market-unic Cargo.toml build.bat src nft-unic Cargo.toml build.bat src
.github scripts workflows deploy-to-console.yml readme.yml tests.yml .gitpod.yml contract package-lock.json package.json src contract.ts model.ts utils.ts tsconfig.json integration-tests package-lock.json package.json src main.ava.ts package-lock.json package.json
# Donation Contract The smart contract exposes methods to handle donating $NEAR to a `beneficiary`. ```ts @call donate() { // Get who is calling the method and how much $NEAR they attached let donor = near.predecessorAccountId(); let donationAmount: bigint = near.attachedDeposit() as bigint; let donatedSoFar = this.donations.get(donor) === null? BigInt(0) : BigInt(this.donations.get(donor) as string) let toTransfer = donationAmount; // This is the user's first donation, lets register it, which increases storage if(donatedSoFar == BigInt(0)) { assert(donationAmount > STORAGE_COST, `Attach at least ${STORAGE_COST} yoctoNEAR`); // Subtract the storage cost to the amount to transfer toTransfer -= STORAGE_COST } // Persist in storage the amount donated so far donatedSoFar += donationAmount this.donations.set(donor, donatedSoFar.toString()) // Send the money to the beneficiary const promise = near.promiseBatchCreate(this.beneficiary) near.promiseBatchActionTransfer(promise, toTransfer) // Return the total amount donated so far return donatedSoFar.toString() } ``` <br /> # Quickstart 1. Make sure you have installed [node.js]( >= 16. 2. Install the [`NEAR CLI`]( <br /> ## 1. Build and Deploy the Contract You can automatically compile and deploy the contract in the NEAR testnet by running: ```bash npm run deploy ``` Once finished, check the `neardev/dev-account` file to find the address in which the contract was deployed: ```bash cat ./neardev/dev-account # e.g. dev-1659899566943-21539992274727 ``` The contract will be automatically initialized with a default `beneficiary`. To initialize the contract yourself do: ```bash # Use near-cli to initialize contract (optional) near call <dev-account> init '{"beneficiary":"<account>"}' --accountId <dev-account> ``` <br /> ## 2. Get Beneficiary `beneficiary` is a read-only method (`view` method) that returns the beneficiary of the donations. `View` methods can be called for **free** by anyone, even people **without a NEAR account**! ```bash near view <dev-account> beneficiary ``` <br /> ## 3. Get Number of Donations `donate` forwards any attached money to the `beneficiary` while keeping track of it. `donate` is a payable method for which can only be invoked using a NEAR account. The account needs to attach money and pay GAS for the transaction. ```bash # Use near-cli to donate 1 NEAR near call <dev-account> donate --amount 1 --accountId <account> ``` **Tip:** If you would like to `donate` using your own account, first login into NEAR using: ```bash # Use near-cli to login your NEAR account near login ``` and then use the logged account to sign the transaction: `--accountId <your-account>`. # Donation 💸 [![](⋈%20Examples-Basics-green)]( [![](]( [![](]( [![](]( [![Build Status](]( Our Donation example enables to forward money to an account while keeping track of it. It is one of the simplest examples on making a contract receive and send money. ![]( # What This Example Shows 1. How to receive and transfer $NEAR on a contract. 2. How to divide a project into multiple modules. 3. How to handle the storage costs. 4. How to handle transaction results. 5. How to use a `Map`. <br /> # Quickstart Clone this repository locally or [**open it in gitpod**]( Then follow these steps: ### 1. Install Dependencies ```bash npm install ``` ### 2. Test the Contract Deploy your contract in a sandbox and simulate interactions from users. ```bash npm test ``` ### 3. Deploy the Contract Build the contract and deploy it in a testnet account ```bash npm run deploy ``` --- # Learn More 1. Learn more about the contract through its [README](./contract/ 2. Check [**our documentation**](
mtengineer90_NearPoll as-pect.config.js asconfig.json package-lock.json package.json scripts src as-pect.d.ts as_types.d.ts poll __tests__ index.unit.spec.ts asconfig.json assembly index.ts models.ts tsconfig.json utils.ts
# NearPoll - Digital Poll platform for Near Protocol Create a Poll and collect tokens for it... Other users can vote for polls by contributions - attaching NEAR tokens Most contributed/voted wins and the creator of it get funded [Video]( <details> <summary>Mobile Application MockUp - Design Phase for both Android and iOS Platform</summary> ## Screens 1. ![screen1]( 2. ![screen2]( 3. ![screen3]( 4. ![screen4]( 5. ![screen5]( </details> ```ts export CONTRACT= # For Deployment export OWNER= # Your Account ``` ```ts //Initialization function init(owner: AccountId, allow_anonymous: bool = true): void //Poll initialization function initializePoll(description: string): u32 //Vote for poll function vote(registrant: u32): void //List votes for the poll function listVotes(registrant: u32): void //List Polls function listRegistrants(): Array<Registrant> //Complete poll function completePoll(): void ``` Please follow these steps: 1. clone 2. run `yarn` to install dependencies 3. run the scripts below for the project as `./scripts/` ```sh # clean and deploy the contract # initialize the poll # register to the poll # complete the poll # report of the poll # transfer funds for the poll ``` ## Unit tests Unit tests can be run from the top level folder using the following command: ``` yarn test:unit ```
jkeohan_near-auction-dapp asconfig.json assembly index.ts package-lock.json package.json
# auction-as A sample smart contract for auction in NEAR protocol
.github misc mlc_config.json workflows speller.yml test-links.yml .spellcheck.yml .wordlist.txt babel.config.js blog 2021-08-26-welcome authors.yml config-typedoc-core.js config-typedoc-selector.js docs Concepts KeypomProtocol GithubReadme Introduction TypesOfDrops LinkdropsAndAccessKeys Cookbook drops customizations TrialAccounts Creation Tutorials Advanced AccessKeyMarketplace CustomizedOnboarding ReceiverContracts RewardGating daos daobot-flow.svg multi-sig subscriptions ticketing BOS Basics Misc keypom-sdk Core _category_.yml interfaces _category_.yml Selector _category_.yml classes _category_.yml interfaces _category_.yml | docusaurus.config.js package.json sidebars.js src components HomepageFeatures.js HomepageFeatures.module.css featurelist.js css custom.css pages index.module.css theme ReactLiveScope index.js static img docs advanced-tutorials dao-auto-reg daobot-flow.svg logo.svg moon.svg newMoonCrop.svg undraw_docusaurus_mountain.svg undraw_docusaurus_react.svg undraw_docusaurus_tree.svg versioned_docs version-1.1 version-1.2.1 version-1.2 versioned_sidebars version-1.1-sidebars.json version-1.2-sidebars.json version-1.2.1-sidebars.json versions.json
# keypom-docs-examples Scripts referenced in the documentation tutorials # Keypom Docs Official docs available at [](
.yarnrc.yml contracts near-contracts .cargo config.toml Cargo.toml marketplace-nft Cargo.toml package.json package.json webapp .eslintrc.json next-env.d.ts next.config.js package.json postcss.config.js public vercel.svg src components LoadingIcon.module.css globals.css tailwind.config.js tsconfig.json
This is a [Next.js]( project bootstrapped with [`create-next-app`]( ## Getting Started First, run the development server: ```bash npm run dev # or yarn dev ``` Open [http://localhost:3000](http://localhost:3000) with your browser to see the result. You can start editing the page by modifying `pages/index.tsx`. The page auto-updates as you edit the file. [API routes]( can be accessed on [http://localhost:3000/api/hello](http://localhost:3000/api/hello). This endpoint can be edited in `pages/api/hello.ts`. The `pages/api` directory is mapped to `/api/*`. Files in this directory are treated as [API routes]( instead of React pages. ## Learn More To learn more about Next.js, take a look at the following resources: - [Next.js Documentation]( - learn about Next.js features and API. - [Learn Next.js]( - an interactive Next.js tutorial. You can check out [the Next.js GitHub repository]( - your feedback and contributions are welcome! ## Deploy on Vercel The easiest way to deploy your Next.js app is to use the [Vercel Platform]( from the creators of Next.js. Check out our [Next.js deployment documentation]( for more details. # near-metabuild-2-hackathon
finished-contract Cargo.toml src package.json
.gitpod.yml contract Cargo.toml src frontend App.js assets global.css logo-black.svg logo-white.svg index.html index.js near-api.js near-config.js package-lock.json package.json ui-components.js integration-tests Cargo.toml src package-lock.json package.json
Hello NEAR! ================================= A [smart contract] written in [Rust] for an app initialized with [create-near-app] Quick Start =========== Before you compile this code, you will need to install Rust with [correct target] Exploring The Code ================== 1. The main smart contract code lives in `src/`. 2. There are two functions to the smart contract: `get_greeting` and `set_greeting`. 3. Tests: You can run smart contract tests with the `cargo test`. [smart contract]: [Rust]: [create-near-app]: [correct target]: [cargo]: near-blank-project ================== This app was initialized with [create-near-app] Quick Start =========== If you haven't installed dependencies during setup: npm run deps-install Build and deploy your contract to TestNet with a temporary dev account: npm run deploy Test your contract: npm test If you have a frontend, run `npm start`. This will run a dev server. Exploring The Code ================== 1. The smart-contract code lives in the `/contract` folder. See the README there for more info. In blockchain apps the smart contract is the "backend" of your app. 2. The frontend code lives in the `/frontend` folder. `/frontend/index.html` is a great place to start exploring. Note that it loads in `/frontend/index.js`, this is your entrypoint to learn how the frontend connects to the NEAR blockchain. 3. Test your contract: `npm test`, this will run the tests in `integration-tests` directory. Deploy ====== Every smart contract in NEAR has its [own associated account][NEAR accounts]. When you run `npm run deploy`, your smart contract gets deployed to the live NEAR TestNet with a temporary dev account. When you're ready to make it permanent, here's how: Step 0: Install near-cli (optional) ------------------------------------- [near-cli] is a command line interface (CLI) for interacting with the NEAR blockchain. It was installed to the local `node_modules` folder when you ran `npm install`, but for best ergonomics you may want to install it globally: npm install --global near-cli Or, if you'd rather use the locally-installed version, you can prefix all `near` commands with `npx` Ensure that it's installed with `near --version` (or `npx near --version`) Step 1: Create an account for the contract ------------------------------------------ Each account on NEAR can have at most one contract deployed to it. If you've already created an account such as `your-name.testnet`, you can deploy your contract to `near-blank-project.your-name.testnet`. Assuming you've already created an account on [NEAR Wallet], here's how to create `near-blank-project.your-name.testnet`: 1. Authorize NEAR CLI, following the commands it gives you: near login 2. Create a subaccount (replace `YOUR-NAME` below with your actual account name): near create-account near-blank-project.YOUR-NAME.testnet --masterAccount YOUR-NAME.testnet Step 2: deploy the contract --------------------------- Use the CLI to deploy the contract to TestNet with your account ID. Replace `PATH_TO_WASM_FILE` with the `wasm` that was generated in `contract` build directory. near deploy --accountId near-blank-project.YOUR-NAME.testnet --wasmFile PATH_TO_WASM_FILE Step 3: set contract name in your frontend code ----------------------------------------------- Modify the line in `src/config.js` that sets the account name of the contract. Set it to the account id you used above. const CONTRACT_NAME = process.env.CONTRACT_NAME || 'near-blank-project.YOUR-NAME.testnet' Troubleshooting =============== On Windows, if you're seeing an error containing `EPERM` it may be related to spaces in your path. Please see [this issue]( for more details. [create-near-app]: [Node.js]: [jest]: [NEAR accounts]: [NEAR Wallet]: [near-cli]: [gh-pages]:
.github ISSUE_TEMPLATE .vscode settings.json babel.config.js package-lock.json package.json postcss.config.js prettier.config.js public browserconfig.xml index.html manifest.json server.js src app.ts assets icon.svg near_brand.svg near_icon_wht.svg near_logo.svg near_logo_icon.svg composables badges badges.ts useAchievedBadges.ts charts useActionTypeChart.ts useBalanceHistoryChart.ts useDonutChart.ts useGaugeChart.ts useNetworkActivityChart.ts useTopIncomingChart.ts useTopOutgoingChart.ts contract useContract.ts useAccountFromUrl.ts useAccountView.ts useAccountViews.ts useMultiple.ts useNear.ts useNetworkFromUrl.ts usePreference.ts usePromise.ts useReceiptActions.ts useScore.ts useSingle.ts useTimeframeFromUrl.ts useTitle.ts useTransactionActions.ts useTransactionResultFromUrl.ts constants.ts entry-client.ts entry-server.ts networks mainnet.json testnet.json router index.ts services near cache index.ts schema.ts indexer IndexerClient.ts networks.ts types.ts rpc RpcClient.ts types.ts provideNear.ts shims-vue.d.ts utils clipString.ts debounceRequest.ts deref.ts deterministicColor.ts guessType.ts humanize.ts is.ts level.ts near.ts numberFormat.ts score.ts timeframe.ts types.ts views story Connection.svg DanFrame.svg tasks.ts ssr-meta.html tailwind.config.js tsconfig.json vue.config.js
# ## Project setup ``` npm install ``` ### Compiles and hot-reloads for development ``` npm run serve ``` Note: some macOS users may need to use a different port from the default (8080): ``` npm run serve -- --port 8888 ``` ### Compiles and minifies for production ``` npm run build ``` ### Lints and fixes files ``` npm run lint ``` ### Customize configuration See [Configuration Reference](
Cargo.toml bos-frontend contracts-alpha Cargo.toml neardev dev-account.env src contracts-nfts Cargo.toml src
![NEAR Monsters logo](logo.jpeg) # About NEAR Monsters is a collectible trading card game on the NEAR blockchain. # Mainnet NEAR Monsters ALPHA sale is LIVE on mainnet. There are 25,000 limited edition packs for sale at 4 NEAR each. Check it out at []( # Testing NEAR Monsters is currently deployed to the testnet. To open testnet ALPHA packs: 1. Create or login to a testnet NEAR account 2. Navigate to []( 3. Register & purchase 1 or more packs 4. Navigate to open packs 5. Open your ALPHA pack 6. You will receive 5 NEP-0171 NFT collectibles in your wallet randomly selected out of 198 different options # Project components ## contracts-alpha Contains the FT contract for ALPHA packs. ## contracts-nfts NFT contract for the opened cards. ## bos-frontend React frontend for purchasing and opening packs. # License MIT
.gitpod.yml contract babel.config.json build builder.c code.h contract-no-frontend.js methods.h neardev dev-account.env package-lock.json package.json src contract.ts recever_contract.ts tsconfig.json integration-tests package-lock.json package.json src main.ava.ts package-lock.json package.json
# Hello NEAR Contract The smart contract exposes two methods to enable storing and retrieving a greeting in the NEAR network. ```ts @NearBindgen({}) class HelloNear { greeting: string = "Hello"; @view // This method is read-only and can be called for free get_greeting(): string { return this.greeting; } @call // This method changes the state, for which it cost gas set_greeting({ greeting }: { greeting: string }): void { // Record a log permanently to the blockchain! near.log(`Saving greeting ${greeting}`); this.greeting = greeting; } } ``` <br /> # Quickstart 1. Make sure you have installed [node.js]( >= 16. 2. Install the [`NEAR CLI`]( <br /> ## 1. Build and Deploy the Contract You can automatically compile and deploy the contract in the NEAR testnet by running: ```bash npm run deploy ``` Once finished, check the `neardev/dev-account` file to find the address in which the contract was deployed: ```bash cat ./neardev/dev-account # e.g. dev-1659899566943-21539992274727 ``` <br /> ## 2. Retrieve the Greeting `get_greeting` is a read-only method (aka `view` method). `View` methods can be called for **free** by anyone, even people **without a NEAR account**! ```bash # Use near-cli to get the greeting near view <dev-account> get_greeting ``` <br /> ## 3. Store a New Greeting `set_greeting` changes the contract's state, for which it is a `call` method. `Call` methods can only be invoked using a NEAR account, since the account needs to pay GAS for the transaction. ```bash # Use near-cli to set a new greeting near call <dev-account> set_greeting '{"greeting":"howdy"}' --accountId <dev-account> ``` **Tip:** If you would like to call `set_greeting` using your own account, first login into NEAR using: ```bash # Use near-cli to login your NEAR account near login ``` and then use the logged account to sign the transaction: `--accountId <your-account>`. near-blank-project ================== This app was initialized with [create-near-app] Quick Start =========== If you haven't installed dependencies during setup: npm install Build and deploy your contract to TestNet with a temporary dev account: npm run deploy Test your contract: npm test If you have a frontend, run `npm start`. This will run a dev server. Exploring The Code ================== 1. The smart-contract code lives in the `/contract` folder. See the README there for more info. In blockchain apps the smart contract is the "backend" of your app. 2. The frontend code lives in the `/frontend` folder. `/frontend/index.html` is a great place to start exploring. Note that it loads in `/frontend/index.js`, this is your entrypoint to learn how the frontend connects to the NEAR blockchain. 3. Test your contract: `npm test`, this will run the tests in `integration-tests` directory. Deploy ====== Every smart contract in NEAR has its [own associated account][NEAR accounts]. When you run `npm run deploy`, your smart contract gets deployed to the live NEAR TestNet with a temporary dev account. When you're ready to make it permanent, here's how: Step 0: Install near-cli (optional) ------------------------------------- [near-cli] is a command line interface (CLI) for interacting with the NEAR blockchain. It was installed to the local `node_modules` folder when you ran `npm install`, but for best ergonomics you may want to install it globally: npm install --global near-cli Or, if you'd rather use the locally-installed version, you can prefix all `near` commands with `npx` Ensure that it's installed with `near --version` (or `npx near --version`) Step 1: Create an account for the contract ------------------------------------------ Each account on NEAR can have at most one contract deployed to it. If you've already created an account such as `your-name.testnet`, you can deploy your contract to `near-blank-project.your-name.testnet`. Assuming you've already created an account on [NEAR Wallet], here's how to create `near-blank-project.your-name.testnet`: 1. Authorize NEAR CLI, following the commands it gives you: near login 2. Create a subaccount (replace `YOUR-NAME` below with your actual account name): near create-account near-blank-project.YOUR-NAME.testnet --masterAccount YOUR-NAME.testnet Step 2: deploy the contract --------------------------- Use the CLI to deploy the contract to TestNet with your account ID. Replace `PATH_TO_WASM_FILE` with the `wasm` that was generated in `contract` build directory. near deploy --accountId near-blank-project.YOUR-NAME.testnet --wasmFile PATH_TO_WASM_FILE Step 3: set contract name in your frontend code ----------------------------------------------- Modify the line in `src/config.js` that sets the account name of the contract. Set it to the account id you used above. const CONTRACT_NAME = process.env.CONTRACT_NAME || 'near-blank-project.YOUR-NAME.testnet' Troubleshooting =============== On Windows, if you're seeing an error containing `EPERM` it may be related to spaces in your path. Please see [this issue]( for more details. [create-near-app]: [Node.js]: [jest]: [NEAR accounts]: [NEAR Wallet]: [near-cli]: [gh-pages]:
.changeset config.json .eslintrc.yml .github workflows build-and-publish.yml lint-pr.yml preview.yml publish.yml release.yml test.yml .mergify.yml .prettierrc.yml .vscode extensions.json settings.json .yarn sdks eslint bin eslint.js lib api.js package.json integrations.yml prettier index.js package.json typescript lib tsc.js tsserver.js tsserverlibrary.js typescript.js package.json .yarnrc.yml apps web-xrp .codecov.yml .eslintrc.yml codegen.yml jest.config.ts jest.setup.ts next-env.d.ts next-i18next.config.js next-sitemap.config.js next.config.js package.json public icons browserconfig.xml safari-pinned-tab.svg src chain.json graphql general account_details_documents.ts validator_details_documents.ts types general_types.ts tsconfig.json web .codecov.yml .eslintrc.yml codegen.yml jest.config.ts jest.setup.ts next-env.d.ts next-i18next.config.js next-sitemap.config.js next.config.js package.json public icons browserconfig.xml safari-pinned-tab.svg src chain.json graphql general account_details_documents.ts validator_details_documents.ts types general_types.ts tsconfig.json docker-compose.yml e2e account.spec.ts blocks.spec.ts common.ts footer.spec.ts home.spec.ts params.spec.ts proposals.spec.ts search.spec.ts transactions.spec.ts validator.spec.ts validators.spec.ts package.json packages eslint-config-custom index.js package.json jest-presets jest node jest-preset.ts package.json shared-utils .eslintrc.yml __mocks__ svg.js assets big-dipper-red-sifchain.svg big-dipper-red.svg big-dipper-white.svg emoney-light.svg icon-accounts.svg icon-asset.svg icon-block.svg icon-copy-text.svg icon-copy.svg icon-dark-mode.svg icon-email.svg icon-epoch.svg icon-filter.svg icon-home.svg icon-language.svg icon-light-mode.svg icon-login-success.svg icon-login.svg icon-logout.svg icon-memo.svg icon-mode-dark.svg icon-mode-light.svg icon-next-fast.svg icon-next.svg icon-nft.svg icon-param.svg icon-proposals.svg icon-provider.svg icon-setting.svg icon-share.svg icon-solona.svg icon-sort-down.svg icon-success.svg icon-theme.svg icon-token.svg icon-transaction.svg icon-user.svg icon-wasm-contract.svg icon-web-arrow.svg icons agoric-light.svg aion-light.svg akash-dark.svg assetmantle-dark.svg axelar-light.svg band-dark.svg base-light.svg bigfrost-dark.svg bigfrost-light.svg bitCanna-light.svg bitsong-dark.svg cardona-light.svg celestia-both.svg celo-light.svg cerberus-light.svg certik-light.svg cheqd-light.svg cheqd-transparent.svg comdex-dark.svg comdex-light.svg coreum-both.svg cosmos-dark.svg cosmos-light.svg cosmosHub-light.svg cosmwasm-light.svg crescent-dark.svg cryptoorg-light.svg cryptoorgChain-light.svg desmos-light.svg dymension-light.svg emoney-dark.svg ethereum-light.svg evmos-light.svg fetchAI-light.svg flow-light.svg gitopia-both.svg gravityBridge-light.svg gravityBridgeGrav-light.svg humansai-both.svg injective-light.svg irisnet-dark.svg irisnet-light.svg ixo-light.svg juno-light.svg kava-light.svg kusama-dark.svg kusama-light.svg kyve-both.svg likecoin-light.svg lumNetwork-light.svg moonbeam-light.svg moonriver-light.svg multiversx-dark.svg multiversx-light.svg near-light.svg nomic-dark.svg nym-dark.svg nym-light.svg oasisFoundation-light.svg omniflex-light.svg onomy-dark.svg onomy-light.svg openLibra-light.svg osmosis-dark.svg osmosis-light.svg persistence-dark.svg persistence-light.svg polkadot-light.svg provenance-dark.svg quicksilver.svg regen-light.svg rizon-dark.svg secretNetwork-light.svg sentinel-light.svg sharering-light.svg shentu-light.svg sifchain-light.svg solana-dark.svg solana-light.svg sommelier-light.svg sommelierFinace-light.svg ssvNetwork-light.svg staFiHub-light.svg stargaze-dark.svg stargaze-light.svg starname-light.svg straightEdge-light.svg stride-dark.svg tachyon-light.svg terra-light.svg terraLuna-light.svg tgrade-dark.svg vStstem-light.svg wormhole-light.svg wormhole.svg images xrpl_icon.svg xrpl_icon_dark.svg xrpl_logo.svg xrpl_logo_dark.svg keplr-wallet.svg liquid-staking-false.svg liquid-staking-title.svg liquid-staking-true.svg logos akash-dark.svg assetmantle-dark.svg band-dark.svg base-light.svg bitsong-dark.svg celestia-dark.svg celestia-light.svg cheqd-dark.svg cheqd-light.svg comdex-dark.svg coreum-dark.svg coreum-light.svg cosmos-dark.svg cosmos-light.svg crescent-dark.svg desmos-light.svg emoney-dark.svg evmos-light.svg flow-light.svg gitopia-dark.svg gitopia-light.svg humansai-dark.svg kyve-dark.svg kyve-light.svg likecoin-light.svg multiversx-dark.svg multiversx-light.svg nomic-dark.svg nym-dark.svg nym-light.svg osmosis-dark.svg persistence-dark.svg provenance-dark.svg quicksilver-dark.svg quicksilver-light.svg rizon-dark.svg shentu-light.svg solana-dark.svg stride-dark.svg stride-light.svg wormhole.svg native-account.svg nonce-account.svg not-found-dark.svg not-found-light.svg stake-account.svg styles global.css token-account.svg vote-account.svg wallet-connect.svg configs captureUnderscoreErrorException.ts general.json next.js sentry captureUnderscoreErrorException.ts install.js next.js sentry.config.js sitemap.js package.json tsconfig base.json nextjs.json package.json react-library.json ui .codecov.yml .eslintrc.yml codegen.yml createMixins.d.ts createPalette.d.ts declarations.d.ts jest.config.ts jest.setup.ts next-env.d.ts next-i18next.config.js next.config.js package.json public images index.ts locales en accounts.json blocks.json common.json home.json message_contents.json message_labels.json params.json profiles.json proposals.json transactions.json validators.json wasm_contracts.json web_akash.json web_band.json web_bitsong.json web_cheqd.json web_crescent.json web_desmos.json web_emoney.json web_evmos.json web_likecoin.json web_multiversx.json web_nomic.json web_provenance.json web_regen.json web_shentu.json web_stride.json web_wormhole.json it accounts.json blocks.json common.json home.json message_contents.json message_labels.json params.json profiles.json proposals.json transactions.json validators.json wasm_contracts.json web_akash.json web_band.json web_bitsong.json web_cheqd.json web_crescent.json web_desmos.json web_emoney.json web_evmos.json web_likecoin.json web_multiversx.json web_nomic.json web_provenance.json web_regen.json web_shentu.json web_stride.json web_wormhole.json pl accounts.json blocks.json common.json home.json message_contents.json message_labels.json params.json profiles.json proposals.json transactions.json validators.json wasm_contracts.json web_akash.json web_band.json web_bitsong.json web_cheqd.json web_crescent.json web_desmos.json web_emoney.json web_evmos.json web_likecoin.json web_multiversx.json web_nomic.json web_provenance.json web_regen.json web_shentu.json web_stride.json web_wormhole.json zhs accounts.json blocks.json common.json home.json message_contents.json message_labels.json params.json profiles.json proposals.json transactions.json validators.json wasm_contracts.json web_akash.json web_band.json web_bitsong.json web_cheqd.json web_crescent.json web_desmos.json web_emoney.json web_evmos.json web_likecoin.json web_multiversx.json web_nomic.json web_provenance.json web_regen.json web_shentu.json web_stride.json web_wormhole.json zht accounts.json blocks.json common.json home.json message_contents.json message_labels.json params.json profiles.json proposals.json transactions.json validators.json wasm_contracts.json web_akash.json web_band.json web_bitsong.json web_cheqd.json web_crescent.json web_desmos.json web_emoney.json web_evmos.json web_likecoin.json web_multiversx.json web_nomic.json web_provenance.json web_regen.json web_shentu.json web_stride.json web_wormhole.json src chain.json chainConfig index.ts types.ts components ChainIcon useStyles.ts InfiniteList styles.ts types.ts avatar styles.ts avatar_name styles.ts banner styles.ts box styles.ts box_details styles.ts condition_explanation styles.ts custom_tool_tip styles.ts desmos_profile components connections components index.ts mobile styles.ts styles.ts index.ts hooks.ts styles.ts footer components index.ts social_media styles.ts types.ts styles.ts info_popover hooks.ts styles.ts layout styles.ts types.ts linear_loading styles.ts loading styles.ts msg bank multisend styles.ts index.ts unknown styles.ts name styles.ts nav components connect_wallet api.ts hooks.ts keplr_utils.ts styles.ts desktop components action_bar components index.ts network styles.ts network_list styles.ts settings_list hooks.ts styles.ts styles.ts index.ts hooks.ts styles.ts index.ts menu_items styles.ts mobile components index.ts menu hooks.ts styles.ts types.ts navbar styles.ts types.ts hooks.ts styles.ts networks components index.ts single_network styles.ts styles.ts search_bar hooks.ts theme_toggle styles.ts title_bar styles.ts wallet_drop_down styles.ts no_data styles.ts not_found styles.ts pagination components actions hooks.ts styles.ts index.ts styles.ts result styles.ts search hooks.ts styles.ts single_block_mobile styles.ts single_proposal styles.ts single_transaction_mobile styles.ts sort_arrows styles.ts tag styles.ts toggle styles.ts transaction_messages_filter hooks.ts styles.ts transactions_list components desktop styles.ts index.ts mobile styles.ts types.ts transactions_list_details components index.ts list components index.ts single_transaction styles.ts styles.ts types.ts generalConfig index.ts types.ts graphql general account_details_documents.ts validator_details_documents.ts profiles desmos_profile_graphql.ts types general_types.ts profile_types.ts useApollo index.ts hooks useAppTranslation index.ts useBigDipperNetworks index.ts mocks.ts useInfiniteQuery index.ts types.ts useShallowMemo index.test.ts index.ts use_desmos_profile index.ts types.ts use_get_component_dimension index.ts use_interval index.ts use_pagination index.ts use_persisted_state index.ts use_react_window index.ts use_screen_size index.ts use_window index.ts index.ts models bigDipperNetwork index.ts distribution_params index.ts gov_params index.ts index.ts mint_params index.ts msg authz msg_exec.ts msg_grant.ts msg_revoke.ts bank msg_multi_send.ts msg_send.ts crisis msg_verify_invariant.ts distribution msg_fund_community_pool.ts msg_set_withdrawal_address.ts msg_withdraw_validator_commission.ts msg_withdrawal_delegator_reward.ts feegrant msg_grant_allowance.ts msg_revoke_allowance.ts governance msg_community_pool_spend_proposal.ts msg_deposit.ts msg_parameter_change_proposal.ts msg_software_upgrade_proposal.ts msg_submit_proposal.ts msg_text_proposal.ts msg_vote.ts ibc msg_channel.ts msg_channel_acknowledgement.ts msg_channel_close_confirm.ts msg_channel_close_init.ts msg_channel_counterparty.ts msg_channel_open_ack.ts msg_channel_open_confirm.ts msg_channel_open_init.ts msg_channel_open_try.ts msg_channel_packet.ts msg_channel_receive_packet.ts msg_channel_timeout.ts msg_channel_timeout_on_close.ts msg_client_create_client.ts msg_client_height.ts msg_client_submit_misbehaviour.ts msg_client_update_client.ts msg_client_upgrade_client.ts msg_connection_counterparty.ts msg_connection_end.ts msg_connection_open_ack.ts msg_connection_open_confirm.ts msg_connection_open_init.ts msg_connection_open_try.ts msg_connection_version.ts ibc_transfer msg_transfer.ts msg_unknown.ts profiles msg_block_user.ts msg_create_relationship.ts msg_delete_profile.ts msg_dtag_accept_transfer.ts msg_dtag_cancel_transfer.ts msg_dtag_refuse_transfer.ts msg_dtag_transfer_request.ts msg_save_profile.ts msg_unblock_user.ts slashing msg_unjail.ts staking msg_create_validator.ts msg_delegate.ts msg_edit_validator.ts msg_redelegate.ts msg_undelegate.ts types index.ts vesting msg_create_periodic_vesting_account.ts msg_create_vesting_account.ts slashing_params index.ts staking_params index.ts pages withGetServerSideProps.ts withGetStaticProps.ts recoil market atom.ts hooks.ts index.ts selectors.ts types.ts profiles atom.ts hooks.ts index.ts selectors.ts types.ts settings atom.ts hooks.ts index.ts selectors.ts types.ts user atom.ts hooks.ts index.ts selectors.ts types.ts validators atom.ts hooks.ts index.ts selectors.ts types.ts wallet atom.ts hooks.ts index.ts selectors.ts types.ts screens 404 styles.ts account_details components balance styles.ts index.ts other_tokens components index.ts mobile styles.ts styles.ts overview hooks.ts styles.ts staking components delegations components index.ts mobile styles.ts styles.ts types.ts index.ts redelegations components index.ts mobile styles.ts styles.ts types.ts tabs styles.ts unbondings components index.ts mobile styles.ts styles.ts types.ts hooks.ts styles.ts types.ts transactions hooks.ts styles.ts types.ts hooks.ts styles.ts types.ts app components index.ts inner_app hooks.ts main hooks.ts hooks.ts block_details components index.ts signatures components desktop styles.ts index.ts mobile styles.ts styles.ts transactions styles.ts hooks.ts styles.ts types.ts blocks components desktop styles.ts index.ts mobile styles.ts hooks.ts styles.ts types.ts countdown styles.ts error styles.ts home components blocks components desktop styles.ts index.ts hooks.ts styles.ts types.ts consensus hooks.ts styles.ts data_blocks components index.ts single_block styles.ts hooks.ts styles.ts hero components index.ts online_voting_power hooks.ts styles.ts token_price hooks.ts styles.ts hooks.ts types.ts index.ts tokenomics hooks.ts styles.ts transactions components desktop styles.ts index.ts hooks.ts styles.ts types.ts styles.ts index.ts initial_load styles.ts params hooks.ts styles.ts types.ts profile_details components connections components index.ts mobile styles.ts styles.ts index.ts hooks.ts styles.ts types.ts proposal_details components deposits components index.ts mobile styles.ts paginate styles.ts hooks.ts styles.ts types.ts index.ts overview components index.ts styles.ts votes components index.ts mobile styles.ts paginate styles.ts tabs styles.ts hooks.ts styles.ts types.ts votes_graph components quorum_explanation styles.ts hooks.ts styles.ts types.ts hooks.ts styles.ts types.ts proposals components index.ts list components index.ts styles.ts hooks.ts styles.ts types.ts transaction_details components index.ts logs styles.ts messages styles.ts overview styles.ts hooks.ts styles.ts types.ts transactions hooks.ts styles.ts types.ts validator_details components blocks hooks.ts styles.ts index.ts profile styles.ts staking components delegations components index.ts mobile styles.ts styles.ts types.ts index.ts redelegations components index.ts mobile styles.ts styles.ts types.ts tabs styles.ts unbondings components index.ts mobile styles.ts styles.ts types.ts hooks.ts styles.ts types.ts transactions hooks.ts styles.ts types.ts validator_overview hooks.ts styles.ts voting_power styles.ts hooks.ts styles.ts types.ts validators components index.ts list components condition styles.ts desktop styles.ts index.ts mobile component index.ts single_validator styles.ts tabs styles.ts voting_power styles.ts voting_power_explanation styles.ts hooks.ts styles.ts types.ts styles.ts styles createEmotionCache.ts index.ts theme dark.ts deuteranopia.ts index.ts light.ts tritanopia.ts useSharedStyles.ts tests mocks mockApollo.ts mockChainConfig.ts mockDayJs.ts mockDynamicComponent.ts mockI18Next.ts mockProfiles.ts utils wait.ts utils a11yProps index.ts convert_msg_type index.ts dayjs index.ts format_token index.ts get_denom index.ts get_middle_ellipsis index.ts get_validator_condition index.ts get_validator_status index.ts go_to_page index.ts hex_to_bech32 index.ts index.ts isKeyOf index.ts localstorage index.ts merge_refs index.ts merge_state_change index.ts prefix_convert index.ts replace_nan index.ts time index.ts xrp components xrp-base-layout styles.ts xrp-block-card styles.ts xrp-transaction-card styles.ts tsconfig.json window.d.ts Login Logout hooks Connect wallet hooks Continue dialogs hooks Close dialogs hooks Wallet details hooks playwright.config.ts turbo.json vercel-deploy.js
# Changesets Hello and welcome! This folder has been automatically generated by `@changesets/cli`, a build tool that works with multi-package repos, or single-package repos to help you version and publish your code. You can find the full documentation for it [in our repository]( We have a quick list of common questions to get you started engaging with this project in [our documentation]( # Big Dipper 2.0 ✨ (Cosmos Based Chains) Big Dipper is an open-source block explorer and token management tool serving over 10 proof-of-stake blockchains. It has been forked more than 100 times on GitHub and has served audiences from 140 countries and regions. **This repo contains the UI of big dipper 2.0 only** ## Getting started Please migrate from yarn 1 to [yarn berry]( ``` yarn install ``` ## Documentation Read our official documentation at []( ## Issue Reporting For UI related issues please report it here []( For Hasura and BdJuno issues please report it here []( ## License Read our license at []( ## Ledger and Transaction Support While Big Dipper 2.0 no longer supports ledger or any kind of transactions in favor of [Forbole X](, the original [Big Dipper]( will continue have this feature. # `tsconfig` These are base shared `tsconfig.json`s from which all other `tsconfig.json`'s inherit from.
klyvechen_near-hack-fe package.json public index.html manifest.json robots.txt src App.css App.js App.test.js Hello.js Home.js ShowNFTs.js SignIn.js index.css index.js logo.svg reportWebVitals.js setupTests.js utils nftUtil.js util.js
# Getting Started with Create React App This project was bootstrapped with [Create React App]( ## Available Scripts In the project directory, you can run: ### `npm start` Runs the app in the development mode.\ Open [http://localhost:3000](http://localhost:3000) to view it in your browser. The page will reload when you make changes.\ You may also see any lint errors in the console. ### `npm test` Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.\ See the section about [running tests]( for more information. ### `npm run build` Builds the app for production to the `build` folder.\ It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance. The build is minified and the filenames include the hashes.\ Your app is ready to be deployed! See the section about [deployment]( for more information. ### `npm run eject` **Note: this is a one-way operation. Once you `eject`, you can't go back!** If you aren't satisfied with the build tool and configuration choices, you can `eject` at any time. This command will remove the single build dependency from your project. Instead, it will copy all the configuration files and the transitive dependencies (webpack, Babel, ESLint, etc) right into your project so you have full control over them. All of the commands except `eject` will still work, but they will point to the copied scripts so you can tweak them. At this point you're on your own. You don't have to ever use `eject`. The curated feature set is suitable for small and middle deployments, and you shouldn't feel obligated to use this feature. However we understand that this tool wouldn't be useful if you couldn't customize it when you are ready for it. ## Learn More You can learn more in the [Create React App documentation]( To learn React, check out the [React documentation]( ### Code Splitting This section has moved here: []( ### Analyzing the Bundle Size This section has moved here: []( ### Making a Progressive Web App This section has moved here: []( ### Advanced Configuration This section has moved here: []( ### Deployment This section has moved here: []( ### `npm run build` fails to minify This section has moved here: [](
andreapn1709_whitelist-contract as-pect.config.js asconfig.json assembly __tests__ as-pect.d.ts main.spec.ts as_types.d.ts index.ts models.ts tsconfig.json types.ts compile.js package.json
Whitelist Contract ================== A [smart contract] written in [AssemblyScript] for an app initialized with [create-near-app]. One of the NEAR Protocol core contracts and part of the complete series covering [NEAR Core Contracts written in AssemblyScript]( Quick Start =========== Before you compile this code, you will need to install [Node.js] ≥ 12 Exploring The Code ================== 1. The main smart contract code lives in `assembly/index.ts`. You can compile it with the `./compile` script. 2. Tests: You can run smart contract tests with the `./test` script. This runs standard AssemblyScript tests using [as-pect].
.gitpod.yml babel.config.js contract Cargo.toml compile.js src package.json src App.js __mocks__ fileMock.js assets logo-black.svg logo-white.svg config.js global.css index.html index.js jest.init.js main.test.js utils.js wallet login index.html
near-cross-contract ================== This [React] app was initialized with [create-near-app] Quick Start =========== To run this project locally: 1. Prerequisites: Make sure you've installed [Node.js] ≥ 12 2. Install dependencies: `yarn install` 3. Run the local development server: `yarn dev` (see `package.json` for a full list of `scripts` you can run with `yarn`) Now you'll have a local development environment backed by the NEAR TestNet! Go ahead and play with the app and the code. As you make code changes, the app will automatically reload. Exploring The Code ================== 1. The "backend" code lives in the `/contract` folder. See the README there for more info. 2. The frontend code lives in the `/src` folder. `/src/index.html` is a great place to start exploring. Note that it loads in `/src/index.js`, where you can learn how the frontend connects to the NEAR blockchain. 3. Tests: there are different kinds of tests for the frontend and the smart contract. See `contract/README` for info about how it's tested. The frontend code gets tested with [jest]. You can run both of these at once with `yarn run test`. Deploy ====== Every smart contract in NEAR has its [own associated account][NEAR accounts]. When you run `yarn dev`, your smart contract gets deployed to the live NEAR TestNet with a throwaway account. When you're ready to make it permanent, here's how. Step 0: Install near-cli (optional) ------------------------------------- [near-cli] is a command line interface (CLI) for interacting with the NEAR blockchain. It was installed to the local `node_modules` folder when you ran `yarn install`, but for best ergonomics you may want to install it globally: yarn install --global near-cli Or, if you'd rather use the locally-installed version, you can prefix all `near` commands with `npx` Ensure that it's installed with `near --version` (or `npx near --version`) Step 1: Create an account for the contract ------------------------------------------ Each account on NEAR can have at most one contract deployed to it. If you've already created an account such as `your-name.testnet`, you can deploy your contract to `near-cross-contract.your-name.testnet`. Assuming you've already created an account on [NEAR Wallet], here's how to create `near-cross-contract.your-name.testnet`: 1. Authorize NEAR CLI, following the commands it gives you: near login 2. Create a subaccount (replace `YOUR-NAME` below with your actual account name): near create-account near-cross-contract.YOUR-NAME.testnet --masterAccount YOUR-NAME.testnet Step 2: set contract name in code --------------------------------- Modify the line in `src/config.js` that sets the account name of the contract. Set it to the account id you used above. const CONTRACT_NAME = process.env.CONTRACT_NAME || 'near-cross-contract.YOUR-NAME.testnet' Step 3: deploy! --------------- One command: yarn deploy As you can see in `package.json`, this does two things: 1. builds & deploys smart contract to NEAR TestNet 2. builds & deploys frontend code to GitHub using [gh-pages]. This will only work if the project already has a repository set up on GitHub. Feel free to modify the `deploy` script in `package.json` to deploy elsewhere. Troubleshooting =============== On Windows, if you're seeing an error containing `EPERM` it may be related to spaces in your path. Please see [this issue]( for more details. [React]: [create-near-app]: [Node.js]: [jest]: [NEAR accounts]: [NEAR Wallet]: [near-cli]: [gh-pages]: near-cross-contract Smart Contract ================== A [smart contract] written in [Rust] for an app initialized with [create-near-app] Quick Start =========== Before you compile this code, you will need to install Rust with [correct target] Exploring The Code ================== 1. The main smart contract code lives in `src/`. You can compile it with the `./compile` script. 2. Tests: You can run smart contract tests with the `./test` script. This runs standard Rust tests using [cargo] with a `--nocapture` flag so that you can see any debug info you print to the console. [smart contract]: [Rust]: [create-near-app]: [correct target]: [cargo]:
.eslintrc.yml .github ISSUE_TEMPLATE config.yml labels.yml workflows codeql.yml deploy-to-console.yml labels.yml lock.yml pr-labels.yml stale.yml .gitpod.yml contract Cargo.toml src docs frontend App.js assets global.css logo-black.svg logo-white.svg index.html index.js near-interface.js near-wallet.js package.json ui-components.js integration-tests Cargo.toml src package.json
<h1 align="center"> <a href=""> <picture> <source media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" srcset=""> <source media="(prefers-color-scheme: light)" srcset=""> <img alt="" src=""> </picture> </a> </h1> <div align="center"> Rust Boilerplate Template <br /> <br /> <a href="">Report a Bug</a> · <a href="">Request a Feature</a> . <a href="">Ask a Question</a> </div> <div align="center"> <br /> [![Pull Requests welcome](]( [![code with love by near](]( </div> <details open="open"> <summary>Table of Contents</summary> - [About](#about) - [Built With](#built-with) - [Getting Started](#getting-started) - [Prerequisites](#prerequisites) - [Installation](#installation) - [Usage](#usage) - [Roadmap](#roadmap) - [Support](#support) - [Project assistance](#project-assistance) - [Contributing](#contributing) - [Authors & contributors](#authors--contributors) - [Security](#security) </details> --- ## About This project is created for easy-to-start as a React + Rust skeleton template in the Pagoda Gallery. It was initialized with [create-near-app]. Clone it and start to build your own gallery project! ### Built With [create-near-app], [amazing-github-template]( Getting Started ================== ### Prerequisites Make sure you have a [current version of Node.js]( installed – we are targeting versions `16+`. Read about other [prerequisites]( in our docs. ### Installation Install all dependencies: npm install Build your contract: npm run build Deploy your contract to TestNet with a temporary dev account: npm run deploy Usage ===== Test your contract: npm test Start your frontend: npm start Exploring The Code ================== 1. The smart-contract code lives in the `/contract` folder. See the README there for more info. In blockchain apps the smart contract is the "backend" of your app. 2. The frontend code lives in the `/frontend` folder. `/frontend/index.html` is a great place to start exploring. Note that it loads in `/frontend/index.js`, this is your entrypoint to learn how the frontend connects to the NEAR blockchain. 3. Test your contract: `npm test`, this will run the tests in `integration-tests` directory. Deploy ====== Every smart contract in NEAR has its [own associated account][NEAR accounts]. When you run `npm run deploy`, your smart contract gets deployed to the live NEAR TestNet with a temporary dev account. When you're ready to make it permanent, here's how: Step 0: Install near-cli (optional) ------------------------------------- [near-cli] is a command line interface (CLI) for interacting with the NEAR blockchain. It was installed to the local `node_modules` folder when you ran `npm install`, but for best ergonomics you may want to install it globally: npm install --global near-cli Or, if you'd rather use the locally-installed version, you can prefix all `near` commands with `npx` Ensure that it's installed with `near --version` (or `npx near --version`) Step 1: Create an account for the contract ------------------------------------------ Each account on NEAR can have at most one contract deployed to it. If you've already created an account such as `your-name.testnet`, you can deploy your contract to `near-blank-project.your-name.testnet`. Assuming you've already created an account on [NEAR Wallet], here's how to create `near-blank-project.your-name.testnet`: 1. Authorize NEAR CLI, following the commands it gives you: near login 2. Create a subaccount (replace `YOUR-NAME` below with your actual account name): near create-account near-blank-project.YOUR-NAME.testnet --masterAccount YOUR-NAME.testnet Step 2: deploy the contract --------------------------- Use the CLI to deploy the contract to TestNet with your account ID. Replace `PATH_TO_WASM_FILE` with the `wasm` that was generated in `contract` build directory. near deploy --accountId near-blank-project.YOUR-NAME.testnet --wasmFile PATH_TO_WASM_FILE Step 3: set contract name in your frontend code ----------------------------------------------- Modify the line in `src/config.js` that sets the account name of the contract. Set it to the account id you used above. const CONTRACT_NAME = process.env.CONTRACT_NAME || 'near-blank-project.YOUR-NAME.testnet' Troubleshooting =============== On Windows, if you're seeing an error containing `EPERM` it may be related to spaces in your path. Please see [this issue]( for more details. [create-near-app]: [Node.js]: [jest]: [NEAR accounts]: [NEAR Wallet]: [near-cli]: [gh-pages]: ## Roadmap See the [open issues]( for a list of proposed features (and known issues). - [Top Feature Requests]( (Add your votes using the 👍 reaction) - [Top Bugs]( (Add your votes using the 👍 reaction) - [Newest Bugs]( ## Support Reach out to the maintainer: - [GitHub issues]( ## Project assistance If you want to say **thank you** or/and support active development of Rust Boilerplate Template: - Add a [GitHub Star]( to the project. - Tweet about the Rust Boilerplate Template. - Write interesting articles about the project on [](, [Medium]( or your personal blog. Together, we can make Rust Boilerplate Template **better**! ## Contributing First off, thanks for taking the time to contribute! Contributions are what make the open-source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make will benefit everybody else and are **greatly appreciated**. Please read [our contribution guidelines](docs/, and thank you for being involved! ## Authors & contributors The original setup of this repository is by [Dmitriy Sheleg]( For a full list of all authors and contributors, see [the contributors page]( ## Security Rust Boilerplate Template follows good practices of security, but 100% security cannot be assured. Rust Boilerplate Template is provided **"as is"** without any **warranty**. Use at your own risk. _For more information and to report security issues, please refer to our [security documentation](docs/ # Hello NEAR Contract The smart contract exposes two methods to enable storing and retrieving a greeting in the NEAR network. ```rust const DEFAULT_GREETING: &str = "Hello"; #[near_bindgen] #[derive(BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize)] pub struct Contract { greeting: String, } impl Default for Contract { fn default() -> Self { Self{greeting: DEFAULT_GREETING.to_string()} } } #[near_bindgen] impl Contract { // Public: Returns the stored greeting, defaulting to 'Hello' pub fn get_greeting(&self) -> String { return self.greeting.clone(); } // Public: Takes a greeting, such as 'howdy', and records it pub fn set_greeting(&mut self, greeting: String) { // Record a log permanently to the blockchain! log!("Saving greeting {}", greeting); self.greeting = greeting; } } ``` <br /> # Quickstart 1. Make sure you have installed [rust]( 2. Install the [`NEAR CLI`]( <br /> ## 1. Build and Deploy the Contract You can automatically compile and deploy the contract in the NEAR testnet by running: ```bash ./ ``` Once finished, check the `neardev/dev-account` file to find the address in which the contract was deployed: ```bash cat ./neardev/dev-account # e.g. dev-1659899566943-21539992274727 ``` <br /> ## 2. Retrieve the Greeting `get_greeting` is a read-only method (aka `view` method). `View` methods can be called for **free** by anyone, even people **without a NEAR account**! ```bash # Use near-cli to get the greeting near view <dev-account> get_greeting ``` <br /> ## 3. Store a New Greeting `set_greeting` changes the contract's state, for which it is a `change` method. `Change` methods can only be invoked using a NEAR account, since the account needs to pay GAS for the transaction. ```bash # Use near-cli to set a new greeting near call <dev-account> set_greeting '{"message":"howdy"}' --accountId <dev-account> ``` **Tip:** If you would like to call `set_greeting` using your own account, first login into NEAR using: ```bash # Use near-cli to login your NEAR account near login ``` and then use the logged account to sign the transaction: `--accountId <your-account>`.
.github dependabot.yml workflows tests.yml .gitpod.yml .travis.yml Cargo.toml borsh.js frontend App.js config.js index.html index.js package-lock.json package.json src test.js
Status Message ============== [![Open in Gitpod](]( <!-- MAGIC COMMENT: DO NOT DELETE! Everything above this line is hidden on NEAR Examples page --> This smart contract saves and records the status messages of NEAR accounts that call it. Windows users: please visit the [Windows-specific README file]( ## Prerequisites Ensure `near-cli` is installed by running: ``` near --version ``` If needed, install `near-cli`: ``` npm install near-cli -g ``` Ensure `Rust` is installed by running: ``` rustc --version ``` If needed, install `Rust`: ``` curl -sSf | sh ``` Install dependencies ``` npm install ``` ## Quick Start To run this project locally: 1. Prerequisites: Make sure you have Node.js ≥ 12 installed (, then use it to install yarn: `npm install --global yarn` (or just `npm i -g yarn`) 2. Run the local development server: `yarn && yarn dev` (see package.json for a full list of scripts you can run with yarn) Now you'll have a local development environment backed by the NEAR TestNet! Running yarn dev will tell you the URL you can visit in your browser to see the app. ## Building this contract To make the build process compatible with multiple operating systems, the build process exists as a script in `package.json`. There are a number of special flags used to compile the smart contract into the wasm file. Run this command to build and place the wasm file in the `res` directory: ```bash npm run build ``` **Note**: Instead of `npm`, users of [yarn]( may run: ```bash yarn build ``` ### Important If you encounter an error similar to: >note: the `wasm32-unknown-unknown` target may not be installed Then run: ```bash rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown ``` ## Using this contract ### Web app Deploy the smart contract to a specific account created with the NEAR Wallet. Then interact with the smart contract using near-api-js on the frontend. If you do not have a NEAR account, please create one with [NEAR Wallet]( Make sure you have credentials saved locally for the account you want to deploy the contract to. To perform this run the following `near-cli` command: ``` near login ``` Deploy the contract to your NEAR account: ```bash near deploy --wasmFile res/status_message.wasm --accountId YOUR_ACCOUNT_NAME ``` Build the frontend: ```bash npm start ``` If all is successful the app should be live at `localhost:1234`! ### Quickest deploy Build and deploy this smart contract to an development account. This development account will be created automatically and is not intended to be permanent. Please see the "Standard deploy" section for creating a more personalized account to deploy to. ```bash near dev-deploy --wasmFile res/status_message.wasm --helperUrl ``` Behind the scenes, this is creating an account and deploying a contract to it. On the console, notice a message like: >Done deploying to dev-1234567890123 In this instance, the account is `dev-1234567890123`. A file has been created containing the key to the account, located at `neardev/dev-account`. To make the next few steps easier, we're going to set an environment variable containing this development account id and use that when copy/pasting commands. Run this command to the environment variable: ```bash source neardev/dev-account.env ``` You can tell if the environment variable is set correctly if your command line prints the account name after this command: ```bash echo $CONTRACT_NAME ``` The next command will call the contract's `set_status` method: ```bash near call $CONTRACT_NAME set_status '{"message": "aloha!"}' --accountId $CONTRACT_NAME ``` To retrieve the message from the contract, call `get_status` with the following: ```bash near view $CONTRACT_NAME get_status '{"account_id": "'$CONTRACT_NAME'"}' ``` ### Standard deploy In this option, the smart contract will get deployed to a specific account created with the NEAR Wallet. If you do not have a NEAR account, please create one with [NEAR Wallet]( Make sure you have credentials saved locally for the account you want to deploy the contract to. To perform this run the following `near-cli` command: ``` near login ``` Deploy the contract: ```bash near deploy --wasmFile res/status_message.wasm --accountId YOUR_ACCOUNT_NAME ``` Set a status for your account: ```bash near call YOUR_ACCOUNT_NAME set_status '{"message": "aloha friend"}' --accountId YOUR_ACCOUNT_NAME ``` Get the status: ```bash near view YOUR_ACCOUNT_NAME get_status '{"account_id": "YOUR_ACCOUNT_NAME"}' ``` Note that these status messages are stored per account in a `HashMap`. See `src/` for the code. We can try the same steps with another account to verify. **Note**: we're adding `NEW_ACCOUNT_NAME` for the next couple steps. There are two ways to create a new account: - the NEAR Wallet (as we did before) - `near create_account NEW_ACCOUNT_NAME --masterAccount YOUR_ACCOUNT_NAME` Now call the contract on the first account (where it's deployed): ```bash near call YOUR_ACCOUNT_NAME set_status '{"message": "bonjour"}' --accountId NEW_ACCOUNT_NAME ``` ```bash near view YOUR_ACCOUNT_NAME get_status '{"account_id": "NEW_ACCOUNT_NAME"}' ``` Returns `bonjour`. Make sure the original status remains: ```bash near view YOUR_ACCOUNT_NAME get_status '{"account_id": "YOUR_ACCOUNT_NAME"}' ``` ## Testing To test run: ```bash cargo test --package status-message -- --nocapture ```
# Welcome to DevX at NEAR! This is the place to find out what we're adding to our developer tools and experiences, see how you can contribute, and see who on the core team is a good person to ask questions to. ## What am I looking at? This is where DevX for the NEAR collective is managed. You'll want [ZenHub]( (A project management extension for GitHub issues) to see the overall epics. You can view what's in progress in the issues without it. If you have ideas for what you'd like to see specific to your experience as a developer, this is a great place to suggest. ## How do I use this repo? You can submit an issue like any other repo. These are automatically added to the `icebox` and we review these each Tuesday at 9am PST in sync. We also watch this outside of that time. ## DevX Sync | 30-Jun-2020 ### Agenda/Notes * Decide if we're going to spend the next several weeks on naj, and near-shell refactor. * Key management for devs in near-shell * Multi-contract management in near-shell and wherever else we need it * **Things that need fixing** * near deploy_and_init * Blocking because of security vulnerability * For people from Eth, it might be interesting to know there is a difference for this concept. In Eth, there is a specific concept of construction. In NEAR, there is not. This can be confusing * Simulation testing is confusing * Chad's website proposal (not time dependent) * Are we going to prioritize this? * Lift * Picking out of the 9 use cases. * Build useful demo around a story * End result is a 5 minute tutorial per demo * E.g. run `npx create-near-app` then in 5 min, I have an actual useful app. * **Other Thoughts** * Increase our examples. Make docs more straightforward. * We have enough customer requests in discord. We should develop based on those. * More exploratory, educational design patterns (in the libraries themselves) * Signing in is an opportunity to teach people what signing in means. "The interface should help you do this." We could probably implement a wrapper. * Prioritize specific changes * E.g. eliminate boiler plate: default config that requires overrides. * E.g. generators tool. * Developer specific newsletter support * Who * 40% of our email list are devs. * What * Goal is to split off a dev specific newsletter so the eng content doesn't get lost for developers. * Capture developer interest and keep them engaged. * Also pushes us to make more marketable features. * A place to publish new bounties. * Time * 2 hours a month * On-demand help. Should involve most engineers at NEAR. * Needs a process for gathering info from people that's low lift, but actually leads to interesting copy. ## DevX Sync | 16-Jun-2020 ### Agenda/Notes * Chad * Demo 2x etc. * Two week cycle. We're doing it. * See something in testnet or betanet, but then it's a known issue by the time of reporting * "Having the keys to the kingdom for explorer" * Needs: * Bring this up in eng sync * Set up access to render (explorer) for everyone * Explorer becoming public * needs a lot of work. * Design and code reviews. * At the start: It's as much work to manage as it is to do. * People are confused when it doesn't work * It's more important now * Network indexer * POC: Working version some time later this week. * Come to the explorer sync @ 9:30am PST * A quick touchpoint: external issues * Rotate responsibility: Chad * Modelled on live bugs * It takes ~20-30min per day. * Involves reading GH issues and responding to them * Process * Pulling up a gh query, scanning issues * Lot's of "drive by" fixes which take on scope * Beneficial for housekeeping * Rotation res: * Docs * Needs a steering commitee or some kind of alignment * "Editorial vision" * Set a meeting, then shut it down if we don't need it. * Two weeks experiment * Outcome of recurring meeting: Sheriff to coordinate. * Ping in slack. * Core Contributor Funnel: Needs shaping * "People who are most into it are the validators" * Expections: "We have guidelines for the contributor program" * Some people have been more involved, but it's mostly validators who do multiple programs ## DevX Sync | 9-Jun-2020 ### Agenda/Notes * Contributions * Have a clear set of instructions with a clear end goal * Self-service contributions where people pick up issues. * Lack context * Peter and Sherif set up a call DM * Internal presentation on how to contribute DevX * Best practices * Form * External docs contributors * Suggestion: Scope the time we spend on this * Addressing external issues SLA * Default assignees in the issues * Issues submitted across repos * Transfer issue! * "Can we fix the issue with transferring issues to nearcore?" * Submit to devx repo if it's a vertical slice across multiple modules. * We need someone to do a presentation on stuff * TBD * GitCoin Hackathon next week Requirements * 1 workshop, 30min * Support from 15th - 29th * Batch transactions * Timeline: Need to write more tests and publish. End of week. ## DevX Sync | 2-Jun-2020 ### Agenda/Notes * StakeX * "How and why we designed near-shell, nearup etc." - Designed for designers * Need: Automation for what's happening on nodes * Headless ("The less interaction from a human, the better") * launch a node * login * "Scripts that people can deploy, and parse the output for success or failure without needing to sit there and type in commands" * See [the epic here]( * On the node, we're short on memory and storage. * Request: offline RPC * E.g. not every node needs to have an open json PRC, some nodes are just network nodes. * Connected to Prometheus * **Need: Set of docs to describe these actions** * Low level operations * Generate, update, backup keys * E.g. "How can I use the same key across multiple shells" * See the [stake wars repo for examples of challenges to update]( * Embedding * "Removes guesswork from hypotheses" * After a meeting with Flux, issues were created directly from input with them. * Basic project management has been helpful as well * "We should do more of this" * Next week: "How long are we going to do this with Flux?" * Intuition: June Launch coordination * Metrics discussion * There's a [new epic]( from a lack of granularity * Shaping vs instant implementation * We going to do more of this. * Docs * Presenting on calendar about new process on Monday. * Google Drive --> "All Hands" * Repo has been groomed * DevX team: "Pick an epic, you're responsible for closing it within 10 business days." * Each epic is a collection of related issues. * Suggestion: "Everyone on the DevX team pick and own (within 24 hours) it until completion" * Board * Clean up finished tasks * "We need a set way of setting this up" * We should do an example cleanup and round 2 sprinteroo * Embedding reports * Ends at the end of this week. * Follow up meetings ## DevX Sync | 27-May-2020 ### Agenda/Notes * Hot Topics * Migration process * We have 4 apps in deployed. These need process for deploying to MainNet * As a developer on NEAR, I want to deploy to MainNet. * Timeline: defined by projects. * Requirements: We will get the scope of the project and define what we need to accomplish a migration. * Embedded Engineers: Starts this week * Full time? * ~1.5 weeks * It needs to be top down. * OWC side of Flux * Embedding was really good learning * Mike focusing on value to the Near repos * We may need a formal agreement for embedding * Activity in StakeX * Priotitize higher * Requests * Rev * Rec: If we spend time on this, we capture the output * Async on this * Hackathon Update * 90 people signed up * 11 projects * "It was awesome" * Docs rotation * Get presentation on All hands * Tokens * NFT * Rust - README in flight * (Here's how to build, here's how to test) * AS - Done * FunToken * Rust - README * AS - Draft ## DevX Sync | 19-May-2020 ### Agenda/Notes * Hot Topics * Requests * Rev hackathon mini sessions * Volunteers * Peter: Intro * Jane: Idea Review * Sherif: AS Workshop * Mike? * UW Hackathon workshops * 24th = Judging * Two on Fri * Two hours * Near-api-js (1pm PST Chad) * Intro to rust (Mike) * Access Keys * BD: Embedded Engineers * Next three months * StarDust would want this * Flux: Starting project * Sasha, Mike, Flux, Me. * Set up embedded engineer kick off * Set expectations for scope of work * Can we record stuff? * Are they open source? * Agree on a task * Marketing: Smoke Tests on ideas * Market first * Peter aggregates ideas worth testing * Set up process for this * Lifecycle * Test Value Prop for conversion rate * Use for testing language for apps already building. Link to "case studies" from our home page. * Put case studies on our website and A/B test the language. * Working with other teams/cross team dependencies * How are we going to address this? * As a team, it would be helpful to have a heads up. * Metrics * Needs calibration * NFT and FunToken status (Punted) * Docs Rotation (Discussing later) * Interactive Demo (Project Poke Bowl) ## DevX Sync | 12-May-2020 ### Agenda * Hot Topics * Oracle Contracts ~happy path = 2 weeks knocked out * nLINK needs work * Some of the parts are unknown unknowns * What's next * Examples and Partner stuff * MultiSig * Clean up * Fungible Token Example * Clean NFT * Key Value Store * Research tasks: Multi contract apps (and how to manage them) * Upgrade and Migration Example/Guide * These are multiple examples * E.g. one contract vs multiple contract * "I myself have problems update delegation contract" this happens every three days. * Research: Proxy Contract Methods and Functionality * Something Pokeable * Corgiland, corgimarket. * "These are the killer features of NEAR" * "Our MainNet is not a ghost town, here's what you can do with NEAR." * Design meeting: * Project Poke Bowl - *Real Apps for Real Shit®* * Board * **Delegator App** * Smart Contract is done * Needs Frontend from @Matt * A first pass = Example app where someone delegates to a hardcoded delegator ### Retro * Good * RL1 = awesome!!!! * Mike creating a bunch of tickets was awesome * Creating tickets is a good on-demand tool for a bunch of small things * Tests are green * Dependabot is good * Workshops were great * Sherif and Willem's workshop work has permanent staying power * Stress can begalvanizing * Bad * Timeouts * There is so much stuff to get across in a workshop, it's hard to not rush * Slack * We have an aligning conversation, then it's every man for themselves * Improve * Make sure we don't drift into ambiguous territory * Workshops should be longer! 1.5 hrs * Our issues list keeps growing. Needs to be processed. * Projects that we are owning needs a process for cleaninng out the issues queue * Scoping and estimation * Align more: "Have a conversation as a team about what tech stack we want to use" * Making sure we know what the experience is like on the developer side. Dogfooding. * We haven't approved NEP for shell, but we're cherry picking features. ## DevX Sync | 28-Apr-2020 ### Agenda * Hot topics * Ask for resources from DevX * Features: Included in the upcoming releases * Needs for NodeX and staking * Answer: Add an epic and issues to the DevX board. Communicate their priority to the team. * Metrics (Where they at?) * (Shell metrics are landing now) * Next step: Testing in mixpanel * URL change * It was going to happen, but it's blocked on hours (maybe minutes) scale. * RL1/MainNet Prep * Board * Gotta get done * Fix awesome-near Gatsby setup #141 * Fix config.js in Guest Book example #144 * Update Cargo.toml for Rust Status Message example #145 * Update Wallet Example's config.js #146 * Proof of Work faucet example #147 * Token contract AS work #148 * Counter example fixes #149 * Fix examples nightly CI #150 * High level cross contract example needs integration tests #142 * Rust fungible token integration test #143 * Workshops Epic * Bug Bash * Schedule bug bash Peter ### Deliverables * Metrics @potatodepaulo runs point on testing in Mixpanel. * TODO: Error handling * Erik wants a weekly update on returning active users. * Anais wants community-oriented goals. * Several devs ask: "Where can I go to get started?" * Response from devx varies. * URL Change from --> (Punting to after RL1) * Full on redirects for everything. * Except: helper, rpc and wallet * Communicate to developers * * * Workshops * In progress and will be done before RL1 * Needs final polish * Scheduled in RL1 * Cleanup Sherif ## DevX Sync | 21-Apr-2020 ### Agenda * Retro * Board * Planning doc * Hot topics * Trying things and getting punished for it * [Principle of Charity]( * RL1 Hackathon * Checklist: RL1 issues and mainnet needs * Needs swarming * BD + DevX process * Let's start on bigger companies * Needs devx help * DAOjam Hack @Peter sets up task force for collecting feedback. * Friday hackathon * Collect devx feedback * Pull out actionable * Rust cross-contract doesn't work * Talk to Amos about platform * Talk to Alexandra ### Deliverables * Workshops @amgando * Propogate the form for submitting broadly * All submitted by Thursday * Tested and ready to go by May 6th * Automated Docs * Needs: "The docs are in these locations" √ @chadoh * Next step: "Link to them in docs" @amgando * Zero to Hero Tutorial * Backlogged: "Finish the new example (needs UI)" @janedegtiareva * Gas Estimates * Needs: "runtime --> wasm" * Next steps: "wrap CLI, user flow and example code" * Shell * NEP fleshed out @mikedotexe * Immediate needs * Metrics: PR in for flow of logging in mixpanel on one shell command * Next steps: @vgrichina and @kendall draft PR for logging NEAR Shell logins * TLD Epic * @janedegtiareva: * @chadoh: * RL1 Hackathon @SkidanovAlex * Do things people know * Prizes: long tail not winners * Platforms on NEAR have their own track where you can get a prize from NEAR collective * BD + DevX process (Two week timeline) @potatodepaulo * **Needs** * Two pieces * Requests - needs a communication cycle * Larger companies that should/want to build on NEAR * Top of funnel * Root the pitches in good engineering ### Retro * Good * Friday hackathon was good to have * Led to a list of things that went right/wrong * Enjoyed writing some Rust stuff for the Oracle * Good case where we use the examples for coding * Stefano's buddy is going to pick up some contract stuff * Bad * We're not there on Rust support * Assumption: people don't know Rust * Miscommunication * We don't need to write an oracle? Do we. * Competing priorities * Improve * More examples and docs for Rust^ ## DevX Sync | 14-Apr-2020 ### Agenda * retro * board * hot topics * Hackathons * A discussion next week * @potatodepaulo to send notes on Dao jam * Status Check * Zero to Hero tut/workshop (and oracles) * Template for workshops (Haven't seen one) * Reports * Ready Layer One Prep ### Retro * Good * We had explicit conversations about priorities * Time to work on content * Focused on one theme with workshops during the week. * Docs are coming along. * Sherif's flow for the workshops was good. Ownership of an epic is good. Pointing out where someone can get involved is helpful. * Bad * First attempt at priority: the situation with back and forth priorirty is distracting. * Oracle priority changed, which took time away from other focus * Still working in isolation. * Most of my work was in the wrong direction. It would have been alleviated up front. * Improve * We're not fully in the loop with RL1. We should * More early signal on shared tasks. "I want to predict waht someone is focused on at a high level". * Try: add more structure to standup. * Whenever we notice something coming up, pull in one other person. * Increase ownership of epics and delegation for subtasks. ### Notes * Workshops * [Example for Workshops E.g. ]( * This looks good, but it's totally untested * TODO: Test the workshops. * @AnaisUrlichs: test the workshops by thurs. * Testing: Sync with Sherif on confidence that this is going to fly. Monday, the results are due. (Preferably with a demo in All hands meeting) * Commitment to workshops **3** * Ownership: @amdando holds 2, @mikedotexe holds 1, @janedegtiareva holds 1. * Unkown: How much is needed from me in order for you to make the workshops? * Unkown: Process with templates * Automated Docs | finished by end of week * @chadoh circling back * comments/documentation still progress * Cleaning Stuff Up @potatodepaulo meeting * Estimate gas usage * Gas Estimate communication POC in progress. * Metrics * @janedegtiareva owns shell side. * First priority for the week. * @vlad owns wallet side implementation. * @kendall owns PMing for wallet side metrics
.gitlab-ci.yml .travis.yml Cargo.toml ci core basic-authorship Cargo.toml src cli Cargo.toml src client Cargo.toml db Cargo.toml src cache src block_builder light consensus aura Cargo.toml primitives Cargo.toml src src common Cargo.toml src rhd Cargo.toml src executor Cargo.toml src wasm Cargo.toml src finality-grandpa Cargo.toml primitives Cargo.toml src src keyring Cargo.toml src keystore Cargo.toml src network-libp2p Cargo.toml src network Cargo.toml src test primitives Cargo.toml src rpc-servers Cargo.toml src rpc Cargo.toml src author chain state system serializer Cargo.toml src service Cargo.toml src test Cargo.toml src sr-api-macros Cargo.toml src tests sr-io Cargo.toml src sr-primitives Cargo.toml src generic sr-sandbox Cargo.toml src sr-std Cargo.toml src sr-version Cargo.toml src state-db Cargo.toml src state-machine Cargo.toml src changes_trie telemetry Cargo.toml src test-client Cargo.toml src test-runtime Cargo.toml src wasm Cargo.toml src transaction-pool Cargo.toml graph Cargo.toml src src trie Cargo.toml benches src 50 2 [2] {} -> {} license_header.txt node cli Cargo.toml src executor Cargo.toml src primitives Cargo.toml src runtime Cargo.toml src wasm Cargo.toml src src scripts srml assets Cargo.toml src aura Cargo.toml src balances Cargo.toml src consensus Cargo.toml src contract Cargo.toml src vm env_def council Cargo.toml src democracy Cargo.toml src example Cargo.toml src executive Cargo.toml src grandpa Cargo.toml src metadata Cargo.toml src session Cargo.toml src staking Cargo.toml src sudo Cargo.toml src support Cargo.toml procedural Cargo.toml src storage tools Cargo.toml derive Cargo.toml src src src storage system Cargo.toml src timestamp Cargo.toml src treasury Cargo.toml src upgrade-key Cargo.toml src subkey Cargo.toml src cli.yml test-utils chain-spec-builder Cargo.toml src cli.yml
gabsong_near-token-curated-content asconfig.json assembly index.ts models.ts tsconfig.json types.ts package-lock.json package.json
# near-token-curated-content This smart contract allows users to post content and challenge content integrity to be rewarded.
Cargo.toml src
# near-ft-staking
marcpar_polygon_processor docs claimables frontend claimables .eslintrc.json next.config.js package-lock.json package.json public next.svg thirteen.svg vercel.svg src components media Media.module.css near ClaimOptionsModal.module.css ClaimWithNewAccountModal.module.css CreateAccount.module.css CreateAccountsHandler.ts SecurePhrase.module.css VerifyPhrase.module.css config.ts fonts Ubuntu UFL.txt handler common claimable.ts index.ts near claimable.ts index.ts polygon claimable.ts index.ts index.d.ts lib arweave index.ts jobID.ts uri.ts biconomy helpers.ts eth contracts ClaimToken.ts Forwarder.ts MultiToken.ts Wrapper.ts index.ts index.ts provider.ts near connection.ts contracts index.ts nft.ts vault.ts opensea index.ts metadata.ts styles components claim claim.module.css social buttons main.module.css social.module.css globals.css tsconfig.json jobs polygon_claimable_processor bin callback_server.ts storage_queue_clear.ts storage_queue_dispatch.ts storage_queue_peek.ts package-lock.json package.json src config.ts core eth.ts event.ts processor.ts index.ts queue common.ts tsconfig.json polygon_minter bin callback_server.ts storage_queue_clear.ts storage_queue_dispatch.ts storage_queue_peek.ts package-lock.json package.json src config.ts core eth.ts event.ts processor.ts index.ts queue common.ts tsconfig.json lib package-lock.json package.json src index.ts queue azure_storage_queue.ts common.ts index.ts util index.ts logger.ts retry.ts sleep.ts tsconfig.json package-lock.json package.json solidity .openzeppelin polygon-mumbai.json polygon.json hardhat.config.ts package-lock.json package.json scripts claim-token deploy.ts upgrade.ts gas-token deploy.ts upgrade.ts multi-token deploy.ts upgrade.ts tasks claimToken.ts gasToken.ts index.ts multiToken.ts test Lock.ts tsconfig.json typechain-types @openzeppelin contracts-upgradeable index.ts metatx ERC2771ContextUpgradeable.ts index.ts proxy index.ts utils Initializable.ts index.ts token ERC1155 ERC1155Upgradeable.ts IERC1155ReceiverUpgradeable.ts IERC1155Upgradeable.ts extensions IERC1155MetadataURIUpgradeable.ts index.ts index.ts ERC20 ERC20Upgradeable.ts IERC20Upgradeable.ts extensions IERC20MetadataUpgradeable.ts index.ts index.ts index.ts utils ContextUpgradeable.ts index.ts introspection ERC165Upgradeable.ts IERC165Upgradeable.ts index.ts index.ts common.ts contracts AdminUpgradeable.ts ClaimNFT.ts ClaimToken.ts EIP2771ContextUpgradeable.ts GasToken.ts MetaTX.ts MultiToken.ts Token.ts index.ts factories @openzeppelin contracts-upgradeable index.ts metatx ERC2771ContextUpgradeable__factory.ts index.ts proxy index.ts utils Initializable__factory.ts index.ts token ERC1155 ERC1155Upgradeable__factory.ts IERC1155ReceiverUpgradeable__factory.ts IERC1155Upgradeable__factory.ts extensions IERC1155MetadataURIUpgradeable__factory.ts index.ts index.ts ERC20 ERC20Upgradeable__factory.ts IERC20Upgradeable__factory.ts extensions IERC20MetadataUpgradeable__factory.ts index.ts index.ts index.ts utils ContextUpgradeable__factory.ts index.ts introspection ERC165Upgradeable__factory.ts IERC165Upgradeable__factory.ts index.ts index.ts contracts AdminUpgradeable__factory.ts ClaimNFT__factory.ts ClaimToken__factory.ts EIP2771ContextUpgradeable__factory.ts GasToken__factory.ts MetaTX__factory.ts MultiToken__factory.ts Token__factory.ts index.ts index.ts hardhat.d.ts index.ts
# Sample Hardhat Project This project demonstrates a basic Hardhat use case. It comes with a sample contract, a test for that contract, and a script that deploys that contract. Try running some of the following tasks: ```shell npx hardhat help npx hardhat test REPORT_GAS=true npx hardhat test npx hardhat node npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.ts ``` # Polygon Processor ## Components | Service | Description | | :------ | :---------- | | [NFT Minter](./jobs/polygon_minter/ | Service responsible for minting nfts | | [Claimable Processor](./jobs//polygon_claimable_processor/ | Service responsible for processing claimables | | [Claimables UI](./frontend/claimables-ui/ | User interface for claiming of nfts | # Polygon NFT Minter # Environment Configuration | Key | Description | | :-- | :---------- | | `AZURE_ACCOUNT_NAME` | **REQUIRED**. azure account name | | `AZURE_ACCOUNT_KEY` | **REQUIRED**. azure secret key | | `TOPIC` | **REQUIRED**. name of the topic | | `PRIVATE_KEY`| **REQUIRED**. private key of the wallet that will mint the nft | | `MULTI_TOKEN_ADDRESS` | **REQUIRED**. address of the nft smart contract | | `DEFAULT_CALLBACK_URL` | **REQUIRED**. endpoint where webhook events are sent | | `MAX_JOBS` | maximum number of jobs to be processed at the same time, setting to 0 will have no limit | | `LOG_LEVEL` | [winston log level](| | `OPENSEA_BASE_URL` | **REQUIRED**. opensea base url | | `RPC_URL` | **REQUIRED**. rpc node to use | # Job Spec ```json { "JobId": "ff975cbd-32f4-4f09-9b9a-01964dd6eb90", "ArweaveTxnId": "DlJrvsf-eShZy2_J5AY7ptFz_Phfv7p8a5nkuVGfLmk" } ``` | Field | Description | | :---- | :---------- | | `JobId` | **REQUIRED**. A unique string generated by the publisher of the message | | `ArweaveTxnId` | **REQUIRED**. Arweave txn id, the uri of the nft will be ar:${ArweaveTxnId}/opensea.json,${ArweaveTxnId}/opensea.json should exist and must contain a json that conforms the [opensea metadata standards]( | ## Events the processor will emit events and send it to the configured `DEFAULT_CALLBACK_URL`. ### Started Event Emmited to notify the callback url that the processor has received the job and is currently processing it. ```json { "JobId": "ff975cbd-32f4-4f09-9b9a-01964dd6eb90", "Event": "started", "Time": 1659965535, "Message": "Job Started" } ``` ### Failure Event Emmited to notify the callback url that an error has occured. ```json { "JobId": "ff975cbd-32f4-4f09-9b9a-01964dd6eb90", "Event": "failure", "Time": 1659965535, "Message": "Example Error Message" } ``` ### Success Event Emmited to notify the callback url that the job has successfully finished. ```json { "JobId": "ff975cbd-32f4-4f09-9b9a-01964dd6eb90", "Event": "success", "Message": "Job ff975cbd-32f4-4f09-9b9a-01964dd6eb90 has been successfully processed", "Details": { "ExplorerURL": "", "TransactionId": "0x66e67706a064724b172b389efecda7100bd605b39e54c3cf20305bf54c5bf3a2", "TokenId": "1", "OpenSeaURL": "" }, "Time": 1661128110153 } ``` | Field | Description | | :---- | :---------- | | `Details.ExplorerURL` | a url that redirects to the transaction | | `Details.TransactionId` | id of the transaction | | `Details.TokenId` | id of the minted token | | `Details.OpenSeaURL` | url where the minted nft can be viewed | # Polygon Claimalbe NFTs ## Architecture ![](./polygon-claimable-diagram.png) | Component | Description | | :-------: | :---------: | | `Dispatcher` | a service that stores message to the azure storage queue that contains the information about the claimable nft | | `Claimable Storage Queue` | storage queue for claimable nfts, where dispatcher will send jobs and will be watched and processed by the claimable processor | | `Claimable Processor` | a service that watches the claimable storage queue for claimables to create | | `MultiToken Smart Contract` | the smart contract where the claimable(nft) is stored | | `Gas Token Smart Contract` | an erc-20 smart contract that will be used to limit gasless calls by a specific address using [conditional whitelisting]( | | `React Client` | a front end application where users will interact to claim their nft | | `Biconomy Relayer` | a service for enabling [gasless transaction]( | | `Biconomy Forwarder Contract` | a smart contract deployed by biconomy that will receive and validate the meta transaction, available forwarder addresses can be found in this [list](, make sure that forwarder contract should be immutable and non upgradeable | ### Process Flow 1. Dispatch a claimable process job on the storage queue. 2. Processor receives the claimable process job, creating a temporary wallet with private key. 3. Transfer the target nft to the temporary wallet. 4. Mint an erc-20 token to the temporary wallet to allow it to invoke gasless transactions. 5. Processor generates the claimable link with the private key of the generated temporary wallet and sends it to the callback endpoint. 6. The claimable url is sent to the target recipient via email. 7. The claimable link redirects the user to the react app, asks them to connect a metamask wallet. 8. With the temporary private key generated, sign a meta transaction that will transfer the nft to the wallet of the user created from metamask. Biconomy relayer validates if the key that signed the transaction holds the erc-20 gas token generated. 9. If the private key that signed the meta transaction holds a specific amount of the erc-20 token, biconomy sends the meta transaction to the trusted forwarder contract. 10. The forwarder contract validates the meta transaction, then sends it to the target contract. 11. The nft is transferred form the temporary wallet to the metamask wallet of the user. 12. Burns erc-20 token from the temporary wallet, so the temporary wallet can no longer execute gas free transactions. # Claimable Processor see [claimable process](../../docs/claimables/ # Environment Configuration | Key | Description | | :-- | :---------- | | `AZURE_ACCOUNT_NAME` | **REQUIRED**. azure account name | | `AZURE_ACCOUNT_KEY` | **REQUIRED**. azure secret key | | `TOPIC` | **REQUIRED**. name of the topic | | `PRIVATE_KEY`| **REQUIRED**. private key of the wallet that will mint the nft | | `MULTI_TOKEN_ADDRESS` | **REQUIRED**. address of the nft smart contract (claimable) | | `MULTI_TOKEN_MINTER_ADDRESS` | **REQUIRED**. address of the wallet that mints the nft | | `GAS_TOKEN_ADDRESS` | **REQUIRED**. address of the ft smart contract (gas token) | | `DEFAULT_CALLBACK_URL` | **REQUIRED**. endpoint where webhook events are sent | | `MAX_JOBS` | maximum number of jobs to be processed at the same time, setting to 0 will have no limit | | `LOG_LEVEL` | [winston log level](| | `CLAIMABLE_BASE_URL` | **REQUIRED**. base url of the claim frontend | | `RPC_URL` | **REQUIRED**. rpc node to use | # Job Spec ```json { "JobId": "ff975cbd-32f4-4f09-9b9a-01964dd6eb90", "TokenId": "1" } ``` | Field | Description | | :---- | :---------- | | `JobId` | **REQUIRED**. A unique string generated by the publisher of the message | | `TokenId` | **REQUIRED**. Id of the token that will be processed into a claimable nft | ## Events the processor will emit events and send it to the configured `DEFAULT_CALLBACK_URL`. ### Started Event Emmited to notify the callback url that the processor has received the job and is currently processing it. ```json { "JobId": "ff975cbd-32f4-4f09-9b9a-01964dd6eb90", "Event": "started", "Time": 1659965535, "Message": "Job Started" } ``` ### Failure Event Emmited to notify the callback url that an error has occured. ```json { "JobId": "ff975cbd-32f4-4f09-9b9a-01964dd6eb90", "Event": "failure", "Time": 1659965535, "Message": "Example Error Message" } ``` ### Success Event Emmited to notify the callback url that the job has successfully finished. ```json { "JobId": "ff975cbd-32f4-4f09-9b9a-01964dd6eb90", "Event": "success", "Message": "Job ff975cbd-32f4-4f09-9b9a-01964dd6eb90 has been successfully processed", "Details": { "ClaimURL": "<CONTRACT-ADDRESS>/<token-id>#<SECRET>", }, "Time": 1661128110153 } ``` | Field | Description | | :---- | :---------- | | `Details.ClaimURL` | Claimable Link, should be sent security to the owner of the nft | This is a [Next.js]( project bootstrapped with [`create-next-app`]( ## Getting Started First, run the development server: ```bash npm run dev # or yarn dev # or pnpm dev ``` Open [http://localhost:3000](http://localhost:3000) with your browser to see the result. You can start editing the page by modifying `pages/index.tsx`. The page auto-updates as you edit the file. [API routes]( can be accessed on [http://localhost:3000/api/hello](http://localhost:3000/api/hello). This endpoint can be edited in `pages/api/hello.ts`. The `pages/api` directory is mapped to `/api/*`. Files in this directory are treated as [API routes]( instead of React pages. This project uses [`next/font`]( to automatically optimize and load Inter, a custom Google Font. ## Learn More To learn more about Next.js, take a look at the following resources: - [Next.js Documentation]( - learn about Next.js features and API. - [Learn Next.js]( - an interactive Next.js tutorial. You can check out [the Next.js GitHub repository]( - your feedback and contributions are welcome! ## Deploy on Vercel The easiest way to deploy your Next.js app is to use the [Vercel Platform]( from the creators of Next.js. Check out our [Next.js deployment documentation]( for more details.
.github scripts workflows readme.yml tests.yml .gitpod.yml ft Cargo.toml src integration-tests rs Cargo.toml src ts package.json src main.ava.ts rustfmt.toml scripts build.bat test-contract-defi Cargo.toml src
Fungible Token (FT) =================== Example implementation of a [Fungible Token] contract which uses [near-contract-standards] and [simulation] tests. This is a contract-only example. [Fungible Token]: [near-contract-standards]: [simulation]: Prerequisites ============= If you're using Gitpod, you can skip this step. 1. Make sure Rust is installed per the prerequisites in [`near-sdk-rs`]( 2. Ensure `near-cli` is installed by running `near --version`. If not installed, install with: `npm install -g near-cli` ## Building To build run: ```bash ./scripts/ ``` Using this contract =================== ### Quickest deploy You can build and deploy this smart contract to a development account. [Dev Accounts]( are auto-generated accounts to assist in developing and testing smart contracts. Please see the [Standard deploy](#standard-deploy) section for creating a more personalized account to deploy to. ```bash near dev-deploy --wasmFile res/fungible_token.wasm --helperUrl ``` Behind the scenes, this is creating an account and deploying a contract to it. On the console, notice a message like: >Done deploying to dev-1234567890123 In this instance, the account is `dev-1234567890123`. A file has been created containing a key pair to the account, located at `neardev/dev-account`. To make the next few steps easier, we're going to set an environment variable containing this development account id and use that when copy/pasting commands. Run this command to the environment variable: ```bash source neardev/dev-account.env ``` You can tell if the environment variable is set correctly if your command line prints the account name after this command: ```bash echo $CONTRACT_NAME ``` The next command will initialize the contract using the `new` method: ```bash near call $CONTRACT_NAME new '{"owner_id": "'$CONTRACT_NAME'", "total_supply": "1000000000000000", "metadata": { "spec": "ft-1.0.0", "name": "Example Token Name", "symbol": "EXLT", "decimals": 8 }}' --accountId $CONTRACT_NAME ``` To get the fungible token metadata: ```bash near view $CONTRACT_NAME ft_metadata ``` ### Standard deploy This smart contract will get deployed to your NEAR account. For this example, please create a new NEAR account. Because NEAR allows the ability to upgrade contracts on the same account, initialization functions must be cleared. If you'd like to run this example on a NEAR account that has had prior contracts deployed, please use the `near-cli` command `near delete`, and then recreate it in Wallet. To create (or recreate) an account, please follow the directions on [NEAR Wallet]( Switch to `mainnet`. You can skip this step to use `testnet` as a default network. export NEAR_ENV=mainnet In the project root, log in to your newly created account with `near-cli` by following the instructions after this command: near login To make this tutorial easier to copy/paste, we're going to set an environment variable for your account id. In the below command, replace `MY_ACCOUNT_NAME` with the account name you just logged in with, including the `.near`: ID=MY_ACCOUNT_NAME You can tell if the environment variable is set correctly if your command line prints the account name after this command: echo $ID Now we can deploy the compiled contract in this example to your account: near deploy --wasmFile res/fungible_token.wasm --accountId $ID FT contract should be initialized before usage. You can read more about metadata at ['']( Modify the parameters and create a token: near call $ID new '{"owner_id": "'$ID'", "total_supply": "1000000000000000", "metadata": { "spec": "ft-1.0.0", "name": "Example Token Name", "symbol": "EXLT", "decimals": 8 }}' --accountId $ID Get metadata: near view $ID ft_metadata Transfer Example --------------- Let's set up an account to transfer some tokens to. These account will be a sub-account of the NEAR account you logged in with. near create-account bob.$ID --masterAccount $ID --initialBalance 1 Add storage deposit for Bob's account: near call $ID storage_deposit '' --accountId bob.$ID --amount 0.00125 Check balance of Bob's account, it should be `0` for now: near view $ID ft_balance_of '{"account_id": "'bob.$ID'"}' Transfer tokens to Bob from the contract that minted these fungible tokens, exactly 1 yoctoNEAR of deposit should be attached: near call $ID ft_transfer '{"receiver_id": "'bob.$ID'", "amount": "19"}' --accountId $ID --amount 0.000000000000000000000001 Check the balance of Bob again with the command from before and it will now return `19`. ## Testing As with many Rust libraries and contracts, there are tests in the main fungible token implementation at `ft/src/`. Additionally, this project has [simulation] tests in `tests/sim`. Simulation tests allow testing cross-contract calls, which is crucial to ensuring that the `ft_transfer_call` function works properly. These simulation tests are the reason this project has the file structure it does. Note that the root project has a `Cargo.toml` which sets it up as a workspace. `ft` and `test-contract-defi` are both small & focused contract projects, the latter only existing for simulation tests. The root project imports `near-sdk-sim` and tests interaction between these contracts. You can run unit tests with the following command: ```bash cd ft && cargo test -- --nocapture --color=always ``` You can run integration tests with the following commands: *Rust* ```bash cd integration-tests/rs && cargo run --example integration-tests ``` *TypeScript* ```bash cd integration-tests/ts && yarn && yarn test ``` ## Notes - The maximum balance value is limited by U128 (`2**128 - 1`). - JSON calls should pass U128 as a base-10 string. E.g. "100". - This does not include escrow functionality, as `ft_transfer_call` provides a superior approach. An escrow system can, of course, be added as a separate contract or additional functionality within this contract. ## No AssemblyScript? [near-contract-standards] is currently Rust-only. We strongly suggest using this library to create your own Fungible Token contract to ensure it works as expected. Someday NEAR core or community contributors may provide a similar library for AssemblyScript, at which point this example will be updated to include both a Rust and AssemblyScript version. ## Contributing When making changes to the files in `ft` or `test-contract-defi`, remember to use `./` to compile all contracts and copy the output to the `res` folder. If you forget this, **the simulation tests will not use the latest versions**. Note that if the `rust-toolchain` file in this repository changes, please make sure to update the `.gitpod.Dockerfile` to explicitly specify using that as default as well.
.eslintrc.yml .github dependabot.yml workflows deploy.yml tests.yml .gitpod.yml .travis.yml as-pect.config.js asconfig.json assembly __tests__ as-pect.d.ts guestbook.spec.ts as_types.d.ts main.ts model.ts tsconfig.json babel.config.js neardev shared-test-staging test.near.json shared-test test.near.json package.json src App.js config.js index.html index.js tests integration App-integration.test.js ui App-ui.test.js
Guest Book ========== [![Build Status](]( [![Open in Gitpod](]( <!-- MAGIC COMMENT: DO NOT DELETE! Everything above this line is hidden on NEAR Examples page --> Sign in with [NEAR] and add a message to the guest book! A starter app built with an [AssemblyScript] backend and a [React] frontend. Quick Start =========== To run this project locally: 1. Prerequisites: Make sure you have Node.js ≥ 12 installed (, then use it to install [yarn]: `npm install --global yarn` (or just `npm i -g yarn`) 2. Install dependencies: `yarn install --frozen-lockfile` (or just `yarn --frozen-lockfile`) 3. Run the local development server: `yarn dev` (see `package.json` for a full list of `scripts` you can run with `yarn`) Now you'll have a local development environment backed by the NEAR TestNet! Running `yarn dev` will tell you the URL you can visit in your browser to see the app. Exploring The Code ================== 1. The backend code lives in the `/assembly` folder. This code gets deployed to the NEAR blockchain when you run `yarn deploy:contract`. This sort of code-that-runs-on-a-blockchain is called a "smart contract" – [learn more about NEAR smart contracts][smart contract docs]. 2. The frontend code lives in the `/src` folder. [/src/index.html](/src/index.html) is a great place to start exploring. Note that it loads in `/src/index.js`, where you can learn how the frontend connects to the NEAR blockchain. 3. Tests: there are different kinds of tests for the frontend and backend. The backend code gets tested with the [asp] command for running the backend AssemblyScript tests, and [jest] for running frontend tests. You can run both of these at once with `yarn test`. Both contract and client-side code will auto-reload as you change source files. Deploy ====== Every smart contract in NEAR has its [own associated account][NEAR accounts]. When you run `yarn dev`, your smart contracts get deployed to the live NEAR TestNet with a throwaway account. When you're ready to make it permanent, here's how. Step 0: Install near-cli -------------------------- You need near-cli installed globally. Here's how: npm install --global near-cli This will give you the `near` [CLI] tool. Ensure that it's installed with: near --version Step 1: Create an account for the contract ------------------------------------------ Visit [NEAR Wallet] and make a new account. You'll be deploying these smart contracts to this new account. Now authorize NEAR CLI for this new account, and follow the instructions it gives you: near login Step 2: set contract name in code --------------------------------- Modify the line in `src/config.js` that sets the account name of the contract. Set it to the account id you used above. const CONTRACT_NAME = process.env.CONTRACT_NAME || 'your-account-here!' Step 3: change remote URL if you cloned this repo ------------------------- Unless you forked this repository you will need to change the remote URL to a repo that you have commit access to. This will allow auto deployment to Github Pages from the command line. 1) go to GitHub and create a new repository for this project 2) open your terminal and in the root of this project enter the following: $ `git remote set-url origin` Step 4: deploy! --------------- One command: yarn deploy As you can see in `package.json`, this does two things: 1. builds & deploys smart contracts to NEAR TestNet 2. builds & deploys frontend code to GitHub using [gh-pages]. This will only work if the project already has a repository set up on GitHub. Feel free to modify the `deploy` script in `package.json` to deploy elsewhere. [NEAR]: [yarn]: [AssemblyScript]: [React]: [smart contract docs]: [asp]: [jest]: [NEAR accounts]: [NEAR Wallet]: [near-cli]: [CLI]: [create-near-app]: [gh-pages]:
mohammadatef12_NEAR-course-presentation css theme demo.html dist reset.css reveal.css reveal.esm.js reveal.js theme beige.css black.css blood.css fonts league-gothic league-gothic.css source-sans-pro source-sans-pro.css league.css moon.css night.css serif.css simple.css sky.css solarized.css white.css examples assets beeping.txt auto-animate.html backgrounds.html barebones.html layout-helpers.html markdown.html math.html media.html multiple-presentations.html transitions.html gulpfile.js index.html js components playback.js config.js controllers autoanimate.js backgrounds.js controls.js focus.js fragments.js keyboard.js location.js notes.js overview.js plugins.js pointer.js print.js progress.js slidecontent.js slidenumber.js touch.js index.js reveal.js utils color.js constants.js device.js loader.js util.js EVENTS API package-lock.json package.json test assets external-script-a.js external-script-b.js external-script-c.js external-script-d.js
## Dependencies Themes are written using Sass to keep things modular and reduce the need for repeated selectors across files. Make sure that you have the reveal.js development environment installed before proceeding: ## Creating a Theme To create your own theme, start by duplicating a ```.scss``` file in [/css/theme/source]( It will be automatically compiled from Sass to CSS (see the [gulpfile]( when you run `npm run build -- css-themes`. Each theme file does four things in the following order: 1. **Include [/css/theme/template/mixins.scss](** Shared utility functions. 2. **Include [/css/theme/template/settings.scss](** Declares a set of custom variables that the template file (step 4) expects. Can be overridden in step 3. 3. **Override** This is where you override the default theme. Either by specifying variables (see [settings.scss]( for reference) or by adding any selectors and styles you please. 4. **Include [/css/theme/template/theme.scss](** The template theme file which will generate final CSS output based on the currently defined variables. <p align="center"> <a href=""> <img src="" alt="reveal.js" width="500"> </a> <br><br> <a href=""><img src=""></a> <a href=""><img src="" alt="Slides" width="160" height="20"></a> </p> reveal.js is an open source HTML presentation framework. It enables anyone with a web browser to create beautiful presentations for free. Check out the live demo at []( The framework comes with a powerful feature set including [nested slides](, [Markdown support](, [Auto-Animate](, [PDF export](, [speaker notes](, [LaTeX typesetting](, [syntax highlighted code]( and an [extensive API]( --- ### Sponsors Hakim's open source work is supported by <a href="">GitHub sponsors</a>. Special thanks to: <div align="center"> <table> <td align="center"> <a href=""> <div> <img src="" width="290" alt="WorkOS"> </div> <b>Your app, enterprise-ready.</b> <div> <sub>Start selling to enterprise customers with just a few lines of code. Add Single Sign-On (and more) in minutes instead of months.</sup> </div> </a> </td> <td align="center"> <a href="![Uploading workos-logo-white-bg.svg…]() paign=github_repo&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=revealjs&utm_source=github"> <div> <img src="" width="290" alt="Doppler"> </div> <b>All your environment variables, in one place</b> <div> <sub>Stop struggling with scattered API keys, hacking together home-brewed tools, and avoiding access controls. Keep your team and servers in sync with Doppler.</sup> </div> </a> </td> </table> </div> --- ### Getting started - 🚀 [Install reveal.js]( - 👀 [View the demo presentation]( - 📖 [Read the documentation]( - 🖌 [Try the visual editor for reveal.js at]( - 🎬 [Watch the reveal.js video course (paid)]( --- ### Online Editor Want to create your presentation using a visual editor? Try the official reveal.js presentation platform for free at []( It's made by the same people behind reveal.js. <br> <br> --- <div align="center"> MIT licensed | Copyright © 2011-2022 Hakim El Hattab, </div>
hdriqi_paras-alpha as-pect.config.js asconfig.js assembly __tests__ as-pect.d.ts main.spec.ts memento.spec.ts user.spec.ts as_types.d.ts main.ts model.ts tsconfig.json utils.ts next.config.js package-lock.json package.json postcss.config.js src actions me.js near.js ui.js components Comment.js Home.js Image.js InfiniteLoader.js Layout.js Loading.js Memento.js MementoCardLoader.js MementoEdit.js MementoManage.js Modal.js NavMobile.js NewMemento.js NewPost.js PageManager.js Pop.js PopForward.js Post.js PostCard.js PostCardLoader.js Profile.js ProfileEdit.js Push.js PushForward.js ScrollPositionProvider.js Search.js imageCrop.js parseBody.js config.js css main.css lib ipfs.js near.js redux.js utils.js pages [username].js _app.js feed recent.js hub search.js index.js login.js m [id].js [id] edit.js me edit.js new memento.js post.js post [id].js reducers me.js near.js ui.js screens HomeScreen.js MementoEditScreen.js MementoScreen.js NewMementoScreen.js NewPostScreen.js PostScreen.js ProfileEditScreen.js ProfileScreen.js SearchScreen.js stores.js tailwind.config.js
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## Setting up your terminal The scripts in this folder are designed to help you demonstrate the behavior of the contract(s) in this project. It uses the following setup: ```sh # set your terminal up to have 2 windows, A and B like this: ┌─────────────────────────────────┬─────────────────────────────────┐ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ A │ B │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └─────────────────────────────────┴─────────────────────────────────┘ ``` ### Terminal **A** *This window is used to compile, deploy and control the contract* - Environment ```sh export CONTRACT= # depends on deployment export OWNER= # any account you control # for example # export CONTRACT=dev-1615190770786-2702449 # export OWNER=sherif.testnet ``` - Commands _helper scripts_ ```sh # helper: build and deploy contracts # helper: call methods on ContractPromise # helper: delete build and deploy artifacts ``` ### Terminal **B** *This window is used to render the contract account storage* - Environment ```sh export CONTRACT= # depends on deployment # for example # export CONTRACT=dev-1615190770786-2702449 ``` - Commands ```sh # monitor contract storage using near-account-utils # watch -d -n 1 yarn storage $CONTRACT ``` --- ## OS Support ### Linux - The `watch` command is supported natively on Linux - To learn more about any of these shell commands take a look at []( ### MacOS - Consider `brew info visionmedia-watch` (or `brew install watch`) ### Windows - Consider this article: [What is the Windows analog of the Linux watch command?]( # `near-sdk-as` Starter Kit This is a good project to use as a starting point for your AssemblyScript project. ## Samples This repository includes a complete project structure for AssemblyScript contracts targeting the NEAR platform. The example here is very basic. It's a simple contract demonstrating the following concepts: - a single contract - the difference between `view` vs. `change` methods - basic contract storage There are 2 AssemblyScript contracts in this project, each in their own folder: - **simple** in the `src/simple` folder - **singleton** in the `src/singleton` folder ### Simple We say that an AssemblyScript contract is written in the "simple style" when the `index.ts` file (the contract entry point) includes a series of exported functions. In this case, all exported functions become public contract methods. ```ts // return the string 'hello world' export function helloWorld(): string {} // read the given key from account (contract) storage export function read(key: string): string {} // write the given value at the given key to account (contract) storage export function write(key: string, value: string): string {} // private helper method used by read() and write() above private storageReport(): string {} ``` ### Singleton We say that an AssemblyScript contract is written in the "singleton style" when the `index.ts` file (the contract entry point) has a single exported class (the name of the class doesn't matter) that is decorated with `@nearBindgen`. In this case, all methods on the class become public contract methods unless marked `private`. Also, all instance variables are stored as a serialized instance of the class under a special storage key named `STATE`. AssemblyScript uses JSON for storage serialization (as opposed to Rust contracts which use a custom binary serialization format called borsh). ```ts @nearBindgen export class Contract { // return the string 'hello world' helloWorld(): string {} // read the given key from account (contract) storage read(key: string): string {} // write the given value at the given key to account (contract) storage @mutateState() write(key: string, value: string): string {} // private helper method used by read() and write() above private storageReport(): string {} } ``` ## Usage ### Getting started (see below for video recordings of each of the following steps) INSTALL `NEAR CLI` first like this: `npm i -g near-cli` 1. clone this repo to a local folder 2. run `yarn` 3. run `./scripts/` 3. run `./scripts/` 4. run `./scripts/` (yes, run it to see changes) 5. run `./scripts/` ### Videos **``** This video shows the build and deployment of the contract. [![asciicast](]( **``** This video shows contract methods being called. You should run the script twice to see the effect it has on contract state. [![asciicast](]( **``** This video shows the cleanup script running. Make sure you add the `BENEFICIARY` environment variable. The script will remind you if you forget. ```sh export BENEFICIARY=<your-account-here> # this account receives contract account balance ``` [![asciicast](]( ### Other documentation - See `./scripts/` for documentation about the scripts - Watch this video where Willem Wyndham walks us through refactoring a simple example of a NEAR smart contract written in AssemblyScript ``` There are 2 "styles" of implementing AssemblyScript NEAR contracts: - the contract interface can either be a collection of exported functions - or the contract interface can be the methods of a an exported class We call the second style "Singleton" because there is only one instance of the class which is serialized to the blockchain storage. Rust contracts written for NEAR do this by default with the contract struct. 0:00 noise (to cut) 0:10 Welcome 0:59 Create project starting with "npm init" 2:20 Customize the project for AssemblyScript development 9:25 Import the Counter example and get unit tests passing 18:30 Adapt the Counter example to a Singleton style contract 21:49 Refactoring unit tests to access the new methods 24:45 Review and summary ``` ## The file system ```sh ├── # this file ├── as-pect.config.js # configuration for as-pect (AssemblyScript unit testing) ├── asconfig.json # configuration for AssemblyScript compiler (supports multiple contracts) ├── package.json # NodeJS project manifest ├── scripts │   ├── # helper: build and deploy contracts │   ├── # helper: call methods on ContractPromise │   ├── # helper: delete build and deploy artifacts │   └── # documentation for helper scripts ├── src │   ├── as_types.d.ts # AssemblyScript headers for type hints │   ├── simple # Contract 1: "Simple example" │   │   ├── __tests__ │   │   │   ├── as-pect.d.ts # as-pect unit testing headers for type hints │   │   │   └── index.unit.spec.ts # unit tests for contract 1 │   │   ├── asconfig.json # configuration for AssemblyScript compiler (one per contract) │   │   └── assembly │   │   └── index.ts # contract code for contract 1 │   ├── singleton # Contract 2: "Singleton-style example" │   │   ├── __tests__ │   │   │   ├── as-pect.d.ts # as-pect unit testing headers for type hints │   │   │   └── index.unit.spec.ts # unit tests for contract 2 │   │   ├── asconfig.json # configuration for AssemblyScript compiler (one per contract) │   │   └── assembly │   │   └── index.ts # contract code for contract 2 │   ├── tsconfig.json # Typescript configuration │   └── utils.ts # common contract utility functions └── yarn.lock # project manifest version lock ``` You may clone this repo to get started OR create everything from scratch. Please note that, in order to create the AssemblyScript and tests folder structure, you may use the command `asp --init` which will create the following folders and files: ``` ./assembly/ ./assembly/tests/ ./assembly/tests/example.spec.ts ./assembly/tests/as-pect.d.ts ```
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trustless-profit-loss-statement Smart Contract ================== A [smart contract] written in [Rust] for an app initialized with [create-near-app] Quick Start =========== Before you compile this code, you will need to install Rust with [correct target] Exploring The Code ================== 1. The main smart contract code lives in `src/`. You can compile it with the `./compile` script. 2. Tests: You can run smart contract tests with the `./test` script. This runs standard Rust tests using [cargo] with a `--nocapture` flag so that you can see any debug info you print to the console. [smart contract]: [Rust]: [create-near-app]: [correct target]: [cargo]: # trustless-profit-loss-statement ## Description As proposed by [coffeezilla]( on YouTube, traders interacting with social media should provide profit-loss statements to prevent fraud and scams. I want to create a technical proposal for exchanges and brokers to enable algorithmic and non-algorithmic traders to issue trustless or even zero knowledge p&l statements for their social media followers to audit, written in Rust and deployable on the NEAR blockchain. For now, this demo presents a possibility where every account on near could update their global PnL by posting trading results as percentages. Every Account can only update their own PnL by submitting statements, but every account can get every other accounts current PnL. Furthermore, by querying the blockchain for past transactions accocated to a specific account, past performance and history can be reviewed. ## Smart Contract The smart contract written in Rust and stored in ``contract/src/``, has two callable functions: 1. add_statement(statement) enables every account on the blockchain to add a PnL statement to their balance 2. get_pnl(account_id) enables every account to query every other account for their overall PnL ## Credits This [React] app was initialized with [create-near-app] Namely, the exact command was: ```bash npx create-near-app --contract rust --frontend react trustless-PnL-statement ``` ## Quick Start If you are lazy like me, simply run ``docker-compose up -d --build`` after installing ``docker`` and ``docker-compose``. For the installation you can use the following [Ansible Project]( hosted on Github. If you are not lazy, follow the manual deployment guide for **testnet**. 1. Prerequisites: Make sure you've installed [Node.js] ≥ 12 2. Install dependencies: `yarn install` 3. Run the local development server: `yarn dev` (see `package.json` for a full list of `scripts` you can run with `yarn`) Now you'll have a local development environment backed by the NEAR TestNet! Go ahead and play with the app and the code. As you make code changes, the app will automatically reload. ## Exploring The Code 1. The "backend" code lives in the `/contract` folder. See the README there for more info. 2. The frontend code lives in the `/src` folder. `/src/main.js` is a great place to start exploring. 3. Tests: there are different kinds of tests for the frontend and the smart contract. See `contract/README` for info about how it's tested. The frontend code gets tested with [jest]. You can run both of these at once with `yarn run test`. ## Deploy Every smart contract in NEAR has its [own associated account][NEAR accounts]. When you run `yarn dev`, your smart contract gets deployed to the live NEAR TestNet with a throwaway account. When you're ready to make it permanent, here's how. ### Step 0: Install near-cli (optional) [near-cli] is a command line interface (CLI) for interacting with the NEAR blockchain. It was installed to the local `node_modules` folder when you ran `yarn install`, but for best ergonomics you may want to install it globally: yarn install --global near-cli Or, if you'd rather use the locally-installed version, you can prefix all `near` commands with `npx` Ensure that it's installed with `near --version` (or `npx near --version`) ### Step 1: Create an account for the contract Each account on NEAR can have at most one contract deployed to it. If you've already created an account such as `your-name.testnet`, you can deploy your contract to `trustless-profit-loss-statement.your-name.testnet`. Assuming you've already created an account on [NEAR Wallet], here's how to create `trustless-profit-loss-statement.your-name.testnet`: 1. Authorize NEAR CLI, following the commands it gives you: near login 2. Create a subaccount (replace `YOUR-NAME` below with your actual account name): near create-account trustless-profit-loss-statement.YOUR-NAME.testnet --masterAccount YOUR-NAME.testnet ### Step 2: set contract name in code Modify the line in `src/config.js` that sets the account name of the contract. Set it to the account id you used above. const CONTRACT_NAME = process.env.CONTRACT_NAME || 'trustless-profit-loss-statement.YOUR-NAME.testnet' ### Step 3: deploy! One command: yarn deploy As you can see in `package.json`, this does two things: 1. builds & deploys smart contract to NEAR TestNet 2. builds & deploys frontend code to GitHub using [gh-pages]. This will only work if the project already has a repository set up on GitHub. Feel free to modify the `deploy` script in `package.json` to deploy elsewhere. ## Smart Contract manual Deployment If the smart contract is to be deployed manually without the frontend, the following steps are required: 1. Create a new account on NEAR TestNet. ```bash near create-account CONTRACT_NAME.ACCOUNT_ID --masterAcount ACCOUNT_ID --initialBalance 100000000000000 ``` 1. Install RUST ```bash curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh ``` 2. Install NEAR CLI ```bash npm install -g near-cli ``` 3. Add WASM target to Rust ```bash rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown ``` 4. Build the smart contract ```bash cargo build --target wasm32-unknown-unknown --release ``` 5. Deploy the smart contract ```bash near deploy --wasmFile target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/trustless_pnl.wasm --accountId unittest ``` 6. Test the smart contracts functions ```bash near call unittest.testnet get_pnl '{"account_id": "unittest.testnet"}' --accountId unittest.testnet ``` ```bash near call unittest.testnet add_statement '{"statement": "unittest.testnet"}' --accountId unittest.testnet ``` ## Discussion On NEAR using storage is being payed for by staking NEAR coins for as long as the data is saved on the main network. Since algorithmic traders regularily exceed 10.000 trades per year, it is not plausibe to save every trades PnL statement on the blockchain for every user. Instead, the PnL statements are simply being added up and only the sum is saved on the blockchain. Anyhow, due to the nature of the blockchain of course it is possible to backtrace every single transaction and thus the history of the account can be calculated and presented by a blockchain analytics software or explorer. ## Troubleshooting On Windows, if you're seeing an error containing `EPERM` it may be related to spaces in your path. Please see [this issue]( for more details. [Vue]: [create-near-app]: [Node.js]: [jest]: [NEAR accounts]: [NEAR Wallet]: [near-cli]: [gh-pages]:
.github ISSUE_TEMPLATE BOUNTY.yml config.yml
# Job board This repository hold job posts for [NEAR Protocol]( ecosystem. All jobs organized in [its issues]( Please, follow our [ISSUE_TEMPLATE]( when posting a new job. DO NOT USE THIS REPOSITORY ISSUES DIRECTLY, for fully-featured access to open positions and its management sign-in via []( ![NEAR Job board]( ## JOB TEMPLATE - __Project:__ [`profiles/#1`]( - __Type:__ `full-time`|`project`|`freelance`|`bounty` - __Category:__ `engineering`|`design`|`customer-support`|`research`|`other` - __Location:__ `country:city` - __Remote:__ `no`|`yes` - __Required skills:__ `near-blockchain`|`rust`|`node.js`|`vue`|`javascript`|`other` - __Description:__ Multi-line mark-down formatted job description. With details regarding company, position, duties, requirements, etc.
