4 values
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "scissors:tailor:cloth", "chalk:teacher:blackboard", "law:judge:prisoner", "camera:reporter:photography" ] }
[ "\"meat\" is cut by \"butcher\" with \"knife\", and \"knife\" is a tool. \"meat\" is a segmented object.", "\"cloth\" is cut by \"tailor\" with \"scissors\", and \"scissors\" is a tool. \"cloth\" is a divided object.", "\"blackboard\" is written by a \"teacher\" with \"chalk\", but the \"blackboard\" is a teaching tool, not a divided object.", "\"prisoners\" are judged by \"judges\" through \"laws\", but \"laws\" are not physical tools.", "\"photography\" is recorded by a \"reporter\" with a \"camera\". \"photography\" belongs to the function of the \"camera\", not a segmented object." ]
[ [ [ "knife", "butcher", "meat", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "scissors", "tailor", "cloth", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "chalk", "teacher", "blackboard", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "law", "judge", "prisoner", "R3.10" ] ], [] ]
architecture:solidified music:gothic architecture
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "exercise:the way to make people healthy:life", "eyes:windows to the soul:big eyes", "even numbers:number divisible by 2:6", "music:flowing notes:piano" ] }
[ "\"architecture\" can be compared to \"solidified music\", and \"gothic architecture\" is a kind of \"architecture\".", "\"the ways to make people healthy\" include \"exercise\".", "\"eyes\" can be compared to \"windows to the soul\", and \"big eyes\" is one type of \"eyes\".", "\"even number\" refers to the \"number divisible by 2\" in the integer, and \"even number\" can also be called \"number divisible by 2\", and \"6\" is one of the \"even numbers\".", "with the \"piano\", \"music\" can be played . \"piano\" is not a kind of \"music\"." ]
[ [ [ "architecture", "solidified music", "R3.4" ], [ "gothic architecture", "architecture", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "exercise", "the way to make people healthy", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "eyes", "windows to the soul", "R3.4" ], [ "big eyes", "eyes", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "even numbers", "number divisible by 2", "R2.1" ] ], [ [ "piano", "music", "R3.10" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "student:school:study", "refrigerator:home appliances:preservation", "stone:house:grand", "film:camera:shooting" ] }
[ "\"rose\" belongs to \"flowers\", and \"rose\" exudes \"fragrance\".", "\"student\" means \"studying\" in \"school\", which is inconsistent with the logic of the query", "\"refrigerator\" belongs to \"household appliances\", and \"refrigerator\" is a kind of \"household appliances\". The function of \"refrigerator\" is \"preservation\".", "\"stone\" and \"house\" have no obvious logical relationship with \"grand\"", "\"film\" is a companion item to \"camera\", and \"film\" does not belong to \"camera\"" ]
[ [ [ "rose", "flowers", "R2.2" ], [ "rose", "fragrant", "R3.3" ] ], [ [ "student", "study", "R4.4" ], [ "student", "school", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "refrigerator", "home appliances", "R2.2" ], [ "refrigerator", "preservation", "R3.3" ] ], [ [ "stone", "house", "R3.7" ] ], [ [ "film", "camera", "R3.10" ] ] ]
space station:astronaut
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "laboratory:R&D institutions", "school:parents", "television station:host", "amusement park:tourists" ] }
[ "one of the \"astronauts\" working places is the \"space station\".", "the \"laboratory\" exists in the \"R&D institutions\", and the \"laboratory\" is an integral part of the \"R&D institutions\".", "the workplace of \"parents\" is not \"school\".", "one of the working places of the \"host\" is \"TV station\".", "\"amusement park\" is for \"tourists\" to play in." ]
[ [ [ "space station", "astronaut", "R3.6" ] ], [ [ "laboratory", "R&D institutions", "R2.3" ] ], [], [ [ "television station", "host", "R3.6" ] ], [] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "demonstrate:argument", "tenacious:naughty", "decisive:arbitrary", "controversy:dispute" ] }
[ "\"sincere\" and \"genuine\" both mean that there is no false, and they are commendatory words.", "the method of using arguments to prove an \"argument\" is called an \"demonstrate,\" and neither is an adjective.", "\"tenacious\" and \"naughty\" are not similar in meaning.", "\"decisive\" is a commendatory word, and \"arbitrary\" is a derogatory word.", "\"controversy\" and \"dispute\" are neutral words." ]
[ [ [ "sincere", "genuine", "R1.1" ] ], [ [ "demonstrate", "argument", "R3.10" ] ], [], [], [ [ "controversy", "genuine", "R1.1" ] ] ]
plan:arrange:live broadcast
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "test:launch:research and development", "nursery:transplant:harvesting", "learn to drive:annual inspection:test certificate", "choose a room:check in:decoration" ] }
[ "\"live broadcast\" needs to be \"planned\" first, and then \"arranged\". the three belong to the time-dependent correspondence.", "\"launch\" needs \"research and development\" and then \"tested\", but the word order is inconsistent with the query.", "\"harvesting\" requires first \"nurserying\" and then \"transplanting\", and the three belong to the time-dependent correspondence.", "\"learning to drive\" first, and then \"certification\" is a process for driver's licenses, and the two belong to a chronologically sequence, but \"annual inspection\" is a process for motor vehicles but not \"test certificating\".", "it is necessary to \"choose a room\" first and then \"check in\". the two belong to the corresponding relationship of time, but there is no necessary chronological order for \"decoration\" and \"check in\"." ]
[ [ [ "plan", "arrange", "live broadcast", "R5.2" ] ], [ [ "research and development", "test", "launch", "R5.2" ] ], [ [ "nursery", "transplant", "harvesting", "R5.2" ] ], [ [ "learn to drive", "test certificate", "R5.2" ] ], [ [ "choose a room", "check in", "R5.2" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "worship:superstition", "growth:recession", "indifferent:enthusiasm", "emissions:pollution" ] }
[ "\"envy\" is a neutral word, and \"jealousy\" is a derogatory word.", "\"worship\" is a neutral word, and \"superstition\" is a derogatory word.", "\"growth\" and \"recession\" are antonyms, both are neutral words", "\"indifference\" and \"enthusiasm\" are antonyms. and \"indifference\" is a derogatory word, and \"enthusiasm\" is a commendatory word. the position of the words is opposite to the title stem", "\"emission\" may lead to \"pollution\", but both are neutral terms." ]
[ [ [ "envy", "jealousy", "R5.1" ] ], [ [ "worship", "superstition", "R5.1" ] ], [ [ "growth", "recession", "R1.2" ] ], [ [ "indifferent", "enthusiasm", "R1.2" ] ], [ [ "emissions", "pollution", "R5.1" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "nurse:consultation", "student:exam", "lawyers:debate", "singer:singing" ] }
[ "\"delivery\" is the job of a \"courier\"", "\"Consultation\" is not the job of a \"nurse\", but the job of a doctor", "the main task of \"students\" is not \"exams\", but learning", "the job of a \"lawyer\" is not to \"debate\", but to defend others .", "\"singing\" is the job of a \"singer\"" ]
[ [ [ "courier", "delivery", "R3.10" ] ], [], [], [], [ [ "singer", "singing", "R3.10" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "lethargy:coma:trance", "habit:rule:law", "recognition:encouragement:reward", "frequently:often:always" ] }
[ "\"skill\", \"technique\", and \"art\" have similar meanings. the degree elevates from \"skill\" to \"technique\" and then to \"art\".", "The meanings of the three are not similar.", "\"habit\", \"rule\" and \"law\" have similar meanings, and the degree elevates from \"habit\" to \"rule\" and then to \"law\".", "There is no obvious logical relationship among the three.", "there is no deepening of degree between \"frequently\" and \"often\". the logical relationship is inconsistent with that of the query." ]
[ [ [ "skill", "technique", "art", "R1.1" ] ], [], [ [ "habit", "rule", "law", "R1.1" ] ], [], [ [ "frequently", "often", "R2.1" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "winter:cold", "yellow:harvest", "young:passion", "liquid:flowing" ] }
[ "\"metal\" must have \"conductive\" properties.", "\"winter\" may have \"cold\".", "there is no obvious logical relationship between \"yellow\" and \"harvest\".", "\"young\" may have \"passion\".", "\"liquid\" must have the property of \"flowing\"." ]
[ [ [ "metal", "conductive", "R3.1" ] ], [ [ "winter", "cold", "R3.2" ] ], [], [ [ "young", "passion", "R3.2" ] ], [ [ "liquid", "flowing", "R3.1" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "melon:watermelon:cantaloupe", "person:white people:robot", "mountain:mount huang:changbai mountain", "sea:shanghai:mediterranean sea" ] }
[ "\"flowers\" and \"snowflakes\" have no obvious logical relation, and \"rhododendron\" is a kind of \"flower\".", "\"Watermelon\" is a kind of \"melon\". There is an obvious logic between \"melon\" and \"watermelon\".", "\"white people\" is a type of \"people\". \"people\" and \"white people\" have an obvious logical relationship", "\"mount huang \" is a kind of \"mountain\". \"mountains\" and \"mount huang\" have an obvious logical relationship", "there is no obvious logic between \"sea\" and \"shanghai\", and the \"mediterranean sea\" is a kind of \"sea\"." ]
[ [ [ "rhododendron", "flower", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "melon", "watermelon", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "person", "white people", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "mountain", "mount huang", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "mediterranean sea", "shanghai", "R2.2" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "carriage:mountain road", "atom:nucleus", "electric current:cable", "pedestrian:zebra crossing" ] }
[ "the \"bullet\" must be fired through the \"barrel\".", "one can drive a \"carriage\" without going through a \"mountain road\".", "\"atoms\" have \"nucleus\" in their constituent parts.", "\"electric current\" must be carried through a \"cable\".", "\"pedestrians\" can also walk without going through \"zebra crossings\"." ]
[ [ [ "bullet", "barrel", "R3.10" ] ], [], [ [ "atom", "nucleus", "R2.3" ] ], [ [ "electric current", "cable", "R3.10" ] ], [] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "invest:benefit", "operate:tax", "capital:income", "principal:return" ] }
