4 values
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "sales:ledger", "doctor's order:doctor", "lyrics:singer", "landmark:tourist" ] }
[ "\"law\" and \"judge\" belong to the basis of correspondence, in which the first word \"law\" is the basis, the second word \"judge\" is the profession, and the \"judge\" judges the case according to the \"law\".", "\"sales\" is a content category for \"ledger\" and the second word \"ledger\" is not a profession.", "\"doctor\" prescribes \"doctor's order\", where \"doctor's order\" refers to the medical order issued by a physician during medical activities.", "\"lyrics\" and \"singers\" belong to the basis correspondence, wherein the first word \"lyrics\" is the basis, the second word \"singer\" is the profession, and the \"singer\" sings songs according to the \"lyrics\".", "a \"tourist\" tours a \"landmark\", where \"landmark\" refers to an iconic area or location in each city and the second word \"tourist\" is not a profession." ]
[ [ [ "law", "judge", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "sales", "ledger", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "doctor's order", "doctor", "R4.4" ] ], [ [ "lyrics", "singer", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "landmark", "tourist", "R4.4" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "sea:ship", "car:land", "zoo:tiger", "sun:crops" ] }
[ "the \"airplane\" flies in the \"sky\".", "the \"ship\" sails on the \"sea\", but the word order is different from that in the query.", "\"cars\" run on the \"land\".", "\"tigers\" are active in \"zoos\", but the word order is different from that in the query.", "the \"sun\" is a necessity for \"crops\" to grow." ]
[ [ [ "airplane", "sky", "R3.5" ] ], [ [ "sea", "ship", "R3.5" ] ], [ [ "car", "land", "R3.5" ] ], [ [ "zoo", "tiger", "R3.5" ] ], [ [] ] ]
common diseases:diabetes:chronic diseases
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "aircraft:rocket:glider", "earth:venus:galaxy", "science fiction:film and tv productions:historical drama", "oxides:sulfur dioxide:pollutants" ] }
[ "\"diabetes\" belongs to \"chronic disease\" and also belongs to \"common disease\". \"chronic diseases\" can be \"common diseases\", and \"common diseases\" can be \"chronic diseases\".", "\"aircrafts\" include \"rockets\" and \"gliders\".", "\"earth\" and \"venus\" are of the same kind, and \"galaxy\" includes \"earth\" and \"venus\".", "\"science fiction\" is a type of \"film and tv productions\", and the word order is inconsistent with the query.", "\"sulfur dioxide\" belongs to \"oxides\" and also belongs to \"pollutants\". \"oxides\" can be \"pollutants\" and \"pollutants\" can be \"oxides\"." ]
[ [ [ "diabetes", "chronic diseases", "R2.2" ], [ "chronic diseases", "common diseases", "R2.7" ] ], [], [ [ "earth", "venus", "galaxy", "R2.3" ] ], [ [ "science fiction", "film and tv productions", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "sulfur dioxide", "oxides", "pollutants", "R2.2" ], [ "oxides", "pollutants", "R2.7" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "vibration:sound", "hurricane:loss", "effort:success", "alcohol:atmosphere" ] }
[ "to have \"shadows\", there must be \"light\", and \"light\" is a necessary condition for \"shadows\".", "to have \"sounds\", there must be \"vibration\", and \"vibration\" is a necessary condition for \"sounds\".", "\"losses\" may be caused by a \"hurricane\". \"hurricane\" is not a necessary condition for \"losses\".", "\"success\" may require \"efforts\". \"efforts\" is not a necessary condition for \"success\".", "there is no obvious logical relationship between \"alcohol\" and \"atmosphere\"." ]
[ [ [ "shadow", "light", "R5.4" ] ], [ [ "sound", "vibration", "R5.4" ] ], [ [ "hurricane", "loss", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "effort", "success", "R3.10" ] ], [] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "branch:scissors", "feathers:clothes", "gourd:water gourd", "peacock:folding fan" ] }
[ "the raw material of \"horn\" is \"conch\", and \"horn\" uses the shape of a \"conch\".", "\"branch\" is trimmed with \"scissors\", and \"scissors\" are not the raw material of \"twig\".", "the raw material of \"clothing\" is \"feather\", and \"clothing\" does not use the shape of \"feather\", which is not similar to the logical relationship of the query.", "the raw material of \"water gourd\" is \"gourd\", \"water gourd\" uses the shape of \"gourd\", which is consistent with the logical relationship of the query.", "the \"folding fan\" is made of \"peacock\" feathers, and the \"folding fan\" only uses part of the \"peacock\"." ]
[ [ [ "conch", "horn", "R3.7" ] ], [ [ "scissors", "branch", "R3.8" ] ], [ [ "feathers", "clothes", "R3.7" ] ], [ [ "gourd", "water gourd", "R3.7" ] ], [ [ "peacock", "folding fan", "R3.10" ] ] ]
physical exam:test:health
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "quality inspection:public announcement:up to standard", "recruitment:interview:hire", "customs declaration:commodity inspection:audit", "exam:evaluate:pass" ] }
[ "the conclusion of \"health\" is obtained by the \"test\" after the \"physical examination\", the subject of which is the person.", "the conclusion of \"up to standard\" or not is obtained through testing after \"quality inspection\", not through \"public announcement\".", "the conclusion of being \"hired\" or not is obtained through an \"interview\" after \"recruitment\", the subject of which, however, is the employer, not the person.", "conclusions are not \"audits\".", "the conclusion of being \"passed\" or not is learned through \"evaluation\" after the \"exam\", the subject of which is the person." ]
[ [ [ "physical exam", "test", "health", "R3.10" ] ], [], [], [], [ [ "exam", "evaluate", "pass", "R3.10" ] ] ]
combination lock:secrecy
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "clock-in:attendance", "firewall:hacking", "monitor:camera", "instagram:mobile phone" ] }
[ "the function of a \"combination lock\" is for \"secrecy\".", "the function of \"colck-in\" is to check on work \"attendance\".", "\"firewall\" has the function of protecting information security, not the function of \"hacking\".", "\"monitor\" has a monitoring function, not a \"camera\" function.", "\"instagram\" has the function of receiving and sharing information in real time, and the \"instagram\" software can be installed on a \"mobile phone\"." ]
[ [], [], [], [], [] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "combination reaction:oxidation reaction:chemical reaction", "reed:chlorophytum:iris", "prosecutor:attorney general:inspector", "director:professor:doctor" ] }
[ "\"congressman\" can be \"manager\" or \"woman\", \"manager\" can be \"congressman\" or \"woman\", \"woman\" can be \"congressman\" or \"manager\", three identities can be reflected in one person,", "both \"combination reaction\" and \"oxidation reaction\" belong to \"chemical reaction\". a \"combination reaction\" cannot be an \"oxidation reaction\".", "\"reed\", \"spider orchid\" and \"iris\" are all plants, and \"reed\" cannot be \"spider orchid\" or \"iris\".", "\"attorney general\" and \"inspector\" are both types of \"prosecutor\". \"attorney general\" cannot be an \"inspector\".", "\"director\" can be \"professor\" or \"doctor\", \"professor\" can be \"director\" or \"doctor\", \"doctor\" can be \"director\" or \"professor\", three identity can be embodied in a person." ]
[ [ [ "congressman", "manager", "woman", "R2.7" ] ], [], [], [], [ [ "director", "professor", "doctor", "R2.7" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "car:truck", "aircraft:rocket", "telpher:mountain road", "wooden boat:steamboat" ] }
[ "both \"trains\" and \"subways\" belong to daily transportation tools. and they are both running on land.", "both \"cars\" and \"trucks\" belong to daily transportation tools. and they are both running on land.", "\"aircraft\" belongs to daily transportation tools which do not include \"rockets\", a means of delivery.", "a \"telpher\", also known as a chairlift, a cable car, or a pulley system, is a means of transportation that usually carries passengers or goods up and down the rugged hillside,sssss but the \"mountain road\" is not a means of transportation.", "\"wooden boats\" powered by steam can be called \"steamboats\", and \"steamboats\" can also be \"wooden boats. the two both run in water." ]
[ [ [ "train", "subway", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "car", "truck", "R2.4" ] ], [], [ [ "telpher", "mountain road", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "wooden boat", "steamboat", "R2.7" ] ] ]
paper:floor plan:scale
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "shoes:leather:socks", "fabric:clothing:style", "media:news:headlines", "cup:cola:soda" ] }
[ "\"floor plans\" are rendered on \"paper\" according to the \"scale\".", "the raw material of \"shoes\" is \"leather\", and the word order of \"leather\" and \"shoes\" is inconsistent with the query.", "\"clothing\" is presented in \"style\" according to \"fabric\".", "the carrier of \"news\" is the \"media\", and \"news\" is not written based on \"headlines\".", "\"soda\" includes \"coke\"." ]
[ [ [ "paper", "scale", "floor plan", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "leather", "shoes", "R3.7" ] ], [ [ "style", "fabric", "clothing", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "media", "news", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "cola", "soda", "R2.2" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ " inexorable:overcautious", "achieve:reach", "play:carry forward", "minerals:ore" ] }
[ "\"food\" is a type of \"food\".", "\" inexorable\" means not knowing how to adapt, and \"overcautious\" means being overly cautious. there is no obvious connection between the two.", "\"achieving\" refers to reaching, getting, and mostly refers to abstract things or degrees, and \"reaching\" refers to reaching a certain place or stage, with similar meanings.", "\"play\" means to show the inner nature or ability, \"carry forward\" means to develop and advocate, and the meaning is similar.", "\"ore\" belongs to \"mineral\"." ]
[ [ [ "food", "food", "R2.2" ] ], [], [ [ "achieve", "reach", "R1.1" ] ], [ [ "play", "carry forward", "R1.1" ] ], [ [ "minerals", "ore", "R2.2" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "hare:grass", "animal:vertebrate", "reptiles:mammals", "insects:fish" ] }
[ "a \"farmer\" is a kind of \"laborer\".", "the food of the \"hare\" is \"grass\".", "a \"vertebrate\" is an \"animal\".", "vertebrates include \"reptiles\" and \"mammals\". \"mammal\" is not a \"reptile\".", "animal groups include \"insects\" and \"fish\", and \"fish\" is not a type of \"insect\"." ]
[ [ [ "laborer", "farmer", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "hare", "grass", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "animal", "vertebrate", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "reptiles", "mammals", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "insects", "fish", "R2.4" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "aggressive:enterprising", "attention:negligence", "tolerance:laissez-faire", "clever:shrewd" ] }