Cargo.toml src
Cargo.toml build.bat src
# Rust Smart Contract Template ## Getting started To get started with this template: 1. Click the "Use this template" button to create a new repo based on this template 2. Update line 2 of `Cargo.toml` with your project name 3. Update line 4 of `Cargo.toml` with your project author names 4. Set up the [prerequisites]( 5. Begin writing your smart contract in `src/` 6. Test the contract `cargo test -- --nocapture` 8. Build the contract `RUSTFLAGS='-C link-arg=-s' cargo build --target wasm32-unknown-unknown --release` **Get more info at:** * [Rust Smart Contract Quick Start]( * [Rust SDK Book](
# Irene Lee: Virtual Assets & Blockchain Tech RA ## Careers | Company Name | Company Description | Dates of Employment | Role (Department) | Major Achievements | |:--------: |:--------:|:--------:|:--------:|:--------:| | Xangle | Crypto Data Intelligence Platform |2024.05 - Now | Research Assistant Intern | Blockchain Technology and Business Analysis | | Ewha Womans University | Information Security Research Laboratory |2023.11 - 2024.03 | Research Engineer Intern | Cyber Security & Blockchain | | Xangle | Crypto Data Intelligence Platform |2023.10 - 2024.04 | Partner Researcher (External) | Writing analysis reports on blockchain projects | | Solana Foundation | Blockchain Foundation |2023.06 - 2023.09 | Business Development Intern | Korean market & Games Entertainment Media | | Solana Foundation | Blockchain Foundation |2023.01 - 2023.06 | Ambassador | Solana University | | NPIXEL | Blockchain Game |2022.03 - 2022.10 | Blockchain Web Programmer (Meta Platform Team) | Blockchain Technical R&D and Frontend | | ALTAVA GROUP | Blockchain Game |2021.12 - 2022.03 | Blockchain Developer (Blockchain Team) | Smart Contract and Frontend| ## Education The 11th President of EWHA-CHAIN (Blockchain Academic Club of Ewha Womans University, 2023.01-07) | School Name | School Year | Major (Degree) | Status | |:--------: |:--------:|:--------:|:--------:| | Ewha Womans University | 2020.03 ~ Present | Library and Information Science (B.A.), </p> Cyber Security (B.E.) | Senior | ## Skills and Experiences ### Blockchain Experience as a Professional for Commercialization - Smart Contract: Solidity, Rust (Solana), Move (Aptos) - DApp : Ability to struct Smart Contract and required using SDKs and Wallet Adapters - Core : Go (with bolt DB), Rust & Protocol technical analysis - P2E, NFT : made various smart contracts needed (ex. ERC-20, ERC-721, Marketplace...) - DeFi : 3rd Prize in TAEBIT Global Defi Hackathon (making Crypto Wallet) ### Web Development (Full stack) Experience as a Professional for Commercialization - FrontEnd: React, Next.js and its libraries, JS(ES6), TypeScript ... - BackEnd : Python (Django, Flask), Java (Spring) , DB(MySQL, Mongo DB) ... ### Data Science & Engineering - Kaggle: - Dune: - FlipsideCrypto: - Machine Learning, Deep Learning <br> <p align="center"> <img align="center" src=""/></p>
.eslintrc.yml .github ISSUE_TEMPLATE config.yml labels.yml workflows codeql.yml deploy-to-console.yml labels.yml lock.yml pr-labels.yml stale.yml .gitpod.yml contract Cargo.toml src docs frontend App.js assets global.css logo-black.svg logo-white.svg index.html index.js near-interface.js near-wallet.js package.json ui-components.js integration-tests Cargo.toml src package.json
<h1 align="center"> <a href=""> <picture> <source media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" srcset=""> <source media="(prefers-color-scheme: light)" srcset=""> <img alt="" src=""> </picture> </a> </h1> <div align="center"> Rust Boilerplate Template <br /> <br /> <a href="">Report a Bug</a> · <a href="">Request a Feature</a> . <a href="">Ask a Question</a> </div> <div align="center"> <br /> [![Pull Requests welcome](]( [![code with love by near](]( </div> <details open="open"> <summary>Table of Contents</summary> - [About](#about) - [Built With](#built-with) - [Getting Started](#getting-started) - [Prerequisites](#prerequisites) - [Installation](#installation) - [Usage](#usage) - [Roadmap](#roadmap) - [Support](#support) - [Project assistance](#project-assistance) - [Contributing](#contributing) - [Authors & contributors](#authors--contributors) - [Security](#security) </details> --- ## About This project is created for easy-to-start as a React + Rust skeleton template in the Pagoda Gallery. It was initialized with [create-near-app]. Clone it and start to build your own gallery project! ### Built With [create-near-app], [amazing-github-template]( Getting Started ================== ### Prerequisites Make sure you have a [current version of Node.js]( installed – we are targeting versions `16+`. Read about other [prerequisites]( in our docs. ### Installation Install all dependencies: npm install Build your contract: npm run build Deploy your contract to TestNet with a temporary dev account: npm run deploy Usage ===== Test your contract: npm test Start your frontend: npm start Exploring The Code ================== 1. The smart-contract code lives in the `/contract` folder. See the README there for more info. In blockchain apps the smart contract is the "backend" of your app. 2. The frontend code lives in the `/frontend` folder. `/frontend/index.html` is a great place to start exploring. Note that it loads in `/frontend/index.js`, this is your entrypoint to learn how the frontend connects to the NEAR blockchain. 3. Test your contract: `npm test`, this will run the tests in `integration-tests` directory. Deploy ====== Every smart contract in NEAR has its [own associated account][NEAR accounts]. When you run `npm run deploy`, your smart contract gets deployed to the live NEAR TestNet with a temporary dev account. When you're ready to make it permanent, here's how: Step 0: Install near-cli (optional) ------------------------------------- [near-cli] is a command line interface (CLI) for interacting with the NEAR blockchain. It was installed to the local `node_modules` folder when you ran `npm install`, but for best ergonomics you may want to install it globally: npm install --global near-cli Or, if you'd rather use the locally-installed version, you can prefix all `near` commands with `npx` Ensure that it's installed with `near --version` (or `npx near --version`) Step 1: Create an account for the contract ------------------------------------------ Each account on NEAR can have at most one contract deployed to it. If you've already created an account such as `your-name.testnet`, you can deploy your contract to `near-blank-project.your-name.testnet`. Assuming you've already created an account on [NEAR Wallet], here's how to create `near-blank-project.your-name.testnet`: 1. Authorize NEAR CLI, following the commands it gives you: near login 2. Create a subaccount (replace `YOUR-NAME` below with your actual account name): near create-account near-blank-project.YOUR-NAME.testnet --masterAccount YOUR-NAME.testnet Step 2: deploy the contract --------------------------- Use the CLI to deploy the contract to TestNet with your account ID. Replace `PATH_TO_WASM_FILE` with the `wasm` that was generated in `contract` build directory. near deploy --accountId near-blank-project.YOUR-NAME.testnet --wasmFile PATH_TO_WASM_FILE Step 3: set contract name in your frontend code ----------------------------------------------- Modify the line in `src/config.js` that sets the account name of the contract. Set it to the account id you used above. const CONTRACT_NAME = process.env.CONTRACT_NAME || 'near-blank-project.YOUR-NAME.testnet' Troubleshooting =============== On Windows, if you're seeing an error containing `EPERM` it may be related to spaces in your path. Please see [this issue]( for more details. [create-near-app]: [Node.js]: [jest]: [NEAR accounts]: [NEAR Wallet]: [near-cli]: [gh-pages]: ## Roadmap See the [open issues]( for a list of proposed features (and known issues). - [Top Feature Requests]( (Add your votes using the 👍 reaction) - [Top Bugs]( (Add your votes using the 👍 reaction) - [Newest Bugs]( ## Support Reach out to the maintainer: - [GitHub issues]( ## Project assistance If you want to say **thank you** or/and support active development of Rust Boilerplate Template: - Add a [GitHub Star]( to the project. - Tweet about the Rust Boilerplate Template. - Write interesting articles about the project on [](, [Medium]( or your personal blog. Together, we can make Rust Boilerplate Template **better**! ## Contributing First off, thanks for taking the time to contribute! Contributions are what make the open-source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make will benefit everybody else and are **greatly appreciated**. Please read [our contribution guidelines](docs/, and thank you for being involved! ## Authors & contributors The original setup of this repository is by [Dmitriy Sheleg]( For a full list of all authors and contributors, see [the contributors page]( ## Security Rust Boilerplate Template follows good practices of security, but 100% security cannot be assured. Rust Boilerplate Template is provided **"as is"** without any **warranty**. Use at your own risk. _For more information and to report security issues, please refer to our [security documentation](docs/ # Hello NEAR Contract The smart contract exposes two methods to enable storing and retrieving a greeting in the NEAR network. ```rust const DEFAULT_GREETING: &str = "Hello"; #[near_bindgen] #[derive(BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize)] pub struct Contract { greeting: String, } impl Default for Contract { fn default() -> Self { Self{greeting: DEFAULT_GREETING.to_string()} } } #[near_bindgen] impl Contract { // Public: Returns the stored greeting, defaulting to 'Hello' pub fn get_greeting(&self) -> String { return self.greeting.clone(); } // Public: Takes a greeting, such as 'howdy', and records it pub fn set_greeting(&mut self, greeting: String) { // Record a log permanently to the blockchain! log!("Saving greeting {}", greeting); self.greeting = greeting; } } ``` <br /> # Quickstart 1. Make sure you have installed [rust]( 2. Install the [`NEAR CLI`]( <br /> ## 1. Build and Deploy the Contract You can automatically compile and deploy the contract in the NEAR testnet by running: ```bash ./ ``` Once finished, check the `neardev/dev-account` file to find the address in which the contract was deployed: ```bash cat ./neardev/dev-account # e.g. dev-1659899566943-21539992274727 ``` <br /> ## 2. Retrieve the Greeting `get_greeting` is a read-only method (aka `view` method). `View` methods can be called for **free** by anyone, even people **without a NEAR account**! ```bash # Use near-cli to get the greeting near view <dev-account> get_greeting ``` <br /> ## 3. Store a New Greeting `set_greeting` changes the contract's state, for which it is a `change` method. `Change` methods can only be invoked using a NEAR account, since the account needs to pay GAS for the transaction. ```bash # Use near-cli to set a new greeting near call <dev-account> set_greeting '{"message":"howdy"}' --accountId <dev-account> ``` **Tip:** If you would like to call `set_greeting` using your own account, first login into NEAR using: ```bash # Use near-cli to login your NEAR account near login ``` and then use the logged account to sign the transaction: `--accountId <your-account>`.
Cargo.toml src
.gitpod.yml contract Cargo.toml src package-lock.json package.json
# Actions 1. Create new account in testnet ``` export CONTRACT_ID=chichvirus-contract.mibi.testnet export ACCOUNT_ID=mibi.testnet near create $CONTRACT_ID --masterAccount $ACCOUNT_ID --initialBalance 20 ``` 2. Build contract ``` cargo test & ``` 3. Deploy and init contract ``` near deploy --wasmFile out/contract.wasm --accountId $CONTRACT_ID --initFunction new --initArgs '{"owner_id": "mibi.testnet"}' ``` 4. Save math result ``` near call $CONTRACT_ID create_game_match '{"match_id": "match_1", "players": ["user_1", "user_2"], "balance": 100, "start_ts": 1663619726000000}' --accountId $ACCOUNT_ID ``` 5. Get match ``` near view $CONTRACT_ID get_match '{"match_id": "match_1"}' ``` # near-blank-project This app was initialized with [create-near-app] # Quick Start If you haven't installed dependencies during setup: npm install Build and deploy your contract to TestNet with a temporary dev account: npm run deploy Test your contract: npm test If you have a frontend, run `npm start`. This will run a dev server. # Exploring The Code 1. The smart-contract code lives in the `/contract` folder. See the README there for more info. In blockchain apps the smart contract is the "backend" of your app. 2. The frontend code lives in the `/frontend` folder. `/frontend/index.html` is a great place to start exploring. Note that it loads in `/frontend/index.js`, this is your entrypoint to learn how the frontend connects to the NEAR blockchain. 3. Test your contract: `npm test`, this will run the tests in `integration-tests` directory. # Deploy Every smart contract in NEAR has its [own associated account][near accounts]. When you run `npm run deploy`, your smart contract gets deployed to the live NEAR TestNet with a temporary dev account. When you're ready to make it permanent, here's how: ## Step 0: Install near-cli (optional) [near-cli] is a command line interface (CLI) for interacting with the NEAR blockchain. It was installed to the local `node_modules` folder when you ran `npm install`, but for best ergonomics you may want to install it globally: npm install --global near-cli Or, if you'd rather use the locally-installed version, you can prefix all `near` commands with `npx` Ensure that it's installed with `near --version` (or `npx near --version`) ## Step 1: Create an account for the contract Each account on NEAR can have at most one contract deployed to it. If you've already created an account such as `your-name.testnet`, you can deploy your contract to `near-blank-project.your-name.testnet`. Assuming you've already created an account on [NEAR Wallet], here's how to create `near-blank-project.your-name.testnet`: 1. Authorize NEAR CLI, following the commands it gives you: near login 2. Create a subaccount (replace `YOUR-NAME` below with your actual account name): near create-account near-blank-project.YOUR-NAME.testnet --masterAccount YOUR-NAME.testnet ## Step 2: deploy the contract Use the CLI to deploy the contract to TestNet with your account ID. Replace `PATH_TO_WASM_FILE` with the `wasm` that was generated in `contract` build directory. near deploy --accountId near-blank-project.YOUR-NAME.testnet --wasmFile PATH_TO_WASM_FILE ## Step 3: set contract name in your frontend code Modify the line in `src/config.js` that sets the account name of the contract. Set it to the account id you used above. const CONTRACT_NAME = process.env.CONTRACT_NAME || 'near-blank-project.YOUR-NAME.testnet' # Troubleshooting On Windows, if you're seeing an error containing `EPERM` it may be related to spaces in your path. Please see [this issue]( for more details. [create-near-app]: [node.js]: [jest]: [near accounts]: [near wallet]: [near-cli]: [gh-pages]: # Hello NEAR Contract The smart contract exposes two methods to enable storing and retrieving a greeting in the NEAR network. ```rust const DEFAULT_GREETING: &str = "Hello"; #[near_bindgen] #[derive(BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize)] pub struct Contract { greeting: String, } impl Default for Contract { fn default() -> Self { Self{greeting: DEFAULT_GREETING.to_string()} } } #[near_bindgen] impl Contract { // Public: Returns the stored greeting, defaulting to 'Hello' pub fn get_greeting(&self) -> String { return self.greeting.clone(); } // Public: Takes a greeting, such as 'howdy', and records it pub fn set_greeting(&mut self, greeting: String) { // Record a log permanently to the blockchain! log!("Saving greeting {}", greeting); self.greeting = greeting; } } ``` <br /> # Quickstart 1. Make sure you have installed [rust]( 2. Install the [`NEAR CLI`]( <br /> ## 1. Build and Deploy the Contract You can automatically compile and deploy the contract in the NEAR testnet by running: ```bash ./ ``` Once finished, check the `neardev/dev-account` file to find the address in which the contract was deployed: ```bash cat ./neardev/dev-account # e.g. dev-1659899566943-21539992274727 ``` <br /> ## 2. Retrieve the Greeting `get_greeting` is a read-only method (aka `view` method). `View` methods can be called for **free** by anyone, even people **without a NEAR account**! ```bash # Use near-cli to get the greeting near view <dev-account> get_greeting ``` <br /> ## 3. Store a New Greeting `set_greeting` changes the contract's state, for which it is a `change` method. `Change` methods can only be invoked using a NEAR account, since the account needs to pay GAS for the transaction. ```bash # Use near-cli to set a new greeting near call <dev-account> set_greeting '{"greeting":"howdy"}' --accountId <dev-account> ``` **Tip:** If you would like to call `set_greeting` using your own account, first login into NEAR using: ```bash # Use near-cli to login your NEAR account near login ``` and then use the logged account to sign the transaction: `--accountId <your-account>`.
Peersyst_evmos .github ISSUE_TEMPLATE dependabot.yml labeler.yml workflows ante-benchmark.yml auto-format.yml bsr-push.yml build.yml changelog.yml check-licenses.yml codeql-analysis.yml consensuswarn.yml dependencies.yml docker-push.yml e2e-test-release.yml e2e-test.yml goreleaser.yml labeler.yml lint.yml markdown-links.yml proto.yml security.yml semgrep.yml slither.yml solhint.yml solidity-test.yml stale.yml super-linter.yml test.yml .gitleaks.toml .gitpod.yml .golangci.yml .goreleaser.yml .markdownlint.yml .mergify.yml .protolint.yml .solhint.json | app ante ante.go cosmos.go cosmos authz.go authz_test.go eip712.go fees.go fees_benchmark_test.go fees_test.go interfaces.go min_price.go min_price_test.go reject_msgs.go setup_test.go utils_test.go vesting.go doc.go evm.go evm 01_setup_ctx.go 02_mempool_fee.go 03_global_fee.go 04_validate.go 05_signature_verification.go 06_account_verification.go 07_can_transfer.go 08_vesting.go 09_gas_consume.go 10_increment_sequence.go 11_gas_wanted.go 12_emit_event.go ante_test.go eth_benchmark_test.go eth_test.go fee_checker.go fee_checker_test.go fee_market_test.go fees_test.go interfaces.go mono.go setup_ctx_test.go setup_test.go signverify_test.go sigs_test.go utils_test.go vesting_test.go evm_benchmark_test.go handler_options.go handler_options_test.go integration_test.go setup_test.go sigverify.go sigverify_test.go utils claim_rewards.go claim_rewards_test.go fee_checker.go interfaces.go setup_test.go utils_test.go app.go app_test.go baseapp.go db.go db_placeholder.go ethtest_helper.go export.go gas.go keys.go post burn.go burn_test.go post.go post_test.go setup_test.go test_helpers.go tps_counter.go tps_counter_test.go upgrades v15 constants.go upgrades.go v16 constants.go feecollector.go incentives.go proposals.go setup_test.go upgrades.go upgrades_test.go client block block.go store.go config.go config_test.go debug debug.go docs config.json swagger-ui index.html oauth2-redirect.html swagger-ui-standalone-preset.js swagger-ui.css export.go import.go keys.go keys add.go utils.go testnet.go cmd config config.go observability.go evmosd cmd_test.go genaccounts.go init.go main.go migrate.go opendb opendb.go rocksdb.go root.go testnet.go versiondb.go versiondb_placeholder.go codecov.yml contracts compiled_contracts ERC20Burnable.json ERC20DirectBalanceManipulation.json ERC20MaliciousDelayed.json ERC20MinterBurnerDecimals.json erc20.go erc20DirectBalanceManipulation.go erc20burnable.go erc20maliciousdelayed.go package-lock.json package.json crypto codec amino.go codec.go ethsecp256k1 benchmark_test.go ethsecp256k1.go ethsecp256k1_test.go keys.pb.go hd algorithm.go algorithm_test.go benchmark_test.go utils_test.go keyring options.go secp256r1 verify.go docker-compose.yml encoding codec codec.go config.go config_test.go ethereum eip712 domain.go eip712.go eip712_fuzzer_test.go eip712_legacy.go eip712_test.go encoding.go encoding_legacy.go message.go preprocess.go preprocess_test.go types.go gometalinter.json gomod2nix.toml ibc module.go module_test.go testing app.go chain.go coordinator.go endpoint.go path.go utils.go utils_test.go indexer kv_indexer.go kv_indexer_test.go init.bat mlc_config.json nix sources.json precompiles authorization errors.go events.go types.go types_test.go bank abi.json bank.go integration_test.go query.go query_test.go setup_test.go testdata BankCaller.json bank.go types.go utils_test.go bech32 abi.json bech32.go bech32_test.go methods.go methods_test.go setup_test.go common abi.go errors.go events.go precompile.go types.go types_test.go distribution abi.json distribution.go distribution_test.go errors.go events.go events_test.go integration_test.go query.go query_test.go setup_test.go tx.go tx_test.go types.go utils_test.go erc20 abi.json approve.go approve_test.go erc20.go erc20_test.go errors.go errors_test.go events.go events_test.go integration_test.go query.go query_test.go setup_test.go testdata ERC20AllowanceCaller.json ERC20Minter_OpenZeppelinV5.json ERC20NoMetadata.json erc20_allowance_caller.go erc20_no_metadata.go erc20minter_openzeppelinv5.go tx.go tx_test.go types.go types_test.go utils_test.go ics20 abi.json approve.go approve_common.go approve_test.go errors.go events.go events_test.go ics20.go integration_test.go query.go query_test.go setup_test.go tx.go tx_test.go types.go utils_test.go outposts osmosis abi.json errors.go events.go events_test.go osmosis.go setup_test.go tx.go tx_test.go types.go types_test.go utils_test.go stride abi.json errors.go events.go events_test.go setup_test.go stride.go tx.go tx_test.go types.go types_test.go utils_test.go p256 integration_test.go p256.go p256_test.go setup_test.go staking abi.json approve.go approve_test.go errors.go events.go events_test.go integration_test.go query.go query_test.go setup_test.go staking.go staking_test.go testdata StakingCaller.json staking_caller.go tx.go tx_test.go types.go utils_test.go testutil contracts DistributionCaller.json InterchainSender.json contracts.go distribution_caller.go interchain_sender.go types.go errors.go events.go logs.go staking.go testing.go vesting abi.json approve.go errors.go events.go integration_test.go query.go query_test.go setup_test.go testdata VestingCaller.json vesting_caller.go tx.go tx_test.go types.go utils_test.go vesting.go werc20 abi.json events.go integration_test.go setup_test.go testdata WEVMOS.json wevmos.go tx.go types.go utils_test.go werc20.go rpc apis.go backend account_info.go account_info_test.go backend.go backend_suite_test.go blocks.go blocks_test.go call_tx.go call_tx_test.go chain_info.go chain_info_test.go client_test.go evm_query_client_test.go feemarket_query_client_test.go filters.go filters_test.go mocks client.go evm_query_client.go feemarket_query_client.go node_info.go node_info_test.go sign_tx.go sign_tx_test.go tracing.go tracing_test.go tx_info.go tx_info_test.go utils.go utils_test.go ethereum pubsub pubsub.go pubsub_test.go namespaces ethereum debug api.go trace.go trace_fallback.go utils.go eth api.go filters api.go filter_system.go filter_system_test.go filters.go subscription.go utils.go miner api.go unsupported.go net api.go personal api.go txpool api.go web3 api.go types addrlock.go block.go block_test.go events.go events_test.go query_client.go types.go utils.go websockets.go scripts .env geth-genesis.json server config config.go config_test.go toml.go flags flags.go indexer_cmd.go indexer_service.go json_rpc.go start.go util.go tests e2e e2e_suite_test.go e2e_test.go upgrade constants.go govexec.go manager.go node.go params.go params_test.go queryexec.go utils.go utils_test.go utils.go integration ledger evmosd_suite_test.go ledger_test.go mocks AccountRetriever.go SECP256K1.go registry.go tendermint.go nix_tests cosmwasm artifacts checksums.txt hardhat hardhat.config.js package-lock.json package.json osmosis evmosOsmosisPool.json pyproject.toml solidity package.json suites basic package.json test counter.js events.js revert.js storage.js truffle-config.js eip1559 package.json test eip1559.js truffle-config.js exception migrations 1_initial_migration.js package.json test revert.js truffle-config.js opcode migrations 1_initial_migration.js 2_opCodes_migration.js package.json test opCodes.js truffle-config.js precompiles hardhat.config.js package.json test staking.js test-helper.js testutil abci.go ante.go contract.go fund.go integration.go integration common factory factory.go helper.go types.go grpc account.go authz.go bank.go grpc.go staking.go network network.go evmos factory factory.go helpers.go types.go grpc evm.go feemarket.go gov.go grpc.go revenue.go keyring keyring.go network abci.go clients.go config.go fund.go ibc.go network.go params.go setup.go unit_network.go utils contracts.go erc20.go gov.go unit.go ibc chain chain.go coordinator coordinator.go types.go utils.go network doc.go network.go network_test.go util.go setup.go staking-rewards.go statedb.go tx cosmos.go eip712.go eth.go signer.go types account.go account.pb.go account_test.go benchmark_test.go block.go chain_id.go chain_id_test.go codec.go coin.go dynamic_fee.go dynamic_fee.pb.go errors.go gasmeter.go hdpath.go indexer.go indexer.pb.go int.go protocol.go tests test_utils.go validation.go validation_test.go web3.pb.go utils utils.go utils_test.go version version.go wallets accounts accounts.go ledger ledger.go ledger_suite_test.go ledger_test.go mocks wallet.go wallet_test.go usbwallet hub.go ledger.go wallet.go x epochs client cli query.go genesis.go genesis_test.go keeper abci.go abci_test.go epoch_infos.go epoch_infos_test.go grpc_query.go grpc_query_test.go hooks.go keeper.go setup_test.go utils_test.go module.go types codec.go epoch_info.go epoch_info_test.go events.go genesis.go genesis.pb.go genesis_test.go identifier.go identifier_test.go interfaces.go keys.go query.pb.go erc20 client cli metadata coin_metadata_test.json coins_metadata_test.json invalid_metadata_test.json query.go tx.go proposal_handler.go genesis.go genesis_test.go handler.go ibc_middleware.go keeper erc20_utils_test.go evm.go evm_test.go grpc_query.go grpc_query_test.go ibc_callbacks.go ibc_callbacks_integration_test.go ibc_callbacks_test.go integration_test.go keeper.go migrations.go migrations_test.go mint.go mint_test.go msg_server.go msg_server_test.go params.go params_test.go precompiles.go precompiles_test.go proposals.go proposals_test.go setup_test.go token_pairs.go token_pairs_test.go utils_test.go migrations v3 migration.go migration_test.go types genesis.pb.go params.go module.go proposal_handler.go types codec.go erc20.pb.go errors.go events.go events.pb.go evm.go evm_test.go genesis.go genesis.pb.go genesis_test.go interfaces.go keys.go mocks BankKeeper.go EVMKeeper.go msg.go msg_test.go params.go params_test.go proposal.go proposal_test.go query.pb.go token_pair.go token_pair_test.go tx.pb.go utils.go utils_test.go evm client cli query.go tx.go utils.go utils_test.go genesis.go genesis_test.go handler.go handler_test.go keeper abci.go abci_test.go benchmark_test.go block_proposer.go config.go fees.go fees_test.go gas.go grpc_query.go grpc_query_test.go hooks.go hooks_test.go integration_test.go keeper.go keeper_test.go migrations.go migrations_test.go msg_server.go msg_server_test.go params.go params_benchmark_test.go params_test.go precompiles.go precompiles_test.go setup_test.go state_transition.go state_transition_benchmark_test.go state_transition_test.go statedb.go statedb_benchmark_test.go statedb_test.go utils_test.go migrations v4 migrate.go migrate_test.go types evm.pb.go v5 migrate.go migrate_test.go types evm.pb.go v6 migrate.go migrate_test.go types evm.pb.go module.go statedb access_list.go config.go interfaces.go journal.go mock_test.go state_object.go statedb.go statedb_test.go types ERC20Contract.json SimpleStorageContract.json TestMessageCall.json access_list.go access_list_test.go access_list_tx.go access_list_tx_test.go call.go chain_config.go chain_config_test.go codec.go codec_test.go compiled_contract.go dynamic_fee_tx.go dynamic_fee_tx_test.go errors.go events.go events.pb.go evm.pb.go genesis.go genesis.pb.go genesis_test.go interfaces.go key.go legacy_tx.go legacy_tx_test.go logs.go logs_test.go msg.go msg_test.go params.go params_legacy.go params_test.go query.go query.pb.go storage.go storage_test.go tracer.go tracer_test.go tx.go tx.pb.go tx_args.go tx_args_test.go tx_data.go tx_data_test.go utils.go utils_test.go feemarket client cli query.go genesis.go handler.go keeper abci.go abci_test.go eip1559.go eip1559_test.go grpc_query.go grpc_query_test.go integration_test.go keeper.go keeper_test.go migrations.go migrations_test.go msg_server.go msg_server_test.go params.go params_test.go setup_test.go utils_test.go migrations v4 migrate.go migrate_test.go types feemarket.pb.go params.go module.go types codec.go events.go events.pb.go feemarket.pb.go genesis.go genesis.pb.go genesis_test.go interfaces.go keys.go msg.go msg_test.go params.go params_test.go query.pb.go tx.pb.go ibc transfer ibc_module.go keeper keeper.go keeper_test.go msg_server.go msg_server_test.go module.go types channels.go interfaces.go incentives module.go types codec.go genesis.pb.go incentives.pb.go keys.go proposal.go inflation v1 client cli query.go genesis.go handler.go keeper epoch_info.go epoch_info_test.go genesis_test.go grpc_query.go grpc_query_test.go hooks.go hooks_test.go inflation.go inflation_test.go integration_test.go keeper.go migrations.go migrations_test.go msg_server.go msg_server_test.go params.go params_test.go periods.go periods_test.go setup_test.go utils_test.go migrations v2 migrate.go migrate_test.go types genesis.pb.go inflation.pb.go params.go v3 migrate.go migrate_test.go module.go types codec.go events.go genesis.go genesis.pb.go genesis_test.go inflation.pb.go inflation_calculation.go inflation_calculation_test.go interfaces.go keys.go msg.go msg_test.go params.go params_test.go query.pb.go tx.pb.go revenue v1 client cli query.go tx.go genesis.go genesis_test.go handler.go keeper evm_hooks.go grpc_query.go grpc_query_test.go integration_test.go keeper.go migrations.go msg_server.go msg_server_test.go params.go params_test.go revenues.go revenues_test.go setup_test.go utils_test.go migrations v2 migrate.go migrate_test.go types genesis.pb.go params.go module.go types codec.go codec_test.go errors.go events.go events.pb.go genesis.go genesis.pb.go genesis_test.go interfaces.go keys.go msg.go msg_test.go params.go params_test.go query.pb.go revenue.go revenue.pb.go revenue_test.go tx.pb.go vesting client cli query.go tx.go utils.go proposal_handler.go handler.go keeper gov.go gov_test.go grpc_query.go grpc_query_test.go hooks.go integration_test.go keeper.go keeper_test.go migrations.go migrations_test.go msg_server.go msg_server_test.go setup_test.go utils.go utils_test.go migrations types vesting.pb.go v2 migrate.go migrate_test.go module.go proposal_handler.go proposal_handler_test.go setup_test.go types clawback_vesting_account.go clawback_vesting_account_test.go codec.go errors.go events.go events.pb.go interfaces.go keys.go msg.go msg_test.go proposal.go proposal_test.go query.pb.go schedule.go schedule_test.go tx.pb.go utils.go vesting.pb.go utils_test.go
<!-- parent: order: false --> <div align="center"> <h1> Evmos </h1> </div> <div align="center"> <a href=""> <img alt="Version" src="" /> </a> <a href=""> <img alt="License" src="" /> </a> <a href=""> <img alt="GoDoc" src="" /> </a> <a href=""> <img alt="Go report card" src=""/> </a> </div> <div align="center"> <a href=""> <img alt="Discord" src="" /> </a> <a href=""> <img alt="Lint Status" src="" /> </a> <a href=""> <img alt="Code Coverage" src="" /> </a> <a href=""> <img alt="Twitter Follow Evmos" src=""/> </a> </div> ## About Evmos is a scalable, high-throughput Proof-of-Stake EVM blockchain that is fully compatible and interoperable with Ethereum. It's built using the [Cosmos SDK]( which runs on top of the [CometBFT]( consensus engine. ## Quick Start To learn how Evmos works from a high-level perspective, go to the [Protocol Overview]( section of the documentation. You can also check the instructions to [Run a Node]( ## Documentation Our documentation is hosted in a [separate repository]( and can be found at []( Head over there and check it out. ## Installation For prerequisites and detailed build instructions please read the [Installation]( instructions. Once the dependencies are installed, run: ```bash make install ``` Or check out the latest [release]( ## Community The following chat channels and forums are great spots to ask questions about Evmos: - [Evmos Twitter]( - [Evmos Discord]( - [Evmos Forum]( ## Contributing Looking for a good place to start contributing? Check out some [`good first issues`]( For additional instructions, standards and style guides, please refer to the [Contributing](./ document. ## Careers See our open positions on [Greenhouse]( ## Licensing Starting from April 21st, 2023, the Evmos repository will update its License from GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 (LGPLv3) to [Evmos Non-Commercial License 1.0 (ENCL-1.0)](./LICENSE). This license applies to all software released from Evmos version 13 or later, except for specific files, as follows, which will continue to be licensed under LGPLv3: - `x/revenue/v1/` (all files in this folder) - `x/claims/genesis.go` - `x/erc20/keeper/proposals.go` - `x/erc20/types/utils.go` LGPLv3 will continue to apply to older versions ([<v13.0.0]( of the Evmos repository. For more information see [LICENSE](./LICENSE). > [!WARNING] > > **NOTE: If you are interested in using this software** > email us at []( with copy to []( ### SPDX Identifier The following header including a license identifier in [SPDX]( short form has been added to all ENCL-1.0 files: ```go // Copyright Tharsis Labs Ltd.(Evmos) // SPDX-License-Identifier:ENCL-1.0( ``` Exempted files contain the following SPDX ID: ```go // Copyright Tharsis Labs Ltd.(Evmos) // SPDX-License-Identifier:LGPL-3.0-only ``` ### License FAQ Find below an overview of the Permissions and Limitations of the Evmos Non-Commercial License 1.0. For more information, check out the full ENCL-1.0 FAQ [here](./ | Permissions | Prohibited | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | - Private Use, including distribution and modification<br />- Commercial use on designated blockchains<br />- Commercial use with Evmos permit (to be separately negotiated) | - Commercial use, other than on designated blockchains, without Evmos permit | # End-to-End Testing Suite The End-to-End (E2E) testing suite provides an environment for running end-to-end tests on Evmos. It is used for testing chain upgrades, as it allows for initializing multiple Evmos chains with different versions. - [End-to-End Testing Suite](#end-to-end-testing-suite) - [Quick Start](#quick-start) - [Upgrade Process](#upgrade-process) - [Test Suite Structure](#test-suite-structure) - [`e2e` Package](#e2e-package) - [`upgrade` Package](#upgrade-package) - [Version retrieve](#version-retrieve) - [Testing Results](#testing-results) - [Running multiple upgrades](#running-multiple-upgrades) ### Quick Start To run the e2e tests, execute: ```shell make test-e2e ``` This command runs an upgrade test (upgrading a node from an old version to a newer one), as well as query and transactions operations against a node with the latest changes. This logic utilizes parameters that can be set manually(if necessary): ```shell # flag to skip containers cleanup after upgrade # should be set true with make test-e2e command if you need access to the node # after upgrading E2E_SKIP_CLEANUP := false # version(s) of initial evmos node(s) that will be upgraded, tag e.g. 'v9.1.0' # to use multiple upgrades separate the versions with a forward slash, e.g. # 'v10.0.1/v11.0.0-rc1' INITIAL_VERSION # version of upgraded evmos node that will replace the initial node, tag e.g. # 'v10.0.0' TARGET_VERSION # mount point for the upgraded node container, to mount new node version to # previous node state folder. By default this is './build/.evmosd:/root/.evmosd' # More info at MOUNT_PATH # '--chain-id' evmos cli parameter, used to start nodes with a specific # chain-id and submit proposals # By default this is 'evmos_9000-1' CHAIN_ID ``` To test an upgrade to explicit target version and continue to run the upgraded node, use: ```shell make test-e2e E2E_SKIP_CLEANUP=true INITIAL_VERSION=<tag> TARGET_VERSION=<tag> ``` ### Upgrade Process Testing a chain upgrade is a multi-step process: 1. Build a docker image for the evmos target version (local repo by default, if no explicit `TARGET_VERSION` provided as argument) (e.g. `v10.0.0`) 2. Run tests 3. The e2e test will first run an `INITIAL_VERSION` node container. 4. The node will submit, deposit and vote for an upgrade proposal for upgrading to the `TARGET_VERSION`. 5. After block `50` is reached, the test suite exports `/.evmosd` folder from the docker container to the local `build/` folder and then purges the container. 6. Suite will mount the node with `TARGET_VERSION` to the local `build/` dir and start the node. The node will get upgrade information from `upgrade-info.json` and will execute the upgrade. ## Test Suite Structure ### `e2e` Package The `e2e` package defines an integration testing suite used for full end-to-end testing functionality. This package is decoupled from depending on the Evmos codebase. It initializes the chains for testing via Docker. As a result, the test suite may provide the desired Evmos version to Docker containers during the initialization. This design allows for the opportunity of testing chain upgrades by providing an older Evmos version to the container, performing the chain upgrade, and running the latest test suite. Here's an overview of the files: * `e2e_suite_test.go`: defines the testing suite and contains the core bootstrapping logic that creates a testing environment via Docker containers. A testing network is created dynamically with 2 test validators. * `e2e_test.go`: contains the actual end-to-end integration tests that utilize the testing suite. * `e2e_utils_test.go`: contains suite upgrade params loading logic. ### `upgrade` Package The `e2e` package defines an upgrade `Manager` abstraction. Suite will utilize `Manager`'s functions to run different versions of evmos containers, propose, vote, delegate and query nodes. * `manager.go`: defines core manager logic for running containers, export state and create networks. * `govexec.go`: defines `gov-specific` exec commands to submit/delegate/vote through nodes `gov` module. * `node.go`: defines `Node` structure responsible for setting node container parameters before run. ### Version retrieve If `INITIAL_VERSION` is provided as an argument, node container(s) with the corresponding version(s) will be pulled from [DockerHub]( If it is not specified, the test suite retrieves the second-to-last upgrade version from the local codebase (in the `evmos/app/upgrades` folder) according to [Semantic Versioning]( If `TARGET_VERSION` is specified, the corresponding container will also be pulled from DockerHub. When not specified, the test suite will retrieve the latest upgrade version from `evmos/app/upgrades`. ### Testing Results The `make test-e2e` script will output the test results for each testing file. In case of a successful upgrade, the script will print the following output (example): ```log ok 174.137s. ``` If the target node version fails to start, the logs from the docker container will be printed: ```log Error: Received unexpected error: can't start evmos node, container exit code: 2 [error stream]: 7:03AM INF Unlocking keyring 7:03AM INF starting ABCI with Tendermint panic: invalid minimum gas prices: invalid decimal coin expression: 0... goroutine 1 [running]:{0xc0013563e7?, ... +0xd9 main.appCreator.newApp({{{0x3399b40, 0xc000ec1db8}, {0x33ac0f8, 0xc00... +0x2ca, {{0x0, 0x0, 0x0},... +0x9c5, {0xc0... +0x1ec*Command).execute(0xc001620600, {0xc001745bb0... +0x862*Command).ExecuteC(0xc00160e000) +0x3bd*Command).Execute(...)*Command).ExecuteContext(...), {0x26d961... +0x... main.main() +0x45 [output stream]: Test: TestIntegrationTestSuite/TestUpgrade Messages: can't mount and run upgraded node container ``` To get all containers run: ```shell # list containers docker ps -a ``` Container names will be listed as follows: ```log CONTAINER ID IMAGE 9307f5485323 evmos:local <-- upgraded node f41c97d6ca21 evmos:v9.0.0 <-- initial node ``` To access containers logs directly, run: ```shell docker logs <container-id> ``` To interact with the upgraded node pass `SKIP_CLEANUP=true` to the make command and enter the container after the upgrade has finished: ```shell docker exec -it <container-id> bash ``` If the cleanup was skipped the upgraded node container should be removed manually: ```shell docker kill <container-id> docker rm <container-id> ``` ## Running multiple upgrades In order to run multiple upgrades, just combine the versions leading up to the last upgrade with a forward slash and pass them as the `INITIAL_VERSION`. ```bash make test-e2e INITIAL_VERSION=v10.0.1/v11.0.0-rc1 TARGET_VERSION=v11.0.0-rc3 ``` # RPC Integration tests The RPC integration test suite uses nix for reproducible and configurable builds allowing to run integration tests using python web3 library against different Evmos and [Geth]( clients with multiple configurations. ## Installation Nix Multi-user installation: ``` sh <(curl -L --daemon ``` Make sure the following line has been added to your shell profile (e.g. ~/.profile): ``` source ~/.nix-profile/etc/profile.d/ ``` Then re-login shell, the nix installation is completed. For linux: ``` sh <(curl -L --no-daemon ``` ## Run Local First time run (can take a while): ``` make run-nix-tests ``` Once you've run them once and, you can run: ``` nix-shell tests/nix_tests/shell.nix cd tests/nix_tests pytest -s -vv ``` If you're changing anything on the evmos rpc, rerun the first command. ## Caching You can enable Binary Cache to speed up the tests: ``` nix-env -iA cachix -f cachix use evmos ``` # Test Contracts This directory contains the contracts that are used on the nix setup tests. Its sole purpose is to use Hardhat to compile the contracts based on the solidity compiler defined on the `hardhat.config.js` file. Once compiled, the tests use the compiled data stored in the `artifacts` directory to deploy and interact with the contracts. To compile the contracts manually run: ```shell npm install npm run typechain ``` If you inspect the `package.json` file, you will notice that the `typechain` command calls the `get-contracts` script. This script copies all the Solidity smart contracts from the `precompiles` directory of the evmos repository. Thus, you don't need to add these contracts to the `contracts` directory, these will be automatically included for you to use them on tests. # Mocks The mocks in this folder have been generated using the [mockery]( tool. To regenerate the mocks, run the following commands: - `BankKeeper` (from used version of Cosmos SDK): ```bash git clone cd cosmos-sdk git checkout v0.47.5 # or the version currently used # Go into bank module and generate mock cd x/bank mockery --name Keeper ``` - `EVMKeeper` (reduced interface defined in ERC20 types): ```bash cd x/erc20/types mockery --name EVMKeeper ``` # IBC Testing Package ## Components The testing package comprises of four parts constructed as a stack: - coordinator - chain - path - endpoint A coordinator sits at the highest level and contains all the chains which have been initialized. It also stores and updates the current global time. The time is manually incremented by a `TimeIncrement`. This allows all the chains to remain in synchrony avoiding the issue of a counterparty being perceived to be in the future. The coordinator also contains functions to do basic setup of clients, connections, and channels between two chains. A chain is an SDK application (as represented by an app.go file). Inside the chain is an `TestingApp` which allows the chain to simulate block production and transaction processing. The chain contains by default a single tendermint validator. A chain is used to process SDK messages. A path connects two channel endpoints. It contains all the information needed to relay between two endpoints. An endpoint represents a channel (and its associated client and connections) on some specific chain. It contains references to the chain it is on and the counterparty endpoint it is connected to. The endpoint contains functions to interact with initialization and updates of its associated clients, connections, and channels. It can send, receive, and acknowledge packets. In general: - endpoints are used for initialization and execution of IBC logic on one side of an IBC connection - paths are used to relay packets - chains are used to commit SDK messages - coordinator is used to setup a path between two chains ## Integration To integrate the testing package into your tests, you will need to define: - a testing application - a function to initialize the testing application ### TestingApp Your project will likely already have an application defined. This application will need to be extended to fulfill the `TestingApp` interface. ```go type TestingApp interface { abci.Application // ibc-go additions GetBaseApp() *baseapp.BaseApp GetStakingKeeper() stakingkeeper.Keeper GetIBCKeeper() *keeper.Keeper GetScopedIBCKeeper() capabilitykeeper.ScopedKeeper GetTxConfig() client.TxConfig // Implemented by SimApp AppCodec() codec.Codec // Implemented by BaseApp LastCommitID() sdk.CommitID LastBlockHeight() int64 } ``` To begin, you will need to extend your application by adding the following functions: ```go // TestingApp functions // Example using SimApp to implement TestingApp // GetBaseApp implements the TestingApp interface. func (app *SimApp) GetBaseApp() *baseapp.BaseApp { return app.BaseApp } // GetStakingKeeper implements the TestingApp interface. func (app *SimApp) GetStakingKeeper() stakingkeeper.Keeper { return app.StakingKeeper } // GetIBCKeeper implements the TestingApp interface. func (app *SimApp) GetIBCKeeper() *ibckeeper.Keeper { return app.IBCKeeper } // GetScopedIBCKeeper implements the TestingApp interface. func (app *SimApp) GetScopedIBCKeeper() capabilitykeeper.ScopedKeeper { return app.ScopedIBCKeeper } // GetTxConfig implements the TestingApp interface. func (app *SimApp) GetTxConfig() client.TxConfig { return MakeTestEncodingConfig().TxConfig } ``` Your application may need to define `AppCodec()` if it does not already exist: ```go // AppCodec returns SimApp's app codec. // // NOTE: This is solely to be used for testing purposes as it may be desirable // for modules to register their own custom testing types. func (app *SimApp) AppCodec() codec.Codec { return app.appCodec } ``` It is assumed your application contains an embedded BaseApp and thus implements the abci.Application interface, `LastCommitID()` and `LastBlockHeight()` ### Initialize TestingApp The testing package requires that you provide a function to initialize your TestingApp. This is how ibc-go implements the initialize function with its `SimApp`: ```go func SetupTestingApp() (TestingApp, map[string]json.RawMessage) { db := dbm.NewMemDB() encCdc := simapp.MakeTestEncodingConfig() app := simapp.NewSimApp(log.NewNopLogger(), db, nil, true, map[int64]bool{}, simapp.DefaultNodeHome, 5, encCdc, simapp.EmptyAppOptions{}) return app, simapp.NewDefaultGenesisState(encCdc.Marshaler) } ``` This function returns the TestingApp and the default genesis state used to initialize the testing app. Change the value of `DefaultTestingAppInit` to use your function: ```go func init() { ibctesting.DefaultTestingAppInit = MySetupTestingAppFunction } ``` ## Example Here is an example of how to setup your testing environment in every package you are testing: ```go // KeeperTestSuite is a testing suite to test keeper functions. type KeeperTestSuite struct { suite.Suite coordinator *ibctesting.Coordinator // testing chains used for convenience and readability chainA *ibctesting.TestChain chainB *ibctesting.TestChain } // TestKeeperTestSuite runs all the tests within this package. func TestKeeperTestSuite(t *testing.T) { suite.Run(t, new(KeeperTestSuite)) } // SetupTest creates a coordinator with 2 test chains. func (suite *KeeperTestSuite) SetupTest() { suite.coordinator = ibctesting.NewCoordinator(suite.T(), 2) // initializes 2 test chains suite.chainA = suite.coordinator.GetChain(ibctesting.GetChainID(1)) // convenience and readability suite.chainB = suite.coordinator.GetChain(ibctesting.GetChainID(2)) // convenience and readability } ``` To create interaction between chainA and chainB, we need to contruct a `Path` these chains will use. A path contains two endpoints, `EndpointA` and `EndpointB` (corresponding to the order of the chains passed into the `NewPath` function). A path is a pointer and its values will be filled in as necessary during the setup portion of testing. Endpoint Struct: ```go // Endpoint is a which represents a channel endpoint and its associated // client and connections. It contains client, connection, and channel // configuration parameters. Endpoint functions will utilize the parameters // set in the configuration structs when executing IBC messages. type Endpoint struct { Chain *TestChain Counterparty *Endpoint ClientID string ConnectionID string ChannelID string ClientConfig ClientConfig ConnectionConfig *ConnectionConfig ChannelConfig *ChannelConfig } ``` The fields empty after `NewPath` is called are `ClientID`, `ConnectionID` and `ChannelID` as the clients, connections, and channels for these endpoints have not yet been created. The `ClientConfig`, `ConnectionConfig` and `ChannelConfig` contain all the necessary information for clients, connections, and channels to be initialized. If you would like to use endpoints which are initialized to use your Port IDs, you might add a helper function similar to the one found in transfer: ```go func NewTransferPath(chainA, chainB *ibctesting.TestChain) *ibctesting.Path { path := ibctesting.NewPath(chainA, chainB) path.EndpointA.ChannelConfig.PortID = ibctesting.TransferPort path.EndpointB.ChannelConfig.PortID = ibctesting.TransferPort return path } ``` Path configurations should be set to the desired values before calling any `Setup` coordinator functions. To initialize the clients, connections, and channels for a path we can call the Setup functions of the coordinator: - Setup() -> setup clients, connections, channels - SetupClients() -> setup clients only - SetupConnections() -> setup clients and connections only Here is a basic example of the testing package being used to simulate IBC functionality: ```go path := ibctesting.NewPath(suite.chainA, suite.chainB) // clientID, connectionID, channelID empty suite.coordinator.Setup(path) // clientID, connectionID, channelID filled suite.Require().Equal("07-tendermint-0", path.EndpointA.ClientID) suite.Require().Equal("connection-0", path.EndpointA.ClientID) suite.Require().Equal("channel-0", path.EndpointA.ClientID) // create packet 1 packet1 := NewPacket() // NewPacket would construct your packet // send on endpointA path.EndpointA.SendPacket(packet1) // receive on endpointB path.EndpointB.RecvPacket(packet1) // acknowledge the receipt of the packet path.EndpointA.AcknowledgePacket(packet1, ack) // we can also relay packet2 := NewPacket() path.EndpointA.SendPacket(packet2) path.Relay(packet2, expectedAck) // if needed we can update our clients path.EndpointB.UpdateClient() ``` ### Transfer Testing Example If ICS 20 had its own simapp, its testing setup might include a `testing/app.go` file with the following contents: ```go package transfertesting import ( "encoding/json" "" dbm "" "" ibctesting "" ) func SetupTransferTestingApp() (ibctesting.TestingApp, map[string]json.RawMessage) { db := dbm.NewMemDB() encCdc := simapp.MakeTestEncodingConfig() app := simapp.NewSimApp(log.NewNopLogger(), db, nil, true, map[int64]bool{}, simapp.DefaultNodeHome, 5, encCdc, simapp.EmptyAppOptions{}) return app, simapp.NewDefaultGenesisState(encCdc.Marshaler) } func init() { ibctesting.DefaultTestingAppInit = SetupTransferTestingApp } func NewTransferPath(chainA, chainB *ibctesting.TestChain) *ibctesting.Path { path := ibctesting.NewPath(chainA, chainB) path.EndpointA.ChannelConfig.PortID = ibctesting.TransferPort path.EndpointB.ChannelConfig.PortID = ibctesting.TransferPort return path } func GetTransferSimApp(chain *ibctesting.TestChain) *simapp.SimApp { app, ok := chain.App.(*simapp.SimApp) if !ok { panic("not transfer app") } return app } ``` ### Middleware Testing When writing IBC applications acting as middleware, it might be desirable to test integration points. This can be done by wiring a middleware stack in the app.go file using existing applications as middleware and IBC base applications. The mock module may also be leveraged to act as a base application in the instance that such an application is not available for testing or causes dependency concerns. The mock IBC module contains a `MockIBCApp`. This struct contains a function field for every IBC App Module callback. Each of these functions can be individually set to mock expected behavior of a base application. For example, if one wanted to test that the base application cannot affect the outcome of the `OnChanOpenTry` callback, the mock module base application callback could be updated as such: ```go mockModule.IBCApp.OnChanOpenTry = func(ctx sdk.Context, portID, channelID, version string) error { return fmt.Errorf("mock base app must not be called for OnChanOpenTry") } ``` Using a mock module as a base application in a middleware stack may require adding the module to your `SimApp`. This is because IBC will route to the top level IBC module of a middleware stack, so a module which never sits at the top of middleware stack will need to be accessed via a public field in `SimApp` This might look like: ```go suite.chainA.GetSimApp().ICAAuthModule.IBCApp.OnChanOpenInit = func(ctx sdk.Context, order channeltypes.Order, connectionHops []string, portID, channelID string, chanCap *capabilitytypes.Capability, counterparty channeltypes.Counterparty, version string, ) error { return fmt.Errorf("mock ica auth fails") } ```
.devcontainer devcontainer.json .github workflows tests-rs.yml tests-ts.yml contract-rs Cargo.toml rust-toolchain.toml src tests contract-ts package.json sandbox-ts main.ava.ts src contract.ts model.ts tsconfig.json frontend .cypress cypress.config.js e2e tsconfig.json assets global.css logo-black.svg logo-white.svg index.html index.js near-interface.js near-wallet.js package.json
# Donation Contract Examples This repository contains examples of donation contracts in both JavaScript and Rust,and an examples of a frontend interacting with a Counter smart contract. ## Repositories - [Donation TS Example](contract-ts) - [Donation RS Example](contract-rs) - [Donation Frontend Example](Frontend) # Donation Contract The smart contract exposes multiple methods to handle donating NEAR Tokens to a beneficiary set on initialization. ## How to Build Locally? Install [`cargo-near`]( and run: ```bash cargo near build ``` ## How to Test Locally? ```bash cargo test ``` ## How to Interact? _In this example we will be using [NEAR CLI]( to intract with the NEAR blockchain and the smart contract_ _If you want full control over of your interactions we recommend using the [near-cli-rs]( ### Initialize The contract will be automatically initialized with a default beneficiary. To initialize the contract yourself do: ```bash near call <deployed-to-account> init '{"beneficiary":"<account>"}' --accountId <deployed-to-account> ``` ### Get Beneficiary `get_beneficiary` is a read-only method (view method) that returns the beneficiary of the donations. View methods can be called for free by anyone, even people without a NEAR account! ```bash near view <deployed-to-account> get_beneficiary ``` ### Change Beneficiary `change_beneficiary` is a read-only method (view method) that returns the beneficiary of the donations. View methods can be called for free by anyone, even people without a NEAR account! ```bash near call <deployed-to-account> change_beneficiary {"new_beneficiary": "<new-baccount>"} --accountId <deployed-to-account> ``` ### Donate `donate` forwards any attached NEAR tokens to the `beneficiary` while keeping track of it. `donate` is a payable method for which can only be invoked using a NEAR account. The account needs to attach NEAR Tokens and pay GAS for the transaction. ```bash near call <deployed-to-account> donate --amount 1 --accountId <account> ``` ```rust #[payable] pub fn donate(&mut self) -> String { // Get who is calling the method and how much NEAR they attached let donor: AccountId = env::predecessor_account_id(); let donation_amount = env::attached_deposit(); require!( donation_amount > STORAGE_COST, format!( "Attach at least {} yoctoNEAR to cover for the storage cost", STORAGE_COST ) ); let mut donated_so_far: NearToken = self .donations .get(&donor) .unwrap_or(NearToken::from_near(0)); let to_transfer = if donated_so_far.is_zero() { // This is the user's first donation, lets register it, which increases storage // Subtract the storage cost to the amount to transfer donation_amount.saturating_sub(STORAGE_COST).to_owned() } else { donation_amount }; // Persist in storage the amount donated so far donated_so_far = donated_so_far.saturating_add(donation_amount); self.donations.insert(&donor, &donated_so_far); log!( "Thank you {} for donating {}! You donated a total of {}", donor.clone(), donation_amount, donated_so_far ); // Send the NEAR to the beneficiary Promise::new(self.beneficiary.clone()).transfer(to_transfer); // Return the total amount donated so far donated_so_far.to_string() } ``` ### Get Number of Donors ```bash near view <deployed-to-account> number_of_donors ``` ### Get Donations for Account ```bash near view <deployed-to-account> get_donation_for_account '{"account_id":"<account>"}' ``` ### Get Total Donations ```bash near view <deployed-to-account> get_donations ``` ## Useful Links - [cargo-near]( - NEAR smart contract development toolkit for Rust - [near CLI-RS]( - Iteract with NEAR blockchain from command line - [NEAR Rust SDK Documentation]( - [NEAR Documentation]( - [NEAR StackOverflow]( - [NEAR Discord]( - [NEAR Telegram Developers Community Group]( - NEAR DevHub: [Telegram](, [Twitter]( # Donation Contract The smart contract exposes methods to handle donating $NEAR to a `beneficiary`. ```ts @call donate() { // Get who is calling the method and how much $NEAR they attached let donor = near.predecessorAccountId(); let donationAmount: bigint = near.attachedDeposit() as bigint; let donatedSoFar = this.donations.get(donor) === null? BigInt(0) : BigInt(this.donations.get(donor) as string) let toTransfer = donationAmount; // This is the user's first donation, lets register it, which increases storage if(donatedSoFar == BigInt(0)) { assert(donationAmount > STORAGE_COST, `Attach at least ${STORAGE_COST} yoctoNEAR`); // Subtract the storage cost to the amount to transfer toTransfer -= STORAGE_COST } // Persist in storage the amount donated so far donatedSoFar += donationAmount this.donations.set(donor, donatedSoFar.toString()) // Send the money to the beneficiary const promise = near.promiseBatchCreate(this.beneficiary) near.promiseBatchActionTransfer(promise, toTransfer) // Return the total amount donated so far return donatedSoFar.toString() } ``` <br /> # Quickstart 1. Make sure you have installed [node.js]( >= 16. 2. Install the [`NEAR CLI`]( <br /> ## 1. Build and Deploy the Contract You can automatically compile and deploy the contract in the NEAR testnet by running: ```bash npm run deploy ``` Once finished, check the `neardev/dev-account` file to find the address in which the contract was deployed: ```bash cat ./neardev/dev-account # e.g. dev-1659899566943-21539992274727 ``` The contract will be automatically initialized with a default `beneficiary`. To initialize the contract yourself do: ```bash # Use near-cli to initialize contract (optional) near call <dev-account> init '{"beneficiary":"<account>"}' --accountId <dev-account> ``` <br /> ## 2. Get Beneficiary `beneficiary` is a read-only method (`view` method) that returns the beneficiary of the donations. `View` methods can be called for **free** by anyone, even people **without a NEAR account**! ```bash near view <dev-account> beneficiary ``` <br /> ## 3. Get Number of Donations `donate` forwards any attached money to the `beneficiary` while keeping track of it. `donate` is a payable method for which can only be invoked using a NEAR account. The account needs to attach money and pay GAS for the transaction. ```bash # Use near-cli to donate 1 NEAR near call <dev-account> donate --amount 1 --accountId <account> ``` **Tip:** If you would like to `donate` using your own account, first login into NEAR using: ```bash # Use near-cli to login your NEAR account near login ``` and then use the logged account to sign the transaction: `--accountId <your-account>`.
.github scripts workflows deploy-to-console.yml readme.yml tests.yml .gitpod.yml contract package-lock.json package.json src contract.ts model.ts utils.ts tsconfig.json integration-tests package-lock.json package.json src main.ava.ts package-lock.json package.json
# Donation 💸 [![](⋈%20Examples-Basics-green)]( [![](]( [![](]( [![](]( [![Build Status](]( Our Donation example enables to forward money to an account while keeping track of it. It is one of the simplest examples on making a contract receive and send money. ![]( # What This Example Shows 1. How to receive and transfer $NEAR on a contract. 2. How to divide a project into multiple modules. 3. How to handle the storage costs. 4. How to handle transaction results. 5. How to use a `Map`. <br /> # Quickstart Clone this repository locally or [**open it in gitpod**]( Then follow these steps: ### 1. Install Dependencies ```bash npm install ``` ### 2. Test the Contract Deploy your contract in a sandbox and simulate interactions from users. ```bash npm test ``` ### 3. Deploy the Contract Build the contract and deploy it in a testnet account ```bash npm run deploy ``` --- # Learn More 1. Learn more about the contract through its [README](./contract/ 2. Check [**our documentation**]( # Donation Contract The smart contract exposes methods to handle donating $NEAR to a `beneficiary`. ```ts @call donate() { // Get who is calling the method and how much $NEAR they attached let donor = near.predecessorAccountId(); let donationAmount: bigint = near.attachedDeposit() as bigint; let donatedSoFar = this.donations.get(donor) === null? BigInt(0) : BigInt(this.donations.get(donor) as string) let toTransfer = donationAmount; // This is the user's first donation, lets register it, which increases storage if(donatedSoFar == BigInt(0)) { assert(donationAmount > STORAGE_COST, `Attach at least ${STORAGE_COST} yoctoNEAR`); // Subtract the storage cost to the amount to transfer toTransfer -= STORAGE_COST } // Persist in storage the amount donated so far donatedSoFar += donationAmount this.donations.set(donor, donatedSoFar.toString()) // Send the money to the beneficiary const promise = near.promiseBatchCreate(this.beneficiary) near.promiseBatchActionTransfer(promise, toTransfer) // Return the total amount donated so far return donatedSoFar.toString() } ``` <br /> # Quickstart 1. Make sure you have installed [node.js]( >= 16. 2. Install the [`NEAR CLI`]( <br /> ## 1. Build and Deploy the Contract You can automatically compile and deploy the contract in the NEAR testnet by running: ```bash npm run deploy ``` Once finished, check the `neardev/dev-account` file to find the address in which the contract was deployed: ```bash cat ./neardev/dev-account # e.g. dev-1659899566943-21539992274727 ``` The contract will be automatically initialized with a default `beneficiary`. To initialize the contract yourself do: ```bash # Use near-cli to initialize contract (optional) near call <dev-account> init '{"beneficiary":"<account>"}' --accountId <dev-account> ``` <br /> ## 2. Get Beneficiary `beneficiary` is a read-only method (`view` method) that returns the beneficiary of the donations. `View` methods can be called for **free** by anyone, even people **without a NEAR account**! ```bash near view <dev-account> beneficiary ``` <br /> ## 3. Get Number of Donations `donate` forwards any attached money to the `beneficiary` while keeping track of it. `donate` is a payable method for which can only be invoked using a NEAR account. The account needs to attach money and pay GAS for the transaction. ```bash # Use near-cli to donate 1 NEAR near call <dev-account> donate --amount 1 --accountId <account> ``` **Tip:** If you would like to `donate` using your own account, first login into NEAR using: ```bash # Use near-cli to login your NEAR account near login ``` and then use the logged account to sign the transaction: `--accountId <your-account>`.
mehmetlevent_near_contract_3 as-pect.config.js asconfig.json neardev dev-account.env package.json scripts src as_types.d.ts simple __tests__ as-pect.d.ts index.unit.spec.ts asconfig.json assembly index.ts singleton __tests__ as-pect.d.ts index.unit.spec.ts asconfig.json assembly index.ts tsconfig.json utils.ts
# `near-sdk-as` Starter Kit This is a good project to use as a starting point for your AssemblyScript project. ## Samples This repository includes a complete project structure for AssemblyScript contracts targeting the NEAR platform. The example here is very basic. It's a simple contract demonstrating the following concepts: - a single contract - the difference between `view` vs. `change` methods - basic contract storage There are 2 AssemblyScript contracts in this project, each in their own folder: - **simple** in the `src/simple` folder - **singleton** in the `src/singleton` folder ### Simple We say that an AssemblyScript contract is written in the "simple style" when the `index.ts` file (the contract entry point) includes a series of exported functions. In this case, all exported functions become public contract methods. ```ts // return the string 'hello world' export function helloWorld(): string {} // read the given key from account (contract) storage export function read(key: string): string {} // write the given value at the given key to account (contract) storage export function write(key: string, value: string): string {} // private helper method used by read() and write() above private storageReport(): string {} ``` ### Singleton We say that an AssemblyScript contract is written in the "singleton style" when the `index.ts` file (the contract entry point) has a single exported class (the name of the class doesn't matter) that is decorated with `@nearBindgen`. In this case, all methods on the class become public contract methods unless marked `private`. Also, all instance variables are stored as a serialized instance of the class under a special storage key named `STATE`. AssemblyScript uses JSON for storage serialization (as opposed to Rust contracts which use a custom binary serialization format called borsh). ```ts @nearBindgen export class Contract { // return the string 'hello world' helloWorld(): string {} // read the given key from account (contract) storage read(key: string): string {} // write the given value at the given key to account (contract) storage @mutateState() write(key: string, value: string): string {} // private helper method used by read() and write() above private storageReport(): string {} } ``` ## Usage ### Getting started (see below for video recordings of each of the following steps) INSTALL `NEAR CLI` first like this: `npm i -g near-cli` 1. clone this repo to a local folder 2. run `yarn` 3. run `./scripts/` 3. run `./scripts/` 4. run `./scripts/` (yes, run it to see changes) 5. run `./scripts/` ### Videos **``** This video shows the build and deployment of the contract. [![asciicast](]( **``** This video shows contract methods being called. You should run the script twice to see the effect it has on contract state. [![asciicast](]( **``** This video shows the cleanup script running. Make sure you add the `BENEFICIARY` environment variable. The script will remind you if you forget. ```sh export BENEFICIARY=<your-account-here> # this account receives contract account balance ``` [![asciicast](]( ### Other documentation - See `./scripts/` for documentation about the scripts - Watch this video where Willem Wyndham walks us through refactoring a simple example of a NEAR smart contract written in AssemblyScript ``` There are 2 "styles" of implementing AssemblyScript NEAR contracts: - the contract interface can either be a collection of exported functions - or the contract interface can be the methods of a an exported class We call the second style "Singleton" because there is only one instance of the class which is serialized to the blockchain storage. Rust contracts written for NEAR do this by default with the contract struct. 0:00 noise (to cut) 0:10 Welcome 0:59 Create project starting with "npm init" 2:20 Customize the project for AssemblyScript development 9:25 Import the Counter example and get unit tests passing 18:30 Adapt the Counter example to a Singleton style contract 21:49 Refactoring unit tests to access the new methods 24:45 Review and summary ``` ## The file system ```sh ├── # this file ├── as-pect.config.js # configuration for as-pect (AssemblyScript unit testing) ├── asconfig.json # configuration for AssemblyScript compiler (supports multiple contracts) ├── package.json # NodeJS project manifest ├── scripts │   ├── # helper: build and deploy contracts │   ├── # helper: call methods on ContractPromise │   ├── # helper: delete build and deploy artifacts │   └── # documentation for helper scripts ├── src │   ├── as_types.d.ts # AssemblyScript headers for type hints │   ├── simple # Contract 1: "Simple example" │   │   ├── __tests__ │   │   │   ├── as-pect.d.ts # as-pect unit testing headers for type hints │   │   │   └── index.unit.spec.ts # unit tests for contract 1 │   │   ├── asconfig.json # configuration for AssemblyScript compiler (one per contract) │   │   └── assembly │   │   └── index.ts # contract code for contract 1 │   ├── singleton # Contract 2: "Singleton-style example" │   │   ├── __tests__ │   │   │   ├── as-pect.d.ts # as-pect unit testing headers for type hints │   │   │   └── index.unit.spec.ts # unit tests for contract 2 │   │   ├── asconfig.json # configuration for AssemblyScript compiler (one per contract) │   │   └── assembly │   │   └── index.ts # contract code for contract 2 │   ├── tsconfig.json # Typescript configuration │   └── utils.ts # common contract utility functions └── yarn.lock # project manifest version lock ``` You may clone this repo to get started OR create everything from scratch. Please note that, in order to create the AssemblyScript and tests folder structure, you may use the command `asp --init` which will create the following folders and files: ``` ./assembly/ ./assembly/tests/ ./assembly/tests/example.spec.ts ./assembly/tests/as-pect.d.ts ``` ## Setting up your terminal The scripts in this folder are designed to help you demonstrate the behavior of the contract(s) in this project. It uses the following setup: ```sh # set your terminal up to have 2 windows, A and B like this: ┌─────────────────────────────────┬─────────────────────────────────┐ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ A │ B │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └─────────────────────────────────┴─────────────────────────────────┘ ``` ### Terminal **A** *This window is used to compile, deploy and control the contract* - Environment ```sh export CONTRACT= # depends on deployment export OWNER= # any account you control # for example # export CONTRACT=dev-1615190770786-2702449 # export OWNER=sherif.testnet ``` - Commands _helper scripts_ ```sh # helper: build and deploy contracts # helper: call methods on ContractPromise # helper: delete build and deploy artifacts ``` ### Terminal **B** *This window is used to render the contract account storage* - Environment ```sh export CONTRACT= # depends on deployment # for example # export CONTRACT=dev-1615190770786-2702449 ``` - Commands ```sh # monitor contract storage using near-account-utils # watch -d -n 1 yarn storage $CONTRACT ``` --- ## OS Support ### Linux - The `watch` command is supported natively on Linux - To learn more about any of these shell commands take a look at []( ### MacOS - Consider `brew info visionmedia-watch` (or `brew install watch`) ### Windows - Consider this article: [What is the Windows analog of the Linux watch command?](
.gitpod.yml .prettierrc.json __test__ avalanche.test.ts polygon.test.ts secret.test.ts solana.test.ts components protocols avalanche components index.ts lib index.ts celo components index.ts lib index.ts ceramic lib figmentLearnSchema.json figmentLearnSchemaCompact.json identityStore LocalStorage.ts index.ts index.ts types index.ts near components index.ts lib index.ts polkadot components index.ts lib index.ts polygon challenges balance.ts connect.ts deploy.ts getter.ts index.ts query.ts restore.ts setter.ts transfer.ts components index.ts lib index.ts pyth components index.ts lib index.ts swap.ts secret components index.ts lib index.ts solana components index.ts lib index.ts tezos components index.ts lib index.ts the_graph graphql query.ts the_graph_near graphql query.ts shared Button.styles.ts CustomMarkdown Markdown.styles.ts VideoPlayer VideoPlayer.styles.ts utils markdown-utils.ts string-utils.ts ProtocolNav ProtocolNav.styles.ts contracts celo HelloWorld.json near Cargo.toml compile.js src polygon SimpleStorage SimpleStorage.json migrations 1_initial_migration.js 2_deploy_contracts.js package.json truffle-config.js solana program Cargo.toml Xargo.toml src tests tezos counter.js the_graph CryptopunksData.abi.json docker docker-compose-near.yml docker-compose.yml hooks index.ts useColors.ts useLocalStorage.ts useSteps.ts jest.config.js lib constants.ts markdown avalanche celo ceramic near polkadot polygon pyth secret solana tezos the_graph the_graph_near | n : | next-env.d.ts next.config.js package.json pages api avalanche account.ts balance.ts connect.ts export.ts import.ts transfer.ts celo account.ts balance.ts connect.ts deploy.ts getter.ts setter.ts swap.ts transfer.ts near balance.ts check-account.ts connect.ts create-account.ts deploy.ts getter.ts keypair.ts setter.ts transfer.ts polkadot account.ts balance.ts connect.ts deposit.ts estimate.ts restore.ts transfer.ts pyth connect.ts secret account.ts balance.ts connect.ts deploy.ts getter.ts setter.ts transfer.ts solana balance.ts connect.ts deploy.ts fund.ts getter.ts greeter.ts keypair.ts setter.ts transfer.ts tezos account.ts balance.ts connect.ts deploy.ts getter.ts setter.ts transfer.ts the-graph-near entity.ts manifest.ts scaffold.ts the-graph entity.ts manifest.ts mapping.ts node.ts scaffold.ts public discord.svg figment-learn-compact.svg vercel.svg theme colors.ts index.ts media.ts tsconfig.json types index.ts utils colors.ts context.ts datahub.ts markdown.ts networks.ts pages.ts string-utils.ts tracking-utils.ts
# Pathway Smart Contract A [smart contract] written in [Rust] for [figment pathway] # Quick Start Before you compile this code, you will need to install Rust with [correct target] # Exploring The Code 1. The main smart contract code lives in `src/`. You can compile it with the `./compile` script. 2. Tests: You can run smart contract tests with the `./test` script. This runs standard Rust tests using [cargo] with a `--nocapture` flag so that you can see any debug info you print to the console. [smart contract]: [rust]: [correct target]: [cargo]: Based on: MetaCoin tutorial from Truffle docs SimpleStorage example contract from Solidity docs 1. Install truffle ( `npm install -g truffle` 2. Navigate to this directory (/contracts/polygon/SimpleStorage) 3. Install dependencies `yarn` 4. Test contract `truffle test ./test/TestSimpleStorage.sol` **Possible issue:** "Something went wrong while attempting to connect to the network. Check your network configuration. Could not connect to your Ethereum client with the following parameters:" **Solution:** run `truffle develop` and make sure port matches the one in truffle-config.js under development and test networks 5. Run locally via `truffle develop` $ truffle develop ``` migrate let instance = await SimpleStorage.deployed(); let storedDataBefore = await instance.get(); storedDataBefore.toNumber() // Should print 0 instance.set(50); let storedDataAfter = await instance.get(); storedDataAfter.toNumber() // Should print 50 ``` 6. Create Polygon testnet account - Install MetaMask ( - Add a custom network with the following params: Network Name: "Polygon Mumbai" RPC URL: Chain ID: 80001 Currency Symbol: MATIC Block Explorer URL: 7. Fund your account from the Matic Faucet Select MATIC Token, Mumbai Network Enter your account address from MetaMask Wait until time limit is up, requests tokens 3-4 times so you have enough to deploy your contract 8. Add a `.secret` file in this directory with your account's seed phrase or mnemonic (you should be required to write this down or store it securely when creating your account in MetaMask). In `truffle-config.js`, uncomment the three constant declarations at the top, along with the matic section of the networks section of the configuration object. 9. Deploy contract `truffle migrate --network matic` 10. Interact via web3.js ```js const {ethers} = require('ethers'); const fs = require('fs'); const mnemonic = fs.readFileSync('.secret').toString().trim(); const signer = new ethers.Wallet.fromMnemonic(mnemonic); const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider( '', ); const json = JSON.parse( fs.readFileSync('build/contracts/SimpleStorage.json').toString(), ); const contract = new ethers.Contract( json.networks['80001'].address, json.abi, signer.connect(provider), ); contract.get().then((val) => console.log(val.toNumber())); // should log 0 contract.set(50).then((receipt) => console.log(receipt)); contract.get().then((val) => console.log(val.toNumber())); // should log 50 ``` # 👋🏼 What is `learn-web3-dapp`? We made this decentralized application (dApp) to help developers learn about Web 3 protocols. It's a Next.js app that uses React, TypeScript and various smart contract languages (mostly Solidity and Rust). We will guide you through using the various blockchain JavaScript SDKs to interact with their networks. Each protocol is slightly different, but we have attempted to standardize the workflow so that you can quickly get up to speed on networks like Solana, NEAR, Polygon and more! - ✅ Solana - ✅ Polygon - ✅ Avalanche - ✅ NEAR - ✅ Tezos - ✅ Secret - ✅ Polkadot - ✅ Celo - ✅ The Graph - ✅ The Graph for NEAR - ✅ Pyth - 🔜 Ceramic - 🔜 Arweave - 🔜 Chainlink - [Let us know which one you'd like us to cover]( <img width="1024" alt="Screen Shot 1" src=""> <img width="1024" alt="Screen Shot 2" src=""> <img width="1024" alt="Screen Shot 3" src=""> # 🧑‍💻 Get started ## 🤖 Using Gitpod (Recommended) The best way to go through those courses is using [Gitpod]( Gitpod provides prebuilt developer environments in your browser, powered by VS Code. Just sign in using GitHub and you'll be up and running in seconds without having to do any manual setup 🔥 [**Open this repo on Gitpod**]( ## 🐑 Clone locally Make sure you have installed [git](, [Node.js]( (Please install **v14.17.0**, we recommend using [nvm]( and [yarn]( Then clone the repo, install dependencies and start the server by running all these commands: ```text git clone cd learn-web3-dapp yarn yarn dev ``` # 🤝 Feedback and contributing If you encounter any errors during this process, please join our [Discord]( for help. Feel free to also open an Issue or a Pull Request on the repo itself. We hope you enjoy our Web 3 education dApps 🚀 -- ❤️ The Figment Learn Team
.github workflows ci.yml Cargo.toml src trait_impls
# near-gas <p> <a href=""><img src="" alt=" (downloads)"></a> <a href=""><img src="" alt=""></a> <img src="" alt="Rust Version"> </p> near-gas is crate to ergonomically operate with NEAR Protocol gas unit in Rust projects. The crate includes NearGas type and constructors for converting data as NearGas and as u64 type values. ## near-gas examples ```rust use near_gas::NearGas; fn main() { let data = "12.657 tgas"; let near_gas: NearGas = data.parse().unwrap(); // Convert the value to the most precise "gas" unit assert_eq!(near_gas.as_gas(), 12657000000000); // Convert the value to "gigagas" unit assert_eq!(near_gas.as_ggas(), 12657); // Display Gas. It will print: "Here is 12.7 Tgas" println!("Here is {}", near_gas); // When `serde` feature is enabled, NearGas can be used in serde-serializable structs. // NearGas will be serialized to a gas-precision u64 value encoded as string. #[derive(serde::Serialize)] struct FunctionCallDetails { used_gas: NearGas, } let details = FunctionCallDetails { used_gas: near_gas }; assert_eq!(serde_json::to_string(&details).unwrap(), r#"{"used_gas":"12657000000000"}"#); } ``` ## NearGas information On every transaction you send to the network NEAR charges you a fee (aka gas fee). This fee is used to indirectly pay the people that keep the network infrastructure, and to incentivize developers of smart contracts. [For more information]. [Gas usage in Near Protocol] ## Crate Features * `serde` - [serde]( support * `borsh` - [borsh]( support * `abi` - [near-abi]( support * `schemars` - [schemars]( support * `interactive-clap` - [interactive-clap]( support ### License This project is licensed under the [MIT license] and [Apache-2.0 license]. [MIT license]: [Apache-2.0 license]: [For more information]: [Gas usage in Near Protocol]:
.eslintrc.js babel.config.js package.json postcss.config.js public index.html src assets logo.svg tail-spin.svg composables near.js main.js services near.js tailwind.config.js
## Project setup ``` yarn install ``` ### Compiles and hot-reloads for development ``` yarn serve ``` ### Compiles and minifies for production ``` yarn build ``` ### Lints and fixes files ``` yarn lint ``` ### Customize configuration See [Configuration Reference](
.eslintrc.json config.js contracts exec Cargo.toml src user_factory Cargo.toml src main.js package-lock.json package.json sleep.js tx.js user.js
# NEAR-TPS-Testing-Tool # Utility to perform TPS load testing on NEAR Protocol ## About ### Why (is this needed): - With the primary performance bottleneck being experienced within the NEAR ecosystem being reliable communication with RPC nodes, the most important step to solve the issue is being able to reliably re-create the problem utilizing a method that produces easily quantifiable results. ### Who (would this benefit): - Engineers are able to benchmark the performance of the contract based protocols - Engineers are able to utilize the library to fish out any bottlenecks within their current implementation - Engineers working on the underlying protocol have a reproducible integration test case when working on the node communication & transaction processing layers of NEAR ### How (does this achieve a solution): 1. The first steps taken by this utility involve instantiating a collection of contracts and user accounts 1. There will be a base contract that houses the underlying method being tested (the default contract is the counter contract) 2. There will also be an executor contract that will be in charge of proxying the calls to the underlying contract utilizing the created sub-accounts 3. The utility will also create a number of accounts that will be signing the transactions being sent to the underlying contract. You can modify these values within the `config.json` file 2. The remaining steps of this utility involve the process of actually sending the transactions into a queue to be put on chain 1. While the utility awaits responses from the RPC node it inserts any failed transactions into an array to be returned back to user once it has completed it’s current iterations ## Prerequisites - The current version of [Node.js]( >=v14.0.0 with NPM installed - Assumes developer has previous experience with NEAR & has the [NEAR CLI]( installed ## File Tree ``` ├── config.js // Contains configuration settings for running the utility ├── contracts // Directory that contains the code for the smart contracts │ ├── exec // Source code for the executor contract │ │ ├── Cargo.lock │ │ ├── Cargo.toml │ │ └── src │ │ ├── │ │ └── │ ├── user_factory // Source code for the user_factory contract │ │ ├── Cargo.lock │ │ ├── Cargo.toml │ │ └── src │ │ ├── │ │ └── │ └── res // Directory containing the compiled .wasm contracts │ ├── counter.wasm │ ├── exec.wasm │ └── user_factory.wasm ├── sleep.js // Helper promise timeout function ├── tx.js // Helper class to handle transactions ├── user.js // Helper class to handle user account management ├── main.js // Contains the root function utilized in the utility ├── package.json ├── package-lock.json ├── └── ``` ## Setup - The contract being utilized: - `user_factory`: Used to create the necessary sub-accounts for the contracts to be deployed and the mock users sending out transactions. ([related NEAR documentation]( - `exec`: Used to proxy calls to the contract being called. - `counter`: The contract that will be utilized to receive transactions. (e.g. [NEAR's Rust counter contract]( 1. Install node dependencies by running: ```bash npm i ``` 2. Before we start we need to deploy the `user_factory` contract. Use [NEAR CLI]( to run the `dev-deploy` command to deploy a clean/new `user_factory.wasm` contract. In case of any failure, you can pass the `--force` flag to the `dev-deploy` command. ```bash near dev-deploy --wasmFile=contracts/res/user_factory.wasm ``` 3. Update the values on `config.js`. - `CONTRACT_USER_FACTORY` is the deployed account ID from step 2 (`dev-deploy`, e.g. `dev-1648940480026-11312641307000` ). - `MUST_DEPLOY` should be `true` for the first run ([initialization run](, and `false` otherwise ([broadcast run]( - `USER_LEN` is how many users will be deployed/used to create transactions. - `TOTAL_TX_LEN` is how many transactions, in total, will be made. - Please check other options in that file that can still be configured. ## Run ### Initialization Run The first run is used only for the initialization of the users and contracts. This is implied when `MUST_DEPLOY` is `true` within the `config.js` file. ```bash node main.js ``` Suggestion: You can create a large number of users (e.g. `USER_LEN` set to `10`), even if you're not intending to use all of them. Then after this "init" step, you can decrease `USER_LEN` to a lower value (e.g. `1`) and later on you can increase that number up to `10`, as they all were already configured. After this, you should set `MUST_DEPLOY` to `false`. ### Broadcast Run This is for when the users are already configured, and you now can broadcast transactions. ```bash node main.js ``` Suggestion: You can still edit how the delay and queue values are set up in `config.js`. If you need to change some configuration, it's generally easier to redeploy the user_factory contract and go back to the `Setup` step. ## Output Suggestion: You can append `2>&1 | tee out.js` to also output into a file. On "Broadcast" runs, each user will start creating transactions to broadcast and then await for their result. A transaction is considered "alive" when it has been broadcasted, and when the user is awaiting for it's "status" (eg. Success, etc). Note that the RPC call used for this "status" waiting will also wait for *every other* call created by that transaction, so if the method called creates yet other external contract calls (eg. logging, transfers, etc.) then the RPC will only respond when *all* of those created calls are finished. When preparing a transaction to be sent, each user will have a small delay to increase the chance that the messages will reach the RPC in an ordered manner, and to decrease the chances of flooding the RPC. Transactions that arrive at the RPC/validators out-of-order can prevent other transactions from being accepted because their order sets their n-once value and this matters for their acceptance. e.g. - If 10 transactions get received in the opposite order that they were sent, then only the last one will be accepted and all others will be ignored, since the last one sent (that arrived first) has a higher n-once value and thus this will prevent the others transactions, of lower n-once values, to be accepted. Each user has a queue that limits how many in-flight transactions it can have. If the queue is relatively full, the user will wait before trying to broadcast new transactions. When waiting for the transaction results, the user will apply heuristics for deciding if it will retry waiting, or if it will give it up, and so on. Failed transactions are inserted in a list, which is collected at the end and the quantity of those is shown. When a successful result is received, information such as its value, and its explorer link are shown. After this, such transaction is no longer living and that user's queue is decreased. The main program will wait for all users to finish broadcasting and for all of their transaction results. With the standard settings, it's expected that around *20 tx/s* at a *90% tx success rate* will happen.
