Sinai, Egypt (CNN) -- Ten Yemeni militants infiltrated Egyptian soil two months ago and trained local Jihadi cells in the Sinai peninsula, a security official said Friday. "Several foreign men were spotted shopping in the market by residents and we received intelligence that they were in communication with Jihadist cells in Al Mukataa, a remote area south of Sheikh Zuweid in Northern Sinai," said a senior security official associated with Egypt's North Sinai's border guards, who spoke on condition of anonymity. "We hope to capture them in our ongoing raids. They could be hiding in Jabal-Al Halal -- a rugged mountain terrain in central Sinai." @highlight Official: 10 Yemeni militants came to Egypt two months before Rafah attack @highlight The militants were smuggled into Sinai from Sudan among groups of African migrants @highlight "We hope to capture them in our raids," official says @highlight Israel and U.S. are concerned about the rise of terrorist cells in the Sinai peninsula
"We think this is a dangerous situation for both @placeholder and Israel.
[ "U.S.", "Rafah", "Sinai peninsula", "Al Mukataa", "Israel", "African", "Egyptian", "Egypt", "Sinai", "Jihadist", "Sheikh Zuweid", "CNN", "Jihadi", "Northern Sinai", "Yemeni", "North Sinai", "Jabal-Al Halal", "Sudan" ]
{ "text": [ "Sinai", "Egypt", "CNN", "Yemeni", "Egyptian", "Jihadi", "Sinai peninsula", "Jihadist", "Al Mukataa", "Sheikh Zuweid", "Northern Sinai", "Egypt", "North Sinai", "Jabal-Al Halal", "Sinai", "Yemeni", "Egypt", "Rafah", "Sinai", "Sudan", "African", "Israel", "U.S.", "Sinai" ], "start": [ 0, 7, 14, 26, 55, 102, 122, 308, 326, 361, 378, 443, 451, 588, 643, 675, 700, 724, 781, 792, 814, 907, 918, 978 ], "end": [ 5, 12, 17, 32, 63, 108, 137, 316, 336, 374, 392, 448, 462, 602, 648, 681, 705, 729, 786, 797, 821, 913, 922, 983 ] }
{ "passage": 65298, "query": 100131 }
President Barack Obama will use his State of the Union address tonight to push tax increases he knows the GOP-led Congress will never pass, let alone consider. He plans to put Republicans on the defense by characterizing them as the party of big business and special interests while pushing Democrats are the true champions of the middle class. Although Obama has competed in his last election, his party must be able to show that if trusted with the White House and the Senate again, it will advocate for a platform of reforms that will be a boon to average Americans. @highlight Will try to force Republicans on the defense by characterizing them as the party of big business and Democrats as champions of the middle class @highlight Obama is running out of time to build his legacy, which includes digging his political party out of the rut it's in @highlight Republicans have lined up a series of votes intended to embarrass Democrats and force them into politically uncomfortable positions @highlight White House hopes to turn the tables on Republicans; Obama will propose $320 billion in tax increases over the next 10 years, mostly on the rich
In less than two years @placeholder will have to defend 24 seats, including several in states that Obama won in the last election.
[ "Americans", "White House", "Democrats", "Congress", "Senate", "Republicans", "Barack Obama", "Obama", "GOP", "State of the Union address" ]
{ "text": [ "Barack Obama", "State of the Union address", "GOP", "Congress", "Republicans", "Obama", "White House", "Senate", "Americans", "Obama", "Republicans", "Democrats", "White House", "Republicans", "Obama" ], "start": [ 10, 36, 106, 114, 176, 354, 451, 471, 559, 736, 863, 929, 1006, 1046, 1059 ], "end": [ 22, 62, 109, 122, 187, 359, 462, 477, 568, 741, 874, 938, 1017, 1057, 1064 ] }
{ "passage": 65300, "query": 100135 }
Televangelist Ernest Angley has been accused of running an Ohio church where men are forced to get vasectomies and women abortions, and where children were sexually abused. Self-proclaimed prophet Angley has been described by some of 21 former members as a closeted-homosexual Jim Jones who's turned a blind eye to sexual abuse. But the 93-year-old has defended the allegations, saying he is simply an instrument of God. Televangelist Ernest Angley has been accused of running an Ohio church where men are forced to get vasectomies and women abortions, and where children were sexually abused Angley was described as a closeted-homosexual Jim Jones who turned a blind eye to sexual abuse. @highlight Vasectomies and abortions encouraged to save offspring from today's evils @highlight A pregnant woman was told to treat her fetus as if it was a tumor @highlight Abuse victims claim Ernest Angley told them to keep their allegations secret
@placeholder, 93 said he wasn't a homosexual as 'God wouldn't use a homosexual like he uses me.
[ "Angley", "Ohio", "God", "Ernest Angley", "Jim Jones" ]
{ "text": [ "Ernest Angley", "Ohio", "Angley", "Jim Jones", "God", "Ernest Angley", "Ohio", "Angley", "Jim Jones", "Ernest Angley" ], "start": [ 14, 59, 197, 277, 416, 435, 480, 593, 639, 882 ], "end": [ 27, 63, 203, 286, 419, 448, 484, 599, 648, 895 ] }
{ "passage": 65301, "query": 100136 }
Seoul, South Korea (CNN) -- The new commander of U.S. forces in Korea stood just feet away from North Korean soldiers on Friday. Just one day after Gen. James D. Thurman was installed as the head of the United Nations Command/Combined Forces Command/United States Forces Korea, he visited the border between North and South Korea. That area, better known as the DMZ, or Demilitarized Zone, is somewhat ironically named, considering it may be one of the most heavily fortified areas in the world. As Thurman arrived at the truce village of Panmunjom and entered the building where the armistice that ended the Korean War was signed in 1953, North Korean soldiers, some with binoculars, watched through the windows from their side of the border, behind a simple concrete threshold. They also took photographs -- the usual North Korean response to VIPs visiting the area. @highlight Gen. James D. Thurman is the new commander of U.S. and U.N. forces in Korea @highlight Thurman visited the DMZ, the tense border between North and South Korea, on Friday @highlight North Korean soldiers stood just feet away from Thurman, watching him and taking pictures @highlight Despite a 1953 armistice, the two Koreas have technically been at war since 1950
Standing at an observation post overlooking North Korea, the general said, "I thought it very important that I come to the DMZ to observe first-hand the readiness levels and the training and the leadership of the ROK (@placeholder) military and U.S. participation so I have a better understanding of the mission."
[ "James D. Thurman", "Koreas", "Panmunjom", "United States Forces Korea", "North Korean", "North and South Korea", "CNN", "Korean War", "U.S.", "United Nations", "Korea", "VIPs", "Thurman", "U.N.", "Seoul", "Demilitarized Zone", "South Korea", "DMZ", "Command/Combined Forces Command" ]
{ "text": [ "Seoul", "South Korea", "CNN", "U.S.", "Korea", "North Korean", "James D. Thurman", "United Nations", "Command/Combined Forces Command", "United States Forces Korea", "North and South Korea", "DMZ", "Demilitarized Zone", "Thurman", "Panmunjom", "Korean War", "North Korean", "North Korean", "VIPs", "James D. Thurman", "U.S.", "U.N.", "Korea", "Thurman", "DMZ", "North and South Korea", "North Korean", "Thurman", "Koreas" ], "start": [ 0, 7, 20, 49, 64, 96, 153, 203, 218, 250, 308, 362, 370, 499, 539, 609, 640, 820, 845, 885, 926, 935, 950, 967, 987, 1017, 1061, 1109, 1196 ], "end": [ 5, 18, 23, 53, 69, 108, 169, 217, 249, 276, 329, 365, 388, 506, 548, 619, 652, 832, 849, 901, 930, 939, 955, 974, 990, 1038, 1073, 1116, 1202 ] }
{ "passage": 65302, "query": 100138 }
Seoul, South Korea (CNN) -- The new commander of U.S. forces in Korea stood just feet away from North Korean soldiers on Friday. Just one day after Gen. James D. Thurman was installed as the head of the United Nations Command/Combined Forces Command/United States Forces Korea, he visited the border between North and South Korea. That area, better known as the DMZ, or Demilitarized Zone, is somewhat ironically named, considering it may be one of the most heavily fortified areas in the world. As Thurman arrived at the truce village of Panmunjom and entered the building where the armistice that ended the Korean War was signed in 1953, North Korean soldiers, some with binoculars, watched through the windows from their side of the border, behind a simple concrete threshold. They also took photographs -- the usual North Korean response to VIPs visiting the area. @highlight Gen. James D. Thurman is the new commander of U.S. and U.N. forces in Korea @highlight Thurman visited the DMZ, the tense border between North and South Korea, on Friday @highlight North Korean soldiers stood just feet away from Thurman, watching him and taking pictures @highlight Despite a 1953 armistice, the two Koreas have technically been at war since 1950
U.S. and South Korean soldiers briefed @placeholder on the security situation there.
[ "James D. Thurman", "Koreas", "Panmunjom", "United States Forces Korea", "North Korean", "North and South Korea", "CNN", "Korean War", "U.S.", "United Nations", "Korea", "VIPs", "Thurman", "U.N.", "Seoul", "Demilitarized Zone", "South Korea", "DMZ", "Command/Combined Forces Command" ]
{ "text": [ "Seoul", "South Korea", "CNN", "U.S.", "Korea", "North Korean", "James D. Thurman", "United Nations", "Command/Combined Forces Command", "United States Forces Korea", "North and South Korea", "DMZ", "Demilitarized Zone", "Thurman", "Panmunjom", "Korean War", "North Korean", "North Korean", "VIPs", "James D. Thurman", "U.S.", "U.N.", "Korea", "Thurman", "DMZ", "North and South Korea", "North Korean", "Thurman", "Koreas" ], "start": [ 0, 7, 20, 49, 64, 96, 153, 203, 218, 250, 308, 362, 370, 499, 539, 609, 640, 820, 845, 885, 926, 935, 950, 967, 987, 1017, 1061, 1109, 1196 ], "end": [ 5, 18, 23, 53, 69, 108, 169, 217, 249, 276, 329, 365, 388, 506, 548, 619, 652, 832, 849, 901, 930, 939, 955, 974, 990, 1038, 1073, 1116, 1202 ] }
James D. Thurman
{ "passage": 65302, "query": 100139 }
(CNN) -- Uganda's government institutions will lose U.S. funding as punishment for a law signed earlier this year by President Yoweri Museveni that makes some homosexual acts punishable by life in prison. In addition, the White House said Thursday that Washington will cancel a planned military exercise with Uganda and deny entry to certain Ugandan citizens, including those "involved in serious human rights abuses, including against LGBT individuals." The United States will not end its humanitarian support for Uganda or its cooperation to stamp out the Lord's Resistance Army, led by the elusive Joseph Kony. "We will seek to advance these interests even as we continue -- in Uganda and around the world -- to oppose discriminatory practices and champion human rights for all," read the statement by White House National Security Council spokeswoman Caitlin Hayden. @highlight U.S. pulls funding from Uganda's government @highlight Move is in response to Uganda's anti-gay law @highlight Washington also cancels a planned military exercise @highlight Uganda's President signed measure earlier this year
@placeholder granted bail in first gay sex trial since tough new law
[ "U.S.", "Washington", "Lord's Resistance Army", "White House", "United States", "Joseph Kony", "LGBT", "Caitlin Hayden", "Yoweri Museveni", "CNN", "Ugandan", "White House National Security Council", "Uganda" ]
{ "text": [ "CNN", "Uganda", "U.S.", "Yoweri Museveni", "White House", "Washington", "Uganda", "Ugandan", "LGBT", "United States", "Uganda", "Lord's Resistance Army", "Joseph Kony", "Uganda", "White House National Security Council", "Caitlin Hayden", "U.S.", "Uganda", "Uganda", "Washington", "Uganda" ], "start": [ 1, 9, 52, 127, 222, 253, 309, 342, 436, 459, 515, 558, 601, 681, 805, 855, 882, 906, 960, 993, 1056 ], "end": [ 4, 15, 56, 142, 233, 263, 315, 349, 440, 472, 521, 580, 612, 687, 842, 869, 886, 912, 966, 1003, 1062 ] }
{ "passage": 65307, "query": 100146 }
Coleen Rooney has worked diligently to get her figure back to peak condition since the birth of her second son in May, and the results speak for themselves. But while the 27-year-old's earlier physical transformations have largely been down to hard work in the gym, this time round Coleen has had a bit of a helping hand at a local clinic. The Liverpudlian wife of Wayne Rooney has revealed that she has been undergoing 3D lipo - a £999 treatment that claims to melt fat away. Slimmer frame: Coleen Rooney has been displaying a more svelte figure lately and now she has revealed the secret behind it: 3D lipo @highlight Coleen tweeted about first session of the fat melting treatment @highlight Costs £999 for eight sessions and clinic claims no recovery time needed @highlight Coleen, 27, has been undergoing treatment for four weeks @highlight Alex Gerrard also has the lipo at Malinki Cosmetics salon in Liverpool
joint salon director of Malinki Cosmetics, where @placeholder has been
[ "Alex Gerrard", "Malinki Cosmetics", "Wayne Rooney", "Coleen", "Liverpool", "3D", "Coleen Rooney", "Liverpudlian" ]
{ "text": [ "Coleen Rooney", "Coleen", "Liverpudlian", "Wayne Rooney", "Coleen Rooney", "3D", "Coleen", "Coleen", "Alex Gerrard", "Malinki Cosmetics", "Liverpool" ], "start": [ 0, 282, 344, 365, 492, 601, 620, 778, 846, 880, 907 ], "end": [ 13, 288, 356, 377, 505, 603, 626, 784, 858, 897, 916 ] }
{ "passage": 65319, "query": 100162 }
By Associated Press UPDATED: 17:32 EST, 26 February 2012 Billions of dollars are on the line when a federal trial opens Monday over the reams of litigation spawned by the nation's worst offshore oil disaster, though those whose losses can't be repaid are hoping for something more elusive: justice for lost loved ones. Meanwhile, U.S. District Judge Carl Barbier is pushing back the federal trial over the nation's worst offshore oil disaster by a week, saying Sunday that BP PLC was making some progress in settlement talks with a committee overseeing scores of lawsuits, according to people close to the case. @highlight April 20, 2010 explosion of BP rig killed 11 and released some 206m gallons of oil polluted beaches, marshes, and made fishing on Gulf impossible @highlight Victims seeking compensation and answers for spill; many feel their stories masked by corporate greed and finger-pointing @highlight Families livid they have not yet received apologies from BP @highlight Judge delayed trial so BP PLC could make progress with settlements @highlight Trial now set to begin March 5 if no settlement can be reached
Disaster: Technicians with a wildlife rehabilitation centre give a final rinse to a formerly heavily oiled brown pelican that was found in the area of the @placeholder oil spill in June 2010
[ "U.S.", "BP PLC", "Gulf", "BP", "Associated Press", "Carl Barbier" ]
{ "text": [ "Associated Press", "U.S.", "Carl Barbier", "BP PLC", "BP", "Gulf", "BP", "BP PLC" ], "start": [ 3, 330, 350, 473, 651, 753, 970, 1007 ], "end": [ 19, 334, 362, 479, 653, 757, 972, 1013 ] }
{ "passage": 65323, "query": 100167 }
New Delhi (CNN)U.S. President Barack Obama and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi are pals, if you haven't heard. The pair have "chemistry," according to the White House and Indian officials. They've shared impromptu strolls on the National Mall and, on Sunday, a long meander through a New Delhi rose garden. Indian weavers are hurriedly piecing together saris as gifts for the first lady. The normally congested Indian capital has been rid of its stray monkeys -- at least in the places Obama might visit. And local television networks are running entire pieces speculating the two leaders might take a selfie. @highlight Indian PM Narendra Modi greeted President Obama on the tarmac Sunday with a warm hug @highlight The "bear hug" was just one memorable broment from the first day of Obama's visit
@placeholder also said they compared how much sleep they're getting, prompting polite laughter from the press corps.
[ "U.S.", "White House", "New Delhi", "CNN", "Narendra Modi", "National Mall", "Barack Obama", "Indian", "Obama" ]
{ "text": [ "New Delhi", "CNN", "U.S.", "Barack Obama", "Indian", "Narendra Modi", "White House", "Indian", "National Mall", "New Delhi", "Indian", "Indian", "Obama", "Indian", "Narendra Modi", "Obama", "Obama" ], "start": [ 0, 11, 15, 30, 47, 69, 159, 175, 233, 288, 311, 415, 490, 625, 635, 667, 789 ], "end": [ 9, 14, 19, 42, 53, 82, 170, 181, 246, 297, 317, 421, 495, 631, 648, 672, 794 ] }
Barack Obama
{ "passage": 65324, "query": 100168 }
FedEx Cup winner Billy Horschel admits missing the Ryder Cup was actually a blessing in disguise on a personal level. It was not so much avoiding another United States defeat as the fact it meant he could spend time at home following the birth of his first child. Horschel's final three finishes of last season were second, first, first as he claimed the 10 million dollar (£6.2million) FedEx Cup first prize but he was just too late for selection on to Tom Watson's team. That prevented him having to make a difficult decision as his daughter Skylar was born just two days' after he won the Tour Championship. @highlight Billy Horschel missed out on selection for Tom Watson's American squad @highlight Golfers's daughter born just two days after he won the Tour Championship @highlight 'Drastic' changes needed for US side going forward, Horschel admits
'Like every @placeholder I think we're sort of tired of it.
[ "American", "Ryder Cup", "Tom Watson", "Skylar", "US", "FedEx Cup", "United States", "Horschel", "Billy Horschel", "Tour Championship" ]
{ "text": [ "FedEx Cup", "Billy Horschel", "Ryder Cup", "United States", "Horschel", "FedEx Cup", "Tom Watson", "Skylar", "Tour Championship", "Billy Horschel", "Tom Watson", "American", "Tour Championship", "US", "Horschel" ], "start": [ 0, 17, 51, 154, 264, 387, 454, 544, 592, 622, 665, 678, 759, 817, 840 ], "end": [ 9, 31, 60, 167, 272, 396, 464, 550, 609, 636, 675, 686, 776, 819, 848 ] }
{ "passage": 65325, "query": 100170 }
By Brian Marjoribanks Celtic have issued a firm denial on behalf of winger Aleksandar Tonev after the Bulgarian was accused of racially abusing Aberdeen defender Shay Logan during his debut for the Scottish champions. The 24-year-old international is facing a Scottish FA probe after being reported by the Dons for an alleged incident during Saturday's 2-1 Premiership win for Ronny Deila's side at Parkhead. The pair were direct opponents for much of the match and Englishman Logan is understood to have told referee Bobby Madden that Tonev said to him: 'Get your hands off me, you black c***.' Shay Logan has accused Aleksandar Tonev of racial abuse during Celtic's 2-1 win over Aberdeen @highlight Shay Logan alleges that Aleksandar Tonev called him a 'black c***' @highlight Celtic spokesman says 'we have spoken to the player and he has stated that the accusation made is not true' @highlight Likely to be difficult to prove as it is only one man's word against another @highlight SFA likely to investigate after referee's match report filed on Monday @highlight Tonev could still travel to Europa League clash in Salzburg on Thursday
@placeholder privately accept that they Aleksandar Tonev is unlikely to be found guilty without more evidence
[ "Bulgarian", "Salzburg", "Logan", "Tonev", "FA", "Premiership", "Aleksandar Tonev", "Europa League", "Parkhead", "Scottish", "Ronny Deila", "SFA", "Shay Logan", "Bobby Madden", "Brian Marjoribanks", "Dons", "Aberdeen", "Celtic", "Englishman" ]
{ "text": [ "Brian Marjoribanks", "Celtic", "Aleksandar Tonev", "Bulgarian", "Aberdeen", "Shay Logan", "Scottish", "Scottish", "FA", "Dons", "Premiership", "Ronny Deila", "Parkhead", "Englishman", "Logan", "Bobby Madden", "Tonev", "Shay Logan", "Aleksandar Tonev", "Celtic", "Aberdeen", "Shay Logan", "Aleksandar Tonev", "Celtic", "SFA", "Tonev", "Europa League", "Salzburg" ], "start": [ 3, 22, 75, 102, 144, 162, 198, 260, 269, 306, 357, 377, 399, 466, 477, 518, 536, 596, 619, 659, 681, 701, 725, 779, 986, 1068, 1096, 1119 ], "end": [ 21, 28, 91, 111, 152, 172, 206, 268, 271, 310, 368, 388, 407, 476, 482, 530, 541, 606, 635, 665, 689, 711, 741, 785, 989, 1073, 1109, 1127 ] }
{ "passage": 65333, "query": 100180 }
Manchester United striker Robin van Persie has damaged his ankle ligaments. Manager Louis van Gaal is expected to confirm the injury at his lunchtime press conference on Friday. United are still to establish how long the striker will be out for although it may be around three to four weeks. Robin van Persie leaves the Liberty Stadium on crutches and with his right leg in a protective boot The Dutchman limps out of the stadium following Manchester United's 2-1 defeat by the Swans Van Persie fell awkwardly at the Liberty Stadium and could be out for three or four weeks @highlight Robin van Persie left Liberty Stadium on crutches on Saturday @highlight Louis van Gaal set to confirm ankle ligament injury on Friday @highlight Dutch striker could be out for around three or four weeks @highlight Swansea beat Manchester United 2-1 in Premier League game @highlight Radamel Falcao and James Wilson will vie for start against Sunderland @highlight CLICK HERE for all the latest Manchester United news
@placeholder had used all three substitutes and Van Persie was reduced to a walking role around the pitch as United pushed for a late equaliser.
[ "Premier League", "Sunderland", "Louis van Gaal", "Manchester United", "Liberty Stadium", "United", "Swansea", "Van Persie", "Dutchman", "James Wilson", "Radamel Falcao", "Dutch", "Swans", "Robin van Persie" ]
{ "text": [ "Manchester United", "Robin van Persie", "Louis van Gaal", "United", "Robin van Persie", "Liberty Stadium", "Dutchman", "Manchester United", "Swans", "Van Persie", "Liberty Stadium", "Robin van Persie", "Liberty Stadium", "Louis van Gaal", "Dutch", "Swansea", "Manchester United", "Premier League", "Radamel Falcao", "James Wilson", "Sunderland", "Manchester United" ], "start": [ 0, 26, 84, 178, 292, 320, 396, 440, 478, 484, 517, 585, 607, 658, 731, 800, 813, 838, 869, 888, 928, 980 ], "end": [ 17, 42, 98, 184, 308, 335, 404, 457, 483, 494, 532, 601, 622, 672, 736, 807, 830, 852, 883, 900, 938, 997 ] }
Manchester United
{ "passage": 65334, "query": 100181 }
(CNN) -- "Sitting in class, second grade, teachers would put me outside the hallway because I had been ticking so loud I was a 'distraction,'" recalled 25-year-old Amber Comfort. "Teachers would walk by me back and forth and say 'you'd better stop that before you get into my class next year.' Things that were just completely obscene, that you would never expect the world to be, and I had to deal with on a daily basis." From the age of five, Comfort has suffered from Tourette's syndrome, a neurological disorder that causes her to make involuntary movements and loud noises, known as tics. @highlight Tourette syndrome causes sufferers to make involuntary movements and noises @highlight Deep brain stimulation could help with the disorder @highlight Small electrodes are implanted into the brain to stimulate affected regions @highlight American Tourette's sufferer Amber Comfort has pioneering surgery
But she has not let @placeholder's dictate how she lives.
[ "Comfort", "Amber Comfort", "Tourette", "CNN", "American Tourette" ]
{ "text": [ "CNN", "Amber Comfort", "Comfort", "Tourette", "American Tourette", "Amber Comfort" ], "start": [ 1, 164, 445, 471, 842, 871 ], "end": [ 4, 177, 452, 479, 859, 884 ] }
American Tourette
{ "passage": 65340, "query": 100187 }
(CNN) -- Petra Kvitova dumped Caroline Wozniacki out of the WTA Championships with a straight sets victory that sealed her place in the final four. Kvitova, the 2011 Wimbledon champion, inflicted Wozniacki's second defeat in Istanbul, winning 6-4 6-2 to go top of the Red Group. World number one Wozniacki, who called the trainer on during her match after complaining of feeling sick, is rock bottom of the group after playing all three of her round robin games. After her victory Kvitova told CNN she was delighted to make the final four: "It's nice when I win and I'm happy to be in the semi-final. Istanbul is a great place and it is great experience for me. @highlight Petra Kvitova beats Caroline Wozniacki to make semis at WTA Championships @highlight Kvitova wins 6-4 6-2 to knock world No.1 Woznaicki out of tournament @highlight Victoria Azarenka joins Kvitova in the final four after beating China's Li Na @highlight Agnieszka Radwanska beats Vera Zvonareva to keep hopes of semi berth alive
@placeholder told reporters: "I tried my best, but my body didn't want to do the things I asked it today.
