9 values
Arteries and veins are two important parts of the circulatory system. What is the relationship between arteries and veins?
{ "text": [ "They work together to exchange gases.", "They work together to transport nutrients.", "They work independently to remove wastes.", "They work independently to relay messages." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: They work together to exchange gases.", "B: They work together to transport nutrients.", "C: They work independently to remove wastes.", "D: They work independently to relay messages." ]
Which function is a role of a feedback system?
{ "text": [ "stimulation of appetite", "identification of gender", "determination of blood type", "regulation of growth in the skeletal system" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: stimulation of appetite", "B: identification of gender", "C: determination of blood type", "D: regulation of growth in the skeletal system" ]
Which technique will researchers studying the inheritance patterns of various disorders most likely use?
{ "text": [ "cladogram", "DNA fingerprinting", "gel electrophoresis", "chromosomal analysis" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: cladogram", "B: DNA fingerprinting", "C: gel electrophoresis", "D: chromosomal analysis" ]
If a lake is polluted, which organism would most likely accumulate the highest concentration of contaminants?
{ "text": [ "bass", "minnows", "aquatic plants", "fish-eating birds" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: bass", "B: minnows", "C: aquatic plants", "D: fish-eating birds" ]
Which of these can only be found in a plant cell?
{ "text": [ "a nucleus", "a vacuole", "a chloroplast", "a mitochondrion" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: a nucleus", "B: a vacuole", "C: a chloroplast", "D: a mitochondrion" ]
The Milky Way Galaxy is visible as a bright region in the night sky. Modern telescopic observation has made it possible to discover that the brightness of the Milky Way Galaxy is due primarily to which structure?
{ "text": [ "clouds of hot gas", "large numbers of stars", "high energy compounds", "extremely reflective ice particles" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: clouds of hot gas", "B: large numbers of stars", "C: high energy compounds", "D: extremely reflective ice particles" ]
More sulfur dioxide is being added to the atmosphere. How will this most likely affect the hydrosphere?
{ "text": [ "There will be a decrease in sea level.", "The acidity of the ocean will increase.", "There will be an increase in fresh water.", "The temperature of the oceans will decline." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: There will be a decrease in sea level.", "B: The acidity of the ocean will increase.", "C: There will be an increase in fresh water.", "D: The temperature of the oceans will decline." ]
Plants transform energy when they make their own food. Which type of energy is used by plants for making food?
{ "text": [ "electrical", "heat", "light", "mechanical" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: electrical", "B: heat", "C: light", "D: mechanical" ]
Dominic placed a caterpillar in a container with different kinds of leaves. Which information should he record to find out what food this caterpillar eats?
{ "text": [ "the type of leaves the caterpillar has eaten", "the amount of time for all the leaves to be eaten", "the number of leaves that were put in the container", "the number of minutes the caterpillar spends eating" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: the type of leaves the caterpillar has eaten", "B: the amount of time for all the leaves to be eaten", "C: the number of leaves that were put in the container", "D: the number of minutes the caterpillar spends eating" ]
Which class of elements best conducts electricity?
{ "text": [ "metals", "nonmetals", "semimetals", "noble (inert) gases" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: metals", "B: nonmetals", "C: semimetals", "D: noble (inert) gases" ]
What are the products in the chemical reaction below? NaOH + HCl -> NaCl + H_{2}O
{ "text": [ "sodium hydroxide and hydrogen chloride", "sodium chloride and water", "sodium, chlorine, hydrogen, and oxygen", "sodium, chlorine, and water" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: sodium hydroxide and hydrogen chloride", "B: sodium chloride and water", "C: sodium, chlorine, hydrogen, and oxygen", "D: sodium, chlorine, and water" ]
Termites eat wood but cannot digest it. Protozoans live in the termites' stomachs and use enzymes to break down the wood. The digested wood provides nutrition for both the termites and the protozoans. What type of relationship is this?
{ "text": [ "mutualism", "parasitism", "predation", "commensalism" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: mutualism", "B: parasitism", "C: predation", "D: commensalism" ]
In the Adirondack forests of New York, some trees have died. The change in the forest is thought to be related to air pollution and rain. Which abiotic factor most likely has been changed as a result of the pollution and rain which resulted in the death of the trees?
