy Dressing.", "Winnie the Pooh (2011 film) Winnie the Pooh received generally positive reviews, with many praising the animation, voicing, script, and the musical numbers (notably \"The Backson Song\" and \"Everything Is Honey\"), but some criticizing the very short film length. Review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes reports that 90% of 126 critics have given the film a positive review, with a rating average of 7.2 out of 10.[25] Its consensus states \"Short, nostalgic, and gently whimsical, Winnie the Pooh offers young audiences—and their parents—a sweetly traditional family treat.\"[25] Metacritic, which assigns a weighted average score out of 100 to reviews from mainstream critics, the film received an average score of 74 based on 26 reviews.[26] CinemaScore polls reported that the average grade moviegoers gave the film an A- on an A+ to F scale.[27]", "The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (attraction) In Owl's home, everything is scattered about, including a rather curious picture of J. Thaddeus Toad himself handing a deed over to Owl. There is also a picture of Pooh greeting Moley (Mr. Toad's sidekick), which is flat on the floor to the right. These were placed as a subtle tribute to Mr. Toad's Wild Ride, the ride that The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh replaced at the Magic Kingdom (another tribute to Mr. Toad's Wild Ride at the Magic Kingdom comes in the form of a Mr. Toad statue in the Pet Cemetery outside the Haunted Mansion in Liberty Square).", "Winnipeg Winnipeg the Bear, which would become the inspiration for part of the name of Winnie-the-Pooh, was purchased in Ontario by Lieutenant Harry Colebourn of the Fort Garry Horse. He named the bear after the regiment's home town of Winnipeg.[133] A. A. Milne later wrote a series of books featuring the fictional Winnie-the-Pooh. The series' illustrator, Ernest H. Shepard, created the only known oil painting of Winnipeg's adopted fictional bear, displayed in Assiniboine Park.[134]", "Winnie the Pooh (song) In 1987 an eighteen month old, Texas infant named Jessica McClure fell into a well and it took forty-five hours to rescue her. The incident became national news over the four day ordeal. A mining engineer was eventually brought in to help supervise and coordinate the rescue effort. TV viewers watched as paramedics and rescuers, drilling experts and contractors worked tirelessly to save the baby’s life. Meanwhile, they were reassured when they heard Jessica voice singing “Winnie the Pooh” from deep in the well. As long as she was still singing, they knew she was still alive.[1] Forty-five hours after McClure fell into the well, the shaft and tunnel were finally completed.", "Rabbit (Winnie-the-Pooh) In the Disney adaptations, Rabbit and Tigger are usually foils for each other. In the original featurettes, Rabbit outright dislikes Tigger. By The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, however, they have become close friends, though very dysfunctional ones, who regularly work together. Tigger's antics continue to annoy Rabbit and make trouble for him, while Rabbit's harsh attitude and attempts to teach Tigger a lesson still come off as unkind. Nevertheless, Tigger is usually the first one to help Rabbit when he needs it and Rabbit cannot deny their closeness.", "Winnie-the-Pooh In 1960 HMV recorded a dramatised version with songs (music by Harold Fraser-Simson) of two episodes from The House at Pooh Corner (Chapters 2 and 8), starring Ian Carmichael as Pooh, Denise Bryer as Christopher Robin (who also narrated), Hugh Lloyd as Tigger, Penny Morrell as Piglet, and Terry Norris as Eeyore. This was released on a 45 rpm EP.[34]", "Winnie-the-Pooh But his arms were so stiff ... they stayed up straight in the air for more than a week, and whenever a fly came and settled on his nose he had to blow it off. And I think – but I am not sure – that that is why he is always called Pooh.", "The Book of Pooh: Stories from the Heart The Book of Pooh: Stories from the Heart is a 2001 American direct-to-video compilation film based on the Playhouse Disney television series The Book of Pooh.", "Winnie-the-Pooh The Winnie-the-Pooh stories are set in Ashdown Forest, East Sussex, England. The forest is a large area of tranquil open heathland on the highest sandy ridges of the High Weald Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty situated 30 miles (50 km) south of London. In 1925 Milne, a Londoner, bought a country home a mile to the north of the forest at Cotchford Farm, near Hartfield. According to Christopher Milne, while his father continued to live in London \"...the four of us – he, his wife, his son and his son's nanny – would pile into a large blue, chauffeur-driven Fiat and travel down every Saturday morning and back again every Monday afternoon. And we would spend a whole glorious month there in the spring and two months in the summer.\"[8] From the front lawn the family had a view across a meadow to a line of alders that fringed the River Medway, beyond which the ground rose through more trees until finally \"above them, in the faraway distance, crowning the view, was a bare hilltop. In the centre of this hilltop was a clump of pines.\" Most of his father's visits to the forest at this time were, he noted, family expeditions on foot \"to make yet another attempt to count the pine trees on Gill's Lap or to search for the marsh gentian\". Christopher added that, inspired by Ashdown Forest, his father had made it \"the setting for two of his books, finishing the second little over three years after his arrival\".[9]", "List of Winnie-the-Pooh characters A flock of crows appears in several episodes of The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh trying to steal Rabbit's vegetables. There are commonly three or four of them. A bigger and more fiendish version of the crows appear only in \"A Very Very Large Animal\" stealing food from a picnic and eating corn in Rabbit's garden. A redesigned version of the crows appears briefly in Springtime with Roo.", "Piglet (Winnie-the-Pooh) Piglet's adventures in the first book include hunting Woozles, attempting to capture Heffalumps, giving Eeyore a birthday balloon (popped), impersonating Roo in an attempt to trick Kanga, joining the Expotition to the North Pole, and being trapped by a flood. In the second book, he helps build a house for Eeyore, meets Tigger, finds Small while trapped in a gravel pit, plays Poohsticks, gets lost in the mist, and helps rescue Pooh and Owl after they are trapped in Owl's fallen house. For that last feat, Piglet is the subject of a seven-verse \"Respectful Pooh Song\" that Pooh composes for him.", "List of Winnie-the-Pooh characters Heffalumps are elephant-like monsters first mentioned in the fifth chapter of the first book and in the third chapter of the second. In the books, Piglet twice has a run-in with a Heffalump that is only a figment of his imagination. The Disney version establishes them as real creatures. Like Pooh imagined in the books, Heffalumps are fond of honey and like to take it for themselves. There have been several real Heffalump characters in the Disney version. Some Heffalumps are villainous creatures and some are genuinely good. Lumpy the heffalump is Roo's good friend, appearing in Pooh's Heffalump Movie and My Friends Tigger and Pooh.", "Hundred Acre Wood The Hundred Acre Wood (also spelled as 100 Aker Wood, Hundred-Acre Wood, and 100 Acre Wood; also known as simply \"The Wood\") is a part of the fictional land inhabited by Winnie-the-Pooh and his friends in the Winnie-the-Pooh series of children's stories by author A. A. Milne. The wood is visited regularly by the young boy Christopher Robin, who accompanies Pooh and company on their many adventures.", "Roo Roo is a fictional character created in 1926 by A. A. Milne and first featured in the book Winnie–the–Pooh. He is a young kangaroo (known as a joey) and his mother is Kanga. Like most other Pooh characters, Roo is based on a stuffed toy animal that belonged to Milne's son, Christopher Robin Milne, though stuffed Roo was lost a long time ago.[1]", "Christopher Robin (film) Christopher Robin is a 2018 American fantasy comedy-drama film directed by Marc Forster and written by Alex Ross Perry, Tom McCarthy, and Allison Schroeder, from a story by Greg Brooker and Mark Steven Johnson. The film is inspired by A. A. Milne and E. H. Shepard's book Winnie-the-Pooh[6] and is a live-action/CGI adaptation of the Disney franchise of the same name. The film stars Ewan McGregor as the title character alongside Hayley Atwell, as well as the voices of Jim Cummings, Brad Garrett, Nick Mohammed, Peter Capaldi, Sophie Okonedo, Sara Sheen, and Toby Jones. The story follows an adult Christopher Robin as he has lost his sense of imagination, only to be reunited with his old stuffed bear friend, Winnie-the-Pooh.", "Hal Smith (actor) Smith also voiced the Disney cartoon character Goofy after Pinto Colvig died in 1967. Additionally, he provided the voice of Owl in the three original Winnie the Pooh featurettes (Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree, Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day and Winnie the Pooh and Tigger Too) and The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh in 1977. In the 1960s, he was one of the most sought after voice actors in Hollywood. From 1959 till 1975, he provided the voices for Goliath, Davey's dad and many other characters in Davey and Goliath. From 1960 to 1961, he was the voice of Elmer Fudd after Arthur Q. Bryan died. In 1963, he voiced Dr. Todd Goodheart, Belly Laguna, and Dr. Von Upp in The Funny Company cartoon series. From 1964 to 1966, he was the voice of Yappee in the Hanna-Barbera cartoon shorts Yippee, Yappee and Yahooey. He was also the voice of Cosgoode Creeps, Asa Shanks, the Farmer, Mr. Greenway and Mr. Bluestone the Great/Phantom, on Scooby-Doo, Where are You!.", "E. H. Shepard Ernest Howard Shepard OBE, MC (10 December 1879 – 24 March 1976) was an English artist and book illustrator. He is known especially for illustrations of the anthropomorphic soft toy and animal characters in The Wind in the Willows and Winnie-the-Pooh.", "Candy Land There are licensed versions of Candy Land with characters such as Winnie the Pooh, Dora the Explorer and SpongeBob.", "The House at Pooh Corner The title comes from a story in which Winnie-the-Pooh and Piglet build a house for Eeyore. In another story the game of Poohsticks is invented. As with the first book, the chapters are mostly in episodic format and can be read independently of each other. The only exception to this is with Chapters 8 and 9 - Chapter 9 carries directly on from the end of Chapter 8, as the characters search for a new house for Owl, his house having been blown down in the previous chapter.", "The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (attraction) An original plan from the mid-1990s placed an indoor and outdoor light boat ride featuring a Winnie the Pooh theme at Disneyland. This plan was shelved by 1999. So, a new dark ride was planned. However, Disneyland is the only resort of all six Disney Resorts to have little room for expansion. The solution to open this attraction in the park was to utilize a current attraction, replacing it with this new ride.", "List of Winnie-the-Pooh characters The sole human character in the story books, he has a \"cheerful\" and compassionate personality and is someone who Pooh and the others look up to. Despite being a child, he is much wiser and more mature than many of the other characters. Pooh considers both Christopher Robin and Piglet to be his best friends.", "Roo Some of Roo's friends include Tigger, Winnie-the-Pooh, Piglet, Eeyore, Rabbit, Owl, and Christopher Robin.", "Rabbit (Winnie-the-Pooh) While the literacy (or lack thereof) of Pooh, Owl, and Eeyore becomes a plot point in The House at Pooh Corner, Rabbit's ease with reading and writing is taken for granted.", "The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh was first released on VHS, Betamax, CED videorecord, and laserdisc in the early 1980s. In 1996, it was re-released on VHS as part of the Masterpiece Collection and included video footage of the making which was shown before the movie starts (as did the first UK VHS release in 1997). It was released on DVD for the first time in 2002 as a 25th Anniversary Edition, with digitally restored picture and sound. The individual shorts had also been released on their own on VHS in the 1990s.", "Tigger Disney's Tigger is also remembered for his song \"The Wonderful Thing About Tiggers\" when he made his first appearance. However, he wasn't included in the Winnie the Pooh theme song until the 2011 film.", "Rabbit (Winnie-the-Pooh) The Disney adaptations also develop his personality further, expanding the original organized character into a control freak with a short temper, although his care for his friends remains. The film character's willingness to do things by the book appeared in Pooh's Grand Adventure: The Search for Christopher Robin, in which he consistently follows written instructions for fear of being unable to think well for himself, although he later produces a competent plan. Despite occasional malevolent behavior, he always learns from his wrongdoing; while a leading character in the film Springtime with Roo, he abandons his selfishness after considering the possibility that it will drive all of the other characters away from the forest.", "The Island at the Top of the World The film, which was produced by Walt Disney Pictures, was released together with Winnie the Pooh and Tigger Too in a family-oriented roadshow package.", "Piglet (Winnie-the-Pooh) Piglet can be found at the Walt Disney Parks and Resorts for meet and greets. He appears less frequently than Pooh, Tigger, and Eeyore, but more than Rabbit. Piglet also made a brief cameo in the 1988 movie Who Framed Roger Rabbit. He was featured as one of the guests in House of Mouse. Piglet also makes a cameo appearance in the DreamWorks animated film, Bee Movie along with Pooh, at one point, a man spies Pooh and Piglet eating honey and Barry tells him to \"take him out\" with a tranquilizer dart.", "Roo Like most of the characters in Winnie-the Pooh, Roo was based on one of Christopher Robin Milne's stuffed toys. The illustrations show Roo with brown fur and an upturned tail.", "Christopher Robin (film) Plans of a live-action Winnie the Pooh adaptation were announced in April 2015, and Forster was confirmed as director in November 2016. McGregor signed on as Christopher Robin in April 2017 and principal photography began in August of that year in the United Kingdom, lasting until November.", "Let It Go (Disney song) In March 2014, Brian Hull recorded a cover of the song while impersonating various Disney characters such as Winnie the Pooh, Tigger, Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse and Goofy.[211]", "The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (attraction) Fantasyland was ruled out because it contained the least amount of available space and because of the age of its buildings; park managers anticipated that the attraction would be popular and decided to place it in an area that could better accommodate the crowds. Critter Country, a small parcel between New Orleans Square and Frontierland was ultimately chosen, since Winnie the Pooh already had his own greeting area in that land. The area already featured two popular attractions, Splash Mountain and Country Bear Jamboree, the latter being the first attraction to open in the land (then Bear Country) in 1972.", "List of Winnie-the-Pooh characters Pooh's exuberant, happy, less-than-responsible and sometimes trouble-making tiger friend. He bounces around, especially bouncing on others. He is full of energy, outgoing, and likes to have fun and is so overconfident that he thinks that any task is \"what tiggers do best\". He becomes Roo's best friend and later Pooh's when Roo and Lumpy become best friends.", "Honey dipper The mascot of Honey Nut Cheerios, \"BuzzBee\", has carried various incarnations of honey dippers.[5] Winnie-the-Pooh toys by Mattel have featured a honey dipper alongside the bear.[6]", "List of Disney's Adventures of the Gummi Bears episodes The series aired on Saturday mornings on NBC from 1985 to 1989. It moved to ABC in the fall of 1989, where it aired as part of The Gummi Bears/Winnie the Pooh Hour until January 1990.", "Winnie the Pooh (Disney character) In the United States, E. P. Dutton and Company acquired exclusive volume publication rights and Stephen Slesinger, Inc., acquired sole and exclusive rights to virtually all uses outside of the Dutton books as well as rights to any sorts of future uses. Beginning in 1930 Stephen Slesinger created all of the distinctive and colorful images of Pooh outside of the books. Under license from Slesinger, Pooh made his debuts in radio, film, animation, children's theatre, advertising and a host of consumer products and services protected by trademark. Outside of the U.S. and Canada, Milne retained most of his literary copyright rights which he left to four beneficiaries of his trust: The Garrick Club, Westminster School, The Royal Literary Fund and the A. A. Milne Family. By direction of Milne's will, the Pooh Properties Trust was formed. Mrs. Milne, trustee of the Milne Estate and Spencer Curtis Brown, Trustee, licensed certain exclusive film rights to Disney in 1961. Christopher Robin Milne sold his rights to the other copyright holders, in order to raise money to support his daughter, before his death in 1996.", "Piglet's Big Movie The film's plot is based primarily on five A. A. Milne stories: \"In which Piglet meets a Heffalump,\" \"In which Kanga and Baby Roo Come to the Forest, and Piglet Has a Bath,\" and \"In which Christopher Robin Leads an Expedition to the North Pole\" (chapters 5, 7, and 8 of Winnie-the-Pooh; and \"In which a house is built at Pooh Corner for Eeyore\" and \"In which a search is organized and Piglet nearly meets the Heffalump again\" (chapters 1 and 3 of The House at Pooh Corner).", "Winnie the Pooh (2011 film) Later, Pooh visits Owl only to find that Owl is the one that has taken Eeyore's tail, not realizing that it belongs to Eeyore. Owl has been using Eeyore's tail as a bell-pull for his door. Pooh chooses to leave and return the tail to Eeyore instead of sharing a pot of honey with Owl. Christopher Robin is proud of Pooh's selflessness and rewards him with a large pot of honey.", "Paul Winchell He also provided the voice of Bubi Bear in Help!... It's the Hair Bear Bunch! in 1971, the voice of Revs on Wheelie and the Chopper Bunch, as Moe on The Robonic Stooges (a role he previously played on The New Scooby Doo Movies), and Shake on The CB Bears. In 1973, he did the voice of Goober the Dog on the H-B show Goober and the Ghost Chasers and also guest starred as the rain-making villain on an episode of Hong Kong Phooey. For Disney, Winchell voiced Tigger in Disney's Winnie-the-Pooh featurettes, and won a Grammy Award for his performance in Winnie the Pooh and Tigger Too.[4]", "Winnie the Pooh (Disney character) In December 2005, Disney announced that Pooh's friend and owner Christopher Robin would transform into a six-year-old \"tomboyish\" red-haired girl Darby for the Disney Channel animated television series, My Friends Tigger & Pooh. Christopher Robin appeared intermittently in the series.", "Winnie the Pooh (2011 film) Despite favorable reviews, Winnie the Pooh only found modest success at the American box office, mainly because it opened on the same weekend as Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2. It earned $7,857,076 in its opening weekend from 2,405 single-screen locations, averaging about $3,267 per venue, and ranking No. 6 for the weekend.[31][32] The film closed on September 22, 2011, with a final domestic gross of $26,692,846, with the opening weekend making up 29.44% of the final gross. It also made $18,000,000 overseas, bringing its worldwide gross to $44,692,846, according to BoxOffice.com, making it a box office disappointment, considering its $30 million budget. The international grosses include $4.13 million in Japan, $1.33 million in Germany, $1.29 million in Poland, $1.18 million in the UK and $1.14 million in Russia.[33]", "Winnie the Pooh (Disney character) Sometime around 2000, the Pooh Properties Trust licensed additional rights to Disney and accepted a buyout of their claims to royalties as defined in a 1991 lawsuit brought by Stephen Slesinger, Inc. Although Slesinger's rights are arguably more valuable, the combined value paid by Disney to The Pooh Properties Trust is said to be approximately $300 million for Milne's portion of those rights.", "Children's literature In addition to perpetuating stereotypes about appropriate behavior and occupations for women and girls, children's books frequently lack female characters entirely, or include them only as minor or unimportant characters.[130] In the book Boys and Girls Forever: Reflections on Children's Classics, scholar Alison Lurie says most adventure novels of the 20th century, with few exceptions, contain boy protagonists while female characters in books such as those by Dr. Seuss, would typically be assigned the gender-specific roles of receptionists and nurses.[134] The Winnie-the-Pooh characters written by A. A. Milne, are primarily male, with the exception of the character Kanga, who is a mother to Roo.[135] Even animals and inanimate objects are usually identified as being male in children's books.[130] The near-absence of significant female characters is paradoxical because of the role of women in creating children's literature.[130]", "Winnie the Pooh (Disney character) In the 2015 rendition of World of Color, Pooh made a cameo appearance during the opening sequence, in honor of Walt Disney.", "The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh The \"Friendship Edition\" DVD was re-released on June 19, 2007. All of the special features from the previous \"25th Anniversary Edition\" DVD were recycled; the only new addition being an episode of Playhouse Disney's computer-animated series My Friends Tigger & Pooh. The DVD re-release coincides with the 30th anniversary of the release of the film.[8]", "Winnie the Pooh (2011 film) After a failed attempt to get honey from a bee hive, Pooh's imagination combined with his hunger get the better of him which has ended up eating some mud and later, accidentally falls into the pit meant for the Backson. Rabbit, Kanga, Roo, Owl, Piglet, and Eeyore (using the anchor he found as a replacement tail) try to get him out, but fall in themselves. Piglet, who did not fall in, attempts to get Pooh and friends out of the trap (though continuously irritating Rabbit with over-interpretations of his instructions), but he runs into Tigger, who is still in his Backson outfit, and mistakes him for the actual monster. Piglet escapes from Tigger on a red balloon, which knocks some of the storybook's letters into the pit. After the chase, Tigger and Piglet fall into the trap as well, where Eeyore reminds Tigger that he, being \"the only one,\" is \"the most wonderful thing about Tiggers\". Eventually, Pooh figures out to use the fallen letters to form a ladder, and his friends are able to escape the pit. They soon find Christopher Robin, and tell him about the Backson, but he clarifies, saying that he meant to be \"back soon.\" The hunny pot prize has given to the red balloon from earlier, much to Pooh's dismay.", "Latin Latin translations of modern literature such as The Hobbit, Treasure Island, Robinson Crusoe, Paddington Bear, Winnie the Pooh, The Adventures of Tintin, Asterix, Harry Potter, Walter the Farting Dog, Le Petit Prince, Max and Moritz, How the Grinch Stole Christmas!, The Cat in the Hat, and a book of fairy tales, \"fabulae mirabiles,\" are intended to garner popular interest in the language. Additional resources include phrasebooks and resources for rendering everyday phrases and concepts into Latin, such as Meissner's Latin Phrasebook.", "Winnie the Pooh (Disney character) On April 11, 2006, Pooh was honored with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, being the fourth Disney character to receive one after Mickey Mouse, Snow White and Donald Duck. The star is located on 6834 Hollywood Blvd.", "List of Winnie-the-Pooh characters Beaver lives in a dam near Poohsticks Bridge. He bears a strong resemblance to Gopher, who does not appear in My Friends Tigger and Pooh. Both are hard working rodents with similar appearances and personalities, although Beaver is a little more easygoing." ]
where does the electron transport chain pumps protons
[ "Electron transport chain Electron transport chains are used for extracting energy via redox reactions from sunlight in photosynthesis or, such as in the case of the oxidation of sugars, cellular respiration. In eukaryotes, an important electron transport chain is found in the inner mitochondrial membrane where it serves as the site of oxidative phosphorylation through the use of ATP synthase. It is also found in the thylakoid membrane of the chloroplast in photosynthetic eukaryotes. In bacteria, the electron transport chain is located in their cell membrane.", "Electron transport chain Most eukaryotic cells have mitochondria, which produce ATP from products of the citric acid cycle, fatty acid oxidation, and amino acid oxidation. At the mitochondrial inner membrane, electrons from NADH and FADH2 pass through the electron transport chain to oxygen, which is reduced to water. The electron transport chain comprises an enzymatic series of electron donors and acceptors. Each electron donor will pass electrons to a more electronegative acceptor, which in turn donates these electrons to another acceptor, a process that continues down the series until electrons are passed to oxygen, the most electronegative and terminal electron acceptor in the chain. Passage of electrons between donor and acceptor releases energy, which is used to generate a proton gradient across the mitochondrial membrane by actively \"pumping\" protons into the intermembrane space, producing a thermodynamic state that has the potential to do work. The entire process is called oxidative phosphorylation, since ADP is phosphorylated to ATP using the energy of hydrogen oxidation in many steps." ]
[ "Electron transport chain A common feature of all electron transport chains is the presence of a proton pump to create a transmembrane proton gradient. Bacterial electron transport chains may contain as many as three proton pumps, like mitochondria, or they may contain only one or two. They always contain at least one proton pump.", "Electron transport chain Proton pumps are the heart of the electron transport process. They produce the transmembrane electrochemical gradient that enables ATP Synthase to synthesize ATP.", "Light-dependent reactions There are two pathways of electron transfer. In cyclic electron transfer, electrons are removed from an excited chlorophyll molecule, passed through an electron transport chain to a proton pump, and then returned to the chlorophyll. The mobile electron carriers are, as usual, a lipid-soluble quinone and a water-soluble cytochrome. The resulting proton gradient is used to make ATP.", "Thylakoid The thylakoids are the site of the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis. These include light-driven water oxidation and oxygen evolution, the pumping of protons across the thylakoid membranes coupled with the electron transport chain of the photosystems and cytochrome complex, and ATP synthesis by the ATP synthase utilizing the generated proton gradient.", "Electrochemical gradient Similar to the electron transport chain, the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis pump protons into the thylakoid lumen of chloroplasts to drive the synthesis of ATP by ATP synthase. The proton gradient can be generated through either noncyclic or cyclic photophosphorylation. Of the proteins that participate in noncyclic photophosphorylation, photosystem II (PSII), plastiquinone, and cytochrome b6f complex directly contribute to generating the proton gradient. For each four photons absorbed by PSII, eight protons are pumped into the lumen.[10] The total equation for photophosphorylation is shown:", "Chemiosmosis ATP synthase is the enzyme that makes ATP by chemiosmosis. It allows protons to pass through the membrane and uses the free energy difference to phosphorylate adenosine diphosphate (ADP), making ATP. The generation of ATP by chemiosmosis occurs in mitochondria and chloroplasts, as well as in most bacteria and archaea, an electron transport chain pumps H+ ions in the thylakoid spaces through thylakoid membranes. The energy from the electron movement through electron transport chains cross through ATP synthase which allows the proton to pass through them and use this free energy difference to photophosphorylate ADP making ATP.", "Electron transport chain In Complex II (succinate dehydrogenase or succinate-CoQ reductase; EC additional electrons are delivered into the quinone pool (Q) originating from succinate and transferred (via flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD)) to Q. Complex II consists of four protein subunits: succinate dehydrogenase, (SDHA); succinate dehydrogenase [ubiquinone] iron-sulfur subunit, mitochondrial, (SDHB); succinate dehydrogenase complex subunit C, (SDHC) and succinate dehydrogenase complex, subunit D, (SDHD). Other electron donors (e.g., fatty acids and glycerol 3-phosphate) also direct electrons into Q (via FAD). Complex 2 is a parallel electron transport pathway to complex 1, but unlike complex 1, no protons are transported to the intermembrane space in this pathway. Therefore, the pathway through complex 2 contributes less energy to the overall electron transport chain process.", "Electron transport chain Some dehydrogenases are proton pumps; others are not. Most oxidases and reductases are proton pumps, but some are not. Cytochrome bc1 is a proton pump found in many, but not all, bacteria (it is not found in E. coli). As the name implies, bacterial bc1 is similar to mitochondrial bc1 (Complex III).", "Chemiosmosis In most cases the proton-motive force is generated by an electron transport chain which acts as a proton pump, using the Gibbs free energy of redox reactions to pump protons (hydrogen ions) out across the membrane, separating the charge across the membrane. In mitochondria, energy released by the electron transport chain is used to move protons from the mitochondrial matrix (N side) to the stroma (P side). Moving the protons out of the mitochondrion creates a lower concentration of positively charged protons inside it, resulting in excess negative charge on the inside of the membrane. The electrical potential gradient is about -170 mV [7], negative inside (N). These gradients - charge difference and the proton concentration difference both create a combined electrochemical gradient across the membrane, often expressed as the proton-motive force (PMF). In mitochondria, the PMF is almost entirely made up of the electrical component but in chloroplasts the PMF is made up mostly of the pH gradient because the charge of protons H+ is neutralized by the movement of Cl− and other anions. In either case, the PMF needs to be greater than about 460 mV (45 kJ/mol) for the ATP synthase to be able to make ATP.", "Light-dependent reactions This is a cyclic process in which electrons are removed from an excited chlorophyll molecule (bacteriochlorophyll; P870), passed through an electron transport chain to a proton pump (cytochrome bc\n1 complex, similar but not identical to cytochrome bc\n1 in chloroplasts), and then returned to the chlorophyll molecule. The result is a proton gradient, which is used to make ATP via ATP synthase. As in cyanobacteria and chloroplasts, this is a solid-state process that depends on the precise orientation of various functional groups within a complex transmembrane macromolecular structure.", "Oxidative phosphorylation The electron transport chain carries both protons and electrons, passing electrons from donors to acceptors, and transporting protons across a membrane. These processes use both soluble and protein-bound transfer molecules. In mitochondria, electrons are transferred within the intermembrane space by the water-soluble electron transfer protein cytochrome c.[6] This carries only electrons, and these are transferred by the reduction and oxidation of an iron atom that the protein holds within a heme group in its structure. Cytochrome c is also found in some bacteria, where it is located within the periplasmic space.[7]", "Cell membrane As shown in the adjacent table, integral proteins are amphipathic transmembrane proteins. Examples of integral proteins include ion channels, proton pumps, and g-protein coupled receptors. Ion channels allow inorganic ions such as sodium, potassium, calcium, or chlorine to diffuse down their electrochemical gradient across the lipid bilayer through hydrophilic pores across the membrane. The electrical behavior of cells (i.e. nerve cells) are controlled by ion channels.[3] Proton Pumps are protein pumps that are embedded in the lipid bilayer that allow protons to travel through the membrane by transferring from one amino acid side chain to another. Processes such as electron transport and generating ATP use proton pumps.[3] A G-protein coupled receptor is a single polypeptide chain that crosses the lipid bilayer seven times responding to signal molecules (i.e. hormones and neurotransmitters). G-protein coupled receptors are used in processes such as cell to cell signaling, the regulation of the production of cAMP, and the regulation of ion channels.[3]", "Metabolism In oxidative phosphorylation, the electrons removed from organic molecules in areas such as the protagon acid cycle are transferred to oxygen and the energy released is used to make ATP. This is done in eukaryotes by a series of proteins in the membranes of mitochondria called the electron transport chain. In prokaryotes, these proteins are found in the cell's inner membrane.[42] These proteins use the energy released from passing electrons from reduced molecules like NADH onto oxygen to pump protons across a membrane.[43]", "Cytochrome b6f complex The cytochrome b6f complex (plastoquinol—plastocyanin reductase; EC is an enzyme found in the thylakoid membrane in chloroplasts of plants, cyanobacteria, and green algae, that catalyzes the transfer of electrons from plastoquinol to plastocyanin.[1] The reaction is analogous to the reaction catalyzed by cytochrome bc1 (Complex III) of the mitochondrial electron transport chain. During photosynthesis, the cytochrome b6f complex is one step along the chain that transfers electrons from Photosystem II to Photosystem I, and at the same time pumps protons into the thylakoid space that contribute to create an electrochemical (energy) gradient[2] which is later used to synthesize ATP from ADP.", "Proton–proton chain reaction Deuterium can also be produced by the rare pep (proton–electron–proton) reaction (electron capture):", "Electron transport chain In mitochondria the terminal membrane complex (Complex IV) is cytochrome oxidase. Aerobic bacteria use a number of different terminal oxidases. For example, E. coli does not have a cytochrome oxidase or a bc1 complex. Under aerobic conditions, it uses two different terminal quinol oxidases (both proton pumps) to reduce oxygen to water.", "Photophosphorylation This form of photophosphorylation occurs on the thylakoid membrane. In cyclic photophosphorylation, the high energy electron released from P700 to ps1 flow down in a cyclic pathway. In cyclic electron flow, the electron begins in a pigment complex called photosystem I, passes from the primary acceptor to plastoquinone, then to cytochrome b6f (a similar complex to that found in mitochondria), and then to plastocyanin before returning to chlorophyll. This transport chain produces a proton-motive force, pumping H+ ions across the membrane; this produces a concentration gradient that can be used to power ATP synthase during chemiosmosis. This pathway is known as cyclic photophosphorylation, and it produces neither O2 nor NADPH. Unlike non-cyclic photophosphorylation, NADP+ does not accept the electrons; they are instead sent back to phytochrome b6f complex.", "Oxidative phosphorylation As the electrons pass through this complex, four protons are pumped from the matrix into the intermembrane space. Exactly how this occurs is unclear, but it seems to involve conformational changes in complex I that cause the protein to bind protons on the N-side of the membrane and release them on the P-side of the membrane.[22] Finally, the electrons are transferred from the chain of iron–sulfur clusters to a ubiquinone molecule in the membrane.[16] Reduction of ubiquinone also contributes to the generation of a proton gradient, as two protons are taken up from the matrix as it is reduced to ubiquinol (QH2).", "Electron transport chain The electron transport chain consists of a spatially separated series of redox reactions in which electrons are transferred from a donor molecule to an acceptor molecule. The underlying force driving these reactions is the Gibbs free energy of the reactants and products. The Gibbs free energy is the energy available (\"free\") to do work. Any reaction that decreases the overall Gibbs free energy of a system is thermodynamically spontaneous.", "ATP synthase Like other enzymes, the activity of F1FO ATP synthase is reversible. Large-enough quantities of ATP cause it to create a transmembrane proton gradient, this is used by fermenting bacteria that do not have an electron transport chain, but rather hydrolyze ATP to make a proton gradient, which they use to drive flagella and the transport of nutrients into the cell.", "Chloroplast While photosystem II photolyzes water to obtain and energize new electrons, photosystem I simply reenergizes depleted electrons at the end of an electron transport chain. Normally, the reenergized electrons are taken by NADP+, though sometimes they can flow back down more H+-pumping electron transport chains to transport more hydrogen ions into the thylakoid space to generate more ATP. This is termed cyclic photophosphorylation because the electrons are recycled. Cyclic photophosphorylation is common in C4 plants, which need more ATP than NADPH.[123]", "Mechanism of action of aspirin Aspirin has been shown to have three additional modes of action. It uncouples oxidative phosphorylation in cartilaginous (and hepatic) mitochondria, by diffusing from the intermembrane space as a proton carrier back into the mitochondrial matrix, where it ionizes once again to release protons.[10] In short, aspirin buffers and transports the protons, acting as a competitor to ATP synthase. When high doses of aspirin are given, aspirin may actually cause fever due to the heat released from the electron transport chain, as opposed to the antipyretic action of aspirin seen with lower doses.", "Oxidative phosphorylation There are several well-known drugs and toxins that inhibit oxidative phosphorylation. Although any one of these toxins inhibits only one enzyme in the electron transport chain, inhibition of any step in this process will halt the rest of the process. For example, if oligomycin inhibits ATP synthase, protons cannot pass back into the mitochondrion.[86] As a result, the proton pumps are unable to operate, as the gradient becomes too strong for them to overcome. NADH is then no longer oxidized and the citric acid cycle ceases to operate because the concentration of NAD+ falls below the concentration that these enzymes can use.", "Proton-pump inhibitor Medically used proton pump inhibitors:[citation needed]", "Oxidative phosphorylation The energy released by electrons flowing through this electron transport chain is used to transport protons across the inner mitochondrial membrane, in a process called electron transport. This generates potential energy in the form of a pH gradient and an electrical potential across this membrane. This store of energy is tapped when protons flow back across the membrane and down the potential energy gradient, through a large enzyme called ATP synthase; this process is known as chemiosmosis. The ATP synthase uses the energy to transform adenosine diphosphate (ADP) into adenosine triphosphate, in a phosphorylation reaction. The reaction is driven by the proton flow, which forces the rotation of a part of the enzyme; the ATP synthase is a rotary mechanical motor.", "Electron transport chain In Complex I (NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase, NADH-CoQ reductase, or NADH dehydrogenase; EC, two electrons are removed from NADH and ultimately transferred to a lipid-soluble carrier, ubiquinone (UQ). The reduced product, ubiquinol (UQH2), freely diffuses within the membrane, and Complex I translocates four protons (H+) across the membrane, thus producing a proton gradient. Complex I is one of the main sites at which premature electron leakage to oxygen occurs, thus being one of the main sites of production of superoxide.[3]", "Photophosphorylation ATP synthatase is powered by a transmembrane electrochemical potential gradient, usually in the form of a proton gradient. The function of the electron transport chain is to produce this gradient. In all living organisms, a series of redox reactions is used to produce a transmembrane electrochemical potential gradient, or a so-called proton motive force (pmf).", "Cellular respiration In eukaryotes, oxidative phosphorylation occurs in the mitochondrial cristae. It comprises the electron transport chain that establishes a proton gradient (chemiosmotic potential) across the boundary of inner membrane by oxidizing the NADH produced from the Krebs cycle. ATP is synthesized by the ATP synthase enzyme when the chemiosmotic gradient is used to drive the phosphorylation of ADP. The electrons are finally transferred to exogenous oxygen and, with the addition of two protons, water is formed.", "Chemiosmosis The light reactions of photosynthesis generate ATP by the action of chemiosmosis. The photons in sunlight are received by the antenna complex of Photosystem II, which excites electrons to a higher energy level. These electrons travel down an electron transport chain, causing protons to be actively pumped across the thylakoid membrane into the thylakoid lumen. These protons then flow down their electrochemical potential gradient through an enzyme called ATP-synthase, creating ATP by the phosphorylation of ADP to ATP. The electrons from the initial light reaction reach Photosystem I, then are raised to a higher energy level by light energy and then received by an electron acceptor and reduce NADP+ to NADPH. The electrons lost from Photosystem II get replaced by the oxidation of water, which is \"split\" into protons and oxygen by the oxygen-evolving complex (OEC, also known as WOC, or the water-oxidizing complex). To generate one molecule of diatomic oxygen, 10 photons must be absorbed by photosystems I and II, four electrons must move through the two photosystems, and 2 NAPDH are generated (later used for carbon dioxide fixation in the Calvin Cycle).", "Lysosome The lysosome maintains its pH differential by pumping in protons (H+ ions) from the cytosol across the membrane via proton pumps and chloride ion channels. Vacuolar H+-ATPases are responsible for transport of protons, while the counter transport of chloride ions is performed by ClC-7 Cl−/H+ antiporter. In this way a steady acidic environment is maintained.[17][18]", "Mitochondrial matrix The electron transport chain is responsible for establishing a pH and electrochemical gradient that facilitates the production of ATP through the pumping of protons. The gradient also provides control of the concentration of ions such as Ca2+ driven by the mitochondrial membrane potential.[1] The membrane only allows nonpolar molecules such as CO2 and O2 and small non charged polar molecules such as H2O to enter the matrix. Molecules enter and exit the mitochondrial matrix through transport proteins and ion transporters. Molecules are then able to leave the mitochondria through porin.[8] These attributed characteristics allow for control over concentrations of ions and metabolites necessary for regulation and determines the rate of ATP production.[9][10]", "Oligomycin Oligomycin A is an inhibitor of ATP synthase. In oxidative phosphorylation research, it is used to prevent state 3 (phosphorylating) respiration. Oligomycin A inhibits ATP synthase by blocking its proton channel (Fo subunit), which is necessary for oxidative phosphorylation of ADP to ATP (energy production). The inhibition of ATP synthesis by oligomycin A will significantly reduce electron flow through the electron transport chain; however, electron flow is not stopped completely due to a process known as proton leak or mitochondrial uncoupling.[1] This process is due to facilitated diffusion of protons into the mitochondrial matrix through an uncoupling protein such as thermogenin, or UCP1.", "Oxidative phosphorylation Many eukaryotic organisms have electron transport chains that differ from the much-studied mammalian enzymes described above. For example, plants have alternative NADH oxidases, which oxidize NADH in the cytosol rather than in the mitochondrial matrix, and pass these electrons to the ubiquinone pool.[41] These enzymes do not transport protons, and, therefore, reduce ubiquinone without altering the electrochemical gradient across the inner membrane.[42]", "Proton Although protons have affinity for oppositely charged electrons, this is a relatively low-energy interaction and so free protons must lose sufficient velocity (and kinetic energy) in order to become closely associated and bound to electrons. High energy protons, in traversing ordinary matter, lose energy by collisions with atomic nuclei, and by ionization of atoms (removing electrons) until they are slowed sufficiently to be captured by the electron cloud in a normal atom.", "Proton In chemistry, the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom is known as the atomic number, which determines the chemical element to which the atom belongs. For example, the atomic number of chlorine is 17; this means that each chlorine atom has 17 protons and that all atoms with 17 protons are chlorine atoms. The chemical properties of each atom are determined by the number of (negatively charged) electrons, which for neutral atoms is equal to the number of (positive) protons so that the total charge is zero. For example, a neutral chlorine atom has 17 protons and 17 electrons, whereas a Cl− anion has 17 protons and 18 electrons for a total charge of −1.", "Reactive oxygen species ROS are produced intracellularly through multiple mechanisms and depending on the cell and tissue types, the major sources being the \"professional\" producers of ROS: NADPH oxidase (NOX) complexes (7 distinct isoforms) in cell membranes, mitochondria, peroxisomes, and endoplasmic reticulum.[6][7] Mitochondria convert energy for the cell into a usable form, adenosine triphosphate (ATP). The process in which ATP is produced, called oxidative phosphorylation, involves the transport of protons (hydrogen ions) across the inner mitochondrial membrane by means of the electron transport chain. In the electron transport chain, electrons are passed through a series of proteins via oxidation-reduction reactions, with each acceptor protein along the chain having a greater reduction potential than the previous. The last destination for an electron along this chain is an oxygen molecule. In normal conditions, the oxygen is reduced to produce water; however, in about 0.1–2% of electrons passing through the chain (this number derives from studies in isolated mitochondria, though the exact rate in live organisms is yet to be fully agreed upon), oxygen is instead prematurely and incompletely reduced to give the superoxide radical (•O−\n2), most well documented for Complex I and Complex III.[8] Superoxide is not particularly reactive by itself, but can inactivate specific enzymes or initiate lipid peroxidation in its protonated form, hydroperoxyl HO•\n2. The pKa of hydroperoxyl is 4.8. Thus, at physiological pH, the majority will exist as superoxide anion.", "Proton–proton chain reaction Energy released as gamma rays will interact with electrons and protons and heat the interior of the Sun. Also kinetic energy of fusion products (e.g. of the two protons and the 4\n2He from the p-p I reaction) increases the temperature of plasma in the Sun. This heating supports the Sun and prevents it from collapsing under its own weight.", "Electron transport chain In chloroplasts, light drives the conversion of water to oxygen and NADP+ to NADPH with transfer of H+ ions across chloroplast membranes. In mitochondria, it is the conversion of oxygen to water, NADH to NAD+ and succinate to fumarate that are required to generate the proton gradient.", "Electron transport chain Some cytochromes are water-soluble carriers that shuttle electrons to and from large, immobile macromolecular structures imbedded in the membrane. The mobile cytochrome electron carrier in mitochondria is cytochrome c. Bacteria use a number of different mobile cytochrome electron carriers.", "Electron transport chain When electron transfer is reduced (by a high membrane potential or respiratory inhibitors such as antimycin A), Complex III may leak electrons to molecular oxygen, resulting in superoxide formation.", "Proton–proton chain reaction The half-life of a proton in the core of the Sun before it is involved in a successful proton-proton fusion is estimated to be about one billion years, even at the extreme pressures and temperatures found there.", "Proton–proton chain reaction The first step involves the fusion of two 1H nuclei (protons) into deuterium, releasing a positron and a neutrino as one proton changes into a neutron. It is a two-stage process; first, two protons fuse to form a diproton:", "Human iron metabolism Human cells require iron in order to obtain energy as ATP from a multi-step process known as cellular respiration, more specifically from oxidative phosphorylation at the mitochondrial cristae. Iron is present in the iron-sulfur clusters and heme groups of the electron transport chain proteins that generate a proton gradient that allows ATP synthase to synthesize ATP (chemiosmosis).", "Proton–proton chain reaction In general, proton–proton fusion can occur only if the kinetic energy (i.e. temperature) of the protons is high enough to overcome their mutual electrostatic or Coulomb repulsion.[2]", "Proton In chemistry, the term proton refers to the hydrogen ion, H+. Since the atomic number of hydrogen is 1, a hydrogen ion has no electrons and corresponds to a bare nucleus, consisting of a proton (and 0 neutrons for the most abundant isotope protium 1\n1H). The proton is a \"bare charge\" with only about 1/64,000 of the radius of a hydrogen atom, and so is extremely reactive chemically. The free proton, thus, has an extremely short lifetime in chemical systems such as liquids and it reacts immediately with the electron cloud of any available molecule. In aqueous solution, it forms the hydronium ion, H3O+, which in turn is further solvated by water molecules in clusters such as [H5O2]+ and [H9O4]+.[42]", "Proton-pump inhibitor In general, proton pump inhibitors are well tolerated, and the incidence of short-term adverse effects is relatively low. The range and occurrence of adverse effects are similar for all of the PPIs, though they have been reported more frequently with omeprazole. This may be due to its longer availability and, hence, clinical experience.", "Proton–proton chain reaction In the Sun, deuterium-producing events are rare. Diprotons are the much more common result of proton-proton reactions within the star, and diprotons almost immediately decay back into two protons. Since the conversion of hydrogen to helium is slow, the complete conversion of the hydrogen in the core of the Sun is calculated to take more than 7010100000000000000â™ 1010 (ten billion) years.[3]", "Electron transport chain In anaerobic environments, different electron acceptors are used, including nitrate, nitrite, ferric iron, sulfate, carbon dioxide, and small organic molecules such as fumarate.", "Electron transport chain Other cytochromes are found within macromolecules such as Complex III and Complex IV. They also function as electron carriers, but in a very different, intramolecular, solid-state environment.", "Chemiosmosis It is worth noting that, as with any transmembrane transport process, the PMF is directional. The sign of the transmembrane electric potential difference \n\n\n\nΔ\n\nψ\n\n\n{\\displaystyle \\Delta \\!\\psi }\n\n is chosen to represent the change in potential energy per unit charge flowing into the cell as above. Furthermore, due to redox-driven proton pumping by coupling sites, the proton gradient is always inside-alkaline. For both of these reasons, protons flow in spontaneously, from the P side to the N side; the available free energy is used to synthesize ATP (see below). For this reason, PMF is defined for proton import, which is spontaneous. PMF for proton export, i.e., proton pumping as catalyzed by the coupling sites, is simply the negative of PMF(import).", "Proton-pump inhibitor PPIs were developed in the 1980s with omeprazole being launched in 1988. Most of these drugs are benzimidazole derivatives, related to omeprazole, but imidazopyridine derivatives such as tenatoprazole have also been developed.[3] Potassium-competitive inhibitors such as revaprazan reversibly block the potassium-binding site of the proton pump, acting more quickly, but are not available in most countries.[47]", "Electron transport chain In the present day biosphere, the most common electron donors are organic molecules. Organisms that use organic molecules as an energy source are called organotrophs. Organotrophs (animals, fungi, protists) and phototrophs (plants and algae) constitute the vast majority of all familiar life forms.", "Pump When the pumping application is not suited to a centrifugal pump, a progressive cavity pump is used instead.[18] Progressive cavity pumps are single-screw types typically used in shallow wells or at the surface. This pump is mainly used on surface applications where the pumped fluid may contain a considerable amount of solids such as sand and dirt. The volumetric efficiency and mechanical efficiency of a progressive cavity pump increases as the viscosity of the liquid does.[18]", "Proton However, in 2010 an international research team published a proton charge radius measurement via the Lamb shift in muonic hydrogen (an exotic atom made of a proton and a negatively charged muon). As a muon is 200 times heaver than an electron, its de Broglie wavelength is correspondingly shorter. This smaller atomic orbital is much more sensitive to the proton's charge radius, so allows more precise measurement. Their measurement of the root-mean-square charge radius of a proton is \"6984841840000000000♠0.84184(67) fm, which differs by 5.0 standard deviations from the CODATA value of 6984876800000000000♠0.8768(69) fm\".[36] In January 2013, an updated value for the charge radius of a proton—6984840870000000000♠0.84087(39) fm—was published. The precision was improved by 1.7 times, increasing the significance of the discrepancy to 7σ.[37] The 2014 CODATA adjustment slightly reduced the recommended value for the proton radius (computed using electron measurements only) to 6984875100000000000♠0.8751(61) fm, but this leaves the discrepancy at 5.6σ.", "Proton Also in chemistry, the term \"proton NMR\" refers to the observation of hydrogen-1 nuclei in (mostly organic) molecules by nuclear magnetic resonance. This method uses the spin of the proton, which has the value one-half. The name refers to examination of protons as they occur in protium (hydrogen-1 atoms) in compounds, and does not imply that free protons exist in the compound being studied.", "Light-dependent reactions The overall process of the photosynthetic electron transport chain in chloroplasts is:", "Proton–proton chain reaction After it is formed, the deuterium produced in the first stage can fuse with another proton to produce the light isotope of helium, 3He:", "Electron transport chain Some prokaryotes can use inorganic matter as an energy source. Such an organism is called a lithotroph (\"rock-eater\"). Inorganic electron donors include hydrogen, carbon monoxide, ammonia, nitrite, sulfur, sulfide, manganese oxide, and ferrous iron. Lithotrophs have been found growing in rock formations thousands of meters below the surface of Earth. Because of their volume of distribution, lithotrophs may actually outnumber organotrophs and phototrophs in our biosphere.", "ATP synthase The crystal structure of the F1 showed alternating alpha and beta subunits (3 of each), arranged like segments of an orange around a rotating asymmetrical gamma subunit. According to the current model of ATP synthesis (known as the alternating catalytic model), the transmembrane potential created by (H+) proton cations supplied by the electron transport chain, drives the (H+) proton cations from the intermembrane space through the membrane via the FO region of ATP synthase. A portion of the FO (the ring of c-subunits) rotates as the protons pass through the membrane. The c-ring is tightly attached to the asymmetric central stalk (consisting primarily of the gamma subunit), causing it to rotate within the alpha3beta3 of F1 causing the 3 catalytic nucleotide binding sites to go through a series of conformational changes that leads to ATP synthesis. The major F1 subunits are prevented from rotating in sympathy with the central stalk rotor by a peripheral stalk that joins the alpha3beta3 to the non-rotating portion of FO. The structure of the intact ATP synthase is currently known at low-resolution from electron cryo-microscopy (cryo-EM) studies of the complex. The cryo-EM model of ATP synthase suggests that the peripheral stalk is a flexible structure that wraps around the complex as it joins F1 to FO. Under the right conditions, the enzyme reaction can also be carried out in reverse, with ATP hydrolysis driving proton pumping across the membrane.", "Proton-exchange membrane The fuel for the PEMFC is hydrogen, and the charge carrier is the hydrogen ion (proton). At the anode, the hydrogen molecule is split into hydrogen ions (protons) and electrons. The hydrogen ions permeate across the electrolyte to the cathode, while the electrons flow through an external circuit and produce electric power. Oxygen, usually in the form of air, is supplied to the cathode and combines with the electrons and the hydrogen ions to produce water. The reactions at the electrodes are as follows:", "Dielectric Ionic polarization enables the production of energy-rich compounds in cells (the proton pump in mitochondria) and, at the plasma membrane, the establishment of the resting potential, energetically unfavourable transport of ions, and cell-to-cell communication (the Na+/K+-ATPase).", "Electron If a body has more or fewer electrons than are required to balance the positive charge of the nuclei, then that object has a net electric charge. When there is an excess of electrons, the object is said to be negatively charged. When there are fewer electrons than the number of protons in nuclei, the object is said to be positively charged. When the number of electrons and the number of protons are equal, their charges cancel each other and the object is said to be electrically neutral. A macroscopic body can develop an electric charge through rubbing, by the triboelectric effect.[118]", "Membrane transport protein Each carrier protein, even within the same cell membrane, is specific to one type or family of molecules. For example, GLUT1 is a named carrier protein found in almost all animal cell membranes that transports glucose across the bilayer. Other specific carrier proteins also help the body function in important ways. Cytochromes operate in the electron transport chain as carrier proteins for electrons.[10]", "Electrochemical gradient After being released from PSII, PQH2 travels to the cytochrome b6f complex which then transfers two electrons from PQH2 to plastocyanin in two separate reactions. The process that occurs is similar to the Q-cycle in Complex III of the electron transport chain. In the first reaction, PQH2 binds to the complex on the lumen side and one electron is transferred to the iron-sulfur center which then transfers it to cytochrome f which then transfers it to plastocyanin. The second electron is transferred to heme bL which then transfers it to heme bH which then transfers it to PQ. In the second reaction, a second PQH2 gets oxidized, adding an electron to another plastocyanin and PQ. Both reactions together transfer four protons into the lumen.[18][19]", "Electron For reasons that remain uncertain, during the annihilation process there was an excess in the number of particles over antiparticles. Hence, about one electron for every billion electron-positron pairs survived. This excess matched the excess of protons over antiprotons, in a condition known as baryon asymmetry, resulting in a net charge of zero for the universe.[136][137] The surviving protons and neutrons began to participate in reactions with each other—in the process known as nucleosynthesis, forming isotopes of hydrogen and helium, with trace amounts of lithium. This process peaked after about five minutes.[138] Any leftover neutrons underwent negative beta decay with a half-life of about a thousand seconds, releasing a proton and electron in the process,", "Beta particle An unstable atomic nucleus with an excess of neutrons may undergo β− decay, where a neutron is converted into a proton, an electron, and an electron antineutrino (the antiparticle of the neutrino):", "Proton–proton chain reaction The positron emitted by the decay by beta emission usually annihilates immediately with an electron. Their mass-energies plus their kinetic energy is carried off by two gamma rays (photons) with the mass-energy of 511 keV (thousand electron-volts) apiece.", "Proton–proton chain reaction The P-P III chain is dominant if the temperature exceeds 7007230000000000000♠23 MK.", "Light-dependent reactions To make NADPH, purple bacteria use an external electron donor (hydrogen, hydrogen sulfide, sulfur, sulfite, or organic molecules such as succinate and lactate) to feed electrons into a reverse electron transport chain.", "TRIUMF TRIUMF produces negatively charged hydrogen ions (H⁻: 1 proton, 2 electrons) from an ion source. The ions are transported through an evacuated electrostatic beam line containing elements to focus and steer the beam over 60m to the cyclotron. The 520 MeV (million electron volts) variable energy cyclotron accelerates these ions with a high frequency alternating electric field and uses a massive six-sector magnet to confine the beam in an outward spiral trajectory. Inserting a very thin graphite extraction foil strips, or removes, the electrons from the H⁻ ion while allowing the proton to pass through. The proton, because it is a positively charged particle, is deflected in the outward direction due to the magnetic field and is directed to a proton beam line.", "Crista As a result, 10 NADH molecules (from glycolysis and the Krebs cycle), along with 2 FADH2 molecules, can form a total of 34 ATPs during aerobic respiration (from a single electron transport chain). This means that combined with the Krebs Cycle and glycolysis, the efficiency for the electron transport chain is about 65%, as compared to only 3.5% efficiency for glycolysis alone.", "Electrochemical gradient PSII also relies on light to drive the formation of proton gradients in chloroplasts, however PSII utilizes vectorial redox chemistry to achieve this goal. Rather than physically transporting protons through the protein, reactions requiring the binding of protons will occur on the extracellular side while reactions requiring the release of protons will occur on the intracellular side. Absorption of photons of 680 nm wavelength is used to excite two electrons in P680 to a higher energy level. These higher energy electrons are transferred to protein-bound plastoquinone (PQA) and then to unbound plastoquinone (PQB). This reduces plastoquinone (PQ) to plastoquinol (PQH2) which is released from PSII after gaining two protons from the stroma. The electrons in P680 are replenished by oxidizing water through the oxygen-evolving complex (OEC). This results in release of O2 and H+ into the lumen.[16] The total reaction is shown:", "Light-dependent reactions Cyanobacteria can also synthesize ATP by oxidative phosphorylation, in the manner of other bacteria. The electron transport chain is", "Photosynthesis Nobel Prize-winning scientist Rudolph A. Marcus was able to discover the function and significance of the electron transport chain.", "DCMU DCMU is a very specific and sensitive inhibitor of photosynthesis. It blocks the plastoquinone binding site of photosystem II, disallowing the electron flow from where it is generated, in photosystem II, to plastoquinone.[3] This interrupts the photosynthetic electron transport chain in photosynthesis and thus reduces the ability of the plant to turn light energy into chemical energy (ATP and reductant potential).", "Active transport In secondary active transport, also known as coupled transport or co-transport, energy is used to transport molecules across a membrane; however, in contrast to primary active transport, there is no direct coupling of ATP; instead it relies upon the electrochemical potential difference created by pumping ions in/out of the cell.[9] Permitting one ion or molecule to move down an electrochemical gradient, but possibly against the concentration gradient where it is more concentrated to that where it is less concentrated increases entropy and can serve as a source of energy for metabolism (e.g. in ATP synthase).", "Chemotroph In the deep oceans, iron-oxidizing bacteria derive their energy needs by oxidizing ferrous iron (Fe2+) to ferric iron (Fe3+). The electron conserved from this reaction reduces the respiratory chain and can be thus used in the synthesis of ATP by forward electron transport or NADH by reverse electron transport, replacing or augmenting traditional phototrophism.", "Proton–proton chain reaction The p-p III chain is not a major source of energy in the Sun (only 0.11 percent), but it was very important in the solar neutrino problem because it generates very high energy neutrinos (up to 6988225266014072200♠14.06 MeV).", "Chloroplast Because NADP+ reduction removes electrons from the electron transport chains, they must be replaced—the job of photosystem II, which splits water molecules (H2O) to obtain the electrons from its hydrogen atoms.[89][136]", "Chemiosmosis Bacteria and archaea also can use chemiosmosis to generate ATP. Cyanobacteria, green sulfur bacteria, and purple bacteria synthesize ATP by a process called photophosphorylation. These bacteria use the energy of light to create a proton gradient using a photosynthetic electron transport chain. Non-photosynthetic bacteria such as E. coli also contain ATP synthase. In fact, mitochondria and chloroplasts are believed to have been formed when early eukaryotic cells ingested bacteria that could transfer energy using chemiosmosis. This is called the endosymbiotic theory.", "Proton–proton chain reaction Neutrinos do not interact significantly with matter and therefore do not help support the Sun against gravitational collapse. Their energy is lost: the neutrinos in the p-p I, p-p II, and p-p III chains carry away 2.0%, 4.0%, and 28.3% of the energy in those reactions, respectively.[9]", "Gastric acid The proton pump enzyme is the target of proton pump inhibitors, used to increase gastric pH (and hence decrease stomach acidity) in diseases that feature excess acid. H2 antagonists indirectly decrease gastric acid production. Antacids neutralize existing acid.", "Membrane transport A pump is a protein that hydrolyses ATP to transport a particular solute through a membrane, and in doing so, generating an electrochemical gradient membrane potential. This gradient is of interest as an indicator of the state of the cell through parameters such as the Nernst potential. In terms of membrane transport the gradient is of interest as it contributes to increased system entropy in the co-transport of substances against their gradient. One of the most important pumps in animal cells is the sodium potassium pump, that operates through the following mechanism:[8]", "Pump The oil and gas drilling industry uses massive semi trailer-transported triplex pumps called mud pumps to pump drilling mud, which cools the drill bit and carries the cuttings back to the surface.[5] Drillers use triplex or even quintuplex pumps to inject water and solvents deep into shale in the extraction process called fracking.[6]", "Electron The electron is a subatomic particle, symbol e− or β−, whose electric charge is negative one elementary charge.[8] Electrons belong to the first generation of the lepton particle family,[9] and are generally thought to be elementary particles because they have no known components or substructure.[1] The electron has a mass that is approximately 1/1836 that of the proton.[10] Quantum mechanical properties of the electron include an intrinsic angular momentum (spin) of a half-integer value, expressed in units of the reduced Planck constant, ħ. As it is a fermion, no two electrons can occupy the same quantum state, in accordance with the Pauli exclusion principle.[9] Like all elementary particles, electrons exhibit properties of both particles and waves: they can collide with other particles and can be diffracted like light. The wave properties of electrons are easier to observe with experiments than those of other particles like neutrons and protons because electrons have a lower mass and hence a longer de Broglie wavelength for a given energy.", "Oxidative phosphorylation Molecular oxygen is an ideal terminal electron acceptor because it is a strong oxidizing agent. The reduction of oxygen does involve potentially harmful intermediates.[79] Although the transfer of four electrons and four protons reduces oxygen to water, which is harmless, transfer of one or two electrons produces superoxide or peroxide anions, which are dangerously reactive.", "Atomic radius Essentially, atomic radius decreases across the periods due to an increasing number of protons. Therefore, there is a greater attraction between the protons and electrons because opposite charges attract, and more protons creates a stronger charge. The greater attraction draws the electrons closer to the protons, decreasing the size of the particle. Therefore, atomic radius decreases. Down the groups, atomic radius increases. This is because there are more energy levels and therefore a greater distance between protons and electrons. In addition, electron shielding causes attraction to decrease, so re electrons can go farther away from the positively charged nucleus. Therefore, size (atomic radius) increases.", "Discovery of the neutron where md,p,n refer to the deuteron, proton, or neutron mass, and \"b.e.\" is the binding energy. The masses of the deuteron and proton were known; Chadwick and Goldhaber used values 2.0142 u and 1.0081 u, respectively. They found that the neutron's mass was slightly greater than the mass of the proton 7000100840000000000♠1.0084 u or 7000100899999999999♠1.0090 u, depending on the precise value used for the deuteron mass.[7] The mass of the neutron was too large to be a proton-electron composite, and the neutron was therefore identified as an elementary particle.[52] Ironically, in support of Fermi's theory, Chadwick and Goldhaber predicted that a free neutron would be able to decay into a proton, electron, and neutrino (beta decay).", "Atom Every atom is composed of a nucleus and one or more electrons bound to the nucleus. The nucleus is made of one or more protons and typically a similar number of neutrons. Protons and neutrons are called nucleons. More than 99.94% of an atom's mass is in the nucleus. The protons have a positive electric charge, the electrons have a negative electric charge, and the neutrons have no electric charge. If the number of protons and electrons are equal, that atom is electrically neutral. If an atom has more or fewer electrons than protons, then it has an overall negative or positive charge, respectively, and it is called an ion.", "Pump It Up (video game series) In comparison to Konami's Bemani line-up and other arcade rhythm games, there has been negligible emphasis on electronic music in Pump, but the first instances of electronic music on Pump were on NX2, as five crossovers from the American-made spinoff appeared, who in contrast, has a greater emphasis on electronic music.", "Resting potential In the case of the resting membrane potential across an animal cell's plasma membrane, potassium (and sodium) gradients are established by the Na+/K+-ATPase (sodium-potassium pump) which transports 2 potassium ions inside and 3 sodium ions outside at the cost of 1 ATP molecule. In other cases, for example, a membrane potential may be established by acidification of the inside of a membranous compartment (such as the proton pump that generates membrane potential across synaptic vesicle membranes).[citation needed]", "Nuclear binding energy The two methods for this conversion are mediated by the weak force, and involve types of beta decay. In the simplest beta decay, neutrons are converted to protons by emitting a negative electron and an antineutrino. This is always possible outside a nucleus because neutrons are more massive than protons by an equivalent of about 2.5 electrons. In the opposite process, which only happens within a nucleus, and not to free particles, a proton may become a neutron by ejecting a positron. This is permitted if enough energy is available between parent and daughter nuclides to do this (the required energy difference is equal to 1.022 MeV, which is the mass of 2 electrons). If the mass difference between parent and daughter is less than this, a proton-rich nucleus may still convert protons to neutrons by the process of electron capture, in which a proton simply electron captures one of the atom's K orbital electrons, emits a neutrino, and becomes a neutron.[7]", "Oxidative phosphorylation Another example of a divergent electron transport chain is the alternative oxidase, which is found in plants, as well as some fungi, protists, and possibly some animals.[43][44] This enzyme transfers electrons directly from ubiquinol to oxygen.[45]", "Anoxygenic photosynthesis The electron transport chain of purple non-sulfur bacteria begins when the reaction centre bacteriochlorophyll pair, P870, becomes excited from the absorption of light. Excited P870 will then donate an electron to bacteriopheophytin, which then passes it on to a series of electron carriers down the electron chain. In the process, it will generate an electro-chemical gradient which can then be used to synthesize ATP by chemiosmosis. P870 has to be regenerated (reduced) to be available again for a photon reaching the reaction-center to start the process anew. Molecular hydrogen in the bacterial environment is the usual electron donor.", "Ion Polyatomic and molecular ions are often formed by the gaining or losing of elemental ions such as a proton, H+, in neutral molecules. For example, when ammonia, NH3, accepts a proton, H+—a process called protonation—it forms the ammonium ion, NH4+. Ammonia and ammonium have the same number of electrons in essentially the same electronic configuration, but ammonium has an extra proton that gives it a net positive charge.", "Stellar nucleosynthesis In the cores of lower-mass main-sequence stars such as the Sun, the dominant energy production process is the proton–proton chain reaction. This creates a helium-4 nucleus through a sequence of chain reactions that begin with the fusion of two protons to form a deuterium nucleus (one proton plus one neutron) along with an ejected positron and neutrino.[18] In each complete fusion cycle, the proton–proton chain reaction releases about 26.2 MeV.[18] The proton–proton chain reaction cycle is relatively insensitive to temperature; a 10% rise of temperature would increase energy production by this method by 46%, hence, this hydrogen fusion process can occur in up to a third of the star's radius and occupy half the star's mass. For stars above 35% of the Sun's mass,[19] the energy flux toward the surface is sufficiently low and energy transfer from the core region remains by radiative heat transfer, rather than by convective heat transfer.[20] As a result, there is little mixing of fresh hydrogen into the core or fusion products outward.", "Anoxygenic photosynthesis The electron transport chain of green sulfur bacteria — such as is present in model organism Chlorobaculum tepidum — uses the reaction centre bacteriochlorophyll pair, P840. When light is absorbed by the reaction center, P840 enters an excited state with a large negative reduction potential, and so readily donates the electron to bacteriochlorophyll 663 which passes it on down the electron chain. The electron is transferred through a series of electron carriers and complexes until it is used to reduce NAD+. P840 regeneration is accomplished with the oxidation of sulfide ion from hydrogen sulfide (or hydrogen or ferrous iron) by cytochrome c555[citation needed].", "Ion An anion (−) (/ˈæn.aɪ.ən/), from the Greek word ἄνω (ánō), meaning \"up\",[9] is an ion with more electrons than protons, giving it a net negative charge (since electrons are negatively charged and protons are positively charged).[10]" ]
who wrote the theme song for mission impossible
[ "Theme from Mission: Impossible \"Theme from Mission: Impossible\" is the theme tune of the TV series Mission: Impossible (1966–1973). The theme was written and composed by Argentine composer Lalo Schifrin and has since gone on to appear in several other works of the Mission: Impossible franchise, including the 1988 TV series, the film series and the video game series. The 1960s version has since been acknowledged as one of TV's greatest theme tunes.[1]" ]
[ "Mission: Impossible Mission: Impossible is still recognized for its innovative use of music. Composer Lalo Schifrin wrote several distinctive pieces for the series. The visual cuts in the main title sequence were timed to the beats and measures of the theme tune—written in (unusual) 54 time—while an animated burning fuse moved across the screen. Most episodes included fairly long dialogue-free sequences showing the team members—particularly electronics expert Barney Collier—making technical preparations for the mission, usually to the accompaniment of another easily recognizable tune called \"The Plot.\" Lalo Schifrin also wrote a theme piece for each main character and the sound track for each episode incorporated variations of these throughout. Even when an episode's score is credited to some other composer, Desilu's music supervisor Jack Hunsacker would re-edit it, adding Schifrin melodies from the library.[34] The series had great impact on film and TV music. Before Mission: Impossible, a common compliment was along the lines of \"the score worked very well but never got in the way or called attention to itself.\" By contrast, Mission: Impossible was praised for the prominence of its music.", "Mission: Impossible The 1984 computer game Impossible Mission also featured a story in which the player takes the role of a secret agent who must stop an evil genius, but it also has no overt connection to the Mission: Impossible franchise, although the game's designer Dennis Caswell claimed that the title was chosen because \"it was, at least, somewhat descriptive, and the obvious allusion to Mission: Impossible was expedient.\"[45]", "Take a Look Around (song) The main riff of the song is derived from the original Mission: Impossible theme composed by Lalo Schifrin and appears on the soundtrack to the 2000 film Mission: Impossible 2. An instrumental version of \"Take a Look Around\" was released as a promo[1] and later included as a B-side on some versions of the \"Rollin'\" single.[2]", "Mission: Impossible Schifrin was awarded two Grammys at the 10th Grammy Awards for his work on the first season (Best Instrumental Theme and Best Original Score for a Motion Picture or TV Show).[28] He was also nominated for two Emmys (for the first and third seasons). Among the other composers to work on the series were Jerry Fielding, Walter Scharf, Gerald Fried, Richard Markowitz, Benny Golson, Robert Drasnin, and Hugo Montenegro. Gerald Fried worked on Mission: Impossible concurrently while working on the Star Trek television series and re-used the infamous \"Star Trek fight music\" in several Mission: Impossible episodes.", "Mission: Impossible The producers of Mission: Impossible were sued for plagiarism by the creators of an ABC show called 21 Beacon Street. The suit was settled out of court. Geller claimed never to have seen the earlier show; Beacon Street's story editor and pilot scripter, Laurence Heath, would later write several episodes of Mission: Impossible.[32]", "Mission: Impossible III Mission: Impossible III (stylized as M:i:III) is a 2006 American action spy film co-written and directed by J.J. Abrams in his directorial debut and starring Tom Cruise, who also served as a producer, in the role of IMF agent Ethan Hunt. It is the third installment in the Mission: Impossible film series. In the film, Ethan Hunt (Cruise) has retired from field work for the Impossible Missions Force (IMF) and trains new recruits. However, he is sent back into action to track down the elusive arms dealer Owen Davian (Philip Seymour Hoffman).", "Mission: Impossible The series follows the exploits of the Impossible Missions Force (IMF), a small team of secret agents used for covert missions against dictators, evil organizations and (primarily in later episodes) crime lords. On occasion, the IMF also mounts unsanctioned, private missions on behalf of its members.", "Mission: Impossible III Pete Vonder Haar of Film Threat said that \"you may be mildly entertained, but damned if you'll remember any of it five minutes later.\"[40] Stephanie Zacharek of Salon.com said that \"Cruise is the single bright, blinking emblem of the failure of Mission: Impossible III.\"[41] William Arnold of the Seattle Post-Intelligencer remarked that \"the latest [Mission: Impossible film] is just this side of insultingly stupid.\"[42] Shawn Levy of The Oregonian said that Mission: Impossible III \"feels like one of the more forgettable James Bond films—saddled, moreover, with a star who's sliding into self-parody.\"[43]", "Mission: Impossible CBS DVD (distributed by Paramount Home Entertainment) has released all seven seasons of Mission: Impossible on DVD in Regions 1, 2 & 4. The episodes of the original series of Mission: Impossible on the CBS DVD/Paramount Pictures Home Entertainment DVD releases were presented uncut and unedited, digitally restored and remastered from the original film negatives for picture clarity and sound, and are also presented in its original broadcast presentation and order. The first season of the 1980s revival was released in the fall of 2011, with the second and final season announced for spring 2012.", "Mission: Impossible In 1988, the American fall television season was hampered by a writers' strike that prevented the commissioning of new scripts. Producers, anxious to provide new product for viewers but with the prospect of a lengthy strike, went into the vaults for previously written material. Star Trek: The Next Generation, for example, used scripts written for an aborted Star Trek revival series proposed during the 1970s. The ABC network decided to launch a new Mission: Impossible series, with a mostly new cast (except for Peter Graves, who returned as Phelps), but using scripts from the original series, suitably updated. To save even more on production costs, the series was filmed in Australia; the first season in Queensland, and the second in Melbourne. Costs were, at that time, some 20 percent lower in Australia than in Hollywood. The new Mission: Impossible was one of the first American commercial network programs to be filmed in Australia.", "Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol The film was originally announced with a working name of Mission: Impossible 4 and code-named \"Aries\" during early production.[16] By August 2010, title considerations did not include the Mission: Impossible 4 name, and thought was given to omitting the specific term \"Mission: Impossible\", which Variety compared to Christopher Nolan's Batman sequel film The Dark Knight.[17] In late October 2010, however, the title was confirmed as Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol.[18]", "Mission: Impossible Reruns of Mission: Impossible are still shown weekly on Me-TV affiliate TV stations[35] and the cable service Youtoo TV.[citation needed] The original series' seven seasons are available online at the CBS All Access mobile, tablet and Roku applications.", "Theme from Mission: Impossible The Gavin Report wrote about the song: \"Those not familiar wiith this piece of music A) are under five years of age, B) have been living with Theodore Kaczynski for the past 25 years, or C) are not aware of television. This interpretation by half of U2 will he heard by millions of moviegoers expected to see what's been anticipated as the film of the summer. Try cranking this up and driving around the hills of San Francisco! Very cool.\"[7]", "Mission: Impossible (film series) Mission: Impossible is a series of American action films based on the television series of the same name. The series is co-produced by and stars Tom Cruise as Ethan Hunt, an agent of the Impossible Missions Force (IMF).", "Mission: Impossible At 171 episodes, the original version of Mission: Impossible held the record for having the most episodes of any English-language espionage television series for over 35 years (about 10 more episodes than its nearest rival, the UK-produced The Avengers). Its record was broken during the eighth season of 24 in 2010.[citation needed]", "Theme from Mission: Impossible Brave Combo covered the theme as a \"deep groove cumbia\" on their 2008 album, The Exotic Rocking Life.", "Mission: Impossible The new series was not a hit, but it was produced cheaply enough to keep it on the ABC schedule. The new Mission: Impossible ultimately lasted for two years; the writers' strike was resolved quickly enough that only four episodes were actual remakes, which, along with the decision to change the character names and backgrounds, resulted in the series being considered a continuation of the original series, rather than simply a remake.", "Theme from Mission: Impossible The theme's melodies form the basis of Limp Bizkit's 2000 single \"Take A Look Around\", which was recorded for the soundtrack of the second film.", "Mission: Impossible III Fox News attributed threats from Cruise, stating, \"to back out of his Mission: Impossible III promotional duties if Viacom didn't pull a repeat of the episode\", as evidence of \"bad blood\" between Cruise and Viacom.[17] The Washington Post reported that South Park fans \"struck back\", in March 2006, and threatened to boycott Mission: Impossible III until Comedy Central put \"Trapped in the Closet\" back on its schedule.[18] Melissa McNamara of CBS News later questioned whether this boycott hurt the film's box office debut.[19] Political blogger Andrew Sullivan encouraged a boycott of the film, based on claims that Cruise allegedly forced Comedy Central to censor a South Park episode about Scientologists. \"Make sure you don't go see Paramount's Mission: Impossible III, Cruise's upcoming movie,\" Sullivan wrote. \"I know you weren't going to see it anyway. But now any money you spend on this movie is a blow against freedom of speech. Boycott it. Tell your friends to boycott it.\"[20]", "Mission: Impossible Aside from the now iconic main theme, as well as the motif called \"The Plot\", which usually accompanied scenes of the team members carrying out the mission, the background music would incorporate minimalist innovations of percussion such as simply a snare drum and cymbals to build tension during the more \"sneaky\" moments of the episodes (sometimes accompanied by a bass flute playing). These quieter passages would greatly contrast the more bombastic fanfares when a mission member is at risk of getting caught just prior to a commercial break.", "Mission: Impossible Part of each episode's title sequence was highly unusual, as it was composed of a number of very short clips of key scenes from the subject episode. This was, and remains, very rare for series television. However, it was already being done as of the previous season on I Spy, which like Mission had the lighting of a fuse leading to it. The hand with the match was, until sometime in the sixth season, that of creator Bruce Geller; in the revival series, the hand belonged to Peter Graves, who was shown holding the match. Several British teleseries produced by Gerry Anderson and his then wife Sylvia Anderson, the contemporaneous Thunderbirds (made in 1964) and the mid-1970s Space: 1999 (which starred Mission: Impossible alumni Martin Landau and Barbara Bain) amongst them, also showed clips in the opening sequence. The reimagined Battlestar Galactica TV series also used this device. The clips in the opening sequence were chosen to showcase dramatic moments in the upcoming mission, such as moments of surprise, moments of violence, or equipment in use. In particular, the first clip shown was often someone getting punched and/or knocked out. For the first two seasons, the closing credits showed clips from that mission in freeze frame. At the start of 1968, when Paramount took over from Desilu, the same clips were shown during the closing credits across episodes; later seasons eschewed that approach, featuring a freeze frame of the hand lighting the fuse.", "Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol is a 2011 American action spy film directed by Brad Bird and written by Josh Appelbaum and André Nemec. It is the fourth installment in the Mission: Impossible film series, and also Bird's first live-action film.[4] It stars Tom Cruise, who reprises his role of IMF agent Ethan Hunt, with Jeremy Renner, Simon Pegg, and Paula Patton as his supporting team. Ghost Protocol was produced by Cruise, J. J. Abrams (the third film's director) and Bryan Burk. It saw the return of editor Paul Hirsch and visual effects supervisor John Knoll from the first film, and is also the first Mission: Impossible film to be partially filmed using IMAX cameras.", "Mission: Impossible III Ian Nathan of Empire said that Mission: Impossible III has \"an inspired middle-hour pumped by some solid action\" but added that \"we now live in a post-Bourne, recalibrated-Bond universe, where Ethan Hunt looks a bit lost.\"[34] Manohla Dargis of The New York Times said that \"Hoffman enlivens Mission: Impossible III\" but criticized the film's \"maudlin romance\" and \"Abrams's inability to adapt his small-screen talent to a larger canvas.\"[35] Rob Nelson of the Dallas Observer said that \"Abrams's movie is too oppressive, too enamored of its brutality to deliver anything like real thrills; its deeply unpleasant tone nearly makes you long even for [Mission: Impossible 2 director John] Woo's cartoon absurdities.\"[36]", "Ready or Not (Fugees song) Barack Obama listed this as his favorite song.[2] The song is used in the first theatrical trailer of the film Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation.[3]", "Uma Thurman (song) The song has received critical acclaim, with praise for the sample of the theme music from The Munsters and Patrick Stump's vocal performance. Billboard called it the \"best yet\" from the new album.[11] Music Times wrote positively about the song, stating that the rhythm and bassline are \"what really shine\" and that the \"steady and funky bassline carries the melody seamlessly through the track.\"[18] It also felt that vocalist Stump's vocal melody played off the music well.[18] Idolator wrote that The Munster sample added a '60s surf-rock vibe to the \"impossibly catchy\" song.[3]", "Mission: Impossible In many early episodes, the mission was to \"neutralize\" the target and it was made clear that the target is ultimately shot by his superiors, staff, or rivals, though this was usually not shown on screen. In later seasons, where the targets were usually organized-crime figures or similar, the goal of the mission is often simply to collect incriminating evidence not obtainable by \"conventional law-enforcement agencies.\" The team is not above falsifying such evidence as a last resort.", "Mission: Impossible Each title sequence started with a fuse being lit. As the fuse burned across the screen, clips from scenes in the current episode were shown.[11] This was followed by credits introducing the actors. Throughout the title sequence, only the show's theme music could be heard. In the fifth season, the series introduced an altered version of the theme, coinciding with episodes featuring Dr. Doug Robert during that season. Though Dr. Doug Robert did not appear in subsequent seasons, altered versions of the theme were used. The opening title sequences were created for each episode by optical effects artist Howard A. Anderson, Jr.", "Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation On the review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes, Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation has a rating of 93% based on 293 reviews and an average rating of 7.5/10. The website's critical consensus reads, \"Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation continues the franchise's thrilling resurgence—and proves that Tom Cruise remains an action star without equal.\"[87] Metacritic gives the film a score of 75 out of 100 based on 46 critics, indicating \"generally favorable reviews\".[88] On CinemaScore, audiences gave the film a grade of \"A–\" on an A+ to F scale.[89]", "Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown) The song has been covered by numerous artists, including Waylon Jennings, Tangerine Dream, Hank Williams Jr, Cornershop, Rahul Dev Burman and P.M. Dawn;[62][63] in 1968, Alan Copeland won the Grammy Award for Best Contemporary Performance by a Chorus for a medley of Norwegian Wood and the theme from Mission: Impossible.[64]", "This Life (song) Musician Dave Kushner, of Velvet Revolver, began collaborating with friend and producer Bob Thiele Jr. on the main theme song and end credit theme for the FX television series Sons of Anarchy.[2][3] Kushner originally wrote the riff with Shooter Jennings in mind before using it for the theme.[7] Thiele then contacted Curtis Stigers to write lyrics and sing the theme,[4] who recorded the song at Cunningham Audio Production in Boise, Idaho.[4] Show creator Kurt Sutter also cowrote the lyrics to the song.[6] When speaking about why he cowrote the theme for the show, Kushner stated that:", "Theme from Mission: Impossible Side A:", "Theme from Mission: Impossible Side B:", "Theme from Mission: Impossible One cover version was recorded by French No Wave artist Lizzy Mercier Descloux on her 1979 album, Press Color.[12]", "Theme from Mission: Impossible 7\" Single", "Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation was released on Blu-ray and DVD on December 15, 2015 in the United States.[102] A 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray was released on June 26, 2018 along with the first four films.[103]", "Mission: Impossible During the 5th season, with Paramount executives having gained greater control, new producer Bruce Lansbury began to phase out the international missions. These were more expensive to film, often requiring sets to be purpose built, along with special costuming, etc., all of which was far less necessary for \"domestic\" settings. This would manifest itself the following year with the IMF battling organized crime in most episodes, though this season still featured more international forays than not. These gangland bosses are usually associated with a criminal organization called \"The Syndicate,\" a generic organization, or its franchises. Generally when describing such assignments, the tape message notes that the target is outside the reach of \"conventional law enforcement.\"", "Mission: Impossible In most cases, the action lasted right up to the final seconds, with the episode ending in a freeze frame as the IMF team make their escape, another successful mission concluded. Most often they leave in a nondescript panel truck. A dramatic device frequently used at the end was the sound of a gunshot or a scream in the distance as the target is killed by his associates, while the IMF team make their getaway. On one particular episode, the team escape in a van after leaving a secret underground enemy base that is being destroyed by a series of explosions. In the 1980s revival, this format was altered with the addition of a tag scene showing the IMF team regrouping (often still in disguise) and walking away. From the middle of the second season onwards, Jim Phelps often makes a quip.", "Mission: Impossible The Apartment Scene acted as a teaser. In discussing the plan and their roles in it, the team members would make vague references to preparations necessary for its successful execution while leaving most details undisclosed. This scene also demonstrated and thereby established credibility for various gadgets or ploys that were key to the plan, such as a TV camera hidden in a brooch, a miniature radio-controlled hovercraft, a chess-playing computer, a \"mentalist\" or sleight-of-hand act, or a trained animal. In addition, this scene would establish, or at least hint at, the specialties and roles of any guest-star agents. Team members posing questions about aspects of the plan or why an alternative was not considered provided the writers with an opportunity to offer explanations for what otherwise might have seemed plot holes. When summing up, Phelps would often stress the difficulties in the action they were about to undertake or some key element of the plan vital to its success, such as a deadline by which the mission had to be completed.", "Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol In December 2011, Pegg suggested that he and Cruise were interested in returning for a fifth Mission: Impossible film.[76] Paramount was also reportedly interested in fast-tracking a fifth film due to the fourth film's success.[77] Bird had stated that he probably would not return to direct a fifth film, but Tom Cruise had been confirmed to return.[78] It was revealed In August 2013 that Christopher McQuarrie would be the director of Mission: Impossible 5.[79] Principal photography began in February 2014 in London.[80] Paramount Pictures released the film on July 31, 2015.[81] The plot centers around Hunt's IMF team in conflict with \"the Syndicate\", an international criminal organization first mentioned at the end of Ghost Protocol.", "Who You Are (Jessie J song) Mike Diver from BBC Music wrote that the song returns Jessie J \"to an acoustic accompaniment, and makes for a fine closer – it's her Hometown Glory, without the raw emotion but touching nonetheless.\"[6] Caroline Sullivan of The Guardian wrote that the song is a \"self-empowerment dirge\" and compared its theme with Lady Gaga's \"Born This Way\" (2011).[7]", "Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol Released in North America by Paramount Pictures on December 16, 2011, the film was a critical and commercial success. Ghost Protocol became the highest-grossing film in the series with $694 million,[5] and the highest-grossing film starring Cruise.[6][7][8] A sequel, Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation, was released in July 2015.", "Mission: Impossible Hill was replaced without explanation to the audience after the first season by Peter Graves playing the role of Jim Phelps, who remained the leader for the remainder of the original series and in the 1988–1990 revival.", "Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol Ghost Protocol grossed $209,397,903 in North America and $485,315,477 in other countries for a worldwide total of $694,713,380.[54] It is the highest-grossing film worldwide in the Mission: Impossible series,[55] and the fifth highest-grossing film of 2011.[56] It is also the highest-grossing film worldwide starring Cruise, surpassing War of the Worlds from the top spot.[57]", "Walt Disney Studios Park The Backlot is themed after actual movie backlots with an industrial theme and is very plain. This lot showcases the high thrills of movies and is targeted toward older children and adults with three thrilling attractions. The Backlot also features soundtracks from blockbusters such as Mission: Impossible 2, Planet of the Apes, Batman, or Independence Day.", "The Mission (1986 film) The Mission soundtrack was written by Ennio Morricone. Beginning with a liturgical piece (\"On Earth as It Is in Heaven\") which becomes the \"Spanish\" theme, it moves quickly to the \"Guaraní\" theme, which is written in a heavily native style and uses several indigenous instruments. Later, Morricone defines the \"Mission\" theme as a duet between the \"Spanish\" and \"Guaraní\" themes.", "Symphony No. 9 (Dvořák) The theme from the Largo was adapted into the spiritual-like song \"Goin' Home\" (often mistakenly considered a folk song or traditional spiritual) by Dvořák's pupil William Arms Fisher, who wrote the lyrics in 1922.[22][23][24][25]", "A Place to Stand, a Place to Grow The song was written by Dolores Claman, who also wrote \"The Hockey Theme\", with lyrics by Richard Morris and orchestrations by Jerry Toth. Lyrics for a French version were written by Larry Trudel.[1]", "Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol Despite Mission: Impossible III earning less than its predecessors at the box office, Paramount Pictures was keen on developing a fourth film.[12] In August 2009, Josh Appelbaum and André Nemec were hired to write the film's screenplay.[13] Because of other commitments, J. J. Abrams said that it was unlikely for him to return as director but made note that he will produce the film alongside Tom Cruise.[14] By March 2010, director Brad Bird was in talks of directing the film with Cruise officially returning to star as Ethan Hunt.[15]", "Mission: Impossible – Fallout Filming was slated to start in Paris on April 10.[21] Other locations include Britain, India, New Zealand and Norway.[22][23] Filming officially began on April 8, 2017.[24] Some of the filming was also taking place in New Zealand in July 2017.[25] The municipality of Forsand in Norway allowed the closing of Preikestolen for a time in autumn for the film's shoot; only crew members and cast were allowed to approach the mountain for nine consecutive days. They also were allowed up to 50 helicopter landings per day.[26] In August 2017, Cruise injured his right leg on the London set during filming.[27][28] Following his accident, the studio halted the production for at least nine weeks which would be taken to heal Cruise's broken ankle and other injuries, and released a statement saying that they would be keeping the July 2018 release date for the film.[29] Filming resumed in early October 2017, with Tom Cruise spotted on set seven weeks after his initial injury, and two weeks earlier than initially planned.[30] Reshoots for Cavill's Justice League coincided with the schedule for Fallout, for which he had grown a moustache which he was contracted to keep while filming, so Justice League's VFX team was forced to use special effects to digitally remove it in post-production.[31] On January 25, 2018, the title was revealed to be Mission: Impossible – Fallout.[32] Filming concluded on March 25, 2018 in United Arab Emirates.[33]", "Take a Look Around (song) The video for the song features the band working undercover at a coffee shop in order to retrieve a disc from a group of secret agents. But just as they are about to succeed, they are ordered to abort the mission, as the secret agents turn out to be decoys. The boys are soon kicked out, and the phone that Fred Durst uses at the beginning blows up right at the end. There are also scenes of the band performing in front of the coffee shop as well as brief shots from Mission: Impossible 2. At the beginning of the video, the song \"Break Stuff\" can be heard in the car that the band arrives in.", "Faith of the Heart \"Where My Heart Will Take Me\" is a reworked version of \"Faith of the Heart\" which was performed by English tenor Russell Watson as the theme song to the 2001 television series Star Trek: Enterprise. It was also used on four occasions as wake-up calls on Space Shuttle missions, and was performed by Watson at the 2002 Commonwealth Games. It was poorly received by some Star Trek fans who created petitions and protested against the use of the song as a theme.", "The Suite Life on Deck The show's theme song, \"Livin' the Suite Life,\" was written by John Adair and Steve Hampton (who also wrote the themes for fellow Disney Channel series The Suite Life of Zack & Cody, Phil of the Future, and Wizards of Waverly Place, as well as the theme for the ABC Kids series Power Rangers: RPM), with music composed by Gary Scott (who also composed the music cues to signal scene changes and promo breaks, some of which are styled similarly to the theme), and is performed by British singer Steve Rushton (who is only credited for performing the theme in the second season).", "Mission: Impossible The original series was filmed almost exclusively around Hollywood and the Los Angeles Basin. The pilot episode was filmed at Mount St. Mary's College (Brentwood Campus) with special guest star Wally Cox.[23] Other first season locations included the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County (\"Old Man Out\")[24] and the Los Angeles Union Pacific rail yard (\"The Train\")[25]. Pasadena and the Caltech campus were common locations.[citation needed] Another noted location was the Bradbury Building, used in other films and series (from The Outer Limits to Blade Runner). One episode (\"Trial by Fury\") was filmed at the Stalag 13 set of Hogan's Heroes.[26]", "Mission: Impossible Later, six feature films were released, produced by and starring Tom Cruise:", "Mission: Impossible The regular agent line-up during the first season consisted of:", "Mission: Impossible The series was filmed and financed by Desilu Productions,[2] and aired on the CBS network from September 1966 to March 1973. It was revived in 1988 for two seasons on ABC, retaining only Graves in the cast. It also inspired a series of theatrical motion pictures starring Tom Cruise, beginning in 1996.", "Mission: Impossible A feature film based upon the series was first proposed in 1978, then to be made for TV. This was the first of several attempts through the 1980s, but no feature production materialized.[41]", "Mission: Impossible According to Patrick White's book, the original plan was for the series to be an actual remake of the original series, with the new cast playing the same characters from the original series: Rollin Hand, Cinnamon Carter, et al. Just before filming began, White writes, the decision was made to rework the characters so that they were now original creations, albeit still patterned after the originals, with only Jim Phelps remaining unchanged.[40]", "Mission: Impossible The revived series included special appearances by several 1960s–70s IMF veterans, including Lynda Day George, and Greg Morris as Barney; Morris's son, Phil Morris, played Barney's son in the new series. Four guest stars from the original run all played targets here, Alex Cord, James Shigeta, and in the same episode, Barbara Luna and Australian Michael Pate.", "Mission: Impossible William Read Woodfield and Allan Balter served as story consultants for the first two seasons. According to White,[22] Woodfield and Balter relied heavily on The Big Con, written by David W. Maurer, for their inspiration. Hence Briggs/Phelps became the \"grifter-in-charge\", Rollin Hand and Cinnamon Carter were highly effective \"ropers\", and Barney Collier and Willy Armitage were experts at building or equipping \"big stores\". Woodfield and Balter later became producers of the third season. They did not last long and were dismissed for believing that executive producer Geller had no authority over them.[citation needed]", "Mission: Impossible Landau was billed as a \"special guest star\" during the first season; he had been cast as a guest star for the pilot with the understanding that he would be one of four or five rotating guest star agents. His contract gave producers an option to have him \"render services for (three or four) additional episodes\". To fill the void left by Hill's Sabbath absences, producers wound up using Landau for more episodes, always as a \"guest star\". He eventually struck a deal to appear in all the first season's remaining episodes, but always billed as a \"guest star\" so that he could have the option to give notice to work on a feature film. Landau contractually became a series regular in season two.[5]", "Mission: Impossible Next would follow what White refers to as the \"Dossier Scene\". Briggs or Phelps would be shown in a fancy apartment, retrieving an oversized, leather-bound folder from a locked drawer. Inside this folder were plastic-wrapped dossiers (usually featuring standard 8×10 \"glossies\" of the respective actors) of the available IMF agents. Briggs/Phelps would toss the selected agents' dossiers onto a table. According to White, most of the never-chosen dossiers were photographs of various series staffers and their wives, including Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Geller.[18] A contemporary article in TV Guide[volume & issue needed] claimed that many of the photos put aside in the \"dossier scene\" were of studio and network executives and that it was considered a measure of one's status in the studio and network hierarchies to appear there, but White makes no such statement.", "Mission: Impossible As a side effect of this, cast turnover was never once explained on the show. None of the main characters ever died or were disavowed in the original series, but a character could disappear between episodes without mention or acknowledgment. The 1980s revival, however, did kill off a main character on screen. Mimi Davis is the only character whose recruitment as an IMF agent was shown on screen, although such a scene was filmed for Dana Lambert (Lesley Ann Warren) and discarded.[31] The 1980s revival otherwise stayed true to Geller's edict, with the occasional brief exception.", "The Adventures of Robin Hood (TV series) Carl Sigman wrote the words and music for the theme song which was sung by Dick James. The song is still fondly remembered:", "Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation Paramount Pictures announced in August 2013 that Christopher McQuarrie would direct the fifth Mission: Impossible film, from a script by Drew Pearce, with Tom Cruise reprising his role as Ethan Hunt. TC Productions and Bad Robot would produce, and Skydance Productions, who served as co-financers and executive producers of the latest installment, will work closely with the team in the development and production process.\"[4] On November 14, 2013, Paramount announced a release date of December 25, 2015.[5] The same month, Simon Pegg confirmed he would reprise his role as Benji.[6] In May 2014, Will Staples replaced Pearce as screenwriter.[7] Also that month, Jeremy Renner confirmed he was returning in the role of William Brandt,[8] and Cruise said the film would shoot in London,[9] with a later report saying it would first shoot in Vienna in August.[10] At some point, McQuarrie replaced Staples as screenwriter; the final credits list McQuarrie as screenwriter, with story by Pearce.", "Don't Let Me Be Lonely Tonight AllMusic reviewer Bill Janovitz wrote that the song is \"a stunning example of the Tin Pan Alley-type of jazzy romantic ballad\", and that the song's lyrics, about \"a betrayed lover who allows his lonely heart to control his head\", were unusual in that songs on that theme were usually performed by female artists.[2]", "The Presidents of the United States of America (band) The Presidents also wrote the theme song for the 1998 TV movie My Date with the President's Daughter. They also performed a cover of the George of the Jungle theme song for the 1997 movie of the same name. This performance is not available on any of their albums.", "The Munsters The instrumental theme song, titled \"The Munsters's Theme\", was composed by composer/arranger Jack Marshall.[15] The theme song's lyrics, which the sitcom's co-producer Bob Mosher wrote, were never aired on CBS. Described by writer Jon Burlingame as a \"Bernard-Herrmann-meets-Duane-Eddy sound\",[9] the theme was nominated for a Grammy Award in 1965. A sample of the theme was used in the song Uma Thurman by Fall Out Boy.", "Ashleigh and Pudsey The final was held on 12 May 2012, where they performed to the Mission: Impossible theme. The routine involved Pudsey walking across the judging panel and then climbing onto Ashleigh's back. Later that evening, Ashleigh and Pudsey won the 2012 series of Britain's Got Talent, beating classical duo Jonathan and Charlotte.", "Johnny's Theme Doc Severinsen has kept the song alive on tour.[32] His Big Band opened its shows by playing the theme in its entirety, \"just to let you know who we are.\"[33] Severinsen and The Roots played \"Johnny's Theme\" during a 2015 episode of The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon.[34]", "Mission: Impossible (film series) Ethan Hunt comes under threat from the Syndicate, a near-mythical organization of rogue agents who kill to order. Faced with the IMF's disbandment, Hunt assembles his team for their mission to prove the Syndicate's existence and bring the organization down by any means necessary. The film was directed by Christopher McQuarrie.", "Mrs. Brown's Boys Some of the episodes on the Series 1 DVD differ from their original broadcasts. Due to copyright issues, scenes where casts perform songs were edited out. These edits included a scene where Mrs Brown sings Happy Birthday, the entire cast singing The Proclaimers song, \"I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)\" in episode 3, and a scene in episode 6 where Buster sings the theme tune to Mission: Impossible[58] No changes have been made to the Series 2 episodes on their DVD release.[59] A joke was made about being sued for singing a copyrighted song featured during the stage show Mrs Brown's Boys Live: Good Mourning Mrs Brown.[60]", "Tom Cruise Cruise has produced for multiple films in which he has been. He produced Mission: Impossible, Without Limits, Mission: Impossible 2, The Others, Vanilla Sky and many others.[48]", "Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol Outside North America, it debuted to a $69.5 million in 42 markets representing approximately 70% of the marketplace. In the United Arab Emirates, it set an opening-weekend record of $2.4 million (since surpassed by Marvel's The Avengers).[63] In two countries outside the U.S. in which filming took place, its opening weekend gross increased by multiples over the previous installment: in Russia, more than doubling, to $6.08 million[64] and in India, more than quadrupling, to $4.0 million.[65] It is the second highest-grossing Mission: Impossible film outside North America.[66] It topped the box office outside North America for three consecutive weekends (during December 2011)[67] and five weekends in total (the other two in 2012).[57] Its highest-grossing markets after North America are China ($102.5 million),[68] Japan ($69.7 million), and South Korea ($51.1 million).[69]", "The Birth of a Nation In his original compositions for the film, Breil wrote numerous leitmotifs to accompany the appearance of specific characters. The principal love theme that was created for the romance between Elsie Stoneman and Ben Cameron was published as \"The Perfect Song\" and is regarded as the first marketed \"theme song\" from a film; it was later used as the theme song for the popular radio and television sitcom Amos 'n' Andy.[31][32]", "Captain Kangaroo For the show's later seasons from 1982-1984 and subsequent PBS run, Schoolhouse Rock mainstay Lynn Ahrens (who composed and performed a few Captain Kangaroo songs herself) wrote a new theme, entitled \"Here Comes Captain Kangaroo\".", "The Lamb \"The Lamb\" is the counterpart poem to Blake's poem: \"The Tyger\" in Songs of Experience. Blake wrote Songs of Innocence as a contrary to the Songs of Experience – a central tenet in his philosophy and a central theme in his work.[1] Like many of Blake's works, the poem is about Christianity. The lamb is a common metaphor for Jesus Christ, who is also called \"The Lamb of God\" in John 1:29.", "One Sweet Day \"One Sweet Day\" was performed by the seven finalists on the seventh season of American Idol.[36] The performance was taped due to the \"Mariah Carey\" themed week, where all the competitors sang songs from Carey's repertoire.[36] The song was additionally sung on the fifth season of the UK TV show The X Factor, by the British boy-band JLS.[37] Their performance received praise from all four judges, who commented how it was an \"impossibly hard song to sing\" because it was a \"Mariah song\".[37] The song was also performed by John Adeleye during the seventh season The X Factor. The theme of the night was \"#1 songs\".[38] Shannon Magrane performed the song on the eleventh season of American Idol the week the contestants performed songs from their birth years. Andy Williams released a version in 2007 on his album, I Don't Remember Ever Growing Up.", "Mission: Impossible (film series) The opening theme music for the first six films are stylized renditions of Schifrin's original iconic theme, preserving the 5/4 rhythm, by Danny Elfman, Hans Zimmer, Michael Giacchino, Joe Kraemer and Lorne Balfe, respectively. Most of the versions included in the score also retained the 5/4 time signature.[25]", "Go Tell It on the Mountain (song) Other artists who have recorded the song (chiefly on either Christmas-themed music albums or collections of spirituals or folk songs) include:", "The Future's So Bright, I Gotta Wear Shades From there, the lyrics to the song were born, but not the song as it ended up in the minds of popular culture. While Pat wrote a song of a young nuclear scientist and his rich future,[1] listening audiences heard a graduation theme song.", "Dragon Ball Super The first opening theme song for episodes 1 to 76 is \"Chōzetsu☆Dynamic!\" (超絶☆ダイナミック!, Chōzetsu Dainamikku, \"Excellent Dynamic!\") by Kazuya Yoshii of The Yellow Monkey. The lyrics were penned by Yukinojo Mori who has written numerous songs for the Dragon Ball series.[33] The second opening theme song from episode 77 onwards is \"Genkai Toppa × Survivor\" (限界突破×サバイバー, \"Limit Breakthrough × Survivor\") by enka singer Kiyoshi Hikawa. Yukinojo Mori wrote the lyrics for the rock song and Takafumi Iwasaki composed the music.[34][35]", "Fanny Crosby Many of Fanny’s hymns emerged from her involvement in the city missions,[67] including \"More Like Jesus\" (1867),[233] \"Pass Me Not, O Gentle Saviour\" (1868),[234] and \"Rescue the Perishing\" (1869),[235] which became the \"theme song of the home missions movement\"[236] and was \"perhaps the most popular city mission song\", with its \"wedding of personal piety and compassion for humanity\".[237] She celebrated the rescue mission movement in her 1895 hymn \"The Rescue Band\".[238][239]", "My Heart Will Go On James Horner had originally composed the music for the song as an instrumental motif which he used in several scenes during Titanic; the main theme of the song being inspired by the song \"Flying Dutchman\" by Jethro Tull. He then wanted to prepare a full vocal version of it, for use in the end credits of the film. Lyricist Will Jennings was hired, who wrote the lyrics \"from the point of view of a person of a great age looking back so many years.\"[7] Director James Cameron did not want such a song, but Will Jennings went ahead anyway and wrote the lyrics. When Dion originally heard the song, she did not want to record it[8] as she felt she was pushing her luck by singing another film theme song after Beauty and the Beast.[7] Horner showed the piano sketch to Simon Franglen, who was working with him on electronic textures and synthesizers for the film score. Franglen, who had, himself, worked with Dion for several years on many of her major hits to date,[9] programmed and arranged an extensive demo to take to Dion.", "Robert Conrad Conrad appeared in episodes of Mannix and Mission: Impossible.", "Never Say Never (Justin Bieber song) \"Never Say Never\" is a song by Canadian recording artist Justin Bieber. The song is used as the theme song for The Karate Kid, and features rap interludes from the film's star, Jaden Smith. It was originally a risque demo with sexual lyrics performed by American singer Travis Garland, it was written and produced by The Messengers, and Omarr Rambert. However, for unknown reasons, Bieber was tapped to record the song for the film. He re-wrote the song with The Messengers, Rambert, Smith, and his vocal producer Kuk Harrell, to feature inspirational lyrics to foil the film's theme. The song contains R&B and pop elements while merging hip-hop.", "Amanda Abizaid She has also written and sang songs for several independent feature films, 3 Below, 13th Alley, Dark Ascension, and wrote the theme song and starred in the short film Facing the Lion.", "Soul Man (song) Howard Hewett covered \"Soul Man\" as a placeholder theme song for Season 2 of the ABC television series Hangin' with Mr. Cooper, starring Mark Curry. The song was a temporary replacement for the original theme song, which was performed by cast members Holly Robinson and Dawnn Lewis, who left the cast after the end of Season 1 and was ultimately a result of Lewis's departure.", "Tom Cruise Cruise returned as Ethan Hunt in the fifth installment of the Mission: Impossible series, Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation, which he also produced.[43] Returning cast members included Simon Pegg as Benji and Jeremy Renner as William Brandt, with Christopher McQuarrie as director.", "Take That Take That wrote and recorded the theme song \"Rule the World\" for the film Stardust directed by Matthew Vaughn, which was released in cinemas across the globe in October 2007.", "Ann Hampton Callaway Ann Hampton Callaway (born May 30, 1958) is a jazz singer, songwriter, and actress. She wrote and sang the theme song for the TV series The Nanny.", "24 (TV series) 24 garnered critical acclaim, winning numerous awards over its eight seasons, including Best Drama Series at the 2003 Golden Globe Awards and Outstanding Drama Series at the 2006 Primetime Emmy Awards. At the conclusion of its eighth season, 24 became the longest-running U.S. espionage/counterterrorism-themed television drama ever, surpassing both Mission: Impossible and The Avengers.[9]", "Michelle (song) \"Michelle\" won the Grammy Award for Song of the Year in 1967.[9] The song's win over \"Born Free\", \"The Impossible Dream\", \"Somewhere My Love\" and \"Strangers in the Night\" was seen as something of a triumph for The Beatles, who had in 1966 been nominated, but were unsuccessful, in nine categories.[citation needed] In 1999, BMI named \"Michelle\" as the 42nd most performed song of the 20th century.[10]", "Dermot Mulroney Mulroney is an accomplished cellist and in 2005 appeared alongside Boyd Tinsley for Alanis Morissette's show at the House of Blues in Hollywood. He played the cello in the film Samantha, where he portrayed a college student studying music alongside Martha Plimpton. He played cello in the song \"Place Your Hand\" from Melissa Etheridge's 1992 album Never Enough, on the EP for Rain Phoenix's band Papercranes, and on the score to Mission: Impossible III (2006), Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol (2011), and Star Trek Into Darkness (2013).[9] Most recently, he portrayed a cello soloist in the second and third seasons of Mozart in the Jungle.", "Mission: Impossible (film series) Ethan Hunt is framed for the murder of his IMF team during a botched mission in Prague and accused of selling government secrets to an arms dealer known only as \"Max\". On the run and enlisting the help of former agents, Ethan seeks to uncover the real traitor and clear his name. The film was directed by Brian De Palma.", "James Bond Theme When Roger Moore came to the role, the \"James Bond Theme\" became a string orchestra driven piece. Likewise, in Live and Let Die, the James Bond theme was featured in a Funk-inspired version of the tune reflecting the music of Blaxploitation films popular at the time. After that in 1974 John Barry composed the theme and song but sung by Lulu. The brief quote of the theme in the pre-credits music of The Spy Who Loved Me, titled \"Bond 77\", featured a disco sound, reflecting a style of music which was very popular at the time. The Spy Who Loved Me returned briefly to using the surf-rock guitar associated with the theme from the early days. One unusual instance occurred in Octopussy, when Bond's contact, who is disguised as a snake charmer played a few notes of the tune for Roger Moore's James Bond, presumably as a pre-arranged identification signal; this is an example of the tune being used as diegetic music. In the last Bond film of Roger Moore, A View to a Kill the melody of the theme was played on strings.", "The Who The American forensic drama CSI (CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, CSI: Miami, CSI: NY, and CSI: Cyber) feature Who songs as theme music, \"Who Are You\", \"Won't Get Fooled Again\", \"Baba O'Riley\" and \"I Can See for Miles\" respectively.[388][389] The group's songs have featured in other popular TV series such as The Simpsons,[390] and Top Gear, which had an episode where the presenters were tasked with being roadies for the band.[391]", "Jeremy Renner In 2011, Renner had an uncredited cameo appearance as Hawkeye in Thor for familiarity with his character for The Avengers, which was released in May 2012.[31] In the fourth installment of the Mission: Impossible series, Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol, he played William Brandt, the sidekick of Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise).[32]", "Talk:When the Saints Go Marching In Is an American Negro Spiritual and is the theme song for both the City of New Orleans and the football team, the Saints who were named for the City’s theme song." ]
what's the point of having a belly button
[ "Navel The navel (clinically known as the umbilicus, colloquially known as the belly button, or tummy button) is a hollowed or sometimes raised area on the abdomen at the attachment site of the umbilical cord.[1] All placental mammals have a navel.[2]" ]
[ "Heritability Even a highly heritable trait (such as eye color) assumes environmental inputs which are required for development: for instance temperatures and an atmosphere supporting life, etc. A more useful distinction than \"nature vs. nurture\" is \"obligate vs. facultative\"—under typical environmental ranges, what traits are more \"obligate\" (e.g., the nose—everyone has a nose) or more \"facultative\" (sensitive to environmental variations, such as specific language learned during infancy). Another useful distinction is between traits that are likely to be adaptations (such as the umbilical cord) vs. those that are byproducts of adaptations (such as the belly button), or are due to random variation (non-adaptive variation in belly button shape, e.g., convex or concave).", "Mouse button Most machines running Unix or a Unix-like operating system run the X Window System which almost always encourages a three-button mouse. X numbers the buttons by convention. This allows user instructions to apply to mice or pointing devices that do not use conventional button placement. For example, a left-handed user may reverse the buttons, usually with a software setting. With non-conventional button placement, user directions that say “left mouse button” or “right mouse button” are confusing. The ground-breaking Xerox Parc Alto and Dorado computers from the mid-1970s used three-button mice, and each button was assigned a color. Red was used for the left (or primary) button, yellow for the middle (secondary), and blue for the right (meta or tertiary). This naming convention lives on in some Smalltalk environments, such as Squeak, and can be less confusing than the right, middle and left designations.", "Push-button telephone The push-button telephone is a telephone that has electronic buttons or keys for dialing a telephone number. This phone was easier and quicker to use than the rotary dial phone because the caller pressed buttons rather than having to turn a dial.", "Belly dance Documentaries about belly dance include American Bellydancer, Journey of Desire: A Foreign Dancer in Cairo, Belly, Sensual... Scarred... Sacred, and Bellydancers of Cairo.", "Radio button Radio buttons are arranged in groups of two or more and displayed on screen as, for example, a list of circular holes that can contain white space (for unselected) or a dot (for selected). Each radio button is normally accompanied by a label describing the choice that the radio button represents. The choices are mutually exclusive; when the user selects a radio button, any previously selected radio button in the same group becomes deselected (making it so only one can be selected). Selecting a radio button is done by clicking the mouse on the button, or the caption, or by using a keyboard shortcut.", "Willam Belli World of Wonder contacted Willam's management asking for him to audition for the fourth season of RuPaul's Drag Race.[2] In November 2011, Logo TV announced that Belli was among 13 contestants competing on the fourth season.[14] Fellow castmate Chad Michaels had competed with Belli in the California Entertainer of the Year Pageant in 2010.[15] Belli won the main challenges in the episodes \"Float Your Bloat\" and \"Frenemies,\" but was disqualified in the latter.[16] In the episode \"Reunited,\" Belli stated that his disqualification was due to conjugal visits made by his husband in his hotel room,[17] though by Belli's own account, the \"disqualification\" coincided with a previously booked off-Broadway engagement.[18] Belli used the publicity of his disqualification to release his single \"Chow Down,\" which was a parody of Wilson Phillips' \"Hold On\" that addressed the 2012 Chick-fil-A same-sex marriage controversy. The song featured Detox and Vicky Vox.[19]", "Mouse button A workaround common to users of two-button mice in environments designed for three buttons is mouse chording, to simulate a tertiary-click by pressing both buttons simultaneously.", "Navel piercing Although navel bananabells are different from full rings, such as captive bead rings (CBRs), which can also be worn in navel piercings, internet body jewelry retailers and wholesalers tend to refer to these barbells as belly button \"rings\".", "Pointing device A trackball is a pointing device consisting of a ball housed in a socket containing sensors to detect rotation of the ball about two axis, similar to an upside-down mouse: as the user rolls the ball with a thumb, fingers, or palm the pointer on the screen will also move. Tracker balls are commonly used on CAD workstations for ease of use, where there may be no desk space on which to use a mouse. Some are able to clip onto the side of the keyboard and have buttons with the same functionality as mouse buttons.[9] There are also wireless trackballs which offer a wider range of ergonomic positions to the user.", "Belly dance Belly dancing is believed to have had a long history in the Middle East, but reliable evidence about its origins is scarce, and accounts of its history are often highly speculative.[11] Several Greek and Roman sources including Juvenal and Martial describe dancers from Asia Minor and Spain using undulating movements, playing castanets, and sinking to the floor with \"quivering thighs\", descriptions that are certainly suggestive of the movements that we today associate with belly dance.[12] Later, particularly in the 18th and 19th centuries, European travellers in the Middle East such as Edward Lane and Flaubert wrote extensively of the dancers they saw there, including the Awalim and Ghawazee of Egypt.[13] In the Ottoman Empire belly dance was performed by both boys and women in the Sultan's palace.[14]", "Mouse button Another involves the press-and-hold technique. In a press-and-hold, the user presses and holds the single button. After a certain period, software perceives the button press not as a single click but as a separate action. This has two drawbacks: first, a slow user may press-and-hold inadvertently. Second, the user must wait for the software to detect the click as a press-and-hold, otherwise the system might interpret the button-depression as a single click. Furthermore, the remedies for these two drawbacks conflict with each other: the longer the lag time, the more the user must wait; and the shorter the lag time, the more likely it becomes that some user will accidentally press-and-hold when meaning to click. Studies have found all of the above workarounds less usable than additional mouse buttons for experienced users.[citation needed]", "Facebook like button The Like button is one of Facebook's social plug-ins, which are features for websites outside Facebook as part of its Open Graph.[18][19] Speaking at the company's F8 developer conference on April 21, 2010, the day of the launch, CEO Mark Zuckerberg said \"We are building a Web where the default is social\".[19][20] The like button is implemented similarly to an advertising network, in that as more sites participate, Facebook is given a vast amount of information about who visits which websites and when. When loading a website that has the like button enabled, the user's web browser connects to Facebook's servers, which record which website was visited, and by what user.[21]", "Curling The winner is the team having the highest number of accumulated points at the completion of ten ends. Points are scored at the conclusion of each of these ends as follows: when each team has thrown its eight stones, the team with the stone closest to the button wins that end; the winning team is then awarded one point for each of its own stones lying closer to the button than the opponent's closest stone.", "Red-bellied piranha The red-bellied piranha belongs to the family Serrasalmidae, which is a group of medium to large-sized characids and includes other closely related omnivores such as pacus.[4] They are characterized by deep, lateral compressed bodies and long dorsal fins.[5] Within the family, red-bellied piranhas are classified in the genus Pygocentrus, which is distinguished by the unusual dentition and differing head width dimensions. The red-bellied piranha is considered to be highly carnivorous, while most other fish that are not piranhas in the family are primarily herbivorous. However, the red-bellied piranha is actually omnivorous.[5]", "Belly dance Egyptian belly dance is noted for its controlled, precise movements.[20]", "Jelly Belly Jelly Belly Candy Company manufactures numerous specialty Jelly Belly jelly beans with licensed products like Tabasco sauce and uncommon candy tastes like egg nog and pancakes and maple syrup.[23] A few flavors, like lychee and green tea, are sold only in markets outside the United States.[23]", "Willam Belli Beginning in December 2012, Belli began a YouTube series associated with thestylishvids titled, \"Willam's Beatdown\". A comedy segment involving insult humor and video reviews, the series would eventually be renewed for a second, third, fourth, and fifth season that then premiered on Belli's self-titled channel. In January 2013, Belli would have his biggest viral hit with 20 million hits on YouTube alone, when he released \"Boy Is a Bottom,\" featuring Detox and Vicky Vox, to coincide with the fifth season premiere of RuPaul's Drag Race.[25] Its timing and the use of social media made it a very well received release. The song is a parody of \"Girl on Fire\" by Alicia Keys and also features an altered version of the \"breakdown\" from \"My Lovin' (You're Never Gonna Get It)\" by En Vogue.[26] \"Boy Is a Bottom\" debuted at number six on Billboard's Comedy Digital Songs, selling 3,000 downloads in its first week.[27]", "Button, Button (The Twilight Zone) Arthur and Norma Lewis live in a low-rent tenement and are slowly descending into abject poverty. One day they receive a mysterious locked box with a button atop it and a note that says Mr. Steward will come visit. Then, just as the note said, a smartly dressed stranger who introduces himself as Mr. Steward comes to their door while Arthur is away. He gives Norma the key to the box and explains that if they press the button then two things will happen: they will receive $200,000 but in consequence someone \"whom [they] don't know\" will die.", "Red-bellied black snake Red-bellied black snakes have multiple places they can hide in their habitat including logs, old mammal burrows, and grass tussocks.[20] They can flee into water and hide there, with one report of one staying submerged for 23 minutes. When swimming they may have the whole head or the nostrils above the water's surface.[22] Within their habitat, red-bellied black snakes appear to have ranges or territories that they are familiar with and generally remain within. A 1987 field study in three New South Wales localities found that they varied widely, from 0.02 to 40 hectares in size.[20]", "Mouse button While historically, most PC mice provided two buttons, only the primary button was standardized in use for MS-DOS and versions of Windows through 3.1x; support and functionality for additional buttons was application specific. However, in 1992, Borland released Quattro Pro for Windows (QPW), which used the right (or secondary) mouse button to bring up a context menu for the screen object clicked (an innovation previously used on the Xerox Alto, but new to most users). Borland actively promoted the feature, advertising QPW as “The right choice,” and the innovation was widely hailed as intuitive and simple. Other applications quickly followed suit, and the “right-click for properties” gesture was cemented as standard Windows UI behavior after it was implemented throughout Windows 95.", "Belly dance Belly dance did not return to Spain until the 1980s, with the end of the Catholic regime of Franco.[citation needed]", "Belly dance Belly dance in the Middle East has two distinct social contexts: as a folk or social dance, and as a performance art.", "Radio button Group of attributes defined by name. In one group can be chosen only one radio button.", "Mouse button The Macintosh user interface, by design, always has and still does make all functions available with a single-button mouse. Apple's Human Interface Guidelines still specify that other developers need to make all functions available with a single-button mouse as well. Various functions commonly done with additional buttons on other platforms were, when implemented on the Mac by most developers, instead done in conjunction with modifier keys. For instance, contextual menus were most often invoked by “Control Key-click,” a behavior later explicitly adopted by Apple in OS 8's Contextual Menu Manager.", "Willam Belli Belli's trio, including Detox and Vicky Vox, called DWV, officially split in June 2014 due to a personal conflict between the members.[1]", "Mouse button One workaround was the double click, first used on the Lisa, to allow both the “select” and “open” operation to be performed with a single button.", "Mouse button A mouse button is a microswitch on a computer mouse which can be pressed (“clicked”) to select or interact with an element of a graphical user interface.", "Belly dance The term \"belly dance\" is a translation of the French term \"danse du ventre\", which was applied to the dance in the Victorian era, and referred to Egyptian and oriental female dances.", "Belly dance Belly dance was popularized in the West during the Romantic movement of the 18th and 19th centuries, when Orientalist artists depicted romanticized images of harem life in the Ottoman Empire.", "Belly dance The modern Egyptian belly dance style (and the modern costume) are said to have originated in Cairo's nightclubs then been used in Egyptian cinema. Many of the local dancers went on to appear in Egyptian films and had a great influence on the development of the Egyptian style and became famous like Samia Gamal and Taheyya Kariokka both of whom helped attract the eyes to Egyptian style worldwide.[19]", "Mouse button With less abstracted software, a mouse button's current state (“mouse up” and “mouse down”) is monitored, allowing for modal operations such as drag and drop.", "Penn & Teller's Smoke and Mirrors Like the other \"scam\" minigames, Player 1 will always win the level (he will always have more points). Player 1 controls various cheating features with simple button combinations. One additional feature is a button combination to change the controller that is \"in charge\" of the \"scam\", which is useful if the \"mark\" gets suspicious and wants to switch controllers.", "Belly dance Tribal belly dance costumes draw inspiration from traditional folkloric costumes across the globe and include circle skirts, pantaloons, and turbans or headdresses decked with feathers or flowers.[27]", "Red-bellied piranha The typical diet of red-bellied piranhas includes insects, worms, crustaceans, and fish.[13] In packs up to hundreds, piranhas have been known to feed on animals as large as egrets or capybara. Despite the piranha’s reputation as a dangerous carnivore, it is actually primarily a scavenger and forager, and will mainly eat plants and insects during the rainy season when food is abundant.[14] They also tend to only feed on weak, injured, dying, or dead animals in the wild.[13] Red-bellied piranhas do not stay in groups in order to pack-hunt for larger animals, but instead group for protection against predators.", "Blade (S2) A trailing-point knife has a back edge that curves upward to end above the spine. This lets a lightweight knife have a larger curve on its edge and indeed the whole of the knife may be curved. Such a knife is optimized for slicing or slashing. Trailing point blades provide a larger cutting area, or belly, and are common on skinning knives.", "Impulsivity In a study, a child was taken to the experimental room and told that they were going to play a game in which they had a chance to win a lot of M&M's. Every time they made the light of the reward indicator by pressing a red button, they would earn an M&M's. However, they had to wait a while (6 seconds) before they could press it to get another point. If they had pressed the button too soon, then they would have not gotten a point, and the light would not go on, and they had to wait a while before they could press it to get another point.[citation needed]", "Button, Button (The Twilight Zone) In the original short story, the plot is resolved differently. Norma presses the button, and receives the money—after her husband dies in a train incident where he is pushed onto the tracks (the money was the no-fault insurance settlement, which is $50,000 instead of the $200,000 in the Twilight Zone episode). A despondent Norma asks the stranger why her husband was the one who was killed. The stranger replies, \"Do you really think you knew your husband?\"", "Cardinal point (optics) The front and rear nodal points have the property that a ray aimed at one of them will be refracted by the lens such that it appears to have come from the other, and with the same angle with respect to the optical axis. The nodal points therefore do for angles what the principal planes do for transverse distance. If the medium on both sides of the optical system is the same (e.g., air), then the front and rear nodal points coincide with the front and rear principal points, respectively.", "Jelly Belly The company's signature product, the Jelly Belly jelly bean, comes in more than 50 varieties, ranging from traditional flavors like orange, lemon, lime, and cherry, to more exotic ones like cinnamon, pomegranate, cappuccino, buttered popcorn and chili-mango.[22]", "Pointing device A touchpad or trackpad is a flat surface that can detect finger contact. It is a stationary pointing device, commonly used on laptop computers. At least one physical button normally comes with the touchpad, but the user can also generate a mouse click by tapping on the pad. Advanced features include pressure sensitivity and special gestures such as scrolling by moving one's finger along an edge.", "The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess The context-sensitive button mechanic allows one button to serve a variety of functions, such as talking, opening doors, and pushing, pulling, and throwing objects.[e] The on-screen display shows what action, if any, the button will trigger, determined by the situation. For example, if Link is holding a rock, the context-sensitive button will cause Link to throw the rock if he is moving or targeting an object or enemy, or place the rock on the ground if he is standing still.[f]", "Nature versus nurture Traits may be considered to be adaptations (such as the umbilical cord), byproducts of adaptations (the belly button) or due to random variation (convex or concave belly button shape).[41]\nAn alternative to contrasting nature and nurture focuses on \"obligate vs. facultative\" adaptations.[41] Adaptations may be generally more obligate (robust in the face of typical environmental variation) or more facultative (sensitive to typical environmental variation). For example, the rewarding sweet taste of sugar and the pain of bodily injury are obligate psychological adaptations—typical environmental variability during development does not much affect their operation.[42] On the other hand, facultative adaptations are somewhat like \"if-then\" statements.[43] An example of a facultative psychological adaptation may be adult attachment style. The attachment style of adults, (for example, a \"secure attachment style,\" the propensity to develop close, trusting bonds with others) is proposed to be conditional on whether an individual's early childhood caregivers could be trusted to provide reliable assistance and attention. An example of a facultative physiological adaptation is tanning of skin on exposure to sunlight (to prevent skin damage).", "DualShock The DualShock 4 features the following buttons: PS button, SHARE button, OPTIONS button, directional buttons, action buttons (triangle, circle, cross, square), shoulder buttons (R1/L1), triggers (R2/L2), analog stick click buttons (L3/R3) and a touch pad click button.[25] These mark several changes from the DualShock 3 and other previous PlayStation controllers. The START and SELECT buttons have been merged into a single OPTIONS button.[25][26] A dedicated SHARE button allows players to upload screenshots and videos from their gameplay experiences.[25] The joysticks and triggers have been redesigned based on developer input,[25] with the ridged surface of the joysticks now featuring an outer ring surrounding the convex dome caps.", "What We Have Sown What We Have Sown (2007) is the sixth album by The Pineapple Thief, recorded over the span of eight weeks during the development of Tightly Unwound (compare with 8 Days and 8 Days Later). The record was released through Cyclops Records as a \"thank you\" to the label for supporting the band before their departure for Kscope.", "Louisiana State Penitentiary Lead Belly and little Booker both, had the pleasure of partying,\non the pon de rosa, *laughs* you know what I mean, you dig?\nYeah, on the pon de rosa, you know, down in Angola\nwhere they have boys doing from one year to ninety nine", "YouTube Play Buttons When a verified YouTuber reaches a specific milestone and is deemed eligible for a YouTube Creator Reward,[1] they are awarded a relatively flat trophy in a metal casing with a YouTube play button symbol. The trophies are of different sizes: each button and plaque gets progressively bigger the more subscribers the channel gets.[6]", "Belly dance The costume most commonly associated with belly dance is the 'bedlah' (Arabic: بدلة‎; literally \"suit\") style, which typically includes a fitted top or bra, a fitted hip belt, and a full-length skirt or harem pants. The bra and belt may be richly decorated with beads, sequins, crystals, coins, beaded fringe and embroidery. The belt may be a separate piece, or sewn into a skirt.", "Shazam (company) While Shazam already had Facebook and Twitter share buttons, deeper Facebook integration was released in March 2011. With Shazam Friends users can see what their Facebook friends have tagged, listen to the tracks and buy them.[48]", "Court dress Judges of the supreme court wear black robes with a red strip with buttons. The buttons are gold with the top button having the seal of the People's Republic of China.", "Facebook like button Google's social networking service Google+ utilizes a similar concept, the \"+1\" button.[26]", "Facebook like button The like button is a feature of social networking service Facebook, where users can like content such as status updates, comments, photos, links shared by friends, and advertisements. The feature was activated February 9, 2009.[1] It is also a feature of the Facebook Platform that enables participating websites to display a button that enables sharing the site's content with friends.[2]", "Talk:Ye Meri Life Hai [I just lost the entire post from here. God! Pressed the wrong button at blogger and see what happens. I'll try and reproduce what I wrote. :(]", "Willam Belli Willam Belli (born June 30, 1982), commonly referred to as simply Willam, is an American actor, drag queen, model, reality television personality, recording artist, and author, who is known for his recurring role as transgender woman Cherry Peck in Ryan Murphy's medical drama Nip/Tuck and for being a contestant on the fourth season of RuPaul's Drag Race, during which he became the only contestant ever disqualified from the series.", "Word of Wisdom And again \"hot drinks are not for the body, or belly;\" there are many who wonder what this can mean; whether it refers to tea, or coffee, or not. I say it does refer to tea, and coffee.[22]", "Belly dance The popularity of these dancers subsequently spawned dozens of imitators, many of whom claimed to be from the original troupe. Victorian society continued to be affronted by the dance, and dancers were sometimes arrested and fined.[24] The dance was nicknamed the \"Hoochie coochie\", or the shimmy and shake. A short film, \"Fatima's Dance\", was widely distributed in the Nickelodeon theaters. It drew criticism for its \"immodest\" dancing, and was eventually censored. Belly dance drew men in droves to burlesque theaters, and to carnival and circus lots.", "Jelly Belly The Fairfield and Pleasant Prairie locations offer free daily tours. The 1⁄4 mi-long (400 m) self-guided Fairfield tour features interactive exhibits, Jelly Belly bean art, and videos featuring the candy manufacturing process. It was named one of the best factory tours for children by FamilyFun Magazine in 2014.[33] The Pleasant Prairie tour features a train ride through the warehouse with videos and displays about the candy manufacturing process and company history.", "Belly dance Lebanese style belly dance is somewhere between the Egyptian and Turkish styles. Lebanese dance takes from the classic oriental dance, but still incorporates a feisty, modern edge. There are large steps, backward leans to the torso, twisting hip rotations, large and busy arms and lots of shimmies. The types of techniques that are used in Lebanese style dance are quick layered shimmies and subtle internal movements. Lebanese dancers sometimes include kicks, splits, deep back bends, and Turkish drops.[22]", "Red-bellied piranha Acoustic communication among red-bellied piranhas is exhibited along with aggressive behaviors, such as biting, chasing, conspecific confrontation, and fighting.[12] The sounds created by piranhas are generated through rapid contractions of the sonic muscles and is associated with the swimbladder. The swimbladder may play an important role in sound production as a resonator.[18] all of the observations made on sound production by red-bellied pirhana have been when specimens were held by hand. When taken out of the water, the red-bellied piranha will emit a drumming-like sound, consisting of a low-frequency harmonic sound.[19] However, research has shown the presence of three types of acoustic emissions that are associated with specific behaviors. Type one calls are made up of harmonic sounds, last approximately 140 milliseconds at 120 Hz, and are associated with frontal display behavior between two fish. Type two sounds last approximately 36 milliseconds at 40 Hz, and are associated with circling and fighting behavior related to food competition. Type three sounds are made up of a single pulse lasting just 3 milliseconds at 1740 Hz, and are highly associated with chasing behavior toward a conspecific individual. This same sound is also produced when an individual snaps its jaws to bite another individual.[19]", "The Game of Life: Twists & Turns The buttons and their functions follow. Note that 4 and 9 are not used for anything except when entering money, Life Points and salaries", "Red-bellied black snake The red-bellied black snake accounted for 16% of identified snakebite victims in Australia between 2005 and 2015, with no deaths recorded.[32] Its venom consists of neurotoxins, myotoxins, coagulants and also has haemolytic properties. Bites from red-bellied black snake are rarely life-threatening, but require immediate medical attention.[33] Symptoms of systemic envenomation—including nausea, vomiting, headache, abdominal pain, diarrhoea or diaphoresis—were thought to be rare, but a 2010 review found they occurred in most bite victims. Most people also go on to develop an anticoagulant coagulopathy in a few hours. This is characterised by a raised aPTT, and subsides over 24 hours. It resolves quickly with antivenom. A few people go on to develop a myotoxicity and associated generalised muscle pain and occasionally weakness, which may last for up to 7 days.[34] The red-bellied black snake is the most commonly reported species responsible for envenomed dogs in New South Wales.[35] In 2006, a 12 year old golden retriever suffered rhabdomyolysis and acute renal failure secondary to a red-bellied black snake bite.[36]", "Yellow-bellied sea snake The yellow-bellied sea snake is one of the most widely distributed snakes in the world.[4] It is completely pelagic and is often observed on oceanic drift lines, using surface currents and storms to move around the ocean.[20] Their distribution appears to be largely determined by favourable water temperatures, oceanic currents and recent formation of land bridges that have blocked farther dispersal.", "What Might Have Been \"What Might Have Been\" is a song recorded by American country music group Little Texas. It was released in May 1993 as the lead-off single from their second (and breakthrough) album, Big Time. It was written by the band's lead guitarist Porter Howell, rhythm guitarist Dwayne O'Brien, and keyboardist and vocalist Brady Seals. The song reached number 2 on the Billboards Hot Country Songs chart and number 11 on the Canadian RPM country Tracks chart in 1993. It is one of their best known songs, peaking at number 16 on the Hot Adult Contemporary Tracks chart.", "Push-button telephone This phone, the Western Electric 1500, had only ten buttons. In 1968 it was replaced by the twelve-button model 2500, adding the asterisk or star (*) and pound or hash (#) keys.[9] The use of tones instead of dial pulses relied heavily on technology already developed for the long line network, although the 1963 touch-tone deployment adopted a different frequency set for its dual-tone multi-frequency signaling.", "Wikipedia:Neutral point of view Achieving what the Wikipedia community understands as neutrality means carefully and critically analyzing a variety of reliable sources and then attempting to convey to the reader the information contained in them fairly, proportionately, and as far as possible without editorial bias. Wikipedia aims to describe disputes, but not engage in them. Editors, while naturally having their own points of view, should strive in good faith to provide complete information, and not to promote one particular point of view over another. As such, the neutral point of view does not mean exclusion of certain points of view, but including all verifiable points of view which have sufficient due weight. Observe the following principles to achieve the level of neutrality that is appropriate for an encyclopedia:", "Willam Belli Belli's first acting credit was as the role of a street hustler named Bart Jaker on two episodes of The District (2002) and his first TV appearance was on an episode of the game show Street Smarts.[2][8] He later appeared in the TV series The District, Boston Public, Cold Case, The Shield, My Name Is Earl and most notably Nip/Tuck as the transgender character Cherry Peck. Throughout the 2000s he would go on to play small roles in many television shows. He also had a small role in the film American Wedding.", "Belly dance Turkish belly dance is referred to in Turkey as Oryantal Dans, or simply 'Oryantal'. The Turkish style of bellydance is lively and playful, with a greater outward projection of energy than the more contained Egyptian style. Turkish dancers are known for their energetic, athletic (even gymnastic) style, and their adept use of finger cymbals, also known as zils. Connoisseurs of Turkish dance often say a dancer who cannot play the zils is not an accomplished dancer. Floorwork, which has been banned in Egypt since the mid-20th century, is still an important part of Turkish bellydance.", "Infant The umbilical cord of a newborn is bluish-white in color. After birth, the umbilical cord is normally cut, leaving a 1–2 inch stub. The umbilical stub will dry out, shrivel, darken, and spontaneously fall off within about 3 weeks. This will later become a belly-button after it heals. Occasionally, hospitals may apply triple dye to the umbilical stub to prevent infection, which may temporarily color the stub and surrounding skin purple.", "Facebook like button Like buttons as used by social networks on websites other than their own are often used as web beacons to track user activities for targeted advertising such as behavioral targeting combined with personally identifiable information, and may be considered a breach of Internet privacy.[35][36][21][37] In June 2010, the American Civil Liberties Union, Center for Democracy and Technology, Center for Digital Democracy, Consumer Action, Consumer Watchdog, Electronic Frontier Foundation, Electronic Privacy Information Center, Privacy Activism, Privacy Lives, and Privacy Rights Clearinghouse sent an open letter to Facebook requesting that it \"Do not retain data about specific visitors to third party sites that incorporate “social plugins” or the “like” button, unless the site visitor chooses to interact with those tools.\"[38][39] Multiple governments have also launched investigations into the activity. In September 2010, then-Privacy Commissioner of Canada Jennifer Stoddart announced new investigations against Facebook, alleging that the like button's appearance outside Facebook violates Canada's privacy laws.[40] In August 2011, the German Data Protection Commissioner’s Office ordered federal agencies to stop using Facebook and remove the like button from their websites.[41] In November 2015, the government of Belgium gave Facebook 48 hours to cease tracking people who were not signed into Facebook, or else receive a daily fine of EUR€250,000,[42] to which Facebook said it would appeal.[43]", "Wii Remote Reset: In applications and games (both retail and downloadable), the Reset button is available. This performs a soft reset of that particular application, for example returning a game to its title screen or the loading screen of a Wii Menu channel, the same as what would happen if the player were to press the console's physical reset button.", "The Upside Down Show There are a few running gags in the show. The main one is the \"Upside-Down\" button. When this button is pressed (and it is in every episode but one), the viewpoint shifts, with a silly sound effect, to an upside-down shot of whomever is in the scene. The actors' and puppets' hands are held up in the air to make it look as if they are hanging upside down. One of the boys begs the viewer to press the \"Right Side Up\" button, at which point the viewpoint rights itself. Another sequence seen in each episode is the use of the \"Instant Replay\" button. The brothers ask the viewer to press this button to see a child do something again. During the slow motion replay, Shane and David play the role of commentators, narrating the action and assessing the child's technique. A more subtle running gag is the fake pineapple that appears in at least three episodes. Another is the \"Mute button\". Once this button is pressed, Shane speaks without a sound until David presses \"Unmute\", which reverses the effects of the \"Mute button\" and is only seen in the episode \"Airport\". Next is the \"Rotate\" button in the episode \"Pet Shop\". When David or the viewers press this special button, the viewpoint shifts 360 degress. The next button is the \"Horizontal button\", in which whomever is at the scene is put in the sideways position and one of the boys ask the viewer to press the \"Vertical button\", which puts the actors in the upright position and is only seen in the episode \"Camping\". This next one is the \"Up button\", which makes the actors go up and they beg for the viewers to press the \"Down button\" to put them down and is only seen in the episode \"Barbershop\". Next is the \"Stumble button\" from the 1st episode \"Movie Theater\". If David or the viewers press this ridiculus button, they look like they stumbled and tripped. Up next is the \"Inside button\". If the viewers press this hilarious button, the boys will disappear and then reappear inside a cup and Puppet and the boy's picnic supplies inside the basket. At that moment, the boys beg for the viewers to press the \"Outside button\" for the boys to get out of the cup and their picnic basket. Next up, the \"Sandwich button\". In the episode \"Picnic\", when Shane and David are in the \"Sandwich Room\", Shane asks the viewers to press the \"Sandwich Button\" and once that happens, sandwiches appear. Also, fly-sized sandwiches for Fido because they were having their first picnic and Fido is sad because he hasn't been on a picnic before.", "2018 Continental Cup of Curling North America won the event 30.5 points to 30, with an extra half point awarded in a draw to the button competition between Brad Gushue and Thomas Ulsrud after a 30–30 tie after all events.", "Necktie Before the Second World War ties were worn shorter than they are today; this was due, in part, to men wearing trousers at the natural waist (more or less at the level of the belly button), and also due to the popularity of waistcoats, where tie length is not important as long as the tips are concealed. Around 1944, ties started to become not only wider, but even more wild. This was the beginning of what was later labeled the Bold Look: ties that reflected the returning GIs' desire to break with wartime uniformity. Widths reached 5 inches (13 cm), and designs included Art Deco, hunting scenes, scenic \"photographs\", tropical themes, and even girlie prints, though more traditional designs were also available. The typical length was 48 inches (120 cm).", "Computer mouse When mice have more than one button, the software may assign different functions to each button. Often, the primary (leftmost in a right-handed configuration) button on the mouse will select items, and the secondary (rightmost in a right-handed) button will bring up a menu of alternative actions applicable to that item. For example, on platforms with more than one button, the Mozilla web browser will follow a link in response to a primary button click, will bring up a contextual menu of alternative actions for that link in response to a secondary-button click, and will often open the link in a new tab or window in response to a click with the tertiary (middle) mouse button.", "Renault in Formula One In 2002, Benetton was rebranded as Renault F1 and contested the season with drivers Jarno Trulli and Jenson Button who scored 23 points during the season.", "Push-button telephone In the UK, a brief excursion from standards, GPO telecoms introduced in 1968 their first push-button telephone, the GPO 726 (Ericsson N2000 series [22]), that used neither pulse dialing nor DTMF tones. It used a DC signalling system comprising a number of rectifier diodes[23] arranged in different polarity configuration according to the button pressed. The 726 also requires a ground wire as well as the usual A and B wires. The irony was that with the few installations, the dial signal still had to be converted to pulses in the host PABX. It is now a rare device.", "Pug Pugs have two distinct shapes for their ears, \"rose\" and \"button\". \"Rose\" ears are smaller than the standard style of \"button\" ears, and are folded with the front edge against the side of the head. Breeding preference goes to \"button\" style ears.[7]", "Guitar The lower strap button is usually located at the bottom (bridge end) of the body. The upper strap button is usually located near or at the top (neck end) of the body: on the upper body curve, at the tip of the upper \"horn\" (on a double cutaway), or at the neck joint (heel). Some electrics, especially those with odd-shaped bodies, have one or both strap buttons on the back of the body. Some Steinberger electric guitars, owing to their minimalist and lightweight design, have both strap buttons at the bottom of the body. Rarely, on some acoustics, the upper strap button is located on the headstock. Some acoustic and classical guitars only have a single strap button at the bottom of the body—the other end must be tied onto the headstock, above the nut and below the machine heads.", "Ladder logic In common industrial latching start/stop logic we have a \"start\" button to turn on a motor contactor, and a \"stop\" button to turn off the contactor.", "2017 Monaco Grand Prix After the race Sergio Pérez and Jenson Button had two penalty points (each) added to their Super Licences, both for causing a collision.", "The Summer I Turned Pretty In We'll Always Have Summer, which takes place two years later, it is revealed that Conrad lied when saying he was over Belly and has always been in love with her and even more scared by the depth of his feelings for her. He hates seeing his brother be with Belly and can't stand the idea of him having a future with \"his girl\" and finds it harder and harder to \"pretend.\" He spends time throughout the novel fighting his feelings for Belly and pretending he does not care for her. However, once he discovers at Jeremiah's bachelor party how he cheated on Belly, he is so furious that he sees red and leaves. When Belly comes across him later on, Conrad tells him that Jeremiah cheated on her only to find out that she already knew. Following this, he confesses his long-hidden love for her, begs her not to marry his brother and to be with him and breaks down into tears. But Belly turns him down, claiming he is just too late, breaking his heart. The next day, Conrad apologizes to Belly because he was \"too drunk\", but Belly knows it isn't true and is furious. After Jere goes missing on his wedding day after discovering that Conrad revealed his feelings for Belly, Conrad finds him at their mother's garden. They fight and Jeremiah soon disowns him as his brother, saying that he was \"dead\" to him. Conrad bids his goodbye to Belly, saying it was best for them to have some time apart, and gives her back his infinity necklace (the one returned to him in the previous novel) saying it \"always\" belonged to her and \"always will\", implying he will always love her. It is told in the epilogue that Conrad did not contact Belly for two years before sending her his first hand-written letter, which then come \"each and every month\" through the rest of her college years. He then shows up at her college graduation, and they get back together. This all leads up to his marriage proposal two years into their relationship. The series ends with Belly marrying Conrad, and the couple starting a new life together.", "Tennessee River A \"pearl\" button industry was established in the Tennessee Valley beginning in 1887, producing buttons from the abundant mussel shells. Button production ceased after World War II when plastics replaced mother-of-pearl as a button material.[19] Mussel populations have declined drastically due to dam construction, water pollution, and invasive species.[18]", "Windows Phone 8.1 WP now supports on-screen buttons that OEMs can use to replace the capacitive \"back, \"Windows\", and \"search\" buttons that have been required for devices running the OS since 2010. The new on-screen buttons can be hidden by swiping them to the side of the screen.[50]", "New Nintendo 3DS The internal specifications of the device have also been updated, including additional processor cores, an increase to 256 MB of RAM, and near field communication support for use with Amiibo products.[12] Controls on the new systems were expanded with the inclusion of a pointing stick on the right hand side of the device, referred to as the \"C-Stick\", and additional ZL and ZR shoulder buttons, allowing for functionality equivalent to the Circle Pad Pro add-on peripheral released for previous models. These additional buttons are backwards-compatible with games programmed for use with Circle Pad Pro.[12]", "Waist The waist-hip ratio equals the waist circumference divided by the hip circumference. Practically, however, the waist is usually measured at the smallest circumference of the natural waist, usually just above the belly button.[5] In case the waist is convex rather than concave, such as is the case in pregnancy and obesity, the waist may be measured at a vertical level 1 inch above the navel.[6] It is important to note that variables such as posture significantly influence the measurement of the waist, and therefore any measurements for a group need to maintain a constant posture between the subjects.[7]", "Jean Baptiste Point du Sable Jean Baptiste Point du Sable (or Point de Sable, Point au Sable, Point Sable, Pointe DuSable)[n 1] (before 1750[n 2] – August 28, 1818) is regarded as the first permanent resident of what later became Chicago, Illinois, and is recognized as the \"Founder of Chicago\".[7] A school, museum, harbor, park, and bridge have been named in his honor. The site where he settled near the mouth of the Chicago River around the 1780s is identified as a National Historic Landmark, now located in Pioneer Court.", "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (short story) The 2008 film The Curious Case of Benjamin Button is an adaptation of the story.", "Button Up Your Overcoat In 1997, the Kidsongs Kids and the Biggles sang \"Button Up Your Overcoat\" as part of the Kidsongs: I Can Do It! VHS/DVD.", "Virtual Console ^ a Wii Remote is compatible with SNES and GBA releases, but may require button remapping to accommodate for the lack of buttons.\n^ b NES Classic Controller, the SNES Classic Edition Controller and Club Nintendo's SNES Classic Controller have at least partial functionality with all Wii U Virtual Console releases except DS games, but may require button remapping to accommodate for the lack of buttons.", "Red-bellied black snake Snake expert Eric Worrell analyzed the skulls of the genus and found that of the red-bellied black snake to be the most divergent.[12] its position as an early offshoot from the rest of the genus has been confirmed genetically.[13]", "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (film) In May 1945, Benjamin returns to New Orleans and reunites with Queenie. A few weeks later, he reunites with Daisy; they go out for dinner. Upon failing to seduce him afterward, she departs. Benjamin later reunites with Thomas Button, who, terminally ill, reveals he is Benjamin's father and wills Benjamin his button company and his estate.", "What a Friend We Have in Jesus \"What a Friend We Have in Jesus\" is a Christian hymn originally written by Joseph M. Scriven as a poem in 1855 to comfort his mother who was living in Ireland while he was in Canada. Scriven originally published the poem anonymously, and only received full credit for it in the 1880s.[1] The tune to the hymn was composed by Charles Crozat Converse in 1868. William Bolcom composed a setting of the hymn.", "Red-bellied piranha Most likely, this shoaling behavior is a defense against predation from larger animals such as dolphins, large piscivorous fish, caimans, and aquatic birds.[16] Piranhas will travel to their nesting sites in shoals in order to reduce the likelihood that any single individual will be attacked by a predator. Shoals of red-bellied piranha use the margins of flooded areas to build their nests.[17]", "Accordion Different systems are also in use for the left-hand manual, which is normally used for playing the accompaniment. These almost always use distinct bass buttons and often have buttons with concavities or studs to help the player navigate the layout despite not being able to see the buttons while playing. There are three general categories:", "Red-bellied black snake The red-bellied black snake is glossy black on the dorsal surface and red, crimson or pink in colour on the lower sides and belly. The snout is often a lighter brown colour. It is a relatively medium species of snake reaching up to 2 metres (6 ft 7 in) in total length (including tail),[17] with an extreme example measuring 2.5 metres (8 ft 2 in), although an average sized specimen would be closer to 1.4 metres (4 ft 7 in). Like all Elapid snakes it is front fanged. It has 17 mid-body scale rows. Juveniles are similar to the eastern small-eyed snake, with which it can be easily confused.[18]", "Mach Five The steering wheel of the Mach Five in this series had eight unmarked rectangular buttons, arranged in two columns of four on either side of the steering wheel's center. The car appeared to have the same functions as the Mach Five in the original series, but the buttons Speed pressed to activate them seemed more or less random, with the same button activating different abilities (or different buttons activating the same ability) in different episodes.[2]", "Touchpad Some touchpads and associated device driver software may interpret tapping the pad as a click, and a tap followed by a continuous pointing motion (a \"click-and-a-half\") can indicate dragging.[1] Tactile touchpads allow for clicking and dragging by incorporating button functionality into the surface of the touchpad itself.[2][3] To select, one presses down on the touchpad instead of a physical button. To drag, instead performing the \"click-and-a-half\" technique, one presses down while on the object, drags without releasing pressure and lets go when done. Touchpad drivers can also allow the use of multiple fingers to facilitate the other mouse buttons (commonly two-finger tapping for the center button).", "Craps The opposite is also allowed. By default place and buy bets are not working without an established point; a player may wish to wager chips before a point has been established. In this case, the player would request the bet be working in which the dealer will place an \"On\" button on the specified chips.", "Red-bellied piranha Pygocentrus nattereri encompasses a larger geographic area than any other piranha species, covering much of the Neotropical region. When red-bellied piranhas are introduced to other parts of the American continent, there are usually negative consequences for the local fish fauna,[11] partially due to its generally aggressive behavior. This aggressive behavior is sometimes marked by the acoustic sounds they produce.[12]", "What Have You Done for Me Lately Critical reviews for \"What Have You Done for Me Lately\" were positive. Rolling Stone's Rob Hoerburger expressed that \"What Have You Done for Me Lately\" erased the former \"pop-ingénue image\" of Jackson's first two albums.[20] According to William Ruhlmann of AllMusic, Jackson was an \"aggressive, independent woman\" on the song.[21] Connie Johnson from Los Angeles Times gave the song a positive review, emphasizing her \"spunky authority\".[22] Eric Henderson of Slant Magazine praised the song, calling it \"female-empowering\" and wrote, \"'What Have You Done for Me Lately' predates TLC's 'No Scrubs' by over a decade\".[23]" ]
where is the slide placed on the microscope
[ "Microscope slide Microscope slides are often used together with a cover slip or cover glass, a smaller and thinner sheet of glass that is placed over the specimen. Slides are held in place on the microscope's stage by slide clips, slide clamps or a cross-table which is used to achieve precise, remote movement of the slide upon the microscope's stage (such as in an automated / computer operated system, or where touching the slide with fingers is inappropriate either due to the risk of contamination or lack of precision)" ]
[ "Microscope slide A microscope slide is a thin flat piece of glass, typically 75 by 26 mm (3 by 1 inches) and about 1 mm thick, used to hold objects for examination under a microscope. Typically the object is mounted (secured) on the slide, and then both are inserted together in the microscope for viewing. This arrangement allows several slide-mounted objects to be quickly inserted and removed from the microscope, labeled, transported, and stored in appropriate slide cases or folders.", "Microscope slide The origin of the concept was pieces of ivory or bone, containing specimens held between disks of transparent mica, that would slide into the gap between the stage and the objective.[1] These \"sliders\" were popular in Victorian England until the Royal Microscopical Society introduced the standardized glass microscope slide.[2]", "Microscope slide In a dry mount, the simplest kind of mounting, the object is merely placed on the slide. A cover slip may be placed on top to protect the specimen and the microscope's objective and to keep the specimen still and pressed flat. This mounting can be successfully used for viewing specimens like pollen, feathers, hairs, etc. It is also used to examine particles caught in transparent membrane filters (e.g., in analysis of airborne dust).", "Microscope slide For pathological and biological research, the specimen usually undergoes a complex histological preparation that involves fixing it to prevent decay, removing any water contained in it, replacing the water with paraffin, cutting it into very thin sections using a microtome, placing the sections on a microscope slide, staining the tissue using various stains to reveal specific tissue components, clearing the tissue to render it transparent and covering it with a coverslip and mounting medium.", "Microscope slide The mounting of specimens on microscope slides is often critical for successful viewing. The problem has been given much attention in the last two centuries and is a well-developed area with many specialized and sometimes quite sophisticated techniques.", "Optical microscope At magnifications higher than 100× moving a slide by hand is not practical. A mechanical stage, typical of medium and higher priced microscopes, allows tiny movements of the slide via control knobs that reposition the sample/slide as desired. If a microscope did not originally have a mechanical stage it may be possible to add one.", "Slide rule Astronomical work also required precise computations, and, in 19th-century Germany, a steel slide rule about two meters long was used at one observatory. It had a microscope attached, giving it accuracy to six decimal places[citation needed].", "Microscope slide Some slides have a frosted or enamel-coated area at one end, for labeling with a pencil or pen.[5] Slides may have special coatings applied by the manufacturer, e.g. for chemical inertness or enhanced cell adhesion. The coating may have a permanent electric charge to hold thin or powdery samples. Common coatings include poly-L-lysine, silanes, epoxy resins,[5][7] or even gold.[8]", "Microscope slide A graticule slide is marked with a grid of lines (for example, a 1 mm grid) that allows the size of objects seen under magnification to be easily estimated and provides reference areas for counting minute objects. Sometimes one square of the grid will itself be subdivided into a finer grid. Slides for specialized applications, such as hemocytometers for cell counting, may have various reservoirs, channels and barriers etched or ground on their upper surface.[6] Various permanent markings or masks may be printed, sand-blasted, or deposited on the surface by the manufacturer, usually with inert materials such as PTFE.[7]", "Microscope Wide field optical microscopes and transmission electron microscopes both use the theory of lenses (optics for light microscopes and electromagnet lenses for electron microscopes) in order to magnify the image generated by the passage of a wave transmitted through the sample, or reflected by the sample. The waves used are electromagnetic (in optical microscopes) or electron beams (in electron microscopes). Resolution in these microscopes is limited by the wavelength of the radiation used to image the sample, where shorter wavelengths allow for a higher resolution.", "Canada balsam Canada balsam was also commonly used for making permanent microscope slides. From about 1830 molten Canada balsam was used for microscope slides, then Canada balsam in solution was introduced in 1843, becoming popular in the 1850s.[2] In biology, for example, it can be used to conserve microscopic samples by sandwiching the sample between a microscope slide and a glass coverslip, using Canada balsam to glue the arrangement together and enclose the sample to conserve it. Xylene balsam, Canada balsam dissolved in xylene, is also used for preparing slide mounts.[3] Some workers prefer terpene resin for slide mounts, as it is both less acidic and cheaper than balsam. Synthetic resins have largely replaced organic balsams for such applications.", "Vibrio cholerae Microscope slide with a sample of \"colera asiaticus\", prepared by Pacini in 1854", "Evacuation slide An evacuation slide is an inflatable slide used to evacuate an aircraft quickly. An escape slide is required on all commercial (passenger carrying) aircraft where the door sill height is such that, in the event of an evacuation, passengers would be unable to step down from the door uninjured (Federal Aviation Administration requires slides on all aircraft doors where the floor is 6 feet (1.8 m) or more above the ground).", "Microscope slide The mounting medium is the solution in which the specimen is embedded, generally under a cover glass. Simple liquids like water or glycerol can be considered mounting media, though the term generally refers to compounds that harden into a permanent mount. Popular mounting media include Permount [10], and Hoyer's mounting medium and an alternative glycerine jelly [11] Properties of a good mounting medium include having a refractive index close to that of glass (1.518), non-reactivity with the specimen, stability over time without crystallizing, darkening, or changing refractive index, solubility in the medium the specimen was prepared in (either aqueous or non-polar, such as xylene or toluene), and not causing the specimen stain to fade or leach.[12]", "Microscope Microscopes can be separated into several different classes. One grouping is based on what interacts with the sample to generate the image, i.e., light or photons (optical microscopes), electrons (electron microscopes) or a probe (scanning probe microscopes). Alternatively, microscopes can be classed on whether they analyze the sample via a scanning point (confocal optical microscopes, scanning electron microscopes and scanning probe microscopes) or analyze the sample all at once (wide field optical microscope and transmission electron microscopes).", "Evacuation slide A ramp slide is an evacuation slide that has a small platform between the exit and the slide itself, and is used mainly where the proximity of the exit to an engine requires the slide to be angled away from the engine to prevent damage. Airbus A310, Airbus 340-600, Airbus A380 and Boeing 747 aircraft have ramp slide attachments for their overwing evacuation slides. The overwing exits on the Airbus A320 series, Boeing 757-variant and Boeing 767-variant aircraft also use ramp slide attachments.", "Microscope There are many types of microscopes, and they may be grouped in different ways. One way is to describe the way the instruments interact with a sample to create images, either by sending a beam of light or electrons to a sample in its optical path, or by scanning across, and a short distance from, the surface of a sample using a probe. The most common microscope (and the first to be invented) is the optical microscope, which uses light to pass through a sample to produce an image. Other major types of microscopes are the fluorescence microscope, the electron microscope (both, the transmission electron microscope and the scanning electron microscope) and the various types of scanning probe microscopes.[1]", "Microscope Scanning optical and electron microscopes, like the confocal microscope and scanning electron microscope, use lenses to focus a spot of light or electrons onto the sample then analyze the signals generated by the beam interacting with the sample. The point is then scanned over the sample to analyze a rectangular region. Magnification of the image is achieved by displaying the data from scanning a physically small sample area on a relatively large screen. These microscopes have the same resolution limit as wide field optical, probe, and electron microscopes.", "Staining Mounting usually involves attaching the samples to a glass microscope slide for observation and analysis. In some cases, cells may be grown directly on a slide. For samples of loose cells (as with a blood smear or a pap smear) the sample can be directly applied to a slide. For larger pieces of tissue, thin sections (slices) are made using a microtome; these slices can then be mounted and inspected.", "Optical microscope The optical microscope, often referred to as light microscope, is a type of microscope which uses visible light and a system of lenses to magnify images of small samples. Optical microscopes are the oldest design of microscope and were possibly invented in their present compound form in the 17th century. Basic optical microscopes can be very simple, although there are many complex designs which aim to improve resolution and sample contrast.", "Fluorescence microscope Integrated correlative microscopy combines a fluorescence microscope with an electron microscope. This allows one to visualize ultrastructure and contextual information with the electron microscope while using the data from the fluorescence microscope as a labelling tool.[9]", "Microscope A microscope (from the Ancient Greek: μικρός, mikrós, \"small\" and σκοπεῖν, skopeîn, \"to look\" or \"see\") is an instrument used to see objects that are too small to be seen by the naked eye. Microscopy is the science of investigating small objects and structures using such an instrument. Microscopic means invisible to the eye unless aided by a microscope.", "Microscope The different types of scanning probe microscopes arise from the many different types of interactions that occur when a small probe of some type is scanned over and interacts with a specimen. These interactions or modes can be recorded or mapped as function of location on the surface to form a characterization map. The three most common types of scanning probe microscopes are atomic force microscopes (AFM), near-field scanning optical microscopes (MSOM or SNOM, scanning near-field optical microscopy), and scanning tunneling microscopes (STM).[23] An atomic force microscope has a fine probe, usually of silicon or silicon nitride, attached to a cantilever; the probe is scanned over the surface of the sample, and the forces that cause an interaction between the probe and the surface of the sample are measured and mapped. A near-field scanning optical microscope is similar to an AFM but its probe consists of a light source in an optical fiber covered with a tip that has usually an aperture for the light to pass through. The microscope can capture either transmitted or reflected light to measure very localized optical properties of the surface, commonly of a biological specimen. Scanning tunneling microscopes have a metal tip with a single apical atom; the tip is attached to a tube through which a current flows.[24] The tip is scanned over the surface of a conductive sample until a tunneling current flows; the current is kept constant by computer movement of the tip and an image is formed by the recorded movements of the tip.[23]", "Stereo microscope The stereo microscope should not be confused with a compound microscope equipped with double eyepieces and a binoviewer. In such a microscope, both eyes see the same image, with the two eyepieces serving to provide greater viewing comfort. However, the image in such a microscope is no different from that obtained with a single monocular eyepiece.", "Sliding window protocol A sliding window protocol is a feature of packet-based data transmission protocols. Sliding window protocols are used where reliable in-order delivery of packets is required, such as in the Data Link Layer (OSI model) as well as in the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP).", "Microscope Modern transmission electron microscope.", "Microscope Transmission electron microscopes became popular following the Second World War. Ernst Ruska, working at Siemens, developed the first commercial transmission electron microscope and, in the 1950s, major scientific conferences on electron microscopy started being held. In 1965, the first commercial scanning electron microscope was developed by Professor Sir Charles Oatley and his postgraduate student Gary Stewart, and marketed by the Cambridge Instrument Company as the \"Stereoscan\".", "Microscope The two major types of electron microscopes are transmission electron microscopes (TEMs) and scanning electron microscopes (SEMs). They both have series of electromagnetic and electrostatic lenses to focus a high energy beam of electrons on a sample. In a TEM the electrons pass through the sample, analogous to basic optical microscopy. This requires careful sample preparation, since electrons are scattered strongly by most materials. The SEM has raster coils to scan the surface of bulk objects with a fine electron beam.", "Optical microscope A digital microscope is a microscope equipped with a digital camera allowing observation of a sample via a computer. Microscopes can also be partly or wholly computer-controlled with various levels of automation. Digital microscopy allows greater analysis of a microscope image, for example measurements of distances and areas and quantitaton of a fluorescent or histological stain.", "Cytopathology Cytopathologic tests are sometimes called smear tests because the samples may be smeared across a glass microscope slide for subsequent staining and microscopic examination. However, cytology samples may be prepared in other ways, including cytocentrifugation. Different types of smear tests may also be used for cancer diagnosis. In this sense, it is termed a cytologic smear.[2]", "Microscope Scanning acoustic microscopes use sound waves to measure variations in acoustic impedance. Similar to Sonar in principle, they are used for such jobs as detecting defects in the subsurfaces of materials including those found in integrated circuits. On February 4, 2013, Australian engineers built a \"quantum microscope\" which provides unparalleled precision.[25]", "Optical microscope Antonie van Leeuwenhoek (1632–1724) is credited with bringing the microscope to the attention of biologists, even though simple magnifying lenses were already being produced in the 16th century. Van Leeuwenhoek's home-made microscopes were simple microscopes, with a single very small, yet strong lens. They were awkward in use, but enabled van Leeuwenhoek to see detailed images. It took about 150 years of optical development before the compound microscope was able to provide the same quality image as van Leeuwenhoek's simple microscopes, due to difficulties in configuring multiple lenses. In the 1850s John Leonard Riddell, Professor of Chemistry at Tulane University, invented the first practical binocular microscope while carrying out one of the earliest and most extensive American microscopic investigations of cholera.[26][27]", "Microscope The traditional optical microscope has more recently evolved into the digital microscope. In addition to, or instead of, directly viewing the object through the eyepieces, a type of sensor similar to those used in a digital camera is used to obtain an image, which is then displayed on a computer monitor. These sensors may use CMOS or charge-coupled device (CCD) technology, depending on the application.", "Electron microscope Electron microscopes have electron optical lens systems that are analogous to the glass lenses of an optical light microscope.", "Electron Two main types of electron microscopes exist: transmission and scanning. Transmission electron microscopes function like overhead projectors, with a beam of electrons passing through a slice of material then being projected by lenses on a photographic slide or a charge-coupled device. Scanning electron microscopes rasteri a finely focused electron beam, as in a TV set, across the studied sample to produce the image. Magnifications range from 100× to 1,000,000× or higher for both microscope types. The scanning tunneling microscope uses quantum tunneling of electrons from a sharp metal tip into the studied material and can produce atomically resolved images of its surface.[176][177][178]", "Microscope Scanning probe microscope types have continued to be developed as the ability to machine ultra fine probes and tips has advanced.", "Electron microscope In 1932, Ernst Lubcke of Siemens & Halske built and obtained images from a prototype electron microscope, applying concepts described in the Rudenberg patent applications.[5] Five years later (1937), the firm financed the work of Ernst Ruska and Bodo von Borries, and employed Helmut Ruska (Ernst’s brother) to develop applications for the microscope, especially with biological specimens.[4][6] Also in 1937, Manfred von Ardenne pioneered the scanning electron microscope.[7] The first commercial electron microscope was produced in 1938 by Siemens.[8] The first North American electron microscope was constructed in 1938, at the University of Toronto, by Eli Franklin Burton and students Cecil Hall, James Hillier, and Albert Prebus; and Siemens produced a transmission electron microscope (TEM) in 1939.[9] Although contemporary transmission electron microscopes are capable of two million-power magnification, as scientific instruments, they remain based upon Ruska’s prototype.", "Condenser (optics) Condensers are an essential part of any imaging device, such as microscopes, enlargers, slide projectors, and telescopes. The concept is applicable to all kinds of radiation undergoing optical transformation, such as electrons in electron microscopy, neutron radiation and synchrotron radiation optics.", "Pathology Histopathology refers to the microscopic examination of various forms of human tissue. Specifically, in clinical medicine, histopathology refers to the examination of a biopsy or surgical specimen by a pathologist, after the specimen has been processed and histological sections have been placed onto glass slides.[11] This contrasts with the methods of cytopathology, which uses free cells or tissue fragments. Histopathological examination of tissues starts with surgery, biopsy, or autopsy. The tissue is removed from the body of an organism and then placed in a fixative that stabilizes the tissues to prevent decay. The most common fixative is formalin, although frozen section fixing is also common.[12] To see the tissue under a microscope, the sections are stained with one or more pigments. The aim of staining is to reveal cellular components; counterstains are used to provide contrast. Histochemistry refers to the science of using chemical reactions between laboratory chemicals and components within tissue. The histological slides are then interpreted diagnostically and the resulting pathology report describes the histological findings and the opinion of the pathologist. In the case of cancer, this represents the tissue diagnosis required for most treatment protocols.", "Stereo microscope The stereo or stereoscopic or dissecting microscope is an optical microscope variant designed for low magnification observation of a sample, typically using light reflected from the surface of an object rather than transmitted through it. The instrument uses two separate optical paths with two objectives and eyepieces to provide slightly different viewing angles to the left and right eyes. This arrangement produces a three-dimensional visualization of the sample being examined.[1] Stereomicroscopy overlaps macrophotography for recording and examining solid samples with complex surface topography, where a three-dimensional view is needed for analyzing the detail.", "Presentation slide Before the advent of the personal computer, a presentation slide could be a 35 mm slide viewed with a slide projector[1] or a transparency viewed with an overhead projector.", "Evacuation slide Certain evacuation slides do not use a slide bustle on the door as a container. Instead, the slide is \"fuselage mounted\" and is attached to a container located underneath or below the exit close to the aircraft exterior. This design of slide is found in the Airbus A321 aircraft at the emergency doors, and typically at all overwing evacuation slides other than the Boeing 747-400 series aircraft.", "Microscope From 1981 to 1983 Gerd Binnig and Heinrich Rohrer worked at IBM in Zurich, Switzerland to study the quantum tunnelling phenomenon and eventually create a practical instrument, a scanning probe microscope from quantum tunnelling theory that read very small forces exchanged between a probe and the surface of a sample. The probe almost meets the surface so closely that the electrons for an experiment are able to have a continuous flow of electrons, making a current from surface to the probe. The microscope was not initially well received due to the complex nature of the underlying theoretical explanations. In 1984 Jerry Tersoff and D.R. Hamann while at AT&T's Bell Laboratories in Murray Hill, New Jersey began publishing articles that tied the theoretical with the experimental results obtained by the instrument. This was closely followed in 1985 with functioning commercial instruments, and in 1986 with Gerd Binnig, Quate, and Gerber's invention of the atomic force microscope, then Binnig's and Rohrer's Nobel Prize in Physics for the SPM.[19]", "Slide show \"Magic lantern shows\" also served as a form of home entertainment and were especially popular with children. They continued to have a place among commercial public amusements even after the coming of projected \"moving pictures\". Between films, early movie theaters often featured \"illustrated songs\", which were community sing-alongs with the lyrics and illustrations provided by a series of projected lantern slides. Theaters also used their lanterns to project advertising slides and messages such as \"Ladies, kindly remove your hats\".", "Leishman stain 4. The slide should be air dried and can be viewed under microscope either directly or optionally (per WHO) a nonaqueous mounting medium such as DPX (Distrene 80 - a commercial polystyrene, a Plasticizer e.g. dibutyl phthalate and Xylene) may be used.", "Electron microscope Electron microscopes are used to investigate the ultrastructure of a wide range of biological and inorganic specimens including microorganisms, cells, large molecules, biopsy samples, metals, and crystals. Industrially, electron microscopes are often used for quality control and failure analysis. Modern electron microscopes produce electron micrographs using specialized digital cameras and frame grabbers to capture the image.", "Microscope Ultraviolet light enables the resolution of microscopic features, as well as to image samples that are transparent to the eye. Near infrared light can be used to visualize circuitry embedded in bonded silicon devices, since silicon is transparent in this region of wavelengths.", "Red blood cell Many diseases involving red blood cells are diagnosed with a blood film (or peripheral blood smear), where a thin layer of blood is smeared on a microscope slide. This may reveal abnormalities of red blood cell shape and form. When red blood cells sometimes occur as a stack, flat side next to flat side. This is known as rouleaux formation, and it occurs more often if the levels of certain serum proteins are elevated, as for instance during inflammation.", "Slide rule The main disadvantages of circular slide rules are the difficulty in locating figures along a dish, and limited number of scales. Another drawback of circular slide rules is that less-important scales are closer to the center, and have lower precisions. Most students learned slide rule use on the linear slide rules, and did not find reason to switch.", "Slide (baseball) Whether a particular instance of a take-out slide is legal within the rules of baseball is a judgement call made by the umpire, usually based upon how close the baserunner comes to the base they are approaching during the slide. If a baserunner strays too far from the base when attempting a take-out slide, the umpire may declare the slide to be an example of illegal interference and call an extra out. As a general (but not absolute) guideline, even if the baserunner clearly slides toward the defensive player and away from the base, so long as the baserunner comes close enough to the base that he is able to touch it with some part of his body during the slide, the slide will be ruled to be legal. On the flip side, the fielder will often be granted the neighborhood play under such circumstances.", "Optical microscope A compound microscope uses a lens close to the object being viewed to collect light (called the objective lens) which focuses a real image of the object inside the microscope (image 1). That image is then magnified by a second lens or group of lenses (called the eyepiece) that gives the viewer an enlarged inverted virtual image of the object (image 2).[5] The use of a compound objective/eyepiece combination allows for much higher magnification. Common compound microscopes often feature exchangeable objective lenses, allowing the user to quickly adjust the magnification.[5] A compound microscope also enables more advanced illumination setups, such as phase contrast.", "Primary production Unlike terrestrial ecosystems, the majority of primary production in the ocean is performed by free-living microscopic organisms called phytoplankton. Larger autotrophs, such as the seagrasses and macroalgae (seaweeds) are generally confined to the littoral zone and adjacent shallow waters, where they can attach to the underlying substrate but still be within the photic zone. There are exceptions, such as Sargassum, but the vast majority of free-floating production takes place within microscopic organisms.", "Electron microscope Scanning electron microscopes operating in conventional high-vacuum mode usually image conductive specimens; therefore non-conductive materials require conductive coating (gold/palladium alloy, carbon, osmium, etc.). The low-voltage mode of modern microscopes makes possible the observation of non-conductive specimens without coating. Non-conductive materials can be imaged also by a variable pressure (or environmental) scanning electron microscope.", "Evacuation slide If a rapid evacuation is required and the doors are opened while \"armed\", the opening of the door pulls the slide pack out of the bustle (because the girt bar is physically attached to the aircraft floor). Due to the weight of both the door and the slide, great effort is involved in pushing the door open sufficiently to free the slide from the bustle, thus on larger aircraft a \"power assist\" function kicks in to aid the opening, either electrically or from compressed gas. Once the slide is completely free it will fall under gravity and after travelling a certain distance a pin will be pulled from a squib containing compressed gas and the slide will inflate. Should this system fail, the slide can be manually inflated by the cabin crew by pulling a manual inflation handle at the top of the slide. Should this also fail, standard operating procedures require the cabin crew to send passengers away from the door and to one that has a functioning escape slide.", "Optical microscope The actual inventor of the compound microscope is unknown although many claims have been made over the years. These include a claim 35[14] years after they appeared by Dutch spectacle-maker Johannes Zachariassen that his father, Zacharias Janssen, invented the compound microscope and/or the telescope as early as 1590. Johannes' (some claim dubious)[15][16][17] testimony pushes the invention date so far back that Zacharias would have been a child at the time, leading to speculation that, for Johannes' claim to be true, the compound microscope would have to have been invented by Johannes' grandfather, Hans Martens.[18] Another claim is that Janssen's competitor, Hans Lippershey (who applied for the first telescope patent in 1608) also invented the compound microscope.[19] Other historians point to the Dutch innovator Cornelis Drebbel with his 1621 compound microscope.[11][12][13]", "Presentation slide Lecture notes in slide format are referred to as lecture slides, frequently downloadable by students in .ppt or .pdf format.", "Sliding filament theory Andrew Huxley, whom Alan Hodgkin described as \"wizard with scientific apparatus\", had just discovered the mechanism of the nerve impulse (action potential) transmission (for which he and Hodgkin later won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1963) in 1949 using his own design of voltage clamp, and was looking for an associate who could properly dissect out muscle fibres.[16] Upon recommendation of a close friend Robert Stämpfli, a German physician Rolf Niedergerke joined him at the University of Cambridge in 1952. By then he realised that the conventionally used phase contrast microscope was not suitable for fine structures of muscle fibres, and thus developed his own interference microscope. Between March 1953 and January 1954 they executed their research.[17] Huxley recollected that at the time the only person who ever thought of sliding filaments before 1953 was Dorothy Hodgkin (later winner of the 1964 Nobel Prize in Chemistry).[18] He spent the summer of 1953 at Marine Biological Laboratory at Woods Hole, Massachusetts, to use electron microscope there. There he met Hugh Huxley and Hanson with whom he shared data and information on their works. They parted with an agreement that they would keep in touch, and when their aim is achieved, they would publish together, if they ever \"reached similar conclusions\".[2]", "Optical microscope All modern optical microscopes designed for viewing samples by transmitted light share the same basic components of the light path. In addition, the vast majority of microscopes have the same 'structural' components[28] (numbered below according to the image on the right):", "A Place Where the Sun Is Silent A Place Where the Sun Is Silent is the fourth studio album by Alesana. It was released through Epitaph Records on October 18, 2011. The album was produced by Kris Crummett, who also worked on The Emptiness. Being the second concept album released by Alesana, A Place Where the Sun Is Silent was inspired by the epic poem The Inferno by Dante Alighieri.[1]", "Presentation slide Typically in a set of slides (a \"deck\"), all the slides will have a similar layout template, controlling such factors as margins and headings.[8]", "Presentation slide The most popular pieces of slide producing software are Microsoft PowerPoint, Prezi, Apple Keynote, Google Slides and ClearSlide.[3]", "Optical microscope Measuring microscopes are used for precision measurement. There are two basic types. One has a reticle graduated to allow measuring distances in the focal plane.[36] The other (and older) type has simple crosshairs and a micrometer mechanism for moving the subject relative to the microscope.[37]", "Slide rule Most people find slide rules difficult to learn and use. Even during their heyday, they never caught on with the general public.[34] Addition and subtraction are not well-supported operations on slide rules and doing a calculation on a slide rule tends to be slower than on a calculator.[35] This led engineers to take mathematical shortcuts favoring operations that were easy on a slide rule, creating inaccuracies and mistakes.[36] On the other hand, the spatial, manual operation of slide rules cultivates in the user an intuition for numerical relationships and scale that people who have used only digital calculators often lack.[37] A slide rule will also display all the terms of a calculation along with the result, thus eliminating uncertainty about what calculation was actually performed.", "Optical microscope Due to the difficulty in preparing specimens and mounting them on slides, for children it's best to begin with prepared slides that are centered and focus easily regardless of the focus level used.", "Evacuation slide Slides can be single or dual lane, depending on the width of the exit, a dual lane slide being capable of evacuating a greater number of people quickly in an evacuation.", "Slide show After 35 mm Kodachrome color film was introduced in 1936, a new standard 2×2 inch (5×5 cm) miniature lantern slide format was created to better suit the very small transparencies the film produced. In advertising, the antique \"magic lantern\" terminology was streamlined, so that the framed pieces of film were simply \"slides\" and the lantern used to project them was a \"slide projector\". The old-fashioned magic lantern show became an up-to-date \"slide show\".", "Stereo microscope Unlike a compound light microscope, illumination in a stereo microscope most often uses reflected illumination rather than transmitted (diascopic) illumination, that is, light reflected from the surface of an object rather than light transmitted through an object. Use of reflected light from the object allows examination of specimens that would be too thick or otherwise opaque for compound microscopy. Some stereo microscopes are also capable of transmitted light illumination as well, typically by having a bulb or mirror beneath a transparent stage underneath the object, though unlike a compound microscope, transmitted illumination is not focused through a condenser in most systems.[2] Stereoscopes with specially-equipped illuminators can be used for dark field microscopy, using either reflected or transmitted light.[3]", "Slide rule Some slide rules (\"duplex\" models) have scales on both sides of the rule and slide strip, others on one side of the outer strips and both sides of the slide strip (which can usually be pulled out, flipped over and reinserted for convenience), still others on one side only (\"simplex\" rules). A sliding cursor with a vertical alignment line is used to find corresponding points on scales that are not adjacent to each other or, in duplex models, are on the other side of the rule. The cursor can also record an intermediate result on any of the scales.", "Slide It In Recordings of Slide It In began in 1983 at Musicland Studios in Munich, Germany with producer Eddie Kramer, who had been suggested to David Coverdale by Geffen Records A&R executive John Kalodner. But things within the band were not the same as they were before, as stated by Micky Moody in a 1997 interview:", "Slide (baseball) Particularly for younger players, proper sliding technique has been shown to protect the runner and fielder from colliding and can prevent the runner from being hit by an errant throw. For this reason, most youth baseball leagues now advise teaching proper sliding technique at a young age and urge kids to slide feet-first into any base (except first base) whenever there is a potentially close play. This concept is somewhat more controversial in adult amateur baseball/softball leagues since the risk of injury from sliding increases with age.", "Slide show Home slide shows were a relatively common phenomenon in middle-class American homes during the 1950s and 1960s. If there was an enthusiast in the family, any visit from relatives or the arrival of a new batch of Kodachrome slides from the film processing service provided an excuse to bring out the entire collection of 35 mm slides, set up the slide projector and the screen, turn out the lights, then test the endurance of the assembled audience with a marathon of old vacation photos and pictures taken at weddings, birthdays and other family events, all accompanied by live commentary.", "Slide (baseball) Because baseball shoes are spiked on the bottom, sliding with the spikes up increases the probability of injury to the defensive player covering the base. Knowledge of this fact can often increase the defensive player's fear of the possible contact from an impending slide and thus increase his distraction while attempting to make a play. Ty Cobb developed nine different ways to slide into a base.[3]", "Sliding tackle A sliding tackle or slide tackle is a tackle in association football. It is completed with one leg extended to push the ball away from the opposing player.\nSliding tackles can often be sources of controversy, particularly when players being tackled fall down over the tackler's foot (or the ball stopped by the tackler's foot), and penalties, free kicks and cards are assessed (or are conspicuous by their absence).", "Evacuation slide All large commercial aircraft have escape slides on the main doors of the plane, but some do not have slides over the wings, because when the flaps are fully lowered, the wings are low enough to the ground that passengers can evacuate safely. Some of these aircraft are the Embraer 190, Boeing 707, 717, 727 and 737. However, other aircraft require the use of overwing slides for the window exits to ensure that passengers can reach the ground quickly and safely. These include the Boeing 767, Boeing 757, and Airbus A320-series aircraft. Typically, overwing evacuation slides are not designed for use in ditching situations as they cannot be detached and will not operate, as the system is disabled by the aspirators on the slide taking in water, and Boeing recommends disarming the doors of a 747 before opening in a ditching situation.", "Slide rule Even today, some people prefer a slide rule over an electronic calculator as a practical computing device. Others keep their old slide rules out of a sense of nostalgia, or collect them as a hobby.[39]", "Dexter Morgan Just before the murder, Dexter collects trophies from his victims so he can relive the experience. Dexter's trophy signature is to slice the victim's right cheek with a surgical scalpel to collect a small blood sample, which he preserves on a microscope slide. In the TV show, Dexter keeps blood slides from all his victims neatly organized in a wooden filing box, which he hides inside his air conditioner. In the novels, he keeps them in a rosewood box on his bookcase.", "Cha Cha Slide DJ Casper enlisted the help of M.O.B. Music Publishing to produce, edit, and engineer the new version of the song \"Cha Cha Slide\". Men On Business also produced several other accompanying songs to produce the entire Slide Album. DJ Casper and Men On Business licensed the Slide Album to Universal Records and it was released September 19, 2000. Once it was Universal's project, \"we made some instructional 'Cha-Cha Slide' dance videos and distributed them to clubs,\" said Senior VP of Urban Promotion Michael Horton.[citation needed] \"We also promoted the song at various black functions, such as homecoming events at black colleges.\"[citation needed] The song then made its way to R&B/hip hop station WGCI-FM in DJ Casper's hometown of Chicago. In 2001, the following year, the dance caught on around Canada and the US, where urban contemporary radio stations (and later mobile DJs) played the song continuously, particularly in Chicago, Houston, Atlanta, Arkansas, Memphis, and Detroit.", "Microscope The most recent developments in light microscope largely centre on the rise of fluorescence microscopy in biology.[citation needed] During the last decades of the 20th century, particularly in the post-genomic era, many techniques for fluorescent staining of cellular structures were developed.[citation needed] The main groups of techniques involve targeted chemical staining of particular cell structures, for example, the chemical compound DAPI to label DNA, use of antibodies conjugated to fluorescent reporters, see immunofluorescence, and fluorescent proteins, such as green fluorescent protein. These techniques use these different fluorophores for analysis of cell structure at a molecular level in both live and fixed samples.", "Slide show A slide show may be a presentation of images purely for their own visual interest or artistic value, sometimes unaccompanied by description or text, or it may be used to clarify or reinforce information, ideas, comments, solutions or suggestions which are presented verbally. Slide shows are sometimes still conducted by a presenter using an apparatus such as a carousel slide projector or an overhead projector, but now the use of an electronic video display device and a computer running presentation software is typical.", "Complete blood count To identify the numbers of different white cells, a blood film is made on a slide, and a large number of white blood cells (at least 100) are counted using a microscope. This gives the percentage of cells that are of each type. By multiplying these percentages by the total number of white blood cells, the absolute number of each type of white cell can be obtained.", "Slide rule Thacher slide rule, circa 1890", "Slide rule A two-scale slide rule built into a ring.", "Slide rule The typical arithmetic precision of a slide rule is about three significant digits, compared to many digits on digital calculators. As order of magnitude gets the greatest prominence when using a slide rule, users are less likely to make errors of false precision.", "Optical microscope There are many variants of the compound optical microscope design for specialized purposes. Some of these are physical design differences allowing specialization for certain purposes:", "Antonie van Leeuwenhoek The single-lens microscopes of van Leeuwenhoek were relatively small devices, the largest being about 5 cm long.[28][29] They are used by placing the lens very close in front of the eye, while looking in the direction of the sun. The other side of the microscope had a pin, where the sample was attached in order to stay close to the lens. There were also three screws to move the pin and the sample along three axes: one axis to change the focus, and the two other axes to navigate through the sample.", "Electron microscope Materials to be viewed under an electron microscope may require processing to produce a suitable sample. The technique required varies depending on the specimen and the analysis required:", "Electron microscope According to Dennis Gabor, the physicist Leó Szilárd tried in 1928 to convince Busch to build an electron microscope, for which he had filed a patent.[3]", "Slide rule Cryptographic slide rule used by the Swiss Army between 1914 and 1940", "Optical microscope The earliest microscopes were single lens magnifying glasses with limited magnification which date at least as far back as the wide spread use of lenses in eyeglasses in the 13th century.[8]", "Ebenezer Floppen Slopper's Wonderful Water slides Ebenezer Floppen Slopper's Wonderful Water slides is an abandoned waterpark located on a large hill on Roosevelt Road and Route 83 in Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois. It first opened on July 5, 1980 with two 800 foot concrete water slides and gradually added 5 additional slides and a wading pool. The water park became a major summer attraction for residents of surrounding towns and communities as people lined up for rides down the large winding slides. When the two main slides first began operation, people slid down in groups of up to eight people at a time on rubber mats. The 5 other slides added to the park included 2 flat racer slides in which people slid down head first on folded rubber mats, 2 semi enclosed tube body slides, and a smaller inner tube slide which emptied into a nearby wading pool. The slides were also unique in that they were lined with a blue rubber foam material which would prevent injuries from contacts with the slide walls. Due to the design of the 2 main large concrete slides, especially with the V-shaped configuration of their side walls, people could also slide quite high up the walls of the slides, especially when hitting a turn at high speeds. Around 1987, the large concrete slides were re surfaced with flat bottoms with humps and bumps in which people went down solo on inner tubes, getting bumped up and down and sideways as they went down the renovated slides and the park was re named \"Doc River's Roaring Rapids water park.\"", "Window A tilt and slide window is a window (more usually a door-sized window) where the sash tilts inwards at the top and then slides horizontally behind the fixed pane.", "Optical microscope Compound microscopes first appeared in Europe around 1620[9][10] including one demonstrated by Cornelis Drebbel in London (around 1621) and one exhibited in Rome in 1624.[11][12][13]", "Slide rule The basic advantage of a circular slide rule is that the widest dimension of the tool was reduced by a factor of about 3 (i.e. by π). For example, a 10 cm circular would have a maximum precision approximately equal to a 31.4 cm ordinary slide rule. Circular slide rules also eliminate \"off-scale\" calculations, because the scales were designed to \"wrap around\"; they never have to be reoriented when results are near 1.0—the rule is always on scale. However, for non-cyclical non-spiral scales such as S, T, and LL's, the scale width is narrowed to make room for end margins.[15]", "Evacuation slide Independent of the inflation system, all slides are equipped with at least one pressure relief device per inflation chamber. This protects the chamber from catastrophic failure due to over pressurizing. (Typically, modern slides are made of at least 2 inflation chambers, and should be able to evacuate an aircraft even when one chamber loses all pressure.)", "Complete blood count Before the advent of automated hematology anayzers, CBCs were performed manually, by counting cells in a diluted sample of blood on a device called a hemocytometer, and by viewing a slide prepared with a sample of the patient's blood (a blood film, or peripheral smear) under a microscope. However, manual blood cell counts are becoming less common, and instead this process is generally performed by the use of an automated analyzer.", "Optical microscope At the lower end of a typical compound optical microscope, there are one or more objective lenses that collect light from the sample. The objective is usually in a cylinder housing containing a glass single or multi-element compound lens. Typically there will be around three objective lenses screwed into a circular nose piece which may be rotated to select the required objective lens. These arrangements are designed to be parfocal, which means that when one changes from one lens to another on a microscope, the sample stays in focus. Microscope objectives are characterized by two parameters, namely, magnification and numerical aperture. The former typically ranges from 5× to 100× while the latter ranges from 0.14 to 0.7, corresponding to focal lengths of about 40 to 2 mm, respectively. Objective lenses with higher magnifications normally have a higher numerical aperture and a shorter depth of field in the resulting image. Some high performance objective lenses may require matched eyepieces to deliver the best optical performance.", "Slide rule Various slide rule simulator apps are available for Android and iOS-based smart phones and tablets.", "Slide rule Scales may be grouped in decades, which are numbers ranging from 1 to 10 (i.e. 10n to 10n+1). Thus single decade scales C and D range from 1 to 10 across the entire width of the slide rule while double decade scales A and B range from 1 to 100 over the width of the slide rule.", "Evacuation slide Prior to departure (usually before engine startup), all the aircraft doors are placed into the armed (or automatic) mode by the cabin crew. Methods of arming vary from aircraft to aircraft, but ultimately the girt bar (a metal bar attached to the door end of the slide) is physically attached to brackets either in or adjacent to the door sill. On older aircraft, such as the Boeing 737, this is done physically by the cabin crew and on most other aircraft it involves pushing a lever on the door itself which arms the door internally." ]
when was the seat moved to the capitol
[ "United States Capitol The original building was completed in 1800 and was subsequently expanded, particularly with the addition of the massive dome, and expanded chambers for the bicameral legislature, the House of Representatives in the south wing and the Senate in the north wing. Like the principal buildings of the executive and judicial branches, the Capitol is built in a distinctive neoclassical style and has a white exterior. Both its east and west elevations are formally referred to as fronts, though only the east front was intended for the reception of visitors and dignitaries.", "United States Capitol The United States Congress was established upon ratification of the United States Constitution and formally began on March 4, 1789. New York City remained home to Congress until July 1790,[4] when the Residence Act was passed to pave the way for a permanent capital. The decision to locate the capital was contentious, but Alexander Hamilton helped broker a compromise in which the federal government would take on war debt incurred during the American Revolutionary War, in exchange for support from northern states for locating the capital along the Potomac River. As part of the legislation, Philadelphia was chosen as a temporary capital for ten years (until December 1800), until the nation's capital in Washington, D.C., would be ready.[5]", "United States Capitol The Senate (north) wing was completed in 1800. The Senate and House shared quarters in the north wing until a temporary wooden pavilion was erected on the future site of the House wing which served for a few years for the Representatives to meet in, until the House of Representatives (south) wing was finally completed in 1811, with a covered wooden temporary walkway connecting the two wings with the Congressional chambers where the future center section with rotunda and dome would someday rise. However, the House of Representatives moved early into their House wing in 1807. Though the Senate wing building was incomplete, the Capitol held its first session of the United States Congress with both chambers in session on November 17, 1800. The National Legislature was moved to Washington prematurely, at the urging of President John Adams, in hopes of securing enough Southern votes in the Electoral College to be re-elected for a second term as President.[31]" ]
[ "Pennsylvania State Capitol The seat of government for the state was originally in Philadelphia, then was relocated to Lancaster in 1799 and finally to Harrisburg in 1812. The current capitol, known as the Huston Capitol, is the third state capitol building to be built in Harrisburg. The first, the Hills Capitol, was destroyed in 1897 by a fire and the second, the Cobb Capitol, was left unfinished when funding was discontinued in 1899.", "New York State Capitol The New York State Capitol, the seat of New York State government, is located in Albany, the capital city of the U.S. state of New York. The capitol building is part of the Empire State Plaza complex on State Street in Capitol Park. Housing the New York State Legislature, the building was completed in 1899 at a cost of US$25 million (equivalent to $735 million in 2017), making it the most expensive government building of its time.[3] It was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1971, then included as a contributing property when the Lafayette Park Historic District was listed in 1978. The New York State Capitol was declared a National Historic Landmark in 1979.[2][4]", "Pennsylvania State Capitol The Pennsylvania State Capitol is the seat of government for the U.S. state of Pennsylvania and is in downtown Harrisburg. It was designed by architect, Joseph Miller Huston in 1902 and completed 1906 in a Beaux-Arts style with decorative Renaissance themes throughout. The capitol houses the legislative chambers for the Pennsylvania General Assembly, made up of the House of Representatives and the Senate, and the Harrisburg chambers for the Supreme and Superior Courts of Pennsylvania, as well as the offices of the Governor and the Lieutenant Governor. It is also the main building of the Pennsylvania State Capitol Complex.", "Oklahoma State Capitol Oklahoma's first capital was Guthrie, Oklahoma, but it moved to Oklahoma City in 1910. Construction began on the Oklahoma State Capitol in 1914 and was completed in 1917. Originally, it housed the judicial branch of Oklahoma, but the state's high courts moved most of their operations to the Oklahoma Judicial Center in 2011, leaving only the Supreme Court Hearing Chamber in the capitol building.", "Child safety seat Other car seats, also known as \"booster seats,\" are required until the child is large enough to use an adult seat belt. This is usually, but not always, when the child is 1.45m (4 ft 9 in) tall. The child needs to meet five criteria before moving out of the booster seat, including the child's seating position, shoulder belt position, lap belt position, knee position, and ability to sit properly for the length of the trip.", "Horatius Cocles Tacitus mentions in passing that Porsena, \"when the city was surrendered, did not violate the seat of Jupiter\" (the Capitol).[10] This could mean that perhaps Rome surrendered during or after the battle.", "Louisiana In 1849, the state moved the capital from New Orleans to Baton Rouge. Donaldsonville, Opelousas, and Shreveport have briefly served as the seat of Louisiana state government. The Louisiana State Capitol and the Louisiana Governor's Mansion are both located in Baton Rouge. The Louisiana Supreme Court, however, did not move to Baton Rouge but remains headquartered in New Orleans.", "Virginia State Capitol The Virginia State Capitol is the seat of state government of the Commonwealth of Virginia, located in Richmond, the third capital city of the U.S. state of Virginia. It houses the oldest elected legislative body in North America, the Virginia General Assembly, first established as the House of Burgesses in 1619.", "Michigan State Capitol Prior to 1847, Detroit fought to maintain the Capitol within its jurisdiction, but communities in the growing western part of the state had many reasons for wanting a move inland, including the need to increase defensibility by moving the state government away from the Canada–US border. Detroit had been occupied during the War of 1812, and the border area of Michigan of less than a mile between Detroit and Windsor, Ontario, at the Detroit River continued to be occupied by British troops on both banks. Proponents of moving the capitol also sought to promote settlement and the economy in the interior, as well as making the government more accessible to the people throughout the state.[3]", "Michigan State Capitol Construction began in 1847 on the state capitol building in Lansing, a temporary structure on the block bordered by Washington Avenue, Capitol Avenue, Allegan Street, and Washtenaw Street. It was a simple two-story wood frame structure, painted white with green wooden shutters and topped by a tin cupola. The total cost for construction was $22,952.01 ($590,000 in 2017). The building was sold when the permanent capitol building opened in 1879. It was then used as a factory until, like the first capitol, it was destroyed by a fire in 1882.[3]", "Capitol (Williamsburg, Virginia) The Capitol at Williamsburg, Virginia housed the House of Burgesses of the Colony of Virginia from 1705, when the capital was relocated there from Jamestown, until 1779, when the capital was relocated to Richmond. Two capitol buildings served the colony on the same site: the first from 1705 until its destruction by fire in 1747; the second from 1753 to 1779.", "Night Moves (song) The song was completed in fewer than ten takes, with the session dispersing momentarily to record the bridge section that consisted solely of Seger and a guitar.[1] Paul Cotton of Poco was brought in to record a guitar solo that was later edited out, though the last notes of it are faintly audible preceding the last verse.[2] The team stayed at the studio until 2:30 in the morning to get the song right.[3] After the tracks were mixed by Richardson and engineer Brian Christian, Richardson said that he received a call from Seger's manager/producer Punch Andrews expressing dissatisfaction with the tracks, and Andrews said that Capitol Records had been equally disappointed.[1] A few months later, when Richardson was talking to a Capitol A&R executive, he asked about the Seger sessions and was told that \"both tracks\" were potential B-sides.[1] It turned out that Seger and Andrews had never given \"Night Moves\" to Capitol, so Richardson did and, after hearing it, Capitol made it the title track of Seger's next album, as well as the first single.[1]", "Illinois State Capitol When the capitol was constructed, several empty shafts were included for the future installation of elevators. The original water-operated elevators were installed in 1887 and were sometimes the subject of ridicule by local newspapers as they were deemed inadequate for a building with the prestige of the State Capitol. It is unknown when the first electric elevators were installed, but the first mention of them occurs in 1939, when the legislature appropriated $30,000 for their repair.", "United States Capitol For several decades, beginning when the federal government moved to Washington in the fall of 1800, the Capitol building was used for Sunday religious services as well as for governmental functions. The first services were conducted in the \"hall\" of the House in the north wing of the building. In 1801 the House moved to temporary quarters in the south wing, called the \"Oven,\" which it vacated in 1804, returning to the north wing for three years. Then, from 1807 to 1857, they were held in the then-House Chamber (now called Statuary Hall). When held in the House chamber, the Speaker's podium was used as the preacher's pulpit. According to the U.S. Library of Congress exhibit Religion and the Founding of the American Republic:", "Architect of the Capitol The current Architect of the Capitol is Stephen T. Ayers. Ayers served as acting Architect of the Capitol since February 2007, and was unanimously confirmed by the Senate on May 12, 2010, becoming the 11th Architect of the Capitol.[3]", "Ulysses S. Grant When Grant first moved into the White House, he had a statue of Thomas Jefferson, the third president, removed from the grounds and returned to the Capitol Rotunda.[284][285]", "Architect of the Capitol The Architect of the Capitol (AOC) is the federal agency responsible for the maintenance, operation, development, and preservation of the United States Capitol Complex, and also the head of that agency. The Architect of the Capitol is in the legislative branch[1] and is responsible to the United States Congress and the Supreme Court.[2]", "Toilet seat A toilet seat is a hinged unit consisting of a round or oval open seat, and usually a lid, which is bolted onto the bowl of a toilet used in a sitting position (as opposed to a squat toilet). The seat can be either for a flush toilet or a dry toilet. A toilet seat consists of the seat itself, which may be contoured for the user to sit on, and the lid, which covers the toilet when it is not in use – the lid may be absent in some cases, particularly in public restrooms. When the lid is down, it can be used as a seat.", "Old State Capitol State Historic Site In order to restore and preserve the Old State Capitol, which had been extensively altered during its life as a courthouse, workers completely dismantled it, stone by stone, and rebuilt it. The public areas of the Old State Capitol were reconstructed to resemble the appearance of the building in 1860, when Lincoln last saw the capitol prior to his departure to Washington.[2]", "Texas State Capitol The current Texas State Capitol is the third building to serve that purpose. The second Texas capitol was built in 1853, on the same site as the present capitol in Austin; it was destroyed in the great capitol fire of 1881, but plans had already been made to replace it with a new, much larger structure.[5]", "Old State Capitol (Milledgeville, Georgia) Brown and others fled the capitol ahead of the arrival of General William Tecumseh Sherman's Union Army. They occupied the city of Milledgeville on November 23, 1864. The Old Capitol building was damaged but was left standing, while armories and magazines on Statehouse Square were destroyed.[3] In 1868, during Reconstruction, the legislature moved the capital to Atlanta, a city emerging as the symbol of the New South as opposed to Milledgeville, seen as being connected to the Old South.", "Nevada Legislature For seven years after Nevada's admission as a U.S. state in 1864, the Nevada Legislature did not have a proper meeting place. In 1869, the Legislature passed the State Capitol Act, signed into law by Governor Henry G. Blasdel, providing $100,000 for the construction of a capitol building. Under the supervision of designer Joseph Gosling, construction began on the Italianate building in 1870. The Legislature first convened in the unfinished state capitol building the following year, with construction completed by the middle of the year. The Legislature continued to meet in the state capitol until 1971, when both chambers moved to the Legislative Building constructed just south of the original capitol. Today, the old state capitol continues to hold the office to the governor and other executive branch officials. The former Assembly and Senate chambers are now museums and open for meetings.", "Washington Monument The Washington Monument was originally intended to be located at the point at which a line running directly south from the center of the White House crossed a line running directly west from the center of the Capitol. Pierre (Peter) Charles L'Enfant's 1791 \"Plan of the city intended for the permanent seat of the government of the United States ...\" designated this point as the location of the equestrian statue of George Washington that the Continental Congress had voted for in 1783.[31][D] The ground at the intended location proved to be too unstable to support a structure as heavy as the planned obelisk, so the monument's location was moved 390 feet (118.87 m) east-southeast.[E] At that originally intended site there now stands a small monolith called the Jefferson Pier.[36][37] This offset caused the McMillan Plan to specify that the Lincoln Memorial should be \"placed on the main axis of the Capitol and the Monument\", about 1° south of due west of the Capitol or the monument, not due west of the Capitol or the monument.[38][F]", "Pennsylvania State Capitol The ground was broken for the Huston Capitol on November 2, 1902, but the cornerstone was not laid until May 5, 1904.[28] Ownership of the capitol was handed over to the state government on August 15, 1906, and the Capitol Building Commission was dissolved.[29]", "Virginia State Capitol The area around the Capitol is known as Capitol Square. It contains several monuments to prominent Virginians and events in Virginia:", "New Mexico State Capitol The capitol houses the New Mexico State Legislature. The first floor (below ground) contains the semicircular House and Senate chambers, which are not accessible to the public. The second story, which is the ground floor, includes galleries where visitors can view the House and Senate chambers. The House gallery seats 281 people and is located on the south side of the building. The Senate gallery, which seats 206 people, is on the north side of the building. The two upper floors are mainly offices, with legislative committee offices on the third floor and the offices of the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and Legislative Council Service on the fourth floor.", "Aircraft seat map Nichols et al. (2013) have reported that when people book seats on-line, they exhibit a leftward preference for seats on an aircraft, but a rightward preference for seats at the theatre.[1]", "New Mexico State Capitol In anticipation of New Mexico's statehood, work began on a new capitol building in 1850. However, the funding for its construction was quickly exhausted, and in 1855 work on the project was halted with only the first story of the building completed. It remained in this state until 1886, when the second story and roof were finally finished. However, by this time a new territorial capitol was already being constructed, so the old building was never officially used as the capitol. (It did temporarily house the territorial government between 1892 and 1900.) Instead, it became the Territorial (later Federal) Courthouse. This building still stands in its original form.", "New Mexico State Capitol Built in 1610 by the Spanish, the Palace of the Governors is located on the Santa Fe Plaza. It was the house of government in Santa Fe for nearly three centuries, during periods of Spanish and Mexican rule. When New Mexico was annexed by the United States in 1846, it became the first territorial capitol and was used as such for forty years. Now a museum, the Palace is the only capitol in the U.S. that has housed the governments of three different nations.", "Michigan State Capitol When it opened, the Capitol structure was large enough to host all the state agencies and departments. Due to the growth of state government, however, only the offices of Senate and House leadership, and ceremonial offices for the governor and lieutenant governor remain in the capitol. The ground floor corridors led to \"store rooms\" designed by the architect in the original building plans. This includes an armory in the southwest corner of the south corridor. The original wood floor has been replaced by gray tiles. The rooms were originally lit with gas fixtures, though by 1900, the building had been refitted with electric lights. Today, the ground floor is home to several offices, including the Secretary of the Senate, the Clerk of the House, and the Capitol Tours and Information Service.", "United States Capitol On December 19, 1960, the Capitol was declared a National Historic Landmark by the National Park Service.[39] The building was ranked #6 in a 2007 survey conducted for the American Institute of Architects' \"America's Favorite Architecture\" list.[40] The Capitol draws heavily from other notable buildings, especially churches and landmarks in Europe, including the dome of St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican and St. Paul's Cathedral in London.[41] On the roofs of the Senate and House Chambers are flagpoles that fly the U.S. flag when either is in session. On September 18, 1993, to commemorate the Capitol's bicentennial, the Masonic ritual cornerstone laying with George Washington was reenacted. U.S. Senator Strom Thurmond was one of the Freemason politicians who took part in the ceremony.", "United States Capitol Up to four U.S. flags can be seen flying over the Capitol. Two flagpoles are located at the base of the dome on the East and West sides. These flagpoles have flown the flag day and night since World War I. The other two flagpoles are above the North (Senate) and South (House of Representatives) wings of the building, and fly only when the chamber below is in session. The flag above the House of Representatives is raised and lowered by House pages. The flag above the United States Senate is raised and lowered by Senate Doorkeepers. To raise the flag, Doorkeepers access the roof of the Capitol from the Senate Sergeant at Arms's office. Several auxiliary flagpoles, to the west of the dome and not visible from the ground, are used to meet congressional requests for flags flown over the Capitol.[citation needed] Constituents pay for U.S. flags flown over the Capitol to commemorate a variety of events such as the death of a veteran family member.", "Illinois State Capitol The Illinois State Capitol, located in Springfield, Illinois, is the building that houses legislative and the executive branches of the government of the U.S. state of Illinois. The current building is the sixth to serve as the capitol since Illinois was admitted to the United States in 1818. The capitol is in the architectural style of the French Renaissance and was designed by Cochrane and Garnsey, an architecture and design firm based in Chicago. Ground was first broken for the new capitol on March 11, 1868, and it was completed twenty years later for a total cost of $4,500,000.[2]", "Pasig Pasig was formerly part of Rizal province before the formation of Metro Manila, the National Capital Region of the country.[5] The seat of government of Rizal was hosted in Pasig at the old Rizal Provincial Capitol until a new capitol was opened in Antipolo, within Rizal's jurisdiction in 2009.[6] However it remains the de jure, or official capital of the province.[5]", "Rosa Parks In 1900, Montgomery had passed a city ordinance to segregate bus passengers by race. Conductors were empowered to assign seats to achieve that goal. According to the law, no passenger would be required to move or give up their seat and stand if the bus was crowded and no other seats were available. Over time and by custom, however, Montgomery bus drivers adopted the practice of requiring black riders to move when there were no white-only seats left.[23]", "North Carolina State Capitol The Capitol was declared a National Historic Landmark in 1973.[2][8] It is located in the Capitol Area Historic District.", "Architect of the Capitol The Capitol Complex includes the following facilities:[2]", "Virginia State Capitol In the 2012 film Lincoln, the Virginia State Capitol was used as a stand-in for the United States Capitol in Washington D.C. during the Civil War era with some film retouching.", "Seat belt Seatbelts that automatically move into position around a vehicle occupant once the adjacent door is closed and/or the engine is started were developed as a countermeasure against low usage rates of manual seat belts, particularly in the United States.", "United States Supreme Court Building The Supreme Court Building is the seat of the Supreme Court of the United States and the Judicial Branch thereof. Completed in 1935, it is situated in Washington, D.C. at 1 First Street, NE, on the block immediately east of the United States Capitol. The building is under the jurisdiction of the Architect of the Capitol. On May 4, 1987, the Supreme Court Building was designated a National Historic Landmark.[1][2]", "Virginia State Capitol The building also served as the Capitol of the Confederacy during the American Civil War (1861–65) (It was the Confederacy's second home, the first being the Alabama State Capitol in Montgomery, Alabama).", "Capitol Christmas Tree In the late 1990s, the Capitol Christmas Tree was renamed to the Capitol Holiday Tree. There was never a clear explanation as to why the name change occurred, but the name change raised controversy. On November 29, 2005, the day after the 2005 tree arrived from New Mexico, the tree was renamed the Capitol Christmas Tree at the request of Dennis Hastert, the 59th Speaker of the House.[2]", "North Dakota State Capitol The south side of the Capitol building features a drive-through tunnel which leads to an entrance to the building. This was accessible by public vehicles until 2001 when it was closed due to security measures after the September 11, 2001 attacks. Today, only pedestrians are able to enter the tunnel.[11] In 1988, U.S. President George H. W. Bush presented and dedicated an American Elm tree near the Capitol steps in commemoration of the state's Centennial of 1989.", "Capitol (Williamsburg, Virginia) After the capital of Virginia was moved to Richmond in 1779, the old Capitol was used for a wide range of purposes, from a court to a school. The east wing was removed around 1800 because of its dangerous condition, leaving only the west wing standing for the next 30 years, until it was destroyed by fire in 1832, leaving no trace of the original structure, except for the outline of its foundations. [4]", "Texas State Capitol The Capitol dome's interior", "Michigan State Capitol In 1872, architect Elijah E. Myers of Springfield, Illinois, was commissioned to design the new capitol building and the design committee selected his design named Tuebor, which means I will defend.[4] Myers used the central dome and wing design found in the United States Capitol in his design and subsequently went on to design two other state capitol buildings, the statehouses of Colorado and Texas, as well as the former territorial capitol building of Idaho, the most by any architect.[6] The cornerstone was laid on October 2, 1873, with about 7,000 Lansing residents and some 30,000 to 50,000 visitors attending.[3] Construction and finishing work were completed by late 1878. The new capitol, with 139 rooms, was dedicated at the same time as the inauguration of Governor Charles Croswell January 1, 1879.[3]", "Seat belt As with adult drivers and passengers, the advent of seat belts was accompanied by calls for their use by child occupants, including legislation requiring such use. Generally children using adult seat belts suffer significantly lower injury risk when compared to non-buckled children.", "Toilet seat The toilet seat functions as a comic standby for sight gags relating to toilet humor. The most common is someone staggering out of a toilet room after an explosion with a toilet seat around his neck. In the television show Dead Like Me, George Lass, the main character, is killed when a zero-G toilet seat from space station Mir re-enters the atmosphere.", "Oklahoma State Capitol Oil Rig at Oklahoma Capitol", "Oklahoma State Capitol Oklahoma Capitol West Facade", "Texas State Capitol Capitol Building from the south", "William Howard Taft When Taft became chief justice, the court did not have its own building and met in the Capitol. Its offices were cluttered and overcrowded, but Fuller and White had been opposed to proposals to move the court to its own building. In 1925, Taft began a fight to get the court a building, and two years later Congress appropriated money to purchase the land, on the south side of the Capitol. Cass Gilbert had prepared plans for the building, and was hired by the government as architect. Taft had hoped to live to see the court move into the new building, but it did not do so until 1935, after Taft's death.[201]", "Capitol (Williamsburg, Virginia) The Colonial Capitol was a two-story H-shaped structure, functionally two buildings connected by an arcade. Each wing served one of the two houses of the Virginia legislature, the Council and the House of Burgesses. The first floor of the west building was for the General Court and the colony's secretary, the first floor of the east for the House of Burgesses and its clerk.[3] As a result of the fires that had destroyed several prior Virginia capitols, Cary built the first Capitol without fireplaces. In 1723, chimneys were added for fireplaces to help keep the Capitol dry. On January 30, 1747, the building burned and only some walls and the foundation remained.[2]", "Pennsylvania State Capitol A 64-foot -tall (20 m) monument, dedicated to the citizens of Pennsylvania who died in the Mexican–American War, was built in 1858. The monument was not placed onto the grounds until 1868 and was moved to the southeast corner of the grounds in 1893, when the Executive, Library and Museum Building was built.[63] In 1896–97, a monument, dedicated to former governor John F. Hartranft, was sculpted by Frederick Ruckstull. The 26-foot -tall (8 m) monument was unveiled on May 18, 1899, and was placed in front of the capitol. It was moved in 1927 to in front of the Executive, Library and Museum Building.[63] Friends of Penrose in the General Assembly, who had died in 1921, passed legislation for a memorial to Penrose. The 16-foot -tall (5 m) monument was dedicated on September 23, 1930, and is located near the corner of North 3rd and Walnut Streets.[63]", "SEAT Ibiza By the time Giugiaro was assigned to the Ibiza project, his previous proposal for the second generation of the Volkswagen Golf had been rejected by Volkswagen. So when SEAT approached him with the proposal for a spacious supermini class contender, that particular project was reincarnated as the first generation of the SEAT Ibiza.[6]", "Architecture of Texas The Texas State Capitol, located in Austin, Texas, is the fourth building to serve as the seat of Texas government. It houses the chambers of the Texas State Legislature and the office of the Governor of Texas. Originally designed by Elijah E. Myers, it was constructed from 1882–88 under the direction of civil engineer Lindsay Walker, and a $75 million underground extension was completed in 1993. The building was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1970 and recognized as a National Historic Landmark in 1986. It is the largest State Capitol building, but smaller than the National Capitol in Washington, D.C.[1]", "North Dakota State Capitol The North Dakota State Capitol grounds has six buildings: the main Capitol building, the North Dakota Department of Transportation building, the North Dakota Heritage Center, the Liberty Memorial Building, the North Dakota Governor's Residence, and the North Dakota State Office Building. Additionally, two parks, Myron Atkinson Park and the Capitol Park, are also on the campus. Through the center of the grounds is the Capitol Mall, a large open field of grass with walking paths and American Elm trees line both sides. The Mall was the site of the state's snow angel world record breaking in 2007, with 8,962 people sprawled out on the snow-covered mall; a picture was taken from the top of the Capitol tower.[6]", "Claudette Colvin The convention of the time was that if the bus became so crowded that all the so-called \"white seats\" in front were filled and a white person was standing, any African Americans were supposed to get up from these seats, move to the back, and stand if there were no free seats. When a white woman who got on the bus was left standing, the bus driver, Robert W. Cleere, commanded Colvin and three other black women in her row to move to the back. The other three moved, but a pregnant black woman, Ruth Hamilton, got on and sat next to Colvin.", "Missouri State Capitol View of the Missouri Capitol and grounds from southeast.", "Idaho State Capitol Underground tunnels connect the Capitol Building to the Supreme Court building and other government buildings on Capitol Mall to the east. Used daily by government employees, these tunnels are not accessible to the public, and could serve as bomb shelters to protect the governor and other public officials.", "Tennessee State Capitol Monuments on the Capitol grounds include statues of two of the three Tennessee residents who served as President of the United States: Andrew Jackson by Clark Mills and Andrew Johnson by Jim Gray. The second President from Tennessee, James K. Polk, is buried in a tomb on the grounds, together with his wife, Sarah Childress Polk. Other monuments on the grounds include the Sgt. Alvin C. York Memorial by Felix de Weldon, the Tennessee Holocaust Commission Memorial, the Sam Davis Memorial at the southwest corner of the Capitol grounds, the Sen. Edward Ward Carmack Memorial located above the Motlow Tunnel near the south entrance, and the Memorial to Africans during the Middle Passage at the southwest corner of Capitol grounds. The Charles Warterfield Reliquary is a group of broken limestone columns and fragments removed and saved from the State Capitol during the mid-1950s restoration, located near the northern belvedere on Capitol Drive.", "Montana State Capitol The Montana State Capitol is the state capitol of the U.S. state of Montana. It houses the Montana State Legislature and is located in the state capital of Helena at 1301 East Sixth Avenue. The building was constructed between 1896 and 1902 with wing-annexes added between 1909 and 1912.", "United States Capitol On June 20, 2000, ground was broken for the Capitol Visitor Center, which opened on December 2, 2008.[42] From 2001 through 2008, the East Front of the Capitol (site of most presidential inaugurations until Ronald Reagan began a new tradition in 1981) was the site of construction for this massive underground complex, designed to facilitate a more orderly entrance for visitors to the Capitol. Prior to the center being built, visitors to the Capitol had to line up in the basement of the Cannon House Office Building or the Russell Senate Office Building. The new underground facility provides a grand entrance hall, a visitors theater, room for exhibits, and dining and restroom facilities, in addition to space for building necessities such as an underground service tunnel.", "United States Capitol dome The United States Capitol dome is the dome situated above the United States Capitol which reaches upwards to 288 feet (88 m) in height and 96 feet (29 m) in diameter.[1] The dome was designed by Thomas U. Walter, the fourth Architect of the Capitol, and constructed between 1855 and 1866 at a cost of $1,047,291 (equivalent to $13.9 million in 2016[2]).[3]", "New York State Capitol The Capitol on fire in 1911", "Valve Valves whose disc is between the seat and the stem and where the stem moves in a direction into the valve to shut it are normally-seated or front seated. Valves whose seat is between the disc and the stem and where the stem moves in a direction out of the valve to shut it are reverse-seated or back seated. These terms don't apply to valves with no stem or valves using rotors.", "List of capitals in the United States Tahlequah, in present-day Oklahoma, served as the capital of the original Cherokee Nation after Removal. After the Civil War, a turbulent period for the Nation which was involved in its own civil war resulting from pervasive anger and disagreements over removal from Georgia, the Cherokee Nation built a new National Capitol in Tahlequah out of brick. The building served as the capitol until 1907, when the Dawes Act finally dissolved the Cherokee Nation and Tahlequah became the county seat of Cherokee County, Oklahoma. The Cherokee National government was re-established in 1938 and Tahlequah remains the capital of the modern Cherokee Nation; it is also the capital of the United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians.", "North Dakota State Capitol There are two parks, the Myron Atkinson Park and the Capitol Park, on the capitol grounds. The Myron Atkinson Park, named after the Bismarck attorney Myron Atkinson, is on the east side of State Street.[20] Pedestrians can access the park by a tunnel under the road. The Capitol Park is on the northwest corner of the grounds at the intersection of 4th Street and Divide Avenue and includes a playground with trees and shrubs planted by the Farwest Rotary Club.[4]", "List of state capitols in the United States A capitol typically contains the meeting place for its state's legislature and offices for the state's governor, though this is not true for every state. The legislatures of Alabama, Nevada, and North Carolina meet in other nearby buildings, but their governor's offices remain in the capitol. The Arizona State Capitol is now strictly a museum and both the legislature and the governor's office are in nearby buildings. Only Arizona does not have its governor's office in the state capitol, though in Delaware, Ohio, Michigan, Vermont, and Virginia,[1] the office there is for ceremonial use only.", "New Mexico State Capitol The New Mexico State Capitol, located in Santa Fe at 490 Old Santa Fe Trail, is the house of government of the U.S. state of New Mexico. It is the only round state capitol in the United States, and is known informally as \"the Roundhouse\".", "Salt Lake City The Salt Lake City and County Building has been the seat of city government since 1894. It also served as Utah's first statehouse from 1896 until the current Utah State Capitol was dedicated on October 9, 1916.[104]", "Child safety seat Along with the problem of instructions not being followed properly, there are other hazards that can affect children involving these safety seats. A recent study[clarification needed] attributed many cases of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) to the prolonged sitting or lying position these infants are in when putting the safety seats to use. When researchers reviewed more than 500 infant deaths, it was found that 17 of these deaths occurred while the infant was in a device such as a child safety seat. The age of the most occurring rates of death by SIDS in a child safety device was found to be under one month, having six of the 17 deaths happen in this age group. Although SIDS has been found to be a high risk regarding child safety seats, a coroner in Quebec also stated that “putting infants in car seats…causes breathing problems and should be discouraged.\"[51] His warning came after the death of a two-month-old boy who was left to nap in a child safety seat positioned inside his crib rather than the crib itself. The death was linked to positional asphyxiation.[51] This means that the child was in a position causing him to slowly lose his supply of oxygen. Coroner Jacques Robinson said it's common for a baby's head to slump forward while in a car seat that is not properly installed in a car and that can diminish a baby's ability to take in oxygen. \"The car seat is for the car,\" he said. \"It's not for a bed or sleeping.\" Robinson added, however, he has nothing against car seats when they are properly used. The coroner said that it is common for a baby’s head to “slump forward while in a car seat and that it diminishes oxygen”.[51]", "United States presidential inauguration Most presidential inaugurations since 1801 have been held in Washington D.C. at the Capitol Building. Prior inaugurations were held, first at Federal Hall in New York City (1789),[3] and then at Congress Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (1793 and 1797). Each city was, at the time, the nation's capital. The location for James Monroe's 1817 swearing in was moved to the Old Brick Capitol in Washington due to on-going restoration work at the Capitol building following the War of 1812.[4] In 1909, William H. Taft's inauguration was moved to the Senate Chamber due to a blizzard.[5] Three other inaugurations—Franklin D. Roosevelt's fourth (1945), Harry S. Truman's first (1945), and Gerald Ford's (1974)—were held at the White House. Presidential inaugurations (not including intra-term ceremonies following the death or resignation of a president) have traditionally been outdoor public ceremonies. Andrew Jackson, in 1829, was the first of 35 held on the east front of the Capitol. Since the 1981 inauguration of Ronald Reagan, they have been held on the Capitol's west front; a move designed to both cut costs and to provide more space for spectators.[6]", "North Carolina State Capitol North Carolina State Capitol In 1861", "Aircraft seat map When passengers complete an online booking, or check in online, they are often also presented with an aircraft seat map. However, this data is sourced from the original text-only seat maps on computer reservation systems such as Sabre where the seatmap is simply held as a two-dimensional array and as such can only display a grid of seats, as opposed to the more ingenious layouts now used in First and Business Class.", "Baton Rouge, Louisiana As well as being the state capital and parish seat, the city is the home of Louisiana State University. One of the largest single employers in Baton Rouge is the state government, which consolidated all branches of state government downtown at the Capitol Park complex.[49]", "Seat belt In Europe and some other parts of the world, most modern cars include a seat-belt reminder light for the driver and some also include a reminder for the passenger, when present, activated by a pressure sensor under the passenger seat. Some cars will intermittently flash the reminder light and sound the chime until the driver (and sometimes the front passenger, if present) fasten their seatbelts.[68]", "United States Capitol Not long after the completion of both wings, the Capitol was partially burned by the British on August 24, 1814, during the War of 1812. George Bomford and Joseph Gardner Swift, both military engineers, were called upon to help rebuild the Capitol. Reconstruction began in 1815 and included redesigned chambers for both Senate and House wings (now sides), which were completed by 1819. During the reconstruction, Congress met in the Old Brick Capitol, a temporary structure financed by local investors. Construction continued through to 1826, with the addition of the center section with front steps and columned portico and an interior Rotunda, rising above the first low dome of the Capitol. Latrobe is principally connected with the original construction and many innovative interior features; his successor, Bulfinch, also played a major role, such as the design of the first low dome covered in copper.", "Pennsylvania State Capitol Governor Samuel W. Pennypacker dedicated the new capitol on October 4, 1906. Former Governor Stone, who had become president of the Building Commission after leaving office, ceremoniously gave the key to the capitol to Governor Pennypacker. President Theodore Roosevelt, who had arrived earlier that morning by a special train to deliver a speech and tour the new capitol, declared it \"the handsomest building I ever saw\".[30] The Pennsylvania, Northern Central, Reading, and Cumberland Valley railroads each ran special trains to accommodate the crowds traveling to and from Harrisburg for the dedication.[31]", "Seat belt A 3-point belt is a Y-shaped arrangement, similar to the separate lap and sash belts, but unitized. Like the separate lap-and-sash belt, in a collision the 3-point belt spreads out the energy of the moving body over the chest, pelvis, and shoulders. Volvo introduced the first production three-point belt in 1959.[17] The first car with a three-point belt was a Volvo PV 544 that was delivered to a dealer in Kristianstad on August 13, 1959. However, the first car model to feature the three-point seat belt as a standard item was the 1959 Volvo 122, first outfitted with a two-point belt at initial delivery in 1958, replaced with the three-point seat belt the following year.[18] The three-point belt was developed by Nils Bohlin who had earlier also worked on ejection seats at Saab.[19] Volvo then made the new seat belt design patent open in the interest of safety and made it available to other car manufacturers for free.[20][21]", "Texas State Capitol Terrazzo mosaic of reverse seal of Texas in the capitol extension, showing the six flags of Texas", "List of state and territorial capitols in the United States A capitol typically contains the meeting place for its state's legislature and offices for the state's governor, though this is not true for every state. The legislatures of Alabama, Nevada, and North Carolina meet in other nearby buildings, but their governor's offices remain in the capitol. The Arizona State Capitol is now strictly a museum and both the legislature and the governor's office are in nearby buildings. Only Arizona does not have its governor's office in the state capitol, though in Delaware, Ohio, Michigan, Vermont, and Virginia,[1] the office there is for ceremonial use only.", "Grand Funk Railroad The double album should have fulfilled the contract with Capitol; however, because it contained previously released material, Capitol requested an additional album to complete Grand Funk's contractual obligation. While pressures between the band members still existed, the members agreed to move forward and complete one more album for Capitol to avoid legalities similar to the ones that they endured with Terry Knight in 1972. The band recorded Born to Die and agreed not to release any information regarding their impending breakup in 1976.[10]", "Sacramento Kings The Royals, before moving to Kansas City, renamed themselves the Kings to avoid confusion with the Royals baseball team. The team initially divided its home games between Kansas City and Omaha until 1975, when it abandoned the Omaha market. During that time the team was officially called the \"Kansas City-Omaha Kings\". The move from Omaha marked the opening of the 16,785-seat Kemper Arena in Kansas City. During the first days the Kings played at the 7,316-seat Municipal Auditorium. While in Omaha the team played in the 9,300-seat Omaha Civic Auditorium.", "China and the United Nations When an enlargement of the Security Council was discussed in 1995, China encouraged African states to demand seats for themselves as a counter-move to Japan's ambitions, and thereby nullified the Japanese initiative.[80]", "United States Capitol dome Scaffolding on the Capitol dome during the 1993 restoration of Statue of Freedom", "United States Court of Federal Claims Befitting its unique role, the court has been located throughout its history in Washington, DC, in the vicinity of the White House or in the U.S. Capitol Building. It first met in May 1855 at Willard's Hotel. In July of that year, it moved into the Capitol. After briefly using the Supreme Court's chamber in the basement of the Capitol, it then acquired its own rooms there. In 1879, the court obtained space on the ground floor of the Freedman's Bank Building, which stood at the place now occupied by the Treasury Annex, adjacent to the southeast corner of Lafayette Park. Two decades later, in 1899, the court moved to the building formerly occupied by William Corcoran's art collection across Lafayette Park at the intersection of 17th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue.", "Toilet seat Water-heated seats[citation needed] were in use in royal homes in Britain in the twentieth century. The first electrically-heated toilet seat was manufactured by Cyril Reginald Clayton at St Leonard's on Sea in Sussex. A UK patent was applied for on 5 January 1959, filing on 4 January 1960 and granted in August 1963 (UK patent no. 934209). The first model, the 'Deluxete', was made of fiberglass with a heating element in the lid triggered by a mercury switch that warmed the seat when the lid was down. Subsequent improvements were made and another UK patent applied for, this time for a deodorizing model with integral fan on 20 May 1970. It was granted on 17 May 1972 (UK patent no. 1260402). At first marketed as the 'Deodar', this model was later sold as the 'Readywarm'. Among the early users of the 'Deluxete' was racing driver Stirling Moss. With the permission of Reginald Clayton, the electrically-heated seat was further developed by the Japanese firm Matsushita. In 1993, Matt DiRoberto of Worcester, Massachusetts invented the padded toilet seat, an early 1990s fad.", "Seat belt In 2001, Congress directed NHSTA to study the benefits of technology meant to increase the use of seat belts. NHSTA found that seat belt usage had increased to 73% since the initial introduction of the SBR system.[73] In 2002, Ford demonstrated that seat belts were used more in Fords with seat belt reminders than in those without: 76% and 71% respectively. In 2007, Honda conducted a similar study and found that 90% of people who drove Hondas with seat belt reminders used a seat belt, while 84% of people who drove Hondas without seat belt reminders used a seat belt.[76]", "Millionaire Hot Seat The new Hot Seat round plays exactly like it did before with one exception; the player with the $1000 bonus from Fastest Finger First can now buy a lifeline when it is their turn in the Hot Seat. If a player is stuck on a question, they may return the $1000 cheque to McGuire to pick one of the following lifelines:", "SEAT Ibiza In the 2006 Geneva Motorshow SEAT presented the SEAT Ibiza Vaillante concept car which was based on a 3-door SEAT Ibiza Mk3 car.", "Seat belt Australia has required lap/sash seat belts in new coaches since 1994. These must comply with Australian Design Rule 68, which requires the seat belt, seat and seat anchorage to withstand 20g deceleration and an impact by an unrestrained occupant to the rear.[99]", "West Virginia Originally, the state capital was in Wheeling (1863 to 1870). It was then moved to Charleston, a more central city (1870 to 1875). However it was returned to Wheeling in 1875, until the capitol burned down in 1885. It was moved back to Charleston in 1885, and it has been there since.[156]", "Idaho State Capitol Tourtellotte and Hummel used four types of marble: red marble from Georgia, gray marble from Alaska, green marble from Vermont, and black marble from Italy. Architectural inspirations included St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome, St Paul's Cathedral in London and the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C. The most prominent feature of the capitol is its dome. Surmounting this dome is a bronze eagle, 5 feet 7 inches (1.70 m) tall. The capitol building is 208 feet (63 m) high, occupies an area of 201,720 square feet (18,740 m2), and contains over 50,000 square feet (4,600 m2) of artistically carved marble.", "Missouri State Capitol The fourth Capitol (the first in Jefferson City) was made out of brick, two stories tall, measured approximately 40 by 60 feet (12 m × 18 m), and took two years to complete. It was built for approximately $18,500. It was called the \"Governor's House and State Capitol.\" This building burned in 1837. The site is now occupied by the present-day Missouri Governor's Mansion. It was designed by Stephen Hills and modeled on the first Pennsylvania State Capitol in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.[5] Hills also designed Academic Hall of the University of Missouri; the six Ionic columns that survived the 1892 fire that destroyed the building are now the campus's landmark columns at the David R. Francis Quadrangle.", "Old State Capitol State Historic Site As a result of economic growth spurred by the American Civil War and consequent industrialization, this fifth or Old State Capitol was, by the 1870s, too small to serve the purpose for which it had been built. Illinois built its sixth and current State Capitol building four blocks to the southwest, and the state government turned the Old State Capitol over to Sangamon County to serve as the county courthouse.[5]", "United States Capitol dome US Capitol Building lit up at night with the streets of Washington DC", "SEAT Ibiza SEAT was not involved in the World Rally Championship after the 1977 season, until 1995, when, after an 18-year gap, they returned with an Ibiza 1.8 16v driven by Erwin Weber in the Rally of Portugal, in the two wheel drive category. That same year, Erwin Weber won the first place in the two-wheel drive category in the Acropolis Rally, with Antonio Rius in second place. The Copa Ibiza 16V also made its debut that year.[12] The successes of the 1995 season encouraged SEAT to participate the following year in the World Rally Championship in the 2.0-litre engine category, with the SEAT Ibiza Kit Car, a decision which proved to be successful as SEAT won the 1996 FIA 2 Litre World Rally Cup title, becoming the first brand to win the world title in its debut year. SEAT Sport in the next two seasons reaffirmed its domination, winning two consecutive 2-litre WRC championship titles in 1997 and 1998, with drivers Harri Rovanperä, Oriol Gómez, Toni Gardemeister, Jörgen Jonasson and Gwyndaf Evans.", "Seat belt In 1955 (as a 1956 package), Ford offered lap only seat belts in the rear seats as an option within the Lifeguard safety package. In 1967, Volvo started to install lap belts in the rear seats. In 1972, Volvo upgraded the rear seat belts to a three-point belt.[61]", "Let It Be In early 1976, when the Beatles' EMI contract expired, the group's catalogue in the US transferred from Apple to Capitol; Let It Be, however, went out-of-print in America for three years.[37] In 1979, Capitol/EMI acquired United Artists Records; with this acquisition, Capitol acquired the rights to two Beatles albums previously distributed in the US by United Artists, Let It Be and the soundtrack album A Hard Day's Night (as A Hard Day's Night had never been issued by Apple in the US, it remained in print in America under the United Artists label when the Apple contract expired in 1976). Shortly after acquiring United Artists Records, Capitol re-issued both UA distributed Beatles albums on the Capitol label." ]