[ "Wimbledon", "Petra Kvitova", "Victoria Azarenka", "Red Group", "Vera Zvonareva", "Istanbul", "No.1 Woznaicki", "CNN", "Caroline Wozniacki", "China", "Li Na", "Wozniacki", "WTA Championships", "Agnieszka Radwanska", "Kvitova" ]
{ "text": [ "CNN", "Petra Kvitova", "Caroline Wozniacki", "WTA Championships", "Kvitova", "Wimbledon", "Wozniacki", "Istanbul", "Red Group", "Wozniacki", "Kvitova", "CNN", "Istanbul", "Petra Kvitova", "Caroline Wozniacki", "WTA Championships", "Kvitova", "No.1 Woznaicki", "Victoria Azarenka", "Kvitova", "China", "Li Na", "Agnieszka Radwanska", "Vera Zvonareva" ], "start": [ 1, 9, 30, 60, 148, 166, 196, 225, 268, 296, 481, 494, 601, 673, 693, 729, 758, 794, 838, 862, 902, 910, 927, 953 ], "end": [ 4, 22, 48, 77, 155, 175, 205, 233, 277, 305, 488, 497, 609, 686, 711, 746, 765, 808, 855, 869, 907, 915, 946, 967 ] }
Caroline Wozniacki
{ "passage": 65341, "query": 100188 }
London, England (CNN) -- A British journalist was killed and a second wounded in Afghanistan when the vehicle in which they were traveling struck an improvised explosive device, the Ministry of Defence said Sunday. Rupert Hamer, defense correspondent for the Sunday Mirror newspaper, and photographer Philip Coburn were embedded with the U.S. Marine Corps and were accompanying a patrol near Nawa in southern Afghanistan when the explosion occurred Saturday, the ministry said in a statement. "Despite the best efforts of medics at the scene, Mr. Hamer died of his wounds," the statement said. "Mr. Coburn remains in a serious but stable condition." @highlight Sunday Mirror's Rupert Hamer was embedded with U.S. Marine Corps @highlight Harner killed when vehicle struck improvised explosive device in southern Afghanistan @highlight Blast also kills Marine, Afghan soldier; photographer, 5 Marines wounded
@placeholder is the second journalist to die in Afghanistan in recent weeks.
[ "Marines", "Ministry of Defence", "Philip Coburn", "Coburn", "Marine", "Sunday Mirror", "Afghanistan", "England", "London", "CNN", "British", "Rupert Hamer", "Hamer", "Harner", "U.S. Marine Corps", "Nawa", "Afghan" ]
{ "text": [ "London", "England", "CNN", "British", "Afghanistan", "Ministry of Defence", "Rupert Hamer", "Sunday Mirror", "Philip Coburn", "U.S. Marine Corps", "Nawa", "Afghanistan", "Hamer", "Coburn", "Sunday Mirror", "Rupert Hamer", "U.S. Marine Corps", "Harner", "Afghanistan", "Marine", "Afghan", "Marines" ], "start": [ 0, 8, 17, 27, 81, 182, 215, 259, 301, 338, 392, 409, 547, 599, 661, 677, 708, 737, 811, 851, 859, 891 ], "end": [ 6, 15, 20, 34, 92, 201, 227, 272, 314, 355, 396, 420, 552, 605, 674, 689, 725, 743, 822, 857, 865, 898 ] }
{ "passage": 65342, "query": 100192 }
Editor's note: Robert Menendez is the junior senator from New Jersey and the author of a new book, "Growing American Roots: Why Our Nation Will Thrive As Our Largest Minority Flourishes." Sen. Robert Menendez, D-New Jersey, says that in the U.S., Latinos are no longer on the outside looking in. Across America, the Latino population is growing, and it is now the largest minority group in the country. Latino voices are being heard, and their economic impact is being felt in the marketplace, which is good for the whole of the nation. Contrary to what may be a popular belief, most Latinos in America today are U.S. citizens. Many barely live above the poverty line, but many others have entered the ranks of the middle class and are contributing mightily to the culture as well as the economy. @highlight Robert Menendez: Latinos are now are at the political table, making a difference @highlight More young Latinos will follow in the footsteps of pioneering public servants, he says @highlight He says Latinos must remind America about long Latino presence, contributions @highlight Latinos must appreciate accomplishments but also understand shortfalls, he says
It means engaging in sweeping efforts to improve education for Latinos and all @placeholder children, including specific programs to bring along those who have fallen behind in school through no fault of their own.
[ "American", "New Jersey", "U.S.", "Robert Menendez", "Latino", "Largest Minority Flourishes", "America", "D-New Jersey", "Latinos" ]
{ "text": [ "Robert Menendez", "New Jersey", "American", "Largest Minority Flourishes", "Robert Menendez", "D-New Jersey", "U.S.", "Latinos", "America", "Latino", "Latinos", "America", "U.S.", "Robert Menendez", "Latinos", "Latinos", "Latinos", "America", "Latino" ], "start": [ 15, 58, 108, 158, 193, 210, 241, 247, 303, 316, 584, 595, 613, 808, 825, 911, 1006, 1026, 1045 ], "end": [ 30, 68, 116, 185, 208, 222, 245, 254, 310, 322, 591, 602, 617, 823, 832, 918, 1013, 1033, 1051 ] }
{ "passage": 65345, "query": 100196 }
( -- It was surprising enough to see Bruce Springsteen performing Willow Smith's "Whip My Hair" with Jimmy Fallon (as Neil Young) earlier this week -- let alone doing it as his bearded 1970s self. Fallon tells Rolling Stone how it all came together. "We have a great writer, Mike Dicenzo," Fallon says. "It was his idea to do the Neil Young [parody], and 'Fresh Prince of Bel-Air' and 'Pants on the Ground.' We were tryin' to think of [another one], and he was like, 'Dude, I think I found the song: we should do 'Whip My Hair' by Willow Smith.' And I listened to the song and went, 'Oh my God, it could be great.' @highlight Springsteen performed as his bearded 1970s self with Jimmy Fallon @highlight "He brought his actual sunglasses from the 'Born to Run' times," Fallon says @highlight "He looked exactly like he looked in 1970. It was spooky," Fallon added
He was just, like, 'Gosh, @placeholder, you look like when we first started working together.
[ "Whip My Hair", "Bruce Springsteen", "Mike Dicenzo", "Rolling Stone", "", "Springsteen", "Oh my God", "My Hair", "Neil Young", "Fallon", "Fresh Prince of Bel-Air", "Pants on the Ground", "Born to Run", "Jimmy Fallon", "Willow Smith" ]
{ "text": [ "", "Bruce Springsteen", "Willow Smith", "My Hair", "Jimmy Fallon", "Neil Young", "Fallon", "Rolling Stone", "Mike Dicenzo", "Fallon", "Neil Young", "Fresh Prince of Bel-Air", "Pants on the Ground", "Whip My Hair", "Willow Smith", "Oh my God", "Springsteen", "Jimmy Fallon", "Born to Run", "Fallon", "Fallon" ], "start": [ 1, 54, 83, 104, 118, 135, 214, 227, 292, 307, 347, 373, 403, 531, 548, 601, 643, 696, 764, 785, 867 ], "end": [ 17, 71, 95, 111, 130, 145, 220, 240, 304, 313, 357, 396, 422, 543, 560, 610, 654, 708, 775, 791, 873 ] }
Bruce Springsteen
{ "passage": 65349, "query": 100200 }
By Mark Duell PUBLISHED: 11:35 EST, 19 November 2013 | UPDATED: 12:16 EST, 19 November 2013 Trial: Anxiang Du, 54, allegedly said 'blackness' came over him as he carried out the brutal stabbings A man accused of murdering a family of four told a psychiatrist that ‘blackness’ came over him as he carried out the brutal stabbings, a court heard today. Anxiang Du, 54, is accused of knifing Manchester Metropolitan University lecturer Jifeng ‘Jeff’ Ding, his wife Ge ‘Helen’ Chui, and their two daughters, Xing ‘Nancy’, 18, and Alice, 12, at their home in Wootton, Northamptonshire. During his trial which began last week, a jury has heard he carried out the stabbings following a long-running legal dispute after a business relationship turned sour. @highlight Anxiang Du, 54, allegedly killed family in Nothamptonshire in April 2011 @highlight He 'knifed Jeff Ding, his wife Helen and their daughters Nancy and Alice' @highlight Du 'fled to Morocco where he was arrested and extradited back to Britain'
said the evidence demonstrated Mr @placeholder was in a ‘high state of arousal’
[ "Du", "Manchester Metropolitan University", "Morocco", "Nothamptonshire", "Anxiang Du", "Jeff Ding", "Britain", "Nancy", "Helen", "Alice", "Xing ‘Nancy", "Ge ‘Helen’ Chui", "Wootton", "Jifeng ‘Jeff’ Ding", "Northamptonshire", "Mark Duell" ]
{ "text": [ "Mark Duell", "Anxiang Du", "Anxiang Du", "Manchester Metropolitan University", "Jifeng ‘Jeff’ Ding", "Ge ‘Helen’ Chui", "Xing ‘Nancy", "Alice", "Wootton", "Northamptonshire", "Anxiang Du", "Nothamptonshire", "Jeff Ding", "Helen", "Nancy", "Alice", "Du", "Morocco", "Britain" ], "start": [ 3, 99, 351, 389, 433, 462, 504, 526, 554, 563, 760, 803, 855, 875, 901, 911, 929, 941, 994 ], "end": [ 13, 109, 361, 423, 451, 477, 515, 531, 561, 579, 770, 818, 864, 880, 906, 916, 931, 948, 1001 ] }
Anxiang Du
{ "passage": 65350, "query": 100201 }
Sam Allardyce collected the Barclays Manager of the Month accolade on Friday and then advised rival Paul Lambert to take a holiday during next week's international break. The West Ham boss, who faces Aston Villa's Lambert at Upton Park on Saturday, shared one of the secrets of his success: 'Get out of the country in an international break. Re-focus your mind and body so you're ready for the next phase.' In a double boost for West Ham, Allardyce's achievement was matched by Senegal striker Diafra Sakho, who scooped the Player of the Month prize. Sam Allardyce picked up the manager of the Month award after guiding his team to fifth in the Premier League @highlight Sam Allardyce has collected the Barclays Manager of the Month award @highlight Hammers boss advised Paul Lambert to holiday over international break @highlight Diafra Sakho made it a double by picking up the Player of the Month award
The award for @placeholder, 60, represents a remarkable turnaround for the manager who was booed and jeered by many West Ham fans last season for what they took as unimaginative boring football, and an uninspired final 13th place finish in the table.
[ "Premier League", "Paul Lambert", "Barclays Manager of the Month accolade", "Aston Villa", "Player of the Month", "Barclays Manager of the Month", "Lambert", "Upton Park", "Month award", "Senegal", "Hammers", "West Ham", "Diafra Sakho", "Allardyce", "Sam Allardyce" ]
{ "text": [ "Sam Allardyce", "Barclays Manager of the Month accolade", "Paul Lambert", "West Ham", "Aston Villa", "Lambert", "Upton Park", "West Ham", "Allardyce", "Senegal", "Diafra Sakho", "Player of the Month", "Sam Allardyce", "Month award", "Premier League", "Sam Allardyce", "Barclays Manager of the Month", "Hammers", "Paul Lambert", "Diafra Sakho", "Player of the Month" ], "start": [ 0, 28, 100, 175, 200, 214, 225, 429, 439, 478, 494, 524, 551, 594, 646, 672, 704, 751, 772, 832, 880 ], "end": [ 13, 66, 112, 183, 211, 221, 235, 437, 448, 485, 506, 543, 564, 605, 660, 685, 733, 758, 784, 844, 899 ] }
{ "passage": 65351, "query": 100202 }
Sam Allardyce collected the Barclays Manager of the Month accolade on Friday and then advised rival Paul Lambert to take a holiday during next week's international break. The West Ham boss, who faces Aston Villa's Lambert at Upton Park on Saturday, shared one of the secrets of his success: 'Get out of the country in an international break. Re-focus your mind and body so you're ready for the next phase.' In a double boost for West Ham, Allardyce's achievement was matched by Senegal striker Diafra Sakho, who scooped the Player of the Month prize. Sam Allardyce picked up the manager of the Month award after guiding his team to fifth in the Premier League @highlight Sam Allardyce has collected the Barclays Manager of the Month award @highlight Hammers boss advised Paul Lambert to holiday over international break @highlight Diafra Sakho made it a double by picking up the Player of the Month award
@placeholder new boy Diafra Sakho has been in brilliant form since signing for the club in the summer
[ "Premier League", "Paul Lambert", "Barclays Manager of the Month accolade", "Aston Villa", "Player of the Month", "Barclays Manager of the Month", "Lambert", "Upton Park", "Month award", "Senegal", "Hammers", "West Ham", "Diafra Sakho", "Allardyce", "Sam Allardyce" ]
{ "text": [ "Sam Allardyce", "Barclays Manager of the Month accolade", "Paul Lambert", "West Ham", "Aston Villa", "Lambert", "Upton Park", "West Ham", "Allardyce", "Senegal", "Diafra Sakho", "Player of the Month", "Sam Allardyce", "Month award", "Premier League", "Sam Allardyce", "Barclays Manager of the Month", "Hammers", "Paul Lambert", "Diafra Sakho", "Player of the Month" ], "start": [ 0, 28, 100, 175, 200, 214, 225, 429, 439, 478, 494, 524, 551, 594, 646, 672, 704, 751, 772, 832, 880 ], "end": [ 13, 66, 112, 183, 211, 221, 235, 437, 448, 485, 506, 543, 564, 605, 660, 685, 733, 758, 784, 844, 899 ] }
{ "passage": 65351, "query": 100203 }
By Helen Pow PUBLISHED: 01:03 EST, 18 July 2013 | UPDATED: 01:07 EST, 18 July 2013 The parents of a Texas Little League pitcher have filed a million-dollar lawsuit after their 12-year-old son was hit in the face during a line drive by a player who they claim used an altered bat. Emmett Parsutt Jr. was starting pitcher for the Santa Fe All-Stars during the July 1 game against the League City All-Stars. In the fifth inning, the ball struck the child in the head with 'tremendous force - far beyond that of a regulation bat - and injured him, ' the lawsuit claims. @highlight Emmett Parsutt Jr., of the Santa Fe All-Stars, was struck in the face during the July 1 game against the League City All-Stars @highlight He still suffers headaches and eye twitches @highlight In the lawsuit, his parents claim the bat used was illegal and that a League City parent took it to the parking lot and locked it in his car soon after Emmett was hit @highlight Parents are suing League City Little League and Little League Baseball
Incident: The @placeholder incident happened on a field in Santa Fe, pictured, on July 1
[ "Emmett Parsutt Jr.", "League City All-Stars", "Helen Pow", "Texas", "Little League", "League City Little League", "Little League Baseball", "All-Stars", "Emmett", "League City", "Santa Fe" ]
{ "text": [ "Helen Pow", "Texas", "Little League", "Emmett Parsutt Jr.", "Santa Fe", "League City All-Stars", "Emmett Parsutt Jr.", "Santa Fe", "All-Stars", "League City All-Stars", "League City", "Emmett", "League City Little League", "Little League Baseball" ], "start": [ 3, 100, 106, 280, 328, 382, 577, 604, 613, 682, 840, 922, 966, 996 ], "end": [ 12, 105, 119, 298, 336, 403, 595, 612, 622, 703, 851, 928, 991, 1018 ] }
Little League
{ "passage": 65356, "query": 100210 }
Miami, Florida (CNN) -- A former Royal Caribbean Cruise Line employee has been arrested and charged with burglarizing the homes of 24 vacationers who were spending time at sea. Police in Palm Beach County say the employee accessed personal information about reservations to find out when the vacationers would be away. Bethsaida Sandoval, 38, a Royal Caribbean vacation planner, has been charged with 24 counts of burglary across Palm Beach County, including Boca Raton, Jupiter and Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. Sandoval's husband, John Lopez, acted as her accomplice, according to the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office. According to the probable cause affidavit, Sandoval admitted that she and her husband were involved in the burglaries. Her position gave her full access to victims' home addresses. @highlight Former Royal Caribbean worker charged in 24 burglaries @highlight Police say she used her position to access vacation information @highlight Burglaries took place on first night of cruises, authorities say
The sheriff's office says @placeholder has fully cooperated with the investigation.
[ "Palm Beach County", "Royal Caribbean", "Palm Beach Gardens", "Miami", "Jupiter", "John Lopez", "Boca Raton", "Bethsaida Sandoval", "CNN", "Florida", "Royal Caribbean Cruise Line", "Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office", "Sandoval" ]
{ "text": [ "Miami", "Florida", "CNN", "Royal Caribbean Cruise Line", "Palm Beach County", "Bethsaida Sandoval", "Royal Caribbean", "Palm Beach County", "Boca Raton", "Jupiter", "Palm Beach Gardens", "Florida", "Sandoval", "John Lopez", "Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office", "Sandoval", "Royal Caribbean" ], "start": [ 0, 7, 16, 33, 187, 319, 345, 430, 459, 471, 483, 503, 512, 532, 586, 665, 821 ], "end": [ 5, 14, 19, 60, 204, 337, 360, 447, 469, 478, 501, 510, 520, 542, 620, 673, 836 ] }
Royal Caribbean
{ "passage": 65358, "query": 100213 }
(CNN) -- The earthquake and tsunami in northeastern Japan on March 11 last year took an estimated 19,000 lives, caused the evacuation of about 300,000 people, and set off the worst nuclear accident since Chernobyl. The meltdowns of the Fukushima Daiichi reactors ended Japan's plans to produce half of its electricity through nuclear energy. Flotsam from 2011 Japan tsunami reaches Alaska All of Japan's remaining reactors are offline, and experts believe that strong anti-nuclear feelings will keep them from restarting for some time. Beyond Japan's shores, the crisis has pushed Germany, Italy and Switzerland to end their commitment to nuclear power. Fukushima has given U.S. nuclear regulators four important lessons given a tendency to downplay the far-reaching consequences of disasters and outdated ways of preparing for them. @highlight Daniel Aldrich: The Fukushima meltdowns reveal flaws in nuclear disaster planning @highlight Huge evacuations caused gridlock, he says, and first responders left for their families @highlight Aldrich: a 10-mile evacuation radius is a "fantasy"; at least a 50-mile radius is needed @highlight Aldrich: Half of America lives within 50 miles of a plant; we can't dismiss the risks
Next, @placeholder illuminated the heart-rending choices faced by first responders to disasters.
[ "U.S.", "Daniel Aldrich", "Germany", "America", "Fukushima Daiichi", "CNN", "Chernobyl", "Japan", "Switzerland", "Aldrich", "Alaska", "Fukushima", "Italy" ]
{ "text": [ "CNN", "Japan", "Chernobyl", "Fukushima Daiichi", "Japan", "Japan", "Alaska", "Japan", "Japan", "Germany", "Italy", "Switzerland", "Fukushima", "U.S.", "Daniel Aldrich", "Fukushima", "Aldrich", "Aldrich", "America" ], "start": [ 1, 52, 204, 236, 269, 360, 382, 396, 543, 581, 590, 600, 654, 674, 845, 865, 1037, 1137, 1154 ], "end": [ 4, 57, 213, 253, 274, 365, 388, 401, 548, 588, 595, 611, 663, 678, 859, 874, 1044, 1144, 1161 ] }
{ "passage": 65359, "query": 100214 }
(CNN) -- The earthquake and tsunami in northeastern Japan on March 11 last year took an estimated 19,000 lives, caused the evacuation of about 300,000 people, and set off the worst nuclear accident since Chernobyl. The meltdowns of the Fukushima Daiichi reactors ended Japan's plans to produce half of its electricity through nuclear energy. Flotsam from 2011 Japan tsunami reaches Alaska All of Japan's remaining reactors are offline, and experts believe that strong anti-nuclear feelings will keep them from restarting for some time. Beyond Japan's shores, the crisis has pushed Germany, Italy and Switzerland to end their commitment to nuclear power. Fukushima has given U.S. nuclear regulators four important lessons given a tendency to downplay the far-reaching consequences of disasters and outdated ways of preparing for them. @highlight Daniel Aldrich: The Fukushima meltdowns reveal flaws in nuclear disaster planning @highlight Huge evacuations caused gridlock, he says, and first responders left for their families @highlight Aldrich: a 10-mile evacuation radius is a "fantasy"; at least a 50-mile radius is needed @highlight Aldrich: Half of America lives within 50 miles of a plant; we can't dismiss the risks
Third, @placeholder has underscored the ways in which formal evacuation plans are "fantasy documents."
[ "U.S.", "Daniel Aldrich", "Germany", "America", "Fukushima Daiichi", "CNN", "Chernobyl", "Japan", "Switzerland", "Aldrich", "Alaska", "Fukushima", "Italy" ]
{ "text": [ "CNN", "Japan", "Chernobyl", "Fukushima Daiichi", "Japan", "Japan", "Alaska", "Japan", "Japan", "Germany", "Italy", "Switzerland", "Fukushima", "U.S.", "Daniel Aldrich", "Fukushima", "Aldrich", "Aldrich", "America" ], "start": [ 1, 52, 204, 236, 269, 360, 382, 396, 543, 581, 590, 600, 654, 674, 845, 865, 1037, 1137, 1154 ], "end": [ 4, 57, 213, 253, 274, 365, 388, 401, 548, 588, 595, 611, 663, 678, 859, 874, 1044, 1144, 1161 ] }
{ "passage": 65359, "query": 100215 }
Two hours before the official results of the French presidential elections, no Paris visitor could ignore that a historical political change was about to happen. Down Paris' Left Bank boulevards, throngs of flag-waving young and not-so-young people were flocking towards the Socialist headquarters near the National Assembly. Cyclists were ringing their bells, cars blowing their horns and François Hollande's sympathizers chanting "Victoire!" Nicolas Sarkozy had just canceled a planned celebration at Concorde and the place, where the guillotine once stood, was alarmingly quiet and deserted. However, as is traditional in presidential elections, France waited for the traditional countdown at 8 p.m. sharp to see the face of their next president and to start celebrating or commiserating. With 51.7% of the votes, the Socialist candidate François Hollande won a neat victory, albeit not a large one. His first few hours as president struck a different tone to Sarkozy's victory in 2007. He addressed the nation from Corrèze, his regional bastion in the heart of France,and his speech was then followed by accordionists playing "La Vie en Rose." He then hopped in a modest-looking car to reach the nearest airport and fly to Paris to go straight to the Bastille where 100,000 people waited until after midnight to hear him speak again. No flashy restaurant on the Champs Elysées, no celebrities behind him, no cortege of expensive cars: Hollande appeared as Mr. Normal from the first few minutes of his election. @highlight Francois Hollande appeared as Mr. Normal from first few minutes of his election, says Agnes Poirier @highlight She says French didn't oust Sarkozy over financial crisis; they ousted Sarkozy on his personality @highlight Hollande faces big challenge: firstly in parliamentary elections in a month when he seeks majority @highlight He doesn't need to be convinced that Germany is France's most important ally, Poirier says
At home, @placeholder will start by making a few symbolic gestures: lower the retirement age from 62 to 60 for a fraction of the workforce, specifically those who started working in their mid-teens; he will raise students' scholarships; and stop the haemorrhage of teachers in the education sector, in his eyes, the most important battleground in France and the key to its future.