[ "the purpose of \"producing\" is to obtain \"profit\", and \"produce\" is a verb.", "the purpose of \"investing\" is to obtain \"benefit\", and \"invest\" is a verb.", "the purpose of \"operating\" is not to earn \"taxes\".", "investing in \"capital\" can get \"income\", but \"capital\" is a noun.", "investing in \"principal\" can get a \"return\", but \"principal\" is a noun." ]
[ [ [ "produce", "profit", "R3.9" ] ], [ [ "invest", "benefit", "R3.9" ] ], [], [ [ "capital", "income", "R3.9" ] ], [ [ "principal", "return", "R3.9" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "wheat:rice", "pain:pleasure", "profit:non-profit", "work:rest" ] }
[ "\"on\" and \"off\" complement each other.", "\"wheat\" and \"rice\" are both crops. , There are others of the same kind", "both \"pain\" and \"pleasure\" are feelings. There are others of the same kind", "either \"profit\" or \"non-profit\".", "both \"work\" and \"rest\" are part of life, and there are others of the same kinds besides these two." ]
[ [ [], [ "on", "off", "R1.2" ] ], [ [], [] ], [ [] ], [ [] ], [] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "loan:interest", "subsidy:job", "heritage:death", "subsistence allowance:income" ] }
[ "to have a \"scholarship\", you must have good \"grades\", and the rank of \"grades\" determines whether to get a \"scholarship\".", "\"Interest\" must be paid after obtaining \"loan\", and \"loan\" does not have to have \"interest\".", "\"subsidies\" are not necessarily \"jobs\".", "\"death\" is a necessary conditions for \"heritage\", not necessarily the acquisition of \"heritage\".", "In order to have \"subsistence allowance\", there must be \"income\"." ]
[ [ [ "scholarships", "grades", "R5.4" ] ], [ [ "loan", "interest", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "subsidy", "job", "R5.4" ] ], [], [ [ "subsistence allowance", "income", "R5.4" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "insurance:purchase:indemnity", "elderly:care:longevity", "exercise:strengthen:obesity", "army:defend:war" ] }
[ "the purpose of \"avoiding\" \"risks\" is to avoid \"losses\"", "the purpose of \"purchasing\" \"insurance\" is to get \"indemnity\", not to avoid \"indemnity\"", "the purpose of \"caring“ for the ”elderly\" is to make the elderly \"longevity\", not to avoid \"longevity\"", "the purpose of \"strengthening\" \"exercise\" is to avoid \"obesity\"", "the \"army\" will \"defend\" the country ." ]
[ [ [ "risk", "avoid", "R4.2" ] ], [ [ "insurance", "purchase", "R4.2" ] ], [ [ "elderly", "care", "R4.2" ] ], [ [ "exercise", "strengthen", "R4.2" ] ], [ [ "army", "defend", "R4.1" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "learning:development", "agreement:argument", "inheritance:innovation", "unity:competition" ] }
[ "\"breakthrough\" is achieved because of \"persistence\".", "\"development\" is achieved because of \"learning\".", "there is no obvious logical relationship between \"agreement\" and \"argument\".", "\"inheritance\" and \"innovation\" are close in meaning.", "\"unity\" and \"competition\" have no obvious logical relationship." ]
[ [ [ "persistence", "breakthrough", "R5.1" ] ], [ [ "learning", "development", "R5.1" ] ], [], [ [ "inheritance", "innovation", "R2.4" ] ], [] ]
cup:cup lid:cup bottom
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "woods:treetops:roots", "article:file:title", "apple:core:peel", "tea:spring tea:autumn tea" ] }
[ "both the \"cup lid\" and the \"cup bottom\" are part of the \"teacup\".", "both \"tops\" and \"roots\" are part of trees, not \"woods\".", "\"title\" is part of \"article\", but \"file\" is not part of \"article\".", "both \"core\" and \"peel\" are part of \"apple\".", "both \"spring tea\" and \"autumn tea\" are \"tea\"." ]
[ [ [ "cup lid", "cup", "R2.3" ], [ "cup bottom", "cup", "R2.3" ] ], [], [], [ [ "core", "apple", "R2.3" ], [ "peel", "apple", "R2.3" ] ], [ [ "spring tea", "tea", "R2.2" ], [ "autumn tea", "tea", "R2.2" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "line:color", "sketch:crosstalk", "woodcut:sculpture", "styling:art" ] }
[ "\"beat\" is part of \"melody\".", "\"line\" is not part of \"color\".", "\"sketch\" and \"crosstalk\" are comedy programs, and \"sketch\" is not a part of \"crosstalk\".", "\"woodcut\" is a kind of \"sculpture\", and \"woodcut\" is a part of \"sculpture\".", "one of the expression techniques of \"art\" is \"styling\", but \"styling\" is not an integral part of \"art\"." ]
[ [ [] ], [ [ "line", "color", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "sketch", "crosstalk", "R2.4" ] ], [ [] ], [ [ "styling", "art", "R3.10" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "nature silk:weaving:silk", "grain:brewing:good wine", "pig iron:smelting:steel", "mosquito coil:ignite:smoke" ] }
[ "\"jadeware\" is made of \"jade\" through \"carving\", and \"carving\" is a process of physical change.", "\"silk\" is made of \"nature silk\" through \"weaving\", and \"weaving\" is a process of physical change.", "\"good wine\" is \"grain\" made by \"brewing\", but \"brewing\" is a chemical change process.", "\"steel\" is \"pig iron\" made by \"smelting\", but \"smelting\" is a chemical change process.", "\"smoke\" is generated after \"mosquito coils\" are \"ignited\". \"ignition\" involves chemical changes, and \"smoke\" is not a finished product." ]
[ [ [ "jade", "carving", "jadeware", "R3.7" ] ], [ [ "nature silk", "weaving", "silk", "R3.7" ] ], [ [ "grain", "brewing", "good wine", "R3.7" ] ], [ [ "pig iron", "smelting", "steel", "R3.7" ] ], [] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "train:railway station", "bridge:river bank", "telephone:phone line", "letters:post office" ] }
[ "the \"floors\" are connected by \"stairs\".", "\"railway station\" stops \"train\", but has no connectivity.", "the \"river bank\" is connected by \"bridges\".", "\"phone line\" is part of \"telephone\".", "\"letters\" are delivered through the \"post office\", but the corresponding method is different from the query." ]
[ [ [ "stairs", "floor", "R3.10" ] ], [], [ [ "bridge", "river bank", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "phone line", "telephone", "R2.3" ] ], [ [ "post office", "letters", "R3.10" ] ] ]
eyes:glasses:contact lenses
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "palm:gloves:cotton gloves", "headphones:ears:bluetooth headphones", "ankle:knee pad:sports knee pad", "dentures:braces:porcelain braces" ] }
[ "\"eyes\" may wear \"glasses\", and \"glasses\" includes \"contact lenses\".", "\"palm\" can wear \"gloves\", and \"gloves\" include \"cotton gloves\".", "\"ears\" can wear \"headphones\". \"headset\" includes \"bluetooth headset\". the word order is inconsistent with the title stem.", "the \"knee pad\" is placed on the knee, not on the \"ankle\". \"knee pads\" and \"ankles\" do not have some kind of connection. \"sports knee pad\" is a kind of \"knee pad\". Besides \"sports knee pad\", there are other knee protection.", "\"braces\" are not worn on \"dentures\". \"braces\" and \"dentures\" do not have a certain connection. \"porcelain braces\" is a kind of \"braces\". besides \"porcelain braces\", there are other braces." ]
[ [ [ "glasses", "eyes", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "gloves", "palm", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "headphones", "ears", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "knee pad", "ankle", "R2.2" ] ], [ [] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "language:chinese", "phone:refrigerator", "books:teachers", "fiction:characters" ] }
[ "\"shanghai\" and \"beijing\" are both cities.", "\"chinese\" belongs to \"language\".", "both \"phone\" and \"refrigerator\" are household appliances.", "\"teachers\" use \"books\" in teaching.", "\"characters\" are part of a \"fiction\"." ]
[ [ [ "shanghai", "beijing", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "chinese", "language", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "phone", "refrigerator", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "books", "teachers", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "characters", "fiction", "R2.3" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "obese:fitness:growth", "ignorant:learning:catching up", "behind:working hard:improve", "optimistic:joke:cheerful" ] }
[ "\"security\" is obtained by \"secret-keeping\" the \"confidentials\".", "if you are \"obese\", you can get slim through \"fitness\" but not \"growth\".", "if you are \"ignorant\", you can become knowledgeable by \"learning\", but not \"catching up\".", "\nif you are \"behind\", you can \"improve\" by \"working hard\".", "there is no obvious logical relationship between \"optimism\" and \"joke\"." ]
[ [ [ "confidential", "secret-keeping", "security", "R3.10" ] ], [], [], [ [ "behind", "working hard", "improve", "R3.10" ] ], [] ]
motor car:flying
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "butterfly:dancing", "horse:runing", "ants:moving", "goshawk:circling" ] }
[ "\"motor car\" can \"fly\". \"flying\" describes the fast running speed of \"motor car\".", "\"butterfly\" can \"dance\". But \"dance\" does not involve the speed of a \"butterfly\".", "\"horse\" can \"run\". \"running\" describes the fast running speed of \"steed\".", "\"ants\" can \"move\". But \"moving\" does not involve the speed of \"ants\".", "\"goshawk\" can \"circle\". But \"circling\" does not involve the speed of \"goshawk\"." ]
[ [ [] ], [ [] ], [ [] ], [ [] ], [ [] ] ]
efficiency:fairness:market economy
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "science:rationality:political philosophy", "revolution:reform:social system", "democracy:republic:political systems", "beauty and ugly:good and evil:aesthetics" ] }
[ "\"competition\" and \"private ownership\" are two aspects of a \"market economy\".", "\"science\" and \"rationality\" do not belong to \"political philosophy\".", "\"revolution\" and \"reform\" are two ways of reforming the \"social system\".", "\"democracy\" and \"republic\" are not two aspects of political systems.", "\"beauty\" and \"ugly\" are two aspects. \"good\" and \"evil\" are two aspects." ]
[ [ [] ], [ [ "science", "rationality", "R2.5" ] ], [ [ "social system", "revolution", "R2.5" ] ], [ [] ], [] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "trees:leaves", "current:wire", "clocks:hands", "history:historical records" ] }
[ "the \"airplane\" flies in the \"sky\".", "\"leaves\" are part of \"trees\". \"leaves\" cannot flow in \"trees\" .", "\"currents\" flow in \"wires\".", "the \"hand\" is an integral part of the \"clock\", and the \"hand\" cannot flow in the \"clock\".", "\"historical records\" record \"history\", and \"historical records\" cannot flow in \"history\"." ]
[ [ [ "airplane", "sky", "R3.5" ] ], [ [] ], [ [] ], [ [] ], [ [] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "London:England", "beijing:shanghai", "HongKong:Taiwan", "xinjiang:tibet" ] }