when is chinese new year and what year is it
[ "Chinese New Year Chinese New Year,[a][2] also known as the Spring Festival in modern China,[b] is an important Chinese festival celebrated at the turn of the traditional lunisolar Chinese calendar. It is one of several Lunar New Years in Asia. Celebrations traditionally run from the evening preceding the first day, to the Lantern Festival on the 15th day of the first calendar month. The first day of the New Year falls on the new moon between January 21 and February 20[3] In 2018, the first day of the Lunar New Year was on Friday, 16 February, initiating the year of the Dog." ]
[ "Chinese New Year In those communities that celebrate Chinese New Year for 15 days, the fourth day is when corporate \"spring dinners\" kick off and business returns to normal. Other areas that have a longer Chinese New Year holiday will celebrate and welcome the gods that were previously sent on this day.", "Chinese New Year Many people inaccurately calculate their Chinese birth-year by converting it from their Gregorian birth-year. As the Chinese New Year starts in late January to mid-February, the previous Chinese year dates through 1 January until that day in the new Gregorian year, remaining unchanged from the previous Gregorian year. For example, the 1989 year of the Snake began on 6 February 1989. The year 1989 is generally aligned with the year of the Snake. However, the 1988 year of the Dragon officially ended on 5 February 1989. This means that anyone born from 1 January to 5 February 1989 was actually born in the year of the Dragon rather than the year of the Snake. Many online Chinese Sign calculators do not account for the non-alignment of the two calendars, using Gregorian-calendar years rather than official Chinese New Year dates.[15]", "Chinese New Year Chinese calendar defines the lunar month with winter solstice as the 11th month, which means that Chinese New Year usually falls on the second new moon after the winter solstice (rarely the third if an intercalary month intervenes).[2] In more than 96% of the years, the Chinese New Year's Day is the closest new moon to lichun (Chinese: 立春; \"start of spring\") on 4 or 5 February, and the first new moon after Dahan (Chinese: 大寒; \"major cold\"). In the Gregorian calendar, the Lunar New Year begins at the new moon that falls between 21 January and 20 February.[13][verification needed]", "Chinese New Year In some countries of Southeast Asia, Chinese New Year is a national public holiday and considered to be one of the most important holidays of the year. Chinese New Year's Eve is typically a half-day holiday for Malaysia and Singapore. The biggest celebrations take place in Malaysia (notably in Kuala Lumpur, George Town and Klang) and Singapore.[73]", "Chinese New Year In Indonesia, the Chinese New Year is officially named as Hari Tahun Baru Imlek,[77][78][79] or Sin Cia in Hokkien.[80] It was celebrated as one of the official national religious holiday by Chinese-Indonesians since 18 June 1946 to 1 January 1953 through government regulation signed by President Sukarno on 18 June 1946.[77][81] It was unofficially celebrated by ethnic Chinese from 1953 to 1967 based on government regulation signed by Vice President Muhammad Hatta in 5 February 1953 which annul the previous regulation, among others, the Chinese New Year as a national religious holiday,.[77][82] Effectively from 6 December 1967,[83] until 1998,[84] the spiritual practice to celebrate the Chinese New Year by Chinese families was restricted specifically only inside of the Chinese house. This restriction is made by Indonesian government through a Presidential Instruction, Instruksi Presiden No.14 Tahun 1967, signed by President Suharto. This restriction is ended when the regime has changed and the President Suharto was overthrown.[85] The celebration is conducted unofficially by Chinese community from 1999 to 2000. On 17 January 2000, the President Abdurrahman Wahid issued a Presidential Decree through Keputusan Presiden RI No 6 Tahun 2000 to annul Instruksi Presiden No.14 Tahun 1967.[86] On 19 January 2001, the Ministry of Religious Affairs (Kementerian Agama Republik Indonesia) issued a Decree through Keputusan Menteri Agama RI No 13 Tahun 2001 tentang Imlek sebagai Hari Libur Nasional to set of Hari Tahun Baru Imlek as a Facultative Holiday for Chinese Community.[77][87] Through the Presidential Decree it was officially declared as a 1 (one) day public religious holiday as of 9 April 2002 by President Megawati.[79] The Indonesian government authorize only the first day of the Chinese New Year as a public religious holiday and it is specifically designated only for Chinese people.[77][78][79][81][82][88][89] In Indonesia, the first day of the Chinese New Year is recognized as a part of the celebration of the Chinese religion and tradition of Chinese community.[78][79][81][82][87] There are no other official or unofficial of the Chinese New Year as a public holiday. The remaining 14 days are celebrated only by ethnic Chinese families.[77][90] In Indonesia, the Chinese Year is named as a year of Kǒngzǐ (孔子) or Kongzili in Bahasa Indonesia. Every year, the Ministry of Religious Affairs (Kementerian Agama Republik Indonesia) set the specific date of religious holiday based on input from religious leaders.[90] The Chinese New Year is the only national religious holiday in Indonesia that was enacted specifically with the Presidential Decree, in this case with the Keputusan Presiden Republik Indonesia (Keppres RI) No 19 Tahun 2002 dated on 9 April 2002.[78][79] The celebration of the Chinese New Year as a religious holiday is specifically intended only for Chinese People in Indonesia (tradisi masyarakat Cina yang dirayakan secara turun temurun di berbagai wilayah di Indonesia,[79] dan umat Agama Tionghoa[81]) and it is not intended to be celebrated by Indonesian Indigenous Peoples or Masyarakat Pribumi Indonesia.[78][79][81][82][83][87]", "Chinese New Year As with all cultures, Chinese New Year traditions incorporate elements that are symbolic of deeper meaning. One common example of Chinese New Year symbolism is the red diamond-shaped fu characters (Chinese: 福; pinyin: fú; Cantonese Yale: fuk1; literally: \"blessings, happiness\"), which are displayed on the entrances of Chinese homes. This sign is usually seen hanging upside down, since the Chinese word dao (Chinese: 倒; pinyin: dào; literally: \"upside down\"), is homophonous or nearly homophonous with (Chinese: 到; pinyin: dào; literally: \"arrive\") in all varieties of Chinese. Therefore, it symbolizes the arrival of luck, happiness, and prosperity.", "Chinese New Year After dinner, some families go to local temples hours before the new year begins to pray for a prosperous new year by lighting the first incense of the year; however in modern practice, many households hold parties and even hold a countdown to the new year. Traditionally, firecrackers were lit to scare away evil spirits with the household doors sealed, not to be reopened until the new morning in a ritual called \"opening the door of fortune\" (simplified Chinese: 开财门; traditional Chinese: 開財門; pinyin: kāicáimén).[39]", "Chinese New Year The city of Wellington hosts a two-day weekend festival for Chinese New Year,[112] and a one-day festival is held in Dunedin, centred on the city's Chinese gardens.[113]", "Chinese New Year Many celebrate the festival in Chinatown, Kolkata, India where a significant community of people of Chinese origin exists. In Kolkata, Chinese New Year is celebrated with lion and dragon dance.", "Chinese New Year On the days immediately before the New Year celebration, Chinese families give their homes a thorough cleaning. There is a Cantonese saying \"Wash away the dirt on nin ya baat\" (Chinese: 年廿八,洗邋遢; pinyin: nián niàn bā, xǐ lātà; Jyutping: nin4 jaa6 baat3, sai2 laap6 taap3 (laat6 taat3)), but the practice is not restricted to nin ya baat (the 28th day of month 12). It is believed the cleaning sweeps away the bad luck of the preceding year and makes their homes ready for good luck. Brooms and dust pans are put away on the first day so that the newly arrived good luck cannot be swept away. Some people give their homes, doors and window-frames a new coat of red paint; decorators and paper-hangers do a year-end rush of business prior to Chinese New Year.[37] Homes are often decorated with paper cutouts of Chinese auspicious phrases and couplets. Purchasing new clothing and shoes also symbolize a new start. Any hair cuts need to be completed before the New Year, as cutting hair on New Year is considered bad luck due to the homonymic nature of the word \"hair\" (fa) and the word for \"prosperity\". Businesses are expected to pay off all the debts outstanding for the year before the new year eve, extending to debts of gratitude. Thus it is a common practice to send gifts and rice to close business associates, and extended family members.", "Chinese New Year Traditionally, families gather together during the Chinese New Year. In modern China, migrant workers in China travel home to have reunion dinners with their families on Chinese New Year's Eve. Owing to a large number of interprovincial travelers, special arrangements were made by railways, buses and airlines starting from 15 days before the New Year's Day. This 40-day period is called chunyun, and is known as the world's largest annual migration.[68] More interurban trips are taken in mainland China in this period than the total population of China.", "Chinese New Year The Gregorian Calendar dates for Chinese New Year from 1912 to 2101 are below, along with the year's presiding animal zodiac and its Stem-branch. The traditional Chinese calendar follows a Metonic cycle (like the modern Jewish Calendar), and returns to the same date in Gregorian calendar roughly. The names of the Earthly Branches have no English counterparts and are not the Chinese translations of the animals. Alongside the 12-year cycle of the animal zodiac there is a 10-year cycle of heavenly stems. Each of the ten heavenly stems is associated with one of the five elements of Chinese astrology, namely: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water. The elements are rotated every two years while a yin and yang association alternates every year. The elements are thus distinguished: Yang Wood, Yin Wood, Yang Fire, Yin Fire, etc. These produce a combined cycle that repeats every 60 years. For example, the year of the Yang Fire Rat occurred in 1936 and in 1996, 60 years apart.", "Chinese New Year Red is the predominant color used in New Year celebrations. Red is the emblem of joy, and this color also symbolizes virtue, truth and sincerity. On the Chinese opera stage, a painted red face usually denotes a sacred or loyal personage and sometimes a great emperor. Candies, cakes, decorations and many things associated with the New Year and its ceremonies are colored red. The sound of the Chinese word for \"red\" (simplified Chinese: 红; traditional Chinese: 紅; pinyin: hóng; Cantonese Yale: hung4) is in Mandarin homophonous with the word for \"prosperous\". Therefore, red is an auspicious color and has an auspicious sound.", "Chinese New Year The San Francisco Chinese New Year Festival and Parade is the oldest and largest event of its kind outside of Asia, and the largest Asian cultural event in North America.", "Chinese New Year Multiple groups in New York City cooperate to sponsor a week-long Lunar New Year celebration. The festivities include cultural festival,[116] music concert,[122] fireworks on the Hudson River near the Chinese Consulate,[123] and special exhibits.[122] In June 2015, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio declared that the Lunar New Year would be made a public school holiday.[124]", "Chinese New Year The ninth day of the New Year is a day for Chinese to offer prayers to the Jade Emperor of Heaven in the Daoist Pantheon.[46] The ninth day is traditionally the birthday of the Jade Emperor. This day, called Ti Kong Dan (Hokkien: 天公诞 Thiⁿ-kong Tan), Ti Kong Si (Hokkien: 天公生 Thiⁿ-kong Siⁿ) or Pai Ti Kong (Hokkien: 拜天公 Pài Thiⁿ-kong), is especially important to Hokkiens, even more important than the first day of the Chinese New Year.[47]", "Chinese New Year In San Francisco, over 100 units participate in the annual Chinese New Year Parade held since 1958.[125] The parade is attended by some 500,000 people along with another 3 million TV viewers.[126]", "Chinese New Year Big Chinese population cities and towns like Jakarta, Medan, Singkawang, Pangkal Pinang, Binjai, Bagansiapiapi, Tanjungbalai, Pematangsiantar, Selat Panjang, Tanjung Pinang, Batam, Ketapang and Pontianak always have its own New Year's celebration every years with parade and fireworks. A lot shopping malls decorated its building with lantern, Chinese words and lion or dragon with red and gold as main color. Lion dance is a common sight around Chinese houses, temples and its shophouses. Usually, the Buddhist, Confucian and Taoist Chinese will burn a big incense made by aloeswood with dragon-decorated at front of their house.The temple is open 24 hours at the first day, their also distributes a red envelopes and sometimes rice, fruits or sugar to the poor around.", "Chinese New Year The seventh day, traditionally known as Renri (the common person's birthday), is the day when everyone grows one year older. In some overseas Chinese communities in Southeast Asia, such as Malaysia and Singapore, it is also the day when tossed raw fish salad, yusheng, is eaten for continued wealth and prosperity.", "Chinese New Year One scheme of continuously numbered Chinese-calendar years assigns 4709 to the year beginning, 2011, but this is not universally accepted; the calendar is traditionally cyclical, not continuously numbered.", "Chinese New Year The New Year festival is centuries old and associated with several myths and customs. Traditionally, the festival was a time to honour deities as well as ancestors.[12] Within China, regional customs and traditions concerning the celebration of the Lunar New Year vary widely. Often, the evening preceding Lunar New Year's Day is an occasion for Chinese families to gather for the annual reunion dinner. It is also traditional for every family to thoroughly clean the house, in order to sweep away any ill-fortune and to make way for incoming good luck. Windows and doors are decorated with red colour paper-cuts and couplets with popular themes of \"good fortune\" or \"happiness\", \"wealth\", and \"longevity\". Other activities include lighting firecrackers and giving money in red paper envelopes. In about one third of the Mainland population, or 500 million Northerners, dumplings (especially those of vegetarian fillings) feature prominently in the meals celebrating the festival.", "Chinese New Year Traditionally, red envelopes or red packets \n(Cantonese: lai sze or lai see; 利是, 利市 or 利事; Pinyin: lìshì; Mandarin: hóngbāo 红包; Hokkien: ang pow; POJ: âng-pau; Hakka: fung bao) are passed out during the Chinese New Year's celebrations, from married couples or the elderly to unmarried juniors. It is also common for adults or young couples to give red packets to children.", "Chinese New Year The Japanese have a similar tradition of giving money during the New Year, called Otoshidama.", "Chinese New Year Like many other New Year dishes, certain ingredients also take special precedence over others as these ingredients also have similar-sounding names with prosperity, good luck, or even counting money.", "Chinese New Year This practice of Bai Ti Gong can also be seen in Singapore and Indonesia, especially in Hokkien-speaking Chinese areas like Sumatra.", "Chinese New Year The third day is known as \"red mouth\" (Chinese: 赤口; pinyin: Chìkǒu). Chikou is also called \"Chigou's Day\" (Chinese: 赤狗日; pinyin: Chìgǒurì). Chigou, literally \"red dog\", is an epithet of \"the God of Blazing Wrath\" (Chinese: 熛怒之神; pinyin: Biāo nù zhī shén). Rural villagers continue the tradition of burning paper offerings over trash fires. It is considered an unlucky day to have guests or go visiting.[42][43] Hakka villagers in rural Hong Kong in the 1960s called it the Day of the Poor Devil and believed everyone should stay at home.[44] This is also considered a propitious day to visit the temple of the God of Wealth and have one's future told.", "Chinese New Year The festival incorporates Grant and Kearny Streets into its street festival and parade route, respectively. The use of these streets traces its lineage back to early parades beginning the custom in San Francisco. In 1849, with the discovery of gold and the ensuing California Gold Rush, over 50,000 people had come to San Francisco to seek their fortune or just a better way of life. Among those were many Chinese, who had come to work in the gold mines and on the railroad. By the 1860s, the residents of San Francisco's Chinatown were eager to share their culture with their fellow San Francisco residents who may have been unfamiliar with (or hostile towards) it. The organizers chose to showcase their culture by using a favorite American tradition – the parade. They invited a variety of other groups from the city to participate, and they marched down what today are Grant Avenue and Kearny Street carrying colorful flags, banners, lanterns, drums, and firecrackers to drive away evil spirits.", "Chinese New Year Red packets for the immediate family are sometimes distributed during the reunion dinner. These packets often contain money in certain numbers that reflect good luck and honorability. Several foods are consumed to usher in wealth, happiness, and good fortune. Several of the Chinese food names are homophones for words that also mean good things.", "Chinese New Year In the morning of this birthday (traditionally anytime from midnight to 7 am), Taiwanese households set up an altar table with 3 layers: one top (containing offertories of six vegetables (Chinese: 六齋; pinyin: liù zhāi), noodles, fruits, cakes, tangyuan, vegetable bowls, and unripe betel, all decorated with paper lanterns) and two lower levels (containing the five sacrifices and wines) to honor the deities below the Jade Emperor.[46] The household then kneels three times and kowtows nine times to pay obeisance and wish him a long life.[46]", "New Year The Coptic and Ethiopian liturgical calendars are unrelated to these systems but instead follow the Alexandrian calendar which fixed the wandering ancient Egyptian calendar to the Julian year. Their New Year celebrations on Neyrouz and Enkutatash were fixed; however, at a point in the Sothic cycle close to the Indiction, between the years 1900 and 2100, they fall on September 11 during most years and September 12 in the years before a leap year.", "New Year In the Gregorian calendar, the most widely used calendar system today, New Year occurs on January 1 (New Year's Day). This was also the case both in the Roman calendar (at least after about 713 BCE) and in the Julian calendar that succeeded it.", "New Year During the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire years began on the date on which each consul first entered office. This was probably May 1 before 222 BC, March 15 from 222 BC to 154 BC,[10] and January 1 from 153 BC.[11] In 45 BC, when Julius Caesar's new Julian calendar took effect, the Senate fixed January 1 as the first day of the year. At that time, this was the date on which those who were to hold civil office assumed their official position, and it was also the traditional annual date for the convening of the Roman Senate. This civil new year remained in effect throughout the Roman Empire, east and west, during its lifetime and well after, wherever the Julian calendar continued in use.", "New Year During those intervening centuries, the Roman Catholic ecclesiastic year was moved to the first day of Advent, the Sunday nearest to St. Andrew's Day (November 30). According to the Latin Rite of the Catholic Church, the liturgical year begins at 4:00 PM on the Saturday preceding the fourth Sunday prior to December 25 (between November 26 and December 2). By the time of the Reformation (early 16th century), the Roman Catholic general calendar provided the initial basis for the calendars for the liturgically-oriented Protestants, including the Anglican and Lutheran Churches, who inherited this observation of the liturgical new year.", "Cambodian New Year Cambodian New Year (Khmer: បុណ្យចូលឆ្នាំថ្មី) or Choul Chnam Thmey in the Khmer language, literally \"Enter New Year\", is the name of the Cambodian holiday that celebrates the traditional Lunar New Year.[1] The holiday lasts for three days beginning on New Year's Day, which usually falls on April 13th or 14th, which is the end of the harvesting season, when farmers enjoy the fruits of their labor before the rainy season begins. Khmers living abroad may choose to celebrate during a weekend rather than just specifically April 13th through 16th. The Khmer New Year coincides with the traditional solar new year in several parts of India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Laos and Thailand.", "Years & Years Years & Years is a British synth-pop band, founded in London, United Kingdom. The band consists of Olly Alexander, Mikey Goldsworthy and Emre Türkmen.[1] Years & Years' music has been described as electropop, mixing R&B and 1990s house elements. The band's debut studio album, Communion, debuted at number one on the UK Albums Chart in July 2015 and was the fastest-selling debut album of the year from a UK signed band.", "Chinese zodiac The Chinese zodiac signs are also used by cultures other than Chinese. For one example, they usually appear on Korean New Year and Japanese New Year's cards and stamps. The United States Postal Service and those of several other countries issue a \"Year of the ____\" postage stamp each year to honor this Chinese heritage.", "Years & Years In January 2016, Years & Years were nominated for four BRIT Awards, including British Group, British Breakthrough Act, British Single (for \"King\") and British Artist Video (also for \"King\"). On 2 March 2016, the band announced that Tove Lo would feature on their next single; a new version of, \"Desire\". The music video was released on the next day, accompanied by an open letter from frontman Olly Alexander on the band's Facebook page. This detailed the concept of the video and highlighted the LGBT issues addressed by it (such as sexuality and gender dynamics), for which Alexander had become somewhat of a spokesperson. The band played their biggest headline show to date on 8 April 2016, at Wembley Arena, London, as part of their 2016 UK headline tour. The show was completely sold out, with support coming from MØ, Nimmo and Mabel. In July 2016, the band released the music video for their next single from Communion, \"Worship\". The music video was directed by Matt Lambert, with choreography from Ryan Heffington. On 11 September 2016, Years & Years performed the last show of their Communion tour at Lollapalooza in Berlin.[16]", "Year The draconic year, draconitic year, eclipse year, or ecliptic year is the time taken for the Sun (as seen from the Earth) to complete one revolution with respect to the same lunar node (a point where the Moon's orbit intersects the ecliptic). The year is associated with eclipses: these occur only when both the Sun and the Moon are near these nodes; so eclipses occur within about a month of every half eclipse year. Hence there are two eclipse seasons every eclipse year. The average duration of the eclipse year is", "Baby New Year The Baby New Year is a personification of the start of the New Year commonly seen in editorial cartoons. He symbolizes the \"birth\" of the next year and the \"passing\" of the prior year; in other words, a \"rebirth\".[1] Baby New Year's purpose varies by myth, but he generally performs some sort of ceremonial duty over the course of his year such as chronicling[2] the year's events or presiding over the year as a symbol.[3]", "Chinese New Year The most common auspicious greetings and sayings consist of four characters, such as the following:", "Chinese New Year In London, the celebrations take place throughout Chinatown, Leicester Square and Trafalgar Square. Festivities include a parade, cultural feast, fireworks, concerts and performances.[127] The celebration attracts between 300,000 and 500,000 people yearly according to the organisers.[128]", "Chinese New Year Incense, tea, fruit, vegetarian food or roast pig, and gold paper is served as a customary protocol for paying respect to an honored person.", "Chinese New Year During this period, red packets are also known as 壓歲錢/压岁钱 (yàsuìqián, which was evolved from 壓祟錢/压祟钱, literally, \"the money used to suppress or put down the evil spirit\").[52]", "Chinese New Year For Buddhists, the first day is also the birthday of Maitreya Bodhisattva (better known as the more familiar Budai Luohan), the Buddha-to-be. People also abstain from killing animals.", "Baby New Year In addition to being a mythical figure, the title of \"Baby New Year\" is sometimes given to living people. The first baby born in any village or city in a certain year may be honored by being labeled as the official Baby New Year for that year.[9][10][11][12] The official Baby New Year can be male or female, even though the mythical Baby New Year is nearly always male. Attempts to name an official Baby New Year for an entire country have sometimes been made, but generally there are multiple contenders and no single Baby New Year can be confirmed. There has however been a great deal of several who have come close. Numerous hospitals no longer make a Baby New Year public due to concerns that the infant will become a target for criminals.[13]", "New Year's Eve Mexicans celebrate New Year's Eve, (Spanish: Vispera de Año Nuevo) by eating a grape with each of the twelve chimes of a clock's bell during the midnight countdown, while making a wish with each one. Mexican families decorate homes and parties in colors that represent wishes for the upcoming year: red encourages an overall improvement of lifestyle and love, yellow encourages blessings of improved employment conditions, green for improved financial circumstances, and white for improved health. Mexican sweet bread is baked with a coin or charm hidden in the dough. When the bread is served, the recipient of the slice with the coin or charm is said to be blessed with good luck in the New Year. Another tradition is to make a list of all the bad or unhappy events over the past 12 months; before midnight, this list is thrown into a fire, symbolizing the removal of negative energy from the new year.[22] At the same time, they are expressed for all the good things during the year that is ending so that they will continue in the new year.[23]", "Japanese New Year The Japanese New Year (正月, Shōgatsu) is an annual festival with its own customs. Since 1873, the official Japanese New Year has been celebrated according to the Gregorian calendar, on January 1 of each year, New Year's Day (元日, Ganjitsu). However, many traditional events of the Japanese New Year are still celebrated on the first day of the year on the modern Tenpō calendar, the last official lunisolar calendar which was used until 1872 in Japan.", "Year The Besselian year is a tropical year that starts when the (fictitious) mean Sun reaches an ecliptic longitude of 280°. This is currently on or close to January 1. It is named after the 19th-century German astronomer and mathematician Friedrich Bessel. The following equation can be used to compute the current Besselian epoch (in years):[10]", "New Year's Eve Hungarian Christian communities focus on celebrating Mass on both New Year's Eve and New Year's Day.[64][65]", "New Year's Day In cultures which traditionally or currently use calendars other than the Gregorian, New Year's Day is often also an important celebration. Some countries concurrently use the Gregorian and another calendar. New Year's Day in the alternative calendar attracts alternative celebrations of that new year:", "New Year's Eve New Year's Eve (Silvestr/Silvester) celebrations and traditions in Czech Republic and Slovakia are very similar. New Year's Eve is the noisiest day of the year. People generally gather with friends at parties, in pubs, clubs, in the streets, or city squares to eat, drink, and celebrate the new year. Fireworks are a popular tradition; in large cities such as Bratislava, or Prague, the fireworks start before noon and steadily increase until midnight. In the first minutes after midnight, people toast with champagne, wish each other a happy new year, fortune and health, and go outside for the fireworks.", "Japanese New Year The New Year traditions are also a part of Japanese poetry, including haiku (poems with 17 syllables, in three lines of five, seven and five) and renga (linked poetry). All of the traditions above would be appropriate to include in haiku as kigo (season words). There are also haiku that celebrate many of the \"first\" of the New Year, such as the \"first sun\" (hatsuhi) or \"first sunrise\", \"first laughter\" (waraizome—starting the New Year with a smile is considered a good sign), and first dream (hatsuyume). Since the traditional New Year was later in the year than the current date, many of these mention the beginning of spring.", "New Year's Day January 1 represents the fresh start of a new year after a period of remembrance of the passing year, including on radio, television, and in newspapers, which starts in early December in countries around the world. Publications have year-end articles that review the changes during the previous year. In some cases publications may set their entire year work alight in hope that the smoke emitted from the flame brings new life to the company. There are also articles on planned or expected changes in the coming year.", "New Year's Eve Preparations for New Year's Eve in Albania start long before 31 December. It starts with the Christmas tree which in Albania is known as \"New Year's Tree\" or \"New Year's Pine\". On this day, parents, children and relatives are gathered together to spend some remarkable moments all together. Having an abundant dinner with different kinds of delicious dishes is also a tradition. Part of the tradition is also watching a lot of comedy shows on that night, as the New Year should find people smiling and full of joy.The most amazing moment of the night is the last minute of The Old Year and the minute to come of the New Year. At 00:00 everyone toasts and greets each other and a lot of fireworks brighten up the sky of the city. They wish each other a prosperous new year, full of happiness, joy, good health and lots of fortune. It is a tradition that at 00:00 people call each other on the phone to greet one another or send SMS to all their friends. 31 December is the busiest day of an Albanian.", "Baby New Year The myth most associated with him is that he is a baby at the beginning of his year, but Baby New Year quickly ages until he is elderly (like Father Time, with whom he is often associated[4]) at the end of his year. Very rarely is the Baby New Year depicted as any age other than a baby or as a very old man. Some stories, especially those with depictions of years past, will have him bear a strong likeness to key events in his time.[5] At this point, he hands over his duties to the next Baby New Year, while he either dies or remains in this state and retires.[6]", "New Year's Eve In Lisbon the New Year is celebrated with a grand concert. The New Year's Concert is held at the CCB (Centro Cultural de Belém) on the evening of 1 January, featuring the prestigious Lisbon Metropolitan Orchestra.", "New Year's Eve New Year's Eve in Serbia is traditionally celebrated extensively. Indoors, families celebrate New Year's Eve with an abundance of food. Serbs decorate trees, NovogodiÅ¡nja jelka, at New Year's Eve, rather than at Christmas Eve. Near, or after midnight, Santa Claus (Deda Mraz) visits houses and leaves presents under the tree, to be unpacked then or, if the family is asleep, to be discovered in the morning.", "New Year's Eve Radio specials give a countdown and announce the New Year. In Caracas, the bells of the Cathedral of Caracas ring twelve times.[42] During these special programs, is a tradition to broadcast songs about the end of the year. It is a non-working holiday. Popular songs include \"Viejo año\" (\"Old year\"), by Gaita group Maracaibo 15, and \"Cinco pa' las 12\" (\"Five minutes before twelve\"), which was versioned by several popular singers including Nestor Zavarce, Nancy Ramos and José Luis Rodríguez El Puma. The unofficial hymn for the first minutes of the New Year is \"Año Nuevo, Vida Nueva\" (\"New Year, New Life\"), by the band Billo's Caracas Boys. Many people play the national anthem in their houses.", "New Year's Day Mesopotamia (Iraq) instituted the concept of celebrating the new year in 2000 BC and celebrated new year around the time of the vernal equinox, in mid-March.[4][5] The early Roman calendar designated March 1 as the new year. The calendar had just ten months, beginning with March. That the new year once began with the month of March is still reflected in some of the names of the months. September through December, our ninth through twelfth months, were originally positioned as the seventh through tenth months. (Septem is Latin for \"seven\"; octo, \"eight\"; novem, \"nine\"; and decem, \"ten\".) Roman legend usually credited their second king Numa with the establishment of the months of January and February. These were first placed at the end of the year, but at some point came to be considered the first two months instead.", "New Year's Eve On New Year's Day (le jour de l'an), people, especially children, write their \"New Year's letter\" on decorated paper, called \"Carte de bonne année\", to their parents and relatives, featuring their resolutions and wishes.", "New Year's Eve Some believe that people should eat seven, nine, or twelve times on New Year's Eve. These are lucky numbers in Estonia; it is believed that for each meal consumed, the person gains the strength of that many men the following year. Meals should not be completely finished—some food should be left for ancestors and spirits who visit the house on New Year's Eve.", "Japanese New Year On New Year's Day, Japanese people have a custom of giving money to children, known as otoshidama. It is handed out in small decorated envelopes called pochibukuro, similar to Shūgi-bukuro or Chinese hóngbāo and to the Scottish handsel. In the Edo period large stores and wealthy families gave out a small bag of mochi and a Mandarin orange to spread happiness all around. The amount of money given depends on the age of the child but is usually the same if there is more than one child so that no one feels slighted. It is not uncommon for amounts greater than ¥10,000 (US $83.16) to be given.", "The Year of the Dragon (play) The play portrays a Chinese American family in Chinatown, San Francisco during Chinese New Year. Chin wrote the play as a critique of the racism in American society, and the play satirizes \"American tourists who eroticize, objectify, and commodify Chinatown and its residents.\"[2]", "New Year's Eve In Japan, New Year's Eve is used to prepare for and welcome Toshigami (年神), the New Year's god. People clean their home and prepare Kadomatsu or Shimenawa to welcome the god before New Year's Eve. Buddhist temples ring their bells 108 times[46] at midnight in the tradition Joya no Kane (除夜の鐘). The rings represent the 108 elements of bonō (煩悩), mental states that lead people to take unwholesome actions.", "New Year's Eve In 1992, the sketch comedy troupe Royal Canadian Air Farce began airing its annual Year of the Farce special on CBC Television, which features sketches lampooning the major events and news stories of the year. While the original 1992 edition was a one-off special, Year of the Farce episodes continued as a regular feature of the Air Farce television series which ran from 1993 to 2008—airing its series finale on 31 December 2008. Following the finale of the television series, the original cast continued to participate in New Year's Eve specials in the years following.[13][14]", "Year The word \"year\" is also used for periods loosely associated with, but not identical to, the calendar or astronomical year, such as the seasonal year, the fiscal year, the academic year, etc. Similarly, \"year\" can mean the orbital period of any planet: for example, a Martian year or a Venusian year are examples of the time a planet takes to transit one complete orbit. The term can also be used in reference to any long period or cycle, such as the Great Year.[2]", "New Year's resolution At the end of the Great Depression, about a quarter of American adults formed New Year's resolutions. At the start of the 21st century, about 40% did.[6] In fact, according to the American Medical Association, approximately 40% to 50% of Americans participated in the New Year's resolution tradition from the 1995 Epcot and 1985 Gallop Polls [7] A study found 46% of participants who made common New Year's resolutions (e.g. weight loss, exercise programs, quitting smoking) were likely to succeed, over ten times as among those deciding to make life changes at other times of the year. [8]", "Year There are typically 180 days of teaching each year in schools in the USA, excluding weekends and breaks, while there are 190 days for pupils in state schools in Canada, New Zealand and the United Kingdom, and 200 for pupils in Australia.", "New Year's Day This day is traditionally a religious feast, but since the 1900s has also become an occasion to celebrate the night of December 31, called New Year's Eve. There are fireworks at midnight at the moment the new year arrives (a major one is in Sydney, Australia). Watchnight services are also still observed by many.[21]", "New Year's Eve New Year traditions and celebrations in Canada vary regionally. New Year's Eve (also called New Year's Eve Day or Veille du Jour de l'An in French) is generally a social holiday. In many cities, such as Toronto, Ottawa and Niagara Falls in Ontario, Edmonton and Calgary in Alberta, Vancouver, British Columbia and Montreal, Quebec, there are large celebrations which may feature concerts, late-night partying, sporting events, and fireworks, with free public transit service during peak party times in most major cities. In some areas, such as in rural Quebec, people ice fish in the old days. Since 2000, the highlight of New Year's Eve celebrations is in Montreal's old port, which comes alive with concerts that take place and fireworks at midnight.[12]", "New Year's Eve In most cities and urban areas across Japan, New Year's Eve celebrations are usually accompanied by concerts, countdowns, fireworks and other events. In Tokyo, the two most crowded celebrations are held at the Shibuya crossing in Shibuya and the Zojoji Temple in Minato. People gather around the Zojoji Temple to release helium balloons with New Year's wishes up in the sky and watch the lighting of Tokyo Tower and Tokyo Skytree with a year number displayed on the observatory at the stroke of midnight.", "Year A calendar year is an approximation of the number of days of the Earth's orbital period as counted in a given calendar. The Gregorian, or modern, calendar, presents its calendar year to be either a common year of 365 days or a leap year of 366 days, as do the Julian calendars; see below. For the Gregorian calendar the average length of the calendar year (the mean year) across the complete leap cycle of 400 years is 365.2425 days. The ISO standard ISO 80000-3, Annex C, supports the symbol \"a\" (for Latin annus) to represent a year of either 365 or 366 days. In English, the abbreviations \"y\" and \"yr\" are commonly used.", "New Year's Eve New Year's Eve (Szilveszter) in Hungary is celebrated with home parties and street parties, including a gathering in downtown Budapest. Fireworks and firecrackers are popular. Champagne, wine and traditional Hungarian New Year dishes—frankfurter sausages with horseradish, lentil soup, fish, and roast pig—are consumed. The national anthem is commonly sung at midnight.", "New Year's Day Most nations of Western Europe officially adopted 1 January as New Year's Day somewhat before they adopted the Gregorian Calendar. In Tudor England, New Year's Day, along with Christmas Day and Twelfth Night, was celebrated as one of three main festivities among the twelve days of Christmastide.[13] There, until the adoption of the Gregorian Calendar in 1752, the first day of the new year was the Western Christian Feast of the Annunciation, on 25 March, also called \"Lady Day\". Dates predicated on the year beginning on 25 March became known as Annunciation Style dates, while dates of the Gregorian Calendar commencing on 1 January were distinguished as Circumcision Style dates,[14] because this was the date of the Feast of the Circumcision, the observed memorial of the eighth day of Jesus Christ's life after his birth, counted from the latter's observation on Christmas, 25 December. Pope Gregory acknowledged 1 January as the beginning of the new year according to his reform of the Catholic Liturgical Calendar.[15]", "New Year's Eve In China, although the celebrations of the Lunar New Year are not until a few weeks after the Gregorian New Year, celebrations of the Gregorian New Year are held in some areas, particularly in major cities. For example, celebrations with fireworks and rock concerts have taken place in Beijing's Solana Blue Harbor Shopping Park, while cultural shows and other events are held at the city's Millennium Monument, Temple of Heaven, Great Wall of China, Olympic Green, and the Summer Palace. Since 2011, a light and sound show has been held at The Bund in Shanghai, a few minutes before midnight.", "Japanese New Year There is also an associated festival of Little New Year (小正月, koshōgatsu), traditionally celebrating the first full moon of the new year, on the 15th day of the first lunar month (approximately mid-February). This is now sometimes celebrated on January 15, in various respects. The main events of Koshōgatsu are rites and practices praying for a bountiful harvest; rice gruel with adzuki beans (小豆粥, azukigayu) is traditionally eaten in the morning and is involved in the rice gruel divination ceremony. Further, New Year decorations are taken down around this date, and some temples hold events, such as at Tōrin-in.", "Year The Revised Julian calendar, as used in some Eastern Orthodox Churches, currently does a better job than the Gregorian in synchronizing with the mean tropical year. As 218 out of every 900 years are leap years, the average (mean) length of this Julian year is 7002365242222200000♠365.2422222 days, which is closer to the length of the mean tropical year, 7002365242190000000♠365.24219 days, than is the Gregorian mean year, 365.242 5 days. In the year 2800 CE, the Gregorian and Revised Julian calendars will begin to differ by one calendar day.[4]", "New Year's Eve On 13 January, some of people celebrates \"Old New Year\", according to the Julian calendar.", "New Year's Eve In Costa Rica, families usually gather around 8 pm for parties that last until 1 or 2 am, the next day. There are several traditions among Costa Rican families, including eating 12 grapes representing 12 wishes for the new year, and running across the street with luggage to bring new trips and adventures in the upcoming year.", "New Year's Eve The Muslims during the year's last Jumma prayer of mosque permanently pray a Munajat(which is done all over the mosques of the country) so that Allah may bless them and the coming year can be fruitful.[45] Hindus organize a Puja so that the coming year can be fruitful for them. The Christians go to the churches for a watch night service till midnight, praying for blessing in the coming new year as it is also part of the Christmastide season observances.", "New Year's Eve A New Year's Eve tradition in Ecuador is for men to dress haphazardly in drag (clowny looking make-up, cheap colorful wigs, very hairy legs in miniskirts) for New Year's Eve representing the \"widow\" of the year that has passed. The \"widows\" then go to the streets and stop each car that passes on that particular street in order to parody some form of sexy dancing. Large crowds would gather around to watch and laugh at the entertainment and the drivers are forced to give the \"widows\" some coins in order to obtain passage through the street.", "New Year's Eve In Poland New Year's Eve (Sylwester) celebrations include both indoor and outdoor festivities. A large open-air concert is held in the Main Square in Krak贸w. 150,000 to 200,000 revelers celebrate the New Year with live music and a fireworks display over St. Mary's Basilica.[69] Similar festivities are held in other cities around Poland.", "New Year Live From 2013, the programme was renamed to New Year's Eve Fireworks and the format changed to accompany live concerts before and after the fireworks display. Gary Barlow, Queen + Adam Lambert, Bryan Adams, Robbie Williams, Chic and Nile Rodgers have performed before and after the New Year fireworks in specially broadcast concerts at Central Hall in Westminster.", "New Year's Eve The New Zealand national cricket team have begun playing a one-day International cricket game in Queenstown during the day of New Year's Eve.", "Year Each of these three years can be loosely called an astronomical year.", "New Year's Eve Other notable celebrations include those on the Las Vegas Strip, where streets are closed to vehicle traffic on the evening of New Year's Eve, and a fireworks show is held at midnight which spans across multiple buildings on the Strip.[35] Los Angeles, a city long without a major public New Year celebration, held an inaugural gathering in Downtown's newly completed Grand Park to celebrate the beginning of 2014. The event included food trucks, art installations, and culminating with a projection mapping show on the side of Los Angeles City Hall near midnight. The inaugural event drew over 25,000 spectators and participants.[36] For 2016, Chicago introduced an event known as Chi-Town Rising,[37] which ended in the year 2018. Alongside the festivities in Times Square, New York's Central Park hosts a \"Midnight Run\" event organized by the New York Road Runners, which culminates in a fireworks show and a race around the park that begins at midnight.[35] Major theme parks may also hold New Year's celebrations; Disney theme parks, such as Walt Disney World Resort in Florida and Disneyland in Anaheim, California, are traditionally the busiest during the days up to and including New Year's Eve.[35][38][39]", "New Year's Day The annual Vienna New Year's Concert, primarily featuring music composed by the Strauss family, is broadcast around the world.", "Shopping hours During the Chinese New Year, many shops in China close for a few days, from Chinese New Year's Eve to the first day of the Chinese New Year. Or more often, to the third day of the Chinese New Year. Some shops in Hong Kong and Macau operate on Chinese New Year holidays, especially supermarket chains.", "New Year's resolution This tradition has many other religious parallels. During Judaism's New Year, Rosh Hashanah, through the High Holidays and culminating in Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement), one is to reflect upon one's wrongdoings over the year and both seek and offer forgiveness. People can act similarly during the Christian liturgical season of Lent, although the motive behind this holiday is more of sacrifice than of responsibility. In fact, the Methodist practice of New Year's resolutions came, in part, from the Lenten sacrifices.[5][verification needed] The concept, regardless of creed, is to reflect upon self-improvement annually.", "Baby New Year The stereotypical representation of Baby New Year is as a baby boy wearing nothing more than a diaper, a top hat and a sash across his torso that shows the year he is representing (e.g. 2013).[7][5][8] He is sometimes depicted holding or associated with an hourglass, a noisemaker, or other item either pertaining to time or New Year's Day festivities. Often, he is not a complete newborn but instead more closely resembles a toddler, because he is frequently shown standing on his own, crawling or barely walking, or having a small amount of (usually blond) hair.", "Year No astronomical year has an integer number of days or lunar months, so any calendar that follows an astronomical year must have a system of intercalation such as leap years. Financial and scientific calculations often use a 365-day calendar to simplify daily rates.", "New Year's Eve Numerous decorations and customs traditionally associated with Christmas and Bayrams are part of secular New Year's Eve celebrations in Turkey. Homes and streets are lit in glittering lights. Small gifts are exchanged, and large family dinners are organized with family and friends, featuring a special turkey dish stuffed with a zante currant, pine nuts, pimiento and dill iç pilav, dolma, hot börek, baklava, and various other Turkish dishes, accompanied with rakı, Turkish wine, or boza, şerbet, salep, and Turkish tea or coffee. Even though Turkish people generally do not celebrate Christmas, decorating Christmas trees is a very popular tradition on New Year's Eve in Turkey, and the Turks associate Santa Claus with New Year's Eve.", "Year A fiscal year or financial year is a 12-month period used for calculating annual financial statements in businesses and other organizations. In many jurisdictions, regulations regarding accounting require such reports once per twelve months, but do not require that the twelve months constitute a calendar year.", "Years & Years The band was formed in 2010, after Goldsworthy moved to London from Australia and met Noel Leeman and then later, Türkmen online.[2] Alexander later joined the band as its lead vocalist, after Goldsworthy heard him singing in the shower.[3] The band was originally a five-piece group, with Noel Leeman and Olivier Subria.[4] Leeman and Subria left the band in 2013.[5] Years & Years' first single, called \"I Wish I Knew\" was released in July 2012 on the Good Bait label, with the band performing as a five-piece group.[6] In 2013, the group signed a deal to the French label Kitsuné as a three-piece and released their second single, called \"Traps\" in September 2013.[7] Their third single, called \"Real\" was released by Kitsuné in February 2014 and its music video featured an appearance by Alexander's Peter and Alice co-star, Ben Whishaw, and the former Misfits actor Nathan Stewart-Jarrett.[8] In 2014, the group signed a deal to Polydor Records and then released their fourth single, called \"Take Shelter\". The song reached number one on the iTunes UK Singles Electronic Chart.[9] In December 2014, the group released their fifth single, called \"Desire\", which peaked at number 22 on the UK Singles Chart.[10]", "Year A seasonal year is the time between successive recurrences of a seasonal event such as the flooding of a river, the migration of a species of bird, the flowering of a species of plant, the first frost, or the first scheduled game of a certain sport. All of these events can have wide variations of more than a month from year to year.", "New Year's Eve In Morocco, New Year's Eve (Arabic: رأس العام—Rass l'aam—\"head of the year\"‎) is celebrated in the company of family and friends. People get together to eat cake, dance, and laugh. Traditionally, people celebrate it at home, but some prefer to go to nightclubs. At midnight, fireworks are displayed across Ain Diab, in the corniche of Casablanca.", "Year The Galactic year is the time it takes Earth's solar system to revolve once around the galactic center. It comprises roughly 230 million Earth years.[15]", "New Year's Eve There are New Year countdown parties in major cities such as George Town, Shah Alam and Kuching, typically organised by the private sector in these cities.[47][48]", "New Year's Eve In Sweden, New Year's Eve is usually celebrated with families or with friends. A few hours before and after midnight, people usually party and eat a special dinner, often three courses. New Year's Eve is celebrated with large fireworks displays throughout the country, especially in the cities. People over the age of 18 are allowed to buy fireworks, which are sold by local stores or by private persons. While watching or lighting fireworks at midnight, people usually drink champagne." ]
what's on each level of the eiffel tower
[ "Eiffel Tower The tower has three levels for visitors, with restaurants on the first and second levels. The top level's upper platform is 276 m (906 ft) above the ground – the highest observation deck accessible to the public in the European Union. Tickets can be purchased to ascend by stairs or lift (elevator) to the first and second levels. The climb from ground level to the first level is over 300 steps, as is the climb from the first level to the second. Although there is a staircase to the top level, it is usually accessible only by lift." ]
[ "Eiffel Tower As one of the most iconic landmarks in the world, the Eiffel Tower has been the inspiration for the creation of many replicas and similar towers. An early example is Blackpool Tower in England. The mayor of Blackpool, Sir John Bickerstaffe, was so impressed on seeing the Eiffel Tower at the 1889 exposition that he commissioned a similar tower to be built in his town. It opened in 1894 and is 158.1 metres (518 ft) tall.[75] Tokyo Tower in Japan, built as a communications tower in 1958, was also inspired by the Eiffel Tower.[76]", "Eiffel Tower Gustave Eiffel engraved on the tower the names of 72 French scientists, engineers and mathematicians in recognition of their contributions to the building of the tower. Eiffel chose this \"invocation of science\" because of his concern over the artists' protest. At the beginning of the 20th century, the engravings were painted over, but they were restored in 1986–87 by the Société Nouvelle d'exploitation de la Tour Eiffel, a company operating the tower.[66]", "Eiffel Tower The Eiffel Tower sways by up to 9 centimetres (3.5 in) in the wind.[63]", "Eiffel Tower The main structural work was completed at the end of March 1889 and, on 31 March, Eiffel celebrated by leading a group of government officials, accompanied by representatives of the press, to the top of the tower.[12] Because the lifts were not yet in operation, the ascent was made by foot, and took over an hour, with Eiffel stopping frequently to explain various features. Most of the party chose to stop at the lower levels, but a few, including the structural engineer, Émile Nouguier, the head of construction, Jean Compagnon, the President of the City Council, and reporters from Le Figaro and Le Monde Illustré, completed the ascent. At 2:35 pm, Eiffel hoisted a large Tricolour to the accompaniment of a 25-gun salute fired at the first level.[23]", "Eiffel Tower Eiffel made use of his apartment at the top of the tower to carry out meteorological observations, and also used the tower to perform experiments on the action of air resistance on falling bodies.[28]", "Eiffel Tower After some debate about the exact location of the tower, a contract was signed on 8 January 1887. This was signed by Eiffel acting in his own capacity rather than as the representative of his company, and granted him 1.5 million francs toward the construction costs: less than a quarter of the estimated 6.5 million francs. Eiffel was to receive all income from the commercial exploitation of the tower during the exhibition and for the next 20 years. He later established a separate company to manage the tower, putting up half the necessary capital himself.[7]", "Eiffel Tower The tower is painted in three shades: lighter at the top, getting progressively darker towards the bottom to perfectly complement the Parisian sky.[67] It was originally reddish brown; this changed in 1968 to a bronze colour known as \"Eiffel Tower Brown\".[68]", "Eiffel Tower replicas and derivatives Other Eiffel-inspired towers are listed in the table in descending order of scale and height:", "Eiffel Tower Eiffel had a permit for the tower to stand for 20 years. It was to be dismantled in 1909, when its ownership would revert to the City of Paris. The City had planned to tear it down (part of the original contest rules for designing a tower was that it should be easy to dismantle) but as the tower proved to be valuable for communication purposes, it was allowed to remain after the expiry of the permit.", "Eiffel Tower Little progress was made until 1886, when Jules Grévy was re-elected as president of France and Édouard Lockroy was appointed as minister for trade. A budget for the exposition was passed and, on 1 May, Lockroy announced an alteration to the terms of the open competition being held for a centrepiece to the exposition, which effectively made the selection of Eiffel's design a foregone conclusion, as entries had to include a study for a 300 m (980 ft) four-sided metal tower on the Champ de Mars.[6] (A 300-meter tower was then considered a herculean engineering effort). On 12 May, a commission was set up to examine Eiffel's scheme and its rivals, which, a month later, decided that all the proposals except Eiffel's were either impractical or lacking in details.", "Eiffel Tower The nearest Paris Métro station is Bir-Hakeim and the nearest RER station is Champ de Mars-Tour Eiffel.[70] The tower itself is located at the intersection of the quai Branly and the Pont d'Iéna.", "Eiffel Tower The tower has been used for making radio transmissions since the beginning of the 20th century. Until the 1950s, sets of aerial wires ran from the cupola to anchors on the Avenue de Suffren and Champ de Mars. These were connected to longwave transmitters in small bunkers. In 1909, a permanent underground radio centre was built near the south pillar, which still exists today. On 20 November 1913, the Paris Observatory, using the Eiffel Tower as an aerial, exchanged wireless signals with the United States Naval Observatory, which used an aerial in Arlington, Virginia. The object of the transmissions was to measure the difference in longitude between Paris and Washington, D.C.[79] Today, radio and digital television signals are transmitted from the Eiffel Tower.", "Gustave Eiffel The main structural work was completed at the end of March, and on the 31st Eiffel celebrated this by leading a group of government officials, accompanied by representatives of the press, to the top of the tower. Since the lifts were not yet in operation, the ascent was made by foot, and took over an hour, Eiffel frequently stopping to make explanations of various features. Most of the party chose to stop at the lower levels, but a few, including Nouguier, Compagnon, the President of the City Council and reporters from Le Figaro and Le Monde Illustré completed the climb. At 2.35 Eiffel hoisted a large tricolour, to the accompaniment of a 25-gun salute fired from the lower level.[29]", "Eiffel Tower replicas and derivatives As one of the most iconic and recognisable structures in the world, the Eiffel Tower has been the inspiration for the creation of over 50 similar towers around the world. Most are not exact replicas, though there are many like it.", "Eiffel Tower When originally built, the first level contained three restaurants—one French, one Russian and one Flemish—and an \"Anglo-American Bar\". After the exposition closed, the Flemish restaurant was converted to a 250-seat theatre. A promenade 2.6-metre (8 ft 6 in) wide ran around the outside of the first level. At the top, there were laboratories for various experiments, and a small apartment reserved for Gustave Eiffel to entertain guests, which is now open to the public, complete with period decorations and lifelike mannequins of Eiffel and some of his notable guests.[64]", "Tourism in Paris The Eiffel Tower is acknowledged as the universal symbol of Paris and France. It was originally designed by Émile Nouguier and Maurice Koechlin. In March 1885 Gustave Eiffel, known primarily as a successful iron engineer, submitted a plan for a tower to the French Ministre du Commerce et de l'Industrie.[4] He entered a competition for students studying at the university. The winning proposal would stand as the centerpiece of the 1889 Exposition. Eiffel's was one of over 100 submissions. Eiffel's proposal was finally chosen in June 1886. Even before its construction, the Tower's uniqueness was noticed. The Eiffel Tower was finally inaugurated on March 31, 1889.[4] Currently about 6.9 million people visit the Eiffel tower each year.[5]", "Eiffel Tower Robert Moriarty flew a Beechcraft Bonanza under the tower on 31 March 1984.[47] In 1987, A.J. Hackett made one of his first bungee jumps from the top of the Eiffel Tower, using a special cord he had helped develop. Hackett was arrested by the police.[48] On 27 October 1991, Thierry Devaux, along with mountain guide Hervé Calvayrac, performed a series of acrobatic figures while bungee jumping from the second floor of the tower.[49] Facing the Champ de Mars, Devaux used an electric winch between figures to go back up to the second floor. When firemen arrived, he stopped after the sixth jump.[citation needed]", "Gustave Eiffel His first aerodynamic experiments, an investigation of the air resistance of surfaces, was carried out by dropping the surface to be investigated together with a measuring apparatus down a vertical cable stretched between the second level of the Eiffel Tower and the ground. Using this Eiffel definitely established that the air resistance of a body was very closely related to the square of the airspeed. He then built a laboratory on the Champ de Mars at the foot of the tower in 1905, building his first wind tunnel there in 1909. The wind tunnel was used to investigate the characteristics of the airfoil sections used by the early pioneers of aviation such as the Wright Brothers, Gabriel Voisin and Louis Blériot. Eiffel established that the lift produced by an airfoil was the result of a reduction of air pressure above the wing rather than an increase of pressure acting on the under surface. Following complaints about noise from people living nearby, he moved his experiments to a new establishment at Auteuil in 1912. Here it was possible to build a larger wind tunnel, and Eiffel began to make tests using scale models of aircraft designs.[40]", "Tokyo Tower The new construction project attracted hundreds of tobi (鳶), traditional Japanese construction workers who specialized in the construction of high-rise structures. The Takenaka Corporation broke ground in June 1957 and each day at least 400 laborers worked on the tower.[5] It was constructed of steel, a third of which was scrap metal taken from US tanks damaged in the Korean War.[9][10] When the 90-metre antenna was bolted into place on 14 October 1958, Tokyo Tower was the tallest freestanding tower in the world, taking the title from the Eiffel Tower by 13 metres.[5] Despite being taller than the Eiffel Tower, Tokyo Tower only weighs about 4,000 tons, 3,300 tons less than the Eiffel Tower.[11] While other towers have since surpassed Tokyo Tower's height, the structure was still the tallest artificial structure in Japan until April 2010, when the new Tokyo Skytree became the tallest structure in Japan.[8] It was opened to the public on 23 December 1958 at a final cost of ¥2.8 billion ($8.4 million in 1958).[10][12] Tokyo Tower was mortgaged for ¥10 billion in 2000.[13]", "CN Tower Although the CN Tower contains a restaurant, a gift shop and multiple observation levels, it does not have floors continuously from the ground, and therefore it is not considered a building by the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH) or Emporis. CTBUH defines a building as \"a structure that is designed for residential, business, or manufacturing purposes. An essential characteristic of a building is that it has floors.\"[49] The CN Tower and other similar structures—such as the Ostankino Tower in Moscow, Russia; the Oriental Pearl Tower in Shanghai, China; the Stratosphere Tower in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA; and the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France—are categorized as \"towers\", which are free-standing structures that may have observation decks and a few other habitable levels, but do not have floors from the ground up. The CN Tower was the tallest tower by this definition, until 2010 (see below).[18]", "Eiffel Tower The car was divided into two superimposed compartments, each holding 25 passengers, with the lift operator occupying an exterior platform on the first level. Motive power was provided by an inclined hydraulic ram 12.67 m (41 ft 7 in) long and 96.5 cm (38.0 in) in diameter in the tower leg with a stroke of 10.83 m (35 ft 6 in): this moved a carriage carrying six sheaves. Five fixed sheaves were mounted higher up the leg, producing an arrangement similar to a block and tackle but acting in reverse, multiplying the stroke of the piston rather than the force generated. The hydraulic pressure in the driving cylinder was produced by a large open reservoir on the second level. After being exhausted from the cylinder, the water was pumped back up to the reservoir by two pumps in the machinery room at the base of the south leg. This reservoir also provided power to the lifts to the first level.", "Eiffel Tower Equipping the tower with adequate and safe passenger lifts was a major concern of the government commission overseeing the Exposition. Although some visitors could be expected to climb to the first level, or even the second, lifts clearly had to be the main means of ascent.[19]", "Eiffel Tower To M Eiffel the Engineer the brave builder of so gigantic and original specimen of modern Engineering from one who has the greatest respect and admiration for all Engineers including the Great Engineer the Bon Dieu, Thomas Edison.", "Eiffel Tower The original lifts for the journey between the second and third levels were supplied by Léon Edoux. A pair of 81 m (266 ft) hydraulic rams were mounted on the second level, reaching nearly halfway up to the third level. One lift car was mounted on top of these rams: cables ran from the top of this car up to sheaves on the third level and back down to a second car. Each car only travelled half the distance between the second and third levels and passengers were required to change lifts halfway by means of a short gangway. The 10-ton cars each held 65 passengers.[22]", "Gustave Eiffel Alexandre Gustave Eiffel (born Bönickhausen;[4] /ˈaɪfəl/; French pronunciation: ​[ɛfɛl]; 15 December 1832 – 27 December 1923) was a French civil engineer. A graduate of École Centrale Paris, he made his name with various bridges for the French railway network, most famously the Garabit viaduct. He is best known for the world-famous Eiffel Tower, built for the 1889 Universal Exposition in Paris, and his contribution to building the Statue of Liberty in New York. After his retirement from engineering, Eiffel focused on research into meteorology and aerodynamics, making significant contributions in both fields.", "Eiffel Tower More than 250 million people have visited the tower since it was completed in 1889.[3] In 2015, there were 6.91 million visitors.[71] The tower is the most-visited paid monument in the world.[72] An average of 25,000 people ascend the tower every day which can result in long queues.[73] Tickets can be purchased online to avoid the long queues.", "Eiffel Tower Installing lifts to the second level was more of a challenge because a straight track was impossible. No French company wanted to undertake the work. The European branch of Otis Brothers & Company submitted a proposal but this was rejected: the fair's charter ruled out the use of any foreign material in the construction of the tower. The deadline for bids was extended but still no French companies put themselves forward, and eventually the contract was given to Otis in July 1887.[21] Otis were confident they would eventually be given the contract and had already started creating designs.", "Eiffel Tower For its \"Countdown to the Year 2000\" celebration on 31 December 1999, flashing lights and high-powered searchlights were installed on the tower. Fireworks were set off all over it. An exhibition above a cafeteria on the first floor commemorates this event. The searchlights on top of the tower made it a beacon in Paris's night sky, and 20,000 flashing bulbs gave the tower a sparkly appearance for five minutes every hour on the hour.[50]", "Eiffel Tower Maintenance of the tower includes applying 60 tons of paint every seven years to prevent it from rusting. The tower has been completely repainted at least 19 times since it was built. Lead paint was still being used as recently as 2001 when the practice was stopped out of concern for the environment.[51]", "Gustave Eiffel In 1886 Eiffel also designed the dome for the Astronomical Observatory in Nice. This was the most important building in a complex designed by Charles Garnier, later among the most prominent critics of the Tower. The dome, with a diameter of 22.4 m (73 ft), was the largest in the world when built and used an ingenious bearing device: rather than running on wheels or rollers, it was supported by a ring-shaped hollow girder floating in a circular trough containing a solution of magnesium chloride in water. This had been patented by Eiffel in 1881.", "Arch Eiffel Tower, Paris (2009)", "Tokyo Tower Tokyo Tower (東京タワー Tōkyō tawā, officially called 日本電波塔 Nippon denpatō \"Japan Radio Tower\") is a communications and observation tower in the Shiba-koen district of Minato, Tokyo, Japan. At 332.9 metres (1,092 ft), it is the second-tallest structure in Japan. The structure is an Eiffel Tower-inspired lattice tower that is painted white and international orange to comply with air safety regulations.", "Eiffel Tower In 2011, the TV show Pricing the Priceless on the National Geographic Channel speculated that a full-size replica of the tower would cost approximately US$480 million to build.[78]", "Eiffel Tower Upon the German occupation of Paris in 1940, the lift cables were cut by the French. The tower was closed to the public during the occupation and the lifts were not repaired until 1946.[39] In 1940, German soldiers had to climb the tower to hoist a swastika-centered Reichskriegsflagge,[40] but the flag was so large it blew away just a few hours later, and was replaced by a smaller one.[41] When visiting Paris, Hitler chose to stay on the ground. When the Allies were nearing Paris in August 1944, Hitler ordered General Dietrich von Choltitz, the military governor of Paris, to demolish the tower along with the rest of the city. Von Choltitz disobeyed the order.[42] On 25 June, before the Germans had been driven out of Paris, the German flag was replaced with a Tricolour by two men from the French Naval Museum, who narrowly beat three men led by Lucien Sarniguet, who had lowered the Tricolour on 13 June 1940 when Paris fell to the Germans.[39]", "Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas Viewed from the Las Vegas Eiffel Tower", "Wembley Stadium For the new stadium the level of the pitch was lowered. During excavation of the new playing field, mechanical diggers unearthed a buried obstruction: the concrete foundations of Watkin's Tower, a failed attempt to construct a rival to the Eiffel Tower in London. Only the base of the tower was ever built before being abandoned and demolished in 1907; the site was later used as the location for the first Wembley Stadium.[30]", "Eiffel Tower French doctrine and jurisprudence allows pictures incorporating a copyrighted work as long as their presence is incidental or accessory to the subject being represented,[87] a reasoning akin to the de minimis rule. Therefore, SETE may be unable to claim copyright on photographs of Paris which happen to include the lit tower.", "Eiffel Tower On the second level, the French newspaper Le Figaro had an office and a printing press, where a special souvenir edition, Le Figaro de la Tour, was made. There was also a pâtisserie.", "Stratosphere Las Vegas The concept for the Stratosphere began as a plan by Stupak to construct a 1,012-foot neon sign tower for Vegas World. In early October 1989, Stupak submitted plans to the city for the approval of the neon sign tower which would stand four times taller than the hotel. Later in the week, Stupak withdrew his plans to allow time for a revised version of the tower that would include an elevator leading up to an observation deck. Stupak, who wanted the tower to become a local landmark, said, \"What I'm trying to do for Las Vegas is what the Eiffel Tower did for Paris, what the Empire State Building did for New York, what the Seattle Space Needle did for Seattle.\"[12][13]", "Japanese pagoda After the Meiji Restoration the word tō, once used exclusively in a religious context, came to mean also \"tower\" in the western sense, as for example in Eiffel tower (エッフェル塔, Efferu-tō).", "Paris Las Vegas Panoramic of Las Vegas from the Paris hotel, showing the Bellagio fountain, Eiffel tower at Paris hotel and Caesars Palace in 2006", "Holiday (Green Day song) In live performances, video screens would display footage of helicopters dropping bombs.[9] In New Jersey, at the Revolution Radio Tour, the lyrics \"Pulverize the Eiffel Towers\" were changed to \"Pulverize the Donald Trump Towers\".[9]", "André-Marie Ampère The SI unit of measurement of electric current, the ampere, is named after him. His name is also one of the 72 names inscribed on the Eiffel Tower.", "Bloons Tower Defense In later games, there are multiple difficulty levels; for instance, in BTD5, there are four difficulty levels and in Bloons Monkey City there are 5. With each harder difficulty the player plays on, the fewer lives they have and the more each tower and upgrade cost. There are also different types of maps rated by difficulty; in general, there are more types of maps in newer games.", "The Amazing Race 1 This was the Race's very first aired Roadblock, saying \"This task requires strong legs and keen eyes.\" For this Roadblock, one team member had to take the stairway up to the second level of the Eiffel Tower and use a â‚£10 coin to operate a telescope to search the city skyline for a famous monument with a race flag on top that would serve as the Pit Stop; the Arc de Triomphe.", "Assassin's Creed Unity Like other games in the series, Unity features a large number of real world landmarks, such as the Eiffel Tower, the Notre-Dame Cathedral, and the Statue of Liberty.[37][38]", "Statue of Liberty Eiffel's design made the statue one of the earliest examples of curtain wall construction, in which the exterior of the structure is not load bearing, but is instead supported by an interior framework. He included two interior spiral staircases, to make it easier for visitors to reach the observation point in the crown.[56] Access to an observation platform surrounding the torch was also provided, but the narrowness of the arm allowed for only a single ladder, 40 feet (12 m) long.[57] As the pylon tower arose, Eiffel and Bartholdi coordinated their work carefully so that completed segments of skin would fit exactly on the support structure.[58] The components of the pylon tower were built in the Eiffel factory in the nearby Parisian suburb of Levallois-Perret.[59]", "Eiffel Tower Not only the art of the modern engineer, but also the century of Industry and Science in which we are living, and for which the way was prepared by the great scientific movement of the eighteenth century and by the Revolution of 1789, to which this monument will be built as an expression of France's gratitude.[6]", "Eiffel Tower 26 December 1888: Construction of the upper stage.", "Eiffel Tower 15 March 1889: Construction of the cupola.", "History of France In 1889 the Exposition Universelle showed off newly modernised Paris to the world, which could look over it all from atop the new Eiffel Tower. Meant to last only a few decades, the tower was never removed and became France's most iconic landmark.[166]", "Earth Hour About 4000 cities participated, including landmarks such as Big Ben, the Empire State Building, the Sydney Opera House, the Eiffel Tower, the Parthenon, the Brandenburg Gate, and the Forbidden City.[40]", "Gustave Eiffel Gustave Eiffel's career was facilitated by the Industrial Revolution. For a variety of economic and political reasons, this had been slow to make an impact in France,[42] and Eiffel had the good fortune to be working at a time of rapid industrial development in France. Eiffel's importance as an engineer was twofold. Firstly he was ready to adopt innovative techniques first used by others, such as his use of compressed-air caissons and hollow cast-iron piers, and secondly he was a pioneer in his insistence on basing all engineering decisions on thorough calculation of the forces involved, combining this analytical approach with an insistence on a high standard of accuracy in drawing and manufacture.", "Planet of the Apes (novel) Ulysse programs the ship back to Earth. As they fly over Paris, Orly Airport and the Eiffel Tower look the same. When they land, however, they are greeted by a field officer in a Jeep who is a gorilla.", "Spike Island, County Cork In September 2017, at the World Travel Awards, Spike Island was named 'Europe's Leading Tourist Attraction', ahead of the Acropolis in Athens, Buckingham Palace in London, and the Eiffel Tower in Paris.[8][37]", "Paris Las Vegas Bally broke ground for the Paris Las Vegas on April 18, 1997, and construction began in May on the 24 acres (9.7 ha) parcel. It was built at an estimated cost of $760 million. Original plans for the Eiffel Tower called for a full-scale replica, however that would have interfered with the nearby McCarran Airport and designers therefore reduced it to approximately 1:2 scale. The hotel is 33 stories tall. A unique architectural aspect of the Paris is that the back legs of its Eiffel Tower actually come down through the ceiling into the casino floor.", "Program optimization Some high-level languages (Eiffel, Esterel) optimize their programs by using an intermediate language.", "Gustave Eiffel The Exposition Universelle in 1878 firmly established his reputation as one of the leading engineers of the time. As well as exhibiting models and drawings of work undertaken by the company, Eiffel was also responsible for the construction of several of the exhibition buildings.[17] One of these, a pavilion for the Paris Gas Company, was Eiffel's first collaboration with Stephen Sauvestre, who was later to become the head of the company's architectural office.", "Peace Tower At its base is a porte-cochere within four equilateral pointed arches, the north of which frames the main entrance of the Centre Block, and the jambs of the south adorned by the supporters of the Royal Arms of Canada. Near the apex, just below the steeply pitched roof, are the tower's 4.8 m (16 ft) diameter clock faces,[4] one on each of the four facades. The mechanical workings of the timepiece were manufactured by the Verdin Company and are set by the National Research Council Time Signal. One level below, running around the circumference of the tower's shaft, is an observation deck.[3] This was the highest accessible space in Ottawa until the early 1970s; the Peace Tower dominated the Ottawa skyline, as a strict 45.7 m (150 ft) height limit was placed on other buildings. That limit, however, was later rescinded, leading the Peace Tower to lose its distinction as the city's tallest structure. Cantilevered out at each of the four corners of the tower, at the level of the observation platform, are four 2.5 m (8 ft 4 in) long, 75 cm (2 ft 6 in) high, and 45 cm (1 ft 6 in) thick gargoyles made of Stanstead grey granite from Beebe, Quebec.[4]", "CN Tower The CN Tower consists of several substructures. The main portion of the tower is a hollow concrete hexagonal pillar containing the stairwells and power and plumbing connections. The Tower's six elevators are located in the three inverted angles created by the Tower's hexagonal shape (two elevators per angle). Each of the three elevator shafts is lined with glass, allowing for views of the city as the glass-windowed elevators make their way through the Tower. The stairwell was originally located in one of these angles (the one facing north), but was moved into the central hollow of the Tower; the Tower's new fifth and sixth elevators were placed in the hexagonal angle that once contained the stairwell. On top of the main concrete portion of the Tower is a 102-metre (334.6 ft) tall metal broadcast antenna, carrying TV and radio signals. There are three visitor areas: the Glass Floor and Outdoor Observation Terrace which are both located at an elevation of 342 metres (1,122 ft), the Indoor Lookout Level (formerly known as \"Indoor Observation Level\") located at 346 metres (1,135 ft), and the higher SkyPod (formerly known as \"Space Deck\") at 446.5 metres (1,465 ft),[26] just below the metal antenna. The hexagonal shape can be seen between the two areas; however, below the main deck, three large supporting legs give the tower the appearance of a large tripod.", "Willis Tower A ground-level view of the multiple balconies at Willis Tower Skydeck", "Paris Las Vegas Paris Las Vegas opened on September 1, 1999, with fireworks being shot from the Eiffel Tower. French actress Catherine Deneuve flipped a switch, turning on all of Paris' lights, including the various crystal chandeliers in the main lobby.", "Petronas Towers The main bank of Otis Lifts is located in the centre of each tower. All main lifts are double-decker with the lower deck of the lift taking passengers to even-numbered floors and upper deck to odd-numbered floors. To reach an odd-numbered floor from ground level, passengers must take an escalator to the upper deck of the lift.[38]", "7th arrondissement of Paris During the 19th century, the arrondissement hosted no less than five Universal Exhibitions (1855, 1867, 1878, 1889, 1900) that have immensely impacted its cityscape. The Eiffel Tower and the Orsay building have been built for these Exhibitions (respectively in 1889 and 1900).", "Fireworks In France, fireworks are traditionally displayed on the eve of Bastille day (July 14) to commemorate the French revolution and the storming of the Bastille on that same day in 1789. Every city in France lights up the sky for the occasion with a special mention to Paris that offers a spectacle around the Eiffel Tower.", "White Tower of Thessaloniki Until its demolition in 1917, a chemise stood at the foot of the tower, supporting the heavy guns and enclosing an area at least three times the diameter of the main tower. Octagonal turrets on the chemise and caponiers at ground level provided flanking fire around the tower. It is unclear whether the chemise was part of the original scheme for the tower or was a later addition.[1]", "Tower Bridge The Tower Bridge Exhibition is a display housed in the bridge's twin towers, the high-level walkways and the Victorian engine rooms. It uses films, photos and interactive displays to explain why and how Tower Bridge was built. Visitors can access the original steam engines that once powered the bridge bascules, housed in a building close to the south end of the bridge.[14]", "Far Cry 2 Far Cry 2's map editor has been designed specifically for ease of use. It includes features such as easily raising/lowering terrain and applying textures. A video was shown showcasing the editor, including an Eiffel Tower made completely from in-game pieces.[15][16]", "Kings Island The park has its own greenhouse just off of Columbia Road. It can be seen from the top of The Bat's lift hill. It produces the flowers and topiary for the park. Some of their notable work is the \"Living Liberty Bell\" topiary and working \"Flower Clock\" near the Eiffel Tower.[125]", "Latitude The importance of specifying the reference datum may be illustrated by a simple example. On the reference ellipsoid for WGS84, the centre of the Eiffel Tower has a geodetic latitude of 48° 51′ 29″ N, or 48.8583° N and longitude of 2° 17′ 40″ E or 2.2944°E. The same coordinates on the datum ED50 define a point on the ground which is 140 metres (460 feet) distant from the tower.[citation needed] A web search may produce several different values for the latitude of the tower; the reference ellipsoid is rarely specified.", "Parachute Jump The Parachute Jump is a defunct amusement ride in Coney Island, Brooklyn, New York City. Its open-frame steel structure, measuring 250 feet (76 m) tall and weighing 170 tons (150 tonnes), has been called the \"Eiffel Tower of Brooklyn\".[2][3]", "Music theory Roland Barthes, himself a semiotician and skilled amateur pianist, wrote about music in Image-Music-Text,[full citation needed] The Responsibilities of Form,[full citation needed] and Eiffel Tower,[full citation needed] though he did not consider music to be a semiotic system[citation needed].", "History of Paris The Universal Exposition of 1889, which also took place on the Champ de Mars, celebrated the centenary of the beginning of the French Revolution. The most memorable feature was the Eiffel Tower, 300 meters tall when it opened (now 324 with the addition of broadcast antennas), which served as the gateway to the Exposition. [159] The Eiffel Tower remained the world's tallest structure until 1930,[160] It was not popular with everyone: its modern style was denounced in public letters by many of France’s most prominent cultural figures, including Guy de Maupassant, Charles Gounod and Charles Garnier. Other popular exhibits included the first musical fountain, lit with colored electric lights, changing in time to music. Buffalo Bill and sharpshooter Annie Oakley drew large crowds to their Wild West Show at the Exposition.[161]", "The Tower of Babel (Bruegel) The Rotterdam painting is about half the size of the Vienna one. In broad terms they have exactly the same composition, but at a detailed level everything is different, whether in the architecture of the tower or in the sky and the landscape around the tower. The Vienna version has a group in the foreground, with the main figure presumably Nimrod, who was believed to have ordered the construction of the tower,[3] although the Bible does not actually say this. In Vienna the tower rises at the edge of a large city, but the Rotterdam tower is in open countryside.", "Cooling tower Due to their frequent use in or near residential areas, sound level control is a relatively more important issue for package type cooling towers.", "28 Weeks Later Twenty-eight days later, a French-accented voice requesting help is heard from the radio in Flynn's abandoned helicopter. A group of the infected are then seen running through a tunnel which, as they emerge into the open, is revealed to be the exit of the Paris Métro Trocadéro Station with a view across the Seine to the nearby Eiffel Tower.", "7th arrondissement of Paris The 7th arrondissement of Paris is one of the 20 arrondissements (administrative districts) of the capital city in France. It includes some of the major tourist attractions of Paris, such as the Eiffel Tower and the Hôtel des Invalides (Napoléon's resting place), and a concentration of such world-famous museums as the Musée d'Orsay, Musée Rodin, and the Musée du quai Branly.", "Duluth, Minnesota Enger Tower is an 80-foot (24 m), five-story blue stone observation tower atop Enger Hill in Duluth. The tower is at an elevation of 451 feet (137 m) above Lake Superior, providing panoramic views of the Twin Ports. Each of the tower's levels has a lookout that is accessible by stairs. A green beacon mounted on top of the tower can be seen for many miles. Free admission and near unlimited access to the tower during park hours make this attraction popular amongst visitors and locals.", "Educational stage Each province and territory has its own autonomous education system. As such, the name of each level of education and what year each level begins at will vary across the country (as will the curriculum itself).", "The Lavender Hill Mob The scene where Holland and Pendlebury run down the Eiffel Tower steps and become increasingly dizzy and erratic, as does the camera work, presages James Stewart's condition in Alfred Hitchcock's Vertigo, made seven years later.[4] A film montage of sensational newspaper headlines marks the crime as taking place in August 1950.", "All Around the World (Justin Bieber song) The official video was premiered on April 12, 2013. \"Blessed and grateful to do what i do #AllAroundTheWorld. Thanks\", he wrote linking to the video. It is a \"tour video\" which is entirely composed of Bieber showing his point of view while he is touring the world and is largely based on his performance over Mexico City.[27][28] It also illustrates vistas from the places he visited and documents national monuments including the Elizabeth Tower, the Eiffel Tower, the Sydney Opera House, Taj Mahal, Giza pyramid complex, the Colosseum and Christ the Redeemer statue in Brazil. Ludacris, joins Bieber in the video during the rap portion of the song. It also included images of the singer posing with fans, and others crying and screaming for him.[27][29]", "History of the world's tallest buildings The earliest structures now known to be the tallest in the world were the Egyptian pyramids, with the Great Pyramid of Giza, at an original height of 146.5 metres (481 ft), being the tallest man–made structure in the world for over 3,800 years, until the construction of Lincoln Cathedral in 1300. From then until the completion of the Washington Monument (capped in 1884) the world's tallest buildings were churches or cathedrals. Later, the Eiffel Tower and, still later, some radio masts and television towers were the world's tallest structures.", "Paris Saint-Germain F.C. According to former PSG manager Robert Vicot, club president Daniel Hechter introduced the Eiffel Tower in the crest. However, it was a draftsman called Mr. Vallot who had the idea of placing the birthplace of Louis XIV between the legs of the tower.[27] Former Paris SG shareholder Canal+ was the first to replace the iconic crest in 1994. The new model had the acronym \"PSG\" and underneath it \"Paris Saint-Germain.\" Under pressure from supporters, the traditional crest returned in 1995.[26]", "Ravens of the Tower of London Each Tower raven has a different coloured band on one leg, to make it easier to identify individual birds.[29] Ravens in captivity in the Tower grounds have had lifespans of over 40 years.[30]", "Pepé Le Pew The setting is always a mise-en-scène echoing with fractured French. They include Paris in the springtime, the Sahara, the Matterhorn, or the little village of N'est-ce Pas in the French Alps. The exotic locales, such as Algiers, are drawn from the Pepé Le Moko story. Settings associated in popular culture with romance, such as the Champs-Élysées or the Eiffel Tower, are sometimes present.[3]", "Arrondissements of Paris In French, notably on street signs, the number is often given in Roman numerals. For example, the Eiffel Tower belongs to the VIIe arrondissement while Gare de l'Est is in the Xe arrondissement. In daily speech, people use only the ordinal number corresponding to the arrondissement, e.g. \"Elle habite dans le sixième\", \"She lives in the 6th (arrondissement)\".", "Blackpool Tower The tower's design was ahead of its time. As a writer for the BBC noted: \"In heavy winds the building will gently sway, what a magnificent Victorian engineering masterpiece.\"[10]", "Water tower Using wireless sensor networks to monitor water levels inside the tower allows municipalities to automatically monitor and control pumps without installing and maintaining expensive data cables.[5]", "Great Mosque of Djenné In the prayer hall, each of the three towers in the qibla wall has a niche or mihrab. The iman conducts the prayers from the mihrab in the larger central tower. A narrow opening in the ceiling of the central mihrab connects with a small room situated above roof level in the tower. In earlier times, a crier would repeat the words of the imam to people in the town. To the right of the mihrab in the central tower is a second niche, the pulpit or minbar, from which the iman preaches his Friday sermon.[12]", "Macau Tower The tower was also used as a \"roadblock\" in an episode of US version The Amazing Race: All-Stars that originally aired on April 22, 2007, on CBS as well as a roadblock in the Amazing Race Canada 2 in 2014. The tower also appeared in one roadblock each on two episodes of The Amazing Race Asia 3.", "Tower of Hanoi In Magnetic Tower of Hanoi, each disk has two distinct sides North and South (typically colored \"red\" and \"blue\").\nDisks must not be placed with the similar poles together—magnets in each disk prevent this illegal move.\nAlso each disk must be flipped as it is moved.", "Cooling tower Besides treating the circulating cooling water in large industrial cooling tower systems to minimize scaling and fouling, the water should be filtered to remove particulates, and also be dosed with biocides and algaecides to prevent growths that could interfere with the continuous flow of the water.[17] Under certain conditions, a biofilm of micro-organisms such as bacteria, fungi and algae can grow very rapidly in the cooling water, and can reduce the heat transfer efficiency of the cooling tower. Biofilm can be reduced or prevented by using chlorine or other chemicals. A normal industrial practice is to use two biocides, such as oxidizing and non-oxidizing types to complement each other's strengths and weaknesses, and to ensure a broader spectrum of attack. In most cases, a continual low level oxidizing biocide is used, then alternating to a periodic shock dose of non-oxidizing biocides.[23]", "Gustave Eiffel The same year Eiffel started work on a system of standardised prefabricated bridges, an idea that was the result of a conversation with the governor of Cochin-China. These used a small number of standard components, all small enough to be readily transportable in areas with poor or non-existent roads, and were joined together using bolts rather than rivets, reducing the need for skilled labour on site. A number of different types were produced, ranging from footbridges to standard-gauge railway bridges.[20]", "Santa Maria Church The bell tower is freestanding, constructed separate from the church and not parallel to the facade but situated about a third of the wall from the front. The octagonal four-story tower was built wide, with each level narrowing till it reaches the top, typical of earthquake baroque church towers. The top floor is covered by a dome that is capped by cupola. A cross above the cupola tops the structure. Blank walls are arranged alternately with open windows. Other decorative devices, like single pilasters, finials and balustrades indicate that this form is of later vintage. A clock on the third level faces the stairway for the churchgoers to see.", "Macau Tower Macau Tower Convention & Entertainment Centre (Chinese: 澳門旅遊塔會展娛樂中心; Portuguese: Centro de Convenções e Entretenimento da Torre de Macau), also known as Macau Tower, is a tower located in Sé, Macau. The tower measures 338 m (1,109 ft) in height from ground level to the highest point. Its observation deck features panoramic views, restaurants, theaters, shopping malls and the Skywalk X, a thrilling walking tour around the outer rim. It offers the best view of Macau and in recent years has been used for a variety of adventurous activities. At 233 metres, the Macau Tower's tethered \"skyjump\" and Bungee jump by AJ Hackett[1] from the tower's outer rim, is the highest commercial skyjump in the world (233 metres), and the second highest commercial decelerator descent facility in the world, after Vegas' Stratosphere skyjump at 252 metres.[2] The tower was created by the architecture firm of Moller Architects.", "Tokyo Tower Japan employs both analog and digital broadcasting, but by July 2011 all television broadcasting is to be digital.[needs update] Tokyo Tower is not a reliable broadcasting antenna for completely digital broadcasting because the tower is not tall enough to transmit the higher frequency waves to areas surrounded by forests or high-rise buildings. As an alternative, a new 634-metre-tall (2,080 ft) tower called the Tokyo Skytree was opened in 2012.[7] To make Tokyo Tower more appealing to NHK and five other commercial broadcasters who plan to move their transmitting stations to the new tower, Nihon Denpatō officials drafted a plan to extend its digital broadcasting antenna by 80 to 100 metres at a cost of approximately ¥4 billion (US$50 million).[20] Because these plans have not been realized, Tokyo Tower is expected to stop transmitting digital TV radio waves with the exception of Open University of Japan, who will continue to broadcast through the tower. FM radio stations will also continue to use the tower for broadcasting in the Tokyo area. Masahiro Kawada, the tower's planning director, also pointed out the possibility of the tower becoming a backup for the Tokyo Skytree, depending on what the TV broadcasters want or need.[7][21]", "Tower Bridge The high-level open air walkways between the towers gained an unpleasant reputation as a haunt for prostitutes and pickpockets; as they were only accessible by stairs they were seldom used by regular pedestrians, and were closed in 1910.[citation needed]", "National Lampoon's European Vacation In Paris, the family wears stenciled berets, causing Rusty to be teased by young women at the Eiffel Tower observation deck. Clark offers to get rid of the beret for Rusty, but when he throws it away, another visitor's dachshund mistakes it for a Frisbee and jumps off the tower after it. The family's video camera is stolen by a passerby whom Clark had asked to take a picture of the family. Clark also mocked by a French waiter for his terrible French. Later, Clark and Ellen visit a bawdy Paris can-can dance show, finding Rusty already there with a prostitute.", "Radio masts and towers Structurally, the only difference is that a mast radiator may be supported on an insulator at its base. In the case of a tower, there will be one insulator supporting each leg." ]
who starred in the remake of true grit
[ "True Grit (2010 film) True Grit is a 2010 American Revisionist Western film directed, written, produced, and edited by the Coen brothers and executive produced by Steven Spielberg. It is the second adaptation of Charles Portis' 1968 novel of the same name, which was previously filmed in 1969 starring John Wayne and Glen Campbell. This version stars Hailee Steinfeld as Mattie Ross and Jeff Bridges as Deputy U.S. Marshal Reuben J. \"Rooster\" Cogburn, along with Matt Damon, Josh Brolin, and Barry Pepper." ]
[ "True Grit (1969 film) A film sequel, Rooster Cogburn, was made in 1975, with Wayne reprising his role and Katharine Hepburn as an elderly spinster, Eula Goodnight, who teams up with him. The plot has been described as a rehash of the original True Grit with elements of the Bogart-Hepburn film The African Queen.[21] A further made-for-television sequel titled True Grit: A Further Adventure appeared in 1978, starring Warren Oates as Rooster Cogburn and Lisa Pelikan as Mattie Ross and featuring subsequent adventures of the valiant pair.", "Jake Steinfeld Through his brother Peter, Steinfeld is the uncle of actress Hailee Steinfeld, who starred in the 2010 Coen brothers film True Grit.[4]", "True Grit (2010 film) Rotten Tomatoes reported that 96% of critics gave the film a positive review based on 263 reviews, with an average score of 8.4/10 and with its consensus stating: \"Girded by strong performances from Jeff Bridges, Matt Damon, and newcomer Hailee Steinfeld, and lifted by some of the Coens' most finely tuned, unaffected work, True Grit is a worthy companion to the Charles Portis book.\"[26] Metacritic gave the film an average score of 80/100 based on 41 reviews from mainstream critics, indicating \"generally favorable reviews\".[27] Total Film gave the film a five-star review (denoting 'outstanding'): \"This isn't so much a remake as a masterly re-creation. Not only does it have the drop on the 1969 version, it's the first great movie of 2011\".[28]", "True Grit (novel) True Grit is a 1968 novel by Charles Portis that was first published as a 1968 serial in The Saturday Evening Post.[1] The novel is told from the perspective of a woman named Mattie Ross, who recounts the time when she was 14 and sought retribution for the murder of her father by a scoundrel named Tom Chaney. It is considered by some critics[2][3] to be \"one of the great American novels.\"", "True Grit: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack True Grit: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack is a soundtrack to the film of the same name. True Grit is the 15th Coen brothers film scored by long-time collaborator Carter Burwell. The Coens discussed the idea of using 19th-century church music, \"something that was severe (sounding). It couldn't be soothing or uplifting, and at the same time it couldn't be outwardly depressing. I spent the summer going through hymn books,\" Burwell said.[2]", "True Grit (2010 film) True Grit received critical acclaim. Roger Ebert awarded 3.5 stars out of 4, writing, \"What strikes me is that I'm describing the story and the film as if it were simply, if admirably, a good Western. That's a surprise to me, because this is a film by the Coen Brothers, and this is the first straight genre exercise in their career. It's a loving one. Their craftsmanship is a wonder\", and also remarking, \"The cinematography by Roger Deakins reminds us of the glory that was, and can still be, the Western.\"[19]", "Glen Campbell The 1969 song \"True Grit\" by composer Elmer Bernstein and lyricist Don Black, and sung by Campbell, who co-starred in the movie, received nominations for the Academy Award for Best Song and the Golden Globe for Best Original Song.", "John Wayne In 1970, Wayne won a Golden Globe Award for his performance in True Grit.", "American Grit Taking place in Hampton Island, Georgia in a location referred to as \"Camp Grit\", the second season focuses on \"helping competitors find their grit\" and features contestants with various issues \"who either have lost their grit or never had it\". Seventeen competitors appear at the start of the competition, one of whom is eliminated before the teams are formed. The Cadre of the winning team chooses the members of the losing teams who will be sent to the Elimination Challenge and consecutive appearances are allowed. Only an endurance test is featured in the Elimination Challenge and no advantages are provided to its participants. Depending on the Elimination Challenge, it concludes with one or two contestants being eliminated. The competition eventually becomes contestant-based, with all remaining competitors ultimately competing against each other and only one winner being named. Winning the second season was Gigi Gustin of Team Grady.", "The Shepherd of the Hills (film) The Shepherd of the Hills is a 1941 American drama film starring John Wayne, Betty Field and Harry Carey.[1] The supporting cast includes Beulah Bondi, Ward Bond, Marjorie Main and John Qualen. The picture was Wayne's first film in Technicolor and was based on the novel of the same name by Harold Bell Wright. The director was Henry Hathaway, who directed several other Wayne films including True Grit almost three decades later.", "A Star Is Born (1954 film) The latest remake of A Star Is Born stars Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga, who also created new music for the project. Filming began April 17, 2017, and the movie was released on October 5, 2018.[16]", "Grit (personality trait) Also in 2016, a meta-analytic synthesis of prior empirical research on grit by Crede, Tynan, and Harms summarized data from 88 independent samples and over 66,000 individuals and found that grit is only weakly related to success and almost identical to the personality trait known as conscientiousness. Crede et al. conclude that the contribution of grit to the prediction of success is very limited. Crede et al., also noted that the combination of passion and perseverance into an overall grit construct could not be justified.[3]", "Grit (personality trait) In 2016, the largest study of grit, conducted in over 4,500 16-year old twins in the United Kingdom found that grit (measured by the Grit-S) accounted for only one half of one percent (0.5%) of highest-stakes outcomes (school grades) after IQ and personality (in particular conscientiousness) were accounted for.[13]", "True Grit (2010 film) In his review for the Minneapolis Star Tribune Colin Covert wrote: \"the Coens dial down the eccentricity and deliver their first classically made, audience-pleasing genre picture. The results are masterful.\"[21] Richard Corliss of Time named Hailee Steinfeld's performance one of the Top 10 Movie Performances of 2010, saying \"She delivers the orotund dialogue as if it were the easiest vernacular, stares down bad guys, wins hearts. That's a true gift\".[22]", "Grit (personality trait) Psychologist K. Anders Ericsson, in his 2016 book Peak: Secrets from the New Science of Expertise, criticized the tendency to credit persistent practice to traits such as grit or willpower; he wrote: \"It may seem natural to assume that these people who maintain intense practice schedules for years have some rare gift of willpower or 'grit' or 'stick-to-itiveness' that the rest of us just lack, but that would be a mistake for two very compelling reasons.\"[24] The first reason is that motivation is a situation-specific attribute: People generally find it easier to practice in some areas than in others.[24] The second reason is that grit and willpower are traits that are assigned to someone after the fact, for example: John practiced persistently for years, so he must have incredible grit.[24] But, Ericsson explained: \"This sort of circular thinking—'The fact that I couldn't keep practicing indicates that I don't have enough willpower, which explains why I couldn't keep practicing'—is worse than useless; it is damaging in that it can convince people that they might as well not even try.\"[24] Instead of attributing success to grit or willpower, Ericsson recommended analyzing the various factors that shape a person's motivation in a given situation.", "Grit (personality trait) Grit is defined as \"perseverance and passion for long-term goals.\"[4] Building upon biographical collections of famous leaders in history, researchers and scientists have reached similar conclusions about high-achieving individuals. Specifically, those individuals who were deemed more successful and influential than their contemporary counterparts typically possessed traits above and beyond that of normal ability.[2][5][6] While ability was still critically important, these individuals also possessed \"zeal\" and \"persistence of motive and effort.\"[4] Duckworth and colleagues (2007) believe this dual-component of grit to be a crucial differentiator from similar constructs. Grit is conceptualized as a stable trait that does not require immediate positive feedback.[4] Individuals high in grit are able to maintain their determination and motivation over long periods despite experiences with failure and adversity. Their passion and commitment towards the long-term objective is the overriding factor that provides the stamina required to \"stay the course\" amid challenges and setbacks.", "American Grit American Grit is an American reality television series that premiered on Fox on April 14, 2016.[2][3][4] The series stars WWE wrestler John Cena.[5] Fox ordered ten episodes for the first season of the competition series.[5][6] On July 29, 2016, Fox renewed the series for a second season, which premiered on Sunday, June 11, 2017.[7][8]", "A Star Is Born (1937 film) Early in their careers, Budd Schulberg (then a script reader for David O. Selznick) and Ring Lardner, Jr. (who was working in Selznick's publicity department) were assigned to write some additional dialogue for the film, a collaboration which produced Janet Gaynor's (and the film's) final words: \"This is Mrs. Norman Maine.\" The line was used again in the 1954 Warner Bros. musical remake starring Judy Garland and James Mason.[8] George Cukor, who directed the remake, suggested adding the scene in the 1937 film where Menjou offers the fading star a supporting role.", "A Wizard, a True Star A Wizard, a True Star is the fourth album by American musician Todd Rundgren, released on March 2, 1973. Its music was a significant departure from his previous album Something/Anything? (1972), which consisted largely of straightforward ballads.[2] He attributed the idiosyncratic sound of A Wizard, a True Star to his experimentation with psychedelic drugs, and said that he \"became more aware ... [o]f what music and sound were like in my internal environment, and how different that was from the music I had been making.\"[3] Upon release, the album reached number 86 on the Billboard 200.[4] It has since been recognized for its influence on later generations of bedroom musicians.[3]", "Ouray, Colorado In the fall of 1968 the film True Grit was filmed in Ouray County, including some scenes in the city of Ouray and the nearby town of Ridgway and, most notably, the interior of the Ouray County Court House.", "Taylor Kitsch In 2013, Kitsch starred in The Grand Seduction, remake of Jean-François Pouliot's French-Canadian La Grande Séduction (2003) directed by Don McKellar,[26] and another Peter Berg film, Lone Survivor, based on Marcus Luttrell's book.[27] He plays alongside Jim Parsons, Julia Roberts and Mark Ruffalo in Ryan Murphy's The Normal Heart, which aired on HBO on May 25, 2014.[28] Kitsch was in negotiations for the lead role in the American remake of The Raid.[29] Kitsch starred in the sophomore season of True Detective, opposite Vince Vaughn, Rachel McAdams, and Colin Farrell. Kitsch will write, direct and star in the drama Pieces.[30]", "A Wizard, a True Star In Rolling Stone, James Isaacs wrote, \"I doubt that even the staunchest Rundgren cultists will want to subject themselves to most of the japery on side one, which would be better suited for a cartoon soundtrack. On the other hand, side two's restraint, its brimming good humor and its ambience of innocence is irresistible, and helps save A Wizard, A True Star from total disaster.\"[11] Writing in Creem, Robert Christgau deemed Rundgren \"a minor songwriter with major woman problems who's good with the board and has a sense of humor\".[6] Patti Smith was more enthusiastic in her review for the magazine: \"Blasphemy even the gods smile on. Rock and roll for the skull. A very noble concept. Past present and tomorrow in one glance. Understanding through musical sensation. Todd Rundgren is preparing us for a generation of frenzied children who will dream in animation.\"[12]", "Grit (TV network) When the network was first announced, Grit entered into an affiliation agreement with Univision Communications, which launched the network in 24 markets served by a station owned by the group or operated through local marketing agreements with Entravision Communications – giving Grit affiliates in 12 of the 20 largest U.S. television markets (including markets such as New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Dallas-Fort Worth). The network immediately sought carriage on the digital subchannels of television stations owned by other broadcasting companies;[4] on June 17, 2014, Katz signed group deals to carry Grit on stations owned and/or operated by Raycom Media in 26 markets.[15]", "True Grit (novel) The novel is narrated by Mattie Ross, churchgoing elderly spinster distinguished by intelligence, independence, and strength of mind. She recounts the story of her adventures many years earlier, at 14, when she undertook a quest to avenge her father's death at the hands of a drifter named Tom Chaney. She is joined on her quest by Marshal Reuben J. \"Rooster\" Cogburn and a Texas Ranger named LaBoeuf (pronounced \"La-beef\").", "Philippine television drama In 2009, the series remake of AnnaLiza was shelved which was to star Maja Salvador and Jason Abalos, but finally revived again in 2013 (with child star Andrea Brillantes in the title role). Together with the earlier success of the 2007 remake of Maria Flordeluna and the 2010 remake of Mara Clara, starring Julia Montes and Kathryn Bernardo, ABS-CBN popularized the concept of revival of previously massive hit teenager-starred telenovelas of the previous decades on Philippine television.", "A Star Is Born (1976 film) The film is a remake of the 1937 original drama starring Janet Gaynor and Fredric March, which had also been adapted in 1954 as a musical starring Judy Garland and James Mason. The story was subsequently adapted in 2018 starring Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper.", "True Grit (2010 film) For the final segment of the film, a one-armed body double was needed for Elizabeth Marvel (who played the adult Mattie). After a nationwide call, the Coen brothers cast Ruth Morris – a 29-year-old social worker and student who was born without a left forearm.[13] Morris has more screen time in the film than Marvel.[14]", "Wishing on a Star True Star – A Private Performance", "Orphan Black A Japanese remake of the show, Orphan Black – 7 Genes, launched December 2, 2017, on Fuji Television, starring South Korean actress and singer Kang Ji-young as Sara Aoyama, a broke and desperate single mother who witnesses the shocking suicide of a woman who looks just like her. The remake was produced by Telepack for Tokai TV under licence from BBC Worldwide.[101]", "List of The Dukes of Hazzard episodes Daisy falls in love with Boss' handsome, rich nephew, Jamie Lee Hogg (Jonathan Frakes), who comes to Hazzard to purchase his uncle's grits mill. The Romeo and Juliet-type romance progresses quickly, and it isn't long before Jamie Lee and Daisy are headed to the altar. But Bo and Luke, overprotective as they are, suspect that something is not right with Jamie Lee, and they confirm their suspicions to be true when they reveal him to be a counterfeiter.", "True Grit (1969 film) Historians believe Cogburn was based on Deputy U.S. Marshal Heck Thomas, who brought in some of the toughest outlaws. The cast also features Glen Campbell, Robert Duvall, Dennis Hopper, Jeff Corey and Strother Martin. The title song, sung by Campbell, was also Oscar-nominated.", "True Grit (1969 film) Mia Farrow was originally cast as Mattie and was keen on the role. However, prior to filming she made a film in England with Robert Mitchum, who advised her not to work with director Henry Hathaway because he was \"cantankerous.\" Farrow asked producer Hal B. Wallis to replace Hathaway with Roman Polanski, who had directed Farrow in Rosemary's Baby, but Wallis refused. Farrow quit the film, which was then offered to Sondra Locke and Tuesday Weld, both of whom turned it down. John Wayne met Karen Carpenter at a talent show he was hosting and recommended her for the part, though the producers decided against it because she had no acting experience. Wayne had also lobbied for his daughter Aissa to win the part. After also considering Sally Field, the role went to Kim Darby.[8]", "Melissa Rauch Other acting credits include True Blood (on which she had a recurring role in 2010 as Summer, a girl who likes Hoyt), The Office, the American remake of the Australian TV series Kath & Kim, Wright v Wrong, and the film I Love You, Man.", "True Grit (2010 film) LaBoeuf arrives at the dugout and is confronted by the Pepper gang. Cogburn, hiding on the hillside with Mattie, shoots two gang members and accidentally hits LaBoeuf, but Pepper escapes. However, Cogburn and LaBoeuf argue the next day, and the latter departs again. While retrieving water from a stream, Mattie encounters Chaney. She shoots him, but he survives and drags her back to Pepper, who forces Cogburn to leave by threatening to kill her. Pepper leaves Mattie alone with Chaney, ordering him not to harm her or he will not get paid after his remount arrives.", "Hachi: A Dog's Tale Hachi: A Dog's Tale is a 2009 British-American drama film. Based on the true story of a faithful Akita Inu, the titular Hachikō, it is directed by Lasse Hallström, is written by Stephen P. Lindsey and Kaneto Shindo, and stars Richard Gere, Joan Allen and Sarah Roemer. The subject is a remake of the 1987 Japanese film, Hachikō Monogatari (ハチ公物語), literally \"The Tale of Hachiko\".", "The Sons of Katie Elder Four years later, Henry Hathaway also directed John Wayne in his Academy Award-winning role of Rooster Cogburn in the original screen version of True Grit. In addition to Wayne, actors Strother Martin, Dennis Hopper, and Jeremy Slate were in that film as well.", "Grit (TV network) Grit is an American digital multicast television network that is owned by Katz Broadcasting.[4] The network features classic TV series and feature films targeted at men between the ages of 25 and 54 years old.", "True Grit (2010 film) After being refused passage on the ferry that conveyed Cogburn and LaBoeuf, Mattie crosses the river on horseback. LaBoeuf expresses his displeasure by birching Mattie with a stick, but Cogburn eventually allows Mattie to accompany them. After a dispute over their respective service with the Confederate Army, Cogburn ends their arrangement and LaBoeuf leaves to pursue Chaney on his own. Cogburn and Mattie meet a trail doctor who directs them to an empty dugout for shelter. They find two outlaws, Quincy and Moon, and interrogate them. Quincy insists they have no information about the Pepper gang, but eventually Moon divulges what he knows; Quincy fatally stabs Moon, and Cogburn shoots Quincy dead. Before dying, Moon says Pepper and his gang will be returning for fresh horses that night.", "True Grit (1969 film) Cogburn doubles back and attacks Pepper and his gang single-handedly. La Boeuf, meantime, finds Mattie. They watch from a high bluff as a mounted Cogburn confronts Pepper's gang. Cogburn gives Pepper a choice between being killed right there or surrendering and being hanged in Fort Smith. Calling this \"bold talk for a one-eyed fat man,\" Pepper enrages Cogburn, who charges the four outlaws, guns blazing. He kills two of the gang and mortally wounds Pepper. In the fight, Ned shoots Rooster's horse, trapping Rooster's leg under him as he goes down. As a last act, the wounded Pepper prepares to kill Rooster, until La Boeuf makes a long shot with his Sharps Rifle, doing away with Pepper once and for all.", "Diamond tool Diamond dressers consist of single-point or multipoint tools brazed to a steel shank, and used for the trueing and dressing of grinding wheels. The tools come in several types, including: grit impregnated, blade type, crown type, and disc type. The advantages of multipoint over single-point tools are:", "A Star Is Born (1954 film) A Star Is Born, a remake itself, was again remade in 1976 with Barbra Streisand and Kris Kristofferson. The film was remade without permission in Bollywood as Aashiqui 2 in 2013. It also inspired Malayalam film Bharatham.", "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner The 2005 film Guess Who starring Ashton Kutcher and Bernie Mac is a loose remake styled as a comedy rather than a drama, with the racial roles reversed: black parents are caught off-guard when their daughter brings home the young white man she has chosen to marry. Talking about the film, Bernie Mac told USA Today in 2003, \"Interracial dating is not that significant anymore.\" In the article, the writer cites that during the time at which the original movie was filmed, \"interracial marriage was considered risky.\" Casting for Mac's remake of the film began in November 2003. Mac said of the script, \"They want to make it a comedy, but I won't disrespect Spencer, Katharine or Sidney.\"[33]", "Star (football badge) As well as predecessor clubs, victories in the national leagues of defunct countries have also been represented by stars. FC Dynamo Kyiv have two stars, commemorating championships won in the Soviet and Ukrainian football league systems. The same is true of Belgrade clubs Partizan and Red Star who have won titles in Yugoslavia, Serbia and Montenegro and present-day Serbia, while Spartak Moscow's stars refer to their Soviet Top League and Russian Football Premier League achievements.", "Against All Odds (1984 film) Against All Odds is a 1984 American romantic neo-noir thriller film, a remake of Out of the Past (1947). The film was directed by Taylor Hackford and stars Rachel Ward, Jeff Bridges and James Woods alongside Jane Greer (who had starred in Out of the Past), Alex Karras, Richard Widmark and Dorian Harewood. The film revolves around an aging American football star who is hired by a mobster to find his girlfriend.", "Peter Weller In 2005, Weller co-starred as the Captain in a made-for-television remake of The Poseidon Adventure.", "83rd Academy Awards The nominees for the 83rd Academy Awards were announced on January 25, 2011, at 5:38 a.m. PST at the Samuel Goldwyn Theater in Beverly Hills, California by Tom Sherak, president of the Academy, and actress Mo'Nique.[14] The King's Speech led the nominations with twelve, followed by True Grit with ten.[15][16]", "Meet John Doe A Bollywood remake, Main Azaad Hoon, was released in 1989, starring Amitabh Bachchan.[10]", "Grit (TV network) Grit's program schedule features an extensive library of films through multi-year program licensing agreements with several major film studios: Warner Bros. Pictures,[10] Universal Pictures,[11] Paramount Pictures [12] and Sony Pictures Entertainment.[13]", "Which Way Is Up? Which Way is Up? is a 1977 American comedy film starring Richard Pryor and directed by Michael Schultz. It is a remake of the 1972 Italian comedy film The Seduction of Mimi starring Giancarlo Giannini and directed by Lina Wertmüller. Richard Pryor plays three roles: an orange picker who has two women at the same time, the orange picker's father, and a Reverend who gets the orange picker's wife pregnant.", "True Grit (2010 film) Mattie's left forearm is amputated due to gangrene from the snakebite. Cogburn stays until she is out of danger, but leaves before she regains consciousness. She never sees Cogburn or LaBoeuf again, despite writing a letter inviting Cogburn to collect the money she owed him. Twenty-five years later, she receives a note from Cogburn inviting her to a travelling Wild West show where he now performs. She arrives, only to learn that he died three days earlier. She has his body moved to her family cemetery. Standing over Cogburn's grave, she reflects on her decision to move his remains, and about never having married, as well as the possibility of seeing LaBoeuf again.", "True Grit (2010 film) Mattie Ross \"is a pill\", said Ethan Coen in a December 2010 interview, \"but there is something deeply admirable about her in the book that we were drawn to\", including the Presbyterian-Protestant ethic so strongly imbued in a 14-year-old girl. Joel Coen said that the brothers did not want to \"mess around with what we thought was a very compelling story and character\". The film's producer, Scott Rudin, said that the Coens had taken a \"formal, reverent approach\" to the Western genre, with its emphasis on adventure and quest. \"The patois of the characters, the love of language that permeates the whole film, makes it very much of a piece with their other films, but it is the least ironic in many regards\".[8]", "True Grit (1969 film) Some time later, Mattie's attorney, J. Noble Daggett (John Fiedler) meets Cogburn in Fort Smith. On Mattie's behalf Daggett pays Cogburn for Cogburn's part in Chaney's capture. Cogburn offers to wager the money on a bet that Mattie will recover just fine, a bet Daggett declines.", "True Grit (2010 film) Chaney tries to knife Mattie, but LaBoeuf appears and knocks Chaney out. They watch from a distance as Cogburn fights the remaining members of Pepper's gang, killing two and wounding Ned before his horse is shot and falls, trapping his leg, whereupon LaBoeuf snipes Pepper. Chaney regains consciousness and knocks out LaBoeuf, but Mattie seizes LaBoeuf's rifle and shoots Chaney in the chest. The recoil knocks her into a deep pit, where she is bitten by a rattlesnake. Cogburn cuts into her hand to suck out as much of the venom as he can, then rides day and night to reach a doctor, carrying her on foot after her horse collapses from exhaustion.", "True Grit (2010 film) Ahead of shooting, Ethan Coen said that the film would be a more faithful adaptation of the novel than the 1969 version.", "True Grit (1969 film) Rooster and La Boeuf lay a trap. But as soon as Pepper and his men arrive, La Boeuf blows their cover by shooting and killing Pepper's horse. A firefight ensues, during which Cogburn and La Boeuf kill two of the gang, but Pepper and the rest of his men escape unharmed. Cogburn, La Boeuf, and Mattie make their way to McAlester's store with the dead bodies. Cogburn tries to persuade Mattie to stay at McAlester's, but she refuses.", "True Grit (1969 film) Also, the film's Colorado location and mountain scenery are in sharp contrast to the script's references to place names in Arkansas and Oklahoma. Further, the film is set in autumn, while the book clearly sets the story in winter, with snow on the ground outside the dugout where Quincy and Moon awaited Pepper's gang. In the book, when Mattie falls into the snake pit her left arm is broken; in the movie it is her right arm. In the book she faces a ball of snakes which are disturbed in their winter quarters when Chaney falls on them. In the film Mattie faces a single rattlesnake.", "True Grit (1969 film) In the book and both this movie and the 2010 film version, Mattie's Colt Dragoon misfires at a critical moment. The book explains this as, while drunk, Rooster used it to shoot a rat. Mattie insisted he re-load the two chambers fired, which he did, while still drunk, using defective old caps from a box under his bed. In the 1969 film, Rooster shoots the rat with his own Peacemaker, removing the reloading scene. Thus, during the scene where the Dragoon misfires it is unfairly portrayed as an unreliable weapon. However, during the graveyard scene at the end of the movie, when Mattie presents Rooster with the Dragoon as a gift, he states \"It almost got you killed when it misfired once,\" to which she responds \"That is because you loaded it wrong when you were in a state of drunkenness.\" When or why he reloaded it is not explained, but the misfire itself is.", "True Grit (1969 film) Cogburn is forced to leave La Boeuf's body behind as they race to get help for Mattie at McAlester's on Mattie's pony. After stealing a buckboard, they arrive at their destination. There, an Indian doctor treats Mattie's snakebite and broken arm.", "True Grit (2010 film) It's partly a question of point-of-view. The book is entirely in the voice of the 14-year-old girl. That sort of tips the feeling of it over a certain way. I think [the book is] much funnier than the movie was so I think, unfortunately, they lost a lot of humor in both the situations and in her voice. It also ends differently than the movie did. You see the main character – the little girl – 25 years later when she's an adult. Another way in which it's a little bit different from the movie – and maybe this is just because of the time the movie was made – is that it's a lot tougher and more violent than the movie reflects. Which is part of what's interesting about it.[7]", "List of Tales of the Unexpected episodes Remake of \"De Mortuis,\" Alfred Hitchcock Presents (S2E3, 14 October 1956), starring Robert Emhardt.", "Death Wish (2018 film) Death Wish is a 2018 American vigilante action thriller film directed by Eli Roth and written by Joe Carnahan. It is the sixth installment of the Death Wish series and a remake of the 1974 film of the same name starring Charles Bronson, based on Brian Garfield's 1972 novel. The film stars Bruce Willis as Paul Kersey, a Chicago doctor who sets out to get revenge on the men who attacked his family. Vincent D'Onofrio, Elisabeth Shue, Dean Norris, and Kimberly Elise also star.", "Adventures in Babysitting Disney reportedly planned a remake for release in 2012.[10] Raven-Symoné was to star in the remake, tentatively titled Further Adventures in Babysitting, but withdrew due to other projects.[10] Miley Cyrus was also rumored to be attached to the project, but later denied involvement.[11]", "Five Point Someone Following the success of 3 Idiots in East Asian markets such as China and Hong Kong, the producer Vidhu Vinod Chopra has announced that Hong Kong film star Stephen Chow (known for comedy films such as Shaolin Soccer and Kung Fu Hustle) will be producing a Chinese remake of the film. Chopra also announced that there are plans for a Hollywood remake, and is in talks with three different American studios interested in remaking the film. Chopra also stated that there is an Italian film studio too interested in remaking the film.[5]", "Man with No Name A subsequent film, Last Man Standing (1996) starring Bruce Willis, is a credited remake of Yojimbo.[citation needed]", "Mannequin (1987 film) An Indian remake of the film titled Prem Shakti (Love Power) was released in 1994, starring Govinda and Karisma Kapoor.", "The Shop Around the Corner The film spawned a musical remake, In the Good Old Summertime (1949), which stars Judy Garland and Van Johnson.", "Adventures in Babysitting According to Variety, Tiffany Paulsen was writing the script.[10] It was presumed that the remake was scrapped due to years of inactivity. However, on January 9, 2015, Disney Channel announced that the remake would go forward, with Sabrina Carpenter and Sofia Carson starring as competing babysitters.[12]", "DodgeBall: A True Underdog Story DodgeBall: A True Underdog Story is a 2004 American sports comedy film written and directed by Rawson M. Thurber and starring Vince Vaughn and Ben Stiller.", "The Thomas Crown Affair (1968 film) The 1999 remake stars Pierce Brosnan as Crown, Rene Russo as the insurance investigator, and Denis Leary as the detective. The original film's co-star Faye Dunaway also appears as Crown's therapist.", "My Lovely Sam Soon A 2008 Philippine remake titled Ako si Kim Samsoon starred Regine Velasquez and Mark Anthony Fernandez.[26]", "Mirror Surface roughness is typically measured in microns, wavelength, or grit size, with ~80,000–100,000 grit or ~½λ–¼λ being \"optical quality\".[46][43][47]", "Anyone Who Had a Heart (song) Atomic Kitten reunited to remake \"Anyone Who Had a Heart\" for the 2008 album Liverpool - The Number Ones Album, to which the group member Natasha Hamilton (with Kush) contributed a remake of Cilla Black's subsequent single and #1 \"You're My World\". Issued as a digital single release, \"Anyone Who Had a Heart\" spent one week on the UK charts at #77,[20] the only UK charting of \"Anyone Who Had a Heart\" since the Cilla Black version. It sold 5,154 copies in the United Kingdom.", "Surface finishing Also known as brushed, directional or satin finish. A #4 architectural finish is characterized by fine polishing grit lines that are uniform and directional in appearance. It is produced by polishing the metal with a 120–180 grit belt or wheel finish and then softened with an 80–120 grit greaseless compound or a medium non woven abrasive belt or pad.", "John Fiedler After his discharge from the Navy, Fiedler began acting in Manhattan, New York City, appearing on the radio comedy The Aldrich Family as Homer Brown. He appeared on early television and played Cadet Alfie Higgins on the 1950s show Tom Corbett, Space Cadet, and he made his film debut in 1957 in 12 Angry Men, as Juror #2. Most of his roles were playing gentle or nervous individuals, though he appeared as the lawyer J. Noble Daggett in True Grit (1969) and in the original Star Trek episode \"Wolf in the Fold\" (1967) as Mr. Hengist, a Chief Administrator possessed by the spirit of Jack the Ripper.", "Ricki Lake She joined the cast of the Vietnam War drama series China Beach as a Red Cross volunteer, Holly \"the Donut Dolly\" Pelegrino, for the show's third season. She also had a recurring role on the CBS sitcom The King of Queens as Doug's sister Stephanie. She guest-starred on television series including Drop Dead Diva and a voice role on King of the Hill, and starred in the television movie Baby Cakes. She had a cameo appearance in the 2007 remake of the original cult-classic Hairspray as a William Morris talent agent, and teamed up with star Nikki Blonsky (who played Tracy Turnblad in the 2007 movie musical remake) and Marissa Jaret Winokur (who played Tracy Turnblad in the Broadway musical based on the original 1988 film) to record \"Mama I'm a Big Girl Now\" for the soundtrack. The song is played during the film's end credits. She later reunited with original Hairspray co-star Deborah Harry for the film Hotel Gramercy Park, which was released in 2008.", "Gorillas in the Mist Hinson also agreed that \"whenever the cameras turn on the gorillas — who are the film's true stars — you feel you're witnessing something truly great.\"", "Orion (Star Trek) The Orion Syndicate is mentioned in Deep Space Nine as a criminal organisation, such as in \"Honor Among Thieves\" in which Chief Miles O'Brien (Colm Meaney) is placed undercover within the Syndicate by Starfleet Intelligence.[19] In the 2009 Star Trek remake, an alternative universe is created after the Romulan Nero (Eric Bana) and his ship the Narada travel back in time seeking revenge after the destruction of their homeworld. While James T. Kirk (Chris Pine) is attending Starfleet Academy, he is romantically involved with an Orion woman named Gaila (Rachel Nichols) who is the roommate of Nyota Uhura (Zoe Saldana).[25] In the sequel, Star Trek Into Darkness, an Orion is seen in a crowd shot of San Francisco.[36]", "Star Wars Roleplaying Game (Fantasy Flight Games) Example: If a character bought three levels of Grit (a Talent that grants a bonus of plus one per level to the character's Strain) from one specialization tree at a total cost of 45 points and bought it at one level on another Specialization Tree at a cost of 10 points, it would stack as four levels of Grit (granting a total of plus four to Strain).", "William Fichtner In June 2009, Fichtner signed on to guest star on Entourage playing TV producer Phil Yagoda, who is trying to remake his hit 1990s teen series.[10] He also voiced Master Sergeant Sandman in the 2011 video game Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3.[11]", "Psychological resilience Grit affects the effort a person contributes by acting on the importance pathway. When people value a goal as more valuable, meaningful, or relevant to their self-concept they are willing to expend more effort on it when necessary. The influence of individual differences in grit results in different levels of effort-related cardiac activity when gritty and less gritty individuals performed the same task. Grit is associated with differences in potential motivation, one pathway in motivational intensity theory. Grit may also influence an individual's perception of task difficulty.[34]", "Binary star The more general term double star is used for pairs of stars which are seen to be close together in the sky.[3] This distinction is rarely made in languages other than English.[5] Double stars may be binary systems or may be merely two stars that appear to be close together in the sky but have vastly different true distances from the Sun. The latter are termed optical doubles or optical pairs.[8]", "Jeena Marna Tere Sang Jeena Marna Tere Sang is a 1992 Indian Bollywood film directed by Vijay Reddy. It stars Sanjay Dutt and Raveena Tandon in pivotal roles. It is a remake of the Kannada film Prema Parva, starring Murali and Bhavya.", "Kirsten Dunst In 2017, Dunst starred with Colin Farrell, Nicole Kidman, and Elle Fanning in the drama The Beguiled, her third collaboration with Sofia Coppola, who directed, wrote, and produced. The film is a remake of Don Siegel's original 1971 film about a wounded Union soldier who seeks shelter at an all-girls' school deep in Confederate country.[95] That same year, Dunst starred in the Rodarte label founders' feature directorial debut Woodshock about a woman who falls deeper into paranoia after taking a deadly drug.[96][97][98]", "Grit (TV network) Originally, Katz sold the network to affiliated TV stations via ad split but by October 2015 had moved to paying carriage fees in exchange for distributing the network's ad inventory.[5]1 Grit used direct response advertising as a meter of viewers before switching to Nielsen rating C-3.[5]3 It is available on Dish Network channel 217.", "House of Wax (1953 film) House of Wax is a 1953 American color 3-D horror film about a disfigured sculptor who repopulates his destroyed wax museum by murdering people and using their wax-coated corpses as displays. Directed by Andre DeToth and starring Vincent Price, it is a remake of Warner Bros.' Mystery of the Wax Museum (1933).", "Western (genre) The Space Western or Space Frontier is a subgenre of science fiction which uses the themes and tropes of Westerns within science fiction stories. Subtle influences may include exploration of new, lawless frontiers, while more overt influences may feature literal cowboys in outer space who use ray guns and ride robotic horses. Examples include the American television series Brave Starr (which aired original episodes from September 1987 to February 1988) and Firefly (created by Joss Whedon in 2002), and the films Battle Beyond the Stars (1980), which is a remake of The Magnificent Seven; Outland (1981), which is a remake of High Noon; and Serenity (2005, based on the Firefly TV series). The classic western genre has also been a major influence on science fiction films such as the original Star Wars movie of 1977. Famously Gene Roddenberry pitched the concept of the TV show Star Trek as a Wagon Train to the stars.", "Zanjeer (2013 film) Its affiliation newspaper Mumbai Mirror gave a 1.5 star rating and the reviewer Karan Anshuman said \"If Salim-Javed do watch this film, one wouldn't be surprised if they decided to give the money and 'core story' credit back and disassociate themselves from this embarrassment of a \"remake\".[19] Anupama Chopra termed the movie 'a ramshackle remake' and wrote, \"This remake is wrong on so many levels that I don’t know where to begin. This isn’t a film. It’s sacrilege.\"[20]", "Chris Pratt His next film role was as Josh Faraday, a gambler, in The Magnificent Seven, a remake of the 1960 Western with the same name, in which he starred alongside Denzel Washington. The film was released on September 23, 2016.[32] Pratt's second 2016 release was Passengers, a science fiction film which opened in December, and co-starred Jennifer Lawrence. Pratt played a character described as \"a mechanic, who wants to get off an Earth that no longer seems to value a guy who works with his hands\".[33]", "Legend of the Lost Legend of the Lost was directed by Henry Hathaway. Wayne and Hathaway worked together six times, beginning with The Shepherd of the Hills (1941) and ending with Wayne's Oscar-winning role in True Grit (1969). Co-author Robert Presnell, nearing the end of his career at this time, was one of Hollywood's most successful screenwriters. None of this talent managed to keep Legend of the Lost from being harshly reviewed by critics.", "Queen (2014 film) The film is getting remade in Tamil and Kannada as Paris Paris starring Kajal Agarwal and Butterfly starring Parul Yadav, both versions are directed by Ramesh Aravind. The film will also be remade in Telugu as Queen Remake with Tamannaah Bhatia and in Malayalam as Zam Zam with Manjima Mohan in the lead role. Actress Amy Jackson was initially in talks to play the role Lisa Haydon played in Queen in all South remakes however opted out due to unavailability of dates and creative differences. [53]", "Dalek Two Doctor Who movies starring Peter Cushing featured the Daleks as the main villains: Dr. Who and the Daleks, and Daleks - Invasion Earth 2150 AD, based on the television serials The Daleks and The Dalek Invasion of Earth, respectively. The movies were not direct remakes; for example, the Doctor in the Cushing films was a human inventor called \"Dr. Who\" who built a time-travelling device named Tardis, instead of a mysterious alien who stole a device called \"the TARDIS\".[104]", "Vampire This increase of interest in vampiric plotlines led to the vampire being depicted in films such as Underworld and Van Helsing, and the Russian Night Watch and a TV miniseries remake of Salem's Lot, both from 2004. The series Blood Ties premiered on Lifetime Television in 2007, featuring a character portrayed as Henry Fitzroy, illegitimate son of Henry VIII of England turned vampire, in modern-day Toronto, with a female former Toronto detective in the starring role. A 2008 series from HBO, entitled True Blood, gives a Southern Gothic take to the vampire theme.[168]", "Grit (TV network) On July 17, 2014, Katz announced affiliation deals with the Cox Media Group to carry Grit on WFTV in Orlando and KMYT-TV in Tulsa; as well as KJWP in the Philadelphia market, and Citadel Communications-owned stations in Providence (WLNE-TV) and Lincoln (KLKN). It also expanded its affiliation deal with Univision Communications to add stations in Washington, D.C., San Francisco, and Phoenix to the network's originally announced Univision-owned charter affiliates.[16][17]", "Park Shin-hye In 2017, Park will star in the crime thriller film Blackened Heart, a Korean remake of the 2013 Hong Kong film alongside Choi Min-sik.[49][50]", "The Shootist Another casting stipulation was the horse owned and given away by Wayne's character, a favorite sorrel gelding named Dollor that Wayne had ridden in Big Jake, The Cowboys, True Grit, Rooster Cogburn, Chisum, and The Train Robbers. Wayne had negotiated exclusive movie rights to Dollor with the horse's owner, Dick Webb Movie Productions, and requested script changes enabling him to mention Dollor's name several times.[13]", "When a Stranger Calls (2006 film) When a Stranger Calls is a 2006 American horror film directed by Simon West and written by Jake Wade Wall. The film stars Camilla Belle, Brian Geraghty, Katie Cassidy in her film debut and Clark Gregg. Belle plays a babysitter who starts to receive threatening phone calls from an unidentified stranger, played by both Tommy Flanagan and Lance Henriksen. The film is a remake of Fred Walton's 1979 horror film of the same name which became a cult classic for its legendary opening 20 minutes which this remake extended to a feature-length film.", "Sin senos no hay paraíso Sin senos no hay paraíso (Without Breasts There Is No Paradise) is a RTI Colombia–Telemundo remake and loose adaptation of the original Colombian series Sin tetas no hay paraíso. The series is based on investigative journalist Gustavo Bolivar's debut novel and features an attractive young prostitute who desires to have massive breast implants in order to attract a rich cocaine smuggler. It is also based on a true story. The series premiered on June 16, 2008.[1]", "Jumanji On August 5, 2015, Sony Pictures Entertainment announced their plans to film a remake and set the release date as December 25, 2016.[25] Internet reception to this announcement was negative, with some posters remarking that this announcement came too soon after the death of Williams.[26][27] The news was also heavily criticized by Bradley Pierce and E! News, the latter of which stated that they felt that the remake was \"unnecessary and kind of insulting\".[28][29] On January 14, 2016, it was announced that Jake Kasdan will direct the remake.[30][31] On January 20, 2016, it was announced that the remake would be pushed back to July 28, 2017.[32] In April 2016, Dwayne Johnson signed on to produce and star in the remake,[33] while Variety, TheWrap and Deadline.com reported that Kevin Hart, Jack Black, and Nick Jonas were in early talks to co-star.[34][35][36] In August 2016, Dwayne Johnson confirmed that the film would not be a remake, rather a continuation of the 1995 film and that it would be filmed in Hawaii.[37][38] In August, Johnson announced on Instagram that Karen Gillan has been cast in the film.[39][40] In September 2016, Johnson released a concept art of his character \"The Smoldering\" Dr. Bravestone.[41]", "Psychological resilience Grit refers to the perseverance and passion for long-term goals.[33] This is characterized as working persistently towards challenges, maintained effort and interest over years despite negative feedback, adversity, plateaus in progress, or failure.[33] High grit people view accomplishments as a marathon rather than an immediate goal. High grit individuals normally earn higher GPAs in school, and make fewer career changes than less gritty individuals.[33]" ]
how many students attend university of texas at austin
[ "University of Texas at Austin The University of Texas at Austin (UT, UT Austin, or Texas)[7][8] is a public research university and the flagship institution of the University of Texas System.[9] Founded in 1881, its campus is located in Austin, Texas, approximately 1 mile (1.6 km) from the Texas State Capitol. UT Austin was inducted into the Association of American Universities in 1929, becoming only the third university in the American South to be elected. The institution has the nation's eighth-largest single-campus enrollment, with over 50,000 undergraduate and graduate students and over 24,000 faculty and staff.[10]" ]
[ "Austin, Texas Austin is home to the University of Texas at Austin, the flagship institution of the University of Texas System with over 38,000 undergraduate students and 12,000 graduate students. In 2015 rankings, the university was ranked 53rd among \"National Universities\" (17th among public universities) by U.S. News & World Report.[198] UT has annual research expenditures of over $595 million[199] and has the highest-ranked business, engineering, and law programs of any university in the state of Texas.[200][201][202]", "University of Texas at Austin The University of Texas at Austin is one of the most selective universities in the region. Relative to other universities in the state of Texas, UT Austin is second to Rice University in selectivity according to a Business Journal study weighing acceptance rates and the mid-range of the SAT and ACT. UT Austin was ranked as the 18th most selective in the South.[67] As a state public university, UT Austin was subject to Texas House Bill 588, which guaranteed graduating Texas high school seniors in the top 10% of their class admission to any public Texas university. A new state law granting UT (but no other state university) a partial exemption from the top 10% rule, Senate Bill 175, was passed by the 81st Legislature in 2009. It modified this admissions policy by limiting automatically admitted freshmen to 75% of the entering in-state freshman class, starting in 2011. The university will admit the top one percent, the top two percent and so forth until the cap is reached; the university currently admits the top 7 percent.[68] Furthermore, students admitted under Texas House Bill 588 are not guaranteed their choice of college or major, but rather only guaranteed admission to the university as a whole. Many colleges, such as the Cockrell School of Engineering, have secondary requirements that must be met for admission.[69]", "History of Texas A&M University Enrollment, which had climbed as high as 500 students, declined to only 80 students in 1883, the year the University of Texas opened in Austin, Texas. Although the Texas Constitution specified that the Agricultural and Mechanical College was to be a branch of a proposed University of Texas,[2] the Austin school was established with a separate Board of Regents. Texas A.M.C. continued to be governed by its own Board of Directors.[1]", "Austin, Texas Law enforcement in Austin is provided by the Austin Police Department, except for state government buildings, which are patrolled by the Texas Department of Public Safety. The University of Texas Police operate from the University of Texas.", "Austin, Texas Other institutions of higher learning in Austin include St. Edward's University, Huston-Tillotson University, Austin Community College, Concordia University, the Seminary of the Southwest, the Acton School of Business, Texas Health and Science University, University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences, Austin Graduate School of Theology, Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Virginia College's Austin Campus, The Art Institute of Austin, Southern Careers Institute of Austin, Austin Conservatory and a branch of Park University.", "Jenna Bush Hager Hager was born at Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas, Texas,[1] and named after her maternal grandmother, Jenna Hawkins Welch.[3] While living in Dallas, she and her sister attended Preston Hollow Elementary School and then The Hockaday School. In 1994, after her father was elected Governor of Texas and the family moved to Austin, Texas, Bush was a student at St. Andrew's Episcopal School, and attended Austin High School from 1996 until her graduation in 2000.[4]", "Traditions of Texas A&M University Many incoming students at Texas A&M choose to attend the campus because they feel that the students are friendlier than those at other universities.[6] This perception is created partly by the Aggie tradition \"Howdy\", the official greeting of Texas A&M University. Students are encouraged to greet everyone they pass on campus with a smile and a howdy.[5] Howdy is the preferred method for a speaker to get a large group's attention, as the members of the group are expected to return the \"Howdy\" back to the speaker.[12]", "Texas House Bill 588 The law has drawn praise and criticism alike. Supporters of the rule argue that it ensures geographic and ethnic diversity in public universities. They also point out that students admitted under the legislation performed better in college than their counterparts.[2] The law has been blamed for keeping students not in the top ten percent but with other credentials, such as high SAT scores or leadership and extracurricular experience, out of the larger \"flagship\" state universities, such as the University of Texas at Austin and Texas A&M University, College Station. UT-Austin has argued for several years that the law has come to account for too many of its entering students, with 81 percent of the 2008 freshmen having enrolled under it.[3]", "University of Texas at Austin The University of Texas at Austin is home to an active Greek community. Approximately 14 percent of undergraduate students are in fraternities or sororities.[126] With more than 65 national chapters, the university's Greek community is one of the nation's largest.[126] These chapters are under the authority of one of the school's six Greek council communities, Interfraternity Council, National Pan-Hellenic Council, Texas Asian Pan-Hellenic Council, Latino Pan-Hellenic Council, Multicultural Greek Council and University Panhellenic Council.[127] Other registered student organizations also name themselves with Greek letters and are called affiliates. They are not a part of one of the six councils but have all of the same privileges and responsibilities of any other organization.[128] Most Greek houses are west of the Drag in the West Campus neighborhood.", "Austin, Texas Two of the candidates for president in the 2004 race called Austin home. Michael Badnarik, the Libertarian Party candidate, and David Cobb of the Green Party both had lived in Austin. During the run up to the election in November, a presidential debate was held at the University of Texas at Austin student union involving the two candidates. While the Commission on Presidential Debates only invites Democrats and Republicans to participate in televised debates, the debate at UT was open to all presidential candidates. Austin also hosted one of the last presidential debates between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton during their heated race for the Democratic nomination in 2008.[189]", "Stephen F. Austin State University Stephen F. Austin State University (SFA) is a public university located in Nacogdoches, Texas, United States. Founded as a teachers' college in 1923 as a result of legislation authored by State Senator Wilfred Roy Cousins, Sr.[3], the university was subsequently renamed after one of Texas's founding fathers, Stephen F. Austin. Its campus resides on part of the homestead of Thomas Jefferson Rusk. Stephen F. Austin is one of four independent public universities in Texas (i.e., those not affiliated with one of Texas's six university systems).", "Traditions of Texas A&M University The traditions of Texas A&M University are a key aspect of the culture of Texas A&M University. Some of the school traditions date to the 1890s, shortly after the opening of the school, while others have been introduced more recently. These traditions encourage current students and alumni (Aggies) to cultivate the Aggie Spirit, a sense of loyalty and respect for the school, and dictate many aspects of student life, including how to greet others, how to act at an A&M sporting event, and what words a student may use in conversation. The most visible tradition among senior class students and alumni (more commonly referred to as \"former students\") is the wearing of the Aggie Ring, whose design has been relatively unchanged since its introduction in 1894. Not all Aggie traditions are recognized by the university, and some, like Bonfire, have been discontinued for safety reasons. Texas Monthly states that the students' respect for school traditions and values is the university's greatest strength.[1]", "University of Texas at Austin Thirty percent of the university's endowment comes from Permanent University Fund (PUF), with nearly $15 billion in assets as of 2007.[108] the University of Texas System gets two-thirds of the Available University Fund, the annual distribution of PUF income. A regental policy[109] requires at least 45 percent of this money go to the university for \"program enrichment.\" By taking two-thirds and multiplying it by 45 percent, we get 30 percent which is the minimum amount of AUF income that can be distributed to the school under current policies. The Regents, however, can decide to allocate additional amounts to the university. Also, the majority of the University of Texas system share of the AUF is used for its debt service bonds, some of which were issued for the benefit of the Austin campus.[110] The Regents can change the 45 percent minimum of the University of Texas System share to goes to the Austin campus at any time, although doing so might be difficult politically.", "Austin, Texas In the 1830s, pioneers began to settle the area in central Austin along the Colorado River. In 1839, the site was officially chosen to replace Houston as the new capital of the Republic of Texas and was incorporated under the name Waterloo. Shortly thereafter, the name was changed to Austin in honor of Stephen F. Austin, the \"Father of Texas\" and the republic's first secretary of state. The city subsequently grew throughout the 19th century and became a center for government and education with the construction of the Texas State Capitol and the University of Texas at Austin.[9] After a lull in growth from the Great Depression, Austin resumed its development into a major city and, by the 1980s, it emerged as a center for technology and business.[10] A number of Fortune 500 companies have headquarters or regional offices in Austin, including Amazon.com, Apple Inc., Cisco, eBay, Google, IBM, Intel, Oracle Corporation, Paypal, Texas Instruments, 3M, and Whole Foods Market.[11] Dell's worldwide headquarters is located in nearby Round Rock, a suburb of Austin.", "University of Texas at Austin In 1950, the University of Texas was the first major university in the South to accept an African-American student. John S. Chase went on to become the first licensed African-American architect in Texas.[36]", "Texas A&M University With strong support from Rice University and the University of Texas at Austin, the Association of American Universities inducted Texas A&M in May 2001, on the basis of the depth of the university's research and academic programs.[42]", "San Angelo, Texas San Angelo is home to Angelo State University. Founded in 1928, it enrolls about 10,000 students who come from almost every county in Texas, 40 states, and 24 countries. One of the nation's premier regional universities, it was featured in the Princeton Review Best 373. The only other two listed from the state were Texas A&M University and the University of Texas at Austin.", "Texas The Carnegie Foundation classifies three of Texas's universities as Tier One research institutions: The University of Texas at Austin, the Texas A&M University, and the University of Houston. The University of Texas at Austin and Texas A&M University are flagship universities of the state of Texas. Both were established by the Texas Constitution and hold stakes in the Permanent University Fund. The state has been putting effort to expand the number of flagship universities by elevating some of its seven institutions designated as \"emerging research universities\". The two expected to emerge first are the University of Houston and Texas Tech University, likely in that order according to discussions on the House floor of the 82nd Texas Legislature.[279]", "University of Texas at Austin The university's property totals 1,438.5 acres (582.1 ha), comprising the 423.5 acres (171.4 ha) for the Main Campus in central Austin and the J. J. Pickle Research Campus in north Austin and the other properties throughout Texas. The main campus has 150 buildings totalling over 18,000,000 square feet (1,700,000 m2).", "Texas A&M University The Texas A&M culture is a product of the university's founding as a rural military and agricultural school. Although the school and surrounding community have grown, and military training is no longer required, the school's history has instilled in students \"the idealized elements of a small-town life: community, tradition, loyalty, optimism, and unabashed sentimentality.\"[174] Texas Monthly posits that Texas A&M students' respect for school traditions and values is the university's greatest strength.[175] Some of the school traditions date to the 1890s, while others have been introduced more recently. These traditions enable enrolled students and alumni to cultivate the Aggie Spirit, a sense of loyalty and respect for the school.[176] They dictate many aspects of student life, including how to greet others (using the official school greeting \"Howdy!\"),[177] how to act at an A&M sporting event, and often, what words a student may use in conversation.[178]", "History of Austin, Texas In October 1839, the entire government of the Republic of Texas arrived by oxcart from Houston. By the next January, the population of the town was 839. During the Republic of Texas era, France sent Alphonse Dubois de Saligny to Austin as its chargé d'affaires. Dubois purchased 22 acres (8.9 ha) of land in 1840 on a high hill just east of downtown to build a legation, or diplomatic outpost. The French Legation stands as the oldest documented frame structure in Austin.[16] Also in 1839, the Texas Congress set aside 40 acres (16 ha) of land north of the capitol and downtown for a \"university of the first class.\" This land became the central campus of the University of Texas at Austin in 1883.[17]", "Austin, Texas In September 1881, Austin public schools held their first classes. The same year, Tillotson Collegiate and Normal Institute (now part of Huston-Tillotson University) opened its doors. The University of Texas at Austin held its first classes in 1883, although classes had been held in the original wooden state Capitol for four years before.[44]", "Austin, Texas Many Austinites support the athletic programs of the University of Texas at Austin known as the Texas Longhorns. During the 2005–06 academic term, Longhorns football team was named the NCAA Division I FBS National Football Champion, and Longhorns baseball team won the College World Series.[140][141] The Texas Longhorns play home games in the state's second-largest sports stadium, Darrell K Royal–Texas Memorial Stadium, seating over 101,000 fans.[142] Baseball games are played at UFCU Disch–Falk Field.", "The Eyes of Texas The Eyes of Texas is also the alma mater of the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP). At the time, UTEP was called Texas College of Mines and Metallurgy (TCM). It was adopted in 1920 by the student body after UT (Austin) had declared it their school anthem. UTEP is the second oldest academic component of the U.T. System, having been founded in 1914.", "El Paso, Texas El Paso is also home to Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center at El Paso, Paul L. Foster School of Medicine, Texas Tech College of Architecture at El Paso, Brightwood College, Park University, Webster University and the University of Phoenix. Also due to its proximity, many El Paso students attend New Mexico State University where the school offers in-state tuition to El Paso County residents.[150]", "University of Texas at Austin On April 18, 1838, \"An Act to Establish the University of Texas\" was referred to a special committee of the Texas Congress, but was not reported back for further action.[14] On January 26, 1839, the Texas Congress agreed to set aside fifty leagues of land — approximately 288,000 acres (117,000 ha) — towards the establishment of a publicly funded university.[15] In addition, 40 acres (16 ha) in the new capital of Austin were reserved and designated \"College Hill.\"[1] (The term \"Forty Acres\" is colloquially used to refer to the University as a whole. The original 40 acres is the area from Guadalupe to Speedway and 21st Street to 24th Street[16] )", "University of Texas at Austin The university operates two public radio stations, KUT with news and information, and KUTX with music, via local FM broadcasts as well as live streaming audio over the Internet. The university uses Capital Metro to provide bus transportation for students around the campus and throughout Austin.", "Texas Universities in Texas host three presidential libraries: George Bush Presidential Library at Texas A&M University, the Lyndon Baines Johnson Library and Museum at The University of Texas at Austin, and the George W. Bush Presidential Library at Southern Methodist University.", "Austin, Texas The Texas Department of Transportation operates the Austin District Office in Austin.[180]", "Austin, Texas The Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) operates the Austin I and Austin II district parole offices in Austin.[181]", "History of Austin, Texas Austin's history has also been largely tied to state politics and in the late 19th century, the establishment of the University of Texas made Austin a regional center for higher education, as well as a hub for state government. In the 20th century, Austin's music scene had earned the city the nickname \"Live Music Capital of the World.\"[2] With a population of over 800,000 inhabitants in 2010, Austin is experiencing a population boom. During the 2000s (decade) Austin was the third fastest-growing large city in the nation.[3]", "University of Texas at Austin UT Austin operates several major auxiliary research centers. The world's third-largest telescope, the Hobby–Eberly Telescope, and three other large telescopes are part of UT Austin's McDonald Observatory, 450 miles (720 km) west of Austin.[99][100] The university manages nearly 300 acres (120 ha) of biological field laboratories, including the Brackenridge Field Laboratory in Austin. The Center for Agile Technology focuses on software development challenges.[101] The J.J. Pickle Research Campus (PRC) is home to the Texas Advanced Computing Center which operates the Ranger supercomputer, one of the world's most powerful supercomputers [102] as well as the Microelectronics Research Center which houses micro- and nanoelectronics research and features a 15,000 square foot (1,400 m2) cleanroom for device fabrication.", "Texas House Bill 588 Under legislation approved in May 2009 by the Texas House as part of the 81st Regular Session (Senate Bill 175), UT-Austin (but no other state universities) was allowed to trim the number of students it accepts under the 10% rule; UT-Austin could limit those students to 75 percent of entering in-state freshmen from Texas. The University would admit the top 1 percent, the top 2 percent and so forth until the cap is reached, beginning with the 2011 entering class. UT System Chancellor Francisco Cigarroa and UT-Austin President William Powers Jr. had sought a cap of about 50 percent, but lawmakers (led by Representatives Dan Branch (R-Dallas) and Rep. Mike Villarreal (D-San Antonio)) brokered the compromise.", "East Texas The region also contains Sam Houston State University in Huntsville and Stephen F. Austin State University in Nacogdoches, which helps contribute millions of dollars into the Deep East Texas economy. Texas A&M University-Texarkana, University of Texas at Tyler, LeTourneau University and East Texas Baptist University are a few of the smaller universities in East Texas. Texas A&M University-Commerce is right outside east Texas and is formerly known as East Texas State University, while A&M-Texarkana was a branch campus of ETSU.", "University of Texas at Austin In 2010, UT Austin opened the $100 million Dell Pediatric Research Institute to increase medical research at the university and establish a medical research complex, and associated medical school, in Austin.[97][98]", "Austin, Texas The city's bike advocacy organization is Bike Austin.[225] Bike Texas, a state-level advocacy also has its main office in Austin.[226]", "Sports in Austin, Texas Many Austinites support the athletic programs of the University of Texas at Austin known as the Texas Longhorns. During the 2005–06 academic term, Longhorns football team was named the NCAA Division I FBS National Football Champion and Longhorns baseball team won the College World Series.[1][2] The Texas Longhorns play home games in the state's second-largest sports stadium, Darrell K Royal–Texas Memorial Stadium, seating over 101,000 fans.[3] Baseball games are played at UFCU Disch–Falk Field which underwent renovation in 1996 with an increased capacity to 6,756 seats plus 11 stadium suites.", "Austin, Texas Other annual events include Eeyore's Birthday Party, Spamarama, Austin Gay Pride in August, the Austin Reggae Festival in April,[120] Kite Festival, Texas Craft Brewers Festival in September,[121] Art City Austin in April,[122] East Austin Studio Tour in November,[123] and Carnaval Brasileiro in February. Sixth Street features annual festivals such as the Pecan Street Festival and Halloween night. The three-day Austin City Limits Music Festival has been held in Zilker Park every year since 2002. Every year around the end of March and the beginning of April, Austin is home to \"Texas Relay Weekend.\"", "Austin, Texas Typical of Central Texas, severe weather in Austin is a threat that can strike during any season. However, it is most common during the spring. According to most classifications, Austin lies within the extreme southern periphery of Tornado Alley, although many sources place Austin outside of Tornado Alley altogether.[81] Consequently, tornadoes strike Austin less frequently than areas farther to the north.[81] However, severe weather and/or supercell thunderstorms can occur multiple times per year, bringing damaging winds, lightning, heavy rain, and occasional flash flooding to the city.[82] The deadliest storm to ever strike city limits was the twin tornadoes storm of May 4, 1922, while the deadliest tornado outbreak to ever strike the metro area was the Central Texas tornado outbreak of May 27, 1997.", "Austin, Texas List of sister cities of Austin, Texas, designated by Sister Cities International.[229]", "University of Texas at Austin In 1845, Texas was annexed into the United States. Interestingly, the state's Constitution of 1845 failed to mention higher education.[17] On February 11, 1858, the Seventh Texas Legislature approved O.B. 102, an act to establish the University of Texas, which set aside $100,000 in United States bonds toward construction of the state's first publicly funded university[18] (the $100,000 was an allocation from the $10 million the state received pursuant to the Compromise of 1850 and Texas' relinquishing claims to lands outside its present boundaries). The legislature also designated land reserved for the encouragement of railroad construction toward the university's endowment. On January 31, 1860, the state legislature, wanting to avoid raising taxes, passed an act authorizing the money set aside for the University of Texas to be used for frontier defense in west Texas to protect settlers from Indian attacks.[19]", "Austin, Texas Old Austin is an adage often used by the native citizens in Austin, Texas when being nostalgic to refer to the olden days of the capital city of Texas.[113] Although Austin is also known internationally as the live music capital of the world and its catch phrase/slogan Keep Austin Weird can be heard echoed in places as far as Buffalo, NY and Santa Monica, CA - the term Old Austin refers to a time when the city was smaller and more bohemian with a considerably lower cost of living and better known for its lack of traffic, hipsters, and urban sprawl.[114] It is often employed by longtime residents expressing displeasure at the rapidly changing culture.[115]", "Texas A&M University The main campus is one of the largest in the United States, spanning 5,200 acres (21 km2),[3][14] and is home to the George Bush Presidential Library. About one-fifth of the student body lives on campus. Texas A&M has over 1,000 officially recognized student organizations. Many students also observe the traditions, which govern daily life, as well as special occasions, including sports events. Working with agencies such as the Texas AgriLife Research and Texas AgriLife Extension Service, Texas A&M has a direct presence in each of the 254 counties in Texas. The university offers degrees in over 150 courses of study through ten colleges and houses 18 research institutes.", "University of Texas at Arlington The University of Texas at Arlington (UTA or UT Arlington)[6] is a public research university located in Arlington, Texas, midway between Dallas and Fort Worth. The spring 2017 campus enrollment consisted of 41,933 students making it the largest university in North Texas and fourth largest in Texas.[3] The University is the third largest producer of college graduates in Texas and offers over 180 baccalaureate, masters, and doctoral degree programs.[7][8]", "University of Texas at Austin In the Fall of 2016, the school employed 3,128 full-time faculty members, with a student-to-faculty ratio of 18.86 to 1.[144][145] winners of the Nobel Prize, the Pulitzer Prize, the National Medal of Science, the National Medal of Technology, the Turing Award, the Emmy Award, and other various awards.[146] Nine Nobel Laureates are or have been affiliated with UT Austin. Research expenditures for UT Austin exceeded $550 million for the 2013–2014 school year.[11]", "Texas A&M University The Graduate Student Council, founded in 1995, serves as the student government for Texas A&M University's graduate and professional students. It is a council representing all TAMU graduate students with a purpose to improve graduate students' academic, living and social experiences. The GSC represents students' concerns and is their liaison with the University Administration.[161]", "C. Wright Mills Mills initially attended Texas A&M University but left after his first year and subsequently graduated from the University of Texas at Austin in 1939 with a bachelor's degree in sociology and a master's degree in philosophy. By the time that he graduated, Mills had already been published in the two leading sociology journals in the US: the American Sociological Review and the American Journal of Sociology.[7]:40", "University of Texas at Austin On January 19, 2011, the university announced the creation of a 24-hour television network in partnership with ESPN, dubbed the Longhorn Network. ESPN will pay a $300 million guaranteed rights fee over 20 years to the university and to IMG College, UT Austin's multimedia rights partner. The network covers the university's intercollegiate athletics, music, cultural arts and academics programs. The channel first aired in September 2011.[43]", "History of Texas A&M University In 1914, Texas A&M became a charter member of the Southwest Conference until its dissolution in 1996. Texas A&M subsequently joined the Big Eight with The University of Texas at Austin, Baylor, and Texas Tech to form the Big 12 Conference. Texas A&M left the Big 12 Conference for the Southeastern Conference on July 1, 2012.[55] This ended Texas A&M's scheduled NCAA athletic competitions with its Texas Southwest Conference rivals.", "University of Texas at Austin Texas Exes is the official UT alumni organization. The Alcalde, founded in 1913 and pronounced \"all-call-day,\" is the university's alumni magazine.", "University of Texas at Austin Research at UT Austin is largely focused in the engineering and physical sciences,[92] and the university is a world-leading research institution in fields such as computer science.[93] Energy is a major research thrust, with federally funded projects on biofuels,[94] battery and solar cell technology, and geological carbon dioxide storage,[95] water purification membranes, among others. In 2009, UT Austin founded the Energy Institute, led by former Under Secretary for Science Raymond L. Orbach, to organize and advance multi-disciplinary energy research.[96] While the university does not have a medical school, it houses medical programs associated with other campuses and allied health professional programs, as well as major research programs in pharmacy, biomedical engineering, neuroscience, and others.", "University of Texas at Austin In 1916, Gov. James E. Ferguson became involved in a serious quarrel with the University of Texas. The controversy grew out of the board of regents' refusal to remove certain faculty members whom the governor found objectionable. When Ferguson found he could not have his way, he vetoed practically the entire appropriation for the university. Without sufficient funding, the university would have been forced to close its doors. In the middle of the controversy, Ferguson's critics brought to light a number of irregularities on the part of the governor. Eventually, the Texas House of Representatives prepared 21 charges against Ferguson and the Senate convicted him on 10 of them, including misapplication of public funds and receiving $156,000 from an unnamed source. The Texas Senate removed Ferguson as governor and declared him ineligible to hold office.[30]", "Texas Southern University In March 1960, Texas Southern University students organized Houston's first sit-in at the Weingarten's lunch counter located at 4110 Almeda. The success of their efforts inspired more sit-ins throughout the city, which, within months, led to the desegregation of many of Houston's public establishments.[11] Today, a historical marker commissioned by the Texas Historical Commission stands on the property of the first sit-in to commemorate the courageous acts of those TSU students. That property is now a U.S. Post Office. TSU journalism professor Serbino Sandifer-Walker worked for nearly two years with the Texas Historical Commission, the original students who led the march, and many other stakeholders, to have the historic marker designated on March 4, 2010, the fiftieth anniversary of that sit-in.[12]", "Austin, Texas Initially, the new capital thrived. But Lamar's political enemy, Sam Houston, used two Mexican army incursions to San Antonio as an excuse to move the government. Sam Houston fought bitterly against Lamar's decision to establish the capital in such a remote wilderness. The men and women who traveled mainly from Houston to conduct government business were intensely disappointed as well. By 1840, the population had risen to 856, of whom nearly half fled from Austin when Congress recessed.[34] The resident Black population listed in January of this same year was 176.[35] The fear of Austin's proximity to the Indians and Mexico, which still considered Texas a part of their land, created an immense motive for Sam Houston, the first and third President of the Republic of Texas, to relocate the capital once again in 1841. Upon threats of Mexican troops in Texas, Houston raided the Land Office to transfer all official documents to Houston for safe keeping in what was later known as the Archive War, but the people of Austin would not allow this unaccompanied decision to be executed. The documents stayed, but the capital would temporarily move from Austin to Houston to Washington-on-the-Brazos. Without the governmental body, Austin's population declined to a low of only a few hundred people throughout the early 1840s. The voting by the fourth President of the Republic, Anson Jones, and Congress, who reconvened in Austin in 1845, settled the issue to keep Austin the seat of government as well as annex the Republic of Texas into the United States.", "Capital punishment in Texas The March to Abolish the Death Penalty is the current name of an event organized each October since 2000 by several Texas anti-death penalty organizations, including Texas Moratorium Network, the Austin chapter of the Campaign to End the Death Penalty, the Texas Death Penalty Abolition Movement and Texas Students Against the Death Penalty.[60] Anti-Death Penalty Alternative Spring Break is an annual event started by Texas Moratorium Network in 2004 and now co-organized by Texas Students Against the Death Penalty. It serves as a training ground for students who oppose the death penalty.[61]", "History of Texas A&M University In November 1976, the university denied official recognition to the Gay Student Services Organization on the grounds that homosexuality was illegal in Texas, and the group's stated goals—offering referral services and providing educational information to students—were actually the responsibility of university staff.[28] The students sued the university for violation of their First Amendment right to freedom of speech in February 1977. For six years, Gay Student Services v. Texas A&M University wound its way through the courts; although the trial court ruled in favor of Texas A&M several times, the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals repeatedly overturned the verdict.[28] The U.S. Supreme Court declined to review the case, letting stand the circuit court ruling that the students' free speech rights had been compromised.[29]", "Student Students attending vocational school focus on their jobs and learning how to work in specific fields of work. A vocational program typically takes much less time to complete than a four-year degree program, lasting 12–24 months.[11] Liberal Arts that are required in four-year Universities are less important to these students because the skills necessary for their careers take precedence in order for a timely completion of the program.", "Robert E. Lee Statue of Lee on the grounds of the University of Texas at Austin", "Austin, Texas In 1860, 38% of Travis County residents were slaves.[36] In 1861, with the outbreak of the American Civil War, voters in Austin and other Central Texas communities voted against secession.[26][29] However, as the war progressed and fears of attack by Union forces increased, Austin contributed hundreds of men to the Confederate forces. The African American population of Austin swelled dramatically after the enforcement of the Emancipation Proclamation in Texas by Union General Gordon Granger at Galveston in an event commemorated as Juneteenth. Black communities such as Wheatville, Pleasant Hill, and Clarksville were established with Clarksville being the oldest surviving freedomtown ‒ the original post-Civil War settlements founded by former African-American slaves ‒ west of the Mississippi River.[29] In 1870, blacks made up 36.5% of Austin's population.[37] The postwar period saw dramatic population and economic growth. The opening of the Houston and Texas Central Railway (H&TC) in 1871[38] turned Austin into the major trading center for the region with the ability to transport both cotton and cattle. The Missouri, Kansas, and Texas (MKT) line followed close behind.[39] Austin was also the terminus of the southernmost leg of the Chisholm Trail and \"drovers\" pushed cattle north to the railroad.[40] Cotton was one of the few crops produced locally for export and a cotton gin engine was located downtown near the trains for \"ginning\" cotton of its seeds and turning the product into bales for shipment.[41] However, as other new railroads were built through the region in the 1870s, Austin began to lose its primacy in trade to the surrounding communities.[29] In addition, the areas east of Austin took over cattle and cotton production from Austin, especially in towns like Hutto and Taylor that sit over the blackland prairie, with its deep, rich soils for producing cotton and hay.[42][43]", "History of Texas Much of Texas politics of the remainder of the 19th century centered on land use. Guided by the federal Morill Act, Texas sold public lands to gain funds to invest in higher education. In 1876, the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas opened, and seven years later the University of Texas at Austin began conducting classes.[140]", "John Austin (legal philosopher) After spending five years in the army during the Napoleonic Wars, Austin turned to law and spent seven unhappy years practising at the Chancery bar. In 1819, Austin married Sarah Taylor and became neighbours and close friends with Jeremy Bentham and James and John Stuart Mill. Mainly through Bentham's influence, Austin was appointed professor of jurisprudence at the newly founded University of London in 1826. Austin's lectures were not well-attended, and he resigned his university post in 1834.", "History of Austin, Texas During the summer of 1845, Anson Jones, Houston's successor as president, called a constitutional convention meeting in Austin, approved the annexation of Texas to the United States and named Austin the state capital until 1850, at which time the voters of Texas were to express their preference in a general election. After resuming its role as the seat of government in 1845, Austin officially became the state capital on February 19, 1846, the date of the formal transfer of authority from the republic to the state.[19]", "Texas A&M University In the fall 2013 semester, Texas A&M was the fourth largest American university with an enrollment of 56,255 students pursuing degrees in 10 academic colleges. The student body includes students from all 50 US states and 124 foreign countries. Texas residents account for 85.9% of the student population, and 33.3% are either of international origin or members of ethnic minority groups. The student body consists of 47.3% women and 52.7% men.[47]", "Stephen F. Austin State University Though the university is located in the rural East Texas college town of Nacogdoches, the vast majority of SFA students come from Greater Houston, the Dallas–Fort Worth metroplex, and other cities throughout Texas. SFA has also served students from 46 states outside Texas and 42 countries outside the United States.[6]", "The Bachelorette (season 13) Lindsay attended the University of Texas at Austin where she graduated with a bachelor's degree in 2007 and Marquette University Law School where she graduated with a Juris Doctor in 2011. Lindsay was the second runner-up on the 21st season of The Bachelor featuring Nick Viall. Lindsay is the first African-American in the lead role on The Bachelor franchise.", "University of Texas tower shooting At approximately 11:25 a.m.,[6]:31 Whitman reached the University of Texas at Austin, where he showed false research assistant identification to obtain a parking permit.[6]:31 Whitman wheeled his equipment toward the Main Building of the University.[12]:29 Entering the Main Building, Whitman found the elevator did not work. An employee named Vera Palmer activated it for him; Whitman thanked Palmer, stating, \"Thank you ma'am\",[13] before repeatedly saying: \"You don't know how happy that makes me.\"[6]:32", "Stephen F. Austin In December 1835, Austin, Branch Archer, and William H. Wharton were appointed commissioners to the U.S. by the provisional government of the republic. On June 10, 1836, Austin was in New Orleans, where he received word of Santa Anna's defeat by Sam Houston at the Battle of San Jacinto. Austin returned to Texas to rest at Peach Point in August. On August 4, he announced his candidacy for president of Texas. Austin felt confident he could win the election until two weeks before the election, when on August 20, Houston entered the race. Austin wrote, \"Many of the old settlers who are too blind to see or understand their interest will vote for him.\" Houston carried East Texas, the Red River region, and most of the soldiers' votes. Austin received 587 votes to Sam Houston's 5,119 and Henry Smith's 743 votes.", "Austin, Texas Residents of Austin are known as Austinites.[12] They include a diverse mix of government employees, college students, musicians, high-tech workers, blue-collar workers, and a vibrant LGBT community.[13] The city's official slogan promotes Austin as \"The Live Music Capital of the World,\" a reference to the many musicians and live music venues within the city, as well as the long-running PBS TV concert series Austin City Limits.[14][15] The city also adopted \"Silicon Hills\" as a nickname in the 1990s due to a rapid influx of technology and development companies. In recent years, some Austinites have also adopted the unofficial slogan \"Keep Austin Weird,\"[16] which refers to the desire to protect small, unique, and local businesses from being overrun by large corporations.[17] In the late 19th century, Austin was known as the \"City of the Violet Crown\" because of the colorful glow of light across the hills just after sunset.[18] Even today, many Austin businesses use the term \"Violet Crown\" in their name. Austin is known as a \"clean-air city\" for its stringent no-smoking ordinances that apply to all public places and buildings, including restaurants and bars.[19] The FBI ranked Austin as the second-safest major city in the U.S. for the year 2012.[20] U.S. News & World Report named Austin the best place to live in the U.S. in 2017.[21]", "Austin, Texas An Amtrak Texas Eagle station is located in west downtown. Segments of the Amtrak route between Austin and San Antonio are under evaluation for a future regional passenger rail corridor as an alternative to the traffic congestion of Interstate 35. This is a multi jurisdictional project called Lone Star Rail. Austin is also home to Car2Go, a carsharing program. Austin was chosen as the first city in the western hemisphere to host this company's business, which is based in Germany.", "University The funding and organization of universities varies widely between different countries around the world. In some countries universities are predominantly funded by the state, while in others funding may come from donors or from fees which students attending the university must pay. In some countries the vast majority of students attend university in their local town, while in other countries universities attract students from all over the world, and may provide university accommodation for their students.[79]", "University of Texas at Austin For Fall 2011, the university enrolled 38,437 undergraduate, 11,497 graduate and 1,178 law students.[111] Out-of-state and international students comprised 9.1% of the undergraduate student body and 20.1% of the total student body, with students from all 50 states and more than 120 foreign countries—most notably, the Republic of Korea, followed by the People's Republic of China, India, Mexico and Taiwan.[112] For Fall 2015, the undergraduate student body was 48.9% male and 51.1% female.[111] The three largest undergraduate majors in 2009 were Biological Sciences, Unspecified Business, and Psychology, while the three largest graduate majors were Business Administration (MBA), Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Pharmacy (PharmD).[112]", "Mexican Texas Santa Anna was elected the president of Mexico on January 19, 1833. A resulting second convention was held that year in April. This one, attended by recent arrivals such as Sam Houston, appointed a commission to draft a constitution for a new Mexican state of Texas and selected delegates to represent Texas before the federal government. Austin was chosen to deliver the proposed constitution to Santa Anna's government in Mexico City. Although Austin pointed out that Texas had been given permission to form a separate state and had now grown to 46,500 inhabitants, the political chief of Bexar warned the government that the Anglos might be proposing separate statehood as part of a plan to join with the United States.[67] Austin was arrested on November 21, 1833, on suspicion of treason.[68] Austin was imprisoned for about a year. Santa Anna decided to do away with the Mexican Constitution of 1824 and became a dictator. Austin changes from being the promoter of peace to agreeing with separation from Mexico.", "University of Texas at Austin On August 1, 1966, Texas student Charles Whitman barricaded the observation deck in the tower of the Main Building. With two rifles, a sawed-off shotgun, and other weapons, he killed 14 people on campus, 11 from the observation deck and below the clocks on the tower, and three more in the tower, as well as wounding two others inside the observation deck. The massacre ended after Whitman was shot and killed by police after they breached the tower. Before the massacre, Whitman had killed his mother and his wife. Whitman had been a patient at the University Health Center, and on March 29, preceding the shootings, had conveyed to psychiatrist Maurice Heatley his feelings of overwhelming hostilities and he was thinking about \"going up on the tower with a deer rifle and start shooting people.\"[40]", "University of Texas at Austin One of the University's most visible features is the Beaux-Arts Main Building, including a 307-foot (94 m) tower designed by Paul Philippe Cret.[46] Completed in 1937, the Main Building is in the middle of campus. The tower usually appears illuminated in white light in the evening but is lit orange for various special occasions, including athletic victories and academic accomplishments; it is conversely darkened for solemn occasions.[47] At the top of the tower is a carillon of 56 bells, the largest in Texas. Songs are played on weekdays by student carillonneurs,[48] in addition to the usual pealing of Westminster Quarters every quarter-hour between 6 a.m. and 9 p.m.[49] In 1998, after the installation of security and safety measures, the observation deck reopened to the public indefinitely for weekend tours.[50]", "Wallis Currie-Wood Before attending Juilliard School, Currie-Wood had experience acting in Austin, Texas[2] where she also studied violin at University of Texas String project, and Austin Chamber Music Academy.[3] While at Juilliard, she was a stage performer in productions such as Twelfth Night, The Cherry Orchard, and Buried Child.[4][1] Following Juilliard, Currie-Wood had a role in the Anne Hathaway–Robert De Niro comedy The Intern, and plays Stephanie \"Stevie\" McCord on Madam Secretary.[1][5]", "History of Austin, Texas Between the 1950s and 1980s ethnic relations in Austin were transformed. First came a sustained attack on segregation. Local black leaders and political-action groups waged campaigns to desegregate city schools and services. In 1956 the University of Texas became the first major university in the South to admit blacks as undergraduates. In the early 1960s students staged demonstrations against segregated lunch counters, restaurants, and movie theaters. Gradually the barriers receded, a process accelerated when the United States Civil Rights Act of 1964 outlawed racial discrimination in public accommodations. Nevertheless, discrimination persisted in areas like employment and housing. Shut out of the town's political leadership since the 1880s, when two blacks had served on the city council, African-Americans regained a foothold by winning a school-board seat in 1968 and a city-council seat in 1971. This political breakthrough was matched by Hispanics, whose numbers had reached 39,399 by 1970, or 16 percent of the population. Mexican-Americans won their first seats on the Austin school board in 1972 and the city council in 1975.", "Longhorn Network The Longhorn Network (LHN) is an American regional sports network that is owned as a joint venture between the University of Texas at Austin, ESPN and IMG College, and is operated by ESPN (itself owned jointly by The Walt Disney Company and the Hearst Communications). The network, which launched on August 26, 2011, focuses on the Texas Longhorns varsity sports teams of the University of Texas at Austin.", "History of Texas Mexico's attacks on Texas intensified the conflict between the political factions in an incident known as the Texas Archive War in 1842. To \"protect\" the Texas national archives, President Sam Houston ordered them out of Austin. Austin residents, suspicious of the president's motives because of his avowed disdain of the capital, forced the archives back to Austin at gunpoint. The Texas Congress admonished Houston for the incident, and the incident would solidify Austin as Texas's seat of government for the Republic and the future state.[125]", "Traditions of Texas A&M University The most well-known Aggie yell is the simple \"Beat the Hell Outta\" the opposing school. In writing, this is often abbreviated as BTHO. For the annual game against the University of Texas at Austin (no longer played after A&M's 2012 move to the Southeastern Conference), students yell \"Beat the Hell Outta t.u.\"[66] Booing is strongly discouraged, and an upset Aggie will instead hiss their opponents or the referees. If a referee call is especially egregious in the minds of the Aggies, the Yell Leaders will call for the \"Horse Laugh,\" a yell that ends with a stadium wide hissing.[66]", "Shades of orange This color is one variation that is used as a school color of The University of Texas at Austin, Auburn University, and Virginia Tech.", "Austin, Texas Austin also has many odd statues and landmarks, such as the Stevie Ray Vaughan statue, the Willie Nelson statue, the Mangia dinosaur, the Loca Maria lady at Taco Xpress, the Hyde Park Gym's giant flexed arm, and Daniel Johnston's Hi, How are You? Jeremiah the Innocent frog mural.[136]", "Eli Wallach University of Texas at Austin (B.A.)\nCity College of New York (M.Ed.)", "Seguin, Texas John Ireland was mayor of Seguin in 1858. Elected the 18th Governor of Texas 1883–1887, he had an important part in the construction of the Texas State Capitol—insisting on using native stone, red granite from the Hill Country, instead of limestone imported from Indiana. He also presided over the opening of the University of Texas at Austin.", "Texas Longhorns The Texas Longhorns are the athletic teams that represent The University of Texas at Austin. The teams are sometimes referred to as the 'Horns and take their name from the Longhorn cattle that were an important part of the development of Texas, and are now the official \"large animal\" of the U.S. state of Texas.[2] The women's teams are sometimes called the Lady Longhorns, but generally both the men's and women's teams are referred to as the Longhorns, and the mascot is a Texas Longhorn steer named Bevo.", "Nora Zehetner Zehetner was born in El Paso, Texas, the daughter of Nancy Lynne (née Nelson) and John Carol Zehetner. She attended elementary school in Richardson, Texas, a suburb of Dallas, before moving back to El Paso. When she was 14 she moved to Dallas where she attended McKinney High School for several years. For one year she also attended the Texas Academy of Mathematics and Science, an early college entrance program at the University of North Texas for students interested in mathematics or science.", "Texas House Bill 588 The law guarantees Texas students who graduated in the top ten percent of their high school class automatic admission to all state-funded universities. The bill was created as a means to avoid the stipulations from the Hopwood v. Texas appeals court case banning the use of affirmative action. The Supreme Court ruled in Grutter v. Bollinger (2003) that affirmative action in college admissions was permissible, effectively overruling Hopwood. UT Austin then reinstated affirmative action for the seats not filled by the Top Ten Percent law.", "McGill University There are hundreds of clubs and student organizations at the university. Many of them are centred around McGill's student union building, the University Centre. There are student-run teams located in the McConnell building such as the McGill Racing Team, McGill EV and McGill Baja. In 1992, students held a referendum which called for the University Centre to be named for actor and McGill alumnus William Shatner.[177] The university administration refused to accept the name and did not attend the opening. Traditionally, the administration names buildings in honour of deceased members of the university community or for major benefactors—Shatner is neither.[178]", "Lubbock, Texas The 10 largest employers in terms of the number of employees are Texas Tech University, Covenant Health System, Lubbock Independent School District, University Medical Center, United Supermarkets, City of Lubbock, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, AT&T, Convergys, and Lubbock County. A study conducted by a professor at the Rawls College of Business determined that Texas Tech students, faculty and staff generate about $1.5 billion,[clarification needed] with about $297.5 million from student shopping alone.[48]", "Stephen F. Austin Born in Virginia and raised in southeastern Missouri, Austin served in the Missouri territorial legislature before moving to Arkansas Territory and later Louisiana. His father, Moses Austin, received an empresario grant from Spain to settle Texas. After Moses Austin's death in 1821, Stephen Austin won recognition of the empresario grant from the newly-independent state of Mexico. Austin convinced numerous American settlers to move to Texas, and by 1825 Austin had brought the first 300 American families into the territory. Throughout the 1820s, Austin sought to maintain good relations with the Mexican government, and he helped suppress the Fredonian Rebellion. He also helped ensure the introduction of slavery into Texas despite the attempts of the Mexican government to ban the institution.", "Sports in Austin, Texas Natural features like the bicycle-friendly Texas Hill Country, limestone rock formations, and generally mild climate work with the centrally located Lady Bird Lake Hike and Bike Trail, and local pools like Barton Springs to make Austin the home of several endurance and multi-sport races and communities. The Capitol 10,000 is the largest 10 K race in Texas, and approximately fifth largest in the United States.[7] The Austin Marathon has been run in the city every year since 1992. The Austin-founded American Swimming Association hosts an open water swimming event, the Cap 2 K, and other closed-course, open water, and cable swim races around town. Austin is also the hometown of several cycling groups and the former seven-time Tour de France champion cyclist[8] Lance Armstrong, as well as environmentally and economically minded bicycle commuters. Combining these three disciplines is a growing crop of triathlons, including the Capital of Texas Triathlon held every Memorial Day on and around Lady Bird Lake, Auditorium Shores, and Downtown Austin.[9]", "Austin, Texas In 2003, the city adopted a resolution against the USA PATRIOT Act that reaffirmed constitutionally guaranteed rights. Of Austin's six state legislative districts, three are strongly Democratic and three are swing districts, two of which are held by Democrats and one of which is held by a Republican. However, two of its three congressional districts (the 10th and the 21st) are presently held by Republicans, with only the 25th held by a Democrat. This is largely due to the 2003 redistricting, which left downtown Austin without an exclusive congressional seat of its own. Travis County was also the only county in Texas to reject Texas Constitutional Amendment Proposition 2 that effectively outlawed gay marriage and status equal or similar to it and did so by a wide margin (40% for, 60% against).[186][187][188]", "Austin, Texas \"Keep Austin Weird\" has been a local motto for years, featured on bumper stickers and T-shirts. This motto has not only been used in promoting Austin's eccentricity and diversity, but is also meant to bolster support of local independent businesses.[17] According to the 2010 book, Weird City, the phrase was begun by a local Austin Community College librarian, Red Wassenich, and his wife, Karen Pavelka, who were concerned about Austin's \"rapid descent into commercialism and overdevelopment.\"[105] The slogan has been interpreted many ways since its inception, but remains an important symbol for many Austinites who wish to voice concerns over rapid growth and irresponsible development. Austin has a long history of vocal citizen resistance to development projects perceived to degrade the environment, or to threaten the natural and cultural landscapes.[106]", "Austin, Texas In 1835–1836, Texans fought and won independence from Mexico. Texas thus became an independent country with its own president, congress, and monetary system. After Vice President Mirabeau B. Lamar visited the area during a buffalo-hunting expedition between 1837 and 1838, he proposed that the republic's capital, then in Houston, be relocated to the area situated on the north bank of the Colorado River near the present-day Congress Avenue Bridge. In 1839, the Texas Congress formed a commission to seek a site for a new capital to be named for Stephen F. Austin.[29] Mirabeau B. Lamar, second president of the newly formed Republic of Texas, advised the commissioners to investigate the area named Waterloo, noting the area's hills, waterways, and pleasant surroundings.[30] Waterloo was selected and the name Austin was chosen as the town's new name.[31] The location was seen as a convenient crossroads for trade routes between Santa Fe and Galveston Bay, as well as routes between northern Mexico and the Red River.[32]", "Austin, Texas As a result of the major party realignment that began in the 1970s, central Austin became a stronghold of the Democratic Party, while the suburbs tend to vote Republican. A controversial turning point in the political history of the Austin area was the 2003 Texas redistricting. Opponents characterized the resulting district layout as excessively partisan gerrymandering, and the plan was challenged in court by Democratic and minority activists; of note, the Supreme Court of the United States has never struck down a redistricting plan for being excessively partisan. The plan was subsequently upheld by a three-judge federal panel in late 2003, and on June 28, 2006, the matter was largely settled when the Supreme Court, in a 7–2 decision, upheld the entire congressional redistricting plan with the exception of a Hispanic-majority district in southwest Texas. This affected Austin's districting, as U.S. Rep. Lloyd Doggett's district (U.S. Congressional District 25) was found to be insufficiently compact to compensate for the reduced minority influence in the southwest district; it was redrawn so that it took in most of southeastern Travis County and several counties to its south and east.[184]", "Lufkin, Texas Almost all of Lufkin is served by the Lufkin Independent School District, with a few small sections in the west within the Hudson Independent School District A very small portion of the town on Highway 69 is within Central ISD. Lufkin also has a small charter school, Pineywoods Community Academy, that serves grades K-12 and is an early college high school. Angelina College and Texas Bible College serve the area. A sizable number of people in Lufkin attend Stephen F. Austin State University in nearby Nacogdoches.", "Texas A&M University Corps of Cadets Approximately 40 percent[1] of the members of the Cadet Corps receive a commission in the United States Armed Forces upon graduation. Under federal law, Texas A&M University is one of six U.S. colleges that are classified as senior military colleges. Though students at Texas A&M are technically required to participate in the Corps, the majority of incoming students are excused by the University Administration and the Commandant.[2] Those who elect to join the Corps must participate in mandatory Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) courses and training for the first two years, but these are optional for junior and senior year cadets. Juniors and seniors who do not have military contracts to receive commissions, but who wish to remain members of the Cadet Corps, are classified as \"Drill & Ceremonies\" (D&C) cadets and are required to attend leadership classes taught by the Commandant's Office.", "University of Texas at Austin In 1910, George Washington Brackenridge again displayed his philanthropy, this time donating 500 acres (200 ha) on the Colorado River to the university. A vote by the regents to move the campus to the donated land was met with outrage, and the land has only been used for auxiliary purposes such as graduate student housing. Part of the tract was sold in the late-1990s for luxury housing, and there are controversial proposals to sell the remainder of the tract. The Brackenridge Field Laboratory was established on 82 acres (33 ha) of the land in 1967.", "Austin, Texas The Austin area has 29 public school districts, 17 charter schools and 69 private schools.[203] Most of the city is served by the Austin Independent School District. This district includes notable schools such as the magnet Liberal Arts and Science Academy High School of Austin, Texas (LASA), which, by test scores, has consistently been within the top thirty high schools in the nation, as well as The Ann Richards School for Young Women Leaders. Some parts of Austin are served by other districts, including Round Rock, Pflugerville, Leander, Manor, Del Valle, Lake Travis, Hays, and Eanes ISDs.[204] Four of the metro's major public school systems, representing 54% of area enrollment, are included in Expansion Management magazine's latest annual education quality ratings of nearly 2,800 school districts nationwide. Two districts—Eanes and Round Rock—are rated \"gold medal\", the highest of the magazine's cost-performance categories.[203]", "University of Texas at Austin The old Victorian-Gothic Main Building served as the central point of the campus's 40-acre (16 ha) site, and was used for nearly all purposes. But by the 1930s, discussions arose about the need for new library space, and the Main Building was razed in 1934 over the objections of many students and faculty. The modern-day tower and Main Building were constructed in its place." ]
when does isle of dogs come out in us
[ "Isle of Dogs (film) A US-German co-production, Isle of Dogs was produced by Indian Paintbrush and Anderson's own production company, American Empirical Pictures. The film opened the 68th Berlin International Film Festival, where Anderson was awarded the Silver Bear for Best Director. It began a limited release in the United States on March 23, 2018, by Fox Searchlight Pictures, with a wide release on for April 13, 2018. The film has grossed $41 million worldwide and received praise for its animation, story and deadpan humor; some critics, however, accused it of cultural appropriation." ]
[ "Isle of Dogs The Isle of Dogs was also the setting for the 1986 Channel 4 series Prospects starring Gary Olsen and Brian Bovell.", "Isle of Dogs The Thames Path National Trail runs along the riverside. At the southern end of the Isle of Dogs, the Greenwich foot tunnel provides pedestrian access to Greenwich, across the river.", "Isle of Dogs In 28 Weeks Later, the Isle of Dogs is the primary location of the film, being the only secure and quarantined area in all of Britain suitable for recivilization after a massive epidemic of the \"Rage Virus\" kills the entire population of Britain.", "Isle of Dogs (film) As of April 25, 2018[update], Isle of Dogs has grossed $25.4 million in the United States and Canada, and $16.1 million in other territories, for a worldwide total of $41.5 million.[5]", "Isle of Dogs The Isle of Dogs' economic problems led to mass unemployment among the former dockyard workers and caused serious social deprivation. Ted Johns, a local community campaigner, and his supporters, in protest at the lack of social provision from the state, proclaimed a unilateral declaration of independence for the area, setting up a so-called 'Island Council' with Johns himself as its elected leader, and blocked the two swing-bridges providing the only access to the area by road.[14] Successive Labour and Conservative governments proposed a number of action plans during the 1970s but it was not until 1981 that the London Docklands Development Corporation (LDDC) was established to redevelop the area. The Isle of Dogs became part of an enterprise zone, which covered 1.95 km² of land and encompassed the West India, Millwall and East India Docks. New housing was built, as was new office space and new transport infrastructure. This included the Docklands Light Railway and later the Jubilee line extension, which eventually brought access to the London Underground to the area for the first time.", "Coming out In political, casual, or even humorous contexts, \"coming out\" means by extension the self-disclosure of a person's secret behaviors, beliefs, affiliations, tastes, identities, and interests that may cause astonishment or bring shame. Some examples include: \"coming out as an alcoholic\",[63] coming out as a BDSM participant\",[64] \"coming out of the broom closet\" (as a witch),[65] \"coming out as a conservative\",[66] \"coming out as disabled\",[67] \"coming out as a liberal\",[68] \"coming out as intersex\",[69] \"coming out as multiple\",[70] \"coming out as polyamorous\",[71] \"coming out as a sex worker\",[72] and \"coming out of the shadows\" as an undocumented immigrant within the United States.[73] The term is also used by members of online BIID communities to refer to the process of telling friends and families about their condition.", "Coming out Coming out of the closet, or simply coming out, is a metaphor for LGBT people's self-disclosure of their sexual orientation or of their gender identity. The term coming out can also be used in various non-LGBT applications (e.g. atheists).", "Coming out When coming out is described as a gradual process or a journey,[1] it is meant to include becoming aware of and acknowledging one's gender identity or non-heteronormative sexual orientation. This preliminary stage, which involves soul-searching or a personal epiphany,[14] is often called \"coming out to oneself\" and constitutes the start of self-acceptance. Many LGBT people say that this stage began for them during adolescence or childhood, when they first became aware of their sexual orientation toward members of the same sex. Coming out has also been described as a process because of a recurring need or desire to come out in new situations in which LGBT people are assumed to be heterosexual or cisgender, such as at a new job or with new acquaintances. As Diana Fuss (1991) explains, \"the problem of course with the inside/outside rhetoric...is that such polemics disguise the fact that most of us are both inside and outside at the same time\".", "Coming out Coming out of the closet is the source of other gay slang expressions related to voluntary disclosure or lack thereof. LGBT people who have already revealed or no longer conceal their sexual orientation or gender identity are out, i.e. openly LGBT. Oppositely, LGBT people who have yet to come out or have opted not to do so are labelled as closeted or being in the closet. Outing is the deliberate or accidental disclosure of an LGBT person's sexual orientation or gender identity, without their consent. By extension, outing oneself is self-disclosure. Glass closet means the open secret of when public figures' being LGBT is considered a widely accepted fact even though they have not officially come out.[5]", "Coming out American gender theorist Judith Butler argues that the process of \"coming out\" does not free gay people from oppression. Although they may feel free to act as themselves, the opacity involved in entering a non-heterosexual territory insinuates judgment upon their identity, she argues in Imitation and Gender Insubordination (1991).", "British Isles The earliest known use of the phrase Brytish Iles in the English language is dated 1577 in a work by John Dee.[40] Today, this name is seen by some as carrying imperialist overtones[19] although it is still commonly used. Other names used to describe the islands include the Anglo-Celtic Isles,[41][42] Atlantic archipelago, British-Irish Isles,[43] Britain and Ireland, UK and Ireland, and British Isles and Ireland.[44] Owing to political and national associations with the word British, the Government of Ireland does not use the term British Isles[17] and in documents drawn up jointly between the British and Irish governments, the archipelago is referred to simply as \"these islands\".[45] Nonetheless, British Isles is still the most widely accepted term for the archipelago.[45]", "Dog anatomy The dog has mobile nostrils that help it determine the direction of the scent. Unlike humans, the dog does not need to fill up his lungs as he continuously brings the odor into his nose in bursts of 3-7 sniffs. The dog's nose has a bony structure inside that humans don't have, which allows the air that has been sniffed to pass over a bony shelf and many odor molecules stick to it. The air above this shelf is not washed out when the dog breathes normally, so the scent molecules accumulate in the nasal chambers and the scent builds with intensity, allowing the dog to detect the faintest of odors.[38]:247", "Coming out In 1996, the acclaimed British film Beautiful Thing had a positive take in its depiction of two teenage boys coming to terms with their sexual identity. In 1987, a two-part episode of the Quebec television series Avec un grand A, “Lise, Pierre et Marcel”, depicted a married closeted man who has to come out when his wife discovers that he has been having an affair with another man. In the Emmy Award-nominated episode \"Gay Witch Hunt\" of The Office, Michael inadvertently outs Oscar to the whole office.", "Coming out Every coming out story is the person trying to come to terms with who they are and their sexual orientation.[15] Several models have been created to describe coming out as a process for gay and lesbian identity development, e.g. Dank, 1971; Cass, 1984; Coleman, 1989; Troiden, 1989. Of these models, the most widely accepted is the Cass identity model established by Vivienne Cass.[16] This model outlines six discrete stages transited by individuals who successfully come out: identity confusion, identity comparison, identity tolerance, identity acceptance, identity pride, and identity synthesis. However, not every LGBT person follows such a model. For example, some LGBT youth become aware of and accept their same-sex desires or gender identity at puberty in a way similar to which heterosexual teens become aware of their sexuality, i.e. free of any notion of difference, stigma or shame in terms of the gender of the people to whom they are attracted.[citation needed] Regardless of whether LGBT youth develop their identity based on a model, the typical age at which youth in the United States come out has been dropping. High school students and even middle school students are coming out.[17][18][19]", "Coming out Gay people in the pre-war years [pre-WWI]... did not speak of coming out of what we call the gay closet but rather of coming out into what they called homosexual society or the gay world, a world neither so small, nor so isolated, nor... so hidden as closet implies[11]", "Isle of Dogs (film) Isle of Dogs (犬ヶ島, Inugashima) is a 2018 stop-motion animated comedy film written, produced and directed by Wes Anderson. Set in a dystopian near-future Japan, the film follows a young boy who goes in search of his dog after the whole species is banished to an island due to an illness outbreak. The film's ensemble voice cast includes Bryan Cranston, Edward Norton, Bill Murray, Jeff Goldblum, Greta Gerwig, Frances McDormand, Courtney B. Vance, Fisher Stevens, Harvey Keitel, Liev Schreiber, Bob Balaban, Scarlett Johansson, Tilda Swinton, F. Murray Abraham, Frank Wood, Kunichi Nomura and Yoko Ono.", "Carlin Isles Isles first caught the attention of the rugby media in summer of 2012 when Rugby Mag dubbed him \"The Fastest Man in American Rugby.\"[5] Isles played for the US national developmental team Atlantis in July 2012 at the Victoria 7s tournament.[5]", "Coming out In 2013, basketball player Jason Collins (a member of the Washington Wizards) came out as gay, becoming the first active male professional athlete in a major North American team sport to publicly come out as gay.", "Charlie Brown Charlie Brown takes care of Snoopy; while he is puzzled and sometimes frustrated by some of Snoopy's activities (often lamenting, \"Why can't I have a normal dog like everybody else?\"), Charlie Brown nonetheless does his best to provide his dog with a happy life. Snoopy is always there for him when he gets let down or needs support, even if it's just a drink of water. The two most frequently interact during Snoopy's suppertime, when Charlie Brown comes out of the house and presents his dog with a bowl of food. Snoopy, however, refers to Charlie Brown as \"the Round-Headed Kid.\"", "Coming out On the personal and relationship levels, effects of not coming out have been the subject of studies. For example, it has been found that same-sex couples who have not come out are not as satisfied in their relationships as same-sex couples who have.[22]\nFindings from another study indicate that the fewer people know about a lesbian's sexual orientation, the more anxiety, less positive affectivity, and lower self-esteem she has.[23] Further, Gay.com states that closeted individuals are reported to be at increased risk for suicide.[24]", "Coming out In 2011, as the U.S. prepared to lift restrictions on service by openly gay people, Senior Airman Randy Phillips conducted a social media campaign to garner support for coming out. The video he posted on YouTube of the conversation in which he told his father he was gay went viral.[48] In one journalist's summation, he \"masterfully used social media and good timing to place himself at the centre of a civil rights success story\".[49]", "Coming out In 1997 on The Oprah Winfrey Show, actress Ellen DeGeneres came out as a lesbian. Her real-life coming out was echoed in the sitcom Ellen in \"The Puppy Episode\" in which the eponymous character Ellen Morgan played by DeGeneres outs herself over the airport public address system.\nOn March 29, 2010, Puerto Rican pop singer Ricky Martin came out publicly in a post on his official web site by stating, \"I am proud to say that I am a fortunate homosexual man. I am very blessed to be who I am.\"[44][45] Martin said that \"these years in silence and reflection made me stronger and reminded me that acceptance has to come from within and that this kind of truth gives me the power to conquer emotions I didn't even know existed.\"[46] Singer Adam Lambert came out after pictures of him kissing another man were publicly circulated while he was a participant on American Idol season 8.", "A Dog's Purpose (film) My experience is that the animals were treated great. There was no animal abuse. That video that someone took and sold for money and held on to for a year and a half until right before the film's coming out, does not tell the whole story. First of all, it's been edited and manipulated. And I think it's a scam, to tell you the truth. What they (the viewers of the video) saw was completely out of context. It was edited...and all of the footage I saw, the dog was going into the water happily and had to be restrained, actually, from going into the water many times during that day.", "Out Come the Freaks The song's parent album was later renamed Out Come The Freaks when it was remastered and expanded in 2004. A companion remix album is titled (The) Woodwork Squeaks.", "National Coming Out Day Most people think they don't know anyone gay or lesbian, and in fact everybody does. It is imperative that we come out and let people know who we are and disabuse them of their fears and stereotypes.", "Wag the Dog Why does the dog wag its tail?Because a dog is smarter than its tail.If the tail were smarter, it would wag the dog.", "Coming out Emerging research suggests that gay men from religious backgrounds are likely to come out online via Facebook and Blogs as it offers a protective interpersonal distance. This largely contradicts the growing movement in social media research indicating that online use, particularly Facebook, can lead to negative mental health outcomes such as increased levels of anxiety. While further research is needed to assess whether these results generalize to a larger sample, these recent findings open the door to the possibility that gay men's online experiences may differ from heterosexuals' in that it may be more likely to provide mental health benefits than consequences.[20]", "When the Boat Comes In The series' creator James Mitchell also wrote three tie-in books to the T.V. show: When the Boat Comes In, When the Boat Comes In: The Hungry Years and When the Boat Comes In: Upwards and Onwards. The final book brings the reader up to date with the end of the second series of the TV show.", "African wild dog African wild dog populations in the Okovango delta have been observed \"rallying\" before they set out to hunt. Not every rally results in a departure, but departure becomes more likely when more individual dogs \"sneeze\". These sneezes are characterized by a short sharp exhale through the nostrils.[33] When members of dominant mating pairs sneeze first, the group is much more likely to depart. If a dominant dog initiates, approximately 3 sneezes guarantee departure. When less dominant dogs sneeze first, if enough others also sneeze (~10) then the group will go hunting. Researchers assert that wild dogs in Botswana, \"use a specific vocalization (the sneeze) along with a variable quorum response mechanism in the decision-making process [to go hunting at a particular moment]\".[34]", "I'm Coming Out \"I'm Coming Out\" has been regarded as an anthem for the LGBT community. The phrase \"coming out\" to describe one's self-disclosure of sexual orientation or gender identity had been present in the gay subculture in the early 20th century[3], analogous to a débutante's coming-out party or celebration of her formal presentation to society. It has also been understood as \"coming out of the closet\" or coming out from hiding. The song is thus interpreted as a celebration of lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender, identity and the encouragement of self-disclosure.", "Resident Evil: Afterlife The infected Dobermans from the games and previous films return, but are more advanced. The dogs wore a costume with prosthetics.[44] Anderson wanted to make the dogs in this film look \"absolutely terrible\".[44] Computer effects were used to make the dog's jaw flare open, with tentacles coming out of their mouths similar to the dogs from the fourth and fifth video games.[45][46] Other creatures borrowed from the fifth video game are the \"Majini\" who are more intelligent and have mandibles and tentacles coming out of their mouths, and \"The Executioner\" (named the Axeman in the film).[42][45][47]", "Dog meat The Xoloitzcuintli, or Xolo for short, is a hairless breed of dog, found in toy, miniature and standard sizes.The Xolo also comes in a coated variety and all three sizes can be born to a single litter. It is also known as Mexican hairless dog in English speaking countries, is one of several breeds of hairless dog and has been used as a historical source of food for the Aztec Empire.[17]", "Dog behavior The motivation for a dog to play with another dog is distinct from that of a dog playing with a human. Dogs walked together with opportunities to play with one another, play with their owners with the same frequency as dogs being walked alone. Dogs in households with two or more dogs play more often with their owners than dogs in households with a single dog, indicating the motivation to play with other dogs does not substitute for the motivation to play with humans.[12]", "Dog fighting When bullbaiting became popular in England due to the shortage of bears, bull baiters soon realized that large fighting dogs were built too heavy and too slow for this type of combat.[7] When fighting a bull, dogs were trained to grab onto the bull's nose and pin the bull's head to the ground.[7] If the dog failed to do this, the bull would fling the dog out of the ring with its horns.[7] The British therefore decided to selectively breed fighting dogs for shorter legs and a more powerful jaw.[7] These efforts resulted in the Old English Bulldog.[7]", "I Want a Dog for Christmas, Charlie Brown Rerun asks Charlie Brown if Snoopy can come out and pull him on his sled. Rerun finds himself pulling Snoopy on the sled instead, which makes him come to the conclusion that dogs can be troublesome.", "List of Courage the Cowardly Dog characters Jeeves \"Evil\" Weevil is a giant, polite, blood-sucking weevil who wears a blue tuxedo and hat. When the Bagges accidentally run him over with their truck and injure him, he is accepted into their home.[18] While a seeming gentleman, he begins to suck the life out of the ever-oblivious Muriel and Eustace. He does not suck out dogs' lives, so Courage is unharmed. He succeeds at sucking out Eustace's life.[18]", "Isle of Dogs (film) In a dystopian near-future Japan, a dog flu virus spreads throughout the canine population. The authoritarian new mayor of Megasaki City, Kobayashi, signs a decree banishing all dogs to Trash Island, despite a scientist named Professor Watanabe insisting he is close to finding a cure. The first dog to be banished is Spots, who belonged to Atari Kobayashi, the orphaned nephew and ward of the mayor.", "Lawnmower Dog Back in the regular world, they find that Snowball, has led an army of hyper-intelligent dogs into the verge of global domination over humanity. Snowball allows Morty to live by his side while the rest of the world are entrapped and enslaved under the whim of the dogs. While the dogs are subjecting the humans to similar practices the humans subjected the dogs to, Morty lives in luxury. Rick reveals to him that the two are actually in Snowball's dream. Rick poisons Morty's kidneys, making Snowball care for Morty's health. Snowball comes out of his dream and realizes that oppressing the humans just brings heartbreak and cruelty. So Snowball and the dogs decide instead to inhabit a world of their own.", "Coming out Ellen DeGeneres's coming out in the media as well as an episode of Ellen, \"The Puppy Episode\", \"ranks, hands down, as the single most public exit in gay history\", changing media portrayals of lesbians in Western culture.[60] In 1999, Russell T Davies's Queer as Folk, a popular TV series shown on Channel 4 (UK) debuted and focused primarily on the lives of young gay men; in particular on a 15-year-old going through the processes of revealing his sexuality to those around him. This storyline was also featured prominently in the U.S. version of Queer As Folk, which debuted in 2000.", "Hunting Act 2004 The Hunting Act 2004 (c 37) is an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom which bans the hunting of wild mammals (notably foxes, deer, hares and mink) with dogs in England and Wales; the Act does not cover the use of dogs in the process of flushing out an unidentified wild mammal,[4] nor does it affect drag hunting, where hounds are trained to follow an artificial scent.[5]", "Isle of Wight There remains occasional confusion between the Isle of Wight as a county and its former position within Hampshire.[62] The island was regarded and administered as a part of Hampshire until 1890, when its distinct identity was recognised with the formation of Isle of Wight County Council (see also Politics of the Isle of Wight). However, it remained a part of Hampshire until the local government reforms of 1974 when it became a full ceremonial county with its own Lord Lieutenant.[63]", "Dog Dogs included in human activities in terms of helping out humans are usually called working dogs.", "Out Come the Freaks A fourth song related to \"Out Come the Freaks\" called \"Look What's Back\" appears as the final track on the group's fourth album Are You Okay? in 1990. The song is a 43-second acoustic camp-fire rendition in which the group chants the chorus: 'Woodwork squeaks, and out comes the freaks'.", "Isle of Dogs (film) Six months later, Atari runs away from home, steals a plane and flies to Trash Island to find Spots. After a crash-landing, he is rescued by five dogs: Rex, King, Duke, Boss, and Chief. They decide to help Atari locate Spots, although Chief, a former stray, is reluctant to fraternize with humans. Initially believing he died months ago after his cage failed to open upon arrival, the dogs soon learn there was a mixup and Spots may be alive elsewhere on the island. After a skirmish with a rescue team sent by Kobayashi to retrieve Atari, and at the insistence of a female purebreed named Nutmeg, Chief has a change of heart and decides to accompany Atari and company on their search. They seek advice from two sage dogs Jupiter and Oracle, who inform them of a rumored cannibal tribe of dogs on an isolated part of the island.", "The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky This section is solely about Scratchy Wilson. “A man in a maroon-colored flannel shirt” [8] and childlike red and gold boots is walking up the main street of Yellow Sky carrying a revolver. He is yelling throughout the town with a voice “that seemed to have no relation to the ordinary vocal strength of a man”.[9] This man is the drunk Scratchy Wilson, and he is in search of a fight. When Scratchy approaches the door to the saloon, he comes into contact with the bartender's dog. The dog starts to walk away from Scratchy, he yells at it, and it starts to sprint. He starts shooting at the dog, missing both times but forcing the dog to flee in a new direction. He now turns his attention to the saloon door and pounds on it with his revolver demanding to be served a drink. He becomes infuriated, no one is letting him in, so he stabs some paper to the door and shoots at it. While walking back down the main street, the name Jack Potter comes to Scratchy's mind. He goes to the house of his “ancient antagonist” [10] and demands he come out and fight, becoming more and more enraged that Sheriff Potter is not answering him.", "When the Boat Comes In The memorable traditional tune \"When The Boat Comes In\" was adapted by David Fanshawe and sung by Alex Glasgow for the title theme of the series. Fanshawe also composed the incidental music.", "Dog Wolves kill dogs wherever they are found together.[130] One survey claims that in Wisconsin in 1999 more compensation had been paid for dog losses than livestock, however in Wisconsin wolves will often kill hunting dogs, perhaps because they are in the wolf's territory.[130] Some wolf pairs have been reported to prey on dogs by having one wolf lure the dog out into heavy brush where the second animal waits in ambush.[131] In some instances, wolves have displayed an uncharacteristic fearlessness of humans and buildings when attacking dogs, to the extent that they have to be beaten off or killed.[132] Although the numbers of dogs killed each year are relatively low, it induces a fear of wolves entering villages and farmyards to take dogs. In many cultures, there are strong social and emotional bonds between humans and their dogs that can be seen as family members or working team members. The loss of a dog can lead to strong emotional responses with demands for more liberal wolf hunting regulations.[124]", "Dog odor Dogs, as with all mammals, have natural odors. Natural dog odor can be unpleasant to dog owners especially when dogs are kept inside the home, as some people are not used to being exposed to the natural odor of a non-human species living in proximity to them. Dogs may also develop unnatural odors as a result of skin disease or other disorders or may become contaminated with odors from other sources in their environment.", "Don't Matter Now A music video was released alongside the single. It was directed by Marc Oller and shot in Barcelona.[3] Ezra can be seen going on a road trip with a dog,[6] it also revealed Ezra's life with anxiety. Ezra said: \"The dog had a bloody agent! The dog was getting more care than I was. And on the second day of filming, it bared its teeth at me! That put me on edge. I'm still learning when it comes to music videos. But I wanted this to express a feeling, which I think it does.\"[5]", "Dog meat While dog meat is not eaten, in some rural areas of Poland, especially Lesser Poland, dog fat can be made into lard, which by tradition is believed to have medicinal properties – being good for the lungs, for instance.[citation needed] Since the 16th century, fat from various animals, including dogs, was used as part of folk medicine, and since the 18th century dog fat has had a reputation as being beneficial for the lungs. It is worth noting that the consumption of such meat is considered taboo in Polish culture, and making lard out of dogs' fat is illegal.[170] In 2009, a scandal erupted when a farm near Częstochowa was discovered rearing dogs to be rendered down into lard.[170] According to Grazyna Zawada, from Gazeta Wyborcza, there were farms in Czestochowa, Klobuck, and in the Radom area, and in the decade from 2000 to 2010 six people producing dog lard were found guilty of breaching animal welfare laws (killing dogs and animal cruelty) and sentenced to jail.[171] As of 2014 there have been new cases prosecuted.[172]", "Virtual LAN Both ISL and IEEE 802.1Q tagging perform \"explicit tagging\" - the frame itself is tagged with VLAN information. ISL uses an external tagging process that does not modify the Ethernet frame, while 802.1Q uses a frame-internal field for tagging, and therefore does modify the Ethernet frame. This internal tagging is what allows IEEE 802.1Q to work on both access and trunk links: standard Ethernet frames are used and so can be handled by commodity hardware.", "Sled dog The most commonly used dog in dog sled racing,[17] the Alaskan Husky is a mongrel[4] bred specifically for its performance as a sled dog.[1] They first came into existence in the late 1800s.[4] Occasionally, Alaskan Huskies are referred to as Indian Dogs, because the best ones supposedly come from Native American villages in the Alaskan and Canadian interiors.[1] They weigh between 18 and 34 kilograms (40 and 75 lb) and may have dense or sleek fur.[1] Alaskan Huskies bear little resemblance to the typical husky breeds they originated from, or to each other.[1]", "A Dog's Purpose (film) towards the end of the day and I would not say, in real context, that the dog was frightened. The dog was acting like a dog who was kind of tired of taking a bath and was ready to get out. And, in fact, that's what happened. They took the dog out.[34]", "Border Collie The criteria used are based on herding lineage rather than appearance. It is a two-tiered registry in that dogs imported that are registered with a foreign Kennel Club that does hold conformation shows are given a \"B\" registration, whereas those that come directly from other working registries are placed on the \"A\" registry.", "List of Malcolm in the Middle episodes Dewey finds a dog and uses him to gain the upper hand over Malcolm and Reese, such as making them wear dresses and makeup. When Craig comes by to return some dry-cleaning, Dewey holds him hostage. Craig manages to run away but the dog chases him. Because the dog is gone, Malcolm and Reese torture Dewey as revenge for the dog (making him eat dog food, forcing him to defecate out in the front yard, etc). Meanwhile, Hal and Lois go on a date, and neither will admit that they caught Craig's flu. In Alaska, Francis comes face-to-face with his former, albeit drunk commandant, Edwin Spangler, who blames him for not only losing his job at Marlin Academy, but also his desertion. Francis feels sympathy for Spangler and gets him a job at a retirement home that gives him free rein to bully the elderly.", "History of the Isle of Wight The Anglo Saxon Chronicle tells how Wiht-land suffered from Viking raids: \"And then another time they lay in the Isle of Wight, and meanwhile ate out of Hampshire and of Sussex\". Alfred the Great's navy defeated the Danes in 871 after they had \"ravaged Devon and the Isle of Wight\".[29]", "Isles of Scilly During the night of 22 October 1707, the isles were the scene of one of the worst maritime disasters in British history, when out of a fleet of 21 Royal Navy ships headed from Gibraltar to Portsmouth, six were driven onto the cliffs. Four of the ships sank or capsized, with at least 1,450 dead, including the commanding admiral Sir Cloudesley Shovell.", "...And Out Come the Wolves ...And Out Come the Wolves was released on August 22, 1995, and peaked at number 45 on the Billboard 200 album chart.[16] Five months after its release, the album was certified gold.[2]", "Coming out On August 15, 2013, WWE wrestler Darren Young came out, making him the first openly gay active professional wrestler.", "Dog behavior Dogs reach sexual maturity and can reproduce during their first year, in contrast to wolves at two years-of-age. Bitches have their first estrus (\"heat\") at 6 to 12 months-of-age; smaller dogs tend to come into heat earlier whereas larger dogs take longer to mature.", "Who Let the Dogs Out? In the original music video, a parody of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? (then hosted by Regis Philbin) called presumably \"Who Wants to Be a Zillionaire\" is depicted at the start, where a contestant is given the zillion dollar question \"Who let the dogs out?\". The dogs in the video then escape from a police station. In other parts of the video, the dogs chase people around the same area in which the band is performing. One of them includes a mailman.", "Hot dog bun In Austria, a \"hot dog\" is a baguette which is hollowed out by cutting off the end and impaling it on a spike so a sausage can be inserted. In Denmark this variation is known as a \"French Hot Dog\" because of the use of baguette, and a \"French Hot Dog Dressing\" which contains Dijon Mustard. Pre-impaled baguettes\nare specially made for this variety due to its popularity.", "Dog meat there is the obvious advantage that dog can be fed on dog. One can reduce one's pack little by little, slaughtering the feebler ones and feeding the chosen with them. In this way they get fresh meat. Our dogs lived on dog's flesh and pemmican the whole way, and this enabled them to do splendid work. And if we ourselves wanted a piece of fresh meat we could cut off a delicate little fillet; it tasted to us as good as the best beef. The dogs do not object at all; as long as they get their share they do not mind what part of their comrade's carcass it comes from. All that was left after one of these canine meals was the teeth of the victim – and if it had been a really hard day, these also disappeared.[47]", "Coming out In 1975, Leonard Matlovich, while serving in the United States Air Force, came out to challenge the U.S. military's policies banning service by homosexuals. Widespread coverage included a Time magazine cover story and a television movie on NBC.[47]", "I'm Coming Out \"I'm Coming Out\" is a song recorded by American singer Diana Ross. It was written and produced by Chic members Bernard Edwards and Nile Rodgers, and released in August 22, 1980 as the second single from Ross' self-titled tenth album Diana (1980).", "Dog behavior Dogs have an olfactory sense 40 times more sensitive than a human's and they commence their lives operating almost exclusively on smell and touch.[6]:247 The special scents that dogs use for communication are called pheromones. Different hormones are secreted when a dog is angry, fearful or confident, and some chemical signatures identify the sex and age of the dog, and if a female is in the estrus cycle, pregnant or recently given birth. Many of the pheromone chemicals can be found dissolved in a dog's urine, and sniffing where another dog has urinated gives the dog a great deal of information about that dog.[6]:250 Male dogs prefer to mark vertical surfaces and having the scent higher allows the air to carry it farther. The height of the marking tells other dogs about the size of the dog, as among canines size is an important factor in dominance.[6]:251", "Sled dog Sled dogs were used to deliver the mail in Alaska during the late 1800s and early 1900s.[7] Malamutes were the favored breed, with teams averaging eight to ten dogs.[7] Dogs were capable of delivering mail in conditions that would stop boats, trains, and horses.[7] Each team hauled between 230 and 320 kilograms (500 and 700 lb) of mail.[7] The mail was stored in waterproofed bags to protect it from the snow.[7] By 1901, dog trails had been established along the entirety of the Yukon River.[7] Mail delivery by dog sled came to an end in 1963 when the last mail carrier to use a dog sled, Chester Noongwook of Savoonga, retired.[7] He was honored by the US Postal Service in a ceremony on St. Lawrence Island in the Bering Sea.[7]", "Coming Out of the Dark Gloria was careful not to turn Into the Light into a pity party. \"I hate pity,\" she told the Los Angeles Daily News. \"I'm very self-reliant and independent, and I'm used to that role. I don't like people feeling sorry for me. So I wrote 'Coming Out of the Dark' to let the people around me know how important they are to me. But that was as far as I wanted to go with the accident. I didn't want this to become 'the album on the accident.' What am I going to sing - 'Oh, this bus hit me'?\"", "History of telephone numbers in the United Kingdom The number range 07624 xxxxxx was set aside for mobile telephones in the Isle of Man. This would also come into use as a part of the Big Number Change.", "Greyhound Historically, these sighthounds were used primarily for hunting in the open where their keen eyesight was valuable. It is believed that they (or at least similarly named dogs) were introduced to the British Isles in the 5th and 6th century BC from Celtic mainland Europe, although the Picts and other peoples of the northern British Isles (modern Scotland) were believed to have had large hounds similar to that of the deerhound before the 6th century BC.[citation needed]", "Isle of Dogs (film) Meanwhile, Professor Watanabe finds a cure, but is poisoned by Mayor Kobayashi to prevent the dogs from being returned from Trash Island. Foreign exchange student Tracy Walker suspects a conspiracy and begins to investigate. Ultimately, she confronts assistant scientist Yoko Ono, a former cohort of Watanabe, who confirms Tracy's suspicions and gives her the last remaining dose of the cure.", "Dog meat In 2012, the Swiss newspaper Tages-Anzeiger reported that dogs, as well as cats, are eaten regularly by a few farmers in rural areas.[173][174][175] While commercial slaughter and sale of dog meat is illegal, farmers are allowed to slaughter dogs for personal consumption. The favorite type of meat comes from a dog related to the Rottweiler and consumed as Mostbröckli, a form of marinated meat. Animals are slaughtered by butchers and either shot or bludgeoned.", "List of Dog with a Blog episodes Ellen hires an animal trainer, Cherri Pickford, to train Stan, but Cherri fails to do so. She is sad so she leaves, and Ellen and Bennett make Stan an outside dog. Chloe, Tyler, and Avery disagree and stay outside with Stan; they then stay outside all night with Stan. When their parents will not agree with them, they try to publicly humiliate their parents. Then, Ellen and Bennett come outside and force them to come inside. They call back Cherri and make Stan listen making to her. Ellen and Bennet then make Stan an inside dog again.", "Detection dog A detection dog or sniffer dog is a dog that is trained to use its senses to detect substances such as explosives, illegal drugs, wildlife scat, currency, blood, and contraband electronics such as illicit mobile phones.[1] The sense most used by detection dogs is smell. Hunting dogs that search for game, and search dogs that work to find missing humans are generally not considered detection dogs. There is some overlap, as in the case of cadaver dogs, trained to search for human remains. A police dog is essentially a detection dog that is used as a resource for police in specific scenarios such as conducting drug raids, finding missing criminals, and locating stashed currency.", "Out in the Country \"Out in the Country\" is a song written by Paul Williams and Roger Nichols and performed by Three Dog Night. The song was produced by Richard Podolor,[1] and was featured on their 1970 album, It Ain't Easy.[2] In the US, \"Out in the Country\" peaked at number 11 on the US adult contemporary chart, and number 15 on the Billboard chart in 1970.[3] Outside the US, \"Out in the Country\" reached number 9 in Canada,[4]", "Docking (dog) Certain breeds use their tails as rudders when swimming, and possibly for balance when running, so active dogs with docked tails might be at a disadvantage compared to their tailed peers. In 2007, Stephen Leaver, a graduate student at the University of Victoria, published a paper on tail docking which found that tail length was important in the transmission of social cues. The study found that dogs with shorter tails (docked tails) would be approached with caution, as if the approaching dog was unsure of the emotional state of the docked dog. The study goes on to suggest that dogs with docked tails may grow up to be more aggressive. The reasoning postulated by Tom Reimchen, UVic Biologist and supervisor of the study, was that dogs who grew up without being able to efficiently transmit social cues would grow up to be more anti-social and thus more aggressive.[6]", "Out Come the Freaks Despite the three songs' abundant similarities, each song is distinctive, as differing lyrics in the verses of each song tell stories about different societal outcasts. As well, each recording had a different contemporary sound, a thoroughly different arrangement, and reworked the melody while still retaining the chorus vocal: Woodwork squeaks, and out comes the freaks.", "Dog The health benefits of dogs can result from contact with dogs in general, and not solely from having dogs as pets. For example, when in the presence of a pet dog, people show reductions in cardiovascular, behavioral, and psychological indicators of anxiety.[215] Other health benefits are gained from exposure to immune-stimulating microorganisms, which, according to the hygiene hypothesis, can protect against allergies and autoimmune diseases. The benefits of contact with a dog also include social support, as dogs are able to not only provide companionship and social support themselves, but also to act as facilitators of social interactions between humans.[216] One study indicated that wheelchair users experience more positive social interactions with strangers when they are accompanied by a dog than when they are not.[217] In 2015, a study found that pet owners were significantly more likely to get to know people in their neighborhood than non-pet owners.[218]", "Dog meat Prior to 2014, more than 5 million dogs were killed for meat every year in Vietnam according to the Asia Canine Protection Alliance. However, there are indications that the desire to eat dog meat in Vietnam is waning.[79] Part of the decline is thought to be due to an increased number of Vietnamese people keeping dogs as pets, as their incomes have risen in the past few decades. \"[People] used to raise dogs to guard the house, and when they needed the meat, they ate it. Now they keep dog as pets, imported from China, Japan, and other countries. One pet dog might cost hundreds of millions of dong [100 million dong is $4,677].\"[79]", "Dog anatomy In addition, for those dogs whose dewclaws make contact with the ground when they run, it is possible that removing them could be a disadvantage for a dog's speed in running and changing direction, particularly in performance dog sports such as dog agility.", "Coming out In fact, as Elizabeth Kennedy observes, \"using the term 'closet' to refer to\" previous times such as \"the 1920s and 1930s might be anachronistic\".[12]", "Dog bite In modern times, the United States has not been receptive to the idea that a dog, itself, can be criminally liable.[54] A California court explained that, although the tendency to anthropomorphize animals is understandable, especially with beloved pets like dogs, the law does not recognize dogs as having the mental state that can incur criminal liability. That is, although dogs and other animals may have the capacity to commit vicious and violent acts, they do not possess the legal ability to commit crimes.[55]", "Dog The global dog population is estimated at 900 million and rising.[123][124] Although it is said that the \"dog is man's best friend\"[125] regarding 17–24% of dogs in developed countries, in the developing world they are feral, village or community dogs, with pet dogs uncommon.[74] Most of these dogs live their lives as scavengers and have never been owned by humans, with one study showing their most common response when approached by strangers is to run away (52%) or respond aggressively. (11%).[126] Little is known about these dogs, or the dogs in developed countries that are feral, stray or are in shelters, as the majority of modern research on dog cognition has focused on pet dogs living in human homes.[127]", "Craps Many players will use a come bet as \"insurance\" against sevening out: if the shooter rolls a seven, the come bet pays 1:1, offsetting the loss of the pass line bet. The risk in this strategy is the situation where the shooter does not hit a seven for several rolls, leading to multiple come bets that will be lost if the shooter eventually sevens out.", "Dog meat In Nagaland, dog lovers have launched a campaign to end India's dog meat trade, which sees more than 30,000 stray and stolen dogs beaten to death with clubs each year. The consumption of dog meat is illegal in India but is carried out in Nagaland and other eastern states, where dog meat is considered to have high nutritional and medicinal value.[92]", "Cairn Terrier Cairn terriers shed very little, but should always be hand stripped. Using scissors or shears can ruin the dog's rugged outer coat after one grooming. Hand stripping involves pulling the old dead hair out by the roots. If done incorrectly, this can cause discomfort to the dog, causing it to shy away from future hand stripping. Removing the dead hair in this manner allows new growth to come in. This new growth helps protect the dog from water and dirt.", "Dog The majority of contemporary people with dogs describe their pet as part of the family,[168] although some ambivalence about the relationship is evident in the popular reconceptualization of the dog–human family as a pack.[168] A dominance model of dog–human relationships has been promoted by some dog trainers, such as on the television program Dog Whisperer. However it has been disputed that \"trying to achieve status\" is characteristic of dog–human interactions.[172] Pet dogs play an active role in family life; for example, a study of conversations in dog–human families showed how family members use the dog as a resource, talking to the dog, or talking through the dog, to mediate their interactions with each other.[173]", "When the Whip Comes Down In a 1978 interview with Rolling Stone magazine to mark the release of Some Girls, Jagger responded to questions regarding the song's lyrics: \"...There is one song that's a straight gay song—\"When the Whip Comes Down\"—but I have no idea why I wrote it. It's strange - the Rolling Stones have always attracted a lot of men... I don't know why I wrote it. Maybe I came out of the closet {laughs}. It's about an imaginary person who comes from L.A. to New York City and becomes a garbage collector... I sure hope the radio stations will play [it].\" The lyrics could be taken to imply that the singer becomes a male prostitute,", "Australian Cattle Dog When on home ground, the Australian Cattle Dog is an affectionate and playful pet.[7] However, it is reserved with people it does not know and naturally cautious in new situations. Its attitude to strangers makes it an excellent guard dog when trained for this task, and it can be socialised to become accustomed to a variety of people from an early age as a family pet. It is good with older, considerate children, but will herd people by nipping at their heels, particularly younger children who run and squeal.[9] By the time puppies are weaned, they should have learned that the company of people is pleasurable, and that responding to cues from a person is rewarding.[10] The bond that this breed can create with its owner is strong and will leave the dog feeling protective towards the owner, typically resulting in the dog's never being too far from the owner's side. The Australian Cattle Dog can be the friendliest of companions although it is quick to respond to the emotions of its owners, and may defend them without waiting for a command.[11] The ACD was originally bred to move reluctant cattle by biting, and it will bite if treated harshly.[9] The Australian Cattle Dog's protective nature and tendency to nip at heels can be dangerous as the dog grows into an adult if unwanted behaviours are left unchecked.[12]", "A Dog's Tale The book is told from the standpoint of a loyal household pet, a dog self-described by the first sentence of the story; \"My father was a St. Bernard, my mother was a collie, but I am a Presbyterian.\" The story begins with a description of the dog's life as a puppy and her separation from her mother, which to her was inexplicable. Her puppy and her owner's new child were soon added to her new home. When a fire breaks out in the nursery, the dog risks her life to drag the baby to safety. In the process, her motives are misunderstood and she is cruelly beaten by the father of the family with a cane, resulting in her leg getting broken. Soon, however, the truth of the situation is discovered and she receives no end of praise. Later in the story, her puppy dies, killed by the father of the family to prove his opinion on optics to his scientist peers. Only a servant seems to realize the irony of this, exclaiming, \"Poor little doggie, you saved HIS child!\" In the end, the dog (who does not realize her puppy is dead until her own hour is upon her) pines inconsolable over the grave of the puppy with the clear implication that she will do so until death.", "I'm Coming Out In 2003, American singer Amerie covered \"I'm Coming Out\" for the soundtrack to the film Maid in Manhattan. Her version was released as a single in select European countries and Australia. The final single version to be released was the Loren Dawson remix. The original single version (which is similar to the original) can be found on both CD singles and the original motion picture soundtrack to Maid in Manhattan. Ross' version appears on the film's soundtrack album as well.", "Zuchon They make fairly good watch dogs. When necessary, this dog will bark to alert its family that someone is nearby. This breed is typically good with other pets, especially when socialized at an early age. This dog gets along well with children, but it may be a good idea to socialize this breed at an early age as well as to supervise play time with children to make sure that the dog does not get hurt as a result of its small size.", "Border Collie The Border Collie is descended from landrace collies, a type found widely in the British Isles. The name for the breed came from its probable place of origin along the Anglo-Scottish border.[2] Mention of the \"Collie\" or \"Colley\" type first appeared toward the end of the 19th century, although the word \"collie\" is older than this and has its origin in the Scots language. It is also thought that the word 'collie' comes from the old Celtic word for useful. Many of the best Border Collies today can be traced back to a dog known as Old Hemp.[19]", "Isle of Dogs From Summer 2007, the service has been enhanced with express boats[21] from central London to the O2 Arena (former Millennium Dome).", "Isle of Dogs The western side of the island was known as Marsh Wall, and the district became known as Millwall with the building of the docks, and from the number of windmills constructed along the top of the flood defence.", "Isle of Dogs The nearest universities are Goldsmiths, University of London and University of Greenwich, which are both accessible by public transport.", "Isle of Dogs Canary Wharf College,[20] is a free school on the Island which covers primary, secondary and sixth form education.", "Isle of Dogs The soil is alluvial and silty in nature, underlaid by clay or mud, with a peat layer in places.[1]", "Isle of Man The Isle of Man has three newspapers, all weeklies, and all owned by Isle of Man Newspapers, a division of the Edinburgh media company Johnston Press.[82] The Isle of Man Courier (distribution 36,318) is free and distributed to homes on the island. The other two newspapers are Isle of Man Examiner (circulation 13,276) and the Manx Independent (circulation 12,255).[83]" ]
a justice of the supreme court may write a dissenting opinion to
[ "Dissenting opinion A dissenting opinion (or dissent) is an opinion in a legal case in certain legal systems written by one or more judges expressing disagreement with the majority opinion of the court which gives rise to its judgment. When not necessarily referring to a legal decision, this can also be referred to as a minority report.[1][2]" ]