{ "text": [ "a decrease in the amount of available oxygen", "an increase in the amount of sunlight", "a decrease in the pH of the soil", "an increase in soil nutrients" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: a decrease in the amount of available oxygen", "B: an increase in the amount of sunlight", "C: a decrease in the pH of the soil", "D: an increase in soil nutrients" ]
The first step in the construction of a building typically involves
{ "text": [ "clearing the land.", "setting the foundation.", "servicing the structure.", "installing utilities." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: clearing the land.", "B: setting the foundation.", "C: servicing the structure.", "D: installing utilities." ]
What biological concept was Mendel studying when he crossed pea plants many times over many generations?
{ "text": [ "imbalance in ecosystems", "predator-prey relationships", "dominant and recessive traits", "male and female genetic differences" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: imbalance in ecosystems", "B: predator-prey relationships", "C: dominant and recessive traits", "D: male and female genetic differences" ]
The following represents a number displayed on a calculator. 1.454545 E3. Which of the following shows how a student should record this number in a laboratory report?
{ "text": [ "(1.45)^3", "1 5/11", "1.45 x 10^3", "1.45 x 3" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: (1.45)^3", "B: 1 5/11", "C: 1.45 x 10^3", "D: 1.45 x 3" ]
In which process is nitrogen from the air put into a form that plants can use?
{ "text": [ "nitrification", "denitrification", "nitrogen saturation", "nitrogen fixation" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: nitrification", "B: denitrification", "C: nitrogen saturation", "D: nitrogen fixation" ]
The surface of the Moon is covered with craters. Most of these craters were formed by
{ "text": [ "eruptions of active volcanoes", "the impacts of many meteoroids", "shifting rock on the Moon's surface (\"moonquakes\")", "tidal forces caused by the Earth and Sun" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: eruptions of active volcanoes", "B: the impacts of many meteoroids", "C: shifting rock on the Moon's surface (\"moonquakes\")", "D: tidal forces caused by the Earth and Sun" ]
Which event would most likely occur if the number of nitrogen fixing bacteria were reduced within an ecosystem?
{ "text": [ "plants would have more nitrates to take up", "plants and animals would decompose faster", "high levels of ammonia would accumulate in the soil", "the level of nitrogen gas in the atmosphere would increase" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: plants would have more nitrates to take up", "B: plants and animals would decompose faster", "C: high levels of ammonia would accumulate in the soil", "D: the level of nitrogen gas in the atmosphere would increase" ]
Census data show that the human population doubled from 2.65 billion in 1953 to 5.3 billion in 1990. If it continues to double at this rate, the human population could reach 10 billion by the year 2020. Which best explains how this rate of human growth can harm the environment on which humans depend?
{ "text": [ "by gradually making up more available energy", "by using resources faster than they can be replaced", "by changing how matter cycles through an ecosystem", "by increasing the variety of ecosystems that are supported" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: by gradually making up more available energy", "B: by using resources faster than they can be replaced", "C: by changing how matter cycles through an ecosystem", "D: by increasing the variety of ecosystems that are supported" ]
Bats find their prey at night using one of their senses to detect echoes. What does the bat send out to find prey?
{ "text": [ "odors", "light", "sound", "electricity" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: odors", "B: light", "C: sound", "D: electricity" ]
Which two objects produce their own light?
{ "text": [ "candle and moon", "moon and mirror", "sun and candle", "mirror and sun" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: candle and moon", "B: moon and mirror", "C: sun and candle", "D: mirror and sun" ]
Which example describes an organism taking in nutrients?
{ "text": [ "a dog burying a bone", "a girl eating an apple", "an insect crawling on a leaf", "a boy planting tomatoes in a garden" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: a dog burying a bone", "B: a girl eating an apple", "C: an insect crawling on a leaf", "D: a boy planting tomatoes in a garden" ]
In eukaryotic organisms, interaction between which organelles is most important for cell shape, tensile strength, and communication between cells?
{ "text": [ "cytoskeleton and cell membrane", "cytoplasm and Golgi apparatus", "nucleus and endoplasmic reticulum", "ribosome and central vacuole" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: cytoskeleton and cell membrane", "B: cytoplasm and Golgi apparatus", "C: nucleus and endoplasmic reticulum", "D: ribosome and central vacuole" ]
A radio station broadcasting across a large area is experiencing thunderstorms. How will the radio waves from the station be affected?