[ "Normal", "Paris", "Hollande", "La Vie en Rose", "Corrèze", "Poirier", "Champs Elysées", "Agnes Poirier", "French", "François Hollande", "Nicolas Sarkozy", "Concorde", "National Assembly", "France", "Left Bank", "Socialist", "Germany", "Sarkozy", "Victoire", "Francois Hollande", "Bastille" ]
{ "text": [ "French", "Paris", "Paris", "Left Bank", "Socialist", "National Assembly", "François Hollande", "Victoire", "Nicolas Sarkozy", "Concorde", "France", "François Hollande", "Sarkozy", "Corrèze", "France", "La Vie en Rose", "Paris", "Bastille", "Champs Elysées", "Hollande", "Normal", "Francois Hollande", "Normal", "Agnes Poirier", "French", "Sarkozy", "Sarkozy", "Hollande", "Germany", "France", "Poirier" ], "start": [ 45, 79, 167, 174, 275, 307, 390, 433, 444, 503, 649, 841, 963, 1019, 1065, 1132, 1228, 1256, 1367, 1440, 1465, 1527, 1561, 1613, 1647, 1666, 1709, 1747, 1894, 1905, 1935 ], "end": [ 51, 84, 172, 183, 284, 324, 407, 441, 459, 511, 655, 858, 970, 1026, 1071, 1146, 1233, 1264, 1381, 1448, 1471, 1544, 1567, 1626, 1653, 1673, 1716, 1755, 1901, 1911, 1942 ] }
Francois Hollande
{ "passage": 65360, "query": 100216 }
(CNN) -- The Canadian government hopes to overturn a decision granting refugee status to a white South African who says he would face persecution at home, a spokesman for Canada's immigration minister said Friday. The Immigration and Refugee Board recently granted refugee status to Brandon Huntley, 31, a South African native who has been living illegally in Canada. The board decided to let him live and work legally in Canada after Huntley argued he had been the victim of racial violence and discrimination in South Africa. The board operates independently of the Canadian government. The ruling African National Congress in South Africa blasted the decision as racist and said it would "only serve to perpetuate racism." Watch how the South African government has condemned the ruling » @highlight Brandon Huntley says he faced racial violence and discrimination in South Africa @highlight Canadian immigration board recently granted refugee status to Huntley @highlight South African government blasted decision as racist @highlight Canadian government asks courts to overturn independent board's decision
About 79 percent of @placeholder are black; 9.6 percent are white.
[ "Immigration and Refugee Board", "Canada", "Brandon Huntley", "South Africa", "Canadian", "African National Congress", "CNN", "Huntley", "South African" ]
{ "text": [ "CNN", "Canadian", "South African", "Canada", "Immigration and Refugee Board", "Brandon Huntley", "South African", "Canada", "Canada", "Huntley", "South Africa", "Canadian", "African National Congress", "South Africa", "South African", "Brandon Huntley", "South Africa", "Canadian", "Huntley", "South African", "Canadian" ], "start": [ 1, 13, 97, 171, 218, 283, 306, 360, 422, 435, 514, 568, 600, 629, 740, 803, 871, 895, 957, 976, 1039 ], "end": [ 4, 21, 110, 177, 247, 298, 319, 366, 428, 442, 526, 576, 625, 641, 753, 818, 883, 903, 964, 989, 1047 ] }
South Africa
{ "passage": 65361, "query": 100217 }
Michael van Gerwen is ready to avenge his previous two defeats by Terry Jenkins at Alexandra Palace on Monday, and insists he is a better player than his third-round opponent. The reigning world champion has lost his last two matches against Jenkins, but is adamant he will win on Monday night if he can hit top gear. The world No 1 said: ‘I know I’m a better player than him (Jenkins) when I play my own game and when I’m playing at 100 per cent I am going to beat him. Dutchman Michael Van Gerwen celebrates winning his first round match against Joe Cullen (right) @highlight Michael van Gerwen is set to play Terry Jenkins in the third round of the World Darts Championships @highlight Dutchman vows not lose to Jenkins for a third time at Alexandra Palace @highlight England's Andy Hamilton beat Kyle Anderson to move into the third round
‘@placeholder will be out to beat me as much as I will be out to beat him so it should be a good game,’ Jenkins said.
[ "Terry Jenkins", "Jenkins", "Alexandra Palace", "World Darts Championships", "Joe Cullen", "Michael Van Gerwen", "Andy Hamilton", "Michael van Gerwen", "England", "Kyle Anderson", "Dutchman" ]
{ "text": [ "Michael van Gerwen", "Terry Jenkins", "Alexandra Palace", "Jenkins", "Jenkins", "Dutchman", "Michael Van Gerwen", "Joe Cullen", "Michael van Gerwen", "Terry Jenkins", "World Darts Championships", "Dutchman", "Jenkins", "Alexandra Palace", "England", "Andy Hamilton", "Kyle Anderson" ], "start": [ 0, 66, 83, 242, 377, 471, 480, 548, 578, 612, 652, 689, 715, 743, 771, 781, 800 ], "end": [ 18, 79, 99, 249, 384, 479, 498, 558, 596, 625, 677, 697, 722, 759, 778, 794, 813 ] }
Michael Van Gerwen
{ "passage": 65362, "query": 100218 }
By Hugo Gye Israel today carried out bombing raids on the Gaza Strip in revenge for a rocket attack on a factory by Islamic militants Hamas. The country's foreign minister also suggested it might be necessary to re-occupy the territory in a bid to stop the continuous low-level attacks from Palestinian militias. The latest airstrikes come at a time of high tensions in the region, after three Israeli teenagers were apparently kidnapped by Hamas. Strike: A fireball shown rising from a site in the Gaza Strip after a bombing campaign by Israel Target: The Israeli military claimed to have bombed a dozen sites linked to militant Islamists @highlight Israeli military claims to have hit 12 sites connected to Islamic militants @highlight Attacks came hours after a paint factory in Sderot was hit by two bombs @highlight Tensions are high in the wake of Israeli teenagers' kidnapping
Aftermath: A Palestinian militant inspects the damage today after the @placeholder airstrikes
[ "Palestinian", "Hamas", "Sderot", "Islamic", "Israel", "Hugo Gye", "Israeli", "Target", "Gaza Strip" ]
{ "text": [ "Hugo Gye", "Israel", "Gaza Strip", "Islamic", "Hamas", "Palestinian", "Israeli", "Hamas", "Gaza Strip", "Israel", "Target", "Israeli", "Israeli", "Islamic", "Sderot", "Israeli" ], "start": [ 3, 12, 58, 116, 134, 291, 394, 441, 499, 538, 545, 557, 651, 709, 782, 854 ], "end": [ 11, 18, 68, 123, 139, 302, 401, 446, 509, 544, 551, 564, 658, 716, 788, 861 ] }
{ "passage": 65363, "query": 100220 }
By Anna Edwards PUBLISHED: 12:02 EST, 23 January 2014 | UPDATED: 12:38 EST, 23 January 2014 A letter in which a famous philosopher suggested Britain should welcome Adolf Hitler if he wanted to start World War Two could fetch £300 at auction. Bertrand Russell, who won the Noble Prize in Literature, said the Government ought to treat any invading German as a guest and give them hospitality. And he said the then Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin should dine with the leader of the German forces. Russell, a pacifist and humanitarian, wrote that going to war with Germany would only see the victor inherit the bad traits of the losing side and make the world a poorer place @highlight Bertrand Russell said Government should treat invading Nazis as guests @highlight Said then Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin should dine with the Nazi leader @highlight Letter is now coming up for sale at in Cirencester, Gloucestershire
'However, once the war started @placeholder was approving of it because he thought life would be worse if the had won.'
[ "Anna Edwards", "Germany", "Cirencester", "Gloucestershire", "Literature", "Bertrand Russell", "Government", "World War Two", "Adolf Hitler", "Stanley Baldwin", "Noble Prize", "Nazi", "Britain", "German", "Russell" ]
{ "text": [ "Anna Edwards", "Britain", "Adolf Hitler", "World War Two", "Bertrand Russell", "Noble Prize", "Literature", "German", "Stanley Baldwin", "German", "Russell", "Germany", "Bertrand Russell", "Government", "Stanley Baldwin", "Nazi", "Cirencester", "Gloucestershire" ], "start": [ 3, 141, 164, 199, 242, 272, 287, 347, 428, 479, 494, 561, 682, 704, 789, 826, 889, 902 ], "end": [ 15, 148, 176, 212, 258, 283, 297, 353, 443, 485, 501, 568, 698, 714, 804, 830, 900, 917 ] }
Bertrand Russell
{ "passage": 65365, "query": 100223 }
(CNN) -- Republican kingmaker or entertainer? Truth teller or "big fat idiot"? How about "lightning rod"? Once again, Rush Limbaugh -- the conservative provocateur with the self-described "talent on loan from God" -- is in hot water. Limbaugh, who has been the leading talk-radio host for more than two decades, ignited this most recent controversy when he made comments about Georgetown law student Sandra Fluke, who had testified as an advocate for contraception at a Capitol Hill hearing. "What does it say about the college co-ed Fluke, who goes before a congressional committee and essentially says she must be paid to have sex?" Limbaugh asked on his show last Wednesday. "What does that make her? It makes her a slut, right? It makes her a prostitute. She wants to be paid to have sex. She's having so much sex, she can't afford the contraception. She wants you and me and the taxpayers to pay her to have sex." @highlight Rush Limbaugh's words about student land him in hot water @highlight Limbaugh is no stranger to controversy, or apologies @highlight Talk-radio host has been raising hackles for more than 25 years @highlight He's become political symbol, valuable to both parties
The @placeholder controversy is far from the first time Rush Hudson Limbaugh III has made controversial statements -- or backtracked.
[ "Capitol Hill", "Georgetown", "Rush Limbaugh", "Sandra Fluke", "God", "Limbaugh", "Fluke", "Republican", "CNN" ]
{ "text": [ "CNN", "Republican", "Rush Limbaugh", "God", "Limbaugh", "Georgetown", "Sandra Fluke", "Capitol Hill", "Fluke", "Limbaugh", "Rush Limbaugh", "Limbaugh" ], "start": [ 1, 9, 118, 209, 234, 377, 400, 470, 534, 635, 930, 999 ], "end": [ 4, 19, 131, 212, 242, 387, 412, 482, 539, 643, 943, 1007 ] }
{ "passage": 65366, "query": 100224 }
By Ian Ladyman Follow @@Ian_Ladyman_DM David Moyes and his Manchester United squad flew home from Germany to uncertain futures on Thursday as the Barclays Premier League champions faced up to a season that is effectively over with one month left. The United manager ducked out through a side door to avoid camera crews at Manchester airport as the official charter plane arrived home from Champions League disappointment in Munich. Moyes knows he must somehow end the domestic season in positive fashion but faces a potentially embarrassing return to his old club Everton in United’s next league fixture on Easter Sunday. @highlight United's last hope of winning silverware this season ended in Munich @highlight David Moyes faces a challenge motivating players in the remaining games @highlight As many as 10 players will be fighting for their Old Trafford futures @highlight United chiefs remained in Munich to discuss a move for Toni Kroos @highlight Moyes has a better record in his first 50 games than Sir Alex Ferguson
Moyes believes @placeholder’s reduced status will not deter summer targets from joining United but he must decide which of the current crop to retain.
[ "Munich", "Old Trafford", "Toni Kroos", "Germany", "Champions League", "Alex Ferguson", "Manchester United", "David Moyes", "United", "Moyes", "Barclays Premier League", "Ian Ladyman", "Everton", "Manchester airport", "Easter Sunday", "Ian_Ladyman_DM" ]
{ "text": [ "Ian Ladyman", "Ian_Ladyman_DM", "David Moyes", "Manchester United", "Germany", "Barclays Premier League", "United", "Manchester airport", "Champions League", "Munich", "Moyes", "Everton", "United", "Easter Sunday", "United", "Munich", "David Moyes", "Old Trafford", "Munich", "Toni Kroos", "Moyes", "Alex Ferguson" ], "start": [ 3, 24, 39, 59, 98, 146, 251, 322, 389, 424, 432, 564, 575, 607, 633, 695, 713, 845, 903, 932, 954, 1011 ], "end": [ 14, 38, 50, 76, 105, 169, 257, 340, 405, 430, 437, 571, 581, 620, 639, 701, 724, 857, 909, 942, 959, 1024 ] }
Manchester United
{ "passage": 65368, "query": 100226 }
(CNN) -- President Barack Obama and Republican candidate Mitt Romney traded accusations on tax policy Thursday, with both claiming at campaign stops in battleground states that the other's strategies have failed. Romney used a rally in Golden, Colorado, to unveil a simplified campaign message called for by some Republican strategists, laying out a five-point plan that he said would put the nation back on the correct economic path. The proposals are traditional conservative stances on domestic energy production, trade, job training, deficit reduction and boosting small businesses, with Romney promising that, if elected, he would deliver on them to unleash the full potential of the U.S. economy. @highlight NEW: Mitt Romney appears on stage with some potential VP nominees @highlight Romney lays out a five-point plan for the country @highlight President Obama ridicules what he calls Republican "tax cut fairy dust" @highlight Both candidates campaign Thursday in battleground states
In general, it rehashes @placeholder's previously stated stances on energy, taxes, deficit reduction, trade and small business development but offers few details
[ "U.S.", "Colorado", "Republican", "CNN", "Golden", "Barack Obama", "Obama", "Mitt Romney", "Romney" ]
{ "text": [ "CNN", "Barack Obama", "Republican", "Mitt Romney", "Romney", "Golden", "Colorado", "Republican", "Romney", "U.S.", "Mitt Romney", "Romney", "Obama", "Republican" ], "start": [ 1, 19, 36, 57, 213, 236, 244, 313, 592, 689, 719, 791, 862, 892 ], "end": [ 4, 31, 46, 68, 219, 242, 252, 323, 598, 693, 730, 797, 867, 902 ] }
Mitt Romney
{ "passage": 65370, "query": 100229 }
Paris, France (CNN) -- Syrian President Bashar Assad says peace talks with Israel could resume if the Jewish state showed willingness to fully engage in the process. "This peace process cannot only be relaunched by one party. Syria wants peace and we have a mediator, Turkey, which is ready to use its mediation role as well as the European partnership. What we are missing is the Israeli partnership, and we need it in order to renew peace talks and obtain results," Assad told reporters. Assad traveled to France, sat down with President Nicolas Sarkozy on Friday for a one-hour lunch, and held a press briefing, where he blamed Israel for the stalled talks with Syria. @highlight Turkey mediated indirect talks between Israel and Syria, neighboring countries that have been adversaries for years @highlight Syrian President Bashar Assad: We need Israel partnership in order to renew peace talks and obtain results @highlight Assad traveled to France for talks with President Nicolas Sarkozy, where he blamed Israel for the stalled talks with Syria @highlight Assad said he and Sarkozy also discussed Iran's nuclear program and Lebanon
One of the youths was killed and four others were taken by the @placeholder soldiers.
[ "Turkey", "Syria", "Nicolas Sarkozy", "Iran", "Sarkozy", "Paris", "France", "Israel", "Israeli", "CNN", "Lebanon", "European", "Assad", "Syrian", "Bashar Assad" ]
{ "text": [ "Paris", "France", "CNN", "Syrian", "Bashar Assad", "Israel", "Syria", "Turkey", "European", "Israeli", "Assad", "Assad", "France", "Nicolas Sarkozy", "Israel", "Syria", "Turkey", "Israel", "Syria", "Syrian", "Bashar Assad", "Israel", "Assad", "France", "Nicolas Sarkozy", "Israel", "Syria", "Assad", "Sarkozy", "Iran", "Lebanon" ], "start": [ 0, 7, 15, 24, 41, 76, 227, 269, 333, 382, 469, 491, 509, 541, 632, 666, 684, 723, 734, 811, 828, 850, 929, 947, 979, 1012, 1046, 1063, 1081, 1104, 1131 ], "end": [ 5, 13, 18, 30, 53, 82, 232, 275, 341, 389, 474, 496, 515, 556, 638, 671, 690, 729, 739, 817, 840, 856, 934, 953, 994, 1018, 1051, 1068, 1088, 1108, 1138 ] }
{ "passage": 65371, "query": 100230 }
By Ryan Gorman PUBLISHED: 11:21 EST, 14 October 2013 | UPDATED: 11:21 EST, 14 October 2013 A Florida high school crowned the state’s first-ever homecoming king and queen with Down syndrome Friday night. Travjuan ‘Bubba’ Hunter and Semone Adkins, both seniors, were crowned in an emotional Friday night ceremony on the football field just before West Orange High’s game against rival Cyprus Creek. Fueled by the positive energy from the uplifting ceremony, West Orange won the game 56-7. Royalty: Travjuan ¿Bubba¿ Hunter and Semone Adkins were named West Orange High School homecoming king and queen in an on-field ceremony last week @highlight West Orange High School Seniors Travjuan ‘Bubba’ Hunter and Semone Adkins have been friends for over a decade @highlight They are the first-known couple with Down syndrome to receive the honor in Florida @highlight West Orange High beat rival Cyprus Creek 56-7 after the on-field ceremony
Bubba, as he is playfully called by classmates, is a popular in @placeholder.
[ "Down syndrome", "Travjuan ‘Bubba’ Hunter", "West Orange High School", "Cyprus Creek", "Florida", "West Orange High", "Ryan Gorman", "Semone Adkins", "West Orange", "West Orange High School Seniors Travjuan ‘Bubba’ Hunter", "Travjuan", "Bubba¿ Hunter" ]
{ "text": [ "Ryan Gorman", "Florida", "Travjuan ‘Bubba’ Hunter", "Semone Adkins", "West Orange High", "Cyprus Creek", "West Orange", "Travjuan", "Bubba¿ Hunter", "Semone Adkins", "West Orange High School", "West Orange High School Seniors Travjuan ‘Bubba’ Hunter", "Semone Adkins", "Down syndrome", "Florida", "West Orange High", "Cyprus Creek" ], "start": [ 3, 93, 203, 231, 345, 383, 456, 496, 506, 524, 549, 644, 704, 802, 840, 859, 887 ], "end": [ 14, 100, 226, 244, 361, 395, 467, 504, 519, 537, 572, 699, 717, 815, 847, 875, 899 ] }
West Orange
{ "passage": 65372, "query": 100231 }
CRYSTAL LAKE, Illinois (CNN) -- Karin Kubacki no longer buys clothing or toys for her 7-year-old son, Max. Karin and Chris Kubacki are cutting back to make her severance and unemployment pay last a year. She avoids driving her 8-year-old Honda Civic unless absolutely necessary and has no plans to repair a second vehicle, an 11-year-old Ford F-250. Bubble baths and Hershey bars are now her few luxuries. These are among the cost-saving measures Kubacki is taking to make her 13 weeks of severance pay last a full year. Kubacki, the family breadwinner, was laid off July 1 from a job she loved -- software project manager at Accenture, where she had worked for 15 years. At first, she was stunned. "I had this impression that someone had grabbed a big vacuum and sucked all the air out of the room. It was like I couldn't get my breath," she said. @highlight Chicago-area couple start cost-saving measures after breadwinner loses job @highlight They hope to make 13 weeks' severance last all year while still paying the mortgage @highlight Among their tactics: avoid driving when possible, buy only necessities when on sale
Even though neither Karin nor Chris now hold jobs, they are still giving 10 percent of @placeholder's unemployment check to their church.
[ "Ford F-250", "Chicago", "Kubacki", "Karin Kubacki", "Max.", "Chris Kubacki", "Honda Civic", "Illinois", "CNN", "Hershey", "Accenture", "CRYSTAL LAKE", "Karin" ]
{ "text": [ "CRYSTAL LAKE", "Illinois", "CNN", "Karin Kubacki", "Max.", "Karin", "Chris Kubacki", "Honda Civic", "Ford F-250", "Hershey", "Kubacki", "Kubacki", "Accenture", "Chicago" ], "start": [ 0, 14, 24, 32, 102, 107, 117, 238, 338, 367, 447, 521, 626, 860 ], "end": [ 12, 22, 27, 45, 106, 112, 130, 249, 348, 374, 454, 528, 635, 867 ] }
{ "passage": 65373, "query": 100233 }
WARNING: GRAPHIC IMAGES OF INJURY One of the greatest mixed martial arts fighters of all time suffered a horrific injury in front of millions of fans Saturday night after he broke his leg during a championship fight that was being broadcast live around the world. Anderson Silva, 38, snapped his left leg when his opponent Chris Weidman blocked his kick with his knee. Pictures show Silva's shin buckling as it smashes against Weidman's knee. Although the injury happened too quickly to be seen by most naked eyes in Las Vegas, the sound of Silva's cracking shin could be heard at cageside. Thousands of fans cringed when the replay was shown on the arena's big screens. @highlight Anderson Silva broke his shin in front of millions of horrified fans in a much-hyped UFC match Saturday night @highlight He had to be carried off the mat in a stretcher @highlight Brazilian, 38, is regarded as one of the best mixed martial arts fighters of all time @highlight Silva is recovery from surgery on the broken leg @highlight Recovery could take more than six months
But by the end of the session, it was @placeholder who was bleeding by the nose despite dominating the round.
[ "Chris Weidman", "Weidman", "Brazilian", "Silva", "Anderson Silva", "Las Vegas", "UFC", "GRAPHIC IMAGES OF INJURY" ]
{ "text": [ "GRAPHIC IMAGES OF INJURY", "Anderson Silva", "Chris Weidman", "Silva", "Weidman", "Las Vegas", "Silva", "Anderson Silva", "UFC", "Brazilian", "Silva" ], "start": [ 9, 264, 323, 383, 427, 517, 541, 682, 767, 862, 959 ], "end": [ 33, 278, 336, 388, 434, 526, 546, 696, 770, 871, 964 ] }
Chris Weidman
{ "passage": 65376, "query": 100236 }
WARNING: GRAPHIC IMAGES OF INJURY One of the greatest mixed martial arts fighters of all time suffered a horrific injury in front of millions of fans Saturday night after he broke his leg during a championship fight that was being broadcast live around the world. Anderson Silva, 38, snapped his left leg when his opponent Chris Weidman blocked his kick with his knee. Pictures show Silva's shin buckling as it smashes against Weidman's knee. Although the injury happened too quickly to be seen by most naked eyes in Las Vegas, the sound of Silva's cracking shin could be heard at cageside. Thousands of fans cringed when the replay was shown on the arena's big screens. @highlight Anderson Silva broke his shin in front of millions of horrified fans in a much-hyped UFC match Saturday night @highlight He had to be carried off the mat in a stretcher @highlight Brazilian, 38, is regarded as one of the best mixed martial arts fighters of all time @highlight Silva is recovery from surgery on the broken leg @highlight Recovery could take more than six months
I didn't want to see @placeholder get hurt like that.'
[ "Chris Weidman", "Weidman", "Brazilian", "Silva", "Anderson Silva", "Las Vegas", "UFC", "GRAPHIC IMAGES OF INJURY" ]
{ "text": [ "GRAPHIC IMAGES OF INJURY", "Anderson Silva", "Chris Weidman", "Silva", "Weidman", "Las Vegas", "Silva", "Anderson Silva", "UFC", "Brazilian", "Silva" ], "start": [ 9, 264, 323, 383, 427, 517, 541, 682, 767, 862, 959 ], "end": [ 33, 278, 336, 388, 434, 526, 546, 696, 770, 871, 964 ] }
Anderson Silva
{ "passage": 65376, "query": 100237 }
(CNN) -- Some people just can't handle the truth. Others have a tough time with the lies, too. Civil police in the northeast Brazilian city of Recife arrested Ricardo Sergio Freire de Barros after he tried to open a bank account using a fake ID with a picture of Jack Nicholson. Just a small problem: the 41-year-old Barros looks nothing like the 74-year-old Oscar-winning American actor, one of the most-recognizable men in the world. Nicholson has been nominated for an Academy Award 12 times, and has won the Best Actor Oscar twice -- for "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" and for "As Good as It Gets." He also picked up an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor for 1983's "Terms of Endearment." @highlight NEW: The suspect is in jail awaiting trial @highlight Ricardo Sergio Freire de Barros was trying open a bank account @highlight A fake ID of his features Jack Nicholson @highlight Nicholson is a three-time Oscar winning actor
Before his arrest on Tuesday, police had been tracking @placeholder for three months, following multiple reports of fraudulent activity, police Chief Erivaldo Guerra said.