Learn-NEAR_NCD--uberdao asconfig.json package-lock.json package.json src as-pect.d.ts as_types.d.ts dao __tests__ index.unit.spec.ts asconfig.json assembly index.ts models.ts tsconfig.json utils.ts viajes __tests__ as-pect.d.ts example.spec.ts asconfig.json assembly index.ts models.ts
# Unit Tests for `Meme` Contract ## Usage ```sh yarn test:unit -f meme ``` ## Output *Note: the tests marked with `Todo` must be verified using simulation tests because they involve cross-contract calls (which can not be verified using unit tests).* ```txt [Describe]: meme initialization [Success]: ✔ creates a new meme with proper metadata [Success]: ✔ prevents double initialization [Success]: ✔ requires title not to be blank [Success]: ✔ requires a minimum balance [Describe]: meme voting [Success]: ✔ allows individuals to vote [Success]: ✔ prevents vote automation for individuals [Success]: ✔ prevents any user from voting more than once [Describe]: meme captures votes [Success]: ✔ captures all votes [Success]: ✔ calculates a running vote score [Success]: ✔ returns a list of recent votes [Success]: ✔ allows groups to vote [Describe]: meme comments [Success]: ✔ captures comments [Success]: ✔ rejects comments that are too long [Success]: ✔ captures multiple comments [Describe]: meme donations [Success]: ✔ captures donations [Describe]: captures donations [Success]: ✔ captures all donations [Success]: ✔ calculates a running donations total [Success]: ✔ returns a list of recent donations [Todo]: releases donations [File]: src/meme/__tests__/index.unit.spec.ts [Groups]: 7 pass, 7 total [Result]: ✔ PASS [Snapshot]: 0 total, 0 added, 0 removed, 0 different [Summary]: 18 pass, 0 fail, 18 total [Time]: 46.469ms ``` # Meme Contract **NOTE** If you try to call a method which requires a signature from a valid account, you will see this error: ```txt "error": "wasm execution failed with error: FunctionCallError(HostError(ProhibitedInView ..." ``` This will happen anytime you try using `near view ...` when you should be using `near call ...`. So it's important to pay close attention in the following examples as to which is being used, a `view` or a `call` (aka. "change") method. ---- ## deployment ```sh near dev-deploy ./build/release/meme.wasm ``` ## initialization `init(title: string, data: string, category: Category): void` ```sh # anyone can initialize meme (so this must be done by the museum at deploy-time) near call dev-1614603380541-7288163 init '{"title": "hello world", "data": "", "category": 0}' --account_id dev-1614603380541-7288163 --amount 3 ``` ## view methods `get_meme(): Meme` ```sh # anyone can read meme metadata near view dev-1614603380541-7288163 get_meme ``` ```js { creator: 'dev-1614603380541-7288163', created_at: '1614603702927464728', vote_score: 4, total_donations: '0', title: 'hello world', data: '', category: 0 } ``` `get_recent_votes(): Array<Vote>` ```sh # anyone can request a list of recent votes near view dev-1614603380541-7288163 get_recent_votes ``` ```js [ { created_at: '1614603886399296553', value: 1, voter: 'dev-1614603380541-7288163' }, { created_at: '1614603988616406809', value: 1, voter: 'sherif.testnet' }, { created_at: '1614604214413823755', value: 2, voter: 'batch-dev-1614603380541-7288163' }, [length]: 3 ] ``` `get_vote_score(): i32` ```sh near view dev-1614603380541-7288163 get_vote_score ``` ```js 4 ``` `get_donations_total(): u128` ```sh near view dev-1614603380541-7288163 get_donations_total ``` ```js '5000000000000000000000000' ``` `get_recent_donations(): Array<Donation>` ```sh near view dev-1614603380541-7288163 get_recent_donations ``` ```js [ { amount: '5000000000000000000000000', donor: 'sherif.testnet', created_at: '1614604980292030188' }, [length]: 1 ] ``` ## change methods `vote(value: i8): void` ```sh # user votes for meme near call dev-1614603380541-7288163 vote '{"value": 1}' --account_id sherif.testnet ``` `batch_vote(value: i8, is_batch: bool = true): void` ```sh # only the meme contract can call this method near call dev-1614603380541-7288163 batch_vote '{"value": 2}' --account_id dev-1614603380541-7288163 ``` `add_comment(text: string): void` ```sh near call dev-1614603380541-7288163 add_comment '{"text":"i love this meme"}' --account_id sherif.testnet ``` `get_recent_comments(): Array<Comment>` ```sh near view dev-1614603380541-7288163 get_recent_comments ``` ```js [ { created_at: '1614604543670811624', author: 'sherif.testnet', text: 'i love this meme' }, [length]: 1 ] ``` `donate(): void` ```sh near call dev-1614603380541-7288163 donate --account_id sherif.testnet --amount 5 ``` `release_donations(account: AccountId): void` ```sh near call dev-1614603380541-7288163 release_donations '{"account":"sherif.testnet"}' --account_id dev-1614603380541-728816 ``` This method automatically calls `on_donations_released` which logs *"Donations were released"* 🚕 Introducción a uberDao 🚕 ================== [Video Demo] 🚕 🚙Introducción a uberdao 🚗 ================== uberdao es un smart contract escrito bajo el protocolo NEAR que permite: 1. Crear solicitud de viaje. 2. Obtener una lista de las solicitudes de viajes que se han creado. 3. Votar por una propuesta. 4. Cambiar el status de un proyecto. 5. Eliminar de la lista las solicitudes de viaje. 👨‍💻 Instalación en local =========== Para correr este proyecto en local debes seguir los siguientes pasos: Paso 1: Pre - Requisitos ------------------------------ 1. Asegúrese de haber instalado [Node.js] ≥ 12 ((recomendamos usar [nvm]) 2. Asegúrese de haber instalado yarn: `npm install -g yarn` 3. Instalar dependencias: `yarn install` 4. Crear un test near account [NEAR test account] 5. Instalar el NEAR CLI globally: [near-cli] es una interfaz de linea de comando (CLI) para interacturar con NEAR blockchain yarn install --global near-cli Step 2: Configura tu NEAR CLI ------------------------------- Configura tu near-cli para autorizar su cuenta de prueba creada recientemente: near login Step 3: Clonar Repositorio ------------------------------- Este comando nos permite clonar el repositorio de nuestro proyecto MINGA ```bash git clone git clone ``` Una vez que hayas descargado el repositorio, asegurate de ejecutar los comandos dentro del repositorio descargado. Puedes hacerlo con ```bash cd uberdao/ cd minga_avalcomunitario_nearProtocol/ ``` Step 4: Realiza el BUILD para implementación de desarrollo de contrato inteligente ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Instale el gestor de dependencia de Node.js dentro del repositorio ```bash npm install ``` Cree el código de contrato inteligente MINGA AVAL COMUNITARIO e implemente el servidor de desarrollo local: ```bash yarn deploy:dev ``` Consulte` package.json` para obtener una lista completa de `scripts` que puede ejecutar con` yarn`). Este script le devuelve un contrato inteligente provisional implementado (guárdelo para usarlo más tarde) ¡Felicitaciones, ahora tendrá un entorno de desarrollo local ejecutándose en NEAR TestNet! ✏️ Comando para CREAR unn Solicitud de Viaje ----------------------------------------------- Permite crear un proyecto que ha sido revisado para entrar a la red de proyectos colaborativos para ser avalados de manera distribuida. Permite crear una solicitud de viaje para el usuario Para Linux: ```bash near call <your deployed contract> createTravel '{"traveler":"string","route":"string"}' --account-id <username>.testnet ``` Para windows: ```bash near call <your deployed contract> createTravel "{\"traveler\": \"string\",\"route\":\"string\"}" --account-id <username>.testnet ``` ✏️ Comando que LISTAR todas las solicitudes de viaje -------------------------------------------- Permite listar las solicitudes de viaje que existen en nuestro contrato inteligente. Antes de ejecutar el comando brindado: - modifica <your deployed contract> por el número de contrato generado. Por ejemplo: 'dev-1630622185346-59088620194720'. - modifica <username> por tu nombre de usuario en testnet. Por ejemplo: 'aval1' Para Linux y Windows: ```bash near view <your deployed contract> getTravelRequest --account-id <username>.testnet ``` ✏️ Comando para ELIMINAR una solicitud de viaje -------------------------------------------- Permite eliminar una solicitud que ya no pertenece a la red y se da de baja. Para Linux: ```bash near call <your deployed contract> eliminateTravelRequest '{"id":1}' --account-id <username>.testnet ``` Para Windows: ```bash near call <your deployed contract> eliminateTravelRequest "{\"id\":<id de proyecto>}" --account-id <username>.testnet ``` ## Para poder votar ✏️ desplegar contrato /build/release/dao.wasm previamente compilado ```bash near dev-deploy --wasmFile ./build/release/dao.wasm ``` ✏️ recuerda Antes de ejecutar el comando brindado: - modifica <your deployed contract> por el número de contrato generado. Por ejemplo: 'dev-1630622185346-59088620194720'. - modifica <username> por tu nombre de usuario en testnet. Por ejemplo: 'aval1' ✏️ Inicializamos y creamos una propuesta -------------------------------------------- `init(title: string, data: string): void` ```sh # anyone can initialize meme (so this must be done by the museum at deploy-time) near call dev-1614603380541-7288163 init '{"title": "hello world", "propose": "I want ..."}' --account_id dev-1614603380541-7288163 --amount 3 ``` ✏️ Ver la propuesta -------------------------------------------- `get_proposal(): Proposal` ```sh # anyone can read proposal metadata near view dev-1614603380541-7288163 get_proposal ``` ```js { creator: 'dev-1614603380541-7288163', created_at: '1614603702927464728', vote_score: 4, total_donations: '0', title: 'hello world', propose: 'I want ...', } ``` ✏️ Comando para ver votos recientes -------------------------------------------- ```sh near view dev-1614603380541-7288163 get_recent_votes ``` ```js [ { created_at: '1614603886399296553', value: 1, voter: 'dev-1614603380541-7288163' }, { created_at: '1614603988616406809', value: 1, voter: 'sherif.testnet' }, { created_at: '1614604214413823755', value: 2, voter: 'batch-dev-1614603380541-7288163' }, [length]: 3 ] ``` ✏️ Ver la calificacion de la propuesta -------------------------------------------- `get_vote_score(): i32` ```sh near view dev-1614603380541-7288163 get_vote_score ``` ```js 4 ``` ✏️ Comando para votar un propuesta -------------------------------------------- `vote(value: i8): void` ```sh # user votes for meme near call dev-1614603380541-7288163 vote '{"value": 1}' --account_id sherif.testnet ``` ✏️ Comando para votar en lotes un propuesta -------------------------------------------- `batch_vote(value: i8, is_batch: bool = true): void` ```sh # only the meme contract can call this method near call dev-1614603380541-7288163 batch_vote '{"value": 2}' --account_id dev-1614603380541-7288163 ``` ✏️ Comando para agregar un comentario a un propuesta -------------------------------------------- `add_comment(text: string): void` ```sh near call dev-1614603380541-7288163 add_comment '{"text":"i love this meme"}' --account_id sherif.testnet ``` ✏️ Comando para ver los comentarios recientes -------------------------------------------- `get_recent_comments(): Array<Comment>` ```sh near view dev-1614603380541-7288163 get_recent_comments ``` ```js [ { created_at: '1614604543670811624', author: 'sherif.testnet', text: 'i love this meme' }, [length]: 1 ] ``` 🤖 Test ================== Las pruebas son parte del desarrollo, luego, para ejecutar las pruebas en el contrato inteligente , debe ejecutar el siguiente comando: yarn test Esto ejecutará los métodos de prueba en el `assembly/__tests__/example.spec.js` archivo ```bash near call <your deployed contract> hello --account-id <username>.testnet ``` 📂‍🗃️ Exploring and Explaining The Code ==================================== This is a explanation of the smart contract file system ```bash ├── # this file ├── as-pect.config.js # configuration for as-pect (AssemblyScript unit testing) ├── asconfig.json # configuration file for Assemblyscript compiler ├── src │ ├── viajes <-- viajes contract │ │   ├── │  │   ├── __tests__ │  │   │   ├── │  │   │   └── index.unit.spec.ts │  │   └── assembly │  │   ├── index.ts │  │   └── models.ts │  ├── dao <-- dao contract │  │   ├── │  │   ├── __tests__ │  │   │   ├── │  │   │   └── index.unit.spec.ts │  │   └── assembly │  │   ├── index.ts │  │   └── models.ts │  └── utils.ts <-- shared contract code │  ├── neardev │ ├── dev-account #in this file the provisional deploy smart contract account is saved │ └── dev-account.env #in this file the provisional deploy smart contract account is saved like a environment variable │ ├── build │ └── release │ ├── dao.wasm # compiled smart contract code using to deploy │ └── viajes.wasm # compiled smart contract code using to deploy │ ├── package-lock.json # project manifest lock version ├── package.json # Node.js project manifest (scripts and dependencies) └── yarn.lock # project manifest lock version ``` 1. El código de los contrato inteligentes vive en la carpeta `/src` folder. 2. Para realizar una implementación de prueba, use los scripts en el `/package.json` file. 🙏 Gracias por su tiempo ============================================== Aquí dejamos una propuesta de diseño [UX/UI] para desarrollar la parte frontend del proyecto comunitario. [create-near-app]: [Node.js]: [NEAR accounts]: [NEAR Wallet]: [near-cli]: [NEAR test account]: [nvm]: [UX/UI]: [UX/UI]: [Video Demo]:
.env babel.config.js package-lock.json package.json postcss.config.js public index.html src composables contractProvider.js near.js index.css main.js services near.js tailwind.config.js
# 🎓 Lottery dapp This repository contains a complete frontend applications to work with <a href="" target="_blank">NCD.L1.sample--lottery smart contract</a> targeting the NEAR platform: 1. Vue.Js (main branch) 2. React (react branch) 3. Angular (angular branch) The example here is playful. It's a toy involving a lottery. The goal of this repository is to make it as easy as possible to get started writing frontend with VueJs and React for AssemblyScript contracts built to work with NEAR Protocol. ## ⚠️ Warning Any content produced by NEAR, or developer resources that NEAR provides, are for educational and inspiration purposes only. NEAR does not encourage, induce or sanction the deployment of any such applications in violation of applicable laws or regulations. ## Usage ![image]( <a href="" target="_blank">Video demo UI walkthrough</a> You can use this app with contract id`s which was deployed by creators of this repo, or you can use it with your own deployed contractId. If you are using not yours contractId some functions of the lottery contract will not work because they are setted to work only if owner called this functions. Example of such function: ![image]( To get possibility to work with the full functionality of the smart contract, you need to paste your contractId inside UI of VueJs deployed dapp or React deployed dapp. Before pasting id make sure that you deployed correct smart contract, in other case this code may not work as expected. <a href="" target="_blank">Link to smart contract repo</a> <a href="" target="_blank">How to correctly deploy NCD.L1.sample--lottery smart contract (video tutorial)</a> After you deployed your contract, you need to paste id in one of deployed dapps <a href="" target="_blank">Try VueJs deployed app</a> <a href="" target="_blank">Try React deployed app</a> <a href="" target="_blank">Try Angular deployed app</a> ### Code walkthrough for NCD students: <a href="" target="_blank">Vue.Js</a> <a href="" target="_blank">React</a> <a href="" target="_blank">Angular</a> ( <a href="" target="_blank">RU</a> | <a href="" target="_blank">PL</a> ) ## Project setup In main branch README file is presented setup for Vue.Js, React setup README file is in react branch ``` npm install ``` ### Compiles and hot-reloads for development ``` npm run serve ``` ### Compiles and minifies for production ``` npm run build ``` ### Lints and fixes files ``` npm run lint ``` ### Customize configuration See [Configuration Reference](
fadime-ozdemir_near-deploy-demo as-pect.config.js asconfig.json package.json scripts src as_types.d.ts simple __tests__ as-pect.d.ts index.unit.spec.ts asconfig.json assembly index.ts singleton __tests__ as-pect.d.ts index.unit.spec.ts asconfig.json assembly index.ts tsconfig.json utils.ts
## Setting up your terminal The scripts in this folder are designed to help you demonstrate the behavior of the contract(s) in this project. It uses the following setup: ```sh # set your terminal up to have 2 windows, A and B like this: ┌─────────────────────────────────┬─────────────────────────────────┐ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ A │ B │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └─────────────────────────────────┴─────────────────────────────────┘ ``` ### Terminal **A** *This window is used to compile, deploy and control the contract* - Environment ```sh export CONTRACT= # depends on deployment export OWNER= # any account you control # for example # export CONTRACT=dev-1615190770786-2702449 # export OWNER=sherif.testnet ``` - Commands _helper scripts_ ```sh # helper: build and deploy contracts # helper: call methods on ContractPromise # helper: delete build and deploy artifacts ``` ### Terminal **B** *This window is used to render the contract account storage* - Environment ```sh export CONTRACT= # depends on deployment # for example # export CONTRACT=dev-1615190770786-2702449 ``` - Commands ```sh # monitor contract storage using near-account-utils # watch -d -n 1 yarn storage $CONTRACT ``` --- ## OS Support ### Linux - The `watch` command is supported natively on Linux - To learn more about any of these shell commands take a look at []( ### MacOS - Consider `brew info visionmedia-watch` (or `brew install watch`) ### Windows - Consider this article: [What is the Windows analog of the Linux watch command?]( # `near-sdk-as` Starter Kit This is a good project to use as a starting point for your AssemblyScript project. ## Samples This repository includes a complete project structure for AssemblyScript contracts targeting the NEAR platform. The example here is very basic. It's a simple contract demonstrating the following concepts: - a single contract - the difference between `view` vs. `change` methods - basic contract storage There are 2 AssemblyScript contracts in this project, each in their own folder: - **simple** in the `src/simple` folder - **singleton** in the `src/singleton` folder ### Simple We say that an AssemblyScript contract is written in the "simple style" when the `index.ts` file (the contract entry point) includes a series of exported functions. In this case, all exported functions become public contract methods. ```ts // return the string 'hello world' export function helloWorld(): string {} // read the given key from account (contract) storage export function read(key: string): string {} // write the given value at the given key to account (contract) storage export function write(key: string, value: string): string {} // private helper method used by read() and write() above private storageReport(): string {} ``` ### Singleton We say that an AssemblyScript contract is written in the "singleton style" when the `index.ts` file (the contract entry point) has a single exported class (the name of the class doesn't matter) that is decorated with `@nearBindgen`. In this case, all methods on the class become public contract methods unless marked `private`. Also, all instance variables are stored as a serialized instance of the class under a special storage key named `STATE`. AssemblyScript uses JSON for storage serialization (as opposed to Rust contracts which use a custom binary serialization format called borsh). ```ts @nearBindgen export class Contract { // return the string 'hello world' helloWorld(): string {} // read the given key from account (contract) storage read(key: string): string {} // write the given value at the given key to account (contract) storage @mutateState() write(key: string, value: string): string {} // private helper method used by read() and write() above private storageReport(): string {} } ``` ## Usage ### Getting started (see below for video recordings of each of the following steps) INSTALL `NEAR CLI` first like this: `npm i -g near-cli` 1. clone this repo to a local folder 2. run `yarn` 3. run `./scripts/` 3. run `./scripts/` 4. run `./scripts/` (yes, run it to see changes) 5. run `./scripts/` ### Videos **``** This video shows the build and deployment of the contract. [![asciicast](]( **``** This video shows contract methods being called. You should run the script twice to see the effect it has on contract state. [![asciicast](]( **``** This video shows the cleanup script running. Make sure you add the `BENEFICIARY` environment variable. The script will remind you if you forget. ```sh export BENEFICIARY=<your-account-here> # this account receives contract account balance ``` [![asciicast](]( ### Other documentation - See `./scripts/` for documentation about the scripts - Watch this video where Willem Wyndham walks us through refactoring a simple example of a NEAR smart contract written in AssemblyScript ``` There are 2 "styles" of implementing AssemblyScript NEAR contracts: - the contract interface can either be a collection of exported functions - or the contract interface can be the methods of a an exported class We call the second style "Singleton" because there is only one instance of the class which is serialized to the blockchain storage. Rust contracts written for NEAR do this by default with the contract struct. 0:00 noise (to cut) 0:10 Welcome 0:59 Create project starting with "npm init" 2:20 Customize the project for AssemblyScript development 9:25 Import the Counter example and get unit tests passing 18:30 Adapt the Counter example to a Singleton style contract 21:49 Refactoring unit tests to access the new methods 24:45 Review and summary ``` ## The file system ```sh ├── # this file ├── as-pect.config.js # configuration for as-pect (AssemblyScript unit testing) ├── asconfig.json # configuration for AssemblyScript compiler (supports multiple contracts) ├── package.json # NodeJS project manifest ├── scripts │   ├── # helper: build and deploy contracts │   ├── # helper: call methods on ContractPromise │   ├── # helper: delete build and deploy artifacts │   └── # documentation for helper scripts ├── src │   ├── as_types.d.ts # AssemblyScript headers for type hints │   ├── simple # Contract 1: "Simple example" │   │   ├── __tests__ │   │   │   ├── as-pect.d.ts # as-pect unit testing headers for type hints │   │   │   └── index.unit.spec.ts # unit tests for contract 1 │   │   ├── asconfig.json # configuration for AssemblyScript compiler (one per contract) │   │   └── assembly │   │   └── index.ts # contract code for contract 1 │   ├── singleton # Contract 2: "Singleton-style example" │   │   ├── __tests__ │   │   │   ├── as-pect.d.ts # as-pect unit testing headers for type hints │   │   │   └── index.unit.spec.ts # unit tests for contract 2 │   │   ├── asconfig.json # configuration for AssemblyScript compiler (one per contract) │   │   └── assembly │   │   └── index.ts # contract code for contract 2 │   ├── tsconfig.json # Typescript configuration │   └── utils.ts # common contract utility functions └── yarn.lock # project manifest version lock ``` You may clone this repo to get started OR create everything from scratch. Please note that, in order to create the AssemblyScript and tests folder structure, you may use the command `asp --init` which will create the following folders and files: ``` ./assembly/ ./assembly/tests/ ./assembly/tests/example.spec.ts ./assembly/tests/as-pect.d.ts ```
Peersyst_aws-kms-xrp-signing example.ts index.ts package-lock.json package.json src XrplKmsService.ts tsconfig.json
# AWS KMS based XRPL Transaction Signing [![npm version](]( This package provides the tools to be able to sign and receive XRPL transactions using private keys stored in AWS KMS hardware modules. ## Installation to install the npm module on your typescript or node project run: `npm install xrpl-kms --save` ## Preparation 1. Create ECDSA secp256k1 key in AWS KMS, and get the KeyId. 2. Create AWS IAM user with programmatic access to AWS KMS. 3. Get the AccessKey, SecretKey pair for the IAM user. After that is done, we can start using the package. We will first need to get the xrpl address generated from the KMS public key, and fund the account with at least 10xrp to activate it. Then we can start signing transactions. There is example code for both funding an account and signing transactions in the example.ts file. You can fill in the aws parameters and run it with ts-node to try it yourself! ## Technical explanation I made a post about how the package works with technical explanations and some extra explanations on configuring the KMS keys. You can find it here: ## Example: Funding the KMS account ```typescript import { Client, Wallet, xrpToDrops } from "xrpl"; import { XrplKmsService } from "xrpl-kms"; // Fill in with your AWS credentials const awsAccessKey = ""; const awsSecretKey = ""; const awsRegion = "us-east-1"; const kmsKeyId = ""; // Funds the AWS account with 10XRP from a testnet account funded from the faucet async function txFund() { const xrplKmsService = new XrplKmsService(awsAccessKey, awsSecretKey, awsRegion, kmsKeyId); const client = new Client("wss://"); await client.connect(); // 1. Get Address let xrpAddr = await xrplKmsService.getXrpAddress(); // 2. Generate Transaction const transaction = await client.autofill({ TransactionType: "Payment", Account: "r9QsP3KmmwGLmak1L2ZWfVosf8K6Xm5ea8", Amount: xrpToDrops(10), Destination: xrpAddr, }); // 3. Sign Transaction // Change the account if it ran out of funds const wallet = Wallet.fromSecret("shM4SKz4em6MMLnpcRXYndt9QTiz6"); const signed = wallet.sign(transaction); console.log("Payload: ", signed.tx_blob); // 4. Broadcast Transaction const tx = await client.submitAndWait(signed.tx_blob); console.log("Transaction: ", tx); await client.disconnect(); } ``` ## Example: Signing and broadcasting a transaction from a KMS account ```typescript import { Client, verifySignature } from "xrpl"; import { XrplKmsService } from "xrpl-kms"; // Fill in with your AWS credentials const awsAccessKey = ""; const awsSecretKey = ""; const awsRegion = "us-east-1"; const kmsKeyId = ""; async function txTest() { const xrplKmsService = new XrplKmsService(awsAccessKey, awsSecretKey, awsRegion, kmsKeyId); const client = new Client("wss://"); await client.connect(); // 1. Get Address let xrpAddr = await xrplKmsService.getXrpAddress(); // 2. Generate Transaction const transaction = await client.autofill({ TransactionType: "Payment", Account: xrpAddr, Amount: "200", Destination: "rUCzEr6jrEyMpjhs4wSdQdz4g8Y382NxfM", }); // 3. Sign Transaction const signed = await xrplKmsService.signXrpTransaction(transaction); // 4. Verify Signature const verified = verifySignature(signed.payload); console.log("verified: ", verified); // 5. Broadcast Transaction const tx = await client.submitAndWait(signed.payload); console.log("Transaction: ", tx); await client.disconnect(); } ```
.cli generator index.js templates component index.ts utils index.js .env .stylelintrc.json package.json public index.html manifest.json robots.txt src components CommunityConnect index.ts Countdown index.ts CreateDaoPopup index.ts types.ts validators.ts CreateProposalPopup index.ts types.ts validators.ts DaoCard index.ts DaoCardMini index.ts DaoDetailPopup index.ts DaoDetails index.ts DaoLogoButton index.ts DaoProposals components ChipFilter index.ts index.ts types.ts utils.ts Developers index.ts Footer index.ts Header index.ts HowItWorks index.ts LandingFooter index.ts LandingHeader index.ts LandingMobileMenu index.ts MembersPopup index.ts MobileMenu index.ts ProfileButton index.ts ProposalCard index.ts utils.ts ProposalTypeItem index.ts PurposePopup index.ts RedirectRoute index.ts SearchAutoComplete index.ts SearchBar index.ts SmallDaoSlider index.ts SocialMedias index.ts SputnikDaoLogo index.ts StepProgressBar index.ts ThemeSwitcher index.ts UILib Button index.ts Chip index.ts Dropdown index.ts IconButton index.ts Loader index.ts NavTabs index.ts PixelCorner index.ts ProgressBar index.ts Select index.ts SvgIcon index.ts TextField index.ts Tooltip index.ts index.ts VotedMembersPopup index.ts index.ts config aws.ts index.ts near.ts constants routingConstants.ts fonts aileron regular Aileron-Regular-webfont.svg semibold Aileron-SemiBold-webfont.svg furore Furore-webfont.svg source-code-pro regular sourcecodepro-regular-webfont.svg global.d.ts hooks use-media.ts use-query.ts icons accept.svg arrow-back.svg carousel.svg chip-rect.svg circle-close.svg close.svg copy-icon.svg dd-arrow.svg decline.svg discord.svg github.svg grid.svg index.ts info.svg link.svg menu.svg search.svg step.svg telegram.svg token.svg twitter.svg wechat.svg images 404-dark.svg 404-light.svg 404_dark.svg 404_light.svg clip-sm.svg clip.svg corner-dark-cyan.svg corner-dark-grey.svg corner-light-cyan.svg corner-light-grey.svg dao-card-mini-mask.svg dark-avatar-hover.svg dark-avatar.svg dark-switch-icons.svg empty_proposal_dark.svg empty_proposal_light.svg exclamation.svg light-avatar-hover.svg light-avatar.svg light-switch-icons.svg loader.svg near-logo-small.svg near-logo.svg question.svg sputnikDAO-logo.svg sputnik_horizLight.svg sputnik_horiz_dark.svg stars-background.svg pages LogoRegenerationPage index.ts Page404 index.ts ProposalPage index.ts SearchDaoPage index.ts SearchPage index.ts SearchProposalPage index.ts SelectDao mockData.ts react-app-env.d.ts redux actions index.ts epics index.ts reducers index.ts root.ts selectors index.ts utils index.ts operators.ts reportWebVitals.ts services AwsUploader AwsUploader.ts index.ts LogoRandomizer LogoRandomizer.ts filters GradientEffect.ts index.ts settings.ts NearService ContractPool.ts NearService.ts constants.ts index.ts utils.ts setupTests.ts styles.d.ts types dao.ts guards.ts index.ts proposal.ts store.ts theme.ts utils filterDaoBySearchStr.ts getStringSizeInBytes.ts highlightSubstring.ts numberReduction.ts randomNumber.ts renderLinkInText.ts shuffleArray.ts validators.ts tsconfig.json
# Sputnik-DAO ui ## Available Scripts In the project directory, you can run: ### `yarn start` Runs the app in the development mode.\ Open [http://localhost:3000](http://localhost:3000) to view it in the browser. The page will reload if you make edits.\ You will also see any lint errors in the console. ### `yarn test` Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.\ See the section about [running tests]( for more information. ### `yarn build` Builds the app for production to the `build` folder.\ It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance. The build is minified and the filenames include the hashes.\ Your app is ready to be deployed! See the section about [deployment]( for more information.
Cargo.toml interact Cargo.toml src tests simple-counter Cargo.toml src
# near ## Reference [near]( ## Run ### Build ``` cargo build --all ``` ### Format ``` cargo +nightly fmt ``` ### Lint ``` cargo clippy --all --all-targets --release ``` ### Test ``` cargo test -all ```
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# Optionator <a name="optionator" /> Optionator is a JavaScript/Node.js option parsing and help generation library used by [eslint](, [Grasp](, [LiveScript](, [esmangle](, [escodegen](, and [many more]( For an online demo, check out the [Grasp online demo]( [About](#about) &middot; [Usage](#usage) &middot; [Settings Format](#settings-format) &middot; [Argument Format](#argument-format) ## Why? The problem with other option parsers, such as `yargs` or `minimist`, is they just accept all input, valid or not. With Optionator, if you mistype an option, it will give you an error (with a suggestion for what you meant). If you give the wrong type of argument for an option, it will give you an error rather than supplying the wrong input to your application. $ cmd --halp Invalid option '--halp' - perhaps you meant '--help'? $ cmd --count str Invalid value for option 'count' - expected type Int, received value: str. Other helpful features include reformatting the help text based on the size of the console, so that it fits even if the console is narrow, and accepting not just an array (eg. process.argv), but a string or object as well, making things like testing much easier. ## About Optionator uses [type-check]( and [levn]( behind the scenes to cast and verify input according the specified types. MIT license. Version 0.9.1 npm install optionator For updates on Optionator, [follow me on twitter]( Optionator is a Node.js module, but can be used in the browser as well if packed with webpack/browserify. ## Usage `require('optionator');` returns a function. It has one property, `VERSION`, the current version of the library as a string. This function is called with an object specifying your options and other information, see the [settings format section](#settings-format). This in turn returns an object with three properties, `parse`, `parseArgv`, `generateHelp`, and `generateHelpForOption`, which are all functions. ```js var optionator = require('optionator')({ prepend: 'Usage: cmd [options]', append: 'Version 1.0.0', options: [{ option: 'help', alias: 'h', type: 'Boolean', description: 'displays help' }, { option: 'count', alias: 'c', type: 'Int', description: 'number of things', example: 'cmd --count 2' }] }); var options = optionator.parseArgv(process.argv); if ( { console.log(optionator.generateHelp()); } ... ``` ### parse(input, parseOptions) `parse` processes the `input` according to your settings, and returns an object with the results. ##### arguments * input - `[String] | Object | String` - the input you wish to parse * parseOptions - `{slice: Int}` - all options optional - `slice` specifies how much to slice away from the beginning if the input is an array or string - by default `0` for string, `2` for array (works with `process.argv`) ##### returns `Object` - the parsed options, each key is a camelCase version of the option name (specified in dash-case), and each value is the processed value for that option. Positional values are in an array under the `_` key. ##### example ```js parse(['node', 't.js', '--count', '2', 'positional']); // {count: 2, _: ['positional']} parse('--count 2 positional'); // {count: 2, _: ['positional']} parse({count: 2, _:['positional']}); // {count: 2, _: ['positional']} ``` ### parseArgv(input) `parseArgv` works exactly like `parse`, but only for array input and it slices off the first two elements. ##### arguments * input - `[String]` - the input you wish to parse ##### returns See "returns" section in "parse" ##### example ```js parseArgv(process.argv); ``` ### generateHelp(helpOptions) `generateHelp` produces help text based on your settings. ##### arguments * helpOptions - `{showHidden: Boolean, interpolate: Object}` - all options optional - `showHidden` specifies whether to show options with `hidden: true` specified, by default it is `false` - `interpolate` specify data to be interpolated in `prepend` and `append` text, `{{key}}` is the format - eg. `generateHelp({interpolate:{version: '0.4.2'}})`, will change this `append` text: `Version {{version}}` to `Version 0.4.2` ##### returns `String` - the generated help text ##### example ```js generateHelp(); /* "Usage: cmd [options] positional -h, --help displays help -c, --count Int number of things Version 1.0.0 "*/ ``` ### generateHelpForOption(optionName) `generateHelpForOption` produces expanded help text for the specified with `optionName` option. If an `example` was specified for the option, it will be displayed, and if a `longDescription` was specified, it will display that instead of the `description`. ##### arguments * optionName - `String` - the name of the option to display ##### returns `String` - the generated help text for the option ##### example ```js generateHelpForOption('count'); /* "-c, --count Int description: number of things example: cmd --count 2 "*/ ``` ## Settings Format When your `require('optionator')`, you get a function that takes in a settings object. This object has the type: { prepend: String, append: String, options: [{heading: String} | { option: String, alias: [String] | String, type: String, enum: [String], default: String, restPositional: Boolean, required: Boolean, overrideRequired: Boolean, dependsOn: [String] | String, concatRepeatedArrays: Boolean | (Boolean, Object), mergeRepeatedObjects: Boolean, description: String, longDescription: String, example: [String] | String }], helpStyle: { aliasSeparator: String, typeSeparator: String, descriptionSeparator: String, initialIndent: Int, secondaryIndent: Int, maxPadFactor: Number }, mutuallyExclusive: [[String | [String]]], concatRepeatedArrays: Boolean | (Boolean, Object), // deprecated, set in defaults object mergeRepeatedObjects: Boolean, // deprecated, set in defaults object positionalAnywhere: Boolean, typeAliases: Object, defaults: Object } All of the properties are optional (the `Maybe` has been excluded for brevities sake), except for having either `heading: String` or `option: String` in each object in the `options` array. ### Top Level Properties * `prepend` is an optional string to be placed before the options in the help text * `append` is an optional string to be placed after the options in the help text * `options` is a required array specifying your options and headings, the options and headings will be displayed in the order specified * `helpStyle` is an optional object which enables you to change the default appearance of some aspects of the help text * `mutuallyExclusive` is an optional array of arrays of either strings or arrays of strings. The top level array is a list of rules, each rule is a list of elements - each element can be either a string (the name of an option), or a list of strings (a group of option names) - there will be an error if more than one element is present * `concatRepeatedArrays` see description under the "Option Properties" heading - use at the top level is deprecated, if you want to set this for all options, use the `defaults` property * `mergeRepeatedObjects` see description under the "Option Properties" heading - use at the top level is deprecated, if you want to set this for all options, use the `defaults` property * `positionalAnywhere` is an optional boolean (defaults to `true`) - when `true` it allows positional arguments anywhere, when `false`, all arguments after the first positional one are taken to be positional as well, even if they look like a flag. For example, with `positionalAnywhere: false`, the arguments `--flag --boom 12 --crack` would have two positional arguments: `12` and `--crack` * `typeAliases` is an optional object, it allows you to set aliases for types, eg. `{Path: 'String'}` would allow you to use the type `Path` as an alias for the type `String` * `defaults` is an optional object following the option properties format, which specifies default values for all options. A default will be overridden if manually set. For example, you can do `default: { type: "String" }` to set the default type of all options to `String`, and then override that default in an individual option by setting the `type` property #### Heading Properties * `heading` a required string, the name of the heading #### Option Properties * `option` the required name of the option - use dash-case, without the leading dashes * `alias` is an optional string or array of strings which specify any aliases for the option * `type` is a required string in the [type check]( [format](, this will be used to cast the inputted value and validate it * `enum` is an optional array of strings, each string will be parsed by [levn]( - the argument value must be one of the resulting values - each potential value must validate against the specified `type` * `default` is a optional string, which will be parsed by [levn]( and used as the default value if none is set - the value must validate against the specified `type` * `restPositional` is an optional boolean - if set to `true`, everything after the option will be taken to be a positional argument, even if it looks like a named argument * `required` is an optional boolean - if set to `true`, the option parsing will fail if the option is not defined * `overrideRequired` is a optional boolean - if set to `true` and the option is used, and there is another option which is required but not set, it will override the need for the required option and there will be no error - this is useful if you have required options and want to use `--help` or `--version` flags * `concatRepeatedArrays` is an optional boolean or tuple with boolean and options object (defaults to `false`) - when set to `true` and an option contains an array value and is repeated, the subsequent values for the flag will be appended rather than overwriting the original value - eg. option `g` of type `[String]`: `-g a -g b -g c,d` will result in `['a','b','c','d']` You can supply an options object by giving the following value: `[true, options]`. The one currently supported option is `oneValuePerFlag`, this only allows one array value per flag. This is useful if your potential values contain a comma. * `mergeRepeatedObjects` is an optional boolean (defaults to `false`) - when set to `true` and an option contains an object value and is repeated, the subsequent values for the flag will be merged rather than overwriting the original value - eg. option `g` of type `Object`: `-g a:1 -g b:2 -g c:3,d:4` will result in `{a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4}` * `dependsOn` is an optional string or array of strings - if simply a string (the name of another option), it will make sure that that other option is set, if an array of strings, depending on whether `'and'` or `'or'` is first, it will either check whether all (`['and', 'option-a', 'option-b']`), or at least one (`['or', 'option-a', 'option-b']`) other options are set * `description` is an optional string, which will be displayed next to the option in the help text * `longDescription` is an optional string, it will be displayed instead of the `description` when `generateHelpForOption` is used * `example` is an optional string or array of strings with example(s) for the option - these will be displayed when `generateHelpForOption` is used #### Help Style Properties * `aliasSeparator` is an optional string, separates multiple names from each other - default: ' ,' * `typeSeparator` is an optional string, separates the type from the names - default: ' ' * `descriptionSeparator` is an optional string , separates the description from the padded name and type - default: ' ' * `initialIndent` is an optional int - the amount of indent for options - default: 2 * `secondaryIndent` is an optional int - the amount of indent if wrapped fully (in addition to the initial indent) - default: 4 * `maxPadFactor` is an optional number - affects the default level of padding for the names/type, it is multiplied by the average of the length of the names/type - default: 1.5 ## Argument Format At the highest level there are two types of arguments: named, and positional. Name arguments of any length are prefixed with `--` (eg. `--go`), and those of one character may be prefixed with either `--` or `-` (eg. `-g`). There are two types of named arguments: boolean flags (eg. `--problemo`, `-p`) which take no value and result in a `true` if they are present, the falsey `undefined` if they are not present, or `false` if present and explicitly prefixed with `no` (eg. `--no-problemo`). Named arguments with values (eg. `--tseries 800`, `-t 800`) are the other type. If the option has a type `Boolean` it will automatically be made into a boolean flag. Any other type results in a named argument that takes a value. For more information about how to properly set types to get the value you want, take a look at the [type check]( and [levn]( pages. You can group single character arguments that use a single `-`, however all except the last must be boolean flags (which take no value). The last may be a boolean flag, or an argument which takes a value - eg. `-ba 2` is equivalent to `-b -a 2`. Positional arguments are all those values which do not fall under the above - they can be anywhere, not just at the end. For example, in `cmd -b one -a 2 two` where `b` is a boolean flag, and `a` has the type `Number`, there are two positional arguments, `one` and `two`. Everything after an `--` is positional, even if it looks like a named argument. You may optionally use `=` to separate option names from values, for example: `--count=2`. If you specify the option `NUM`, then any argument using a single `-` followed by a number will be valid and will set the value of `NUM`. Eg. `-2` will be parsed into `NUM: 2`. If duplicate named arguments are present, the last one will be taken. ## Technical About `optionator` is written in [LiveScript]( - a language that compiles to JavaScript. It uses [levn]( to cast arguments to their specified type, and uses [type-check]( to validate values. It also uses the []( library. # safe-buffer [![travis][travis-image]][travis-url] [![npm][npm-image]][npm-url] [![downloads][downloads-image]][downloads-url] [![javascript style guide][standard-image]][standard-url] [travis-image]: [travis-url]: [npm-image]: [npm-url]: [downloads-image]: [downloads-url]: [standard-image]: [standard-url]: #### Safer Node.js Buffer API **Use the new Node.js Buffer APIs (`Buffer.from`, `Buffer.alloc`, `Buffer.allocUnsafe`, `Buffer.allocUnsafeSlow`) in all versions of Node.js.** **Uses the built-in implementation when available.** ## install ``` npm install safe-buffer ``` ## usage The goal of this package is to provide a safe replacement for the node.js `Buffer`. It's a drop-in replacement for `Buffer`. You can use it by adding one `require` line to the top of your node.js modules: ```js var Buffer = require('safe-buffer').Buffer // Existing buffer code will continue to work without issues: new Buffer('hey', 'utf8') new Buffer([1, 2, 3], 'utf8') new Buffer(obj) new Buffer(16) // create an uninitialized buffer (potentially unsafe) // But you can use these new explicit APIs to make clear what you want: Buffer.from('hey', 'utf8') // convert from many types to a Buffer Buffer.alloc(16) // create a zero-filled buffer (safe) Buffer.allocUnsafe(16) // create an uninitialized buffer (potentially unsafe) ``` ## api ### Class Method: Buffer.from(array) <!-- YAML added: v3.0.0 --> * `array` {Array} Allocates a new `Buffer` using an `array` of octets. ```js const buf = Buffer.from([0x62,0x75,0x66,0x66,0x65,0x72]); // creates a new Buffer containing ASCII bytes // ['b','u','f','f','e','r'] ``` A `TypeError` will be thrown if `array` is not an `Array`. ### Class Method: Buffer.from(arrayBuffer[, byteOffset[, length]]) <!-- YAML added: v5.10.0 --> * `arrayBuffer` {ArrayBuffer} The `.buffer` property of a `TypedArray` or a `new ArrayBuffer()` * `byteOffset` {Number} Default: `0` * `length` {Number} Default: `arrayBuffer.length - byteOffset` When passed a reference to the `.buffer` property of a `TypedArray` instance, the newly created `Buffer` will share the same allocated memory as the TypedArray. ```js const arr = new Uint16Array(2); arr[0] = 5000; arr[1] = 4000; const buf = Buffer.from(arr.buffer); // shares the memory with arr; console.log(buf); // Prints: <Buffer 88 13 a0 0f> // changing the TypedArray changes the Buffer also arr[1] = 6000; console.log(buf); // Prints: <Buffer 88 13 70 17> ``` The optional `byteOffset` and `length` arguments specify a memory range within the `arrayBuffer` that will be shared by the `Buffer`. ```js const ab = new ArrayBuffer(10); const buf = Buffer.from(ab, 0, 2); console.log(buf.length); // Prints: 2 ``` A `TypeError` will be thrown if `arrayBuffer` is not an `ArrayBuffer`. ### Class Method: Buffer.from(buffer) <!-- YAML added: v3.0.0 --> * `buffer` {Buffer} Copies the passed `buffer` data onto a new `Buffer` instance. ```js const buf1 = Buffer.from('buffer'); const buf2 = Buffer.from(buf1); buf1[0] = 0x61; console.log(buf1.toString()); // 'auffer' console.log(buf2.toString()); // 'buffer' (copy is not changed) ``` A `TypeError` will be thrown if `buffer` is not a `Buffer`. ### Class Method: Buffer.from(str[, encoding]) <!-- YAML added: v5.10.0 --> * `str` {String} String to encode. * `encoding` {String} Encoding to use, Default: `'utf8'` Creates a new `Buffer` containing the given JavaScript string `str`. If provided, the `encoding` parameter identifies the character encoding. If not provided, `encoding` defaults to `'utf8'`. ```js const buf1 = Buffer.from('this is a tést'); console.log(buf1.toString()); // prints: this is a tést console.log(buf1.toString('ascii')); // prints: this is a tC)st const buf2 = Buffer.from('7468697320697320612074c3a97374', 'hex'); console.log(buf2.toString()); // prints: this is a tést ``` A `TypeError` will be thrown if `str` is not a string. ### Class Method: Buffer.alloc(size[, fill[, encoding]]) <!-- YAML added: v5.10.0 --> * `size` {Number} * `fill` {Value} Default: `undefined` * `encoding` {String} Default: `utf8` Allocates a new `Buffer` of `size` bytes. If `fill` is `undefined`, the `Buffer` will be *zero-filled*. ```js const buf = Buffer.alloc(5); console.log(buf); // <Buffer 00 00 00 00 00> ``` The `size` must be less than or equal to the value of `require('buffer').kMaxLength` (on 64-bit architectures, `kMaxLength` is `(2^31)-1`). Otherwise, a [`RangeError`][] is thrown. A zero-length Buffer will be created if a `size` less than or equal to 0 is specified. If `fill` is specified, the allocated `Buffer` will be initialized by calling `buf.fill(fill)`. See [`buf.fill()`][] for more information. ```js const buf = Buffer.alloc(5, 'a'); console.log(buf); // <Buffer 61 61 61 61 61> ``` If both `fill` and `encoding` are specified, the allocated `Buffer` will be initialized by calling `buf.fill(fill, encoding)`. For example: ```js const buf = Buffer.alloc(11, 'aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ=', 'base64'); console.log(buf); // <Buffer 68 65 6c 6c 6f 20 77 6f 72 6c 64> ``` Calling `Buffer.alloc(size)` can be significantly slower than the alternative `Buffer.allocUnsafe(size)` but ensures that the newly created `Buffer` instance contents will *never contain sensitive data*. A `TypeError` will be thrown if `size` is not a number. ### Class Method: Buffer.allocUnsafe(size) <!-- YAML added: v5.10.0 --> * `size` {Number} Allocates a new *non-zero-filled* `Buffer` of `size` bytes. The `size` must be less than or equal to the value of `require('buffer').kMaxLength` (on 64-bit architectures, `kMaxLength` is `(2^31)-1`). Otherwise, a [`RangeError`][] is thrown. A zero-length Buffer will be created if a `size` less than or equal to 0 is specified. The underlying memory for `Buffer` instances created in this way is *not initialized*. The contents of the newly created `Buffer` are unknown and *may contain sensitive data*. Use [`buf.fill(0)`][] to initialize such `Buffer` instances to zeroes. ```js const buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(5); console.log(buf); // <Buffer 78 e0 82 02 01> // (octets will be different, every time) buf.fill(0); console.log(buf); // <Buffer 00 00 00 00 00> ``` A `TypeError` will be thrown if `size` is not a number. Note that the `Buffer` module pre-allocates an internal `Buffer` instance of size `Buffer.poolSize` that is used as a pool for the fast allocation of new `Buffer` instances created using `Buffer.allocUnsafe(size)` (and the deprecated `new Buffer(size)` constructor) only when `size` is less than or equal to `Buffer.poolSize >> 1` (floor of `Buffer.poolSize` divided by two). The default value of `Buffer.poolSize` is `8192` but can be modified. Use of this pre-allocated internal memory pool is a key difference between calling `Buffer.alloc(size, fill)` vs. `Buffer.allocUnsafe(size).fill(fill)`. Specifically, `Buffer.alloc(size, fill)` will *never* use the internal Buffer pool, while `Buffer.allocUnsafe(size).fill(fill)` *will* use the internal Buffer pool if `size` is less than or equal to half `Buffer.poolSize`. The difference is subtle but can be important when an application requires the additional performance that `Buffer.allocUnsafe(size)` provides. ### Class Method: Buffer.allocUnsafeSlow(size) <!-- YAML added: v5.10.0 --> * `size` {Number} Allocates a new *non-zero-filled* and non-pooled `Buffer` of `size` bytes. The `size` must be less than or equal to the value of `require('buffer').kMaxLength` (on 64-bit architectures, `kMaxLength` is `(2^31)-1`). Otherwise, a [`RangeError`][] is thrown. A zero-length Buffer will be created if a `size` less than or equal to 0 is specified. The underlying memory for `Buffer` instances created in this way is *not initialized*. The contents of the newly created `Buffer` are unknown and *may contain sensitive data*. Use [`buf.fill(0)`][] to initialize such `Buffer` instances to zeroes. When using `Buffer.allocUnsafe()` to allocate new `Buffer` instances, allocations under 4KB are, by default, sliced from a single pre-allocated `Buffer`. This allows applications to avoid the garbage collection overhead of creating many individually allocated Buffers. This approach improves both performance and memory usage by eliminating the need to track and cleanup as many `Persistent` objects. However, in the case where a developer may need to retain a small chunk of memory from a pool for an indeterminate amount of time, it may be appropriate to create an un-pooled Buffer instance using `Buffer.allocUnsafeSlow()` then copy out the relevant bits. ```js // need to keep around a few small chunks of memory const store = []; socket.on('readable', () => { const data =; // allocate for retained data const sb = Buffer.allocUnsafeSlow(10); // copy the data into the new allocation data.copy(sb, 0, 0, 10); store.push(sb); }); ``` Use of `Buffer.allocUnsafeSlow()` should be used only as a last resort *after* a developer has observed undue memory retention in their applications. A `TypeError` will be thrown if `size` is not a number. ### All the Rest The rest of the `Buffer` API is exactly the same as in node.js. [See the docs]( ## Related links - [Node.js issue: Buffer(number) is unsafe]( - [Node.js Enhancement Proposal: Buffer.from/Buffer.alloc/Buffer.zalloc/Buffer() soft-deprecate]( ## Why is `Buffer` unsafe? Today, the node.js `Buffer` constructor is overloaded to handle many different argument types like `String`, `Array`, `Object`, `TypedArrayView` (`Uint8Array`, etc.), `ArrayBuffer`, and also `Number`. The API is optimized for convenience: you can throw any type at it, and it will try to do what you want. Because the Buffer constructor is so powerful, you often see code like this: ```js // Convert UTF-8 strings to hex function toHex (str) { return new Buffer(str).toString('hex') } ``` ***But what happens if `toHex` is called with a `Number` argument?*** ### Remote Memory Disclosure If an attacker can make your program call the `Buffer` constructor with a `Number` argument, then they can make it allocate uninitialized memory from the node.js process. This could potentially disclose TLS private keys, user data, or database passwords. When the `Buffer` constructor is passed a `Number` argument, it returns an **UNINITIALIZED** block of memory of the specified `size`. When you create a `Buffer` like this, you **MUST** overwrite the contents before returning it to the user. From the [node.js docs]( > `new Buffer(size)` > > - `size` Number > > The underlying memory for `Buffer` instances created in this way is not initialized. > **The contents of a newly created `Buffer` are unknown and could contain sensitive > data.** Use `buf.fill(0)` to initialize a Buffer to zeroes. (Emphasis our own.) Whenever the programmer intended to create an uninitialized `Buffer` you often see code like this: ```js var buf = new Buffer(16) // Immediately overwrite the uninitialized buffer with data from another buffer for (var i = 0; i < buf.length; i++) { buf[i] = otherBuf[i] } ``` ### Would this ever be a problem in real code? Yes. It's surprisingly common to forget to check the type of your variables in a dynamically-typed language like JavaScript. Usually the consequences of assuming the wrong type is that your program crashes with an uncaught exception. But the failure mode for forgetting to check the type of arguments to the `Buffer` constructor is more catastrophic. Here's an example of a vulnerable service that takes a JSON payload and converts it to hex: ```js // Take a JSON payload {str: "some string"} and convert it to hex var server = http.createServer(function (req, res) { var data = '' req.setEncoding('utf8') req.on('data', function (chunk) { data += chunk }) req.on('end', function () { var body = JSON.parse(data) res.end(new Buffer(body.str).toString('hex')) }) }) server.listen(8080) ``` In this example, an http client just has to send: ```json { "str": 1000 } ``` and it will get back 1,000 bytes of uninitialized memory from the server. This is a very serious bug. It's similar in severity to the [the Heartbleed bug]( that allowed disclosure of OpenSSL process memory by remote attackers. ### Which real-world packages were vulnerable? #### [`bittorrent-dht`]( [Mathias Buus]( and I ([Feross Aboukhadijeh]( found this issue in one of our own packages, [`bittorrent-dht`]( The bug would allow anyone on the internet to send a series of messages to a user of `bittorrent-dht` and get them to reveal 20 bytes at a time of uninitialized memory from the node.js process. Here's [the commit]( that fixed it. We released a new fixed version, created a [Node Security Project disclosure](, and deprecated all vulnerable versions on npm so users will get a warning to upgrade to a newer version. #### [`ws`]( That got us wondering if there were other vulnerable packages. Sure enough, within a short period of time, we found the same issue in [`ws`](, the most popular WebSocket implementation in node.js. If certain APIs were called with `Number` parameters instead of `String` or `Buffer` as expected, then uninitialized server memory would be disclosed to the remote peer. These were the vulnerable methods: ```js socket.send(number) socket.pong(number) ``` Here's a vulnerable socket server with some echo functionality: ```js server.on('connection', function (socket) { socket.on('message', function (message) { message = JSON.parse(message) if (message.type === 'echo') { socket.send( // send back the user's message } }) }) ``` `socket.send(number)` called on the server, will disclose server memory. Here's [the release]( where the issue was fixed, with a more detailed explanation. Props to [Arnout Kazemier]( for the quick fix. Here's the [Node Security Project disclosure]( ### What's the solution? It's important that node.js offers a fast way to get memory otherwise performance-critical applications would needlessly get a lot slower. But we need a better way to *signal our intent* as programmers. **When we want uninitialized memory, we should request it explicitly.** Sensitive functionality should not be packed into a developer-friendly API that loosely accepts many different types. This type of API encourages the lazy practice of passing variables in without checking the type very carefully. #### A new API: `Buffer.allocUnsafe(number)` The functionality of creating buffers with uninitialized memory should be part of another API. We propose `Buffer.allocUnsafe(number)`. This way, it's not part of an API that frequently gets user input of all sorts of different types passed into it. ```js var buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(16) // careful, uninitialized memory! // Immediately overwrite the uninitialized buffer with data from another buffer for (var i = 0; i < buf.length; i++) { buf[i] = otherBuf[i] } ``` ### How do we fix node.js core? We sent [a PR to node.js core]( (merged as `semver-major`) which defends against one case: ```js var str = 16 new Buffer(str, 'utf8') ``` In this situation, it's implied that the programmer intended the first argument to be a string, since they passed an encoding as a second argument. Today, node.js will allocate uninitialized memory in the case of `new Buffer(number, encoding)`, which is probably not what the programmer intended. But this is only a partial solution, since if the programmer does `new Buffer(variable)` (without an `encoding` parameter) there's no way to know what they intended. If `variable` is sometimes a number, then uninitialized memory will sometimes be returned. ### What's the real long-term fix? We could deprecate and remove `new Buffer(number)` and use `Buffer.allocUnsafe(number)` when we need uninitialized memory. But that would break 1000s of packages. ~~We believe the best solution is to:~~ ~~1. Change `new Buffer(number)` to return safe, zeroed-out memory~~ ~~2. Create a new API for creating uninitialized Buffers. We propose: `Buffer.allocUnsafe(number)`~~ #### Update We now support adding three new APIs: - `Buffer.from(value)` - convert from any type to a buffer - `Buffer.alloc(size)` - create a zero-filled buffer - `Buffer.allocUnsafe(size)` - create an uninitialized buffer with given size This solves the core problem that affected `ws` and `bittorrent-dht` which is `Buffer(variable)` getting tricked into taking a number argument. This way, existing code continues working and the impact on the npm ecosystem will be minimal. Over time, npm maintainers can migrate performance-critical code to use `Buffer.allocUnsafe(number)` instead of `new Buffer(number)`. ### Conclusion We think there's a serious design issue with the `Buffer` API as it exists today. It promotes insecure software by putting high-risk functionality into a convenient API with friendly "developer ergonomics". This wasn't merely a theoretical exercise because we found the issue in some of the most popular npm packages. Fortunately, there's an easy fix that can be applied today. Use `safe-buffer` in place of `buffer`. ```js var Buffer = require('safe-buffer').Buffer ``` Eventually, we hope that node.js core can switch to this new, safer behavior. We believe the impact on the ecosystem would be minimal since it's not a breaking change. Well-maintained, popular packages would be updated to use `Buffer.alloc` quickly, while older, insecure packages would magically become safe from this attack vector. ## links - [Node.js PR: buffer: throw if both length and enc are passed]( - [Node Security Project disclosure for `ws`]( - [Node Security Project disclosure for`bittorrent-dht`]( ## credit The original issues in `bittorrent-dht` ([disclosure]( and `ws` ([disclosure]( were discovered by [Mathias Buus]( and [Feross Aboukhadijeh]( Thanks to [Adam Baldwin]( for helping disclose these issues and for his work running the [Node Security Project]( Thanks to [John Hiesey]( for proofreading this README and auditing the code. ## license MIT. Copyright (C) [Feross Aboukhadijeh]( <table><thead> <tr> <th>Linux</th> <th>OS X</th> <th>Windows</th> <th>Coverage</th> <th>Downloads</th> </tr> </thead><tbody><tr> <td colspan="2" align="center"> <a href=""> <img src="" alt="Build Status" /></a> </td> <td align="center"> <a href=""> <img src="" alt="Windows Build Status" /></a> </td> <td align="center"> <a href=""> <img src="" alt="Coverage Status" /></a> </td> <td align="center"> <a href=""> <img src="" alt="npm module downloads per month" /></a> </td> </tr></tbody></table> # ignore `ignore` is a manager, filter and parser which implemented in pure JavaScript according to the .gitignore [spec]( Pay attention that [`minimatch`]( does not work in the gitignore way. To filter filenames according to .gitignore file, I recommend this module. ##### Tested on - Linux + Node: `0.8` - `7.x` - Windows + Node: `0.10` - `7.x`, node < `0.10` is not tested due to the lack of support of appveyor. Actually, `ignore` does not rely on any versions of node specially. Since `4.0.0`, ignore will no longer support `node < 6` by default, to use in node < 6, `require('ignore/legacy')`. For details, see [CHANGELOG]( ## Table Of Main Contents - [Usage](#usage) - [`Pathname` Conventions](#pathname-conventions) - [Guide for 2.x -> 3.x](#upgrade-2x---3x) - [Guide for 3.x -> 4.x](#upgrade-3x---4x) - See Also: - [`glob-gitignore`]( matches files using patterns and filters them according to gitignore rules. ## Usage ```js import ignore from 'ignore' const ig = ignore().add(['.abc/*', '!.abc/d/']) ``` ### Filter the given paths ```js const paths = [ '.abc/a.js', // filtered out '.abc/d/e.js' // included ] ig.filter(paths) // ['.abc/d/e.js'] ig.ignores('.abc/a.js') // true ``` ### As the filter function ```js paths.filter(ig.createFilter()); // ['.abc/d/e.js'] ``` ### Win32 paths will be handled ```js ig.filter(['.abc\\a.js', '.abc\\d\\e.js']) // if the code above runs on windows, the result will be // ['.abc\\d\\e.js'] ``` ## Why another ignore? - `ignore` is a standalone module, and is much simpler so that it could easy work with other programs, unlike [isaacs]('s [fstream-ignore]( which must work with the modules of the fstream family. - `ignore` only contains utility methods to filter paths according to the specified ignore rules, so - `ignore` never try to find out ignore rules by traversing directories or fetching from git configurations. - `ignore` don't cares about sub-modules of git projects. - Exactly according to [gitignore man page](, fixes some known matching issues of fstream-ignore, such as: - '`/*.js`' should only match '`a.js`', but not '`abc/a.js`'. - '`**/foo`' should match '`foo`' anywhere. - Prevent re-including a file if a parent directory of that file is excluded. - Handle trailing whitespaces: - `'a '`(one space) should not match `'a '`(two spaces). - `'a \ '` matches `'a '` - All test cases are verified with the result of `git check-ignore`. # Methods ## .add(pattern: string | Ignore): this ## .add(patterns: Array<string | Ignore>): this - **pattern** `String | Ignore` An ignore pattern string, or the `Ignore` instance - **patterns** `Array<String | Ignore>` Array of ignore patterns. Adds a rule or several rules to the current manager. Returns `this` Notice that a line starting with `'#'`(hash) is treated as a comment. Put a backslash (`'\'`) in front of the first hash for patterns that begin with a hash, if you want to ignore a file with a hash at the beginning of the filename. ```js ignore().add('#abc').ignores('#abc') // false ignore().add('\#abc').ignores('#abc') // true ``` `pattern` could either be a line of ignore pattern or a string of multiple ignore patterns, which means we could just `ignore().add()` the content of a ignore file: ```js ignore() .add(fs.readFileSync(filenameOfGitignore).toString()) .filter(filenames) ``` `pattern` could also be an `ignore` instance, so that we could easily inherit the rules of another `Ignore` instance. ## <strike>.addIgnoreFile(path)</strike> REMOVED in `3.x` for now. To upgrade `ignore@2.x` up to `3.x`, use ```js import fs from 'fs' if (fs.existsSync(filename)) { ignore().add(fs.readFileSync(filename).toString()) } ``` instead. ## .filter(paths: Array<Pathname>): Array<Pathname> ```ts type Pathname = string ``` Filters the given array of pathnames, and returns the filtered array. - **paths** `Array.<Pathname>` The array of `pathname`s to be filtered. ### `Pathname` Conventions: #### 1. `Pathname` should be a `path.relative()`d pathname `Pathname` should be a string that have been `path.join()`ed, or the return value of `path.relative()` to the current directory. ```js // WRONG ig.ignores('./abc') // WRONG, for it will never happen. // If the gitignore rule locates at the root directory, // `'/abc'` should be changed to `'abc'`. // ``` // path.relative('/', '/abc') -> 'abc' // ``` ig.ignores('/abc') // Right ig.ignores('abc') // Right ig.ignores(path.join('./abc')) // path.join('./abc') -> 'abc' ``` In other words, each `Pathname` here should be a relative path to the directory of the gitignore rules. Suppose the dir structure is: ``` /path/to/your/repo |-- a | |-- a.js | |-- .b | |-- .c |-- .DS_store ``` Then the `paths` might be like this: ```js [ 'a/a.js' '.b', '.c/.DS_store' ] ``` Usually, you could use [`glob`]( with `option.mark = true` to fetch the structure of the current directory: ```js import glob from 'glob' glob('**', { // Adds a / character to directory matches. mark: true }, (err, files) => { if (err) { return console.error(err) } let filtered = ignore().add(patterns).filter(files) console.log(filtered) }) ``` #### 2. filenames and dirnames `node-ignore` does NO `fs.stat` during path matching, so for the example below: ```js ig.add('config/') // `ig` does NOT know if 'config' is a normal file, directory or something ig.ignores('config') // And it returns `false` ig.ignores('config/') // returns `true` ``` Specially for people who develop some library based on `node-ignore`, it is important to understand that. ## .ignores(pathname: Pathname): boolean > new in 3.2.0 Returns `Boolean` whether `pathname` should be ignored. ```js ig.ignores('.abc/a.js') // true ``` ## .createFilter() Creates a filter function which could filter an array of paths with `Array.prototype.filter`. Returns `function(path)` the filter function. ## `options.ignorecase` since 4.0.0 Similar as the `core.ignorecase` option of [git-config](, `node-ignore` will be case insensitive if `options.ignorecase` is set to `true` (default value), otherwise case sensitive. ```js const ig = ignore({ ignorecase: false }) ig.add('*.png') ig.ignores('*.PNG') // false ``` **** # Upgrade Guide ## Upgrade 2.x -> 3.x - All `options` of 2.x are unnecessary and removed, so just remove them. - `ignore()` instance is no longer an [`EventEmitter`](, and all events are unnecessary and removed. - `.addIgnoreFile()` is removed, see the [.addIgnoreFile](#addignorefilepath) section for details. ## Upgrade 3.x -> 4.x Since `4.0.0`, `ignore` will no longer support node < 6, to use `ignore` in node < 6: ```js var ignore = require('ignore/legacy') ``` **** # Collaborators - [@whitecolor]( *Alex* - [@SamyPesse]( *Samy Pessé* - [@azproduction]( *Mikhail Davydov* - [@TrySound]( *Bogdan Chadkin* - [@JanMattner]( *Jan Mattner* - [@ntwb]( *Stephen Edgar* - [@kasperisager]( *Kasper Isager* - [@sandersn]( *Nathan Shively-Sanders* ### Estraverse [![Build Status](]( Estraverse ([estraverse]( is [ECMAScript]( traversal functions from [esmangle project]( ### Documentation You can find usage docs at [wiki page]( ### Example Usage The following code will output all variables declared at the root of a file. ```javascript estraverse.traverse(ast, { enter: function (node, parent) { if (node.type == 'FunctionExpression' || node.type == 'FunctionDeclaration') return estraverse.VisitorOption.Skip; }, leave: function (node, parent) { if (node.type == 'VariableDeclarator') console.log(; } }); ``` We can use `this.skip`, `this.remove` and `this.break` functions instead of using Skip, Remove and Break. ```javascript estraverse.traverse(ast, { enter: function (node) { this.break(); } }); ``` And estraverse provides `estraverse.replace` function. When returning node from `enter`/`leave`, current node is replaced with it. ```javascript result = estraverse.replace(tree, { enter: function (node) { // Replace it with replaced. if (node.type === 'Literal') return replaced; } }); ``` By passing `visitor.keys` mapping, we can extend estraverse traversing functionality. ```javascript // This tree contains a user-defined `TestExpression` node. var tree = { type: 'TestExpression', // This 'argument' is the property containing the other **node**. argument: { type: 'Literal', value: 20 }, // This 'extended' is the property not containing the other **node**. extended: true }; estraverse.traverse(tree, { enter: function (node) { }, // Extending the existing traversing rules. keys: { // TargetNodeName: [ 'keys', 'containing', 'the', 'other', '**node**' ] TestExpression: ['argument'] } }); ``` By passing `visitor.fallback` option, we can control the behavior when encountering unknown nodes. ```javascript // This tree contains a user-defined `TestExpression` node. var tree = { type: 'TestExpression', // This 'argument' is the property containing the other **node**. argument: { type: 'Literal', value: 20 }, // This 'extended' is the property not containing the other **node**. extended: true }; estraverse.traverse(tree, { enter: function (node) { }, // Iterating the child **nodes** of unknown nodes. fallback: 'iteration' }); ``` When `visitor.fallback` is a function, we can determine which keys to visit on each node. ```javascript // This tree contains a user-defined `TestExpression` node. var tree = { type: 'TestExpression', // This 'argument' is the property containing the other **node**. argument: { type: 'Literal', value: 20 }, // This 'extended' is the property not containing the other **node**. extended: true }; estraverse.traverse(tree, { enter: function (node) { }, // Skip the `argument` property of each node fallback: function(node) { return Object.keys(node).filter(function(key) { return key !== 'argument'; }); } }); ``` ### License Copyright (C) 2012-2016 [Yusuke Suzuki]( (twitter: [@Constellation]( and other contributors. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL <COPYRIGHT HOLDER> BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. long.js ======= A Long class for representing a 64 bit two's-complement integer value derived from the [Closure Library]( for stand-alone use and extended with unsigned support. [![Build Status](]( Background ---------- As of [ECMA-262 5th Edition](, "all the positive and negative integers whose magnitude is no greater than 2<sup>53</sup> are representable in the Number type", which is "representing the doubleprecision 64-bit format IEEE 754 values as specified in the IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic". The [maximum safe integer]( in JavaScript is 2<sup>53</sup>-1. Example: 2<sup>64</sup>-1 is 1844674407370955**1615** but in JavaScript it evaluates to 1844674407370955**2000**. Furthermore, bitwise operators in JavaScript "deal only with integers in the range −2<sup>31</sup> through 2<sup>31</sup>−1, inclusive, or in the range 0 through 2<sup>32</sup>−1, inclusive. These operators accept any value of the Number type but first convert each such value to one of 2<sup>32</sup> integer values." In some use cases, however, it is required to be able to reliably work with and perform bitwise operations on the full 64 bits. This is where long.js comes into play. Usage ----- The class is compatible with CommonJS and AMD loaders and is exposed globally as `Long` if neither is available. ```javascript var Long = require("long"); var longVal = new Long(0xFFFFFFFF, 0x7FFFFFFF); console.log(longVal.toString()); ... ``` API --- ### Constructor * new **Long**(low: `number`, high: `number`, unsigned?: `boolean`)<br /> Constructs a 64 bit two's-complement integer, given its low and high 32 bit values as *signed* integers. See the from* functions below for more convenient ways of constructing Longs. ### Fields * Long#**low**: `number`<br /> The low 32 bits as a signed value. * Long#**high**: `number`<br /> The high 32 bits as a signed value. * Long#**unsigned**: `boolean`<br /> Whether unsigned or not. ### Constants * Long.**ZERO**: `Long`<br /> Signed zero. * Long.**ONE**: `Long`<br /> Signed one. * Long.**NEG_ONE**: `Long`<br /> Signed negative one. * Long.**UZERO**: `Long`<br /> Unsigned zero. * Long.**UONE**: `Long`<br /> Unsigned one. * Long.**MAX_VALUE**: `Long`<br /> Maximum signed value. * Long.**MIN_VALUE**: `Long`<br /> Minimum signed value. * Long.**MAX_UNSIGNED_VALUE**: `Long`<br /> Maximum unsigned value. ### Utility * Long.**isLong**(obj: `*`): `boolean`<br /> Tests if the specified object is a Long. * Long.**fromBits**(lowBits: `number`, highBits: `number`, unsigned?: `boolean`): `Long`<br /> Returns a Long representing the 64 bit integer that comes by concatenating the given low and high bits. Each is assumed to use 32 bits. * Long.**fromBytes**(bytes: `number[]`, unsigned?: `boolean`, le?: `boolean`): `Long`<br /> Creates a Long from its byte representation. * Long.**fromBytesLE**(bytes: `number[]`, unsigned?: `boolean`): `Long`<br /> Creates a Long from its little endian byte representation. * Long.**fromBytesBE**(bytes: `number[]`, unsigned?: `boolean`): `Long`<br /> Creates a Long from its big endian byte representation. * Long.**fromInt**(value: `number`, unsigned?: `boolean`): `Long`<br /> Returns a Long representing the given 32 bit integer value. * Long.**fromNumber**(value: `number`, unsigned?: `boolean`): `Long`<br /> Returns a Long representing the given value, provided that it is a finite number. Otherwise, zero is returned. * Long.**fromString**(str: `string`, unsigned?: `boolean`, radix?: `number`)<br /> Long.**fromString**(str: `string`, radix: `number`)<br /> Returns a Long representation of the given string, written using the specified radix. * Long.**fromValue**(val: `*`, unsigned?: `boolean`): `Long`<br /> Converts the specified value to a Long using the appropriate from* function for its type. ### Methods * Long#**add**(addend: `Long | number | string`): `Long`<br /> Returns the sum of this and the specified Long. * Long#**and**(other: `Long | number | string`): `Long`<br /> Returns the bitwise AND of this Long and the specified. * Long#**compare**/**comp**(other: `Long | number | string`): `number`<br /> Compares this Long's value with the specified's. Returns `0` if they are the same, `1` if the this is greater and `-1` if the given one is greater. * Long#**divide**/**div**(divisor: `Long | number | string`): `Long`<br /> Returns this Long divided by the specified. * Long#**equals**/**eq**(other: `Long | number | string`): `boolean`<br /> Tests if this Long's value equals the specified's. * Long#**getHighBits**(): `number`<br /> Gets the high 32 bits as a signed integer. * Long#**getHighBitsUnsigned**(): `number`<br /> Gets the high 32 bits as an unsigned integer. * Long#**getLowBits**(): `number`<br /> Gets the low 32 bits as a signed integer. * Long#**getLowBitsUnsigned**(): `number`<br /> Gets the low 32 bits as an unsigned integer. * Long#**getNumBitsAbs**(): `number`<br /> Gets the number of bits needed to represent the absolute value of this Long. * Long#**greaterThan**/**gt**(other: `Long | number | string`): `boolean`<br /> Tests if this Long's value is greater than the specified's. * Long#**greaterThanOrEqual**/**gte**/**ge**(other: `Long | number | string`): `boolean`<br /> Tests if this Long's value is greater than or equal the specified's. * Long#**isEven**(): `boolean`<br /> Tests if this Long's value is even. * Long#**isNegative**(): `boolean`<br /> Tests if this Long's value is negative. * Long#**isOdd**(): `boolean`<br /> Tests if this Long's value is odd. * Long#**isPositive**(): `boolean`<br /> Tests if this Long's value is positive. * Long#**isZero**/**eqz**(): `boolean`<br /> Tests if this Long's value equals zero. * Long#**lessThan**/**lt**(other: `Long | number | string`): `boolean`<br /> Tests if this Long's value is less than the specified's. * Long#**lessThanOrEqual**/**lte**/**le**(other: `Long | number | string`): `boolean`<br /> Tests if this Long's value is less than or equal the specified's. * Long#**modulo**/**mod**/**rem**(divisor: `Long | number | string`): `Long`<br /> Returns this Long modulo the specified. * Long#**multiply**/**mul**(multiplier: `Long | number | string`): `Long`<br /> Returns the product of this and the specified Long. * Long#**negate**/**neg**(): `Long`<br /> Negates this Long's value. * Long#**not**(): `Long`<br /> Returns the bitwise NOT of this Long. * Long#**notEquals**/**neq**/**ne**(other: `Long | number | string`): `boolean`<br /> Tests if this Long's value differs from the specified's. * Long#**or**(other: `Long | number | string`): `Long`<br /> Returns the bitwise OR of this Long and the specified. * Long#**shiftLeft**/**shl**(numBits: `Long | number | string`): `Long`<br /> Returns this Long with bits shifted to the left by the given amount. * Long#**shiftRight**/**shr**(numBits: `Long | number | string`): `Long`<br /> Returns this Long with bits arithmetically shifted to the right by the given amount. * Long#**shiftRightUnsigned**/**shru**/**shr_u**(numBits: `Long | number | string`): `Long`<br /> Returns this Long with bits logically shifted to the right by the given amount. * Long#**subtract**/**sub**(subtrahend: `Long | number | string`): `Long`<br /> Returns the difference of this and the specified Long. * Long#**toBytes**(le?: `boolean`): `number[]`<br /> Converts this Long to its byte representation. * Long#**toBytesLE**(): `number[]`<br /> Converts this Long to its little endian byte representation. * Long#**toBytesBE**(): `number[]`<br /> Converts this Long to its big endian byte representation. * Long#**toInt**(): `number`<br /> Converts the Long to a 32 bit integer, assuming it is a 32 bit integer. * Long#**toNumber**(): `number`<br /> Converts the Long to a the nearest floating-point representation of this value (double, 53 bit mantissa). * Long#**toSigned**(): `Long`<br /> Converts this Long to signed. * Long#**toString**(radix?: `number`): `string`<br /> Converts the Long to a string written in the specified radix. * Long#**toUnsigned**(): `Long`<br /> Converts this Long to unsigned. * Long#**xor**(other: `Long | number | string`): `Long`<br /> Returns the bitwise XOR of this Long and the given one. Building -------- To build an UMD bundle to `dist/long.js`, run: ``` $> npm install $> npm run build ``` Running the [tests](./tests): ``` $> npm test ``` # type-check [![Build Status](]( <a name="type-check" /> `type-check` is a library which allows you to check the types of JavaScript values at runtime with a Haskell like type syntax. It is great for checking external input, for testing, or even for adding a bit of safety to your internal code. It is a major component of [levn]( MIT license. Version 0.4.0. Check out the [demo]( For updates on `type-check`, [follow me on twitter]( npm install type-check ## Quick Examples ```js // Basic types: var typeCheck = require('type-check').typeCheck; typeCheck('Number', 1); // true typeCheck('Number', 'str'); // false typeCheck('Error', new Error); // true typeCheck('Undefined', undefined); // true // Comment typeCheck('count::Number', 1); // true // One type OR another type: typeCheck('Number | String', 2); // true typeCheck('Number | String', 'str'); // true // Wildcard, matches all types: typeCheck('*', 2) // true // Array, all elements of a single type: typeCheck('[Number]', [1, 2, 3]); // true typeCheck('[Number]', [1, 'str', 3]); // false // Tuples, or fixed length arrays with elements of different types: typeCheck('(String, Number)', ['str', 2]); // true typeCheck('(String, Number)', ['str']); // false typeCheck('(String, Number)', ['str', 2, 5]); // false // Object properties: typeCheck('{x: Number, y: Boolean}', {x: 2, y: false}); // true typeCheck('{x: Number, y: Boolean}', {x: 2}); // false typeCheck('{x: Number, y: Maybe Boolean}', {x: 2}); // true typeCheck('{x: Number, y: Boolean}', {x: 2, y: false, z: 3}); // false typeCheck('{x: Number, y: Boolean, ...}', {x: 2, y: false, z: 3}); // true // A particular type AND object properties: typeCheck('RegExp{source: String, ...}', /re/i); // true typeCheck('RegExp{source: String, ...}', {source: 're'}); // false // Custom types: var opt = {customTypes: {Even: { typeOf: 'Number', validate: function(x) { return x % 2 === 0; }}}}; typeCheck('Even', 2, opt); // true // Nested: var type = '{a: (String, [Number], {y: Array, ...}), b: Error{message: String, ...}}' typeCheck(type, {a: ['hi', [1, 2, 3], {y: [1, 'ms']}], b: new Error('oh no')}); // true ``` Check out the [type syntax format](#syntax) and [guide](#guide). ## Usage `require('type-check');` returns an object that exposes four properties. `VERSION` is the current version of the library as a string. `typeCheck`, `parseType`, and `parsedTypeCheck` are functions. ```js // typeCheck(type, input, options); typeCheck('Number', 2); // true // parseType(type); var parsedType = parseType('Number'); // object // parsedTypeCheck(parsedType, input, options); parsedTypeCheck(parsedType, 2); // true ``` ### typeCheck(type, input, options) `typeCheck` checks a JavaScript value `input` against `type` written in the [type format](#type-format) (and taking account the optional `options`) and returns whether the `input` matches the `type`. ##### arguments * type - `String` - the type written in the [type format](#type-format) which to check against * input - `*` - any JavaScript value, which is to be checked against the type * options - `Maybe Object` - an optional parameter specifying additional options, currently the only available option is specifying [custom types](#custom-types) ##### returns `Boolean` - whether the input matches the type ##### example ```js typeCheck('Number', 2); // true ``` ### parseType(type) `parseType` parses string `type` written in the [type format](#type-format) into an object representing the parsed type. ##### arguments * type - `String` - the type written in the [type format](#type-format) which to parse ##### returns `Object` - an object in the parsed type format representing the parsed type ##### example ```js parseType('Number'); // [{type: 'Number'}] ``` ### parsedTypeCheck(parsedType, input, options) `parsedTypeCheck` checks a JavaScript value `input` against parsed `type` in the parsed type format (and taking account the optional `options`) and returns whether the `input` matches the `type`. Use this in conjunction with `parseType` if you are going to use a type more than once. ##### arguments * type - `Object` - the type in the parsed type format which to check against * input - `*` - any JavaScript value, which is to be checked against the type * options - `Maybe Object` - an optional parameter specifying additional options, currently the only available option is specifying [custom types](#custom-types) ##### returns `Boolean` - whether the input matches the type ##### example ```js parsedTypeCheck([{type: 'Number'}], 2); // true var parsedType = parseType('String'); parsedTypeCheck(parsedType, 'str'); // true ``` <a name="type-format" /> ## Type Format ### Syntax White space is ignored. The root node is a __Types__. * __Identifier__ = `[\$\w]+` - a group of any lower or upper case letters, numbers, underscores, or dollar signs - eg. `String` * __Type__ = an `Identifier`, an `Identifier` followed by a `Structure`, just a `Structure`, or a wildcard `*` - eg. `String`, `Object{x: Number}`, `{x: Number}`, `Array{0: String, 1: Boolean, length: Number}`, `*` * __Types__ = optionally a comment (an `Identifier` followed by a `::`), optionally the identifier `Maybe`, one or more `Type`, separated by `|` - eg. `Number`, `String | Date`, `Maybe Number`, `Maybe Boolean | String` * __Structure__ = `Fields`, or a `Tuple`, or an `Array` - eg. `{x: Number}`, `(String, Number)`, `[Date]` * __Fields__ = a `{`, followed one or more `Field` separated by a comma `,` (trailing comma `,` is permitted), optionally an `...` (always preceded by a comma `,`), followed by a `}` - eg. `{x: Number, y: String}`, `{k: Function, ...}` * __Field__ = an `Identifier`, followed by a colon `:`, followed by `Types` - eg. `x: Date | String`, `y: Boolean` * __Tuple__ = a `(`, followed by one or more `Types` separated by a comma `,` (trailing comma `,` is permitted), followed by a `)` - eg `(Date)`, `(Number, Date)` * __Array__ = a `[` followed by exactly one `Types` followed by a `]` - eg. `[Boolean]`, `[Boolean | Null]` ### Guide `type-check` uses `Object.toString` to find out the basic type of a value. Specifically, ```js {}, -1) {}, -1) // 'Boolean' ``` A basic type, eg. `Number`, uses this check. This is much more versatile than using `typeof` - for example, with `document`, `typeof` produces `'object'` which isn't that useful, and our technique produces `'HTMLDocument'`. You may check for multiple types by separating types with a `|`. The checker proceeds from left to right, and passes if the value is any of the types - eg. `String | Boolean` first checks if the value is a string, and then if it is a boolean. If it is none of those, then it returns false. Adding a `Maybe` in front of a list of multiple types is the same as also checking for `Null` and `Undefined` - eg. `Maybe String` is equivalent to `Undefined | Null | String`. You may add a comment to remind you of what the type is for by following an identifier with a `::` before a type (or multiple types). The comment is simply thrown out. The wildcard `*` matches all types. There are three types of structures for checking the contents of a value: 'fields', 'tuple', and 'array'. If used by itself, a 'fields' structure will pass with any type of object as long as it is an instance of `Object` and the properties pass - this allows for duck typing - eg. `{x: Boolean}`. To check if the properties pass, and the value is of a certain type, you can specify the type - eg. `Error{message: String}`. If you want to make a field optional, you can simply use `Maybe` - eg. `{x: Boolean, y: Maybe String}` will still pass if `y` is undefined (or null). If you don't care if the value has properties beyond what you have specified, you can use the 'etc' operator `...` - eg. `{x: Boolean, ...}` will match an object with an `x` property that is a boolean, and with zero or more other properties. For an array, you must specify one or more types (separated by `|`) - it will pass for something of any length as long as each element passes the types provided - eg. `[Number]`, `[Number | String]`. A tuple checks for a fixed number of elements, each of a potentially different type. Each element is separated by a comma - eg. `(String, Number)`. An array and tuple structure check that the value is of type `Array` by default, but if another type is specified, they will check for that instead - eg. `Int32Array[Number]`. You can use the wildcard `*` to search for any type at all. Check out the [type precedence]( library for type-check. ## Options Options is an object. It is an optional parameter to the `typeCheck` and `parsedTypeCheck` functions. The only current option is `customTypes`. <a name="custom-types" /> ### Custom Types __Example:__ ```js var options = { customTypes: { Even: { typeOf: 'Number', validate: function(x) { return x % 2 === 0; } } } }; typeCheck('Even', 2, options); // true typeCheck('Even', 3, options); // false ``` `customTypes` allows you to set up custom types for validation. The value of this is an object. The keys of the object are the types you will be matching. Each value of the object will be an object having a `typeOf` property - a string, and `validate` property - a function. The `typeOf` property is the type the value should be (optional - if not set only `validate` will be used), and `validate` is a function which should return true if the value is of that type. `validate` receives one parameter, which is the value that we are checking. ## Technical About `type-check` is written in [LiveScript]( - a language that compiles to JavaScript. It also uses the []( library. # levn [![Build Status](]( <a name="levn" /> __Light ECMAScript (JavaScript) Value Notation__ Levn is a library which allows you to parse a string into a JavaScript value based on an expected type. It is meant for short amounts of human entered data (eg. config files, command line arguments). Levn aims to concisely describe JavaScript values in text, and allow for the extraction and validation of those values. Levn uses [type-check]( for its type format, and to validate the results. MIT license. Version 0.4.1. __How is this different than JSON?__ levn is meant to be written by humans only, is (due to the previous point) much more concise, can be validated against supplied types, has regex and date literals, and can easily be extended with custom types. On the other hand, it is probably slower and thus less efficient at transporting large amounts of data, which is fine since this is not its purpose. npm install levn For updates on levn, [follow me on twitter]( ## Quick Examples ```js var parse = require('levn').parse; parse('Number', '2'); // 2 parse('String', '2'); // '2' parse('String', 'levn'); // 'levn' parse('String', 'a b'); // 'a b' parse('Boolean', 'true'); // true parse('Date', '#2011-11-11#'); // (Date object) parse('Date', '2011-11-11'); // (Date object) parse('RegExp', '/[a-z]/gi'); // /[a-z]/gi parse('RegExp', 're'); // /re/ parse('Int', '2'); // 2 parse('Number | String', 'str'); // 'str' parse('Number | String', '2'); // 2 parse('[Number]', '[1,2,3]'); // [1,2,3] parse('(String, Boolean)', '(hi, false)'); // ['hi', false] parse('{a: String, b: Number}', '{a: str, b: 2}'); // {a: 'str', b: 2} // at the top level, you can ommit surrounding delimiters parse('[Number]', '1,2,3'); // [1,2,3] parse('(String, Boolean)', 'hi, false'); // ['hi', false] parse('{a: String, b: Number}', 'a: str, b: 2'); // {a: 'str', b: 2} // wildcard - auto choose type parse('*', '[hi,(null,[42]),{k: true}]'); // ['hi', [null, [42]], {k: true}] ``` ## Usage `require('levn');` returns an object that exposes three properties. `VERSION` is the current version of the library as a string. `parse` and `parsedTypeParse` are functions. ```js // parse(type, input, options); parse('[Number]', '1,2,3'); // [1, 2, 3] // parsedTypeParse(parsedType, input, options); var parsedType = require('type-check').parseType('[Number]'); parsedTypeParse(parsedType, '1,2,3'); // [1, 2, 3] ``` ### parse(type, input, options) `parse` casts the string `input` into a JavaScript value according to the specified `type` in the [type format]( (and taking account the optional `options`) and returns the resulting JavaScript value. ##### arguments * type - `String` - the type written in the [type format]( which to check against * input - `String` - the value written in the [levn format](#levn-format) * options - `Maybe Object` - an optional parameter specifying additional [options](#options) ##### returns `*` - the resulting JavaScript value ##### example ```js parse('[Number]', '1,2,3'); // [1, 2, 3] ``` ### parsedTypeParse(parsedType, input, options) `parsedTypeParse` casts the string `input` into a JavaScript value according to the specified `type` which has already been parsed (and taking account the optional `options`) and returns the resulting JavaScript value. You can parse a type using the [type-check]( library's `parseType` function. ##### arguments * type - `Object` - the type in the parsed type format which to check against * input - `String` - the value written in the [levn format](#levn-format) * options - `Maybe Object` - an optional parameter specifying additional [options](#options) ##### returns `*` - the resulting JavaScript value ##### example ```js var parsedType = require('type-check').parseType('[Number]'); parsedTypeParse(parsedType, '1,2,3'); // [1, 2, 3] ``` ## Levn Format Levn can use the type information you provide to choose the appropriate value to produce from the input. For the same input, it will choose a different output value depending on the type provided. For example, `parse('Number', '2')` will produce the number `2`, but `parse('String', '2')` will produce the string `"2"`. If you do not provide type information, and simply use `*`, levn will parse the input according the unambiguous "explicit" mode, which we will now detail - you can also set the `explicit` option to true manually in the [options](#options). * `"string"`, `'string'` are parsed as a String, eg. `"a msg"` is `"a msg"` * `#date#` is parsed as a Date, eg. `#2011-11-11#` is `new Date('2011-11-11')` * `/regexp/flags` is parsed as a RegExp, eg. `/re/gi` is `/re/gi` * `undefined`, `null`, `NaN`, `true`, and `false` are all their JavaScript equivalents * `[element1, element2, etc]` is an Array, and the casting procedure is recursively applied to each element. Eg. `[1,2,3]` is `[1,2,3]`. * `(element1, element2, etc)` is an tuple, and the casting procedure is recursively applied to each element. Eg. `(1, a)` is `(1, a)` (is `[1, 'a']`). * `{key1: val1, key2: val2, ...}` is an Object, and the casting procedure is recursively applied to each property. Eg. `{a: 1, b: 2}` is `{a: 1, b: 2}`. * Any test which does not fall under the above, and which does not contain special characters (`[``]``(``)``{``}``:``,`) is a string, eg. `$12- blah` is `"$12- blah"`. If you do provide type information, you can make your input more concise as the program already has some information about what it expects. Please see the [type format]( section of [type-check]( for more information about how to specify types. There are some rules about what levn can do with the information: * If a String is expected, and only a String, all characters of the input (including any special ones) will become part of the output. Eg. `[({})]` is `"[({})]"`, and `"hi"` is `'"hi"'`. * If a Date is expected, the surrounding `#` can be omitted from date literals. Eg. `2011-11-11` is `new Date('2011-11-11')`. * If a RegExp is expected, no flags need to be specified, and the regex is not using any of the special characters,the opening and closing `/` can be omitted - this will have the affect of setting the source of the regex to the input. Eg. `regex` is `/regex/`. * If an Array is expected, and it is the root node (at the top level), the opening `[` and closing `]` can be omitted. Eg. `1,2,3` is `[1,2,3]`. * If a tuple is expected, and it is the root node (at the top level), the opening `(` and closing `)` can be omitted. Eg. `1, a` is `(1, a)` (is `[1, 'a']`). * If an Object is expected, and it is the root node (at the top level), the opening `{` and closing `}` can be omitted. Eg `a: 1, b: 2` is `{a: 1, b: 2}`. If you list multiple types (eg. `Number | String`), it will first attempt to cast to the first type and then validate - if the validation fails it will move on to the next type and so forth, left to right. You must be careful as some types will succeed with any input, such as String. Thus put String at the end of your list. In non-explicit mode, Date and RegExp will succeed with a large variety of input - also be careful with these and list them near the end if not last in your list. Whitespace between special characters and elements is inconsequential. ## Options Options is an object. It is an optional parameter to the `parse` and `parsedTypeParse` functions. ### Explicit A `Boolean`. By default it is `false`. __Example:__ ```js parse('RegExp', 're', {explicit: false}); // /re/ parse('RegExp', 're', {explicit: true}); // Error: ... does not type check... parse('RegExp | String', 're', {explicit: true}); // 're' ``` `explicit` sets whether to be in explicit mode or not. Using `*` automatically activates explicit mode. For more information, read the [levn format](#levn-format) section. ### customTypes An `Object`. Empty `{}` by default. __Example:__ ```js var options = { customTypes: { Even: { typeOf: 'Number', validate: function (x) { return x % 2 === 0; }, cast: function (x) { return {type: 'Just', value: parseInt(x)}; } } } } parse('Even', '2', options); // 2 parse('Even', '3', options); // Error: Value: "3" does not type check... ``` __Another Example:__ ```js function Person(name, age){ = name; this.age = age; } var options = { customTypes: { Person: { typeOf: 'Object', validate: function (x) { x instanceof Person; }, cast: function (value, options, typesCast) { var name, age; if ({}, -1) !== 'Object') { return {type: 'Nothing'}; } name = typesCast(, [{type: 'String'}], options); age = typesCast(value.age, [{type: 'Numger'}], options); return {type: 'Just', value: new Person(name, age)}; } } } parse('Person', '{name: Laura, age: 25}', options); // Person {name: 'Laura', age: 25} ``` `customTypes` is an object whose keys are the name of the types, and whose values are an object with three properties, `typeOf`, `validate`, and `cast`. For more information about `typeOf` and `validate`, please see the [custom types]( section of type-check. `cast` is a function which receives three arguments, the value under question, options, and the typesCast function. In `cast`, attempt to cast the value into the specified type. If you are successful, return an object in the format `{type: 'Just', value: CAST-VALUE}`, if you know it won't work, return `{type: 'Nothing'}`. You can use the `typesCast` function to cast any child values. Remember to pass `options` to it. In your function you can also check for `options.explicit` and act accordingly. ## Technical About `levn` is written in [LiveScript]( - a language that compiles to JavaScript. It uses [type-check]( to both parse types and validate values. It also uses the []( library. [![NPM version][npm-image]][npm-url] [![build status][travis-image]][travis-url] [![Test coverage][coveralls-image]][coveralls-url] [![Downloads][downloads-image]][downloads-url] [![Join the chat at](]( # Doctrine Doctrine is a [JSDoc]( parser that parses documentation comments from JavaScript (you need to pass in the comment, not a whole JavaScript file). ## Installation You can install Doctrine using [npm]( ``` $ npm install doctrine --save-dev ``` Doctrine can also be used in web browsers using [Browserify]( ## Usage Require doctrine inside of your JavaScript: ```js var doctrine = require("doctrine"); ``` ### parse() The primary method is `parse()`, which accepts two arguments: the JSDoc comment to parse and an optional options object. The available options are: * `unwrap` - set to `true` to delete the leading `/**`, any `*` that begins a line, and the trailing `*/` from the source text. Default: `false`. * `tags` - an array of tags to return. When specified, Doctrine returns only tags in this array. For example, if `tags` is `["param"]`, then only `@param` tags will be returned. Default: `null`. * `recoverable` - set to `true` to keep parsing even when syntax errors occur. Default: `false`. * `sloppy` - set to `true` to allow optional parameters to be specified in brackets (`@param {string} [foo]`). Default: `false`. * `lineNumbers` - set to `true` to add `lineNumber` to each node, specifying the line on which the node is found in the source. Default: `false`. * `range` - set to `true` to add `range` to each node, specifying the start and end index of the node in the original comment. Default: `false`. Here's a simple example: ```js var ast = doctrine.parse( [ "/**", " * This function comment is parsed by doctrine", " * @param {{ok:String}} userName", "*/" ].join('\n'), { unwrap: true }); ``` This example returns the following AST: { "description": "This function comment is parsed by doctrine", "tags": [ { "title": "param", "description": null, "type": { "type": "RecordType", "fields": [ { "type": "FieldType", "key": "ok", "value": { "type": "NameExpression", "name": "String" } } ] }, "name": "userName" } ] } See the [demo page]( more detail. ## Team These folks keep the project moving and are resources for help: * Nicholas C. Zakas ([@nzakas]( - project lead * Yusuke Suzuki ([@constellation]( - reviewer ## Contributing Issues and pull requests will be triaged and responded to as quickly as possible. We operate under the [ESLint Contributor Guidelines](, so please be sure to read them before contributing. If you're not sure where to dig in, check out the [issues]( ## Frequently Asked Questions ### Can I pass a whole JavaScript file to Doctrine? No. Doctrine can only parse JSDoc comments, so you'll need to pass just the JSDoc comment to Doctrine in order to work. ### License #### doctrine Copyright JS Foundation and other contributors, Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. #### esprima some of functions is derived from esprima Copyright (C) 2012, 2011 [Ariya Hidayat]( (twitter: [@ariyahidayat]( and other contributors. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL <COPYRIGHT HOLDER> BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #### closure-compiler some of extensions is derived from closure-compiler Apache License Version 2.0, January 2004 ### Where to ask for help? Join our [Chatroom]( [npm-image]: [npm-url]: [travis-image]: [travis-url]: [coveralls-image]: [coveralls-url]: [downloads-image]: [downloads-url]: # isarray `Array#isArray` for older browsers. [![build status](]( [![downloads](]( [![browser support]( ]( ## Usage ```js var isArray = require('isarray'); console.log(isArray([])); // => true console.log(isArray({})); // => false ``` ## Installation With [npm]( do ```bash $ npm install isarray ``` Then bundle for the browser with [browserify]( With [component]( do ```bash $ component install juliangruber/isarray ``` ## License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2013 Julian Gruber &lt;; Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. # Acorn-JSX [![Build Status](]( [![NPM version](]( This is plugin for [Acorn]( - a tiny, fast JavaScript parser, written completely in JavaScript. It was created as an experimental alternative, faster [React.js JSX]( parser. Later, it replaced the [official parser]( and these days is used by many prominent development tools. ## Transpiler Please note that this tool only parses source code to JSX AST, which is useful for various language tools and services. If you want to transpile your code to regular ES5-compliant JavaScript with source map, check out [Babel]( and [Buble]( transpilers which use `acorn-jsx` under the hood. ## Usage Requiring this module provides you with an Acorn plugin that you can use like this: ```javascript var acorn = require("acorn"); var jsx = require("acorn-jsx"); acorn.Parser.extend(jsx()).parse("my(<jsx/>, 'code');"); ``` Note that official spec doesn't support mix of XML namespaces and object-style access in tag names (#27) like in `<namespace:Object.Property />`, so it was deprecated in `acorn-jsx@3.0`. If you still want to opt-in to support of such constructions, you can pass the following option: ```javascript acorn.Parser.extend(jsx({ allowNamespacedObjects: true })) ``` Also, since most apps use pure React transformer, a new option was introduced that allows to prohibit namespaces completely: ```javascript acorn.Parser.extend(jsx({ allowNamespaces: false })) ``` Note that by default `allowNamespaces` is enabled for spec compliancy. ## License This plugin is issued under the [MIT license](./LICENSE). # word-wrap [![NPM version](]( [![NPM monthly downloads](]( [![NPM total downloads](]( [![Linux Build Status](]( > Wrap words to a specified length. ## Install Install with [npm]( ```sh $ npm install --save word-wrap ``` ## Usage ```js var wrap = require('word-wrap'); wrap('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.'); ``` Results in: ``` Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. ``` ## Options ![image]( ### options.width Type: `Number` Default: `50` The width of the text before wrapping to a new line. **Example:** ```js wrap(str, {width: 60}); ``` ### options.indent Type: `String` Default: `` (two spaces) The string to use at the beginning of each line. **Example:** ```js wrap(str, {indent: ' '}); ``` ### options.newline Type: `String` Default: `\n` The string to use at the end of each line. **Example:** ```js wrap(str, {newline: '\n\n'}); ``` ### options.escape Type: `function` Default: `function(str){return str;}` An escape function to run on each line after splitting them. **Example:** ```js var xmlescape = require('xml-escape'); wrap(str, { escape: function(string){ return xmlescape(string); } }); ``` ### options.trim Type: `Boolean` Default: `false` Trim trailing whitespace from the returned string. This option is included since `.trim()` would also strip the leading indentation from the first line. **Example:** ```js wrap(str, {trim: true}); ``` ### options.cut Type: `Boolean` Default: `false` Break a word between any two letters when the word is longer than the specified width. **Example:** ```js wrap(str, {cut: true}); ``` ## About ### Related projects * [common-words]( Updated list (JSON) of the 100 most common words in the English language. Useful for… [more]( | [homepage]( "Updated list (JSON) of the 100 most common words in the English language. Useful for excluding these words from arrays.") * [shuffle-words]( Shuffle the words in a string and optionally the letters in each word using the… [more]( | [homepage]( "Shuffle the words in a string and optionally the letters in each word using the Fisher-Yates algorithm. Useful for creating test fixtures, benchmarking samples, etc.") * [unique-words]( Return the unique words in a string or array. | [homepage]( "Return the unique words in a string or array.") * [wordcount]( Count the words in a string. Support for english, CJK and Cyrillic. | [homepage]( "Count the words in a string. Support for english, CJK and Cyrillic.") ### Contributing Pull requests and stars are always welcome. For bugs and feature requests, [please create an issue](../../issues/new). ### Contributors | **Commits** | **Contributor** | | --- | --- | | 43 | [jonschlinkert]( | | 2 | [lordvlad]( | | 2 | [hildjj]( | | 1 | [danilosampaio]( | | 1 | [2fd]( | | 1 | [toddself]( | | 1 | [wolfgang42]( | | 1 | [zachhale]( | ### Building docs _(This project's is generated by [verb](, please don't edit the readme directly. Any changes to the readme must be made in the []( readme template.)_ To generate the readme, run the following command: ```sh $ npm install -g verbose/verb#dev verb-generate-readme && verb ``` ### Running tests Running and reviewing unit tests is a great way to get familiarized with a library and its API. You can install dependencies and run tests with the following command: ```sh $ npm install && npm test ``` ### Author **Jon Schlinkert** * [github/jonschlinkert]( * [twitter/jonschlinkert]( ### License Copyright © 2017, [Jon Schlinkert]( Released under the [MIT License](LICENSE). *** _This file was generated by [verb-generate-readme](, v0.6.0, on June 02, 2017._ # inflight Add callbacks to requests in flight to avoid async duplication ## USAGE ```javascript var inflight = require('inflight') // some request that does some stuff function req(key, callback) { // key is any random string. like a url or filename or whatever. // // will return either a falsey value, indicating that the // request for this key is already in flight, or a new callback // which when called will call all callbacks passed to inflightk // with the same key callback = inflight(key, callback) // If we got a falsey value back, then there's already a req going if (!callback) return // this is where you'd fetch the url or whatever // callback is also once()-ified, so it can safely be assigned // to multiple events etc. First call wins. setTimeout(function() { callback(null, key) }, 100) } // only assigns a single setTimeout // when it dings, all cbs get called req('foo', cb1) req('foo', cb2) req('foo', cb3) req('foo', cb4) ``` # node-tar [![Build Status](]( [Fast](./benchmarks) and full-featured Tar for Node.js The API is designed to mimic the behavior of `tar(1)` on unix systems. If you are familiar with how tar works, most of this will hopefully be straightforward for you. If not, then hopefully this module can teach you useful unix skills that may come in handy someday :) ## Background A "tar file" or "tarball" is an archive of file system entries (directories, files, links, etc.) The name comes from "tape archive". If you run `man tar` on almost any Unix command line, you'll learn quite a bit about what it can do, and its history. Tar has 5 main top-level commands: * `c` Create an archive * `r` Replace entries within an archive * `u` Update entries within an archive (ie, replace if they're newer) * `t` List out the contents of an archive * `x` Extract an archive to disk The other flags and options modify how this top level function works. ## High-Level API These 5 functions are the high-level API. All of them have a single-character name (for unix nerds familiar with `tar(1)`) as well as a long name (for everyone else). All the high-level functions take the following arguments, all three of which are optional and may be omitted. 1. `options` - An optional object specifying various options 2. `paths` - An array of paths to add or extract 3. `callback` - Called when the command is completed, if async. (If sync or no file specified, providing a callback throws a `TypeError`.) If the command is sync (ie, if `options.sync=true`), then the callback is not allowed, since the action will be completed immediately. If a `file` argument is specified, and the command is async, then a `Promise` is returned. In this case, if async, a callback may be provided which is called when the command is completed. If a `file` option is not specified, then a stream is returned. For `create`, this is a readable stream of the generated archive. For `list` and `extract` this is a writable stream that an archive should be written into. If a file is not specified, then a callback is not allowed, because you're already getting a stream to work with. `replace` and `update` only work on existing archives, and so require a `file` argument. Sync commands without a file argument return a stream that acts on its input immediately in the same tick. For readable streams, this means that all of the data is immediately available by calling ``. For writable streams, it will be acted upon as soon as it is provided, but this can be at any time. ### Warnings and Errors Tar emits warnings and errors for recoverable and unrecoverable situations, respectively. In many cases, a warning only affects a single entry in an archive, or is simply informing you that it's modifying an entry to comply with the settings provided. Unrecoverable warnings will always raise an error (ie, emit `'error'` on streaming actions, throw for non-streaming sync actions, reject the returned Promise for non-streaming async operations, or call a provided callback with an `Error` as the first argument). Recoverable errors will raise an error only if `strict: true` is set in the options. Respond to (recoverable) warnings by listening to the `warn` event. Handlers receive 3 arguments: - `code` String. One of the error codes below. This may not match `data.code`, which preserves the original error code from fs and zlib. - `message` String. More details about the error. - `data` Metadata about the error. An `Error` object for errors raised by fs and zlib. All fields are attached to errors raisd by tar. Typically contains the following fields, as relevant: - `tarCode` The tar error code. - `code` Either the tar error code, or the error code set by the underlying system. - `file` The archive file being read or written. - `cwd` Working directory for creation and extraction operations. - `entry` The entry object (if it could be created) for `TAR_ENTRY_INFO`, `TAR_ENTRY_INVALID`, and `TAR_ENTRY_ERROR` warnings. - `header` The header object (if it could be created, and the entry could not be created) for `TAR_ENTRY_INFO` and `TAR_ENTRY_INVALID` warnings. - `recoverable` Boolean. If `false`, then the warning will emit an `error`, even in non-strict mode. #### Error Codes * `TAR_ENTRY_INFO` An informative error indicating that an entry is being modified, but otherwise processed normally. For example, removing `/` or `C:\` from absolute paths if `preservePaths` is not set. * `TAR_ENTRY_INVALID` An indication that a given entry is not a valid tar archive entry, and will be skipped. This occurs when: - a checksum fails, - a `linkpath` is missing for a link type, or - a `linkpath` is provided for a non-link type. If every entry in a parsed archive raises an `TAR_ENTRY_INVALID` error, then the archive is presumed to be unrecoverably broken, and `TAR_BAD_ARCHIVE` will be raised. * `TAR_ENTRY_ERROR` The entry appears to be a valid tar archive entry, but encountered an error which prevented it from being unpacked. This occurs when: - an unrecoverable fs error happens during unpacking, - an entry has `..