[ "both \"Washington\" and \"Oregon\" are states in America, and the two states are geographically adjacent.", "\"London\" is an integral part of \"England\", \"London\" is the capital of \"England\", and \"London\" is not a country.", "both \"beijing\" and \"shanghai\" are cities. \"beijing\" and \"shanghai\" are not geographically adjacent.", "\"HongKong\" and \"Taiwan\" are both provinces in china, but \"shandong\" and \"Taiwan\" are not geographically adjacent.", "both \"xinjiang\" and \"tibet\" are provinces in china, and the two provinces are geographically adjacent." ]
[ [ [ "Washington", "Oregon", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "London", "Taiwan", "R2.3" ] ], [ [ "beijing", "shanghai", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "HongKong", "Taiwan", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "xinjiang", "tibet", "R2.4" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "tea:black tea:green tea", "grass:wormwood:polygonum", "ball:football:pompom", "car:sedan:passenger car" ] }
[ "\"flowers\" includes \"peonies\" and \"roses\"", "\"tea\" includes \"black tea\" and \"green tea\", which are artificially processed.", "\"grass\" includes \"wormwood\" and \"polygonum\".", "\"football\" is a kind of sports equipment. \"pompom\" refers to a ball made of colored wool, or refers to the spherical structure outside the cerebellum. \"football\" and \"pompom\" are not \"balls\".", "both \"cars\" and \"passenger cars\" are \"cars\", and both \"sedans\" and \"passenger cars\" are man-made." ]
[ [ [ "peony", "rose", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "black tea", "green tea", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "wormwood", "polygonum", "R2.4" ] ], [], [ [ "sedan", "passenger car", "R2.4" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "greetings:curse:thanks", "apology:sincere:hypocrisy", "threat:compromise:call the police", "proposal:oppose:accept" ] }
[ "\"invitation\" can be \"rejected\" or \"accepted\". \"rejected\" and \"accepted\" mean the opposite", "\"curse\" and \"thanks\" are not opposites", "\"sincere\" is a modifier of \"apologize\", \"hypocrisy\" is a modifier of \"apologize\", and \"apologize\" will not be referred to as \"sincere\" or \"hypocritical\"", "\"compromise\" and \"call the police\" are not opposite meanings", "\"proposal\" will be \"opposed\" or \"accepted\". \"opposed\" is the opposite of \"accepted\"" ]
[ [ [ "invite", "reject", "R4.2" ] ], [], [ [ "apology", "sincere", "R4.3" ], [ "apology", "R4.3" ] ], [], [ [ "proposal", "oppose", "R4.2" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "rice:paddy", "oranges:grapes", "cookies:flour", "canned:pineapple" ] }
[ "\"flour\" can be made from \"wheat\".", "\"rice\" can be made from \"rice\".", "\"oranges\" and \"grapes\" are both fruits.", "\"cookies\" can be made from \"flour,\" but processing requires other substances to be added.", "\"canned\" can be made from \"pineapple\", but processing requires additional substances." ]
[ [ [ "wheat", "flour", "R3.7" ] ], [ [ "paddy", "rice", "R3.7" ] ], [ [ "oranges", "grapes", "R2.4" ] ], [], [] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "shoebox:shoes:laces", "food:biscuits:candy", "sports:badminton:racket", "light:sunlight:moonlight" ] }
[ "the \"wardrobe\" can store \"clothes\", and the \"zipper\" may be part of the \"clothes\".", "the \"shoebox\" can store \"shoes\", and the \"laces\" may be part of the \"shoes\".", "\"biscuits\" belong to \"food\", and \"biscuits\" are not stored in \"food\".", "\"badminton\" belongs to \"sports\". \"badminton\" is not stored in \"sports\".", "\"light\", \"sunlight\" and \"moonlight\" are all lights. \"sunshine\" cannot be stored in \"lights\", and \"sunshine\" does not have \"moonlight\"." ]
[ [ [ "wardrobe", "clothes", "R3.10" ], [ "clothes", "zipper", "R2.3" ] ], [ [ "shoebox", "shoes", "R3.10" ], [ "shoes", "laces", "R2.3" ] ], [ [ "food", "biscuits", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "sports", "badminton", "R2.2" ] ], [] ]
army:air force:combat
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "seeders:harvester:agriculture", "car:ship:transportation", "supermarket:shopping malls:promotion", "court:government:judiciary" ] }
[ "\"army\" and \"air force\" are both tools used for \"combat\".", "\"seeders\" and \"harvesters\" are \"agricultural\" implements whose function is to sow and harvest, and \"agriculture\" is the application field of \"seeders\" and \"harvesters\", not their functions.", "both \"car\" and \"ship\" are means of \"transportation\".", "both \"supermarkets\" and \"shopping malls\" are places for \"promotions\", and \"supermarkets\" and \"shopping malls\" are not tools for \"promotions\".", "\"court\" is the organ of \"judiciary\". \"court\" and \"judiciary\" are components of \"government\"." ]
[ [ [ "army", "combat", "R3.3" ] ], [ [ "seeders", "agriculture", "R3.3" ], [ "harvester", "agriculture", "R3.3" ] ], [ [ "car", "transportation", "R3.3" ] ], [ [ "supermarket", "promotion", "R3.3" ] ], [ [ "court", "judiciary", "R2.3" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "treadmill:longevity", "cake:birthday", "navigator:route", "doctor:cure" ] }
[ "\"ship\" can be used to \"transport\"", "there is no logical relationship between \"treadmill\" and \"longevity\"", "\"cake\" can be eaten on \"birthday\"", "\"navigator\" can be used to plan a \"route\"", "\"doctor\" can \"cure\"" ]
[ [ [ "ships", "transport", "R3.3" ] ], [], [ [ "cake", "birthday", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "navigator", "route", "R4.4" ] ], [ [ "doctor", "cure", "R3.3" ] ] ]
movie dubbing:foreign language dubbing
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "short term observations:focused observations", "administration by injection:administration by mouth", "one-way communication:two-way communication", "long term memory:short term memory" ] }
[ "\"movie dubbing\" may be \"foreign language dubbing\", and \"foreign language dubbing\" may be \"movie dubbing\".", "a \"short term observation\" can be a \"focused observation\", and a \"focused observation\" can be a \"short-term observation\".", "\"administration by injection\" and \"administration by mouth\" are in different ways.", "\"one-way communication\" and \"two-way communication\" are different communication methods.", "\"long term memory\" and \"short term memory\" are in the same group." ]
[ [ [ "movie dubbing", "foreign language dubbing", "R2.7" ] ], [ [ "short term observations", "focused observations", "R2.7" ] ], [ [ "administration by injection", "administration by mouth", "R2.6" ] ], [ [ "one-way communication", "two-way communication", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "long term memory", "short term memory", "R2.4" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "pale:average", "sloppy:ignorance", "rude:respect", "reckless:impatient" ] }
[ "\"apathy\" and \"concern\" have opposite meanings.", "there is no obvious logical relationship between \"pale\" and \"average\".", "\"sloppy\" and \"ignorance\" have no obvious logical relationship.", "\"rude\" and \"respect\" have opposite meanings.", "there is no obvious logical relationship between \"reckless\" and \"impatient\"." ]
[ [ [ "apathy", "concern", "R1.2" ] ], [], [], [ [ "rude", "respect", "R1.2" ] ], [] ]
surface mail:express
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "economy class:first class", "normal express train:high-speed ​​rail", "sms:wechat", "letter:fax" ] }
[ "\"surface mail\" and \"express\" are two types of postal delivery services. \"express\", and \"express\" is faster than \"surface mail\". ", "\"economy class\" and \"first class\" are two seat classes, and \"first class\" is more expensive than \"economy class\" regardless of speed.", "\"normal express train\" and \"high-speed rail\" are two types of trains. \"high-speed rail\" speed is faster than the \"normal express train\".", "\"sms\" and \"wechat\" are two information exchange methods. There is no comparison between the speed of the two.", "\"fax\" can transmit \"letters\", and transmitting \"letters\" is the function of \"fax\"." ]
[ [ [ "surface mail", "express", "R2.6" ] ], [ [ "economy class", "first class", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "normal express train", "high-speed ​​rail", "R2.6" ] ], [ [ "sms", "wechat", "R2.6" ] ], [ [ "fax", "letter", "R3.3" ] ] ]
game theory:economics:nash
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "history:neo-confucianism:qian mu", "fiction:literature:liang qichao", "heliocentric:astronomy:copernicus", "quantum physics:physics:schrodinger" ] }
[ "\"game theory\" belongs to a theory of \"economics\", and \"nash\" is the founder of \"game theory\".", "\"new confucianism\" belongs to \"history\", \"qian mu\"'s research object is \"history\", \"qian mu\" is not the founder of \"history\".", "\"fiction\" belongs to \"literature\", and \"liang qichao\" is not the founder of the \"novel\".", "\"heliocentric theory\" belongs to a theory of \"astronomy\", and \"copernicus\" is the founder of \"heliocentric theory\".", "\"quantum physics\" belongs to a theory of \"physics\". \"quantum physics\" was founded by a group of scientists, not \"schrödinger\" alone." ]
[ [ [] ], [ [] ], [ [] ], [ [] ], [] ]
green peppers:vitamins:carrots
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "spinach:starch:cucumber", "egg:protein:soy", "flour:cellulose:celery", "watermelon:fat:beef" ] }
[ "\"vitamin\" is a component of \"green pepper\", and \"vitamin\" is a component of \"carrot\".", "\"starch\" is part of \"cucumber\", but \"starch\" is not part of \"spinach\".", "\"protein\" is part of \"egg\" and \"protein\" is part of \"soy\".", "\"cellulose\" is a component of \"celery\", but \"cellulose\" is not a component of \"flour\".", "\"fat\" is part of \"beef\", but \"fat\" is not part of \"watermelon\"." ]
[ [ [ "green peppers", "vitamins", "R2.3" ], [ "carrots", "vitamins", "R2.3" ] ], [ [ "cucumber", "starch", "R2.3" ] ], [ [ "egg", "protein", "R2.3" ], [ "soy", "protein", "R2.3" ] ], [ [ "celery", "cellulose", "R2.3" ] ], [ [ "beef", "fat", "R2.3" ] ] ]
newspaper:guangming daily:reader
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "building:model:engineer", "hospital:patient:doctor", "electrical appliance:air conditioner:user", "software:virus:hacker" ] }
[ "\"newspaper\" includes \"guangming daily\", and \"readers\" read \"newspaper\".", "some \"models\" are constructed according to the appearance of \"buildings\", but \"buildings\" do not include \"models\".", "there are \"patients\" in the \"hospital\", and \"hospital\" does not include \"patients\".", "an \"air conditioner\" is an \"electrical appliance\", and a \"user\" uses an \"electrical appliance\"", "\"software\" is attacked by \"virus\", but \"software\" does not include \"virus\"." ]