[ "American", "Barros", "Brazilian", "Good", "Best Supporting Actor", "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest", "Ricardo Sergio Freire de Barros", "Jack Nicholson", "Best Actor Oscar", "Recife", "CNN", "Oscar", "Nicholson", "Terms of Endearment", "Academy Award", "ID" ]
{ "text": [ "CNN", "Brazilian", "Recife", "Ricardo Sergio Freire de Barros", "ID", "Jack Nicholson", "Barros", "Oscar", "American", "Nicholson", "Academy Award", "Best Actor Oscar", "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest", "Good", "Academy Award", "Best Supporting Actor", "Terms of Endearment", "Ricardo Sergio Freire de Barros", "Jack Nicholson", "Nicholson", "Oscar" ], "start": [ 1, 125, 143, 159, 242, 263, 317, 359, 373, 436, 472, 512, 543, 588, 627, 645, 679, 766, 866, 892, 918 ], "end": [ 4, 134, 149, 190, 244, 277, 323, 364, 381, 445, 485, 528, 574, 592, 640, 666, 698, 797, 880, 901, 923 ] }
{ "passage": 65378, "query": 100239 }
A second British hostage ISIS fanatics are threatening to murder can today be revealed as a taxi driver who travelled to Syria to help refugees. Islamic militants warned in a chilling video that 47-year-old Alan Henning - who is originally from the Greater Manchester area - would be the next person to die after father-of-two David Haines. Mr Henning is believed to have been working for a Muslim charity and had originally thought that he would be released by ISIS because he was only in Syria to carry out aid work. Scroll down for video Wanted to help refugees: Alan Henning is believed to have been working for a Muslim charity in Syria @highlight Islamic militants threatening to kill Alan Henning, 47, from Manchester @highlight Married father-of-two believed to have been working for Muslim charity @highlight He was filmed by BBC packing aid convoy in Salford, Greater Manchester @highlight Reporter said he was nicknamed Gadget because his love of technology @highlight 'Thought he'd be released by ISIS because he was only doing aid work' @highlight He was said to have been abducted by armed masked men near Idlib
'@placeholder was genuinely trying to help the Syrian refugee crisis - nothing more.
[ "Syria", "David Haines", "ISIS", "Alan Henning", "Salford", "Manchester", "Islamic", "Idlib", "Greater Manchester", "British", "BBC", "Henning", "Muslim" ]
{ "text": [ "British", "ISIS", "Syria", "Alan Henning", "Greater Manchester", "David Haines", "Henning", "Muslim", "ISIS", "Syria", "Alan Henning", "Muslim", "Syria", "Islamic", "Alan Henning", "Manchester", "Muslim", "BBC", "Salford", "Greater Manchester", "ISIS", "Idlib" ], "start": [ 9, 25, 121, 207, 249, 327, 344, 391, 462, 490, 566, 618, 636, 653, 691, 714, 792, 835, 861, 870, 1009, 1120 ], "end": [ 16, 29, 126, 219, 267, 339, 351, 397, 466, 495, 578, 624, 641, 660, 703, 724, 798, 838, 868, 888, 1013, 1125 ] }
Alan Henning
{ "passage": 65380, "query": 100243 }
By Associated Press Reporter A New York City minister who was the subject of an investigation about misspent 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina charity funds has agreed to repay $1,231,105 million in restitution. The Rev. Carl Keyes took hundreds of thousands of dollars from his congregation to buy an 18th-century farmhouse on seven acres in rural New Jersey, a BMW and travel. Rev. Keyes and his wife, the Rev. Donna Keyes, who jointly led the Glad Tidings Tabernacle in Manhattan, signed a legal judgment Wednesday settling a probe by the New York attorney general into a series of questionable church financial transactions. @highlight Rev. Carl Keyes to pay $1,231,105 in restitution to Glad Tidings Tabernacle, which includes borrowed money plus interest @highlight Keyes took hundreds of thousands from his congregation to buy a farmhouse, a BMW and travel around the US and abroad @highlight Church had loaned money to Keyes' anti-poverty charity that was used by the minister @highlight Misspent charity funds were intended to help 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina victims
The AP also found that Keyes had embellished stories about relief work he performed in @placeholder in the months after the 9/11 attacks.
[ "New Jersey", "US", "BMW", "Church", "New York", "Manhattan", "Hurricane Katrina", "Keyes", "Donna Keyes", "New York City", "Associated Press", "Glad Tidings Tabernacle", "Carl Keyes" ]
{ "text": [ "Associated Press", "New York City", "Hurricane Katrina", "Carl Keyes", "New Jersey", "BMW", "Keyes", "Donna Keyes", "Glad Tidings Tabernacle", "Manhattan", "New York", "Carl Keyes", "Glad Tidings Tabernacle", "Keyes", "BMW", "US", "Church", "Keyes", "Hurricane Katrina" ], "start": [ 3, 32, 119, 215, 343, 357, 378, 407, 440, 467, 536, 639, 686, 766, 843, 869, 894, 921, 1044 ], "end": [ 20, 45, 136, 225, 353, 360, 383, 418, 463, 476, 544, 649, 709, 771, 846, 871, 900, 926, 1061 ] }
New York
{ "passage": 65383, "query": 100246 }
QPR midfielder Alejandro Faurlin has vowed to get a tattoo of Lionel Messi if Argentina win the World Cup. The 27-year-old already has a image of Argentine legend Diego Maradona down his left side and plans to get inked again if his country are victorious in Sunday's final against Germany. VIDEO Scroll down to watch a Holland fan get Van Gaal and Van Persie tattooed on his back Main man: Lionel Messi will lead Argentina's charge against Germany on Sunday VIDEO All Star XI: Lionel Messi highlights Tribute: Faurlin has a tattoo of Argentina legend Diego Maradona down his left side @highlight QPR star already has an image of Diego Maradona down one side of his ribs @highlight Faurlin will get ink of Messi if Argentina see off Germany in Sunday's final @highlight Midfielder recently signed a new one-year deal at Loftus road after injury hell
Trophy boy: @placeholder will be hoping to be celebrating again on Sunday night
[ "Van Gaal", "Germany", "Argentine", "Loftus road", "Van Persie", "Lionel Messi", "VIDEO All Star XI", "Alejandro Faurlin", "World Cup", "Diego Maradona", "Faurlin", "Holland", "Messi", "Argentina", "QPR" ]
{ "text": [ "QPR", "Alejandro Faurlin", "Lionel Messi", "Argentina", "World Cup", "Argentine", "Diego Maradona", "Germany", "Holland", "Van Gaal", "Van Persie", "Lionel Messi", "Argentina", "Germany", "VIDEO All Star XI", "Lionel Messi", "Faurlin", "Argentina", "Diego Maradona", "QPR", "Diego Maradona", "Faurlin", "Messi", "Argentina", "Germany", "Loftus road" ], "start": [ 0, 15, 62, 78, 96, 146, 163, 282, 320, 336, 349, 391, 414, 441, 459, 478, 511, 535, 552, 597, 630, 682, 706, 715, 733, 820 ], "end": [ 3, 32, 74, 87, 105, 155, 177, 289, 327, 344, 359, 403, 423, 448, 476, 490, 518, 544, 566, 600, 644, 689, 711, 724, 740, 831 ] }
Alejandro Faurlin
{ "passage": 65387, "query": 100251 }
(CNN) -- Parts of the Florida Panhandle and coastal Alabama were under water Sunday, with an onslaught of torrential rains causing not just extensive flooding but also damage to roads and buildings, local officials said. More than 20 inches of rain have fallen over the past 24 hours in spots in Escambia County, the county's emergency management director John Dosh told CNN around noon Sunday. The National Weather Service, in fact, noted a wide range of rainfall totals around the region through 8 a.m. Sunday. Though some coastal spots such as Destin, Florida, received around an inch, others had much more -- including between five and 10 inches in parts of Mobile, Alabama, and 21.7 inches in West Pensacola, Florida. @highlight NEW: The weather service warns of a "high risk of rip tide currents" through Monday @highlight Rainfall totals varied greatly in the region, from one inch to nearly 22 inches @highlight Roads, bridges and structures -- including a county jail -- are affected, officials say @highlight Flash flood watches are in effect for parts of Florida, Alabama and Mississippi
There is also "a high risk for rip currents" through 1 p.m. Monday off Alabama and @placeholder beaches, according to the weather agency.
[ "John Dosh", "West Pensacola", "Florida Panhandle", "Destin", "CNN", "Florida", "Mobile", "Alabama", "Escambia County", "National Weather Service", "Mississippi" ]
{ "text": [ "CNN", "Florida Panhandle", "Alabama", "Escambia County", "John Dosh", "CNN", "National Weather Service", "Destin", "Florida", "Mobile", "Alabama", "West Pensacola", "Florida", "Florida", "Alabama", "Mississippi" ], "start": [ 1, 22, 52, 296, 356, 371, 399, 547, 555, 662, 670, 698, 714, 1066, 1075, 1087 ], "end": [ 4, 39, 59, 311, 365, 374, 423, 553, 562, 668, 677, 712, 721, 1073, 1082, 1098 ] }
{ "passage": 65388, "query": 100252 }
(CNN) -- President Obama's economic stimulus plan cleared its first hurdle, but it was hardly the bipartisan victory he hoped for -- not a single House Republican broke ranks to support it. The stimulus bill now moves to the Senate, where GOP members want less spending and more tax cuts. In fact, 11 Democrats also voted against the $819 billion package. But a win is a win, and so the White House strategy is to take the long view: Maybe the Senate will take out more of the controversial pork projects and tweak the tax cuts to win over more Republicans. @highlight Stimulus bill passed in the House with no support from Republicans @highlight GOP senators want more tax cuts, less spending @highlight President Obama has made a push for bipartisan support @highlight Obama made it clear that he's not willing to budge on some big ticket items
A growing number of @placeholder and Democrats say measures such as those don't create jobs.
[ "White House", "Democrats", "House", "Senate", "CNN", "Republican", "Republicans", "Obama", "GOP" ]
{ "text": [ "CNN", "Obama", "House", "Republican", "Senate", "GOP", "Democrats", "White House", "Senate", "House", "Republicans", "GOP", "Obama", "Obama" ], "start": [ 1, 19, 146, 152, 225, 239, 301, 387, 444, 597, 624, 647, 715, 771 ], "end": [ 4, 24, 151, 162, 231, 242, 310, 398, 450, 602, 635, 650, 720, 776 ] }
{ "passage": 65389, "query": 100253 }
By Ashley Collman PUBLISHED: 16:51 EST, 11 March 2014 | UPDATED: 16:52 EST, 11 March 2014 Going home: A federal judge let 34-year-old Julia Bagdanov go free on bail after she was charged with her parents in a shoplifting spree A federal judge allowed Julia Bogdanov do go free on bail today after the 34-year-old woman was busted in a shoplifting ring with her parents. Bogdanov will be allowed to live at her family's $1.4million home with her sister during the trial, while her parents will remain behind bars without bond. Julia was arrested along with her parents Branko, 58, and Lela Bogdanov, 52, earlier this month after federal authorities discovered they stole $7million in merchandise over the past 10 years. @highlight Julia Bogdanov, 34, was allowed to go free on bail today while her parents were kept behind bars after being accessed as flight risks @highlight The 34-year-old was busted earlier this month for participating in a decade-long shoplifting spree with her parents Branko and Lela Bogdanov @highlight The family, who live in an upmarket Chicago suburb, allegedly made a total of $4million by selling stolen goods online @highlight Lela allegedly wore a custom-made skirt with several pockets to hide items in, according to police @highlight The family is accused of stealing toys, cosmetics and other valuables
@placeholder frequently donned a long black skirt with large compartments sewn on the inside during the alleged shoplifting binges and was caught on surveillance cameras leaving some stores with her skirt looking notably fuller than when she entered, the criminal complaint says.
[ "Julia", "Lela Bogdanov", "Chicago", "Julia Bogdanov", "Ashley Collman", "Julia Bagdanov", "Lela", "Branko", "Bogdanov" ]
{ "text": [ "Ashley Collman", "Julia Bagdanov", "Julia Bogdanov", "Bogdanov", "Julia", "Branko", "Lela Bogdanov", "Julia Bogdanov", "Branko", "Lela Bogdanov", "Chicago", "Lela" ], "start": [ 3, 134, 251, 370, 526, 568, 584, 730, 991, 1002, 1063, 1157 ], "end": [ 17, 148, 265, 378, 531, 574, 597, 744, 997, 1015, 1070, 1161 ] }
{ "passage": 65390, "query": 100255 }
(CNN) -- To many who watched his long, rambling video statement, Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau appeared strangely distracted, unfocused, perhaps under the influence of drugs while boasting of abducting nearly 300 Nigerian schoolgirls. But there is calculation in such cruelty, and method where some see madness. The kidnapping serves Shekau on many levels, and observers of Boko Haram say he should not be underestimated. Shekau's on-camera performances are the opposite of the composed appearances of late al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden and the terror group's current chief, Ayman al-Zawahiri. Jacob Zenn, an expert on Boko Haram with the Jamestown Foundation, a Washington, D.C.-based research and analysis firm, says Shekau has even acknowledged the intellectual chaos of his presentations. But they impress his followers. @highlight Abubakar Shekau is ruthless when dealing with dissent among his followers @highlight He took the reigns of Boko Haram after the death of Mohamed Yusuf in 2009 @highlight Some analysts wonder if kidnapped girls will be used as bargaining chips
Twice wounded himself -- in 2009 and 2012 -- @placeholder appears to revel in violence.
[ "Jamestown Foundation", "Shekau", "al Qaeda", "Washington, D.C.", "Nigerian", "Mohamed Yusuf", "Abubakar Shekau", "CNN", "Jacob Zenn", "Osama bin Laden", "Ayman al-Zawahiri", "Boko Haram" ]
{ "text": [ "CNN", "Boko Haram", "Abubakar Shekau", "Nigerian", "Shekau", "Boko Haram", "Shekau", "al Qaeda", "Osama bin Laden", "Ayman al-Zawahiri", "Jacob Zenn", "Boko Haram", "Jamestown Foundation", "Washington, D.C.", "Shekau", "Abubakar Shekau", "Boko Haram", "Mohamed Yusuf" ], "start": [ 1, 65, 83, 217, 338, 378, 426, 511, 527, 581, 600, 625, 645, 669, 725, 842, 949, 979 ], "end": [ 4, 75, 98, 225, 344, 388, 432, 519, 542, 598, 610, 635, 665, 685, 731, 857, 959, 992 ] }
Abubakar Shekau
{ "passage": 65391, "query": 100256 }
This isn't the first time Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling has faced allegations that he's racist. Audio recordings from a conversation full of racist comments attributed to Sterling surfaced over the weekend, bringing national attention to him and his team. But the billionaire real estate mogul has found himself in hot water in the past, denying in court accusations of discrimination tied to the NBA team and to property he owns. A top team executive accused Sterling of running the Clippers with a "plantation" mentality. Federal prosecutors accused his rental company of refusing to lease Beverly Hills apartments to African-Americans. And a group of tenants accused him of "numerous discriminatory statements and housing practices." @highlight Abdul-Jabbar: "Actions speak louder than words, and Mr. Sterling's actions have been consistent" @highlight Court documents detail past discrimination claims against L.A. Clippers owner Donald Sterling @highlight In a 2009 settlement, Sterling agreed to pay nearly $3 million but denied accusations @highlight Sterling has repeatedly denied allegations of race discrimination
2009: @placeholder' former general manager files a wrongful termination lawsuit
[ "Sterling", "Los Angeles Clippers", "Beverly Hills", "Donald Sterling", "L.A. Clippers", "Clippers", "NBA", "Abdul-Jabbar" ]
{ "text": [ "Los Angeles Clippers", "Donald Sterling", "Sterling", "NBA", "Sterling", "Clippers", "Beverly Hills", "Abdul-Jabbar", "Sterling", "L.A. Clippers", "Donald Sterling", "Sterling", "Sterling" ], "start": [ 26, 53, 184, 410, 473, 497, 605, 761, 817, 927, 947, 996, 1071 ], "end": [ 46, 68, 192, 413, 481, 505, 618, 773, 825, 940, 962, 1004, 1079 ] }
{ "passage": 65393, "query": 100260 }
Hillary Clinton has mended fences with Barack Obama and 'looks forward to hugging it out' at a swanky party, according to her spokesman, just days after the publication of an interview in which she had harsh words for the president's handling of the crisis in Syria. Speaking last week to The Atlantic, the former secretary of state said Obama's 'failure' to arm rebels opposed to dictator Bashar al-Assad 'left a big vacuum, which the jihadists have now filled.' She was referring to the murderous terror group ISIS, which has left a swath of death and destruction in its wake as it plows through Iraq and claims to have established an Islamic caliphate. @highlight In an interview released over the weekend Clinton slammed Obama's 'don't do stupid stuff' approach to foreign policy @highlight Wednesday party will be first in-person meeting since Clinton's comments were published @highlight As rumors of a rift swirled around Washington, a Clinton spokesman said the two had reconciled @highlight Hillary, he said, 'looks forward to hugging it out'
is not an organizing principle,' she said, referring to a version of the phrase @placeholder and his advisers
[ "Syria", "ISIS", "Clinton", "Hillary Clinton", "Bashar al-Assad", "Iraq", "Atlantic", "Islamic", "Hillary", "Washington", "Barack Obama", "Obama" ]
{ "text": [ "Hillary Clinton", "Barack Obama", "Syria", "Atlantic", "Obama", "Bashar al-Assad", "ISIS", "Iraq", "Islamic", "Clinton", "Obama", "Clinton", "Washington", "Clinton", "Hillary" ], "start": [ 0, 39, 260, 293, 338, 390, 512, 598, 637, 709, 725, 849, 929, 943, 1000 ], "end": [ 15, 51, 265, 301, 343, 405, 516, 602, 644, 716, 730, 856, 939, 950, 1007 ] }
Barack Obama
{ "passage": 65394, "query": 100261 }
(CNN) -- The University of Kansas men's basketball team squeaked by Ohio State late Saturday night, setting up a NCAA tournament championship showdown with top-seeded Kentucky. Hours earlier, the Wildcats defeated Louisville in its own semifinal. They and the Jayhawks will play Monday night for the title at the Mercedes-Benz Superdome in New Orleans. Under coach John Calipari, Kentucky posted a 32-2 record over the course of this season -- with its only losses coming at the hands of Indiana and Vanderbilt, the latter coming in the Southeastern Conference tourney. It entered the 68-team NCAA tournament as the No. 1 seed in the South bracket, and the favorite to win it all in the eyes of many pundits. The team was led by Anthony Davis, a freshman who was recently named the Associated Press's college basketball player of the year. @highlight NEW: Kansas narrowly defeats Ohio State, 64-62, to advance to the NCAA finals @highlight They will face Kentucky, which beat Louisville 69-61 earlier in the night @highlight The championship game will be held Monday night in New Orleans
But @placeholder stormed back after the intermission, notching the game up at 38-38 with 14 minutes left in the game.
[ "Jayhawks", "Vanderbilt", "Kansas", "NCAA tournament", "Indiana", "CNN", "Associated Press", "New Orleans", "Louisville", "Kentucky", "Mercedes-Benz Superdome", "Southeastern Conference", "University of Kansas", "Ohio State", "Anthony Davis", "NCAA", "Wildcats", "John Calipari", "South" ]
{ "text": [ "CNN", "University of Kansas", "Ohio State", "NCAA", "Kentucky", "Wildcats", "Louisville", "Jayhawks", "Mercedes-Benz Superdome", "New Orleans", "John Calipari", "Kentucky", "Indiana", "Vanderbilt", "Southeastern Conference", "NCAA tournament", "South", "Anthony Davis", "Associated Press", "Kansas", "Ohio State", "NCAA", "Kentucky", "Louisville", "New Orleans" ], "start": [ 1, 13, 68, 113, 167, 196, 214, 260, 313, 340, 365, 380, 488, 500, 537, 593, 634, 729, 782, 856, 880, 917, 955, 976, 1076 ], "end": [ 4, 33, 78, 117, 175, 204, 224, 268, 336, 351, 378, 388, 495, 510, 560, 608, 639, 742, 798, 862, 890, 921, 963, 986, 1087 ] }
{ "passage": 65395, "query": 100262 }
(CNN) -- Fifteen years ago this month, Rwanda declared a cease-fire in a genocide that left more than 800,000 dead. In the attacks that started in April 1994, Hutu militias and members of the general population sought out Tutsis and moderate Hutus -- and went on a 100-day killing rampage. In June of 1994, Rwanda was still in the grip of a 100-day killing rampage. Civilians and children got incentives to take part in the atrocities, including promises of land belonging to their Tutsi neighbors. It was one of the most brutal genocides in modern history. Some figures put the number of dead at 1 million, 10 percent of the population of the central African nation. Millions more were raped and disfigured. A whole generation of children lost their parents. @highlight Simmering hatreds between Tutsi and Hutu erupted in genocide in 1994 @highlight 100-day killing rampage left 800,000 dead -- mostly Tutsis and moderate Hutus @highlight Rwanda is now considered one of Africa's most stable nations
The @placeholder ethnic minority and the Hutu majority had been at odds even before 1994.
[ "Africa", "Hutus", "Tutsis", "Rwanda", "Hutu", "CNN", "Tutsi", "central African" ]
{ "text": [ "CNN", "Rwanda", "Hutu", "Tutsis", "Hutus", "Rwanda", "Tutsi", "central African", "Tutsi", "Hutu", "Tutsis", "Hutus", "Rwanda", "Africa" ], "start": [ 1, 39, 159, 222, 242, 307, 482, 644, 797, 807, 903, 923, 940, 972 ], "end": [ 4, 45, 163, 228, 247, 313, 487, 659, 802, 811, 909, 928, 946, 978 ] }
{ "passage": 65401, "query": 100268 }
Sergio Aguero’s super strike to make it 1-1 was Manchester City’s first at the Stadium of Light in more than four-and-a-half years. The last City player to find the back of the net on Wearside was a certain Adam Johnson, now of Sunderland. He curled a delightful equaliser in the final minute of a 1-1 draw in March, 2010. Johnson, though, has failed to hit those heights in red and white and was absent with a knock. Sergio Aguero celebrates scoring for Manchester City in their 4-1 win over Sunderland Stevan Jovetic (right) scores City's second and the striker gave them the lead for the first time in the game @highlight Manchester City fell behind to an early goal from Connor Wickham @highlight Sergio Aguero pulled Manchester City level immediately and scored again @highlight Stevan Jovetic and Pablo Zabaleta were also on the scoresheet for City
And, like Johnson, he has done little to suggest that was a bad piece of business on @placeholder’s behalf.
[ "Adam Johnson", "Sunderland", "Sergio Aguero", "Manchester City", "Connor Wickham", "Stevan Jovetic", "Pablo Zabaleta", "Stadium of Light", "City", "Wearside", "Johnson" ]
{ "text": [ "Sergio Aguero", "Manchester City", "Stadium of Light", "City", "Wearside", "Adam Johnson", "Sunderland", "Johnson", "Sergio Aguero", "Manchester City", "Sunderland", "Stevan Jovetic", "City", "Manchester City", "Connor Wickham", "Sergio Aguero", "Manchester City", "Stevan Jovetic", "Pablo Zabaleta", "City" ], "start": [ 0, 48, 79, 141, 184, 207, 228, 323, 418, 455, 493, 504, 534, 625, 675, 701, 722, 784, 803, 850 ], "end": [ 13, 63, 95, 145, 192, 219, 238, 330, 431, 470, 503, 518, 538, 640, 689, 714, 737, 798, 817, 854 ] }
{ "passage": 65404, "query": 100272 }
Fallen Australian cricketer Phillip Hughes will be farewelled in a touching ceremony in his hometown of Macksville, with his father Greg, brother Jason and close friend Michael Clarke acting as pall bearers on Wednesday. The five other pall bearers will be Corey Ireland, Mitchell Lonergan, Matthew Day, Aaron Finch and Tom Cooper - who was Hughes' batting partner at the time of last Tuesday's tragedy that claimed his life. Devastated residents will get the chance to farewell their 'favourite son' as thousands of people from Australia and overseas inundate the 2,600-strong town in New South Wales. Scroll down for video @highlight Funeral service for Phillip Hughes will be held at Macksville High School @highlight The ceremony will begin at 2pm, with thousands expected to attend @highlight Michael Clarke will also be reading a tribute during the service in NSW @highlight Hughes died two days after he was hit by a bouncer last Tuesday at SCG
Australian cricket captain Michael Clarke was close friends with @placeholder and will be one of the eight pall bearers
[ "New South Wales", "Hughes", "Greg", "Macksville", "Phillip Hughes", "Australia", "Corey Ireland", "Jason", "Australian", "Matthew Day", "SCG", "Aaron Finch", "Macksville High School", "Tom Cooper", "NSW", "Michael Clarke", "Mitchell Lonergan" ]
{ "text": [ "Australian", "Phillip Hughes", "Macksville", "Greg", "Jason", "Michael Clarke", "Corey Ireland", "Mitchell Lonergan", "Matthew Day", "Aaron Finch", "Tom Cooper", "Hughes", "Australia", "New South Wales", "Phillip Hughes", "Macksville High School", "Michael Clarke", "NSW", "Hughes", "SCG" ], "start": [ 7, 28, 104, 132, 146, 169, 257, 272, 291, 304, 320, 341, 529, 586, 656, 687, 798, 866, 881, 948 ], "end": [ 17, 42, 114, 136, 151, 183, 270, 289, 302, 315, 330, 347, 538, 601, 670, 709, 812, 869, 887, 951 ] }
{ "passage": 65408, "query": 100277 }
(CNN) -- He was hoping to triumph in front of his home fans, but it all went horribly wrong for cycling star Mark Cavendish -- with members of the Royal family watching. With the 101st Tour de France starting in Britain this year, all eyes were on Cavendish in Saturday's opening stage in Yorkshire. But the 29-year-old, one of the most successful sprinters in the race's history, dislocated his right shoulder and suffered ligament damage after colliding with rival Simon Gerrans during the finish. Germany's Marcel Kittel won the 190.5-kilometer (118-mile) stage to take an early advantage in the month-long race, which is commencing in the UK for the first time since 2007. @highlight Mark Cavendish dislocates his shoulder in Tour de France crash @highlight Saturday's opening stage won by Germany's Marcel Kittel @highlight Early stages of Tour taking place in UK for first time in seven years @highlight Royal family launches historic first leg in Yorkshire
It would've been nice to have a @placeholder victory today, but that's racing.