` in the path and `preservePaths` is not set, or - an entry is extracting through a symbolic link, when `preservePaths` is not set. * `TAR_ENTRY_UNSUPPORTED` An indication that a given entry is a valid archive entry, but of a type that is unsupported, and so will be skipped in archive creation or extracting. * `TAR_ABORT` When parsing gzipped-encoded archives, the parser will abort the parse process raise a warning for any zlib errors encountered. Aborts are considered unrecoverable for both parsing and unpacking. * `TAR_BAD_ARCHIVE` The archive file is totally hosed. This can happen for a number of reasons, and always occurs at the end of a parse or extract: - An entry body was truncated before seeing the full number of bytes. - The archive contained only invalid entries, indicating that it is likely not an archive, or at least, not an archive this library can parse. `TAR_BAD_ARCHIVE` is considered informative for parse operations, but unrecoverable for extraction. Note that, if encountered at the end of an extraction, tar WILL still have extracted as much it could from the archive, so there may be some garbage files to clean up. Errors that occur deeper in the system (ie, either the filesystem or zlib) will have their error codes left intact, and a `tarCode` matching one of the above will be added to the warning metadata or the raised error object. Errors generated by tar will have one of the above codes set as the `error.code` field as well, but since errors originating in zlib or fs will have their original codes, it's better to read `error.tarCode` if you wish to see how tar is handling the issue. ### Examples The API mimics the `tar(1)` command line functionality, with aliases for more human-readable option and function names. The goal is that if you know how to use `tar(1)` in Unix, then you know how to use `require('tar')` in JavaScript. To replicate `tar czf my-tarball.tgz files and folders`, you'd do: ```js tar.c( { gzip: <true|gzip options>, file: 'my-tarball.tgz' }, ['some', 'files', 'and', 'folders'] ).then(_ => { .. tarball has been created .. }) ``` To replicate `tar cz files and folders > my-tarball.tgz`, you'd do: ```js tar.c( // or tar.create { gzip: <true|gzip options> }, ['some', 'files', 'and', 'folders'] ).pipe(fs.createWriteStream('my-tarball.tgz')) ``` To replicate `tar xf my-tarball.tgz` you'd do: ```js tar.x( // or tar.extract( { file: 'my-tarball.tgz' } ).then(_=> { .. tarball has been dumped in cwd .. }) ``` To replicate `cat my-tarball.tgz | tar x -C some-dir --strip=1`: ```js fs.createReadStream('my-tarball.tgz').pipe( tar.x({ strip: 1, C: 'some-dir' // alias for cwd:'some-dir', also ok }) ) ``` To replicate `tar tf my-tarball.tgz`, do this: ```js tar.t({ file: 'my-tarball.tgz', onentry: entry => { .. do whatever with it .. } }) ``` To replicate `cat my-tarball.tgz | tar t` do: ```js fs.createReadStream('my-tarball.tgz') .pipe(tar.t()) .on('entry', entry => { .. do whatever with it .. }) ``` To do anything synchronous, add `sync: true` to the options. Note that sync functions don't take a callback and don't return a promise. When the function returns, it's already done. Sync methods without a file argument return a sync stream, which flushes immediately. But, of course, it still won't be done until you `.end()` it. To filter entries, add `filter: <function>` to the options. Tar-creating methods call the filter with `filter(path, stat)`. Tar-reading methods (including extraction) call the filter with `filter(path, entry)`. The filter is called in the `this`-context of the `Pack` or `Unpack` stream object. The arguments list to `tar t` and `tar x` specify a list of filenames to extract or list, so they're equivalent to a filter that tests if the file is in the list. For those who _aren't_ fans of tar's single-character command names: ``` tar.c === tar.create tar.r === tar.replace (appends to archive, file is required) tar.u === tar.update (appends if newer, file is required) tar.x === tar.extract tar.t === tar.list ``` Keep reading for all the command descriptions and options, as well as the low-level API that they are built on. ### tar.c(options, fileList, callback) [alias: tar.create] Create a tarball archive. The `fileList` is an array of paths to add to the tarball. Adding a directory also adds its children recursively. An entry in `fileList` that starts with an `@` symbol is a tar archive whose entries will be added. To add a file that starts with `@`, prepend it with `./`. The following options are supported: - `file` Write the tarball archive to the specified filename. If this is specified, then the callback will be fired when the file has been written, and a promise will be returned that resolves when the file is written. If a filename is not specified, then a Readable Stream will be returned which will emit the file data. [Alias: `f`] - `sync` Act synchronously. If this is set, then any provided file will be fully written after the call to `tar.c`. If this is set, and a file is not provided, then the resulting stream will already have the data ready to `read` or `emit('data')` as soon as you request it. - `onwarn` A function that will get called with `(code, message, data)` for any warnings encountered. (See "Warnings and Errors") - `strict` Treat warnings as crash-worthy errors. Default false. - `cwd` The current working directory for creating the archive. Defaults to `process.cwd()`. [Alias: `C`] - `prefix` A path portion to prefix onto the entries in the archive. - `gzip` Set to any truthy value to create a gzipped archive, or an object with settings for `zlib.Gzip()` [Alias: `z`] - `filter` A function that gets called with `(path, stat)` for each entry being added. Return `true` to add the entry to the archive, or `false` to omit it. - `portable` Omit metadata that is system-specific: `ctime`, `atime`, `uid`, `gid`, `uname`, `gname`, `dev`, `ino`, and `nlink`. Note that `mtime` is still included, because this is necessary for other time-based operations. Additionally, `mode` is set to a "reasonable default" for most unix systems, based on a `umask` value of `0o22`. - `preservePaths` Allow absolute paths. By default, `/` is stripped from absolute paths. [Alias: `P`] - `mode` The mode to set on the created file archive - `noDirRecurse` Do not recursively archive the contents of directories. [Alias: `n`] - `follow` Set to true to pack the targets of symbolic links. Without this option, symbolic links are archived as such. [Alias: `L`, `h`] - `noPax` Suppress pax extended headers. Note that this means that long paths and linkpaths will be truncated, and large or negative numeric values may be interpreted incorrectly. - `noMtime` Set to true to omit writing `mtime` values for entries. Note that this prevents using other mtime-based features like `tar.update` or the `keepNewer` option with the resulting tar archive. [Alias: `m`, `no-mtime`] - `mtime` Set to a `Date` object to force a specific `mtime` for everything added to the archive. Overridden by `noMtime`. The following options are mostly internal, but can be modified in some advanced use cases, such as re-using caches between runs. - `linkCache` A Map object containing the device and inode value for any file whose nlink is > 1, to identify hard links. - `statCache` A Map object that caches calls `lstat`. - `readdirCache` A Map object that caches calls to `readdir`. - `jobs` A number specifying how many concurrent jobs to run. Defaults to 4. - `maxReadSize` The maximum buffer size for `` operations. Defaults to 16 MB. ### tar.x(options, fileList, callback) [alias: tar.extract] Extract a tarball archive. The `fileList` is an array of paths to extract from the tarball. If no paths are provided, then all the entries are extracted. If the archive is gzipped, then tar will detect this and unzip it. Note that all directories that are created will be forced to be writable, readable, and listable by their owner, to avoid cases where a directory prevents extraction of child entries by virtue of its mode. Most extraction errors will cause a `warn` event to be emitted. If the `cwd` is missing, or not a directory, then the extraction will fail completely. The following options are supported: - `cwd` Extract files relative to the specified directory. Defaults to `process.cwd()`. If provided, this must exist and must be a directory. [Alias: `C`] - `file` The archive file to extract. If not specified, then a Writable stream is returned where the archive data should be written. [Alias: `f`] - `sync` Create files and directories synchronously. - `strict` Treat warnings as crash-worthy errors. Default false. - `filter` A function that gets called with `(path, entry)` for each entry being unpacked. Return `true` to unpack the entry from the archive, or `false` to skip it. - `newer` Set to true to keep the existing file on disk if it's newer than the file in the archive. [Alias: `keep-newer`, `keep-newer-files`] - `keep` Do not overwrite existing files. In particular, if a file appears more than once in an archive, later copies will not overwrite earlier copies. [Alias: `k`, `keep-existing`] - `preservePaths` Allow absolute paths, paths containing `..`, and extracting through symbolic links. By default, `/` is stripped from absolute paths, `..` paths are not extracted, and any file whose location would be modified by a symbolic link is not extracted. [Alias: `P`] - `unlink` Unlink files before creating them. Without this option, tar overwrites existing files, which preserves existing hardlinks. With this option, existing hardlinks will be broken, as will any symlink that would affect the location of an extracted file. [Alias: `U`] - `strip` Remove the specified number of leading path elements. Pathnames with fewer elements will be silently skipped. Note that the pathname is edited after applying the filter, but before security checks. [Alias: `strip-components`, `stripComponents`] - `onwarn` A function that will get called with `(code, message, data)` for any warnings encountered. (See "Warnings and Errors") - `preserveOwner` If true, tar will set the `uid` and `gid` of extracted entries to the `uid` and `gid` fields in the archive. This defaults to true when run as root, and false otherwise. If false, then files and directories will be set with the owner and group of the user running the process. This is similar to `-p` in `tar(1)`, but ACLs and other system-specific data is never unpacked in this implementation, and modes are set by default already. [Alias: `p`] - `uid` Set to a number to force ownership of all extracted files and folders, and all implicitly created directories, to be owned by the specified user id, regardless of the `uid` field in the archive. Cannot be used along with `preserveOwner`. Requires also setting a `gid` option. - `gid` Set to a number to force ownership of all extracted files and folders, and all implicitly created directories, to be owned by the specified group id, regardless of the `gid` field in the archive. Cannot be used along with `preserveOwner`. Requires also setting a `uid` option. - `noMtime` Set to true to omit writing `mtime` value for extracted entries. [Alias: `m`, `no-mtime`] - `transform` Provide a function that takes an `entry` object, and returns a stream, or any falsey value. If a stream is provided, then that stream's data will be written instead of the contents of the archive entry. If a falsey value is provided, then the entry is written to disk as normal. (To exclude items from extraction, use the `filter` option described above.) - `onentry` A function that gets called with `(entry)` for each entry that passes the filter. The following options are mostly internal, but can be modified in some advanced use cases, such as re-using caches between runs. - `maxReadSize` The maximum buffer size for `` operations. Defaults to 16 MB. - `umask` Filter the modes of entries like `process.umask()`. - `dmode` Default mode for directories - `fmode` Default mode for files - `dirCache` A Map object of which directories exist. - `maxMetaEntrySize` The maximum size of meta entries that is supported. Defaults to 1 MB. Note that using an asynchronous stream type with the `transform` option will cause undefined behavior in sync extractions. [MiniPass]( streams are designed for this use case. ### tar.t(options, fileList, callback) [alias: tar.list] List the contents of a tarball archive. The `fileList` is an array of paths to list from the tarball. If no paths are provided, then all the entries are listed. If the archive is gzipped, then tar will detect this and unzip it. Returns an event emitter that emits `entry` events with `tar.ReadEntry` objects. However, they don't emit `'data'` or `'end'` events. (If you want to get actual readable entries, use the `tar.Parse` class instead.) The following options are supported: - `cwd` Extract files relative to the specified directory. Defaults to `process.cwd()`. [Alias: `C`] - `file` The archive file to list. If not specified, then a Writable stream is returned where the archive data should be written. [Alias: `f`] - `sync` Read the specified file synchronously. (This has no effect when a file option isn't specified, because entries are emitted as fast as they are parsed from the stream anyway.) - `strict` Treat warnings as crash-worthy errors. Default false. - `filter` A function that gets called with `(path, entry)` for each entry being listed. Return `true` to emit the entry from the archive, or `false` to skip it. - `onentry` A function that gets called with `(entry)` for each entry that passes the filter. This is important for when both `file` and `sync` are set, because it will be called synchronously. - `maxReadSize` The maximum buffer size for `` operations. Defaults to 16 MB. - `noResume` By default, `entry` streams are resumed immediately after the call to `onentry`. Set `noResume: true` to suppress this behavior. Note that by opting into this, the stream will never complete until the entry data is consumed. ### tar.u(options, fileList, callback) [alias: tar.update] Add files to an archive if they are newer than the entry already in the tarball archive. The `fileList` is an array of paths to add to the tarball. Adding a directory also adds its children recursively. An entry in `fileList` that starts with an `@` symbol is a tar archive whose entries will be added. To add a file that starts with `@`, prepend it with `./`. The following options are supported: - `file` Required. Write the tarball archive to the specified filename. [Alias: `f`] - `sync` Act synchronously. If this is set, then any provided file will be fully written after the call to `tar.c`. - `onwarn` A function that will get called with `(code, message, data)` for any warnings encountered. (See "Warnings and Errors") - `strict` Treat warnings as crash-worthy errors. Default false. - `cwd` The current working directory for adding entries to the archive. Defaults to `process.cwd()`. [Alias: `C`] - `prefix` A path portion to prefix onto the entries in the archive. - `gzip` Set to any truthy value to create a gzipped archive, or an object with settings for `zlib.Gzip()` [Alias: `z`] - `filter` A function that gets called with `(path, stat)` for each entry being added. Return `true` to add the entry to the archive, or `false` to omit it. - `portable` Omit metadata that is system-specific: `ctime`, `atime`, `uid`, `gid`, `uname`, `gname`, `dev`, `ino`, and `nlink`. Note that `mtime` is still included, because this is necessary for other time-based operations. Additionally, `mode` is set to a "reasonable default" for most unix systems, based on a `umask` value of `0o22`. - `preservePaths` Allow absolute paths. By default, `/` is stripped from absolute paths. [Alias: `P`] - `maxReadSize` The maximum buffer size for `` operations. Defaults to 16 MB. - `noDirRecurse` Do not recursively archive the contents of directories. [Alias: `n`] - `follow` Set to true to pack the targets of symbolic links. Without this option, symbolic links are archived as such. [Alias: `L`, `h`] - `noPax` Suppress pax extended headers. Note that this means that long paths and linkpaths will be truncated, and large or negative numeric values may be interpreted incorrectly. - `noMtime` Set to true to omit writing `mtime` values for entries. Note that this prevents using other mtime-based features like `tar.update` or the `keepNewer` option with the resulting tar archive. [Alias: `m`, `no-mtime`] - `mtime` Set to a `Date` object to force a specific `mtime` for everything added to the archive. Overridden by `noMtime`. ### tar.r(options, fileList, callback) [alias: tar.replace] Add files to an existing archive. Because later entries override earlier entries, this effectively replaces any existing entries. The `fileList` is an array of paths to add to the tarball. Adding a directory also adds its children recursively. An entry in `fileList` that starts with an `@` symbol is a tar archive whose entries will be added. To add a file that starts with `@`, prepend it with `./`. The following options are supported: - `file` Required. Write the tarball archive to the specified filename. [Alias: `f`] - `sync` Act synchronously. If this is set, then any provided file will be fully written after the call to `tar.c`. - `onwarn` A function that will get called with `(code, message, data)` for any warnings encountered. (See "Warnings and Errors") - `strict` Treat warnings as crash-worthy errors. Default false. - `cwd` The current working directory for adding entries to the archive. Defaults to `process.cwd()`. [Alias: `C`] - `prefix` A path portion to prefix onto the entries in the archive. - `gzip` Set to any truthy value to create a gzipped archive, or an object with settings for `zlib.Gzip()` [Alias: `z`] - `filter` A function that gets called with `(path, stat)` for each entry being added. Return `true` to add the entry to the archive, or `false` to omit it. - `portable` Omit metadata that is system-specific: `ctime`, `atime`, `uid`, `gid`, `uname`, `gname`, `dev`, `ino`, and `nlink`. Note that `mtime` is still included, because this is necessary for other time-based operations. Additionally, `mode` is set to a "reasonable default" for most unix systems, based on a `umask` value of `0o22`. - `preservePaths` Allow absolute paths. By default, `/` is stripped from absolute paths. [Alias: `P`] - `maxReadSize` The maximum buffer size for `` operations. Defaults to 16 MB. - `noDirRecurse` Do not recursively archive the contents of directories. [Alias: `n`] - `follow` Set to true to pack the targets of symbolic links. Without this option, symbolic links are archived as such. [Alias: `L`, `h`] - `noPax` Suppress pax extended headers. Note that this means that long paths and linkpaths will be truncated, and large or negative numeric values may be interpreted incorrectly. - `noMtime` Set to true to omit writing `mtime` values for entries. Note that this prevents using other mtime-based features like `tar.update` or the `keepNewer` option with the resulting tar archive. [Alias: `m`, `no-mtime`] - `mtime` Set to a `Date` object to force a specific `mtime` for everything added to the archive. Overridden by `noMtime`. ## Low-Level API ### class tar.Pack A readable tar stream. Has all the standard readable stream interface stuff. `'data'` and `'end'` events, `read()` method, `pause()` and `resume()`, etc. #### constructor(options) The following options are supported: - `onwarn` A function that will get called with `(code, message, data)` for any warnings encountered. (See "Warnings and Errors") - `strict` Treat warnings as crash-worthy errors. Default false. - `cwd` The current working directory for creating the archive. Defaults to `process.cwd()`. - `prefix` A path portion to prefix onto the entries in the archive. - `gzip` Set to any truthy value to create a gzipped archive, or an object with settings for `zlib.Gzip()` - `filter` A function that gets called with `(path, stat)` for each entry being added. Return `true` to add the entry to the archive, or `false` to omit it. - `portable` Omit metadata that is system-specific: `ctime`, `atime`, `uid`, `gid`, `uname`, `gname`, `dev`, `ino`, and `nlink`. Note that `mtime` is still included, because this is necessary for other time-based operations. Additionally, `mode` is set to a "reasonable default" for most unix systems, based on a `umask` value of `0o22`. - `preservePaths` Allow absolute paths. By default, `/` is stripped from absolute paths. - `linkCache` A Map object containing the device and inode value for any file whose nlink is > 1, to identify hard links. - `statCache` A Map object that caches calls `lstat`. - `readdirCache` A Map object that caches calls to `readdir`. - `jobs` A number specifying how many concurrent jobs to run. Defaults to 4. - `maxReadSize` The maximum buffer size for `` operations. Defaults to 16 MB. - `noDirRecurse` Do not recursively archive the contents of directories. - `follow` Set to true to pack the targets of symbolic links. Without this option, symbolic links are archived as such. - `noPax` Suppress pax extended headers. Note that this means that long paths and linkpaths will be truncated, and large or negative numeric values may be interpreted incorrectly. - `noMtime` Set to true to omit writing `mtime` values for entries. Note that this prevents using other mtime-based features like `tar.update` or the `keepNewer` option with the resulting tar archive. - `mtime` Set to a `Date` object to force a specific `mtime` for everything added to the archive. Overridden by `noMtime`. #### add(path) Adds an entry to the archive. Returns the Pack stream. #### write(path) Adds an entry to the archive. Returns true if flushed. #### end() Finishes the archive. ### class tar.Pack.Sync Synchronous version of `tar.Pack`. ### class tar.Unpack A writable stream that unpacks a tar archive onto the file system. All the normal writable stream stuff is supported. `write()` and `end()` methods, `'drain'` events, etc. Note that all directories that are created will be forced to be writable, readable, and listable by their owner, to avoid cases where a directory prevents extraction of child entries by virtue of its mode. `'close'` is emitted when it's done writing stuff to the file system. Most unpack errors will cause a `warn` event to be emitted. If the `cwd` is missing, or not a directory, then an error will be emitted. #### constructor(options) - `cwd` Extract files relative to the specified directory. Defaults to `process.cwd()`. If provided, this must exist and must be a directory. - `filter` A function that gets called with `(path, entry)` for each entry being unpacked. Return `true` to unpack the entry from the archive, or `false` to skip it. - `newer` Set to true to keep the existing file on disk if it's newer than the file in the archive. - `keep` Do not overwrite existing files. In particular, if a file appears more than once in an archive, later copies will not overwrite earlier copies. - `preservePaths` Allow absolute paths, paths containing `..`, and extracting through symbolic links. By default, `/` is stripped from absolute paths, `..` paths are not extracted, and any file whose location would be modified by a symbolic link is not extracted. - `unlink` Unlink files before creating them. Without this option, tar overwrites existing files, which preserves existing hardlinks. With this option, existing hardlinks will be broken, as will any symlink that would affect the location of an extracted file. - `strip` Remove the specified number of leading path elements. Pathnames with fewer elements will be silently skipped. Note that the pathname is edited after applying the filter, but before security checks. - `onwarn` A function that will get called with `(code, message, data)` for any warnings encountered. (See "Warnings and Errors") - `umask` Filter the modes of entries like `process.umask()`. - `dmode` Default mode for directories - `fmode` Default mode for files - `dirCache` A Map object of which directories exist. - `maxMetaEntrySize` The maximum size of meta entries that is supported. Defaults to 1 MB. - `preserveOwner` If true, tar will set the `uid` and `gid` of extracted entries to the `uid` and `gid` fields in the archive. This defaults to true when run as root, and false otherwise. If false, then files and directories will be set with the owner and group of the user running the process. This is similar to `-p` in `tar(1)`, but ACLs and other system-specific data is never unpacked in this implementation, and modes are set by default already. - `win32` True if on a windows platform. Causes behavior where filenames containing `<|>?` chars are converted to windows-compatible values while being unpacked. - `uid` Set to a number to force ownership of all extracted files and folders, and all implicitly created directories, to be owned by the specified user id, regardless of the `uid` field in the archive. Cannot be used along with `preserveOwner`. Requires also setting a `gid` option. - `gid` Set to a number to force ownership of all extracted files and folders, and all implicitly created directories, to be owned by the specified group id, regardless of the `gid` field in the archive. Cannot be used along with `preserveOwner`. Requires also setting a `uid` option. - `noMtime` Set to true to omit writing `mtime` value for extracted entries. - `transform` Provide a function that takes an `entry` object, and returns a stream, or any falsey value. If a stream is provided, then that stream's data will be written instead of the contents of the archive entry. If a falsey value is provided, then the entry is written to disk as normal. (To exclude items from extraction, use the `filter` option described above.) - `strict` Treat warnings as crash-worthy errors. Default false. - `onentry` A function that gets called with `(entry)` for each entry that passes the filter. - `onwarn` A function that will get called with `(code, message, data)` for any warnings encountered. (See "Warnings and Errors") ### class tar.Unpack.Sync Synchronous version of `tar.Unpack`. Note that using an asynchronous stream type with the `transform` option will cause undefined behavior in sync unpack streams. [MiniPass]( streams are designed for this use case. ### class tar.Parse A writable stream that parses a tar archive stream. All the standard writable stream stuff is supported. If the archive is gzipped, then tar will detect this and unzip it. Emits `'entry'` events with `tar.ReadEntry` objects, which are themselves readable streams that you can pipe wherever. Each `entry` will not emit until the one before it is flushed through, so make sure to either consume the data (with `on('data', ...)` or `.pipe(...)`) or throw it away with `.resume()` to keep the stream flowing. #### constructor(options) Returns an event emitter that emits `entry` events with `tar.ReadEntry` objects. The following options are supported: - `strict` Treat warnings as crash-worthy errors. Default false. - `filter` A function that gets called with `(path, entry)` for each entry being listed. Return `true` to emit the entry from the archive, or `false` to skip it. - `onentry` A function that gets called with `(entry)` for each entry that passes the filter. - `onwarn` A function that will get called with `(code, message, data)` for any warnings encountered. (See "Warnings and Errors") #### abort(error) Stop all parsing activities. This is called when there are zlib errors. It also emits an unrecoverable warning with the error provided. ### class tar.ReadEntry extends [MiniPass]( A representation of an entry that is being read out of a tar archive. It has the following fields: - `extended` The extended metadata object provided to the constructor. - `globalExtended` The global extended metadata object provided to the constructor. - `remain` The number of bytes remaining to be written into the stream. - `blockRemain` The number of 512-byte blocks remaining to be written into the stream. - `ignore` Whether this entry should be ignored. - `meta` True if this represents metadata about the next entry, false if it represents a filesystem object. - All the fields from the header, extended header, and global extended header are added to the ReadEntry object. So it has `path`, `type`, `size, `mode`, and so on. #### constructor(header, extended, globalExtended) Create a new ReadEntry object with the specified header, extended header, and global extended header values. ### class tar.WriteEntry extends [MiniPass]( A representation of an entry that is being written from the file system into a tar archive. Emits data for the Header, and for the Pax Extended Header if one is required, as well as any body data. Creating a WriteEntry for a directory does not also create WriteEntry objects for all of the directory contents. It has the following fields: - `path` The path field that will be written to the archive. By default, this is also the path from the cwd to the file system object. - `portable` Omit metadata that is system-specific: `ctime`, `atime`, `uid`, `gid`, `uname`, `gname`, `dev`, `ino`, and `nlink`. Note that `mtime` is still included, because this is necessary for other time-based operations. Additionally, `mode` is set to a "reasonable default" for most unix systems, based on a `umask` value of `0o22`. - `myuid` If supported, the uid of the user running the current process. - `myuser` The `env.USER` string if set, or `''`. Set as the entry `uname` field if the file's `uid` matches `this.myuid`. - `maxReadSize` The maximum buffer size for `` operations. Defaults to 1 MB. - `linkCache` A Map object containing the device and inode value for any file whose nlink is > 1, to identify hard links. - `statCache` A Map object that caches calls `lstat`. - `preservePaths` Allow absolute paths. By default, `/` is stripped from absolute paths. - `cwd` The current working directory for creating the archive. Defaults to `process.cwd()`. - `absolute` The absolute path to the entry on the filesystem. By default, this is `path.resolve(this.cwd, this.path)`, but it can be overridden explicitly. - `strict` Treat warnings as crash-worthy errors. Default false. - `win32` True if on a windows platform. Causes behavior where paths replace `\` with `/` and filenames containing the windows-compatible forms of `<|>?:` characters are converted to actual `<|>?:` characters in the archive. - `noPax` Suppress pax extended headers. Note that this means that long paths and linkpaths will be truncated, and large or negative numeric values may be interpreted incorrectly. - `noMtime` Set to true to omit writing `mtime` values for entries. Note that this prevents using other mtime-based features like `tar.update` or the `keepNewer` option with the resulting tar archive. #### constructor(path, options) `path` is the path of the entry as it is written in the archive. The following options are supported: - `portable` Omit metadata that is system-specific: `ctime`, `atime`, `uid`, `gid`, `uname`, `gname`, `dev`, `ino`, and `nlink`. Note that `mtime` is still included, because this is necessary for other time-based operations. Additionally, `mode` is set to a "reasonable default" for most unix systems, based on a `umask` value of `0o22`. - `maxReadSize` The maximum buffer size for `` operations. Defaults to 1 MB. - `linkCache` A Map object containing the device and inode value for any file whose nlink is > 1, to identify hard links. - `statCache` A Map object that caches calls `lstat`. - `preservePaths` Allow absolute paths. By default, `/` is stripped from absolute paths. - `cwd` The current working directory for creating the archive. Defaults to `process.cwd()`. - `absolute` The absolute path to the entry on the filesystem. By default, this is `path.resolve(this.cwd, this.path)`, but it can be overridden explicitly. - `strict` Treat warnings as crash-worthy errors. Default false. - `win32` True if on a windows platform. Causes behavior where paths replace `\` with `/`. - `onwarn` A function that will get called with `(code, message, data)` for any warnings encountered. (See "Warnings and Errors") - `noMtime` Set to true to omit writing `mtime` values for entries. Note that this prevents using other mtime-based features like `tar.update` or the `keepNewer` option with the resulting tar archive. - `umask` Set to restrict the modes on the entries in the archive, somewhat like how umask works on file creation. Defaults to `process.umask()` on unix systems, or `0o22` on Windows. #### warn(message, data) If strict, emit an error with the provided message. Othewise, emit a `'warn'` event with the provided message and data. ### class tar.WriteEntry.Sync Synchronous version of tar.WriteEntry ### class tar.WriteEntry.Tar A version of tar.WriteEntry that gets its data from a tar.ReadEntry instead of from the filesystem. #### constructor(readEntry, options) `readEntry` is the entry being read out of another archive. The following options are supported: - `portable` Omit metadata that is system-specific: `ctime`, `atime`, `uid`, `gid`, `uname`, `gname`, `dev`, `ino`, and `nlink`. Note that `mtime` is still included, because this is necessary for other time-based operations. Additionally, `mode` is set to a "reasonable default" for most unix systems, based on a `umask` value of `0o22`. - `preservePaths` Allow absolute paths. By default, `/` is stripped from absolute paths. - `strict` Treat warnings as crash-worthy errors. Default false. - `onwarn` A function that will get called with `(code, message, data)` for any warnings encountered. (See "Warnings and Errors") - `noMtime` Set to true to omit writing `mtime` values for entries. Note that this prevents using other mtime-based features like `tar.update` or the `keepNewer` option with the resulting tar archive. ### class tar.Header A class for reading and writing header blocks. It has the following fields: - `nullBlock` True if decoding a block which is entirely composed of `0x00` null bytes. (Useful because tar files are terminated by at least 2 null blocks.) - `cksumValid` True if the checksum in the header is valid, false otherwise. - `needPax` True if the values, as encoded, will require a Pax extended header. - `path` The path of the entry. - `mode` The 4 lowest-order octal digits of the file mode. That is, read/write/execute permissions for world, group, and owner, and the setuid, setgid, and sticky bits. - `uid` Numeric user id of the file owner - `gid` Numeric group id of the file owner - `size` Size of the file in bytes - `mtime` Modified time of the file - `cksum` The checksum of the header. This is generated by adding all the bytes of the header block, treating the checksum field itself as all ascii space characters (that is, `0x20`). - `type` The human-readable name of the type of entry this represents, or the alphanumeric key if unknown. - `typeKey` The alphanumeric key for the type of entry this header represents. - `linkpath` The target of Link and SymbolicLink entries. - `uname` Human-readable user name of the file owner - `gname` Human-readable group name of the file owner - `devmaj` The major portion of the device number. Always `0` for files, directories, and links. - `devmin` The minor portion of the device number. Always `0` for files, directories, and links. - `atime` File access time. - `ctime` File change time. #### constructor(data, [offset=0]) `data` is optional. It is either a Buffer that should be interpreted as a tar Header starting at the specified offset and continuing for 512 bytes, or a data object of keys and values to set on the header object, and eventually encode as a tar Header. #### decode(block, offset) Decode the provided buffer starting at the specified offset. Buffer length must be greater than 512 bytes. #### set(data) Set the fields in the data object. #### encode(buffer, offset) Encode the header fields into the buffer at the specified offset. Returns `this.needPax` to indicate whether a Pax Extended Header is required to properly encode the specified data. ### class tar.Pax An object representing a set of key-value pairs in an Pax extended header entry. It has the following fields. Where the same name is used, they have the same semantics as the tar.Header field of the same name. - `global` True if this represents a global extended header, or false if it is for a single entry. - `atime` - `charset` - `comment` - `ctime` - `gid` - `gname` - `linkpath` - `mtime` - `path` - `size` - `uid` - `uname` - `dev` - `ino` - `nlink` #### constructor(object, global) Set the fields set in the object. `global` is a boolean that defaults to false. #### encode() Return a Buffer containing the header and body for the Pax extended header entry, or `null` if there is nothing to encode. #### encodeBody() Return a string representing the body of the pax extended header entry. #### encodeField(fieldName) Return a string representing the key/value encoding for the specified fieldName, or `''` if the field is unset. ### tar.Pax.parse(string, extended, global) Return a new Pax object created by parsing the contents of the string provided. If the `extended` object is set, then also add the fields from that object. (This is necessary because multiple metadata entries can occur in sequence.) ### tar.types A translation table for the `type` field in tar headers. #### Get the human-readable name for a given alphanumeric code. #### tar.types.code.get(name) Get the alphanumeric code for a given human-readable name. assemblyscript-json # assemblyscript-json ## Table of contents ### Namespaces - [JSON](modules/ ### Classes - [DecoderState](classes/ - [JSONDecoder](classes/ - [JSONEncoder](classes/ - [JSONHandler](classes/ - [ThrowingJSONHandler](classes/ # axios [![npm version](]( [![build status](]( [![code coverage](]( [![install size](]( [![npm downloads](]( [![gitter chat](]( [![code helpers](]( Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js ## Features - Make [XMLHttpRequests]( from the browser - Make [http]( requests from node.js - Supports the [Promise]( API - Intercept request and response - Transform request and response data - Cancel requests - Automatic transforms for JSON data - Client side support for protecting against [XSRF]( ## Browser Support ![Chrome]( | ![Firefox]( | ![Safari]( | ![Opera]( | ![Edge]( | ![IE]( | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | Latest ✔ | Latest ✔ | Latest ✔ | Latest ✔ | Latest ✔ | 11 ✔ | [![Browser Matrix](]( ## Installing Using npm: ```bash $ npm install axios ``` Using bower: ```bash $ bower install axios ``` Using yarn: ```bash $ yarn add axios ``` Using cdn: ```html <script src=""></script> ``` ## Example ### note: CommonJS usage In order to gain the TypeScript typings (for intellisense / autocomplete) while using CommonJS imports with `require()` use the following approach: ```js const axios = require('axios').default; // axios.<method> will now provide autocomplete and parameter typings ``` Performing a `GET` request ```js const axios = require('axios'); // Make a request for a user with a given ID axios.get('/user?ID=12345') .then(function (response) { // handle success console.log(response); }) .catch(function (error) { // handle error console.log(error); }) .finally(function () { // always executed }); // Optionally the request above could also be done as axios.get('/user', { params: { ID: 12345 } }) .then(function (response) { console.log(response); }) .catch(function (error) { console.log(error); }) .finally(function () { // always executed }); // Want to use async/await? Add the `async` keyword to your outer function/method. async function getUser() { try { const response = await axios.get('/user?ID=12345'); console.log(response); } catch (error) { console.error(error); } } ``` > **NOTE:** `async/await` is part of ECMAScript 2017 and is not supported in Internet > Explorer and older browsers, so use with caution. Performing a `POST` request ```js'/user', { firstName: 'Fred', lastName: 'Flintstone' }) .then(function (response) { console.log(response); }) .catch(function (error) { console.log(error); }); ``` Performing multiple concurrent requests ```js function getUserAccount() { return axios.get('/user/12345'); } function getUserPermissions() { return axios.get('/user/12345/permissions'); } axios.all([getUserAccount(), getUserPermissions()]) .then(axios.spread(function (acct, perms) { // Both requests are now complete })); ``` ## axios API Requests can be made by passing the relevant config to `axios`. ##### axios(config) ```js // Send a POST request axios({ method: 'post', url: '/user/12345', data: { firstName: 'Fred', lastName: 'Flintstone' } }); ``` ```js // GET request for remote image axios({ method: 'get', url: '', responseType: 'stream' }) .then(function (response) {'ada_lovelace.jpg')) }); ``` ##### axios(url[, config]) ```js // Send a GET request (default method) axios('/user/12345'); ``` ### Request method aliases For convenience aliases have been provided for all supported request methods. ##### axios.request(config) ##### axios.get(url[, config]) ##### axios.delete(url[, config]) ##### axios.head(url[, config]) ##### axios.options(url[, config]) #####[, data[, config]]) ##### axios.put(url[, data[, config]]) ##### axios.patch(url[, data[, config]]) ###### NOTE When using the alias methods `url`, `method`, and `data` properties don't need to be specified in config. ### Concurrency Helper functions for dealing with concurrent requests. ##### axios.all(iterable) ##### axios.spread(callback) ### Creating an instance You can create a new instance of axios with a custom config. ##### axios.create([config]) ```js const instance = axios.create({ baseURL: '', timeout: 1000, headers: {'X-Custom-Header': 'foobar'} }); ``` ### Instance methods The available instance methods are listed below. The specified config will be merged with the instance config. ##### axios#request(config) ##### axios#get(url[, config]) ##### axios#delete(url[, config]) ##### axios#head(url[, config]) ##### axios#options(url[, config]) ##### axios#post(url[, data[, config]]) ##### axios#put(url[, data[, config]]) ##### axios#patch(url[, data[, config]]) ##### axios#getUri([config]) ## Request Config These are the available config options for making requests. Only the `url` is required. Requests will default to `GET` if `method` is not specified. ```js { // `url` is the server URL that will be used for the request url: '/user', // `method` is the request method to be used when making the request method: 'get', // default // `baseURL` will be prepended to `url` unless `url` is absolute. // It can be convenient to set `baseURL` for an instance of axios to pass relative URLs // to methods of that instance. baseURL: '', // `transformRequest` allows changes to the request data before it is sent to the server // This is only applicable for request methods 'PUT', 'POST', 'PATCH' and 'DELETE' // The last function in the array must return a string or an instance of Buffer, ArrayBuffer, // FormData or Stream // You may modify the headers object. transformRequest: [function (data, headers) { // Do whatever you want to transform the data return data; }], // `transformResponse` allows changes to the response data to be made before // it is passed to then/catch transformResponse: [function (data) { // Do whatever you want to transform the data return data; }], // `headers` are custom headers to be sent headers: {'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest'}, // `params` are the URL parameters to be sent with the request // Must be a plain object or a URLSearchParams object params: { ID: 12345 }, // `paramsSerializer` is an optional function in charge of serializing `params` // (e.g., paramsSerializer: function (params) { return Qs.stringify(params, {arrayFormat: 'brackets'}) }, // `data` is the data to be sent as the request body // Only applicable for request methods 'PUT', 'POST', and 'PATCH' // When no `transformRequest` is set, must be of one of the following types: // - string, plain object, ArrayBuffer, ArrayBufferView, URLSearchParams // - Browser only: FormData, File, Blob // - Node only: Stream, Buffer data: { firstName: 'Fred' }, // syntax alternative to send data into the body // method post // only the value is sent, not the key data: 'Country=Brasil&City=Belo Horizonte', // `timeout` specifies the number of milliseconds before the request times out. // If the request takes longer than `timeout`, the request will be aborted. timeout: 1000, // default is `0` (no timeout) // `withCredentials` indicates whether or not cross-site Access-Control requests // should be made using credentials withCredentials: false, // default // `adapter` allows custom handling of requests which makes testing easier. // Return a promise and supply a valid response (see lib/adapters/ adapter: function (config) { /* ... */ }, // `auth` indicates that HTTP Basic auth should be used, and supplies credentials. // This will set an `Authorization` header, overwriting any existing // `Authorization` custom headers you have set using `headers`. // Please note that only HTTP Basic auth is configurable through this parameter. // For Bearer tokens and such, use `Authorization` custom headers instead. auth: { username: 'janedoe', password: 's00pers3cret' }, // `responseType` indicates the type of data that the server will respond with // options are: 'arraybuffer', 'document', 'json', 'text', 'stream' // browser only: 'blob' responseType: 'json', // default // `responseEncoding` indicates encoding to use for decoding responses // Note: Ignored for `responseType` of 'stream' or client-side requests responseEncoding: 'utf8', // default // `xsrfCookieName` is the name of the cookie to use as a value for xsrf token xsrfCookieName: 'XSRF-TOKEN', // default // `xsrfHeaderName` is the name of the http header that carries the xsrf token value xsrfHeaderName: 'X-XSRF-TOKEN', // default // `onUploadProgress` allows handling of progress events for uploads onUploadProgress: function (progressEvent) { // Do whatever you want with the native progress event }, // `onDownloadProgress` allows handling of progress events for downloads onDownloadProgress: function (progressEvent) { // Do whatever you want with the native progress event }, // `maxContentLength` defines the max size of the http response content in bytes allowed maxContentLength: 2000, // `validateStatus` defines whether to resolve or reject the promise for a given // HTTP response status code. If `validateStatus` returns `true` (or is set to `null` // or `undefined`), the promise will be resolved; otherwise, the promise will be // rejected. validateStatus: function (status) { return status >= 200 && status < 300; // default }, // `maxRedirects` defines the maximum number of redirects to follow in node.js. // If set to 0, no redirects will be followed. maxRedirects: 5, // default // `socketPath` defines a UNIX Socket to be used in node.js. // e.g. '/var/run/docker.sock' to send requests to the docker daemon. // Only either `socketPath` or `proxy` can be specified. // If both are specified, `socketPath` is used. socketPath: null, // default // `httpAgent` and `httpsAgent` define a custom agent to be used when performing http // and https requests, respectively, in node.js. This allows options to be added like // `keepAlive` that are not enabled by default. httpAgent: new http.Agent({ keepAlive: true }), httpsAgent: new https.Agent({ keepAlive: true }), // 'proxy' defines the hostname and port of the proxy server. // You can also define your proxy using the conventional `http_proxy` and // `https_proxy` environment variables. If you are using environment variables // for your proxy configuration, you can also define a `no_proxy` environment // variable as a comma-separated list of domains that should not be proxied. // Use `false` to disable proxies, ignoring environment variables. // `auth` indicates that HTTP Basic auth should be used to connect to the proxy, and // supplies credentials. // This will set an `Proxy-Authorization` header, overwriting any existing // `Proxy-Authorization` custom headers you have set using `headers`. proxy: { host: '', port: 9000, auth: { username: 'mikeymike', password: 'rapunz3l' } }, // `cancelToken` specifies a cancel token that can be used to cancel the request // (see Cancellation section below for details) cancelToken: new CancelToken(function (cancel) { }) } ``` ## Response Schema The response for a request contains the following information. ```js { // `data` is the response that was provided by the server data: {}, // `status` is the HTTP status code from the server response status: 200, // `statusText` is the HTTP status message from the server response statusText: 'OK', // `headers` the headers that the server responded with // All header names are lower cased headers: {}, // `config` is the config that was provided to `axios` for the request config: {}, // `request` is the request that generated this response // It is the last ClientRequest instance in node.js (in redirects) // and an XMLHttpRequest instance in the browser request: {} } ``` When using `then`, you will receive the response as follows: ```js axios.get('/user/12345') .then(function (response) { console.log(; console.log(response.status); console.log(response.statusText); console.log(response.headers); console.log(response.config); }); ``` When using `catch`, or passing a [rejection callback]( as second parameter of `then`, the response will be available through the `error` object as explained in the [Handling Errors](#handling-errors) section. ## Config Defaults You can specify config defaults that will be applied to every request. ### Global axios defaults ```js axios.defaults.baseURL = ''; axios.defaults.headers.common['Authorization'] = AUTH_TOKEN;['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'; ``` ### Custom instance defaults ```js // Set config defaults when creating the instance const instance = axios.create({ baseURL: '' }); // Alter defaults after instance has been created instance.defaults.headers.common['Authorization'] = AUTH_TOKEN; ``` ### Config order of precedence Config will be merged with an order of precedence. The order is library defaults found in [lib/defaults.js](, then `defaults` property of the instance, and finally `config` argument for the request. The latter will take precedence over the former. Here's an example. ```js // Create an instance using the config defaults provided by the library // At this point the timeout config value is `0` as is the default for the library const instance = axios.create(); // Override timeout default for the library // Now all requests using this instance will wait 2.5 seconds before timing out instance.defaults.timeout = 2500; // Override timeout for this request as it's known to take a long time instance.get('/longRequest', { timeout: 5000 }); ``` ## Interceptors You can intercept requests or responses before they are handled by `then` or `catch`. ```js // Add a request interceptor axios.interceptors.request.use(function (config) { // Do something before request is sent return config; }, function (error) { // Do something with request error return Promise.reject(error); }); // Add a response interceptor axios.interceptors.response.use(function (response) { // Any status code that lie within the range of 2xx cause this function to trigger // Do something with response data return response; }, function (error) { // Any status codes that falls outside the range of 2xx cause this function to trigger // Do something with response error return Promise.reject(error); }); ``` If you need to remove an interceptor later you can. ```js const myInterceptor = axios.interceptors.request.use(function () {/*...*/}); axios.interceptors.request.eject(myInterceptor); ``` You can add interceptors to a custom instance of axios. ```js const instance = axios.create(); instance.interceptors.request.use(function () {/*...*/}); ``` ## Handling Errors ```js axios.get('/user/12345') .catch(function (error) { if (error.response) { // The request was made and the server responded with a status code // that falls out of the range of 2xx console.log(; console.log(error.response.status); console.log(error.response.headers); } else if (error.request) { // The request was made but no response was received // `error.request` is an instance of XMLHttpRequest in the browser and an instance of // http.ClientRequest in node.js console.log(error.request); } else { // Something happened in setting up the request that triggered an Error console.log('Error', error.message); } console.log(error.config); }); ``` Using the `validateStatus` config option, you can define HTTP code(s) that should throw an error. ```js axios.get('/user/12345', { validateStatus: function (status) { return status < 500; // Reject only if the status code is greater than or equal to 500 } }) ``` Using `toJSON` you get an object with more information about the HTTP error. ```js axios.get('/user/12345') .catch(function (error) { console.log(error.toJSON()); }); ``` ## Cancellation You can cancel a request using a *cancel token*. > The axios cancel token API is based on the withdrawn [cancelable promises proposal]( You can create a cancel token using the `CancelToken.source` factory as shown below: ```js const CancelToken = axios.CancelToken; const source = CancelToken.source(); axios.get('/user/12345', { cancelToken: source.token }).catch(function (thrown) { if (axios.isCancel(thrown)) { console.log('Request canceled', thrown.message); } else { // handle error } });'/user/12345', { name: 'new name' }, { cancelToken: source.token }) // cancel the request (the message parameter is optional) source.cancel('Operation canceled by the user.'); ``` You can also create a cancel token by passing an executor function to the `CancelToken` constructor: ```js const CancelToken = axios.CancelToken; let cancel; axios.get('/user/12345', { cancelToken: new CancelToken(function executor(c) { // An executor function receives a cancel function as a parameter cancel = c; }) }); // cancel the request cancel(); ``` > Note: you can cancel several requests with the same cancel token. ## Using application/x-www-form-urlencoded format By default, axios serializes JavaScript objects to `JSON`. To send data in the `application/x-www-form-urlencoded` format instead, you can use one of the following options. ### Browser In a browser, you can use the [`URLSearchParams`]( API as follows: ```js const params = new URLSearchParams(); params.append('param1', 'value1'); params.append('param2', 'value2');'/foo', params); ``` > Note that `URLSearchParams` is not supported by all browsers (see [](, but there is a [polyfill]( available (make sure to polyfill the global environment). Alternatively, you can encode data using the [`qs`]( library: ```js const qs = require('qs');'/foo', qs.stringify({ 'bar': 123 })); ``` Or in another way (ES6), ```js import qs from 'qs'; const data = { 'bar': 123 }; const options = { method: 'POST', headers: { 'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }, data: qs.stringify(data), url, }; axios(options); ``` ### Node.js In node.js, you can use the [`querystring`]( module as follows: ```js const querystring = require('querystring');'', querystring.stringify({ foo: 'bar' })); ``` You can also use the [`qs`]( library. ###### NOTE The `qs` library is preferable if you need to stringify nested objects, as the `querystring` method has known issues with that use case ( ## Semver Until axios reaches a `1.0` release, breaking changes will be released with a new minor version. For example `0.5.1`, and `0.5.4` will have the same API, but `0.6.0` will have breaking changes. ## Promises axios depends on a native ES6 Promise implementation to be [supported]( If your environment doesn't support ES6 Promises, you can [polyfill]( ## TypeScript axios includes [TypeScript]( definitions. ```typescript import axios from 'axios'; axios.get('/user?ID=12345'); ``` ## Resources * [Changelog]( * [Upgrade Guide]( * [Ecosystem]( * [Contributing Guide]( * [Code of Conduct]( ## Credits axios is heavily inspired by the [$http service]($http) provided in [Angular]( Ultimately axios is an effort to provide a standalone `$http`-like service for use outside of Angular. ## License [MIT](LICENSE) # color-convert [![Build Status](]( Color-convert is a color conversion library for JavaScript and node. It converts all ways between `rgb`, `hsl`, `hsv`, `hwb`, `cmyk`, `ansi`, `ansi16`, `hex` strings, and CSS `keyword`s (will round to closest): ```js var convert = require('color-convert'); convert.rgb.hsl(140, 200, 100); // [96, 48, 59] convert.keyword.rgb('blue'); // [0, 0, 255] var rgbChannels = convert.rgb.channels; // 3 var cmykChannels = convert.cmyk.channels; // 4 var ansiChannels = convert.ansi16.channels; // 1 ``` # Install ```console $ npm install color-convert ``` # API Simply get the property of the _from_ and _to_ conversion that you're looking for. All functions have a rounded and unrounded variant. By default, return values are rounded. To get the unrounded (raw) results, simply tack on `.raw` to the function. All 'from' functions have a hidden property called `.channels` that indicates the number of channels the function expects (not including alpha). ```js var convert = require('color-convert'); // Hex to LAB convert.hex.lab('DEADBF'); // [ 76, 21, -2 ] convert.hex.lab.raw('DEADBF'); // [ 75.56213190997677, 20.653827952644754, -2.290532499330533 ] // RGB to CMYK convert.rgb.cmyk(167, 255, 4); // [ 35, 0, 98, 0 ] convert.rgb.cmyk.raw(167, 255, 4); // [ 34.509803921568626, 0, 98.43137254901961, 0 ] ``` ### Arrays All functions that accept multiple arguments also support passing an array. Note that this does **not** apply to functions that convert from a color that only requires one value (e.g. `keyword`, `ansi256`, `hex`, etc.) ```js var convert = require('color-convert'); convert.rgb.hex(123, 45, 67); // '7B2D43' convert.rgb.hex([123, 45, 67]); // '7B2D43' ``` ## Routing Conversions that don't have an _explicitly_ defined conversion (in [conversions.js](conversions.js)), but can be converted by means of sub-conversions (e.g. XYZ -> **RGB** -> CMYK), are automatically routed together. This allows just about any color model supported by `color-convert` to be converted to any other model, so long as a sub-conversion path exists. This is also true for conversions requiring more than one step in between (e.g. LCH -> **LAB** -> **XYZ** -> **RGB** -> Hex). Keep in mind that extensive conversions _may_ result in a loss of precision, and exist only to be complete. For a list of "direct" (single-step) conversions, see [conversions.js](conversions.js). # Contribute If there is a new model you would like to support, or want to add a direct conversion between two existing models, please send us a pull request. # License Copyright &copy; 2011-2016, Heather Arthur and Josh Junon. Licensed under the [MIT License](LICENSE). # line-column [![Build Status](]( [![Coverage Status](]( [![npm version](]( Node module to convert efficiently index to/from line-column in a string. ## Install npm install line-column ## Usage ### lineColumn(str, options = {}) Returns a `LineColumnFinder` instance for given string `str`. #### Options | Key | Description | Default | | ------- | ----------- | ------- | | `origin` | The origin value of line number and column number | `1` | ### lineColumn(str, index) This is just a shorthand for `lineColumn(str).fromIndex(index)`. ### LineColumnFinder#fromIndex(index) Find line and column from index in the string. Parameters: - `index` - `number` Index in the string. (0-origin) Returns: - `{ line: x, col: y }` Found line number and column number. - `null` if the given index is out of range. ### LineColumnFinder#toIndex(line, column) Find index from line and column in the string. Parameters: - `line` - `number` Line number in the string. - `column` - `number` Column number in the string. or - `{ line: x, col: y }` - `Object` line and column numbers in the string.<br>A key name `column` can be used instead of `col`. or - `[ line, col ]` - `Array` line and column numbers in the string. Returns: - `number` Found index in the string. - `-1` if the given line or column is out of range. ## Example ```js var lineColumn = require("line-column"); var testString = [ "ABCDEFG\n", // line:0, index:0 "HIJKLMNOPQRSTU\n", // line:1, index:8 "VWXYZ\n", // line:2, index:23 "日本語の文字\n", // line:3, index:29 "English words" // line:4, index:36 ].join(""); // length:49 lineColumn(testString).fromIndex(3) // { line: 1, col: 4 } lineColumn(testString).fromIndex(33) // { line: 4, col: 5 } lineColumn(testString).toIndex(1, 4) // 3 lineColumn(testString).toIndex(4, 5) // 33 // Shorthand of .fromIndex (compatible with find-line-column) lineColumn(testString, 33) // { line:4, col: 5 } // Object or Array is also acceptable lineColumn(testString).toIndex({ line: 4, col: 5 }) // 33 lineColumn(testString).toIndex({ line: 4, column: 5 }) // 33 lineColumn(testString).toIndex([4, 5]) // 33 // You can cache it for the same string. It is so efficient. (See benchmark) var finder = lineColumn(testString); finder.fromIndex(33) // { line: 4, column: 5 } finder.toIndex(4, 5) // 33 // For 0-origin line and column numbers var oneOrigin = lineColumn(testString, { origin: 0 }); oneOrigin.fromIndex(33) // { line: 3, column: 4 } oneOrigin.toIndex(3, 4) // 33 ``` ## Testing npm test ## Benchmark The popular package [find-line-column]( provides the same "index to line-column" feature. Here is some benchmarking on `line-column` vs `find-line-column`. You can run this benchmark by `npm run benchmark`. See [benchmark/](benchmark/) for the source code. ``` long text + line-column (not cached) x 72,989 ops/sec ±0.83% (89 runs sampled) long text + line-column (cached) x 13,074,242 ops/sec ±0.32% (89 runs sampled) long text + find-line-column x 33,887 ops/sec ±0.54% (84 runs sampled) short text + line-column (not cached) x 1,636,766 ops/sec ±0.77% (82 runs sampled) short text + line-column (cached) x 21,699,686 ops/sec ±1.04% (82 runs sampled) short text + find-line-column x 382,145 ops/sec ±1.04% (85 runs sampled) ``` As you might have noticed, even not cached version of `line-column` is 2x - 4x faster than `find-line-column`, and cached version of `line-column` is remarkable 50x - 380x faster. ## Contributing 1. Fork it! 2. Create your feature branch: `git checkout -b my-new-feature` 3. Commit your changes: `git commit -am 'Add some feature'` 4. Push to the branch: `git push origin my-new-feature` 5. Submit a pull request :D ## License MIT (See LICENSE) [![Build Status](](!/adaltas/node-csv-stringify) [![NPM](]( [![NPM](]( This package is a stringifier converting records into a CSV text and implementing the Node.js [`stream.Transform` API]( It also provides the easier synchronous and callback-based APIs for conveniency. It is both extremely easy to use and powerful. It was first released in 2010 and is tested against big data sets by a large community. ## Documentation * [Project homepage]( * [API]( * [Options]( * [Examples]( ## Main features * Follow the Node.js streaming API * Simplicity with the optional callback API * Support for custom formatters, delimiters, quotes, escape characters and header * Support big datasets * Complete test coverage and samples for inspiration * Only 1 external dependency * to be used conjointly with `csv-generate`, `csv-parse` and `stream-transform` * MIT License ## Usage The module is built on the Node.js Stream API. For the sake of simplicity, a simple callback API is also provided. To give you a quick look, here's an example of the callback API: ```javascript const stringify = require('csv-stringify') const assert = require('assert') // import stringify from 'csv-stringify' // import assert from 'assert/strict' const input = [ [ '1', '2', '3', '4' ], [ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' ] ] stringify(input, function(err, output) { const expected = '1,2,3,4\na,b,c,d\n' assert.strictEqual(output, expected, `output.should.eql ${expected}`) console.log("Passed.", output) }) ``` ## Development Tests are executed with mocha. To install it, run `npm install` followed by `npm test`. It will install mocha and its dependencies in your project "node_modules" directory and run the test suite. The tests run against the CoffeeScript source files. To generate the JavaScript files, run `npm run build`. The test suite is run online with [Travis](!/adaltas/node-csv-stringify). See the [Travis definition file]( to view the tested Node.js version. ## Contributors * David Worms: <> [csv_home]: [stream_transform]: [examples]: [csv]: [![build status](]( # base64.js Yet another [Base64] transcoder. [Base64]: ## Install ```shell $ npm install --save js-base64 ``` ## Usage ### In Browser Locally… ```html <script src="base64.js"></script> ``` … or Directly from CDN. In which case you don't even need to install. ```html <script src=""></script> ``` This good old way loads `Base64` in the global context (`window`). Though `Base64.noConflict()` is made available, you should consider using ES6 Module to avoid tainting `window`. ### As an ES6 Module locally… ```javascript import { Base64 } from 'js-base64'; ``` ```javascript // or if you prefer no Base64 namespace import { encode, decode } from 'js-base64'; ``` or even remotely. ```html <script type="module"> // note does not automatically minify .mjs import { Base64 } from ''; </script> ``` ```html <script type="module"> // or if you prefer no Base64 namespace import { encode, decode } from ''; </script> ``` ### node.js (commonjs) ```javascript const {Base64} = require('js-base64'); ``` Unlike the case above, the global context is no longer modified. You can also use [esm] to `import` instead of `require`. [esm]: ```javascript require=require('esm')(module); import {Base64} from 'js-base64'; ``` ## SYNOPSIS ```javascript let latin = 'dankogai'; let utf8 = '小飼弾' let u8s = new Uint8Array([100,97,110,107,111,103,97,105]); Base64.encode(latin); // ZGFua29nYWk= Base64.encode(latin, true)); // ZGFua29nYWk skips padding Base64.encodeURI(latin)); // ZGFua29nYWk Base64.btoa(latin); // ZGFua29nYWk= Base64.btoa(utf8); // raises exception Base64.fromUint8Array(u8s); // ZGFua29nYWk= Base64.fromUint8Array(u8s, true); // ZGFua29nYW which is URI safe Base64.encode(utf8); // 5bCP6aO85by+ Base64.encode(utf8, true) // 5bCP6aO85by- Base64.encodeURI(utf8); // 5bCP6aO85by- ``` ```javascript Base64.decode( 'ZGFua29nYWk=');// dankogai Base64.decode( 'ZGFua29nYWk'); // dankogai Base64.atob( 'ZGFua29nYWk=');// dankogai Base64.atob( '5bCP6aO85by+');// '小飼弾' which is nonsense Base64.toUint8Array('ZGFua29nYWk=');// u8s above Base64.decode( '5bCP6aO85by+');// 小飼弾 // note .decodeURI() is unnecessary since it accepts both flavors Base64.decode( '5bCP6aO85by-');// 小飼弾 ``` ```javascript Base64.isValid(0); // false: 0 is not string Base64.isValid(''); // true: a valid Base64-encoded empty byte Base64.isValid('ZA=='); // true: a valid Base64-encoded 'd' Base64.isValid('Z A='); // true: whitespaces are okay Base64.isValid('ZA'); // true: padding ='s can be omitted Base64.isValid('++'); // true: can be non URL-safe Base64.isValid('--'); // true: or URL-safe Base64.isValid('+-'); // false: can't mix both ``` ### Built-in Extensions By default `Base64` leaves built-in prototypes untouched. But you can extend them as below. ```javascript // you have to explicitly extend String.prototype Base64.extendString(); // once extended, you can do the following 'dankogai'.toBase64(); // ZGFua29nYWk= '小飼弾'.toBase64(); // 5bCP6aO85by+ '小飼弾'.toBase64(true); // 5bCP6aO85by- '小飼弾'.toBase64URI(); // 5bCP6aO85by- ab alias of .toBase64(true) '小飼弾'.toBase64URL(); // 5bCP6aO85by- an alias of .toBase64URI() 'ZGFua29nYWk='.fromBase64(); // dankogai '5bCP6aO85by+'.fromBase64(); // 小飼弾 '5bCP6aO85by-'.fromBase64(); // 小飼弾 '5bCP6aO85by-'.toUint8Array();// u8s above ``` ```javascript // you have to explicitly extend Uint8Array.prototype Base64.extendUint8Array(); // once extended, you can do the following u8s.toBase64(); // 'ZGFua29nYWk=' u8s.toBase64URI(); // 'ZGFua29nYWk' u8s.toBase64URL(); // 'ZGFua29nYWk' an alias of .toBase64URI() ``` ```javascript // extend all at once Base64.extendBuiltins() ``` ## `.decode()` vs `.atob` (and `.encode()` vs `btoa()`) Suppose you have: ``` var pngBase64 = "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAAEAAAABCAQAAAC1HAwCAAAAC0lEQVR42mNkYAAAAAYAAjCB0C8AAAAASUVORK5CYII="; ``` Which is a Base64-encoded 1x1 transparent PNG, **DO NOT USE** `Base64.decode(pngBase64)`.  Use `Base64.atob(pngBase64)` instead.  `Base64.decode()` decodes to UTF-8 string while `Base64.atob()` decodes to bytes, which is compatible to browser built-in `atob()` (Which is absent in node.js).  The same rule applies to the opposite direction. Or even better, `Base64.toUint8Array(pngBase64)`. ### If you really, really need an ES5 version You can transpiles to an ES5 that runs on IEs before 11. Do the following in your shell. ```shell $ make base64.es5.js ``` ## Brief History * Since version 3.3 it is written in TypeScript. Now `base64.mjs` is compiled from `base64.ts` then `base64.js` is generated from `base64.mjs`. * Since version 3.7 `base64.js` is ES5-compatible again (hence IE11-compabile). * Since 3.0 `js-base64` switch to ES2015 module so it is no longer compatible with legacy browsers like IE (see above) # Punycode.js [![Build status](]( [![Code coverage status](]( [![Dependency status](]( Punycode.js is a robust Punycode converter that fully complies to [RFC 3492]( and [RFC 5891]( This JavaScript library is the result of comparing, optimizing and documenting different open-source implementations of the Punycode algorithm: * [The C example code from RFC 3492]( * [`punycode.c` by _Markus W. Scherer_ (IBM)]( * [`punycode.c` by _Ben Noordhuis_]( * [JavaScript implementation by _some_]( * [`punycode.js` by _Ben Noordhuis_]( (note: [not fully compliant]( This project was [bundled]( with Node.js from [v0.6.2+]( until [v7]( (soft-deprecated). The current version supports recent versions of Node.js only. It provides a CommonJS module and an ES6 module. For the old version that offers the same functionality with broader support, including Rhino, Ringo, Narwhal, and web browsers, see [v1.4.1]( ## Installation Via [npm]( ```bash npm install punycode --save ``` In [Node.js]( ```js const punycode = require('punycode'); ``` ## API ### `punycode.decode(string)` Converts a Punycode string of ASCII symbols to a string of Unicode symbols. ```js // decode domain name parts punycode.decode('maana-pta'); // 'mañana' punycode.decode('--dqo34k'); // '☃-⌘' ``` ### `punycode.encode(string)` Converts a string of Unicode symbols to a Punycode string of ASCII symbols. ```js // encode domain name parts punycode.encode('mañana'); // 'maana-pta' punycode.encode('☃-⌘'); // '--dqo34k' ``` ### `punycode.toUnicode(input)` Converts a Punycode string representing a domain name or an email address to Unicode. Only the Punycoded parts of the input will be converted, i.e. it doesn’t matter if you call it on a string that has already been converted to Unicode. ```js // decode domain names punycode.toUnicode(''); // → 'mañ' punycode.toUnicode(''); // → '☃-⌘.com' // decode email addresses punycode.toUnicode('джумла@xn--p-8sbkgc5ag7bhce.xn--ba-lmcq'); // → 'джумла@джpумлатест.bрфa' ``` ### `punycode.toASCII(input)` Converts a lowercased Unicode string representing a domain name or an email address to Punycode. Only the non-ASCII parts of the input will be converted, i.e. it doesn’t matter if you call it with a domain that’s already in ASCII. ```js // encode domain names punycode.toASCII('mañ'); // → '' punycode.toASCII('☃-⌘.com'); // → '' // encode email addresses punycode.toASCII('джумла@джpумлатест.bрфa'); // → 'джумла@xn--p-8sbkgc5ag7bhce.xn--ba-lmcq' ``` ### `punycode.ucs2` #### `punycode.ucs2.decode(string)` Creates an array containing the numeric code point values of each Unicode symbol in the string. While [JavaScript uses UCS-2 internally](, this function will convert a pair of surrogate halves (each of which UCS-2 exposes as separate characters) into a single code point, matching UTF-16. ```js punycode.ucs2.decode('abc'); // → [0x61, 0x62, 0x63] // surrogate pair for U+1D306 TETRAGRAM FOR CENTRE: punycode.ucs2.decode('\uD834\uDF06'); // → [0x1D306] ``` #### `punycode.ucs2.encode(codePoints)` Creates a string based on an array of numeric code point values. ```js punycode.ucs2.encode([0x61, 0x62, 0x63]); // → 'abc' punycode.ucs2.encode([0x1D306]); // → '\uD834\uDF06' ``` ### `punycode.version` A string representing the current Punycode.js version number. ## Author | [![twitter/mathias](]( "Follow @mathias on Twitter") | |---| | [Mathias Bynens]( | ## License Punycode.js is available under the [MIT]( license. ## Follow Redirects Drop-in replacement for Nodes `http` and `https` that automatically follows redirects. [![npm version](]( [![Build Status](]( [![Coverage Status](]( [![Dependency Status](]( [![npm downloads](]( `follow-redirects` provides [request]( and [get]( methods that behave identically to those found on the native [http]( and [https]( modules, with the exception that they will seamlessly follow redirects. ```javascript var http = require('follow-redirects').http; var https = require('follow-redirects').https; http.get('', function (response) { response.on('data', function (chunk) { console.log(chunk); }); }).on('error', function (err) { console.error(err); }); ``` You can inspect the final redirected URL through the `responseUrl` property on the `response`. If no redirection happened, `responseUrl` is the original request URL. ```javascript https.request({ host: '', path: '/UHfDGO', }, function (response) { console.log(response.responseUrl); // '' }); ``` ## Options ### Global options Global options are set directly on the `follow-redirects` module: ```javascript var followRedirects = require('follow-redirects'); followRedirects.maxRedirects = 10; followRedirects.maxBodyLength = 20 * 1024 * 1024; // 20 MB ``` The following global options are supported: - `maxRedirects` (default: `21`) – sets the maximum number of allowed redirects; if exceeded, an error will be emitted. - `maxBodyLength` (default: 10MB) – sets the maximum size of the request body; if exceeded, an error will be emitted. ### Per-request options Per-request options are set by passing an `options` object: ```javascript var url = require('url'); var followRedirects = require('follow-redirects'); var options = url.parse(''); options.maxRedirects = 10; http.request(options); ``` In addition to the [standard HTTP]( and [HTTPS options](, the following per-request options are supported: - `followRedirects` (default: `true`) – whether redirects should be followed. - `maxRedirects` (default: `21`) – sets the maximum number of allowed redirects; if exceeded, an error will be emitted. - `maxBodyLength` (default: 10MB) – sets the maximum size of the request body; if exceeded, an error will be emitted. - `agents` (default: `undefined`) – sets the `agent` option per protocol, since HTTP and HTTPS use different agents. Example value: `{ http: new http.Agent(), https: new https.Agent() }` - `trackRedirects` (default: `false`) – whether to store the redirected response details into the `redirects` array on the response object. ### Advanced usage By default, `follow-redirects` will use the Node.js default implementations of [`http`]( and [`https`]( To enable features such as caching and/or intermediate request tracking, you might instead want to wrap `follow-redirects` around custom protocol implementations: ```javascript var followRedirects = require('follow-redirects').wrap({ http: require('your-custom-http'), https: require('your-custom-https'), }); ``` Such custom protocols only need an implementation of the `request` method. ## Browserify Usage Due to the way `XMLHttpRequest` works, the `browserify` versions of `http` and `https` already follow redirects. If you are *only* targeting the browser, then this library has little value for you. If you want to write cross platform code for node and the browser, `follow-redirects` provides a great solution for making the native node modules behave the same as they do in browserified builds in the browser. To avoid bundling unnecessary code you should tell browserify to swap out `follow-redirects` with the standard modules when bundling. To make this easier, you need to change how you require the modules: ```javascript var http = require('follow-redirects/http'); var https = require('follow-redirects/https'); ``` You can then replace `follow-redirects` in your browserify configuration like so: ```javascript "browser": { "follow-redirects/http" : "http", "follow-redirects/https" : "https" } ``` The `browserify-http` module has not kept pace with node development, and no long behaves identically to the native module when running in the browser. If you are experiencing problems, you may want to check out [browserify-http-2]( It is more actively maintained and attempts to address a few of the shortcomings of `browserify-http`. In that case, your browserify config should look something like this: ```javascript "browser": { "follow-redirects/http" : "browserify-http-2/http", "follow-redirects/https" : "browserify-http-2/https" } ``` ## Contributing Pull Requests are always welcome. Please [file an issue]( detailing your proposal before you invest your valuable time. Additional features and bug fixes should be accompanied by tests. You can run the test suite locally with a simple `npm test` command. ## Debug Logging `follow-redirects` uses the excellent [debug]( for logging. To turn on logging set the environment variable `DEBUG=follow-redirects` for debug output from just this module. When running the test suite it is sometimes advantageous to set `DEBUG=*` to see output from the express server as well. ## Authors - Olivier Lalonde ( - James Talmage ( - [Ruben Verborgh]( ## License [](MIT License) # `asbuild` [![Stars](]( *A simple build tool for [AssemblyScript]( projects, similar to `cargo`, etc.* ## 🚩 Table of Contents - [Installing](#-installing) - [Usage](#-usage) - [`asb init`](#asb-init---create-an-empty-project) - [`asb test`](#asb-test---run-as-pect-tests) - [`asb fmt`](#asb-fmt---format-as-files-using-eslint) - [`asb run`](#asb-run---run-a-wasi-binary) - [`asb build`](#asb-build---compile-the-project-using-asc) - [Background](#-background) ## 🔧 Installing Install it globally ``` npm install -g asbuild ``` Or, locally as dev dependencies ``` npm install --save-dev asbuild ``` ## 💡 Usage ``` Build tool for AssemblyScript projects. Usage: asb [command] [options] Commands: asb Alias of build command, to maintain back-ward compatibility [default] asb build Compile a local package and all of its dependencies [aliases: compile, make] asb init [baseDir] Create a new AS package in an given directory asb test Run as-pect tests asb fmt [paths..] This utility formats current module using eslint. [aliases: format, lint] Options: --version Show version number [boolean] --help Show help [boolean] ``` ### `asb init` - Create an empty project ``` asb init [baseDir] Create a new AS package in an given directory Positionals: baseDir Create a sample AS project in this directory [string] [default: "."] Options: --version Show version number [boolean] --help Show help [boolean] --yes Skip the interactive prompt [boolean] [default: false] ``` ### `asb test` - Run as-pect tests ``` asb test Run as-pect tests USAGE: asb test [options] -- [aspect_options] Options: --version Show version number [boolean] --help Show help [boolean] --verbose, --vv Print out arguments passed to as-pect [boolean] [default: false] ``` ### `asb fmt` - Format AS files using ESlint ``` asb fmt [paths..] This utility formats current module using eslint. Positionals: paths Paths to format [array] [default: ["."]] Initialisation: --init Generates recommended eslint config for AS Projects [boolean] Miscellaneous --lint, --dry-run Tries to fix problems without saving the changes to the file system [boolean] [default: false] Options: --version Show version number [boolean] --help Show help ``` ### `asb run` - Run a WASI binary ``` asb run Run a WASI binary USAGE: asb run [options] [binary path] -- [binary options] Positionals: binary path to Wasm binary [string] [required] Options: --version Show version number [boolean] --help Show help [boolean] --preopen, -p comma separated list of directories to open. [default: "."] ``` ### `asb build` - Compile the project using asc ``` asb build Compile a local package and all of its dependencies USAGE: asb build [entry_file] [options] -- [asc_options] Options: --version Show version number [boolean] --help Show help [boolean] --baseDir, -d Base directory of project. [string] [default: "."] --config, -c Path to asconfig file [string] [default: "./asconfig.json"] --wat Output wat file to outDir [boolean] [default: false] --outDir Directory to place built binaries. Default "./build/<target>/" [string] --target Target for compilation [string] [default: "release"] --verbose Print out arguments passed to asc [boolean] [default: false] Examples: asb build Build release of 'assembly/index.ts to build/release/packageName.wasm asb build --target release Build a release binary asb build -- --measure Pass argument to 'asc' ``` #### Defaults ##### Project structure ``` project/ package.json asconfig.json assembly/ index.ts build/ release/ project.wasm debug/ project.wasm ``` - If no entry file passed and no `entry` field is in `asconfig.json`, `project/assembly/index.ts` is assumed. - `asconfig.json` allows for options for different compile targets, e.g. release, debug, etc. `asc` defaults to the release target. - The default build directory is `./build`, and artifacts are placed at `./build/<target>/packageName.wasm`. ##### Workspaces If a `workspace` field is added to a top level `asconfig.json` file, then each path in the array is built and placed into the top level `outDir`. For example, `asconfig.json`: ```json { "workspaces": ["a", "b"] } ``` Running `asb` in the directory below will use the top level build directory to place all the binaries. ``` project/ package.json asconfig.json a/ asconfig.json assembly/ index.ts b/ asconfig.json assembly/ index.ts build/ release/ a.wasm b.wasm debug/ a.wasm b.wasm ``` To see an example in action check out the [test workspace](./tests/build_test) ## 📖 Background Asbuild started as wrapper around `asc` to provide an easier CLI interface and now has been extened to support other commands like `init`, `test` and `fmt` just like `cargo` to become a one stop build tool for AS Projects. ## 📜 License This library is provided under the open-source [MIT license]( # ESLint Scope ESLint Scope is the [ECMAScript]( scope analyzer used in ESLint. It is a fork of [escope]( ## Usage Install: ``` npm i eslint-scope --save ``` Example: ```js var eslintScope = require('eslint-scope'); var espree = require('espree'); var estraverse = require('estraverse'); var ast = espree.parse(code); var scopeManager = eslintScope.analyze(ast); var currentScope = scopeManager.acquire(ast); // global scope estraverse.traverse(ast, { enter: function(node, parent) { // do stuff if (/Function/.test(node.type)) { currentScope = scopeManager.acquire(node); // get current function scope } }, leave: function(node, parent) { if (/Function/.test(node.type)) { currentScope = currentScope.upper; // set to parent scope } // do stuff } }); ``` ## Contributing Issues and pull requests will be triaged and responded to as quickly as possible. We operate under the [ESLint Contributor Guidelines](, so please be sure to read them before contributing. If you're not sure where to dig in, check out the [issues]( ## Build Commands * `npm test` - run all linting and tests * `npm run lint` - run all linting ## License ESLint Scope is licensed under a permissive BSD 2-clause license. # is-core-module <sup>[![Version Badge][2]][1]</sup> [![github actions][actions-image]][actions-url] [![coverage][codecov-image]][codecov-url] [![dependency status][5]][6] [![dev dependency status][7]][8] [![License][license-image]][license-url] [![Downloads][downloads-image]][downloads-url] [![npm badge][11]][1] Is this specifier a node.js core module? Optionally provide a node version to check; defaults to the current node version. ## Example ```js var isCore = require('is-core-module'); var assert = require('assert'); assert(isCore('fs')); assert(!isCore('butts')); ``` ## Tests Clone the repo, `npm install`, and run `npm test` [1]: [2]: [5]: [6]: [7]: [8]: [11]: [license-image]: [license-url]: LICENSE [downloads-image]: [downloads-url]: [codecov-image]: [codecov-url]: [actions-image]: [actions-url]: # ts-mixer [version-badge]: [version-link]: [build-badge]: [build-link]: [ts-versions]:,3.9,4.0,4.1,4.2?icon=typescript&label&list=| [node-versions]:| [![npm version][version-badge]][version-link] [![github actions][build-badge]][build-link] [![TS Versions][ts-versions]][build-link] [![Node.js Versions][node-versions]][build-link] [![Minified Size](]( [![Conventional Commits](]( ## Overview `ts-mixer` brings mixins to TypeScript. "Mixins" to `ts-mixer` are just classes, so you already know how to write them, and you can probably mix classes from your favorite library without trouble. The mixin problem is more nuanced than it appears. I've seen countless code snippets that work for certain situations, but fail in others. `ts-mixer` tries to take the best from all these solutions while accounting for the situations you might not have considered. [Quick start guide](#quick-start) ### Features * mixes plain classes * mixes classes that extend other classes * mixes classes that were mixed with `ts-mixer` * supports static properties * supports protected/private properties (the popular function-that-returns-a-class solution does not) * mixes abstract classes (with caveats [[1](#caveats)]) * mixes generic classes (with caveats [[2](#caveats)]) * supports class, method, and property decorators (with caveats [[3, 6](#caveats)]) * mostly supports the complexity presented by constructor functions (with caveats [[4](#caveats)]) * comes with an `instanceof`-like replacement (with caveats [[5, 6](#caveats)]) * [multiple mixing strategies](#settings) (ES6 proxies vs hard copy) ### Caveats 1. Mixing abstract classes requires a bit of a hack that may break in future versions of TypeScript. See [mixing abstract classes](#mixing-abstract-classes) below. 2. Mixing generic classes requires a more cumbersome notation, but it's still possible. See [mixing generic classes](#mixing-generic-classes) below. 3. Using decorators in mixed classes also requires a more cumbersome notation. See [mixing with decorators](#mixing-with-decorators) below. 4. ES6 made it impossible to use `.apply(...)` on class constructors (or any means of calling them without `new`), which makes it impossible for `ts-mixer` to pass the proper `this` to your constructors. This may or may not be an issue for your code, but there are options to work around it. See [dealing with constructors](#dealing-with-constructors) below. 5. `ts-mixer` does not support `instanceof` for mixins, but it does offer a replacement. See the [hasMixin function](#hasmixin) for more details. 6. Certain features (specifically, `@decorator` and `hasMixin`) make use of ES6 `Map`s, which means you must either use ES6+ or polyfill `Map` to use them. If you don't need these features, you should be fine without. ## Quick Start ### Installation ``` $ npm install ts-mixer ``` or if you prefer [Yarn]( ``` $ yarn add ts-mixer ``` ### Basic Example ```typescript import { Mixin } from 'ts-mixer'; class Foo { protected makeFoo() { return 'foo'; } } class Bar { protected makeBar() { return 'bar'; } } class FooBar extends Mixin(Foo, Bar) { public makeFooBar() { return this.makeFoo() + this.makeBar(); } } const fooBar = new FooBar(); console.log(fooBar.makeFooBar()); // "foobar" ``` ## Special Cases ### Mixing Abstract Classes Abstract classes, by definition, cannot be constructed, which means they cannot take on the type, `new(...args) => any`, and by extension, are incompatible with `ts-mixer`. BUT, you can "trick" TypeScript into giving you all the benefits of an abstract class without making it technically abstract. The trick is just some strategic `// @ts-ignore`'s: ```typescript import { Mixin } from 'ts-mixer'; // note that Foo is not marked as an abstract class class Foo { // @ts-ignore: "Abstract methods can only appear within an abstract class" public abstract makeFoo(): string; } class Bar { public makeBar() { return 'bar'; } } class FooBar extends Mixin(Foo, Bar) { // we still get all the benefits of abstract classes here, because TypeScript // will still complain if this method isn't implemented public makeFoo() { return 'foo'; } } ``` Do note that while this does work quite well, it is a bit of a hack and I can't promise that it will continue to work in future TypeScript versions. ### Mixing Generic Classes Frustratingly, it is _impossible_ for generic parameters to be referenced in base class expressions. No matter what, you will eventually run into `Base class expressions cannot reference class type parameters.` The way to get around this is to leverage [declaration merging](, and a slightly different mixing function from ts-mixer: `mix`. It works exactly like `Mixin`, except it's a decorator, which means it doesn't affect the type information of the class being decorated. See it in action below: ```typescript import { mix } from 'ts-mixer'; class Foo<T> { public fooMethod(input: T): T { return input; } } class Bar<T> { public barMethod(input: T): T { return input; } } interface FooBar<T1, T2> extends Foo<T1>, Bar<T2> { } @mix(Foo, Bar) class FooBar<T1, T2> { public fooBarMethod(input1: T1, input2: T2) { return [this.fooMethod(input1), this.barMethod(input2)]; } } ``` Key takeaways from this example: * `interface FooBar<T1, T2> extends Foo<T1>, Bar<T2> { }` makes sure `FooBar` has the typing we want, thanks to declaration merging * `@mix(Foo, Bar)` wires things up "on the JavaScript side", since the interface declaration has nothing to do with runtime behavior. * The reason we have to use the `mix` decorator is that the typing produced by `Mixin(Foo, Bar)` would conflict with the typing of the interface. `mix` has no effect "on the TypeScript side," thus avoiding type conflicts. ### Mixing with Decorators Popular libraries such as [class-validator]( and [TypeORM]( use decorators to add functionality. Unfortunately, `ts-mixer` has no way of knowing what these libraries do with the decorators behind the scenes. So if you want these decorators to be "inherited" with classes you plan to mix, you first have to wrap them with a special `decorate` function exported by `ts-mixer`. Here's an example using `class-validator`: ```typescript import { IsBoolean, IsIn, validate } from 'class-validator'; import { Mixin, decorate } from 'ts-mixer'; class Disposable { @decorate(IsBoolean()) // instead of @IsBoolean() isDisposed: boolean = false; } class Statusable { @decorate(IsIn(['red', 'green'])) // instead of @IsIn(['red', 'green']) status: string = 'green'; } class ExtendedObject extends Mixin(Disposable, Statusable) {} const extendedObject = new ExtendedObject(); extendedObject.status = 'blue'; validate(extendedObject).then(errors => { console.log(errors); }); ``` ### Dealing with Constructors As mentioned in the [caveats section](#caveats), ES6 disallowed calling constructor functions without `new`. This means that the only way for `ts-mixer` to mix instance properties is to instantiate each base class separately, then copy the instance properties into a common object. The consequence of this is that constructors mixed by `ts-mixer` will _not_ receive the proper `this`. **This very well may not be an issue for you!** It only means that your constructors need to be "mostly pure" in terms of how they handle `this`. Specifically, your constructors cannot produce [side effects]( involving `this`, _other than adding properties to `this`_ (the most common side effect in JavaScript constructors). If you simply cannot eliminate `this` side effects from your constructor, there is a workaround available: `ts-mixer` will automatically forward constructor parameters to a predesignated init function (`settings.initFunction`) if it's present on the class. Unlike constructors, functions can be called with an arbitrary `this`, so this predesignated init function _will_ have the proper `this`. Here's a basic example: ```typescript import { Mixin, settings } from 'ts-mixer'; settings.initFunction = 'init'; class Person { public static allPeople: Set<Person> = new Set(); protected init() { Person.allPeople.add(this); } } type PartyAffiliation = 'democrat' | 'republican'; class PoliticalParticipant { public static democrats: Set<PoliticalParticipant> = new Set(); public static republicans: Set<PoliticalParticipant> = new Set(); public party: PartyAffiliation; // note that these same args will also be passed to init function public constructor(party: PartyAffiliation) { = party; } protected init(party: PartyAffiliation) { if (party === 'democrat') PoliticalParticipant.democrats.add(this); else PoliticalParticipant.republicans.add(this); } } class Voter extends Mixin(Person, PoliticalParticipant) {} const v1 = new Voter('democrat'); const v2 = new Voter('democrat'); const v3 = new Voter('republican'); const v4 = new Voter('republican'); ``` Note the above `.add(this)` statements. These would not work as expected if they were placed in the constructor instead, since `this` is not the same between the constructor and `init`, as explained above. ## Other Features ### hasMixin As mentioned above, `ts-mixer` does not support `instanceof` for mixins. While it is possible to implement [custom `instanceof` behavior](, this library does not do so because it would require modifying the source classes, which is deliberately avoided. You can fill this missing functionality with `hasMixin(instance, mixinClass)` instead. See the below example: ```typescript import { Mixin, hasMixin } from 'ts-mixer'; class Foo {} class Bar {} class FooBar extends Mixin(Foo, Bar) {} const instance = new FooBar(); // doesn't work with instanceof... console.log(instance instanceof FooBar) // true console.log(instance instanceof Foo) // false console.log(instance instanceof Bar) // false // but everything works nicely with hasMixin! console.log(hasMixin(instance, FooBar)) // true console.log(hasMixin(instance, Foo)) // true console.log(hasMixin(instance, Bar)) // true ``` `hasMixin(instance, mixinClass)` will work anywhere that `instance instanceof mixinClass` works. Additionally, like `instanceof`, you get the same [type narrowing benefits]( ```typescript if (hasMixin(instance, Foo)) { // inferred type of instance is "Foo" } if (hasMixin(instance, Bar)) { // inferred type of instance of "Bar" } ``` ## Settings ts-mixer has multiple strategies for mixing classes which can be configured by modifying `settings` from ts-mixer. For example: ```typescript import { settings, Mixin } from 'ts-mixer'; settings.prototypeStrategy = 'proxy'; // then use `Mixin` as normal... ``` ### `settings.prototypeStrategy` * Determines how ts-mixer will mix class prototypes together * Possible values: - `'copy'` (default) - Copies all methods from the classes being mixed into a new prototype object. (This will include all methods up the prototype chains as well.) This is the default for ES5 compatibility, but it has the downside of stale references. For example, if you mix `Foo` and `Bar` to make `FooBar`, then redefine a method on `Foo`, `FooBar` will not have the latest methods from `Foo`. If this is not a concern for you, `'copy'` is the best value for this setting. - `'proxy'` - Uses an ES6 Proxy to "soft mix" prototypes. Unlike `'copy'`, updates to the base classes _will_ be reflected in the mixed class, which may be desirable. The downside is that method access is not as performant, nor is it ES5 compatible. ### `settings.staticsStrategy` * Determines how static properties are inherited * Possible values: - `'copy'` (default) - Simply copies all properties (minus `prototype`) from the base classes/constructor functions onto the mixed class. Like `settings.prototypeStrategy = 'copy'`, this strategy also suffers from stale references, but shouldn't be a concern if you don't redefine static methods after mixing. - `'proxy'` - Similar to `settings.prototypeStrategy`, proxy's static method access to base classes. Has the same benefits/downsides. ### `settings.initFunction` * If set, `ts-mixer` will automatically call the function with this name upon construction * Possible values: - `null` (default) - disables the behavior - a string - function name to call upon construction * Read more about why you would want this in [dealing with constructors](#dealing-with-constructors) ### `settings.decoratorInheritance` * Determines how decorators are inherited from classes passed to `Mixin(...)` * Possible values: - `'deep'` (default) - Deeply inherits decorators from all given classes and their ancestors - `'direct'` - Only inherits decorators defined directly on the given classes - `'none'` - Skips decorator inheritance # Author Tanner Nielsen <> * Website - []( * Github - [tannerntannern]( Compiler frontend for node.js ============================= Usage ----- For an up to date list of available command line options, see: ``` $> asc --help ``` API --- The API accepts the same options as the CLI but also lets you override stdout and stderr and/or provide a callback. Example: ```js const asc = require("assemblyscript/cli/asc"); asc.ready.then(() => { asc.main([ "myModule.ts", "--binaryFile", "myModule.wasm", "--optimize", "--sourceMap", "--measure" ], { stdout: process.stdout, stderr: process.stderr }, function(err) { if (err) throw err; ... }); }); ``` Available command line options can also be obtained programmatically: ```js const options = require("assemblyscript/cli/asc.json"); ... ``` You can also compile a source string directly, for example in a browser environment: ```js const asc = require("assemblyscript/cli/asc"); asc.ready.then(() => { const { binary, text, stdout, stderr } = asc.compileString(`...`, { optimize: 2 }); }); ... ``` ![](cow.png) Moo! ==== Moo is a highly-optimised tokenizer/lexer generator. Use it to tokenize your strings, before parsing 'em with a parser like [nearley]( or whatever else you're into. * [Fast](#is-it-fast) * [Convenient](#usage) * uses [Regular Expressions](#on-regular-expressions) * tracks [Line Numbers](#line-numbers) * handles [Keywords](#keywords) * supports [States](#states) * custom [Errors](#errors) * is even [Iterable](#iteration) * has no dependencies * 4KB minified + gzipped * Moo! Is it fast? ----------- Yup! Flying-cows-and-singed-steak fast. Moo is the fastest JS tokenizer around. It's **~2–10x** faster than most other tokenizers; it's a **couple orders of magnitude** faster than some of the slower ones. Define your tokens **using regular expressions**. Moo will compile 'em down to a **single RegExp for performance**. It uses the new ES6 **sticky flag** where possible to make things faster; otherwise it falls back to an almost-as-efficient workaround. (For more than you ever wanted to know about this, read [adventures in the land of substrings and RegExps]( You _might_ be able to go faster still by writing your lexer by hand rather than using RegExps, but that's icky. Oh, and it [avoids parsing RegExps by itself]( Because that would be horrible. Usage ----- First, you need to do the needful: `$ npm install moo`, or whatever will ship this code to your computer. Alternatively, grab the `moo.js` file by itself and slap it into your web page via a `<script>` tag; moo is completely standalone. Then you can start roasting your very own lexer/tokenizer: ```js const moo = require('moo') let lexer = moo.compile({ WS: /[ \t]+/, comment: /\/\/.*?$/, number: /0|[1-9][0-9]*/, string: /"(?:\\["\\]|[^\n"\\])*"/, lparen: '(', rparen: ')', keyword: ['while', 'if', 'else', 'moo', 'cows'], NL: { match: /\n/, lineBreaks: true }, }) ``` And now throw some text at it: ```js lexer.reset('while (10) cows\nmoo') // -> { type: 'keyword', value: 'while' } // -> { type: 'WS', value: ' ' } // -> { type: 'lparen', value: '(' } // -> { type: 'number', value: '10' } // ... ``` When you reach the end of Moo's internal buffer, next() will return `undefined`. You can always `reset()` it and feed it more data when that happens. On Regular Expressions ---------------------- RegExps are nifty for making tokenizers, but they can be a bit of a pain. Here are some things to be aware of: * You often want to use **non-greedy quantifiers**: e.g. `*?` instead of `*`. Otherwise your tokens will be longer than you expect: ```js let lexer = moo.compile({ string: /".*"/, // greedy quantifier * // ... }) lexer.reset('"foo" "bar"') // -> { type: 'string', value: 'foo" "bar' } ``` Better: ```js let lexer = moo.compile({ string: /".*?"/, // non-greedy quantifier *? // ... }) lexer.reset('"foo" "bar"') // -> { type: 'string', value: 'foo' } // -> { type: 'space', value: ' ' } // -> { type: 'string', value: 'bar' } ``` * The **order of your rules** matters. Earlier ones will take precedence. ```js moo.compile({ identifier: /[a-z0-9]+/, number: /[0-9]+/, }).reset('42').next() // -> { type: 'identifier', value: '42' } moo.compile({ number: /[0-9]+/, identifier: /[a-z0-9]+/, }).reset('42').next() // -> { type: 'number', value: '42' } ``` * Moo uses **multiline RegExps**. This has a few quirks: for example, the **dot `/./` doesn't include newlines**. Use `[^]` instead if you want to match newlines too. * Since an excluding character ranges like `/[^ ]/` (which matches anything but a space) _will_ include newlines, you have to be careful not to include them by accident! In particular, the whitespace metacharacter `\s` includes newlines. Line Numbers ------------ Moo tracks detailed information about the input for you. It will track line numbers, as long as you **apply the `lineBreaks: true` option to any rules which might contain newlines**. Moo will try to warn you if you forget to do this. Note that this is `false` by default, for performance reasons: counting the number of lines in a matched token has a small cost. For optimal performance, only match newlines inside a dedicated token: ```js newline: {match: '\n', lineBreaks: true}, ``` ### Token Info ### Token objects (returned from `next()`) have the following attributes: * **`type`**: the name of the group, as passed to compile. * **`text`**: the string that was matched. * **`value`**: the string that was matched, transformed by your `value` function (if any). * **`offset`**: the number of bytes from the start of the buffer where the match starts. * **`lineBreaks`**: the number of line breaks found in the match. (Always zero if this rule has `lineBreaks: false`.) * **`line`**: the line number of the beginning of the match, starting from 1. * **`col`**: the column where the match begins, starting from 1. ### Value vs. Text ### The `value` is the same as the `text`, unless you provide a [value transform](#transform). ```js const moo = require('moo') const lexer = moo.compile({ ws: /[ \t]+/, string: {match: /"(?:\\["\\]|[^\n"\\])*"/, value: s => s.slice(1, -1)}, }) lexer.reset('"test"') /* { value: 'test', text: '"test"', ... } */ ``` ### Reset ### Calling `reset()` on your lexer will empty its internal buffer, and set the line, column, and offset counts back to their initial value. If you don't want this, you can `save()` the state, and later pass it as the second argument to `reset()` to explicitly control the internal state of the lexer. ```js    lexer.reset('some line\n') let info = // -> { line: 10 } // -> { line: 10 } // -> { line: 11 } // ... lexer.reset('a different line\n', info) // -> { line: 10 } ``` Keywords -------- Moo makes it convenient to define literals. ```js moo.compile({ lparen: '(', rparen: ')', keyword: ['while', 'if', 'else', 'moo', 'cows'], }) ``` It'll automatically compile them into regular expressions, escaping them where necessary. **Keywords** should be written using the `keywords` transform. ```js moo.compile({ IDEN: {match: /[a-zA-Z]+/, type: moo.keywords({ KW: ['while', 'if', 'else', 'moo', 'cows'], })}, SPACE: {match: /\s+/, lineBreaks: true}, }) ``` ### Why? ### You need to do this to ensure the **longest match** principle applies, even in edge cases. Imagine trying to parse the input `className` with the following rules: ```js keyword: ['class'], identifier: /[a-zA-Z]+/, ``` You'll get _two_ tokens — `['class', 'Name']` -- which is _not_ what you want! If you swap the order of the rules, you'll fix this example; but now you'll lex `class` wrong (as an `identifier`). The keywords helper checks matches against the list of keywords; if any of them match, it uses the type `'keyword'` instead of `'identifier'` (for this example). ### Keyword Types ### Keywords can also have **individual types**. ```js let lexer = moo.compile({ name: {match: /[a-zA-Z]+/, type: moo.keywords({ 'kw-class': 'class', 'kw-def': 'def', 'kw-if': 'if', })}, // ... }) lexer.reset('def foo') // -> { type: 'kw-def', value: 'def' } // space // -> { type: 'name', value: 'foo' } ``` You can use [itt]('s iterator adapters to make constructing keyword objects easier: ```js itt(['class', 'def', 'if']) .map(k => ['kw-' + k, k]) .toObject() ``` States ------ Moo allows you to define multiple lexer **states**. Each state defines its own separate set of token rules. Your lexer will start off in the first state given to `moo.states({})`. Rules can be annotated with `next`, `push`, and `pop`, to change the current state after that token is matched. A "stack" of past states is kept, which is used by `push` and `pop`. * **`next: 'bar'`** moves to the state named `bar`. (The stack is not changed.) * **`push: 'bar'`** moves to the state named `bar`, and pushes the old state onto the stack. * **`pop: 1`** removes one state from the top of the stack, and moves to that state. (Only `1` is supported.) Only rules from the current state can be matched. You need to copy your rule into all the states you want it to be matched in. For example, to tokenize JS-style string interpolation such as `a${{c: d}}e`, you might use: ```js let lexer = moo.states({ main: { strstart: {match: '`', push: 'lit'}, ident: /\w+/, lbrace: {match: '{', push: 'main'}, rbrace: {match: '}', pop: true}, colon: ':', space: {match: /\s+/, lineBreaks: true}, }, lit: { interp: {match: '${', push: 'main'}, escape: /\\./, strend: {match: '`', pop: true}, const: {match: /(?:[^$`]|\$(?!\{))+/, lineBreaks: true}, }, }) // <= `a${{c: d}}e` // => strstart const interp lbrace ident colon space ident rbrace rbrace const strend ``` The `rbrace` rule is annotated with `pop`, so it moves from the `main` state into either `lit` or `main`, depending on the stack. Errors ------ If none of your rules match, Moo will throw an Error; since it doesn't know what else to do. If you prefer, you can have moo return an error token instead of throwing an exception. The error token will contain the whole of the rest of the buffer. ```js moo.compile({ // ... myError: moo.error, }) moo.reset('invalid') // -> { type: 'myError', value: 'invalid', text: 'invalid', offset: 0, lineBreaks: 0, line: 1, col: 1 } // -> undefined ``` You can have a token type that both matches tokens _and_ contains error values. ```js moo.compile({ // ... myError: {match: /[\$?`]/, error: true}, }) ``` ### Formatting errors ### If you want to throw an error from your parser, you might find `formatError` helpful. Call it with the offending token: ```js throw new Error(lexer.formatError(token, "invalid syntax")) ``` It returns a string with a pretty error message. ``` Error: invalid syntax at line 2 col 15: totally valid `syntax` ^ ``` Iteration --------- Iterators: we got 'em. ```js for (let here of lexer) { // here = { type: 'number', value: '123', ... } } ``` Create an array of tokens. ```js let tokens = Array.from(lexer); ``` Use [itt]('s iteration tools with Moo. ```js for (let [here, next] = itt(lexer).lookahead()) { // pass a number if you need more tokens // enjoy! } ``` Transform --------- Moo doesn't allow capturing groups, but you can supply a transform function, `value()`, which will be called on the value before storing it in the Token object. ```js moo.compile({ STRING: [ {match: /"""[^]*?"""/, lineBreaks: true, value: x => x.slice(3, -3)}, {match: /"(?:\\["\\rn]|[^"\\])*?"/, lineBreaks: true, value: x => x.slice(1, -1)}, {match: /'(?:\\['\\rn]|[^'\\])*?'/, lineBreaks: true, value: x => x.slice(1, -1)}, ], // ... }) ``` Contributing ------------ Do check the [FAQ]( Before submitting an issue, [remember...]( # cross-spawn [![NPM version][npm-image]][npm-url] [![Downloads][downloads-image]][npm-url] [![Build Status][travis-image]][travis-url] [![Build status][appveyor-image]][appveyor-url] [![Coverage Status][codecov-image]][codecov-url] [![Dependency status][david-dm-image]][david-dm-url] [![Dev Dependency status][david-dm-dev-image]][david-dm-dev-url] [npm-url]: [downloads-image]: [npm-image]: [travis-url]: [travis-image]: [appveyor-url]: [appveyor-image]: [codecov-url]: [codecov-image]: [david-dm-url]: [david-dm-image]: [david-dm-dev-url]: [david-dm-dev-image]: A cross platform solution to node's spawn and spawnSync. ## Installation Node.js version 8 and up: `$ npm install cross-spawn` Node.js version 7 and under: `$ npm install cross-spawn@6` ## Why Node has issues when using spawn on Windows: - It ignores [PATHEXT]( - It does not support [shebangs]( - Has problems running commands with [spaces]( - Has problems running commands with posix relative paths (e.g.: `./my-folder/my-executable`) - Has an [issue]( with command shims (files in `node_modules/.bin/`), where arguments with quotes and parenthesis would result in [invalid syntax error]( - No `` support on node `<v4.8` All these issues are handled correctly by `cross-spawn`. There are some known modules, such as [win-spawn](, that try to solve this but they are either broken or provide faulty escaping of shell arguments. ## Usage Exactly the same way as node's [`spawn`]( or [`spawnSync`](, so it's a drop in replacement. ```js const spawn = require('cross-spawn'); // Spawn NPM asynchronously const child = spawn('npm', ['list', '-g', '-depth', '0'], { stdio: 'inherit' }); // Spawn NPM synchronously const result = spawn.sync('npm', ['list', '-g', '-depth', '0'], { stdio: 'inherit' }); ``` ## Caveats ### Using `` as an alternative to `cross-spawn` Starting from node `v4.8`, `spawn` has a `shell` option that allows you run commands from within a shell. This new option solves the [PATHEXT]( issue but: - It's not supported in node `<v4.8` - You must manually escape the command and arguments which is very error prone, specially when passing user input - There are a lot of other unresolved issues from the [Why](#why) section that you must take into account If you are using the `shell` option to spawn a command in a cross platform way, consider using `cross-spawn` instead. You have been warned. ### `` support While `cross-spawn` adds support for `` in node `<v4.8`, all of its enhancements are disabled. This mimics the Node.js behavior. More specifically, the command and its arguments will not be automatically escaped nor shebang support will be offered. This is by design because if you are using `` you are probably targeting a specific platform anyway and you don't want things to get into your way. ### Shebangs support While `cross-spawn` handles shebangs on Windows, its support is limited. More specifically, it just supports `#!/usr/bin/env <program>` where `<program>` must not contain any arguments. If you would like to have the shebang support improved, feel free to contribute via a pull-request. Remember to always test your code on Windows! ## Tests `$ npm test` `$ npm test -- --watch` during development ## License Released under the [MIT License]( The AssemblyScript Runtime ========================== The runtime provides the functionality necessary to dynamically allocate and deallocate memory of objects, arrays and buffers, as well as collect garbage that is no longer used. The current implementation is either a Two-Color Mark & Sweep (TCMS) garbage collector that must be called manually when the execution stack is unwound or an Incremental Tri-Color Mark & Sweep (ITCMS) garbage collector that is fully automated with a shadow stack, implemented on top of a Two-Level Segregate Fit (TLSF) memory manager. It's not designed to be the fastest of its kind, but intentionally focuses on simplicity and ease of integration until we can replace it with the real deal, i.e. Wasm GC. Interface --------- ### Garbage collector / `--exportRuntime` * **__new**(size: `usize`, id: `u32` = 0): `usize`<br /> Dynamically allocates a GC object of at least the specified size and returns its address. Alignment is guaranteed to be 16 bytes to fit up to v128 values naturally. GC-allocated objects cannot be used with `__realloc` and `__free`. * **__pin**(ptr: `usize`): `usize`<br /> Pins the object pointed to by `ptr` externally so it and its directly reachable members and indirectly reachable objects do not become garbage collected. * **__unpin**(ptr: `usize`): `void`<br /> Unpins the object pointed to by `ptr` externally so it can become garbage collected. * **__collect**(): `void`<br /> Performs a full garbage collection. ### Internals * **__alloc**(size: `usize`): `usize`<br /> Dynamically allocates a chunk of memory of at least the specified size and returns its address. Alignment is guaranteed to be 16 bytes to fit up to v128 values naturally. * **__realloc**(ptr: `usize`, size: `usize`): `usize`<br /> Dynamically changes the size of a chunk of memory, possibly moving it to a new address. * **__free**(ptr: `usize`): `void`<br /> Frees a dynamically allocated chunk of memory by its address. * **__renew**(ptr: `usize`, size: `usize`): `usize`<br /> Like `__realloc`, but for `__new`ed GC objects. * **__link**(parentPtr: `usize`, childPtr: `usize`, expectMultiple: `bool`): `void`<br /> Introduces a link from a parent object to a child object, i.e. upon `parent.field = child`. * **__visit**(ptr: `usize`, cookie: `u32`): `void`<br /> Concrete visitor implementation called during traversal. Cookie can be used to indicate one of multiple operations. * **__visit_globals**(cookie: `u32`): `void`<br /> Calls `__visit` on each global that is of a managed type. * **__visit_members**(ptr: `usize`, cookie: `u32`): `void`<br /> Calls `__visit` on each member of the object pointed to by `ptr`. * **__typeinfo**(id: `u32`): `RTTIFlags`<br /> Obtains the runtime type information for objects with the specified runtime id. Runtime type information is a set of flags indicating whether a type is managed, an array or similar, and what the relevant alignments when creating an instance externally are etc. * **__instanceof**(ptr: `usize`, classId: `u32`): `bool`<br /> Tests if the object pointed to by `ptr` is an instance of the specified class id. ITCMS / `--runtime incremental` ----- The Incremental Tri-Color Mark & Sweep garbage collector maintains a separate shadow stack of managed values in the background to achieve full automation. Maintaining another stack introduces some overhead compared to the simpler Two-Color Mark & Sweep garbage collector, but makes it independent of whether the execution stack is unwound or not when it is invoked, so the garbage collector can run interleaved with the program. There are several constants one can experiment with to tweak ITCMS's automation: * `--use ASC_GC_GRANULARITY=1024`<br /> How often to interrupt. The default of 1024 means "interrupt each 1024 bytes allocated". * `--use ASC_GC_STEPFACTOR=200`<br /> How long to interrupt. The default of 200% means "run at double the speed of allocations". * `--use ASC_GC_IDLEFACTOR=200`<br /> How long to idle. The default of 200% means "wait for memory to double before kicking in again". * `--use ASC_GC_MARKCOST=1`<br /> How costly it is to mark one object. Budget per interrupt is `GRANULARITY * STEPFACTOR / 100`. * `--use ASC_GC_SWEEPCOST=10`<br /> How costly it is to sweep one object. Budget per interrupt is `GRANULARITY * STEPFACTOR / 100`. TCMS / `--runtime minimal` ---- If automation and low pause times aren't strictly necessary, using the Two-Color Mark & Sweep garbage collector instead by invoking collection manually at appropriate times when the execution stack is unwound may be more performant as it simpler and has less overhead. The execution stack is typically unwound when invoking the collector externally, at a place that is not indirectly called from Wasm. STUB / `--runtime stub` ---- The stub is a maximally minimal runtime substitute, consisting of a simple and fast bump allocator with no means of freeing up memory again, except when freeing the respective most recently allocated object on top of the bump. Useful where memory is not a concern, and/or where it is sufficient to destroy the whole module including any potential garbage after execution. See also: [Garbage collection]( certificates-near-smart-contract Smart Contract ================== A [smart contract] written in [AssemblyScript] for an app initialized with [create-near-app] Quick Start =========== Before you compile this code, you will need to install [Node.js] ≥ 12 Exploring The Code ================== 1. The main smart contract code lives in `assembly/index.ts`. You can compile it with the `./compile` script. 2. Tests: You can run smart contract tests with the `./test` script. This runs standard AssemblyScript tests using [as-pect]. [smart contract]: [AssemblyScript]: [create-near-app]: [Node.js]: [as-pect]: # lodash.merge v4.6.2 The [Lodash]( method `_.merge` exported as a [Node.js]( module. ## Installation Using npm: ```bash $ {sudo -H} npm i -g npm $ npm i --save lodash.merge ``` In Node.js: ```js var merge = require('lodash.merge'); ``` See the [documentation]( or [package source]( for more details. # which-module > Find the module object for something that was require()d [![Build Status](]( [![Coverage Status](]( [![Standard Version](]( Find the `module` object in `require.cache` for something that was `require()`d or `import`ed - essentially a reverse `require()` lookup. Useful for libs that want to e.g. lookup a filename for a module or submodule that it did not `require()` itself. ## Install and Usage ``` npm install --save which-module ``` ```js const whichModule = require('which-module') console.log(whichModule(require('something'))) // Module { // id: '/path/to/project/node_modules/something/index.js', // exports: [Function], // parent: ..., // filename: '/path/to/project/node_modules/something/index.js', // loaded: true, // children: [], // paths: [ '/path/to/project/node_modules/something/node_modules', // '/path/to/project/node_modules', // '/path/to/node_modules', // '/path/node_modules', // '/node_modules' ] } ``` ## API ### `whichModule(exported)` Return the [`module` object](, if any, that represents the given argument in the `require.cache`. `exported` can be anything that was previously `require()`d or `import`ed as a module, submodule, or dependency - which means `exported` is identical to the `module.exports` returned by this method. If `exported` did not come from the `exports` of a `module` in `require.cache`, then this method returns `null`. ## License ISC © Contributors [![NPM registry](]([![Build Status](]([![NPM license](]( ## WebAssembly fixed length big numbers written on [AssemblyScript]( ### Status: Work in progress Provide wide numeric types such as `u128`, `u256`, `i128`, `i256` and fixed points and also its arithmetic operations. Namespace `safe` contain equivalents with overflow/underflow traps. All kind of types pretty useful for economical and cryptographic usages and provide deterministic behavior. ### Install > yarn add as-bignum or > npm i as-bignum ### Usage via AssemblyScript ```ts import { u128 } from "as-bignum"; declare function logF64(value: f64): void; declare function logU128(hi: u64, lo: u64): void; var a = u128.One; var b = u128.from(-32); // same as u128.from<i32>(-32) var c = new u128(0x1, -0xF); var d = u128.from(0x0123456789ABCDEF); // same as u128.from<i64>(0x0123456789ABCDEF) var e = u128.from('0x0123456789ABCDEF01234567'); var f = u128.fromString('11100010101100101', 2); // same as u128.from('0b11100010101100101') var r = d / c + (b << 5) + e; logF64(<f64>()); logU128(r.hi, r.lo); ``` ### Usage via JavaScript/Typescript ```ts TODO ``` ### List of types - [x] [`u128`]( unsigned type (tested) - [ ] [`u256`]( unsigned type (very basic) - [ ] `i128` signed type - [ ] `i256` signed type --- - [x] [`safe.u128`]( unsigned type (tested) - [ ] `safe.u256` unsigned type - [ ] `safe.i128` signed type - [ ] `safe.i256` signed type --- - [ ] [`fp128<Q>`]( generic fixed point signed type٭ (very basic for now) - [ ] `fp256<Q>` generic fixed point signed type٭ --- - [ ] `safe.fp128<Q>` generic fixed point signed type٭ - [ ] `safe.fp256<Q>` generic fixed point signed type٭ ٭ _typename_ `Q` _is a type representing count of fractional bits_ # [![Build Status](]( is a functionally oriented utility library. It is powerful and flexible. Almost all of its functions are curried. It is written in, and is the recommended base library for, <a href="">LiveScript</a>. See **[the site](** for examples, a reference, and more. You can install via npm `npm install prelude-ls` ### Development `make test` to test `make build` to build `lib` from `src` `make build-browser` to build browser versions # Visitor utilities for AssemblyScript Compiler transformers ## Example ### List Fields The transformer: ```ts import { ClassDeclaration, FieldDeclaration, MethodDeclaration, } from "../../as"; import { ClassDecorator, registerDecorator } from "../decorator"; import { toString } from "../utils"; class ListMembers extends ClassDecorator { visitFieldDeclaration(node: FieldDeclaration): void { if (! console.log(toString(node) + "\n"); const name = toString(; const _type = toString(node.type!); this.stdout.write(name + ": " + _type + "\n"); } visitMethodDeclaration(node: MethodDeclaration): void { const name = toString(; if (name == "constructor") { return; } const sig = toString(node.signature); this.stdout.write(name + ": " + sig + "\n"); } visitClassDeclaration(node: ClassDeclaration): void { this.visit(node.members); } get name(): string { return "list"; } } export = registerDecorator(new ListMembers()); ``` assembly/foo.ts: ```ts @list class Foo { a: u8; b: bool; i: i32; } ``` And then compile with `--transform` flag: ``` asc assembly/foo.ts --transform ./dist/examples/list --noEmit ``` Which prints the following to the console: ``` a: u8 b: bool i: i32 ``` # cliui ![ci]( [![NPM version](]( [![Conventional Commits](]( ![nycrc config on GitHub]( easily create complex multi-column command-line-interfaces. ## Example ```js const ui = require('cliui')() ui.div('Usage: $0 [command] [options]') ui.div({ text: 'Options:', padding: [2, 0, 1, 0] }) ui.div( { text: "-f, --file", width: 20, padding: [0, 4, 0, 4] }, { text: "the file to load." +"(if this description is long it wraps).") , width: 20 }, { text:"[required]"), align: 'right' } ) console.log(ui.toString()) ``` ## Deno/ESM Support As of `v7` `cliui` supports [Deno]( and [ESM]( ```typescript import cliui from ""; const ui = cliui({}) ui.div('Usage: $0 [command] [options]') ui.div({ text: 'Options:', padding: [2, 0, 1, 0] }) ui.div({ text: "-f, --file", width: 20, padding: [0, 4, 0, 4] }) console.log(ui.toString()) ``` <img width="500" src="screenshot.png"> ## Layout DSL cliui exposes a simple layout DSL: If you create a single `ui.div`, passing a string rather than an object: * `\n`: characters will be interpreted as new rows. * `\t`: characters will be interpreted as new columns. * `\s`: characters will be interpreted as padding. **as an example...