[ "Dissenting opinion In the mid-20th century, it became customary for the members of the U.S. Supreme Court and many state supreme courts to end their dissenting opinions with a variation on the phrase \"I respectfully dissent.\"", "Dissenting opinion A dissent in part is a dissenting opinion that disagrees selectively—specifically, with one part of the majority holding. In decisions that require holdings with multiple parts due to multiple legal claims or consolidated cases, judges may write an opinion \"concurring in part and dissenting in part\".", "Judicial opinion A majority opinion in countries which use the common law system becomes part of the body of case law. Such decisions can usually be cited as precedent by later courts. In some courts, such as the Supreme Court of the United States, the majority opinion may be broken down into numbered or lettered sections. This allows judges who write an opinion \"concurring in part\" or \"dissenting in part\" to easily identify which parts they join with the majority, and which sections they do not.", "Supreme Court of California According to Justice Liu, when a case is granted review, the Chief Justice assigns the case to a justice, who, after the parties finish briefing, then prepares a draft opinion.[20] Each justice writes a preliminary response to the draft opinion, and if the assigned justice is in the minority, she may ask the Chief Justice to reassign the case to someone in the majority.[20] The Court then hears oral arguments and, immediately afterwards, meet alone to vote.[20] The California Constitution requires suspension of the justices’ salaries if the Court fails to then file a decision within 90 days.[20][21] The Court issues unanimous opinions in 77% of cases, compared to 43% by the Supreme Court of the United States.[20]", "Procedures of the Supreme Court of the United States The evolution of the justices' views during the circulation of draft opinions can change the outcome of the case; an opinion that begins as a majority opinion can become a dissenting opinion, and vice versa. At the conference for Planned Parenthood v. Casey, Justice Kennedy is said to have initially voted with Chief Justice Rehnquist, but then changed his mind, feeling unable to join Rehnquist's draft opinion.[19] While working for the Justice Department, present-day Chief Justice John Roberts—a former Rehnquist law clerk—wrote an analysis of Wallace v. Jaffree[20] in which he indicated his belief (based on the length and structure) that Rehnquist's dissent had started out as an opinion for the court, but lost its majority; similar speculation is often heard of Justice O'Connor's dissent in Kelo v. New London.[21] Justice Kennedy is known within the Court for changing his mind subsequent to the conference, and Justice Thomas is known for having the tendency to lose a majority.[22] Justices may change sides at any time prior to the handing down of the Court's opinion. Generally, the Court's decision is the opinion which a majority (five or more) of justices have joined. In rare instances, the Court will issue a plurality opinion in which four or fewer Justices agree on one opinion, but the others are so fractured that they cannot agree on a position. In this circumstance, in order to determine what the decision is lawyers and judges will analyze the opinions to determine on which points a majority agrees. An example of a case decided by a plurality opinion is Hamdi v. Rumsfeld.", "Supreme Court of the United States At the conclusion of oral argument, the case is submitted for decision. Cases are decided by majority vote of the Justices. It is the Court's practice to issue decisions in all cases argued in a particular Term by the end of that Term. Within that Term, however, the Court is under no obligation to release a decision within any set time after oral argument. At the conclusion of oral argument, the Justices retire to another conference at which the preliminary votes are tallied, and the most senior Justice in the majority assigns the initial draft of the Court's opinion to a Justice on his or her side. Drafts of the Court's opinion, as well as any concurring or dissenting opinions,[166] circulate among the Justices until the Court is prepared to announce the judgment in a particular case. Since recording devices are banned inside the courtroom of the United States Supreme Court Building, the delivery of the decision to the media is done via paper copies and is known as the Running of the Interns.[167][168]", "Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States Each Supreme Court justice has a single vote in deciding the cases argued before it; the chief justice's vote counts no more than that of any other justice. However, in drafting opinions, the chief justice enjoys additional influence in case disposition if in the majority through his power to assign who writes the opinion. Otherwise, the senior justice in the majority assigns the writing of a decision. Furthermore, the chief justice leads the discussion of the case among the justices. The chief justice has certain administrative responsibilities that the other justices do not and is paid slightly more ($255,500 per year, as opposed to $244,400 per year for each associate justice[3]).", "Rights of Englishmen The Supreme Court Justice Joseph P. Bradley asserted that the \"rights of Englishmen\" were a foundation of American law in his dissenting opinion on the Slaughter-House Cases, the first Supreme Court interpretation of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, in 1873.[b]", "Lists of United States Supreme Court cases These lists contain detailed tables about each term, including which Justices filed the Court's opinion, dissenting and concurring opinions in each case, and information about Justices joining opinions. The tables conclude with term statistics and concordance data.", "Procedures of the Supreme Court of the United States The opinion of the Court is usually signed by the author; occasionally, the Supreme Court may issue an unsigned opinion per curiam. The practice of issuing a single opinion of the Court was initiated during the tenure of Chief Justice John Marshall during the early 19th century. This custom replaced the previous practice under which each Justice, whether in the majority or the minority, issued a separate opinion. The older practice is still followed by appellate courts in many common law jurisdictions outside the United States.", "Voting Rights Act of 1965 In Mississippi Republican Executive Opinion v. Brooks (1984),[129] the Supreme Court summarily affirmed, without a written opinion, a lower court's decision that 1982 amendment to Section 2 is constitutional.[130] Justice Rehnquist, joined by Chief Justice Burger, dissented from the opinion. Their reasoning was that the case presented complex constitutional issues that should have warranted a full hearing. In later cases, the Supreme Court is more likely to disregard one of its previous judgments that lacks a written opinion, but lower courts must respect the Supreme Court's unwritten summary affirmances as being as equally binding on them as Supreme Court judgments with written opinions. Partially due to Brooks, the constitutionality of the Section 2 results test has since been unanimously upheld by lower courts.[17]:759–760", "Tribal sovereignty in the United States In the 1978 case of Oliphant v. Suquamish Indian Tribe, the Supreme Court, in a 6–2 opinion authored by Justice William Rehnquist concluded that tribal courts do not have jurisdiction over non-Indians (the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court at that time, Warren Burger, and Justice Thurgood Marshall filed a dissenting opinion). But the case left unanswered some questions, including whether tribal courts could use criminal contempt powers against non-Indians to maintain decorum in the courtroom, or whether tribal courts could subpoena non-Indians.", "History of Detroit Supreme Justice William O. Douglas' dissenting opinion in Miliken held that", "Buckley v. Valeo Only eight Justices heard the case. The opinion was a per curiam opinion, that is, not authored by a single justice, but an opinion for the Court. Several justices dissented from portions of the opinion.", "Chief Justice of the United States The Chief Justice leads the business of the Supreme Court and presides over oral arguments. When the court renders an opinion, the Chief Justice—when in the majority—decides who writes the court's opinion. The Chief Justice also has significant agenda-setting power over the court's meetings. In the case of an impeachment of a President of the United States, which has occurred twice, the Chief Justice presides over the trial in the U.S. Senate. Additionally, the presidential oath of office is typically administered by the Chief Justice (although the Constitution does not assign this duty to anyone in particular).", "Supreme Court of Canada The decision of the Court is sometimes – but rarely – rendered orally at the conclusion of the hearing. In these cases, the Court may simply refer to the decision of the court below to explain its own reasons. In other cases, the Court may announce its decision at the conclusion of the hearing, with reasons to follow.[5][6][7] As well, in some cases, the Court may not call on counsel for the respondent, if it has not been convinced by the arguments of counsel for the appellant.[8] In very rare cases, the Court may not call on counsel for the appellant and instead calls directly on counsel for the respondent.[9] However, in most cases, the Court hears from all counsel and then reserves judgment to enable the justices to write considered reasons. Decisions of the Court need not be unanimous – a majority may decide, with dissenting reasons given by the minority. Each justice may write reasons in any case if he or she chooses to do so.", "Bush v. Gore The dissenting opinions strongly criticized the five justice majority for involving the Court in state-level affairs. Justice Stevens' dissent (joined by Justices Breyer and Ginsburg) concluded as follows:[37]", "Eighth Amendment to the United States Constitution In Kennedy v. Louisiana, 554 U.S. 407 (2008), the Court extended the reasoning of Coker by ruling that the death penalty was excessive for child rape \"where the victim’s life was not taken.\"[31] The Supreme Court failed to note a federal law, which applies to military court-martial proceedings, providing for the death penalty in cases of child rape.[32] On October 1, 2008, the Court declined to reconsider its opinion in this case, but did amend the majority and dissenting opinions in order to acknowledge that federal law. Justice Scalia (joined by Chief Justice Roberts) wrote in dissent that \"the proposed Eighth Amendment would have been laughed to scorn if it had read 'no criminal penalty shall be imposed which the Supreme Court deems unacceptable.'\"[33]", "Obergefell v. Hodges Chief Justice Roberts and Justices Scalia, Thomas, and Alito each wrote a separate dissenting opinion. The Chief Justice read part of his dissenting opinion from the bench, his first time doing so since joining the Court in 2005.[112][113]", "Scottsboro Boys In a landmark decision, the United States Supreme Court reversed the convictions on the ground that the due process clause of the United States Constitution guarantees the effective assistance of counsel at a criminal trial. In an opinion written by Associate Justice George Sutherland, the Court found the defendants had been denied effective counsel. Chief Justice Anderson's previous dissent was quoted repeatedly in this decision.", "Massachusetts v. Environmental Protection Agency Chief Justice Roberts authored a dissenting opinion. First, the dissent condemns the majority's \"special solicitude\" conferred to Massachusetts as having no basis in Supreme Court cases dealing with standing. The dissent compares the majority opinion to \"the previous high-water mark of diluted standing requirements,\" United States v. SCRAP (1973). Roberts then argues that the alleged injury (i.e., Massachusetts' loss of land because of rising sea levels) is too speculative and without adequate scientific support. The dissent also finds that even if there is a possibility that the state may lose some land because of global warming, the effect of obliging the EPA to enforce automobile emissions is hypothetical at best. According to Roberts, there is not a traceable causal connection between the EPA’s refusal to enforce emission standards and petitioners' injuries. Finally, the dissent maintains that redressability of the injuries is even more problematic given that countries such as India and China are responsible for the majority of the greenhouse-gas emissions. The Chief Justice concludes by accusing the majority of lending the Court as a convenient forum for policy debate and of transgressing the limited role afforded to the Supreme Court by the U.S. Constitution.[12]", "Rochin v. California The court quoted from the decision of the California Supreme Court, in which two justices dissented, saying,", "Supreme Court of the United States A term of the Supreme Court commences on the first Monday of each October, and continues until June or early July of the following year. Each term consists of alternating periods of around two weeks known as \"sittings\" and \"recesses.\" Justices hear cases and deliver rulings during sittings; they discuss cases and write opinions during recesses.", "Supreme Court of Canada The appointment of Beverly McLachlin as chief justice in 2000 resulted in a more centrist and unified Court. Dissenting and concurring opinions were fewer than during the Dickson and Lamer Courts. With the 2005 appointments of Justices Louise Charron and Rosalie Abella, the court became the world's most gender-balanced national high court, four of its nine members being female.[2][3] Justice Marie Deschamps' retirement on 7 August 2012 caused the number to fall to three,[4] however the appointment of Suzanne Côté on 1 December 2014 restored the number to four.", "Chevron U.S.A., Inc. v. Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc. Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch has also written opinions against Chevron deference,[17] with news commentators believing that Gorsuch may rule against Chevron deference on the Supreme Court.[18]", "List of Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States The Supreme Court was created in 1789 by Article III of the United States Constitution, which stipulated that the \"judicial Power of the United States, shall be vested in one supreme Court\" together with any lower courts Congress may establish.[3] Congress organized the Court that year with the passage of the Judiciary Act of 1789. It specified the Court's original and appellate jurisdiction, created thirteen judicial districts, and fixed the number of justices at six (one chief justice and five associate justices).[7][8]", "Caribbean Court of Justice Appellate decisions of the court are delivered with signed majority opinions, concurrences and dissenting opinions, as well as a record of which judges voted for the ruling and which voted against it.[20][22] As a result, CCJ appellate opinions do not shield judges behind a singular and collective “voice of the court” as the ECJ and the CCJ's original opinions do,[20][22] and the practice is in keeping with the normal procedures of municipal courts. This may actually aid in providing transparency to the regional court operating in an environment where many of its citizens are distrustful of their local judiciaries.[20]", "Kelo v. City of New London The Connecticut Supreme Court heard arguments on December 2, 2002. The state court issued its decision (268 Conn. 1, SC16742) on March 9, 2004, siding with the city in a 4–3 decision, with the majority opinion authored by Justice Flemming L. Norcott, Jr., joined by Justices David M. Borden, Richard N. Palmer and Christine Vertefeuille.[3] Justice Peter T. Zarella wrote the dissent, joined by Chief Justice William J. Sullivan and Justice Joette Katz.[4]", "Capital punishment for juveniles in the United States Sixteen years later, Roper v. Simmons overruled Stanford. Justice Kennedy, who concurred to Scalia’s opinion in Stanford, instead wrote the opinion of the court in Roper and became the key vote. Justice O’Connor dissented.", "John Roberts In 2003, Roberts was appointed as a judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit by George W. Bush. During his two-year tenure on the D.C. Circuit, Roberts authored 49 opinions, eliciting two dissents from other judges, and authoring three dissents of his own.[3] In 2005, Roberts was nominated to be an associate justice of the Supreme Court, initially to succeed retiring Sandra Day O'Connor. When Rehnquist died before Roberts's confirmation hearings began, Bush instead nominated Roberts to fill the chief justice position.", "Board of Trustees of the University of Alabama v. Garrett The Court split 5-4, with Justice Stephen Breyer filing a dissenting opinion in which he was joined by Justices John Paul Stevens, David Souter, and Ruth Bader Ginsburg. The dissent stated the following about rational basis review:", "Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the Philippines Still, the influence a chief justice may bear within the court and judiciary, and on the national government cannot be underestimated. In the public eye, any particular Supreme Court is widely identified with the identity of the incumbent chief justice, hence appellations such as \"The Fernando Court\" or \"The Puno Court\". Moreover, the chief justice usually retains high public visibility, unlike the associate justices, who tend to labor in relative anonymity, with exceptions such as Associate Justice J. B. L. Reyes in the 1950s to 1970s.", "Avery v. Midland County In dissent, Justice John Marshall Harlan II asserted that the Writ of Certiorari to the Texas Supreme Court was improvidently granted in that the decision was not final, since the Texas court had ordered the County to redistrict. He also resumed his objections to the line of cases started with Reynolds v. Sims saying, \"I continue to think that these adventures of the Court in the realm of political science are beyond its constitutional powers, for reasons set forth at length in my dissenting opinion in Reynolds, 377 U.S., at 589 et seq.\"", "Advisory opinion Article 55 of the Constitution of Nauru provides: \"The President or a Minister may, in accordance with the approval of the Cabinet, refer to the Supreme Court for its opinion any question concerning the interpretation or effect of any provision of this Constitution which has arisen or appears to the Cabinet likely to arise, and the Supreme Court shall pronounce in open court its opinion on the question.\"[7]", "Supreme Court of the Gambia According to Section 125(1) of the Constitution, the Supreme Court must consist of the Chief Justice and not less than four other Justices of the Supreme Court. Overall, the Supreme Court must be constituted by an uneven number of not less than five judges.[4]", "Supreme Court of Kenya At the conclusion of the hearing, the Supreme Court rendered a majority decision on September 1, 2017 holding that the election was not conducted in accordance with the Constitution and other electoral laws, that there were illegalities and irregularities committed by the electoral commission including in the results transmission process, and that the said illegalities and irregularities affected the integrity of the election. The Court thus nullified the election and ordered the IEBC to conduct a fresh one within 60 days in accordance with the Constitution, and while observing strict adherence to the law in the new election. Two judges – Justice Prof J. B. Ojwang' and Lady Justice Njoki Ndung'u – dissented.", "Supreme Court of Nigeria The Supreme Court is composed of the Chief Justice of Nigeria and such number of justices not more than 21, appointed by the President on the recommendation of the National Judicial Council, (NJC) and subject to confirmation by the Senate. Justices of the Supreme Court must be qualified to practice law in Nigeria, and must have been so qualified for a period not less than fifteen years. Justices of the Supreme Court of Nigeria have a mandatory retirement age of 70 years.[1]", "Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System v. Southworth The opinion of the Supreme Court, written by Justice Kennedy, made these key points:", "Supreme Court of the Gambia Established first in 1851, the Supreme Court was headed firstly by a Chief Justice and then later by a Judge. A Chief Justice was again appointed in 1957. It was initially the only court in The Gambia to have trial by jury, with the High Court having trial by judge alone. Appeals against Supreme Court decisions could be made to the West African Court of Appeal, and then to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council. Following independence in 1965, this arrangement persisted, with the West African Court of Appeal being replaced by the Court of Appeal of The Gambia. The 1997 constitution made the Supreme Court the highest court in The Gambia, composed of a Chief Justice and no more than five other Justices.[1]", "Supreme Court of the Philippines The Supreme Court of the Philippines (Filipino: Kataas-taasang Hukuman ng Pilipinas; colloquially referred to by the Spanish: Corte Suprema), is the highest court in the Philippines. It is presided over by a Chief Justice and is composed of fifteen (15) Justices, including the Chief Justice. Pursuant to the Constitution, the Supreme Court has \"administrative supervision over all courts and the personnel thereof\".[1]", "Supreme Court of the Philippines From 1901 to 1935, although a Filipino was always appointed chief justice, the majority of the members of the Supreme Court were Americans. Complete Filipinization was achieved only with the establishment of the Commonwealth of the Philippines in 1935. Claro M. Recto and Jose P. Laurel were among the first appointees to replace the American justices. With the ratification of the 1935 Constitution in a plebiscite held on May 14, 1935, the membership in the Supreme Court increased to 11: a chief justice and ten associate justices, who sat en banc or in two divisions of five members each.", "Talk:Pollock v. Farmers' Loan & Trust Co. I can tell the dissenters in this case were relying mostly on the above method of argument (i.e., whoever has the most citations wins regardless of relevancy) and were banking on non-lawyers reading the dissenting opinions and being impressed with the seemingly long lists of cases and professional opinions cited purportedly in favor of the dissenters' arguments. It frustrated me seeing this in contrast with Fuller's well argued opinion. Fuller cited fewer cases than the dissenters, but his citations were highly relevant so that he focused on reasoning and quality of argument rather than quantity of citations, as a Supreme Court justice should. In fact it can be said that the biggest issue in this case was not that \"income taxes were considered direct taxes\", which was a well-established fact by 1894 anyway and really not the revolutionary holding that the dissenters made it out to be. The biggest issue was in the way the dissenters were presenting their arguments. Fuller was following standard Supreme Court protocol for making rulings deciding Constitutional issues: First look to see what other cases had similar facts to the case in question and see what justices have decided before (i.e., invoking the legal principle of stare decises), and if stare decisis proves insufficient because the facts do not match up well or because the reasoning used by the justices is flawed, look to the words of the Constitution and especially what the Framers' intentions were in writing the part of the Constitution in question. The dissenters rejected this method entirely (probably because it proved to be fatal to their arguments) and instead chose to stay stuck in the stare decises mode of arguing despite there not being a single case cited (neither in centuries of cases in Great Britain nor a hundred years' worth of cases since the adoption of the Constitution) that said that income taxes were to be considered anything other than direct taxes. In answer to Fuller's well cited, well reasoned arguments that the Framers of the Constitution fully intended the federal government to focus only on specific kinds of indirect taxes like excises, duties, and imports and stay out of the business of levying income taxes altogether, the dissenters basically replied: \"This is not true because we have a laundry list of irrelevant cases that have nothing to do with our arguments but we nevertheless say they prove the federal government can tax incomes without any restrictions.\" This may be a bit of an exaggeration, but not by much. By the end of his opinion on the re-hearing of the case, Fuller seemed weary of the unreasonable methods of arguing employed by his dissenters and their persistence in throwing up laundry lists of irrelevant cases that he was repeatedly forced to address. Fuller writes:\n\nDifferences have often occurred in this court -- differences exist now -- but there has never been a time in its history when there has been a difference of opinion as to its duty to announce its deliberate conclusions unaffected by considerations not pertaining to the case in hand.\n\nApparently, Fuller had never before seen an instance where the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court was forced to argue so much about how to argue.", "Y. V. Chandrachud Despite widespread high court support for Habeas Corpus, Justice Chandrachud went along with Justices A.N. Ray, P.N. Bhagwati, and M.H. Beg, to reject this position,[2] stating: in view of the Presidential Order dated 27 June 1975 no person has any locus to move any writ petition under Article 226 before a High Court for habeas corpus or any other writ or order or direction to challenge the legality of an order of detention. The only dissenting opinion was from Justice H. R. Khanna, who has been widely acclaimed for his dissent. Khanna's dissenting opinion was \"activist\" - and because of the legitimacy his opinion attained, \"judicial activism\" in India is considered more legitimate than elsewhere.", "Demographics of the Supreme Court of the United States Public opinion about ethnic diversity on the court \"varies widely depending on the poll question's wording\".[6] For example, in two polls taken in 1991, one resulted in half of respondents agreeing that it was \"important that there always be at least one black person\" on the Court while the other had only 20% agreeing with that sentiment, and with 77% agreeing that \"race should never be a factor in choosing Supreme Court justices\".[6] It is claimed that the Presidents who have appointed Justices to the Supreme Court in recent years have taken race and religion into account, causing it to be unrepresentative of the U.S. population in general.", "Supreme Court of the United States Each Supreme Court justice hires several law Clerks to review petitions for writ of certiorari, research them, prepare bench memorandums, and draft opinions. Associate justices are allowed four clerks. The chief justice is allowed five clerks, but Chief Justice Rehnquist hired only three per year, and Chief Justice Roberts usually hires only four.[180] Generally, law clerks serve a term of one to two years.", "Supreme Court of Pakistan a foreign citizen/ or an expatriate being eligible for the Supreme Court.[16] The nomination of justices in the Supreme Court comes from an executive selections made by the Prime Minister based on judges' merited qualifications, personal intellectualism, and experiences as judge in high courts.[17] The President then confirms the nomination summary and eventually appoints the Chief Justice and judges in the Supreme Court.[18]", "Precedent A judge in a subsequent case, particularly in a different jurisdiction, could find the dissenting judge's reasoning persuasive. In the jurisdiction of the original decision, however, a judge should only overturn the holding of a court lower or equivalent in the hierarchy. A district court, for example, could not rely on a Supreme Court dissent as a basis to depart from the reasoning of the majority opinion. However, lower courts occasionally cite dissents, either for a limiting principle on the majority, or for propositions that are not stated in the majority opinion and not inconsistent with that majority, or to explain a disagreement with the majority and to urge reform (while following the majority in the outcome).", "Supreme Court of Cameroon The Supreme Court was created in 1961 to replace the Federal Court of Justice.[9]", "List of Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States This graphical timeline depicts the length of each current Supreme Court justice's tenure on the Court.", "Supreme Court of Illinois The Supreme Court of Illinois is the state supreme court, the highest court of the state of Illinois. The court's authority is granted in Article VI of the current Illinois Constitution, which provides for seven justices elected from the five appellate judicial districts of the state: Three justices from the First District (Cook County) and one from each of the other four districts. Each justice is elected for a term of ten years[1] and the chief justice is elected by the court from its members for a three-year term.", "Ideological leanings of U.S. Supreme Court justices The following sortable table[a] lists the lifetime percentage \"liberal\" scores of Supreme Court justices as compiled in the Supreme Court Database.[28] The table shows data for justices whose service began at or after the 1946 term; the data ends with the 2016–2017 term.", "Roe v. Wade Chief Justice John Roberts, Scalia, Thomas, and Alito joined the majority. Justices Ginsburg, Stevens, Souter, and Breyer dissented, contending that the ruling ignored Supreme Court abortion precedent, and also offering an equality-based justification for abortion precedent. Thomas filed a concurring opinion, joined by Scalia, contending that the Court's prior decisions in Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey should be reversed, and also noting that the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act possibly exceeded the powers of Congress under the Commerce Clause.", "List of Justices of the North Carolina Supreme Court Following is a list of Justices of the North Carolina Supreme Court.", "Roe v. Wade After a first round of arguments, all seven justices tentatively agreed that the Texas law should be struck down, but on varying grounds.[30] Burger assigned the role of writing the Court's opinion in Roe (as well as Doe) to Blackmun, who began drafting a preliminary opinion that emphasized what he saw as the Texas law's vagueness.[31] (At this point, Black and Harlan had been replaced by Justices William Rehnquist and Lewis F. Powell, Jr., but they arrived too late to hear the first round of arguments.) But Blackmun felt that his opinion did not adequately reflect his liberal colleagues' views.[32] In May 1972, he proposed that the case be reargued. Justice William O. Douglas threatened to write a dissent from the reargument order (he and the other liberal justices were suspicious that Rehnquist and Powell would vote to uphold the statute), but was coaxed out of the action by his colleagues, and his dissent was merely mentioned in the reargument order without further statement or opinion.[33][34] The case was reargued on October 11, 1972. Weddington continued to represent Roe, and Texas Assistant Attorney General Robert C. Flowers replaced Jay Floyd for Texas.[citation needed]", "Supreme court The Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (Spanish: Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación) is the highest court in Mexico.", "Sonia Sotomayor In May 2009, President Barack Obama nominated Sotomayor to the Supreme Court following the retirement of Justice David Souter. Her nomination was confirmed by the Senate in August 2009 by a vote of 68–31. While on the court, Sotomayor has supported the informal liberal bloc of justices when they divide along the commonly perceived ideological lines. During her tenure on the Supreme Court, Sotomayor has been identified with concern for the rights of defendants, calls for reform of the criminal justice system, and making impassioned dissents on issues of race, gender and ethnic identity, including Schuette v. BAMN and Utah v. Strieff.", "Supreme court The Supreme Court of Indonesia is the main judicial arm of the state, functioning as the final court of appeal as well as a means to re-open cases previously closed. The Supreme Court, which consists of a total of 51 justices, also oversees the regional high courts. It was founded at the country's independence in 1945.", "Supreme court While the Philippines is generally considered a civil law nation, its Supreme Court is heavily modelled after the American Supreme Court. This can be attributed to the fact that the Philippines was colonized by both Spain and the United States, and the system of laws of both nations strongly influenced the development of Philippine laws and jurisprudence. Even as the body of Philippine laws remain mostly codified, the Philippine Civil Code expressly recognizes that decisions of the Supreme Court \"form part of the law of the land\", belonging to the same class as statutes. The 1987 Philippine Constitution also explicitly grants to the Supreme Court the power of judicial review over laws and executive actions. The Supreme Court is composed of 1 Chief Justice and 14 Associate Justices. The court sits either en banc or in divisions, depending on the nature of the case to be decided.", "Ruth Bader Ginsburg With the retirement of Justice John Paul Stevens, Ginsburg became the senior member of what is sometimes referred to as the court's \"liberal wing\".[26][59][60] When the court splits 5–4 along ideological lines and the liberal justices are in the minority, Ginsburg often has the authority to assign authorship of the dissenting opinion because of her seniority.[59][g] Ginsburg has been a proponent of the liberal dissenters speaking \"with one voice\" and, where practicable, presenting a unified approach to which all of the dissenting justices can agree.[26][59]", "Advisory opinion In a letter to President George Washington, replying to the president's request for such an opinion, then-Chief Justice John Jay replied that it would violate the separation of powers for the Supreme Court to provide such an opinion, noting that the president could rely on advice from anyone within the executive branch under Article Two of the United States Constitution which expressly permits the President of the United States to \"require the Opinion, in writing, of the principal Officer in each of the executive Departments, upon any subject relating to the Duties of their respective Offices.\" In other words, Jay informed President Washington that the President ought to turn to the Attorney General and perhaps other Cabinet secretaries when they require legal advice concerning American law. Over a century later the Court dismissed a case because there was no \"actual controversy\" between the parties; thus, any opinion rendered would be advisory.[10][11]", "Second Amendment to the United States Constitution Justice Stevens' dissenting opinion, which was joined by the three other dissenters, said:", "Vacco v. Quill On June 26, 1997, the Supreme Court issued six different opinions in a unanimous (9-0) decision. The majority opinion was authored by Chief Justice Rehnquist, and was joined by Justices O'Connor, Scalia, Kennedy, and Thomas. Justice O'Connor wrote a concurring opinion, joined in part by Justices Ginsburg and Breyer. Justices Stevens, Souter, Ginsburg, and Breyer filed separate concurring opinions.", "Supreme Court of India Supreme Court initially had its seat at Chamber of Princes in the Parliament building where the previous Federal Court of India sat from 1937 to 1950. The first Chief Justice of India was Sir H J Kania. In 1958, the Supreme Court moved to its present premises.[5] Originally, Constitution of India envisaged a Supreme Court with a Chief Justice and seven Judges; leaving it to Parliament to increase this number.[6] In formative years, the Supreme Court met from 10 to 12 in the morning and then 2 to 4 in the afternoon for 28 days in a month.[7]", "Civil rights movement (1896–1954) The Supreme Court's decision in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) upheld state-mandated discrimination in public transportation under the \"separate but equal\" doctrine. As Justice Harlan, the only member of the Court to dissent from the decision, predicted:", "List of Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States There are currently nine justices serving on the Supreme Court; listed in order of seniority, they are:", "List of Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States While the justices of the Supreme Court are appointed for life, many have retired or resigned. Beginning in the early 20th century, many justices who left the Court voluntarily did so by retiring from the Court without leaving the federal judiciary altogether. A retired justice, according to the United States Code, is no longer a member of the Supreme Court, but remains eligible to serve by designation as a judge of a U.S. Court of Appeals or District Court, and many retired justices have served in these capacities. Historically, the average length of service on the Court has been less than 15 years. However, since 1970 the average length of service has increased to about 26 years.[10]", "Citizens United v. FEC While granting permission to file a certiorari petition, the US Supreme Court agreed to stay the Montana ruling, although Justices Ginsburg and Breyer wrote a short statement urging the Court \"to consider whether, in light of the huge sums of money currently deployed to buy candidate's allegiance, Citizens United should continue to hold sway\".[112] In June 2012, over the dissent of the same four judges who dissented in Citizens United, the Court simultaneously granted certiorari and summarily reversed the decision in American Tradition Partnership, Inc. v. Bullock, 567, U.S. __ (2012).[113] The Supreme Court majority rejected the Montana Supreme Court arguments in a two paragraph, twenty line per curiam opinion, stating that these arguments \"either were already rejected in Citizens United, or fail to meaningfully distinguish that case.\"[114] The ruling makes clear that states cannot bar corporate and union political expenditures in state elections.[115]", "Ideological leanings of United States Supreme Court justices The following sortable table[a] lists the lifetime percentage \"liberal\" scores of Supreme Court justices as compiled in the Supreme Court Database.[28] The table shows data for justices whose service began at or after the 1946 term; the data ends with the beginning of the 2018–2019 term.", "List of Justices of the Supreme Court of Canada The mandatory retirement age is still set at 75 by the Supreme Court Act.[7] Justices can retire from the Court prior to the mandatory retirement date.", "Supreme Court of Florida After Florida's entrance into the union in 1845, and the ratification of the State's first Constitution, the Supreme Court of the State of Florida was born. It is the successor to the Florida Territorial Court of Appeals and the court system that existed under Spain prior to the acquisition of Florida through the Adams-Onis Treaty. Though the constitution created a Supreme Court, it vested it with no judges and little power. Florida Circuit Court judges served in the capacity of Supreme Court Justices until 1851 when an 1848 constitutional amendment took effect granting the state legislature power to choose three justices.[2] In 1853, another constitutional amendment was adopted that provided for the popular election of Justices to serve six-year terms.", "Ronald Reagan Supreme Court candidates In another of the opinions Kennedy wrote before coming to the Supreme Court, he criticized (in dissent) the police for bribing a child into showing them where the child's mother hid her heroin; Kennedy wrote that \"indifference to personal liberty is but the precursor of the state's hostility to it\".[30] The Reagan lawyers also criticized Kennedy for citing a report from Amnesty International to bolster his views in that case.[30]", "Dred Scott v. Sandford Justice John McLean dissented, writing that there was no basis for the claim that blacks could not be citizens. At the time of the ratification of the Constitution, black men could vote in five of the thirteen states. This made them citizens not only of their states but of the United States.[27] Therefore, Justice McLean concluded that the argument that Scott was not a citizen was \"more a matter of taste than of law\". In his dissent, Justice McLean cited as precedent Marie Louise v. Marot, an 1835 case in which Louisiana Supreme Court Chief Justice George Mathews Jr. ruled that \"being free for one moment in France, it was not in the power of her former owner to reduce her again to slavery.\"[28]", "Judge The judges of the Supreme Court of the United States, and the judges of the supreme courts of several US states and other countries are called \"justices\". Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States and Justices of other courts are addressed as \"Justice (name).\" The Chief Justice of the United States is formally addressed as \"Mr. Chief Justice\" but also may be identified and addressed as \"Chief Justice (name)\".", "Attorney general The second type of attorney-general (\"procureur-generaal\", while their replacements are called \"advocaat-generaal\") is an independent advisor to the Supreme Court. These people give an opinion on cases (called \"conclusies\") in any field of law (not just criminal law), supported by a scientific staff. The Supreme Court may either follow or reject the opinion of the attorney-general (which is published together with the eventual decision). In a way, an attorney-general acts as yet another judge, but in the Dutch system that does not allow dissenting opinions to be published, it is the only way to reflect different perceptions on a case. The Procureur-Generaal also prosecutes members of parliament in the case of misfeance.[19]", "Supreme Court of India Supreme Court judges retire at the age of 65. However, there have been suggestions from the judges of the Supreme Court of India to provide for a fixed term for the judges including the Chief Justice of India.[34]", "Supreme Court of Texas The Texas Supreme Court is the only state supreme court in the United States in which the manner in which it denies discretionary review can actually imply approval or disapproval of the merits of the lower court's decision and in turn may affect the geographic extent of the precedential effect of that decision. In March 1927, the Texas Legislature enacted a law directing the Texas Supreme Court to summarily refuse to hear applications for writs of error when it believed the Court of Appeals opinion correctly stated the law.[6] Thus, since June 1927, over 4,100 decisions of the Texas Courts of Appeals have become valid binding precedent of the Texas Supreme Court itself because the high court refused applications for writ of error rather than denying them and thereby signaled that it approved of their holdings as the law of the state.[6]", "Schenck v. United States Schenck v. United States was the first in a line of Supreme Court Cases defining the modern understanding of the First Amendment. Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. wrote the often-cited opinion in the case, because of events that were not publicly known at the time. The United States' entry into the First World War had caused deep divisions in society, and was vigorously opposed, especially by those on the radical left and by those who had ties to Ireland or Germany. The Woodrow Wilson Administration launched a broad campaign of criminal enforcement that resulted in thousands of prosecutions. Many of these were for trivial acts of dissent. In the first case arising from this campaign to come before the Court, Baltzer v. United States, the defendants had signed a petition criticizing their governor's administration of the draft, threatening him with defeat at the polls. They were charged with obstructing the recruitment and enlistment service, and convicted. When a majority of the Court voted during their conference to affirm the conviction, Holmes quickly drafted and circulated a strongly worded dissenting opinion:", "Bivens v. Six Unknown Named Agents Dissenting opinions were written by Chief Justice Burger and by Justices Black and Blackmun.", "Supreme Court of Pakistan All decisions that are pronounced by the supreme court, after hearing the review petitions, are considered as final rulings that are to be binding on all other courts in Pakistan.[103] The Constitution also empowers the Supreme Court to call upon any authority, either an executive or judicial, to act in aid of the Supreme Court to ensure its rulings are delivered to complete justice.[104]", "Supreme Court of Pakistan In 2013, the Supreme Court took suo motu actions against populist Imran Khan of criticising against the judgement of the Supreme Court's senior judges in regards to the elections.[38] The case was later dropped when Attorney-General assured the Supreme Court justices that Imran Khan did not insubordinate the judiciary.[38]", "List of courts of the United States Each justice is responsible for reviewing each case to determine whether leave should be granted. Cases that are accepted for oral argument may be decided by an order, with or without an opinion. These orders may affirm or reverse the Michigan Court of Appeals, may remand a case to the trial court, or may adopt a correct Court of Appeals opinion.", "Supreme Court of the United Kingdom The High Court of Justiciary, the Court of Session, and the Office of the Accountant of Court comprise the College of Justice, and are known as the Supreme Courts of Scotland.[17]", "Second Amendment to the United States Constitution In a unanimous opinion authored by Justice McReynolds, the Supreme Court stated \"the objection that the Act usurps police power reserved to the States is plainly untenable.\"[192] As the Court explained:", "Gun laws in California On June 26, 2017, the Supreme Court refused to grant certiorari to hear an appeal of the Ninth Circuit's en banc decision. Justices Clarence Thomas and Neil Gorsuch dissented from the denial.[65]", "Citizens United v. FEC Former Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, whose opinions had changed from dissenting in Austin v. Michigan State Chamber of Commerce to co-authoring (with Stevens) the majority opinion in McConnell v. Federal Election Commission twelve years later, criticized the decision only obliquely, but warned, \"In invalidating some of the existing checks on campaign spending, the majority in Citizens United has signaled that the problem of campaign contributions in judicial elections might get considerably worse and quite soon.\"[88]", "Supreme Court of Pakistan In addition, the Supreme Court also enjoys the plenary jurisdiction and may exercise its plenary powers for passing appropriate orders to ensure the completion of its orders and to complete the justice at all levels of commands.[93]:231[94]", "Contempt of court There have been criticisms over the practice of trying contempt from the bench. In particular, Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black wrote in a dissent, \"It is high time, in my judgment, to wipe out root and branch the judge-invented and judge-maintained notion that judges can try criminal contempt cases without a jury.\"[21]", "Supreme Court of Pakistan General Musharraf, acting as Chief Executive, forcefully retired the conservative leaning jurists and elevated the judges who had known to have libertarian views in their jurisprudence at the Supreme Court, including Justice Irshad Hasan as Chief Justice.:145[55] In 2002, The Supreme Court supervised the general elections successfully oversaw the transition of power from the office of Chief Executive to Prime minister.:350[56] The legalization of Contempt of court act further strengthened the judicial independence of the Supreme Court in 2004 when Shaukat Aziz became prime minister.:350–351[56]", "Supreme Court of India It is believed that before delivering his dissenting opinion, Justice Khanna had mentioned to his sister: \"I have prepared my judgment, which is going to cost me the Chief Justice-ship of India.\"[54] In January 1977, Justice Khanna was superseded despite being the most senior judge at the time and thereby Government broke the convention of appointing only the senior most judge to the position of Chief Justice of India. Justice Khanna remains a legendary figure among the legal fraternity in India for this decision.", "Supreme Court of Canada A puisne justice of the Supreme Court is referred to as The Honourable Mr/Madam Justice and the chief justice as Right Honourable. At one time, judges were addressed as \"My Lord\" or \"My Lady\" during sessions of the Court, but the Court discourages this style of address and had directed lawyers to use the simpler \"Your Honour or \"Justice\".[10] The designation \"My Lord/My Lady\" continues in many provincial superior courts and in the Federal Court of Canada and Federal Court of Appeal, where it is optional.", "Supreme court The new Supreme Court of New Zealand was officially established at the beginning of 2004, although it did not come into operation until July. The High Court of New Zealand was until 1980 known as the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court has a purely appellate jurisdiction and hears appeals from the Court of Appeal of New Zealand. In some cases, an appeal may be removed directly to the Supreme Court from the High Court. For certain cases, particularly cases which commenced in the District Court, a lower court (typically the High Court or the Court of Appeal) may be the court of final jurisdiction.", "Supreme Court of the Philippines The Supreme Court of the Philippines was officially established on June 11, 1901 through the passage of Act No. 136, otherwise known as the Judiciary Law of the Second Philippine Commission. By virtue of that law, judicial power in the Philippine Islands was vested in the Supreme Court, Courts of First Instance and Justice of the Peace courts. Other courts were subsequently established.", "International Court of Justice Advisory opinions have often been controversial because the questions asked are controversial or the case was pursued as an indirect way of bringing what is really a contentious case before the court. Examples of advisory opinions can be found in the section advisory opinions in the List of International Court of Justice cases article. One such well-known advisory opinion is the Nuclear Weapons Case.", "United States Supreme Court Building On May 3, 2010, citing security concerns and as part of the building's modernization project, the Supreme Court announced that the public (including parties to the cases being argued, the attorneys who represent them, and visitors to Oral arguments or the building) would no longer be allowed to enter the building through the main door on top of the steps on the west side.[12] Visitors must now enter through ground-level doors located at the plaza, leading to a reinforced area for security screening. The main doors at the top of the steps may still be used to exit the building.[12] Justice Breyer released a statement, joined by Justice Ginsburg, expressing his opinion that although he recognizes the security concerns that led to the decision, he does not believe on balance that the closure is justified.[13] Calling the decision \"dispiriting\", he said he was not aware of any Supreme Court in the world that had closed its main entrance to the public.[13]", "Maine Supreme Judicial Court As of January 1, 2015, the justices of the Maine Supreme Judicial Court were:", "Baker v. Carr The opinion was finally handed down in March 1962, nearly a year after it was initially argued. The Court split 6 to 2 in ruling that Baker's case was justiciable, producing, in addition to the opinion of the Court by Justice William J. Brennan, three concurring opinions and two dissenting opinions. Brennan reformulated the political question doctrine, identifying six factors to help in determining which questions were \"political\" in nature. Cases that are political in nature are marked by:", "District of Columbia v. Heller The majority opinion, written by Justice Antonin Scalia, and the primary dissenting opinion, written by Justice John Paul Stevens, are considered examples of the application of originalism in practice.[5]", "Supreme Court of California Finally, the Court has the power to \"depublish\" opinions by the Courts of Appeal (as opposed to the federal practice of not publishing certain \"unpublished\" opinions at all in the federal case reporters).[35] This means that even though the opinion has already been published in the official state reporters, it will be binding only upon the parties.[36] Stare decisis does not apply, and any new rules articulated will not be applied in future cases. Similarly, the California Supreme Court has the power to \"publish\" opinions by the California Courts of Appeal which were initially not published.[35]", "Texas v. Johnson Brennan's opinion for the court generated two dissents. Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist, joined by Justices Byron White and Sandra Day O'Connor, argued that the \"unique status\" of the flag \"justifies a governmental prohibition against flag burning in the way respondent Johnson did here.\" Rehnquist wrote:" ]
when does the new gotham season come out
[ "Gotham (season 4) The season was ordered in May 2017, and production began the following month. Ben McKenzie stars as Gordon, alongside Donal Logue, David Mazouz, Morena Baccarin, Sean Pertwee, Robin Lord Taylor, Erin Richards, Camren Bicondova, Cory Michael Smith, Jessica Lucas, Chris Chalk, Drew Powell, Crystal Reed and Alexander Siddig. The fourth season premiered on September 21, 2017, on Fox, while the second half premiered on March 1, 2018.[1]" ]
[ "Gotham (season 4) The producers revealed that the season would be based on the comic book stories Batman: The Long Halloween and Batman: Year One. According to executive producer John Stephens, the season would not consist of \"direct adaptations\", but \"loose interpretations\" of the comic book series.[32] Ben McKenzie explained that the structure for the season would be \"the beginning is more Long Halloween, our version of that, and the end is more Year One.\"[33] According to Stephens, the show will handle a horror-oriented direction on the season: \"At the very beginning of the season, Penguin has solidified his control upon Gotham like never before. Where he's kind of unionized crime. And Scarecrow comes in to basically reintroduce fear into Gotham and to remind people that the dark is still scary out there. And we're really going to fashion, especially Episode 2, almost a horror movie episode where we really get to see Scarecrow. I think he's like purely terrifying. Imagine, rather than the other versions of Scarecrow out there — because there are a lot of different versions — what if you just really tell Scarecrow as a horror movie? Because he could be scary as hell.\"[34][35] Executive producer Danny Cannon stated, \"When the studio asks you to tone back because it's too scary, you know you've done something right!\"[5]", "Gotham (season 3) The show was officially renewed by Fox for a 22-episode third season on March 16, 2017. David Madden, Fox's Entertainment President stated, \"It takes a very special team to tell the tales of Gotham. For the past two seasons, Bruno, Danny and John have masterfully honored the mythology of Gotham and brought it to life with depth, emotion and memorable high drama.\"[33][34]", "Coming out When coming out is described as a gradual process or a journey,[1] it is meant to include becoming aware of and acknowledging one's gender identity or non-heteronormative sexual orientation. This preliminary stage, which involves soul-searching or a personal epiphany,[14] is often called \"coming out to oneself\" and constitutes the start of self-acceptance. Many LGBT people say that this stage began for them during adolescence or childhood, when they first became aware of their sexual orientation toward members of the same sex. Coming out has also been described as a process because of a recurring need or desire to come out in new situations in which LGBT people are assumed to be heterosexual or cisgender, such as at a new job or with new acquaintances. As Diana Fuss (1991) explains, \"the problem of course with the inside/outside rhetoric...is that such polemics disguise the fact that most of us are both inside and outside at the same time\".", "Gotham (TV series) The second season of Gotham received generally positive reviews from critics. On Rotten Tomatoes the season has a rating of 81% based on 14 reviews, with an average rating of 7.1/10. The site's critical consensus reads, \"While still tonally uneven in season two, Gotham is back with a renewed focus, moving away from disjointed case-of-the-week plots into a darker, more stable serialized story.\"[106] Metacritic gives the season a score of 62 out of 100, based on 6 critics, indicating \"generally favorable reviews\".[114]", "List of Gotham characters Due to Gordon refusing to tell her about what's happening in Gotham out of fear that the Court of Owls will take action, Leslie resigns from the police department. She later takes a sample of Alice Tetch's blood that Hugo Strange gave James Gordon and injects herself with it. She was eventually cured along with Gordon. She then left Gotham, leaving behind a note saying that while she's not sure if Gotham deserves to be saved, Leslie does have hope that Gordon would save the city before reaffirming her love for him.", "Gotham City Detective Comics #503 (June 1983) includes several references suggesting Gotham City is in New Jersey. A location on the Jersey Shore is described as \"twenty miles north of Gotham\", and Robin and Batgirl drive from a \"secret New Jersey airfield\" to Gotham City and then drive on the \"Hudson County Highway\";[3] Hudson County is the name of an actual county in New Jersey.", "Gotham City In the World’s Greatest Super Heroes (August 1978) comic strip, a map is shown placing Gotham City in New Jersey and Metropolis in Delaware.[19] World's Finest Comics #259 (November 1979) also confirms that Gotham is in New Jersey.[20] New Adventures of Superboy #22 (October 1981) and the 1990 Atlas of the DC Universe both show maps of Gotham City in New Jersey and Metropolis in Delaware.[21][6]", "Gotham (TV series) In the second season, Gordon deals with a series of events that are being orchestrated by Theo Galavan and his sister Tabitha as part of a plan to take over Gotham as the new Mayor of Gotham City and exacting revenge against the Wayne Family. After Galavan is murdered in his run for mayor, the Gotham City Police Department deals with the actions of Victor Fries. The enigmatic Hugo Strange and his assistant Ethel Peabody conduct a series of bizarre experiments underneath Arkham Asylum in the underground Indian Hill facility that is secretly owned by Wayne Enterprises and overseen by the Court of Owls.", "Coming out In political, casual, or even humorous contexts, \"coming out\" means by extension the self-disclosure of a person's secret behaviors, beliefs, affiliations, tastes, identities, and interests that may cause astonishment or bring shame. Some examples include: \"coming out as an alcoholic\",[63] coming out as a BDSM participant\",[64] \"coming out of the broom closet\" (as a witch),[65] \"coming out as a conservative\",[66] \"coming out as disabled\",[67] \"coming out as a liberal\",[68] \"coming out as intersex\",[69] \"coming out as multiple\",[70] \"coming out as polyamorous\",[71] \"coming out as a sex worker\",[72] and \"coming out of the shadows\" as an undocumented immigrant within the United States.[73] The term is also used by members of online BIID communities to refer to the process of telling friends and families about their condition.", "List of Gotham characters Theo Galavan is a charismatic billionaire industrialist whose sister is Tabitha Galavan and whose step-niece is Silver St. Cloud, both of whom do his bidding.[22][23] He is the main antagonist of first half of season 2 Rise of the Villains, who's responsible for creating chaos and violence in Gotham City, as part of his master plan to finally carry out a centuries-old vendetta. Galavan's family, originally called the Dumas family, were one of Gotham City's most prominent families and said to have built Gotham City. But the family was ruined financially and socially by the Wayne family after an act of violence was perpetrated by a member of the Dumas family against a member of the Wayne family many years earlier. Those Dumas who remained in Gotham changed their surname to Galavan.", "Coming out Coming out of the closet is the source of other gay slang expressions related to voluntary disclosure or lack thereof. LGBT people who have already revealed or no longer conceal their sexual orientation or gender identity are out, i.e. openly LGBT. Oppositely, LGBT people who have yet to come out or have opted not to do so are labelled as closeted or being in the closet. Outing is the deliberate or accidental disclosure of an LGBT person's sexual orientation or gender identity, without their consent. By extension, outing oneself is self-disclosure. Glass closet means the open secret of when public figures' being LGBT is considered a widely accepted fact even though they have not officially come out.[5]", "Coming out American gender theorist Judith Butler argues that the process of \"coming out\" does not free gay people from oppression. Although they may feel free to act as themselves, the opacity involved in entering a non-heterosexual territory insinuates judgment upon their identity, she argues in Imitation and Gender Insubordination (1991).", "Gotham City Writer Bill Finger, on the naming of the city and the reason for changing Batman's locale from New York City to a fictional city, said, \"Originally I was going to call Gotham City 'Civic City.' Then I tried 'Capital City,' then 'Coast City.' Then I flipped through the New York City phone book and spotted the name 'Gotham Jewelers' and said, 'That's it,' Gotham City. We didn't call it New York because we wanted anybody in any city to identify with it.\"[12]", "Gotham City Gotham City is the home of Batman, just as Metropolis is home to Superman, and the two heroes often work together in both cities. In comic book depictions, the exact distance between Gotham and Metropolis has varied over the years, with the cities usually being within driving distance of each other. In more recent decades, the two cities are often portrayed as twin cities on opposite sides of the Delaware Bay, with Gotham in New Jersey and Metropolis in Delaware.[2][4] The Atlas of the DC Universe from the 1990s places Metropolis in Delaware and Gotham City in New Jersey.[22]", "Coming out Coming out of the closet, or simply coming out, is a metaphor for LGBT people's self-disclosure of their sexual orientation or of their gender identity. The term coming out can also be used in various non-LGBT applications (e.g. atheists).", "List of Gotham characters At the beginning of the second season, Bullock resigns from the police force but rejoins following the Maniax attack on the GCPD. After Gordon is framed for the murder of Carl Pinkney, Bullock enlists Carmine Falcone to help break Jim out of prison. After Captain Barnes is hospitalized after an attack by Azrael, Harvey is declared the de facto Captain until further notice and is trusted by Jim to protect Gotham after new threats emerge while he is away.[9]", "Coming out In 1996, the acclaimed British film Beautiful Thing had a positive take in its depiction of two teenage boys coming to terms with their sexual identity. In 1987, a two-part episode of the Quebec television series Avec un grand A, “Lise, Pierre et Marcel”, depicted a married closeted man who has to come out when his wife discovers that he has been having an affair with another man. In the Emmy Award-nominated episode \"Gay Witch Hunt\" of The Office, Michael inadvertently outs Oscar to the whole office.", "Coming out In 1997 on The Oprah Winfrey Show, actress Ellen DeGeneres came out as a lesbian. Her real-life coming out was echoed in the sitcom Ellen in \"The Puppy Episode\" in which the eponymous character Ellen Morgan played by DeGeneres outs herself over the airport public address system.\nOn March 29, 2010, Puerto Rican pop singer Ricky Martin came out publicly in a post on his official web site by stating, \"I am proud to say that I am a fortunate homosexual man. I am very blessed to be who I am.\"[44][45] Martin said that \"these years in silence and reflection made me stronger and reminded me that acceptance has to come from within and that this kind of truth gives me the power to conquer emotions I didn't even know existed.\"[46] Singer Adam Lambert came out after pictures of him kissing another man were publicly circulated while he was a participant on American Idol season 8.", "Gotham City Batman: Shadow of the Bat, Annual #1 (June 1993) further establishes that Gotham City is in New Jersey. Sal E. Jordan's driver's license in the comic shows his address as \"72 Faxcol Dr Gotham City, NJ 12345\".[5]", "Gotham (TV series) On September 24, 2013, Fox announced that it had bypassed the traditional pilot phase and placed a straight-to-series order for Gotham, to be written and executive produced by Heller.[62] Gotham received a series order from Fox on May 5, 2014,[63] with the first season reported to consist of 16 episodes, rather than the standard 13 or 22.[64] On January 17, 2015, the series was renewed for a second season.[65]", "Gotham City Batman: Arkham Asylum (2009) opens with Batman driving Joker from Gotham City to Arkham Asylum. Joker also threatens to detonate bombs across Gotham. In Batman: Arkham City (2011), the slums of Old Gotham City (the northern island) were converted into Arkham City. Inside the prison walls, this part of Gotham contains various landmarks throughout the story, like Penguin's Iceberg Lounge, the Ace Chemical Plant, the Sionis Steel Mill, the Old Gotham City Police Department building, and the Monarch Theatre with the Wayne murder scene in Crime Alley. Most of these locations have major events in the story. In Batman: Arkham Origins (2013), an earlier, younger version of the city can be seen than that of other games in the Batman: Arkham series. In addition to the northern island, this installment in the series lets players explore a new southern island, connected to the former by the Pioneer's Bridge. The setting of Batman: Arkham Knight (2015), Central Gotham City, is five-times larger than Old Gotham.", "Coming out Every coming out story is the person trying to come to terms with who they are and their sexual orientation.[15] Several models have been created to describe coming out as a process for gay and lesbian identity development, e.g. Dank, 1971; Cass, 1984; Coleman, 1989; Troiden, 1989. Of these models, the most widely accepted is the Cass identity model established by Vivienne Cass.[16] This model outlines six discrete stages transited by individuals who successfully come out: identity confusion, identity comparison, identity tolerance, identity acceptance, identity pride, and identity synthesis. However, not every LGBT person follows such a model. For example, some LGBT youth become aware of and accept their same-sex desires or gender identity at puberty in a way similar to which heterosexual teens become aware of their sexuality, i.e. free of any notion of difference, stigma or shame in terms of the gender of the people to whom they are attracted.[citation needed] Regardless of whether LGBT youth develop their identity based on a model, the typical age at which youth in the United States come out has been dropping. High school students and even middle school students are coming out.[17][18][19]", "Coming out Gay people in the pre-war years [pre-WWI]... did not speak of coming out of what we call the gay closet but rather of coming out into what they called homosexual society or the gay world, a world neither so small, nor so isolated, nor... so hidden as closet implies[11]", "List of Gotham characters James Gordon is a war veteran and homicide detective at the Gotham City Police Department in its 1st Grade working to find the man who killed Bruce Wayne's parents and battling the corruption of Gotham City's Police Department.[3] His father was Gotham City's District Attorney before his death in a car accident when Gordon was 13 years old.", "Gotham City Apart from Gotham's superhero residents, the residents of the city feature in a back-up series in Detective Comics called Tales of Gotham City[60] and in two limited series called Gotham Nights. Additionally, the Gotham City Police Department is the focus of the series Gotham Central, as well as the mini-series Gordon's Law, Bullock's Law, and GCPD.", "Coming out In 2013, basketball player Jason Collins (a member of the Washington Wizards) came out as gay, becoming the first active male professional athlete in a major North American team sport to publicly come out as gay.", "List of Gotham characters Leslie Thompkins later talks to Nathaniel Barnes about the blood he is infected with that also infected Mario Calvic. Barnes calls it a gift and states that when he gets out of Arkham, he is going to bathe the corruption of Gotham City in blood starting with Jim Gordon's blood.", "Coming out On the personal and relationship levels, effects of not coming out have been the subject of studies. For example, it has been found that same-sex couples who have not come out are not as satisfied in their relationships as same-sex couples who have.[22]\nFindings from another study indicate that the fewer people know about a lesbian's sexual orientation, the more anxiety, less positive affectivity, and lower self-esteem she has.[23] Further, Gay.com states that closeted individuals are reported to be at increased risk for suicide.[24]", "Gotham City The 2016 film Suicide Squad reveals Gotham City to be in the state of New Jersey within the DC Extended Universe.[10][11]", "Gotham (TV series) On February 1, 2016, Fox began airing episodes of a five-part motion comic titled Gotham Stories, meant to tie into the series' second season.[136][137]", "Batman: Knightfall Bruce eventually leaves England to return home to a civilian life in Gotham, but Alfred remains in England, not wanting to see Bruce Wayne damage his body further. He does not return to Gotham until a while later, when Dick Grayson persuades him to do so in later issues.", "Gotham by Gaslight At a City Council meeting, Mayor Tolliver (the former Police Commissioner who aggressively prosecuted Bruce as the suspected Ripper) is promoting Gotham's hosting of the \"American Discovery Exposition\" to market Gotham as the \"City of the Future\". The meeting is interrupted by the flamboyant Alexandre LeRoi, who demands that he be proclaimed master of the city, or else he will burn it to the ground. He leaps out the window before he can be arrested, and Tolliver insists that the fair proceed.", "Out Come the Freaks The song's parent album was later renamed Out Come The Freaks when it was remastered and expanded in 2004. A companion remix album is titled (The) Woodwork Squeaks.", "Gotham City In the Lego Batman Movie Gotham City is divided into sections by rivers, has the 'Gotham Energy Facility' (an energy plant atop 2 'plates' similar to Tectonic Plates, and has an island named Wayne Island between Gotham City and Blüdhaven.", "National Coming Out Day Most people think they don't know anyone gay or lesbian, and in fact everybody does. It is imperative that we come out and let people know who we are and disabuse them of their fears and stereotypes.", "Gotham (TV series) In the first season, James Gordon, a new recruit in the Gotham City Police Department is paired with veteran detective Harvey Bullock to solve the murders of Thomas and Martha Wayne. Gordon meets the Waynes' son Bruce who is now in the care of his butler Alfred Pennyworth. In addition, he also encounters gang member Oswald Cobblepot, forensics worker Edward Nygma, street orphans Selina Kyle and Pamela \"Ivy\" Pepper, assistant district attorney Harvey Dent, and medical doctor Leslie Thompkins. Gordon becomes involved with Gotham's crime families including gangster Fish Mooney and crime lords Carmine Falcone and Salvatore Maroni.[8]", "Gotham City In the TV series Smallville, Gotham City is mentioned by the character Linda Lake in the episode \"Hydro\", who jokes she can see Gotham from her view. It is also mentioned in \"Reunion\", where one of Oliver Queen's friends mentions having to get back to Gotham.", "Gotham City A map appeared in The New Adventures of Superboy #22 (October 1981), that showed Smallville within driving distance of both Metropolis and Gotham City; Smallville was relocated to Kansas in post-Crisis continuity.[26] A map of the United States in The Secret Files & Origins Guide to the DC Universe 2000 #1 (March 2000) depicts Metropolis and Gotham City as being somewhere in the Tri-state Area alongside Blüdhaven.[27]", "When the Boat Comes In The series' creator James Mitchell also wrote three tie-in books to the T.V. show: When the Boat Comes In, When the Boat Comes In: The Hungry Years and When the Boat Comes In: Upwards and Onwards. The final book brings the reader up to date with the end of the second series of the TV show.", "I'm Coming Out \"I'm Coming Out\" has been regarded as an anthem for the LGBT community. The phrase \"coming out\" to describe one's self-disclosure of sexual orientation or gender identity had been present in the gay subculture in the early 20th century[3], analogous to a débutante's coming-out party or celebration of her formal presentation to society. It has also been understood as \"coming out of the closet\" or coming out from hiding. The song is thus interpreted as a celebration of lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender, identity and the encouragement of self-disclosure.", "Gotham City Other DC characters have also been depicted to be living in Gotham, such as mercenary Tommy Monaghan[57] and renowned demonologist Jason Blood.\nWithin modern DC Universe continuity, Batman is not the first hero in Gotham. Stories featuring Alan Scott, the Golden Age Green Lantern, set before and during World War II depict Scott living in Gotham, and later depictions show him running his Gotham Broadcasting Corporation.[58]", "Coming out In 2011, as the U.S. prepared to lift restrictions on service by openly gay people, Senior Airman Randy Phillips conducted a social media campaign to garner support for coming out. The video he posted on YouTube of the conversation in which he told his father he was gay went viral.[48] In one journalist's summation, he \"masterfully used social media and good timing to place himself at the centre of a civil rights success story\".[49]", "List of Gotham characters Oswald Cobblepot is a cunning, well-spoken criminal \"snitch.\" He starts out as an attendant for Fish Mooney at her nightclub, and early on displays a sadistic, violent streak despite his small size. After he is discovered to be an informant for the GCPD, he is brutally beaten, leaving him with an odd way of walking furthering his nickname \"Penguin\". He escapes an attempt on his life, collaborating with Don Falcone when Gordon deliberately misfires at the pier where Oswald has been sent for execution. After a stint in the Maroni crime family as a restaurant manager, he convinces Maroni of his loyalty, even setting up a robbery by some actors in which he feigns heroism to show his devotion. He later kills the three actors with poisoned cannolis and presumably keeps the stolen cash they had on them. Oswald later assumes Mooney's position in the Falcone crime family when Mooney's plot against the Don is uncovered. At the end of season one, Oswald is Gotham City's sole remaining mob boss, with all of his rivals either dead, missing, or having fled Gotham.[13][14]", "Gotham City Gotham City's atmosphere took on a lighter tone in the comics of the 1950s and part of the 1960s, similar to the tone of Batman stories of that era. However, by the early 1970s, particularly with Dennis O'Neil becoming a prominent Batman writer,[36] the tone of the city, along with that of the stories, had become grittier. Significantly, by the 1970s, Gotham's real-life counterpart, New York, had lost much of its 1960s \"Fun City\" luster and was beset by urban problems including public fear of rising crime, a declining economy, police corruption, and municipal financial mismanagement. In most stories since the 70s, the portrayal of Gotham is that of a dark and foreboding metropolis rife with crime, corruption, and a deep-seated sense of urban decay.", "Gotham by Gaslight Batman confronts Councilman Franklin Claypool, who confesses to being LeRoi's accomplice and providing him with information for his attack. Claypool secretly owns a large portion of Gotham City's slum housing, which he expected to sell profitably through his proposed redevelopment program, but the program was pushed aside by Tolliver in favor of the fair. LeRoi agreed to target Claypool's properties, allowing Claypool to collect a lucrative insurance payout, but Claypool never intended the deaths LeRoi's actions caused, and so does not resist when Gordon arrives to arrest him.", "Coming out Ellen DeGeneres's coming out in the media as well as an episode of Ellen, \"The Puppy Episode\", \"ranks, hands down, as the single most public exit in gay history\", changing media portrayals of lesbians in Western culture.[60] In 1999, Russell T Davies's Queer as Folk, a popular TV series shown on Channel 4 (UK) debuted and focused primarily on the lives of young gay men; in particular on a 15-year-old going through the processes of revealing his sexuality to those around him. This storyline was also featured prominently in the U.S. version of Queer As Folk, which debuted in 2000.", "Coming out Emerging research suggests that gay men from religious backgrounds are likely to come out online via Facebook and Blogs as it offers a protective interpersonal distance. This largely contradicts the growing movement in social media research indicating that online use, particularly Facebook, can lead to negative mental health outcomes such as increased levels of anxiety. While further research is needed to assess whether these results generalize to a larger sample, these recent findings open the door to the possibility that gay men's online experiences may differ from heterosexuals' in that it may be more likely to provide mental health benefits than consequences.[20]", "Gotham City During the American Civil War, it was defended by an ancestor of the Penguin, fighting for the Union Army, Col. Nathan Cobblepot, in the Legendary Battle of Gotham Heights. In Gotham Underground #2 by Frank Tieri, Tobias Whale claims that 19th century Gotham was run by five rival gangs, until the first \"masks\" appeared, eventually forming a gang of their own. It is not clear whether these were vigilantes or costumed criminals.", "Gotham City The 2011 comic book series Batman: Gates of Gotham details a history of Gotham City in which Alan Wayne (Bruce Wayne's ancestor), Theodore Cobblepot (Oswald Cobblepot's ancestor), and Edward Elliot (Thomas Elliot's ancestor), are considered the founding fathers of Gotham. In 1881 they constructed three bridges called the Gates of Gotham, each bearing one of their last names. Edward Elliot became increasingly jealous of the Wayne family’s popularity and wealth during this time period, a jealousy that would spread to his great-great grandson, Thomas Elliot or Hush.[29]", "Gotham (season 3) On June 2016, it was revealed that the Mad Hatter would be appearing in the third season.[46] On July 18, The Walking Dead's vet Benedict Samuel was cast in the role, with the role described as \"a talented hypnotist teetering on the edge of madness. He arrives in Gotham with an unwavering desire to find his sister, Alice, a young woman who went missing in the city years ago.\"[2][47] On August 23, 2016, Naian Gonzalez Norvind was cast as his sister, Alice, with her role being described as \"she has a powerful ability she was born with, that she thinks is a curse and Jervis Tetch aka Mad Hatter, thinks is a gift.\"[6]", "Out Come the Freaks A fourth song related to \"Out Come the Freaks\" called \"Look What's Back\" appears as the final track on the group's fourth album Are You Okay? in 1990. The song is a 43-second acoustic camp-fire rendition in which the group chants the chorus: 'Woodwork squeaks, and out comes the freaks'.", "James Gordon (Gotham) During his investigation, Gordon runs afoul of gangster Fish Mooney (Jada Pinkett Smith), who takes him hostage. Bullock later goes searching for him, and is captured alongside him. The two are freed by Gotham's most powerful mob boss, Carmine Falcone (John Doman), who was an old friend of Gordon's deceased father. In return, Falcone asks Gordon to kill Oswald \"Penguin\" Cobblepot (Robin Lord Taylor), Mooney's underling who had informed on her to the GCPD. Gordon fakes Cobbelpot's death and orders him never to come back to Gotham.[1]", "Gotham City Stone gargoyles are commonly depicted on the buildings of Gotham City, such as the thirteen gargoyles on Wayne Tower.[34] Various artists have depicted Batman perched atop gargoyles while keeping watch over Gotham City.[34]", "List of When the Boat Comes In episodes This is list of episodes for BBC One period drama When the Boat Comes In which aired four seasons consisting of 51 episodes between 1976 and 1981.", "When the Boat Comes In The memorable traditional tune \"When The Boat Comes In\" was adapted by David Fanshawe and sung by Alex Glasgow for the title theme of the series. Fanshawe also composed the incidental music.", "Gotham (season 4) The show was officially renewed by Fox for a fourth season on May 10, 2017.[31] Just like the second and third seasons, the fourth season also carried a new subtitle for the season: A Dark Knight.[8]", "Gotham City The TV series Gotham films in New York City, and according to executive producer Danny Cannon, its atmosphere is inspired by the look of the city itself in the 1970s films of Sidney Lumet and William Friedkin. Clues to this include and signs showing phone numbers bearing the area code 212.[92] Donal Logue, who portrays Harvey Bullock in the series Gotham, described different aspects of that series' design of Gotham City as exhibiting different sensibilities, explaining, \"For me, you can step into things that almost feel like the roaring 20s, and then there's this other really kind of heavy Blade Runner vibe floating around. There are elements of it that are completely contemporary and there are pieces of it that are very old-fashioned...There were a couple of examples of modern technology, but maybe an antiquated version of it, that gave me a little bit of sense that it's certainly not the 50s and the 60s...But it's not high tech and it's not futuristic, by any means.\"[93]", "Gotham (season 4) McKenzie made his writing debut on the episode \"The Demon's Head\", after previously directing the third season episode \"These Delicate and Dark Obsessions\". McKenzie went to Los Angeles to work on the writers' room to break the story and then go back to New York City and finish many drafts. He explained, \"I've been fiddling around with writing for a long time, but I'd never written an episode of television, so it was quite a learning process.\" He also added that, \"From being on a set, the directing came fairly naturally. It was challenging, but there were a lot of things that I understood about directing just from observing, just from watching director's work. Writing often takes place behind-the-scenes. Physical production is not privy to how scripts come out... I wasn't so familiar with that process of breaking a story, of starting with a story document, then an outline, and then a draft; it was informative\".[46][47]", "Gotham City The Diamond District is a district of Gotham that is home to the city's wealthiest citizens.", "When the Whip Comes Down In a 1978 interview with Rolling Stone magazine to mark the release of Some Girls, Jagger responded to questions regarding the song's lyrics: \"...There is one song that's a straight gay song—\"When the Whip Comes Down\"—but I have no idea why I wrote it. It's strange - the Rolling Stones have always attracted a lot of men... I don't know why I wrote it. Maybe I came out of the closet {laughs}. It's about an imaginary person who comes from L.A. to New York City and becomes a garbage collector... I sure hope the radio stations will play [it].\" The lyrics could be taken to imply that the singer becomes a male prostitute,", "RuPaul's Drag Race (season 6) Before the compilation's release, RuPaul confirmed on Twitter that a new album, in which each of the Season 6 contestants covered a song from his catalog, would be coming out.[citation needed]", "Gotham City Both Bristol County and The Palisades are communities on the outskirts of Gotham City limits.", "Gotham (season 3) At 2016 San Diego Comic-Con, executive producer John Stephens explained the structure for the season: \"We're doing eleven [episodes] in the Fall, then there's three episodes in January, then the final run of seven or eight episodes in the Spring. [The three] is not a self-contained [series of] episodes, because it extends what we're doing in the Fall, but it is an ended story, so we'll arc it out.\"[35] Just like the second season, the third season also carried a two subtitles for the season. The first 14 episodes of the season: Mad City; and the other 8 episodes: Heroes Rise.[9][25] On June 2016, Drew Powell revealed on a tweet the first two episodes of the season.[36]", "...And Out Come the Wolves ...And Out Come the Wolves was released on August 22, 1995, and peaked at number 45 on the Billboard 200 album chart.[16] Five months after its release, the album was certified gold.[2]", "Coming out On August 15, 2013, WWE wrestler Darren Young came out, making him the first openly gay active professional wrestler.", "Out Come the Freaks The second recording is slower and sparser as opposed to the post-disco sound of the original. This version is sung by Harry Bowens, who sings the Woodwork Squeaks chorus as more of a refrain than a chant. This version adds a new introductory verse which sets up the concept of the song. The final chorus replaces the words \"the freaks\" with a succession of song titles including \"Papa's Got A Brand New Bag\" and \"The Shadow of Your Smile\", implying a more positive spin on the idea of a \"freak\" to counterpoint the earlier verses. \"(Return to the Valley of) Out Come the Freaks\" was the only single from Born to Laugh at Tornadoes to chart in the UK, and was also their first hit in that country, hitting the UK top 50.[2]", "Coming Out of the Dark Gloria was careful not to turn Into the Light into a pity party. \"I hate pity,\" she told the Los Angeles Daily News. \"I'm very self-reliant and independent, and I'm used to that role. I don't like people feeling sorry for me. So I wrote 'Coming Out of the Dark' to let the people around me know how important they are to me. But that was as far as I wanted to go with the accident. I didn't want this to become 'the album on the accident.' What am I going to sing - 'Oh, this bus hit me'?\"", "Batman (Terry McGinnis) Barbara is reluctant to assist the new Batman and to have a teenager as Gotham's new protector. The direct-to-video movie Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker revealed that Barbara remains haunted by the torture that Tim Drake long ago suffered at the hands of the Joker. She advises Terry to give up being Batman, and once tries to arrest him after he is framed for murder by Spellbinder; however, when the truth comes out, Barbara rewards Terry with a civic service award as an apology. Barbara eventually relents, however, upon realizing that she could not deter him any more than she could have been deterred from being Batgirl.", "Gotham (season 4) Filming for the season began on June 20, 2017, at Steiner Studios in Brooklyn, New York.[71] In January 2018, it was announced that Ben McKenzie would direct an episode after making his directional debut the previous season.[72] It was later revealed that he would be directing the 16th episode, titled \"One of My Three Soups\".[73] Production on the season officially wrapped in late March 2018.[74]", "Gotham (season 4) As a concept McKenzie wished to explore, the fourth season is set to bring back the actor Charlie Tahan as Jonathan Crane / Scarecrow,[61] who portrayed the character on the first-season episodes: \"The Fearsome Dr. Crane\" and \"The Scarecrow\".[3][62] A trailer was screened on the 2017 San Diego Comic-Con that showed Crane donning a new costume under the Scarecrow persona.[34] McKenzie explained: \"So we met his father Dr Crane in Season 1. So we've taken our time; we're gonna come back now to his son. You know, in circumstances probably not best described now, his son takes on his father's mantle and becomes the fully-realized Scarecrow. It's great. We're able to use this sort of fear toxin that Scarecrow is able to summon. We're completely unafraid — or perhaps afraid but we still persist–in expanding the universe and our capabilities.\"[63] Tahan commented on his character, \"He's sort of trying to build an army with this toxin. Scarecrow might start brainwashing people. I'm not exactly sure what his endgame is — I don't even know if he knows. He has this revelation that he doesn't have to fear fear.\"[64] However, due to Tahan's commitment to the series Ozark, the role ended up recast with David W. Thompson, who is expected to portray him in the second half of the season.[65]", "Gotham City The Narrows is an island in the middle of the Gotham River, situated between Midtown District and Downtown Gotham City. The Narrows was introduced in the 2005 Christopher Nolan films Batman Begins and The Dark Knight; it was carried over into the comics and other media projects. Loosely based on Roosevelt Island which sits between Manhattan and Queens in the East River in NYC.", "Coming out In 1975, Leonard Matlovich, while serving in the United States Air Force, came out to challenge the U.S. military's policies banning service by homosexuals. Widespread coverage included a Time magazine cover story and a television movie on NBC.[47]", "I'm Coming Out \"I'm Coming Out\" is a song recorded by American singer Diana Ross. It was written and produced by Chic members Bernard Edwards and Nile Rodgers, and released in August 22, 1980 as the second single from Ross' self-titled tenth album Diana (1980).", "Robin in other media Carrie Kelly appears as Robin in the two-part animated film Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, voiced by Ariel Winter. Being a fan of Batman, Carrie took the mantle of Robin herself when the Mutant crime organization had been wreaking havoc on Gotham. Batman comes to see her as a suitable Robin, training her and using her to gather intel. She helps him with leading the former Mutant's group Sons of Batman into learning his less violent ways, when Gotham needed martial law enforced. When Batman is called out to a duel with Superman after refusing to go back into retirement, Carrie helps Bruce fake his death. She, along with Oliver Queen (Green Arrow) and Bruce train the Sons of Batman group to begin taking on his job.", "Gotham City The fifth episode of Young Justice, entitled \"Schooled\", indicates that Gotham is located in Connecticut, near Bridgeport.", "Joker in other media In Season 3, following Indian Hill's closure, Jerome's corpse is stored in a Wayne Enterprises warehouse along with the bodies of other deceased individuals. Jerome's body is stolen by Dwight and a group of cultists who worship Jerome, with the intention of using Hugo Strange's reanimation techniques to bring Jerome back from the dead. When Dwight seemingly fails at reviving Jerome, he cuts off his face and wears it with the intention of taking Jerome's place. However, Jerome indeed returns from the dead, reclaims his face and staples it back on, and plunges Gotham into the darkness, urging those to come out during the dark and let their true selves out. During the blackout, Gotham is sent into anarchy, and Jerome uses the moment to fulfill his original mission in killing Bruce Wayne. He kidnaps Bruce and takes him to a fairground taken over by Jerome's followers, but the GCPD intercept them and Bruce manages to narrowly escape being shot by a cannon set up by Jerome. The two face off against one another in a hall of mirrors, in which Bruce comes close to killing Jerome after overpowering him and repeatedly punching him in the face. Jerome's life is spared by Bruce, and he is subsequently arrested and sent back to Arkham.[11]", "Gotham City Several mayors of Gotham have appeared in the comic book series that collectively form the Batman Family of titles.", "Gotham (season 3) The season also introduces Nygma finally accepting himself as The Riddler and the use of his signature green suit. Series regular Cory Michael Smith has been commenting for over a year that while he hasn't figured out how the costume for the Riddler would be, he was confident it will \"certainly be a green suit\"; stating that the fittings for the costume were already underway by July 2016.[48][49] He also added that the new Riddler won't be like the version of Jim Carrey in the film Batman Forever. He claimed, \"I want him to be kind of showy. So what we have as the Riddler costume is really classy, and that's kind of what we wanted.\"[50]", "Out Come the Freaks Despite the three songs' abundant similarities, each song is distinctive, as differing lyrics in the verses of each song tell stories about different societal outcasts. As well, each recording had a different contemporary sound, a thoroughly different arrangement, and reworked the melody while still retaining the chorus vocal: Woodwork squeaks, and out comes the freaks.", "Gotham by Gaslight Batman interrupts the Ripper as he is about to claim his next victim. Batman chases the Ripper throughout Gotham and the two eventually come to a stop at the grave of Thomas and Martha Wayne, where it is revealed that Jacob Packer is the Ripper. Packer had been trained in medicine and law with the money of Thomas Wayne, but he was driven insane by Martha Wayne's rejection of his advances. Since then he was killing women who resemble Martha to silence the laughter of Martha he heard in his head.", "Metropolis (comics) In the TV series Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman, when Lois finds out about Superman's secret identity and yells at Clark about how he's been hiding his secretly being Superman, he responds, \"A little louder, Lois. I don't think they could hear you in Gotham City.\" In the TV series Smallville, Linda Lake, a columnist for the Daily Planet, once boasted that she could see Gotham City from her new office.[29] In Superman: The Animated Series, Bruce Wayne is shown takes his private jet aircraft to Metropolis, indicating that the two cities have at least some distance between them.", "Ra's al Ghul Following his resurrection, Ra's al Ghul, in his new body, moves his base of operations to Gotham City where it is revealed that a remnant of his son Dusan's consciousness still remains within him. Since the White Ghost was his son, Ra's was able to use the resemblance between them to modify his new body's appearance to be more like his own. This arrogance contributes to the brazen move to Gotham and a subsequent ninja attack on Batman, which indirectly leads to the discovery of a map of all the known Lazarus Pit locations across the globe. Batman then infiltrates Ra's al Ghul's new Gotham penthouse headquarters and easily defeats his horde of ninjas and Ra's himself. To ensure Ra's is not a constant threat within Gotham City, Batman comes up with the false identity of \"Terry Gene Kase\", and plants it along with credible photos, medical records, and police records for both Blackgate Penitentiary and Arkham Asylum. Batman takes an unconscious Ra's directly to Arkham where it is believed he really is the prisoner \"Terry Gene Kase\", a criminal with multiple personality disorder who has just been transferred to Arkham to finish out multiple life sentences. Along with attaching false information and a false identity to Ra's al Ghul's file, Batman attaches a false prescription of potent medication that ensures slurred speech and next to zero mobility.[1]", "History of the New York Giants (baseball) The Giants began as the second baseball club founded by millionaire tobacconist John B. Day and veteran amateur baseball player Jim Mutrie. The Gothams, as the Giants were originally known, entered the National League seven years after its 1876 formation, in 1883, while their other club, the Metropolitans (the original New York Mets) played in the rival American Association (1882-1891). Nearly half of the original Gothams players were members of the disbanded Troy Trojans in upstate New York, whose place in the National League the Gothams inherited. While the Metropolitans were initially the more successful club, after they won the 1884 AA championship, Day and Mutrie began moving star players to the NL Gothams, whose fortunes improved while the Metropolitans' afterwards slumped.", "Gotham by Gaslight Gotham by Gaslight was not the highest-ranking Elseworlds story on the list, as Batman & Dracula: Red Rain ranked higher at #9.[1]", "Meet John Doe The John Doe philosophy spreads across the country, developing into a broad grassroots movement whose simple slogan is, \"Be a better neighbor\". However, Norton secretly plans to channel support for Doe into support for his own national political ambitions. When a John Doe rally is scheduled, with John Doe clubs from throughout the country in attendance, Norton instructs Mitchell to write a speech for Willoughby in which he announces the foundation of a new political party and endorses Norton as its presidential candidate. On the night of the rally, Willoughby, who has come to believe in the John Doe philosophy himself, learns of Norton's treachery from a drunken Connell. He denounces Norton and tries to expose the plot at the rally, but Norton speaks first, exposing Doe as a fake and claiming to have been deceived, like everyone else, by the staff of the newspaper. Despondent at letting his now-angry followers down, Willoughby plans to commit suicide by jumping from the roof of the City Hall on Christmas Eve, as indicated in the original John Doe letter. Mitchell, who has fallen in love with Willoughby, desperately tries to talk him out of jumping (saying another John Doe has already died for the sake of humanity), and Hanson and his neighbors tell him of their plan to restart their John Doe club. Convinced not to kill himself, Willoughby leaves, carrying a fainted Mitchell in his arms, and Connell turns to Norton and says, \"There you are, Norton! The people! Try and lick that!\"", "List of Gotham characters Upon establishing the Pax Penguina where criminals can get a license from him to commit a crime, Oswald Cobblepot has his encounter with Sofia Falcone. After figuring out Sofia's plot, Oswald ends up in a gang war with her. Later on when Gotham City becomes a no man's land, Oswald kills Butch Gilzean as part of his revenge on Tabitha for killing his mother. He then has Hugo Strange work on saving the lives of Leslie Thompkins and Riddler while he claims some territory.", "I'm Coming Out In 2003, American singer Amerie covered \"I'm Coming Out\" for the soundtrack to the film Maid in Manhattan. Her version was released as a single in select European countries and Australia. The final single version to be released was the Loren Dawson remix. The original single version (which is similar to the original) can be found on both CD singles and the original motion picture soundtrack to Maid in Manhattan. Ross' version appears on the film's soundtrack album as well.", "Batman: Earth One In his mid-twenties, Bruce dons a bat-themed costume as a disguise, inspired by his pre-training experience at Wayne Manor. Meanwhile, Detective James Gordon of the Gotham City Police Department is investigating a string of disappearances involving young girls between the ages of thirteen and fifteen. The case is shortly put on hold, so that Gordon can meet his new partner, Harvey Bullock, an experienced LAPD detective who has come to Gotham to solve the Wayne murders in order to revive a fading career.", "...And Out Come the Wolves The album received positive reviews, Stephen Thomas Erlewine of AllMusic described the album as having \"classic moments of revivalist punk\". Erlewine praised the music and claims the album \"doesn't mark an isolationist retreat into didactic, defiantly underground punk rock\". The album received a rating of four and a half out of five stars, while \"Time Bomb,\" \"Ruby Soho\" and \"Roots Radicals\" earned Rancid its heaviest airplay on MTV and radio stations to date.[1] In 2005, ...And Out Come the Wolves was ranked number 368 in Rock Hard magazine's book of The 500 Greatest Rock & Metal Albums of All Time.[17] BuzzFeed included the album at number 14 on their \"36 Pop Punk Albums You Need To Hear Before You F——ing Die\" list.[18]", "List of Gotham characters Lucius later leaves Wayne Enterprises and becomes a science expert at the Gotham City Police Department.", "I'm Coming Out Nile recorded all the tracks and vocals and called me and my horn section for a 3-hour date. We had a great time, as the songs were fabulous—especially \"Upside Down\" and \"I'm Coming Out\". We sounded great—Nile was pleased and as I was packing up, he asked me to stay and play a jazz trombone solo on one of the tracks. I said, \"Nile, there are a lot of hit records with jazz saxophone solos—even some with jazz trumpet solos, but not one with a trombone\"!! He said. \"That's exactly why I want you to do it\"!! I was a little bit rusty at first as I hadn't had a call to play jazz in years, so we ended up with four separate tracks of solos, with the intention of picking the best parts to make one great solo when later he went to mix it. I reminded Nile of our agreement and he said he was looking forward to 'The Empire Strikes Back' as he was a Star Wars fan himself.", "Gotham City The East End is an underdeveloped part of Gotham laden with poverty, crime, prostitution, and the circulation of illegal drugs and weapons. Catwoman takes an active interest in protecting this area.", "Gotham City The city is featured in Lego Batman: The Videogame, LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes as the main hub world, and LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham.", "Gotham (TV series) David Hinckley of the New York Daily News praised the first episode for playing \"like a 45-minute movie, with stunning visuals that never feel like a shrunken TV version of the Batman films against which it will inevitably be measured\" and lauded Logue's Harvey Bullock as a scene-stealer.[109] The San Jose Mercury News' Chuck Barney called the pilot \"a fun, dark, moody and well-paced first hour\" and McKenzie's James Gordon a commanding lead, while saying Jada Pinkett Smith is \"an absolute blast to watch.\"[110] Matt Brennan of Indiewire said that Gotham was \"the perfect antidote to superhero fatigue\", praising the \"bright, pop-inflected aesthetic, with urban backdrops that appear as though cut out from the panels of a comic book.\"[111]", "List of The Big Bang Theory characters In season nine, he comes to Howard and Bernadette's house since they are talking about renovating and he comes over to help. While Howard and he are busy together, Mike asks Howard why he does not want kids, but Howard sets things straight when he tells Mike that it is actually Bernadette who does not want kids and she causes the dust avalanche on both of them. Bernadette had lied to her father about not wanting kids because she did not want to disappoint him. Mike says he does not want to see her miss out since raising children was the most rewarding experience of his life, but Bernadette points out that her mother did everything while all Mike did was come home from work, sit on the couch, and drink beer, which is unrelated to raising kids. Defeated, Mike leaves, saying this is really a conversation for husband and wife and tells Bernadette if her mother asks, he was at the Wolowitz house until 10. He briefly comes back into the kitchen and sees Howard and Bernadette doing \"dirty talk\" and then disappears again through the doorway.", "List of NCIS characters After murdering Special Agent Kate Todd in the episode \"Twilight\", and mounting several further attacks on NCIS members (including Gibbs) in the two part episodes \"Kill Ari (Part I)\" and \"Kill Ari (Part 2)\", his reign of terror finally comes to an end when Ari is killed by his half-sister, Mossad officer Ziva David, who is later offered and accepts a position at NCIS as Mossad liaison officer. It is revealed in the episode \"Aliyah\" by Director Vance that Ziva had been under orders to kill Ari, as he was out of control and planning a massive terrorist attack, and to gain Gibbs' trust in the process, which ended whatever secret Gibbs and Ziva could keep from the rest of NCIS. Ziva initially does not believe that Ari was an enemy agent and becomes his control officer in hopes of protecting him, until he nearly kills Gibbs, when she hears the truth from his own lips. Ziva does not fully come to terms with killing her brother, and experiences moments of guilt and hurt, even with her departure from Mossad (after the beginning of season 7) and her new American citizenship coming through (in that season's finale episode \"Rule Fifty-One\"). Haswari is mentioned various times even after the character's death and Ziva's departure from NCIS. In the season 12 premiere he is mentioned by his half-brother terrorist Sergei Mishnev, the main antagonist of the season (Alex Veadov), who attempts to kill Gibbs in revenge.", "When I Come Around \"When I Come Around\" was featured in South Park episode \"Hummels & Heroin\". It was also featured in the Green Day themed Rock Band game Green Day: Rock Band.", "Gotham City Corruption escalates during Batman Eternal when Gordon is framed for causing a major train accident and a new commissioner is appointed with ties to the old gangs, but Batman and his allies are eventually able to replace him with their ally Jason Bard, only for Bard to resign when he is revealed to have been working with Hush to destroy Batman. During Bruce Wayne's temporary 'retirement' after he was left with amnesia following his last battle with the Joker, the police department even created their own Batman using various donated technology, with Gordon acting as the GCPD's official Batman, but he returned to his old role in the department after the true Batman returned. In the 1966 television series, Batman, the Gotham City police force was not a focus of the stories.", "Gotham (season 4) The season was originally set to air on September 28, 2017, on Fox in the United States.[75] However, on July 28, 2017, Fox decided to move up the premiere to September 21, 2017 in order to give its companion newcomer series The Orville a continuous run.[76] The fourth season is moving to a Thursday timeslot, alongside The Orville, after airing its past seasons on Mondays.[77]", "O Come, O Come, Emmanuel The pairing of the hymn text with the Veni Emmanuel tune was proved an extremely significant combination. The hymn text was embraced both out of a Romantic interest in poetic beauty and medieval exoticism and out of a concern for matching hymns to liturgical seasons and functions rooted in the Oxford Movement in the Church of England. The Hymnal Noted, in which the words and tune were first combined, represented the \"extreme point\" of these forces. This hymnal \"consisted entirely of versions of Latin hymns, designed for use as Office hymns within the Anglican Church despite the fact that Office hymns had no part in the authorized liturgy. The music was drawn chiefly from plainchant,\" as was the case with the Veni Emmanuel tune for \"O Come, O Come Emmanuel,\" the combination of which has been cited as an exemplar of this new style of hymnody.[10]" ]
a description of the history and meaning of the 1st amendment
[ "First Amendment to the United States Constitution The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution prevents Congress from making any law respecting an establishment of religion, prohibiting the free exercise of religion, or abridging the freedom of speech, the freedom of the press, the right to peaceably assemble, or to petition for a governmental redress of grievances. It was adopted on December 15, 1791, as one of the ten amendments that constitute the Bill of Rights." ]
[ "Descriptive statistics A descriptive statistic (in the count noun sense) is a summary statistic that quantitatively describes or summarizes features of a collection of information,[1] while descriptive statistics in the mass noun sense is the process of using and analyzing those statistics. Descriptive statistics is distinguished from inferential statistics (or inductive statistics), in that descriptive statistics aims to summarize a sample, rather than use the data to learn about the population that the sample of data is thought to represent. This generally means that descriptive statistics, unlike inferential statistics, is not developed on the basis of probability theory, and are frequently nonparametric statistics.[2] Even when a data analysis draws its main conclusions using inferential statistics, descriptive statistics are generally also presented. For example, in papers reporting on human subjects, typically a table is included giving the overall sample size, sample sizes in important subgroups (e.g., for each treatment or exposure group), and demographic or clinical characteristics such as the average age, the proportion of subjects of each sex, the proportion of subjects with related comorbidities, etc.", "Decapitation The Celts of western Europe long pursued a \"cult of the severed head\", as evidenced by both Classical literary descriptions and archaeological contexts.[42] This cult played a central role in their temples and religious practices and earned them a reputation as head hunters among the Mediterranean peoples. Diodorus Siculus, in his 1st-century History had this to say about Celtic head-hunting:", "Species description In 77 A.D. Pliny the Elder dedicated several volumes of his Natural History to the description of all life forms he knew to exist. He appears to have read Aristotle's work, since he writes about many of the same far-away mythological creatures.", "Flag Desecration Amendment In 2005, the First Amendment Center published a report titled \"Implementing a Flag-Desecration Amendment to the U.S. Constitution: An end to the controversy ... or a new beginning?\".[17] The report pointed out that the effect of the proposed amendment would likely be challenged on collateral matters in ways that will require the courts, and ultimately the U.S. Supreme Court, to parse the exact meaning of ambiguous terms contained therein. The focus of the report was on the meanings that would be assigned to the phrases, \"physical desecration\" and \"flag of the United States.\"", "Descriptive statistics The use of descriptive and summary statistics has an extensive history and, indeed, the simple tabulation of populations and of economic data was the first way the topic of statistics appeared. More recently, a collection of summarisation techniques has been formulated under the heading of exploratory data analysis: an example of such a technique is the box plot.", "369th Infantry Regiment (United States) The distinctive unit insignia was originally approved for the 369th Infantry Regiment on 17 April 1923. It was redesignated for the 369th Coast Artillery Regiment on 3 December 1940. It was redesignated for the 369th Antiaircraft Artillery Gun Battalion on 7 January 1944. It was redesignated for the 569th Field Artillery Battalion on 14 August 1956. The insignia was redesignated for the 369th Artillery Regiment on 4 April 1962. It was amended to correct the wording of the description on 2 September 1964. It was redesignated for the 569th Transportation Battalion and amended to add a motto on 13 March 1969. The insignia was redesignated for the 369th Transportation Battalion and amended to delete the motto on 14 January 1975. It was redesignated for the 369th Support Battalion and amended to revise the description and symbolism on 2 November 1994. The insignia was redesignated for the 369th Sustainment Brigade and amended to revise the description and symbolism on 20 July 2007.", "Forty-second Amendment of the Constitution of India Almost all parts of the Constitution, including the Preamble and amending clause, were changed by the 42nd Amendment, and some new articles and sections were inserted. The amendment's fifty-nine clauses stripped the Supreme Court of many of its powers and moved the political system toward parliamentary sovereignty. It curtailed democratic rights in the country, and gave sweeping powers to the Prime Minister's Office.[3] The amendment gave Parliament unrestrained power to amend any parts of the Constitution, without judicial review. It transferred more power from the state governments to the central government, eroding India's federal structure. The 42nd Amendment also amended the Preamble and changed the description of India from \"sovereign democratic republic\" to a \"sovereign, socialist secular democratic republic\", and also changed the words \"unity of the nation\" to \"unity and integrity of the nation\".", "Constitutional amendment 2. Amendments to the Constitution shall be made by means of a statute adopted by the Sejm and, thereafter, adopted in the same wording by the Senate within aperiod of 60 days.", "Weighted arithmetic mean The weighted arithmetic mean is similar to an ordinary arithmetic mean (the most common type of average), except that instead of each of the data points contributing equally to the final average, some data points contribute more than others. The notion of weighted mean plays a role in descriptive statistics and also occurs in a more general form in several other areas of mathematics.", "Mean In descriptive statistics, the mean may be confused with the median, mode or mid-range, as any of these may be called an \"average\" (more formally, a measure of central tendency). The mean of a set of observations is the arithmetic average of the values; however, for skewed distributions, the mean is not necessarily the same as the middle value (median), or the most likely value (mode). For example, mean income is typically skewed upwards by a small number of people with very large incomes, so that the majority have an income lower than the mean. By contrast, the median income is the level at which half the population is below and half is above. The mode income is the most likely income, and favors the larger number of people with lower incomes. While the median and mode are often more intuitive measures for such skewed data, many skewed distributions are in fact best described by their mean, including the exponential and Poisson distributions.", "History of writing The history of writing traces the development of expressing language by letters or other marks[1] and also the studies and descriptions of these developments.", "Amendment of the Constitution of India The Constitution can be amended any number of times by the Parliament; but only in the manner provided. There is no such limit provided in the constitution of India which allows it to enact only certain number of amendments in a year. In other words, Parliament is free to enact any number of constitutional amendment in any given year. Although Parliament must preserve the basic framework of the Constitution, there is no other limitation placed upon the amending power, meaning that there is no provision of the Constitution that cannot be amended. In Abdul Rahiman Jamaluddin v. Vithal Arjun (AIR 1958 Bombay, 94, (1957)), the Bombay High Court held that any attempt to amend the Constitution by a Legislature other than Parliament, and in a manner different from that provided for, will be void and inoperative.[1]", "Ninth Amendment to the United States Constitution The First through Eighth Amendments address the means by which the federal government exercises its enumerated powers, while the Ninth Amendment addresses a \"great residuum\" of rights that have not been \"thrown into the hands of the government,\" as Madison put it.[6] The Ninth Amendment became part of the Constitution on December 15, 1791 upon ratification by three-fourths of the states.", "Equal Rights Amendment The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) is a proposed amendment to the United States Constitution designed to guarantee equal rights for all citizens regardless of sex; it seeks to end the legal distinctions between men and women in terms of divorce, property, employment, and other matters.[1] The ERA was originally written by Alice Paul and Crystal Eastman. The amendment was introduced in Congress for the first time in 1921 and has prompted conversations about the meaning of equality for women and men.", "Constitutional amendment The Constitution of Belgium can be amended by the federal legislative power, which consists of the King (in practice, the Federal Government) and the Federal Parliament. In order to amend the Constitution, the federal legislative power must declare the reasons to revise the Constitution in accordance with Article 195. This is done by means of two so-called Declarations of Revision of the Constitution, one adopted by the Chamber of Representatives and the Senate, and one signed by the King and the Federal Government.", "Talk:Second Amendment to the United States Constitution/Archive 33 d) The Second Amendment ’s drafting history, while of dubious interpretive worth, reveals three state Second Amendment proposals that unequivocally referred to an individual right to bear arms. Pp. 30–32.[1][2]", "Amendment of the Constitution of India Despite the super majority requirement in the Constitution, it is one of the most frequently amended governing documents in the world, and the most amended national constitution in the world;[15] amendments have averaged about two a year. This is partly because the Constitution is so specific in spelling out government powers that amendments are often required to deal with matters that could be addressed by ordinary statutes in other democracies. As a result, it is the longest constitution of any sovereign nation in the world. It currently consists of over 117,000 words (450 articles plus 115 amendments). Another reason is that the Parliament of India is elected by means of single seat districts, under the plurality voting system, used in the United Kingdom and the United States. This means that, it is possible for a party to win two thirds of the seats in Parliament without securing two thirds of the vote. For example, in the first two Lok Sabha elections held under the Constitution, the Indian National Congress party won less than one half of the national vote but roughly two thirds of seats in the chamber.", "History of plant systematics The De Materia Medica of Dioscorides was an important early compendium of plant descriptions (over five hundred), classifying plants chiefly by their medicinal effects; it was in use from its publication in the 1st century until the 16th century, making it the major herbal throughout the Middle Ages.[2][3]", "Military There are two types of military history, although almost all texts have elements of both: descriptive history, that serves to chronicle conflicts without offering any statements about the causes, nature of conduct, the ending, and effects of a conflict; and analytical history, that seeks to offer statements about the causes, nature, ending, and aftermath of conflicts – as a means of deriving knowledge and understanding of conflicts as a whole, and prevent repetition of mistakes in future, to suggest better concepts or methods in employing forces, or to advocate the need for new technology.", "1st century The 1st century was the century that lasted from AD 1 to AD 100 according to the Julian calendar. It is often written as the 1st century AD[1] or 1st century CE to distinguish it from the 1st century BC (or BCE) which preceded it. The 1st century is considered part of the Classical era, epoch, or historical period.", "Descriptive statistics Descriptive statistics provide simple summaries about the sample and about the observations that have been made. Such summaries may be either quantitative, i.e. summary statistics, or visual, i.e. simple-to-understand graphs. These summaries may either form the basis of the initial description of the data as part of a more extensive statistical analysis, or they may be sufficient in and of themselves for a particular investigation.", "Descriptive psychology \"...If a person turns to a Descriptive psychotherapist for help, the Descriptive therapist, operating in accordance with the choice principles for doing psychotherapy and status dynamic maxims developed by Peter G. Ossorio, looks to see what it is about a client's world formulation that is leaving the client in an impossible position. After identifying the problem, the therapist comes up with a reformulation of the client's world, a reformulation that opens up new possibilities and alternatives for the client.\"[14]", "Digital library A fundamental characteristic of archives is that they have to keep the context in which their records have been created and the network of relationships between them in order to preserve their informative content and provide understandable and useful information over time. The fundamental characteristic of archives resides in their hierarchical organization expressing the context by means of the archival bond. Archival descriptions are the fundamental means to describe, understand, retrieve and access archival material. At the digital level, archival descriptions are usually encoded by means of the Encoded Archival Description XML format. The EAD is a standardized electronic representation of archival description which makes it possible to provide union access to detailed archival descriptions and resources in repositories distributed throughout the world.", "Descriptive psychology In principle, one could give an exhaustive description of any behavior by specifying all of the values of all of the above parameters. In practice, however, on any given occasion, whether scientific, therapeutic, or everyday interactional, persons make descriptive commitments to those parameters which serve their purposes in the giving of the specific description. They commit (at least) to the W parameter when they want to describe what Terry is doing as gold-digging. They commit to the K (Know / distinction made) parameter when they want to describe what Lauren is doing as a case of treating the remark she just heard as a joke rather than an insult. They commit to the PC (Personal Characteristic, subtype Trait) parameter when they want to characterize Senator Smith's vote on a child care bill as an expression of political ambition, not humanitarianism.", "New Democratic Party The federal NDP is widely portrayed as having voted to distance itself from a description of its politics as \"socialist\".[36] Its most recent statement on this matter, however, as contained in the preamble to the party's constitution as amended on 14 April 2013, gives the most prominent place to the \"social democratic\" tradition as a basis for the party's orientation. This version of the preamble does not exclude the importance of other ideological influences upon the party over the course of its history.[31][37]", "Ninth Amendment to the United States Constitution The Framers did not intend that the first eight amendments be construed to exhaust the basic and fundamental rights.... I do not mean to imply that the .... Ninth Amendment constitutes an independent source of rights protected from infringement by either the States or the Federal Government....While the Ninth Amendment – and indeed the entire Bill of Rights – originally concerned restrictions upon federal power, the subsequently enacted Fourteenth Amendment prohibits the States as well from abridging fundamental personal liberties. And, the Ninth Amendment, in indicating that not all such liberties are specifically mentioned in the first eight amendments, is surely relevant in showing the existence of other fundamental personal rights, now protected from state, as well as federal, infringement. In sum, the Ninth Amendment simply lends strong support to the view that the \"liberty\" protected by the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments from infringement by the Federal Government or the States is not restricted to rights specifically mentioned in the first eight amendments. Cf. United Public Workers v. Mitchell, 330 U.S. 75, 94–95.", "Referendums by country Some parts of the Constitution can be amended only by a referendum, while the rest of Constitution can be amended either by a referendum or by other means.", "Descriptive psychology \"This description, highly reminiscent of Camus' classical description of Sisyphus, may be usefully contrasted with our paradigm case of meaningful action. When viewed thus, what emerges is that the absurd world it describes is the diametric opposite of our paradigm case. The man's precise complaint is that, in the world as he finds it, there is no instrumental, intrinsic, or spiritual significance. His actions, analogized as a pointless carrying of bricks back and forth, accomplish no valued utilitarian end that he can detect. They possess no intrinsic value for him. And, unlike Sisyphus, he can find no spiritual or transcendent value in the activity that might enable him to endure or even to affirm it. The absurd, the quintessence of meaninglessness, is precisely what is generated when instrumental, intrinsic, and spiritual value are missing from human behavior.\"[19]", "Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution The exclusionary rule is one way the amendment is enforced. Established in Weeks v. United States (1914), this rule holds that evidence obtained through a Fourth Amendment violation is generally inadmissible at criminal trials. Evidence discovered as a later result of an illegal search may also be inadmissible as \"fruit of the poisonous tree\", unless it inevitably would have been discovered by legal means.", "Descriptive psychology Newton's conceptual system was designed to permit the description of any fact (e.g., the orbit of the moon yesterday) or possible fact (e.g., the orbit of a newly discovered planet tomorrow) about the motions of large objects. In the same way, DP was created by Ossorio as a set of systematically related distinctions designed to enable one to describe any fact (e.g. Jack's behavior yesterday) or possible fact (e.g., Jill's behavior tomorrow) about persons and their behavior.[2] As conceptual distinctions, its concepts are not true, false, verifiable, or falsifiable; but instead represent pre-empirical requirements for empirical questions to be posed and theories generated. They provide a means for describing, distinguishing and categorizing any fact or possible fact concerning persons and their behavior. Finally, DP is not a theory to be tested, but, like English grammar or arithmetic, a system to be used—here, in the conduct of psychological science and application. Criticism of the system would take the form, not of empirical disconfirmation, but of showing that DP's concepts were not apt, useful, and/or systematically related in a logical, rigorous fashion.", "Talk:Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution/Archive 1 \"Prior to 1988, inflicting involuntary servitude through psychologically coercive means was included in the interpretation of the 13th Amendment. In 1988 the 6th District Court of Appeals ruled that compulsion of servitude through psychological coercion is not prohibited by the 13th Amendment. [4][5] Psychological coercion had been the primary means of forcing involuntary servitude in the case of Elizabeth Ingalls upon Dora Jones.[6] In U.S. v. Kozminski this was circumscribed to mean only physical coercion.[7] However, the 6th District Court of Appeal held that there are exceptions.[8] The court decision circumscribed involuntary servitude to be limited to those situations when the master subjects the servant to . . .\"", "Species description A name of a new species becomes valid (available in zoological terminology) with the date of publication of its formal scientific description. Once the scientist has performed the necessary research to determine that the discovered organism represents a new species, the scientific results are summarized in a scientific manuscript, either as part of a book, or as a paper to be submitted to a scientific journal.", "Cain and Abel Cain and Abel are traditional English renderings of the Hebrew names Qayin (קין‬) and Hevel (הבל‬). The original text did not have vowels. It has been proposed that the etymology of their names may be a direct pun on the roles they take in the Genesis narrative. Abel is thought to derive from a reconstructed word meaning \"herdsman\", with the modern Arabic cognate ibil now specifically referring only to \"camels\". Cain is thought to be cognate to the mid-1st millennium BC South Arabian word qyn, meaning \"metalsmith\".[3] This theory would make the names descriptive of their roles, where Abel works with livestock, and Cain with agriculture—and would parallel the names Adam (\"man,\" אדם‬) and Eve (\"life-giver,\" חוה‬ Chavah).", "Ninth Amendment to the United States Constitution Robert Bork, often considered an originalist, stated during his Supreme Court confirmation hearing that a judge should not apply a constitutional provision like this one if he does not know what it means; the example Bork then gave was a clause covered by an inkblot. Upon further study, Bork later ascribed a meaning to the Ninth Amendment in his book The Tempting of America. In that book, Bork subscribed to the interpretation of constitutional historian Russell Caplan, who asserted that this Amendment was meant to ensure that the federal Bill of Rights would not affect provisions in state law that restrain state governments.[13]", "Mean The generalized mean, also known as the power mean or Hölder mean, is an abstraction of the quadratic, arithmetic, geometric and harmonic means. It is defined for a set of n positive numbers xi by", "Descriptive psychology Thus, the DP formulation of behavior contrasts sharply with mainstream psychology's notion of behavior as observable physical movement. Unlike the latter, it provides entree to the descriptions of behavior that are virtually always at issue in human discourse; for example, questions regarding the nature of a person's behavior are virtually never requests for another to describe the already known visible movements that that person is making. It covers mental acts such as planning, calculating, or problem solving \"in one's head\", and excludes involuntary movements such as the patellar and eyeblink reflex actions. The DP conception does not require, like the mainstream view, the creation of some sort of human mechanics designed to causally reattach such things as motives, thoughts, or personality traits to the observable physical movements of persons. Finally, going well beyond what space permits here into matters that one can perhaps only glimpse from the foregoing discussion: the DP conception articulates the calculational system that persons in fact employ in the giving of behavior descriptions.[2]", "Australian referendum, 1977 (Retirement of Judges) The amendment introduced in the following year sought to provide for a retiring age of seventy for all federal court judges, including those on the High Court — though not judges appointed before the approval of the referendum. The issue was not controversial, despite Sir Robert Menzies' description of the change as 'superficial and ill-considered'. Over 80 per cent of voters supported the amendment.", "Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution The Supreme Court has taken an especially narrow view of involuntary servitude claims made by people not descended from black (African) slaves. In Robertson v. Baldwin (1897), a group of merchant seamen challenged federal statutes which criminalized a seaman's failure to complete their contractual term of service. The Court ruled that seamen's contracts had been considered unique from time immemorial, and that \"the amendment was not intended to introduce any novel doctrine with respect to certain descriptions of service which have always been treated as exceptional\". In this case, as in numerous \"badges and incidents\" cases, Justice Harlan authored a dissent favoring broader Thirteenth Amendment protections.[161]", "Page description language In digital printing a page description language (PDL) is a computer language that describes the appearance of a printed page in a higher level than an actual output bitmap. An overlapping term is printer control language, which includes Hewlett-Packard's Printer Command Language (PCL). PostScript is one of the most noted page description languages. The markup language adaptation of the PDL is the page description markup language.", "Flag of Guyana The Presidential Standard of Guyana came into effect by Proclamation issued on 23 February 1970. Subsequent Presidents have amended this Proclamation to replace the description of the flag contained, to reflect the Presidential Standard they wish to introduce for the duration of their Presidency.", "Catapult The catapult and crossbow in Greece are closely intertwined. Primitive catapults were essentially \"the product of relatively straightforward attempts to increase the range and penetrating power of missiles by strengthening the bow which propelled them\".[9] The historian Diodorus Siculus (fl. 1st century BC), described the invention of a mechanical arrow-firing catapult (katapeltikon) by a Greek task force in 399 BC.[10][11] The weapon was soon after employed against Motya (397 BC), a key Carthaginian stronghold in Sicily.[12][13] Diodorus is assumed to have drawn his description from the highly rated[14] history of Philistus, a contemporary of the events then. The introduction of crossbows however, can be dated further back: according to the inventor Hero of Alexandria (fl. 1st century AD), who referred to the now lost works of the 3rd-century BC engineer Ctesibius, this weapon was inspired by an earlier foot-held crossbow, called the gastraphetes, which could store more energy than the Greek bows. A detailed description of the gastraphetes, or the \"belly-bow\",[15][page needed] along with a watercolor drawing, is found in Heron's technical treatise Belopoeica.[16][17]", "Constitutional amendment The Constitution of Romania mentions and outlines the terms by which it can be amended in \"Article 150: Amendment Initiative,\" \"Article 151: Amendment Procedure,\" and \"Article 152: Limits to Constitutional Amendments.\" All three articles are written under \"Title VII: Amendment of the Constitution\" of the document.", "Mean The Fréchet mean gives a manner for determining the \"center\" of a mass distribution on a surface or, more generally, Riemannian manifold. Unlike many other means, the Fréchet mean is defined on a space whose elements cannot necessarily be added together or multiplied by scalars. It is sometimes also known as the Karcher mean (named after Hermann Karcher).", "Descriptive psychology Descriptive psychology (DP) is primarily a conceptual framework for the science of psychology. Created in its original form by Peter G. Ossorio at the University of Colorado at Boulder in the mid-1960s,[1][2] it has subsequently been the subject of hundreds of books and papers that have updated, refined, and elaborated it, and that have applied it to domains such as psychotherapy,[3] artificial intelligence,[4][5] organizational communities,[6] spirituality,[7] research methodology,[8] and theory creation.[9]", "Four Great Inventions A lodestone compass was used in China during the Han Dynasty between the 2nd century BCE and 1st century CE, where it was called the \"south-governor\" (sīnán 司南).[15] It was not used for navigation, but rather for geomancy and fortune-telling.[15] The earliest reference to a magnetic device used for navigation is in a Song Dynasty book dated to 1040-1044, where there is a description of an iron \"south-pointing fish\" floating in a bowl of water, aligning itself to the south. The device is recommended as a means of orientation \"in the obscurity of the night.\"[16] The first suspended magnetic needle compass was written of by Shen Kuo in his book of 1088.", "1st Infantry Division (United States) Elements from Fort Riley's 1st (Devil) Brigade deployed in the fall of 2006 to other area of operations in Iraq. Units include companies from the 1st Battalion, 16th Infantry; 1st Battalion, 34th Armor; 1st Battalion, 5th Field Artillery; 1st Engineer Battalion; and D Troop, 4th Cavalry.", "Meaning of life The meaning of life, or the answer to the question \"What is the meaning of life?\", pertains to the significance of living or existence in general. Many other related questions include \"Why are we here?\", \"What is life all about?\", or \"What is the purpose of existence?\" There have been a large number of proposed answers to these questions from many different cultural and ideological backgrounds. The search for life's meaning has produced much philosophical, scientific, theological, and metaphysical speculation throughout history. Different people and cultures believe different things for the answer to this question.", "Sabbath in seventh-day churches In the 5th century, Sozomen (Ecclesiastical History, Book VII), referencing Socrates Scholasticus, added to his description:[22]", "1st century The 1st century saw the appearance of Christianity.", "Mean The mean of a probability distribution is the long-run arithmetic average value of a random variable having that distribution. In this context, it is also known as the expected value. For a discrete probability distribution, the mean is given by \n\n\n\n\n∑\nx\nP\n(\nx\n)\n\n\n\n{\\displaystyle \\textstyle \\sum xP(x)}\n\n, where the sum is taken over all possible values of the random variable and \n\n\n\nP\n(\nx\n)\n\n\n{\\displaystyle P(x)}\n\n is the probability mass function. For a continuous distribution,the mean is \n\n\n\n\n\n∫\n\n−\n∞\n\n\n∞\n\n\nx\nf\n(\nx\n)\n\nd\nx\n\n\n\n{\\displaystyle \\textstyle \\int _{-\\infty }^{\\infty }xf(x)\\,dx}\n\n, where \n\n\n\nf\n(\nx\n)\n\n\n{\\displaystyle f(x)}\n\n is the probability density function. In all cases, including those in which the distribution is neither discrete nor continuous, the mean is the Lebesgue integral of the random variable with respect to its probability measure. The mean need not exist or be finite; for some probability distributions the mean is infinite (+∞ or −∞), while others have no mean.", "Martin Heidegger The marriage of these two observations depends on the fact that each of them is essentially concerned with time. That Dasein is thrown into an already existing world and thus into its mortal possibilities does not only mean that Dasein is an essentially temporal being; it also implies that the description of Dasein can only be carried out in terms inherited from the Western tradition itself. For Heidegger, unlike for Husserl, philosophical terminology could not be divorced from the history of the use of that terminology, and thus genuine philosophy could not avoid confronting questions of language and meaning. The existential analytic of Being and Time was thus always only a first step in Heidegger's philosophy, to be followed by the \"dismantling\" (Destruktion) of the history of philosophy, that is, a transformation of its language and meaning, that would have made of the existential analytic only a kind of \"limit case\" (in the sense in which special relativity is a limit case of general relativity).[citation needed]", "Guwahati The Ambari[17] excavations trace the city to the Hindu kingdoms of Shunga-Kushana period of Indian history, between the 2nd century BC and the 1st century AD. During earlier periods of the city's history it was known as Pragjyotishpura, and was the capital of Assam under the Varman Dynasty of the Kamarupa kingdom. Descriptions by Xuanzang (Hiuen Tsang) reveal that during the reign of the Varman king Bhaskaravarman (7th century AD), the city stretched for about 30 li (15 km or 9.3 mi).[18] It remained as the capital of Assam until the 10th-11th century AD under the rule of the Pala dynasty. Archaeological evidence by excavations in Ambari, and excavated brick walls and houses discovered during construction of the present Cotton College's auditorium suggest the city was of economic and strategic importance until the 9th-11th century AD.[19]", "Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution According to the Foreign Affairs Manual, which is published by the Department of State, \"Despite widespread popular belief, U.S. military installations abroad and U.S. diplomatic or consular facilities abroad are not part of the United States within the meaning of the [Fourteenth] Amendment.\"[65]", "Talk:Second Amendment to the United States Constitution/Archive 33 There is yet another view of this issue at: http://www.historycooperative.org/journals/lhr/22.1/forum_konig.html Konig writes: \"Analysis brought to bear on the historical meaning of 'the right of the people to keep and bear arms' has coalesced around two competing normative interpretations: either that the amendment guarantees a personal, individual right to bear arms, or that it applies only collectively to the effectiveness of the militia. It is a premise of this essay that both these models are historically unsatisfactory, the products of present-day normative agendas that have polarized the debate into two competing and largely ahistorical models—a type of historians' fallacy that David Hackett Fischer has labeled the 'fallacy of false dichotomous questions.' Fischer's description aptly describes the current controversy over the historical meaning of the Second Amendment: in addition to being 'grossly anachronistic,' its two opposing positions 'are mutually exclusive, and collectively exhaustive, so that the there is no overlap, no opening in the middle, and nothing is omitted at either end.' It is not without challenge on just these grounds, however, as a recent call for a 'new more sophisticated paradigm' attests. This essay seeks to provide that new model and to do so by grounding the 'right of the people to keep and bear arms' in eighteenth-century concepts of rights, not those of the twenty-first century, and to contextualize the right to bear arms in an eighteenth-century political struggle now largely ignored but well known to constitutional polemicists framing the Constitution and the Bill of Rights: Parliament's rebuilding of an English militia while denying the Scots the right to do so, despite Scotland's history and its claimed constitutional rights according to its coequal status in Great Britain.\" Some of the evidence brought to bear by Konig would be worth including in the section of the Wikipedia article that I've raised issue with.Inijones (talk) 16:01, 10 December 2011 (UTC)", "Talk:Second Amendment to the United States Constitution/Archive 33 Miller held that the \"militia\" language was an essential part of the Second Amendment and not mere unnecessary surplus words that the Founders could have either placed in the Amendment or taken out without changing the Amendment's meaning. Strict constitutional constructionists also believe that no words of the Constitution are mere surplusage. According to CNN's prominent senior legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin, the militia view was clear and uncontroversial for more than 100 years, until a reconstituted NRA first argued in 1977 the \"novel legal theory\" that the first thirteen words of the Second Amendment are meaningless. See http://www.newyorker.com/online/blogs/comment/2012/12/jeffrey-toobin-second-amendment.html", "Communist Party of the Soviet Union The Statute (also referred to as the Rules, Charter and Constitution) was the party's by-laws and controlled life within the CPSU.[69] The 1st Statute was adopted at the 2nd Congress of the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party—the forerunner of the CPSU.[69] How the Statute was to be structured and organized led to a schism within the party, leading to the establishment of two competing factions; Bolsheviks (literally majority) and Mensheviks (literally minority).[69] The 1st Statute was based upon Lenin's idea of a centralized vanguard party.[69] The 4th Congress, despite a majority of Menshevik delegates, added the concept of democratic centralism to Article 2 of the Statute.[70] The 1st Statute lasted until 1919, when the 8th Congress adopted the 2nd Statute.[71] It was nearly five times as long as the 1st Statute and contained 66 articles.[71] It was amended at the 9th Congress. At the 11th Congress, the 3rd Statute was adopted with only minor amendments being made.[72] New statutes were approved at the 17th and 18th Congresses respectively.[73] The last party statute, which existed until the dissolution of the CPSU, was adopted at the 22nd Congress.[74]", "Talk:Second Amendment to the United States Constitution/Archive 33 The paragraph on English history should be referenced here, but not included. As it is too long and has little bearing on the the actual 2nd amendment. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk • contribs) 06:59, 11 September 2010 (UTC)", "Dally M Medal 1 - Jarryd Hayne and Johnathan Thurston became the 1st joint winners in history of the Dally M Medal in 2014\n2 - Cooper Cronk and Jason Taumalolo became the 2nd joint winners in history of the Dally M Medal in 2016", "Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution Negro citizens, North and South, who saw in the Thirteenth Amendment a promise of freedom—freedom to \"go and come at pleasure\" and to \"buy and sell when they please\"—would be left with \"a mere paper guarantee\" if Congress were powerless to assure that a dollar in the hands of a Negro will purchase the same thing as a dollar in the hands of a white man. At the very least, the freedom that Congress is empowered to secure under the Thirteenth Amendment includes the freedom to buy whatever a white man can buy, the right to live wherever a white man can live. If Congress cannot say that being a free man means at least this much, then the Thirteenth Amendment made a promise the Nation cannot keep.[157]", "Precedent The U.S. Supreme Court has final authority on questions about the meaning of federal law, including the U.S. Constitution. For example, when the Supreme Court says that the First Amendment applies in a specific way to suits for slander, then every court is bound by that precedent in its interpretation of the First Amendment as it applies to suits for slander. If a lower court judge disagrees with a higher court precedent on what the First Amendment should mean, the lower court judge must rule according to the binding precedent. Until the higher court changes the ruling (or the law itself is changed), the binding precedent is authoritative on the meaning of the law.", "Amendment of the Constitution of India Every constitutional amendment is formulated as a statute. The first amendment is called the \"Constitution (First Amendment) Act\", the second, the \"Constitution (Second Amendment) Act\", and so forth. Each usually has the long title \"An Act further to amend the Constitution of India\".", "Talk:Second Amendment to the United States Constitution/Archive 33 a) The Amendment’s prefatory clause announces a purpose, but does not limit or expand the scope of the second part, the operative clause. The operative clause’s text and history demonstrate that it connotes an individual right to keep and bear arms. Pp. 2–22.[1][2]", "Ninth Amendment to the United States Constitution [T]o say that the Ninth Amendment has anything to do with this case is to turn somersaults with history. The Ninth Amendment, like its companion, the Tenth, which this Court held \"states but a truism that all is retained which has not been surrendered,\" United States v. Darby, 312 U.S. 100, 312 U.S. 124, was framed by James Madison and adopted by the States simply to make clear that the adoption of the Bill of Rights did not alter the plan that the Federal Government was to be a government of express and limited powers, and that all rights and powers not delegated to it were retained by the people and the individual States. Until today, no member of this Court has ever suggested that the Ninth Amendment meant anything else, and the idea that a federal court could ever use the Ninth Amendment to annul a law passed by the elected representatives of the people of the State of Connecticut would have caused James Madison no little wonder.", "History of Islam Nowadays, the popularity of the different methods employed varies on the scope of the works under consideration. For overview treatments of the history of early Islam, the descriptive approach is more popular. For scholars who look at the beginnings of Islam in depth, the source critical and tradition critical methods are more often followed.[11]", "Constitution of Texas Notwithstanding the large number of amendments (and proposed amendments) that the Texas Constitution has had since its inception, the only method of amending the Constitution prescribed by Article 17 is via the Legislature, subject to voter approval. The Constitution does not provide for amendment by initiative, constitutional convention, or any other means. A 1974 constitutional convention required the voters to amend the Constitution to add a separate section to this Article; the section was later repealed in 1999.", "Fourth Estate In a parliamentary debate of 1789 Thomas Powys, 1st Baron Lilford, MP, demanded of minister William Pitt, 1st Earl of Chatham that he should not allow powers of regency to \"a fourth estate: the queen\".[23] This was reported by Burke, who, as noted above, went on to use the phrase with the meaning of \"press\".", "1st Ranger Battalion (United States) This unit was redesignated 24 November 1952 as Company A, 1st Ranger Infantry Battalion, in inactive status and was consolidated on 15 April 1960 with the A Company, 1st Battalion, 1st Regiment, 1st Special Service Force, and the consolidated unit was redesignated as Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 7th Special Forces Group(SFG), 1st Special Forces Group. The unit was further consolidated 6 June 1960 with Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 77th Special Forces Group, and the consolidated unit was designated as Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 7th SFG, 1st SFG (organic elements constituted 20 May 1960 and activated 6 June 1960).[7]", "Talk:Second Amendment to the United States Constitution/Archive 33 Considering the text of the 2nd amendment is only 1 sentence and appeared to be buried within some muddle. The short text of amendment should have some emphasis. As all other amendment in the us constitution. A user named SMP0328 removed my cquote and claimed improper use. I disagree would like to discuss what is was labeled improper use of cquote use. My argument is this article is titled Second Amendment to the United States Constitution, and in fact the portion I cquote formatted is the short actual text. The rest of the article is history and a lot of political opinion. This a controversial topic, for example the Heller vs District of columbia section is rather large. This article as a whole may require a NPOV check.0pen$0urce (talk) 18:32, 30 April 2011 (UTC)", "Constitutional amendment Following this declaration, the Federal Parliament is automatically dissolved and a new federal election must take place. This makes it impossible to amend the Constitution unless an election has intervened. Following the election, the new Federal Parliament can amend those articles that have been declared revisable. Neither Chamber can consider amendments to the Constitution unless at least two-thirds of its members are present and the Constitution can only be amended if at least two-thirds of the votes cast are in favour of the amendment.", "Tithe See below for a fuller description and history, until the reforms of the 19th century, written by Sir William Blackstone and edited by other learned lawyers of the period.", "History of the Pacific Islands The written history of Japan begins with brief references in the 1st century AD Twenty-Four Histories, a collection of Chinese historical texts. However, archaeological evidence indicates that people were living on the islands of Japan as early as the upper paleolithic period.[7] Following the last ice-age, around 12,000 BC, the rich ecosystem of the Japanese Archipelago fostered human development. The earliest-known pottery belongs to the Jōmon period.", "Modern history At the University of Oxford 'Modern History' has a somewhat different meaning. The contrast is not with the Middle Ages but with Antiquity. The earliest period that can be studied in the Final Honour School of Modern History begins in 285.[121]", "Mean Care must be taken to make sure that the integral converges. But the mean may be finite even if the function itself tends to infinity at some points.", "Descriptive statistics Some measures that are commonly used to describe a data set are measures of central tendency and measures of variability or dispersion. Measures of central tendency include the mean, median and mode, while measures of variability include the standard deviation (or variance), the minimum and maximum values of the variables, kurtosis and skewness.[3]", "First Amendment to the United States Constitution Personal possession of obscene material in the home may not be prohibited by law. In Stanley v. Georgia (1969),[165] the Court ruled that \"[i]f the First Amendment means anything, it means that a State has no business telling a man, sitting in his own house, what books he may read or what films he may watch.\"[166] However, it is constitutionally permissible for the government to prevent the mailing or sale of obscene items, though they may be viewed only in private. Ashcroft v. Free Speech Coalition (2002)[167] further upheld these rights by invalidating the Child Pornography Prevention Act of 1996, holding that, because the act \"[p]rohibit[ed] child pornography that does not depict an actual child\" it was overly broad and unconstitutional under the First Amendment[168] and that:", "Mean Sometimes a set of numbers might contain outliers, i.e., data values which are much lower or much higher than the others. Often, outliers are erroneous data caused by artifacts. In this case, one can use a truncated mean. It involves discarding given parts of the data at the top or the bottom end, typically an equal amount at each end, and then taking the arithmetic mean of the remaining data. The number of values removed is indicated as a percentage of total number of values.", "Talk:Second Amendment to the United States Constitution/Archive 33 This article should not \"back project\" revisionist history as a way of rationalizing the current legal status of the 2n Amendment -- Scalia didn't bother why should Wikipedia. —Preceding unsigned comment added by Benfeing (talk • contribs) 18:27, 23 October 2010 (UTC)", "Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act Under the law, the meaning of racketeering activity is set out at 18 U.S.C. § 1961. As currently amended it includes:", "Mudrarakshasa The historical basis of the Mudrarakshasa is somewhat supported by the description of this period of history in Classical Hellenistic sources: the violent rule of the Nanda, the usurpation of Chandragupta, the formation of the Maurya Empire.", "Mean The weights \n\n\n\n\nw\n\ni\n\n\n\n\n{\\displaystyle w_{i}}\n\n represent the sizes of the different samples. In other applications they represent a measure for the reliability of the influence upon the mean by the respective values.", "Constitutional amendment An article of amendment may, however, explicitly express itself as having the effect of repealing a specific existing article.[1] The use of appended articles of amendment is most famous as a feature of the United States Constitution, but it is also the method of amendment in a number of other jurisdictions, such as Venezuela.", "Meaning (philosophy of language) In his essay, \"Reference and Definite Descriptions\", Keith Donnellan sought to improve upon Strawson's distinction. He pointed out that there are two uses of definite descriptions: attributive and referential. Attributive uses provide a description of whoever is being referred to, while referential uses point out the actual referent. Attributive uses are like mediated references, while referential uses are more directly referential.", "Second Amendment to the United States Constitution In the century following the ratification of the Bill of Rights, the intended meaning and application of the Second Amendment drew less interest than it does in modern times.[178] The vast majority of regulation was done by states, and the first case law on weapons regulation dealt with state interpretations of the Second Amendment. A notable exception to this general rule was Houston v. Moore, 18 U.S. 1 (1820), where the U.S. Supreme Court mentioned the Second Amendment in an aside.[179] In the Dred Scott decision (1857), the opinion of the court stated that if African Americans were considered U.S. citizens, \"It would give to persons of the negro race, who were recognised as citizens in any one State of the Union, the right...to keep and carry arms wherever they went.\"[180]", "History of the Hindu–Arabic numeral system Textual references to a place-value system are seen from the 1st century CE onward. The Buddhist philosopher Vasubandhu in the 1st century says \"when [the same] clay counting-piece is in the place of units, it is denoted as one, when in hundreds, one hundred.\" A commentary on Patanjali's Yoga Sutras from the 5th century reads, \"Just as a line in the hundreds place [means] a hundred, in the tens place ten, and one in the ones place, so one and the same woman is called mother, daughter and sister.\"[17]", "History of Mexico The Aztec oral and pictographic tradition also described the history of the Toltec empire giving lists of rulers and their exploits. Among modern scholars it is a matter of debate whether the Aztec narratives of Toltec history should be given credence as descriptions of actual historical events. While all scholars acknowledge that there is a large mythological part of the narrative some maintain that by using a critical comparative method some level of historicity can be salvaged from the sources, whereas others maintain that continued analysis of the narratives as sources of actual history is futile and hinders access to actual knowledge of the culture of Tula, Hidalgo.", "History of the Republic of Ireland In 2015, Ireland became the first country in the world to legalise same-sex marriage by means of popular referendum, when the Thirty-fourth Amendment of the Constitution (Marriage Equality) Bill 2015 was passed by just over 60% of voters.[58]", "1st Infantry Division (United States) The 1st Brigade, 1st Infantry Division deployed from Fort Riley, Kansas in September 2003 to provide support to the 82nd Airborne Division in the city of Ramadi, Iraq. In September 2004, the 1st Brigade was replaced by elements from the 2nd Infantry Division in Ramadi and redeployed to Ft. Riley.", "The gospel For example, the Roman Catholic Church promotes the teaching of the good news in the context of biblical salvation history as a \"fundamental part of the content\" of its instruction,[8]. There are numerous exponents of the biblical theology approach to understanding the Good News. Some Christian teachers and biblical theologians who have published descriptions of the Bible authors' message in terms of salvation history include Köstenberger and O'Brien (2001), who have published a biblical theology of mission; and Goldsworthy (1991), who writes from an evangelical Christian perspective. Many Bible scholars and Christian groups have placed similar descriptions on the internet.[9] There is a degree of variation in perspective between such descriptions. However, the main focus is generally the same: the Bible storyline tells of God working throughout history to save a people for himself, and these saving acts are completed through the person and work of Jesus.", "History of technology The history of technology is the history of the invention of tools and techniques and is similar to other sides of the history of humanity. Technology can refer to methods ranging from as simple as language and stone tools to the complex genetic engineering and information technology that has emerged since the 1980s. The term technology comes from the Greek word techne, meaning art and craft, and the word logos, meaning word and speech. It was first used to describe applied arts, but it is now used to described advancements and changes that affects the environment around us.[1]", "Descriptive statistics Univariate analysis involves describing the distribution of a single variable, including its central tendency (including the mean, median, and mode) and dispersion (including the range and quartiles of the data-set, and measures of spread such as the variance and standard deviation). The shape of the distribution may also be described via indices such as skewness and kurtosis. Characteristics of a variable's distribution may also be depicted in graphical or tabular format, including histograms and stem-and-leaf display.", "Page description language Page description languages are text (human-readable) or binary data streams, usually intermixed with text or graphics to be printed. They are distinct from graphics application programming interfaces (APIs) such as GDI and OpenGL that can be called by software to generate graphical output.", "Neuroanatomy of memory It has also been found that it is possible to form new semantic memories without the hippocampus, but not episodic memories, which means that explicit descriptions of actual events (episodic) cannot be learned, but some meaning and knowledge is gained from experiences (semantic).[2]", "Talk:Second Amendment to the United States Constitution/Archive 33 i just had a look at the discussion page for cquote, and to say that it has a long history of being reviled and defended is an understatement. while on a tenuously technical basis the individual amendments could be defined as pullquotes from the Constitution, it seems that cquotes are fundamentally a bad idea. okay, granted. the problem is - as previously mentioned - that nearly all of the amendment articles have used them, which has created a 'sub' style across them. returned to the use of cquotes here was largely to maintain conformance with the other articles (and, i do think it improves readability). but from 30,000 feet, it would seem it would be better to take on the task of conforming all those other amendment articles to a more desirable format for the text of the amendment. that, unfortunately, is not a project i'm up for at the moment! so - it boils down to this: maintain a largely uniform style between the amendment articles and keep the cquotes; drop the cquotes and be out of conformance with the substyle, but closer to conformance with the MOS; adjust all the other amendments to conform to the MOS. bottom line: i need to lay off the afternoon coffee. Anastrophe (talk) 23:47, 16 January 2011 (UTC)", "Sapienza University of Rome In 2018, the subject Classics and Ancient history of Sapienza is ranked the 1st in the world by QS World University Rankings by subject[16]. As the same ranking, the subject Archaeology ranks the 9th[17].", "Fundamental rights in India Changes to the fundamental rights require a constitutional amendment, which has to be passed by a special majority of both houses of Parliament. This means that an amendment requires the approval of two-thirds of the members present and voting. However, the number of members voting in support of the amendment shall not be less than the simple majority of the total members of a house – whether the Lok Sabha or Rajya Sabha.", "Fertile Crescent The term \"Fertile Crescent\" was popularized by University of Chicago archaeologist James Henry Breasted, beginning with his high school textbooks Outlines of European History in 1914 and Ancient Times, A History of the Early World in 1916.[3] Breasted's 1916 textbook description of the Fertile Crescent:[3]", "Privileges or Immunities Clause The Fourteenth Amendment was approved by the House later that day. Michigan Senator Jacob M. Howard introduced the amendment in the Senate, and gave a speech in which he discussed the meaning of this clause.[6] Howard noted that the U.S. Supreme Court had never squarely addressed the meaning of the Privileges and Immunities Clause in Article IV, which therefore made the effect of the new Privileges or Immunities Clause somewhat uncertain.[7]", "Inertia This meaning of a body's inertia therefore is altered from the popular meaning as \"a tendency to maintain momentum\" to a description of the measure of how difficult it is to change the velocity of a body, but it is consistent with the fact that motion in one reference frame can disappear in another, so it is the change in velocity that is important.", "Constitutional amendment There are a number of formal differences, from one jurisdiction to another, in the manner in which constitutional amendments are both originally drafted and written down once they become law. In some jurisdictions, such as Ireland, Estonia, and Australia, constitutional amendments originate as bills and become laws in the form of acts of parliament. This may be the case notwithstanding the fact that a special procedure is required to bring an amendment into force. Thus, for example, in Ireland and Australia although amendments are drafted in the form of Acts of Parliament they cannot become law until they have been approved in a referendum. By contrast, in the United States a proposed amendment originates as a special joint resolution of Congress that does not require the President to sign and that the President can not veto.", "SNOMED CT In the Common cold example the concept description is \"primitive\", which means that necessary criteria are given that must be met for each instance, without being sufficient for classifying a disorder as an instance of Common Cold . In contrast, the example Viral upper respiratory tract infection depicts a fully described concept, which is represented in description logic as follows:" ]
who named all the animals in the world
[ "Man Gave Names to All the Animals The music to \"Man Gave Names to All the Animals\" is reggae-inspired.[2][4] The lyrics were inspired by the biblical Book of Genesis, verses 2:19–20 in which Adam named the animals and birds.[2][4] The lyrics have an appeal to children, rhyming the name of the animal with one of its characteristics. So after describing an animal's \"muddy trail\" and \"curly tail,\" Dylan sings that \"he wasn't too small and he wasn't too big\" and so that animal was named a pig.[4] Similarly, the cow got its name because Adam \"saw milk comin' out but he didn't know how\" and the bear got its name because it has a \"great big furry back and furry hair.\"[4]" ]
[ "Man Gave Names to All the Animals \"Man Gave Names to All the Animals\" is a song written by Bob Dylan that appeared on Dylan's 1979 album Slow Train Coming and was also released as a single in some European countries. It was also released as a promo single in US. The single became a chart hit in France and Belgium.[1][2] However, the song also has detractors who consider it the worst song Dylan ever wrote.[2] A 2013 reader's poll conducted by Rolling Stone Magazine ranked \"Man Gave Names to All the Animals\" the 4th worst Bob Dylan song, behind the hit single from Slow Train Coming, \"Gotta Serve Somebody\" in second place.[3]", "Man Gave Names to All the Animals \"Man Gave Names to All the Animals\" has been covered by multiple artists, including Townes Van Zandt, who covered the song on his 1993 album Roadsongs.[2] The lyrics were turned into a children's book published by Harcourt in 1999, with illustrations by Scott Menchin.[2] The Singing Kettle covered this song in the second episode of their third BBC TV series. The Wiggles covered it on their \"Furry Tales\" CD in 2013.", "The Animals In 2008, an adjudicator determined that original Animals drummer John Steel owned \"the Animals\" name in the UK, by virtue of a trademark registration Steel had made in relation to the name. Eric Burdon had objected to the trademark registration, arguing that Burdon personally embodied any goodwill associated with \"the Animals\" name. Burdon's argument was rejected, in part based on the fact that he had billed himself as \"Eric Burdon and the Animals\" as early as 1967, thus separating the goodwill associated with his own name from that of the band.[20][21] On 9 September 2013 Burdon's appeal was allowed; he is now entitled to use the name \"the Animals\".[22]", "World Trigger Like in most of the TV anime that are broadcast on TV Asahi in Japan, the World Trigger anime incorporates all the credits into the opening theme and there is only an opening for the show and no ending for the show.", "Animal welfare World Animal Protection: Protects animals across the globe. World Animal Protection's objectives include helping people understand the critical importance of good animal welfare, encouraging nations to commit to animal-friendly practices, and building the scientific case for the better treatment of animals. They are global in a sense that they have consultative status at the Council of Europe and collaborate with national governments, the United Nations, the Food and Agriculture Organization and the World Organization for Animal Health.[103]", "Animal Farm Napoleon enacts changes to the governance structure of the farm, replacing meetings with a committee of pigs who will run the farm. Through a young pig named Squealer, Napoleon claims credit for the windmill idea. The animals work harder with the promise of easier lives with the windmill. When the animals find the windmill collapsed after a violent storm, Napoleon and Squealer convince the animals that Snowball is trying to sabotage their project.", "Disney's Animal Kingdom Unlike the three other theme parks at Walt Disney World, the restrooms at Disney's Animal Kingdom all have doors at their entrances. This practice is in place for caution in the unlikely event of an animal ever escaping, this way guests will be able to keep themselves safe inside.[31]", "Animal Aristotle divided the living world between animals and plants, and this was followed by Carl Linnaeus, in the first hierarchical classification.[135] In Linnaeus's original scheme, the animals were one of three kingdoms, divided into the classes of Vermes, Insecta, Pisces, Amphibia, Aves, and Mammalia. Since then the last four have all been subsumed into a single phylum, the Chordata, whereas the various other forms have been separated out.", "Chinese zodiac Following closely behind was strong Ox, who was named the second animal in the zodiac. After Ox, came Tiger, panting, while explaining to the Jade Emperor how difficult it was to cross the river with the heavy currents pushing it downstream all the time. With its powerful strength, it made it to shore and was named the third animal in the cycle.[9]", "Cutout animation Cutout animation is a form of stop-motion animation using flat characters, props and backgrounds cut from materials such as paper, card, stiff fabric or even photographs. The world's earliest known animated feature films were cutout animations (made in Argentina by Quirino Cristiani),[citation needed] as is the world's earliest surviving animated feature.[citation needed]", "Animal rights movement Activists who have carried out or threatened acts of physical violence have operated using the names; Animal Rights Militia (ARM), Justice Department, Revolutionary Cells—Animal Liberation brigade (RCALB), Hunt Retribution Squad (HRS) and the Militant Forces Against Huntingdon Life Sciences (MFAH).", "Animal Crossing: Wild World In 2008, journalists who were sent copies of Animal Crossing: City Folk for review were also sent copies of Wild World that contained existing save data to demonstrate the game's ability to transfer a player's inventory from Wild World to City Folk. On December 3, MTV reported that one of the animal characters in the modified copies of Wild World had its customizable catchphrase set to \"Ñiggá\".[16][17] The edited slur had not been caught by the game's profanity detection system, which prevents players from setting character dialogue to anything deemed distasteful. Nintendo issued an official apology and recalled the modified copies, stating that the incident was caused by a wireless function that automatically transfers catchphrases between games.[18]", "Snow leopard The Snow Leopard award, given to Soviet mountaineers who scaled all five of the Soviet Union's 7,000-meter peaks, is named after the animal, but does not depict one.[citation needed]", "Flash animation Flash animation production is enjoying considerable popularity in major animation studios around the world, as animators take advantage of the software's ability to organize a large number of assets (such as characters, scenes, movements, and props) for later re-use. Because Flash files are in vector file format, they can be used to transfer animation to 35 mm film without any compromise in image quality. This feature is used by several independent animators worldwide, including Phil Nibbelink, who saw his 77-minute feature film Romeo & Juliet: Sealed with a Kiss released in theaters in 2006, and Nina Paley, who released Sita Sings the Blues in 2008. For Disneyland's 50 Magical Years film featuring Live action Steve Martin interacting with Donald Duck, the hand drawn animation of Donald Duck was cleaned up and colored in Flash. The Drawn Together Movie: The Movie!, a straight-to-DVD feature of the animated series Drawn Together, produced by Comedy Central and released in April 2010, discarded the series' traditional animation and used Flash animation instead.", "Animal Farm Years pass, and the windmill is rebuilt along with construction of another windmill, which makes the farm a good amount of income. However, the ideals which Snowball discussed, including stalls with electric lighting, heating and running water are forgotten, with Napoleon advocating that the happiest animals live simple lives. In addition to Boxer, many of the animals who participated in the Revolution are dead, as is Farmer Jones, who died in another part of England. The pigs start to resemble humans, as they walk upright, carry whips, and wear clothes. The Seven Commandments are abridged to a single phrase: \"All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others.\"", "People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals Each year, PETA selects a \"Person of the Year\" who has helped advance the cause of animal rights. In 2015, as Time magazine reported, the group selected Pope Francis, who took his name from the patron saint of animals, St. Francis of Assisi. Ingrid Newkirk noted, \"With more than a billion Catholics worldwide, Pope Francis' animal-friendly teachings have a massive audience.\" Previous PETA persons of the year include Bill Clinton, Oprah Winfrey, Russell Simmons, and Ricky Gervais.[136]", "Animal Crossing: Wild World Animal Crossing: Wild World (おいでよ どうぶつの森, Oideyo Dōbutsu no Mori, \"Animal Forest: Come Here\") is a 2005 social simulation video game developed and published by Nintendo for the Nintendo DS handheld game console, and is the second game in the Animal Crossing series.", "Animals as Leaders Animals as Leaders formed after guitarist Tosin Abasi's previous metalcore band, Reflux, disbanded.[2][3] The heavy metal record label Prosthetic Records saw Abasi's guitar work and asked him to create a solo album for them. Abasi initially declined, feeling such an endeavor would be \"...egotistical and unnecessary.\"[4] Abasi decided to take a year off to study music, as he felt he was unable to reach his peak at guitar playing. After Abasi had completed his course, he took up the label on the offer of a solo project. The name Animals as Leaders was inspired by Daniel Quinn's 1992 novel Ishmael, which addresses anthropocentrism. Abasi coined the name as a reminder \"that we're all essentially animals\".[4]", "Plumeria The genus is named in honor of the seventeenth-century French botanist Charles Plumier, who traveled to the New World documenting many plant and animal species.[5] The common name \"frangipani\" comes from a sixteenth-century marquis of the noble family in Italy who claimed to invent a plumeria-scented perfume,[6] but in reality made a synthetic perfume that was said at the time to resemble the odor of the recently discovered flowers.[7] Many English speakers also simply use the generic name \"plumeria\".", "Transportation of animals Humans have been transporting animals for a variety of purposes for thousands of years, with numerous accounts of animal transportation from the ancient world. Animals were transported for Roman circuses and for use as military animals. Two well-known historical examples of animals transported to foreign countries are Hanno the elephant[1] and Dürer's Rhinoceros.[2]", "Animals in Islam Although over two hundred verses in the Qur'an deal with animals and six surahs (chapters) of the Qur'an are named after animals, animal life is not a predominant theme in the Qur'an;[11] haywan, the Arabic word meaning \"animal\" (plural haywanat) makes one appearance.[10][11] On the other hand, the term", "Animals in Islam The Qur'an teaches that God created animals from water.[11] God cares for all his creatures and provides for them.[11] All creation praises God, even if this praise is not expressed in human language.[1][2] God has prescribed laws for each species (laws of nature). Since animals follow the laws God has ordained for them, they are to be regarded as \"Muslim\", just as a human who obeys the laws prescribed for humans (Islamic law) is a Muslim.[12] Just like humans, animals form \"communities\". In verse 6:38, the Qur'an applies the term ummah, generally used to mean \"a human religious community\", for genera of animals. The Encyclopaedia of the Qur'an states that this verse has been \"far reaching in its moral and ecological implications.\"[13]", "Cruelty to animals The Swiss animal protection laws are among the strictest in the world, comprehensively regulating the treatment of animals including the size of rabbit cages, and the amount of exercise that must be provided to dogs.[160]", "London Zoo At approximately 6am on Saturday 23 December 2017, a large fire started at Animal Adventure. The fire subsequently spread to the cafe/shop located in Animal Adventure. The fire was brought under control by 9:30am, and all animals except a nine-year-old aardvark named Misha who was pronounced dead, and four meerkats, who have been declared unaccounted for and presumed dead, have been accounted for so far. It is estimated that three-quarters of Animal Adventure Cafe/Shop has been severely damaged. The zoo reopened on Christmas Eve.[27][28]", "Transportation of animals Later, animals were transported from the New World to Europe for study and introduction.", "Computer animation In 1967, a computer animation named \"Hummingbird\" was created by Charles Csuri and James Shaffer [6].", "Live-action animated film During the popularity of the silent film in 1920's and 1930's, the popular animated cartoons of Max Fleischer included a series where his cartoon character Koko the Clown interacted with the live world; for example, having a boxing match with a live kitten. In a variation from this and inspired to do so Walt Disney's first directorial efforts, years before Oswald the Lucky Rabbit was born in 1927 and Mickey Mouse in 1928, were the live-action animated Alice Comedies cartoons, in which a young live action girl named Alice interacted with animated cartoon characters.", "Clay animation Clay-animated films were produced in the United States as early as 1908, when Edison Manufacturing released a trick film entitled The Sculptor's Welsh Rarebit Dream (possibly referencing the comic strip \"Dreams of a Rarebit Fiend\"). In 1916, clay animation became something of a fad, as an East Coast artist named Helena Smith Dayton and a West Coast animator named Willie Hopkins produced clay-animated films on a wide range of subjects. Hopkins in particular was quite prolific, producing over fifty clay-animated segments for the weekly Universal Screen Magazine. By the 1920s, cartoon animation using either cels or the slash system was firmly established as the dominant mode of animation production. Increasingly, three-dimensional forms such as clay were driven into relative obscurity as the cel method became the preferred method for the studio cartoon.[4]", "Animal husbandry Animal husbandry has a significant impact on the world environment. It is responsible for somewhere between 20 and 33% of the fresh water usage in the world,[74] and livestock, and the production of feed for them, occupy about a third of the earth's ice-free land.[75] Livestock production is a contributing factor in species extinction, desertification,[76] and habitat destruction.[77] Animal agriculture contributes to species extinction in various ways. Habitat is destroyed by clearing forests and converting land to grow feed crops and for animal grazing, while predators and herbivores are frequently targeted and hunted because of a perceived threat to livestock profits; for example, animal husbandry is responsible for up to 91% of the deforestation in the Amazon region.[78] In addition, livestock produce greenhouse gases. Cows produce some 570 million cubic metres of methane per day,[79] that accounts for from 35 to 40% of the overall methane emissions of the planet.[80] Livestock is responsible for 65% of all human-related emissions of the powerful and long-lived greenhouse gas nitrous oxide.[81] As a result, ways of mitigating animal husbandry's environmental impact are being studied. Strategies include using biogas from manure.[82]", "Flash animation Flash animations are typically distributed by way of the World Wide Web, in which case they are often referred to as Internet cartoons, online cartoons, or webtoons. Web Flash animations may be interactive and are often created in a series. A Flash animation is distinguished from a Webcomic, which is a comic strip distributed via the Web, rather than an animated cartoon. Flash animation is now taught in schools throughout the UK and can be taken as a GCSE and A-level.", "Intensive animal farming In 2012 Australia's largest supermarket chain, Coles, announced that as of January 1, 2013, they will stop selling company branded pork and eggs from animals kept in factory farms. The nation's other dominant supermarket chain, Woolworths, has already begun phasing out factory farmed animal products. All of Woolworth's house brand eggs are now cage-free, and by mid-2013 all of their pork will come from farmers who operate stall-free farms.[55]", "Re:Zero − Starting Life in Another World The novels and all three manga adaptations are published in North America by Yen Press. The anime adaptation has been licensed by Crunchyroll, which released the anime on home video through Funimation in the United States and Anime Limited in the United Kingdom. The light novels have sold more than three million copies, while the anime series has sold more than 60,000 copies on home video. The light novels have been praised for their fresh take on the \"another world\" concept, but have been criticized for awkward dialogue and redundancy. The anime series has been praised by critics for its \"culturally complex world\" and for the actions of its characters. The series received awards at the 2015–2016 Newtype Anime Awards and the 2017 Sugoi Japan Awards, and was nominated for Anime of the Year at The Anime Awards 2016.", "Unclean animal In some religions, an unclean animal is an animal whose consumption or handling is taboo. According to these religions, persons who handle such animals may need to ritually purify themselves to get rid of their uncleanliness.", "Animals in Islam Based on the facts that the names of certain tribes bear the names of animals, survivals of animal cults, prohibitions of certain foods and other indications, W. R. Smith argued for the practice of totemism by certain tribes of Arabia. Others have argued that these evidences may only imply practice of a form of animalism. In support of this, for example, it was believed that upon one's death, the soul departs from the body in the form of a bird (usually a sort of owl); the soul-as-bird then flies about the tomb for some time, occasionally crying out (for vengeance).[citation needed]", "Live-action animated film Many previous films combining live action with stop motion animation using back projection, such as Willis O'Brien and Ray Harryhausen films in the United States, and Aleksandr Ptushko, Karel Zeman and more recently Jan Švankmajer in Eastern Europe. The first feature film to do this was The Lost World (1925). In the 1935 Soviet film The New Gulliver, the only character who wasn't animated was Gulliver himself.", "Not All Who Wander Are Lost Not All Who Wander Are Lost may refer to:", "Who Goes There? The crew realizes they must isolate themselves and therefore disable their airplanes and vehicles, while pretending things are normal over their radio transmissions to prevent any rescue attempt from civilization. The researchers try to figure out who may have been replaced by the alien (simply referred to as the Thing), in order to destroy the imitations before they can escape and take over the world. The task is almost impossibly difficult when they realize that the Thing is also telepathic, able to read minds and project thoughts. A sled dog is conditioned by human blood injections (from Copper and Garry) to provide a human-immunity serum test, as in rabbits. The initial test of Connant is inconclusive as they realize that the test animal received both human and alien blood, meaning that either Doctor Copper or expedition Commander Garry is actually an alien. Assistant commander McReady takes over and deduces that all the other animals at the station, save the test dog, have already become imitations; all are killed by electrocution and their corpses burned.", "Batman: The Animated Series IGN listed The Animated Series as the best adaptation of Batman anywhere outside of comics,[1] the best comic book cartoon of all time,[5] and the second best animated series of all time (after The Simpsons).[42] Wizard magazine also ranked it #2 of the greatest animated television shows of all time (again after The Simpsons).[43] TV Guide ranked Batman: The Animated Series the seventh Greatest Cartoon of All Time (out of 60).[44]", "Oryx and Crake The novel focuses on a post-apocalyptic character with the name of Snowman, living near a group of primitive human-like creatures whom he calls Crakers. Flashbacks reveal that Snowman was once a boy named Jimmy who grew up in a world dominated by multinational corporations and privileged compounds for the families of their employees. Near starvation, Snowman decides to return to the ruins of a compound named RejoovenEsence to search for supplies even though it is overrun by dangerous genetically engineered hybrid animals. He concocts an explanation for the Crakers, who regard him as a teacher, and begins his foraging expedition.", "Animal Animals have several characteristics that set them apart from other living things. Animals are eukaryotic and multicellular,[6] which separates them from bacteria and most protists, which are prokaryotic and unicellular. They are heterotrophic,[7] generally digesting food in an internal chamber, which separates them from plants and algae, which are autotrophs.[8] They lack rigid cell walls, which separates them from plants, algae, and fungi, all of which do have rigid cell walls.[9] All animals are motile,[10] if only at certain life stages. In most animals, embryos pass through a blastula stage,[11] which is a characteristic exclusive to animals, and which allows for differentiation into specialized tissues and organs.", "Animal communication Animal communication is the transfer of information from one or a group of animals (sender or senders) to one or more other animals (receiver or receivers) that affects the current or future behavior of the receivers. Information may be sent intentionally, as in a courtship display, or unintentionally, as in the transfer of scent from predator to prey. Information may be transferred to an \"audience\" of several receivers. Animal communication is a rapidly growing area of study in disciplines including animal behavior, sociology, neurology and animal cognition. Many aspects of animal behavior, such as symbolic name use, emotional expression, learning and sexual behavior, are being understood in new ways.", "Man Gave Names to All the Animals In the last verse, the lyrics take a more sinister turn.[1] In that verse the man", "Peace Tower The stone walls were originally to have been inscribed with the names of all Canada's servicemen and women who had died during the First World War; but, without enough space for all 66,000 names,[1] it was later decided to place Books of Remembrance there instead;[3] the books list all Canadian soldiers, airmen, and seamen who died in service of the Crown—whether that of Britain (before 1931) or that of Canada (after 1931)—or allied countries in foreign wars, including the Nile Expedition and Boer War, the First World War, the Second World War, and the Korean War. The books are displayed in glass cases on seven altars around the chamber, the pages of each book turned at 11 a.m. daily so every name is on display to visitors at least once during each calendar year.[7]", "Napoleon (Animal Farm) In some early French-language versions of Animal Farm, the pig is named César. More recent translations keep the original name.", "Adnan (name) Adnan (Arabic: عدنان‎) means \"The person who has existence in two parallel worlds\" In Urdu \"وہ شخص جو دو متوازی دنیا میں وجود رکھتا ہے and also it has spiritual meaning \"The person who has existence in two paradise \" In Urdu \"جو شخص دو جنت میں وجود رکھتا ہے\"\nAdnan (Arabic: عدنان‎, ʿAdnān) is a masculine name common in the Muslim World. Its eponymous bearer was Adnan, a legendary figure of both pre-Islamic and Islamic mythology. The etymological meaning of the name is settler, from a semitic root `dn; \"to stay, abide\".", "Rhetoric Anthropocentrism plays a significant role in human-animal relationships, reflecting and perpetuating binaries in which humans are assumed to be beings that \"have\" extraordinary qualities while animals are regarded as beings that \"lack\" those qualities. This dualism is manifested through other forms as well, such as reason and sense, mind and body, ideal and phenomenon in which the first category of each pair (reason, mind, and ideal) represents and belongs to only humans. By becoming aware of and overcoming these dualistic conceptions including the one between humans and animals, human knowledge of themselves and the world is expected to become more complete and holistic.[99] The relationship between humans and animals (as well as the rest of the natural world) is often defined by the human rhetorical act of naming and categorizing animals through scientific and folk labeling. The act of naming partially defines the rhetorical relationships between humans and animals, though both may be understood to engage in rhetoric beyond human naming and categorizing.[100]", "List of romance anime This is a list of romantic anime television series, films, and OVAs. While not all inclusive, this list contains numerous works that are representative of the genre. For accuracy of the list, the most common English usage is followed by Japanese name and romaji version. The column for year represents the first premiere of the work, in the case of series the year of the first release.", "Animal The Ecdysozoa are protostomes, named after the common trait of growth by moulting or ecdysis.[114] The largest animal phylum belongs here, the Arthropoda, including insects, spiders, crabs, and their kin. All these organisms have a body divided into repeating segments, typically with paired appendages. Two smaller phyla, the Onychophora and Tardigrada, are close relatives of the arthropods and share these traits. The ecdysozoans also include the Nematoda or roundworms, perhaps the second largest animal phylum. Roundworms are typically microscopic, and occur in nearly every environment where there is water.[115] A number are important parasites.[116] Smaller phyla related to them are the Nematomorpha or horsehair worms, and the Kinorhyncha, Priapulida, and Loricifera. These groups have a reduced coelom, called a pseudocoelom.", "Snowball (Animal Farm) Snowball also writes the first version of the Seven Commandments. They are later altered by Squealer under the orders of Napoleon, to accommodate the actions of the pigs. For example, the commandment stating \"No animal shall drink alcohol\" is changed to \"No animal shall drink alcohol to excess\", and that which states \"No animal shall sleep in a bed\" is changed to \"No animal shall sleep in a bed with sheets\". Later all the commandments are replaced with one phrase: \"All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others\".", "Cropping (animal) The veterinary procedure is known as cosmetic otoplasty. Current veterinary science provides no medical or physical advantage to the animal from the procedure,[1][2] leading to concerns over animal cruelty related to performing unnecessary surgery on the animals. In addition to the bans in place in countries around the world, it is described in some veterinary texts as \"no longer considered ethical.\"[1]", "All the Money in the World Writing for The Hollywood Reporter, Todd McCarthy said, \"[Scott and Plummer] show what they're made of in All the Money in the World, a terrifically dexterous and detailed thriller about the Italian mob's 1973 kidnapping for ransom of the grandson of the world's richest man, John Paul Getty [sic].\"[43][44] Matt Zoller Seitz of RogerEbert.com gave the film three out of four stars, commending it as a whole despite criticizing the middle section as repetitive, and the character of J. Paul Getty being \"repugnant\" without proper context. He stated that \"The film is also a testament to the awesome work ethic of its 80-year old but still apparently tireless director, who fired Kevin Spacey.... they're worth noting because the end product is much better than anyone could have expected, considering the challenges faced and met by all involved.\"[45]", "Wajid (name) It is of Arabic origin (لڑكا) meaning one who perceives or finds.[1] It is a Muslim theophoric name, from Al-Wajid (الواجد), one of the 99 names of God in the Qur'an, which signifies The Finder, The All-Perceiving, The Inventor and Maker.[2]", "Domestication of animals The biomass of wild vertebrates is now decreasingly small compared to the biomass of domestic animals, with the calculated biomass of domestic cattle alone being greater than that of all wild mammals.[40] Because the evolution of domestic animals is ongoing, the process of domestication has a beginning but not an end. Various criteria have been established to provide a definition of domestic animals, but all decisions about exactly when an animal can be labelled \"domesticated\" in the zoological sense are arbitrary, although potentially useful.[41] Domestication is a fluid and nonlinear process that may start, stop, reverse, or go on unexpected paths with no clear or universal threshold that separates the wild from the domestic. However, there are universal features held in common by all domesticated animals.[12]", "Live-action animated film Filmmaker and animator Ralph Bakshi combined live action and traditional animation in 1973's Heavy Traffic, 1975's Coonskin, known in some places as \"Streetfight\" and 1992's Cool World, with Cool World being poorly received for its lack of story.", "Cruelty to animals As of 2006 there were no laws in China governing acts of cruelty to animals.[127] There are no government supported charitable organizations like the RSPCA, which monitors the cases on animal cruelty. All kinds of animal abuses, such as to fish, tigers, and bears, are to be reported for law enforcement and animal welfare.[128][129][130][131][132][133]", "Animal rights He argues that a focus on animal welfare, rather than animal rights, may worsen the position of animals by making the public feel comfortable about using them and entrenching the view of them as property. He calls animal rights groups who pursue animal welfare issues, such as People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, the \"new welfarists\", arguing that they have more in common with 19th-century animal protectionists than with the animal rights movement; indeed, the terms \"animal protection\" and \"protectionism\" are increasingly favored. His position in 1996 was that there is no animal rights movement in the United States.[129]", "List of country names in various languages (D–I) Most countries of the world have different names in different languages. Some countries have also undergone name changes for political or other reasons. This article attempts to give all known alternative names for all nations, countries and sovereign states. It does not offer any opinion about what the \"original\", \"official\", \"real\", or \"correct\" name of any country is or was.", "List of country names in various languages (Q–Z) Most countries of the world have different names in different languages. Some countries have also undergone name changes for political or other reasons. This article attempts to give all known alternative names for all nations, countries and sovereign states. It does not offer any opinion about what the \"original\", \"official\", \"real\", or \"correct\" name of any country is or was.", "Your Name Your Name (Japanese: 君の名は。, Hepburn: Kimi no Na wa.) is a 2016 Japanese animated romantic fantasy drama film written and directed by Makoto Shinkai and produced by CoMix Wave Films. The film was produced by Noritaka Kawaguchi and Genki Kawamura, with music composed by Radwimps. Your Name tells the story of a high school girl in rural Japan and a high school boy in Tokyo who swap bodies. The film stars the voices of Ryunosuke Kamiki, Mone Kamishiraishi, Masami Nagasawa, and Etsuko Ichihara. Shinkai's novel of the same name was published a month before the film's premiere.", "Health For All The rate of progress will depend on the political will. The World Health Assembly believes that, given a high degree of determination, Health For All could be attained by the year 2000. That target date is a challenge to all WHO's Member States.", "List of DC Multiverse worlds The following list is for the multiverse worlds that appear in the DC animated universe, the DC Universe Animated Original Movies and other animated properties.", "Animal cracker Austin, a division of the Keebler Company, also makes a variety of animal crackers. Although not nearly as popular[citation needed], the Austin variety has similar nutritional content and animal shapes. The Austin product is labeled under the name of the Kellogg Company, which acquired Keebler in 2001.", "Human–animal marriage Human–animal marriage is a marriage between a (non-human) animal and a human. This topic has appeared in mythology and magical fiction.[1] In the 21st century there have been numerous reports from around the world of humans marrying their pets and other animals. Human–animal marriage is often seen in accordance with zoophilia, however they are not necessarily linked. Although animal-human marriage is not mentioned specifically in national laws, the act of engaging in sexual acts with an animal is illegal in many countries under animal abuse laws.", "Possible world The idea of possible worlds is most commonly attributed to Gottfried Leibniz, who spoke of possible worlds as ideas in the mind of God and used the notion to argue that our actually created world must be \"the best of all possible worlds\". Arthur Schopenhauer argued that on the contrary our world must be the worst of all possible worlds, because if it were only a little worse it could not continue to exist.[2]", "List of Care Bear characters An evil wizard who is pained by love and care, No Heart seeks to destroy all the feelings in the world. No Heart wears a magic amulet which gives him most of his power, including the power to shape-shift into various animals. No Heart lives in a dark castle in the storm clouds. Like many other fictional TV villains of the time, No Heart's obsession is world domination.", "(Drawing) Rings Around the World \"(Drawing) Rings Around the World\" is a song by Super Furry Animals and was the second single taken from the band's fifth album, Rings Around the World. The track reached number 28 on the UK Singles Chart on release in October 2001.[1] Singer Gruff Rhys has described the song as being about \"rings of communication around the world. All the rings of pollution\".[2]", "Animal welfare and rights in Australia In 2014 Australia received a C out of possible grades A,B,C,D,E,F,G on World Animal Protection's Animal Protection Index.[1]", "Kosher animals Unlike Leviticus 11:3-8, Deuteronomy 14:4-8 also explicitly names 10 animals considered ritually clean:", "Seven Laws of Noah According to the Genesis flood narrative, a deluge covered the whole world, killing every surface-dwelling creature except Noah, his wife, his sons and their wives, and the animals taken aboard Noah's Ark. According to this, all modern humans are descendants of Noah, thus the name Noahide Laws in reference to laws that apply to all of humanity. After the flood, God sealed a covenant with Noah with the following admonitions (Genesis 9):", "Natural law According to the Genesis flood narrative, a deluge covered the whole world, killing every surface-dwelling creature except Noah, his wife, his sons and their wives, and the animals taken aboard Noah's Ark. According to this, all modern humans are descendants of Noah, thus the name Noahide Laws in reference to laws that apply to all of humanity. After the flood, God sealed a covenantwith Noah with the following admonitions (Genesis 9):", "Cruelty to animals A history of torturing pets and small animals, a behavior known as zoosadism, is considered one of the signs of certain psychopathologies, including antisocial personality disorder, also known as psychopathic personality disorder . According to The New York Times, \"[t]he FBI has found that a history of cruelty to animals is one of the traits that regularly appears in its computer records of serial rapists and murderers, and the standard diagnostic and treatment manual for psychiatric and emotional disorders lists cruelty to animals a diagnostic criterion for conduct disorders.\"[44] \"A survey of psychiatric patients who had repeatedly tortured dogs and cats found all of them had high levels of aggression toward people as well, including one patient who had murdered a young boy.\"[44] Robert K. Ressler, an agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation's behavioral sciences unit, studied serial killers and noted,\"Murderers like this (Jeffrey Dahmer) very often start out by killing and torturing animals as kids.\"[45]", "Health For All Health For All is a programming goal of the World Health Organization (WHO), which envisions securing the health and well being of people around the world that has been popularized since the 1970s. It is the basis for the World Health Organization's primary health care strategy to promote health, human dignity, and enhanced quality of life.", "List of Who Framed Roger Rabbit characters Despite his name and appearance, \"Baby Herman\" is actually a middle-aged, cigar-smoking Toon who looks like an infant. While filming \"in character\", he speaks baby talk in a typical baby boy's voice provided by Winchell; off-camera, he has a loud, gravelly voice provided by Lou Hirsch. Animation director Richard Williams loved the character of \"adult\" Baby Herman so much that he personally animated all of the scenes of the character in the film. When he loses his cigar and finds himself unable to reach it, he starts crying like a baby (albeit with his voice still sounding like a middle-aged man).", "List of anime series by episode count This is a list of anime television series by episode count for series with a minimum of 145 episodes. Note that anime franchises with multiple television series (e.g. Pretty Cure) will not be listed on this page. However anime in Japan has a practice of naming seasons under their own separate title instead of by cours (e.g. K-On! vs K-On!! etc.) This article will only cover series without distinct season names.", "List of animals in the Bible This is a list of animals whose names appear in the Bible. Whenever required for the identification, the Hebrew name will be indicated, as well as the specific term used by zoologists. This list will include names such as griffon, lamia, Siren and unicorn, which, though generally applied to fabulous beings, have nevertheless, because of misunderstandings or educational prejudices of the Greek and Latin translators, crept into the versions, and have been applied to real animals. In the following list D.V. stands for Douay Version, A.V. and R.V. for Authorized and Revised Version respectively.", "Japanese name Most Japanese people and agencies have adopted customs to deal with these issues. Address books, for instance, often contain furigana or ruby characters to clarify the pronunciation of the name. Japanese nationals are also required to give a romanized name for their passport. The recent use of katakana in Japanese media when referring to Japanese celebrities who have gained international fame has started a fad among young socialites who attempt to invoke a cosmopolitan flair using katakana names as a badge of honor.[citation needed] All of these complications are also found in Japanese place names.", "All the Money in the World All the Money in the World has grossed $25.1 million in the United States and Canada, and $28.8 million in other territories, for a worldwide total of $53.9 million, against a production budget of $50 million.[4]", "All the Money in the World All the Money in the World is a 2017 crime thriller film directed by Ridley Scott and written by David Scarpa, based on John Pearson's 1995 book Painfully Rich: The Outrageous Fortunes and Misfortunes of the Heirs of J. Paul Getty. It stars Michelle Williams, Christopher Plummer, Mark Wahlberg, Romain Duris, Charlie Plummer, Andrew Buchan, and Timothy Hutton. The film depicts J. Paul Getty's refusal to cooperate with the extortion demands of a group of kidnappers from the organized crime Mafia group 'Ndrangheta, who abducted his grandson John Paul Getty III in 1973.", "Emotion in animals The argument that animals experience emotions is sometimes rejected due to a lack of evidence, and those who don't believe in the idea of animal intelligence, often argue that anthropomorphism plays a role in individuals' perspectives. Those who reject that animals have the capacity to experience emotion do so mainly by referring to inconsistencies in studies that have endorsed the belief emotions exist. Having no linguistic means to communicate emotion beyond behavioral response interpretation, the difficulty of providing an account of emotion in animals relies heavily on interpretive experimentation, that relies on results from human subjects.[23]", "Old MacDonald Had a Farm \"Old MacDonald Had a Farm\" is a children's song and nursery rhyme about a farmer named MacDonald (sometimes known as \"McDonald\" or \"Macdonald\") and the various animals he keeps on his farm. Each verse of the song changes the name of the animal and its respective noise. In many versions, the song is cumulative, with the animal sounds from all the earlier verses added to each subsequent verse.[1] For example, the verse uses a cow as an animal and \"moo\" as the animal's sound. It has a Roud Folk Song Index number of 745.", "Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron A computer-animated television series based on the film, titled Spirit Riding Free, premiered on Netflix on May 5, 2017.[32] The series follows all the daring adventures when Spirit, who is the offspring of the original, meets a girl named Lucky whose courage matches his own.[33][34]", "Animal (Muppet) Animal: [flails and babbles wildly, pants, and yells as Fozzie clutches an also frightened Kermit in fear]\nFloyd: Oh yeah, that's Animal. Show 'em whatcha do, Animal!\nAnimal: I want to eat drums! [loudly chews on a cymbal]\nDr. Teeth: No, no, beat drums, beat drums.\nAnimal: [open eyes wide] Beat drums! Beat drums! [hits the third tom drum three times with his head, grunting before each hit]\nFloyd: Down, Animal!\nAnimal: Down!\nFloyd: Back!\nAnimal: Back!\nFloyd: Sit!\nAnimal: Sit! [laughs shortly as he gets back up to look at Scooter who is introducing himself]", "Pretty Cure All Stars Pretty Cure All Stars (プリキュアオールスターズ, PuriKyua Ōru Sutāzu) or PreCure All Stars is a series of Japanese anime films produced by Toei Animation based on Izumi Todo's Pretty Cure anime television franchise. Each movie features a storyline which crosses over characters from all the Pretty Cure anime series to date. As of March 2016, there are currently eight main films in the series.", "Horton Hears a Who! (film) Horton Hears a Who! (also known as Dr. Seuss' Horton Hears a Who!) is a 2008 American computer animated adventure comedy film based on the book of the same name by Dr. Seuss. Produced by Blue Sky Studios, the film was directed by Jimmy Hayward and Steve Martino and written by Cinco Paul and Ken Daurio, with music by John Powell. It features the voices of Jim Carrey and Steve Carell.[4]", "Animal husbandry Modern animal husbandry relies on production systems adapted to the type of land available. Subsistence farming is being superseded by intensive animal farming in the more developed parts of the world, where for example beef cattle are kept in high density feedlots, and thousands of chickens may be raised in broiler houses or batteries. On poorer soil such as in uplands, animals are often kept more extensively, and may be allowed to roam widely, foraging for themselves.", "All the world's a stage The comparison of the world to a stage and people to actors long predated Shakespeare. Richard Edwardes's play Damon and Pythias, written in the year Shakespeare was born, contains the lines, \"Pythagoras said that this world was like a stage / Whereon many play their parts; the lookers-on, the sage\".[3] When it was founded in 1599 Shakespeare's own theatre, The Globe, may have used the motto Totus mundus agit histrionem (All the world plays the actor), the Latin text of which is derived from a 12th-century treatise.[4] Ultimately the words derive from quod fere totus mundus exercet histrionem (because almost the whole world are actors) attributed to Petronius, a phrase which had wide circulation in England at the time.", "Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt Following the broadcast of Imaishi's previous project, Gurren Lagann, the show's staff went on a trip for rest and relaxation. At that time, they aired their opinions to each other under drunken and humorous circumstances, saying such things as \"Next time, I want to try this\" in approaches to animation. Almost all of the concepts for the anime was made during the initial trip; the names of main characters, \"Panty\" and \"Stocking\", were coined at the very first meeting.[3] Hiromi Wakabayashi, who provided the initial idea for the series, cited American adult animation, such as Drawn Together, as inspiration for the show's crudeness.[4]", "Walt Disney Animation Studios It was founded as the Disney Brothers Cartoon Studio in 1923 and incorporated as Walt Disney Productions in 1929. The studio was exclusively dedicated to producing short films until it expanded into feature production in 1934. In 1983, Walt Disney Productions named its live-action film studio Walt Disney Pictures. During a corporate restructuring in 1986, Walt Disney Productions was renamed The Walt Disney Company and the animation division, renamed Walt Disney Feature Animation, became a subsidiary of its film division, The Walt Disney Studios. In 2007, Walt Disney Feature Animation took on its current name, Walt Disney Animation Studios after Pixar Animation Studios was acquired by Disney in the same year.", "Finding Nemo Finding Nemo is a 2003 American computer-animated film produced by Pixar Animation Studios and released by Walt Disney Pictures. Written and directed by Andrew Stanton with co-direction by Lee Unkrich, the film stars the voices of Albert Brooks, Ellen DeGeneres, Alexander Gould, and Willem Dafoe. It tells the story of the overprotective ocellaris clownfish named Marlin who, along with a regal blue tang named Dory, searches for his abducted son Nemo all the way to Sydney Harbour. Along the way, Marlin learns to take risks and comes to terms with Nemo taking care of himself.", "Animal welfare The Animal Welfare Act 2006[54] makes owners and keepers responsible for ensuring that the welfare needs of their animals are met. These include the need: for a suitable environment (place to live), for a suitable diet, to exhibit normal behavior patterns, to be housed with, or apart from, other animals (if applicable), and to be protected from pain, injury, suffering and disease. Anyone who is cruel to an animal, or does not provide for its welfare needs, may be banned from owning animals, fined up to £20,000 and/or sent to prison.[55]", "Major League Baseball All-Century Team The nominees for the All-Century team were presented at the 1999 All-Star Game at Fenway Park. Preceding Game 2 of the 1999 World Series, the members of the All-Century Team were revealed. Every living player named to the team attended.", "Super Mario World DIC Entertainment produced an animated series of the same name, consisting of thirteen episodes, which ran on NBC from September to December 1991.[71][72] In recent years, fans have made a number of Super Mario World ROM hacks, notably Kaizo Mario World, that has been used for many Let's Play videos.[73] In a similar way, Super Mario World is one of the four games whose assets are available in Super Mario Maker, a custom level creator released for the Wii U in 2015.[74]", "Animal rights Animal rights is the idea in which some, or all, non-human animals are entitled to the possession of their own lives and that their most basic interests—such as the need to avoid suffering—should be afforded the same consideration as similar interests of human beings.[2]", "Doctor Dolittle (film) In early Victorian England, Matthew Mugg (Anthony Newley) takes his young friend Tommy Stubbins (William Dix) to visit eccentric Doctor John Dolittle (Rex Harrison) for a sick duck that Tommy had acquired from a local fisherman. Dolittle, a former physician, lives with an extended menagerie, including a chimpanzee named Chee-Chee (Cheeta), a dog named Jip, and a talking parrot named Polynesia (the uncredited voice of Ginny Tyler). Dolittle claims that he can talk to animals. In a flashback, he explains that he kept so many animals in his home that they created havoc with his human patients, who took their medical needs elsewhere. His sister, who served as his housekeeper, demanded that he dispose of the animals or she would leave; he chose the animals. Polynesia taught him that different animal species can talk to each other, prompting Dolittle to study animal languages so that he could become an animal doctor.", "Ash Ketchum Due to the huge popularity, success, and longevity of the Pokémon anime series around the world since its debut, Ash has gone on to become one of the most well-known and recognizable animated characters of all-time (due to his status as the protagonist of the Pokémon anime), though is often overshadowed in representation by the almost universally identifiable franchise mascot, Pikachu. He is now widely considered a figurehead character of the wave of anime in the late 90s; which is credited by most anime fans as having popularized anime in the west, alongside the likes of Goku of Dragon Ball Z and Sailor Moon of the show with the same name. He is also considered a major pop icon character for Japanese pop culture in the United States. Despite this, he has been largely criticized for being stuck in a 'floating timeline,' as well as for his inability to win any major Pokémon leagues as of yet.", "Awaiting on You All Issued during a period when rock music was increasingly reflecting spiritual themes,[100] All Things Must Pass was a major commercial success,[101][102] outselling releases that year by Harrison's former bandmates,[103][104] and topping albums charts throughout the world.[105] Describing the impact of the album, with reference to \"Awaiting on You All\"'s exhortation to \"chant the names of the Lord\", author Nicholas Schaffner wrote of Harrison being \"rewarded with a Number One single all over the world\" with \"My Sweet Lord\".[106]", "Brave New World The limited number of names that the World State assigned to its bottle-grown citizens can be traced to political and cultural figures who contributed to the bureaucratic, economic, and technological systems of Huxley's age, and presumably those systems in Brave New World.[23]", "History of animal testing In 1822, the first animal protection law was enacted in the British parliament, followed by the Cruelty to Animals Act (1876), the first law specifically aimed at regulating animal testing. The legislation was promoted by Charles Darwin, who wrote to Ray Lankester in March 1871:", "All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name [2]\n\nAll hail the power of Jesus' name!\nLet angels prostrate fall;\nbring forth the royal diadem,\nand crown Him Lord of all.\nBring forth the royal diadem,\nand crown Him Lord of all. \n\nYe chosen seed of Israel's race,\nye ransomed from the Fall,\nhail Him who saves you by His grace,\nand crown Him Lord of all.\nHail Him who saves you by His grace,\nand crown Him Lord of all.\n\nSinners, whose love can ne'er forget\nthe wormwood and the gall,\ngo spread your trophies at His feet,\nand crown Him Lord of all.\nGo spread your trophies at His feet,\nand crown Him Lord of all.\n\nLet every kindred, every tribe\non this terrestrial ball,\nto Him all majesty ascribe,\nand crown Him Lord of all.\nTo Him all majesty ascribe,\nand crown Him Lord of all.\n\n(Alternate wording to the above verse)\nLet every tribe and every tongue\nbefore Him prostrate fall\nAnd shout in universal song\nthe crownèd Lord of all.\nAnd shout in universal song\nthe crownèd Lord of all.\n\nO that with yonder sacred throng\nwe at His feet may fall!\nWe'll join the everlasting song,\nand crown Him Lord of all.\nWe'll join the everlasting song,\nand crown Him Lord of all." ]
how long do nhl players stay on waivers
[ "Waivers (NHL) After a player has been designated for assignment, the other 30 NHL teams can put in a claim or waive their claim for that player. The claims process starts at noon Eastern Time and ends 24 hours later. If only one team makes a claim for the player, then he will be transferred to the claiming team. If more than one team makes a claim, then the player will be transferred to the team having the lowest percentage of possible points in league standings at the time of the request for waivers. When a waiver claim has been secured, the claiming team must pay a transfer fee to the original club, though this fee is not counted against the salary cap. If waivers are requested outside the playing season, or before November 1, then the player shall be transferred to the team with the lowest points in the preceding season.[4] If no team places a claim, the player can be sent to a minor league affiliate." ]
[ "Waivers (NHL) Players who play ice hockey outside North America during a regular season and who are not on loan from or whose playing rights are not already owned by an NHL club (that is, the player is not already on a team's 90-player reserve list such as a qualified restricted free agent or a draft pick) must also be placed on waivers if they are signed to play in the NHL. If the player is picked up by another NHL club on waivers, the player must be placed on waivers again before a further trade or loan can take place.[6]", "Waivers (NHL) Waivers is a National Hockey League (NHL) labor management procedure by which an NHL team makes a professional ice hockey player's contract and rights available to all other NHL teams. Other NHL teams \"waive\" any claim to a player designated for assignment in the American Hockey League (AHL) or designated for release. The process is typically referred to as \"being placed on waivers.\"", "Waivers (NHL) A third type of waivers, \"unconditional waivers,\" applies when a player is to be given an unconditional release from his contract. NHL teams give notice to the player and the league that they intend to buy-out a player's rights under the terms of the CBA. In this case, the waiver period is 48 hours. These waivers can only be requested during two periods:", "NHL salary cap Waivers are discussed in article 13 of the collective bargaining agreement.[12] Unlike other professional leagues, waivers in the NHL do not always mean an unconditional release if a player clears waivers and elects free agency, unless the waivers requested were unconditional waivers. Most NHL players will need to clear waivers before they are assigned to a minor league team; exceptions are listed below. Clearing waivers means every other team in the NHL has the option to \"claim\" that player off of the \"waiver wire\", thus assuming his contract (and cap hit; this varies for re-entry waivers), and providing only minor monetary compensation to the originating team (unless the waivers requested were re-entry waivers); financial compensations are listed below. If a player clears waivers, the team has the right to either loan the player to a minor league affiliate which is generally a team in the American Hockey League (AHL), or the team can elect to keep that player with their club. Once a player has cleared waivers, they do not need to again clear them for the shorter of: (1) 30 cumulative days on the NHL roster; or (2) until they have played in ten NHL games. If a player refuses to report to the minors, the team can use that as grounds to suspend the player (i.e., not pay them).", "Waivers (NHL) The 2005 NHL-NHLPA collective bargaining agreement (CBA) introduced \"re-entry waivers.\" With limited exceptions, any player who was subject to waivers before assignment to the minors must clear re-entry waivers before being called back up if said player is on a one-way contract or a two-way contract with an AHL salary in excess of $105,000. Exceptions are players who have played in over 320 professional games (180 for goaltenders) and have not spent more than 80 games on an NHL roster in the past two seasons or 40 games during the previous season. The procedure to make a claim on re-entry waivers is the same; however, teams who claim players on re-entry waivers are only responsible for half the salary and cap hit, while the original team is responsible for the other half, unless the claimed player is later assigned to the AHL again before his contract has expired, in which case the salary and cap hit comes off the books of both teams.", "NBA salary cap NBA teams can release a player to the waiver wire, where he can stay for 48 hours (during the regular season). While he is on waivers, other teams may claim him, for his existing salary. If he is not claimed, he is said to have \"cleared waivers\", and is treated like any free agent, able to sign with any team (with the special restriction noted above for players who were traded and then waived).", "List of NHL players with 100-point seasons The first NHL season in which a player scored 100 points was the 1968–69 season: on March 2, 1969, Phil Esposito scored his hundredth point of the season. Esposito finished the season with 126 points, and two other players achieved 100 points that season: Bobby Hull, who finished with 107 points, and Gordie Howe, who finished with 103 points. (All three scored goals to reach the milestone.) The first (of only five) defencemen to reach the 100-point mark in the NHL was Bobby Orr, in the 1969–70 season.", "Stanley Cup winning players Starting in 1994, teams have been permitted to petition the NHL Commissioner, to be considered on a case-by-case basis, to engrave a player's name on the cup if the player was unavailable to play due to \"extenuating circumstances\".[1] Usually, players who spend the whole season with the winning team, but do not officially qualify, are included, especially if they missed many games injured. The league does not evaluate all players on the roster, only the ones requested by the winning team. NHL has rejected some requests for names to be added.", "List of player salaries in the NHL This is a list of the twenty NHL players who have earned the most in salaries between the 1989–90 season and the 2007–08 season.", "NHL 17 New modes are also introduced to the game. The \"Be a GM\" mode, which had the player become the general manager of any NHL team they choose, is expanded into the \"Franchise Mode\". Team owners are introduced to the mode and players must now meet the team owner's expectations. The player can also potentially relocate their team to different city. If they relocate a team, they are free to build their own stadium and rebuild the team's image from the ground-up, similar to the team builder in EASHL.[10][11][12] For the second time in the NHL series, the World Cup of Hockey is playable;[12] NHL 2005 was the first NHL title to feature it.[13] Players may play through the tournament with any team from the World Cup they choose. The actual players, jerseys and logos for each team all appear in-game.[12] The \"Draft Champions\" mode is introduced to the series after a similar mode was featured in the Madden NFL series prior. A fantasy draft simulation, players are able to select NHL superstars in a 12-round draft and create their own team with them. After drafting, the player is then able to enter a tournament against the computer or other players online.[14] The player also has a chance of reaching the Draft Championship during the tournament.[12] Also added to NHL 17 is the ECHL, a North American hockey league. All 27 teams in the league are playable, with all team jerseys, logos and players appearing.[10][15]", "List of Washington Capitals players This is a complete list of ice hockey players who have played for the Washington Capitals in the National Hockey League (NHL). It includes players that have played at least one game, either in the NHL regular season or in the NHL playoffs.", "List of NHL players with 50-goal seasons Richard's mark stood untouched for 16 seasons until Bernie Geoffrion became the second player to score 50 goals in 1960–61, also for Montreal, doing so in his 62nd game of the season (and the Canadiens' 68th).[1] Early in the 1960s, Chicago Black Hawks teammates Stan Mikita and Bobby Hull began experimenting with curved blades, noticing that different bends made shots more unpredictable for goaltenders. Mikita led the NHL in scoring four times using a curved blade,[9] while Hull became the third player in NHL history to score 50 goals in 1961–62. It was the first of five times he would reach the milestone.[10]", "Florida Medicaid waiver The Florida Supported Living Waiver, also called the FSL Waiver or \"Little\" Waiver is another Florida Medicaid Waiver Program. This Waiver currently has a spending cap of $14,792.00.[4] There are eleven services on this waiver. Many people on the FSL Waiver are waiting to get on the HCBS Waiver. The FSL Waiver also assists people who have disabilities, and the requirements to receive services are the same as the HCBS Waiver.", "List of NHL players with 500 goals For ice hockey players in the National Hockey League (NHL), scoring 500 regular season goals is considered a highly significant achievement.", "NHL salary cap All players whose contracts have expired, but who do not qualify as Group 3 or Group 6 free agents become restricted free agents (Group 2) on July 1 of a calendar year, provided that a team has tendered a qualifying offer by June 25 or the first Monday after the NHL Entry Draft, whichever is later. A qualifying offer is a single year contract offer that is either the same amount as the previous year, or a slight raise, according to the previous year's amount, and must be for the following amount as listed in the table below. For purposes of the table, a one-way qualifying offer is an offer that pays the player the same salary if assigned to the NHL or to the AHL, as opposed to a two-way contract, which has a higher NHL salary than an AHL (or for entry-level contracts, an ECHL) salary.", "NHL Collective Bargaining Agreement On September 4, 2010, the NHL and NHLPA ratified an agreement to alter how the salary cap hit of long-term contracts would be calculated. The new salary cap accounting system would see two distinct changes. First, long-term contracts remain valid, but contracts that include years when a player aged 40 or older will only have the portion of their salaries before they turn 40 included in cap hit calculation. Second, if the average value of the three highest seasons is $5.75 million or more, then the value of years 36 through 39 will have a minimum cap \"charge\" of $1 million.", "NHL salary cap During the \"Original Six\" era through to the early years of the expansion era, the NHL's strict reserve clause negated the need for a salary cap. Player salaries first became an issue in the 1970s, after Alan Eagleson founded the National Hockey League Players' Association (NHLPA) and the upstart World Hockey Association (WHA) began competing with the NHL for players. Not all NHL owners were willing to engage in a bidding war, in particular, Harold Ballard of the Toronto Maple Leafs spent as close league minimum on rosters as he could[citation needed], making his team the most profitable. There was little financial incentive for Ballard to spend money on star players to improve the quality of the on-ice product and attract fans, as all Maple Leafs games were sold out regardless of how poorly the team played. The Maple Leafs, which had only ten losing seasons in its history before Ballard took control of the team in 1972, had 12 losing seasons up until his death in 1990.", "List of NHL players with 50-goal seasons Wayne Gretzky scored his 50th goal in his 39th game in 1981–82, the fastest any player has done so. He also shares the record for most 50-goal seasons with Mike Bossy, each having reached the milestone nine times in their careers. A record fourteen players exceeded 50 goals in 1992–93, after which offence declined across the league, and with it the number of players to reach the total. For the first time in 29 years, no player scored 50 goals in 1998–99. Ninety-one unique players have scored 50 goals in any one NHL season, doing so a combined 186 times.", "List of Montreal Canadiens players This is a full list of ice hockey players who have played for the Montreal Canadiens in the National Hockey League (NHL). It includes players that have played at least one regular season or playoff game for the Montreal Canadiens since the team joined the NHL in 1917. Founded in 1909 as one of the founding members of the National Hockey Association (NHA), the Montreal Canadiens were also one of the founding members of the NHL. Since the formation of the NHL, 709 different players have played with the Canadiens", "List of player salaries in the NHL Here are several lists of National Hockey League players' salaries since the 1989–90 NHL season. This list does not include income from corporate endorsements or salaries before 1988–89.", "Damage waiver Damage waiver or, as it is often referred to, collision damage waiver (CDW) or loss damage waiver (LDW), is optional damage insurance coverage that is available to you when you rent a car.", "Major League Baseball transactions If a player is claimed and the waiving team exercises its rescission option, the waiving team may not use the option again for that player in that season—a subsequent waiver would be irrevocable with a claiming team getting the player essentially for nothing.[6] If no team claims a player off waivers after three business days, the player has cleared waivers and may be assigned to a minor league team, traded (to any team), or released outright.", "Salary cap Player salaries first became an issue in the 1970s, when Alan Eagleson founded the NHL Players' Association (NHLPA) and the upstart World Hockey Association began competing with the NHL for players. Not all NHL owners were willing to engage in a bidding war, in particular, Harold Ballard of the Toronto Maple Leafs spent as close to the league minimum on rosters as he could. Since Maple Leaf Gardens was consistently sold out no matter how poorly the Maple Leafs played, Ballard's team was by far the most profitable.", "2004–05 NHL lockout The NHLPA, under executive director Bob Goodenow, disputed the league's financial claims. According to the union, \"cost certainty\" is little more than a euphemism for a salary cap, which it had vowed never to accept. The union rejected each of the six concepts presented by the NHL, claiming they all contained some form of salary cap. The NHLPA preferred to retain the existing \"marketplace\" system where players individually negotiate contracts with teams, and teams have complete control of how much they want to spend on players. Goodenow's mistrust of the league was supported by a November 2004 Forbes report that estimated the NHL's losses were less than half the amounts claimed by the league.[7]", "Alexander Ovechkin On 12 March 2018, Ovechkin scored his 600th career goal, making him the 20th player to ever reach such a feat, and the fourth to do so in less than 1,000 games.[58] On 1 April 2018 Ovechkin would play in his 1,000th NHL game against the Pittsburgh Penguins, becoming the first Capitals player to play 1,000 games and the 54th NHL player to do so within the same franchise.[59] At the conclusion of the regular season, Ovechkin was awarded the Rocket Richard trophy for the seventh time in his career.[60] He became the second player, tied with Bobby Hull, to win the NHL's goal scoring title seven times.[61]", "National Hockey League Players' Association The National Hockey League Players' Association (French: Association des joueurs de la Ligue nationale de hockey; AJLNH) or NHLPA is the union for professional hockey players in the National Hockey League (NHL). Created in 1967, the union negotiates and enforces fair terms and conditions of employment for NHL players.", "History of the National Hockey League In the 1968–69 season, third-year defenceman Bobby Orr scored 21 goals to set an NHL record for goals by a defenceman en route to winning his first of eight consecutive Norris Trophies as the league's top defenceman.[85] At the same time, Orr's teammate, Phil Esposito, became the first player in league history to score 100 points in a season, finishing with 126 points.[86] A gifted scorer, Orr revolutionized defencemen's impact on the offensive part of the game, as blue-liners began to be judged on how well they created goals in addition to how well they prevented them.[87] Orr twice won the Art Ross Trophy as the NHL's leading scorer, the only defenceman in NHL history to do so.[88] Chronic knee problems plagued Orr throughout his career; he played 12 seasons in the NHL before injuries forced his retirement in 1978. Orr finished with 270 goals and 915 points in 657 games, and he won the Hart Memorial Trophy as league Most Valuable Player thrice.[85]", "Blind (poker) In poker tournament play, blinds serve a dual purpose. In addition to the purpose explained above, blinds are also used to control how long the tournament will last. Before the tournament begins, the players will agree to a blinds structure, usually set by the tournament organizer. This structure defines how long each round is and how much the blinds increase per round. Typically, they are increased at a smooth rate of between 25% and 50% per round over the previous round. As the blinds increase, players need to increase their chip counts (or \"stacks\") to stay in the game. The blinds will eventually consume all of a player's stack if he or she does not play to win more.", "2004–05 NHL lockout The NHL, led by Commissioner Gary Bettman, attempted to convince players to accept a salary structure linking player salaries to league revenues, guaranteeing the clubs what the league called cost certainty.[4] According to an NHL-commissioned report prepared by former U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission chairman Arthur Levitt, prior to 2004–05, NHL clubs spent about 76 percent of their gross revenues on players' salaries – a figure far higher than those in other North American sports – and collectively lost US$273 million during the 2002–03 season.", "Florida Medicaid waiver The Home and Community Based Services Waiver, also called the HCBS/DD Waiver or \"Big\" Waiver, is one of Florida's Medicaid Waiver Programs that assists people who have disabilities. These disabilities include: Cognitive impairments, spina bifida, cerebral palsy, Prader-Willi syndrome, Down syndrome, Phelan-McDermid syndrome, and Autism. The HCBS/DD medicaid waiver program helps cover the cost for things that regular medicaid does not pay for.", "NHL salary cap For purposes of the above, an accrued season is defined as a player having been on the team's active roster for 40 NHL games (30 in the case of a goaltender), including games missed where the player was injured.[15]", "List of NHL players with 50-goal seasons Scoring 50 goals in one season is one of the most celebrated individual achievements in the National Hockey League (NHL).[1] In 1944–45, Maurice Richard became the first player to score 50 goals in a season. Bernie Geoffrion became the second player to reach the milestone 16 years later in 1960–61. Fifty-goal seasons increased in frequency during the 1970s and 1980s as offense increased across the league. By 1980, it had been reached 24 times in NHL history; the plateau was reached 76 times in the 1980s alone.", "Wayne Gretzky In 1997, prior to his retirement, The Hockey News named a committee of 50 hockey experts (former NHL players, past and present writers, broadcasters, coaches and hockey executives) to select and rank the 50 greatest players in NHL history. The experts voted Gretzky number one.[19] Gretzky said he would have voted Bobby Orr or Gordie Howe as the best of all time.[107]", "List of NHL players with 500 goals Starting with Maurice Richard's achievement in the 1957–58 NHL season, the greatest stretch between 500 goal scorers was the eight seasons between Gordie Howe in the 1961–62 season and Bobby Hull in the 1969–70 season.", "2016–17 NHL season The following is a list of players of note who played their last NHL game in 2016–17, listed with their team:", "B visa There were also 153,166 persons admitted from the Visa Waiver Program countries who are suspected to overstay their permitted stay in the United States. See Visa Waiver Program#Overstay rate for detailed statistics across such countries.", "List of NHL players with 1000 assists The following is a list of ice hockey players who have recorded 1,000 assists in the National Hockey League, as of the completion of the 2017–18 NHL season. All of the players listed below are honoured in the Hockey Hall of Fame, except Joe Thornton, who is active with the San Jose Sharks, and Jaromir Jagr, who is active in the 1st Czech Republic Hockey League. Jagr is also the only non-Canadian player with 1,000 career assists.", "Major League Baseball transactions Teams may trade only players currently under contract. From the end of the previous World Series through July, trades between two or more major league teams may freely occur at any time. In August, trades may only be made after all players in the trade clear waivers or are not on 40-man rosters. Players acquired after August 31 are ineligible for the postseason roster unless they replace an injured player. Unlike in the NFL, NHL, MLS, and the NBA, teams may not trade draft choices (with the exception of competitive balance draft selections, which can be traded as explained below), but may purchase the rights to Rule 5 Draft Picks.[3]", "Ice hockey at the Olympic Games Before the 1984 Winter Olympics, a dispute formed over what made a player a professional. The IOC had adopted a rule that made any player who had signed an NHL contract but played less than ten games in the league eligible. However, the United States Olympic Committee maintained that any player contracted with an NHL team was a professional and therefore not eligible to play. The IOC held an emergency meeting that ruled NHL-contracted players were eligible, as long as they had not played in any NHL games.[119] This made five players on Olympic rosters—one Austrian, two Italians and two Canadians—ineligible. Players who had played in other professional leagues—such as the World Hockey Association—were allowed to play.[119] Canadian hockey official Alan Eagleson stated that the rule was only applied to the NHL and that professionally contracted players in European leagues were still considered amateurs.[120] Murray Costello of the CAHA suggested that a Canadian withdrawal was possible.[121] In 1986, the IOC voted to allow all athletes to compete in the Olympic Games starting in 1988.[122][123]", "2016–17 NHL season The following is a list of notable players who played their first NHL game during the 2016–17 season, listed with their first team.", "2018–19 NHL season The following is a list of notable players who played their first NHL game during the 2018–19 season, listed with their first team.", "List of player salaries in the NHL Season cancelled (see 2004–05 NHL lockout).", "List of NHL players with 500 goals A 500-goal career was first achieved in 1957–58, the 41st season of the NHL, when Maurice Richard scored his 500th goal in his 863rd game played. The most recent player to score 500 goals is Patrick Marleau who achieved it on February 2, 2017.", "Jaromír Jágr On 19 November 2006, Jágr scored his 600th career NHL goal on Tampa Bay goaltender Johan Holmqvist, making him the 16th player in NHL history to do so. Power play linemate Brendan Shanahan had scored his 600th goal almost three weeks earlier, making them the first teammates in NHL history to score their 600th goal in the same season.", "NHL Collective Bargaining Agreement On the expiration date of the old agreement, the NHL Board of Governors, representing ownership, met and unanimously decided that the 2004–05 NHL season would be delayed until a new collective bargaining agreement was in place. The owners' lockout of players began at 12:01 a.m. on September 16, 2004, the day most NHL training camps would have opened had the NHLPA and the NHL come to an agreement. By November 2004 it became apparent that the entire 2004–05 season was in jeopardy and supposedly \"last-ditch\" efforts were undertaken to avoid this, but little, if any, progress was seen during the last few months of 2004. The general consensus of many sportswriters and other knowledgeable observers was that, if the entire 2004–05 season were cancelled, the owners would attempt to open training camps in September 2005 for the 2005–06 NHL season using \"replacement players,\" who are either not members of the NHLPA or were willing to resign their memberships.", "NHL uniform Players in the National Hockey League wear equipment which allows their team affiliation to be easily identified, unifying the image of the team. Currently, NHL equipment consists of a hockey jersey, hockey pants, socks, gloves, and a helmet.", "Sports in the United States Historically, the vast majority of NHL players had come from Canada, with a small number of Americans. As late as 1969–70, Canadian players made up 95 percent of the league.[32] During the 1970s and 1980s, European players entered the league, and many players from the former Soviet bloc flocked to the NHL beginning in the 1990s. Today, the majority of NHL players are Canadian, more than 20% are Americans, and virtually all of the remainder are European-trained. (For a more complete discussion, see Origin of NHL players.)", "Sports in the United States Notable NHL players in history include Wayne Gretzky (leading all-time point scorer and 9 time MVP), Mario Lemieux (3 time MVP), Guy Lafleur (2 time MVP), Gordie Howe (6 time MVP), Nicklas Lidström (7 times NHL's top defenseman), Bobby Hull (3 time MVP and 7 time leading goal scorer, Eddie Shore (4 time MVP), Howie Morenz (3 time MVP), Maurice \"Rocket\" Richard (5 time leading goal scorer), Jean Beliveau (2 time MVP) and Bobby Orr (8 times NHL's best defenseman). Famous NHL players today include Sidney Crosby and Alexander Ovechkin.", "National Hockey League All-Star Game During the series, NHL President John Ziegler stated that Soviet players would never be able to join the NHL because of the way the Soviet hockey programme worked, and that NHLers would never be able to play in the Winter Olympics. Soviet players would be allowed to play in the NHL within three years, and an arrangement that would allow NHL players to play in the Olympics was announced within nine.", "NHL salary cap The negotiations for 2005–12 NHL Collective Bargaining Agreement revolved primarily around players' salaries. The league contended that its clubs spent about 75% of revenues on salaries; a percentage far higher than existed in other North American sports. NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman demanded \"cost certainty\" and presented the NHLPA with several concepts that the Players' Association considered nothing more than euphemisms for a salary cap, which it had vowed it would never accept; the previous collective bargaining agreement had expired on September 15, 2004.", "Visa Waiver Program A number of visitors from the Visa Waiver Program countries overstayed the 90-day maximum. The Department of Homeland Security published a report for 2016 that lists the number of violations made by passengers who arrived via air and sea. The table below excludes statistics on persons who left the United States later than their allowed stay or legalized their status and shows only suspected overstays who remained in the country.[28]", "List of first overall NHL draft picks A total of 53 different players have been selected first. Of those, 39 have been Canadian, seven were American, three Russian, two Czech, one Swedish and one Swiss. Every first overall pick taken between 1968 and 2010 has played in at least 299 NHL games.[3] Three players retired without ever having played an NHL game.", "Designated for assignment Typically, a player is placed on waivers after being designated for assignment for the purpose of outrighting him to one of the club's minor league teams. A player who is outrighted to the minors is removed from the 40-man roster but is still paid according to the terms of his guaranteed contract. A player can only be outrighted once in his career without his consent. However, a player must clear waivers (that is, no other team placed a waiver claim on the player) to be sent to a minor league team. Also, if the player has five or more full years of major league service, he must give consent to be assigned to the minors. If the player withholds consent, the team must either release him or keep him on the major league roster. In either case, the player must continue to be paid under the terms of his contract.", "Visa policy of Ireland The Irish short stay visa waiver programme was introduced in July 2011 and allows citizens of the below 18 countries to enter Ireland if they are holders of a valid UK 'C' visa (short stay visa). The scheme is not applicable to those who are \"Visitors in Transit\" and \"Visitors seeking to enter for the purpose of marriage or to enter a civil partnership\". The visa waiver is only for those who have cleared immigration in the United Kingdom and have been granted for leave for up to 180 days in the UK. Participants can Ireland visa-free for up to 90 days or until the current permission to remain in the UK, whichever is shorter. They may enter Ireland from a country other than the UK as long as both their visa and their permission to remain in the UK have not expired. [48] The scheme also applies to citizens from Kuwait, Oman, Qatar and the UAE who have entered the UK with an Electronic Visa Waiver as long as those citizens have arrived in Ireland directly from the UK. The scheme was initially set to run until 31 October 2012 but was extended for four years until 31 October 2016. It was extended again until 31 October 2021.[49]", "Jaromír Jágr Jágr was the fifth overall selection in the 1990 NHL Entry Draft and remains the only player still active in the NHL from the 1990 Draft. He won consecutive Stanley Cups in the 1991 and 1992 seasons with the Penguins. Individually, he has won the Art Ross Trophy as the NHL scoring champion five times (four times in a row), the Lester B. Pearson Award for the NHL's outstanding player as voted by the NHL Players' Association (NHLPA) three times and the Hart Memorial Trophy as the League's most valuable player once, while being a finalist an additional four times.", "Rookie To qualify as a rookie in the National Hockey League, a player must not have played 25 regular season games or more in any single season. As of the 1990-91 NHL season, a player also must be 26 years old or younger to qualify as a rookie.[9][10] The National Hockey League awards the best rookie with the Calder Memorial Trophy, as voted upon by the Professional Hockey Writers' Association. In the NHL, rookies have special contract rules which limit how much a team can pay them as well as limiting the length of the contract. An NHL rookie contract is called an Entry Level contract and is typically limited to three years.[11]", "Skat (card game) The score to be awarded is the actual Game Value. How high the player bid during the auction is immaterial, as long as the Game Value is at least as high as declarer's bid (see Overbid Hands above). Note that often the score will be higher than the auction value, because players typically do not bid as high as their hand would allow.", "Ice hockey at the 2018 Winter Olympics – Men's tournament After five consecutive Olympic tournaments in which the National Hockey League (the world's premier professional league) allowed its players to participate in the Olympics and adjusted its schedule to accommodate the tournament, the NHL announced in 2017 that it would prohibit any player under NHL contract, including those not actually playing for an NHL team, from participating in the Olympics.[3] The NHL secured the cooperation of the International Ice Hockey Federation and the IOC ensuring that nations would not be allowed to ask NHL players to participate.[4]", "NHL uniform Citing player complaints, Reebok later modified the Edge sweaters, removing the play-dry material in the front and making the sleeves bigger. The modified sweaters, dubbed the Edge II, made their debut at the 2008 NHL Winter Classic on January 1, 2008.[8]", "NHL salary cap There are several kinds of NHL free agency, but generally the free agent pool in the NHL is split into restricted and unrestricted free agents. All contract signings can be of up to seven years (eight if re-signing with their current club) as long as the averaged annual salary (plus bonuses) will fit under the team's salary cap, and the 50-contract limit is not exceeded.[14]", "2017 NHL Expansion Draft The initial proposal of the rules for the draft were decided upon by the NHL in March 2016.[5] They allowed each team to either protect seven forwards, three defencemen, and one goaltender or, one goaltender and eight skaters regardless of position. Because the NHL wanted to ensure the competitive viability of any new teams, the number of protected players allowed was lower than in the 2000 NHL Expansion Draft which populated the Minnesota Wild and Columbus Blue Jackets, when each team could protect nine forwards, five defencemen, and one goalie, or two goalies, three defencemen, and seven forwards. Under these rules, each of the 30 teams would lose one top-four defencemen or third-line forward per number of new teams.[5] Only players with more than two years of professional experience — NHL or AHL as defined in the collective bargaining agreement — were included in the draft.[6]", "2016–17 NHL season On September 27, 2016, the NHL announced that it would organize a series of initiatives and events throughout 2017 to mark the league's 100th year of operations, and the upcoming 2017–18 season, which will be the NHL's 100th season of play. The campaign began with the NHL Centennial Classic outdoor game on January 1, 2017, and will continue throughout the calendar year, including documentaries and a daily \"Time Capsule\" feature across NHL media properties, a \"Centennial Truck Tour\" with a traveling museum and other activities that will visit each NHL market over the course of the year, a 2017 Winter Classic-themed float appearing during the Tournament of Roses Parade, and the unveiling of the top 100 players during the weekend of the All-Star Game, and the top 100 moments of the league's history later in the year.[9]", "History of organizational changes in the NHL For its 2000–01 season, the NHL added the Columbus Blue Jackets and the Minnesota Wild, each paying the same expansion fee of $80 million ($113.7 million today) as Nashville and Atlanta paid in the previous two years.[1] The NHL had reached a slate of 30 teams, entering the second longest period (after the Original Six period) of membership stability in its history. While it stayed at 30 teams for eighteen seasons, there were some moves and name changes. The Mighty Ducks of Anaheim changed their name to the Anaheim Ducks in the 2006–07 season. The Atlanta Thrashers moved to Winnipeg, Manitoba, becoming the second version of the Winnipeg Jets in the 2011–12 NHL season. The Phoenix Coyotes changed their name to Arizona Coyotes for the 2014–15 NHL season.", "Bobby Orr Orr was also involved in the 1991 lawsuit of retired NHL players against the NHL over its control of the players' pension fund.[117] Eagleson was involved there too, arranging for the players to give up a seat on the trusteeship of the pension fund in 1969 to gain the acceptance of the NHLPA with the NHL owners. Orr and ex-Bruin Dave Forbes discussed the lawsuit with the sports newspaper The National. Orr: \"Our money is being used to pay pensions for current players\".[118] The NHL's response was to file a notice of libel and slander against Orr and Forbes.[118] Carl Brewer defended Orr in a letter to then-NHL president John Ziegler: \"It is regrettable that the NHL and the member clubs would resort to such treatment of one of our game's icons, Bobby Orr. And isn't it interesting that baseball players who started their pension plan in 1947, as did the NHL, have assets in their plan of some US$500 million while we, as far as we can understand, have US$31.9 million.\"[118] The pension lawsuit was finally won by the players in 1994 after two courts ruled against the NHL. The NHL had appealed the case to the Supreme Court of Canada which decided not to hear the case.[119]", "Visa Waiver Program Applicants for admission under the Visa Waiver Program:", "History of the National Hockey League The Original Six era ended in 1967 when the NHL doubled in size by adding six new expansion teams. The six existing teams were formed into the newly created East Division, while the expansion teams were formed into the West Division. The NHL continued to expand, adding another six teams, to total 18 by 1974. This continued expansion was partially brought about by the NHL's attempts to compete with the World Hockey Association, which operated from 1972 until 1979 and sought to compete with the NHL for markets and players. Bobby Hull was the most famous player to defect to the rival league, signing a $2.75 million contract with the Winnipeg Jets. The NHL became involved in international play in the mid-1970s, starting with the Summit Series in 1972 which pitted the top Canadian players of the NHL against the top players in the Soviet Union, which was won by Canada with four wins, three losses, and a tie. Eventually, Soviet-Bloc players streamed into the NHL with the fall of the Iron Curtain in 1989.", "Ice hockey The American Hockey League (AHL), sometimes referred to as \"The A,\"[85] is the primary developmental professional league for players aspiring to enter the NHL. It comprises 30 teams from the United States and Canada, and will expand to 31 teams for the 2018–19 season. It is run as a \"farm league\" to the NHL, with the vast majority of AHL players under contract to an NHL team. The ECHL (called the East Coast Hockey League before the 2003–04 season) is a mid-level minor league in the United States with a few players under contract to NHL or AHL teams. The Southern Professional Hockey League (SPHL) is a developmental minor league in the United States with no NHL affiliations. Most undrafted players get their start in the ECHL or SPHL.", "History of organizational changes in the NHL The next season, the NHL added two new teams, the Pittsburgh Pirates and the New York Americans. The Americans were stocked by purchasing the contracts of the Hamilton Tigers players, and the Tigers franchise was subsequently revoked by the league.", "PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds At the completion of each round, players gain in-game currency based on how long they survived, how many other players they had killed, and how much damage they dealt to other players. The currency is used to purchase crates which contain cosmetic items for character or weapon customization.[7]", "Major League Baseball transactions Once all of the options have been used up on a player, a player is considered \"out of options\" and a player must be placed on and clear waivers prior to being sent down to the minor leagues (there is also the \"veterans' consent\" rule).", "History of the National Hockey League (1967–92) Before the 1971–72 season, Gordie Howe and Jean Beliveau announced their retirements. Beliveau finished his 18-year career with 10 Stanley Cups, 2 Hart Trophies and 1,219 career points; his points total was the second-highest in NHL history. After playing 25 seasons in the NHL, Howe retired as the league's all-time leader in games played, goals, assists and points.[21] Howe was a six-time league scoring champion, and also won six Hart Trophies.[22] Both players had the customary three-year waiting period waived for entry into the Hockey Hall of Fame in acknowledgement of their achievements.[23]", "Boston Bruins NHL Foundation Player Award", "Nashville Predators NHL Foundation Player Award", "List of current NHL captains and alternate captains When Connor McDavid was named captain of the Edmonton Oilers, he became the youngest permanent captain in NHL history.[7] Gabriel Landeskog of the Colorado Avalanche and Sidney Crosby of the Pittsburgh Penguins, are the second- and third-youngest players to be named captain in NHL history, respectively. In 1984, Brian Bellows was named interim captain of the Minnesota North Stars when Craig Hartsburg was injured, and is the youngest player to captain a team in NHL history. However, because Bellows served only as an interim captain, McDavid retains the distinction of being the youngest permanent captain in the League's history.[8] Mark Messier is the only player to captain two separate teams to Stanley Cup championships, those being the 1990 Edmonton Oilers and the 1994 New York Rangers.[9] Sidney Crosby also became the youngest captain to win the Stanley Cup with the Pittsburgh Penguins in 2009. The oldest permanent captain in league history was Mark Messier of the New York Rangers, who turned 43 years old, during his last NHL season, 2003–04.", "History of the Detroit Red Wings After Adams was fired in 1963 the team reached the finals three more times prior to the 1967 NHL expansion, however they qualified for the playoffs only twice in the next sixteen years until being purchased by Mike Ilitch in 1982. Ilitch revitalized the club, hiring Jim Devellano to manage the team; one of Devellano's first actions was to draft Steve Yzerman in the 1983 NHL Entry Draft. Yzerman went on stay with the team for his entire 22 year NHL career, 19 as team captain, winning the Stanley Cup three times as a player and once as an executive. With Ilitch as owner the Wings won the Cup in 1997, 1998, 2002, and 2008.", "Miracle on Ice Of the 20 players on Team USA, 13 eventually played in the NHL.[49] Five of them went on to play over 500 NHL games, and three would play over 1,000 NHL games.", "List of players with eight or more points in an NHL game This is a list of players who have scored eight or more points in a National Hockey League game. Scoring eight or more points in a single game is considered a great feat, which has happened only 16 times, by 13 different players. Only one player, Darryl Sittler, scored more than eight points in a game, setting the NHL record with 10 while playing for the Toronto Maple Leafs in 1976. Paul Coffey and Tom Bladon are the only defensemen to have scored eight points. The feat of scoring eight points in a game has been mostly achieved in the 1980s, with 10 out of the 16 instances happening in that decade. Mario Lemieux has the most games with at least eight points, scoring eight points in three separate games (in one season). Wayne Gretzky is the only other player to attain the feat more than once (twice in one season). The most recent player to do so was Sam Gagner of the Edmonton Oilers, who scored eight points against the Chicago Blackhawks on 2 February 2012; Gagner's 8-point night was also the first 8-point game for a player since the 1980s.", "Ottawa Senators (original) In 1934, the club's NHL franchise was transferred to St. Louis, although the Association continued its ownership of the franchise and player contracts as well as the senior club. On October 15, 1935, the NHL bought back the franchise and players' contracts for $40,000 and suspended its operations again.[173] Under the agreement, the NHL paid for the players and took back possession of the franchise. If the franchise was resold, the proceeds would go to the Ottawa Hockey Association.[174]", "Long Island Several current NHL players were born and/or raised on Long Island, such as Vancouver Canucks Christopher Higgins and Matt Gilroy, Nashville Predators Eric Nystrom, Toronto Maple Leaf Mike Komisarek, Pittsburgh Penguin Rob Scuderi, and New Jersey Devil Keith Kinkaid. Both Komisarek and Higgins played on the same Suffolk County Hockey League team at an early age, and later played on the Montreal Canadiens together. Nick Drahos was an All Scholastic and All Long Island honoree at Lawrence High School, Nassau Co. in 1936 and 1937, and a two-time Unanimous National College All-American in the years of 1939 and 1940 at Cornell University.", "Ice hockey at the 2018 Winter Olympics – Men's team rosters After five consecutive Olympic tournaments in which the National Hockey League (the world's premier professional league) allowed its players to participate in the Olympics and adjusted its schedule to accommodate the tournament, the NHL announced in 2017 that it would prohibit any player under NHL contract, including those not actually playing for an NHL team, from participating in the Olympics.[1] The International Ice Hockey Federation and the International Olympic Committee agreed to forbid national teams from selecting NHL players so they could not try to compete anyway.[2]", "Basketball court The key is primarily used to prevent players from staying beneath the basket of the opponents' team for long periods (maximum three seconds).", "List of Toronto Maple Leafs draft picks Statistics are complete as of the 2016–17 NHL season and show each player's career regular season totals in the NHL. Wins, losses, ties, overtime losses and goals against average apply to goaltenders and are used only for players at that position.", "List of New Jersey Devils draft picks Statistics are complete as of the 2015–16 NHL season and show each player's career regular season totals in the NHL. Wins, losses, ties, overtime losses and goals against average apply to goaltenders and are used only for players at that position. This list includes players drafted by the team in New Jersey only.", "National Hockey League As of the 2017–18 season, the NHL has players from 17 different countries, with 46.0% coming from Canada and 26.0% from the United States, players from a further 15 countries make up 26.4% of NHL rosters.[104][105] The following table shows the six countries make up the vast majority of NHL players. The table follows the Hockey Hall of Fame convention of classifying players by the currently existing countries in which their birthplaces are located, without regard to their citizenship or where they were trained.", "NHL 17 At Game Informer, Matt Bertz gave the game a 7.25/10 score and wrote a mixed review. Bertz complimented the changes made to certain parts of the gameplay, saying that \"shooting, passing and checking are all solid,\" although he felt that odd puck pickups and player pivots slowed down the game speed. He felt that EASHL was the game's standout mode that featured improvements with new customization options for players and teams, but also felt that these options were limited. Bertz criticized the lack of an in-depth career mode, comparing the NHL 17 Be a Pro mode to the story-driven NBA 2K MyCareer mode, which he enjoyed more. He finished his review stating that the developers continue to make only \"minor improvements across the board, yet the NHL series has yet to tap its true potential this generation.\"[44]", "Jock tax The Tennessee privilege tax was repealed in April 2014; the lead sponsor of the repeal bill noted that because the tax was imposed on NBA and NHL players but not on NFL players, it was constitutionally suspect. It stopped being collected from NHL players starting with the 2014–15 season, while the tax continued to be collected from NBA players through the 2015–16 season.[4]", "Two-way contract Two-way contracts are common for professional ice hockey players who aspire to play in the National Hockey League (NHL).[2][3] Any hockey player entering the NHL for the first time will sign an entry-level, two-way contract with an NHL team stipulating that he will receive a higher salary if assigned to play with the NHL team, but will receive a lower salary if assigned to play for a team in the minor leagues such as the American Hockey League or the ECHL.[4]", "Def Jam's How to Be a Player Def Jam's How to Be a Player is a 1997 comedy film, starring Bill Bellamy, Natalie Desselle and Bernie Mac. The film was directed by Lionel C. Martin, and written by Mark Brown and Demetria Johnson.", "Ice hockey at the Olympic Games The current IIHF rules differ slightly from the rules used in the NHL.[145] One difference between NHL and IIHF rules is standard rink dimensions: the NHL rink is narrower, measuring 61 m × 26 m (200 ft × 85 ft), instead of the international size of 61 m × 30.5 m (200 ft × 100 ft)[146] The larger international size allows for a faster and less physical style of play.[147][148] Another rule difference between the NHL and the IIHF rules concerns how icing is called. In the NHL, a linesman stops play due to icing if a defending player (other than the goaltender) is not behind an attacking player in the race to the end-zone faceoff dots in his defensive zone,[149] in contrast to the IIHF rules in which play is stopped the moment the puck crosses the goal line.[149] The NHL and IIHF also differ in penalty rules. The NHL calls five-minute major penalties for more dangerous infractions of the rules, such as fighting, in addition to the minor and double minor penalties called in IIHF games.[150] This is in contrast to the IIHF rule, by which players who fight are ejected from the game.[151] Beginning with the 2005–06 season, the NHL instituted several new rules. Some were already used by the IIHF, such as the shootout and the two-line pass.[152] Others were not picked up by the IIHF, such as those requiring smaller goaltender equipment and the addition of the goaltender trapezoid to the rink.[153] However, the IIHF did agree to follow the NHL's zero-tolerance policy on obstruction and required referees to call more hooking, holding, and interference penalties.[154][155]", "Art Ross Trophy The Art Ross Trophy is awarded to the National Hockey League (NHL) player who leads the league in points at the end of the regular season. It was presented to the league by former player, General Manager, and head coach Art Ross. The trophy has been awarded 65 times to 27 players since its introduction in the 1947–48 NHL season. Ross is also known for his design of the official NHL puck, with slightly bevelled edges for better control.", "2004–05 NHL lockout NHL players looking for a place to play clearly preferred stable, established European clubs to upstart leagues that have since been derisively dubbed as \"fly-by-night\" operations by their critics. A small number of players played for established minor league teams near their families and homes, while others chose to repay the league which gave them a start by returning.", "List of NHL players with 50-goal seasons A record 14 players scored 50 goals in 1992–93.[17] Among them was Teemu Selanne, who scored 76 goals as a rookie, surpassing Bossy's record for first-year players by 23 goals.[18] Brett Hull, son of Bobby, scored over 50 goals five times in the 1990s,[19] equalling his father's totals in the 1960s. As teams shifted their focus to defensive play rather than offensive, scoring rapidly declined in the late 1990s.[20] No player scored 50 in 1998–99, the first time that had happened in 29 years, excluding the lockout-shortened 1994–95 NHL season.[21]", "Ice hockey at the Olympic Games It was originally thought that for NHL participating in the 2014 Winter Olympics a deal would have to be negotiated between the NHL and NHLPA in the Collective Bargaining Agreement.[133] In January 2013, the NHL and NHLPA agreed on a new Collective Bargaining Agreement.[134] However, the decision on NHL participation at the Olympics was later announced on 19 July 2013. As part of the deal, the NHL will go on break for 17 days during the Olympics and will send 13 on-ice officials to help with the Games.[135] NHL management was hesitant to commit to the tournament; Bettman argued the Olympic break is a \"strain on the players, on the schedule and on fans\", adding that \"the benefits we get tend to be greater when the Olympics are in North America than when they're in distant time zones.\"[136] According to Bettman, most of the NHL team owners agree with his position, and feel that the league does not receive enough benefits to justify the schedule break and risk of player injuries.[137] René Fasel wants NHL participation and vowed that he would \"work day and night to have NHL players in Sochi\".[138]", "This Is How We Do It (album) Approximately a year later Montell Jordan released the Stell’s song entitled “This Is How We Do Do It”. In 1996 Stell’s sued Montell Jordan, Def Jam, Polygram Warner Tamerlane et. Al. For stealiing and copyright infringement. The Stell’s in 2017 released the book entitled “This Is How We Do It” in which reveals the story behind the song. Stell et. Al. V. Montell Jordan case no. 96-2661 PHX-SMM www.twoxplatinum.com", "Jaromír Jágr Jágr was the first Czechoslovak player to be drafted by the NHL without first having to defect to the West; his selection in the NHL draft came as the Iron Curtain was falling.[6] Because of this, after Jágr was taken by the Pittsburgh Penguins with the fifth overall pick in the 1990 NHL Entry Draft, he was able to come immediately to North America from Czechoslovakia. When he attended the draft, in Vancouver, Canada, he was the first Czechoslovak player present at the NHL draft with his government's blessings.[5]", "Damage waiver Damage waivers are not necessarily complete. They may have deductibles (also called excess) and limits on the amount covered.[14] Liability coverage always has limits.", "NHL Collective Bargaining Agreement On February 13, 2005, the U.S. Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service called a meeting between the two sides to negotiate a new deal. Three days later, NHL commissioner Gary Bettman officially cancelled the season. There was some hope that a season could have been salvaged, as hockey legends Wayne Gretzky and Mario Lemieux, both now part-owners of NHL teams, brought the owners and players together for talks on February 19. However, the two sides failed to reach an agreement.", "Stanley Cup winning players Since 1998, there has been a limit of 52 names per champion, counting both players and non-playing personnel. As the number of non-playing members increases on NHL teams, more non-players are being included on the cup. So fewer extra players are being requested to be included on the cup. No players who qualify may be left to include another non-playing member. The following list includes notes explaining each of the following situations:", "Plus-minus The NHL awarded the NHL Plus-Minus Award each year to the player with the highest plus−minus statistic during the regular season from 1982–83 to 2007–08." ]
