Washington (CNN) -- As it nears the 10th anniversary of the terrible events that led to its creation, the Department of Homeland Security is getting a report card of sorts. And the grade, to few people's surprise: Incomplete. In a massive 221-page report, the Government Accountability Office -- the investigative arm of Congress -- says DHS has "made significant strides in protecting the nation, but has yet to reach its full potential." CNN obtained a draft of the report, which is to be the subject of a Senate hearing on Wednesday. The GAO report is largely a compilation of previous GAO reports, and gives no new recommendations. But for Homeland Security buffs, it is a virtual catalogue of the work that has been accomplished since the department was formed in 2003, and the work that remains to be done. The GAO said the department has addressed about half of the 1,500 recommendations it has made over the years, and is working on other recommendations, but has left some untouched. @highlight Government Accountability Office report: DHS "has yet to reach its full potential" @highlight Report is to be the subject of a Senate hearing on Wednesday @highlight GAO says department has addressed about half of its recommendations @highlight DHS says report fails to mention some accomplishments
In a written response to the report, the @placeholder accentuated the positive.
[ "GAO", "Homeland Security", "Department of Homeland Security", "DHS", "Government Accountability Office", "Congress", "Senate", "CNN", "Washington" ]
{ "text": [ "Washington", "CNN", "Department of Homeland Security", "Government Accountability Office", "Congress", "DHS", "CNN", "Senate", "GAO", "GAO", "Homeland Security", "GAO", "Government Accountability Office", "DHS", "Senate", "GAO", "DHS" ], "start": [ 0, 12, 106, 260, 321, 338, 440, 508, 541, 589, 644, 817, 1004, 1045, 1131, 1170, 1249 ], "end": [ 10, 15, 137, 292, 329, 341, 443, 514, 544, 592, 661, 820, 1036, 1048, 1137, 1173, 1252 ] }
{ "passage": 65665, "query": 100672 }
A Supreme Court judge has ruled that an ICAC inquiry into NSW deputy senior Crown prosecutor Margaret Cunneen SC will go ahead, rejecting a bid by Ms Cunneen, her son Stephen Wyllie and his girlfriend, Sophia Tilley, to have the corruption hearing thrown out. Justice Clifton Hoeben handed down his decision on Monday afternoon, ruling against Ms Cunneen's contention that the Independent Commission Against Corruption had no right to investigate a 'malicious' complaint which related to her private life. The ICAC has alleged Ms Cunneen and her son counselled Ms Tilley to fake chest pains to avoid a breath test after a car crash in May. @highlight Margaret Cunneen SC has lost her bid to to halt ICAC inquiry @highlight Cunneen launched the failed action last week to stop the corruption probe @highlight NSW Supreme Court Justice Clifton Hoeben ruled it will go ahead @highlight Hoeben is one of three judges who blocked Cunneen from re-prosecuting gang rapist Bilal Skaf @highlight Ms Cunneen will be investigated along with son, Stephen Wyllie and his girlfriend, Sophia Tilley @highlight The decision came on same day as a court appearance by Ms Tilley @highlight The 25-year-old has appeared in a Sydney court for running a red light @highlight A magistrated has suespended Ms Tilley's driver's licence for 'fifth' offence @highlight The ICAC inquiry centres on the aftermath of a May accident in which Ms Tilley was driving Ms Cunneen's car @highlight The latest red light incident is unrelated to the May traffic incident
Ms Cunneen, who has described the accusations as 'malicious', argued the @placeholder was acting beyond its jurisdiction and there was no suggestion the allegations involved her conduct as a crown prosecutor.