** ```js var ui = require('./')({ width: 60 }) ui.div( 'Usage: node ./bin/foo.js\n' + ' <regex>\t provide a regex\n' + ' <glob>\t provide a glob\t [required]' ) console.log(ui.toString()) ``` **will output:** ```shell Usage: node ./bin/foo.js <regex> provide a regex <glob> provide a glob [required] ``` ## Methods ```js cliui = require('cliui') ``` ### cliui({width: integer}) Specify the maximum width of the UI being generated. If no width is provided, cliui will try to get the current window's width and use it, and if that doesn't work, width will be set to `80`. ### cliui({wrap: boolean}) Enable or disable the wrapping of text in a column. ### cliui.div(column, column, column) Create a row with any number of columns, a column can either be a string, or an object with the following options: * **text:** some text to place in the column. * **width:** the width of a column. * **align:** alignment, `right` or `center`. * **padding:** `[top, right, bottom, left]`. * **border:** should a border be placed around the div? ### cliui.span(column, column, column) Similar to `div`, except the next row will be appended without a new line being created. ### cliui.resetOutput() Resets the UI elements of the current cliui instance, maintaining the values set for `width` and `wrap`. A JSON with color names and its values. Based on [![NPM](]( ```js var colors = require('color-name'); //[255,0,0] ``` <a href="LICENSE"><img src="" width="120"/></a> functional-red-black-tree ========================= A [fully persistent]( [red-black tree]( written 100% in JavaScript. Works both in node.js and in the browser via [browserify]( Functional (or fully presistent) data structures allow for non-destructive updates. So if you insert an element into the tree, it returns a new tree with the inserted element rather than destructively updating the existing tree in place. Doing this requires using extra memory, and if one were naive it could cost as much as reallocating the entire tree. Instead, this data structure saves some memory by recycling references to previously allocated subtrees. This requires using only O(log(n)) additional memory per update instead of a full O(n) copy. Some advantages of this is that it is possible to apply insertions and removals to the tree while still iterating over previous versions of the tree. Functional and persistent data structures can also be useful in many geometric algorithms like point location within triangulations or ray queries, and can be used to analyze the history of executing various algorithms. This added power though comes at a cost, since it is generally a bit slower to use a functional data structure than an imperative version. However, if your application needs this behavior then you may consider using this module. # Install npm install functional-red-black-tree # Example Here is an example of some basic usage: ```javascript //Load the library var createTree = require("functional-red-black-tree") //Create a tree var t1 = createTree() //Insert some items into the tree var t2 = t1.insert(1, "foo") var t3 = t2.insert(2, "bar") //Remove something var t4 = t3.remove(1) ``` # API ```javascript var createTree = require("functional-red-black-tree") ``` ## Overview - [Tree methods](#tree-methods) - [`var tree = createTree([compare])`](#var-tree-=-createtreecompare) - [`tree.keys`](#treekeys) - [`tree.values`](#treevalues) - [`tree.length`](#treelength) - [`tree.get(key)`](#treegetkey) - [`tree.insert(key, value)`](#treeinsertkey-value) - [`tree.remove(key)`](#treeremovekey) - [`tree.find(key)`](#treefindkey) - [``](#treegekey) - [``](#treegtkey) - [``](#treeltkey) - [`tree.le(key)`](#treelekey) - [``](#treeatposition) - [`tree.begin`](#treebegin) - [`tree.end`](#treeend) - [`tree.forEach(visitor(key,value)[, lo[, hi]])`](#treeforEachvisitorkeyvalue-lo-hi) - [`tree.root`](#treeroot) - [Node properties](#node-properties) - [`node.key`](#nodekey) - [`node.value`](#nodevalue) - [`node.left`](#nodeleft) - [`node.right`](#noderight) - [Iterator methods](#iterator-methods) - [`iter.key`](#iterkey) - [`iter.value`](#itervalue) - [`iter.node`](#iternode) - [`iter.tree`](#itertree) - [`iter.index`](#iterindex) - [`iter.valid`](#itervalid) - [`iter.clone()`](#iterclone) - [`iter.remove()`](#iterremove) - [`iter.update(value)`](#iterupdatevalue) - [``](#iternext) - [`iter.prev()`](#iterprev) - [`iter.hasNext`](#iterhasnext) - [`iter.hasPrev`](#iterhasprev) ## Tree methods ### `var tree = createTree([compare])` Creates an empty functional tree * `compare` is an optional comparison function, same semantics as array.sort() **Returns** An empty tree ordered by `compare` ### `tree.keys` A sorted array of all the keys in the tree ### `tree.values` An array array of all the values in the tree ### `tree.length` The number of items in the tree ### `tree.get(key)` Retrieves the value associated to the given key * `key` is the key of the item to look up **Returns** The value of the first node associated to `key` ### `tree.insert(key, value)` Creates a new tree with the new pair inserted. * `key` is the key of the item to insert * `value` is the value of the item to insert **Returns** A new tree with `key` and `value` inserted ### `tree.remove(key)` Removes the first item with `key` in the tree * `key` is the key of the item to remove **Returns** A new tree with the given item removed if it exists ### `tree.find(key)` Returns an iterator pointing to the first item in the tree with `key`, otherwise `null`. ### `` Find the first item in the tree whose key is `>= key` * `key` is the key to search for **Returns** An iterator at the given element. ### `` Finds the first item in the tree whose key is `> key` * `key` is the key to search for **Returns** An iterator at the given element ### `` Finds the last item in the tree whose key is `< key` * `key` is the key to search for **Returns** An iterator at the given element ### `tree.le(key)` Finds the last item in the tree whose key is `<= key` * `key` is the key to search for **Returns** An iterator at the given element ### `` Finds an iterator starting at the given element * `position` is the index at which the iterator gets created **Returns** An iterator starting at position ### `tree.begin` An iterator pointing to the first element in the tree ### `tree.end` An iterator pointing to the last element in the tree ### `tree.forEach(visitor(key,value)[, lo[, hi]])` Walks a visitor function over the nodes of the tree in order. * `visitor(key,value)` is a callback that gets executed on each node. If a truthy value is returned from the visitor, then iteration is stopped. * `lo` is an optional start of the range to visit (inclusive) * `hi` is an optional end of the range to visit (non-inclusive) **Returns** The last value returned by the callback ### `tree.root` Returns the root node of the tree ## Node properties Each node of the tree has the following properties: ### `node.key` The key associated to the node ### `node.value` The value associated to the node ### `node.left` The left subtree of the node ### `node.right` The right subtree of the node ## Iterator methods ### `iter.key` The key of the item referenced by the iterator ### `iter.value` The value of the item referenced by the iterator ### `iter.node` The value of the node at the iterator's current position. `null` is iterator is node valid. ### `iter.tree` The tree associated to the iterator ### `iter.index` Returns the position of this iterator in the sequence. ### `iter.valid` Checks if the iterator is valid ### `iter.clone()` Makes a copy of the iterator ### `iter.remove()` Removes the item at the position of the iterator **Returns** A new binary search tree with `iter`'s item removed ### `iter.update(value)` Updates the value of the node in the tree at this iterator **Returns** A new binary search tree with the corresponding node updated ### `` Advances the iterator to the next position ### `iter.prev()` Moves the iterator backward one element ### `iter.hasNext` If true, then the iterator is not at the end of the sequence ### `iter.hasPrev` If true, then the iterator is not at the beginning of the sequence # Credits (c) 2013 Mikola Lysenko. MIT License Shims used when bundling asc for browser usage. # tr46.js > An implementation of the [Unicode TR46 specification]( ## Installation [Node.js]( `>= 6` is required. To install, type this at the command line: ```shell npm install tr46 ``` ## API ### `toASCII(domainName[, options])` Converts a string of Unicode symbols to a case-folded Punycode string of ASCII symbols. Available options: * [`checkBidi`](#checkBidi) * [`checkHyphens`](#checkHyphens) * [`checkJoiners`](#checkJoiners) * [`processingOption`](#processingOption) * [`useSTD3ASCIIRules`](#useSTD3ASCIIRules) * [`verifyDNSLength`](#verifyDNSLength) ### `toUnicode(domainName[, options])` Converts a case-folded Punycode string of ASCII symbols to a string of Unicode symbols. Available options: * [`checkBidi`](#checkBidi) * [`checkHyphens`](#checkHyphens) * [`checkJoiners`](#checkJoiners) * [`useSTD3ASCIIRules`](#useSTD3ASCIIRules) ## Options ### `checkBidi` Type: `Boolean` Default value: `false` When set to `true`, any bi-directional text within the input will be checked for validation. ### `checkHyphens` Type: `Boolean` Default value: `false` When set to `true`, the positions of any hyphen characters within the input will be checked for validation. ### `checkJoiners` Type: `Boolean` Default value: `false` When set to `true`, any word joiner characters within the input will be checked for validation. ### `processingOption` Type: `String` Default value: `"nontransitional"` When set to `"transitional"`, symbols within the input will be validated according to the older IDNA2003 protocol. When set to `"nontransitional"`, the current IDNA2008 protocol will be used. ### `useSTD3ASCIIRules` Type: `Boolean` Default value: `false` When set to `true`, input will be validated according to [STD3 Rules]( ### `verifyDNSLength` Type: `Boolean` Default value: `false` When set to `true`, the length of each DNS label within the input will be checked for validation. # emoji-regex [![Build status](]( _emoji-regex_ offers a regular expression to match all emoji symbols (including textual representations of emoji) as per the Unicode Standard. This repository contains a script that generates this regular expression based on [the data from Unicode v12]( Because of this, the regular expression can easily be updated whenever new emoji are added to the Unicode standard. ## Installation Via [npm]( ```bash npm install emoji-regex ``` In [Node.js]( ```js const emojiRegex = require('emoji-regex'); // Note: because the regular expression has the global flag set, this module // exports a function that returns the regex rather than exporting the regular // expression itself, to make it impossible to (accidentally) mutate the // original regular expression. const text = ` \u{231A}: ⌚ default emoji presentation character (Emoji_Presentation) \u{2194}\u{FE0F}: ↔️ default text presentation character rendered as emoji \u{1F469}: 👩 emoji modifier base (Emoji_Modifier_Base) \u{1F469}\u{1F3FF}: 👩🏿 emoji modifier base followed by a modifier `; const regex = emojiRegex(); let match; while (match = regex.exec(text)) { const emoji = match[0]; console.log(`Matched sequence ${ emoji } — code points: ${ [...emoji].length }`); } ``` Console output: ``` Matched sequence ⌚ — code points: 1 Matched sequence ⌚ — code points: 1 Matched sequence ↔️ — code points: 2 Matched sequence ↔️ — code points: 2 Matched sequence 👩 — code points: 1 Matched sequence 👩 — code points: 1 Matched sequence 👩🏿 — code points: 2 Matched sequence 👩🏿 — code points: 2 ``` To match emoji in their textual representation as well (i.e. emoji that are not `Emoji_Presentation` symbols and that aren’t forced to render as emoji by a variation selector), `require` the other regex: ```js const emojiRegex = require('emoji-regex/text.js'); ``` Additionally, in environments which support ES2015 Unicode escapes, you may `require` ES2015-style versions of the regexes: ```js const emojiRegex = require('emoji-regex/es2015/index.js'); const emojiRegexText = require('emoji-regex/es2015/text.js'); ``` ## Author | [![twitter/mathias](]( "Follow @mathias on Twitter") | |---| | [Mathias Bynens]( | ## License _emoji-regex_ is available under the [MIT]( license. # balanced-match Match balanced string pairs, like `{` and `}` or `<b>` and `</b>`. Supports regular expressions as well! [![build status](]( [![downloads](]( [![testling badge](]( ## Example Get the first matching pair of braces: ```js var balanced = require('balanced-match'); console.log(balanced('{', '}', 'pre{in{nested}}post')); console.log(balanced('{', '}', 'pre{first}between{second}post')); console.log(balanced(/\s+\{\s+/, /\s+\}\s+/, 'pre { in{nest} } post')); ``` The matches are: ```bash $ node example.js { start: 3, end: 14, pre: 'pre', body: 'in{nested}', post: 'post' } { start: 3, end: 9, pre: 'pre', body: 'first', post: 'between{second}post' } { start: 3, end: 17, pre: 'pre', body: 'in{nest}', post: 'post' } ``` ## API ### var m = balanced(a, b, str) For the first non-nested matching pair of `a` and `b` in `str`, return an object with those keys: * **start** the index of the first match of `a` * **end** the index of the matching `b` * **pre** the preamble, `a` and `b` not included * **body** the match, `a` and `b` not included * **post** the postscript, `a` and `b` not included If there's no match, `undefined` will be returned. If the `str` contains more `a` than `b` / there are unmatched pairs, the first match that was closed will be used. For example, `{{a}` will match `['{', 'a', '']` and `{a}}` will match `['', 'a', '}']`. ### var r = balanced.range(a, b, str) For the first non-nested matching pair of `a` and `b` in `str`, return an array with indexes: `[ <a index>, <b index> ]`. If there's no match, `undefined` will be returned. If the `str` contains more `a` than `b` / there are unmatched pairs, the first match that was closed will be used. For example, `{{a}` will match `[ 1, 3 ]` and `{a}}` will match `[0, 2]`. ## Installation With [npm]( do: ```bash npm install balanced-match ``` ## Security contact information To report a security vulnerability, please use the [Tidelift security contact]( Tidelift will coordinate the fix and disclosure. ## License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2013 Julian Gruber &lt;; Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. <img align="right" alt="Ajv logo" width="160" src=""> # Ajv: Another JSON Schema Validator The fastest JSON Schema validator for Node.js and browser. Supports draft-04/06/07. [![Build Status](]( [![npm](]( [![npm (beta)](]( [![npm downloads](]( [![Coverage Status](]( [![Gitter](]( [![GitHub Sponsors]($-sponsors-brightgreen)]( ## Ajv v7 beta is released [Ajv version 7.0.0-beta.0]( is released with these changes: - to reduce the mistakes in JSON schemas and unexpected validation results, [strict mode](./docs/ is added - it prohibits ignored or ambiguous JSON Schema elements. - to make code injection from untrusted schemas impossible, [code generation](./docs/ is fully re-written to be safe. - to simplify Ajv extensions, the new keyword API that is used by pre-defined keywords is available to user-defined keywords - it is much easier to define any keywords now, especially with subschemas. - schemas are compiled to ES6 code (ES5 code generation is supported with an option). - to improve reliability and maintainability the code is migrated to TypeScript. **Please note**: - the support for JSON-Schema draft-04 is removed - if you have schemas using "id" attributes you have to replace them with "\$id" (or continue using version 6 that will be supported until 02/28/2021). - all formats are separated to ajv-formats package - they have to be explicitely added if you use them. See [release notes]( for the details. To install the new version: ```bash npm install ajv@beta ``` See [Getting started with v7]( for code example. ## Mozilla MOSS grant and OpenJS Foundation [<img src="" width="240" height="68">]( &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; [<img src="" width="220" height="68">]( Ajv has been awarded a grant from Mozilla’s [Open Source Support (MOSS) program]( in the “Foundational Technology” track! It will sponsor the development of Ajv support of [JSON Schema version 2019-09]( and of [JSON Type Definition]( Ajv also joined [OpenJS Foundation]( – having this support will help ensure the longevity and stability of Ajv for all its users. This [blog post]( has more details. I am looking for the long term maintainers of Ajv – working with [ReadySet](, also sponsored by Mozilla, to establish clear guidelines for the role of a "maintainer" and the contribution standards, and to encourage a wider, more inclusive, contribution from the community. ## Please [sponsor Ajv development]( Since I asked to support Ajv development 40 people and 6 organizations contributed via GitHub and OpenCollective - this support helped receiving the MOSS grant! Your continuing support is very important - the funds will be used to develop and maintain Ajv once the next major version is released. Please sponsor Ajv via: - [GitHub sponsors page]( (GitHub will match it) - [Ajv Open Collective️]( Thank you. #### Open Collective sponsors <a href=""><img src=""></a> <a href=""><img src=""></a> <a href=""><img src=""></a> <a href=""><img src=""></a> <a href=""><img src=""></a> <a href=""><img src=""></a> <a href=""><img src=""></a> <a href=""><img src=""></a> <a href=""><img src=""></a> <a href=""><img src=""></a> <a href=""><img src=""></a> ## Using version 6 [JSON Schema draft-07]( is published. [Ajv version 6.0.0]( that supports draft-07 is released. It may require either migrating your schemas or updating your code (to continue using draft-04 and v5 schemas, draft-06 schemas will be supported without changes). __Please note__: To use Ajv with draft-06 schemas you need to explicitly add the meta-schema to the validator instance: ```javascript ajv.addMetaSchema(require('ajv/lib/refs/json-schema-draft-06.json')); ``` To use Ajv with draft-04 schemas in addition to explicitly adding meta-schema you also need to use option schemaId: ```javascript var ajv = new Ajv({schemaId: 'id'}); // If you want to use both draft-04 and draft-06/07 schemas: // var ajv = new Ajv({schemaId: 'auto'}); ajv.addMetaSchema(require('ajv/lib/refs/json-schema-draft-04.json')); ``` ## Contents - [Performance](#performance) - [Features](#features) - [Getting started](#getting-started) - [Frequently Asked Questions]( - [Using in browser](#using-in-browser) - [Ajv and Content Security Policies (CSP)](#ajv-and-content-security-policies-csp) - [Command line interface](#command-line-interface) - Validation - [Keywords](#validation-keywords) - [Annotation keywords](#annotation-keywords) - [Formats](#formats) - [Combining schemas with $ref](#ref) - [$data reference](#data-reference) - NEW: [$merge and $patch keywords](#merge-and-patch-keywords) - [Defining custom keywords](#defining-custom-keywords) - [Asynchronous schema compilation](#asynchronous-schema-compilation) - [Asynchronous validation](#asynchronous-validation) - [Security considerations](#security-considerations) - [Security contact](#security-contact) - [Untrusted schemas](#untrusted-schemas) - [Circular references in objects](#circular-references-in-javascript-objects) - [Trusted schemas](#security-risks-of-trusted-schemas) - [ReDoS attack](#redos-attack) - Modifying data during validation - [Filtering data](#filtering-data) - [Assigning defaults](#assigning-defaults) - [Coercing data types](#coercing-data-types) - API - [Methods](#api) - [Options](#options) - [Validation errors](#validation-errors) - [Plugins](#plugins) - [Related packages](#related-packages) - [Some packages using Ajv](#some-packages-using-ajv) - [Tests, Contributing, Changes history](#tests) - [Support, Code of conduct, License](#open-source-software-support) ## Performance Ajv generates code using [doT templates]( to turn JSON Schemas into super-fast validation functions that are efficient for v8 optimization. Currently Ajv is the fastest and the most standard compliant validator according to these benchmarks: - [json-schema-benchmark]( - 50% faster than the second place - [jsck benchmark]( - 20-190% faster - [z-schema benchmark]( - [themis benchmark]( Performance of different validators by [json-schema-benchmark]( [![performance](,y&cht=bhs&chco=76A4FB&chls=2.0&chbh=32,4,1&chs=600x416&chxl=-1:|djv|ajv|json-schema-validator-generator|jsen|is-my-json-valid|themis|z-schema|jsck|skeemas|json-schema-library|tv4&chd=t:100,98,72.1,66.8,50.1,15.1,6.1,3.8,1.2,0.7,0.2)]( ## Features - Ajv implements full JSON Schema [draft-06/07]( and draft-04 standards: - all validation keywords (see [JSON Schema validation keywords]( - full support of remote refs (remote schemas have to be added with `addSchema` or compiled to be available) - support of circular references between schemas - correct string lengths for strings with unicode pairs (can be turned off) - [formats](#formats) defined by JSON Schema draft-07 standard and custom formats (can be turned off) - [validates schemas against meta-schema](#api-validateschema) - supports [browsers](#using-in-browser) and Node.js 0.10-14.x - [asynchronous loading](#asynchronous-schema-compilation) of referenced schemas during compilation - "All errors" validation mode with [option allErrors](#options) - [error messages with parameters](#validation-errors) describing error reasons to allow creating custom error messages - i18n error messages support with [ajv-i18n]( package - [filtering data](#filtering-data) from additional properties - [assigning defaults](#assigning-defaults) to missing properties and items - [coercing data](#coercing-data-types) to the types specified in `type` keywords - [custom keywords](#defining-custom-keywords) - draft-06/07 keywords `const`, `contains`, `propertyNames` and `if/then/else` - draft-06 boolean schemas (`true`/`false` as a schema to always pass/fail). - keywords `switch`, `patternRequired`, `formatMaximum` / `formatMinimum` and `formatExclusiveMaximum` / `formatExclusiveMinimum` from [JSON Schema extension proposals]( with [ajv-keywords]( package - [$data reference](#data-reference) to use values from the validated data as values for the schema keywords - [asynchronous validation](#asynchronous-validation) of custom formats and keywords ## Install ``` npm install ajv ``` ## <a name="usage"></a>Getting started Try it in the Node.js REPL: The fastest validation call: ```javascript // Node.js require: var Ajv = require('ajv'); // or ESM/TypeScript import import Ajv from 'ajv'; var ajv = new Ajv(); // options can be passed, e.g. {allErrors: true} var validate = ajv.compile(schema); var valid = validate(data); if (!valid) console.log(validate.errors); ``` or with less code ```javascript // ... var valid = ajv.validate(schema, data); if (!valid) console.log(ajv.errors); // ... ``` or ```javascript // ... var valid = ajv.addSchema(schema, 'mySchema') .validate('mySchema', data); if (!valid) console.log(ajv.errorsText()); // ... ``` See [API](#api) and [Options](#options) for more details. Ajv compiles schemas to functions and caches them in all cases (using schema serialized with [fast-json-stable-stringify]( or a custom function as a key), so that the next time the same schema is used (not necessarily the same object instance) it won't be compiled again. The best performance is achieved when using compiled functions returned by `compile` or `getSchema` methods (there is no additional function call). __Please note__: every time a validation function or `ajv.validate` are called `errors` property is overwritten. You need to copy `errors` array reference to another variable if you want to use it later (e.g., in the callback). See [Validation errors](#validation-errors) __Note for TypeScript users__: `ajv` provides its own TypeScript declarations out of the box, so you don't need to install the deprecated `@types/ajv` module. ## Using in browser You can require Ajv directly from the code you browserify - in this case Ajv will be a part of your bundle. If you need to use Ajv in several bundles you can create a separate UMD bundle using `npm run bundle` script (thanks to [siddo420]( Then you need to load Ajv in the browser: ```html <script src="ajv.min.js"></script> ``` This bundle can be used with different module systems; it creates global `Ajv` if no module system is found. The browser bundle is available on [cdnjs]( Ajv is tested with these browsers: [![Sauce Test Status](]( __Please note__: some frameworks, e.g. Dojo, may redefine global require in such way that is not compatible with CommonJS module format. In such case Ajv bundle has to be loaded before the framework and then you can use global Ajv (see issue [#234]( ### Ajv and Content Security Policies (CSP) If you're using Ajv to compile a schema (the typical use) in a browser document that is loaded with a Content Security Policy (CSP), that policy will require a `script-src` directive that includes the value `'unsafe-eval'`. :warning: NOTE, however, that `unsafe-eval` is NOT recommended in a secure CSP[[1]](, as it has the potential to open the document to cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks. In order to make use of Ajv without easing your CSP, you can [pre-compile a schema using the CLI]( This will transpile the schema JSON into a JavaScript file that exports a `validate` function that works simlarly to a schema compiled at runtime. Note that pre-compilation of schemas is performed using [ajv-pack]( and there are [some limitations to the schema features it can compile]( A successfully pre-compiled schema is equivalent to the same schema compiled at runtime. ## Command line interface CLI is available as a separate npm package [ajv-cli]( It supports: - compiling JSON Schemas to test their validity - BETA: generating standalone module exporting a validation function to be used without Ajv (using [ajv-pack]( - migrate schemas to draft-07 (using [json-schema-migrate]( - validating data file(s) against JSON Schema - testing expected validity of data against JSON Schema - referenced schemas - custom meta-schemas - files in JSON, JSON5, YAML, and JavaScript format - all Ajv options - reporting changes in data after validation in [JSON-patch]( format ## Validation keywords Ajv supports all validation keywords from draft-07 of JSON Schema standard: - [type]( - [for numbers]( - maximum, minimum, exclusiveMaximum, exclusiveMinimum, multipleOf - [for strings]( - maxLength, minLength, pattern, format - [for arrays]( - maxItems, minItems, uniqueItems, items, additionalItems, [contains]( - [for objects]( - maxProperties, minProperties, required, properties, patternProperties, additionalProperties, dependencies, [propertyNames]( - [for all types]( - enum, [const]( - [compound keywords]( - not, oneOf, anyOf, allOf, [if/then/else]( With [ajv-keywords]( package Ajv also supports validation keywords from [JSON Schema extension proposals]( for JSON Schema standard: - [patternRequired]( - like `required` but with patterns that some property should match. - [formatMaximum, formatMinimum, formatExclusiveMaximum, formatExclusiveMinimum]( - setting limits for date, time, etc. See [JSON Schema validation keywords]( for more details. ## Annotation keywords JSON Schema specification defines several annotation keywords that describe schema itself but do not perform any validation. - `title` and `description`: information about the data represented by that schema - `$comment` (NEW in draft-07): information for developers. With option `$comment` Ajv logs or passes the comment string to the user-supplied function. See [Options](#options). - `default`: a default value of the data instance, see [Assigning defaults](#assigning-defaults). - `examples` (NEW in draft-06): an array of data instances. Ajv does not check the validity of these instances against the schema. - `readOnly` and `writeOnly` (NEW in draft-07): marks data-instance as read-only or write-only in relation to the source of the data (database, api, etc.). - `contentEncoding`: [RFC 2045]( ), e.g., "base64". - `contentMediaType`: [RFC 2046](, e.g., "image/png". __Please note__: Ajv does not implement validation of the keywords `examples`, `contentEncoding` and `contentMediaType` but it reserves them. If you want to create a plugin that implements some of them, it should remove these keywords from the instance. ## Formats Ajv implements formats defined by JSON Schema specification and several other formats. It is recommended NOT to use "format" keyword implementations with untrusted data, as they use potentially unsafe regular expressions - see [ReDoS attack](#redos-attack). __Please note__: if you need to use "format" keyword to validate untrusted data, you MUST assess their suitability and safety for your validation scenarios. The following formats are implemented for string validation with "format" keyword: - _date_: full-date according to [RFC3339]( - _time_: time with optional time-zone. - _date-time_: date-time from the same source (time-zone is mandatory). `date`, `time` and `date-time` validate ranges in `full` mode and only regexp in `fast` mode (see [options](#options)). - _uri_: full URI. - _uri-reference_: URI reference, including full and relative URIs. - _uri-template_: URI template according to [RFC6570]( - _url_ (deprecated): [URL record]( - _email_: email address. - _hostname_: host name according to [RFC1034]( - _ipv4_: IP address v4. - _ipv6_: IP address v6. - _regex_: tests whether a string is a valid regular expression by passing it to RegExp constructor. - _uuid_: Universally Unique IDentifier according to [RFC4122]( - _json-pointer_: JSON-pointer according to [RFC6901]( - _relative-json-pointer_: relative JSON-pointer according to [this draft]( __Please note__: JSON Schema draft-07 also defines formats `iri`, `iri-reference`, `idn-hostname` and `idn-email` for URLs, hostnames and emails with international characters. Ajv does not implement these formats. If you create Ajv plugin that implements them please make a PR to mention this plugin here. There are two modes of format validation: `fast` and `full`. This mode affects formats `date`, `time`, `date-time`, `uri`, `uri-reference`, and `email`. See [Options](#options) for details. You can add additional formats and replace any of the formats above using [addFormat](#api-addformat) method. The option `unknownFormats` allows changing the default behaviour when an unknown format is encountered. In this case Ajv can either fail schema compilation (default) or ignore it (default in versions before 5.0.0). You also can allow specific format(s) that will be ignored. See [Options](#options) for details. You can find regular expressions used for format validation and the sources that were used in [formats.js]( ## <a name="ref"></a>Combining schemas with $ref You can structure your validation logic across multiple schema files and have schemas reference each other using `$ref` keyword. Example: ```javascript var schema = { "$id": "", "type": "object", "properties": { "foo": { "$ref": "defs.json#/definitions/int" }, "bar": { "$ref": "defs.json#/definitions/str" } } }; var defsSchema = { "$id": "", "definitions": { "int": { "type": "integer" }, "str": { "type": "string" } } }; ``` Now to compile your schema you can either pass all schemas to Ajv instance: ```javascript var ajv = new Ajv({schemas: [schema, defsSchema]}); var validate = ajv.getSchema(''); ``` or use `addSchema` method: ```javascript var ajv = new Ajv; var validate = ajv.addSchema(defsSchema) .compile(schema); ``` See [Options](#options) and [addSchema](#api) method. __Please note__: - `$ref` is resolved as the uri-reference using schema $id as the base URI (see the example). - References can be recursive (and mutually recursive) to implement the schemas for different data structures (such as linked lists, trees, graphs, etc.). - You don't have to host your schema files at the URIs that you use as schema $id. These URIs are only used to identify the schemas, and according to JSON Schema specification validators should not expect to be able to download the schemas from these URIs. - The actual location of the schema file in the file system is not used. - You can pass the identifier of the schema as the second parameter of `addSchema` method or as a property name in `schemas` option. This identifier can be used instead of (or in addition to) schema $id. - You cannot have the same $id (or the schema identifier) used for more than one schema - the exception will be thrown. - You can implement dynamic resolution of the referenced schemas using `compileAsync` method. In this way you can store schemas in any system (files, web, database, etc.) and reference them without explicitly adding to Ajv instance. See [Asynchronous schema compilation](#asynchronous-schema-compilation). ## $data reference With `$data` option you can use values from the validated data as the values for the schema keywords. See [proposal]( for more information about how it works. `$data` reference is supported in the keywords: const, enum, format, maximum/minimum, exclusiveMaximum / exclusiveMinimum, maxLength / minLength, maxItems / minItems, maxProperties / minProperties, formatMaximum / formatMinimum, formatExclusiveMaximum / formatExclusiveMinimum, multipleOf, pattern, required, uniqueItems. The value of "$data" should be a [JSON-pointer]( to the data (the root is always the top level data object, even if the $data reference is inside a referenced subschema) or a [relative JSON-pointer]( (it is relative to the current point in data; if the $data reference is inside a referenced subschema it cannot point to the data outside of the root level for this subschema). Examples. This schema requires that the value in property `smaller` is less or equal than the value in the property larger: ```javascript var ajv = new Ajv({$data: true}); var schema = { "properties": { "smaller": { "type": "number", "maximum": { "$data": "1/larger" } }, "larger": { "type": "number" } } }; var validData = { smaller: 5, larger: 7 }; ajv.validate(schema, validData); // true ``` This schema requires that the properties have the same format as their field names: ```javascript var schema = { "additionalProperties": { "type": "string", "format": { "$data": "0#" } } }; var validData = { 'date-time': '1963-06-19T08:30:06.283185Z', email: '' } ``` `$data` reference is resolved safely - it won't throw even if some property is undefined. If `$data` resolves to `undefined` the validation succeeds (with the exclusion of `const` keyword). If `$data` resolves to incorrect type (e.g. not "number" for maximum keyword) the validation fails. ## $merge and $patch keywords With the package [ajv-merge-patch]( you can use the keywords `$merge` and `$patch` that allow extending JSON Schemas with patches using formats [JSON Merge Patch (RFC 7396)]( and [JSON Patch (RFC 6902)]( To add keywords `$merge` and `$patch` to Ajv instance use this code: ```javascript require('ajv-merge-patch')(ajv); ``` Examples. Using `$merge`: ```json { "$merge": { "source": { "type": "object", "properties": { "p": { "type": "string" } }, "additionalProperties": false }, "with": { "properties": { "q": { "type": "number" } } } } } ``` Using `$patch`: ```json { "$patch": { "source": { "type": "object", "properties": { "p": { "type": "string" } }, "additionalProperties": false }, "with": [ { "op": "add", "path": "/properties/q", "value": { "type": "number" } } ] } } ``` The schemas above are equivalent to this schema: ```json { "type": "object", "properties": { "p": { "type": "string" }, "q": { "type": "number" } }, "additionalProperties": false } ``` The properties `source` and `with` in the keywords `$merge` and `$patch` can use absolute or relative `$ref` to point to other schemas previously added to the Ajv instance or to the fragments of the current schema. See the package [ajv-merge-patch]( for more information. ## Defining custom keywords The advantages of using custom keywords are: - allow creating validation scenarios that cannot be expressed using JSON Schema - simplify your schemas - help bringing a bigger part of the validation logic to your schemas - make your schemas more expressive, less verbose and closer to your application domain - implement custom data processors that modify your data (`modifying` option MUST be used in keyword definition) and/or create side effects while the data is being validated If a keyword is used only for side-effects and its validation result is pre-defined, use option `valid: true/false` in keyword definition to simplify both generated code (no error handling in case of `valid: true`) and your keyword functions (no need to return any validation result). The concerns you have to be aware of when extending JSON Schema standard with custom keywords are the portability and understanding of your schemas. You will have to support these custom keywords on other platforms and to properly document these keywords so that everybody can understand them in your schemas. You can define custom keywords with [addKeyword](#api-addkeyword) method. Keywords are defined on the `ajv` instance level - new instances will not have previously defined keywords. Ajv allows defining keywords with: - validation function - compilation function - macro function - inline compilation function that should return code (as string) that will be inlined in the currently compiled schema. Example. `range` and `exclusiveRange` keywords using compiled schema: ```javascript ajv.addKeyword('range', { type: 'number', compile: function (sch, parentSchema) { var min = sch[0]; var max = sch[1]; return parentSchema.exclusiveRange === true ? function (data) { return data > min && data < max; } : function (data) { return data >= min && data <= max; } } }); var schema = { "range": [2, 4], "exclusiveRange": true }; var validate = ajv.compile(schema); console.log(validate(2.01)); // true console.log(validate(3.99)); // true console.log(validate(2)); // false console.log(validate(4)); // false ``` Several custom keywords (typeof, instanceof, range and propertyNames) are defined in [ajv-keywords]( package - they can be used for your schemas and as a starting point for your own custom keywords. See [Defining custom keywords]( for more details. ## Asynchronous schema compilation During asynchronous compilation remote references are loaded using supplied function. See `compileAsync` [method](#api-compileAsync) and `loadSchema` [option](#options). Example: ```javascript var ajv = new Ajv({ loadSchema: loadSchema }); ajv.compileAsync(schema).then(function (validate) { var valid = validate(data); // ... }); function loadSchema(uri) { return request.json(uri).then(function (res) { if (res.statusCode >= 400) throw new Error('Loading error: ' + res.statusCode); return res.body; }); } ``` __Please note__: [Option](#options) `missingRefs` should NOT be set to `"ignore"` or `"fail"` for asynchronous compilation to work. ## Asynchronous validation Example in Node.js REPL: You can define custom formats and keywords that perform validation asynchronously by accessing database or some other service. You should add `async: true` in the keyword or format definition (see [addFormat](#api-addformat), [addKeyword](#api-addkeyword) and [Defining custom keywords](#defining-custom-keywords)). If your schema uses asynchronous formats/keywords or refers to some schema that contains them it should have `"$async": true` keyword so that Ajv can compile it correctly. If asynchronous format/keyword or reference to asynchronous schema is used in the schema without `$async` keyword Ajv will throw an exception during schema compilation. __Please note__: all asynchronous subschemas that are referenced from the current or other schemas should have `"$async": true` keyword as well, otherwise the schema compilation will fail. Validation function for an asynchronous custom format/keyword should return a promise that resolves with `true` or `false` (or rejects with `new Ajv.ValidationError(errors)` if you want to return custom errors from the keyword function). Ajv compiles asynchronous schemas to [es7 async functions]( that can optionally be transpiled with [nodent]( Async functions are supported in Node.js 7+ and all modern browsers. You can also supply any other transpiler as a function via `processCode` option. See [Options](#options). The compiled validation function has `$async: true` property (if the schema is asynchronous), so you can differentiate these functions if you are using both synchronous and asynchronous schemas. Validation result will be a promise that resolves with validated data or rejects with an exception `Ajv.ValidationError` that contains the array of validation errors in `errors` property. Example: ```javascript var ajv = new Ajv; // require('ajv-async')(ajv); ajv.addKeyword('idExists', { async: true, type: 'number', validate: checkIdExists }); function checkIdExists(schema, data) { return knex(schema.table) .select('id') .where('id', data) .then(function (rows) { return !!rows.length; // true if record is found }); } var schema = { "$async": true, "properties": { "userId": { "type": "integer", "idExists": { "table": "users" } }, "postId": { "type": "integer", "idExists": { "table": "posts" } } } }; var validate = ajv.compile(schema); validate({ userId: 1, postId: 19 }) .then(function (data) { console.log('Data is valid', data); // { userId: 1, postId: 19 } }) .catch(function (err) { if (!(err instanceof Ajv.ValidationError)) throw err; // data is invalid console.log('Validation errors:', err.errors); }); ``` ### Using transpilers with asynchronous validation functions. [ajv-async]( uses [nodent]( to transpile async functions. To use another transpiler you should separately install it (or load its bundle in the browser). #### Using nodent ```javascript var ajv = new Ajv; require('ajv-async')(ajv); // in the browser if you want to load ajv-async bundle separately you can: // window.ajvAsync(ajv); var validate = ajv.compile(schema); // transpiled es7 async function validate(data).then(successFunc).catch(errorFunc); ``` #### Using other transpilers ```javascript var ajv = new Ajv({ processCode: transpileFunc }); var validate = ajv.compile(schema); // transpiled es7 async function validate(data).then(successFunc).catch(errorFunc); ``` See [Options](#options). ## Security considerations JSON Schema, if properly used, can replace data sanitisation. It doesn't replace other API security considerations. It also introduces additional security aspects to consider. ##### Security contact To report a security vulnerability, please use the [Tidelift security contact]( Tidelift will coordinate the fix and disclosure. Please do NOT report security vulnerabilities via GitHub issues. ##### Untrusted schemas Ajv treats JSON schemas as trusted as your application code. This security model is based on the most common use case, when the schemas are static and bundled together with the application. If your schemas are received from untrusted sources (or generated from untrusted data) there are several scenarios you need to prevent: - compiling schemas can cause stack overflow (if they are too deep) - compiling schemas can be slow (e.g. [#557]( - validating certain data can be slow It is difficult to predict all the scenarios, but at the very least it may help to limit the size of untrusted schemas (e.g. limit JSON string length) and also the maximum schema object depth (that can be high for relatively small JSON strings). You also may want to mitigate slow regular expressions in `pattern` and `patternProperties` keywords. Regardless the measures you take, using untrusted schemas increases security risks. ##### Circular references in JavaScript objects Ajv does not support schemas and validated data that have circular references in objects. See [issue #802]( An attempt to compile such schemas or validate such data would cause stack overflow (or will not complete in case of asynchronous validation). Depending on the parser you use, untrusted data can lead to circular references. ##### Security risks of trusted schemas Some keywords in JSON Schemas can lead to very slow validation for certain data. These keywords include (but may be not limited to): - `pattern` and `format` for large strings - in some cases using `maxLength` can help mitigate it, but certain regular expressions can lead to exponential validation time even with relatively short strings (see [ReDoS attack](#redos-attack)). - `patternProperties` for large property names - use `propertyNames` to mitigate, but some regular expressions can have exponential evaluation time as well. - `uniqueItems` for large non-scalar arrays - use `maxItems` to mitigate __Please note__: The suggestions above to prevent slow validation would only work if you do NOT use `allErrors: true` in production code (using it would continue validation after validation errors). You can validate your JSON schemas against [this meta-schema]( to check that these recommendations are followed: ```javascript const isSchemaSecure = ajv.compile(require('ajv/lib/refs/json-schema-secure.json')); const schema1 = {format: 'email'}; isSchemaSecure(schema1); // false const schema2 = {format: 'email', maxLength: MAX_LENGTH}; isSchemaSecure(schema2); // true ``` __Please note__: following all these recommendation is not a guarantee that validation of untrusted data is safe - it can still lead to some undesirable results. ##### Content Security Policies (CSP) See [Ajv and Content Security Policies (CSP)](#ajv-and-content-security-policies-csp) ## ReDoS attack Certain regular expressions can lead to the exponential evaluation time even with relatively short strings. Please assess the regular expressions you use in the schemas on their vulnerability to this attack - see [safe-regex](, for example. __Please note__: some formats that Ajv implements use [regular expressions]( that can be vulnerable to ReDoS attack, so if you use Ajv to validate data from untrusted sources __it is strongly recommended__ to consider the following: - making assessment of "format" implementations in Ajv. - using `format: 'fast'` option that simplifies some of the regular expressions (although it does not guarantee that they are safe). - replacing format implementations provided by Ajv with your own implementations of "format" keyword that either uses different regular expressions or another approach to format validation. Please see [addFormat](#api-addformat) method. - disabling format validation by ignoring "format" keyword with option `format: false` Whatever mitigation you choose, please assume all formats provided by Ajv as potentially unsafe and make your own assessment of their suitability for your validation scenarios. ## Filtering data With [option `removeAdditional`](#options) (added by [andyscott]( you can filter data during the validation. This option modifies original data. Example: ```javascript var ajv = new Ajv({ removeAdditional: true }); var schema = { "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "foo": { "type": "number" }, "bar": { "additionalProperties": { "type": "number" }, "properties": { "baz": { "type": "string" } } } } } var data = { "foo": 0, "additional1": 1, // will be removed; `additionalProperties` == false "bar": { "baz": "abc", "additional2": 2 // will NOT be removed; `additionalProperties` != false }, } var validate = ajv.compile(schema); console.log(validate(data)); // true console.log(data); // { "foo": 0, "bar": { "baz": "abc", "additional2": 2 } ``` If `removeAdditional` option in the example above were `"all"` then both `additional1` and `additional2` properties would have been removed. If the option were `"failing"` then property `additional1` would have been removed regardless of its value and property `additional2` would have been removed only if its value were failing the schema in the inner `additionalProperties` (so in the example above it would have stayed because it passes the schema, but any non-number would have been removed). __Please note__: If you use `removeAdditional` option with `additionalProperties` keyword inside `anyOf`/`oneOf` keywords your validation can fail with this schema, for example: ```json { "type": "object", "oneOf": [ { "properties": { "foo": { "type": "string" } }, "required": [ "foo" ], "additionalProperties": false }, { "properties": { "bar": { "type": "integer" } }, "required": [ "bar" ], "additionalProperties": false } ] } ``` The intention of the schema above is to allow objects with either the string property "foo" or the integer property "bar", but not with both and not with any other properties. With the option `removeAdditional: true` the validation will pass for the object `{ "foo": "abc"}` but will fail for the object `{"bar": 1}`. It happens because while the first subschema in `oneOf` is validated, the property `bar` is removed because it is an additional property according to the standard (because it is not included in `properties` keyword in the same schema). While this behaviour is unexpected (issues [#129](, [#134](, it is correct. To have the expected behaviour (both objects are allowed and additional properties are removed) the schema has to be refactored in this way: ```json { "type": "object", "properties": { "foo": { "type": "string" }, "bar": { "type": "integer" } }, "additionalProperties": false, "oneOf": [ { "required": [ "foo" ] }, { "required": [ "bar" ] } ] } ``` The schema above is also more efficient - it will compile into a faster function. ## Assigning defaults With [option `useDefaults`](#options) Ajv will assign values from `default` keyword in the schemas of `properties` and `items` (when it is the array of schemas) to the missing properties and items. With the option value `"empty"` properties and items equal to `null` or `""` (empty string) will be considered missing and assigned defaults. This option modifies original data. __Please note__: the default value is inserted in the generated validation code as a literal, so the value inserted in the data will be the deep clone of the default in the schema. Example 1 (`default` in `properties`): ```javascript var ajv = new Ajv({ useDefaults: true }); var schema = { "type": "object", "properties": { "foo": { "type": "number" }, "bar": { "type": "string", "default": "baz" } }, "required": [ "foo", "bar" ] }; var data = { "foo": 1 }; var validate = ajv.compile(schema); console.log(validate(data)); // true console.log(data); // { "foo": 1, "bar": "baz" } ``` Example 2 (`default` in `items`): ```javascript var schema = { "type": "array", "items": [ { "type": "number" }, { "type": "string", "default": "foo" } ] } var data = [ 1 ]; var validate = ajv.compile(schema); console.log(validate(data)); // true console.log(data); // [ 1, "foo" ] ``` `default` keywords in other cases are ignored: - not in `properties` or `items` subschemas - in schemas inside `anyOf`, `oneOf` and `not` (see [#42]( - in `if` subschema of `switch` keyword - in schemas generated by custom macro keywords The [`strictDefaults` option](#options) customizes Ajv's behavior for the defaults that Ajv ignores (`true` raises an error, and `"log"` outputs a warning). ## Coercing data types When you are validating user inputs all your data properties are usually strings. The option `coerceTypes` allows you to have your data types coerced to the types specified in your schema `type` keywords, both to pass the validation and to use the correctly typed data afterwards. This option modifies original data. __Please note__: if you pass a scalar value to the validating function its type will be coerced and it will pass the validation, but the value of the variable you pass won't be updated because scalars are passed by value. Example 1: ```javascript var ajv = new Ajv({ coerceTypes: true }); var schema = { "type": "object", "properties": { "foo": { "type": "number" }, "bar": { "type": "boolean" } }, "required": [ "foo", "bar" ] }; var data = { "foo": "1", "bar": "false" }; var validate = ajv.compile(schema); console.log(validate(data)); // true console.log(data); // { "foo": 1, "bar": false } ``` Example 2 (array coercions): ```javascript var ajv = new Ajv({ coerceTypes: 'array' }); var schema = { "properties": { "foo": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "number" } }, "bar": { "type": "boolean" } } }; var data = { "foo": "1", "bar": ["false"] }; var validate = ajv.compile(schema); console.log(validate(data)); // true console.log(data); // { "foo": [1], "bar": false } ``` The coercion rules, as you can see from the example, are different from JavaScript both to validate user input as expected and to have the coercion reversible (to correctly validate cases where different types are defined in subschemas of "anyOf" and other compound keywords). See [Coercion rules]( for details. ## API ##### new Ajv(Object options) -&gt; Object Create Ajv instance. ##### .compile(Object schema) -&gt; Function&lt;Object data&gt; Generate validating function and cache the compiled schema for future use. Validating function returns a boolean value. This function has properties `errors` and `schema`. Errors encountered during the last validation are assigned to `errors` property (it is assigned `null` if there was no errors). `schema` property contains the reference to the original schema. The schema passed to this method will be validated against meta-schema unless `validateSchema` option is false. If schema is invalid, an error will be thrown. See [options](#options). ##### <a name="api-compileAsync"></a>.compileAsync(Object schema [, Boolean meta] [, Function callback]) -&gt; Promise Asynchronous version of `compile` method that loads missing remote schemas using asynchronous function in `options.loadSchema`. This function returns a Promise that resolves to a validation function. An optional callback passed to `compileAsync` will be called with 2 parameters: error (or null) and validating function. The returned promise will reject (and the callback will be called with an error) when: - missing schema can't be loaded (`loadSchema` returns a Promise that rejects). - a schema containing a missing reference is loaded, but the reference cannot be resolved. - schema (or some loaded/referenced schema) is invalid. The function compiles schema and loads the first missing schema (or meta-schema) until all missing schemas are loaded. You can asynchronously compile meta-schema by passing `true` as the second parameter. See example in [Asynchronous compilation](#asynchronous-schema-compilation). ##### .validate(Object schema|String key|String ref, data) -&gt; Boolean Validate data using passed schema (it will be compiled and cached). Instead of the schema you can use the key that was previously passed to `addSchema`, the schema id if it was present in the schema or any previously resolved reference. Validation errors will be available in the `errors` property of Ajv instance (`null` if there were no errors). __Please note__: every time this method is called the errors are overwritten so you need to copy them to another variable if you want to use them later. If the schema is asynchronous (has `$async` keyword on the top level) this method returns a Promise. See [Asynchronous validation](#asynchronous-validation). ##### .addSchema(Array&lt;Object&gt;|Object schema [, String key]) -&gt; Ajv Add schema(s) to validator instance. This method does not compile schemas (but it still validates them). Because of that dependencies can be added in any order and circular dependencies are supported. It also prevents unnecessary compilation of schemas that are containers for other schemas but not used as a whole. Array of schemas can be passed (schemas should have ids), the second parameter will be ignored. Key can be passed that can be used to reference the schema and will be used as the schema id if there is no id inside the schema. If the key is not passed, the schema id will be used as the key. Once the schema is added, it (and all the references inside it) can be referenced in other schemas and used to validate data. Although `addSchema` does not compile schemas, explicit compilation is not required - the schema will be compiled when it is used first time. By default the schema is validated against meta-schema before it is added, and if the schema does not pass validation the exception is thrown. This behaviour is controlled by `validateSchema` option. __Please note__: Ajv uses the [method chaining syntax]( for all methods with the prefix `add*` and `remove*`. This allows you to do nice things like the following. ```javascript var validate = new Ajv().addSchema(schema).addFormat(name, regex).getSchema(uri); ``` ##### .addMetaSchema(Array&lt;Object&gt;|Object schema [, String key]) -&gt; Ajv Adds meta schema(s) that can be used to validate other schemas. That function should be used instead of `addSchema` because there may be instance options that would compile a meta schema incorrectly (at the moment it is `removeAdditional` option). There is no need to explicitly add draft-07 meta schema ( - it is added by default, unless option `meta` is set to `false`. You only need to use it if you have a changed meta-schema that you want to use to validate your schemas. See `validateSchema`. ##### <a name="api-validateschema"></a>.validateSchema(Object schema) -&gt; Boolean Validates schema. This method should be used to validate schemas rather than `validate` due to the inconsistency of `uri` format in JSON Schema standard. By default this method is called automatically when the schema is added, so you rarely need to use it directly. If schema doesn't have `$schema` property, it is validated against draft 6 meta-schema (option `meta` should not be false). If schema has `$schema` property, then the schema with this id (that should be previously added) is used to validate passed schema. Errors will be available at `ajv.errors`. ##### .getSchema(String key) -&gt; Function&lt;Object data&gt; Retrieve compiled schema previously added with `addSchema` by the key passed to `addSchema` or by its full reference (id). The returned validating function has `schema` property with the reference to the original schema. ##### .removeSchema([Object schema|String key|String ref|RegExp pattern]) -&gt; Ajv Remove added/cached schema. Even if schema is referenced by other schemas it can be safely removed as dependent schemas have local references. Schema can be removed using: - key passed to `addSchema` - it's full reference (id) - RegExp that should match schema id or key (meta-schemas won't be removed) - actual schema object that will be stable-stringified to remove schema from cache If no parameter is passed all schemas but meta-schemas will be removed and the cache will be cleared. ##### <a name="api-addformat"></a>.addFormat(String name, String|RegExp|Function|Object format) -&gt; Ajv Add custom format to validate strings or numbers. It can also be used to replace pre-defined formats for Ajv instance. Strings are converted to RegExp. Function should return validation result as `true` or `false`. If object is passed it should have properties `validate`, `compare` and `async`: - _validate_: a string, RegExp or a function as described above. - _compare_: an optional comparison function that accepts two strings and compares them according to the format meaning. This function is used with keywords `formatMaximum`/`formatMinimum` (defined in [ajv-keywords]( package). It should return `1` if the first value is bigger than the second value, `-1` if it is smaller and `0` if it is equal. - _async_: an optional `true` value if `validate` is an asynchronous function; in this case it should return a promise that resolves with a value `true` or `false`. - _type_: an optional type of data that the format applies to. It can be `"string"` (default) or `"number"` (see If the type of data is different, the validation will pass. Custom formats can be also added via `formats` option. ##### <a name="api-addkeyword"></a>.addKeyword(String keyword, Object definition) -&gt; Ajv Add custom validation keyword to Ajv instance. Keyword should be different from all standard JSON Schema keywords and different from previously defined keywords. There is no way to redefine keywords or to remove keyword definition from the instance. Keyword must start with a letter, `_` or `$`, and may continue with letters, numbers, `_`, `$`, or `-`. It is recommended to use an application-specific prefix for keywords to avoid current and future name collisions. Example Keywords: - `"xyz-example"`: valid, and uses prefix for the xyz project to avoid name collisions. - `"example"`: valid, but not recommended as it could collide with future versions of JSON Schema etc. - `"3-example"`: invalid as numbers are not allowed to be the first character in a keyword Keyword definition is an object with the following properties: - _type_: optional string or array of strings with data type(s) that the keyword applies to. If not present, the keyword will apply to all types. - _validate_: validating function - _compile_: compiling function - _macro_: macro function - _inline_: compiling function that returns code (as string) - _schema_: an optional `false` value used with "validate" keyword to not pass schema - _metaSchema_: an optional meta-schema for keyword schema - _dependencies_: an optional list of properties that must be present in the parent schema - it will be checked during schema compilation - _modifying_: `true` MUST be passed if keyword modifies data - _statements_: `true` can be passed in case inline keyword generates statements (as opposed to expression) - _valid_: pass `true`/`false` to pre-define validation result, the result returned from validation function will be ignored. This option cannot be used with macro keywords. - _$data_: an optional `true` value to support [$data reference](#data-reference) as the value of custom keyword. The reference will be resolved at validation time. If the keyword has meta-schema it would be extended to allow $data and it will be used to validate the resolved value. Supporting $data reference requires that keyword has validating function (as the only option or in addition to compile, macro or inline function). - _async_: an optional `true` value if the validation function is asynchronous (whether it is compiled or passed in _validate_ property); in this case it should return a promise that resolves with a value `true` or `false`. This option is ignored in case of "macro" and "inline" keywords. - _errors_: an optional boolean or string `"full"` indicating whether keyword returns errors. If this property is not set Ajv will determine if the errors were set in case of failed validation. _compile_, _macro_ and _inline_ are mutually exclusive, only one should be used at a time. _validate_ can be used separately or in addition to them to support $data reference. __Please note__: If the keyword is validating data type that is different from the type(s) in its definition, the validation function will not be called (and expanded macro will not be used), so there is no need to check for data type inside validation function or inside schema returned by macro function (unless you want to enforce a specific type and for some reason do not want to use a separate `type` keyword for that). In the same way as standard keywords work, if the keyword does not apply to the data type being validated, the validation of this keyword will succeed. See [Defining custom keywords](#defining-custom-keywords) for more details. ##### .getKeyword(String keyword) -&gt; Object|Boolean Returns custom keyword definition, `true` for pre-defined keywords and `false` if the keyword is unknown. ##### .removeKeyword(String keyword) -&gt; Ajv Removes custom or pre-defined keyword so you can redefine them. While this method can be used to extend pre-defined keywords, it can also be used to completely change their meaning - it may lead to unexpected results. __Please note__: schemas compiled before the keyword is removed will continue to work without changes. To recompile schemas use `removeSchema` method and compile them again. ##### .errorsText([Array&lt;Object&gt; errors [, Object options]]) -&gt; String Returns the text with all errors in a String. Options can have properties `separator` (string used to separate errors, ", " by default) and `dataVar` (the variable name that dataPaths are prefixed with, "data" by default). ## Options Defaults: ```javascript { // validation and reporting options: $data: false, allErrors: false, verbose: false, $comment: false, // NEW in Ajv version 6.0 jsonPointers: false, uniqueItems: true, unicode: true, nullable: false, format: 'fast', formats: {}, unknownFormats: true, schemas: {}, logger: undefined, // referenced schema options: schemaId: '$id', missingRefs: true, extendRefs: 'ignore', // recommended 'fail' loadSchema: undefined, // function(uri: string): Promise {} // options to modify validated data: removeAdditional: false, useDefaults: false, coerceTypes: false, // strict mode options strictDefaults: false, strictKeywords: false, strictNumbers: false, // asynchronous validation options: transpile: undefined, // requires ajv-async package // advanced options: meta: true, validateSchema: true, addUsedSchema: true, inlineRefs: true, passContext: false, loopRequired: Infinity, ownProperties: false, multipleOfPrecision: false, errorDataPath: 'object', // deprecated messages: true, sourceCode: false, processCode: undefined, // function (str: string, schema: object): string {} cache: new Cache, serialize: undefined } ``` ##### Validation and reporting options - _$data_: support [$data references](#data-reference). Draft 6 meta-schema that is added by default will be extended to allow them. If you want to use another meta-schema you need to use $dataMetaSchema method to add support for $data reference. See [API](#api). - _allErrors_: check all rules collecting all errors. Default is to return after the first error. - _verbose_: include the reference to the part of the schema (`schema` and `parentSchema`) and validated data in errors (false by default). - _$comment_ (NEW in Ajv version 6.0): log or pass the value of `$comment` keyword to a function. Option values: - `false` (default): ignore $comment keyword. - `true`: log the keyword value to console. - function: pass the keyword value, its schema path and root schema to the specified function - _jsonPointers_: set `dataPath` property of errors using [JSON Pointers]( instead of JavaScript property access notation. - _uniqueItems_: validate `uniqueItems` keyword (true by default). - _unicode_: calculate correct length of strings with unicode pairs (true by default). Pass `false` to use `.length` of strings that is faster, but gives "incorrect" lengths of strings with unicode pairs - each unicode pair is counted as two characters. - _nullable_: support keyword "nullable" from [Open API 3 specification]( - _format_: formats validation mode. Option values: - `"fast"` (default) - simplified and fast validation (see [Formats](#formats) for details of which formats are available and affected by this option). - `"full"` - more restrictive and slow validation. E.g., 25:00:00 and 2015/14/33 will be invalid time and date in 'full' mode but it will be valid in 'fast' mode. - `false` - ignore all format keywords. - _formats_: an object with custom formats. Keys and values will be passed to `addFormat` method. - _keywords_: an object with custom keywords. Keys and values will be passed to `addKeyword` method. - _unknownFormats_: handling of unknown formats. Option values: - `true` (default) - if an unknown format is encountered the exception is thrown during schema compilation. If `format` keyword value is [$data reference](#data-reference) and it is unknown the validation will fail. - `[String]` - an array of unknown format names that will be ignored. This option can be used to allow usage of third party schemas with format(s) for which you don't have definitions, but still fail if another unknown format is used. If `format` keyword value is [$data reference](#data-reference) and it is not in this array the validation will fail. - `"ignore"` - to log warning during schema compilation and always pass validation (the default behaviour in versions before 5.0.0). This option is not recommended, as it allows to mistype format name and it won't be validated without any error message. This behaviour is required by JSON Schema specification. - _schemas_: an array or object of schemas that will be added to the instance. In case you pass the array the schemas must have IDs in them. When the object is passed the method `addSchema(value, key)` will be called for each schema in this object. - _logger_: sets the logging method. Default is the global `console` object that should have methods `log`, `warn` and `error`. See [Error logging](#error-logging). Option values: - custom logger - it should have methods `log`, `warn` and `error`. If any of these methods is missing an exception will be thrown. - `false` - logging is disabled. ##### Referenced schema options - _schemaId_: this option defines which keywords are used as schema URI. Option value: - `"$id"` (default) - only use `$id` keyword as schema URI (as specified in JSON Schema draft-06/07), ignore `id` keyword (if it is present a warning will be logged). - `"id"` - only use `id` keyword as schema URI (as specified in JSON Schema draft-04), ignore `$id` keyword (if it is present a warning will be logged). - `"auto"` - use both `$id` and `id` keywords as schema URI. If both are present (in the same schema object) and different the exception will be thrown during schema compilation. - _missingRefs_: handling of missing referenced schemas. Option values: - `true` (default) - if the reference cannot be resolved during compilation the exception is thrown. The thrown error has properties `missingRef` (with hash fragment) and `missingSchema` (without it). Both properties are resolved relative to the current base id (usually schema id, unless it was substituted). - `"ignore"` - to log error during compilation and always pass validation. - `"fail"` - to log error and successfully compile schema but fail validation if this rule is checked. - _extendRefs_: validation of other keywords when `$ref` is present in the schema. Option values: - `"ignore"` (default) - when `$ref` is used other keywords are ignored (as per [JSON Reference]( standard). A warning will be logged during the schema compilation. - `"fail"` (recommended) - if other validation keywords are used together with `$ref` the exception will be thrown when the schema is compiled. This option is recommended to make sure schema has no keywords that are ignored, which can be confusing. - `true` - validate all keywords in the schemas with `$ref` (the default behaviour in versions before 5.0.0). - _loadSchema_: asynchronous function that will be used to load remote schemas when `compileAsync` [method](#api-compileAsync) is used and some reference is missing (option `missingRefs` should NOT be 'fail' or 'ignore'). This function should accept remote schema uri as a parameter and return a Promise that resolves to a schema. See example in [Asynchronous compilation](#asynchronous-schema-compilation). ##### Options to modify validated data - _removeAdditional_: remove additional properties - see example in [Filtering data](#filtering-data). This option is not used if schema is added with `addMetaSchema` method. Option values: - `false` (default) - not to remove additional properties - `"all"` - all additional properties are removed, regardless of `additionalProperties` keyword in schema (and no validation is made for them). - `true` - only additional properties with `additionalProperties` keyword equal to `false` are removed. - `"failing"` - additional properties that fail schema validation will be removed (where `additionalProperties` keyword is `false` or schema). - _useDefaults_: replace missing or undefined properties and items with the values from corresponding `default` keywords. Default behaviour is to ignore `default` keywords. This option is not used if schema is added with `addMetaSchema` method. See examples in [Assigning defaults](#assigning-defaults). Option values: - `false` (default) - do not use defaults - `true` - insert defaults by value (object literal is used). - `"empty"` - in addition to missing or undefined, use defaults for properties and items that are equal to `null` or `""` (an empty string). - `"shared"` (deprecated) - insert defaults by reference. If the default is an object, it will be shared by all instances of validated data. If you modify the inserted default in the validated data, it will be modified in the schema as well. - _coerceTypes_: change data type of data to match `type` keyword. See the example in [Coercing data types](#coercing-data-types) and [coercion rules]( Option values: - `false` (default) - no type coercion. - `true` - coerce scalar data types. - `"array"` - in addition to coercions between scalar types, coerce scalar data to an array with one element and vice versa (as required by the schema). ##### Strict mode options - _strictDefaults_: report ignored `default` keywords in schemas. Option values: - `false` (default) - ignored defaults are not reported - `true` - if an ignored default is present, throw an error - `"log"` - if an ignored default is present, log warning - _strictKeywords_: report unknown keywords in schemas. Option values: - `false` (default) - unknown keywords are not reported - `true` - if an unknown keyword is present, throw an error - `"log"` - if an unknown keyword is present, log warning - _strictNumbers_: validate numbers strictly, failing validation for NaN and Infinity. Option values: - `false` (default) - NaN or Infinity will pass validation for numeric types - `true` - NaN or Infinity will not pass validation for numeric types ##### Asynchronous validation options - _transpile_: Requires [ajv-async]( package. It determines whether Ajv transpiles compiled asynchronous validation function. Option values: - `undefined` (default) - transpile with [nodent]( if async functions are not supported. - `true` - always transpile with nodent. - `false` - do not transpile; if async functions are not supported an exception will be thrown. ##### Advanced options - _meta_: add [meta-schema]( so it can be used by other schemas (true by default). If an object is passed, it will be used as the default meta-schema for schemas that have no `$schema` keyword. This default meta-schema MUST have `$schema` keyword. - _validateSchema_: validate added/compiled schemas against meta-schema (true by default). `$schema` property in the schema can be or absent (draft-07 meta-schema will be used) or can be a reference to the schema previously added with `addMetaSchema` method. Option values: - `true` (default) - if the validation fails, throw the exception. - `"log"` - if the validation fails, log error. - `false` - skip schema validation. - _addUsedSchema_: by default methods `compile` and `validate` add schemas to the instance if they have `$id` (or `id`) property that doesn't start with "#". If `$id` is present and it is not unique the exception will be thrown. Set this option to `false` to skip adding schemas to the instance and the `$id` uniqueness check when these methods are used. This option does not affect `addSchema` method. - _inlineRefs_: Affects compilation of referenced schemas. Option values: - `true` (default) - the referenced schemas that don't have refs in them are inlined, regardless of their size - that substantially improves performance at the cost of the bigger size of compiled schema functions. - `false` - to not inline referenced schemas (they will be compiled as separate functions). - integer number - to limit the maximum number of keywords of the schema that will be inlined. - _passContext_: pass validation context to custom keyword functions. If this option is `true` and you pass some context to the compiled validation function with `, data)`, the `context` will be available as `this` in your custom keywords. By default `this` is Ajv instance. - _loopRequired_: by default `required` keyword is compiled into a single expression (or a sequence of statements in `allErrors` mode). In case of a very large number of properties in this keyword it may result in a very big validation function. Pass integer to set the number of properties above which `required` keyword will be validated in a loop - smaller validation function size but also worse performance. - _ownProperties_: by default Ajv iterates over all enumerable object properties; when this option is `true` only own enumerable object properties (i.e. found directly on the object rather than on its prototype) are iterated. Contributed by @mbroadst. - _multipleOfPrecision_: by default `multipleOf` keyword is validated by comparing the result of division with parseInt() of that result. It works for dividers that are bigger than 1. For small dividers such as 0.01 the result of the division is usually not integer (even when it should be integer, see issue [#84]( If you need to use fractional dividers set this option to some positive integer N to have `multipleOf` validated using this formula: `Math.abs(Math.round(division) - division) < 1e-N` (it is slower but allows for float arithmetics deviations). - _errorDataPath_ (deprecated): set `dataPath` to point to 'object' (default) or to 'property' when validating keywords `required`, `additionalProperties` and `dependencies`. - _messages_: Include human-readable messages in errors. `true` by default. `false` can be passed when custom messages are used (e.g. with [ajv-i18n]( - _sourceCode_: add `sourceCode` property to validating function (for debugging; this code can be different from the result of toString call). - _processCode_: an optional function to process generated code before it is passed to Function constructor. It can be used to either beautify (the validating function is generated without line-breaks) or to transpile code. Starting from version 5.0.0 this option replaced options: - `beautify` that formatted the generated function using [js-beautify]( If you want to beautify the generated code pass a function calling `require('js-beautify').js_beautify` as `processCode: code => js_beautify(code)`. - `transpile` that transpiled asynchronous validation function. You can still use `transpile` option with [ajv-async]( package. See [Asynchronous validation](#asynchronous-validation) for more information. - _cache_: an optional instance of cache to store compiled schemas using stable-stringified schema as a key. For example, set-associative cache [sacjs]( can be used. If not passed then a simple hash is used which is good enough for the common use case (a limited number of statically defined schemas). Cache should have methods `put(key, value)`, `get(key)`, `del(key)` and `clear()`. - _serialize_: an optional function to serialize schema to cache key. Pass `false` to use schema itself as a key (e.g., if WeakMap used as a cache). By default [fast-json-stable-stringify]( is used. ## Validation errors In case of validation failure, Ajv assigns the array of errors to `errors` property of validation function (or to `errors` property of Ajv instance when `validate` or `validateSchema` methods were called). In case of [asynchronous validation](#asynchronous-validation), the returned promise is rejected with exception `Ajv.ValidationError` that has `errors` property. ### Error objects Each error is an object with the following properties: - _keyword_: validation keyword. - _dataPath_: the path to the part of the data that was validated. By default `dataPath` uses JavaScript property access notation (e.g., `".prop[1].subProp"`). When the option `jsonPointers` is true (see [Options](#options)) `dataPath` will be set using JSON pointer standard (e.g., `"/prop/1/subProp"`). - _schemaPath_: the path (JSON-pointer as a URI fragment) to the schema of the keyword that failed validation. - _params_: the object with the additional information about error that can be used to create custom error messages (e.g., using [ajv-i18n]( package). See below for parameters set by all keywords. - _message_: the standard error message (can be excluded with option `messages` set to false). - _schema_: the schema of the keyword (added with `verbose` option). - _parentSchema_: the schema containing the keyword (added with `verbose` option) - _data_: the data validated by the keyword (added with `verbose` option). __Please note__: `propertyNames` keyword schema validation errors have an additional property `propertyName`, `dataPath` points to the object. After schema validation for each property name, if it is invalid an additional error is added with the property `keyword` equal to `"propertyNames"`. ### Error parameters Properties of `params` object in errors depend on the keyword that failed validation. - `maxItems`, `minItems`, `maxLength`, `minLength`, `maxProperties`, `minProperties` - property `limit` (number, the schema of the keyword). - `additionalItems` - property `limit` (the maximum number of allowed items in case when `items` keyword is an array of schemas and `additionalItems` is false). - `additionalProperties` - property `additionalProperty` (the property not used in `properties` and `patternProperties` keywords). - `dependencies` - properties: - `property` (dependent property), - `missingProperty` (required missing dependency - only the first one is reported currently) - `deps` (required dependencies, comma separated list as a string), - `depsCount` (the number of required dependencies). - `format` - property `format` (the schema of the keyword). - `maximum`, `minimum` - properties: - `limit` (number, the schema of the keyword), - `exclusive` (boolean, the schema of `exclusiveMaximum` or `exclusiveMinimum`), - `comparison` (string, comparison operation to compare the data to the limit, with the data on the left and the limit on the right; can be "<", "<=", ">", ">=") - `multipleOf` - property `multipleOf` (the schema of the keyword) - `pattern` - property `pattern` (the schema of the keyword) - `required` - property `missingProperty` (required property that is missing). - `propertyNames` - property `propertyName` (an invalid property name). - `patternRequired` (in ajv-keywords) - property `missingPattern` (required pattern that did not match any property). - `type` - property `type` (required type(s), a string, can be a comma-separated list) - `uniqueItems` - properties `i` and `j` (indices of duplicate items). - `const` - property `allowedValue` pointing to the value (the schema of the keyword). - `enum` - property `allowedValues` pointing to the array of values (the schema of the keyword). - `$ref` - property `ref` with the referenced schema URI. - `oneOf` - property `passingSchemas` (array of indices of passing schemas, null if no schema passes). - custom keywords (in case keyword definition doesn't create errors) - property `keyword` (the keyword name). ### Error logging Using the `logger` option when initiallizing Ajv will allow you to define custom logging. Here you can build upon the exisiting logging. The use of other logging packages is supported as long as the package or its associated wrapper exposes the required methods. If any of the required methods are missing an exception will be thrown. - **Required Methods**: `log`, `warn`, `error` ```javascript var otherLogger = new OtherLogger(); var ajv = new Ajv({ logger: { log: console.log.bind(console), warn: function warn() { otherLogger.logWarn.apply(otherLogger, arguments); }, error: function error() { otherLogger.logError.apply(otherLogger, arguments); console.error.apply(console, arguments); } } }); ``` ## Plugins Ajv can be extended with plugins that add custom keywords, formats or functions to process generated code. When such plugin is published as npm package it is recommended that it follows these conventions: - it exports a function - this function accepts ajv instance as the first parameter and returns the same instance to allow chaining - this function can accept an optional configuration as the second parameter If you have published a useful plugin please submit a PR to add it to the next section. ## Related packages - [ajv-async]( - plugin to configure async validation mode - [ajv-bsontype]( - plugin to validate mongodb's bsonType formats - [ajv-cli]( - command line interface - [ajv-errors]( - plugin for custom error messages - [ajv-i18n]( - internationalised error messages - [ajv-istanbul]( - plugin to instrument generated validation code to measure test coverage of your schemas - [ajv-keywords]( - plugin with custom validation keywords (select, typeof, etc.) - [ajv-merge-patch]( - plugin with keywords $merge and $patch - [ajv-pack]( - produces a compact module exporting validation functions - [ajv-formats-draft2019]( - format validators for draft2019 that aren't already included in ajv (ie. `idn-hostname`, `idn-email`, `iri`, `iri-reference` and `duration`). ## Some packages using Ajv - [webpack]( - a module bundler. Its main purpose is to bundle JavaScript files for usage in a browser - [jsonscript-js]( - the interpreter for [JSONScript]( - scripted processing of existing endpoints and services - [osprey-method-handler]( - Express middleware for validating requests and responses based on a RAML method object, used in [osprey]( - validating API proxy generated from a RAML definition - [har-validator]( - HTTP Archive (HAR) validator - [jsoneditor]( - a web-based tool to view, edit, format, and validate JSON - [JSON Schema Lint]( - a web tool to validate JSON/YAML document against a single JSON Schema - [objection]( - SQL-friendly ORM for Node.js - [table]( - formats data into a string table - [ripple-lib]( - a JavaScript API for interacting with [Ripple]( in Node.js and the browser - [restbase]( - distributed storage with REST API & dispatcher for backend services built to provide a low-latency & high-throughput API for Wikipedia / Wikimedia content - [hippie-swagger]( - [Hippie]( wrapper that provides end to end API testing with swagger validation - [react-form-controlled]( - React controlled form components with validation - [rabbitmq-schema]( - a schema definition module for RabbitMQ graphs and messages - [@query/schema]( - stream filtering with a URI-safe query syntax parsing to JSON Schema - [chai-ajv-json-schema]( - chai plugin to us JSON Schema with expect in mocha tests - [grunt-jsonschema-ajv]( - Grunt plugin for validating files against JSON Schema - [extract-text-webpack-plugin]( - extract text from bundle into a file - [electron-builder]( - a solution to package and build a ready for distribution Electron app - [addons-linter]( - Mozilla Add-ons Linter - [gh-pages-generator]( - multi-page site generator converting markdown files to GitHub pages - [ESLint]( - the pluggable linting utility for JavaScript and JSX ## Tests ``` npm install git submodule update --init npm test ``` ## Contributing All validation functions are generated using doT templates in [dot]( folder. Templates are precompiled so doT is not a run-time dependency. `npm run build` - compiles templates to [dotjs]( folder. `npm run watch` - automatically compiles templates when files in dot folder change Please see [Contributing guidelines]( ## Changes history See __Please note__: [Changes in version 7.0.0-beta]( [Version 6.0.0]( ## Code of conduct Please review and follow the [Code of conduct]( Please report any unacceptable behaviour to - it will be reviewed by the project team. ## Open-source software support Ajv is a part of [Tidelift subscription]( - it provides a centralised support to open-source software users, in addition to the support provided by software maintainers. ## License [MIT]( # universal-url [![NPM Version][npm-image]][npm-url] [![Build Status][travis-image]][travis-url] [![Dependency Monitor][greenkeeper-image]][greenkeeper-url] > WHATWG [`URL`]( for Node & Browser. * For Node.js versions `>= 8`, the native implementation will be used. * For Node.js versions `< 8`, a [shim]( will be used. * For web browsers without a native implementation, the same shim will be used. ## Installation [Node.js]( `>= 6` is required. To install, type this at the command line: ```shell npm install universal-url ``` ## Usage ```js const {URL, URLSearchParams} = require('universal-url'); const url = new URL('http://domain/'); const params = new URLSearchParams('?param=value'); ``` Global shim: ```js require('universal-url').shim(); const url = new URL('http://domain/'); const params = new URLSearchParams('?param=value'); ``` ## Browserify/etc The bundled file size of this library can be large for a web browser. If this is a problem, try using [universal-url-lite]( in your build as an alias for this module. [npm-image]: [npm-url]: [travis-image]: [travis-url]: [greenkeeper-image]: [greenkeeper-url]: Standard library ================ Standard library components for use with `tsc` (portable) and `asc` (assembly). Base configurations (.json) and definition files (.d.ts) are relevant to `tsc` only and not used by `asc`. # fast-deep-equal The fastest deep equal with ES6 Map, Set and Typed arrays support. [![Build Status](]( [![npm](]( [![Coverage Status](]( ## Install ```bash npm install fast-deep-equal ``` ## Features - ES5 compatible - works in node.js (8+) and browsers (IE9+) - checks equality of Date and RegExp objects by value. ES6 equal (`require('fast-deep-equal/es6')`) also supports: - Maps - Sets - Typed arrays ## Usage ```javascript var equal = require('fast-deep-equal'); console.log(equal({foo: 'bar'}, {foo: 'bar'})); // true ``` To support ES6 Maps, Sets and Typed arrays equality use: ```javascript var equal = require('fast-deep-equal/es6'); console.log(equal(Int16Array([1, 2]), Int16Array([1, 2]))); // true ``` To use with React (avoiding the traversal of React elements' _owner property that contains circular references and is not needed when comparing the elements - borrowed from [react-fast-compare]( ```javascript var equal = require('fast-deep-equal/react'); var equal = require('fast-deep-equal/es6/react'); ``` ## Performance benchmark Node.js v12.6.0: ``` fast-deep-equal x 261,950 ops/sec ±0.52% (89 runs sampled) fast-deep-equal/es6 x 212,991 ops/sec ±0.34% (92 runs sampled) fast-equals x 230,957 ops/sec ±0.83% (85 runs sampled) nano-equal x 187,995 ops/sec ±0.53% (88 runs sampled) shallow-equal-fuzzy x 138,302 ops/sec ±0.49% (90 runs sampled) underscore.isEqual x 74,423 ops/sec ±0.38% (89 runs sampled) lodash.isEqual x 36,637 ops/sec ±0.72% (90 runs sampled) deep-equal x 2,310 ops/sec ±0.37% (90 runs sampled) deep-eql x 35,312 ops/sec ±0.67% (91 runs sampled) ramda.equals x 12,054 ops/sec ±0.40% (91 runs sampled) util.isDeepStrictEqual x 46,440 ops/sec ±0.43% (90 runs sampled) assert.deepStrictEqual x 456 ops/sec ±0.71% (88 runs sampled) The fastest is fast-deep-equal ``` To run benchmark (requires node.js 6+): ```bash npm run benchmark ``` __Please note__: this benchmark runs against the available test cases. To choose the most performant library for your application, it is recommended to benchmark against your data and to NOT expect this benchmark to reflect the performance difference in your application. ## Enterprise support fast-deep-equal package is a part of [Tidelift enterprise subscription]( - it provides a centralised commercial support to open-source software users, in addition to the support provided by software maintainers. ## Security contact To report a security vulnerability, please use the [Tidelift security contact]( Tidelift will coordinate the fix and disclosure. Please do NOT report security vulnerability via GitHub issues. ## License [MIT]( # assemblyscript-json ![npm version]( ![npm downloads per month]( JSON encoder / decoder for AssemblyScript. Special thanks to for basic unit testing infra for AssemblyScript. ## Installation `assemblyscript-json` is available as a [npm package]( You can install `assemblyscript-json` in your AssemblyScript project by running: `npm install --save assemblyscript-json` ## Usage ### Parsing JSON ```typescript import { JSON } from "assemblyscript-json"; // Parse an object using the JSON object let jsonObj: JSON.Obj = <JSON.Obj>(JSON.parse('{"hello": "world", "value": 24}')); // We can then use the .getX functions to read from the object if you know it's type // This will return the appropriate JSON.X value if the key exists, or null if the key does not exist let worldOrNull: JSON.Str | null = jsonObj.getString("hello"); // This will return a JSON.Str or null if (worldOrNull != null) { // use .valueOf() to turn the high level JSON.Str type into a string let world: string = worldOrNull.valueOf(); } let numOrNull: JSON.Num | null = jsonObj.getNum("value"); if (numOrNull != null) { // use .valueOf() to turn the high level JSON.Num type into a f64 let value: f64 = numOrNull.valueOf(); } // If you don't know the value type, get the parent JSON.Value let valueOrNull: JSON.Value | null = jsonObj.getValue("hello"); if (valueOrNull != null) { let value = <JSON.Value>valueOrNull; // Next we could figure out what type we are if(value.isString) { // value.isString would be true, so we can cast to a string let innerString = (<JSON.Str>value).valueOf(); let jsonString = (<JSON.Str>value).stringify(); // Do something with string value } } ``` ### Encoding JSON ```typescript import { JSONEncoder } from "assemblyscript-json"; // Create encoder let encoder = new JSONEncoder(); // Construct necessary object encoder.pushObject("obj"); encoder.setInteger("int", 10); encoder.setString("str", ""); encoder.popObject(); // Get serialized data let json: Uint8Array = encoder.serialize(); // Or get serialized data as string let jsonString: string = encoder.stringify(); assert(jsonString, '"obj": {"int": 10, "str": ""}'); // True! ``` ### Custom JSON Deserializers ```typescript import { JSONDecoder, JSONHandler } from "assemblyscript-json"; // Events need to be received by custom object extending JSONHandler. // NOTE: All methods are optional to implement. class MyJSONEventsHandler extends JSONHandler { setString(name: string, value: string): void { // Handle field } setBoolean(name: string, value: bool): void { // Handle field } setNull(name: string): void { // Handle field } setInteger(name: string, value: i64): void { // Handle field } setFloat(name: string, value: f64): void { // Handle field } pushArray(name: string): bool { // Handle array start // true means that nested object needs to be traversed, false otherwise // Note that returning false means JSONDecoder.startIndex need to be updated by handler return true; } popArray(): void { // Handle array end } pushObject(name: string): bool { // Handle object start // true means that nested object needs to be traversed, false otherwise // Note that returning false means JSONDecoder.startIndex need to be updated by handler return true; } popObject(): void { // Handle object end } } // Create decoder let decoder = new JSONDecoder<MyJSONEventsHandler>(new MyJSONEventsHandler()); // Create a byte buffer of our JSON. NOTE: Deserializers work on UTF8 string buffers. let jsonString = '{"hello": "world"}'; let jsonBuffer = Uint8Array.wrap(String.UTF8.encode(jsonString)); // Parse JSON decoder.deserialize(jsonBuffer); // This will send events to MyJSONEventsHandler ``` Feel free to look through the [tests]( for more usage examples. ## Reference Documentation Reference API Documentation can be found in the [docs directory](./docs). ## License [MIT](./LICENSE) semver(1) -- The semantic versioner for npm =========================================== ## Install ```bash npm install semver ```` ## Usage As a node module: ```js const semver = require('semver') semver.valid('1.2.3') // '1.2.3' semver.valid('a.b.c') // null semver.clean(' =v1.2.3 ') // '1.2.3' semver.satisfies('1.2.3', '1.x || >=2.5.0 || 5.0.0 - 7.2.3') // true'1.2.3', '9.8.7') // false'1.2.3', '9.8.7') // true semver.minVersion('>=1.0.0') // '1.0.0' semver.valid(semver.coerce('v2')) // '2.0.0' semver.valid(semver.coerce('')) // '42.6.7' ``` You can also just load the module for the function that you care about, if you'd like to minimize your footprint. ```js // load the whole API at once in a single object const semver = require('semver') // or just load the bits you need // all of them listed here, just pick and choose what you want // classes const SemVer = require('semver/classes/semver') const Comparator = require('semver/classes/comparator') const Range = require('semver/classes/range') // functions for working with versions const semverParse = require('semver/functions/parse') const semverValid = require('semver/functions/valid') const semverClean = require('semver/functions/clean') const semverInc = require('semver/functions/inc') const semverDiff = require('semver/functions/diff') const semverMajor = require('semver/functions/major') const semverMinor = require('semver/functions/minor') const semverPatch = require('semver/functions/patch') const semverPrerelease = require('semver/functions/prerelease') const semverCompare = require('semver/functions/compare') const semverRcompare = require('semver/functions/rcompare') const semverCompareLoose = require('semver/functions/compare-loose') const semverCompareBuild = require('semver/functions/compare-build') const semverSort = require('semver/functions/sort') const semverRsort = require('semver/functions/rsort') // low-level comparators between versions const semverGt = require('semver/functions/gt') const semverLt = require('semver/functions/lt') const semverEq = require('semver/functions/eq') const semverNeq = require('semver/functions/neq') const semverGte = require('semver/functions/gte') const semverLte = require('semver/functions/lte') const semverCmp = require('semver/functions/cmp') const semverCoerce = require('semver/functions/coerce') // working with ranges const semverSatisfies = require('semver/functions/satisfies') const semverMaxSatisfying = require('semver/ranges/max-satisfying') const semverMinSatisfying = require('semver/ranges/min-satisfying') const semverToComparators = require('semver/ranges/to-comparators') const semverMinVersion = require('semver/ranges/min-version') const semverValidRange = require('semver/ranges/valid') const semverOutside = require('semver/ranges/outside') const semverGtr = require('semver/ranges/gtr') const semverLtr = require('semver/ranges/ltr') const semverIntersects = require('semver/ranges/intersects') const simplifyRange = require('semver/ranges/simplify') const rangeSubset = require('semver/ranges/subset') ``` As a command-line utility: ``` $ semver -h A JavaScript implementation of the specification Copyright Isaac Z. Schlueter Usage: semver [options] <version> [<version> [...]] Prints valid versions sorted by SemVer precedence Options: -r --range <range> Print versions that match the specified range. -i --increment [<level>] Increment a version by the specified level. Level can be one of: major, minor, patch, premajor, preminor, prepatch, or prerelease. Default level is 'patch'. Only one version may be specified. --preid <identifier> Identifier to be used to prefix premajor, preminor, prepatch or prerelease version increments. -l --loose Interpret versions and ranges loosely -p --include-prerelease Always include prerelease versions in range matching -c --coerce Coerce a string into SemVer if possible (does not imply --loose) --rtl Coerce version strings right to left --ltr Coerce version strings left to right (default) Program exits successfully if any valid version satisfies all supplied ranges, and prints all satisfying versions. If no satisfying versions are found, then exits failure. Versions are printed in ascending order, so supplying multiple versions to the utility will just sort them. ``` ## Versions A "version" is described by the `v2.0.0` specification found at <>. A leading `"="` or `"v"` character is stripped off and ignored. ## Ranges A `version range` is a set of `comparators` which specify versions that satisfy the range. A `comparator` is composed of an `operator` and a `version`. The set of primitive `operators` is: * `<` Less than * `<=` Less than or equal to * `>` Greater than * `>=` Greater than or equal to * `=` Equal. If no operator is specified, then equality is assumed, so this operator is optional, but MAY be included. For example, the comparator `>=1.2.7` would match the versions `1.2.7`, `1.2.8`, `2.5.3`, and `1.3.9`, but not the versions `1.2.6` or `1.1.0`. Comparators can be joined by whitespace to form a `comparator set`, which is satisfied by the **intersection** of all of the comparators it includes. A range is composed of one or more comparator sets, joined by `||`. A version matches a range if and only if every comparator in at least one of the `||`-separated comparator sets is satisfied by the version. For example, the range `>=1.2.7 <1.3.0` would match the versions `1.2.7`, `1.2.8`, and `1.2.99`, but not the versions `1.2.6`, `1.3.0`, or `1.1.0`. The range `1.2.7 || >=1.2.9 <2.0.0` would match the versions `1.2.7`, `1.2.9`, and `1.4.6`, but not the versions `1.2.8` or `2.0.0`. ### Prerelease Tags If a version has a prerelease tag (for example, `1.2.3-alpha.3`) then it will only be allowed to satisfy comparator sets if at least one comparator with the same `[major, minor, patch]` tuple also has a prerelease tag. For example, the range `>1.2.3-alpha.3` would be allowed to match the version `1.2.3-alpha.7`, but it would *not* be satisfied by `3.4.5-alpha.9`, even though `3.4.5-alpha.9` is technically "greater than" `1.2.3-alpha.3` according to the SemVer sort rules. The version range only accepts prerelease tags on the `1.2.3` version. The version `3.4.5` *would* satisfy the range, because it does not have a prerelease flag, and `3.4.5` is greater than `1.2.3-alpha.7`. The purpose for this behavior is twofold. First, prerelease versions frequently are updated very quickly, and contain many breaking changes that are (by the author's design) not yet fit for public consumption. Therefore, by default, they are excluded from range matching semantics. Second, a user who has opted into using a prerelease version has clearly indicated the intent to use *that specific* set of alpha/beta/rc versions. By including a prerelease tag in the range, the user is indicating that they are aware of the risk. However, it is still not appropriate to assume that they have opted into taking a similar risk on the *next* set of prerelease versions. Note that this behavior can be suppressed (treating all prerelease versions as if they were normal versions, for the purpose of range matching) by setting the `includePrerelease` flag on the options object to any [functions]( that do range matching. #### Prerelease Identifiers The method `.inc` takes an additional `identifier` string argument that will append the value of the string as a prerelease identifier: ```javascript'1.2.3', 'prerelease', 'beta') // '1.2.4-beta.0' ``` command-line example: ```bash $ semver 1.2.3 -i prerelease --preid beta 1.2.4-beta.0 ``` Which then can be used to increment further: ```bash $ semver 1.2.4-beta.0 -i prerelease 1.2.4-beta.1 ``` ### Advanced Range Syntax Advanced range syntax desugars to primitive comparators in deterministic ways. Advanced ranges may be combined in the same way as primitive comparators using white space or `||`. #### Hyphen Ranges `X.Y.Z - A.B.C` Specifies an inclusive set. * `1.2.3 - 2.3.4` := `>=1.2.3 <=2.3.4` If a partial version is provided as the first version in the inclusive range, then the missing pieces are replaced with zeroes. * `1.2 - 2.3.4` := `>=1.2.0 <=2.3.4` If a partial version is provided as the second version in the inclusive range, then all versions that start with the supplied parts of the tuple are accepted, but nothing that would be greater than the provided tuple parts. * `1.2.3 - 2.3` := `>=1.2.3 <2.4.0-0` * `1.2.3 - 2` := `>=1.2.3 <3.0.0-0` #### X-Ranges `1.2.x` `1.X` `1.2.*` `*` Any of `X`, `x`, or `*` may be used to "stand in" for one of the numeric values in the `[major, minor, patch]` tuple. * `*` := `>=0.0.0` (Any version satisfies) * `1.x` := `>=1.0.0 <2.0.0-0` (Matching major version) * `1.2.x` := `>=1.2.0 <1.3.0-0` (Matching major and minor versions) A partial version range is treated as an X-Range, so the special character is in fact optional. * `""` (empty string) := `*` := `>=0.0.0` * `1` := `1.x.x` := `>=1.0.0 <2.0.0-0` * `1.2` := `1.2.x` := `>=1.2.0 <1.3.0-0` #### Tilde Ranges `~1.2.3` `~1.2` `~1` Allows patch-level changes if a minor version is specified on the comparator. Allows minor-level changes if not. * `~1.2.3` := `>=1.2.3 <1.(2+1).0` := `>=1.2.3 <1.3.0-0` * `~1.2` := `>=1.2.0 <1.(2+1).0` := `>=1.2.0 <1.3.0-0` (Same as `1.2.x`) * `~1` := `>=1.0.0 <(1+1).0.0` := `>=1.0.0 <2.0.0-0` (Same as `1.x`) * `~0.2.3` := `>=0.2.3 <0.(2+1).0` := `>=0.2.3 <0.3.0-0` * `~0.2` := `>=0.2.0 <0.(2+1).0` := `>=0.2.0 <0.3.0-0` (Same as `0.2.x`) * `~0` := `>=0.0.0 <(0+1).0.0` := `>=0.0.0 <1.0.0-0` (Same as `0.x`) * `~1.2.3-beta.2` := `>=1.2.3-beta.2 <1.3.0-0` Note that prereleases in the `1.2.3` version will be allowed, if they are greater than or equal to `beta.2`. So, `1.2.3-beta.4` would be allowed, but `1.2.4-beta.2` would not, because it is a prerelease of a different `[major, minor, patch]` tuple. #### Caret Ranges `^1.2.3` `^0.2.5` `^0.0.4` Allows changes that do not modify the left-most non-zero element in the `[major, minor, patch]` tuple. In other words, this allows patch and minor updates for versions `1.0.0` and above, patch updates for versions `0.X >=0.1.0`, and *no* updates for versions `0.0.X`. Many authors treat a `0.x` version as if the `x` were the major "breaking-change" indicator. Caret ranges are ideal when an author may make breaking changes between `0.2.4` and `0.3.0` releases, which is a common practice. However, it presumes that there will *not* be breaking changes between `0.2.4` and `0.2.5`. It allows for changes that are presumed to be additive (but non-breaking), according to commonly observed practices. * `^1.2.3` := `>=1.2.3 <2.0.0-0` * `^0.2.3` := `>=0.2.3 <0.3.0-0` * `^0.0.3` := `>=0.0.3 <0.0.4-0` * `^1.2.3-beta.2` := `>=1.2.3-beta.2 <2.0.0-0` Note that prereleases in the `1.2.3` version will be allowed, if they are greater than or equal to `beta.2`. So, `1.2.3-beta.4` would be allowed, but `1.2.4-beta.2` would not, because it is a prerelease of a different `[major, minor, patch]` tuple. * `^0.0.3-beta` := `>=0.0.3-beta <0.0.4-0` Note that prereleases in the `0.0.3` version *only* will be allowed, if they are greater than or equal to `beta`. So, `0.0.3-pr.2` would be allowed. When parsing caret ranges, a missing `patch` value desugars to the number `0`, but will allow flexibility within that value, even if the major and minor versions are both `0`. * `^1.2.x` := `>=1.2.0 <2.0.0-0` * `^0.0.x` := `>=0.0.0 <0.1.0-0` * `^0.0` := `>=0.0.0 <0.1.0-0` A missing `minor` and `patch` values will desugar to zero, but also allow flexibility within those values, even if the major version is zero. * `^1.x` := `>=1.0.0 <2.0.0-0` * `^0.x` := `>=0.0.0 <1.0.0-0` ### Range Grammar Putting all this together, here is a Backus-Naur grammar for ranges, for the benefit of parser authors: ```bnf range-set ::= range ( logical-or range ) * logical-or ::= ( ' ' ) * '||' ( ' ' ) * range ::= hyphen | simple ( ' ' simple ) * | '' hyphen ::= partial ' - ' partial simple ::= primitive | partial | tilde | caret primitive ::= ( '<' | '>' | '>=' | '<=' | '=' ) partial partial ::= xr ( '.' xr ( '.' xr qualifier ? )? )? xr ::= 'x' | 'X' | '*' | nr nr ::= '0' | ['1'-'9'] ( ['0'-'9'] ) * tilde ::= '~' partial caret ::= '^' partial qualifier ::= ( '-' pre )? ( '+' build )? pre ::= parts build ::= parts parts ::= part ( '.' part ) * part ::= nr | [-0-9A-Za-z]+ ``` ## Functions All methods and classes take a final `options` object argument. All options in this object are `false` by default. The options supported are: - `loose` Be more forgiving about not-quite-valid semver strings. (Any resulting output will always be 100% strict compliant, of course.) For backwards compatibility reasons, if the `options` argument is a boolean value instead of an object, it is interpreted to be the `loose` param. - `includePrerelease` Set to suppress the [default behavior]( of excluding prerelease tagged versions from ranges unless they are explicitly opted into. Strict-mode Comparators and Ranges will be strict about the SemVer strings that they parse. * `valid(v)`: Return the parsed version, or null if it's not valid. * `inc(v, release)`: Return the version incremented by the release type (`major`, `premajor`, `minor`, `preminor`, `patch`, `prepatch`, or `prerelease`), or null if it's not valid * `premajor` in one call will bump the version up to the next major version and down to a prerelease of that major version. `preminor`, and `prepatch` work the same way. * If called from a non-prerelease version, the `prerelease` will work the same as `prepatch`. It increments the patch version, then makes a prerelease. If the input version is already a prerelease it simply increments it. * `prerelease(v)`: Returns an array of prerelease components, or null if none exist. Example: `prerelease('1.2.3-alpha.1') -> ['alpha', 1]` * `major(v)`: Return the major version number. * `minor(v)`: Return the minor version number. * `patch(v)`: Return the patch version number. * `intersects(r1, r2, loose)`: Return true if the two supplied ranges or comparators intersect. * `parse(v)`: Attempt to parse a string as a semantic version, returning either a `SemVer` object or `null`. ### Comparison * `gt(v1, v2)`: `v1 > v2` * `gte(v1, v2)`: `v1 >= v2` * `lt(v1, v2)`: `v1 < v2` * `lte(v1, v2)`: `v1 <= v2` * `eq(v1, v2)`: `v1 == v2` This is true if they're logically equivalent, even if they're not the exact same string. You already know how to compare strings. * `neq(v1, v2)`: `v1 != v2` The opposite of `eq`. * `cmp(v1, comparator, v2)`: Pass in a comparison string, and it'll call the corresponding function above. `"==="` and `"!=="` do simple string comparison, but are included for completeness. Throws if an invalid comparison string is provided. * `compare(v1, v2)`: Return `0` if `v1 == v2`, or `1` if `v1` is greater, or `-1` if `v2` is greater. Sorts in ascending order if passed to `Array.sort()`. * `rcompare(v1, v2)`: The reverse of compare. Sorts an array of versions in descending order when passed to `Array.sort()`. * `compareBuild(v1, v2)`: The same as `compare` but considers `build` when two versions are equal. Sorts in ascending order if passed to `Array.sort()`. `v2` is greater. Sorts in ascending order if passed to `Array.sort()`. * `diff(v1, v2)`: Returns difference between two versions by the release type (`major`, `premajor`, `minor`, `preminor`, `patch`, `prepatch`, or `prerelease`), or null if the versions are the same. ### Comparators * `intersects(comparator)`: Return true if the comparators intersect ### Ranges * `validRange(range)`: Return the valid range or null if it's not valid * `satisfies(version, range)`: Return true if the version satisfies the range. * `maxSatisfying(versions, range)`: Return the highest version in the list that satisfies the range, or `null` if none of them do. * `minSatisfying(versions, range)`: Return the lowest version in the list that satisfies the range, or `null` if none of them do. * `minVersion(range)`: Return the lowest version that can possibly match the given range. * `gtr(version, range)`: Return `true` if version is greater than all the versions possible in the range. * `ltr(version, range)`: Return `true` if version is less than all the versions possible in the range. * `outside(version, range, hilo)`: Return true if the version is outside the bounds of the range in either the high or low direction. The `hilo` argument must be either the string `'>'` or `'<'`. (This is the function called by `gtr` and `ltr`.) * `intersects(range)`: Return true if any of the ranges comparators intersect * `simplifyRange(versions, range)`: Return a "simplified" range that matches the same items in `versions` list as the range specified. Note that it does *not* guarantee that it would match the same versions in all cases, only for the set of versions provided. This is useful when generating ranges by joining together multiple versions with `||` programmatically, to provide the user with something a bit more ergonomic. If the provided range is shorter in string-length than the generated range, then that is returned. * `subset(subRange, superRange)`: Return `true` if the `subRange` range is entirely contained by the `superRange` range. Note that, since ranges may be non-contiguous, a version might not be greater than a range, less than a range, *or* satisfy a range! For example, the range `1.2 <1.2.9 || >2.0.0` would have a hole from `1.2.9` until `2.0.0`, so the version `1.2.10` would not be greater than the range (because `2.0.1` satisfies, which is higher), nor less than the range (since `1.2.8` satisfies, which is lower), and it also does not satisfy the range. If you want to know if a version satisfies or does not satisfy a range, use the `satisfies(version, range)` function. ### Coercion * `coerce(version, options)`: Coerces a string to semver if possible This aims to provide a very forgiving translation of a non-semver string to semver. It looks for the first digit in a string, and consumes all remaining characters which satisfy at least a partial semver (e.g., `1`, `1.2`, `1.2.3`) up to the max permitted length (256 characters). Longer versions are simply truncated (`` becomes `4.6.3`). All surrounding text is simply ignored (`v3.4 replaces v3.3.1` becomes `3.4.0`). Only text which lacks digits will fail coercion (`version one` is not valid). The maximum length for any semver component considered for coercion is 16 characters; longer components will be ignored (`10000000000000000.4.7.4` becomes `4.7.4`). The maximum value for any semver component is `Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER || (2**53 - 1)`; higher value components are invalid (`9999999999999999.4.7.4` is likely invalid). If the `options.rtl` flag is set, then `coerce` will return the right-most coercible tuple that does not share an ending index with a longer coercible tuple. For example, `` will return `2.3.4` in rtl mode, not `4.0.0`. `1.2.3/4` will return `4.0.0`, because the `4` is not a part of any other overlapping SemVer tuple. ### Clean * `clean(version)`: Clean a string to be a valid semver if possible This will return a cleaned and trimmed semver version. If the provided version is not valid a null will be returned. This does not work for ranges. ex. * `s.clean(' = v 2.1.5foo')`: `null` * `s.clean(' = v 2.1.5foo', { loose: true })`: `'2.1.5-foo'` * `s.clean(' = v 2.1.5-foo')`: `null` * `s.clean(' = v 2.1.5-foo', { loose: true })`: `'2.1.5-foo'` * `s.clean('=v2.1.5')`: `'2.1.5'` * `s.clean(' =v2.1.5')`: `2.1.5` * `s.clean(' 2.1.5 ')`: `'2.1.5'` * `s.clean('~1.0.0')`: `null` ## Exported Modules <!