{ "text": [ "wavelength will be increased", "amplitude will be unchanged", "frequency will be distorted", "speed will be decreased" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: wavelength will be increased", "B: amplitude will be unchanged", "C: frequency will be distorted", "D: speed will be decreased" ]
An electrical circuit can be used to break down water into hydrogen and oxygen. In this process, electrical energy produces
{ "text": [ "kinetic energy.", "physical changes.", "chemical changes.", "potential energy." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: kinetic energy.", "B: physical changes.", "C: chemical changes.", "D: potential energy." ]
Which method could be used to separate a solution of table salt and water?
{ "text": [ "mixing", "settling", "filtration", "evaporation" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: mixing", "B: settling", "C: filtration", "D: evaporation" ]
Which is an example of light being reflected?
{ "text": [ "taking a picture", "using a magnifying glass", "looking into a mirror", "using eyeglasses" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: taking a picture", "B: using a magnifying glass", "C: looking into a mirror", "D: using eyeglasses" ]
What is the MAJOR role of the Sun in the water cycle?
{ "text": [ "It causes evaporation.", "It allows plants to grow.", "It provides heat for organisms.", "It transmits light." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: It causes evaporation.", "B: It allows plants to grow.", "C: It provides heat for organisms.", "D: It transmits light." ]
Which activity is an example of a chemical change?
{ "text": [ "dissolving table salt in water", "hammering aluminum into thin sheets", "melting gold to make jewelry", "burning wood to produce ashes" ], "label": [ "1", "2", "3", "4" ] }
[ "1: dissolving table salt in water", "2: hammering aluminum into thin sheets", "3: melting gold to make jewelry", "4: burning wood to produce ashes" ]
A city has a temperature of 75 °F, with partly cloudy skies. Weather forecasters are predicting that the air pressure and temperature will drop during the day. Which type of weather is most likely for this area in the late afternoon?
{ "text": [ "rainy.", "sunny.", "snowing.", "hailing." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: rainy.", "B: sunny.", "C: snowing.", "D: hailing." ]
In Maryland, most bears have thick, dark fur. Which statement best explains how dark fur helps bears survive in the forests of Maryland?
{ "text": [ "Dark fur is lightweight.", "Dark fur scares enemies.", "Dark fur helps bears hide.", "Dark fur keeps bears cool." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: Dark fur is lightweight.", "B: Dark fur scares enemies.", "C: Dark fur helps bears hide.", "D: Dark fur keeps bears cool." ]
Nicole was studying different ecosystems. She compared the number of plants living in a forest to those in a desert. Which factor best explains why more plants may survive in a forest?
{ "text": [ "There is more rain in the forest.", "There is more oxygen in the forest.", "There is more sunlight in the forest.", "There is more competition in the forest." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: There is more rain in the forest.", "B: There is more oxygen in the forest.", "C: There is more sunlight in the forest.", "D: There is more competition in the forest." ]
A short plant with a thick, fleshy stem, extensive roots, and a short blooming period would most likely be found in which of the following environments?
{ "text": [ "prairie", "desert", "coniferous forest", "deciduous forest" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: prairie", "B: desert", "C: coniferous forest", "D: deciduous forest" ]
What happens when oil is placed in water?
{ "text": [ "Some oil sinks below the surface.", "Oil droplets form in the water.", "The oil and water mix together.", "The oil floats on top of the water." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: Some oil sinks below the surface.", "B: Oil droplets form in the water.", "C: The oil and water mix together.", "D: The oil floats on top of the water." ]
A decomposer is an organism that
{ "text": [ "hunts and eats animals", "migrates for the winter", "breaks down dead plants and animals", "uses water and sunlight to make food" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: hunts and eats animals", "B: migrates for the winter", "C: breaks down dead plants and animals", "D: uses water and sunlight to make food" ]
Which of the following correctly orders part of a fish's respiratory system from the least complex to most complex?
{ "text": [ "cells -> gills -> tissues", "cells -> tissues -> gills", "gills -> tissues -> cells", "tissues -> gills -> cells" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: cells -> gills -> tissues", "B: cells -> tissues -> gills", "C: gills -> tissues -> cells", "D: tissues -> gills -> cells" ]
Most birds sit on their eggs until they hatch. Which of these is the most important reason why birds sit on their eggs?