what year did the price is right first air
[ "The Price Is Right (1956 U.S. game show) The series premiered on NBC's daytime schedule on November 26, 1956, and quickly spawned a primetime series that aired once a week. The Price Is Right became one of the few game shows to survive the rigging scandal of the late 1950s, and gained even more popularity after other game shows exposed for being rigged had been cancelled." ]
[ "The Price Is Right (U.S. game show) Price was no exception, as many of the stations that bought the series placed it in these less desirable slots and the show could not find a foothold against the popular shows of the day, such as the runaway success of the syndicated Wheel of Fortune. Compared to some of the other shows on the market during this period, Price was a modest success, but it did not meet the very high expectations stations and producers had for the series. As a result, the show was not renewed beyond its first season. A total of 170 episodes were produced, and they aired in first-run from September 9, 1985 to May 30, 1986.[citation needed] During the six years it held the rights to Price, the Kennedy version is the only one of the three syndicated versions that was rerun by GSN.", "The Price Is Right (1956 U.S. game show) In 1963, The Price Is Right switched networks and both the daytime and primetime series moved to ABC. On September 3, 1965, the show aired its final episode after nearly nine years on the air.", "List of The Price Is Right pricing games Originally, all cars appearing in this game were priced under $10,000 and no free digits were revealed. When cars priced above $10,000 began to regularly appear, the free digit rule varied: on six special episodes which aired in prime time during the summer of 1986, the last digit in the price was revealed at the start of the game and the contestant had to guess the first four digits. Later that year on the daytime show, the contestant was offered the first digit and was required to guess the last four digits in the price.[citation needed]", "The Price Is Right The series debuted September 4, 1972, in two forms: a daily version on CBS with Bob Barker as host, and a weekly version, eventually dubbed \"the nighttime Price Is Right,\" hosted by Dennis James and airing in first-run syndication. Barker took over the nighttime version in 1977 (which remained a half-hour in length throughout its existence) and hosted both until the nighttime version was discontinued in 1980. The syndicated nighttime version returned five years later, with Tom Kennedy as host and running five days a week. This version ran for one season.", "The Price Is Right The Price is Right Thailand's: Rich Price", "The Price Is Right models Over 25 women have appeared as models on The Price Is Right since the program's premiere. For the first three years, there were two models – Janice Pennington and Anitra Ford. Dian Parkinson joined Pennington and Ford in 1975 after previously appearing periodically as a substitute model.", "The Price Is Right In October 2011, Ludia (now owned by RTL Group) released The Price Is Right Decades, a video game featuring production elements from various decades of the show, for the Wii, mobile devices, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360 to celebrate their 40 years on the CBS network.", "List of The Price Is Right pricing games Some rules of pricing games have been modified over the years due to the effects of inflation. On the 1994 syndicated version hosted by Doug Davidson,[2] the rules of several games were modified. Notably, the grocery products used in some games on the daytime version were replaced by small merchandise prizes, generally valued less than $100. Other special series—including The Price Is Right $1,000,000 Spectacular that aired in 2008, and special weeks such as Big Money Week and Dream Car Week—also featured temporary rule changes to some pricing games. The names of some games are occasionally changed for episodes with specific themes, such as Earth Day, Halloween, and College Day.", "The Price Is Right Since 1972, the current version of The Price Is Right uses the same structure:", "The Price Is Right (UK game show) The Price is Right is a British game show based on the US version of the same name. It originally aired on ITV from 24 March 1984 to 8 April 1988 and was hosted by Leslie Crowther. The show later briefly moved to Sky One for one series as The New Price is Right from 4 September 1989 to 31 August 1990 with Bob Warman as the host.", "The Price Is Right Live! The Price Is Right LIVE! is a staged production show based on the television game show The Price Is Right.", "The Price Is Right (1956 U.S. game show) Although The Price Is Right became Goodson-Todman's first regularly aired game show to be broadcast in color on September 23, 1957,[6] no color kinescopes or videotapes are known to exist from the nighttime run. Many monochrome NBC nighttime episodes (plus at least one ABC episode) aired on Game Show Network from 1996–2000, at which time the network's contract to air the show ended; it has not been renewed since.", "The Price Is Right In September 2010, Ludia released the official Facebook version of The Price Is Right game. The game had two million monthly active users only two months after the launch.[11]", "The Price Is Right (U.S. game show) Bob Barker began hosting The Price Is Right on September 4, 1972 and completed a 35-year tenure on June 15, 2007. Barker was hired as host while still hosting the stunt comedy show Truth or Consequences. His retirement coincided with his 50th year as a television host. His final show aired on June 15, 2007 and was repeated in primetime, leading into the network's coverage of the 34th Daytime Emmy Awards.[8] In addition to hosting, Barker became Executive Producer of the show in March 1988 when Frank Wayne died and continued as such until his retirement, gaining significant creative control over the series between 2000 and his 2007 retirement. He also was responsible for creating several of the show's pricing games, as well as launching The Price Is Right $1,000,000 Spectacular primetime spin-off. Reruns of Barker's final season were aired throughout the summer from the Monday after his final show (June 18, 2007) until the Friday before Drew Carey's debut as host (October 12, 2007), when the season 35 finale was re-aired. During his time as host, Barker missed only one taping of four episodes; Dennis James, then hosting the syndicated nighttime version of the show, filled in for him on these shows in December 1974.[3] After he became a noted animal rights advocate in 1981 shortly after the death of his wife Dorothy Jo, Barker signed off each broadcast, informing viewers with the public service message, \"Help control the pet population: have your pets spayed or neutered.\" Carey continued the tradition upon becoming the new host.", "List of The Price Is Right pricing games Australia's version of The Price is Right used this format for their Showcase round. Hosts Ian Turpie or Larry Emdur gave a price range and asked the two contestants to bid in the same manner. Whoever gave the exact price won the opportunity to play for the showcase.", "Katie (TV series) Katie Price: My Crazy Life (formerly known as What Katie Did Next and Katie) is a fly-on-the-wall reality TV show that documents the life of model and television personality Katie Price. It is the first show to be produced by Price's now defunct production company Pricey Media.", "The Price Is Right The Price Is Right is a television game show franchise originally produced by Mark Goodson and Bill Todman, and created by Bob Stewart, and is currently produced and owned by FremantleMedia (Endemol in Netherlands). The franchise centers on television game shows, but also includes merchandise such as video games, printed media and board games. The franchise began in 1956 as a television game show hosted by Bill Cullen and was revamped in 1972. This version was originally hosted by Bob Barker. Since 2007, Drew Carey has hosted the program.", "List of The Price Is Right pricing games A contestant is shown two prizes and the difference in their prices, typically an amount between $800 and $1,200.[20][21][22] The contestant must decide whether that amount must be added to or subtracted from the price of the prize on the left to yield the price of the one on the right. A correct answer wins both prizes, plus a cash amount equal to their price difference.[23]", "Price index While Vaughan can be considered a forerunner of price index research, his analysis did not actually involve calculating an index.[1] In 1707, Englishman William Fleetwood created perhaps the first true price index. An Oxford student asked Fleetwood to help show how prices had changed. The student stood to lose his fellowship since a 15th-century stipulation barred students with annual incomes over five pounds from receiving a fellowship. Fleetwood, who already had an interest in price change, had collected a large amount of price data going back hundreds of years. Fleetwood proposed an index consisting of averaged price relatives and used his methods to show that the value of five pounds had changed greatly over the course of 260 years. He argued on behalf of the Oxford students and published his findings anonymously in a volume entitled Chronicon Preciosum.[2]", "List of I Know What You Did Last Summer characters Amber Williams is one of the main characters of the I Know What You Did Last Summer series. She appeared in the third movie, I'll Always Know What You Did Last Summer. Amber is the main protagonist of the third movie, which occur years after the events of the first and second film. She is one of the four teens who is responsible for the prank that killed P.J., who was one of her friends. After the incident, Amber, Zoe, Colby and Roger, swore that they will keep their mouth shut and that the secret dies with them. One year after the incident, she received a text message implying that someone might know their secret. She then tells this to her friends. She was first attacked by the fisherman in a gondola lift, fifty feet in the air. At first, her friends do not believe that someone's trying to kill them, until the upcoming July 4 anniversary, where each receive threats. She was apparently successful in killing the fisherman, by pushing him into a grinder. But a year later, she was stalked again by the still alive fisherman, after having a tire blown off. It is unknown if she survived the fisherman's attack.", "List of The Price Is Right pricing games After all four small prizes were played, the mystery price was revealed. The contestant won the larger prize package in addition to any small prizes they did not overbid on if the bank was equal to or greater than the mystery price.", "List of The Price Is Right pricing games This game is played for a prize with four digits in its price, which must be placed in the correct order. The contestant is shown two pairs of numbers stacked on top of each other. The top pair is movable and the contestant must determine where it should be placed. Placing it on the left makes the pair serve as the first two digits in the price, while moving it to the right makes them serve as the last two. The contestant must determine where the top pair goes to win.[72]", "Kegworth air disaster After the initial blade fracture, Captain Kevin Hunt had disengaged the plane's autopilot.[3](p3) When Hunt asked First Officer David McClelland which engine was malfunctioning, McClelland replied: \"It's the left.... It's the right one\".[3](p3) In previous versions of the 737, the left air conditioning pack, fed with compressor bleed air from the left (number 1) engine, supplied air to the flight deck, while the right air conditioning pack, fed from the right (number 2) engine supplied air to the cabin. On the 737-400 this division of air is blurred; the left pack feeds the flight deck but also feeds the aft cabin zone, while the right feeds the forward cabin. The pilots had been used to the older version of the aircraft and did not realise that this aircraft (which had only been flown by British Midland for 520 hours over a two-month period) was different. The captain later claimed that his perception of smoke as coming forward from the cabin led them to assume the fault was in the right engine.[3](p98) The pilots throttled back the working right engine instead of the malfunctioning left engine.[3](p98) They had no way of visually checking the engines from the cockpit, and the cabin crew — who did not hear the commander refer to the right hand engine in his cabin address — did not inform them that smoke and flames had been seen from the left engine.[3](p5)", "The Price Is Right Live! A contestant who bids exactly correctly on a One-Bid receives $100 in credits for a \"The Price is Right\" slot machine in the given casino.", "Spider-Man 3 The FX channel signed a five-year deal for the television rights to Spider-Man 3, which they began airing in 2009. The price was based on the film's box office performance, with an option for three opportunities for Sony to sell the rights to one or more other broadcast networks.[55]", "List of The Price Is Right pricing games The contestant is shown five prices for a car. One at a time, the contestant selects the four prices he or she believes to be incorrect. Each successful choice wins one of four different cash amounts hidden behind the prices ($1,000, $2,000, $3,000, or $4,000). After each guess, the contestant may choose to either stop and keep any cash won, or risk what has already been won by selecting another price. If the contestant successfully guesses all four incorrect prices, he or she wins the car and $10,000. If the contestant guesses the correct price at any time, the game ends and the contestant loses everything.[30]", "List of The Price Is Right pricing games The contestant is shown up to ten prices for a car in ascending order of price, one at a time. The contestant wins the car by correctly identifying the first revealed price which is higher than the actual price by calling out \"That's Too Much!\"[82]", "List of The Price Is Right pricing games When the game was first played for cars with a five-digit price, the game was titled Big Money Game. For cars with four-digit prices, no digit in the price was revealed at the start of the game. Also, on the Tom Kennedy-hosted syndicated version in 1985, the contestant was shown the last digit in a five-digit price, meaning the contestant had to find the third and fourth digits in addition to the first two.[citation needed]", "List of The Price Is Right pricing games The contestant is shown four prizes and given a set of tags with their prices. The contestant then has 45 seconds to match the prices with the correct prizes. To see how many he or she has correct, the contestant pulls a lever on a display which then lights up the number of correctly-placed tags. If the contestant has fewer than four right, he or she may rearrange the prices and pull the lever as often as time allows. Once time runs out, the contestant wins any prizes he or she has correctly priced at that point.[64]", "The Price Is Right (1956 U.S. game show) Goodson-Todman wanted The Price Is Right to be ABC's first non-cartoon color show, but the network could not afford to convert to color. This meant that the nighttime version reverted to black-and-white.", "The Price Is Right models Since the premiere of the CBS prime time series in 2002 and beginning with The Price Is Right $1,000,000 Spectaculars in 2003, there are often situations where four to seven models appear on each episode.", "List of The Price Is Right pricing games Six small prizes were presented in three pairs. From each pair, the contestant picked what he believed was the more expensive prize. If the sum of the prices of the prizes the contestant kept was equal to or greater than the sum of the prices of the prizes they gave away, the contestant won a larger prize. Regardless of the outcome, the contestant won the three prizes they chose to keep.", "List of The Price Is Right pricing games The contestant is shown the price of a grocery item worth less than $1 and is then asked which of the two unique digits in its price belongs in the price of the first prize. If correct, the three digits in that price are used to select the missing digit for the second prize. If the contestant prices the second prize correctly, the four numbers in its price are used to select the missing digit for the final prize. If the contestant makes an incorrect choice at any time, the game ends but he or she wins any correctly priced prizes.[31]", "The Right to Privacy (article) Warren and Brandeis then discuss the origin of what they called a \"right to be let alone\". They explain that the right of property provides the foundation for the right to prevent publication. But at the time the right of property only protected the right of the creator to any profits derived from the publication. The law did not yet recognize the idea that there was value in preventing publication. As a result, the ability to prevent publication did not clearly exist as a right of property.", "The Price Is Right (U.S. game show) On March 26, 2008, Ludia (in connection with Ubisoft) launched The Price Is Right video game for PC. A version for the Wii and Nintendo DS platforms was released in September 2008, while a version for the iOS was released in November 2008. The show's announcer, Fields, was the host of the computer version. The virtual set in the game resembles the set used in seasons 31 to 34. Ludia announced that all three platforms will receive a new version of the video game that was previewed at the Target Bullseye Lounge during the Electronic Entertainment Expo trade show on June 2–4, 2009. The Price Is Right 2010 Edition was released on September 22, 2009.[91] In the fall of 2010, Ludia developed a multi-player version for Facebook. A third Ludia adaptation, The Price Is Right Decades, featuring set designs, pricing games and prizes taken from the 1970s through 2000s; was initially released for the Wii in October 2011, with an Xbox 360 and iOS release following in November and December. The Price Is Right 2010 Edition and The Price Is Right Decades have also been released as downloads within the PlayStation Store for the PlayStation 3 in May 2010 and April 2012, respectively. Irwin Toys released an electronic tabletop version in 2008 featuring Contestant's Row, the Big Wheel, a physical Plinko board with chips, Showcases and seven pricing games. Jakks Pacific released a Plug It in and Play version of The Price Is Right in 2009,[92] featuring Carey and Fields.", "The Price Is Right (UK game show) It returned to ITV, as Bruce's Price is Right, from 4 September 1995 to 16 December 2001 with Bruce Forsyth hosting for seven series, and again on the same channel from 8 May 2006 until 12 January 2007, this time hosted by Joe Pasquale. Two one-off specials aired as part of ITV's Gameshow Marathon in September 2005 and April 2007.", "List of The Price Is Right pricing games Two cars were shown, each of the same make and model. The contestant was told the second car was priced a set amount higher than the first and told the difference in the two prices, then shown a list of a list of nine options. Selecting options one at a time, the contestant attempted to increase the price of the first car to within $100 of the price of the second car without going over. The number of options a contestant was allowed to choose during the course of the game changed each time it was played but was generally between three and five.", "List of The Price Is Right pricing games Three prizes are presented, the first and second of which have three- and four-digit prices, respectively. The final prize is often billed as one of \"the most expensive single prizes offered on the show\", with a price consisting of five (or occasionally six) digits. Since 2008, the final prize is usually a premium European sports or luxury car, although premium American sports cars are also offered, especially for patriotically-themed episodes. The hundreds digit is missing from the price of each prize, and the digits in the prices of the first two prizes do not repeat.", "List of The Price Is Right pricing games Triple Play is the only game to regularly offer three cars. The contestant is shown two price choices for the first car, three for the second and four for the third. For each car, the contestant must choose which of the displayed prices is closest to the actual price of the car without going over. The contestant may not stop the game after correctly pricing the first or second car. If the contestant chooses correctly for all three cars, he or she wins everything. If the contestant chooses incorrectly at any point, the game ends and he or she wins nothing.[86]", "The Price Is Right (UK game show) After the success of Ant & Dec's Gameshow Marathon in 2005, ITV brought the show back, this time hosted by Vernon Kay, a contestant in the first series. Vernon Kay's Gameshow Marathon began on 7 April 2007 with The Price is Right.", "The Price Is Right Currently airing        Ended", "The Price Is Right (1956 U.S. game show) In The Flintstones season 2 episode \"Divided We Sail\", Barney is invited to be a contestant on \"The Prize is Priced\", a parody of The Price is Right.", "List of The Price Is Right pricing games The 1994 syndicated version hosted by Doug Davidson, known as The New Price is Right, used a modified version of this game for the Showcase round. The contestant selected a range between $4,000 and $10,000 at random during a commercial. After seeing their showcase, the range finder moved up the scale, and the contestant pulled a lever to stop the range when he or she believed the price of the showcase fell within the range. If correct, the contestant won the showcase.[citation needed]", "The Price Is Right (Australian game show) The Price Is Right was revived again in 2012 on Seven Network,[1][2][3] hosted by Larry Emdur with announcer Brodie Young. The show used the logo and look of the 2009 French version called Le Juste Prix (The Right Price). This version premiered on 7 May 2012", "List of The Price Is Right pricing games The contestant is shown a prize and a price that has had one additional digit inserted. The first and last digits are always correct. The contestant wins the prize by eliminating the incorrect middle digit to leave behind the correct price. Prizes with both four- and five-digit prices have been offered in this game, with the contestant choosing from three or four middle digits, respectively.[74]", "The Price Is Right (Australian game show) The New Price Is Right aired on Seven Network from 1981–1985 with host Ian Turpie and announcer John Deeks. In 1983, the show introduced a \"carry-over\" format with returning champions. Up to that point, the format of the show consisted of three pricing games, the Showcase Playoff, and the Showcase for a showcase of seven prizes. The new format replaced the third game with the Showcase Showdown from the American version, with $1.00 earning a bonus prize. The winner faced the champion in the Showcase Playoff, whose winner advanced to the Showcase. It is not know if there was a limit as to how many times champions could return.", "List of The Price Is Right pricing games A large animatronic puppet known as Professor Price was central to the game. The contestant's progress was tracked by the professor's hands, with correct answers counted by upward-pointing fingers on the puppet's right hand and incorrect answers counted by downward-pointing fingers on his left hand.", "The Price Is Right Guess Right, Give Now", "List of The Price Is Right pricing games The contestant is shown the first digit in the price of a car and is then presented with four additional prizes, each of which has only two distinct digits in its price. As each prize is presented, the contestant selects one digit from its price to fill in the price of the car. After the last prize is shown, he or she is given a chance to change any digits and must then make another choice: take the four prizes and quit the game, or risk them and try for the car. If the contestant tries for the car and has the correct price, he or she wins everything. If any digits are incorrect, he or she loses everything.[80]", "The Price Is Right Live! Newton, Summers, Regil, Davidson, and Hamilton were contenders to replace Bob Barker, a job that ultimately went to Drew Carey. Davidson was also the host of a short-lived syndicated spinoff of the show known as The New Price Is Right, which ran for four months in 1994. Regil, who is bilingual, hosted the Mexican version of the show (Atinale al Precio), which has aired at various times since 1997, including the current Warman-style UK Showcase format that debuted in April 2010. Roberto has also been an announcer for the television version in 2010 (episodes taped August 2010 to start Season 39). Gray, who became announcer in 2011, began doing occasional shows starting in 2013.[3]", "The Price Is Right (U.S. game show) On February 12, 2016, CBS announced that it would air three primetime Price is Right specials themed around its reality show franchises The Amazing Race, Big Brother, and Survivor along with the appearance of their respective hosts from all three franchises Phil Keoghan, Julie Chen and Jeff Probst. The episodes featured fans of the three programs playing alongside past participants from them. The specials were filmed in March 2016, and aired over three consecutive nights, May 23–25, 2016.[57][58]", "List of The Price Is Right pricing games The contestant is given the third digit in the five-digit price of a car and is shown nine two-digit numbers. One of these two-digit numbers is the first two digits in the price and another is the last two digits. The remaining seven pairs of numbers conceal dollar signs, representing money the contestant can win. In order to win the car, the contestant must pick the first two and last two digits of the car's price. Choosing a pair of numbers that reveals a dollar sign places the tile in the money column and awards the contestant that amount in cash. The contestant wins the car, along with any cash accumulated, by finding both pairs of digits in the car's price before filling all four spaces in the money column. If the money column is filled, the contestant wins only the cash sum.[47]", "Price discrimination Note that the above requires both first and second degree price discrimination: the right segment corresponds partly to different people than the left segment, partly to the same people, willing to buy more if the product is cheaper.", "List of The Price Is Right pricing games The original Bullseye game was reworked into a two-player format after never producing a winner. In doing so, the game became the only pricing game which guaranteed a winner. After the first contestant won his or her way on stage, another contestant was called from the audience, and another item went up for bids. After the second contestant won his or her way on stage, the car was shown. Barker asked each one to give him a bid on the price of the car after giving a price range of $500. He then told the opponent whether the price was higher or lower than the bid, and the two alternated until one gave the exact price, winning the car.", "Price discrimination While the conventional theory of price discrimination generally assumes that prices are set by the seller, there is a variant form in which prices are set by the buyer, such as in the form of pay what you want pricing. Such user-controlled price discrimination exploits similar ability to adapt to varying demand curves or individual price sensitivities, and may avoid the negative perceptions of price discrimination as imposed by a seller.", "List of The Price Is Right pricing games The first five times the game was played, the board was not divided into halves for each grocery item. Instead, the two correct prices were hidden among all eight choices. Whenever an incorrect price was guessed, one penny fell from the side of the gameboard into a bucket for each cent in the amount of the guess. A scoreboard was attached to the front of the gameboard, which kept track of the pennies accumulated. The contestant lost the game if the total of the incorrect guesses made before finding the two correct prices equaled 100 pennies or more.", "Nothin' Matters and What If It Did The remastered version of Nothin' Matters and What If It Did was released March 29, 2005 on Mercury/Island/UMe and includes one bonus track, \"Latest Game,\" which, according to the liner notes, was taken from the sessions for Mellencamp's 1982 album American Fool.[3]", "List of The Price Is Right pricing games Three prizes were shown and the contestant was given three price tags, each of which bore a sale price lower than one of the items' actual retail price. The contestant placed a price tag on each prize and won everything if each of the sale prices was below the actual price of its respective prize.", "List of The Price Is Right pricing games The contestant is shown five price tags, one of which is the correct price of a car. The contestant is then shown four small prizes and must choose whether a price displayed for each one is the accurate price of the item, signifying their guess with \"true\" or \"false\". Each correct guess wins that item and a choice from among the five price tags. After pricing the four small items, the contestant wins the car by correctly selecting its price from among the five price tags using the choices they earned.[27]", "List of The Price Is Right pricing games Officially, the mountain climber has no name, although several hosts have used their own names for him. Doug Davidson referred to the climber on The New Price Is Right as Hans Gudegast, which is the birth name of his Young and the Restless co-star Eric Braeden. Drew Carey has referred to him as Hans, Yodel Man and most frequently, Yodely Guy. Carey has also referred to this game as \"the Yodely Guy game\". At The Price Is Right Live!, he is often referred to as Johann. Dennis James referred to the climber as Fritz. On an episode which taped in 1976, after the climber fell off the cliff, James commented, \"There goes Fritz!\", unaware that Janice Pennington's then-husband, Fritz Stammberger, had recently disappeared in a mountain climbing accident. James' offhand comment upset Pennington so much that she remained backstage crying for the rest of the episode.[13][14]", "List of The Price Is Right pricing games The game is played for a car. The gameboard features a five-by-five floor grid of 25 digits, on which the contestant must walk a five-step path to spell out the price of the car in order to win it. The contestant begins in the center square, which contains the first digit, and every correct square is horizontally or vertically adjacent to the one before it. Diagonal steps, backtracking, and stepping onto already-used squares are not allowed. If the contestant steps onto an incorrect digit at any time, he or she must back up to the last correct digit and earn a second chance by pricing one of three smaller prizes. The contestant chooses a prize and must choose the correct price from two options. If the contestant succeeds, he or she wins that prize and another chance to choose the next correct digit in the car's price. If the contestant fails to choose the correct price, he or she may try to win another second chance with a different prize. If the contestant steps on an incorrect digit with no small prizes remaining or guesses the incorrect price for the third small prize, the game ends.[55]", "List of The Price Is Right pricing games The contestant is shown a series of five grocery bags, with a price tag on each one indicating the retail price of a grocery item in the bag. Six grocery items are then shown: five of the six items correspond to the items in the bags, while the sixth item does not match any of the displayed prices. One at a time, the contestant must match up the grocery items with their prices. After all five choices have been made, the host reveals the price of each item. If the item in the bag matches the one the contestant chose, the contestant wins the corresponding amount of money and must decide whether or not to continue to the next level or quit with the money he or she has already won. If the contestant chooses to continue and an incorrect match is revealed, the game ends and he or she loses everything. The first correct match wins $1,000, and each successive correct match doubles the contestant's winnings ($2,000, $4,000, $8,000 and $16,000).[40]", "List of The Price Is Right pricing games A car and two additional prizes are each represented by a giant lock. The contestant is shown two small prizes, each displaying a string of three digits, and must decide whether the first two or last two digits make up the correct price. For example, a prize showing \"357\" has a price of either $35 or $57. Each time the contestant chooses a correct price, he or she wins that prize and selects one key from a rack of five. Three of the keys correspond to one prize lock each, one will open none of the locks, and one (the \"Master Key\") opens all three. If the contestant earns any keys, he or she tries them in the locks and wins any prizes he or she is able to unlock. If a key opens the first lock (or the second one if the first has already been opened), the contestant is then directed to try it in the third lock to see if it is the Master Key.[46]", "List of The Price Is Right pricing games The contestant played blackjack against the house, trying to get as close to 21 as possible without going over (busting). Before the game began, the contestant cut a deck of oversized playing cards and two were dealt out as the house's starting hand, the first one face down as a hole card. The contestant was then shown six grocery items, each of which displayed a price that was equal to its actual price multiplied by a whole number from 1 to 10. Each item had a card hidden underneath it, whose value was equal to that item's multiplier. One of the six items displayed its actual price and would give an ace if chosen, while another showed a price multiplied by 10. Aces could count as 1 or 11.", "The Price Is Right (Australian game show) Fictional scenes from The Price Is Right were featured in the 1997 comedy film The Castle, showing the narrator's sister appearing on the show and almost winning the showcase, but leaving with the amount of $1,234 (\"If only she knew the price of the luggage!\").", "The Price Is Right On September 22, 2008, Terry Kneiss made game show history by bidding the exact amount of his $23,743 showcase. Taping of the show immediately stopped, with Carey and show staffers concerned that cheating was taking place. It was later learned that—by constantly watching the show, noticing the frequency of certain products showing up on the show, and using statistical analysis—Kneiss and his wife Linda, who was in the studio audience, had legitimately determined the exact prices of the items in the showcase. Kneiss was awarded the prizes, and the show subsequently discontinued featuring certain products.[7]", "Right of first refusal ROFR: Abe owns a house and Bo offers to buy that house for $1 million. However, Carl holds a right of first refusal to purchase the house. Therefore, before Abe can sell the house to Bo, he must first offer it to Carl for the $1 million that Bo is willing to buy it for. If Carl accepts, he buys the house instead of Bo. If Carl declines, Bo may now buy the house at the proposed $1 million price.", "List of The Price Is Right pricing games Five prizes were shown, each usually worth between $200 and $3,000. The contestant was then presented with a large credit card, which was inserted into an ATM, which then displayed a credit limit (usually $1,800 to $2,500). The contestant then chose three prizes, one at a time, and their prices were deducted from the credit limit. If the contestant did not exceed the limit with the three choices, he/she won everything.", "List of The Price Is Right pricing games The contestant is shown three prizes, each with accompanying prices. Two prices are correct and one is incorrect. The contestant wins everything by choosing the prize with the incorrect price.[53]", "Sky Witness (TV channel) The channel announced in June 2010 that model Katie Price had signed a £5 million, 2-year contract to make and broadcast Series 3 and 4 of her fly-on-the-wall show, What Katie Did Next, after turning down a weaker offer from rival channel ITV2 to continue making further series of the show. This was the first time that her show was broadcast in HD.[12]", "First Air Force Upon its reactivation, First Air Force was composed of units of the active Air Force and the Air National Guard. Because of its unique mission and its binational responsibilities, First Air Force works closely with the Canadian Forces. Canadian personnel are stationed at First Air Force Headquarters at Tyndall Air Force Base Florida, and at the various regional air defense sectors located throughout the United States.", "Slow Poke \"Slow Poke\" is a 1951 popular song credited to three writers: Pee Wee King, Redd Stewart, and Chilton Price. Actually Price wrote the song in 1951, as she thought the song described her friend, King, very well. King recorded the song and Stewart did the vocal. Price gave rights to the other two in exchange for publicity, as she felt she knew nothing about the music distribution business. The song did so well commercially that when Price wrote the song \"You Belong to Me\" the next year, she felt she could do better by ceding partial credit for authorship to King and Stewart than trying to publicize the song herself, so that song as well was credited to King, Stewart, and Price, though Price was the sole author.[1]", "List of The Price Is Right pricing games This game is played for a car and four additional prizes under $100. The contestant is shown the prices for the five prizes, each of which is missing its tens digit, and given five blocks with the missing digits. The contestant has 30 seconds to complete the prices using these blocks. After either the time limit expires or the contestant is satisfied, the number of correct prices is revealed, but not specifically which ones. If all five prices are correct, the contestant immediately wins everything. If fewer than five are correct, he or she may take another 30 seconds to change the prices if desired, or leave them as they are. The extra time is given by default if none of the prices are correct. Once the game ends, due to the contestant either using the extra 30 seconds or leaving the prices alone, he/she wins all prizes that are correctly priced.[78]", "I Know What You Did Last Summer The film was followed by two sequels: I Still Know What You Did Last Summer (1998) and I'll Always Know What You Did Last Summer (2006), which went direct-to-video. Both were critically panned. In the first sequel, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Freddie Prinze Jr., and Muse Watson reprise their roles. The second sequel has very little relation to the first two, other than the premise, the villain, and the producers. It featured new characters and a different setting.", "Step by Step (TV series) ABC Family was the first to acquire cable television rights to the series, and it became one of the cable channel's longest-running off-network syndicated programs in its history. Reruns began airing on there in 2001 (on what was then known as Fox Family), airing in various timeslots during its run ranging from late afternoon to the morning hours. On March 26, 2010, ABC Family's contract expired after less than nine years.[8]", "List of The Price Is Right pricing games This game is played on a giant tic-tac-toe board with a secret X hidden in the center column. At the start of the game, the contestant is given one free X to place anywhere in either the left or right column of the board. Two small prizes are then shown, each with two possible prices. Each time the contestant correctly prices a prize, he or she wins it and receives another X. After placing the additional X's, the secret X is revealed. The contestant wins the game and a large prize if he or she has formed a line of three either horizontally or diagonally. If the contestant earns no additional X's, the game ends immediately. Contestants are not allowed to place all three of their X's on the same column to create a vertical line, as a winning line of three must include the secret X.[68]", "List of The Price Is Right pricing games The contestant was presented with one small prize and was then shown three pairs of additional prizes. By choosing one prize from each pair in the order they were presented, the contestant attempted to \"trade up\" from that initial prize and create a sequence of four prizes in ascending order of price. If the contestant successfully traded up with all three choices, he or she won both the last small prize chosen and a larger prize package. If not, the contestant won only the first small prize chosen that was lower in price than the one before it.", "The Price Is Right (UK game show) When it started in 1995, Bruce's Price is Right was one of the first shows to fully take advantage of the Independent Television Commission's lifting of the prize limits and the general deregulation of the UK broadcasting environment. The Showcase Showdown was played on the Big Wheel (objections to lack of skill no longer being a factor), with the highest-scoring contestant on one spin or a combination of two spins going through to the Range Finder, and any contestant who scored 100 on one spin or a combination of two spins would win £1,000. The ranges for the Range Finder in this version went from £1,000 to £5,000. (Unlike the other three versions, this version did not involve any bonus spin.)", "List of The Price Is Right pricing games The game is played for a car with a price that only contains the digits one through six. The first digit of the price is revealed, and the contestant rolls four dice on a gaming table, one at a time. The table has a line painted across its width near the end opposite the contestant, and a die must land entirely across the line in order to count. Each die corresponds to one of the remaining digits in the price. If the contestant rolls the actual digit, it is revealed on a gameboard. Otherwise, he or she must guess whether the correct digit is higher or lower than the one rolled. Any incorrect roll of one or six is defaulted to \"higher\" or \"lower,\" respectively. The contestant wins the car by guessing correctly on all digits that he or she has not rolled exactly, or by rolling all four digits.[19]", "SpaceX reusable launch system development program Space industry analyst Ajay Kothari has noted that SpaceX reusable technology could do for space transport \"what jet engines did for air transportation sixty years ago when people never imagined that more than 500 million passengers would travel by airplanes every year and that the cost could be reduced to the level it is—all because of passenger volume and reliable reusability.\"[68] SpaceX said in January 2014 that if they are successful in developing the reusable technology, launch prices of around US$5 to 7 million for a reusable Falcon 9 were possible,[69] and following the successful first stage recovery in December 2015, Musk said that \"the potential cost reduction over the long term is probably in excess of a factor of 100.\"[64]", "Yo-kai Watch By 2015, sales had started to fall to numbers ranging from around a quarter to 1/8 of what they were last year. Prices where cut[91]and there was less visible excitement among children.[92]By the time the third games were released, in 2016, it was on a downward slope with the game launching with about half of what the second games did, with 632,135 units[93]and the third version of the game launched with half of what the first versions sold with 337,979 units.[94]The toy sales where 10.4 billion yen in toy sales and estimated to be at 6.3 billion yen in 2017[95]", "List of The Price Is Right pricing games The contestant is shown a target price and six grocery items, four of which are priced below the target price. One at a time, the contestant selects items he believes are priced lower than the target. The contestant's winnings start at $1 and are multiplied by ten for each correct selection, to $10, $100 and $1,000. A contestant who makes an incorrect guess prior to reaching the $1,000 level keeps whatever money is accumulated to that point. After reaching the $1,000 level, the contestant may choose to quit the game and keep his or her winnings or to risk that money in order to attempt to select the one remaining product priced lower than the target. A correct final choice wins the maximum of $10,000, However, if the final item the contestant selects is one of the two above the target price, the contestant loses everything.[32]", "The Price Is Right The Celebrity Week format in daytime where a celebrity plays along with contestants was adopted for the next series of primetime episodes, which are part of the same series as the 2002 Salutes and 2003–08 $1,000,000 Spectaculars (#034SP-#036SP). These shows used former participants on the network's three primetime reality game shows (Survivor, The Amazing Race and Big Brother) who joined contestants as teams. The three-night special aired May 23–25, 2016.[10]", "I'll Always Know What You Did Last Summer I'll Always Know What You Did Last Summer is a 2006 American slasher film. Released direct-to-video, the film is the third and final installment of I Know What You Did Last Summer series, but does not have any of the cast returning from the first two installments. The film instead takes the basic myth of the series and starts it over with a new set of characters.[1] I'll Always Know What You Did Last Summer was released on DVD and Blu-ray on August 15, 2006 and has grossed in excess of $20 million.[citation needed]", "List of The Price Is Right pricing games The contestant attempted to answer general knowledge questions with numerical answers, such as \"How many innings are there in a regulation baseball game?\", in order to win a car. After answering the first question, the contestant was asked if the correct answer to that question, which was always a digit from zero to nine, was also contained in the price of the car. General knowledge and pricing questions were repeated in this manner until the contestant either gave three correct responses and won the car, or gave three incorrect responses and lost the game. Like Clock Game, the audience is not allowed to provide the contestant with any input in this game.", "List of The Price Is Right pricing games The contestant is shown a $600 range for the price of a prize. A $150 range finder moves up the scale and the contestant is asked to stop the range finder when the highlighted area contains the price of the prize. The contestant has only one opportunity to stop the range finder. If the price falls within the contestant's selected range, the contestant wins the prize.[65]", "First Air Force In the years since its third activation, more of the responsibility for the defense of American air sovereignty has primarily shifted to the Air National Guard. Also, reorganization of the command structure of the U.S. Air Force saw the assignment of air defense to Tactical Air Command and later, its successor, Air Combat Command.", "List of The Price Is Right pricing games The contestant is shown two prizes, each with a price. The contestant must decide whether the prices are correct as shown or need to be switched with each other. A correct decision wins both prizes.[77]", "List of The Price Is Right pricing games The game is played for two prizes, one of which has three digits in its price. The contestant must select which of two digits displayed is the correct digit in each position of the price. The contestant is offered a free digit of his or her choice and then selects which of the remaining digits are correct. If the contestant correctly determines the price, he or she wins both prizes.[87]", "List of The Price Is Right pricing games A prize package was presented to the contestant and the price of the least expensive item in the package was dubbed the \"mystery price\". Four smaller prizes were shown individually and the contestant placed a bid on each of them. If their bid was equal to or lower than the item's actual price, the contestant won that prize and the amount of their bid was placed into a bank. If the contestant overbid on the prize, it was lost and no value was added to the bank.", "List of The Price Is Right pricing games Some of the prices on a path were repeated on other paths, and the contestant could automatically step to the next price along the path if he or she had already correctly matched the associated prize on a previous path.", "List of The Price Is Right pricing games Two grocery items were described. For each item, four possible prices were presented. The contestant was given three oversized pennies and attempted to select the correct price for each of the two items. Each mistake the contestant made cost him or her a penny. The contestant won a larger prize if he or she was able to guess the actual price of both items before losing all three pennies.", "List of The Price Is Right pricing games Three grocery items are displayed on separate shelves of a gameboard resembling a vending machine, from top to bottom in increasing order of price.[88] The contestant inserts a coin into the machine, and the shelves' sliding doors open to reveal a different quantity of each item. In order to win, the contestant must choose the shelf with the highest total price, based on the price for one unit multiplied by the number of items on its shelf.[89]", "What We Did on Our Holiday What We Did on Our Holiday was released in the United Kingdom on 26 September 2014 and in the United States on 10 July 2015.[6]", "I Still Know What You Did Last Summer On August 22, 2006, a straight-to-DVD sequel titled I'll Always Know What You Did Last Summer was released. The film is unrelated to the two previous films, and features no returning cast members. It was originally proposed to continue where I Still Know What You Did Last Summer left off. Instead, the film features an unrelated plot with a brief mention of the first two films.", "What Did I Do to You? The song received positive reviews from music critics. \"What Did I Do to You?\" was released as the fourth European single on 30 April 1990. It included three previously unreleased songs written by Stansfield, Devaney and Morris: \"My Apple Heart,\" \"Lay Me Down\" and \"Something's Happenin'.\" \"What Did I Do to You?\" was remixed by Mark Saunders and by the Grammy Award-winning American house music DJ and producer, David Morales. The Philip Richardson-directed music video was also released. The single became a top forty hit in the European countries reaching number seven in Italy, number eighteen in Finland, number twenty in Ireland and number twenty-five in the United Kingdom. \"What Did I Do to You?\" was also released in Japan.", "District of Columbia v. Heller America went over 200 years without knowing whether a key provision of the Bill of Rights actually meant anything. We came within one vote of being told that it did not, notwithstanding what amounts to a national consensus that the Second Amendment means what it says: The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. Taking rights seriously, including rights we might not favor personally, is good medicine for the body politic, and Heller was an excellent dose.[66]", "Price fixing In December 2008, the New Zealand Commerce Commission filed legal proceedings against 13 airlines in the New Zealand High Court. According to the Commission, the carriers \"colluded to raise the price of [freight] by imposing fuel charges for more than seven years\".[28] In 2013 Air New Zealand was the final airline of the 13 to settle.[29]", "Port Authority Bus Terminal In June 2014, the PANYNJ received a higher price than anticipated for the sale of nearby property, $115 million versus $100 million. The value of air rights above the terminal would be higher than previously appraised, thanks to rising property values in the area surrounding the terminal and an indication of the rising value air rights above the terminal.[29] The agency had intentions to release a request for proposals for air-rights development in 2014-2015.[30]" ]
who stepped out of the dithyrambic chorus to become the first actor
[ "Thespis Thespis was a singer of dithyrambs (songs about stories from mythology with choric refrains). He is credited with introducing a new style in which one singer or actor performed the words of individual characters in the stories, distinguishing between the characters with the aid of different masks." ]
[ "Greek tragedy Scholars have made a number of suggestions about the way the dithyramb changed into tragedy. \"Somebody, presumably Thespis, decided to combine spoken verse with choral song. ... As tragedy developed, the actors began to interact more with each other, and the role of the chorus became smaller.[6]\" Scodell notes that:", "Greek chorus Before the introduction of multiple, interacting actors by Aeschylus, the Greek chorus was the main performer in relation to a solitary actor.[10][11] The importance of the chorus declined after the 5th century BCE, when the chorus began to be separated from the dramatic action. Later dramatists depended on the chorus less than their predecessors. As dialogue and characterization became more important, the chorus made less of an appearance.[5] However, historian Alan Hughes argues that there was no such thing as decline, but rather the slow dissolution of one form into another:", "Tragedy There is some dissent to the dithyrambic origins of tragedy, mostly based on the differences between the shapes of their choruses and styles of dancing.[citation needed] A common descent from pre-Hellenic fertility and burial rites has been suggested.[citation needed] Friedrich Nietzsche discussed the origins of Greek tragedy in his early book The Birth of Tragedy (1872). Here, he suggests the name originates in the use of a chorus of goat-like satyrs in the original dithyrambs from which the tragic genre developed.", "Drama Western drama originates in classical Greece.[11] The theatrical culture of the city-state of Athens produced three genres of drama: tragedy, comedy, and the satyr play. Their origins remain obscure, though by the 5th century BC they were institutionalised in competitions held as part of festivities celebrating the god Dionysus.[12] Historians know the names of many ancient Greek dramatists, not least Thespis, who is credited with the innovation of an actor (\"hypokrites\") who speaks (rather than sings) and impersonates a character (rather than speaking in his own person), while interacting with the chorus and its leader (\"coryphaeus\"), who were a traditional part of the performance of non-dramatic poetry (dithyrambic, lyric and epic).[13]", "Step by Step (TV series) Staci Keanan and Christopher Castile had previously appeared on the Miller-Boyett-produced ABC sitcom Going Places, which debuted the season prior to Step By Step, playing characters with no familial relation (Keanan – who played Lindsay Bowen, the teenage neighbor of the show's adult characters – as a series regular, Castile as a recurring character). Keanan was the first of the two Going Places stars to be cast on Step By Step in the spring of 1991. Castile, who had played gawky child Sam Roberts on Going Places, brought the same character traits to the Mark Foster role, which was speculated to be Miller-Boyett's continued attempt to give the Family Matters character Steve Urkel a white counterpart. In a similar instance of hiring actors over from their other TV series, the producers also cast Josh Byrne as Brendan Lambert on Step By Step, after he had just finished a supporting role as Patrick Kozak on Miller-Boyett's single-season CBS sitcom The Family Man.", "Greek chorus Some historians argue that the chorus was itself considered to be an actor.[5] Scholars have considered Sophocles to be superior to Euripides in his choral writing. Of the two, Sophocles also won more dramatic contests. His chorus passages were more relevant to the plot and more integrated in tragedies, whereas the Euripidean choruses seemingly had little to do with the plot and were often bystanders.[6] Aristotle stated in his Poetics:", "Greek chorus A Greek chorus, or simply chorus (Greek: χορός, khoros) in the context of Ancient Greek tragedy, comedy, satyr plays, and modern works inspired by them, is a homogeneous, non-individualised group of performers, who comment with a collective voice on the dramatic action.[1] The chorus consisted of between 12 and 50 players, who variously danced, sang or spoke their lines in unison and sometimes wore masks.", "Greek chorus During the Italian Renaissance, there was a renewed interest in the theatre of ancient Greece. The Florentine Camerata crafted the first operas out of the intermezzi that acted as comic or musical relief during the dramas of the time. These were based entirely on the Greek chorus, as historian H.C. Montgomery argues.[5]", "History of Doctor Who Lloyd and story editor Gerry Davis came up with an intriguing way of writing the First Doctor out – as he was an alien being, they decided that he would have the power to change his body when it became worn out or seriously injured, a process that was called \"renewal\" but would later become known within the mythology of the series as \"regeneration\". Whereas Wiles had intended to replace Hartnell with another actor but playing the same character, Lloyd and Davis elected to change the entire personality and appearance of the Doctor. They cast actor Patrick Troughton, who first appeared in November 1966 after the changeover from Hartnell had been seen at the end of the story The Tenth Planet. That serial also introduced the popular Cybermen, villains who would return to face the Doctor on several subsequent occasions.", "Rocky Steps The Rocky film scene has become a cultural icon. Many tourists visit the steps to recreate the scene themselves.[8] E! Channel ranked it No. 13 in its 101 Most Awesome Moments in Entertainment.[9] During the 1996 Olympic Torch Relay, Philadelphia native Dawn Staley was chosen to run up the museum steps. The steps are the backdrop for the annual Independence Day celebration, and have often been featured in large concerts such as Live 8. Two journalists from the Philadelphia Inquirer spent a year interviewing people who ran the steps, and published a book in 1996 called Rocky Stories: Tales of Love, Hope, and Happiness at America's Most Famous Steps.[10] The 2017 NFL Draft was held from the steps, the first time the NFL draft was held outdoors.[11]", "Who's on First? Abbott and Costello performed \"Who's on First?\" numerous times in their careers, rarely performing it exactly the same way twice. They did the routine for President Franklin Roosevelt several times. An abridged version was featured in the team's 1940 film debut, One Night in the Tropics. The duo reprised the bit in their 1945 film The Naughty Nineties, and it is that longer version which is considered their finest recorded rendition.[a] They also performed \"Who's on First?\" numerous times on radio and television (notably in The Abbott and Costello Show episode \"The Actor's Home\", widely considered the definitive version).", "Aeschylus When Aeschylus first began writing, the theatre had only just begun to evolve, although earlier playwrights like Thespis had already expanded the cast to include an actor who was able to interact with the chorus.[26] Aeschylus added a second actor, allowing for greater dramatic variety, while the chorus played a less important role.[26] He is sometimes credited with introducing skenographia, or scene-decoration,[39] though Aristotle gives this distinction to Sophocles. Aeschylus is also said to have made the costumes more elaborate and dramatic, and having his actors wear platform boots (cothurni) to make them more visible to the audience. According to a later account of Aeschylus's life, as they walked on stage in the first performance of the Eumenides, the chorus of Furies were so frightening in appearance that they caused young children to faint, patriarchs to urinate, and pregnant women to go into labour.[40]", "A Chorus Line In July 1986, A Chorus Line was produced in Italy for the first time. It premiered at the Nervi Festival of Dance in Genoa, followed by a five-week Italian tour. The choreography was adapted for the festival's performing space by Baayork Lee who had played Connie in the original production and subsequently became a close collaborator of Michael Bennett, the original choreographer.[15]", "Bridal Chorus Many pastors of the Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod oppose the \"Bridal Chorus\" because of both pre-First World War Lutheran opposition to the theater and the pagan elements of Wagner's operas.[2] The Roman Catholic Church generally does not use the \"Bridal Chorus\"; one diocese's guidelines regarding the chorus states that the chorus is a secular piece of music, that it is not a processional to the altar in the opera, and especially that its frequent use in film and television associate it with sentimentality rather than worship.[3] The song is also not used in Eastern Orthodox weddings.[citation needed] It is also not used in Jewish weddings due to Wagner's antisemitism and his popularity with the Nazis.[citation needed]", "Wade in the Water The song relates to both the Old and New Testaments. The verses reflect the Israelites' escape out of Egypt as found in Exodus 14.[2] The chorus refers to healing: see John 5:4, \"For an angel went down at a certain season into the pool, and troubled the water: whosoever then first after the troubling of the water stepped in was made whole of whatsoever disease he had.\"", "Thus Spoke Zarathustra Zarathustra has a simple characterisation and plot,[4] narrated sporadically throughout the text. It possesses a unique experimental style, one that is, for instance, evident in newly invented \"dithyrambs\" narrated or sung by Zarathustra. Likewise, the separate Dithyrambs of Dionysus was written in autumn 1888, and printed with the full volume in 1892, as the corollaries of Zarathustra's \"abundance\".", "Escape (The Piña Colada Song) The chorus originally started with \"if you like Humphrey Bogart\", which Holmes changed at the last minute, replacing the actor with the name of the first exotic cocktail that came to mind.[6]", "Uncaught third strike On an uncaught third strike with no runner on first base or with two outs, the batter immediately becomes a runner. The strike is called, but the umpire does not call the batter out. The umpire may also signal that there is \"no catch\" of the pitch. The batter may then attempt to reach first base and must be tagged or forced out. With two outs and the bases loaded, the catcher who fails to catch the third strike may, upon picking up the ball, step on home plate for a force-out or make a throw to any other base in an effort to force out a runner.", "A Chorus Line The dancers go downstairs to learn a song for the next section of the audition, but Cassie stays onstage to talk to Zach. She is a veteran dancer who has had some notable successes as a soloist. They have a history together: Zach had cast her in a featured part previously, and they had lived together for several years. Zach tells Cassie that she is too good for the chorus and shouldn't be at this audition. But she hasn't been able to find solo work and is willing to \"come home\" to the chorus where she can at least express her passion for dance (\"The Music and the Mirror\"). Zach sends her downstairs to learn the dance combination.", "Out Come the Freaks The second recording is slower and sparser as opposed to the post-disco sound of the original. This version is sung by Harry Bowens, who sings the Woodwork Squeaks chorus as more of a refrain than a chant. This version adds a new introductory verse which sets up the concept of the song. The final chorus replaces the words \"the freaks\" with a succession of song titles including \"Papa's Got A Brand New Bag\" and \"The Shadow of Your Smile\", implying a more positive spin on the idea of a \"freak\" to counterpoint the earlier verses. \"(Return to the Valley of) Out Come the Freaks\" was the only single from Born to Laugh at Tornadoes to chart in the UK, and was also their first hit in that country, hitting the UK top 50.[2]", "Tag out A tag is therefore the most common way to retire baserunners who are not in danger of being forced out, but as noted above, a tag can put runners out on a forced play as well (in lieu of stepping on a force base in a forced play). Additionally, a tag out can be used on an appeal play.", "A Chorus Line The original Broadway production ran for 6,137 performances, becoming the longest-running production in Broadway history until surpassed by Cats in 1997, and the longest-running Broadway musical originally produced in the US, until surpassed in 2011 by Chicago. It remains the sixth longest-running Broadway show ever. A Chorus Line's success has spawned many successful productions worldwide. It began a lengthy run in the West End in 1976 and was revived on Broadway in 2006, and in the West End in 2013.", "Greek chorus The chorus originally consisted of fifty members, but some later playwrights changed the size. Aeschylus likely lowered the number to twelve, and Sophocles raised it again to fifteen.[6] Fifteen members were used by Euripides and Sophocles in tragedies.[8] The chorus stood in the orchestra.[6] There were twenty-four members in comedies.[9]", "Who's on First? In February 1938, Abbott and Costello joined the cast of The Kate Smith Hour radio program, and the sketch was first performed for a national radio audience that March.[1] The routine may have been further polished before this broadcast by burlesque producer John Grant, who became the team's writer, and Will Glickman, a staff writer on the radio show.[3] Glickman may have added the nicknames of then-contemporary baseball players like Dizzy and Daffy Dean to set up the routine's premise. This version, with extensive wordplay based on the fact that most of the fictional baseball team's players had \"strange nicknames\" that seemed to be questions, became known as \"Who's on First?\" Some versions continue with references to Enos Slaughter, which Costello misunderstands as \"He knows\" Slaughter. By 1944, Abbott and Costello had the routine copyrighted.", "Thank God I'm a Country Boy The song is in cut (2/2) time that is typical of two-step. Both the verse and chorus comprise eight measures with 3/2 added between the first four measures and last three measures. Emotionally, this creates an intended slight stall.", "Step Up (film) Step Up is a 2006 American romantic dance film directed by Anne Fletcher starring Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewan. Set in Baltimore, Maryland, the film follows the tale of the disadvantaged Tyler Gage (Channing Tatum) and the privileged modern dancer Nora Clark (Jenna Dewan), who find themselves paired up in a showcase that determines both of their futures. Realizing that they only have one chance, they finally work together. The film is the first installment in the Step Up series, it was followed by four sequels, Step Up 2: The Streets (2008), Step Up 3D (2010), Step Up Revolution (2012) and Step Up: All In (2014) and a web series Step Up: High Water (2018).", "Symphonie fantastique In 1831, Berlioz wrote a lesser-known sequel to the work, Lélio, for actor, orchestra and chorus.", "Doctor Who The Master is the Doctor's archenemy, a renegade Time Lord who desires to rule the universe. Conceived as \"Professor Moriarty to the Doctor's Sherlock Holmes\",[118] the character first appeared in 1971. As with the Doctor, the role has been portrayed by several actors, since the Master is a Time Lord as well and able to regenerate; the first of these actors was Roger Delgado, who continued in the role until his death in 1973. The Master was briefly played by Peter Pratt and Geoffrey Beevers until Anthony Ainley took over and continued to play the character until Doctor Who's hiatus in 1989. The Master returned in the 1996 television movie of Doctor Who, and was played by American actor Eric Roberts.", "First of May (Bee Gees song) The orchestral arrangement from maestro Bill Shepherd was featured on the second chorus. The song starts with a piano on the first verse and chorus. Shepherd's orchestra was featured in second verse and second chorus. After singing the second chorus, the singer repeated the first verse. The music was stopped when he sings don't ask me why, but time has passed us by, Someone else moved in from far away.", "Who Let the Dogs Out? In June 2000, Gregg Greene,[10] then Director of Promotions for the Seattle Mariners, was the first to play the Baha Men's version of \"Who Let the Dogs Out\" at a Major League Baseball game.[11] He debuted the tune as a joke for the team's backup catcher, Joe Oliver. Two days later, shortstop Alex Rodriguez requested the song be used as his walk-up music, and it quickly became the Mariners team anthem. The Baha Men performed at Safeco Field during a Mariners game in September 2000. The New York Mets, however, have claimed that they were the first MLB team to adopt the song, to which ESPN.com humorously commented \"This is a little like scientists arguing over who discovered a deadly virus\". The Baha Men recorded a version of the song that changed the chorus to \"Who let the Mets out?\" and all the lyrics to reflect the team and its players, which was played at Shea Stadium throughout the Mets' 2000 postseason run, including a live performance on the Shea Stadium field before Game 4 of the 2000 World Series against the New York Yankees. The song was written by David Brody of Z100 New York and recorded by the Baha Men initially for Z100. Brody then gave the song to the Mets to play at Shea. Brody has also written songs for the 2006, 2007, and 2015 Mets. Richard Hidalgo used the original song as his entrance music while playing for the Houston Astros.", "Greek chorus The chorus performed using several techniques, including singing, dancing, narrating, and acting.[9] There is evidence that there were strong rhythmic components to their speaking.[2]", "The Master (Doctor Who) The actors who have played the role of the Master in the series and the dates of their first and last appearances in the role, are:", "Actor From 1894 to the late 1920s, movies were silent films. Silent film actors emphasized body language and facial expression, so that the audience could better understand what an actor was feeling and portraying on screen. Much silent film acting is apt to strike modern-day audiences as simplistic or campy. The melodramatic acting style was in some cases a habit actors transferred from their former stage experience. Vaudeville theatre was an especially popular origin for many American silent film actors.[23] The pervading presence of stage actors in film was the cause of this outburst from director Marshall Neilan in 1917: \"The sooner the stage people who have come into pictures get out, the better for the pictures.\" In other cases, directors such as John Griffith Wray required their actors to deliver larger-than-life expressions for emphasis. As early as 1914, American viewers had begun to make known their preference for greater naturalness on screen.[24]", "Greek tragedy The spectator sees before him a level circular area called the orchestra, which means literally the \"dancing place\". ... In the centre of the orchestra stands an altar. A part of the dramatic action will take place in the orchestra, as well as the manoeuvres and dance figures performed by the Chorus as they present their odes. To the right and left of the theatron are the paradoi, which are used not only by the spectators for entering and leaving the theatre, but also for the entrances and exits of actors and the Chorus. Directly beyond the circular orchestra lies the skene or scene building. ... In most plays the skene represents the facade of a house, a palace, or a temple. The skene normally had three doors which served as additional entrances and exits for the actors. Immediately in front of the scene-building was a level platform, in the fifth century B.C. in all probability only a single step above the level of the orchestra. This was called the proskenion or logeion where much of the dramatic action of the plays takes place. Flanking the proskenion were two projecting wings, the so-called paraskenia. It must be remembered that the skene, since at first it was only a wooden structure, was flexible in its form, and was probably modified frequently.[27]", "A Chorus Line In 1980, under the direction of Roy Smith, the Teatro El Nacional of Buenos Aires produced a successful Spanish version of A Chorus Line lasting 10 months (and then only to make way for an already scheduled subsequent production).", "Who's on First? Costello: Then who gets it?\nAbbott: Naturally.\nCostello: Naturally.\nAbbott: Now you've got it.\nCostello: I throw the ball to Naturally.\nAbbott: You don't! You throw it to Who!\nCostello: Naturally.\nAbbott: Well, that's it—say it that way.\nCostello: That's what I said.\nAbbott: You did not.\nCostello: I said I throw the ball to Naturally.\nAbbott: You don't! You throw it to Who!", "Peggy Wood Wood was an early member of the Actors' Equity Association, spending nearly 50 years on the stage, beginning in the chorus and becoming known as a Broadway singer and star. She made her stage debut in 1910, as part of the chorus for Naughty Marietta. In 1917, she starred in Maytime, in which she introduced the song \"Will You Remember\". She starred in several other musicals before playing the role of Portia in a 1928 production of The Merchant of Venice. From the late 1920s until the late 1930s, Wood had lead roles in musicals staged in London and New York.", "A Chorus Line In 1990, Visa launched a marketing campaign around A Chorus Line as it was touring the United States. The promotions included television commercials featuring the musical and the right to say that tickets for the show could be charged only on Visa cards. Visa paid $500,000 for the promotion.[29]", "Dream On (Aerosmith song) The original 1973 issue of this 45 (45894) has a shorter edit of \"Dream On\" (3:25). Most of the intro has been edited out and the first chorus is replaced with the second chorus. The second issue from 1976 (10278) contains the album version (4:28).", "Step by Step (TV series) The series' theme song \"Second Time Around\" was written and composed by Jesse Frederick and Bennett Salvay (both wrote the themes for other sitcoms produced by Miller-Boyett Productions such as Full House, Perfect Strangers, and Family Matters), and was performed by Frederick and Teresa James. The full 87-second version of it was only used during the first season. It was routinely edited over the following three seasons to allow additional time for scenes: the fourth verse was removed and the chorus was truncated in the second season edit, the kid chorus accompanying Jesse Frederick during the chorus' lyrics was removed in the version used during the third season, and the edit heard during most of the fourth season and the entire fifth season (which lasted for only 65 seconds) eliminated the electric guitar/drum/symphonic instrumental at the beginning.", "Who's on First? At one point in the routine, Costello thinks that the first baseman is named Naturally:", "Shake It Out The Sun's Gordon Smart found the song to be \"gothic and haunting.\"[35] Alex Young of the website Consequence of Sound praised the anthemic nature of the song and concluded that the \"sing-a-long-approved chorus takes over and it keeps you under its spell for the remaining three minutes.\"[10] Barry Nicolson of NME concluded that the chorus of the song \"announces itself with a sudden, overpowering immensity akin to sheets of ice being atomised by a ruddy great hammer. It's as though indie's self-styled Lady of Shalott has discovered how to emote through a bullhorn.\"[36] Richard Smirke of Billboard called the song \"a rousing pop-rock number in the spirit of 'Dog Days Are Over'\".[21] Jillian Mapes of the same publication commented: \"Welch's goth-pop allure is summed up in the chorus of the album's dramatic first single: 'It's hard to dance with the devil on your back, so shake him off.'\"[37] Matthew Cole of Slant Magazine noted that the first four songs on the album were the best ones including the \"instantly gratifying anthem 'Shake It Out'.\"[38]", "Detroit: Become Human Detroit: Become Human was met with generally favourable reviews from critics, who praised the setting, visuals, smaller moments in the story, main characters, their voice actors, the impact choices had on the narrative, and flowchart feature, but criticised the motion controls, mishandling of historical and thematic allegories, and aspects of the plot and characters. The game is Quantic Dream's most successful launch and has sold 1.5 million copies.", "A Chorus Line A Chorus Line opened Off Broadway at The Public Theater on April 15, 1975.[5] At the time, the Public did not have enough money to finance the production so it borrowed $1.6 million to produce the show.[6] The show was directed and co-choreographed (with Bob Avian) by Bennett.", "Don't Say You Love Me (Fifth Harmony song) A midtempo song built on a moderate tropical, dembow rhythm,[3][4] \"Don't Say You Love Me\" is a torch song that finds the group asking for an honest relationship.[5] The lyrics are constructed in the traditional verse-chorus form. The chorus sung in an emotive tone is first performed by Lauren Jauregui who introduces the song over a melancholic acoustic guitar, as Abby Jones of Billboard commented, Jauregui serenades a \"close but inconsistent\" lover on her verses.[6] As the song progresses, a syncopated drum-line appears, the pre-chorus features Dinah Jane \"pleasing for something more\" as AXS's Lucas Villa pointed out.[7] The beat drops during the chorus giving space to Normani Kordei.[8]", "The Story of the Man Who Turned into a Dog Four actors introduce the story by explaining how they learned of the story of the man who turned into a dog, and then explain that they will demonstrate and play this story out for the audience. Actor #1 portrays the Man Who Turned into a Dog, Actors #2 and #3 portray the boss and the people he must work for, and Actress portrays his wife. The Man is in need of a job but is told by Actors 2 and 3 that he can only be given a job if someone else dies, retires or is fired. After a watchman’s dog dies following 25 years of service, the Man reluctantly agrees to become the new watchdog. He must live in the doghouse and eat dog food for the pay of 1 dollar a day, even though it drives him and his wife apart. Gradually, the man assumes dog-like behavior and is consistently denied other job opportunities that open up. After moving out to live in an apartment with other women so she can afford rent, his wife announces that she is pregnant and she is afraid her baby will be born a dog. The Man has an outburst and runs away, fully assuming the role of a dog. By the end of the play, Actor 1 can only bark and is no longer able to shift between man and dog.[1][4][5]", "A Chorus Line Following several workshops and an Off-Broadway production, A Chorus Line opened at the Shubert Theatre on Broadway July 25, 1975, directed and choreographed by Michael Bennett. An unprecedented box office and critical hit, the musical received twelve Tony Award nominations and won nine, in addition to the 1976 Pulitzer Prize for Drama.", "The Heavenly Vision \"The Heavenly Vision\", also known as \"Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus\" (the first line of its chorus), is a hymn written by Helen Howarth Lemmel. It was inspired by a tract entitled Focused, written by the missionary Isabella Lilias Trotter. Today the chorus is most widely known, and has become a standard reprinted in many hymnals.[1][2]", "USMLE Step 1 The USMLE Step 1 (more commonly just Step 1 or colloquially, The Boards) is the first part of the United States Medical Licensing Examination. It aims to assess whether medical school students or graduates can apply important concepts of the foundational sciences fundamental to the practice of medicine. Only non-US medical students who wish to seek licensure to practice medicine in the US, typically take Step 1 at the end of the second year of medical school. Graduates of international medical schools (i.e., those outside the US or Canada) must also take Step 1 if they want to practice in the US. Graduates from international medical schools must apply through ECFMG, and the registration fee is $915.[1] For 2016, the NBME registration fee for the test is $600, with additional charges for applicants who choose a testing region outside the United States or Canada.[2]", "Actor An actor (often actress for females; see terminology) is a person who portrays a character in a performance. The actor performs \"in the flesh\" in the traditional medium of the theatre, or in modern mediums such as film, radio, and television. The analogous Greek term is ὑποκριτής (hupokritḗs), literally \"one who answers\".[1] The actor's interpretation of their role pertains to the role played, whether based on a real person or fictional character. Interpretation occurs even when the actor is \"playing themselves\", as in some forms of experimental performance art, or, more commonly; to act, is to create, a character in performance.[2]", "Don't Look Back in Anger The B-side \"Step Out\" was originally intended for the (What's the Story) Morning Glory? album but was taken off after Stevie Wonder requested 10 per cent of the royalties as the chorus bore a similarity to his hit \"Uptight (Everything's Alright)\". Also, because of this, Wonder, Henry Cosby and Sylvia Moy received credit for writing the song, along with Noel.", "Rate-determining step Also, for reaction steps which are not first-order, concentration terms must be considered in choosing the rate-determining step.[5][3]", "Documentary film Participatory documentaries believe that it is impossible for the act of filmmaking to not influence or alter the events being filmed. What these films do is emulate the approach of the anthropologist: participant-observation. Not only is the filmmaker part of the film, we also get a sense of how situations in the film are affected or altered by their presence. Nichols: \"The filmmaker steps out from behind the cloak of voice-over commentary, steps away from poetic meditation, steps down from a fly-on-the-wall perch, and becomes a social actor (almost) like any other. (Almost like any other because the filmmaker retains the camera, and with it, a certain degree of potential power and control over events.)\" The encounter between filmmaker and subject becomes a critical element of the film. Rouch and Morin named the approach cinéma vérité, translating Dziga Vertov's kinopravda into French; the \"truth\" refers to the truth of the encounter rather than some absolute truth.", "List of actors who have played Jesus This is a list of actors who have played Jesus.", "David Berry (actor) Berry was born in Toronto, Canada, of Australian parents who moved to Sydney, Australia, when he was seven years old. Before becoming an actor he worked as a journalist. He trained at the Australian National Institute of Dramatic Art (NIDA) from which he graduated in 2010.[1]", "Who's on First? Who picks up the ball and throws it to What. What throws it to I Don't Know. I Don't Know throws it back to Tomorrow—a triple play.\nAbbott: Yeah, it could be.\nCostello: Another guy gets up and it's a long fly ball to Because. Why? I don't know. He's on third, and I don't give a darn!\nAbbott: What was that?\nCostello: I said, I DON'T GIVE A DARN!", "All the Way Up (Emily Osment song) The lyrics to \"All the Way Up\" were co-written by Osment, with all of her teenage fans in mind. It speaks of wanting to break out, and just be who you want to be. The main example of this theme is shown in the chorus of the single, when Osment sings the line, \"All the way up, all the way down. Never look back, it's time to break out!\" \"All the Way Up\" is constructed with the common verse-chorus pattern.", "Greek tragedy There is .. much to be said for the view that hypokrites means 'answerer'. He answers the questions of the chorus and so evokes their songs. He answers with a long speech about his own situation or, when he enters as messenger, with a narrative of disastrous events ... Naturally, the transformation of the leader into an actor entailed a dramatization of the chorus.[11]", "Work from Home The song has a typical verse-pre-chorus-chorus structure with a rap bridge done by Ty Dolla Sign before the third chorus and the outro. The song begins with bubbling beat[27] and finger snaps.[28] The first verse is sung by Cabello, the first pre-chorus is sung by Kordei. \"I know you're always on the night shift/but I can't stand these nights alone\", she sings.[26] Following is the chorus sung by Jauregui, with the word \"work\" repeated seven times after each line.[29] The second verse is sung by Hernandez who sings: \"Let's put it into motion / Imma give you a promotion / I'll make it feel like a vacay / Turn the bed into an ocean\".[30] Hansen sings the second pre-chorus. Ty Dolla Sign sings after the second chorus, and on the third and final chorus Cabello closes the song with an ad-libbed outro.[24]", "Walter White (Breaking Bad) Cranston has received various awards and nominations for his performance as Walter White. For the first three seasons, he won the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Series thrice consecutively, becoming the first actor to accomplish this feat since Bill Cosby for I Spy. Cranston was also nominated in 2012 and 2013 for season four and the first half of season five, but lost out to Damian Lewis for Homeland and Jeff Daniels for The Newsroom, respectively.[28] He also won his fourth Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Series, at the 66th Primetime Emmy Awards", "David Bradley (actor) In 2017, in the final episode of the tenth series of Doctor Who, \"The Doctor Falls\", Bradley returned to portray the First Doctor, having previously portrayed Hartnell, who originally played the character. He will reprise this role in the 2017 Christmas Special, \"Twice Upon a Time\".[13][14] This makes him the third actor to play the role in the television programme, after William Hartnell and Richard Hurndall since the premiere of Doctor Who in 1963, and at the age of 75, he is the also the oldest actor to play the role of the Doctor.[15]", "Coming out In 2013, basketball player Jason Collins (a member of the Washington Wizards) came out as gay, becoming the first active male professional athlete in a major North American team sport to publicly come out as gay.", "Star system (filmmaking) In the early years of the cinema (1890s–1900s), performers were not identified in films. There are two main reasons for this. First, from the perspective of actors who were trained in the theatre, they were embarrassed to be working in film and feared it would ruin their reputation. Silent film was thought of as mere pantomime and one of theatre actors' main skills was their command of their voice. Theatre actors were also ashamed to be in films because early films were aimed for the uneducated working class. Film was seen as only a step above appearing in carnivals and freak shows. Second, from the perspective of early film producers, they feared that actors would gain more prestige and power and demand more money if they were named.", "Actor Unlike theater actors, who develop characters for repeat performances, film actors lack continuity, forcing them to come to all scenes (sometimes shot in reverse of the order in which they ultimately appear) with a fully developed character already.[25]", "Rate-determining step In principle, the time evolution of the reactant and product concentrations can be determined from the set of simultaneous rate equations for the individual steps of the mechanism, one for each step. However the analytical solution of these differential equations is not always easy, and in some cases numerical integration may even be required.[1] The hypothesis of a single rate-determining step can greatly simplify the mathematics. In the simplest case the initial step is the slowest, and the overall rate is just the rate of the first step.", "Out Come the Freaks A fourth song related to \"Out Come the Freaks\" called \"Look What's Back\" appears as the final track on the group's fourth album Are You Okay? in 1990. The song is a 43-second acoustic camp-fire rendition in which the group chants the chorus: 'Woodwork squeaks, and out comes the freaks'.", "Character actor The term is used primarily to describe television and film actors, and is less used to describe theater actors.[11] An early use of the term was in the 1883 edition of The Stage, which defined a character actor as \"one who portrays individualities and eccentricities\".[12] Actors with a long career history of playing character roles may be difficult for audiences to recognize as being the same actor.[7]", "Marking out Marking out consists of transferring the dimensions from the plan to the workpiece in preparation for the next step, machining or manufacture.", "Val Kilmer Other actors have noted that he prepares for his roles extensively and meticulously. Irwin Winkler (director of At First Sight) talked about his decision to hire Kilmer. \"I'd heard the stories, so I checked him out. I called Bob De Niro and Michael Mann, who'd worked with him on Heat, and they both gave him raves... I had a wonderful experience in spite of all the naysayers.\"[58] Jeffrey Katzenberg (producer of Prince of Egypt) talks about the actor: \"Val was one of the first people cast in The Prince of Egypt. He was there every step of the way; patient, understanding, and phenomenally generous with his time.\"[59]", "Tumbling Dice The song's lyrical structure is irregular. While many songs have the same number of lines for the verse or chorus, the first verse has eight lines, the second verse has six lines, and the last verse has two lines. The song's first chorus has two lines, the second chorus has three, and the third chorus has twelve lines. At the beginning of every chorus, the piano, bass and drums drop out and the backing vocals sing \"you got to roll me\" as the guitar plays the song's signature guitar figure.[29] The third chorus leads into the song's coda. Slowly, the band's rhythm section works its way back into the song. The coda includes a call and response with the backing vocals singing \"you got to roll me\" as Jagger and Richards respond by singing \"keep on rolling.\"[29][30] This happens over a pounding beat laid down by Charlie Watts. After a few measures, Watts resumes playing his regular drum pattern. The coda continues for another minute as Jagger ad-libs lyrics until the fade out.[31]", "Spanish Steps During Christmas time a 19th-century criba manger is displayed on the first landing of the staircase. During Springtime, just before the anniversary of the foundation of Rome, April 21st, part of the steps are covered by pots of azaleas, up until early May. In modern times the Spanish Steps have included a small cut-flower market. The steps are not a place for eating lunch, being forbidden by Roman urban regulations, but they are usually crowded with people.", "Oedipus Rex The second English language film version, directed by Philip Saville and released in 1968, was filmed in Greece. This one showed the actors' faces and boasted an all-star cast, including Christopher Plummer as Oedipus, Lilli Palmer as Jocasta, Orson Welles as Tiresias, Richard Johnson as Creon, Roger Livesey as the Shepherd, and Donald Sutherland as the Leading Member of the Chorus. Sutherland's voice, however, was dubbed by another actor. The film went a step further than the play, however, by actually showing, in flashback, the murder of Laius (Friedrich Ledebur). It also showed Oedipus and Jocasta in bed together, making love. Made in 1968, this film was not seen in Europe and the U.S. until the 1970s and 1980s after legal release and distribution rights were granted to video and TV.", "Take Me Out to the Ball Game \"Take Me Out to the Ball Game\" is a 1908 Tin Pan Alley song by Jack Norworth and Albert Von Tilzer which has become the unofficial anthem of North American baseball, although neither of its authors had attended a game prior to writing the song.[1] The song's chorus is traditionally sung during the middle of the seventh inning of a baseball game. Fans are generally encouraged to sing along, and at some ballparks, the words \"home team\" are replaced with the team name.", "A Chorus Line The show opens in the middle of an audition for an upcoming Broadway production. The formidable director Zach and his assistant choreographer Larry put the dancers through their paces. Every dancer is desperate for work (\"I Hope I Get It\"). After the next round of cuts, 17 dancers remain. Zach tells them he is looking for a strong dancing chorus of four boys and four girls. He wants to learn more about them, and asks the dancers to introduce themselves. With reluctance, the dancers reveal their pasts. The stories generally progress chronologically from early life experiences through adulthood to the end of a career.", "Dalek The Daleks were actually controlled from inside by short operators[31] who had to manipulate their eyestalks, domes, and arms, as well as flashing the lights on their heads in sync with the actors supplying their voices. The Dalek cases were built in two pieces; an operator would step into the lower section, and then the top would be secured. The operators looked out between the cylindrical louvres just beneath the dome, which were lined with mesh to conceal their faces.[31]", "Michael Jackson's Thriller (music video) They then walk down a foggy road as Michael sings verses of the song excluding the chorus. They pass a nearby graveyard, in which the undead begin to rise out of their graves as Vincent Price's speech is heard. The zombies corner the two main characters threateningly, and suddenly, Michael becomes a zombie himself. The zombies then break into an elaborate dance number, followed by the main chorus of \"Thriller\" (during which Michael reverts to human form), frightening his date to the point where she runs for cover.", "Theater (structure) In front of the skene there may have been a raised acting area called the proskenion, the ancestor of the modern proscenium stage. It is possible that the actors (as opposed to the chorus) acted entirely on the proskenion, but this is not certain.", "Who Let the Dogs Out? \"Who Let the Dogs Out?\" is a song performed by the Bahamian group Baha Men, released as a single on July 26, 2000. Originally written by Anslem Douglas (titled \"Doggie\") for the Trinidad and Tobago Carnival season of 1998,[1] it was covered by producer Jonathan King under the name Fat Jakk and his Pack of Pets. He brought the song to the attention of his friend Steve Greenberg, who then had the Baha Men cover the song. The song became the band's first hit in the United Kingdom and the United States, and it gained popularity after appearing in Rugrats in Paris: The Movie and its soundtrack album.", "Don't Cry Out Loud (song) Liza Minnelli—Peter Allen's ex-wife—sings \"Don't Cry Out Loud\" on her 2002 album Liza's Back, which was recorded from a seven-night engagement at the Beacon Theatre in New York City that June. Minnelli sets the song in a sequence of \"crying\" songs with \"Don't Cry Out Loud\" performed between \"Cry\" and \"Crying\": Minnelli's rendition features only the first verse of \"Don't Cry Out Loud\" and amends the lyrics of the chorus to invert their original import (\"Cry out loud, don't keep it inside. Don't learn how to hide your feelings.\")", "A Chorus Line The 2006 Broadway revival opened at the Gerald Schoenfeld Theater October 5, 2006, following a run in San Francisco. The revival closed August 17, 2008, after 759 performances and 18 previews. It cost $8 million to finance and recouped its investment in 19 weeks.[19] The production was directed by Bob Avian, with the choreography reconstructed by Baayork Lee, who had played Connie Wong in the original Broadway production. The opening night cast included Paul McGill, Michael Berresse, Charlotte d'Amboise, Mara Davi, James T. Lane, Tony Yazbeck, Heather Parcells, Alisan Porter, Jason Tam, Jessica Lee Goldyn and Chryssie Whitehead.[20] On April 15, 2008, Mario Lopez joined the cast as the replacement for Zach.[21] The production was the subject of the documentary film Every Little Step.", "Waltzing Matilda It has been suggested that these changes were from an even earlier version, and that Paterson was talked out of using this text, but the manuscript does not bear this out. In particular, the first line of the chorus was corrected before it had been finished, so the original version is incomplete.", "I Hope You Dance Two versions of Womack's recording were released. The original version features Sons of the Desert (who, like Womack, were signed to MCA at the time) singing a counterpoint chorus alongside Womack's main chorus, while a second version of the song released for pop radio omits the counterpoint chorus in favor of background vocals to accompany the main chorus. The song was also Sons of the Desert's first Top 40 country hit since \"Leaving October\" in 1998. The music video features Lee Ann Womack singing the song to her daughters.", "Grand Rapids, Michigan The Grand Rapids Barbershop Chapter Great Lakes Chorus is an all-male a cappella barbershop harmony chorus, including quartets. It is one of the oldest chapters in the Barbershop Harmony Society (formally known as the Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America, or SPEBSQSA). The Grand Rapids chapter organized on November 1, 1939, for quartet singers; it is credited for holding the first society-sanctioned quartet contest in the \"Michigan District\" (now Pioneer District) in March 1941. In 1944 the Grand Rapids Chapter is credited with having the first International Quartet champions, \"The Harmony Halls.\" In 1947 the Great Lakes Chorus (then called the Grand Rapids Chorus) was founded. In 1953 the first International Chorus Competition was held, and the Great Lakes Chorus took First Place, the first \"International Convention Championship Chorus,\" under the direction of Robert Weaver.[54] The chorus is still very active as a non-profit singing for community, competition, and contracted performances.", "Is There Anybody Out There? The first half of the piece has the same concept of \"Hey You\", being a distress call from Pink. Musically, it's a droning bass synthesizer with various sound effects layered on top, and a repeating chorus of \"Is there anybody out there?\". The shrill siren-like sound effect used during this song is also used in an earlier Pink Floyd work, \"Echoes\". The noise was originally used as a sort of whale call for the deep-water-based \"Echoes\", and is created by David Gilmour using a wah-wah pedal with the cables reversed.", "Leading actor A leading actor, leading actress, star, or simply lead, plays the role of the protagonist of a film or play.[1] The word lead may also refer to the largest role in the piece and leading actor may refer to a person who typically plays such parts or an actor with a respected body of work. Some actors are typecast as leads, but most play the lead in some performances and supporting or character roles in others.", "Filmfare Award for Best Actor The Filmfare Award for Best Actor is given by Filmfare as part of its annual Filmfare Awards for Hindi (Bollywood) films, to recognise a male actor who has delivered an outstanding performance in a leading role. The award was first given in 1954. As of 2016, Dilip Kumar and Shah Rukh Khan lead the list, with eight wins each.[1] In January 2017, Rishi Kapoor confessed that he had purchased the Filmfare Award for Best Actor (for Bobby) in 1974 for Rs.30,000.[2] Roshan Kumar", "Spain Actresses Sara Montiel and Penélope Cruz or actor Antonio Banderas are among those who have become Hollywood stars.", "Step by Step (TV series) The theme song and title sequence were dropped entirely for the sixth season, relegating the credits for the show's main cast and principal producers to appearing over each episode's cold open (which was preceded for the final two seasons by an abbreviated opening bumper featuring the family applauding as Lily blows out the candles on her birthday cake). The theme song was brought back for the seventh season, upon the show's move from ABC to CBS, although it was edited down to include only the chorus and the closing instrumental flourish (restoring the original longer symphonic instrumental heard in the original long version, and the edits used for the second and third seasons).", "Shout Out to My Ex Billboard ranked \"Shout Out to My Ex\" at number 58 on their \"100 Best Pop Songs of 2016\" list, acknowledging the song's \"power-chord-pumped unison chorus that demands to be sung at the top of one's lungs\".[4]", "Freddie Smith On January 9, 2011 it was reported that he had joined the cast of the CW series 90210, in a recurring role as Marco, a gay soccer player who will become involved with Teddy Montgomery (Trevor Donovan).[4][5] He appeared in 5 episodes of the third season including the season finale. On July 17, 2011 The CW announced that Freddie Smith, Marco, will not return in season 4 as Teddy's boyfriend, having broken up with him over the summer.[6] Besides 90210, he took up the role of Jackson \"Sonny\" Kiriakis in Days of Our Lives, the first openly gay contracted character in the hit daytime soap opera (Ryan Scott had previously played the non-contract, openly gay role of Harold Wentworth between 2000-2003).[7][8] In 2013, Freddie received his first Daytime Emmy Award nomination in the Outstanding Younger Actor category.[9] In 2015, Smith won a Daytime Emmy Award in the category of Outstanding Younger Actor. That same year, Smith announced his decision to depart Days of Our Lives; Smith returned for a guest stint in the months following his departure.[10][11] In April 2016, it was announced that Smith had re-joined the soap, and is scheduled to first appear in July.[12] In October 2017, the actor’s character took part in a double Salem wedding. When asked what the wedding meant for Sonny and Paul (Christopher Sean) Smith stated, \"I mean, it's huge for Paul. This is his very first wedding, his first and only … For Sonny, it's a huge step forward because it shows that he's officially able to move on from Will … It's a huge stepping stone in their relationship.\" [13]", "Inside the Actors Studio Since its premiere, Inside the Actors Studio has had over 200 guests, with Lipton himself being the 200th. The first episode's guest was Paul Newman (Alec Baldwin was the first guest, but his interview was broadcast after Newman's). The guests have included 74 Academy Award winners: eight directors; four screenwriters; 61 actors and actresses; and three composers. For its 200th show, Lipton became the guest subject of the show. He was questioned by Dave Chappelle, whom he picked personally. The show ended with the Pace University provost announcing that the college is sponsoring a scholarship in Chappelle's name to his high school alma mater. Based on the show, James Lipton published a book titled \"Inside Inside\" in 2007.[1] In September 2018, Lipton declared that he was stepping down from the program after 23 seasons. In 2019, the show will begin to be hosted by different celebrities.", "Step pyramid In the Fourth Dynasty of Egypt, the Egyptians began to build \"true pyramids\" with smooth sides. The earliest of these pyramids, located at Meidum, began as a step pyramid built for Sneferu. Sneferu later made other pyramids, the Bent Pyramid and Red Pyramid at Dahshur, which were the first true pyramids to be built as such from the beginning. With this innovation, the age of Egyptian stepped pyramids came to an end.", "Ed Hall (One Life to Live) The role was originated and played by actor Al Freeman Jr. from January 1972 until 1987, with a brief interruption in 1975. In the process, he earned a Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Series in 1979, becoming the first actor from the show as well as the first African American to earn the award.[1] Freeman later earned nominations in the category of Outstanding Supporting Actor in 1986[2] and 1987.[3] The actor briefly reprised the role in 1988 and 2000.[4]", "Who Let the Dogs Out? In the original music video, a parody of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? (then hosted by Regis Philbin) called presumably \"Who Wants to Be a Zillionaire\" is depicted at the start, where a contestant is given the zillion dollar question \"Who let the dogs out?\". The dogs in the video then escape from a police station. In other parts of the video, the dogs chase people around the same area in which the band is performing. One of them includes a mailman.", "Vanessa Williams Williams and her younger brother Chris (who would later become an actor) grew up in a predominantly white middle-class suburb of New York City.[3] Williams believes that she may have been the first African-American student to go from the first grade to the 12th grade in the Chappaqua Central School District.[6]", "Han shot first In a 2014 Reddit interview with fans, when asked who shot first, actor Harrison Ford's reply was simply, \"I don't know and I don't care.\"[13][14] However, Paul Blake, who played Greedo, said in a 2016 interview with the New York Daily News,", "Detroit: Become Human In late 2013, Cage was in preproduction on Detroit: Become Human, which he said would build upon his work on Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls.[66][67] Cage's script – between 2,000 and 3,000 pages[68] – was first relayed to the design team while programmers created the graphics as well as a new game engine with advancements in features like rendering, dynamic lighting, shading, bokeh, and physical cameras.[6][69][70] Quantic Dream improved their game engine's depth of field after Mark Cerny, lead architect of the PlayStation 4, came to evaluate it.[71] In October 2016, the screenplay was completed after more than two years.[72] Writer Adam Williams was hired to help finish and flesh out the story.[3] Cage used charts and diagrams to see where the choices would end up;[73] penning \"five or six thousand pages of notes\", he likened the story to a Rubik's Cube.[74] Two scenes were cancelled for how violence was portrayed.[75] The casting extended to Los Angeles, London, and Paris in search for more than 250 actors to portray 513 roles. The actors were scanned in 3D, whose models were then made into characters. Shooting and animation followed, and on 8 September 2017, the performance capture was finished after 324 days.[68][69][76][77] Detroit: Become Human was worked on by the 180 staff members at Quantic Dream and also outsourced to the Philippines, China, Vietnam, and India.[78] The game has 35,000 camera shots, 74,000 unique animations, and 5.1 million lines of code.[68]", "The Secret Garden (musical) (Throughout the show, these and other songs are sung by a chorus of ghosts, referred to in the libretto as \"dreamers,\" who serve as narrators and Greek chorus for the action.)", "Kirsten Dunst In 2007, Dunst stated that she had no plans to follow the steps of other actors who release albums, saying: \"Definitely not. No way. It worked when Barbra Streisand was doing it, but now it's a little cheesy, I think. It works better when singers are in movies.\"[9]" ]
when did the not in this lifetime tour start
[ "Not in This Lifetime... Tour While originally slated to commence in Las Vegas on April 8, 2016, a previously unannounced warmup gig at the Troubadour in Los Angeles took place on April 1, 2016.[52] Rumors of the secret show had started the night before,[53] and fans were starting to gather outside the old Tower Records building at Sunset Boulevard in West Hollywood. Rumblings that a ticket sale for the show would take place there started a line of people that grew during the night and into the early morning of April 1.[54] Then, during the morning, the announcement came that the rumors were true and tickets for the club show would go on sale at 12 pm at the Tower Records building. They charged a $10 \"retro\" ticket price for the show.[55] Later in the evening, as the band took the stage at the Troubadour, it was revealed that Melissa Reese, who has previously worked with former drummer Bryan \"Brain\" Mantia on several projects, had replaced longtime second keyboardist Chris Pitman for the tour.[56] During the show at the Troubadour, Rose fell and broke his foot.[57] For the following concerts, Rose was given Dave Grohl's customized throne that Grohl used to perform when he broke his leg at a concert.[58]" ]
[ "Not in This Lifetime... Tour The full tour announcement came on April 1, 2016, when the band announced 20 cities as part of a North American leg of the tour dubbed \"Not in This Lifetime...\".[35] The tour's name is a reference to a 2012 interview in which Rose, when asked about when a potential reunion would happen, responded \"not in this lifetime.\"[35] The reunion was billed as a \"regrouping\" by the band instead of a full reunion, since Slash and McKagan were filling empty spots in the existing band lineup.[36] Additional dates in Chicago, New England, New York, and Los Angeles were announced on April 25 due to shows selling out.[37] On May 18, Alice In Chains and Lenny Kravitz were announced as openers for select shows of the tour.[38][39][40] Two weeks before the tour began, The Cult, Chris Stapleton, Billy Talent, and Skrillex were announced as additional openers for select shows.[41] On June 30, Wolfmother and Tyler Bryant & The Shakedown were announced for several shows.[42] Zakk Wylde was added as an additional opener to the band's show of August 15 in Glendale, Arizona.[43]", "Not in This Lifetime... Tour As this was a semi-reunion of the \"classic line-up\" of Guns N' Roses, many were curious about which songs they would play at the concerts.[131] Mainly if they would add songs from the Use Your Illusion albums to their setlist, and if they would continue to play songs from their latest release, the 2008 album Chinese Democracy – which Slash and McKagan were not a part of creating or recording.[132][133] McKagan had previously performed songs from Chinese Democracy with Guns N' Roses in 2014, when he stepped in as a substitute for Tommy Stinson while he was busy playing shows with The Replacements.[5] After the first show – the surprise performance at the Troubadour – some questions were answered. They did bring back \"Double Talkin’ Jive\" from Use Your Illusion I, while they also played tracks from Chinese Democracy, \"Chinese Democracy\" and \"Better\".[134] This development continued at the first arena-sized show at T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas where they further extended the setlist with songs like \"Coma\" and \"This I Love\", where the former had not been performed by the band since 1993.[135] \"The Godfather theme\", which used to be a staple Slash solo number during past tours, was also brought back into the set. A few shows into the first leg, during the second show in Mexico City, they debuted \"There Was a Time\", another song from the Chinese Democracy album. \"Sorry\" and \"Catcher in the Rye\" were later debuted during shows in July.[136][137] It is also notable that Slash had altered some guitar parts of the songs from this album.[138][139]", "Not in This Lifetime... Tour Furthermore, on August 22, 2015, Slash stated to the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet, that Axl and he had spoken recently. This was considered a big news story because it was almost common knowledge that the two of them had not spoken together ever since he left the band in 1996. When asked about the re-connection with Rose, Slash commented \"It was probably way overdue\".[12] Rumors of a reunited Guns N' Roses started to pick up more and more during the fall of 2015.[13][14] More reports came in claiming to have a confirmation that a reunion would happen, but no official statement was made during this period. One of the questions on people’s minds was if this was going to be a full reunion of the \"classic line-up\" or if it would be just one or two people from that line-up returning to the band. Steven Adler (the drummer from Guns N' Roses’ \"classic line-up\") admitted during a radio interview with Eddie Trunk that he had not heard anything from Guns N' Roses about a reunion.[15] Classic-era member Izzy Stradlin later confirmed to Rolling Stone that he will have no involvement with the new lineup.[16] Former drummer Matt Sorum stated he was not asked to be part of the reunion,[17] while departed guitarist Ashba claimed he was asked by Rose to be a part of the lineup but had turned it down, citing his commitment to Sixx:A.M.[18] Stradlin explained his absence on the tour stating \"they didn't want to split the loot equally\".[19] Ultimately, long-time Chinese Democracy-era Members Richard Fortus and Frank Ferrer remained with the band to fill the rhythm guitarist and drummer slots respectively.[20]", "Not in This Lifetime... Tour Former Skid Row singer Sebastian Bach joined the band on stage during the second of the two Las Vegas shows in April 2016, sharing the lead vocals with Rose on the song \"My Michelle\". Bach has guested on the same song in a similar fashion on many previous Guns N' Roses tours, but this was the first time performing it alongside the returned Slash and McKagan.[63] Rose Tattoo singer Angry Anderson joined the band onstage to help them cover the Rose Tattoo song \"Nice Boys\" at their concert in Australia in February 2017.[64][65]", "Riverport Riot The band did not play in the city again until July 27, 2017 as part of the Not in This Lifetime... Tour.[4]", "1973 Tour de France The Italian teams did not join the 1973 Tour de France, because no top French cyclist rode the 1973 Giro d'Italia.[1] The Tour started with 12 teams, each with 11 cyclists.[2]", "Not in This Lifetime... Tour A concert held at the Apollo Theater in New York City on July 20, 2017 was broadcast live in its entirety on SiriusXM satellite radio.[96] The concert was an invite-only event where subscribers to the satellite radio service were eligible to win tickets.[97]", "Not in This Lifetime... Tour A couple of Jams were played before songs like Patience, Don't Cry, Knocking on Heavens Door and Nightrain.", "Object lifetime For objects with automatic memory allocation or dynamic memory allocation, object creation generally happens deterministically, either explicitly when an object is explicitly created (such as via new in C++ or Java), or implicitly at the start of variable lifetime, particularly when the scope of an automatic variable is entered, such as at declaration.[b] Object destruction varies, however – in some languages, notably C++, automatic and dynamic objects are destroyed at deterministic times, such as scope exit, explicit destruction (via manual memory management), or reference count reaching zero; while in other languages, such as C#, Java, and Python, these objects are destroyed at non-deterministic times, depending on the garbage collector, and object resurrection may occur during destruction, extending the lifetime.", "Once in a Lifetime (Talking Heads song) An early version of \"Once in a Lifetime\", \"Right Start\", was released on the 2006 Remain in Light reissue.[8]", "Object lifetime A major distinction is whether an object's lifetime is deterministic or non-deterministic. This varies by language, and within language varies with the memory allocation of an object; object lifetime may be distinct from variable lifetime.", "Hinder The band went on tour in support of the new album starting in March 2015, they did a Summer tour throughout the U.S. with Full Devil Jacket and AGES APART supporting them.", "PGA Tour Due to increases in prize funds over the years, this list consists entirely of current players. Two players on the list, Vijay Singh and Davis Love III, are eligible for PGA Tour Champions (having respectively turned 50 in February 2013 and April 2014). Both have lifetime exemptions on the PGA Tour for 20 wins and 15 years on the Tour, and Love has won a tournament on the main PGA Tour since turning 50. The figures are not the players' complete career prize money as they do not include FedEx Cup bonuses, winnings from unofficial money events, or earnings on other tours such as the European Tour. In addition, elite golfers often earn several times as much from endorsements and golf-related business interests as they do from prize money.", "Diversity (dance troupe) Diversity did their third tour called Limitless from 30 November to 16 December.[54] They performed one of the performances from the tour on Got to Dance at the start of the year.[55]", "1985 Tour de France In June 1985, 21 teams had requested to start in the 1985 Tour.[1] Three Italian teams, (Gis, Alpilatte and Malvor) withdrew, so the 1985 Tour started with 18 teams. Each team had 10 cyclists, so the 1985 Tour started with 180 cyclists.[2]", "George Orwell In 2014 a play written by playwright Joe Sutton titled Orwell in America was first performed by the Northern Stage theatre company in White River Junction, Vermont. It is a fictitious account of Orwell doing a book tour in America (something he never did in his lifetime). It moved to Off-Broadway in 2016.[133]", "Tour de France The following editions of the Tour started, or are planned to start, outside France:[114]", "2018 Ryder Cup Paul Casey became a member of the European Tour at the start of 2018. Since he was not a member during 2017 he did not earn points until the start of 2018.[11]", "1903 Tour de France The race was invented to boost the circulation of L'Auto, after its circulation started to plummet from competition with the long-standing Le Vélo. Originally scheduled to start in June, the race was postponed one month, and the prize money was increased, after a disappointing level of applications from competitors. The 1903 Tour de France was the first stage road race, and compared to modern Grand Tours, it had relatively few stages, but each was much longer than those raced today. The cyclists did not have to compete in all six stages, although this was necessary to qualify for the general classification.", "÷ Tour The รท Tour (pronounced \"divide tour\")[1] is the third world concert tour by English singer-songwriter, Ed Sheeran, in support of his third studio album, รท (pronounced \"divide\"). It officially began on March 16, 2017, in Turin, Italy. Ticket sales started on February 2, 2017.[2][3][4]", "Mania Tour The Mania Tour (stylized as M A  N   I    A Tour)[1] is a headlining concert tour by Fall Out Boy, in support of the group's seventh studio album Mania (2018). The tour started with a special intimate show in Chicago on September 16, 2017, and will conclude in New Orleans on October 10, 2018.", "List of World Series starting pitchers Decisions listed indicate lifetime World Series W/L records as a starting pitcher; a pitcher's wins and losses in World Series relief appearances are not included here.", "Malaysian Open (golf) The Maybank Malaysian Open was a men's professional golf tournament. The tournament ran on the European and Asian Tours. Since its inauguration in 1962, there has never been a Malaysian winner. The tournament started in 1962 as an Asian Tour event but it did not join the European Tour until 1999.", "Lifetime (TV network) Lifetime was established on February 1, 1984 as the result of a merger of Hearst/ABC's Daytime and Viacom's Lifetime Medical Television.[4][5] A board for the new network was formed with equal representation from Hearst, ABC and Viacom, and the board elected Thomas Burchill as the new network's first CEO.[7] It was not an initial success, reportedly losing $36 million in its first two years of operation, and did not become profitable until 1986.[8] The channel suffered from low viewership, with a poll reportedly finding that some TV viewers erroneously believed it carried religious content.[8]", "When Did You Start to Stop Seeing Things? Jeff is hired by a company based in Metropolis House to find out who is leaking information for use on the stock market. Unfortunately matters are complicated when a financial adviser named Charles Tully is murdered in a car park late at night and Randall is implicated. Jeff then goes on to arrange traps for the personnel director Holly and managing director Hepple, executing them both.", "The Beatles When the above albums were reissued on CD in 1988, the American Magical Mystery Tour album (1967) and the double-CD compilation set Past Masters were included so that the full set would contain every track commercially released in the band's lifetime.", "Lifetime (TV network) On February 2, 2017, Lifetime unveiled another new logo, this being a red circle with the wordmark LIFETIME in white in the center.", "Australian cyclists at the Tour de France Australian cyclists that have competed in five or more Tours de France as of the start of the 2018 Tour.[12]", "Tour of Britain The sixth edition, the 2009 Tour of Britain, was also raced over eight days, 12–19 September. The race started in Scunthorpe and finished in London. The Prostate Cancer Charity became the official charity partner of the Tour.[18]", "PGA Tour Winning a PGA Tour event provides a tour card for a minimum of two years, with an extra year added for each additional win with a maximum of five years. Winning a World Golf Championships event, The Tour Championship, the Arnold Palmer Invitational, or the Memorial Tournament provides a three-year exemption. Winners of the major championships and The Players Championship earn a five-year exemption. Other types of exemptions include lifetime exemptions for players with twenty wins on the tour; one-time, one year exemptions for players in the top fifty on the career money earnings list who are not otherwise exempt; two-time, one year exemptions for players in the top twenty-five on the career money list; and medical exemptions for players who have been injured or are going through a family crisis, which give them an opportunity to regain their tour card after a period out of the tour. In 2015, the PGA Tour added a clause which would freeze an exemption for those required to perform military service in their native countries in response to South Korea's Bae Sang-moon having to leave the Tour for that reason. At the end of the season, the person leading the FedEx Cup earns a five-year exemption.", "Purpose World Tour The Purpose World Tour is the third worldwide tour by Canadian singer Justin Bieber. It was in support of his fourth studio album Purpose (2015).[2][3] The tour started on March 9, 2016 in Seattle and ended on July 2, 2017 in London, England.", "Lifetime (TV network) On July 2, 2015 it was announced Lifetime had launched a streaming service titled Lifetime Movie Club. The service is $3.99 per month, the service features 30 films which rotate weekly. The service will also feature no commercials, and it is available through Lifetime's website and through the App Store.[32]", "PGA Tour Most members of the tour play between 20 and 30 tournaments in the season. The geography of the tour is determined by the weather. It starts in Hawaii in January and spends most of its first two months in California and Arizona during what is known as the \"West Coast Swing\" and then moves to the American Southeast for the \"Southern Swing.\" Each swing culminates in a significant tour event. In April, tour events begin to drift north. The summer months are spent mainly in the Northeast and the Midwest, and in the fall (autumn) the tour heads south again.", "2018 Tour de France Defending champion Chris Froome (Team Sky) had generally been considered the main favourite for the general classification.[13] He had won four out of the last five editions, and was also the current defending champion at both other Grand Tours, the Vuelta a España and the Giro d'Italia. However, Froome's participation was cast into doubt when he returned a urine sample at the 2017 Vuelta a España, which contained twice the allowed amount of the asthma drug salbutamol. This was considered not as a positive doping result, but as an \"Adverse Analytical Finding\" (AAF), meaning that he was allowed to continue racing until the case was resolved. He did however face the possibility of losing his Vuelta victory and all subsequent results.[14] The ASO were unhappy with the situation, which was very similar to that of Alberto Contador, who started the 2011 Tour with his case over a positive test for clenbuterol still unresolved.[15] The UCI conducted an investigation into the AAF, which was still unresolved at the time that Froome won the 2018 Giro d'Italia. With an outcome before the start of the Tour unlikely, the ASO attempted to bar Froome from starting the race, citing article 28 of the race's rules, saying that the organiser \"expressly reserves the right to refuse participation in—or to exclude from—the event, a team or any of its members whose presence would be such as to damage the image or reputation of ASO or the event\".[16] Froome was cleared by the UCI on 2 July 2018, with a press statement reading that the authorities had found sufficient evidence \"that Mr Froome’s sample results do not constitute an AAF\".[17] He was thereafter cleared to start the Tour by the ASO as well.[18]", "Slippery When Wet Tour \"I remember reading about how The Beatles stopped playing live, because everyone just screamed though all the shows\", noted Jon Bon Jovi. \"Musicianship and song quality meant so little to the fans that the band just felt undervalued. You know what? I understand what they mean. It got so bad when we toured for Slippery When Wet that there were times I was freaking out… We indulged in everything that was on offer. But it wasn't real, and what I wanted above all else was to be given credit for the work I put into the songs and into the recording… The problem was that I didn't notice how the image overtook what we were about.\"[1]", "When Did You Stop Loving Me, When Did I Stop Loving You \"When Did You Stop Loving Me, When Did I Stop Loving You\" is a 1978 song recorded by singer Marvin Gaye for his Here, My Dear album, following his 1976 divorce when he was ordered to give half the takings of his next album to ex-wife Anna Gaye.[1] In the album, he \"poured his emotions into songs agonisingly documenting their relationship's rise and fall.\"[1]", "Adventure of a Lifetime \"Adventure of a Lifetime\" is a song by British rock band Coldplay. It was released on 6 November 2015 as the lead single from their seventh studio album, A Head Full of Dreams (2015).[4][5]", "Tour Championship 2007 was also the inaugural year for the Tour's Fall Series, which determined the rest of the top 125 players eligible for the following year's FedEx Cup, which made the event no longer the final tournament of the season. However, starting in 2013, the Tour Championship was the end of the PGA Tour season; seasons will now begin in October of the previous calendar year.[1] Since 2007, those who qualified for the Tour Championship earned a Masters Tournament invitation.", "Islamic architecture According to one set of views, Islam started during the lifetime of Muhammad in the 7th century CE,[6] and so did architectural components such as the mosque. In this case, either the Mosque of the Companions in the Eritrean city of Massawa,[7] or Quba Mosque in Medina, would be the first mosque that was built in the history of Islam.[8]", "PGA Tour Finally, two events held in Asia after the end of the PGA Tour's current regular season—the CIMB Classic in Malaysia, and the HSBC Champions, a World Golf Championships event held in China—will become full PGA Tour events, with official prize money, for the first time. Before 2013, neither event had full PGA Tour status despite being sanctioned by the Tour. Wins in the CIMB Classic were not classified as official PGA Tour wins, and HSBC Champions victories were official wins only for current PGA Tour members. Money earned in these events did not count as official PGA Tour earnings for any purpose.", "Tumbling Dice The Rolling Stones performed \"Tumbling Dice\" live for the first time on 3 June 1972 at the Pacific Coliseum in Vancouver, British Columbia, at the start of their 1972 North American Tour. Since then, only seven regular tour concerts and a handful of benefit shows have not included \"Tumbling Dice\". From 29 April to 3 May 1976, during the European tour 1976, the Stones did not feature the song in the setlist. The first two nights of the 1999 No Security Tour did not feature \"Tumbling Dice\" making them the first regular tour concerts in 23 years not to feature \"Tumbling Dice\".[32][33]", "Web.com Tour Also, starting in 2013, the PGA Tour's qualifying school grants playing rights only for the Web.com Tour.[13][14] The medalist is fully exempt on the Web.com Tour for the entire season. Those finishing in the top ten plus ties are exempt through the third reshuffle, or thirteen events. Players finishing 11th-45th are exempt through the second reshuffle after nine events and all remaining golfers have conditional status. One can also earn direct access to the Web.com Tour through a top-five finish on the Order of Merit on PGA Tour Canada, PGA Tour Latinoamérica, or PGA Tour China. The money leader from each of those tours is fully exempt and those 2nd-5th are conditionally exempt.", "Magical Mystery Tour (song) \"Magical Mystery Tour\" is credited to Lennon–McCartney, though written primarily by Paul McCartney. McCartney said it was co-written.[2] John Lennon said, \"Paul's song. Maybe I did part of it, but it was his concept.\"[3] In 1972, Lennon said, \"Paul wrote it. I helped with some of the lyric.\"[4] The remaining lyrics explain in a general way the premise of the film: a mystery tour of the type that was popular in Britain when the Beatles were young. Lennon and McCartney expanded the tour to make it magical, which allowed it to be \"a little more surreal than the real ones.\"[2]", "Scope (computer science) Most of the commonly used programming languages offer a way to create a local variable in a function or subroutine: a variable whose scope ends (that goes out of context) when the function returns. In most cases the lifetime of the variable is the duration of the function call – it is an automatic variable, created when the function starts (or the variable is declared), destroyed when the function returns – while the scope of the variable is within the function, though the meaning of \"within\" depends on whether scoping is lexical or dynamic. However, some languages, such as C, also provide for static local variables, where the lifetime of the variable is the entire lifetime of the program, but the variable is only in context when inside the function. In the case of static local variables, the variable is created when the program initializes, and destroyed only when the program terminates, as with a static global variable, but is only in context within a function, like an automatic local variable.", "Summer Hits Tour 2018 The Summer Hits Tour 2018[1] is the fifth concert tour by British girl group Little Mix. The tour was announced on 27 November 2017, with the ticket sale starting on 30 November.[2] This is the group's first stadium tour.\nIt was announced that X Factor winners Rak-Su and Germein would support the group during the leg.[3][4]", "Lifetime (TV network) A+E Networks UK launched a version of Lifetime for the UK and Ireland in November 2013.[26] The shows announced to be airing on the channel are The Client List, Damages the Lifetime U.S. original movie, Liz & Dick, and an original series called The Proposers.[27]", "Lifetime (TV network) Meanwhile, the channel's original programming was aimed not just at women aged 24–44, but these women's spouses, who research showed watched the network in the evenings with their wives. This was done by making the male characters in Lifetime's original programming – such as the film series Spencer for Hire – more appealing to men by making them more masculine. These roles were more stereotypical than previous Lifetime movies, which usually featured women protagonists on their own. This helped Lifetime take advantage of a known bias in the Nielsen ranking system that favored \"upscale\" couples who shared a television set. By January 1995, Lifetime was the sixth most-highly rated cable network by Nielsen.[7]", "PGA Tour The PGA Tour also conducts an annual Qualifying Tournament, known colloquially as \"Q-School\" and held over six rounds each fall. Before 2013, the official name of the tournament was the PGA Tour Qualifying Tournament; it is now officially the Web.com Tour Qualifying Tournament. Through the 2012 edition, the top-25 finishers, including ties, received privileges to play on the following year's PGA Tour. Remaining finishers in the top 75, plus ties, received full privileges on the Web.com Tour. Since 2013, all competitors who made the final phase of Q-School earned status on the Web.com Tour at the start of the following season, with high finishers receiving additional rights as follows:[29]", "The Players Championship Former President George H. W. Bush shakes hands with Rear Adm. Joseph Kernan and then received the Professional Golfers Association Tour Lifetime Achievement Award.", "PGA Tour The PGA Tour places a strong emphasis on charity fundraising, usually on behalf of local charities in cities where events are staged. With the exception of a few older events, PGA Tour rules require all Tour events to be non-profit; the Tour itself is also a non-profit company. In 2005, it started a campaign to push its all-time fundraising tally past one billion dollars (\"Drive to a Billion\"), and it reached that mark one week before the end of the season. However, monies raised for charities derive from the tournaments' positive revenues (if any), and not any actual monetary donation from the PGA Tour, whose purse monies and expenses are guaranteed. The number of charities which receive benefits from PGA Tour, Champions Tour and Nationwide Tour events is estimated at over 2,000. In 2009, the total raised for charity was some $108 million.[31]", "Man of the Woods Tour The tour was first announced in January 2018, and due to demand additional dates were released soon after. On February 5, 2018, the day following Timberlake's Super Bowl LII halftime show, Timberlake announced European tour dates, as well as second and third North American tour dates. Timberlake will tour Europe after the first North American leg, then will tour North America again starting in the fall. The third North American leg will begin in January 2019.[1][2][3][4]", "When Did You Start to Stop Seeing Things? The episode was released on VHS and several times on DVD with differing special features. A Blu-ray edition of this episode has been released by Network along with several significant episodes of several TV series of the 1970 era under the title Retro-Action 1 - The cool age of TV in High Definition.", "The Grand Tour At the start of 2018 high-speed Eurostar train services between Paris or Brussels and London began to feature The Grand Tour as part of the available on board entertainment package.[133]", "PGA European Tour When Continental Europe produced its first global golf stars in the 1970s, such as Seve Ballesteros, and especially when Europe began to notch wins over the United States in the Ryder Cup in the mid 1980s, there was widespread optimism about the future standing of the European Tour relative to the PGA Tour. This has ebbed away as several major European countries, such as Germany and Italy, have not produced high-ranked golfers on a regular basis as was formerly anticipated. Nonetheless, the number of European countries which have produced winners on the European Tour has increased steadily, with notable golfing depth developing in the Scandinavian countries. The latter point is illustrated by developments in 2008 and 2009. Not only did the 2008 end-of-year world top 10 feature two Swedes (Karlsson and Stenson), but five other Swedes won events on either the PGA Tour or European Tour in 2008; Karlsson and Stenson were joined by the Dane Søren Hansen on Team Europe at the 2008 Ryder Cup; and the season-ending Volvo Masters was won in 2008 by Hansen's countryman Søren Kjeldsen. In 2009, Karlsson dropped out of the top 10 and Stenson remained. Nine Scandinavians won events on either the European or PGA Tour in 2009; four of them—Dane Jeppe Huldahl and Swedes Oskar Henningsson, Christian Nilsson, and Alexander Norén—were first-time European Tour winners.", "IPv6 address Each IPv6 address that is bound to an interface has a fixed lifetime. Lifetimes are infinite, unless configured to a shorter period. There are two lifetimes that govern the state of an address: the preferred lifetime and the valid lifetime.[38] Lifetimes can be configured in routers that provide the values used for autoconfiguration, or specified when manually configuring addresses on interfaces.", "Fly on the Wall Tour The tour was split into two legs, an American leg starting on 2 September 1985 in Binghamton, New York and a European leg ending on 16 February 1986 in Copenhagen, Denmark. The tour was marked by protests from some groups who claimed AC/DC's music was connected to the Night Stalker murders.[1] Yngwie Malmsteen's Rising Force was the opening act on this tour.", "TPC at Sawgrass Former President George H. W. Bush shakes hands with Rear Adm. Joseph Kernan and then received the Professional Golfers Association Tour Lifetime Achievement Award in 2009.", "Commit This to Memory The band embarked on a tour celebrating the tenth anniversary of the album between January and February 2015, playing the album in its entirety.[34] \"It doesn't feel like ten years ago, but then it also feels like a lifetime ago,\" said Pierre.[17] The group later extended this anniversary tour, and further toured the album between June and August 2015.[38]", "Phish tours When Trey Anastasio went on tour in 2002, he used the Musictoday service again. However, unlike the 2001 tour, the final processing process took place at Musictoday's home base in Charlottesville, Virginia. Later that year, when Phish announced their return tour, PTBM used that service as well. All ticket presales for Phish and side projects, from that point on, used Musictoday's online service.", "Tour de France No teams from Italy, Germany, or Spain rode in 1939 because of tensions preceding the Second World War (after German assistance to the Nationalists in the Spanish Civil War it was widely expected Spain would join Germany in a European war, though this did not come to pass). Henri Desgrange planned a Tour for 1940, after war had started but before France had been invaded. The route, approved by military authorities, included a route along the Maginot Line.[109] Teams would have been drawn from military units in France, including the British, who would have been organised by a journalist, Bill Mills.[109] Then the Germans invaded and the race was not held again until 1947 (see Tour de France during the Second World War). The first German team after the war was in 1960, although individual Germans had ridden in mixed teams. The Tour has since started in Germany four times: in Cologne in 1965, in Frankfurt in 1980, in West Berlin on the city's 750th anniversary in 1987, and in Düsseldorf in 2017. Plans to enter East Germany in 1987 were abandoned.", "Object lifetime While the basic idea of object lifetime is simple – an object is created, used, then destroyed – details vary substantially between languages, and within implementations of a given language, and is intimately tied to how memory management is implemented. Further, many fine distinctions are drawn between the steps, and between language-level concepts and implementation-level concepts. Terminology is relatively standard, but which steps correspond to a given term varies significantly between languages.", "The Monster Ball Tour The show revolved around themes of evolution, as well as her paranoias represented on The Fame Monster. While developing the tour Gaga spoke about original sin and demons inside human beings;[13] \"So we talked about growth, and that led us into this kind of scientific space, and we started talking about evolution and the evolution of humanity and how we begin as one thing, and we become another.\"[9] This theme of monsters and evolution played a part in the fashion for the tour, which according to Gaga was \"another level from where we were with the Fame Ball. [...] It's going to be a truly artistic experience that is going to take the form of the greatest post-apocalyptic house party that you've ever been to.\" Although Gaga stated that she was inspired by the things she and West were doing with the Fame Kills tour, she concluded that she did not want to use any of the things that they had designed together. Later, she said that Fame Kills was \"the great lost tour\", but confirmed that some of the elements of it were incorporated into The Monster Ball.[9]", "World Golf Hall of Fame Starting in 2014, members are inducted into the Hall of Fame in one of four categories: Male Competitor, Female Competitor, Veterans, and Lifetime Achievement categories. Elections are held every other year with induction ceremonies in odd number years beginning in 2015. The process has changed from that used from 1996 to 2013. The minimum qualifications for male and female competitors are: minimum of 40 years old, or five years removed from \"active competition\" and 15 or more wins on \"approved tours\" or two \"major wins\". The veterans category is primarily for those golfers whose careers ended before 1980 and includes both amateurs and professionals. The lifetime achievement category remains from the old system.[6]", "Lifetime (TV network) In 1996, TCI, one of the United States' largest cable providers, announced that it would no longer carry Lifetime in certain markets to make room for the soon-to-be-launched Fox News Channel, in which TCI held a financial stake.[9] According to Lifetime executives, the network stood to lose up to one million subscribers due to TCI's move.[9] However, Lifetime published advertisements in some of the markets that would be affected – including Eugene, Oregon and Newport, Rhode Island – informing customers that TCI was removing the only network that was made for women.[7] After TCI customers called the company to complain, TCI cut back the number of homes that would lose Lifetime to approximately 300,000. Still, women's groups and politicians rallied behind Lifetime.[9] Colorado representative Patricia Schroeder called TCI's decision a \"power play\" between TCI chief executive John Malone and Fox executive Rupert Murdoch, and said, \"Women kind of feel like they're being rolled over so that the guys who run these companies can make more money.\"[9]", "PGA Tour The Tour continues through the fall, with the focus on the scramble of the less successful players to earn enough money to retain their tour cards. A circuit known as the Fall Series, originally with seven tournaments but now with four, was introduced in 2007. In its inaugural year, its events were held in seven consecutive weeks, starting the week after the Tour Championship. As was the case for the FedEx Cup playoff schedule, the Fall Series schedule was also tweaked in 2008 and 2009. The first 2008 Fall Series event was held opposite the Ryder Cup, and the Fall Series took a week off for the Tour Championship before continuing with its remaining six events.", "PGA European Tour The finances of the European Tour are heavily dependent on the Ryder Cup. Days before the start of the 2014 Ryder Cup, American golf journalist Bob Harig noted,", "On the Run Tour (Beyoncé and Jay-Z) Rumours of a co-headlining stadium tour from Beyoncé and Jay-Z first circulated on April 15, 2014, when Page Six reported that a source had revealed the \"power couple\" would be partaking in a 20 stadium US tour starting in late June and that a performance in New York could take place on July 4.[10] Confirmation of the rumours started to arise when it was reported that the Pasadena City Council were holding a meeting to decide whether to approve the couples' proposed concert on August 2, 2014 at the Rose Bowl. The vote on the matter took place because the Rose Bowl – nestled within an affluent, residential neighbourhood – has a limited number of events permitted per year of twelve, which can only be extended if approved by the city council. The concert was ultimately reported to be the eighteenth approved event of 2014 for the Rose Bowl.[11]", "Bicycle touring The bicycle gained from the outdoor movement of the 1930s. The Cyclists' Touring Club advertised a week's all-in tour, staying at hotels recommended by cyclists, for £3 10s. The youth hostel movement started in Germany and spread abroad, and a cycling holiday staying at hostels in the 1930s could be had for £2. Roderick Watson and Martin Gray estimate there were ten million bicycles in Britain to one million cars.", "When I Start To (Break It All Down) An official YouTube short film featured the duo speaking of the album. In this film, it was stated that the original leading single from the album was to be \"You've Got to Save Me Right Now\" until \"When I Start To (Break It All Down)\" replaced it at short notice. Bell stated \"Usually we don't choose the singles, you kind of have an instinctive feeling sometimes. In this instance, \"When I Start To (Break It All Down)\" took over from \"Save Me\" because we thought the song had gone in the direction that sounded really good.\"[7]", "Lifetime (TV network) A+E Networks launched a version of Lifetime for Israel on 14 September 2014, replaced The Biography Channel.[28]", "The Rolling Stones 1994 also brought the accompanying Voodoo Lounge Tour, which lasted into the following year. The tour grossed $320 million, becoming the world's highest-grossing tour at the time.[219] Numbers from various concerts and rehearsals (mostly acoustic) made up Stripped (UK 9; US 9), which featured a cover of Bob Dylan's \"Like a Rolling Stone\", as well as infrequently played songs like \"Shine a Light\", \"Sweet Virginia\" and \"The Spider and the Fly\".[220] On 8 September 1994, the Stones performed their new song \"Love Is Strong\" as well as \"Start Me Up\" at the 1994 MTV Video Music Awards at Radio City Music Hall in New York.[221] The band received the Lifetime Achievement Award at the ceremony.[221]", "Long Day's Journey into Night O'Neill finished revising the manuscript into its final version in March 1941.[1] He did not want it ever produced as a play, and did not even want it published during his lifetime, writing to his friend, the critic George Jean Nathan: \"There are good reasons in the play itself... why I'm keeping this one very much to myself, as you will appreciate when you read it.\"[1]", "Lifetime (TV network) In May 2012, Lifetime unveiled a new logo and branding campaign.[13] The new slogan, \"Your Life. Your Time.\", \"reflects how women value and experience time.\"[14] The logo was the 11th in twenty years.[15] In July 2012, NBC Universal, now owned by Comcast, exercised an option to sell its stake in A&E Networks, putting Lifetime back under the ownership of Disney and Hearst.[16]", "1954 Tour de France The 1954 Tour de France was the first time that the Tour had started outside France, as it started in Amsterdam.[5] Also new was the team time trial. Although around 1930 the Tour had seen stages in which the teams started separately, in 1954 the team time trial format was reintroduced in a way that only the team time counted. Also the split stages were reintroduced. Stage 4 was divided into two parts: the team time trial of 10.4 km (part A), and a regular stage of 131 km (part B), both run on the same day. Similarly, stage 21 was divided into a regular stage of 134 km (part A) and an individual time trial of 72 km (part B), also both run on the same day. There were two rest days, in Bordeaux and Lyon.[5]", "Doping at the Tour de France The 2007 Tour de France was dogged by controversies from the start. On 18 July, two German television companies pulled out of coverage[51] after T-Mobile's German rider, Patrik Sinkewitz, tested positive for testosterone on 8 June at a pre-Tour training camp.", "Here We Go Again Tour On September 7, 2018, it was announced that Cher will take the Here We Go Again Tour to North America for 30 dates. The second leg of the tour is set to start on January 17, 2019 in Florida and will end on May 18, 2019, in Minnesota.[10]", "The Rolling Stones American Tour 1981 The 1981 Tour was the largest grossing tour of not only 1981, but for several years to come. The tour grossed $50 million in ticket sales when the average ticket price was $16. Roughly three million concert goers attended the concerts. The Stones set many ticket sales records that remain to this day unbroken. The ticket sales for Philadelphia's JFK Stadium shows received nearly 4 million request via post cards for tickets (a ticket selling method used at the time to prevent scalping); requests for the five arena shows in the New York metropolitan area were in the millions.[2] The New York Times stated that, \"The tour is expected to be the most profitable in the history of rock & roll; its sheer size has been staggering...ticket requests for these shows ran into the millions...\"[2] The tour indeed did turn out to be profitable: the Stones were estimated to have reaped about $22 million after expenses.[10]", "The Carpenters The Carpenters did not record a new album in 1974. They had been touring extensively and were exhausted; Richard later said, \"there was simply no time to make one. Nor was I in the mood.\"[97] Tensions had erupted in the family unit; Richard had started dating the group's hairdresser but neither Agnes or Karen took kindly to her and she ultimately ended the relationship and quit the band's services. Agnes had always considered Richard to be her favorite child, which did not sit well with Karen.[98] The duo ultimately moved out of their parents' house, at first the siblings shared a home.[99][100] In May, the Carpenters undertook their first tour of Japan, playing to 85,000 fans. They later likened the scenes when they first touched down at Tokyo Airport to Beatlemania.[101]", "Tour de France The most appearances have been by Sylvain Chavanel, who rode his 18th and final Tour in 2018. Prior to Chavenel's final Tour, he shared the record with George Hincapie with 17. In light of Hincapie's suspension for use of performance-enhancing drugs, before which he held the mark for most consecutive finishes with sixteen, having completed all but his very first, Joop Zoetemelk and Chavanel share the record for the most finishes at 16, with Zoetemelk having completed all 16 of the Tours that he started. Of these 16 Tours Zoetemelk came in the top five 11 times, a record, finished second 6 times, a record, and won the 1980 Tour de France.", "Did It On'em Minaj has performed the song on both her debut concert tour, the Pink Friday Tour, and her Pink Friday: Reloaded Tour.", "1951 Tour de France The 1951 Tour de France was the 38th edition of the Tour de France, taking place from 4 July to 29 July. It consisted of 24 stages over 4,690 km (2,914 mi). The race started outside Île-de-France for the first time since 1926; a change that was to remain permanent.", "Push start Push starting, also known as bump starting, clutch starting, popping the clutch or crash starting, is a method of starting a motor vehicle with an internal combustion engine by engaging the manual transmission while the vehicle is in motion.[1] The technique is most commonly employed when other starting methods (automobile self starter, kick start, jump start etc.) are unavailable.[2]", "÷ Tour The morning of 26 January 2017, through Sheeran social networks, the dates of the tour for Europe were announced. Hours later through the same networks were announced the dates for Latin America. Tickets for the tour sold out quickly, prompting new dates to be added in London, Turin and Santiago. On 13 February 2017 it was announced that he would be part of the line up for a week of gigs at the Royal Albert Hall in aid of the Teenage Cancer Trust taking place on the 28 March 2017.[5] On 22 February 2017, Sheeran announced through his social networks that Anne-Marie and Ryan McMullan would be the opening acts for the UK and European dates.[6] On 8 March 2017, Sheeran announced the North America leg would start on 29 June 2017, until 6 October 2017.[7] On the North American Arena Tour, Sheeran's opening act was James Blunt, a singer popular in the early 2000s, except for two dates in Indianapolis and Cleveland, where the opener was Joshua Radin. He toured to places such as Las Vegas, Nevada and Glendale, Arizona.", "Cuts Like a Knife The Cuts Like a Knife tour started in eastern Canada.[6] In March, Adams started the American leg of the tour; after five months Adams had performed over 100 dates.[6] He later joined the British progressive rock band Supertramp on their tour in North America. Though not featured on the album, drummer for the tour was the late Frankie LaRocka and the keyboard player was Johnny 'Blitz' Hannah. Adams then traveled to Vancouver where he played live in front of 30,000 fans.[6] Later on he went to Europe for a six-week solo tour; one show (and subsequent band interview) was broadcast live on German TV and radio as part of the famous Rockpalast series. He played in six different countries.[6] In November 1983, Adams went to Japan to start his own headline tour. By this time Adams had been on the road 283 days.[6] Adams supported The Police when they toured in Australia and New Zealand.[6]", "Aladin (film) Aladin did not perform well at the box office either. Its lifetime gross was 135 million with the budget not being recovered.[1]", "The Doobie Brothers On November 24, 2015, the Doobie Brothers, together with Journey, launched a 2016 tour featuring Dave Mason. The tour started on May 12, 2016 at the Irvine Meadows Amphitheatre and concluded on September 4, 2016 when the Doobies and Journey joined the Steve Miller Band and Santana at AT&T Park.", "Purpose World Tour Dylan Rupert of Billboard praised his vocals for sounding \"smooth as ever,\" while noting that the performance of \"Company\" was \"one of the show's most thrilling (though slightly puzzling) moments\" and praising the acoustic set.[7] Marc Snetiker of Entertainment Weekly called it \"a concert that shows, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that Bieber is back. [...] Bieber had to prove that his comeback tour is exactly that — a performer's return to top form, not just a fluke of well-produced singles and hooks. That unfortunate weight did seem to bear down on Bieber during the entire show — he brought out no special guests and remained solemn throughout the night — but over time, its heft will diminish.\"[8] Andrew Matson of Rolling Stone offered a very positive review, declaring: \"The concert was sublime vocally, visually and musically, Bieber and his scaled back band did justice to songs in a cavernous space, often elevating the material.\" [...] \"Bieber sang for real, played the piano, acoustic guitar and rock drums all gracefully and danced with zero mistakes. Sure, his energy seemed tentative as his dancers did Matrix capoeira all around him, but the Purpose tour is off to a stellar start, showcasing a musician taking control of his art and an audience vibing along for his journey.\"[12]", "Lifetime (TV network) In February 2017, A&E Networks acquired an equity stake in the National Women's Soccer League, and announced that Lifetime would broadcast a weekly, Saturday-afternoon game beginning in the 2017 season.[22][23]", "Weezer In the summer of 2000, Weezer went on tour (including dates on the popular Vans Warped Tour). The band's setlist consisted of 14 new songs; when 13 of these songs did not appear on Weezer's next album, fans of the songs started a petition demanding the release of studio versions.[citation needed] Eventually, the band went back into the studio to produce a third album. The band chose the title Weezer (2001) to repeat the self-titled name of the band's first release. This album became known as the Green Album due to its green album artwork. Shortly after the release, Weezer went on another American tour. The band attracted a new generation of fans thanks to heavy MTV rotation for the videos of the band's hit singles \"Hash Pipe\" and \"Island in the Sun\".", "Robert Hunter (lyricist) In 2013, Hunter announced a tour to commence in the fall.[10] Also in 2013, he received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Americana Music Association. He then proceeded to perform \"Ripple\".[11][12] The award was presented by Jim Lauderdale.", "State of the World Tour On May 1, 2017, Jackson announced a massive North American trek to reschedule her Unbreakable World Tour that was postponed due to the singer's pregnancy, with Jackson set to embark on a rebranded trek starting in September. Tickets from the postponed Unbreakable Tour gigs will be honored at the new dates, while newly scheduled stops going on sale, beginning May 5, 2017, at Live Nation.", "Tour de France After the Tour de France there are criteria in the Netherlands and Belgium. These races are public spectacles where thousands of people can see their heroes, from the Tour de France, race. The budget of a criterium is over 100,000 Euro, with most of the money going to the riders. Jersey winners or big-name riders earn between 20 and 60 thousand euros per race in start money.[138]", "When Did You Stop Loving Me, When Did I Stop Loving You Written and produced solely by the artist himself, the song was unusual for having no distinct melody, no bridge and no distinct chorus and for its length.However, it did have near melodic consistencies, such as \"Memories of the things we did/Some we're proud of, some we hid\"..\"If you loved me with all of your heart/You'd never take a million dollars to part\". He would use the instrumental of this song as both an instrumental track (with several Gaye ad-libs) and as the reprise of the album to end it.", "Rent (musical) Successful United States national tours, the \"Angel Tour\" and the \"Benny Tour\", launched in the 1990s. Later, the non-Equity tour started its run. There was also a Canadian tour (often referred to as the \"Collins Tour\").", "1989 Tour de France Stephen Roche (Fagor–MBK) had won the Tour in 1987 ahead of Delgado. However, a knee injury had forced him to miss the race in 1988. A strong spring season with victory at the Tour of the Basque Country, second place at Paris–Nice and a top-ten placing at the Giro d'Italia made it seem that Roche was starting to refind his form.[5]", "Tour de France To host a stage start or finish brings prestige and business to a town. The prologue and first stage (Grand Départ) are particularly prestigious. The race may start with a prologue (too short to go between towns) in which case the start of the next day's racing, which would be considered stage 1, would usually be in the same town. In 2007 director Christian Prudhomme said that \"in general, for a period of five years we have the Tour start outside France three times and within France twice.\"[103]", "Comparison of Star Trek and Star Wars Shatner was a presenter at Lucas' American Film Institute Lifetime Achievement Award ceremony in 2007 and did a comical stage performance honoring Lucas.[34]", "Lifetime (TV network) Lifetime announced the launch of a Latin American version of the network, which launched on July 1, 2014 (in South America, Caribbean and parts of Central America) in association with Sony Pictures Television Latin America. It supplanted the now-defunct Sony Spin channel (formerly known as Locomotion from 1996 to 2005 and Animax from 2005 to 2011) on the Amazonas satellite serving South America. In Mexico, it was launched on October 1, 2014, replacing The Biography Channel. In Brazil, the channel airs its programming fully dubbed in Portuguese.[25] Lifetime Latin America is currently distributed by HBO Latin America Group, under license from A+E Networks Latin America and Sony Pictures Television Latin America.", "The Monster Ball Tour As soon as the dates for the show were announced, there was high demand for tickets. As sponsor of the North American Monster Ball Tour, Virgin Mobile customers had access to presale tickets. Bob Stohrer, VP of Marketing for Virgin Mobile USA said \"We are excited to take our partnership with Lady Gaga and The Monster Ball Tour to another level. [...] We'll also build on our partnership around combating youth homelessness and continue to enhance the tour experience for fans and our customers.\"[44] Shows in the first leg of the tour were sold-out completely, prompting Live Nation Inc. to announce that Gaga will return to the U.S. in February 2011 for another run of U.S. dates. The 2011 dates for the North American Monster Ball Tour were announced as starting from February 19 in Atlantic City, with ten arena dates confirmed through April 18.[45] Additional shows were announced, and Semi Precious Weapons collaborated with Gaga until the tour ended. Live Nation Entertainment's global touring division, headed by chairman Arthur Fogel, held the reins as promoter/producer of the Monster Ball tour.[45]" ]
who sings jungle book i wanna be like you
[ "I Wan'na Be like You (The Monkey Song) \"I Wan'na Be like You\" is a song from Walt Disney's 1967 film The Jungle Book. The song was written by songwriters Robert and Richard Sherman and was performed by Louis Prima.[1]" ]
[ "Be Like Mike After seeing an early cut of the commercial, just featuring highlights of Jordan dunking, advertising executive Bernie Pitzel was disappointed. Pitzel came up with an idea to use the song \"I Wanna Be Like You\" from the 1967 film The Jungle Book, though Disney asked for more money in licensing to use it than Gatorade was willing to pay.[1][2]", "I Wanna Talk About Me Like Keith's 1998 single \"Getcha Some\", \"I Wanna Talk About Me\" is cited as an example of country-rap, due to the use of a strong beat and rhythmically spoken lyrics.[4][5] \"I Wanna Talk About Me\" tells of a male's frustration in his inability to converse with his partner, who wants to talk about herself. In the chorus, the singer states \"I like talking about you, you, you, you, usually / But occasionally / I wanna talk about me\".[5] A musical strength of the song is its use of a I-V-vi-IV arpeggio played in a punchy rhythm.", "Smash Mouth In 2003, Get the Picture? was released, featuring the singles \"You Are My Number One\", \"Hang On\" and \"Always Gets Her Way\". Smash Mouth was dropped from Interscope shortly after the release of Get the Picture?. That same year, the band performed a cover of the Sherman Brothers song \"I Wanna Be Like You\" for the animated film The Jungle Book 2.", "I Wanna Wake Up with You \"I Wanna Wake Up with You\" is a 1986 song made popular by Boris Gardiner.", "I Wouldn't Want to Be Like You \"I Wouldn't Want to Be Like You\" is a song by the British progressive rock band The Alan Parsons Project, featured on their 1977 album I Robot. Written by band leaders Alan Parsons and Eric Woolfson, \"I Wouldn't Want to Be Like You\" was sung by pop singer Lenny Zakatek, who would go on to sing many of the band's songs. In the United States, the song was a moderate success and charted at #36 on the Billboard Hot 100.", "I Wanna Sex You Up A sample of \"I Wanna Sex You Up\" has been used in the Kardinal Beats remix of \"Tick Tock\" by Lemar.[4]", "I Wanna Be with You (Raspberries song) \"I Wanna Be with You\" is a hit single by Raspberries, released in November 1972. It was written by band leader Eric Carmen, who also provided the lead vocals. It was their first single release from their second LP, Fresh.[2] It became their second greatest US hit.", "I Want You Back Originally considered for Gladys Knight & the Pips and later for Diana Ross, as \"I Wanna Be Free\", \"I Want You Back\" explores the theme of a lover who decides that he was too hasty in dropping his partner. An unusual aspect about \"I Want You Back\" was that its main lead vocal was performed by a tween, Michael Jackson.", "The Jungle Book (2016 film) The musical score for The Jungle Book was composed and conducted by frequent Favreau collaborator John Debney,[29] mostly drawing from George Bruns' original music. Though Favreau decided not to make the film a musical, nevertheless, he and Debney incorporated several songs from the 1967 animated film.[30] \"The Bare Necessities,\" written by Terry Gilkyson, is performed by Murray and Sethi,[12] and a cover version by Dr. John is featured in the end credits. \"I Wan'na Be Like You\" and \"Trust in Me\"—written by the Sherman Brothers—are performed by Walken and Johansson, respectively; Richard M. Sherman wrote revised lyrics for Walken's version of \"I Wan'na Be Like You.\"[12] Johansson's rendition of \"Trust in Me\" was produced by Mark Ronson and appears in the end credits only.[12]", "I Wanna Dance with Somebody (Who Loves Me) The video for \"I Wanna Dance with Somebody\" was directed by Brian Grant and chreographed by Arlene Phillips, who also worked with Houston on the music video for \"How Will I Know\". The video features Houston in a pink dress and a continuous shot of a purple backdrop that never changes its angle of vision. In the intro of this video, Houston just finishes a performance onstage. She walks backstage, and the scene is intercut with more vivid, colorful images of her. The song then explodes into its beginning, with myriad locations and various outfits by Houston, as dancers trying to impress her as she dances. Towards the end of the song she manhandles a guy, who has a mixture of a look of shock and surprise asking him \"Don't you wanna dance say you wanna dance\". The music video was in heavy rotation on music channels MTV, VH1, and BET during the song's run. Video has over 92 million views as of September 7, 2017 on YouTube.[44]", "All I Wanna Do Is Make Love to You Halestorm has covered \"All I Wanna Do Is Make Love to You\" multiple times live and released a studio version on their Reanimate: The Covers EP album.", "I Wanna Be Loved by You Actress Rue McClanahan performed a humorous rendition of the song while portraying Blanche Devereaux in the sitcom The Golden Girls.\nActor and actress Robert Reed and Florence Henderson sang \"I Wanna Be Loved By You\" in a 1973 episode \"Never Too Young\" of The Brady Bunch.", "I Don't Wanna Know \"I Don't Wanna Know\" is a song by American R&B artist Mario Winans, featuring a rap by P. Diddy, re-recorded background vocals by Enya and sampling the synthesizer riff from Enya's song \"Boadicea\". It reached number 1 in the United Kingdom and in Netherlands, and number 2 in the United States, stuck for eight consecutive weeks behind the Usher singles \"Yeah\" and \"Burn\", respectively.[1] It remains Winans' only major success to date. As a result of its eight weeks at number 2, \"I Don't Wanna Know\" stands in joint fifth place for the most weeks at number 2 by a song which did not go to number 1, behind Foreigner's \"Waiting for a Girl Like You\", Missy Elliott's \"Work It\", Donna Lewis's \"I Love You Always Forever\" and Shania Twain's \"You're Still the One\".", "I Wanna Be Your Man The song features a heavy Bo Diddley beat. Bo Diddley himself acknowledged this in the song \"London Stomp\" (album \"Hey Good Lookin'\"). He sings \"Hey, Liverpool, we got the London Stomp\" over a \"I Wanna Be Your Man\" background.", "The Jungle Book The Jungle Book (1894) is a collection of stories by the English author Rudyard Kipling. Most of the characters are animals such as Shere Khan the tiger and Baloo the bear, though a principal character is the boy or \"man-cub\" Mowgli, who is raised in the jungle by wolves. The stories are set in a forest in India; one place mentioned repeatedly is \"Seonee\" (Seoni), in the central state of Madhya Pradesh.", "I Don't Wanna Go on with You Like That \"I Don't Wanna Go on with You Like That\" is a hit song from British performer Elton John's 1988 album, Reg Strikes Back. The song was written by John and his long-time songwriting partner, Bernie Taupin. The song reached #30 on the UK Singles Chart. It fared better in the United States, peaking at #2 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart in August 1988, becoming John's biggest hit of the 1980s there (kept out of the top spot by fellow British singer and vocal collaborator George Michael's hit single \"Monkey\"). The song also became John's eighth #1 on the adult contemporary chart.[1]", "The Jungle Book The academic Jan Montefiore commented on the book's balance of law and freedom that \"You don't need to invoke Jacqueline Rose on the adult's dream of the child's innocence or Perry Nodelman's theory of children's literature colonising its readers' minds with a double fantasy of the child as both noble savage and embryo good citizen, to see that the Jungle Books .. give their readers a vicarious experience of adventure both as freedom and as service to a just State\".[25]", "Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This) Marilyn Manson added some extra lines to the lyrics that are not present in the Eurythmics version: \"I wanna use you and abuse you/I wanna know what's inside you\" along with \"I'm gonna use you and abuse you/I gotta know what's inside you.\"[43]", "Tangled Up in Blue In the Hootie & the Blowfish song \"Only Wanna Be with You\", Darius Rucker sings: Yeah I'm tangled up in blue / Only wanna be with you / You can call me your fool / Only wanna be with you. The reference extends a string of mentions of Bob Dylan in the song, beginning at the start of the second verse: Putting on a little Dylan .... The song's rhythm itself seems to be inspired by Dylan's original track.", "The Jungle Book The Jungle Book has remained popular, partly through its many adaptations for film and other media. Critics such as Swati Singh have noted that even critics wary of Kipling for his supposed imperialism[1] have admired the power of his storytelling.[1] The book has been influential in the scout movement, whose founder, Robert Baden-Powell, was a friend of Kipling's.[2] Percy Grainger composed his Jungle Book Cycle around quotations from the book.", "I Wanna Sex You Up \"I Wanna Sex You Up\" is a song recorded by American group Color Me Badd. The song was released in March 1991 as the lead single from their debut album C.M.B. (1991). The song was produced by Dr. Freeze and was also featured on the soundtrack to the 1991 film New Jack City.", "I Wanna Be with You (Mandy Moore song) \"I Wanna Be With You\" is the last song by Moore to chart so far on the Billboard Hot 100. Mandy continued her success in Australia with the following two singles, \"In My Pocket\" and \"Crush\" from her follow-up album of 2001, Mandy Moore.", "The Jungle Book (1967 film) The Jungle Book is a 1967 American animated musical adventure film produced by Walt Disney Productions. Inspired by Rudyard Kipling's book of the same name, it is the 19th Disney animated feature film. Directed by Wolfgang Reitherman, it was the last film to be produced by Walt Disney, who died during its production. The plot follows Mowgli, a feral child raised in the Indian jungle by wolves, as his friends Bagheera the panther and Baloo the bear try to convince him to leave the jungle before the evil tiger Shere Khan arrives.", "The Jungle Book (franchise) The Jungle Book is a Disney media franchise that commenced in 1967 with the theatrical release of The Jungle Book. It is based on Rudyard Kipling's works of the same name. The franchise includes a 2003 sequel to the animated film and three live-action films produced by Walt Disney Pictures.", "Be Like Mike Pitzel wrote the lyrics to \"Be Like Mike\" inspired by The Jungle Book song, and put it to a tune by Ira Antelis and Steve Shafer.[3] \"If we had used music from The Jungle Book,\" Antelis told journalist Darren Rovell, \"the advertisement would have been forgotten.\"[1]", "Someone like You (Adele song) Lyrically, the song talks about the end of Adele's first \"real relationship\" with her long-time friend and lover and it shows her confronting his marriage.[20][21] At the beginning of the song, she sings the lines \"I heard that you're settled down/That you found a girl and you're married now. I heard that your dreams came true/Guess she gave you things I couldn't give to you\" with a softly voice and accompanied just by a simple piano melody.[10][22] The lyrics of \"Someone like You\" are talking about what once was and what could have been as stated by a writer of Daily Herald.[22] Finding the strength to bounce back from hardship and heartache, Adele sings the lines, \"Never mind, I'll find someone like you. I wish nothing but the best for you, too/Don't forget me, I beg, I remember you said/Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead.\"[23] Talking about the meaning and the composition of the song, Jer Fairall of PopMatters said: \"The song's subject—Adele mentally addressing an old lover who has since found happiness elsewhere—is familiar, but the detail she colors it with are vibrantly tactile and resonant, from the sense-memory setting of 'we were born and raised in a summer haze' to her recollection of his cruel kiss-off line 'I remember you said, 'sometimes it lasts in love and sometimes it hurts instead'' and how she comes to take solace in the statement as an empowering mantra.\"[24]", "The Jungle Book (1994 film) Rudyard Kipling's The Jungle Book is a 1994 live-action American adventure film co-written and directed by Stephen Sommers, produced by Edward S. Feldman and Raju Patel, from a story by Ronald Yanover and Mark Geldman. It is the second film adaptation by The Walt Disney Company of the Mowgli stories from The Jungle Book and The Second Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling.[6]", "Sing Something Simple Sing something simple\nAs cares go by\nSing something simple\nJust you and I", "Don't You Wanna Stay At the 2011 CMT Music Awards, \"Don't You Wanna Stay\" was nominated for \"Collaborative Video of the Year,\" but lost to Justin Bieber's \"That Should Be Me\" featuring Rascal Flatts (2010).[27] \"Don't You Wanna Stay\" received nominations for two awards at the 45th Country Music Association Awards. The song received a nomination for the \"Musical Event of the Year\" and won the award; it was also nominated for the \"Single of the Year\" but lost to The Band Perry's \"If I Die Young\" (2010).[28] At the 54th Grammy Awards, the song received a nomination for \"Best Country Duo/Group Performance\"[29] but lost to The Civil Wars' \"Barton Hollow\" (2011).[30] \"Don't You Wanna Stay\" won two awards of \"Single by a Vocal Collaboration\" and \"Music Video by a Duo/Group/Collaboration\" at the 2011 American Country Awards.[31] The song won the awards of \"Single of the Year\" and \"Vocal Event of the Year\" at the 47th Academy of Country Music.[32][33]", "Birthday Cake (song) The hottest lines on the album come nearly as an afterthought on the all-too-brief 'Birthday Cake,' produced by The-Dream. 'I know you wanna bite this/ It's so enticin'/ Nothin' else like this/ I'mma make you my bitch,' she sings. But as if the network censors had let the song run before realizing their mistake, a little over a minute into it the music fades out, just as it's getting dirty, leaving us wondering whether Rihanna really believes what she's selling on \"Talk That Talk.\"[13]", "I Wanna Get Next to You \"I Wanna Get Next to You\" is a 1976 soul single written, composed and produced by American songwriter and producer Norman Whitfield, and most famously sung by American R&B band Rose Royce. It is the third official single from the Car Wash soundtrack. The song has also become a staple on oldies radio and on adult contemporary stations.", "Diamonds & Rust (song) \"You gonna sing that song about robin's eggs and diamonds?\" Bob had asked me on the first day of rehearsals.\n\"Which one?\"\n\"You know, that one about blue eyes and diamonds...\"\n\"Oh\", I said, \"you must mean 'Diamonds And Rust,' the song I wrote for my husband, David. I wrote it while he was in prison.\"\n\"For your husband?\" Bob said.\n\"Yeah. Who did you think it was about?\" I stonewalled.\n\"Oh, hey, what the fuck do I know?\"\n\"Never mind. Yeah, I'll sing it, if you like.\"", "The Jungle Book (franchise) The Jungle Book is a 1967 animated musical comedy film produced by Walt Disney Productions. Inspired by Rudyard Kipling's classic book of the same name, it is the 19th Disney animated feature film. Directed by Wolfgang Reitherman, it was the last film to be produced by Walt Disney, who died during its production.", "The Jungle Book (franchise) The Jungle Book Groove Party is a music rhythm video game developed by Ubisoft and published by Disney Interactive for PlayStation and PlayStation 2. Featuring similar gameplay to the Dance Dance Revolution series, the game features characters and songs from the 1967 animated film The Jungle Book. The game was packaged with a dance pad.", "If It Gets You Where You Wanna Go \"If It Gets You Where You Wanna Go\" debuted at number 90 on the Canadian Hot 100 for the week of May 26, 2012.", "If It Gets You Where You Wanna Go \"If It Gets You Where You Wanna Go\" was previously recorded by Steve Holy on his 2011 album Love Don't Run.", "Who Are You (song) \"Who Are You\" was written about meeting Steve Jones and Paul Cook of the Sex Pistols after an awful 13-hour encounter with Allan Klein who, in my personal opinion, is the awesome rock leech-godfather. In one sense the song is more about the demands of new friendship than blood-letting challenge. Roger's aggressive reading of my nihilistic lyric redirected its function by the simple act of singing \"Who the fuck are you...\" when I had written \"Who, who, who are you...\" Steve and Paul became real 'mates' of mine in the English sense. We socialized a few times. Got drunk (well, I did) and I have to say to their credit, for a couple of figurehead anarchists, they seemed sincerely concerned about my decaying condition at the time.", "Who Did You Think I Was The B-side to \"Who Did You Think I Was\" is \"Come When I Call\", which did not appear on the album Try!, but was frequently played throughout the trio live performances, like the song, \"I Don't Need No Doctor\".", "Jungle The term \"The Law of the Jungle\" is also used in a similar context, drawn from Rudyard Kipling's The Jungle Book (1894) — though in the society of jungle animals portrayed in that book and obviously meant as a metaphor for human society, that phrase referred to an intricate code of laws which Kipling describes in detail, and not at all to a lawless chaos.", "What Do You Mean? Lyrically, \"What Do You Mean?\" talks about looking for romantic clarity and not being able to figure out the opposite sex,[9][16] with Bieber singing in the chorus: \"What do you mean / When you nod your head yes, but you wanna say no? / What do you mean / When you don't want me to move, but you tell me to go?.\"[9]", "Wanna Be with You \"Wanna Be With You\" is a song by R&B band Earth, Wind & Fire which was written by Maurice White and Wayne Vaughn and produced by Maurice White. Included on the band's 1981 album, Raise! it was released as a single in 1982.", "Category:The Jungle Book films Films based on Rudyard Kipling's novel The Jungle Book.", "List of Lip Sync Battle episodes Tamblyn:\n\"You Oughta Know\" by Alanis Morissette\n\"I Wanna Sex You Up\" by Color Me Badd", "I Wanna Be Adored Cover versions of \"I Wanna Be Adored\" have been recorded by the following musical groups or artists:", "I Wanna Be Down \"I Wanna Be Down\" was written by Keith Crouch and Kipper Jones, while production and arrangement was also handled by the former for Human Rhythm Productions.[1] Darryl Simmons served as executive producer, while mastering was overseen by Brian Gardner.[1] Picked by Norwood's record company, Atlantic Records, as the leading single from her debut album, Norwood initially disliked the idea of releasing it as her first offering. \"‘I Wanna Be Down’ was interesting\", she said in a retrospective interview with Complex magazine in 2012. \"I didn’t really get it at first, but I was young and I didn’t really know what worked at radio or what it was. I liked the song, but I just didn’t get it being the first thing that people heard from me.\"[2] Upon its chart success she changed her mind on their decision however. \"[...] Once it was released and I saw why everyone responded to the title phrase, I understood why!\"[3]", "I Wanna Be Sedated \"I Wanna Be Sedated\" was written by Joey Ramone.[4] In an interview about the song, Joey explains the chorus:", "Kiss You Tonight According to Nail, \"Kiss You Tonight\" had the impact on him similar to what \"Need You Now\" by Lady Antebellum had. He said that it \"was a song that the first time I heard it I knew I was going to record it. There was just something about it that made me remember so many songs from the past that, you know there’s not a specific thing that jumps out at you the first time you hear it you just know, 'Hey, I wanna hear that again.'\"[3]", "Annabella Lwin In 1980, at the age of thirteen, she was spotted by a friend of Malcolm McLaren singing at a dry cleaning premises in North London where she worked part-time. Following her successful audition for the lead singer position in McLaren's new group (the yet-to-be-named band Bow Wow Wow), he had her transfer from a mixed comprehensive school in London to the Sylvia Young Theatre School. McLaren dubbed her 'Bess Man'.[5] The group would go on to chart success with the songs \"Go Wild in the Country\", \"Do You Wanna Hold Me?\" and \"I Want Candy\". Early on in the band, controversy surrounded Lwin as she had posed nude for the cover of See Jungle! See Jungle! Go Join Your Gang, Yeah. City All Over! Go Ape Crazy, the group's first full-length album (Lwin was 15 at the time).", "Finn Hudson Like Finn, Monteith was a novice singer when the show started. In an interview with GQ's Alex Pappademus, he noted that, early on, \"you could hear the Auto-Tune.\"[36] He was not called on to sing much on the first few episodes, as he rapped in \"Push It\" for \"Showmance\", had a short solo phrase in the song \"I Wanna Sex You Up\" in \"Acafellas\", and was not featured as a vocal lead in \"Preggers\". Over the next three episodes, he shares the lead on four group numbers. Three are with Rachel: Queen's \"Somebody to Love\", \"No Air\" and \"Keep Holding On\". The fourth is a boys-only mash-up of Bon Jovi's \"It's My Life\" with Usher's \"Confessions Part II\", where Finn sings lead on the \"It's My Life\" sections and Artie on the rest.", "The Jungle Book Many films have been based on one or another of Kipling's stories, including Elephant Boy (1937),[37] the Russian: Маугли (Mowgli) published as Adventures of Mowgli in the US, an animation released between 1967 and 1971, and combined into a single 96-minute feature film in 1973;[38] Chuck Jones's made for-TV cartoons Rikki-Tikki-Tavi (1975),[39] The White Seal (1975),[40] and Mowgli's Brothers (1976).[41] Many films, too, have been made of the book as a whole, such as Zoltán Korda's 1942 film,[42] Disney's 1967 animation[43] and its 2016 remake,[44] and the 1989 Japanese anime Jungle Book Shonen Mowgli.[45]", "I Wanna Be Sedated \"I Wanna Be Sedated\" was number 145 on the Rolling Stone's 500 Greatest Songs of All Time.[7] Marky Ramone is the drummer on this track.", "I Wanna Get Lost with You \"I Wanna Get Lost With You\" is a song by Welsh rock band Stereophonics. It is the second single, released on 21 July 2015, from their ninth studio album Keep the Village Alive. Lead-singer and guitarist Kelly Jones stated the track is about \"wanting to lose yourself personally, and lose yourself with somebody, and then just literally get out there.\"[1] UK based webzine Gigwise released a trailer on their site for an exclusive showing of the music video on 20 July.[1]", "Rock of Ages (2012 film) New songs added to the film include a mash-up of \"Juke Box Hero/I Love Rock 'n' Roll\", which replaced the original purpose of \"I Wanna Rock\" in the musical, \"Undercover Love\", which was used for Drew's short-lived boy band, and \"Pour Some Sugar on Me\", \"Paradise City\", and \"Rock You Like a Hurricane\" replacing \"I Hate Myself for Loving You/Heat of the Moment\" and serving as Arsenal's discography.", "Like a Rolling Stone In the spring of 1965, after returning from the tour of England documented in the film Dont Look Back, Dylan was unhappy with the public's expectations of him, as well as the direction his career was taking, and seriously considered quitting the music business. In a 1966 Playboy interview, he described his dissatisfaction: \"Last spring, I guess I was going to quit singing. I was very drained, and the way things were going, it was a very draggy situation ... But 'Like a Rolling Stone' changed it all. I mean it was something that I myself could dig. It's very tiring having other people tell you how much they dig you if you yourself don't dig you.\"[6]", "Where I Wanna Be (Shade Sheist song) Dean Carlson of Allmusic gave \"Where I Wanna Be\" a mixed review stating \"Shade Sheist's Where I Wanna Be hoped to resurrect the forgotten art of summer hip-hop. It failed, of course, but in a gallant sort of way... It was from there, with Nate Dogg and Kurupt chasing each other's slow rhymes at the wayside, that \"Where I Wanna Be\" eventually became a sort of heat-induced muscle relaxant this side of De La Soul's \"A Roller Skating Jam Named 'Saturdays'\" or Black Eyed Peas' \"Magic,\" if only substituting their pleasantries for suspiciously placed arrogance. It was an unworkable contradiction when it came down to it, but Where I Wanna Be became the number one rap single for four months in America and went on to crack the British Top 20 the following summer.\"[2]", "Like I Love You Timberlake made his solo performance debut on the MTV Video Music Awards performing \"Like I Love You\" at the 2002 ceremony.", "Edition (book) The term \"first trade edition,\" refers to the earliest edition of a book offered for sale to the general public in book stores. For example, Upton Sinclair's 1906 novel The Jungle was published in two variant forms. A \"Sustainers' Edition\", published by the Jungle Publishing Company, was sent to subscribers who had advanced funds to Sinclair. The first trade edition was published by Doubleday, Page to be sold in bookstores.", "I Wanna Be Adored The music video for I Wanna Be Adored was made concurrently with Fools Gold for the American release of the single in 1989. Hence the videos share similar visual effects and scenery.", "The Day Before You Came I really like that song. It becomes extremely sad when you hear it like this. The recording is sad too, but the lyric itself is not sad, which is the genius of Bjorn (Ulvaeus). To me, when you read that lyric and take the music away it’s just someone saying what they did that day — ‘I read a book’, ‘I watched TV’, ‘I took the tube’, whatever; it doesn’t say what it really is. But when you put that lyric onto that music you realise something not good has happened. It’s a very intelligent lyric.", "Dance for You After telling her love interest to \"sit back and watch\",[13] Beyoncé sings the chorus, where she states the things she will do to show her appreciation to her love interest,[10][14][15] \"Tonight I'm gonna dance for you / Tonight I'm gonna dance for you / Tonight I'm gonna put my body on your body / Boy, I like it when you watch me / Tonight it's going down.\"[5] In the second verse, she sings: \"You'll never need two, because I will be your number one / Them other chicks are superficial / But I know you know I'm the one / That's why I'm all into you /\nCuz I can recognize that you know that / That's why I’m backin' this thing back / Pop poppin' this thing back\".[16] Before the song ends, Beyoncé repeatedly chants \"yes\" in the background as the electric guitar crescendos into a piercing subliminal sound.[8]", "Where I Wanna Be (Shade Sheist song) \"Where I Wanna Be\" is the debut single by American songwriter and recording artist Shade Sheist. The song features Nate Dogg and Kurupt on additional vocals. \"Where I Wanna Be\" found chart success domestically and internationally, peaking at #1 on Billboard's Hot Rap Singles chart and #14 on the UK Singles chart.", "Somebody (Natalie La Rose song) Musically, \"Somebody\" is an electro-R&B song which makes use of synthesizers and heavy drum instrumentation. Both La Rose and Jeremih's vocals make use of auto-tune. The song features snippets of \"I Wanna Dance with Somebody (Who Loves Me)\" by Whitney Houston, \"Do You Really Wanna Know\" by Lillix written by Marcel Albert, and Shots by LMFAO and Lil Jon.", "Don't You Wanna Stay \"Don't You Wanna Stay\" was covered by Colton Dixon and Skylar Laine in the eleventh season of American Idol. Natalie Finn of E! gave a mixed review of the pair's performance, writing \"Skylar handled Kelly Clarkson better than Colton played Jason Aldean on \"Don't You Wanna Stay,\" but she's the country girl, so it made sense.\"[63] Brian Mansfield of USA Today felt that the song was out of Dixon's comfort zone and a little out of Laine's range.[64] Gil Kaufman of MTV remarked that the chemistry between the pair was more like cold fusion.[65] Jennifer Still of Digital Spy said the performance \"isn't anything incredible\".[66] \"Don't You Wanna Stay\" was performed by Justin Chain and Shelbie Z in the fifth season of The Voice during the Battle Rounds which was first aired on October 14, 2013. Natasha Chandel of MTV opined that the pair struggled with their pitch and harmonies during rehearsals but successfully stepped up their game during the live performance.[67] A similar view was shared by Ashley Lee of The Hollywood Reporter writing, \"Throughout rehearsals, neither the motorcycle accident survivor nor the pageant coach could lock in their harmonies during the choruses [...] They ended up blending well onstage.[68]", "I Wanna Dance with Somebody (Who Loves Me) \"I Wanna Dance with Somebody (Who Loves Me)\" is the first single from Whitney Houston's second studio album Whitney. It was produced by Narada Michael Walden, and written by George Merrill and Shannon Rubicam of the band Boy Meets Girl, who had previously written the number-one Whitney Houston hit \"How Will I Know.\" The original arrangement was written for her grandnephew Mau Rosillo when he was 9 years old, as he was a well-renoun dancer.", "Gallagher and Lyle British chick-lit author Lisa Jewell's 2010 novel After The Party makes reference to \"I Wanna Stay With You\".", "Just Like a Woman Countering allegations of misogyny, music critic Paul Williams, in his book Bob Dylan: Performing Artist, Book One 1960–1973, pointed out that Dylan sings in an affectionate tone from beginning to end.[17] He further comments on Dylan's singing by saying that \"there's never a moment in the song, despite the little digs and the confessions of pain, when you can't hear the love in his voice.\"[17] Williams also contends that a central theme of the song is the power that the woman described in the lyrics has over Dylan, as evidenced by the lines \"I was hungry and it was your world.\"[17]", "Ma-i \"The people in Ma-I sound like newcomers [to this port] since they don't know where those metal statues in the jungle come from.\"[24]", "I Really Like You In Canada, \"I Really Like You\" debuted at number 14 on the Canadian Hot 100 issued for 21 March 2015, marking Jepsen's seventh top 40 hit in the Canada.[8]", "The Jungle Book (franchise) In 1968, Disneyland Records released the album More Jungle Book (given the subtitle ...Further Adventures of Baloo and Mowgli), an unofficial sequel also written by screenwriter Larry Simmons, which continued the story of the film, and included Phil Harris and Louis Prima voicing their film roles. In the record, Baloo (Harris) is missing Mowgli (Ginny Tyler), so he teams up with King Louie (Prima) and Bagheera (Dal McKennon) to take him from the man village. Four new songs were composed for the record, two of which (\"Baloo's Blues\" and \"It's a Kick\") made appearances as bonus tracks on CD versions of the soundtrack to the original The Jungle Book.", "I Wanna Be Adored Oasis refer to The Stone Roses by quoting the song in \"Magic Pie\": \"They are sleeping while they dream/and they who wanna be adored\".", "Don't You Wanna Stay Both Aldean and Clarkson performed the song on several occasions, notably on the tenth season of American Idol and at the 54th Annual Grammy Awards. Footage from the Country Music Association award performance was used to comprise a music video for \"Don't You Wanna Stay\", directed by Paul Miller. The song was nominated for \"Best Country Duo/Group Performance\" at the 54th Annual Grammy Awards, but lost to \"Barton Hollow\" by The Civil Wars. \"Don't You Wanna Stay\" was covered by Colton Dixon and Skylar Laine in the eleventh season of American Idol and was performed by Justin Chain and Shelbie Z in the fifth season of The Voice.", "Sheena, Queen of the Jungle Sheena, Queen of the Jungle is a fictional American comic book jungle girl heroine, originally published primarily by Fiction House. She was the first female comic book character with her own title, with her 1937 (in Great Britain; 1938 in the United States) premiere preceding Wonder Woman #1 (cover-dated Dec. 1941). Sheena inspired a wealth of similar comic book jungle queens. She was predated in literature by Rima, the Jungle Girl, introduced in the 1904 William Henry Hudson novel Green Mansions. Sheena was ranked 59th in Comics Buyer's Guide's \"100 Sexiest Women in Comics\" list.[1]", "The Jungle Book The novelist and critic Angus Wilson noted that Kipling's law of the jungle was \"far from Darwinian\", since no attacks were allowed at the water-hole, even in drought. In Wilson's view, the popularity of the Mowgli stories is thus not literary but moral: the animals can follow the law easily, but Mowgli has human joys and sorrows, and the burden of making decisions.[19][23] Kipling's biographer, Charles Carrington, argued that the \"fables\" about Mowgli illustrate truths directly, as successful fables do, through the character of Mowgli himself; through his \"kindly mentors\", Bagheera and Baloo; through the repeated failure of the \"bully\" Shere Khan; through the endless but useless talk of the Bandar-log; and through the law, which makes the jungle \"an integrated whole\" while enabling Mowgli's brothers to live as the \"Free People\".[24]", "When I Need You I once had that nicking happen with Leo Sayer. Do you remember that song 'When I Need You'?\" Cohen sings the chorus of Sayer's number one hit from 1977, then segues into 'And Jane came by with a lock of your hair', a lyric from 'Famous Blue Raincoat'. 'Somebody sued them on my behalf … and they did settle', even though, he laughs, 'they hired a musicologist, who said, that particular motif was in the public domain and, in fact, could be traced back as far as Schubert.[5]", "I Don't Wanna Cry \"I Don't Wanna Cry\" was released as a single on iTunes from Jason Castro on American Idol, for which he performed the song on the show's seventh season.", "I Don't Wanna Live Without Your Love \"I Don't Wanna Live Without Your Love\" is a hit song written by Diane Warren and Albert Hammond for the group Chicago and recorded for their album Chicago 19 (1988), with Bill Champlin singing lead vocals. The first single released from that album, it reached number three on the U.S. Billboard Hot 100 chart.[1] The B-side of the single was \"I Stand Up\" written by Robert Lamm and Gerard McMahon. The song was featured in the Netflix original movie Death Note, which is based on the anime of the same name.", "Soft Cell The group cited David Bowie and Marc Bolan as primary influences.[14] Almond also named Siouxsie Sioux as a major influence:[15] \"You can even hear that I’m trying to sing like her on some of those early Soft Cell songs: I didn’t want to sing properly, I wanted to sing in a punk way\".[16]", "The Jungle Book (1967 film) Many characters appear in the 1990–91 animated series TaleSpin.[50] Between 1996 and 1998, the TV series Jungle Cubs told the stories of Baloo, Hahti, Bagheera, Louie, Kaa, and Shere Khan when they were children.[51] Disney later made a live-action remake of the film, which was more of a realistic action-adventure film with somewhat-more adult themes. The film, released in 1994, differs even more from the book than its animated counterpart, but was still a box-office success. In 1998, Disney released a direct to video film entitled The Jungle Book: Mowgli's Story.[52] A new live-action version of The Jungle Book was released by Disney in 2016, which even reused most of the songs of the animated movie, with some lyrical reworking by original composer Richard M. Sherman.[53]", "The Lost City of Z (film) When I was sent the book in the fall of 2008, it hadn’t yet been published. I didn’t know what it was and I hadn’t heard of the story at all. It takes place outside of New York, and it’s a period piece in the United Kingdom and the jungle. So I had no idea why the people at Plan B decided to send me this book, because nothing in my prior work had shown that I could do anything like this. Maybe it was an act of madness on their part.[12]", "Messin' with the Kid What's this you hear goin' all around town\nThe people are sayin' you're gonna to put The Kid down\nWell oh lord, well look at what you did\nYou can call it what you wanna, but I call it messin' with The Kid", "Like I Love You \"Like I Love You\" was chosen as Timberlake's debut single and the lead single of Justified. According to Timberlake, there was \"never any question\" in his mind whether or not the song would be released as his debut single. Of the song, Timberlake said: \"It sounded so original to me. And I kind of consider myself a new artist. This is a new beginning for me, so why call on some big-name hip-hop artist when I could get somebody that feels new so it could feel like we were chomping at the bit at the same time?\"[5]", "The Jungle Book (franchise) TaleSpin is a half-hour animated adventure series based in the fictional city of Cape Suzette, that first aired in 1990 as a preview on The Disney Channel and later that year as part of The Disney Afternoon, with characters adapted from the 1967 animated film The Jungle Book, which was theatrically rereleased in the summer before this show premiered in the fall.", "This Is Where I Leave You This Is Where I Leave You is a 2014 American dramedy film directed by Shawn Levy. It is based on the book of the same name by Jonathan Tropper, who also wrote the film's screenplay.[3] The film was released on September 19, 2014.[4][5]", "Hedwig and the Angry Inch (soundtrack) Trask says of the song's form: \"When I started writing that song, the only way I could think to write it was as a picture book. So I wrote it, all the images in it, and the way the story gets told, as the language of, like, a Dr. Seuss picture book. If you read the lyrics out loud, they read like a picture book.\"[1]", "I Really Like You \"I Really Like You\" is a song recorded by Canadian singer Carly Rae Jepsen for her third studio album, Emotion (2015). It was written by Jepsen, Jacob Kasher Hindlin, Peter Svensson, Steve DaMar, and produced by Svensson. The song was released as the album's lead single on 2 March 2015.", "Jungle As a metaphor, jungle often refers to situations that are unruly or lawless, or where the only law is perceived to be \"survival of the fittest\". This reflects the view of \"city people\" that forests are such places. Upton Sinclair gave the title The Jungle (1906) to his famous book about the life of workers at the Chicago Stockyards portraying the workers as being mercilessly exploited with no legal or other lawful recourse.[22]", "Don't You Wanna Stay Lyrically, the song narrates the difficulties of finding and maintaining love. Cristin Maher of Taste of Country contended that the song exemplifies the desire some people have when they want to make the move from a physical relationship to an emotional relationship, which is represented by the song lyrics \"Let’s take it slow, I don’t want to move too fast / I don’t wanna just make love, I wanna make love last.\"[11] Gibson, one of the writers of the song, stated that the song does not contain a lot of flowery lyrics or sentiment. He added, \"It’s just straight up what somebody would say to somebody they’d want to be with.\"[1]", "Christopher Lee There are frustrations – people who lie to you, people who don't know what they are doing, films that don't turn out the way you had wanted them to – so, yes, I do understand [why Depp would consider retiring]. I always ask myself \"well, what else could I do?\". Making films has never just been a job to me, it's my life. I have some interests outside of acting – I sing and I've written books, for instance – but acting is what keeps me going, it's what I do, it gives life purpose... I'm realistic about the amount of work I can get at my age, but I take what I can, even voice-overs and narration.[112]", "Be Like That Arnold confesses to having no ability to play guitar, so when he writes a song, it's more like \"chicken pecking\" notes, and it can be a long process. According to Arnold, this song is about following your dreams. \"And I know everybody has 'em. It's not also just about following your dreams, though. It's kind of a little bit about dreams that you've missed, and a little notion of regret, also.\" The person in the first verse of the song is fictional, and Arnold left it open to interpretation on whether that person is older or younger. He explains: \"It's just kind of an idea. And it's kind of weird. Maybe it doesn't have a perfect string full of lyrics in that first verse, and for me I've never thought it had a perfect one, because it's almost suggesting that it's an older person, but in a lot of ways it's kind of suggesting it's a younger person. But I left it like that because I want things to be like that. I want it to be like it would be interpreted a lot of different ways. I don't do it so much anymore, but I used to think that when I write lyrics, I tried to do every line to where it could be taken more than one way. And my thought process behind that was, Well, if I can get two meanings out of it, then there are countless meanings out there for somebody else to apply it to their own life.\" He also offers this bit of philosophy: \"The difference in a good song and a great song, to me, is the difference in a good book and a good movie: They're both telling you the same story. They both have the same outcome. But whereas the movie is telling you exactly what to see and be heard, the book kind of lets you see whatever your mind comes up with, and it makes it a lot more applicable to your life in a lot of ways.\"", "I Wanna Be the Only One \"I Wanna Be the Only One\" is a song by British R&B girl group Eternal. It was the third single released from their album Before the Rain. Topping the UK Singles Chart, the release became the group's third collaboration with BeBe Winans, who produced 1994's \"Crazy\" (from Always & Forever) and 1995's \"It Will Never End\" (from Power of a Woman).", "Love Yourself Lyrically, \"Love Yourself\" is a kiss-off to a narcissistic ex-lover who did the protagonist wrong,[15][9] with Bieber singing in a snappy and spiteful tone[16] while \"hating on a girl for loving herself too much.\"[17] In the pre-chorus, he sings with a husky tone in the lower registers:[16] \"My mama don't like you, and she likes everyone,\" \"in a style that molds well to Sheeran's,\" according to Rolling Stone's Brittany Spanos.[1] \"And I [never] like to admit that I was wrong. And I've been so caught up in my job, didn't see what's going on, and now I know, I'm better sleeping on my own,\" he continues.[1] In the chorus, Bieber sings, \"Cause if you like the way you look that much, oh baby you should go and love yourself,\"[17] which according to Digital Spy's Amy Davidson, \"'love yourself' means 'go f**k yourself' in this context.\"[18] On March 7, 2017, composer Ed Sheeran stated on the Howard Stern Show that he had Rihanna in mind for the song at first, and the original lyric was indeed \"fuck yourself.\" [19] In the song's bridge, Bieber uses a \"brass-and-vocalese\" style.[20]", "Who Shot Ya? It's terror-dome when you see my click you need to run behind shit\nYou got a gat you'd better find it and use that shit\nThink fast and get reminded of robberies in Manhattan\nYou know what happened: 60G's worth of gun clappin'\nWho Shot Ya? You'd probably scream louder than a opera\nNew York gotcha, now you wanna use my mob as a crutch\nWhat you think you can't get bucked again?\nOnce again...", "Do You Wanna Touch Me \"Do You Wanna Touch Me\", also referred to as \"Do You Wanna Touch Me? (Oh Yeah)\" is a song by English glam rock singer Gary Glitter, written by Glitter with Mike Leander and produced by Mike Leander. It was released as the lead single from his second album, Touch Me (1973), peaking at No. 2 on the UK Singles Chart in January 1973, his third successive UK hit. The single also reached No. 9 in Ireland and No. 11 in Australia. The song represented something of a departure from the \"trademark\" of the Glitter sound. The song was also used in The Runaways drama film of the same name.", "Daddy's Little Girl You're the treasure I cherish, so sparkling and bright, You were touched by holy and beautiful light; Like angels that sing, a heavenly thing, And you're Daddy's Little Girl.[2]", "You Make It Feel Like Christmas According to McRady, the album's third track, \"My Gift Is You\", is the most candid song on You Make It Feel Like Christmas.[10] Lyrically, Stefani sings about \"disregard[ing] material possessions [in favor of] Christmas\" while \"flaunt[ing] her newfound love with [Shelton]\".[11]", "Since I Saw You Last Barlow cites that after the release of Twelve Months, Eleven Days, he stopped singing as he walked away from the limelight. He said, \"I never even sang in my own studio; I was telling myself [that] I don't need to be an artist anymore; I started as a songwriter.\" However, after the success of the Take That reunion, he felt that he had to face his demons and right the wrongs he felt took hold of his last full studio album. He said, \"The one thing I was dreading was that the last album would be on my shoulder the whole time I made this one, but it wasn't—it was flushed out really quickly. I’m not haunted by that time. My experience 14 years ago was completely different from now.[6] The last album I made was so laden with people telling me who I should sound like that I listen back now and think 'Who's that?', but Since I Saw You Last was easy to make; there's a lot of my life on this record.\"[7]", "I Will Always Love You In Curtis W. Ellison's book, Country Music Culture: From Hard Times to Heaven (1995), he stated: \"In the early 1990s, when ambiguity in romantic relationships accompanies changing expectations for both men and women, this song demonstrates Dolly Parton's appeal as a songwriter in the pop music market.\"[1] Ken Knight, author of The Midnight Show: Late Night Cable-TV \"Guy-Flicks\" of the '80s (2008), commented that Parton is the only singer who can sing \"I Will Always Love You\" and \"make it memorable\".[17] Writer Paul Simpson criticized the singer, stating that the track was only written to \"soften the blow\" of Parton and Wagoner's split.[18]", "Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child The song is clearly an expression of pain and despair as it conveys the hopelessness of a child who has been torn from their parents. Under one interpretation, the repetitive singing of the word \"sometimes\" offers a measure of hope, as it suggests that at least \"sometimes\" I do not feel like a motherless child.[3]", "Who's on First? Costello: Then who gets it?\nAbbott: Naturally.\nCostello: Naturally.\nAbbott: Now you've got it.\nCostello: I throw the ball to Naturally.\nAbbott: You don't! You throw it to Who!\nCostello: Naturally.\nAbbott: Well, that's it—say it that way.\nCostello: That's what I said.\nAbbott: You did not.\nCostello: I said I throw the ball to Naturally.\nAbbott: You don't! You throw it to Who!" ]
which best describes timbuktu under the mali empire
[ "Mali Empire In 1307 Mansa Musa came to the throne after a series of civil wars and ruled for thirty years. During the peak of the kingdom, Mali was extremely wealthy. This was due to the tax on trade in and out of the empire, along with all the gold Mansa Musa had. He had so much gold that during his hajj to Mecca, the Mansa passed out gold to all the poor along the way. This led to inflation throughout the kingdom. Mansa Musa also ran out of gold on the hajj to Mecca but was not concerned because he knew he had enough gold back in Mali to pay back everything he owed money to. Trade was a significant factor to the rise and success of Mali. Mali flourished especially when Timbuktu came under Mansa Musa’s control. Timbuktu was a place of trade, entertainment, and education. The city’s water supply was a leading cause to its successes in trade.[44] Mansa Musa placed a heavy tax on all objects that went through Timbuktu. Although this time in the kingdom was prosperous, Mali’s wealth and power soon declined. Mali was thriving for a long time, but like other western pre-colonial kingdom, Mali began to fall. Constant civil war between leaders led to a weakened state. These conflicts also interrupted trade. This is one of the main factors to the fall of the kingdom. Trade was Mali’s form of income, and wealth. With trade being disrupted by wars, there was no way for the economy to continue to prosper. As a result of this the empire fell. [45]" ]
[ "Mali Empire Despite their power in the west, Mali was losing the battle for supremacy in the north and northeast. The new Songhai Empire conquered Mema,[37] one of Mali's oldest possessions, in 1465. It then seized Timbuktu from the Tuareg in 1468 under Sunni Ali Ber.[37]", "Mali The Mali Empire later formed on the upper Niger River, and reached the height of power in the 14th century.[24] Under the Mali Empire, the ancient cities of Djenné and Timbuktu were centers of both trade and Islamic learning.[24] The empire later declined as a result of internal intrigue, ultimately being supplanted by the Songhai Empire.[24] The Songhai people originated in current northwestern Nigeria. The Songhai had long been a major power in West Africa subject to the Mali Empire's rule.[24]", "Songhai Empire In the decades following the death of, disputes over succession weakened the Mali Empire, and in the 1430s Songhai, previously a Mali dependency, gained independence under the Sonni Dynasty. Around thirty years later Sonni Sulayman Dama attacked Mema, the Mali province west of Timbuktu, paving the way for his successor, Sonni Ali, to turn his country into one of the greatest empires Saharan Africa has ever seen.[12]", "History of Timbuktu With the power of the Mali Empire waning in the first half of the 15th century, Timbuktu became relatively autonomous, although Maghsharan Tuareg had a dominating position.[30] Thirty years later the rising Songhai Empire expanded, absorbing Timbuktu in 1468 or 1469. The city was led, consecutively, by Sunni Ali Ber (1468–1492), Sunni Baru (1492–1493) and Askia Mohammad I (1493–1528). Although Sunni Ali Ber was in severe conflict with Timbuktu after its conquest, Askia Mohammad I created a golden age for both the Songhai Empire and Timbuktu through an efficient central and regional administration and allowed sufficient leeway for the city's commercial centers to flourish.[30][31]", "Timbuktu Timbuktu (/ˌtɪmbʌkˈtuː/), also spelt Tinbuktu, Timbuctoo and Timbuktoo (Berber languages: ⵜⵉⵏⴱⵓⴽⵜⵓ; French: Tombouctou; Koyra Chiini: Tumbutu), is an ancient city in Mali, situated 20 km (12 mi) north of the Niger River. The town is the capital of the Timbuktu Region, one of the eight administrative regions of Mali. It had a population of 54,453 in the 2009 census.", "Mali Empire The Mali Empire reached its largest size under the Laye Keita mansas. Al-Umari, who wrote down a description of Mali based on information given to him by Abu Sa’id ‘Otman ed Dukkali (who had lived 35 years in Niani), reported the realm as being square and an eight-month journey from its coast at Tura (at the mouth of the Senegal River) to Muli (also known as Tuhfat). Umari also describes the empire as being south of Marrakesh and almost entirely inhabited except for few places. Mali's domain also extended into the desert. He describes it as being north of Mali but under its domination implying some sort of vassalage for the Antasar, Yantar'ras, Medussa and Lemtuna Berber tribes.[39] The empire's total area included nearly all the land between the Sahara Desert and coastal forests. It spanned the modern-day countries of Senegal, southern Mauritania, Mali, northern Burkina Faso, western Niger, the Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea, the Ivory Coast and northern Ghana. By 1350, the empire covered approximately 439,400 square miles (1,138,000 km2). The empire also reached its highest population during the Laye period ruling over 400 cities,[40] towns and villages of various religions and elasticities. During this period only the Mongol Empire was larger.", "Timbuktu Timbuktu Airport is served by both Air Mali and Mali Air Express, hosting flights to and from Bamako, Gao and Mopti.[93] Its 6,923 ft (2,110 m) runway in a 07/25 runway orientation is both lighted and paved.[99]", "Mali Empire Following this period, a period of weak emperors, conflicts and disunity began in Mali. Ibn Khaldun died in 1406, and following his death there was no continuous record of events in the Mali Empire. It is known from the Tarikh al-Sudan that Mali was still a sizeable state in the 15th century. The Venetian explorer Alvise Cadamosto and Portuguese traders confirmed that the peoples of the Gambia were still subject to the mansa of Mali.[9] Upon Leo Africanus's visit at the beginning of the 16th century, his descriptions of the territorial domains of Mali showed that it was still a kingdom of considerable size. However, from 1507 neighbouring states such as Diara, Great Fulo and the Songhay Empire were eroding the extreme territories of Mali. In 1542, the Songhay invaded the capital city of Niani but were unsuccessful in conquering the empire. During the 17th century, the Mali empire faced incursions from the Bamana Empire. After unsuccessful attempts by Mansa Mama Maghan to conquer Bamana, in 1670 Bamana sacked and burned Niani, and the Mali Empire rapidly disintegrated and ceased to exist, being replaced by independent chiefdoms. The Keitas retreated to the town of Kangaba, where they became provincial chiefs.[10]", "Timbuktu Arabic, introduced together with Islam during the 11th century, has mainly been the language of scholars and religion, comparable to Latin in Western Christianity.[91] Although Bambara is spoken by the most numerous ethnic group in Mali, the Bambara people, it is mainly confined to the south of the country. With an improving infrastructure granting Timbuktu access to larger cities in Mali's South, use of Bambara was increasing in the city at least until Azawad independence.[90]", "Mali Empire The Mali Empire flourished because of its trade above all else. It contained three immense gold mines within its borders unlike the Ghana Empire, which was only a transit point for gold. The empire taxed every ounce of gold, copper and salt that entered its borders. By the beginning of the 14th century, Mali was the source of almost half the Old World's gold exported from mines in Bambuk, Boure and Galam.[37] Gold mines in Boure, which is located in present-day Guinea, were discovered sometime near the end of 12th century[46]", "Timbuktu Timbuktu was a regional trade centre in medieval times, where caravans met to exchange salt from the Sahara Desert for gold, ivory, and slaves from the Sahel, which could be reached via the nearby Niger River. The population swelled from 10,000 in the 13th century to about 50,000 in the 16th century after the establishment of a major Islamic university, which attracted scholars from throughout the Muslim world. In the 1600s, a combination of a purge by a monarch who accused the scholars of \"disloyalty\" and a decline in trade caused by increased competition from newly available trans-Atlantic sailing routes caused the city to decline. The first European to reach Timbuktu, Alexander Gordon Laing, did not arrive until 1826, and it was not until the 1890s that Timbuktu was formally incorporated into the French colony of Mali. Today, the city is still inhabited, but it plays little role on the world stage.", "History of Timbuktu Timbuktu was peacefully annexed by King Musa I when returning from his pilgrimage in 1324 to Mecca. The city became part of the Mali Empire and Musa I ordered the construction of a royal palace.[24] Both the Tarikh al-Sudan and the Tarikh al-fattash attribute the building of the Djinguereber Mosque to Musa I.[25][26][27] Two centuries later in 1570 Qadi al-Aqib had the mosque pulled down and rebuilt on a larger scale.[28]", "Mali Empire The first ruler from the Laye lineage was Kankan Musa Keita (or Moussa), also known as Mansa Musa. After an entire year without word from Abubakari Keita II, he was crowned Mansa Musa Keita. Mansa Musa Keita was one of the first truly devout Muslims to lead the Mali Empire. He attempted to make Islam the faith of the nobility,[37] but kept to the imperial tradition of not forcing it on the populace. He also made Eid celebrations at the end of Ramadan a national ceremony. He could read and write Arabic and took an interest in the scholarly city of Timbuktu, which he peaceably annexed in 1324. Via one of the royal ladies of his court, Musa transformed Sankore from an informal madrasah into an Islamic university. Islamic studies flourished thereafter.", "Songhai Empire During the second half of the 13th century, Gao and the surrounding region had grown into an important trading center and attracted the interest of the expanding Mali Empire. Mali conquered Gao towards the end of the 13th century. Gao would remain under Malian hegemony until the late 14th century. As the Mali Empire started to disintegrate, the Songhai reasserted control of Gao. Songhai rulers subsequently took advantage of the weakened Mali Empire to expand Songhai rule.", "Mali Guinean writer Djibril Niane suggests in Sundiata: An Epic of Old Mali (1965) that it is not impossible that Mali was the name given to one of the capitals of the emperors. 14th-century Moroccan traveler Ibn Battuta reported that the capital of the Mali Empire was called Mali.[19] One Mandinka tradition tells that the legendary first emperor Sundiata Keita changed himself into a hippopotamus upon his death in the Sankarani River, and that it's possible to find villages in the area of this river, termed \"old Mali\", which have Mali for a name. This name could have formerly been that of a city. In old Mali, there is one village called Malika which means “New Mali.”[20]", "Mali Empire Mansa Mahmud Keita III's reign also saw the military outpost and province of Kaabu become independent in 1537.[85] The Kaabu Empire appears as ambitions as Mali was in its early years and conquers Mali's remaining Gambian provinces of Cassa and Bati.[88]", "History of Africa After the reign of Mansa Suleyman (1341–1360), Mali began its spiral downward. Mossi cavalry raided the exposed southern border. Tuareg harassed the northern border in order to retake Timbuktu. Fulani (Fulbe) eroded Mali's authority in the west by establishing the independent Imamate of Futa Toro, a successor to the kingdom of Takrur. Serer and Wolof alliances were broken. In 1545 to 1546, the Songhai Empire took Niani. After 1599, the empire lost the Bambouk goldfields and disintegrated into petty polities.[181]", "Mali On 11 January 2013, the French Armed Forces intervened at the request of the interim government. On 30 January, the coordinated advance of the French and Malian troops claimed to have retaken the last remaining Islamist stronghold of Kidal, which was also the last of three northern provincial capitals.[42] On 2 February, the French President, François Hollande, joined Mali's interim President, Dioncounda Traoré, in a public appearance in recently recaptured Timbuktu.[43]", "Mali Empire The Songhai settlement effectively shook off Mali's authority in 1375. Still, by the time of Mansa Musa Keita II's death in 1387, Mali was financially solvent and in control of all of its previous conquests short of Gao and Dyolof. Forty years after the reign of Mansa Musa Keita I, the Mali Empire still controlled some 1,100,000 square kilometres (420,000 sq mi) of land throughout Western Africa.[78][9]", "University of Timbuktu ...Timbuktu is a repository of history, a living archive which anybody with a concern for African history should be acquainted with. Timbuktu may be hard to get to but it played an essential role as a centre of scholarship under the Songhay state until the invasion from the rulers of Marrakesh in 1591, and even thereafter it was revived.[3]", "Songhai Empire At its peak, the Songhai city of Timbuktu became a thriving cultural and commercial center. Arab, Italian, and Jewish merchants all gathered for trade. A revival of Islamic scholarship also took place at the university in Timbuktu[citation needed]. However, Timbuktu was but one of a myriad of cities throughout the empire. By 1500, the Songhai Empire covered over 1.4 million square kilometers.[2][17]", "Mali Mali fell under the control of France during the late 19th century.[24] By 1905, most of the area was under firm French control as a part of French Sudan.[24] In early 1959, French Sudan (which changed its name to the Sudanese Republic) and Senegal united to become the Mali Federation. The Mali Federation gained independence from France on 20 June 1960.[24]", "Timbuktu These libraries are the largest among up to 60 private or public libraries that are estimated to exist in Timbuktu today, although some comprise little more than a row of books on a shelf or a bookchest.[87] Under these circumstances, the manuscripts are vulnerable to damage and theft, as well as long term climate damage, despite Timbuktu's arid climate. Two Timbuktu Manuscripts Projects funded by independent universities have aimed to preserve them.", "History of Timbuktu In its Golden Age, the town's numerous Islamic scholars and extensive trading network made possible an important book trade: together with the campuses of the Sankore Madrasah, an Islamic university, this established Timbuktu as a scholarly centre in Africa. Several notable historic writers, such as Shabeni and Leo Africanus, have described Timbuktu. These stories fueled speculation in Europe, where the city's reputation shifted from being extremely rich to being mysterious. This reputation overshadows the town itself in modern times, to the point where it is best known in Western culture as an expression for a distant or outlandish place.", "Mali Empire A manuscript page from Timbuktu", "Mali Mali's military forces consist of an army, which includes land forces and air force,[69] as well as the paramilitary Gendarmerie and Republican Guard, all of which are under the control of Mali's Ministry of Defense and Veterans, headed by a civilian.[70] The military is underpaid, poorly equipped, and in need of rationalization.[70]", "Mali Empire A manuscript page from Timbuktu showing a table of astronomical information", "Timbuktu The caravans of several thousand camels took three weeks each way, transporting food to the miners and returning with each camel loaded with four or five 30 kg (66 lb) slabs of salt. The salt transport was largely controlled by the desert nomads of the Arabic-speaking Berabich (or Barabish) tribe.[29] Although there are no roads, the slabs of salt are now usually transported from Taoudenni by truck.[30] From Timbuktu the salt is transported by boat to other towns in Mali.", "Mali Empire The Mali Empire maintained a semi-professional, full-time army in order to defend its borders. The entire nation was mobilised, with each clan obligated to provide a quota of fighting-age men.[26] These men had to be of the horon (freemen) caste and appear with their own arms. Historians who lived during the height and decline of the Mali Empire consistently record its army at 100,000, with 10,000 of that number being made up of cavalry.[26] With the help of the river clans, this army could be deployed throughout the realm on short notice.[52][53] Numerous sources attest that the inland waterways of West Africa saw extensive use of war canoes and vessels used for war transport where permitted by the environment. Most West African canoes were of single-log construction, carved and dug out from one massive tree trunk.[54]", "Mali Empire The Manden Kurufaba founded by Mari Djata it was composed of the \"three freely allied states\" of Mali, Mema and Wagadou plus the Twelve Doors of Mali.[17] It is important to remember that Mali, in this sense, strictly refers to the city-state of Niani.", "Mali Empire Mansa Musa Keita was succeeded by his son, Maghan Keita I, in 1337.[37] Mansa Maghan Keita I spent wastefully and was the first lacklustre emperor since Khalifa Keita. But the Mali Empire built by his predecessors was too strong for even his misrule and it passed intact to Musa's brother, Souleyman Keita in 1341.", "Mali Empire Territories in Mali came into the empire via conquest or annexation. In the event of conquest, farins took control of the area until a suitable native ruler could be found. After the loyalty or at least the capitulation of an area was assured, it was allowed to select its own dyamani-tigui. This process was essential to keep non-Manding subjects loyal to the Manding elites that ruled them.", "Timbuktu In the imagination of Europeans and North Americans, Timbuktu is a place that bears with it a sense of mystery: a 2006 survey of 150 young Britons found 34% did not believe the town existed, while the other 66% considered it \"a mythical place\".[100] This sense has been acknowledged in literature describing African history and African-European relations. Timbuktu is also often considered a far away place, in popular western culture. [2][101][102]", "History of Timbuktu During the twelfth century, the remnants of the Ghana Empire were invaded by the Sosso Empire king Soumaoro Kanté.[20] Muslim scholars from Walata (beginning to replace Aoudaghost as trade route terminus) fled to Timbuktu and solidified the position of Islam,[21] a religion that had gradually spread throughout West Africa, mainly through commercial contacts.[22] Islam at the time in the area was not uniform, its nature changing from city to city, and Timbuktu's bond with the religion was reinforced through its openness to strangers that attracted religious scholars.[23]", "Mali Empire Gold nuggets were the exclusive property of the mansa, and were illegal to trade within his borders. All gold was immediately handed over to the imperial treasury in return for an equal value of gold dust. Gold dust had been weighed and bagged for use at least since the time of the Ghana Empire. Mali borrowed the practice to stem inflation of the substance, since it was so prominent in the region. The most common measure for gold within the realm was the ambiguous mithqal (4.5 grams of gold).[26] This term was used interchangeably with dinar, though it is unclear if coined currency was used in the empire. Gold dust was used all over the empire, but was not valued equally in all regions.", "Musa I of Mali The University of Sankore in Timbuktu was restaffed under Musa's reign with jurists, astronomers, and mathematicians.[28] The university became a center of learning and culture, drawing Muslim scholars from around Africa and the Middle East to Timbuktu.", "Mali Empire The Rock art in the Sahara suggests that northern Mali has been inhabited since 10,000 BC, when the Sahara was fertile and rich in wildlife. By 300 BC, large organised settlements had developed, most notable near Djenné, one of West Africa's oldest cities. By the 6th century AD, the lucrative trans-Saharan trade in gold, salt and slaves had begun, facilitating the rise of West Africa's great empires.", "Mali Empire According to one account, Sakoura was murdered on his return trip from Mecca in or near present-day Djibouti by a Danakil warrior attempting to rob him.[63] The emperor's attendants rushed his body home through the Ouaddai region and into Kanem where one of that empire's messengers was sent to Mali with news of Sakoura's death. When the body arrived in Niani, it was given a regal burial despite the usurper's slave roots.[63]", "Mali Empire The Sudano-Sahelian influence was particularly widely incorporated during the rule of Mansa Musa I, who constructed many architectural projects, including the Great Mosque of Gao and Royal Palace in Timbuktu, which was built with the assistance of Ishaak al-Tuedjin, an architect brought by Musa from his pilgrimage to Mecca.[58]", "Mali Empire There was no standard currency throughout the realm, but several forms were prominent by region. The Sahelian and Saharan towns of the Mali Empire were organised as both staging posts in the long-distance caravan trade and trading centres for the various West African products. At Taghaza, for example, salt was exchanged; at Takedda, copper. Ibn Battuta observed the employment of servants in both towns. During most of his journey, Ibn Battuta travelled with a retinue that included servants, most of whom carried goods for trade. On the return from Takedda to Morocco, his caravan transported 600 female servants, suggesting that indentured servitude was a substantial part of the commercial activity of the empire.[47]", "Mali Empire The number and frequency of conquests in the late 13th century and throughout the 14th century indicate the Kolonkan mansas inherited and or developed a capable military. Sundjata is credited with at least the initial organisation of the Manding military. However, it went through radical changes before reaching the legendary proportions proclaimed by its subjects. As a result of steady tax revenue and stable government beginning in the last quarter of the 13th century, the Mali Empire was able to project its power throughout its own extensive domain and beyond.", "History of libraries It should also be noted that Islamic states in Africa began to see a rapid development in education from the 11th century. Libraries of particular importance would include that of Timbuktu, which held many manuscripts that were important for over 600 years in the Ghanan, Mali and Songhai empires. One of the most notable authors was Ahmad Baba who wrote over 40 manuscripts - widely considered as being one of the most influential scholars from Timbuktu. Many of the manuscripts and buildings were destroyed by the Arab-European invasion in 1591 and writers, such as Ahmad Baba were taken into captivity.[58] Despite this and the poor preservation conditions as many as 700,000 manuscripts still survive today.[59]", "Songhai Empire Under the rule of Sonni Ali, the Songhai surpassed the Malian Empire in area, wealth, and power, absorbing vast areas of the Mali Empire and reached its greatest extent. His son and successor, Sonni Bāru (1492–1493), was a less successful ruler of the empire, and as such was overthrown by Muhammad Ture (1493–1528; called Askia), one of his father's generals, who instituted political and economic reforms throughout the empire.", "Timbuktu Tales of Timbuktu's fabulous wealth helped prompt European exploration of the west coast of Africa. Among the most famous descriptions of Timbuktu are those of Leo Africanus and Shabeni.", "Poetry in Africa Numerous examples of pre-colonial African literature span the continent, from scripts documenting the kings of Ethiopian and Ghanaian empires, as well as popular folklore in a host of native languages, through to Mali's famous Timbuktu Manuscripts, dating from the 16th to 18th centuries, with a wide array of subject matter, including astronomy, poetry, law, history, faith, politics and philosophy. In medieval times the universities of North Africa amassed Arabic and Swahili literature.[4]", "Economy of Mali Mining has long been an important aspect of the Malian economy. Gold, the third[citation needed] largest source of Malian exports, is still mined in the southern region: at the end of the 20th century Mali had the third highest gold production in Africa (after South Africa and Ghana).[4] These goldfields, the largest of which lie in the Bambouk Mountains in western Mali (Kenieba Cercle), were a major source of wealth and trade as far back as the Ghana Empire.", "Mali Mali is a part of the \"Franc Zone\" (Zone Franc), which means that it uses the CFA franc. Mali is connected with the French government by agreement since 1962 (creation of BCEAO). Today all seven countries of BCEAO (including Mali) are connected to French Central Bank.[75]", "Mali In 1992, Alpha Oumar Konaré won Mali's first democratic, multi-party presidential election, before being re-elected for a second term in 1997, which was the last allowed under the constitution. In 2002 Amadou Toumani Touré, a retired general who had been the leader of the military aspect of the 1991 democratic uprising, was elected.[32] During this democratic period Mali was regarded as one of the most politically and socially stable countries in Africa.[33]", "Timbuktu Timbuktu is a sister city to the following cities:[112]", "Songhai Empire Under Askia Muhammad, the Empire saw increased centralization. He encouraged learning in Timbuktu by rewarding its professors with larger pensions as an incentive. He also established an order of precedence and protocol and was noted as a noble man who gave back generously to the poor. Under his policies, Muhammad brought much stability to Songhai and great attestations of this noted organization are still preserved in the works of Maghrebin writers such as Leo Africanus, among others.[citation needed]", "Timbuktu Both ferries and pinasses arrive at Korioumé, Timbuktu's port, which is linked to the city centre by an 18 km (11 mi) paved road running through Kabara. In 2007, access to Timbuktu's traditional port, Kabara, was restored by a Libyan funded project that dredged the 3 km (2 mi) silted canal connecting Kabara to an arm of the Niger River. COMANAV ferries and pinassses are now able to reach the port when the river is in full flood.[14][94]", "Niger From 1000 to 1325, The Songhai Empire prospered and managed to maintain peace with its neighboring empires including the Mali Empire. In 1325, the Songhai Empire was conquered by the Mali Empire, but was freed in 1335 by prince Ali Kolen and his brother, Songhai princes held captive by Moussa Kankan, the ruler of the Mali Empire.[16] From the mid-15th to the late 16th century, Songhai was one of the largest Islamic empires in history.[17]", "Islam in Mali Since the 2012 imposition of Sharia rule in northern parts of the country, persecution of Christians in the north increased significantly and was described as severe by Open Doors which publishes the Christian persecution index; Mali appears as number 7 in the 2013 index list.[3][4]", "Exploration of Africa Following its 8th-century conquest of North Africa, Arab Muslims ventured into Sub-Saharan Africa first along the Nile Valley towards Nubia, and later also across the Sahara towards West Africa. They were interested in the trans-Saharan trade, especially in slaves. This expansion of Arab and Islamic culture was a gradual process, lasting throughout most of the Middle Ages. The Christian kingdoms of Nubia came under pressure from the 7th century, but they resisted for several centuries. The Kingdom of Makuria and Old Dongola collapsed by the beginning of the 14th century. A significant role in the spread of Islam in Africa was taken by Sufi orders during the 9th to 14th centuries, who spread south along trade routes between North Africa and the sub-Saharan kingdoms of Ghana and Mali. On the West African coast, they set up zawiyas on the shores of the River Niger. The Mali Empire became Islamic following the pilgrimage of Musa I of Mali in 1324. Timbuktu became an important center of Islamic culture south of the Sahara. Alodia, the last remnant of Christian Nubia, was destroyed by the Funj in 1504.", "Songhai Empire Sonni Ali reigned from 1464 to 1492, after the death of Sulayman Dama. Like Songhai kings before him, Ali was a Muslim. In the late 1460s, he conquered many of the Songhai's neighboring states, including what remained of the Mali Empire. Sonni Ali was considered the empire's most formidable military strategist and conqueror. Under his rule Songhai reached a size of over 1,400,000 square kilometers.[citation needed]", "Religion in Africa Islam is the dominant religion in North Africa and the Horn of Africa. It has also become the predominant religion on the Swahili Coast as well as the West African seaboard and parts of the interior. There have been several Muslim empires in Western Africa which exerted considerable influence, notably the Mali Empire, which flourished for several centuries and the Songhai Empire, under the leadership of Mansa Musa, Sonni Ali and Askia Mohammed.", "Mali Empire Mansa Sandaki Keita, a descendant of kankoro-sigui Mari Djata Keita, deposed Maghan Keita II, becoming the first person without any Keita dynastic relation to officially rule Mali.[37] Sandaki Keita should not however be taken to be this person's name but a title. Sandaki likely means High Counsellor or Supreme Counsellor, from san or sanon (meaning \"high\") and adegue (meaning counsellor).[79] He would only reign a year before a descendant of Mansa Gao Keita removed him.[80]", "Mali Empire The Twelve Doors of Mali were a coalition of conquered or allied territories, mostly within Manden, with sworn allegiance to Sundiata and his descendants. Upon stabbing their spears into the ground before Sundiata's throne, each of the twelve kings relinquished their kingdom to the Keita dynasty.[17] In return for their submission, they became \"farbas\", a combination of the Mandinka words \"farin\" and \"ba\" (great farin).[31] Farin was a general term for northern commander at the time. These farbas would rule their old kingdoms in the name of the mansa with most of the authority they held prior to joining the Manden Kurufaba.", "Mali Empire After a mere nine months of rule, Mansa Camba Keita was deposed by one of Maghan Keita I's three sons. Konkodougou Kamissa Keita, named for the province he once governed,[26] was crowned as Mansa Mari Djata Keita II in 1360. He ruled oppressively and nearly bankrupted Mali with his lavish spending. He did however, maintain contacts with Morocco, sending a giraffe to King Abu Hassan. Mansa Mari Djata Keita II became seriously ill in 1372,[37] and power moved into the hands of his ministers until his death in 1374.", "Mali Empire The old core of the empire was divided into three spheres of influence. Kangaba, the de facto capital of Manden since the time of the last emperor, became the capital of the northern sphere. The Joma area, governed from Siguiri, controlled the central region, which encompassed Niani. Hamana (or Amana), southwest of Joma, became the southern sphere, with its capital at Kouroussa in modern Guinea.[92] Each ruler used the title of mansa, but their authority only extended as far as their own sphere of influence. Despite this disunity in the realm, the realm remained under Mandinka control into the mid-17th century. The three states warred with each other as much, if not more, than they did against outsiders, but rivalries generally stopped when faced with invasion. This trend would continue into colonial times against Tukulor enemies from the west.[93]", "The empire on which the sun never sets The phrase \"the empire on which the sun never sets\" has been used with variations to describe certain global empires that were so extensive that there was always at least one part of their territory that was in daylight.", "African philosophy Historically the West African philosophical traditions have had a significant impact on Islamic philosophy as a whole as much of the Islamic philosophical tradition was subject to the influence of scholars born or working in the African continent in centres of learning such as Djenne and Timbuktu in Mali. Many of these intellectuals and scholars created a philosophical tradition in these cities.", "University of Timbuktu According to African scholar Shamil Jeppie in The Meanings of Timbuktu:", "University of Timbuktu After Timbuktu was occupied because of the 1591 Battle of Tondibi, the university went into decline.[1] In 1593, Ahmad I al-Mansur cited \"disloyalty\" as the reason for arresting, and subsequently killing or exiling, many of Timbuktu's scholars, including Ahmad Baba al Massufi.[4]", "Mali In 1991, with the assistance of the International Development Association, Mali relaxed the enforcement of mining codes which led to renewed foreign interest and investment in the mining industry.[79] Gold is mined in the southern region and Mali has the third highest gold production in Africa (after South Africa and Ghana).[76]", "Ivory Coast The Ghana empire, the earliest of the Sudanic empires, flourished in present-day eastern Mauritania from the fourth to the 13th centuries. At the peak of its power in the 11th century, its realms extended from the Atlantic Ocean to Timbuctu. After the decline of Ghana, the Mali Empire grew into a powerful Muslim state, which reached its apogee in the early part of the 14th century. The territory of the Mali Empire in Ivory Coast was limited to the north-west corner around Odienné.", "African art The primary ethnic groups in Mali are the Bambara (also known as Bamana) and the Dogon. Smaller ethnic groups consist of the Marka, and the Bozo fisherman of the Niger River. Ancient civilizations flourished in areas like Djene and Timbuktu, where a great variety of ancient bronze and terra-cotta figures have been unearthed.", "Timbuktu In the past, the area flooded by the river was more extensive and in years with high rainfall, floodwater would reach the western outskirts of Timbuktu itself.[17] A small navigable creek to the west of the town is shown on the maps published by Heinrich Barth in 1857[18] and Félix Dubois in 1896.[19] Between 1917 and 1921, during the colonial period, the French used slave labour to dig a narrow canal linking Timbuktu with Kabara.[20] Over the following decades this became silted and filled with sand, but in 2007 as part of the dredging project, the canal was re-excavated so that now when the River Niger floods, Timbuktu is again connected to Kabara.[14][21] The Malian government has promised to address problems with the design of the canal as it currently lacks footbridges and the steep, unstable banks make access to the water difficult.[22]", "Mali Empire According to Niane's version of the epic, during the rise of Kaniaga, Sundiata of the Keita clan was born in the early 13th century. He was the son of Niani's faama, Nare Fa (also known as Maghan Kon Fatta meaning the handsome prince). Sundiata's mother was Maghan Kon Fatta's second wife, Sogolon Kédjou.[17] She was a hunchback from the land of Do, south of Mali. The child of this marriage received the first name of his mother (Sogolon) and the surname of his father (Djata). Combined in the rapidly spoken language of the Mandinka, the names formed Sondjata, Sundjata or Sundiata Keita.[17] The anglicised version of this name, Sunjata, is also popular. In Ibn Khaldun's account, Sundjata is recorded as Mari Djata with \"Mari\" meaning \"Amir\" or \"Prince\". He also states that Djata or \"Jatah\" means \"lion\".[29]", "Timbuktu Similar uses of the city are found in movies, where it is used to indicate a place a person or good cannot be traced – in a Dutch Donald Duck comic subseries situated in Timbuktu, Donald Duck uses the city as a safe haven,[109] and in the 1970 Disney animated feature The Aristocats, Edgar, the villain of the story, threatens the cats with being sent to Timbuktu only for their friends to rescue them and send Edgar there instead. It is mistakenly noted to be in French Equatorial Africa, instead of French West Africa.[110]", "Economy of Mali Agricultural activities occupy 70% of Mali's labor force and provide 42% of the GDP. Cotton and livestock make up 75%–80% of Mali's annual exports. Small-scale traditional farming dominates the agricultural sector, with subsistence farming (of cereals, primarily sorghum, pearl millet, and maize) on about 90% of the 14,000 square kilometres (1,400,000 ha; 3,500,000 acres) under cultivation.", "Mali Empire After the chaos of Ouati Keita and Khalifa Keita's reigns, a number of court officials with close ties to Sundiata Keita ruled. They began the empire's return to stability, setting it up for a golden age of rulers.", "Mali Mali's key industry is agriculture. Cotton is the country's largest crop export and is exported west throughout Senegal and Ivory Coast.[76][77] During 2002, 620,000 tons of cotton were produced in Mali but cotton prices declined significantly in 2003.[76][77] In addition to cotton, Mali produces rice, millet, corn, vegetables, tobacco, and tree crops. Gold, livestock and agriculture amount to 80% of Mali's exports.[71]", "Timbuktu Hundreds of thousands of manuscripts were collected in Timbuktu over the course of centuries: some were written in the town itself, others – including exclusive copies of the Qur'an for wealthy families – imported through the lively booktrade.", "Mali Empire Aside from military conquest, Ouali is also credited with agricultural reforms throughout the empire putting many soldiers to work as farmers in the newly acquired Gambian provinces. Just prior to his death in 1270, Ouali went on the hajj to Mecca during the reign of Mamluk Sultan Baibars, according to Ibn Khaldun.[60] This helped in strengthening ties with North Africa and Muslim merchants.[37]", "Mali At 1,242,248 square kilometres (479,635 sq mi), Mali is the world's 24th-largest country and is comparable in size to South Africa or Angola. Most of the country lies in the southern Sahara Desert, which produces an extremely hot, dust-laden Sudanian savanna zone.[44] Mali is mostly flat, rising to rolling northern plains covered by sand. The Adrar des Ifoghas massif lies in the northeast.", "Mali Empire Adelabu, the head of Awqaf Africa in London, coined the Arabic derivatives ك – و – ي K(a)-W(e)-Y(a) of the word Keita which in (in what he called) Arabicised Mandingo language Allah(u) Ka(w)eia meaning \"Allah Creates All\" as a favourable motto of reflection for Bilal Ibn Rabah, one of the most trusted and loyal Sahabah (companions) of the Islamic prophet Muhammad, whom he described (quoting William Muir's book The Life of Muhammad) as 'a tall, dark, and with African feature and bushy hair'[20] pious man who overcame slavery, racism and socio-political obstacles in Arabia to achieve a lofty status in this world and in the Hereafter.[21][incomprehensible][relevant? – discuss]", "Timbuktu Knowledge was gathered in a manner similar to the early, informal European Medieval university model.[71] Lecturing was presented through a range of informal institutions called madrasahs.[74] Nowadays known as the University of Timbuktu, three madrasahs facilitated 25,000 students: Djinguereber, Sidi Yahya and Sankore.[75]", "Armed Forces of Liberia May 3, 2017, saw the first Liberian soldier killed on deployment with the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali. Corporal Sheriff Ousmane was killed when a rebel group fired mortars into a UN base near Timbuktu.[100] Seven other Liberians were wounded in the bombardment, three seriously so, together with a Swedish peacekeeper.[101]", "Timbuktu On 30 March 2013, jihadist rebels infiltrated into Timbuktu nine days before a suicide bombing on a Malian army checkpoint at the international airport killing a soldier. Fighting lasted until 1 April, when French warplanes helped Malian ground forces chase the remaining rebels out of the city center.", "Mali In Mali, there are several newspapers such as Les Echos, L'Essor, Info Matin, Nouvel Horizon, and Le Républicain.[117] The Telecommunications in Mali include 869,600 mobile phones, 45,000 televisions and 414,985 Internet users.[118]", "Mali Empire Mansa Mahmud III's reign ended around 1559. There seems to have been either a vacancy or unknown ruler between 1559 and the start of the last mansa's reign. A vacancy or rule by a court official seems the most likely, since the next ruler takes the name of Mahmud IV. By 1560, the once powerful empire was not much more than the core of the Manden Kurufaba. The next notable mansa, Mahmud IV, doesn’t appear in any records until the end of the 16th century. However, he seems to have the distinction of being the last ruler of a unified Manden. His descendants are blamed for the breakup of the Manden Kurufaba into north, central and southern realms.", "History of Timbuktu They were not the only war captives in Timbuktu: Peter de Neumann was one of 52 men imprisoned in Timbuktu in 1942 when their ship, the SS Criton, was intercepted by two Vichy French warships. Although several men, including de Neumann, escaped, they were all recaptured and stayed a total of ten months in the city, guarded by natives. Upon his return to England, he became known as \"The Man from Timbuctoo\".[55]", "Timbuktu The validity of these theories depends on the identity of the original founders of the city: as recently as 2000, archaeological research has not found remains dating from the 11th/12th century within the limits of the modern city given the difficulty of excavating through metres of sand that have buried the remains over the past centuries.[8][9] Without consensus, the etymology of Timbuktu remains unclear.", "History of Timbuktu In 1375, Timbuktu appeared in the Catalan Atlas, showing that it was, by then, a commercial centre linked to the North-African cities and had caught Europe's attention.[29]", "West Africa In the early 19th century, a series of Fulani reformist jihads swept across Western Africa. The most notable include Usman dan Fodio's Fulani Empire, which replaced the Hausa city-states, Seku Amadu's Massina Empire, which defeated the Bambara, and El Hadj Umar Tall's Toucouleur Empire, which briefly conquered much of modern-day Mali.", "Mali Another theory suggests that Mali is a Fulani pronunciation of the name of the Mande peoples.[21][22] It is suggested that a sound shift led to the change, whereby in Fulani the alveolar segment /nd/ shifts to /l/ and the terminal vowel denasalises and raises, thus “Manden” shifts to /Mali/.[20]", "Mali Mali underwent economic reform, beginning in 1988 by signing agreements with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.[71] During 1988 to 1996, Mali's government largely reformed public enterprises. Since the agreement, sixteen enterprises were privatized, 12 partially privatized, and 20 liquidated.[71] In 2005, the Malian government conceded a railroad company to the Savage Corporation.[71] Two major companies, Societé de Telecommunications du Mali (SOTELMA) and the Cotton Ginning Company (CMDT), were expected to be privatized in 2008.[71]", "Mali Mali is a landlocked country in West Africa, located southwest of Algeria. It lies between latitudes 10° and 25°N, and longitudes 13°W and 5°E. Mali is bordered by Algeria to the northeast, Niger to the east, Burkina Faso and Côte d'Ivoire to the south, Guinea to the south-west, and Senegal and Mauritania to the west.", "Timbuktu Most tourists visit Timbuktu between November and February when the air temperature is lower. In the 1980s, accommodation for the small number of tourists was provided by two small hotels: Hotel Bouctou and Hotel Azalaï.[36] Over the following decades the tourist numbers increased so that by 2006 there were seven small hotels and guest houses.[33] The town benefited by the revenue from the CFA 5000 tourist tax,[33] by the sale of handicrafts and by the employment for the guides.", "University of Timbuktu Of the tens or hundreds of thousands of manuscripts written or copied in Timbuktu, some were taken by the French, the former colonial masters, but many surviving examples had been stored in the Ahmed Baba Institute of Higher Islamic Studies and Research, Timbuktu's main library, which was completed in 2009.[7] However, al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), a terrorist group, took control of the city[8] in 2012. They were forced out by French and Malian government troops the next year, but not before setting fire to two buildings housing many of the manuscripts, including the Ahmed Baba Institute.[8] Fortunately, most of the manuscripts had been removed and hidden before the AQIM takeover.[9]", "Timbuktu An Iron Age tell complex located 9 kilometres (6 miles) southeast of the Timbuktu near the Wadi el-Ahmar was excavated between 2008 and 2010 by archaeologists from Yale University and the Mission Culturelle de Tombouctou. The results suggest that the site was first occupied during the 5th century BC, thrived throughout the second half of the 1st millennium AD and eventually collapsed sometime during the late 10th or early 11th century AD.[12][13]", "Timbuktu In the original 1932 recording of the popular seaside song The Sun Has Got His Hat On, the second verse contains the lines: \"[The Sun's] been tanning niggers out in Timbuktu / Now he's coming back to do the same to you!\"[105] Due to the controversial nature of the racial epithet \"nigger\", controversy has arisen when this song has been played[106] and various replacements, including \"negroes\"[107] and \"roasting peanuts\"[108] have been offered.", "Economy of Mali The mining industry in Mali has recently attracted renewed interest and investment from foreign companies. Gold and phosphate are the only minerals mined in Mali although deposits of copper and diamonds do also exist. The emergence of gold as Mali's leading export product since 1999 has helped mitigate some of the negative impact of the cotton and Ivory Coast crises.", "Under Pressure The September 2005 edition of online music magazine Stylus singled out the bassline as the best in popular music history.[24] In November 2004, Stylus music critic Anthony Miccio commented that \"Under Pressure\" \"is the best song of all time\" and described it as Queen's \"opus\".[25] In 2012, Slant Magazine listed \"Under Pressure\" as the 21st best single of the 1980s.[26]", "Mali In Mali, there is a railway that connects to bordering countries. There are also approximately 29 airports of which 8 have paved runways. Urban areas are known for their large quantity of green and white taxicabs. A significant sum of the population is dependent on public transportation.", "Geography of Mali Geologically, Mali consists mostly of vast flatlands of granite and shale covered by sandstone and alluvial quartz.[5] Mali extends over two main geological structures, the West African craton in the west and the Tuareg shield in the southeast, which came together at the end of the Precambrian era between 600 and 550 million years ago. The suture zone is to the west of the Adrar des Ifoghas mountains.[6]", "Timbuktu There is insufficient rainfall in the Timbuktu region for purely rain-fed agriculture and crops are therefore irrigated using water from the River Niger. The main agricultural crop is rice. African floating rice (Oryza glaberrima) has traditionally been grown in regions near the river that are inundated during the annual flood. Seed is sown at the beginning of the rainy season (June–July) so that when the flood water arrives plants are already 30 to 40 cm (12 to 16 in) in height.[32]", "Islam in Mali Muslims currently make up approximately 95 percent of the population of Mali. The majority of Muslims in Mali are Malikite Sunni, influenced with Sufism.[1] Ahmadiyya and Shia branches are also present.[2]" ]
who sings two pints of lager and a packet of crisps
[ "Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps The core cast was augmented by various recurring characters throughout the series, portrayed by Beverly Callard, Lee Oakes, Hayley Bishop, Alison Mac, Thomas Nelstrop, and Jonathon Dutton. The title was inspired by the 1980 hit single \"Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps Please\" by Splodgenessabounds.[1] On 23 July 2011, it was confirmed that the series would not be returning due to BBC Three wanting to make room for new comedies and feeling that the series had come to a natural end following the departures of most of the main cast members.[2]" ]