[ "UK", "Marcel Kittel", "Germany", "Cavendish", "Yorkshire", "Tour", "CNN", "Simon Gerrans", "Britain", "Tour de France", "Mark Cavendish" ]
{ "text": [ "CNN", "Mark Cavendish", "Tour de France", "Britain", "Cavendish", "Yorkshire", "Simon Gerrans", "Germany", "Marcel Kittel", "UK", "Mark Cavendish", "Tour de France", "Germany", "Marcel Kittel", "Tour", "UK", "Yorkshire" ], "start": [ 1, 109, 185, 212, 248, 289, 467, 500, 510, 643, 688, 730, 794, 804, 845, 866, 954 ], "end": [ 4, 123, 199, 219, 257, 298, 480, 507, 523, 645, 702, 744, 801, 817, 849, 868, 963 ] }
{ "passage": 65409, "query": 100279 }
Ian Holloway was clinging to his job after Millwall capitulated to League One Bradford City and missed the prize of a fourth-round trip to Chelsea. Holloway, who has been in charge for just over a year, locked his players in the dressing-room at Valley Parade for an hour after witnessing an abject performance. The defeat means Millwall have won only twice in the last 22 games, and their fans rounded on the 51-year-old manager by chanting: ‘You’re getting sacked in the morning’. James Hanson heads League One side Bradford ahead after just eight minutes at Valley Parade Hanson celebrates his early strike as Bradford started the brighter during their FA Cup replay with Millwall @highlight Mark Beevers given a straight red card for a bad foul after six minutes @highlight James Hanson and Jon Stead fire Bradford 2-0 up early on @highlight Andy Halliday put Bradford 3-0 up following mass brawl beaten the players @highlight Billy Knott makes it four for the hosts from close range in the second-half @highlight League One Bradford earn a FA Cup fourth round tie away at Chelsea
Millwall manager @placeholder looks despondent after his side were thrashed 4-0 at Bradford City
[ "Billy Knott", "Bradford City", "Bradford", "Jon Stead", "League One", "Valley Parade", "Mark Beevers", "Ian Holloway", "Andy Halliday", "Millwall", "Hanson", "FA Cup", "Chelsea", "Holloway", "James Hanson", "League One Bradford" ]
{ "text": [ "Ian Holloway", "Millwall", "League One", "Bradford City", "Chelsea", "Holloway", "Valley Parade", "Millwall", "James Hanson", "League One", "Bradford", "Valley Parade", "Hanson", "Bradford", "FA Cup", "Millwall", "Mark Beevers", "James Hanson", "Jon Stead", "Bradford", "Andy Halliday", "Bradford", "Billy Knott", "League One Bradford", "FA Cup", "Chelsea" ], "start": [ 0, 43, 67, 78, 139, 148, 246, 329, 483, 502, 518, 561, 575, 613, 656, 675, 695, 778, 795, 810, 846, 864, 931, 1018, 1045, 1077 ], "end": [ 12, 51, 77, 91, 146, 156, 259, 337, 495, 512, 526, 574, 581, 621, 662, 683, 707, 790, 804, 818, 859, 872, 942, 1037, 1051, 1084 ] }
{ "passage": 65410, "query": 100280 }
By Matt Blake The Second World War could have been prevented by a single document... but Hitler destroyed it before it was made public, MI5 secret files have revealed. The last will and testament of Baron Paul von Hindenburg, Germany's president until his death in 1934, rejected Adolf Hitler's claim to the Reichstag and urged the nation to embrace democracy. Such was the respect that Germany's political class had for Hindenburg, his dissent from beyond the grave would surely have been heard and may well have obstructed Hitler's rise to power, prevented war and changed the course of history, reported The Times. @highlight Hindenburg rejected Adolf Hitler's claim to power, pushing for democracy @highlight He recorded feelings in will, drafted by Fritz Günther von Tschirschky @highlight But Hitler demanded to see will before it was published and destroyed it @highlight Hindenburg hated Hitler, despite making him German Chancellor in 1933 @highlight It was intended as a 'bomb timed to go off posthumously' and derail Hitler
Tschirschky claimed @placeholder's will was a powerful attack on Hitler's ambition, declaring that the the army should be independent from parliament, that a constitutional monarchy should be established and that the legislative and executive branches of government should be separated.
[ "Reichstag", "Fritz Günther von Tschirschky", "Germany", "The Times", "Adolf Hitler", "Hindenburg", "Second World War", "German", "Matt Blake", "Paul von Hindenburg", "Hitler", "MI5" ]
{ "text": [ "Matt Blake", "Second World War", "Hitler", "MI5", "Paul von Hindenburg", "Germany", "Adolf Hitler", "Reichstag", "Germany", "Hindenburg", "Hitler", "The Times", "Hindenburg", "Adolf Hitler", "Fritz Günther von Tschirschky", "Hitler", "Hindenburg", "Hitler", "German", "Hitler" ], "start": [ 3, 18, 89, 136, 205, 226, 280, 308, 387, 421, 525, 607, 629, 649, 754, 799, 879, 896, 923, 1028 ], "end": [ 13, 34, 95, 139, 224, 233, 292, 317, 394, 431, 531, 616, 639, 661, 783, 805, 889, 902, 929, 1034 ] }
{ "passage": 65417, "query": 100287 }
Top officials at the campaign committee for House Republicans said Tuesday they weren't aware of anonymous Twitter accounts that were used ahead of the midterms to share internal polling data with outside groups, potentially violating campaign finance laws. "I don't know anything about it," Oregon GOP Rep. Greg Walden, the chairman of the National Republican Campaign Committee, told CNN Tuesday. CNN reported Monday that NRCC and at least two outside groups -- American Crossroads and American Action Network -- masked their identities through anonymous Twitter accounts to share information about House races. Campaign finance experts said that pushed the limits of election laws that bar coordination between campaigns and outside groups, such as super PACs and nonprofits. @highlight CNN reported Monday that NRCC, outside groups shared information on anonymous Twitter accounts @highlight Election experts say the practice could violate campaign finance laws @highlight NRCC chairman to CNN: "I don't know anything about it"
When asked if he planned to investigate the behavior within the @placeholder, Walden said he would "look into it" internally.
[ "National Republican Campaign Committee", "American Crossroads", "Oregon GOP", "Greg Walden", "House Republicans", "House", "Twitter", "CNN", "NRCC", "American Action Network" ]
{ "text": [ "House Republicans", "Twitter", "Oregon GOP", "Greg Walden", "National Republican Campaign Committee", "CNN", "CNN", "NRCC", "American Crossroads", "American Action Network", "Twitter", "House", "CNN", "NRCC", "Twitter", "NRCC", "CNN" ], "start": [ 44, 107, 292, 308, 341, 386, 399, 424, 464, 488, 558, 602, 791, 816, 869, 978, 995 ], "end": [ 61, 114, 302, 319, 379, 389, 402, 428, 483, 511, 565, 607, 794, 820, 876, 982, 998 ] }
{ "passage": 65421, "query": 100291 }
Fernando Torres has been officially unveiled as an AC Milan player, following his two-year loan move from Chelsea. Torres ended a disappointing four years at Chelsea after his £50million switch from Liverpool when he completed a two-year loan deal with the Rossoneri. The 30-year-old is delighted to make the move over to Italy, and will hope for a fresh start in Serie A. VIDEO Scroll down to watch Fernando Torres: I left Chelsea to feel important again Popular: Fernando Torres drew a huge crowd as he was officially unveiled as an AC Milan player Selfie: Torres posted this picture on Twitter 'Happy with my new Milan family @acmilan!!! #weareacmilan' @highlight Chelsea striker Fernando Torres has joined AC Milan on a two-year loan @highlight The Spaniard ended a disappointing four years at Chelsea after his £50m switch from Liverpool @highlight Torres watched from the stands as the Rossoneri beat Lazio 3-1 on Sunday @highlight Marco van Ginkel will also spend the rest of this season on loan at AC Milan
Milan finished eighth last season in Serie A and will be hoping Torres can rediscover his scoring touch to fire the @placeholder back up the table.
[ "Marco van Ginkel", "Torres", "Liverpool", "Selfie", "Serie A.", "Fernando Torres", "Lazio", "Twitter", "Rossoneri", "Spaniard", "Milan", "Chelsea", "Italy", "AC Milan" ]
{ "text": [ "Fernando Torres", "AC Milan", "Chelsea", "Torres", "Chelsea", "Liverpool", "Rossoneri", "Italy", "Serie A.", "Fernando Torres", "Chelsea", "Fernando Torres", "AC Milan", "Selfie", "Torres", "Twitter", "Milan", "Chelsea", "Fernando Torres", "AC Milan", "Spaniard", "Chelsea", "Liverpool", "Torres", "Rossoneri", "Lazio", "Marco van Ginkel", "AC Milan" ], "start": [ 0, 51, 106, 115, 158, 199, 257, 322, 364, 400, 424, 465, 535, 551, 559, 589, 616, 667, 683, 710, 753, 798, 833, 854, 892, 907, 938, 1006 ], "end": [ 15, 59, 113, 121, 165, 208, 266, 327, 372, 415, 431, 480, 543, 557, 565, 596, 621, 674, 698, 718, 761, 805, 842, 860, 901, 912, 954, 1014 ] }
AC Milan
{ "passage": 65422, "query": 100292 }
Editor's note: Republican Leslie Sanchez was director of the White House Initiative on Hispanic Education from 2001 to 2003 and author of "Los Republicanos: Why Hispanics and Republicans Need Each Other." She is CEO of the Impacto Group, which specializes in market research about women and Hispanics. Leslie Sanchez says Republicans should treat Hispanics as part of the mainstream of America. WASHINGTON (CNN) -- As the members of the Republican National Committee prepare to choose a party chairman to serve for the next two years, the calls for new "Hispanic outreach" initiatives are flying -- in my view, unnecessarily. It is probably true that President Obama's election marks the beginning of a post-partisan, post-racial America, or at least a time when these issues are less divisive than in years past. @highlight Leslie Sanchez: Republicans are talking about a new outreach to Hispanics @highlight She says Hispanics are part of the American mainstream with broad interests @highlight Sanchez: Candidates, including Obama, talked about narrow issues @highlight She says Hispanics want to be seen as Americans, with a stake in the future
As @placeholder, we need to win at least 35 percent of the Hispanic vote to win the presidency.
[ "American", "Americans", "Leslie Sanchez", "WASHINGTON", "Los Republicanos", "Sanchez", "Impacto Group", "Hispanics", "Republican", "Republicans", "White House Initiative on Hispanic Education", "CNN", "America", "Obama", "Need Each Other", "Republican National Committee" ]
{ "text": [ "Republican", "Leslie Sanchez", "White House Initiative on Hispanic Education", "Los Republicanos", "Hispanics", "Republicans", "Need Each Other", "Impacto Group", "Hispanics", "Leslie Sanchez", "Republicans", "America", "WASHINGTON", "CNN", "Republican National Committee", "Obama", "America", "Leslie Sanchez", "Republicans", "Hispanics", "American", "Sanchez", "Obama", "Americans" ], "start": [ 15, 26, 61, 139, 161, 175, 187, 223, 291, 302, 322, 386, 395, 407, 437, 661, 730, 825, 841, 919, 945, 997, 1028, 1111 ], "end": [ 25, 40, 105, 155, 170, 186, 202, 236, 300, 316, 333, 393, 405, 410, 466, 666, 737, 839, 852, 928, 953, 1004, 1033, 1120 ] }
{ "passage": 65426, "query": 100296 }
Editor's note: Republican Leslie Sanchez was director of the White House Initiative on Hispanic Education from 2001 to 2003 and author of "Los Republicanos: Why Hispanics and Republicans Need Each Other." She is CEO of the Impacto Group, which specializes in market research about women and Hispanics. Leslie Sanchez says Republicans should treat Hispanics as part of the mainstream of America. WASHINGTON (CNN) -- As the members of the Republican National Committee prepare to choose a party chairman to serve for the next two years, the calls for new "Hispanic outreach" initiatives are flying -- in my view, unnecessarily. It is probably true that President Obama's election marks the beginning of a post-partisan, post-racial America, or at least a time when these issues are less divisive than in years past. @highlight Leslie Sanchez: Republicans are talking about a new outreach to Hispanics @highlight She says Hispanics are part of the American mainstream with broad interests @highlight Sanchez: Candidates, including Obama, talked about narrow issues @highlight She says Hispanics want to be seen as Americans, with a stake in the future
What Hispanics want, and what we as @placeholder want them to want, is to be included in the American experience.
[ "American", "Americans", "Leslie Sanchez", "WASHINGTON", "Los Republicanos", "Sanchez", "Impacto Group", "Hispanics", "Republican", "Republicans", "White House Initiative on Hispanic Education", "CNN", "America", "Obama", "Need Each Other", "Republican National Committee" ]
{ "text": [ "Republican", "Leslie Sanchez", "White House Initiative on Hispanic Education", "Los Republicanos", "Hispanics", "Republicans", "Need Each Other", "Impacto Group", "Hispanics", "Leslie Sanchez", "Republicans", "America", "WASHINGTON", "CNN", "Republican National Committee", "Obama", "America", "Leslie Sanchez", "Republicans", "Hispanics", "American", "Sanchez", "Obama", "Americans" ], "start": [ 15, 26, 61, 139, 161, 175, 187, 223, 291, 302, 322, 386, 395, 407, 437, 661, 730, 825, 841, 919, 945, 997, 1028, 1111 ], "end": [ 25, 40, 105, 155, 170, 186, 202, 236, 300, 316, 333, 393, 405, 410, 466, 666, 737, 839, 852, 928, 953, 1004, 1033, 1120 ] }
{ "passage": 65426, "query": 100298 }
Editor's note: Republican Leslie Sanchez was director of the White House Initiative on Hispanic Education from 2001 to 2003 and author of "Los Republicanos: Why Hispanics and Republicans Need Each Other." She is CEO of the Impacto Group, which specializes in market research about women and Hispanics. Leslie Sanchez says Republicans should treat Hispanics as part of the mainstream of America. WASHINGTON (CNN) -- As the members of the Republican National Committee prepare to choose a party chairman to serve for the next two years, the calls for new "Hispanic outreach" initiatives are flying -- in my view, unnecessarily. It is probably true that President Obama's election marks the beginning of a post-partisan, post-racial America, or at least a time when these issues are less divisive than in years past. @highlight Leslie Sanchez: Republicans are talking about a new outreach to Hispanics @highlight She says Hispanics are part of the American mainstream with broad interests @highlight Sanchez: Candidates, including Obama, talked about narrow issues @highlight She says Hispanics want to be seen as Americans, with a stake in the future
What Hispanics want, and what we as Republicans want them to want, is to be included in the @placeholder experience.
[ "American", "Americans", "Leslie Sanchez", "WASHINGTON", "Los Republicanos", "Sanchez", "Impacto Group", "Hispanics", "Republican", "Republicans", "White House Initiative on Hispanic Education", "CNN", "America", "Obama", "Need Each Other", "Republican National Committee" ]
{ "text": [ "Republican", "Leslie Sanchez", "White House Initiative on Hispanic Education", "Los Republicanos", "Hispanics", "Republicans", "Need Each Other", "Impacto Group", "Hispanics", "Leslie Sanchez", "Republicans", "America", "WASHINGTON", "CNN", "Republican National Committee", "Obama", "America", "Leslie Sanchez", "Republicans", "Hispanics", "American", "Sanchez", "Obama", "Americans" ], "start": [ 15, 26, 61, 139, 161, 175, 187, 223, 291, 302, 322, 386, 395, 407, 437, 661, 730, 825, 841, 919, 945, 997, 1028, 1111 ], "end": [ 25, 40, 105, 155, 170, 186, 202, 236, 300, 316, 333, 393, 405, 410, 466, 666, 737, 839, 852, 928, 953, 1004, 1033, 1120 ] }
{ "passage": 65426, "query": 100299 }
Editor's note: Republican Leslie Sanchez was director of the White House Initiative on Hispanic Education from 2001 to 2003 and author of "Los Republicanos: Why Hispanics and Republicans Need Each Other." She is CEO of the Impacto Group, which specializes in market research about women and Hispanics. Leslie Sanchez says Republicans should treat Hispanics as part of the mainstream of America. WASHINGTON (CNN) -- As the members of the Republican National Committee prepare to choose a party chairman to serve for the next two years, the calls for new "Hispanic outreach" initiatives are flying -- in my view, unnecessarily. It is probably true that President Obama's election marks the beginning of a post-partisan, post-racial America, or at least a time when these issues are less divisive than in years past. @highlight Leslie Sanchez: Republicans are talking about a new outreach to Hispanics @highlight She says Hispanics are part of the American mainstream with broad interests @highlight Sanchez: Candidates, including Obama, talked about narrow issues @highlight She says Hispanics want to be seen as Americans, with a stake in the future
To remain largely focused on them is to patronize millions of upwardly mobile Hispanics who are not immigrants and who don't think of themselves as hyphenated @placeholder.
[ "American", "Americans", "Leslie Sanchez", "WASHINGTON", "Los Republicanos", "Sanchez", "Impacto Group", "Hispanics", "Republican", "Republicans", "White House Initiative on Hispanic Education", "CNN", "America", "Obama", "Need Each Other", "Republican National Committee" ]
{ "text": [ "Republican", "Leslie Sanchez", "White House Initiative on Hispanic Education", "Los Republicanos", "Hispanics", "Republicans", "Need Each Other", "Impacto Group", "Hispanics", "Leslie Sanchez", "Republicans", "America", "WASHINGTON", "CNN", "Republican National Committee", "Obama", "America", "Leslie Sanchez", "Republicans", "Hispanics", "American", "Sanchez", "Obama", "Americans" ], "start": [ 15, 26, 61, 139, 161, 175, 187, 223, 291, 302, 322, 386, 395, 407, 437, 661, 730, 825, 841, 919, 945, 997, 1028, 1111 ], "end": [ 25, 40, 105, 155, 170, 186, 202, 236, 300, 316, 333, 393, 405, 410, 466, 666, 737, 839, 852, 928, 953, 1004, 1033, 1120 ] }
{ "passage": 65426, "query": 100300 }
(CNN) -- The U.S. Agriculture Department cited drought and heat on Wednesday in designating 597 counties in 14 states as primary natural disaster areas. "As drought persists, USDA will continue to partner with producers to see them through longer-term recovery, while taking the swift actions needed to help farmers and ranchers prepare their land and operations for the upcoming planting season," Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said in a statement. The designations make qualified farmers in the areas eligible for low-interest loans, the agency said. Affected counties have suffered severe drought for eight consecutive weeks, which qualified them for the automatic designation. @highlight NEW: "This is the worst drought I've ever seen," says 62-year-old Missouri farmer @highlight The designations make farmers eligible for low-interest loans @highlight Help kicks in automatically after eight consecutive weeks of severe drought @highlight 597 counties in 14 states are designated primary natural disaster areas
Drought shriveled crops across the farm belt, leading to an expected rise in food prices in 2013, according to @placeholder.
[ "U.S.", "USDA", "NEW", "Missouri", "CNN", "Tom Vilsack", "Agriculture Department" ]
{ "text": [ "CNN", "U.S.", "Agriculture Department", "USDA", "Tom Vilsack", "NEW", "Missouri" ], "start": [ 1, 13, 18, 175, 420, 695, 761 ], "end": [ 4, 17, 40, 179, 431, 698, 769 ] }
Agriculture Department
{ "passage": 65430, "query": 100304 }
(CNN) -- Six-year-old Falcon Heene was cowering inside the attic above his family's garage. Falcon Heene, to the left of his father Richard, said he was yelled at earlier in day for playing in balloon. He had gotten in trouble several hours earlier for playing inside the family's homemade helium balloon and told his 10-year-old brother Bradford that he planned to sneak inside. Richard Heene, the boys' father, had walked away for just a minute when the tether became undone, causing the balloon to begin floating miles above the house, he told CNN's Wolf Blitzer as he sat next to his family on Thursday's broadcast of "Larry King Live." @highlight Falcon Heene said he went in attic because he had gotten in trouble earlier @highlight Dad said he "lost it" when he saw balloon land without his son inside @highlight Family searched small drawers, friends' houses in case he was hiding @highlight "I dropped to my knees," father said when boy emerged from attic
Richard Heene said his son @placeholder has done things like this before -- just not on such a grand scale.
[ "Bradford", "Wolf Blitzer", "Richard", "Falcon Heene", "CNN", "Dad", "Larry King Live", "Richard Heene", "Family" ]
{ "text": [ "CNN", "Falcon Heene", "Falcon Heene", "Richard", "Bradford", "Richard Heene", "CNN", "Wolf Blitzer", "Larry King Live", "Falcon Heene", "Dad", "Family" ], "start": [ 1, 22, 92, 132, 338, 380, 547, 553, 623, 652, 739, 820 ], "end": [ 4, 34, 104, 139, 346, 393, 550, 565, 638, 664, 742, 826 ] }
Falcon Heene
{ "passage": 65432, "query": 100306 }
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President-elect Barack Obama plans to nominate New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson to be secretary of commerce, a Democratic source told CNN on Tuesday. New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson was a candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination this year. The former Democratic presidential candidate's name has been bandied about as the next head of Commerce. Obama spoke with Richardson about the position November 14, a senior Democratic source said. The source said Richardson has always been on Obama's list of possibilities for the key Cabinet position. Richardson, 61, also traveled to Chicago, Illinois, in November to meet with Obama, according to a source. @highlight Bill Richardson is New Mexico's governor, former U.N. ambassador @highlight Richardson to be announced as commerce secretary nominee Wednesday @highlight He was a rival of Barack Obama's during the Democratic primaries
"In New Mexico, he sought to bring in new businesses and to create jobs ... so the @placeholder team considers this part of the economic team."
[ "Bill Richardson", "Commerce", "WASHINGTON", "Chicago", "U.N.", "Democratic", "Richardson", "Illinois", "CNN", "Barack Obama", "Obama", "New Mexico", "Cabinet" ]
{ "text": [ "WASHINGTON", "CNN", "Barack Obama", "New Mexico", "Bill Richardson", "Democratic", "CNN", "New Mexico", "Bill Richardson", "Democratic", "Democratic", "Commerce", "Obama", "Richardson", "Democratic", "Richardson", "Obama", "Cabinet", "Richardson", "Chicago", "Illinois", "Obama", "Bill Richardson", "New Mexico", "U.N.", "Richardson", "Barack Obama", "Democratic" ], "start": [ 0, 12, 36, 67, 83, 130, 153, 169, 185, 225, 282, 366, 376, 393, 445, 485, 515, 557, 575, 608, 617, 652, 693, 712, 742, 769, 865, 891 ], "end": [ 10, 15, 48, 77, 98, 140, 156, 179, 200, 235, 292, 374, 381, 403, 455, 495, 520, 564, 585, 615, 625, 657, 708, 722, 746, 779, 877, 901 ] }
Barack Obama
{ "passage": 65439, "query": 100315 }
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President-elect Barack Obama plans to nominate New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson to be secretary of commerce, a Democratic source told CNN on Tuesday. New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson was a candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination this year. The former Democratic presidential candidate's name has been bandied about as the next head of Commerce. Obama spoke with Richardson about the position November 14, a senior Democratic source said. The source said Richardson has always been on Obama's list of possibilities for the key Cabinet position. Richardson, 61, also traveled to Chicago, Illinois, in November to meet with Obama, according to a source. @highlight Bill Richardson is New Mexico's governor, former U.N. ambassador @highlight Richardson to be announced as commerce secretary nominee Wednesday @highlight He was a rival of Barack Obama's during the Democratic primaries
She was @placeholder's running mate in the 2002 and 2006 gubernatorial elections.