{ "text": [ "to keep the eggs inside the nest", "to keep the eggs warm", "to protect the eggs from the wind", "to protect the eggs from the rain" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: to keep the eggs inside the nest", "B: to keep the eggs warm", "C: to protect the eggs from the wind", "D: to protect the eggs from the rain" ]
A lab technician places a colony of bacterial cells in a nutrient-rich growth medium. Which event is the technician most likely to observe with a microscope?
{ "text": [ "cell division", "cellular respiration", "heat production", "food storage" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: cell division", "B: cellular respiration", "C: heat production", "D: food storage" ]
When sound waves with large amplitude are compared to sound waves with small amplitude, which of the following is true?
{ "text": [ "Sound waves with large amplitudes have less energy and sound quieter.", "Sound waves with large amplitudes have more energy and sound louder.", "Sound waves with large amplitudes have the same energy and sound quieter.", "Sound waves with large amplitudes have the same energy and sound louder." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: Sound waves with large amplitudes have less energy and sound quieter.", "B: Sound waves with large amplitudes have more energy and sound louder.", "C: Sound waves with large amplitudes have the same energy and sound quieter.", "D: Sound waves with large amplitudes have the same energy and sound louder." ]
Vinegar and water are placed in a container and stirred. What is formed when they are mixed?
{ "text": [ "gas", "solid", "solution", "compound" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: gas", "B: solid", "C: solution", "D: compound" ]
Which of the following best describes the climate of an area?
{ "text": [ "the high temperature and wind speed for six months", "the high temperature and wind speed each day for one year", "the temperature and precipitation every hour for one day", "the average temperature and total precipitation each month for ten years" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: the high temperature and wind speed for six months", "B: the high temperature and wind speed each day for one year", "C: the temperature and precipitation every hour for one day", "D: the average temperature and total precipitation each month for ten years" ]
Salt and pepper are placed together in a container. When the container is shaken, the salt and pepper become a
{ "text": [ "liquid.", "mixture.", "solution.", "suspension." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: liquid.", "B: mixture.", "C: solution.", "D: suspension." ]
All natural resources on Earth are either renewable or nonrenewable. Whether a resource is renewable or nonrenewable depends on how fast or slow the resource is replaced. If the resource is used faster than it is replaced, then the resource will, in time, disappear. Which statement describes the use of a renewable natural resource?
{ "text": [ "A home burns natural gas for heat.", "A city burns coal to generate electricity.", "A farmer plants different types of crops to protect the soil.", "A construction crew builds a road from rock, sand, and gravel." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: A home burns natural gas for heat.", "B: A city burns coal to generate electricity.", "C: A farmer plants different types of crops to protect the soil.", "D: A construction crew builds a road from rock, sand, and gravel." ]
Which of the following statements best explains why earthquakes occur more frequently in California than in Massachusetts?
{ "text": [ "The rock found in California is igneous, but the rock found in Massachusetts is sedimentary.", "California is located on the boundary of two crustal plates, but Massachusetts is not.", "The rock under California is soft, but the rock under Massachusetts is hard.", "California is located on a continental plate, but Massachusetts is not." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: The rock found in California is igneous, but the rock found in Massachusetts is sedimentary.", "B: California is located on the boundary of two crustal plates, but Massachusetts is not.", "C: The rock under California is soft, but the rock under Massachusetts is hard.", "D: California is located on a continental plate, but Massachusetts is not." ]
Which of these describes a chemical change?
{ "text": [ "water freezing", "paper burning", "water becoming steam", "paper being torn" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: water freezing", "B: paper burning", "C: water becoming steam", "D: paper being torn" ]
A large tree was cut down with a saw. What is the best way to estimate the age of this tree?
{ "text": [ "measure the height of the tree", "measure the thickness of the bark", "count the number of rings in the trunk", "count the branches growing from the trunk" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: measure the height of the tree", "B: measure the thickness of the bark", "C: count the number of rings in the trunk", "D: count the branches growing from the trunk" ]
From smallest to largest, the levels of organization in living things are
{ "text": [ "tissues, cells, organs, organ systems.", "tissues, cells, organ systems, organs.", "cells, tissues, organs, organ systems.", "cells, tissues, organ systems, organs." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: tissues, cells, organs, organ systems.", "B: tissues, cells, organ systems, organs.", "C: cells, tissues, organs, organ systems.", "D: cells, tissues, organ systems, organs." ]
Which object is nonliving?