[ "NSW Supreme Court", "Cunneen", "Sydney", "Hoeben", "Independent Commission Against Corruption", "Clifton Hoeben", "Bilal Skaf", "Tilley", "Margaret Cunneen SC", "Stephen Wyllie", "Sophia Tilley", "NSW", "ICAC", "Supreme Court" ]
{ "text": [ "Supreme Court", "ICAC", "NSW", "Margaret Cunneen SC", "Cunneen", "Stephen Wyllie", "Sophia Tilley", "Clifton Hoeben", "Cunneen", "Independent Commission Against Corruption", "ICAC", "Cunneen", "Tilley", "Margaret Cunneen SC", "ICAC", "Cunneen", "NSW Supreme Court", "Clifton Hoeben", "Hoeben", "Cunneen", "Bilal Skaf", "Cunneen", "Stephen Wyllie", "Sophia Tilley", "Tilley", "Sydney", "Tilley", "ICAC", "Tilley", "Cunneen" ], "start": [ 2, 40, 58, 93, 150, 167, 202, 268, 347, 377, 510, 530, 564, 651, 699, 723, 808, 834, 883, 925, 965, 990, 1035, 1070, 1153, 1206, 1286, 1347, 1415, 1437 ], "end": [ 15, 44, 61, 112, 157, 181, 215, 282, 354, 418, 514, 537, 570, 670, 703, 730, 825, 848, 889, 932, 975, 997, 1049, 1083, 1159, 1212, 1292, 1351, 1421, 1444 ] }
{ "passage": 65669, "query": 100677 }
Nemanja Matic wants to play alongside John Terry for years to come at Chelsea as the pair continue to dominate for Jose Mourinho's Premier League leaders. The Serbia midfielder has become a key member of a squad which Terry continues to lead with great authority. The 34-year-old Blues captain is entering the final six months of his Chelsea contract, which was extended for a year last summer. John Terry pokes home the opening goal for Chelsea against West Ham as Nemanja Matic stands in wait Matic celebrates as his much-respected team-mate scores another goal for Premier League leaders Chelsea Chelsea captain Terry, who scored for a second successive game, credits Diego Costa with the assist @highlight John Terry scored in Chelsea's 2-0 win over West Ham on Boxing Day @highlight Nemanja Matic describes Chelsea captain Terry as 'a big player' @highlight Terry's contract is up at season's end by Matic hopes he stays long-term @highlight Chelsea face Tottenham and Watford, in the FA Cup, in the next week
@placeholder has become an integral part of Jose Mourinho's Chelsea side in the holding midfielder role
[ "Premier League", "Jose Mourinho", "Boxing Day", "Matic", "Terry", "Diego Costa", "Serbia", "John Terry", "Tottenham", "West Ham", "FA Cup", "Chelsea", "Blues", "Watford", "Nemanja Matic" ]
{ "text": [ "Nemanja Matic", "John Terry", "Chelsea", "Jose Mourinho", "Premier League", "Serbia", "Terry", "Blues", "Chelsea", "John Terry", "Chelsea", "West Ham", "Nemanja Matic", "Matic", "Premier League", "Chelsea", "Chelsea", "Terry", "Diego Costa", "John Terry", "Chelsea", "West Ham", "Boxing Day", "Nemanja Matic", "Chelsea", "Terry", "Terry", "Matic", "Chelsea", "Tottenham", "Watford", "FA Cup" ], "start": [ 0, 38, 70, 115, 131, 159, 218, 280, 334, 395, 438, 454, 466, 495, 568, 591, 599, 615, 671, 710, 731, 754, 766, 788, 812, 828, 863, 905, 947, 960, 974, 990 ], "end": [ 13, 48, 77, 128, 145, 165, 223, 285, 341, 405, 445, 462, 479, 500, 582, 598, 606, 620, 682, 720, 738, 762, 776, 801, 819, 833, 868, 910, 954, 969, 981, 996 ] }
{ "passage": 65671, "query": 100679 }
BANGKOK, Thailand (CNN) -- A pregnant British woman facing possible execution in Laos will go on trial this week, the country's foreign affairs ministry said Monday. Samantha Orobator became pregnant in prison, according to a spokeswoman for rights group Reprieve. Samantha Orobator "is facing death by firing squad for drug trafficking," said Clare Algar, executive director of Reprieve, a London-based human rights group. Orobator, 20, was arrested on August 5, said Khenthong Nuanthasing, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman. She was alleged to have been carrying just over half a kilogram (1.1 pounds) of heroin, Reprieve lawyer Anna Morris told CNN by phone from Vientiane, the Laotian capital. "For that amount of heroin the sentence is normally the death penalty," she said. @highlight Samantha Orobator facing death by firing squad for drug trafficking @highlight Official: Orabator was arrested on August 5 @highlight She became pregnant while in prison, rights group spokeswoman says @highlight The last execution in Laos was in 1990
She said it was normal in the @placeholder justice system for a defendant to get a lawyer only days before a trial.