[ "Bill Richardson", "Commerce", "WASHINGTON", "Chicago", "U.N.", "Democratic", "Richardson", "Illinois", "CNN", "Barack Obama", "Obama", "New Mexico", "Cabinet" ]
{ "text": [ "WASHINGTON", "CNN", "Barack Obama", "New Mexico", "Bill Richardson", "Democratic", "CNN", "New Mexico", "Bill Richardson", "Democratic", "Democratic", "Commerce", "Obama", "Richardson", "Democratic", "Richardson", "Obama", "Cabinet", "Richardson", "Chicago", "Illinois", "Obama", "Bill Richardson", "New Mexico", "U.N.", "Richardson", "Barack Obama", "Democratic" ], "start": [ 0, 12, 36, 67, 83, 130, 153, 169, 185, 225, 282, 366, 376, 393, 445, 485, 515, 557, 575, 608, 617, 652, 693, 712, 742, 769, 865, 891 ], "end": [ 10, 15, 48, 77, 98, 140, 156, 179, 200, 235, 292, 374, 381, 403, 455, 495, 520, 564, 585, 615, 625, 657, 708, 722, 746, 779, 877, 901 ] }
Bill Richardson
{ "passage": 65439, "query": 100317 }
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President-elect Barack Obama plans to nominate New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson to be secretary of commerce, a Democratic source told CNN on Tuesday. New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson was a candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination this year. The former Democratic presidential candidate's name has been bandied about as the next head of Commerce. Obama spoke with Richardson about the position November 14, a senior Democratic source said. The source said Richardson has always been on Obama's list of possibilities for the key Cabinet position. Richardson, 61, also traveled to Chicago, Illinois, in November to meet with Obama, according to a source. @highlight Bill Richardson is New Mexico's governor, former U.N. ambassador @highlight Richardson to be announced as commerce secretary nominee Wednesday @highlight He was a rival of Barack Obama's during the Democratic primaries
@placeholder "can bring us the change we so desperately need by bringing us together as a nation here at home and with our allies abroad," he said.
[ "Bill Richardson", "Commerce", "WASHINGTON", "Chicago", "U.N.", "Democratic", "Richardson", "Illinois", "CNN", "Barack Obama", "Obama", "New Mexico", "Cabinet" ]
{ "text": [ "WASHINGTON", "CNN", "Barack Obama", "New Mexico", "Bill Richardson", "Democratic", "CNN", "New Mexico", "Bill Richardson", "Democratic", "Democratic", "Commerce", "Obama", "Richardson", "Democratic", "Richardson", "Obama", "Cabinet", "Richardson", "Chicago", "Illinois", "Obama", "Bill Richardson", "New Mexico", "U.N.", "Richardson", "Barack Obama", "Democratic" ], "start": [ 0, 12, 36, 67, 83, 130, 153, 169, 185, 225, 282, 366, 376, 393, 445, 485, 515, 557, 575, 608, 617, 652, 693, 712, 742, 769, 865, 891 ], "end": [ 10, 15, 48, 77, 98, 140, 156, 179, 200, 235, 292, 374, 381, 403, 455, 495, 520, 564, 585, 615, 625, 657, 708, 722, 746, 779, 877, 901 ] }
Barack Obama
{ "passage": 65439, "query": 100318 }
By Damien Gayle Last updated at 12:56 PM on 21st December 2011 Hackers in China have managed to penetrate the computer networks of the America's top business-lobbying group, it has been claimed. All the data held by systems at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, including information about its 3million members, are said to have been left vulnerable after the infiltration. If true, the hack would be one of the boldest attacks yet in what has become an ongoing battle between Chinese hackers and companies and agencies in the U.S. Hacked: Networks at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce were penetrated by hackers suspected to be working for the Chinese government @highlight Latest in a string of cyber attacks blamed on China @highlight Infiltration focused on staff working on Asia policy
But the attack on the Chamber's computer systems is just the latest hacking incident where the finger of suspicion has been pointed at @placeholder.
[ "U.S.", "Damien Gayle", "Asia", "Chamber of Commerce", "Chinese", "America", "China" ]
{ "text": [ "Damien Gayle", "China", "America", "U.S.", "Chamber of Commerce", "Chinese", "U.S.", "U.S.", "Chamber of Commerce", "Chinese", "China", "Asia" ], "start": [ 3, 74, 135, 231, 236, 472, 522, 551, 556, 635, 711, 769 ], "end": [ 15, 79, 142, 235, 255, 479, 526, 555, 575, 642, 716, 773 ] }
{ "passage": 65441, "query": 100320 }
NEW DELHI, India (CNN) -- The wounds of partition festered again this week in India, resulting in the banning of a book and the expulsion of a respected politician. Protesters burn an effigy of Jaswant Singh over his book; the former foreign minister was ousted from his party. The home state of the father of Indian independence, Mahatma Gandhi, forbade the sale and circulation of a new book it says spews revisionist history about the birth of secular but predominantly Hindu India and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Written by Jaswant Singh, a former federal minister and senior member of the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), the book calls Mohammed Ali Jinnah, considered by Indians the architect of the partition, a great man who is wrongly demonized. Jinnah went on to become the first governor general of Pakistan. @highlight Home state of Mahatma Gandhi bans revisionist history of India-Pakistan partition @highlight Book suggests independence leader Sardar Patel was the architect of the division @highlight Animosities over the partition continue to impact India and Pakistan
@placeholder think of Jinnah as the man who pushed a two-state notion based on religion as a prerequisite for freedom.
[ "Sardar Patel", "India", "Bharatiya Janata Party", "Pakistan", "Hindu", "Islamic Republic", "Jinnah", "BJP", "Jaswant Singh", "Indians", "CNN", "Hindu India", "Mahatma Gandhi", "Mohammed Ali Jinnah", "Indian", "Animosities", "NEW DELHI" ]
{ "text": [ "NEW DELHI", "India", "CNN", "India", "Jaswant Singh", "Indian", "Mahatma Gandhi", "Hindu India", "Islamic Republic", "Pakistan", "Jaswant Singh", "Hindu", "Bharatiya Janata Party", "BJP", "Mohammed Ali Jinnah", "Indians", "Jinnah", "Pakistan", "Mahatma Gandhi", "India", "Pakistan", "Sardar Patel", "Animosities", "India", "Pakistan" ], "start": [ 0, 11, 18, 78, 194, 310, 331, 473, 493, 513, 534, 600, 618, 642, 663, 698, 776, 831, 867, 910, 916, 980, 1038, 1088, 1098 ], "end": [ 9, 16, 21, 83, 207, 316, 345, 484, 509, 521, 547, 605, 640, 645, 682, 705, 782, 839, 881, 915, 924, 992, 1049, 1093, 1106 ] }
{ "passage": 65442, "query": 100321 }
David Cameron vowed to crush Ed Miliband’s ‘1970s-style socialism’ yesterday as he put tax cuts, enterprise and opportunity at the heart of an election campaign to reprise the Tories’ defeat of Neil Kinnock. The Prime Minister condemned Labour’s ‘damaging, nonsensical, twisted economic policy’ and scoffed at what he called ‘Red Ed and his Blue Peter economy’ – saying it would heap ruin on Britain. In an annual conference speech shorn of policy gimmicks and rhetorical flourishes, he repeatedly asked voters to allow the Conservatives to ‘finish the job’ of turning Britain around. Scroll down for video Fighting talk: Prime Minister David Cameron vowed to crush Ed Miliband's '1970s-style socialism' yesterday at the annual Tory conference @highlight The PM scoffed at what he called 'Red Ed and his Blue Peter economy' @highlight Voters asked for chance to 'finish the job' of turning Britain around @highlight He described the prospect of a Labour Government as a 'land of despair' @highlight Echoing Major and Thatcher, Cameron spoke of 'land of opportunity for all' @highlight The under-25s may be stripped of state benefits unless they ‘earn or learn’ @highlight Mr Cameron conceded it was a mistake to ignore grass-roots opposition and force through gay marriage laws @highlight Lord Heseltine branded Ukip ‘racists’ and warned Tories to scrap ideas of an electoral deal.
He dismissed Mr @placeholder’s promises to cut the cost of living as ‘all sticking plasters and quick fixes’.
[ "Ukip", "Labour Government", "Conservatives", "Lord Heseltine", "Ed Miliband", "Red Ed", "Blue Peter", "Thatcher", "Cameron", "Labour", "David Cameron", "Neil Kinnock", "Tory", "Tories", "Major", "Britain" ]
{ "text": [ "David Cameron", "Ed Miliband", "Tories", "Neil Kinnock", "Labour", "Red Ed", "Blue Peter", "Britain", "Conservatives", "Britain", "David Cameron", "Ed Miliband", "Tory", "Red Ed", "Blue Peter", "Britain", "Labour Government", "Major", "Thatcher", "Cameron", "Cameron", "Lord Heseltine", "Ukip", "Tories" ], "start": [ 0, 29, 176, 194, 237, 326, 341, 392, 524, 569, 637, 666, 728, 789, 804, 890, 947, 1007, 1017, 1027, 1175, 1289, 1312, 1338 ], "end": [ 13, 40, 182, 206, 243, 332, 351, 399, 537, 576, 650, 677, 732, 795, 814, 897, 964, 1012, 1025, 1034, 1182, 1303, 1316, 1344 ] }
Ed Miliband
{ "passage": 65447, "query": 100329 }
(CNN) -- Prosecutor Gerrie Nel went on the attack again Thursday, trying to discredit a defense witness for Oscar Pistorius on the last day of testimony before the court takes a two-and-a-half week break. Forensics expert Roger Dixon, on the stand for a third day, was grilled over his interpretation of a reconstruction of the scene where double-amputee runner Pistorius killed girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp in February last year. One key line of questioning dealt with the position of a magazine rack within the toilet room where she was shot. Under pressure from Nel, Dixon directly contradicted Pistorius' version of where he saw the magazine rack when he entered the toilet room after shooting Steenkamp. @highlight Prosecutor Gerrie Nel seeks to discredit expert defense witness Roger Dixon @highlight On the stand, Dixon contradicts Oscar Pistorius' testimony over position of magazine rack @highlight The prosecution says Pistorius intentionally shot and killed Reeva Steenkamp after a fight @highlight Pistorius denies murder, saying he mistook his girlfriend for an intruder
In his own testimony, @placeholder said that when Steenkamp was slumped over the toilet bowl, she wasn't on top of the magazine rack.
[ "Pistorius", "Gerrie Nel", "Nel", "Roger Dixon", "Dixon", "Reeva Steenkamp", "Oscar Pistorius", "CNN", "Steenkamp" ]
{ "text": [ "CNN", "Gerrie Nel", "Oscar Pistorius", "Roger Dixon", "Pistorius", "Reeva Steenkamp", "Nel", "Dixon", "Pistorius", "Steenkamp", "Gerrie Nel", "Roger Dixon", "Dixon", "Oscar Pistorius", "Pistorius", "Reeva Steenkamp", "Pistorius" ], "start": [ 1, 20, 108, 222, 362, 390, 563, 568, 596, 696, 729, 782, 819, 837, 927, 967, 1008 ], "end": [ 4, 30, 123, 233, 371, 405, 566, 573, 605, 705, 739, 793, 824, 852, 936, 982, 1017 ] }
Oscar Pistorius
{ "passage": 65448, "query": 100330 }
By Kerry Mcqueeney Hiding his faith? Scholars have offered a fascinating theory about the true religion of Christopher Columbus He was an intrepid explorer, heroically leading his crew into the unknown as he set sail for the New World on a voyage of discovery. His legend might be cemented in history as the man who discovered America, but a remarkable new theory has emerged about Christopher Columbus and why he embarked on his momentous voyage of 1492. On the day marking the 508th anniversary of the explorer's death, scholars have claimed there is compelling evidence that suggests Christopher Columbus was secretly Jewish and that he hid his true faith to survive the Spanish Inquisition. @highlight Scholars believe Columbus was a 'Marrano', a secret Jew who feigned conversion to Catholicism @highlight Historians say five clues to the explorer's true faith can be found in his last will and testament @highlight New theory suggests he was looking for a safe haven for the Jews persecuted and driven out of Spain @highlight He was described as a 'deeply religious' man who was committed to the cause of liberating Israel's Holy Land
Jews were the target of a brutal and systematic ethnic cleansing during the lifetime of @placeholder.
[ "Spain", "Jewish", "Christopher Columbus", "Israel", "New World", "Marrano", "Catholicism", "Jews", "America", "Holy Land", "Columbus", "Spanish Inquisition", "Kerry Mcqueeney" ]
{ "text": [ "Kerry Mcqueeney", "Christopher Columbus", "New World", "America", "Christopher Columbus", "Christopher Columbus", "Jewish", "Spanish Inquisition", "Columbus", "Marrano", "Catholicism", "Jews", "Spain", "Israel", "Holy Land" ], "start": [ 3, 107, 225, 327, 382, 587, 621, 674, 723, 739, 788, 981, 1015, 1122, 1131 ], "end": [ 18, 127, 234, 334, 402, 607, 627, 693, 731, 746, 799, 985, 1020, 1128, 1140 ] }
Christopher Columbus
{ "passage": 65449, "query": 100331 }
Host commentator Stuart Fraser: Job done, Andy Murray. He came out here knowing he had to win and he delivered. Getting it done in straight sets will also help too. All to play for in Group B on Thursday as Murray plays Federer and Raonic takes on Nishikori. Lot of qualification scenarios involved and I'm afraid it's a bit of a mathematical maze... Murray tells Sky Sports: 'It's nice. Last year was tough but I'm very happy to be back. The court atmosphere has been unbelievable. Nice match to look forward to against Roger now. Murray started the game off by answering a net call with one of his own and it proved too good for Raonic. More unforced errors from the Canadian made Murray's life easier before going to deuce. @highlight Andy Murray defeats Milos Raonic in ATP World Tour Finals Group B clash @highlight Scot wins 6-3, 7-5 at the O2 Arena @highlight Murray lost opening match to Kei Nishikori @highlight Defeat for Murray would see the Scot eliminated from the tournament @highlight British No 1 will now face Roger Federer
Raonic pulled back two match points before Murray finally put him to the sword with another strong serve which @placeholder can only hit long.
[ "Group B", "Kei Nishikori", "ATP World Tour Finals Group B", "Raonic", "Canadian", "Federer", "Nishikori", "Roger", "Scot", "Roger Federer", "British", "O2 Arena", "Milos Raonic", "Andy Murray", "Murray", "Sky Sports", "Stuart Fraser" ]
{ "text": [ "Stuart Fraser", "Andy Murray", "Group B", "Murray", "Federer", "Raonic", "Nishikori", "Murray", "Sky Sports", "Roger", "Murray", "Raonic", "Canadian", "Murray", "Andy Murray", "Milos Raonic", "ATP World Tour Finals Group B", "Scot", "O2 Arena", "Murray", "Kei Nishikori", "Murray", "Scot", "British", "Roger Federer" ], "start": [ 17, 42, 184, 207, 220, 232, 248, 351, 364, 521, 532, 631, 669, 683, 738, 758, 774, 821, 847, 867, 896, 932, 953, 1000, 1027 ], "end": [ 30, 53, 191, 213, 227, 238, 257, 357, 374, 526, 538, 637, 677, 689, 749, 770, 803, 825, 855, 873, 909, 938, 957, 1007, 1040 ] }
Milos Raonic
{ "passage": 65450, "query": 100332 }
Host commentator Stuart Fraser: Job done, Andy Murray. He came out here knowing he had to win and he delivered. Getting it done in straight sets will also help too. All to play for in Group B on Thursday as Murray plays Federer and Raonic takes on Nishikori. Lot of qualification scenarios involved and I'm afraid it's a bit of a mathematical maze... Murray tells Sky Sports: 'It's nice. Last year was tough but I'm very happy to be back. The court atmosphere has been unbelievable. Nice match to look forward to against Roger now. Murray started the game off by answering a net call with one of his own and it proved too good for Raonic. More unforced errors from the Canadian made Murray's life easier before going to deuce. @highlight Andy Murray defeats Milos Raonic in ATP World Tour Finals Group B clash @highlight Scot wins 6-3, 7-5 at the O2 Arena @highlight Murray lost opening match to Kei Nishikori @highlight Defeat for Murray would see the Scot eliminated from the tournament @highlight British No 1 will now face Roger Federer
The Sky Sports presenters are forced to apologise as the microphones pick up @placeholder shouting, 'every f****** time' as the Scot miss-hits a return and is punished.
[ "Group B", "Kei Nishikori", "ATP World Tour Finals Group B", "Raonic", "Canadian", "Federer", "Nishikori", "Roger", "Scot", "Roger Federer", "British", "O2 Arena", "Milos Raonic", "Andy Murray", "Murray", "Sky Sports", "Stuart Fraser" ]
{ "text": [ "Stuart Fraser", "Andy Murray", "Group B", "Murray", "Federer", "Raonic", "Nishikori", "Murray", "Sky Sports", "Roger", "Murray", "Raonic", "Canadian", "Murray", "Andy Murray", "Milos Raonic", "ATP World Tour Finals Group B", "Scot", "O2 Arena", "Murray", "Kei Nishikori", "Murray", "Scot", "British", "Roger Federer" ], "start": [ 17, 42, 184, 207, 220, 232, 248, 351, 364, 521, 532, 631, 669, 683, 738, 758, 774, 821, 847, 867, 896, 932, 953, 1000, 1027 ], "end": [ 30, 53, 191, 213, 227, 238, 257, 357, 374, 526, 538, 637, 677, 689, 749, 770, 803, 825, 855, 873, 909, 938, 957, 1007, 1040 ] }
Andy Murray
{ "passage": 65450, "query": 100333 }
Host commentator Stuart Fraser: Job done, Andy Murray. He came out here knowing he had to win and he delivered. Getting it done in straight sets will also help too. All to play for in Group B on Thursday as Murray plays Federer and Raonic takes on Nishikori. Lot of qualification scenarios involved and I'm afraid it's a bit of a mathematical maze... Murray tells Sky Sports: 'It's nice. Last year was tough but I'm very happy to be back. The court atmosphere has been unbelievable. Nice match to look forward to against Roger now. Murray started the game off by answering a net call with one of his own and it proved too good for Raonic. More unforced errors from the Canadian made Murray's life easier before going to deuce. @highlight Andy Murray defeats Milos Raonic in ATP World Tour Finals Group B clash @highlight Scot wins 6-3, 7-5 at the O2 Arena @highlight Murray lost opening match to Kei Nishikori @highlight Defeat for Murray would see the Scot eliminated from the tournament @highlight British No 1 will now face Roger Federer
As against @placeholder, you’d expect Raonic to improve in this set.
[ "Group B", "Kei Nishikori", "ATP World Tour Finals Group B", "Raonic", "Canadian", "Federer", "Nishikori", "Roger", "Scot", "Roger Federer", "British", "O2 Arena", "Milos Raonic", "Andy Murray", "Murray", "Sky Sports", "Stuart Fraser" ]
{ "text": [ "Stuart Fraser", "Andy Murray", "Group B", "Murray", "Federer", "Raonic", "Nishikori", "Murray", "Sky Sports", "Roger", "Murray", "Raonic", "Canadian", "Murray", "Andy Murray", "Milos Raonic", "ATP World Tour Finals Group B", "Scot", "O2 Arena", "Murray", "Kei Nishikori", "Murray", "Scot", "British", "Roger Federer" ], "start": [ 17, 42, 184, 207, 220, 232, 248, 351, 364, 521, 532, 631, 669, 683, 738, 758, 774, 821, 847, 867, 896, 932, 953, 1000, 1027 ], "end": [ 30, 53, 191, 213, 227, 238, 257, 357, 374, 526, 538, 637, 677, 689, 749, 770, 803, 825, 855, 873, 909, 938, 957, 1007, 1040 ] }
{ "passage": 65450, "query": 100334 }
Host commentator Stuart Fraser: Job done, Andy Murray. He came out here knowing he had to win and he delivered. Getting it done in straight sets will also help too. All to play for in Group B on Thursday as Murray plays Federer and Raonic takes on Nishikori. Lot of qualification scenarios involved and I'm afraid it's a bit of a mathematical maze... Murray tells Sky Sports: 'It's nice. Last year was tough but I'm very happy to be back. The court atmosphere has been unbelievable. Nice match to look forward to against Roger now. Murray started the game off by answering a net call with one of his own and it proved too good for Raonic. More unforced errors from the Canadian made Murray's life easier before going to deuce. @highlight Andy Murray defeats Milos Raonic in ATP World Tour Finals Group B clash @highlight Scot wins 6-3, 7-5 at the O2 Arena @highlight Murray lost opening match to Kei Nishikori @highlight Defeat for Murray would see the Scot eliminated from the tournament @highlight British No 1 will now face Roger Federer
@placeholder wins the coin toss and elects to serves first.
[ "Group B", "Kei Nishikori", "ATP World Tour Finals Group B", "Raonic", "Canadian", "Federer", "Nishikori", "Roger", "Scot", "Roger Federer", "British", "O2 Arena", "Milos Raonic", "Andy Murray", "Murray", "Sky Sports", "Stuart Fraser" ]
{ "text": [ "Stuart Fraser", "Andy Murray", "Group B", "Murray", "Federer", "Raonic", "Nishikori", "Murray", "Sky Sports", "Roger", "Murray", "Raonic", "Canadian", "Murray", "Andy Murray", "Milos Raonic", "ATP World Tour Finals Group B", "Scot", "O2 Arena", "Murray", "Kei Nishikori", "Murray", "Scot", "British", "Roger Federer" ], "start": [ 17, 42, 184, 207, 220, 232, 248, 351, 364, 521, 532, 631, 669, 683, 738, 758, 774, 821, 847, 867, 896, 932, 953, 1000, 1027 ], "end": [ 30, 53, 191, 213, 227, 238, 257, 357, 374, 526, 538, 637, 677, 689, 749, 770, 803, 825, 855, 873, 909, 938, 957, 1007, 1040 ] }
Andy Murray
{ "passage": 65450, "query": 100335 }
Host commentator Stuart Fraser: Job done, Andy Murray. He came out here knowing he had to win and he delivered. Getting it done in straight sets will also help too. All to play for in Group B on Thursday as Murray plays Federer and Raonic takes on Nishikori. Lot of qualification scenarios involved and I'm afraid it's a bit of a mathematical maze... Murray tells Sky Sports: 'It's nice. Last year was tough but I'm very happy to be back. The court atmosphere has been unbelievable. Nice match to look forward to against Roger now. Murray started the game off by answering a net call with one of his own and it proved too good for Raonic. More unforced errors from the Canadian made Murray's life easier before going to deuce. @highlight Andy Murray defeats Milos Raonic in ATP World Tour Finals Group B clash @highlight Scot wins 6-3, 7-5 at the O2 Arena @highlight Murray lost opening match to Kei Nishikori @highlight Defeat for Murray would see the Scot eliminated from the tournament @highlight British No 1 will now face Roger Federer
Another full house for the evening so there ought to be no lack of atmosphere as @placeholder tries to survive.