[ "List of Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps characters The following is a list of characters for the British sitcom Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps written by Susan Nickson and broadcast by the BBC. The first series began on 26 February 2001 with the final ninth series being broadcast in May 2011.", "Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps BBC Two broadcast the first series, BBC Choice screened series two but was re branded as BBC Three shortly before it screened series three, and has shown the first run of each new series ever since. BBC Two also repeated the show, though only once, previously shown every Thursday. Series four ended with Jonny being shot by armed police, and viewers were asked to vote, by text or phone, on Jonny's fate. Series five began with a funeral, which was revealed to be that of Donna's mother, Flo. Some series are accompanied by a special programme exposing errors that occurred during the filming. The show, titled Two Pints of Lager Outtakes, features interviews with cast and crew, each explaining the difficulties of getting various scenes to be performed as expected.", "W (UK TV channel) The channel also produced and broadcast the programmes: Baywatch, Richard & Judy's New Position, The Borrowers, Tarrant Lets the Kids Loose, Hart of Dixie, Primeval, The Weakest Link, Walking with..., Love Soup, Dancing with the Stars, Outtake TV, and Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps for a time, however, these are no longer broadcast.", "Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps The original executive producer of the show, Geoffrey Perkins, saw writer Susan Nickson's work on Channel 4's Lloyd's Bank Film Challenge, entitled \"Life's A Bitch\", which starred Sean Hughes and Kathy Burke. At just 14, Nickson was asked by Perkins (who was also Head of Comedy at the time) to come and work with the BBC after a few years; consequently, Nickson created Two Pints when she was just 18.", "Natalie Casey Natalie Casey (born 15 April 1980) is an English actress, television presenter and singer. She is best known for her long-running roles playing Carol Groves in the TV series Hollyoaks from 1996 to 2000 and playing Donna Henshaw in Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps from 2001 to 2011.", "List of Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps episodes The group break into The Archer, despite a curse which states that everyone who enters will be killed by the thing they love the most. Kelly is suffocated by crisp packets, Louise saws her own head off after sawing into her own leg and bashing herself in the head with a hammer, Donna gets chopped in two trying to break through the glass ceiling, Gaz is crushed by Donna's legs and Jonny is consumed by a giant Jammie Dodger. Janet isn't seen being killed, but as she tries to escape, she is pulled back into the building by the rest of her friends. Janet then wakes up finding it all to have been a dream. However, she turns her head away from Jonny and when she turns back to look his head is a giant Jammie Dodger....", "Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps In April 2010, it was revealed that the show was to return, albeit 'refreshed' by the BBC, which could mean cast changes, and the loss of the creator of the show, Susan Nickson, who is reportedly moving on to work in America.[9] Location filming for series 9 is set to begin in Runcorn on 25 January as reported in The Runcorn Weekly News.[10] To celebrate the tenth anniversary of the show the official BBC website uploaded many of the viewers' favourite clips as well as Will Mellor and Natalie Casey presenting a 5-minute video about the 10 things you didn't know about the show. A plot summary of the new 2011 Ninth Series was then revealed by the BBC.[11] Original cast members Sheridan Smith and Kathryn Drysdale announced in 2010 that they would not be returning to the show.[citation needed] They were written out of the series and their departures were mentioned in the first episode of series 9. On 23 July 2011, following a decline in ratings and feeling the series had come to a natural end following the departures of half of the main cast members the BBC decided that the show would not return for a tenth series.", "Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps An eighth series was confirmed by Mellor in an interview in the Metro on 21 April 2008, in which he said that they would be filming the series from November 2008 to January 2009.[5] In January 2009, the BBC announced recording dates for the next series at BBC Television Centre from 1 February to 3 April. A special edition for Comic Relief was also recorded on 25 January. The eighth series began airing on 8 March 2009 starting with a Comic Relief special, which featured characters from Coming of Age and Grownups, as a curtain raiser, with subsequent episodes as normal. Natalie Casey, Kathryn Drysdale, Luke Gell, Will Mellor and Sheridan Smith all returned and the new character of Wesley was played by Thomas Nelstrop.[6]", "Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps The first six series with the original cast including Ralf Little ran until 2006 when Little said he would not return to the series. Will Mellor hinted at the series continuation in television interviews, one being Loose Women, and more or less confirming it on The Paul O'Grady Show, with statements such as \"we'll keep on making it\". Ralf Little announced during an interview for This Morning on 19 September 2007 that he would not be returning for the following series due to an overwhelming schedule, and Jonny Keogh was therefore killed off-screen in the first episode of the seventh series.", "Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps The show's unbroadcast pilot starred Little and Mellor, though the characters of Janet, Louise and Donna were portrayed by Clare Buckfield, Lucy Punch, and Maxine Peake. Little and Smith, and Mellor and Casey, play couples Jonny and Janet, and Gaz and Donna. Mellor and Casey had previously portrayed an onscreen couple in Hollyoaks. Smith stated how lucky she was to work with Little after starring together before, as playing such a close couple would have been awkward for both. Mellor stated in a past interview how he sees Casey as a younger sister—which makes kissing scenes a bit awkward. Smith also classes Casey as the \"mummy\" in the show, due to her knowledge and problem-solving skills. Typically, episodes end with a particularly dramatic scene, such as Jonny breaking the news to Janet that her parents turned down his request for her hand in marriage.", "List of Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps characters Kelly is first seen working at the local Sayers' Bakery, where she is a sycophantic lackey to Louise, lacking self-confidence. Later in the series, she is the regular barmaid at The Archer and has become voraciously promiscuous, even with the pub's elderly regulars, particularly Arthur. Kelly even has a brief relationship with Munch, but leaves him jammed into a playground swing. When she is denied the job of manager, she remains in the Archer, working for Janet, and is last seen smothered by crisp wrappers in the final episode of series 6.", "List of Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps episodes Notes: The episode was originally listed as \"R Soul\". On its first airdate, the episode was followed by \"The Love Triangle\", a documentary narrated by Fearne Cotton, to set up the viewers' poll to decide who should be Gaz's choice; the cast and Susan Nickson reviewed the characters and their various relationships over the preceding eight series.", "List of Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps episodes Louise gets a valentine and goes to meet the sender. He turns out to be David, who used to go to school with her but has been living in Australia for the past 8 years. Jonny gets Janet to quit smoking. Gaz and Donna learn new things about each other’s living habits.[3]", "List of Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps characters Louise Susannah Brookes, born in 1982, is initially seen as a student of sociology, although she is in one episode seen as a trainee social worker. She is desperate to find the perfect man and loves horoscopes, Coronation Street, collecting Sylvanian Families, balloon animals, Steps and the Disney Store. She dislikes old people and fears getting old. She is childish, selfish, naive, insensitive and deters most men she meets. Louise has a high-pitched voice which Kelly the barmaid says “chills her to the bones,” and Donna has called her a “squeaky little twatbag”. Louise discovers that she is adopted later on; her adoptive mother is a \"depressed maniac\" who sits in her nightie looking at the fridge all day. Louise eventually meets her birth mother and her husband (initially, mistakenly believing him to be her real father) before tracking down her birth father, Brian, who turns out to be a gay alcoholic conman. She also mentions an \"Auntie Nigel\" on more than one occasion, who is supposedly a psychopath. Louise is a snob who neither respects nor even wants to look at Jonny. On one occasion (Series 1, Episode 5) Jonny snogs her then tells her she “tastes like lard”, although at one point she stated that she liked him \"in a way\". Louise even got \"dull\" Jonny shot once: When she took a job at the Office for National Statistics, she changed his profile on the computer to that of a serious armed criminal (and \"Thailand's tallest prostitute\") to make it less boring. This resulted in Jonny being shot in the knee in the grounds of Halton Castle, for which Louise was arrested and charged with \"incitement to GBH\". She had a brief stint as the manager of the Sayers' bakery in which Janet worked, but was eventually fired after sacking all of her employees. Near the end of the sixth series, it is revealed that Louise is pregnant and that Donna's younger brother, Dion, is the father. In series seven she resides with Janet and Corinthian and has found out that she is carrying a baby girl; this disappoints her as she fears the baby girl may be \"prettier\" than she is. In the last episode of series 7 she gives birth, somewhat assisted by Munch, and although she initially agrees to call the baby \"Louise Munch Brooks\" she then decides that the name Munch disgusts her and names the baby \"Louise Louise Brooks\". In series 8 Louise is seen at first struggling to bond and care for her baby until Tim & Janet reassure her she will be a great Mum and that she will always have their support. In episode 7 Louise meets her new popstar boyfriend, Scott Chegg. By series 9, she's left Runcorn and 'joined that weird moon-worshipping cult'. She was originally going to be back for series nine as her character was supposed to come back to Runcorn with her boyfriend but Drysdale was busy filming in Spain for the fourth series of the hit comedy Benidorm.", "List of Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps characters Donna Louise Henshaw was conceived in a Ford Capri and born in 1981; after a long relationship she marries Gaz Wilkinson. She has a GCSE in Music, and is the brazen, sexually precocious one of the group. She dislikes vegetarian students and dietiers (however, she very much disliked Gaz when he was fat). She is also known to have a vicious temper, and once killed an ex-boyfriend's budgie[clarification needed]. Donna has a younger sister, Katie, and an estranged younger brother, Dion, who is also the father of Louise's baby; there's also apparently another younger, unnamed brother who is only seen in the episode \"Spunk\". Their mother Flo, to whom Donna was very close, dies after being run over by a truck. She is estranged from her father, for unknown reasons. Donna is employed for a time by O'Connor's Plastics selling buckets, rising to a well-paid executive until she is sacked for stealing and crashing a company van[when?]. Donna and Gaz briefly split after Donna finds out about Gaz's one night stand with her best friend Janet; she then goes to great lengths to hide the fact she still has feelings for him including considering plastic surgery. They eventually get back together after Gaz is involved in a road accident, when she finally admits that she loves him. She proposes to Gaz at the end of Series 6, after rejecting his earlier proposal to her, and they finally marry in Series 7. Donna works at the Archer after taking over the manager's position from Tim Claypole, but seeking to move onwards, obtains a job in London, leaves Gaz and reveals she has met a man called 'Wesley', with whom she returns in Series 8. At the end of the series, however, Gaz chooses to be with Donna over Janet. The ninth series sees Donna struggling to adapt to her new life without Janet and Louise and looking after Gaz. In the series finale after Gaz realises after celebrating his 30th birthday that he has never left Runcorn he decides to travel the world with Donna but after finding out she may have cancer she tells Gaz she won't be coming with him but doesn't reveal the reason why. Gaz then gives Donna an emotional farewell at the airport before leaving to start his new life.", "List of Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps episodes Reception: The episode was watched by 720,000 viewers", "List of Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps episodes Janet makes a wedding-gift wish-list and Jonny helps Donna search for the items at the dump. Gaz teaches Munch about women. Louise meets David's deaf cousin and visits Munch's house with his Social Services supervisor.", "List of Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps episodes First appearance: Hayley Bishop as Kelly", "List of Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps characters Jonny is a keen fan of Liverpool F.C., has a secret obsession with the film Titanic and also enjoys cartoons such as ThunderCats[3] and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles from his childhood. Despite being a husband and a father, Jonny frequently struggles to deal with his feminine side (according to Janet his “big cock-munching side”); Jonny nearly punches Janet in the Series 6 episode “Drunk” when she calls him “a big gay” after she began to push him around because she was sick of it.", "List of Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps episodes Synopsis: While Jonny is in Hawaii, having won a competition to go shark-jumping, Donna and Janet decide they need jobs and end up competing for the position of barmaid at the reopened Archer. The new manager, Tim, has changed it into a theme pub, and although the theme is John Barrowman, it initially looks exactly the same. Louise decides that her squeaky voice doesn't help her and resolves to do something about it. Gaz, wanting to do something exciting, tries several stunts. The episode ends with Janet receiving a devastating phone call from Hawaii: Jonny is dead, having been eaten by a shark.[8] Production: The episode was broadcast live and opened with a shot of the studio control room before showing the studio itself; only three sets were used- Gaz & Donna’s flat, The Archer, and Janet and Jonny's living room, although some exterior shots were used as links. At the end, the cast took their bows to the studio audience.Notes:", "List of Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps characters Jonny loves daytime television (especially Through the Keyhole, LK Today, This Morning and As Time Goes By), eating cat food, desiccated coconut, carpets (because they are “nice”), egg butties, Bovril and his six o’clock sandwich. He has a fetish for biscuits - mostly Jammie Dodgers. Jonny’s obsession for biscuits is shown in many episodes.", "List of Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps episodes Janet, Donna and Louise shop for wedding dresses with money from Janet's dad. Gaz and Jonny steal a barrel from outside the pub and struggle to open it in Gaz’s workshop; when it finally opens, it's only full of barrel wash. This episode is set on 27 September, Meat Loaf's birthday, as it is stated during the episode.[7]", "List of Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps episodes Final appearance: Beverley Callard as Flo (the character dies offscreen between Series 4 and 5).", "List of Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps episodes Louise receives a letter saying that she can't graduate from University until she returns a children's book titled 'Piggy Goes Oink'. Louise first blames David for taking it because she dumped him. Janet and Jonny are no longer in a relationship and Janet's dad kicks Jonny out of the house. Jonny goes to stay at his dad's. Janet realised that she made a terrible mistake so she goes to find Jonny and try to make things better. She finds Jonny kissing barmaid Kate outside of The Archer. Donna wants to better herself so she goes to David and he agreed to help her through University, but Gaz isn't happy about it.", "List of Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps episodes First appearance: Alison Mac as Kate", "List of Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps episodes Synopsis: The various characters decide to gather at The Archer for Timothy Claypole's Comic Relief fun night of fun fundraiser; Tim calls everyone he knows and claims he is \"more popular than Birkenstocks at a lesbian wake.\" Donna is seen in a green screen Piccadilly Circus, agreeing to return to Runcorn for Timothy Claypole's fun night of fun. Tim's contest consists of three events: a \"bitch-off\"; a \"drink-off\"; and a \"flirt-off.\"\nNotes[18]", "List of Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps episodes Gaz has a party to mark his 30th birthday, but the celebratory mood ends as he reflects on his lack of achievements over the years. Donna visits the doctor and is left reeling by the news she receives, Tim is stunned when Leonard asks him out on a date, while Cassie's relationship with Billy is threatened by the appearance of her ex-boyfriend.", "List of Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps characters Metrosexual scouser (resident of Merseyside) Billy longs to be a professional footballer - but in the meantime, he's a carer, and a rather enthusiastic one at that. Always saying \"Alright babe,\" Billy is open about his feelings and starts off as a carer for the newly wheelchair-using Gaz. Billy wants Gaz to like him but says things such as \"suck my cock\" which doesn't impress Gaz. Billy manages to proves himself to be a hero and friend to Gaz and Donna when their flat is burned down and he saves them. Gaz tries to repay Billy by getting him a chance to be a footballer, but Billy just gets drunk instead. Billy later falls for Cassie and they start a relationship which almost ends in the final episode when she has to choose between him and her ex.", "India pale ale India pale lager (IPL) is a hoppy beer style inspired by India pale ale. But unlike IPAs, IPLs are fermented with a lager yeast strain at lager fermentation temperatures. They generally combine a crisp lager finish with amplified hops.[citation needed]", "Prisoner (TV series) Several Prisoner actors have appeared in British stage drama and pantomime, including Val Lehman (The Wizard of Oz, Beatrix Potter and Misery), Peta Toppano, Fiona Spence, Maggie Dence (Bev Baker), Debra Lawrance (Daphne Graham), Linda Hartley (Roach Waters), Ian Smith (Ted Douglas) and Maggie Millar (Marie Winter). In 1997 a Prisoner clip from its second episode (Franky Doyle and Lynn Warner's fight in the garden) appeared on the BBC sitcom Birds of a Feather, and the series was mentioned several times during Birds of a Feather's seven-and-a-half-year run.[24] The theme song was played briefly in episode three of BBC sitcom One Foot in the Grave.[24] Prisoner has also been referenced in British sitcoms 2point4 Children, Absolutely Fabulous and Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps, as well as the soap operas Coronation Street, Brookside and EastEnders.[24]", "T in the Park Tennents Lager is brewed just 36 hours before T in the Park at the Wellpark Brewery in Glasgow, 44 miles from Balado. Nearly all the lager is brewed specifically for the weekend. More than 3 million pints of lager have been consumed at the festival since 1994.[10]", "Pint All of the other former British colonies, such as Canada, Australia, South Africa and New Zealand, converted to the metric system in the 1960s and 1970s; so, while the term \"pint\" may still be in common use in these countries, it may no longer refer to the British imperial pint once used throughout the British Empire. In the United Kingdom, the imperial pint is still the primary unit for draught beer and cider, as it is for milk sold in returnable bottles and some cartons. In the UK, legislation mandates that draught beer and cider may be sold by the imperial pint in perpetuity, and in public houses can only be sold in a third of a pint, two-thirds of a pint or multiples of half a pint, which must be served in stamped measured glasses or from government-stamped meters.[4]", "Pint The pint (/ˈpaɪnt/,  listen (help·info); symbol pt,[1][2] sometimes abbreviated as \"p\"[3]) is a unit of volume or capacity in both the imperial and United States customary measurement systems. In both of those systems it is traditionally one-eighth of a gallon. The British imperial pint is about 20% larger than the American pint because the two systems are defined differently. Almost all other countries have standardized on the metric system, so the size of what may be called a pint varies depending on local custom.", "Cider In 2014, a study found that a 1-US-pint (470 ml) bottle of mass-market cider contained five teaspoons (20.5 g) of sugar, nearly the amount the WHO recommends as an adult's daily allowance of added sugar, and 5–10 times the amount of sugar in lager or ale.[15]", "Pint glass The Republic of Ireland uses the imperial 20 fl oz pint measure (≈568 ml)[18], where legal metrology marks are used to show that a glass has passed inspection by the National Standards Authority of Ireland, a state-run body which enforces a number of standard rulings. Starting in 2006, the NSAI \"pint\" mark, a circle featuring two wavy lines, between which \"PINT\" is written, with a year mark (last two digits), and a three digit batch code either side; has begun to be phased out with a European standard \"PINT\"/CE logo stamp[citation needed]. Smaller Pint glasses have been used in pubs and nightclubs though.[citation needed]", "Pint One US fluid pint of water weighs about a pound (16 ounces), resulting in the popular saying, \"A pint's a pound, the world around.\"[15] However, a US pint of water weighs 1.04375 pounds and the statement does not hold the world around because the imperial (UK) pint, which was also the standard measure in Australia, India, Malaya, New Zealand, South Africa, etc., weighs 1.25 pounds. A different saying for the imperial pint is \"a pint of water's a pound and a quarter\".", "Sarlacc In the TV series Peep Show, Mark Corrigan references \"the pit of sarlacc\" when finishing off the remains of a packet of crisps.", "Pint In Australia and New Zealand, a subtle change was made to 1 pint milk bottles during the conversion from imperial to metric in the 1970s. The height and diameter of the milk bottle remained unchanged, so that existing equipment for handling and storing the bottles was unaffected, but the shape was adjusted to increase the capacity from 568 ml to 600 ml – a conveniently rounded metric measure. Such milk bottles are no longer officially referred to as pints. However, the \"pint glass\" in pubs in Australia remains closer to the standard imperial pint, at 570 ml. It holds about 500 ml of beer and about 70 ml of froth, except in South Australia, where a pint is served in a 425 ml glass and a 570 ml glass is called an \"imperial pint\". In New Zealand, there is no longer any legal requirement for beer to be served in standard measures: in pubs, the largest size of glass, which is referred to as a pint, varies, but usually contains 425 ml.[21]", "List of The Archers characters Barry, barman at The Bull, given to popping crisp packets during slow shifts, and sporting a 'manbun' among other remarkable fashion statements.", "Pint A now-obsolete unit of measurement in Scotland known as the Scottish pint or joug equals three imperial pints. It remained in use until the 19th century, surviving significantly longer than most of the old Scottish measurements.", "Pint A 375 ml bottle of liquor in the US and the Canadian maritime provinces is sometimes referred to as a \"pint\" and a 200 ml bottle is called a \"half-pint\", harking back to the days when liquor came in US pints, fifths, quarts, and half-gallons.[26] Liquor in the US has been sold in metric-sized bottles since 1980 although beer is still sold in US traditional units.[27]", "Pint glass A pint glass is a form of drinkware made to hold either a British (\"imperial\") pint of 20 imperial fluid ounces (568 ml) or an American pint of 16 US fluid ounces (473 ml). These glasses are typically used to serve beer, and also often for cider.", "Pint glass In the United Kingdom, draught beer must be sold in Imperial measure (see Pint § Effects of metrication). United Kingdom law requires certain steps be taken to ensure that a pint of beer is indeed a pint. Though this can be achieved using \"metered dispense\" (calibrated pumps), the more common solution is to use certified one-pint glasses.[citation needed] Until recently these had a crown stamp indicating that the certification had been done by an agency of the Crown. The number etched upon the glasses stands for the manufacturing company or site. Most pint glasses used in the United Kingdom today have actually been produced in France.[7]", "Pint In the United States, the dry pint is one-eighth of a dry gallon.", "Coffee Crisp Coffee Crisp 70% dark chocolate was introduced in 2009. Some time between 2008 and 2010, French Vanilla and Chocolatey Crunch variations were made available. In 2014, Coffee Crisp Latte was released in celebration of Coffee Crisp's 75th anniversary.", "Coffee Crisp There was a petition at coffeecrisp.org asking Nestlé to market the Coffee Crisp in all U.S. cities. According to the site, the petition succeeded,[1] and Nestlé began marketing the Coffee Crisp nationwide in late July 2006.[2] In April 2009, the marketing of the Coffee Crisp bar into the U.S. was discontinued by Nestlé Canada.[citation needed] In May 2009 Coffee Crisp was being exported into the U.S. market by British Wholesale Imports.", "Pint glass In the United States, a pint is 16 US fluid ounces (473 mL). However, the typical conical \"pint\" glass holds 16 oz. to its rim. With a half inch of foam, the actual liquid fill is roughly 14 oz. Recently (as of 2008), some restaurants have replaced 16-ounce pint glasses (473 mL) with 14 ouncers (415 mL) to which customers have objected.[23] In response to this, legislation has been introduced in the state of Michigan (known for its craft brewing culture) to require bars to serve 16-ounce pints.[24]", "Pint America adopted the British wine gallon, defined in 1707 as 231 cubic inches exactly (3 in × 7 in × 11 in) as its basic liquid measure, from which the US wet pint is derived; and the British corn gallon (​1⁄8 of a standard \"Winchester\" bushel of corn, or 268.8 cubic inches) as its dry measure, from which the US dry pint is derived.", "Pint In the United States, the liquid pint is legally defined as one-eighth of a liquid gallon of precisely 231 cubic inches.", "Prison food Strict rules governed the quantity of food given to prisoners. For example, a female who was not in condition for work would receive around one and a half pints of broth and six ounces of bread. A male prisoner who was in condition for work would get two pints of broth and twelve ounces of bread.", "Foster's Lager Foster's Lager was first imported into the UK in 1971.[4] It was launched in the US in 1972.[4]", "Pint glass Beer in Australia is formally measured in metric units, but draught beer is commonly ordered and sold in glasses approximating imperial measures, including a 570 ml pint. (In the state of South Australia, \"pint\" refers to a 425 ml (¾ pint) glass, known as a schooner in the rest of Australia.) As in the UK, certified glassware must be used; the capacity of the beer glass is defined by either the brim or, where present, the capacity line.[15] There are no legally prescribed sizes for beer volumes, but the stated capacities, which are a legal requirement, must be formally tested by the hotelliers and breweries.", "Packet loss Packet loss occurs when one or more packets of data travelling across a computer network fail to reach their destination. Packet loss is either caused by errors in data transmission, typically across wireless networks[1][2] or network congestion.[3] Packet loss is measured as a percentage of packets lost with respect to packets sent.", "Coffee Crisp The bar originated in the United Kingdom in the 1930s as a chocolate bar named Rowntree's Wafer Crisp. This was at a later point renamed \"Chocolate Crisp\". The bar was later introduced to Canadians as Biscrisp. In 1938, a coffee variation (Coffee Crisp) was added to the line of flavoured Biscrisps (which included fruit flavours). In 1988, Nestle acquired Rowntree's including its Canadian operation and the Toronto chocolate factory where the bar is produced. As of 2014[update] the product is marketed by Nestlé Canada.", "Haitian cuisine Beer is one of several common alcoholic beverages consumed in Haiti, often drunk at festivals, parties, and occasionally downed with a meal. The most consumed brand of beer in Haiti is Prestige, a mild lager with a light and crisp yet mildly sweet taste with a vague yet strong flavor reminiscent of several American-style beers. Prestige is brewed by Brasserie Nationale d'Haiti (owned by Heineken).[1]", "IPv6 packet In order to send a packet that is larger than the path MTU, the sending node splits the packet into fragments. The Fragment extension header carries the information necessary to reassemble the original (unfragmented) packet.[1]", "Gallon Both the US liquid and imperial gallon are divided into four quarts (quarter gallons), which in turn are divided into two pints. These pints are divided into two cups (though the imperial cup is rarely used now), which in turn are divided into two gills (gills are also rarely used). Thus a gallon is equal to four quarts, eight pints, sixteen cups or thirty-two gills. The imperial gill is further divided into five fluid ounces, whereas the US gill is divided into four fluid ounces. Thus an imperial fluid ounce is  1⁄20 of an imperial pint or  1⁄160 of an imperial gallon, while a US fluid ounce is  1⁄16 of a US pint or  1⁄128 of a US gallon.", "Packet loss Some network transport protocols such as TCP provide endpoints an easy way to ensure reliable delivery of packets, so that individual applications don't need to implement logic for this themselves. In the event of packet loss, the receiver asks for retransmission or the sender automatically resends any segments that have not been acknowledged.[16] Although TCP can recover from packet loss, retransmitting missing packets causes the throughput of the connection to decrease. This drop in throughput is due to the sliding window protocols used for acknowledgment of received packets. In certain variants of TCP, if a transmitted packet is lost, it will be re-sent along with every packet that had been sent after it. This retransmission causes the overall throughput of the connection to drop.", "IPv6 packet If not all fragments are received within 60 seconds after receiving the first packet with a fragment, reassembly of the original packet is abandoned and all fragments are discarded.\nIf the first fragment was received (which contains the fixed header), a Time Exceeded message (ICMPv6 type 3, code 1) is returned to the node originating the fragmented packet, if the packet was discarded for this reason.", "Treehouse of Horror X The opening segment, which shows Kang and Kodos attempting to entertain an audience of aliens, was \"born out of [The Simpsons' staff's] love\" of comedy teams like Martin and Lewis and the Smothers Brothers.[1] The plot of \"I Know What You Diddily-Iddily-Did\" is based on the 1997 horror film I Know What You Did Last Summer.[2] At the beginning of the segment, the Simpsons are seen escaping from a group of vampires. Holding a package of Super Sugar Crisp cereal, Homer starts singing a jingle about the cereal. Super Sugar Crisp is a reference to the breakfast cereal Golden Crisp, while the jingle Homer sings references \"Can't get enough of that Golden Crisp\", a jingle sung by Golden Crisp's mascot Sugar Bear during advertisements for the cereal. According to Scully, the series' staff had a lot of trouble clearing the song for the episode. \"Apparently, they didn't want the tune [...] used in this context\" he said in the episode's DVD commentary.[1]", "Coffee Crisp A Coffee Crisp-flavoured ice cream bar and ice cream flavour are also available.", "IPv6 packet The original packet is reassembled by the receiving node by collecting all fragments and placing each fragment at the right offset and discarding the Fragment extension headers of the packets that carried them. Packets containing fragments need not arrive in sequence; they will be rearranged by the receiving node.", "Chelsey Crisp Chelsey Crisp is married to screenwriter Rhett Reese since 2016. They reside in Los Angeles.[6][7]", "Packet loss Packet loss is detected by application protocols such as TCP, but when a person such as a network administrator needs to detect and diagnose packet loss, they typically use a purpose-built tool. Many routers have status pages or logs, where the owner can find the number or percentage of packets dropped over a particular period.", "Packet switching By 1969 he had begun building the Mark I packet-switched network to meet the needs of the multidisciplinary laboratory and prove the technology under operational conditions.[42][18][43] In 1976, 12 computers and 75 terminal devices were attached,[44] and more were added until the network was replaced in 1986. NPL, followed by ARPANET, were the first two networks in the world to use packet switching,[45][46] and were interconnected in the early 1970s.", "Packet loss Protocols such as User Datagram Protocol (UDP) provide no recovery for lost packets. Applications that use UDP are expected to define their own mechanisms for handling packet loss.", "Nigerian Breweries Sona Systems’ two breweries in Ota and Kaduna, and Life Breweries in Onitsha have now become part of Nigerian Breweries Plc, together with the three brands: Goldberg lager, Malta Gold and Life Continental lager.", "Packet loss To avoid all of these problems, the Internet Protocol allows for routers to simply drop packets if the router or a network segment is too busy to deliver the data in a timely fashion, or if the IPv4 header checksum indicates the packet has been corrupted. Obviously, this is not ideal for speedy and efficient transmission of data, and is not expected to happen in an uncongested network.[10] Dropping of packets acts as an implicit signal that the network is congested, and may cause senders to reduce the amount of bandwidth consumed, or attempt to find another path. For example, the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is designed so that excessive packet loss will cause the sender to throttle back and stop flooding the bottleneck point with data (using perceived packet loss as feedback to discover congestion).[15]", "Sugar packet The hobby of collecting sugar packets is called sucrology. Collectors can, for example, focus on the variety of types of sugar or brand names. Sugar packets are also handy forms of advertisement for businesses.", "Pint glass It is increasingly common to find pint glasses which contain markings on the base; very often these glasses are branded to one particular beer. The markings themselves are formed from small pits which aid in nucleation, allowing the gas within it to be released more easily, thus preserving the head. Without the aid of these pits a regular pint glass will keep a head for only 3 or 4 minutes before appearing 'flat'.[25] The markings come in a variety of styles ranging from a simple circular or square hatched pattern to more complicated branding messages.", "Packet loss The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) detects packet loss and performs retransmissions to ensure reliable messaging. Packet loss in a TCP connection is also used to avoid congestion and thus produces an intentionally reduced throughput for the connection.", "Coffee Crisp Coffee Crisp is a chocolate bar made in Canada. It consists of alternating layers of vanilla wafer and a foamed coffee-flavoured soft candy, covered with a milk chocolate outer layer.", "Pint glass Pint glasses became popular in the United Kingdom in the early/mid-20th century, replacing tankards (pewter, ceramic, and glass). This change is notably lamented by George Orwell in his 1946 essay \"The Moon Under Water\".", "Packet switching MPLS and its predecessors, as well as ATM, have been called \"fast packet\" technologies. MPLS, indeed, has been called \"ATM without cells\".[20] Modern routers, however, do not require these technologies to be able to forward variable-length packets at multigigabit speeds across the network.", "IPv6 packet An optional feature of IPv6, the jumbo payload option in a Hop-By-Hop Options extension header,[9] allows the exchange of packets with payloads of up to one octet less than 4 GB (232 − 1 = 7009429496729500000♠4294967295 octets), by making use of a 32-bit length field. Packets with such payloads are called jumbograms.", "Packet loss In cases where quality of service is rate limiting a connection, packets may be intentionally dropped in order to slow down specific services to ensure available bandwidth for other services marked with higher importance (like those used in the leaky bucket algorithm). For this reason, packet loss is not necessarily an indication of poor connection reliability or signs of a bandwidth bottleneck.", "Sierra Nevada Brewing Company The brewery's current lineup of seasonals include Beer Camp Hoppy Lager, Summerfest Lager, Oktoberfest, and Celebration Ale.", "Packet loss In streaming media and online game applications, packet loss can affect a user's quality of experience(QoE).", "Sliding window protocol By placing limits on the number of packets that can be transmitted or received at any given time, a sliding window protocol allows an unlimited number of packets to be communicated using fixed-size sequence numbers. The term \"window\" on the transmitter side represents the logical boundary of the total number of packets yet to be acknowledged by the receiver. The receiver informs the transmitter in each acknowledgment packet the current maximum receiver buffer size (window boundary). The TCP header uses a 16 bit field to report the receive window size to the sender. Therefore, the largest window that can be used is 216 = 64 kilobytes. In slow-start mode, the transmitter starts with low packet count and increases the number of packets in each transmission after receiving acknowledgment packets from receiver. For every ack packet received, the window slides by one packet (logically) to transmit one new packet. When the window threshold is reached, the transmitter sends one packet for one ack packet received. If the window limit is 10 packets then in slow start mode the transmitter may start transmitting one packet followed by two packets (before transmitting two packets, one packet ack has to be received), followed by three packets and so on until 10 packets. But after reaching 10 packets, further transmissions are restricted to one packet transmitted for one ack packet received. In a simulation this appears as if the window is moving by one packet distance for every ack packet received. On the receiver side also the window moves one packet for every packet received. The sliding window method ensures that traffic congestion on the network is avoided. The application layer will still be offering data for transmission to TCP without worrying about the network traffic congestion issues as the TCP on sender and receiver side implement sliding windows of packet buffer. The window size may vary dynamically depending on network traffic.", "Ballad of Sir Frankie Crisp (Let It Roll) The house was built in 1898,[12] on the site of a thirteenth-century monastery, by Sir Frank Crisp, a successful City of London solicitor, microscopist and horticulturalist well known for his eccentricities.[13] Harrison described Crisp as a cross between Lewis Carroll and Walt Disney.[14] While compiling Harrison's autobiography, I, Me, Mine, in the late 1970s, Derek Taylor observed that Harrison \"frequently talks as if [Crisp] were still alive\".[15] Clean-up work during the first few months at Friar Park unearthed various legacies of Crisp's time there, such as stone and wood engravings containing whimsical homilies,[11] some of which the Salesian nuns had concealed or painted over.[16] The 10 acres of Crisp's formal gardens were so overrun with weeds that Harrison and his friend from the Hare Krishna movement, Shyamasundar Das, used World War II-era flamethrowers to clear some of the land.[17][nb 1] Among the garden features was a series of tiered lakes connected by tunnels, to the south-east of the house,[14] and an Alpine rock garden topped by a 100-foot replica of the Matterhorn, to the north-west.[13]", "Packet switching This was an experimental network from Nippon PTT. It mixed circuit switching and packet switching. It was succeeded by DDX-2.[31]", "IPv6 packet The fixed header starts an IPv6 packet and has a size of 40 octets (320 bits).[1]\nIt has the following format:", "Packet switching Iberpac is the Spanish public packet-switched network, providing X.25 services. Iberpac is run by Telefonica.[citation needed]", "Packet switching Philips Research Laboratories in Redhill, Surrey developed a packet switching network for internal use. It was a datagram network with a single switching node. [50]", "Packet switching Leonard Kleinrock conducted early research in queueing theory and published a book in the related field of digital message switching (without packets) in 1961.[7]", "Pint glass As with other glass objects such as glass bottles, pint glasses can be used as a weapon, either smashing an intact glass in a victim's face or smashing the glass and then slashing with the shards. Such attacks, called \"glassing\", are a significant problem in the United Kingdom, with more than 87,000 glassing attacks per year,[26] resulting in over 5,000 injuries.[27] This has led to less-dangerous alternatives being used, either plastic glasses and bottles at large events or violence-prone venues, or treated glass, primarily tempered glass, which has been used in Australia.[28]", "General Packet Radio Service When TCP/IP is used, each phone can have one or more IP addresses allocated. GPRS will store and forward the IP packets to the phone even during handover. The TCP handles any packet loss (e.g. due to a radio noise induced pause).", "Sugar packet Because a gram of any carbohydrate contains 4 nutritional calories (also referred to as \"food calories\" or kilo-calories)), a typical four gram sugar packet has 16 nutritional calories.", "Skoal (tobacco) Skoal X-tra was introduced in 2011 and has a bolder flavor and slightly more nicotine than regular Skoal. Skoal X-tra Crisp Blend and Rich Blend are two regular Skoal flavors fused together. Crisp Blend is a combination of Apple and Citrus, while Rich Blend is a combination of Cherry and Berry.", "Beer Lager is cool fermented beer. Pale lagers are the most commonly consumed beers in the world. The name \"lager\" comes from the German \"lagern\" for \"to store\", as brewers around Bavaria stored beer in cool cellars and caves during the warm summer months. These brewers noticed that the beers continued to ferment, and to also clear of sediment, when stored in cool conditions.[106]", "Router (computing) A router is connected to two or more data lines from different networks.[b] When a data packet comes in on one of the lines, the router reads the network address information in the packet to determine the ultimate destination. Then, using information in its routing table or routing policy, it directs the packet to the next network on its journey.", "Traceroute The time-to-live (TTL) value, also known as hop limit, is used in determining the intermediate routers being traversed towards the destination. Traceroute sends packets with TTL values that gradually increase from packet to packet, starting with TTL value of one. Routers decrement TTL values of packets by one when routing and discard packets whose TTL value has reached zero, returning the ICMP error message ICMP Time Exceeded.[6] For the first set of packets, the first router receives the packet, decrements the TTL value and drops the packet because it then has TTL value zero. The router sends an ICMP Time Exceeded message back to the source. The next set of packets are given a TTL value of two, so the first router forwards the packets, but the second router drops them and replies with ICMP Time Exceeded. Proceeding in this way, traceroute uses the returned ICMP Time Exceeded messages to build a list of routers that packets traverse, until the destination is reached and returns an ICMP Echo Reply message.[6]", "Gallon The imperial (UK) gallon, now defined as exactly 7000454609000000000♠4.54609 litres (about 277.42 cubic inches), is used in some Commonwealth countries and was originally based on the volume of 10 pounds (approximately 4.54 kg) of water at 62 °F (17 °C). The imperial fluid ounce is defined as  1⁄160 of an imperial gallon; there are four quarts in a gallon, two pints in a quart, and 20 Imperial fluid ounces in an imperial pint.", "Boston Beer Company Samuel Adams Boston Lager", "How Green Was My Valley (film) It was also adapted on three broadcasts of Lux Radio Theater: on September 21, 1942, with Allgood, Crisp, O'Hara, McDowell and Pidgeon; on March 31, 1947, with Crisp and David Niven; and on September 28, 1954, with Crisp and Donna Reed.", "Fifth (unit) The fifth was the usual size of bottle for distilled beverages in the United States until 1980.[6] Other authorized units based on the fifth included ​4⁄5 pint and ​1⁄10 pint.[7]", "Quality of service There are two principal approaches to QoS in modern packet-switched IP networks, a parameterized system based on an exchange of application requirements with the network, and a prioritized system where each packet identifies a desired service level to the network.", "Packet loss TCP's intentional throttling behavior prevents wireless networks from performing near their theoretical potential transfer rates, because unmodified TCP treats all dropped packets as if they were caused by network congestion, and constantly throttles wireless networks even when they aren't actually congested.[7]", "Packet switching In the early 1960s, American computer scientist Paul Baran developed the concept Distributed Adaptive Message Block Switching with the goal to provide a fault-tolerant, efficient routing method for telecommunication messages as part of a research program at the RAND Corporation, funded by the US Department of Defense.[1] This concept contrasted and contradicted then-established principles of pre-allocation of network bandwidth, largely fortified by the development of telecommunications in the Bell System. The new concept found little resonance among network implementers until the independent work of British computer scientist Donald Davies at the National Physical Laboratory (United Kingdom) in 1965. Davies is credited with coining the modern name packet switching and inspiring numerous packet switching networks in the decade following, including the incorporation of the concept in the early ARPANET in the United States.[2][3]" ]
when did the apple iphone se come out
[ "iPhone SE The iPhone Special Edition (SE)[3] is a smartphone designed and marketed by Apple Inc. as part of the iPhone series of devices. It was unveiled on March 21, 2016, at Apple's Cupertino headquarters, and was released on March 31, 2016. Despite chronologically succeeding the iPhone 6 family's launch, the iPhone SE serves as a successor of the iPhone 5S. It maintains the 4-inch screen size and largely identical design to the 5S, but includes selected hardware upgrades from the larger iPhone 6S model, including its updated processor, rear camera, and support for iOS 10 and iOS 11 software features, such as Apple Pay, always-on Siri activation, and Live Photos. It also features a new color in Rose Gold along with the standard Space Gray, Silver and Gold. The model was re-released with new improved options on March 24, 2017." ]
[ "iPhone SE As with the 6s, the iPhone SE incorporates the Apple A9 system-on-chip (SoC) with an M9 motion coprocessor and supports near field communication for Apple Pay. The A9 SoC on the iPhone SE outperforms the one on the 6S thanks to the SE's smaller screen and fewer pixels; for comparison, the iPhone SE has a GeekBench score of 2400 on the single core and 4069 on the multi core which compares to the iPhone 6S's score of 2316 on single core and 3922 on multi core. The SE's 4-inch Retina Display at 326 ppi is the same as the preceding 5S.[9] Unlike the iPhone 6S and 6S Plus, the SE does not include 3D Touch, nor the updated faster second-generation Touch ID sensor from the 6S and 6S Plus,[9] or its barometer.[10]", "History of Apple Inc. On September 9, 2015, Apple announced the iPhone 6S and iPhone 6S Plus with 3D Touch, the iPad Pro, and the fourth-generation Apple TV, along with the fourth-generation iPad Mini. On March 21, 2016, Apple announced the iPhone SE and the smaller iPad Pro.", "iPhone SE The iPhone SE was received positively by critics, who noted its familiar form factor and design, improved hardware over previous 4-inch iPhone models, as well as its overall performance and battery life.", "iPhone 5S As of 2015–16, there were still a significant number of customers who preferred the 4-inch screen size of iPhone 5S, which remained the second-most popular iPhone after the iPhone 6 and ahead of the iPhone 6S. Apple stated in their event that they sold 30 million 4-inch iPhones in 2015, even as that form factor was succeeded as the flagship iPhone by the redesigned larger display 4.7/5.5-inch iPhone 6 and 6 Plus back in September 2014. Furthermore, the 5 and 5S design was regarded as \"long been the golden child of Apple phone design and a benchmark for phones in general\" (with the 5S's gold finish adding a premium touch to the 5's already well-regarded look), while the succeeding 6 and 6S design was less critically acclaimed as it \"felt a little bit wrong, as though you were holding a slick $650 bar of soap\". The iPhone 5 was described as \"elegance rooted in the way the aluminum and glass work together. It felt streamlined, yet substantial, which is different from iPhone 6, which feels substantial in size alone. Plus, unlike the ubiquitous rounded corners of the 6, iPhone 5 didn’t really look like anything else on the market at the time\". However, the iPhone 5/5S design was not suited to scaling up, in contrast to the iPhone 6/6S which could better accommodate the growing consumer trend towards larger screen sizes and indeed spawned the 6/6S Plus phablet models. When Apple discontinued the iPhone 5S, it was replaced by the iPhone SE which outwardly appears almost identical to the 5S even as the SE's internal hardware has been upgraded significantly.[36][37]", "iPhone 5C Commentators viewed iPhone 5C as a flop because of supply chain cuts signifying a decline in demand in October 2013.[40] Apple CEO Tim Cook admitted that the company overstocked the iPhone 5C while having shortages of the iPhone 5S, as a result of failing to anticipate the sales ratio between both phones.[37] Six months after the release of the iPhone 5C, on March 25, 2014, Apple announced that sales of the iPhone line has crossed 500 million units, but did not break out how many of these units were the iPhone 5C.[41] iPhone 5C was among the top three best selling phones in the US for three months after its launch.[42]", "iPhone 4 The iPhone 4 features a redesigned structure, designed by Jonathan Ive, a design that would later be reused and adapted for the iPhone 4S, 5, 5S and SE. Most notably, the bulges of the back panel as well as the band between the front and back are gone and have been replaced with flattened surfaces. The redesign reflects the utilitarianism and uniformity of existing Apple products, such as the iPad and the iMac. The overall dimensions of the iPhone 4 have been reduced from its predecessor.[64]", "iPhone 5S The iPhone 5S was discontinued on March 21, 2016, and succeeded by the iPhone SE, which continues the same form factor but features vastly upgraded internals similar to the flagship iPhone 6S.[35] This was a break with Apple's product positioning trend (in North America and Western Europe), starting with iPhone 4S released in October 2011, which gave each newly released model one year as the flagship phone, then moving it to midrange for its second year of production, with the third and final year as the entry-level offering before discontinuation. While iPhone 5S was expected to continue on sale until September 2016, replacing it and its A7 processor early means that Apple \"just reduced its long-term chip support window by a year\" for iOS. In addition, a new iPhone launch was meant to stimulate demand, as sales of iPhone 6S and 6S Plus had not met expectations since their September 2015 release and the iPhone family may suffer its first ever negative growth quarter in 2016.[36][37]", "iPhone Apple has released eleven generations of iPhone models, each accompanied by one of the eleven major releases of the iOS operating system. The original first-generation iPhone was a GSM phone and established design precedents, such as a button placement that has persisted throughout all releases and a screen size maintained for the next four iterations. The iPhone 3G added 3G network support, and was followed by the 3GS with improved hardware, the 4 with a metal chassis, higher display resolution and front-facing camera, and the 4S with improved hardware and the voice assistant Siri. The iPhone 5 featured a taller, 4-inch display and Apple's newly introduced Lightning connector. In 2013, Apple released the 5S with improved hardware and a fingerprint reader, and the lower-cost 5C, a version of the 5 with colored plastic casings instead of metal. They were followed by the larger iPhone 6, with models featuring 4.7 and 5.5-inch displays. The iPhone 6S was introduced the following year, which featured hardware upgrades and support for pressure-sensitive touch inputs, as well as the SE—which featured hardware from the 6S but the smaller form factor of the 5S. In 2016, Apple unveiled the iPhone 7 and 7 Plus, which add water resistance, improved system and graphics performance, a new rear dual-camera setup on the Plus model, and new color options, while removing the 3.5 mm headphone jack found on previous models. The iPhone 8 and 8 Plus were released in 2017, adding a glass back and an improved screen and camera. The iPhone X was released alongside the 8 and 8 Plus, with its highlights being a near bezel-less design, an improved camera and a new facial recognition system, named Face ID, but having no home button, and therefore, no Touch ID.", "iPhone On September 12, 2012, Apple announced the iPhone 5. It has a 4-inch display, up from its predecessors' 3.5-inch screen. The device comes with the same 326 pixels per inch found in the iPhone 4 and 4S. The iPhone 5 has the SoC A6 processor, the chip is 22% smaller than the iPhone 4S' A5 and is twice as fast, doubling the graphics performance of its predecessor. The device is 18% thinner than the iPhone 4S, measuring 7.6 millimetres (0.3 in), and is 20% lighter at 112 grams (4 oz).", "iPhone 8 The iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus are smartphones designed, developed, and marketed by Apple Inc. They were announced on September 12, 2017, alongside the higher-end iPhone X, at the Steve Jobs Theater in the Apple Park campus, and were released on September 22, 2017, succeeding iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus.", "iPhone 6 Initially, Apple did not officially acknowledge this issue. The issue was widely discussed on Apple's support forum—where posts discussing the issue have been subject to censorship.[65] The touchscreen can be repaired via microsoldering: Apple Stores are not equipped with the tools needed to perform the logic board repair, which had led to affected users sending their devices to unofficial, third-party repair services. An Apple Store employee interviewed by Apple Insider reported that six months after they first started noticing the problem, Apple had issued guidance instructing them to tell affected users that this was a hardware issue which could not be repaired, and that their iPhone had to be replaced. However, some in-stock units have also been afflicted with this issue out of the box, leading to an employee stating that they were \"tired of pulling service stock out of the box, and seeing the exact same problem that the customer has on the replacement\".[69][70] The issue received mainstream attention in August 2016 when it was reported upon by iFixit.[64][67][69] On August 26, 2016, Apple Insider reported that based on data from four \"high-traffic\" Apple Store locations, there was a spike in the number of iPhone 6 devices brought into them for repairs following mainstream reports of the \"touch disease\" problem.[70]", "iPhone Once a developer has submitted an application to the App Store, Apple holds firm control over its distribution. Apple can halt the distribution of applications it deems inappropriate, for example, I Am Rich, a US$1000 program that simply demonstrated the wealth of its user.[247] Apple has been criticized for banning third-party applications that enable a functionality that Apple does not want the iPhone to have: In 2008, Apple rejected Podcaster, which allowed iPhone users to download podcasts directly to the iPhone claiming it duplicated the functionality of iTunes.[248] Apple has since released a software update that grants this capability.[222]", "iPhone 7 In September 2017, Apple announced the iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus as direct successors to the iPhone 7 and 7 Plus,[38] alongside the iPhone X.[39]", "History of Apple Inc. On September 7, 2016, Apple announced the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus with an improved camera and a faster processor than the previous generation. The iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus have high storage options. On October 27, 2016, Apple announced the new 13 and 15 inch Macbook Pro with a retina Touch Bar. On March 21, 2017, Apple announced the iPad (2017). This is the iPad Air 2 successor, equipped with a faster processor, and starts at $329. Apple also announced the (Product)RED iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus.", "iPhone On Tuesday, September 27, Apple sent invitations for a press event to be held October 4, 2011, at 10:00 am at the Cupertino Headquarters to announce details of the next generation iPhone, which turned out to be iPhone 4S. Over 1 million 4S models were sold in the first 24 hours after its release in October 2011.[40] Due to large volumes of the iPhone being manufactured and its high selling price, Apple became the largest mobile handset vendor in the world by revenue, in 2011, surpassing long-time leader Nokia.[41] American carrier C Spire Wireless announced that it would be carrying the iPhone 4S on October 19, 2011.[42]", "iPhone 6S iPhone 6S and iPhone 6S Plus (stylized and marketed as iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus) are smartphones designed, developed and marketed by Apple Inc. They were announced on September 9, 2015, at the Bill Graham Civic Auditorium in San Francisco by Apple CEO Tim Cook, with pre-orders beginning September 12 and official release on September 25, 2015. The iPhone 6S and 6S Plus were succeeded by the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus in September 2016.", "iOS 10 On December 28, 2017 Apple acknowledged that this update changed the power management during peak workloads to avoid unexpected shutdowns on iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus, and iPhone SE.[22] Customers were upset over this update; some thought it was a ploy to get people to upgrade to new devices. A number of people have filed lawsuits over the feature and are seeking class action status.[23]", "iPhone Starting with the iPhone 4S, Apple added an accessibility feature to optimize the function of the iPhone with hearing aids.[266] Apple released a program of Made for iPhone Hearing Aids.[267] These hearing aids deliver a power-efficient, high-quality digital audio experience and allow the user to manage the hearing aid right from the iPhone. Made for iPhone hearing aids also feature Live Listen. With Live Listen the iPhone acts as a remote microphone that sends sound to a Made for iPhone hearing aid. Live Listen can help the user hear a conversation in a noisy room or hear someone speaking across the room.[268]", "Apple Park Its first-ever press event was held on September 12, 2017 at 10:00 PDT, where the iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus, iPhone X, Apple Watch Series 3 and Apple TV 4K were announced.[28]", "iPhone 7 Both device variants also contain a new iteration of Apple's motion coprocessor, the M10.[57] Unlike previous iPhone models, internal storage options for iPhone 7 begin at 32 GB instead of 16 GB, and max out at 256 GB.[58] iPhone 7 Plus offers 3 GB of RAM, more than any other previous iPhone;[51] the 4.7-inch iPhone 7 has 2 GB.[59]", "iPhone 4 The iPhone 4 introduced a new hardware design to the iPhone family, which Apple's CEO Steve Jobs touted as the thinnest smartphone in the world at the time; it consisted of a stainless steel frame which doubles as an antenna, with internal components situated between aluminosilicate glass.[7] The iPhone 4 also introduced Apple's new high-resolution \"Retina Display\" with a pixel density of 326 pixels per inch while maintaining the same physical size and aspect ratio as its precursors. The iPhone 4 also introduced Apple's A4 system-on-chip, along with iOS 4—which notably introduced multitasking functionality and Apple's new FaceTime video chat service. The iPhone 4 was also the first iPhone to include a front-facing camera, and the first to be released in a version for CDMA networks, ending AT&T's period as the exclusive carrier of iPhone products in the United States.", "iPhone iPhone (/ˈaɪfoʊn/ EYE-fohn) is a line of smartphones designed and marketed by Apple Inc. They run Apple's iOS mobile operating system. The first-generation iPhone was released on June 29, 2007, and there have been multiple new hardware iterations with new iOS releases since.", "iPhone According to an article in The New York Times titled \"Signaling Post-Snowden Era, New iPhone Locks Out N.S.A.\", Apple has developed a new encryption method for iOS 8, described as \"so deep that Apple could no longer comply with government warrants asking for customer information to be extracted from devices.\"[312]", "iPhone 4 The iPhone 4 spent the longest time as Apple's flagship iPhone model at fifteen months, and had the longest lifespan of any iPhone ever produced, spanning close to four years and available in some developing countries until early 2015. Although the succeeding 4S was announced in September 2011, the 4 continued to be sold as a midrange model until September 2012, and thereafter as the entry-level offering in Apple's lineup until September 2013 with the announcement of the iPhone 5S/iPhone 5C.", "iPhone Apple gave an official response on their web site on April 27, 2011,[308] after questions were submitted by users, the Associated Press and others. Apple clarified that the data is a small portion of their crowd-sourced location database cache of Wi-Fi hotspots and cell towers which is downloaded from Apple into the iPhone for making location services faster than with only GPS, therefore the data does not represent the locations of the iPhone. The volume of data retained was an error. Apple issued an update for iOS (version 4.3.3, or 4.2.8 for the CDMA iPhone 4) which reduced the size of the cache, stopped it being backed up to iTunes, and erased it entirely whenever location services were turned off.[308] The upload to Apple can also be selectively disabled from \"System services\", \"Cell Network Search.\" Regardless, in July 2014, a report on state-owned China Central Television labeled the iPhone a \"national security concern.\"[309]", "iPhone 4 Apple updated the bumper with a wider volume switch hole with the release of iPhone 4 for CDMA network. The updated bumper is also compatible with iPhone 4S, the next generation iPhone that has the identical exterior design and measurements as iPhone 4 CDMA.", "iOS version history Apple announced iPhone OS 2 at the iPhone software roadmap keynote in March 2008, and it was released to the public on July 11, 2008 alongside the iPhone 3G. Apple did not drop support for any devices with this release. iPhone OS 2 was compatible with all devices released up to that time. The release of iPhone OS 2.1.1 brought support for the iPod Touch (2nd generation). iPhone OS 2.2.1 was the final version of iPhone OS 2. Support of iPhone OS 2 ended in 2011.", "iPhone 5 The iPhone 5 was officially discontinued by Apple on September 10, 2013 with the announcement of its successors, the iPhone 5S and the iPhone 5C. While the 5C shared almost the same internal hardware as the iPhone 5, the 5C used a lower-cost poly-carbonate plastic case in place of the original 5's aluminum form. The introduction of the 5C deviated from Apple's previous market strategy, where the previous iPhone model would remain in production, but sold at a lower price point below the new model.[13]", "iPhone 4S Unlike prior iPhone models, the number of sales of the iPhone 4 had not yet climaxed before the introduction of the 4S. Previous iPhone models were released during or after declining sales figures. In addition, iPhone 4 users had high marks for being satisfied with their phone. Upon the announcement of the iPhone 4S, shares of Samsung Electronics, HTC and Nokia gained on Wednesday after the 4S was announced, while Apple stock fell. However, later in the day Apple shares rebounded ending with a 1% gain.", "iPhone 5C The iPhone 5C is a variant of the iPhone 5, with similar hardware specifications but a hard-coated polycarbonate shell instead of the aluminium of the original iPhone 5. The iPhone 5C was available in several color options, and shipped with iOS 7. The iPhone 5C was sold at a discounted price point in comparison to the 5S: unlike Apple's prior practice of lowering the price of the previous model upon release of a new version, the iPhone 5 was explicitly discontinued and replaced by the 5C. On September 9, 2014, the 16 and 32 GB iPhone 5C models were replaced by the 8 GB model with the announcement of the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. On September 9, 2015, the 8 GB version was discontinued when the iPhone 6S was announced.", "History of iPhone On June 11, 2007, Apple announced at the Apple's Worldwide Developers Conference that the iPhone would support third-party applications using the Safari engine. Third parties would be able to create Web 2.0 applications, which users could access via the internet.[18] Such applications appeared even before the release of the iPhone; the first of these, called OneTrip, was a program meant to keep track of users' shopping lists.[19] On June 29, 2007, Apple released version 7.3 of iTunes to coincide with the release of iPhone.[20] This release contains support for iPhone service activation and syncing.", "iPhone 6 The iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus are smartphones designed and marketed by Apple Inc. The devices are part of the iPhone series and were announced on September 9, 2014, and released on September 19, 2014.[17] The iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus jointly serve as successors to the iPhone 5S and were themselves replaced as flagship devices of the iPhone series by the iPhone 6S and iPhone 6S Plus on September 9, 2015.", "iPhone 4S On September 10, 2013, the iPhone 4S name was re-stylised as iPhone 4s, using a lower case 's' to reflect the names of the newly announced iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c. This was unusual for Apple as an upper case 'S' had been used since the introduction of the iPhone 3GS in 2009.[27]", "Apple Inc. At the Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) on June 7, 2010, Apple announced the redesigned iPhone 4.[203] It featured a 960 × 640 display, the Apple A4 processor, a gyroscope for enhanced gaming, a 5MP camera with LED flash, front-facing VGA camera and FaceTime video calling. Shortly after its release, reception issues were discovered by consumers, due to the stainless steel band around the edge of the device, which also serves as the phone's cellular signal and Wi-Fi antenna. The issue was corrected by a \"Bumper Case\" distributed by Apple for free to all owners for a few months. In June 2011, Apple overtook Nokia to become the world's biggest smartphone maker by volume.[204] On October 4, 2011, Apple unveiled the iPhone 4S, which was first released on October 14, 2011.[205] It features the Apple A5 processor and Siri voice assistant technology, the latter of which Apple had acquired in 2010.[206] It also features an updated 8MP camera with new optics. Apple began a new accessibility feature, Made for iPhone Hearing Aids with the iPhone 4S.[207] Made for iPhone Hearing Aids feature Live Listen, it can help the user hear a conversation in a noisy room or hear someone speaking across the room.[208] Apple sold 4 million iPhone 4S phones in the first three days of availability.[209]", "iPhone 5 On April 28, 2014, Apple initiated an out of warranty recall program to replace any failing power buttons of iPhone 5 models which were manufactured prior to March 2013 at no cost.[22]", "iPhone Apple tightly controls certain aspects of the iPhone. According to Jonathan Zittrain, the emergence of closed devices like the iPhone have made computing more proprietary than early versions of Microsoft Windows.[324]", "Apple A8 The Apple A8 is a 64-bit ARM-based system on a chip (SoC) designed by Apple Inc. It first appeared in the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, which were introduced on September 9, 2014.[10] Apple states that it has 25% more CPU performance and 50% more graphics performance while drawing only 50% of the power of its predecessor, the Apple A7.[11]", "iPhone 4S The iPhone 4 and 4S were designed by Jonathan Ive. The '4' generation iPhones differ from earlier Apple designs; the bulges of the back panel as well as the band between the front and back are gone and have been replaced with flattened surfaces. The redesign reflects the utilitarianism and uniformity of existing Apple products, such as the iPad and the iMac. The overall dimensions of the iPhone 4S are lower than that of the 3GS.[57]", "iPhone 4S On September 19, 2012, iOS 6 was released to the iPhone 4S among other compatible iOS device as an over the air (OTA) upgrade package.[45] According to Apple the update contains 200 new features and tweaks, which includes a new maps app, dubbed Apple Maps, Facebook integration and Passbook, an application that allows users to store their coupons, boarding passes and tickets digitally.[46][47] On September 18, 2013, Apple released iOS 7 and the iPhone 4S is among other compatible iOS devices that also receive the update without any lagging issues compared to the iPhone 4. Although the device has improved performance over iOS 7, some newer features that were released to newer models such as AirDrop and CarPlay were not supported. The iPhone 4S can also run iOS 8, which was released on September 17, 2014. Given that the device was supported for more than 3 years, some newer features of the software such as Apple Pay were not supported. It is also unable to work with Apple Watch due to the relatively aged hardware. In fact, some users often reported that performance on the 4S is very slow, similar to how iOS 7 ran on the iPhone 4, and suggesting that they should not upgrade due to battery draining issues and hanging up on calls. Meanwhile, Apple released iOS 8.1.1, which brought slight improvements to the phone and the iPad 2, but it still did not run as fast as newer models.", "iPhone 4S The iPhone 4S was unveiled at Apple's \"Let's Talk iPhone\" event on October 4, 2011, on the Apple Campus in Cupertino, California.[20] The keynote was the first which Tim Cook gave since the Verizon keynote earlier in the year. It was also Cook's first launch without Apple co-founder Steve Jobs, whose health was deteriorating, and he died the day after the announcement of the iPhone 4S. Tim Carmody of Wired praised Cook for focusing on company achievements, calling him a \"global business thinker\" and a \"taskmaster\".[21]", "SIM lock One law professor, Dale Clapperton, gave a talk stating that bundling iPhone and mobile phone service could be violating the Trade Practices Act.[17] However, no other legal professional or academic has come out in support of this viewpoint.[18] This also doesn't address SIM locking per se, only as applied to subsidised iPhone purchases, and persistence of the lock beyond the contractual period.", "History of Apple Inc. On January 9, 2007, Apple Computer, Inc. shortened its name to simply Apple Inc. In his Macworld Expo keynote address, Steve Jobs explained that with their current product mix consisting of the iPod and Apple TV as well as their Macintosh brand, Apple really wasn't just a computer company anymore. At the same address, Jobs revealed a product that would revolutionize an industry in which Apple had never previously competed: the Apple iPhone. The iPhone combined Apple's first widescreen iPod with the world's first mobile device boasting visual voicemail, and an internet communicator able to run a fully functional version of Apple's web browser, Safari, on the then-named iPhone OS (later renamed iOS).", "iPhone 5 Since the release of the iPhone 5, discounts on previous generation iPhones have enabled Apple to maintain a market lead in the United States and Japan, but the iPhone continued to lag behind the combined total of Android phones in the global market.[124]", "History of iPhone On October 2011, StarHub launched the iPhone in Singapore. Smart Communications followed suit in December 2011 by launching the iPhone 4S in the Philippines. Smart Communications was the last telecommunications company to carry Apple's iPhone in Southeast Asia.[clarify][82]", "iPhone Shortly after Steve Jobs' January 9, 2007 announcement that Apple would be selling a product called iPhone in June 2007, Cisco issued a statement that it had been negotiating trademark licensing with Apple and expected Apple to agree to the final documents that had been submitted the night before.[289] On January 10, 2007, Cisco announced it had filed a lawsuit against Apple over the infringement of the trademark iPhone, seeking an injunction in federal court to prohibit Apple from using the name.[290] In February 2007, Cisco claimed that the trademark lawsuit was a \"minor skirmish\" that was not about money, but about interoperability.[291]", "iPhone For the eight largest phone manufacturers in Q1 2012, according to Horace Dediu at Asymco, Apple and Samsung combined to take 99% of industry profits (HTC took the remaining 1%, while RIM, LG, Sony Ericsson, Motorola, and Nokia all suffered losses), with Apple earning 73 cents out of every dollar earned by the phone makers. As the industry profits grew from $5.3 billion in the first quarter of 2010 to $14.4 billion in the first quarter of 2012 (quadruple the profits in 2007),[62][63] Apple had managed to increase its share of these profits. This is due to increasing carrier subsidies and the high selling prices of the iPhone, which had a negative effect on the wireless carriers (AT&T Mobility, Verizon, and Sprint) who have seen their EBITDA service margins drop as they sold an increasing number of iPhones.[64][65][66] By the quarter ended March 31, 2012, Apple's sales from the iPhone alone (at $22.7 billion) exceeded the total of Microsoft from all of its businesses ($17.4 billion).[67]", "iPhone In Brazil, the final battle over the brandname concluded in 2008. On December 18, 2012, IGB launched its own line of Android smartphones under the tradename to which it has exclusive rights in the local market.[366] In February 2013, the Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office (known as \"Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial\") issued a ruling that Gradiente Eletrônica, not Apple, owned the \"iPhone\" mark in Brazil. The \"iPhone\" term was registered by Gradiente in 2000, 7 years before Apple's release of its first iPhone. This decision came three months after Gradiente Eletrônica launched a lower-cost smartphone using the iPhone brand.[367]", "iPhone It is a free download, with an Apple registration, that allows developers to develop native applications for the iPhone and iPod Touch, then test them in an \"iPhone simulator\". However, loading an application onto a real device is only possible after paying an Apple Developer Connection membership fee. Developers are free to set any price for their applications to be distributed through the App Store, of which they will receive a 70% share.[245]", "iPhone 4 The iPhone 4 is powered by the Apple A4 chip, which was designed by Intrinsity[59] and, like all prior iPhone models, manufactured by Samsung.[60] This system-on-a-chip is composed of an ARM Cortex-A8 CPU integrated with a PowerVR SGX535 GPU.[61] The Apple A4 is also used in the iPad where it is clocked at its rated speed of 1 GHz. The clock speed in the iPhone 4 has not been disclosed. All prior models of the iPhone have underclocked the CPU, which typically extends battery life and lowers heat dissipation.", "iPhone The original iPhone was described as \"revolutionary\" and a \"game-changer\" for the mobile phone industry. Newer iterations have also garnered praise, and the iPhone's success has been credited with helping to make Apple one of the world's most valuable publicly traded companies.", "Apple Watch The third generation of the Apple Watch features a faster processor, the dual-core S3, Bluetooth 4.2 vs 4.0 on older models, a built-in altimeter for measuring flights of stairs climbed, increased RAM size, and is available in a variant with LTE cellular connectivity. Siri is able to speak on Apple Watch Series 3 due to the increased processing speed of the Watch.[56] The Series 3 Apple Watch is explicitly not compatible with iPhone 5 devices, requiring users to have an iPhone 5S or later for the GPS-only model, or an iPhone 6 or later for the cellular-enabled model.", "iPhone 6 The iPhone 6 and 6 Plus received positive reviews, with critics regarding their improved design, specifications, camera, and battery life as being improvements over previous iPhone models. However, aspects of the design of iPhone 6 were also panned, including plastic strips on the rear of the device for its antenna that disrupted the otherwise metal exterior, and the screen resolution of the standard-sized iPhone 6 being lower than other devices in its class. Pre-orders of the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus exceeded four million within its first 24 hours of availability—an Apple record.[20] More than ten million iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus devices were sold in the first three days, another Apple record.[21] During its lifespan, the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus sold 220 million in total, making it one of the most successful phones to date.", "iPhone 6 In June 2016, Apple faced a potential sales ban in China, as Shenzhen Baili, a Chinese device maker, alleged that the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus infringed on its design patent.[36]", "Apple ID In March 2013, Apple ID launched an optional two-step verification security feature for authentication. When enabled, a second verification step is required when using the Apple ID under certain conditions, such as a web login, or making a Store purchase from a new device. The feature uses the Find My iPhone service to send a four-digit pin code to a trusted device associated with the Apple ID when the second verification step is required for authentication.[3]", "History of iPhone On December 1, 2007, Tušmobil, the Slovenian mobile operator,[clarify] started selling \"unlocked\" iPhones without an official contract with Apple. The offer caused confusion between Apple Europe, local media, and local Apple representatives.[72]", "History of iPhone On May 6, 2008, Telecom Italia announced that it had signed a deal with Apple to sell iPhones in Italy by the end of 2008.[73] It was estimated that it would probably be the second generation iPhone with 3G-UMTS capability.", "History of iPhone † iPhone offered by multiple carriers under contract from Apple (country not carrier-exclusive)", "iPhone 4 As a consequence of this problem, it was reported on July 2, 2010 that several iPhone 4 users were planning on suing Apple and AT&T for fraud by concealment, negligence, intentional misrepresentation and defective design. The legal challenge was started by a law firm, who set up a website to recruit disenchanted iPhone 4 buyers for a lawsuit against Apple.[88][89] Later that day, Apple issued another statement stating that it had discovered the cause of the \"dramatic drop in bars\".[90]", "iPhone The iPhone 4 supports video calling using either the front or back camera over Wi-Fi, a feature Apple calls FaceTime.[196] Voice control, introduced in the iPhone 3GS, allows users to say a contact's name or number and the iPhone will dial it.[197] The first two models only support voice dialing through third-party applications.[198]", "iPhone 4S On June 13, 2016, Apple announced that the iPhone 4S will not support iOS 10 due to hardware limitations.", "Apple Watch Apple Watch runs watchOS, whose interface is based around a home screen with circular app icons. The OS can be navigated using the touchscreen or the crown on the side of the watch.[5] During its debut, the first generation Apple Watch needed to be paired with an iPhone 5 or later running iOS 8.2 or later; this version of iOS introduced the Apple Watch app, which is used to advertise Apple Watch, pairing with an iPhone, customize settings and loaded apps, and highlight compatible apps from the App Store.[5]", "iPhone (1st generation) Six out of ten Americans surveyed said they knew the iPhone was coming before its release.[23]", "iPhone Development of what was to become the iPhone began in 2004, when Apple started to gather a team of 1,000 employees to work on the highly confidential \"Project Purple\",[15] including Jonathan Ive, the designer behind the iMac and iPod.[16] Apple CEO Steve Jobs steered the original focus away from a tablet (which Apple eventually revisited in the form of the iPad) and towards a phone.[17] Apple created the device during a secretive collaboration with Cingular Wireless (which became AT&T Mobility) at the time—at an estimated development cost of US$150 million over thirty months.[18]", "Apple Maps Before Apple Maps launched as the default mapping application in iOS, Google Maps held this position since the first generation iPhone release in 2007.[5] In late 2009, tensions between Google and Apple started to grow when the Android version of Google Maps featured turn-by-turn navigation, a feature which the iOS version lacked. At the time, Apple argued that Google collected too much user data.[6] When Apple made iOS 6 available, Google Maps could only be accessed by iOS 6 users via the web.[7] Although Google did not immediately launch a mapping application of its own, shortly after the announcement of Apple Maps, Google did add an equivalent of Apple Maps' Flyover feature to its virtual globe application Google Earth.[8] Three months later, in December 2012, Google Maps was released in the App Store. This version of Google Maps, unlike the previous version, featured turn-by-turn navigation. Shortly after it was launched, Google Maps was the most popular free application in the App Store.[9]", "iPhone 5 The iPhone 5 featured major design changes in comparison to its predecessor. These included an aluminum-based body which was thinner and lighter than previous models, a taller screen with a nearly 16:9 aspect ratio, the Apple A6 system-on-chip, LTE support, and Lightning, a new compact dock connector which replaced the 30-pin design used by previous iPhone models. This was the second Apple phone to include its new Sony-made 8 MP camera, which was first introduced on the iPhone 4S.", "Apple Inc. v. Samsung Electronics Co. The court ruled that Samsung violated one of Apple's utility patents, over the so-called \"bounce-back\" effect in iOS, and that Apple was in violation of two of Samsung's wireless patents. Apple's claims that Samsung copied the designs of the iPhone and iPad were deemed invalid.[17] The court also ruled that there was \"no possibility\" that consumers would confuse the smartphones of the two brands, and that Samsung's smartphone icons did not infringe upon Apple's patents.[18]", "iPhone The iPhone allows audio conferencing, call holding, call merging, caller ID, and integration with other cellular network features and iPhone functions. For example, if music is playing when a call is received, the music fades out, and fades back in when the call has ended.", "iPhone 5 The iPhone 5 received mainly positive reviews from commentators and reviewers. Tim Stevens from Engadget praised the iPhone 5 for its high resolution screen surpassing that of the iPhone 4S, which he considered to be one of the best phone screens available on the market. Stevens was critical of the new connector, which is incompatible with devices and cables that use the superseded 30-pin connector, although the LA Times reported that this was a change necessary to make the device smaller than its predecessor.[70] Engadget agreed that Apple fulfilled most of the promises stated on its website, such as \"better battery performance\", \"two times the graphics performance\" and \"two times faster.\"[96] David Pogue of The New York Times considered the 4-inch Retina display a \"nice but not life-changing change\", and praised the Lightning connector for its size, sturdiness, and reversibility, while noting its lack of support for older accessories, remarking that \"Apple has a long history of killing off technologies, inconveniently and expensively, that the public had come to love\".[97] Technology columnist Ed Baig of USA Today was impressed that Apple had met the public's \"lofty expectations\" for the iPhone 5 in a competitive market.[98] In a repair-ability review, iFixit found the iPhone 5 easier to disassemble and repair than its predecessor.[8][99]", "iPhone NetShare, another rejected app, would have enabled users to tether their iPhone to a laptop or desktop, using its cellular network to load data for the computer.[249] Many carriers of the iPhone later globally allowed tethering before Apple officially supported it with the upgrade to the iOS 3.0, with AT&T Mobility being a relative latecomer in the United States.[250] In most cases, the carrier charges extra for tethering an iPhone.", "History of iPhone According to The Wall Street Journal, the iPhone is manufactured on contract[clarify] in the Shenzhen factory of the Taiwanese company Hon Hai (also known as Foxconn).[21] Also, according to recent news, Apple will shortly begin outsourcing the manufacturing of iPhones.[22]", "Apple Inc. On September 12, 2017, Apple introduced Apple Watch Series 3 featuring LTE cellular connectivity, giving the wearable independence from an iPhone[250] except for the setup process.[251]", "iPhone In the fourth quarter of 2012, the iPhone 5 and iPhone 4S were the best-selling handsets with sales of 27.4 million (13% of smartphones worldwide) and 17.4 million units, respectively, with the Samsung Galaxy S III in third with 15.4 million. According to Strategy Analytics' data, this was \"an impressive performance, given the iPhone portfolio's premium pricing,\" adding that the Galaxy S III's global popularity \"appears to have peaked\" (the Galaxy S III was touted as an iPhone-killer by some in the press when it was released[68][69]). While Samsung has led in worldwide sales of smartphones, Apple's iPhone line has still managed to top Samsung's smartphone offerings in the United States,[70] with 21.4% share and 37.8% in that market, respectively. iOS grew 3.5% to a 37.8%, while Android slid 1.3% to fall to a 52.3% share.[71]", "iPhone SE On launch, it was released in models with either 16 or 64 GB of internal storage; on March 21, 2017, Apple announced that these models would be replaced by new improved models at the same launch price points, releasing on March 24, 2017.[11][12]", "Apple TV On July 10, 2008, Apple released Remote, a free iOS application that allows the iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad to control the iTunes library on the Apple TV via Wi-Fi.[79][80] The recently released Apple Watch also has a remote app to control Apple TV.[81]", "Apple Keyboard In the mid-90's Apple released the Apple Newton sub-mini keyboard to allow a quick input alternative to the Newton's handwriting recognition, which required extensive training to become useful. It connected via the Newton's serial interface. Many Mac users favoring the portable size were able to use it on a Mac utilizing a third-party enabler. Like the iPhone that would come 10 years later, the Newton also included a virtual keyboard.", "iPhone 7 In December 2016, DigiTimes reported that Apple had reduced production of the iPhone 7 because of decreasing demand for the product after the initial surge of interest waned. A reason cited was consumers and suppliers turning their attention to next year's iPhone model.[106][107]", "iPhone The iPhone was initially released with two options for internal storage size: 4 GB or 8 GB. On September 5, 2007, Apple discontinued the 4 GB models.[161]", "Apple earbuds Apple EarPods are white in-ear headphones included with music players and smartphones designed and marketed by Apple Inc. They are designed to fit the ear while retaining a new design pushed by Apple alongside the iPod and iPod Touch products, with which they were sold together. They are the standard headphones provided with Apple iPhone purchases.", "iPhone 5 Apple began taking pre-orders on September 14, 2012,[2] and over two million were received within 24 hours.[6] Initial demand for the iPhone 5 exceeded the supply available at launch on September 21, 2012, and was described by Apple as \"extraordinary\", with pre-orders having sold twenty times faster than its predecessors. While reception to the iPhone 5 was generally positive, consumers and reviewers noted hardware issues, such as an unintended purple hue in photos taken, and the phone's coating being prone to chipping. Reception was also mixed over Apple's decision to switch to a different dock connector design, as the change affected iPhone 5's compatibility with accessories that were otherwise compatible with previous iterations of the line.", "History of iPhone The history of iPhone began with a request from inventor Steve Jobs to Apple Inc.'s engineers, asking them to investigate the use of touchscreen devices and tablet computers (which later came to fruition with the iPad).[1][2][3][4] Many have noted the device's similarities to Apple's previous touch-screen portable device, the Newton MessagePad.[5][6][7][8] Like the Newton, the iPhone is nearly all screen. Its form factor is credited to Apple's Chief Design Officer, Jonathan Ive.[3][9]", "iPhone 4 On July 16, 2010, at a press conference, Steve Jobs announced that Apple would provide all iPhone 4 owners with a free case to help solve the antenna issue and a refund to those users who had already purchased a Bumper. The free case offer would be valid until September 30, 2010, when Apple would re-evaluate the situation.[95][96] To get a free case, owners were able to apply via an app installed on the phone found in the App Store from July 22, 2010 to September 30, 2010. Jobs also announced that Apple could not produce enough Bumpers for all owners of the phone, but would source a supply and offer a range of cases.[97] Additionally, Jobs cited figures from AppleCare which showed that only 0.55 percent of all iPhone 4 users have complained to the company about the issue, while the number of phones returned to Apple was 1.7 percent – 4.3 percentage points less than the number of iPhone 3GS models that were returned in the first month of the phone's launch.[97]", "History of iPhone On June 4, 2008, Movistar announced that it had signed a deal with Apple to sell iPhones in Spain beginning on July 11, 2008.[75]", "iPhone Apple provides free[185] updates to the operating system for the iPhone either wirelessly or through iTunes.[186] Major new updates have historically accompanied new models.[187][188]", "iPhone 5 At the unveiling, Apple announced the iPhone 5 and also introduced new iPod Nano and iPod Touch models. They also stated that pre-orders would be accepted starting September 14, 2012.[17] Over two million pre-orders were received within 24 hours.[18] Initial demand for the new phone exceeded the record set by its predecessor, the iPhone 4S, by selling over 5 million units in the first three days.[19] On November 30, 2012, Apple added an unlocked version of the iPhone 5 to their online US store, with the 16 GB model starting at US$649.[20][21]", "iPhone While the iPhone was initially sold in the US only on the AT&T network with a SIM lock in place, various hackers have found methods to \"unlock\" the phone from a specific network.[351] Although AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile and Verizon are the only authorized iPhone carriers in the United States[citation needed], unlocked iPhones can be used with other carriers.[352] For example, an unlocked iPhone may be used on the T-Mobile network in the US but, while an unlocked iPhone is compatible with T-Mobile's voice network, it may not be able to make use of 3G functionality (i.e. no mobile web or e-mail, etc.).[353][not in citation given] More than a quarter of the original first generation iPhones sold in the US were not registered with AT&T. Apple speculates that they were likely shipped overseas and unlocked, a lucrative market before the iPhone 3G's worldwide release.[33][354]", "iPhone Beginning April 8, 2012, AT&T began offering a factory SIM unlock option (which Apple calls a \"whitelisting\", allowing it to be used on any carrier the phone supports) for iPhone owners.[359]", "History of iPhone By the end of November, Apple released another version of iPhone firmware, 1.1.2. This version does not have many new features but breaks unlocks.[citation needed]", "iPhone 5S Six months after the release of the iPhone 5S, on March 25, 2014, Apple announced that sales of the iPhone brand had exceeded 500 million units.[96] By May 2014, despite having been on the market for eight months, the iPhone 5S reportedly outsold the newly released Samsung Galaxy S5 by 40%, with 7 million iPhone 5S units versus 5 million Galaxy S5 units. The Galaxy S5's failure to oust the iPhone 5S from the top selling spot was a major setback for Samsung Mobile, as the preceding Samsung Galaxy SIII and Samsung Galaxy S4, in the first quarter of their releases, had outsold the iPhone 4S and iPhone 5 respectively.[97]", "iPhone X On August 31, 2017, Apple invited journalists to a September 12 press event,[15][16] the first public event held at the Steve Jobs Theater on the company's new Apple Park campus in Cupertino, California.[17][18][19] The iPhone X was unveiled during that keynote. Its US$999 starting price is the most expensive iPhone launch price.[20] The price is even higher in international markets due to currency fluctuations, import fees and sales taxes.[21]", "iPhone X The iPhone X contains Apple's A11 Bionic system-on-chip, also used in the iPhone 8 and 8 Plus, which is a six-core processor with two cores optimized for performance (25% faster than the A10 Fusion processor), along with four cores optimized for efficiency (70% faster than the previous generation).[39] It also features the first Apple-designed graphics processing unit[40][41] and a Neural Engine, which powers an artificial intelligence accelerator.[42][43]", "iPhone 4S The iPhone 4S features a 89 millimetres (3.5 in) 960 by 640 pixel multitouch Retina display. It has two volume buttons and a ring/silent switch on the left side.[18] On the top left there is a 3.5 mm headphone jack and a microphone that is used for both noise cancellation during calls and when in speakerphone/FaceTime (video calling) mode. The lock/power button is situated on the top right edge of the device.[18] The right side of the device has a Micro-SIM card slot. The bottom of the device features a speaker output on the right and a microphone input on the left with Apple's proprietary 30-pin dock connector in the center.[18] The iPhone 4S supports video out via AirPlay and various Apple A/V cables.[44] Supported video formats include H.264 (1080p 30 frames per second maximum), MPEG-4 video, and motion JPEG (M-JPEG).[44]", "Apple Inc. On September 12, 2017, Apple introduced the iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus, standing as evolutionary updates to its previous phones with a faster processor, improved display technology, upgraded camera systems and wireless charging.[224] The company also announced iPhone X, which radically changes the hardware of the iPhone lineup, removing the home button in favor of facial recognition technology and featuring a near bezel-less design along with wireless charging.[225][226]", "iPhone 6 The expanded LTE connectivity on the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus is improved to LTE Advanced, with support for over 20 LTE bands (7 more than the iPhone 5s),[41] for up to 150 Mbit/s download speed, and VoLTE support. Wi-Fi performance has been improved with support for 802.11ac specifications, providing speeds up to 433.0581 Mbit/s—which is up to 3 times faster than 802.11n,[41] along with Wi-Fi Calling support where available. The iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus add support for near-field communications (NFC). It is initially used exclusively for Apple Pay—a new mobile payments system which allows users to store their credit cards in Passbook for use with online payments and retail purchases over NFC.[42][43] iOS 11 will provide support for uses of near-field communications besides Apple Pay.[44]", "iPhone 7 Apple has deliberately withheld pre-order sales numbers, citing that these are \"no longer a representative metric for our investors and customers\".[95] Without releasing specific numbers, T-Mobile US stated that the iPhone 7 had broken the carrier's all-time record for first-day pre-order sales. The following weekend, T-Mobile US stated that iPhone 7 was its biggest iPhone launch ever, being \"up nearly 4x compared to the next most popular iPhone\".[96]", "iPhone Up to the iPhone 4, all iPhone models, as well as other iOS devices were manufactured exclusively by Foxconn, based in Taiwan. In 2011, after Tim Cook became CEO of the company, Apple changed its outsourcing strategy, for the first time increasing its supply partners. The iPhone 4s in 2012 was the first model which was manufactured simultaneously by two stand-alone companies: Foxconn as well as Pegatron, also based in Taiwan. Although Foxconn is still responsible for the larger share of production, Pegatron's orders have been slowly increased, with the company being tasked with producing a part of the iPhone 5C line in 2013, and 30% of the iPhone 6 devices in 2014. The 6 Plus model is being produced solely by Foxconn.[101]", "iPhone An Apple Store located at the Christiana Mall in Newark, Delaware, US claimed the highest iPhones sales figures in November 2013. The store's high sales results are due to the absence of a sales tax in the state of Delaware.[80]", "iPhone 4S With the launch of orders, AT&T said that the demand for the iPhone 4S was \"extraordinary\".[77][78] More than 200,000 orders were placed within 12 hours of release through AT&T. The German phone company Deutsche Telekom said they were \"satisfied\" with consumer interest. In addition, AT&T, Verizon, and Sprint sold-out initial stock by October 8, 2011, and by October 9 there was a 1–2 week estimate on new orders to be filled. On October 20, 2011, AT&T surpassed one million iPhone 4S activations.[79] On October 10, Apple announced that more than one million orders for the iPhone 4S had been received within the first 24 hours of it being on sale, beating the 600,000 device record set by the iPhone 4.[80][81] The 16-month wait between the iPhone 4 and 4S may have contributed to overwhelming sales as well.[82][83]", "Apple TV On July 10, 2008, Apple released the iTunes Remote app on the App Store,[11] and the Apple TV 2.1 software update that added recognition for the iPhone and iPod Touch as remote control devices intended as a software alternative to the Apple Remote.[12] Later updates to the Apple TV, iTunes, and Remote software added support for the iPad, and introduced support for new features as they were added to iTunes.", "iPhone 5 Some users reported on the Internet that the white model leaked light behind the screen, though the issue was not unique to the iPhone 5, as it also affected other Apple devices.[113]" ]
where do they put the tomb vampires in order to burn them during founders day
[ "List of The Vampire Diaries characters On Founder's Day, Anna gives Jeremy a vial of her blood, telling him that if he drinks it he will die and become a vampire. She goes to the remaining tomb vampires, then reveals their plans to Damon – possibly to protect Jeremy. Damon warns her about the device; she is protecting Jeremy when John Gilbert sets it off, and was immediately incapacitated. A policeman finds her with Jeremy, injects her with vervain and takes her to the Gilbert building to be burned with other vampires, repeating the 1864 plan to eradicate their kind. When John Gilbert sees Anna lying in the building with the other vampires, he stakes her; her body is burned with the others. Damon sees this and later tells Jeremy how Anna died, regretting that he wasn't able to help. Jeremy questions whether it would be better to be a vampire and Damon admits it would be easier to turn the emotions off. Later, Jeremy drinks Anna's blood and takes all of Elena's sleeping pills." ]
[ "Katherine Pierce Katherine had help to escape, but all the other vampires had desiccated in the tomb. When the tomb spell failed to be put back up, they were able to feed on blood Damon had brought for Katherine and escaped. Feeling vengeful toward Mystic Falls and the town's founding families, the tomb vampires plotted an attack for Founder's Day. Katherine needed the tomb vampires dead so Klaus wouldn't find out she was still alive. She enlisted the help of her descendant and friend, Isobel, to retrieve one of Johnathan Gilbert's inventions, a weapon against vampires. The device was given to John Gilbert to round up and kill the tomb vampires during their planned attack on the town.", "Vampire In Europe, where much of the vampire folklore originates, the vampire is usually considered a fictitious being; many communities may have embraced the revenant for economic purposes. In some cases, especially in small localities, vampire superstition is still rampant and sightings or claims of vampire attacks occur frequently. In Romania during February 2004, several relatives of Toma Petre feared that he had become a vampire. They dug up his corpse, tore out his heart, burned it, and mixed the ashes with water in order to drink it.[116]", "List of The Vampire Diaries characters John arrived in Mystic Falls for Founder's Day and was shown as a member of the Founders' Council. However, he knew Damon was a vampire, that there had been a tomb under the Fell's Church, and he knew about Katherine. He tried to intimidate Damon into helping him find the invention but Damon threatened to kill him and everyone in the Council. Alaric and Damon discovered John was watching the vampires who had been in the tomb. John confronts Pearl about her possession of the invention but Pearl had already given it to Damon. When Isobel returns to town, John obtains the invention, and it is revealed Isobel and John were working for Katherine and planning to kill the tomb vampires. Unofficially, their goal was to kill the Salvatore brothers and save Elena from suffering in a life filled with vampires. John was additionally responsible for staking Pearl. John's fingers (including one wearing the wring) are cut off by Katherine who stabs him, posing as Elena to gain access to the Gilbert house in the season one finale.", "The Vampire Diaries (season 1) At one point, Damon finds the tomb under the church, and has Bonnie and her grandmother help open it to find Katherine. During the search, a number of vampires escape, and it is discovered Katherine already escaped long ago. The tomb vampires are led by a female vampire named Pearl and her daughter Anna. Bonnie's grand mother dies and Bonnie begins to resent vampires. It also turns out a group called the Founder's Council know of the vampires and wish to kill them. The Council is led by Tyler's abusive father, Richard Lockwood. Caroline's mother, Sheriff Elizabeth Forbes is also a member, despite being friends with Damon, unknown that he is a vampire. Anna also starts a relationship with Jeremy. Jenna also starts dating a man named Logan, who cheated on her in the past. Soon, Logan is turned into a vampire by Anna, and is killed by Alaric, who tells her he left town. From that point Jenna starts dating Alaric.", "Founder's Day (The Vampire Diaries) \"Founder's Day\" is the 22nd episode of the first season of The CW television series, The Vampire Diaries and the 22nd episode of the series overall. It also consists the last episode of the season. It originally aired on May 13, 2010. The episode was written by Bryan Oh and Andrew Chambliss and directed by Marcos Siega.", "Founder's Day (The Vampire Diaries) Meanwhile, at the basement, Damon spots the Mayor among the prisoners and wonders why he is there. Damon can see that vervain did not affect him which means that he is not a vampire but he cannot understand what he is. The Mayor tries to get away from Damon but he gets closer to the leader of the tomb vampires who breaks his neck. At the same time, Mrs. Lockwood finds Sheriff Forbes and frees her from the handcuffs informing her that the deputies have taken her husband and she doesn't know why or where they took him.", "Original Vampires (The Vampire Diaries) Being the oldest and most powerful vampires, the Original Vampires are stronger and faster than all normal vampires, though it is implied they do not get stronger with age due to being created at the zenith of vampiric physical prowess. (Alaric was just as strong, if not stronger, than the other Original Vampires despite being a day old. So too was Lucien, strong enough to kill Finn). It is possible that the spell used to make the Original Vampires, gives them the peak powers of vampirism. Also, werewolves prove little to no challenge for them, though they can be challenging in their wolf form (where they are at their strongest) as a pack of four can defeat an Original Vampire (Rebekah) and two human form werewolves with moonrings (which allows them to use the full power of their condition) overpowered Elijah. Also, Original Vampires are somewhat immune to werewolf venom, which is fatal to normal vampires but it still affects Original Vampires, though they only experience weakness and hallucinations. Original Vampires have the power to \"compel\" or hypnotize ordinary vampires in addition to humans, though they cannot compel each other.[17]", "Founder's Day (The Vampire Diaries) \"Founder's Day\" received positive reviews.", "Founder's Day (The Vampire Diaries) Damon goes to Jeremy's room to inform him about Anna's death and that he wanted to help her but he could not. He knows that Jeremy must be in pain and he offers to take the pain away like he did before but this time it will be his choice. Jeremy tells him that even if he erased his memory the pain is still there and compelling him again will not take the pain away now either. Jeremy asks if what Anna told him, that vampires can turn off their humanity and do not feel, is true and Damon says that it is. Vampires can turn off their humanity and that makes life easier but not better. Damon leaves and Jeremy drinks Anna's blood that she brought him earlier. He then finds a bottle of Elena's old painkillers and takes them.", "Founder's Day (The Vampire Diaries) In its original American broadcast, \"Founder's Day\" was watched by 3.47 million; up by 0.16 from the previous episode.[2]", "Founder's Day (The Vampire Diaries) Back to the celebration, the Mayor gives a speech about the 150th anniversary of their town and gives the signal for the fireworks to start while the vampires wait to start their attack and John to activate the device. Damon walks into the old Gilbert office to confront John, but John activates the device and Damon collapses. John injects him with vervain. At the same time, the vampires outside start to collapse too with the council's team finding them and injecting them with vervain. Stefan collapses too but Alaric gets there in time to direct the deputy to another vampire and help Elena take Stefan away. Anna does not have the same luck, since they find her and take her away while she is with Jeremy and before she manages to completely tell him what is going on. Mayor Lockwood also collapses because of the sound and taken away.", "The Vampire Diaries (season 2) When Lucy finds out that another Bennett is at the party and that Katherine had deceived her, she puts a spell on the moonstone, injuring Katherine. Damon then leaves her in the original tomb where she is trapped until the spell has been removed from the tomb. She tells him that her reason for not killing Elena is that she is in danger. Elena is later kidnapped by a masked individual and held hostage by vampires Rose and Trevor, who have been on the run from the Originals (the first generation of vampires). Rose reveals to Elena that she is the Petrova doppelgänger and needs to be sacrificed to break the sun and moon curse. Katherine was also a Petrova doppelgänger, who used Trevor to help her escape from the Originals and Rose to turn her into a vampire to save herself. Elena is rescued by Stefan and Damon by stabbing Elijah with a sharp wooden pole and they escape.", "The Vampire Chronicles In the series, the vampiric condition is transferred into humans through blood exchange to a human from a vampire, or mutual blood drinking between them. A vampire bites and feeds on a human to the point of exsanguination, at which point the vampire offers its own blood for the human to drink. The human first experiences euphoria and then a sharp burning pain in their bodies as their human body dies; the human death passes after a while and they are now a newly created vampire.", "Founder's Day (The Vampire Diaries) Elena comes home and finds Damon on his way out. The two of them have a talk with Damon opening up and thanking her for saving him today. They end up kissing when Jenna (Sara Canning) opens the door and sees them. Jenna orders Elena to come inside and she closes the door behind her asking Elena what is she doing but Elena does not want to talk about it.", "List of Vampire Knight characters Night Class students are young vampires who attend Cross Academy and live in the Moon Dormitory, while wearing white uniforms. They are offsprings of elite families in vampire society and are of noble blood, gathered by Kaname Kuran, in order to pursue peace between humans and vampires. They are extremely beautiful and highly intelligent. As they are nocturnal and sensitive to sunlight, they attend classes during the night and sleep during the day.", "Interview with the Vampire (film) After traveling around Europe and the Mediterranean (but finding no other vampires), Louis and Claudia settle harmoniously in Paris. Louis encounters vampires Santiago and Armand by chance. Armand invites Louis and Claudia to his coven, the Théâtre des Vampires, where the vampires stage theatrical horror shows for humans, similar to the real Grand Guignol which existed in Paris from 1897–1962. On their way out of the theater, Santiago reads Louis' mind and suspects that Louis and Claudia murdered Lestat. Louis is tempted to remain with Armand and learn from him in a way he could never have done with Lestat. Claudia demands that Louis turn a human woman, Madeleine, to be her new protector and companion, and he reluctantly complies. The Parisian vampires abduct all three and punish them for Lestat's murder: imprisoning Louis in a metal coffin, and trapping Claudia and Madeleine in a room where sunlight burns them to ash. Armand does nothing to prevent this, but the next day he frees Louis. Louis returns to the Theater, killing the vampires including Santiago as vengeance. Armand arrives in time to help Louis escape the sunrise and once again offers him a place by his side. Louis, however, refuses Armand and leaves for good.", "List of The Vampire Diaries characters In season one, Alaric comes to Mystic Falls to seek revenge on Damon, who admits that he killed Isobel, but that he also turned her into a vampire on her own request. Elena reaches out when she learns that Isobel is her biological mother, but Isobel avoids contact. Isobel later shows up at the Mystic Grill, greets Alaric, and threatens to kill everyone in town if she doesn't meet Elena. She is later visited by John in a loaned house, where she had two human minions, Cherie and Frank. It was revealed that Isobel, just like John, wants Jonathan's Gilbert's device – because Katherine, whom she seemingly befriended, wants all the tomb vampires dead. In season two, it was revealed that Isobel wants them dead in order to protect Elena from Klaus. She asks Elena to make Damon give her the device, threatening to hurt Matt and Jeremy. Elena convinces Damon to give her the device by saying that Bonnie can despell it. However, it is later revealed that Bonnie only pretended to despell it. Elena gives Isobel the device, saying that Damon gave it out of love for her. It was revealed that Isobel cares about Elena and they plot to use the device to kill all the tomb vampires and the Salvatore brothers in order to protect her. Before leaving town, Isobel compels Alaric to get over her and tells him that she realizes it was a mistake to become a vampire.", "Fool Me Once (The Vampire Diaries) Anna arrives at the tomb finding the door open. Bonnie wants to stop her but Sheila does not let her, so Anna goes into the tomb. Bonnie wants to know why her Grams let her in and Sheila says that no vampire will come out of the tomb. They managed to open the door but not break the seal spell so a vampire can go in but not come out. Stefan comes back and wants to run into the tomb when he hears Damon took Elena with him but Sheila stops him, explaining to him why.", "List of The Mortal Instruments characters When he cannot reconcile his feelings for Clary, he returns to the hotel—putting himself in great danger—to ask them if he is becoming one of them. Unfortunately, the vampires attack, and Raphael saves him from immediate death by bringing him back to the Institute, where Clary is staying. Faced with the choice of letting Simon die or making him a vampire, Clary and Jace decide to let him be reborn as a vampire. In City of Ashes, he becomes a \"Daylighter\" after being drained of most of his blood on Valentine's ship by Valentine so he can complete his Conversion on Maellartach, The Soul-Sword. Jace finds Simon on the brink of death and allows him to drink his blood to revive him. The large quantity of Angel blood in Jace's body then allows Simon to stand in high sun with no risk of burning, unlike all other vampires who cannot.", "List of The Vampire Diaries characters In season three, Carol learns that Caroline Forbes is a vampire; after Caroline sleeps with Tyler in the Lockwood Mansion, Carol shoots her with vervain darts. Carol then calls Caroline's father, Bill Forbes, and tells him about her. The next day, Carol slips vervain in Tyler's coffee to test if he is a vampire, and is relieved that he isn't. However, Tyler discovers this and confronts his mother, who says Caroline a monster. Tyler then shows Carol that he is a werewolf, and Carol promises that she will make sure Caroline isn't hurt. However, when she later calls Bill, she was unable to persuade him to free Caroline. When the doorway to the Other Side was opened, the ghosts of the tomb vampires decide to take revenge on the founding families and attack Carol. Caroline comes to Carol's rescue and holds them until the doorway is closed.", "Tomb of Cyrus Cyrus the Great Day (Persian: روز کوروش بزرگ ruz-e kuroš-e bozorg), also simply known as Cyrus Day (Persian:روز کوروش ruz-e kuroš), is an unofficial holiday in Iran that takes place annually in the tomb of Cyrus on October 29th, 7th of Aban on Iranian calendar, to commemorate Cyrus the Great. That is the anniversary of the entrance of Cyrus into Babylon. Cyrus is founder of the first Persian Empire also known as Achaemenid Empire.[6]", "The Sacrifice (The Vampire Diaries) Back at the Salvatore house, Bonnie tells Damon, Stefan and Jeremy that she can lift the tomb spell for a while so they can take the moonstone. Jeremy worries about her after the nosebleeds and tries to change her mind but he cannot do it. Bonnie has something more in her mind and asks for something that belonged to Katherine. Stefan brings the photograph of Katherine from 1964 and Bonnie burns it while chanting a spell. Damon wonders what it is about and Bonnie explains that if they toss the ash to Katherine then she will not be able to do anything for a while. Jeremy is still worrying about Bonnie, so to spare her from doing the spell at the tomb, he steals some of the ashes and decides to go alone to the tomb and take the moonstone.", "Fool Me Once (The Vampire Diaries) Back at the tomb, a vampire manages to get to the blood bag Damon threw against the wall and he feeds on its contents. He gets up, slowly gets to the door sliding it open and exits the tomb revealing that the seal spell did not work.", "Founder's Day (The Vampire Diaries) Diana Steenbergen from IGN rated the episode with 9/10 saying that the show has turned into one of the better guilty pleasures on TV and that the cliffhangers are plentiful at the end of the hour. \"One of the great things about The Vampire Diaries is the pacing. The storylines move at breakneck speed; a conflict is introduced one week, it is resolved the next and a new conflict crops up. The big ticket items this week are Elena finding out who her father really is, Bonnie admitting that she did not remove the power of Johnathan Gilbert's device, and Damon's newfound humanity. Each storyline is suitably addressed in the hour, and as usual, new problems present themselves by the end.\" Steenbergen also praised Somerhalder, saying that is the best part of the show: \"He is ridiculously entertaining as Damon, the sometime evil Salvatore brother. Damon has a bit of an advantage on poor Stefan, since it is so much fun to watch the snarky, obnoxious behavior Damon dishes out to everyone.\"[5]", "The Cell (The Vampire Diaries) Damon was captive for five years before he manages to escape. What kept him sane was another vampire who was also captured ten years before Damon, named Enzo (Michael Malarkey). The two became friends and he was the one who helped him plan their escape, a plan that would set in practice the one day the people who keep them, take them out of their cells. Dr Whitmore takes Damon out and he attacks everyone. After killing them, he tries to free Enzo as well but he cannot do and he leaves him behind. He does not want to try more since if he stays they will either capture him again or get burn by the fire that was started in the room. Damon leaves Enzo behind, believing he died in the fire.", "Original Vampires (The Vampire Diaries) In the season three episode, \"Before Sunset\", Klaus is temporarily \"killed\" by the Salvatores and Tyler Lockwood.[10] He tries to kill Elena by draining her of all her blood in order to kill two birds with one stone; (1) have a supply of her blood with which to create a hybrid army, (2) kill the vampire form of the vampire-hating Alaric Saltzman, who desires to kill Klaus, all other vampires and whose life is tied to Elena's by the witch Esther. Subsequently, Elena's friends neutralize Klaus in order to protect her. Instead of staking him, which could potentially kill them all (see \"Mythology\" section), the Salavatore brothers use Bonnie's magic and a dark spell to stop Klaus' heart, which \"desiccates\"[10] him and leaves him immobile and starved of blood, and thus in a seemingly \"dead\" state. A similar spell was performed on Klaus's step-father, Mikael, by Bonnie's mother, Abby Bennett.[10] In the season three finale episode \"The Departed\", Klaus is staked in his coffin by the vampire form of Alaric Saltzman and subsequently, his body burns to ashes, (see \"Mythology\" section). However, Klaus lives on by switching bodies with Tyler Lockwood, through a spell which Bonnie Bennett performs.[11]", "Katerina (The Vampire Diaries) At the Salvatore house, Damon asks Rose how they can get in touch with Klaus. Rose says that she got in touch with Elijah via Slater (Trevor Peterson), a vampire who lives in Richmond. Damon does not waste any time and they immediately leave to find Slater. They meet him at a cafe that is built in a way that does not allow the sun burn the vampires but Trevor's contacts stop to Elijah and he does not know how to reach Klaus. Outside the cafe, Elijah listens to the whole conversation between Damon, Rose and Slater and he is not happy with what is happening. He throws some coins at the cafe's windows breaking them, something that lets the sun pass through and the vampires start burning. Slater manages to run away and Damon covers Rose and takes her out of the reach of sun. Rose is upset because she knows Klaus is behind this and he will kill them all.", "Resurrection of Jesus Just after sunrise on the day after the Sabbath a number of women (Mary Magdalene, Joanna, and Mary the mother of James) come to anoint Jesus's body. They find the stone rolled away and the tomb empty. Suddenly two men stand beside them. The men tell them Jesus is risen. The women tell the disciples, but the disciples do not believe them, except for Peter who runs to the tomb. Peter finds the grave-clothes in the empty tomb and goes away, wondering.", "List of The Vampire Diaries characters During season two, she tells Damon that she has always been in love with Stefan and never truly cared for Damon. It is later discovered that her real reason for returning is to appease Klaus by giving him the new doppelgänger, the moonstone, and a vampire, witch, and werewolf. Stefan and Damon lock her in the tomb when they realize her plan, and even when the spell trapping vampires in the tomb is broken, she is compelled by Elijah to stay in. Elijah temporarily dies and Katherine is freed, but chooses to help Stefan and Damon. When Klaus comes to Mystic Falls, he kidnaps her and tortures her in Alaric's apartment. He eventually releases her, but she keeps track of Klaus and Stefan's whereabouts. When she learns that a vampire hunter named Mikael is the key to killing Klaus, she finds and awakens him, but goes back into hiding when Mikael's plan fails.", "30 Days of Night (film) Eighteen days later, when a blizzard hits, the group uses the whiteout to go to the general store for supplies, but are stranded after it ends. While the group heads for the station, Eben creates a diversion by having the vampires chase him to his grandmother's house, where he uses one of her ultraviolet lights to burn the face of Marlow's lover, Iris (Megan Franich), so badly that Marlow is forced to kill her. As he escapes, the town snow plow operator, Beau (Mark Boone Junior), creates another distraction with his tractor, killing many of the vampires, before trying to blow himself up; when he fails, Marlow crushes his head. Eben arrives at the station, where he is then forced to kill Carter (Nathaniel Lees), who has been bitten and is turning into a vampire.", "Tomb of the Unknowns The mat is usually replaced twice per year: before Memorial Day and before Veterans Day. This is required because of the wear on the rubber mat by the special shoes worn by Tomb Guards. The sentinels have metal plates built into the soles and inner parts of their shoes to allow for a more rugged sole and to give the signature click of the heel during maneuvers. The sentinels wear sunglasses because of the bright reflection from the marble surrounding the Tomb and the Memorial Amphitheater.", "My Babysitter's a Vampire Sarah leaves to get Erica back from the party, knowing the party is full of bloodthirsty vampires. Curious, the boys have Benny's grandmother watch over Jane while they follow Sarah. They see her feed on a rat and realize she is a vampire. Sarah quickly explains that she is only a fledgling, a vampire who has not drunk human blood. The three of them return home, where they are attacked by a vampire sent by Jesse. The vampire is subdued by Sarah and they head to the vampire party to save Erica and their dimwitted friend, Rory. However, Erica has been bitten by Gord and later bites Rory. Ethan, Benny, and Sarah then battle the vampires and escape.", "Family Ties (The Vampire Diaries) Lauren Attaway of Star Pulse gave a B rate to the episode stating: \"In true cliffhanger style, we learned that several prominent members of the community knew about vampires and had a plan to get rid of them. Elena's parents were supposed to be loaning several items to The Founder's Party for a display, and the one item Elena didn't loan out, a watch, is the item the adults need for some plot against the vampires. It was good to see that multiple victims drained of blood raised someone's suspicions.\"[4]", "Empty tomb So the women hurried away from the tomb, afraid yet filled with joy, and ran to tell his disciples. Suddenly Jesus met them. \"Greetings,\" he said. They came to him, clasped his feet and worshiped him. Then Jesus said to them, \"Do not be afraid. Go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see me.\"", "Marvel Universe Marvel's depiction of vampires has been heavily influenced by various interpretations of popular media, such as Bram Stoker's Dracula. As with many other supernatural creatures, Marvel entwined the origin of vampires with aspects of the mythologies created by Lovecraft and Howard. They were originally created by magical rites performed by priests of Atlantis prior to the Great Cataclysm that destroyed much of the world with Varnae becoming the first vampire. Marvel would depict vampires as frequent antagonists during the Hyborian Age to Howard characters such as Kull and Conan. In recent years, Marvel's depiction of vampires has altered greatly by creating various subspecies of vampires that exist in clans that greatly differ in appearance and belief. All vampires are depicted with varying degrees of superhuman strength, speed, stamina, agility, reflexes and accelerated healing. Many are capable of transforming into animals such as bats or wolves, some can transform into a mist like substance; some of the most powerful are capable of controlling the weather to a somewhat limited degree. All vampires must ingest blood in order to maintain their survival and physical vitality. So long as they do so regularly, they cease to age and are immune to diseases. They retain the well known vulnerabilities common to vampires in other media interpretations including sunlight, garlic, religious icons and weapons made of silver. Vampires can be killed by a wooden stake driven through the heart, though they return to life if the stake is removed. Vampires are highly allergic to silver and can be killed with it. While they normally heal rapidly, injuries inflicted by silver weapons heal at a much slower rate if the injuries aren't fatal. Vampires can also be killed by decapitation or being set on fire, with burning them to ashes and then scattering the ashes being the most effective means of ensuring their demise.", "Vampire Although not traditionally regarded as an apotropaic, mirrors have been used to ward off vampires when placed, facing outwards, on a door (in some cultures, vampires do not have a reflection and sometimes do not cast a shadow, perhaps as a manifestation of the vampire's lack of a soul).[39] This attribute is not universal (the Greek vrykolakas/tympanios was capable of both reflection and shadow), but was used by Bram Stoker in Dracula and has remained popular with subsequent authors and filmmakers.[40]", "Original Vampires (The Vampire Diaries) Nothing can kill an Original Vampire, except for a heart-aimed stake made only of the ancient white oak tree or the immense power of a very powerful witch, though channeling that much power will also kill the witch. If an Original Vampire is stabbed by a white oak stake, he or she will die and burn to ashes. Using a silver dagger dipped in the ashes of the white oak tree will cause the Original Vampires to be neutralized as long as the dagger remains within them; however, that type of dagger would not work on Klaus due to his hybrid nature, and only a pure white oak stake could kill him. However, Davina and Kol had created a gold dagger with the ability to subdue Klaus. Other stakes temporarily disable Original Vampires, but they recuperate in hours. This was demonstrated when Elijah pulled out the wooden stake that Damon had plunged into his chest when attempting to rescue Elena from Rose and Trevor.[18]", "Dance in the Vampire Bund Following a discussion show where known vampire movie actor Seiichi Hirai (who was revealed to be an actual vampire) is killed by her during his rampage, Mina reveals to the world the existence of vampires while mentioning her desire for both races to live together as they are residing on \"The Bund.\" However, tensions run high as fearful humans and extremist vampire factions begin to interfere with Mina's wish for peace with the human world. This causes Mina and Akira to defend \"The Bund\" from these attackers.[5]", "Empty tomb For many people of antiquity, empty tombs were seen as signs not of resurrection but of assumption, that is, the person being taken bodily into the divine realm. In Chariton’s ancient Greek novel Callirhoe, the hero Chaereas finds his wife’s tomb empty and immediately assumes the gods took her rather than believe she was resurrected or that her body was stolen by grave-robbers.[3][4] In Ancient Greek thinking, the connection between postmortem disappearance and apotheosis was strong and there are numerous examples of individuals conspiring, before their deaths, to have their remains hidden in order to promote their postmortem venerations.[4] Arrian wrote of Alexander the Great planning his own bodily disappearance so that he would be revered as a god.[5][4] Disappearances of individuals to be taken in the divine realm also occur in Jewish literature,[4] although they do not involve an empty tomb. Daniel Smith suggests the empty tomb stories and resurrection appearances in the gospels come from separate traditions, with the former about Jesus' absence or assumption, while the latter were about Jesus' presence. He concludes that the gospel writers took the two traditions and weaved them together.[4]", "The Vampire Diaries On April 26, 2013, The CW officially announced that the spin-off The Originals, which focuses on the Original family of vampires, had been ordered to series, and the show began airing during the 2013–14 American television season.[3]", "Katherine Pierce Damon reveals that he's spent his entire existence of being a vampire loving Katherine and focusing on freeing her from the tomb she's been trapped in for the last 145 years. After opening the tomb, Damon realizes that Katherine had been free this whole time; although she knew where he was at times, she never cared to see him. Damon is heartbroken.", "List of Scooby-Doo characters In the series What's New, Scooby-Doo?, they appear in the episode \"The Vampire Strikes Back\", where the gang must help them capture a vampire that has been trying to scare them away from a castle in Transylvania, where they are shooting their latest single.", "Burn Early cooling (within 30 minutes of the burn) reduces burn depth and pain, but care must be taken as over-cooling can result in hypothermia.[1][8] It should be performed with cool water 10–25 °C (50.0–77.0 °F) and not ice water as the latter can cause further injury.[8][40] Chemical burns may require extensive irrigation.[1] Cleaning with soap and water, removal of dead tissue, and application of dressings are important aspects of wound care. If intact blisters are present, it is not clear what should be done with them. Some tentative evidence supports leaving them intact. Second-degree burns should be re-evaluated after two days.[40]", "Where the Sidewalk Ends (poem) Looking more in depth at this poem makes clear what Shel Silverstein is saying. Do what the children do. They know the place where the sidewalk ends. And in doing so, you will find the joy and passion for life that they have. When he says to follow the markings of the children and you will find the place where the sidewalk ends, it is not a literal command to physically follow them. Rather he is saying put on the mindset of a child and you will, in turn, find the imagination and joy and innocence that children have. Children do not have to work at finding the place where the sidewalk ends, they know. They know because they know nothing else, the joyful, imaginative mindset they have is purely natural. While adults minds have been influenced by the hardships of the world, and in turn have to work at finding the place where the sidewalk ends. Adults must leave behind the black smoke and look beyond the dark streets that come with adulthood in order to truly find the place where the sidewalk ends.", "Hogwarts In the early days of Hogwarts, the four founders hand-picked students for their Houses. When the founders worried how students would be selected after their deaths, Godric Gryffindor took his hat off and they each added knowledge to it, allowing the Sorting Hat to choose the students by judging each student's qualities and placing them in the most appropriate house. The student's own choices may affect the decision: the clearest example is the Hat telling Harry that he would do well in Slytherin in the first book, but ultimately selecting Gryffindor after Harry asks it not to put him in Slytherin.", "Vampire No effort to depict vampires in popular fiction was as influential or as definitive as Bram Stoker's Dracula (1897).[164] Its portrayal of vampirism as a disease of contagious demonic possession, with its undertones of sex, blood and death, struck a chord in Victorian Europe where tuberculosis and syphilis were common. The vampiric traits described in Stoker's work merged with and dominated folkloric tradition, eventually evolving into the modern fictional vampire.[154]", "Vampire Paul Barber in his book Vampires, Burial and Death has described that belief in vampires resulted from people of pre-industrial societies attempting to explain the natural, but to them inexplicable, process of death and decomposition.[121]", "Vampire The 21st century brought more examples of vampire fiction, such as J. R. Ward's Black Dagger Brotherhood series, and other highly popular vampire books which appeal to teenagers and young adults. Such vampiric paranormal romance novels and allied vampiric chick-lit and vampiric occult detective stories are a remarkably popular and ever-expanding contemporary publishing phenomenon.[167] L. A. Banks' The Vampire Huntress Legend Series, Laurell K. Hamilton's erotic Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter series, and Kim Harrison's The Hollows series, portray the vampire in a variety of new perspectives, some of them unrelated to the original legends. Vampires in the Twilight series (2005–2008) by Stephenie Meyer ignore the effects of garlic and crosses and are not harmed by sunlight, although it does reveal their supernatural status.[168] Richelle Mead further deviates from traditional vampires in her Vampire Academy series (2007–present), basing the novels on Romanian lore with two races of vampires, one good and one evil, as well as half-vampires.[169]", "Tomb of the Unknowns Since 1948, the Tomb Guards, a special platoon within the 3rd U.S. Infantry Regiment (The Old Guard) work on a team rotation of 24 hours on, 24 hours off, for five days, taking the following four days off. A guard takes an average of six hours to prepare his uniform – heavy wool, regardless of the time of year – for the next day's work. In addition to preparing the uniform, guards also conduct physical training, Tomb Guard training, participate in field exercises, cut their hair before the next work day, and at times are involved in regimental functions as well. Tomb Guards are required to memorize 17 pages of information about Arlington National Cemetery and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, including the locations of nearly 300 graves and who is buried in each one.[20]", "Armand (The Vampire Chronicles) Shortly after Amadeo becomes a vampire, Marius' Palazzo is attacked by a Satanic cult of vampires, led by the vampire Santino. They set Marius on fire and kidnap Amadeo and the other children at the Palazzo and take them to Rome. Santino tortures Amadeo by burning his friends to death right in front of him and starving him in a cellar until he is forced to feed on his best friend and innocent children. After five months of such psychological torture, Amadeo is ready to believe everything the cult said in exchange for their love and to forget all he has known before. Because of his strength, he is named the leader of the Parisian coven in 1580, and renamed Armand, since a name with the word 'God' (Deo) in it seemed unfit for the leader of a satanic coven.[1]", "The Haunt of Fear A group of prospectors in Alaska unearth a vampire frozen beneath the snow. One of them decides to keep the money from their uranium stake for himself, and frees the vampire in order to kill his companions. He knows that vampires crumble into dust once dawn comes - but when will that be?", "Spike (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) Spike returns to Sunnydale alone in Season Four, in the episode \"The Harsh Light of Day\", briefly living with Harmony Kendall, a shallow former classmate of Buffy, now a vampire.[16] He is in Sunnydale to look for the Gem of Amarra, a ring which makes a vampire effectively invulnerable. He finds it and attacks Buffy in daylight, but she wrests the ring from his finger and sends it to Angel. Spike goes to Los Angeles, and hires a vampire named Marcus to torture Angel in order to get the ring, but Marcus takes the ring himself and Angel finally destroys it.", "Brooke Burns Burns was born in Dallas, Texas,[1] the daughter of Brad and Betsy Burns.[2] Burns has two sisters. She was a ballet dancer for 12 years during childhood and started modeling at age 15 after tearing her anterior cruciate ligament in a skiing accident. At age 16, Burns and her family moved to Europe, where she later lived in Paris, Milan, and Munich.[3]", "Showtime (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) The Turok-Han charges at the house and breaks the front door down. Willow puts up a barrier that keeps the vampire at bay, but it's almost too much for Willow and Buffy instructs everyone to run out the back. The gang encounters Bringers in the backyard, but they are destroyed and the gang runs off as the Turok-Han finally breaks through Willow's magical barrier. Meanwhile, Anya and Giles return to their usual dimension and Giles explains that the disturbance in the Slayer line was Buffy's revival from death. Anya realizes that if they had never brought Buffy back to life, the First wouldn't be doing this to them now. The gang runs down the street together and then Buffy tells them to break up. Willow and Xander lead the potential slayers, as well as Dawn and Andrew to a safe location while Buffy turns and attacks the Turok-Han. After a brief struggle, Buffy runs and tries to get the vampire to follow her.", "Draft-card burning Leftist Ramparts magazine showed four draft cards being burned on the December 1967 cover. The Saturday Evening Post, a conservative publication, put an image of draft card burning on their cover, January 27, 1968. In 1967 off-Broadway and 1968 on Broadway and in London's West End, the musical Hair featured a climactic scene in Act I of a group of men in a hippie \"tribe\" burning their draft cards while the main character Claude struggles with the decision to join them.", "Empty tomb All four gospels agree in their emphasis upon the event taking place on the first day of the week and that the women were the first to learn of the empty tomb. All give prominence to \"Mary\" and attention to the rolling away of the stone that had closed the tomb. There are variations concerning the time at which the women visited the tomb, the number and identity of the women, the purpose of their visit, the nature and appearance of the messenger(s), whether angelic or human, their message to the women and the response of the women to the visitor in the tomb.[2]", "The Vampire Diaries (season 1) Another supernatural revelation occurs when Elena's friend Bonnie Bennett discovers she is born into a line of witches and is a witch herself. She gets help from her grandmother to use her powers. Elena's friends and acquaintances also become involved such as Tyler Lockwood, son of the mayor, and Matt Donovan, Elena's ex-boyfriend and Caroline Forbes, daughter of the sheriff. It also turns out that Elena is the doppelganger of Katherine Pierce, a woman who, centuries ago, seduced the Salvatore brothers and turned them into vampires, turning their vampire hunting father against them, though Stefan ends up killing him. Katherine was presumably trapped in a tomb beneath the church and Damon is planning on releasing her. Lexi, a friend of Stefan's shows up and befriends Elena, but is killed by Damon, driving a wedge between brothers.", "List of Vampire Knight characters The Day Class students are humans who attend Cross Academy and live in the Sun Dormitory. The majority remain ignorant of the vampires at the school. They attend classes during the day only, hence the name, while wearing black uniforms. Following the battle on the school, the students realized the true identity of the Night Class students. At first they were fearful, but eventually accepted the vampires reluctantly; however, upon the reopening of the school, all but a selected few had their memories erased of this information.", "Akbar Akbar's great-grandson, Aurangzeb, pursued oppressive policies and gave orders to demolish Hindu temples.[199][200][68] The rebellious Jats rose against his policies under the leadership of Raja Ram Jat, they took the control of Agra fort after defeating Mughal forces. Jats ransacked Akbar's tomb, plundered and looted all the gold, jewels, silver and carpets, whilst destroying other things. He even, in order to avenge his father Gokula's death, plundered Akbar's tomb, looted it, opened Akbar's grave and dragged Akbar's bones and burned them in retaliation.[201][202][203][204][205] Jats also shot off the tops of the minarets on the gateway to Akbar's Tomb and melted down two silver doors from the Taj Mahal.[206][207][208][209]", "Founder's Day (The Vampire Diaries) Mayor gets into the Grill looking for Tyler. He asks him to go home but when Tyler ignores him, his father becomes aggressive. Matt and Caroline interfere taking Tyler's side and the Mayor, calmer, asks politely Tyler to go home and take his friends with him, handing him over his car keys. Anna also finds Jeremy at the Grill and tries to explain him everything that is going on.", "Founder's Day (The Vampire Diaries) Matt Richenthal from TV Fanatic rated the episode with 4.9/5. \"Wow. What a season finale! Producers had promised us a bunch of cliffhangers and they delivered. [...] Indeed, it was a stunning conclusion to what had been a somewhat meandering, disappointing episode. But that all changed with the thrust of Katherine's knife.\"[3]", "Founder's Day (The Vampire Diaries) Elena is shocked by the news Stefan told her; that John is her birth father. Elena wonders if she has to confront him and ask him if it is true while she is also worried if Jeremy will ever forgive her. She tries to talk to him but Jeremy tells her to go to hell, something that Damon catches from afar. He follows Jeremy and aggressively tries to tell him not to treat Elena that way. Stefan interferes apologizing to Jeremy for everything that happened but Jeremy still does not feel like forgiving Elena.", "List of The Vampire Diaries episodes The Vampire Diaries follows the life of Elena Gilbert (Nina Dobrev) who lives in Mystic Falls, a fictional town heavily charged with supernatural history. She falls for a handsome century-old vampire named Stefan Salvatore (Paul Wesley). Their lives grow more and more complicated as Stefan's vicious older vampire brother Damon Salvatore (Ian Somerhalder) also returns to town with a vendetta against his brother and the city founders' descendants. However Damon quickly becomes their greatest ally in their fight against evil.", "List of My Babysitter's a Vampire characters Erica (portrayed by Kate Todd) is a vampire and Sarah's best friend. She is a huge fan of the \"Dusk\" series. (Dusk is a parody of the Twilight series) Erica becomes a vampire after being bitten by Gord (one of Jesse's friends) in the same vampire-infested party where Rory was also bitten. Erica is the kind of girl who gets revenge if someone does her wrong. She used to be a nerd when human but has become beautiful since turning into a vampire, a fact she is very proud of. Erica doesn't share an actual friendship with Ethan and Benny but speaks to them when necessary. She is annoyed mostly by Rory and makes sure not to be seen with him. However, she uses his crush on her as an advantage to get him to do things for her. Although Erica is conceited and shallow, she genuinely cares for Sarah and always comes through for her. In the first season finale, she supports Sarah after Sarah becomes a full vampire and tells her that they will (literally) be friends forever. In the second season, Erica becomes closer to Ethan and Benny as well, and subsequently becomes more active in their heroic activities. Erica seeks out Benny to help Sarah out after she dumped the new vice principal in a trash can, Benny doing a forgetting spell and gathers him and Ethan to testify against the Vampire Council's accusations. In \"Say You'll Be Maztak\", Erica helps Sarah get their male classmates out of a spell where they were controlled by Lucia, who wanted to be reunited with her Sun King. Erica seemed to be jealous that Ethan and Benny were all over Lucia, not believing that they were blowing her and Sarah off for her. In \"Mirror/rorriM\", Erica is controlled by a ghost trapped in a dressing room mirror during the school's production of the play, \"The Rainbow Factory\". Benny, Ethan, and Sarah manage to get the ghost out of Erica, in the middle of the play, the audience assuming they were performing. In \"Village of the Darned\", Benny makes a potion mixed with his blood for Erica and Sarah (because the towns' older citizens were possessed by an evil girl scout troop leaders cookies), Erica initially takes dislike to drinking blood from children and teenagers, citing it had fats; but Erica confides to Sarah that she liked Benny's blood, that it was \"the best she ever tasted\", and she might be starting to have feelings for him. In \"The Date to End All Dates\", while the vampire community is preparing to evacuate Whitechapel (in which Erica reluctantly and unwillingly helps them do), Erica helps Sarah and Ethan prepare for their first date, even choosing their restaurant, which was a vampire restaurant, where the staff assumed Ethan was Sarah's meal.", "Nothing's Shocking “I had a demo tape of eighteen songs,\" Jerden recalled, \"and I listened to it every night all summer. I picked nine songs from the tape and put them in an order. And then I said to the band, ‘Let’s do these nine songs. You’ll rehearse them in this order, and we’ll record them in this order.’ And that’s what we did.”[5]", "Interview with the Vampire Arriving in Europe, Louis and Claudia seek out more of their kind. They travel throughout eastern Europe first and do indeed encounter vampires, but these vampires appear to be nothing more than mindless animated corpses. It is only when they reach Paris that they encounter vampires like themselves – specifically, the 400-year-old vampire Armand and his coven at the Théâtre des Vampires. Inhabiting an ancient theater, Armand and his vampire coven disguise themselves as humans and feed on live, terrified humans in mock-plays before a live human audience (who think the killings are merely a very realistic performance). Claudia is repulsed by these vampires and what she considers to be their cheap theatrics, but Louis and Armand are drawn to each other.", "Empty tomb After the Sabbath, at dawn on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to look at the tomb.", "Vampire This increase of interest in vampiric plotlines led to the vampire being depicted in films such as Underworld and Van Helsing, and the Russian Night Watch and a TV miniseries remake of Salem's Lot, both from 2004. The series Blood Ties premiered on Lifetime Television in 2007, featuring a character portrayed as Henry Fitzroy, illegitimate son of Henry VIII of England turned vampire, in modern-day Toronto, with a female former Toronto detective in the starring role. A 2008 series from HBO, entitled True Blood, gives a Southern Gothic take to the vampire theme.[168]", "30 Days of Night (film) As the month comes to an end, with the sun due to rise, the vampires start to burn down the town to destroy evidence of their presence, and prevent any survivors from telling the world what happened. Realizing Stella is trapped and that he cannot beat the vampires in his current state, Eben turns himself into a vampire by injecting himself with Billy's infected blood. He confronts Marlow, and they get into a vicious fight, before Marlow is finally killed by having a hole punched through his head, causing the remaining vampires to flee. Knowing he will die soon, Eben and Stella go off to watch the sunrise together, sharing one last kiss. As the sun comes up, Eben's body burns to ash in Stella's arms, while she stares at the sky, coming to grips with what has happened.", "Interview with the Vampire In 1973, while still grieving the loss of her daughter, Rice began reworking a previously written short story, which she had written in 1968 or 1969.[nb 1] Thirty pages long, the short story was written from the interviewer's perspective.[6] She decided to expand \"Interview with the Vampire\" into a novel at the encouragement of one of her husband's students, who enjoyed her writing.[6][7] It took her five weeks to complete the 338-page novel: she did research on vampires during the day and often wrote during the night.[6]", "30 Days of Night (film) Filming did not begin immediately, but in a September 2006 interview, executive producer Mike Richardson said that 30 Days of Night would be shot on 35 mm film, though there had been discussion to shoot the film on Genesis.[18] In an interview prior to filming, Slade explained that the illustrations of the graphic novel's illustrator, Ben Templesmith, would be reflected in production design. Slade also considered Nelson's draft to be the most faithful to the graphic novel. He also stated his intention to make a \"scary vampire film\", of which he didn't think there were many. \"The rest of them, they fall into all kinds of traps. We're going to try to do our best... and one of the ways we have to do it is be more naturalistic than the graphic novel, because it's very over-the-top,\" said Slade.[19] There was also concern expressed that while the vampires needed to communicate, talking might lessen the effect. To counter this, a fictional vampire language, with click consonants, was constructed with the help of a professor of linguistics and the nearby University of Auckland. Slade explained \"we designed this really simple language that didn't sound like any particular accent that you would be aware of, that was based around really simple actions, eating, hunting, yes, no, really basic, because that's what vampires do.\"[20]", "Venezuela Spain's colonization of mainland Venezuela started in 1522, establishing its first permanent South American settlement in the present-day[update] city of Cumaná. In the 16th century, Venezuela was contracted as a concession by the King of Spain to the German Welser banking family (Klein-Venedig, 1528–1546). Native caciques (leaders) such as Guaicaipuro (circa 1530–1568) and Tamanaco (died 1573) attempted to resist Spanish incursions, but the newcomers ultimately subdued them; Tamanaco was put to death by order of Caracas' founder, Diego de Losada.[40]", "Katerina (The Vampire Diaries) Back at the tomb, Katherine continues her story; 1492: Katerina stabs herself because she prefers to die than go back to Klaus. Rose does not let her die and gives her her blood to heal her when Trevor arrives and tells Rose that he loves Katerina and he wants to help her run away. While Rose tries to talk sense to him, Katerina gets the opportunity and suicides, triggering her own transformation to a vampire since she knows that as a vampire she would be useless to Klaus.", "Original Vampires (The Vampire Diaries) Elena is rescued by the Salvatore brothers not long after Elijah kills Trevor, who had betrayed Elijah in the past by helping Katerina escape. The Salvatores attack Elijah and succeed in staking him; however, he comes back to life at the end of the episode because he is an Original Vampire who can not be killed by any wooden stake. Only wood from the ancient White Oak Tree, which his family burned when they became vampires, can kill Originals. Elijah then works with a witch to locate Elena.", "Katherine Pierce Born June 5, 1473,[1] Katherine is the ultimate doppelgänger, descended from Amara and Tatia. She is an ex-vampire and the ex-lover to both Salvatore brothers, Damon and Stefan. She first appears as Katherine Pierce in recurring flashbacks to 1864, which feature her romantic entanglements with the Salvatore brothers. She managed to turn them both into vampires, but she was consequently captured by the townspeople of Mystic Falls to be killed in Fells Church where they planned to lock the vampires in before setting it alight. She later appears in present day.", "Committee on Heraldry of the New England Historic Genealogical Society One need not be entitled to the arms in order to apply for their registration. Genealogists and others often apply to register arms having nothing to do with their own ancestry purely to put them on record with the committee.", "Rise of the Tomb Raider The game also put more emphasis on tomb raiding than its predecessors after listening to players' feedback.[30] According to Hughes, the team analyzed some of the older Tomb Raider titles and distilled their best features, while incorporating the physics-based puzzles from the reboot. The team also intended to add more ancient tombs which have deep stories so that players would feel like they are actual discoverers and be awe-inspired by it. The tombs were made larger than the reboot and that puzzles were expanded with the inclusion of water puzzles, which were featured in older Tomb Raider games. These puzzles were often interconnected, as the team adopted a method named \"Nested Puzzle Approach\".[13] Optional tombs were made more meaningful to players, as it now gave players unique skills and items rather than simply awarding players with experience points.[18] The difficulty of each tomb will slowly increase as players progress.[31]", "Humayun's Tomb Bu Halima's Tomb and Garden: When entering the complex from the West, visitor's first enter a garden complex, known as Bu Halima's Garden, though little is known about her, and since the tomb or the raised platform where it once stood is not at the centre, it appears to be a later addition.[32][40]", "Tomb Raider The concept for Tomb Raider originated in 1993 at Core Design, a British game development studio.[62] One of the men most involved in its creation was Toby Gard, who was mostly responsible for creating the character of Lara Croft. Gard originally envisioned her as a man: company co-founder Jeremy Heath-Smith was worried the character would be seen as derivative of Indiana Jones, so Gard changed the character's gender. Her design underwent multiple revisions and redrafts during early development.[1][59] The game proved an unexpected commercial success, reversing Eidos' then-bleak financial situation.[8] After the success of Tomb Raider, work began almost at once on a sequel. After the first game's success, Gard was no longer given full creative control, and it was stated by development staff that he was both saddened and disappointed by the use of Lara Croft's sex appeal in marketing. Gard left Core Design in 1997 to found his own gaming company Confounding Factor, and was replaced by Stuart Atkinson.[8][59][78] Tomb Raider II proved even more of a commercial success than the original.[79]", "List of The Vampire Diaries characters In season one, Emily possesses Bonnie in order to stop Damon from freeing Katherine from the tomb. In season two, Bonnie takes on the power of a hundred dead witches, including Emily, by performing a spell on the place where the witches were burned. Bonnie and Stefan later go there again to ask the witches if they know a cure for a werewolf bite (inflicted on Damon). Emily possesses Bonnie and tells Stefan there isn't a cure, but when Bonnie is herself again, she tells Stefan that Emily mentioned Klaus, whose blood turns out to be the cure for a werewolf bite. When Jeremy dies, Bonnie was able to save him with help of Emily after she tells Emily that she loves him.", "Katherine Pierce When Stefan arrives searching for Elena, Katherine warns them that Klaus will not hesitate to kill all of the people Elena loves, just like Klaus had done to her. Stefan accuses her of tricking Elena in a desperate attempt to get herself out of the tomb, but Katherine insists that the tomb is the safest place to be, as no vampire would want to enter for fear of being trapped. Later, alone, Katherine peruses the Petrova family history that Elena had brought, tearing up over drawings of her parents.", "Resurrection of Jesus Just before sunrise on the day after the regular weekly Sabbath two women, Mary Magdalene and \"the other Mary\", went to look at the tomb. Accompanied by an earthquake, an angel had come down from Heaven and rolled the rock aside from the tomb. The angel waited for them and told them not to be afraid, but to tell the disciples that Jesus had risen and will meet them in Galilee. The women were joyful and set out to tell the disciples the good news, then soon afterward Jesus appeared and told them not to be afraid, and told them that He had risen and that they should tell the disciples that they will see Him in Galilee. The disciples go to Galilee, where they then see Jesus in the flesh.", "List of Vampire Knight characters Known simply as the Vampire Hunters' Association Former President, as he remains unnamed throughout the series, was the former president of the Association. He dresses as a woman, and is grossly obsessed with possessing \"eternal beauty\" to the point that he struck a deal with Asato Ichijo in order to obtain Pureblood's vampire blood to preserve it. Corrupted, he ordered Zero's arrest as a dangerous vampire and attacked Cross Academy, commanding his subordinates to kill the Night Class. He was killed by Kaien after discovering that the president had been transformed into a Level E after being overtaken by the vampire blood in his body. Yagari and Kaien succeeded him as the leaders of the Association.", "History of tobacco men with half-burned wood in their hands and certain herbs to take their smokes, which are some dry herbs put in a certain leaf, also dry, like those the boys make on the day of the Passover of the Holy Ghost; and having lighted one part of it, by the other they suck, absorb, or receive that smoke inside with the breath, by which they become benumbed and almost drunk, and so it is said they do not feel fatigue. These, muskets as we will call them, they call tabacos. I knew Spaniards on this island of Española who were accustomed to take it, and being reprimanded for it, by telling them it was a vice, they replied they were unable to cease using it. I do not know what relish or benefit they found in it.[6]", "Vampire Folkloric vampirism has been associated with clusters of deaths from unidentifiable or mysterious illnesses, usually within the same family or the same small community.[95] The epidemic allusion is obvious in the classical cases of Petar Blagojevich and Arnold Paole, and even more so in the case of Mercy Brown and in the vampire beliefs of New England generally, where a specific disease, tuberculosis, was associated with outbreaks of vampirism. As with the pneumonic form of bubonic plague, it was associated with breakdown of lung tissue which would cause blood to appear at the lips.[129]", "Burning of Parliament A strong smell of burning was present in the Lords' chambers during the afternoon of 16 October, and at 4:00 pm two gentlemen tourists visiting to see the Armada tapestries that hung there were unable to view them properly because of the thick smoke. As they approached Black Rod's box in the corner of the room, they felt heat from the floor coming through their boots.[34][d] Shortly after 4:00 pm Cross and Furlong finished work, put the last few sticks into the furnaces—closing the doors as they did so—and left to go to the nearby Star and Garter public house.[36]", "Friendship Day Friendship Day was originated by Joyce Hall, the founder of Hallmark cards in 1930, intended to be 2 August and a day when people celebrated their friendships by holiday celebrations. Friendship Day was promoted by the greeting card National Association during the 1920s but met with consumer resistance - given that it was too obviously a commercial gimmick to promote greetings cards. By the 1940s the number of Friendship Day cards available in the US by had dwindled and the holiday largely died out there. There is no evidence to date for its uptake in Europe; however, it has been kept alive and revitalised in Asia, where several countries have adopted it.", "Twilight (novel series) The books are based on the vampire myth, but Twilight vampires differ in a number of particulars from the general vampire lore. For instance, Twilight vampires have strong piercing teeth rather than fangs; they glitter in sunlight rather than burn; and they can drink animal as well as human blood. Meyer comments that her vampire mythology differs from that of other authors because she wasn't informed about the canon vampires, saying,", "Death by burning During the expulsion of Germans from Czechoslovakia after the end of World War II, a number of massacres against the German minority occurred. In one case in Prague in May 1945, a Czech mob hanged several Germans upside down on lampposts, doused them in fuel and set them on fire, burning them alive.[156][157][better source needed]", "The Vampire Chronicles Prince Lestat (2014) rejoins the remaining vampires a decade later as Lestat faces pressure to lead them.[10][13]", "List of The Vampire Diaries characters In season four, a vampire hunter, Connor, arrives in town, and only Jeremy can see his mysterious tattoos, later revealed to be a map to the cure for vampirism. When Connor is killed, Jeremy becomes part of The Five, a group of vampire hunters, and his 'hunter's mark' grows when he kills vampires. His urge to kill grows as well, and he attempts to murder Elena. Eventually, he finds a way to control this, and Damon trains him. After killing Kol, resulting in the death of his entire bloodline, Jeremy's mark completes, revealing a map to the cure. However, once he and Bonnie reach Silas, Katherine reveals herself and allows Silas to feed on Jeremy in order to awaken. She steals the cure, and Jeremy is killed when Silas snaps his neck. Elena then burns the Gilbert house, creating a cover story for his death. When Bonnie drops the veil to the Other Side, Jeremy's ghost returns, saving Elena from Kol. Bonnie performs a spell that allows Jeremy to stay alive. The spell, however, killed Bonnie in the process, though Jeremy can see her ghost.", "Twilight (2008 film) After much research, Bella concludes that Edward is seemingly human, but has mysterious powers resembling to a vampire. He eventually confirms this, but says he and the other Cullens only consume animal blood. The pair fall in love, and Edward introduces Bella to his vampire family. Carlisle Cullen, the family patriarch, is a doctor working at the hospital in Forks. His wife is Esme. Alice, Jasper, Emmett, and Rosalie, are their informally adopted children. Edward and Bella's relationship is soon put in jeopardy, when three nomadic vampires—James, Victoria, and Laurent—arrive at Forks. James, a tracker vampire with incredible hunting instincts, is instantly intrigued by Edward's protectiveness over a human, which incites him to hunt Bella for sport. Edward and the other Cullens put their lives on the line in an effort to protect Bella, but James tracks her to Phoenix, where she is hiding with Jasper and Alice. James lures Bella into a trap by falsely claiming that he is holding her mother hostage. James attacks Bella by biting her wrist, infecting her with vampire venom. After a ferocious battle, Edward subdues James just as the other members of the Cullen family arrive. Alice, Emmett, and Jasper kill James, decapitating and burning him, as Edward removes the venom from Bella's wrist, preventing her from turning into a vampire. In the aftermath of the battle, Bella has suffered a broken leg, and ends up in the hospital, but her mother comes in to visit. Upon returning to Forks, Edward accompanies Bella to the high school prom, where he refuses to grant her request that he would transform her into a vampire. As the couple dance, they are unaware that James' mate, Victoria, is secretly watching, plotting revenge for her lover's death.", "Ancient Egyptian funerary practices People of the elite ranks in the Eighteenth Dynasty placed furniture as well as clothing and other items in their tombs, objects they undoubtedly used during life on earth. Beds, headrests, chairs, stools, leather sandals, jewelry, musical instruments, and wooden storage chests were present in these tombs. While all of the objects listed were for the elite, many poor people did not put anything beyond weapons and cosmetics into their tombs.", "Vampire In one of the more notable cases of vampiric entities in the modern age, the chupacabra (\"goat-sucker\") of Puerto Rico and Mexico is said to be a creature that feeds upon the flesh or drinks the blood of domesticated animals, leading some to consider it a kind of vampire. The \"chupacabra hysteria\" was frequently associated with deep economic and political crises, particularly during the mid-1990s.[115]", "Sealing (Mormonism) Sealings are typically performed as marriages or as sealing of children to parents. They were performed prior to the death of Joseph Smith (the founder of the Latter Day Saint movement), and are currently performed in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Although some denominations, such as the Community of Christ, view sealing as an artifact of Smith's practice of plural marriage, others do still perform them.", "What We Do in the Shadows A while later, Stu (having been turned into a werewolf himself) reappears, and eventually reconciles the werewolves with the vampires, who allow them to stay in their flat with them. Nick also resurfaces and is accepted back into the home. Viago reconnects with Katherine, turning her into a vampire and ensuring they can be together forever.", "The Vampire Diaries President of The CW, Mark Pedowitz, said in an interview at the summer TCA's that The Vampire Diaries didn't receive an extra episode order for the second season at the request of Kevin Williamson. Kevin Williamson felt to do the best show possible, he would rather do 22 episodes. \"I'd rather have a great 22 than a good 24 if Kevin couldn't do it,\" he explained.[36] The first writers meeting for the fifth season held on April 15, 2013. Filming began on July 10, 2013, and finished on April 10, 2014. On July 23, 2016, it was announced that show would end after a 16-episode eighth season.[37]", "Steve Burns According to Johnson, Burns never wanted to become a \"children's host.\" He loved kids, but stated \"he could not make a life-long career out of it.\"[3] Burns went on by saying \"I knew I wasn't going to be doing children's television all my life, mostly because I refused to lose my hair on a kid's TV show, and it was happening, fast.\" [4] The day following the filming of his final episode for the show, he shaved his head. This was something he wanted to do for many years, but the show's producers would not allow it.[10] On the FAQ section of his webpage, when asked why he shaved his head, and if he had been trying to make a statement, Burns replied, \"Yes, the statement is, 'We have male pattern baldness.'\"[9]", "Laestrygonians Lamos is not mentioned again, perhaps being understood as the founder of the city or the name of the island on which the city is situated. In this land, a man who could do without sleep could earn double wages; once as a herdsman of cattle and another as a shepherd, as they worked by night as they did by day. The ships entered a harbor surrounded by steep cliffs, with a single entrance between two headlands. The captains took their ships inside and made them fast close to one another, where it was dead calm." ]
which government had more power under the articles of confederation
[ "Articles of Confederation The Articles of Confederation, formally the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union, was an agreement among the 13 original states of the United States of America that served as its first constitution.[1] It was approved, after much debate (between July 1776 and November 1777), by the Second Continental Congress on November 15, 1777, and sent to the states for ratification. The Articles of Confederation came into force on March 1, 1781, after being ratified by all 13 states. A guiding principle of the Articles was to preserve the independence and sovereignty of the states. The federal government received only those powers which the colonies had recognized as belonging to king and parliament.[2]" ]
[ "Continental Congress Under the Articles of Confederation, the Confederation Congress had little power to compel the individual states to comply with any of its decisions. More and more prospective delegates elected to the Confederation Congress declined to serve in it. The leading men in each State preferred to serve in the state governments, and thus the Continental Congress had frequent difficulties in establishing a quorum. When the Articles of Confederation were superseded by the Constitution of the United States, the Confederation Congress was superseded by the United States Congress.", "Articles of Confederation The constitutional reallocation of powers created a new form of government, unprecedented under the sun. Every previous national authority either had been centralized or else had been a confederation of sovereign states. The new American system was neither one nor the other; it was a mixture of both.[40]", "Confederate States of America In certain areas, the Confederate Constitution gave greater powers to the states (or curtailed the powers of the central government more) than the U.S. Constitution of the time did, but in other areas, the states lost rights they had under the U.S. Constitution. Although the Confederate Constitution, like the U.S. Constitution, contained a commerce clause, the Confederate version prohibited the central government from using revenues collected in one state for funding internal improvements in another state. The Confederate Constitution's equivalent to the U.S. Constitution's general welfare clause prohibited protective tariffs (but allowed tariffs for providing domestic revenue), and spoke of \"carry[ing] on the Government of the Confederate States\" rather than providing for the \"general welfare\". State legislatures had the power to impeach officials of the Confederate government in some cases. On the other hand, the Confederate Constitution contained a Necessary and Proper Clause and a Supremacy Clause that essentially duplicated the respective clauses of the U.S. Constitution. The Confederate Constitution also incorporated each of the 12 amendments to the U.S. Constitution that had been ratified up to that point.", "History of the United States House of Representatives Under the Articles of Confederation, the Congress of the Confederation was a unicameral body in which each state was equally represented, and in which each state had a veto over most action. States could, and did, ignore what did pass. The ineffectiveness of the federal government under the Articles led Congress to summon the Convention of 1787.", "Articles of Confederation The following list is of those who led the Congress of the Confederation under the Articles of Confederation as the Presidents of the United States in Congress Assembled. Under the Articles, the president was the presiding officer of Congress, chaired the Committee of the States when Congress was in recess, and performed other administrative functions. He was not, however, an executive in the way the successor President of the United States is a chief executive, since all of the functions he executed were under the direct control of Congress.[39]", "Articles of Confederation Modern scholars such as Francisco Forrest Martin agree that the Articles of Confederation had lost its binding force because many states had violated it, and thus \"other states-parties did not have to comply with the Articles' unanimous consent rule\".[46] In contrast, law professor Akhil Amar suggests that there may not have really been any conflict between the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution on this point; Article VI of the Confederation specifically allowed side deals among states, and the Constitution could be viewed as a side deal until all states ratified it.[47]", "Confederation Period The Confederation Period was the era of United States history in the 1780s after the American Revolution and prior to the ratification of the United States Constitution. In 1781, the United States ratified the Articles of Confederation and prevailed in the Battle of Yorktown, the last major land battle between British and American forces in the American Revolutionary War. American independence was confirmed with the 1783 signing of the Treaty of Paris. The fledgling United States faced several challenges, many of which stemmed from the lack of a strong national government and unified political culture. The period ended in 1789 following the ratification of the United States Constitution, which established a new, more powerful, national government.", "Virginia Plan The scope of the resolutions, going well beyond tinkering with the Articles of Confederation, succeeded in broadening the debate to encompass fundamental revisions to the structure and powers of the national government. The resolutions proposed, for example, a new form of national government having three branches (legislative, executive and judicial). One contentious issue facing the convention was the manner in which large and small states would be represented in the legislature: proportionate to population, with larger states having more votes than less-populous states, or by equal representation for each state, regardless of its size and population. The latter system more closely resembled that of the Articles of Confederation, under which each state was represented by one vote in a unicameral legislature.[citation needed]", "Articles of Confederation On July 3, 1788, the Congress received New Hampshire's all-important ninth ratification of the proposed Constitution, thus, according to its terms, establishing it as the new framework of governance for the ratifying states. The following day delegates considered a bill to admit Kentucky into the Union as a sovereign state. The discussion ended with Congress making the determination that, in light of this development, it would be \"unadvisable\" to admit Kentucky into the Union, as it could do so \"under the Articles of Confederation\" only, but not \"under the Constitution\".[48]", "Article Two of the United States Constitution In fact, because those actions require legislation passed by Congress which must be signed by the President to take effect, those powers are not strictly executive powers granted to or retained by Congress per se. Nor were they retained by the U.S. Congress as leftovers from the Articles of Confederation. The Articles of Confederation, Continental Congress and its powers were abolished at the time the new U.S. Congress was seated and the new federal government formally and officially replaced its interim predecessor. And although the President is not specifically granted the power to declare war, a declaration of war is not in and of itself a vehicle of executive power since it is literally just a public declaration that the U.S. government considers itself \"at war\" with a foreign political entity.", "Admission to the Union Between 1781 and 1789 the United States was governed by a unicameral Congress, the Congress of the Confederation, which operated under authority granted to it by the Articles of Confederation, the nation's first constitution. The 11th Article authorized Congress to admit new states to the Union provided nine states consented. Under the Articles, each state cast one vote on each proposed measure in Congress.", "United States presidential election, 1788–89 Under the first federal Constitution ratified in 1781, known as the Articles of Confederation, the United States had no ceremonial head of state and the executive branch of government was part of the Congress, as it is in countries that use parliamentary systems of government. All federal power was reserved to the Congress of the Confederation, whose \"President of the United States in Congress Assembled\" was also chair of the de facto cabinet, called the Committee of the States. It was not until the United States Constitution was enacted, that government was separated into co-equal legislative, executive, and judicial branches.", "List of U.S. states by date of admission to the Union The Second Continental Congress approved the Articles of Confederation for ratification by the individual states on November 15, 1777. The Articles of Confederation came into force on March 1, 1781, after being ratified by all 13 states. On March 4, 1789, the general government under the Articles was replaced with the federal government under the present Constitution.[43]", "Articles of Confederation Congress began to move for ratification of the Articles of Confederation in 1777:", "Articles of Confederation John Dickinson's and Benjamin Franklin's handwritten drafts of the Articles of Confederation are housed at the National Archives in Washington, DC.", "Dual federalism The system of dual/joint federalism in the United States is a product of the backlash against the Articles of Confederation, ratified in 1781, which established a very weak federal government with the powers to declare war, make treaties, and maintain an army.[1][2][3] Fueled by Shays' Rebellion and an economy faltering under the inability of the federal government to pay the debt from the American Revolution, a group later known as the Federalists generated support for a strong central government and called for a Constitutional Convention in 1787 to reconsider the Articles.", "Articles of Confederation The peace treaty left the United States independent and at peace but with an unsettled governmental structure. The Articles envisioned a permanent confederation, but granted to the Congress—the only federal institution—little power to finance itself or to ensure that its resolutions were enforced. There was no president and no national court.[30][31] Although historians generally agree that the Articles were too weak to hold the fast-growing nation together, they do give credit to the settlement of the western issue, as the states voluntarily turned over their lands to national control.[32]", "Taxing and Spending Clause One of the most often claimed defects of the Articles of Confederation was its lack of a grant to the central government of the power to lay and collect taxes.[5][6] Under the Articles, Congress was forced to rely on requisitions upon the governments of its member states. Without the power to independently raise its own revenues, the Articles left Congress vulnerable to the discretion of the several State governments—each State made its own decision as to whether it would pay the requisition or not. Some states were not giving Congress the funds for which it asked by either paying only in part, or by altogether ignoring the request from Congress.[7] Without the revenue to enforce its laws and treaties, or pay its debts, and without an enforcement mechanism to compel the States to pay, the Confederation was practically rendered impotent and was in danger of falling apart.", "Anti-Federalism During the American Revolution and its immediate aftermath, the term federal was applied to any person who supported the colonial union and the government formed under the Articles of Confederation. After the war, the group that felt the national government under the Articles was too weak appropriated the name Federalist for themselves. Historian Jackson Turner Main wrote, \"to them, the man of 'federal principles' approved of 'federal measures,' which meant those that increased the weight and authority or extended the influence of the Confederation Congress.\"[1]", "Congress of the Confederation On March 1, 1781, the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union were signed by delegates of Maryland at a meeting of the Second Continental Congress, which then declared the Articles ratified. As historian Edmund Burnett wrote, \"There was no new organization of any kind, not even the election of a new President.\" The Congress still called itself the Continental Congress. Nevertheless, despite its being generally the same exact governing body, with some changes in membership over the years as delegates came and went individually according to their own personal reasons and upon instructions of their state governments, some modern historians would later refer to the Continental Congress after the ratification of the Articles as the Congress of the Confederation or the Confederation Congress. (The Congress itself continued to refer to itself at the time as the Continental Congress.)", "Talk:Federal Reserve System/Archive 3 Another criticism is whether the the power to print money is even allowed under the US Constitution. During the Constitutional Debates the power to print paper money by the Federal government was removed from the US Constitution on a vote of 9 to 2. Since the delegates to the Constitutional Convention specifically took away that power, which was allowed to Congress under the Articles of Confederation and within early drafts of the US Constitution, there is reason to believe that any use of this power by Congress or by a body created by Congress, such as the Federal reserve, is unconstitutional and therefore illegal", "Articles of Confederation Roger Sherman (Connecticut) was the only person to sign all four great state papers of the United States: the Continental Association, the United States Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation and the United States Constitution.", "United States Bill of Rights Article Seven of the proposed Constitution set the terms by which the new frame of government would be established. The new Constitution would become operational when ratified by at least nine states. Only then would it replace the existing government under the Articles of Confederation and would apply only to those states that ratified it.", "Article Six of the United States Constitution The first clause of the Article provides that debts contracted prior to the adoption of the Constitution remain valid, as they were under the Articles of Confederation.", "Confederate States Army The main Confederate armies, the Army of Northern Virginia under General Robert E. Lee and the remnants of the Army of Tennessee and various other units under General Joseph E. Johnston, surrendered to the U.S. on April 9, 1865 (officially April 12), and April 18, 1865 (officially April 26). Other Confederate forces surrendered between April 16, 1865 and June 28, 1865.[6] By the end of the war, more than 100,000 Confederate soldiers had deserted.[7] The Confederacy's government effectively dissolved when it fled Richmond in April and exerted no control of the remaining armies.", "An Act for the Gradual Abolition of Slavery The 1780 Act specifically exempted members of the U.S. Congress and their personal slaves. Congress was then the only branch of the federal government under the Articles of Confederation, and met in Philadelphia.", "Government of Malaysia Articles 73 to 79 of the Federal Constitution specifies the subject in which the federal and state government may legislate. Parliament has the exclusive power to make laws over matters falling under the Federal List (such as citizenship, defence, internal security, civil and criminal law, finance, trade, commerce and industry, education, labour, and tourism) whereas each State, through its Legislative Assembly, has legislative power over matters under the State List (such as land, local government, Syariah law and Syariah courts, State holidays and State public works). Parliament and State legislatures share the power to make laws over matters under the Concurrent List (such as water supplies and housing) but Article 75 provides that in the event of conflict, Federal law will prevail over State law.", "Articles of Confederation For a full list of Presidents of the Congress Assembled and Presidents under the two Continental Congresses before the Articles, see President of the Continental Congress.", "Anti-Federalism Anti-Federalism refers to a movement that opposed the creation of a stronger U.S. federal government and which later opposed the ratification of the 1787 Constitution. The previous constitution, called the Articles of Confederation, gave state governments more authority. Led by Patrick Henry of Virginia, Anti-Federalists worried, among other things, that the position of president, then a novelty, might evolve into a monarchy. Though the Constitution was ratified and supplanted the Articles of Confederation, Anti-Federalist influence helped lead to the passage of the United States Bill of Rights.", "United States passport From 1776 to 1783, no state government had a passport requirement. The Articles of Confederation government (1783–1789) did not have a passport requirement.[citation needed]", "Second Amendment to the United States Constitution There was substantial opposition to the new Constitution, because it moved the power to arm the state militias from the states to the federal government. This created a fear that the federal government, by neglecting the upkeep of the militia, could have overwhelming military force at its disposal through its power to maintain a standing army and navy, leading to a confrontation with the states, encroaching on the states' reserved powers and even engaging in a military takeover. Article VI of the Articles of Confederation states:", "Dual federalism In 1787, the Convention almost immediately dropped its original purpose of editing the Articles and instead drafted a new Constitution of the United States. Rejecting both confederal and unitary systems, they based the new American government on a new theory of federalism, a system of shared sovereignty that delegates some powers to the federal government and reserves other powers for the states.[4][5] Among other powers, the federal legislature could now tax citizens and maintain a standing military, and had exclusive power over regulating interstate commerce and coining currency.[3][6] In addition, while Article Six of the Constitution stipulated that federal law in pursuit of constitutionally assigned ends overrode any contradictory state law, the power of the national government was held in check by the Bill of Rights – particularly the Tenth Amendment, which limited federal governmental powers to only those specified in the Constitution.[7]", "Articles of Confederation Permit us, then, earnestly to recommend these articles to the immediate and dispassionate attention of the legislatures of the respective states. Let them be candidly reviewed under a sense of the difficulty of combining in one system the various sentiments and interests of a continent divided into so many sovereign and independent communities, under a conviction of the absolute necessity of uniting all our councils and all our strength, to maintain and defend our common liberties...[11]", "Capital punishment for juveniles in the United States Since 1642, in the Thirteen Colonies, the United States under the Articles of Confederation, and the United States under the Constitution, an estimated 364 juvenile offenders have been put to death by the individual states (colonies, before 1776) and the federal government.", "Articles of Confederation Nevertheless, the Confederation Congress did take two actions with long-lasting impact. The Land Ordinance of 1785 and Northwest Ordinance created territorial government, set up protocols for the admission of new states and the division of land into useful units, and set aside land in each township for public use. This system represented a sharp break from imperial colonization, as in Europe, and provided the basis for the rest of American continental expansion through the 19th Century.", "Confederate States of America Confederate district courts were authorized by Article III, Section 1, of the Confederate Constitution,[253][self-published source] and President Davis appointed judges within the individual states of the Confederate States of America.[253] In many cases, the same US Federal District Judges were appointed as Confederate States District Judges. Confederate district courts began reopening in early 1861, handling many of the same type cases as had been done before. Prize cases, in which Union ships were captured by the Confederate Navy or raiders and sold through court proceedings, were heard until the blockade of southern ports made this impossible. After a Sequestration Act was passed by the Confederate Congress, the Confederate district courts heard many cases in which enemy aliens (typically Northern absentee landlords owning property in the South) had their property sequestered (seized) by Confederate Receivers.", "Articles of Confederation Article VII through Article IX, ¶2", "Articles of Confederation Article V, ¶2 through Article VI", "Articles of Confederation Article IX, ¶5 through Article XIII, ¶2", "Federalism In the United States, federalism originally referred to belief in a stronger central government. When the U.S. Constitution was being drafted, the Federalist Party supported a stronger central government, while \"Anti-Federalists\" wanted a weaker central government. This is very different from the modern usage of \"federalism\" in Europe and the United States. The distinction stems from the fact that \"federalism\" is situated in the middle of the political spectrum between a confederacy and a unitary state. The U.S. Constitution was written as a reaction to the Articles of Confederation, under which the United States was a loose confederation with a weak central government.", "Confederation Period Ratification of the Constitution required the approval of nine states. The ratification debates in Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania, and Virginia were of particular importance, as they were the four largest and most powerful states in the nation.[112] Those who advocated ratification took the name Federalists. To sway the closely divided New York legislature, Hamilton, Madison, and Jay anonymously published The Federalist Papers, which became seminal documents that affected the debate in New York and other states.[113] Opponents of the new constitution became known as Anti-Federalists. Though most Anti-Federalists acknowledged the need for changes to the Articles of Confederation, they feared the establishment of a powerful, and potentially tyrannical, central government. Members of both camps held wide ranges of views; for example, some Anti-Federalists like Luther Martin wanted only minor changes to the Articles of Confederation, while others such as George Mason favored a less powerful version of the federal government proposed by the Constitution.[114] Federalists were strongest in eastern, urban counties, while Anti-Federalists tended to be stronger in rural areas.[115] Each faction engaged in a spirited public campaign to shape the ratification debate, though the Federalists tended to be better financed and organized. Over time, the Federalists were able to convince many in the skeptical public of the merits of the new Constitution.[116]", "Government of Japan Unlike his European counterparts, the Emperor is not the source of sovereign power and the government does not act under his name. Instead, the Emperor represents the State and appoints other high officials in the name of the State, in which the Japanese people hold sovereignty.[25] Article 5 of the Constitution, in accordance with the Imperial Household Law, allows a", "Article Six of the United States Constitution Article Six of the United States Constitution establishes the laws and treaties of the United States made in accordance with it as the supreme law of the land, forbids a religious test as a requirement for holding a governmental position and holds the United States under the Constitution responsible for debts incurred by the United States under the Articles of Confederation.", "Militia (United States) A major concern of the various delegates during the constitutional debates over the Constitution and the Second Amendment to the Constitution revolved around the issue of transferring militia power held by the States (under the existing Articles of Confederation) to Federal control.", "Talk:Second Amendment to the United States Constitution/Archive 33 I added the language of who has the power to arm the militia from the Articles of Confederation as well as the corresponding language from the US Constitution, so that readers could more easily understand the concerns of the Founding Fathers. Salty has several times stated that the Second Amendment brought back the language of the Articles of Confederation. That is plainly not true as the states continue to NOT HAVE THE POWER to arm their own militias. (talk) 02:03, 20 August 2010 (UTC)", "Articles of Confederation Antifederalists feared what Patrick Henry termed the \"consolidated government\" proposed by the new Constitution. They saw in Federalist hopes for commercial growth and international prestige only the lust of ambitious men for a \"splendid empire\" that, in the time-honored way of empires, would oppress the people with taxes, conscription, and military campaigns. Uncertain that any government over so vast a domain as the United States could be controlled by the people, Antifederalists saw in the enlarged powers of the general government only the familiar threats to the rights and liberties of the people.[41]", "Confederate States of America The CSA was overwhelmingly rural land. Few towns had populations of more than 1,000 – the typical county seat had a population of fewer than 500 people. Cities were rare. Of the twenty largest U.S. cities in the 1860 census, only New Orleans lay in Confederate territory[314] – and the Union captured New Orleans in 1862. Only 13 Confederate-controlled cities ranked among the top 100 U.S. cities in 1860, most of them ports whose economic activities vanished or suffered severely in the Union blockade. The population of Richmond swelled after it became the Confederate capital, reaching an estimated 128,000 in 1864.[315] Other Southern cities in the Border slave-holding states such as Baltimore MD, Washington DC, Wheeling VA/WV and Alexandria VA, Louisville KY, and St. Louis MO, never came under the control of the Confederate government.", "Founding Fathers of the United States The newly founded country of the United States had to create a new government to replace the British Parliament. The U.S. adopted the Articles of Confederation, a declaration that established a national government with a one-house legislature. Its ratification by all thirteen colonies gave the second Congress a new name: the Congress of the Confederation, which met from 1781 to 1789.[19] Later, the Constitutional Convention took place during the summer of 1787, in Philadelphia.[20] Although the Convention was called to revise the Articles of Confederation, the intention from the outset for some including James Madison and Alexander Hamilton was to create a new frame of government rather than amending the existing one. The delegates elected George Washington to preside over the Convention. The result of the Convention was the United States Constitution.", "United States Constitution The preamble to the Constitution serves as an introductory statement of the document's fundamental purposes and guiding principles. It neither assigns powers to the federal government,[45] nor does it place specific limitations on government action. Rather, it sets out the origin, scope and purpose of the Constitution. Its origin and authority is in \"We, the people of the United States\". This echoes the Declaration of Independence. \"One people\" dissolved their connection with another, and assumed among the powers of the earth, a sovereign nation-state. The scope of the Constitution is twofold. First, \"to form a more perfect Union\" than had previously existed in the \"perpetual Union\" of the Articles of Confederation. Second, to \"secure the blessings of liberty\", which were to be enjoyed by not only the first generation, but for all who came after, \"our posterity\".[46]", "President of the Swiss Confederation The constitutional provisions relating to the organization of the Federal Government and Federal Administration are set out in Section 1 Organisation and Procedure of Chapter 3 Federal Council and Federal Administration of the Title 3 Confederation, Cantons and Communes of the Swiss Federal Constitution[2] at articles 174 to 179. Article 176 specifically relates to the Presidency.", "Confederate States of America Kentucky declared neutrality but after Confederate troops moved in, the state government asked for Union troops to drive them out. The splinter Confederate state government relocated to accompany western Confederate armies and never controlled the state population. By the end of the war, 90,000 Kentuckians had fought on the side of the Union, compared to 35,000 for the Confederate States.[70]", "History of the United States (1776–89) Congress, meeting in New York, called on each state to send delegates to a Constitutional Convention, meeting in Philadelphia. While the stated purpose of the convention was to amend the Articles of Confederation, many delegates, including James Madison and George Washington, wanted to use it to craft a new constitution for the United States. The Convention convened in May 1787 and the delegates immediately selected Washington to preside over them. Madison soon proved the driving force behind the Convention, engineering the compromises necessary to create a government that was both strong and acceptable to all of the states. The Constitution, proposed by the Convention, called for a federal government—limited in scope but independent of and superior to the states—within its assigned role able to tax and equipped with both Executive and Judicial branches as well as a two house legislature. The national legislature—or Congress—envisioned by the Convention embodied the key compromise of the Convention between the small states which wanted to retain the power they had under the one state/one vote Congress of the Articles of Confederation and the large states which wanted the weight of their larger populations and wealth to have a proportionate share of power. The upper House—the Senate—would represent the states equally, while the House of Representatives would be elected from districts of approximately equal population.[29]", "Constitutional Convention (United States) The Convention agreed on several principles. Most importantly, they agreed that the Convention should go beyond its mandate merely to amend the Articles of Confederation, and instead should produce a new constitution outright. While some delegates thought this illegal, the Articles of Confederation were closer to a treaty between sovereign states than they were to a national constitution, so the genuine legal problems were limited.[6]:64 Another principle they agreed on was that the new government would have all the powers of the Confederation Congress, plus additional powers over the states.[6]:64 Once agreeing on these principles, the Convention voted on the Virginia plan and signaled their approval for it. Once this was done, they began modifying it.", "Articles of Confederation Article IX, ¶2 through ¶5", "Articles of Confederation The Second Continental Congress approved the Articles for distribution to the states on November 15, 1777. A copy was made for each state and one was kept by the Congress. On November 28, the copies sent to the states for ratification were unsigned, and the cover letter, dated November 17, had only the signatures of Henry Laurens and Charles Thomson, who were the President and Secretary to the Congress.", "Federalist Era During the 1780s, an era sometimes known as the \"Critical Period\" of United States history, the United States had functioned under the Articles of Confederation, which provided for a loose confederation of states. At the 1787 Philadelphia Convention, delegates from most of the states wrote a new constitution that created a more powerful federal government. After the convention, this constitution was submitted to the states for ratification. Those who advocated ratification became known as Federalists, while those opposed to ratification became known as anti-Federalists. After the Federalists won the ratification debate in all but two states, the new constitution took effect and new elections were held for Congress and the presidency. The first elections returned large Federalist majorities in both houses and elected George Washington, who had taken part in the Philadelphia Convention, as president. The Washington administration and the 1st United States Congress established numerous precedents and much of the structure of the new government. Congress shaped the federal judiciary with the Judiciary Act of 1789 while Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton's economic policies fostered a strong central government. The first Congress also passed the United States Bill of Rights to constitutionally limit the powers of the federal government. During the Federalist Era, U.S. foreign policy was dominated by concerns regarding Britain, France, and Spain. Washington and Adams sought to avoid war with each of these countries while ensuring continued trade and settlement of the American frontier.", "Articles of Confederation The Articles, however, were unsigned, and the date was blank. Congress began the signing process by examining their copy of the Articles on June 27, 1778. They ordered a final copy prepared (the one in the National Archives), and that delegates should inform the secretary of their authority for ratification.", "Articles of Confederation Article XIII, ¶2 through signatures", "Confederation Under a confederal arrangement, in contrast with a federal one, the central authority is relatively weak.[3] Decisions made by the general government in a unicameral legislature, a council of the member states, require subsequent implementation by the member states to take effect. They are therefore not laws acting directly upon the individual, but instead have more the character of inter-state agreements.[4] Also, decision-making in the general government usually proceeds by consensus (unanimity) and not by majority, which makes for a slow and inefficient government. These problematic features, limiting the effectiveness of the union, mean that political pressure tends to build over time for the transition to a federal system of government, as happened in the American, Swiss, German and European cases of regional integration.", "Articles of Confederation When the war ended in 1783, certain special interests had incentives to create a new \"merchant state,\" much like the British state people had rebelled against. In particular, holders of war scrip and land speculators wanted a central government to pay off scrip at face value and to legalize western land holdings with disputed claims. Also, manufacturers wanted a high tariff as a barrier to foreign goods, but competition among states made this impossible without a central government.[43]", "Local government Sadat took several measures to decentralize power to the provinces and towns. Governors acquired more authority under Law Number 43 of 1979, which reduced the administrative and budgetary controls of the central government over the provinces. The elected councils acquired, at least formally, the right to approve or disapprove the local budget. In an effort to reduce local demands on the central treasury, local government was given wider powers to raise local taxes. But local representative councils became vehicles of pressure for government spending, and the soaring deficits of local government bodies had to be covered by the central government. Local government was encouraged to enter into joint ventures with private investors, and these ventures stimulated an alliance between government officials and the local rich that paralleled the infitah alliance at the national level. Under Mubarak decentralization and local autonomy became more of a reality, and local policies often reflected special local conditions. Thus, officials in Upper Egypt often bowed to the powerful Islamic movement there, while those in the port cities struck alliances with importers.[citation needed]", "Militia (United States) In 1777, the Second Continental Congress adopted the Articles of Confederation, which contained a provision for raising a confederal militia that consent would be required from nine of the 13 States. Article VI of the Articles of Confederation states,", "Board of directors A company is an entity distinct alike from its shareholders and its directors. Some of its powers may, according to its articles, be exercised by directors, certain other powers may be reserved for the shareholders in general meeting. If powers of management are vested in the directors, they and they alone can exercise these powers. The only way in which the general body of shareholders can control the exercise of powers by the articles in the directors is by altering the articles, or, if opportunity arises under the articles, by refusing to re-elect the directors of whose actions they disapprove. They cannot themselves usurp the powers which by the articles are vested in the directors any more than the directors can usurp the powers vested by the articles in the general body of shareholders.", "Articles of Confederation The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 noted the agreement of the original states to give up northwestern land claims, organized the Northwest Territory and laid the groundwork for the eventual creation of new states. While it didn't happen under the articles, the land north of the Ohio River and west of the (present) western border of Pennsylvania ceded by Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, Pennsylvania, and Virginia, eventually became the states of: Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, and Wisconsin, and the part of Minnesota east of the Mississippi River. The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 also made great advances in the abolition of slavery. New states admitted to the union in said territory would never be slave states.", "Articles of Confederation George Washington had been one of the very first proponents of a strong federal government. The army had nearly disbanded on several occasions during the winters of the war because of the weaknesses of the Continental Congress. ... The delegates could not draft soldiers and had to send requests for regular troops and militia to the states. Congress had the right to order the production and purchase of provisions for the soldiers, but could not force anyone to supply them, and the army nearly starved in several winters of war.[20]", "United States passport The Department of Foreign Affairs of the war period also issued passports, and the department, carried over by the Articles of Confederation government (1783–1789), continued to issue passports. In July 1789, the Department of Foreign Affairs was carried over by the government established under the Constitution. In September of that year, the name of the department was changed to Department of State. The department handled foreign relations and issued passports, and, until the mid-19th century had various domestic duties.", "Articles of Confederation On the other hand, Article VII of the proposed Constitution stated that it would become effective after ratification by a mere nine states, without unanimity:", "History of the United States public debt Except for about a year during 1835–1836, the United States has continuously had a fluctuating public debt since its Constitution went into effect on March 4, 1789. During the American Revolution, the Continental Congress, under the Articles of Confederation, amassed huge war debts, but lacked the power to repay these obligations through taxation or duties on imports.[1][2]", "Government of Puerto Rico The Government of Puerto Rico is a republican form of government with separation of powers, subject to the jurisdiction and sovereignty of the United States.[1][2] Article I of the Constitution of Puerto Rico defines the government and its political power and authority pursuant to U.S. Pub.L. 82–447. Said law mandated the establishment of a local constitution due to Puerto Rico's political status as a commonwealth of the United States. Ultimately, the powers of the government of Puerto Rico are all delegated by Congress and lack full protection under the U.S. Constitution. Because of this, the head of state of Puerto Rico is the President of the United States.", "History of the United States Constitution The Congress of the Confederation endorsed a plan to revise the Articles of Confederation on February 21, 1787.[19] It called on each state legislature to send delegates to a convention \"'for the sole and express purpose of revising the Articles of Confederation' in ways that, when approved by Congress and the states, would 'render the federal constitution adequate to the exigencies of government and the preservation of the Union.'\"[21]", "History of United States foreign policy American foreign affairs from independence in 1776 to the new Constitution in 1789 were handled under the Articles of Confederation directly by Congress until the new government created a department of foreign affairs and the office of secretary for foreign affairs on January 10, 1781.[2]", "History of U.S. foreign policy American foreign affairs from independence in 1776 to the new Constitution in 1789 were handled under the Articles of Confederation directly by Congress until the new government created a department of foreign affairs and the office of secretary for foreign affairs on January 10, 1781.[2]", "History of New York City (1784–1854) With the signing of the Treaty of Paris in 1783 and the resulting withdrawal of British troops from the city, the Congress of the Confederation moved to Federal Hall on Wall Street in 1785. The first government of the United States, operating under the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union since its ratification in 1781, was soon found inadequate for the needs of the new nation. However, certain successes were achieved while in New York, including the passage of the Northwest Ordinance, which laid the framework for the addition of new states into the Union.", "Confederate States of America The Confederate Constitution outlined a judicial branch of the government, but the ongoing war and resistance from states-rights advocates, particularly on the question of whether it would have appellate jurisdiction over the state courts, prevented the creation or seating of the \"Supreme Court of the Confederate States;\" the state courts generally continued to operate as they had done, simply recognizing the Confederate States as the national government.[252]", "Talk:Federal Reserve System/Archive 3 The power to print paper money (Bills of Credit) was removed from the final version of the US Constitution during the Constitutional Convention that drafted the Constitution as too subject to abuse. That removal was on a vote of 9 to 2. As the power to print money was taken away from the Federal government (it was included as a power in the Articles of Confederation and early drafts of the US Constitution), the Federal government does not have the power to print money. Congress CANNOT transfer a power it does not have to a third party like the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve istherefore an unconstitutional body.", "Full Faith and Credit Clause At the Philadelphia Convention, James Madison said that he wanted to supplement that provision in the Articles of Confederation, to let Congress \"provide for the execution of Judgments in other States, under such regulations as might be expedient.\"[7] By September 1, 1787, negotiations at the Constitutional Convention had led to the following draft which included supplementary language as Madison had requested:[8]", "Import-Export Clause Under the Articles of Confederation, Congress could not effectively prevent states from imposing tariffs and regulations that conflicted with Congress' efforts to regulate trade with foreign nations.[4]:283[5]:521-22 There was also considerable commercial strife between the states without major ports and those with major ports, which used tariffs on goods destined to other states to generate revenue.[4] New Jersey, sandwiched between the ports in New York and Philadelphia, was compared to a \"cask tapped at both ends\";[6] North Carolina, located between the ports in Virginia and Charleston, was likened to \"a patient bleeding at both stumps\".[6][5]:522 Also, under the Articles of Confederation, the federal government did not have any secure funding.[4]", "History of the United States Constitution The Constitution innovated two branches of government that were not a part of the U.S. government during the Articles of Confederation. Previously, a thirteen-member committee had been left behind in Philadelphia when Congress adjourned to carry out the \"executive\" functions. Suits between states were referred to the Articles Congress, and treated as a private bill to be determined by majority vote of members attending that day.", "Print culture After the signing of the Treaty of Paris, a cluster of free states in need of a government was created. The basis for this government was known as the Articles of Confederation, which were put to effect in 1778 and formed the first governing document of the United States of America. This document, however, was found to be unsuitable to outline the structure of the government, and thus showed an ineffectual use of print culture, and since printed texts were the most respected documents of the time, this called for an alteration in the document used to govern the confederation.", "Constitution of India Institutions of governance – the Parliament, the President, the Judiciary, the Executive, etc. get their power from the Constitution and are bound by it.[40] With the aid of the Constitution, India is governed by a parliamentary system of government with the executive directly accountable to the legislature. It states that there shall be a President of India who shall be the head of the executive, under Articles 52 and 53. The President's duty is to preserve, protect and defend the constitution and the law under Article 60 of the Indian constitution. Article 74 provides that there shall be a Prime Minister as the head of union cabinet which would aid and advise the President in performing his constitutional duty. Union cabinet is collectively responsible to the House of the People per Article 75(3).", "Congress of the Confederation Under the Articles of Confederation, the presiding officer of Congress—referred to in many official records as President of the United States in Congress Assembled—chaired the Committee of the States when Congress was in recess, and performed other administrative functions. He was not, however, an executive in the way the later President of the United States is a chief executive, since all of the functions he executed were under the direct control of Congress.[6]", "Virginia Conventions Patrick Henry questioned the authority of the Philadelphia Convention to presume to speak for \"We, the people\" instead of \"We, the states\". In his view, delegates should have only recommended amendments to the Articles of Confederation. Edmund Randolph had changed from his opposition in the Philadelphia Convention to now supporting adoption for the sake of preserving the Union. He noted that the Confederation was \"totally inadequate\".[25] George Mason countered that a national, consolidated government would overburden Virginians with direct taxes in addition to state taxes, and that government of an extensive territory must necessarily destroy liberty.[26] Madison pointed out that the history of Confederations like that provided in the Articles of Confederation government were inadequate in the long run, both with the ancients and with the modern (1700s) Germans, Dutch and Swiss. They brought \"anarchy and confusion\", disharmony and foreign invasion. Efficient government can only come from direct operation on individuals, it can never flow from negotiations among a confederation's constituent states.[27]", "New Mexico New Mexico played a role in the Trans-Mississippi Theater of the American Civil War. Both Confederate and Union governments claimed ownership and territorial rights over New Mexico Territory. In 1861, the Confederacy claimed the southern tract as its own Arizona Territory and waged the ambitious New Mexico Campaign in an attempt to control the American Southwest and open up access to Union California. Confederate power in the New Mexico Territory was effectively broken after the Battle of Glorieta Pass in 1862. However, the Confederate territorial government continued to operate out of Texas, and Confederate troops marched under the Arizona flag until the end of the war. Additionally, more than 8,000 men from New Mexico Territory served in the Union Army.[37]", "Article Four of the United States Constitution The Constitution does not explain what exactly constitutes a republican form of government. There are, however, several places within it where the principles behind the concept are articulated. Article Seven, the last and shortest of the Constitution's original articles, stipulated that the Constitution, before it could become established as the \"Law of the Land\", must obtain the consent of the people by being ratified by popular conventions within the several states. Additionally, as it required the ratification of only nine states in order to become established, rather than the unanimous consent required by the Articles of Confederation, the Constitution was more republican, as it protected the majority from effectively being ruled or held captive by the minority.[18]", "New York (state) New York City was the national capital under the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union, the first government. That organization was found to be insufficient, and prominent New Yorker Alexander Hamilton advocated a new government that would include an executive, national courts, and the power to tax. Hamilton led the Annapolis Convention (1786) that called for the Philadelphia Convention, which drafted the United States Constitution, in which he also took part. The new government was to be a strong federal national government to replace the relatively weaker confederation of individual states. Following heated debate, which included the publication of the now quintessential constitutional interpretation—The Federalist Papers—as a series of installments in New York City newspapers, New York was the 11th state to ratify the United States Constitution, on July 26, 1788.[57] New York remained the national capital under the new constitution until 1790, and was the site of the inauguration of President George Washington, the drafting of the United States Bill of Rights, and the first session of the United States Supreme Court. Hamilton's revival of the heavily indebted United States economy after the war and the creation of a national bank significantly contributed to New York City becoming the financial center of the new nation.", "Minutemen In May 1643, a joint council was formed.[4] They published the articles of the New England confederation. The real power of the confederation was that all four of the colonies promised to contribute soldiers to an alert force that would fight anywhere in the colonies.", "Central government A federal government is the common or national government of a federation. The United States is considered the first modern federation. After declaring independence from Britain, the U.S. adopted its first constitution, the Articles of Confederation in 1781. This was the first step towards federalism by establishing the confederal Congress. However, Congress was limited as to its ability to pursue economic, military, and judiciary reform. In 1787, a Constitutional Convention drafted the United States Constitution during the Philadelphia Convention. After the ratification of the Constitution by nine states in 1788, the U.S. was officially a federation, putting the U.S. in a unique position where the central government exists by the sufferance of the individual states rather than the reverse.", "History of Tennessee After the American Revolutionary War, North Carolina did not want the trouble and expense of maintaining such distant settlements, embroiled as they were with hostile tribesmen during the Cherokee–American wars, and needing roads, forts, and open waterways. Nor could the far-flung settlers look to the national government; for under the weak, loosely constituted Articles of Confederation, it was a government in name only.", "Article Four of the United States Constitution The Luther v. Borden ruling left the responsibility to establish guidelines for the republican nature of state governments in the hands of the Congress. This power became an important part of Reconstruction after the American Civil War. The Radical Republican majority used this clause as the basis for taking control of the ex-Confederate states and for promoting civil rights for freedmen, plus the limiting of political and voting rights for ex-Confederates, abolishing the ex-Confederate state governments, setting guidelines for the readmission of the rebellious states into the Union.", "Economy of the Confederate States of America During the entire war the notion that the CSA possessed a most efficient engine of war in its monopoly of cotton (the \"King Cotton\" idea) buoyed up the hopes of the Confederates. The government in Richmond strained every effort to induce the great powers of Europe to recognize the Confederacy as a nation (see Cotton diplomacy). It also - more successfully - secured individual foreigners' financial recognition of the Confederate States by effecting a foreign loan based on cotton. This favorite notion went into practice in the spring of 1863. The French banking house of Erlanger & Company undertook to float a loan of $3,000,000, redeemable after the war in cotton at the rate of sixpence a pound. According to one source, Baron Rothschild informed W. W. Murphy, American consul-general in Frankfort, that \"all Germany condemned this act of lending money to establish a slaveholding government, and so great was public opinion against it that Erlanger and Company dare not offer it on the Frankfort bourse\".[66] As cotton at the time was selling at nearly four times that figure, and would presumably be quoted far above sixpence long after the establishment of peace, the bonds offered strong attractions to those speculatively inclined and in sympathy with the Confederate cause. The Confederate agents mismanaged the placing of the bonds in Europe, but notwithstanding, a considerable sum was secured from the public and used for the purchase of naval and military stores. This was aided in part by the (incorrect) assumption of some investors that, even should the Confederacy lose the war, the United States government would honor and redeem the bonds. However, at the close of the war the re-established Federal authorities ignored these foreign bonds, like all the other bonds of the Confederate government, or of state governments under the Confederacy.", "Mandatory Palestine The League of Nations Permanent Mandates Commission took the position that the Mandate contained a dual obligation. In 1932 the Mandates Commission questioned the representative of the Mandatory on the demands made by the Arab population regarding the establishment of self-governing institutions, in accordance with various articles of the mandate, and in particular Article 2. The Chairman noted that \"under the terms of the same article, the mandatory Power had long since set up the Jewish National Home.\"[109]", "Preamble to the United States Constitution The phrase \"to form a more perfect Union\" has been construed as referring to the shift to the Constitution from the Articles of Confederation.[71] In this transition, the \"Union\" was made \"more perfect\" by the creation of a federal government with enough power to act directly upon citizens, rather than a government with narrowly limited power that could act on citizens (e.g., by imposing taxes) only indirectly through the states.[72] Although the Preamble speaks of perfecting the \"Union,\" and the country is called the \"United States of America,\" the Supreme Court has interpreted the institution created as a government over the people, not an agreement between the States.[73] The phrase has also been interpreted to confirm that state nullification of any federal law,[74] dissolution of the Union,[75] or secession from it,[76] are not contemplated by the Constitution.", "History of the United States (1776–89) The Treaty of Paris left the United States independent and at peace but with an unsettled governmental structure. The Second Continental Congress had drawn up Articles of Confederation on November 15, 1777, to regularize its own status. These described a permanent confederation, but granted to the Congress—the only federal institution—little power to finance itself or to ensure that its resolutions were enforced. There was no president and no judiciary.", "Government of Kenya The powers of the County are provided in Articles 191 and 192, and in the Fourth Schedule of the Constitution of Kenya and the County Governments Act of 2012.[2]", "Plenary power There are very few clear examples of such powers in the United States, due to the nature of the Constitution, which grants different, but at times overlapping, roles to the three branches of federal government and to the states. For example, although the United States Congress under Article I, Section 8, Clause 3, (the Commerce Clause) has been said to have \"plenary\" power over Interstate Commerce, this does not always preclude the states from passing laws that affect interstate commerce in some way. When an activity is legally classified as interstate commerce, historically the states can regulate this type of activity as long as they do so within the bounds of their Constitutional authority.[3] Congress does appear to have complete and absolute power regarding the declaration of war and peace in Article I Section 8 Clause 11. Yet, the President has control over the Armed Forces as Commander-in-Chief. These powers are in ongoing conflict, as seen by the War Powers Resolution of 1973.", "Lee Resolution The committee drafting a plan of confederation was chaired by John Dickinson; they presented their initial results to Congress on July 12, 1776. Long debates followed on such issues as sovereignty, the exact powers to be given the confederate government, whether to have a judiciary, and voting procedures.[2] The final draft of the Articles of Confederation was prepared during the summer of 1777 and approved by Congress for ratification by the individual states on November 15, 1777, after a year of debate.[3] It continued in use from that time onward, although it was not ratified by all states until four years later on March 1, 1781.", "Articles of Confederation By 1787 Congress was unable to protect manufacturing and shipping. State legislatures were unable or unwilling to resist attacks upon private contracts and public credit. Land speculators expected no rise in values when the government could not defend its borders nor protect its frontier population.[36]", "Secession in the United States Other arguments that justified abandoning the Articles of Confederation pictured the Articles as an international compact between unconsolidated, sovereign states, any one of which was empowered to renounce the compact at will. (This as opposed to a consolidated union that \"totally annihilated, without any power of revival\" the sovereign states.)[17] The Articles required that all states were obliged to comply with all requirements of the agreement; thus, permanence was linked to compliance.", "History of Kentucky In 1788, Virginia granted its consent to Kentucky's statehood in the form of two enabling acts. The second and operative act required that the Confederation Congress admit Kentucky into the Union by July 4, 1788. A Committee of the Whole reported that Kentucky be so admitted, and on July 3, the full Congress took up the question of Kentucky statehood. Unfortunately, one day earlier, Congress had learned of New Hampshire's all-important ninth ratification of the proposed Constitution, thus establishing it as the new framework of governance for the United States. In light of this development, Congress thought that it would be \"unadvisable\" to admit Kentucky into the Union, as it could do so \"under the Articles of Confederation\" only, but not \"under the Constitution\". Therefore it resolved..." ]
when was the debating club established in almora
[ "Almora In 1871 A.D. Pt. Buddhiballav Pant opened a debating club.[66]:134 When Sir William Muir, the then provincial Governor, came here he was highly pleased with the working of this club.[53]:120 It is said that he also advised to open a press here and publish a newspaper. Mr. Pant, as advised, opened a press here and started publishing a weekly magazine Almora Akhbar.[65]:21 Almora Akhbar was the oldest Hindi weekly of this province. In 1913 A.D. Badri Datt Pandey took over the editing work of the magazine. Almora Akhbar made much progress; The number of its customers rose from 50-60 to 1500; however, it was closed in 1917. In 1918 one of the partners purchased the Debating Club Press and named it Vindhyavasini Press. From 1922 A.D. a weekly named Zila Samachar began to be published.[53]:120 Later on it came to be called Kumaun Kumud and was still being published till the late 30's.[53]:120" ]
[ "Almora Municipal board (Nagar Palika Parishad) of Almora was established in 1864. The Almora Nagar Palika Parishad has population of 34,122 of which 17,358 are males while 16,764 are females as per report released by Census India 2011.[50] Population of Children with age of 0-6 is 2950 which is 8.65% of total population of Almora (NPP).[50] In Almora Nagar Palika Parishad, Female Sex Ratio is of 966 against state average of 963.[50] Moreover, Child Sex Ratio in Almora is around 857 compared to Uttarakhand state average of 890.[50] Literacy rate of Almora city is 94.51% higher than state average of 78.82%.[50] In Almora, Male literacy is around 96.84% while female literacy rate is 92.13%.[50] Schedule Caste (SC) constitutes 16.38% while Schedule Tribe (ST) were 1.00% of total population in Almora (NPP).[50] Out of total population, 10,057 were engaged in work or business activity. Of this 7,901 were males while 2,156 were females.[50] Of total 10057 working population, 93.25% were engaged in Main Work while 6.75% of total workers were engaged in Marginal Work.[50] Almora Nagar Palika Parishad has total administration over 8,014 houses to which it supplies basic amenities like water and sewerage, it is divided into 11 wards for which elections are held every 5 years.", "Almora Almora Hindustani pronunciation: [əlmoːɽaː] is a municipal board and a cantonment town in the Almora district in the state of Uttarakhand, India. It is the administrative headquarters of Almora district.[3] Almora is located on a ridge at the southern edge of the Kumaon Hills of the Himalaya range, at a distance of 365 km from the national capital New Delhi and 415 km from the state capital Dehradun. According to the provisional results of the 2011 national census of India, Almora has a population of 35,513. Nestled within higher peaks of the Himalaya, Almora enjoys a year-round mild temperate climate.", "Almora As of 2011[update] India census, Almora has population of 35,513 of which 18,306 are males while 17207 are females.[2]:20 out of the total population, The Almora Municipal Board has population of 34,122[50] while The Almora Cantonment Board has population of 1,391.[51] Population of Children with age of 0-6 is 3081 which is 8.67% of total population of Almora.[2]:20 Literacy rate of Almora city is 86.19 %[2]:21 higher than state average of 78.82%. Male literacy is around 88.06% while female literacy rate is 84.21%.[2]:21 Almora had a population of 32,358 according to the 2001 Census of India.[52]", "Almora Dunagiri has the highly revered temple of Shakti or Mother Goddess. Dunagiri is known as the birthplace of modern-day Kriya Yoga. There is a very famous and notable temple in Almora district which is in the village of Chaura near Bhaisor Gaun, Someshwar. This temple is dedicated to lord Golu who is considered as a lord of justice in Uttarakhand. This temple is about 40 km from Almora town. Another very famous temple of Almora district is Airdau which is in Someshwar. Someshwar is a small town of Almora which is very rich in agricultural way.", "Almora The earliest known reference to the population of Almora occurs in the book Kingdom of Nepal by Francis Hamilton. In Fatehgarh Pt. Hariballav Pande had told Hamilton that in Almora, during the time of the Gorkha rule, there were around 1000 houses.[23]:297 Mr. G.W. Traill, the second commissioner of Kumaon division, writes that in 1821 A.D. there were 742 houses in Almora in which lived 1369 men, 1178 women and 968 children and thus the total population was 3505.[53]:115", "Almora The next age’s silent of them may probably be the ones signaling many petty states, rivaling each-other for supremacy and ultimately chartering the inauguration of the noted and enduring dynasty of Chands. Earlier to this, the Katyuris are recorded as the dominant clans in copper and stone engravings.[21] The Chand dynasty from their inception in 953 A.D. to their ouster in the late 18th century present a saga of strife, with horrifying series of wars with rulers of Garhwal culminating in the destruction of this prosperous land and establishment of inglorious Gurkha rule. This dynasty was peculiar in that it made Almora the seat of strongest hill power in 1563 A.D.[22] From that time onwards, the limits of kingdom of Kumaon extended over the entire tracts of districts of Almora and Nainital. Towards the end of the 17th century, Chand Rajas again attacked the Garhwal kingdom, and in 1688, king Udyot Chand erected several temples at Almora, including Tripur Sundari, Udyot Chandeshwer and Parbateshwer, to mark his victory over Garhwal and Doti. The Parbateshwar temple was renamed twice, to become the present Nanda Devi temple.", "Almora When king Bhishm Chand laid the foundation of the town, he had initially named it Alamnagar. Prior to that, Almora was known as 'Rajapur' during the early phase of Chand rule.[15][16][17] The name 'Rajpur' is also mentioned over a number of ancient copper plates.[17]", "Almora Almora is situated on a ridge at the southern edge of the Kumaon Hills[17] of the Central Himalaya range in the shape of a horse saddle shaped hillock. The eastern portion of the ridge is known as Talifat and the western one is known as Selifat.[17] The Almora Market is situated at the top of the ridge, where these two, Talifat and Selifat jointly terminate.[17] It is surrounded by thick forests of pine and fir trees. Flowing alongside the city are rivers of Koshi (Kaushiki) and Suyal (Salmale). The snow-capped Himalayas can be seen in the background.", "Almora Unlike the neighboring hill stations like Nainital and Shimla which were developed by the British,[30][31][32] Almora was developed much before by the Chand kings.[33] The place where the present cantonment is located was formerly known as Lalmandi.[17][34][35] Presently where the collectorate exists, the 'Malla Mahal' (Upper Court) of Chand kings was located.[17][36] The site of present District Hospital used to be 'Talla Mahal' (Lower Court) of Chand rulers.[17][37] Almora had a Population of 8596 in 1901.[38]", "Debate Debating is carried out in debating chambers and assemblies of various types to discuss matters and to make resolutions about action to be taken, often by voting.[citation needed] Deliberative bodies such as parliaments, legislative assemblies, and meetings of all sorts engage in debates. In particular, in parliamentary democracies a legislature debates and decides on new laws. Formal debates between candidates for elected office, such as the leaders debates, are sometimes held in democracies. Debating is also carried out for educational and recreational purposes, usually associated with educational establishments and debating societies.[2]", "Debate At the opening of a session of debate, the standing Challenger claps his hands together and recites the seed syllable of Manjushri, \"Dhih\". Manjushri is the manifestation of the wisdom of all the Buddhas and, as such, is the special deity of debate. In debate, one must have a good motivation, the best of which is to establish all beings in liberation.[according to whom?]", "Oldest football clubs Club Atlético del Rosario was officially established in 1867 as a cricket institution. The club soon added association football, being the first club from Rosario playing in the Primera División, the top division of Argentina.[40] In rugby union, Rosario AC played the first inter-clubs match in the country on 28 June 1886, when the team faced Buenos Aires Football Club.[41][42]", "2016 World Series When play resumed in the top of the tenth, Kyle Schwarber led off with a single off Bryan Shaw to right and was replaced by pinch runner Albert Almora. Kris Bryant then hit a deep fly ball to center, and Almora tagged up to second base, in what was called the \"savviest baserunning play of the season.\"[74] After an intentional walk to Anthony Rizzo, Ben Zobrist stepped up to the plate. Zobrist delivered a clutch RBI double into the left field corner, scoring Almora, and breaking the tie, making the score 7-6. Zobrist later said, \"I was just battling, grinding up there. Fortunately, that last one he left over the plate and up to where I could just slap it down the line, and that was all I was trying to do.\"[75]", "Debate Impromptu debating is a relatively informal style of debating, when compared to other highly structured formats. The topic for the debate is given to the participants between fifteen and twenty minutes before the debate starts. The debate format is relatively simple; each team member of each side speaks for five minutes, alternating sides. A ten-minute discussion period, similar to other formats' \"open cross-examination\" time follows, and then a five-minute break (comparable to other formats' preparation time). Following the break, each team gives a 4-minute rebuttal.", "California Club The California Club is a prestigious members-only private social club established in 1888 in downtown Los Angeles, the second-oldest such club in Southern California. Its building was erected in 1930 and was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 2010.[2]", "Debate In the reply speech, the opposition goes first and then the proposition. The debate ends when the proposition ends the reply speech. 4 minutes is allocated for the reply speech and no POI's can be offered during this time.", "Establishment Clause The Establishment Clause was based on a number of precursors, including the Constitutions of Clarendon, the Bill of Rights 1689, and the Pennsylvania and New Jersey colonial constitutions. An initial draft by John Dickinson was prepared in conjunction with his drafting the Articles of Confederation. In 1789, then-congressman James Madison prepared another draft which, following discussion and debate in the First Congress, would become part of the text of the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights. The second half of the Establishment Clause includes the Free Exercise Clause, which allows individual citizens freedom from governmental interference in both private and public religious affairs.", "Debate The Debaters is a Canadian radio comedy show in which two debaters (usually stand up comedians) debate topics, which are deliberately comedic (such as \"backseat drivers are helpful\", \"gravity is our friend\" and \"cats are smarter than dogs\". The winner is chosen by audience applause at the end of the debate.", "Debate Debate is a process that involves formal discussion on a particular topic. In a debate, opposing arguments are put forward to argue for opposing viewpoints. Debate occurs in public meetings, academic institutions, and legislative assemblies.[1] It is a formal type of discussion, often with a moderator and an audience, in addition to the debate participants.", "Debate Throughout the world, parliamentary debate is what most countries know as \"debating\", and is the primary style practiced in the United Kingdom, India, Greece and most other nations.[according to whom?] The premier event in the world of parliamentary debate, the World Universities Debating Championship, is conducted in the British Parliamentary style.", "Bad Girls Club The twelfth season of the Bad Girls Club sparked a debate with The Village Board of Trustees in Illinois on whether the show should be filmed in the Chicago area of Highland Park after previous concerns were raised.[43]", "Debate The model \"Parli Brazil\" only started its activities in 2014 with the realization of the I Brazilian Championship of Debates in the city of Belo Horizonte, making the second edition in the city of Fortaleza and the third is scheduled to take place in the city of Florianópolis.[34] Since then, they were also created UFSC Debate Society (\"Sociedade de Debates da UFSC\") in 2014[35] and the UFRJ Debate Society (\"Sociedade de Debates da UFRJ\") on June 25, 2015,[36] and others.", "Almora Pantnagar Airport, located in Pantnagar is the primary Airport serving entire Kumaon Region. Indira Gandhi International Airport, located in Delhi is the nearest international Airport. Kathgodam railway station is the nearest railway station. Kathgodam is the last terminus of the broad gauge line of North East Railways that connects Kumaon with Delhi, Dehradun and Howrah.", "Almora The region is immensely rich with 4000 species of plants, having remarkable diversity in its natural vegetation by virtue of its being at a great range of elevation. In addition to its climatic variations, particularly in temperature and precipitation associated with the alignment and altitudes of ranges and nature of valleys, determine the altitudinal growth and variety of vegetation. The flora of this region may be classified into tropical, Himalayan sub-tropical and sub alpine and alpine vegetation. The alpine and sub alpine zones are considered as the most natural abode of the largest number of medicinal plants.", "Debate United Asian Debating Championship is the biggest university debating tournament in Asia, where teams from the Middle East to Japan[citation needed] come to debate. It is traditionally hosted in southeast Asia where participation is usually highest compared to other parts of Asia.", "Debate IPDA offers both \"team debating\" where two teams, consisting of two people, debate and individual debate. In both team and individual debate a list of topics are given to the two sides thirty minutes before the start of the round. A negotiation ensues to pick a topic. The sides, one affirming the resolution and one negating the resolution, then prepare an opening speech, a cross-examination of the other side, and closing remarks for the round.", "Debate Public debate may mean simply debating by the public, or in public. The term is also used for a particular formal style of debate in a competitive or educational context. Two teams of two compete through six rounds of argument, giving persuasive speeches on a particular topic.[37]", "Collingwood Football Club The Collingwood Football Club was established on 12 February 1892.[8][9]", "Debate A characteristic of the Tibetan Buddhist style of debating is the hand gestures used by debaters. When the Challenger first puts their question to the sitting Defender, their right hand is held above the shoulder at the level of their head and the left hand is stretched forward with the palm turned upward. At the end of their statement, the Challenger punctuates by loudly clapping together their hands and simultaneously stomping their left foot. They then immediately draw back their right hand with the palm held upward and at the same time, hold forth their left hand with the palm turned downward. This motion of drawing back and clapping is done with the flow of a dancer’s movements.[neutrality is disputed] Holding forth the left hand after clapping symbolizes closing the door to rebirth in the helpless state of cyclic existence.[neutrality is disputed] The drawing back and upraising of the right hand symbolizes one’s will to raise all sentient beings up out of cyclic existence and to establish them in the omniscience of Buddhahood. The left hand represents \"Wisdom\" — the \"antidote\" to cyclic existence. The right hand represents \"Method\"[according to whom?] — the altruistic intention to become enlightened, motivated by great love and compassion for all sentient beings. The clap represents a union of Method and Wisdom. In dependence on the union of Method and Wisdom, one is able to attain Buddhahood.[38]", "Club (organization) The institution of the gentleman's club has spread all over the English-speaking world. Many of those who energised the Scottish Enlightenment were members of the Poker Club in Edinburgh. In the United States clubs were first established after the War of Independence. One of the first was the Hoboken Turtle Club (1797), which still survived as of 1911. In former British Empire colonies like India and Pakistan they are known as Gymkhana.", "Debate The first student debating society in Great Britain was the St Andrews Debating Society, formed in 1794 as the Literary Society. The Cambridge Union Society was founded in 1815, and claims to be the oldest continually operating debating society in the World.[13] This claim is arguably valid because Princeton's societies had been shut down during the American Revolutionary War, while the UNC societies' operations were briefly suspended during the American Civil War.", "Debate In this style of debating, which is most popular in India at school level,[according to whom?] the same speaker shifts allegiance between \"For\" and \"Against\" the motion. It is a solo contest, unlike other debating forms. Here, the speaker is required to speak for 2 minutes \"For the motion\", 2 minutes \"Against the motion\" and finally draw up a 1-minute conclusion in which the speaker balances the debate. At the end of the fifth minute the debate will be opened to the house, in which members of the audience will put questions to the candidate which they will have to answer. In the Turncoat format, emphasis is on the strength of argument and balancing of opinions. The winner will have to excel in providing a clear understanding of the topic.[clarification needed][according to whom?]", "Debate Competitive debating is carried out at the local, national, and international level.[16]", "Debate This style of debate is particularly popular in Ireland at secondary school level.[according to whom?] Developed in Coláiste Iognáid (Galway) over the last ten years, the format has five speakers: two teams and a single 'sweep speaker' on each side.[clarification needed] Speeches last 4:30 minutes with 30 seconds protected from POIs at either end of the debate. Adjudication will depend on BP marking, but with particular recognition of principled debating. A ten-minute open house will also be adjudicated. Traditionally, the motion is always opposed in the final vote.[citation needed]", "Debate Logical consistency, factual accuracy and some degree of emotional appeal to the audience are elements in debating, where one side often prevails over the other party by presenting a superior \"context\" or framework of the issue. In a formal debating contest, there are rules for participants to discuss and decide on differences, within a framework defining how they will do it.", "Debate The context in which the Australasia style of debate is used varies, but in Australia and New Zealand is mostly used at the Primary and Secondary school level, ranging from small informal one-off intra-school debates to larger more formal inter-school competitions with several rounds and a finals series which occur over a year.[according to whom?]", "Outlaws Motorcycle Club The Outlaws MC of New Zealand, established in Napier in 1968, have since \"patched over\" to the international club [7]", "Debate Since the 1976 general election, debates between presidential candidates have been a part of U.S. presidential campaigns. Unlike debates sponsored at the high school or collegiate level, the participants and format are not independently defined. Nevertheless, in a campaign season heavily dominated by television advertisements, talk radio, sound bites, and spin, they still offer a rare opportunity for citizens to see and hear the major candidates side by side. The format of the presidential debates, though defined differently in every election, is typically more restrictive than many traditional formats, forbidding participants to ask each other questions and restricting discussion of particular topics to short time frames.", "Golf club Variations on this basic set abound; several club options usually exist for almost any shot depending on the player's skill level and playing style, and the only club universally considered to be indispensable is the putter. Some consider the modern deep-faced driver to be equally irreplaceable; this is cause for some debate, as professional players including Tiger Woods have played and won tournaments without using a driver, instead using a 3-wood for tee shots and making up the difference on the approach using a lower-lofted iron.", "FIFA Club World Cup The Interamerican Cup and the Afro-Asian Club Championship were tournaments created to allow those regions their own Club competitions, in large part due to the refusal of UEFA and CONMEBOL to allow CONCACAF, AFC and CAF clubs to compete in the Intercontinental Cup.[58] According to Brazilian newspaper O Estado de São Paulo, the deal for the establishment of the Interamerican Cup was made in 1968 by CONMEBOL and CONCACAF, and established that the Interamerican Cup champion club would be entitled to represent the American continent in the Intercontinental Cup.[59] According to the Mexican newspapers, after winning the 1977 and 1980 editions of the Interamerican Cup, Mexican teams Club América and Club Universidad Nacional, as well as the Mexican Football Federation, demanded, unsuccessfully, to participate in the Intercontinental Cup.[60][61][62]", "Debate The Brazilian Parliamentary Debate, also known as \"Parli Brasil\",[31] involves a \"proposition team\", that will support the motion, and an \"opposition team\", who will oppose the motion.", "United States presidential debates The dramatic effect of televised presidential debates was demonstrated again in the 1976 debates between Ford and Carter. Ford had already cut into Carter's large lead in the polls, and was generally viewed as having won the first debate on domestic policy. Polls released after this first debate indicated the race was even. However, in the second debate on foreign policy, Ford made what was widely viewed as a major blunder when he said \"There is no Soviet domination of Eastern Europe and there never will be under a Ford administration.\" After this, Ford's momentum stalled, and Carter won a very close election.[12][13]", "Armanitola Government High School Armanitola Govt. High School has a growing but strong culture of student extracurricular activities. Under the supervision of wide range clubs, students of this school use to take part in different competitions and exhibitions starting from cultural and debating activities. AGHS Debating Club with a very rare exception, regularly participates in different Inter School competitions.", "Debate The debate will commence with the Prime Minister's speech (first proposition) and will be continued by the first opposition. This alternating speech will go on until the third opposition. Following this, the opposition bench will give the reply speech.", "Essendon Football Club The Essendon reserves team first competed in the Victorian Football League's reserves competition when the competition was established in 1919. The team enjoyed success in the form of eight premierships between 1919 and 1999, including the last Victorian State Football League year in 1999. From 2000 until 2002, the club's reserves team competed in the new Victorian Football League competition.", "Sierra Club The Club's first goals included establishing Glacier and Mount Rainier national parks, convincing the California legislature to give Yosemite Valley to the U.S. federal government, and preserving California's coastal redwoods.", "Parliamentary debate On the home school level, the home school debate league, Stoa, also promotes parliamentary debate in a number of its tournaments nationwide. Stoa also offers parliamentary debate at nationals (NITOC).[24] The other home school debate league, NCFCA, does not offer parliamentary debate at any of its tournaments or is it hosted at nationals.[25]", "Debate While most member programs of the International Public Debate Association are associated with colleges or universities, participation in IPDA tournaments is open to anyone whose education level is equivalent to high school graduate or higher.[according to whom?]", "Narsee Monjee College of Commerce and Economics The college has around 20 societies and clubs where students join in according to their passion and interests. Clubs include Debate and Literary society, Planning Forum, Women Development Cell, etc.", "Debate In schools and colleges, competitive debating often takes the form of a contest with explicit rules. It may be presided over by one or more judges or adjudicators. Both sides seek to win against the other while following the rules. One side is typically in favor of (also known as \"for\", \"Affirmative\", or \"Pro\") or opposed to (also known as \"against\", \"Negative\", \"Con\") a statement, proposition, moot or Resolution. The \"for\" side must state points that will support the proposition; the \"against\" side must refute these arguments sufficiently to falsify the other side. The \"against\" side is not required to propose an alternative but it must substantiate its own negation if no other position is possible. For example, let's say the value of x is a boolean. If the \"for\" side says x = true, the \"against\" side must say x = false. The \"against\" side cannot simply say \"I am not convinced that x = true\" if they both want a debate. Both sides are required to embrace and defend their own positions. Otherwise, it is not a debate but simply a discussion of a controversy where one side solely attempts to convince the other side or the other listeners to its position.", "Establishment Clause The Establishment Clause is a limitation placed upon the United States Congress preventing it from passing legislation respecting an establishment of religion. The second half of the Establishment Clause inherently prohibits the government from preferring any one religion over another. While the Establishment Clause does prohibit Congress from preferring or elevating one religion over another, it does not prohibit the government's entry into the religious domain to make accommodations for religious observances and practices in order to achieve the purposes of the Free Exercise Clause.", "List of Geelong Football Club individual awards and records Awarded to the player that best demonstrates the values of the team and the club, on and off the field (established in 2011)", "Oldest football clubs The first football club in France was established in Paris in 1863 by English expatriates, as the following excerpt from a contemporary newspaper shows: \"A number of English gentlemen living in Paris have lately organised a football club.... The football contests take place in the Bois de Boulogne, by permission of the authorities and surprise the French amazingly.\"[51]", "Drinking establishment A brewpub is a pub or restaurant that brews beer on the premises. A beer hall (German: Bierpalast, Bierstube) is a large pub that specializes in beer. An Izakaya is a type of Japanese drinking establishment which also serves food to accompany the drinks. A speakeasy is an establishment that illegally sells alcoholic beverages.", "Debate Asian debates are largely an adaptation of the Australasian format. The only difference is that each speaker is given 7 minutes of speech time and there will be points of information (POI) offered by the opposing team between the 2nd to 6th minutes of the speech. This means that the 1st and 7th minute is considered the 'protected' period where no POIs can be offered to the speaker.", "Club América The rivalry between Club América and Club Universidad Nacional is known as the \"Clásico Capitalino\",[113] due to the fact that both teams are based in Mexico City—the country's capital. The first match between the two clubs took place on 1 July 1962, where América hosted UNAM, who had recently been promoted from the second division. In Mexico the match is often perceived as the representation of a struggle between two antagonistic powers and institutions: Club América is regarded as the club representing the establishment and the wealthy. The fact that the club is owned by the mass media company Televisa has further intensified this image. Club Universidad, representing the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, identifies itself as the club of the intellectuals and middle-class.[114] The rivalry is particularly fierce from UNAM's side: according to surveys the majority of their supporters consider América as their main rival. However, America’s fans see it as an important match but deem the match against Chivas as more important.[115]", "John Collier (sociologist) Collier was brought into the forefront of the debate by the General Federation of Women's Clubs (GFWC), when it appointed him the research agent for its Indian Welfare Committee in 1922. The GFWC took a leadership role in opposing assimilation policies, supporting the return of Indian lands, and promoting more religious and economic independence.[6]", "French Revolution from the summer of 1790 to the establishment of the Legislative Assembly Royalists established first the short-lived Club des Impartiaux and later the Club Monarchique. They attempted unsuccessfully to curry public favor by distributing bread; nonetheless, they were the frequent target of protests and even riots, and were finally closed down by the Paris municipal authorities in January 1791.", "Parliamentary debate Parliamentary debate (also referred to as \"parli\") is an academic debate event. Many university-level institutions in English-speaking nations sponsor parliamentary debate teams. In addition the format is currently spreading to the high school level. Despite the name, the parli is not related to debate in governmental parliaments beyond formal speaker titles such as \"Opposition Leader\" and \"Prime Minister\".", "EFL Cup The League Cup competition was established at a time when match day attendances were dwindling. The league had lost one million spectators compared to the previous season. It was established at a time when tensions between the Football League and the Football Association were high. The biggest disagreement was about how revenue was shared between the clubs.", "Drinking establishment A speakeasy, also called a blind pig or blind tiger, is an establishment that illegally sells alcoholic beverages. Such establishments came into prominence in the United States during the Prohibition era (1920–1933, longer in some states). During that time, the sale, manufacture, and transportation (bootlegging) of alcoholic beverages was illegal throughout the United States.[14]", "Parliamentary debate The other public school high school debate league, National Forensic League (NFL), does not offer parliamentary debate at its national tournament. It does, however, recognize parli competitions offered at the state level, albeit at a reduced points value.[12] In 2010 NFL Nationals added Supplemental Debate,[13] which bears some similarity to parliamentary debate.", "Slot machine In Russia, slot clubs appeared quite late, only in 1992. Before 1992 slot machines were only in the casino and in small shops, but later slot clubs began to grow over the country. The most popular and numerous clubs were \"Vulcan 777\" and \"Taj Mahal\". After 2009, when a ban on gambling establishments, almost all slot clubs disappeared, and appeared only in a specially authorized gambling zones.", "Drinking establishment Speakeasies largely disappeared after Prohibition was ended in 1933, and the term is now used to describe some retro style bars. Different names for speakeasies were created. The terms \"blind pig\" and \"blind tiger\" originated in the United States in the 19th century. These terms were applied to lower-class establishments that sold alcoholic beverages illegally, and they are still in use today. The operator of an establishment (such as a saloon or bar) would charge customers to see an attraction (such as an animal) and then serve a \"complimentary\" alcoholic beverage, thus circumventing the law. \"Blind tiger\" also referred to illegal drinking establishment in which the seller's identity was concealed. A drawer would open up in a wall, the patron drops in change, and then a drink is placed in the drawer.", "United States presidential debates Since 1976, each presidential election has featured a series of vice presidential debates. Vice presidential debates have been held regularly since 1984. Vice Presidential debates have been largely uneventful and have historically had little impact on the election. Perhaps the most memorable moment in a Vice Presidential debate came in the 1988 debate between Republican Dan Quayle and Democrat Lloyd Bentsen. Quayle's selection by the incumbent Vice-President and Republican Presidential candidate George Bush was widely criticized; one reason being his relative lack of experience. In the debate, Quayle attempted to ease this fear by stating that he had as much experience as John F. Kennedy did when he ran for President in 1960. Democrat Bentsen countered with the now famous statement: \"Senator, I served with Jack Kennedy. I knew Jack Kennedy. Jack Kennedy was a friend of mine. Senator, you're no Jack Kennedy.\"", "Oldest football clubs Le Havre AC was founded as an athletics and rugby club in 1872, making it the oldest surviving football club registered in France and continental Europe.[52] They began playing association football on a regular basis in 1894. Technically AS Strasbourg could be considered the first French association football team, being established in 1890; they were however a German team at the time.", "Fight Club (novel) Fight Club's cultural impact is evidenced by the establishment of fight clubs by teenagers and \"techies\" in the United States.[14] Pranks, such as food-tampering, have been repeated by fans of the book, documented in Palahniuk's essay \"Monkey Think, Monkey Do\",[15] in the book Stranger Than Fiction: True Stories (2004) and in the introduction to the 2004 re-issue of Fight Club. Other fans have been inspired to prosocial activity, telling Palahniuk the novel had inspired them to return to college.[16]", "Parliamentary debate British Parliamentary debate is very widespread. It has also been adopted as the official style of the World Universities Debating Championship and the European Universities Debating Championship (at which the speakers are given only fifteen minutes' notice of the motion). Speeches are usually between five and seven minutes in duration. The debate consists of four teams of two speakers, sometimes called factions, with two teams on either side of the case.", "Port Adelaide Football Club In 1877 Port Adelaide joined seven other clubs to form the South Australian Football Association (SAFA), the first league of its type in Australia.[8] It competed its first few seasons wearing magenta guernseys and white shorts.[9] In 1878 the club hosted its first game against the recently established Norwood Football Club with the visitors winning 1-0. A rivalry between these clubs would soon develop into one of the fiercest in Australian sport (See Port Adelaide-Norwood SANFL rivalry).[10]", "The Cavern Club The Hard Rock Cafe restaurant and hotel chain owns the trademark to the \"Cavern Club\" name in the US. When the Hard Rock Cafe was built in Boston in 1991, it included a brick Cavern Club cellar that was a reproduction of the Liverpool club, including a stage for local bands. In 2006, the Boston restaurant moved to a new location, and although the new restaurant still has a \"Cavern Club\" performing area, it bears no resemblance to the Liverpool cellar. In 2014, a lawsuit was filed to revoke Hard Rock's trademark on the Cavern Club name.[14]", "Chand kings In early 1790, the Gurkhas invaded the Kumaon hills and Almora, under their powerful chief ‘Prithvi Narayan’; they advanced by crossing River Kali, through Gangoli; and the Chands, under the titular Chand Raja, were driven to the Bhabhar and finally expelled.", "Lincoln–Douglas debates The Lincoln–Douglas debate format that is used in high school and college competition today is named after this series of debates. Modern presidential debates trace their roots to the Lincoln–Douglas Debates, though the format today is remarkably different from the original.", "Abortion debate While the practice of infanticide (as a form of family planning) has largely been eradicated in developed countries, birth control and abortion are still practiced; and their morality and legality continues to be debated. While modern debates about abortion retain some of the language of these older debates, the terminology has often acquired new meanings.", "Hawthorn Football Club After having shared Princes Park with Carlton as a home venue since 1974, Hawthorn began to move its home games to Waverley Park in Mulgrave in Melbourne’s south-east in 1990. The club played five home games at Waverley Park and the balance at Princes Park in each of 1990 and 1991, and played all home games at Waverley Park from 1992.[14] To further strengthen their links with the area a second social club was established nearby at the Waverley Gardens shopping centre. The club, which operates as a gaming venue, has also been a lucrative source of revenue for the club.", "Huddersfield Town A.F.C. The club spent over five years debating what colour the kit should be. It ranged from salmon pink to plain white or all-blue to white with blue yoke. Eventually in 1913, the club adopted the blue-and-white jersey that remains to this day.", "Drinking establishment The term \"bar\" is derived from the specialized counter on which drinks are served. The \"back bar\" is a set of shelves of glasses and bottles behind that counter. In some establishments, the back bar is elaborately decorated with woodwork, etched glass, mirrors, and lights.", "Sport in England Although there is some debate about the origins of the game, modern cricket is generally believed to have originated in England with the laws of cricket - adhered to by players at all levels worldwide - established by the London-based Marylebone Cricket Club. Although the origins of cricket in England date back as far as the sixteenth century, formal laws of the game began to be developed in the eighteenth century. Most recently, the globally popular Twenty20 format of cricket was innovated in England at the turn of the 21st century.", "Parliamentary debate The British Parliamentary Style (a.k.a. Worlds Debate, distinct from World Schools Style) is also beginning to spread to the US, with the US Universities Debating Championship held annually at the University of Vermont.[10]", "Parramatta Eels The roots of the playing of rugby union and rugby league in Parramatta lie in the 19th century with the formation of the Parramatta Rugby Club in 1879. With the advent of a Sydney District competition in 1900, the Parramatta club merged with Western Suburbs and played some of its matches at Cumberland Oval. On a local level, rugby league began to be played in 1910 when a district competition was formed. Other clubs in the Parramatta district also emerged; over the ensuing decades, clubs established in suburbs throughout the area.[1]", "Parliamentary debate American Parliamentary Debate Association (APDA), the oldest intercollegiate parliamentary debate league in the US, was founded in 1982. APDA currently has around 40 member universities,[8][9] primarily on the east coast.", "Establishment Clause The original Mason-Dixon line was the demarcation line between the Catholic colony of Maryland and the New Jersey and Pennsylvania colonies, which followed the 1689 Bill of Rights and their own colonial constitutions which provided similar protections against the establishment of Catholic laws in government.", "Sam's Club On February 26, 2009, Walmart Canada announced that it would close all six of its Canadian Sam's Club locations.[10][11][12] This was part of Walmart Canada's decision to shift focus towards supercentres, but some industry observers suggested that the operation was struggling in competition with Costco and the non-membership The Real Canadian Superstore (known as Maxi & Cie in Quebec), that had a well-established history in the country. Sam's Club also rebranded the two as yet unopened locations as new Walmart Supercentres.", "Outlaw motorcycle club While organizations may vary, the typical internal organization of a motorcycle club consists of a president, vice president, treasurer, secretary, road captain, and sergeant-at-arms (sometimes known as enforcer).[7] Localized groups of a single, large MC are called charters and the first charter established for an MC is referred to as the mother charter. The president of the mother charter serves as the president of the entire MC, and sets club policy on a variety of issues.", "Parliamentary debate Topics can be supplied long in advance, or may be given 45 minutes or an hour before the debate begins. There is not much room for re-definition, and squirreling is strictly prohibited. The World Schools Debating Championships is attended by many countries, and uses this format.", "Club América • The Students: This was a nickname that wasn’t well known and only used in the early years of the club. When the team was first founded, this nickname was used by their rivals because the team was developed from the combination of two colleges: Mascarones and La Perpetua.[108] Because many of their players were college students, when Club America joined La Liga Mexicana (the Mexican Soccer League), it was composed mostly of young players.", "Abortion debate Fetal pain, its existence, and its implications are part of a larger debate about abortion. A 2005 multidisciplinary systematic review in JAMA in the area of fetal development found that a fetus is unlikely to feel pain until after the sixth month of pregnancy.[40][41] Developmental neurobiologists suspect that the establishment of thalamocortical connections (at about 26 weeks) may be critical to fetal perception of pain.[42] However, legislation was proposed by anti-abortion advocates that would require abortion providers to tell a woman that the fetus may feel pain during an abortion procedure.[43]", "Parliamentary debate World Schools Style Debating combines the British Parliamentary and Australian formats, which results in a debate comprising eight speeches delivered by two three-member teams (the Proposition and the Opposition). Each speaker delivers an eight-minute speech – the first two are substantive matter and the third a rebuttal speech; then both teams deliver a \"reply speech\" lasting four minutes, with the last word being reserved for the Proposition. In junior debates, these limits are changed to about 5 minutes, and in some local competitions, speeches are 7 minutes.", "The Beatles at The Cavern Club Owned by Synter, the club originally opened on 16 January 1957 as a jazz-only club, which was one of three jazz clubs he managed.[4] He styled the club after the Paris venue, Le Caveau, as the French club was also a cellar.[5][6] The Cavern was an arched cellar built of bricks, under a seven-storey fruit warehouse. It had previously been used as a wine cellar, and as an air raid shelter during World War II.[3] Because of its position underground, it was well known as being damp, and very hot when the club was full.[7]", "Parramatta Eels Pressure in the area for a local club to participate in the New South Wales Rugby League premiership began in the mid-1930s with a formal proposal put to the NSWRL in 1936 by local rugby league identities such as Jack Argent and Jack Scullin. The proposal was rejected by all clubs except Western Suburbs who, despite having the most to lose from the entrance of a Parramatta side (with much of their territory being lost to Parramatta), voted for the entrance of the new club. The advent of World War II put the establishment of the club on hold and a Parramatta district club was not proposed again until 1946 when the club was successfully admitted into the Premiership.[2]", "Hendrik Verwoerd After his schooling, he proceeded to study theology at the University of Stellenbosch. He was regarded as a brilliant student and known to possess a nearely photographic memory. He was also a member of a debating club as well as a hiking club and participated in theatre productions. In 1921 he graduated with honours (BA).", "List of Chelsea F.C. records and statistics Chelsea Football Club is an English professional association football club based in Fulham, London. The club was established in 1905 and plays its home games at Stamford Bridge.", "Viña del Mar The Yacht Club de Chile is a yacht club located in Caleta Higuerillas. This club was established in Viña del Mar in 1955, though it is now part of the Concón municipality.", "History of American journalism The most heated rhetoric came in debates over the French Revolution, especially the Jacobin Terror of 1793–94 when the guillotine was used daily. Nationalism was a high priority, and the editors fostered an intellectual nationalism typified by the Federalist effort to stimulate a national literary culture through their clubs and publications in New York and Philadelphia, and Noah Webster's efforts to simplify and Americanize the language.[14]", "United States presidential debates Debates were a major factor again in 1980. Earlier in the election season, President Carter had a lead over his opponent, Governor Ronald Reagan of California. Three debates between President Jimmy Carter, former California Governor Ronald Reagan and Illinois Congressman John B. Anderson were scheduled; along with a Vice Presidential debate between Vice President Walter Mondale, former CIA Director George H. W. Bush, and former Wisconsin Governor Patrick Joseph Lucey. Carter refused to debate if Anderson was present and Reagan refused to debate without Anderson, resulting in the first debate being between Reagan and Anderson only. The second debate and the Vice Presidential debate were both cancelled. Reagan conceded Carter's demands and the third debate took place with only Carter and Reagan. In the debate, with years of experience in front of a camera as an actor, Reagan came across much better than Carter and was judged by voters to have won the debate by a wide margin. This helped propel Reagan into a landslide victory. The Reagan campaign had access to internal debate briefing materials for Carter; the exposure of this in 1983 led to a public scandal called \"Debategate\".", "List of sports clubs playing in the league of another country Rugby Club Luxembourg has played in the German league system since 2009, having previously played in the Belgian and French league system, and earning promotion to the highest tier, the Rugby-Bundesliga, in 2015–16.[27] The inclusion of the club in the 2009 promotion round to the 2nd Bundesliga caused some debate in regards to its legality, as the club had not qualified through the German league system and was not a member of any of the German regional rugby federations. However, RC Luxembourg's application was declared valid in regards to the German rugby federations rules and regulations and the team finished second in the promotion round, earning a place in the 2nd Bundesliga for 2009-10.[28]", "Kenosha, Wisconsin The Kenosha Yacht Club was established in 1912.", "Essendon Football Club The song, as with all other AFL clubs, is played prior to every match and at the conclusion of matches when the team is victorious.", "Akita (dog) There is debate among fanciers whether there are two separate breeds of Akita. To date, only the American Kennel Club,[4] and the Canadian Kennel Club[citation needed] consider American and Japanese Akitas to be two varieties of the same breed, allowing free breeding between the two. The United Kennel Club,[5] The Federation Cynologique Internationale,[6] The Kennel Club,[7][8] the Australian National Kennel Council,[9] the New Zealand Kennel Club,[10][11] and the Japan Kennel Club[citation needed] consider Japanese and American Akitas as separate breeds.[12] Some countries refer to the American Akita as simply the \"Akita\" and not the American Akita. The issue is especially controversial in Japan.[13] For the FCI's 84 countries, the breed split formally occurred June 1999, when the FCI decided that the American type would be called the Great Japanese Dog,[12] later renamed the American Akita in January 2006.[12]", "First Party System The most heated rhetoric came in debates over the French Revolution, especially the Jacobin Terror of 1793–94 when the guillotine was used daily. Nationalism was a high priority, and the editors fostered an intellectual nationalism typified by the Federalist effort to stimulate a national literary culture through their clubs and publications in New York and Philadelphia, and through Federalist Noah Webster's efforts to simplify and Americanize the language.[13]" ]
how many super bowl games has the patriots played in
[ "New England Patriots The Patriots have appeared in the Super Bowl ten times in franchise history, the most of any team, eight of them since the arrival of head coach Bill Belichick and quarterback Tom Brady in 2000. The Patriots have since become one of the most successful teams in NFL history, winning 15 AFC East titles in 17 seasons since 2001, without a losing season in that period. The franchise has since set numerous notable records, including most wins in a ten-year period (126, in 2003–2012), an undefeated 16-game regular season in 2007, the longest winning streak consisting of regular season and playoff games in NFL history (a 21-game streak from October 2003 to October 2004), and the most consecutive division titles won by a team in NFL history (won nine straight division titles from 2009 to 2017). The team owns the record for most Super Bowls reached (eight) and won (five) by a head coach–quarterback tandem. Currently, the team is tied with the 49ers and Cowboys for the second most Super Bowl wins with five, after the Steelers, who have six." ]