[ "Ministry of Foreign Affairs", "Laos", "Khenthong Nuanthasing", "Thailand", "Anna Morris", "Laotian", "Reprieve", "British", "London", "CNN", "Orobator", "Clare Algar", "Vientiane", "Orabator", "Samantha Orobator", "BANGKOK" ]
{ "text": [ "BANGKOK", "Thailand", "CNN", "British", "Laos", "Samantha Orobator", "Reprieve", "Samantha Orobator", "Clare Algar", "Reprieve", "London", "Orobator", "Khenthong Nuanthasing", "Ministry of Foreign Affairs", "Reprieve", "Anna Morris", "CNN", "Vientiane", "Laotian", "Samantha Orobator", "Orabator", "Laos" ], "start": [ 0, 9, 19, 39, 82, 167, 256, 266, 345, 380, 392, 425, 470, 497, 624, 640, 657, 675, 690, 800, 889, 1034 ], "end": [ 7, 17, 22, 46, 86, 184, 264, 283, 356, 388, 398, 433, 491, 524, 632, 651, 660, 684, 697, 817, 897, 1038 ] }
{ "passage": 65672, "query": 100680 }
BANGKOK, Thailand (CNN) -- A pregnant British woman facing possible execution in Laos will go on trial this week, the country's foreign affairs ministry said Monday. Samantha Orobator became pregnant in prison, according to a spokeswoman for rights group Reprieve. Samantha Orobator "is facing death by firing squad for drug trafficking," said Clare Algar, executive director of Reprieve, a London-based human rights group. Orobator, 20, was arrested on August 5, said Khenthong Nuanthasing, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman. She was alleged to have been carrying just over half a kilogram (1.1 pounds) of heroin, Reprieve lawyer Anna Morris told CNN by phone from Vientiane, the Laotian capital. "For that amount of heroin the sentence is normally the death penalty," she said. @highlight Samantha Orobator facing death by firing squad for drug trafficking @highlight Official: Orabator was arrested on August 5 @highlight She became pregnant while in prison, rights group spokeswoman says @highlight The last execution in Laos was in 1990
"We are paying close attention to her welfare and are in regular contact with the @placeholder authorities about her case.
[ "Ministry of Foreign Affairs", "Laos", "Khenthong Nuanthasing", "Thailand", "Anna Morris", "Laotian", "Reprieve", "British", "London", "CNN", "Orobator", "Clare Algar", "Vientiane", "Orabator", "Samantha Orobator", "BANGKOK" ]
{ "text": [ "BANGKOK", "Thailand", "CNN", "British", "Laos", "Samantha Orobator", "Reprieve", "Samantha Orobator", "Clare Algar", "Reprieve", "London", "Orobator", "Khenthong Nuanthasing", "Ministry of Foreign Affairs", "Reprieve", "Anna Morris", "CNN", "Vientiane", "Laotian", "Samantha Orobator", "Orabator", "Laos" ], "start": [ 0, 9, 19, 39, 82, 167, 256, 266, 345, 380, 392, 425, 470, 497, 624, 640, 657, 675, 690, 800, 889, 1034 ], "end": [ 7, 17, 22, 46, 86, 184, 264, 283, 356, 388, 398, 433, 491, 524, 632, 651, 660, 684, 697, 817, 897, 1038 ] }
{ "passage": 65672, "query": 100682 }
New York (CNN) -- Two New York state men have been charged in a bizarre plan to develop a mobile X-ray system that would be used from afar to silently kill people that they deemed "undesirable," federal officials said. Glendon Scott Crawford, 49, and Eric J. Feight, 54, were arrested Tuesday after an undercover operation by the Albany FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force. They were charged with conspiracy to provide material support for use of a weapon of mass destruction, according to the criminal complaint. Crawford and Feight were developing a device "intended to be mobile ... designed to turn on remotely from some distance away" that would emit "some dangerous levels of X-ray radiation," according to John Duncan, executive assistant U.S. attorney for the Northern District of New York. @highlight FBI: N.Y. state men developed X-ray system capable of emitting deadly radiation @highlight The men were charged with conspiracy to provide support for the use of a WMD @highlight One man, a member of the KKK, said he would use the device to kill Muslims
@placeholder was apparently concerned about not surviving a surgical procedure he underwent during the development of the machine.
[ "U.S.", "Glendon Scott Crawford", "New York", "Eric J. Feight", "Feight", "N.Y.", "Muslims", "Albany FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force", "CNN", "Crawford", "John Duncan", "Northern District of New York", "KKK", "FBI" ]
{ "text": [ "New York", "CNN", "New York", "Glendon Scott Crawford", "Eric J. Feight", "Albany FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force", "Crawford", "Feight", "John Duncan", "U.S.", "Northern District of New York", "FBI", "N.Y.", "KKK", "Muslims" ], "start": [ 0, 10, 22, 219, 251, 330, 509, 522, 708, 741, 763, 805, 810, 1009, 1051 ], "end": [ 8, 13, 30, 241, 265, 367, 517, 528, 719, 745, 792, 808, 814, 1012, 1058 ] }
{ "passage": 65675, "query": 100685 }
New York (CNN) -- Two New York state men have been charged in a bizarre plan to develop a mobile X-ray system that would be used from afar to silently kill people that they deemed "undesirable," federal officials said. Glendon Scott Crawford, 49, and Eric J. Feight, 54, were arrested Tuesday after an undercover operation by the Albany FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force. They were charged with conspiracy to provide material support for use of a weapon of mass destruction, according to the criminal complaint. Crawford and Feight were developing a device "intended to be mobile ... designed to turn on remotely from some distance away" that would emit "some dangerous levels of X-ray radiation," according to John Duncan, executive assistant U.S. attorney for the Northern District of New York. @highlight FBI: N.Y. state men developed X-ray system capable of emitting deadly radiation @highlight The men were charged with conspiracy to provide support for the use of a WMD @highlight One man, a member of the KKK, said he would use the device to kill Muslims
In an e-mail to an unidentified person, @placeholder said: "if something happens I don't want this to go away, it can serve our people well."