{ "text": [ "bear", "bicycle", "bird", "butterfly" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: bear", "B: bicycle", "C: bird", "D: butterfly" ]
What happens when oil and water are mixed?
{ "text": [ "The mixture changes color.", "The water becomes cloudy.", "The oil dissolves in the water.", "The oil and water remain separate." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: The mixture changes color.", "B: The water becomes cloudy.", "C: The oil dissolves in the water.", "D: The oil and water remain separate." ]
Students measure the time for toy cars of different masses to roll down a hill. Which of the following units should the students use to measure time?
{ "text": [ "centimeters", "grams", "milliliters", "seconds" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: centimeters", "B: grams", "C: milliliters", "D: seconds" ]
A homeowner wants to use a renewable resource to heat the home. Which resource would be the best to use?
{ "text": [ "coal", "gas", "oil", "solar" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: coal", "B: gas", "C: oil", "D: solar" ]
Which of the following animal features most helps the animal move around in its habitat?
{ "text": [ "A bird's sharp beak", "A cow's tail", "A sea turtle's flippers", "A black bear's fur" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: A bird's sharp beak", "B: A cow's tail", "C: A sea turtle's flippers", "D: A black bear's fur" ]
A student observes cells in an object by using a microscope. The student thinks that the object was part of a living thing. Which statement explains why cell theory can be used to support the student's thinking?
{ "text": [ "Cell theory was developed using a microscope.", "Cell theory was developed to study living things.", "Cell theory states that all living things are made of cells.", "Cell theory states that scientists may classify things as living or nonliving." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: Cell theory was developed using a microscope.", "B: Cell theory was developed to study living things.", "C: Cell theory states that all living things are made of cells.", "D: Cell theory states that scientists may classify things as living or nonliving." ]
A researcher observes that an organism placed in a glass container filled with water moves away when a penlight is focused on the container. The researcher concludes that the organism is light sensitive. Which other explanation for the organism's response to the light is most possible?
{ "text": [ "The organism avoids radio waves.", "The organism avoids gamma rays.", "The organism moves away from vibrations.", "The organism moves away from heat sources." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: The organism avoids radio waves.", "B: The organism avoids gamma rays.", "C: The organism moves away from vibrations.", "D: The organism moves away from heat sources." ]
Which behavior is an example of an animal adapting to a change in the environment?
{ "text": [ "a squirrel climbing a tree", "a rabbit feeding its young", "a frog eating an insect", "a bird migrating south" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: a squirrel climbing a tree", "B: a rabbit feeding its young", "C: a frog eating an insect", "D: a bird migrating south" ]
Mitochondria are cell organelles that play a large role in energy processes within the body. Which cells are most likely to have a greater amount of mitochondria?
{ "text": [ "skin", "bone", "blood", "muscle" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: skin", "B: bone", "C: blood", "D: muscle" ]
Which would be the best method to use to dispose of cardboard boxes not utilized by a local grocery store?
{ "text": [ "burn them once a month", "send them to be dumped in a remote area", "have them recycled for future paper products", "put them into a dumpster with the rest of the trash" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: burn them once a month", "B: send them to be dumped in a remote area", "C: have them recycled for future paper products", "D: put them into a dumpster with the rest of the trash" ]
Which item is used for protection from chemical splashing?
{ "text": [ "compass", "hand lens", "microscope", "safety goggles" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: compass", "B: hand lens", "C: microscope", "D: safety goggles" ]
Which processes change magma into igneous rock?
{ "text": [ "cooling and crystallization", "compaction and cementation", "heat and pressure", "weathering and erosion" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: cooling and crystallization", "B: compaction and cementation", "C: heat and pressure", "D: weathering and erosion" ]
Sophie investigates the water supply at her school and the things that affect it. Which action is a direct observation?
{ "text": [ "tasting water from a water fountain", "reading water test results", "studying the rules for purifying water", "investigating causes of water pollution" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: tasting water from a water fountain", "B: reading water test results", "C: studying the rules for purifying water", "D: investigating causes of water pollution" ]
Two identical books are on opposite ends of a table. Which of these would increase the gravitational force exerted between the two books?