[ "Super Bowl XLVI The Patriots and Giants faced each other in New England during the regular season; the Giants won that game, 24–20. Incidentally, the Giants and Patriots had also faced each other during the regular season prior to Super Bowl XLII with the Patriots winning that regular season matchup and the Giants going on to win that Super Bowl. Super Bowl XLVI marked the 13th Super Bowl that was a rematch of a regular season game. The loser in the regular season had been 7–5 in these games prior to Super Bowl XLVI.", "Super Bowl XLVI Super Bowl XLVI was an American football game between the National Football Conference (NFC) champion New York Giants and the American Football Conference (AFC) champion New England Patriots to decide the National Football League (NFL) champion for the 2011 season. The Giants defeated the Patriots by the score of 21–17.[10][11] The game was played on February 5, 2012, at Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis, the first time that the Super Bowl was played in Indiana.", "Super Bowl LII Super Bowl LII was an American football game played to determine the champion of the National Football League (NFL) for the 2017 season. The National Football Conference (NFC) champion Philadelphia Eagles defeated the American Football Conference (AFC) and defending Super Bowl LI champion New England Patriots, 41–33, to win their first Super Bowl[10] and their first NFL title since 1960. The game was played on February 4, 2018, at U.S. Bank Stadium in Minneapolis, Minnesota.[11] This was the second time that a Super Bowl was played in Minneapolis, the northernmost city to ever host the event, after Super Bowl XXVI at the Metrodome during the 1991 season,[12] and the sixth Super Bowl held in a cold-weather city.[13]", "Super Bowl XXXI The Packers were favored to win the game by 14 points, largely because many thought the Patriots were a Cinderella team, and because of the recent dominance of the NFC in Super Bowl games.", "Super Bowl XXXIII The Falcons did not return to play in another Super Bowl until 2016, when they lost 28–34 to the New England Patriots in [[Super Bowl LI.", "Super Bowl XXXVIII Super Bowl XXXVIII was an American football game between the National Football Conference (NFC) champion Carolina Panthers and the American Football Conference (AFC) champion New England Patriots to decide the National Football League (NFL) champion for the 2003 season. The Patriots defeated the Panthers by the score of 32-29. The game was played at Reliant Stadium in Houston, Texas, on Sunday, February 1, 2004. At the time, this was the most watched Super Bowl ever with 144.4 million viewers.[5]", "List of New England Patriots seasons The Patriots have won five Super Bowl championships (XXXVI, XXXVIII, XXXIX, XLIX, and LI). They also played in and lost Super Bowls XX, XXXI, XLII, XLVI, and Super Bowl LII. During the 2007 regular season, the Patriots became the only NFL team in history to win 16 games, and the first since the 1972 Miami Dolphins (in a 14-game season) to complete the regular campaign undefeated.[8] Belichick's Patriots are one of only two teams to win three Super Bowls in four years (the other being the Dallas Cowboys from 1993 to 1996).[9]", "Super Bowl XX Super Bowl XX was an American football game between the National Football Conference (NFC) champion Chicago Bears and the American Football Conference (AFC) champion New England Patriots to decide the National Football League (NFL) champion for the 1985 season. The Bears defeated the Patriots by the score of 46–10, capturing their first NFL championship (and Chicago's first overall sports victory) since 1963, three years prior to the birth of the Super Bowl. Super Bowl XX was played on January 26, 1986 at the Louisiana Superdome in New Orleans.", "Super Bowl The game was created as part of a merger agreement between the NFL and its then-rival league, the American Football League (AFL). It was agreed that the two leagues' champion teams would play in the AFL–NFL World Championship Game until the merger was to officially begin in 1970. After the merger, each league was redesignated as a \"conference\", and the game has since been played between the conference champions to determine the NFL's league champion. Currently, the National Football Conference (NFC) leads the league with 27 wins to 25 wins for the American Football Conference (AFC). The Pittsburgh Steelers have the most Super Bowl championship titles, with six. The New England Patriots have the most Super Bowl appearances, with ten. Charles Haley and Tom Brady both have five Super Bowl rings, which is the record for the most rings won by a single player.", "Super Bowl No team has ever played the Super Bowl in its home stadium. The closest any team has come was the 2017 Minnesota Vikings, who were within one win of playing Super Bowl LII in U.S. Bank Stadium, but lost the NFC Championship game to the Philadelphia Eagles. Two teams have played the Super Bowl in their home market: the San Francisco 49ers, who played Super Bowl XIX in Stanford Stadium instead of Candlestick Park; and the Los Angeles Rams, who played Super Bowl XIV in the Rose Bowl instead of the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum. In both cases, the stadium in which the Super Bowl was held was perceived to be a better stadium for a large, high-profile event than the stadiums the Rams and 49ers were playing in at the time; this situation has not arisen since 1993, in part because the league has traditionally awarded the Super Bowl in modern times to the newest stadiums. Besides those two, the only other Super Bowl venue that was not the home stadium to an NFL team at the time was Rice Stadium in Houston: the Houston Oilers had played there previously, but moved to the Astrodome several years prior to Super Bowl VIII. The Orange Bowl was the only AFL stadium to host a Super Bowl and the only stadium to host consecutive Super Bowls, hosting Super Bowls II and III.", "Super Bowl XXXIX The Patriots' Super Bowl win was the third championship for Boston-area sports teams in 12 months, following the Patriots winning Super Bowl XXXVIII the year before and the Red Sox winning the World Series–first in 86 years–three months earlier. This marked the first time since 1989–1990 in the San Francisco Bay Area that the same market has had 2 Super Bowl and World Series winners in 12 months.[13] The Patriots would later appear in Super Bowl XLII and Super Bowl XLVI, losing both to Eli Manning's New York Giants, before winning Super Bowl XLIX against the Seattle Seahawks, 28–24, ten years later and Super Bowl LI against the Atlanta Falcons, 34-28, two years later. The latest Super Bowl win for the Patriots makes it ten titles among the four Boston teams (5 by the Patriots, 3 by the Red Sox, and one each by the Celtics and Bruins) since 2002.", "Super Bowl LII This game was a rematch of Super Bowl XXXIX. Only one player, Patriots starting quarterback Tom Brady, remained on either roster from that contest.[40] Bill Belichick, the Patriots' head coach in that contest, also remained in that position. Two Eagles, running back LeGarrette Blount and defensive lineman Chris Long, had been Patriots in 2017's Super Bowl LI.[41]", "Super Bowl LI The game set the record for the largest deficit overcome to win the Super Bowl (the previous record was ten points, set by the Washington Redskins in Super Bowl XXII and matched by the New Orleans Saints in Super Bowl XLIV and by the Patriots in Super Bowl XLIX);[150] it is the third-largest comeback win in NFL playoff history, behind The Comeback (32-point deficit; Buffalo Bills trailed 35–3 and won 41–38) and the wild card game between the Indianapolis Colts and the Kansas City Chiefs during the 2013–14 NFL playoffs (28-point deficit; Colts trailed 38–10 and won, 45–44). In addition to being the largest Super Bowl comeback, the game set the record for the largest fourth-quarter comeback in NFL playoff history, as no team had previously won a playoff game after trailing by 17 or more points entering the final quarter; the Patriots were trailing by 19 points at the start of the fourth quarter by a score of 28–9. The Patriots won their fifth franchise championship, all under the leadership of starting quarterback Tom Brady, the most by a single quarterback. Brady won his fourth Super Bowl MVP, the most such awards by a single player in history. This game represented the largest comeback in the history of the New England Patriots' regular season or post-season games,[151] and Tom Brady's NFL career.", "Super Bowl XLIV This was the first one-point lead after the third quarter in Super Bowl history and second closest game after three quarters, behind Super Bowl XXXIX which was tied between the New England Patriots and Philadelphia Eagles.", "Super Bowl XLII Patriots receiver Wes Welker tied the record for most catches in a Super Bowl, with 11. Welker was the fourth player to record 11 receptions in a Super Bowl, following Dan Ross of the Cincinnati Bengals in Super Bowl XVI, Jerry Rice of the San Francisco 49ers in Super Bowl XXIII, and Deion Branch of the Patriots in Super Bowl XXXIX.", "Super Bowl XXXVIII Both teams passed on the opportunity for their starters to be introduced individually before the game, a move perpetuated by the Patriots in Super Bowl XXXVI.", "Bills–Patriots rivalry In the 1990 season, the Bills reached the Super Bowl for the first time, playing against the New York Giants in Super Bowl XXV. Although obviously not a game in the rivalry, the 1990 Giants were coached by Bill Parcells (who had been linebackers coach with the Patriots in 1980) and defensive coordinator Bill Belichick; both would become head coach of the Patriots. The Giants won 20–19.", "Super Bowl XLII Super Bowl XLII was an American football game between the National Football Conference (NFC) champion New York Giants and the American Football Conference (AFC) champion New England Patriots to decide the National Football League (NFL) champion for the 2007 season. The Giants defeated the Patriots by the score of 17–14. The game was played on February 3, 2008, at University of Phoenix Stadium in Glendale, Arizona.", "Super Bowl XXXI This was the first Super Bowl played at the Superdome in which the home (and losing) team's point total was something other than 10. The Dallas Cowboys beat the Denver Broncos 27–10 in Super Bowl XII, the Oakland Raiders defeated the Philadelphia Eagles 27–10 in Super Bowl XV, the Chicago Bears beat the New England Patriots 46–10 in Super Bowl XX, and the San Francisco 49ers beat the Denver Broncos 55–10 in Super Bowl XXIV.", "Super Bowl XXVII Super Bowl XXVII was an American football game between the American Football Conference (AFC) champion Buffalo Bills and the National Football Conference (NFC) champion Dallas Cowboys to decide the National Football League (NFL) champion for the 1992 season. The Cowboys defeated the Bills by the score of 52–17, winning their third Super Bowl in team history, and their first one in fifteen years. This game is tied with Super Bowl XXXVII as the third-highest scoring Super Bowl ever with 69 combined points.[5] The Bills became the first team to lose three consecutive Super Bowls, and just the second team to play in three straight (the Miami Dolphins played in Super Bowls VI–VIII, winning VII and VIII). The game was played on January 31, 1993 at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena, California, the seventh and most recent Super Bowl (until 2022 when Los Angeles hosts again) that the Greater Los Angeles Area has hosted.", "History of the New England Patriots On February 5, 2017, the Patriots faced newly crowned NFL MVP Matt Ryan and the Atlanta Falcons in Super Bowl LI. A poor three quarters of play found the Patriots down 28-3, in what looked like an insurmountable lead for Atlanta. The Patriots stormed back in the greatest comeback in Super Bowl history, as Tom Brady went 43-for-62 with 466 yards, two touchdowns and one interception to lead the Patriots to tie the score 28-28 in the closing minutes of the game. In the first overtime in Super Bowl history, the Patriots won the coin toss and elected to receive the ball. Brady led the Patriots down the field, to the 1-yard line of the Falcons. Running back James White ran a toss into the end zone, giving the Patriots a 34-28 victory and their second league title in three seasons. Brady was named Super Bowl MVP for a record fourth time and surpassed Joe Montana and Terry Bradshaw with his fifth Super Bowl victory as a quarterback, the most all-time.", "Super Bowl In the 2007 season, the Patriots became the fourth team in NFL history to have a perfect unbeaten and untied regular season record, the second in the Super Bowl era after the 1972 Miami Dolphins, and the first to finish 16–0. They easily marched through the AFC playoffs and were heavy favorites in Super Bowl XLII. However, they lost that game to Eli Manning and the New York Giants 17–14, leaving the Patriots' 2007 record at 18–1.", "Super Bowl As of Super Bowl LII, 27 of 52 Super Bowls have been played in three cities: New Orleans (ten times), the Greater Miami area (ten times), and the Greater Los Angeles area (seven times). No market or region without an active NFL franchise has ever hosted a Super Bowl, and the presence of an NFL team in a market or region is now a de jure requirement for bidding on the game.[41][42] The winning market is not, however, required to host the Super Bowl in the same stadium that its NFL team uses, and nine Super Bowls have been held in a stadium other than the one the NFL team in that city was using at the time. For example, Los Angeles's last five Super Bowls were all played at the Rose Bowl, which has never been used by any NFL franchise outside of the Super Bowl.[citation needed]", "Super Bowl XXXI Coincidentally, the first Super Bowl appearance for the Patriots was also in the Superdome and against an NFC Central team. In Super Bowl XX, the Patriots lost to the Chicago Bears, whose rivalry with the Packers is said to be the NFL's oldest.", "Super Bowl XLVI In addition to winning their fourth Super Bowl in team history, the Giants set a new record for the lowest regular season record (9–7, win percentage of 56.3%) by a Super Bowl champion.[12] The Patriots entered the game with a 13–3 regular season record, and were also seeking their fourth Super Bowl win.[13] The game was also a rematch of Super Bowl XLII, in which New York also won, 17–14, to spoil New England's run at a perfect 2007 season in what is now considered to be one of the greatest upsets in sports history.", "Super Bowl The New England Patriots became the dominant team throughout the early 2000s, winning the championship three out of four years early in the decade. They would become only the second team in the history of the NFL to do so (after the 1990s Dallas Cowboys). In Super Bowl XXXVI, first-year starting quarterback Tom Brady led his team to a 20–17 upset victory over the St. Louis Rams. Brady would go on to win the MVP award for this game. The Patriots also won Super Bowls XXXVIII[18] and XXXIX defeating the Carolina Panthers and the Philadelphia Eagles respectively. This four-year stretch of Patriot dominance was interrupted by the Tampa Bay Buccaneers' 48–21 Super Bowl XXXVII victory over the Oakland Raiders.", "Super Bowl The NFL owners meet to make a selection on the site, usually three to five years prior to the event. In 2007, NFL commissioner Roger Goodell suggested that a Super Bowl might be played in London, perhaps at Wembley Stadium.[51] The game has never been played in a region that lacks an NFL franchise; seven Super Bowls have been played in Los Angeles, but none were held there in the 21-year period when the league had no team in the area.[citation needed] New Orleans, the site of the 2013 Super Bowl, invested more than $1 billion in infrastructure improvements in the years leading up to the game.[52]", "Super Bowl VI Through Super Bowl LI, this is the only Super Bowl in which both teams played their home games in states which were members of the Confederate States of America during the Civil War. The Washington Redskins, who faced the Dolphins in Super Bowl VII and Super Bowl XVII, have their training facilities in Virginia, which was a Confederate state during the Civil War, but have never played home games in the state, moving from Washington, D.C. proper to Maryland in 1997.", "Super Bowl LI This was the second Super Bowl to be held at NRG Stadium, the other being Super Bowl XXXVIII in 2004, which also featured the New England Patriots against that season's NFC South champion Carolina Panthers. It was also the third time the Super Bowl has been played in Houston, with Super Bowl VIII in 1974 having been held at Rice Stadium. With the Astros baseball team reaching the World Series eight months later, Houston would become just the fourth city to host both the Super Bowl and Fall Classic in the same calendar year, following San Diego (1998), Detroit (2006) and Arlington, Texas (2011); and the first among the four to win the Major League Baseball championship.", "Super Bowl XXXVIII The Panthers countered on their next possession. Foster started the drive with a 9-yard run and a 7-yard reception. After that, Delhomme completed a 19-yard pass to Muhammad, followed by a 31-yard completion to receiver Ricky Proehl. Then Proehl, who caught the fourth quarter game-tying touchdown pass against the Patriots in Super Bowl XXXVI two years earlier for the St. Louis Rams, finished the drive with a 12-yard touchdown reception. Kasay's ensuing extra point tied the game, 29–29, with 1:08 to play in regulation and it appeared that the game would be the first Super Bowl ever to go into overtime.", "Super Bowl XXXVI New Orleans had been preparing for Super Bowl XXXVI ever since the city was awarded the game on October 28, 1998 during the NFL's meetings in Kansas City, Missouri, beating out San Diego as host city.[7] However, the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks led the league to postpone its September 16 games and play them a week after the scheduled conclusion of the regular season. This caused the playoffs and Super Bowl to be delayed by one week. Rescheduling Super Bowl XXXVI from January 27 to February 3 proved extraordinarily difficult. In addition to rescheduling the game itself, all related events and activities had to be accommodated. This marked the first time in NFL history that the Super Bowl was played in the month of February; all subsequent Super Bowls (excluding Super Bowl XXXVII) after that have been played in February.", "Super Bowl XLIX Super Bowl XLIX was the first Super Bowl to be played in a retractable roof stadium with the roof open by league decision (previous Super Bowls played in such stadiums, including Super Bowl XLII, were played with the roof closed). The gametime temperature was 66 °F (19 °C), with clear conditions. It was the second time all season, along with the Pro Bowl, the stadium had its roof open during an NFL game or the College Football Playoff's Fiesta Bowl. It is the home stadium of the Arizona Cardinals, but all Cardinals home games in 2014 had it closed either because of warm temperatures or to provide home field advantage and hold in crowd noise.[39][40]", "Patriot Games (Family Guy) \"Patriot Games\" is the 20th episode of the fourth season of the animated television series Family Guy. It originally aired on Fox on January 29, 2006, around the time of Super Bowl XL, which fits the sports theme of the episode. In it, Peter goes to his high school reunion and meets Tom Brady. After Peter runs to the bathroom and tackles most of the people in his way, Brady hires him for the New England Patriots. Peter wins many games for the Patriots but is fired for showboating and is traded to a team in London called the Silly Nannies. Peter plays versus the Patriots and loses, and returns home. Meanwhile, Stewie becomes a bookie who attacks Brian until he pays off an outstanding debt.", "Super Bowl XXXI New England's defense then forced the Packers to punt from their own 17-yard line after a three-and-out, giving the Patriots the ball back after running back Dave Meggett received Craig Hentrich's 39-yard punt at the Patriots 43-yard line. After a 7-yard reception and a 2-yard run by Martin on their first two plays, Bledsoe completed a 44-yard pass to wide receiver Terry Glenn to advance to the Green Bay 4-yard line. From there, tight end Ben Coates' 4-yard touchdown reception gave New England a 14–10 lead. The Packers and Patriots combined for a total of 24 points, the most ever scored in the 1st quarter of a Super Bowl. The Patriots became the first team in Super Bowl history to score 14 points in the first quarter and lose the game.", "Tecmo Super Bowl Tecmo Super Bowl: Super NES and Genesis versions of Tecmo Super Bowl were released in 1993, which fixed many bugs and added some new features. New features include: improved game graphics and sound; official NFL team logos in the end zones; user-controlled touchbacks; the ability to control a player to attempt a punt block; the in-game option to change plays in a team's playbook during games; a running back \"dive play\" option; a designated return team that includes defensive backs; statistical achievements during games; three weather conditions (sunny, rain and snow), which can occur randomly in Season mode. Accelerated fifteen-minute and ten-minute quarters can only be used for Exhibition and Pro Bowl games. The game also provided the ability to play three consecutive seasons (1991–1993).", "Super Bowl XXIII Sources: NFL.com Super Bowl XXIII, Super Bowl XXIII Play Finder SF, Super Bowl XXIII Play Finder Cin, Super Bowl XXIII Play by Play, The Football Database Super Bowl XXIII", "List of New England Patriots seasons The modern NFL championship game, the Super Bowl, was founded in the 1966 season; the first four were contested between the champions of the AFL and the NFL.[3] After the merger, the Super Bowl became the united league's championship. The Patriots made the 1963 AFL Championship Game, but struggled severely in the early years of the united league, not making the postseason until 1976. After a few good seasons including a Super Bowl appearance against a champion Bears outfit, the Patriots reached a nadir between 1989 and 1993 when they won only 19 of 80 games.", "Super Bowl XV Sources: NFL.com Super Bowl XV, Super Bowl XV Play Finder Oak, Super Bowl XV Play Finder Phi, Super Bowl XV Play by Play", "Super Bowl XLVIII Super Bowl XLVIII was an American football game between the American Football Conference (AFC) champion Denver Broncos and National Football Conference (NFC) champion Seattle Seahawks to decide the National Football League (NFL) champion for the 2013 season. The Seahawks defeated the Broncos 43–8, the largest margin of victory for an underdog and tied for the third largest point differential overall (35) in Super Bowl history with Super Bowl XXVII (1993).[10][11] It was the first time the winning team scored over 40 points, while holding their opponent to under 10. This became the first Super Bowl victory for the Seahawks and the fifth Super Bowl loss for the Broncos, the most of any team. The game was played on February 2, 2014, at MetLife Stadium at the Meadowlands Sports Complex in East Rutherford, New Jersey,[12] the first Super Bowl played outdoors in a cold-weather city and the first Super Bowl to be played on February 2.[13]", "Tecmo Super Bowl The sequel, Tecmo Super Bowl, acquired an NFL license, making it the first NES game to feature real NFL teams and players. Unlike the original Tecmo Bowl for the NES, which consisted of twelve teams, a truncated roster and limited play selection, Tecmo Super Bowl featured the complete league of (then) 28 teams,[4][5] expanded rosters, expanded playbooks, statistics tracking (including NFL records) and many other improvements. Subsequent games in the series would build on this foundation.", "Super Bowl VI Super Bowl VI was an American football game between the National Football Conference (NFC) champion Dallas Cowboys and the American Football Conference (AFC) champion Miami Dolphins to decide the National Football League (NFL) champion for the 1971 season. The Cowboys defeated the Dolphins by the score of 24–3, to win their first Super Bowl. The game was played on January 16, 1972, at Tulane Stadium in New Orleans, Louisiana, the second time the Super Bowl was played in that city. Despite the southerly location, it was unseasonably cold at the time, with the kickoff air temperature of 39 °F (4 °C) making this the coldest Super Bowl ever played.[5]", "Super Bowl XXIX Sources: NFL.com Super Bowl XXIX, Super Bowl XXIX Play Finder SF, Super Bowl XXIX Play Finder SD, USA Today Super Bowl XXIX Play by Play", "Super Bowl XXXVIII However, Kasay kicked the ensuing kickoff out of bounds, giving New England the ball on their own 40-yard line. Brady led the Patriots offense down the field with a 13-yard pass to Brown on second down. An offensive pass interference penalty on Brown pushed New England back to their own 43-yard line, but another 13-yard reception to Brown and a 4-yard pass to Graham brought up a critical 3rd down and 3 from the Carolina 40-yard line. The Panthers defense could not prevent the Patriots from gaining the first down, as Brady completed a 17-yard pass to Branch. On the next play, Vinatieri kicked a 41-yard field goal to give New England the lead, 32–29, with four seconds left in the game. Carolina failed on their last chance, as Rod Smart went nowhere on the ensuing kickoff, and the Patriots had won their second Super Bowl in three years. This was the fourth Super Bowl to be decided on a field goal in the final seconds (Super Bowl V was won on a last second kick by the Baltimore Colts' Jim O'Brien to defeat the Dallas Cowboys, Super Bowl XXV had the Buffalo Bills' Scott Norwood miss his field goal chance against the New York Giants, and in Super Bowl XXXVI Vinatieri made his to defeat the St. Louis Rams).", "Super Bowl Super Bowl XXXII saw quarterback John Elway and running back Terrell Davis lead the Denver Broncos to an upset victory over the defending champion Packers, snapping the NFC's 13-year winning streak. The following year, the Broncos defeated the Atlanta Falcons in Super Bowl XXXIII, Elway's fifth Super Bowl appearance, his second NFL championship, and his final NFL game. The back-to-back victories heralded a change in momentum in which AFC teams would win nine out of 12 Super Bowls. In the years between 1995 and 2016, five teams – the Steelers, New England Patriots, Broncos, Baltimore Ravens, and Indianapolis Colts – accounted for 20 of the 22 AFC Super Bowl appearances (including the last 14), with those same teams often meeting each other earlier in the playoffs. In contrast, the NFC saw a different representative in the Super Bowl every season from 2001 through 2010.", "2017 Philadelphia Eagles season The Eagles defeated the New England Patriots by a score of 41–33 in Super Bowl LII for their first Super Bowl victory in franchise history, the win that came with a trick play before halftime. It was also their fourth NFL Championship, and their first league title since 1960. This was the second time the Eagles and Patriots battled in a Super Bowl: when they met in Super Bowl XXXIX, the Patriots won 24–21.", "Super Bowl XLVII The game marked the first Super Bowl in which both of the teams had appeared in, but had not yet lost a previous Super Bowl; the 49ers came into the game having won all five of their previous Super Bowl appearances, while the Ravens had won in their lone previous Super Bowl appearance in Super Bowl XXXV against the New York Giants. Currently, this phenomenon can only be repeated if either the Ravens or the New York Jets play against either the Tampa Bay Buccaneers or the New Orleans Saints in a subsequent Super Bowl. Baltimore's victory made them the only current NFL franchise to have appeared in at least two Super Bowls without ever losing any of their appearances.", "Pro Bowl Unlike most major sports leagues, which hold their all-star games roughly midway through their regular seasons, the Pro Bowl is played around the end of the NFL season. Between 1970 and 2009, it was usually held the weekend after the Super Bowl. Since 2010, the Pro Bowl has been played the weekend before the Super Bowl. Players from the two teams competing in the Super Bowl do not participate.", "Super Bowl XXXIV Super Bowl XXXIV was an American football game between the National Football Conference (NFC) champion St. Louis Rams (now the Los Angeles Rams) and the American Football Conference (AFC) champion Tennessee Titans to decide the National Football League (NFL) champion for the 1999 season. The Rams defeated the Titans by the score of 23–16, capturing their first Super Bowl win and first NFL championship since 1951.[5] The game, played on January 30, 2000 at the Georgia Dome in Atlanta, was the fourth Super Bowl to be held a week after the conference championship games (the previous time this happened was Super Bowl XXVIII, and coincidentally that game was also played on January 30 at the Georgia Dome in Atlanta).[6]", "Super Bowl XLVI This was the 5th set of teams to have a rematch in Super Bowl history and overall the 6th rematch. The others were the Miami Dolphins and Washington Redskins, who met in Super Bowl VII and Super Bowl XVII; the Dallas Cowboys and Pittsburgh Steelers, who met in Super Bowl X, Super Bowl XIII, and Super Bowl XXX and are the only teams to meet in the Super Bowl more than twice; the San Francisco 49ers and Cincinnati Bengals, who met in Super Bowl XVI and Super Bowl XXIII; and the Cowboys and Buffalo Bills, who met in Super Bowl XXVII and Super Bowl XXVIII and are the only teams to face each other in two consecutive Super Bowls; and later the Patriots and the Philadelphia Eagles becoming the 6th set of teams to have a rematch in Super Bowl history and 7th overall, meeting in Super Bowl LII after previously meeting in Super Bowl XXXIX.", "Super Bowl XXXI The game began with the teams combining for a total of 24 first-quarter points, the most in Super Bowl history. The Packers then scored 17 unanswered points in the second quarter, including Favre's then-Super Bowl record 81-yard touchdown pass to wide receiver Antonio Freeman. In the third quarter, the Patriots cut the lead to 27–21 off of running back Curtis Martin's 18-yard rushing touchdown. But on the ensuing kickoff, Desmond Howard returned the ball a then-Super Bowl record 99 yards for a touchdown. The score proved to be the last one, as both teams' defenses took over the rest of the game. Howard became the first special teams player ever to be named Super Bowl MVP. He gained a total of 154 kickoff return yards, and also recorded a then-Super Bowl record 90 punt return yards, thus tying the then-Super Bowl records of total return yards (244) and combined net yards gained (244).", "Super Bowl I Sources: NFL.com Super Bowl I, Super Bowl Play Finder GB, Super Bowl Play Finder KC", "NFL Kickoff Game Defending Super Bowl champions are 11–2 in the Kickoff Game. The New York Giants and New England Patriots are the only two defending Super Bowl champions to have lost. The Giants are also the only home team to have lost in the Kickoff Game twice—once in the very first edition of the contest, when the defending Super Bowl winner was not yet a regular participant, and again in 2012.", "Super Bowl XXXIX The game was close throughout, with the teams battling to a 14–14 tie by the end of the third quarter. The Patriots then scored 10 points in the 4th quarter with Corey Dillon's 2-yard touchdown run and Adam Vinatieri's 22-yard field goal. The Eagles then cut their deficit to 24–21, with quarterback Donovan McNabb's 30-yard touchdown pass to receiver Greg Lewis, with 1:48 remaining in the game but could not sustain the comeback. Overall, New England forced four turnovers, while Patriots wide receiver Deion Branch was named Super Bowl MVP for recording 133 receiving yards and tied the Super Bowl record with 11 catches.[7]", "Super Bowl XXVI Sources: NFL.com Super Bowl XXVI, Super Bowl XXVI Play Finder Was, Super Bowl XXVI Play Finder Buf", "Super Bowl XXXVIII The Panthers were making their first ever Super Bowl appearance after posting an 11–5 regular season record. They also made it the second straight year that a team from the NFC South division made the Super Bowl, with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers winning Super Bowl XXXVII. The Patriots were seeking their second Super Bowl title in three years after posting a 14–2 record.", "Super Bowl XX This was the fourth Super Bowl where both teams were making their Super Bowl debuts. The Bears entered the game after becoming the second team in NFL history to win 15 regular season games. With their then-revolutionary 46 defense, Chicago led the league in several defensive categories, outscored their opponents with a staggering margin of 456–198, and recorded two postseason shutouts. The Patriots were considered a Cinderella team during the 1985 season, and posted an 11–5 regular season record, but entered the playoffs as a wild card because of tiebreakers. But defying the odds, New England posted three road playoff wins to advance to Super Bowl XX.", "Super Bowl XLI Indianapolis started out the season winning their first nine games, but ended up losing four of their next seven and finished with a 12–4 record, giving them the #3 playoff seed. Thus, having to play in a wild card playoff game. In the playoffs, they defeated the Kansas City Chiefs 23-8, defeated the Baltimore Ravens 15-6 in the divisional round, and advanced to Super Bowl XLI with a 38-34 win over the New England Patriots in the AFC Championship game.", "Super Bowl XXXVI Sources: NFL.com Super Bowl XXXVI, Super Bowl XXXVI Play Finder NE, Super Bowl XXXVI Play Finder StL", "Super Bowl XVI Sources: NFL.com Super Bowl XVI, Super Bowl XVI Play Finder SF, Super Bowl XVI Play Finder Cin", "Super Bowl XLII Sources: NFL.com Super Bowl XLII, Super Bowl XLII Play Finder NYG, Super Bowl XLII Play Finder NE", "Super Bowl XIX Sources: NFL.com Super Bowl XIX, Super Bowl XIX Play Finder SF, Super Bowl XIX Play Finder Mia", "Super Bowl XLII The Patriots and Giants had played against each other in the last week of the regular season. Technically, the game had little significance, since both teams had already clinched their respective spots in the playoffs. But due to the Patriots' quest for an undefeated season, this game was one of the most heavily watched games in league history. NFL Network was originally scheduled to air the game as part of their Saturday Night Football coverage, with WCVB and WWOR carrying the game locally in Boston and New York. Shortly before the game was scheduled to air, CBS and NBC bought broadcast rights to the game and NFL Network's broadcast was carried by both networks, marking the first time in NFL history that an NFL game was carried on three broadcast networks at the same time. The game was also the first NFL game to be simulcast on a national level since Super Bowl I. As they were favored to do, the Patriots won the game to finish the regular season undefeated. Still, the game was close and competitive, with both teams playing their starters for all 60 minutes. New England won, 38–35, by overcoming a 12-point deficit in the third quarter, the largest deficit the Patriots had faced all season. \"There is nothing but positives\", Giants coach Tom Coughlin said after the game. \"I told the players in playing this game everything would be positives, there would be no negatives and that is how I feel. I don't know any better way to be prepared for the playoffs than to go against a team that was 15–0.\"[27]", "Super Bowl XXXIX On the opening drive of the second half, Patriots wide receiver Deion Branch caught 4 passes for 71 yards on a drive that ended with Brady's 2-yard touchdown pass to Vrabel, who lined up at the tight end spot on the play. The Eagles later tied the game with 3:39 left in the third period with a 74-yard, 10-play drive that was capped by McNabb's 10-yard touchdown pass to running back Brian Westbrook. For the first time in Super Bowl history, the game was tied going into the fourth quarter.", "Super Bowl commercials Neither Nielsen or Numeris (Canada's main television ratings provider) calculate Canadian viewership of U.S. television channels, so it is unknown exactly how many Canadian viewers watched the game directly from Fox stations rather than CTV.[119] Following the game, it was reported that viewership of Super Bowl LI on CTV, in addition to CTV Two and TSN (which simulcast the game in order to increase the saturation of Bell-owned properties carrying it, and offered an on-air sweepstakes as a publicity stunt to attract viewers), was down by 39% over Super Bowl 50.[198][199][199][200]", "Super Bowl XLVII Finally, Baltimore advanced to the Super Bowl by overcoming a 13-7 halftime deficit and then beating the second-seeded New England Patriots in the AFC Championship Game 28–13, vindicating the Ravens' loss against New England in the 2011 AFC Championship game, forcing three turnovers total, intercepting two of Tom Brady's passes, and keeping the Patriots scoreless in the second half. By winning the game, the Ravens handed Brady his first AFC Championship Game loss at home.", "Super Bowl XXXV The Baltimore Ravens would later win Super Bowl XLVII in 2013 against the San Francisco 49ers (which was also aired on CBS). Ray Lewis was a member of both Ravens' Super Bowl wins. In between the Ravens' victories, the Indianapolis Colts, the Pittsburgh Steelers, and the Patriots would have a Super Bowl appearance more than once, with New England and Pittsburgh winning more than once. The only other AFC team to make the Super Bowl in that stretch were the Oakland Raiders, in Super Bowl XXXVII.", "Super Bowl 50 In honor of the 50th Super Bowl, the pregame ceremony featured the on-field introduction of 39 of the 43 previous Super Bowl Most Valuable Players. Bart Starr (MVP of Super Bowls I and II) and Chuck Howley (MVP of Super Bowl V) appeared via video.[119] The late Harvey Martin, co-MVP of Super Bowl XII who died in 2001, was acknowledged when the other co-MVP of Super Bowl XII, Randy White, was introduced. Peyton Manning (MVP of Super Bowl XLI and the Broncos' starting quarterback for the game) was shown in the locker room preparing for the game. This ceremony continued a ten-year tradition (starting with Super Bowl XX and then repeated in Super Bowl XXX and Super Bowl XL) in which past Super Bowl MVPs were honored before the game.", "Super Bowl XLV Fox Sports televised the game in the United States, with Joe Buck as the play-by-play announcer and Troy Aikman, himself a three-time Super Bowl winner as a Dallas Cowboys quarterback, as the color analyst. Mike Pereira joined Buck and Aikman in the broadcast booth to comment on instant replay reviews,[33] while Pam Oliver and Chris Myers served as sideline reporters. The pre-game show featured the Fox NFL Sunday crew of host Curt Menefee and a group of analysts with extensive Super Bowl experiences of their own: Terry Bradshaw (4 time Super Bowl winning QB with the Pittsburgh Steelers), Howie Long (one-time Super Bowl winning defensive end with the then-Los Angeles Raiders), Michael Strahan (one-time Super Bowl winning defensive end with the NY Giants) and Jimmy Johnson (two-time Super Bowl winning head coach with the Cowboys). They were joined by a variety of other commentators.[34]", "Super Bowl XV This game marked the first Super Bowl where both teams used the 3–4 defensive formation as their base defense. The Raiders were the first team to use the 3–4 in the Super Bowl in Super Bowl XI against the Minnesota Vikings, although the Miami Dolphins used a version of the 3–4 (\"53 defense\") in Super Bowl VI, Super Bowl VII and Super Bowl VIII. The 3–4 would be used by at least one team in every Super Bowl between Super Bowl XV and game XXVIII.", "Super Bowl XXXI Starting with this game, through Super Bowl XXXVII, the Super Bowl logo was painted at the 50-yard line, and the teams' helmets were placed on the 30-yard lines. In the past Super Bowl games since Super Bowl VI, the NFL logo was painted on the 50-yard line, except for Super Bowls XXV and XXIX. The Super Bowl XXV logo was painted at midfield, and the NFL 75th Anniversary logo was painted at midfield in Super Bowl XXIX. The league started to put the NFL logo at midfield again for Super Bowl XXXVIII.", "Super Bowl XLIV Barenaked Ladies played the Super Bowl Saturday Night event with O.A.R. and Robert Randolph and the Family Band. Chris Daughtry, Steve Winwood and Queen Latifah performed during the Super Bowl pre-game tailgate party, which started at 2 p.m.", "Super Bowl Note: Years listed are the year the game was actually played (will be playedˇ[›]) rather than what NFL season it is considered to have been.\n^ *: The extended current TV contracts with the networks expire after the 2022 season (or Super Bowl LVII in early 2023) and the Super Bowl is currently rotated annually between CBS, Fox, and NBC in that order.\n^ **: ABC is not currently in the rotation for Super Bowl broadcasts.\n^ ***: The first Super Bowl was simultaneously broadcast by CBS and NBC, with each network using the same video feed, but providing its own commentary.\nSuper Bowls I–VI were blacked out in the television markets of the host cities, due to league restrictions then in place.[30]", "List of Super Bowl champions Before the 1970 merger between the American Football League (AFL) and the National Football League (NFL), the two leagues met in four such contests. The first two were known as the \"AFL–NFL World Championship Game\". Super Bowl III in January 1969 was the first such game that carried the \"Super Bowl\" moniker, the names \"Super Bowl I\" and \"Super Bowl II\" were only retroactively applied to the first two games.[3] The NFC/NFL leads in Super Bowl wins with 26, while the AFC/AFL has won 25. Nineteen different franchises, including teams that relocated to another city, have won the Super Bowl.[4]", "Super Bowl XLIX Super Bowl XLIX was the first Super Bowl matchup, and the first postseason matchup, between the Patriots and Seahawks; while Seattle was part of the AFC before moving to the NFC in the NFL's 2002 realignment, the teams had never met beyond the regular season.", "Super Bowl ring The New England Patriots Super Bowl LI ring has 283 diamonds, to commemorate their comeback from being down 28-3 versus the Atlanta Falcons late in the 3rd quarter.[7]", "Tom Brady In the 2011 season, Brady led the Patriots to their first AFC Championship since 2007 and appeared in the Super Bowl for a fifth time; but the Patriots would lose again to the Giants.[86] Following AFC Championship Game losses in the following seasons (2012 and 2013), Brady and the Patriots made their sixth trip to the Super Bowl after the 2014 season (Brady's 15th as a professional). There, he led the Patriots to a fourth-quarter comeback[87] over the defending champion Seattle Seahawks. He would lift his fourth Super Bowl trophy (the Patriots' first in ten seasons) and was named Super Bowl MVP for the third time.[88]", "Super Bowl XLI This was the first Super Bowl aired on CBS since the Janet Jackson and Justin Timberlake incident three years earlier, in Super Bowl XXXVIII; and the first since the Viacom/CBS split at the end of 2005. Extensive pre-game coverage, hosted by The NFL Today team of James Brown, Shannon Sharpe, Boomer Esiason and Dan Marino, whose name graces the address of the game site (2269 Dan Marino Boulevard), began at noon (US EST) with NFL Films' \"Road to the Super Bowl\" year in review (narrated by Tom Selleck). This was followed by \"The Phil Simms All-Iron Team\", and a four-and-a-half-hour Super Bowl Today pre-game show followed by game coverage at 6:25 PM.[24] Other contributors to the pre-game show included Katie Couric, anchor of the CBS Evening News, Armen Keteyian, CBS News Chief Investigative Corrrespondent, Randy Cross, who reported from Iraq where U.S. military forces played a touch football game known as \"The Baghdad Bowl\" and Dick Enberg, who participated in his 12th Super Bowl telecast as a host, play-by-play announcer, or contributor. Westwood One provided radio coverage of the event, with Marv Albert and Boomer Esiason as announcers.[25]", "History of the New England Patriots Prior to the Patriots' matchup with the Philadelphia Eagles in Super Bowl XXXIX, Eagles wide receiver Freddie Mitchell said he did not know the names of the Patriots' defensive backs, which was taken as a sign of disrespect by the Patriots' \"replacement\" secondary.[42] The Patriots would go on to defeat the Eagles 24–21 in their second straight Super Bowl victory and third championship in four seasons, leading to some labeling the Patriots of the era a dynasty. To date, the 2003–2004 New England Patriots are the most recent team to win back-to-back Super Bowls.[43]", "Super Bowl XXXIX The Patriots, who entered the Super Bowl after compiling a 14–2 regular season record, became the first team since the 1997–1998 Denver Broncos to win consecutive Super Bowls.[5] New England also became the second team after the Dallas Cowboys[6] to win three Super Bowls in four years. The Eagles were making their second Super Bowl appearance after posting a 13–3 regular season record.", "Super Bowl LI The Patriots' victory was their fifth, moving them into a three-way tie with the Dallas Cowboys and the San Francisco 49ers for second place on the all-time Super Bowl wins list, trailing only the Pittsburgh Steelers who have six victories. New England, after finishing the regular season with a league-best 14–2 record, advanced to their record-setting ninth Super Bowl appearance, their second in three years, and their seventh under the leadership of head coach Bill Belichick and quarterback Tom Brady. The Falcons entered the game after completing an 11–5 regular season record, and were trying to win their first Super Bowl title, having lost their only previous appearance in Super Bowl XXXIII.", "Super Bowl LII Under a 1998 agreement, the Patriots and Eagles owners split the tickets, and the league controlled the game presentation and entertainment in the stadium. The Patriots practiced at the Minnesota Vikings facilities in Eden Prairie while the Eagles used the University of Minnesota. The Eagles got the Vikings' locker room and sideline. The Vikings had advanced to the NFC Championship Game before losing to the Eagles; until that point, the possibility of the Vikings advancing to the Super Bowl and thus becoming the first team to play the game in its home stadium was plausible. Had that happened, the Vikings would have used their own locker rooms and training facilities, while the AFC champion would have used the University of Minnesota.[52]", "Super Bowl XVII This Super Bowl came at the end of a season that was significantly shortened by a players' strike. Teams ended up only playing nine regular season games, and the league conducted a special 16-team, four-round playoff tournament where divisions were ignored in the seeding. The Redskins had an NFC-best 8–1 regular season record, while the Dolphins finished at 7–2. Both teams advanced through the first three postseason rounds to Super Bowl XVII. The game then became a rematch of Super Bowl VII, also played in the Los Angeles area at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum ten years before, where the Dolphins completed their 17–0 perfect season at the Redskins' expense by a score of 14–7. This was also the second Super Bowl to rematch teams, the first being Super Bowl XIII.", "Super Bowl XXXV Super Bowl XXXV was an American football game between the American Football Conference (AFC) champion Baltimore Ravens and the National Football Conference (NFC) champion New York Giants to decide the National Football League (NFL) champion for the 2000 season. The Ravens defeated the Giants by the score of 34–7, tied for the seventh largest Super Bowl margin of victory with Super Bowl XXXVII.[5] The game was played on January 28, 2001 at Raymond James Stadium in Tampa, Florida.", "Super Bowl XVII Super Bowl XVII was an American football game between the American Football Conference (AFC) champion Miami Dolphins and the National Football Conference (NFC) champion Washington Redskins to decide the National Football League (NFL) champion for the 1982 season. The Redskins defeated the Dolphins by the score of 27–17 to win their first Super Bowl championship. The game was played on January 30, 1983 at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena, California.", "Super Bowl XXIII NFL owners voted to award Super Bowl XXIII to Miami, Florida on March 14, 1985 during their March 10–15, 1985 meetings held in Phoenix. This was the sixth time that Miami hosted the game, and the first at Joe Robbie Stadium; the 5 previous Super Bowls in the area were played at the Miami Orange Bowl.", "Tecmo Super Bowl Tecmo Bowl Throwback: This downloadable version of Tecmo Bowl was issued on the Xbox Live Arcade and PlayStation Network in 2010. The game features an updated graphics engine and new features, including online play, but also has the option of playing the game in 16-bit Super NES-style graphics. Again, the game featured generic players and teams but retained the editor to allow for modifications. A default Los Angeles team again replaced one of the New York teams.", "Super Bowl XX But the Patriots, under head coach Raymond Berry, defied the odds, beating the New York Jets 26–14, Los Angeles Raiders 27–20, and the Dolphins 31–14 – all on the road – to make it to the Super Bowl. The win against Miami had been especially surprising, not only because Miami was the only team to beat Chicago in the season, but also because New England had not won in the Orange Bowl (Miami's then-home field) since 1966, the Dolphins' first season (then in the AFL). The Patriots had lost to Miami there 18 consecutive times, including a 30–27 loss in their 15th game of the season. But New England dominated the Dolphins in the AFC Championship Game, recording two interceptions from quarterback Dan Marino and recovering 4 fumbles. New England remains the only team to finish third in their division and qualify for the Super Bowl in the same season.", "Super Bowl XXXIX The Eagles and the Patriots met again in Super Bowl LII, following the 2017 season, with the Eagles taking their revenge 41–33.", "Super Bowl XXXVI The Patriots' win in this Super Bowl, beyond just serving as a springboard to four more championships, also became the starting point for a decade of success in Boston sports, with the city's teams winning seven championships in the four major North American sports leagues (the NFL, the NBA, the NHL and MLB), including at least one in each league. Over the next fifteen years, in addition to the Patriots' four additional Super Bowls:", "Seattle The Seahawks' CenturyLink Field has hosted NFL playoff games in 2006, 2008, 2011, 2014, 2015, and 2017. The Seahawks have advanced to the Super Bowl three times: 2005, 2013 and 2014. They defeated the Denver Broncos 43–8 to win their first Super Bowl championship in Super Bowl XLVIII, but lost 24–28 against the New England Patriots in Super Bowl XLIX. The Seahawks also held the NFL playoffs at the Kingdome in 1983, 1984 and 2000. The 2000 playoff game was the last game of football of any type and of any sport at The Kingdome.", "Super Bowl XXXVI This game marked the Rams' third Super Bowl appearance in franchise history and the second in three seasons. St. Louis posted an NFL-best 14–2 regular season record, led by quarterback Kurt Warner and \"The Greatest Show on Turf\" offense. The Patriots clinched their third Super Bowl berth after posting an 11–5 regular season record, led by second-year quarterback Tom Brady and a defense that ended the regular season ranked sixth in scoring.", "Super Bowl XXXVI As was customary at the time, the Rams' individual offensive starters were introduced first, as the Rams were considered the visitors. However, when it came time to introduce the Patriots' starters, Pat Summerall, making the public address announcement, revealed that the Patriots chose \"to be introduced as a team.\" According to David Halberstam's book, The Education of a Coach, Belichick was given a choice by the NFL to introduce either the offense or defense. Belichick chose neither, asking that the team be introduced all at once in the spirit of unity. Although this was initially rejected by the NFL, Belichick held his ground and the NFL honored his request. The full team introduction demonstrated solidarity, and struck a chord with the audience in the wake of the 9/11 attacks. Beginning with the next Super Bowl game, both Super Bowl participants are introduced collectively as a team, a precedent which has continued.", "List of Super Bowl champions The Pittsburgh Steelers (6–2) have won the most Super Bowls with six championships, while the New England Patriots (5-4), the Dallas Cowboys (5–3), and the San Francisco 49ers (5–1) have five wins. New England has the most Super Bowl appearances with nine, while the Buffalo Bills (0–4) have the most consecutive appearances with four losses in a row from 1990 to 1993. The Miami Dolphins are the only other team to have at least three consecutive appearances: 1972–74. The Denver Broncos (3–5) have lost a record five Super Bowls. The New England Patriots (5–4), the Minnesota Vikings (0–4), and the Bills have lost four. The record for consecutive wins is two and is shared by seven franchises: the 1966–67 Green Bay Packers, the 1972–73 Miami Dolphins, the 1974–75 and 1978–79 Pittsburgh Steelers (the only team to accomplish this feat twice), the 1988–89 San Francisco 49ers, the 1992–93 Dallas Cowboys, the 1997–98 Denver Broncos, and the 2003–04 New England Patriots. Among those, Dallas (1992–93; 1995) and New England (2001; 2003–04) are the only teams to win three out of four consecutive Super Bowls. The 1972 Dolphins capped off the only perfect season in NFL history with their victory in Super Bowl VII. The only team with multiple Super Bowl appearances and no losses is the Baltimore Ravens, who in winning Super Bowl XLVII defeated and replaced the 49ers in that position. Four current NFL teams have never appeared in a Super Bowl, including franchise relocations and renaming: the Cleveland Browns, Detroit Lions, Jacksonville Jaguars, and Houston Texans, though both the Browns (1964) and Lions (1957) had won NFL championship games prior to the creation of the Super Bowl.", "List of Super Bowl records This is a list of Super Bowl records, which includes performances of the highest and lowest caliber throughout the history of the Super Bowl. The list of records is separated by individual players and teams. Players and teams, along with their records, are noted with the Super Bowl game played. All records can be referenced at the National Football League (NFL)'s official website, NFL.com.[1][2]", "Super Bowl Early Super Bowls featured a halftime show consisting of marching bands from local colleges or high schools; but as the popularity of the game increased, a trend where popular singers and musicians performed during its pre-game ceremonies and the halftime show, or simply sang the national anthem of the United States, emerged.[33] Unlike regular season or playoff games, thirty minutes are allocated for the Super Bowl halftime. After a special live episode of the Fox sketch comedy series In Living Color caused a drop in viewership for the Super Bowl XXVI halftime show, the NFL sought to increase the Super Bowl's audience by hiring A-list talent to perform. They approached Michael Jackson, whose performance the following year drew higher figures than the game itself.[34][35] Another notable performance came during Super Bowl XXXVI in 2002, when U2 performed; during their third song, \"Where the Streets Have No Name\", the band played under a large projection screen which scrolled through names of the victims of the September 11 attacks.", "Super Bowl XLII The Giants had a defensive line that was led by defensive ends Osi Umenyiora (the lone Pro Bowl representative on the team, the fewest a Super Bowl team has ever had), Michael Strahan, and Justin Tuck. Umenyiora led the defense with 13 sacks and five forced fumbles. Strahan, another veteran from the Giants' last Super Bowl appearance in 2000, had nine sacks, giving him a career total of 141.5 and breaking the franchise record held by Lawrence Taylor. Tuck recorded ten sacks and 48 solo tackles. In the secondary, cornerback Sam Madison and safety Gibril Wilson led the team with four interceptions each. Cornerback R. W. McQuarters had no interceptions during the season, but played effectively in the playoffs, with interceptions in each of the Giants first three postseason games. Punter Jeff Feagles played in his first Super Bowl after 20 years in the NFL. This was also the last game for Giants athletic trainer John Johnson who had been with the team for 60 years. Strahan and Toomer were the only Giants remaining from the franchise's last Super Bowl appearance in Super Bowl XXXV.", "History of the New England Patriots In the Super Bowl, the Patriots faced the heavily favored St. Louis Rams, led by league MVP Kurt Warner and known as \"The Greatest Show on Turf\", who had beaten the Patriots in the regular season in Foxboro. The Patriots were introduced second, and rather than coming out player-by-player, which was customary at the time, they were introduced collectively as a team. The team introduction was met with great praise and admiration, and has since been used by each team at the Super Bowl. In contrast to the regular season game, Bill Belichick devised a defensive game plan that used the blitz very sparingly, but called for chipping the Rams receivers and running back Marshall Faulk as they went into their patterns, a game plan very similar to the one he employed against the Buffalo Bills in Super Bowl XXV. This disrupted the Rams' precise passing routes and the entire rhythm of the offense and caused the usually cool-under-pressure Warner to look shaky in the pocket, being sacked several times. The Patriots forced three turnovers, all of which led to scores (including an interception returned by Ty Law for a touchdown in the 2nd quarter).", "Kordell Stewart The Steelers easily defeated the then-defending Super Bowl champion Baltimore Ravens in the divisional playoffs. The eventual Super Bowl champion New England Patriots defeated the Steelers in the AFC Championship Game.", "Adam Vinatieri In the 2001 playoffs, during a blizzard against the Oakland Raiders in the final game at Foxboro Stadium, Vinatieri kicked a 45-yard field goal into a swirling winter wind to tie the game 13–13 and send it into overtime. The Patriots won the game on another field goal of 23 yards by Vinatieri.[14] In Super Bowl XXXVI that season, Vinatieri kicked a 48-yard field goal on the final play to give the New England Patriots their first Super Bowl victory, a 20–17 upset win over the St. Louis Rams, who were 14-point favorites coming into the game.[15] Two years later in the 2003 season, in an almost identical situation, he kicked a 41-yard field goal with four seconds left in Super Bowl XXXVIII to boost the Patriots to another championship (after missing one field goal and having another attempt blocked in the first half). This time, the Patriots defeated the Carolina Panthers 32–29, making Vinatieri the first player ever to be the deciding factor in two Super Bowl games (Vinatieri kept the balls used on both of these kicks).[16][citation needed]", "Pro Bowl The first 21 games of the series (1951–1972) were played in Los Angeles. The site of the game was changed annually for each of the next seven years before the game was moved to Aloha Stadium in Halawa, Hawaii for 30 straight seasons from 1980 through 2009. The 2010 Pro Bowl was played at Sun Life Stadium, the home stadium of the Miami Dolphins and host site of Super Bowl XLIV, on January 31, the first time ever that the Pro Bowl was held before the championship game (a decision probably due to increasingly low Nielsen ratings from being regarded as an anti-climax to the Super Bowl). With the new rule being that the conference teams do not include players from the teams that will be playing in the Super Bowl, the Pro Bowl then returned to Hawaii in 2011 but was again held during the week before the Super Bowl, where it remained for three more years." ]
when was the first underwater cable laid beneath the english channel
[ "Transatlantic telegraph cable William Cooke and Charles Wheatstone introduced their working telegraph in 1839. As early as 1840 Samuel F. B. Morse proclaimed his faith in the idea of a submarine line across the Atlantic Ocean. By 1850 a cable was run between England and France. That same year Bishop John T. Mullock, head of the Roman Catholic Church in Newfoundland, proposed a telegraph line through the forest from St. John's to Cape Ray, and cables across the Gulf of St. Lawrence from Cape Ray to Nova Scotia across the Cabot Strait." ]
[ "Transatlantic communications cable TAT-1 (Transatlantic No. 1) was the first transatlantic telephone cable system. It was laid between Gallanach Bay, near Oban, Scotland and Clarenville, Newfoundland between 1955 and 1956 by the cable ship Monarch.[3] It was inaugurated on September 25, 1956, initially carrying 36 telephone channels. In the first 24 hours of public service there were 588 London–U.S. calls and 119 from London to Canada. The capacity of the cable was soon increased to 48 channels. Later, an additional three channels were added by use of C Carrier equipment. Time-assignment speech interpolation (TASI) was implemented on the TAT-1 cable in June 1960 and effectively increased the cable's capacity from 37 (out of 51 available channels) to 72 speech circuits. TAT-1 was finally retired in 1978. Later coaxial cables, installed through the 1970s, used transistors and had higher bandwidth. The Moscow–Washington hotline was initially connected through this system.", "Transatlantic telegraph cable The first step was to finish the line between St. John's and Nova Scotia, and in 1855 an attempt was made to lay a cable across the Cabot Strait in the Gulf of Saint Lawrence. It was laid out from a barque in tow of a steamer. When half the cable was laid, a gale rose, and the line was cut to keep the barque from sinking. In 1856 a steamboat was fitted out for the purpose, and the link from Cape Ray, Newfoundland to Aspy Bay, Nova Scotia was successfully laid.[5]", "U-boat Campaign (World War I) On 21 August UC-5 became the first submarine minelayer to penetrate into the English Channel, laying 12 mines off Boulogne, one of which sank the steamship William Dawson the same day. UC-5 laid 6 more mines off Boulogne and Folkestone on 7 September, one of which sank the cable layer Monarch. Further mines were laid off the southeast coast by UC-1, UC-3, UC-6, and UC-7.", "Southernmost point buoy Heading north east begins the route along US 1, a road which goes all the way to Fort Kent, Maine.[9] This was the location of an underwater cable for telephone going to Havana laid in 1917.[10] The cable hut is a small structure just a little east of the Southernmost marker.[11]", "S4C When first established, the channel—initially broadcast on analogue television—was bilingual (Welsh and English) outside peak hours, with English-language content consisting of the simultaneous or deferred transmission of programmes from Channel 4 (analogue reception of which was unavailable in most of Wales). When digital television arrived several years later, S4C added a second, 100% Welsh-language service, called S4C Digidol (\"digital\"). With the completion of the digital switchover in Wales on 31 March 2010—which made English-language Channel 4 available across Wales—S4C's bilingual analogue channel closed, and what had been S4C Digidol became the default S4C channel, available on Freeview, satellite and cable, and broadcasting entirely in Welsh. S4C does not commission programming in English, but when English is used on the channel it is left untranslated.", "Transatlantic communications cable When the first transatlantic telegraph cable was laid in 1858 by businessman Cyrus West Field, it operated for only three weeks; subsequent attempts in 1865 and 1866 were more successful.[1] Although a telephone cable was discussed starting in the 1920s[citation needed], to be practical it needed a number of technological advances which did not arrive until the 1940s[citation needed]. Starting in 1927, transatlantic telephone service was radio-based.[2]", "Transatlantic telegraph cable A transatlantic telegraph cable is an undersea cable running under the Atlantic Ocean used for telegraph communications. The first was laid across the floor of the Atlantic from Telegraph Field, Foilhommerum Bay, Valentia Island in western Ireland to Heart's Content in eastern Newfoundland. The first communications occurred August 16, 1858, reducing the communication time between North America and Europe from ten days – the time it took to deliver a message by ship – to only 17 hours. Transatlantic telegraph cables have been replaced by transatlantic telecommunications cables.", "Freeform (TV channel) The channel traces its origins to the launch of the CBN Satellite Service, an arm of Pat Robertson's Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN), on April 29, 1977. Focusing mainly on religious programming, the channel was notable for being one of the first cable channels to distribute its signal nationally through satellite transmission (the third overall, as the method had been first pioneered by HBO in September 1975) as well as the first national basic cable-originated network (TBS – which became the second cable channel in the U.S. to begin transmitting via satellite in December 1976 – originated as a feed of broadcast television station WTCG (now WPCH-TV) in Atlanta, Georgia). The channel changed its name to the CBN Cable Network on September 1, 1981, and adopted a more secular programming format featuring a mix of recent and classic family-oriented series and films while retaining some religious programs from various televangelists (mirroring the format used by CBN's independent television stations of that time). By this point, its carriage grew to 10.9 million homes with a cable television subscription.", "English Channel The English Channel coast is far more densely populated on the English shore. The most significant towns and cities along both the English and French sides of the Channel (each with more than 20,000 inhabitants, ranked in descending order; populations are the urban area populations from the 1999 French census, 2001 UK census, and 2001 Jersey census) are as follows:", "Coaxial cable A problem with all the aforementioned cables, when passing current, is that electrolytic corrosion can occur in the connections unless moisture and air are excluded. Consequently, various solutions to exclude moisture have been proposed. The first was to seal the connection by wrapping it with self-amalgamating rubberised tape, which bonds to itself when activated by stretching. The second proposal, by the American Channel Master company (now owned by Andrews corp.) at least as early as 1999, was to apply silicone grease to the wires making connection. The third proposal was to fit a self-sealing plug to the cable. All of these methods are reasonably successful if implemented correctly.", "Cable television headend Many modern cable systems are now \"all digital\" meaning analog video signals have been discontinued in order to reuse spectrum. The RF channels analog used to occupy are now open for a cable system to reuse most commonly as High Speed Data (commonly referred to in the industry as \"HSD\") channels to increase subscriber download/upload internet speeds. (see DOCSIS) Analog video removal also essentially eliminates cable theft since analog signals were transmitted unencrypted. Most digital video signals are compressed to MPEG-2 and MPEG-4 formats in order to combine multiple video streams into a QAM making the most efficient use of spectrum which a customer cable set top box receives, demodulates, de-encrypts and displays as a virtual channel number that the viewer recognizes. In many cases the same TV network may appear multiple times in a local channel lineup as a different channel the viewer sees (I.E. CNN as 34, 334, 1034) this is due to previous generations of channel lineups kept in service and intended to not confuse viewers who are familiar with the network appearing on a number they are used to. Although a channel may be in a line up multiple times the RF QAM it is combined or \"muxed\" into is modulated and compressed just once. A set top box tunes to that same QAM when any instance of that network is called by the viewer. Virtual channeling also allows the cable operator to change the physical frequency a QAM is on without the viewer noticing the channel number changing in their lineup.", "English Channel On 10 June 1821, English-built paddle steamer Rob Roy was the first passenger ferry to cross channel. The steamer was purchased subsequently by the French postal administration and renamed Henri IV and put into regular passenger service a year later. It was able to make the journey across the Straits of Dover in around three hours.[77]", "English Channel In 1927, at a time when fewer than ten swimmers (including the first woman, Gertrude Ederle in 1926) had managed to emulate the feat and many dubious claims were being made, the Channel Swimming Association (CSA) was founded to authenticate and ratify swimmers' claims to have swum the Channel and to verify crossing times. The CSA was dissolved in 1999 and was succeeded by two separate organisations: CSA (Ltd) and the Channel Swimming and Piloting Federation (CSPF). Both observe and authenticate cross-Channel swims in the Strait of Dover. The Channel Crossing Association was set up at about this time to cater for unorthodox crossings.", "The Weather Channel The Weather Channel had earlier signed renewal agreements with major providers that are members of the National Cable Television Cooperative (NCTC), including Time Warner Cable and Cox Communications. However, representatives for the channel were shocked that \"Verizon FiOS would deny their subscribers access to the best live weather coverage and expertise that only The Weather Channel can provide.\" While Verizon claimed it was a long-term business decision (instead of a carriage dispute) that it made, The Weather Channel launched a campaign, originally urging viewers to contact FiOS about restoring the cable channel and its services. But, seeing that Verizon is not planning on bringing the channel and its services back in the near future, The Weather Channel now urges its viewers to switch providers.[51]", "Blue Peter Blue Peter was first repeated in full on satellite and cable channel UK Gold in the 1990s, one of the first archive channels in the UK. Later it moved to sister channel UK Gold Classics when UK Gold began broadcasting more recent programmes, although that channel lasted only six months before closing.", "Underwater sports Underwater photography is an scuba-based underwater sport governed by CMAS where teams of competitors using digital underwater camera systems all dive at the same saltwater ocean sites at the same time over a two-day period. The submitted digital images are then assessed and ranked by a jury using a maximum of five photographic categories as well as an overall score. The sport was developed prior to 1985 as a photographic film-based event and is currently mainly practised in non-English speaking countries.[17]", "Cable television headend Other sources of programming include those delivered via fiber optics, telephone wires, the Internet, microwave towers and local public-access television channels that are sent to the cable headend on an upstream frequency over the cable system itself (known in the industry as \"T\"-channels), or via a dedicated line set up by the cable company, as mentioned earlier for reception of local television stations' programming by the headend.", "English Channel The sport of Channel swimming traces its origins to the latter part of the 19th century when Captain Matthew Webb made the first observed and unassisted swim across the Strait of Dover, swimming from England to France on 24–25 August 1875 in 21 hours 45 minutes.", "Sky Witness (TV channel) The channel has an on demand service which is available on satellite and cable. It offers access to a number of shows which viewers may have missed first time around.", "English Channel The Channel has traffic on both the UK-Europe and North Sea-Atlantic routes, and is the world's busiest seaway, with over 500 ships per day.[55] Following an accident in January 1971 and a series of disastrous collisions with wreckage in February,[56] the Dover TSS[57] the world's first radar-controlled Traffic Separation Scheme was set up by the International Maritime Organization. The scheme mandates that vessels travelling north must use the French side, travelling south the English side. There is a separation zone between the two lanes.[58]", "Repeater This is a type of telephone repeater used in underwater submarine telecommunications cables.", "Communication channel Communicating data from one location to another requires some form of pathway or medium. These pathways, called communication channels, use two types of media: cable (twisted-pair wire, cable, and fiber-optic cable) and broadcast (microwave, satellite, radio, and infrared). Cable or wire line media use physical wires of cables to transmit data and information. Twisted-pair wire and coaxial cables are made of copper, and fiber-optic cable is made of glass.", "CGTN (TV channel) CGTN (China Global Television Network), formerly known as CCTV-NEWS, CCTV-9, and CCTV English International, is a 24-hour English news channel, of China Central Television (CCTV) part of the China Global Television Network group, based in Beijing. The channel grew out of CCTV International, which was launched on 25 September 2000. Coverage includes newscasts, in-depth reports, and commentary programs, as well as feature presentations. Its free-to-air satellite signal can be received by more than 85 million viewers, in over 100 countries and regions.[1] It is also carried by cable, DTH, IPTV, and terrestrial TV platforms or systems in many nations. It caters to a global English-speaking audience, including overseas Chinese and English speakers in China.", "English Channel From the reign of Elizabeth I, English foreign policy concentrated on preventing invasion across the Channel by ensuring no major European power controlled the potential Dutch and Flemish invasion ports. Her climb to the pre-eminent sea power of the world began in 1588 as the attempted invasion of the Spanish Armada was defeated by the combination of outstanding naval tactics by the English and the Dutch under command of Charles Howard, 1st Earl of Nottingham with Sir Francis Drake second in command, and the following stormy weather. Over the centuries the Royal Navy slowly grew to be the most powerful in the world.[44]", "English Channel The paddle steamer Defiance, Captain William Wager, was the first steamer to cross the Channel to Holland, arriving there on 9 May 1816.[71]", "Sports Broadcasting Act of 1961 The NFL Network's high per-subscriber fees charged to the cable companies force cable firms to offer the channel as a premium-tier network. This, according to the NFL, is unacceptable, and they demanded their channel be placed on a basic tier, as compared to the higher-priced sports tiers. By doing so, cable companies would have to reduce the number of basic channels or increase the basic cable package rate to comply with the NFL's request. NFL rules however, require that NFL games shown on cable channels (including the NFL Network), be shown on a broadcast television station in the markets of the participating teams (subject to blackouts for the home team when necessary).", "Underwater sports Underwater sports is a group of competitive sports using one or a combination of the following underwater diving techniques - breath-hold, snorkelling or scuba including the use of equipment such as diving masks and fins. These sports are conducted in the natural environment at sites such as open water and sheltered or confined water such as lakes and in artificial aquatic environments such as swimming pools. Underwater sports include the following - aquathlon (i.e. underwater wrestling), finswimming, freediving, spearfishing, sport diving, underwater football, underwater hockey, underwater ice hockey, underwater orienteering, underwater photography, underwater rugby, underwater target shooting and underwater video.", "International relations of the Great Powers (1814–1919) Underwater telegraph cables linked the world's major trading nations by the 1860s.[31]", "Oprah Winfrey Network The channel's losses were estimated to be $330 million as of May 2012.[25] The channel responded by raising the channel's retransmission consent fee (OWN was provided to cable providers effectively for free for its first two years on air) to a level more in line with other basic cable channels, a move that Discovery expected to allow the channel to break even in late 2013.[26]", "United States cable news Cable news channels are television channels devoted to television news broadcasts, with the name deriving from the proliferation of such networks during the 1980s with the advent of cable television. In the United States, early networks included CNN in 1980, Financial News Network (FNN) in 1981 and CNN2 (now HLN) in 1982. CNBC was created in 1989, taking control of FNN in 1991. Through the 1990s and beyond, the cable news industry continued to grow, with the establishment of several other networks, including, Fox News Channel (FNC), MSNBC, and specialty channels such as Bloomberg Television, Fox Business Network, and ESPN News. More recent additions to the cable news business have been CBSN, Newsmax TV, TheBlaze, Fusion, One America News Network, part-time news network RFD-TV, and—for a time—Al Jazeera America.", "English Channel The Mountbatten class hovercraft (MCH) entered commercial service in August 1968, initially between Dover and Boulogne but later also Ramsgate (Pegwell Bay) to Calais. The journey time Dover to Boulogne was roughly 35 minutes, with six trips per day at peak times. The fastest crossing of the English Channel by a commercial car-carrying hovercraft was 22 minutes, recorded by the Princess Anne MCH SR-N4 Mk3 on 14 September 1995,[81]", "Discovery Channel In the United Kingdom, Discovery Channel UK airs some common programs as the U.S. version, including MythBusters, American Chopper, How It's Made and Deadliest Catch. The channel is carried as a basic subscription channel on the SKYdigital satellite service and digital cable provider Virgin Media. Discovery UK also operates Discovery HD, Discovery Knowledge, Discovery Turbo, Discovery Science, Animal Planet, DMAX, Discovery Real Time, Discovery Home & Health, Discovery Travel & Leisure and Discovery Shed. Many of these channels also have timeshifted versions. In the Republic of Ireland, the UK version of Discovery Channel is available on most cable providers in that country, but with local advertisements.", "Ahmedabad The state-owned television broadcaster Doordarshan provides free terrestrial channels, while two multi system operators—InCablenet and Siti Cable and GTPL—provide a mix of Gujarati, Hindi, English, and other regional channels via cable.[145] Telephone services are provided by landline and mobile operators such as BSNL, Reliance CDMA & Reliance GSM, Airtel, Uninor, Vodafone, Idea and Tata Indicom, Jio.[146]", "Optical fiber cable Innerducts are installed in existing underground conduit systems to provide clean, continuous, low-friction paths for placing optical cables that have relatively low pulling tension limits. They provide a means for subdividing conventional conduit that was originally designed for single, large-diameter metallic conductor cables into multiple channels for smaller optical cables.", "Cable television headend Most cable TV systems also carry local over-the-air television stations for distribution. Since each terrestrial channel represents a defined frequency, a dedicated commercial-grade receiving antenna is needed for each channel that the cable company wishes to receive and distribute. Smaller systems may use a broadband antenna to share several channels. These antenna are often built into a single tower structure called a master antenna television structure. Commercial TV pre-amplifiers strengthen the weakened terrestrial TV signals for distribution.", "List of Music Choice channels The following is a list of all of the music streaming channels that exist from Music Choice, an American company that programs music and produces music-related content for digital cable television, mobile phone and cable modem users in the United States. Music Choice (formerly known as Digital Cable Radio) was the first digital audio broadcast service in the world and, under its founder and CEO David Del Beccaro,[1][2] launched in test markets circa 1987.", "English Channel The coastal resorts of the Channel, such as Brighton and Deauville, inaugurated an era of aristocratic tourism in the early 19th century, which developed into the seaside tourism that has shaped resorts around the world.[citation needed] Short trips across the Channel for leisure purposes are often referred to as Channel Hopping.", "English Channel The number of ferry routes crossing the Strait of Dover has reduced since the Channel Tunnel opened. Current cross-channel ferry routes are:", "English Channel Rollo's descendant William, Duke of Normandy became king of England in 1066 in the Norman Conquest beginning with the Battle of Hastings, while retaining the fiefdom of Normandy for himself and his descendants. In 1204, during the reign of King John, mainland Normandy was taken from England by France under Philip II, while insular Normandy (the Channel Islands) remained under English control. In 1259, Henry III of England recognised the legality of French possession of mainland Normandy under the Treaty of Paris. His successors, however, often fought to regain control of mainland Normandy.", "Underwater sports Underwater football is a two-team underwater sport that shares common elements with underwater hockey and underwater rugby. As with both of those games, it is played in a swimming pool with snorkelling equipment (mask, snorkel, and fins).[12]", "Laid to Rest \"Laid to Rest\" is a song by the groove metal band Lamb Of God from their fourth album, Ashes of the Wake. It was the first single from the album, and a music video was made for it.", "Horror Channel On 30 October 2006, Zonemedia launched Zone Horror in the Netherlands.[6] On 1 July 2009, the channel was dropped from cable in the Netherlands.[7]", "Cable television headend Digital channels are modulated as well; however, instead of each channel being modulated on to a specific frequency, multiple digital channels are modulated on to one specific ATSC frequency. Using QAM (Quadrature Amplitude Modulation), a CATV operator can place usually up to eight subchannels on each channel so channel 2 may actually be carrying channels 1 - 8 in a viewer's city. Set-top boxes (STBs) or CableCards are required to receive these digital signals and are provided by the cable operator themselves.", "United States cable news Fusion is owned by Univision Communications, The channel was created as a joint venture between Univison and Disney-ABC Television Group subsidiary of The Walt Disney Company and relies in part on the resources of their respective news divisions, ABC News and Noticias Univision. The channel launched in October 2013. The network's content features news, lifestyle, pop culture, satire and entertainment aimed at English-speaking millennials, including those of a Hispanic background; the channel is Univision's first major push into English-language programming. The channel features talent such as Alicia Menendez, Mariana Atencio and Jorge Ramos.", "Discovery Channel In the Netherlands, the Discovery Channel is included on most cable, IPTV and DVB-T providers. Nearly all of the programs are broadcast in their original language, but they are subtitled in Dutch as is the policy of all Dutch television stations. Some programs and most promotions and program announcements have a Dutch voice-over. In Flanders, the Dutch-speaking part of Belgium, a Flemish Discovery Channel launched (previously the Dutch version was available for IPTV, DVB-C and DVB-S) on cable (and digital) television on October 1, 2009.", "Sky Cinema A similar system is used when watching the Sky Cinema channels through Virgin Media's cable TV service.", "English Channel The naval blockade in the Channel and North Sea was one of the decisive factors in the German defeat in 1918.[50]", "List of Jimmy Neutron characters A paranoid dance-crazy scientist who works in a secret underwater lair in the Bahama Quadrangle, making evil henchmen out of algae. He appears in the episode \"The Evil Beneath\" and collaborated with Professor Calamitous in \"The Jimmy Timmy Power Hour 2: When Nerds Collide\" briefly before being betrayed and ejected.", "Disney Channel Disney XD is a digital cable and satellite television channel in the United States, which is aimed at boys and girls (originally aimed at young male audiences) aged 6–14. The channel was launched on February 13, 2009,[33] replacing predecessor Toon Disney; it carries action and comedy programming from Disney Channel and the former Jetix block from Toon Disney, along with some first-run original programming and off-network syndicated shows. Like its predecessor Toon Disney, but unlike parent network Disney Channel and its sister channel Disney Junior, Disney XD operates as an advertiser-supported service. The channel carries the same name as an unrelated mini-site and media player on Disney.com, which stood for Disney Xtreme Digital,[34] though it is said that the \"XD\" in the channel's name does not have an actual meaning.", "English Channel Because the Kaiserliche Marine surface fleet could not match the British Grand Fleet, the Germans developed submarine warfare, which was to become a far greater threat to Britain. The Dover Patrol was set up just before the war started to escort cross-Channel troopships and to prevent submarines from sailing in the Channel, obliging them to travel to the Atlantic via the much longer route around Scotland.", "National Geographic (U.S. TV channel) In the Philippines, National Geographic Channel HD can be seen on Cignal TV and other cable providers.", "United States cable news MSNBC debuted in 1996, as a partnership between NBC News and Microsoft (Microsoft's stake in the channel was gradually bought out by NBC until the latter's parent NBCUniversal bought out the remaining minority stake held by Microsoft in 2011). When the network was launched, its leading hosts included Jodi Applegate, John Gibson, Tim Russert and Brian Williams. For over a decade, the network's ratings were consistently in last place among the cable news channels.", "Discovery Channel Discovery Channel started offering its programs in Bangla version in 24-hour format from 2011 by all cable and dth services in HD and MPEG formats [27]", "Time Warner Cable It was controlled by Warner Communications, then by Time Warner (the film and television production company and cable channel operator). That company spun off the cable operations in March 2009 as part of a larger restructuring. From 2009 to 2016, Time Warner Cable was an entirely independent company, continuing to use the Time Warner name under license from its former parent (including the \"Road Runner\" name for its Internet service, now Spectrum Internet).", "English Channel The team with the most number of Channel swims to its credit is the Serpentine Swimming Club in London,[83] followed by the International Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team.[84]", "English Channel As a busy shipping lane, the Channel experiences environmental problems following accidents involving ships with toxic cargo and oil spills.[65] Indeed, over 40% of the UK incidents threatening pollution occur in or very near the Channel.[66] One of the recent occurrences was the MSC Napoli, which on 18 January 2007 was beached with nearly 1700 tonnes of dangerous cargo in Lyme Bay, a protected World Heritage Site coastline.[67] The ship had been damaged and was en route to Portland Harbour.", "News broadcasting Canada is host to several 24-hour cable news channels, consisting of domestically-operated cable channels and news channels operated outside Canada or North America. Domestic national news channels include CTV News Channel and Sun News Network, which offer general news programming; Business News Network, which carries business news; and The Weather Network, which offers national and local forecasts. The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation operates two national news networks: the English-language CBC News Network and the French-language Réseau de l'information (RDI). Other Canadian specialty news channels broadcasting in French include general news networks Argent and Le Canal Nouvelles, and MétéoMédia, a French-language sister to The Weather Network.", "Maharashtra The television industry developed in Maharashtra and is a significant employer in the state's economy.[241] Numerous Indian and international television channels can be watched in Maharashtra through one of the Pay TV companies or the local cable television provider. The four major India broadcast networks are all headquartered in Maharashtra: The Times, STAR India, CNN-IBN and ZEEL. Doordarshan is the state-owned television broadcaster and provides two free terrestrial channels. Multi system operators provide a mix of Marathi, Bengali, Nepali, Hindi, English and international channels via cable. The wide range of cable channels available includes sports channels like ESPN, Star Sports, National entertainment channels like Colors, Sony, Zee TV and Star Plus, business news channels like CNBC Awaaz, Zee Business, ET Now and Bloomberg UTV. Marathi 24-hour television news channels include ABP Majha, IBN-Lokmat, Zee 24 Taas, TV9 Maharashtra, ETV Marathi, TV9 Maharashtra and Jai Maharashtra.", "Discovery Channel Discovery Channel offers its programs in Telugu version in 24-hour format from 21 October 2010 by all cable and dth services in HD and MPEG formats [28]", "Disney Channel Disney Channel has established its channels in various countries worldwide including Canada, France, South Africa, Southeast Asia, Hong Kong, India, Australia, the Czech Republic, New Zealand, the Middle East, Scandinavia, the Baltic states, United Kingdom, Ireland, Spain, Portugal, the Caribbean, the Netherlands, Israel and Flanders. Disney Channel also licenses its programming to air on certain other broadcast and cable channels outside the United States (previously like Family Channel in Canada) regardless of whether or not an international version of Disney Channel exists in the country.", "English Channel With the rise of William the Conqueror the North Sea and Channel began to lose some of their importance. The new order oriented most of England and Scandinavia's trade south, toward the Mediterranean and the Orient.", "Larry the Cable Guy On January 26, 2010, the TV channel History announced that it was ordering a series starring Whitney called Only in America with Larry the Cable Guy, in which he would explore the country and immerse himself in different lifestyles, jobs, and hobbies.[5] The first episode of the series aired on February 8, 2011.[6] The series finale aired August 28, 2013.", "Closing credits In the United Kingdom all channels have their own variations in which way closing credits are presented. The five main networks rarely promote other shows and show the full original credits supplied with the show. In the early 2000s ITV adopted a practice similar to that of NBC 2000, generic credits to the right hand side of the screen with a promo running on the left. This then changed in 2007 when generic credits where flashed in a letterbox format using 1/4 of the lower half of the screen whilst promos ran across the top. Again similar to NBC. When the channel revamped years later they dropped this and have now gone back to a more 'old fashioned' presentation. Only some specific cable and satellite channels use a more American style credits/promo presentation but this varies greatly even on the same channel. This leads to viewers switching channels as the networks waste time airing full closing credits with no incentive to stay tuned. Some networks like the BBC also use a double-box format for the closing credits; the BBC has even laid out guidelines as to how the credits must be shown on its networks;[5] closing credits must be shown at the center of the screen and be either separate cards or scroll vertically (percentage reduction testing in an editing suite is required in post-production to ensure readability), the BBC networks and other unrelated broadcast, cable and satellite channels in the United Kingdom such as Nickelodeon UK will squeeze and reduce the credits to 60% of their original size and crop them, returning them to full screen in time for the production company credits, in a manner similar to many of the aforementioned American cable channels.", "Cable (comics) The Avengers then proceeded to fight Cable until he was nearly dead from both the fight and the virus, and Cyclops asked to take his son home, with Captain America insisting the Avengers keep the weapons and ship. Back at Utopia, Blaquesmith helps Hope to realize that she can still save Cable, and she begins to absorb the techno-organic virus before fully manifesting the Phoenix Force raptor for the first time around herself. When it vanishes, Cable is cured not only of the advanced incursion of the virus, but apparently fully, as his left hand is shown to be fully organic along with his left eye, but he remains in a catatonic state. Afterwards, Cable and Cyclops speak telepathically, with Cable informing his father that Hope is indeed the Phoenix and is destined to save Earth from an unknown disaster. He goes on to say that a war will come with the Avengers and that he needs Cyclops to protect Hope. Cable promises to be there when he's needed in the future.[33]", "Playful Kiss In Japan, it first aired in December 2010 on Korean cable channel Mnet Japan, followed by reruns in May 2011 on Fuji TV's Hallyuα channel and Japanese cable channel DATV.[20] Kim Hyun-joong and Jung So-min held a promotional event on May 3, 2011 which was attended by 6,000 fans; part of the proceeds were donated to victims of the March 11 earthquake.[21][22][23]", "English Channel The fastest verified swim of the Channel was by the Australian Trent Grimsey on 8 September 2012, in 6 hours 55 minutes,[86][87] beating the previous record set in 2007 by Bulgarian swimmer Petar Stoychev.", "Heater (aquarium) Heating of the aquarium can also be achieved via a heating element in the form of a flexible heating cable that is buried beneath the aquarium substrate.[1] Undergravel cable heating is popular in heavily planted aquariums.[7]", "Kota, Rajasthan A wide range of other Hindi, English and other language channels are accessible via cable subscription and direct-broadcast satellite services. Dish TV, Tata Sky, Radiant Digitek, Airtel Digital TV are the prominent DTH entertainment services in Kota.", "The Weather Channel A representative for the network said in a statement, \"We were disappointed when, without warning late yesterday, March 9, Verizon FiOS dropped The Weather Channel from their lineup while our companies continued to be in active conversations regarding a contract renewal. FiOS customers have enjoyed a bundle of services from The Weather Channel including the network, Weatherscan, On-Demand, a Weather Widget and streaming on mobile devices. During a winter with record-breaking storms and severe weather, The Weather Channel responded with non-stop live coverage, including the ongoing presence of our crews reporting live from hard-hit communities within the Verizon FiOS footprint. This coverage resulted in The Weather Channel being the only major cable network to grow in February.\"", "Pune The government owned All India radio (AIR) has been broadcasting from Pune since 1952.[149] There are many FM service are received in Pune. AIR Doordarshan DD Sahyadri and Zee Marathi are Marathi language TV channels received in the city.There are also numerous other TV channels in Hindi, English and other languages received in the city by cable.", "The Border (TV series) In Quebec, the show's first season has been aired in French on the cable channel Séries+[44] since September 11, 2008.", "Hyperbaric welding Dry welding is used in preference to wet underwater welding when high quality welds are required because of the increased control over conditions which can be exerted, such as through application of prior and post weld heat treatments. This improved environmental control leads directly to improved process performance and a generally much higher quality weld than a comparative wet weld. Thus, when a very high quality weld is required, dry hyperbaric welding is normally utilized. Research into using dry hyperbaric welding at depths of up to 1,000 metres (3,300 ft) is ongoing.[3] In general, assuring the integrity of underwater welds can be difficult (but is possible using various nondestructive testing applications), especially for wet underwater welds, because defects are difficult to detect if the defects are beneath the surface of the weld.", "Stereophonic sound Cable TV systems delivered many stereo programs utilizing this method for many years until prices for MTS stereo modulators dropped. One of the first stereo cable stations was The Movie Channel, though the most popular cable TV station that drove up usage of stereo simulcasting was MTV.", "MTV In 1977, Warner Cable a division of Warner Communications and the precursor of Warner-Amex Satellite Entertainment launched the first two-way interactive cable television system named QUBE in Columbus, Ohio. The QUBE system offered many specialized channels. One of these specialized channels was Sight on Sound, a music channel that featured concert footage and music-oriented television programs. With the interactive QUBE service, viewers could vote for their favorite songs and artists.", "Wire speed Note also that the theoretical channel capacity of the cable may be much higher, especially if the cable is short, but this is not utilized in the communication standard. The channel capacity depends on the physical and electrical properties of the cable, while the wire speed also depends on the connection protocols.", "Underwater diving Underwater vision is affected by the clarity and the refractive index of the medium. Visibility underwater is reduced because light passing through water attenuates rapidly with distance, leading to lower levels of natural illumination. Underwater objects are also blurred by scattering of light between the object and the viewer, resulting in lower contrast. These effects vary with the wavelength of the light, and the colour and turbidity of the water. The human eye is optimised for air vision, and when it is immersed in direct contact with water, visual acuity is adversely affected by the difference in refractive index between water and air. Provision of an airspace between the cornea and the water can compensate, but causes scale and distance distortion. Artificial illumination can improve visibility at short range.[27] Stereoscopic acuity, the ability to judge relative distances of different objects, is considerably reduced underwater, and this is affected by the field of vision. A narrow field of vision caused by a small viewport in a helmet results in greatly reduced stereoacuity,[27] and an apparent movement of a stationary object when the head is moved.[28] These effects lead to poorer hand-eye coordination.[27]", "Underwater sports Aquathlon (also known as underwater wrestling) is an underwater sport where two competitors wearing masks and fins wrestle underwater in an attempt to remove a ribbon from each other’s ankle band in order to win the bout. The \"combat\" takes place in a 5-metre (16 ft) square ring within a swimming pool, and is made up of three 30-second rounds, with a fourth round played in the event of a tie. The sport originated during the 1980s in the former USSR (now Russia) and was first played at international level in 1993. It was recognised by Confédération Mondiale des Activités Subaquatiques (CMAS) in 2008.[1][2][3][4]", "Car 54, Where Are You? Car 54, Where Are You? first entered into syndication in January 1964. It began airing on the cable channel Nick at Nite in 1987 and ran on the network until 1990. It was seen for less than one year on the short-lived Ha! Channel in 1990-91 and also aired on another Viacom-owned cable channel, Comedy Central, in the early 1990s. The show currently airs in the early morning hours of Sundays on Me-TV, and on the CBS piggy-backed channel - DECADES. Both seasons are also currently available for streaming on Hulu.", "Underwater diving The ability to dive and swim underwater while holding one's breath is considered a useful emergency skill, an important part of water sport and Navy safety training, and an enjoyable leisure activity.[34] Underwater diving without breathing apparatus can be categorised as underwater swimming, snorkelling and freediving. These categories overlap considerably. Several competitive underwater sports are practised without breathing apparatus.[35][36][37][38][39]", "National Geographic (U.S. TV channel) In Latvia,[9] this channel has been available since October 1, 2011. It can be viewed on Lattelecom and many cable networks.", "English Channel Another significant challenge to British domination of the seas came during the Napoleonic Wars. The Battle of Trafalgar took place off the coast of Spain against a combined French and Spanish fleet and was won by Admiral Horatio Nelson, ending Napoleon's plans for a cross-Channel invasion and securing British dominance of the seas for over a century.", "Food Network (Canada) Food Network is a Canadian English language Category A specialty channel based on the American cable channel of the same name. It airs programming related to food, cooking, cuisine, and the food industry. The Canadian version of Food Network is a joint venture between Corus Entertainment and the American network's parent company Television Food Network, G.P. (which is majority-owned by Scripps Networks Interactive).", "Underwater sports Underwater video is an scuba-based underwater sport governed by CMAS where teams of competitors using digital underwater video systems all dive at the same saltwater ocean sites at the same time over a two-day period. The submitted digital video are then assessed and ranked by a jury.[20][21]", "Channel Tunnel The Channel Tunnel (French: Le tunnel sous la Manche; also nicknamed Chunnel)[2][3] is a 50.45-kilometre (31.35 mi) rail tunnel linking Folkestone, Kent, in the United Kingdom, with Coquelles, Pas-de-Calais, near Calais in northern France, beneath the English Channel at the Strait of Dover. At its lowest point, it is 75 m (250 ft) deep below the sea bed, and 115 m (380 ft) below sea level.[4][5][6] At 37.9 kilometres (23.5 mi), the tunnel has the longest undersea portion of any tunnel in the world, although the Seikan Tunnel in Japan is both longer overall at 53.85 kilometres (33.46 mi) and deeper at 240 metres (790 ft) below sea level. The speed limit for trains in the tunnel is 160 kilometres per hour (99 mph).[7]", "Las Cruces, New Mexico Las Cruces has one local commercial independent cable television station called \"The Las Cruces Channel\" (LCC98). It can be seen on Comcast cable channel 98. LCC-98 is not a Public-access television channel. The channel airs programs that are produced locally in their studio facility and by outside producers.", "The Weather Channel In addition to its programming on the cable channel, TWC also provided forecasts for terrestrial and satellite radio stations, newspapers and websites, and maintained an extensive online presence at weather.com and through a set of mobile applications for smartphones and tablet computers. These services are now administered by The Weather Channel's former parent company, The Weather Company, which was sold to IBM in 2016.[1][3] The Weather Channel continues to license its brand assets and weather data from IBM.[1]", "English Channel The Channel Islands were the only part of the British Commonwealth occupied by Germany (excepting the part of Egypt occupied by the Afrika Korps at the time of the Second Battle of El Alamein, which was a protectorate and not part of the Commonwealth). The German occupation of 1940–1945 was harsh, with some island residents being taken for slave labour on the Continent; native Jews sent to concentration camps; partisan resistance and retribution; accusations of collaboration; and slave labour (primarily Russians and eastern Europeans) being brought to the islands to build fortifications.[citation needed] The Royal Navy blockaded the islands from time to time, particularly following the liberation of mainland Normandy in 1944. Intense negotiations resulted in some Red Cross humanitarian aid, but there was considerable hunger and privation during the occupation, particularly in the final months, when the population was close to starvation. The German troops on the islands surrendered on 9 May 1945, a day after the final surrender in mainland Europe.", "Fiber-Optic Link Around the Globe FLAG includes undersea cable segments, and two terrestrial crossings. The segments can be either direct point-to-point links, or multipoint links, which are attained through branching units. At each cable landing point, a FLAG cable station is located. The total route length exceeds 27,000 kilometres (16,780 miles; 14,580 nautical miles), and comprises 1,020 kilometres (634 miles) of terrestrial crossings. Approximately 6,600 kilometres (4,100 miles; 3,560 nautical miles) of the submerged cable is buried 1 metre (3 feet 3 inches) below the sea bed. Cable burial was performed by either a submersible plough as the cable was laid, or jetting the laid cable into the sea bed via remotely operated vehicles (ROVs).[5]", "Shortwave radio Long-distance cables had a resurgence beginning in 1956 with the laying of TAT-1 across the Atlantic Ocean, the first voice frequency cable on this route. This provided 36 high quality telephone channels and was soon followed by even higher capacity cables all around the world. These sounded the death knell of shortwave radio for commercial communications.", "National Geographic (U.S. TV channel) The United States 720p high definition simulcast of the National Geographic Channel launched in January 2006. It is available on all major cable and satellite providers.", "Transatlantic telegraph cable In the 1840s and 1850s several individuals proposed or advocated construction of a telegraph cable across the Atlantic Ocean, including Edward Thornton and Alonzo Jackman.[1] Cyrus West Field and the Atlantic Telegraph Company were behind the construction of the first transatlantic telegraph cable.[2] The project began in 1854 and was completed in 1858. The cable functioned for only three weeks, but it was the first such project to yield practical results. The first official telegram to pass between two continents was a letter of congratulations from Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom to the President of the United States James Buchanan on August 16. Signal quality declined rapidly, slowing transmission to an almost unusable speed. The cable was destroyed the following month when Wildman Whitehouse applied excessive voltage to it while trying to achieve faster operation. It has been argued that the faulty manufacture, storage and handling of the 1858 cable would have led to premature failure in any case.[3] The cable's rapid failure undermined public and investor confidence and delayed efforts to restore a connection. A second attempt was undertaken in 1865 with much-improved material and, following some setbacks, a connection was completed and put into service on July 28, 1866. This cable proved more durable.", "E! (Canadian TV channel) The channel broadcast programming from the equivalent American cable channel E! until 2007 (thus the likely nod to that agreement with the exclamation mark as part of its name), when that channel licensed its name to Global's secondary television system CH and transferred its programming to that service, which became known as E!. Although the broadcast version of E! Canada ceased operations in 2009, Canwest is believed to have retained Canadian rights to E! (U.S.) programming (despite not airing it on any of its channels), preventing these series from returning to Star! Instead, the channel's schedule in these years consisted mostly of second-run talk shows and entertainment news shows repeated from CTV and its secondary A system (formerly A-Channel, now CTV Two), including FashionTelevision, The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, The Ellen DeGeneres Show and TMZ.", "TBS (U.S. TV channel) In 1991, the word \"Superstation\" was removed from the cable channel's on-air branding and promotions, rebranding it as simply \"TBS\"; this continued until December 17, 1996, when TBS celebrated its 20th anniversary as a national service, with the channel reverting its name back to \"TBS Superstation\" (promotions for the channel's programming beginning at this time until 2004 often verbally referred to the national feed only as \"the Superstation\"). The \"Superstation\" sub-brand was once again dropped in early 2004, with the channel reverting to being branded as simply TBS, months before it adopted a new logo that rendered the channel's name in lowercase and incorporated a half-circle made to resemble a mouth open as if it were laughing to signify the channel's new comedy programming. The half-circle element took on a motif with half a baseball or basketball rendered within it for Turner Sports programming.", "Discovery Channel John Hendricks founded the channel and its parent company, Cable Educational Network Inc., in 1982.[9] Several investors (including the BBC, Allen & Company and Venture America) raised $5 million in start-up capital to launch the network.", "Tennis Channel The network broadcasts live tournaments, news, one-on-one interviews, game analysis and skills instruction. Tennis Channel provides extensive coverage of the Davis Cup, Fed Cup and Hopman Cup as well as other tournaments throughout the year. Tennis Channel is the exclusive cable rightsholder of the French Open; while it previously sub-licensed portions of this coverage to ESPN, this arrangement ended in 2015.[20]", "National Geographic (U.S. TV channel) Nat Geo Kids is cable TV channel broadcasting kids, and was launched on Latin America in July 1, 2017 and Brazil in Octubre 3, 2017.[11]", "Cooking Channel Cooking Channel is an American cable channel owned by Discovery Inc. The channel is a spin-off of Food Network, broadcasting programming related to food and cooking. As opposed to its parent network's growing focus on reality and competition series, Cooking Channel is oriented towards instructional and chef-oriented programming—which have been largely displaced by the growth of Food Network's reality programming.[1] The network airs both new series, and archived programming from Food Network. Cooking Channel replaced Fine Living Network on May 31, 2010 (coinciding with the Memorial Day holiday), pushed ahead from a planned launch later in the year.[2][1]", "Late night television in the United States Most American cable channels often air either blocks of infomercials or time-shifted replays of prime time programming during late night time periods (the use of replays is most commonly used by cable news channels), while only a handful of basic cable channels (such as TNT, Nickelodeon/Nick at Nite and ESPN) maintain a round-the-clock schedule incorporating entertainment programming during the overnight hours.", "English Channel Marine GPS systems allow ships to be preprogrammed to follow navigational channels accurately and automatically, further avoiding risk of running aground, but following the fatal collision between Dutch Aquamarine and Ash in October 2001, Britain's Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB) issued a safety bulletin saying it believed that in these most unusual circumstances GPS use had actually contributed to the collision.[60] The ships were maintaining a very precise automated course, one directly behind the other, rather than making use of the full width of the traffic lanes as a human navigator would.", "History (European TV channel) History (formerly known as The History Channel UK) is a pan-European television channel broadcasting programs related to historical events and persons, owned by a joint-venture between A+E Networks, owner of the American History, and British Sky Broadcasting, the UK's largest pay-TV provider. AMC Networks International DMC is responsible for the signal distribution across mainland Europe and the subsidiaries of AMC Networks International are the distribution representatives across Europe.[3][4] Its programming is mainly in English and locally subtitled or dubbed. It is available through numerous satellite, cable, terrestrial and IPTV distributors across Europe, the Middle East and South Africa. In some countries the advertisement and the announcements between programs are localized." ]
where is the setting for beauty and the beast
[ "Beauty and the Beast (2017 film) In Rococo-era France, an enchantress disguised as an old beggar woman arrives at a castle during a ball and offers the host, a coldhearted prince, a rose for shelter. When he refuses, she reveals her identity as an enchantress and transforms him into a beast and his servants into household objects, then erases the castle, the prince and his servants from the memories of their loved ones. She casts a spell on the rose and warns the prince that the curse will never lift unless he learns to love another, and earn their love in return, before the last petal falls." ]
[ "List of Disney's Beauty and the Beast characters The triplets also appear in the Marvel Comics serial for Beauty and the Beast, which was set during Belle's stay at the castle. They are generally within the B-stories, where they try to sabotage Gaston's plans to marry Belle, with varying success.", "Beauty and the Beast (musical) Lighting designer Natasha Katz was hired to work on Beauty and the Beast.[40] When Disney first approached Katz to offer her the job, several of Katz's cohorts – specifically other lighting designers – attempted to discourage her from accepting in fear of changing the appearance of musical theatre forever.[40] In hindsight, Katz defended Disney's work, explaining, \"Beauty and the Beast didn't bring theatre back to New York, but it did change the dynamic, no question about it, of the business.\"[40] Known for assisting David Copperfield with his illusions, Roth hired Jim Steinmeyer to work on Beauty and the Beast.[14] Steinmeyer had previously contributed to the musical Merlin.[15] The Beast's transformation sequence during the second act was much-discussed. It took about 11 weeks to set the design.[19]", "The Beast and the Beauty The Beast and the Beauty (Hangul: 야수와 미녀; RR: Yasuwa minyeo) is a 2005 South Korean romantic comedy film.", "Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas is a 1997 American direct-to-video animated Christmas musical fantasy film produced by Walt Disney Television Animation. It takes place within the timeline of the 1991 film Beauty and the Beast.", "Beauty and the Beast (musical) In December 2015, Beauty and the Beast came back to the Netherlands for a run at Circustheater in The Hague.", "Beauty and the Beast (musical) Largely due to audience reception, Beauty and the Beast remains one of Broadway's biggest successes of the current era.[1] Beauty and the Beast established itself as a musical that could survive on Broadway despite its unenthusiastic reviews.[25] Several detractors had thought that musicals like Beauty and the Beast would be a one-time event, but the results ultimately turned out to be quite the opposite.[37] According to theatrical producer Stuart Oken, Disney's success with Beauty and the Beast is responsible for today's biggest Broadway hits and making the medium \"better than it has ever been\".[8] The groundbreaking performance of Beauty and the Beast inspired other major Hollywood studios to produce Broadway renditions of some of their own films.[27] Disney soon began to commission Broadway adaptations of several of the studio's most popular musical films, namely The Lion King (1997), Mary Poppins (2004), Tarzan (2006), The Little Mermaid (2008), Newsies (2012) and Aladdin (2014),[1] in addition to producing the musical Aida.[16] After completing her run in Beauty and the Beast, Egan would famously go on to voice Meg in Disney's animated musical Hercules (1997), establishing herself as a popular voice and film actress.[13] Following the success of \"Human Again\", the song was later incorporated into reissues of the animated film in the form of an animated musical sequence.[16]", "Beauty and the Beast (1991 film) Decades later, during the production of Who Framed Roger Rabbit in 1987, the Disney studio resurrected Beauty and the Beast as a project for the satellite animation studio it had set up in London, England to work on Roger Rabbit. Richard Williams, who had directed the animated portions of Roger Rabbit, was approached to direct but declined in favor of continuing work on his long-gestating project The Thief and the Cobbler. In his place, Williams recommended his colleague, English animation director Richard Purdum, and work began under producer Don Hahn on a non-musical version of Beauty and the Beast set in 19th-century France.[31] At the behest of Disney CEO Michael Eisner, Beauty and the Beast became the first Disney animated film to use a screenwriter. This was an unusual production move for an animated film, which is traditionally developed on storyboards rather than in scripted form. Linda Woolverton wrote the original draft of the story before storyboarding began, and worked with the story team to retool and develop the film.[32]", "Beauty and the Beast (1991 film) Beauty and the Beast: Special Edition, as the enhanced version of the film released in IMAX/large-format is called, was released on two-disc \"Platinum Edition\" DVD and VHS on October 8, 2002. The DVD set features three versions of the film: the extended IMAX Special Edition with the \"Human Again\" sequence added, the original theatrical version, and the New York Film Festival \"work-in-progress\" version. This release went to \"Disney Vault\" moratorium status in January 2003, along with its direct-to-video follow-ups Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas and Belle's Magical World.[62]", "Beast (Beauty and the Beast) A pampered prince transformed into a hideous beast as punishment for his cold-hearted and selfish ways, the Beast must, in order to return to his former self, earn the love of a beautiful young woman named Belle who he imprisons in his castle. All this must be done before the last petal falls from the enchanted rose on his twenty-first birthday. In all animated film appearances, the Beast is voiced by American actor Robby Benson. The 1991 animated film was adapted into a Broadway musical in 1994, with the role being originated by American actor Terrence Mann. Dan Stevens portrays the character in a 2017 live-action adaptation of the original 1991 film.", "Beast (Beauty and the Beast) In March 2015, English actor Dan Stevens was cast as the Beast in a live-action adaptation of the film, which was released on March 17, 2017.[11] The Beast was portrayed with a “more traditional motion capture puppeteering for the body and the physical orientation\", where Stevens was \"in a forty-pound gray suit on stilts for much of the film\". The facial capture for the Beast was done separately order to \"communicate the subtleties of the human face\" and \"[capture the] thought that occurs to him\" which gets \"through [to] the eyes, which are the last human element in the Beast.”[12]", "Beast (Beauty and the Beast) To reflect his early personality, the Beast is seen shirtless, with ragged, dark gray breeches, and a ragged reddish-colored cape with a golden colored circular-shaped clasp. Despite the actual color of his cape being a dark reddish color, the Beast's cape is more often referenced to be purple (and in most of the Beast's subsequent appearances after the film, such as Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas or the Kingdom Hearts games, his cape is colored purple). The reason for this change in color is unknown, although the most likely reason is that the color purple is often associated with royalty. After the Beast saves Belle from a pack of wolves, his dress-style changes to become more formal and disciplined, reflecting a more refined personality as he attempts to win Belle's friendship and love. His most referenced form of dress is his ballroom outfit, which consisted of a golden vest over a white dress shirt with a white kerchief, black dress pants trimmed with gold, and a royal blue ballroom tail coat trimmed with gold, worn during the film's ballroom dance sequence.", "Beast (Beauty and the Beast) In this film, which takes place not long after the Beast rescued Belle from the wolves, much to Beast's frustration, Belle wants to celebrate Christmas and throw a real Christmas party. Beast hates the idea of Christmas, for it was the very day almost ten years ago when the Enchantress cast the spell on him and the entire castle. (In contrast to the 1991 animated film where the Prince is depicted in stained-glass windows wearing royal regalia and armor before being cursed, the Prince in Enchanted Christmas is dressed simply in a white shirt and black breeches prior to his transformation.) While Beast sits most of the preparations out, a treacherous servant plots to have Belle thrown out of the castle: Forte the Pipe Organ, since he is far more appreciated by the Beast while under the spell.", "Beast (Beauty and the Beast) In the first Kingdom Hearts, during a time in which the spell had not yet broken, Beast's home is attacked by the Heartless, led by Maleficent, who take Belle captive. Determined to rescue Belle, Beast goes as far as to exploit the power of darkness and risk his own life to transport himself to Hollow Bastion, where Belle is being held captive with the other six Princesses of Heart. Upon arriving in Hollow Bastion, Beast is confronted by Riku, who challenges him to a duel and easily defeats him. Beast is saved at the last minute by Sora, Donald and Goofy, who are looking for Kairi. Allying himself with Sora, since Donald and Goofy have temporarily joined Riku, Beast fights the Heartless and protects Sora while they work their way into the Hollow Baston castle. Entering the castle, Beast, Sora, Donald and Goofy fight their way through until they encounter and defeat Maleficent, who transforms into her dragon form and challenges them once again, only to be defeated once more. The four heroes find Kairi, but the circumstances cause Sora, Donald, Goofy and Kairi to leave Hollow Bastion, and Beast states that he will not leave without Belle. Later on, Beast encounters Sora once again when he returns to Hollow Bastion to lock the Keyhole. During their second search, Beast and Sora find Belle, who embraces Beast and presents Sora with the Divine Rose Keychain. In the Final Mix version of the game, Beast allies himself with Sora once again to fight and defeat Xemnas (then known as \"Unknown\").", "Beast (Beauty and the Beast) After Sora defeats Ansem, all the previously attacked worlds are restored, including Beast's Castle. Afterwards, Beast and Belle return to their home to carry on with their lives. However, the peace is shattered once again when Beast is approached by Xaldin of Organization XIII to do his bidding. Xaldin is determined to manipulate Beast into becoming a Heartless. If that happens, Beast will not only become a strong Heartless which Sora would have to destroy and feed to Kingdom Hearts, but also leave behind a powerful Nobody for Xaldin to use as he wishes (just like what happened to Xehanort). Manipulated and controlled, Beast is forced to allow the Heartless into the castle and lock the entire servant staff in the dungeons, with Belle too scared to intervene. Beast starts mistreating Belle. When Sora, Donald and Goofy arrive, they are encountered by Beast, who attacks them without hesitation. Sora wins the battle, and Beast comes back to his senses thanks to his servants who were released by Sora. Xaldin appears to flee. Later on, during a ball, Xaldin returns and steals the rose, throwing Beast into a depression and causing him to ask Belle and Sora to leave his castle. However a pep talk from Sora spurs him back into action. Xaldin confronts them and sends his Nobodies at them. They fight the Nobodies off, but Xaldin escapes to the castle drawbridge with Belle and the rose. Belle manages to escape from Xaldin's clutches with the rose, and Xaldin is then killed by Beast, Sora, Donald and Goofy. Belle gives Beast the rose but he is more relieved that she wasn't hurt. Beast then bids a grateful farewell to Sora, and returns to a normal life with Belle, until the spell is finally broken and Beast turns back into a human at the end of the game (a scene witnessed during the game's credits following completion). Beast's Limit attack for Kingdom Hearts II is Twin Howl, where he and Sora violently roar together and slash at enemies furiously.", "Beauty and the Beast (Disney song) \"Beauty and the Beast\" continues to be constantly lauded by both film and music critics alike.[106] Film critic Janet Maslin of The New York Times praised \"Beauty and the Beast\", describing it as \"a glorious ballad\" while dubbing it Ashman and Menken's \"biggest triumph\".[107] Beliefnet called the song \"stirring\",[108] while Hal Hinson of The Washington Post considers it to be among the film's best.[109] Roger Moore of the Chicago Tribune referred to \"Beauty and the Beast\" as a \"brilliant\" song that \"can move you to tears,\"[105] while James Berardinelli of ReelViews cited it among the film's most \"memorable\" songs.[52] Anthony Quinn of The Independent highlighted \"Beauty and the Beast\" as the film's best song, going on to praise Lansbury's \"magnificent\" performance,[110] while the Deseret News' Chris Hicks called it \"beautiful.\"[111] Simon Brew of Den of Geek specifically enjoyed the lyrics \"bittersweet and strange, finding you can change,\" describing the song as \"superb.\"[112] Lansbury's vocal performance has also been singled out for praise: Slant Magazine's Jaime N. Christley wrote that Lansbury \"delivers the film's title tune, gooey treacle that it is, like nobody's business.\"[113] Describing the song as \"beautiful\", the Chicago Tribune's Gene Siskel wrote that \"Beauty and the Beast\" is \"performed poignantly by the richly textured voice of Angela Lansbury.\"[83] Similarly, PopMatters' Bill Gibron penned, \"the moment Angela Lansbury’s trite teapot steps up to sing the title song, all dry eye bets are off.\"[114] The New York Post's Lou Lumenick wrote that \"Beauty and the Beast\" was \"unforgettably delivered by Angela Lansbury.\"[115] Aylin Zara of BuzzFeed opined that Lansbury's version is superior to the single, penning, \"Though the commercial pop version of 'Beauty and the Beast,' sung by Celine Dion and Peabo Bryson, is great, the film version — performed by Angela Lansbury as Mrs. Potts — is even better. Tender and warm ... it tugs at all the right heartstrings to get your eyes a little misty.\"[82] Rachael Monaco of AXS cited \"Tale as old as time. Tune as old as song. Bittersweet and strange. Finding you can change. Learning you were wrong. Certain as the sun rising in the East. Tale as old as time, song as old as rhyme, Beauty and the Beast\" as the film's best lyric.[29] Entertainment Weekly's Darren Franich, however, admitted to preferring \"Be Our Guest\" and \"Belle\" over \"Beauty and the Beast\".[116]", "Beauty and the Beast (Disney song) At the 35th Grammy Awards, \"Beauty and the Beast\" won the award for Best Pop Performance by a Duo or Group With Vocals.[138][179][180] Additionally, the song was nominated for Record of the Year[137][181] and Song of the Year,[137][181] but lost both to Eric Clapton's \"Tears in Heaven\".[182] In Canada, \"Beauty and the Beast\" won a Juno Award for Single of the Year, beating Dion's own \"If You Asked Me To\".[183] In 1993, \"Beauty and the Beast\" also won an ASCAP Film and Television Music Award and ASCAP Pop Award for most performed song in the United States.[184][185] Awarding the Dion-Bryson version an 'A' grade, Grantland ranked the song second in its article \"Counting Down the Top 10 in … KIDS MUSIC!\",[171] while Refinery29 ranked it the fifth greatest cover of a Disney song.[172] AXS included \"Beauty and the Beast\" among Dion's \"Top five song lyrics or verses\".[186]", "Beauty and the Beast (Disney song) The scene in Beauty and the Beast during which the song is heard is the moment when Belle and the Beast's true feelings for each other are finally established.[25][26] Set in the ballroom of the Beast's castle, \"Beauty and the Beast\" is performed by the character Mrs. Potts, an enchanted teapot, midway through the film as she explains the feeling of love to her young teacup son Chip,[27] referring to the emotion as \"a tale as old as time\".[28] According to Armen Karaoghlanian of Interiors, \"Belle familiarizes the Beast with the waltz and as soon he feels comfortable, he gracefully moves her across the floor\".[25] Afterwards, the song continues to play instrumentally as Belle and the Beast retire to the balcony for a romantic candlelit dinner.[29] Believed to be the \"centerpiece that brings Beauty and her Beast together,\"[30] the sequence offers an insight into both characters' psyches. From the Beast's perspective, it is the moment he realizes that he wants to confess his true feelings for Belle to her[29] and \"decides he wants to tell Belle he is in love with her.\"[31] Meanwhile, Belle begins to fall in love with her captor.[32] Writing for The Globe and Mail, Jennie Punter reviewed it as the scene in which \"romance finally blossoms.\"[33] Film critic Ellison Estefan, writing for Estefan Films, believes that the sequence is responsible for \"add[ing] another dimension to the characters as they continue to fall deeply in love with each other.\"[34] Explaining the song's role in the film, director Kirk Wise described the scene as \"the culmination of their relationship,\"[35] while producer Don Hahn pegged it as \"the bonding moment of the film when the two main characters finally get together.\"[36]", "Beauty and the Beast (1991 film) The third and fourth video games based on the film are action platformers developed by Probe Software[147] and published by Hudson Soft. One, titled Beauty and the Beast, was released in Europe in 1994 for the NES,[148] while the other, Disney's Beauty and the Beast, was released in North America in July 1994 and in Europe on February 23 1995 for the SNES. The entire games are played through the perspective of the Beast. As the Beast, the player must get Belle to fall in love so that the curse cast upon him and his castle will be broken. The final boss of the game is Gaston.[147] The Beast can walk, jump, swipe, stomp, super stomp, and roar, the last of which is used to both damage enemies and reveal hidden objects.[149]", "Beauty and the Beast (1991 film) The second video game based on the film was titled 'Beauty and the Beast: Roar of the Beast and is a side-scrolling video game for the Genesis. As the Beast, the player must successfully complete several levels, based on scenes from the film, in order to protect the castle from invading villagers and forest animals and rescue Belle from Gaston.[146]", "Beauty and the Beast (1991 film) In 2002, Beauty and the Beast was added to the United States National Film Registry as being deemed \"culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant.\" In June 2008, the American Film Institute revealed its \"Ten Top Ten\" lists of the best ten films in ten \"classic\" American film genres, based on polls of over 1,500 people from the creative community. Beauty and the Beast was acknowledged as the seventh-best film in the animation genre.[107][108] In previous lists, it ranked number 22 on the Institute's list of best musicals and number 34 on its list of the best romantic American films.[109] On the list of the greatest songs from American films, Beauty and the Beast ranked number 62.[110]", "Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales for Every Child The classic story is set in Africa as a beauty falls in love with a beast.", "Beauty and the Beast (Disney song) \"Beauty and the Beast\" is a song written by lyricist Howard Ashman and composer Alan Menken for the Disney animated feature film Beauty and the Beast (1991). The film's theme song, the Broadway-inspired ballad was first recorded by British-American actress Angela Lansbury in her role as the voice of the character Mrs. Potts, and essentially describes the relationship between its two main characters Belle and the Beast, specifically how the couple has learned to accept their differences and in turn change each other for the better. Additionally, the song's lyrics imply that the feeling of love is as timeless and ageless as a \"tale as old as time\". Lansbury's rendition is heard during the famous ballroom sequence between Belle and the Beast, while a shorted chorale version plays in the closing scenes of the film, and the song's motif features frequently in other pieces of Menken's film score. \"Beauty and the Beast\" was subsequently recorded as a pop duet by Canadian singer Celine Dion and American singer Peabo Bryson, and released as the only single from the film's soundtrack on November 25, 1991.", "Beauty and the Beast (Disney song) Both versions of \"Beauty and the Beast\" were very successful, garnering both a Golden Globe and Academy Award for Best Original Song, as well as Grammy Awards for Best Song Written for Visual Media and Best Pop Performance by a Duo or Group with Vocals. The single was also nominated for the Grammy Award for Record of the Year and the Grammy Award for Song of the Year. Lansbury's performance has been universally lauded by both film and music critics. While the Dion-Bryson version received mixed reviews from critics who felt that it was inferior to Lansbury's original, the single became a commercial success, peaking at number nine on the Billboard Hot 100 and becoming the better-known of the two renditions. In addition to returning Disney songs to the pop charts after a thirty-year absence, the success of \"Beauty and the Beast\" also launched Dion's career and established her as a bankable recording artist. After \"Beauty and the Beast\" became the first Disney song to undergo a complete pop transformation, several contemporary artists were inspired to release their own radio-friendly renditions of Disney songs throughout the decade. Considered to be among Disney's best and most popular songs, \"Beauty and the Beast\" has since been covered by numerous artists. In 2004, the American Film Institute officially recognized \"Beauty and the Beast\" as one of the greatest songs in film history, ranking it 62nd.", "Beauty & the Beast (season 3) On May 8, 2014, Beauty & the Beast was renewed for a third season of 13 episodes.[6] Filming on season three commenced on August 29, 2014,[7] and ended on February 12, 2015.[8] Season three was originally set to premiere on May 21, 2015,[9] but the premiere date was later moved by The CW to June 11, 2015.[2]", "Belle (Beauty and the Beast) Belle appeared in the Broadway musical adaptation of Beauty and the Beast. The role was originated by actress Susan Egan,[117] who was initially reluctant to audition for Beauty and the Beast because she \"thought it was a terrible idea for Disney to put a cartoon on Broadway.\"[118] However, her agent managed to convince her otherwise,[118] and Egan ultimately turned down callbacks for roles in the musicals My Fair Lady, Carousel and Grease in favor of starring as Belle in Beauty and the Beast because she had always wanted to originate a Broadway role.[119] Egan had never watched Beauty and the Beast prior to her audition,[119] relying solely on \"her own creative instincts\" instead.[118] Egan's performance earned her a Tony Award nomination for Best Actress in a Musical at the 48th Tony Awards.[120] A total of seventeen actresses have portrayed Belle in the Broadway musical, among them recording artists Debbie Gibson and Toni Braxton, The Sopranos' Jamie-Lynn Sigler, and Disney Channel alumnae Christy Carlson Romano and Anneliese van der Pol,[121] the latter of whom became Broadway's final Belle when the show ended its thirteen-year-long run in 2007.[122] Actress Sarah Litzsinger remains Broadway's longest-running Belle.[123]", "Beast (Beauty and the Beast) Still believing that Belle disobeyed him by breaking her promise not to leave, Beast locks her into the dungeons to rot. But when Forte goads him into destroying the rose to end his suffering, Beast finds Belle's book in the West Wing and reads it, coming to his senses and realizing that all Belle wants is for him to be happy. Releasing Belle from the dungeon and asking for her forgiveness, Beast prepares to join in the Christmas festivities. But Forte doesn't give up and even goes as far as to attempt to destroy the entire castle with Beethoven's 5th. Fortunately, Beast finds him in time and destroys his keyboard with Franz Schubert's Symphony No 8. Losing his balance (and his pipes), Forte falls from the wall he is leaned up against and is silenced forever. Later, the castle and servants are arrayed in Christmas decorations when Belle and the Beast do their famous ballroom dance from the first film.", "Beauty and the Beast (musical) Beauty and the Beast is considered to be Broadway's first legitimate family show,[13] responsible for birthing an entirely new generation of young theatregoers.[16] The family demographic of the musical established inspired international productions of Aladdin and Matilda.[13] According to The Complete Book of 1990s Broadway Musicals author Dan Dietz, \"the show's resounding success opened the floodgates for a spate of ... productions based on Disney and other family-oriented films\", transforming Broadway into \"a theme park with a parade of musicals aimed at kids and teenagers.\"[1] Dietz believes that the plethora of Broadway musicals that came after Beauty and the Beast have unfortunately resembled \"feel-good family show[s] whose goal was to emulate its film source.\"[1] Additionally, the success of the musical inspired a legion of Broadway productions geared towards young women, including Hairspray (2002), Wicked (2003), Legally Blonde (2007), Matilda (2013) and Rodgers and Hammerstein's Cinderella (2013).[1] While these musicals flourished on Broadway, it seems as though more serious, adult-oriented fare struggled to perform as well.[1] New York theatre critic Howard Kissel famously despised \"the Kiddy Komponent of New York theatergoing\" spearheaded by the successful 13-year Broadway run of Beauty and the Beast.[68] The success of Beauty and the Beast inspired Eisner invest in his own theatre to house future stage adaptations of the studio's animated classics.[69]", "Beauty and the Beast (2017 film) Beauty and the Beast was released on Blu-ray, DVD and Digital HD on June 6, 2017.[80] The film debuted at No. 1 on the NPD VideoScan overall disc sales chart, with all other titles in the top 20, collectively, selling only 40% as many units as Beauty and the Beast.[81] The movie regained the top spot on the national home video sales charts during its third week of release.[82] The movie became available on Netflix on September 19, 2017.", "Beauty and the Beast (1987 TV series) In 2004 and 2007, Beauty and the Beast was ranked #14 and #17, respectively, on TV Guide's Top Cult Shows Ever.[7]", "Gaston (Beauty and the Beast) Gaston debuted in Beauty and the Beast as an arrogant hunter who is determined to marry Belle, whom he considers to be the village's most beautiful woman. However, she refuses his proposal when he throws a wedding party without her prior knowledge. Belle is the only one in town who actually dislikes Gaston for the person he is inside. Thoroughly humiliated, he sulks, but when her father Maurice shows up saying that she has been captured by a hideous Beast, he comes up with the idea of having him thrown into an insane asylum, unless Belle agrees to marry him. His plan fails when Belle proves the Beast does exist, and she says that he is her friend, and that he is a better person than Gaston. He becomes jealous, snaps, and decides to gather a band of villagers to kill the Beast, playing off their fears that the Beast might wreak havoc on their village.[72] In the ensuing fight, he shoots the Beast with an arrow and beats him down, taunting him about his appearance, and still refusing to believe that Belle will not marry him. The Beast has no heart to fight until he sees that Belle came back for him, at which point he easily overpowers Gaston and intends to kill him. However, when Gaston begs for his life, the Beast decides to be the better man and have mercy, and climbs back up to Belle. Ungrateful and unrepentant, Gaston stabs the Beast in the back when he sees him embracing Belle, but loses his balance when the Beast swings his arm backwards at him; consequently, Gaston falls to his death.", "Belle (Beauty and the Beast) Belle is a fictional character who appears in Walt Disney Pictures' animated feature film Beauty and the Beast (1991). Originally voiced by American actress and singer Paige O'Hara, Belle is the non-conforming daughter of an inventor who yearns to abandon her predictable village life in return for adventure. When her father Maurice is imprisoned by a cold-hearted beast, Belle offers him her own freedom in exchange for her father's, and eventually learns to love the Beast despite his unsightly outward appearance.", "Beast (Beauty and the Beast) Inspired by a buffalo head that he purchased from a taxidermy,[2] Keane decided to base the Beast's appearance on a variety of wild animals, drawing inspiration from the mane of a lion, head of a buffalo, brow of a gorilla, tusks of a wild boar, legs and tail of a wolf, and body of a bear. However, he felt it important that the Beast's eyes remain human. In fear that Glen Keane would design the Beast to resemble voice actor Robby Benson, Walt Disney Studios chairman Jeffrey Katzenberg did not allow Keane to see Benson during production of the film.", "Beast (Beauty and the Beast) Earlier on, in the third segment, Mrs. Potts' Party, the Beast makes several cameos sleeping in his bed in the West Wing. Dialogue between Lumiere and Cogsworth shows that he had spent the entire previous night mending leaks in the castle roof, and is still resting. An argument between Lumiere and Cogsworth about Mrs. Potts' favourite flowers lead to them having to hide several bunches of flowers around the Beast's bed. At one point, the Beast begins to smell one of the flowers and almost wakes up, but it is removed just in time, and he falls asleep again.", "Beauty and the Beast (1991 film) In 2010, IGN named Beauty and the Beast as the greatest animated film of all time, directly ahead of WALL-E, The Incredibles, Toy Story 2, and The Iron Giant.[91]", "Beauty and the Beast (musical) After completing tryouts in Houston, Beauty and the Beast premiered on Broadway on April 18, 1994, starring Susan Egan and Terrence Mann as the eponymous Belle and Beast, respectively. The musical opened to mixed reviews from theatre critics, but was a massive commercial success and well received by audiences. Beauty ran on Broadway for 5,461 performances for thirteen years (1994 - 2007)[2], becoming Broadway's tenth longest-running production in history. The musical has grossed more than $1.4 billion worldwide and played in thirteen countries and 115 cities.[citation needed] It has also become a popular choice for high school productions.[3]", "Beauty and the Beast (Disney song) To viewers at the time, the computer effects in this climactic sequence[129] were astonishing.[130] The Beauty and the Beast ballroom sequence \"thematized marriage in the dance\" by illustrating a \"nuptial rehearsal\" which contrasts the \"now\" (3D animation) with \"then\" (2D animation) in a \"successful marriage of character and set\". The Studios After the Studios explains: \"This chronological fusion was itself classicised by Mrs Potts' song: she turns a moment of industrial novelty into balance\".[131]", "Beauty and the Beast (1991 film) The fifth video game based on the film was titled Disney's Beauty and the Beast: A Boardgame Adventure and is a Disney Boardgame adventure for the Game Boy Color. It was released on October 25, 1999.[150]", "Ken Block Block appears in the 2015 Need for Speed video game as the style icon. He was credited as the stunt performer in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them and Beauty and the Beast.", "Beast (Beauty and the Beast) As the enchanted rose reaches late bloom and slowly wilts, the first outsider is an old man named Maurice who accidentally stumbles upon the castle, being allowed inside by the servants for shelter. However, the Beast detains Maurice in the tower as a prisoner for trespassing. Maurice's horse returns back to the village, and then takes Maurice's daughter Belle back to the castle. In the tower Belle confronts Beast and pleads with him to let her father go, offering herself as a prisoner instead, to which the Beast agrees in return for her promise never to leave. Being prodded by his servants into believing that she is the key to breaking the spell, the Beast shows flashes of compassion for the first time despite his overall gruff manner. For instance, he feels some remorse for ejecting her father without a proper farewell, and as an atonement he lets her stay in a furnished room rather than the tower dungeon and places the servants at her disposal. When she enters the castle's forbidden west wing and nearly touches the rose, he frightens her into fleeing the castle via the woods, which he regrets upon realizing that he lost his temper, then he saves her from being killed by wild wolves. The Beast and Belle come to appreciate each other when she brings him back to the castle and tends to his wounds. He strikes up a friendship with her, by giving her the castle library and learns kindness and manners from her. Eventually, the Beast falls in love with Belle, and placing her happiness before his own, he releases her to tend to her sick father, a decision that disheartens him upon realizing that she had not yet returned his love which means that the curse remains unbroken.", "Beast (Beauty and the Beast) The Beast is not of any one species of animal, but a chimera (a mixture of several animals), who would probably be classified as a carnivore overall. He has the head structure and horns of a buffalo, the arms and body of a bear, the eyebrows of a gorilla, the jaws, teeth, and mane of a lion, the tusks of a wild boar and the legs and tail of a wolf. He also bears resemblance to mythical monsters like the Minotaur or a werewolf. He also has blue eyes, the one physical feature that does not change whether he is a beast or a human.", "Beauty and the Beast (1991 film) After the success of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs in 1937, Walt Disney sought out other stories to adapt into feature films, with Beauty and the Beast being among the stories he considered.[12][29] Attempts to develop the Beauty and the Beast story into a film were made in the 1930s and 1950s, but were ultimately given up because it \"proved to be a challenge\" for the story team.[12] Peter M. Nichols states Disney may later have been discouraged by Jean Cocteau having already done his 1946 version.[30]", "Beast (Beauty and the Beast) In the original tale, the Beast is seen to be kind-hearted for the most part, and gentleman-like, with only an occasional tendency to be hot-tempered. Disney's interpretation of the Beast made him more constantly angry and depressed, due to the shame from his unkind actions which led to his transformation, and particularly his struggle of reconciling his hideous appearance with his inner humanity which made him feel hopeless about breaking the curse. Supervising animator Glen Keane describes The Beast as \"a twenty-one-year-old guy who's insecure, wants to be loved, wants to love, but has this ugly exterior and has to overcome this.\"[3] Upon his reform under his love interest Belle, his personality changes to refined and more even-tempered, while naive about the world at the same time.", "Evermore (Beauty and the Beast song) Director Bill Condon originally intended to include most songs from the Broadway musical adaptation of Beauty and the Beast in the remake. However, Disney ultimately decided to recruit composer Alan Menken and lyricist Tim Rice to write entirely new songs for the film instead.[1] Original Beauty and the Beast composer Menken reunited with Rice, with whom he had previously collaborated on Disney's animated film Aladdin (1992),[2] to write three new songs for the remake.[3] Rice once again replaced original Beauty and the Beast lyricist Howard Ashman, who had passed away shortly before the animated film's release in 1991,[4] similar to the way in which he replaced the lyricist to aid Menken in writing new material for the 1994 stage adaptation.[5] Menken believes that the songs he and Rice had written for the stage musical would not have translated well to the screen due to structural differences between the two formats.[6]", "Beauty and the Beast (1991 film) Ten years later, a beautiful young woman named Belle dreams of adventure and brushes off advances from Gaston, a handsome, arrogant hunter. Lost in the forest while traveling to a fair to present his latest invention, Belle's father Maurice seeks refuge in the Beast's castle. After Maurice befriends the castle's servants, however, the Beast discovers and imprisons him. Belle ventures out in search for him and finds him locked in the castle's dungeon. The Beast agrees to let her take Maurice's place.", "Beast (Beauty and the Beast) The last rose petal falls before the curse is broken; however, upon seeing Belle profess her love for the Beast, the enchantress reveals herself and lifts the spell on the castle and its inhabitants. Afterward, Prince and Belle host a ball for all the villagers.", "Beauty and the Beast (musical) The show's rights became available (in association with Josef Weinberger Ltd.) to amateur performing groups and regional musical societies.[58] The show has been performed in numerous countries, by theatre companies of both an amateur and professional level. In 2010 Tipperary Musical Society staged the Irish amateur premiere of Disney's Beauty and the Beast, for which it was nominated for 4 AIMS Awards (Association of Irish Musical Societies) including Best Overall Show in Ireland and winning one, Best Actor in a Supporting Role (John Murphy for the part of Gaston). Belle was played by Bridget Nolan and Beast was played by Derek Ryan.", "Beauty and the Beast (1991 film) Janet Maslin of The New York Times praised the film with the following statement, \"Two years ago, Walt Disney Pictures reinvented the animated feature, not only with an eye toward pleasing children, but also with an older, savvier audience in mind. Disney truly bridged a generation gap with The Little Mermaid … Now, lightning has definitely struck twice with Beauty and the Beast.\"[75] Awarding the film a perfect score of four stars, Roger Ebert of the Chicago Sun-Times compared Beauty and the Beast positively to Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and Pinocchio, writing, \"Beauty and the Beast reaches back to an older and healthier Hollywood tradition in which the best writers, musicians and filmmakers are gathered for a project on the assumption that a family audience deserves great entertainment, too.\"[76] In 2001 Ebert again gave the IMAX re-release a full 4 out of 4 stars.[77] James Berardinelli of ReelViews rated the film similarly while hailing it as \"the finest animated movie ever made\", writing, \"Beauty and the Beast attains a nearly-perfect mix of romance, music, invention, and animation.\"[78] The use of computer animation, particularly in the ballroom sequence, was singled out in several reviews as one of the film's highlights.[10] Hal Hinson of The Washington Post gave the film a positive review, calling the film \"A delightfully satisfying modern fable, a near-masterpiece that draws on the sublime traditions of the past while remaining completely in sync with the sensibility of its time.\"[79] Janet Maslin of The New York Times gave the film a positive review, saying \"It is a surprise, in a time of sequels and retreads, that the new film is so fresh and altogether triumphant in its own right.\"[80] Dave Kehr of the Chicago Tribune gave the film three out of four stars, saying \"Beauty and the Beast is certainly adequate holiday entertainment for children and their more indulgent parents … But the film has little of the technical facility, vivid characterization and emotional impact of Disney past.\"[81]", "Beauty and the Beast (1987 TV series) The television series stars New Zealand actor Jay Ryan as Vincent (the \"beast\") and Canadian actress Kristin Kreuk as Catherine (the \"beauty\").[23] The pilot was filmed in Toronto, Ontario, Canada in March 2012.", "Beast (Disney) The Beast appears in the Broadway musical adaptation of Disney's Beauty and the Beast, originally portrayed by Terrence Mann.[5] Other actors who have taken on the role include Chuck Wagner (1997),[5] James Barbour (1998), Jeff McCarthy (2004), and Steve Blanchard.[6]", "Beauty and the Beast (musical) Nearly universally panned by theatre critics,[16] they concurred that Beauty and the Beast was a \"great spectacle, but not great theater\".[26] Likening the musical to the Empire State Building, David Richards of The New York Times called the show \"hardly a triumph of art, but it'll probably be a whale of a tourist attraction.\" While awarding specific praise towards its musical numbers, choreography, costumes and cast – particularly Mann's ability to \"convey the delicacy of awakening love\" despite the physical demands of his costume, at the same time Richards criticized the production's set and special effects for lacking subtlety, ultimately accusing them of leaving little \"to the imagination\". Richards concluded, \"The result is a sightseer's delight, which isn't the same thing as a theatergoer's dream.\"[42] Also writing for The New York Times, Vincent Canby disparaged the musical entirely as \"relentlessly bland, busy, upbeat and robotlike\", criticizing the production for resembling \"a dinner theater.\" Canby felt that the new Menken-Rice songs were \"inferior\" to the originals, likened the special effects to Fourth of July sparklers, criticized the sound engineering for ranging from too loud to barely audible, and panning Woolverton's book for failing to supplement her screenplay. Minor praise was awarded to the performances of Lamberts, Beach and Fowler, as well as Mann's climactic beast-to-prince transformation.[67] In addition to predicting that Beauty and the Beast would be derided by traditional Broadway theatre-goers and critics alike, Variety writer Jeremy Gerard was largely negative in his own review. While admitting that the production \"boasts several real pluses\", Gerard criticized the show for appearing \"bloated, padded, gimmick-ridden, tacky and ... utterly devoid of imagination.\" The critic voiced his strong disapproval of the costumes while dismissing the set as \"something designed to be seen by people in moving seats, maybe at Disneyland\", panning West's choreography and ultimately deriding Roth's directing and blocking of actors who \"look generally like they're following dotted lines on the stage.\"[19] Critics agreed that Roth's direction and West's were equally uninspired.[16] In a mixed review with a headline reading \"Beauty and the Beast isn't magical in the least, even if it does bristle with magic tricks\", New York's John Simon wrote that the production resembles \"a belated infomercial\" for the film by which he was bored, yet impressed by its special effects and illusions. Simon also felt that the actors struggled to resemble their animated counterparts despite Hould-Ward's, criticizing Egan's acting, Woolverton's dialogue and the new Menken-Rice numbers while praising Moses', Beach's and Fowler's performances.[25]", "Beauty and the Beast (2017 film) The world premiere of Beauty and the Beast took place at Spencer House in London, United Kingdom on February 23, 2017;[60] and the film later premiered at the El Capitan Theatre in Hollywood, California, on March 2, 2017. The stream was broadcast onto YouTube.", "Evermore (Beauty and the Beast song) One of at least nine significant ways in which the remake deviates from its source material,[22] \"Evermore\" is among the film's songs that emphasize the sadness and loneliness of both the Beast and Belle's situations.[23] Occurring approximately two-thirds into the film,[24] the song assumes a role that was originally occupied by the song \"If I Can't Love Her\" in the Broadway musical,[25] identified by Fred Hawson of ABS-CBN News as \"a grand moving solo\" during which the Beast sincerely expresses his undying feelings for Belle.[26][27] In Beauty and the Beast, \"Evermore\" appears as a solo performed by the Beast shortly before \"The Mob Song\" as the film approaches its dramatic climax.[28][3] After the Beast and Belle (Emma Watson) share a dance in the castle's ballroom to Mrs. Potts (Emma Thompson) singing \"Beauty and the Beast\", the couple has a conversation during which the Beast learns how much Belle actually misses her father, Maurice (Kevin Kline).[29] Finally admitting that Belle is no longer his prisoner,[30] the character sings \"Evermore\" shortly after he releases the heroine from the castle,[31] insisting that she return to her village and protect Maurice from Gaston (Luke Evans).[32] Believing that Belle has been lost to him forever,[33] the Beast is heartbroken by the character's departure and laments his misfortune by performing \"Evermore\",[4] accepting that releasing his former prisoner makes breaking the enchantress' spell more difficult, even impossible.[22] Serving as a culmination of both the Beast's personal and emotional journeys,[34] Tracy Goldman of The Cornell Daily Sun observed that the song \"adds more depth to the character\" by \"highlighting the changes he goes through throughout the movie.\"[35]", "Beauty and the Beast (1991 film) Alan Menken and Howard Ashman's song \"Beauty and the Beast\" won the Academy Award for Best Original Song, while Menken's score won the award for Best Original Score.[104] Two other Menken and Ashman songs from the film, \"Belle\" and \"Be Our Guest\", were also nominated for Best Original Song.[104] Beauty and the Beast was the first picture to receive three Academy Award nominations for Best Original Song, a feat that would be repeated by The Lion King (1994), Dreamgirls (2006), and Enchanted (2007).[104] Academy rules have since been changed to limit each film to two nominations in this category, due to the consecutive unintentional failures of Dreamgirls and Enchanted to win the award.[104]", "Beauty and the Beast (Disney song) In their dance together, Belle and the Beast move toward the camera, as we pan up and into the 3D chandelier. In the next shot, the camera slowly drops from the ceiling as we once again move alongside the 3D chandelier. This adds depth to the scene, as the chandelier is placed at the forefront of the image and Belle and the Beast are in the distance. This shot continues as we move down below and gracefully move around them. The Beast then sways Belle around and near the camera, once again providing us with an illusion that a camera is following these characters around in an actual ballroom. In a wide shot of Belle and the Beast dancing, the camera begins dollying back as Mrs. Potts and Chip appear in the frame. These beautiful compositions and camera movements show us how space functions within an animated feature film.", "Beauty and the Beast (musical) Actor Terrence Mann was cast as the Beast. Mann had previously performed as Javert in Les Misérables, for which he was nominated for a Tony Award.[10] For his final audition for Disney management, Mann performed for a large audience comprising Disney executives and secretaries in a theatre located on 42nd Street, which he felt was in stark contrast to the usual method of auditioning for six to eight people in a dark theatre.[24] Actor Gary Beach was cast as Lumiere.[28] Beach had seen Beauty and the Beast premiere at the El Capitan Theatre, prior to which he had watched a stage rendition of the film, and thoroughly enjoyed both. Beach was particularly drawn to Jerry Orbach's rendition of \"Be Our Guest\" in his role as Lumiere, thinking, \"Now why can't I get a part like that\".[24] Two years later, Beach received a call from casting director Jay Binder inviting him to play Lumiere during their workshop of Beauty and the Beast, but kept turning down the offer due to having prior commitments to an upcoming show starring comedian Carol Burnett. It was only at Burnett's insistence that Beach finally accepted.[24] Amidst a cast of relatively obscure actors, Tom Bosley, famous for his roles on the television series Happy Days and Murder, She Wrote, became the show's most recognizable performer when he was cast as Belle's father Maurice.[10]", "Beauty & the Beast (season 4) The fourth and final season of Beauty & the Beast (an American television series developed by Sherri Cooper-Landsman and Jennifer Levin and very loosely inspired by the 1987 CBS television series of the same name) consists of 13 episodes. It premiered in the United States on The CW on June 2, 2016.", "Beauty and the Beast (1991 soundtrack) Much like Beauty and the Beast, the soundtrack was a massive critical success, receiving universal praise and recognition from both film and music critics. The music featured on the album won several awards, including the Golden Globe Award for Best Original Score, the Academy Award for Best Original Score and the Grammy Award for Best Instrumental Composition Written for a Motion Picture or for Television. Its title track and only single, \"Beauty and the Beast\", achieved similar success, winning the Golden Globe Award for Best Original Song, Academy Award for Best Original Song and Grammy Awards for both Best Song Written for Visual Media and Best Pop Performance by a Duo or Group with Vocals. The soundtrack was also nominated for a Grammy Award for Album of the Year.", "Beauty and the Beast (1991 film) Ashman and Menken wrote the Beauty song score during the pre-production process in Fishkill, the opening operetta-styled \"Belle\" being their first composition for the film. Other songs included \"Be Our Guest,\" sung (in its original version) to Maurice by the objects when he becomes the first visitor to eat at the castle in a decade, \"Gaston,\" a solo for the swaggering villain, \"Human Again,\" a song describing Belle and Beast's growing love from the objects' perspective, the love ballad \"Beauty and the Beast (Tale as Old as Time)\" and the climactic \"The Mob Song.\" As story and song development came to a close, full production began in Burbank while voice and song recording began in New York City.[12] The Beauty songs were mostly recorded live with the orchestra and the voice cast performing simultaneously rather than overdubbed separately, in order to give the songs a cast album-like \"energy\" the filmmakers and songwriters desired.[10]", "Beauty and the Beast (1987 TV series) The series follows the developing relationship between the characters and the division between New York and the hidden world beneath it. In a twist from the original tale, however, this \"beast\" does not transform into society's idea of beauty after gaining the love of Catherine. Rather, Vincent's inner beauty is allowed to remain the focus of who he is, and it is Catherine's life that transforms from her relationship to Vincent.", "Beauty & the Beast (season 3) The third season of Beauty & the Beast (an American television series developed by Sherri Cooper-Landsman and Jennifer Levin and very loosely inspired by the 1987 CBS television series of the same name) consisted of 13 episodes.[1] It aired in the United States on The CW starting June 11, 2015.[2]", "List of Disney's Beauty and the Beast characters This article lists information of fictional characters from Disney's Beauty and the Beast franchise, covering the 1991 animated film, its direct to video followup, a short story collection, the stage musical adaptation, and the 2017 live-action and computer animation remake.", "Beauty and the Beast (musical) Broadway producers are usually eager to cast big-named performers in their musicals, but Katzenberg, famous at the time for avoiding working with actors of such caliber, decided against this practice for Beauty and the Beast.[10] Eisner concluded that most of the film's original voice actors would be too busy to reprise their roles onstage.[15] In her Broadway debut,[13] then-22-year-old actress Susan Egan was cast as the musical's original Belle.[26] Egan, who had not yet seen the film, had been auditioning for several other Broadway projects at the time – namely My Fair Lady, Carousel and Grease – in which she was much more interested.[26] Despite longing to originate a Broadway role,[27] the actress was initially reluctant to audition for Beauty and the Beast because she thought that \"it was a terrible idea for Disney to put a cartoon on Broadway.\"[26] Additionally, Egan felt she was not attractive enough to play a character touted \"the most beautiful girl in the village\", but her agent managed to convince her otherwise.[26] Without any film to reference, Egan determined that Belle is supposed to be a \"quirky\" character and approached her funnier than how she is depicted in the film,[26] in turn garnering laughs from the producers – who were amused by her unique interpretation – and eventually earning several callbacks.[27] Meanwhile, her competition of 500 actresses, many of whom were simply offering imitations of voice actress Paige O'Hara's original performance, continued to be eliminated.[26]", "Gaston (Beauty and the Beast) Gaston appears in the 2017 remake as played by Welsh actor Luke Evans. During an interview with Empire magazine, Evans said that Gaston would retain his hunter background, yet would also be a former soldier in the French army. He also implied that this version of Gaston is darker than the original.[73] In the film, Gaston plays out the same role as in the animated movie, though with a few differences. Bored with his peaceful life after returning from the war, Gaston pursues Belle, determined to marry her, as she is the most beautiful girl in the village and the only one good enough for him. He also finds her independence to be a thrilling challenge, and shows obvious disgust with the bimbettes who constantly fawn over him purely because of his appearance. He accosts her at her home, subtly offering his hand in marriage for when Maurice dies, but she turns him down. Gaston sulks in the tavern until LeFou cheers him up with a song. Maurice appears, claiming that Belle has been imprisoned by the Beast. Intrigued, Gaston offers to help Maurice free her as means of gaining both Maurice and Belle's favor. Gaston comes to doubt Maurice's claims and reveals the only reason for helping him was so he could give Gaston Belle's hand in marriage. When Maurice refuses to allow Gaston to marry Belle, Gaston ties him to a tree, leaving him to the wolves. He hopes by doing this, it would coerce Belle into marrying him, as he tells Lefou that after Maurice dies there will be no one to take care of Belle except for him. Maurice later accuses Gaston of his crime, but Gaston fools the people into thinking Maurice is mad and arranges for him to be locked up in the asylum. He privately offers to put a stop to it if he lets him marry Belle, but Maurice still refuses. When Belle turns up and proves the Beast's existence with the mirror, Gaston's jealousy drives him to rally the people to storm the castle and kill the Beast, but not before he orders Tom, Dick, and Stanley to lock Belle alongside her father to prevent her from warning the Beast. He confronts the Beast alone and shoots him in the back. Belle appears and the Beast fights back, holding Gaston over a chasm, but Gaston begs for mercy and is spared. Instead of leaving, Gaston stands on a nearby stone bridge and shoots the Beast again, this time fatally. In response to the Beast's life fading, the castle begins to crumble and the bridge where Gaston is standing breaks into pieces, sending Gaston falling to his death. Unlike in the animated movie, Gaston's death is shown onscreen.", "Beauty and the Beast (Disney song) \"Beauty and the Beast\" has won several awards. The song garnered the Golden Globe Award for Best Original Song at the 49th Golden Globe Awards in January 1992.[132] The following March, \"Beauty and the Beast\" won the Academy Award for Best Original Song at the 64th Academy Awards.[133] The award was for Ashman, who had died of AIDS on March 14, 1991,[134][135] eight months before the film's release.[136] Menken acknowledged Ashman in his acceptance speech, while thanking Lansbury, Dion, Bryson and Afanasieff for their contributions.[133] Ashman's domestic partner Bill Lauch accepted the award on his behalf.[133] The following year, \"Beauty and the Beast\" garnered two wins out of eight nominations at the 35th Grammy Awards,[137] one for Best Song Written Specifically for a Motion Picture or Television.[138] An instrumental version arranged and conducted by Richard S. Kaufman won the 1993 Grammy for Best Pop Instrumental Performance. This rendition was performed by the Nurenberg Symphony Orchestra for the album Symphonic Hollywood, under the record company Varese Sarabande.[139] The James Galway instrumental movie version performed by The Galway Pops Orchestra and featured on the album Galway at the Movies[140] was nominated in 1994 for the Best Pop Instrumental Performance Grammy.[141]", "Beauty and the Beast (musical) At the castle, the servants are able to keep the lynch mob at bay, but Gaston breaks through and finds the Beast in his tower. He engages in a fight with him, mercilessly beating and taunting him (\"Battle\"). The Beast has lost the will to live at Belle's departure. As Gaston moves in for the killing blow, Belle arrives. The Beast immediately turns on Gaston and is prepared to kill him, but spares his life after seeing the fear in his eyes. The Beast and Belle are reunited, but this reunion is cut short as Gaston fatally stabs the Beast. This act of violence causes Gaston to lose his footing and he falls to his death.", "Beauty and the Beast (musical) The process of designing Beauty and the Beast's costumes was more collaborative between designer and actor than most other Broadway productions Hould-Ward had previously worked on, and she frequently sought input from the cast to make sure they were able to move.[36][37] Designing Belle's costumes was an \"easy\" task for Hould-Ward; the character is initially dressed in standard Disney heroine attire until replaced by more elaborate costumes once Belle meets the Beast.[22] Hould-Ward based the character's famous yellow ballgown on several historic portraits.[39] The gown became the first costume built for the production in order to accommodate Disney's mandate to market the dress in photoshoots and commercials starring Egan and Mann, six months prior to rehearsals.[39] Weighing 45 pounds, the dress is a combination of various patterns and materials, including a hoop skirt, silk, brocade, beading, flowers and bows.[39] Too large to fit inside Egan's dressing room after the ballroom sequence, undressing required assistance from three backstage crew members who used wires to hoist the dress up into the rafters, where it would be stored until the next performance.[39] A lot of time was spent designing the Beast's costume, the creation of which was especially challenging due to requirements to \"allow enough of the performer to show through.\"[36] Hould-Ward's initial designs for the Beast were constantly rejected by Katzenberg, who reiterated that she \"put the movie onstage\" until the producer realized that the excessive prosthetics were limiting Mann's vocal performance.[10] A wire frame was also used to maintain the costume's shape,[5] which evokes heavy metal fashion until ultimately substituted for a black Oscar de la Renta-inspired velvet suit when the Beast finally transforms back into a prince.[22] Hould-Ward designed the leads' costumes from the perspective of her daughter Leah, explaining, \"when Leah comes to see it, she remembers from the movie that the Beast was in that blue jacket. Leah expects that blue jacket, and if you don't give it to her, she and a lot of other ten-year-olds are going to be sad\".[5] At the same time, the designer wanted her creations to be equally as interesting on an intellectual level for parents to enjoy also.[37]", "Beauty and the Beast (musical) In the woods, Belle is attacked by wolves and is only rescued when the Beast comes to her aid, but he is injured during the fight and collapses (\"Entr'acte/Wolf Chase\"). Instead of taking the chance to run home Belle helps him back to the castle. She cleans his injuries and after a brief argument about whose fault this is, the Beast thanks her for her kindness and thus their friendship is born. Wanting to give her a thank-you gift, the Beast gives Belle his huge library, which excites her. She notes a change in the Beast's personality as the servants note a change in Belle and the Beast's relationship (\"Something There\"). They express their hope of being human once more (\"Human Again\") while Belle asks the Beast to accompany her to dinner that night.", "Belle (Beauty and the Beast) After the success of Walt Disney Productions' first feature-length animated film Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937), filmmaker Walt Disney himself made several attempts to adapt the fairy tale \"Beauty and the Beast\" by Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont into one of the studio's earliest animated feature films during the 1930s and 1950s.[1] However, the project was continuously abandoned due to the fairy tale's \"static\" plot and main characters.[2] The filmmaker was also concerned about the \"unnecessary intensity\" required to depict Belle's imprisonment.[3] Inspired by the unprecedented success of The Little Mermaid (1989), Walt Disney Studios chairman Jeffrey Katzenberg green-lit another attempt at adapting \"Beauty and the Beast\" under the direction of Richard Purdum.[3] However, Katzenberg did not approve of Purdum's dark, somber version of the fairy tale,[4][5] and ultimately ordered that it be restarted from scratch in favor of creating a Broadway-style musical film starring a strong heroine, more similar to The Little Mermaid.[6] Opting instead for a \"feminist twist\" on the original story,[7] Katzenberg hired television writer Linda Woolverton, who had never written an animated film before,[5] to write the film's screenplay.[8]", "Beauty & the Beast (season 2) The second season of Beauty & the Beast, an American television series developed by Sherri Cooper-Landsman and Jennifer Levin and very loosely inspired by the 1987 CBS television series of the same name, commenced airing in the United States on October 7, 2013, concluded July 7, 2014, and consisted of 22 episodes.[1]", "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them Scamander himself does not appear in the seven Harry Potter books. He is mentioned in passing in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone as the author of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. He is the central character of the film adaptation of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, in which he is portrayed by Eddie Redmayne.", "Beauty and the Beast (Disney song) Regarded as an example of \"a pronounced use of height and of vertical movement in sets and settings, in virtual camera movement ... and in the actions of characters\" by Epics, Spectacles and Blockbusters: A Hollywood History author Sheldon Hall,[41] Beauty and the Beast was one of the first feature-length animated films to use computer-generated imagery,[42][43][44] which is prominently exhibited throughout the film's \"elaborate\" ballroom sequence.[45] Light Science: Physics and the Visual Arts author Thomas D. Rossing believes that the filmmakers aimed to achieve \"a moving perspective that would follow the dancers around the room, giving visual expression to the soaring emotions of the scene.\"[46] CGI supervisor Jim Hillin was hired by Hahn to oversee the design of the scene's graphics.[47] However, because the computer-animation medium was so unfamiliar to the filmmakers at the time,[43] at one point they had considered having Belle and the Beast simply dance in complete darkness – save for a single spotlight – should the project be unsuccessful;[25] they jokingly referred to this idea as the \"Ice Capades\" version.[48]", "Beauty and the Beast (musical) Beauty and the Beast has been performed in more than 30 countries, including Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Lebanon, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Philippines, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, and United States. Over 35 million people have seen the show worldwide and it has grossed more than $1.7 billion.[51]", "Belle (Beauty and the Beast) Before Beauty and the Beast, Disney's tradition of depicting female characters as victims had already long been established.[9] The fact that Belle was hardly depicted as a feminist in earlier versions of the film became a point of contention among the filmmakers.[10] Despite the fact that Disney wanted Beauty and the Beast to resemble an old-fashioned film, the filmmakers envisioned Belle as \"a woman that was ahead of her time\".[11] As the first woman in the history of Disney to write a feature-length animated film,[12] Woolverton decided to explore Belle as an opportunity to create a female character who would ultimately be better received than Disney's previous animated heroines, specifically Ariel from The Little Mermaid.[7][13][14] Woolverton was aware that the task would be particularly challenging due to the previous character's popularity,[14] but fought relentlessly to make sure that she was creating \"a new kind of Disney heroine.\"[15] Inspired by the women's rights movement Woolverton herself had experienced during the 1960s and 1970s,[9] the screenwriter was determined to avoid creating another \"insipid\" Disney princess and decided to conceive Belle as a headstrong feminist.[14] Woolverton strongly believed that contemporary audiences would not identify with Belle unless she was updated appropriately,[9] and thus evolved the character into \"a woman of the '90s\".[16] The screenwriter refused to watch Jean Cocteau's 1946 film adaptation of the fairy tale and chose to base Belle on American actress Katharine Hepburn's portrayal of Jo March in the 1933 film adaptation of Louisa May Alcott's book Little Women instead,[12][17] who she felt was \"a real depiction of womanhood.\"[18] Similarly, story artist Brenda Chapman drew influence from Hepburn's on-screen bickering with actor Spencer Tracy during the scene in which Belle tends to the Beast's wounds.[19]", "Beauty and the Beast (Disney song) Actress and singer Paige O'Hara, who voices Belle, was among the first artists to express interest in recording the pop version of \"Beauty and the Beast\", but Disney dismissed her for being \"too Broadway\".[157] Unable to afford to hire a \"big singer\" at the time, Disney settled for rising Canadian recording artist Celine Dion.[15] Because she was relatively unknown to American audiences at the time, the studio doubted that Dion would have much of an impact in the United States on her own and subsequently hired the more well-known American singer Peabo Bryson to record the song alongside her as a duet.[15] Disney contacted Dion's manager René Angélil about having his client record \"Beauty and the Beast\" while the singer was on tour in England.[158] A fan of Dion's music, Menken personally wrote the singer a letter of approval.[159]", "List of Disney's Beauty and the Beast characters Mrs. Potts is portrayed by Emma Thompson in the live-action version of Beauty and the Beast. During the final battle, she recognizes the potter Mr. Potts among the villagers storming the castle and is reunited with him after she transforms back into a human. It is then revealed that her first name is Beatrice.", "Beauty and the Beast (1991 film) These ideas were somewhat similar to elements of the 1946 French film version of Beauty and the Beast, which introduced the character of Avenant, an oafish suitor somewhat similar to Gaston,[33] as well as inanimate objects coming to life in the Beast's castle.[34] The animated objects were, however, given distinct personalities in the Disney version. By early 1990, Katzenberg had approved the revised script, and storyboarding began again.[12][32] The production flew story artists back and forth between California and New York for storyboard approvals from Ashman, though the team was not told the reason why.[12]", "Evermore (Beauty and the Beast song) \"Evermore\" is a song written by composer Alan Menken and lyricist Tim Rice for the musical fantasy film Beauty and the Beast (2017), a live-action remake of Disney's 1991 animated film of the same name. Originally recorded for the film by English actor Dan Stevens, who performs the song in his starring role as the titular Beast, \"Evermore\" was first released as a single by American singer Josh Groban on March 3, 2017. Stevens' version was made available on March 10, 2017 when the film's soundtrack was released online, while Groban's single is played in closing credits.", "Beauty and the Beast (1991 film) After sharing a romantic dance with the Beast, Belle discovers her father lying in the woods while attempting to rescue her using the magic mirror. The Beast releases her to save Maurice, giving her the mirror to remember him with. Belle rescues Maurice and brings him back to the village where she nurses him back to health. Suddenly, an angry mob led by Gaston comes to Belle's house and they try to take Maurice away. Belle then proves Maurice's sanity by revealing the Beast in the mirror to the townsfolk. Belle angrily confronts Gaston that he is a monster and the Beast is not, which enrages Gaston whom she does not want to marry. Realizing that Belle loves the Beast, Gaston has her thrown into the basement with her father and rallies the villagers to follow him to the castle to kill the Beast. With Chip's aid, Maurice and Belle escape and rush back to the castle.", "Belle (Beauty and the Beast) Belle and the other characters from the first movie appear in the stage show, Beauty and the Beast Live on Stage at Disney's Hollywood Studios, Walt Disney World. Belle appears in a meet-and-greet attraction at Magic Kingdom's Fantasyland called Enchanted Tales with Belle. In season 18 of Dancing With the Stars, Danica McKellar played Belle while performing a Quickstep on a Disney themed episode. Ginger Zee and Edyta Śliwińska also both portrayed Belle while performing a Foxtrot and Waltz respectively during the Disney night episode of the 22nd season of Dancing with the Stars. Emma Slater then played Belle while dancing a Foxtrot during the Disney theme night of the show's 24th season.", "Belle (Beauty and the Beast) In January 2015, Emma Watson announced that she would be portraying Belle in a live-action version of the film,[107] which was released in 2017.[108] Beauty and the Beast was the first of the Disney remakes in which an A-list actress portrays a Disney princess. As a feminist and model, Watson suggested several changes to the character in the live-action film. For costume design Watson rejected the traditional \"big princess dress\" and corset for the golden gown as that would have reduced her mobility, with the gown seen as crucial for marketing the film, while for the village scenes she requested boots instead of ballet slippers to give the character more ruggednes. Nonetheless Belle's attire in the live-action remake largely stays true to its animated predecessor.[109][110]", "Beauty and the Beast (musical) The Toronto production opened at the Princess of Wales Theatre on August 8, 1995, and closed in 1998. The production starred Kerry Butler as Belle and Chuck Wagner as the Beast, and Terry Doyle as Maurice. Notable replacements included Melissa Thomson as Belle and Steve Blanchard as the Beast. The lesser known Halifax production at the Neptune Theatre was the longest running production in the theatre's history.", "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them was released in the United Kingdom and the United States on 18 November 2016.", "Beauty and the Beast (Disney song) Ariana Grande and John Legend covered \"Beauty and the Beast\" for the 2017 live-action adaption of the same name.[2][3] The accompanying music video, directed by Dave Meyers premiered on Freeform on March 5, 2017.[233] In March 2017, Jennifer Thomas arranged an orchestral cover of the song featuring cellist Armen Ksajikian to coincide with the release of the 2017 film.[234]", "Gaston (Beauty and the Beast) Gaston is one of several elements unique to Disney's animated adaptation of the \"Beauty and the Beast\" fairy tale, written by Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont.[1] Under Richard and Jill Purdum's direction, Gaston originally resembled a \"foppish aristocrat\" as opposed to the strong, arrogant hunter he would ultimately be revised into;[2][3] The Huffington Post described early drafts of Gaston as \"a weaselly, sort of wimpy character\".[4] In fact, Gaston was originally intended to resemble more of an annoying than antagonistic character, while the main villainous role belonged to Belle's aunt Marguerite instead, who plotted to force Belle into marrying Gaston.[5] This version of Gaston was abandoned along with much of the original film treatment's elements, including Marguerite,[5] at the behest of Disney chairman Jeffrey Katzenberg.[2]", "List of Disney's Beauty and the Beast characters Lumière is the Beast's kindhearted but rebellious maître d', Cogsworth's counterpart and rival. Because of the curse placed by the Enchantress, he was transformed into a candelabra. He allows Maurice to come into the castle to stay. Later, he and Cogsworth lure Belle to Maurice in hopes that she will break the spell. He suggests that Beast try and move her to a better room. Lumière tries to help Beast become more civil for Belle, and sometimes rebels against the Beast if it suits the other characters' needs (like allowing Belle to have dinner despite Beast's refusal to let them feed her). Later, after the Beast rescues Belle from more wolves, and Belle nurses the beast back to health, earning his affections in the process, Lumière, aware of what would impress such a voracious reader, astutely suggests that the Beast give Belle the castle's immense library as a gift, which has the desired effect. He also tries to help the Beast learn how to do the waltz. He is initially upset that Belle leaves the castle, but he remains optimistic at the same time, since he's still convinced that she'll break the spell. When he discovers that the castle is going to be invaded by Gaston's lynch mob, he plans the battle. He then decides to set up a trap where all of the furniture is in the foyer, and he gives the signal to attack. While he is unable to stop Gaston from deserting the battle to kill the Beast, Lumière saves Fifi the Featherduster from being plucked apart by a villager and is earlier himself saved from Le Fou by Cogsworth. He, Cogsworth and Mrs. Potts rush to aid the Beast who is fighting against Gaston, but arrive after the battle's end, when the Beast dies from a mortal wound from Gaston, who fell to his death from the West Wing. The spell breaks, however, reviving the Beast and returning Lumière and the others to their original forms. In the end, he gets into an argument with Cogsworth about who told who about Belle breaking the spell (it was Lumière).", "Belle (Beauty and the Beast) Commentators have generally reacted more cynically towards Belle's relationship with the film's male characters, particularly the Beast, questioning its morality. Writing for the University of Central Florida, Faith Dickens felt that after Belle's introduction, the character becomes little more than \"a vehicle for exploring the Beast's dilemmas,\" while her initial pining for adventure is replaced by romance. Dickens went on to criticize the fact that while Belle appears to be \"perfect the way she is,\" the Beast \"need[s] to be reformed.\"[168] Anna E. Altmann, author of Tales, Then and Now: More Folktales as Literary Fictions for Young Adults, disliked the fact that Belle appears to share a motherly relationship with both the Beast and Maurice. Altman also panned the fact that Belle's interest in reading appears to be limited to fairy tales, ultimately dismissing the character as little more than \"a feisty North American version of\" Beaumont's heroine.[164] Orange Coast writer Henry A. Giroux felt that Belle serves as little more than \"a prop for resolving the Beast's problems.\"[178] Sonia Saraiya of Nerve ranked Belle the sixth most feminist Disney Princess, writing that, unlike Ariel, \"Belle's sass doesn't come from teenage rebellion, but rather from intellectual acuity.\" Saraiya commended Belle for resisting \"her village's expectations of what her life should look like,\" crediting her with being \"the first princess to express some skepticism about married life.\" While calling Belle's sacrifice \"brave,\" the author also labeled it \"not much of a step for womankind,\" in the end accusing her of falling \"for a domineering man.\"[179] Similarly, Kit Steinkellner of HelloGiggles expressed concern over the \"abusive undercurrents running through Belle and Beast’s relationship.\"[88] Meanwhile, Bustle's Mary Grace Garis also commended Belle's aspirations and love of reading, but criticized her relationship with the Beast, concluding, \"Though the ’90s showed a move toward princesses wanting to buck conventions and free themselves from their fathers (or the town misogynist) the endgame is the still the same, elaborating, \"When the movie ends, they’re still solidly with a man, their dreams of adventure abandoned. Therefore, the Disney renaissance is characterized more by theoretical want of adventure rather than a genuine pursuit.\"[180]", "Belle (Beauty and the Beast) Actress and model Sherri Stoner served as the performance model for Belle, providing live-action reference for the animators as they drew the character.[76] Belle's tendency to constantly brush her hair away from her face was also inspired by both Stoner and O'Hara.[42] \"I was constantly doing that and little quirky things that they would catch,\" O'Hara told The Guardian.[42] The animators also incorporated O'Hara's eyes, cheekbones and the way in which she raises her eyebrow into Belle's face.[48] O'Hara felt that Belle originally looked \"too perfect,\" likening the character's appearance to actresses Elizabeth Taylor and Angelina Jolie.[38] Writing for the Los Angeles Times, Charles Solomon observed inconsistencies in Belle's appearance, writing, \"The prettiest and liveliest Belle waltzes with Beast in his marble ballroom and weeps over his body before he's transformed into the Prince\" while \"The Belle who receives the library from Beast has wider-set eyes and a more prominent mouth than the noticeably slimmer Belle who sings 'Something There'\".[77]", "Evermore (Beauty and the Beast song) \"Evermore\" is a somber Broadway musical-influenced power ballad; its lyrics explore themes such as true love, heartbreak, loneliness and sacrifice. In Beauty and the Beast, \"Evermore\" is performed by the Beast shortly after he releases Belle from the castle so that she may return to her village and aid her father. The Beast realizes he loves Belle and, despite knowing that freeing her will further jeopardize his chances of becoming human again, ultimately sacrifices his own happiness in return for Belle's. Critical reception towards \"Evermore\" has been largely positive, with both film and music critics dubbing it the best of the remake's three original songs amidst heavy comparisons to its precedent \"If I Can't Love Her\". Critics frequently recognized Stevens among the cast's best vocalists and agreed that \"Evermore\" is a strong contender for a Academy Award for a Best Original Song nomination.", "Beauty and the Beast (musical) The Original Madrid Cast Recording was released in 1999. The principal cast included Xenia Reguant as Belle, Carlos Marín as Beast, Lisardo Guarinos as Gaston, Víctor Ullate Roche as LeFou, Germán Torres as Lumière, David Venancio Muro as Cogsworth and Kirby Navarro as Mrs. Potts. A second cast recording for the new production was released in May 2008, starring Julia Möller as Belle, David Ordinas as Beast, Pablo Puyol as Gaston, Raúl Peña as LeFou, Armando Pita as Lumière, Esteban Oliver as Cogsworth and Angels Jiménez as Mrs. Potts.", "Beauty and the Beast (2017 film) During the battle, Gaston abandons his companion LeFou, who then sides with the servants to fend off the villagers. Gaston attacks the Beast in his tower, who is too depressed to fight back, but regains his spirit upon seeing Belle return. He overpowers Gaston, but spares his life before reuniting with Belle. However, Gaston fatally shoots the Beast from a bridge, but it collapses when the castle crumbles, and he falls to his death. The Beast dies as the last petal falls, and the servants become inanimate. When Belle tearfully professes her love to him, Agathe reveals herself as the enchantress and undoes the curse, repairing the crumbling castle, and restoring the Beast's and servants' human forms and the villagers' memories. The Prince and Belle host a ball for the kingdom, where they dance happily.", "Beauty and the Beast (1991 soundtrack) Menken recruited musician Robbie Buchanan to arrange[13][14] \"Beauty and the Beast\" into the form of a pop duet[15] while Walter Afanasieff was responsible for producing the track.[12][16][17] Afanasieff also assisted Buchanan in the arranging of the song.[18] Menken was ultimately pleased with Afanasieff's production, explaining, \"Walter Afanasieff ... took it and really molded it into something very different than I ever intended and I grew to love it. In a way, Walter made it his own, and I love that.\"[12] Because Disney could not afford to hire a \"big singer\", they drafted Canadian singer Celine Dion, who was relatively new to the music industry at the time, to record \"Beauty and the Beast\". However, the studio feared that she would not draw much media attention because of her relative obscurity in the United States, so they hired American singer Peabo Bryson, who was a more well-known recording artist at the time, to perform alongside her.[8][11] The newly arranged song was released as the album's lead single on November 25, 1991.[7]", "Beauty and the Beast (1991 film) According to an article in the Houston Chronicle, \"The catalyst for Disney's braving the stage was an article by The New York Times theater critic Frank Rich that praised Beauty and the Beast as 1991's best musical … Theatre Under The Stars executive director Frank Young had been trying to get Disney interested in a stage version of Beauty about the same time Eisner and Katzenberg were mulling over Rich's column. But Young couldn't seem to get in touch with the right person in the Disney empire. Nothing happened till the Disney execs started to pursue the project from their end … When they asked George Ives, the head of Actors Equity on the West Coast, which Los Angeles theater would be the best venue for launching a new musical, Ives said the best theater for that purpose would be TUTS. Not long after that, Disney's Don Frantz and Bettina Buckley contacted Young, and the partnership was under way.\"[116] A stage condensation of the film, directed by Robert Jess Roth and choreographed by Matt West, both of whom moved on to the Broadway development, had already been presented at Disneyland at what was then called the Videopolis stage.[116] Beauty and the Beast premiered in a joint production of Theatre Under The Stars and Disney Theatricals at the Music Hall, Houston, Texas, from November 28, 1993, through December 26, 1993.[116]", "Beauty and the Beast (musical) The Original Vienna Cast Recording was released in 1996. The principal cast included Ethan Freeman as Beast, Caroline Vasicek as Belle, Kevin Tarte as Gaston, Viktor Gernot as Lumière, Ann Mandrella as Babette, and Rosita Mewis as Mrs. Potts.", "Beast (Disney) A handsome young prince lives in a luxurious castle in France. He has everything he ever wanted, and as a result, he is spoiled, selfish and unkind. One night, his kindness is put to the test when a beggar woman comes to the castle and asks for shelter from the freezing cold, with a single rose as payment. When he shuns the beggar for her repulsive appearance, she then reveals her true form as a beautiful enchantress. Seeing her beauty and realizing her power, the Prince tries to apologize but she transforms him into a terrifying beast-like creature for his arrogance. She also casts a spell on the entire castle, transforming it into a dark, foreboding place, its lush green grounds into dangerous immortal wolf-infested woods, and the good-natured servants into anthropomorphic household objects to reflect their different personalities. Ashamed of his new appearance, the Beast conceals himself inside his castle with a magic mirror as his only window to the outside world, and an enchanted rose that would act as the curse's timer which would bloom until he turns 21. If the Beast could learn to love a woman and earn her love in return before the final petal fell off the rose, the curse would be broken, but if not he would remain a beast forever. The Beast turns to despair as the years pass by, with little hope of achieving this.", "Beauty and the Beast (musical) Over the course of the production, notable replacements included Michelle Gayle and Annalene Beechey as Belle, John Barrowman and Earl Carpenter as the Beast, Alex Bourne as Gaston, and Billy Boyle and Terry Doyle as Maurice. The production ended on December 11, 1999.[47]", "Belle (Beauty and the Beast) Belle along with Beast and Chip appeared at the 64th Academy Awards as presenters for Best Animated Short Feature. She also makes a brief cameo appearance in Disney's 34th animated feature film The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1996) during the \"Out There\" musical sequence.[135]", "Beauty and the Beast (2017 film) By April 2014, Walt Disney Pictures had already begun developing a new live-action version and remake of Beauty and the Beast after making other live-action fantasy films such as Alice in Wonderland, Maleficent, Cinderella and The Jungle Book.[27] In June 2014, Bill Condon was signed to direct the film from a script by Evan Spiliotopoulos.[28] Later in September of that same year, Stephen Chbosky (who had previously directed Watson in The Perks of Being a Wallflower) was hired to re-write the script.[29]", "Beauty and the Beast (1991 film) Review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes gives the film an approval rating of 94% based on reviews from 110 critics, with an average rating of 8.5/10. The website's critical consensus reads, \"Enchanting, sweepingly romantic, and featuring plenty of wonderful musical numbers, Beauty and the Beast is one of Disney's most elegant animated offerings.\"[72] The film also holds a 95/100 on Metacritic, which indicates the reviews as \"universal acclaim\".[73] Audiences polled by CinemaScore gave the film a rare \"A+\" grade.[74]", "Beauty and the Beast (2017 film) After sharing a romantic dance with the Beast, Belle discovers her father's predicament using a magic mirror. The Beast releases her to save Maurice, giving her the mirror to remember him with. At Villeneuve, Belle proves Maurice's sanity by revealing the Beast in the mirror to the townsfolk. Realizing that Belle loves the Beast, Gaston claims she has been charmed by dark magic, and has her thrown into the asylum carriage with her father. He rallies the villagers to follow him to the castle to slay the Beast before he curses the whole village. Maurice and Belle escape, and Belle rushes back to the castle.", "Belle (Beauty and the Beast) Animator Mark Henn observed that, unlike Ariel, Belle does not \"fall in love at first sight\"; instead \"there's an actual relationship you see grow\".[20] In the original fairy tale, Belle has two selfish sisters who both have their own respective love interests, all of whom Woolverton omitted from the screenplay in favor of focusing solely on Belle's relationship with Gaston.[21] At one point, Belle had a younger sister named Clarice and a cruel aunt named Marguerite,[22] both of whom were discarded[23] – Clarice to emphasize Belle's loneliness,[24] and Marguerite to be replaced by Gaston as the film's villain.[22] Woolverton also eliminated the subplot of Belle asking her father for a rose.[9] Despite constant \"regressive\" re-writes,[15] Woolverton's overall vision for Belle generally remained intact.[9] Beauty and the Beast's story department was predominantly male, a time during which few women were involved.[25] Woolverton often found herself at odds and disagreeing with the more traditional story artists in regards to Belle's role in the film,[26][27] but continued to be supported by Katzenberg and lyricist Howard Ashman.[27]" ]
where is the food stored in a yam plant
[ "Yam (vegetable) A monocot related to lilies and grasses, yams are a vigorous herbaceous vine, providing an edible tuber.[1] Yams are also an invasive plant, often considered a \"noxious weed\", outside cultivated areas.[1] Native to Africa and Asia, yam tubers vary in size from that of a small potato to over 60 kg (130 lb). Some 870 species of yams are known,[1] and 95% of these crops are grown in Africa.[9]", "Yam (vegetable) The edible tuber has a rough skin difficult to peel, but softens after heating. The skins vary in color from dark brown to light pink. The majority of the vegetable is composed of a much softer substance known as the \"meat\". This substance ranges in color from white or yellow to purple or pink in mature yams." ]
[ "Yam (vegetable) Yams are a primary agricultural and culturally important commodity in West Africa,[30] where over 95% of the world's yam crop is harvested. Yams are still important for survival in these regions. Some varieties of these tubers can be stored up to six months without refrigeration, which makes them a valuable resource for the yearly period of food scarcity at the beginning of the wet season. Yam cultivars are also cultivated in other humid tropical countries.[1]", "Yam (vegetable) The best temperature to store yams is between 14 and 16 °C (57 and 61 °F), with high-technology-controlled humidity and climatic conditions, after a process of curing. Most countries that grow yam as food staple are too poor to afford high-technology storage systems.", "Grocery store A delicatessen store is a type of food store where fine foods are sold. In this sense, the name is often abbreviated to deli.[8] The term delicatessen means \"delicacies\" or \"fine foods\". In English, \"delicatessen\" originally meant only this specially prepared food.", "Yam (vegetable) Another variety of yam, jinenjo, is used in Japan as an ingredient in soba noodles. In Okinawa, purple yams (Dioscorea alata) are grown. This is known locally as daijo or beniimo. This purple yam is popular as lightly deep-fried tempura, as well as being grilled or boiled. Additionally, the purple yam is a common ingredient of yam ice cream with the signature purple color. Purple yam is also used in other types of traditional wagashi sweets, cakes, and candy.", "Yam (vegetable) In Indonesia, the same purple yam is used for preparing desserts. This involves mashing the yam and mixing it with coconut milk and sugar. White- and off-white-fleshed yams are cut in cubes, cooked, lightly fermented, and eaten as afternoon snacks.", "Yam (vegetable) Dioscorea rotundata, the white yam, and D. cayenensis, the yellow yam, are native to Africa. They are the most important cultivated yams. In the past, they were considered as two separate species, but most taxonomists now regard them as the same species. Over 200 varieties between them are cultivated.", "Grocery store A health food store is a type of grocery store that primarily sells health foods, organic foods, local produce, and often nutritional supplements. Health food stores typically offer a wider or more specialized selection of foods than conventional grocery stores for their customers, such as people with special dietary needs.", "Igbo calendar Ọnwa Anọ is when the planting of seed yams start.", "Yam (vegetable) Despite the high labor requirements and production costs, consumer demand for yam is high in certain subregions of Africa,[1] making yam cultivation quite profitable to certain farmers.", "Yam (vegetable) Yam tubers can grow up to 15 m (49 ft) in length and 7.6 to 15.2 cm (3.0 to 6.0 in) high.[1] The tuber may grow into the soil up to 1.5 metres (4.9 ft) deep.[1] The plant disperses by seed.[1] Its origin is Southeast Asia and is grown throughout the tropics and temperate regions of the world.[1]", "Yam (vegetable) D. trifida, the cush-cush yam, is native to the Guyana region of South America and is the most important cultivated New World yam. Since they originated in tropical rainforest conditions, their growth cycle is less related to seasonal changes than other yams. Because of their relative ease of cultivation and their good flavor, they are considered to have a great potential for increased production.[12]", "Yam (vegetable) Aerial or potato yams have antinutritional factors. In Asia, detoxification methods, involving water extraction, fermentation, and roasting of the grated tuber, are used for bitter cultivars of this yam. The bitter compounds in yams also known locally as air potato include diosbulbin and possibly saponins, such as diosgenin.[25] In Indonesia, an extract of air potato is used in the preparation of arrow poison.[18]", "Yam (vegetable) The New Yam Festival celebrates the main agricultural crop of the Igbos, Idomas, and Tivs. The New Yam Festival, known as Orureshi in Owukpa in Idoma west and Ima-Ji, Iri-Ji or Iwa Ji in Igbo land, is a celebration depicting the prominence of yam in social and cultural life. The festival is prominent among southeastern states and major tribes in Benue State, mainly around August.", "Food Many plants and plant parts are eaten as food and around 2,000 plant species are cultivated for food. Many of these plant species have several distinct cultivars.[7]", "Yam (vegetable) A yam festival is usually held in the beginning of August at the end of the rainy season. People offer yams to gods and ancestors first, before distributing them to the villagers. This is their way of giving thanks to the spirits above them.", "Lawson (store) In 1939, dairy owner James \"J.J.\" Lawson started a store at his Broad Boulevard dairy plant in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio to sell his milk.[2] The Lawson's Milk Company grew to a chain of stores, primarily in Ohio.[2] Lawson was bought out by Consolidated Foods in 1959. Lawson's neighborhood convenience stores were common in Ohio from the 1960s through the mid-1980s, selling orange juice, milk, deli counter 'chipped' style ham and sour cream potato chip dips.", "Food web Another example of a multi-trophic interaction is a trophic cascade, in which predators help to increase plant growth and prevent overgrazing by suppressing herbivores. Links in a food-web illustrate direct trophic relations among species, but there are also indirect effects that can alter the abundance, distribution, or biomass in the trophic levels. For example, predators eating herbivores indirectly influence the control and regulation of primary production in plants. Although the predators do not eat the plants directly, they regulate the population of herbivores that are directly linked to plant trophism. The net effect of direct and indirect relations is called trophic cascades. Trophic cascades are separated into species-level cascades, where only a subset of the food-web dynamic is impacted by a change in population numbers, and community-level cascades, where a change in population numbers has a dramatic effect on the entire food-web, such as the distribution of plant biomass.[23]", "Whole Foods Market Whole Foods Market's expansion has increased the need for products and processing plants. In response, the company added its 365 Everyday Value product line and purchased Allegro Coffee Company in 1997. It also began to acquire seafood processing plants in 2003.[21][unreliable source?] Whole Foods began opening its Hawaii stores in 2007[22] and in 2008 it opened a southeast distribution center in Braselton, Georgia, calling it the first \"green distribution center\" for the company.[23]", "Yam (vegetable) Yields may improve and cost of yam production be lower if mechanization were to be developed and adopted. However, current crop production practices and species used pose considerable hurdles to successful mechanization of yam production, particularly for small-scale rural farmers. Extensive changes in traditional cultivation practices, such as mixed cropping, may be required. Modification of current tuber harvesting equipment is necessary given yam tuber architecture and its different physical properties.[16]", "School meal Common dishes range from Asian foods such as naengmyeon, tom yam, and ma po tofu to Western foods such as spaghetti, stew, and clam chowder.", "Yam (vegetable) The 'Kokoro' variety is important in making dried yam chips.[11]", "Food irradiation Irradiation is used to create safe foods for people at high risk of infection, or for conditions where food must be stored for long periods of time and proper storage conditions are not available. Foods that can tolerate irradiation at sufficient doses are treated to ensure that the product is completely sterilized. This is most commonly done with rations for astronauts, and special diets for hospital patients.", "Yam (vegetable) Yam, known locally in Fiji as \"uvi\",[31] may replace cassava or taro as a staple, and is consumed boiled, roasted in a lovo, or steamed with fish or meat in curry sauce or coconut milk and served with rice. The cost of yam is higher due to the difficulty in farming and relatively low volume of production on Fiji.[31]", "Yam (vegetable) D. dumetorum, the bitter yam, is popular as a vegetable in parts of West Africa, in part because their cultivation requires less labor than other yams. The wild forms are very toxic and are sometimes used to poison animals when mixed with bait. It is said that they have also been used for criminal purposes.[12]", "Plant Numerous animals have coevolved with plants. Many animals pollinate flowers in exchange for food in the form of pollen or nectar. Many animals disperse seeds, often by eating fruit and passing the seeds in their feces. Myrmecophytes are plants that have coevolved with ants. The plant provides a home, and sometimes food, for the ants. In exchange, the ants defend the plant from herbivores and sometimes competing plants. Ant wastes provide organic fertilizer.", "Yam (vegetable) Yam has various common names across multiple world regions.[1]", "Health food Health food is food marketed to provide human health effects beyond a normal healthy diet required for human nutrition. Foods marketed as health foods may be part of one or more categories, such as natural foods, organic foods, whole foods, vegetarian foods or dietary supplements. These products may be sold in health food stores or in the health food or organic sections of grocery stores.", "Seed Within the seed, there usually is a store of nutrients for the seedling that will grow from the embryo. The form of the stored nutrition varies depending on the kind of plant. In angiosperms, the stored food begins as a tissue called the endosperm, which is derived from the mother plant and the pollen via double fertilization. It is usually triploid, and is rich in oil or starch, and protein. In gymnosperms, such as conifers, the food storage tissue (also called endosperm) is part of the female gametophyte, a haploid tissue. The endosperm is surrounded by the aleurone layer (peripheral endosperm), filled with proteinaceous aleurone grains.", "Grocery store A grocery store or grocer's shop is a retail shop that primarily sells food. A grocer is a bulk seller of food.", "Yam (vegetable) In central parts of India, the yam (khamalu, suran, or chupri alu) is prepared by being finely sliced, seasoned with spices, and deep fried. In southern parts of India, known as karunai kizhangu in Tamil, the vegetable is a popular accompaniment to rice dishes and fish curry. Also eaten in India, D. alata, a purple-pigmented species, is known as ratalu or violet yam.", "Yam (vegetable) The tubers of certain wild yam, a variant of kokoro yam and other species of Dioscorea, such as Dioscorea nipponica, are a source for the extraction of diosgenin, a steroid sapogenin.[25] The extracted diosgenin is used for the commercial synthesis of cortisone, pregnenolone, progesterone, and other steroid products.[26] Such preparations were used in early combined oral contraceptive pills.[27] The unmodified steroid has estrogenic activity.[28]", "Micronesia Palauan cuisine includes local foods such as cassava, taro, yam, potato, fish and pork. Western cuisine is favored among young Palauans.", "Convenience store In the United States, some fast food chains offer a counter in convenience stores. Instead of cooking food in the store, these counters offer a limited menu of items delivered several times a day from a local branch of the restaurant. Convenience stores may be combined with other services, such as general stores and pawn shops, a train station ticket counter, a post office counter, or gasoline pumps. In Asian countries, like Japan or Taiwan, convenience stores are more common because of the higher population density. They are found with gasoline and train stations, but also can be stand-alone stores. Here, items like soft drinks or snacks are sold. Hot dogs, sausages, hard boiled tea eggs, and fish cakes can be found in stores. Delicatessens are absent, instead pre-made sandwiches can be bought. Non-food products like magazines are also sold, but at a lesser extent. Many convenience stores also have a fountain that offers a variety of beverages such as coffee, soft drinks and frozen beverages.", "Yam (vegetable) Because of their abundance and importance to survival, yams were highly regarded in Jamaican ceremonies and constitute part of many traditional West African ceremonies.[32]", "Food desert People tend to make food choices based on what is available in their neighborhood. In food deserts there is often a high density of fast-food restaurants and corner stores that offer prepared foods.[69]", "Plant-based diet More recently a number of authoritative resources have used the phrase \"plant-based diet\" to refer to diets including varying degrees of animal products, defining \"plant-based diets\" as, for example \"diets that include generous amounts of plant foods and limited amounts of animal foods\", and as diets \"rich in a variety of vegetables and fruits, legumes, and minimally processed starchy staple foods and limiting red meat consumption, if red meat is eaten at all\".[8] Others draw a distinction between \"plant-based\" and \"plant-only\".[9]", "Yoruba people Solid food, mostly cooked, pounded or prepared with hot water are basic staple foods of the Yoruba. These foods are all by-products of crops like cassava, yams, cocoyam and forms a huge chunk of it all. Others like Plantain, corn, beans, meat, and fish are also chief choices.[124]", "Convenience store Convenience stores sell approximately 80 percent of the fuels purchased in the United States.[8] In the US, the stores are sometimes the only stores and services near an interstate highway exit where drivers can buy any kind of food or drink for miles. Most of the profit margin from these stores comes from beer, liquor, and cigarettes.[citation needed] Although those three categories themselves usually yield lower margins per item, the sales volume in these categories generally makes up for it.[citation needed] Profits per item are much higher on deli items (bags of ice, chicken, etc.), but sales are generally lower. In some countries, most convenience stores have longer shopping hours, some being open 24 hours.", "Yam (vegetable) The world average annual yield of yams was 8.8 tonnes per hectare in 2014, with Ethiopia having the most productive farms of 29.7 tonnes per hectare.[17]", "Food Lion The Food Lion name was adopted in 1983; as Food Town expanded into Virginia, the chain encountered several stores called Foodtown in the Richmond area. Expansion into Maryland would have been a bigger problem since about 100 independent, but affiliated, stores were called Food Town. Because Delhaize had a lion in its logo, Food Town had asked to use it on product labels and new store signs. Ralph Ketner realized \"lion\" needed only two new letters and the movement of another in the chain's signs. On December 12, 1982, Ketner announced the name change to \"Food Lion,\" and by the end of March 1983, all stores had been rebranded.[7] The name change, while puzzling for American customers, made economic and historic sense, as Delhaize was once known as \"Delhaize Le Lion\".", "Whole Foods Market Whole Foods Market consists of twelve geographic regions, each with its own president, regional administrative team, store-level leadership, and store-level team members. A 4-tier hierarchy of employment exists within the Whole Foods Company: Store Employment, Facilities Employment, Regional Offices, and Global Headquarters.", "Whole Foods Market Whole Foods entered the Canadian market in 2002 in Toronto.[34] In 2013, Whole Foods said it would open around 40 more stores in Canada over time. At the time, there were 9 Whole Foods in Canada.[35] By January 2017, Whole Foods had 467 stores, all of which were in the United States except 9 in the United Kingdom and 12 in Canada. In January 2017, Whole Foods announced it was cancelling plans from 2015 and 2016 to open stores in Calgary and Edmonton.[36] Among the twelve were five in the Vancouver and Toronto areas, one in Ottawa, and one in Victoria, British Columbia.[36]", "Food Lion Bottom Dollar Food was Food Lion's discount grocery model that focuses on offering a limited selection of both national brands and private label products. These stores had no bakeries or delis and more items were packaged. Customers bought the bags used to sack their own groceries at Bottom Dollar Food. Stores also used alternative display and stocking techniques such as cut cases on shelves, and using pallets and dump bins to reduce costs. Food Lion opened the first Bottom Dollar Food model in High Point, North Carolina, on September 21, 2005.", "Food desert Food retailers like fast food restaurants and convenience stores are not typically in this category as they usually offer a limited variety of foods that make up a healthy diet.[18] Frequently too, the produce sold at convenience stores is poor quality.[27] A \"healthy\" bodega as defined by the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene stocks seven or more varieties of fresh fruits and vegetables and low-fat milk.[28]", "Soil food web Food webs describe the transfer of energy between species in an ecosystem. While a food chain examines one, linear, energy pathway through an ecosystem, a food web is more complex and illustrates all of the potential pathways. Much of this transferred energy comes from the sun. Plants use the sun’s energy to convert inorganic compounds into energy-rich, organic compounds, turning carbon dioxide and minerals into plant material by photosynthesis. Plant flowers exude energy-rich nectar above ground and plant roots exude acids, sugars, and ectoenzymes into the rhizosphere, adjusting the pH and feeding the food web underground.[2][3][4]", "Food Seeds of plants are a good source of food for animals, including humans, because they contain the nutrients necessary for the plant's initial growth, including many healthful fats, such as omega fats. In fact, the majority of food consumed by human beings are seed-based foods. Edible seeds include cereals (corn, wheat, rice, et cetera), legumes (beans, peas, lentils, et cetera), and nuts. Oilseeds are often pressed to produce rich oils - sunflower, flaxseed, rapeseed (including canola oil), sesame, et cetera.[8]", "Svalbard Global Seed Vault Vault seed samples are copies of samples stored in the depositing genebanks. Researchers, plant breeders, and other groups wishing to access seed samples cannot do so through the seed vault; they must instead request samples from the depositing genebanks. The samples stored in the genebanks will, in most cases, be accessible in accordance with the terms and conditions of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, approved by 118 countries or parties.[25][30]", "Plant Plants are photosynthetic, which means that they manufacture their own food molecules using energy obtained from light. The primary mechanism plants have for capturing light energy is the pigment chlorophyll. All green plants contain two forms of chlorophyll, chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b. The latter of these pigments is not found in red or brown algae. The simple equation of photosynthesis is as follows:-", "Food Lion Throughout the mid-1990s, the company canceled leases for new stores and closed scores of its newly built outlets in recently established markets such as Dallas/Fort Worth, Houston, and Oklahoma City.[14][15] Citing double-digit same-store sales declines for the quarter ending in September 1997, Delhaize announced that it was canceling its Midwest expansion, exiting all markets in Texas, Oklahoma, and Louisiana, and closing its 6-year-old distribution center in Roanoke, Texas.[16] A bruised and battered Food Lion was forced to recede back to the East Coast, where it faced increasing competition from competitors with larger stores, better customer service, and more variety and amenities; these included regional winners such as Ingles, Harris Teeter, and Publix; newcomers such as specialty retailer Whole Foods Market; and expanding national chains such as Kroger, Target, and Wal-Mart Supercenters.", "Yam (vegetable) The tubers are eaten baked, boiled, or fried much like potatoes. Because of the small size of the tubers, mechanical cultivation is possible, which along with its easy preparation and good flavor, could help the lesser yam to become more popular in the future.[12]", "Whole Foods Market Mackey, a libertarian, believes that unions facilitate an adversarial relationship between management and labor.[9][144] An attempt at unionizing in Madison, Wisconsin, in 2002 was met with resistance from store management and Whole Foods was accused by labor activists of union busting. Employees at the Madison store voted in favor of unionization. Whole Foods then refused to bargain with their employees. After a year, the company moved to decertify the union. Further attempts at unionizing Whole Foods Market stores have been unsuccessful. Whole Foods launched a nationwide campaign, requiring workers to attend \"Union Awareness Training,\" complete with Power Point presentations.[145]", "Food preservation The earliest cultures have used sugar as a preservative, and it was commonplace to store fruit in honey. Similar to pickled foods, sugar cane was brought to Europe through the trade routes. In northern climates without sufficient sun to dry foods, preserves are made by heating the fruit with sugar.[7] \"Sugar tends to draw water from the microbes (plasmolysis). This process leaves the microbial cells dehydrated, thus killing them. In this way, the food will remain safe from microbial spoilage.\"[5] Sugar is used to preserve fruits, either in an antimicrobial syrup with fruit such as apples, pears, peaches, apricots, and plums, or in crystallized form where the preserved material is cooked in sugar to the point of crystallization and the resultant product is then stored dry. This method is used for the skins of citrus fruit (candied peel), angelica, and ginger. Also, sugaring can be used in the production of jam and jelly.", "Food desert Access to food options is not the only barrier to healthier diets and improved health outcomes. Wrigley et al. collected data before and after a food desert intervention to explore factors affecting supermarket choice and perceptions regarding healthy diet in Leeds, United Kingdom. Pre-tests were administered prior to a new store opening and post-tests were delivered 2 years after the new store had opened. The results showed that nearly half of the food desert residents began shopping at the newly built store, however, only modest improvements in diet were recorded.[39][40]", "Food chain Producers, such as plants, are organisms that utilize solar or chemical energy to synthesize starch. All food chains must start with a producer. In the deep sea, food chains centered on hydrothermal vents and cold seeps exist in the absence of sunlight. Chemosynthetic bacteria and archaea use hydrogen sulfide and methane from hydrothermal vents and cold seeps as an energy source (just as plants use sunlight) to produce carbohydrates; they form the base of the food chain. Consumers are organisms that eat other organisms. All organisms in a food chain, except the first organism, are consumers.[citation needed]", "Plant All of these plants have eukaryotic cells with cell walls composed of cellulose, and most obtain their energy through photosynthesis, using light, water and carbon dioxide to synthesize food. About three hundred plant species do not photosynthesize but are parasites on other species of photosynthetic plants. Embryophytes are distinguished from green algae, which represent a mode of photosynthetic life similar to the kind modern plants are believed to have evolved from, by having specialized reproductive organs protected by non-reproductive tissues.", "List of food origins Some type of foods were always common in every continent, such as many seafood and plants. Examples of these types of food are honey, ants, mussels, crabs and coconuts. Nikolai Vavilov initially identified the centers of origin for eight crop plants, subdividing them further into twelve groups in 1935.[1]", "Chumash people Plant foods composed the rest of Chumash diet, especially acorns, which were the staple food despite the work needed to remove their inherent toxins. They could be ground into a paste that was easy to eat and store for years.[15] Coast live oak provided the best acorns; their mush would be served usually unseasoned with meat and/or fish.[16]", "Vitamin C While plants are generally a good source of vitamin C, the amount in foods of plant origin depends on the precise variety of the plant, soil condition, climate where it grew, length of time since it was picked, storage conditions, and method of preparation.[68]", "Tree planting If the size of the planting program allows, there is little doubt that such scheduling would be advantageous in that it satisfies one, and commonly 2, of the factors essential for success: (1) the use of planting stock that is physiologically capable of responding to a growth environment at planting, and (2) planting when site factors favour tree survival and growth. The 3rd factor a good planting job, and although desirable in all plantings, is probably somewhat less critical in conventional spring plantings than at other times. If, however, a planting program cannot be completed in this way, there are other options: conventional fall planting with fresh-lifted stock; summer planting with fresh-lifted stock; and spring and summer planting with stored spring-lifted or fall-lifted stock.[49]", "Palau Palau has its own cuisine, for instance, a dessert called tama.[61] Palauan cuisine includes local foods such as cassava, taro, yam, potato, fish and pork. It also shares Philippine cuisines with neighboring Philippines, notably on Asian-Latin food. Fruit bat soup is a commonly referenced Palauan delicacy.[62]", "Animal source foods Aside from performed vitamin A, vitamin B12 and vitamin D, all vitamins found in animal source foods may also be found in plant-derived foods. Examples are tofu to replace meat (both contain protein in sufficient amounts), and certain seaweeds and vegetables as respectively kombu and kale to replace dairy foods as milk (both contain calcium in sufficient amounts). There are some nutrients which are rare to find in sufficient density in plant based foods. One example would be zinc, the exception would be pumpkin seeds that have been soaked for improved digestion. The increased fiber in these foods can also make absorption difficult. Deficiencies are very possible in these nutrients if vegetarians are not very careful and willing to eat sufficient quantities of these exceptional plant based foods. A good way to find these foods would be to search for them on one of the online, nutrient analyzing databases. An example would be nutritiondata.com.", "Mammal The stomach of Artiodactyls is divided into four sections: the rumen, the reticulum, the omasum and the abomasum (only ruminants have a rumen). After the plant material is consumed, it is mixed with saliva in the rumen and reticulum and separates into solid and liquid material. The solids lump together to form a bolus (or cud), and is regurgitated. When the bolus enters the mouth, the fluid is squeezed out with the tongue and swallowed again. Ingested food passes to the rumen and reticulum where cellulytic microbes (bacteria, protozoa and fungi) produce cellulase, which is needed to break down the cellulose in plants.[85] Perissodactyls, in contrast to the ruminants, store digested food that has left the stomach in an enlarged cecum, where it is fermented by bacteria.[86] Carnivora have a simple stomach adapted to digest primarily meat, as compared to the elaborate digestive systems of herbivorous animals, which are necessary to break down tough, complex plant fibers. The caecum is either absent or short and simple, and the large intestine is not sacculated or much wider than the small intestine.[87]", "Howard Johnson's A line of Howard Johnson-branded frozen foods disappeared from grocery stores after Fairfield Farms Kitchens shut down its Brockton, Massachusetts plant in 2006[32] and America's Kitchen of Atlanta, Georgia shut down in May 2008.", "Vanuatu The cuisine of Vanuatu (aelan kakae) incorporates fish, root vegetables such as taro and yams, fruits, and vegetables. Most island families grow food in their gardens, and food shortages are rare. Papayas, pineapples, mangoes, plantains, and sweet potatoes are abundant through much of the year. Coconut milk and coconut cream are used to flavour many dishes. Most food is cooked using hot stones or through boiling and steaming; very little food is fried.[19]", "Convenience store A convenience store or convenience shop is a small retail business that stocks a range of everyday items such as groceries, snack foods, confectionery, soft drinks, tobacco products, over-the-counter drugs, toiletries, newspapers, and magazines.[1][2][3][4][5] In some jurisdictions, corner stores are licensed to sell alcohol, typically beer and wine. Such stores may also offer money order and wire transfer services, along with the use of a fax machine and/or photocopier for a small per-copy cost. They differ from general stores and village shops in that they are not in a rural location and are used as a convenient supplement to larger stores.", "Food desert One recent study showed that just 9% of the difference between high-income and low-income nutrition is due to food availability, while 91% is due to personal choices.[89] Another study found that grocery stores are actually more closely spaced in poor neighborhoods; and that there was no relation between children's food consumption, weight, and the type of food available near their homes.[90] Another study suggested that adding a grocery store near one's home was associated with an average BMI decrease of 0.115, very small compared to the excess BMI of an obese person.[91]", "Food rotation system A food rotation system is a front-loading shelving unit that organizes and rotates food cans on a first-in first-out basis (FIFO). An effective food rotation system is essential for storing food to prepare for catastrophes, preventing foodborne illness and controlling commercial kitchen costs. When used correctly, the first-in first-out food rotation method ensures serving safe food and eliminates spoiled food waste.", "Convenience store The smaller convenience stores typically have very few perishable items because it is not economically viable to rotate perishable items frequently with such a low number of staff. Smaller convenience stores also do not generate the business needed to sustain food spoilage rates typical of grocery stores or supermarkets. As such, products with a long shelf life are the rule unless a product is specifically aimed at attracting customers on the chance they may buy something profitable too.", "Acorn Acorns were a traditional food of many indigenous peoples of North America, and served an especially important role for Californian Native Americans, where the ranges of several species of oaks overlap, increasing the reliability of the resource.[17] One ecology researcher of Yurok and Karuk heritage reports that \"his traditional acorn preparation is a simple soup, cooked with hot stones directly in a basket,\" and says he enjoys acorns eaten with \"grilled salmon, huckleberries or seaweed.\"[18] Unlike many other plant foods, acorns do not need to be eaten or processed right away, but may be stored for a long time, much as squirrels do. In years that oaks produced many acorns, Native Americans sometimes collected enough acorns to store for two years as insurance against poor acorn production years.", "Cotyledon The cotyledons may be ephemeral, lasting only days after emergence, or persistent, enduring at least a year on the plant. The cotyledons contain (or in the case of gymnosperms and monocotyledons, have access to) the stored food reserves of the seed. As these reserves are used up, the cotyledons may turn green and begin photosynthesis, or may wither as the first true leaves take over food production for the seedling.[3]", "Grocery store In Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States, supermarkets and convenience shops are sometimes described as grocery businesses, groceries or simply grocers.[note 1] Small grocery stores that mainly sell fruits and vegetables are known as greengrocers (Britain) or produce markets (U.S.), and small grocery stores that predominantly sell prepared food, such as candy and snacks, are known as convenience shops or delicatessens.", "Whole Foods Market Whole Foods plans to open its second store in upstate New York in Amherst, a suburb of Buffalo.[26]", "Waste-to-energy plant Odor pollution can be a problem when the plant location is not isolated. Some plants store the waste in an enclosed area with a negative pressure, which prevents unpleasant odors from escaping, and the air drawn from the storage area is sent through the boiler or a filter. However, not all plants take steps to reduce the odor, resulting in complaints.", "List of festivals in Nigeria Yam Festivals are popular holiday in Ghana and Nigeria, usually held in the beginning of August at the end of the rainy season. It is named after yams, the most common food in many African countries. In Nigeria, dancers wear masks that reflect the seasons or other aspects of nature.\nPeople offer yams to gods and ancestors before distributing them to the villagers to give thanks to the spirits above them.[citation needed]\nLeboku is the name for the annual New Yam Festival celebrated in Ugep, Nigeria, one of the five settlements of Yakurr,\nto honor of the earth goddess and the ancestral spirits of the land.[28]\nThe Iriji-Mmanwu festival is held in Enugu state in August.\nAt the festival, over two thousand masqueraders from across Igboland and from other states in Nigeria dance and give acrobatic displays, wearing unique and colorful costumes. In the Igbo tradition, masquerades are thought to be reincarnated dead ancestors, with supernatural powers.[25]", "Food desert Another factor that impacts those living in a food desert is safety. High rates of crime are a barrier for those living in food deserts.[79] If people feel unsafe traveling farther to a grocery store, they are more likely to decide to purchase less healthy options at a closer location. In this way, people prioritize their safety over fresh, healthy foods.[79]", "Gnetum africanum Primarily, Eru leaves are used as a vegetable for soups and stews, commonly called Eru soup or afang soup.[10] The leaves of the vine are sold in markets throughout the year and may be used in soups and stews or eaten raw. The leaves may further be used as a remedy for nausea, sore throats, or as a dressing for warts. The stem of the plant may also be eaten for medicinal purposes, including the reduction of pain during childbirth.[3] Furthermore, Eru produces a root tuber that may be used as a source of ‘‘famine food,’‘ and is similar to that of a yam.[9] Finally, the seeds of the vine may also be eaten cooked.[7]", "Plant nutrition In plants, silicon has been shown in experiments to strengthen cell walls, improve plant strength, health, and productivity.[32] There have been studies showing evidence of silicon improving drought and frost resistance, decreasing lodging potential and boosting the plant's natural pest and disease fighting systems.[33] Silicon has also been shown to improve plant vigor and physiology by improving root mass and density, and increasing above ground plant biomass and crop yields.[32] Silicon is currently under consideration by the Association of American Plant Food Control Officials (AAPFCO) for elevation to the status of a \"plant beneficial substance\".[34][35]", "Plant hormone Plant hormones are not nutrients, but chemicals that in small amounts promote and influence the growth,[5] development, and differentiation of cells and tissues. The biosynthesis of plant hormones within plant tissues is often diffuse and not always localized. Plants lack glands to produce and store hormones, because, unlike animals—which have two circulatory systems (lymphatic and cardiovascular) powered by a heart that moves fluids around the body—plants use more passive means to move chemicals around their bodies. Plants utilize simple chemicals as hormones, which move more easily through their tissues. They are often produced and used on a local basis within the plant body. Plant cells produce hormones that affect even different regions of the cell producing the hormone.", "Space food Designing food for consumption in space is an often difficult process. Foods must meet a number of criteria to be considered fit for space. Firstly, the food must be physiologically appropriate. Specifically, it must be nutritious, easily digestible, and palatable. Secondly, the food must be engineered for consumption in a zero gravity environment. As such, the food must be light, well packaged, fast to serve and require minimal cleaning up. (Foods that tend to leave crumbs, for example, are ill-suited for space.) Finally, foods require a minimum of energy expenditure throughout their use; they must store well, open easily and leave little waste behind.", "Food Lion Food Lion stores can currently be found in Delaware, Georgia, Kentucky, Maryland, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia.[22]", "Turkey Hill (company) In 1998, Turkey Hill opened its 249th store in Hazleton, Pennsylvania. This store was the first of many stores to open with Food Service. Food Service offers fresh hoagies, sandwiches, pizza, and many other hot foods. Many new stores are built with food service and car washes. Beginning in 1999, new larger stores were opened with more of an emphasis on selling gasoline. About 200 of the 240 stores in Central Pennsylvania have gas pumps.[27]", "Kwik Trip Kwik Trip/Kwik Star stores employ a mixture of full-time and part-time employees. In addition to a store leader, each store employs an assistant store leader and about 3-5 guest service leaders. These employees are responsible for overseeing store operations while the store leader is out of the store. Additionally, each store has a food service leader and assistant food service leader responsible for overseeing the individual store's hot food program, ensuring that appropriate amounts of food are made and sold and the program continues to grow according to company expectations. District leaders supervise multiple stores in a given region, and zone leaders supervise multiple districts.", "Food desert A separate survey also found that supermarket and grocery store availability did not generally correlate with diet quality and fresh food intake.[43] Pearson et al. further confirmed that physical access is not the sole determinant of fruit and vegetable consumption.[44] Impediments common with places that are not food deserts remain.", "Grocery store A supermarket, a large form of the traditional grocery store, is a self-service shop offering a wide variety of food and household products organized into aisles. The supermarket typically comprises meat, fresh produce, dairy, and baked goods aisles, along with shelf space reserved for canned and packaged goods as well as for various non-food items such as kitchenware, household cleaners, pharmacy products and pet supplies.", "Whole Foods Market In 2002, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals began petitioning Whole Foods to take steps to ensure the improvement of treatment of animals sold in the stores.", "Meat packing industry In the U.S. and some other countries, the facility where the meat packing is done is called a Slaughterhouse, packinghouse or a meat packing plant; in New Zealand, where most of the products are exported, it is called a freezing works. An abattoir is a place where animals are slaughtered for food.", "Food desert Additional factors may include how different stores welcome different groups of people[23] and nearness to liquor stores.[47] Residents in a 2010 Chicago survey complained that in-store issues like poor upkeep and customer service were also impediments.[47] Safety can also be an issue for those in high crime areas, especially if they have to walk carrying food and maybe also with a child or children.[47]", "Instant mashed potatoes Mashed potatoes can be reconstituted from potato flour, but the process is made more difficult by lumping; a key characteristic of instant mashed potatoes is that it is in the form of flakes or granules, eliminating the chunkiness. Analogous to instant mashed potatoes are instant poi made from taro and instant fufu made from yams or yam substitutes including cereals. Poha, an instant rice mush, is also much in the same spirit, as more broadly are other instant porridges, formed from flakes, granules, or pearls to avoid lumping. Brands include Smash and Idahoan Foods.", "Apple Store Apple Stores have experienced numerous burglaries. Notable incidents include two burglaries in February–March 2016 where thieves stole a combined number of 67 iPhones for a combined sum of more than $49,300,[93] a June 2016 event where a thief dressed as an Apple Store employee gained access to the electronics repair room and grabbed 19 iPhones worth $16,130,[94][95] a November 2016 incident where an Apple Store was robbed of $40,000 worth of items and then attacked again in April 2017 for $24,000 worth of goods,[96][97] a speedy December 2016 robbery that took 12 seconds to complete,[98][99] and another December 2016 attack where multiple individuals drove a car into a store through the front glass door and proceeded to steal an unspecified number of displayed items.[100][101]", "Anambra State Many towns celebrate the New Yam Festival, held after yam cultivation each July.", "Food Lion Food Lion LLC is a grocery store company headquartered in Salisbury, North Carolina,[1][2] that operates more than 1,100 supermarkets in 10 states of the Southeastern United States under the Food Lion banner. With about 63,000 employees,[3] Food Lion, LLC. is currently owned by Ahold Delhaize after it was acquired by the Delhaize Group in 1974.[4][5] One of the founders was philanthropist Ralph Ketner.", "Nez Perce people Aside from fish and game, Plant foods provided over half of the dietary calories, with winter survival depending largely on dried roots, especially Kouse, or ″qáamsit″ (when fresh) and ″qáaws″ (when peeled and dried) (Lomatium especially Lomatium cous), and Camas, or ″qém'es″ (Nez Perce: \"sweet\") (Camassia quamash), the first being roasted in pits, while the other was ground in mortars and molded into cakes for future use, both plants had been traditionally an important food and trade item.[21] Women were primarily responsible for the gathering and preparing of these root crops. Camas bulbs were gathered in the region between the Salmon and Clearwater river drainages.[22] Techniques for preparing and storing winter foods enabled people to survive times of colder winters with little or no fresh foods.[21]", "Herbivore adaptations to plant defense Herbivores are dependent on plants for food, and have coevolved mechanisms to obtain this food despite the evolution of a diverse arsenal of plant defenses against herbivory. Herbivore adaptations to plant defense have been likened to \"offensive traits\" and consist of those traits that allow for increased feeding and use of a host.[1] Plants, on the other hand, protect their resources for use in growth and reproduction, by limiting the ability of herbivores to eat them. Relationships between herbivores and their host plants often results in reciprocal evolutionary change. When a herbivore eats a plant it selects for plants that can mount a defensive response, whether the response is incorporated biochemically or physically, or induced as a counterattack. In cases where this relationship demonstrates \"specificity\" (the evolution of each trait is due to the other), and \"reciprocity\" (both traits must evolve), the species are thought to have coevolved.[2] The escape and radiation mechanisms for coevolution, presents the idea that adaptations in herbivores and their host plants, has been the driving force behind speciation.[3][4] The coevolution that occurs between plants and herbivores that ultimately results in the speciation of both can be further explained by the Red Queen hypothesis. This hypothesis states that competitive success and failure evolve back and forth through organizational learning. The act of an organism facing competition with another organism ultimately leads to an increase in the organism's performance due to selection. This increase in competitive success then forces the competing organism to increase its performance through selection as well, thus creating an \"arms race\" between the two species. Herbivores evolve due to plant defenses because plants must increase their competitive performance first due to herbivore competitive success.[5]", "Antioxidant Antioxidants are used as food additives to help guard against food deterioration. Exposure to oxygen and sunlight are the two main factors in the oxidation of food, so food is preserved by keeping in the dark and sealing it in containers or even coating it in wax, as with cucumbers. However, as oxygen is also important for plant respiration, storing plant materials in anaerobic conditions produces unpleasant flavors and unappealing colors.[181] Consequently, packaging of fresh fruits and vegetables contains an ~8% oxygen atmosphere. Antioxidants are an especially important class of preservatives as, unlike bacterial or fungal spoilage, oxidation reactions still occur relatively rapidly in frozen or refrigerated food.[182] These preservatives include natural antioxidants such as ascorbic acid (AA, E300) and tocopherols (E306), as well as synthetic antioxidants such as propyl gallate (PG, E310), tertiary butylhydroquinone (TBHQ), butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA, E320) and butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT, E321).[183][184]", "Convenience store Shoppers Drug Mart was originally a chain of pharmacies, but in recent years the retailer has decreased its reliance on pharmaceutical sales and increase sales of what it calls \"front of store\" items, such as food and cosmetics (by 2012, 51% of purchases came from non-pharmaceutical items). Most of its expanded merchandise offerings compete directly with convenience stores. Also, Shoppers has over 1,000 stores including locations normally served by convenience stores; while convenience stores tend to be found in smaller and older strip malls, Shoppers also has a presence in larger and newer power centers alongside other big box retailers.[10] Consequently, Shoppers has captured a significant share of the market in front store convenience; including over-the-counter medications, seasonal products and everyday household essentials.[11] As a result of the acquisition of Shoppers by supermarket operator Loblaw Companies, Shoppers has access to Loblaw's supply chain which should ensure even lower prices relative to traditional convenience stores.", "Convenience store Convenience stores (コンビニエンスストア, Conbiniensu sutoa), often shortened to Conbini (コンビニ), developed tremendously in Japan. 7-Eleven Japan, while struggling to localize their service in the 1970s to 1980s, evolved its point of sale-based business, until ultimately, Seven & I Holdings Co., the parent company of 7-Eleven Japan, acquired 7-Eleven (US) from Southland Corporation in 1991. Japanese-style convenience stores also heavily influenced those stores in other Asian nations, such as Taiwan, Thailand, South Korea, and China.[17] Convenience stores rely heavily on the point of sale. Customers' ages and gender, as well as tomorrow's weather forecast, are important data. Stores place all orders on-line. As the store floor sizes are limited, they have to be very careful in choosing what brands to sell. In many cases, several stores from the same chain do business in neighboring areas. This strategy makes distribution to each store cheaper, as well as making multiple deliveries per day possible. Generally, food goods are delivered to each store two to five times a day from factories. Since products are delivered as needed, stores do not need large stock areas.[18]", "Food security Food insecurity also related to obesity for people living in neighborhoods where nutritious food are unavailable or unaffordable.[132]", "Plant physiology Betalains are red or yellow pigments. Like anthocyanins they are water-soluble, but unlike anthocyanins they are indole-derived compounds synthesized from tyrosine. This class of pigments is found only in the Caryophyllales (including cactus and amaranth), and never co-occur in plants with anthocyanins. Betalains are responsible for the deep red color of beets, and are used commercially as food-coloring agents. Plant physiologists are uncertain of the function that betalains have in plants which possess them, but there is some preliminary evidence that they may have fungicidal properties.[3]" ]
where does the donkey talk in the bible
[ "Balaam Balaam sends back word that he can only do what YHWH commands, and God has, via a nocturnal dream, told him not to go. Balak consequently sends higher-ranking priests and offers Balaam honours; Balaam continues to press God, and God finally permits him to go but with instructions to say only what he commands. Balaam then sets out in the morning with the princes of Moab. God becomes angry that he went, and sends the Angel of the Lord (Numbers 22:22) to prevent him. At first, the angel is seen only by the donkey Balaam is riding, which tries to avoid the angel. After Balaam starts punishing the donkey for refusing to move, it is miraculously given the power to speak to Balaam (Numbers 22:28), and it complains about Balaam's treatment. At this point, Balaam is allowed to see the angel, who informs him that the donkey is the only reason the angel did not kill Balaam. Balaam immediately repents, but is told to go on." ]