[ "\"thrifty\" and \"stingy\" have similar meanings. \"thrifty\" is a positive word , while \"stingy\" is a derogatory one.", "the meaning of \"aggressive\" is similar to that of \"enterprising\", but the former is a derogatory term and the latter is a positive one.", "\"attention\" is the opposite of \"negligence\". the former refers to care and emphasis while the latter refers to carelessness and neglect.", "\"tolerance\" and \"laissez-faire\" have similar meanings. the former is a positive word, and the latter is a derogatory one.", "\"clever\" and \"shrewd\" have similar meanings. the former means alert and keen, and the latter means capable and intelligent." ]
[ [ [ "thrifty", "stingy", "R1.1" ] ], [ [ "aggressive", "enterprising", "R1.1" ] ], [ [ "attention", "negligence", "R1.2" ] ], [ [ "tolerance", "laissez-faire", "R1.1" ] ], [] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "teacher:professor", "police:general", "doctor:manager", "white wine:red wine" ] }
[ "\"colonel\" is a military rank possessed by an \"officer\".", "\"professor\" is a title for \"teacher\".", "\"general\" is not a title of \"police\".", "both \"doctor\" and \"manager\" belong to occupations, and \"manager\" is not a title of \"doctor\".", "both \"white wine\" and \"red wine\" belong to the category of alcohol, and \"red wine\" is not a kind of \"white wine\"." ]
[ [ [] ], [ [] ], [ [] ], [ [] ], [ [ "white wine", "red wine", "R2.4" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "newspaper:journalist", "wheat:farmer", "table and chair:carpenter", "fishing net:fisherman" ] }
[ "\"editors\" edit writings, and \"text\" is a tool used in the work of an \"editor\".", "the staff engaged in interviewing and reporting are \"journalists\", and \"newspapers\" are not tools used by \"journalists\" in their work.", "\"wheat\" is the fruit of the \"farmer\"'s work, and \"wheat\" is not a tool used by the \"farmer\" to work.", "\"table and chair\" are the final result of the work of a \"carpenter\", and the \"table and chair\" are not the tools used by the \"carpenter\" when working.", "the tool used by the \"fisherman\" is the \"fishing net\"." ]
[ [ [ "text", "editor", "R3.10" ] ], [], [], [], [ [ "fishing net", "fisherman", "R3.10" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "regulation:corruption", "value:price", "law:rights", "contract:justice" ] }
[ "\"ethics\" constrains \"behavior\", and \"behavior\" is a neutral word.", "\"regulation\" constraints, \"corruption\", \"corruption\" are derogatory terms.", "\"value\" determines \"price\", not a constraint.", "\"law\" binds \"right\", and \"right\" is a neutral word.", "there is no obvious logical relationship between \"contract\" and \"justice\"." ]
[ [ [ "ethics", "behaviour", "R3.10" ] ], [], [], [ [ "law", "rights", "R3.10" ] ], [] ]
virus:infectious disease:epidemic
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "drug driving:car accidents:harmful", "market:transaction:spontaneity", "noise:hearing impairment:universal", "sweet food:obesity:sudden" ] }
[ "\"infectious diseases\" are caused by \"viruses\", and \"infectious diseases\" are \"epidemic\".", "\"car accidents\" may be caused by \"drug driving\", and \"car accidents\" are \"harmful\".", "a \"market\" is a place for \"trading\".", "\"hearing impairment\" may be caused by \"noise\". \"hearing impairment\" is not \"universal\".", "\"obesity\" may be caused by \"sweet food\", and \"obesity\" is not \"sudden\"." ]
[ [ [ "virus", "epidemic", "R5.1" ] ], [ [ "drug driving", "harmful", "R5.1" ] ], [], [], [] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "north:cold", "money:success", "height:weight", "work hours:quality" ] }
[ "\"cost\" must affect \"price\".", "\"north\" does not affect \"coldness\".", "\"money\" does not necessarily affect \"success\".", "\"height\" must affect \"weight\".", "\"work hours\" must affect the workload, not \"quality\"." ]
[ [ [ "cost", "price", "R3.10" ] ], [], [], [ [] ], [] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "tank:container:hold water", "clock:time:timekeep", "grass:plant:feed cattle", "tile:building material:build wall" ] }
[ "a \"pen\" is a type of \"stationery\", and the \"pen\" is an artificial object; the function of a \"pen\" is \"writing\".", "a \"tank\" is a kind of \"container\", and a \"tank\" is an artificial object, and the function of the \"tank\" is to \"hold water\".", "\"clocks\" can show \"time\", a \"clock\" is not a kind of \"time\", while the function of a \"clock\" is \"timekeeping\".", "\"grass\" is a type of \"plant\". \"grass\" can be used to \"feed cattle\", but \"grass\" is a natural thing, not an artificial thing.", "\"tiles\" are a kind of \"building material , but \"tiles\" are used to cover the roof, not \"build walls\"." ]
[ [ [] ], [ [] ], [ [ "clock", "time", "R3.10" ] ], [ [] ], [ [ "tile", "building material", "R2.2" ] ] ]
san antonio river walk:texas
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "grand canyon:alaska", "olympic national park:washington", "new york:statue of liberty", "chicago:navy pier" ] }
[ "the \"san antonio river walk\" scenic spot is located in \"texas\".", "the \"grand canyon\" scenic spot is located in arizona, not \"alaska\".", "the scenic spot of \"olympic national park\" is located in \"washington\".", "the scenic spot of \"statue of liberty\" is located in \"new york\". But the order is the opposite of the query.", "the scenic spot of \"navy pier\" is located in \"chicago\". But the order is the opposite of the query." ]
[ [ [ "san antonio river walk", "texas", "R3.10" ] ], [], [ [ "olympic national park", "washington", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "statue of liberty", "new york", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "navy pier", "chicago", "R3.10" ] ] ]
ministry of education:ministry of finance:country
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "ministry of commerce:ministry of information industry:department", "department of academic affairs:department of finance:school", "village committee:standing committee:township", "committee:department of political affairs:overseas chinese federation" ] }
[ "the \"ministry of education\" and the \"ministry of finance\" both belong to the administrative organs of the \"country\". in addition to the \"ministry of education\" and the \"ministry of finance\", the ministry of foreign affairs also belongs to the administrative organs of the \"country\".", "\"ministry of commerce\" and \"ministry of information industry\" belong to \"departments\".", "\"department of academic affairs\" and \"department of finance\" are one category, \"department of academic affairs\" is part of \"school\", and \"department of finance\" is also part of \"school\".", "there is no obvious logical relationship between \"village committee\" and \"standing committee\".", "there is no obvious logical relationship between \"committee\" and \"department of political affairs\"." ]
[ [ [ "ministry of education", "ministry of finance", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "ministry of commerce", "ministry of information industry", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "department of academic affairs", "department of finance", "R2.4" ] ], [], [] ]
tides:moon gravity:sun gravity
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "earthquake:tsunami:volcanic eruption", "car accident:illegal driving:drunk driving", "pollution:human activity:tail emission", "mudslides:torrential rain:deforestation" ] }
[ "\"tide\" occurs because of the combined action of \"moon gravity\" and \"sun gravity\"", "a \"tsunami\" is a destructive ocean wave produced by an undersea \"earthquake\", volcanic eruption, undersea landslide or meteorological changes. \"earthquakes\" and \"volcanic eruptions\" may trigger \"tsunamis\".", "the cause of a \"car accident\" can be a \"car accident\" or \"illegal driving\", and the combined effect of \"car accident\" and \"illegal driving\" is not required", "the cause of \"pollution\" can be either \"pollution\" or \"human activities\", and there is no need for the combined effect of \"pollution\" and \"human activities\"", "\"mudslide\" occurred because of the combined effect of \"torrential rain\" and \"deforestation\"." ]
[ [ [ "tides", "moon gravity", "sun gravity", "R5.1" ] ], [ [ "earthquake", "tsunami", "volcanic eruption", "R5.1" ] ], [], [], [ [ "mudslides", "torrential rain", "deforestation", "R5.1" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "shuttlecock kicking:harmonica", "throwing the handkerchief:magic", "slide:lever", "swing:pendulum" ] }
[ "\"seesaw\" and \"balance\" have the same principle and are of the same kind.", "\"kicking the shuttlecock\" is a sport, and the \"harmonica\" is a musical instrument.", "\"throwing the handkerchief\" is a game; \"magic\" is a performance art, and the principles of \"throwing the handkerchief\" and \"magic\" are different. they are not the same.", "the principle of \"slide\" and \"lever\" is different. they are not the same kind.", "\"swing on a swing\" and \"pendulum\" have the same principle and are of the same kind." ]
[ [ [ "seesaw", "balance", "R2.4" ] ], [], [], [], [ [ "swing", "pendulum", "R2.4" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "library:books", "proposition:concept", "rational numbers:positive fractions", "earth:satellite" ] }
[ "\"german\" belongs to \"language\".", "\"books\" are stored in the \"library\", and the corresponding location of \"books\" is \"library\".", "\"proposition\" refers to the semantics (concept actually expressed) of a judgment (statement), which is a \"concept\", but the word order is inconsistent with the query.", "\"positive fractions\" belong to \"rational numbers\".", "\"earth\" is a planet, not a \"satellite\"." ]
[ [ [ "german", "language", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "books", "library", "R3.6" ] ], [ [ "proposition", "concept", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "positive fractions", "rational numbers", "R2.2" ] ], [] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "black:humor", "purple:elegance", "white:horror", "red:striking" ] }
[ "\"blue\" can be likened to \"melancholy\".", "\"black\" cannot be a metaphor for \"humor. \"black\" symbolizes solemnity and calmness.", "\"purple\" can be likened to \"elegance\".", "\"white\" cannot be a metaphor for \"horror\". \"white\" symbolizes fairness and purity.", "\"red\" cannot be a metaphor for \"striking\". \"red\" symbolizes vitality and enthusiasm." ]
[ [ [ "blue", "melancholy", "R3.4" ] ], [], [ [ "purple", "elegance", "R3.4" ] ], [], [] ]
steel chain bridge:steel
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "stone tower:bricks", "bun:flour", "erhu:strings", "Internet:optical fiber" ] }
[ "one of the main raw materials of a \"chain bridge\" is \"steel\", and the \"chain bridge\" can be made of \"steel\".", "the main raw material of the \"stone tower\" is stone, not \"brick\".", "\"flour\" is not a property of \"buns.", "wood is one of the main raw materials of \"erhu\", and \"string\" is the component of \"erhu\", not the raw material of \"erhu\"", "the \"internet\" is not a physical object, \"optical fiber\" is used as an information transmission medium to provide \"internet\" access services, and the raw material of the \"internet\" is not \"optical fiber\"" ]
[ [ [ "steel chain bridge", "steel", "R3.7" ] ], [], [ [ "bun", "flour", "R3.7" ] ], [ [ "erhu", "strings", "R2.3" ] ], [] ]
black bamboo:botanist
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "movie:movie fan", "shale:geologist", "entomologist:insects", "tile:inlay" ] }