[ [ [ "newspaper", "guangming daily", "R2.2" ], [ "newspaper", "reader", "R4.4" ] ], [ [ "building", "model", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "hospital", "patient", "R3.6" ] ], [ [ "electrical appliance", "air conditioner", "R2.2" ], [ "electrical appliance", "user", "R4.4" ] ], [ [ "software", "virus", "R3.10" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "mass:kilograms", "area:kilometers", "volume:infinite", "volts:voltage" ] }
[ "the unit of measurement for \"time\" is \"seconds\".", "the unit of measurement for \"mass\" is \"kilograms\".", "the unit of measurement for \"area\" is not \"kilometers\", but the unit of measurement for length is \"kilometers\".", "\"infinite\" describes an extremely large number, not a unit of measurement.", "The unit of measurement of \"voltage\" is \"volt\". The unit of measurement of \"volt\" is not \"voltage\"." ]
[ [ [] ], [ [] ], [], [], [ [] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "indifferent:aloof", "study:hard", "colleague:friend", "satisfaction:happiness" ] }
[ "\"united\" and \"cooperation\" have similar meanings.", "\"aloof\" and \"indifferent\" have similar meanings.", "\"hard\" can modify \"study\", but the two meanings are not similar.", "a \"colleague\" can be a \"friend\", and a \"friend\" can also be a \"colleague\".", "there is no obvious logical relationship between \"satisfaction\" and \"happiness\"." ]
[ [ [ "united", "cooperation", "R1.1" ] ], [ [ "indifferent", "aloof", "R1.1" ] ], [ [ "hard", "study", "R4.3" ] ], [ [ "colleague", "friend", "R2.7" ] ], [] ]
counterfeit product:original product:confiscate
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "old traditions:new trends:break", "malignant tumor:benign tumor: treat", "white collar:blue collar:work", "old things:new things:distinguish" ] }
[ "both \"counterfeit products\" and \"original products\" are products, they are of the same kind, and \"counterfeit products\" need to be confiscated.", "\"old traditions\" and \"new trends\" are of the same kind, but \"old traditions\" can be broken rather than needs to be broken.", "both \"malignant tumor\" and \"benign tumor\" are tumors, they are of the same kind, and \"malignant tumors\" need to be treated.", "\"white collar\" and \"blue collar\" need not to be \"worked\".", "\"old things\" and \"new things\" are of the same kind, and \"old things\" and \"new things\" can be \"distinguished\"." ]
[ [ [ "counterfeit product", "original product", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "old traditions", "new trends", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "malignant tumor", "benign tumor", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "white collar", "blue collar", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "old things", "new things", "R2.4" ] ] ]
inherent attributes:occasional attributes
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "static game:dynamic game", "cold food:hot food", "mechanical memory:long term memory", "scenic spot:the great wall" ] }
[ "\"inherent attributes\" and \"occasional attributes\" are the same kind but have opposite meanings.", "\"static game\" and \"dynamic game\" are the same kind but have opposite meanings.", "both \"cold food\" and \"hot food\" are foods, but there are other foods besides \"cold food\" and \"hot food\".", "\"mechanical memory\" can be \"long-term memory\" and \"long-term memory\" can also be \"mechanical memory\".", "\"the great wall\" is a \"scenic spot\"." ]
[ [ [ "inherent attributes", "occasional attributes", "R2.5" ] ], [ [ "static game", "dynamic game", "R2.5" ] ], [ [ "cold food", "hot food", "R2.6" ] ], [ [ "mechanical memory", "long term memory", "R2.7" ] ], [ [ "the great wall", "scenic spot", "R2.2" ] ] ]
student id card:student
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "driver's license:driving", "degree certificate:school", "marriage certificate:spouse", "id card:passport" ] }
[ "a \"student\" can be proved with a \"student id card\".", "a \"driver's license\" can prove driving qualifications.", "\"degree certificate\" can prove \"degree\".", "the identity of \"spouse\" can be proved by a \"marriage certificate\".", "\"id card\" cannot prove \"passport\"." ]
[ [ [ "student id card", "student", "R3.10" ] ], [], [], [ [ "marriage certificate", "spouse", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "id card", "passport", "R2.4" ] ] ]
seeing a doctor:healing
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "running:entertainment", "brushing:beauty", "investment:profit", "prohibition on catching:ecology" ] }
[ "the good result that can be obtained by \"seeing a doctor\" is \"healing\", and \"seeing a doctor\" corresponds to \"healing\".", "there is no obvious logical relationship between \"running\" and \"entertainment\".", "there is no obvious logical relationship between \"brushing\" and \"beauty\".", "through \"investment\", a good result can be obtained is \"profit\", and \"investment\" corresponds to \"profit\".", "\"ecology\" can be improved by \"prohibition on catching\", but \"ecology\" is not the result.." ]
[ [ [ "seeing a doctor", "healing", "R3.10" ] ], [], [], [ [ "investment", "profit", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "prohibition on catching", "ecology", "R3.10" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "cabbage:sauerkraut", "yarn:wool", "coal:plant", "enzyme:catalyst" ] }
[ "\"malt\" is the raw material for making \"beer\".", "\"cabbage\" is the raw material for making \"sauerkraut\".", "\"wool\" is the raw material for making \"yarn\", and the order of words is inconsistent with the query.", "\"plant\" is the raw material for forming \"coal\", and the word order is inconsistent with the query.", "\"enzyme\" belongs to \"catalyst\"." ]
[ [ [ "malt", "beer", "R3.7" ] ], [ [ "cabbage", "sauerkraut", "R3.7" ] ], [ [ "wool", "yarn", "R3.7" ] ], [ [ "plant", "coal", "R3.7" ] ], [ [ "enzyme", "catalyst", "R2.2" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "thief:robber", "ignorant:confused", "justice:fairness", "cowardice:forbearance" ] }
[ "\"innocent\" and \"naive\" are very close in meaning.", "both \"thieves\" and \"robbers\" are criminals.", "\"ignored\" and \"confused\" are very close in meaning.", "\"justice\" and \"fairness\" are not similar in meaning. ", "\"cowardice\" and \"forbearance\" are not similar in meaning. " ]
[ [ [ "innocent", "naive", "R1.1" ] ], [ [ "thief", "robber", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "ignorant", "confused", "R1.1" ] ], [], [] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "shopping:merchant:return", "working:city:return to the hometown", "going to school:school:leave school", "first half game:game:second half game" ] }
[ "\"Download\" and \"Upload\" on the \"website\". \"Download\" and \"Upload\" are human behaviors.", "\"Shopping\" and \"return\" at \"merchants\". \"Shopping\" and \"returning\" are human behaviors.", "\"working\" in a \"city\" and \"returning to the hometown\" from the \"city\", \"working\" and \"returning to the hometown\" are people's own behaviors.", "you \"go to school\" and \"leave school\". \"going to school\" and \"leaving school\" are both human behaviors.", "\"game\" is not a location." ]
[ [ [ "website", "download", "upload", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "merchant", "shopping", "return", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "city", "working", "return to the hometown", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "school", "going to school", "leave school", "R3.10" ] ], [] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "temperament:fragility", "cry:shout", "tip:prom", "distillation:purity" ] }
[ "sounds of different \"volume\" are played through the \"sound\".", "\"fragility\" is a kind of \"temperament\".", "\"crying\" and \"shouting\" are the different behaviors.", "there is no obvious logical relationship between \"tip\" and \"prom\".", "liquids of different \"purity\" can be \"distilled\"." ]
[ [ [ "audio", "volume", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "fragility", "temperament", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "cry", "shout", "R2.4" ] ], [], [ [ "distillation", "purity", "R3.10" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "saw:knife", "lamp:light", "wood:chair", "fire:stove" ] }
[ "both \"cups\" and \"bowls\" belong to containers.", "both \"saw\" and \"knife\" are tools.", "\"light\" can give out \"light\". \"lamp\" and \"light\" belong to different attributes.", "\"wood\" is the raw material of \"chair\". The two belong to different attributes.", "\"fire\" can be made in a \"stove\". \"fire\" and \"stove\" belong to different attributes." ]
[ [ [ "cup", "bowl", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "saw", "knife", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "lamp", "light", "R3.7" ] ], [ [ "wood", "chair", "R3.7" ] ], [ [ "fire", "stove", "R3.10" ] ] ]
glass curtain wall:light source:light pollution
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "vehicle exhaust:condensation nuclei:acid rain", "sea ​​storm:air pressure:tsunami", "eruption:plate:earthquake", "air disinfection:ultraviolet:ozone" ] }
[ "the \"light source\" is refracted by the \"glass curtain wall\", and the \"light source\" may cause \"light pollution\".", "\"condensation nuclei\" are transformed from \"vehicle exhaust\", and \"acid rain\" means that there are too many \"condensation nuclei\".", "\"tsunami\" has nothing to do with \"air pressure\".", "\"plates\" has nothing to do with \"earthquakes\".", "\"ozone\" is a trace gas in the earth's atmosphere. it is formed when oxygen molecules in the atmosphere are decomposed into oxygen atoms by solar radiation, and then the oxygen atoms combine with the surrounding oxygen molecules. \"ozone\" is a noun." ]
[ [ [ "glass curtain wall", "light source", "light pollution", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "condensation nuclei", "vehicle exhaust", "acid rain", "R3.10" ] ], [], [], [] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "job:resignation", "attack:occupation", "apply:unselected", "proof:rebuttal" ] }
[ "\"lost\" is due to the failed \"defense\", and \"lost\" is a negative outcome.", "\"resignation\" is a voluntary choice, but \"resignation\" is not a negative outcome.", "the result of being \"occupied\" is because of being \"attacked\", but \"occupation\" is a positive result.", "\"unselected\" is because of the failure of \"application\", and \"unselected\" is a negative result.", "\"rebuttal\" is not because of failed \"proof\"." ]
[ [ [ "defense", "lost", "R3.10" ] ], [], [ [ "attack", "occupation", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "apply", "unselected", "R3.10" ] ], [] ]