[ "Donkey (Shrek) Donkey is a fictional fast-talking donkey created by William Steig and adapted by DreamWorks Animation for the Shrek franchise. The character is voiced by Eddie Murphy.", "Donkey Many cultures have colloquialisms and proverbs that include donkeys or asses. British phrases include \"to talk the hind legs off a donkey\", used to describe someone talking excessively and generally persuasively.[92] Donkeys are the animals featured most often in Greek proverbs, including such statements of fatalistic resignation as \"the donkey lets the rain soak him\".[93] The French philosopher Jean Buridan constructed the paradox called Buridan's ass, in which a donkey, placed exactly midway between water and food, would die of hunger and thirst because he could not find a reason to choose one of the options over the other, and so would never make a decision.[94] Italy has several phrases regarding donkeys, including \"put your money in the ass of a donkey and they'll call him sir\" (meaning, if you're rich, you'll get respect) and \"women, donkeys and goats all have heads\" (meaning, women are as stubborn as donkeys and goats).[95] The United States developed its own expressions, including \"better a donkey that carries me than a horse that throws me\", \"a donkey looks beautiful to a donkey\", and \"a donkey is but a donkey though laden with gold\", among others.[96] From Afghanistan, we find the Pashto proverb, \"Even if a donkey goes to Mecca, he is still a donkey.\" In Ethiopia, there are many Amharic proverbs that demean donkeys, such as, \"The heifer that spends time with a donkey learns to fart\" (Bad company corrupts good morals).", "Donkey Donkeys (or asses) are mentioned many times in the Bible, beginning in the first book and continuing through both Old and New Testaments, so they became part of Judeo-Christian tradition. They are portrayed as work animals, used for agricultural purposes, transport and as beasts of burden, and terminology is used to differentiate age and gender. In contrast, horses were represented only in the context of war, ridden by cavalry or pulling chariots. Owners were protected by law from loss caused by the death or injury of a donkey, showing their value in that time period. Narrative turning points in the Bible (and other stories) are often marked through the use of donkeys — for instance, leading, saddling, or mounting/dismounting a donkey are used to show a change in focus or a decision having been made.[76] They are used as a measure of wealth in Genesis 30:43,[77] and in Genesis chapter 34, the prince of Shechem (the modern Nablus) is named Hamor (\"donkey\" in Hebrew).[78]", "Donkey (Shrek) One night, during camp, Donkey asks Shrek why he hates everyone so much, and Shrek angrily reveals that everyone judges him a scary monster before getting to actually know him. Donkey acknowledges that he already knew that there was more to Shrek's character when they met. Donkey begins to notice a romance between Fiona and Shrek, despite their denials. The next night, Donkey goes inside a windmill to talk to the Princess, only to discover that she becomes an ogre herself after sunset. Shrek overhears them talking, and misinterprets the conversation as Fiona insulting him. The next day, Shrek berates her for what she said and Lord Farquaad comes to take her.", "Donkey In some areas domestic donkeys have returned to the wild and established feral populations such as those of the Burro of North America and the Asinara donkey of Sardinia, Italy, both of which have protected status. Feral donkeys can also cause problems, notably in environments that have evolved free of any form of equid, such as Hawaii.[68] In Australia, where there may be 5 million feral donkeys,[31] they are regarded as an invasive pest and have a serious impact on the environment. They may compete with livestock and native animals for resources, spread weeds and diseases, foul or damage watering holes and cause erosion.[69]", "Donkey Kong (character) The 1994 Super Nintendo Entertainment System game Donkey Kong Country, developed by British game developer Rare was the beginning of a series. Despite his name being in the titles of both games, DK is the damsel-in-distress in the sequels Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest and Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble!, where he is captured by K. Rool. In these games, the player controls Dixie Kong and one of her fellow Kongs as they set out to rescue him. The Donkey Kong Country series also inspired the Donkey Kong Land series and a television series. In Donkey Kong 64, King K. Rool has driven a mechanical Crocodile Isle in front of DK Island after stealing all of Donkey Kong's bananas and friends.", "Donkey (Shrek) Donkey is enjoying fatherhood in Shrek the Third, and he is still first and foremost Shrek's sidekick and closest friend. When Far Far Away is in need of a new king, Donkey ventures off with Shrek in search of Fiona's cousin Arthur Pendragon, known simply as Artie at the Worcestershire boarding school where he resides. In their magical transport back to Far Far Away (aided by a slightly off-kilter Merlin), Donkey and Puss accidentally switch bodies (most likely from holding hands, Shrek recognizes the switch from his voice), and Puss finds Donkey's quadrupedal form hideous.", "Donkey Kong Nintendo's first Donkey Kong title for the Game Boy Advance after Rare left was Mario vs. Donkey Kong, a return to the earlier arcade-style games that incorporated many elements from the Game Boy version. While its style was that of other games, the Rare design for Donkey Kong carried over. Donkey Kong, originally a villain, returns to this role in the game: wanting a Mini Mario clockwork toy, he finds that they are sold out at a local toy store. Enraged, he terrifies the Toads at the factory and steals the toys. This sets up the game's plot, where Mario chases Donkey Kong until he can take the Mini Marios back from Donkey Kong. The game was followed by March of the Minis for the Nintendo DS, Minis March Again on DSiWare, Mini-Land Mayhem in 2010 for the DS, Minis on the Move for the Nintendo 3DS in 2013 and Tipping Stars for the Nintendo 3DS and Wii U in 2014.", "Shrek The Musical Shrek has returned to his once again private swamp, but he misses Fiona. Donkey shows up attempting to seal off his half of the swamp with stone boulders, which Shrek rebuffs. In turn, Donkey angrily berates Shrek for his reclusive and stubborn habits, even to the point of driving off Fiona. An angered Shrek reveals he heard her talking about a hideous creature the night before, and Donkey retorts that they were not talking about him, but of \"someone else\". When a confused Shrek inquires who it was, Donkey, wanting to keep his promise, and still cross with Shrek, refuses to talk. When Shrek apologizes and extends his friendship, Donkey forgives him.", "Donkey The ancestors of the modern donkey are the Nubian and Somalian subspecies of African wild ass.[27][28] Remains of domestic donkeys dating to the fourth millennium BC have been found in Ma'adi in Lower Egypt, and it is believed that the domestication of the donkey was accomplished long after the domestication of cattle, sheep and goats in the seventh and eighth millennia BC. Donkeys were probably first domesticated by pastoral people in Nubia, and they supplanted the ox as the chief pack animal of that culture. The domestication of donkeys served to increase the mobility of pastoral cultures, having the advantage over ruminants of not needing time to chew their cud, and were vital in the development of long-distance trade across Egypt. In the Dynasty IV era of Egypt, between 2675 and 2565 BC, wealthy members of society were known to own over 1,000 donkeys, employed in agriculture, as dairy and meat animals and as pack animals.[29] In 2003, the tomb of either King Narmer or King Hor-Aha (two of the first Egyptian pharaohs) was excavated and the skeletons of ten donkeys were found buried in a manner usually used with high ranking humans. These burials show the importance of donkeys to the early Egyptian state and its ruler.[30]", "Donkey Kong The Donkey Kong Land games were handheld counterparts of the Country games adapted to the hardware of the Game Boy. Donkey Kong Land was released in 1995, Donkey Kong Land 2 in 1996 and Donkey Kong Land III in 1997. They were presented in distinctive yellow cartridges instead of the typical grey ones.", "Donkey (Shrek) As a note, this is the first film where Donkey didn't perform any pop culture song, although he is briefly heard singing Hit Me with Your Best Shot in one scene.", "Donkey At one time, the synonym ass was the more common term for the donkey. The first recorded use of donkey was in either 1784[8] or 1785.[9][10][11] While the word ass has cognates in most other Indo-European languages, donkey is an etymologically obscure word for which no credible cognate has been identified. Hypotheses on its derivation include the following:", "Donkey (Shrek) Donkey is the focus of the Donkey Live! attraction at the Universal Studios Singapore theme park. The show is a digital puppetry presentation in which Donkey, along with a live actor, interacts with the audience in the format of a stand-up comedy performance.", "Donkey A donkey shoe with calkins", "Donkey According to British food writer Matthew Fort, donkeys were used in the Italian Army. The Mountain Fusiliers each had a donkey to carry their gear, and in extreme circumstances the animal could be eaten.[51]", "Donkey Kong (character) The new Donkey Kong introduced in Donkey Kong Country was initially characterized as the grandson of the original Donkey Kong,[11] who appears in the game as an elderly ape named Cranky Kong,[12][13] however Donkey Kong 64 states that the current Donkey Kong was actually meant to be Cranky Kong's son,[14][15] with one source implying that he is a grown-up version of Donkey Kong Jr.[16] However, in Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Donkey Kong Country Returns, the current Donkey Kong is referred to as Cranky's grandson.[17] The story designs of the present DK series, which began with Donkey Kong Country, are clearly different, which Nintendo uses alteration of generations to explain.", "Incest in the Bible A few books of the Bible, particularly the early parts of the Torah, contain narratives in which certain individuals, from the same family as one another, engage in sexual intercourse together; while this could be construed as incest, endogamy is an alternative interpretation. The Bible does not, for example, forbid cousins from marrying, but it does prohibit sexual relations with several other close relatives.", "Donkey (Shrek) After the trio finished their mission with victory, both return to their normal forms, though Donkey seemed to be quite disappointed at returning to his original form although Shrek told Donkey he still sees Donkey as a noble steed, he later sings \"Livin' La Vida Loca\" along with Puss during the party. After the credits, Donkey and Dragon are reunited and he meets their newborn children, flying flame breathing miniature Donkeys. He later sings \"Disco Inferno\" on Far Far Away Idol.", "Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze Just as he is about to blow the candle out of the fire, Donkey Kong notices a mysterious snowflake that appears and puts out the candle on his birthday cake. He turns away with a frustrated look on his face as he hears an uproar, and he and the other Kongs exit the house. The ice dragon from earlier flies toward Donkey Kong Island, turning the sea under it to ice. The Kongs are then blown away from the island by the ice dragon's intense winds, landing on the Lost Mangroves island. Afterwards, a large ship stations itself where the Volcano from Donkey Kong Country Returns used to be, and the Snowmads seize Donkey Kong Island for their own, turning it into a frosty area with continuous snowfall. Donkey Kong and his friends Diddy, Dixie and Cranky land inside an aircraft where the player must use the Y and X buttons to ground pound, causing the plane to break in half.", "Donkey Farriers shoeing a donkey in Cyprus in 1900", "Nativity 3: Dude, Where's My Donkey? Nativity 3: Dude, Where's My Donkey? is the third of the Nativity film series by Debbie Isitt. It stars Martin Clunes, Marc Wootton, Catherine Tate with Celia Imrie and Jason Watkins. Once again, Entertainment One is the distributor of Nativity 3.", "Donkey With the rise of Christianity, some believers came to see the cross-shaped marking present on donkeys' backs and shoulders as a symbol of the animal's bearing Jesus into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. During the Middle Ages, Europeans used hairs from this cross (or contact with a donkey) as folk remedies to treat illness, including measles and whooping cough.[81] Around 1400 AD, one physician listed riding backwards on a donkey as a cure for scorpion stings.[82]", "Bible Within these broad beliefs many schools of hermeneutics operate. \"Bible scholars claim that discussions about the Bible must be put into its context within church history and then into the context of contemporary culture.\"[70] Fundamentalist Christians are associated[by whom?] with the doctrine of biblical literalism, where the Bible is not only inerrant, but the meaning of the text is clear to the average reader.[84]", "Donkey In 1997 the number of donkeys in the world was reported to be continuing to grow, as it had steadily done throughout most of history; factors cited as contributing to this were increasing human population, progress in economic development and social stability in some poorer nations, conversion of forests to farm and range land, rising prices of motor vehicles and fuel, and the popularity of donkeys as pets.[35][36] Since then, the world population of donkeys is reported to be rapidly shrinking, falling from 43.7 million to 43.5 million between 1995 and 2000, and to only 41 million in 2006.[33] The fall in population is pronounced in developed countries; in Europe, the total number of donkeys fell from 3 million in 1944 to just over 1 million in 1994.[37]", "Donkey Kong In 2007, the USHRA Monster Jam racing series licensed Donkey Kong's appearance for a monster truck. The truck is driven by Frank Krmel, and is owned by Feld Motorsports. The truck is decorated to look like the character and has Donkey Kong's tie on the front. The truck made its debut in the Monster Jam event at the Hubert H. Humphrey Metrodome in Minneapolis, Minnesota, US on December 8, 2007.[29] It went to the Monster Jam World Finals 9, as well as World Finals 10, where it was the fastest qualifier.", "Donkey Donkeys can interbreed with other members of the family Equidae, and are commonly interbred with horses. The hybrid between a jack and a mare is a mule, valued as a working and riding animal in many countries. Some large donkey breeds such as the Asino di Martina Franca, the Baudet de Poitou and the Mammoth Jack are raised only for mule production. The hybrid between a stallion and a jenny is a hinny, and is less common. Like other inter-species hybrids, mules and hinnies are usually sterile.[5] Donkeys can also breed with zebras in which the offspring is called a zonkey (among other names).", "Donkey The Domestic Animal Diversity Information System (DAD-IS) of the FAO listed 189 breeds of ass in June 2011.[38] In 2000 the number of breeds of donkey recorded worldwide was 97, and in 1995 it was 77. The rapid increase is attributed to attention paid to identification and recognition of donkey breeds by the FAO's Animal Genetic Resources project.[33] The rate of recognition of new breeds has been particularly high in some developed countries. In France, for example, only one breed, the Baudet de Poitou, was recognised prior to the early 1990s; by 2005, a further six donkey breeds had official recognition.[39]", "Donkey Donkeys have also been used to carry explosives in conflicts that include the war in Afghanistan and others.[52][53]", "Donkey The bray of the donkey may be used as a simile for loud and foolish speech in political mockery.[106][107] For example,[108]", "Donkey Kong Donkey Kong Circus", "Donkey Kong Donkey Kong 3", "Donkey Kong Return of Donkey Kong", "Donkey Kong Donkey Kong Hockey", "Donkey Kong Donkey Kong (Game Boy)", "Donkey Kong Donkey Kong Barrel Blast", "Donkey Throughout the world, working donkeys are associated with the very poor, with those living at or below subsistence level.[42] Few receive adequate food, and in general donkeys throughout the Third World are under-nourished and over-worked.[64] In temperate climates the forage available is often too abundant and too rich; over-feeding may cause weight gain and obesity, and lead to metabolic disorders such as founder (laminitis) and hyperlipaemia,[60] or to gastric ulcers.[65]", "Donkey The words \"donkey\" and \"ass\" (or translations thereof) have come to have derogatory or insulting meaning in several languages, and are generally used to mean someone who is obstinate, stupid or silly,[97][98][99][100] In football, especially in the United Kingdom, a player who is considered unskilful is often dubbed a \"donkey\",[97] and the term has a similar connotation in poker.[101] In the US, the slang terms \"dumbass\" and \"jackass\" are used to refer to someone considered stupid.[102][103]", "Donkey Kong (video game) A complete remake of the original arcade game on the Game Boy, named Donkey Kong or Donkey Kong '94 contains levels from both the original Donkey Kong and Donkey Kong Jr. arcades. It starts with the same damsel-in-distress premise and four basic locations as the arcade game and then progresses to 97 additional puzzle-based levels. It is the first game to have built-in enhancement for the Super Game Boy accessory. The arcade version makes an appearance in Donkey Kong 64 in the Frantic Factory level.", "Donkey Traditionally, the scientific name for the donkey is Equus asinus asinus based on the principle of priority used for scientific names of animals. However, the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature ruled in 2003 that if the domestic species and the wild species are considered subspecies of one another, the scientific name of the wild species has priority, even when that subspecies was described after the domestic subspecies.[2] This means that the proper scientific name for the donkey is Equus africanus asinus when it is considered a subspecies, and Equus asinus when it is considered a species.", "Donkey Kong Country Returns The game's story focuses on a group of evil creatures called Tikis known as the Tiki Tak Tribe that arrive on Donkey Kong Island, and hypnotize the island's animals to steal Donkey Kong's bananas. This forces him to retrieve the hoard with the help of his friend Diddy Kong. Donkey Kong Country Returns was the first traditional home console Donkey Kong game since the release of Donkey Kong Jungle Beat in 2005, and also the first Donkey Kong Country entry not to involve video game developer Rare. The game was positively received from critics, it has sold 6.53 million copies worldwide, making it one of the best-selling games on the Wii. A sequel, Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze, was released for the Wii U in February 2014 and later ported to the Nintendo Switch in May 2018.", "Bible translations into English Most translations make the translators' best attempt at a single rendering of the original, relying on footnotes where there might be alternative translations or textual variants. An alternative is taken by the Amplified Bible. In cases where a word or phrase admits of more than one meaning the Amplified Bible presents all the possible interpretations, allowing the reader to choose one. For example, the first two verses of the Amplified Bible read:", "Shrek The Musical Along the way, Shrek rescues a talkative donkey from some of Farquaad's guards. In return for rescuing him, and offering his friendship, Donkey insists on tagging along to show him the way to Duloc (\"Don't Let Me Go\"), which Shrek reluctantly agrees to, due to him being lost.", "Mule A mule does not sound exactly like a donkey or a horse. Instead, a mule makes a sound that is similar to a donkey's but also has the whinnying characteristics of a horse (often starts with a whinny, ends in a hee-haw). Mules sometimes whimper.", "Donkey Kong (video game) Nintendo revived the Donkey Kong franchise in the 1990s for a series of platform games and spin-offs developed by Rare, beginning with Donkey Kong Country in 1994. In 2004, Nintendo released Mario vs. Donkey Kong, a sequel to the Game Boy title. In it, Mario must chase Donkey Kong to get back the stolen Mini-Mario toys. In the follow-up Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2: March of the Minis, Donkey Kong once again falls in love with Pauline and kidnaps her, and Mario uses the Mini-Mario toys to help him rescue her. Donkey Kong Racing for the GameCube was in development by Rare, but was canceled when Microsoft purchased the company. In 2004, Nintendo released the first of the Donkey Konga games, a rhythm-based game series that uses a special bongo controller. Donkey Kong Jungle Beat (2005) is a unique platform action game that uses the same bongo controller accessory. In 2007, Donkey Kong Barrel Blast was released for the Nintendo Wii. It was originally developed as a GameCube game and would have used the bongo controller, but it was delayed and released exclusively as a Wii title with no support for the bongo accessory. Super Smash Bros. Brawl features music from the game arranged by Hirokazu \"Hip\" Tanaka[24] and a stage called \"75m\", an almost exact replica of its Donkey Kong namesake.[67] While the stage contains her items, Pauline is missing from her perch at the top of the stage.[67]", "Donkey Kong (video game) Donkey Kong spawned the sequel Donkey Kong Jr. (1982) with the player controlling Donkey Kong's son in an attempt to save his father from the now-evil Mario. 1983's Mario Bros. introduced Mario's brother Luigi in a single-screen cooperative game set in a sewer. Also in 1983, Donkey Kong 3 appeared in the form of a fixed shooter, with an exterminator ridding the ape—and insects—from a greenhouse.", "Donkey (Shrek) He then meets Puss in Boots and becomes jealous as he is spending a lot of time with Shrek. By the end of the film they are great friends. At one point in the film, he reveals that he was the donkey traded by Jack for the magic beans, which greatly offended him. He and Shrek ended up drinking the \"Happily Ever After\" potion from the Fairy Godmother's workshop and while Shrek transformed into a human, Donkey became a magnificently bred and handsome white stallion (albeit with the same buck teeth and voice, and on the bottle it says that it's not for those with nervous disorders. After which Shrek and everyone else stares at Donkey as it is strongly hinted that he has one, but Donkey remains clueless as to the reason of why everyone's staring at him).", "Donkey (Shrek) Empire listed Donkey as No. 21 on their \"50 Best Animated Movie Characters\".[2]", "Donkey Kong (character) Miyamoto used \"donkey\" to convey \"stubborn\" in English; the name Donkey Kong was intended to convey \"stubborn ape\" to the American audience.[7][8][9] When he suggested this name to Nintendo of America, he was laughed at, but the name stuck.", "Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze is a side-scrolling platformer video game developed by Retro Studios, with assistance from Monster Games, and published by Nintendo for the Wii U. The fifth installment in the main Donkey Kong Country series, Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze is the direct sequel to the 2010 Wii game, Donkey Kong Country Returns, and was released worldwide in February 2014. An enhanced port for the Nintendo Switch was released in May 2018.", "Donkey (Shrek) Donkey also appears in many YouTube DreamWorks originals videos, voiced by Jason Lewis.", "Donkey Kong (character) Donkey Kong and his nephew have had supporting roles in various Mario sports games. Donkey Kong Junior appeared in the Virtual Boy game Mario's Tennis. Donkey Kong was also a selectable character in Mario Tennis, Mario Power Tennis, Mario Tennis: Power Tour, Mario Tennis Open, Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash and Mario Tennis Aces. Donkey Kong is playable in Mario Golf, Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour and Mario Golf: World Tour but not Mario Golf: Advance Tour. Donkey Kong featured in Super Mario Strikers for the GameCube and made his first appearance on the Wii within the title Mario Strikers Charged as a playable soccer captain. In Mario Super Sluggers, he appears as a captain again. Donkey Kong also appears in Mario Superstar Baseball. He made a playable appearance in Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games, Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games and Mario & Sonic at the Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games. He also appears in Mario Hoops 3-on-3 and Mario Sports Mix.", "Donkey Asses were first domesticated around 3000 BC, probably in Egypt or Mesopotamia,[6][7] and have spread around the world. They continue to fill important roles in many places today. While domesticated species are increasing in numbers, the African wild ass is an endangered species. As beasts of burden and companions, asses and donkeys have worked together with humans for millennia.", "Catholic Bible Bibles used by Catholics differ in the number and order of books from those typically found in bibles used by Protestants, as Catholic bibles remained unchanged following the Reformation and so retain seven books that were rejected principally by Martin Luther. Its canon of Old Testament texts is somewhat larger than that in translations used by Protestants, which are typically based exclusively on the shorter Hebrew and Aramaic Masoretic Text. On the other hand, its canon, which does not accept all the books that are included in the Septuagint,[24] is shorter than that of some churches of Eastern and Oriental Orthodoxy, which recognize other books as sacred scripture.", "Bible Since the Protestant Reformation, Bible translations for many languages have been made. The Bible continues to be translated to new languages, largely by Christian organizations such as Wycliffe Bible Translators, New Tribes Mission and Bible societies.", "Donkey Kong Jungle Beat Donkey Kong Jungle Beat is a platforming video game developed and published by Nintendo for the GameCube. It was released in Japan in December 2004, in Europe in February 2005, and in North America and Australia in March 2005.[2] In 2008 and 2009, the game was re-released in the New Play Control! series of revamped GameCube titles.[7] Donkey Kong Jungle Beat features the ape Donkey Kong and is played with the DK Bongos.", "Bible 2) Durham Bible Museum: The Durham Bible Museum is located in Houston Texas and is known for the collection of rare Bibles around the world. Furthermore, the Durham Museum is known to have many different Bibles of various languages.[111]", "Good News Bible The Good News Bible (GNB), also called the Good News Translation (GNT) in the United States, is an English translation of the Bible by the American Bible Society. It was first published as the New Testament under the name Good News for Modern Man in 1966. It was anglicised into British English by the British and Foreign Bible Society with the use of metric measurements for the Commonwealth market. It was formerly known as Today's English Version (TEV), but in 2001 was renamed the Good News Translation in the U.S., because the American Bible Society wished to improve the GNB's image as a \"translation\" where it had a public perception as a \"paraphrase\".[1] Despite the official terminology, it is still often referred to as the Good News Bible in the United States. It is published by HarperCollins, a subsidiary of News Corp.", "Donkey Horse-donkey hybrids are almost always sterile because horses have 64 chromosomes whereas donkeys have 62, producing offspring with 63 chromosomes. Mules are much more common than hinnies. This is believed to be caused by two factors, the first being proven in cat hybrids, that when the chromosome count of the male is the higher, fertility rates drop (as in the case of stallion x jenney).[citation needed] The lower progesterone production of the jenny may also lead to early embryonic loss. In addition, there are reasons not directly related to reproductive biology. Due to different mating behavior, jacks are often more willing to cover mares than stallions are to breed jennys. Further, mares are usually larger than jennys and thus have more room for the ensuing foal to grow in the womb, resulting in a larger animal at birth. It is commonly believed that mules are more easily handled and also physically stronger than hinnies, making them more desirable for breeders to produce, and it is unquestioned that mules are more common in total number.[citation needed]", "Biblical inspiration The Roman Catholic Church holds the Bible as inspired by God, but does not view God as the direct author of the Bible, in the sense that he does not put a 'ready-made' book in the mind of the inspired person.[12]", "Bible translations in the Middle Ages An Old High German version of the gospel of Matthew dates to 748. In the late Middle Ages, Deanesly thought that Bible translations were easier to produce in Germany, where the decentralized nature of the Empire allowed for greater religious freedom. However, these translations were seized and burned by inquisitors whenever they were found.[26] Altogether there are 13 medieval German translations before the Luther Bible.[27] In 1466, Johannes Mentelin published the first printed Bible in the German language, the Mentelin Bible, one of the first printed books in the German language and also the first printed vernacular Bible. The Mentelin Bible was reprinted in the southern German region a further thirteen times by various printers up until the Luther Bible. About 1475 Günther Zainer of Augsburg printed an illustrated German edition of the Bible, with a second edition in 1477.", "Donkey Kong Characters from the Donkey Kong series have appeared in Nintendo's crossover titles such as the Super Smash Bros. and the Mario Kart series.", "Donkey A jenny is normally pregnant for about 12 months, though the gestation period varies from 11 to 14 months,[5][21] and usually gives birth to a single foal. Births of twins are rare, though less so than in horses.[5] About 1.7 percent of donkey pregnancies result in twins; both foals survive in about 14 percent of those.[22] In general jennies have a conception rate that is lower than that of horses (i.e. less than the 60–65% rate for mares).[5]", "Pin the tail on the donkey It is common at birthday parties and other gatherings. A picture of a donkey with a missing tail is tacked to a wall within easy reach of children.[2]\nOne at a time, each child is blindfolded and handed a paper \"tail\" with a push pin or thumbtack poked through it. The blindfolded child is then spun around until he or she is disoriented.[2] The child gropes around and tries to pin the tail on the donkey. The player who pins their tail closest to the target, the donkey's rear, wins.[2] The game, a group activity, is generally not competitive; \"winning\" is only of marginal importance. It is often seen as more entertaining, seeing the children stumble around and try to put their tail at the right place.[3]", "Bible translations The churches of the Protestant Reformation translated the Greek of the Textus Receptus to produce vernacular Bibles, such as the German Luther Bible (1522), the Polish Brest Bible (1563), the Spanish \"Biblia del Oso\" (in English: Bible of the Bear, 1569) which later became the Reina-Valera Bible upon its first revision in 1602, the Czech Melantrich Bible (1549) and Bible of Kralice (1579-1593) and numerous English translations of the Bible. Tyndale's New Testament translation (1526, revised in 1534, 1535 and 1536) and his translation of the Pentateuch (1530, 1534) and the Book of Jonah were met with heavy sanctions given the widespread belief that Tyndale changed the Bible as he attempted to translate it. Tyndale's unfinished work, cut short by his execution, was supplemented by Myles Coverdale and published under a pseudonym to create the Matthew Bible, the first complete English translation of the Bible. Attempts at an \"authoritative\" English Bible for the Church of England would include the Great Bible of 1538 (also relying on Coverdale's work), the Bishops' Bible of 1568, and the Authorized Version (the King James Version) of 1611, the last of which would become a standard for English speaking Christians for several centuries.", "Donkey From the 18th century, donkey gradually replaced ass, and jenny replaced she-ass, which is now considered archaic.[14] The change may have come about through a tendency to avoid pejorative terms in speech, and be comparable to the substitution in North American English of rooster for cock, or that of rabbit for coney, which was formerly homophonic with cunny. By the end of the 17th century, changes in pronunciation of both ass and arse had caused them to become homophones. Other words used for the ass in English from this time include cuddy in Scotland, neddy in southwest England and dicky in the southeast;[11] moke is documented in the 19th century, and may be of Welsh or Gypsy origin.", "Where Does My Heart Beat Now On 13 May 1992, \"Where Does My Heart Beat Now\" received an ASCAP Pop Award for the most-performed ASCAP song during the 1991 survey year (1 October 1990 – 30 September 1991).[8] Additionally, Dion's performance of \"Where Does My Heart Beat Now\" at the Juno Awards of 1991 was nominated for the Gemini Award in category Best Performance in a Variety Program or Series.[9]", "Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze The game's story focuses on the Snowmads, a group of Viking-themed arctic animals such as walruses, owls and penguins that invade Donkey Kong Island,[8] forcing Donkey Kong to go against them with the help of his friends Diddy Kong, Dixie Kong, and Cranky Kong. This is Dixie Kong's third appearance in the main series and the first since Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble!, released in 1996. This is also Cranky Kong's first appearance as a playable character in the series.[9]", "Gerald Durrell Other illustrators who worked with Durrell were Barry L. Driscoll, who illustrated Two in the Bush; Pat Marriott, who illustrated Look at Zoos; and Anne Mieke van Ogtrop, who illustrated The Talking Parcel and Donkey Rustlers.", "Gutenberg Bible The 36-line Bible, believed to be the second printed version of the Bible, is also sometimes referred to as a Gutenberg Bible, but is possibly the work of another printer.", "Bible By the 2nd century BCE, Jewish groups began calling the books of the Bible the \"scriptures\" and they referred to them as \"holy\", or in Hebrew כִּתְבֵי הַקֹּדֶשׁ (Kitvei hakkodesh), and Christians now commonly call the Old and New Testaments of the Christian Bible \"The Holy Bible\" (in Greek τὰ βιβλία τὰ ἅγια, tà biblía tà ágia) or \"the Holy Scriptures\" (η Αγία Γραφή, e Agía Graphḗ).[16] The Bible was divided into chapters in the 13th century by Stephen Langton and it was divided into verses in the 16th century by French printer Robert Estienne[17] and is now usually cited by book, chapter, and verse. The division of the Hebrew Bible into verses is based on the sof passuk cantillation mark used by the 10th-century Masoretes to record the verse divisions used in earlier oral traditions.", "Nontrinitarianism Nontrinitarians cite other examples[citation needed] of terms not found in the Bible; multiple \"persons\" in relation to God, the terms \"God the Son\", \"God-Man\", \"God the Holy Spirit\", \"eternal Son\", and \"eternally begotten\". While the Trinitarian term hypostasis is found in the Bible, it is used only once in reference to God [Heb 1:3] where it states that Jesus is the express image of God's person. The Bible does not explicitly use the term in relation to the Holy Spirit nor explicitly mentions the Son having a distinct hypostasis from the Father.[citation needed]", "Study Bible In recent times, study Bibles focusing on specific aspects of the Biblical message, have appeared, such as The Green Bible, an English version of the New Revised Standard Version Bible (originally published by Harper Bibles on October 7, 2008), which focuses on environmental issues and teachings.", "Study Bible Perhaps the first edition of an English language Bible that qualified as a \"study Bible\" was the Geneva Bible; it contained extensive cross-references, synopses, and doctrinal points. The text of the Geneva Bible was usually not printed without the commentary, though the Cambridge edition was printed without commentary.[citation needed]", "Where Does My Heart Beat Now \"Where Does My Heart Beat Now\" received positive reviews from music critics and won the ASCAP Pop Award. It was the most successful single from Unison album and became Dion's highest charting English-language single at the time. In 2008, it was included on the North American version of My Love: Essential Collection greatest hits compilation. The song reached number four on the US Billboard Hot 100 and Dion became the first French-Canadian artist to land a top ten hit there.[2] She did even better on the Hot Adult Contemporary Tracks peaking at number two. \"Where Does My Heart Beat Now\" reached also top ten in Norway and Canada, peaking at numbers four and six respectively. Two accompanying music videos for the song were filmed. Dion performed \"Where Does My Heart Beat Now\" during many of her tours.", "Bible Many different authors contributed to the Bible. What is regarded as canonical text differs depending on traditions and groups; a number of Bible canons have evolved, with overlapping and diverging contents.[6] The Christian Old Testament overlaps with the Hebrew Bible and the Greek Septuagint; the Hebrew Bible is known in Judaism as the Tanakh. The New Testament is a collection of writings by early Christians, believed to be mostly Jewish disciples of Christ, written in first-century Koine Greek. These early Christian Greek writings consist of Gospels, letters, and apocalyptic writings. Among Christian denominations there is some disagreement about the contents of the canon, primarily the Apocrypha, a list of works that are regarded with varying levels of respect.", "Donkey (Shrek) As Shrek and Fiona begin to have a moment, Donkey abruptly returns and interrupts, claiming that a chariot of royal men have arrived. A messenger appears and tells the newlywed couple that Fiona's parents have invited them to a royal ball to celebrate their marriage, as well as her father to give his royal blessing. Shrek is completely hesitant to accept, as he knows that her parents will never accept them as Ogres, though he eventually gives up and goes, accompanied by Donkey to the Far Far Away kingdom but keeps on asking every second \"Are we there yet?\" Shrek and Fiona keep answering no.", "Where Does My Heart Beat Now \"Where Does My Heart Beat Now\" is a song performed by Canadian singer Celine Dion, taken from her first English-language studio album, Unison (1990). It was released by Columbia Records as the third single in Canada on 1 October 1990. It was also issued as the first single in the United States in late 1990, and in other parts of the world in early 1991.[1] \"Where Does My Heart Beat Now\" was written by Robert White Johnson and Taylor Rhodes in 1988 and recorded by Dion one year later. It was produced by Christopher Neil. Dion premiered this song at the Eurovision Song Contest 1989 in Switzerland, where she performed it along with her 1988 winning track, \"Ne partez pas sans moi.\"", "Donkey Kong Country Returns Donkey Kong Country Returns is a side-scrolling platformer video game developed by Retro Studios and published by Nintendo for the Wii console. The game was released first in North America in November 2010, and in PAL regions and Japan the following month. A stereoscopic port of the game, titled Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D, was released for the Nintendo 3DS in May 2013, and in Japan the following month.", "Where Does My Heart Beat Now In Canada, \"Where Does My Heart Beat Now\" entered the charts in October 1990 and reached number six on The Record's Retail Singles Chart on 8 April 1991. It also topped the RPM Adult Contemporary chart for two weeks in February 1991. In the United States, \"Where Does My Heart Beat Now\" debuted on the Billboard Hot 100 chart dated 8 December 1990. It peaked at number four on 2 March 1991 and became Dion's first Billboard Hot 100 top ten single. She also became the first French-Canadian artist to land a top ten hit there. The track entered Billboard's Adult Contemporary chart dated 27 October 1990, reaching number two on 2 February 1991. \"Where Does My Heart Beat Now\" was successful in Norway peaking at number four in March 1991, and also reached top forty in Ireland, France, Belgium, Netherlands and New Zealand. The song also charted in Australia and the United Kingdom.", "Bible Shelves of the Bizzell Bible Collection at Bizzell Memorial Library", "Bible Jonah being swallowed by the fish, Kennicott Bible, 1476", "Donkey Kong (video game) Despite initial doubts by Nintendo's American staff, Donkey Kong succeeded commercially and critically in North America and Japan. Nintendo licensed the game to Coleco, who developed home console versions for numerous platforms. Other companies cloned Nintendo's hit and avoided royalties altogether. Miyamoto's characters appeared on cereal boxes, television cartoons, and dozens of other places. A lawsuit brought on by Universal City Studios, alleging Donkey Kong violated their trademark of King Kong, ultimately failed. The success of Donkey Kong and Nintendo's victory in the courtroom helped to position the company for video game market dominance from its release in 1981 until the late 1990s (1996–1999).", "Donkey Kong (video game) Crazy Kong was officially licensed from Nintendo and manufactured by Falcon for some non-US markets. Nevertheless, Crazy Kong machines found their way into some American arcades, often installed in cabinets marked as Congorilla. Nintendo was quick to take legal action against those distributing the game in the US.[55]:119 Bootleg copies of Donkey Kong also appeared in both North America and France under the Crazy Kong, Konkey Kong or Donkey King names. The 1982 Logger arcade game from Century Electronics is a direct clone of Donkey Kong, with a large bird standing in for the ape and rolling logs instead of barrels.[56]", "John Doe In cases where a large number of unidentified individuals are mentioned, numbers may be appended, such as \"Doe #2\" or \"Doe II\". Operation Delego (2009), which targeted an international child sexual abuse ring, cited 21 numbered \"John Does\", as well as other people known by the surnames \"Doe\", \"Roe\", and \"Poe\".", "Dominick the Donkey \"Dominick the Donkey\" is a Christmas song written by Ray Allen, Sam Saltzberg and Wandra Merrell, and was recorded by Lou Monte in 1960, on Roulette Records. The song describes a donkey who helps Santa Claus bring presents (\"made in Brooklyn\") to children in Italy \"because the reindeer cannot climb\" Italy's hills. The song was re-released onto Amazon on September 26, 2011, on Dexterity Records.[1] The spelling of \"Dominick\" was modified to \"Dominic\" for the re-release. It was included in Volume 2 of the Ultimate Christmas Album series produced by Collectables Records and on the Christmas compilation album Merry Xmas 2011 by Cinquenta Musica.[2]", "Donkey Kong (video game) There were so many games with multiple ladder and platforms stages by 1983 that Electronic Games described Nintendo's own Popeye game as \"yet another variation of a theme that's become all too familiar since the success of Donkey Kong\".[59] That year Sega released a Donkey Kong clone called Congo Bongo in arcades. Despite using isometric perspective, the structure and gameplay are similar.", "Study Bible Nearly all Catholic Bibles have explanatory and interpretative footnotes.[citation needed] For example, the Jerusalem Bible is a widely respected study Bible originally made by French monks in Jerusalem, under the auspices of the Catholic Church. The original French edition of 1961 became the basis of versions of this study Bible in several other languages, including English, revised as the New Jerusalem Bible; some versions have more extensive notes than others.[citation needed]", "Protestant Bible A 2014 study into the Bible in American Life found that of those survey respondents who read the Bible, there was an overwhelming favouring of Protestant translations. 55% reported using the King James Version, followed by 19% for the New International Version, 7% for the New Revised Standard Version (printed in both Protestant and Catholic editions), 6% for the New American Bible (a Catholic Bible translation) and 5% for the Living Bible. Other versions were used by fewer than 10%.[6]", "Shrek The Musical While Shrek is out finding a flower for Fiona, Donkey discovers that Fiona turns into an ogress at night, and she confesses that she was cursed as a child, which is why she was locked away in the tower. Only a kiss from her true love will return her to her proper form, and she asks Donkey to promise never to tell. Shrek arrives near the end of the conversation and misunderstands Fiona's description of herself as an ugly beast, and thinks she is talking about him. Hurt by her presumed opinion, Shrek storms off.", "Bible Bible from 1150, from Scriptorium de Chartres, Christ with angels", "Bible Jephthah's daughter laments – Maciejowski Bible (France, ca. 1250)", "Nestor, the Long–Eared Christmas Donkey Santa Claus's donkey, Spieltoe, narrates the story of a donkey named Nestor with abnormally long ears, who lived in the days of the Roman Empire. Every animal in the stable ridicules Nestor because of his ears. One day the animals in the stable are celebrating the winter solstice. Nestor's mother gives socks to Nestor to cover his ears.", "Donkey Kong (video game) Donkey Kong (Japanese: ドンキーコング, Hepburn: Donkī Kongu) is an arcade game released by Nintendo in 1981. An early example of the platform game genre, the gameplay focuses on maneuvering the main character across a series of platforms while dodging and jumping over obstacles. In the game, Mario (originally named Mr. Video and then Jumpman) must rescue a damsel in distress named Pauline (originally named Lady), from a giant ape named Donkey Kong. The hero and ape later became two of Nintendo's most popular and recognizable characters. Donkey Kong is one of the most important titles from the golden age of arcade video games, and is one of the most popular arcade games of all time.", "Donkey Kong (video game) Following 1980's Space Panic, Donkey Kong is one of the earliest examples of the platform game genre[5]:94[6] even prior to the term being coined; the US gaming press used climbing game for titles with platforms and ladders.[7] As the first platform game to feature jumping, Donkey Kong requires the player to jump between gaps and over obstacles or approaching enemies, setting the template for the future of the platform genre.[8] With its four unique stages, Donkey Kong was the most complex arcade game at the time of its release, and one of the first arcade games to feature multiple stages, following 1980's Phoenix and 1981's Gorf and Scramble:66[9]", "Geneva Bible Because the language of the Geneva Bible was more forceful and vigorous, most readers strongly preferred this version to the Great Bible. In the words of Cleland Boyd McAfee, \"it drove the Great Bible off the field by sheer power of excellence\".[5]", "Donkey Kong (video game) Donkey Kong appears as a game in the Wii U game NES Remix, which features multiple NES games and sometimes \"remixes\" them by presenting significantly modified versions of the games as challenges. One such challenge features Link from The Legend of Zelda traveling through the first screen to save Pauline. The difficulty is increased compared to the original Donkey Kong because of Link's inability to jump, as seen in Zelda.", "Protestant Bible A Protestant Bible is a Christian Bible translation or revision that comprises 39 books of the Old Testament (according to the Jewish Hebrew Bible canon, sometimes known to non-Protestants as the protocanonical books) and the 27 books of the New Testament for a total of 66 books.", "Bible Maciejowski Bible, Leaf 37, the 3rd image, Abner (in the center in green) sends Michal back to David.", "Bible translations The most notable Middle English Bible translation, Wycliffe's Bible (1383), based on the Vulgate, was banned by the Oxford Synod in 1408. A Hungarian Hussite Bible appeared in the mid 15th century, and in 1478, a Catalan translation in the dialect of Valencia. Many parts of the Bible were printed by William Caxton in his translation of the Golden Legend, and in Speculum Vitae Christi (The Mirror of the Blessed Life of Jesus Christ)." ]
who sang the most number of songs in the world
[ "Playback singer Mohammed Rafi and Ahmed Rushdi are regarded as two of the most influential playback singers in South Asia.[5][6][7][8] The sisters Lata Mangeshkar and Asha Bhosle, who have mainly worked in Hindi films, are often referred to as two of the best-known and most prolific playback singers in India.[9][10][11][12][13] In 1991, Mangeshkar was cited by the Guinness Book of World Records for having sung more than 30,000 solo, duet and chorus-backed song recordings, more than any other singer in the world.[14][15] However, her name was removed in 1991 and replaced by another Indian playback singer, Dr K J Yesudas in 1991.[citation needed] All India Record. In 2011, Guinness officially acknowledged Lata Mangeshkar's sister Asha Bhosle as the most recorded artist in music history, surpassing her sister.[16]" ]
[ "I Sang Dixie \"I Sang Dixie\" is a song written and recorded by American country music artist Dwight Yoakam. It was released in October 1988 as the second single from his album Buenas Noches from a Lonely Room. In 1989, \"I Sang Dixie\" went to number one on the US Country chart.[1]", "This Is Me (Demi Lovato song) \"This Is Me\" is the first song that Lovato's character, Mitchie Torres, sang in Camp Rock with Jonas's character, Shane Gray. Mitchie wrote the song in the beginning of the film, and was later heard (in an acoustic version on piano), but not seen, by Shane, who set out to search for the girl behind the amazing voice. After most people performed already in the \"Final Jam\" session, Mitchie sang the song (original version) and Shane saw her and sang part of the song he wrote, \"Gotta Find You\". The two songs are combined to make the original version, as featured on the Camp Rock soundtrack CD.", "Black and White (Three Dog Night song) The most successful recording of the song was the pop version by Three Dog Night in 1972, when it reached number one on both the Billboard Hot 100 and Billboard Easy Listening charts. Billboard ranked it as the number 63 song for 1972.[1] This was one of the few hits for Three Dog Night on which Danny Hutton sang the lead vocals.", "Be Prepared (Disney song) Though Jeremy Irons is credited for performing the lead vocals on the song, at the 2012 Calgary Comic and Entertainment Expo Jim Cummings, who also played Ed, stated that he sang most of the song, and that Irons only did some of the talking.[1] However, footage from the film's recording sessions available on the 2017 Blu-ray release reveals that Irons sang the entire first verse of the song, while a cursory analysis of the recording suggests (due to a subtle but evident shift in vocal timbre heard in Scar's lead vocal) that Cummings only sang the final verse (\"Be prepared for the coup of the century\", etc.) in the final cut of the film.", "The Party's Over (Willie Nelson song) Nelson recorded the song himself in 1966, which was released as a single in February 1967. It reached number twenty-four on Billboard's Hot Country Singles, and it was included as the title track of Nelson's album. The song was later popularized by former Dallas Cowboys quarterback and Monday Night Football host Don Meredith, who sang a line of the song on the broadcasts.", "Soul of a Man (song) \"(The) Soul of a Man\" is a gospel blues song recorded by Blind Willie Johnson in 1930.[1] As with most of Johnson's songs, it deals with a spiritual theme within a blues musical framework. Accompanying Johnson (vocal and guitar) is Willie B. Harris, sometimes identified as his first wife, who sang harmony on the refrain:", "A Rose and a Baby Ruth \"A Rose and a Baby Ruth\" is a song written by John D. Loudermilk. The song was published in 1956. The best-known version was recorded by George Hamilton IV, who sang it almost a cappella. The song reached number 6 on the Billboard magazine pop chart.[1]", "Who's Lovin' You In 1988, 13-year-old Lauryn Hill appeared as an Amateur Night contestant on It's Showtime at the Apollo. Hill sang her own version of William \"Smokey\" Robinson's song \"Who's Lovin' You?\". As she began the song, the crowd began to 'boo' at Hill. A nervous Hill sang with the microphone far away from her mouth and was heckled at first; but she persisted and finished her song to standing applause, though she did not win.[3]", "The Man Who Sold the World On 14 February 2016, surviving Nirvana band members Krist Novoselic, Dave Grohl and Pat Smear teamed up with Beck to perform \"The Man Who Sold the World\" at a pre-Grammy Awards party, in tribute to Bowie, with Beck performing the vocals.[18] In 2017, to mark what would have been Kurt Cobain's 50th birthday, the Phonographic Performance Limited released a list of the top twenty most played Nirvana songs on the TV and radio in the UK in which \"The Man Who Sold the World\" was ranked at number six.[19]", "If I Ruled the World Andy Hallett, the actor best known for playing the part of Lorne ('The Host') in the television series Angel, sang the song in that series' final episode. The politician-spoofing BBC panel show If I Ruled the World was named after the song.", "Wild World (song) On July 7, 2007, the song was performed twice at the Live Earth concerts. James Blunt sang it at Wembley Stadium in London, England, while Yusuf Islam (formerly Cat Stevens) himself sang it in Hamburg, Germany.[6][7]", "That's Amore Many artists have covered this song, including Alma Cogan, who sang it on the BBC radio programme Take It From Here on December 31, 1953, and Connie Francis, who sang an Italian adaptation of the song on her 1960 album More Italian Favorites.", "Harve Presnell Presnell sang the baritone role in Eugene Ormandy's 1960 recording of Carmina Burana, released by Columbia/Sony on LP and CD. His earliest recordings were as a soloist with the Roger Wagner Chorale (Capitol) in the 1950s with the Chorale in the background particularly in the LP Joy to the World where he sang in \"O Holy Night\" and the LPs Folk Songs of the New World [Capitol P8324 (1955)] and Folk Songs of the Frontier [Capitol P8332 (1956)], where he sang, among other songs, \"Bury Me Not on the Lone Prairie\" and \"Streets of Laredo\".[1]", "Oceans (Where Feet May Fail) The song was recorded by singer Taya Smith who sang many parts of the song in one take.[4]", "Say Something (A Great Big World song) American indie pop duo Alex & Sierra performed the song twice on third season of The X Factor (U.S.), where they were contestants and eventually won the show. During the sixth week, the duo performed the song for the first time, with Sierra on the piano and Alex on guitar.[59] The performance was praised by the judges, with Kelly Rowland, one of them, feeling like she was watching an awards show performance. Catriona Wightman of Digital Spy called it \"pretty simple, but showed how genuinely talented they are.\"[59] The cover version of the song surpassed A Great Big World and Aguilera's version on iTunes, climbing to number 1 the morning after they sang it onstage.[60] Series creator and head judge Simon Cowell, who mentored the group, claimed that the duo success is proof that the show is still capable of turning small-town kids into bankable stars.[60] The duo performed the song once again on the finale of the show, eventually winning the competition.[61]", "Brick House (song) The following day King sang the lyrics to \"Brick House\" to the band, allowing them to think he had written it. They loved it and decided that drummer Walter \"Clyde\" Orange had the funky voice to sing lead vocals, (as opposed to Lionel Richie, who usually sang lead), and the song went on the new album.", "Birthday Cake (song) Rihanna performed \"Birthday Cake\" Remix at Radio 1's Hackney Weekend on May 24, 2012, as the fifth song on the set list.[50] She performed the remix in its entirety, and sang Brown's lyrics.[50] The song was later included on her Diamonds World Tour in 2013 during the first act.", "Emotion (Samantha Sang song) In 2001, \"Emotion\" was recorded by American R&B group Destiny's Child for their third studio album Survivor (2001). Produced and arranged by Mark J. Feist, it features a slower tempo than the Samantha Sang original, although a more uptempo Neptunes-produced remix of the song was also produced and included in the band's remix album This Is The Remix (2002). Feist had previously produced the song for Filipino singer Regine Velasquez for her album Drawn in 1998 and used exactly the same backing track for Destiny's Child.", "Ain't It Fun (Paramore song) The inaugural televised performance of the song was done on the 2013 iHeartRadio Jingle Ball, wherein it was selected as second song on the band's setlist.[35][a] The band played the track on the season finale of The Voice's fifth season, which aired on December 17 of that year.[36] On April 23, 2014, they sang it on the Late Night with Seth Meyers program.[37] On May 21, 2014, the band performed the song on the American Idol season 13 finale. Finalist Jena Irene, who preceded Paramore with a live cover of the band's single \"Decode\", sang the second verse of \"Ain't It Fun\" alone. She also sang the chorus and bridge of the song with Paramore.[38] The band hosted a concert on Good Morning America, on June 13, 2014, in which they performed \"Ain't It Fun\" as well.[39]", "The World Is Not Enough (song) The song appeared in two \"best of 1999\" radio-station polls: number 87 in 89X's Top 89 Songs of 1999[63] and number 100 in Q101's Top 101 of 1999.[64] In 2012 Grantland ranked \"The World Is Not Enough\" the second-best Bond song of all time, behind \"Goldfinger\".[65]", "Sang Nila Utama Sang Nila Utama is a Srivijaya prince from Palembang said to have founded the Kingdom of Singapura in 1299.[1][2] His official title adopted upon his coronation, was Sri Maharaja Sang Utama Parameswara Batara Sri Tri Buana, which can be translated as \"Central Lord King of the Three Worlds\". The \"Three Worlds\" may refer to the three realms of the universe – the heaven of the gods, the world of humans, and the underworld of demons. A few early kings in South East Asia had used the title Sri Tri Buana or \"Lord of the Three Worlds\".[3] He died in 1347; his son, Paduka Seri Wikrama Wira succeeded him.[4] The account of his life is given in the Malay Annals. However, the historicity of the events as given in the Malay Annals is debated by scholars,[5] and some believe that Sang Nila Utama may be a mythical person.[6]", "(Our Love) Don't Throw It All Away Barry wrote the lyrics while Weaver composed the melody. Weaver said of this song, \"That was me playing around again; It wasn't done for [Saturday Night Fever], it was just something that we did\".[3] The stereo mix of an early state of the song exists but was unreleased until now. Samantha Sang, who was visiting France where this version was recorded, asked Barry for a song; not long afterwards, Barry sent Sang \"Don't Throw it All Away\", but Sang never recorded or released it, choosing instead the new song \"Emotion\".[14]", "Something in the Air \"Something in the Air\" is a song recorded by Thunderclap Newman, written by Speedy Keen who also sang the song. It was a number 1 single for three weeks in the UK Singles Chart in July 1969.[1] The song has been used for films, television and adverts, and has been covered by several artists. The track was also included on Thunderclap Newman's only album release Hollywood Dream over a year later.", "Protest songs in the United States One of the key figures of the 1960s protest movement was Bob Dylan, who produced a number of landmark protest songs, such as \"Blowin' in the Wind\" (1962), \"Masters of War\" (1963), \"Talking World War III Blues\" (1963), and \"The Times They Are A-Changin'\" (1964). While Dylan is often thought of as a 'protest singer', most of his protest songs spring from a relatively short time-period in his career; Mike Marqusee writes:", "I Wanna Dance with Somebody (Who Loves Me) Houston performed the song on almost all of her world and regional tours. She premiered the song during the later shows of The Greatest Love World Tour in 1986, before its official release of the next year, introducing the song along with \"Didn't We Almost Have It All\" as new tunes from her upcoming album.[45] During her European promotion for a new album in April–May 1987, Houston performed the song on various TV shows such as Domenica In (Italian TV entertainment programme), Montreux Golden Rose Rock Festival: IM&MC Gala (May 15, 1987), and Top of the Pops (May 21, 1987), where she sang live, unlike some other performers who lip-synced on the programme.[46]", "Artists with the most number-ones on the U.S. Dance Club Songs chart American singer, songwriter, and producer Madonna has achieved a record-extending 46 number-one songs on the U.S. Billboard Dance Club Songs chart. In addition to this feat, she also holds the record for the most chart hits, the most top-twenty hits, the most top-ten hits[1] and the most total weeks at number one.[2] She is the only living and active artist to continue charting at Dance Club Songs, spanning 34 years, the longest of any artist on this chart. In its December 10, 2016 issue celebrating the 40th anniversary of the Dance Club Songs chart, Madonna ranked 1st among the top 100 all-time artists in this category.[3]", "Hard to Handle (song) Gerald de Palmas sang the song in his show in 2012.", "Minmini Her big break came in 1992 when she sang \"Chinna Chinna Aasai\" for the film Roja. It took Minmini to international fame, along with A.R. Rahman. The song which set a new trend in the music world was remade in Telugu and Hindi and Minmini sang them too.", "Just the Two of Us (Grover Washington Jr. song) \"Just the Two of Us\" was covered by Japanese singer Toshinobu Kubota as a duet with Caron Wheeler in 1991, for his album Kubojah: Parallel World I. The song was credited as \"Just the 2 of Us\", featuring a reggae-style beat. In 1995, Kubota re-recorded the song, which appeared on his album Sunshine, Moonlight, with a more R&B-style beat. In 1996, he released the song as the second single from the album. The song charted at number 30 on the Oricon Weekly Singles chart and remained on the charts for a duration of five weeks.[10] The song was included the setlist during the Oyeees! Tour. During the tour, Joi Cardwell, who sang backing vocals during the tour, performed the song as a duet with Kubota. In 2007, Double performed the song the MTV Japan Icons Special. During the performance, Kubota walk onto the stage to complete the song with her.[11] In 2012, Kubota performed the song with Japanese singer Yuri, who was also a background vocalist during his \"Party Ain't A Party Tour\". The performance was included on his concert DVD \"Party Ain't A Party\", which was released in May 2012.[12]", "Sing Sang Song The song consists largely of the title being repeated. However, the other lyrics are a plea for global unity – to be provided by singing the song.", "Valerie (The Zutons song) EastEnders actress Rita Simons sang the song on Children in Need 2013.", "Songs from Les Misérables At the special Les Misérables 10th Anniversary Concert in 1995, \"Do You Hear the People Sing?\" was sung as an encore by seventeen different actors who had played Jean Valjean around the world. Each actor sang a line of the song in his own language (except for Jerzy Jeszke, who being Polish himself sung a line in German as he'd performed the role of Valjean in Germany), and the languages sung including French, German, Japanese, Hungarian, Swedish, Polish, Dutch, Norwegian, Czech, Danish, Icelandic and English.", "Harvest for the World (song) One of their socially conscious singles (about world peace), the song was composed by Ernie Isley, who wrote most of the lyrics, together with Marvin Isley and Chris Jasper, with additional lyrics and musical arrangements added by the three original members O'Kelly, Rudolph and Ronald. As on many Isley Brothers records, Ronald sung lead on the song while his older brothers O'Kelly and Rudolph usually backed him up.", "Dixie (song) In 1965 Jan & Dean sang a verse of the song on the track \"Whisling Dixie\" on their album, Filet of Soul.", "Higher Ground (Stevie Wonder song) In 2004, Rolling Stone ranked the song number 265 on its list of the 500 Greatest Songs of All Time, adding: \"'Higher Ground' was recorded just before Wonder was involved in a near-fatal accident in August 1973 that left him in a coma. Early in Wonder's recovery, his road manager sang the song's melody into the singer's ear; Wonder responded by moving his fingers with the music.\"[6]", "List of Hot Country Singles & Tracks number ones of 1998 Tim McGraw spent the most weeks at number one of any act, with ten. His song \"Just to See You Smile\" spent six weeks at the top, the most by one song, and was ranked number one on Billboard's year-end chart of the most popular country songs.[3] The final number one of the year was \"You're Easy on the Eyes\" by Terri Clark. Clark was one of three female vocalists to achieve their first number one in 1998, the others being Jo Dee Messina, who reached the top spot for the first time with \"Bye, Bye\", and Anita Cochran, who spent one week at the top with \"What If I Said\", a duet with Steve Wariner.[4][5][6] Dixie Chicks also topped the chart for the first time, with \"There's Your Trouble\".[7]", "The Number of the Beast (song) \"The Number of the Beast\" is one of the band's most popular songs, appearing at No. 7 on VH1's 40 Greatest Metal Songs[10] and No. 6 in Martin Popoff's book \"The Top 500 Heavy Metal Songs of All Time\", in the list was compiled from 15,000 votes submitted by musicians, music journalists and the general public.[11]", "Islands in the Stream (song) In October 2015, the song was sang in Jane The Virgin in the episode “Chapter Twenty-Four.", "Part of Your World Den of Geek placed both \"Part of Your World\" and its reprise at number one on the website's ranking of \"The Top 25 Best Disney Songs from the Renaissance Era\", with author David Crow referring to it as the song that \"defined the Disney formula to come.\"[3] Mic also ranked the song first, with author Jordan Appugliesi calling it \"everything Disney fans want and need.\"[82] M Magazine concurred, highlighting \"You want thing-a-ma-bobs? I've got twenty but who cares? No big deal, I want more\" as the magazine's favorite lyric.[84] Variety agreed that \"Part of Your World\" is the second \"Best Disney Song of All Time\", crowning it Ashman and Menken's \"most flawlessly constructed [Disney] composition\".[71] Billboard considers \"Part of Your World\" to be the Disney Renaissance's eighth best song, with contributor Taylor Weatherby crediting it with inspiring an entire generation to use the term \"thingamabob\".[72] Ranking the ballad the eighth greatest Disney song, IGN's Lucy O'brien wrote that \"Part of Your World\" \"has since become a shower-staple for girls the world over, with particular emphasis given to 'bet they don’t…REPRIMAND their daughters,' universally.\"[163] Awarding the song the same placement, HitFix's Donna Dickens wrote that the ballad \"spoke to everyone from six to ninety-six\" with Ariel becoming \"the stand-in for every child who ever felt like an outsider, every teen navigating the waters of becoming an adult, every parent struggling to remember the urgency of adolescence\" and \"every human who ever burned to do more than exist in a mundane town\".[87] ET Canada placed the song at number 11 on their ranking of \"The Top 12 Disney Songs Of All Time\", joking, \"Singing to a fork has never been so memorable\".[169]", "One More Chance (Michael Jackson song) \"One More Chance\" is a mid-tempo R&B ballad penned by R. Kelly, who along with Jackson also produced and sang background vocals for the track. The song is played in the key of G major at 80 bpm.", "Who Needs Pictures (song) \"Who Needs Pictures\" debuted at number 75 on the Billboard Hot Country Songs dated for the week ending February 6, 1999. It spent 31 weeks on the charts and peaked at number 12.[1]", "Change the World \"Change the World\" was also well received in the R&B and Hip hop scene, reaching position 54, while twenty weeks on the Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Songs chart[64] and number 20 on the Hot R&B Singles Sales chart in the United States.[65] The pop rock tune also received a lot of airplay in North America, reaching number two on the Hot 100 Airplay chart in 1996[66] and peaking at position three on the Hot 100 Recurrent Airplay chart in 1997.[67] \"Change the World\" was the 13th most played song of 1996 by American radio stations all over the country. For the year-ending of 1996, the single release placed itself on number seven on the adult contemporary chart, number two on the Adult Top 40, position twelve on the Hot 100 Airplay chart and number 34 on the Top 100 Single Sales chart.[39] In 1997, the single sales went down, however the track was still successful until the end of the year, peaking at number two on the year-end's Adult Contemporary, ranking at number ten on the Top Soundtrack Singles chart as well as being the 67th most purchased single and 55th most radio played song in the United States.[68]", "On the Road Again (Willie Nelson song) The Kidsongs kids sang this song in their 1994 video \"Country Sing-Along\".", "Lift Me Up (Five Finger Death Punch song) The song was number one in the Internet music app Spotify in its first week of release over pop songs from Mariah Carey, Daft Punk, Fergie, and others. The list represents the most viral tracks on Spotify based on the number of people who shared it divided by the number who listened to it from Monday, May 13, to Sunday, May 19, via Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter and Spotify.[2]", "We Are the World \"We Are the World\" received worldwide radio coverage in the form of an international simultaneous broadcast later that year. Upon spinning the song on their local stations, Georgia radio disc jockeys, Bob Wolf and Don Briscar came up with the idea for a worldwide simulcast.[52] They called hundreds of radio and satellite stations asking them to participate. On the morning of April 5, 1985 (Good Friday of that year) at 10:25 am, over 8000 radio stations simultaneously broadcast the song around the world.[27] As the song was broadcast, hundreds of people sang along on the steps of St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York.[44][53] The simultaneous radio broadcast of \"We Are the World\" was repeated again the following Good Friday.[27]", "Talking in Your Sleep (The Romantics song) \"Talking in Your Sleep\" is a chart-topping hit song by Detroit rock band The Romantics. It was a number three U.S. hit in early 1984 and became a UK hit in August that year for British band Bucks Fizz. It ultimately became a hit throughout the world, and was the group's most successful song.", "Beautiful Day A version of the song was used as the theme tune to the ITV football highlights television show The Premiership, broadcast from 2001 to 2004.[26] Kurt Nilsen, the Norwegian Idol winner sang it during the World Idol competition[27] on 25 December 2003 and won the competition with the song. This was the only World Idol title and was not repeated in consequent years.", "Behind Closed Doors (Charlie Rich song) Numerous other artists have covered the song \"Behind Closed Doors\", using the original or slightly modified lyrics. For example, Loretta Lynn and Dolly Parton sang versions in which the genders were reversed and a few words changed or added,[3][4] while Diana Ross sang a version with both gender change and added lines. Other artists who covered this song include Bettye LaVette, Ronnie Milsap, Hank Thompson, Cal Smith, Perry Como, Percy Sledge, Little Milton, Mike Cooley, Stan Ridgway and Tom Jones.", "Ben (song) Although Jackson had already become the youngest artist to ever record a number-one (\"I Want You Back\" with The Jackson 5, in 1970), \"Ben\" made him the third-youngest solo artist, at fourteen, to score a number-one hit single. Only Stevie Wonder, who was thirteen when \"Fingertips, Pt. 2\" went to number one, and Osmond, who was months shy of his fourteenth birthday when \"Go Away Little Girl\" hit number one in 1971 were younger. The song is one of Jackson's most re-released, having appeared on The Jackson 5 Anthology, The Best of Michael Jackson, Michael Jackson Anthology, Jackson 5: The Ultimate Collection, The Essential Michael Jackson, Michael Jackson: The Ultimate Collection, Hello World: The Motown Solo Collection, The Definitive Collection, Number Ones, King of Pop and Icon.", "Save the World (Swedish House Mafia song) \"Save the World\" is a song by Swedish house music supergroup Swedish House Mafia. The song features uncredited vocals from Swedish singer John Martin, who co-wrote the song with Axwell, Steve Angello, Sebastian Ingrosso, Michel Zitron and Vincent Pontare.[1][2] It was released on 13 May 2011 as a digital download, and it premiered on BBC Radio 1 on 22 April 2011 by Pete Tong. The song debuted in the UK single chart at No. 11, and reached No. 10.[3] Jon Watts directed the video, which features dogs as superheroes.[4] The song peaked at number one on the Hot Dance Club Songs in the United States, becoming the group's second consecutive number-one single following \"Miami 2 Ibiza\" (2010). On 30 November 2011 the song received a nomination in 54th Grammy Awards for Best Dance Recording. The song has sold over 463,000 copies in the US.[5] Save the World was well-received from music critics[citation needed]. The song is written in the key of C major.[6]", "Hero (Mariah Carey song) Aside from the several live televised performances, Carey included \"Hero\" on the set-lists on all of her tours, usually serving as one of the closing numbers.[64] In an interview, Carey said that although it is not one of her favorite songs, she tries to perform it on each of her shows due to its powerful message, fearing that if she doesn't, she might miss out on the opportunity to help someone.[1] She first performed the song in concert during her stateside Music Box Tour. During the song's recital, Carey donned a black gown and matching sandals, while sporting her signature golden locks of the time.[64] During her performances at the Tokyo Dome on her Daydream World Tour (1996), Carey performed the song as one of the closing numbers.[65] Prior to the song, Carey introduced Afanasieff, who played the organ throughout the tour. Carey appeared on stage with a straightened hairstyle, and a long black evening gown.[65] On her Butterfly World Tour in 1998, Carey performed \"Hero\" as the eighth song on the set-list.[66] Unlike her previous tour, Afanasieff was not present, due to the pair's continued personal dispute. During the song, Carey was backed up by three vocalists, and wore a long sequined black gown.[66] In 2000, during her Rainbow World Tour, Carey used \"Hero\" as the tour's closing number, leaving the stage to meet and greet fans during the song's performance.[67] Similarly, \"Hero\" served as the closing number on her Charmbracelet World Tour (2002–03), where she wore a long beige gown and feathered frock tail.[68] In 2006, during The Adventures of Mimi Tour, Carey performed \"Hero\" as the penultimate song on the set-list. She wore a blue floor-length mid-bearing gown, and received vocal back up from four background singers.[69] Following the release of her twelfth studio effort, Carey embarked on the Angels Advocate Tour. After performing the regular set-list, Carey exited the arena, only to make one re-entry for \"Hero\" as the encore performance.[70] She also performed the song regularly as a part of her 2014 The Elusive Chanteuse Show world tour, and her first annual Christmas show at New York City's Beacon Theater, entitled All I Want For Christmas Is You, A Night of Joy & Festivity. In addition, she included the song in her 2015 Las Vegas residency, Mariah Carey Number 1's, a chronicle of her 18 US number 1 hits. The song was performed 8th in her setlist. She sang on a circular platform on the stage, donning a short white dress.", "Part of Your World \"Part of Your World\" was featured in the stage musical adaptation of The Little Mermaid, which ran on Broadway at the Lunt-Fontanne Theatre from 2008 to 2009.[108] Actress Sierra Boggess originated the role of Ariel in her Broadway debut,[108] becoming the first actress to perform \"Part of Your World\" in the production.[109] To promote the musical, Boggess performed \"Part of Your World\" live on The Today Show, which marked her first live television appearance.[110] Reviewing a performance of the musical during its pre-Broadway tryout run in Denver, Colorado, John Moore of The Denver Post observed that audiences enjoyed \"Part of Your World\" the most out of the show's songs.[111] Variety's David Rooney opined that the ballad \"fares better\" than the production's other musical numbers \"despite Boggess being stuck in a plastic cave for most of it.\"[112] Boggess also recorded \"Part of Your World\" for the musical's original Broadway cast album.[113] Furthermore, the actress included a live rendition of the song on her debut studio album Awakening: Live at 54 Below (2013),[114] which was first performed and recorded live at the restaurant 54 Below in Manhattan, New York.[115] Reviewing Boggess' 2017 concert at the State Theatre in Sydney, Australia, Ben Neutze of the Daily Review described Boggess' performance of \"Part of Your World\" as \"physically cartoon-esque, but deeply felt\".[116] In the Broadway musical, Boggess was eventually replaced by actress Chelsea Morgan Stock, who performed \"Part of Your World\" for the remainder of the show's run, describing the song as her \"favorite moment\".[117] Stock reprised her role as Ariel and performed \"Part of Your World\" in Dallas Summer Musicals' stage adaptation of The Little Mermaid at the Music Hall at Fair Park in 2014.[118] As part of the production's remagining, Stock sang \"Part of Your World\" while attached to a harness and hoisted several feet above the stage in mid-air to simulate the act of swimming.[119]", "Till the World Ends \"Till the World Ends\" sold 117,000 copies after its first three days of sales in the United States, debuting at number twenty on the Billboard Hot 100 on the week of March 19, 2011.[52] It became the fifth highest debut of her twenty-five entries on the chart.[53] It also debuted at number ten on the Hot Digital Songs chart, and at number sixty-eight on the Radio Songs chart; on the latter chart, the song debuted at number sixty-eight with 16.8 million impressions on 145 stations.[52][53] On the issue dated March 17, 2011, \"Till the World Ends\" sold 158,000 downloads (up 36%), peaking at number five on the Hot Digital Songs chart. On the Hot 100, it climbed to number nine, becoming her tenth top ten hit. The song also jumped to number forty-seven on the Radio Songs chart with 26 million impressions (up 56%), and debuted at number twenty-six on the Pop Songs chart.[54] It later peaked at number four.[55] The following week, \"Till the World Ends\" dropped out of the top ten of the Hot 100; it returned three weeks later at number eight, on April 13, 2011.[55] Following the release of the remix featuring Nicki Minaj and Kesha, the song peaked at number three on the Hot Digital Songs chart, with combined sales of 246,000 downloads (up 102%).[56] The remix accounted for 167,000 copies (68%) of the total sales. \"Till the World Ends\" also peaked at number three on the Hot 100, becoming Spears's eleventh top-ten hit and her third of 2011 after \"Hold It Against Me\" and the \"S&M\" remix with Rihanna.[57] In May 2011, the song peaked at number 4 on the airplay chart, her highest-charting song on the radio in her entire career.[58] \"Till the World Ends\" became Spears's seventh number-one dance song when it topped the chart in May 2011.[59] On the week of July 10, 2011, the song surpassed two million downloads in the United States.[60] As of March 2015, \"Till the World Ends\" has sold over 2.9 million copies in the United States.[61]", "What a Man (song) En Vogue sang the refrain of the song, \"Whatta man, whatta man, whatta mighty good man.\"[9] \"Whatta Man\" became later featured in Salt-n-Pepa's 1993 album Very Necessary and then the album's second single released that same year. En Vogue sang the entire vocals on all original and remixed versions of this song, with the exception of the male vocals at the beginning of the song which were performed by brothers Troy and John Mitchell of the rap group 3 Feet.", "Oh Shenandoah The canoe-going fur-trading voyageurs were great singers, and songs were an important part of their culture.[1] Also in the early 19th century, flatboatmen who plied the Missouri River were known for their shanties, including \"Oh Shenandoah\". Sailors heading down the Mississippi River picked up the song and made it a capstan shanty that they sang while hauling in the anchor.[2] This boatmen's song found its way down the Mississippi River to American clipper ships, and thus around the world.[3]", "Who Are You (song) \"Who Are You\", composed by Pete Townshend, is the title track on The Who's 1978 album, Who Are You, the last album released before Keith Moon's death in September 1978. It was released as a double-A sided single with the John Entwistle composition \"Had Enough\", also featured on the album. The song became one of the band's biggest hits in North America, peaking at number 7 in Canada and at number 14 in the US. The keyboard pieces on the track are played by Rod Argent.", "Ring of Fire (song) Madonna sang a cover version of Cash's song on the Nashville date of her Rebel Heart Tour on 8 January 2016.", "All I Really Want to Do The Byrds' version of the song is noticeably different in structure to Dylan's. It begins with Jim McGuinn's jangling guitar introduction (played on a 12-string Rickenbacker guitar) and features a substantially changed, ascending melody progression in the chorus, made more attractive by the band's angelic harmonies.[3] In addition, the band completely changed the melody to one of the song's verses, in order to turn it into a Beatlesque, minor-key bridge.[3] Although McGuinn sang lead on most of the song, rhythm guitarist David Crosby sang lead on the middle eight.", "A Shot in the Dark (1964 film) Fran Jeffries sang the song \"Shadows of Paris\" (lyrics by Robert Wells). She also sang the song called \"Meglio Stasera (It Had Better Be Tonight)\" in the film The Pink Panther.[4]", "Artists with the most number-ones on the U.S. Dance Club Songs chart Madonna has collected three number-one songs from her thirteenth studio album, Rebel Heart. \"Living for Love\" became her forty-fourth number-one for the chart issue dated March 7, 2015.[4] Billboard noted that it was a \"historic\" milestone, as Madonna tied with country singer George Strait for the most number-ones of any Billboard chart, who accumulated the same tally on the U.S. Hot Country Songs chart between 1982 and 2009.[4] \"Living for Love\" also brought the singer's total amount of U.S. number-ones across all Billboard charts to 173, which includes multiple rankings.[4] \"Ghosttown\" became her record-breaking forty-fifth chart topper for the issue dated May 30, 2015, breaking her tie with Strait and becoming the act with the most number-one hits on a singular Billboard chart.[5] At the time, Madonna had garnered more number-ones on the chart than Rihanna and Beyoncé combined (45 total).[5] It ascended to the peak with remixes by Don Diablo, Armand Van Helden and Mindskap.[5] \"Bitch I'm Madonna\" featuring Nicki Minaj became her record-extending forty-sixth chart topper in August 2015.[6] It is Madonna's second collaboration with Minaj to reach the summit, following \"Give Me All Your Luvin'\" in 2012, and Minaj's fifth song in total to hit number-one.[6]", "What Hurts the Most In Sweden, Cascada's cover of \"What Hurts the Most\" debuted on the Swedish Singles Chart on November 22, 2007 at number five, where it peaked.[26] The song fell to number eight the next week, where it stalled on the chart for three weeks.[26] On December 13, 2007, the song debuted and peaked on the Irish Singles Chart at number six.[27] In the United Kingdom, the song debuted on the UK Singles Chart at number sixteen on December 9, 2007.[28] In the following week, the song reached a peak of number ten.[28] It exited the chart at nineteen weeks, logging its last week at number eighty-five.[28] On March 22, 2008, the cover debuted and peaked on the French Singles Chart at number two. The song fell to number four in the following weeks and eventually fell off of the chart after twenty-seven weeks.", "The Man Who Sold the World In his journals, Kurt Cobain of the American grunge band Nirvana ranked the album The Man Who Sold the World at number 45 in his top 50 favourite albums.[13] A live rendition of the song was recorded by the band in 1993 during their MTV Unplugged appearance, and it was released on their MTV Unplugged in New York album the following year. The song was also released as a promotional single for the album,[14] and received considerable airplay on alternative rock radio stations. It was also thrown into heavy rotation on music video stations such as MTV. Nirvana regularly covered the song during live sets after their memorable acoustic performance up until lead singer Cobain's death in 1994. In 2002, the song was re-released on Nirvana's \"best of\" compilation album Nirvana.", "Lata Mangeshkar Mangeshkar sang both Rahul Dev Burman's first and last songs. In 1994, she sang the last song; \"Kuch Na Kaho\" for Rahul Dev Burman in 1942: A Love Story.[37]", "Highwayman (song) Their cover of the Webb song remains the most popular and widely known of The Highwaymen's songs, being their only song to reach number 1 (\"Desperados Waiting for a Train\" at number 15 is the next closest).[9] The version by the quartet entered the Hot Country Songs Billboard chart on May 18, 1985, rose to number 1, and spent 20 weeks total on the chart.[10] It finished 1985 as the number 5 country song of the year in terms of airplay.[11]", "Who Do You Love (Marianas Trench song) \"Who Do You Love\" debuted at number 99 on the Billboard Canadian Hot 100 chart dated December 3, 2016.[3] It has since reached a peak position of 56, on the chart dated February 11, 2017.[4] The song also peaked at number 50 on the Hot Canadian Digital Songs component chart.[5] \"Who Do You Love\" has become the group's most successful single at adult contemporary radio, reaching peak positions of 15 and 9 on the Canada AC and Canada Hot AC airplay charts, respectively.[6][7] These positions represent the group's highest peak on either chart since Billboard implemented them in late 2012. The song also reached a peak position of 31 on the Canada CHR/Top 40 chart.[8]", "James Bond in film David Arnold returned to score the music for The World Is Not Enough—the second Bond soundtrack he composed;[233] Garbage sang the title song.[234] For his work on the film, Arnold won an Ivor Novello Award.[235]", "The Best Things in Life Are Free (Ray Henderson song) In an episode of The Muppet Show a group of kleptomaniac prairie dogs sang the song as they looted the set.", "Imagine (John Lennon song) The song was performed as part of the closing ceremony of the 2012 Summer Olympics. Performed by the Liverpool Philharmonic Youth Choir and the Liverpool Signing Choir, the choirs sang the first verse and accompanied Lennon's original vocals during the rest of the song.[82][nb 5] A cover performed by Emeli Sandé was also used by the BBC for a closing montage that ended its coverage.[83] \"Imagine\" subsequently re-entered the UK Top 40, reaching number 18.[84]", "Who Says (Selena Gomez & the Scene song) \"Who Says\" debuted on the US Billboard Hot 100 at number 24.[10] The charting matched the debut of \"Round & Round\" the lead single from A Year Without Rain.[10] The song managed to peak at number 21 on the chart dated June 29, marking the band's highest charting effort to date.[11] Additionally, the song has reached number 17 on the US Pop Songs chart and the top position on the US Hot Dance Club Play chart[10] \"Who Says\" also appeared on the Billboard component charts Adult Pop Songs and Adult Contemporary, the band's first appearance on those charts.[10] It charted at number 37 on the previous and 27 on the latter.[10] The song was certified triple Platinum for sales and streaming by the RIAA on June 11, 2013.[12] It has sold 2.1 million copies in the US as of May 2017.[13][14]", "Umbrella (song) \"Two albums into her career, it still wasn’t clear who Rihanna was. To her detractors, and there were many, she was just another wannabe-yoncé who sang through her nose and couldn’t really dance. To prove them wrong, she needed a song that would define her as an artist. [...] Eleven rhythmic syllables, “umbrella-ella-ella-eh-eh-eh,” did what the two previous albums together had not done: they defined Rihanna as an artist. [...] “Umbrella” marked the arrival of something new in pop: a digital icon. In the rock era, when the album was the standard unit of recorded music, listeners had ten or twelve songs to get to know the artist, but in the singles-oriented world of today, the artist has only three or four minutes to put their personality across, and at that Rihanna would prove to be without peer.\"[88][89]", "On My Own (Les Misérables) The character of Joey Potter in Dawson's Creek, played by Katie Holmes, sang this song at a talent show phase of a beauty show, (Season 1, Episode 12) in which she participated. In the pilot episode of Glee, the character of Rachel Berry, played by Lea Michele, sang this song as her audition piece for the New Directions glee club, this version charted at number 42 in Ireland and 73 in the UK.[1] Singer Joey Sontz recorded \"On My Own\" for his debut album \"Chasing The Dream\" in 2012.", "I'll Be There (The Jackson 5 song) During Michael Jackson's memorial service on July 7, 2009, Carey and Lorenz sang their rendition of the song in tribute to Jackson.", "Baby Come Back (Player song) \"Baby Come Back\" is a song recorded by the American rock band Player. It was released in late 1977 as the first single from their self-titled first studio album. The song was their biggest single, hitting number one on the Billboard Hot 100 and number 10 on the soul charts, in 1978. It was the breakthrough single for the band, gaining them mainstream success, and hit number one, knocking label-mates The Bee Gees' \"How Deep Is Your Love\" from the top spot. Written by lead singer Peter Beckett and J.C. Crowley, the founders of Player, and sung by Beckett and Crowley that sang the line, \"Nothing left for me\" during the bridge, it is listed 8th in the Top Ten Yacht Rock Songs of All Time.[citation needed]", "Zooey Deschanel Deschanel sings \"The Greatest Most Beautiful Love Song in All the Land\" with James Franco in the comedy Your Highness (2011). She also appears with M. Ward in a number of songs on the soundtrack album for Disney's animated version of Winnie the Pooh (2011), earning a Grammy Award for Best Song Written for Visual Media nomination for \"So Long\".[76] Deschanel wrote and performed the theme song to New Girl.[77] Also, in season three's episode \"Prince\", the song \"Fallinlove2nite\" is sung by Deschanel and Prince.[78] In Rock the Kasbah (2015), she sang a cover of Meredith Brooks' \"Bitch\", which is featured in the soundtrack for the film.[79][80]", "John Leguizamo In late 2017, Leguizamo sang on \"Almost Like Praying\", a charitable song created by Lin-Manuel Miranda. Proceeds from the song went to the Hispanic Federation to assist relief efforts for those in Puerto Rico who were affected by Hurricane Maria.[29]", "The Mercy Seat (song) Country singer Johnny Cash covered the song on his 2000 album American III: Solitary Man, as one of a number of songs Cash sang about the \"convicted innocent.\"[8] Cash stated he heard the song after seeing the news about executions in Texas, and that more attention should be paid to capital punishment: \"If a man's been there 25 years, maybe we should consider whether or not he has become a good human being and do we still want to kill him.\"[9] Cash's version features guitar, organ, and piano accompaniment.", "You're All I Need to Get By On the first season of American Idol, winner Kelly Clarkson sang this song during Motown week and Jasmine Trias also sang it on the third season. On the sixth season finale, American Idol Winner Jordin Sparks sang it as a duet with second-season winner Ruben Studdard. Seventh season American Idol runner-up David Archuleta performed this song on Star Search final. Eighth season contestant Von Smith performed it in the third week of semifinals. In addition, Jacob Lusk sang this song also during Motown week of Idol's tenth season.", "Let It Go (Keyshia Cole song) The song has become Cole's most successful song to date as a lead artist (her most successful song would be (When You Gonna) Give It Up To Me with Sean Paul), peaking at number 7 on the Billboard Hot 100 and reaching number one on Billboard's Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Songs chart.", "Life Is a Highway \"Life Is a Highway\" is a song written by Tom Cochrane, from his 1991 album Mad Mad World. The song was Cochrane's most famous song, as it was a number one hit in his native Canada. The song also peaked at number six on the Billboard charts in the United States in 1992. The song has been covered by Rascal Flatts for the Cars soundtrack, as well as by Chris LeDoux, Jerry Jeff Walker, and Home Free.", "No Jacket Required \"Take Me Home\", the final single released from the album, is often considered to be one of Collins's most well-known songs, and has been a part of all of his tours since The No Jacket Required World Tour. It reached number seven on the US Billboard charts, and number 19 on the UK charts.[35] The song was not slated for a single release, but the label decided to do so after it became an airplay hit on several US radio stations who decided to play the track.[36] \"Take Me Home\" also got a video where Collins sung in various locations around the world.[16]", "List of FIDE chess world number ones On Kasparov's retirement, the world number one ranking passed to Veselin Topalov, since Kasparov was removed from the rating list in April 2006 due to inactivity. In April 2007, Viswanathan Anand became the sixth player to top the rankings.[2] Kramnik briefly returned to the number one ranking in January 2008, but was again joint number one by rating, being placed first in the list due to having played more games in the rating period in question. For most of the period April 2007 to November 2009, the top ranking was held by either Anand or Topalov. The seventh and current world number one is Magnus Carlsen, who first achieved this ranking in the January 2010 list, and has been world number one since July 2011 after having lost and reclaimed the position from Anand during 2010 and 2011.", "Skidamarink The song had been discovered for the band by Lois Lilienstein, who had asked her cousin's daughter if she knew any good songs; the girl sang 'Skinnamarink', which she had just heard at camp. None of the band members knew the origins of the song, and the track was attributed to Traditional.[4]", "Sang Nila Utama There are however a number of other theories about the origin of the name Singapura as some believe Sang Nila Utama to be mythical. For example, it has been suggested that the \"lion\" refers to the lion throne originally set up by Parameswara in Palembang as a challenge to the Majapahit Empire, while others believed that the \"lion\" refers to a Majapahit Buddhist sect.[6]", "Beyond the Sea (song) Kevin Spacey sang the song in the movie Beyond the Sea, a biopic about Bobby Darin, in a \"fantasy\" sequence leading up to his marriage to Sandra Dee.", "Faded (Alan Walker song) It also charted in various countries including Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Malaysia, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Switzerland, Spain, the United Kingdom, and the United States. It also reached number one on the Shazam Worldwide Top 100 Popular Songs in February 2016, and by March 2016, had become the world's most Shazamed song.[7]", "Shout (Tears for Fears song) \"Shout\" is a song by British band Tears for Fears, written by Roland Orzabal and Ian Stanley and sung by Orzabal (with Curt Smith duetting on the chorus). First released in the UK on 23 November 1984,[3] it was the band's eighth single release (the second taken from their second album Songs from the Big Chair) and sixth UK Top 40 hit, peaking at number 4 in January 1985. In the US, it reached number one on the Billboard Hot 100 on 3 August 1985 and remained there for three weeks. \"Shout\" would become one of the most successful songs of 1985, eventually reaching the Top Ten in 25 countries.[citation needed] \"Shout\" is regarded as one of the most recognizable songs from the mid-eighties and is also recognized as the group's signature song, along with \"Everybody Wants to Rule the World\".[4]", "All Around the World (Lisa Stansfield song) In the United States, \"All Around the World\" reached number three on the Billboard Hot 100, and also topped for two weeks the Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Songs and Hot Dance Club Songs charts. Stansfield became the first white woman to top the Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Songs chart since Teena Marie scored in 1988 with \"Ooo La La La.\"[6] On the Adult Contemporary Singles, the song peaked at number seven.", "Bye Bye Bye \"Bye Bye Bye\" was met with generally favorable reviews from music critics. Stephen Thomas Erlewine of AllMusic described the song as a \"piledriving dance number with the catchiest chorus they've ever sang\".[6] Robert Christgau commented that it featured \"prefab rhythm at its most efficient.\"[7] In 2015, Billboard's Jason Lipshutz ranked it third on the list \"Top 20 Essential Boy Band Songs,\" describing the song as \"an absolute monster of a lead single.\"[8] Rolling Stone staff ranked it as the sixth-greatest boy band song of all time, writing, \"it remains their defining track, a four-minute blast of big hooks, tight harmonies and intriguingly meta subtext.\"[9] However, other editor listed it as the 17th most annoying song of all time in 2007.[10] Complex's Kathy Iandoli ranked it as the best boy band song ever.[11]", "A Dream Is a Wish Your Heart Makes It has also been recorded by a number of other artists, including Daniel Bedingfield who sang a swing version, Nikki Blonsky, Michael Bolton, Todrick Hall, Ashley Brown, Perry Como, Hilary Duff, Eden Espinosa, Kimberley Locke, Johnny Mathis, Cher, Bette Midler, Linda Ronstadt, Shakey Graves, Tomiko Van and Sabrina Carpenter. One studio compilation, Cinderella: Songs From The Classic Fairy Tale (1998) places the song in context with other musical treatments of the Cinderella story, including songs by Rodgers and Hammerstein, Sergey Prokofiev, Stephen Sondheim and the Sherman Brothers.", "Phil of the Future Phil of the Future's working title was The Out of Timers.[citation needed] The title theme song for Phil of the Future was written by John Adair and Steve Hampton. It was sung by Loren Ellis and The Drew Davis Band, who also sang the theme song of The Suite Life of Zack & Cody.", "Somewhere Out There (James Horner song) Danny Pudi and Donald Glover sang the song during the first season of Community. Their cover appears on the official soundtrack release for the show.", "Artists with the most number-ones on the U.S. Dance Club Songs chart American singer and songwriter Kristine W has achieved sixteen number-one songs on the chart, and ranks eighth among the top 100 Dance Club Songs Artists overall.[70] She first topped the chart with her debut single, \"Feel What You Want\", in 1994.[70] She followed it up with her second and third hits in 1996: \"One More Try\" in May[71] and \"Land of the Living\" in November, which spent two weeks atop the chart.[72][73] Between 2000 and 2005, the singer achieved six more number-ones: \"Stronger\",[74] \"Lovin' You\",[75] \"Some Lovin'\" (Murk vs. Kristine W),[76] \"Fly Again\",[77] \"Save My Soul\",[78] and \"The Wonder of It All\".[79] As a result, Kristine W achieved nine consecutive number-one songs, a record.[80] This streak ended when \"I'll Be Your Light\" peaked at number two in 2006.[70][80] However, this record was broken by Jennifer Lopez in 2013 who achieved a streak of 11 number-ones,[55] and since has been broken again by Katy Perry, who has achieved a currently unbroken streak of 16.[81] \"Walk Away\", a song by Tony Moran on which Kristine W features, reached number-one in 2007.[39]", "Will the Circle Be Unbroken? \"Will the Circle Be Unbroken?\" is a popular Christian hymn written in 1907 by Ada R. Habershon with music by Charles H. Gabriel. The song is often recorded unattributed and, because of its age, has lapsed into the public domain. Most of the chorus appears in the later songs \"Can the Circle Be Unbroken\" and \"Daddy Sang Bass\".", "Fallin' (Alicia Keys song) \"Fallin'\" attained global success, reaching number one on the US Billboard Hot 100 and the top 5 in several countries. It also received numerous certifications around the world, and is one of the best-selling singles of 2001. In 2009, \"Fallin'\" was named the 29th most successful song of the 2000s, on the Billboard Hot 100 Songs of the Decade.[2] It won three Grammy Awards in 2002, including Song of the Year, Best R&B Song, and Best Female R&B Vocal Performance, and was also nominated for Record of the Year.", "Tribute (song) The song chronicles the band members' encounter with a demon who demands the duo play \"the best song in the world\" or have their souls eaten. Having nothing to lose from trying, they play \"the first thing that came to our heads\", and it \"just so happened to be the best song in the world.\"", "Halo (Beyoncé song) Beyoncé's first live performance of \"Halo\" was at the NAACP Awards on February 12, 2009.[95][96] Wearing a white gown, she sang the ballad while archival footage from the Civil Rights Movement was shown on many screens in the background.[95] Brennan Williams of Entertainment Newswire wrote that Beyoncé's \"breathtaking performance\" showed why she received the 2009 NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Female Artist.[95] She also sang \"Halo\" on the Late Show with David Letterman on April 22, 2009,[97][98] and on The Today Show the following day.[99] The song was later added to the set list of her I Am... Tour in 2009–10,[100][101] when it was performed during the concert's encore.[100][101] After Beyoncé finished her \"Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)\" performance, she sang \"Halo\". She initially sang the ballad on stage before descending to shake hands with everybody in the front rows.[101] Deborah McAleese and Lauren Mulvenny of The Belfast Telegraph commented that the ballad \"was sung with great passion\".[102] It was included on her CD/DVD live albums I Am... Yours: An Intimate Performance at Wynn Las Vegas[103] and I Am... World Tour (2010).[104] Beyoncé performed \"Halo\" live, as the closing song at the 2011 Glastonbury Festival, in front of an audience of more than 175,000.[105] During the ITV special A Night With Beyoncé, which aired on December 4, 2011 in the UK, she sang the ballad to a selected crowd of fans.[106]", "Around the World (Red Hot Chili Peppers song) \"Around the World\" is a song by Red Hot Chili Peppers released as the second single from their 1999 album, Californication. The single peaked at number seven on the Billboard Modern Rock Tracks and number sixteen on the Mainstream Rock Tracks.", "Bud Flanagan Flanagan and Allen's songs featured the same, usually gentle humour for which the duo were known in their live performances, and during the Second World War reflected the experiences of ordinary people during wartime. Songs like \"We're Going to Hang Out the Washing on the Siegfried Line\" mocked the German defences (Siegfried Line), while others like \"Miss You\" sang of missing one's sweetheart during enforced absences. Other songs such as their most famous \"Underneath the Arches\" (which Flanagan co-wrote with Reg Connelly) had universal themes such as friendship, which, again, helped people relate to the subject matter. The music was usually melodic, following a binary verse, verse chorus structure, with a small dance band or orchestra providing the backing. The vocals were distinctive because, while Flanagan was at least a competent singer and sang the melody lines, Allen used an almost spoken delivery to provide the harmonies.", "Jackie Evancho Evancho sang in the 2012 So The World May Hear Gala to benefit the Starkey Hearing Foundation, which supplies hearing aids to people in need.[240][241] In August, she sang in Hiroshima, Japan, in the \"Peace for World\" concert[242] and performed together with Tony Bennett at the Ironstone Amphitheatre in Murphys, California.[243][244] In October, she performed with the Dallas Symphony Orchestra at the opening of Klyde Warren Park in Dallas, Texas.[245][246] Evancho partnered with WhyHunger and Sephora to offer a bath product, named for her song \"To Believe\", to benefit WhyHunger's efforts to end world hunger.[247][248]", "John Brown's Body The tune was also used for perhaps the most well known labor-union song in the United States, Solidarity Forever. The song became an anthem of the Industrial Workers of the World and all unions that sought more than workplace concessions, but a world run by those who labor." ]
when is the haunted mansion nightmare before christmas
[ "Haunted Mansion Holiday The Haunted Mansion typically closes for two and half weeks in late summer so it can be converted into the Haunted Mansion Holiday. The overlaid attraction is then open to guests from late-September through early January before being closed again to remove the overlay." ]
[ "Haunted Mansion Holiday Haunted Mansion Holiday, also known as Haunted Mansion Holiday Nightmare, is a seasonal overlay of the Haunted Mansion attraction at Disneyland and Tokyo Disneyland that blends the settings and characters of the original Haunted Mansion with those of Tim Burton's 1993 film The Nightmare Before Christmas.[1] Taking inspiration from \"The Night Before Christmas\", the attraction retells the story of Jack Skellington (as \"Sandy Claws\") visiting the Haunted Mansion on Christmas Eve, leaving holiday chaos in his wake.", "The Haunted Mansion Since 2001, the Haunted Mansion at Disneyland and Tokyo Disneyland is transformed into Haunted Mansion Holiday during the Halloween and Christmas seasons, inspired by Tim Burton's 1993 film The Nightmare Before Christmas. The Haunted Mansion is closed in September for a few weeks as they revamp the attraction, replacing many of the props and Audio-Animatronics with characters and themes from the movie.", "The Nightmare Before Christmas Disney has undertaken an extensive marketing campaign of these characters across many media. Since 2001, Disneyland has held a seasonal Nightmare Before Christmas theme for its Haunted Mansion Holiday attraction. The attraction, an overlay of the park's Haunted Mansion, features characters, decorations and music from the film. In addition to Mickey's Not-So-Scary Halloween Party and Mickey's Halloween Party featuring the film's characters,[37] Jack Skellington, Sally, Pajama Jack, and the Mayor have been made into Bendies figures,[38] while Jack and Sally even appear in fine art.[39] Moreover, Sally has been made into an action figure and a Halloween costume.[40] A Jack Skellington figurine is available for the Disney Infinity video game, allowing the character to be playable in the game's \"Toy Box Mode\".[41] Jack is also the titular character in the short story \"Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas: Jack's Story\",[42] and also appeared in HalloWishes and Halloween Screams fireworks at Magic Kingdom (where the host is Ghost Host) and Disneyland (where the host is Jack itself). Nightmare has inspired video game spin-offs, including Oogie's Revenge and The Pumpkin King, and is among the many Disney-owned franchises that contribute to the mythology of the Kingdom Hearts series. A trading card game is also available.", "List of The Nightmare Before Christmas characters This article lists characters seen in the film The Nightmare Before Christmas and two video games: The Nightmare Before Christmas: The Pumpkin King and The Nightmare Before Christmas: Oogie's Revenge.", "The Nightmare Before Christmas Quixotic Games also developed The Nightmare Before Christmas Party Game that was released in 2007 by NECA.[67]", "The Nightmare Before Christmas The Nightmare Before Christmas originated in a poem written by Tim Burton in 1982, while he was working as an animator at Walt Disney Feature Animation. With the success of Vincent in the same year, Walt Disney Studios began to consider developing The Nightmare Before Christmas as either a short film or 30-minute television special. Over the years, Burton's thoughts regularly returned to the project, and in 1990, he made a development deal with Disney. Production started in July 1991 in San Francisco; Disney released the film through its Touchstone Pictures banner because the studio believed the film would be \"too dark and scary for kids\".[4]", "The Nightmare Before Christmas Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment released The Nightmare Before Christmas on Blu-ray 3D on August 30, 2011. The release included a Blu-ray 3D disc, Blu-ray Disc and a DVD that includes both a DVD and digital copy of the film.[36]", "The Nightmare Before Christmas The Nightmare Before Christmas made a further $8.7 million in box office gross in its 2006 reissue.[44] The 2007 and 2008 reissues earned $14.5 million and $1.1 million, respectively, increasing the film's total box office gross to $75 million.[28]", "The Haunted Mansion The Haunted Mansion is a dark ride attraction located at Disneyland Park (Disneyland Resort), Magic Kingdom, and Tokyo Disneyland. The attraction, although differing slightly in every location, places riders inside a haunted manor resided by \"999 happy haunts\".", "List of The Nightmare Before Christmas characters In The Nightmare Before Christmas: Oogie's Revenge, Oogie Boogie targets Santa Claus and leaves him hanging over the tracks for his scissor-tipped Oogie Train to drop him. Santa Claus was saved by Jack Skellington. When Oogie Boogie hijacked Santa's sleigh, Jack lets him use the same sleigh he used when Jack tried to improvise Christmas.", "The Haunted Mansion In 2007, the Walt Disney World Haunted Mansion was reopened to the public. Included in the update was a more elaborate transformation of the foyer's portrait, new sound, visual and audio effects in the Stretching Room, and a new Endless Staircase scene, which replaced two rubber spiders before guests would see the Endless Hallway.This blurb explains what took place in the mansion and what guests can expect.", "List of Haunted Mansion characters Guillermo del Toro has stated that his upcoming Haunted Mansion film will feature the Hatbox Ghost as a pivotal figure in the story, and that the mythology of the Mansion will be centered around the character. Del Toro analogized his version of the Hatbox Ghost to a spider sitting in the middle of a \"web\" of Haunted Mansions.", "The Nightmare Before Christmas The film initially received positive reviews from critics; it has since gone on to receive widespread critical acclaim. On Rotten Tomatoes, the film holds a rating of 95%, based on 88 reviews, with an average rating of 8.2/10. The site's consensus reads, \"The Nightmare Before Christmas is a stunningly original and visually delightful work of stop-motion animation.\"[45] On Metacritic the film has a score of 77 out of 100, based on 16 critics, indicating \"generally favorable reviews\".[46]", "The Nightmare Before Christmas The Nightmare Before Christmas was reissued by Disney under the Walt Disney Pictures banner and re-released on October 20, 2006, with conversion to Disney Digital 3-D.[4] Industrial Light & Magic assisted in the process.[20] The film subsequently received annually releases in October 2007 and 2008.[28] The El Capitan Theatre in Hollywood, California has been showing the film in 4-D screenings annually in October, ending on Halloween, since 2010.[29] The reissues have led to a reemergence of 3-D films and advances in RealD Cinema.[30][31]", "The Haunted Mansion The Haunted Mansion features a ride-through tour in Omnimover vehicles called \"Doom Buggies\", and a walk-through show is displayed to riders waiting in the line queue. The attraction utilizes a range of technology, from centuries-old theatrical effects to modern special effects featuring spectral Audio-Animatronics. The Haunted Mansion has inspired two similarly themed attractions, Phantom Manor and Mystic Manor, which exist at Disneyland Paris and Hong Kong Disneyland, respectively.", "The Nightmare Before Christmas In 2001, Disney began to consider producing a sequel, but rather than using stop motion, Disney wanted to use computer animation.[62] Burton convinced Disney to drop the idea. \"I was always very protective of Nightmare not to do sequels or things of that kind,\" Burton explained. \"You know, 'Jack visits Thanksgiving world' or other kinds of things just because I felt the movie had a purity to it and the people that like it… Because it's a mass-market kind of thing, it was important to kind of keep that purity of it.\"[31] The 2004 video game The Nightmare Before Christmas: Oogie's Revenge did serve as a sequel of the film, with Capcom's crew of developers going after Burton for advice,[63] and having the collaboration of the film's art director, Deane Taylor.[64] In 2009, Selick said he would do a film sequel if he and Burton could create a good story for it.[65]", "The Nightmare Before Christmas Disney decided to release the film under their Touchstone Pictures banner because they thought the film would be \"too dark and scary for kids\", Selick remembered. \"Their biggest fear, and why it was kind of a stepchild project, [was] they were afraid of their core audience hating the film and not coming.\"[26] To convey Burton's involvement and attract a wider audience, Disney marketed the film as Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas. Burton explained that,\"…it turned more into more of a brand-name thing, it turned into something else, which I'm not quite sure about.\"[2] The film premiered at the New York Film Festival on October 9,[27] and was given a limited release on October 15, 1993, before its wide theatrical release on October 29.", "The Nightmare Before Christmas A collectible card game based on the film called The Nightmare Before Christmas TCG was released in 2005 by NECA. The game was designed by Quixotic Games founder Andrew Parks[66] and Kez Shlasnger. It consists of a Premiere set and 4 Starter Decks based on four characters, Jack Skellington, the Mayor, Oogie Boogie, and Doctor Finklestein. Each Starter Deck contains a rule book, a Pumpkin King card, a Pumpkin Points card, and a 48-card deck. The game has four card types: Characters, Locales, Creations, and Surprises. The Cards' rarities are separated into four categories: Common, Uncommon, Rare, Ultra Rare.", "The Haunted Mansion In 1995, Disneyland's Haunted Mansion was updated. A phantom piano player sat at a run-down piano,[1] just like the music room at Walt Disney World's Mansion. However, instead of the sinister Rachmaninoff-esque version of \"Grim Grinning Ghosts\", a dark version of Richard Wagner's Bridal March plays.", "The Haunted Mansion (film) It was announced on July 22, 2010 at San Diego Comic-Con International that a new film based on Disney's The Haunted Mansion was in development with Guillermo del Toro writing and producing. Del Toro saw the 2003 film with his daughters; when asked about his involvement in the new project, he said, \"The thing I want to do is remake it.\"[7] Elaborating, he commented, \"The movie I see in my head of Haunted Mansion is not, I believe, what everyone is imagining it to be. It's not just a regular world with a haunted mansion plopped in the middle. I really am thinking of a movie that has a heightened reality.\"[8] Del Toro said that Hatbox Ghost would be the main haunting[8] and added, \"We are not making it a comedy. We are making it scary and fun at the same time, but the scary will be scary.\" It is to be filmed in live-action 3D.[9] To help make a respectful adaptation, del Toro has contacted Walt Disney World Imagineer Jason Surrell, author of The Haunted Mansion: From the Magic Kingdom to the Movies, to act as a possible consultant for the film.[10] Del Toro has also announced he is aiming for a PG-13 rating for The Haunted Mansion.[11] On August 7, 2012, Del Toro mentioned in an interview with Collider that he had submitted his final draft to Disney, and that \"they like the screenplay\" because \"their reaction to the draft was good\".[12] Del Toro revealed that he will co-write the film, but will not direct it.[13] On April 9, 2015, Variety reported that Ryan Gosling is in talks to star in the film and D.V. DeVincentis will work on the film's script.[14]", "This Is Halloween \"This Is Halloween\" is a song from the 1993 film, The Nightmare Before Christmas, with music and lyrics written by Danny Elfman. In the film it is performed by the residents of the fictional \"Halloween Town\", which is the film's main setting, and introduces the town's Halloween-centered lifestyle. The song is featured in both HalloWishes at the Magic Kingdom and at Disneyland's Halloween Screams. In Calaway Park, it is featured in the haunted mansion. It is also used as the background music for the Halloween Town world in the video game Kingdom Hearts. The song is featured in the video game Just Dance 3.", "The Nightmare Before Christmas (soundtrack) The Nightmare Before Christmas is the fifteenth soundtrack album by American composer Danny Elfman. It was released on October 12, 1993, by Walt Disney Records to promote the 1993 American stop-motion animated musical dark fantasy film The Nightmare Before Christmas. Composed by Danny Elfman, the soundtrack was nominated for the 1993 Golden Globe for Best Original Score. The album peaked at #98 on the US Billboard 200.[2] For the film's 2006 re-release in Disney Digital 3-D, a special edition of the soundtrack was released, a bonus disc which contained covers of five of the film's songs by Fall Out Boy, Panic! at the Disco, Marilyn Manson, Fiona Apple and She Wants Revenge. Four original demo tracks (six on the Best Buy exclusive) by Elfman were also included.[3]", "Haunted Mansion The Haunted Mansion was an opening day attraction at Tokyo Disneyland, where it is part of Fantasyland. The Tokyo Disneyland version is largely a duplicate of the Magic Kingdom version, although it did not receive the changes made in the 2007 refurbishment of the Magic Kingdom version.", "The Nightmare Before Christmas The film was nominated for both the Academy Award for Best Visual Effects and the Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation.[5][57] Nightmare won the Saturn Award for Best Fantasy Film, while Elfman won Best Music. Selick and the animators were also nominated for their work.[58] Elfman was nominated for the Golden Globe Award for Best Original Score.[59] Most recently, the film ranked #1 on Rotten Tomatoes' \"Top 25 Best Christmas Movies\" list.[60]", "List of Haunted Mansion characters In the Haunted Mansion level of the Xbox 360 game Kinect Disneyland Adventures, a malevolent Madame Leota (voiced by Suzanne Blakeslee) is encountered upon entering the Mansion, in the Stretching Room.", "The Haunted Mansion The Haunted Mansion was an opening day attraction at Magic Kingdom in Walt Disney World, where it is part of Liberty Square. During the production and assembly of the props and audio-animatronics for Disneyland's Haunted Mansion, duplicates of everything were being made for Walt Disney World's Haunted Mansion. It was decided that the Florida version of the attraction would be slightly longer and more elaborate than its California counterpart. Paul Frees recorded additional voice-overs, including the \"Ghost Host\" to accompany the extra scenes in the ride.[10] Because of the ample space within the park, the attraction's show building is much larger and not restricted by any railroad berm. When passing the graveyard gates on line, five head busts (six if you count the two busts on one stand) that contain the Dread Family, a family that killed each other for wealth. The members are Uncle Jacob, Bertie, Aunt Florence Dread (née McGriffin), The twins named Wellington and Forsythia, and Cousin Maude. Bertie killed Jacob with poison from his snake, Florence killed Bertie for revenge with her gun, Wellington and Forsythia killed Florence as revenge for Florence doing a rouge shot and killing their pet canary, and Maude killed the twins with her croquet mallet. Maude accidentally killed herself by forgetting that she put matches in her hair to hold her bun together and setting a fire that killed her.", "The Nightmare Before Christmas Over the years, Burton regularly thought about the project. In 1990, Burton found out that Disney still owned the film rights.[16] He and Selick committed to produce a full-length film with the latter as director.[14] Disney was looking forward to Nightmare \"to show capabilities of technical and storytelling achievements that were present in Who Framed Roger Rabbit.\"[17] Nightmare marked Burton's third film in a row to have a Christmas setting. Burton could not direct because of his commitment to Batman Returns and he did not want to be involved with \"the painstakingly slow process of stop motion\".[14] To adapt his poem into a screenplay, Burton approached Michael McDowell, his collaborator on Beetlejuice. McDowell and Burton experienced creative differences, which convinced Burton to make the film as a musical with lyrics and compositions by frequent collaborator Danny Elfman. Elfman and Burton created a rough storyline and two-thirds of the film's songs.[2] Elfman found writing Nightmare's eleven songs as \"one of the easiest jobs I've ever had. I had a lot in common with Jack Skellington.\"[12] Caroline Thompson still had yet to be hired to write the screenplay.[2] With Thompson's screenplay, Selick stated, \"there are very few lines of dialogue that are Caroline's. She became busy on other films and we were constantly rewriting, re-configuring and developing the film visually.\"[18]", "List of The Nightmare Before Christmas characters In The Nightmare Before Christmas: Oogie's Revenge, Lock, Shock, and Barrel decide to revive Oogie Boogie when they learn that Jack leaving Halloween Town. In the game, Jack encounters the three one by one. In chapter 15, the threesome try to stop Jack a final time in their mobile bathtub on top of the Mayor of Halloween Town's house. He defeats them yet they spring a trap and drop him into a maze in Oogie's lair. They do not appear again in the game afterwards.", "The Nightmare Before Christmas Halloween Town is a fantasy world filled with citizens such as deformed monsters, ghosts, ghouls, goblins, zombies, mummies, vampires, werewolves, and witches. Jack Skellington, the \"Pumpkin King\" and leader of the town, leads them in organizing the annual Halloween celebrations. However, privately Jack has grown weary of the same routine year after year, and wants something new. Wandering in the woods the morning after Halloween, he stumbles across seven trees containing doors leading to towns representing various holidays, and opens a portal to Christmas Town. Awed by the unfamiliar holiday, Jack returns to Halloween Town to show the residents his findings, but they fail to grasp the idea of Christmas and compare everything to their ideas of Halloween. Jack sequesters himself in his tower to study Christmas and find a way to rationally explain it, but cannot. He ultimately decides that it's unfair for Christmas Town alone to enjoy the holiday and announces that he and the citizens of Halloween Town will take over Christmas this year.", "List of Haunted Mansion characters On April 10, 2015, it was officially confirmed that the Hatbox Ghost would return to Disneyland's Haunted Mansion in May 2015. The first day of the character's return was May 9, 2015.[4]", "The Nightmare Before Christmas Around the release of the film, Disney executive David Hoberman was quoted, \"I hope Nightmare goes out and makes a fortune. If it does, great. If it doesn't, that doesn't negate the validity of the process. The budget was less than any Disney blockbuster so it doesn't have to earn Aladdin-sized grosses to satisfy us.\"[12] The film earned $50 million in the United States on its first theatrical run.[28] and was regarded as a moderate \"sleeper hit\".", "List of The Nightmare Before Christmas characters Regardless of the above controversy, Entertainment Weekly reports that fan reception of these characters borders on obsession, profiling \"Laurie and Myk Rudnick a couple who are extremely interested in the motion picture The Nightmare Before Christmas. Their degree of obsession with that film is so great that...they named their son after the real-life person that a character in the film is based on.\"[33] This enthusiasm for the characters has spread beyond North America to Japan. As Stephen Jones writes, \"The Japanese also seemed to go crazy for Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas with a fourteen-inch Jack Skellington doll, a gold 'Millennium' edition and a twelve-inch version dressed in pyjamas; a ten-inch Sandy Claws doll; a reversible pillow featuring Jack; a hand-painted set with Lock, Shock and Barrel, or a similar set of four vampires; a set of pull-back racers featuring Jack's faithful dog Zero...a Zero necklace, and various die-cast Jack key-chains, amongst numerous other items.\"[34]", "List of Haunted Mansion characters The following is a list of characters from The Haunted Mansion, a popular theme park attraction located at Disneyland, Walt Disney World (in the Magic Kingdom), Tokyo Disneyland and Disneyland Paris (where the attraction is named Phantom Manor).", "The Nightmare Before Christmas Jack assigns the citizens of Halloween Town Christmas-themed jobs, including singing carols, making presents, and building a sleigh to be pulled by skeletal reindeer. Sally, a beautiful rag doll woman that is secretly in love with Jack, feels that their efforts will end in disaster, but Jack dismisses her and assigns her the task of sewing him a red coat to wear. He also tasks Lock, Shock and Barrel, a trio of mischievous trick-or-treating children, to abduct Santa Claus and bring him back to Halloween Town. Jack tells Santa he will be bringing Christmas to the world in his place this year. Jack orders the trio to keep Santa safe, but the children instead deliver Santa to Oogie Boogie, a gambling-addict bogeyman, who plots to play a game with Santa's life at stake. Sally attempts to rescue Santa so he can stop Jack, but Oogie captures her as well.", "The Nightmare Before Christmas Selick and his team of animators began production in July 1991 in San Francisco, California with a crew of over 120 workers, utilizing 20 sound stages for filming.[14][19] Joe Ranft was hired from Disney as a storyboard supervisor, while Eric Leighton was hired to supervise animation.[20] At the peak of production, 20 individual stages were simultaneously being used for filming.[21] In total, there were 109,440 frames taken for the film. The work of Ray Harryhausen, Ladislas Starevich, Edward Gorey, Étienne Delessert, Gahan Wilson, Charles Addams, Jan Lenica, Francis Bacon, and Wassily Kandinsky influenced the filmmakers. Selick described the production design as akin to a pop-up book.[12][18] In addition, Selick stated, \"When we reach Halloween Town, it's entirely German Expressionism. When Jack enters Christmas Town, it's an outrageous Dr. Seuss-esque setpiece. Finally, when Jack is delivering presents in the 'Real World', everything is plain, simple and perfectly aligned.\"[22] Vincent Price, Don Ameche, and James Earl Jones were considered to provide the narration for the film's prologue; however, all proved difficult to cast, and the producers instead hired local voice artist, Ed Ivory.[6]", "The Nightmare Before Christmas Jack departs to deliver presents to the world, but the Halloween-styled gifts terrify and attack the populace. As concerns over \"Santa's\" behavior grows, the military takes action and shoot down Jack, causing him to crash in the cemetery. As Jack bemoans the disaster he has made of Christmas, he finds he enjoyed the experience nonetheless, reigniting his love of Halloween. Jack returns to Halloween Town and finds Oogie's lair. Oogie tries to kill Jack, but Jack pulls apart the thread holding his cloth form together, revealing a massive pile of bugs that fall into Oogie's cauldron and are killed. Jack apologizes to Santa for his actions, and Santa assures Jack that he can fix things and returns to Christmas Town. As Santa replaces the Halloween-style presents with genuine ones, the townspeople of Halloween Town celebrate Jack's return. Santa then visits Halloween Town and brings them a snowfall for the residents to play with. In the graveyard, Jack and Sally declare their love for each other.", "Haunted Mansion Disney, however, did not like the idea of having a run-down building in his pristine park. He visited the Winchester Mystery House in San Jose, California, and was captivated by the massive mansion with its stairs to nowhere, doors that opened to walls and holes, and elevators. Anderson envisioned stories for the mansion, including tales of a ghostly sea captain who killed his nosy bride and then hanged himself, a mansion home to an unfortunate family, and a ghostly wedding party with well-known Disney villains and spooks. Imagineers Rolly Crump and Yale Gracey recreated Ken Anderson's stories in a studio at WED enterprise.", "The Haunted Mansion Disney, however, rejected the idea of having a run-down building in his park.[1] He visited the Winchester Mystery House in San Jose, California, and was captivated by the massive mansion with its stairs to nowhere, doors that opened to walls and holes, and elevators.[2] Anderson envisioned stories for the mansion, including tales of a ghostly sea captain who killed his nosy bride and then hanged himself, a mansion home to an unfortunate family, and a ghostly wedding party with well-known Disney villains and spooks.[1] Imagineers Rolly Crump and Yale Gracey recreated Ken Anderson's stories in a studio at WED Enterprises.", "List of Haunted Mansion characters Constance was later installed at Walt Disney World's Haunted Mansion during the 2007 refurbishment, though considerable work was done on her Floridian counterpart (including utilizing different video footage and switching to a single projector instead of two at Disneyland).", "Haunted Mansion The idea for the Mansion precedes Disneyland and WED Enterprises, to when Walt Disney hired the first of his Imagineers. The first known illustration of the park showed a main street setting, green fields, western village and a carnival. Disney Legend Harper Goff developed a black-and-white sketch of a crooked street leading away from main street by a peaceful church and graveyard, with a run-down manor perched high on a hill that towered over main street.", "Haunted Mansion Employee previews of the Mansion were held August 9, 10, and possibly the 11th, followed by \"soft\" openings on August 9 and 10 where limited numbers of park guests were allowed to ride. A \"Midnight\" Press Event was held on the evening of August 11. The mansion opened to all guests August 12, 1969. The public opening was announced in full-page newspaper ads, creating the anomaly of either two official openings or an advertised \"soft\" opening. The attraction was an immediate success, attracting record crowds and helping Disney recover from Walt's untimely death.", "Haunted Mansion Entering the queuing area through a pair of ornate gates, guests find themselves in the antebellum-era mansion's well-tended gardens and courtyards. The queuing path leads guests past a pet cemetery, a mausoleum with pun names, a cemetery at the top whose tombstones bear the names of the Imagineers who created this attraction, and a white carriage hearse led by an invisible horse which occasionally nickers. Stepping onto the porch, guests are admitted inside the mansion through a doorway on the far right of the house into the Foyer, lit by a large, flickering, cobweb-covered chandelier and surrounding candelabras.", "Haunted Mansion Holiday Disneyland offers an \"Oogie Boogie's Holiday Tricks and Treats\" scavenger hunt. Oogie has hidden cameos throughout the mansion, which guests are asked to look for. For instance, Oogie can be found in shrubbery in the gardens, a shadow on the Christmas card, a doll in the attic, etc.[citation needed]", "The Haunted Mansion Entering the queuing area through a pair of ornate gates, guests find themselves in the antebellum-era mansion's well-tended gardens and courtyards. The queuing path leads guests past a pet cemetery,[9] a mausoleum with pun names, a cemetery at the top whose tombstones bear the names of the Imagineers who created this attraction, and a white carriage hearse led by an invisible horse which occasionally nickers. Stepping onto the porch, guests are admitted inside the mansion through a doorway on the far right of the house into the Foyer, lit by a large, flickering, cobweb-covered chandelier and surrounding candelabras.", "The Haunted Mansion Ah, there you are... and just in time. There's a little matter I forgot to mention: beware of HitchHiking Ghosts! They have selected you to fill our quota, and will haunt you until you return... Now I will raise the safety bar, and a ghost will follow you home!", "List of frequent Tim Burton collaborators Catherine O'Hara, Paul Reubens, and Glenn Shadix also starred in The Nightmare Before Christmas.", "List of The Nightmare Before Christmas characters In the 2004 video game The Nightmare Before Christmas: Oogie's Revenge, Oogie was resurrected by his henchmen Lock, Shock, and Barrel, who sewed him together. He quickly deceived the residents of Halloween Town and tricked the townspeople into making traps for Jack stating that Jack wouldn't return if they can make an even scarier Halloween for next year. Oogie attempted to become the Seven Holidays King, successfully kidnapped the real leaders and tried to murder Santa Claus again. His plans were foiled by Jack. Desperate, Oogie puts up a fight in the Holiday Trash Hill (where all the holiday worlds' garbage goes) by turning into a gigantic junk-filled version of himself named \"Mega-Oogie\", but he is again destroyed.", "List of The Nightmare Before Christmas characters In The Nightmare Before Christmas: The Pumpkin King, Oogie's origins and the birth of his rivalry with Jack were revealed. As it turns out, he once had his own holiday, Bug Day, that was (most likely) forgotten by the people of the real world and thus vanished. Unfortunately, Oogie escaped, found Halloween Town and decided that it would be the new Bug Day. He and his army of insects invaded the town and nearly took it over. Jack found out and he defeated the bugs and Oogie. Oogie survived the battle, learned to fear the Pumpkin King, and was banished to his underground lair, of which Jack warns that if Oogie ever leave his lair, it would be \"game over!\" for him (Oogie). Oogie complied, but secretly vowed revenge.", "List of Haunted Mansion characters In 2002, a tombstone for Madame Leota debuted at Walt Disney World's Mansion. The epitaph reads: \"Dear sweet Leota, beloved by all. In regions beyond now, but having a ball.\" The face on the tombstone periodically shifts and opens its eyes. In 2006, Disneyland's Madame Leota was given the ability to float above the table in mid-air, via wires. This effect, along with the spell-book, was installed into the Walt Disney World Haunted Mansion during the 2007 refurbishment. In the Servants Quarters (Walt Disney World), there is a bell for Madame Leota's Boudoir. Near the mansion in Walt Disney World, there is a newly opened shop named \"Memento Mori\" that has many references to Madame Leota.", "The Haunted Mansion (film) The film was released on VHS and DVD on April 20, 2004. The DVD release came with several special features, including a behind-the-scenes look at the film's production, describing how the zombies were created, and how certain visual effects were performed or produced; a scene anatomy of the graveyard; a virtual interactive ride of the film's Haunted Mansion with Emma and Ezra as hosts; a single deleted scene; an outtake reel; and a minute and a half long video about the attractions. The film was released on Blu-Ray disc on October 17, 2006.[citation needed]", "The Nightmare Before Christmas On the direction of the film, Selick reflected, \"It's as though he [Burton] laid the egg, and I sat on it and hatched it. He wasn't involved in a hands-on way, but his hand is in it. It was my job to make it look like 'a Tim Burton film', which is not so different from my own films.\"[18] When asked on Burton's involvement, Selick claimed, \"I don't want to take away from Tim, but he was not in San Francisco when we made it. He came up five times over two years, and spent no more than eight or ten days in total.\"[18] Walt Disney Feature Animation contributed with some use of second-layering traditional animation.[14] Burton found production somewhat difficult because he was directing Batman Returns and in pre-production of Ed Wood.[2]", "Haunted Mansion Marc Davis and Claude Coats, two of the mansion's main designers,[3] disagreed whether the ride should be scary or funny. Claude, originally a background artist, wanted a scary adventure, and produced renditions of moody surroundings like endless hallways, corridors of doors and other characterless environments. Marc, an animator and character designer, proposed many zany spook characters and thought the ride should be silly and full of gags. In the end, both artists got their ways when X Atencio combined their approaches and ideas, creating an entertaining transition from dark foreboding to \"spirited\" fun. The ride narration was performed by Paul Frees in the role of the Ghost Host. The attraction's theme song, \"Grim Grinning Ghosts\", was composed by Buddy Baker with lyrics written by X Atencio. It can be heard in nearly every area of the ride, with various instrumentations and tempos.", "List of The Nightmare Before Christmas characters Dr. Finklestein is featured in The Nightmare Before Christmas: Oogie's Revenge. When Jack is tired of doing the same thing at Halloween, Dr. Finklestein helps him by giving him the Soul Robber, a weapon that allows Jack to change its shape. Jack also tells Dr. Finklestein to watch over the town while he is away. After Oogie Boogie's revival, Dr. Finklestein was under Oogie's control by switching his brain to a different one and created monsters that obey Oogie Boogie's every command. Fortunately, Jack was able to put Dr. Finklestein's original brain back in place making Dr. Finklestein break from Oogie's control. In the game spin-offs, Finklestein's name is pronounced \"steen\" instead of \"stein\". For some reason, his wife creation \"Jewel\" is not present in the game, and Sally appears to still be living with him even though in the movie she appeared to be free at the end. Sally even says \"He insists on keeping me locked up\" while next to the Hanging Tree in the Graveyard.", "Haunted Mansion Disney assigned Imagineer Ken Anderson to create a story using Goff's idea. Plans were made to build a New Orleans-themed land in the small transition area between Frontierland and Adventureland. Weeks later, New Orleans Square appeared on the souvenir map and promised a thieves market, a pirate wax museum, and a haunted house walk-through. Anderson studied New Orleans and old plantations and came up with a drawing of an antebellum manor overgrown with weeds, dead trees, swarms of bats and boarded doors and windows topped by a screeching cat as a weather vane.", "The Haunted Mansion A pair of sliding doors open to one of two similar octagonal rooms, which are actually large slow-moving elevators with two sets of walls, the lower of which does not reach the ceiling. The invisible spirit teasingly welcomes the guests (referring to them as \"foolish mortals\") and introduces himself as their \"Ghost Host\" who will take them on a tour of the Haunted Mansion. The room contains four paintings, one on every other wall, each depicting a person from the chest up; previous guests \"as they appeared in their corruptible mortal state\". The portraits are flanked by eight leering, candle-holding gargoyles. At this point a cast member will often instruct guests to, \". . . kindly drag your bodies away from the walls to the dead center of the room.\" A sliding wall panel closes in front of the doorway where the guests entered, trapping them inside the room. As the Ghost Host delivers his spiel, the room begins to \"stretch\" vertically. As the floor descends, the visible extent of the upper walls increases and portrait frames (located behind the lower walls) appear to elongate, revealing the grim fates of the previous residents. The paintings humorously depict macabre situations: a beautiful young girl holding a parasol is shown to be balancing on a fraying tightrope above the jaws of an alligator; a middle-aged bearded man holding a document is shown to be standing atop a barrel of dynamite in his boxer shorts with a candle lighting the fuse; a smiling elderly woman holding a rose is shown to be sitting on the tombstone of her late husband George, who is depicted as a stone bust with an axe in his head; and a confident-looking middle-aged man in a bowler hat is shown to be sitting on the shoulders of a frightened-looking man, who sits on the shoulders of a third man who is waist-deep in quicksand, an expression of terror on his face.[9] As the Ghost Host challenges guests \"to find a way out\" of this seemingly windowless and doorless chamber, he concludes his speech with,", "List of The Nightmare Before Christmas characters Santa Claus appears in Kingdom Hearts II. Sora, Donald Duck, and Goofy meet Santa Claus when they follow Jack Skellington to Christmas Town. He also made a reference about how Jack Skellington tried to improvise Christmas. Maleficent revives Oogie Boogie and sends him to capture Santa Claus. When Sora defeats Oogie Boogie, Santa Claus tells Jack that he should concentrate on Halloween and Santa should concentrate on Christmas. He also tells Sora to believe that he will meet Riku again. Later on, Santa's presents get stolen by Dr. Finklestein's Experiment. He helps Jack make decoy presents to attract the Experiment. Jack and company get them back by hiding in a decoy present. After they defeat the Experiment, Santa Claus decides to give Jack a taste of what it's like to deliver Christmas presents. When Jack finishes delivering presents, Santa takes back his sleigh and brings forth beautiful snow drops as a present to those in Halloween Town.", "The Nightmare Before Christmas Danny Elfman was worried the characterization of Oogie Boogie would be considered racist by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP).[56] Elfman's predictions came true; however, director Henry Selick stated the character was inspired by the Betty Boop cartoon The Old Man of the Mountain. \"Cab Calloway would dance his inimitable jazz dance and sing 'Minnie the Moocher' or 'Old Man of the Mountain', and they would rotoscope him, trace him, turn him into a cartoon character, often transforming him into an animal, like a walrus,\" Selick continued. \"I think those are some of the most inventive moments in cartoon history, in no way racist, even though he was sometimes a villain. We went with Ken Page, who is a black singer, and he had no problem with it\".[18]", "The Nightmare Before Christmas LiLi Roquelin did a French cover of \"Sally's Song\" which was released on her album Will you hate the rest of the world or will you renew your life? in 2010.", "The Nightmare Before Christmas The cast also features Kerry Katz, Carmen Twillie, Randy Crenshaw, Debi Durst, Glenn Walters, Sherwood Ball, and Greg Proops voicing various characters. Patrick Stewart recorded narration for a prologue and epilogue. While not used in the final scene of the film, the narration is included on the soundtrack album.", "The Haunted Mansion When Walt put Imagineers Rolly Crump and Yale Gracey in charge of creating the visual illusions for the attraction, they intended to make the \"Museum of the Weird\" into a separate section that guests could walk through and discover illusions from around the world. Guests would be able to see transparent ghosts and other apparitions, utilizing the Pepper's Ghost technique used in the theater since the early 1800s.[1] Crump and Gracey were eventually given an entire warehouse to house their developments and one evening forgot to switch off the mechanics before leaving for the day. The cleaning crew was met with surprise as Crump explained, \"Once, we got a call from personnel saying that the janitors requested that we leave the lights on in there due to the creepiness of all the audio-animatronic ghosts and such. We complied, but put motion sensors in the room that would extinguish the lights and turn on all the ghost effects when triggered. The next morning, we came in and found all the ghost effects still running and a broom lying in the center of the floor. Personnel called and said that the janitors would not be back.\"[5]", "Haunted Mansion When Walt put Imagineers Rolly Crump and Yale Gracey in charge of creating the visual illusions for the attraction, they had an idea to make the \"Museum of the Weird\" into a separate section that you could walk through and discover all the amazing illusions from around the world. Guests would be able to see transparent ghosts and other eerie apparitions, by using the Pepper’s Ghost technique that was used in the theater since the early 1800s. Crump and Gracey were eventually given an entire warehouse to house their developments and one evening forgot to switch off the mechanics before leaving for the day. The cleaning crew were met with surprise as Crump explained, “Once, we got a call from personnel saying that the janitors requested that we leave the lights on in there due to the creepiness of all the audio-animatronic ghosts and such. They complied, but put motion sensors in the room that would extinguish the lights and turn on all the ghost effects when triggered. The next morning, they came in and found all the ghost effects still running and a broom lying in the center of the floor. Personnel called and said that the janitors would not be back.”[2]", "Magic Kingdom Liberty Square is inspired by a colonial American town set during the American Revolution. The Liberty Belle Riverboat travels down the park's Rivers of America. Liberty Square is home to such attractions as the Haunted Mansion, the Hall of Presidents, and The Muppets Present...Great Moments in American History. A sign-up location for the Sorcerers of the Magic Kingdom is behind the Christmas shop.", "Corey Burton Burton is perhaps best known to Disney fans for his imitation of the late voice actor Paul Frees as the Ghost Host in Disneyland's Haunted Mansion Holiday attraction. Burton also recited the classic line \"Welcome, foolish mortals\" in the opening of the film version of The Haunted Mansion.", "25 Days of Christmas The 25 Days of Christmas schedule was released in late October by Freeform. While notable absences include Jim Carrey's How the Grinch Stole Christmas, Home Alone, and the second and third Santa Clause films, the schedule still includes many classics. The schedule includes 25 days of classics like, Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory, National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation, The Santa Clause, Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas, Jack Frost, Disney’s A Christmas Carol, The Polar Express, The Holiday, Elf, Jingle All The Way, Scrooged, Deck the Halls, Toy Story, Frozen, and Happy Feet.[47]", "25 Days of Christmas The Countdown to 25 Days of Christmas schedule was released on October 12, 2017. In 2017, Freeform's Countdown to 25 Days of Christmas will run from November 18, 2017 to November 30, 2017. The 2017 lineup includes family movies such as The Incredibles, Despicable Me, Harry Potter, Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory, Hook, Dennis the Menace, Matilda, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and The Boxtrolls. Freeform also announced the network premiere of Inside Out and Snow Day. The holiday movies in the 2017 Countdown to 25 Days of Christmas included: Home Alone, Elf, National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, Four Christmases (Freeform network premiere), 'Twas the Night Before Christmas, Santa Paws 2: The Santa Pups, Frosty's Winter Wonderland, Jack Frost, The Year Without a Santa Claus, A Christmas Carol, A Dennis the Menace Christmas, Richie Rich's Christmas Wish, Jack Frost, Rudolph and Frosty's Christmas in July, Arthur Christmas, Rudolph's Shiny New Year, Eloise at Christmastime, and The Nightmare Before Christmas.", "Tim Burton Around 2009, Henry Selick stated that he could make a sequel to The Nightmare Before Christmas if he and Burton could create a good story for it.[35]", "Haunted Mansion Holiday Upon visiting the mansion, guests first see that the facade has been completely redecorated, with jack-o-lanterns and candles. Jack's sleigh is on the roof.", "The Haunted Mansion \"When hinges creep in door less chambers, and strange and frightening sounds echo through the halls, whenever candle lights flicker where the air is deathly still, that is the time, when ghosts are present, practicing their terror, with ghoulish delight.....\"", "Disneyland From early November until the beginning of January, the park is decorated for the holidays. Seasonal entertainment includes the Believe... In Holiday Magic firework show and A Christmas Fantasy Parade, while the Haunted Mansion and It's a Small World are temporarily redecorated in a holiday theme. The Sleeping Beauty Castle is also known to become snow-capped and decorated with colorful lights during the holidays as well.", "Haunted Mansion floating objects and instruments respond in turn. Before exiting the Séance Circle, guests pass a large, ancient tome entitled \"Necronomicon: Book of the Dead\" resting on a stand, with the book opened to pages 1312 and 1313. Page 1312 contains a cloaked version of Ezra the HitchHiking Ghost, while page 1313 contains Leota's incantations.", "The Haunted Mansion (film) Jim Evers (Eddie Murphy) is a workaholic realtor whose continuous pursuit for new deals leaves very little time with his family. He misses his wedding anniversary with his wife Sara (Marsha Thomason), but to make amends, he suggests going on vacation to a nearby lake. Beforehand, Sara is contacted by the occupants of Gracey Manor, located in the Louisiana bayou. Eager to make a deal, Jim drags Sara and his children, impatient Megan (Aree Davis) and arachnophobic Michael (Marc John Jefferies) to the mansion. They meet its owner Edward Gracey (Nathaniel Parker), his stern butler Ramsley (Terence Stamp), and other staff members Emma (Dina Waters) and Ezra (Wallace Shawn). When a storm floods the nearby river, Gracey allows the Evers family to stay the night; though everyone is safe, Jim is unhappy with the idea. Ramsley takes Jim to the mansion's library to discuss the deal with Gracey, but while he waits, Jim gets trapped in a secret passage.", "The Haunted Mansion The Doom Buggies then proceed to the Attic, an irregularly shaped room cluttered with gifts, personal items, mementos and wedding portraits. In each portrait, the same bride is seen with a different groom, whose heads disappear only to reappear a moment later. With each successive photograph, the bride gains another string of pearls. The sound of a beating heart fills the room, and a shadowy spirit plays a grim version of the \"Bridal Chorus\" on an old harpsichord. Just before the Doom Buggies escape the Attic, the ghost of the bride from the pictures, Constance Hatchaway [2] is encountered, shrouded in cool blue light, and uttering words reciting the traditional wedding vows:", "Haunted Mansion Holiday In the Seance Room, Madame Leota recites the \"13 Days of Christmas\", her 13 Christmas gifts. Tarot cards showing all of her gifts float about the room, while the Vampire Teddy Bear rings bells maniacally. A zombified nutcracker imitates Leota chanting her incantations.", "The Haunted Mansion (film) The costume and special effects designers wanted the ghost characters to become \"more dead\" the farther they were from the mansion. While Ezra and Emma look human in the house, their leaving it causes them to become blue and transparent. The zombies in the mausoleum are the \"deadest,\" as they are farthest away.", "List of The Nightmare Before Christmas characters Despite his office, the Mayor apparently has very little actual authority in the day-to-day running of the town, or has very little confidence in his leadership skills, especially in planning for Halloween. This is attested when he arrives at Jack Skellington's house to discuss some plans with him, not knowing that Jack is not home. When Jack does not answer, the Mayor quickly gets hysterical and yells, more to himself than anyone, \"Jack, please, I'm only an elected official here! I can't make decisions by myself!\". Nonetheless, the Mayor seems to enjoy his position. He apparently owns the only automobile in town, a hearse-like car called the \"Mayor-mobile\" that is equipped with a loudspeaker for making announcements and a black cat-shaped hood ornament that sounds a siren when its tail is cranked. The Mayor supports Jack and helps him in his quest to bring his own version of Christmas to the world, despite his secret misgivings about it. When Jack is apparently killed by the US Army, the Mayor openly admits he had a bad feeling about \"this Christmas thing,\" and sorrowfully goes off in his Mayor-mobile to make the announcement throughout Halloween Town and the surrounding countryside that \"the king of Halloween has been blown to smithereens\". Later, he is told by Lock, Shock, and Barrel that Jack is in over his head and alive, and comes to retrieve him and Sally after Oogie Boogie has been defeated. The Mayor of Halloween Town is among the citizens surprised (and once again uneasy) when it starts snowing in Halloween Town, but when he catches a snowflake on his tongue, his head swivels around to reveal his pleased expression.", "Ron Howard Howard appeared on the 1969 Disneyland Records album The Story and Song from the Haunted Mansion. It featured the story of two teenagers, Mike (Howard) and Karen (Robie Lester), who get trapped inside the Haunted Mansion. Thurl Ravenscroft plays the Narrator, Pete Reneday plays the Ghost Host, and Eleanor Audley plays Madame Leota. Some of the effects and ideas that were planned but never permanently made it to the attraction are mentioned here: the Raven speaks in the Stretching Room, and the Hatbox Ghost is mentioned during the Attic scene. It was reissued in 1998 as a cassette tape titled A Spooky Night in Disney's Haunted Mansion and on CD in 2009.", "List of The Nightmare Before Christmas characters Doctor Finklestein is a resident of Halloween Town. He is the mad scientist and the \"father\" of Sally. He is described as a pale-as-a-sheet mad scientist with a duckbill-like mouth and a hinged skullcap that he can open up to reveal his brain. For unknown reasons he uses a motorized wheelchair (early drawings of Finklestein depict him standing freely, and his original action figure followed this example, implying he was not always intended to be a wheelchair user). Finklestein is only referred to as the \"Evil Scientist\" in the credits. His true name is only mentioned in the movie when the Mayor calls him up to the front of the line for his Christmas assignment.", "The Haunted Mansion (film) Megan and Michael encounter a spectral orb and follow it up to the attic, where they find a portrait of a woman resembling Sara. There they converse with Emma and Ezra; the former identifying the woman as \"Elizabeth\". Sara talks with Gracey in the library, who explains his grandfather hanged himself out of despair after his lover, a multiracial woman named Elizabeth Henshaw poisoned herself despite their plans to wed. Jim meets Madame Leota, a Romani witch’s ghost whose head is encased in a crystal ball, but she scares him away. Jim runs into his children, Emma and Ezra, and returns to Madame Leota for answers about Elizabeth's likeness to Sara. It is revealed that everyone in the mansion are ghosts, cursed a century ago by Gracey and Elizabeth's suicides and can only go to Heaven when they are reunited, and Gracey believes Sara is Elizabeth's reincarnation. Madame Leota sends the Evers off to the mansion's expansive cemetery to find a key that will reveal the truth behind Elizabeth's unusual death. Jim and Megan venture into a crypt beneath a mausoleum where they find the key, but inadvertently disturb its undead residents. They escape with help from Michael, who overcomes his arachnophobia. Madame Leota then leads them to a trunk in the attic, which Jim unlocks to find a letter written by Elizabeth to Gracey, revealing she truly loved him and wanted to marry him, leading them to conclude that she was murdered. Ramsley suddenly appears, revealing he murdered Elizabeth to prevent Gracey from abandoning his heritage, believing their relationship was unacceptable. To hide the truth, he traps the children in a trunk, throws Jim out of the house, and magically enchants the house so Jim cannot break in and stop him.", "Cultural impact of Creature from the Black Lagoon In The Nightmare Before Christmas, there is a character in Halloween Town named the \"Undersea Gal\" who is clearly meant to be a combination of the Gill-man and a mermaid. In one song, she ponders the contents of Jack's present: \"Perhaps it's the head that I found in the lake\".", "Haunted Mansion With a sudden thunderclap, the lights go out and the ceiling disappears. A ghastly vision manifests above: the skeletal corpse of the Ghost Host dangling from a taut rope inside an octagonal cupola with four curtainless windows (rather than the hexagonal cupola with six curtained windows seen on the exterior), illuminated by flashes of lightning. Seconds later, the room plunges into darkness, and a bloodcurdling scream is heard — falling from the ceiling to the floor, ending with the sound of the corpse hitting the floor.", "The Haunted Mansion In the Foyer, the deep, resonant voice of an invisible spirit (Paul Frees) sets the tone of the attraction with a short opening monologue, accompanied by a funeral dirge variation of Grim Grinning Ghosts.", "Haunted Mansion The Doom Buggies continue down a Corridor of Doors. The sounds of pounding, shrieking, calls for help, screams, knocking, and maniacal laughter can be heard from behind the doors. Knockers and handles are moved by unseen hands and some doors appear to be \"breathing.\" The walls, covered in demon-faced wallpaper, are adorned with daguerreotypes of screaming and grinning corpses, and a large painting of the Ghost Host with a noose around his neck and holding a hatchet. A demonic grandfather clock chimes 13 as its hands spin counter-clockwise and the shadow of a claw passes over it.", "The Haunted Mansion Entering the Hall of Mirrors, the Doom Buggies pass a group of three ghosts thumbing for a ride. Around the corner, in large, ornately framed mirrors, the guests see that one of the ghosts from the trio is in the carriage with them.", "The Haunted Mansion Once guests ascend the pitch-black Staircase to the second floor, they come across a moving suit of armor, and a chair which appears to be embroidered with a hidden abstract face. The Doom Buggies also pass by the end of a seemingly Endless Hallway. Halfway down the hallway is a candelabra, floating eerily.", "Haunted Mansion In the Foyer, the deep, resonant voice of an invisible spirit (Paul Frees) sets the tone of the attraction with a short opening monologue, accompanied by a funeral dirge variation of Grim Grinning Ghosts.", "The Haunted Mansion Serpents and spiders, tail of a rat... Call in the spirits, wherever they're at. \nRap on a table, it's time to respond... Send us a message from somewhere beyond.\nGoblins and ghoulies from last Halloween... Awaken the spirits with your tambourine!\nCreepies and crawlies, toads in a pond... Let there be music from regions beyond!\nWizards and witches, wherever you dwell... Give us a hint by ringing a bell.", "The Haunted Mansion With a sudden thunderclap, the lights go out and the ceiling disappears. A ghastly vision manifests above: the skeletal corpse of the Ghost Host dangling from a taut rope inside an octagonal cupola with four curtainless windows (rather than the hexagonal cupola with six curtained windows seen on the exterior), illuminated by flashes of lightning. Seconds later, the room plunges into darkness, and a bloodcurdling scream is heard — falling from the ceiling to the floor, ending with the sound of the corpse hitting the floor.", "Haunted Mansion Entering the Hall of Mirrors, the Doom Buggies pass a group of three ghosts thumbing for a ride. Around the corner, in large, ornately framed mirrors, the guests see that one of the ghosts from the trio is in the carriage with them.", "The Haunted Mansion As the Doom Buggies approach the entrance of a large crypt, and the Ghost Host speaks one final time:", "Haunted Mansion As the Doom Buggies approach the entrance of a large crypt, and the Ghost Host speaks one final time:", "Haunted Mansion After leaving the Séance Circle, guests move along a balcony overlooking a birthday party taking place in a Grand Hall, with a number of ghosts dancing and reveling. Ghosts are seen entering the room through a broken door, where a hearse has crashed with its coffin (and its contents) sliding out. Eerie phantoms are seen flying in and out of the windows above. A merry ghost is seen sitting atop the mantle of a fireplace with a mysterious green fire, with his arm wrapped around a bust. An elderly ghost is seen rocking back and forth in a chair, a book in her lap. Many ghosts have gathered around a dinner table, where a ghost is blowing out candles on a birthday cake. A massive chandelier hangs above the table on which a couple is perched and another ghost named Pickwick swings from by his cane. Another balcony is seen across the room, where a curtained doorway is situated between two portraits of dueling gunmen. From time to time, the ghosts of both duelists appear and shoot at each other with their pistols. A number of elegantly dressed couples are seen below, waltzing to a discordant version of the attraction's theme song played on a pipe organ (Captain Nemo's organ set piece from 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea) by a ghostly gentleman wearing a top hat, while banshees float out of its pipes.[6]", "List of The Nightmare Before Christmas characters In Kingdom Hearts II, Lock, Shock, and Barrel start off working as Doctor Finklestein's (Not very obedient) lab assistants, until they encounter Maleficent, who revives Oogie Boogie for them and gives them the \"Prison Keeper\" Heartless to hold off Sora and company. The monster keeps the children in a cage underneath its body, but swallows one of them to act as its \"pilot\", each giving the monster a different ability and appearance, ultimately swallowing all three of them attacking Sora and party with its full repertoire. After its defeat, the trio run off saying it was 'fun' and unintentionally reveal Oogie's return. In the second visit, the three are accused of stealing presents after they enter Santa's workshop and are caught looking through gifts. Sora and the party have to fight these mischievous rascals by knocking them unconscious and putting them in boxes. In the end, the three claim that they did not steal the presents as they regard Christmas toys to be boring while revealing that they were actually looking for parts for Doctor Finklestein's Experiment. They also cause mischief as obstacles in the \"Making Presents\" mini game, before and after the fight with the Experiment. After the battle, they run off and are not seen again in the game.", "List of reportedly haunted locations in the United States Allegedly haunted locales in Portland include the Bagdad Theater, a vaudeville theater built by Universal Studios during 1927; Pittock Mansion, a mansion overlooking the city; the Roseland Theater, a former church and music venue; and the city's Portland Underground (or so-called shanghai tunnels),[86] made up of various passages beneath the streets of northwest Portland that were used to smuggle prostitutes and sailors onto ships in the port, where they were often sold into slavery or forced labor.[87]", "The Nightmare Before Christmas (soundtrack) 1. \"This Is Halloween\"", "The Nightmare Before Christmas (soundtrack) The \"Kidnap the Sandy Claws\" and \"This Is Halloween\" demos are reversed in the track listing on the backside of the album cover and in the album booklet.", "The Nightmare Before Christmas (soundtrack) 3. \"What's This?\"", "The Nightmare Before Christmas (soundtrack) 5. \"This Is Halloween\"", "The Nightmare Before Christmas (soundtrack) On some versions of the CD, \"End Title\" is two tracks (20 and 21) with lengths of 1:10 and 3:55 respectively. In this case, track 21 is considered a \"hidden track\" but features the same music as the 20-track release, which keeps \"End Title\" as one track.", "The Nightmare Before Christmas (soundtrack) All tracks written by Danny Elfman." ]
where did the ashes from ash wednesday originate
[ "Ash Wednesday Ash Wednesday derives its name from the placing of repentance ashes on the foreheads of participants to either the words \"Repent, and believe in the Gospel\" or the dictum \"Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.\"[4] The ashes may be prepared by burning palm leaves from the previous year's Palm Sunday celebrations.", "Ash Wednesday Ashes are ceremonially placed on the heads of Christians on Ash Wednesday, either by being sprinkled over their heads or, in English-speaking countries, more often by being marked on their foreheads as a visible cross. The words (based on Genesis 3:19) used traditionally to accompany this gesture are, \"Memento, homo, quia pulvis es, et in pulverem reverteris.\" (\"Remember, man, that thou art dust, and to dust thou shalt return.\") This custom is credited to Pope Gregory I the Great (c. 540–604).[26] In the 1969 revision of the Roman Rite, an alternative formula (based on Mark 1:15) was introduced and given first place \"Repent, and believe in the Gospel\" and the older formula was translated as \"Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.\" The old formula, based on the words spoken to Adam and Eve after their sin,[27] reminds worshippers of their sinfulness and mortality and thus, implicitly, of their need to repent in time.[28] The newer formula makes explicit what was only implicit in the old.", "Ash Wednesday Ashes were used in ancient times to express grief. When Tamar was raped by her half-brother, \"she sprinkled ashes on her head, tore her robe, and with her face buried in her hands went away crying\" (2 Samuel 13:19). The gesture was also used to express sorrow for sins and faults. In Job 42:3–6, Job says to God: \"I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear: but now mine eye seeth thee. Wherefore I abhor myself, and repent in dust and ashes.\" The prophet Jeremiah calls for repentance by saying: \"O daughter of my people, gird on sackcloth, roll in the ashes\" (Jer 6:26). The prophet Daniel recounted pleading to God: \"I turned to the Lord God, pleading in earnest prayer, with fasting, sackcloth and ashes\" (Daniel 9:3). Just prior to the New Testament period, the rebels fighting for Jewish independence, the Maccabees, prepared for battle using ashes: \"That day they fasted and wore sackcloth; they sprinkled ashes on their heads and tore their clothes\" (1 Maccabees 3:47; see also 4:39)." ]
[ "Ash Wednesday Various manners of placing the ashes on worshippers' heads are in use within the Roman Rite of the Catholic Church, the two most common being to use the ashes to make a cross on the forehead and sprinkling the ashes over the crown of the head. Originally, the ashes were strewn over men's heads, but, probably because women had their heads covered in church, were placed on the foreheads of women.[29] In the Catholic Church the manner of imposing ashes depends largely on local custom, since no fixed rule has been laid down.[25] Although the account of Ælfric of Eynsham shows that in about the year 1000 the ashes were \"strewn\" on the head,[30] the marking of the forehead is the method that now prevails in English-speaking countries and is the only one envisaged in the Occasional Offices of the Anglican Church of Papua New Guinea, a publication described as \"noticeably Anglo-Catholic in character\".[31] In its ritual of \"Blessing of Ashes\", this states that \"the ashes are blessed at the beginning of the Eucharist; and after they have been blessed they are placed on the forehead of the clergy and people.\"[31] The Ash Wednesday ritual of the Church of England, Mother Church of the Anglican Communion, contains \"The Imposition of Ashes\" in its Ash Wednesday liturgy.[32] On Ash Wednesday, the Pope, the Bishop of Rome, traditionally takes part in a penitential procession from the Church of Saint Anselm to the Basilica of Santa Sabina, where, in accordance with the custom in Italy and many other countries, ashes are sprinkled on his head, not smudged on his forehead, and he places ashes on the heads of others in the same way.[33]", "Ash Wednesday Ash Wednesday is exactly 46 days before Easter Sunday, a moveable feast based on the cycles of the moon. The earliest date Ash Wednesday can occur is 4 February (which is only possible during a common year with Easter on 22 March), which happened in 1598, 1693, 1761 and 1818 and will next occur in 2285.[107] The latest date Ash Wednesday can occur is 10 March (when Easter Day falls on 25 April) which occurred in 1666, 1734, 1886 and 1943 and will next occur in 2038. Ash Wednesday has never occurred on Leap Year Day (29 February), and it will not occur as such until 2096. The only other years of the third millennium that will have Ash Wednesday on 29 February are 2468, 2688, 2840 and 2992. (Ash Wednesday falls on 29 February only if Easter is on 15 April in a leap year starting on a Sunday.)", "Ash Wednesday Robin Knowles Wallace states that the traditional Ash Wednesday church service includes Psalm 51 (the Miserere), prayers of confession and the sign of ashes.[62] No single one of the traditional services contains all of these elements. The Anglican church's traditional Ash Wednesday service, titled A Commination,[63] contains the first two elements, but not the third. On the other hand, the Catholic Church's traditional service has the blessing and distribution of ashes but, while prayers of confession and recitation of Psalm 51 (the first psalm at Lauds on all penitential days, including Ash Wednesday) are a part of its general traditional Ash Wednesday liturgy,[64] they are not associated specifically with the rite of blessing the ashes. The rite of blessing has acquired an untraditional weak association with that particular psalm only since 1970, when it was inserted into the celebration of Mass, at which a few verses of Psalm 51 are used as a responsorial psalm. Coincidentally, it was only about the same time that in some areas Anglicanism resumed the rite of ashes.", "Ash Wednesday The Reformed Church in America describes Ash Wednesday as a day \"focused on prayer, fasting, and repentance.\"[1] The liturgy for Ash Wednesday thus contains the following \"Invitation to Observe a Lenten Discipline\" read by the presider:[23]", "Ash Wednesday Ash Wednesday is a Christian holy day of prayer, fasting and repentance.[1] It is preceded by Shrove Tuesday and falls on the first day of Lent,[2] the six weeks of penitence before Easter. Ash Wednesday is observed by many Western Christians, including Anglicans, Lutherans, Old Catholics, Methodists, Presbyterians, Roman Catholics,[note 1] and some Baptists.[3]", "Ash Wednesday bushfires The Ash Wednesday bushfires, known in South Australia as Ash Wednesday II,[3] were a series of bushfires that occurred in south-eastern Australia on 16 February 1983, which was Ash Wednesday in the Christian calendar. Within twelve hours, more than 180 fires fanned by winds of up to 110 km/h (68 mph) caused widespread destruction across the states of Victoria and South Australia.[4] Years of severe drought and extreme weather combined to create one of Australia's worst fire days in a century.[5] The fires became the deadliest bushfire in Australian history until the Black Saturday bushfires in 2009.", "Ash Wednesday Since 2007, some members of major Christian Churches, including Anglicans, Catholics, Lutherans, and Methodists, have participated in the Ashes to Go program, in which clergy go outside of their churches to public places, such as downtowns, sidewalks and train stations, to distribute ashes to passersby,[49][50][51] even to people waiting in their cars for a stoplight to change.[52] The Anglican priest Emily Mellott of Calvary Church in Lombard took up the idea and turned it into a movement, stated that the practice was also an act of evangelism.[53][54] Anglicans and Catholics in parts of the United Kingdom such as Sunderland, are offering Ashes to Go together: Marc Lyden-Smith, the priest of Saint Mary's Church, stated that the ecumenical effort is a \"tremendous witness in our city, with Catholics and Anglicans working together to start the season of Lent, perhaps reminding those who have fallen away from the Church, or have never been before, that the Christian faith is alive and active in Sunderland.\"[49] The Catholic Student Association of Kent State University, based at the University Parish Newman Center, offered ashes to university students who were going through the Student Center of that institution in 2012,[55] and Douglas Clark of St. Matthew's Roman Catholic Church in Statesboro, among others, have participated in Ashes to Go.[56][57] On Ash Wednesday 2017, Father Paddy Mooney, the priest of St Patrick's Roman Catholic Church in the Irish town of Glenamaddy, set up an Ashes to Go station through which commuters could drive and receive ashes from their car; the parish church also had \"drive-through prayers during Lent with people submitting requests into a box left in the church grounds without having to leave their car\".[58] Reverend Trey Hall, pastor of Urban Village United Methodist Church, stated that when his local church offered ashes in Chicago \"nearly 300 people received ashes – including two people who were waiting in their car for a stoplight to change.\"[52] In 2013, churches not only in the United States, but also at least one church each in the United Kingdom, Canada and South Africa, participated in Ashes to Go.[59] Outside of their church building, Saint Stephen Martyr Lutheran Church in Canton offered Ashes to Go for \"believers whose schedules make it difficult to attend a traditional service\" in 2016.[60] In the United States itself 34 states and the District of Columbia had at least one church taking part. Most of these churches (parishes) were Episcopal, but there were also several Methodist churches, as well as Presbyterian and Catholic churches.[61]", "Ash Wednesday Christians continued the practice of using ashes as an external sign of repentance. Tertullian (c. 160 – c. 225) said that confession of sin should be accompanied by lying in sackcloth and ashes.[77] The historian Eusebius (c. 260/265 – 339/340) recounts how a repentant apostate covered himself with ashes when begging Pope Zephyrinus to readmit him to communion.[78]", "Ash Wednesday bushfires The lasting impact of Ash Wednesday was highlighted in 2008, when its 25th anniversary received much public and media attention.[36] Commemoration sites have been set up in areas that were hit worst by the fires, with museums hosting exhibits inviting survivors to tell their stories.[37]", "Volcanic ash Young forests (trees <2 years old) are most at risk from ash falls and are likely to be destroyed by ash deposits >100 mm.[54] Ash fall is unlikely to kill mature trees, but ash loading may break large branches during heavy ash falls (>500 mm). Defoliation of trees may also occur, especially if there is a coarse ash component within the ash fall.[8]", "Ash Williams Ash appeared in Marvel Zombies vs. The Army of Darkness (2007) which takes place in the Marvel Zombies universe. The series serves to fill in certain gaps left in the Marvel Zombies storyline that even Dead Days didn't flesh out fully. The crossover lasts several issues, with Ash finally returning to his own world (and own comic) with Army of Darkness: From the Ashes (2007). Dynamite has created several crossovers and side stories of their own. Tales of the Army of Darkness (2006) is a one shot comic featuring several stories about Ash and the Necronomicon. Darkman vs. Army of Darkness (2006), a four-issue miniseries features Ash teaming up with Darkman to stop the Deadites. Ash then starred in Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash (2007), a six-issue miniseries from Wildstorm and Dynamite Entertainment where Ash must face off against the horror icons, and then Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash: The Nightmare Warriors (2009), in which Ash joins forces with a support group for people who have both faced and survived Freddy Krueger and Jason Voorhees, consisting of previously established characters from their respective franchises, to defeat the two for good. Ash appeared in a crossover comic series with \"Danger Girl\" Abbey Chase, with the first issue released in April 2011.[9] In 2013, the main series ended with a final crossover with the \"Re-Animator\" in a one-shot comic, and a 7-issue crossover with Hack/Slash during late 2013 to late 2014.\nAt Comic-Con 2013, Dynamite announced a reboot of the title called \"Ash and the Army of Darkness\", which was released in Nov. 2013. Like Dynamite's Ashes 2 Ashes story from 2004, it picks up after the final frame of Army of Darkness.", "Ash Wednesday bushfires Most of Macedon and much of historic Mount Macedon to the north west of Melbourne was razed, including many heritage listed 19th century mansions and famed gardens. The morning after Ash Wednesday, popular coastal towns along the Great Ocean Road such as Aireys Inlet, Anglesea and Lorne resembled barren moonscapes. The fire on the coast had been so intense that firefighters were forced to abandon all control efforts and let it burn until it reached the ocean, destroying everything in its path.[31]", "Ash Wednesday bushfires Ash Wednesday was one of Australia's costliest natural disasters.[12] Over 3,700 buildings were destroyed or damaged and 2,545 individuals and families lost their homes. Livestock losses were very high, with over 340,000 sheep, 18,000 cattle and numerous native animals either dead or later destroyed.[13] A total of 4,540 insurance claims were paid totalling A$176 million with a total estimated cost of well over $400 million (1983 values) for both states or $1.3 billion in adjusted terms (2007).[1][14]", "Ash Williams At the hardware store, Pablo sees the real Kelly in Hell through an opening in the writing on the wall and learns she’s dead, he then rushes to tell Ash. Ash and Kaya take Brandy to the school dance, to confront Ruby but she has brought her now fully grown Ash clone spawn in attempt to trick Brandy into killing Ash herself. The Ash clone kills many students at the dance, Ash finally gets to Brandy, Ruby provokes her by plunging herself into Ash's chainsaw and faking her death. However, Brandy can't bring herself to kill Ash. Pablo gets to the school and runs into Kaya, but manages to escape. Ash and his clone fight and the real Ash kills the clone. Ruby, frustrated at Ash's continued victories, throws the dagger at him, but Brandy blocks the attack and dies instead. She then wakes up in Hell, and runs away from a lurking threat.", "Volcanic ash Land rehabilitation after ash fall may be possible depending on the ash deposit thickness. Rehabilitation treatment may include: direct seeding of deposit; mixing of deposit with buried soil; scraping of ash deposit from land surface; and application of new topsoil over the ash deposit.[34]", "The Ashes Australia will host the 2017–18 Ashes series with the second test at Adelaide Oval being the first day/night Ashes Test.", "Ash Williams With this information, Ash and the rest return to Brock's house in an attempt to use Pablo to stop Baal. However Baal has manipulated the town sheriff to incite a riot outside of Ash's home. Ruby attempts to use Pablo to find the spell that can send Baal back to hell. During this process, The Kandarian Demon uses a photo of Ash's sister Cheryl and becomes a deadite manifestation of her. Ash and Chet combat the returned deadite Cheryl who kills Chet. The fight takes Ash and Cheryl outside the home where crowds of townsfolk have been rioting. The appearance of the deadite Cheryl convinces the towns people that Ash was indeed a hero who killed demons and not the chainsaw serial killer they thought he was. Ash defeats and kills Cheryl a second time when suddenly Baal appears and knocks him unconscious.", "Ashes to Ashes (TV series) In Italy, Ashes to Ashes is broadcast by Rai 4.", "Ashes to Ashes (TV series) In Europe, Ashes to Ashes is broadcast by BBC Entertainment.", "Volcanic ash Telecommunication equipment may become damaged due to direct ash fall. Most modern equipment requires constant cooling from air conditioning units. These are susceptible to blockage by ash which reduces their cooling efficiency.[46] Heavy ash falls may cause telecommunication lines, masts, cables, aerials, antennae dishes and towers to collapse due to ash loading. Moist ash may also cause accelerated corrosion of metal components.[34]", "The Ashes An Ashes series is traditionally of five Tests, hosted in turn by England and Australia at least once every four years. As of August 2015[update], England holds the Ashes, having won three of the five Tests in the 2015 Ashes series. Australia and England have won 32 series each and five series have been drawn.", "Ash Williams Ash Williams also makes an appearance as a player in the side-scroller action game Broforce, as well as Telltale Games' \"Poker Night 2\" where the player participates at a poker tournament, along with characters from several other franchises, namely GLaDOS from Portal, Sam from Sam & Max, Claptrap from Borderlands, and Brock Samson from The Venture Bros.. \n[6]\nThere is a special conversation in the game where if the player chooses to play in a Evil Dead-inspired room, GLaDOS will reveal that Ash is actually Brock's ancestor through time travel as Ash had slept with a woman whose family line Brock is a member of some time during his adventure in Army of Darkness. [7]", "The Ashes The term became further genericised in Australia in the first half of the twentieth century, and was used to describe many sports rivalries or competitions outside the context of Australia vs England. The Australian rules football interstate carnival, and the small silver casket which served as its trophy, were symbolically known as \"the Ashes\" of Australian football,[55] and was spoken of as such until at least the 1940s.[56] The soccer rivalry between Australia and New Zealand was described as \"the soccer ashes of Australasia\" until as late as the 1950s;[57] ashes from cigars smoked by the two countries' captains were put into a casket in 1923 to make the trophy literal.[58] The interstate rugby league rivalry between Queensland and New South Wales was known for a time as Australia's rugby league ashes, and bowls competitions between the two states also regularly used the term.[59] Even some local rivalries, such as southern Western Australia's annual Great Southern Football Carnival, were locally described as \"the ashes\".[60] This genericised usage is no longer common, and \"the Ashes\" would today be assumed only to apply to a contest between Australia and England.", "The Ashes As it took many years for the name \"the Ashes\" to be given to ongoing series between England and Australia, there was no concept of there being a representation of the ashes being presented to the winners. As late as 1925 the following verse appeared in The Cricketers Annual:", "Ash Williams By the time of Ash vs. Evil Dead, set decades after the original film, Ash has aged considerably; he now wears dentures, a \"man girdle\", and dyes his hair. According to Bruce Campbell, \"we're milking the age thing now. He was the wrong guy thirty-five years ago, and now he's really the wrong guy for the job and that made it an interesting character to play\".[15] Campbell and Raimi have stated that Ash also wears adult diapers; early drafts of the script depicted Ash's struggle with incontinence, which Raimi joked to producers was a \"marketing opportunity\" for Depend product placement. Campbell expressed hope that Ash's incontinence would feature in future episodes, as it made him \"more normal\" and relatable to the audience;[16] a package of adult diapers eventually do appear onscreen in season two's \"Home\", in the trunk of Ash's car.", "The Ashes Australia regained the Ashes on their home turf in the 2006–07 series with a convincing 5–0 victory, only the second time an Ashes series has been won by that margin. Glenn McGrath, Shane Warne and Justin Langer retired from Test cricket after that series, while Damien Martyn retired during the series.[47]", "The Ashes As a compromise, the MCC commissioned a trophy in the form of a larger replica of the urn in Waterford Crystal, to award to the winning team of each series from 1998–99. This is known as the Ashes Trophy.[15] This did little to diminish the status of the Darnley urn as the most important icon in cricket, the symbol of this old and keenly fought contest.", "Ash Ketchum In episode 28 of the nineteenth season (Pokémon the Series: XYZ), 'Seeing the Forest for the Trees!,' It reveals the true story of why Ash Ketchum loved Pokémon, when Ash was a little boy, he went on a field trip. However, during the trip, it started to rain, and Ash got separated from his group. Ash was forced to take shelter under a hollow tree. However, he noticed a group of Pokémon who were also seeking shelter from the rain. So, he invited them inside the tree and the Pokémon kept him safe and warm.[14] This experience is what inspired Ash into becoming a Pokémon trainer.", "The Ashes Series results, up to and including the 2015 Ashes series:", "Ash Williams A new version of Bad Ash appears in the television series Ash vs Evil Dead, spawned from Ash's dismembered hand from Evil Dead II. While essentially exactly the same character, he has more in common with Ash in terms of personality, and even sharing old injuries and ailments which Ash uses to his advantage during their fight. Rather than being overtly evil and openly hostile, this version is more subtle and comes across as a psychopath, being friendly and flirty towards Amanda at first but becomes unstable and aggressive when she rejects and hurts him by calling his decayed hand disgusting.", "Ash Williams Since Army of Darkness, Ash has been portrayed consistently as in Bruce Campbell's words \"A guy who doesn't know anything, a big talker\". Ash rarely takes situations seriously and is very incompetent as a hero or protagonist. Often causing the conflict that drives the story forward rather than solving it. At the same time having a selfish, self-serving attitude towards others. In Ash vs. Evil Dead, many of his neighbors call him an \"asshole\" and complain about his narcissistic cocky attitude while his boss frequently hounds him for making up excuses for getting out of work. At the same time Ash has been portrayed as a womanizer and in the television series has been show to flat out lie and invent sympathetic anecdotes to sleep with women at local bars. Ash vs. Evil Dead reveals that his father Brock Williams was often over competitive with him as a child and it seems that many of Ash's traits have originated from his father's behavior. Despite his immature conceited attitude Ash has been shown to have a softer, more heroic side. In Army of Darkness he chooses to stay behind and help the people of Arthur's castle fight the deadite army despite having nothing to gain from doing so. Over the course of the television series, Ash does bond with Pablo and Kelly. At one point calling Kelly the \"daughter he never had.\"", "Volcanic ash Wastewater networks may sustain damage similar to water supply networks. It is very difficult to exclude ash from the sewerage system. Systems with combined storm water/sewer lines are most at risk. Ash will enter sewer lines where there is inflow/infiltration by stormwater through illegal connections (e.g., from roof downpipes), cross connections, around manhole covers or through holes and cracks in sewer pipes.", "The Ashes The 1972 series finished 2–2, with England under Illingworth retaining the Ashes.[32]", "The Ashes When in the autumn the English Eleven went to Australia it was said that they had come to Australia to \"fetch\" the ashes. England won two out of the three matches played against Murdoch's Australian Eleven, and after the third match some Melbourne ladies put some ashes into a small urn and gave them to me as captain of the English Eleven.", "The Ashes The Ashes featured in the film The Final Test, released in 1953, based on a television play by Terence Rattigan. It stars Jack Warner as an England cricketer playing the last Test of his career, which is the last of an Ashes series; the film includes cameo appearances of English captain Len Hutton and other players[61] who were part of England's 1953 triumph.", "The Ashes The First Test at Lord's was convincingly won by Australia, but in the remaining four matches the teams were evenly matched and England fought back to win the Second Test by 2 runs, the smallest winning margin in Ashes history, and the second-smallest in all Tests. The rain-affected Third Test ended with the last two Australian batsmen holding out for a draw; and England won the Fourth Test by three wickets after forcing Australia to follow-on for the first time in 191 Tests being a period of 17 years. A draw in the final Test gave England victory in an Ashes series for the first time in 18 years and their first Ashes victory at home since 1985.", "Volcanic ash The types of minerals present in volcanic ash are dependent on the chemistry of the magma from which it erupted. Considering that the most abundant elements found in silicate magma are silicon and oxygen, the various types of magma (and therefore ash) produced during volcanic eruptions are most commonly explained in terms of their silica content. Low energy eruptions of basalt produce a characteristically dark coloured ash containing ~45 - 55% silica that is generally rich in iron (Fe) and magnesium (Mg). The most explosive rhyolite eruptions produce a felsic ash that is high in silica (>69%) while other types of ash with an intermediate composition (e.g., andesite or dacite) have a silica content between 55-69%.", "Volcanic ash Volcanic ash consists of fragments of pulverized rock, minerals and volcanic glass, created during volcanic eruptions and measuring less than 2 mm (0.079 inches) in diameter.[1] The term volcanic ash is also often loosely used to refer to all explosive eruption products (correctly referred to as tephra), including particles larger than 2mm. Volcanic ash is formed during explosive volcanic eruptions when dissolved gases in magma expand and escape violently into the atmosphere. The force of the escaping gas shatters the magma and propels it into the atmosphere where it solidifies into fragments of volcanic rock and glass. Ash is also produced when magma comes into contact with water during phreatomagmatic eruptions, causing the water to explosively flash to steam leading to shattering of magma. Once in the air, ash is transported by wind up to thousands of kilometers away.", "Ash Ketchum Throughout the series, Ash's primary enemies are a Pokémon crime organization called Team Rocket, specifically the two comical and bumbling members, Jessie and James, and their talking Meowth, who is essentially the third member of the group. Ever since being defeated by Ash's Pikachu in the second episode, \"Pokémon Emergency!\", the three of them have obsessively never stopped chasing after them to steal Ash's Pikachu, maintaining the delusion that Pikachu is abnormally powerful and presenting it to their criminal boss would make them very rich. As the enduring comical villains of the series, the Team Rocket trio occasionally show signs of goodness, such as care and friendship with their Pokémon and each other, and despite their constant antagonism, they occasionally put their differences aside and work together with Ash against a common threat, such as in Pokémon: The Movie 2000, where they aid Ash in retrieving the three treasures in order to save the world.", "Volcanic ash Volcanic ash not only affects in-flight operations but can affect ground-based airport operations as well. Small accumulations of ash can reduce visibility, create slippery runways and taxiways, infiltrate communication and electrical systems, interrupt ground services, damage buildings and parked aircraft.[44] Ash accumulation of more than a few millimeters requires removal before airports can resume full operations. Ash does not disappear (unlike snowfalls) and must be disposed of in a manner that prevents it from being remobilised by wind and aircraft.", "The Ashes Australia recovered the Ashes in 1934 and held them until 1953, though no Test cricket was played during the Second World War.", "The Ashes So here's to Chapman, Hendren and Hobbs,\nGilligan, Woolley and Hearne\nMay they bring back to the Motherland,\nThe ashes which have no urn!", "The Ashes Australia came into the next Ashes series in England as favourites to retain the Ashes. Although England won the first Test in Cardiff, Australia won comfortably in the second Test at Lords. In the next two Tests, the Australian batsmen struggled, being bowled out for 136 in the first innings at Edgbaston , with England proceeding to win by eight wickets. This was followed by Australia being bowled out for 60 as Stuart Broad took fastest five wickets[clarification needed] and finished the spell with 8 for 15 in the first innings at Trent Bridge, the quickest - in terms of balls faced - a team has been bowled out in the first innings of a Test match. With victory by an innings and 78 runs on the morning of the third day of the Fourth Test, England regained the Ashes.", "Volcanic ash Marine transport can also be impacted by volcanic ash. Ash fall will block air and oil filters and abrade any moving parts if ingested into engines. Navigation will be impacted by a reduction in visibility during ash fall. Vesiculated ash (pumice and scoria) will float on the water surface in ‘pumice rafts’ which can clog water intakes quickly, leading to over heating of machinery.[23]", "The Ashes In 1896 England under the captaincy of W. G. Grace won the series 2–1, and this marked the end of England's longest period of Ashes dominance.", "Ash Williams His invention and ingenuity are further expanded on in the games: in Evil Dead: Regeneration, he creates fully functional weapons such as a flamethrower and a harpoon gun from spare parts that are merely laying about; and in Evil Dead: A Fistful of Boomstick, the inventiveness seems to run in Ash's family, as his blacksmith ancestor in the Colonial Dearborn level is quickly able to make a flamethrower and a Gatling gun from spare parts Ash finds for him, when Ash says those things \"haven't even been invented yet\". In the 1992 comic adaptation of Army of Darkness written by Sam and Ivan Raimi, Ash says that he has a degree in engineering from Michigan State University.", "Ash Williams Ash, having no other option, becomes a slightly braver character and begins fighting the deadites pro-actively, rather than cowering from them. Ash also gets his famous chainsaw in place of his right hand, with the \"boomstick\" to match. Annie reads passages from the missing pages of the Necronomicon which she had retrieved for her father, the first passage to force the Kandarian Demon to manifest physically, and the second to open a space-time vortex to banish the now-corporeal demonic spirit. However, Annie is stabbed by Ash's possessed disembodied hand; as she dies, Annie continues to read the last passage, but succumbs to her wound and is unable to close the vortex after the now-corporeal entity has been sucked away. The film ends with Ash being sucked into the vortex after the entity, and sent traveling back in time to 1300 AD Europe, where the locals claim, according to their prophecies, that he is \"the hero that falls from the sky\" who will save them from the deadites.[4]", "Ash Williams Ruby and Kaya use Zoe's body to make a new page for the Necronomicon, in order to hide their presence from the Dark Ones. Pablo discovers a connection between him and the Necronomicon, allowing him to see through its eyes. Ash determines to go back to their hideout and end Ruby's life. Pablo goes back to the hardware store only to find the Rift already open. The Dark Ones then come through and take the lost Necronomicon pages from Pablo, but spare his life. Back at Ash's house, Brandy fends off against the invading evil, but in the process, her phone is possessed and bites off her left thumb. Ash arrives at Ruby's place and attempts to fight them, but is quickly overpowered. Ruby destroys Ash's chainsaw and demands the location of the Rift, but the Dark Ones arrive and claim their souls, allowing Ash to retreat with the Necronomicon and Kelly's body. Ash returns to town, only to find that evil has terrorized it. The Dark Ones reclaim the Necronomicon, and begin chanting a spell, summoning a gigantic creature from the underground.", "Ash Ketchum In Pokémon Red, Blue, Yellow, and the remakes of Red and Blue, a character very similar to Ash (named Red) appears as a playable character as well as in cameos in Pokémon Black 2, White 2, Gold, Silver, their remakes, Sun and Moon. The anime re-imagined Red as Ash Ketchum, the same way it re-imagined Red's rival Blue as Gary Oak and Ethan (the protagonist of the second generation Pokémon games as well as their remakes) as Jimmy. Although they are counterparts, they are not the same characters because they originate from different canons and thus developed from different experiences. Though Pokémon Yellow has certain plot aspects that were inspired by the anime series, the player character is still named Red rather than Ash.[citation needed]", "Volcanic ash The morphology of ash from eruptions of high-viscosity magmas (e.g., rhyolite, dacite, and some andesites) is mostly dependent on the shape of vesicles in the rising magma before disintegration. Vesicles are formed by the expansion of magmatic gas before the magma has solidified. Ash particles can have varying degrees of vesicularity and vesicular particles can have extremely high surface area to volume ratios.[21] Concavities, troughs, and tubes observed on grain surfaces are the result of broken vesicle walls.[22] Vitric ash particles from high-viscosity magma eruptions are typically angular, vesicular pumiceous fragments or thin vesicle-wall fragments while lithic fragments in volcanic ash are typically equant, or angular to subrounded. Lithic morphology in ash is generally controlled by the mechanical properties of the wall rock broken up by spalling or explosive expansion of gases in the magma as it reaches the surface.", "Ash Williams Ash begins winning the fist fight which prompts Baal to cheat and take on the forms of Chet, Cheryl and Brock to confuse Ash. Baal wins and lays the defeated bloody Ash on the cabins floor while Ruby and Kelly watch. Baal proudly proclaims that he was prophesied to defeat Ash. However just before Baal finishes him off using a bladed finger blade, Ash remembers how he defeated Ruby at the cabin (in the season one finale) by distracting her with a question. Ash casually asks Baal how good Ruby is \"in the sack\" before turning the blade on Baal and stabbing him with his own hand. Baal becomes wounded but is finished off by the young Ruby who ensures that the deal between Ash and Baal is kept. Baal is the loser and is therefore sent back to hell. The entire cabin is set on fire and sinks into the depths of hell along with Baal and apparently Ruby.", "The Ashes A more detailed account of how the Ashes were given to Ivo Bligh was outlined by his wife, the Countess of Darnley, in 1930 during a speech at a cricket luncheon. Her speech was reported by the London Times as follows:[11]", "Ash Ketchum Ash then ventured to the Kalos region to challenge the Kalos League, as well as learn more about Mega Evolution, a transformation that can take certain fully evolved Pokémon to a more powerful temporary form. While there, he began traveling with the siblings, Clemont and Bonnie, along with Serena, whom he had met during a summer camp in Pallet Town when they were much younger. They meet new rivals like Sawyer, Shauna, Tierno, Trevor, and Alain. While in Kalos, Ash befriends and acquires new Pokémon, including Froakie, which later evolves into a powerful Greninja. Although Ash does not yet have a Pokémon that can mega-evolve, the group discovers that his Greninja is capable of \"Bond Phenomenon\", a transformation where Ash and Greninja connect mentally and Greninja's body changes to a color scheme resembling Ash. Like Mega Evolution, the transformation is temporary and makes \"Ash-Greninja\" much more powerful and well capable of defeating mega-evolved Pokémon. Currently, no other known Pokémon in existence is capable of Bond Phenomenon, and several rivals have taken great interest in competing with it in the Kalos League with their own mega-evolving Pokémon.", "Volcanic ash Explosive eruptions occur when magma decompresses as it rises, allowing dissolved volatiles (dominantly water and carbon dioxide) to exsolve into gas bubbles.[2] As more bubbles nucleate a foam is produced, which decreases the density of the magma, accelerating it up the conduit. Fragmentation occurs when bubbles occupy ~70-80 vol% of the erupting mixture.[3] When fragmentation occurs, violently expanding bubbles tear the magma apart into fragments which are ejected into the atmosphere where they solidify into ash particles. Fragmentation is a very efficient process of ash formation and is capable of generating very fine ash even without the addition of water.[4]", "The Ashes In August 1926 Ivo Bligh (now Lord Darnley) displayed the Ashes urn at the Morning Post Decorative Art Exhibition held in the Central Hall, Westminster. He made the following statement about how he was given the urn:[10]", "Volcanic ash In addition, ground and satellite based imagery, radar, and lidar can be used to detect ash clouds. This information is passed between meteorological agencies, volcanic observatories and airline companies through Volcanic Ash Advisory Centers (VAAC). There is one VAAC for each of the nine regions of the world. VAACs can issue advisories describing the current and future extent of the ash cloud.", "February Saturday before Ash Wednesday (Western Christianity): February 10", "Ash Ketchum During a vacation with his mother in the Alola Region, Ash has an encounter with Tapu Koko, one of the local guardian Pokémon who gives him a Z-Ring, an item that allows a trainer to bring forth special powers from their Pokémon. When Ash uses the Z-Ring for the first time with Pikachu, it produces a massive surge of energy that overloads and shatters the Z-Crystal that powers it, making Ash realize that he still must learn to control it. In order to master the power of the Z-Ring, Ash then decides to stay in Alola and enrolls at Melemele Island's Pokémon School, living with Professor Kukui and studying with his new classmates: Lana, Mallow, Lillie, Sophocles and Kiawe while battling against Team Rocket & Team Skull.", "Ashes to Ashes (TV series) The Guardian reported on 15 February 2008 that, with 6.1 million viewers and a 25% audience share, the ratings for the second episode, shown on 14 February, were down by almost one million on the first, comparing overnight returns. It still did well against the Lynda La Plante police procedural Trial & Retribution, which fell to a series low on ITV.[35] The fifth episode, broadcast 6 March 2008, attracted 6.6 million viewers according to overnight returns.[36] With this episode, The Daily Telegraph stated that \"Ashes to Ashes stepped out of the shadow of Life on Mars.\"", "Ash Ketchum Ash also makes appearances in several segments of the show Robot Chicken, including \"Poké Ball High Life\" and \"Pokémon Tennis.\" In the show The Norm Show, the character Tommy thinks that he is Ash, and faces off against the character Norm in the episode \"Artie comes to town.\"[31] In the Japanese Light Novel series Highschool DxD, the character of the familiar master Zatouji is a clear parody of Ash, even his catchphrase being \"Gotta catch 'em all!\"[32] Ash also features in an ADHD Short segment called \"Pikachu gets Pokémon rabies.\"[33]", "The Ashes Despite suffering heavy defeats against the West Indies during the 1980s, England continued to do well in the Ashes. Mike Gatting was the captain in 1986–87 but his team started badly and attracted some criticism.[39] Then Chris Broad scored three hundreds in successive Tests and bowling successes from Graham Dilley and Gladstone Small meant England won the series 2–1.[40]", "Liturgical Movement The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod has led in the recovery of Lutheran liturgical practice. Such practices as chanting the psalms and other parts of the service, and the imposition of ashes on Ash Wednesday, are now relatively common.", "Volcanic ash Volcanic ash clouds are very difficult to detect from aircraft as no onboard cockpit instruments exist to detect them. However, a new system called Airborne Volcanic Object Infrared Detector (AVOID) has recently been developed by Nicarnica Aviation, a daughter company of the Norwegian Institute for Air Research, which will allow pilots to detect ash plumes up to 100 km (62 mi) ahead and fly safely around them.[42] The system uses two fast-sampling infrared cameras, mounted on a forward-facing surface, that are tuned to detect volcanic ash. This system can detect ash concentrations of <1 mg/m3 to > 50 mg/m3, giving pilots approximately 7–10 minutes warning.[42] The camera is currently being tested by easyJet airline company.[43]", "The Ashes Australians have made 264 centuries in Ashes Tests, of which 23 have been scores over 200, while Englishmen have scored 212 centuries, of which 10 have been over 200. Australians have taken 10 wickets in a match on 41 occasions, Englishmen 38 times.[citation needed]", "The Ashes Australia's record between 1989 and 2005 had a significant impact on the statistics between the two sides. Before the 1989 series began, the win-loss ratio was almost even, with 87 test wins for Australia to England's 86, 74 tests having been drawn.[43] By the 2005 series Australia's test wins had increased to 115 whereas England's had increased to only 93 (with 82 draws).[44] In the period between 1989 and the beginning of the 2005 series, the two sides had played 43 times; Australia winning 28 times, England 7 times, with 8 draws. Only a single England victory had come in a match in which the Ashes were still at stake, namely the First Test of the 1997 series. All others were consolation victories when the Ashes had been secured by Australia.[45]", "The Ashes Australia won the 1977 Centenary Test[35] which was not an Ashes contest, but then a storm broke as Kerry Packer announced his intention to form World Series Cricket.[36] WSC affected all Test-playing nations but it weakened Australia especially as the bulk of its players had signed up with Packer; the Australian Cricket Board (ACB) would not select WSC-contracted players and an almost completely new Test team had to be formed. WSC came after an era during which the duopoly of Australian and English dominance dissipated; the Ashes had long been seen as a cricket world championship but the rise of the West Indies in the late 1970s challenged that view. The West Indies would go on to record resounding Test series wins over Australia and England and dominated world cricket until the 1990s.", "Ashes to Ashes (Star Trek: Voyager) \"Ashes to Ashes\" is the 138th episode of Star Trek: Voyager, the 18th episode of the sixth season. It has an average fan rating of 4/5 on the official Star Trek web site as of September 2009.[citation needed]", "February Second Sunday before Ash Wednesday (Western Christianity): February 4", "Emerald ash borer Without factors that would normally suppress emerald ash borer populations in its native range (e.g., resistant trees, predators, and parasitoid wasps), populations can quickly rise to damaging levels.[6] After initial infestation, all ash trees are expected to die in an area within 10 years without control measures.[6] Every North American ash species has susceptibility to emerald ash borer, as North American species planted in China also have high mortality due to infestations, but some Chinese ash species are resistant.[19][20]", "The Ashes The 1934 Ashes series began with the notable absence of Larwood, Voce and Jardine. The MCC had made it clear, in light of the revelations of the bodyline series, that these players would not face Australia. It should be noted that the MCC, although it had earlier condoned and encouraged[citation needed] bodyline tactics in the 1932–33 series, laid the blame on Larwood when relations turned sour. Larwood was forced by the MCC to either apologise or be removed from the Test side. He went for the latter.", "Ash vs Evil Dead Ash vs Evil Dead is an American comedy horror television series developed by Sam Raimi, Ivan Raimi, and Tom Spezialy for the Starz network filmed in New Zealand. It is set in Raimi's Evil Dead universe, with Bruce Campbell reprising his role as Ash Williams, and acts as a sequel to the original trilogy.", "The Ashes After Bligh's victory, there was an extended period of English dominance. The tours generally had fewer Tests in the 1880s and 1890s than people have grown accustomed to in more recent years, the first five-Test series taking place only in 1894–95. England lost only four Ashes Tests in the 1880s out of 23 played, and they won all the seven series contested.", "Ash Wednesday Many of the Churches in the Reformed tradition retained the Lenten fast in its entirety, although it was made voluntary, rather than obligatory.[24]", "Ash Wednesday We begin this holy season by acknowledging our need for repentance and our need for the love and forgiveness shown to us in Jesus Christ. I invite you, therefore, in the name of Christ, to observe a Holy Lent, by self-examination and penitence, by prayer and fasting, by practicing works of love, and by reading and reflecting on God's Holy Word.[23]", "Ash Wednesday Rev. Jacqui King, the minister of Nu Faith Community United Methodist Church in Houston explained the philosophy of fasting during Lent as \"I'm not skipping a meal because in place of that meal I'm actually dining with God\".[22]", "Emerald ash borer Outside its native range, emerald ash borer is an invasive species that is highly destructive to ash trees in its introduced range.[16] Prior to emerald ash borer being found in North America, very little was known about emerald ash borer in its native range aside from a short description of life-history traits and taxonomic descriptions, which resulted in focused research on its biology in North America.[6] Since its accidental introduction into the United States and Canada in the 1990s and its subsequent detection in 2002 in Canton, Michigan, it has since spread other parts of the North America.[17] It is suspected that it was introduced from overseas in shipping materials such as packing crates.[18]", "Volcanic ash Ash-laden sewage entering a treatment plant is likely to cause failure of mechanical prescreening equipment such as step screens or rotating screens. Ash that penetrates further into the system will settle and reduce the capacity of biological reactors as well as increasing the volume of sludge and changing its composition.", "The Ashes urn \"In affectionate remembrance of English Cricket which died at the Oval on 29 August 1882. Deeply lamented by a large circle of sorrowing friends and acquaintances. RIP. NB. The body will be cremated and the ashes taken to Australia.\"[1] It was the first time the term 'the ashes' had been mentioned.", "The Ashes After the war, Australia took firm control of both the Ashes and world cricket. For the first time, the tactic of using two express bowlers in tandem paid off as Jack Gregory and Ted McDonald crippled the English batting on a regular basis. Australia recorded overwhelming victories both in England and on home soil. They won the first eight matches in succession including a 5–0 whitewash in 1920–1921 at the hands of Warwick Armstrong's team.", "Ash Williams Near the end of the first season, it is referenced that after the events of the films, Ash would spend the next 33 years traveling down the country in his \"Oldsmobile\" and a mobile home (an \"Airstream\"), never staying long, going from stock-boy job to stock-boy job at different branches of the same hardware store. It is also mentioned that Ash tried numerous methods to destroy the Necronomicon.", "The Ashes England were undefeated in Test matches through the 2004 calendar year. This elevated them to second in the ICC Test Championship. Hopes that the 2005 Ashes series would be closely fought proved well-founded, the series remaining undecided as the closing session of the final Test began. Experienced journalists including Richie Benaud rated the series as the most exciting in living memory. It has been compared with the great series of the distant past, such as 1894–95 and 1902.[46]", "The Ashes The 2010–11 series was played in Australia. The First Test at Brisbane ended in a draw, but England won the Second Test, at Adelaide, by an innings and 71 runs. Australia came back with a victory at Perth in the Third Test. In the Fourth Test at Melbourne Cricket Ground, England batting second scored 513 to defeat Australia (98 and 258) by an innings and 157 runs. This gave England an unbeatable 2–1 lead in the series and so they retained the Ashes. England went on to win the series 3–1, beating Australia by an innings and 83 runs at Sydney in the Fifth Test. Australia, captained by Michael Clarke, batted first on a cloudy day after winning the toss and were bowled out for 280. England made 644, their highest innings total since 1938. England then bowled Australia out again for 281. England's series victory was its first on Australian soil for 24 years. The 2010–11 Ashes series was the only one in which a team had won three Tests by innings margins and it was the first time England had scored 500 or more four times in a single series.", "Ash Williams With the Kandarian Demon close behind him, he runs into (and through) the cabin, trying to hide, and ducks into the trapdoor leading to the fruit cellar, waiting until the evil force leaves. After it does, Ash comes out, only to find himself stuck at the cabin with the Evil Dead for yet another night. Shortly after, the Kandarian Demon toys with his mind and his reflection in the mirror comes to life. After this, Ash's right hand is possessed, resulting in him having to cut it off at the wrist with his chainsaw. Later, the cabin owner's daughter, Annie Knowby and three others arrive to discover what became of Professor Knowby. They arrive at the cabin and initially believe that Ash killed Knowby which results in them locking him in the fruit cellar. However, after finding Knowby's research they soon realize that an evil force is behind the events that transpired. Eventually Ash works with them to survive the demon's attempts to kill them. However soon the others are killed off, leaving only Ash and Annie.", "Solvay process The name \"soda ash\" is based on the principal historical method of obtaining alkali, which was by using water to extract it from the ashes of certain plants. Wood fires yielded potash and its predominant ingredient potassium carbonate (K2CO3), whereas the ashes from these special plants yielded \"soda ash\" and its predominant ingredient sodium carbonate (Na2CO3). The word \"soda\" (from the Middle Latin) originally referred to certain plants that grow in salt solubles it was discovered that the ashes of these plants yielded the useful alkali soda ash. The cultivation of such plants reached a particularly high state of development in the 18th century in Spain, where the plants are named barrilla; the English word is \"barilla\".[2][3][4] The ashes of kelp also yield soda ash, and were the basis of an enormous 18th century industry in Scotland.[5] Alkali was also mined from dry lakebeds in Egypt.", "The Ashes The contents of the urn are also problematic; they were variously reported to be the remains of a stump, bail or the outer casing of a ball, but in 1998 Darnley's 82-year-old daughter-in-law said they were the remains of her mother-in-law's veil, casting a further layer of doubt on the matter. However, during the tour of Australia in 2006/7, the MCC official accompanying the urn said the veil legend had been discounted, and it was now \"95% certain\" that the urn contains the ashes of a cricket bail. Speaking on Channel Nine TV on 25 November 2006, he said x-rays of the urn had shown the pedestal and handles were cracked, and repair work had to be carried out. The urn is made of terracotta and is about 6 inches (150 mm) tall and may originally have been a perfume jar.", "Volcanic ash Volcanic ash fall events can disrupt and or damage the infrastructure upon which society depends. Several recent eruptions have illustrated the vulnerability of urban areas that received only a few millimetres or centimetres of volcanic ash.[29][30][31][32][33][34][35] This has been sufficient to cause disruption of transportation, electricity, water, sewage and storm water systems. Costs have been incurred from business disruption, replacement of damaged parts and insured losses. Ash fall impacts on critical infrastructure can also cause multiple knock-on effects, which may disrupt many different sectors and services.", "Penitential Rite If certain celebrations are combined with Mass, then the Penitential Act and other parts of the Introductory Rites are omitted or performed in a different way.[5] An example is the Mass of Ash Wednesday, in which the Penitential Act is replaced by the blessing and imposition of ashes after the homily.", "Volcanic ash Volcanic ash can have a detrimental impact on the environment which can be difficult to predict due to the large variety of environmental conditions that exist within the ash fall zone. Natural waterways can be impacted in the same way as urban water supply networks. Ash will increase water turbidity which can reduce the amount of light reaching lower depths, which can inhibit growth of submerged aquatic plants and consequently affect species which are dependent on them such as fish and shellfish. High turbidity can also affect the ability of fish gills to absorb dissolved oxygen. Acidification will also occur, which will reduce the pH of the water and impact the fauna and flora living in the environment. Fluoride contamination will occur if the ash contains high concentrations of fluoride.", "The Ashes Great Australian players in the early years included batsmen Border, Boon, Taylor and Steve Waugh. The captaincy passed from Border to Taylor in the mid-1990s and then to Steve Waugh before the 2001 series. In the latter part of the 1990s Waugh himself, along with his twin brother Mark, scored heavily for Australia and fast bowlers Glenn McGrath and Jason Gillespie made a serious impact, especially the former. The wicketkeeper-batsman position was held by Ian Healy for most of the 1990s and by Adam Gilchrist from 2001 to 2006–07. In the 2000s, batsmen Justin Langer, Damien Martyn and Matthew Hayden became noted players for Australia. But the most dominant Australian player was leg-spinner Shane Warne, whose first delivery in Ashes cricket in 1993, to dismiss Mike Gatting, became known as the Ball of the Century.", "Volcanic ash Physical and chemical characteristics of volcanic ash are primarily controlled by the style of volcanic eruption.[8] Volcanoes display a range of eruption styles which are controlled by magma chemistry, crystal content, temperature and dissolved gases of the erupting magma and can be classified using the volcanic explosivity index (VEI). Effusive eruptions (VEI 1) of basaltic composition produce <105 m3 of ejecta, whereas extremely explosive eruptions (VEI 5+) of rhyolitic and dacitic composition can inject large quantities (>109 m3) of ejecta into the atmosphere. Another parameter controlling the amount of ash produced is the duration of the eruption: the longer the eruption is sustained, the more ash will be produced. For example, the second phase of the 2010 eruptions of Eyjafjallajökull was classified as VEI 4 despite a modest 8 km high eruption column, but the eruption continued for a month, which allowed a large volume of ash to be ejected into the atmosphere.", "The Ashes urn The Ashes urn is a small urn made of terracotta and standing 11 cm high, believed to contain the ashes of a burnt cricket bail. It was presented to Ivo Bligh, the captain of the England cricket team, as a personal gift after a friendly match hosted at Rupertswood mansion in Sunbury during the 1882–83 tour in Australia. After his death the urn was presented to the Marylebone Cricket Club, which has it on display at Lord's cricket ground in London. The urn has come to be strongly associated with 'The Ashes', the prize for which England and Australia are said to compete in Test series between the two countries.", "Volcanic ash The crystalline-solid structure of the salts act more as an insulator than a conductor.[17][18][19][20] However, once the salts are dissolved into a solution by a source of moisture (e.g., fog, mist, light rain, etc.), the ash may become corrosive and electrically conductive. A recent study has shown that the electrical conductivity of volcanic ash increases with (1) increasing moisture content, (2) increasing soluble salt content, and (3) increasing compaction (bulk density).[20] The ability of volcanic ash to conduct electric current has significant implications for electric power supply systems.", "Ash Williams Ash is contacted by a group of Knights of Sumeria who he then takes to investigate Sumerian writing on his Hardware store's basement wall. Pablo arrives and is able to decipher the writing opening a rift to the Netherworld. One Knight goes into the rift but comes out a Deadite who then kills everyone in the group except one. Ash then tells Pablo to figure a way to close the rift for good. Kelly goes to Ruby and attempts to kill her with the dagger, but Ruby overpowers her and kills her instead. Ruby then uses Kelly's body as a vessel for the sorceress Kaya who then as \"Kelly\" returns the dagger to Ash.", "Emerald ash borer Underside of an adult emerald ash borer.", "Ash-Shifa Ash-Shifa has been translated into numerous languages such as English[2] and Urdu.[3]", "Rio Carnival The Carnival began on Friday and ends on Ash Wednesday, but the Winners' Parade happens on the Saturday after the carnival ends.[4]", "Lent Many of the Churches in the Reformed tradition retained the Lenten fast in its entirety.[8] The Reformed Church in America describes the first day of Lent, Ash Wednesday, as a day \"focused on prayer, fasting, and repentance\" and considers fasting a focus of the whole Lenten season,[66] as demonstrated in the \"Invitation to Observe a Lenten Discipline\", found in the Reformed liturgy for the Ash Wednesday service, which is read by the presider:[67]" ]
who sings it's my party and i cry if i want to
[ "It's My Party (Lesley Gore song) \"It's My Party\" is a pop song recorded by multiple artists since the 1960s. In 1963, American singer Lesley Gore's version hit #1 on the pop and rhythm and blues charts in the United States.[1] It was the first hit single for producer Quincy Jones." ]
[ "I'll Cry If I Want To I'll Cry If I Want To was the debut album of Lesley Gore. The album included her hit singles \"It's My Party\" and its follow-up, \"Judy's Turn to Cry\". The album was rushed out after \"It's My Party\" became a big hit, and the songs are mostly about crying, linking to the hit single's first line \"It's my party and I'll cry if I want to\", incorporating songs with titles such as \"Cry\", \"Just Let Me Cry\" and \"Cry and You Cry Alone\".[1][2] Besides the hit singles, the album included pop standards such as \"Misty\", \"Cry Me a River\" and \"What Kind of Fool Am I?\".[1] The album reached #24 on the Billboard 200.[3][4] Edsel Records released the album on Compact Disc in 2000 in combination with Gore's second album, Lesley Gore Sings of Mixed-Up Hearts.[5] The album was named the 181st best album of the 1960s by Pitchfork.[6]", "As Long as You Love Me (Justin Bieber song) \"I'm not going to try to conform to what people want me to be or go out there and start partying, have people see me with alcohol. I want to do it at my own pace. I don't want to start singing about things like sex, drugs and swearing. I'm into love, and maybe I'll get more into making love when I'm older. I want to be someone who is respected by everybody.\"[9]", "Always Be My Baby Jermaine, Manuel and I sat down and Jermaine programmed the drums. I told him the feel I wanted and Manuel put his hands on the keyboards and I started singing the melody. We went back and forth with the bridge and the B-section. I had the outline of the lyrics and started singing 'Always be my baby' off the top of my head.[1]", "Bill Nye the Science Guy Greene said that he was inspired by Danny Elfman and Oingo Boingo when composing the theme and used his voice for singing the \"Bill Nye the Science Guy\" refrain. [15] \"I used my voice for the first demo to send to the producers, Jim and Erren,\" he said. \"After they approved it, I hired singers because I wanted to make it better. I hired a guy to sing it who sounded pretty cool. He had like a rock‑and‑roll kind of voice, so it sounded pretty slick. Then as another option, I hired a girl to sing it to give it a bit more R&B kind of sound. Then I sent those versions to Jim and Erren, and they said, 'Why have you got them on it? We want your voice. It’s funnier.' I thought, 'My voice is funnier??? Good thing I’m not touchy about my singing!' So we kept my voice on there.\"[15]", "Laughing on the Outside (Crying on the Inside) 'The crowd sees me out dancing\nCarefree and romancing\nHappy with my someone new\nI'm laughing on the outside\nCrying on the inside\n'cause I'm still in love with you\n\nThey see me night and daytime\nHaving such a gay time\nThey don't know what I go through\nI'm laughing on the outside\nCrying on the inside\n'cause I'm still in love with you\n\nNo one knows it's just a pose\nPretending I'm glad we're apart\nAnd when I cry, my eyes are dry\nThe tears are in my heart\n\nMy darling, can't we make up?\nEver since our breakup\nMake believe is all I do\nI'm laughing on the outside\nCrying on the inside\n'cause I'm still in love\nI am still in love with you'", "Cry (Mandy Moore song) The song tells the story of a girl who thought her lover to be insensitive, until the day she first saw him cry. \"You were all by yourself, staring up at the dark gray sky, I was changed...\" It was not a major hit in the U.S. until the release of Moore's film A Walk to Remember but was an MTV favorite and did well overseas. Because the song was set to be released around the same time as the film and the two were remarkably similar in story line, Moore felt that \"Cry\" would be perfect to be included in the film's soundtrack. The song is one of Moore's favorites on the album.\nMoore stated in a Billboard interview that she carried around a copy of the song for over a year before she recorded it. \"It felt like my ace in the hole. It's such a beautiful song on every level. I couldn't wait to get into the studio and sing it.\" She added that James Renald, the writer and producer of the song, had to \"peel her out of the booth because she wanted to sing it over and over again.\"[2]", "The Next Time I Fall Now it was a matter of Cetera deciding who would be his singing partner. \"'I was looking for somebody who wasn't that logical a choice,' he explained. 'Actually, I was going to use an \"unknown\" singer until someone at my record company suggested Amy Grant,'\"[6] who had thus far only been known for Contemporary Christian music. \"'I thought she was a great choice because she was looking to make a pop crossover, and I like what she stands for. She was real excited about the idea, too.'\"[6] That's not to say that Grant was without reservations. Caldwell noted, \"'Cetera really wanted her to record the duet with him, but she was so devoutly religious that she wanted to vet the songwriters before she would commit to recording the song. I had to go to A&M Records to meet with her. Obviously, I was on my very best behavior that day [he laughs]. I'm sure Paul had to go through the same process.'\"[7]", "I Don't Want to Spoil the Party \"I Don't Want to Spoil the Party\" is a song by the Beatles, written by John Lennon and credited to Lennon–McCartney.[3] It was released on the album Beatles for Sale in the United Kingdom in 1964. \"I Don't Want to Spoil the Party\" was also released on the Beatles for Sale (No. 2) EP.[4] In the United States, Capitol released the song as the B-side of the single \"Eight Days a Week\", and later on the Beatles VI album, both in 1965. The single peaked at number 1 in the US[5] (it was not released in the UK);[6] \"I Don't Want to Spoil the Party\" charted as a B-side, reaching number 39 on the Billboard Hot 100.[5]", "I Wouldn't Want to Be Like You \"I Wouldn't Want to Be Like You\" is a song by the British progressive rock band The Alan Parsons Project, featured on their 1977 album I Robot. Written by band leaders Alan Parsons and Eric Woolfson, \"I Wouldn't Want to Be Like You\" was sung by pop singer Lenny Zakatek, who would go on to sing many of the band's songs. In the United States, the song was a moderate success and charted at #36 on the Billboard Hot 100.", "La Llorona (song) You came out of the temple one day, Llorona,\nI saw you when you passed,\nYou came out of the temple one day, Llorona,\nI saw you when you passed,\nBeautiful dress you wore, Llorona,\nThat I thought you were the Virgin.\nBeautiful dress you wore, Llorona,\nThat I thought you were the Virgin.\n\nEveryone calls me 'the black', Llorona\nBlack but loving\nEveryone calls me 'the black', Llorona\nBlack but loving\nI am like the green chili pepper, Llorona\nspicy, but tasty\nI am like the green chili pepper, Llorona\nspicy, but tasty\n\n(What it is) sorrow and what is not sorrow, Llorona\nEverything is sorrow for me\n(What it is) sorrow and what is not sorrow, Llorona\nEverything is sorrow for me\nYesterday I cried to see you, Llorona\nAnd Today I cry because I saw you\nYesterday I cried to see you, Llorona\nAnd Today I cry because I saw you\n\nAlas, Llorona, Llorona of sky-blue\nAlas, Llorona, Llorona of sky-blue\nAlthough it costs me my life, Llorona\nI will not stop loving you\nAlthough it costs me my life, Llorona\nI will not stop loving you\n\nFrom the basin of the fountain - Alas, Llorona!\nwater flows and the flower is born;\nIf they ask who sing - Alas, Llorona!\nSay to they that is a deserter\nWho comes from the campaign - Alas, Llorona!\n(Comes) in search of their love\n\nI climbed to the highest pine tree, Llorona,\nTo see if I could spot you\nI climbed to the highest pine tree, Llorona,\nTo see if I could spot you\nAs the pine was so gentle, Llorona,\nAt seeing me cry, it cried\nAs the pine was so gentle, Llorona,\nAt seeing me cry, it cried\n\nEach time night falls, Llorona,\nI begin to think, and I say:\nEach time night falls, Llorona,\nI begin to think, and I say:\nWhat's the point of my bed, Llorona,\nif you do not sleep with me?\nWhat's the point of my bed, Llorona,\nif you do not sleep with me?\n\nFrom the sea came a letter, Llorona,\nThat sent to me the mermaid,\nFrom the sea came a letter, Llorona,\nThat sent to me the mermaid,\nAnd in the letter she said to me, Llorona\nWho has love (also) has pain.\nAnd in the letter she said to me, Llorona\nWho has love (also) has pain.\n\nAlas!, Llorona, Llorona,\nLlorona take me to the river,\nAlas!, Llorona, Llorona,\nLlorona take me to the river,\nCover me with your shawl, Llorona\nBecause I am dying of cold.\nCover me with your shawl, Llorona\nBecause I am dying of cold.\n\nThey say that I don't mourn, Llorona\nBecause they don't see me cry.\nThey say that I don't mourn, Llorona\nBecause they don't see me cry.\nThere are dead that do not make noise, Llorona,\nAnd is their pain is much greater!\nThere are dead that do not make noise, Llorona,\nAnd is their pain is much greater!\n\nIf I could climb to the sky, Llorona,\nI'll get to you the stars,\nIf I could climb to the sky, Llorona,\nI'll get to you the stars,\nThe Moon at your feet I'd put, Llorona\nWith the sun I'd crown you\nThe Moon at your feet I'd put, Llorona\nWith the sun I'd crown you\n\nAlas!, Llorona, Llorona,\nLlorona of yesterday and today.\nAlas!, Llorona, Llorona,\nLlorona of yesterday and today.\nYesterday I was a wonder, Llorona\nAnd now even not a shadow I am.\nYesterday I was a wonder, Llorona\nAnd now even not a shadow I am.\n\nAlas!, Llorona, Llorona,\nLlorona of the dark eyes,\nAlas!, Llorona, Llorona,\nLlorona of the dark eyes,\nWith this one [verse] I say goodbye, Llorona\nworshipping you on my knees.\nWith this one [verse] I say goodbye, Llorona\nworshipping you on my knees.\n\nI don't know what's in the flowers, Llorona,\nThe flowers from the cemetery,\nI don't know what's in the flowers, Llorona,\nThe flowers from the cemetery,\nThat when they are moved by the wind, Llorona, seem to be crying\nThat when they are moved by the wind, Llorona, seem to be crying\n\nAlas!, Llorona, Llorona,\nYou are my sweetheart,\nAlas!, Llorona, Llorona,\nYou are my sweetheart,\nThey'll stop me from loving you, Llorona\nBut never I'll forget you.\nThey'll stop me from loving you, Llorona\nBut never I'll forget you.\n\nTo a holy iron Christ [Crucifix], Llorona,\nI told to him my sorrows.\nTo a holy iron Christ [Crucifix], Llorona,\nI told to him my sorrows.\nWhich would not be my sorrows, Llorona,\nthat the holy Christ wept?\nWhich would not be my sorrows, Llorona,\nthat the holy Christ wept?\n\nAlas!, Llorona, Llorona,\nLlorona of a lily field,\nAlas!, Llorona, Llorona,\nLlorona of a lily field,\nHe who does not know love, Llorona\nignore what the martyrdom is.\nHe who does not know love, Llorona\nignore what the martyrdom is.\n\nTwo kisses I carry in my soul, Llorona,\nthat doesn't move away from me,\nTwo kisses I carry in my soul, Llorona,\nthat doesn't move away from me,\nThe last one from my mother, Llorona,\nand the first one I gave to you.\nThe last one from my mother, Llorona,\nand the first one I gave to you.\n\nAlas!, Llorona, Llorona,\nLlorona, take me to see,\nAlas!, Llorona, Llorona,\nLlorona, take me to see,\n(The place) where all love is forgotten, Llorona,\nand suffering begins.\n(The place) where all love is forgotten, Llorona,\nand suffering begins.\n\nLift your eyes and look, Llorona,\nThere in the dark sky,\nLift your eyes and look, Llorona,\nThere in the dark sky,\na star that glare, Llorona,\nand sighs sadly,\nit is Venus that withdraw, Llorona\njealous of your beauty.\n\nAlas!, Llorona, Llorona,\nLlorona, you say yes, you say not.\nAlas!, Llorona, Llorona,\nLlorona, you say yes, you say not.\nThe light that illuminated me, Llorona\nleft me in the darkness.\nThe light that illuminated me, Llorona\nleft me in the darkness.\n\nThey say that the first love, Alas Llorona!\nis big and true,\nThey say that the first love, Alas Llorona!\nis big and true,\nbut last is better, Alas Llorona!\nand major than the first.\nbut last is better, Alas Llorona!\nand major than the first.\n\nAlas!, Llorona, Llorona,\nLlorona, give me a star.\nAlas!, Llorona, Llorona,\nLlorona, give me a star.\nWhat do I care if they say me, Llorona,\nthat you aren't any more a virgin maid?\nWhat do I care if they say me, Llorona,\nthat you aren't any more a virgin maid?\n\nDon't think that because I sing, Alas Llorona!,\nmy heart is joyful.\nDon't think that because I sing, Alas Llorona!,\nmy heart is joyful.\nOne also sings from pain, Alas Llorona!,\nWhen one can not cry!\nOne also sings from pain, Alas Llorona!,\nWhen one can not cry!\n\nAlas!, Llorona, Llorona,\nLlorona, give me your love.\nAlas!, Llorona, Llorona,\nLlorona, give me your love.\nThe heaven can wait, Alas, Llorona!,\nbut my heart can't.\nThe heaven can wait, Alas, Llorona!,\nbut my heart can't.\n\nI love you because I like it, Llorona,\nand because I feel like it.\nI love you because I like it, Llorona,\nand because I feel like it.\nI love you because it born of me, Llorona,\nfrom the inside of my soul.\nI love you because it born of me, Llorona,\nfrom the inside of my soul.\n\nIf because I love you, you want, Llorona,\nyou want me to love you more.\nIf because I love you, you want, Llorona,\nyou want me to love you more.\nIf I have already give to you my life, Llorona,\nWhat more do you want?, Do you want more?\nIf I have already give to you my life, Llorona,\nWhat more do you want?, Do you want more?\n\nAlas!, Llorona, Llorona,\nLlorona, my darling (lit beautiful sky)\nAlas!, Llorona, Llorona,\nLlorona, my darling (lit beautiful sky)\nYesterday I saw you weeping, Llorona,\nUnder a tamarind tree\nYesterday I saw you weeping, Llorona,\nUnder a tamarind tree\n\nAlas!, Llorona, Llorona,\nLlorona, I'm devoted to you.\nAlas!, Llorona, Llorona,\nLlorona, I'm devoted to you.\nYou don't know that I love you, Llorona,\nbecause you don't know I weep (for you).\nYou don't know that I love you, Llorona,\nbecause you don't know I weep (for you).\n\nIf because I love you, you want, Llorona,\nThat you want me to die.\nIf because I love you, you want, Llorona,\nThat you want me to die.\nLet that your will be, Llorona,\nlet me die so someone else lives.\nLet that your will be, Llorona,\nlet me die so someone else lives.", "I Want to Be Your Man \"I Want to Be Your Man\" is a song by American funk singer-songwriter Roger Troutman, from his third studio album Unlimited!. It was released as the lead single from the album in 1987 by Reprise Records. The song was co-written by Roger's brother, Larry Troutman, and produced by Roger, who conceived of the song as a statement on romantic commitment. \"I Want to Be Your Man\" features Roger singing in both his natural tenor and his trademark talk box.", "Christina Milian Although Milian is best known for her singing career,[33] she originally wanted to be an actress.[17] When asked whether she prefers singing or acting, Milian said that \"they're both my passion. But, honestly, if I had to choose, it would probably be my music. I love writing. I love listening. I love the challenge of it.\"[17] Milian has also stated that she loves \"performing live on the stage ... above all else. It's my favorite.\"[25]", "Martin Luther King Jr. I want you to say that day that I tried to be right on the war question. I want you to be able to say that day that I did try to feed the hungry. I want you to be able to say that day that I did try in my life to clothe those who were naked. I want you to say on that day that I did try in my life to visit those who were in prison. And I want you to say that I tried to love and serve humanity.", "Don't You Wanna Stay \"We had the song pitched to us and originally it wasn’t a duet. The more I was listening to the thing and learning the song, I realized it set itself up to be a duet if we wanted to go that route. When I called my producer about it he asked who I wanted to sing it with me and I said Kelly Clarkson, but I didn’t think we’d be able to get her. I’ve always been a big fan of hers. I love her voice and I love her style. Long story short, we got her a copy of the song and she loved it. As soon as she started singing, it became obvious it was going to be great.\"[5]", "Saara Aalto I call my music Epic Love Pop! I love dramatic and emotional music with a show feeling. I also want to bring love, joy and encouragement for everybody; be yourself and inspire others! I’ve studied piano since I was a little kid and through music schools, singing competitions, my career and concerts (in Finland and all over the world) I’ve gotten lots of experience and confidence to be who I am as an artist. (...) I’ve performed in musicals and big shows in Finland. (...) I’m happy to be versatile performer.", "I Want You to Be My Baby \"I Want You to Be My Baby\" is a jump blues song written by Jon Hendricks for Louis Jordan whose recording - made 28 May 1953 - was an R&B hit that autumn.[1]", "Half of My Heart Mayer \"tweeted\" about wanting to record the song with Swift in March 2009: \"Waking up to this song idea that won't leave my head. 3 days straight now. That means it's good enough to finish,\" he wrote. \"It's called 'Half of My Heart' and I want to sing it with Taylor Swift. She would make a killer Stevie Nicks in contrast to my Tom Petty of a song.\"[3]", "I Surrender All For some time, I had struggled between developing my talents in the field of art and going into full-time evangelistic work. At last the pivotal hour of my life came, and I surrendered all. A new day was ushered into my life. I became an evangelist and discovered down deep in my soul a talent hitherto unknown to me. God had hidden a song in my heart, and touching a tender chord, He caused me to sing.[1]", "Cry-Baby As Lenora Frigid, a loose girl with a crush on Cry-Baby, but constantly rejected by him, claims to be pregnant with his child, Allison feels betrayed and returns to Baldwin and the squares, though her grandmother advises her against rushing into a decision. Meanwhile, in the penitentiary, Cry-Baby gets a teardrop tattoo. He tells the tattoo artist, fellow drape Dupree (Robert Tyree): \"I've been hurt all my life, but real tears wash away. This one's for Allison, and I want it to last forever!\".", "All I Want for Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth Homer and Jethro parodied the song as \"All I Want for Christmas Is My Upper Plate\", on their 1968 album Cool Crazy Christmas.", "Cry Me a River (Justin Timberlake song) Following its release, there was media speculation that Spears had written a song as a response to \"Cry Me a River\";[3] she denied the rumors, explaining, \"You know, it's funny. I read that I wrote this song and I wrote these lyrics and that's not my style. I would never do that.\"[15] Annet Artani, who co-wrote Spears' 2003 song \"Everytime\", stated that the song was written as a response to \"Cry Me a River\".[16] When asked during an interview with Diane Sawyer on PrimeTime in 2003, if \"Everytime\" was about Timberlake, Spears responded, \"I'll let the song speak for itself.\"[17]", "I Want It That Way \"I Want It That Way\" became one of the Backstreet Boys' signature songs and one of the most praised songs by the group. Rolling Stone listed Backstreet Boys at number 1 on their Readers' Poll: The Best Boy Bands of All Time, writing that \"the five-piece scored several huge hits, but their 1999 smash 'I Want It That Way' is a genre-transcending classic\".[16] While listing the 10 biggest boy bands from 1987 until 2012, Billboard placed the band at number 2, writing that, \"They tallied up six Hot 100 top 10 hits including well-loved tunes like 'I Want It That Way' and 'Quit Playing Games (with My Heart)'.[17] \"I Want It That Way\" was also placed at number 2 on Complex list of The 30 Best Boy Band Songs.", "I Want Candy Aaron Carter released a cover of \"I Want Candy\" as his seventh overall single, and the second single from his second album, Aaron's Party (Come Get It) (2000).", "Since I Saw You Last Barlow cites that after the release of Twelve Months, Eleven Days, he stopped singing as he walked away from the limelight. He said, \"I never even sang in my own studio; I was telling myself [that] I don't need to be an artist anymore; I started as a songwriter.\" However, after the success of the Take That reunion, he felt that he had to face his demons and right the wrongs he felt took hold of his last full studio album. He said, \"The one thing I was dreading was that the last album would be on my shoulder the whole time I made this one, but it wasn't—it was flushed out really quickly. I’m not haunted by that time. My experience 14 years ago was completely different from now.[6] The last album I made was so laden with people telling me who I should sound like that I listen back now and think 'Who's that?', but Since I Saw You Last was easy to make; there's a lot of my life on this record.\"[7]", "I Want You to Be My Baby In the summer of 1955 \"I Want You to Be My Baby\" was remade as the debut disc by comedy musical act Lillian Briggs resulting in an expedient cover version by veteran vocalist Georgia Gibbs: producers Hugo & Luigi had Gibbs fly in from her Massachusetts home to New York City on Wednesday 3 August 1955 to cut \"I Want You to Be My Baby\" that same afternoon; New York City disc jockeys were provided with acetates of the Gibbs' version by the following morning with regular jockey copies being shipped out Friday 5 August 1955.[2] Neither version of the song would reach the Top Ten: Gibbs' version had the higher chart peak at #14 but it was the rough voiced Briggs - whose version peaked at #18 - who had the million seller.", "Night (book) I woke from my apathy just at the moment when two men came up to my father. I threw myself on top of his body. He was cold. I slapped him. I rubbed his hand, crying:", "Christopher Lee There are frustrations – people who lie to you, people who don't know what they are doing, films that don't turn out the way you had wanted them to – so, yes, I do understand [why Depp would consider retiring]. I always ask myself \"well, what else could I do?\". Making films has never just been a job to me, it's my life. I have some interests outside of acting – I sing and I've written books, for instance – but acting is what keeps me going, it's what I do, it gives life purpose... I'm realistic about the amount of work I can get at my age, but I take what I can, even voice-overs and narration.[112]", "E. E. Cummings i carry your heart with me(i carry it in\nmy heart)i am never without it(anywhere\ni go you go,my dear;and whatever is done\nby only me is your doing,my darling)\n                                            i fear\nno fate(for you are my fate,my sweet)i want\nno world(for beautiful you are my world,my true)\nand it's you are whatever a moon has always meant\nand whatever a sun will always sing is you\n\nhere is the deepest secret nobody knows\n(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud\nand the sky of the sky of a tree called life;which grows\nhigher than soul can hope or mind can hide)\nand this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart\n\ni carry your heart(i carry it in my heart)", "Alma Llanera I love, I weep, I sing, I dream\nwith carnations of passion,\nwith carnations of passion.\nI love, I weep, I sing, I dream\nto adorn the blonde mane\nof my lover's colt.", "Life Is a Lemon and I Want My Money Back \"Life Is a Lemon and I Want My Money Back\" is a radio single by Meat Loaf released in 1994. It is from the album Bat Out of Hell II: Back into Hell.", "I Want to Spend My Lifetime Loving You \"I Want to Spend My Lifetime Loving You\" is a 1998 song written by James Horner and lyricist Will Jennings for the 1998 film The Mask of Zorro, of which it is the main theme.", "I-message If an \"I\" message contains \"you-messages\", it can be problematic in conflict situations. For example: \"I feel..., when you..., and I want you to...\" This can put the receiver of the statement on the defensive. In a dispute, use of a phrase that begins with \"I want\" may encourage the parties to engage in positional problem solving. This may make conflicts more difficult to resolve. An \"interest-based\" approach to conflict resolution suggests using statements that reflect why the individual wants something.[8]", "Don't Cry With our video for \"Don't Cry,\" and the fight that Stephanie Seymour, (Axl's then-current girlfriend) and I had over the gun, you don't necessarily know what's going on. But in real life that happened with Erin Everly (Axl's ex-wife) and myself. I was going to shoot myself. We fought over the gun and I finally let her win. I was kind of mentally crippled after that. Before shooting our documentary, I said, \"This seems really hard, 'cause it really happened.\" And the night we wrote the scene, my friend Josh said, \"Okay, how are you going to play that?\" He wanted to rehearse and I was like, \"Look, leave me alone.\" But he kept pushing until, finally, I stood up. I had this cigarette lighter that looked like a real gun and I said, \"Look, I'm gonna do it like this.\" And I just went over and slammed around in the hallway a bit and threw the gun and said, \"Is that good enough for you?\"[4]", "I Cry When I Laugh Selected as the first single from I Cry When I Laugh, \"Right Here\" was released on 6 July 2014. It received a positive from critics who called it \"a little more low-key\" than Glynne's previous collaborations on Clean Bandit's \"Rather Be\" and Route 94's \"My Love\", both of which had reached the top of the UK Singles Chart in early 2014.[18] The song peaked at number six on the UK Singles Chart and reached the top ten in Belgium and Scotland.[19] It was eventually certified silver by the British Phonographic Industry (BPI). \"Real Love\", another collaboration with Clean Bandit, was released as the second single on 16 November 2014.[20] It reached number two on the UK Singles Chart and peaked at number two on the German Singles Chart.[19]", "Sleeping with Other People After the debut of her last film, Bachelorette, Headland became what she would later define as \"suicidally depressed\" noting that at one point \"I was literally wondering, Should I check myself into a psych ward?\" To help cope with this she went to Big Sur where she \"wrote all day and all night\".[3] She realized she wanted to write a movie about sex addiction after entering into a relationship with someone who was already seeing another person, recalling that at one point she drove to his house \"I just started crying hysterically. I pulled over and just kept crying. It was sort of like, What is my problem right now? Is it that I'm in love with him? Is it that I feel guilty? Is it that I'm doing something I don't want to do?\"[4] From the start she did not set out to make a romantic comedy although when she realized she was making one she wanted to make sure \"that it all felt very believable\".[3]", "Green Light (Lorde song) “I was very aware that this is the first thing that people had seen from me in three years. I was picking up where I had, which was I always had dark lipstick on and in a weird kind of outfit. And this time, I was like, I want to look the way my friends see me. I want to feel like I could be any one of the young people who listen to my music.”[58]", "I Don't Want You to Go (Lani Hall song) \"I Don't Want You to Go\" is the second single from American singer La Toya Jackson's second album My Special Love.[2] It was released on 7\" format with the album track \"Love Song\" as a B-side. Jackson performed \"I Don't Want You to Go\" on the October 10, 1981 episode of \"Soul Train\". Allmusic reviewer Justin Kantor praised Jackson's vocal performances on the other songs on My Special Love but said that her performance of \"I Don't Want You to Go\" \"isn't up to the task\".[2]", "I Want You Back Originally considered for Gladys Knight & the Pips and later for Diana Ross, as \"I Wanna Be Free\", \"I Want You Back\" explores the theme of a lover who decides that he was too hasty in dropping his partner. An unusual aspect about \"I Want You Back\" was that its main lead vocal was performed by a tween, Michael Jackson.", "I Cry When I Laugh Despite the mixed reception, I Cry When I Laugh was named the 16th and 10th best pop album of 2015 by Rolling Stone and Entertainment Weekly,[13][14] respectively. The New York Observer placed the album at number 5 in their list of best debut albums of 2015.[15]", "Andrea (The Walking Dead) The death of Andrea in the comic book series came 4 years later in \"Issue #167\" after the war with Negan and the Whisperers. Robert Kirkman issued an apology for killing Andrea and said, \"“I’m sorry. I’m sorry to my fans and to myself and to Andrea. I feel like I killed a close friend. The deaths in this series are never taken lightly, they’re never done with a sense of glee. They weigh on me the same way they weigh on you. These characters are very real to me, and their deaths are upsetting even to me. I plotted this issue out during a plane ride a few months ago. I plot my stories down with a pencil and paper, and there I was in my seat, blocking out scenes and writing dialog notes, surrounded by strangers who probably thought I was jotting down a shopping list. As I was writing some of the moments from this issue, I started crying. I found myself glancing around, wiping my eyes, hoping no one would notice. I’ve been living with this death for months now…and I don’t like it. I had plenty of time to change my mind. I had plenty of time to just not do it. I am in control of this story after all. But honestly, sometimes it feels like I’m not. This was one of those times. I don’t like this. I don’t want this. I want Andrea to live. I want to write more stories with her. I want to see her and Rick grow old together, watching Carl grow up and have kids of his own. I want that kind of happiness for these characters. And yet, here we are. Andrea is dead and the story moves on. I don’t know why this had to happen…but I know it did. I know this is another important turning point in the life of this series. I know Andrea’s death will mean something, that will resonate in the stories moving forward for years to come. But I still don’t like it. It still upsets me. I loved Andrea and I will truly miss her.”[57]", "Party leaders of the United States House of Representatives These and several other party roles merit further mention because they influence significantly the leader's overarching objective: retake majority control of the House. \"I want to get [my] members elected and win more seats,\" said Minority Leader Richard Gephardt, D-MO. \"That's what [my partisan colleagues] want to do, and that's what they want me to do.\"[34]", "Hanukkah music The literal translation is:\nI have a candle, I have a small thin candle\nOn Hanukkah, my candle I will light.\nOn Hanukkah my candle will glow\nOn Hanukkah I will sing songs.", "I Want You to Be My Baby In the UK Annie Ross - John Hendricks' future co-partner in Lambert, Hendricks & Ross - had an October 1955 single release of \"I Want You to Be My Baby\" recorded with Tony Crombie & His Orchestra: neither this disc nor a 1956 UK single release of \"I Want You to Be My Baby\" by Don Lang charted. The song became a UK Top 40 hit in the autumn of 1968 via a recording by Billie Davis. Produced by Ready Steady Go! co-host Michael Aldred and arranged by Mike Vickers, Davis' version featured a chorale comprising Madeline Bell, Kiki Dee, Kay Garner, Doris Troy and the Moody Blues. The single's failure to rise no higher than #33 is attributable to a strike at the Decca processing plant, which stopped the pressing of discs. [3]", "Hate My Life At the beginning of the video, Tyler sees a hobo, and then he starts singing the song, the lyrics matching everything that is happening in the video. He complains about how he hates hobos (\"So sick of the hobos always begging for change, I don't like how I gotta work and they just sit around and get paid\"), he almost gets hit by a car (\"I hate all of the people, who can't drive their cars...), we meet his wife, played by his real wife Christine Danielle Connolly (\"I hate how my wife; is always up my ass...), a girl drops her bag of lingerie (Tyler looking at it interestingly), a construction worker's boss telling him off (\"I still hate my job, my boss is a dick...), and when he sings the chorus, a sign comes down from a building reading \"I Hate My Life.\" Then, Tyler jumps onto a parade float with the rest of the band, performing the rest of the song. Behind them travels a huge group of people, which include the hobo, the construction workers, and the others Tyler ran into.", "Who Are You (song) \"Who Are You\" was written about meeting Steve Jones and Paul Cook of the Sex Pistols after an awful 13-hour encounter with Allan Klein who, in my personal opinion, is the awesome rock leech-godfather. In one sense the song is more about the demands of new friendship than blood-letting challenge. Roger's aggressive reading of my nihilistic lyric redirected its function by the simple act of singing \"Who the fuck are you...\" when I had written \"Who, who, who are you...\" Steve and Paul became real 'mates' of mine in the English sense. We socialized a few times. Got drunk (well, I did) and I have to say to their credit, for a couple of figurehead anarchists, they seemed sincerely concerned about my decaying condition at the time.", "Like a Virgin (song) I was surprised by how people reacted to \"Like a Virgin\" because when I did that song, to me, I was singing about how something made me feel a certain way – brand-new and fresh – and everyone interpreted it as I don't want to be a virgin anymore. Fuck my brains out! That's not what I sang at all. \"Like a Virgin\" was always absolutely ambiguous.[6][49]", "I'll Be There for You/You're All I Need to Get By The song is a remix of Method Man's \"All I Need\" (which appears on his 1994 debut album Tical), with an interpolation of Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell's 1968 hit, \"You're All I Need to Get By\", with Mary J. Blige singing the choruses, and backing vocals. Another version of the song was released, entitled \"Puff Daddy Mix,\" which was produced by Sean Combs. The song contains a new instrumental which includes a repeated sample (\"Lie together, cry together/I swear to God I hope we fuckin' die together\") from The Notorious B.I.G.'s \"Me & My Bitch\". Another remix version, titled \"Razor Sharp Mix\" was produced by RZA. The song sold 800,000 copies and was certified platinum by the RIAA.[1][2]", "Stephanie Plum In several interviews, Evanovich says the inspiration for Grandma Mazur is \"loosely based on my Aunt Lena and my Grandma Fanny,\" adding \"She's who I want to be when I grow up.\"[7]", "Hole in My Soul In concert, Steven Tyler has been known to substitute some lines with racier lyrics. On a live version of the song from the A Little South of Sanity album, Tyler sings \"I fuck with my boots on cause you fuck with my head\" instead of the studio version lyrics \"I sleep with my boots on, but you're still in my head.\"", "Streets of Fire E.G. Daily who played Baby Doll says it was \"a very frustrating thing for me\" to not sing in the film \"Because Diane Lane was singing, and I remember thinking, “Ah!” It was so frustrating for me. It was painful. Because I wanted to be on that stage singing with those guys... But back then I always played those quirky characters. I didn’t get those fancy leads. I got those best friend of the leads, quirky, funny characters. Hookers with a heart of gold. Weirdos.\"[16]", "Danielle Harris I had a harder time emotionally with Rob Zombie's Halloween and H2 than I did when I was a kid. When I was a kid, it was totally fun and I didn't understand when I did Rob's Halloween, why it was so hard for me to shake it off. I'm like, \"I'm an actress! Why am I getting a feeling like I want to cry? This is weird! I did enough crying when I was there [on set]. I don't know why I'm still feeling this way\". I think it was because it was the first time I was ever physically touched by him. As a little girl, as Jamie, he never got me, ever. Now as an adult, I don't have my clothes on, doing scenes I've never done before as an actor, and I'm actually being attacked. Even though I should know the guy by now, it's still a weird thing that happens with your psyche I think.[59]", "I Don't Wanna Cry \"I Don't Wanna Cry\" was released as a single on iTunes from Jason Castro on American Idol, for which he performed the song on the show's seventh season.", "One of Us (Joan Osborne song) In an interview, Bazilian said, \"I wrote ['One of Us'] one night — the quickest song I ever wrote — to impress a girl. Which worked, because we're married and have two kids. But we were in the middle of writing Joan's album, which was a group effort with Rick Chertoff and Joan and Rob and I, and I did a demo of 'One of Us,' this wacky little demo which I ended up putting as a hidden track on the CD of my first solo record, and I played [it] for them. And it really hadn't even occurred to me that it was something that Joan might do, but Rick, in his wisdom, asked Joan if she thought she could sing it. And I think it was better that he asked it that way rather than 'Do you want to sing it?' Because the answer to that might not have been yes. But she definitely said she could sing it, and we did a little live demo of a guitar and her singing it. And when I got into my car and popped the cassette in, I started practicing the Grammy speech that I should've gotten to give.\"[1]", "I Want It That Way \"I Want It That Way\"", "Cassie Newman Cassie died following a car crash on the episode that aired May 24, 2005.[4] Grimes said that she has missed the show since leaving, and was shocked to find out that Cassie was killed off. She stated: \"If it's meant to happen, it's meant to happen. Everything happens for a reason, I think.\"[8] Of Cassie's last scene, she said it was \"ridiculously hard [...] If you watch my death scene, where Sharon is crying over me - I'm supposed to be dead - but I'm crying.\"[8] If Cassie wasn't killed off, Grimes wanted her to have a love interest, stating: \"I always wanted a love interest. If I'd stayed on the show, I had hoped that was where it would go eventually.[8]", "I Want It That Way In 2016 Brittany Howard, lead singer of Alabama Shakes, and Jim James, frontman of My Morning Jacket, covered the song in a commercial for American fast food chain Chipotle Mexican Grill.[61] In 2017 Alyson Stoner, Max Schneider, and Kurt Hugo Schneider covered \"I Want It That Way\".[62]", "I Finally Found Someone Barbra Streisand told The Los Angeles Times in 1996: \"I wrote the love theme, the main love theme, then Marvin wrote a bridge to it, and that was going to be our song. Then David Foster had the idea that I should sing the duet with Bryan Adams. Bryan played our track and heard me humming and fell in love with this little theme that I wrote, and then he and his producer Mutt Lange wrote a counter melody based on the track that I sent him. And they wrote the lyrics. So that's how that happened. I don't think his record company wanted him to sing with me...because I'm more traditional, and I haven't had a hit since I don'", "Stay (I Missed You) According to Rhik Samadder, Loeb's guitar picks out a simple arpeggio as she admonishes: \"You say I only hear what I want to,\" warning us that this may be the most self-involved song ever written. Almost every line contains a clutch of first person singulars: \"I turned the radio on, I turned the radio up, and this woman was singing my song.\"[7] Based on the song's theme the break-up song is not about a relationship with a departed lover, but the relationship with ourselves [...] About accepting that our basic loneliness is unsophisticated and shared, and that we have to abandon the selfish dramas of our malaise to properly love. It's a point of emotional development [...]\"[7] Regarding the lyrical content, Loeb's explained; \"\"I turned the radio on, I turned the radio up, and this woman was singing my song,\" Lisa explains: \"That was when you hear somebody telling your exact story. It's funny, because it wasn't until later, after a couple of major breakups, that I realized when you're depressed and you're going through these breakups, the breakup was supposed to happen. If you're going through difficult times, it's hilarious how you turn on the radio and even the most cliché things perfectly capture how you're feeling. And then you realize why people wrote those songs.\"[5]", "Coming Out of the Dark Gloria was careful not to turn Into the Light into a pity party. \"I hate pity,\" she told the Los Angeles Daily News. \"I'm very self-reliant and independent, and I'm used to that role. I don't like people feeling sorry for me. So I wrote 'Coming Out of the Dark' to let the people around me know how important they are to me. But that was as far as I wanted to go with the accident. I didn't want this to become 'the album on the accident.' What am I going to sing - 'Oh, this bus hit me'?\"", "I Cry When I Laugh I Cry When I Laugh debuted at number one on the UK Albums Chart with combined sales of just under 60,000, giving Glynne the second fastest-selling debut album of 2015 behind James Bay's Chaos and the Calm.[16] The album has reached the top 10 in the Republic of Ireland, Australia, Italy and the Netherlands. It has also peaked at number 25 on the US Billboard 200.", "All I Know More recently, Webb invited Linda Ronstadt to join him in a duet version for his 2010 album Just Across the River. Ronstadt had just announced her retirement from singing when Webb sent her an email describing his new CD of duets. Webb asked if she would sing \"All I Know\" with him, with just a guitar backup. Ronstadt called him and said, \"Damn it, you've gotten me interested in that song.\" Webb later recalled, \"There was a poignancy to that moment ... because I didn’t know if she'd ever sing again. Her voice sounds elegantly beautiful on 'All I Know' ... I loved the meticulous way she covered my voice.\"[4]", "I Only Want to Be with You \"I Only Want to Be with You\" is a rock and roll song written by Mike Hawker[1] and Ivor Raymonde. The debut solo single released by British singer Dusty Springfield under her long-time producer Johnny Franz, \"I Only Want to Be with You\" peaked at number 4 on the UK Singles chart in January 1964. Three remakes of the song have been UK chart hits, the first two by the Bay City Rollers (1976) and the Tourists (1979) matching the number 4 peak of the Dusty Springfield original, while the 1989 remake by Samantha Fox peaked at number 16. In the US on the Billboard Hot 100 chart, \"I Only Want to Be with You\" has been a Top 40 hit three times, with both the Dusty Springfield original and the Bay City Rollers' remake peaking at number 12 while the Samantha Fox remake peaked at number 31. \"I Only Want to Be with You\" has also been recorded by a wide range of artists, several of whom sing the song with lyrics translated from the original English.", "Richard E. Blanchard Sr. Like the woman at the well I was seeking \nFor things that could not satisfy; \nAnd then I heard my Savior speaking: \n\"Draw from my well that never shall run dry\".\n \nFill my cup Lord, I lift it up, Lord! \nCome and quench this thirsting of my soul. \nBread of heaven, feed me till I want no more.\nFill my cup, fill it up and make me whole!\n \nThere are millions in this world who are craving \nThe pleasures earthly things afford. \nBut none can match the wondrous treasure \nThat I find in Jesus Christ my Lord.\n\nFill my cup Lord, I lift it up, Lord! \nCome and quench this thirsting of my soul. \nBread of heaven, feed me till I want no more. \nFill my cup, fill it up and make me whole!\n\nSo, my brother, if the things this world gave you \nLeave hungers that won't pass away, \nMy blessed Lord will come and save you, \nIf you kneel to Him and humbly pray:\n\nFill my cup Lord, I lift it up, Lord! \nCome and quench this thirsting of my soul. \nBread of heaven, feed me till I want no more. \nFill my cup, fill it up and make me whole!", "When Love Takes Over \"Frédéric had the right sounds on the drums and the keyboards, so I did not change very much. I just did some standard things, with EQ and compression and things like that. After that my obsession was to get the vocals to sound as good as possible. When I'm mixing a track, I want something to happen, something that takes the listener somewhere. You want the right things in the right place, but it's not a technical issue. It's actually an artistic issue to have everything in the right place – the mixing has to be magic. It was not difficult in this case, because I knew the song would be a hit, but I did my best to make the vocal sound magical, like an angel singing, so that the hit quality of the song was immediately obvious. I wanted to make sure that the voice takes you from the beginning to the end and doesn't lose you.\"[16]", "My Sweet Lord I really want to know you\nReally want to go with you\nReally want to show you, Lord, that it won't take long, my Lord", "John the Baptist As it is written in Isaiah the prophet,\n\"Behold, I send my messenger before your face,\nwho will prepare your way,\nthe voice of one crying in the wilderness:\n'Prepare the way of the Lord,\nmake his paths straight,'\"", ".mobi It is fundamentally useful to be able to quote the URI for some information and then look up that URI in an entirely different context. For example, I may want to look up a restaurant on my laptop, bookmark it, and then, when I only have my phone, check the bookmark to have a look at the evening menu. Or, my travel agent may send me a pointer to my itinerary for a business trip. I may view the itinerary from my office on a large screen and want to see the map, or I may view it at the airport from my phone when all I want is the gate number.", "Gloria (Them song) The beauty of the original is that Van Morrison needs only to speak-sing, in his Howlin' Wolf growl, \"I watch her come up to my house/She knocks upon my door/And then she comes up to my room/I want to say she makes me feel all right/G-L-O-R-I-A!\" to convey his teenage lust. The original Latin meaning of the name is not lost on Morrison. Them never varies from the three chords, utilizing only dynamic changes to heighten the tension.", "Gerald Ford I have not sought this enormous responsibility, but I will not shirk it. Those who nominated and confirmed me as Vice President were my friends and are my friends. They were of both parties, elected by all the people and acting under the Constitution in their name. It is only fitting then that I should pledge to them and to you that I will be the President of all the people.[50]", "Porgy and Bess \"Porgy and Bess is a folk tale. Its people naturally would sing folk music. When I first began work in the music I decided against the use of original folk material because I wanted the music to be all of one piece. Therefore I wrote my own spirituals and folksongs. But they are still folk music – and therefore, being in operatic form, Porgy and Bess becomes a folk opera.\"[2]", "I Want to Live! On The Jazz Combo from I Want to Live!:", "21 Things I Want in a Lover \"21 Things I Want in a Lover\" was all written, arranged and produced by Alanis Morissette, in the same vein of the entire album, Under Rug Swept. The song was mixed by Chris Fogel and features Dean DeLeo, guitarist of the Stone Temple Pilots, on the guitar. While writing the track, Morissette claimed that she's jokin in one part of the song, but in another she's \"dead serious.\" According to herself, \"I went to Toronto to write and I didn't know whether I'd be writing songs for the record alone or with someone. I had no idea, but I started writing alone, and within the first week I'd written seven songs. So it was all really fast and accelerated [...] I'd have my little space station worked out where it was like a keyboard, an acoustic, an electric, my journal and a microphone set up, and we'd record it all onto DAT.\"[1]", "All I Really Want (Alanis Morissette song) 1. All I Really Want 4:42\n2. Ironic - Live from Sydney 4:34\n3. Hand in My Pocket - Live from Brisbane 4:34", "Oath of office I, (name), promise and affirm by my honour and by my conscience that I will, in the fulfillment of my office, follow the constitution and other laws, acting rightfully and impartially. I will fulfill my duties carefully and as well as I can. Furthermore, I will not divulge to third parties knowledge which I have gained in my office, and which must be kept secret.", "Oh! Darling McCartney later said of recording the track, \"When we were recording 'Oh! Darling' I came into the studios early every day for a week to sing it by myself because at first my voice was too clear. I wanted it to sound as though I'd been performing it on stage all week.\"[7] He would only try the song once each day; if it was not right he would wait until the next day. According to sound engineer Alan Parsons, McCartney once lamented that \"five years ago I could have done this in a flash\".[8] In a 1980 interview with Playboy magazine, John Lennon said, \"'Oh! Darling' was a great one of Paul's that he didn't sing too well. I always thought I could have done it better – it was more my style than his. He wrote it, so what the hell, he's going to sing it.\"[5]", "I Didn't Raise My Boy to Be a Soldier Back in its day, prominent politicians attacked the song both for its pacifism and early feminism. Theodore Roosevelt remarked that \"foolish people who applaud a song entitled 'I Didn't Raise My Boy To Be A Soldier' are just the people who would also in their hearts applaud a song entitled 'I Didn't Raise my Girl To Be A Mother'\".[10]", "The Great Speckled Bird (song) 7. I am glad I have learned of her meekness I am proud that my name is on her book For I want to be one never fearing The face of my Savior to look.", "This Old Man My name is Jack Jintle, the eldest but one,\nAnd I can play nick-nack upon my own thumb.\nWith my nick-nack and click-clack and sing a fine song,\nAnd all the fine ladies come dancing along.\n\nMy name is Jack Jintle, the eldest but two,\nAnd I can play nick-nack upon my own shoe.\nWith my nick-nack and click-clack and sing a fine song,\nAnd all the fine ladies come dancing along.\n\nMy name is Jack Jintle, the eldest but three,\nAnd I can play nick-nack upon my own knee.\nWith my nick-nack and click-clack and sing a fine song,\nAnd all the fine ladies come dancing along.", "Casey Stengel The tributes to Stengel upon his death were many. Maury Allen wrote, \"He is gone and I am supposed to cry, but I laugh. Every time I saw the man, every time I heard his voice, every time his name was mentioned, the creases in my mouth would give way and a smile would come to my face.\"[162] Richie Ashburn, a member of the 1962 Mets, stated, \"Don't shed any tears for Casey. He wouldn't want you to ... He was the happiest man I've ever seen.\"[162] Jim Murray of the Los Angeles Times wrote, \"God is certainly getting an earful tonight.\"[163]", "Sex education in the United States “I, _____________, promise to abstain from sex until my wedding night. I want to reserve my sexual powers to give life and love for my future spouse and marriage. I will respect my gift of sexuality by keeping my mind and thoughts pure as I prepare for my true love. I commit to grow in character to learn to live love and freedom.”[101]", "Hollywood Nights Seger said \"The chorus just came into my head; I was driving around in the Hollywood Hills, and I started singing 'Hollywood nights/Hollywood hills/Above all the lights/Hollywood nights.' I went back to my rented house, and there was a Time with Cheryl Tiegs on the cover...I said 'Let's write a song about a guy from the Midwest who runs into someone like this and gets caught up in the whole bizarro thing.'\" [3]", "I Want a New Drug According to Lewis, he wrote the song in only a few minutes. \"I was on the way to my attorney's house and I thought of it in the car. I pulled up and walked in. I said, 'Bob, give me a piece of paper, I've got to write this down'.\"[1]", "I Want Candy \"I Want Candy\" was written by Bert Berns, Bob Feldman, Jerry Goldstein and Richard Gottehrer in 1965. As writer/producers, Feldman, Goldstein and Gottehrer had already scored big hits for other artists, including \"My Boyfriend's Back\" by the Angels. For this song, the trio took on the moniker of the Strangeloves, and recorded the tune themselves, augmented by studio musicians (co-writer Berns was not involved in the studio recording).", "I, Robot It certainly caught my attention. Two months after I read it, I began 'Robbie', about a sympathetic robot, and that was the start of my positronic robot series. Eleven years later, when nine of my robot stories were collected into a book, the publisher named the collection I, Robot over my objections. My book is now the more famous, but Otto's story was there first.", "What would Jesus do? I heard some people singing at a church prayer meeting the other night,\n\n\"All for Jesus, all for Jesus,\nAll my being's ransomed powers,\nAll my thoughts, and all my doings,\nAll my days, and all my hours.\"\n\nand I kept wondering as I sat on the steps outside just what they meant by it. It seems to me there's an awful lot of trouble in the world that somehow wouldn't exist if all the people who sing such songs went and lived them out. I suppose I don't understand. But what would Jesus do? Is that what you mean by following His steps? It seems to me sometimes as if the people in the big churches had good clothes and nice houses to live in, and money to spend for luxuries, and could go away on summer vacations and all that, while the people outside the churches, thousands of them, I mean, die in tenements, and walk the streets for jobs, and never have a piano or a picture in the house, and grow up in misery and drunkenness and sin.\"[9]", "I Don't Want to Grow Up I Don't Want to Grow Up is the second album by the American punk rock band the Descendents, released in 1985 through New Alliance Records. It marked the end of a two-year hiatus for the band, during which singer Milo Aukerman had attended college and drummer Bill Stevenson had joined Black Flag. I Don't Want to Grow Up was the first of two albums the Descendents recorded with guitarist Ray Cooper, and their last with original bassist Tony Lombardo, who quit the group because he did not want to go on tour. Though recorded quickly and without much rehearsal time, I Don't Want to Grow Up received positive reviews from critics, who praised its catchy songs, strong melodies, and pop-influenced love songs.", "I Want A Girl (Just Like The Girl That Married Dear Old Dad) Verse\nWhen I was a boy my mother often said to me\nGet married boy and see how happy you will be\nI have looked all over, but no girlie can I find,\nWho seems to be just like the little girl I have in mind,\nI will have to look around until the right one I have found.\n\nChorus\nI want a girl, just like the girl that married dear old Dad\nShe was a pearl and the only girl that Daddy ever had,\nA good old fashioned girl with heart so true,\nOne who loves nobody else but you,\nI want a girl, just like the girl that married dear old Dad.\n\nVerse 2\nBy the old mill stream there sit a couple old and gray,\nThough years have rolled away, their hearts are young today.\nMother dear looks up at Dad with love light in her eye,\nHe steals a kiss, a fond embrace, while ev'ning breezes sigh,\nThey're as happy as can be, so that's the kind of love for me.[10]", "Jean Simmons It may be simplistic, but you could sum up my two marriages by saying that, when I wanted to be a wife, Jimmy (Stewart Granger) would say: \"I just want you to be pretty.\" And when I wanted to cook, Richard would say: \"Forget the cooking. You've been trained to act – so act!\" Most people thought I was helpless – a clinger and a butterfly – during my first marriage. It was Richard Brooks who saw what was wrong and tried to make me stand on my own two feet. I'd whine: 'I'm afraid.' And he'd say: 'Never be afraid to fail. Every time you get up in the morning, you are ahead.'", "Trekkie It frightens me when I learn of 10,000 people treating a Star Trek script as if it were Scripture. I certainly didn't write Scripture, and my feeling is that those who did were not treated very well in the end ... I'm just afraid that if it goes too far and it appears that I have created a philosophy to answer all human ills that someone will stand up and cry, 'Fraud!' And with good reason.", "I Miss My Homies \"I really miss my homies", "When I Need You I once had that nicking happen with Leo Sayer. Do you remember that song 'When I Need You'?\" Cohen sings the chorus of Sayer's number one hit from 1977, then segues into 'And Jane came by with a lock of your hair', a lyric from 'Famous Blue Raincoat'. 'Somebody sued them on my behalf … and they did settle', even though, he laughs, 'they hired a musicologist, who said, that particular motif was in the public domain and, in fact, could be traced back as far as Schubert.[5]", "They Reminisce Over You (T.R.O.Y.) I had a friend of mine that passed away, and it was a shock to the community. I was kind of depressed when I made it. And to this day, I can't believe I made it through, the way I was feeling. I guess it was for my boy. When I found the record by Tom Scott, basically I just heard something incredible that touched me and made me cry. It had such a beautiful bassline, and I started with that first. I found some other sounds and then heard some sax in there and used that. Next thing you know, I have a beautiful beat made. When I mixed the song down, I had Charlie Brown from Leaders of the New School in the session with me, and we all just started crying.\"[1]", "The Wachowskis There are some things we do for ourselves, but there are some things we do for others. I am here because when I was young, I wanted very badly to be a writer, I wanted to be a filmmaker, but I couldn't find anyone like me in the world and it felt like my dreams were foreclosed simply because my gender was less typical than others. If I can be that person for someone else, then the sacrifice of my private civic life may have value.[186]", "The Older I Get Skillet's lead singer and primary songwriter John L. Cooper explained the meaning of the song to theskilletsizzle.com; \" the song is about my relationship with my Dad and feeling that I was kind of betrayed by him and all these bad feelings going on. But in the end, it came down to 'forgiveness' in the end when I forgave my Dad there was a real healing that came in my life and the song The Older I Get was about that and saying I wish I could go back... do it all over again and I would probably make that step earlier towards forgiving him because my life got so much better when I did.\" [6]", "Carice van Houten Van Houten has stated that Hollywood makes her unhappy: \"I have seen Hollywood, and although I have nothing against it, it's not my kind of life. My agent is shocked that I want to stay in Europe,\" adding, \"If Hollywood offers me a great part, of course I'll take it, but I just don't want to live there\".[23]", "Caroline Munro I wanted to do art. Art was my love. I went to art school in Brighton but I was not very good at it. I just did not know what to do. I had a friend at the college who was studying photography and he needed somebody to photograph and he asked me. Unbeknownst to me, he sent the photographs to a big newspaper in London. The fashion photographer, David Bailey, was conducting a photo contest and my picture won.[3]", "I Don't Want to Grow Up In 1987 New Alliance was sold to SST Records, who re-released I Don't Want to Grow Up on LP, cassette, and compact disc.", "Soft Cell The group cited David Bowie and Marc Bolan as primary influences.[14] Almond also named Siouxsie Sioux as a major influence:[15] \"You can even hear that I’m trying to sing like her on some of those early Soft Cell songs: I didn’t want to sing properly, I wanted to sing in a punk way\".[16]", "Ruby Rose With regard to childhood gender nonconformity, Rose said she wanted to be a boy while growing up and that she was saving up money to physically transition from female to male.[37][38] She said, \"It was in my mind as something I wanted to do and then I just... didn't. I guess I grew out of it. I even used to sleep on my front because I didn't want to get boobs ever, which I think worked actually.\"[38] She stated that modelling led her to discover androgyny, and allowed her to model with different gender expressions. She recalled, \"I remember being at a Yum Cha restaurant with my dad and the owner coming up and saying, 'Excuse me, we're trying to work out if you're a handsome boy or a beautiful girl.' It was a compliment and I was shocked, and when I thought about it I actually wanted to be a handsome boy\".[39]", "Shel Silverstein I would hope that people, no matter what age, would find something to identify with in my books, pick up one and experience a personal sense of discovery. That's great. I think that if you're a creative person, you should just go about your business, do your work and not care about how it's received. I never read reviews because if you believe the good ones you have to believe the bad ones too. Not that I don't care about success. I do, but only because it lets me do what I want. I was always prepared for success but that means that I have to be prepared for failure too. I have an ego, I have ideas, I want to be articulate, to communicate but in my own way. People who say they create only for themselves and don't care if they are published... I hate to hear talk like that. If it's good, it's too good not to share. That's the way I feel about my work. So I'll keep on communicating, but only my way. Lots of things I won't do. I won't go on television because who am I talking to? Johnny Carson? The camera? Twenty million people I can't see? Uh-uh. And I won't give any more interviews.[5][11]" ]
what are some elements that are similar to silver
[ "Group 11 element Group 11, by modern IUPAC numbering,[1] is a group of chemical elements in the periodic table, consisting of copper (Cu), silver (Ag), and gold (Au). Roentgenium (Rg) is also placed in this group in the periodic table, although no chemical experiments have yet been carried out to confirm that it behaves like the heavier homologue to gold. Group 11 is also known as the coinage metals, due to their former usage. They were most likely the first three elements discovered.[2] Copper, silver, and gold all occur naturally in elemental form." ]