[ "\"black bamboo\" is the research object of \"botanist\", and \"black bamboo\" corresponds to \"botanist\".", "\"movie fans\" like to watch \"movies\", and \"movie fans\" correspond to \"movies\", but they are not researchers of \"movies\".", "\"shale\" is the research object of \"geologists\", and \"shale\" corresponds to \"geologists\".", "\"insect\" is the research object of \"entomologist\", \"insect\" corresponds to \"entomologist\", but the word order is inconsistent with the query.", "\"tiles\" will be \"inlaid\"." ]
[ [ [ "black bamboo", "botanist", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "movie fan", "movie", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "shale", "geologist", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "insects", "entomologist", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "inlay", "tile", "R4.2" ] ] ]
fast food:chinese fast food:japanese fast food
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "team:captain:player", "act:legal act:illegal act", "color:black:white", "gym class:music lessons:english class" ] }
[ "both \"chinese fast food\" and \"japanese fast food\" are a kind of \"fast food\", \"chinese fast food\" and \"japanese fast food\" are both fast food, and american fast food is also \"fast food\".", "the \"captain\" and \"players\" are part of a \"team\", and the \"captain\" cannot be said to be a kind of \"team\".", "\"act\" includes \"lawful conduct\" and \"unlawful conduct\", and constitutes the entirety of an \"act\".", "\"black\" and \"white\" are a kind of \"color\", \"black\" and \"white\" are both colors, and red is also a \"color\".", "the options are three kinds of courses." ]
[ [ [ "chinese fast food", "japanese fast food", "R2.6" ] ], [ [ "captain", "team", "R2.3" ], [ "player", "team", "R2.3" ] ], [ [ "legal act", "act", "R2.2" ], [ "illegal act", "act", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "black", "white", "R2.6" ] ], [ [ "gym class", "music lessons", "english class", "R2.4" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "age:naive", "power supply:resistance", "altitude:air pressure", "pressure:friction" ] }
[ "the magnitude of the \"gravity\" of an object is proportional to the \"mass\" of the object, and the \"gravity\" will be affected by the \"mass\"", "whether \"naive\" has nothing to do with \"age\", \"age\" does not affect \"naive\"", "the \"resistance\" of an object refers to the resistance of the object to the current. the size of the \"resistance\" has nothing to do with the \"power supply\", and the \"power supply\" does not affect the \"resistance\".", "\"air pressure\" generally decreases exponentially with the increase of \"altitude\", and \"air pressure\" will be affected by \"altitude\".", "\"pressure\" affects friction, \"pressure\" does not affect \"friction\"." ]
[ [ [ "mass", "gravity", "R5.1" ] ], [], [], [ [ "altitude", "air pressure", "R5.1" ] ], [] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "clock:time", "steel:hardness", "bullet:speed", "balance:weight" ] }
[ "\"distance\" can be measured with a \"ruler\".", "\"clocks\" are used to show \"time\". it is a tool to measure \"time\".", "\"steel\" has the property of \"hardness\". it is not a tool to measure \"hardness\".", "\"bullets\" have a certain \"speed\". it is not a tool to measure \"speed\".", "a \"weight\" is a component of a \"balance\", which is not a tool for measuring \"weights\"." ]
[ [ [ "ruler", "distance", "R3.3" ] ], [ [ "clock", "time", "R3.3" ] ], [ [ "steel", "hardness", "R3.1" ] ], [], [ [ "balance", "weight", "R2.3" ] ] ]
insulation cup:glass cup
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "telescope:microscope", "bicycle:tricycle", "nightdress:silk skirt", "incandescent lamps:led lamps" ] }
[ "some \"insulation cups\" are \"glass cups\"; some \"glass cups\" are \"insulation cups\". \"insulation cups\" are named according to their functions, and \"glass cups\" are named according to raw materials.", "\"telescope\" and \"microscope\" are the same.", "some \"bicycles\" are \"tricycles\"; some \"tricycles\" are \"bicycles\", and \"tricycles\" are named according to the number of wheels.", "some \"nightdresses\" are \"silk skirts\"; some \"silk skirts\" are \"nightdresses\". \"nightdresses\" are named according to functions, and \"silk skirts\" are named according to raw materials.", "\"incandescent lamp\" and \"led lamp\" are of the same kind, and they are both types of lamps." ]
[ [ [ "insulation cup", "glass cup", "R2.7" ] ], [ [ "telescope", "microscope", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "bicycle", "tricycle", "R2.7" ] ], [ [ "nightdress", "silk skirt", "R2.7" ] ], [ [ "incandescent lamps", "led lamps", "R2.4" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "chef:cook:food", "student:study:exam", "lawyer:court:case", "cleaner:mop:garbage" ] }
[ "\"singers\" can \"sing\" \"songs\".", "\"chefs\" can \"cook\" \"food\".", "\"students\" can \"study\". \"study\" and \"exam\" have no obvious logical relationship.", "a \"court\" is where a \"lawyer\" works.", "a \"mop\" is a working tool for a \"cleaner\"." ]
[ [ [ "singer", "sing", "song", "R4.1" ] ], [ [ "chef", "cook", "food", "R4.1" ] ], [ [ "student", "study", "R4.1" ] ], [ [ "lawyer", "court", "R3.6" ] ], [ [ "mop", "cleaner", "R3.10" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "bike-sharing:rent", "electronic newspapers:convenient", "matrix qr code:payment", "the art of paper cutting:spreading" ] }
[ "\"land\" will be \"cultivated\".", "\"bike-sharing\" is a necessary condition for \"rental\".", "the \"electronic newspaper\" is \"convenient\".", "\"payment\" needs to go through the \"matrix qr code\".", "\"the art of paper cutting\" will be \"spread\"." ]
[ [ [ "cultivated", "land", "R4.2" ] ], [ [ "bike-sharing", "rent", "R5.4" ] ], [ [ "electronic newspapers", "convenient", "R3.1" ] ], [ [ "matrix qr code", "payment", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "spreading", "the art of paper cutting", "R4.2" ] ] ]
spring and summer:autumn and winter
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "birth, old age:sickness, death", "yesterday:today", "sunrise:sunset", "thunder:heavy rain" ] }
[ "\"spring and summer\" and \"autumn and winter\" are the four seasons of a year. there are no other seasons except \"spring and summer\" and \"autumn and winter\".", "in buddhism, the four sufferings of human beings refer to \"birth, aging\" and \"death, illness\". aside from these four, there is no other suffering.", "\"yesterday\" and \"today\" represent different time periods, but there are other time periods , such as the day before yesterday.", "\"sunrise\" and \"sunset\" are two times of the day, but there are other times , such as noon.", "\"thunder\" and \"heavy rain\" indicate different weather conditions, but there are other weather conditions , such as sunny days." ]
[ [ [] ], [ [] ], [ [] ], [ [] ], [ [] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "thief:pickpocket", "pedals:bicycle", "portrait:decoration", "penalty:death penalty" ] }
[ "\"vigilantes\" are not \"policemen\", but they can play the function of assisting the people's police in performing official duties according to law or engaging in other auxiliary affairs.", "\"pickpocket\" is another name for \"thief\", and \"pickpocket\" can also be called \"thief\".", "\"pedals\" are part of the \"bicycle\".", "\"portrait\" is not \"decoration\", but it can play the role of decoration.", "the \"death penalty\" is a type of \"penalty\"." ]
[ [ [] ], [ [ "pickpocket", "thief", "R2.1" ] ], [ [ "pedals", "bicycle", "R2.3" ] ], [ [] ], [ [] ] ]
green dill:plant
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "metal:aluminum", "hammer:shovel", "animal:zebra", "butterfly:insect" ] }
[ "\"green dill\" is a \"plant\".", "\"aluminum\" is a kind of \"metal\", but the order of words is inconsistent with the query.", "\"hammers\" and \"shovels\" are both tools, but in addition to \"hammers\" and \"shovels\" there are iron bars. a \"hammer\" is not a \"shovel\".", "\"zebra\" is an \"animal\", but the sequence of words is inconsistent with the query.", "a \"butterfly\" is an \"insect\"." ]
[ [ [ "green dill", "plant", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "aluminum", "metal", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "hammer", "shovel", "R2.6" ] ], [ [ "zebra", "animal", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "butterfly", "insect", "R2.2" ] ] ]
professor:associate professor:lecturer
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "expulsion:demerit:warning", "criminal law:civil law:morality", "business mobile phone:smart phone:4g mobile phone", "engine:internal combustion engine:electric motor" ] }
[ "\"professor\", \"associate professor\", and \"lecturer\" are all teachers who give lectures in the university. \"professor\", \"associate professor\", and \"lecturer\" are of the same kind, and the level is gradually reduced from front to back.", "\"expulsion\", \"demerit\", and \"warning\" are all punishments, while \"expulsion\", \"demerit\", and \"warning\" are of the same kind, and the degree of punishment decreases gradually from front to back.", "\"criminal law\" and \"civil law\" are both laws. \"morality\", \"criminal law\", and \"civil law\" are of the same kind. \"morality\" and \"criminal law\" and \"civil law\" are not the same level.", "\"business mobile phone\", \"smart phone\" and \"4g mobile phone\" are all mobile phones. \"business mobile phone\" is also a \"smart phone\", and \"4g mobile phone\" is also a \"business mobile phone\".", "both \"internal combustion engine\" and \"electric motor\" are \"engines\". \"internal combustion engine\" is an \"electric motor\", and an \"electric motor\" is also an \"engine\"." ]
[ [ [ "professor", "associate professor", "lecturer", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "expulsion", "demerit", "warning", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "criminal law", "civil law", "morality", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "business mobile phone", "smart phone", "R2.7" ] ], [ [ "internal combustion engine", "engine", "R2.7" ], [ "electric motor", "engine", "R2.7" ] ] ]
reform:college entrance examination:fair
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "mediation:law:voluntary", "management:food:safety", "agency:attorney:efficiency", "group buying:internet:save money" ] }
[ "the purpose of \"reform\" in the \"college entrance examination\" is \"fairness\"", "the purpose of \"mediation\" by \"law\" is not \"voluntary\"", "\"food\" is \"managed\" for the purpose of \"safety\"", "the purpose of \"representation\" by an \"attorney\" is not \"efficiency\"", "the purpose of \"group purchase\" on the \"internet\" is to \"save money\", and the purpose of \"group purchase\" on the \"internet\" is not to \"save money\"." ]
[ [ [ "reform", "college entrance examination", "fair", "R3.10" ] ], [], [ [ "management", "food", "safety", "R3.10" ] ], [], [ [ "group buying", "internet", "save money", "R3.10" ] ] ]
black tea:fermentation:health care
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "silk:dye:collection", "petroleum:distillation:combustion", "traditional chinese medicine:picking:treating diseases", "jade bracelet:polish:decoration" ] }