sampling survey:sampling principle
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "questionnaire:asking for advice", "equipment operation:operating procedures", "mathematical models:modeling software", "person interviews:interview contents" ] }
[ "\"sampling survey\" must follow the \"sampling principle\".", "the \"questionnaire\" does not have to \"ask for advice\".", "\"equipment operation\" must follow the \"operating procedures\".", "\"modeling software\" is a tool for \"mathematical models\".", "the \"person interview\" does not have to follow the \"interview content\"." ]
[ [ [ "sampling survey", "sampling principle", "R3.10" ] ], [], [ [ "equipment operation", "operating procedures", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "mathematical models", "modeling software", "R3.8" ] ], [] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "space:quality", "volume:density", "pressure:efficiency", "price:value" ] }
[ "when the distance is certain, the shorter the \"time\", the faster the \"speed\".", "there is no obvious logical relationship between \"space\" and \"quality\".", "when the mass is constant, the smaller the \"volume\", the greater the \"density\".", "there is no obvious logical relationship between \"pressure\" and \"efficiency\".", "the expression of \"value\" is \"price\". the lower the price is, the higher the \"value\" is not necessarily." ]
[ [ [] ], [], [ [] ], [], [ [] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "mercury:venus:mars", "earth:country:region", "president:prime minister:official", "morality:ethics:morality" ] }
[ "\"churchill\", \"stalin\" and \"roosevelt\" belonged to the top national leaders.", "\"mars\", \"mercury\" and \"venus\" are planets.", "there are many \"countries\" on \"earth\", and the \"region\" is a part of the \"country\".", "\"president\" and \"prime minister\" are both \"official\".", "from an academic point of view, people tend to regard the search for \"moral\" standards as \"ethics\"." ]
[ [ [ "stalin", "roosevelt", "churchill", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "mercury", "venus", "mars", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "earth", "country", "R3.6" ], [ "country", "region", "R2.3" ] ], [ [ "president", "official", "R2.2" ], [ "prime minister", "official", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "morality", "ethics", "R3.10" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "bamboo:raft", "rain:coat", "leaf:tree", "river:sea" ] }
[ "\"paper\" is the raw material of \"books\".", "\"bamboo\" is the raw material of \"rafts\".", "there is no obvious logical relationship between \"rain\" and \"coat\".", "a \"leaf\" is part of a \"tree\".", "\"river\" and \"sea\" both belong to water." ]
[ [ [] ], [ [] ], [ [] ], [ [], [] ], [ [] ] ]
in situ conservation:ex situ conservation
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "car blowout:car oil leak", "flood control levee:green belts", "purebred breeding:cross breeding", "sales commission:share dividend" ] }
[ "\"in situ conservation\" and \"ex situ conservation\" are two ways to conserve biodiversity, and \"in situ conservation\" and \"ex situ conservation\" are contradictory to each other.", "\"car blowout\" and \"car oil leak\" are car accidents, but in addition to \"car blowout\" and \"car oil leak\", there are other car accidents.", "\"flood control levee\" refers to a dam built to prevent river flooding, and \"green belt\" refers to a strip area that provides greenery.", "\"pure breeding\" and \"cross breeding\" are two ways to breed offspring, and \"pure breeding\" and \"cross breeding\" are completely complementary.", "the ways to get income include \"sales commission\" and \"share dividend\", but in addition to \"sales commission\" and \"share dividend\", there are other ways to get income." ]
[ [ [ "share dividend", "ex situ conservation", "R2.5" ] ], [ [ "car blowout", "car oil leak", "R2.6" ] ], [], [ [ "purebred breeding", "cross breeding", "R2.5" ] ], [ [] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "doctor:condition:diagnosis", "traffic police:violation:ticket", "tailor:needle and thread:clothes", "student:review:grade" ] }
[ "the \"detective\" draws the \"conclusion\" through the \"clue\", where the \"clue\" is the basis for the \"conclusion\".", "the \"doctor\" makes a \"diagnosis\" through \"condition\", where \"condition\" is the basis for making a \"diagnosis\".", "\"traffic police\" issue \"tickets\" according to traffic regulations, but \"violation\" is not the basis for issuing \"tickets\".", "\"tailors\" use \"needle and thread\" to sew \"clothes\", and \"needle and thread\" is the tool used by \"tailors\"", "\"students\" improve \"performance\" through \"review\", and \"review\" is the method to improve \"performance\"." ]
[ [ [ "detective", "clue", "conclusion", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "doctor", "condition", "diagnosis", "R3.10" ] ], [], [], [] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "highway:road", "train:waterwheel", "cable car:ropeway", "aircraft:tank" ] }
[ "\"wheelchair\" and \"car\" belong to the same category.", "\"highway\" is also called a \"road\".", "there is no obvious logical relationship between \"trains\" and \"waterwheels\".", "\"cableway\" is also called a \"cable car\".", "\"aircraft\" and \"tank\" are the same kind." ]
[ [ [ "wheelchair", "car", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "highway", "road", "R2.1" ] ], [], [ [ "ropeway", "cable car", "R2.1" ] ], [ [ "aircraft", "tank", "R2.4" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "velvet antler:antlers", "white fungus:fungus", "elephant:ivory", "tank:weapon" ] }
[ "the \"wall\" is part of the \"house\"", "\"antle\" includes \"velvet antler\".", "\"fungus\" includes \"white fungus\".", "\"ivory\" is part of \"elephant\".", "\"weapon\" includes \"tank\"." ]
[ [ [ "house", "wall", "R2.3" ] ], [ [ "velvet antler", "antlers", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "white fungus", "fungus", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "elephant", "ivory", "R2.3" ] ], [ [ "tank", "weapon", "R2.2" ] ] ]
biluochun tea:tea:jiangsu
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "panda:animal:china", "hot pot:sichuan cuisine:chongqing", "carrots:vegetables:nutrition", "magnolia:plant:sichuan" ] }
[ "\"tea\" includes \"biluochun tea\", which comes from \"jiangsu\".", "\"animasl\" includes \"pandas\", which originate from \"china\".", "\"hot pot\" is a way of cooking, not a kind of \"sichuan cuisine\".", "\"carrot\" is a kind of \"vegetable\", and \"nutrition\" is an attribute of the \"vegetable\".", "\"mulan\" is a kind of \"plant\", and \"mulan\" dose not come from \"sichuan\"." ]
[ [ [ "biluochun tea", "tea", "R2.2" ], [ "biluochun tea", "jiangsu", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "panda", "animal", "R2.2" ], [ "panda", "china", "R3.10" ] ], [], [ [ "carrots", "vegetables", "R2.2" ], [ "vegetables", "nutrition", "R3.1" ] ], [ [ "magnolia", "plant", "R2.2" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "chicken egg:egg", "duck egg:duck", "egg:eggshell", "ducks:poultry" ] }
[ "the \"pointer\" is part of the \"alarm\".", "\"chicken egg\" is a kind of \"egg\", not a part of \"egg\".", "\"duck egg\" is produced by \"duck\" which is not part of \"duck egg\".", "\"eggshell\" is part of \"egg\".", "\"duck\" is a type of \"poultry\", but \"poultry\" is not part of \"duck\"." ]
[ [ [ "pointer", "alarm", "R2.3" ] ], [ [ "egg", "egg", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "ducks", "duck egg", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "eggshell", "egg", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "ducks", "poultry", "R2.2" ] ] ]
pop singer:actor
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "dresser:cosmetics", "school laboratory technician:teaching assistant", "feathers:birds", "bulb:desk lamp" ] }
[ "a \"pop singer\" can be an \"actor\", and an \"actor\" can be a \"pop singer\".", "\"cosmetics\" are used in front of the \"dresser\".", "a \"school laboratory technician\" can be a \"teaching assistant\", and a \"teaching assistant\" can be a \"school laboratory experimenter\".", "one of the characteristics of \"birds\" is that they have \"feathers\".", "the \"bulb\" is part of the \"table lamp\"." ]
[ [ [ "pop singer", "actor", "R2.7" ] ], [ [ "dresser", "cosmetics", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "school laboratory technician", "teaching assistant", "R2.7" ] ], [ [ "feathers", "birds", "R3.1" ] ], [ [ "bulb", "desk lamp", "R2.3" ] ] ]
porcelain:the blue and white porcelain
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "antiques:official kiln", "peking opera:painted face", "calligraphy:signature", "tea set:longjing tea" ] }
[ "\"the blue and white porcelain\" is a kind of \"porcelain\".", "\"official kiln\" includes \"antique\".", "one of the characters in \"peking opera\" has a \"painted face\".", "\"signature\" is a form of expression of \"calligraphy\".", "a \"tea set\" is required to taste \"longjing tea\"." ]
[ [ [ "porcelain", "the blue and white porcelain", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "antiques", "official kiln", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "peking opera", "painted face", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "calligraphy", "signature", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "tea set", "longjing tea", "R3.10" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "wood:table", "soy milk:tofu", "dry ice:ice cubes", "soil:dust" ] }
[ "both \"yogurt\" and \"cheese\" belong to dairy products, and milk is the raw material of \"yogurt\" and \"cheese\".", "\"wood\" is the raw material of the \"table\".", "both \"soy milk\" and \"tofu\" belong to soy products, and soybeans are the raw materials of \"soy milk\" and \"tofu\".", "the solid form of carbon dioxide is \"dry ice\", and the solid form of water is \"ice cubes\". the raw materials of the two are different.", "the raw materials of the two are different." ]
[ [ [ "yogurt", "cheese", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "wood", "table", "R3.7" ] ], [ [ "soy milk", "tofu", "R2.4" ] ], [], [] ]
general hospital:dental clinic:tooth extraction
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "pearl river delta:shenzhen:entrepreneurship", "food city:restaurant:banquet", "shenzhen:dameisha:vacation", "office hall:payment window:acceptance" ] }
[ "\"general hospital\" and \"dental clinic\" can \"extract teeth\"", "the \"pearl river delta\" is part of \"shenzhen\".", "\"food city\" and \"restaurant\" can be \"banquet\"", "\"dameisha\" is part of \"shenzhen\".", "the \"payment window\" is part of the \"service hall\"." ]