[ "Group B", "Kei Nishikori", "ATP World Tour Finals Group B", "Raonic", "Canadian", "Federer", "Nishikori", "Roger", "Scot", "Roger Federer", "British", "O2 Arena", "Milos Raonic", "Andy Murray", "Murray", "Sky Sports", "Stuart Fraser" ]
{ "text": [ "Stuart Fraser", "Andy Murray", "Group B", "Murray", "Federer", "Raonic", "Nishikori", "Murray", "Sky Sports", "Roger", "Murray", "Raonic", "Canadian", "Murray", "Andy Murray", "Milos Raonic", "ATP World Tour Finals Group B", "Scot", "O2 Arena", "Murray", "Kei Nishikori", "Murray", "Scot", "British", "Roger Federer" ], "start": [ 17, 42, 184, 207, 220, 232, 248, 351, 364, 521, 532, 631, 669, 683, 738, 758, 774, 821, 847, 867, 896, 932, 953, 1000, 1027 ], "end": [ 30, 53, 191, 213, 227, 238, 257, 357, 374, 526, 538, 637, 677, 689, 749, 770, 803, 825, 855, 873, 909, 938, 957, 1007, 1040 ] }
Andy Murray
{ "passage": 65450, "query": 100336 }
Host commentator Stuart Fraser: Job done, Andy Murray. He came out here knowing he had to win and he delivered. Getting it done in straight sets will also help too. All to play for in Group B on Thursday as Murray plays Federer and Raonic takes on Nishikori. Lot of qualification scenarios involved and I'm afraid it's a bit of a mathematical maze... Murray tells Sky Sports: 'It's nice. Last year was tough but I'm very happy to be back. The court atmosphere has been unbelievable. Nice match to look forward to against Roger now. Murray started the game off by answering a net call with one of his own and it proved too good for Raonic. More unforced errors from the Canadian made Murray's life easier before going to deuce. @highlight Andy Murray defeats Milos Raonic in ATP World Tour Finals Group B clash @highlight Scot wins 6-3, 7-5 at the O2 Arena @highlight Murray lost opening match to Kei Nishikori @highlight Defeat for Murray would see the Scot eliminated from the tournament @highlight British No 1 will now face Roger Federer
After Roger Federer's victory over Kei Nishikori this afternoon, Murray has to beat Milos Raonic tonight if he is to go into Thursday's match against @placeholder still with a chance to go through to the semi-finals.
[ "Group B", "Kei Nishikori", "ATP World Tour Finals Group B", "Raonic", "Canadian", "Federer", "Nishikori", "Roger", "Scot", "Roger Federer", "British", "O2 Arena", "Milos Raonic", "Andy Murray", "Murray", "Sky Sports", "Stuart Fraser" ]
{ "text": [ "Stuart Fraser", "Andy Murray", "Group B", "Murray", "Federer", "Raonic", "Nishikori", "Murray", "Sky Sports", "Roger", "Murray", "Raonic", "Canadian", "Murray", "Andy Murray", "Milos Raonic", "ATP World Tour Finals Group B", "Scot", "O2 Arena", "Murray", "Kei Nishikori", "Murray", "Scot", "British", "Roger Federer" ], "start": [ 17, 42, 184, 207, 220, 232, 248, 351, 364, 521, 532, 631, 669, 683, 738, 758, 774, 821, 847, 867, 896, 932, 953, 1000, 1027 ], "end": [ 30, 53, 191, 213, 227, 238, 257, 357, 374, 526, 538, 637, 677, 689, 749, 770, 803, 825, 855, 873, 909, 938, 957, 1007, 1040 ] }
{ "passage": 65450, "query": 100337 }
A Senate report delivered a scathing indictment Tuesday of torture policies that officially ended when President Barack Obama came into office, but another holdover from the Bush-era war on terrorism is keeping Obama tethered to the previous administration. Nearly six years after Obama signed an executive order on his third day in office to begin the process of shutting down the Guantanamo Bay detention camp in Cuba, 136 prisoners remain in military custody on the U.S. naval base, despite the release of six more prisoners just this week. About 100 have been released since 2009. Obama may have ended the CIA's torture program, but his administration has yet to come close to shutting down Guantanamo, which has become an international symbol of U.S. abuses in the post-9/11 war on terror. @highlight The U.S. needs to find a destination for Guantanamo's 136 prisoners to shutter facility @highlight About half of the detainees held without charges are considered high-level threats @highlight Security concerns and a ban on bringing detainees onto U.S. soil have stalled the closure
That defeated the @placeholder administration's plans announced a year earlier to try several Guantanamo detainees involved in the 9/11 terrorist attacks in U.S. federal court.
[ "Bush", "U.S.", "Guantanamo Bay detention camp", "Cuba", "CIA", "Senate", "Guantanamo", "Barack Obama", "Obama" ]
{ "text": [ "Senate", "Barack Obama", "Bush", "Obama", "Obama", "Guantanamo Bay detention camp", "Cuba", "U.S.", "Obama", "CIA", "Guantanamo", "U.S.", "U.S.", "Guantanamo", "U.S." ], "start": [ 2, 113, 174, 211, 281, 382, 415, 469, 585, 610, 695, 751, 810, 847, 1054 ], "end": [ 8, 125, 178, 216, 286, 411, 419, 473, 590, 613, 705, 755, 814, 857, 1058 ] }
Barack Obama
{ "passage": 65452, "query": 100339 }
By Stuart Woledge PUBLISHED: 11:26 EST, 10 October 2013 | UPDATED: 13:30 EST, 10 October 2013 Zookeepers have welcomed a new lion cub - but not the tricky task of weighing her. Karis is the second lion cub to be born at Blair Drummond Safari Park near Stirling and handlers had to use a sack to get her on the scales. Weighing in at 5kg, the cub will stay with her mother until she is 12 weeks old before they are returned to the pride. Weight-in: The lion cub registered a healthy 5kg when she was dropped into a sack and popped on the scales @highlight One month old Karis registers a healthy 5kg at Blair Drummond @highlight The lioness cub is the second to be born at the Scottish safari park @highlight When she is fully grown she will weigh an intimidating 150kg
She is expected to grow to around 150kg and brings the @placeholder pride to eight lions in total.
[ "Stuart Woledge", "Karis", "Blair Drummond Safari Park", "Stirling", "Scottish", "Blair Drummond" ]
{ "text": [ "Stuart Woledge", "Karis", "Blair Drummond Safari Park", "Stirling", "Karis", "Blair Drummond", "Scottish" ], "start": [ 3, 177, 220, 252, 569, 602, 676 ], "end": [ 17, 182, 246, 260, 574, 616, 684 ] }
Blair Drummond
{ "passage": 65453, "query": 100340 }
(CNN) -- Jacques Bazin didn't have time to catch his breath after being pulled from the rubble of a three-bedroom home on the outskirts of the Haitian capital. Though he'd been trapped in the house for three days, he marshaled the strength to begin helping the Haitians who had just rescued him search for other survivors. He spoke to CNN on Friday, two hours after being rescued, and again Saturday as he worked to free 10 children still encased in the toppled residence. "Next time you call, God willing, they might be out. Otherwise, they will die," he said. "Their voices are really low because for four days, they eat nothing. I drill holes on top of the cement and put bread inside so they can eat. What we do, we have to do fast." @highlight Jacques Bazin says two children died under a collapsed house after a Friday aftershock @highlight Bazin was under the rubble three days before he was saved; he's now helping others @highlight Text messages to Germany, New York speak to dearth of rescuers, resources in Haiti @highlight Regine Madhere's aunt, uncle at market, hoping rescuers will soon pull her from debris
A New York-based philanthropist, @placeholder, 54, has been in Haiti since December 13.
[ "Haitian", "Germany", "Bazin", "Jacques Bazin", "New York", "God", "Haiti", "Regine Madhere", "CNN", "Haitians" ]
{ "text": [ "CNN", "Jacques Bazin", "Haitian", "Haitians", "CNN", "God", "Jacques Bazin", "Bazin", "Germany", "New York", "Haiti", "Regine Madhere" ], "start": [ 1, 9, 143, 261, 335, 494, 749, 847, 958, 967, 1018, 1035 ], "end": [ 4, 22, 150, 269, 338, 497, 762, 852, 965, 975, 1023, 1049 ] }
{ "passage": 65454, "query": 100341 }
(CNN) -- She might be the hottest female player on the planet but Victoria Azarenka seemed powerless to arrest her miserable run of form against Serena Williams at the WTA Championships in Turkey. The world No.1 from Belarus has won just one solitary match against the 15-time grand slam winner from America and went down to a 6-4 6-4 defeat in her second round robin outing. For Williams, 31, it represented her third straight win in Istanbul, guaranteeing her a place in the final four of the season-ending $4.9 million tournament. Azarenka, who saved two match points before beating Germany's Angelique Kerber in an epic clash on Wednesday night, must now beat China's Li Na on Friday to make the semifinals. @highlight Serena Williams wins her third straight match at the WTA Championships in Turkey @highlight Williams defeats world No. 1 Victoria Azarenka 6-4 6-4 to make final four @highlight China's Li Na defeats No. 5 seed Angelique Kerber from Germany 6-4 6-3 @highlight Rafael Nadal withdraws from season-ending men's ATP World Tour finals in London
"I have been practicing hard and expected to play better," @placeholder said in a court side interview.
[ "Turkey", "Williams", "Germany", "Azarenka", "Rafael Nadal", "No.1", "Serena Williams", "Victoria Azarenka", "Li Na", "Istanbul", "China", "CNN", "London", "America", "WTA Championships", "Angelique Kerber", "ATP World Tour", "Belarus" ]
{ "text": [ "CNN", "Victoria Azarenka", "Serena Williams", "WTA Championships", "Turkey", "No.1", "Belarus", "America", "Williams", "Istanbul", "Azarenka", "Germany", "Angelique Kerber", "China", "Li Na", "Serena Williams", "WTA Championships", "Turkey", "Williams", "Victoria Azarenka", "China", "Li Na", "Angelique Kerber", "Germany", "Rafael Nadal", "ATP World Tour", "London" ], "start": [ 1, 66, 145, 168, 189, 207, 217, 300, 380, 435, 534, 586, 596, 664, 672, 723, 776, 797, 815, 844, 900, 908, 933, 955, 982, 1030, 1055 ], "end": [ 4, 83, 160, 185, 195, 211, 224, 307, 388, 443, 542, 593, 612, 669, 677, 738, 793, 803, 823, 861, 905, 913, 949, 962, 994, 1044, 1061 ] }
{ "passage": 65459, "query": 100353 }
All appears placid in the imaginary world of Erehwon, 'nowhere' spelled backward, a $79 million fantasy city at a U.S. military base in Virginia. In long tunics and Bedouin scarves, men kick a soccer ball in front of the imaginary U.S. consulate. Women sit and eat. Arabic music rings from the market. A bicyclist waves as he rides toward a stone church and a mosque with a green minaret in the distance. But it won't be quiet for long. This is where the State Department trains agents for its most dangerous diplomatic posts. Scroll down for video Role-playing attackers storm a fake US Consulate during a US Diplomatic Security Service High Threat training program held at a mock town named Erehwon, 'nowhere' spelled backwards, on a rural Virginia military base @highlight The fantasy city named Erehwon - 'nowhere' spelled backwards is located at a U.S. military base in Virginia @highlight It cost $79 million to create the imaginary world @highlight This is where the State Department trains agents for its most dangerous diplomatic posts
In the morning, indirect fire interrupted the dedication of a @placeholder-funded subway project.
[ "U.S.", "US", "Consulate", "Bedouin", "Erehwon", "Virginia", "State Department", "Diplomatic Security Service High Threat" ]
{ "text": [ "Erehwon", "U.S.", "Virginia", "Bedouin", "U.S.", "State Department", "US", "Consulate", "US", "Diplomatic Security Service High Threat", "Erehwon", "Virginia", "Erehwon", "U.S.", "Virginia", "State Department" ], "start": [ 45, 114, 136, 165, 231, 455, 585, 588, 607, 610, 693, 742, 799, 853, 875, 974 ], "end": [ 52, 118, 144, 172, 235, 471, 587, 597, 609, 649, 700, 750, 806, 857, 883, 990 ] }
{ "passage": 65461, "query": 100356 }
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The pervasive smoke spewing from the junk heap at Balad Air Force Base in Iraq is causing many returning troops to be concerned about the effects on their long-term health. The U.S. military burns waste -- including medical waste -- in pits near an Air Force base in Iraq. For four years, the burn pit was a festering dump, spewing acrid smoke over the base, including housing and the hospital. Until three incinerators were installed, the smelly pit was the only place to dispose of trash, including plastics, food and medical waste. "At the peak, before they went to use the real industrial incinerators, it was about 500,000 pounds a day of stuff," according to a transcript of an April 2008 presentation by Dr. Bill Halperin, who heads the Occupational and Environmental Health Subcommittee at the Defense Health Board. "The way it was burned was by putting jet fuel on it." @highlight Troops worry smoke from waste burn pits carries toxins @highlight Plastics, food and medical waste from base among trash burned @highlight Troops stationed at U.S. base call coughing caused by smoke "Iraqi crud" @highlight Pentagon says any harmful health affects from smoke are temporary
There are 17 solid waste incinerators, two hazardous waste incinerators and 24 medical waste incinerators operational in @placeholder, according to the military.
[ "U.S.", "WASHINGTON", "Iraqi", "Iraq", "Occupational", "Pentagon", "CNN", "Bill Halperin", "Environmental Health Subcommittee", "Balad Air Force Base", "Defense Health Board" ]
{ "text": [ "WASHINGTON", "CNN", "Balad Air Force Base", "Iraq", "U.S.", "Iraq", "Bill Halperin", "Occupational", "Environmental Health Subcommittee", "Defense Health Board", "U.S.", "Iraqi", "Pentagon" ], "start": [ 0, 12, 70, 94, 197, 287, 735, 764, 781, 822, 1069, 1110, 1133 ], "end": [ 10, 15, 90, 98, 201, 291, 748, 776, 814, 842, 1073, 1115, 1141 ] }
{ "passage": 65464, "query": 100359 }
Days after being dropped from ESPN's "Monday Night Football," Hank Williams Jr. fired back at that network, "Fox and Friends" and what he called the "United Socialist States of America" in his signature style -- a song bellowing biting lyrics in between guitar licks. "This country sure as hell has gone down the drain," Williams sings in a tune posted Monday on his official website. "We know what we need. We know who to blame." In the song, the 62-year-old son of the legendary country singer Hank Williams did not appear to accept any blame for his part in a recent controversy stemming from an appearance last Monday on "Fox and Friends," Fox News' morning show. @highlight Hank Williams Jr. compared President Obama to Hitler on "Fox and Friends" @highlight ESPN dropped use of his songs from its broadcasts, and he apologized @highlight But there's no remorse evident in a new song posted on Williams' website @highlight He blasts ESPN, Fox and what he calls the United Socialist States of America
At the end of his song posted Monday, Williams urged people to "keep '@placeholder' and ESPN out of your homes" in light of the flare-up.
[ "Williams", "United Socialist States of America", "Fox and Friends", "Fox", "Hank Williams Jr.", "Hank Williams", "Fox News", "Monday Night Football", "ESPN", "Obama", "Hitler" ]
{ "text": [ "ESPN", "Monday Night Football", "Hank Williams Jr.", "Fox and Friends", "United Socialist States of America", "Williams", "Hank Williams", "Fox and Friends", "Fox News", "Hank Williams Jr.", "Obama", "Hitler", "Fox and Friends", "ESPN", "Williams", "ESPN", "Fox", "United Socialist States of America" ], "start": [ 30, 38, 62, 109, 150, 321, 496, 626, 644, 679, 716, 725, 736, 764, 899, 938, 944, 970 ], "end": [ 34, 59, 79, 124, 184, 329, 509, 641, 652, 696, 721, 731, 751, 768, 907, 942, 947, 1004 ] }
{ "passage": 65466, "query": 100361 }
(CNN) -- If presidential hopeful Rick Perry should awaken one night in a cold sweat with the Ghost of Republican Past hovering by his bedside, the apparition will likely take the form of Sen. Charles Percy, who passed away on Saturday after a long struggle with Alzheimer's disease. Percy's political career ended when he lost his Illinois Senate seat in 1984, the same year that future Texas Gov. Rick Perry won his first election to the Texas House of Representatives as a Democrat. Charles Percy's fall from GOP wunderkind to party outcast offers a vivid illustration of the Republican Party's mutation from a vibrant and diverse coalition to the dogmatic cult of conservative ideology that it has become today. @highlight Michael Wolraich: In 1968, Charles Percy was a rising GOP star who fought urban poverty, Nixon @highlight Emerging New Right toppled Percy and other liberal Republicans, he writes @highlight Wolraich: Percy's career shows how a diverse GOP became lock-stepped in ideology
But in 2012, it's the liberal @placeholder who wouldn't have stood a chance.
[ "Democrat", "Illinois Senate", "Wolraich", "Nixon", "Rick Perry", "Texas", "Emerging New Right", "Texas House of Representatives", "Republican Party", "Republican", "CNN", "Michael Wolraich", "Charles Percy", "Republicans", "Percy", "GOP", "Alzheimer" ]
{ "text": [ "CNN", "Rick Perry", "Republican", "Charles Percy", "Alzheimer", "Percy", "Illinois Senate", "Texas", "Rick Perry", "Texas House of Representatives", "Democrat", "Charles Percy", "GOP", "Republican Party", "Michael Wolraich", "Charles Percy", "GOP", "Nixon", "Emerging New Right", "Percy", "Republicans", "Wolraich", "Percy", "GOP" ], "start": [ 1, 33, 102, 192, 262, 283, 331, 387, 398, 439, 475, 485, 511, 578, 726, 753, 780, 815, 832, 859, 883, 917, 927, 962 ], "end": [ 4, 43, 112, 205, 271, 288, 346, 392, 408, 469, 483, 498, 514, 594, 742, 766, 783, 820, 850, 864, 894, 925, 932, 965 ] }
Charles Percy
{ "passage": 65467, "query": 100363 }
Belgium were many people's World Cup dark horses and it seems their Prime Minister is supremely confident about his country's chances against the USA. Elio Di Rupo took to Twitter on Tuesday ahead the last 16 meeting between the sides to challenge US President Barack Obama to a bet. Di Rupo tweeted: 'Hey @BarackObama, I am betting some great Belgian beers that our @BelRedDevils will make it to the quarter final! :-) #ComeOnBelgium #BEL'. Confident: Belgian Prime Minister Elio Di Rupo has challenged Barack Obama to a bet Yet to respond: Barack Obama has not tweeted the Belgium Prime Minister back yet @highlight Belgium and USMNT meet in World Cup last 16 on Tuesday @highlight USA President Barack Obama is yet to respond to Di Rupo's tweet @highlight Obama watched USA's defeat to Germany on Air Force One
America no doubt will be gripped even further if they can beat @placeholder and reach the quarter finals.
[ "US", "Hey @BarackObama", "Elio Di Rupo", "Di Rupo", "Germany", "USMNT", "USA", "Air Force One", "BelRedDevils", "Twitter", "World Cup", "Belgium", "Barack Obama", "Obama", "#ComeOnBelgium #BEL", "Belgian" ]
{ "text": [ "Belgium", "World Cup", "USA", "Elio Di Rupo", "Twitter", "US", "Barack Obama", "Di Rupo", "Hey @BarackObama", "Belgian", "BelRedDevils", "#ComeOnBelgium #BEL", "Belgian", "Elio Di Rupo", "Barack Obama", "Barack Obama", "Belgium", "Belgium", "USMNT", "World Cup", "USA", "Barack Obama", "Di Rupo", "Obama", "USA", "Germany", "Air Force One" ], "start": [ 0, 27, 146, 151, 172, 248, 261, 284, 302, 344, 368, 420, 453, 476, 504, 542, 575, 618, 630, 644, 684, 698, 732, 759, 773, 789, 800 ], "end": [ 7, 36, 149, 163, 179, 250, 273, 291, 318, 351, 380, 439, 460, 488, 516, 554, 582, 625, 635, 653, 687, 710, 739, 764, 776, 796, 813 ] }
{ "passage": 65468, "query": 100364 }
Scroll down for video Police have conducted a dramatic bedside interview with the state trooper critically injured in the Poconos sniper shootings, and have cleared him of having an affair with the sole suspect's sister-in-law. Trooper Alex Douglass insisted he does not even know Melissa Frein, the wife of fugitive Eric Frein's older brother, a source close to the investigation told MailOnline exclusively. Police had earlier said the two — who live less than half a mile apart in Olyphant, Pennsylvania — may have known each other and that Eric Frein, who is being sought after 15 days on the run, may have thought they were having an affair. @highlight Eric Frein may have targeted trooper Alex Douglass believing he had an affair with the wife of survivalist's older brother @highlight Source told Mail Online that Douglass said he had 'not even met her' @highlight It was reported today that police found a jacket and protein bar wrappers believed to be left by Frein
He said @placeholder, who was shot below the waist, was 'troubled' by the focus on his private life.
[ "Poconos", "Melissa Frein", "Mail Online", "Alex Douglass", "Eric Frein", "Source", "Frein", "Olyphant", "MailOnline", "Douglass", "Pennsylvania" ]
{ "text": [ "Poconos", "Alex Douglass", "Melissa Frein", "Eric Frein", "MailOnline", "Olyphant", "Pennsylvania", "Eric Frein", "Eric Frein", "Alex Douglass", "Source", "Mail Online", "Douglass", "Frein" ], "start": [ 122, 236, 281, 317, 386, 484, 494, 544, 658, 695, 792, 804, 821, 969 ], "end": [ 129, 249, 294, 327, 396, 492, 506, 554, 668, 708, 798, 815, 829, 974 ] }
Alex Douglass
{ "passage": 65469, "query": 100365 }
After days of protests and related violence, concerns are growing that furor over an anti-Islam video could intensify even more Friday -- threatening U.S. interests abroad and at home. People have taken to the streets in 10 nations and the Indian-controlled region of Kashmir, according to U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, railing against "Innocence of Muslims" and the nation where it was produced, the United States. This outrage, and danger to Americans, could worsen in the coming days, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and FBI warned Thursday in a joint intelligence bulletin. "The risk of violence could increase both at home and abroad as the film continues to gain attention," the U.S. agencies said. "Additionally, we judge that violent extremist groups in the United States could exploit anger over the film to advance their recruitment efforts." @highlight There's a "full-court press" to protect U.S. facilities Friday, an official says @highlight Hundreds protest against the film and the U.S. in Iraq, Egypt and other nations @highlight A U.S. senator says she believes U.S. authorities are investigating the filmmaker @highlight Libya says it has arrested at least 1 suspect in a fatal attack on a U.S. consulate
They chanted, "@placeholder is the enemy of the people," with some burning an American flag.
[ "U.S.", "Americans", "Innocence of Muslims", "Department of Homeland Security", "United States", "Iraq", "Dianne Feinstein", "Egypt", "Libya", "Kashmir", "Indian", "FBI" ]
{ "text": [ "U.S.", "Indian", "Kashmir", "U.S.", "Dianne Feinstein", "Innocence of Muslims", "United States", "Americans", "U.S.", "Department of Homeland Security", "FBI", "U.S.", "United States", "U.S.", "U.S.", "Iraq", "Egypt", "U.S.", "U.S.", "Libya", "U.S." ], "start": [ 150, 240, 268, 290, 300, 335, 399, 442, 490, 495, 531, 692, 773, 911, 1005, 1013, 1019, 1056, 1087, 1147, 1216 ], "end": [ 154, 246, 275, 294, 316, 355, 412, 451, 494, 526, 534, 696, 786, 915, 1009, 1017, 1024, 1060, 1091, 1152, 1220 ] }
{ "passage": 65470, "query": 100366 }
Police are investigating whether shots were fired during the bottle-throwing brawl that reportedly took place between hip hop stars Chris Brown and Drake in a Manhattan nightclub. Witnesses told the NYPD they heard a gun go off amid the ruckus in the early hours of Thursday, although none said they saw the weapon. 'We are investigating the possibility of gunshots fired at the club,' NYPD spokesman Paul Browne told the New York Daily News. 'We have several eyewitnesses telling detectives they heard what they believed to be shots fired during the disturbance.' Scroll down to see the video of Drake and Brown @highlight Witnesses claim they heard gunshots during ruckus at Manhattan club @highlight At least five clubgoers were hospitalised following brawl @highlight Australian tourist needed 16 stitches after she was hit with a flying bottle @highlight Eva Longoria's ex-husband Tony Parker 'suffered eye injury' @highlight Chris Brown says he was victim of a 'brutal attack' @highlight Drake claims he never threw a bottle or a single punch @highlight City Council holding emergency meeting about bottles sold in bars in the wake of the fight and the horrific injuries
Witnesses claimed the two recording stars started fighting after @placeholder sent
[ "City Council", "Tony Parker", "New York Daily News", "Paul Browne", "Chris Brown", "Drake", "Manhattan", "Brown", "Australian", "NYPD", "Eva Longoria" ]
{ "text": [ "Chris Brown", "Drake", "Manhattan", "NYPD", "NYPD", "Paul Browne", "New York Daily News", "Drake", "Brown", "Manhattan", "Australian", "Eva Longoria", "Tony Parker", "Chris Brown", "Drake", "City Council" ], "start": [ 132, 148, 159, 199, 386, 401, 422, 597, 607, 677, 772, 860, 886, 931, 994, 1060 ], "end": [ 143, 153, 168, 203, 390, 412, 441, 602, 612, 686, 782, 872, 897, 942, 999, 1072 ] }
{ "passage": 65471, "query": 100367 }
London (CNN) -- Authorities arrested eight people Saturday -- including five journalists of Britain's bestselling Sun newspaper -- as part of an inquiry into alleged illegal payments to police and officials. The other three are a police officer, an employee of the Ministry of Defence and a member of the armed forces, the Metropolitan Police said. A search was carried out at News International's offices in east London, the police said, as well as the homes of those arrested. News International, which owns the Sun, is a U.K. subsidiary of media mogul Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. Following the arrests, Murdoch, chairman and CEO of News Corp, issued a personal assurance to one of his executives to continue to own and publish The Sun newspaper, according to an internal staff memo sent by News International Chief Executive Tom Mockridge. @highlight NEW: All eight are free after posting bail, police say @highlight Rupert Murdoch will continue to own and publish Sun, an executive says @highlight The executive names the five Sun employees who've been arrested @highlight A police officer, a member of the military and a Ministry of Defence employee were also arrested
"@placeholder has a proud history of delivering ground-breaking journalism.