[ "the production of \"black tea\" must go through the process of \"fermentation\", so that \"black tea\" can have the function of \"health care\"", "the process of \"dyeing\" can be carried out in the production process of \"silk\", but \"dyeing\" is not a necessary process. \"silk\" does not have the function of \"collection\", but has the value of \"collection\".", "\"petroleum\" is crude oil that can be \"combustion\" and does not need to be \"distilled\".", "\"traditional chinese medicine\" can \"treating disease\", and \"picking\" is a collecting activity, which is not an essential process in the production process of \"traditional chinese medicine\".", "making \"jade bracelets\" must go through the process of \"polishing\", so that \"jade bracelets\" can have the function of \"decoration\"" ]
[ [ [ "black tea", "health care", "R3.3" ] ], [], [], [], [ [ "jade bracelet", "decoration", "R3.3" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "pigment:food:additive", "bookmarks:reading:tools", "mask-changing:performance:art", "news:documentary:style" ] }
[ "\"sketch\" is a form of \"painting\" with a \"monochrome\" attribute, and \"sketching\" is a type of \"painting\".", "\"pigment\" is an \"additive\", but the attribute of \"pigment\" is not \"food\".", "the \"bookmark\" is a kind of \"tool\", but the attribute of \"bookmark\" is not \"reading\".", "\"mask-changing\" is a kind of \"art\" and an artistic \"performance\" with the nature of \"performance\".", "\"news\" belongs to the \"documentary\" \"style\", with the characteristics of \"documentary\"." ]
[ [ [ "sketch", "monochrome", "R3.1" ], [ "sketch", "painting", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "pigment", "additive", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "bookmarks", "tools", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "mask-changing", "art", "R2.2" ], [ "mask-changing", "performance", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "news", "documentary", "R3.1" ], [ "news", "style", "R2.2" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "scissors:clothes:tailor", "twig:brush:student", "dslr:camera:photography", "movie:set:director" ] }
[ "the \"weapon\" of a \"criminal\" can be a \"dagger\".", "the \"clothes\" of a \"tailor\" cannot be \"scissors\".", "the \"brush\" of \"student\" can be a \"twig\".", "\"slr\" is a way of framing a \"camera\". \"slr\" refers to single-lens reflex, and \"photography\" is one of the functions of the \"camera\". the two belong to a functional correspondence, but they are inconsistent with the corresponding way of the question.", "the “director” shoots the “movie” on the “set”, and the \"set\" is the place where the \"director\" shoots the \"movie\", which is inconsistent with the question." ]
[ [ [ "dagger", "weapon", "criminal", "R3.10" ] ], [], [ [ "twig", "brush", "student", "R3.10" ] ], [], [] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "pine tree:plant", "forbidden city:architecture", "the painted veil:books", "sun:star" ] }
[ "\"Socrates\" belongs to \"human being\", and \"Socrates\" is an individual.", "\"plant\" includes \"pine tree\", and \"pine tree\" is a class, not an individual.", "\"architecture\" includes \"forbidden city\", \"forbidden city\" is a group of buildings, not a single individual.", "\"the painted veil\" belongs to \"books\", and \"the painted veil\" belongs to novels, not individuals.", "the \"sun\" is a kind of \"star\", and the \"sun\" is an individual." ]
[ [ [ "socrates", "humans", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "pine tree", "plant", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "forbidden city", "architecture", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "the painted veil", "books", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "sun", "star", "R2.2" ] ] ]
fish tank:goldfish
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "forest:tiger", "sky:eagle", "cage:lion", "zoo:monkey" ] }
[ "\"fish tank\" is the activity place of \"goldfish\", and it restricts the activity range of \"goldfish\". the space of a \"fish tank\" is small.", "the \"forest\" is the activity place of \"tigers\". \"forests\" do not limit the activity range of \"tigers\", and \"forests\" have a large space.", "the \"sky\" is the activity place of \"eagles\". the \"sky\" does not limit the scope of \"eagles'\" activities, and it has a large space.", "the \"cage\" is the place where the \"lion\" moves. the \"cage\" limits the range of activities of the \"lion\", and its space is small.", "the \"zoo\" is an activity place for \"monkeys\". \"zoos\" limit the scope of \"monkeys'\" activities, but its space is not small." ]
[ [ [ "fish tank", "goldfish", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "forest", "tiger", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "sky", "eagle", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "cage", "lion", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "zoo", "monkey", "R3.10" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "pool:spray:diving", "vascular:blood:cell", "forest:tree:bird", "sky:airflow:hot air balloon" ] }
[ "there are \"waves\" in the \"ocean\", and the power source of the \"surfboard\" is the \"waves\".", "there is \"spray\" in the \"pool\", but the power source of \"diving\" is not \"spray\".", "\"blood\" is in the \"vascular\", but the power source of a \"cell\" is not \"blood\".", "the \"trees\" are in the \"forest\", but the power source of the \"bird\" is not the \"trees\".", "the \"airflow\" is in the \"sky\", and the power source of the \"hot air balloon\" is the \"airflow\"." ]
[ [ [ "ocean", "waves", "R3.6" ], [ "waves", "surfboard", "R5.4" ] ], [ [ "pool", "spray", "R3.6" ] ], [ [ "vascular", "blood", "R3.6" ] ], [ [ "forest", "tree", "R3.6" ] ], [ [ "sky", "airflow", "R3.6" ], [ "airflow", "hot air balloon", "R5.4" ] ] ]
seawater:salt:cell dehydration
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "deforestation:sandstorms:reforestation", "carbonated beverage:carbon dioxide:osteoporosis", "motor transport:nitrogen dioxide:temperature rising", "greenhouse effect:ozone depletion:skin cancer" ] }
[ "\"salt\" is a component of \"seawater\", and ingesting too much \"salt\" can lead to \"cell dehydration\".", "too much 'deforestation' can lead to 'sandstorms'", "\"carbon dioxide\" is a component of \"carbonated beverages\", and excessive intake of \"carbon dioxide\" can lead to \"osteoporosis\".", "\"motor transportation\" may emit \"nitrogen dioxide\", which is a product of the behavior of \"automobile transportation\", not a component", "\"ozone depletion\" causes the \"greenhouse effect\" to increase, and \"ozone depletion\" is the cause, not a component" ]
[ [ [ "seawater", "salt", "R2.3" ], [ "salt", "cell dehydration", "R5.1" ] ], [ [] ], [ [ "carbonated beverage", "carbon dioxide", "R2.3" ], [ "carbon dioxide", "osteoporosis", "R5.1" ] ], [], [] ]
seeds:withstand the test of burial
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "vegetable:an herb", "radish:leaf pinnate", "young crops:hope for the future", "tapioca:can be used to make starch" ] }
[ "\"seed\" represents the meaning of \"withstand the test of burial\", and \"withstand the test of burial\" is an abstract description.", "\"vegetable\" is \"an herb\" and \"an herb\" is a specific description.", "\"leaf pinnateness\" is a description of the trait \"radish\", \"leaf pinnateness\" is a specific description.", "\"young crops\" represents the meaning of \"hope for the future\", and \"hope for the future\" is an abstract description.", "\"can be used to make starch\" is a description of the function of \"cassava\", \"can be used to make starch\" is a specific description." ]
[ [ [ "seeds", "withstand the test of burial", "R3.4" ] ], [ [ "vegetable", "an herb", "R3.10" ] ], [], [ [ "young crops", "hope for the future", "R3.4" ] ], [] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "tv:electrical appliances", "traditional chinese medicine:plants", "painting:psalm", "table:coffee table" ] }
[ "\"vase\" can be \"porcelain\" and \"porcelain\" can be \"vase\".", "\"electrical appliance\" includes \"tv\".", "\"chinese medicine\" refers to the medicines used in traditional chinese medicine, with \"plants\" as the main including animals and minerals. \"chinese medicine\" can be \"plants\", and \"plants\" can be \"chinese medicines\".", "\"painting\" and \"psalm\" are one category.", "\"coffee table\" is a kind of \"table\"." ]
[ [ [ "vase", "porcelain", "R2.7" ] ], [ [ "tv", "electrical appliances", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "traditional chinese medicine", "plants", "R2.7" ] ], [ [ "painting", "psalm", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "coffee table", "table", "R2.2" ] ] ]
spinal cord:nervous system
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "geometry:planar graphs", "loneliness:idleness", "court:state organ", "mountains and rivers:picturesque" ] }
[ "the \"spinal cord\" is part of the \"nervous system\".", "\"planar graphs\" belong to the research range of \"geometry\", which is not a part of \"planar graphs\".", "\"loneliness\" describes being alone and solitary, and \"idleness\" describes the state of doing nothing. \"idleness\" may give rise to \"loneliness\", and \"loneliness\" is not part of \"idleness\".", "the \"court\" belongs to the state judicial organ. \"state organs\" include the power organ, the judicial organ, etc. the \"court\" is a part of the \"state organ\".", "\"mountains and rivers\" are \"picturesque\"." ]
[ [ [] ], [ [ "planar graphs", "geometry", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "idleness", "loneliness", "R3.10" ] ], [ [] ], [ [ "picturesque", "mountains and rivers", "R4.3" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "point:exchange", "coma:fainted", "operations research:the final battle", "crime:jail" ] }
[ "\"failure\" is caused by \"laziness\".", "\"points\" can be used to \"exchange\".", "\"coma\" and \"fainted\" both refer to loss of consciousness, \"coma\" is not due to \"fainted\".", "\"operational research\" refers to the overall arrangement of resources to provide optimal solutions for decision makers. \"decisive battle\" decision-making requires \"operational research\", and the corresponding order of \"operational research\" and \"decisive battle\" are inconsistent with the query.", "\"jail\" is the result of \"crime\"." ]
[ [ [ "lazy", "failure", "R5.1" ] ], [ [ "point", "exchange", "R3.3" ] ], [], [ [ "operations research", "the final battle", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "crime", "jail", "R5.1" ] ] ]
table lamp:desk
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "temple:candle", "stone statue:bodhisattva", "lotus:temple fair", "map:wall" ] }
[ "a \"table lamp\" can be placed on the \"desk\".", "candles can be placed inside the \"temple\".", "some of the \"bodhisattva\" look like \"stone statues\".", "\"lotus\" and \"temple fair\" have no obvious logical relationship.", "a \"map\" can be hung on the \"wall\"." ]
[ [ [ "table lamp", "desk", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "candle", "temple", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "stone statue", "bodhisattva", "R3.10" ] ], [], [ [ "map", "wall", "R3.10" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "tropical:equator:rainforest", "los angeles:hollywood:movies", "word:sentence:article", "plants:light:biology" ] }