[ [ [ "general hospital", "dental clinic", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "pearl river delta", "shenzhen", "R2.3" ] ], [ [ "food city", "restaurant", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "dameisha", "shenzhen", "R2.3" ] ], [ [ "payment window", "office hall", "R2.3" ] ] ]
the first prize:the second prize
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "tropical:subtropical", "sesame:flax", "olympic games:asian games", "sub-health:health" ] }
[ "the rankings include \"the first prize\" and \"the second prize\". There is a level difference.", "the climatic zones include \"tropical\" and \"subtropical\". There is a level difference.", "herbs include \"sesame\" and \"flax\". There is not a level difference.", "sports events include the \"olympic games\" and \"asian games\". There is not a level difference.", "physical status includes \"sub-health\" and \"healthy\". There is not a level difference. But the order of words is opposite to the query." ]
[ [ [ "the first prize", "the second prize", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "tropical", "subtropical", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "sesame", "flax", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "olympic games", "asian games", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "sub-health", "health", "R2.4" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "publishing house:books:eyes", "disc:song:ears", "land:corn:mouth", "court:law:brain" ] }
[ "\"news\" can be presented in the form of \"newspapers and periodicals\", and \"news\" is not an object. The audience sees \"news\" with \"eyes\".", "\"books\" are published and distributed by \"publishing houses\", but the carrier of \"books\" is not \"publishing houses\". The audience sees \"books\" with \"eyes\".", "\"songs\" have the carrier of \"records\", and \"Songs\" are not real objects. Listeners use their \"ears\" to listen to \"songs\".", "\"corn\" grows on \"land\", but \"corn\" is a physical object. \"corn\" must be eaten by \"mouth\".", "the \"court\" is based on \"laws\", and there is no obvious logical relationship between \"law\" and \"brain\"." ]
[ [ [ "newspapers", "news", "R3.10" ], [ "news", "eyes", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "publishing house", "books", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "disc", "song", "R3.10" ], [ "song", "ears", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "corn", "land", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "court", "law", "R3.10" ] ] ]
pen:pen holder
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "wall:lamps", "wall hanging:wall", "closet:wardrobe", "teacup:wardrobe" ] }
[ "there is a \"pen\" in the \"pen holder\".", "there are \"lamps\" hanging on the \"wall\".", "\"wall hanging\" hangs on the \"wall\".", "\"closet\" and \"wardrobe\" can store clothes.", "there is no obvious logical relationship between \"teacup\" and \"wardrobe\"." ]
[ [ [ "pen", "pen holder", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "lamps", "wall", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "wall hanging", "wall", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "wardrobe", "wardrobe", "R2.4" ] ], [] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "materialism:idealism", "integer:negative integer", "youth:teenager", "oven:bread" ] }
[ "\"ceramics\" are fired in a \"kiln\", which is the place where \"ceramics\" are made.", "both \"materialism\" and \"idealism\" belong to the basic schools of philosophy, and \"materialism\" is not the place where \"idealism\" is made.", "both \"negative integers\" and natural numbers are \"integers\", and \"integers\" are not the place where \"negative integers\" are made.", "both \"youth\" and \"teenager\" belong to stages of different ages, and \"youth\" is not the place where \"teenagers\" are made.", "the \"bread\" is baked in the \"oven\", which is the place where the \"bread\" is made." ]
[ [ [ "kiln", "ceramics", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "materialism", "idealism", "R2.4" ] ], [ [] ], [ [ "youth", "teenager", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "oven", "bread", "R3.10" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "start:interruption", "contentment:sorrow", "hope:disappointment", "like:hate" ] }
[ "\"success\" is the opposite of \"failure\".", "\"start\" is the antonym of end, not that of \"interruption.\".", "\"contentment\" is a feeling towards life, and \"sadness\" is an emotion. \"contentment\" is the antonym of misfortune, not that of \"sadness\".", "\"hope\" is the antonym of \"disappointment\".", "\"like\" is the opposite of dislike, not \"hate\"." ]
[ [ [ "success", "failure", "R1.2" ] ], [], [], [ [ "hope", "disappointment", "R1.2" ] ], [] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "rainbow:sunshine:house view", "lightning:thunder:charge", "cake:bread:flour", "nuclear fusion:nuclear fission:nuclear energy" ] }
[ "both \"pavilions\" and \"buildings\" are buildings, but in addition to \"pavilions\" and \"buildings\", palaces also belong to buildings, and \"bricks\" are the raw materials for building \"pavilions\" and \"buildings\".", "\"sunshine\" is one of the necessary conditions to produce a \"rainbow\". there is no obvious logical relationship between \"sunshine\", \"rainbow\" and \"house view\".", "\"lightning\" and \"thundering\" are both natural phenomena, but in addition to \"lightning\" and \"thundering\", typhoons are also natural phenomena. positive and negative \"charges\" contact to produce \"lightning\". \"charge\" are the necessary conditions for generating \"lightning\" and \"thunder\", not raw materials.", "\"cake\" and \"bread\" are both pastries, but in addition to \"cake\" and \"bread\", egg tarts also belong to pastry, and \"flour\" is the raw material for making \"cake\" and \"bread\".", "\"nuclear fusion\" and \"nuclear fission\" are both forms of nuclear reactions. \"nuclear fusion\" and \"nuclear fission\" are in the same category. both release \"nuclear energy\", but correspond differently with query." ]
[ [ [ "pavilion", "building", "R2.6" ], [ "brick", "pavilion", "building", "R3.7" ] ], [ [] ], [ [ "lightning", "thunder", "R2.6" ], [ "charge", "lightning", "thunder", "R5.4" ] ], [ [ "cake", "bread", "R2.6" ], [ "flour", "cake", "bread", "R3.7" ] ], [ [ "nuclear fusion", "nuclear fission", "R2.4" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "college students:middle school students:schools", "phd:master:degree", "author:reporter:scholar", "airplane:spacecraft:flying" ] }
[ "\"lawyer\" and \"chef\" are both \"professionals\", in addition to \"lawyers\" and \"chefs\" , teachers are also \"professionals\"", "both \"college students\" and \"middle school students\" study in \"schools\", \"college students\" and \"middle school students\" are not \"schools\"", "\"phd\" and \"master\" are both \"degrees\", in addition to \"phd\" and \"masters\", there are also \"degrees\" for bachelors", "\"author\" and \"scholar\" are different names for people, and \"author\" and \"reporter\" are not \"scholars\".", "both \"airplane\" and \"spacecraft\" can \"fly\", \"airplane\" and \"spacescraft\" are not \"flying\"." ]
[ [ [ "lawyer", "chef", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "college students", "middle school students", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "phd", "master", "R2.4" ] ], [], [] ]
criminals:commit a crime
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "couple:married", "lawyers:debate", "president:visit", "staff:manage" ] }
[ "\"committing a crime\" is a necessary condition for becoming a \"criminal\". only by \"committing a crime\" can there be a \"criminal\".", "\"marriage\" is a necessary condition for becoming a \"husband and wife\", and only by \"marriage\" can there be a \"husband and wife\".", "\"debate\" is not a requirement to be a \"lawyer\".", "\"visit\" is a form of work for the \"president\".", "an \"staff\" is \"managed\", and \"being managed\" is not a necessary condition for becoming an \"staff\"." ]
[ [ [ "commit a crime", "criminals", "R5.4" ] ], [ [ "married", "couple", "R5.4" ] ], [], [ [ "visit", "president", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "manage", "staff", "R4.2" ] ] ]
stone:carving knife:stone carving
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "graphite:diamond:jewelry", "power source:electric light:light", "wood:saw:furniture", "limestone:furnace:glass" ] }
[ "\"stone\" is the material of \"stone carving\", \"carving knife\" is the tool for making \"stone carving\", this process is a physical change, and \"stone carving\" is the finished product.", "\"graphite\" and \"diamond\" are allotropes, which do not correspond to the query.", "\"lights\" are not tools, and \"power sources\" are not materials.", "\"furniture\" is a finished product made of \"wood\" with \"saws\". this process is a physical change process.", "one of the raw materials for making \"glass\" is \"limestone\", but the process of making \"glass\" is a process of chemical change." ]
[ [ [ "stone", "carving knife", "stone carving", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "graphite", "diamond", "R3.10" ] ], [], [ [ "wood", "saw", "furniture", "R3.10" ] ], [] ]
pork:pork floss
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "mahogany:mahogany bed", "lagavulin:lagavulin whisky", "beach:beach chair", " lemon:lemon shark" ] }
[ "\"pork\" is the raw material of \"pork floss\", and \"pork\" and \"pork floss\" have a certain connection.", "\"mahogany\" is the raw material of the \"mahogany bed\", and \"mahogany\" and \"mahogany bed\" have a certain connection.", " \"lagavulin\" is a brand, \"lagavulin\" is not the raw material of \"lagavulin whisky\".", "\"beach\" is sandy shore, \"beach\" is not the raw material of \"beach chair\".", "\"lemon\" is a kind of fruit, \"lemon\" is not the raw material of \"lemon shark\"." ]
[ [ [ "pork", "pork floss", "R3.7" ] ], [ [ "mahogany", "mahogany bed", "R3.7" ] ], [], [], [] ]
classical chinese:ancient chinese
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "linguistics:modern languages", "drama:ancient opera", "vernacular:modern chinese", "documents:ancient documents" ] }
[ "the written form of \"ancient chinese\" is \"classical chinese\".", "\"linguistics\" includes \"modern languages\", and \"modern languages\" have no obvious logical relationship with \"linguistics\".", "\"ancient opera\" is a kind of \"drama\", and the written form of \"ancient opera\" is not \"drama\".", "the written form of \"modern chinese\" is \"vernacular\".", "\"ancient documents\" belong to \"documents\", and the written form of \"ancient documents\" is not \"documents\"." ]