{ "text": [ "decrease the distance between the books", "decrease the mass of the books", "decrease the mass of the table", "decrease the temperature in the room" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: decrease the distance between the books", "B: decrease the mass of the books", "C: decrease the mass of the table", "D: decrease the temperature in the room" ]
When a guitar string is plucked, sound is produced by
{ "text": [ "the size of the guitar.", "the metal on the guitar.", "the wood on the guitar.", "the vibrations of the string." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: the size of the guitar.", "B: the metal on the guitar.", "C: the wood on the guitar.", "D: the vibrations of the string." ]
What is the role of chlorophyll in photosynthesis?
{ "text": [ "absorbing oxygen", "reflecting green light", "absorbing light energy", "blocking carbon dioxide" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: absorbing oxygen", "B: reflecting green light", "C: absorbing light energy", "D: blocking carbon dioxide" ]
Which tool should a student use to compare the masses of two small rocks?
{ "text": [ "balance", "hand lens", "ruler", "measuring cup" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: balance", "B: hand lens", "C: ruler", "D: measuring cup" ]
Which is an example of a chemical reaction?
{ "text": [ "Vinegar added to baking soda forms a gas.", "Water evaporates into air.", "Sugar dissolves in water.", "Corn kernels are crushed to form flour." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: Vinegar added to baking soda forms a gas.", "B: Water evaporates into air.", "C: Sugar dissolves in water.", "D: Corn kernels are crushed to form flour." ]
Which type of evidence would a geologist need to support plate tectonic theory?
{ "text": [ "plant fossils that are similar in size", "the weathering and erosion of coastlines", "new crust formed by the sea floor spreading", "rocks with different physical appearances" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: plant fossils that are similar in size", "B: the weathering and erosion of coastlines", "C: new crust formed by the sea floor spreading", "D: rocks with different physical appearances" ]
An example of a learned trait is
{ "text": [ "being able to read", "being able to breathe", "having a scar", "having brown eyes" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: being able to read", "B: being able to breathe", "C: having a scar", "D: having brown eyes" ]
Angelo wants to know if the volume of water changes when it freezes. He measures the volume of water in its liquid state and then freezes it. Which tool did Angelo most likely use to measure the volume of the water?
{ "text": [ "a microscope", "a thermometer", "a balance scale", "a graduated cylinder" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: a microscope", "B: a thermometer", "C: a balance scale", "D: a graduated cylinder" ]
In order for a glider to fly, its weight must be opposed by
{ "text": [ "lift.", "drag.", "gravity.", "friction." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: lift.", "B: drag.", "C: gravity.", "D: friction." ]
Why does the leaf of a plant look green?
{ "text": [ "Because it absorbs green light", "Because it reflects green light", "Because it absorbs only yellow and blue light", "Because it reflects a mixture of yellow and blue light" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: Because it absorbs green light", "B: Because it reflects green light", "C: Because it absorbs only yellow and blue light", "D: Because it reflects a mixture of yellow and blue light" ]
Which statement best describes the nature of sound?
{ "text": [ "Sound travels fastest in air.", "Sound travels faster than light.", "Sound travels as longitudinal waves.", "Sound travels as transverse waves." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: Sound travels fastest in air.", "B: Sound travels faster than light.", "C: Sound travels as longitudinal waves.", "D: Sound travels as transverse waves." ]
Which of these provides most of the oxygen in Earth's atmosphere?
{ "text": [ "coral reefs", "rainforest plants", "ocean phytoplankton", "continental grasslands" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: coral reefs", "B: rainforest plants", "C: ocean phytoplankton", "D: continental grasslands" ]
A solution of lead (II) nitrate reacts with a solution of sodium iodide to produce a yellow solid of lead (II) iodide and aqueous sodium nitrate. Which of these illustrates the reaction?