[ "U.S.", "Glendon Scott Crawford", "New York", "Eric J. Feight", "Feight", "N.Y.", "Muslims", "Albany FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force", "CNN", "Crawford", "John Duncan", "Northern District of New York", "KKK", "FBI" ]
{ "text": [ "New York", "CNN", "New York", "Glendon Scott Crawford", "Eric J. Feight", "Albany FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force", "Crawford", "Feight", "John Duncan", "U.S.", "Northern District of New York", "FBI", "N.Y.", "KKK", "Muslims" ], "start": [ 0, 10, 22, 219, 251, 330, 509, 522, 708, 741, 763, 805, 810, 1009, 1051 ], "end": [ 8, 13, 30, 241, 265, 367, 517, 528, 719, 745, 792, 808, 814, 1012, 1058 ] }
{ "passage": 65675, "query": 100686 }
The husband of Melbourne's Jill Meagher, who was raped and murdered two years ago, is urging his Facebook followers to stop 'pick-up artist' Julian Blanc obtaining an Irish visa. Tom Meagher took to social media and asked people to sign a petition to stop Ireland from being a 'haven' for Mr Blanc. 'Mr Blanc promotes sexual assault, and harassment as part of his shtick as a "pick-up artist",' Mr Meagher posted along with the petition's link. Scroll down for video Tom Meagher (left), husband of Jill Meagher (right), has called on Facebook followers to sign a petition to bar 'pick-up artist' Julien Blanc from entering Ireland @highlight Tom Meagher asked people to sign petition to stop Julien Blanc entering Ireland @highlight Mr Meagher's wife, Jill, was raped and murdered two years ago in Melbourne @highlight Her disappearance sparked a widespread social media campaign to find her and her killer @highlight Mr Meagher said Ireland should not be a 'haven' for the self-confessed dating expert
'@placeholder’s strategies for attracting women are eerily similar to diagnostic charts for family violence,' he said.
[ "Julian Blanc", "Jill", "Jill Meagher", "Tom Meagher", "Ireland", "Blanc", "Irish", "Julien Blanc", "Facebook", "Meagher", "Melbourne" ]
{ "text": [ "Melbourne", "Jill Meagher", "Facebook", "Julian Blanc", "Irish", "Tom Meagher", "Ireland", "Blanc", "Blanc", "Meagher", "Tom Meagher", "Jill Meagher", "Facebook", "Julien Blanc", "Ireland", "Tom Meagher", "Julien Blanc", "Ireland", "Meagher", "Jill", "Melbourne", "Meagher", "Ireland" ], "start": [ 15, 27, 97, 141, 167, 179, 267, 303, 314, 409, 478, 509, 545, 607, 634, 653, 703, 725, 747, 763, 809, 932, 945 ], "end": [ 24, 39, 105, 153, 172, 190, 274, 308, 319, 416, 489, 521, 553, 619, 641, 664, 715, 732, 754, 767, 818, 939, 952 ] }
{ "passage": 65676, "query": 100687 }
Sportsmail asked 10 current and ex-boxers, both former and reigning Champions and Olympic gold medallists among them, to give their verdict on the big fight. It would seem that Carl Froch is the favourite to beat George Groves for a second time... VIDEO Scroll down to see the experts make their predictions The wait is over: Carl Froch and George Groves finally meet at Wembley (Former world light-welterweight champion)Groves knows he can hurt Froch; Froch knows he can hurt Groves. Froch won’t be so macho this time; he knows he can get knocked down. Verdict: FROCH (Lost to Groves in 2011)I keep changing my mind. Groves boxed well last time but Froch is the champion; he has a lot of heart and a good chin.Verdict: GROVES @highlight Carl Froch and George Groves go head-to-head for their much anticipated rematch on Saturday @highlight Sportsmail asked a number of former and current fighters, including Amir Khan, Lennox Lewis and Tyson Fury, their opinion on the massive fight @highlight The Cobra is the slight favourite to take the win
I like @placeholder’ style and he was unlucky not to win the first bout, but he might have missed his chance.