[ "The Sun", "Ministry of Defence", "Sun", "News International", "Metropolitan Police", "U.K.", "Rupert Murdoch", "News Corp.", "east London", "London", "CNN", "News Corp", "Britain", "Murdoch", "Tom Mockridge" ]
{ "text": [ "London", "CNN", "Britain", "Sun", "Ministry of Defence", "Metropolitan Police", "News International", "east London", "News International", "Sun", "U.K.", "Rupert Murdoch", "News Corp.", "Murdoch", "News Corp", "The Sun", "News International", "Tom Mockridge", "Rupert Murdoch", "Sun", "Sun", "Ministry of Defence" ], "start": [ 0, 8, 92, 114, 265, 323, 377, 409, 479, 514, 524, 555, 572, 606, 635, 730, 793, 828, 920, 968, 1031, 1126 ], "end": [ 6, 11, 99, 117, 284, 342, 395, 420, 497, 517, 528, 569, 582, 613, 644, 737, 811, 841, 934, 971, 1034, 1145 ] }
{ "passage": 65473, "query": 100369 }
London (CNN) -- Authorities arrested eight people Saturday -- including five journalists of Britain's bestselling Sun newspaper -- as part of an inquiry into alleged illegal payments to police and officials. The other three are a police officer, an employee of the Ministry of Defence and a member of the armed forces, the Metropolitan Police said. A search was carried out at News International's offices in east London, the police said, as well as the homes of those arrested. News International, which owns the Sun, is a U.K. subsidiary of media mogul Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. Following the arrests, Murdoch, chairman and CEO of News Corp, issued a personal assurance to one of his executives to continue to own and publish The Sun newspaper, according to an internal staff memo sent by News International Chief Executive Tom Mockridge. @highlight NEW: All eight are free after posting bail, police say @highlight Rupert Murdoch will continue to own and publish Sun, an executive says @highlight The executive names the five Sun employees who've been arrested @highlight A police officer, a member of the military and a Ministry of Defence employee were also arrested
The revelation that a murdered 13-year-old girl's phone was hacked by journalists in search of stories -- and that many other crime and terror victims, politicians and celebrities had also been targeted -- prompted widespread outrage in @placeholder.
[ "The Sun", "Ministry of Defence", "Sun", "News International", "Metropolitan Police", "U.K.", "Rupert Murdoch", "News Corp.", "east London", "London", "CNN", "News Corp", "Britain", "Murdoch", "Tom Mockridge" ]
{ "text": [ "London", "CNN", "Britain", "Sun", "Ministry of Defence", "Metropolitan Police", "News International", "east London", "News International", "Sun", "U.K.", "Rupert Murdoch", "News Corp.", "Murdoch", "News Corp", "The Sun", "News International", "Tom Mockridge", "Rupert Murdoch", "Sun", "Sun", "Ministry of Defence" ], "start": [ 0, 8, 92, 114, 265, 323, 377, 409, 479, 514, 524, 555, 572, 606, 635, 730, 793, 828, 920, 968, 1031, 1126 ], "end": [ 6, 11, 99, 117, 284, 342, 395, 420, 497, 517, 528, 569, 582, 613, 644, 737, 811, 841, 934, 971, 1034, 1145 ] }
{ "passage": 65473, "query": 100370 }
Newcastle United have hit back at Gary Lineker’s accusation they are delaying their appointment of a new head coach in order to avoid signing any new players in January. The former England captain tweeted: ‘Brilliant tactics from Newcastle board to delay appointing their new manager so they don’t have to buy any players in the transfer window.’ The Magpies are still searching for Alan Pardew’s successor and it is likely that John Carver will remain in caretaker charge until the summer. Caretaker manager John Carver shows he has passion and desire to be Newcastle United boss MOTD's Gary Lineker tweeted suggesting Newcastle were deliberately delaying appointing a new boss @highlight Newcastle United without a head coach following Alan Pardew's departure @highlight Gary Lineker tweeted saying the delay in appointing a new coach was due to Newcastle not wanting to 'have to buy any players in transfer window' @highlight But Magpies managing director Lee Charnley has denied the accusations @highlight Charnley says club want to choose right option for 'long-term' head coach @highlight He said Magpies never 'envisaged being particularly active' during window @highlight Charnley hinted club may wait until end of season to name permanent boss
@placeholder, meanwhile, has given the clearest indication yet that United will not appoint a new boss until the end of the season.
[ "Magpies", "Newcastle United", "Newcastle", "Lee Charnley", "John Carver", "Charnley", "England", "Gary Lineker", "MOTD", "Alan Pardew" ]
{ "text": [ "Newcastle United", "Gary Lineker", "England", "Newcastle", "Magpies", "Alan Pardew", "John Carver", "John Carver", "Newcastle United", "MOTD", "Gary Lineker", "Newcastle", "Newcastle United", "Alan Pardew", "Gary Lineker", "Newcastle", "Magpies", "Lee Charnley", "Charnley", "Magpies", "Charnley" ], "start": [ 0, 34, 181, 230, 351, 383, 429, 509, 559, 581, 588, 620, 690, 738, 773, 848, 933, 959, 1010, 1103, 1180 ], "end": [ 16, 46, 188, 239, 358, 394, 440, 520, 575, 585, 600, 629, 706, 749, 785, 857, 940, 971, 1018, 1110, 1188 ] }
{ "passage": 65475, "query": 100372 }
Havana, Cuba (CNN) -- In the '90s a certain joke became very popular in the streets and homes of Cuba. It began with Pepito -- the mischievous boy of our national humor -- and told how his teacher, brandishing a photo of the U.S. president, launches into a harsh diatribe against him. "The man you see here is the cause of all our problems, he has plunged this island into shortages and destroyed our productivity, he is responsible for the lack of food and the collapse of public transport," the teacher says. After these fierce accusations the teacher points to the face in the photo and asks her most wayward student, "Do you know who this is?" Smiling, Pepito replies, "Oh yes, ... I know him, it's just that without his beard I didn't recognize him." @highlight While Castro regime blames U.S. for Cuba's ills, many Cubans blame regime @highlight Sanchez: Cuban politics depends greatly on U.S. presidential elections @highlight Sanchez: Whoever wins the race to the White House will find Cuba in a state of change
The joke reflects, to a large measure, the polarization of national opinion with regard to our economic difficulties and the restrictions on citizens' rights that characterize the current @placeholder system.
[ "U.S.", "Havana", "Castro", "White House", "Sanchez", "Pepito", "Cuba", "Cuban", "CNN", "Cubans" ]
{ "text": [ "Havana", "Cuba", "CNN", "Cuba", "Pepito", "U.S.", "Pepito", "Castro", "U.S.", "Cuba", "Cubans", "Sanchez", "Cuban", "U.S.", "Sanchez", "White House", "Cuba" ], "start": [ 0, 8, 14, 97, 117, 225, 657, 773, 794, 803, 821, 852, 861, 895, 934, 972, 994 ], "end": [ 6, 12, 17, 101, 123, 229, 663, 779, 798, 807, 827, 859, 866, 899, 941, 983, 998 ] }
{ "passage": 65476, "query": 100373 }
By Stephanie Linning for MailOnline Historian Monika Siedentopf believes that Nazi spy chief Herbert Wichmann, pictured, wanted the German invasion to fail Germany sent 12 Nazi spies to Britain in September 1940 to gather information ahead of Hitler's planned invasion. But most of the agents who arrived as part of Operation Lena were arrested without having come close to completing their mission 'because of their own stupidity', according to official records. One was arrested when he tried to order cider at 10am - not knowing that he could not be served before lunchtime during the war - while another two were spotted cycling on the wrong side of the road. @highlight Germany sent 12 Nazi spies to Britain as part of Operation Lena in 1940 @highlight Many of them were caught 'because of their own stupidity' @highlight Historian believes they were sent to sabotage Germany's plans to invade
The reason why @placeholder, known for meticulously-prepared spies, sent such incompetent agents on one of the most important missions of the second world war has remained a mystery
[ "Germany", "Operation Lena", "Stephanie Linning", "Herbert Wichmann", "Monika Siedentopf", "Nazi", "Britain", "MailOnline", "German", "Hitler" ]
{ "text": [ "Stephanie Linning", "MailOnline", "Monika Siedentopf", "Nazi", "Herbert Wichmann", "German", "Germany", "Nazi", "Britain", "Hitler", "Operation Lena", "Germany", "Nazi", "Britain", "Operation Lena", "Germany" ], "start": [ 3, 25, 46, 78, 93, 132, 156, 172, 186, 243, 316, 675, 691, 705, 724, 873 ], "end": [ 20, 35, 63, 82, 109, 138, 163, 176, 193, 249, 330, 682, 695, 712, 738, 880 ] }
{ "passage": 65477, "query": 100376 }
(CNN) -- Former Bosnian Serb president Radovan Karadzic, accused of masterminding "ethnic cleansing" deportations and killings of Bosnian Muslims and Croats, has been arrested after more than a decade in hiding, a U.N. war crimes tribunal said Monday. Radovan Karadzic, shown here in 1995, is charged with war crimes relating to the 1992-1995 Bosnia conflict. Karadzic, 63, is charged with genocide, crimes against humanity and violations of the law of war. Last seen in public in 1996, Karadzic was the Bosnian Serb political leader during the 1992-1995 war that followed Bosnia-Herzegovina's secession from Yugoslavia. The conflict included the Srebrenica massacre of thousands of Bosnian Muslims and a deadly, 44-month siege of Sarajevo. @highlight Former Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic has been arrested in Serbia @highlight Karadzic charged with genocide in connection with the Srebrenica massacre @highlight His military leader, Gen. Ratko Mladic, is still on the run @highlight U.N. tribunal: It is an important day for international justice
"And I hope it will be a signal to @placeholder authorities that the state has to be set in order to deliver what the state is supposed to deliver: peace and justice."
[ "Bosnia", "Bosnia-Herzegovina", "U.N.", "Bosnian Serb", "Bosnian Muslims", "Sarajevo", "Ratko Mladic", "Serbia", "Yugoslavia", "Bosnian", "Srebrenica", "CNN", "Croats", "Radovan Karadzic", "Karadzic", "Serb" ]
{ "text": [ "CNN", "Bosnian", "Serb", "Radovan Karadzic", "Bosnian Muslims", "Croats", "U.N.", "Radovan Karadzic", "Bosnia", "Karadzic", "Karadzic", "Bosnian Serb", "Bosnia-Herzegovina", "Yugoslavia", "Srebrenica", "Bosnian Muslims", "Sarajevo", "Bosnian Serb", "Radovan Karadzic", "Serbia", "Karadzic", "Srebrenica", "Ratko Mladic", "U.N." ], "start": [ 1, 16, 24, 39, 130, 150, 214, 252, 343, 360, 487, 504, 573, 609, 647, 683, 731, 759, 779, 817, 835, 889, 946, 991 ], "end": [ 4, 23, 28, 55, 145, 156, 218, 268, 349, 368, 495, 516, 591, 619, 657, 698, 739, 771, 795, 823, 843, 899, 958, 995 ] }
{ "passage": 65478, "query": 100377 }
(CNN) -- Former Bosnian Serb president Radovan Karadzic, accused of masterminding "ethnic cleansing" deportations and killings of Bosnian Muslims and Croats, has been arrested after more than a decade in hiding, a U.N. war crimes tribunal said Monday. Radovan Karadzic, shown here in 1995, is charged with war crimes relating to the 1992-1995 Bosnia conflict. Karadzic, 63, is charged with genocide, crimes against humanity and violations of the law of war. Last seen in public in 1996, Karadzic was the Bosnian Serb political leader during the 1992-1995 war that followed Bosnia-Herzegovina's secession from Yugoslavia. The conflict included the Srebrenica massacre of thousands of Bosnian Muslims and a deadly, 44-month siege of Sarajevo. @highlight Former Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic has been arrested in Serbia @highlight Karadzic charged with genocide in connection with the Srebrenica massacre @highlight His military leader, Gen. Ratko Mladic, is still on the run @highlight U.N. tribunal: It is an important day for international justice
Serbia's government has been under increasing pressure to arrest war crimes suspects such as Karadzic and Mladic -- who were believed to be in hiding in @placeholder rather than Bosnia.
[ "Bosnia", "Bosnia-Herzegovina", "U.N.", "Bosnian Serb", "Bosnian Muslims", "Sarajevo", "Ratko Mladic", "Serbia", "Yugoslavia", "Bosnian", "Srebrenica", "CNN", "Croats", "Radovan Karadzic", "Karadzic", "Serb" ]
{ "text": [ "CNN", "Bosnian", "Serb", "Radovan Karadzic", "Bosnian Muslims", "Croats", "U.N.", "Radovan Karadzic", "Bosnia", "Karadzic", "Karadzic", "Bosnian Serb", "Bosnia-Herzegovina", "Yugoslavia", "Srebrenica", "Bosnian Muslims", "Sarajevo", "Bosnian Serb", "Radovan Karadzic", "Serbia", "Karadzic", "Srebrenica", "Ratko Mladic", "U.N." ], "start": [ 1, 16, 24, 39, 130, 150, 214, 252, 343, 360, 487, 504, 573, 609, 647, 683, 731, 759, 779, 817, 835, 889, 946, 991 ], "end": [ 4, 23, 28, 55, 145, 156, 218, 268, 349, 368, 495, 516, 591, 619, 657, 698, 739, 771, 795, 823, 843, 899, 958, 995 ] }
{ "passage": 65478, "query": 100380 }
(CNN) -- Former Bosnian Serb president Radovan Karadzic, accused of masterminding "ethnic cleansing" deportations and killings of Bosnian Muslims and Croats, has been arrested after more than a decade in hiding, a U.N. war crimes tribunal said Monday. Radovan Karadzic, shown here in 1995, is charged with war crimes relating to the 1992-1995 Bosnia conflict. Karadzic, 63, is charged with genocide, crimes against humanity and violations of the law of war. Last seen in public in 1996, Karadzic was the Bosnian Serb political leader during the 1992-1995 war that followed Bosnia-Herzegovina's secession from Yugoslavia. The conflict included the Srebrenica massacre of thousands of Bosnian Muslims and a deadly, 44-month siege of Sarajevo. @highlight Former Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic has been arrested in Serbia @highlight Karadzic charged with genocide in connection with the Srebrenica massacre @highlight His military leader, Gen. Ratko Mladic, is still on the run @highlight U.N. tribunal: It is an important day for international justice
Serbia's government has been under increasing pressure to arrest war crimes suspects such as Karadzic and Mladic -- who were believed to be in hiding in Serbia rather than @placeholder.
[ "Bosnia", "Bosnia-Herzegovina", "U.N.", "Bosnian Serb", "Bosnian Muslims", "Sarajevo", "Ratko Mladic", "Serbia", "Yugoslavia", "Bosnian", "Srebrenica", "CNN", "Croats", "Radovan Karadzic", "Karadzic", "Serb" ]
{ "text": [ "CNN", "Bosnian", "Serb", "Radovan Karadzic", "Bosnian Muslims", "Croats", "U.N.", "Radovan Karadzic", "Bosnia", "Karadzic", "Karadzic", "Bosnian Serb", "Bosnia-Herzegovina", "Yugoslavia", "Srebrenica", "Bosnian Muslims", "Sarajevo", "Bosnian Serb", "Radovan Karadzic", "Serbia", "Karadzic", "Srebrenica", "Ratko Mladic", "U.N." ], "start": [ 1, 16, 24, 39, 130, 150, 214, 252, 343, 360, 487, 504, 573, 609, 647, 683, 731, 759, 779, 817, 835, 889, 946, 991 ], "end": [ 4, 23, 28, 55, 145, 156, 218, 268, 349, 368, 495, 516, 591, 619, 657, 698, 739, 771, 795, 823, 843, 899, 958, 995 ] }
{ "passage": 65478, "query": 100381 }
By Daily Mail Reporter PUBLISHED: 04:39 EST, 8 July 2012 | UPDATED: 05:04 EST, 8 July 2012 Killer: Ian Huntley poses outside his home before being arrested by police The brother of Soham murderer Ian Huntley has spoken for the first time about his evil sibling and how he hates the child killer. Wayne Huntley said: 'I don't want him around...I wish he was dead.' He has laid bare the sickening truth about his brother who murdered 10-year-old Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman in Soham, Cambridgeshire in August, 2002. In his book, The Blood We Share, Wayne tells how: @highlight His mother knew monster was guilty before police arrested him @highlight Huntley has never showed any remorse and enjoys his twisted fame @highlight He has slap-up meals in prison and watches Man Utd on television @highlight Their mother knew he was guilty of the crime five hours before police arrested Huntley after a family showdown. @highlight His brother has never shown any remorse for the killings or confessed why and how he ended the lives of the innocent schoolgirls. @highlight Huntley enjoys his notoriety at Frankland jail, Co Durham, bragging about being in prison with some of Britain's most evil men. @highlight The killer has eaten steak in prison cookery classes and watches Manchester United games on TV - knowing his two innocent victims were wearing the club's football shirts when he killed them.
Burnt: The @placeholder top worn by Holly Wells on the day she disappeared.
[ "Man Utd", "Jessica Chapman", "Co Durham", "The Blood We Share", "Manchester United", "Ian Huntley", "Frankland", "Daily Mail", "Soham", "Cambridgeshire", "Britain", "Wayne Huntley", "Wayne", "Huntley", "Holly Wells" ]
{ "text": [ "Daily Mail", "Ian Huntley", "Soham", "Ian Huntley", "Wayne Huntley", "Holly Wells", "Jessica Chapman", "Soham", "Cambridgeshire", "The Blood We Share", "Wayne", "Huntley", "Man Utd", "Huntley", "Huntley", "Frankland", "Co Durham", "Britain", "Manchester United" ], "start": [ 3, 99, 181, 196, 296, 444, 460, 479, 486, 531, 551, 652, 771, 883, 1068, 1100, 1116, 1171, 1272 ], "end": [ 13, 110, 186, 207, 309, 455, 475, 484, 500, 549, 556, 659, 778, 890, 1075, 1109, 1125, 1178, 1289 ] }
Man Utd
{ "passage": 65480, "query": 100383 }
Carlos Vela scored twice in his first international appearance since 2011 as Mexico exacted revenge for their controversial World Cup exit with a 3-2 victory against Holland. And Vela was quick to get back on the scoresheet as Miguel Herrera's men held out for an exciting win. The former Arsenal man put the visitors in front with a superb strike in the eighth minute and added a second goal in the 60th after Wesley Sneijder's sublime long-range equaliser. VIDEO Scroll down to watch Holland 2-3 Mexico: Sneijder and Blind goals Mexico upset Holland with a 3-2 victory at the Amsterdam ArenA in their international friendly @highlight Carlos Vela scored twice in his first international for over three years @highlight Javier Hernandez also on target as Mexico run out 3-2 winners in Amsterdam @highlight Wesley Sneijder and Daley Blind goals for Holland not enough to prevent home defeat
Wesley Sneijder volleys home a stunning equaliser for Holland in the 49th minute to drag them level in @placeholder
[ "Vela", "Blind", "Amsterdam ArenA", "Wesley Sneijder", "Sneijder", "Carlos Vela", "Javier Hernandez", "Miguel Herrera", "Daley Blind", "World Cup", "Mexico", "Amsterdam", "Arsenal", "Holland" ]
{ "text": [ "Carlos Vela", "Mexico", "World Cup", "Holland", "Vela", "Miguel Herrera", "Arsenal", "Wesley Sneijder", "Holland", "Mexico", "Sneijder", "Blind", "Mexico", "Holland", "Amsterdam ArenA", "Carlos Vela", "Javier Hernandez", "Mexico", "Amsterdam", "Wesley Sneijder", "Daley Blind", "Holland" ], "start": [ 0, 77, 124, 166, 179, 227, 289, 411, 486, 498, 506, 519, 531, 544, 578, 637, 721, 756, 786, 807, 827, 849 ], "end": [ 11, 83, 133, 173, 183, 241, 296, 426, 493, 504, 514, 524, 537, 551, 593, 648, 737, 762, 795, 822, 838, 856 ] }
{ "passage": 65481, "query": 100385 }
By Daily Mail Reporter PUBLISHED: 21:50 EST, 29 August 2013 | UPDATED: 07:00 EST, 30 August 2013 Zurich Insurance confirmed today that former finance director Pierre Wauthier left a suicide note naming the firm's then-chairman Josef Ackermann. The Swiss company said today that the letter documents the relationship between the pair but said that it would be 'inappropriate' to elaborate further. Mr Ackermann quit as chairman yesterday after saying he had come under pressure to take 'my share of responsibility' following the apparent suicide of Mr Wauthier. Chief Financial Officer Mr Wauthier, who had worked for the company for 17 years and had joint British and French citizenship, was found dead at his home on Monday. @highlight Pierre Wauthier, 53, was found dead at his home on Monday @highlight Josef Ackermann has resigned from board with immediate effect @highlight He said he had been under pressure to take 'my share of responsibility' @highlight Claims Wauthier's family has made 'unfounded' allegations against him
However, a former colleague of @placeholder's said there was pressure within the company to increase its share price.
[ "Ackermann", "Wauthier", "French", "Pierre Wauthier", "Daily Mail", "Josef Ackermann", "British", "Zurich Insurance", "Swiss", "Claims Wauthier" ]
{ "text": [ "Daily Mail", "Zurich Insurance", "Pierre Wauthier", "Josef Ackermann", "Swiss", "Ackermann", "Wauthier", "Wauthier", "British", "French", "Pierre Wauthier", "Josef Ackermann", "Claims Wauthier" ], "start": [ 3, 97, 159, 227, 248, 400, 551, 588, 656, 668, 737, 806, 962 ], "end": [ 13, 113, 174, 242, 253, 409, 559, 596, 663, 674, 752, 821, 977 ] }
Pierre Wauthier
{ "passage": 65482, "query": 100389 }
(CNN) -- The late-fall chill outside a Best Buy store in Elkridge, Maryland, wasn't all that was keeping George Nelums awake late Thursday. "I've been a PS dude since the first PS," said Nelums, the first in line to pick up a PlayStation 4 when the clock struck midnight. "I'm not planning on sleeping tonight. I've got a 6-hour energy drink. I'm all set." He and about 100 others were there for the next step in the evolution of home entertainment. The new PlayStation hit stores a week before Microsoft's Xbox One does the same, touching off a new round in the fight for the hearts of console gamers. @highlight Fans lined up late Thursday to be the first to get a PlayStation 4 @highlight The new console launched at midnight to high demand @highlight Rival Xbox One will hit the market soon, with November 22 release date @highlight Some say they're excited to play old favorites with new-console capabilities
Greater focus on social interaction during gameplay, a redesigned controller with a touchpad interface, and expansion of streaming entertainment choices are just a few of the new elements for @placeholder.
[ "Maryland", "Best Buy", "Nelums", "PS", "Microsoft", "Xbox One", "CNN", "George Nelums", "Elkridge", "PlayStation 4", "PlayStation" ]
{ "text": [ "CNN", "Best Buy", "Elkridge", "Maryland", "George Nelums", "PS", "PS", "Nelums", "PlayStation 4", "PlayStation", "Microsoft", "Xbox One", "PlayStation 4", "Xbox One" ], "start": [ 1, 39, 57, 67, 105, 153, 177, 187, 226, 458, 495, 507, 667, 761 ], "end": [ 4, 47, 65, 75, 118, 155, 179, 193, 239, 469, 504, 515, 680, 769 ] }
{ "passage": 65483, "query": 100390 }