[ "\"crust\" consists of \"rocks\", and the research object of \"geography\" includes \"crust\", and \"geography\" corresponds to \"crust\".", "the \"equatorial\" region belongs to the \"tropics\", but the \"equator\" cannot form the tropics.", "\"hollywood\" is located in \"los angeles\" and \"hollywood\" cannot mean \"los angeles\".", "\"words\" can form \"sentences\" and \"articles\" include \"sentences\".", "\"plants\" need \"light\" to grow, but \"plants\" cannot make up \"light\"." ]
[ [ [ "crust", "rock", "R2.3" ], [ "crust", "geography", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "equator", "tropical", "R3.6" ] ], [ [ "hollywood", "los angeles", "R3.6" ] ], [ [ "word", "sentence", "R2.3" ], [] ], [ [ "plants", "light", "R3.10" ] ] ]
planned economy:market economy
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "socialism:capitalism", "democratic centralism:chief responsibility system", "macro-control:self-management", "people's congress system:parliamentary system" ] }
[ "\"planned economy\" and \"market economy\" belong to two different economic systems.", "\"socialism\" and \"capitalism\" are two different social forms, and the \"market economy\" is the main economic operating system of \"capitalism\", and the \"planned economy\" is the main economic operating system of \"socialism\".", "the party's fundamental organizational system and leadership system are \"democratic centralism\", and the \"chief responsibility system\" is the government work responsibility system. the two categories are different.", "\"macro-control\" is an important function of the state's economic management. \"self-management\" is the business model of an enterprise, and the two categories are different.", "the \"people's congress system\" and the \"parliamentary system\" are two different national political systems, but the \"people's congress system\" and the \"planned economy\" have no obvious logical relationship." ]
[ [ [ "planned economy", "market economy", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "planned economy", "market economy", "R2.4" ] ], [], [], [ [ "people's congress system", "parliamentary system", "R2.4" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "bread:wheat", "aircraft:parts", "plant:sunshine", "cake:oven" ] }
[ "the \"car\" is powered by \"fuel\", and the power source of the \"car\" is \"fuel\".", "\"bread\" is made from the flour processed from \"wheat\".", "an \"aircraft\" is devided into small \"parts\".", "\"plants\" need \"sunlight\" to provide energy for growth, and \"sunlight\" is the source of power for \"plants\".", "\"cake\" is baked in an \"oven\", which is inconsistent with the way the title corresponds." ]
[ [ [ "fuel", "car", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "wheat", "bread", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "parts", "aircraft", "R2.3" ] ], [ [ "sunshine", "plant", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "oven", "cake", "R3.10" ] ] ]
student:male student:female student
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "rotation:clockwise:counterclockwise", "integer:positive number:negative number", "cutlery:plate:chopsticks", "word:content word:function word" ] }
[ "\"male students\" and \"female students\" are completely complementary, with \"male students\" and \"female students\" each being a type of \"students\".", "\"clockwise\" and \"counterclockwise\" are completely complementary. \"clockwise\" \"rotate\" and \"counterclockwise\" both rotate by the direction.", "\"positive numbers\" and \"negative numbers\" are in one category, and in addition to the two, there is 0.", "\"plates\" and \"chopsticks\" refer to one category of tableware.", "\"content words\" and \"function words\" are completely complementary. the \"content word\" and the \"function word\" each a kind of \"words\"." ]
[ [ [ "male student", "female student", "R2.5" ] ], [ [ "clockwise", "counterclockwise", "R2.5" ] ], [ [ "positive number", "negative number", "R2.6" ] ], [ [ "plate", "chopsticks", "R2.6" ] ], [ [ "content word", "function word", "R2.5" ] ] ]
flour:bread:satisfy hunger
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "reed:paper:writing", "gold:ring:wedding ring", "tire:car:transportation", "glass:screen:decoration" ] }
[ "the raw material of \"bread\" is \"flour\", and \"bread\" has the function of \"satisfying hunger\".", "the raw material of \"paper\" is \"reed\", and \"writing\" is the function of the pen, not the function of \"paper\".", "the raw material of \"ring\" is \"gold\", and \"wedding ring\" includes \"ring\".", "\"tires\" are part of \"car\".", "the raw material of \"screen\" is \"colored glass\", and \"screen\" has the function of \"decoration\"." ]
[ [ [ "flour", "bread", "R3.7" ], [ "bread", "satisfy hunger", "R3.3" ] ], [ [ "reed", "paper", "R3.7" ] ], [ [ "gold", "ring", "R3.7" ], [ "ring", "wedding ring", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "tire", "car", "R2.3" ] ], [ [ "glass", "screen", "R3.7" ], [ "screen", "decoration", "R3.3" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "affirmation:approval", "believe:superstition", "ask for advice:consult", "excited:angry" ] }
[ "the meaning of \"praise\" is similar to that of \"flattery\". \"praise\" is a positive word, and \"falttery\" is a derogatory word.", "\"affirmation\" and \"approval\" are close in their meanings. both are positive terms.", "\"believing\" and \"superstition\" have similar meanings. \"believing\" is a positive word, and \"superstition\" is a derogatory word.", "\"asking for advice\" and \"consulting\" are very close in their meanings, but \"consulting\" is not a derogatory term.", "the meanings of \"excited\" and \"angery\" are not close, and both are neutral words." ]
[ [ [ "praise", "flattery", "R1.1" ] ], [ [ "affirmation", "approval", "R1.1" ] ], [ [ "believe", "superstition", "R1.1" ] ], [ [ "ask for advice", "consult", "R1.1" ] ], [] ]
universe:solar system:earth
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "university:philosophy department:professor", "sky:white cloud:water vapor", "sun:flare:spot", "china:guangdong:guangzhou" ] }
[ "the \"solar system\" is part of the \"universe\" and \"earth\" is part of the \"solar system\".", "the \"philosophy department\" may be part of the \"university\", i.e. the \"philosophy department\" may not be established in the \"university\".", "the \"white cloud\" may be part of the \"sky\", that is, there may be no \"white cloud\" in the \"sky\".", "there are \"flares\" and \"spots\" in the activity of the \"sun\".", "\"guangdong\" must be part of \"china\", and \"guangzhou\" must be part of \"guangdong\"" ]
[ [ [ "universe", "solar system", "R2.3" ], [ "solar system", "earth", "R2.3" ] ], [ [ "university", "philosophy department", "R2.3" ] ], [ [ "sky", "white cloud", "R2.3" ] ], [ [ "flare", "spot", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "china", "guangdong", "R2.3" ], [ "guangdong", "guangzhou", "R2.3" ] ] ]
yellow peach:sweet peach:peach
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "red tassel:submachine gun:gun", "Mediterranean:ocean:sea", "pancake:baked cake:cake", "daisy:hang chrysanthemum:chrysanthemum" ] }
[ "\"peaches\" include \"yellow peaches\" and \"sweet peaches\", both of which are plants, and both \"yellow peaches\" and \"sweet peaches\" grow naturally.", "a \"red tassel\" belongs to melee weapons, while \"submachine guns\" belong to metal firearms. \"red tassels\" and \"submachine guns\" are different weapons, which are inconsistent with the logical relationship of the query.", "\"mediterranean\" is a type of \"sea\".", "\"cakes\" include \"pancakes\" and \"baked cakes\", and \"pancake\" and \"baked cakes\" are made by humans rather than natural growth", "\"chrysanthemum\" includes \"daisy\" and \"hang chrysanthemum\", both of which are plants, and both \"daisy\" and \"hang chrysanthemum\" grow naturally." ]
[ [ [ "yellow peach", "sweet peach", "R2.4" ], [ "yellow peach", "sweet peach", "R2.2" ] ], [], [ [ "Mediterranean", "sea", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "pancake", "baked cake", "R2.4" ], [ "pancake", "baked cake", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "daisy", "hang chrysanthemum", "R2.4" ], [ "daisy", "hang chrysanthemum", "R2.2" ] ] ]
new york city:the big apple
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "mount tai:sunrise", "mount lu:waterfall", "huangshan:precipitous", "las vegas:the sin city" ] }
[ "\"new york city\" is known as \"the big apple\".", "\"sunrise\" can be viewed on \"mount tai\", and \"mount tai\" cannot be called a \"sunrise\".", "\"waterfall\" can be viewed at \"mount lu\", and \"mount lu\" cannot be called a \"waterfall\".", "\"huangshan\" is characterized by \"precipitous\", and \"huangshan\" cannot be called \"precipitous\".", "\"las vegas\" is known as \"the sin city\"." ]
[ [ [ "new york city", "the big apple", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "mount tai", "sunrise", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "mount lu", "waterfall", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "huangshan", "precipitous", "R3.1" ] ], [ [ "las vegas", "the sin city", "R3.10" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "smoke:smoker", "rural areas:farmer", "computer:netizen", "homeland:citizen" ] }
[ "\"shareholders\" invest in \"shares\".", "\"smokers\" will \"smoke\".", "\"farmers\" refer to people who have been engaged in agricultural production for a long time, and the place where \"farmers\" live is \"rural areas\".", "\"netizens\" use \"computers\".", "\"homeland\" and \"citizen\" have no obvious logical relationship." ]
[ [ [ "shares", "shareholders", "R4.4" ] ], [ [] ], [ [ "rural areas", "farmer", "R3.6" ] ], [ [ "computer", "netizen", "R4.4" ] ], [] ]
flowers:plastic flowers
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "paper books:ebooks", "photo:portrait", "original:copy", "seal:seal pad" ] }
[ "both \"flowers\" and \"plastic flowers\" are flowers, and \"plastic flowers\" are imitations of \"flowers\".", "both \"paper book\" and \"e-book\" are books, \"paper book\" is the traditional book form, and \"e-book\" is the modern book form.", "both \"photos\" and \"portraits\" are two forms of taking pictures of objects, and \"portraits\" are not necessarily drawn based on \"photos\".", "both \"originals\" and \"copies\" are the same type of thing, and \"originals\" can reproduce \"copies\".", "\"seals\" and \"ink pads\" are used together. they are indispensable." ]
[ [ [ "flowers", "plastic flowers", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "paper books", "ebooks", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "photo", "portrait", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "original", "copy", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "seal", "seal pad", "R3.10" ] ] ]
morning glory:dawn flower
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "christmas:feast day of christ", "tangram:plasticine", "sidewalk:roadway", "preservatives:additives" ] }
[ "\"morning glory\" is also called the \"dawn flower\".", "\"christmas\" is also known as \"feast day of christ\".", "there is no obvious logical relationship between \"tangram\" and \"plasticine\".", "a \"sidewalk\" and a \"vehicle road\" belong to the same category", "\"additives\"includes \"preservatives\"." ]
[ [ [ "morning glory", "dawn flower", "R2.1" ] ], [ [ "christmas", "feast day of christ", "R2.1" ] ], [], [ [ "sidewalk", "roadway", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "preservatives", "additives", "R2.2" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "glass:house", "computer:console", "joystick:aircraft", "fruit:tree" ] }