[ "GROVES", "Groves", "Lennox Lewis", "Wembley", "Olympic", "chin.Verdict", "Froch", "Carl Froch", "Amir Khan", "George Groves", "Sportsmail", "Tyson Fury", "Cobra", "FROCH" ]
{ "text": [ "Sportsmail", "Olympic", "Carl Froch", "George Groves", "Carl Froch", "George Groves", "Wembley", "Groves", "Froch", "Froch", "Groves", "Froch", "FROCH", "Groves", "Groves", "Froch", "chin.Verdict", "GROVES", "Carl Froch", "George Groves", "Sportsmail", "Amir Khan", "Lennox Lewis", "Tyson Fury", "Cobra" ], "start": [ 0, 82, 177, 213, 326, 341, 371, 421, 446, 453, 477, 485, 563, 578, 618, 650, 706, 720, 738, 753, 841, 909, 920, 937, 999 ], "end": [ 10, 89, 187, 226, 336, 354, 378, 427, 451, 458, 483, 490, 568, 584, 624, 655, 718, 726, 748, 766, 851, 918, 932, 947, 1004 ] }
George Groves
{ "passage": 65679, "query": 100691 }
NAIROBI, Kenya (CNN) -- Gangs of young men armed with machetes are roaming the streets in Kenya as post-election violence threatens to engulf the country. Horrific attacks are being reported, including the torching of a church where people who had sought refuge were burned alive. At least 148 people have been killed and about 75,000 have fled their homes since President Mwai Kibaki won a narrow victory, according to Kenyan government officials. The Associated Press reported a higher number -- about 275 -- have died since Saturday. Much of the violence is between supporters of Kibaki from the majority Kikuyu tribe and backers of opposition leader Raila Odinga, who is from the Luo tribe. @highlight NEW: Red Cross: 120 people have been reported dead, 1,000 injured @highlight International observers have called into question Kenyan election results @highlight Witnesses: Mob set fire to church and burned people to death @highlight The vote was marred by allegations of vote-rigging by both of the main parties
In a particularly disturbing incident, a mob appears to have burned a church filled with @placeholder seeking refuge from the violence.
[ "Kenyan", "Luo", "Kenya", "Raila Odinga", "Red Cross", "Kibaki", "Kikuyu", "CNN", "Associated Press", "Mwai Kibaki", "NAIROBI" ]
{ "text": [ "NAIROBI", "Kenya", "CNN", "Kenya", "Mwai Kibaki", "Kenyan", "Associated Press", "Kibaki", "Kikuyu", "Raila Odinga", "Luo", "Red Cross", "Kenyan" ], "start": [ 0, 9, 16, 90, 373, 420, 453, 583, 608, 654, 684, 711, 833 ], "end": [ 7, 14, 19, 95, 384, 426, 469, 589, 614, 666, 687, 720, 839 ] }
{ "passage": 65680, "query": 100692 }
By Paul Thompson PUBLISHED: 15:55 EST, 16 June 2013 | UPDATED: 03:07 EST, 17 June 2013 An alleged carjacker came off second best when he threatened to harm Dorothy Baker's young children. Not only did she manage to wrestle a knife from him but ran him over with her minivan as he attempted to flee. 'He messed with the wrong witch,' said Dorothy Baker, from Baytown, Texas. SCROLL DOWN FOR VIDEO Don't mess with Texas: Mother-of-six Dorothy Baker was terrified for her children when she managed to fight of a would-be carjacker The terrifying ordeal began after Baker drove home from a local CVS after shopping with her sons, five-year-old Xavier and Jayden, two. @highlight Dorothy Baker was returning home with her children when a man popped up from the back of her car and demanded money @highlight 53-year-old Ismael Martinez had a knife and threatened Baker's two young children @highlight Baker fought off Martinez and punched him in the face, ordering him from her car @highlight Martinez exited the car only to be hit by Baker's minivan and is now in a serious condition in hospital @highlight Baker said she didn't mean to hurt him and was trying to protect her kids
Records reveal @placeholder was jailed for a 1976 rape conviction.