-- TODO: Make sure that all of these items are documented (classes aren't, eg), and then pull the module name into the documentation for that specific thing. --> You may pull in just the part of this semver utility that you need, if you are sensitive to packing and tree-shaking concerns. The main `require('semver')` export uses getter functions to lazily load the parts of the API that are used. The following modules are available: * `require('semver')` * `require('semver/classes')` * `require('semver/classes/comparator')` * `require('semver/classes/range')` * `require('semver/classes/semver')` * `require('semver/functions/clean')` * `require('semver/functions/cmp')` * `require('semver/functions/coerce')` * `require('semver/functions/compare')` * `require('semver/functions/compare-build')` * `require('semver/functions/compare-loose')` * `require('semver/functions/diff')` * `require('semver/functions/eq')` * `require('semver/functions/gt')` * `require('semver/functions/gte')` * `require('semver/functions/inc')` * `require('semver/functions/lt')` * `require('semver/functions/lte')` * `require('semver/functions/major')` * `require('semver/functions/minor')` * `require('semver/functions/neq')` * `require('semver/functions/parse')` * `require('semver/functions/patch')` * `require('semver/functions/prerelease')` * `require('semver/functions/rcompare')` * `require('semver/functions/rsort')` * `require('semver/functions/satisfies')` * `require('semver/functions/sort')` * `require('semver/functions/valid')` * `require('semver/ranges/gtr')` * `require('semver/ranges/intersects')` * `require('semver/ranges/ltr')` * `require('semver/ranges/max-satisfying')` * `require('semver/ranges/min-satisfying')` * `require('semver/ranges/min-version')` * `require('semver/ranges/outside')` * `require('semver/ranges/to-comparators')` * `require('semver/ranges/valid')` # wrappy Callback wrapping utility ## USAGE ```javascript var wrappy = require("wrappy") // var wrapper = wrappy(wrapperFunction) // make sure a cb is called only once // See also: for this specific use case var once = wrappy(function (cb) { var called = false return function () { if (called) return called = true return cb.apply(this, arguments) } }) function printBoo () { console.log('boo') } // has some rando property printBoo.iAmBooPrinter = true var onlyPrintOnce = once(printBoo) onlyPrintOnce() // prints 'boo' onlyPrintOnce() // does nothing // random property is retained! assert.equal(onlyPrintOnce.iAmBooPrinter, true) ``` [![NPM version](]( [![npm download](]( [![Build Status](]( [![Coverage Status](]( **Esprima** ([](, BSD license) is a high performance, standard-compliant [ECMAScript]( parser written in ECMAScript (also popularly known as [JavaScript]( Esprima is created and maintained by [Ariya Hidayat](, with the help of [many contributors]( ### Features - Full support for ECMAScript 2017 ([ECMA-262 8th Edition]( - Sensible [syntax tree format]( as standardized by [ESTree project]( - Experimental support for [JSX](, a syntax extension for [React]( - Optional tracking of syntax node location (index-based and line-column) - [Heavily tested]( (~1500 [unit tests]( with [full code coverage]( ### API Esprima can be used to perform [lexical analysis]( (tokenization) or [syntactic analysis]( (parsing) of a JavaScript program. A simple example on Node.js REPL: ```javascript > var esprima = require('esprima'); > var program = 'const answer = 42'; > esprima.tokenize(program); [ { type: 'Keyword', value: 'const' }, { type: 'Identifier', value: 'answer' }, { type: 'Punctuator', value: '=' }, { type: 'Numeric', value: '42' } ] > esprima.parseScript(program); { type: 'Program', body: [ { type: 'VariableDeclaration', declarations: [Object], kind: 'const' } ], sourceType: 'script' } ``` For more information, please read the [complete documentation]( # fast-json-stable-stringify Deterministic `JSON.stringify()` - a faster version of [@substack]('s json-stable-strigify without [jsonify]( You can also pass in a custom comparison function. [![Build Status](]( [![Coverage Status](]( # example ``` js var stringify = require('fast-json-stable-stringify'); var obj = { c: 8, b: [{z:6,y:5,x:4},7], a: 3 }; console.log(stringify(obj)); ``` output: ``` {"a":3,"b":[{"x":4,"y":5,"z":6},7],"c":8} ``` # methods ``` js var stringify = require('fast-json-stable-stringify') ``` ## var str = stringify(obj, opts) Return a deterministic stringified string `str` from the object `obj`. ## options ### cmp If `opts` is given, you can supply an `opts.cmp` to have a custom comparison function for object keys. Your function `opts.cmp` is called with these parameters: ``` js opts.cmp({ key: akey, value: avalue }, { key: bkey, value: bvalue }) ``` For example, to sort on the object key names in reverse order you could write: ``` js var stringify = require('fast-json-stable-stringify'); var obj = { c: 8, b: [{z:6,y:5,x:4},7], a: 3 }; var s = stringify(obj, function (a, b) { return a.key < b.key ? 1 : -1; }); console.log(s); ``` which results in the output string: ``` {"c":8,"b":[{"z":6,"y":5,"x":4},7],"a":3} ``` Or if you wanted to sort on the object values in reverse order, you could write: ``` var stringify = require('fast-json-stable-stringify'); var obj = { d: 6, c: 5, b: [{z:3,y:2,x:1},9], a: 10 }; var s = stringify(obj, function (a, b) { return a.value < b.value ? 1 : -1; }); console.log(s); ``` which outputs: ``` {"d":6,"c":5,"b":[{"z":3,"y":2,"x":1},9],"a":10} ``` ### cycles Pass `true` in `opts.cycles` to stringify circular property as `__cycle__` - the result will not be a valid JSON string in this case. TypeError will be thrown in case of circular object without this option. # install With [npm]( do: ``` npm install fast-json-stable-stringify ``` # benchmark To run benchmark (requires Node.js 6+): ``` node benchmark ``` Results: ``` fast-json-stable-stringify x 17,189 ops/sec ±1.43% (83 runs sampled) json-stable-stringify x 13,634 ops/sec ±1.39% (85 runs sampled) fast-stable-stringify x 20,212 ops/sec ±1.20% (84 runs sampled) faster-stable-stringify x 15,549 ops/sec ±1.12% (84 runs sampled) The fastest is fast-stable-stringify ``` ## Enterprise support fast-json-stable-stringify package is a part of [Tidelift enterprise subscription]( - it provides a centralised commercial support to open-source software users, in addition to the support provided by software maintainers. ## Security contact To report a security vulnerability, please use the [Tidelift security contact]( Tidelift will coordinate the fix and disclosure. Please do NOT report security vulnerability via GitHub issues. # license [MIT]( # eslint-visitor-keys [![npm version](]( [![Downloads/month](]( [![Build Status](]( [![Dependency Status](]( Constants and utilities about visitor keys to traverse AST. ## 💿 Installation Use [npm] to install. ```bash $ npm install eslint-visitor-keys ``` ### Requirements - [Node.js] 10.0.0 or later. ## 📖 Usage ```js const evk = require("eslint-visitor-keys") ``` ### evk.KEYS > type: `{ [type: string]: string[] | undefined }` Visitor keys. This keys are frozen. This is an object. Keys are the type of [ESTree] nodes. Their values are an array of property names which have child nodes. For example: ``` console.log(evk.KEYS.AssignmentExpression) // → ["left", "right"] ``` ### evk.getKeys(node) > type: `(node: object) => string[]` Get the visitor keys of a given AST node. This is similar to `Object.keys(node)` of ES Standard, but some keys are excluded: `parent`, `leadingComments`, `trailingComments`, and names which start with `_`. This will be used to traverse unknown nodes. For example: ``` const node = { type: "AssignmentExpression", left: { type: "Identifier", name: "foo" }, right: { type: "Literal", value: 0 } } console.log(evk.getKeys(node)) // → ["type", "left", "right"] ``` ### evk.unionWith(additionalKeys) > type: `(additionalKeys: object) => { [type: string]: string[] | undefined }` Make the union set with `evk.KEYS` and the given keys. - The order of keys is, `additionalKeys` is at first, then `evk.KEYS` is concatenated after that. - It removes duplicated keys as keeping the first one. For example: ``` console.log(evk.unionWith({ MethodDefinition: ["decorators"] })) // → { ..., MethodDefinition: ["decorators", "key", "value"], ... } ``` ## 📰 Change log See [GitHub releases]( ## 🍻 Contributing Welcome. See [ESLint contribution guidelines]( ### Development commands - `npm test` runs tests and measures code coverage. - `npm run lint` checks source codes with ESLint. - `npm run coverage` opens the code coverage report of the previous test with your default browser. - `npm run release` publishes this package to [npm] registory. [npm]: [Node.js]: [ESTree]: # ShellJS - Unix shell commands for Node.js [![Travis](]( [![AppVeyor](]( [![Codecov](]( [![npm version](]( [![npm downloads](]( ShellJS is a portable **(Windows/Linux/OS X)** implementation of Unix shell commands on top of the Node.js API. You can use it to eliminate your shell script's dependency on Unix while still keeping its familiar and powerful commands. You can also install it globally so you can run it from outside Node projects - say goodbye to those gnarly Bash scripts! ShellJS is proudly tested on every node release since `v4`! The project is [unit-tested]( and battle-tested in projects like: + [Firebug]( - Firefox's infamous debugger + [JSHint]( & [ESLint]( - popular JavaScript linters + [Zepto]( - jQuery-compatible JavaScript library for modern browsers + [Yeoman]( - Web application stack and development tool + []( - Open source PaaS for quick API backend generation + And [many more]( If you have feedback, suggestions, or need help, feel free to post in our [issue tracker]( Think ShellJS is cool? Check out some related projects in our [Wiki page](! Upgrading from an older version? Check out our [breaking changes]( page to see what changes to watch out for while upgrading. ## Command line use If you just want cross platform UNIX commands, checkout our new project [shelljs/shx](, a utility to expose `shelljs` to the command line. For example: ``` $ shx mkdir -p foo $ shx touch foo/bar.txt $ shx rm -rf foo ``` ## Plugin API ShellJS now supports third-party plugins! You can learn more about using plugins and writing your own ShellJS commands in [the wiki]( ## A quick note about the docs For documentation on all the latest features, check out our [README]( To read docs that are consistent with the latest release, check out [the npm page]( or []( ## Installing Via npm: ```bash $ npm install [-g] shelljs ``` ## Examples ```javascript var shell = require('shelljs'); if (!shell.which('git')) { shell.echo('Sorry, this script requires git'); shell.exit(1); } // Copy files to release dir shell.rm('-rf', 'out/Release'); shell.cp('-R', 'stuff/', 'out/Release'); // Replace macros in each .js file'lib');'*.js').forEach(function (file) { shell.sed('-i', 'BUILD_VERSION', 'v0.1.2', file); shell.sed('-i', /^.*REMOVE_THIS_LINE.*$/, '', file); shell.sed('-i', /.*REPLACE_LINE_WITH_MACRO.*\n/,'macro.js'), file); });'..'); // Run external tool synchronously if (shell.exec('git commit -am "Auto-commit"').code !== 0) { shell.echo('Error: Git commit failed'); shell.exit(1); } ``` ## Exclude options If you need to pass a parameter that looks like an option, you can do so like: ```js shell.grep('--', '-v', 'path/to/file'); // Search for "-v", no grep options shell.cp('-R', '-dir', 'outdir'); // If already using an option, you're done ``` ## Global vs. Local We no longer recommend using a global-import for ShellJS (i.e. `require('shelljs/global')`). While still supported for convenience, this pollutes the global namespace, and should therefore only be used with caution. Instead, we recommend a local import (standard for npm packages): ```javascript var shell = require('shelljs'); shell.echo('hello world'); ``` <!-- DO NOT MODIFY BEYOND THIS POINT - IT'S AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED --> ## Command reference All commands run synchronously, unless otherwise stated. All commands accept standard bash globbing characters (`*`, `?`, etc.), compatible with the [node `glob` module]( For less-commonly used commands and features, please check out our [wiki page]( ### cat([options,] file [, file ...]) ### cat([options,] file_array) Available options: + `-n`: number all output lines Examples: ```javascript var str = cat('file*.txt'); var str = cat('file1', 'file2'); var str = cat(['file1', 'file2']); // same as above ``` Returns a string containing the given file, or a concatenated string containing the files if more than one file is given (a new line character is introduced between each file). ### cd([dir]) Changes to directory `dir` for the duration of the script. Changes to home directory if no argument is supplied. ### chmod([options,] octal_mode || octal_string, file) ### chmod([options,] symbolic_mode, file) Available options: + `-v`: output a diagnostic for every file processed + `-c`: like verbose, but report only when a change is made + `-R`: change files and directories recursively Examples: ```javascript chmod(755, '/Users/brandon'); chmod('755', '/Users/brandon'); // same as above chmod('u+x', '/Users/brandon'); chmod('-R', 'a-w', '/Users/brandon'); ``` Alters the permissions of a file or directory by either specifying the absolute permissions in octal form or expressing the changes in symbols. This command tries to mimic the POSIX behavior as much as possible. Notable exceptions: + In symbolic modes, `a-r` and `-r` are identical. No consideration is given to the `umask`. + There is no "quiet" option, since default behavior is to run silent. ### cp([options,] source [, source ...], dest) ### cp([options,] source_array, dest) Available options: + `-f`: force (default behavior) + `-n`: no-clobber + `-u`: only copy if `source` is newer than `dest` + `-r`, `-R`: recursive + `-L`: follow symlinks + `-P`: don't follow symlinks Examples: ```javascript cp('file1', 'dir1'); cp('-R', 'path/to/dir/', '~/newCopy/'); cp('-Rf', '/tmp/*', '/usr/local/*', '/home/tmp'); cp('-Rf', ['/tmp/*', '/usr/local/*'], '/home/tmp'); // same as above ``` Copies files. ### pushd([options,] [dir | '-N' | '+N']) Available options: + `-n`: Suppresses the normal change of directory when adding directories to the stack, so that only the stack is manipulated. + `-q`: Supresses output to the console. Arguments: + `dir`: Sets the current working directory to the top of the stack, then executes the equivalent of `cd dir`. + `+N`: Brings the Nth directory (counting from the left of the list printed by dirs, starting with zero) to the top of the list by rotating the stack. + `-N`: Brings the Nth directory (counting from the right of the list printed by dirs, starting with zero) to the top of the list by rotating the stack. Examples: ```javascript // process.cwd() === '/usr' pushd('/etc'); // Returns /etc /usr pushd('+1'); // Returns /usr /etc ``` Save the current directory on the top of the directory stack and then `cd` to `dir`. With no arguments, `pushd` exchanges the top two directories. Returns an array of paths in the stack. ### popd([options,] ['-N' | '+N']) Available options: + `-n`: Suppress the normal directory change when removing directories from the stack, so that only the stack is manipulated. + `-q`: Supresses output to the console. Arguments: + `+N`: Removes the Nth directory (counting from the left of the list printed by dirs), starting with zero. + `-N`: Removes the Nth directory (counting from the right of the list printed by dirs), starting with zero. Examples: ```javascript echo(process.cwd()); // '/usr' pushd('/etc'); // '/etc /usr' echo(process.cwd()); // '/etc' popd(); // '/usr' echo(process.cwd()); // '/usr' ``` When no arguments are given, `popd` removes the top directory from the stack and performs a `cd` to the new top directory. The elements are numbered from 0, starting at the first directory listed with dirs (i.e., `popd` is equivalent to `popd +0`). Returns an array of paths in the stack. ### dirs([options | '+N' | '-N']) Available options: + `-c`: Clears the directory stack by deleting all of the elements. + `-q`: Supresses output to the console. Arguments: + `+N`: Displays the Nth directory (counting from the left of the list printed by dirs when invoked without options), starting with zero. + `-N`: Displays the Nth directory (counting from the right of the list printed by dirs when invoked without options), starting with zero. Display the list of currently remembered directories. Returns an array of paths in the stack, or a single path if `+N` or `-N` was specified. See also: `pushd`, `popd` ### echo([options,] string [, string ...]) Available options: + `-e`: interpret backslash escapes (default) + `-n`: remove trailing newline from output Examples: ```javascript echo('hello world'); var str = echo('hello world'); echo('-n', 'no newline at end'); ``` Prints `string` to stdout, and returns string with additional utility methods like `.to()`. ### exec(command [, options] [, callback]) Available options: + `async`: Asynchronous execution. If a callback is provided, it will be set to `true`, regardless of the passed value (default: `false`). + `silent`: Do not echo program output to console (default: `false`). + `encoding`: Character encoding to use. Affects the values returned to stdout and stderr, and what is written to stdout and stderr when not in silent mode (default: `'utf8'`). + and any option available to Node.js's [`child_process.exec()`]( Examples: ```javascript var version = exec('node --version', {silent:true}).stdout; var child = exec('some_long_running_process', {async:true}); child.stdout.on('data', function(data) { /* ... do something with data ... */ }); exec('some_long_running_process', function(code, stdout, stderr) { console.log('Exit code:', code); console.log('Program output:', stdout); console.log('Program stderr:', stderr); }); ``` Executes the given `command` _synchronously_, unless otherwise specified. When in synchronous mode, this returns a `ShellString` (compatible with ShellJS v0.6.x, which returns an object of the form `{ code:..., stdout:... , stderr:... }`). Otherwise, this returns the child process object, and the `callback` receives the arguments `(code, stdout, stderr)`. Not seeing the behavior you want? `exec()` runs everything through `sh` by default (or `cmd.exe` on Windows), which differs from `bash`. If you need bash-specific behavior, try out the `{shell: 'path/to/bash'}` option. ### find(path [, path ...]) ### find(path_array) Examples: ```javascript find('src', 'lib'); find(['src', 'lib']); // same as above find('.').filter(function(file) { return file.match(/\.js$/); }); ``` Returns array of all files (however deep) in the given paths. The main difference from `ls('-R', path)` is that the resulting file names include the base directories (e.g., `lib/resources/file1` instead of just `file1`). ### grep([options,] regex_filter, file [, file ...]) ### grep([options,] regex_filter, file_array) Available options: + `-v`: Invert `regex_filter` (only print non-matching lines). + `-l`: Print only filenames of matching files. + `-i`: Ignore case. Examples: ```javascript grep('-v', 'GLOBAL_VARIABLE', '*.js'); grep('GLOBAL_VARIABLE', '*.js'); ``` Reads input string from given files and returns a string containing all lines of the file that match the given `regex_filter`. ### head([{'-n': \<num\>},] file [, file ...]) ### head([{'-n': \<num\>},] file_array) Available options: + `-n <num>`: Show the first `<num>` lines of the files Examples: ```javascript var str = head({'-n': 1}, 'file*.txt'); var str = head('file1', 'file2'); var str = head(['file1', 'file2']); // same as above ``` Read the start of a file. ### ln([options,] source, dest) Available options: + `-s`: symlink + `-f`: force Examples: ```javascript ln('file', 'newlink'); ln('-sf', 'file', 'existing'); ``` Links `source` to `dest`. Use `-f` to force the link, should `dest` already exist. ### ls([options,] [path, ...]) ### ls([options,] path_array) Available options: + `-R`: recursive + `-A`: all files (include files beginning with `.`, except for `.` and `..`) + `-L`: follow symlinks + `-d`: list directories themselves, not their contents + `-l`: list objects representing each file, each with fields containing `ls -l` output fields. See [`fs.Stats`]( for more info Examples: ```javascript ls('projs/*.js'); ls('-R', '/users/me', '/tmp'); ls('-R', ['/users/me', '/tmp']); // same as above ls('-l', 'file.txt'); // { name: 'file.txt', mode: 33188, nlink: 1, ...} ``` Returns array of files in the given `path`, or files in the current directory if no `path` is provided. ### mkdir([options,] dir [, dir ...]) ### mkdir([options,] dir_array) Available options: + `-p`: full path (and create intermediate directories, if necessary) Examples: ```javascript mkdir('-p', '/tmp/a/b/c/d', '/tmp/e/f/g'); mkdir('-p', ['/tmp/a/b/c/d', '/tmp/e/f/g']); // same as above ``` Creates directories. ### mv([options ,] source [, source ...], dest') ### mv([options ,] source_array, dest') Available options: + `-f`: force (default behavior) + `-n`: no-clobber Examples: ```javascript mv('-n', 'file', 'dir/'); mv('file1', 'file2', 'dir/'); mv(['file1', 'file2'], 'dir/'); // same as above ``` Moves `source` file(s) to `dest`. ### pwd() Returns the current directory. ### rm([options,] file [, file ...]) ### rm([options,] file_array) Available options: + `-f`: force + `-r, -R`: recursive Examples: ```javascript rm('-rf', '/tmp/*'); rm('some_file.txt', 'another_file.txt'); rm(['some_file.txt', 'another_file.txt']); // same as above ``` Removes files. ### sed([options,] search_regex, replacement, file [, file ...]) ### sed([options,] search_regex, replacement, file_array) Available options: + `-i`: Replace contents of `file` in-place. _Note that no backups will be created!_ Examples: ```javascript sed('-i', 'PROGRAM_VERSION', 'v0.1.3', 'source.js'); sed(/.*DELETE_THIS_LINE.*\n/, '', 'source.js'); ``` Reads an input string from `file`s, and performs a JavaScript `replace()` on the input using the given `search_regex` and `replacement` string or function. Returns the new string after replacement. Note: Like unix `sed`, ShellJS `sed` supports capture groups. Capture groups are specified using the `$n` syntax: ```javascript sed(/(\w+)\s(\w+)/, '$2, $1', 'file.txt'); ``` ### set(options) Available options: + `+/-e`: exit upon error (`config.fatal`) + `+/-v`: verbose: show all commands (`config.verbose`) + `+/-f`: disable filename expansion (globbing) Examples: ```javascript set('-e'); // exit upon first error set('+e'); // this undoes a "set('-e')" ``` Sets global configuration variables. ### sort([options,] file [, file ...]) ### sort([options,] file_array) Available options: + `-r`: Reverse the results + `-n`: Compare according to numerical value Examples: ```javascript sort('foo.txt', 'bar.txt'); sort('-r', 'foo.txt'); ``` Return the contents of the `file`s, sorted line-by-line. Sorting multiple files mixes their content (just as unix `sort` does). ### tail([{'-n': \<num\>},] file [, file ...]) ### tail([{'-n': \<num\>},] file_array) Available options: + `-n <num>`: Show the last `<num>` lines of `file`s Examples: ```javascript var str = tail({'-n': 1}, 'file*.txt'); var str = tail('file1', 'file2'); var str = tail(['file1', 'file2']); // same as above ``` Read the end of a `file`. ### tempdir() Examples: ```javascript var tmp = tempdir(); // "/tmp" for most *nix platforms ``` Searches and returns string containing a writeable, platform-dependent temporary directory. Follows Python's [tempfile algorithm]( ### test(expression) Available expression primaries: + `'-b', 'path'`: true if path is a block device + `'-c', 'path'`: true if path is a character device + `'-d', 'path'`: true if path is a directory + `'-e', 'path'`: true if path exists + `'-f', 'path'`: true if path is a regular file + `'-L', 'path'`: true if path is a symbolic link + `'-p', 'path'`: true if path is a pipe (FIFO) + `'-S', 'path'`: true if path is a socket Examples: ```javascript if (test('-d', path)) { /* do something with dir */ }; if (!test('-f', path)) continue; // skip if it's a regular file ``` Evaluates `expression` using the available primaries and returns corresponding value. ### Examples: ```javascript cat('input.txt').to('output.txt'); ``` Analogous to the redirection operator `>` in Unix, but works with `ShellStrings` (such as those returned by `cat`, `grep`, etc.). _Like Unix redirections, `to()` will overwrite any existing file!_ ### ShellString.prototype.toEnd(file) Examples: ```javascript cat('input.txt').toEnd('output.txt'); ``` Analogous to the redirect-and-append operator `>>` in Unix, but works with `ShellStrings` (such as those returned by `cat`, `grep`, etc.). ### touch([options,] file [, file ...]) ### touch([options,] file_array) Available options: + `-a`: Change only the access time + `-c`: Do not create any files + `-m`: Change only the modification time + `-d DATE`: Parse `DATE` and use it instead of current time + `-r FILE`: Use `FILE`'s times instead of current time Examples: ```javascript touch('source.js'); touch('-c', '/path/to/some/dir/source.js'); touch({ '-r': FILE }, '/path/to/some/dir/source.js'); ``` Update the access and modification times of each `FILE` to the current time. A `FILE` argument that does not exist is created empty, unless `-c` is supplied. This is a partial implementation of [`touch(1)`]( ### uniq([options,] [input, [output]]) Available options: + `-i`: Ignore case while comparing + `-c`: Prefix lines by the number of occurrences + `-d`: Only print duplicate lines, one for each group of identical lines Examples: ```javascript uniq('foo.txt'); uniq('-i', 'foo.txt'); uniq('-cd', 'foo.txt', 'bar.txt'); ``` Filter adjacent matching lines from `input`. ### which(command) Examples: ```javascript var nodeExec = which('node'); ``` Searches for `command` in the system's `PATH`. On Windows, this uses the `PATHEXT` variable to append the extension if it's not already executable. Returns string containing the absolute path to `command`. ### exit(code) Exits the current process with the given exit `code`. ### error() Tests if error occurred in the last command. Returns a truthy value if an error returned, or a falsy value otherwise. **Note**: do not rely on the return value to be an error message. If you need the last error message, use the `.stderr` attribute from the last command's return value instead. ### ShellString(str) Examples: ```javascript var foo = ShellString('hello world'); ``` Turns a regular string into a string-like object similar to what each command returns. This has special methods, like `.to()` and `.toEnd()`. ### env['VAR_NAME'] Object containing environment variables (both getter and setter). Shortcut to `process.env`. ### Pipes Examples: ```javascript grep('foo', 'file1.txt', 'file2.txt').sed(/o/g, 'a').to('output.txt'); echo('files with o\'s in the name:\n' + ls().grep('o')); cat('test.js').exec('node'); // pipe to exec() call ``` Commands can send their output to another command in a pipe-like fashion. `sed`, `grep`, `cat`, `exec`, `to`, and `toEnd` can appear on the right-hand side of a pipe. Pipes can be chained. ## Configuration ### config.silent Example: ```javascript var sh = require('shelljs'); var silentState = sh.config.silent; // save old silent state sh.config.silent = true; /* ... */ sh.config.silent = silentState; // restore old silent state ``` Suppresses all command output if `true`, except for `echo()` calls. Default is `false`. ### config.fatal Example: ```javascript require('shelljs/global'); config.fatal = true; // or set('-e'); cp('this_file_does_not_exist', '/dev/null'); // throws Error here /* more commands... */ ``` If `true`, the script will throw a Javascript error when any shell.js command encounters an error. Default is `false`. This is analogous to Bash's `set -e`. ### config.verbose Example: ```javascript config.verbose = true; // or set('-v'); cd('dir/'); rm('-rf', 'foo.txt', 'bar.txt'); exec('echo hello'); ``` Will print each command as follows: ``` cd dir/ rm -rf foo.txt bar.txt exec echo hello ``` ### config.globOptions Example: ```javascript config.globOptions = {nodir: true}; ``` Use this value for calls to `glob.sync()` instead of the default options. ### config.reset() Example: ```javascript var shell = require('shelljs'); // Make changes to shell.config, and do stuff... /* ... */ shell.config.reset(); // reset to original state // Do more stuff, but with original settings /* ... */ ``` Reset `shell.config` to the defaults: ```javascript { fatal: false, globOptions: {}, maxdepth: 255, noglob: false, silent: false, verbose: false, } ``` ## Team | [![Nate Fischer](]( | [![Brandon Freitag](]( | |:---:|:---:| | [Nate Fischer]( | [Brandon Freitag]( | <p align="center"> <a href=""> <img height="257" width="114" src=""> </a> </p> # glob-parent [![NPM version][npm-image]][npm-url] [![Downloads][downloads-image]][npm-url] [![Azure Pipelines Build Status][azure-pipelines-image]][azure-pipelines-url] [![Travis Build Status][travis-image]][travis-url] [![AppVeyor Build Status][appveyor-image]][appveyor-url] [![Coveralls Status][coveralls-image]][coveralls-url] [![Gitter chat][gitter-image]][gitter-url] Extract the non-magic parent path from a glob string. ## Usage ```js var globParent = require('glob-parent'); globParent('path/to/*.js'); // 'path/to' globParent('/root/path/to/*.js'); // '/root/path/to' globParent('/*.js'); // '/' globParent('*.js'); // '.' globParent('**/*.js'); // '.' globParent('path/{to,from}'); // 'path' globParent('path/!(to|from)'); // 'path' globParent('path/?(to|from)'); // 'path' globParent('path/+(to|from)'); // 'path' globParent('path/*(to|from)'); // 'path' globParent('path/@(to|from)'); // 'path' globParent('path/**/*'); // 'path' // if provided a non-glob path, returns the nearest dir globParent('path/foo/bar.js'); // 'path/foo' globParent('path/foo/'); // 'path/foo' globParent('path/foo'); // 'path' (see issue #3 for details) ``` ## API ### `globParent(maybeGlobString, [options])` Takes a string and returns the part of the path before the glob begins. Be aware of Escaping rules and Limitations below. #### options ```js { // Disables the automatic conversion of slashes for Windows flipBackslashes: true } ``` ## Escaping The following characters have special significance in glob patterns and must be escaped if you want them to be treated as regular path characters: - `?` (question mark) unless used as a path segment alone - `*` (asterisk) - `|` (pipe) - `(` (opening parenthesis) - `)` (closing parenthesis) - `{` (opening curly brace) - `}` (closing curly brace) - `[` (opening bracket) - `]` (closing bracket) **Example** ```js globParent('foo/[bar]/') // 'foo' globParent('foo/\\[bar]/') // 'foo/[bar]' ``` ## Limitations ### Braces & Brackets This library attempts a quick and imperfect method of determining which path parts have glob magic without fully parsing/lexing the pattern. There are some advanced use cases that can trip it up, such as nested braces where the outer pair is escaped and the inner one contains a path separator. If you find yourself in the unlikely circumstance of being affected by this or need to ensure higher-fidelity glob handling in your library, it is recommended that you pre-process your input with [expand-braces] and/or [expand-brackets]. ### Windows Backslashes are not valid path separators for globs. If a path with backslashes is provided anyway, for simple cases, glob-parent will replace the path separator for you and return the non-glob parent path (now with forward-slashes, which are still valid as Windows path separators). This cannot be used in conjunction with escape characters. ```js // BAD globParent('C:\\Program Files \\(x86\\)\\*.ext') // 'C:/Program Files /(x86/)' // GOOD globParent('C:/Program Files\\(x86\\)/*.ext') // 'C:/Program Files (x86)' ``` If you are using escape characters for a pattern without path parts (i.e. relative to `cwd`), prefix with `./` to avoid confusing glob-parent. ```js // BAD globParent('foo \\[bar]') // 'foo ' globParent('foo \\[bar]*') // 'foo ' // GOOD globParent('./foo \\[bar]') // 'foo [bar]' globParent('./foo \\[bar]*') // '.' ``` ## License ISC [expand-braces]: [expand-brackets]: [downloads-image]: [npm-url]: [npm-image]: [azure-pipelines-url]: [azure-pipelines-image]: [travis-url]: [travis-image]: [appveyor-url]: [appveyor-image]: [coveralls-url]: [coveralls-image]: [gitter-url]: [gitter-image]: # whatwg-url whatwg-url is a full implementation of the WHATWG [URL Standard]( It can be used standalone, but it also exposes a lot of the internal algorithms that are useful for integrating a URL parser into a project like [jsdom]( ## Specification conformance whatwg-url is currently up to date with the URL spec up to commit [7ae1c69]( For `file:` URLs, whose [origin is left unspecified](, whatwg-url chooses to use a new opaque origin (which serializes to `"null"`). ## API ### The `URL` and `URLSearchParams` classes The main API is provided by the [`URL`]( and [`URLSearchParams`]( exports, which follows the spec's behavior in all ways (including e.g. `USVString` conversion). Most consumers of this library will want to use these. ### Low-level URL Standard API The following methods are exported for use by places like jsdom that need to implement things like [`HTMLHyperlinkElementUtils`]( They mostly operate on or return an "internal URL" or ["URL record"]( type. - [URL parser]( `parseURL(input, { baseURL, encodingOverride })` - [Basic URL parser]( `basicURLParse(input, { baseURL, encodingOverride, url, stateOverride })` - [URL serializer]( `serializeURL(urlRecord, excludeFragment)` - [Host serializer]( `serializeHost(hostFromURLRecord)` - [Serialize an integer]( `serializeInteger(number)` - [Origin]( [serializer]( `serializeURLOrigin(urlRecord)` - [Set the username]( `setTheUsername(urlRecord, usernameString)` - [Set the password]( `setThePassword(urlRecord, passwordString)` - [Cannot have a username/password/port]( `cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort(urlRecord)` - [Percent decode]( `percentDecode(buffer)` The `stateOverride` parameter is one of the following strings: - [`"scheme start"`]( - [`"scheme"`]( - [`"no scheme"`]( - [`"special relative or authority"`]( - [`"path or authority"`]( - [`"relative"`]( - [`"relative slash"`]( - [`"special authority slashes"`]( - [`"special authority ignore slashes"`]( - [`"authority"`]( - [`"host"`]( - [`"hostname"`]( - [`"port"`]( - [`"file"`]( - [`"file slash"`]( - [`"file host"`]( - [`"path start"`]( - [`"path"`]( - [`"cannot-be-a-base-URL path"`]( - [`"query"`]( - [`"fragment"`]( The URL record type has the following API: - [`scheme`]( - [`username`]( - [`password`]( - [`host`]( - [`port`]( - [`path`]( (as an array) - [`query`]( - [`fragment`]( - [`cannotBeABaseURL`]( (as a boolean) These properties should be treated with care, as in general changing them will cause the URL record to be in an inconsistent state until the appropriate invocation of `basicURLParse` is used to fix it up. You can see examples of this in the URL Standard, where there are many step sequences like "4. Set context object’s url’s fragment to the empty string. 5. Basic URL parse _input_ with context object’s url as _url_ and fragment state as _state override_." In between those two steps, a URL record is in an unusable state. The return value of "failure" in the spec is represented by `null`. That is, functions like `parseURL` and `basicURLParse` can return _either_ a URL record _or_ `null`. ## Development instructions First, install [Node.js]( Then, fetch the dependencies of whatwg-url, by running from this directory: npm install To run tests: npm test To generate a coverage report: npm run coverage To build and run the live viewer: npm run build npm run build-live-viewer Serve the contents of the `live-viewer` directory using any web server. ## Supporting whatwg-url The jsdom project (including whatwg-url) is a community-driven project maintained by a team of [volunteers]( You could support us by: - [Getting professional support for whatwg-url]( as part of a Tidelift subscription. Tidelift helps making open source sustainable for us while giving teams assurances for maintenance, licensing, and security. - Contributing directly to the project. # isexe Minimal module to check if a file is executable, and a normal file. Uses `fs.stat` and tests against the `PATHEXT` environment variable on Windows. ## USAGE ```javascript var isexe = require('isexe') isexe('some-file-name', function (err, isExe) { if (err) { console.error('probably file does not exist or something', err) } else if (isExe) { console.error('this thing can be run') } else { console.error('cannot be run') } }) // same thing but synchronous, throws errors var isExe = isexe.sync('some-file-name') // treat errors as just "not executable" isexe('maybe-missing-file', { ignoreErrors: true }, callback) var isExe = isexe.sync('maybe-missing-file', { ignoreErrors: true }) ``` ## API ### `isexe(path, [options], [callback])` Check if the path is executable. If no callback provided, and a global `Promise` object is available, then a Promise will be returned. Will raise whatever errors may be raised by `fs.stat`, unless `options.ignoreErrors` is set to true. ### `isexe.sync(path, [options])` Same as `isexe` but returns the value and throws any errors raised. ### Options * `ignoreErrors` Treat all errors as "no, this is not executable", but don't raise them. * `uid` Number to use as the user id * `gid` Number to use as the group id * `pathExt` List of path extensions to use instead of `PATHEXT` environment variable on Windows. [![Build Status](]( [![Dependency Status](]( [![devDependency Status](]( The [UNIX command]( `rm -rf` for node. Install with `npm install rimraf`, or just drop rimraf.js somewhere. ## API `rimraf(f, [opts], callback)` The first parameter will be interpreted as a globbing pattern for files. If you want to disable globbing you can do so with `opts.disableGlob` (defaults to `false`). This might be handy, for instance, if you have filenames that contain globbing wildcard characters. The callback will be called with an error if there is one. Certain errors are handled for you: * Windows: `EBUSY` and `ENOTEMPTY` - rimraf will back off a maximum of `opts.maxBusyTries` times before giving up, adding 100ms of wait between each attempt. The default `maxBusyTries` is 3. * `ENOENT` - If the file doesn't exist, rimraf will return successfully, since your desired outcome is already the case. * `EMFILE` - Since `readdir` requires opening a file descriptor, it's possible to hit `EMFILE` if too many file descriptors are in use. In the sync case, there's nothing to be done for this. But in the async case, rimraf will gradually back off with timeouts up to `opts.emfileWait` ms, which defaults to 1000. ## options * unlink, chmod, stat, lstat, rmdir, readdir, unlinkSync, chmodSync, statSync, lstatSync, rmdirSync, readdirSync In order to use a custom file system library, you can override specific fs functions on the options object. If any of these functions are present on the options object, then the supplied function will be used instead of the default fs method. Sync methods are only relevant for `rimraf.sync()`, of course. For example: ```javascript var myCustomFS = require('some-custom-fs') rimraf('some-thing', myCustomFS, callback) ``` * maxBusyTries If an `EBUSY`, `ENOTEMPTY`, or `EPERM` error code is encountered on Windows systems, then rimraf will retry with a linear backoff wait of 100ms longer on each try. The default maxBusyTries is 3. Only relevant for async usage. * emfileWait If an `EMFILE` error is encountered, then rimraf will retry repeatedly with a linear backoff of 1ms longer on each try, until the timeout counter hits this max. The default limit is 1000. If you repeatedly encounter `EMFILE` errors, then consider using [graceful-fs]( in your program. Only relevant for async usage. * glob Set to `false` to disable [glob]( pattern matching. Set to an object to pass options to the glob module. The default glob options are `{ nosort: true, silent: true }`. Glob version 6 is used in this module. Relevant for both sync and async usage. * disableGlob Set to any non-falsey value to disable globbing entirely. (Equivalent to setting `glob: false`.) ## rimraf.sync It can remove stuff synchronously, too. But that's not so good. Use the async API. It's better. ## CLI If installed with `npm install rimraf -g` it can be used as a global command `rimraf <path> [<path> ...]` which is useful for cross platform support. ## mkdirp If you need to create a directory recursively, check out [mkdirp]( # flatted [![Downloads](]( [![Coverage Status](]( [![Build Status](]( [![License: ISC](]( ![WebReflection status]( ![snow flake](./flatted.jpg) <sup>**Social Media Photo by [Matt Seymour]( on [Unsplash](**</sup> ## Announcement 📣 There is a standard approach to recursion and more data-types than what JSON allows, and it's part of the [Structured Clone polyfill]( Beside acting as a polyfill, its `@ungap/structured-clone/json` export provides both `stringify` and `parse`, and it's been tested for being faster than *flatted*, but its produced output is also smaller than *flatted* in general. The *@ungap/structured-clone* module is, in short, a drop in replacement for *flatted*, but it's not compatible with *flatted* specialized syntax. However, if recursion, as well as more data-types, are what you are after, or interesting for your projects/use cases, consider switching to this new module whenever you can 👍 - - - A super light (0.5K) and fast circular JSON parser, directly from the creator of [CircularJSON]( Now available also for **[PHP](./php/flatted.php)**. ```js npm i flatted ``` Usable via [CDN]( or as regular module. ```js // ESM import {parse, stringify, toJSON, fromJSON} from 'flatted'; // CJS const {parse, stringify, toJSON, fromJSON} = require('flatted'); const a = [{}]; a[0].a = a; a.push(a); stringify(a); // [["1","0"],{"a":"0"}] ``` ## toJSON and fromJSON If you'd like to implicitly survive JSON serialization, these two helpers helps: ```js import {toJSON, fromJSON} from 'flatted'; class RecursiveMap extends Map { static fromJSON(any) { return new this(fromJSON(any)); } toJSON() { return toJSON([...this.entries()]); } } const recursive = new RecursiveMap; const same = {}; same.same = same; recursive.set('same', same); const asString = JSON.stringify(recursive); const asMap = RecursiveMap.fromJSON(JSON.parse(asString)); asMap.get('same') === asMap.get('same').same; // true ``` ## Flatted VS JSON As it is for every other specialized format capable of serializing and deserializing circular data, you should never `JSON.parse(Flatted.stringify(data))`, and you should never `Flatted.parse(JSON.stringify(data))`. The only way this could work is to `Flatted.parse(Flatted.stringify(data))`, as it is also for _CircularJSON_ or any other, otherwise there's no granted data integrity. Also please note this project serializes and deserializes only data compatible with JSON, so that sockets, or anything else with internal classes different from those allowed by JSON standard, won't be serialized and unserialized as expected. ### New in V1: Exact same JSON API * Added a [reviver]( parameter to `.parse(string, reviver)` and revive your own objects. * Added a [replacer]( and a `space` parameter to `.stringify(object, replacer, space)` for feature parity with JSON signature. ### Compatibility All ECMAScript engines compatible with `Map`, `Set`, `Object.keys`, and `Array.prototype.reduce` will work, even if polyfilled. ### How does it work ? While stringifying, all Objects, including Arrays, and strings, are flattened out and replaced as unique index. `*` Once parsed, all indexes will be replaced through the flattened collection. <sup><sub>`*` represented as string to avoid conflicts with numbers</sub></sup> ```js // logic example var a = [{one: 1}, {two: '2'}]; a[0].a = a; // a is the main object, will be at index '0' // {one: 1} is the second object, index '1' // {two: '2'} the third, in '2', and it has a string // which will be found at index '3' Flatted.stringify(a); // [["1","2"],{"one":1,"a":"0"},{"two":"3"},"2"] // a[one,two] {one: 1, a} {two: '2'} '2' ``` binaryen.js =========== **binaryen.js** is a port of [Binaryen]( to the Web, allowing you to generate [WebAssembly]( using a JavaScript API. <a href=""><img src="" alt="Build status" /></a> <a href=""><img src="" alt="npm version" /></a> <a href=""><img src="" alt="npm nightly version" /></a> Usage ----- ``` $> npm install binaryen ``` ```js var binaryen = require("binaryen"); // Create a module with a single function var myModule = new binaryen.Module(); myModule.addFunction("add", binaryen.createType([ binaryen.i32, binaryen.i32 ]), binaryen.i32, [ binaryen.i32 ], myModule.block(null, [ myModule.local.set(2, myModule.i32.add( myModule.local.get(0, binaryen.i32), myModule.local.get(1, binaryen.i32) ) ), myModule.return( myModule.local.get(2, binaryen.i32) ) ]) ); myModule.addFunctionExport("add", "add"); // Optimize the module using default passes and levels myModule.optimize(); // Validate the module if (!myModule.validate()) throw new Error("validation error"); // Generate text format and binary var textData = myModule.emitText(); var wasmData = myModule.emitBinary(); // Example usage with the WebAssembly API var compiled = new WebAssembly.Module(wasmData); var instance = new WebAssembly.Instance(compiled, {}); console.log(instance.exports.add(41, 1)); ``` The buildbot also publishes nightly versions once a day if there have been changes. The latest nightly can be installed through ``` $> npm install binaryen@nightly ``` or you can use one of the [previous versions]( instead if necessary. ### Usage with a CDN * From GitHub via [jsDelivr](<br /> `` * From npm via [jsDelivr](<br /> `` * From npm via [unpkg](<br /> `` Replace `VERSION` with a [specific version]( or omit it (not recommended in production) to use master/latest. API --- **Please note** that the Binaryen API is evolving fast and that definitions and documentation provided by the package tend to get out of sync despite our best efforts. It's a bot after all. If you rely on binaryen.js and spot an issue, please consider sending a PR our way by updating [index.d.ts](./index.d.ts) and [](./ to reflect the [current API]( <!-- START doctoc generated TOC please keep comment here to allow auto update --> <!-- DON'T EDIT THIS SECTION, INSTEAD RE-RUN doctoc TO UPDATE --> ### Contents - [Types](#types) - [Module construction](#module-construction) - [Module manipulation](#module-manipulation) - [Module validation](#module-validation) - [Module optimization](#module-optimization) - [Module creation](#module-creation) - [Expression construction](#expression-construction) - [Control flow](#control-flow) - [Variable accesses](#variable-accesses) - [Integer operations](#integer-operations) - [Floating point operations](#floating-point-operations) - [Datatype conversions](#datatype-conversions) - [Function calls](#function-calls) - [Linear memory accesses](#linear-memory-accesses) - [Host operations](#host-operations) - [Vector operations 🦄](#vector-operations-) - [Atomic memory accesses 🦄](#atomic-memory-accesses-) - [Atomic read-modify-write operations 🦄](#atomic-read-modify-write-operations-) - [Atomic wait and notify operations 🦄](#atomic-wait-and-notify-operations-) - [Sign extension operations 🦄](#sign-extension-operations-) - [Multi-value operations 🦄](#multi-value-operations-) - [Exception handling operations 🦄](#exception-handling-operations-) - [Reference types operations 🦄](#reference-types-operations-) - [Expression manipulation](#expression-manipulation) - [Relooper](#relooper) - [Source maps](#source-maps) - [Debugging](#debugging) <!-- END doctoc generated TOC please keep comment here to allow auto update --> [Future features]( 🦄 might not be supported by all runtimes. ### Types * **none**: `Type`<br /> The none type, e.g., `void`. * **i32**: `Type`<br /> 32-bit integer type. * **i64**: `Type`<br /> 64-bit integer type. * **f32**: `Type`<br /> 32-bit float type. * **f64**: `Type`<br /> 64-bit float (double) type. * **v128**: `Type`<br /> 128-bit vector type. 🦄 * **funcref**: `Type`<br /> A function reference. 🦄 * **anyref**: `Type`<br /> Any host reference. 🦄 * **nullref**: `Type`<br /> A null reference. 🦄 * **exnref**: `Type`<br /> An exception reference. 🦄 * **unreachable**: `Type`<br /> Special type indicating unreachable code when obtaining information about an expression. * **auto**: `Type`<br /> Special type used in **Module#block** exclusively. Lets the API figure out a block's result type automatically. * **createType**(types: `Type[]`): `Type`<br /> Creates a multi-value type from an array of types. * **expandType**(type: `Type`): `Type[]`<br /> Expands a multi-value type to an array of types. ### Module construction * new **Module**()<br /> Constructs a new module. * **parseText**(text: `string`): `Module`<br /> Creates a module from Binaryen's s-expression text format (not official stack-style text format). * **readBinary**(data: `Uint8Array`): `Module`<br /> Creates a module from binary data. ### Module manipulation * Module#**addFunction**(name: `string`, params: `Type`, results: `Type`, vars: `Type[]`, body: `ExpressionRef`): `FunctionRef`<br /> Adds a function. `vars` indicate additional locals, in the given order. * Module#**getFunction**(name: `string`): `FunctionRef`<br /> Gets a function, by name, * Module#**removeFunction**(name: `string`): `void`<br /> Removes a function, by name. * Module#**getNumFunctions**(): `number`<br /> Gets the number of functions within the module. * Module#**getFunctionByIndex**(index: `number`): `FunctionRef`<br /> Gets the function at the specified index. * Module#**addFunctionImport**(internalName: `string`, externalModuleName: `string`, externalBaseName: `string`, params: `Type`, results: `Type`): `void`<br /> Adds a function import. * Module#**addTableImport**(internalName: `string`, externalModuleName: `string`, externalBaseName: `string`): `void`<br /> Adds a table import. There's just one table for now, using name `"0"`. * Module#**addMemoryImport**(internalName: `string`, externalModuleName: `string`, externalBaseName: `string`): `void`<br /> Adds a memory import. There's just one memory for now, using name `"0"`. * Module#**addGlobalImport**(internalName: `string`, externalModuleName: `string`, externalBaseName: `string`, globalType: `Type`): `void`<br /> Adds a global variable import. Imported globals must be immutable. * Module#**addFunctionExport**(internalName: `string`, externalName: `string`): `ExportRef`<br /> Adds a function export. * Module#**addTableExport**(internalName: `string`, externalName: `string`): `ExportRef`<br /> Adds a table export. There's just one table for now, using name `"0"`. * Module#**addMemoryExport**(internalName: `string`, externalName: `string`): `ExportRef`<br /> Adds a memory export. There's just one memory for now, using name `"0"`. * Module#**addGlobalExport**(internalName: `string`, externalName: `string`): `ExportRef`<br /> Adds a global variable export. Exported globals must be immutable. * Module#**getNumExports**(): `number`<br /> Gets the number of exports witin the module. * Module#**getExportByIndex**(index: `number`): `ExportRef`<br /> Gets the export at the specified index. * Module#**removeExport**(externalName: `string`): `void`<br /> Removes an export, by external name. * Module#**addGlobal**(name: `string`, type: `Type`, mutable: `number`, value: `ExpressionRef`): `GlobalRef`<br /> Adds a global instance variable. * Module#**getGlobal**(name: `string`): `GlobalRef`<br /> Gets a global, by name, * Module#**removeGlobal**(name: `string`): `void`<br /> Removes a global, by name. * Module#**setFunctionTable**(initial: `number`, maximum: `number`, funcs: `string[]`, offset?: `ExpressionRef`): `void`<br /> Sets the contents of the function table. There's just one table for now, using name `"0"`. * Module#**getFunctionTable**(): `{ imported: boolean, segments: TableElement[] }`<br /> Gets the contents of the function table. * TableElement#**offset**: `ExpressionRef` * TableElement#**names**: `string[]` * Module#**setMemory**(initial: `number`, maximum: `number`, exportName: `string | null`, segments: `MemorySegment[]`, flags?: `number[]`, shared?: `boolean`): `void`<br /> Sets the memory. There's just one memory for now, using name `"0"`. Providing `exportName` also creates a memory export. * MemorySegment#**offset**: `ExpressionRef` * MemorySegment#**data**: `Uint8Array` * MemorySegment#**passive**: `boolean` * Module#**getNumMemorySegments**(): `number`<br /> Gets the number of memory segments within the module. * Module#**getMemorySegmentInfoByIndex**(index: `number`): `MemorySegmentInfo`<br /> Gets information about the memory segment at the specified index. * MemorySegmentInfo#**offset**: `number` * MemorySegmentInfo#**data**: `Uint8Array` * MemorySegmentInfo#**passive**: `boolean` * Module#**setStart**(start: `FunctionRef`): `void`<br /> Sets the start function. * Module#**getFeatures**(): `Features`<br /> Gets the WebAssembly features enabled for this module. Note that the return value may be a bitmask indicating multiple features. Possible feature flags are: * Features.**MVP**: `Features` * Features.**Atomics**: `Features` * Features.**BulkMemory**: `Features` * Features.**MutableGlobals**: `Features` * Features.**NontrappingFPToInt**: `Features` * Features.**SignExt**: `Features` * Features.**SIMD128**: `Features` * Features.**ExceptionHandling**: `Features` * Features.**TailCall**: `Features` * Features.**ReferenceTypes**: `Features` * Features.**Multivalue**: `Features` * Features.**All**: `Features` * Module#**setFeatures**(features: `Features`): `void`<br /> Sets the WebAssembly features enabled for this module. * Module#**addCustomSection**(name: `string`, contents: `Uint8Array`): `void`<br /> Adds a custom section to the binary. * Module#**autoDrop**(): `void`<br /> Enables automatic insertion of `drop` operations where needed. Lets you not worry about dropping when creating your code. * **getFunctionInfo**(ftype: `FunctionRef`: `FunctionInfo`<br /> Obtains information about a function. * FunctionInfo#**name**: `string` * FunctionInfo#**module**: `string | null` (if imported) * FunctionInfo#**base**: `string | null` (if imported) * FunctionInfo#**params**: `Type` * FunctionInfo#**results**: `Type` * FunctionInfo#**vars**: `Type` * FunctionInfo#**body**: `ExpressionRef` * **getGlobalInfo**(global: `GlobalRef`): `GlobalInfo`<br /> Obtains information about a global. * GlobalInfo#**name**: `string` * GlobalInfo#**module**: `string | null` (if imported) * GlobalInfo#**base**: `string | null` (if imported) * GlobalInfo#**type**: `Type` * GlobalInfo#**mutable**: `boolean` * GlobalInfo#**init**: `ExpressionRef` * **getExportInfo**(export_: `ExportRef`): `ExportInfo`<br /> Obtains information about an export. * ExportInfo#**kind**: `ExternalKind` * ExportInfo#**name**: `string` * ExportInfo#**value**: `string` Possible `ExternalKind` values are: * **ExternalFunction**: `ExternalKind` * **ExternalTable**: `ExternalKind` * **ExternalMemory**: `ExternalKind` * **ExternalGlobal**: `ExternalKind` * **ExternalEvent**: `ExternalKind` * **getEventInfo**(event: `EventRef`): `EventInfo`<br /> Obtains information about an event. * EventInfo#**name**: `string` * EventInfo#**module**: `string | null` (if imported) * EventInfo#**base**: `string | null` (if imported) * EventInfo#**attribute**: `number` * EventInfo#**params**: `Type` * EventInfo#**results**: `Type` * **getSideEffects**(expr: `ExpressionRef`, features: `FeatureFlags`): `SideEffects`<br /> Gets the side effects of the specified expression. * SideEffects.**None**: `SideEffects` * SideEffects.**Branches**: `SideEffects` * SideEffects.**Calls**: `SideEffects` * SideEffects.**ReadsLocal**: `SideEffects` * SideEffects.**WritesLocal**: `SideEffects` * SideEffects.**ReadsGlobal**: `SideEffects` * SideEffects.**WritesGlobal**: `SideEffects` * SideEffects.**ReadsMemory**: `SideEffects` * SideEffects.**WritesMemory**: `SideEffects` * SideEffects.**ImplicitTrap**: `SideEffects` * SideEffects.**IsAtomic**: `SideEffects` * SideEffects.**Throws**: `SideEffects` * SideEffects.**Any**: `SideEffects` ### Module validation * Module#**validate**(): `boolean`<br /> Validates the module. Returns `true` if valid, otherwise prints validation errors and returns `false`. ### Module optimization * Module#**optimize**(): `void`<br /> Optimizes the module using the default optimization passes. * Module#**optimizeFunction**(func: `FunctionRef | string`): `void`<br /> Optimizes a single function using the default optimization passes. * Module#**runPasses**(passes: `string[]`): `void`<br /> Runs the specified passes on the module. * Module#**runPassesOnFunction**(func: `FunctionRef | string`, passes: `string[]`): `void`<br /> Runs the specified passes on a single function. * **getOptimizeLevel**(): `number`<br /> Gets the currently set optimize level. `0`, `1`, `2` correspond to `-O0`, `-O1`, `-O2` (default), etc. * **setOptimizeLevel**(level: `number`): `void`<br /> Sets the optimization level to use. `0`, `1`, `2` correspond to `-O0`, `-O1`, `-O2` (default), etc. * **getShrinkLevel**(): `number`<br /> Gets the currently set shrink level. `0`, `1`, `2` correspond to `-O0`, `-Os` (default), `-Oz`. * **setShrinkLevel**(level: `number`): `void`<br /> Sets the shrink level to use. `0`, `1`, `2` correspond to `-O0`, `-Os` (default), `-Oz`. * **getDebugInfo**(): `boolean`<br /> Gets whether generating debug information is currently enabled or not. * **setDebugInfo**(on: `boolean`): `void`<br /> Enables or disables debug information in emitted binaries. * **getLowMemoryUnused**(): `boolean`<br /> Gets whether the low 1K of memory can be considered unused when optimizing. * **setLowMemoryUnused**(on: `boolean`): `void`<br /> Enables or disables whether the low 1K of memory can be considered unused when optimizing. * **getPassArgument**(key: `string`): `string | null`<br /> Gets the value of the specified arbitrary pass argument. * **setPassArgument**(key: `string`, value: `string | null`): `void`<br /> Sets the value of the specified arbitrary pass argument. Removes the respective argument if `value` is `null`. * **clearPassArguments**(): `void`<br /> Clears all arbitrary pass arguments. * **getAlwaysInlineMaxSize**(): `number`<br /> Gets the function size at which we always inline. * **setAlwaysInlineMaxSize**(size: `number`): `void`<br /> Sets the function size at which we always inline. * **getFlexibleInlineMaxSize**(): `number`<br /> Gets the function size which we inline when functions are lightweight. * **setFlexibleInlineMaxSize**(size: `number`): `void`<br /> Sets the function size which we inline when functions are lightweight. * **getOneCallerInlineMaxSize**(): `number`<br /> Gets the function size which we inline when there is only one caller. * **setOneCallerInlineMaxSize**(size: `number`): `void`<br /> Sets the function size which we inline when there is only one caller. ### Module creation * Module#**emitBinary**(): `Uint8Array`<br /> Returns the module in binary format. * Module#**emitBinary**(sourceMapUrl: `string | null`): `BinaryWithSourceMap`<br /> Returns the module in binary format with its source map. If `sourceMapUrl` is `null`, source map generation is skipped. * BinaryWithSourceMap#**binary**: `Uint8Array` * BinaryWithSourceMap#**sourceMap**: `string | null` * Module#**emitText**(): `string`<br /> Returns the module in Binaryen's s-expression text format (not official stack-style text format). * Module#**emitAsmjs**(): `string`<br /> Returns the [asm.js]( representation of the module. * Module#**dispose**(): `void`<br /> Releases the resources held by the module once it isn't needed anymore. ### Expression construction #### [Control flow]( * Module#**block**(label: `string | null`, children: `ExpressionRef[]`, resultType?: `Type`): `ExpressionRef`<br /> Creates a block. `resultType` defaults to `none`. * Module#**if**(condition: `ExpressionRef`, ifTrue: `ExpressionRef`, ifFalse?: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef`<br /> Creates an if or if/else combination. * Module#**loop**(label: `string | null`, body: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef`<br /> Creates a loop. * Module#**br**(label: `string`, condition?: `ExpressionRef`, value?: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef`<br /> Creates a branch (br) to a label. * Module#**switch**(labels: `string[]`, defaultLabel: `string`, condition: `ExpressionRef`, value?: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef`<br /> Creates a switch (br_table). * Module#**nop**(): `ExpressionRef`<br /> Creates a no-operation (nop) instruction. * Module#**return**(value?: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` Creates a return. * Module#**unreachable**(): `ExpressionRef`<br /> Creates an [unreachable]( instruction that will always trap. * Module#**drop**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef`<br /> Creates a [drop]( of a value. * Module#**select**(condition: `ExpressionRef`, ifTrue: `ExpressionRef`, ifFalse: `ExpressionRef`, type?: `Type`): `ExpressionRef`<br /> Creates a [select]( of one of two values. #### [Variable accesses]( * Module#**local.get**(index: `number`, type: `Type`): `ExpressionRef`<br /> Creates a local.get for the local at the specified index. Note that we must specify the type here as we may not have created the local being accessed yet. * Module#**local.set**(index: `number`, value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef`<br /> Creates a local.set for the local at the specified index. * Module#**local.tee**(index: `number`, value: `ExpressionRef`, type: `Type`): `ExpressionRef`<br /> Creates a local.tee for the local at the specified index. A tee differs from a set in that the value remains on the stack. Note that we must specify the type here as we may not have created the local being accessed yet. * Module#**global.get**(name: `string`, type: `Type`): `ExpressionRef`<br /> Creates a global.get for the global with the specified name. Note that we must specify the type here as we may not have created the global being accessed yet. * Module#**global.set**(name: `string`, value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef`<br /> Creates a global.set for the global with the specified name. #### [Integer operations]( * Module#i32.**const**(value: `number`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32.**clz**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32.**ctz**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32.**popcnt**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32.**eqz**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32.**add**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32.**sub**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32.**mul**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32.**div_s**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32.**div_u**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32.**rem_s**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32.**rem_u**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32.**and**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32.**or**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32.**xor**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32.**shl**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32.**shr_u**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32.**shr_s**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32.**rotl**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32.**rotr**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32.**eq**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32.**ne**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32.**lt_s**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32.**lt_u**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32.**le_s**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32.**le_u**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32.**gt_s**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32.**gt_u**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32.**ge_s**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32.**ge_u**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` > * Module#i64.**const**(low: `number`, high: `number`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64.**clz**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64.**ctz**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64.**popcnt**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64.**eqz**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64.**add**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64.**sub**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64.**mul**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64.**div_s**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64.**div_u**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64.**rem_s**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64.**rem_u**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64.**and**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64.**or**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64.**xor**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64.**shl**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64.**shr_u**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64.**shr_s**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64.**rotl**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64.**rotr**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64.**eq**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64.**ne**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64.**lt_s**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64.**lt_u**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64.**le_s**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64.**le_u**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64.**gt_s**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64.**gt_u**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64.**ge_s**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64.**ge_u**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` #### [Floating point operations]( * Module#f32.**const**(value: `number`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f32.**const_bits**(value: `number`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f32.**neg**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f32.**abs**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f32.**ceil**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f32.**floor**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f32.**trunc**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f32.**nearest**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f32.**sqrt**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f32.**add**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f32.**sub**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f32.**mul**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f32.**div**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f32.**copysign**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f32.**min**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f32.**max**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f32.**eq**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f32.**ne**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f32.**lt**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f32.**le**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f32.**gt**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f32.**ge**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` > * Module#f64.**const**(value: `number`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f64.**const_bits**(value: `number`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f64.**neg**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f64.**abs**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f64.**ceil**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f64.**floor**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f64.**trunc**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f64.**nearest**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f64.**sqrt**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f64.**add**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f64.**sub**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f64.**mul**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f64.**div**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f64.**copysign**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f64.**min**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f64.**max**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f64.**eq**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f64.**ne**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f64.**lt**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f64.**le**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f64.**gt**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f64.**ge**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` #### [Datatype conversions]( * Module#i32.**trunc_s.f32**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32.**trunc_s.f64**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32.**trunc_u.f32**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32.**trunc_u.f64**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32.**reinterpret**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32.**wrap**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` > * Module#i64.**trunc_s.f32**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64.**trunc_s.f64**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64.**trunc_u.f32**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64.**trunc_u.f64**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64.**reinterpret**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64.**extend_s**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64.**extend_u**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` > * Module#f32.**reinterpret**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f32.**convert_s.i32**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f32.**convert_s.i64**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f32.**convert_u.i32**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f32.**convert_u.i64**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f32.**demote**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` > * Module#f64.**reinterpret**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f64.**convert_s.i32**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f64.**convert_s.i64**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f64.**convert_u.i32**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f64.**convert_u.i64**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f64.**promote**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` #### [Function calls]( * Module#**call**(name: `string`, operands: `ExpressionRef[]`, returnType: `Type`): `ExpressionRef` Creates a call to a function. Note that we must specify the return type here as we may not have created the function being called yet. * Module#**return_call**(name: `string`, operands: `ExpressionRef[]`, returnType: `Type`): `ExpressionRef`<br /> Like **call**, but creates a tail-call. 🦄 * Module#**call_indirect**(target: `ExpressionRef`, operands: `ExpressionRef[]`, params: `Type`, results: `Type`): `ExpressionRef`<br /> Similar to **call**, but calls indirectly, i.e., via a function pointer, so an expression replaces the name as the called value. * Module#**return_call_indirect**(target: `ExpressionRef`, operands: `ExpressionRef[]`, params: `Type`, results: `Type`): `ExpressionRef`<br /> Like **call_indirect**, but creates a tail-call. 🦄 #### [Linear memory accesses]( * Module#i32.**load**(offset: `number`, align: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef`<br /> * Module#i32.**load8_s**(offset: `number`, align: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef`<br /> * Module#i32.**load8_u**(offset: `number`, align: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef`<br /> * Module#i32.**load16_s**(offset: `number`, align: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef`<br /> * Module#i32.**load16_u**(offset: `number`, align: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef`<br /> * Module#i32.**store**(offset: `number`, align: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`, value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef`<br /> * Module#i32.**store8**(offset: `number`, align: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`, value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef`<br /> * Module#i32.**store16**(offset: `number`, align: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`, value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef`<br /> > * Module#i64.**load**(offset: `number`, align: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64.**load8_s**(offset: `number`, align: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64.**load8_u**(offset: `number`, align: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64.**load16_s**(offset: `number`, align: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64.**load16_u**(offset: `number`, align: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64.**load32_s**(offset: `number`, align: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64.**load32_u**(offset: `number`, align: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64.**store**(offset: `number`, align: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`, value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64.**store8**(offset: `number`, align: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`, value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64.**store16**(offset: `number`, align: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`, value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64.**store32**(offset: `number`, align: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`, value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` > * Module#f32.**load**(offset: `number`, align: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f32.**store**(offset: `number`, align: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`, value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` > * Module#f64.**load**(offset: `number`, align: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f64.**store**(offset: `number`, align: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`, value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` #### [Host operations]( * Module#**memory.size**(): `ExpressionRef` * Module#**memory.grow**(value: `number`): `ExpressionRef` #### [Vector operations]( 🦄 * Module#v128.**const**(bytes: `Uint8Array`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#v128.**load**(offset: `number`, align: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#v128.**store**(offset: `number`, align: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`, value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#v128.**not**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#v128.**and**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#v128.**or**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#v128.**xor**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#v128.**andnot**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#v128.**bitselect**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`, cond: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` > * Module#i8x16.**splat**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i8x16.**extract_lane_s**(vec: `ExpressionRef`, index: `number`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i8x16.**extract_lane_u**(vec: `ExpressionRef`, index: `number`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i8x16.**replace_lane**(vec: `ExpressionRef`, index: `number`, value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i8x16.**eq**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i8x16.**ne**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i8x16.**lt_s**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i8x16.**lt_u**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i8x16.**gt_s**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i8x16.**gt_u**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i8x16.**le_s**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i8x16.**lt_u**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i8x16.**ge_s**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i8x16.**ge_u**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i8x16.**neg**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i8x16.**any_true**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i8x16.**all_true**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i8x16.**shl**(vec: `ExpressionRef`, shift: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i8x16.**shr_s**(vec: `ExpressionRef`, shift: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i8x16.**shr_u**(vec: `ExpressionRef`, shift: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i8x16.**add**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i8x16.**add_saturate_s**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i8x16.**add_saturate_u**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i8x16.**sub**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i8x16.**sub_saturate_s**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i8x16.**sub_saturate_u**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i8x16.**mul**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i8x16.**min_s**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i8x16.**min_u**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i8x16.**max_s**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i8x16.**max_u**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i8x16.**avgr_u**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i8x16.**narrow_i16x8_s**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i8x16.**narrow_i16x8_u**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` > * Module#i16x8.**splat**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i16x8.**extract_lane_s**(vec: `ExpressionRef`, index: `number`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i16x8.**extract_lane_u**(vec: `ExpressionRef`, index: `number`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i16x8.**replace_lane**(vec: `ExpressionRef`, index: `number`, value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i16x8.**eq**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i16x8.**ne**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i16x8.**lt_s**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i16x8.**lt_u**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i16x8.**gt_s**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i16x8.**gt_u**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i16x8.**le_s**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i16x8.**lt_u**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i16x8.**ge_s**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i16x8.**ge_u**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i16x8.**neg**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i16x8.**any_true**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i16x8.**all_true**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i16x8.**shl**(vec: `ExpressionRef`, shift: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i16x8.**shr_s**(vec: `ExpressionRef`, shift: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i16x8.**shr_u**(vec: `ExpressionRef`, shift: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i16x8.**add**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i16x8.**add_saturate_s**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i16x8.**add_saturate_u**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i16x8.**sub**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i16x8.**sub_saturate_s**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i16x8.**sub_saturate_u**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i16x8.**mul**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i16x8.**min_s**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i16x8.**min_u**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i16x8.**max_s**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i16x8.**max_u**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i16x8.**avgr_u**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i16x8.**narrow_i32x4_s**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i16x8.**narrow_i32x4_u**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i16x8.**widen_low_i8x16_s**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i16x8.**widen_high_i8x16_s**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i16x8.**widen_low_i8x16_u**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i16x8.**widen_high_i8x16_u**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i16x8.**load8x8_s**(offset: `number`, align: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i16x8.**load8x8_u**(offset: `number`, align: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` > * Module#i32x4.**splat**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32x4.**extract_lane_s**(vec: `ExpressionRef`, index: `number`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32x4.**extract_lane_u**(vec: `ExpressionRef`, index: `number`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32x4.**replace_lane**(vec: `ExpressionRef`, index: `number`, value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32x4.**eq**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32x4.**ne**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32x4.**lt_s**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32x4.**lt_u**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32x4.**gt_s**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32x4.**gt_u**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32x4.**le_s**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32x4.**lt_u**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32x4.**ge_s**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32x4.**ge_u**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32x4.**neg**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32x4.**any_true**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32x4.**all_true**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32x4.**shl**(vec: `ExpressionRef`, shift: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32x4.**shr_s**(vec: `ExpressionRef`, shift: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32x4.**shr_u**(vec: `ExpressionRef`, shift: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32x4.**add**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32x4.**sub**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32x4.**mul**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32x4.**min_s**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32x4.**min_u**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32x4.**max_s**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32x4.**max_u**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32x4.**dot_i16x8_s**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32x4.**trunc_sat_f32x4_s**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32x4.**trunc_sat_f32x4_u**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32x4.**widen_low_i16x8_s**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32x4.**widen_high_i16x8_s**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32x4.**widen_low_i16x8_u**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32x4.**widen_high_i16x8_u**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32x4.**load16x4_s**(offset: `number`, align: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32x4.**load16x4_u**(offset: `number`, align: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` > * Module#i64x2.**splat**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64x2.**extract_lane_s**(vec: `ExpressionRef`, index: `number`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64x2.**extract_lane_u**(vec: `ExpressionRef`, index: `number`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64x2.**replace_lane**(vec: `ExpressionRef`, index: `number`, value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64x2.**neg**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64x2.**any_true**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64x2.**all_true**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64x2.**shl**(vec: `ExpressionRef`, shift: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64x2.**shr_s**(vec: `ExpressionRef`, shift: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64x2.**shr_u**(vec: `ExpressionRef`, shift: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64x2.**add**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64x2.**sub**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64x2.**trunc_sat_f64x2_s**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64x2.**trunc_sat_f64x2_u**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64x2.**load32x2_s**(offset: `number`, align: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64x2.**load32x2_u**(offset: `number`, align: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` > * Module#f32x4.**splat**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f32x4.**extract_lane**(vec: `ExpressionRef`, index: `number`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f32x4.**replace_lane**(vec: `ExpressionRef`, index: `number`, value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f32x4.**eq**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f32x4.**ne**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f32x4.**lt**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f32x4.**gt**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f32x4.**le**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f32x4.**ge**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f32x4.**abs**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f32x4.**neg**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f32x4.**sqrt**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f32x4.**qfma**(a: `ExpressionRef`, b: `ExpressionRef`, c: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f32x4.**qfms**(a: `ExpressionRef`, b: `ExpressionRef`, c: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f32x4.**add**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f32x4.**sub**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f32x4.**mul**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f32x4.**div**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f32x4.**min**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f32x4.**max**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f32x4.**convert_i32x4_s**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f32x4.**convert_i32x4_u**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` > * Module#f64x2.**splat**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f64x2.**extract_lane**(vec: `ExpressionRef`, index: `number`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f64x2.**replace_lane**(vec: `ExpressionRef`, index: `number`, value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f64x2.**eq**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f64x2.**ne**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f64x2.**lt**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f64x2.**gt**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f64x2.**le**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f64x2.**ge**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f64x2.**abs**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f64x2.**neg**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f64x2.**sqrt**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f64x2.**qfma**(a: `ExpressionRef`, b: `ExpressionRef`, c: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f64x2.**qfms**(a: `ExpressionRef`, b: `ExpressionRef`, c: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f64x2.**add**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f64x2.**sub**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f64x2.**mul**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f64x2.**div**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f64x2.**min**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f64x2.**max**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f64x2.**convert_i64x2_s**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f64x2.**convert_i64x2_u**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` > * Module#v8x16.**shuffle**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`, mask: `Uint8Array`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#v8x16.**swizzle**(left: `ExpressionRef`, right: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#v8x16.**load_splat**(offset: `number`, align: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` > * Module#v16x8.**load_splat**(offset: `number`, align: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` > * Module#v32x4.**load_splat**(offset: `number`, align: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` > * Module#v64x2.**load_splat**(offset: `number`, align: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` #### [Atomic memory accesses]( 🦄 * Module#i32.**atomic.load**(offset: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32.**atomic.load8_u**(offset: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32.**atomic.load16_u**(offset: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32.****(offset: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`, value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32.**atomic.store8**(offset: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`, value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32.**atomic.store16**(offset: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`, value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` > * Module#i64.**atomic.load**(offset: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64.**atomic.load8_u**(offset: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64.**atomic.load16_u**(offset: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64.**atomic.load32_u**(offset: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64.****(offset: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`, value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64.**atomic.store8**(offset: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`, value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64.**atomic.store16**(offset: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`, value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64.**atomic.store32**(offset: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`, value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` #### [Atomic read-modify-write operations]( 🦄 * Module#i32.**atomic.rmw.add**(offset: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`, value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32.**atomic.rmw.sub**(offset: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`, value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32.**atomic.rmw.and**(offset: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`, value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32.**atomic.rmw.or**(offset: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`, value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32.**atomic.rmw.xor**(offset: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`, value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32.**atomic.rmw.xchg**(offset: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`, value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32.**atomic.rmw.cmpxchg**(offset: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`, expected: `ExpressionRef`, replacement: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32.**atomic.rmw8_u.add**(offset: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`, value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32.**atomic.rmw8_u.sub**(offset: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`, value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32.**atomic.rmw8_u.and**(offset: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`, value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32.**atomic.rmw8_u.or**(offset: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`, value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32.**atomic.rmw8_u.xor**(offset: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`, value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32.**atomic.rmw8_u.xchg**(offset: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`, value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32.**atomic.rmw8_u.cmpxchg**(offset: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`, expected: `ExpressionRef`, replacement: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32.**atomic.rmw16_u.add**(offset: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`, value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32.**atomic.rmw16_u.sub**(offset: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`, value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32.**atomic.rmw16_u.and**(offset: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`, value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32.**atomic.rmw16_u.or**(offset: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`, value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32.**atomic.rmw16_u.xor**(offset: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`, value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32.**atomic.rmw16_u.xchg**(offset: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`, value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32.**atomic.rmw16_u.cmpxchg**(offset: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`, expected: `ExpressionRef`, replacement: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` > * Module#i64.**atomic.rmw.add**(offset: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`, value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64.**atomic.rmw.sub**(offset: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`, value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64.**atomic.rmw.and**(offset: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`, value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64.**atomic.rmw.or**(offset: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`, value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64.**atomic.rmw.xor**(offset: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`, value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64.**atomic.rmw.xchg**(offset: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`, value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64.**atomic.rmw.cmpxchg**(offset: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`, expected: `ExpressionRef`, replacement: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64.**atomic.rmw8_u.add**(offset: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`, value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64.**atomic.rmw8_u.sub**(offset: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`, value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64.**atomic.rmw8_u.and**(offset: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`, value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64.**atomic.rmw8_u.or**(offset: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`, value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64.**atomic.rmw8_u.xor**(offset: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`, value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64.**atomic.rmw8_u.xchg**(offset: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`, value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64.**atomic.rmw8_u.cmpxchg**(offset: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`, expected: `ExpressionRef`, replacement: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64.**atomic.rmw16_u.add**(offset: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`, value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64.**atomic.rmw16_u.sub**(offset: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`, value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64.**atomic.rmw16_u.and**(offset: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`, value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64.**atomic.rmw16_u.or**(offset: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`, value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64.**atomic.rmw16_u.xor**(offset: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`, value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64.**atomic.rmw16_u.xchg**(offset: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`, value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64.**atomic.rmw16_u.cmpxchg**(offset: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`, expected: `ExpressionRef`, replacement: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64.**atomic.rmw32_u.add**(offset: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`, value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64.**atomic.rmw32_u.sub**(offset: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`, value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64.**atomic.rmw32_u.and**(offset: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`, value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64.**atomic.rmw32_u.or**(offset: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`, value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64.**atomic.rmw32_u.xor**(offset: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`, value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64.**atomic.rmw32_u.xchg**(offset: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`, value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64.**atomic.rmw32_u.cmpxchg**(offset: `number`, ptr: `ExpressionRef`, expected: `ExpressionRef`, replacement: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` #### [Atomic wait and notify operations]( 🦄 * Module#i32.**atomic.wait**(ptr: `ExpressionRef`, expected: `ExpressionRef`, timeout: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64.**atomic.wait**(ptr: `ExpressionRef`, expected: `ExpressionRef`, timeout: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#**atomic.notify**(ptr: `ExpressionRef`, notifyCount: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#**atomic.fence**(): `ExpressionRef` #### [Sign extension operations]( 🦄 * Module#i32.**extend8_s**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32.**extend16_s**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` > * Module#i64.**extend8_s**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64.**extend16_s**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64.**extend32_s**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` #### [Multi-value operations]( 🦄 Note that these are pseudo instructions enabling Binaryen to reason about multiple values on the stack. * Module#**push**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i32.**pop**(): `ExpressionRef` * Module#i64.**pop**(): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f32.**pop**(): `ExpressionRef` * Module#f64.**pop**(): `ExpressionRef` * Module#v128.**pop**(): `ExpressionRef` * Module#funcref.**pop**(): `ExpressionRef` * Module#anyref.**pop**(): `ExpressionRef` * Module#nullref.**pop**(): `ExpressionRef` * Module#exnref.**pop**(): `ExpressionRef` * Module#tuple.**make**(elements: `ExpressionRef[]`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#tuple.**extract**(tuple: `ExpressionRef`, index: `number`): `ExpressionRef` #### [Exception handling operations]( 🦄 * Module#**try**(body: `ExpressionRef`, catchBody: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#**throw**(event: `string`, operands: `ExpressionRef[]`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#**rethrow**(exnref: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#**br_on_exn**(label: `string`, event: `string`, exnref: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` > * Module#**addEvent**(name: `string`, attribute: `number`, params: `Type`, results: `Type`): `Event` * Module#**getEvent**(name: `string`): `Event` * Module#**removeEvent**(name: `stirng`): `void` * Module#**addEventImport**(internalName: `string`, externalModuleName: `string`, externalBaseName: `string`, attribute: `number`, params: `Type`, results: `Type`): `void` * Module#**addEventExport**(internalName: `string`, externalName: `string`): `ExportRef` #### [Reference types operations]( 🦄 * Module#ref.**null**(): `ExpressionRef` * Module#ref.**is_null**(value: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef` * Module#ref.**func**(name: `string`): `ExpressionRef` ### Expression manipulation * **getExpressionId**(expr: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionId`<br /> Gets the id (kind) of the specified expression. Possible values are: * **InvalidId**: `ExpressionId` * **BlockId**: `ExpressionId` * **IfId**: `ExpressionId` * **LoopId**: `ExpressionId` * **BreakId**: `ExpressionId` * **SwitchId**: `ExpressionId` * **CallId**: `ExpressionId` * **CallIndirectId**: `ExpressionId` * **LocalGetId**: `ExpressionId` * **LocalSetId**: `ExpressionId` * **GlobalGetId**: `ExpressionId` * **GlobalSetId**: `ExpressionId` * **LoadId**: `ExpressionId` * **StoreId**: `ExpressionId` * **ConstId**: `ExpressionId` * **UnaryId**: `ExpressionId` * **BinaryId**: `ExpressionId` * **SelectId**: `ExpressionId` * **DropId**: `ExpressionId` * **ReturnId**: `ExpressionId` * **HostId**: `ExpressionId` * **NopId**: `ExpressionId` * **UnreachableId**: `ExpressionId` * **AtomicCmpxchgId**: `ExpressionId` * **AtomicRMWId**: `ExpressionId` * **AtomicWaitId**: `ExpressionId` * **AtomicNotifyId**: `ExpressionId` * **AtomicFenceId**: `ExpressionId` * **SIMDExtractId**: `ExpressionId` * **SIMDReplaceId**: `ExpressionId` * **SIMDShuffleId**: `ExpressionId` * **SIMDTernaryId**: `ExpressionId` * **SIMDShiftId**: `ExpressionId` * **SIMDLoadId**: `ExpressionId` * **MemoryInitId**: `ExpressionId` * **DataDropId**: `ExpressionId` * **MemoryCopyId**: `ExpressionId` * **MemoryFillId**: `ExpressionId` * **RefNullId**: `ExpressionId` * **RefIsNullId**: `ExpressionId` * **RefFuncId**: `ExpressionId` * **TryId**: `ExpressionId` * **ThrowId**: `ExpressionId` * **RethrowId**: `ExpressionId` * **BrOnExnId**: `ExpressionId` * **PushId**: `ExpressionId` * **PopId**: `ExpressionId` * **getExpressionType**(expr: `ExpressionRef`): `Type`<br /> Gets the type of the specified expression. * **getExpressionInfo**(expr: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionInfo`<br /> Obtains information about an expression, always including: * Info#**id**: `ExpressionId` * Info#**type**: `Type` Additional properties depend on the expression's `id` and are usually equivalent to the respective parameters when creating such an expression: * BlockInfo#**name**: `string` * BlockInfo#**children**: `ExpressionRef[]` > * IfInfo#**condition**: `ExpressionRef` * IfInfo#**ifTrue**: `ExpressionRef` * IfInfo#**ifFalse**: `ExpressionRef | null` > * LoopInfo#**name**: `string` * LoopInfo#**body**: `ExpressionRef` > * BreakInfo#**name**: `string` * BreakInfo#**condition**: `ExpressionRef | null` * BreakInfo#**value**: `ExpressionRef | null` > * SwitchInfo#**names**: `string[]` * SwitchInfo#**defaultName**: `string | null` * SwitchInfo#**condition**: `ExpressionRef` * SwitchInfo#**value**: `ExpressionRef | null` > * CallInfo#**target**: `string` * CallInfo#**operands**: `ExpressionRef[]` > * CallImportInfo#**target**: `string` * CallImportInfo#**operands**: `ExpressionRef[]` > * CallIndirectInfo#**target**: `ExpressionRef` * CallIndirectInfo#**operands**: `ExpressionRef[]` > * LocalGetInfo#**index**: `number` > * LocalSetInfo#**isTee**: `boolean` * LocalSetInfo#**index**: `number` * LocalSetInfo#**value**: `ExpressionRef` > * GlobalGetInfo#**name**: `string` > * GlobalSetInfo#**name**: `string` * GlobalSetInfo#**value**: `ExpressionRef` > * LoadInfo#**isAtomic**: `boolean` * LoadInfo#**isSigned**: `boolean` * LoadInfo#**offset**: `number` * LoadInfo#**bytes**: `number` * LoadInfo#**align**: `number` * LoadInfo#**ptr**: `ExpressionRef` > * StoreInfo#**isAtomic**: `boolean` * StoreInfo#**offset**: `number` * StoreInfo#**bytes**: `number` * StoreInfo#**align**: `number` * StoreInfo#**ptr**: `ExpressionRef` * StoreInfo#**value**: `ExpressionRef` > * ConstInfo#**value**: `number | { low: number, high: number }` > * UnaryInfo#**op**: `number` * UnaryInfo#**value**: `ExpressionRef` > * BinaryInfo#**op**: `number` * BinaryInfo#**left**: `ExpressionRef` * BinaryInfo#**right**: `ExpressionRef` > * SelectInfo#**ifTrue**: `ExpressionRef` * SelectInfo#**ifFalse**: `ExpressionRef` * SelectInfo#**condition**: `ExpressionRef` > * DropInfo#**value**: `ExpressionRef` > * ReturnInfo#**value**: `ExpressionRef | null` > * NopInfo > * UnreachableInfo > * HostInfo#**op**: `number` * HostInfo#**nameOperand**: `string | null` * HostInfo#**operands**: `ExpressionRef[]` > * AtomicRMWInfo#**op**: `number` * AtomicRMWInfo#**bytes**: `number` * AtomicRMWInfo#**offset**: `number` * AtomicRMWInfo#**ptr**: `ExpressionRef` * AtomicRMWInfo#**value**: `ExpressionRef` > * AtomicCmpxchgInfo#**bytes**: `number` * AtomicCmpxchgInfo#**offset**: `number` * AtomicCmpxchgInfo#**ptr**: `ExpressionRef` * AtomicCmpxchgInfo#**expected**: `ExpressionRef` * AtomicCmpxchgInfo#**replacement**: `ExpressionRef` > * AtomicWaitInfo#**ptr**: `ExpressionRef` * AtomicWaitInfo#**expected**: `ExpressionRef` * AtomicWaitInfo#**timeout**: `ExpressionRef` * AtomicWaitInfo#**expectedType**: `Type` > * AtomicNotifyInfo#**ptr**: `ExpressionRef` * AtomicNotifyInfo#**notifyCount**: `ExpressionRef` > * AtomicFenceInfo > * SIMDExtractInfo#**op**: `Op` * SIMDExtractInfo#**vec**: `ExpressionRef` * SIMDExtractInfo#**index**: `ExpressionRef` > * SIMDReplaceInfo#**op**: `Op` * SIMDReplaceInfo#**vec**: `ExpressionRef` * SIMDReplaceInfo#**index**: `ExpressionRef` * SIMDReplaceInfo#**value**: `ExpressionRef` > * SIMDShuffleInfo#**left**: `ExpressionRef` * SIMDShuffleInfo#**right**: `ExpressionRef` * SIMDShuffleInfo#**mask**: `Uint8Array` > * SIMDTernaryInfo#**op**: `Op` * SIMDTernaryInfo#**a**: `ExpressionRef` * SIMDTernaryInfo#**b**: `ExpressionRef` * SIMDTernaryInfo#**c**: `ExpressionRef` > * SIMDShiftInfo#**op**: `Op` * SIMDShiftInfo#**vec**: `ExpressionRef` * SIMDShiftInfo#**shift**: `ExpressionRef` > * SIMDLoadInfo#**op**: `Op` * SIMDLoadInfo#**offset**: `number` * SIMDLoadInfo#**align**: `number` * SIMDLoadInfo#**ptr**: `ExpressionRef` > * MemoryInitInfo#**segment**: `number` * MemoryInitInfo#**dest**: `ExpressionRef` * MemoryInitInfo#**offset**: `ExpressionRef` * MemoryInitInfo#**size**: `ExpressionRef` > * MemoryDropInfo#**segment**: `number` > * MemoryCopyInfo#**dest**: `ExpressionRef` * MemoryCopyInfo#**source**: `ExpressionRef` * MemoryCopyInfo#**size**: `ExpressionRef` > * MemoryFillInfo#**dest**: `ExpressionRef` * MemoryFillInfo#**value**: `ExpressionRef` * MemoryFillInfo#**size**: `ExpressionRef` > * TryInfo#**body**: `ExpressionRef` * TryInfo#**catchBody**: `ExpressionRef` > * RefNullInfo > * RefIsNullInfo#**value**: `ExpressionRef` > * RefFuncInfo#**func**: `string` > * ThrowInfo#**event**: `string` * ThrowInfo#**operands**: `ExpressionRef[]` > * RethrowInfo#**exnref**: `ExpressionRef` > * BrOnExnInfo#**name**: `string` * BrOnExnInfo#**event**: `string` * BrOnExnInfo#**exnref**: `ExpressionRef` > * PopInfo > * PushInfo#**value**: `ExpressionRef` * **emitText**(expression: `ExpressionRef`): `string`<br /> Emits the expression in Binaryen's s-expression text format (not official stack-style text format). * **copyExpression**(expression: `ExpressionRef`): `ExpressionRef`<br /> Creates a deep copy of an expression. ### Relooper * new **Relooper**()<br /> Constructs a relooper instance. This lets you provide an arbitrary CFG, and the relooper will structure it for WebAssembly. * Relooper#**addBlock**(code: `ExpressionRef`): `RelooperBlockRef`<br /> Adds a new block to the CFG, containing the provided code as its body. * Relooper#**addBranch**(from: `RelooperBlockRef`, to: `RelooperBlockRef`, condition: `ExpressionRef`, code: `ExpressionRef`): `void`<br /> Adds a branch from a block to another block, with a condition (or nothing, if this is the default branch to take from the origin - each block must have one such branch), and optional code to execute on the branch (useful for phis). * Relooper#**addBlockWithSwitch**(code: `ExpressionRef`, condition: `ExpressionRef`): `RelooperBlockRef`<br /> Adds a new block, which ends with a switch/br_table, with provided code and condition (that determines where we go in the switch). * Relooper#**addBranchForSwitch**(from: `RelooperBlockRef`, to: `RelooperBlockRef`, indexes: `number[]`, code: `ExpressionRef`): `void`<br /> Adds a branch from a block ending in a switch, to another block, using an array of indexes that determine where to go, and optional code to execute on the branch. * Relooper#**renderAndDispose**(entry: `RelooperBlockRef`, labelHelper: `number`, module: `Module`): `ExpressionRef`<br /> Renders and cleans up the Relooper instance. Call this after you have created all the blocks and branches, giving it the entry block (where control flow begins), a label helper variable (an index of a local we can use, necessary for irreducible control flow), and the module. This returns an expression - normal WebAssembly code - that you can use normally anywhere. ### Source maps * Module#**addDebugInfoFileName**(filename: `string`): `number`<br /> Adds a debug info file name to the module and returns its index. * Module#**getDebugInfoFileName**(index: `number`): `string | null` <br /> Gets the name of the debug info file at the specified index. * Module#**setDebugLocation**(func: `FunctionRef`, expr: `ExpressionRef`, fileIndex: `number`, lineNumber: `number`, columnNumber: `number`): `void`<br /> Sets the debug location of the specified `ExpressionRef` within the specified `FunctionRef`. ### Debugging * Module#**interpret**(): `void`<br /> Runs the module in the interpreter, calling the start function. ### Estraverse [![Build Status](]( Estraverse ([estraverse]( is [ECMAScript]( traversal functions from [esmangle project]( ### Documentation You can find usage docs at [wiki page]( ### Example Usage The following code will output all variables declared at the root of a file. ```javascript estraverse.traverse(ast, { enter: function (node, parent) { if (node.type == 'FunctionExpression' || node.type == 'FunctionDeclaration') return estraverse.VisitorOption.Skip; }, leave: function (node, parent) { if (node.type == 'VariableDeclarator') console.log(; } }); ``` We can use `this.skip`, `this.remove` and `this.break` functions instead of using Skip, Remove and Break. ```javascript estraverse.traverse(ast, { enter: function (node) { this.break(); } }); ``` And estraverse provides `estraverse.replace` function. When returning node from `enter`/`leave`, current node is replaced with it. ```javascript result = estraverse.replace(tree, { enter: function (node) { // Replace it with replaced. if (node.type === 'Literal') return replaced; } }); ``` By passing `visitor.keys` mapping, we can extend estraverse traversing functionality. ```javascript // This tree contains a user-defined `TestExpression` node. var tree = { type: 'TestExpression', // This 'argument' is the property containing the other **node**. argument: { type: 'Literal', value: 20 }, // This 'extended' is the property not containing the other **node**. extended: true }; estraverse.traverse(tree, { enter: function (node) { }, // Extending the existing traversing rules. keys: { // TargetNodeName: [ 'keys', 'containing', 'the', 'other', '**node**' ] TestExpression: ['argument'] } }); ``` By passing `visitor.fallback` option, we can control the behavior when encountering unknown nodes. ```javascript // This tree contains a user-defined `TestExpression` node. var tree = { type: 'TestExpression', // This 'argument' is the property containing the other **node**. argument: { type: 'Literal', value: 20 }, // This 'extended' is the property not containing the other **node**. extended: true }; estraverse.traverse(tree, { enter: function (node) { }, // Iterating the child **nodes** of unknown nodes. fallback: 'iteration' }); ``` When `visitor.fallback` is a function, we can determine which keys to visit on each node. ```javascript // This tree contains a user-defined `TestExpression` node. var tree = { type: 'TestExpression', // This 'argument' is the property containing the other **node**. argument: { type: 'Literal', value: 20 }, // This 'extended' is the property not containing the other **node**. extended: true }; estraverse.traverse(tree, { enter: function (node) { }, // Skip the `argument` property of each node fallback: function(node) { return Object.keys(node).filter(function(key) { return key !== 'argument'; }); } }); ``` ### License Copyright (C) 2012-2016 [Yusuke Suzuki]( (twitter: [@Constellation]( and other contributors. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL <COPYRIGHT HOLDER> BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # AssemblyScript Rtrace A tiny utility to sanitize the AssemblyScript runtime. Records allocations and frees performed by the runtime and emits an error if something is off. Also checks for leaks. Instructions ------------ Compile your module that uses the full or half runtime with `-use ASC_RTRACE=1 --explicitStart` and include an instance of this module as the import named `rtrace`. ```js const rtrace = new Rtrace({ onerror(err, info) { // handle error }, oninfo(msg) { // print message, optional }, getMemory() { // obtain the module's memory, // e.g. with --explicitStart: return instance.exports.memory; } }); const { module, instance } = await WebAssembly.instantiate(..., rtrace.install({ ...imports... }) ); instance.exports._start(); ... if ( { let leakCount = rtr.check(); if (leakCount) { // handle error } } ``` Note that references in globals which are not cleared before collection is performed appear as leaks, including their inner members. A TypedArray would leak itself and its backing ArrayBuffer in this case for example. This is perfectly normal and clearing all globals avoids this. # lru cache A cache object that deletes the least-recently-used items. [![Build Status](]( [![Coverage Status](]( ## Installation: ```javascript npm install lru-cache --save ``` ## Usage: ```javascript var LRU = require("lru-cache") , options = { max: 500 , length: function (n, key) { return n * 2 + key.length } , dispose: function (key, n) { n.close() } , maxAge: 1000 * 60 * 60 } , cache = new LRU(options) , otherCache = new LRU(50) // sets just the max size cache.set("key", "value") cache.get("key") // "value" // non-string keys ARE fully supported // but note that it must be THE SAME object, not // just a JSON-equivalent object. var someObject = { a: 1 } cache.set(someObject, 'a value') // Object keys are not toString()-ed cache.set('[object Object]', 'a different value') assert.equal(cache.get(someObject), 'a value') // A similar object with same keys/values won't work, // because it's a different object identity assert.equal(cache.get({ a: 1 }), undefined) cache.reset() // empty the cache ``` If you put more stuff in it, then items will fall out. If you try to put an oversized thing in it, then it'll fall out right away. ## Options * `max` The maximum size of the cache, checked by applying the length function to all values in the cache. Not setting this is kind of silly, since that's the whole purpose of this lib, but it defaults to `Infinity`. Setting it to a non-number or negative number will throw a `TypeError`. Setting it to 0 makes it be `Infinity`. * `maxAge` Maximum age in ms. Items are not pro-actively pruned out as they age, but if you try to get an item that is too old, it'll drop it and return undefined instead of giving it to you. Setting this to a negative value will make everything seem old! Setting it to a non-number will throw a `TypeError`. * `length` Function that is used to calculate the length of stored items. If you're storing strings or buffers, then you probably want to do something like `function(n, key){return n.length}`. The default is `function(){return 1}`, which is fine if you want to store `max` like-sized things. The item is passed as the first argument, and the key is passed as the second argumnet. * `dispose` Function that is called on items when they are dropped from the cache. This can be handy if you want to close file descriptors or do other cleanup tasks when items are no longer accessible. Called with `key, value`. It's called *before* actually removing the item from the internal cache, so if you want to immediately put it back in, you'll have to do that in a `nextTick` or `setTimeout` callback or it won't do anything. * `stale` By default, if you set a `maxAge`, it'll only actually pull stale items out of the cache when you `get(key)`. (That is, it's not pre-emptively doing a `setTimeout` or anything.) If you set `stale:true`, it'll return the stale value before deleting it. If you don't set this, then it'll return `undefined` when you try to get a stale entry, as if it had already been deleted. * `noDisposeOnSet` By default, if you set a `dispose()` method, then it'll be called whenever a `set()` operation overwrites an existing key. If you set this option, `dispose()` will only be called when a key falls out of the cache, not when it is overwritten. * `updateAgeOnGet` When using time-expiring entries with `maxAge`, setting this to `true` will make each item's effective time update to the current time whenever it is retrieved from cache, causing it to not expire. (It can still fall out of cache based on recency of use, of course.) ## API * `set(key, value, maxAge)` * `get(key) => value` Both of these will update the "recently used"-ness of the key. They do what you think. `maxAge` is optional and overrides the cache `maxAge` option if provided. If the key is not found, `get()` will return `undefined`. The key and val can be any value. * `peek(key)` Returns the key value (or `undefined` if not found) without updating the "recently used"-ness of the key. (If you find yourself using this a lot, you *might* be using the wrong sort of data structure, but there are some use cases where it's handy.) * `del(key)` Deletes a key out of the cache. * `reset()` Clear the cache entirely, throwing away all values. * `has(key)` Check if a key is in the cache, without updating the recent-ness or deleting it for being stale. * `forEach(function(value,key,cache), [thisp])` Just like `Array.prototype.forEach`. Iterates over all the keys in the cache, in order of recent-ness. (Ie, more recently used items are iterated over first.) * `rforEach(function(value,key,cache), [thisp])` The same as `cache.forEach(...)` but items are iterated over in reverse order. (ie, less recently used items are iterated over first.) * `keys()` Return an array of the keys in the cache. * `values()` Return an array of the values in the cache. * `length` Return total length of objects in cache taking into account `length` options function. * `itemCount` Return total quantity of objects currently in cache. Note, that `stale` (see options) items are returned as part of this item count. * `dump()` Return an array of the cache entries ready for serialization and usage with 'destinationCache.load(arr)`. * `load(cacheEntriesArray)` Loads another cache entries array, obtained with `sourceCache.dump()`, into the cache. The destination cache is reset before loading new entries * `prune()` Manually iterates over the entire cache proactively pruning old entries Railroad-diagram Generator ========================== This is a small js library for generating railroad diagrams (like what []( uses) using SVG. Railroad diagrams are a way of visually representing a grammar in a form that is more readable than using regular expressions or BNF. I think (though I haven't given it a lot of thought yet) that if it's easy to write a context-free grammar for the language, the corresponding railroad diagram will be easy as well. There are several railroad-diagram generators out there, but none of them had the visual appeal I wanted. [Here's an example of how they look!]( And [here's an online generator for you to play with and get SVG code from!]