[ "\"tires\" are part of a \"car\".", "the \"glass\" is not necessarily in the \"house\".", "the \"computer\" doesn't have to be on the “console\".", "the \"joystick\" is part of the \"aircraft\".", "the \"fruit\" is not necessarily on the \"tree\"." ]
[ [ [ "tires", "car", "R2.3" ] ], [], [], [ [ "joystick", "aircraft", "R2.3" ] ], [] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "cell:organ", "embryo:nurture", "fertilized egg:uterus", "nutrient:soil" ] }
[ "\"eggs\" are hatched in \"incubators\".", "\"cells\" are the components of \"organs\".", "the \"embryo\" can be \"nurtured\", and the uterus is the place where the \"embryo\" is \"nurtured\".", "the \"fertilized egg\" develops in the \"uterus\".", "\"soil\" contains necessary \"nutrients\" for plant growth, and \"nutrients\" are part of \"soil\"." ]
[ [ [ "eggs", "incubator", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "cell", "organ", "R2.3" ] ], [ [ "embryo", "nurture", "R4.2" ] ], [ [ "fertilized egg", "uterus", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "nutrient", "soil", "R2.3" ] ] ]
mediterranean:land sea
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "bourbon:bourbon whisky", "timpani:instrument", "cable:conductive core", "ritual vessel:bronze tripod" ] }
[ "the \"land sea\" includes the \"mediterranean\".", "\"bourbon\" and \"bourbon whisky\" have the same meaning.", "\"timpani\" belongs to \"instrument\".", "the \"conductive core\" is part of the \"cable\".", "\"ritual vessel\" includes \"bronze tripod\", and the word order is inconsistent with the query." ]
[ [ [ "mediterranean", "land sea", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "bourbon", "bourbon whisky", "R2.1" ] ], [ [ "timpani", "instrument", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "cable", "conductive core", "R2.3" ] ], [ [ "ritual vessel", "bronze tripod", "R2.2" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "hope:wish:extravagant hopes", "broadcast:report:blockade", "veiled criticism:criticism:praise", "sincerity:integrity:disguise" ] }
[ "\"believe\" and \"trust\" have similar meanings, and \"doubt\" is the opposite of \"believe\" and \"trust\".", "\"hope\" and \"wish\" have similar meanings. \"extravagant hope\" refers to expectations that are too high and difficult to achieve, and there is no obvious logical relationship between \"extravagant hope\", \"hope\" and \"wish\".", "there is no obvious logical relationship between \"broadcast\" and \"report\", which means to tell the public the news through newspapers, magazines, radio, television or other forms, and \"blockade\" means to make a person or thing unable to exist in a certain area by means of a ban or blockade.", "\"veiled criticism\" refers to discourses that imply criticism and dissatisfaction. \"veiled criticism\" and \"criticism\" have similar meanings. \"praise\" and \"criticism\" have opposite meanings.", "\"sincerity\" refers to being honest and sincere; \"integrity\" refers to treating people with sincerity, honesty, and trustworthiness. \"sincerity\" and \"integrity\" have no obvious logical relationship." ]
[ [ [ "believe", "trust", "R1.1" ], [] ], [ [ "hope", "wish", "R1.1" ] ], [], [ [ "veiled criticism", "criticism", "R1.1" ] ], [] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "forum:netizens", "prison:prisoner", "court:judge", "enterprise:trade union" ] }
[ "the opinions of the \"parliamentarians\" are published in the \"parliament\", and the \"parliamentarian\" is a person", "the opinions of \"netizens\" are published on \"forums\", and \"netizens\" are human beings .", "\"prisoners\" cannot express opinions in \"prisons\", but serve their sentences in \"prisons\"", "in the \"court\", the \"judge\" does the work of the trial, not the opinion .", "a \"trade union\" is not a human being but a social group, and a \"trade union\" represents the interests of an \"enterprise\"." ]
[ [ [ "parliament", "parliamentarian", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "forum", "netizens", "R3.10" ] ], [], [], [] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "water lily:lotus", "national flower:peony", "raindrop:dewdrop", "white crane:red-crowned crane" ] }
[ "\"snow\" and \"frost\" are both weather phenomena, and both are essentially water. except for \"snow\" and \"frost\", fog is also a weather phenomenon and is essentially water.", "\"water lilies\" and \"lotus\" are the same thing.", "china's \"national flower\" has not yet been determined, and there are several versions. among them, plum blossom and \"peony\" have become strong competitors, which are inconsistent with the logical relationship of the query.", "\"raindrops\" and \"dewdrops\" are essentially water. except for \"raindrops\" and \"dewdrops,\" the essence of rain is also water.", "\"white crane\" and \"crane\" are both cranes. except for \"white crane\" and \"crane\", red-crowned cranes are also cranes, but they are not water in nature, which is inconsistent with the logical relationship of the query." ]
[ [ [ "snow", "frost", "R2.6" ] ], [ [ "water lily", "lotus", "R2.1" ] ], [], [ [ "raindrop", "dewdrop", "R2.6" ] ], [ [ "white crane", "red-crowned crane", "R2.6" ] ] ]
set out:depart
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "take a rest:take a break", "banquet:meal", "disturb:sorry", "treasure up:collect" ] }
[ "\"set out\" and \"depart\" both refer to leaving the same place to go elsewhere, \"set out\" and \"depart\" mean the same.", "both \"take a rest\" and \"take a break\" refer to resting for a while, and \"break\" and \"rest\" are the same thing.", "\"banquet\" refers to hosting a banquet or feast, \"meal\" refers to the act of eating, and \"banquet\" and \"meal\" are not the same thing.", "\"disturb\" means to interfere with, \"sorry\" means feeling guilty, and \"disturbing\" and \"sorry\" are not the same thing.", "\"treasure up\" means to cherish and \"collect\", \"collect\" refers to gathering and preserving, \"treasure up\" and \"collect\" are not the same." ]
[ [ [ "set out", "depart", "R2.1" ] ], [ [ "take a rest", "take a break", "R2.1" ] ], [], [], [] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "plant:animal:organism", "teaching assistant:lecturer:professor", "platoon commander:company commander:battalion commander", "rational:irrational:axiom" ] }
[ "\"even\" and \"odd\" contradict each other, \"even\" and \"odd\" belong to \"integer\".", "both \"plant\" and \"animal\" belong to \"organism\", while bacteria, fungi, etc. also belong to \"organism\"", "\"teaching assistant\", \"lecturer\" and \"professor\" are all titles, \"teaching assistant\" and \"lecturer\" are not \"professor\"", "\"platoon commander\", \"company commander\" and \"battalion commander\" are all titles, \"platoon commander\" and \"company commander\" are not \"battalion commander\"", "\"rational\" and \"irrational\" contradict each other, but have no obvious logical relationship with \"axiom\"." ]
[ [ [ "even", "odd", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "plant", "animal", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "teaching assistant", "lecturer", "professor", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "platoon commander", "company commander", "battalion commander", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "rational", "irrational", "R2.5" ] ] ]
biting:mosquito coils:floral water
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "attack:radar:torpedo", "beautification:greening:decoration", "getting wet in the rain:umbrella:raincoat", "accident:traffic light:traffic police" ] }
[ "both \"mosquito coils\" and \" floral water\" are tools to prevent mosquitoes from \"biting\".", "a \"torpedo\" is a tool for launching an \"attack\", a \"torpedo\" is not a tool for preventing an \"attack\".", "\"greening\" and \"decoration\" play the role of \"beautification\", and \"greening\" and \"decoration\" do not prevent \"beautification\".", "\"umbrella\" and \"raincoat\" are both tools to prevent \"getting wet in the rain\".", "the role of \"traffic lights\" and \"traffic police\" is to reduce \"accidents\", and \"traffic police\" is a profession, not a tool." ]
[ [ [ "mosquito coils", "floral water", "R2.4" ], [ "biting", "mosquito coils", "floral water", "R3.10" ] ], [], [], [ [ "umbrella", "raincoat", "R2.4" ], [ "getting wet in the rain", "umbrella", "raincoat", "R3.10" ] ], [] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "import:export", "go upstairs:go out", "signs:tendency", "new york:texas" ] }
[ "\"reform\" refers to changing the outdated and unreasonable parts of things to make them reasonable and perfect. \"opening\" refers to lifting blockades, bans, restrictions, etc. \"reform\" and \"opening\" both mean change and have similar meanings", "\"import\" and \"export\" express opposite meanings, not similar.", "\"going upstairs\" and \"going out\" have different meanings and have no similar meanings. there is no obvious logical relationship between \"going upstairs\" and \"going out\".", "\"signs\" refers to a slight development trend or situation, and \"tendency\" refers to the direction of development. both have the meaning of development trend and have similar meanings.", "\"new york\" and \"texas\" are both provinces, and \"new york\" and \"texas\" refer to two different provinces." ]
[ [ [ "reform", "opening", "R1.1" ] ], [ [ "import", "export", "R2.4" ] ], [], [ [ "signs", "tendency", "R1.1" ] ], [ [ "new york", "texas", "R2.4" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "fishing nets:fishermen", "podium:teacher", "lighter:smoker", "telescope:scientist" ] }
[ "the tool used by a \"surgeon\" to perform an operation is a \"scalpel\"", "the tools used by \"fishermen\" to fish are \"fishing nets\".", "\"teachers\" do not necessarily need to give lectures on the \"podium\", and \"podiums\" are places for \"teachers\" to teach instead of tools.", "the tool a \"smoker\" needs to smoke is a \"lighter\", but a \"smoker\" is not a profession.", "a \"telescope\" is an astronomer's tool, not a \"scientist\" tool." ]
[ [ [ "scalpel", "surgeon", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "fishing nets", "fishermen", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "podium", "teacher", "R3.10" ] ], [], [] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "the chinese lute:playing", "observation:telescope", "singer:music", "cup:quench thirst" ] }
[ "\"books\" are for \"reading\".", "\"the chinese lute\" is for \"playing\".", "\"telescope\" can be used for \"observation\", and \"observation\" cannot be used for \"telescope\".", "\"singer\" creates \"music\", and \"singer\" cannot be used for \"music\".", "the function of the \"cup\" is not to \"quench thirst\", but to \"hold water\"." ]
[ [ [] ], [ [] ], [ [] ], [ [] ], [ [] ] ]
aloe vera:drought tolerance:populus euphratica
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "passivation solution:anti-rust:oil pump", "antibiotics:anti-inflammatory:cold medicine", "insulation pot:keep warm:down jacket", "northern lights:discharge:meteor shower" ] }