[ "Jayden", "Texas", "Ismael Martinez", "Baytown", "Baker", "Dorothy Baker", "Martinez", "CVS", "Xavier", "Paul Thompson" ]
{ "text": [ "Paul Thompson", "Dorothy Baker", "Dorothy Baker", "Baytown", "Texas", "Texas", "Dorothy Baker", "Baker", "CVS", "Xavier", "Jayden", "Dorothy Baker", "Ismael Martinez", "Baker", "Baker", "Martinez", "Martinez", "Baker", "Baker" ], "start": [ 3, 156, 338, 358, 367, 412, 433, 562, 592, 640, 651, 675, 814, 857, 895, 912, 987, 1029, 1102 ], "end": [ 16, 169, 351, 365, 372, 417, 446, 567, 595, 646, 657, 688, 829, 862, 900, 920, 995, 1034, 1107 ] }
Ismael Martinez
{ "passage": 65681, "query": 100694 }
By Meghan Keneally PUBLISHED: 17:13 EST, 21 October 2013 | UPDATED: 17:34 EST, 21 October 2013 Democratic congressional candidate Sean Eldridge has released his latest financial report showing that he put in a quarter of a million dollars in his quest to be elected to office. While Eldridge's millionaire husband Chris Hughes, who was one of Mark Zuckerberg's college roommates and an early leader at Facebook, is not listed as a donor in the latest filing, plenty of the couple's famous friends chipped in. Zuckerberg contributed the maximum amount of $2,600 in both the primary and the general election, as did his wife Priscilla Chan meaning that the Zuckerberg-Chan household contributed a total of $10,400 to the New York state campaign. @highlight Sean Eldridge, 27, is running for Congress in New York's 19th District @highlight Eldridge is married to Chris Hughes who helped his college roommate Mark Zuckerberg launch Facebook back when they were at Harvard @highlight Hughes, who is worth an estimated $500m, and Eldridge have bought three multi-million dollar properties in New York
The biggest donor by far was Mr @placeholder himself who gave $250,000 to the campaign in the third quarter of this year.
[ "Meghan Keneally", "Sean Eldridge", "Democratic", "Zuckerberg-Chan", "Chris Hughes", "Eldridge", "New York", "Congress", "Mark Zuckerberg", "Facebook", "Harvard", "Hughes", "Zuckerberg", "Priscilla Chan" ]
{ "text": [ "Meghan Keneally", "Democratic", "Sean Eldridge", "Eldridge", "Chris Hughes", "Mark Zuckerberg", "Facebook", "Zuckerberg", "Priscilla Chan", "Zuckerberg-Chan", "New York", "Sean Eldridge", "Congress", "New York", "Eldridge", "Chris Hughes", "Mark Zuckerberg", "Facebook", "Harvard", "Hughes", "Eldridge", "New York" ], "start": [ 3, 95, 130, 283, 314, 343, 402, 509, 623, 655, 719, 755, 789, 801, 837, 860, 905, 928, 960, 979, 1024, 1086 ], "end": [ 18, 105, 143, 291, 326, 358, 410, 519, 637, 670, 727, 768, 797, 809, 845, 872, 920, 936, 967, 985, 1032, 1094 ] }
{ "passage": 65687, "query": 100702 }
Tripoli, Libya (CNN) -- A deadline set by Libya's new leaders for the surrender of the towns of Sirte and Bani Walid, bastions of hardcore supporters of Moammar Gadhafi, passed at midnight Friday without any apparent deal. Before the deadline expired, a spokesman for the National Transitional Council said talks with loyalists were continuing into the evening. Absent a resolution, "it's up to military planners to decide how to move forward," Shamsuddin Ben Ali said. Sticking points included the demand by Gadhafi loyalists for NTC fighters to enter their communities unarmed, and to refrain from searching houses. The loyalists also asked for blanket pardons, but the NTC wanted to prosecute loyalists with blood on their hands, Ben Ali said. @highlight 18 bodies found in western Libya, Human Rights Watch reports @highlight Officials see heavy resistance in Bani Walid, fighting east of Sirte @highlight Negotiations were to end at midnight, deal or no deal, new Libyan leaders had said @highlight U.N. envoy Martin sees positive signs in Tripoli, along with concerns
At the United Nations, Ian Martin, the secretary-general's special envoy to @placeholder, told reporters that fears of a humanitarian disaster in the capital have not materialized.