[ "Silver Silver forms alloys with most other elements on the periodic table. The elements from groups 1–3, except for hydrogen, lithium, and beryllium, are very miscible with silver in the condensed phase and form intermetallic compounds; those from groups 4–9 are only poorly miscible; the elements in groups 10–14 (except boron and carbon) have very complex Ag–M phase diagrams and form the most commercially important alloys; and the remaining elements on the periodic table have no consistency in their Ag–M phase diagrams. By far the most important such alloys are those with copper: most silver used for coinage and jewellery is in reality a silver–copper alloy, and the eutectic mixture is used in vacuum brazing. The two metals are completely miscible as liquids but not as solids; their importance in industry comes from the fact that their properties tend to be suitable over a wide range of variation in silver and copper concentration, although most useful alloys tend to be richer in silver than the eutectic mixture (71.9% silver and 28.1% copper by weight, and 60.1% silver and 28.1% copper by atom).[50]", "Silver Age of Comic Books Some critics and historians argue that one characteristic of the Silver Age was that science fiction and aliens replaced magic and gods.[39] Others argue that magic was an important element of both Golden Age and Silver Age characters.[40] Many Golden Age writers and artists were science-fiction fans or professional science-fiction writers who incorporated SF elements into their comic-book stories.[41] Science was a common explanation for the origin of heroes in the Silver Age.[42]", "HTML element Normal elements usually have both a start tag and an end tag, although for some elements the end tag, or both tags, can be omitted. It is constructed in a similar way:", "Silver The only known dihalide of silver is the difluoride, AgF2, which can be obtained from the elements under heat. A strong yet thermally stable and therefore safe fluorinating agent, silver(II) fluoride is often used to synthesize hydrofluorocarbons.[37]", "Silver Metallic silver, like copper, is an antibacterial agent, which was known to the ancients and first scientifically investigated and named the oligodynamic effect by Carl Nägeli. Silver ions damage the metabolism of bacteria even at such low concentrations as 0.01–0.1 milligrams per litre; metallic silver has a similar effect due to the formation of silver oxide. This effect is lost in the presence of sulfur due to the extreme insolubility of silver sulfide.[106]", "Group 12 element The elements in group 12 are usually considered to be d-block elements, but not transition elements as the d-shell is full. Some authors classify these elements as main-group elements because the valence electrons are in ns2 orbitals. Nevertheless, they share many characteristics with the neighboring group 11 elements on the periodic table, which are almost universally considered to be transition elements. For example, zinc shares many characteristics with the neighboring transition metal, copper. Zinc complexes merit inclusion in the Irving-Williams series as zinc forms many complexes with the same stoichiometry as complexes of copper(II), albeit with smaller stability constants.[24] There is little similarity between cadmium and silver as compounds of silver(II) are rare and those that do exist are very strong oxidizing agents. Likewise the common oxidation state for gold is +3, which precludes there being much common chemistry between mercury and gold, though there are similarities between mercury(I) and gold(I) such as the formation of linear dicyano complexes, [M(CN)2]−. According to IUPAC's definition of transition metal as an element whose atom has an incomplete d sub-shell, or which can give rise to cations with an incomplete d sub-shell,[25] zinc and cadmium are not transition metals, while mercury is. This is because only mercury is known to have a compound where its oxidation state is higher than +2, in mercury(IV) fluoride (though its existence is disputed, as later experiments trying to confirm its synthesis could not find evidence of HgF4).[26][27] However, this classification is based on one highly atypical compound seen at non-equilibrium conditions and is at odds to mercury's more typical chemistry, and Jensen has suggested that it would be better to regard mercury as not being a transition metal.[28]", "Silver Silver-containing brazing alloys are used for brazing metallic materials, mostly cobalt, nickel, and copper-based alloys, tool steels, and precious metals. The basic components are silver and copper, with other elements selected according to the specific application desired: examples include zinc, tin, cadmium, palladium, manganese, and phosphorus. Silver provides increased workability and corrosion resistance during usage.[99]", "Silver Alert Additionally, nine states have programs to help locate missing seniors that are not officially called \"Silver Alert\" but contain criteria similar to existing Silver Alert programs:", "Period 5 element Silver is a metallic chemical element with the chemical symbol Ag (Latin: argentum, from the Indo-European root *arg- for \"grey\" or \"shining\") and atomic number 47. A soft, white, lustrous transition metal, it has the highest electrical conductivity of any element and the highest thermal conductivity of any metal. The metal occurs naturally in its pure, free form (native silver), as an alloy with gold and other metals, and in minerals such as argentite and chlorargyrite. Most silver is produced as a byproduct of copper, gold, lead, and zinc refining.", "Free silver The Populist Party had a strong free-silver element. Its subsequent combination with the Democratic Party moved the latter from the support of the gold standard which had been the hallmark of the Cleveland administration to the free-silver position epitomized by 1896 presidential nominee William Jennings Bryan in his Cross of Gold speech. Bryan's 1896 candidacy was supported by Populists and \"silver Republicans\" as well as by most Democrats.", "Chemical element List of the elements are available by name, atomic number, density, melting point, boiling point and by symbol, as well as ionization energies of the elements. The nuclides of stable and radioactive elements are also available as a list of nuclides, sorted by length of half-life for those that are unstable. One of the most convenient, and certainly the most traditional presentation of the elements, is in the form of the periodic table, which groups together elements with similar chemical properties (and usually also similar electronic structures).", "Soldering Some metals are easier to solder than others. Copper, silver, and gold are easy. Iron, mild steel and nickel are next in difficulty. Because of their thin, strong oxide films, stainless steel and some aluminium alloys are even more difficult to solder. Titanium, magnesium, cast irons, some high-carbon steels, ceramics, and graphite can be soldered but it involves a process similar to joining carbides: they are first plated with a suitable metallic element that induces interfacial bonding.", "Silver Isotopes of silver range in relative atomic mass from 92.950 u (93Ag) to 129.950 u (130Ag);[23] the primary decay mode before the most abundant stable isotope, 107Ag, is electron capture and the primary mode after is beta decay. The primary decay products before 107Ag are palladium (element 46) isotopes, and the primary products after are cadmium (element 48) isotopes.[22]", "Silver Silver and gold have rather low chemical affinities for oxygen, lower than copper, and it is therefore expected that silver oxides are thermally quite unstable. Soluble silver(I) salts precipitate dark-brown silver(I) oxide, Ag2O, upon the addition of alkali. (The hydroxide AgOH exists only in solution; otherwise it spontaneously decomposes to the oxide.) Silver(I) oxide is very easily reduced to metallic silver, and decomposes to silver and oxygen above 160 °C.[36] This and other silver(I) compounds may be oxidized by the strong oxidizing agent peroxodisulfate to black AgO, a mixed silver(I,III) oxide of formula AgIAgIIIO2. Some other mixed oxides with silver in non-integral oxidation states, namely Ag2O3 and Ag3O4, are also known, as is Ag3O which behaves as a metallic conductor.[36]", "Silver mining in the United States Silver mineralization was discovered in 1880 or 1881 in Presidio County, Texas. Mining began in 1883 at what became the town of Shafter.[33] At least six mines were worked. The deposits are manto-type deposits in Permian limestone of the Mina Grande formation, related to an igneous intrusive. Silver minerals include argentite and native silver. Associated minerals include the lead minerals anglesite and galena, the zinc minerals sphalerite, hemimorphite, and smithsonite, and gangue minerals quartz, calcite, goethite, and dolomite. Total production to 1999 was 35 million troy ounces (1090 metric tons) of silver, along with some gold.[34] Aurcana Corp. of Vancouver has announced plans to reopen the silver mine.[35]", "Group 11 element Elemental gold and silver have no known toxic effects or biological use, although gold salts can be toxic to liver and kidney tissue.[3][4] Like copper, silver also has antimicrobial properties. The prolonged use of preparations containing gold or silver can also lead to the accumulation of these metals in body tissue; the results are the irreversible but apparently harmless pigmentation conditions known as chrysiasis and argyria respectively.", "Google Chrome For web developers, Chrome features an element inspector (Inspect Element), similar to the browser extension in Firebug, which allows users to look into the DOM and see what makes up the webpage.[125]", "Silver hallmarks A silver object that is to be sold commercially is, in most countries, stamped with one or more silver hallmarks indicating the purity of the silver, the mark of the manufacturer or silversmith, and other (optional) markings to indicate date of manufacture and additional information about the piece. In some countries, the testing of silver objects and marking of purity is controlled by a national assayer's office.", "Chemical element When different elements are chemically combined, with the atoms held together by chemical bonds, they form chemical compounds. Only a minority of elements are found uncombined as relatively pure minerals. Among the more common of such native elements are copper, silver, gold, carbon (as coal, graphite, or diamonds), and sulfur. All but a few of the most inert elements, such as noble gases and noble metals, are usually found on Earth in chemically combined form, as chemical compounds. While about 32 of the chemical elements occur on Earth in native uncombined forms, most of these occur as mixtures. For example, atmospheric air is primarily a mixture of nitrogen, oxygen, and argon, and native solid elements occur in alloys, such as that of iron and nickel.", "Chemical element The following graph (note log scale) shows the abundance of elements in our Solar System. The table shows the twelve most common elements in our galaxy (estimated spectroscopically), as measured in parts per million, by mass.[25] Nearby galaxies that have evolved along similar lines have a corresponding enrichment of elements heavier than hydrogen and helium. The more distant galaxies are being viewed as they appeared in the past, so their abundances of elements appear closer to the primordial mixture. As physical laws and processes appear common throughout the visible universe, however, scientist expect that these galaxies evolved elements in similar abundance.", "Silver as an investment From 1973 the Hunt brothers began what was seen as an attempt at cornering the market in silver, potentially contributing to a spike in price in January, 18 1980 of the London Silver Fix to $49.45 per troy ounce. Silver futures reached an intraday COMEX all-time high of $50.35 per troy ounce (intraday CBOT all-time high was $52.80) and a reduction of the gold/silver ratio down to 1:17.0 (gold also peaked the same day in 1980, at $850 per troy ounce).[24][25]", "Silver mining in the United States The Horn Silver Mine was discovered in 1870 with the first discovery of significant value occurring in 1875. On September 24 of that year, Samuel Hawks (or Hawke) and James Ryan uncovered silver-bearing rock at the Horn Silver Ledge in what later became the San Francisco mining district near Milford, Utah. Significant mining began the next year. By 1882, the Horn Silver Mine was the largest silver producer in the world.[37]", "Main-group element Group 12 elements are often considered to be transition metals; however, zinc (Zn), cadmium (Cd), and mercury (Hg) share some properties of both groups, and many scientists believe they should be included in the main group.[1][2] Occasionally, even the group 3 elements as well as the lanthanides and actinides have been included, because especially the group 3 elements and lanthanides are electropositive elements with only one main oxidation state like the group 1 and 2 elements. The position of the actinides is more questionable, but the most common and stable of them, thorium (Th) and uranium (U), are similar to main-group elements as thorium is an electropositive element with only one main oxidation state (+4), and uranium has two main ones separated by two oxidation units (+4 and +6).[3]", "Silver When the Phoenicians first came to what is now Spain, they obtained so much silver that they could not fit it all on their ships, and as a result used silver to weight their anchors instead of lead.[56] By the time of the Greek and Roman civilizations, silver coins were a staple of the economy:[54] the Greeks were already extracting silver from galena by the 7th century BC,[56] and the rise of Athens was partly made possible by the nearby silver mines at Laurium, from which they extracted about 30 tonnes a year from 600 to 300 BC.[59] The stability of the Roman currency relied to a high degree on the supply of silver bullion, mostly from Spain, which Roman miners produced on a scale unparalleled before the discovery of the New World. Reaching a peak production of 200 tonnes per year, an estimated silver stock of 10000 tonnes circulated in the Roman economy in the middle of the second century AD, five to ten times larger than the combined amount of silver available to medieval Europe and the Abbasid Caliphate around AD 800.[60][61] The Romans also recorded the extraction of silver in central and northern Europe in the same time period. This production came to a nearly complete halt with the fall of the Roman Empire, not to resume until the time of Charlemagne: by then, tens of thousands of tonnes of silver had already been extracted.[57]", "Silver as an investment In April 2007, Commitments of Traders Report revealed that four or fewer traders held 90% of all short silver futures contracts totalling 245 million troy ounces, which is equivalent to 140 days of production. According to Ted Butler, one of these banks with large silver shorts, JPMorgan Chase, is also the custodian of the SLV silver exchange-traded fund (ETF). Some silver analysts have pointed to a potential conflict of interest, as close scrutiny of Comex documents reveals that ETF shares may be used to \"cover\" Comex physical metal deliveries. This led analysts to speculate that some stores of silver have multiple claims upon them. On September 25, 2008 the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) relented and probed the silver market after persistent complaints of foul play.[33]", "Silver as an investment Most Swiss banks offer silver accounts where silver can be instantly bought or sold just like any foreign currency.[citation needed] Unlike holding physical silver, the customer has a claim against the bank for a certain quantity of metal. Digital gold currency providers and internet bullion exchanges, such as BullionVault or GoldMoney, offer silver as an alternative to gold. Some of these companies allow investors to redeem their investment through delivery of physical silver.[44]", "Chemical element The density at a selected standard temperature and pressure (STP) is frequently used in characterizing the elements. Density is often expressed in grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm3). Since several elements are gases at commonly encountered temperatures, their densities are usually stated for their gaseous forms; when liquefied or solidified, the gaseous elements have densities similar to those of the other elements.", "Group 12 element Hg is the modern chemical symbol for mercury. It comes from hydrargyrum, a Latinized form of the Greek word Ύδραργυρος (hydrargyros), which is a compound word meaning \"water-silver\" (hydr- = water, argyros = silver) — since it is liquid like water and shiny like silver. The element was named after the Roman god Mercury, known for speed and mobility. It is associated with the planet Mercury; the astrological symbol for the planet is also one of the alchemical symbols for the metal.[64] Mercury is the only metal for which the alchemical planetary name became the common name.[63]", "Silver as an investment The Hunt Brothers (Nelson Bunker Hunt and William Herbert Hunt) took a huge position in silver using leverage (borrowed capital, such as margin debt), to become some of the largest private holders of silver in the world.", "Silver Central Europe became the centre of silver production during the Middle Ages, as the Mediterranean deposits exploited by the ancient civilisations had been exhausted. Silver mines were opened in Bohemia, Saxony, Erzgebirge, Alsace, the Lahn region, Siegerland, Silesia, Hungary, Norway, Steiermark, Salzburg, and the southern Black Forest. Most of these ores were quite rich in silver and could simply be separated by hand from the remaining rock and then smelted; some deposits of native silver were also encountered. Many of these mines were soon exhausted, but a few of them remained active until the Industrial Revolution, before which the world production of silver was around a meagre 50 tonnes per year.[57] In the Americas, high temperature silver-lead cupellation technology was developed by pre-Inca civilizations as early as AD 60–120; silver deposits in India, China, Japan, and pre-Columbian America continued to be mined during this time.[57][62]", "Similarity (geometry) Similarities preserve planes, lines, perpendicularity, parallelism, midpoints, inequalities between distances and line segments.[18] Similarities preserve angles but do not necessarily preserve orientation, direct similitudes preserve orientation and opposite similitudes change it.[19]", "Silver nitrate Silver nitrate is the least expensive salt of silver; it offers several other advantages as well. It is non-hygroscopic, in contrast to silver fluoroborate and silver perchlorate. It is relatively stable to light. Finally, it dissolves in numerous solvents, including water. The nitrate can be easily replaced by other ligands, rendering AgNO3 versatile. Treatment with solutions of halide ions gives a precipitate of AgX (X = Cl, Br, I). When making photographic film, silver nitrate is treated with halide salts of sodium or potassium to form insoluble silver halide in situ in photographic gelatin, which is then applied to strips of tri-acetate or polyester. Similarly, silver nitrate is used to prepare some silver-based explosives, such as the fulminate, azide, or acetylide, through a precipitation reaction.", "Silver certificate (United States) In March 1964, Secretary of the Treasury C. Douglas Dillon halted redemption of silver certificates for silver dollar coins; during the following four years, silver certificates were redeemable in uncoined silver \"granules.\"[40] All redemption in silver ceased on 24 June 1968.[1] While there are some exceptions (particularly for some of the very early issues as well as the experimental bills) the vast majority of small sized silver certificates, especially non-star or worn bills of the 1935 and 1957 series, are worth little to nothing above their face values.", "Similarity (geometry) There are several statements each of which is necessary and sufficient for two triangles to be similar:", "Silvering An aluminum vacuum-deposition process invented in 1930 by Caltech physicist and astronomer John Strong, led to most reflecting telescopes shifting to aluminum.[9] Nevertheless, some modern telescopes use silver, such as the Kepler space observatory.[10][11]\nThe Kepler mirror's silver was deposited using ion assisted evaporation.[10][11]", "Period 4 element Vanadium (V) is an element in period 4, between titanium and chromium. Vanadium is never found in pure form in nature, but is commonly found in compounds. Vanadium is similar to titanium in many ways, such as being very corrosion-resistant, however, unlike titanium, it oxidizes in air even at room temperature. All vanadium compounds have at least some level of toxicity, with some of them being extremely toxic.", "Amphoterism Some other elements which form amphoteric oxides are gallium, indium, scandium, titanium, zirconium, vanadium, chromium, iron, cobalt, copper, silver, gold, germanium, tin, antimony, bismuth, and tellurium.", "Similarity (geometry) Several types of curves have the property that all examples of that type are similar to each other. These include:", "Similarity (geometry) Weaker versions of similarity would for instance have f be a bi-Lipschitz function and the scalar r a limit", "Similarity (geometry) One can view the Euclidean plane as the complex plane,[22] that is, as a 2-dimensional space over the reals. The 2D similarity transformations can then be expressed in terms of complex arithmetic and are given by f(z) = az + b (direct similitudes) and f(z) = az + b (opposite similitudes), where a and b are complex numbers, a ≠ 0. When |a| = 1, these similarities are isometries.", "Period 6 element The lanthanide elements are the group of elements with atomic number increasing from 57 (lanthanum) to 71 (lutetium). They are termed lanthanide because the lighter elements in the series are chemically similar to lanthanum. Strictly speaking, both lanthanum and lutetium have been labeled as group 3 elements, because they both have a single valence electron in the d shell. However, both elements are often included in any general discussion of the chemistry of the lanthanide elements.", "Period 5 element Niobium has physical and chemical properties similar to those of the element tantalum, and the two are therefore difficult to distinguish. The English chemistCharles Hatchett reported a new element similar to tantalum in 1801, and named it columbium. In 1809, the English chemist William Hyde Wollaston wrongly concluded that tantalum and columbium were identical. The German chemist Heinrich Rose determined in 1846 that tantalum ores contain a second element, which he named niobium. In 1864 and 1865, a series of scientific findings clarified that niobium and columbium were the same element (as distinguished from tantalum), and for a century both names were used interchangeably. The name of the element was officially adopted as niobium in 1949.", "Silver Alert Activation criteria for Silver Alerts vary from state to state. Some states limit Silver Alerts to persons over the age of 65 who have been medically diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, dementia or a mental disability. Other states expand Silver Alert to include all children and adults with mental or developmental disabilities. In general, the decision to issue a Silver Alert is made by the law enforcement agency investigating the report of a missing person. Public information in a Silver Alert usually consists of the name and description of the missing person and a description of the missing person's vehicle and license plate number.", "Silver as an investment Silver may be used as an investment like other precious metals. It has been regarded as a form of money and store of value for more than 4,000 years, although it has lost its role as a legal tender in all developed countries since the end of the silver standard. Some countries mint bullion and collector coins, however, such as the American Silver Eagle with nominal face values.[1] In 2009, the main demand for silver was for industrial applications (40%), jewellery, bullion coins, and exchange-traded products.[2][3] In 2011, the global silver reserves amounted to 530,000 tonnes.[4]", "Silver In stark contrast to this, all four silver(I) halides are known. The fluoride, chloride, and bromide have the sodium chloride structure, but the iodide has three known stable forms at different temperatures; that at room temperature is the cubic zinc blende structure. They can all be obtained by the direct reaction of their respective elements.[37] As the halogen group is descended, the silver halide gains more and more covalent character, solubility decreases, and the color changes from the white chloride to the yellow iodide as the energy required for ligand-metal charge transfer (X−Ag+ → XAg) decreases.[37] The fluoride is anomalous, as the fluoride ion is so small that it has a considerable solvation energy and hence is highly water-soluble and forms di- and tetrahydrates.[37] The other three silver halides are highly insoluble in aqueous solutions and are very commonly used in gravimetric analytical methods.[19] All four are photosensitive (though the monofluoride is so only to ultraviolet light), especially the bromide and iodide which photodecompose to silver metal, and thus were used in traditional photography.[37] The reaction involved is:[38]", "Abundance of the chemical elements The abundance of elements in the Sun and outer planets is similar to that in the universe. Due to solar heating, the elements of Earth and the inner rocky planets of the Solar System have undergone an additional depletion of volatile hydrogen, helium, neon, nitrogen, and carbon (which volatilizes as methane). The crust, mantle, and core of the Earth show evidence of chemical segregation plus some sequestration by density. Lighter silicates of aluminum are found in the crust, with more magnesium silicate in the mantle, while metallic iron and nickel compose the core. The abundance of elements in specialized environments, such as atmospheres, or oceans, or the human body, are primarily a product of chemical interactions with the medium in which they reside.", "Silvering Silvering occurs in black and white photography when the black silver oxide is reduced to silver metal, the result is a reflective metallic patch in the image. The silver originates from the photosensitive silver bromide.", "Silver The principal sources of silver are the ores of copper, copper-nickel, lead, and lead-zinc obtained from Peru, Bolivia, Mexico, China, Australia, Chile, Poland and Serbia.[8] Peru, Bolivia and Mexico have been mining silver since 1546, and are still major world producers. Top silver-producing mines are Cannington (Australia), Fresnillo (Mexico), San Cristóbal (Bolivia), Antamina (Peru), Rudna (Poland), and Penasquito (Mexico).[71] Top near-term mine development projects through 2015 are Pascua Lama (Chile), Navidad (Argentina), Jaunicipio (Mexico), Malku Khota (Bolivia),[72] and Hackett River (Canada).[71] In Central Asia, Tajikistan is known to have some of the largest silver deposits in the world.[73]", "Silver Silver fulminate, AgCNO, a powerful, touch-sensitive explosive used in percussion caps, is made by reaction of silver metal with nitric acid in the presence of ethanol. Other dangerously explosive silver compounds are silver azide, AgN3, formed by reaction of silver nitrate with sodium azide,[43] and silver acetylide, Ag2C2, formed when silver reacts with acetylene gas in ammonia solution.[27] In its most characteristic reaction, silver azide decomposes explosively, releasing nitrogen gas: given the photosensitivity of silver salts, this behaviour may be induced by shining a light on its crystals.[27]", "Silver Photochromic lenses include silver halides, so that ultraviolet light in natural daylight liberates metallic silver, darkening the lenses. The silver halides are reformed in lower light intensities. Colourless silver chloride films are used in radiation detectors. Zeolite sieves incorporating Ag+ ions are used to desalinate seawater during rescues, using silver ions to precipitate chloride as silver chloride. Silver is also used for its antibacterial properties for water sanitisation, but the application of this is limited by limits on silver consumption. Colloidal silver is similarly used to disinfect closed swimming pools; while it has the advantage of not giving off a smell like hypochlorite treatments do, colloidal silver is not effective enough for more contaminated open swimming pools. Small silver iodide crystals are used in cloud seeding to cause rain.[95]", "Mercury (element) Mercury(II) oxide, the main oxide of mercury, arises when the metal is exposed to air for long periods at elevated temperatures. It reverts to the elements upon heating near 400 °C, as was demonstrated by Joseph Priestley in an early synthesis of pure oxygen.[11] Hydroxides of mercury are poorly characterized, as they are for its neighbors gold and silver.", "Similarity (geometry) In the axiomatic treatment of Euclidean geometry given by G.D. Birkhoff (see Birkhoff's axioms) the SAS similarity criterion given above was used to replace both Euclid's Parallel Postulate and the SAS axiom which enabled the dramatic shortening of Hilbert's axioms.[8]", "Silver Silver metal is attacked by strong oxidizers such as potassium permanganate (KMnO\n4) and potassium dichromate (K\n2Cr\n2O\n7), and in the presence of potassium bromide (KBr). These compounds are used in photography to bleach silver images, converting them to silver bromide that can either be fixed with thiosulfate or redeveloped to intensify the original image. Silver forms cyanide complexes (silver cyanide) that are soluble in water in the presence of an excess of cyanide ions. Silver cyanide solutions are used in electroplating of silver.[32]", "Visual design elements and principles Planning a consistent and similar design is an important aspect of a designer's work to make their focal point visible. Too much similarity is boring but without similarity important elements will not exist and an image without contrast is uneventful so the key is to find the balance between similarity and contrast.[6]", "Rare-earth element A rare-earth element (REE) or rare-earth metal (REM), as defined by IUPAC, is one of a set of seventeen chemical elements in the periodic table, specifically the fifteen lanthanides, as well as scandium and yttrium.[2] Scandium and yttrium are considered rare-earth elements because they tend to occur in the same ore deposits as the lanthanides and exhibit similar chemical properties.", "Silver The three main forms of deterioration in historical silver artifacts are tarnishing, formation of silver chloride due to long-term immersion in salt water, as well as reaction with nitrate ions or oxygen. Fresh silver chloride is pale yellow, becoming purplish on exposure to light; it projects slightly from the surface of the artifact or coin. The precipitation of copper in ancient silver can be used to date artifacts, as copper is nearly always a constituent of silver alloys.[31]", "Period 7 element A period 7 element is one of the chemical elements in the seventh row (or period) of the periodic table of the chemical elements. The periodic table is laid out in rows to illustrate recurring (periodic) trends in the chemical behaviour of the elements as their atomic number increases: a new row is begun when chemical behaviour begins to repeat, meaning that elements with similar behaviour fall into the same vertical columns. The seventh period contains 32 elements, tied for the most with period 6, beginning with francium and ending with oganesson, the heaviest element currently discovered. As a rule, period 7 elements fill their 7s shells first, then their 5f, 6d, and 7p shells, in that order; however, there are exceptions, such as uranium.", "Celeborn The name Celeborn means \"silver tree\", combining two elements: \"celeb\" meaning \"silver\" and \"orne\" meaning \"tree\". Another interpretation reads this as \"silver-tall\" (referring to his silver hair and his height), where \"orn\" is originated from \"orna\" meaning \"tall\".[8]", "Rare-earth element A table listing the 17 rare-earth elements, their atomic number and symbol, the etymology of their names, and their main usages (see also Applications of lanthanides) is provided here. Some of the rare-earth elements are named after the scientists who discovered or elucidated their elemental properties, and some after their geographical discovery.", "Rare-earth element Thus by 1803 there were two known rare-earth elements, yttrium and cerium, although it took another 30 years for researchers to determine that other elements were contained in the two ores ceria and yttria (the similarity of the rare-earth metals' chemical properties made their separation difficult).", "Honda Element When Honda unveiled the Element in 2003 the design was unique, and the no-nonsense philosophy and retro/progressive styling drew customers to the car. The still emerging and relatively new market for compact SUVs offered little competition, and Honda was able to win over buyers by targeting the car toward young, active people with a list of options to suit outdoor activities like biking and camping. Competing automakers quickly noticed the vehicle's success, and the Element was quickly joined by similar vehicles such as the Nissan Cube, Ford Flex, Kia Soul and Scion xB. These other vehicles were similar to the Element and many of them were more affordable, which proved to be too alluring for the young audience at which the car had been aimed. In addition to facing stiff competition from off the lot, the Element also had to cope with intense rivalry from within the Honda stable in the form of the automaker's flagship CR-V. The Element model line struggled in the shadow of this more well-established sister car. Adding to this was Honda executives' decision not to update the Element at all during the car's entire 9-year production run, a decision that made the Element seem dull and dated in a market sector that places an extremely high value on ultramodern contemporary styling and state-of-the-art technology. The model's worst sales year, 2009, saw the CR-V outselling the Element by a factor of 5 to 1.[18] [19]", "Silvering Silvering is the chemical process of coating glass with a reflective substance. When glass mirrors first gained widespread usage in Europe during the 16th century, most were silvered with an amalgam of tin and mercury,[1] but by the 19th century, mirrors were commonly made through a process by which silver was coated onto a glass surface. Today, sputtering aluminium or other compounds[which?] is more often used for this purpose, although the process may maintain the name \"silvering\".", "Silver Silver metal is a good catalyst for oxidation reactions; in fact it is somewhat too good for most purposes, as finely divided silver tends to result in complete oxidation of organic substances to carbon dioxide and water, and hence coarser-grained silver tends to be used instead. For instance, 15% silver supported on α-Al2O3 or silicates is a catalyst for the oxidation of ethylene to ethylene oxide at 230–270 °C. Dehydrogenation of methanol to formaldehyde is conducted at 600–720 °C over silver gauze or crystals as the catalyst, as is dehydrogenation of isopropanol to acetone. In the gas phase, glycol yields glyoxal and ethanol yields acetaldehyde, while organic amines are dehydrated to nitriles.[100]", "Silvering Mirrors made by this method are classified as either back-silvered, with the silvered layer viewed through the glass; or front-silvered, (called a first surface mirror) with the reflective layer on the surface towards the incoming light or image. Most common household mirrors are back-silvered, since this protects the fragile reflective layer from corrosion, scratches, and other damage. However, precision optical surfaces normally need the reflective material on the front surface of the glass to avoid introducing optical aberrations. First surface mirrors use the substrate to keep form. There are optical mirrors such as Mangin mirrors that are back-silvered (reflective coating on the rear surface) as part of their optical design.", "Period 5 element Rubidium is the first element placed in period 5. It is an alkali metal, the most reactive group in the periodic table, having properties and similarities with both other alkali metals and other period 5 elements. For example, rubidium has 5 electron shells, a property found in all other period 5 elements, whereas its electron configuration's ending is similar to all other alkali metals: s1.[4] Rubidium also follows the trend of increasing reactivity as the atomic number increases in the alkali metals, for it is more reactive than potassium, but less so than caesium. In addition, both potassium and rubidium yield almost the same hue when ignited, so researchers must use different methods to differentiate between these two 1st group elements.[5] Rubidium is very susceptible to oxidation in air, similar to most of the other alkali metals, so it readily transforms into rubidium oxide, a yellow solid with the chemical formula Rb2O.[6]", "Silver Today, silver metal is primarily produced instead as a secondary byproduct of electrolytic refining of copper, lead, and zinc, and by application of the Parkes process on lead bullion from ore that also contains silver.[78] In such processes, silver follows the non-ferrous metal in question through its concentration and smelting, and is later purified out. For example, in copper production, purified copper is electrolytically deposited on the cathode, while the less reactive precious metals such as silver and gold collect under the anode as the so-called \"anode slime\". This is then separated and purified of base metals by treatment with hot aerated dilute sulfuric acid and heating with lime or silica flux, before the silver is purified to over 99.9% purity via electrolysis in nitrate solution.[69]", "Chemical compound A covalent bond, also known as a molecular bond, involves the sharing of electrons between two atoms. Primarily, this type of bond occurs between elements that fall close to each other on the periodic table of elements, yet it is observed between some metals and nonmetals. This is due to the mechanism of this type of bond. Elements that fall close to each other on the periodic table tend to have similar electronegativities, which means they have a similar affinity for electrons. Since neither element has a stronger affinity to donate or gain electrons, it causes the elements to share electrons so both elements have a more stable octet.", "Group 3 element The La and Ac variant remains the most common in the literature, despite some calls for a change to the Lu and Lr variant. In terms of chemical behaviour,[62] and trends going down group 3 for properties such as melting point, electronegativity and ionic radius,[63][64] scandium, yttrium, lanthanum and actinium are similar to their group 1–2 counterparts. In this variant, the number of f electrons in the most common (trivalent) ions of the f-block elements consistently matches their position in the f-block.[65] For example, the f-electron counts for the trivalent ions of the first three f-block elements are Ce 1, Pr 2 and Nd 3.[66]", "Germanium Because this new element showed some similarities with the elements arsenic and antimony, its proper place in the periodic table was under consideration, but its similarities with Dmitri Mendeleev's predicted element \"ekasilicon\" confirmed that place on the periodic table.[8][15] With further material from 500 kg of ore from the mines in Saxony, Winkler confirmed the chemical properties of the new element in 1887.[7][8][16] He also determined an atomic weight of 72.32 by analyzing pure germanium tetrachloride (GeCl4), while Lecoq de Boisbaudran deduced 72.3 by a comparison of the lines in the spark spectrum of the element.[17]", "Silver The ratio between the amount of silver used for coinage and that used for other purposes has fluctuated greatly over time; for example, in wartime, more silver tends to have been used for coinage to finance the war.[86]", "Silver nitrate Silver nitrate can be prepared by reacting silver, such as a silver bullion or silver foil, with nitric acid, resulting in silver nitrate, water, and oxides of nitrogen. Reaction byproducts depend upon the concentration of nitric acid used.", "Silver Silver has long been valued as a precious metal. Silver metal is used in many bullion coins, sometimes alongside gold:[4] while it is more abundant than gold, it is much less abundant as a native metal.[5] Its purity is typically measured on a per-mille basis; a 94%-pure alloy is described as \"0.940 fine\". As one of the seven metals of antiquity, silver has had an enduring role in most human cultures.", "HTML element SGML is complex, which has limited its widespread adoption and understanding. XML was developed as a simpler alternative. XML is similar to SGML, that can also use the DTD mechanism to specify the supported elements and their permitted combinations as document structure. XML parsing is simpler. The relation from tags to elements is always that of parsing the actual tags included in the document, without the implied closures that are part of SGML.[note 5]", "Silver Silver plays a certain role in mythology and has found various usage as a metaphor and in folklore. The Greek poet Hesiod's Works and Days (lines 109–201) lists different ages of man named after metals like gold, silver, bronze and iron to account for successive ages of humanity.[63] Ovid's Metamorphoses contains another retelling of the story, containing an illustration of silver's metaphorical use of signifying the second-best in a series, better than bronze but worse than gold:", "Silver The earliest known coins of the Western world were minted in the kingdom of Lydia in Asia Minor around 600 BC.[79] The coins of Lydia were made of electrum, which is a naturally occurring alloy of gold and silver, that was available within the territory of Lydia.[79] Since that time, silver standards, in which the standard economic unit of account is a fixed weight of silver, have been widespread throughout the world until the 20th century. Notable silver coins through the centuries include the Greek drachma,[80] the Roman denarius,[81] the Islamic dirham,[82] the Indian rupee from the time of the Mughal Empire (grouped with copper and gold coins to create a trimetallic standard),[83] and the Spanish dollar.[84][85]", "Propionibacterium acnes The elements silver,[40] sulfur,[41] and copper[42] have also been demonstrated to be toxic towards many bacteria, including P. acnes. Natural honey has also been shown to have some antibacterial properties that may be active against P. acnes.[43]", "Uranium ore Some particularly rich uranium deposits are formed in palaeochannels which are filled in the lower parts by lignite or brown coal, which acts as a particularly efficient reductive trap for uranium. Sometimes, elements such as scandium, gold and silver may be concentrated within these lignite-hosted uranium deposits.[12]", "Silver Despite the above formulations, most silver compounds have significant covalent character due to the small size and high first ionization energy (730.8 kJ/mol) of silver.[9] Furthermore, silver's Pauling electronegativity of 1.93 is higher than that of lead (1.87), and its electron affinity of 125.6 kJ/mol is much higher than that of hydrogen (72.8 kJ/mol) and not much less than that of oxygen (141.0 kJ/mol).[28] Due to its full d-subshell, silver in its main +1 oxidation state exhibits relatively few properties of the transition metals proper from groups 4 to 10, forming rather unstable organometallic compounds, forming linear complexes showing very low coordination numbers like 2, and forming an amphoteric oxide[29] as well as Zintl phases like the post-transition metals.[30] Unlike the preceding transition metals, the +1 oxidation state of silver is stable even in the absence of π-acceptor ligands.[27]", "Sterling silver Sterling silver is an alloy of silver containing 92.5% by weight of silver and 7.5% by weight of other metals, usually copper. The sterling silver standard has a minimum millesimal fineness of 925.", "HTML element The format of HTML Tables was proposed in the HTML 3.0 Drafts and the later RFC 1942 HTML Tables. They were inspired by the CALS Table Model. Some elements in these proposals were included in HTML 3.2; the present form of HTML Tables was standardized in HTML 4. (Many of the elements used within tables are neither block nor inline elements.)", "Rare-earth element The classification of rare-earth elements is inconsistent between authors.[13] The most common distinction between rare-earth elements is made by atomic numbers; those with low atomic numbers are referred to as light rare-earth elements, those with high atomic numbers are the heavy rare-earth elements, and those that fall in between are typically referred to as the middle rare-earth elements.[14] Commonly, rare-earth elements with atomic numbers 57 to 61 are classified as light and those with atomic numbers greater than 62 (corresponding to Eu) are classified as heavy-rare earth elements.[15] Increasing atomic numbers between light and heavy rare-earth elements and decreasing atomic radii throughout the series causes chemical variations.[15] Eu is exempt of this classification as it has two valance states: Eu+2 and Eu+3.[15] Y is grouped as heavy rare-earth element due to chemical similarities.[16]", "Silver Nanosilver particles, between 10 and 100 nanometres in size, are used in many applications. They are used in conductive inks for printed electronics, and have a much lower melting point than larger silver particles of micrometre size. They are also used medicinally in antibacterials and antifungals in much the same way as larger silver particles.[95]", "Rare-earth element In igneous rocks, particularly in felsic melts, the following observations apply: anomalies in Eu are dominated by the crystallization of feldspars.[14] Hornblende, controls the enrichment of middle rare-earth elements (MREE) compared to light and heavy rare earth elements (LREE and HREE, respectively).[14] Depletion of light relative to heavy rare-earth elements may be due to the crystallization of olivine, orthopyroxene, and clinopyroxene.[14] On the other hand, depletion of heavy relative to light rare-earth elements may be due to the presence of garnet,[14] as garnet preferentially incorporates heavy rare-earth elements into its crystal structure. The presence of zircon may also cause a similar effect.[14]", "Gold On Earth, gold is found in ores in rock formed from the Precambrian time onward.[56] It most often occurs as a native metal, typically in a metal solid solution with silver (i.e. as a gold silver alloy). Such alloys usually have a silver content of 8–10%. Electrum is elemental gold with more than 20% silver. Electrum's color runs from golden-silvery to silvery, dependent upon the silver content. The more silver, the lower the specific gravity.", "Nuclear binding energy There are around 94 naturally occurring elements on earth. The atoms of each element have a nucleus containing a specific number of protons (always the same number for a given element), and some number of neutrons, which is often roughly a similar number. Two atoms of the same element having different numbers of neutrons are known as isotopes of the element. Different isotopes may have different properties - for example one might be stable and another might be unstable, and gradually undergo radioactive decay to become another element.", "Silver Reef, Utah Geologists and other miners refused at first to believe the news that silver had been found in sandstone. When brought an actual sample from the area, the Smithsonian Institution called it an \"interesting fake\".[4] In 1875, news of the silver discovery reached the Walker brothers, well-known bankers from Salt Lake City. They hired William T. Barbee, who had previously staked mining claims in Ophir,[26] to stake claims on their behalf. He staked 21 claims and published an article on the claims in The Salt Lake Tribune. In the article, Barbee mentioned that the area had \"an abundance of rich silver mines\".[27] This set off a silver rush,[26] and by late 1875, Barbee had established a town called Bonanza City. Several businessmen then came into the area, inflating property values. Many miners and businessmen looking for inexpensive land set up a tent city north of Bonanza City and called it \"Rockpile\".[3] When the mines in nearby Pioche were closed in November 1875, many of the miners and business owners who had worked there came into the area of \"Rockpile\" in what is known as the \"Pioche Silver Stampede\",[28] and the name of the settlement was changed to Silver Reef. As construction of the St. George LDS Temple ended in mid-1877, labor opportunities for the workers became available in Silver Reef. Pine Valley Mills and Mount Trumbull in the Arizona Strip supplied most of the lumber used to construct the buildings. During its first year, Silver Reef did not have a smelter; as a result, the silver ore mined in Silver Reef was taken to Pioche and Salt Lake City for smelting.[26]", "Silver Reef, Utah According to a less accepted story, a man known as \"Metalliferous\" Murphy, an assayer from Pioche, Nevada, was brought a piece of a grindstone made of sandstone from the Silver Reef area by miners in Pioche. After performing tests on the sample, Murphy stated that it contained over $200 of silver per ton. After some investigation, Murphy discovered that the samples had come from the area that was to become Silver Reef. There is no record of Murphy ever staking a claim, but he did allegedly attract the attention of miners.[25]", "Silver Bells \"Silver Bells\" started out as the questionable \"Tinkle Bells.\" Said Ray Evans, \"We never thought that tinkle had a double meaning until Jay went home and his first wife said, 'Are you out of your mind? Do you know what the word tinkle is?'\" The word is slang for urination.[4]", "Silver As of January 2018, silver is valued at around $554 per kilogram, or about $17 per ounce.[89]", "Naming of chemical elements Some chemical elements are named after places on the planet earth.", "Silver standard This meant that for every ounce of silver in the U.S. Treasury's vaults, the U.S. government could continue to issue money against it. These silver certificates were shredded upon redemption since the redeemed silver was no longer in the Treasury. With the world market price of silver having been in excess of $1.29 per troy ounce since 1960, silver began to flow out of the Treasury at an increasing rate. To slow the drain, President Kennedy ordered a halt to issuing $5 and $10 silver certificates in 1962. That left the $1 silver certificate as the only denomination being issued.", "Voltameter This is similar to the silver voltameter but the anode and cathode are copper and the solution is copper sulfate, acidified with sulfuric acid. It is cheaper than the silver voltameter, but slightly less accurate.", "Esperanto vocabulary The \"correlatives\" are a paradigm of pro-forms, used to ask and answer the questions what, where, when, why, who, whose, how, how much, and what kind. They are constructed from set elements so that correlatives with similar meanings have similar forms: There are nine endings corresponding to the nine wh- questions, and five initial elements that perform the functions of asking, answering, denying, being inclusive, and being indefinite about these nine questions. For example, the words kiam (when) and kiu (who, which), with the initial ki- of questions, ask about time and individuals, whereas the words tiam (then) and tiu (this/that one), with the same endings but the initial ti- of demonstratives, answer those questions, and the words neniam (never) and neniu (no-one) deny those questions. Thus by learning these 14 elements the speaker acquires a paradigm of 45 adverbs and pronouns.", "Root element A more expanded example of an XML document follows, demonstrating some of these extra nodes along with a single rootElement element.", "Silvering The \"silvering\" on infrared instruments is usually gold. It has the best reflectivity in the infrared spectrum, and has high resistance to oxidation and corrosion.", "The House of the Devil The plot concerns a young college student (Donahue) who is hired as a babysitter at an isolated house and is soon caught up in bizarre and dangerous events as she fights for her life. The film combines elements of both the slasher film and haunted house subgenres while using the \"satanic panic\" of the 1980s as a central plot element. The film pays homage to horror films of the 1970s and 1980s, recreating the style of films of that era using filming techniques and similar technology to what was used then. The film's opening text claims that it is based upon true events, a technique used in some horror films, such as The Amityville Horror and The Texas Chain Saw Massacre.", "Silver The C–Ag bond is stabilized by perfluoroalkyl ligands, for example in AgCF(CF3)2.[47] Alkenylsilver compounds are also more stable than their alkylsilver counterparts.[48] Silver-NHC complexes are easily prepared, and are commonly used to prepare other NHC complexes by displacing labile ligands. For example, the reaction of the bis(NHC)silver(I) complex with bis(acetonitrile)palladium dichloride or chlorido(dimethyl sulfide)gold(I):[49]", "Free silver As a result, the monetary value of silver coins was based on government fiat rather than on the commodity value of their contents, and this became especially true following the huge silver strikes in the West, which further depressed the silver price. From that time until the early 1960s the silver content in United States dimes, quarters, half dollars and silver dollars was worth only a fraction of their face values.[4] Free coinage of silver would have amounted to an increase in the money supply, with inflation as the result.", "Rare-earth element The application of rare-earth elements to geology is important to understanding the petrological mechanisms of igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rock formation. In geochemistry, rare-earth elements can be used to infer the petrological mechanisms that have affected a rock. The importance of rare-earth elements in petrological processes is due to the subtle atomic size differences between the rare-earth elements, which causes preferential fractionation of some elements relative to others depending on the processes at work.[14]" ]
when was the chain first used for f1
[ "The Chain The BBC's Formula One coverage used the ending bass line as a theme tune from 1978 until the BBC's loss of TV rights to ITV Sport in 1997, thus making the song highly recognisable in the United Kingdom.[7] On 29 March 2009 the song re-entered the UK Chart at #94 through downloads, following confirmation from the BBC that it would be reintroduced, the BBC having regained broadcasting rights from ITV. On 20 March 2011, \"The Chain\" peaked higher at #81 in the UK chart following a campaign on Facebook to try to get the song to number 1 for the start of the 2011 Formula One season.[2] By November 2014, the song had been certified Silver by the British Phonographic Industry based on download sales alone, making it one of Fleetwood Mac's most successful songs in the UK." ]
[ "McLaren F1 Although only five F1 LMs were sold, a sixth chassis exists in the form of XP1 LM, the prototype for modifications to the existing F1 to form the new F1 LM. This car is also painted Papaya Orange and is retained by McLaren.", "McLaren F1 Chief engineer Gordon Murray's design concept was a common one among designers of high-performance cars: low weight and high power. This was achieved through use of high-tech and expensive materials such as carbon fibre, titanium, gold, magnesium and kevlar. The F1 was the first production car to use a carbon-fibre monocoque chassis.[12]", "McLaren F1 The McLaren F1 uses 235/45ZR17 front tyres and 315/45ZR17 rear tyres.[17] These are specially designed and developed solely for the McLaren F1 by Goodyear and Michelin. The tyres are mounted on 17-by-9-inch (430 mm × 230 mm) front, and 17-by-11.5-inch (430 mm × 290 mm) rear five-spoke cast magnesium wheels, coated with a protective paint and secured by magnesium retention pins.[25]", "McLaren F1 To follow up on the success of the F1 GTR into 1996, McLaren further developed the 1995 model, leading to a size increase but weight decrease.[58] Nine more F1 GTRs were built to 1996 spec, while some 1995 cars were still campaigned by privateers. F1 GTR 1996 chassis #14R is notable as being the first non-Japanese car to win a race in the All-Japan Grand Touring Car Championship (JGTC).[61] The car was driven by David Brabham and John Nielsen. The weight was reduced with around 37 kg (82 lb) from the 1995 GTR but the engine was kept detuned at 600 hp (608 PS; 447 kW) to comply with racing regulations.[18]", "McLaren F1 In 1994, the British car magazine Autocar stated in a road test regarding the F1, \"The McLaren F1 is the finest driving machine yet built for the public road.\" They further stated, \"The F1 will be remembered as one of the great events in the history of the car, and it may possibly be the fastest production road car the world will ever see.\"[5] In 2005, Channel4 placed the car at number one on their list of the 100 greatest cars, calling it \"the greatest automotive achievement of all time\". In popular culture, the McLaren F1 has earned its spot as 'The greatest automobile ever created' and 'The Most Excellent Sports Car Of All Time' amongst a wide variety of car enthusiasts and lovers.[6] Notable past and present McLaren F1 owners include Elon Musk,[7] Jay Leno,[8] George Harrison,[9] and the Sultan of Brunei.[10] In the April 2017 issue of Top Gear Magazine, the McLaren F1 was listed as one of the fastest naturally aspirated cars currently available in the world, and in the same league as the more modern vehicles such as the Ferrari Enzo and Aston Martin One-77 despite being produced and engineered 10 years prior the Ferrari Enzo and 17 years prior the Aston Martin One-77.[11]", "McLaren F1 In total, nine F1 GTRs would be built for 1995.[59]", "McLaren F1 This version of the McLaren F1 is modified in order to obtain road legality in the United States. These modifications include the deletion of side seats, the replacement of headlights, a heightened bumper and dampened performance figures including handling and braking compared to the European F1, due to road legality issues. It weighs in at 1,288.2 kg (2,840 lb).", "McLaren F1 Car and Driver wrote in their August 1994 issue (\"Courtesy of Autocar & Motor\" written in the box with performance numbers): \"Top speed? The F1 runs into the 7500 rpm redline in sixth at 221 mph—but it's still accelerating. Gordon Murray, the F1's designer, is convinced that with taller gearing, the car is capable of at least 230 mph.\"[40]", "McLaren F1 Although production stopped in 1998, McLaren still maintains an extensive support and service network for the F1. Every standard F1 has a modem which allows customer care to remotely fetch information from the ECU of the car in order to assist the customer in the event of a mechanical vehicle failure.[35] There are eight[36] authorised service centres throughout the world, and McLaren will on occasion fly a specialised technician to the owner of the car or the service centre. All of the technicians have undergone dedicated training in service of the McLaren F1. In cases where major structural damage has occurred, the car can be returned to McLaren directly for repair.[36]", "Cold chain A cold chain or cool chain is a temperature-controlled supply chain. An unbroken cold chain is an uninterrupted series of refrigerated production, storage and distribution activities, along with associated equipment and logistics, which maintain a desired low-temperature range. It is used to preserve and to extend and ensure the shelf life of products, such as fresh agricultural produce,[1] seafood, frozen food, photographic film, chemicals, and pharmaceutical drugs.[2] Such products, during transport and when in transient storage, are sometimes called cool cargo.[3] Unlike other goods or merchandise, cold chain goods are perishable and always en route towards end use or destination, even when held temporarily in cold stores and hence commonly referred to as cargo during its entire logistics cycle.", "McLaren F1 Built at the request of race teams, such as those owned by Ray Bellm and Thomas Bscher, in order to compete in the BPR Global GT Series, the McLaren F1 GTR was a custom-built race car which introduced a modified engine management system that increased power output — however, air-restrictors mandated by racing regulations reduced the power back to 600 hp (608 PS; 447 kW) at 7,500 rpm.[59] The car's extensive modifications included changes to body panels, suspension, aerodynamics and the interior. The F1 GTR would go on to take its greatest achievement with first, third, fourth, fifth, and 13th places in the 1995 24 Hours of Le Mans, beating out custom built prototype sports cars.[58]", "Food chain Producers, such as plants, are organisms that utilize solar or chemical energy to synthesize starch. All food chains must start with a producer. In the deep sea, food chains centered on hydrothermal vents and cold seeps exist in the absence of sunlight. Chemosynthetic bacteria and archaea use hydrogen sulfide and methane from hydrothermal vents and cold seeps as an energy source (just as plants use sunlight) to produce carbohydrates; they form the base of the food chain. Consumers are organisms that eat other organisms. All organisms in a food chain, except the first organism, are consumers.[citation needed]", "McLaren F1 All features of the F1 were, according to Gordon Murray, obsessed over including the interior.[27] The metal plates fitted to improve aesthetics of the cockpit are claimed to be 20 thousandths of an inch (0.5 mm) thick to save weight.[27] The driver's seat of the McLaren F1 is custom fitted to the specifications desired by the customer for optimal fit and comfort; the seats are handmade from CFRP and covered in light Connolly leather.[25] By design, the F1 steering column cannot be adjusted; however, prior to production each customer specifies the exact preferred position of the steering wheel and thus the steering column is tailored by default to those owner settings. The same holds true for the pedals, which are not adjustable after the car has left the factory, but are tailored to each specific customer.[5]", "McLaren F1 The 1995 version of F1 GTR created so much downforce that it could run along the ceiling at 100 mph (160 km/h).[60]", "McLaren F1 The final incarnation of the road car, the F1 GT was meant as a homologation special. With increased competition from homologated sports cars from Porsche and Mercedes-Benz in the former BPR Global GT Series and new FIA GT Championship, McLaren required extensive modification to the F1 GTR in order to remain competitive. These modifications were so vast that McLaren would be required to build a production road-legal car on which the new race cars would be based.", "Gettin' High on Your Own Supply \"Blackbeat\" is used on the main Intro and Soundtrack for EA Sports F1 2002. An edited version was also used for the Intro of ITV F1 from 2000 to 2002.", "Markov chain Markov chains are used in finance and economics to model a variety of different phenomena, including asset prices and market crashes. The first financial model to use a Markov chain was from Prasad et al. in 1974.[dubious – discuss][75] Another was the regime-switching model of James D. Hamilton (1989), in which a Markov chain is used to model switches between periods high and low GDP growth (or alternatively, economic expansions and recessions).[76] A more recent example is the Markov Switching Multifractal model of Laurent E. Calvet and Adlai J. Fisher, which builds upon the convenience of earlier regime-switching models.[77][78] It uses an arbitrarily large Markov chain to drive the level of volatility of asset returns.", "Vowel The first formant, abbreviated \"F1\", corresponds to vowel openness (vowel height). Open vowels have high F1 frequencies, while close vowels have low F1 frequencies, as can be seen in the accompanying spectrogram: The [i] and [u] have similar low first formants, whereas [É‘] has a higher formant.", "McLaren F1 Prior to the sale of the first McLaren F1s, five prototypes were built, carrying the numbers XP1 through XP5.[62] These cars carried minor subtle differences between each other as well as between the production road cars. Contrary to common misunderstanding, XP1, the first ever running prototype, was never publicly unveiled. The XP1 was never painted (with bare carbon fibre exterior) and later destroyed in an accident in Namibia. The car unveiled at the Monaco 1992 event was actually a \"Clinic Model\", aesthetically convincing but without a powertrain. XP2 was used for crash testing (sporting a blue colour during the test) and also destroyed. As it was a crash test car, it didn't have full interior equipment or a powertrain. XP3 did durability testing, XP4 stress tested the gearbox system and XP5 was a publicity car. The XP3 has been in Murray's ownership since the completion of the programme, XP4 was seen by many viewers of Top Gear when reviewed by Tiff Needell in the mid-1990s and later on sold to a private owner, while XP5 went on to be used in McLaren's famous top speed run and is still owned by McLaren.", "Chain Uses for chain include:", "McLaren F1 During its pre-production stage, McLaren commissioned Kenwood, the team's supplier of radio equipment, to create a lightweight car audio system for the car; Kenwood, between 1992 and 1998 used the F1 to promote its products in print advertisements, calendars and brochure covers. Each car's audio system was especially designed to tailor to an individual's listening taste, however radio was omitted because Murray never listened to the radio.", "McLaren F1 Steve Randle, who was the car's dynamicist, was appointed responsible for the design of the suspension system of the McLaren F1.[22] It was decided that the ride should be comfortable yet performance-oriented, but not as stiff and low as that of a true track machine, as that would imply reduction in practical use and comfort as well as increasing noise and vibration, which would be a contradictory design choice in relation to the former set premise – the goal of creating the ultimate road car.", "Curb chain Curb chains vary in width and linkage. Thinner curb chains are more severe, ones that are too thin are banned in competition, and any curb chain could cause sores if the chain is not adjusted properly and used with discretion. For horses that are sensitive or that are rubbed by the chain, a cover made of rubber, neoprene, leather, or gel can be used, or a leather curb strap. However, it is important that the rider check that the curb is being used correctly and is not the cause of the rubs.", "Official (American football) He marks the forward progress of the ball and is in charge of the chain crew with regard to its duties. In addition to the general equipment listed above, the head linesman also carries a chain clip that is used by the chain crew to properly place the chains and ensure an accurate spot when measuring for a first down.", "McLaren F1 Following its initial launch as a road car, motorsports teams convinced McLaren to build racing versions of the F1 to compete in international series. Three different versions of the race car were developed from 1995 to 1997.[58]", "Vowel In the third edition of his textbook, Peter Ladefoged recommended using plots of F1 against F2 – F1 to represent vowel quality.[11] However, in the fourth edition, he changed to adopt a simple plot of F1 against F2,[12] and this simple plot of F1 against F2 was maintained for the fifth (and final) edition of the book.[13] Katrina Hayward compares the two types of plots and concludes that plotting of F1 against F2 – F1 \"is not very satisfactory because of its effect on the placing of the central vowels\",[14] so she also recommends use of a simple plot of F1 against F2. In fact, this kind of plot of F1 against F2 has been used by analysts to show the quality of the vowels in a wide range of languages, including RP,[15][16] the Queen's English,[17] American English,[18] Singapore English,[19] Brunei English,[20] North Frisian,[21] Turkish Kabardian,[22] and various indigenous Australian languages.[23]", "Markov chain Dynamic macroeconomics heavily uses Markov chains. An example is using Markov chains to exogenously model prices of equity (stock) in a general equilibrium setting.[79]", "2000s (decade) Michael Schumacher, the most titled F1 driver, won five F1 World Championships during the decade and finally retired in 2006, yet eventually confirming his come-back to F1 for 2010. Lance Armstrong won all the Tour de France between 1999 and 2005, also an all-time record, but was later stripped of all his titles when evidence emerged of his use of performance-enhancing drugs. Swiss tennis player Roger Federer won 16 Grand Slam titles to become the most titled player.", "Chain letter The legality of chain letters comes into question when they attempt to funnel monetary value to a single recipient. When a chain letter suggests a game of chance or a lottery with an opportunity for financial gain it is considered fraudulent under Title 18, United States Code, Section 1302, the Postal Lottery Statute. Chain letters that ask for items of minor value such as business cards or recipes are not covered by this law.", "Monohybrid cross Generally, the monohybrid cross is used to determine the dominance relationship between two alleles. The cross begins with the parental (P) generation. One parent is homozygous for one allele, and the other parent is homozygous for the other allele. The offspring make up the first filial (F1) generation. Every member of the F1 generation is heterozygous and the phenotype of the F1 generation expresses the dominant trait.[3] Crossing two members of the F1 generation produces the second filial (F2) generation. Probability theory predicts that three quarters of the F2 generation will have the dominant allele's phenotype. And the remaining quarter of the F2s will have the recessive allele's phenotype. This predicted 3:1 phenotypic ratio assumes Mendelian inheritance.", "X-ring chain The X-ring chain is a specialized type of sealed roller chain used to transfer mechanical power. Like the O-ring chain it is used in high performance motorcycles. It uses X-ring seal to keep lubricant(usually grease) in place.", "Chain Two distinct chains can be connected using a quick link, carabiner, or clevis.", "McLaren F1 The F1 LMs can be identified by their Papaya Orange paint. They were painted in this colour in memory of, and tribute to, Bruce McLaren, whose race colour was Papaya Orange. Two of the chassis were painted in Black with Grey trim similar to the Ueno Clinic sponsored Le Mans 24 Hours winning car. These cars were bought by the Sultan of Brunei as such, also feature horizontal stripes down the sides in yellow, red and blue.", "Chained library A chained library is a library where the books are attached to their bookcase by a chain, which is sufficiently long to allow the books to be taken from their shelves and read, but not removed from the library itself. This would prevent theft of the library's materials.[1] However, it also led to crowding and awkwardness when readers had to stand side by side, each holding a book or clumping so they could share one.[2] The practice was usual for reference libraries (that is, the vast majority of libraries) from the Middle Ages to approximately the 18th century. However, since the chaining process was also expensive, it was not used on all books.[3] Only the more valuable books in a collection were chained.[3] This included reference books and large books.[3]", "McLaren F1 Only 106 cars were manufactured: 5 prototypes (XP1, XP2, XP3, XP4, XP5), 64 road versions (F1), 1 tuned prototype (XP1 LM), 5 tuned versions (LM), 1 longtail prototype (XPGT), 2 longtail versions (GT), and 28 racecars (GTR). Production began in 1992 and ended in 1998.[4] At the time of production, each car took around three and a half months to make.[5]", "Curb chain A curb chain is generally adjusted so it comes into action when the shank rotates 45 degrees back. However, skilled riders with experience with the curb bit may adjust the chain tighter to accommodate the needs of the individual horse, type of equipment, and training situation. However, keeping the curb chain looser allows more accommodation for rider error.", "Vowel The second formant, F2, corresponds to vowel frontness. Back vowels have low F2 frequencies, while front vowels have high F2 frequencies. This is very clear in the spectrogram, where the front vowel [i] has a much higher F2 frequency than the other two vowels. However, in open vowels, the high F1 frequency forces a rise in the F2 frequency as well, so an alternative measure of frontness is the difference between the first and second formants. For this reason, some people prefer to plot as F1 vs. F2 – F1. (This dimension is usually called 'backness' rather than 'frontness', but the term 'backness' can be counterintuitive when discussing formants.)", "Markov chain Reversible Markov chains are common in Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) approaches because the detailed balance equation for a desired distribution π necessarily implies that the Markov chain has been constructed so that π is a steady-state distribution. Even with time-inhomogeneous Markov chains, where multiple transition matrices are used, if each such transition matrix exhibits detailed balance with the desired π distribution, this necessarily implies that π is a steady-state distribution of the Markov chain.", "Markov chain A Markov chain is a stochastic process with the Markov property.[1] The term \"Markov chain\" refers to the sequence of random variables such a process moves through, with the Markov property defining serial dependence only between adjacent periods (as in a \"chain\").[1] It can thus be used for describing systems that follow a chain of linked events, where what happens next depends only on the current state of the system.", "Curb chain The tightness of the curb chain has a great effect on the action of the bit. If the bit is used without a curb chain, it loses its leverage action. If used with a loose curb chain, it allows the shanks to rotate more before the curb chain is tight enough to act as a fulcrum and exert pressure. This extra rotation can warn the horse before pressure is exerted on his mouth, so he may respond beforehand. Conversely, a very loose curb chain can be undesirable, allowing the bit to rotate in the mouth too much, causing the port, especially a high port, to become too vertical and press against the palate, which is painful, can damage the mouth in extreme cases, and can cause the horse to gape. Additionally, it can completely nullify the correct action of the curb, making its use pointless.", "Alice in Chains Columbia Records released Alice in Chains' second acoustic-based EP, Jar of Flies, on January 25, 1994. Written and recorded in one week,[76] Jar of Flies debuted at number one on the Billboard 200, becoming the first EP—and first Alice in Chains release—to top the charts.[52]", "Markov chain Also, the growth (and composition) of copolymers may be modeled using Markov chains. Based on the reactivity ratios of the monomers that make up the growing polymer chain, the chain's composition may be calculated (e.g., whether monomers tend to add in alternating fashion or in long runs of the same monomer). Due to steric effects, second-order Markov effects may also play a role in the growth of some polymer chains.", "Chain rule The chain rule for total derivatives implies a chain rule for partial derivatives. Recall that when the total derivative exists, the partial derivative in the ith coordinate direction is found by multiplying the Jacobian matrix by the ith basis vector. By doing this to the formula above, we find:", "Chained library It is standard for chained libraries to have the chain fitted to the corner or cover of a book. This is because if the chain were to be placed on the spine the book would suffer greater wear from the stress of moving it on and off the shelf. Because of the location of the chain attached to the book (via a ringlet) the books are housed with their spine facing away from the reader with only the pages' fore-edges visible (that is, the 'wrong' way round to people accustomed to contemporary libraries). This is so that each book can be removed and opened without needing to be turned around, hence avoiding tangling its chain. To remove the book from the chain, the librarian would use a key.[4]", "Oppo On 3 August 2016, Oppo launched the F1s in India.[citation needed] The Oppo F1s is a selfie-centric phone which succeeds the Oppo F1. The F1s sports a 13 MP primary camera at the back and has a 16 MP secondary camera on the front. There is a fingerprint scanner housed on the home button which can not only be used to unlock the phone, but, open apps as well. The Oppo F1s is powered by MediaTek's MT6750 octa-core processor which is coupled with 3 GB RAM and Mali-T860 MP2 GPU. It runs on ColorOS 3.0 based on Android 5.1 Lollipop and features a 5.5-inch HD IPS display which is backed by 3075 mAh battery.", "Markov chain Markov chains and continuous-time Markov processes are useful in chemistry when physical systems closely approximate the Markov property. For example, imagine a large number n of molecules in solution in state A, each of which can undergo a chemical reaction to state B with a certain average rate. Perhaps the molecule is an enzyme, and the states refer to how it is folded. The state of any single enzyme follows a Markov chain, and since the molecules are essentially independent of each other, the number of molecules in state A or B at a time is n times the probability a given molecule is in that state.", "Lewis Hamilton Hamilton finished second behind Alonso at Monaco and afterwards he suggested he was prevented from racing his teammate. The FIA cleared McLaren following an investigation. Hamilton had both his first pole position and first victory of his F1 career in the Canadian Grand Prix in Montreal.[47] A week later Hamilton won the United States Grand Prix, becoming the first Briton since John Watson in 1983 to win an F1 race in the US,[48] and only the second person, after Jacques Villeneuve, to win more than one race in his rookie Formula One season since the first year of the Championship.", "Block cipher mode of operation The Propagating Cipher Block Chaining[13] or plaintext cipher-block chaining[14] mode was designed to cause small changes in the ciphertext to propagate indefinitely when decrypting, as well as when encrypting. In PCBC mode, each block of plaintext is XORed with both the previous plaintext block and the previous ciphertext block before being encrypted. As with CBC mode, an initialization vector is used in the first block.", "Chain Reaction (game show) During the run, two methods of earning bonus money were used. In the first season, the middle word of the second chain was also a bonus word (designated first by an asterisk, then by a dollar sign) worth $250 for the team that guessed it. For seasons two to four, the players played a Missing Link. The team in the lead would be shown the first and last words of a three-word chain. If they could guess the word in between with no letters revealed, the team received $500. Every wrong guess added a letter while taking away $100 from the potential payoff.", "Chain of custody When evidence can be used in court to convict persons of crimes, it must be handled in a scrupulously careful manner to prevent tampering or contamination. The idea behind recording the chain of custody is to establish that the alleged evidence is in fact related to the alleged crime, rather than having, for example, been \"planted\" fraudulently to make someone appear guilty.", "Vowel Vowel height is named for the vertical position of the tongue relative to either the roof of the mouth or the aperture of the jaw. However, it actually refers to the first formant (lowest resonance of the voice), abbreviated F1, which is associated with the height of the tongue. In close /kloʊs/ vowels, also known as high vowels, such as [i] and [u], the first formant is consistent with the tongue being positioned close to the palate, high in the mouth, whereas in open vowels, also known as low vowels, such as [a], F1 is consistent with the jaw being open and the tongue being positioned low in the mouth. Height is defined by the inverse of the F1 value: The higher the frequency of the first formant, the lower (more open) the vowel.[8]", "McLaren F1 The McLaren F1 is a sports car designed and manufactured by McLaren Cars. Originally a concept conceived by Gordon Murray, he convinced Ron Dennis to back the project and engaged Peter Stevens to design the exterior and interior of the car. On 31 March 1998, the XP5 prototype with modified rev limiter set the Guinness World Record for the world's fastest production car, reaching 240.1 mph (386.4 km/h), surpassing the modified Jaguar XJ220's 217.1 mph (349 km/h) record from 1992. The McLaren's record lasted until the Koenigsegg CCR surpassed it in 2005, followed by the Bugatti Veyron. Only low production volume cars like the 1993 Dauer 962 Le Mans which attained 251.4 mph (404.6 km/h) in 1998 were faster.[2][3]", "Electron transport chain Electron transport chains are used for extracting energy via redox reactions from sunlight in photosynthesis or, such as in the case of the oxidation of sugars, cellular respiration. In eukaryotes, an important electron transport chain is found in the inner mitochondrial membrane where it serves as the site of oxidative phosphorylation through the use of ATP synthase. It is also found in the thylakoid membrane of the chloroplast in photosynthetic eukaryotes. In bacteria, the electron transport chain is located in their cell membrane.", "Cold chain Performing thermal testing can also help with validating the cold chain. Certified test labs use environmental chambers to simulate ambient profiles that a package may encounter in the distribution cycle. Thermocouple probes and separate temperature dataloggers measure temperatures within the product load to determine the response of the package to the test conditions. Replicate testing based on a qualification protocols is used to create a final qualification report that can be used to defend the configuration when audited by regulators. It is normally best to have an individual that understands the principles of validation, when defending such processes to a federal regulatory body of any nation.", "Chainsaw The chain catcher is located between the saw body and the clutch cover. In most cases it looks like a hook made in aluminum. It is used to stop the chain when it derails from the bar and shortens the length of the chain. When derailing the chain swings from underneath the saw towards the operator. The shorting prevents hitting the operator, but it hits the rear handle guard.", "Kill chain A cyber kill chain reveals the stages of a cyberattack: from early reconnaissance to the goal of data exfiltration.[11] The kill chain can also be used as a management tool to help continuously improve network defense. Threats must progress through several stages in the model, including:", "Chinese Grand Prix It was only in February 2011 that a deal was agreed between F1 and the organisers of the Chinese round of the world championship. Reasons for the delay appear to have been over the fee paid to F1 to host the race. After racking up losses year after year, the organisers of the race refused to pay the fee required, reported to be amongst the highest paid to host an F1 race. F1 bosses appear to have reduced the fee and the new agreement to host an F1 race ran to 2017.[8]", "FAMAS Senegal and the United Arab Emirates received a small number of FAMAS F1 rifles from France,[citation needed] though it was unknown when they received them. Djibouti uses this weapon in its military as the standard infantry weapon. The Philippines also received a limited number and is used by the Philippine National Police Special Action Force.[8]", "ATP synthase Located within the thylakoid membrane and the inner mitochondrial membrane, ATP synthase consists of two regions FO and F1. FO causes rotation of F1 and is made of c-ring and subunits a, b, d, F6. F1 is made of \n\n\n\nα\n,\nβ\n,\nγ\n,\nδ\n\n\n{\\displaystyle \\alpha ,\\beta ,\\gamma ,\\delta }\n\n subunits. F1 has a water soluble par that can hydrolyze ATP. FO on the other hand has mainly hydrophobic regions. FO F1 creates a pathway for protons movement across the membrane.[7]", "Chain of survival Most adults who can be saved from cardiac arrest are in ventricular fibrillation or pulseless ventricular tachycardia.[9] Early defibrillation is the link in the chain most likely to improve survival.[1] Public access defibillation may be the key to improving survival rates in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest,[1] but is of the greatest value when the other links in the chain do not fail.[2]", "The Chain There have been numerous covers of \"The Chain\". 1980s rock band Shark Island included a cover on their 1989 album Law of the Order, notable for not including the famous bass solo in the song. Canadian heavy metal band Kick Axe performed a cover of \"The Chain\" on Rock the World, their third studio album, released in 1986. The song was recorded by the American rock band Tantric, released as the second single off their 2004 second album After We Go. In 2009, Three Days Grace originally recorded \"The Chain\" for their album Transit of Venus but was one of the few not put on the record. However, it was put on their Lost in You EP. The hard rock band Taking Dawn also performed a cover of \"The Chain\" on their 2010 debut album titled Time to Burn.", "Kill chain A new American military contingency plan called “Kill Chain” is reportedly the first step in a new strategy to use satellite imagery to identify North Korean launch sites, nuclear facilities and manufacturing capability and destroy them pre-emptively if a conflict seems imminent. The plan was mentioned in a joint statement by the United States and South Korea[7][8]", "Chain rule Faà di Bruno's formula generalizes the chain rule to higher derivatives. Assuming that y = f(u) and u = g(x), then the first few derivatives are:", "McLaren F1 The car's safety levels were first proved when during a testing in Namibia in April 1993, a test driver wearing just shorts and a T-shirt hit a rock and rolled the first prototype car several times. The driver managed to escape unscathed. Later in the year, the second prototype (XP2) was specially built for crashtesting and passed with the front wheel arch untouched.", "Markov chain In 1912 Poincaré studied Markov chains on finite groups with an aim to study card shuffling. Other early uses of Markov chains include a diffusion model, introduced by Paul and Tatyana Ehrenfest in 1907, and a branching process, introduced by Francis Galton and Henry William Watson in 1873, preceding the work of Markov.[11][12] After the work of Galton and Watson, it was later revealed that their branching process had been independently discovered and studied around three decades earlier by Irénée-Jules Bienaymé.[43] Starting in 1928, Maurice Fréchet became interested in Markov chains, eventually resulting in him publishing in 1938 a detailed study on Markov chains.[11][44]", "The Chain Brandi Carlile covered \"The Chain\" for Sweetheart 2014, a Valentine's Day themed album sold at Starbucks stores and online.", "Culture of the United Kingdom The 1950 British Grand Prix was the first Formula One World Championship race. Since then, Britain has produced some of the greatest drivers in the sport, including Stirling Moss, Jim Clark (twice F1 champion), Graham Hill (only driver to have won the Triple Crown), John Surtees (only world champion in two and four wheels), Jackie Stewart (three time F1 champion), James Hunt, Nigel Mansell (only man to hold F1 and IndyCar titles at the same time), Jenson Button and Lewis Hamilton. The British Grand Prix is held at Silverstone every July.", "Firefighter's helmet The F1 was an answer to requirements of the Paris Fire Brigade for replacement of the previous helmet (Casque modele 1933 was similar to the Merryweather) that dated to 1933; these helmets provided insufficient protection for the face and back of the head, and were not thermally insulated. The F1 helmet is handmade using synthetic materials often covered with galvanized nickel. These helmets can accommodate communication systems and other accessories.", "List of aircraft shootdowns USAF F-15Cs vs. IRAF Mirage F1s Two F-15Cs destroyed two Mirage F1s with AIM-7 missiles.", "Chain of custody Establishing chain of custody is made of both a chronological and logical procedure, especially important when the evidence consists of fungible goods. In practice, this most often applies to illegal drugs which have been seized by law enforcement personnel. In such cases, the defendant at times disclaims any knowledge of possession of the controlled substance in question. Accordingly, the chain of custody documentation and testimony is presented by the prosecution to establish that the substance in evidence was in fact in the possession of the defendant.", "The Chain Rumours garnered widespread critical acclaim upon its release. Subsequent analysis of \"The Chain\" has also led many to cite it as one of the most evocative expressions of the internal fracture between various band members at the time. Buckingham and Nicks were ending their relationship at the same time that John and Christine McVie's marriage broke down, as did that of Fleetwood and his wife Jenny Boyd.[1] In 1997, Fleetwood Mac released a live concert CD/DVD package called The Dance, which featured the reunion of the Rumours-era Fleetwood Mac members. The rendition of \"The Chain\" reached number 30 on the Billboard Mainstream Rock Tracks chart. It has also appeared on The Very Best of Fleetwood Mac and 25 Years - The Chain.", "Markov chain Several theorists have proposed the idea of the Markov chain statistical test (MCST), a method of conjoining Markov chains to form a \"Markov blanket\", arranging these chains in several recursive layers (\"wafering\") and producing more efficient test sets—samples—as a replacement for exhaustive testing. MCSTs also have uses in temporal state-based networks; Chilukuri et al.'s paper entitled \"Temporal Uncertainty Reasoning Networks for Evidence Fusion with Applications to Object Detection and Tracking\" (ScienceDirect) gives a background and case study for applying MCSTs to a wider range of applications.", "Markov chain An algorithm based on a Markov chain was also used to focus the fragment-based growth of chemicals in silico towards a desired class of compounds such as drugs or natural products.[68] As a molecule is grown, a fragment is selected from the nascent molecule as the \"current\" state. It is not aware of its past (i.e., it is not aware of what is already bonded to it). It then transitions to the next state when a fragment is attached to it. The transition probabilities are trained on databases of authentic classes of compounds.", "Matrix chain multiplication Matrix chain multiplication (or Matrix Chain Ordering Problem, MCOP) is an optimization problem that can be solved using dynamic programming. Given a sequence of matrices, the goal is to find the most efficient way to multiply these matrices. The problem is not actually to perform the multiplications, but merely to decide the sequence of the matrix multiplications involved.", "Characters of Holby City Lulu, played by Fiona Hampton, first appeared in the thirteenth series episode \"Going It Alone\", broadcast on 19 July 2011. Lulu was introduced as a Foundation House Officer 1 (F1) on rotation at Holby City Hospital.[99] Her arrival sees Sacha Levy looking for a new doctor to replace Dr. Penny Valentine who had previously been killed off on the show. She is introduced alongside a highly qualified F1 doctor in competition for a job. However, Director of Surgery Henrik Hanssen (Guy Henry) explains Lulu's privileged connections, as the daughter of Sir Fraser Anderson. Dr. Levy ultimately chooses Lulu as the New F1.[100] As Lulu starts her first official day on Acute Assessment Unit (AAU) Nurse Eddi starts to have serious reservations about Sir Fraser's daughter due to a late start and inappropriate footwear.[101] When Dr Michael Spence turns up to work on (AAU), he is immediately drawn to new recruit Lulu and exhibits overly flirtatious 'mentoring' techniques and Lulu recipricates.[102]", "Scuderia Ferrari In fact the Ferrari team missed the first race of the championship, the 1950 British Grand Prix, due to a dispute about the 'start money' paid to entrants,[23] and the team debuted in the 1950 Monaco Grand Prix with the 125 F1, sporting a supercharged version of the 125 V12, and three experienced and successful drivers, Alberto Ascari, Raymond Sommer and Gigi Villoresi.[24] The company later switched to the large-displacement naturally aspirated formula for the 275, 340, and 375 F1 cars. The Alfa Romeo team dominated the 1950 Formula One season, winning all eleven events it entered (six World Championship events and five non-Championship races), but Ferrari broke their streak in 1951 when rotund driver José Froilán González took first place at the 1951 British Grand Prix.", "Five Ways (Aquinas) The first two Ways relate to causation. When Aquinas argues that a causal chain cannot be infinitely long, he does not have in mind a chain where each element is a prior event that causes the next event; in other words, he is not arguing for a first event in a sequence. Rather, his argument is that a chain of concurrent or simultaneous effects must be rooted ultimately in a cause capable of generating these effects, and hence for a cause that is first in the hierarchical sense, not the temporal sense.[8]", "Science and technology of the Han dynasty In his Balanced Discourse (Lunheng), the philosopher Wang Chong (27–100 CE) was the first in China to describe the square-pallet chain pump used to lift water (and other substances).[63] Although some models were operated manually by foot pedals, some chain pumps were powered by a horizontal waterwheel which rotated large toothed gears and a horizontal axis beam.[64] Their primary use was for lifting water into irrigation ditches, but chain pumps were also used in public works programs, such as when Zhang Rang (d. 189 CE) had an engineer build several of them to lift water into pipes that provided the capital Luoyang and its palaces with clean water.[65]", "Grenade The Mills bombs and the Soviet F1 are examples of defensive grenades. The Dutch V40, Swiss HG 85, and US M67 are examples of offensive grenades.[citation needed]", "Value chain A firm's value chain forms a part of a larger stream of activities, which Porter calls a value system[citation needed]. A value system, or an industry value chain, includes the suppliers that provide the inputs necessary to the firm along with their value chains. After the firm creates products, these products pass through the value chains of distributors (which also have their own value chains), all the way to the customers. All parts of these chains are included in the value system. To achieve and sustain a competitive advantage, and to support that advantage with information technologies, a firm must understand every component of this value system.[citation needed]", "Chain migration During the debate on immigration policy following Donald Trump's rescission of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, the use of the term \"chain migration\" became contentious.[18][19][20]", "Coles Group The office stationery chain Officeworks, based on the US chain Office Depot, was established in 1993 with the first store opening in the Melbourne suburb of Richmond in June 1994. This represented a successful introduction of a \"category killer\" - by comparison, around the same time Coles unsuccessfully attempted to negate the arrival of Toys R Us with the short-lived chain World 4 Kids.", "ATP synthase The crystal structure of the F1 showed alternating alpha and beta subunits (3 of each), arranged like segments of an orange around a rotating asymmetrical gamma subunit. According to the current model of ATP synthesis (known as the alternating catalytic model), the transmembrane potential created by (H+) proton cations supplied by the electron transport chain, drives the (H+) proton cations from the intermembrane space through the membrane via the FO region of ATP synthase. A portion of the FO (the ring of c-subunits) rotates as the protons pass through the membrane. The c-ring is tightly attached to the asymmetric central stalk (consisting primarily of the gamma subunit), causing it to rotate within the alpha3beta3 of F1 causing the 3 catalytic nucleotide binding sites to go through a series of conformational changes that leads to ATP synthesis. The major F1 subunits are prevented from rotating in sympathy with the central stalk rotor by a peripheral stalk that joins the alpha3beta3 to the non-rotating portion of FO. The structure of the intact ATP synthase is currently known at low-resolution from electron cryo-microscopy (cryo-EM) studies of the complex. The cryo-EM model of ATP synthase suggests that the peripheral stalk is a flexible structure that wraps around the complex as it joins F1 to FO. Under the right conditions, the enzyme reaction can also be carried out in reverse, with ATP hydrolysis driving proton pumping across the membrane.", "Fork end Rear vertical dropouts have the slot facing downwards. The advantage is that the wheel axle cannot slip forward compared with horizontal dropouts. The disadvantage is that on a bicycle without a rear derailleur but with vertical dropouts, the chain tension cannot be adjusted by moving the wheel forwards or backwards, and needs another means of chain-tensioning, by a derailleur, chain tensioner, or eccentric bottom bracket or rear hub. Fixed wheel bicycles cannot use any form of chain tensioning device, because the lower run of chain is pulled very tight when using the transmission as a brake.", "Supply chain The Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP)[4] defines supply chain management as follows:", "Chain of survival The chain of survival refers to a series of actions that, properly executed, reduce the mortality associated with cardiac arrest.[1][2] Like any chain, the chain of survival is only as strong as its weakest link.[1][2] The four interdependent links in the chain of survival are early access, early CPR, early defibrillation, and early advanced cardiac life support", "Chain rule It may be possible to apply the chain rule even when there are no formulas for the functions which are being differentiated. This can happen when the derivatives are measured directly. Suppose that a car is driving up a tall mountain. The car's speedometer measures its speed directly. If the grade is known, then the rate of ascent can be calculated using trigonometry. Suppose that the car is ascending at 6999694444444444444♠2.5 km/h. Standard models for the Earth's atmosphere imply that the temperature drops about 7002279649999999999♠6.5 °C per kilometer ascended (called the lapse rate). To find the temperature drop per hour, we apply the chain rule. Let the function g(t) be the altitude of the car at time t, and let the function f(h) be the temperature h kilometers above sea level. f and g are not known exactly: For example, the altitude where the car starts is not known and the temperature on the mountain is not known. However, their derivatives are known: f′ is 3002349999999999999♠−6.5 °C/km, and g′ is 6999694444444444444♠2.5 km/h. The chain rule says that the derivative of the composite function is the product of the derivative of f and the derivative of g. This is 3002349999999999999♠−6.5 °C/km ⋅ 6999694444444444444♠2.5 km/h = 3002548611111111111♠−16.25 °C/h.", "Markov chain Markov chains are generally used in describing path-dependent arguments, where current structural configurations condition future outcomes. An example is the reformulation of the idea, originally due to Karl Marx's Das Kapital, tying economic development to the rise of capitalism. In current research, it is common to use a Markov chain to model how once a country reaches a specific level of economic development, the configuration of structural factors, such as size of the middle class, the ratio of urban to rural residence, the rate of political mobilization, etc., will generate a higher probability of transitioning from authoritarian to democratic regime.[81]", "Markov chain For an overview of Markov chains on a general state space, see the article Markov chains on a measurable state space.", "FAMAS When the Manufacture d'Armes de Saint-Etienne (MAS) factory closed in 2002, no more domestic rifles could be made. The last batch of newly produced FAMAS rifles, built in 2002, saw more than a decade of heavy service by 2016. To date, the French armed forces currently use an estimated 400,000 FAMAS F1 and G2 rifles still stored in their arsenal.[15] The military also ceased manufacture of special steel-case ammunition for the FAMAS.[6] Because the FAMAS did not function properly with NATO standard brass-cased ammunition (the Famas F1 \"valorisé\" and the G2 use NATO cartridges, and G2 STANAG magazines) ,[6] and coupled with concern over the age of existing weapons, the French military sought a replacement for the FAMAS rifle.", "Nuclear chain reaction A nuclear chain reaction occurs when one single nuclear reaction causes an average of one or more subsequent nuclear reactions, thus leading to the possibility of a self-propagating series of these reactions. The specific nuclear reaction may be the fission of heavy isotopes (e.g., uranium-235, 235U). The nuclear chain reaction releases several million times more energy per reaction than any chemical reaction.", "The Chain \"The Chain\" is a song by the British-American rock band Fleetwood Mac, released on their best-selling album Rumours. It is the only song from the album credited to all five members (Stevie Nicks, Lindsey Buckingham, Christine McVie, John McVie, and Mick Fleetwood).", "Hybrid (biology) From the point of view of animal and plant breeders, there are several kinds of hybrid formed from crosses within a species, such as between different breeds.[3] Single cross hybrids result from the cross between two true-breeding organisms which produces an F1 hybrid (first filial generation). The cross between two different homozygous lines produces an F1 hybrid that is heterozygous; having two alleles, one contributed by each parent and typically one is dominant and the other recessive. Typically, the F1 generation is also phenotypically homogeneous, producing offspring that are all similar to each other.[4] Double cross hybrids result from the cross between two different F1 hybrids (i.e., there are four unrelated grandparents).[5] Three-way cross hybrids result from the cross between an F1 hybrid and an inbred line.[6] Triple cross hybrids result from the crossing of two different three-way cross hybrids.[7] Top cross (or \"topcross\") hybrids result from the crossing of a top quality or pure-bred male and a lower quality female, intended to improve the quality of the offspring, on average.[8]", "American football Another set of officials, the chain crew, are responsible for moving the chains. The chains, consisting of two large sticks with a 10-yard-long chain between them, are used to measure for a first down. The chain crew stays on the sidelines during the game, but if requested by the officials they will briefly bring the chains on to the field to measure. A typical chain crew will have at least three people – two members of the chain crew will hold either of the two sticks, while a third will hold the down marker. The down marker, a large stick with a dial on it, is flipped after each play to indicate the current down, and is typically moved to the approximate spot of the ball. The chain crew system has been used for over 100 years and is considered to be an accurate measure of distance, rarely subject to criticism from either side.[87]", "Supply chain surplus For example, a consumer buys a PC from Samsung at $2,500, which indicates the revenue supply chain achieved. All the stages incur costs to ensure the efficient transfer of funds, information, storage of the product and transportation to the final consumer. The difference between revenue from selling the PC and the supply chain cost represents the supply chain surplus or supply chain profitability. Supply chain surplus is the total profit shared by all the stages and intermediaries. The greater the supply chain surplus, the more successful the supply chain. The success of supply chain calculated by its overall surplus not by the profit at each part of stages.[4]", "List of BBC newsreaders and reporters Chief F1 Correspondent", "Supply chain management A supply chain, as opposed to supply chain management, is a set of organizations directly linked by one or more upstream and downstream flows of products, services, finances, or information from a source to a customer. Supply chain management is the management of such a chain.[13]", "First-time buyer A first-time buyer is usually desirable to a seller as they do not have to sell a property, and as such will not involve a housing chain.[1]", "Minions (Despicable Me) The Minions appeared in an advertisement for the Cinemark theater chain, in which several Minions try to change a lamp while another Minion mocks them. The mocking Minion drops the replacement lamp during one of his laughing fits, so the others stick him in the socket so that his eye can serve as the lamp. The ad promoted the chain's claim that they had the brightest 3D projection system of any theater chain. At first, the clip played exclusively before showings of Despicable Me 2, but now[when?] Cinemark uses the ad freely before any 3D movie.", "Goldendoodle Some breeders prefer to restrict breeding to the first generation (F1) and first generation cross-back (F1B).[7] This is done in an attempt to maximize genetic diversity and avoid the inherited health problems that have plagued many dog breeds.[10]" ]
when was you'll never walk alone first released
[ "You'll Never Walk Alone \"You'll Never Walk Alone\" is a show tune from the 1945 Rodgers and Hammerstein musical Carousel. In the second act of the musical, Nettie Fowler, the cousin of the female protagonist Julie Jordan, sings \"You'll Never Walk Alone\" to comfort and encourage Julie when her husband, Billy Bigelow, the male lead, commits suicide after a failed robbery attempt. It is reprised in the final scene to encourage a graduation class of which Louise (Billy and Julie's daughter) is a member. The now invisible Billy, who has been granted the chance to return to Earth for one day in order to redeem himself, watches the ceremony and is able to silently motivate the unhappy Louise to join in the song." ]
[ "You'll Never Walk Alone It has been the song of the Madison Scouts Drum and Bugle Corps song since 1954, where they first performed it as a part of their first field show in 1954. Challenged by the Rosemont Cavaliers singing \"Over the Rainbow\" in 1957, the corps responded with \"You'll Never Walk Alone\", and it has been the official corps song ever since.", "You'll Never Walk Alone Renée Fleming sang the song at the Concert for America, which marked the first anniversary of 9/11,[8][better source needed] and for the Inauguration of Barack Obama on January 20, 2009.[9]", "Liverpool F.C. The team changed from red shirts and white shorts to an all-red home strip in 1964 which has been used ever since. The club's anthem is \"You'll Never Walk Alone\".", "You'll Never Walk Alone From 1964 through 2010, Jerry Lewis concluded the annual Jerry Lewis Labor Day MDA Telethon by singing the song.[3] After the end of a concert by the rock band Queen, the audience spontaneously sang this song, according to lead guitarist Brian May,[4] and this helped to inspire the creation of their songs \"We Are the Champions\" and \"We Will Rock You\". Italian-American tenor Sergio Franchi sang a notable version accompanied by the Welsh Men's Choir on the June 9, 1968 telecast of The Ed Sullivan Show.[5] He also covered this song in his 1964 RCA Victor album The Exciting Voice of Sergio Franchi.[6] American singer and songwriter Barbra Streisand sang this song in a surprise appearance at the close of the 2001 Emmy Awards, in honor of the victims of the September 11, 2001 attacks.[7]", "You'll Never Walk Alone In the second season of American Horror Story, this song was recited as a poem.", "You'll Never Walk Alone The song is also sung at association football clubs around the world, where it is performed by a massed chorus of supporters on matchday; this tradition began at Liverpool F.C. in the early 1960s.", "You'll Never Walk Alone Christine Johnson, who created the role of Nettie Fowler, introduced the song in the original Broadway production.[1] Later in the show Jan Clayton, as Julie Jordan, reprised it, with the chorus joining in.", "Bill Shankly Liverpool erected the 15-foot high cast-iron Shankly Gates in front of the Anfield Road stand. Inscribed You'll Never Walk Alone, they were opened by Nessie Shankly at a low-key ceremony in August 1982. In 1997, a seven-foot tall bronze statue of Shankly was unveiled outside the stadium.[158]", "Celtic F.C. In October 2013, French football magazine So Foot published a list of whom they considered the 'best' football supporters in the world. Celtic fans were placed third, the only British supporters on the list, with the magazine highlighting their rendition of You'll Never Walk Alone before the start of European ties at Celtic Park.[116]", "Roy Hamilton Hamilton was Epic Records' first star,[33] giving the company its first number-one hit of any kind, \"You'll Never Walk Alone\", which topped the Billboard R&B chart for eight weeks in 1954.[34] A year later, he gave the label its second number-one hit of any kind when his version of \"Unchained Melody\" topped the Billboard R&B chart for three weeks.[35] Also, with \"Unchained Melody\", Hamilton became the first solo artist to deliver a top-ten pop hit for Epic.[36]", "You'll Never Know \"You'll Never Know\" is a popular song with music written by Harry Warren and the lyrics by Mack Gordon.[1] The song is based on a poem written by a young Oklahoma war bride named Dorothy Fern Norris.[2]", "Like You'll Never See Me Again \"Like You'll Never See Me Again\" is a song by American singer Alicia Keys from her third studio album As I Am (2007). Written and produced by Keys and Kerry Brothers, Jr., it was released in November 2007 as the album's second single. The song was first heard on October 25, 2007 on Atlanta's V103 WVEE radio station. An official remix of the song featuring rapper Ludacris exists.", "Say You'll Be There The group stayed at Kennedy's house for the most part of the week.[8] He named his studio Spice, after the group, because it had never been used before.[7] Together, they composed two songs in the session: \"Love Thing\" and \"Say You'll Be There\".[9] Paul Wilson and Andy Watkins—the songwriters and production duo known as Absolute—produced the song and recorded it for the most part at Olympic Studios in Barnes, London.[10] At first, discussions were made about what song the group would release as their second single; originally it was going to be \"Love Thing\", but in the end they decided to go with \"Say You'll Be There\".[11]", "Music at sporting events Liverpool adopted \"You'll Never Walk Alone\", specifically the version performed by Merseybeat band Gerry & The Pacemakers, as its theme song.[2] Manchester City have adopted Blue Moon as their song whilst I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles can be heard at games involving West Ham United.[3] Stoke City fans' anthem has been Delilah since the 1970s.[4]", "Frank Sinatra's recorded legacy The lavish The Concert Sinatra (1963) offered re-recordings of \"Ol' Man River\" and \"You'll Never Walk Alone\", backed by a 73-piece orchestra. 1965's September of My Years, according to critic Stephen Holden \"summed up the punchy sentimentality of a whole generation of American men\". Francis Albert Sinatra & Antonio Carlos Jobim (1967) was a late foray into bossa nova, with Antonio Carlos Jobim.", "Hillsborough disaster In May 1989, a charity version of the Gerry and the Pacemakers song \"Ferry Cross the Mersey\" was released in aid of those affected. The song featured Liverpool musicians Paul McCartney, Gerry Marsden (of the Pacemakers), Holly Johnson, and the Christians, and was produced by Stock Aitken Waterman. It entered the UK Singles Chart at number 1 on 20 May, remaining at the top for a total of three weeks.[58] Although Gerry and the Pacemakers' earlier hit \"You'll Never Walk Alone\" had stronger ties to Liverpool FC, it was not used because it had recently been rerecorded for the Bradford City stadium fire appeal.[59][60]", "Rodgers and Hammerstein The original production of Carousel was directed by Rouben Mamoulian and opened at Broadway's Majestic Theatre on April 19, 1945, running for 890 performances and closing on May 24, 1947. The cast included John Raitt, Jan Clayton, Jean Darling, Christine Johnson and Bambi Linn. From this show came the hit musical numbers \"The Carousel Waltz\" (an instrumental), \"If I Loved You\", \"June Is Bustin' Out All Over\", and \"You'll Never Walk Alone\".", "11 Short Stories of Pain & Glory In a December 2, 2016 video, Ken Casey discussed the reasons behind the band covering \"You'll Never Walk Alone\". \"As you may know, opiate overdoses are an epidemic in America now particularly in (the Boston) area. I've been to thirty wakes in two years, three this week, one being my cousin, Al's lost a brother in law. It's hit home close to us. I was leaving one of the wakes and this song came on and as I was listening to the lyrics it summed up exactly how I was feeling. Sad, but knowing there is hope. You never have to be alone. I hope you like our version\"[citation needed] Casey said.", "Bradford City stadium fire Part of the Appeal funds were raised by The Crowd's recording of \"You'll Never Walk Alone\"[25] from Rodgers and Hammerstein's musical Carousel, which reached number 1 in the UK Singles chart. The money raised from this record was contributed to fund the internationally renowned burns unit that was established in partnership between the University of Bradford and Bradford Royal Infirmary, immediately after the fire, which has also been Bradford City's official charity for well over a decade.", "You'll Never Know The song is often credited as Faye's signature song. However, Faye never released a record of the ballad, and frequent later recordings of the song by other singers diminished her association with it.", "Dave Bautista Dave Batista had his first biographical DVD released through WWE Productions entitled Batista: I Walk Alone. It was released October 20, 2009.[174]", "Like You'll Never See Me Again \"Like You'll Never See Me Again\" was released on February 25, 2008 in the United Kingdom, peaking at number fifty-three, while \"No One\" was a non-mover at number twenty-six. It became her lowest-charting single there so far. In Australia, it debuted and peaked at number seventy-seven on the ARIA Singles Chart, number forty-four on the Physical Singles Chart, and number nineteen on the Urban Singles Chart the week of April 14, 2008.", "You Let Me Walk Alone Schulte was first confirmed as a competitor in Unser Lied für Lissabon, the German national selection for the Eurovision Song Contest 2018, on 29 December 2017.[1] On 13 February 2018, his song was revealed to be titled \"You Let Me Walk Alone\".[2] The song was released on 20 February.[3] He competed in the final on 22 February, where he received the maximum twelve points from the Eurovision panel, international jury, and televoters, winning the competition.[4][5]", "You'll Never Make Love in This Town Again There were two sequels Once More With Feeling: You'll Never Make Love in This Town Again Again was published in 1996. It told the stories of prostitute Michelle (who appears on the cover), prostitute Lisa, and graphic artist Sophie, among others.", "You're in the Army Now (song) There are at least two versions of the lyrics with \"You'll never get rich, you son of a bitch\" often replaced with \"You'll never get rich by digging a ditch\".", "There You'll Be Released in May 2001, \"There You'll Be\" reached a peak of #10 on the Billboard Hot 100 in July 2001 due to strong airplay. No commercial CD single was released because producers wanted to boost sales of the Pearl Harbor soundtrack, which forced the song to chart solely on airplay in the United States. The song also reached #11 on the Billboard Country Singles Chart. The song was a big hit on the Adult Contemporary chart, staying at number one for 11 non consecutive weeks. It was also popular in Canada, as it topped the singles chart in August 2001.", "Like You'll Never See Me Again \"Like You'll Never See Me Again\" debuted at number thirty-seven on the Billboard Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Songs as the Hot Shot debut of the week, jumping to number twenty-two in its second week, number fifteen in its third week, and to then number nine in its fourth. After climbing to number three in its fifth week, the song reached number two in its sixth week, and then rose to number one in its ninth week, beating off Keys' own song \"No One\"—this made Keys the second artist since the R&B chart began using Nielsen SoundScan data in 1992 to succeed herself at number one, as \"Like You'll Never See Me Again\" jumped from number two to number one and traded places with \"No One\", which had ruled the chart for ten weeks. Rapper Nelly accomplished this feat in 2002 with \"Hot in Herre\" and \"Dilemma\".[10] The song spent seven weeks atop the chart, after which it remained at number two for six weeks thereafter. As of the charting week of September 13, 2008, \"Like You'll Never See Me Again\" has remained on the chart for forty-five consecutive weeks, all of them inside the top fifty. Billboard ranked it as the most successful song on the Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Songs chart of 2008.[11] On the Billboard Hot 100, it debuted at number ninety-three, jumped to number forty-five in its second week, and subsequently peaked at number twelve.", "You've Passed/Where You'll Find Me Now You've Passed/Where You'll Find Me Now is the third single by American psychedelic folk band Neutral Milk Hotel, released as part of their Walking Wall of Words compilation package on December 12, 2011. The single contains alternative versions of \"You've Passed\" and \"Where You'll Find Me Now\", which were both songs on the band's 1996 album On Avery Island. Both songs were written by and are played by Jeff Mangum. He recorded both tracks at his father's house in Ruston, Louisiana in December 1994 on his four-track cassette tape. Both tracks, in comparison to their On Avery Island counterparts, are more distorted and longer. The album was engineered by Craig Morris and mastered by friend and long-time collaborator Robert Schneider.[1]", "A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night (Persian: دختری در شب تنها به خانه می‌رود‎ Dokhtari dar šab tanhâ be xâne miravad) is a 2014 Persian-language American vampire western[4] film directed by Ana Lily Amirpour. Tagged as \"The first Iranian vampire Western\", it was chosen to show in the \"Next\" program at the 2014 Sundance Film Festival.[5]", "We're All Alone Although the first single off the US release of Anytime...Anywhere was \"(Your Love Has Lifted Me) Higher and Higher\", \"We're All Alone\" was the first single taken off the album in the UK where it reached #6 in August 1977 when \"(Your Love Has Lifted Me) Higher and Higher\" was moving up the US Top 10; that same month \"We're All Alone\" reached #6 in Ireland. In September Coolidge's version of \"We're All Alone\" entered the Dutch charts where it would peak at #15 (in August the Walker Brothers' version had reached #22 on the Dutch charts).", "The Walking Dead (video game) A three episode mini-series, The Walking Dead: Michonne, based on the character Michonne, was released in February 2016.[72] The first episode of third season, The Walking Dead: A New Frontier, was released on December 20, 2016, with physical season pass disc released on February 7, 2017.[73][74] A fourth and final season, The Walking Dead: The Final Season, is scheduled to premiere in 2018.[75]", "Port Adelaide Football Club Port Adelaide's use of the song stemmed from a trip the club took to Anfield in November 2012 while they were in England to play an exhibition match against the Western Bulldogs.[82] In light of the very positive reviews given by the club's players towards the Anfield crowd's rendition of \"You'll Never Walk Alone\", Matthew Richardson, Port's general manager of marketing and consumer business, along with the club's management, sought to replicate the pre-match experience they experienced at Anfield. At a meeting in mid-2013, the idea of an anthem was raised; a number of various songs were suggested, including \"Power and the Passion\" by Midnight Oil and \"Power to the People\" by John Schumann. Eventually, \"Never Tear Us Apart\" by INXS was suggested by Port Adelaide's events manager, Tara MacLeod. It was eventually accepted, due to the fact that the song resonated with the club's history.[82]", "When You Walk in the Room Former ABBA singer Agnetha Fältskog released her version of \"When You Walk in the Room\" as the second single from her 2004 album, My Colouring Book. The track peaked at #11 in Sweden and #34 in the UK, where it remained in the chart for only two weeks. It was remixed by Almighty and SoundFactory.", "Say You'll Be There In December 1996, while charting across Europe, \"Say You'll Be There\" became the focus of a controversy when Israeli soldier Idit Shechtman accused the group of copying her song \"Bo Elai\" (בוא אלי, \"Come to Me\"), a highly similar song released two years earlier in Israel.[12] Shechtman hired lawyers and threatened to sue. A spokesman of the group later declared: \"Where there's a hit, there's a writ. There's always someone who crawls out of the woodwork claiming to have written a hit song. We look forward to seeing her in court.\"[13]", "Adam's Song The song begins with the narrator contemplating suicide with the lyrics \"I never thought I'd die alone.\"[20] The lyrics continue: \"I'm too depressed to go on / You'll be sorry when I'm gone.\"[6] \"Adam's Song\" includes a reference to \"Come as You Are\" by Nirvana. \"Come as You Are\" by Nirvana includes the lyrics \"Take your time, hurry up, the choice is yours, don't be late\". \"Adam's Song\", in turn, includes the lyrics \"I took my time, I hurried up, The choice was mine, I didn't think enough\".[21]", "You're in the Army Now (song) The piece of music has appeared in several movies and cartoons about the US Army from The Big Parade to The Dirty Dozen to The Draft Horse to \"Rio Grande (film)\" with the lyrics providing titles for two 1941 army comedies You're in the Army Now and You'll Never Get Rich. The original title of the television series The Phil Silvers Show was You'll Never Get Rich.", "Home Alone Culkin was nominated for the Golden Globe Award for Best Actor – Musical or Comedy. After its release, Home Alone became the highest-grossing live action comedy film of all time in the United States, and also held the record worldwide until it was overtaken by The Hangover Part II in 2011. It is the highest grossing Christmas movie of all time at the North American box office (when adjusted for inflation).[3][4] Home Alone spawned a successful film franchise with four sequels, including the 1992 film Home Alone 2: Lost in New York, the only Home Alone sequel to have the original cast reprising their roles.", "You Let Me Walk Alone \"You Let Me Walk Alone\" is a song performed by German singer Michael Schulte. The song was released as a digital download on 20 February 2018 through Very Us Records, and was written by Schulte along with Thomas Stengaard, who also co-wrote the Eurovision winning song Only Teardrops by Emmelie de Forest in 2013, Nisse Ingwersen, and Nina Müller. It represented Germany in the Eurovision Song Contest 2018 in Lisbon, Portugal. It ended up coming fourth in the Grand Final, thus becoming Germany's best placing song since Lena's victory at the 2010 contest in Oslo, Norway and their second-best result of the 21st century overall.", "Ekla Chalo Re If no-one heeds your call - then walk alone\nIf no-one speaks (to you), O unlucky one, if non-one speaks (to you),\nIf everyone turns away, if everyone fears (to speak), then with an open heart without hesitation speak your mind alone\nIf everyone walks away, O unlucky one, everyone walks away\nIf no-one looks back towards the (your) unpredictable path, then with thorn pricked (of the path) bloodied feet, walk alone\nIf no-one heeds your call - then walk alone\nIf no-one shines a light (on the path), O unlucky one,\nIf the dark night brings a storm at the door - then let the lightening ignite the light in you alone to shine on the path \nIf no-one heeds your call - then walk alone", "Alone yet Not Alone The film was given a limited release on September 27, 2013, in nine markets and grossed $125,775 in its opening weekend.[6] By the end of its three-week run on October 11, Alone yet Not Alone had grossed $133,546 in the domestic box office,[1] with a respectable per screen average (combining theater ticket sales with Seatzy ticket sales) of $13,396. The film received a wider release on June 13, 2014.", "Walk This Way Aerosmith reference lyrics from the song in \"Legendary Child\". The line \"I took a chance at the high school dance never knowing wrong from right\" references lyrics from the songs \"Walk This Way\" and \"Adam's Apple\" respectively. Both songs first appeared on the album \"Toys in the Attic\".", "Walk of Life \"Walk of Life\" is a song by the British rock band Dire Straits from their fifth studio album Brothers in Arms (1985). It subsequently appeared on their live album On the Night (1993). It was released as a single in 1985 but had first been available as the B-side of \"So Far Away\" released in advance of Brothers in Arms.", "Walk of Life Having itself been used as a flip side for the European version of the \"So Far Away\" single, \"Walk of Life\" had many different B-sides across different formats of release in different territories. The two songs most commonly used were a live version of \"Two Young Lovers\", which had previously appeared on the 1983 EP ExtendedancEPlay and \"One World\", the eighth track from Brothers in Arms. A double Vinyl released in the UK in 1985 featured the band's 1978 breakthrough Top 10 single \"Sultans of Swing\", as well as live versions of \"Two Young Lovers\" and the rare song \"Eastbound Train\", one of the first tracks that Dire Straits recorded as a band in demo format but never appeared on an album or as a single.", "Tom Laughlin At a private screening, Senator Vance Hartke [Note: Hartke was not re-elected in 1976] got up, because it was about how the Senate was bought out by the nuclear industry. He got up and charged me. Walter Cronkite's daughter was there, [and] Lucille Ball. And he said, 'You'll never get this released. This house you have, everything will be destroyed.' \"[44]", "Royston Vasey The town as it appears in the TV show has a sign which ominously declares \"Welcome to Royston Vasey. You'll never leave!\" The first building many visitors come across is the \"Local Shop\". The Local Shop is located some distance from the town itself on a lonely hilltop moor.", "The Beaches of Cheyenne The lyrics describe a woman who \"just went crazy\" after her husband decides to participate in a rodeo against her wishes and is killed in the bull riding event after he \"drew a bull no man could ride\". The grieving woman, distraught that her last words to her husband were \"I don't give a damn if you never come back from Cheyenne\", ran out into the ocean. Although her body was never found, the narrator explains that \"If you go down by the water / You'll see her footprints in the sand / 'Cause every night she walks the beaches of Cheyenne.\"", "You'll Never Know The song was introduced in the 1943 movie Hello, Frisco, Hello where it was sung by Alice Faye.[1] The song won the 1943 Academy Award for Best Original Song,[3] one of nine nominated songs that year.[1] It was also performed by Faye in the 1944 film Four Jills in a Jeep.", "Walk This Way These are the formats and track listings of major single releases of \"Walk This Way\".", "The Walking Dead (video game series) The Walking Dead is an episodic, graphic adventure video game series developed and published by Telltale Games, based on The Walking Dead comic book series. First released in April 2012, the series currently spans three main five-episode seasons, an additional episode as downloadable content, and a mini three-episode season, with plans to release a fourth and final season in 2018. The games have been released to personal computers, game consoles, and mobile devices and have had both digital and physical releases.", "When I Have Fears When I have fears that I may cease to be \nBefore my pen has glean'd my teeming brain,\nBefore high-piled books, in charact'ry,\nHold like rich garners the full-ripen'd grain;\nWhen I behold, upon the night's starr'd face, \nHuge cloudy symbols of a high romance,\nAnd think that I may never live to trace\nTheir shadows, with the magic hand of chance;\nAnd when I feel, fair creature of an hour,\nThat I shall never look upon thee more,\nNever have relish in the faery power \nOf unreflecting love!—then on the shore\nOf the wide world I stand alone, and think\nTill Love and Fame to nothingness do sink.-", "The Walking Dead (video game) The Walking Dead (also known as The Walking Dead: The Game[5] and The Walking Dead: Season One[6]) is an episodic adventure game video game developed and published by Telltale Games. Based on The Walking Dead comic book series, the game consists of five episodes, released between April and November 2012. It is available for Android, iOS, Kindle Fire HDX, Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita, Xbox 360, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch. The game is the first of The Walking Dead video game series published by Telltale.", "When We First Met Decider's Lea Palmieri wrote: \"Devine's ability to be charming and endearing shouldn't be underestimated here, and you'll be rooting for him before you know it\",[10] whilst Age of the Nerd exclaimed that he \"carries the whole movie on his shoulders with perfection.\"[11]", "The Walking Dead (comic book) In January 2016, the Kings of War creator Mantic Games announced plans to release a tabletop miniature wargame based on The Walking Dead, named The Walking Dead: All Out War. The miniatures game was funded through the popular crowdfunding site Kickstarter. This product is available for order and first began shipping to backers on 7 November 2016.", "You'll Be in My Heart On German television, he sang a translation of \"You'll Be in My Heart\" called \"Dir Gehört Mein Herz\".[27]", "Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex A three-volume novel series based on the anime television series was written by staff writer Junichi Fujisaku. The novels were published by Tokuma Shoten and distributed by Dark Horse Comics in the United States. The first volume, titled Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex - The Lost Memory,[Note 3] was released on 21 January 2004 in Japan and on 24 May 2006 in the US.[36][37] The second volume, Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex - Revenge of the Cold Machines,[Note 4] was released on 8 July 2004 in Japan and on 26 September 2006 in the US.[38][39] The third volume, Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex - White Maze[Note 5] was released on 4 February 2005 in Japan and on 2 January 2007 in the US.[40][41]", "Home Alone Home Alone was initially a Warner Bros. production; when 20th Century Fox took over the project, the budget grew from $14 to $17 million.[5] Columbus' work with Home Alone began several years earlier when Hughes helped him secure the directing job for National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. That project ended poorly when a personality clash between Columbus and Chevy Chase led to Columbus leaving the movie. Hughes then gave him the script to Home Alone, which he accepted.[6]", "You'll Be Back \"You'll Be Back\" is the seventh song from Act 1 of the musical Hamilton, based on the life of Alexander Hamilton, which premiered on Broadway in 2015. Lin-Manuel Miranda wrote both the music and lyrics to the song. It is sung by Jonathan Groff in the show's original cast recording.", "Walking Tall (2004 film) Walking Tall: The Payback and Walking Tall: Lone Justice are two direct-to-video sequels that have been released starring Kevin Sorbo.", "Alone yet Not Alone The film is frequently labeled as a Christian movie.[3] It was awarded the 5 Dove seal of approval from The Dove Foundation.[4] Alone yet Not Alone also received a nomination for the Academy Award for Best Original Song in 2013 for its title song, \"Alone yet Not Alone\", though the nomination was rescinded two weeks later.[5]", "You'll Never Find Another Love Like Mine \"You'll Never Find Another Love Like Mine\" (written by Kenny Gamble & Leon Huff) is a song performed by R&B singer Lou Rawls on his 1976 album All Things in Time. The song proved to be Rawls' breakthrough hit, reaching number one on both the R&B[1] and Easy Listening charts as well as number four on the dance chart [2] and number two on the US Billboard Hot 100, where it was kept from the top spot for two weeks by \"You Should Be Dancing\" by The Bee Gees[3] and \"(Shake, Shake, Shake) Shake Your Booty\" by KC and the Sunshine Band,[4] respectively. This was the first and only time that one of Rawls' records managed to reach Billboard's pop top ten. It was the first big hit for Philadelphia International to feature the reformulated MFSB, after many of the original members left Gamble and Huff for better opportunities.[5] The song started Rawls' live shows from 1977 on.", "Can't Leave 'em Alone These are the formats and track listings of major single releases of \"Can't Leave 'Em Alone\".", "Can't Leave 'em Alone \"Can't Leave 'em Alone\" was a moderate success in the US. Six weeks after its official release, \"Can't Leave 'em Alone\" debuted at ninety on the Billboard Hot 100. The song climbed Billboard charts slowly with moderate airplay and digital sales. It peaked at forty. It peaked at twenty-four on the Hot 100 Airplay. It became Ciara's tenth top ten single on the Billboard Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Songs chart and peaked in the top twenty of the Rhythmic Top 40. The single was never sent to mainstream radio formats and failed to chart on the Pop 100. Despite its lackluster performance at radio, the single sold well digitally and was eventually certified Gold.[9]", "Walking in Memphis American country music band Lonestar reached #8 on the Hot Country Songs chart and #61 on the Billboard Hot 100 in 2003 with a remake of \"Walking in Memphis\" released as a single off the Lonestar album From There to Here: Greatest Hits. This version was featured on Smallville Season 3, Episode 5 \"Perry\" when Perry White returns to Metropolis.", "Walking in Memphis English electronic band Shut Up and Dance released \"Raving I'm Raving\" on May 18, 1992, based significantly on \"Walking in Memphis\". Several lyrics were altered including the line \"I'm walking in Memphis\" becoming \"I'm raving I'm raving\".", "In the Garden (1912 song) Roy Rogers and Dale Evans recorded the song with vocal quartet and orchestra on March 3, 1950.[2] Tennessee Ernie Ford performed the song on his 1956 platinum album Hymns. A June 18, 1958 recording by Perry Como was part of his album When You Come to the End of the Day.[3] Rosemary Clooney included it on her 1959 MGM Records album Hymns from the Heart. It is also used in juxtaposition to \"Blue Tail Fly\" near the beginning of the Merchant Ivory film The Ballad of the Sad Cafe. The book of poetry Tea by D. A. Powell also refers to the song. Doris Day recorded the song on her 1962 album You'll Never Walk Alone. Elvis Presley recorded the song on his gospel album How Great Thou Art (1967). Willie Nelson recorded the song on his 1976 gospel album The Troublemaker.[4] Glen Campbell recorded the song on his 1989 gospel album Favorite Hymns. The gospel song is sung in the closing scene of the film Places in the Heart (1984) and by Ronee Blakley in the Robert Altman film Nashville (1975).", "Alone (Heart song) Heart released the song as the first single from their ninth studio album, Bad Animals, in May 1987. Their version is a power ballad[1] that begins with a piano line and a subdued vocal from Ann Wilson before exploding into an amplified hard rock and synth-led chorus. The song has been covered numerous times on American Idol. According to a Songfacts interview with Steinberg, Kelly (an experienced session singer) provided the high harmony parts on the record.[2] \"Alone\" is Heart's biggest hit, spending three weeks at No. 1 on the U.S. Billboard Hot 100 that July. It ranked No. 2 on the Billboard Year-End Top Pop Singles of 1987, behind \"Walk Like An Egyptian\" by The Bangles. It is also their most successful single in the United Kingdom, where it peaked at No. 3 on the UK Singles Chart, so far as the band's only ever song to peak inside the UK Top 5; it is also one out of three UK Top 10 singles by the band. The song was also a huge global hit, reaching No. 1 in Canada, the top five in Ireland, Norway, and Switzerland, the top ten in Australia, Belgium and the Netherlands as well as the top twenty in Germany. The song's popular video featured the band in a synched live performance. An \"unplugged\" version of the song later appeared on Heart's 1995 album The Road Home. An extended version of \"Alone\" clocking in at 5:30 was released in Japan as the B-side to Heart's third single from Bad Animals, \"There's the Girl\". This \"Long Version\" is exclusive to this 3\" mini-CD single, and not found on any other release.[3]", "Say You'll Be There *sales figures based on certification alone\n^shipments figures based on certification alone", "We're All Alone Scaggs' own version of \"We're All Alone\" was the standard B-side of his international single release \"Lido Shuffle\" including its release in the US and UK where \"Lido Shuffle\" respectively charted at #11 and #13. However, in Australia Scaggs' \"We're All Alone\" was issued with \"Lowdown\" as the flip to become a double A-side chart entry reaching #54 in the autumn of 1977, the only evident instance of the Scaggs original charting.", "You've Passed/Where You'll Find Me Now \"Where You'll Find Me Now\" – 4:39", "When I have Fears that I may Cease to Be When I have fears that I may cease to be \nBefore my pen has glean'd my teeming brain,\nBefore high-piled books, in charact'ry,\nHold like rich garners the full-ripen'd grain;\nWhen I behold, upon the night's starr'd face, \nHuge cloudy symbols of a high romance,\nAnd think that I may never live to trace\nTheir shadows, with the magic hand of chance;\nAnd when I feel, fair creature of an hour,\nThat I shall never look upon thee more,\nNever have relish in the faery power \nOf unreflecting love!—then on the shore\nOf the wide world I stand alone, and think\nTill Love and Fame to nothingness do sink.-", "The Only Investment Guide You'll Ever Need The Only Investment Guide You'll Ever Need is a book written by Andrew Tobias and concerns commonsense rules that the ordinary saver can live by. Published in 1978 and revised every few years since then, it predated other popular investment books like the Beardstown Ladies Investment Guide and Beating the Street by Peter Lynch of Fidelity's Magellan Fund. Along with Burton Malkiel's book A Random Walk Down Wall Street it helps ordinary readers see through the flim flam of investment marketing as well as being a sensible guide to personal finance.", "Apollo 13 (film) If there was a hero, Glynn Lunney was, by himself, a hero, because when he walked in the room, I guarantee you, nobody knew what the hell was going on. Glynn walked in, took over this mess, and he just brought calm to the situation. I've never seen such an extraordinary example of leadership in my entire career. Absolutely magnificent. No general or admiral in wartime could ever be more magnificent than Glynn was that night. He and he alone brought all of the scared people together. And you've got to remember that the flight controllers in those days were—they were kids in their thirties. They were good, but very few of them had ever run into these kinds of choices in life, and they weren't used to that. All of a sudden, their confidence had been shaken. They were faced with things that they didn't understand, and Glynn walked in there, and he just kind of took charge.[42]", "Never Say Never Again Warner Bros. released Never Say Never Again on VHS and Betamax in 1984,[47] and on laserdisc in 1995.[48] After Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer purchased the distribution rights in 1997 (see Legacy, below), the company has released the film on both VHS and DVD in 2001,[49] and on Blu-ray in 2009.[50]", "The Walking Dead (TV series) Four soundtracks for The Walking Dead have been released to date. The Walking Dead: AMC Original Soundtrack, Vol. 1 was released on March 17, 2013.[59] The second volume was released on March 25, 2014.[60] Songs of Survival is a soundtrack for the third season and it was released on August 27, 2013, by Republic Records as a Walmart exclusive for the special edition release of the third season.[61] Songs of Survival, Vol. 2 is a soundtrack for the fourth season and it was released on August 26, 2014, by Republic Records as a Walmart exclusive of the fourth season release.[62]", "Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me Upon its release, Fire Walk with Me's soundtrack charted in the United States, peaking at number 173 on the Billboard 200.[56] It was nominated for, and later received, the Best Music at the 1992 Saturn Awards[57] and Best Original Score at the Independent Spirit Awards.[58] In March 2011, British music publication NME placed Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me's soundtrack at number 1 on their list of the 50 Best Film soundtracks Ever, describing it as \"combining plangent beauty with a kind of clanking evil jazz, this is one of those endlessly evocative soundtracks that takes up residence in your subconscious and never leaves.\"[59]", "Home Alone (franchise) Home Alone is an action game based on the first film and released in Europe only.[6][7] The game was published by Blast! Entertainment Limited and released for the PlayStation 2 on December 1, 2006.[7] The game features 10 levels, each taking place inside a house. The player chooses from one of four playable characters: Carl, Carly, Kelly or Kevin. The player's goal is to use objects to defeat burglars attempting to break into the house. The game includes a two-player option.[6]", "Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex On 13 December 2012, Nexon stated it had obtained the rights of Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex for the purpose of the creation of a massively multiplayer online game.[30] On 12 February 2013, the first details were released through Online Gamer Japan. The game was formally announced on 17 September 2015, under the title of Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex - First Assault Online.[31][32] The game is a first-person shooter with a heavy basis on hacking and customization of the player's cyberized body.[33] First Assault Online entered early access on Steam on 14 December 2015,[34] and has mostly positive reviews from users.[35]", "I Think We're Alone Now These are the formats and track listings of major single releases of \"I Think We're Alone Now\".", "We're All Alone \"We're All Alone\" is a song written by Boz Scaggs, who introduced it on his 1976 album Silk Degrees. It was included as the B-side of two of the four single releases from that LP, including \"Lido Shuffle.\" \"We're All Alone\" was a 1977 top-ten hit for Rita Coolidge in the US and the UK.", "Home Alone Since its initial release, Home Alone has been hailed as a holiday classic among audiences, and is often ranked as one of the best Christmas films of all time.[36][37][38][39]", "Say You'll Be There The song received mixed reviews, some critics praised \"Say You'll Be There\" as a catchy song, others dubbed it as merely a bid for credibility. Dele Fadele of NME said that it is \"another monstrously catchy tune from the fledging pop starlets\", and called it \"state-of-the-art pop music for '96\".[18] Time magazine's Christopher John Farley commented that the song's \"groove is penetrating, but the whole thing sounds suspiciously like an Earth, Wind and Fire song that's just on the tip of one's tongue\".[19] Melissa Ruggieri of the Richmond Times-Dispatch commented that the song \"is a harmless, mid-tempo foot-tapper that will work just fine on Top 40 radio\".[20] Edna Gundersen of the USA Today said that Spice \"is assembly-line dance-pop\", adding that \"only the funky 'Say You'll Be There' and touchingly cornball 'Mama' hint at depth\".[21] Steve Dollar of The Atlanta Journal-Constitution said of the song \"it's all pure confection more sugar really than spice\", adding that it \"even includes a Wonderesque harmonica solo among other obvious sources\".[22]", "The Walking Dead (season 1) The first season was released on DVD and Blu-ray in region 1 on March 8, 2011[81] and in region 2 on May 16, 2011.[82] Special features on the sets include six featurettes—\"The Making of The Walking Dead\", \"Inside The Walking Dead: Episode 1–6\", \"A Sneak Peek with Robert Kirkman\", \"Behind the Scenes Zombie Make-Up Tips\", \"Convention Panel with Producers\" and \"The Walking Dead Trailer\". Also included are other behind the scenes featurettes—\"Zombie School\", \"Bicycle Girl\", \"On Set with Robert Kirkman\", \"Hanging with Steven Yeun\", \"Inside Dale's RV\" and \"On Set with Andrew Lincoln\".", "Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex The first season was adapted into a feature-length OVA titled The Laughing Man, which was released in 2005. The series had also received video game spin-offs for the PlayStation 2, PlayStation Portable, and mobile phones. 2nd GIG was also later adapted into a feature-length OVA entitled Individual Eleven, which was released in 2006.[4] Solid State Society, a TV-film sequel to the Stand Alone Complex series, was also released in that year.[5]", "Days Gone Bye (The Walking Dead) Robert Kirkman claimed that he had considered the idea of a television series, but never actively pursued it.[1] When Darabont became interested, Kirkman called it \"extremely flattering\" and went on to say that \"he definitely cares about the original source material, and you can tell that in the way he's adapting it.\" In his interview, Kirkman exclaimed that it was \"an extreme validation of the work\", and continued by expressing that \"never in a million years could [he] have thought that if Walking Dead were to ever be adapted that everything would be going this well.\"[1]", "Welcome Back, Kotter Groucho Marx was set to have a brief walk-on role in one episode. He arrived on-set, but was deemed to be too sick to appear. Pictures of Marx with the cast were taken, but were never released because of his sickly appearance.[13][14]", "Walking with Dinosaurs (film) Supermassive Games developed the Wonderbook game Walking with Dinosaurs for the PlayStation 3. The game was released on 13 November 2013.[41]", "Walking Walking fish, sometimes called ambulatory fish, is a general term that refers to fish that are able to travel over land for extended periods of time. The term may also be used for some other cases of nonstandard fish locomotion, e.g., when describing fish \"walking\" along the sea floor, as the handfish or frogfish.", "We're All Alone In March 1977 the version by the Three Degrees - recorded for the album Standing Up For Love - was a UK single release meaning that the Rita Coolidge version of \"We're All Alone\" which reached UK #7 that summer was the fourth UK single release to feature the song as an A-side.", "Home Alone 3 Home Alone 3 was released on VHS and Laserdisc on June 2, 1998, and on DVD in October 5, 1999, which was later reissued in December 2007 (and again in 2006 and 2008 as part of Home Alone multi-packs). While the DVD presents the film in its original Widescreen format (1.85:1), it is presented in a non-anamorphic 4:3 matte.", "Never Say Never Again Never Say Never Again premiered in New York on 7 October 1983,[31] grossing $9.72 million ($24 million in 2017 dollars[20]) on its first weekend,[44] which was reported to be \"the best opening record of any James Bond film\"[44] up to that point and surpassing Octopussy's $8.9 million ($22 million in 2017 dollars[20]) from June that year.[45] The film went on general release in the US in 1,500 cinemas on 14 October 1983[44] and had its UK premiere at the Warner West End cinema in Leicester Square on 14 December 1983.[31] Worldwide, Never Say Never Again grossed $160 million[46] in box office returns, which was a solid return on the budget of $36 million.[46]", "Jesus walking on water At the end of the evening, the disciples boarded a ship to cross to the other side of the Sea of Galilee, without Jesus who went up the mountain to pray alone. John alone specifies they were headed \"toward Capernaum\".[5] During the journey on the sea, the disciples were distressed by wind and waves, but saw Jesus walking towards them on the sea. John's Gospel specifies that they were five or six kilometers away from their departure point. The disciples were startled to see Jesus, but he told them not to be afraid.[2]", "Home Alone 2: Lost in New York John Williams returned from the first installment to score Home Alone 2. While the film featured the first film's theme song \"Somewhere in My Memory\", it also contained its own theme entitled \"Christmas Star\". Two soundtrack albums of the film were released on November 20, 1992, with one featuring Williams' score and the other featuring contemporary Christmas songs featured in the film. Ten years later, a 2-disc Deluxe Edition of the film score soundtrack was released.", "A Walk to Remember (novel) A Walk to Remember is a novel by American writer Nicholas Sparks, released in October 1999. The novel, set in 1958–1959 in Beaufort, North Carolina, is a story of two teenagers who fall in love with each other despite the disparity of their personalities. A Walk to Remember is adapted in the film of the same name.", "Night Is Short, Walk On Girl Night Is Short, Walk On Girl was released in Japan on April 7, 2017. Internationally, the film was released by Anime Limited in the United Kingdom on October 4, 2017,[7] and by GKIDS in the United States on August 21, 2018, where it was titled The Night Is Short, Walk On Girl.[8] Rights to the English-language edition of the original novelization have been acquired by Yen Press.[9]", "Jesus walking on water This story, following the miracle of the feeding of the five thousand, tells how Jesus sent the disciples by ship back to the \"other side\" of the Sea of Galilee (the eastern side) while he remained behind, alone, to pray. Night fell and the sea arose as the ship became caught in a wind storm. After rowing against the wind for most of the night, the disciples saw Jesus walking on the sea. They were frightened, thinking they were seeing a spirit, but when Jesus told them not to be afraid, they were reassured. After Jesus entered the ship, the wind ceased, and they arrived at land.", "Circa Survive Circa Survive's second EP, Appendage, was released on November 30, 2010. It contains five tracks: \"Sleep Underground\" (Demo), \"Stare Like You'll Stay\", \"Everyway\", \"Backmask\" and \"Lazarus\".", "Jesus walking on water 45 And straightway he constrained his disciples to enter into the boat, and to go before him unto the other side to Bethsaida, while he himself sendeth the multitude away. 46 And after he had taken leave of them, he departed into the mountain to pray. 47 And when even was come, the boat was in the midst of the sea, and he alone on the land. 48 And seeing them distressed in rowing, for the wind was contrary unto them, about the fourth watch of the night he cometh unto them, walking on the sea; and he would have passed by them: 49 but they, when they saw him walking on the sea, supposed that it was a ghost, and cried out; 50 for they all saw him, and were troubled. But he straightway spake with them, and saith unto them, Be of good cheer: it is I; be not afraid. 51 And he went up unto them into the boat; and the wind ceased: and they were sore amazed in themselves; 52 for they understood not concerning the loaves, but their heart was hardened.\n53 And when they had crossed over, they came to the land unto Gennesaret, and moored to the shore.", "The Hero with a Thousand Faces In the Odyssey, you'll see three journeys. One is that of Telemachus, the son, going in quest of his father. The second is that of the father, Odysseus, becoming reconciled and related to the female principle in the sense of male-female relationship, rather than the male mastery of the female that was at the center of the Iliad. And the third is of Penelope herself, whose journey is [...] endurance. Out in Nantucket, you see all those cottages with the widow's walk up on the roof: when my husband comes back from the sea. Two journeys through space and one through time.[7]", "The Man Who Walked Between the Towers The Walk, a biographical drama starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Philippe Petit, was released in September 2015." ]
what year is the deer hunter set in
[ "The Deer Hunter In the small working class town of Clairton, Pennsylvania, in late 1967, steel workers Mike Vronsky, Steven Pushkov, and Nick Chevotarevich, with the support of their friends and co-workers Stan and Peter \"Axel\" Axelrod and local bar owner and friend John Welsh, prepare for two rites of passage: marriage and military service. Mike is a serious but unassuming leader; Steven the groom-to-be, pecked-at by his mother; and Nick the introspective man who loves deer hunting." ]
[ "The Deer Hunter According to producer Deeley, orchestrated lobbying against The Deer Hunter was led by Warren Beatty, whose own picture Heaven Can Wait had multiple nominations.[87] Beatty also used ex-girlfriends in his campaign: Julie Christie, serving on the jury at the Berlin Film Festival where Deer Hunter was screened, joined the walkout of the film by the Russian jury members. Jane Fonda also criticized The Deer Hunter in public. Deeley suggested that her criticisms partly stemmed from the competition between her film Coming Home vying with The Deer Hunter for Best Picture. According to Deeley, he planted a friend of his in the Oscar press area behind the stage to ask Fonda if she had seen The Deer Hunter.[51] Fonda replied she had not seen the film, and to this day she still has not.[6][51]", "The Deer Hunter The soundtrack to The Deer Hunter was released on audio CD on October 25, 1990.[54]", "The Deer Hunter Cimino's next film, Heaven's Gate (1980), debuted to lacerating reviews and took in only $3 million in ticket sales, effectively leaving United Artists bankrupt. The failure of Heaven's Gate led several critics to revise their positions on The Deer Hunter. Canby said in his famous review of Heaven's Gate, \"[The film] fails so completely that you might suspect Mr. Cimino sold his soul to the Devil to obtain the success of The Deer Hunter, and the Devil has just come around to collect.\"[84] Andrew Sarris wrote in his review of Heaven's Gate, \"I'm a little surprised that many of the same critics who lionized Cimino for The Deer Hunter have now thrown him to the wolves with equal enthusiasm.\"[85] Sarris added, \"I was never taken in ... Hence, the stupidity and incoherence in Heaven's Gate came as no surprise since very much the same stupidity and incoherence had been amply evident in The Deer Hunter.\"[85] In his book Final Cut: Dreams and Disaster in the Making of Heaven's Gate, Steven Bach wrote, \"critics seemed to feel obliged to go on the record about The Deer Hunter, to demonstrate that their critical credentials were un-besmirched by having been, as Sarris put it, 'taken in.'\"[85]", "The Deer Hunter In 1996, The Deer Hunter was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry by the Library of Congress as being \"culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant\".[4]", "The Deer Hunter Cimino frequently referred to The Deer Hunter as a \"personal\" and \"autobiographical\" film, although later investigation by journalists like Tom Buckley of Harper's revealed inaccuracies in Cimino's accounts and reported background.[67]", "The Deer Hunter By this point, The Deer Hunter had cost $13 million and the film still had to go through an arduous post-production.[30] Film editor Peter Zinner was given 600,000 feet of printed film to edit, a monumental task at the time.[48] Producers Spikings and Deeley were pleased with the first cut, which ran for three and a half hours. \"We were thrilled by what we saw,\" wrote Deeley, \"and knew that within the three and a half hours we watched there was a riveting film.\"[49]", "The Deer Hunter In his Vanity Fair article \"The Vietnam Oscars\", Peter Biskind wrote that the political agenda of The Deer Hunter was something of a mystery: \"It may have been more a by-product of Hollywood myopia, the demands of the war-film genre, garden-variety American parochialism, and simple ignorance than it was the pre-meditated right-wing road map it seemed to many.\"[6]", "The Deer Hunter The Deer Hunter was one of the first, and most controversial, major theatrical films to be critical of the American involvement in Vietnam following 1975 when the war officially ended. While the film opened the same year as Hal Ashby's Coming Home, Sidney Furie's The Boys in Company C, and Ted Post's Go Tell the Spartans, it was the first film about Vietnam to reach a wide audience and critical acclaim, culminating in the winning of the Oscar for Best Picture. Other films released in later decades that illustrated the 'hellish', futile conditions of bloody Vietnam War combat included:[61]", "The Deer Hunter The Deer Hunter debuted at one theater each in New York and Los Angeles for a week on December 8, 1978.[6][57] The release strategy was to qualify the film for Oscar consideration and close after a week to build interest.[58] After the Oscar nominations, Universal widened the distribution to include major cities, building up to a full-scale release on February 23, 1979, just following the Oscars.[58] This film was important for helping release patterns for so-called prestige pictures that screen only at the end of the year to qualify for Academy Award recognition.[59] The film eventually grossed $48.9 million at the US box office.[3]", "The Deer Hunter Author Karina Longworth notes that Streep \"made a case for female empowerment by playing a woman to whom empowerment was a foreign concept—a normal lady from an average American small town, for whom subservience was the only thing she knew\".[77] She states that The Deer Hunter \"evokes a version of dominant masculinity in which male friendship is a powerful force\". It has a \"credibly humanist message\", and that the \"slow study of the men in blissfully ignorant homeland machismo is crucial to it\".[25]", "The Deer Hunter More recently, British film critic Mark Kermode challenged the film's status: \"At the risk of being thrown out of the 'respectable film critics' circle, may I take this opportunity to declare officially that in my opinion The Deer Hunter is one of the worst films ever made, a rambling self indulgent, self aggrandizing barf-fest steeped in manipulatively racist emotion, and notable primarily for its farcically melodramatic tone which is pitched somewhere between shrieking hysteria and somnambulist sombreness.\"", "The Deer Hunter The Deer Hunter is a 1978 American epic war drama film co-written and directed by Michael Cimino about a trio of Russian American steelworkers whose lives are changed forever after they fought in the Vietnam War. The three soldiers are played by Robert De Niro, Christopher Walken, and John Savage, with John Cazale (in his final role), Meryl Streep, and George Dzundza playing supporting roles. The story takes place in Clairton, Pennsylvania, a small working class town on the Monongahela River south of Pittsburgh, and in Vietnam.", "The Deer Hunter According to Washburn, he and Cimino spent three days together in Los Angeles at the Sunset Marquis, hammering out the plot. The script eventually went through several drafts, evolving into a story with three distinct acts. Washburn did not interview any veterans to write The Deer Hunter nor do any research. \"I had a month, that was it,\" he explains. \"The clock was ticking. Write the fucking script! But all I had to do was watch TV. Those combat cameramen in Vietnam were out there in the field with the guys. I mean, they had stuff that you wouldn't dream of seeing about Iraq.\" When Washburn was finished, he says, Cimino and Joann Carelli, an associate producer on The Deer Hunter who went on to produce two more of Cimino's later films, took him to dinner at a cheap restaurant off the Sunset Strip. He recalls, \"We finished, and Joann looks at me across the table, and she says, 'Well, Deric, it's fuck-off time.' I was fired. It was a classic case: you get a dummy, get him to write the goddamn thing, tell him to go fuck himself, put your name on the thing, and he'll go away. I was so tired, I didn't care. I'd been working 20 hours a day for a month. I got on the plane the next day, and I went back to Manhattan and my carpenter job.\"[6]", "The Deer Hunter Deeley felt the revised script, now called The Deer Hunter, broke fresh ground for the project. The protagonist in the Redeker/Garfinkle script, Merle, was an individual who sustained a bad injury in active service and was damaged psychologically by his violent experiences, but was nevertheless a tough character with strong nerves and guts. Cimino and Washburn's revised script distilled the three aspects of Merle's personality and separated them out into three distinct characters. They became three old friends who grew up in the same small industrial town and worked in the same steel mill, and in due course were drafted together to Vietnam.[20] In the original script, the roles of Merle (later renamed Mike) and Nick were reversed in the last half of the film. Nick returns home to Linda, while Mike remains in Vietnam, sends money home to help Steven, and meets his tragic fate at the Russian roulette table.[21]", "The Deer Hunter The friends return to Welsh's bar, with Michael's deer strapped to the hood of the car. They enter rambunctiously, spraying beers over each other and singing loudly. Welsh then makes his way to the piano and begins playing Chopin's Nocturne No. 6 Op. 15-3.", "The Deer Hunter Roger Ebert of the Chicago Sun-Times gave the film four stars and called it \"one of the most emotionally shattering films ever made.\"[64] Gene Siskel from the Chicago Tribune praised the film, saying, \"This is a big film, dealing with big issues, made on a grand scale. Much of it, including some casting decisions, suggest inspiration by The Godfather.\"[71] Leonard Maltin also gave the film four stars, calling it a \"sensitive, painful, evocative work\".[72] Vincent Canby of the New York Times called The Deer Hunter \"a big, awkward, crazily ambitious motion picture that comes as close to being a popular epic as any movie about this country since The Godfather. Its vision is that of an original, major new filmmaker.\"[69] David Denby of New York called it \"an epic\" with \"qualities that we almost never see any more—range and power and breadth of experience.\"[73][74] Jack Kroll of Time asserted it put director Cimino \"right at the center of film culture.\"[74] Stephen Farber pronounced the film in New West magazine as \"the greatest anti-war movie since La Grande Illusion.\"[74]", "White-tailed deer Deer have dichromatic (two-color) vision with blue and yellow primaries;[14] humans normally have trichromatic vision. Thus, deer poorly distinguish the oranges and reds that stand out so well to humans.[15] This makes it very convenient to use deer-hunter orange as a safety color on caps and clothing to avoid accidental shootings during hunting seasons.", "Deer The fallow deer and the various subspecies of the reindeer have the largest as well as the heaviest antlers, both in absolute terms as well as in proportion to body mass (an average of 8 grams (0.28 oz) per kilogram of body mass);[24][26] the tufted deer, on the other hand, has the smallest antlers of all deer, while the pudú has the lightest antlers with respect to body mass (0.6 grams (0.021 oz) per kilogram of body mass).[24] The structure of antlers show considerable variation; while fallow deer and elk antlers are palmate (with a broad central portion), white-tailed deer antlers include a series of tines sprouting upward from a forward-curving main beam, and those of the pudú are mere spikes.[8] Antler development begins from the pedicel, a bony structure that appears on the top of the skull by the time the animal is a year old. The pedicel gives rise to a spiky antler the following year, that is replaced by a branched antler in the third year. This process of losing a set of antlers to develop a larger and more branched set continues for the rest of the life.[24] The antlers emerge as soft tissues (known as velvet antlers) and progressively harden into bony structures (known as hard antlers), following mineralisation and blockage of blood vessels in the tissue, from the tip to the base.[27]", "List of John Deere tractors Deere made their first unstyled rowcrop tractor in 1929 to compete with the Farmall. It was a modified GP tractor with adjustable rear axle track (distance between wheels on the same axle) and a narrow front end. In 1933 Deere started experimenting with what would come to be known as the Model A. The new model A went into production in 1934. The A launched Deere into the rowcrop farming market. The A was by far the most popular two-cylinder tractor that Deere produced. The next year the Model B was introduced. It was one third smaller than the A which made it ideal for smaller farms. A few years later, the Model G was introduced in 1937. It remained unstyled for several more years than the A and B. The unstyled tractors launched Deere into the rowcrop farming market which they are still a major part of today.", "Coon hunting Inadvertent hunting or running of deer by coonhounds is particularly problematic for hunters, as hunting deer with dogs is illegal in most states.[2]", "The Deer Hunter Back in the U.S., Mike maintains a low profile. He tells a cab driver to drive past the house where all his friends are waiting, as he is embarrassed by the fuss Linda and the others have made. He visits Linda the following day and grows close to her, but only because of the friend they both think they have lost. Mike goes to visit Angela at Steven's mother's home. Angela is barely responsive. When asked by Mike about Steven's whereabouts, she writes a phone number on a scrap of paper, which leads Mike to the local VA hospital where Steven has been for several months. Mike goes hunting with Axel, John, and Stan one more time, and after tracking a deer across the woods, fires into the air. He then sits on a rock escarpment and yells out, \"OK?\", which echoes back at him. He also berates Stan for carrying around a small revolver and waving it around, not realizing it is loaded. Mike visits Steven, who has lost both of his legs and is partially paralyzed. Steven reveals that someone in Saigon has been mailing large amounts of money to him, and Mike is convinced that it is Nick. Mike brings a reluctant Steven home to Angela and then travels to Saigon just before its fall in 1975.", "The Legacy of a Whitetail Deer Hunter The great hunter Buck Ferguson and his trusted cameraman Don set out for an epic weekend adventure to reconnect with Buck's young son.", "John Deere Deere & Company is listed on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol DE.[5] The company's slogan is \"Nothing Runs Like a Deere\", and its logo is a leaping deer, with the words 'JOHN DEERE' under it. The logo has been used by the company for over 155 years.", "The Deer Hunter The film's initial reviews were largely positive. It was hailed by many critics as the best American epic since Francis Ford Coppola's The Godfather.[36][67][69] The film was praised for its depiction of realistic working class settings and environment; Cimino's direction; the performances of De Niro, Walken, Streep, Savage, Dzundza and Cazale; the symphonic shifts of tone and pacing in moving from America to Vietnam; the tension during the Russian roulette scenes; and the themes of American disillusionment.[70]", "List of mammals of Florida The only native even-toed ungulate is the white-tailed deer. It is the most economically important hunting mammal in all of North America, and is one of the major prey animals of the Florida panther. There were only about 20,000 deer in Florida during the late 1930s, and the species was almost extinct in South Florida due to a campaign to eliminate tick-borne diseases. Hunt restraining measures and purchases from other states were very successful bringing the population to more than 700,000 deer statewide. The smaller subspecies, Key deer, lives only in the Keys and numbers around 800 animals.[83] Sambar deer were introduced in 1908 as alternative game for hunters on Saint Vincent Island. The population is between 700 and 1,000 deers; 130 hunters are licensed per year, and each can kill up to two animals.[84] Some red deer were released from a hunting ranch around 1967 and may still exist as a small herd.[85]", "A Rickle in Time Meanwhile, after getting ice cream, Beth and Jerry hit a deer with their car. As an animal surgeon, Beth attempts to help the deer at a veterinary hospital, but notices a gunshot wound in its side. A hunter appears and claims the deer as his, calling a lawyer to guarantee his ownership. While Beth ignores this and attempts to save the deer, Jerry comes to the rescue by bringing members of a Cervine Institute of Elk, Moose, Deer, and Stag. The members can transport the deer across state lines to the best doctors, and outside the jurisdiction of the hunter's claim. Back in the woods, Jerry reveals the men were not doctors, but rather employees at the ice cream parlor. This allows Beth to continue her operation and successfully save the deer, who returns to the woods.", "Mule deer Kufleld et al. (1973) analyzed 99 studies of mule deer diets and found that some 788 species of plants were eaten by mule deer, and mule deer diets vary greatly depending on the season, geographic region, year, and elevation.[15] Kufeld, et al. (1973) gave the following data for Rocky Mountain mule deer diets:[16]", "The Deer Hunter The film won five Academy Awards, including Best Picture, Best Director for Michael Cimino, and Best Supporting Actor for Christopher Walken, and marked Meryl Streep's first Academy Award nomination (for Best Supporting Actress); she would go on to become the most nominated actor in history. In 1996 it was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry by the Library of Congress as being \"culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant\", and was named the 53rd greatest American film of all time by the American Film Institute in 2007 in their 10th Anniversary Edition of the AFI's 100 Years...100 Movies list.[4]", "Deer Coat colour generally varies between red and brown,[11] though it can be as dark as chocolate brown in the tufted deer[12] or have a grayish tinge as in elk.[7] Different species of brocket deer vary from gray to reddish brown in coat colour.[13] Several species such as the chital,[14] the fallow deer[15] and the sika deer[16] feature white spots on a brown coat. Coat of reindeer shows notable geographical variation.[17] Deer undergo two moults in a year;[11][18] for instance, in red deer the red, thin-haired summer coat is gradually replaced by the dense, greyish brown winter coat in autumn, which in turn gives way to the summer coat in the following spring.[19] Moulting is affected by the photoperiod.[20]", "Maize Additionally, feed corn is sometimes used by hunters to bait animals such as deer or wild hogs.", "Apache Hunting often had elaborate preparations, such as fasting and religious rituals performed by medicine men before and after the hunt. In Lipan culture, since deer were protected by Mountain Spirits, great care was taken in Mountain Spirit rituals in order to ensure smooth deer hunting. Also the slaughter of animals must be performed following certain religious guidelines (many of which are recorded in religious stories) from prescribing how to cut the animals, what prayers to recite, and proper disposal of bones. A common practice among Southern Athabascan hunters was the distribution of successfully slaughtered game. For example, among the Mescalero a hunter was expected to share as much as one half of his kill with a fellow hunter and with needy people back at the camp. Feelings of individuals concerning this practice spoke of social obligation and spontaneous generosity.", "Deer Australia has six introduced species of deer that have established sustainable wild populations from acclimatisation society releases in the 19th century. These are the fallow deer, red deer, sambar, hog deer, rusa, and chital. Red deer introduced into New Zealand in 1851 from English and Scottish stock were domesticated in deer farms by the late 1960s and are common farm animals there now. Seven other species of deer were introduced into New Zealand but none are as widespread as red deer.[1]", "Deer–vehicle collisions The ability to see in the UV spectrum truly sets deer and animal vision apart from humans. UV light is generally damaging to eyes, particularly in the long term. Hence, a pigmentation is present in human eyes that helps filter out UV light. Deer have no such filter and see well in the UV spectrum. UV light – invisible to humans – can literally glow to deer.", "Red deer Cervus genus ancestors of red deer first appear in fossil records 12 million years ago during the Miocene in Eurasia.[14] An extinct genus known as the Irish elk (Megaloceros), related to the red deer, was the largest member of the deer family known from the fossil record.[15] Early phylogenetic analyses supported the idea of a sister-group relationship between fallow deer (Dama dama) and the Irish Elk.[16][17] However, newer morphological studies prove that the Irish elk is more closely related to its modern regional counterparts of the Red Deer (Cervus elaphus).[18] For this reason, the name \"Giant Deer\" is used in some publications.[19]", "Deer All male deer possess antlers, with the exception of the Chinese water deer, in which males have long tusk-like canines that reach below the lower jaw.[23] Females generally lack antlers, though female reindeer bear antlers smaller and less branched than those of the males.[24] Occasionally females in other species may develop antlers, especially in telemetacarpal deer such as European roe deer, red deer, white-tailed deer and mule deer and less often in plesiometacarpal deer. A study of antlered female white-tailed deer noted that antlers tend to be small and malformed, and are shed frequently around the time of parturition.[25]", "Hunting Indian blackbuck, nilgai, axis deer, fallow deer, and barasingha can now be found on hunting ranches in Texas, where they were introduced for sport hunting. Hunters can pay upwards of $4000 as fees for hunting a barasingha.", "Black-tailed deer In Southeast Alaska, the Sitka black-tailed deer is the primary prey of the rare Alexander Archipelago wolf (Canis lupus ligoni), which is endemic to the region.[15] In the mid-1990s, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service evaluated a petition to list this wolf species as threatened, and decided a listing was not warranted in August 1997, largely on the basis of provisions the Forest Service had included to protect the viability of the wolf species in its Forest Plan for the Tongass National Forest, adopted three months earlier.[16] The Tongass NF is important in wolf conservation because it includes about 80% of the region's land area. The protections for the wolf included a standard and guideline intended to retain, in the face of logging losses, enough habitat carrying capacity for deer in winter to assure the viability of the Alexander Archipelago wolf and an adequate supply of deer for hunters. The needed carrying capacity was originally specified as 13 deer per square mile, but was corrected in 2000 to 18. Use of a deer model is specified for determining carrying capacity, and is the only tool available for the purpose.[17][18]", "The Deer Hunter StudioCanal released the film on the Blu-ray format in countries other than the United States on March 11, 2009.[102] It was released on Blu-ray in the U.S. on March 6, 2012.[103]", "The Deer Hunter After killing the guards, Mike rescues Steven. The three float downriver on a tree limb. An American helicopter finds them, but only Nick is able to climb aboard. The weakened Steven falls back into the water, and Mike plunges in the water to rescue him. Mike helps Steven to reach the river bank, but Steven's legs are broken, so Mike carries him through the jungle to friendly lines. Approaching a caravan of locals escaping the war zone, Mike stops a South Vietnamese military truck and places the wounded Steven on it, asking the soldiers to take care of him.", "The Deer Hunter Each of the six principal male characters carried a photo in their back pocket depicting them all together as children, to enhance the sense of camaraderie amongst them. Additionally, director Cimino instructed the props department to fashion complete Pennsylvania IDs for each of them, including driver's licenses, medical cards, and various other pieces of paraphernalia, in order to enhance each actor's sense of his character.[16]", "The Deer Hunter In addition, the film was nominated in four other categories:", "The Deer Hunter After consulting various Hollywood agents, Deeley found writer-director Michael Cimino, represented by Stan Kamen at the William Morris Agency.[18] Deeley was impressed by Cimino's TV commercial work and crime film Thunderbolt and Lightfoot (1974).[18][19] Cimino himself was confident that he could further develop the principal characters of The Man Who Came to Play without losing the essence of the original. After Cimino was hired, he was called into a meeting with Garfinkle and Redeker at the EMI office. According to Deeley, Cimino questioned the need for the Russian roulette element of the script, and Redeker made such a passionate case for it that he ended up literally on his knees. Over the course of further meetings, Cimino and Deeley discussed the work needed at the front of the script, and Cimino believed he could develop the stories of the main characters in the first 20 minutes of film.[19]", "The Deer Hunter Nick recuperates in a military hospital in Saigon with no knowledge of his friends. After being released, he goes AWOL and aimlessly stumbles through the red-light district at night. He encounters Julien Grinda, a Frenchman, outside a gambling den where men play Russian roulette for money. Grinda entices the reluctant Nick to participate and leads him into the den. Mike is present in the den, watching the game, but the two friends do not notice each other at first. When Mike does see Nick, he is unable to get his attention. When Nick is introduced into the game, he grabs the gun, fires it at the current contestant, and then again at his own temple, causing the audience to riot in protest. Grinda hustles Nick outside to his car to escape the angry mob. Mike cannot catch up with them as they speed away.", "The Deer Hunter The Viet Cong Russian roulette scenes were shot in real circumstances, with real rats and mosquitoes, as the three principals (De Niro, Walken, and Savage) were tied up in bamboo cages erected along the River Kwai. The woman who was given the task of casting the extras in Thailand had much difficulty finding a local to play the vicious-looking individual who runs the game. The first actor hired turned out to be incapable of slapping De Niro in the face. The caster then found a local Thai man with a particular dislike of Americans, and cast him accordingly. De Niro suggested that Walken be slapped for real by one of the guards without any warning. The reaction on Walken's face was genuine. Producer Deeley has said that Cimino shot the brutal Vietcong Russian roulette scenes brilliantly and more efficiently than any other part of the film.[27][33]", "The Deer Hunter While appearing later in the film, the first scenes shot upon arrival in Thailand were the hospital sequences between Walken and the military doctor. Deeley believed that this scene was \"the spur that would earn him an Academy Award.\"[35][a 1]", "The Deer Hunter Its greatness is blunted by its length and one-sided point of view, but the film's weaknesses are overpowered by Michael Cimino's sympathetic direction and a series of heartbreaking performances from Robert De Niro, Meryl Streep, and Christopher Walken.[78]", "The Deer Hunter Cimino originally claimed that the wedding scene would take up 21 minutes of screen time. In the end, it took 51 minutes. Deeley believes that Cimino always planned to make this prologue last for an hour, and \"the plan was to be advanced by stealth rather than straight dealing.\"[31]", "The Deer Hunter Cimino worked for six weeks with Deric Washburn on the script.[7] Cimino and Washburn had previously collaborated with Stephen Bochco on the screenplay for Silent Running (1972). According to producer Spikings, Cimino said he wanted to work again with Washburn.[6] According to producer Deeley, he only heard from office rumor that Washburn was contracted by Cimino to work on the script. \"Whether Cimino hired Washburn as his sub-contractor or as a co-writer was constantly being obfuscated,\" wrote Deeley, \"and there were some harsh words between them later on, or so I was told.\"[19]", "The Deer Hunter Back home in 1975, the friends have gathered for Nick's funeral, whom Mike has brought home, staying good to his promise. Mike toasts in Nick's honor.", "The Deer Hunter Hiring De Niro turned out to be a casting coup because he knew so many actors in New York. De Niro brought Meryl Streep to the attention of Cimino and Deeley. With Streep came John Cazale.[12] De Niro also accompanied Cimino to scout locations for the steel mill sequence as well as rehearsed with the actors to use the workshops as a bonding process.[15]", "Deer The musk deer of Asia and water chevrotain (or mouse deer) of tropical African and Asian forests are not usually regarded as true deer and form their own families: Moschidae and Tragulidae, respectively.", "Deer–vehicle collisions Deer see slightly differently than do humans.[19] Deer color vision is based upon two types of cones which sense the shorter and middle wavelengths of light. This is called dichromatic vision. Deer, and most game animals, have light sensitivity in the approximate range of below 320 nm to 640 nm. This means that they cannot see red or green, but can see UV (ultraviolet). Thus, what appears to humans to be a very bright, blazing orange is seen as possibly a grey/dull yellow by deer. Conversely, a deer’s ability to see light at higher frequencies means they can see UV-blue light that is virtually invisible to humans, possibly better than humans see blazing orange.", "Red deer Red deer live over 20 years in captivity and in the wild they live 10 to 13 years, though some subspecies with less predation pressure average 15 years.", "Deer Deer are also excellent jumpers and swimmers. Deer are ruminants, or cud-chewers, and have a four-chambered stomach. Some deer, such as those on the island of Rùm,[21] do consume meat when it is available.[22]", "John Deere Deere & Company began when John Deere, born in Rutland, Vermont, USA on February 7, 1804, moved to Grand Detour, Illinois in 1836 to escape bankruptcy in Vermont. Already an established blacksmith, Deere opened a 1,378-square-foot (128 m2) shop in Grand Detour in 1837, which allowed him to serve as a general repairman in the village, as well as a manufacturer of large tools such as pitchforks and shovels. Small tools production was just a start; the item that set him apart was the self-scouring steel plow, which was pioneered in 1837 when John Deere fashioned a Scottish steel saw blade into a plow. Prior to Deere's steel plow, most farmers used iron or wooden plows to which the rich Midwestern soil stuck, so had to be cleaned frequently. The smooth-sided steel plow solved this problem, and greatly aided migration into the American Great Plains in the 19th and early 20th centuries.", "The Man Who Fell to Earth The film was produced by Michael Deeley and Barry Spikings,[4] who reunited two years later to work on The Deer Hunter. Despite a mixed critical response upon release, the film is now considered an important work of science fiction cinema and one of the best films of Roeg's career.", "Black-tailed deer Black-tailed deer once lived at least as far east as Wyoming. In Francis Parkman's The Oregon Trail, an eyewitness account of his 1846 trek across the early West, while within a two-day ride from Fort Laramie, Parkman writes of shooting what he believes to be an elk, only to discover he has killed a black-tailed deer.[12]", "Barasingha Swamp deer were introduced to Texas.[22] They exist only in small numbers on ranches.[23] Sport hunters for whom bagging a stag with huge antlers with as many points as possible is a novelty, pay about $4,000 as trophy fees for hunting a swamp deer.[citation needed]", "Deer Deer are widely distributed, with indigenous representatives in all continents except Antarctica and Australia, though Africa has only one native deer, the Barbary stag, a subspecies of red deer that is confined to the Atlas Mountains in the northwest of the continent. However, fallow deer have been introduced to South Africa. Small species of brocket deer and pudús of Central and South America, and muntjacs of Asia generally occupy dense forests and are less often seen in open spaces, with the possible exception of the Indian muntjac. There are also several species of deer that are highly specialized, and live almost exclusively in mountains, grasslands, swamps, and \"wet\" savannas, or riparian corridors surrounded by deserts. Some deer have a circumpolar distribution in both North America and Eurasia. Examples include the caribou that live in Arctic tundra and taiga (boreal forests) and moose that inhabit taiga and adjacent areas. Huemul deer (taruca and Chilean huemul) of South America's Andes fill the ecological niches of the ibex and wild goat, with the fawns behaving more like goat kids.", "Bison hunting Led by Chief Washakie, around 1,800 Shoshones in the Wind River Indian Reservation in Wyoming started out in October 1874. Going north, the men, women and children crossed the border of the reservation. Scouts came back with news of buffalo near Gooseberry Creek. The hunters got around 125 bison. Fewer hunters left the reservation the next two years and those who went focused on elk, deer and other game.[103]", "Music of Battlestar Galactica (2004 TV series) The second-season episode \"Scar\" closes with Stanley Myers' classical guitar piece \"Cavatina\", most famous as the theme from the 1978 film The Deer Hunter.", "John Deere The company produced its first combine harvester, the John Deere No. 2, in 1927. A year later, this innovation was followed up by the introduction of John Deere No. 1, a smaller machine that was more popular with customers. By 1929, the No. 1 and No. 2 were replaced by newer, lighter-weight harvesters. In the 1930s, John Deere and other farm equipment manufacturers began developing hillside harvesting technology. Harvesters now had the ability to effectively use their combines to harvest grain on hillsides with up to a 50% slope gradient.[8]", "John Deere House Deere lived in the house for six years until his death in 1886. His body lay in repose in the front parlor where thousands of mourners paid their respects.[3] His widow, Lucenia, lived in the house two more years before her death in 1888. The house remained in the Deere family until 1933, when it was sold to a banker.", "Hunting Hindu scriptures describe hunting as an acceptable occupation, as well as a sport of the kingly. Even figures considered divine are described to have engaged in hunting. One of the names of the god Shiva is Mrigavyadha, which translates as \"the deer hunter\" (mriga means deer; vyadha means hunter). The word Mriga, in many Indian languages including Malayalam, not only stands for deer, but for all animals and animal instincts (Mriga Thrishna). Shiva, as Mrigavyadha, is the one who destroys the animal instincts in human beings. In the epic Ramayana, Dasharatha, the father of Rama, is said to have the ability to hunt in the dark. During one of his hunting expeditions, he accidentally killed Shravana, mistaking him for game. During Rama's exile in the forest, Ravana kidnapped his wife, Sita, from their hut, while Rama was asked by Sita to capture a golden deer, and his brother Lakshman went after him. According to the Mahabharat, Pandu, the father of the Pandavas, accidentally killed the sage Kindama and his wife with an arrow, mistaking them for a deer. Krishna is said to have died after being accidentally wounded by an arrow of a hunter.", "Deer The Eurasian Continent (including the Indian Subcontinent) boasts the most species of deer in the world, with most species being found in Asia. Europe, in comparison, has lower diversity in plant and animal species. However, many national parks and protected reserves in Europe do have populations of red deer, roe deer, and fallow deer. These species have long been associated with the continent of Europe, but also inhabit Asia Minor, the Caucasus Mountains, and Northwestern Iran. \"European\" fallow deer historically lived over much of Europe during the Ice Ages, but afterwards became restricted primarily to the Anatolian Peninsula, in present-day Turkey.", "Apache Plains Apache hunters pursued primarily buffalo and deer. Other hunted animals were badgers, bears, beavers, fowls, geese, opossums, otters, rabbits and turtles.", "Deer Eld's deer", "John Deere John Deere leasing has expanded to non-equipment loans. As of 2017, this is the leading division of John Deere. With a loan portfolio of $2 billion, it accounts for a third of John Deere's income.[45]", "Mule deer Mule deer are ruminants, meaning they employ a nutrient acquisition strategy of fermenting plant material before digesting it. Deer consuming high-fiber, low-starch diets require less food than those consuming high-starch, low-fiber diets. Rumination time also increases when deer consume high-fiber, low-starch diets which allows for increased nutrient acquisition due to greater length of fermentation.[25] Because some of the subspecies of mule deer are migratory, they encounter variable habitats and forage quality throughout the year.[26] Forages consumed in the summer are higher in digestible components (i.e. proteins, starches, sugars, and hemicellulose) than those consumed in the winter. The average gross energy content of the consumed forage material is 4.5 kcal/g.[27] Due to fluctuations in forage quality and availability, mule deer fat storage varies throughout the year, with the most fat stored in October, which is depleted throughout the winter to the lowest levels of fat storage in March. Changes in hormone levels are indications of physiological adjustments to the changes in the habitat. Total body fat is a measure of the individual’s energy reserves while thyroid hormone concentrations are a metric to determine the deer’s ability to utilize the fat reserves. Triiodothryionine (T3) hormone is directly involved with basal metabolic rate and thermoregulation.[28]", "Deer Persian fallow deer", "Deer Western roe deer", "Deer White-tailed deer", "Hunter × Hunter The Hunter × Hunter manga has been largely commercially successful; having sold over 60.6 million collected volumes in Japan as of February 2012, making it Shueisha's eighth best-selling manga series.[114] This number had grown to 66.3 million copies by 2014.[115] Several individual volumes have topped Oricon's list of the best-selling manga in Japan during their release week; such as volumes 26, 28, and 30 through 35.[116] Volumes 24, 27, and 30 through 34 were some of the top-selling volumes for their respective years.[117] Hunter × Hunter was the eighth best-selling manga series of both 2012 and 2013, with 3.4 and 4.6 million copies sold those years respectively.[118][119] In North America, volumes 23 through 27 have ranked within the top 300 best-selling graphics novels list of sales estimates by Diamond Comic Distributors.[120][121][122][123][124]", "Red deer Genetic evidence clearly shows the wapiti and western red deer form two separate species.[33][34][35] Among western red deer, the easternmost forms (from the Caspian Sea to western China) form a primordial subgroup, which includes the Yarkand deer and Bactrian deer (the two may be synonymous).[33]", "Red deer The red deer (Cervus elaphus) is one of the largest deer species. The red deer inhabits most of Europe, the Caucasus Mountains region, Asia Minor, Iran, parts of western Asia, and central Asia. It also inhabits the Atlas Mountains region between Morocco and Tunisia in northwestern Africa, being the only species of deer to inhabit Africa. Red deer have been introduced to other areas, including Australia, New Zealand, United States, Canada, Peru, Uruguay, Chile and Argentina.[2][3] In many parts of the world, the meat (venison) from red deer is used as a food source.", "Thunderbolt and Lightfoot As a result of this film and Cimino's TV commercial work, producer Michael Deeley would approach Cimino to direct and co-write the Oscar-winning The Deer Hunter (1978).[25][26]", "Deer Creek Public Schools Deer Creek Middle School, Deer Creek Elementary, Deer Creek Grove Valley, Deer Creek Prairie Vale, and Deer Creek High School are Blue Ribbon Schools.[citation needed]", "Deer Deer constitute the second most diverse family after bovids.[clarification needed][2] Though of a similar build, deer are strongly distinguished from antelopes by their antlers, which are temporary and regularly regrown unlike the permanent horns of bovids.[3] Characteristics typical of deer include long, powerful legs, a diminutive tail and long ears.[4] Deer exhibit a broad variation in physical proportions. The largest extant deer is the moose, which is nearly 2.6 metres (8.5 ft) tall and weighs up to 800 kilograms (1,800 lb).[5][6] The elk stands 1.4–2 metres (4.6–6.6 ft) at the shoulder and weighs 240–450 kilograms (530–990 lb).[7] On the contrary, the northern pudu is the smallest deer in the world; it reaches merely 32–35 centimetres (13–14 in) at the shoulder and weighs 3.3–6 kilograms (7.3–13.2 lb). The southern pudu is only slightly taller and heavier.[8] Sexual dimorphism is quite pronounced – in most species males tend to be larger than females,[9] and, except for the reindeer, only males possess antlers.[10]", "White-tailed deer White-tailed deer are generalists and can adapt to a wide variety of habitats.[19] The largest deer occur in the temperate regions of Canada and United States. The northern white-tailed deer (O. v. borealis), Dakota white-tailed deer (O. v. dacotensis), and northwest white-tailed deer (O. v. ochrourus) are some of the largest animals, with large antlers. The smallest deer occur in the Florida Keys and in partially wooded lowlands in the neotropics.", "Hunter × Hunter A film adaptation by the second television anime's staff called Hunter × Hunter: Phantom Rouge, featuring an original story, was announced in March 2012. It was released on January 12, 2013 by Toho.[74][75][76] It centers around Gon and his friends efforts to retrieve Kurapika's eyes which were stolen by Omokage, the original person with the No. 4 spider tattoo. The film is based on an unpublished story manga creator Yoshihiro Togashi wrote around 10 years before.[77]", "White-tailed deer Throughout the year, deer rub-urinate, a process during which a deer squats while urinating so urine will run down the insides of the deer's legs, over the tarsal glands, and onto the hair covering these glands. Bucks rub-urinate more frequently during the breeding season.[67] Secretions from the tarsal gland mix with the urine and bacteria to produce a strong-smelling odor. During the breeding season, does release hormones and pheromones that tell bucks a doe is in heat and able to breed. Bucks also rub trees and shrubs with their antlers and heads during the breeding season, possibly transferring scent from the forehead glands to the tree, leaving a scent other deer can detect.[68]", "Daniel Boone Boone supported his growing family in these years as a market hunter and trapper, collecting pelts for the fur trade. Almost every autumn, Boone would go on \"long hunts\", extended expeditions into the wilderness lasting weeks or months. Boone went alone or with a small group of men, accumulating hundreds of deer skins in the autumn, and trapping beaver and otter over the winter. The hunt followed a network of bison migration trails, known as the Medicine Trails. When the long hunters returned in the spring, they sold their take to commercial fur traders.[17]", "Korean Jindo They have mainly been used as deer and boar hunters. There have been anecdotal reports of Korean owners being awakened by their Jindo one morning to be led deep into the forest to a deer the dog had taken down alone. There have also been reported cases in America of intruding coyotes being killed by Jindos defending their territory.[citation needed]", "Orion (constellation) The Seri people of northwestern Mexico call the three stars in the belt of Orion Hapj (a name denoting a hunter) which consists of three stars: Hap (mule deer), Haamoja (pronghorn), and Mojet (bighorn sheep). Hap is in the middle and has been shot by the hunter; its blood has dripped onto Tiburón Island.[20]", "Hunter × Hunter Hunters (ハンター, Hantā) are licensed, elite members of humanity who are capable of tracking down secret treasures, rare beasts, or even other individuals.[2] To obtain a license one must pass the rigorous annual Hunter Examination run by the Hunter Association, which has a success rate of less than one in a hundred-thousand.[3] A Hunter may be awarded up to three stars; a single star for making \"remarkable achievements in a particular field\"; they may then be upgraded to two stars for \"holding an official position\" and mentoring another Hunter up to single star level; and finally upgraded to three stars for \"remarkable achievements in multiple fields.\"[4]", "Deer The highest concentration of large deer species in temperate North America lies in the Canadian Rocky Mountain and Columbia Mountain regions between Alberta and British Columbia where all five North American deer species (white-tailed deer, mule deer, caribou, elk, and moose) can be found. This region has several clusters of national parks including Mount Revelstoke National Park, Glacier National Park (Canada), Yoho National Park, and Kootenay National Park on the British Columbia side, and Banff National Park, Jasper National Park, and Glacier National Park (U.S.) on the Alberta and Montana sides. Mountain slope habitats vary from moist coniferous/mixed forested habitats to dry subalpine/pine forests with alpine meadows higher up. The foothills and river valleys between the mountain ranges provide a mosaic of cropland and deciduous parklands. The rare woodland caribou have the most restricted range living at higher altitudes in the subalpine meadows and alpine tundra areas of some of the mountain ranges. Elk and mule deer both migrate between the alpine meadows and lower coniferous forests and tend to be most common in this region. Elk also inhabit river valley bottomlands, which they share with White-tailed deer. The White-tailed deer have recently expanded their range within the foothills and river valley bottoms of the Canadian Rockies owing to conversion of land to cropland and the clearing of coniferous forests allowing more deciduous vegetation to grow up the mountain slopes. They also live in the aspen parklands north of Calgary and Edmonton, where they share habitat with the moose. The adjacent Great Plains grassland habitats are left to herds of elk, American bison, and pronghorn antelope.", "Cave of Altamira The mid-20th-century modern dinnerware line Primitive, designed by Viktor Schreckengost for the American pottery company Salem China, was based on the bison, deer, and stick figure hunters depicted in the Altamira cave paintings.", "Hunter × Hunter Reviewing the first story arc, Chris Sims of ComicsAlliance called Hunter × Hunter one of the most \"fun, ridiculous, and ludicrously violent comics I've ever read.\" He stated that while it has every stereotypical idea about shōnen manga in force, what sticks out the most is the violence. Sims summed it up as \"full of clever setups and characters that, while simple to the point of almost seeming one-dimensional at times, still manage to be solid and entertaining based on their reaction to the increasingly strange, increasingly deadly events around them.\" He described the series as if Inglourious Basterds and Speed Racer had a child \"that they did not raise properly.\"[126] Charles Solomon, a writer for The New York Times and Los Angeles Times, praised the moral seriousness of Gon, a quality that gives the protagonist \"an appeal his relentlessly upbeat counterparts lack\".[127][128] Publishers Weekly gave a positive review to the first volume of the manga, stating that Togashi \"shows a deft touch\" with its standard story, calling his artwork \"clear and graceful\", and mentioning that his characters are \"endearing and complex\".[129] While Rika Takahashi of EX.org and Claude J. Pelletier of Protoculture Addicts found the art style in Hunter × Hunter to be much simpler than Togashi's two previous serializations, Level E and YuYu Hakusho, both reviewers appreciated the intricate narrative and characters.[9][2]", "Deer Present-day fallow deer populations in Europe are a result of historic man-made introductions of this species, first to the Mediterranean regions of Europe, then eventually to the rest of Europe. They were initially park animals that later escaped and reestablished themselves in the wild. Historically, Europe's deer species shared their deciduous forest habitat with other herbivores, such as the extinct tarpan (forest horse), extinct aurochs (forest ox), and the endangered wisent (European bison). Good places to see deer in Europe include the Scottish Highlands, the Austrian Alps, the wetlands between Austria, Hungary, and the Czech Republic and some fine National Parks, including Doñana National Park in Spain, the Veluwe in the Netherlands, the Ardennes in Belgium, and Białowieża National Park of Poland. Spain, Eastern Europe, and the Caucasus Mountains still have virgin forest areas that are not only home to sizable deer populations but also for other animals that were once abundant such as the wisent, Eurasian lynx, Iberian lynx, wolves, and brown bears.", "Deer–vehicle collisions A contributing factor to deer-vehicle collisions, as preventable as it is prevalent, is the time of day at which motorists travel through deer habitation.[13] During the daytime, motorists can more easily see and avoid hitting deer. At night, most especially during the dusk and dawn hours, deer are much harder to see, and therefore harder to avoid hitting.", "Hunting and shooting in the United Kingdom In the United Kingdom hunting without qualification generally refers to hunting with hounds-normally fox hunting, beagling, stag (deer) hunting or minkhunting-whereas shooting is the shooting of game birds. What is called deer hunting elsewhere is deer stalking.", "White-tailed deer Although most often thought of as forest animals depending on relatively small openings and edges, white-tailed deer can equally adapt themselves to life in more open prairie, savanna woodlands, and sage communities as in the Southwestern United States and northern Mexico. These savanna-adapted deer have relatively large antlers in proportion to their body size and large tails. Also, a noticeable difference exists in size between male and female deer of the savannas. The Texas white-tailed deer (O. v. texanus), of the prairies and oak savannas of Texas and parts of Mexico, are the largest savanna-adapted deer in the Southwest, with impressive antlers that might rival deer found in Canada and the northern United States. Populations of Arizona (O. v. couesi) and Carmen Mountains (O. v. carminis) white-tailed deer inhabit montane mixed oak and pine woodland communities.[20] The Arizona and Carmen Mountains deer are smaller, but may also have impressive antlers, considering their size. The white-tailed deer of the Llanos region of Colombia and Venezuela (O. v. apurensis and O. v. gymnotis) have antler dimensions similar to the Arizona white-tailed deer.", "National parks and nature reserves of Israel The German Templers brought with them shotguns, quickly adopted by local peasants for hunting wildlife. The First World War was characterized by massive acquisition of firearms,[citation needed] and German officers were very active hunters.[7] By the early 20th century, hunting threatened the extinction of crocodile, Arabian ostrich, roe deer, fallow deer, Syrian brown bear, and onager.[citation needed]", "Bounty hunter Most bounty hunters are employed by bail bondsmen: the bounty hunter is usually paid about 10% of the total bail amount, but this commission can vary on an individual, case-by-case basis; usually depending upon the difficulty level of the assignment and the approach used to exonerate the bail bond. If the fugitive eludes bail, the bondsman, not the bounty hunter, is responsible for 100% of the total bail amount. This is a way of ensuring clients arrive at trial. As of 2003, bounty hunters claimed to catch 31,500 bail jumpers per year, about 90% of people who jump bail.[7]", "Deer Deer have long been bred in captivity as ornaments for parks, but only in the case of reindeer has thorough domestication succeeded.[95] The Sami of Scandinavia and the Kola Peninsula of Russia and other nomadic peoples of northern Asia use reindeer for food, clothing, and transport. Deer bred for hunting are selected based on the size of the antlers.[97] In North America, the reindeer, known there as caribou, is not domesticated or herded, but it is important as a quarry animal to the Caribou Inuit.[98]", "John Deere John Deere manufactures a range of forestry machinery, among others, harvesters, forwarders, skidders. feller bunchers and log loaders. Timberjack is a subsidiary of John Deere since 2000.", "Hunter × Hunter When the Hunter × Hunter anime covered most of its source material by 2001, Nippon Animation made the decision to end the adaptation rather than continue it with filler.[55] Due to fans' unsatisfied reactions to the conclusion of the television series, three subsequent OVAs were produced by Nippon Animation. These carried the plot from where the broadcast left off during the Yorknew City arc and covered the Greed Island arc.[56][57][58][59][60] The first OVA series was directed by Satoshi Saga and ran for eight episodes in four released volumes from January 17 to April 17, 2002.[61] The second OVA series, Hunter × Hunter: Greed Island, was directed by Yukihiro Matsushita and ran for eight episodes in four released volumes from February 19 to May 21, 2003.[62] The third OVA series, Hunter × Hunter: G.I. Final, was directed by Makoto Sato and ran for 14 episodes in seven released volumes from March 3 to August 18, 2004.[63] After the original anime's initial run on Animax, the OVAs were aired successively.[47][64] Viz has shown no intention of releasing English versions of the OVAs.[65]", "Red deer In the Netherlands, a large herd (ca. 3000 animals counted in late 2012) lives in the Oostvaarders Plassen, a nature reserve. Ireland has its own unique subspecies. In the UK, indigenous populations occur in Scotland, the Lake District, and the South West of England (principally on Exmoor)[22]. Not all of these are of entirely pure bloodlines, as some of these populations have been supplemented with deliberate releases of deer from parks, such as Warnham or Woburn Abbey, in an attempt to increase antler sizes and body weights. The University of Edinburgh found that, in Scotland, there has been extensive hybridisation with the closely related sika deer.[23] Several other populations have originated either with \"carted\" deer kept for stag hunts being left out at the end of the hunt, escapes from deer farms, or deliberate releases. Carted deer were kept by stag hunts with no wild red deer in the locality and were normally recaptured after the hunt and used again; although the hunts are called \"stag hunts\", the Norwich Staghounds only hunted hinds (female red deer), and in 1950, at least eight hinds (some of which may have been pregnant) were known to be at large near Kimberley and West Harling;[24] they formed the basis of a new population based in Thetford Forest in Norfolk. Further substantial red deer herds originated from escapes or deliberate releases in the New Forest, the Peak District, Suffolk, Lancashire, Brecon Beacons, and North Yorkshire, as well as many other smaller populations scattered throughout England and Wales, and they are all generally increasing in numbers and range. A census of deer populations in 2007 and again in 2011 coordinated by the British Deer Society records the red deer as having continued to expand their range in England and Wales since 2000,[25] with expansion most notable in the Midlands and East Anglia.[26]", "Red Deer River Heavy rains in early June 2012 caused a similar but larger leak on a Plains Midstream Canada 46-year-old pipeline on a Red Deer River tributary, Jackson Creek, Alberta (51°52'19\" 114°36'23\") near Gleniffer Lake (Alberta) and Dickson Dam,[16] which spilled approximately 1000 and 3000 barrels (160,000-475,000 litres) of light sour crude into the Red Deer River.[15][17]" ]
who controlled the house and the senate in 2012
[ "112th United States Congress In the 2010 midterm elections, the Republican Party won the majority in the House of Representatives. While the Democrats kept their Senate majority, it was reduced from the previous Congress.[3] This was the first Congress in which the House and Senate were controlled by different parties since the 107th Congress (2001–2003), and the first Congress to begin that way since the 99th Congress (1985–1987). In this Congress, the House of Representatives had the largest number of Republican members, 242, since the 80th Congress (1947–1949).[4] It was also the first Congress since 1947 in which no member of the Kennedy family served, and it was viewed as one of the most politically polarized Congress since Reconstruction, and the least productive since the Second World War, with record low approval ratings.[5]" ]
[ "Washington (state) The two current United States Senators from Washington are Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell, both Democrats. The governorship is held by Democrat Jay Inslee, who was elected to his first term in the 2012 gubernatorial election. In 2013 and 2014, both houses of the Washington State Legislature (the Washington Senate and the Washington House of Representatives) were controlled by a Democratic majority. The state senate was under Republican control, due to two Democrats joining Republicans to form a Majority Coalition Caucus. After the 2014 elections, the Democrats retained control of the House, while Republicans took a majority in the Senate without the need for a coalition.\nIn November 2017, a special election gave Democrats a one seat majority in the Senate and complete control over state government.", "California State Senate The California State Senate is the upper house of the California State Legislature. Due to the state's large population and relatively small legislature, the State Senate has the largest population per representative ratio of any state legislative house. In the United States House of Representatives, California is apportioned 53 representatives, each representing approximately 704,566 people,[1] while in the State Senate, each of the 40 Senators represents approximately 931,349 people,[2] with the result that California state senators each actually represent more voters than California's representatives to the United States Congress do. Each member represents a population roughly equivalent to the state of Delaware. As a result of Proposition 140 in 1990 and Proposition 28 in 2012, members elected to the legislature prior to 2012 are restricted by term limits to two four-year terms (eight years), while those elected in or after 2012 are allowed to serve 12 years in the legislature in any combination of four-year state senate or two-year state assembly terms.[3]", "Minnesota The Minnesota Legislature is a bicameral body consisting of the Senate and the House of Representatives. The state has sixty-seven districts, each covering about sixty thousand people. Each district has one senator and two representatives, each senatorial district being divided into A and B sections for members of the house. Senators serve for four years and representatives for two years. In the November 2010 election, the Minnesota Republican Party gained twenty-five house seats, giving them control of the House of Representatives by a 72–62 margin.[125] The 2010 election also saw Minnesota voters elect a Republican majority in the Senate for the first time since 1972. In 2012, the Democrats regained the House of Representatives by a margin of 73–61, picking up 11 seats; the Democrats also regained the Minnesota Senate. Control of the houses shifted to Republicans in the 2016 election.", "Senate of the Philippines The Senate of the Philippines (Filipino: Senado ng Pilipinas, also Mataas na Kapulungan ng Pilipinas or \"upper chamber\") is the upper house of the bicameral legislature of the Philippines, the Congress; the House of Representatives is the lower house. The Senate is composed of 24 senators who are elected at-large with the country as one district under plurality-at-large voting.", "Women in the United States Senate In 2012, there was a second \"Year of the Woman\" with the election of five women and the reelection of six women. This beat the record of four new female Senators from 1992 and set the record of five new women and eleven female Senators in one Senate class. The five new women were Democrat Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin, Republican Deb Fischer of Nebraska, Democrat Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota, Democrat Mazie Hirono of Hawaii, and Democrat Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts. The driving force behind the addition of four of the Senators elected was one of the original senators from 1992, Patty Murray, who led the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, which recruited Baldwin, Heitkamp, Hirono, and Warren, along with several other candidates who did not win. Hirono was the first Asian-American woman and first Buddhist person in the Senate, and Baldwin was the first openly gay person in the Senate. With 14 years of experience in the House of Representatives, Baldwin held the highest seniority of her entering class of senators in 2012.", "Party leaders of the United States Senate By rule, the Presiding Officer gives the Majority Leader priority in obtaining recognition to speak on the floor of the Senate. The Majority Leader customarily serves as the chief representative of their party in the Senate, and sometimes even in all of Congress if the House of Representatives and thus the office of Speaker of the House is controlled by the opposition party.", "Senate (Belize) Following the 2012 general elections, the UDP lost its supermajority and exercised its constitutional limit to appointing four senators to serve as Ministers. One, Godwin Hulse, had served as a Senator dating back to 2006 and was appointed Leader of Government Business in the House, while three others are newcomers to national administration (Charles Gibson is a former senior public officer and served as CEO under John Saldivar in the Ministry of the Public Service; he was appointed as Minister for that portfolio in 2012.)", "Joint Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies The members are sitting members of the United States Senate and House of Representatives. Typically, the House members include the Speaker of the House as well as the House majority and minority leaders. The Senate members are drawn from the leadership of the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration (previously known by other names). A senator acts as Chairman of the Joint Committee; the chairman is therefore drawn from the party in control of the Senate, which may or may not be the same party as the president-elect's. Membership in the committee gives its members the opportunity to control tickets to the inauguration ceremonies.", "Waffle House Waffle House has a history of supporting conservative Republicans. In 2012 Waffle House donated $100,000 to American Crossroads, the super PAC founded by Karl Rove.[22] Waffle House also donated $50,000 to Restore Our Future, a Super-PAC created to boost Mitt Romney's 2012 presidential bid. In their home state, Waffle House has supported many of Georgia's congressional Republicans.[23] Waffle House Vice-President Don Balfour was the longest serving Republican in the Georgia senate.[24]", "History of the United States Congress With support for the Republican Party now had for rebounding the United States economy with the tariff of the party's US President James Garfield(who was assassinated in late 1881), the Republicans would see themselves take back control over the US Senate in the 1882 US Senate elections. While the Republican Party was now in control of both houses of Congress once again, it wouldn't last for long at all. President Arthur became unpopular within after turning on Roscoe Conkling and the Stalwarts and supported civil reform. In some cases, Senate elections were tainted by corruption and bribery. In other instances, gridlock between the two houses of state legislatures prevented the election of a senator. (In one acute case, deadlock prevented the Delaware legislature from sending a senator to Washington for four years.) These issues were resolved by the Seventeenth Amendment (ratified in 1913), which provided for the direct popular election of senators. With former Speaker of the House of Representatives James Blaine(who served as the Republican Party's nominee during the 1884 US Presidential election) tainted by the Mulligan Letters, the Republicans would lose control of the US House of Representatives, as well as the Presidency, in 1884.[28]", "Arkansas Arkansas has only elected three Republicans to the U.S. Senate since Reconstruction, Tim Hutchinson, who was defeated after one term by Mark Pryor; John Boozman, who defeated incumbent Blanche Lincoln; and Tom Cotton, who defeated Mark Pryor in the 2014 elections. Before 2013, the General Assembly had not been controlled by the Republican Party since Reconstruction, with the GOP holding a 51-seat majority in the state House and a 21-seat (of 35) in the state Senate following victories in 2012. Arkansas was one of just three states among the states of the former Confederacy that sent two Democrats to the U.S. Senate (the others being Florida and Virginia) for any period during the first decade of the 21st century.", "Senate Modern democratic states with bicameral parliamentary systems are sometimes equipped with a senate, often distinguished from an ordinary parallel lower house, known variously as the “House of Representatives”, “House of Commons”, “Chamber of Deputies”, “National Assembly”, “Legislative Assembly”, or \"House of Assembly\", by electoral rules. This may include minimum age required for voters and candidates, proportional or majoritarian or plurality system, and an electoral basis or collegium. Typically, the senate is referred to as the upper house and has a smaller membership than the lower house. In some federal states senates also exist at the subnational level. In the United States all states with the exception of Nebraska (whose legislature is a unicameral body called the “Legislature” but whose members refer to themselves as “senators”) have a state senate. There is also the US Senate at the federal level. Similarly in Argentina, in addition to the Senate at federal level, eight of the country's provinces, Buenos Aires, Catamarca, Corrientes, Entre Ríos, Mendoza, Salta, San Luis (since 1987) and Santa Fe, have bicameral legislatures with a Senate. Córdoba and Tucumán changed to unicameral systems in 2001 and 2003 respectively.", "History of the United States Congress Congress played a major role in the American Civil War, as the Republicans were in control of both chambers; after the war ended in 1865, Reconstruction was controlled by President Andrew Johnson, who broke with the Radical Republicans (led by Congressman Thaddeus Stevens and Senator Charles Sumner.) After the elections of 1866 the Radicals came to power, impeached (but did not convict) President Johnson, and controlled Reconstruction policy. The Radical hold was broken by the Democratic landslide victories in the election of 1874, and Democrats regained control of the US House of Representatives, this was thanks in part to the Long Depression started by the Panic of 1873. The Democrats would continue to dominate the US House of Representatives, and even gained control of the US Senate in the 1878 US Senate election as the depression worsened.", "Senate of Canada The Speaker presides over sittings of the Senate and controls debates by calling on members to speak. If a senator believes that a rule (or standing order) has been breached, he or she may raise a point of order, on which the Speaker makes a ruling. However, the Speaker's decisions are subject to appeal to the whole Senate. When presiding, the Speaker remains impartial, though he or she still maintains membership in a political party. Unlike the Speaker of the House of Commons, the Speaker of the Senate does not hold a casting vote, but, instead, retains the right to vote in the same manner as any other. As of the 42nd parliament, begun on December 2015, Senator George Furey presides as Speaker of the Senate.", "Parliament House, Canberra The gallery arrangement is almost identical to that of the House of Representatives. Unlike the House of Representatives, only the leader of the government or opposition in the Senate approaches the lectern; other frontbench senators and all backbench senators have a desk microphone. As can be seen from the illustrations, unlike the House of Representatives, there is no distinction between the front and back benches in the Senate chamber; Senate ministers and their opposition counterparts have the same two-seat benches as all other senators. The press gallery is located above the Senate chamber. The presiding officer of the Australian Senate is the President of the Senate, who occupies a position in the Senate chamber similar to that of the Speaker of the House of Representatives. Behind the seat of the President of the Senate are two large seats which are modern versions of thrones. The larger is used by the Governor-General or the monarch (when visiting) when they open Parliament at the start of a new parliamentary session. The vice-regal consort or the royal consort (when visiting) sits in the smaller throne.", "Florida House of Representatives The House also has the power to propose Amendments to the Florida Constitution. Additionally, the House has the exclusive power to impeach officials, who are then tried by the Senate.", "Australian Senate With proportional representation, and the small majorities in the Senate compared to the generally larger majorities in the House of Representatives, and the requirement that the number of members of the House be \"nearly as practicable\" twice that of the Senate, a joint sitting after a double dissolution is more likely than not to lead to a victory for the House over the Senate. When the Senate had an odd number of Senators retiring at an election (3 or 5), 51% of the vote would lead to a clear majority of 3 out of 5 per state. With an even number of Senators retiring at an election, it takes 57% of the vote to win 4 out of 6 seats, which may be insurmountable. This gives the House an unintended extra advantage in joint sittings but not in ordinary elections, where the Senate may be too evenly balanced to get House legislation through.", "State senator A state senator is a member of a state's senate, the upper house in the bicameral legislature of 49 U.S. states, or a legislator in Nebraska's one-house state legislature.", "Senate of Canada Since 1989, the voters of Alberta have elected \"senators-in-waiting\", or nominees for the province's Senate seats. These elections, however, are not held pursuant to any federal constitutional or legal provision; thus, the prime minister is not required to recommend the nominees for appointment. Only three senators-in-waiting have been appointed to the Senate: the first was Stan Waters, who was appointed in 1990 on the recommendation of Brian Mulroney; the second was Bert Brown, elected a Senator-in-waiting in 1998 and 2004, and appointed to the Senate in 2007 on the recommendation of Prime Minister Stephen Harper; and the third was Betty Unger, elected in 2004 and appointed in 2012.[7]", "United States Congress At the start of each two-year session the House elects a speaker who does not normally preside over debates but serves as the majority party's leader. In the Senate, the Vice President is the ex officio president of the Senate. In addition, the Senate elects an officer called the President pro tempore. Pro tempore means for the time being and this office is usually held by the most senior member of the Senate's majority party and customarily keeps this position until there's a change in party control. Accordingly, the Senate does not necessarily elect a new president pro tempore at the beginning of a new Congress. In both the House and Senate, the actual presiding officer is generally a junior member of the majority party who is appointed so that new members become acquainted with the rules of the chamber.", "Washington State Legislature As of December 2017, Democrats control both houses of the the Washington State Legislature. Democrats hold a 50-48 majority in the House of Representatives and a 25-24 majority in the Senate, with one \"Independent Democrat\" senator caucusing with the Republicans.", "Politics of Oklahoma In the 55th Legislature (2015–2016), the Republicans control both houses (a 71-30 majority in the House and a 39-9 majority in the Senate).", "United States Senate elections, 2016 Charles Collins, a Republican who ran for the Senate in 2012 and for Governor in 2014, was seeking the nomination again,[214] but withdrew from the race.[215]", "Senate (Belize) The Senate traditionally meets in session in the week immediately following a House meeting. Senators will discuss the measures sent by the House for review and approval, then vote on whether they should be sent back or approved.", "President of the Senate of the Philippines The Senate was created on 1916 with the abolition of the Philippine Commission as the upper house with the Philippine Assembly as the lower house. The Senate and the House of Representatives comprised the Philippine Legislature (PL). Representation was by senatorial district; Manuel L. Quezon was elected Senator from the now-defunct 5th Legislative District.", "Party divisions of United States Congresses This table shows the number of Congresses in which a party controlled either the House, the Senate, or the presidency.", "Senate of Canada In conformity with the British model, the Senate is not permitted to originate bills imposing taxes or appropriating public funds. Unlike in Britain but similar to the United States, this restriction on the power of the Senate is not merely a matter of convention, but is explicitly stated in the Constitution Act, 1867. In addition, the House of Commons may, in effect, override the Senate's refusal to approve an amendment to the Canadian constitution; however, they must wait at least 180 days before exercising this override. Other than these two exceptions, the power of the two Houses of Parliament is theoretically equal; the approval of each is necessary for a bill's passage. In practice, however, the House of Commons is the dominant chamber of parliament, with the Senate very rarely exercising its powers in a manner that opposes the will of the democratically elected chamber. Although the Senate has not vetoed a bill from the House of Commons since 1939, minor changes proposed by the Senate to a bill are usually accepted by the House.[26]", "Washington State Senate As with the lower House of Representatives, state senators serve without term limits, though senators serve four-year terms. Senators are elected from the same legislative districts as House members, with each district electing one senator and two representatives. Terms are staggered so that half the Senate is up for reelection every two years.", "President of the Senate The Senate of Ceylon was the upper house of Parliament between 1947 and 1971. During this periods, the Senate was led by a President.", "Senate of Canada Speeches may be made in either of Canada's official languages (English or French). Members must address their speeches to the other senators as a whole, using the phrase \"Honourable Senators\" (Honorables Sénateurs), without directly addressing an individual senator. This is similar to the process in the House of Lords, where all speeches and comments are addressed to \"my lords\". It differs slightly from the practice in the Canadian House of Commons and similar bodies in other countries, where all comments are addressed to the Speaker of the House. The Speaker enforces the rules of the Senate during debate. Disregarding the Speaker's instructions is considered a severe breach of the rules of the Senate.", "Asian Americans The highest ranked Asian American was Senator and President pro tempore Daniel Inouye, who died in office in 2012. There are several active Asian Americans in the United States Congress. With higher proportions and densities of Asian American populations, Hawaii has most consistently sent Asian Americans to the Senate, and Hawaii and California have most consistently sent Asian Americans to the House of Representatives.", "Senate of the Philippines The Senate was modeled upon the United States Senate; the two chambers of Congress have roughly equal powers, and every bill or resolution that has to go through both houses needs the consent of both chambers before being passed for the president's signature. Once a bill is defeated in the Senate, it is lost. Once a bill is approved by the Senate on third reading, the bill is passed to the House of Representatives, unless an identical bill has also been passed by the lower house. When a counterpart bill in the lower house is different from the one passed by the Senate, either a bicameral conference committee is created consisting of members from both chambers of Congress to reconcile the differences, or either chamber may instead approve the other chamber's version.", "Senate of Canada Although legislation may be introduced in either chamber, most bills originate in the House of Commons. Because the Senate's schedule for debate is more flexible than that of the House of Commons, the government will sometimes introduce particularly complex legislation in the Senate first.", "United States Senate elections, 2008 Senator John Sununu represented the swing state of New Hampshire. The state traditionally leaned Republican, but John Kerry from neighboring Massachusetts narrowly won the state in the 2004 Presidential election. New Hampshire also saw major Democratic gains in the 2006 elections, when Democrats took both of the previously Republican-held House seats, the gubernatorial race with a record vote share of 74%, and majorities in the State House and Senate, giving them concurrent control of both bodies for the first time since 1874. However, New Hampshire had not elected a Democratic United States Senator since 1975.", "Senate (Belize) Former Senator Richard \"Dickie\" Bradley twice lost elections to the House and was appointed a Senator and given a Cabinet post each time.", "South Carolina government and politics The South Carolina General Assembly is the state legislature. It is bicameral, consisting of a 124-member South Carolina House of Representatives and a 46-member South Carolina Senate. Representatives serve two-year terms and Senators serve four-year terms. The two houses meet in the South Carolina State House. Each house is currently controlled by the Republican Party.", "Arctic Refuge drilling controversy the Republican-controlled House of Representatives again approved Arctic Refuge drilling as part of the 2005 energy bill on April 21, 2005, but the House–Senate conference committee later removed the Arctic Refuge provision. The Republican-controlled Senate passed Arctic Refuge drilling on March 16, 2005 as part of the federal budget resolution for fiscal year 2006.[29][30] That Arctic Refuge provision was removed during the reconciliation process, due to Democrats in the House of Representatives who signed a letter stating they would oppose any version of the budget that had Arctic Refuge drilling in it.[31]", "Puerto Rican status referendum, 2017 Legislation approving the referendum was passed in the Senate of Puerto Rico on January 26, 2017, by a senate controlled by the New Progressive Party of Puerto Rico (PNP In Spanish) which advocates for Puerto Rico to become a state of the United States.[5] The measure was then passed with amendments by the House of Representatives of Puerto Rico on January 31 by a house which is also controlled by the PNP.[6] The amendments then passed in the Senate and the bill was signed into law by Governor Ricardo Rosselló (PNP) on February 3, 2017.[7]", "State senator There are typically fewer state senators than there are members of a state's lower house. In the past, this meant that senators represented various geographic regions within a state, regardless of the population, as a way of balancing the power of the lower house, which was apportioned according to population.", "Senate of the Roman Republic The Senate of the Roman Republic was a political institution in the ancient Roman Republic. It was not an elected body, but one whose members were appointed by the consuls, and later by the censors. After a Roman magistrate served his term in office, it usually was followed with automatic appointment to the Senate. According to the Greek historian Polybius, our principal source on the Constitution of the Roman Republic, the Roman Senate was the predominant branch of government. Polybius noted that it was the consuls (the highest-ranking of the regular magistrates) who led the armies and the civil government in Rome, and it was the Roman assemblies which had the ultimate authority over elections, legislation, and criminal trials. However, since the Senate controlled money, administration, and the details of foreign policy, it had the most control over day-to-day life. The power and authority of the Senate derived from precedent, the high caliber and prestige of the senators, and the Senate's unbroken lineage, which dated back to the founding of the Republic in 509 BC.", "Australian Senate The Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act (Imp.) of 1900 established the Senate as part of the new system of dominion government in newly federated Australia. From a comparative governmental perspective, the Australian Senate exhibits distinctive characteristics. Unlike upper Houses in other Westminster system governments, the Senate is not a vestigial body with limited legislative power. Rather it was intended to play – and does play – an active role in legislation. Rather than being modelled solely after the House of Lords, as the Canadian Senate was, the Australian Senate was in part modelled after the United States Senate, by giving equal representation to each state and equal powers.[4] The Constitution intended to give less populous states added voice in a Federal legislature, while also providing for the revising role of an upper house in the Westminster system.", "Presidents of the United States and control of Congress The degree to which the President of the United States's political party has control over the House of Representatives and Senate often determines his political strength - such as the ability to pass sponsored legislation, ratify treaties, and have Cabinet members and judges approved.", "Recess appointment As at January 5, 2012, President Barack Obama had made 32 recess appointments (average of 4.5 per year).[31] Over what would have traditionally been the 2011–12 winter recess of the 112th Congress, the Republican-controlled House of Representatives did not assent to recess, specifically to block Richard Cordray's appointment as Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.[32] Both the House and Senate continued to hold pro forma sessions.[33]", "114th United States Congress The One Hundred Fourteenth United States Congress was a meeting of the legislative branch of the United States federal government, composed of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives. It met in Washington, D.C. from January 3, 2015, to January 3, 2017, during the final two full years of Barack Obama's presidency. The 2014 elections gave the Republicans control of the Senate (and control of both houses of Congress) for the first time since the 109th Congress. With 248 seats in the House of Representatives and 54 seats in the Senate, this Congress began with the largest Republican majority since the 71st Congress of 1929–1931.", "Women in the United States Senate Senator Olympia Snowe arrived in the Senate in 1995, having previously served in the House of Representatives and both houses of the Maine state legislature. She and later Debbie Stabenow of Michigan are the only women to have served in both houses of a state legislature and both houses of the federal legislature. In 2000, Stabenow and Maria Cantwell became the first women to defeat incumbent elected senators in a general election, unseating Senators Spencer Abraham and Slade Gorton respectively. Hillary Clinton was the first and only First Lady to run for and/or to win a Senate seat; she joined the Senate in 2001. She is also the only female U.S. Senator (and only woman) to be the nominee of a major party for President of the United States, which occurred in 2016.", "United States Senate Bills may be introduced in either chamber of Congress. However, the Constitution's Origination Clause provides that \"All bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives\".[53] As a result, the Senate does not have the power to initiate bills imposing taxes. Furthermore, the House of Representatives holds that the Senate does not have the power to originate appropriation bills, or bills authorizing the expenditure of federal funds.[54][55][56] Historically, the Senate has disputed the interpretation advocated by the House. However, when the Senate originates an appropriations bill, the House simply refuses to consider it, thereby settling the dispute in practice. The constitutional provision barring the Senate from introducing revenue bills is based on the practice of the British Parliament, in which only the House of Commons may originate such measures.[57]", "Kennedy Compound In 2012, the main house was donated by the Kennedy family to the Edward M. Kennedy Institute for the United States Senate. On the grounds are an enclosed swimming pool, tennis court, a four-car garage, and two guest houses.", "President of the Senate The presiding officer of the Belgian Senate is elected by the senators at the beginning of each parliamentary term. The President of the Senate is customarily a member of a majority party with a great deal of political experience. The president presides over the plenary assembly of the Senate, guides and controls debates in the assembly, is responsible for ensuring the democratic functioning of the Senate, maintains order and security in the assembly and for enforcing the Rules of the Senate, and represents the Senate at both the national (to the other institutions) and the international level.", "History of central banking in the United States The new President, Woodrow Wilson, then became the principal mover for banking and currency reform in the 63rd Congress, working with the two chairs of the House and Senate Banking and Currency Committees, Rep. Carter Glass of Virginia and Sen. Robert L. Owen of Oklahoma. It was Wilson who insisted that the regional Federal Reserve banks be controlled by a central Federal Reserve board appointed by the president with the advice and consent of the U.S. Senate.", "Chairman of the Senate of Pakistan The Parliament of Pakistan consists of the President and the two legislative houses: National Assembly (lower house) and the Senate (upper house).[7]", "Australian Senate Senators normally serve fixed six-year terms (from 1 July to 30 June), unless the Senate is dissolved earlier in a double dissolution. Following a double dissolution half the state senators serve terms ending on the third 30 June following the election (i.e. slightly less than three years) with the rest serving three years longer. The term of the territory senators expires at the same time as there is an election for the House of Representatives. There is no constitutional requirement for the election of senators to take place at the same time as those for members of the House of Representatives, though the government usually synchronises election dates.", "Seniority in the United States Senate The beginning of an appointment does not necessarily coincide with the date the Senate convenes or when the new senator is sworn in.[citation needed] In the case of senators first elected in a general election for the upcoming Congress, their terms begin on the first day of the new Congress. Since 1935, that means January 3 of odd-numbered years. The seniority date for an appointed senator is usually the date of the appointment, although the actual term does not begin until they take the oath of office. An incoming senator who holds another office, including membership in the U.S. House of Representatives, must resign from that office before becoming a senator.", "Florida House of Representatives The House is headed by the Speaker of the House. The Speaker of the House is elected by the members of the Chamber to a two-year term. The Speaker has the power to preside over the Chamber during Session, to appoint committee members and chairs of committees, to influence the placement of bills on the calendar, and to rule on procedural motions. The Speaker Pro Tempore presides if the Speaker leaves the Chair or if there is a vacancy. The Speaker, along with the Senate President and Governor of Florida, control most of the agenda of state business in Florida.", "Senate of Canada Most Cabinet ministers are from the House of Commons. In particular, every prime minister has been a member of the House of Commons since 1896, with the exception of John Turner. Typically, the Cabinet includes only one senator: the Leader of the Government in the Senate. Occasionally, when the governing party does not include any members from a particular region, senators are appointed to ministerial positions in order to maintain regional balance in the Cabinet. The most recent example of this was on February 6, 2006, when Stephen Harper advised that Michael Fortier be appointed to serve as both a senator representing the Montreal region, where the minority government had no elected representation, and the Cabinet position of Minister of Public Works and Government Services. Fortier resigned his Senate seat to run (unsuccessfully) for a House of Commons seat in the 2008 general election.", "Party leaders of the United States Senate The Constitution designates the Vice President of the United States as President of the United States Senate. The Constitution also calls for a President pro tempore to serve as the leader of the body when the President of the Senate (the Vice President) is absent. In practice, neither the Vice President nor the President pro tempore—customarily the most senior (longest-serving) Senator in the majority party—actually presides over the Senate on a daily basis; that task is given to junior Senators of the majority party. Since the Vice President may be of a different party than the majority and is not a member subject to discipline, the rules of procedure of the Senate give the presiding officer very little power and none beyond the presiding role. For these reasons, it is the Majority Leader who, in practice, manages the Senate. This is in contrast to the House of Representatives where the elected Speaker of the House has a great deal of discretionary power and generally presides over votes on bills.[citation needed]", "United States elections, 2006 The most dramatic change in party control occurred with the New Hampshire General Court, where Republicans held a 92-seat majority in the lower House and an eight-seat majority in the upper Senate prior to the election. By the end of the evening, Republicans were down 81 seats in the House and five in the Senate, giving control of the General Court to the Democrats. This coincided with the landslide reelection of Democratic Governor John Lynch, the takeover of both of New Hampshire's U.S. House seats by Democrats, and New Hampshire's unique Executive Council gaining a Democratic majority.", "House of Representatives (Nigeria) The House of Representatives is the lower house of Nigeria's bicameral National Assembly. The Senate is the upper house.", "Australian Communist Party v Commonwealth The Bill was subjected to vigorous debate. In the House of Representatives, the Government accepted some Opposition amendments but rejected the Opposition-controlled\nSenate amendments.[4]", "Montana At the state level, the pattern of split ticket voting and divided government holds. Democrats currently hold one of the state's U.S. Senate seats, as well as four of the five statewide offices (Governor, Superintendent of Public Instruction, Secretary of State and State Auditor). The lone congressional district has been Republican since 1996 and in 2014 Steve Daines won one of the state's Senate seats for the GOP. The Legislative branch had split party control between the house and senate most years between 2004 and 2010, when the mid-term elections returned both branches to Republican control. The state Senate is, as of 2015, controlled by the Republicans 29 to 21, and the State House of Representatives at 59 to 41. Historically, Republicans are strongest in the east, while Democrats are strongest in the west.", "Filibuster in the United States Senate At the time, both the Senate and the House of Representatives allowed filibusters as a way to prevent a vote from taking place. Subsequent revisions to House rules limited filibuster privileges in that chamber, but the Senate continued to allow the tactic.[14]", "United States elections, 2006 Democrats took a 233–202 advantage in the House of Representatives, and achieved a 49–49 tie in the United States Senate. The Senate figure is sometimes quoted in the media as 51-49, which includes two members who ran as independent candidates Bernie Sanders and Joe Lieberman, who promised to caucus with the Democrats.[9] The final Senate result was decided when Democrat James Webb was declared the winner in Virginia against incumbent George Allen, as reported by the Associated Press.[10] On November 9, 2006, Allen and fellow Republican incumbent Sen. Conrad Burns (Mont.) both conceded defeat, ceding effective control of the Senate to the Democrats.[11][12]", "University of Madras The University of Madras has a historical monument – Senate House – which is one of the landmarks of the city of Chennai. The Senate House, the University's first building, inaugurated in the year 1879, is a masterpiece of Robert Fellowes Chisholm, an architect of the 19th century, who blended the Indo-Saracenic style with Byzantine and European architectural features. The university renovated the Senate House in 2006.", "Australian Senate Slightly more than half of the Senate is contested at each general election (half of the 72 state senators, and all four of the territory senators), along with the entire House of Representatives. Except in the case of a double dissolution, senators are normally elected for fixed terms of six years, commencing on 1 July following the election, and ceasing on 30 June six years later.", "House of Commons of Canada The House of Commons was established in 1867, when the British North America Act—now called the Constitution Act, 1867—created the Dominion of Canada, and was modelled on the British House of Commons. The lower of the two houses making up the parliament, the House of Commons in practice holds far more power than the upper house, the Senate. Although the approval of both Houses is necessary for legislation, the Senate very rarely rejects bills passed by the commons (though the Senate does occasionally amend bills). Moreover, the Cabinet is responsible solely to the House of Commons. The prime minister stays in office only as long as they retain the support, or \"confidence\", of the lower house.", "Republican Revolution The gains in seats in the mid-term election resulted in the Republicans gaining control of both the House and the Senate in January 1995. Republicans had not held the majority in the House for forty years, since the 83rd Congress (elected in 1952).", "Australian Senate All bills must be passed by a majority in both the House of Representatives and the Senate before they become law. Most bills originate in the House of Representatives, and the great majority are introduced by the government.", "Government of Puerto Rico In 2012, Governor Fortuño proposed, and by a two thirds majority in both houses, the Legislature approved submitting to the people a constitutional amendment reducing the size of the House from 51 to 39 seats and the Senate from 27 to 17 seats, essentially a 30% reduction in size. However, in an August 18, 2012 referendum, the constitutional proposition failed by a 54% to 46% margin.", "Women in the United States Senate Another famous name is Nancy Landon Kassebaum, the daughter of former Kansas governor and one-time presidential candidate Alf Landon. After retiring from the Senate, she married former Senator Howard Baker (R-TN). Kassebaum has the distinction of being the first female elected senator who did not succeed her husband in Congress (Margaret Chase Smith was only elected to the Senate after succeeding her husband to his House seat). At the time of her retirement in 1997, Kassebaum was the second longest serving female senator, after Smith (though now that five other women senators have since served longer tenures, she is now seventh).", "Senate of Canada The Conservative Party was committed to the idea of elected senatorial candidates being appointed by the governor general on the advice of the prime minister. Accordingly, Prime Minister Stephen Harper in 2007 recommended the appointment of Bert Brown, who was elected in Alberta's Senator in waiting election,[56] but otherwise followed the standing rules in the absence of other elected nominees.[57][58][59] Harper later stated that the Senate \"must either change or—like the old upper houses of our provinces—vanish\".[60]", "United States House of Representatives elections, 2002 The Elections for the United States House of Representatives on 5 November 2002 was in the middle of President George W. Bush's first term. Although it was a midterm election, the Republican Party gained a net eight seats, solidifying their majority. Together with gains made in the Senate, it was one of the few mid-term elections that the party in control of the White House increased their number of seats in the House (the other such mid-term elections were in 1934 and 1998).", "Disinvestment from South Africa This began when the Senate and House of Representatives presented Ronald Reagan with the Comprehensive Anti-Apartheid Act of 1986 which had been introduced by Congressman Ronald Dellums, supported by the members of the Congressional Black Caucus in the House, and piloted through the House by Congressman Howard Wolpe, chairman of the House Africa Subcommittee. Ronald Reagan responded by using his veto, but surprisingly and, in testament to the strength of the anti-Apartheid movement, the Republican controlled Senate overrode his veto. Knight gives this description the act:", "United States Senate In addition to the Vice President, the Senate has several officers who are not members. The Senate's chief administrative officer is the Secretary of the Senate, who maintains public records, disburses salaries, monitors the acquisition of stationery and supplies, and oversees clerks. The Assistant Secretary of the Senate aids the secretary's work. Another official is the Sergeant at Arms who, as the Senate's chief law enforcement officer, maintains order and security on the Senate premises. The Capitol Police handle routine police work, with the sergeant at arms primarily responsible for general oversight. Other employees include the Chaplain, who is elected by the Senate, and Pages, who are appointed.", "Michigan In contrast, the state supported Democratic candidates in each presidential election from 1992 to 2012. In 2012, Barack Obama carried the state over Mitt Romney, winning Michigan's 17 electoral votes with 54% of the vote. Michigan's two U.S. Senators are both Democrats, while Republicans hold nine of the state's fourteen US House seats. Michigan's current senior U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow, a Democrat, has served since 2001 after narrowly beating former Republican U.S. Senator Spencer Abraham in the 2000 elections. Democratic U.S. Senator Gary Peters was elected in 2014, beating former Republican Michigan Secretary of State Terri Lynn Land. Congressman Fred Upton, a Republican, serves as Chairman of the US House Committee on Energy and Commerce. Congresswoman Debbie Dingell, a Democrat, became the first person to succeed a living spouse when she replaced former Dean of the House of Representatives John Dingell in 2015.", "Senate of the Philippines The Senate shall elect its President and the House of Representatives its Speaker by a vote of all its respective members.", "New Hampshire primary A Vice-Presidential preference primary was also formerly held at the New Hampshire primary. New Hampshire State Senator Jack Barnes, who won the 2008 Republican contest, co-sponsored a bill in 2009 which would eliminate the Vice Presidential preference ballot. The bill passed both houses of the state legislature and took effect in 2012.[68]", "Democratic Party (United States) In the wake of the 2001 World Trade Center terrorist attacks and with growing concern over global warming, some of the party's key issues in the early 21st century have included the methods of how to combat terrorism, homeland security, expanding access to health care, labor rights, environmentalism and the preservation of liberal government programs.[31] Barack Obama won the Democratic Party's nomination and was elected as the first African American president in 2008. The Democrats gained control of both chambers of Congress in the wake of the 2007 economic recession. The Democratic Party under the Obama presidency moved forward reforms including an Economic Stimulus package, the Dodd-Frank financial reform act and the Affordable Care Act. In the 2010 elections, the Democratic Party lost control of the House and lost its majority in state legislatures and state governorships. In the 2012 elections, President Obama was re-elected, but the party kept its minority in the House of Representatives and in 2014 the party lost control of the Senate for the first time since 2006. After the 2016 election of Donald Trump, the Democratic Party transitioned into the role of an opposition party and currently hold neither the presidency nor a majority in the House or Senate.", "Senate of Canada The Senate of Canada and the House of Commons of Canada sit in separate chambers in the Centre Block on Parliament Hill, located in Ottawa, Ontario.", "Gun control after the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting On March 14, 2013, the Senate Judiciary Committee approved the bill, though it was not expected to clear the full Senate or the House.[32][33] Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid decided to leave the proposed ban out of the broader gun control bill, saying that it was unlikely to win 40 votes in the 100-member chamber and that it would jeopardize more widely supported proposals.[34][35] On the morning of April 17, 2013, the bill failed on a vote of 40 to 60. It was supported by Democrat Reid and Republican Senator Mark Kirk, but 15 Democrats, one independent, and all the Republicans except Kirk voted against the ban.[34][36]", "Senate of the Roman Republic Senators had several ways in which they could influence (or frustrate) a presiding magistrate. When a presiding magistrate was proposing a motion, for example, the senators could call \"consult\" (consule), which required the magistrate to ask for the opinions of the senators. Any senator could demand a quorum call (with the cry of numera), which required a count of the senators present. Like modern quorum calls, this was usually a delaying tactic. Senators could also demand that a motion be divided into smaller motions. Acts such as applause, booing, or heckling often played a major role in a debate, and, in part because all senators had an absolute right to free speech, any senator could respond at any point if he was attacked personally.[1] Once debates were underway, they were usually difficult for the presiding magistrate to control. The presiding magistrate typically only regained some control once the debating had ended, and a vote was about to be taken.[13]", "Pennsylvania State Capitol The Senate is the upper house of the state legislature and has 50 members, elected to 4-year terms. The Senate is presided over by the President of the Senate, who is also the Lieutenant Governor. The 95-by-80-foot (29 by 24 m) Senate Chamber, or Hall of the Senate, is the second-largest chamber and was designed with a French Renaissance theme.[28][71] It is located on the north side of the rotunda, opposite the House. Violet Oakley painted the murals in the Senate Chamber. Ingen also made 10 stained-glass windows for the Senate Chamber.[68][69] Both the House and Senate Chambers are on the second floor, each with an entrance on the upper third and fourth floors leading to a press and media gallery.[72]", "Senate of the Philippines While money bills originate in the House of Representatives, the Senate may still propose or concur with amendments. Only the Senate has the power to approve, via a two-thirds supermajority, or denounce treaties, and the power to try and convict, via a two-thirds supermajority, an impeached official.", "Seniority in the United States Senate The United States Constitution does not mandate differences in rights or power, but Senate rules give more power to senators with more seniority. Generally, senior senators will have more power, especially within their own caucuses. In addition, by custom, senior senators from the president's party control federal patronage appointments in their states.", "Georgia State Senate The Georgia State Senate is the upper house of the Georgia General Assembly (the state legislature of Georgia, USA).", "Christmas Island Christmas Island residents who are Australian citizens also vote in federal elections. Christmas Island residents are represented in the House of Representatives by the Division of Lingiari in the Northern Territory and in the Senate by Northern Territory senators.[52] At the 2016 federal election, the Labor Party received absolute majorities from Christmas Island electors in both the House of Representatives and the Senate.\n[50][51]", "Republican Party of Arkansas The Arkansas Republican Party controls all of the state's seven statewide offices. Republicans also hold both of the state's U.S. Senate seats and all four of the state's U.S. House seats.", "History of the United States Republican Party The Tea Party fielded a number of anti-establishment candidates in the 2014 Republican primaries, but scored very few notable wins. However, they managed to unseat House Majority Leader Eric Cantor in his Virginia primary race. GOP attacks on Obama's unpopular administration resonated with voters and the party posted major gains around the country. They regained control of the Senate and increased their majorities in the House to the highest total since 1929. They took control of governorships, state legislatures and Senate seats in nearly all Southern states, except Florida and Virginia.[91]", "Minority government The Netherlands had a minority government in 2010-2012: the First Rutte cabinet. The Second Rutte cabinet (2012-) consists of the conservative liberal VVD and the social-democratic PvdA and has a clear majority in the House of Representatives, but none in the Senate. On 11 October 2013, the cabinet reached a budgetary agreement with the social-liberal D66 and the smaller Christian parties ChristenUnie and SGP. This provides the VVD/PvdA cabinet a single-seat majority in the Senate (see also: Purple (government)).", "History of the United States Congress In 1940, however, the pro-Roosevelt northern Democrats were able to regain firm control of Congress once again.[57] In 1942, after the United States entered World War II and voter turnout significantly decreased, Democrats maintained control of both houses of Congress, but the Republicans were able to make significant gains in the Congressional election;[58] hence, the conservatives won the election[59] and were able to gain control of both houses of Congress.[58] Despite this, Democratic Speaker of the House Sam Rayburn and Senate majority leader Alben Barkley, both allies of Roosevelt,[60][61] were able to maintain their positions. By the 1944 Congressional elections, Roosevelt had been glorified as a heroic wartime leader, and as a result, he was elected to a fourth term and the pro-Roosevelt Democrats would once more regain control of both the United States House of Representatives[62] and the United States Senate[63]", "Australian Senate The ability of the Houses of Parliament to establish committees is referenced in Section 49 of the Constitution, which states that, \"The powers, privileges, and immunities of the Senate and of the House of Representatives, and of the members and the committees of each House, shall be such as are declared by the Parliament, and until declared shall be those of the Commons House of Parliament of the United Kingdom, and of its members and committees, at the establishment of the Commonwealth.\"[21][20]", "House of Representatives of the Philippines Just like most lower houses, money bills, originate in the House of Representatives, but the Senate may still propose or concur with amendments, same with bills of local application and private bills. The House of Representatives has the sole power to initiate impeachment proceedings, and may impeach an official by a vote of one-third of its members. Once an official is impeached, the Senate tries that official.", "Timeline of Hurricane Katrina Senator Barbara Mikulski (D-MD) called for Michael D. Brown's resignation. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)and Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) voiced criticism of the disaster's handling, and of the Bush administration's management, delegation of control, leadership, and human consideration.[48]", "Republican Party (United States) As of 2017, the Republican Party was at its strongest position politically since 1928. In addition to holding the Presidency (Donald Trump), it controls majorities in both the House of Representatives and the Senate. The party also holds a majority of governorships (34/50) and state legislatures (full control of 32/50, split control of six others).[20]", "State senator This system changed in 1963, when the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that state legislatures must apportion seats in both houses according to population. However, the Single-member District system remained, and as a result, the State Senates became redundant bodies,[1] as other solutions, such as abolition (as in Canada) or switching to statewide proportional representation (as in Australia) were not considered. A senator's job is to represent the people at a higher level than a state representative in the lower house.[2]", "History of the United States Democratic Party As a result of the 2006 midterm elections, the Democratic Party became the majority party in the House of Representatives and its caucus in the United States Senate constituted a majority when the 110th Congress convened in 2007. The Democrats had spent twelve successive years as the minority party in the House before the 2006 mid-term elections. The Democrats also went from controlling a minority of governorships to a majority. The number of seats held by party members likewise increased in various state legislatures, giving the Democrats control of a plurality of them nationwide. No Democratic incumbent was defeated and no Democratic-held open seat was lost in either the U.S. Senate, U.S. House, or with regards to any governorship.[citation needed]", "Senate In Australia and Canada, only the upper house of the federal parliament is known as the Senate. All Australian states other than Queensland have an upper house known as a Legislative council. Several Canadian provinces also once had a Legislative Council, but these have all been abolished, the last being Quebec's Legislative council in 1968.", "Senate (Belize) In October 2006,[2] three new Senators, Esther Ayuso Ramirez, Dr. Deborah Mencias-McMillan and Diego Bol were appointed on the advice of the Leader of the Opposition to replace outgoing Senators Marcel Cardona, Ambrose Tillett and Arthur Roches. This frees Roches and Cardona to run for House seats in 2008.", "Women in the United States Senate In 1978, Nancy Kassebaum became the first woman ever elected to a full term in the Senate without her husband having previously served in Congress.[2] Since 1978, there has always been at least one woman in the Senate. The first woman to be elected to the Senate without any family connections was Paula Hawkins (R-FL), elected in 1980. There were still few women in the Senate near the end of the 20th century, long after women began to make up a significant portion of the membership of the House. The trend of few women in the Senate began to change in the wake of the Clarence Thomas Supreme Court nomination hearings, and the subsequent election of the 103rd United States Congress in 1992, which was dubbed the \"Year of the Woman.\"[3] In addition to Barbara Mikulski, who was reelected that year (1992), four women were elected to the Senate, all Democrats. They were Patty Murray of Washington, Carol Moseley Braun of Illinois, and Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer, both of California. Carol Moseley Braun, who was African-American, was the first woman of color in the Senate. She was also the first woman to defeat an incumbent senator, having toppled Senator Alan Dixon in the Democratic primary in 1992. Later that year, Dianne Feinstein was the first woman to defeat an incumbent senator from a different party when she defeated appointed Senator John Seymour in a special election. Feinstein entered the Senate in 1992 as the first female Jewish senator.[4][5][6]", "Australian Senate Unlike upper houses in most Westminster parliamentary systems, the Senate is vested with significant power, including the capacity to block all legislation, including Budget and Appropriation Bills, initiated by the government in the House of Representatives, making it a distinctive hybrid of British Westminster bicameralism and US-style bicameralism. As a result of proportional representation, the chamber features a multitude of parties vying for power. The governing party or coalition, which has to maintain the confidence of the lower house, has not held a majority in the Senate since 2005-2008 (and before that since 1981) and usually needs to negotiate with other parties and Independents to get legislation passed.[3]", "Congressional caucus The largest caucuses are the party caucuses and conferences in the United States Congress, which are the partisan caucuses comprising all members of one house from one party (either the Democrats or the Republicans) in addition to any Independent members who may caucus with either party. These are the House Democratic Caucus, House Republican Conference, Senate Democratic Caucus, and Senate Republican Conference.", "House of Commons of Canada In practice, however, the House of Commons is the dominant chamber of Parliament, with the Senate very rarely exercising its powers in a way that opposes the will of the democratically elected chamber. The last major bill defeated in the Senate came in 2010, when a bill passed by the Commons concerning climate change was rejected in the Upper House by a vote.[21]" ]