[ [ [] ], [], [ [ "drama", "ancient opera", "R2.2" ] ], [ [] ], [ [ "documents", "ancient documents", "R2.2" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "search:website", "watch:tv", "learning:classroom", "writing:paper" ] }
[ "you can \"swim\" in the \"pool\".", "\"search\" is available on a \"website\", but a \"website\" is not a place.", "\"tv\" will be \"watched\".", "\"learning\" is possible in the \"classroom\".", "you can \"write\" on \"paper\", and \"paper\" is the carrier, not the location." ]
[ [ [ "swimming", "pool", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "search", "website", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "watch", "tv", "R4.2" ] ], [ [ "learning", "classroom", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "writing", "paper", "R3.10" ] ] ]
fish:carp:silver carp
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "nutrition:greens:radish", "plant:lychee:citrus", "landline:mobile:iphone", "carpenter:electrician:engineer" ] }
[ "both \"carps\" and \"silver carps\" belong to the \"fish\" category.", "both \"greens\" and \"radishes\" are vegetables, and both are related to \"nutrition\".", "\"plants\" include \"lychee\" and \"citrus\".", "\"mobile phones\" includes \"iphone\", and neither \"mobile phone\" nor \"iphone\" belong to \"landline\".", "occupations include \"carpenters\", \"electricians\" and \"engineers\"." ]
[ [ [ "carp", "silver carp", "R2.4" ], [ "carp", "silver carp", "fish", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "greens", "radish", "R2.4" ], [ "greens", "radish", "nutrition", "R3.1" ] ], [ [ "lychee", "citrus", "R2.4" ], [ "lychee", "citrus", "plant", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "mobile", "iphone", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "carpenter", "electrician", "engineer", "R2.4" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "tomato sauce:ketchup", "teacher:doctor", "cucumber:radish", "man:woman" ] }
[ "\"logic\" and \"optics\" are different disciplines, in addition to molecular science and so on.", "\"tomato sauce\" is also called \"ketchup\", and \"tomato sauce\" and \"ketchup\" are the same thing.", "in terms of occupation, \"teacher\" and \"doctor\" are two occupations. in terms of human identity, \"teacher\" can be \"doctor\" and \"doctor\" can be \"teacher\".", "\"cucumber\" and \"radish\" are vegetables, in addition to \"cucumber\" and \"radish\", there is also eggplant.", "\"men\" and \"women\" are categories of human gender, and \"men\" and \"women\" are completely complementary." ]
[ [ [ "logic", "optics", "R2.6" ] ], [ [ "tomato sauce", "ketchup", "R2.1" ] ], [ [ "teacher", "doctor", "R2.7" ] ], [ [ "cucumber", "radish", "R2.6" ] ], [ [ "man", "woman", "R2.5" ] ] ]
noisy:quiet environment
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "fatigue:driving safely", "careless:clear-minded", "sluggishness:productivity", "warmth:resist the cold winter" ] }
[ "\"quiet environment\" is an environmental state, and \"noisy\" is a form of environment that is not quiet.", "\"fatigue\" affects \"driving safety\".", "\"clear-mindedness\" is a state of the mind, and \"carelessness\" is manifested as a lack of clarity of mind.", "low \"work efficiency\" may be caused by \"sluggishness\". \"work efficiency\" is not a state.", "\"warmth\" can \"resist the cold winter\", and \"resisting the cold winter\" is a practice, not a state." ]
[ [ [ "quiet environment", "noisy", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "fatigue", "driving safely", "R5.1" ] ], [ [ "clear-minded", "careless", "R3.10" ] ], [], [ [ "warmth", "resist the cold winter", "R3.10" ] ] ]
tangible loss:intangible loss
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "chinese philosophy:western philosophy", "distilled liquor:wine", "acute poisoning:chronic poisoning", "non-ferrous metals:rare metals" ] }
[ "both \"tangible loss\" and \"intangible loss\" are losses, and there are only two types of loss, tangible and intangible, and \"tangible loss\" and \"intangible loss\" conflict.", "in addition to \"chinese philosophy\" and \"western philosophy\", the branches of philosophy include aesthetics and ethics.", "\"distilled wine\" is named after the production process, \"wine\" is named after the raw material, some \"distilled wine\" is \"wine\", and some \"wine\" is \"distilled wine\".", "\"acute poisoning\" means that the poison enters the human body through the skin, mucous membranes, respiratory tract, digestive tract, etc. in a short period of time, causing damage to the body and organ dysfunction. the changes in the body's physiology, biochemistry and pathology caused by entering the body, a poisoning state or disease state with clinical symptoms and signs, \"acute poisoning\" and \"chronic poisoning\" are the same category, \"acute poisoning\" and \"chronic poisoning\" \"contradictory.", "\"rare metal\" is a kind of \"non-ferrous metal\", and \"rare metal\" and \"non-ferrous metal\" do not conflict." ]
[ [ [ "tangible loss", "intangible loss", "R2.5" ] ], [ [ "chinese philosophy", "western philosophy", "R2.6" ] ], [ [ "distilled liquor", "wine", "R2.7" ] ], [ [ "acute poisoning", "chronic poisoning", "R2.5" ] ], [ [ "rare metals", "non-ferrous metals", "R2.2" ] ] ]
down jacket:heating
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "water glass:soup pot", "book:glasses", "wagon:sightseeing boat", "surfing:bathing" ] }
[ "\"down jacket\" and \"heating\" both have the function of keeping warm, but in addition , the \"down jacket\" and \"heating\" sweaters also have the function of keeping warm, and the two functions are similar.", "both the \"water cup\" and \"soup pot\" have the function of holding liquid, but in addition to the \"water cup\" and \"soup pot\", there are other vessels that have the function of holding liquid, and the functions of the two are similar.", "\"books\" can be used to gain knowledge, while \"glasses\" are used to correct vision, and the two functions are not similar.", "the \"wagons\" are used to pull goods, while the \"sightseeing boats\" are used to take tourists to enjoy the scenery. the functions of the two are not similar.", "\"surfing\" is for entertaining , while \"bathing\" is for cleaning. the functions of the two are not similar." ]
[ [ [ "down jacket", "heating", "R2.6" ], [ "down jacket", "heating", "R1.1" ] ], [ [ "water glass", "soup pot", "R2.6" ], [ "water glass", "soup pot", "R1.1" ] ], [], [], [] ]
love:national flag
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "read:the work of shakespeare", "learn:legal logic", "tour:beijing forbidden city", "like:places of interest" ] }
[ "the \"national flag\" will be \"loved\", and \"love\" represents an abstract psychological state.", "\"the work of shakespeare\" will be \"read\", but \"read\" is not a state of mind.", "\"legal logic\" will be \"learned\", but \"learned\" is not a state of mind.", "\"beijing forbidden city\" will be \"toured\", but \"touring\" is not a state of mind.", "\"places of interest\" will be \"liked\", and \"like\" represents an abstract psychological state." ]
[ [ [] ], [ [ "read", "the work of shakespeare", "R4.2" ] ], [ [ "learn", "legal logic", "R4.2" ] ], [ [ "tour", "beijing forbidden city", "R4.2" ] ], [ [ "like", "places of interest", "R4.2" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "water:fire", "inhibition:emotion", "soldier:war", "food:hunger" ] }
[ "\"dyke\" stops the \"flood\".", "both \"water\" and \"fire\" belong to the five elements.", "\"emotion\" can be \"inhibited\".", "the participants in the \"war\" are \"soldiers\".", "\"food\" eliminates \"hunger\"." ]
[ [ [] ], [ [ "water", "fire", "R2.6" ] ], [ [ "inhibition", "emotion", "R4.2" ] ], [], [] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "car:rolls-royce sedan", "ham:Parma", "water:tears", "music:piano piece" ] }
[ "a \"diamond\" is a \"stone\", and a \"diamond\" is expensive.", "a \"rolls-royce sedan\" is a \"car\", and a \"rolls-royce sedan\" is expensive.", "\"parma\" ham is a kind of \"ham\", but \"parma\" is not a \"ham\".", "\"water\" is part of \"tears\".", "a \"piano piece\" is a kind of \"music\", but the general price is not a measure." ]
[ [ [ "stone", "diamond", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "car", "rolls-royce sedan", "R2.2" ] ], [], [ [ "water", "tears", "R2.3" ] ], [ [ "music", "piano piece", "R2.2" ] ] ]
mosquito:mosquito net:mosquito coil
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "yard:wooden gate:iron gate", "rainstorm:umbrella:raincoat", "windows:screens:curtains", "diseases:vaccines:germs" ] }
[ "both \"mosquito nets\" and \"mosquito coils\" are tools to prevent the invasion of \"mosquitoes\". \"mosquito nets\" correspond to \"mosquitoes\" and \"mosquito coils\" correspond to \"mosquitoes\".", "the door of the \"yard\" can be either a \"wooden door\" or an \"iron door\". both \"wooden door\" and \"iron door\" are one type of door.", "both \"umbrella\" and \"raincoat\" are tools to prevent \"storms\", \"umbrella\" corresponds to \"rainstorm\", and \"raincoat\" corresponds to \"rainstorm\".", "\"window\" can install \"screens\", can hang \"curtain\", \"screens\" and \"curtain\" are the same type, but \"screens\", \"curtain\" are not tools of \"window\".", "\"vaccines\" can inhibit some \"germs\" and prevent the occurrence of \"diseases\". \"vaccines\" and \"germs\" are not the same type." ]
[ [ [ "mosquito net", "mosquito coil", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "wooden gate", "iron gate", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "umbrella", "raincoat", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "screens", "curtains", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "vaccines", "germs", "R3.10" ] ] ]
ears:hearing aids
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "eyes:telescope", "fingers:gloves", "lips:mask", "legs:crutches" ] }
[ "\"hearing aid\" is the auxiliary tool of \"ear\", and \"ear\" and \"hearing aid\" have a connection between tool and character identity.", "the \"telescope\" can make the \"eye\" see further, and the \"telescope\" is an auxiliary tool for the extension of the \"eye\".", "\"fingers\" can be protected by \"gloves\", which are protective tools for \"fingers\".", "there is no obvious logical relationship between \"mask\" and \"lips\".", "\"crutches\" can assist \"legs\" to walk, and \"crutches\" are auxiliary tools for \"legs and feet\" recovery, which is consistent with the logical relationship of the query." ]
[ [ [ "ears", "hearing aids", "R3.8" ] ], [ [ "eyes", "telescope", "R3.8" ] ], [ [ "gloves", "fingers", "R3.8" ] ], [], [ [ "legs", "crutches", "R3.8" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "greenhouse:vegetables", "hourglass:time", "fitness:athletics", "chinese medicine:diet therapy" ] }