[ "Libyan", "NTC", "Human Rights Watch", "Gadhafi loyalists", "Ben Ali", "Shamsuddin", "National Transitional Council", "Tripoli", "Sirte", "CNN", "Martin", "Libya", "Bani Walid", "U.N.", "Moammar Gadhafi" ]
{ "text": [ "Tripoli", "Libya", "CNN", "Libya", "Sirte", "Bani Walid", "Moammar Gadhafi", "National Transitional Council", "Shamsuddin", "Ben Ali", "Gadhafi loyalists", "NTC", "NTC", "Ben Ali", "Libya", "Human Rights Watch", "Bani Walid", "Sirte", "Libyan", "U.N.", "Martin", "Tripoli" ], "start": [ 0, 9, 16, 42, 96, 106, 153, 272, 445, 456, 509, 531, 672, 733, 785, 792, 864, 893, 969, 1004, 1015, 1045 ], "end": [ 7, 14, 19, 47, 101, 116, 168, 301, 455, 463, 526, 534, 675, 740, 790, 810, 874, 898, 975, 1008, 1021, 1052 ] }
{ "passage": 65690, "query": 100705 }
By Richard Shears and Martin Robinson PUBLISHED: 01:04 EST, 13 June 2013 | UPDATED: 12:36 EST, 13 June 2013 A British oil worker who spent a terrifying 48 hour ordeal at the hands of kidnappers in Indonesia, fought back the tears as he told how his captors let him go because his Indonesian wife could not afford their £300,000 ransom demand. Engineer Malcolm Primrose, 61, who was found yesterday in a palm oil plantation, said he had feared he was never going to see his wife and family again. 'Excuse me if I am a little bit emotional,' Mr Primrose as he sat with his wife Nurasiah at the police station in Parsi Putih village in the northern province of East Aceh. @highlight Malcolm Primrose was being driven to a work site in Aceh, Indonesia @highlight He was stopped by a group of at least 6 armed men who then kidnapped him @highlight Group later contacted Mr Primrose's family demanding £320,000 @highlight Police say that no ransom was paid and Mr Primrose was found in plantation
'We would like to place on record our warm thanks for the support we have received from the Indonesian authorities, as well as from the Governor of @placeholder and his staff, the Chief of Aceh police and his team, and the many others who have worked so hard to secure his release.'
[ "East Aceh", "Aceh", "Parsi Putih", "Malcolm Primrose", "Primrose", "Indonesian", "Richard Shears", "British", "Martin Robinson", "Indonesia", "Nurasiah" ]
{ "text": [ "Richard Shears", "Martin Robinson", "British", "Indonesia", "Indonesian", "Malcolm Primrose", "Primrose", "Nurasiah", "Parsi Putih", "East Aceh", "Malcolm Primrose", "Aceh", "Indonesia", "Primrose", "Primrose" ], "start": [ 3, 22, 110, 197, 280, 352, 543, 576, 610, 658, 680, 732, 738, 868, 958 ], "end": [ 17, 37, 117, 206, 290, 368, 551, 584, 621, 667, 696, 736, 747, 876, 966 ] }
{ "passage": 65695, "query": 100712 }
Washington (CNN) -- President Barack Obama and visiting Russian President Dmitry Medvedev pledged cooperation on stronger economic ties Thursday, announcing a deal for Russia to again accept U.S. poultry exports and touting U.S. support for Russia's bid to join the World Trade Organization. During a busy day that included White House talks, a joint news conference and participation in a U.S.-Russia business council meeting, the two presidents repeatedly cited strengthening relations between their countries after what Obama called a "drift" under the previous administration. Faced with the continuing struggle to recover from the global economic recession, nuclear ambitions of Iran and North Korea, terrorism threats and other major issues, Obama and Medvedev said the world needed a strong U.S.-Russian relationship in the 21st century. @highlight NEW: Obama announces Russia will allow U.S. poultry imports again @highlight NEW: Leaders tout Russia's bid to join World Trade Organization @highlight Obama treats visiting Russian president to lunch on busy day of talks @highlight Vice President Joe Biden, Secretary of State Clinton, other officials join Obama-Medvedev meeting
Medvedev noted that Russia has made progress on preparing for membership including necessary changes in @placeholder laws and steps on issues such as electronic property.