{ "text": [ "Pb(NO_{3})_{2}(aq) + 2NaI(aq) -> PbI_{2}(s) + 2NaNO_{3}(aq)", "L_{2}N(aq) + SI(aq) -> L_{2}I(s) + SN(aq)", "Pb_{2}N(aq) + NaI(aq) -> Pb_{2}I(s) NaN(aq)", "Fe(NO_{3})_{2}(aq) + 2NaI(aq) -> FeI_{2} + 2NaNO_{3}(aq)" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: Pb(NO_{3})_{2}(aq) + 2NaI(aq) -> PbI_{2}(s) + 2NaNO_{3}(aq)", "B: L_{2}N(aq) + SI(aq) -> L_{2}I(s) + SN(aq)", "C: Pb_{2}N(aq) + NaI(aq) -> Pb_{2}I(s) NaN(aq)", "D: Fe(NO_{3})_{2}(aq) + 2NaI(aq) -> FeI_{2} + 2NaNO_{3}(aq)" ]
A meteoroid becomes a meteorite when it
{ "text": [ "impacts the surface of a planet.", "encounters the atmosphere of a planet.", "makes a complete orbit around a planet.", "starts to burn up in the atmosphere of a planet." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: impacts the surface of a planet.", "B: encounters the atmosphere of a planet.", "C: makes a complete orbit around a planet.", "D: starts to burn up in the atmosphere of a planet." ]
Which force causes rocks to roll downhill?
{ "text": [ "gravity", "friction", "erosion", "magnetism" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: gravity", "B: friction", "C: erosion", "D: magnetism" ]
Infectious diseases are caused by
{ "text": [ "allergies", "vitamin deficiencies", "chemical spills", "microorganisms" ], "label": [ "1", "2", "3", "4" ] }
[ "1: allergies", "2: vitamin deficiencies", "3: chemical spills", "4: microorganisms" ]
A water wave that occurs in an ocean is an example of which type of wave?
{ "text": [ "electromagnetic", "gravitational", "transverse", "seismic" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: electromagnetic", "B: gravitational", "C: transverse", "D: seismic" ]
Which of the following is an example of how insects are beneficial to humans?
{ "text": [ "Insects can spread diseases.", "Insects have short life spans.", "Insects pollinate flowering plants.", "Insects sometimes eat poisonous plants." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: Insects can spread diseases.", "B: Insects have short life spans.", "C: Insects pollinate flowering plants.", "D: Insects sometimes eat poisonous plants." ]
In a closed system, what happens to the total energy of the system as energy conversions take place?
{ "text": [ "It increases.", "It decreases.", "It remains constant.", "It is transferred out of the system." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: It increases.", "B: It decreases.", "C: It remains constant.", "D: It is transferred out of the system." ]
Which of these organisms is a producer in a marine ecosystem?
{ "text": [ "fish", "gull", "algae", "worm" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: fish", "B: gull", "C: algae", "D: worm" ]
Which of the following describes a reason why companies irradiate some fruits and vegetables before they are sold to the public?
{ "text": [ "to improve the flavors by increasing the sugar content", "to speed up the ripening of produce picked too early", "to partially cook the produce before canning or freezing", "to extend the shelf life by killing existing microorganisms" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: to improve the flavors by increasing the sugar content", "B: to speed up the ripening of produce picked too early", "C: to partially cook the produce before canning or freezing", "D: to extend the shelf life by killing existing microorganisms" ]
A glacier is a slow moving river of ice. How does a glacier help create soil?
{ "text": [ "It scrapes small particles off large rocks.", "It carries plants down mountains and to oceans.", "It melts and becomes part of streams and rivers.", "It freezes small particles of dirt to form large rocks." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: It scrapes small particles off large rocks.", "B: It carries plants down mountains and to oceans.", "C: It melts and becomes part of streams and rivers.", "D: It freezes small particles of dirt to form large rocks." ]
During winter months, Amina sometimes notices ice covering the hoods of parked cars. Once the engine of the car runs for a while, the ice on the hood begins to melt. What form of energy is released from the car engine to melt the ice?
{ "text": [ "chemical", "electrical", "heat", "light" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: chemical", "B: electrical", "C: heat", "D: light" ]
A student notices dogs have more fleas in the summer than in the winter. Based on these observations, which is the most logical question for the student to investigate?
{ "text": [ "How does wind affect the amount of fleas on dogs?", "How does diet affect the amount of fleas on dogs?", "How does rain affect the amount of fleas on dogs?", "How does temperature affect the amount of fleas on dogs?" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: How does wind affect the amount of fleas on dogs?", "B: How does diet affect the amount of fleas on dogs?", "C: How does rain affect the amount of fleas on dogs?", "D: How does temperature affect the amount of fleas on dogs?" ]
According to the periodic table, all of the following are metals except
{ "text": [ "sodium", "zinc", "fluorine", "calcium" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: sodium", "B: zinc", "C: fluorine", "D: calcium" ]
A squid is an animal that lives in the ocean. It pumps a stream of water out of its body, causing it to move rapidly. Which of the following mechanical systems moves in a way most similar to the squid?