( The library now exists in a Python port as well! See the information further down. Details ------- To use the library, just include the js and css files, and then call the Diagram() function. Its arguments are the components of the diagram (Diagram is a special form of Sequence). An alternative to Diagram() is ComplexDiagram() which is used to describe a complex type diagram. Components are either leaves or containers. The leaves: * Terminal(text) or a bare string - represents literal text * NonTerminal(text) - represents an instruction or another production * Comment(text) - a comment * Skip() - an empty line The containers: * Sequence(children) - like simple concatenation in a regex * Choice(index, children) - like | in a regex. The index argument specifies which child is the "normal" choice and should go in the middle * Optional(child, skip) - like ? in a regex. A shorthand for `Choice(1, [Skip(), child])`. If the optional `skip` parameter has the value `"skip"`, it instead puts the Skip() in the straight-line path, for when the "normal" behavior is to omit the item. * OneOrMore(child, repeat) - like + in a regex. The 'repeat' argument is optional, and specifies something that must go between the repetitions. * ZeroOrMore(child, repeat, skip) - like * in a regex. A shorthand for `Optional(OneOrMore(child, repeat))`. The optional `skip` parameter is identical to Optional(). For convenience, each component can be called with or without `new`. If called without `new`, the container components become n-ary; that is, you can say either `new Sequence([A, B])` or just `Sequence(A,B)`. After constructing a Diagram, call `.format(...padding)` on it, specifying 0-4 padding values (just like CSS) for some additional "breathing space" around the diagram (the paddings default to 20px). The result can either be `.toString()`'d for the markup, or `.toSVG()`'d for an `<svg>` element, which can then be immediately inserted to the document. As a convenience, Diagram also has an `.addTo(element)` method, which immediately converts it to SVG and appends it to the referenced element with default paddings. `element` defaults to `document.body`. Options ------- There are a few options you can tweak, at the bottom of the file. Just tweak either until the diagram looks like what you want. You can also change the CSS file - feel free to tweak to your heart's content. Note, though, that if you change the text sizes in the CSS, you'll have to go adjust the metrics for the leaf nodes as well. * VERTICAL_SEPARATION - sets the minimum amount of vertical separation between two items. Note that the stroke width isn't counted when computing the separation; this shouldn't be relevant unless you have a very small separation or very large stroke width. * ARC_RADIUS - the radius of the arcs used in the branching containers like Choice. This has a relatively large effect on the size of non-trivial diagrams. Both tight and loose values look good, depending on what you're going for. * DIAGRAM_CLASS - the class set on the root `<svg>` element of each diagram, for use in the CSS stylesheet. * STROKE_ODD_PIXEL_LENGTH - the default stylesheet uses odd pixel lengths for 'stroke'. Due to rasterization artifacts, they look best when the item has been translated half a pixel in both directions. If you change the styling to use a stroke with even pixel lengths, you'll want to set this variable to `false`. * INTERNAL_ALIGNMENT - when some branches of a container are narrower than others, this determines how they're aligned in the extra space. Defaults to "center", but can be set to "left" or "right". Caveats ------- At this early stage, the generator is feature-complete and works as intended, but still has several TODOs: * The font-sizes are hard-coded right now, and the font handling in general is very dumb - I'm just guessing at some metrics that are probably "good enough" rather than measuring things properly. Python Port ----------- In addition to the canonical JS version, the library now exists as a Python library as well. Using it is basically identical. The config variables are globals in the file, and so may be adjusted either manually or via tweaking from inside your program. The main difference from the JS port is how you extract the string from the Diagram. You'll find a `writeSvg(writerFunc)` method on `Diagram`, which takes a callback of one argument and passes it the string form of the diagram. For example, it can be used like `Diagram(...).writeSvg(sys.stdout.write)` to write to stdout. **Note**: the callback will be called multiple times as it builds up the string, not just once with the whole thing. If you need it all at once, consider something like a `StringIO` as an easy way to collect it into a single string. License ------- This document and all associated files in the github project are licensed under [CC0]( ![]( This means you can reuse, remix, or otherwise appropriate this project for your own use **without restriction**. (The actual legal meaning can be found at the above link.) Don't ask me for permission to use any part of this project, **just use it**. I would appreciate attribution, but that is not required by the license. # Regular Expression Tokenizer Tokenizes strings that represent a regular expressions. [![Build Status](]( [![Dependency Status](]( [![codecov](]( # Usage ```js var ret = require('ret'); var tokens = ret(/foo|bar/.source); ``` `tokens` will contain the following object ```js { "type": ret.types.ROOT "options": [ [ { "type": ret.types.CHAR, "value", 102 }, { "type": ret.types.CHAR, "value", 111 }, { "type": ret.types.CHAR, "value", 111 } ], [ { "type": ret.types.CHAR, "value", 98 }, { "type": ret.types.CHAR, "value", 97 }, { "type": ret.types.CHAR, "value", 114 } ] ] } ``` # Token Types `ret.types` is a collection of the various token types exported by ret. ### ROOT Only used in the root of the regexp. This is needed due to the posibility of the root containing a pipe `|` character. In that case, the token will have an `options` key that will be an array of arrays of tokens. If not, it will contain a `stack` key that is an array of tokens. ```js { "type": ret.types.ROOT, "stack": [token1, token2...], } ``` ```js { "type": ret.types.ROOT, "options" [ [token1, token2...], [othertoken1, othertoken2...] ... ], } ``` ### GROUP Groups contain tokens that are inside of a parenthesis. If the group begins with `?` followed by another character, it's a special type of group. A ':' tells the group not to be remembered when `exec` is used. '=' means the previous token matches only if followed by this group, and '!' means the previous token matches only if NOT followed. Like root, it can contain an `options` key instead of `stack` if there is a pipe. ```js { "type": ret.types.GROUP, "remember" true, "followedBy": false, "notFollowedBy": false, "stack": [token1, token2...], } ``` ```js { "type": ret.types.GROUP, "remember" true, "followedBy": false, "notFollowedBy": false, "options" [ [token1, token2...], [othertoken1, othertoken2...] ... ], } ``` ### POSITION `\b`, `\B`, `^`, and `$` specify positions in the regexp. ```js { "type": ret.types.POSITION, "value": "^", } ``` ### SET Contains a key `set` specifying what tokens are allowed and a key `not` specifying if the set should be negated. A set can contain other sets, ranges, and characters. ```js { "type": ret.types.SET, "set": [token1, token2...], "not": false, } ``` ### RANGE Used in set tokens to specify a character range. `from` and `to` are character codes. ```js { "type": ret.types.RANGE, "from": 97, "to": 122, } ``` ### REPETITION ```js { "type": ret.types.REPETITION, "min": 0, "max": Infinity, "value": token, } ``` ### REFERENCE References a group token. `value` is 1-9. ```js { "type": ret.types.REFERENCE, "value": 1, } ``` ### CHAR Represents a single character token. `value` is the character code. This might seem a bit cluttering instead of concatenating characters together. But since repetition tokens only repeat the last token and not the last clause like the pipe, it's simpler to do it this way. ```js { "type": ret.types.CHAR, "value": 123, } ``` ## Errors ret.js will throw errors if given a string with an invalid regular expression. All possible errors are * Invalid group. When a group with an immediate `?` character is followed by an invalid character. It can only be followed by `!`, `=`, or `:`. Example: `/(?_abc)/` * Nothing to repeat. Thrown when a repetitional token is used as the first token in the current clause, as in right in the beginning of the regexp or group, or right after a pipe. Example: `/foo|?bar/`, `/{1,3}foo|bar/`, `/foo(+bar)/` * Unmatched ). A group was not opened, but was closed. Example: `/hello)2u/` * Unterminated group. A group was not closed. Example: `/(1(23)4/` * Unterminated character class. A custom character set was not closed. Example: `/[abc/` # Install npm install ret # Tests Tests are written with [vows]( ```bash npm test ``` # License MIT # randexp.js randexp will generate a random string that matches a given RegExp Javascript object. [![Build Status](]( [![Dependency Status](]( [![codecov](]( # Usage ```js var RandExp = require('randexp'); // supports grouping and piping new RandExp(/hello+ (world|to you)/).gen(); // => hellooooooooooooooooooo world // sets and ranges and references new RandExp(/<([a-z]\w{0,20})>foo<\1>/).gen(); // => <m5xhdg>foo<m5xhdg> // wildcard new RandExp(/random stuff: .+/).gen(); // => random stuff: l3m;Hf9XYbI [YPaxV>U*4-_F!WXQh9>;rH3i l!8.zoh?[utt1OWFQrE ^~8zEQm]~tK // ignore case new RandExp(/xxx xtreme dragon warrior xxx/i).gen(); // => xxx xtReME dRAGON warRiOR xXX // dynamic regexp shortcut new RandExp('(sun|mon|tue|wednes|thurs|fri|satur)day', 'i'); // is the same as new RandExp(new RegExp('(sun|mon|tue|wednes|thurs|fri|satur)day', 'i')); ``` If you're only going to use `gen()` once with a regexp and want slightly shorter syntax for it ```js var randexp = require('randexp').randexp; randexp(/[1-6]/); // 4 randexp('great|good( job)?|excellent'); // great ``` If you miss the old syntax ```js require('randexp').sugar(); /yes|no|maybe|i don't know/.gen(); // maybe ``` # Motivation Regular expressions are used in every language, every programmer is familiar with them. Regex can be used to easily express complex strings. What better way to generate a random string than with a language you can use to express the string you want? Thanks to [String-Random]( for giving me the idea to make this in the first place and [randexp]( for the sweet `.gen()` syntax. # Default Range The default generated character range includes printable ASCII. In order to add or remove characters, a `defaultRange` attribute is exposed. you can `subtract(from, to)` and `add(from, to)` ```js var randexp = new RandExp(/random stuff: .+/); randexp.defaultRange.subtract(32, 126); randexp.defaultRange.add(0, 65535); randexp.gen(); // => random stuff: 湐箻ໜ䫴␩⶛㳸長���邓蕲뤀쑡篷皇硬剈궦佔칗븛뀃匫鴔事좍ﯣ⭼ꝏ䭍詳蒂䥂뽭 ``` # Custom PRNG The default randomness is provided by `Math.random()`. If you need to use a seedable or cryptographic PRNG, you can override `RandExp.prototype.randInt` or `randexp.randInt` (where `randexp` is an instance of `RandExp`). `randInt(from, to)` accepts an inclusive range and returns a randomly selected number within that range. # Infinite Repetitionals Repetitional tokens such as `*`, `+`, and `{3,}` have an infinite max range. In this case, randexp looks at its min and adds 100 to it to get a useable max value. If you want to use another int other than 100 you can change the `max` property in `RandExp.prototype` or the RandExp instance. ```js var randexp = new RandExp(/no{1,}/); randexp.max = 1000000; ``` With `RandExp.sugar()` ```js var regexp = /(hi)*/; regexp.max = 1000000; ``` # Bad Regular Expressions There are some regular expressions which can never match any string. * Ones with badly placed positionals such as `/a^/` and `/$c/m`. Randexp will ignore positional tokens. * Back references to non-existing groups like `/(a)\1\2/`. Randexp will ignore those references, returning an empty string for them. If the group exists only after the reference is used such as in `/\1 (hey)/`, it will too be ignored. * Custom negated character sets with two sets inside that cancel each other out. Example: `/[^\w\W]/`. If you give this to randexp, it will return an empty string for this set since it can't match anything. # Projects based on randexp.js ## JSON-Schema Faker Use generators to populate JSON Schema samples. See: [jsf on github]( and [jsf demo page]( # Install ### Node.js npm install randexp ### Browser Download the [minified version]( from the latest release. # Tests Tests are written with [mocha]( ```bash npm test ``` # License MIT <a name="table"></a> # Table > Produces a string that represents array data in a text table. [![Github action status](]( [![Coveralls](]( [![NPM version](]( [![Canonical Code Style](]( [![Twitter Follow](]( * [Table](#table) * [Features](#table-features) * [Install](#table-install) * [Usage](#table-usage) * [API](#table-api) * [table](#table-api-table-1) * [createStream](#table-api-createstream) * [getBorderCharacters](#table-api-getbordercharacters) ![Demo of table displaying a list of missions to the Moon.](./.README/demo.png) <a name="table-features"></a> ## Features * Works with strings containing [fullwidth]( characters. * Works with strings containing [ANSI escape codes]( * Configurable border characters. * Configurable content alignment per column. * Configurable content padding per column. * Configurable column width. * Text wrapping. <a name="table-install"></a> ## Install ```bash npm install table ``` [![Buy Me A Coffee](]( [![Become a Patron](]( <a name="table-usage"></a> ## Usage ```js import { table } from 'table'; // Using commonjs? // const { table } = require('table'); const data = [ ['0A', '0B', '0C'], ['1A', '1B', '1C'], ['2A', '2B', '2C'] ]; console.log(table(data)); ``` ``` ╔════╤════╤════╗ ║ 0A │ 0B │ 0C ║ ╟────┼────┼────╢ ║ 1A │ 1B │ 1C ║ ╟────┼────┼────╢ ║ 2A │ 2B │ 2C ║ ╚════╧════╧════╝ ``` <a name="table-api"></a> ## API <a name="table-api-table-1"></a> ### table Returns the string in the table format **Parameters:** - **_data_:** The data to display - Type: `any[][]` - Required: `true` - **_config_:** Table configuration - Type: `object` - Required: `false` <a name="table-api-table-1-config-border"></a> ##### config.border Type: `{ [type: string]: string }`\ Default: `honeywell` [template](#getbordercharacters) Custom borders. The keys are any of: - `topLeft`, `topRight`, `topBody`,`topJoin` - `bottomLeft`, `bottomRight`, `bottomBody`, `bottomJoin` - `joinLeft`, `joinRight`, `joinBody`, `joinJoin` - `bodyLeft`, `bodyRight`, `bodyJoin` - `headerJoin` ```js const data = [ ['0A', '0B', '0C'], ['1A', '1B', '1C'], ['2A', '2B', '2C'] ]; const config = { border: { topBody: `─`, topJoin: `┬`, topLeft: `┌`, topRight: `┐`, bottomBody: `─`, bottomJoin: `┴`, bottomLeft: `└`, bottomRight: `┘`, bodyLeft: `│`, bodyRight: `│`, bodyJoin: `│`, joinBody: `─`, joinLeft: `├`, joinRight: `┤`, joinJoin: `┼` } }; console.log(table(data, config)); ``` ``` ┌────┬────┬────┐ │ 0A │ 0B │ 0C │ ├────┼────┼────┤ │ 1A │ 1B │ 1C │ ├────┼────┼────┤ │ 2A │ 2B │ 2C │ └────┴────┴────┘ ``` <a name="table-api-table-1-config-drawverticalline"></a> ##### config.drawVerticalLine Type: `(lineIndex: number, columnCount: number) => boolean`\ Default: `() => true` It is used to tell whether to draw a vertical line. This callback is called for each vertical border of the table. If the table has `n` columns, then the `index` parameter is alternatively received all numbers in range `[0, n]` inclusively. ```js const data = [ ['0A', '0B', '0C'], ['1A', '1B', '1C'], ['2A', '2B', '2C'], ['3A', '3B', '3C'], ['4A', '4B', '4C'] ]; const config = { drawVerticalLine: (lineIndex, columnCount) => { return lineIndex === 0 || lineIndex === columnCount; } }; console.log(table(data, config)); ``` ``` ╔════════════╗ ║ 0A 0B 0C ║ ╟────────────╢ ║ 1A 1B 1C ║ ╟────────────╢ ║ 2A 2B 2C ║ ╟────────────╢ ║ 3A 3B 3C ║ ╟────────────╢ ║ 4A 4B 4C ║ ╚════════════╝ ``` <a name="table-api-table-1-config-drawhorizontalline"></a> ##### config.drawHorizontalLine Type: `(lineIndex: number, rowCount: number) => boolean`\ Default: `() => true` It is used to tell whether to draw a horizontal line. This callback is called for each horizontal border of the table. If the table has `n` rows, then the `index` parameter is alternatively received all numbers in range `[0, n]` inclusively. If the table has `n` rows and contains the header, then the range will be `[0, n+1]` inclusively. ```js const data = [ ['0A', '0B', '0C'], ['1A', '1B', '1C'], ['2A', '2B', '2C'], ['3A', '3B', '3C'], ['4A', '4B', '4C'] ]; const config = { drawHorizontalLine: (lineIndex, rowCount) => { return lineIndex === 0 || lineIndex === 1 || lineIndex === rowCount - 1 || lineIndex === rowCount; } }; console.log(table(data, config)); ``` ``` ╔════╤════╤════╗ ║ 0A │ 0B │ 0C ║ ╟────┼────┼────╢ ║ 1A │ 1B │ 1C ║ ║ 2A │ 2B │ 2C ║ ║ 3A │ 3B │ 3C ║ ╟────┼────┼────╢ ║ 4A │ 4B │ 4C ║ ╚════╧════╧════╝ ``` <a name="table-api-table-1-config-singleline"></a> ##### config.singleLine Type: `boolean`\ Default: `false` If `true`, horizontal lines inside the table are not drawn. This option also overrides the `config.drawHorizontalLine` if specified. ```js const data = [ ['-rw-r--r--', '1', 'pandorym', 'staff', '1529', 'May 23 11:25', 'LICENSE'], ['-rw-r--r--', '1', 'pandorym', 'staff', '16327', 'May 23 11:58', ''], ['drwxr-xr-x', '76', 'pandorym', 'staff', '2432', 'May 23 12:02', 'dist'], ['drwxr-xr-x', '634', 'pandorym', 'staff', '20288', 'May 23 11:54', 'node_modules'], ['-rw-r--r--', '1,', 'pandorym', 'staff', '525688', 'May 23 11:52', 'package-lock.json'], ['-rw-r--r--@', '1', 'pandorym', 'staff', '2440', 'May 23 11:25', 'package.json'], ['drwxr-xr-x', '27', 'pandorym', 'staff', '864', 'May 23 11:25', 'src'], ['drwxr-xr-x', '20', 'pandorym', 'staff', '640', 'May 23 11:25', 'test'], ]; const config = { singleLine: true }; console.log(table(data, config)); ``` ``` ╔═════════════╤═════╤══════════╤═══════╤════════╤══════════════╤═══════════════════╗ ║ -rw-r--r-- │ 1 │ pandorym │ staff │ 1529 │ May 23 11:25 │ LICENSE ║ ║ -rw-r--r-- │ 1 │ pandorym │ staff │ 16327 │ May 23 11:58 │ ║ ║ drwxr-xr-x │ 76 │ pandorym │ staff │ 2432 │ May 23 12:02 │ dist ║ ║ drwxr-xr-x │ 634 │ pandorym │ staff │ 20288 │ May 23 11:54 │ node_modules ║ ║ -rw-r--r-- │ 1, │ pandorym │ staff │ 525688 │ May 23 11:52 │ package-lock.json ║ ║ -rw-r--r--@ │ 1 │ pandorym │ staff │ 2440 │ May 23 11:25 │ package.json ║ ║ drwxr-xr-x │ 27 │ pandorym │ staff │ 864 │ May 23 11:25 │ src ║ ║ drwxr-xr-x │ 20 │ pandorym │ staff │ 640 │ May 23 11:25 │ test ║ ╚═════════════╧═════╧══════════╧═══════╧════════╧══════════════╧═══════════════════╝ ``` <a name="table-api-table-1-config-columns"></a> ##### config.columns Type: `Column[] | { [columnIndex: number]: Column }` Column specific configurations. <a name="table-api-table-1-config-columns-config-columns-width"></a> ###### config.columns[*].width Type: `number`\ Default: the maximum cell widths of the column Column width (excluding the paddings). ```js const data = [ ['0A', '0B', '0C'], ['1A', '1B', '1C'], ['2A', '2B', '2C'] ]; const config = { columns: { 1: { width: 10 } } }; console.log(table(data, config)); ``` ``` ╔════╤════════════╤════╗ ║ 0A │ 0B │ 0C ║ ╟────┼────────────┼────╢ ║ 1A │ 1B │ 1C ║ ╟────┼────────────┼────╢ ║ 2A │ 2B │ 2C ║ ╚════╧════════════╧════╝ ``` <a name="table-api-table-1-config-columns-config-columns-alignment"></a> ###### config.columns[*].alignment Type: `'center' | 'justify' | 'left' | 'right'`\ Default: `'left'` Cell content horizontal alignment ```js const data = [ ['0A', '0B', '0C', '0D 0E 0F'], ['1A', '1B', '1C', '1D 1E 1F'], ['2A', '2B', '2C', '2D 2E 2F'], ]; const config = { columnDefault: { width: 10, }, columns: [ { alignment: 'left' }, { alignment: 'center' }, { alignment: 'right' }, { alignment: 'justify' } ], }; console.log(table(data, config)); ``` ``` ╔════════════╤════════════╤════════════╤════════════╗ ║ 0A │ 0B │ 0C │ 0D 0E 0F ║ ╟────────────┼────────────┼────────────┼────────────╢ ║ 1A │ 1B │ 1C │ 1D 1E 1F ║ ╟────────────┼────────────┼────────────┼────────────╢ ║ 2A │ 2B │ 2C │ 2D 2E 2F ║ ╚════════════╧════════════╧════════════╧════════════╝ ``` <a name="table-api-table-1-config-columns-config-columns-verticalalignment"></a> ###### config.columns[*].verticalAlignment Type: `'top' | 'middle' | 'bottom'`\ Default: `'top'` Cell content vertical alignment ```js const data = [ ['A', 'B', 'C', 'DEF'], ]; const config = { columnDefault: { width: 1, }, columns: [ { verticalAlignment: 'top' }, { verticalAlignment: 'middle' }, { verticalAlignment: 'bottom' }, ], }; console.log(table(data, config)); ``` ``` ╔═══╤═══╤═══╤═══╗ ║ A │ │ │ D ║ ║ │ B │ │ E ║ ║ │ │ C │ F ║ ╚═══╧═══╧═══╧═══╝ ``` <a name="table-api-table-1-config-columns-config-columns-paddingleft"></a> ###### config.columns[*].paddingLeft Type: `number`\ Default: `1` The number of whitespaces used to pad the content on the left. <a name="table-api-table-1-config-columns-config-columns-paddingright"></a> ###### config.columns[*].paddingRight Type: `number`\ Default: `1` The number of whitespaces used to pad the content on the right. The `paddingLeft` and `paddingRight` options do not count on the column width. So the column has `width = 5`, `paddingLeft = 2` and `paddingRight = 2` will have the total width is `9`. ```js const data = [ ['0A', 'AABBCC', '0C'], ['1A', '1B', '1C'], ['2A', '2B', '2C'] ]; const config = { columns: [ { paddingLeft: 3 }, { width: 2, paddingRight: 3 } ] }; console.log(table(data, config)); ``` ``` ╔══════╤══════╤════╗ ║ 0A │ AA │ 0C ║ ║ │ BB │ ║ ║ │ CC │ ║ ╟──────┼──────┼────╢ ║ 1A │ 1B │ 1C ║ ╟──────┼──────┼────╢ ║ 2A │ 2B │ 2C ║ ╚══════╧══════╧════╝ ``` <a name="table-api-table-1-config-columns-config-columns-truncate"></a> ###### config.columns[*].truncate Type: `number`\ Default: `Infinity` The number of characters is which the content will be truncated. To handle a content that overflows the container width, `table` package implements [text wrapping](#config.columns[*].wrapWord). However, sometimes you may want to truncate content that is too long to be displayed in the table. ```js const data = [ ['Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus pulvinar nibh sed mauris convallis dapibus. Nunc venenatis tempus nulla sit amet viverra.'] ]; const config = { columns: [ { width: 20, truncate: 100 } ] }; console.log(table(data, config)); ``` ``` ╔══════════════════════╗ ║ Lorem ipsum dolor si ║ ║ t amet, consectetur ║ ║ adipiscing elit. Pha ║ ║ sellus pulvinar nibh ║ ║ sed mauris convall… ║ ╚══════════════════════╝ ``` <a name="table-api-table-1-config-columns-config-columns-wrapword"></a> ###### config.columns[*].wrapWord Type: `boolean`\ Default: `false` The `table` package implements auto text wrapping, i.e., text that has the width greater than the container width will be separated into multiple lines at the nearest space or one of the special characters: `\|/_.,;-`. When `wrapWord` is `false`: ```js const data = [ ['Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus pulvinar nibh sed mauris convallis dapibus. Nunc venenatis tempus nulla sit amet viverra.'] ]; const config = { columns: [ { width: 20 } ] }; console.log(table(data, config)); ``` ``` ╔══════════════════════╗ ║ Lorem ipsum dolor si ║ ║ t amet, consectetur ║ ║ adipiscing elit. Pha ║ ║ sellus pulvinar nibh ║ ║ sed mauris convallis ║ ║ dapibus. Nunc venena ║ ║ tis tempus nulla sit ║ ║ amet viverra. ║ ╚══════════════════════╝ ``` When `wrapWord` is `true`: ``` ╔══════════════════════╗ ║ Lorem ipsum dolor ║ ║ sit amet, ║ ║ consectetur ║ ║ adipiscing elit. ║ ║ Phasellus pulvinar ║ ║ nibh sed mauris ║ ║ convallis dapibus. ║ ║ Nunc venenatis ║ ║ tempus nulla sit ║ ║ amet viverra. ║ ╚══════════════════════╝ ``` <a name="table-api-table-1-config-columndefault"></a> ##### config.columnDefault Type: `Column`\ Default: `{}` The default configuration for all columns. Column-specific settings will overwrite the default values. <a name="table-api-table-1-config-header"></a> ##### config.header Type: `object` Header configuration. *Deprecated in favor of the new spanning cells API.* The header configuration inherits the most of the column's, except: - `content` **{string}**: the header content. - `width:` calculate based on the content width automatically. - `alignment:` `center` be default. - `verticalAlignment:` is not supported. - `config.border.topJoin` will be `config.border.topBody` for prettier. ```js const data = [ ['0A', '0B', '0C'], ['1A', '1B', '1C'], ['2A', '2B', '2C'], ]; const config = { columnDefault: { width: 10, }, header: { alignment: 'center', content: 'THE HEADER\nThis is the table about something', }, } console.log(table(data, config)); ``` ``` ╔══════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ THE HEADER ║ ║ This is the table about something ║ ╟────────────┬────────────┬────────────╢ ║ 0A │ 0B │ 0C ║ ╟────────────┼────────────┼────────────╢ ║ 1A │ 1B │ 1C ║ ╟────────────┼────────────┼────────────╢ ║ 2A │ 2B │ 2C ║ ╚════════════╧════════════╧════════════╝ ``` <a name="table-api-table-1-config-spanningcells"></a> ##### config.spanningCells Type: `SpanningCellConfig[]` Spanning cells configuration. The configuration should be straightforward: just specify an array of minimal cell configurations including the position of top-left cell and the number of columns and/or rows will be expanded from it. The content of overlap cells will be ignored to make the `data` shape be consistent. By default, the configuration of column that the top-left cell belongs to will be applied to the whole spanning cell, except: * The `width` will be summed up of all spanning columns. * The `paddingRight` will be received from the right-most column intentionally. Advances customized column-like styles can be configurable to each spanning cell to overwrite the default behavior. ```js const data = [ ['Test Coverage Report', '', '', '', '', ''], ['Module', 'Component', 'Test Cases', 'Failures', 'Durations', 'Success Rate'], ['Services', 'User', '50', '30', '3m 7s', '60.0%'], ['', 'Payment', '100', '80', '7m 15s', '80.0%'], ['Subtotal', '', '150', '110', '10m 22s', '73.3%'], ['Controllers', 'User', '24', '18', '1m 30s', '75.0%'], ['', 'Payment', '30', '24', '50s', '80.0%'], ['Subtotal', '', '54', '42', '2m 20s', '77.8%'], ['Total', '', '204', '152', '12m 42s', '74.5%'], ]; const config = { columns: [ { alignment: 'center', width: 12 }, { alignment: 'center', width: 10 }, { alignment: 'right' }, { alignment: 'right' }, { alignment: 'right' }, { alignment: 'right' } ], spanningCells: [ { col: 0, row: 0, colSpan: 6 }, { col: 0, row: 2, rowSpan: 2, verticalAlignment: 'middle'}, { col: 0, row: 4, colSpan: 2, alignment: 'right'}, { col: 0, row: 5, rowSpan: 2, verticalAlignment: 'middle'}, { col: 0, row: 7, colSpan: 2, alignment: 'right' }, { col: 0, row: 8, colSpan: 2, alignment: 'right' } ], }; console.log(table(data, config)); ``` ``` ╔══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Test Coverage Report ║ ╟──────────────┬────────────┬────────────┬──────────┬───────────┬──────────────╢ ║ Module │ Component │ Test Cases │ Failures │ Durations │ Success Rate ║ ╟──────────────┼────────────┼────────────┼──────────┼───────────┼──────────────╢ ║ │ User │ 50 │ 30 │ 3m 7s │ 60.0% ║ ║ Services ├────────────┼────────────┼──────────┼───────────┼──────────────╢ ║ │ Payment │ 100 │ 80 │ 7m 15s │ 80.0% ║ ╟──────────────┴────────────┼────────────┼──────────┼───────────┼──────────────╢ ║ Subtotal │ 150 │ 110 │ 10m 22s │ 73.3% ║ ╟──────────────┬────────────┼────────────┼──────────┼───────────┼──────────────╢ ║ │ User │ 24 │ 18 │ 1m 30s │ 75.0% ║ ║ Controllers ├────────────┼────────────┼──────────┼───────────┼──────────────╢ ║ │ Payment │ 30 │ 24 │ 50s │ 80.0% ║ ╟──────────────┴────────────┼────────────┼──────────┼───────────┼──────────────╢ ║ Subtotal │ 54 │ 42 │ 2m 20s │ 77.8% ║ ╟───────────────────────────┼────────────┼──────────┼───────────┼──────────────╢ ║ Total │ 204 │ 152 │ 12m 42s │ 74.5% ║ ╚═══════════════════════════╧════════════╧══════════╧═══════════╧══════════════╝ ``` <a name="table-api-createstream"></a> ### createStream `table` package exports `createStream` function used to draw a table and append rows. **Parameter:** - _**config:**_ the same as `table`'s, except `config.columnDefault.width` and `config.columnCount` must be provided. ```js import { createStream } from 'table'; const config = { columnDefault: { width: 50 }, columnCount: 1 }; const stream = createStream(config); setInterval(() => { stream.write([new Date()]); }, 500); ``` ![Streaming current date.](./.README/api/stream/streaming.gif) `table` package uses ANSI escape codes to overwrite the output of the last line when a new row is printed. The underlying implementation is explained in this [Stack Overflow answer]( Streaming supports all of the configuration properties and functionality of a static table (such as auto text wrapping, alignment and padding), e.g. ```js import { createStream } from 'table'; import _ from 'lodash'; const config = { columnDefault: { width: 50 }, columnCount: 3, columns: [ { width: 10, alignment: 'right' }, { alignment: 'center' }, { width: 10 } ] }; const stream = createStream(config); let i = 0; setInterval(() => { let random; random = _.sample('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', _.random(1, 30)).join(''); stream.write([i++, new Date(), random]); }, 500); ``` ![Streaming random data.](./.README/api/stream/streaming-random.gif) <a name="table-api-getbordercharacters"></a> ### getBorderCharacters **Parameter:** - **_template_** - Type: `'honeywell' | 'norc' | 'ramac' | 'void'` - Required: `true` You can load one of the predefined border templates using `getBorderCharacters` function. ```js import { table, getBorderCharacters } from 'table'; const data = [ ['0A', '0B', '0C'], ['1A', '1B', '1C'], ['2A', '2B', '2C'] ]; const config = { border: getBorderCharacters(`name of the template`) }; console.log(table(data, config)); ``` ``` # honeywell ╔════╤════╤════╗ ║ 0A │ 0B │ 0C ║ ╟────┼────┼────╢ ║ 1A │ 1B │ 1C ║ ╟────┼────┼────╢ ║ 2A │ 2B │ 2C ║ ╚════╧════╧════╝ # norc ┌────┬────┬────┐ │ 0A │ 0B │ 0C │ ├────┼────┼────┤ │ 1A │ 1B │ 1C │ ├────┼────┼────┤ │ 2A │ 2B │ 2C │ └────┴────┴────┘ # ramac (ASCII; for use in terminals that do not support Unicode characters) +----+----+----+ | 0A | 0B | 0C | |----|----|----| | 1A | 1B | 1C | |----|----|----| | 2A | 2B | 2C | +----+----+----+ # void (no borders; see "borderless table" section of the documentation) 0A 0B 0C 1A 1B 1C 2A 2B 2C ``` Raise [an issue]( if you'd like to contribute a new border template. <a name="table-api-getbordercharacters-borderless-table"></a> #### Borderless Table Simply using `void` border character template creates a table with a lot of unnecessary spacing. To create a more pleasant to the eye table, reset the padding and remove the joining rows, e.g. ```js const output = table(data, { border: getBorderCharacters('void'), columnDefault: { paddingLeft: 0, paddingRight: 1 }, drawHorizontalLine: () => false } ); console.log(output); ``` ``` 0A 0B 0C 1A 1B 1C 2A 2B 2C ``` # has > shortcut ## Installation ```sh npm install --save has ``` ## Usage ```js var has = require('has'); has({}, 'hasOwnProperty'); // false has(Object.prototype, 'hasOwnProperty'); // true ``` ### Estraverse [![Build Status](]( Estraverse ([estraverse]( is [ECMAScript]( traversal functions from [esmangle project]( ### Documentation You can find usage docs at [wiki page]( ### Example Usage The following code will output all variables declared at the root of a file. ```javascript estraverse.traverse(ast, { enter: function (node, parent) { if (node.type == 'FunctionExpression' || node.type == 'FunctionDeclaration') return estraverse.VisitorOption.Skip; }, leave: function (node, parent) { if (node.type == 'VariableDeclarator') console.log(; } }); ``` We can use `this.skip`, `this.remove` and `this.break` functions instead of using Skip, Remove and Break. ```javascript estraverse.traverse(ast, { enter: function (node) { this.break(); } }); ``` And estraverse provides `estraverse.replace` function. When returning node from `enter`/`leave`, current node is replaced with it. ```javascript result = estraverse.replace(tree, { enter: function (node) { // Replace it with replaced. if (node.type === 'Literal') return replaced; } }); ``` By passing `visitor.keys` mapping, we can extend estraverse traversing functionality. ```javascript // This tree contains a user-defined `TestExpression` node. var tree = { type: 'TestExpression', // This 'argument' is the property containing the other **node**. argument: { type: 'Literal', value: 20 }, // This 'extended' is the property not containing the other **node**. extended: true }; estraverse.traverse(tree, { enter: function (node) { }, // Extending the existing traversing rules. keys: { // TargetNodeName: [ 'keys', 'containing', 'the', 'other', '**node**' ] TestExpression: ['argument'] } }); ``` By passing `visitor.fallback` option, we can control the behavior when encountering unknown nodes. ```javascript // This tree contains a user-defined `TestExpression` node. var tree = { type: 'TestExpression', // This 'argument' is the property containing the other **node**. argument: { type: 'Literal', value: 20 }, // This 'extended' is the property not containing the other **node**. extended: true }; estraverse.traverse(tree, { enter: function (node) { }, // Iterating the child **nodes** of unknown nodes. fallback: 'iteration' }); ``` When `visitor.fallback` is a function, we can determine which keys to visit on each node. ```javascript // This tree contains a user-defined `TestExpression` node. var tree = { type: 'TestExpression', // This 'argument' is the property containing the other **node**. argument: { type: 'Literal', value: 20 }, // This 'extended' is the property not containing the other **node**. extended: true }; estraverse.traverse(tree, { enter: function (node) { }, // Skip the `argument` property of each node fallback: function(node) { return Object.keys(node).filter(function(key) { return key !== 'argument'; }); } }); ``` ### License Copyright (C) 2012-2016 [Yusuke Suzuki]( (twitter: [@Constellation]( and other contributors. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL <COPYRIGHT HOLDER> BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # brace-expansion [Brace expansion](, as known from sh/bash, in JavaScript. [![build status](]( [![downloads](]( [![Greenkeeper badge](]( [![testling badge](]( ## Example ```js var expand = require('brace-expansion'); expand('file-{a,b,c}.jpg') // => ['file-a.jpg', 'file-b.jpg', 'file-c.jpg'] expand('-v{,,}') // => ['-v', '-v', '-v'] expand('file{0..2}.jpg') // => ['file0.jpg', 'file1.jpg', 'file2.jpg'] expand('file-{a..c}.jpg') // => ['file-a.jpg', 'file-b.jpg', 'file-c.jpg'] expand('file{2..0}.jpg') // => ['file2.jpg', 'file1.jpg', 'file0.jpg'] expand('file{0..4..2}.jpg') // => ['file0.jpg', 'file2.jpg', 'file4.jpg'] expand('file-{a..e..2}.jpg') // => ['file-a.jpg', 'file-c.jpg', 'file-e.jpg'] expand('file{00..10..5}.jpg') // => ['file00.jpg', 'file05.jpg', 'file10.jpg'] expand('{{A..C},{a..c}}') // => ['A', 'B', 'C', 'a', 'b', 'c'] expand('ppp{,config,oe{,conf}}') // => ['ppp', 'pppconfig', 'pppoe', 'pppoeconf'] ``` ## API ```js var expand = require('brace-expansion'); ``` ### var expanded = expand(str) Return an array of all possible and valid expansions of `str`. If none are found, `[str]` is returned. Valid expansions are: ```js /^(.*,)+(.+)?$/ // {a,b,...} ``` A comma separated list of options, like `{a,b}` or `{a,{b,c}}` or `{,a,}`. ```js /^-?\d+\.\.-?\d+(\.\.-?\d+)?$/ // {x..y[..incr]} ``` A numeric sequence from `x` to `y` inclusive, with optional increment. If `x` or `y` start with a leading `0`, all the numbers will be padded to have equal length. Negative numbers and backwards iteration work too. ```js /^-?\d+\.\.-?\d+(\.\.-?\d+)?$/ // {x..y[..incr]} ``` An alphabetic sequence from `x` to `y` inclusive, with optional increment. `x` and `y` must be exactly one character, and if given, `incr` must be a number. For compatibility reasons, the string `${` is not eligible for brace expansion. ## Installation With [npm]( do: ```bash npm install brace-expansion ``` ## Contributors - [Julian Gruber]( - [Isaac Z. Schlueter]( ## Sponsors This module is proudly supported by my [Sponsors](! Do you want to support modules like this to improve their quality, stability and weigh in on new features? Then please consider donating to my [Patreon]( Not sure how much of my modules you're using? Try [feross/thanks](! ## License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2013 Julian Gruber &lt;; Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. # lodash.clonedeep v4.5.0 The [lodash]( method `_.cloneDeep` exported as a [Node.js]( module. ## Installation Using npm: ```bash $ {sudo -H} npm i -g npm $ npm i --save lodash.clonedeep ``` In Node.js: ```js var cloneDeep = require('lodash.clonedeep'); ``` See the [documentation]( or [package source]( for more details. <p align="center"> <img width="250" src=""> </p> <h1 align="center"> Yargs </h1> <p align="center"> <b >Yargs be a node.js library fer hearties tryin' ter parse optstrings</b> </p> <br> ![ci]( [![NPM version][npm-image]][npm-url] [![js-standard-style][standard-image]][standard-url] [![Coverage][coverage-image]][coverage-url] [![Conventional Commits][conventional-commits-image]][conventional-commits-url] [![Slack][slack-image]][slack-url] ## Description Yargs helps you build interactive command line tools, by parsing arguments and generating an elegant user interface. It gives you: * commands and (grouped) options (`my-program.js serve --port=5000`). * a dynamically generated help menu based on your arguments: ``` mocha [spec..] Run tests with Mocha Commands mocha inspect [spec..] Run tests with Mocha [default] mocha init <path> create a client-side Mocha setup at <path> Rules & Behavior --allow-uncaught Allow uncaught errors to propagate [boolean] --async-only, -A Require all tests to use a callback (async) or return a Promise [boolean] ``` * bash-completion shortcuts for commands and options. * and [tons more](/docs/ ## Installation Stable version: ```bash npm i yargs ``` Bleeding edge version with the most recent features: ```bash npm i yargs@next ``` ## Usage ### Simple Example ```javascript #!/usr/bin/env node const yargs = require('yargs/yargs') const { hideBin } = require('yargs/helpers') const argv = yargs(hideBin(process.argv)).argv if (argv.ships > 3 && argv.distance < 53.5) { console.log('Plunder more riffiwobbles!') } else { console.log('Retreat from the xupptumblers!') } ``` ```bash $ ./plunder.js --ships=4 --distance=22 Plunder more riffiwobbles! $ ./plunder.js --ships 12 --distance 98.7 Retreat from the xupptumblers! ``` ### Complex Example ```javascript #!/usr/bin/env node const yargs = require('yargs/yargs') const { hideBin } = require('yargs/helpers') yargs(hideBin(process.argv)) .command('serve [port]', 'start the server', (yargs) => { yargs .positional('port', { describe: 'port to bind on', default: 5000 }) }, (argv) => { if (argv.verbose)`start server on :${argv.port}`) serve(argv.port) }) .option('verbose', { alias: 'v', type: 'boolean', description: 'Run with verbose logging' }) .argv ``` Run the example above with `--help` to see the help for the application. ## Supported Platforms ### TypeScript yargs has type definitions at [@types/yargs][type-definitions]. ``` npm i @types/yargs --save-dev ``` See usage examples in [docs](/docs/ ### Deno As of `v16`, `yargs` supports [Deno]( ```typescript import yargs from '' import { Arguments } from '' yargs(Deno.args) .command('download <files...>', 'download a list of files', (yargs: any) => { return yargs.positional('files', { describe: 'a list of files to do something with' }) }, (argv: Arguments) => { }) .strictCommands() .demandCommand(1) .argv ``` ### ESM As of `v16`,`yargs` supports ESM imports: ```js import yargs from 'yargs' import { hideBin } from 'yargs/helpers' yargs(hideBin(process.argv)) .command('curl <url>', 'fetch the contents of the URL', () => {}, (argv) => { }) .demandCommand(1) .argv ``` ### Usage in Browser See examples of using yargs in the browser in [docs](/docs/ ## Community Having problems? want to contribute? join our [community slack]( ## Documentation ### Table of Contents * [Yargs' API](/docs/ * [Examples](/docs/ * [Parsing Tricks](/docs/ * [Stop the Parser](/docs/ * [Negating Boolean Arguments](/docs/ * [Numbers](/docs/ * [Arrays](/docs/ * [Objects](/docs/ * [Quotes](/docs/ * [Advanced Topics](/docs/ * [Composing Your App Using Commands](/docs/ * [Building Configurable CLI Apps](/docs/ * [Customizing Yargs' Parser](/docs/ * [Bundling yargs](/docs/ * [Contributing](/ ## Supported Node.js Versions Libraries in this ecosystem make a best effort to track [Node.js' release schedule]( Here's [a post on why we think this is important]( [npm-url]: [npm-image]: [standard-image]: [standard-url]: [conventional-commits-image]: [conventional-commits-url]: [slack-image]: [slack-url]: [type-definitions]: [coverage-image]: [coverage-url]: # minimatch A minimal matching utility. [![Build Status](]( This is the matching library used internally by npm. It works by converting glob expressions into JavaScript `RegExp` objects. ## Usage ```javascript var minimatch = require("minimatch") minimatch("", "*.foo") // true! minimatch("", "*.bar") // false! minimatch("", "*.+(bar|foo)", { debug: true }) // true, and noisy! ``` ## Features Supports these glob features: * Brace Expansion * Extended glob matching * "Globstar" `**` matching See: * `man sh` * `man bash` * `man 3 fnmatch` * `man 5 gitignore` ## Minimatch Class Create a minimatch object by instantiating the `minimatch.Minimatch` class. ```javascript var Minimatch = require("minimatch").Minimatch var mm = new Minimatch(pattern, options) ``` ### Properties * `pattern` The original pattern the minimatch object represents. * `options` The options supplied to the constructor. * `set` A 2-dimensional array of regexp or string expressions. Each row in the array corresponds to a brace-expanded pattern. Each item in the row corresponds to a single path-part. For example, the pattern `{a,b/c}/d` would expand to a set of patterns like: [ [ a, d ] , [ b, c, d ] ] If a portion of the pattern doesn't have any "magic" in it (that is, it's something like `"foo"` rather than `fo*o?`), then it will be left as a string rather than converted to a regular expression. * `regexp` Created by the `makeRe` method. A single regular expression expressing the entire pattern. This is useful in cases where you wish to use the pattern somewhat like `fnmatch(3)` with `FNM_PATH` enabled. * `negate` True if the pattern is negated. * `comment` True if the pattern is a comment. * `empty` True if the pattern is `""`. ### Methods * `makeRe` Generate the `regexp` member if necessary, and return it. Will return `false` if the pattern is invalid. * `match(fname)` Return true if the filename matches the pattern, or false otherwise. * `matchOne(fileArray, patternArray, partial)` Take a `/`-split filename, and match it against a single row in the `regExpSet`. This method is mainly for internal use, but is exposed so that it can be used by a glob-walker that needs to avoid excessive filesystem calls. All other methods are internal, and will be called as necessary. ### minimatch(path, pattern, options) Main export. Tests a path against the pattern using the options. ```javascript var isJS = minimatch(file, "*.js", { matchBase: true }) ``` ### minimatch.filter(pattern, options) Returns a function that tests its supplied argument, suitable for use with `Array.filter`. Example: ```javascript var javascripts = fileList.filter(minimatch.filter("*.js", {matchBase: true})) ``` ### minimatch.match(list, pattern, options) Match against the list of files, in the style of fnmatch or glob. If nothing is matched, and options.nonull is set, then return a list containing the pattern itself. ```javascript var javascripts = minimatch.match(fileList, "*.js", {matchBase: true})) ``` ### minimatch.makeRe(pattern, options) Make a regular expression object from the pattern. ## Options All options are `false` by default. ### debug Dump a ton of stuff to stderr. ### nobrace Do not expand `{a,b}` and `{1..3}` brace sets. ### noglobstar Disable `**` matching against multiple folder names. ### dot Allow patterns to match filenames starting with a period, even if the pattern does not explicitly have a period in that spot. Note that by default, `a/**/b` will **not** match `a/.d/b`, unless `dot` is set. ### noext Disable "extglob" style patterns like `+(a|b)`. ### nocase Perform a case-insensitive match. ### nonull When a match is not found by `minimatch.match`, return a list containing the pattern itself if this option is set. When not set, an empty list is returned if there are no matches. ### matchBase If set, then patterns without slashes will be matched against the basename of the path if it contains slashes. For example, `a?b` would match the path `/xyz/123/acb`, but not `/xyz/acb/123`. ### nocomment Suppress the behavior of treating `#` at the start of a pattern as a comment. ### nonegate Suppress the behavior of treating a leading `!` character as negation. ### flipNegate Returns from negate expressions the same as if they were not negated. (Ie, true on a hit, false on a miss.) ### partial Compare a partial path to a pattern. As long as the parts of the path that are present are not contradicted by the pattern, it will be treated as a match. This is useful in applications where you're walking through a folder structure, and don't yet have the full path, but want to ensure that you do not walk down paths that can never be a match. For example, ```js minimatch('/a/b', '/a/*/c/d', { partial: true }) // true, might be /a/b/c/d minimatch('/a/b', '/**/d', { partial: true }) // true, might be /a/b/.../d minimatch('/x/y/z', '/a/**/z', { partial: true }) // false, because x !== a ``` ### allowWindowsEscape Windows path separator `\` is by default converted to `/`, which prohibits the usage of `\` as a escape character. This flag skips that behavior and allows using the escape character. ## Comparisons to other fnmatch/glob implementations While strict compliance with the existing standards is a worthwhile goal, some discrepancies exist between minimatch and other implementations, and are intentional. If the pattern starts with a `!` character, then it is negated. Set the `nonegate` flag to suppress this behavior, and treat leading `!` characters normally. This is perhaps relevant if you wish to start the pattern with a negative extglob pattern like `!(a|B)`. Multiple `!` characters at the start of a pattern will negate the pattern multiple times. If a pattern starts with `#`, then it is treated as a comment, and will not match anything. Use `\#` to match a literal `#` at the start of a line, or set the `nocomment` flag to suppress this behavior. The double-star character `**` is supported by default, unless the `noglobstar` flag is set. This is supported in the manner of bsdglob and bash 4.1, where `**` only has special significance if it is the only thing in a path part. That is, `a/**/b` will match `a/x/y/b`, but `a/**b` will not. If an escaped pattern has no matches, and the `nonull` flag is set, then minimatch.match returns the pattern as-provided, rather than interpreting the character escapes. For example, `minimatch.match([], "\\*a\\?")` will return `"\\*a\\?"` rather than `"*a?"`. This is akin to setting the `nullglob` option in bash, except that it does not resolve escaped pattern characters. If brace expansion is not disabled, then it is performed before any other interpretation of the glob pattern. Thus, a pattern like `+(a|{b),c)}`, which would not be valid in bash or zsh, is expanded **first** into the set of `+(a|b)` and `+(a|c)`, and those patterns are checked for validity. Since those two are valid, matching proceeds. # which Like the unix `which` utility. Finds the first instance of a specified executable in the PATH environment variable. Does not cache the results, so `hash -r` is not needed when the PATH changes. ## USAGE ```javascript var which = require('which') // async usage which('node', function (er, resolvedPath) { // er is returned if no "node" is found on the PATH // if it is found, then the absolute path to the exec is returned }) // or promise which('node').then(resolvedPath => { ... }).catch(er => { ... not found ... }) // sync usage // throws if not found var resolved = which.sync('node') // if nothrow option is used, returns null if not found resolved = which.sync('node', {nothrow: true}) // Pass options to override the PATH and PATHEXT environment vars. which('node', { path: someOtherPath }, function (er, resolved) { if (er) throw er console.log('found at %j', resolved) }) ``` ## CLI USAGE Same as the BSD `which(1)` binary. ``` usage: which [-as] program ... ``` ## OPTIONS You may pass an options object as the second argument. - `path`: Use instead of the `PATH` environment variable. - `pathExt`: Use instead of the `PATHEXT` environment variable. - `all`: Return all matches, instead of just the first one. Note that this means the function returns an array of strings instead of a single string. # fast-levenshtein - Levenshtein algorithm in Javascript [![Build Status](]( [![NPM module](]( [![NPM downloads](]( [![Follow on Twitter](]( An efficient Javascript implementation of the [Levenshtein algorithm]( with locale-specific collator support. ## Features * Works in node.js and in the browser. * Better performance than other implementations by not needing to store the whole matrix ([more info]( * Locale-sensitive string comparisions if needed. * Comprehensive test suite and performance benchmark. * Small: <1 KB minified and gzipped ## Installation ### node.js Install using [npm]( ```bash $ npm install fast-levenshtein ``` ### Browser Using bower: ```bash $ bower install fast-levenshtein ``` If you are not using any module loader system then the API will then be accessible via the `window.Levenshtein` object. ## Examples **Default usage** ```javascript var levenshtein = require('fast-levenshtein'); var distance = levenshtein.get('back', 'book'); // 2 var distance = levenshtein.get('我愛你', '我叫你'); // 1 ``` **Locale-sensitive string comparisons** It supports using [Intl.Collator]( for locale-sensitive string comparisons: ```javascript var levenshtein = require('fast-levenshtein'); levenshtein.get('mikailovitch', 'Mikhaïlovitch', { useCollator: true}); // 1 ``` ## Building and Testing To build the code and run the tests: ```bash $ npm install -g grunt-cli $ npm install $ npm run build ``` ## Performance _Thanks to [Titus Wormer]( for [encouraging me]( to do this._ Benchmarked against other node.js levenshtein distance modules (on Macbook Air 2012, Core i7, 8GB RAM): ```bash Running suite Implementation comparison [benchmark/speed.js]... >> levenshtein-edit-distance x 234 ops/sec ±3.02% (73 runs sampled) >> levenshtein-component x 422 ops/sec ±4.38% (83 runs sampled) >> levenshtein-deltas x 283 ops/sec ±3.83% (78 runs sampled) >> natural x 255 ops/sec ±0.76% (88 runs sampled) >> levenshtein x 180 ops/sec ±3.55% (86 runs sampled) >> fast-levenshtein x 1,792 ops/sec ±2.72% (95 runs sampled) Benchmark done. Fastest test is fast-levenshtein at 4.2x faster than levenshtein-component ``` You can run this benchmark yourself by doing: ```bash $ npm install $ npm run build $ npm run benchmark ``` ## Contributing If you wish to submit a pull request please update and/or create new tests for any changes you make and ensure the grunt build passes. See []( for details. ## License MIT - see []( # flat-cache > A stupidly simple key/value storage using files to persist the data [![NPM Version](]( [![Build Status](]( ## install ```bash npm i --save flat-cache ``` ## Usage ```js var flatCache = require('flat-cache') // loads the cache, if one does not exists for the given // Id a new one will be prepared to be created var cache = flatCache.load('cacheId'); // sets a key on the cache cache.setKey('key', { foo: 'var' }); // get a key from the cache cache.getKey('key') // { foo: 'var' } // fetch the entire persisted object cache.all() // { 'key': { foo: 'var' } } // remove a key cache.removeKey('key'); // removes a key from the cache // save it to disk; // very important, if you don't save no changes will be persisted. // true /* noPrune */) // can be used to prevent the removal of non visited keys // loads the cache from a given directory, if one does // not exists for the given Id a new one will be prepared to be created var cache = flatCache.load('cacheId', path.resolve('./path/to/folder')); // The following methods are useful to clear the cache // delete a given cache flatCache.clearCacheById('cacheId') // removes the cacheId document if one exists. // delete all cache flatCache.clearAll(); // remove the cache directory ``` ## Motivation for this module I needed a super simple and dumb **in-memory cache** with optional disk persistance in order to make a script that will beutify files with `esformatter` only execute on the files that were changed since the last run. To make that possible we need to store the `fileSize` and `modificationTime` of the files. So a simple `key/value` storage was needed and Bam! this module was born. ## Important notes - If no directory is especified when the `load` method is called, a folder named `.cache` will be created inside the module directory when `` is called. If you're committing your `node_modules` to any vcs, you might want to ignore the default `.cache` folder, or specify a custom directory. - The values set on the keys of the cache should be `stringify-able` ones, meaning no circular references - All the changes to the cache state are done to memory - I could have used a timer or `Object.observe` to deliver the changes to disk, but I wanted to keep this module intentionally dumb and simple - Non visited keys are removed when `` is called. If this is not desired, you can pass `true` to the save call like: ` true /* noPrune */ )`. ## License MIT ## Changelog [changelog](./ # regexpp [![npm version](]( [![Downloads/month](]( [![Build Status](]( [![codecov](]( [![Dependency Status](]( A regular expression parser for ECMAScript. ## 💿 Installation ```bash $ npm install regexpp ``` - require Node.js 8 or newer. ## 📖 Usage ```ts import { AST, RegExpParser, RegExpValidator, RegExpVisitor, parseRegExpLiteral, validateRegExpLiteral, visitRegExpAST } from "regexpp" ``` ### parseRegExpLiteral(source, options?) Parse a given regular expression literal then make AST object. This is equivalent to `new RegExpParser(options).parseLiteral(source)`. - **Parameters:** - `source` (`string | RegExp`) The source code to parse. - `options?` ([`RegExpParser.Options`]) The options to parse. - **Return:** - The AST of the regular expression. ### validateRegExpLiteral(source, options?) Validate a given regular expression literal. This is equivalent to `new RegExpValidator(options).validateLiteral(source)`. - **Parameters:** - `source` (`string`) The source code to validate. - `options?` ([`RegExpValidator.Options`]) The options to validate. ### visitRegExpAST(ast, handlers) Visit each node of a given AST. This is equivalent to `new RegExpVisitor(handlers).visit(ast)`. - **Parameters:** - `ast` ([`AST.Node`]) The AST to visit. - `handlers` ([`RegExpVisitor.Handlers`]) The callbacks. ### RegExpParser #### new RegExpParser(options?) - **Parameters:** - `options?` ([`RegExpParser.Options`]) The options to parse. #### parser.parseLiteral(source, start?, end?) Parse a regular expression literal. - **Parameters:** - `source` (`string`) The source code to parse. E.g. `"/abc/g"`. - `start?` (`number`) The start index in the source code. Default is `0`. - `end?` (`number`) The end index in the source code. Default is `source.length`. - **Return:** - The AST of the regular expression. #### parser.parsePattern(source, start?, end?, uFlag?) Parse a regular expression pattern. - **Parameters:** - `source` (`string`) The source code to parse. E.g. `"abc"`. - `start?` (`number`) The start index in the source code. Default is `0`. - `end?` (`number`) The end index in the source code. Default is `source.length`. - `uFlag?` (`boolean`) The flag to enable Unicode mode. - **Return:** - The AST of the regular expression pattern. #### parser.parseFlags(source, start?, end?) Parse a regular expression flags. - **Parameters:** - `source` (`string`) The source code to parse. E.g. `"gim"`. - `start?` (`number`) The start index in the source code. Default is `0`. - `end?` (`number`) The end index in the source code. Default is `source.length`. - **Return:** - The AST of the regular expression flags. ### RegExpValidator #### new RegExpValidator(options) - **Parameters:** - `options` ([`RegExpValidator.Options`]) The options to validate. #### validator.validateLiteral(source, start, end) Validate a regular expression literal. - **Parameters:** - `source` (`string`) The source code to validate. - `start?` (`number`) The start index in the source code. Default is `0`. - `end?` (`number`) The end index in the source code. Default is `source.length`. #### validator.validatePattern(source, start, end, uFlag) Validate a regular expression pattern. - **Parameters:** - `source` (`string`) The source code to validate. - `start?` (`number`) The start index in the source code. Default is `0`. - `end?` (`number`) The end index in the source code. Default is `source.length`. - `uFlag?` (`boolean`) The flag to enable Unicode mode. #### validator.validateFlags(source, start, end) Validate a regular expression flags. - **Parameters:** - `source` (`string`) The source code to validate. - `start?` (`number`) The start index in the source code. Default is `0`. - `end?` (`number`) The end index in the source code. Default is `source.length`. ### RegExpVisitor #### new RegExpVisitor(handlers) - **Parameters:** - `handlers` ([`RegExpVisitor.Handlers`]) The callbacks. #### visitor.visit(ast) Validate a regular expression literal. - **Parameters:** - `ast` ([`AST.Node`]) The AST to visit. ## 📰 Changelog - [GitHub Releases]( ## 🍻 Contributing Welcome contributing! Please use GitHub's Issues/PRs. ### Development Tools - `npm test` runs tests and measures coverage. - `npm run build` compiles TypeScript source code to `index.js`, ``, and `index.d.ts`. - `npm run clean` removes the temporary files which are created by `npm test` and `npm run build`. - `npm run lint` runs ESLint. - `npm run update:test` updates test fixtures. - `npm run update:ids` updates `src/unicode/ids.ts`. - `npm run watch` runs tests with `--watch` option. [`AST.Node`]: src/ast.ts#L4 [`RegExpParser.Options`]: src/parser.ts#L539 [`RegExpValidator.Options`]: src/validator.ts#L127 [`RegExpVisitor.Handlers`]: src/visitor.ts#L204 # Acorn A tiny, fast JavaScript parser written in JavaScript. ## Community Acorn is open source software released under an [MIT license]( You are welcome to [report bugs]( or create pull requests on [github]( For questions and discussion, please use the [Tern discussion forum]( ## Installation The easiest way to install acorn is from [`npm`]( ```sh npm install acorn ``` Alternately, you can download the source and build acorn yourself: ```sh git clone cd acorn npm install ``` ## Interface **parse**`(input, options)` is the main interface to the library. The `input` parameter is a string, `options` can be undefined or an object setting some of the options listed below. The return value will be an abstract syntax tree object as specified by the [ESTree spec]( ```javascript let acorn = require("acorn"); console.log(acorn.parse("1 + 1")); ``` When encountering a syntax error, the parser will raise a `SyntaxError` object with a meaningful message. The error object will have a `pos` property that indicates the string offset at which the error occurred, and a `loc` object that contains a `{line, column}` object referring to that same position. Options can be provided by passing a second argument, which should be an object containing any of these fields: - **ecmaVersion**: Indicates the ECMAScript version to parse. Must be either 3, 5, 6 (2015), 7 (2016), 8 (2017), 9 (2018), 10 (2019) or 11 (2020, partial support). This influences support for strict mode, the set of reserved words, and support for new syntax features. Default is 10. **NOTE**: Only 'stage 4' (finalized) ECMAScript features are being implemented by Acorn. Other proposed new features can be implemented through plugins. - **sourceType**: Indicate the mode the code should be parsed in. Can be either `"script"` or `"module"`. This influences global strict mode and parsing of `import` and `export` declarations. **NOTE**: If set to `"module"`, then static `import` / `export` syntax will be valid, even if `ecmaVersion` is less than 6. - **onInsertedSemicolon**: If given a callback, that callback will be called whenever a missing semicolon is inserted by the parser. The callback will be given the character offset of the point where the semicolon is inserted as argument, and if `locations` is on, also a `{line, column}` object representing this position. - **onTrailingComma**: Like `onInsertedSemicolon`, but for trailing commas. - **allowReserved**: If `false`, using a reserved word will generate an error. Defaults to `true` for `ecmaVersion` 3, `false` for higher versions. When given the value `"never"`, reserved words and keywords can also not be used as property names (as in Internet Explorer's old parser). - **allowReturnOutsideFunction**: By default, a return statement at the top level raises an error. Set this to `true` to accept such code. - **allowImportExportEverywhere**: By default, `import` and `export` declarations can only appear at a program's top level. Setting this option to `true` allows them anywhere where a statement is allowed. - **allowAwaitOutsideFunction**: By default, `await` expressions can only appear inside `async` functions. Setting this option to `true` allows to have top-level `await` expressions. They are still not allowed in non-`async` functions, though. - **allowHashBang**: When this is enabled (off by default), if the code starts with the characters `#!` (as in a shellscript), the first line will be treated as a comment. - **locations**: When `true`, each node has a `loc` object attached with `start` and `end` subobjects, each of which contains the one-based line and zero-based column numbers in `{line, column}` form. Default is `false`. - **onToken**: If a function is passed for this option, each found token will be passed in same format as tokens returned from `tokenizer().getToken()`. If array is passed, each found token is pushed to it. Note that you are not allowed to call the parser from the callback—that will corrupt its internal state. - **onComment**: If a function is passed for this option, whenever a comment is encountered the function will be called with the following parameters: - `block`: `true` if the comment is a block comment, false if it is a line comment. - `text`: The content of the comment. - `start`: Character offset of the start of the comment. - `end`: Character offset of the end of the comment. When the `locations` options is on, the `{line, column}` locations of the comment’s start and end are passed as two additional parameters. If array is passed for this option, each found comment is pushed to it as object in Esprima format: ```javascript { "type": "Line" | "Block", "value": "comment text", "start": Number, "end": Number, // If `locations` option is on: "loc": { "start": {line: Number, column: Number} "end": {line: Number, column: Number} }, // If `ranges` option is on: "range": [Number, Number] } ``` Note that you are not allowed to call the parser from the callback—that will corrupt its internal state. - **ranges**: Nodes have their start and end characters offsets recorded in `start` and `end` properties (directly on the node, rather than the `loc` object, which holds line/column data. To also add a [semi-standardized]( `range` property holding a `[start, end]` array with the same numbers, set the `ranges` option to `true`. - **program**: It is possible to parse multiple files into a single AST by passing the tree produced by parsing the first file as the `program` option in subsequent parses. This will add the toplevel forms of the parsed file to the "Program" (top) node of an existing parse tree. - **sourceFile**: When the `locations` option is `true`, you can pass this option to add a `source` attribute in every node’s `loc` object. Note that the contents of this option are not examined or processed in any way; you are free to use whatever format you choose. - **directSourceFile**: Like `sourceFile`, but a `sourceFile` property will be added (regardless of the `location` option) directly to the nodes, rather than the `loc` object. - **preserveParens**: If this option is `true`, parenthesized expressions are represented by (non-standard) `ParenthesizedExpression` nodes that have a single `expression` property containing the expression inside parentheses. **parseExpressionAt**`(input, offset, options)` will parse a single expression in a string, and return its AST. It will not complain if there is more of the string left after the expression. **tokenizer**`(input, options)` returns an object with a `getToken` method that can be called repeatedly to get the next token, a `{start, end, type, value}` object (with added `loc` property when the `locations` option is enabled and `range` property when the `ranges` option is enabled). When the token's type is `tokTypes.eof`, you should stop calling the method, since it will keep returning that same token forever. In ES6 environment, returned result can be used as any other protocol-compliant iterable: ```javascript for (let token of acorn.tokenizer(str)) { // iterate over the tokens } // transform code to array of tokens: var tokens = [...acorn.tokenizer(str)]; ``` **tokTypes** holds an object mapping names to the token type objects that end up in the `type` properties of tokens. **getLineInfo**`(input, offset)` can be used to get a `{line, column}` object for a given program string and offset. ### The `Parser` class Instances of the **`Parser`** class contain all the state and logic that drives a parse. It has static methods `parse`, `parseExpressionAt`, and `tokenizer` that match the top-level functions by the same name. When extending the parser with plugins, you need to call these methods on the extended version of the class. To extend a parser with plugins, you can use its static `extend` method. ```javascript var acorn = require("acorn"); var jsx = require("acorn-jsx"); var JSXParser = acorn.Parser.extend(jsx()); JSXParser.parse("foo(<bar/>)"); ``` The `extend` method takes any number of plugin values, and returns a new `Parser` class that includes the extra parser logic provided by the plugins. ## Command line interface The `bin/acorn` utility can be used to parse a file from the command line. It accepts as arguments its input file and the following options: - `--ecma3|--ecma5|--ecma6|--ecma7|--ecma8|--ecma9|--ecma10`: Sets the ECMAScript version to parse. Default is version 9. - `--module`: Sets the parsing mode to `"module"`. Is set to `"script"` otherwise. - `--locations`: Attaches a "loc" object to each node with "start" and "end" subobjects, each of which contains the one-based line and zero-based column numbers in `{line, column}` form. - `--allow-hash-bang`: If the code starts with the characters #! (as in a shellscript), the first line will be treated as a comment. - `--compact`: No whitespace is used in the AST output. - `--silent`: Do not output the AST, just return the exit status. - `--help`: Print the usage information and quit. The utility spits out the syntax tree as JSON data. ## Existing plugins - [`acorn-jsx`]( Parse [Facebook JSX syntax extensions]( Plugins for ECMAScript proposals: - [`acorn-stage3`]( Parse most stage 3 proposals, bundling: - [`acorn-class-fields`]( Parse [class fields proposal]( - [`acorn-import-meta`]( Parse [import.meta proposal]( - [`acorn-private-methods`]( parse [private methods, getters and setters proposal]( # y18n [![Build Status][travis-image]][travis-url] [![Coverage Status][coveralls-image]][coveralls-url] [![NPM version][npm-image]][npm-url] [![js-standard-style][standard-image]][standard-url] [![Conventional Commits](]( The bare-bones internationalization library used by yargs. Inspired by [i18n]( ## Examples _simple string translation:_ ```js var __ = require('y18n').__ console.log(__('my awesome string %s', 'foo')) ``` output: `my awesome string foo` _using tagged template literals_ ```js var __ = require('y18n').__ var str = 'foo' console.log(__`my awesome string ${str}`) ``` output: `my awesome string foo` _pluralization support:_ ```js var __n = require('y18n').__n console.log(__n('one fish %s', '%d fishes %s', 2, 'foo')) ``` output: `2 fishes foo` ## JSON Language Files The JSON language files should be stored in a `./locales` folder. File names correspond to locales, e.g., `en.json`, `pirate.json`. When strings are observed for the first time they will be added to the JSON file corresponding to the current locale. ## Methods ### require('y18n')(config) Create an instance of y18n with the config provided, options include: * `directory`: the locale directory, default `./locales`. * `updateFiles`: should newly observed strings be updated in file, default `true`. * `locale`: what locale should be used. * `fallbackToLanguage`: should fallback to a language-only file (e.g. `en.json`) be allowed if a file matching the locale does not exist (e.g. `en_US.json`), default `true`. ### y18n.\_\_(str, arg, arg, arg) Print a localized string, `%s` will be replaced with `arg`s. This function can also be used as a tag for a template literal. You can use it like this: <code>__&#96;hello ${'world'}&#96;</code>. This will be equivalent to `__('hello %s', 'world')`. ### y18n.\_\_n(singularString, pluralString, count, arg, arg, arg) Print a localized string with appropriate pluralization. If `%d` is provided in the string, the `count` will replace this placeholder. ### y18n.setLocale(str) Set the current locale being used. ### y18n.getLocale() What locale is currently being used? ### y18n.updateLocale(obj) Update the current locale with the key value pairs in `obj`. ## License ISC [travis-url]: [travis-image]: [coveralls-url]: [coveralls-image]: [npm-url]: [npm-image]: [standard-image]: [standard-url]: bs58 ==== [![build status](]( JavaScript component to compute base 58 encoding. This encoding is typically used for crypto currencies such as Bitcoin. **Note:** If you're looking for **base 58 check** encoding, see: [](, which depends upon this library. Install ------- npm i --save bs58 API --- ### encode(input) `input` must be a [Buffer]( or an `Array`. It returns a `string`. **example**: ```js const bs58 = require('bs58') const bytes = Buffer.from('003c176e659bea0f29a3e9bf7880c112b1b31b4dc826268187', 'hex') const address = bs58.encode(bytes) console.log(address) // => 16UjcYNBG9GTK4uq2f7yYEbuifqCzoLMGS ``` ### decode(input) `input` must be a base 58 encoded string. Returns a [Buffer]( **example**: ```js const bs58 = require('bs58') const address = '16UjcYNBG9GTK4uq2f7yYEbuifqCzoLMGS' const bytes = bs58.decode(address) console.log(out.toString('hex')) // => 003c176e659bea0f29a3e9bf7880c112b1b31b4dc826268187 ``` Hack / Test ----------- Uses JavaScript standard style. Read more: [![js-standard-style](]( Credits ------- - [Mike Hearn]( for original Java implementation - [Stefan Thomas]( for porting to JavaScript - [Stephan Pair]( for buffer improvements - [Daniel Cousens]( for cleanup and merging improvements from bitcoinjs-lib - [Jared Deckard]( for killing `bigi` as a dependency License ------- MIT # base-x [![NPM Package](]( [![Build Status](]( [![js-standard-style](]( Fast base encoding / decoding of any given alphabet using bitcoin style leading zero compression. **WARNING:** This module is **NOT RFC3548** compliant, it cannot be used for base16 (hex), base32, or base64 encoding in a standards compliant manner. ## Example Base58 ``` javascript var BASE58 = '123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz' var bs58 = require('base-x')(BASE58) var decoded = bs58.decode('5Kd3NBUAdUnhyzenEwVLy9pBKxSwXvE9FMPyR4UKZvpe6E3AgLr') console.log(decoded) // => <Buffer 80 ed db dc 11 68 f1 da ea db d3 e4 4c 1e 3f 8f 5a 28 4c 20 29 f7 8a d2 6a f9 85 83 a4 99 de 5b 19> console.log(bs58.encode(decoded)) // => 5Kd3NBUAdUnhyzenEwVLy9pBKxSwXvE9FMPyR4UKZvpe6E3AgLr ``` ### Alphabets See below for a list of commonly recognized alphabets, and their respective base. Base | Alphabet ------------- | ------------- 2 | `01` 8 | `01234567` 11 | `0123456789a` 16 | `0123456789abcdef` 32 | `0123456789ABCDEFGHJKMNPQRSTVWXYZ` 32 | `ybndrfg8ejkmcpqxot1uwisza345h769` (z-base-32) 36 | `0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz` 58 | `123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz` 62 | `0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ` 64 | `ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/` 67 | `ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_.!~` ## How it works It encodes octet arrays by doing long divisions on all significant digits in the array, creating a representation of that number in the new base. Then for every leading zero in the input (not significant as a number) it will encode as a single leader character. This is the first in the alphabet and will decode as 8 bits. The other characters depend upon the base. For example, a base58 alphabet packs roughly 5.858 bits per character. This means the encoded string 000f (using a base16, 0-f alphabet) will actually decode to 4 bytes unlike a canonical hex encoding which uniformly packs 4 bits into each character. While unusual, this does mean that no padding is required and it works for bases like 43. ## LICENSE [MIT](LICENSE) A direct derivation of the base58 implementation from [`bitcoin/bitcoin`](, generalized for variable length alphabets. # axios // helpers The modules found in `helpers/` should be generic modules that are _not_ specific to the domain logic of axios. These modules could theoretically be published to npm on their own and consumed by other modules or apps. Some examples of generic modules are things like: - Browser polyfills - Managing cookies - Parsing HTTP headers # json-schema-traverse Traverse JSON Schema passing each schema object to callback [![Build Status](]( [![npm version](]( [![Coverage Status](]( ## Install ``` npm install json-schema-traverse ``` ## Usage ```javascript const traverse = require('json-schema-traverse'); const schema = { properties: { foo: {type: 'string'}, bar: {type: 'integer'} } }; traverse(schema, {cb}); // cb is called 3 times with: // 1. root schema // 2. {type: 'string'} // 3. {type: 'integer'} // Or: traverse(schema, {cb: {pre, post}}); // pre is called 3 times with: // 1. root schema // 2. {type: 'string'} // 3. {type: 'integer'} // // post is called 3 times with: // 1. {type: 'string'} // 2. {type: 'integer'} // 3. root schema ``` Callback function `cb` is called for each schema object (not including draft-06 boolean schemas), including the root schema, in pre-order traversal. Schema references ($ref) are not resolved, they are passed as is. Alternatively, you can pass a `{pre, post}` object as `cb`, and then `pre` will be called before traversing child elements, and `post` will be called after all child elements have been traversed. Callback is passed these parameters: - _schema_: the current schema object - _JSON pointer_: from the root schema to the current schema object - _root schema_: the schema passed to `traverse` object - _parent JSON pointer_: from the root schema to the parent schema object (see below) - _parent keyword_: the keyword inside which this schema appears (e.g. `properties`, `anyOf`, etc.) - _parent schema_: not necessarily parent object/array; in the example above the parent schema for `{type: 'string'}` is the root schema - _index/property_: index or property name in the array/object containing multiple schemas; in the example above for `{type: 'string'}` the property name is `'foo'` ## Traverse objects in all unknown keywords ```javascript const traverse = require('json-schema-traverse'); const schema = { mySchema: { minimum: 1, maximum: 2 } }; traverse(schema, {allKeys: true, cb}); // cb is called 2 times with: // 1. root schema // 2. mySchema ``` Without option `allKeys: true` callback will be called only with root schema. ## License [MIT]( # URI.js URI.js is an [RFC 3986]( compliant, scheme extendable URI parsing/validating/resolving library for all JavaScript environments (browsers, Node.js, etc). It is also compliant with the IRI ([RFC 3987](, IDNA ([RFC 5890](, IPv6 Address ([RFC 5952](, IPv6 Zone Identifier ([RFC 6874]( specifications. URI.js has an extensive test suite, and works in all (Node.js, web) environments. It weighs in at 6.4kb (gzipped, 17kb deflated). ## API ### Parsing URI.parse("uri://"); //returns: //{ // scheme : "uri", // userinfo : "user:pass", // host : "", // port : 123, // path : "/one/two.three", // query : "q1=a1&q2=a2", // fragment : "body" //} ### Serializing URI.serialize({scheme : "http", host : "", fragment : "footer"}) === "" ### Resolving URI.resolve("uri://a/b/c/d?q", "../../g") === "uri://a/g" ### Normalizing URI.normalize("HTTP://") === "" ### Comparison URI.equal("example://a/b/c/%7Bfoo%7D", "eXAMPLE://a/./b/../b/%63/%7bfoo%7d") === true ### IP Support //IPv4 normalization URI.normalize("//") === "//" //IPv6 normalization URI.normalize("//[2001:0:0DB8::0:0001]") === "//[2001:0:db8::1]" //IPv6 zone identifier support URI.parse("//[2001:db8::7%25en1]"); //returns: //{ // host : "2001:db8::7%en1" //} ### IRI Support //convert IRI to URI URI.serialize(URI.parse("http://examplé.org/rosé")) === "" //convert URI to IRI URI.serialize(URI.parse(""), {iri:true}) === "http://examplé.org/rosé" ### Options All of the above functions can accept an additional options argument that is an object that can contain one or more of the following properties: * `scheme` (string) Indicates the scheme that the URI should be treated as, overriding the URI's normal scheme parsing behavior. * `reference` (string) If set to `"suffix"`, it indicates that the URI is in the suffix format, and the validator will use the option's `scheme` property to determine the URI's scheme. * `tolerant` (boolean, false) If set to `true`, the parser will relax URI resolving rules. * `absolutePath` (boolean, false) If set to `true`, the serializer will not resolve a relative `path` component. * `iri` (boolean, false) If set to `true`, the serializer will unescape non-ASCII characters as per [RFC 3987]( * `unicodeSupport` (boolean, false) If set to `true`, the parser will unescape non-ASCII characters in the parsed output as per [RFC 3987]( * `domainHost` (boolean, false) If set to `true`, the library will treat the `host` component as a domain name, and convert IDNs (International Domain Names) as per [RFC 5891]( ## Scheme Extendable URI.js supports inserting custom [scheme]( dependent processing rules. Currently, URI.js has built in support for the following schemes: * http \[[RFC 2616](\] * https \[[RFC 2818](\] * ws \[[RFC 6455](\] * wss \[[RFC 6455](\] * mailto \[[RFC 6068](\] * urn \[[RFC 2141](\] * urn:uuid \[[RFC 4122](\] ### HTTP/HTTPS Support URI.equal("HTTP://ABC.COM:80", "") === true URI.equal("", "HTTPS://ABC.COM:443/") === true ### WS/WSS Support URI.parse("wss://"); //returns: //{ // scheme : "wss", // host: "", // resourceName: "/foo?bar=baz", // secure: true, //} URI.equal("WS://ABC.COM:80/chat#one", "ws://") === true ### Mailto Support URI.parse(",!"); //returns: //{ // scheme : "mailto", // to : ["", ""], // subject : "SUBSCRIBE", // body : "Sign me up!" //} URI.serialize({ scheme : "mailto", to : [""], subject : "REMOVE", body : "Please remove me", headers : { cc : "" } }) === "" ### URN Support URI.parse("urn:example:foo"); //returns: //{ // scheme : "urn", // nid : "example", // nss : "foo", //} #### URN UUID Support URI.parse("urn:uuid:f81d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6"); //returns: //{ // scheme : "urn", // nid : "uuid", // uuid : "f81d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6", //} ## Usage To load in a browser, use the following tag: <script type="text/javascript" src="uri-js/dist/es5/uri.all.min.js"></script> To load in a CommonJS/Module environment, first install with npm/yarn by running on the command line: npm install uri-js # OR yarn add uri-js Then, in your code, load it using: const URI = require("uri-js"); If you are writing your code in ES6+ (ESNEXT) or TypeScript, you would load it using: import * as URI from "uri-js"; Or you can load just what you need using named exports: import { parse, serialize, resolve, resolveComponents, normalize, equal, removeDotSegments, pctEncChar, pctDecChars, escapeComponent, unescapeComponent } from "uri-js"; ## Breaking changes ### Breaking changes from 3.x URN parsing has been completely changed to better align with the specification. Scheme is now always `urn`, but has two new properties: `nid` which contains the Namspace Identifier, and `nss` which contains the Namespace Specific String. The `nss` property will be removed by higher order scheme handlers, such as the UUID URN scheme handler. The UUID of a URN can now be found in the `uuid` property. ### Breaking changes from 2.x URI validation has been removed as it was slow, exposed a vulnerabilty, and was generally not useful. ### Breaking changes from 1.x The `errors` array on parsed components is now an `error` string. discontinuous-range =================== ``` DiscontinuousRange(1, 10).subtract(4, 6); // [ 1-3, 7-10 ] ``` [![Build Status](]( this is a pretty simple module, but it exists to service another project so this'll be pretty lacking documentation. reading the test to see how this works may help. otherwise, here's an example that I think pretty much sums it up ###Example ``` var all_numbers = new DiscontinuousRange(1, 100); var bad_numbers = DiscontinuousRange(13).add(8).add(60,80); var good_numbers = all_numbers.clone().subtract(bad_numbers); console.log(good_numbers.toString()); //[ 1-7, 9-12, 14-59, 81-100 ] var random_good_number = good_numbers.index(Math.floor(Math.random() * good_numbers.length)); ``` # jsdiff [![Build Status](]( [![Sauce Test Status](]( A javascript text differencing implementation. Based on the algorithm proposed in ["An O(ND) Difference Algorithm and its Variations" (Myers, 1986)]( ## Installation ```bash npm install diff --save ``` ## API * `Diff.diffChars(oldStr, newStr[, options])` - diffs two blocks of text, comparing character by character. Returns a list of change objects (See below). Options * `ignoreCase`: `true` to ignore casing difference. Defaults to `false`. * `Diff.diffWords(oldStr, newStr[, options])` - diffs two blocks of text, comparing word by word, ignoring whitespace. Returns a list of change objects (See below). Options * `ignoreCase`: Same as in `diffChars`. * `Diff.diffWordsWithSpace(oldStr, newStr[, options])` - diffs two blocks of text, comparing word by word, treating whitespace as significant. Returns a list of change objects (See below). * `Diff.diffLines(oldStr, newStr[, options])` - diffs two blocks of text, comparing line by line. Options * `ignoreWhitespace`: `true` to ignore leading and trailing whitespace. This is the same as `diffTrimmedLines` * `newlineIsToken`: `true` to treat newline characters as separate tokens. This allows for changes to the newline structure to occur independently of the line content and to be treated as such. In general this is the more human friendly form of `diffLines` and `diffLines` is better suited for patches and other computer friendly output. Returns a list of change objects (See below). * `Diff.diffTrimmedLines(oldStr, newStr[, options])` - diffs two blocks of text, comparing line by line, ignoring leading and trailing whitespace. Returns a list of change objects (See below). * `Diff.diffSentences(oldStr, newStr[, options])` - diffs two blocks of text, comparing sentence by sentence. Returns a list of change objects (See below). * `Diff.diffCss(oldStr, newStr[, options])` - diffs two blocks of text, comparing CSS tokens. Returns a list of change objects (See below). * `Diff.diffJson(oldObj, newObj[, options])` - diffs two JSON objects, comparing the fields defined on each. The order of fields, etc does not matter in this comparison. Returns a list of change objects (See below). * `Diff.diffArrays(oldArr, newArr[, options])` - diffs two arrays, comparing each item for strict equality (===). Options * `comparator`: `function(left, right)` for custom equality checks Returns a list of change objects (See below). * `Diff.createTwoFilesPatch(oldFileName, newFileName, oldStr, newStr, oldHeader, newHeader)` - creates a unified diff patch. Parameters: * `oldFileName` : String to be output in the filename section of the patch for the removals * `newFileName` : String to be output in the filename section of the patch for the additions * `oldStr` : Original string value * `newStr` : New string value * `oldHeader` : Additional information to include in the old file header * `newHeader` : Additional information to include in the new file header * `options` : An object with options. Currently, only `context` is supported and describes how many lines of context should be included. * `Diff.createPatch(fileName, oldStr, newStr, oldHeader, newHeader)` - creates a unified diff patch. Just like Diff.createTwoFilesPatch, but with oldFileName being equal to newFileName. * `Diff.structuredPatch(oldFileName, newFileName, oldStr, newStr, oldHeader, newHeader, options)` - returns an object with an array of hunk objects. This method is similar to createTwoFilesPatch, but returns a data structure suitable for further processing. Parameters are the same as createTwoFilesPatch. The data structure returned may look like this: ```js { oldFileName: 'oldfile', newFileName: 'newfile', oldHeader: 'header1', newHeader: 'header2', hunks: [{ oldStart: 1, oldLines: 3, newStart: 1, newLines: 3, lines: [' line2', ' line3', '-line4', '+line5', '\\ No newline at end of file'], }] } ``` * `Diff.applyPatch(source, patch[, options])` - applies a unified diff patch. Return a string containing new version of provided data. `patch` may be a string diff or the output from the `parsePatch` or `structuredPatch` methods. The optional `options` object may have the following keys: - `fuzzFactor`: Number of lines that are allowed to differ before rejecting a patch. Defaults to 0. - `compareLine(lineNumber, line, operation, patchContent)`: Callback used to compare to given lines to determine if they should be considered equal when patching. Defaults to strict equality but may be overridden to provide fuzzier comparison. Should return false if the lines should be rejected. * `Diff.applyPatches(patch, options)` - applies one or more patches. This method will iterate over the contents of the patch and apply to data provided through callbacks. The general flow for each patch index is: - `options.loadFile(index, callback)` is called. The caller should then load the contents of the file and then pass that to the `callback(err, data)` callback. Passing an `err` will terminate further patch execution. - `options.patched(index, content, callback)` is called once the patch has been applied. `content` will be the return value from `applyPatch`. When it's ready, the caller should call `callback(err)` callback. Passing an `err` will terminate further patch execution. Once all patches have been applied or an error occurs, the `options.complete(err)` callback is made. * `Diff.parsePatch(diffStr)` - Parses a patch into structured data Return a JSON object representation of the a patch, suitable for use with the `applyPatch` method. This parses to the same structure returned by `Diff.structuredPatch`. * `convertChangesToXML(changes)` - converts a list of changes to a serialized XML format All methods above which accept the optional `callback` method will run in sync mode when that parameter is omitted and in async mode when supplied. This allows for larger diffs without blocking the event loop. This may be passed either directly as the final parameter or as the `callback` field in the `options` object. ### Change Objects Many of the methods above return change objects. These objects consist of the following fields: * `value`: Text content * `added`: True if the value was inserted into the new string * `removed`: True if the value was removed from the old string Note that some cases may omit a particular flag field. Comparison on the flag fields should always be done in a truthy or falsy manner. ## Examples Basic example in Node ```js require('colors'); const Diff = require('diff'); const one = 'beep boop'; const other = 'beep boob blah'; const diff = Diff.diffChars(one, other); diff.forEach((part) => { // green for additions, red for deletions // grey for common parts const color = part.added ? 'green' : part.removed ? 'red' : 'grey'; process.stderr.write(part.value[color]); }); console.log(); ``` Running the above program should yield <img src="images/node_example.png" alt="Node Example"> Basic example in a web page ```html <pre id="display"></pre> <script src="diff.js"></script> <script> const one = 'beep boop', other = 'beep boob blah', color = ''; let span = null; const diff = Diff.diffChars(one, other), display = document.getElementById('display'), fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); diff.forEach((part) => { // green for additions, red for deletions // grey for common parts const color = part.added ? 'green' : part.removed ? 'red' : 'grey'; span = document.createElement('span'); = color; span.appendChild(document .createTextNode(part.value)); fragment.appendChild(span); }); display.appendChild(fragment); </script> ``` Open the above .html file in a browser and you should see <img src="images/web_example.png" alt="Node Example"> **[Full online demo](** ## Compatibility [![Sauce Test Status](]( jsdiff supports all ES3 environments with some known issues on IE8 and below. Under these browsers some diff algorithms such as word diff and others may fail due to lack of support for capturing groups in the `split` operation. ## License See [LICENSE]( argparse ======== [![Build Status](]( [![NPM version](]( CLI arguments parser for node.js. Javascript port of python's [argparse]( module (original version 3.2). That's a full port, except some very rare options, recorded in issue tracker. **NB. Difference with original.** - Method names changed to camelCase. See [generated docs]( - Use `defaultValue` instead of `default`. - Use `argparse.Const.REMAINDER` instead of `argparse.REMAINDER`, and similarly for constant values `OPTIONAL`, `ZERO_OR_MORE`, and `ONE_OR_MORE` (aliases for `nargs` values `'?'`, `'*'`, `'+'`, respectively), and `SUPPRESS`. Example ======= test.js file: ```javascript #!/usr/bin/env node 'use strict'; var ArgumentParser = require('../lib/argparse').ArgumentParser; var parser = new ArgumentParser({ version: '0.0.1', addHelp:true, description: 'Argparse example' }); parser.addArgument( [ '-f', '--foo' ], { help: 'foo bar' } ); parser.addArgument( [ '-b', '--bar' ], { help: 'bar foo' } ); parser.addArgument( '--baz', { help: 'baz bar' } ); var args = parser.parseArgs(); console.dir(args); ``` Display help: ``` $ ./test.js -h usage: example.js [-h] [-v] [-f FOO] [-b BAR] [--baz BAZ] Argparse example Optional arguments: -h, --help Show this help message and exit. -v, --version Show program's version number and exit. -f FOO, --foo FOO foo bar -b BAR, --bar BAR bar foo --baz BAZ baz bar ``` Parse arguments: ``` $ ./test.js -f=3 --bar=4 --baz 5 { foo: '3', bar: '4', baz: '5' } ``` More [examples]( ArgumentParser objects ====================== ``` new ArgumentParser({parameters hash}); ``` Creates a new ArgumentParser object. **Supported params:** - ```description``` - Text to display before the argument help. - ```epilog``` - Text to display after the argument help. - ```addHelp``` - Add a -h/–help option to the parser. (default: true) - ```argumentDefault``` - Set the global default value for arguments. (default: null) - ```parents``` - A list of ArgumentParser objects whose arguments should also be included. - ```prefixChars``` - The set of characters that prefix optional arguments. (default: ‘-‘) - ```formatterClass``` - A class for customizing the help output. - ```prog``` - The name of the program (default: `path.basename(process.argv[1])`) - ```usage``` - The string describing the program usage (default: generated) - ```conflictHandler``` - Usually unnecessary, defines strategy for resolving conflicting optionals. **Not supported yet** - ```fromfilePrefixChars``` - The set of characters that prefix files from which additional arguments should be read. Details in [original ArgumentParser guide]( addArgument() method ==================== ``` ArgumentParser.addArgument(name or flag or [name] or [flags...], {options}) ``` Defines how a single command-line argument should be parsed. - ```name or flag or [name] or [flags...]``` - Either a positional name (e.g., `'foo'`), a single option (e.g., `'-f'` or `'--foo'`), an array of a single positional name (e.g., `['foo']`), or an array of options (e.g., `['-f', '--foo']`). Options: - ```action``` - The basic type of action to be taken when this argument is encountered at the command line. - ```nargs```- The number of command-line arguments that should be consumed. - ```constant``` - A constant value required by some action and nargs selections. - ```defaultValue``` - The value produced if the argument is absent from the command line. - ```type``` - The type to which the command-line argument should be converted. - ```choices``` - A container of the allowable values for the argument. - ```required``` - Whether or not the command-line option may be omitted (optionals only). - ```help``` - A brief description of what the argument does. - ```metavar``` - A name for the argument in usage messages. - ```dest``` - The name of the attribute to be added to the object returned by parseArgs(). Details in [original add_argument guide]( Action (some details) ================ ArgumentParser objects associate command-line arguments with actions. These actions can do just about anything with the command-line arguments associated with them, though most actions simply add an attribute to the object returned by parseArgs(). The action keyword argument specifies how the command-line arguments should be handled. The supported actions are: - ```store``` - Just stores the argument’s value. This is the default action. - ```storeConst``` - Stores value, specified by the const keyword argument. (Note that the const keyword argument defaults to the rather unhelpful None.) The 'storeConst' action is most commonly used with optional arguments, that specify some sort of flag. - ```storeTrue``` and ```storeFalse``` - Stores values True and False respectively. These are special cases of 'storeConst'. - ```append``` - Stores a list, and appends each argument value to the list. This is useful to allow an option to be specified multiple times. - ```appendConst``` - Stores a list, and appends value, specified by the const keyword argument to the list. (Note, that the const keyword argument defaults is None.) The 'appendConst' action is typically used when multiple arguments need to store constants to the same list. - ```count``` - Counts the number of times a keyword argument occurs. For example, used for increasing verbosity levels. - ```help``` - Prints a complete help message for all the options in the current parser and then exits. By default a help action is automatically added to the parser. See ArgumentParser for details of how the output is created. - ```version``` - Prints version information and exit. Expects a `version=` keyword argument in the addArgument() call. Details in [original action guide]( Sub-commands ============ ArgumentParser.addSubparsers() Many programs split their functionality into a number of sub-commands, for example, the svn program can invoke sub-commands like `svn checkout`, `svn update`, and `svn commit`. Splitting up functionality this way can be a particularly good idea when a program performs several different functions which require different kinds of command-line arguments. `ArgumentParser` supports creation of such sub-commands with `addSubparsers()` method. The `addSubparsers()` method is normally called with no arguments and returns an special action object. This object has a single method `addParser()`, which takes a command name and any `ArgumentParser` constructor arguments, and returns an `ArgumentParser` object that can be modified as usual. Example: sub_commands.js ```javascript #!/usr/bin/env node 'use strict'; var ArgumentParser = require('../lib/argparse').ArgumentParser; var parser = new ArgumentParser({ version: '0.0.1', addHelp:true, description: 'Argparse examples: sub-commands', }); var subparsers = parser.addSubparsers({ title:'subcommands', dest:"subcommand_name" }); var bar = subparsers.addParser('c1', {addHelp:true}); bar.addArgument( [ '-f', '--foo' ], { action: 'store', help: 'foo3 bar3' } ); var bar = subparsers.addParser( 'c2', {aliases:['co'], addHelp:true} ); bar.addArgument( [ '-b', '--bar' ], { action: 'store', type: 'int', help: 'foo3 bar3' } ); var args = parser.parseArgs(); console.dir(args); ``` Details in [original sub-commands guide]( Contributors ============ - [Eugene Shkuropat]( - [Paul Jacobson]( [others]( License ======= Copyright (c) 2012 [Vitaly Puzrin]( Released under the MIT license. See [LICENSE]( for details. # minizlib A fast zlib stream built on [minipass]( and Node.js's zlib binding. This module was created to serve the needs of [node-tar]( and [minipass-fetch]( Brotli is supported in versions of node with a Brotli binding. ## How does this differ from the streams in `require('zlib')`? First, there are no convenience methods to compress or decompress a buffer. If you want those, use the built-in `zlib` module. This is only streams. That being said, Minipass streams to make it fairly easy to use as one-liners: `new zlib.Deflate().end(data).read()` will return the deflate compressed result. This module compresses and decompresses the data as fast as you feed it in. It is synchronous, and runs on the main process thread. Zlib and Brotli operations can be high CPU, but they're very fast, and doing it this way means much less bookkeeping and artificial deferral. Node's built in zlib streams are built on top of `stream.Transform`. They do the maximally safe thing with respect to consistent asynchrony, buffering, and backpressure. See [Minipass]( for more on the differences between Node.js core streams and Minipass streams, and the convenience methods provided by that class. ## Classes - Deflate - Inflate - Gzip - Gunzip - DeflateRaw - InflateRaw - Unzip - BrotliCompress (Node v10 and higher) - BrotliDecompress (Node v10 and higher) ## USAGE ```js const zlib = require('minizlib') const input = sourceOfCompressedData() const decode = new zlib.BrotliDecompress() const output = whereToWriteTheDecodedData() input.pipe(decode).pipe(output) ``` ## REPRODUCIBLE BUILDS To create reproducible gzip compressed files across different operating systems, set `portable: true` in the options. This causes minizlib to set the `OS` indicator in byte 9 of the extended gzip header to `0xFF` for 'unknown'. <h1 align="center">Enquirer</h1> <p align="center"> <a href=""> <img src="" alt="version"> </a> <a href=""> <img src="" alt="travis"> </a> <a href=""> <img src="" alt="downloads"> </a> </p> <br> <br> <p align="center"> <b>Stylish CLI prompts that are user-friendly, intuitive and easy to create.</b><br> <sub>>_ Prompts should be more like conversations than inquisitions▌</sub> </p> <br> <p align="center"> <sub>(Example shows Enquirer's <a href="#survey-prompt">Survey Prompt</a>)</a></sub> <img src="" alt="Enquirer Survey Prompt" width="750"><br> <sub>The terminal in all examples is <a href="">Hyper</a>, theme is <a href="">hyper-monokai-extended</a>.</sub><br><br> <a href="#built-in-prompts"><strong>See more prompt examples</strong></a> </p> <br> <br> Created by [jonschlinkert]( and [doowb](, Enquirer is fast, easy to use, and lightweight enough for small projects, while also being powerful and customizable enough for the most advanced use cases. * **Fast** - [Loads in ~4ms](#-performance) (that's about _3-4 times faster than a [single frame of a HD movie]( at 60fps_) * **Lightweight** - Only one dependency, the excellent [ansi-colors]( by [Brian Woodward]( * **Easy to implement** - Uses promises and async/await and sensible defaults to make prompts easy to create and implement. * **Easy to use** - Thrill your users with a better experience! Navigating around input and choices is a breeze. You can even create [quizzes](examples/fun/countdown.js), or [record](examples/fun/record.js) and [playback](examples/fun/play.js) key bindings to aid with tutorials and videos. * **Intuitive** - Keypress combos are available to simplify usage. * **Flexible** - All prompts can be used standalone or chained together. * **Stylish** - Easily override semantic styles and symbols for any part of the prompt. * **Extensible** - Easily create and use custom prompts by extending Enquirer's built-in [prompts](#-prompts). * **Pluggable** - Add advanced features to Enquirer using plugins. * **Validation** - Optionally validate user input with any prompt. * **Well tested** - All prompts are well-tested, and tests are easy to create without having to use brittle, hacky solutions to spy on prompts or "inject" values. * **Examples** - There are numerous [examples](examples) available to help you get started. If you like Enquirer, please consider starring or tweeting about this project to show your support. Thanks! <br> <p align="center"> <b>>_ Ready to start making prompts your users will love? ▌</b><br> <img src="" alt="Enquirer Select Prompt with heartbeat example" width="750"> </p> <br> <br> ## ❯ Getting started Get started with Enquirer, the most powerful and easy-to-use Node.js library for creating interactive CLI prompts. * [Install](#-install) * [Usage](#-usage) * [Enquirer](#-enquirer) * [Prompts](#-prompts) - [Built-in Prompts](#-prompts) - [Custom Prompts](#-custom-prompts) * [Key Bindings](#-key-bindings) * [Options](#-options) * [Release History](#-release-history) * [Performance](#-performance) * [About](#-about) <br> ## ❯ Install Install with [npm]( ```sh $ npm install enquirer --save ``` Install with [yarn]( ```sh $ yarn add enquirer ``` <p align="center"> <img src="" alt="Install Enquirer with NPM" width="750"> </p> _(Requires Node.js 8.6 or higher. Please let us know if you need support for an earlier version by creating an [issue](../../issues/new).)_ <br> ## ❯ Usage ### Single prompt The easiest way to get started with enquirer is to pass a [question object](#prompt-options) to the `prompt` method. ```js const { prompt } = require('enquirer'); const response = await prompt({ type: 'input', name: 'username', message: 'What is your username?' }); console.log(response); // { username: 'jonschlinkert' } ``` _(Examples with `await` need to be run inside an `async` function)_ ### Multiple prompts Pass an array of ["question" objects](#prompt-options) to run a series of prompts. ```js const response = await prompt([ { type: 'input', name: 'name', message: 'What is your name?' }, { type: 'input', name: 'username', message: 'What is your username?' } ]); console.log(response); // { name: 'Edward Chan', username: 'edwardmchan' } ``` ### Different ways to run enquirer #### 1. By importing the specific `built-in prompt` ```js const { Confirm } = require('enquirer'); const prompt = new Confirm({ name: 'question', message: 'Did you like enquirer?' }); .then(answer => console.log('Answer:', answer)); ``` #### 2. By passing the options to `prompt` ```js const { prompt } = require('enquirer'); prompt({ type: 'confirm', name: 'question', message: 'Did you like enquirer?' }) .then(answer => console.log('Answer:', answer)); ``` **Jump to**: [Getting Started](#-getting-started) · [Prompts](#-prompts) · [Options](#-options) · [Key Bindings](#-key-bindings) <br> ## ❯ Enquirer **Enquirer is a prompt runner** Add Enquirer to your JavaScript project with following line of code. ```js const Enquirer = require('enquirer'); ``` The main export of this library is the `Enquirer` class, which has methods and features designed to simplify running prompts. ```js const { prompt } = require('enquirer'); const question = [ { type: 'input', name: 'username', message: 'What is your username?' }, { type: 'password', name: 'password', message: 'What is your password?' } ]; let answers = await prompt(question); console.log(answers); ``` **Prompts control how values are rendered and returned** Each individual prompt is a class with special features and functionality for rendering the types of values you want to show users in the terminal, and subsequently returning the types of values you need to use in your application. **How can I customize prompts?** Below in this guide you will find information about creating [custom prompts](#-custom-prompts). For now, we'll focus on how to customize an existing prompt. All of the individual [prompt classes](#built-in-prompts) in this library are exposed as static properties on Enquirer. This allows them to be used directly without using `enquirer.prompt()`. Use this approach if you need to modify a prompt instance, or listen for events on the prompt. **Example** ```js const { Input } = require('enquirer'); const prompt = new Input({ name: 'username', message: 'What is your username?' }); .then(answer => console.log('Username:', answer)) .catch(console.error); ``` ### [Enquirer](index.js#L20) Create an instance of `Enquirer`. **Params** * `options` **{Object}**: (optional) Options to use with all prompts. * `answers` **{Object}**: (optional) Answers object to initialize with. **Example** ```js const Enquirer = require('enquirer'); const enquirer = new Enquirer(); ``` ### [register()](index.js#L42) Register a custom prompt type. **Params** * `type` **{String}** * `fn` **{Function|Prompt}**: `Prompt` class, or a function that returns a `Prompt` class. * `returns` **{Object}**: Returns the Enquirer instance **Example** ```js const Enquirer = require('enquirer'); const enquirer = new Enquirer(); enquirer.register('customType', require('./custom-prompt')); ``` ### [prompt()](index.js#L78) Prompt function that takes a "question" object or array of question objects, and returns an object with responses from the user. **Params** * `questions` **{Array|Object}**: Options objects for one or more prompts to run. * `returns` **{Promise}**: Promise that returns an "answers" object with the user's responses. **Example** ```js const Enquirer = require('enquirer'); const enquirer = new Enquirer(); const response = await enquirer.prompt({ type: 'input', name: 'username', message: 'What is your username?' }); console.log(response); ``` ### [use()](index.js#L160) Use an enquirer plugin. **Params** * `plugin` **{Function}**: Plugin function that takes an instance of Enquirer. * `returns` **{Object}**: Returns the Enquirer instance. **Example** ```js const Enquirer = require('enquirer'); const enquirer = new Enquirer(); const plugin = enquirer => { // do stuff to enquire instance }; enquirer.use(plugin); ``` ### [Enquirer#prompt](index.js#L210) Prompt function that takes a "question" object or array of question objects, and returns an object with responses from the user. **Params** * `questions` **{Array|Object}**: Options objects for one or more prompts to run. * `returns` **{Promise}**: Promise that returns an "answers" object with the user's responses. **Example** ```js const { prompt } = require('enquirer'); const response = await prompt({ type: 'input', name: 'username', message: 'What is your username?' }); console.log(response); ``` <br> ## ❯ Prompts This section is about Enquirer's prompts: what they look like, how they work, how to run them, available options, and how to customize the prompts or create your own prompt concept. **Getting started with Enquirer's prompts** * [Prompt](#prompt) - The base `Prompt` class used by other prompts - [Prompt Options](#prompt-options) * [Built-in prompts](#built-in-prompts) * [Prompt Types](#prompt-types) - The base `Prompt` class used by other prompts * [Custom prompts](#%E2%9D%AF-custom-prompts) - Enquirer 2.0 introduced the concept of prompt "types", with the goal of making custom prompts easier than ever to create and use. ### Prompt The base `Prompt` class is used to create all other prompts. ```js const { Prompt } = require('enquirer'); class MyCustomPrompt extends Prompt {} ``` See the documentation for [creating custom prompts](#-custom-prompts) to learn more about how this works. #### Prompt Options Each prompt takes an options object (aka "question" object), that implements the following interface: ```js { // required type: string | function, name: string | function, message: string | function | async function, // optional skip: boolean | function | async function, initial: string | function | async function, format: function | async function, result: function | async function, validate: function | async function, } ``` Each property of the options object is described below: | **Property** | **Required?