[ "\"aloe\" has the ability to \"drought tolerance\", and \"populus euphratica\" also has the ability to \"drought tolerance\".", "\"passivation fluid\" can improve the corrosion resistance of metals and has the function of \"rust prevention\". \"oil pump\" is a kind of tool, which has no obvious logical relationship with \"passivation fluid\" and \"rust prevention\".", "the function of \"antibiotics\" includes \"anti-inflammatory\", the function of \"cold medicine\" does not include \"anti-inflammatory\", and \"cold medicine\" has the function of treating colds.", "the \"insulation pot\" has the ability to \"keep warm\", and the \"down jacket\" also has the ability to \"keep warm\". .", "the \"discharge\" radiation in the upper atmosphere will form the \"northern lights\", and there is no obvious logical relationship between \"meteor shower\" and \"discharge\"." ]
[ [ [ "aloe vera", "populus euphratica", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "passivation solution", "anti-rust", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "antibiotics", "anti-inflammatory", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "insulation pot", "down jacket", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "northern lights", "discharge", "R3.10" ] ] ]
christmas:decorating christmas trees
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "mid-autumn festival:eating mooncakes", "celebrating victory:popping champagne", "convey the spirit of superiors:issue documents", "year's end:financial settlement" ] }
[ "\"decorating christmas trees\" is the custom of the \"christmas\".", "\"eating mooncakes\" is the custom of the \"mid-autumn festival\".", "\"celebrating victory\" is not a festival, and \"popping champagne\" is not a custom of \"celebrating victory\".", "\"conveying the spirit of superiors\" is not a festival, and \"issuing documents\" is not a custom of \"conveying the spirit of superiors\".", "a \"year's end\" is not a festival, and \"financial settlement\" is not a \"year's end\" custom." ]
[ [ [ "christmas", "decorating christmas trees", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "mid-autumn festival", "eating mooncakes", "R3.10" ] ], [], [], [] ]
clothing:women's wear:dresses
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "books:chinese:foreign languages", "drugs:traditional chinese medicine:panax notoginseng", "literature:fiction:drama", "grain:soybean:tofu" ] }
[ "\"women's wear\" belongs to \"clothing\", and \"dress\" belongs to \"women's wear\".", "both \"chinese\" and \"foreign languages\" belong to words.", "\"traditional chinese medicine\" belongs to \"drugs\", and \"panax notoginseng\" belongs to \"traditional chinese medicine\".", "\"fiction\" and \"drama\".", "\"soybean\" is the raw material of \"tofu\"." ]
[ [ [ "women's wear", "clothing", "R2.2" ], [ "women's wear", "dresses", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "chinese", "foreign languages", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "traditional chinese medicine", "drugs", "R2.2" ], [ "traditional chinese medicine", "panax notoginseng", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "fiction", "drama", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "soybean", "tofu", "R3.7" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "beard:female:male", "wheel:aircraft:ship", "house:table:chair", "computer:computer room:office" ] }
[ "both \"english\" and \"chinese\" are languages ​​that contain \"letters\".", "\"female\" and \"male\" contradict each other.", "both \"aircraft\" and \"ship\" are means of transportation, and \"wheels\" are not part of \"ship\".", "\"tables\" and \"chairs\" can be placed in the ''house''.", "both the \"computer room\" and the \"office\" contain \"computers\"." ]
[ [ [ "english", "chinese", "R2.6" ], [ "letters", "english", "chinese", "R2.3" ] ], [ [ "female", "male", "R2.5" ] ], [ [ "aircraft", "ship", "R2.6" ] ], [ [ "house", "table", "chair", "R3.6" ] ], [ [ "computer room", "office", "R2.6" ], [ "computer", "computer room", "office", "R2.3" ] ] ]
university president:professor
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "screenwriter:poet", "Lake Superior:Yellowstone Lake", "mayor:municipal government", "police:firefighter" ] }
[ "some \"university presidents\" are \"professors\", and some \"professors\" are \"university presidents\".", "a \"screenwriter\" can be a \"poet\", and a \"poet\" can also be a \"screenwriter\".", "\"Lake Superior\" and \"Yellowstone Lake\" are both lakes.", "the \"mayor\" works for the \"municipal government\".", "\"police\" and \"firefighters\" are both occupations." ]
[ [], [], [ [ "Lake Superior", "Yellowstone Lake", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "mayor", "municipal government", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "police", "firefighter", "R2.4" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "noisy:midnight", "uneasy:square", "serene:long sleep", "depression:late autumn" ] }
[ "\"cool\" and hot are antonyms, and \"midsummer\" is hot.", "\"noisy\" and quiet are antonyms, and \"midnight\" is quiet.", "\"uneasiness\" and easiness are antonyms, and the \"square\" is not easy.", "\"serenity\" and panic are antonyms, and \"long sleep\" is not panicked.", "the opposite of \"depression\" is prosperity, and \"late autumn\" is not prosperous." ]
[ [], [], [], [], [] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "article:read", "sketch:draw", "rules:compete", "regulations:enforcement" ] }
[ "\"election\" is carried out according to the \"bylaws\", and \"election\" is a verb.", "\"articles\" will be \"read\".", "\"sketch\" is a way of \"drawing\", but the corresponding way is inconsistent with the query.", "\"compete\" according to \"rules\", \"compete\" is a verb.", "\"enforcement\" is carried out according to \"regulations\", but \"enforcement\" is a verb-object structure." ]
[ [ [ "bylaws", "elections", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "read", "article", "R4.2" ] ], [ [ "sketch", "draw", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "rules", "compete", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "regulations", "enforcement", "R3.10" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "warrior:rifle:bullet", "police:handcuffs:prison", "doctor:medicine:patient", "farmer:hoe:weed" ] }
[ "\"player\" uses \"racket\" to play \"tennis\", and \"racket\" and \"tennis\" are used together.", "\"warrior\" fires \"bullet\" with \"rifle\", \"rifle\" and \"bullet\" are used together.", "\"police\" arrest criminals with \"handcuffs\", not arrest in \"prisons\".", "\"doctors\" use \"medical skills\" to treat \"patients\", but \"medical skills\" and \"patients\" are not used together.", "\"farmers\" use \"hoes\" to remove \"weeds\", but \"hoes\" and \"weeds\" are not used together." ]
[ [ [ "racket", "tennis", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "rifle", "bullet", "R3.10" ] ], [], [], [] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "rough:refined", "handsome:narrow-minded", "thrift:consumption", "talent:vulgar" ] }
[ "\"chic\" refers to (look, behavior, style, etc.) being natural and generous, with rhythm, and not being \"restrained\".", "\"rough\" refers to roughness and boldness, \"refined\" refers to delicate and meticulous, and \"rough\" and \"refined\" have opposite meanings.", "the word \"narrow-minded\" refers to a narrow-mindedness and a lack of generosity. there is no obvious logical relationship between \"narrow-minded\" and \"handsome\".", "one proposition of \"consumption\" is \"thrift.\".", "\"talent\" refers to the talent shown (mostly in literature, art and writing). \"vulgarity\" refers to vulgarity, and there is no obvious logical relationship between \"talent\" and \"vulgarity\"." ]
[ [ [ "chic", "restrained", "R1.2" ] ], [ [ "rough", "refined", "R1.2" ] ], [], [ [ "thrift", "consumption", "R3.10" ] ], [] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "roundness:grinding", "honor:praise", "purity:filtering", "heat and dry:drought" ] }
[ "the state of \"proficiency\" comes from \"practice\", the way is \"practice\", and the purpose is \"proficiency\".", "the state of \"roundness\" comes from \"grinding\", the method is \"grinding\", and the purpose is \"roundness\".", "\"honor\" refers to the widespread reputation and honor due to achievements and status, and \"praise\" refers to public praise for good people and good deeds. there is no obvious logical relationship between \"honor\" and \"praise\".", "the fluid is brought to a pure state by \"filtering\". without \"puring\", and there is no obvious logical relationship between \"pure\" and \"filtering\".", "\"hot and dry\" often refers to hot and dry weather, while \"drought\" refers to a climate phenomenon in which the total amount of fresh water is insufficient to meet human survival and economic development. there is no obvious logical relationship between \"heat and dry\" and \"drought\"." ]
[ [ [ "proficiency", "practice", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "roundness", "grinding", "R3.10" ] ], [], [], [] ]
hair:barber clippers
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "nails:nail clippers", "rubber:eraser", "pencil:pencil case", "honey:honey jar" ] }
[ "a \"hair clipper\" is a tool for cutting \"hair\".", "\"nail clippers\" are tools for cutting \"nails\".", "\"rubber\" can also be called \"eraser\".", "\"pencil case\" can be used to hold a \"pencil\", \"pencil case\" is not a tool for \"pencil\".", "the \"honey jar\" can be used to hold \"honey\", but the \"honey jar\" is not a tool for making \"honey\"." ]
[ [ [ "barber clippers", "hair", "R3.8" ] ], [ [ "nail clippers", "nails", "R3.8" ] ], [ [ "rubber", "eraser", "R2.1" ] ], [ [ "pencil case", "pencil", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "honey jar", "honey", "R3.10" ] ] ]
interest rate:principal:interest
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "side length:height:area", "intensity of pressure:pressure:area", "current:power:voltage", "density:volume:mass" ] }
[ "\"interest rate\" × \"principal\" = \"interest\".", "generally, the \"area\" of a graphic should be the base x \"height\", not the \"side length\".", "\"intensity of pressure\" × \"area\" = \"pressure\", but the word order is inconsistent with the query.", "\"current\" × \"voltage\" = \"power\", but the order of words is inconsistent with the query.", "\"density\" × \"volume\" = \"mass\", \"density\" and \"volume\" and \"mass\" echo." ]
[ [ [ "interest rate", "principal", "interest", "R3.10" ] ], [], [], [], [ [ "density", "volume", "mass", "R3.10" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "shopping:entertainment", "purchase:donate", "borrow:organize", "teach:learn" ] }
[ "\"delivery\" refers to the delivery of official documents, letters, etc. after the \"delivery\" side \"delivers\", the \"receiver\" side \"receives\". these two things happen in time order and their subjects are different.", "\"shopping\" can be used as a form of \"entertainment\". there is no necessary sequence for the two, and their subjects are the same.", "\"purchase\" and \"donate\" do not necessarily happen in order.", "there is no necessary sequence between \"borrowing\" and \"organizing\".", "after the teacher \"teaches\", the students \"learn\". the two belong to the time-dependent correspondence, and the subjects are different." ]
[ [ [ "delivery", "receipt", "R5.2" ] ], [ [ "shopping", "entertainment", "R3.10" ] ], [], [], [ [ "teach", "learn", "R5.2" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "husband:wife", "publisher:reader", "merchant:customer", "police:criminals" ] }