{ "text": [ "a bus", "a helicopter", "a rocket", "a train" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: a bus", "B: a helicopter", "C: a rocket", "D: a train" ]
When the wax from a candle drips, the wax has reached
{ "text": [ "its boiling point.", "its melting point.", "a chemical change.", "a physical change." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: its boiling point.", "B: its melting point.", "C: a chemical change.", "D: a physical change." ]
In the morning, students observed puddles of water all over the playground. What would best explain why the playground was dry in the afternoon?
{ "text": [ "Animals drank the water.", "The wind stopped blowing.", "Someone dried the puddles.", "The water evaporated during the day." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: Animals drank the water.", "B: The wind stopped blowing.", "C: Someone dried the puddles.", "D: The water evaporated during the day." ]
Many areas of Massachusetts have small deep ponds called kettle ponds. Which of the following best explains the formation of these ponds?
{ "text": [ "avalanche", "wind erosion", "glacial depression", "sediment deposition" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: avalanche", "B: wind erosion", "C: glacial depression", "D: sediment deposition" ]
What relationship exists between a dog and its fleas?
{ "text": [ "commensalism", "gradualism", "mutualism", "parasitism" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: commensalism", "B: gradualism", "C: mutualism", "D: parasitism" ]
Which of the following could limit the supply of a renewable resource?
{ "text": [ "recycling aluminum cans", "cutting down trees in forests", "mining minerals such as gold", "conserving freshwater resources" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: recycling aluminum cans", "B: cutting down trees in forests", "C: mining minerals such as gold", "D: conserving freshwater resources" ]
Which statement best describes the energy transformations that occur when a candle burns?
{ "text": [ "Heat energy from the wax is converted into chemical and light energy.", "Heat energy from the air is converted into mechanical and light energy.", "Chemical energy from the wax is converted into light and heat energy.", "Chemical energy from the air is converted into mechanical and light energy." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: Heat energy from the wax is converted into chemical and light energy.", "B: Heat energy from the air is converted into mechanical and light energy.", "C: Chemical energy from the wax is converted into light and heat energy.", "D: Chemical energy from the air is converted into mechanical and light energy." ]
Pesticides and fertilizers can help farmers to produce more crops. However, overuse of these chemicals can result in
{ "text": [ "ecological succession", "material recycling", "environmental pollution", "selective breeding" ], "label": [ "1", "2", "3", "4" ] }
[ "1: ecological succession", "2: material recycling", "3: environmental pollution", "4: selective breeding" ]
What type of energy travels through the body of a microscope that allows the specimen to be seen by a student?
{ "text": [ "heat", "solar", "light", "electrical" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: heat", "B: solar", "C: light", "D: electrical" ]
A powder made up of both white specks and black specks is likely to be
{ "text": [ "a solution", "a pure compound", "a mixture", "an element" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: a solution", "B: a pure compound", "C: a mixture", "D: an element" ]
In the past, wild hogs called "javelinas" were seen only in the southern part of New Mexico. Now, javelinas are seen in areas 100 miles further north. What is the most likely cause of this expansion?
{ "text": [ "Javelinas are reproducing less frequently.", "Environmental conditions have changed.", "The javelina's genetic traits have mutated.", "Nutritional requirements of javelinas have changed." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: Javelinas are reproducing less frequently.", "B: Environmental conditions have changed.", "C: The javelina's genetic traits have mutated.", "D: Nutritional requirements of javelinas have changed." ]
Which is the best example of a pure substance?
{ "text": [ "peanuts", "milk", "gold", "air" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: peanuts", "B: milk", "C: gold", "D: air" ]
Which tool would best help a person observe the parts of a plant cell?
{ "text": [ "hand lens", "telescope", "binoculars", "microscope" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: hand lens", "B: telescope", "C: binoculars", "D: microscope" ]
The energy stored in the bonds of a glucose molecule during photosynthesis is in what form?
{ "text": [ "chemical", "electrical", "kinetic", "light" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] }
[ "A: chemical", "B: electrical", "C: kinetic", "D: light" ]