[ "\"cars\" can be used for \"transportation\".", "\"greenhouse\" can be \"vegetables\". the function of \"greenhouse\" is not \"vegetable\", which is inconsistent with the logic of the query.", "\"hourglass\" can be used to \"time\".", "there is no obvious logical relationship between \"fitness\" and \"athletic\", which is inconsistent with the logic of the question.", "the function of \"chinese medicine\" may be \"diet therapy\", but the function of \"chinese medicine\" is not \"diet therapy\", which is inconsistent with the logic of the question." ]
[ [ [ "car", "transportation", "R3.3" ] ], [ [ "vegetables", "greenhouse", "R3.6" ] ], [ [ "hourglass", "time", "R3.3" ] ], [], [ [ "chinese medicine", "diet therapy", "R3.10" ] ] ]
cinema:audience:watching movies
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "broadcast:audience:anchor", "doctor:patient:inquiry", "concert:singer:singing", "press conference:reporter:question" ] }
[ "the \"cinema\" is the location, people in the \"cinema\" are the \"audience\", and the \"audience\" will \"watch movies\".", "the \"broadcast\" is not the place, the \"broadcast\" is heard by the \"listener\".", "a \"doctor\" is a person, not a place, and a \"patient\" will \"inquire\".", "\"singers\" will open \"concerts\" to \"sing\".", "\"press conferences\" and \"question\" need \"reporters\", and\"reporters\" will \"question\". a \"press conference\" is a location, and the object in \"press conference\" is the \"reporter\"." ]
[ [ [ "cinema", "audience", "R3.6" ] ], [ [ "broadcast", "audience", "R4.4" ], [ "audience", "anchor", "R2.6" ] ], [ [ "doctor", "patient", "R2.4" ], [ "patient", "inquiry", "R4.4" ] ], [ [ "singer", "concert", "R3.6" ] ], [ [ "reporter", "press conference", "R3.6" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "treating:healing", "theft:arrest", "track:hunt", "war:massacre" ] }
[ "\"implementation\" occurs after \"planning\", and the subjects of \"planning\" and \"implementation\" can be the same.", "\"healing\" is because of \"treating\", and the subjects of \"treating\" and \"healing\" are inconsistent.", "\"arrest\" occurs after \"theft\", but the subjects of \"theft\" and \"arrest\" can be the same.", "\"hunting\" occurs after \"tracking\", and the subjects of \"tracking\" and \"hunting\" can be the same.", "\"massacre\" may have been caused by \"war\"." ]
[ [ [ "plan", "implement", "R5.2" ] ], [ [ "treating", "healing", "R5.2" ] ], [ [ "theft", "arrest", "R5.2" ] ], [ [ "track", "hunt", "R5.2" ] ], [ [ "war", "massacre", "R3.10" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "contract:break", "doctor:misdiagnosed", "copycat:counterfeiting", "referee:black whistle" ] }
[ "\"athletes\" cannot use \"doping\", \"athletes\" are characters.", "\"contract\" can be \"broken\", but \"contract\" is not a character.", "\"misdiagnosis\" is a problem that often occurs in clinical work. \"doctors\" may \"misdiagnose\", but \"doctors\" cannot \"misdiagnose\".", "the meaning of \"copycat\" is similar to \"counterfeiting\", and \"copycat\" is not a character.", "the \"referee\" cannot blow the \"black whistle\", and the \"referee\" is a character." ]
[ [ [ "athletes", "doping", "R3.10" ] ], [], [], [ [ "copycat", "counterfeiting", "R1.1" ] ], [ [ "referee", "black whistle", "R3.10" ] ] ]
natural gas:gas:fuel
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "reading digest:feeling:prose", "protractor:compass:stationery", "honeysuckle:flower:traditional chinese medicine", "internet:network:website" ] }
[ "\"natural gas\" is a kind of \"gas\", and \"natural gas\" is also a kind of \"fuel\".", "after reading \"prose\", some people will write \"reading digest\" to express a \"feeling\" after reading.", "both \"protractor\" and \"compass\" are drawing tools, and the \"protractor\" is not a kind of \"stationery\".", "\"honeysuckle\" is a kind of \"flower\", and \"honeysuckle\" is also a kind of \"traditional chinese medicine\".", "a \"website\" is a host that has a domain name or address on the \"internet\" and provides certain network services, a space for storing files, and the \"internet\" is a \"network\"." ]
[ [ [ "natural gas", "gas", "R2.2" ], [ "natural gas", "fuel", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "reading digest", "feeling", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "protractor", "compass", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "honeysuckle", "flower", "R2.2" ], [ "honeysuckle", "traditional chinese medicine", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "internet", "network", "R2.2" ], [ "internet", "website", "R3.10" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "teeth:correction:beautiful", "plastic:processing:toys", "student:excellent:class", "natural gas:extraction:transportation" ] }
[ "\"health\" can be obtained by \"patients\" after \"treatment\", \"treatment\" is the way, and \"health\" is the result.", "\"beauty\" can be obtained by \"correction\" of \"teeth\", \"correction\" is the way, and \"beauty\" is the result.", "\"toy\" can be changed from \"plastic\" after \"processing\", \"toy\" is a finished product, not a result.", "\"excellent\" is a modifier for \"student\".", "\"natural gas\" will be \"extracted\" and \"natural gas\" will be \"transported\"." ]
[ [ [ "patient", "treatment", "health", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "teeth", "correction", "beautiful", "R3.10" ] ], [], [ [ "excellent", "student", "R4.3" ] ], [ [ "extraction", "natural gas", "R4.2" ], [ "natural gas", "transportation", "R4.2" ] ] ]
auction announcement:auction:delivery
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "sue:respond:trial", "catching a cold:taking medicine:fever", "make tea:add water:drink", "power on:power off:restart" ] }
[ "first publish the \"auction announcement\", then the \"auction\", and finally , \"delivery\"", "\"sue\" first, then \"respond\", and finally \"trial\"", "\"catching a cold\" first, then \"fever\", then \"take medicine\", \"take medicine\" and \"fever\" in reverse order", "in the process of \"making tea\", it is necessary to \"adding water\", and \"making tea\" is for \"drinking\". \"drinking\" does not necessarily require \"making tea\" and then \"adding water\"", "in the \"power on\" state, you can directly \"shut down\" or \"restart\" directly. there is no necessary time sequence for the three" ]
[ [ [ "auction announcement", "auction", "delivery", "R5.2" ] ], [ [ "sue", "respond", "trial", "R5.2" ] ], [ [ "catching a cold", "taking medicine", "fever", "R5.2" ] ], [], [] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "pride:self-confidence:complacency", "exquisite:elegant:delicate", "earnestly:meticulously:diligently", "laziness:slack:negativity" ] }
[ "\"solemnly\", \"cautiously\" and \"prudent\" have similar meanings, and all three have the meaning of seriousness and carefulness.", "\"pride\" means feeling proud of oneself, \"confidence\" means believing in oneself, and \"complacency\" is the psychological state of being satisfied with one's own achievements and being complacent. \"pride\", \"confidence\" and \"complacency\" are not similar in meaning.", "\"exquisite\", \"elegant\" and \"delicate\" have similar meanings, and all three have the meaning of exquisite and unique.", "\"earnestly\" means feeling honored by oneself, \"meticulously\" means believing in oneself, and \"diligently\" is the psychological state of being satisfied with one's own achievements and being complacent.", "\"laziness\", \"slack\" and \"negativity\" have similar meanings, and all three have delicate and unique meanings." ]
[ [ [ "solemnly", "cautiously", "prudent", "R1.1" ] ], [], [ [ "delicate", "elegant", "delicate", "R1.1" ] ], [ [ "earnestly", "meticulously", "R1.1" ] ], [ [ "laziness", "slack", "R1.1" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "mountain:river", "lion:tiger", "knife:gun", "clothes:pants" ] }
[ "\"tables\" and \"chairs\" can be used together.", "natural landscapes include \"mountains\" and \"rivers\", which do not need to occur together.", "animals include \"lions\" and \"tigers\", which do not need to be used together.", "weapons include \"knives\" and \"guns\", which do not need to be used together.", "\"clothes\" and \"pants\" can be worn together." ]
[ [ [ "table", "chair", "R3.10" ] ], [], [], [], [ [ "clothes", "pants", "R3.10" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "food:seed:farmer", "article:inspiration:author", "flu:sanitation:doctor", "religion:belief:believer" ] }
[ "\"technology\" belongs to the field and object of \"innovation\", and the actions issued by \"talents\" include \"innovation\". \"talents\" are people who have certain professional knowledge or skills, carry out creative work, and make contributions to society.", "some \"food\" is \"seed\", and some \"seed\" is \"food\".", "the \"author\" must have \"inspiration\" to write the \"article\".", "the reason why you may get the \"flu\" is that you don't pay attention to \"sanitation\" and need to be seen by a \"doctor\".", "the object of \"belief\" includes \"religion\", and the actions issued by \"believers\" include \"belief\". a \"believer\" is a person who \"believes\" in a \"religion\"." ]
[ [ [ "technology", "innovation", "talent", "R3.10" ] ], [], [], [], [ [ "religion", "belief", "believer", "R3.10" ] ] ]
silver dollar:silver:currency
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "bamboo raft:bamboo:wooden boat", "tile:earth:roof", "the chinese lute:wood:string music", "gear:metal:mechine" ] }
[ "\"silver\" is the raw material of the \"silver dollar\", which is a kind of \"currency\".", "\"bamboo\" is the raw material of the \"bamboo raft\". both \"bamboo raft\" and \"wooden boat\" are water vehicles. \"bamboo raft\" is not a kind of \"wooden boat\".", "\"earth\" is the raw material of \"tiles\", which is the component of the \"roof\". the \"tile\" is not a kind of \"roof\".", "\"wood\" is the raw material of \"the chinese lute\", which is a kind of \"string musical\" instrument. \"string music\" can be played by \"the chinese lute\", and it is not a kind of \"string music\".", "\"metal\" is the raw material of a \"gear\", which is a kind of \"machine\"." ]
[ [ [ "silver dollar", "silver", "R3.7" ], [ "silver dollar", "currency", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "bamboo raft", "bamboo", "R3.7" ], [ "bamboo raft", "wooden boat", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "tile", "earth", "R3.7" ], [ "tile", "roof", "R2.3" ] ], [ [ "the chinese lute", "wood", "R3.7" ], [ "the chinese lute", "string music", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "gear", "metal", "R3.7" ], [ "gear", "mechine", "R2.2" ] ] ]