[ "a \"student\" is taught by a \"teacher\", and a \"teacher\" is a profession.", "\"husband\" and \"wife\" are husband and wife, are equal, \"husband\" is not a profession", "there is no direct relationship between \"publisher\" and \"reader\"", "the service object of \"merchant\" is \"customer\", \"merchant\" is not a profession", "\"criminals\" are caught by the \"police\", and \"police\" is a profession." ]
[ [ [ "teacher", "student", "R3.10" ] ], [ [] ], [ [] ], [ [] ], [ [] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "soap:bathroom:living room", "water plants:creek:valley", "birds:beasts:forest", "cow:milk:supermarket" ] }
[ "the location of the \"elevator\" is in the \"building\", and the location of the \"building\" is in the \"city\".", "the location of the \"soap\" is in the \"bathroom\", and both the \"bathroom\" and the \"living room\" are part of the house.", "the location of \"water plants\" is in \"creek\", and the location of \"creek\" is in \"valley\".", "both \"birds\" and \"beasts\" are animals. \"birds\" live in the \"forest\", and \"beasts\" live in the \"forest\". the position of the \"birds\" is not in the \"beasts\".", "\"milk\" is the product of \"cow\"." ]
[ [ [ "elevator", "building", "R3.6" ], [ "building", "city", "R3.6" ] ], [ [ "soap", "bathroom", "R3.6" ], [ "bathroom", "living room", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "water plants", "creek", "R3.6" ], [ "creek", "valley", "R3.6" ] ], [ [ "birds", "beasts", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "cow", "milk", "R3.10" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "sway:shake", "advance:progress", "science:learning", "take off:fly" ] }
[ "to have \"contact\" there must be \"touch\".", "\"swaying\" and \"shaking\" are very close.", "both \"advance\" and \"progress\" refer to forward development, and \"advance\" and \"progress\" are very close.", "\"science\" is \"learned\".", "to \"fly\" you have to \"take off\"." ]
[ [ [] ], [ [ "sway", "shake", "R1.1" ] ], [ [ "advance", "progress", "R1.1" ] ], [ [ "science", "learning", "R4.2" ] ], [ [ "take off", "fly", "R5.4" ] ] ]
North Carolina:South Carolina
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Washington State:Oregon State", "Virginia:Oregon", "Alaska:California", "Kentucky:Florida" ] }
[ "both “North Carolina\" and \"South Carolina\" belong to states administrative regions, and the two border on each other.", "both “Washington State\" and \"Oregon State\" belong to states administrative regions, and the two border on each other.", "both \"Virginia\" and \"Oregon\" belong to statesadministrative regions, but the two are not geographically adjacent.", "both \"Alaska\" and \"California\" belong to statesadministrative regions, but the two are not geographically adjacent.", "both \"Kentucky\" and \"Florida\" belong to statesadministrative regions, but the two are not geographically adjacent." ]
[ [ [ "North Carolina", "South Carolina", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "Washington State", "Oregon State", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "Virginia", "Oregon", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "Alaska", "California", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "Kentucky", "Florida", "R2.4" ] ] ]
frogs:water snakes:ectotherms
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "crocodile:lizard:reptile", "dolphins:penguins:sea animals", "turtles:whales:amphibians", "antelope:lion:prairie animals" ] }
[ "\"ectotherms\" include \"frogs\" and \"water snakes\"; \"frogs\" and \"water snakes\" are the same species.", "\"reptiles\" includes \"crocodiles\" and \"lizards\"; \"crocodiles\" and \"lizards\" are the same species.", "\"penguins\" are a kind of bird that lives on land and sea; \"sea animals\" does not include \"penguins\".", "\"turtles\" are marine animals, \"whales\" are mammals, and neither \"sea turtles\" nor \"whales\" are amphibians.", "\"antelope\" and \"lion\" are of the same kind, and they may or may not live in the \"prairie\". \"prairie animal\" does not include \"antelope\" and \"lion\"." ]
[ [ [ "frogs", "water snakes", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "crocodile", "lizard", "R2.4" ] ], [], [], [ [ "antelope", "lion", "R2.4" ] ] ]
caries:oral cavity:disease
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "vision:eyes:feeling", "bullet:pistol:weapon", "greenhouse effect:atmosphere:earth", "photosynthesis:chloroplast:plant" ] }
[ "\"caries\" is a kind of \"oral cavity\"\"disease\". \"diseases\" includes \"dental caries\", and \"dental caries\" corresponds to \"oral cavity\".", "\"vision\" belongs to the \"sensation\" of \"eyes\". \"sensation\" includes \"vision\", and \"vision\" corresponds to \"eyes\".", "\"bullets\" and \"pistols\" should be used together, and \"pistol\" is a kind of \"weapon\".", "the \"greenhouse effect\" occurs on the surface of the \"earth\".", "\"plants\" produce \"photosynthesis\"." ]
[ [ [ "caries", "disease", "R2.2" ], [ "caries", "oral cavity", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "vision", "R2.2" ], [ "vision", "eyes", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "bullet", "pistol", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "greenhouse effect", "earth", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "photosynthesis", "plant", "R3.10" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "beautiful:ugly", "have:not have", "left:right", "red:green" ] }
[ "\"water\" and \"fire\" are a parallel relationship. the two are not opposite at the semantic level.", "\"beautiful\" and \"ugly\" are a parallel relationship. the two are opposite at the semantic level.", "\"having\" and \"not having\" are an either-or relationship. the two are parallel contradictory and not opposite at the semantic level.", "\"left\" and \"right\" are a parallel relationship. the two are opposite at the semantic level.", "\"red\" and \"green\" are a parallel relationship. the two are not opposite at the semantic level." ]
[ [ [ "water", "fire", "R2.6" ] ], [ [ "beautiful", "ugly", "R1.2" ] ], [ [ "have", "not have", "R2.5" ] ], [ [ "left", "right", "R2.6" ], [ "left", "right", "R1.2" ] ], [ [ "red", "green", "R2.6" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "electronic product:computer", "river water:spring water", "arable land:mountainous", "juice:drink" ] }
[ "\"gem\" is a kind of \"rock\", and \"gem\" belongs to \"rock\".", "\"computer\" is a kind of \"electronic product\".", "\"river water\" is surface water, \"spring water\" is a natural outcrop of groundwater, and \"spring water\" does not belong to \"river water\".", "some \"arable land\" is \"mountain\", and some \"mountain\" is \"arable land\", but \"mountain\" does not belong to \"arable land\".", "\"juice\" is a type of \"drink\", but the word order is inconsistent." ]
[ [ [ "rock", "gem", "R2.2" ] ], [ [] ], [ [ "river water", "spring water", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "arable land", "mountainous", "R2.7" ] ], [ [ "juice", "drink", "R2.2" ] ] ]
disney:amusement park
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "Japan:ocean", "Taiwan island:island", "bridge:river", "character:impatience" ] }
[ "\"amusement parks\" include \"disney\".", "the \"ocean\" surrounds \"Japan\".", "\"island\" includes \"Taiwan island\".", "a \"bridge\" is built above a \"river\".", "\"impatience\" belongs to \"character\"." ]
[ [ [ "disney", "amusement park", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "Japan", "ocean", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "Taiwan island", "island", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "bridge", "river", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "character", "impatience", "R2.2" ] ] ]
dynasty:Bourbon dynasty:Hanoverian dynasty
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "reptile:frog:lizard", "capital:beijing:peking", "sentence:fixed-term imprisonment:death penalty", "confucianism:confucius:mencius" ] }
[ "\"dynasties\" include \"bourbon dynasty\" and \"hanoverian dynasty\", \"bourbon dynasty\" and \"hanoverian dynasty\" are one category.", "\"frogs\" are amphibians, not \"reptiles\".", "\"beijing\" and \"peking\" are the same thing.", "\"sentence\" includes \"fixed-term imprisonment\" and \"death penalty\", and \"fixed-term imprisonment\" and \"death penalty\" are one category.", "the representatives of the \"confucian\" school are \"confucius\" and \"mencius\"." ]
[ [ [ "Bourbon dynasty", "Hanoverian dynasty", "R2.4" ] ], [], [ [ "beijing", "peking", "R2.1" ] ], [ [ "fixed-term imprisonment", "death penalty", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "confucius", "confucianism", "R3.10" ], [ "mencius", "confucianism", "R3.10" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "income:expenses", "drafting:revising", "disaster relief:disaster resistance", "closing:opening" ] }
[ "\"production\" must come before \"sales\".", "\"expenses\" can come before \"income\", and \"income\" can come before \"expenses\". there is no obvious chronological order between the two.", "\"drafting\" must come before \"revising\".", "\"disaster relief\" is part of \"disaster resistance\". in a narrow sense, \"disaster relief\" refers to rescue, remediation, and salvation after a disaster occurs, and \"disaster resistance\" refers to various methods applied to resist natural disasters. \"disaster relief\" and \"disaster resistance\" are of chronological correspondence, but the word order is different from that in the query. \"disaster relief\" in a broad sense includes disaster prevention and \"disaster resistance\". first \"disaster resistance\" and then \"disaster relief\", not \"disaster relief\" first and then \"disaster resistance\". the word order is different from that in the query. .", "“opening\" comes before \"closing\". the word order is different from that in the query." ]
[ [ [] ], [ [] ], [ [] ], [], [ [] ] ]
aquatic animals:oviparous animals
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "coelenterates:mollusks", "crustaceans:arthropods", "flying animals:mammals", "vertebrates:invertebrates" ] }
[ "some \"aquatic animals\" can be \"oviparous animals\", and some \"oviparous animals\" can also be \"aquatic animals\".", "both \"coelenterates\" and \"mollusks\" belong to invertebrates, but in addition to \"coelenterates\" and \"mollusks\", there are other invertebrates.", "\"crustacea\" belongs to a class of the phylum \"arthropods\", and \"arthropods\" are not \"crustaceans\".", "some \"flying animals\" are also \"mammals\", and some \"mammals\" are also \"flying animals\".", "\"vertebrates\" conflicts with \"invertebrates\"." ]
[ [ [ "aquatic animals", "oviparous animals", "R2.7" ] ], [ [ "coelenterates", "mollusks", "R2.6" ] ], [ [ "crustaceans", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "flying animals", "mammals", "R2.7" ] ], [ [] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "timid:careful", "climb high:see clearly", "write:wash face", "gallop:run" ] }
[ "\"applause\" and \"handshake\" are actions, and both need to be done with the hands.", "neither \"timid\" nor \"careful\" are movements, and neither needs to be done with the hands.", "\"climb high\" and \"see clearly\" are both actions, \"climbing high\" is an action that needs to be done by hand, and \"seeing clearly\" does not need to be done by hand.", "\"writing\" and \"washing face\" are both actions, and both need to be done by hands.", "\"gallop\" and \"run\" have similar meanings, but neither \"gallop\" nor \"run\" require hands." ]
[ [ [ "applause", "handshake", "R2.4" ] ], [], [], [], [ [ "gallop", "run", "R1.1" ] ] ]