[ "U.S.", "Clinton", "White House", "Iran", "Joe Biden", "Russia", "Russian", "Dmitry Medvedev", "CNN", "World Trade Organization", "North Korea", "Medvedev", "Washington", "Barack Obama", "Obama" ]
{ "text": [ "Washington", "CNN", "Barack Obama", "Russian", "Dmitry Medvedev", "Russia", "U.S.", "U.S.", "Russia", "World Trade Organization", "White House", "U.S.", "Russia", "Obama", "Iran", "North Korea", "Obama", "Medvedev", "U.S.", "Russian", "Obama", "Russia", "U.S.", "Russia", "World Trade Organization", "Obama", "Russian", "Joe Biden", "Clinton", "Obama", "Medvedev" ], "start": [ 0, 12, 30, 56, 74, 168, 191, 224, 241, 266, 324, 390, 395, 523, 684, 693, 748, 758, 798, 803, 861, 877, 895, 951, 972, 1008, 1030, 1104, 1134, 1164, 1170 ], "end": [ 10, 15, 42, 63, 89, 174, 195, 228, 247, 290, 335, 394, 401, 528, 688, 704, 753, 766, 802, 810, 866, 883, 899, 957, 996, 1013, 1037, 1113, 1141, 1169, 1178 ] }
{ "passage": 65698, "query": 100716 }
Washington (CNN) -- President Barack Obama and visiting Russian President Dmitry Medvedev pledged cooperation on stronger economic ties Thursday, announcing a deal for Russia to again accept U.S. poultry exports and touting U.S. support for Russia's bid to join the World Trade Organization. During a busy day that included White House talks, a joint news conference and participation in a U.S.-Russia business council meeting, the two presidents repeatedly cited strengthening relations between their countries after what Obama called a "drift" under the previous administration. Faced with the continuing struggle to recover from the global economic recession, nuclear ambitions of Iran and North Korea, terrorism threats and other major issues, Obama and Medvedev said the world needed a strong U.S.-Russian relationship in the 21st century. @highlight NEW: Obama announces Russia will allow U.S. poultry imports again @highlight NEW: Leaders tout Russia's bid to join World Trade Organization @highlight Obama treats visiting Russian president to lunch on busy day of talks @highlight Vice President Joe Biden, Secretary of State Clinton, other officials join Obama-Medvedev meeting
Last year, @placeholder made another unscheduled lunch stop at the restaurant with Biden.
[ "U.S.", "Clinton", "White House", "Iran", "Joe Biden", "Russia", "Russian", "Dmitry Medvedev", "CNN", "World Trade Organization", "North Korea", "Medvedev", "Washington", "Barack Obama", "Obama" ]
{ "text": [ "Washington", "CNN", "Barack Obama", "Russian", "Dmitry Medvedev", "Russia", "U.S.", "U.S.", "Russia", "World Trade Organization", "White House", "U.S.", "Russia", "Obama", "Iran", "North Korea", "Obama", "Medvedev", "U.S.", "Russian", "Obama", "Russia", "U.S.", "Russia", "World Trade Organization", "Obama", "Russian", "Joe Biden", "Clinton", "Obama", "Medvedev" ], "start": [ 0, 12, 30, 56, 74, 168, 191, 224, 241, 266, 324, 390, 395, 523, 684, 693, 748, 758, 798, 803, 861, 877, 895, 951, 972, 1008, 1030, 1104, 1134, 1164, 1170 ], "end": [ 10, 15, 42, 63, 89, 174, 195, 228, 247, 290, 335, 394, 401, 528, 688, 704, 753, 766, 802, 810, 866, 883, 899, 957, 996, 1013, 1037, 1113, 1141, 1169, 1178 ] }
Barack Obama
{ "passage": 65698, "query": 100717 }
Liverpool are ready to revive their interest in Ryan Bertrand as they continue their quest to find a new left-back. Bertrand has been on Liverpool’s radar for more than 12 months and they came close to sign him in the January window but he ultimately ended up joining Aston Villa on loan. Trying to conclude a deal, however, will be far from straightforward as Chelsea are reluctant to do business with a side they now regard as credible title rivals and they would be looking for a fee in excess of £8million. VIDEO Scroll down to watch what Liverpool have been up to so far in pre-season @highlight Brendan Rodgers first tried to sign Bertrand in January @highlight Chelsea are reluctant to sell to title rival and would want £8million @highlight Liverpool failed to sign Davies who has now joined Tottenham @highlight Sevilla are refusing to accept less than £16m for Moreno @highlight Liverpool are also trying to complete a loan deal for Javier Manquillo
On the move: @placeholder's (right) future at Chelsea is in doubt and he looks set to leave
[ "Aston Villa", "Liverpool", "Javier Manquillo", "Ryan Bertrand", "Bertrand", "Brendan Rodgers", "Moreno", "Sevilla", "Davies", "Tottenham", "Chelsea" ]
{ "text": [ "Liverpool", "Ryan Bertrand", "Bertrand", "Liverpool", "Aston Villa", "Chelsea", "Liverpool", "Brendan Rodgers", "Bertrand", "Chelsea", "Liverpool", "Davies", "Tottenham", "Sevilla", "Moreno", "Liverpool", "Javier Manquillo" ], "start": [ 0, 48, 116, 137, 268, 361, 543, 601, 637, 668, 749, 774, 800, 821, 871, 889, 943 ], "end": [ 9, 61, 124, 146, 279, 368, 552, 616, 645, 675, 758, 780, 809, 828, 877, 898, 959 ] }
{ "passage": 65704, "query": 100724 }