** | **Type** | **Description** | | ------------ | ------------- | ------------------ | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `type` | yes | `string\|function` | Enquirer uses this value to determine the type of prompt to run, but it's optional when prompts are run directly. | | `name` | yes | `string\|function` | Used as the key for the answer on the returned values (answers) object. | | `message` | yes | `string\|function` | The message to display when the prompt is rendered in the terminal. | | `skip` | no | `boolean\|function` | If `true` it will not ask that prompt. | | `initial` | no | `string\|function` | The default value to return if the user does not supply a value. | | `format` | no | `function` | Function to format user input in the terminal. | | `result` | no | `function` | Function to format the final submitted value before it's returned. | | `validate` | no | `function` | Function to validate the submitted value before it's returned. This function may return a boolean or a string. If a string is returned it will be used as the validation error message. | **Example usage** ```js const { prompt } = require('enquirer'); const question = { type: 'input', name: 'username', message: 'What is your username?' }; prompt(question) .then(answer => console.log('Answer:', answer)) .catch(console.error); ``` <br> ### Built-in prompts * [AutoComplete Prompt](#autocomplete-prompt) * [BasicAuth Prompt](#basicauth-prompt) * [Confirm Prompt](#confirm-prompt) * [Form Prompt](#form-prompt) * [Input Prompt](#input-prompt) * [Invisible Prompt](#invisible-prompt) * [List Prompt](#list-prompt) * [MultiSelect Prompt](#multiselect-prompt) * [Numeral Prompt](#numeral-prompt) * [Password Prompt](#password-prompt) * [Quiz Prompt](#quiz-prompt) * [Survey Prompt](#survey-prompt) * [Scale Prompt](#scale-prompt) * [Select Prompt](#select-prompt) * [Sort Prompt](#sort-prompt) * [Snippet Prompt](#snippet-prompt) * [Toggle Prompt](#toggle-prompt) ### AutoComplete Prompt Prompt that auto-completes as the user types, and returns the selected value as a string. <p align="center"> <img src="" alt="Enquirer AutoComplete Prompt" width="750"> </p> **Example Usage** ```js const { AutoComplete } = require('enquirer'); const prompt = new AutoComplete({ name: 'flavor', message: 'Pick your favorite flavor', limit: 10, initial: 2, choices: [ 'Almond', 'Apple', 'Banana', 'Blackberry', 'Blueberry', 'Cherry', 'Chocolate', 'Cinnamon', 'Coconut', 'Cranberry', 'Grape', 'Nougat', 'Orange', 'Pear', 'Pineapple', 'Raspberry', 'Strawberry', 'Vanilla', 'Watermelon', 'Wintergreen' ] }); .then(answer => console.log('Answer:', answer)) .catch(console.error); ``` **AutoComplete Options** | Option | Type | Default | Description | | ----------- | ---------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | `highlight` | `function` | `dim` version of primary style | The color to use when "highlighting" characters in the list that match user input. | | `multiple` | `boolean` | `false` | Allow multiple choices to be selected. | | `suggest` | `function` | Greedy match, returns true if choice message contains input string. | Function that filters choices. Takes user input and a choices array, and returns a list of matching choices. | | `initial` | `number` | 0 | Preselected item in the list of choices. | | `footer` | `function` | None | Function that displays [footer text]( | **Related prompts** * [Select](#select-prompt) * [MultiSelect](#multiselect-prompt) * [Survey](#survey-prompt) **↑ back to:** [Getting Started](#-getting-started) · [Prompts](#-prompts) *** ### BasicAuth Prompt Prompt that asks for username and password to authenticate the user. The default implementation of `authenticate` function in `BasicAuth` prompt is to compare the username and password with the values supplied while running the prompt. The implementer is expected to override the `authenticate` function with a custom logic such as making an API request to a server to authenticate the username and password entered and expect a token back. <p align="center"> <img src="" alt="Enquirer BasicAuth Prompt" width="750"> </p> **Example Usage** ```js const { BasicAuth } = require('enquirer'); const prompt = new BasicAuth({ name: 'password', message: 'Please enter your password', username: 'rajat-sr', password: '123', showPassword: true }); prompt .run() .then(answer => console.log('Answer:', answer)) .catch(console.error); ``` **↑ back to:** [Getting Started](#-getting-started) · [Prompts](#-prompts) *** ### Confirm Prompt Prompt that returns `true` or `false`. <p align="center"> <img src="" alt="Enquirer Confirm Prompt" width="750"> </p> **Example Usage** ```js const { Confirm } = require('enquirer'); const prompt = new Confirm({ name: 'question', message: 'Want to answer?' }); .then(answer => console.log('Answer:', answer)) .catch(console.error); ``` **Related prompts** * [Input](#input-prompt) * [Numeral](#numeral-prompt) * [Password](#password-prompt) **↑ back to:** [Getting Started](#-getting-started) · [Prompts](#-prompts) *** ### Form Prompt Prompt that allows the user to enter and submit multiple values on a single terminal screen. <p align="center"> <img src="" alt="Enquirer Form Prompt" width="750"> </p> **Example Usage** ```js const { Form } = require('enquirer'); const prompt = new Form({ name: 'user', message: 'Please provide the following information:', choices: [ { name: 'firstname', message: 'First Name', initial: 'Jon' }, { name: 'lastname', message: 'Last Name', initial: 'Schlinkert' }, { name: 'username', message: 'GitHub username', initial: 'jonschlinkert' } ] }); .then(value => console.log('Answer:', value)) .catch(console.error); ``` **Related prompts** * [Input](#input-prompt) * [Survey](#survey-prompt) **↑ back to:** [Getting Started](#-getting-started) · [Prompts](#-prompts) *** ### Input Prompt Prompt that takes user input and returns a string. <p align="center"> <img src="" alt="Enquirer Input Prompt" width="750"> </p> **Example Usage** ```js const { Input } = require('enquirer'); const prompt = new Input({ message: 'What is your username?', initial: 'jonschlinkert' }); .then(answer => console.log('Answer:', answer)) .catch(console.log); ``` You can use [data-store]( to store [input history]( that the user can cycle through (see [source]( **Related prompts** * [Confirm](#confirm-prompt) * [Numeral](#numeral-prompt) * [Password](#password-prompt) **↑ back to:** [Getting Started](#-getting-started) · [Prompts](#-prompts) *** ### Invisible Prompt Prompt that takes user input, hides it from the terminal, and returns a string. <p align="center"> <img src="" alt="Enquirer Invisible Prompt" width="750"> </p> **Example Usage** ```js const { Invisible } = require('enquirer'); const prompt = new Invisible({ name: 'secret', message: 'What is your secret?' }); .then(answer => console.log('Answer:', { secret: answer })) .catch(console.error); ``` **Related prompts** * [Password](#password-prompt) * [Input](#input-prompt) **↑ back to:** [Getting Started](#-getting-started) · [Prompts](#-prompts) *** ### List Prompt Prompt that returns a list of values, created by splitting the user input. The default split character is `,` with optional trailing whitespace. <p align="center"> <img src="" alt="Enquirer List Prompt" width="750"> </p> **Example Usage** ```js const { List } = require('enquirer'); const prompt = new List({ name: 'keywords', message: 'Type comma-separated keywords' }); .then(answer => console.log('Answer:', answer)) .catch(console.error); ``` **Related prompts** * [Sort](#sort-prompt) * [Select](#select-prompt) **↑ back to:** [Getting Started](#-getting-started) · [Prompts](#-prompts) *** ### MultiSelect Prompt Prompt that allows the user to select multiple items from a list of options. <p align="center"> <img src="" alt="Enquirer MultiSelect Prompt" width="750"> </p> **Example Usage** ```js const { MultiSelect } = require('enquirer'); const prompt = new MultiSelect({ name: 'value', message: 'Pick your favorite colors', limit: 7, choices: [ { name: 'aqua', value: '#00ffff' }, { name: 'black', value: '#000000' }, { name: 'blue', value: '#0000ff' }, { name: 'fuchsia', value: '#ff00ff' }, { name: 'gray', value: '#808080' }, { name: 'green', value: '#008000' }, { name: 'lime', value: '#00ff00' }, { name: 'maroon', value: '#800000' }, { name: 'navy', value: '#000080' }, { name: 'olive', value: '#808000' }, { name: 'purple', value: '#800080' }, { name: 'red', value: '#ff0000' }, { name: 'silver', value: '#c0c0c0' }, { name: 'teal', value: '#008080' }, { name: 'white', value: '#ffffff' }, { name: 'yellow', value: '#ffff00' } ] }); .then(answer => console.log('Answer:', answer)) .catch(console.error); // Answer: ['aqua', 'blue', 'fuchsia'] ``` **Example key-value pairs** Optionally, pass a `result` function and use the `.map` method to return an object of key-value pairs of the selected names and values: [example](./examples/multiselect/option-result.js) ```js const { MultiSelect } = require('enquirer'); const prompt = new MultiSelect({ name: 'value', message: 'Pick your favorite colors', limit: 7, choices: [ { name: 'aqua', value: '#00ffff' }, { name: 'black', value: '#000000' }, { name: 'blue', value: '#0000ff' }, { name: 'fuchsia', value: '#ff00ff' }, { name: 'gray', value: '#808080' }, { name: 'green', value: '#008000' }, { name: 'lime', value: '#00ff00' }, { name: 'maroon', value: '#800000' }, { name: 'navy', value: '#000080' }, { name: 'olive', value: '#808000' }, { name: 'purple', value: '#800080' }, { name: 'red', value: '#ff0000' }, { name: 'silver', value: '#c0c0c0' }, { name: 'teal', value: '#008080' }, { name: 'white', value: '#ffffff' }, { name: 'yellow', value: '#ffff00' } ], result(names) { return; } }); .then(answer => console.log('Answer:', answer)) .catch(console.error); // Answer: { aqua: '#00ffff', blue: '#0000ff', fuchsia: '#ff00ff' } ``` **Related prompts** * [AutoComplete](#autocomplete-prompt) * [Select](#select-prompt) * [Survey](#survey-prompt) **↑ back to:** [Getting Started](#-getting-started) · [Prompts](#-prompts) *** ### Numeral Prompt Prompt that takes a number as input. <p align="center"> <img src="" alt="Enquirer Numeral Prompt" width="750"> </p> **Example Usage** ```js const { NumberPrompt } = require('enquirer'); const prompt = new NumberPrompt({ name: 'number', message: 'Please enter a number' }); .then(answer => console.log('Answer:', answer)) .catch(console.error); ``` **Related prompts** * [Input](#input-prompt) * [Confirm](#confirm-prompt) **↑ back to:** [Getting Started](#-getting-started) · [Prompts](#-prompts) *** ### Password Prompt Prompt that takes user input and masks it in the terminal. Also see the [invisible prompt](#invisible-prompt) <p align="center"> <img src="" alt="Enquirer Password Prompt" width="750"> </p> **Example Usage** ```js const { Password } = require('enquirer'); const prompt = new Password({ name: 'password', message: 'What is your password?' }); .then(answer => console.log('Answer:', answer)) .catch(console.error); ``` **Related prompts** * [Input](#input-prompt) * [Invisible](#invisible-prompt) **↑ back to:** [Getting Started](#-getting-started) · [Prompts](#-prompts) *** ### Quiz Prompt Prompt that allows the user to play multiple-choice quiz questions. <p align="center"> <img src="" alt="Enquirer Quiz Prompt" width="750"> </p> **Example Usage** ```js const { Quiz } = require('enquirer'); const prompt = new Quiz({ name: 'countries', message: 'How many countries are there in the world?', choices: ['165', '175', '185', '195', '205'], correctChoice: 3 }); prompt .run() .then(answer => { if (answer.correct) { console.log('Correct!'); } else { console.log(`Wrong! Correct answer is ${answer.correctAnswer}`); } }) .catch(console.error); ``` **Quiz Options** | Option | Type | Required | Description | | ----------- | ---------- | ---------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | `choices` | `array` | Yes | The list of possible answers to the quiz question. | | `correctChoice`| `number` | Yes | Index of the correct choice from the `choices` array. | **↑ back to:** [Getting Started](#-getting-started) · [Prompts](#-prompts) *** ### Survey Prompt Prompt that allows the user to provide feedback for a list of questions. <p align="center"> <img src="" alt="Enquirer Survey Prompt" width="750"> </p> **Example Usage** ```js const { Survey } = require('enquirer'); const prompt = new Survey({ name: 'experience', message: 'Please rate your experience', scale: [ { name: '1', message: 'Strongly Disagree' }, { name: '2', message: 'Disagree' }, { name: '3', message: 'Neutral' }, { name: '4', message: 'Agree' }, { name: '5', message: 'Strongly Agree' } ], margin: [0, 0, 2, 1], choices: [ { name: 'interface', message: 'The website has a friendly interface.' }, { name: 'navigation', message: 'The website is easy to navigate.' }, { name: 'images', message: 'The website usually has good images.' }, { name: 'upload', message: 'The website makes it easy to upload images.' }, { name: 'colors', message: 'The website has a pleasing color palette.' } ] }); .then(value => console.log('ANSWERS:', value)) .catch(console.error); ``` **Related prompts** * [Scale](#scale-prompt) * [Snippet](#snippet-prompt) * [Select](#select-prompt) *** ### Scale Prompt A more compact version of the [Survey prompt](#survey-prompt), the Scale prompt allows the user to quickly provide feedback using a [Likert Scale]( <p align="center"> <img src="" alt="Enquirer Scale Prompt" width="750"> </p> **Example Usage** ```js const { Scale } = require('enquirer'); const prompt = new Scale({ name: 'experience', message: 'Please rate your experience', scale: [ { name: '1', message: 'Strongly Disagree' }, { name: '2', message: 'Disagree' }, { name: '3', message: 'Neutral' }, { name: '4', message: 'Agree' }, { name: '5', message: 'Strongly Agree' } ], margin: [0, 0, 2, 1], choices: [ { name: 'interface', message: 'The website has a friendly interface.', initial: 2 }, { name: 'navigation', message: 'The website is easy to navigate.', initial: 2 }, { name: 'images', message: 'The website usually has good images.', initial: 2 }, { name: 'upload', message: 'The website makes it easy to upload images.', initial: 2 }, { name: 'colors', message: 'The website has a pleasing color palette.', initial: 2 } ] }); .then(value => console.log('ANSWERS:', value)) .catch(console.error); ``` **Related prompts** * [AutoComplete](#autocomplete-prompt) * [Select](#select-prompt) * [Survey](#survey-prompt) **↑ back to:** [Getting Started](#-getting-started) · [Prompts](#-prompts) *** ### Select Prompt Prompt that allows the user to select from a list of options. <p align="center"> <img src="" alt="Enquirer Select Prompt" width="750"> </p> **Example Usage** ```js const { Select } = require('enquirer'); const prompt = new Select({ name: 'color', message: 'Pick a flavor', choices: ['apple', 'grape', 'watermelon', 'cherry', 'orange'] }); .then(answer => console.log('Answer:', answer)) .catch(console.error); ``` **Related prompts** * [AutoComplete](#autocomplete-prompt) * [MultiSelect](#multiselect-prompt) **↑ back to:** [Getting Started](#-getting-started) · [Prompts](#-prompts) *** ### Sort Prompt Prompt that allows the user to sort items in a list. **Example** In this [example](, custom styling is applied to the returned values to make it easier to see what's happening. <p align="center"> <img src="" alt="Enquirer Sort Prompt" width="750"> </p> **Example Usage** ```js const colors = require('ansi-colors'); const { Sort } = require('enquirer'); const prompt = new Sort({ name: 'colors', message: 'Sort the colors in order of preference', hint: 'Top is best, bottom is worst', numbered: true, choices: ['red', 'white', 'green', 'cyan', 'yellow'].map(n => ({ name: n, message: colors[n](n) })) }); .then(function(answer = []) { console.log(answer); console.log('Your preferred order of colors is:'); console.log( => colors[key](key)).join('\n')); }) .catch(console.error); ``` **Related prompts** * [List](#list-prompt) * [Select](#select-prompt) **↑ back to:** [Getting Started](#-getting-started) · [Prompts](#-prompts) *** ### Snippet Prompt Prompt that allows the user to replace placeholders in a snippet of code or text. <p align="center"> <img src="" alt="Prompts" width="750"> </p> **Example Usage** ```js const semver = require('semver'); const { Snippet } = require('enquirer'); const prompt = new Snippet({ name: 'username', message: 'Fill out the fields in package.json', required: true, fields: [ { name: 'author_name', message: 'Author Name' }, { name: 'version', validate(value, state, item, index) { if (item && === 'version' && !semver.valid(value)) { return prompt.styles.danger('version should be a valid semver value'); } return true; } } ], template: `{ "name": "\${name}", "description": "\${description}", "version": "\${version}", "homepage": "\${username}/\${name}", "author": "\${author_name} (\${username})", "repository": "\${username}/\${name}", "license": "\${license:ISC}" } ` }); .then(answer => console.log('Answer:', answer.result)) .catch(console.error); ``` **Related prompts** * [Survey](#survey-prompt) * [AutoComplete](#autocomplete-prompt) **↑ back to:** [Getting Started](#-getting-started) · [Prompts](#-prompts) *** ### Toggle Prompt Prompt that allows the user to toggle between two values then returns `true` or `false`. <p align="center"> <img src="" alt="Enquirer Toggle Prompt" width="750"> </p> **Example Usage** ```js const { Toggle } = require('enquirer'); const prompt = new Toggle({ message: 'Want to answer?', enabled: 'Yep', disabled: 'Nope' }); .then(answer => console.log('Answer:', answer)) .catch(console.error); ``` **Related prompts** * [Confirm](#confirm-prompt) * [Input](#input-prompt) * [Sort](#sort-prompt) **↑ back to:** [Getting Started](#-getting-started) · [Prompts](#-prompts) *** ### Prompt Types There are 5 (soon to be 6!) type classes: * [ArrayPrompt](#arrayprompt) - [Options](#options) - [Properties](#properties) - [Methods](#methods) - [Choices](#choices) - [Defining choices](#defining-choices) - [Choice properties](#choice-properties) - [Related prompts](#related-prompts) * [AuthPrompt](#authprompt) * [BooleanPrompt](#booleanprompt) * DatePrompt (Coming Soon!) * [NumberPrompt](#numberprompt) * [StringPrompt](#stringprompt) Each type is a low-level class that may be used as a starting point for creating higher level prompts. Continue reading to learn how. ### ArrayPrompt The `ArrayPrompt` class is used for creating prompts that display a list of choices in the terminal. For example, Enquirer uses this class as the basis for the [Select](#select) and [Survey](#survey) prompts. #### Options In addition to the [options](#options) available to all prompts, Array prompts also support the following options. | **Option** | **Required?** | **Type** | **Description** | | ----------- | ------------- | --------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `autofocus` | `no` | `string\|number` | The index or name of the choice that should have focus when the prompt loads. Only one choice may have focus at a time. | | | `stdin` | `no` | `stream` | The input stream to use for emitting keypress events. Defaults to `process.stdin`. | | `stdout` | `no` | `stream` | The output stream to use for writing the prompt to the terminal. Defaults to `process.stdout`. | | | #### Properties Array prompts have the following instance properties and getters. | **Property name** | **Type** | **Description** | | ----------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `choices` | `array` | Array of choices that have been normalized from choices passed on the prompt options. | | `cursor` | `number` | Position of the cursor relative to the _user input (string)_. | | `enabled` | `array` | Returns an array of enabled choices. | | `focused` | `array` | Returns the currently selected choice in the visible list of choices. This is similar to the concept of focus in HTML and CSS. Focused choices are always visible (on-screen). When a list of choices is longer than the list of visible choices, and an off-screen choice is _focused_, the list will scroll to the focused choice and re-render. | | `focused` | Gets the currently selected choice. Equivalent to `prompt.choices[prompt.index]`. | | `index` | `number` | Position of the pointer in the _visible list (array) of choices_. | | `limit` | `number` | The number of choices to display on-screen. | | `selected` | `array` | Either a list of enabled choices (when `options.multiple` is true) or the currently focused choice. | | `visible` | `string` | | #### Methods | **Method** | **Description** | | ------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `pointer()` | Returns the visual symbol to use to identify the choice that currently has focus. The `❯` symbol is often used for this. The pointer is not always visible, as with the `autocomplete` prompt. | | `indicator()` | Returns the visual symbol that indicates whether or not a choice is checked/enabled. | | `focus()` | Sets focus on a choice, if it can be focused. | #### Choices Array prompts support the `choices` option, which is the array of choices users will be able to select from when rendered in the terminal. **Type**: `string|object` **Example** ```js const { prompt } = require('enquirer'); const questions = [{ type: 'select', name: 'color', message: 'Favorite color?', initial: 1, choices: [ { name: 'red', message: 'Red', value: '#ff0000' }, //<= choice object { name: 'green', message: 'Green', value: '#00ff00' }, //<= choice object { name: 'blue', message: 'Blue', value: '#0000ff' } //<= choice object ] }]; let answers = await prompt(questions); console.log('Answer:', answers.color); ``` #### Defining choices Whether defined as a string or object, choices are normalized to the following interface: ```js { name: string; message: string | undefined; value: string | undefined; hint: string | undefined; disabled: boolean | string | undefined; } ``` **Example** ```js const question = { name: 'fruit', message: 'Favorite fruit?', choices: ['Apple', 'Orange', 'Raspberry'] }; ``` Normalizes to the following when the prompt is run: ```js const question = { name: 'fruit', message: 'Favorite fruit?', choices: [ { name: 'Apple', message: 'Apple', value: 'Apple' }, { name: 'Orange', message: 'Orange', value: 'Orange' }, { name: 'Raspberry', message: 'Raspberry', value: 'Raspberry' } ] }; ``` #### Choice properties The following properties are supported on `choice` objects. | **Option** | **Type** | **Description** | | ----------- | ----------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `name` | `string` | The unique key to identify a choice | | `message` | `string` | The message to display in the terminal. `name` is used when this is undefined. | | `value` | `string` | Value to associate with the choice. Useful for creating key-value pairs from user choices. `name` is used when this is undefined. | | `choices` | `array` | Array of "child" choices. | | `hint` | `string` | Help message to display next to a choice. | | `role` | `string` | Determines how the choice will be displayed. Currently the only role supported is `separator`. Additional roles may be added in the future (like `heading`, etc). Please create a [feature request] | | `enabled` | `boolean` | Enabled a choice by default. This is only supported when `options.multiple` is true or on prompts that support multiple choices, like [MultiSelect](#-multiselect). | | `disabled` | `boolean\|string` | Disable a choice so that it cannot be selected. This value may either be `true`, `false`, or a message to display. | | `indicator` | `string\|function` | Custom indicator to render for a choice (like a check or radio button). | #### Related prompts * [AutoComplete](#autocomplete-prompt) * [Form](#form-prompt) * [MultiSelect](#multiselect-prompt) * [Select](#select-prompt) * [Survey](#survey-prompt) *** ### AuthPrompt The `AuthPrompt` is used to create prompts to log in user using any authentication method. For example, Enquirer uses this class as the basis for the [BasicAuth Prompt](#basicauth-prompt). You can also find prompt examples in `examples/auth/` folder that utilizes `AuthPrompt` to create OAuth based authentication prompt or a prompt that authenticates using time-based OTP, among others. `AuthPrompt` has a factory function that creates an instance of `AuthPrompt` class and it expects an `authenticate` function, as an argument, which overrides the `authenticate` function of the `AuthPrompt` class. #### Methods | **Method** | **Description** | | ------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `authenticate()` | Contain all the authentication logic. This function should be overridden to implement custom authentication logic. The default `authenticate` function throws an error if no other function is provided. | #### Choices Auth prompt supports the `choices` option, which is the similar to the choices used in [Form Prompt](#form-prompt). **Example** ```js const { AuthPrompt } = require('enquirer'); function authenticate(value, state) { if (value.username === this.options.username && value.password === this.options.password) { return true; } return false; } const CustomAuthPrompt = AuthPrompt.create(authenticate); const prompt = new CustomAuthPrompt({ name: 'password', message: 'Please enter your password', username: 'rajat-sr', password: '1234567', choices: [ { name: 'username', message: 'username' }, { name: 'password', message: 'password' } ] }); prompt .run() .then(answer => console.log('Authenticated?', answer)) .catch(console.error); ``` #### Related prompts * [BasicAuth Prompt](#basicauth-prompt) *** ### BooleanPrompt The `BooleanPrompt` class is used for creating prompts that display and return a boolean value. ```js const { BooleanPrompt } = require('enquirer'); const prompt = new BooleanPrompt({ header: '========================', message: 'Do you love enquirer?', footer: '========================', }); .then(answer => console.log('Selected:', answer)) .catch(console.error); ``` **Returns**: `boolean` *** ### NumberPrompt The `NumberPrompt` class is used for creating prompts that display and return a numerical value. ```js const { NumberPrompt } = require('enquirer'); const prompt = new NumberPrompt({ header: '************************', message: 'Input the Numbers:', footer: '************************', }); .then(answer => console.log('Numbers are:', answer)) .catch(console.error); ``` **Returns**: `string|number` (number, or number formatted as a string) *** ### StringPrompt The `StringPrompt` class is used for creating prompts that display and return a string value. ```js const { StringPrompt } = require('enquirer'); const prompt = new StringPrompt({ header: '************************', message: 'Input the String:', footer: '************************' }); .then(answer => console.log('String is:', answer)) .catch(console.error); ``` **Returns**: `string` <br> ## ❯ Custom prompts With Enquirer 2.0, custom prompts are easier than ever to create and use. **How do I create a custom prompt?** Custom prompts are created by extending either: * Enquirer's `Prompt` class * one of the built-in [prompts](#-prompts), or * low-level [types](#-types). <!-- Example: HaiKarate Custom Prompt --> ```js const { Prompt } = require('enquirer'); class HaiKarate extends Prompt { constructor(options = {}) { super(options); this.value = options.initial || 0; this.cursorHide(); } up() { this.value++; this.render(); } down() { this.value--; this.render(); } render() { this.clear(); // clear previously rendered prompt from the terminal this.write(`${this.state.message}: ${this.value}`); } } // Use the prompt by creating an instance of your custom prompt class. const prompt = new HaiKarate({ message: 'How many sprays do you want?', initial: 10 }); .then(answer => console.log('Sprays:', answer)) .catch(console.error); ``` If you want to be able to specify your prompt by `type` so that it may be used alongside other prompts, you will need to first create an instance of `Enquirer`. ```js const Enquirer = require('enquirer'); const enquirer = new Enquirer(); ``` Then use the `.register()` method to add your custom prompt. ```js enquirer.register('haikarate', HaiKarate); ``` Now you can do the following when defining "questions". ```js let spritzer = require('cologne-drone'); let answers = await enquirer.prompt([ { type: 'haikarate', name: 'cologne', message: 'How many sprays do you need?', initial: 10, async onSubmit(name, value) { await spritzer.activate(value); //<= activate drone return value; } } ]); ``` <br> ## ❯ Key Bindings ### All prompts These key combinations may be used with all prompts. | **command** | **description** | | -------------------------------- | -------------------------------------- | | <kbd>ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>c</kbd> | Cancel the prompt. | | <kbd>ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>g</kbd> | Reset the prompt to its initial state. | <br> ### Move cursor These combinations may be used on prompts that support user input (eg. [input prompt](#input-prompt), [password prompt](#password-prompt), and [invisible prompt](#invisible-prompt)). | **command** | **description** | | ------------------------------ | ---------------------------------------- | | <kbd>left</kbd> | Move the cursor back one character. | | <kbd>right</kbd> | Move the cursor forward one character. | | <kbd>ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>a</kbd> | Move cursor to the start of the line | | <kbd>ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>e</kbd> | Move cursor to the end of the line | | <kbd>ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>b</kbd> | Move cursor back one character | | <kbd>ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>f</kbd> | Move cursor forward one character | | <kbd>ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>x</kbd> | Toggle between first and cursor position | <br> ### Edit Input These key combinations may be used on prompts that support user input (eg. [input prompt](#input-prompt), [password prompt](#password-prompt), and [invisible prompt](#invisible-prompt)). | **command** | **description** | | ------------------------------ | ---------------------------------------- | | <kbd>ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>a</kbd> | Move cursor to the start of the line | | <kbd>ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>e</kbd> | Move cursor to the end of the line | | <kbd>ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>b</kbd> | Move cursor back one character | | <kbd>ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>f</kbd> | Move cursor forward one character | | <kbd>ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>x</kbd> | Toggle between first and cursor position | <br> | **command (Mac)** | **command (Windows)** | **description** | | ----------------------------------- | -------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | <kbd>delete</kbd> | <kbd>backspace</kbd> | Delete one character to the left. | | <kbd>fn</kbd> + <kbd>delete</kbd> | <kbd>delete</kbd> | Delete one character to the right. | | <kbd>option</kbd> + <kbd>up</kbd> | <kbd>alt</kbd> + <kbd>up</kbd> | Scroll to the previous item in history ([Input prompt](#input-prompt) only, when [history is enabled](examples/input/option-history.js)). | | <kbd>option</kbd> + <kbd>down</kbd> | <kbd>alt</kbd> + <kbd>down</kbd> | Scroll to the next item in history ([Input prompt](#input-prompt) only, when [history is enabled](examples/input/option-history.js)). | ### Select choices These key combinations may be used on prompts that support _multiple_ choices, such as the [multiselect prompt](#multiselect-prompt), or the [select prompt](#select-prompt) when the `multiple` options is true. | **command** | **description** | | ----------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | <kbd>space</kbd> | Toggle the currently selected choice when `options.multiple` is true. | | <kbd>number</kbd> | Move the pointer to the choice at the given index. Also toggles the selected choice when `options.multiple` is true. | | <kbd>a</kbd> | Toggle all choices to be enabled or disabled. | | <kbd>i</kbd> | Invert the current selection of choices. | | <kbd>g</kbd> | Toggle the current choice group. | <br> ### Hide/show choices | **command** | **description** | | ------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------- | | <kbd>fn</kbd> + <kbd>up</kbd> | Decrease the number of visible choices by one. | | <kbd>fn</kbd> + <kbd>down</kbd> | Increase the number of visible choices by one. | <br> ### Move/lock Pointer | **command** | **description** | | ---------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | <kbd>number</kbd> | Move the pointer to the choice at the given index. Also toggles the selected choice when `options.multiple` is true. | | <kbd>up</kbd> | Move the pointer up. | | <kbd>down</kbd> | Move the pointer down. | | <kbd>ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>a</kbd> | Move the pointer to the first _visible_ choice. | | <kbd>ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>e</kbd> | Move the pointer to the last _visible_ choice. | | <kbd>shift</kbd> + <kbd>up</kbd> | Scroll up one choice without changing pointer position (locks the pointer while scrolling). | | <kbd>shift</kbd> + <kbd>down</kbd> | Scroll down one choice without changing pointer position (locks the pointer while scrolling). | <br> | **command (Mac)** | **command (Windows)** | **description** | | -------------------------------- | --------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------- | | <kbd>fn</kbd> + <kbd>left</kbd> | <kbd>home</kbd> | Move the pointer to the first choice in the choices array. | | <kbd>fn</kbd> + <kbd>right</kbd> | <kbd>end</kbd> | Move the pointer to the last choice in the choices array. | <br> ## ❯ Release History Please see []( ## ❯ Performance ### System specs MacBook Pro, Intel Core i7, 2.5 GHz, 16 GB. ### Load time Time it takes for the module to load the first time (average of 3 runs): ``` enquirer: 4.013ms inquirer: 286.717ms ``` <br> ## ❯ About <details> <summary><strong>Contributing</strong></summary> Pull requests and stars are always welcome. For bugs and feature requests, [please create an issue](../../issues/new). ### Todo We're currently working on documentation for the following items. Please star and watch the repository for updates! * [ ] Customizing symbols * [ ] Customizing styles (palette) * [ ] Customizing rendered input * [ ] Customizing returned values * [ ] Customizing key bindings * [ ] Question validation * [ ] Choice validation * [ ] Skipping questions * [ ] Async choices * [ ] Async timers: loaders, spinners and other animations * [ ] Links to examples </details> <details> <summary><strong>Running Tests</strong></summary> Running and reviewing unit tests is a great way to get familiarized with a library and its API. You can install dependencies and run tests with the following command: ```sh $ npm install && npm test ``` ```sh $ yarn && yarn test ``` </details> <details> <summary><strong>Building docs</strong></summary> _(This project's is generated by [verb](, please don't edit the readme directly. Any changes to the readme must be made in the []( readme template.)_ To generate the readme, run the following command: ```sh $ npm install -g verbose/verb#dev verb-generate-readme && verb ``` </details> #### Contributors | **Commits** | **Contributor** | | --- | --- | | 283 | [jonschlinkert]( | | 82 | [doowb]( | | 32 | [rajat-sr]( | | 20 | [318097]( | | 15 | [g-plane]( | | 12 | [pixelass]( | | 5 | [adityavyas611]( | | 5 | [satotake]( | | 3 | [tunnckoCore]( | | 3 | [Ovyerus]( | | 3 | [sw-yx]( | | 2 | [DanielRuf]( | | 2 | [GabeL7r]( | | 1 | [AlCalzone]( | | 1 | [hipstersmoothie]( | | 1 | [danieldelcore]( | | 1 | [ImgBotApp]( | | 1 | [jsonkao]( | | 1 | [knpwrs]( | | 1 | [yeskunall]( | | 1 | [mischah]( | | 1 | [renarsvilnis]( | | 1 | [sbugert]( | | 1 | [stephencweiss]( | | 1 | [skellock]( | | 1 | [whxaxes]( | #### Author **Jon Schlinkert** * [GitHub Profile]( * [Twitter Profile]( * [LinkedIn Profile]( #### Credit Thanks to [derhuerst](, creator of prompt libraries such as [prompt-skeleton](, which influenced some of the concepts we used in our prompts. #### License Copyright © 2018-present, [Jon Schlinkert]( Released under the [MIT License](LICENSE). # hasurl [![NPM Version][npm-image]][npm-url] [![Build Status][travis-image]][travis-url] > Determine whether Node.js' native [WHATWG `URL`]( implementation is available. ## Installation [Node.js]( `>= 4` is required. To install, type this at the command line: ```shell npm install hasurl ``` ## Usage ```js const hasURL = require('hasurl'); if (hasURL()) { // supported } else { // fallback } ``` [npm-image]: [npm-url]: [travis-image]: [travis-url]: # set-blocking [![Build Status](]( [![NPM version](]( [![Coverage Status](]( [![Standard Version](]( set blocking `stdio` and `stderr` ensuring that terminal output does not truncate. ```js const setBlocking = require('set-blocking') setBlocking(true) console.log(someLargeStringToOutput) ``` ## Historical Context/Word of Warning This was created as a shim to address the bug discussed in [node #6456]( This bug crops up on newer versions of Node.js (`0.12+`), truncating terminal output. You should be mindful of the side-effects caused by using `set-blocking`: * if your module sets blocking to `true`, it will effect other modules consuming your library. In [yargs]( we only call `setBlocking(true)` once we already know we are about to call `process.exit(code)`. * this patch will not apply to subprocesses spawned with `isTTY = true`, this is the [default `spawn()` behavior]( ## License ISC Browser-friendly inheritance fully compatible with standard node.js [inherits]( This package exports standard `inherits` from node.js `util` module in node environment, but also provides alternative browser-friendly implementation through [browser field]( Alternative implementation is a literal copy of standard one located in standalone module to avoid requiring of `util`. It also has a shim for old browsers with no `Object.create` support. While keeping you sure you are using standard `inherits` implementation in node.js environment, it allows bundlers such as [browserify]( to not include full `util` package to your client code if all you need is just `inherits` function. It worth, because browser shim for `util` package is large and `inherits` is often the single function you need from it. It's recommended to use this package instead of `require('util').inherits` for any code that has chances to be used not only in node.js but in browser too. ## usage ```js var inherits = require('inherits'); // then use exactly as the standard one ``` ## note on version ~1.0 Version ~1.0 had completely different motivation and is not compatible neither with 2.0 nor with standard node.js `inherits`. If you are using version ~1.0 and planning to switch to ~2.0, be careful: * new version uses `super_` instead of `super` for referencing superclass * new version overwrites current prototype while old one preserves any existing fields on it # certificates-near-smart-contract Smart contract to build certificates in NEAR blockchain # eslint-visitor-keys [![npm version](]( [![Downloads/month](]( [![Build Status](]( [![Dependency Status](]( Constants and utilities about visitor keys to traverse AST. ## 💿 Installation Use [npm] to install. ```bash $ npm install eslint-visitor-keys ``` ### Requirements - [Node.js] 4.0.0 or later. ## 📖 Usage ```js const evk = require("eslint-visitor-keys") ``` ### evk.KEYS > type: `{ [type: string]: string[] | undefined }` Visitor keys. This keys are frozen. This is an object. Keys are the type of [ESTree] nodes. Their values are an array of property names which have child nodes. For example: ``` console.log(evk.KEYS.AssignmentExpression) // → ["left", "right"] ``` ### evk.getKeys(node) > type: `(node: object) => string[]` Get the visitor keys of a given AST node. This is similar to `Object.keys(node)` of ES Standard, but some keys are excluded: `parent`, `leadingComments`, `trailingComments`, and names which start with `_`. This will be used to traverse unknown nodes. For example: ``` const node = { type: "AssignmentExpression", left: { type: "Identifier", name: "foo" }, right: { type: "Literal", value: 0 } } console.log(evk.getKeys(node)) // → ["type", "left", "right"] ``` ### evk.unionWith(additionalKeys) > type: `(additionalKeys: object) => { [type: string]: string[] | undefined }` Make the union set with `evk.KEYS` and the given keys. - The order of keys is, `additionalKeys` is at first, then `evk.KEYS` is concatenated after that. - It removes duplicated keys as keeping the first one. For example: ``` console.log(evk.unionWith({ MethodDefinition: ["decorators"] })) // → { ..., MethodDefinition: ["decorators", "key", "value"], ... } ``` ## 📰 Change log See [GitHub releases]( ## 🍻 Contributing Welcome. See [ESLint contribution guidelines]( ### Development commands - `npm test` runs tests and measures code coverage. - `npm run lint` checks source codes with ESLint. - `npm run coverage` opens the code coverage report of the previous test with your default browser. - `npm run release` publishes this package to [npm] registory. [npm]: [Node.js]: [ESTree]: [![npm version](]( [![Downloads](]( [![Build Status](]( [![FOSSA Status](]( <br /> [![Open Collective Backers](]( [![Open Collective Sponsors](]( [![Follow us on Twitter](]( # ESLint [Website]( | [Configuring]( | [Rules]( | [Contributing]( | [Reporting Bugs]( | [Code of Conduct]( | [Twitter]( | [Mailing List]( | [Chat Room]( ESLint is a tool for identifying and reporting on patterns found in ECMAScript/JavaScript code. In many ways, it is similar to JSLint and JSHint with a few exceptions: * ESLint uses [Espree]( for JavaScript parsing. * ESLint uses an AST to evaluate patterns in code. * ESLint is completely pluggable, every single rule is a plugin and you can add more at runtime. ## Table of Contents 1. [Installation and Usage](#installation-and-usage) 2. [Configuration](#configuration) 3. [Code of Conduct](#code-of-conduct) 4. [Filing Issues](#filing-issues) 5. [Frequently Asked Questions](#faq) 6. [Releases](#releases) 7. [Security Policy](#security-policy) 8. [Semantic Versioning Policy](#semantic-versioning-policy) 9. [Stylistic Rule Updates](#stylistic-rule-updates) 10. [License](#license) 11. [Team](#team) 12. [Sponsors](#sponsors) 13. [Technology Sponsors](#technology-sponsors) ## <a name="installation-and-usage"></a>Installation and Usage Prerequisites: [Node.js]( (`^10.12.0`, or `>=12.0.0`) built with SSL support. (If you are using an official Node.js distribution, SSL is always built in.) You can install ESLint using npm: ``` $ npm install eslint --save-dev ``` You should then set up a configuration file: ``` $ ./node_modules/.bin/eslint --init ``` After that, you can run ESLint on any file or directory like this: ``` $ ./node_modules/.bin/eslint yourfile.js ``` ## <a name="configuration"></a>Configuration After running `eslint --init`, you'll have a `.eslintrc` file in your directory. In it, you'll see some rules configured like this: ```json { "rules": { "semi": ["error", "always"], "quotes": ["error", "double"] } } ``` The names `"semi"` and `"quotes"` are the names of [rules]( in ESLint. The first value is the error level of the rule and can be one of these values: * `"off"` or `0` - turn the rule off * `"warn"` or `1` - turn the rule on as a warning (doesn't affect exit code) * `"error"` or `2` - turn the rule on as an error (exit code will be 1) The three error levels allow you fine-grained control over how ESLint applies rules (for more configuration options and details, see the [configuration docs]( ## <a name="code-of-conduct"></a>Code of Conduct ESLint adheres to the [JS Foundation Code of Conduct]( ## <a name="filing-issues"></a>Filing Issues Before filing an issue, please be sure to read the guidelines for what you're reporting: * [Bug Report]( * [Propose a New Rule]( * [Proposing a Rule Change]( * [Request a Change]( ## <a name="faq"></a>Frequently Asked Questions ### I'm using JSCS, should I migrate to ESLint? Yes. [JSCS has reached end of life]( and is no longer supported. We have prepared a [migration guide]( to help you convert your JSCS settings to an ESLint configuration. We are now at or near 100% compatibility with JSCS. If you try ESLint and believe we are not yet compatible with a JSCS rule/configuration, please create an issue (mentioning that it is a JSCS compatibility issue) and we will evaluate it as per our normal process. ### Does Prettier replace ESLint? No, ESLint does both traditional linting (looking for problematic patterns) and style checking (enforcement of conventions). You can use ESLint for everything, or you can combine both using Prettier to format your code and ESLint to catch possible errors. ### Why can't ESLint find my plugins? * Make sure your plugins (and ESLint) are both in your project's `package.json` as devDependencies (or dependencies, if your project uses ESLint at runtime). * Make sure you have run `npm install` and all your dependencies are installed. * Make sure your plugins' peerDependencies have been installed as well. You can use `npm view eslint-plugin-myplugin peerDependencies` to see what peer dependencies `eslint-plugin-myplugin` has. ### Does ESLint support JSX? Yes, ESLint natively supports parsing JSX syntax (this must be enabled in [configuration]( Please note that supporting JSX syntax *is not* the same as supporting React. React applies specific semantics to JSX syntax that ESLint doesn't recognize. We recommend using [eslint-plugin-react]( if you are using React and want React semantics. ### What ECMAScript versions does ESLint support? ESLint has full support for ECMAScript 3, 5 (default), 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020. You can set your desired ECMAScript syntax (and other settings, like global variables or your target environments) through [configuration]( ### What about experimental features? ESLint's parser only officially supports the latest final ECMAScript standard. We will make changes to core rules in order to avoid crashes on stage 3 ECMAScript syntax proposals (as long as they are implemented using the correct experimental ESTree syntax). We may make changes to core rules to better work with language extensions (such as JSX, Flow, and TypeScript) on a case-by-case basis. In other cases (including if rules need to warn on more or fewer cases due to new syntax, rather than just not crashing), we recommend you use other parsers and/or rule plugins. If you are using Babel, you can use the [babel-eslint]( parser and [eslint-plugin-babel]( to use any option available in Babel. Once a language feature has been adopted into the ECMAScript standard (stage 4 according to the [TC39 process](, we will accept issues and pull requests related to the new feature, subject to our [contributing guidelines]( Until then, please use the appropriate parser and plugin(s) for your experimental feature. ### Where to ask for help? Join our [Mailing List]( or [Chatroom]( ### Why doesn't ESLint lock dependency versions? Lock files like `package-lock.json` are helpful for deployed applications. They ensure that dependencies are consistent between environments and across deployments. Packages like `eslint` that get published to the npm registry do not include lock files. `npm install eslint` as a user will respect version constraints in ESLint's `package.json`. ESLint and its dependencies will be included in the user's lock file if one exists, but ESLint's own lock file would not be used. We intentionally don't lock dependency versions so that we have the latest compatible dependency versions in development and CI that our users get when installing ESLint in a project. The Twilio blog has a [deeper dive]( to learn more. ## <a name="releases"></a>Releases We have scheduled releases every two weeks on Friday or Saturday. You can follow a [release issue]( for updates about the scheduling of any particular release. ## <a name="security-policy"></a>Security Policy ESLint takes security seriously. We work hard to ensure that ESLint is safe for everyone and that security issues are addressed quickly and responsibly. Read the full [security policy]( ## <a name="semantic-versioning-policy"></a>Semantic Versioning Policy ESLint follows [semantic versioning]( However, due to the nature of ESLint as a code quality tool, it's not always clear when a minor or major version bump occurs. To help clarify this for everyone, we've defined the following semantic versioning policy for ESLint: * Patch release (intended to not break your lint build) * A bug fix in a rule that results in ESLint reporting fewer linting errors. * A bug fix to the CLI or core (including formatters). * Improvements to documentation. * Non-user-facing changes such as refactoring code, adding, deleting, or modifying tests, and increasing test coverage. * Re-releasing after a failed release (i.e., publishing a release that doesn't work for anyone). * Minor release (might break your lint build) * A bug fix in a rule that results in ESLint reporting more linting errors. * A new rule is created. * A new option to an existing rule that does not result in ESLint reporting more linting errors by default. * A new addition to an existing rule to support a newly-added language feature (within the last 12 months) that will result in ESLint reporting more linting errors by default. * An existing rule is deprecated. * A new CLI capability is created. * New capabilities to the public API are added (new classes, new methods, new arguments to existing methods, etc.). * A new formatter is created. * `eslint:recommended` is updated and will result in strictly fewer linting errors (e.g., rule removals). * Major release (likely to break your lint build) * `eslint:recommended` is updated and may result in new linting errors (e.g., rule additions, most rule option updates). * A new option to an existing rule that results in ESLint reporting more linting errors by default. * An existing formatter is removed. * Part of the public API is removed or changed in an incompatible way. The public API includes: * Rule schemas * Configuration schema * Command-line options * Node.js API * Rule, formatter, parser, plugin APIs According to our policy, any minor update may report more linting errors than the previous release (ex: from a bug fix). As such, we recommend using the tilde (`~`) in `package.json` e.g. `"eslint": "~3.1.0"` to guarantee the results of your builds. ## <a name="stylistic-rule-updates"></a>Stylistic Rule Updates Stylistic rules are frozen according to [our policy]( on how we evaluate new rules and rule changes. This means: * **Bug fixes**: We will still fix bugs in stylistic rules. * **New ECMAScript features**: We will also make sure stylistic rules are compatible with new ECMAScript features. * **New options**: We will **not** add any new options to stylistic rules unless an option is the only way to fix a bug or support a newly-added ECMAScript feature. ## <a name="license"></a>License [![FOSSA Status](]( ## <a name="team"></a>Team These folks keep the project moving and are resources for help. <!-- NOTE: This section is autogenerated. Do not manually edit.--> <!--teamstart--> ### Technical Steering Committee (TSC) The people who manage releases, review feature requests, and meet regularly to ensure ESLint is properly maintained. <table><tbody><tr><td align="center" valign="top" width="11%"> <a href=""> <img src="" width="75" height="75"><br /> Nicholas C. Zakas </a> </td><td align="center" valign="top" width="11%"> <a href=""> <img src="" width="75" height="75"><br /> Brandon Mills </a> </td><td align="center" valign="top" width="11%"> <a href=""> <img src="" width="75" height="75"><br /> Milos Djermanovic </a> </td></tr></tbody></table> ### Reviewers The people who review and implement new features. <table><tbody><tr><td align="center" valign="top" width="11%"> <a href=""> <img src="" width="75" height="75"><br /> Toru Nagashima </a> </td><td align="center" valign="top" width="11%"> <a href=""> <img src="" width="75" height="75"><br /> 薛定谔的猫 </a> </td></tr></tbody></table> ### Committers The people who review and fix bugs and help triage issues. <table><tbody><tr><td align="center" valign="top" width="11%"> <a href=""> <img src="" width="75" height="75"><br /> Brett Zamir </a> </td><td align="center" valign="top" width="11%"> <a href=""> <img src="" width="75" height="75"><br /> Bryan Mishkin </a> </td><td align="center" valign="top" width="11%"> <a href=""> <img src="" width="75" height="75"><br /> Pig Fang </a> </td><td align="center" valign="top" width="11%"> <a href=""> <img src="" width="75" height="75"><br /> Anix </a> </td><td align="center" valign="top" width="11%"> <a href=""> <img src="" width="75" height="75"><br /> YeonJuan </a> </td><td align="center" valign="top" width="11%"> <a href=""> <img src="" width="75" height="75"><br /> Nitin Kumar </a> </td></tr></tbody></table> <!--teamend--> ## <a name="sponsors"></a>Sponsors The following companies, organizations, and individuals support ESLint's ongoing maintenance and development. [Become a Sponsor]( to get your logo on our README and website. <!-- NOTE: This section is autogenerated. Do not manually edit.--> <!--sponsorsstart--> <h3>Platinum Sponsors</h3> <p><a href=""><img src="" alt="Automattic" height="undefined"></a></p><h3>Gold Sponsors</h3> <p><a href=""><img src="" alt="Nx (by Nrwl)" height="96"></a> <a href=""><img src="" alt="Chrome's Web Framework & Tools Performance Fund" height="96"></a> <a href=""><img src="" alt="Salesforce" height="96"></a> <a href=""><img src="" alt="Airbnb" height="96"></a> <a href=""><img src="" alt="Coinbase" height="96"></a> <a href=""><img src="" alt="Substack" height="96"></a></p><h3>Silver Sponsors</h3> <p><a href=""><img src="" alt="Retool" height="64"></a> <a href=""><img src="" alt="Liftoff" height="64"></a></p><h3>Bronze Sponsors</h3> <p><a href=""><img src="" alt="Anagram Solver" height="32"></a> <a href="null"><img src="" alt="Bugsnag Stability Monitoring" height="32"></a> <a href=""><img src="" alt="Mixpanel" height="32"></a> <a href=""><img src="" alt="VPS Server" height="32"></a> <a href=""><img src="" alt="Icons8: free icons, photos, illustrations, and music" height="32"></a> <a href=""><img src="" alt="Discord" height="32"></a> <a href=""><img src="" alt="ThemeIsle" height="32"></a> <a href=""><img src="" alt="Fire Stick Tricks" height="32"></a> <a href=""><img src="" alt="Practice Ignition" height="32"></a></p> <!--sponsorsend--> ## <a name="technology-sponsors"></a>Technology Sponsors * Site search ([]( is sponsored by [Algolia]( * Hosting for ([]( is sponsored by [Netlify]( * Password management is sponsored by [1Password]( [![npm version](]( [![Build Status](]( [![npm downloads](]( [![Bountysource](]( # Espree Espree started out as a fork of [Esprima]( v1.2.2, the last stable published released of Esprima before work on ECMAScript 6 began. Espree is now built on top of [Acorn](, which has a modular architecture that allows extension of core functionality. The goal of Espree is to produce output that is similar to Esprima with a similar API so that it can be used in place of Esprima. ## Usage Install: ``` npm i espree ``` And in your Node.js code: ```javascript const espree = require("espree"); const ast = espree.parse(code); ``` ## API ### `parse()` `parse` parses the given code and returns a abstract syntax tree (AST). It takes two parameters. - `code` [string]() - the code which needs to be parsed. - `options (Optional)` [Object]() - read more about this [here](#options). ```javascript const espree = require("espree"); const ast = espree.parse(code, options); ``` **Example :** ```js const ast = espree.parse('let foo = "bar"', { ecmaVersion: 6 }); console.log(ast); ``` <details><summary>Output</summary> <p> ``` Node { type: 'Program', start: 0, end: 15, body: [ Node { type: 'VariableDeclaration', start: 0, end: 15, declarations: [Array], kind: 'let' } ], sourceType: 'script' } ``` </p> </details> ### `tokenize()` `tokenize` returns the tokens of a given code. It takes two parameters. - `code` [string]() - the code which needs to be parsed. - `options (Optional)` [Object]() - read more about this [here](#options). Even if `options` is empty or undefined or `options.tokens` is `false`, it assigns it to `true` in order to get the `tokens` array **Example :** ```js const tokens = espree.tokenize('let foo = "bar"', { ecmaVersion: 6 }); console.log(tokens); ``` <details><summary>Output</summary> <p> ``` Token { type: 'Keyword', value: 'let', start: 0, end: 3 }, Token { type: 'Identifier', value: 'foo', start: 4, end: 7 }, Token { type: 'Punctuator', value: '=', start: 8, end: 9 }, Token { type: 'String', value: '"bar"', start: 10, end: 15 } ``` </p> </details> ### `version` Returns the current `espree` version ### `VisitorKeys` Returns all visitor keys for traversing the AST from [eslint-visitor-keys]( ### `latestEcmaVersion` Returns the latest ECMAScript supported by `espree` ### `supportedEcmaVersions` Returns an array of all supported ECMAScript versions ## Options ```js const options = { // attach range information to each node range: false, // attach line/column location information to each node loc: false, // create a top-level comments array containing all comments comment: false, // create a top-level tokens array containing all tokens tokens: false, // Set to 3, 5 (default), 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, or 12 to specify the version of ECMAScript syntax you want to use. // You can also set to 2015 (same as 6), 2016 (same as 7), 2017 (same as 8), 2018 (same as 9), 2019 (same as 10), 2020 (same as 11), or 2021 (same as 12) to use the year-based naming. ecmaVersion: 5, // specify which type of script you're parsing ("script" or "module") sourceType: "script", // specify additional language features ecmaFeatures: { // enable JSX parsing jsx: false, // enable return in global scope globalReturn: false, // enable implied strict mode (if ecmaVersion >= 5) impliedStrict: false } } ``` ## Esprima Compatibility Going Forward The primary goal is to produce the exact same AST structure and tokens as Esprima, and that takes precedence over anything else. (The AST structure being the [ESTree]( API with JSX extensions.) Separate from that, Espree may deviate from what Esprima outputs in terms of where and how comments are attached, as well as what additional information is available on AST nodes. That is to say, Espree may add more things to the AST nodes than Esprima does but the overall AST structure produced will be the same. Espree may also deviate from Esprima in the interface it exposes. ## Contributing Issues and pull requests will be triaged and responded to as quickly as possible. We operate under the [ESLint Contributor Guidelines](, so please be sure to read them before contributing. If you're not sure where to dig in, check out the [issues]( Espree is licensed under a permissive BSD 2-clause license. ## Security Policy We work hard to ensure that Espree is safe for everyone and that security issues are addressed quickly and responsibly. Read the full [security policy]( ## Build Commands * `npm test` - run all linting and tests * `npm run lint` - run all linting * `npm run browserify` - creates a version of Espree that is usable in a browser ## Differences from Espree 2.x * The `tokenize()` method does not use `ecmaFeatures`. Any string will be tokenized completely based on ECMAScript 6 semantics. * Trailing whitespace no longer is counted as part of a node. * `let` and `const` declarations are no longer parsed by default. You must opt-in by using an `ecmaVersion` newer than `5` or setting `sourceType` to `module`. * The `esparse` and `esvalidate` binary scripts have been removed. * There is no `tolerant` option. We will investigate adding this back in the future. ## Known Incompatibilities In an effort to help those wanting to transition from other parsers to Espree, the following is a list of noteworthy incompatibilities with other parsers. These are known differences that we do not intend to change. ### Esprima 1.2.2 * Esprima counts trailing whitespace as part of each AST node while Espree does not. In Espree, the end of a node is where the last token occurs. * Espree does not parse `let` and `const` declarations by default. * Error messages returned for parsing errors are different. * There are two addition properties on every node and token: `start` and `end`. These represent the same data as `range` and are used internally by Acorn. ### Esprima 2.x * Esprima 2.x uses a different comment attachment algorithm that results in some comments being added in different places than Espree. The algorithm Espree uses is the same one used in Esprima 1.2.2. ## Frequently Asked Questions ### Why another parser [ESLint]( had been relying on Esprima as its parser from the beginning. While that was fine when the JavaScript language was evolving slowly, the pace of development increased dramatically and Esprima had fallen behind. ESLint, like many other tools reliant on Esprima, has been stuck in using new JavaScript language features until Esprima updates, and that caused our users frustration. We decided the only way for us to move forward was to create our own parser, bringing us inline with JSHint and JSLint, and allowing us to keep implementing new features as we need them. We chose to fork Esprima instead of starting from scratch in order to move as quickly as possible with a compatible API. With Espree 2.0.0, we are no longer a fork of Esprima but rather a translation layer between Acorn and Esprima syntax. This allows us to put work back into a community-supported parser (Acorn) that is continuing to grow and evolve while maintaining an Esprima-compatible parser for those utilities still built on Esprima. ### Have you tried working with Esprima? Yes. Since the start of ESLint, we've regularly filed bugs and feature requests with Esprima and will continue to do so. However, there are some different philosophies around how the projects work that need to be worked through. The initial goal was to have Espree track Esprima and eventually merge the two back together, but we ultimately decided that building on top of Acorn was a better choice due to Acorn's plugin support. ### Why don't you just use Acorn? Acorn is a great JavaScript parser that produces an AST that is compatible with Esprima. Unfortunately, ESLint relies on more than just the AST to do its job. It relies on Esprima's tokens and comment attachment features to get a complete picture of the source code. We investigated switching to Acorn, but the inconsistencies between Esprima and Acorn created too much work for a project like ESLint. We are building on top of Acorn, however, so that we can contribute back and help make Acorn even better. ### What ECMAScript features do you support? Espree supports all ECMAScript 2020 features and partially supports ECMAScript 2021 features. Because ECMAScript 2021 is still under development, we are implementing features as they are finalized. Currently, Espree supports: * [Logical Assignment Operators]( * [Numeric Separators]( See []( to know what features are finalized. ### How do you determine which experimental features to support? In general, we do not support experimental JavaScript features. We may make exceptions from time to time depending on the maturity of the features. # lodash.truncate v4.4.2 The [lodash]( method `_.truncate` exported as a [Node.js]( module. ## Installation Using npm: ```bash $ {sudo -H} npm i -g npm $ npm i --save lodash.truncate ``` In Node.js: ```js var truncate = require('lodash.truncate'); ``` See the [documentation]( or [package source]( for more details. # binary-install Install .tar.gz binary applications via npm ## Usage This library provides a single class `Binary` that takes a download url and some optional arguments. You **must** provide either `name` or `installDirectory` when creating your `Binary`. | option | decription | | ---------------- | --------------------------------------------- | | name | The name of your binary | | installDirectory | A path to the directory to install the binary | If an `installDirectory` is not provided, the binary will be installed at your OS specific config directory. On MacOS it defaults to `~/Library/Preferences/${name}-nodejs` After your `Binary` has been created, you can run `.install()` to install the binary, and `.run()` to run it. ### Example This is meant to be used as a library - create your `Binary` with your desired options, then call `.install()` in the `postinstall` of your `package.json`, `.run()` in the `bin` section of your `package.json`, and `.uninstall()` in the `preuninstall` section of your `package.json`. See [this example project](/example) to see how to create an npm package that installs and runs a binary using the Github releases API. # lodash.sortby v4.7.0 The [lodash]( method `_.sortBy` exported as a [Node.js]( module. ## Installation Using npm: ```bash $ {sudo -H} npm i -g npm $ npm i --save lodash.sortby ``` In Node.js: ```js var sortBy = require('lodash.sortby'); ``` See the [documentation]( or [package source]( for more details. <p align="center"> <img width="250" src="/yargs-logo.png"> </p> <h1 align="center"> Yargs </h1> <p align="center"> <b >Yargs be a node.js library fer hearties tryin' ter parse optstrings</b> </p> <br> [![Build Status][travis-image]][travis-url] [![NPM version][npm-image]][npm-url] [![js-standard-style][standard-image]][standard-url] [![Coverage][coverage-image]][coverage-url] [![Conventional Commits][conventional-commits-image]][conventional-commits-url] [![Slack][slack-image]][slack-url] ## Description : Yargs helps you build interactive command line tools, by parsing arguments and generating an elegant user interface. It gives you: * commands and (grouped) options (`my-program.js serve --port=5000`). * a dynamically generated help menu based on your arguments. > <img width="400" src="/screen.png"> * bash-completion shortcuts for commands and options. * and [tons more](/docs/ ## Installation Stable version: ```bash npm i yargs ``` Bleeding edge version with the most recent features: ```bash npm i yargs@next ``` ## Usage : ### Simple Example ```javascript #!/usr/bin/env node const {argv} = require('yargs') if (argv.ships > 3 && argv.distance < 53.5) { console.log('Plunder more riffiwobbles!') } else { console.log('Retreat from the xupptumblers!') } ``` ```bash $ ./plunder.js --ships=4 --distance=22 Plunder more riffiwobbles! $ ./plunder.js --ships 12 --distance 98.7 Retreat from the xupptumblers! ``` ### Complex Example ```javascript #!/usr/bin/env node require('yargs') // eslint-disable-line .command('serve [port]', 'start the server', (yargs) => { yargs .positional('port', { describe: 'port to bind on', default: 5000 }) }, (argv) => { if (argv.verbose)`start server on :${argv.port}`) serve(argv.port) }) .option('verbose', { alias: 'v', type: 'boolean', description: 'Run with verbose logging' }) .argv ``` Run the example above with `--help` to see the help for the application. ## TypeScript yargs has type definitions at [@types/yargs][type-definitions]. ``` npm i @types/yargs --save-dev ``` See usage examples in [docs](/docs/ ## Webpack See usage examples of yargs with webpack in [docs](/docs/ ## Community : Having problems? want to contribute? join our [community slack]( ## Documentation : ### Table of Contents * [Yargs' API](/docs/ * [Examples](/docs/ * [Parsing Tricks](/docs/ * [Stop the Parser](/docs/ * [Negating Boolean Arguments](/docs/ * [Numbers](/docs/ * [Arrays](/docs/ * [Objects](/docs/ * [Quotes](/docs/ * [Advanced Topics](/docs/ * [Composing Your App Using Commands](/docs/ * [Building Configurable CLI Apps](/docs/ * [Customizing Yargs' Parser](/docs/ * [Contributing](/ [travis-url]: [travis-image]: [npm-url]: [npm-image]: [standard-image]: [standard-url]: [conventional-commits-image]: [conventional-commits-url]: [slack-image]: [slack-url]: [type-definitions]: [coverage-image]: [coverage-url]: # yargs-parser [![Build Status](]( [![NPM version](]( [![Standard Version](]( The mighty option parser used by [yargs]( visit the [yargs website]( for more examples, and thorough usage instructions. <img width="250" src=""> ## Example ```sh npm i yargs-parser --save ``` ```js var argv = require('yargs-parser')(process.argv.slice(2)) console.log(argv) ``` ```sh node example.js --foo=33 --bar hello { _: [], foo: 33, bar: 'hello' } ``` _or parse a string!_ ```js var argv = require('yargs-parser')('--foo=99 --bar=33') console.log(argv) ``` ```sh { _: [], foo: 99, bar: 33 } ``` Convert an array of mixed types before passing to `yargs-parser`: ```js var parse = require('yargs-parser') parse(['-f', 11, '--zoom', 55].join(' ')) // <-- array to string parse(['-f', 11, '--zoom', 55].map(String)) // <-- array of strings ``` ## API ### require('yargs-parser')(args, opts={}) Parses command line arguments returning a simple mapping of keys and values. **expects:** * `args`: a string or array of strings representing the options to parse. * `opts`: provide a set of hints indicating how `args` should be parsed: * `opts.alias`: an object representing the set of aliases for a key: `{alias: {foo: ['f']}}`. * `opts.array`: indicate that keys should be parsed as an array: `{array: ['foo', 'bar']}`.<br> Indicate that keys should be parsed as an array and coerced to booleans / numbers:<br> `{array: [{ key: 'foo', boolean: true }, {key: 'bar', number: true}]}`. * `opts.boolean`: arguments should be parsed as booleans: `{boolean: ['x', 'y']}`. * `opts.coerce`: provide a custom synchronous function that returns a coerced value from the argument provided (or throws an error). For arrays the function is called only once for the entire array:<br> `{coerce: {foo: function (arg) {return modifiedArg}}}`. * `opts.config`: indicate a key that represents a path to a configuration file (this file will be loaded and parsed). * `opts.configObjects`: configuration objects to parse, their properties will be set as arguments:<br> `{configObjects: [{'x': 5, 'y': 33}, {'z': 44}]}`. * `opts.configuration`: provide configuration options to the yargs-parser (see: [configuration](#configuration)). * `opts.count`: indicate a key that should be used as a counter, e.g., `-vvv` = `{v: 3}`. * `opts.default`: provide default values for keys: `{default: {x: 33, y: 'hello world!'}}`. * `opts.envPrefix`: environment variables (`process.env`) with the prefix provided should be parsed. * `opts.narg`: specify that a key requires `n` arguments: `{narg: {x: 2}}`. * `opts.normalize`: `path.normalize()` will be applied to values set to this key. * `opts.number`: keys should be treated as numbers. * `opts.string`: keys should be treated as strings (even if they resemble a number `-x 33`). **returns:** * `obj`: an object representing the parsed value of `args` * `key/value`: key value pairs for each argument and their aliases. * `_`: an array representing the positional arguments. * [optional] `--`: an array with arguments after the end-of-options flag `--`. ### require('yargs-parser').detailed(args, opts={}) Parses a command line string, returning detailed information required by the yargs engine. **expects:** * `args`: a string or array of strings representing options to parse. * `opts`: provide a set of hints indicating how `args`, inputs are identical to `require('yargs-parser')(args, opts={})`. **returns:** * `argv`: an object representing the parsed value of `args` * `key/value`: key value pairs for each argument and their aliases. * `_`: an array representing the positional arguments. * [optional] `--`: an array with arguments after the end-of-options flag `--`. * `error`: populated with an error object if an exception occurred during parsing. * `aliases`: the inferred list of aliases built by combining lists in `opts.alias`. * `newAliases`: any new aliases added via camel-case expansion: * `boolean`: `{ fooBar: true }` * `defaulted`: any new argument created by `opts.default`, no aliases included. * `boolean`: `{ foo: true }` * `configuration`: given by default settings and `opts.configuration`. <a name="configuration"></a> ### Configuration The yargs-parser applies several automated transformations on the keys provided in `args`. These features can be turned on and off using the `configuration` field of `opts`. ```js var parsed = parser(['--no-dice'], { configuration: { 'boolean-negation': false } }) ``` ### short option groups * default: `true`. * key: `short-option-groups`. Should a group of short-options be treated as boolean flags? ```sh node example.js -abc { _: [], a: true, b: true, c: true } ``` _if disabled:_ ```sh node example.js -abc { _: [], abc: true } ``` ### camel-case expansion * default: `true`. * key: `camel-case-expansion`. Should hyphenated arguments be expanded into camel-case aliases? ```sh node example.js --foo-bar { _: [], 'foo-bar': true, fooBar: true } ``` _if disabled:_ ```sh node example.js --foo-bar { _: [], 'foo-bar': true } ``` ### dot-notation * default: `true` * key: `dot-notation` Should keys that contain `.` be treated as objects? ```sh node example.js { _: [], foo: { bar: true } } ``` _if disabled:_ ```sh node example.js { _: [], "": true } ``` ### parse numbers * default: `true` * key: `parse-numbers` Should keys that look like numbers be treated as such? ```sh node example.js --foo=99.3 { _: [], foo: 99.3 } ``` _if disabled:_ ```sh node example.js --foo=99.3 { _: [], foo: "99.3" } ``` ### boolean negation * default: `true` * key: `boolean-negation` Should variables prefixed with `--no` be treated as negations? ```sh node example.js --no-foo { _: [], foo: false } ``` _if disabled:_ ```sh node example.js --no-foo { _: [], "no-foo": true } ``` ### combine arrays * default: `false` * key: `combine-arrays` Should arrays be combined when provided by both command line arguments and a configuration file. ### duplicate arguments array * default: `true` * key: `duplicate-arguments-array` Should arguments be coerced into an array when duplicated: ```sh node example.js -x 1 -x 2 { _: [], x: [1, 2] } ``` _if disabled:_ ```sh node example.js -x 1 -x 2 { _: [], x: 2 } ``` ### flatten duplicate arrays * default: `true` * key: `flatten-duplicate-arrays` Should array arguments be coerced into a single array when duplicated: ```sh node example.js -x 1 2 -x 3 4 { _: [], x: [1, 2, 3, 4] } ``` _if disabled:_ ```sh node example.js -x 1 2 -x 3 4 { _: [], x: [[1, 2], [3, 4]] } ``` ### greedy arrays * default: `true` * key: `greedy-arrays` Should arrays consume more than one positional argument following their flag. ```sh node example --arr 1 2 { _[], arr: [1, 2] } ``` _if disabled:_ ```sh node example --arr 1 2 { _[2], arr: [1] } ``` **Note: in `v18.0.0` we are considering defaulting greedy arrays to `false`.** ### nargs eats options * default: `false` * key: `nargs-eats-options` Should nargs consume dash options as well as positional arguments. ### negation prefix * default: `no-` * key: `negation-prefix` The prefix to use for negated boolean variables. ```sh node example.js --no-foo { _: [], foo: false } ``` _if set to `quux`:_ ```sh node example.js --quuxfoo { _: [], foo: false } ``` ### populate -- * default: `false`. * key: `populate--` Should unparsed flags be stored in `--` or `_`. _If disabled:_ ```sh node example.js a -b -- x y { _: [ 'a', 'x', 'y' ], b: true } ``` _If enabled:_ ```sh node example.js a -b -- x y { _: [ 'a' ], '--': [ 'x', 'y' ], b: true } ``` ### set placeholder key * default: `false`. * key: `set-placeholder-key`. Should a placeholder be added for keys not set via the corresponding CLI argument? _If disabled:_ ```sh node example.js -a 1 -c 2 { _: [], a: 1, c: 2 } ``` _If enabled:_ ```sh node example.js -a 1 -c 2 { _: [], a: 1, b: undefined, c: 2 } ``` ### halt at non-option * default: `false`. * key: `halt-at-non-option`. Should parsing stop at the first positional argument? This is similar to how e.g. `ssh` parses its command line. _If disabled:_ ```sh node example.js -a run b -x y { _: [ 'b' ], a: 'run', x: 'y' } ``` _If enabled:_ ```sh node example.js -a run b -x y { _: [ 'b', '-x', 'y' ], a: 'run' } ``` ### strip aliased * default: `false` * key: `strip-aliased` Should aliases be removed before returning results? _If disabled:_ ```sh node example.js --test-field 1 { _: [], 'test-field': 1, testField: 1, 'test-alias': 1, testAlias: 1 } ``` _If enabled:_ ```sh node example.js --test-field 1 { _: [], 'test-field': 1, testField: 1 } ``` ### strip dashed * default: `false` * key: `strip-dashed` Should dashed keys be removed before returning results? This option has no effect if `camel-case-expansion` is disabled. _If disabled:_ ```sh node example.js --test-field 1 { _: [], 'test-field': 1, testField: 1 } ``` _If enabled:_ ```sh node example.js --test-field 1 { _: [], testField: 1 } ``` ### unknown options as args * default: `false` * key: `unknown-options-as-args` Should unknown options be treated like regular arguments? An unknown option is one that is not configured in `opts`. _If disabled_ ```sh node example.js --unknown-option --known-option 2 --string-option --unknown-option2 { _: [], unknownOption: true, knownOption: 2, stringOption: '', unknownOption2: true } ``` _If enabled_ ```sh node example.js --unknown-option --known-option 2 --string-option --unknown-option2 { _: ['--unknown-option'], knownOption: 2, stringOption: '--unknown-option2' } ``` ## Special Thanks The yargs project evolves from optimist and minimist. It owes its existence to a lot of James Halliday's hard work. Thanks [substack]( **beep** **boop** \o/ ## License ISC # Web IDL Type Conversions on JavaScript Values This package implements, in JavaScript, the algorithms to convert a given JavaScript value according to a given [Web IDL]( [type]( The goal is that you should be able to write code like ```js "use strict"; const conversions = require("webidl-conversions"); function doStuff(x, y) { x = conversions["boolean"](x); y = conversions["unsigned long"](y); // actual algorithm code here } ``` and your function `doStuff` will behave the same as a Web IDL operation declared as ```webidl void doStuff(boolean x, unsigned long y); ``` ## API This package's main module's default export is an object with a variety of methods, each corresponding to a different Web IDL type. Each method, when invoked on a JavaScript value, will give back the new JavaScript value that results after passing through the Web IDL conversion rules. (See below for more details on what that means.) Alternately, the method could throw an error, if the Web IDL algorithm is specified to do so: for example `conversions["float"](NaN)` [will throw a `TypeError`]( Each method also accepts a second, optional, parameter for miscellaneous options. For conversion methods that throw errors, a string option `{ context }` may be provided to provide more information in the error message. (For example, `conversions["float"](NaN, { context: "Argument 1 of Interface's operation" })` will throw an error with message `"Argument 1 of Interface's operation is not a finite floating-point value."`) Specific conversions may also accept other options, the details of which can be found below. ## Conversions implemented Conversions for all of the basic types from the Web IDL specification are implemented: - [`any`]( - [`void`]( - [`boolean`]( - [Integer types](, which can additionally be provided the boolean options `{ clamp, enforceRange }` as a second parameter - [`float`](, [`unrestricted float`]( - [`double`](, [`unrestricted double`]( - [`DOMString`](, which can additionally be provided the boolean option `{ treatNullAsEmptyString }` as a second parameter - [`ByteString`](, [`USVString`]( - [`object`]( - [`Error`]( - [Buffer source types]( Additionally, for convenience, the following derived type definitions are implemented: - [`ArrayBufferView`]( - [`BufferSource`]( - [`DOMTimeStamp`]( - [`Function`]( - [`VoidFunction`]( (although it will not censor the return type) Derived types, such as nullable types, promise types, sequences, records, etc. are not handled by this library. You may wish to investigate the [webidl2js]( project. ### A note on the `long long` types The `long long` and `unsigned long long` Web IDL types can hold values that cannot be stored in JavaScript numbers, so the conversion is imperfect. For example, converting the JavaScript number `18446744073709552000` to a Web IDL `long long` is supposed to produce the Web IDL value `-18446744073709551232`. Since we are representing our Web IDL values in JavaScript, we can't represent `-18446744073709551232`, so we instead the best we could do is `-18446744073709552000` as the output. This library actually doesn't even get that far. Producing those results would require doing accurate modular arithmetic on 64-bit intermediate values, but JavaScript does not make this easy. We could pull in a big-integer library as a dependency, but in lieu of that, we for now have decided to just produce inaccurate results if you pass in numbers that are not strictly between `Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER` and `Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER`. ## Background What's actually going on here, conceptually, is pretty weird. Let's try to explain. Web IDL, as part of its madness-inducing design, has its own type system. When people write algorithms in web platform specs, they usually operate on Web IDL values, i.e. instances of Web IDL types. For example, if they were specifying the algorithm for our `doStuff` operation above, they would treat `x` as a Web IDL value of [Web IDL type `boolean`]( Crucially, they would _not_ treat `x` as a JavaScript variable whose value is either the JavaScript `true` or `false`. They're instead working in a different type system altogether, with its own rules. Separately from its type system, Web IDL defines a ["binding"]( of the type system into JavaScript. This contains rules like: when you pass a JavaScript value to the JavaScript method that manifests a given Web IDL operation, how does that get converted into a Web IDL value? For example, a JavaScript `true` passed in the position of a Web IDL `boolean` argument becomes a Web IDL `true`. But, a JavaScript `true` passed in the position of a [Web IDL `unsigned long`]( becomes a Web IDL `1`. And so on. Finally, we have the actual implementation code. This is usually C++, although these days [some smart people are using Rust]( The implementation, of course, has its own type system. So when they implement the Web IDL algorithms, they don't actually use Web IDL values, since those aren't "real" outside of specs. Instead, implementations apply the Web IDL binding rules in such a way as to convert incoming JavaScript values into C++ values. For example, if code in the browser called `doStuff(true, true)`, then the implementation code would eventually receive a C++ `bool` containing `true` and a C++ `uint32_t` containing `1`. The upside of all this is that implementations can abstract all the conversion logic away, letting Web IDL handle it, and focus on implementing the relevant methods in C++ with values of the correct type already provided. That is payoff of Web IDL, in a nutshell. And getting to that payoff is the goal of _this_ project—but for JavaScript implementations, instead of C++ ones. That is, this library is designed to make it easier for JavaScript developers to write functions that behave like a given Web IDL operation. So conceptually, the conversion pipeline, which in its general form is JavaScript values ↦ Web IDL values ↦ implementation-language values, in this case becomes JavaScript values ↦ Web IDL values ↦ JavaScript values. And that intermediate step is where all the logic is performed: a JavaScript `true` becomes a Web IDL `1` in an unsigned long context, which then becomes a JavaScript `1`. ## Don't use this Seriously, why would you ever use this? You really shouldn't. Web IDL is … strange, and you shouldn't be emulating its semantics. If you're looking for a generic argument-processing library, you should find one with better rules than those from Web IDL. In general, your JavaScript should not be trying to become more like Web IDL; if anything, we should fix Web IDL to make it more like JavaScript. The _only_ people who should use this are those trying to create faithful implementations (or polyfills) of web platform interfaces defined in Web IDL. Its main consumer is the [jsdom]( project. # is-glob [![NPM version](]( [![NPM monthly downloads](]( [![NPM total downloads](]( [![Build Status](]( > Returns `true` if the given string looks like a glob pattern or an extglob pattern. This makes it easy to create code that only uses external modules like node-glob when necessary, resulting in much faster code execution and initialization time, and a better user experience. Please consider following this project's author, [Jon Schlinkert](, and consider starring the project to show your :heart: and support. ## Install Install with [npm]( ```sh $ npm install --save is-glob ``` You might also be interested in [is-valid-glob]( and [has-glob]( ## Usage ```js var isGlob = require('is-glob'); ``` ### Default behavior **True** Patterns that have glob characters or regex patterns will return `true`: ```js isGlob('!foo.js'); isGlob('*.js'); isGlob('**/abc.js'); isGlob('abc/*.js'); isGlob('abc/(aaa|bbb).js'); isGlob('abc/[a-z].js'); isGlob('abc/{a,b}.js'); //=> true ``` Extglobs ```js isGlob('abc/@(a).js'); isGlob('abc/!(a).js'); isGlob('abc/+(a).js'); isGlob('abc/*(a).js'); isGlob('abc/?(a).js'); //=> true ``` **False** Escaped globs or extglobs return `false`: ```js isGlob('abc/\\@(a).js'); isGlob('abc/\\!(a).js'); isGlob('abc/\\+(a).js'); isGlob('abc/\\*(a).js'); isGlob('abc/\\?(a).js'); isGlob('\\!foo.js'); isGlob('\\*.js'); isGlob('\\*\\*/abc.js'); isGlob('abc/\\*.js'); isGlob('abc/\\(aaa|bbb).js'); isGlob('abc/\\[a-z].js'); isGlob('abc/\\{a,b}.js'); //=> false ``` Patterns that do not have glob patterns return `false`: ```js isGlob('abc.js'); isGlob('abc/def/ghi.js'); isGlob('foo.js'); isGlob('abc/@.js'); isGlob('abc/+.js'); isGlob('abc/?.js'); isGlob(); isGlob(null); //=> false ``` Arrays are also `false` (If you want to check if an array has a glob pattern, use [has-glob]( ```js isGlob(['**/*.js']); isGlob(['foo.js']); //=> false ``` ### Option strict When `options.strict === false` the behavior is less strict in determining if a pattern is a glob. Meaning that some patterns that would return `false` may return `true`. This is done so that matching libraries like [micromatch]( have a chance at determining if the pattern is a glob or not. **True** Patterns that have glob characters or regex patterns will return `true`: ```js isGlob('!foo.js', {strict: false}); isGlob('*.js', {strict: false}); isGlob('**/abc.js', {strict: false}); isGlob('abc/*.js', {strict: false}); isGlob('abc/(aaa|bbb).js', {strict: false}); isGlob('abc/[a-z].js', {strict: false}); isGlob('abc/{a,b}.js', {strict: false}); //=> true ``` Extglobs ```js isGlob('abc/@(a).js', {strict: false}); isGlob('abc/!(a).js', {strict: false}); isGlob('abc/+(a).js', {strict: false}); isGlob('abc/*(a).js', {strict: false}); isGlob('abc/?(a).js', {strict: false}); //=> true ``` **False** Escaped globs or extglobs return `false`: ```js isGlob('\\!foo.js', {strict: false}); isGlob('\\*.js', {strict: false}); isGlob('\\*\\*/abc.js', {strict: false}); isGlob('abc/\\*.js', {strict: false}); isGlob('abc/\\(aaa|bbb).js', {strict: false}); isGlob('abc/\\[a-z].js', {strict: false}); isGlob('abc/\\{a,b}.js', {strict: false}); //=> false ``` ## About <details> <summary><strong>Contributing</strong></summary> Pull requests and stars are always welcome. For bugs and feature requests, [please create an issue](../../issues/new). </details> <details> <summary><strong>Running Tests</strong></summary> Running and reviewing unit tests is a great way to get familiarized with a library and its API. You can install dependencies and run tests with the following command: ```sh $ npm install && npm test ``` </details> <details> <summary><strong>Building docs</strong></summary> _(This project's is generated by [verb](, please don't edit the readme directly. Any changes to the readme must be made in the []( readme template.)_ To generate the readme, run the following command: ```sh $ npm install -g verbose/verb#dev verb-generate-readme && verb ``` </details> ### Related projects You might also be interested in these projects: * [assemble]( Get the rocks out of your socks! Assemble makes you fast at creating web projects… [more]( | [homepage]( "Get the rocks out of your socks! Assemble makes you fast at creating web projects. Assemble is used by thousands of projects for rapid prototyping, creating themes, scaffolds, boilerplates, e-books, UI components, API documentation, blogs, building websit") * [base]( Framework for rapidly creating high quality, server-side node.js applications, using plugins like building blocks | [homepage]( "Framework for rapidly creating high quality, server-side node.js applications, using plugins like building blocks") * [update]( Be scalable! Update is a new, open source developer framework and CLI for automating updates… [more]( | [homepage]( "Be scalable! Update is a new, open source developer framework and CLI for automating updates of any kind in code projects.") * [verb]( Documentation generator for GitHub projects. Verb is extremely powerful, easy to use, and is used… [more]( | [homepage]( "Documentation generator for GitHub projects. Verb is extremely powerful, easy to use, and is used on hundreds of projects of all sizes to generate everything from API docs to readmes.") ### Contributors | **Commits** | **Contributor** | | --- | --- | | 47 | [jonschlinkert]( | | 5 | [doowb]( | | 1 | [phated]( | | 1 | [danhper]( | | 1 | [paulmillr]( | ### Author **Jon Schlinkert** * [GitHub Profile]( * [Twitter Profile]( * [LinkedIn Profile]( ### License Copyright © 2019, [Jon Schlinkert]( Released under the [MIT License](LICENSE). *** _This file was generated by [verb-generate-readme](, v0.8.0, on March 27, 2019._ # get-caller-file [![Build Status](]( [![Build status](]( This is a utility, which allows a function to figure out from which file it was invoked. It does so by inspecting v8's stack trace at the time it is invoked. Inspired by *note: this relies on Node/V8 specific APIs, as such other runtimes may not work* ## Installation ```bash yarn add get-caller-file ``` ## Usage Given: ```js // ./foo.js const getCallerFile = require('get-caller-file'); module.exports = function() { return getCallerFile(); // figures out who called it }; ``` ```js // index.js const foo = require('./foo'); foo() // => /full/path/to/this/file/index.js ``` ## Options: * `getCallerFile(position = 2)`: where position is stack frame whos fileName we want. These files are compiled dot templates from dot folder. Do NOT edit them directly, edit the templates and run `npm run build` from main ajv folder. # <img src="./logo.png" alt="bn.js" width="160" height="160" /> > BigNum in pure javascript [![Build Status](]( ## Install `npm install --save bn.js` ## Usage ```js const BN = require('bn.js'); var a = new BN('dead', 16); var b = new BN('101010', 2); var res = a.add(b); console.log(res.toString(10)); // 57047 ``` **Note**: decimals are not supported in this library. ## Notation ### Prefixes There are several prefixes to instructions that affect the way the work. Here is the list of them in the order of appearance in the function name: * `i` - perform operation in-place, storing the result in the host object (on which the method was invoked). Might be used to avoid number allocation costs * `u` - unsigned, ignore the sign of operands when performing operation, or always return positive value. Second case applies to reduction operations like `mod()`. In such cases if the result will be negative - modulo will be added to the result to make it positive ### Postfixes * `n` - the argument of the function must be a plain JavaScript Number. Decimals are not supported. * `rn` - both argument and return value of the function are plain JavaScript Numbers. Decimals are not supported. ### Examples * `a.iadd(b)` - perform addition on `a` and `b`, storing the result in `a` * `a.umod(b)` - reduce `a` modulo `b`, returning positive value * `a.iushln(13)` - shift bits of `a` left by 13 ## Instructions Prefixes/postfixes are put in parens at the of the line. `endian` - could be either `le` (little-endian) or `be` (big-endian). ### Utilities * `a.clone()` - clone number * `a.toString(base, length)` - convert to base-string and pad with zeroes * `a.toNumber()` - convert to Javascript Number (limited to 53 bits) * `a.toJSON()` - convert to JSON compatible hex string (alias of `toString(16)`) * `a.toArray(endian, length)` - convert to byte `Array`, and optionally zero pad to length, throwing if already exceeding * `a.toArrayLike(type, endian, length)` - convert to an instance of `type`, which must behave like an `Array` * `a.toBuffer(endian, length)` - convert to Node.js Buffer (if available). For compatibility with browserify and similar tools, use this instead: `a.toArrayLike(Buffer, endian, length)` * `a.bitLength()` - get number of bits occupied * `a.zeroBits()` - return number of less-significant consequent zero bits (example: `1010000` has 4 zero bits) * `a.byteLength()` - return number of bytes occupied * `a.isNeg()` - true if the number is negative * `a.isEven()` - no comments * `a.isOdd()` - no comments * `a.isZero()` - no comments * `a.cmp(b)` - compare numbers and return `-1` (a `<` b), `0` (a `==` b), or `1` (a `>` b) depending on the comparison result (`ucmp`, `cmpn`) * `` - `a` less than `b` (`n`) * `a.lte(b)` - `a` less than or equals `b` (`n`) * `` - `a` greater than `b` (`n`) * `a.gte(b)` - `a` greater than or equals `b` (`n`) * `a.eq(b)` - `a` equals `b` (`n`) * `a.toTwos(width)` - convert to two's complement representation, where `width` is bit width * `a.fromTwos(width)` - convert from two's complement representation, where `width` is the bit width * `BN.isBN(object)` - returns true if the supplied `object` is a BN.js instance * `BN.max(a, b)` - return `a` if `a` bigger than `b` * `BN.min(a, b)` - return `a` if `a` less than `b` ### Arithmetics * `a.neg()` - negate sign (`i`) * `a.abs()` - absolute value (`i`) * `a.add(b)` - addition (`i`, `n`, `in`) * `a.sub(b)` - subtraction (`i`, `n`, `in`) * `a.mul(b)` - multiply (`i`, `n`, `in`) * `a.sqr()` - square (`i`) * `a.pow(b)` - raise `a` to the power of `b` * `a.div(b)` - divide (`divn`, `idivn`) * `a.mod(b)` - reduct (`u`, `n`) (but no `umodn`) * `a.divmod(b)` - quotient and modulus obtained by dividing * `a.divRound(b)` - rounded division ### Bit operations * `a.or(b)` - or (`i`, `u`, `iu`) * `a.and(b)` - and (`i`, `u`, `iu`, `andln`) (NOTE: `andln` is going to be replaced with `andn` in future) * `a.xor(b)` - xor (`i`, `u`, `iu`) * `a.setn(b, value)` - set specified bit to `value` * `a.shln(b)` - shift left (`i`, `u`, `iu`) * `a.shrn(b)` - shift right (`i`, `u`, `iu`) * `a.testn(b)` - test if specified bit is set * `a.maskn(b)` - clear bits with indexes higher or equal to `b` (`i`) * `a.bincn(b)` - add `1 << b` to the number * `a.notn(w)` - not (for the width specified by `w`) (`i`) ### Reduction * `a.gcd(b)` - GCD * `a.egcd(b)` - Extended GCD results (`{ a: ..., b: ..., gcd: ... }`) * `a.invm(b)` - inverse `a` modulo `b` ## Fast reduction When doing lots of reductions using the same modulo, it might be beneficial to use some tricks: like [Montgomery multiplication][0], or using special algorithm for [Mersenne Prime][1]. ### Reduction context To enable this tricks one should create a reduction context: ```js var red =; ``` where `num` is just a BN instance. Or: ```js var red =; ``` Where `primeName` is either of these [Mersenne Primes][1]: * `'k256'` * `'p224'` * `'p192'` * `'p25519'` Or: ```js var red = BN.mont(num); ``` To reduce numbers with [Montgomery trick][0]. `.mont()` is generally faster than `.red(num)`, but slower than ``. ### Converting numbers Before performing anything in reduction context - numbers should be converted to it. Usually, this means that one should: * Convert inputs to reducted ones * Operate on them in reduction context * Convert outputs back from the reduction context Here is how one may convert numbers to `red`: ```js var redA = a.toRed(red); ``` Where `red` is a reduction context created using instructions above Here is how to convert them back: ```js var a = redA.fromRed(); ``` ### Red instructions Most of the instructions from the very start of this readme have their counterparts in red context: * `a.redAdd(b)`, `a.redIAdd(b)` * `a.redSub(b)`, `a.redISub(b)` * `a.redShl(num)` * `a.redMul(b)`, `a.redIMul(b)` * `a.redSqr()`, `a.redISqr()` * `a.redSqrt()` - square root modulo reduction context's prime * `a.redInvm()` - modular inverse of the number * `a.redNeg()` * `a.redPow(b)` - modular exponentiation ### Number Size Optimized for elliptic curves that work with 256-bit numbers. There is no limitation on the size of the numbers. ## LICENSE This software is licensed under the MIT License. [0]: [1]: JS-YAML - YAML 1.2 parser / writer for JavaScript ================================================= [![Build Status](]( [![NPM version](]( __[Online Demo]( This is an implementation of [YAML](, a human-friendly data serialization language. Started as [PyYAML]( port, it was completely rewritten from scratch. Now it's very fast, and supports 1.2 spec. Installation ------------ ### YAML module for node.js ``` npm install js-yaml ``` ### CLI executable If you want to inspect your YAML files from CLI, install js-yaml globally: ``` npm install -g js-yaml ``` #### Usage ``` usage: js-yaml [-h] [-v] [-c] [-t] file Positional arguments: file File with YAML document(s) Optional arguments: -h, --help Show this help message and exit. -v, --version Show program's version number and exit. -c, --compact Display errors in compact mode -t, --trace Show stack trace on error ``` ### Bundled YAML library for browsers ``` html <!-- esprima required only for !!js/function --> <script src="esprima.js"></script> <script src="js-yaml.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> var doc = jsyaml.load('greeting: hello\nname: world'); </script> ``` Browser support was done mostly for the online demo. If you find any errors - feel free to send pull requests with fixes. Also note, that IE and other old browsers needs [es5-shims]( to operate. Notes: 1. We have no resources to support browserified version. Don't expect it to be well tested. Don't expect fast fixes if something goes wrong there. 2. `!!js/function` in browser bundle will not work by default. If you really need it - load `esprima` parser first (via amd or directly). 3. `!!bin` in browser will return `Array`, because browsers do not support node.js `Buffer` and adding Buffer shims is completely useless on practice. API --- Here we cover the most 'useful' methods. If you need advanced details (creating your own tags), see [wiki]( and [examples]( for more info. ``` javascript const yaml = require('js-yaml'); const fs = require('fs'); // Get document, or throw exception on error try { const doc = yaml.safeLoad(fs.readFileSync('/home/ixti/example.yml', 'utf8')); console.log(doc); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } ``` ### safeLoad (string [ , options ]) **Recommended loading way.** Parses `string` as single YAML document. Returns either a plain object, a string or `undefined`, or throws `YAMLException` on error. By default, does not support regexps, functions and undefined. This method is safe for untrusted data. options: - `filename` _(default: null)_ - string to be used as a file path in error/warning messages. - `onWarning` _(default: null)_ - function to call on warning messages. Loader will call this function with an instance of `YAMLException` for each warning. - `schema` _(default: `DEFAULT_SAFE_SCHEMA`)_ - specifies a schema to use. - `FAILSAFE_SCHEMA` - only strings, arrays and plain objects: - `JSON_SCHEMA` - all JSON-supported types: - `CORE_SCHEMA` - same as `JSON_SCHEMA`: - `DEFAULT_SAFE_SCHEMA` - all supported YAML types, without unsafe ones (`!!js/undefined`, `!!js/regexp` and `!!js/function`): - `DEFAULT_FULL_SCHEMA` - all supported YAML types. - `json` _(default: false)_ - compatibility with JSON.parse behaviour. If true, then duplicate keys in a mapping will override values rather than throwing an error. NOTE: This function **does not** understand multi-document sources, it throws exception on those. NOTE: JS-YAML **does not** support schema-specific tag resolution restrictions. So, the JSON schema is not as strictly defined in the YAML specification. It allows numbers in any notation, use `Null` and `NULL` as `null`, etc. The core schema also has no such restrictions. It allows binary notation for integers. ### load (string [ , options ]) **Use with care with untrusted sources**. The same as `safeLoad()` but uses `DEFAULT_FULL_SCHEMA` by default - adds some JavaScript-specific types: `!!js/function`, `!!js/regexp` and `!!js/undefined`. For untrusted sources, you must additionally validate object structure to avoid injections: ``` javascript const untrusted_code = '"toString": !<,2002:js/function> "function (){very_evil_thing();}"'; // I'm just converting that string, what could possibly go wrong? require('js-yaml').load(untrusted_code) + '' ``` ### safeLoadAll (string [, iterator] [, options ]) Same as `safeLoad()`, but understands multi-document sources. Applies `iterator` to each document if specified, or returns array of documents. ``` javascript const yaml = require('js-yaml'); yaml.safeLoadAll(data, function (doc) { console.log(doc); }); ``` ### loadAll (string [, iterator] [ , options ]) Same as `safeLoadAll()` but uses `DEFAULT_FULL_SCHEMA` by default. ### safeDump (object [ , options ]) Serializes `object` as a YAML document. Uses `DEFAULT_SAFE_SCHEMA`, so it will throw an exception if you try to dump regexps or functions. However, you can disable exceptions by setting the `skipInvalid` option to `true`. options: - `indent` _(default: 2)_ - indentation width to use (in spaces). - `noArrayIndent` _(default: false)_ - when true, will not add an indentation level to array elements - `skipInvalid` _(default: false)_ - do not throw on invalid types (like function in the safe schema) and skip pairs and single values with such types. - `flowLevel` (default: -1) - specifies level of nesting, when to switch from block to flow style for collections. -1 means block style everwhere - `styles` - "tag" => "style" map. Each tag may have own set of styles. - `schema` _(default: `DEFAULT_SAFE_SCHEMA`)_ specifies a schema to use. - `sortKeys` _(default: `false`)_ - if `true`, sort keys when dumping YAML. If a function, use the function to sort the keys. - `lineWidth` _(default: `80`)_ - set max line width. - `noRefs` _(default: `false`)_ - if `true`, don't convert duplicate objects into references - `noCompatMode` _(default: `false`)_ - if `true` don't try to be compatible with older yaml versions. Currently: don't quote "yes", "no" and so on, as required for YAML 1.1 - `condenseFlow` _(default: `false`)_ - if `true` flow sequences will be condensed, omitting the space between `a, b`. Eg. `'[a,b]'`, and omitting the space between `key: value` and quoting the key. Eg. `'{"a":b}'` Can be useful when using yaml for pretty URL query params as spaces are %-encoded. The following table show availlable styles (e.g. "canonical", "binary"...) available for each tag (.e.g. !!null, !!int ...). Yaml output is shown on the right side after `=>` (default setting) or `->`: ``` none !!null "canonical" -> "~" "lowercase" => "null" "uppercase" -> "NULL" "camelcase" -> "Null" !!int "binary" -> "0b1", "0b101010", "0b1110001111010" "octal" -> "01", "052", "016172" "decimal" => "1", "42", "7290" "hexadecimal" -> "0x1", "0x2A", "0x1C7A" !!bool "lowercase" => "true", "false" "uppercase" -> "TRUE", "FALSE" "camelcase" -> "True", "False" !!float "lowercase" => ".nan", '.inf' "uppercase" -> ".NAN", '.INF' "camelcase" -> ".NaN", '.Inf' ``` Example: ``` javascript safeDump (object, { 'styles': { '!!null': 'canonical' // dump null as ~ }, 'sortKeys': true // sort object keys }); ``` ### dump (object [ , options ]) Same as `safeDump()` but without limits (uses `DEFAULT_FULL_SCHEMA` by default). Supported YAML types -------------------- The list of standard YAML tags and corresponding JavaScipt types. See also [YAML tag discussion]( and [YAML types repository]( ``` !!null '' # null !!bool 'yes' # bool !!int '3...' # number !!float '3.14...' # number !!binary '...base64...' # buffer !!timestamp 'YYYY-...' # date !!omap [ ... ] # array of key-value pairs !!pairs [ ... ] # array or array pairs !!set { ... } # array of objects with given keys and null values !!str '...' # string !!seq [ ... ] # array !!map { ... } # object ``` **JavaScript-specific tags** ``` !!js/regexp /pattern/gim # RegExp !!js/undefined '' # Undefined !!js/function 'function () {...}' # Function ``` Caveats ------- Note, that you use arrays or objects as key in JS-YAML. JS does not allow objects or arrays as keys, and stringifies (by calling `toString()` method) them at the moment of adding them. ``` yaml --- ? [ foo, bar ] : - baz ? { foo: bar } : - baz - baz ``` ``` javascript { "foo,bar": ["baz"], "[object Object]": ["baz", "baz"] } ``` Also, reading of properties on implicit block mapping keys is not supported yet. So, the following YAML document cannot be loaded. ``` yaml &anchor foo: foo: bar *anchor: duplicate key baz: bat *anchor: duplicate key ``` js-yaml for enterprise ---------------------- Available as part of the Tidelift Subscription The maintainers of js-yaml and thousands of other packages are working with Tidelift to deliver commercial support and maintenance for the open source dependencies you use to build your applications. Save time, reduce risk, and improve code health, while paying the maintainers of the exact dependencies you use. [Learn more.]( # y18n [![NPM version][npm-image]][npm-url] [![js-standard-style][standard-image]][standard-url] [![Conventional Commits](]( The bare-bones internationalization library used by yargs. Inspired by [i18n]( ## Examples _simple string translation:_ ```js const __ = require('y18n')().__; console.log(__('my awesome string %s', 'foo')); ``` output: `my awesome string foo` _using tagged template literals_ ```js const __ = require('y18n')().__; const str = 'foo'; console.log(__`my awesome string ${str}`); ``` output: `my awesome string foo` _pluralization support:_ ```js const __n = require('y18n')().__n; console.log(__n('one fish %s', '%d fishes %s', 2, 'foo')); ``` output: `2 fishes foo` ## Deno Example As of `v5` `y18n` supports [Deno]( ```typescript import y18n from ""; const __ = y18n({ locale: 'pirate', directory: './test/locales' }).__`Hi, ${'Ben'} ${'Coe'}!`) ``` You will need to run with `--allow-read` to load alternative locales. ## JSON Language Files The JSON language files should be stored in a `./locales` folder. File names correspond to locales, e.g., `en.json`, `pirate.json`. When strings are observed for the first time they will be added to the JSON file corresponding to the current locale. ## Methods ### require('y18n')(config) Create an instance of y18n with the config provided, options include: * `directory`: the locale directory, default `./locales`. * `updateFiles`: should newly observed strings be updated in file, default `true`. * `locale`: what locale should be used. * `fallbackToLanguage`: should fallback to a language-only file (e.g. `en.json`) be allowed if a file matching the locale does not exist (e.g. `en_US.json`), default `true`. ### y18n.\_\_(str, arg, arg, arg) Print a localized string, `%s` will be replaced with `arg`s. This function can also be used as a tag for a template literal. You can use it like this: <code>__&#96;hello ${'world'}&#96;</code>. This will be equivalent to `__('hello %s', 'world')`. ### y18n.\_\_n(singularString, pluralString, count, arg, arg, arg) Print a localized string with appropriate pluralization. If `%d` is provided in the string, the `count` will replace this placeholder. ### y18n.setLocale(str) Set the current locale being used. ### y18n.getLocale() What locale is currently being used? ### y18n.updateLocale(obj) Update the current locale with the key value pairs in `obj`. ## Supported Node.js Versions Libraries in this ecosystem make a best effort to track [Node.js' release schedule]( Here's [a post on why we think this is important]( ## License ISC [npm-url]: [npm-image]: [standard-image]: [standard-url]: # assemblyscript-regex A regex engine for AssemblyScript. [AssemblyScript]( is a new language, based on TypeScript, that runs on WebAssembly. AssemblyScript has a lightweight standard library, but lacks support for Regular Expression. The project fills that gap! This project exposes an API that mirrors the JavaScript [RegExp]( class: ```javascript const regex = new RegExp("fo*", "g"); const str = "table football, foul"; let match: Match | null = regex.exec(str); while (match != null) { // first iteration // match.index = 6 // match.matches[0] = "foo" // second iteration // match.index = 16 // match.matches[0] = "fo" match = regex.exec(str); } ``` ## Project status The initial focus of this implementation has been feature support and functionality over performance. It currently supports a sufficient number of regex features to be considered useful, including most character classes, common assertions, groups, alternations, capturing groups and quantifiers. The next phase of development will focussed on more extensive testing and performance. The project currently has reasonable unit test coverage, focussed on positive and negative test cases on a per-feature basis. It also includes a more exhaustive test suite with test cases borrowed from another regex library. ### Feature support Based on the classfication within the [MDN cheatsheet]( **Character sets** - [x] . - [x] \d - [x] \D - [x] \w - [x] \W - [x] \s - [x] \S - [x] \t - [x] \r - [x] \n - [x] \v - [x] \f - [ ] [\b] - [ ] \0 - [ ] \cX - [x] \xhh - [x] \uhhhh - [ ] \u{hhhh} or \u{hhhhh} - [x] \ **Assertions** - [x] ^ - [x] $ - [ ] \b - [ ] \B **Other assertions** - [ ] x(?=y) Lookahead assertion - [ ] x(?!y) Negative lookahead assertion - [ ] (?<=y)x Lookbehind assertion - [ ] (?<!y)x Negative lookbehind assertion **Groups and ranges** - [x] x|y - [x] [xyz][a-c] - [x] [^xyz][^a-c] - [x] (x) capturing group - [ ] \n back reference - [ ] (?<Name>x) named capturing group - [x] (?:x) Non-capturing group **Quantifiers** - [x] x\* - [x] x+ - [x] x? - [x] x{n} - [x] x{n,} - [x] x{n,m} - [ ] x\*? / x+? / ... **RegExp** - [x] global - [ ] sticky - [x] case insensitive - [x] multiline - [x] dotAll - [ ] unicode ### Development This project is open source, MIT licenced and your contributions are very much welcomed. To get started, check out the repository and install dependencies: ``` $ npm install ``` A few general points about the tools and processes this project uses: - This project uses prettier for code formatting and eslint to provide additional syntactic checks. These are both run on `npm test` and as part of the CI build. - The unit tests are executed using [as-pect]( - a native AssemblyScript test runner - The specification tests are within the `spec` folder. The `npm run test:generate` target transforms these tests into as-pect tests which execute as part of the standard build / test cycle - In order to support improved debugging you can execute this library as TypeScript (rather than WebAssembly), via the `npm run tsrun` target. Overview [![Build Status](]( ======== A regex that tokenizes JavaScript. ```js var jsTokens = require("js-tokens").default var jsString = "var;\n..." jsString.match(jsTokens) // ["var", " ", "foo", "=", "opts", ".", "foo", ";", "\n", ...] ``` Installation ============ `npm install js-tokens` ```js import jsTokens from "js-tokens" // or: var jsTokens = require("js-tokens").default ``` Usage ===== ### `jsTokens` ### A regex with the `g` flag that matches JavaScript tokens. The regex _always_ matches, even invalid JavaScript and the empty string. The next match is always directly after the previous. ### `var token = matchToToken(match)` ### ```js import {matchToToken} from "js-tokens" // or: var matchToToken = require("js-tokens").matchToToken ``` Takes a `match` returned by `jsTokens.exec(string)`, and returns a `{type: String, value: String}` object. The following types are available: - string - comment - regex - number - name - punctuator - whitespace - invalid Multi-line comments and strings also have a `closed` property indicating if the token was closed or not (see below). Comments and strings both come in several flavors. To distinguish them, check if the token starts with `//`, `/*`, `'`, `"` or `` ` ``. Names are ECMAScript IdentifierNames, that is, including both identifiers and keywords. You may use [is-keyword-js] to tell them apart. Whitespace includes both line terminators and other whitespace. [is-keyword-js]: ECMAScript support ================== The intention is to always support the latest ECMAScript version whose feature set has been finalized. If adding support for a newer version requires changes, a new version with a major verion bump will be released. Currently, ECMAScript 2018 is supported. Invalid code handling ===================== Unterminated strings are still matched as strings. JavaScript strings cannot contain (unescaped) newlines, so unterminated strings simply end at the end of the line. Unterminated template strings can contain unescaped newlines, though, so they go on to the end of input. Unterminated multi-line comments are also still matched as comments. They simply go on to the end of the input. Unterminated regex literals are likely matched as division and whatever is inside the regex. Invalid ASCII characters have their own capturing group. Invalid non-ASCII characters are treated as names, to simplify the matching of names (except unicode spaces which are treated as whitespace). Note: See also the [ES2018](#es2018) section. Regex literals may contain invalid regex syntax. They are still matched as regex literals. They may also contain repeated regex flags, to keep the regex simple. Strings may contain invalid escape sequences. Limitations =========== Tokenizing JavaScript using regexes—in fact, _one single regex_—won’t be perfect. But that’s not the point either. You may compare jsTokens with [esprima] by using `esprima-compare.js`. See `npm run esprima-compare`! [esprima]: ### Template string interpolation ### Template strings are matched as single tokens, from the starting `` ` `` to the ending `` ` ``, including interpolations (whose tokens are not matched individually). Matching template string interpolations requires recursive balancing of `{` and `}`—something that JavaScript regexes cannot do. Only one level of nesting is supported. ### Division and regex literals collision ### Consider this example: ```js var g = 9.82 var number = bar / 2/g var regex = / 2/g ``` A human can easily understand that in the `number` line we’re dealing with division, and in the `regex` line we’re dealing with a regex literal. How come? Because humans can look at the whole code to put the `/` characters in context. A JavaScript regex cannot. It only sees forwards. (Well, ES2018 regexes can also look backwards. See the [ES2018](#es2018) section). When the `jsTokens` regex scans throught the above, it will see the following at the end of both the `number` and `regex` rows: ```js / 2/g ``` It is then impossible to know if that is a regex literal, or part of an expression dealing with division. Here is a similar case: ```js foo /= 2/g foo(/= 2/g) ``` The first line divides the `foo` variable with `2/g`. The second line calls the `foo` function with the regex literal `/= 2/g`. Again, since `jsTokens` only sees forwards, it cannot tell the two cases apart. There are some cases where we _can_ tell division and regex literals apart, though. First off, we have the simple cases where there’s only one slash in the line: ```js var foo = 2/g foo /= 2 ``` Regex literals cannot contain newlines, so the above cases are correctly identified as division. Things are only problematic when there are more than one non-comment slash in a single line. Secondly, not every character is a valid regex flag. ```js var number = bar / 2/e ``` The above example is also correctly identified as division, because `e` is not a valid regex flag. I initially wanted to future-proof by allowing `[a-zA-Z]*` (any letter) as flags, but it is not worth it since it increases the amount of ambigous cases. So only the standard `g`, `m`, `i`, `y` and `u` flags are allowed. This means that the above example will be identified as division as long as you don’t rename the `e` variable to some permutation of `gmiyus` 1 to 6 characters long. Lastly, we can look _forward_ for information. - If the token following what looks like a regex literal is not valid after a regex literal, but is valid in a division expression, then the regex literal is treated as division instead. For example, a flagless regex cannot be followed by a string, number or name, but all of those three can be the denominator of a division. - Generally, if what looks like a regex literal is followed by an operator, the regex literal is treated as division instead. This is because regexes are seldomly used with operators (such as `+`, `*`, `&&` and `==`), but division could likely be part of such an expression. Please consult the regex source and the test cases for precise information on when regex or division is matched (should you need to know). In short, you could sum it up as: If the end of a statement looks like a regex literal (even if it isn’t), it will be treated as one. Otherwise it should work as expected (if you write sane code). ### ES2018 ### ES2018 added some nice regex improvements to the language. - [Unicode property escapes] should allow telling names and invalid non-ASCII characters apart without blowing up the regex size. - [Lookbehind assertions] should allow matching telling division and regex literals apart in more cases. - [Named capture groups] might simplify some things. These things would be nice to do, but are not critical. They probably have to wait until the oldest maintained Node.js LTS release supports those features. [Unicode property escapes]: [Lookbehind assertions]: [Named capture groups]: License ======= [MIT](LICENSE). # yallist Yet Another Linked List There are many doubly-linked list implementations like it, but this one is mine. For when an array would be too big, and a Map can't be iterated in reverse order. [![Build Status](]( [![Coverage Status](]( ## basic usage ```javascript var yallist = require('yallist') var myList = yallist.create([1, 2, 3]) myList.push('foo') myList.unshift('bar') // of course pop() and shift() are there, too console.log(myList.toArray()) // ['bar', 1, 2, 3, 'foo'] myList.forEach(function (k) { // walk the list head to tail }) myList.forEachReverse(function (k, index, list) { // walk the list tail to head }) var myDoubledList = (k) { return k + k }) // now myDoubledList contains ['barbar', 2, 4, 6, 'foofoo'] // mapReverse is also a thing var myDoubledListReverse = myList.mapReverse(function (k) { return k + k }) // ['foofoo', 6, 4, 2, 'barbar'] var reduced = myList.reduce(function (set, entry) { set += entry return set }, 'start') console.log(reduced) // 'startfoo123bar' ``` ## api The whole API is considered "public". Functions with the same name as an Array method work more or less the same way. There's reverse versions of most things because that's the point. ### Yallist Default export, the class that holds and manages a list. Call it with either a forEach-able (like an array) or a set of arguments, to initialize the list. The Array-ish methods all act like you'd expect. No magic length, though, so if you change that it won't automatically prune or add empty spots. ### Yallist.create(..) Alias for Yallist function. Some people like factories. #### yallist.head The first node in the list #### yallist.tail The last node in the list #### yallist.length The number of nodes in the list. (Change this at your peril. It is not magic like Array length.) #### yallist.toArray() Convert the list to an array. #### yallist.forEach(fn, [thisp]) Call a function on each item in the list. #### yallist.forEachReverse(fn, [thisp]) Call a function on each item in the list, in reverse order. #### yallist.get(n) Get the data at position `n` in the list. If you use this a lot, probably better off just using an Array. #### yallist.getReverse(n) Get the data at position `n`, counting from the tail. ####, thisp) Create a new Yallist with the result of calling the function on each item. #### yallist.mapReverse(fn, thisp) Same as `map`, but in reverse. #### yallist.pop() Get the data from the list tail, and remove the tail from the list. #### yallist.push(item, ...) Insert one or more items to the tail of the list. #### yallist.reduce(fn, initialValue) Like Array.reduce. #### yallist.reduceReverse Like Array.reduce, but in reverse. #### yallist.reverse Reverse the list in place. #### yallist.shift() Get the data from the list head, and remove the head from the list. #### yallist.slice([from], [to]) Just like Array.slice, but returns a new Yallist. #### yallist.sliceReverse([from], [to]) Just like yallist.slice, but the result is returned in reverse. #### yallist.toArray() Create an array representation of the list. #### yallist.toArrayReverse() Create a reversed array representation of the list. #### yallist.unshift(item, ...) Insert one or more items to the head of the list. #### yallist.unshiftNode(node) Move a Node object to the front of the list. (That is, pull it out of wherever it lives, and make it the new head.) If the node belongs to a different list, then that list will remove it first. #### yallist.pushNode(node) Move a Node object to the end of the list. (That is, pull it out of wherever it lives, and make it the new tail.) If the node belongs to a list already, then that list will remove it first. #### yallist.removeNode(node) Remove a node from the list, preserving referential integrity of head and tail and other nodes. Will throw an error if you try to have a list remove a node that doesn't belong to it. ### Yallist.Node The class that holds the data and is actually the list. Call with `var n = new Node(value, previousNode, nextNode)` Note that if you do direct operations on Nodes themselves, it's very easy to get into weird states where the list is broken. Be careful :) #### The next node in the list. #### node.prev The previous node in the list. #### node.value The data the node contains. #### node.list The list to which this node belongs. (Null if it does not belong to any list.) # fs-minipass Filesystem streams based on [minipass]( 4 classes are exported: - ReadStream - ReadStreamSync - WriteStream - WriteStreamSync When using `ReadStreamSync`, all of the data is made available immediately upon consuming the stream. Nothing is buffered in memory when the stream is constructed. If the stream is piped to a writer, then it will synchronously `read()` and emit data into the writer as fast as the writer can consume it. (That is, it will respect backpressure.) If you call `` then it will read the entire file and return the contents. When using `WriteStreamSync`, every write is flushed to the file synchronously. If your writes all come in a single tick, then it'll write it all out in a single tick. It's as synchronous as you are. The async versions work much like their node builtin counterparts, with the exception of introducing significantly less Stream machinery overhead. ## USAGE It's just streams, you pipe them or read() them or write() to them. ```js const fsm = require('fs-minipass') const readStream = new fsm.ReadStream('file.txt') const writeStream = new fsm.WriteStream('output.txt') writeStream.write('some file header or whatever\n') readStream.pipe(writeStream) ``` ## ReadStream(path, options) Path string is required, but somewhat irrelevant if an open file descriptor is passed in as an option. Options: - `fd` Pass in a numeric file descriptor, if the file is already open. - `readSize` The size of reads to do, defaults to 16MB - `size` The size of the file, if known. Prevents zero-byte read() call at the end. - `autoClose` Set to `false` to prevent the file descriptor from being closed when the file is done being read. ## WriteStream(path, options) Path string is required, but somewhat irrelevant if an open file descriptor is passed in as an option. Options: - `fd` Pass in a numeric file descriptor, if the file is already open. - `mode` The mode to create the file with. Defaults to `0o666`. - `start` The position in the file to start reading. If not specified, then the file will start writing at position zero, and be truncated by default. - `autoClose` Set to `false` to prevent the file descriptor from being closed when the stream is ended. - `flags` Flags to use when opening the file. Irrelevant if `fd` is passed in, since file won't be opened in that case. Defaults to `'a'` if a `pos` is specified, or `'w'` otherwise. # eslint-utils [![npm version](]( [![Downloads/month](]( [![Build Status](]( [![Coverage Status](]( [![Dependency Status](]( ## 🏁 Goal This package provides utility functions and classes for make ESLint custom rules. For examples: - [getStaticValue]( evaluates static value on AST. - [ReferenceTracker]( checks the members of modules/globals as handling assignments and destructuring. ## 📖 Usage See [documentation]( ## 📰 Changelog See [releases]( ## ❤️ Contributing Welcome contributing! Please use GitHub's Issues/PRs. ### Development Tools - `npm test` runs tests and measures coverage. - `npm run clean` removes the coverage result of `npm test` command. - `npm run coverage` shows the coverage result of the last `npm test` command. - `npm run lint` runs ESLint. - `npm run watch` runs tests on each file change. ## Timezone support In order to provide support for timezones, without relying on the JavaScript host or any other time-zone aware environment, this library makes use of teh IANA Timezone Database directly: The database files are parsed by the scripts in this folder, which emit AssemblyScript code which is used to process the various rules at runtime. # require-main-filename [![Build Status](]( [![Coverage Status](]( [![NPM version](]( `require.main.filename` is great for figuring out the entry point for the current application. This can be combined with a module like [pkg-conf]( to, _as if by magic_, load top-level configuration. Unfortunately, `require.main.filename` sometimes fails when an application is executed with an alternative process manager, e.g., [iisnode]( `require-main-filename` is a shim that addresses this problem. ## Usage ```js var main = require('require-main-filename')() // use main as an alternative to require.main.filename. ``` ## License ISC # file-entry-cache > Super simple cache for file metadata, useful for process that work o a given series of files > and that only need to repeat the job on the changed ones since the previous run of the process — Edit [![NPM Version](]( [![Build Status](]( ## install ```bash npm i --save file-entry-cache ``` ## Usage The module exposes two functions `create` and `createFromFile`. ## `create(cacheName, [directory, useCheckSum])` - **cacheName**: the name of the cache to be created - **directory**: Optional the directory to load the cache from - **usecheckSum**: Whether to use md5 checksum to verify if file changed. If false the default will be to use the mtime and size of the file. ## `createFromFile(pathToCache, [useCheckSum])` - **pathToCache**: the path to the cache file (this combines the cache name and directory) - **useCheckSum**: Whether to use md5 checksum to verify if file changed. If false the default will be to use the mtime and size of the file. ```js // loads the cache, if one does not exists for the given // Id a new one will be prepared to be created var fileEntryCache = require('file-entry-cache'); var cache = fileEntryCache.create('testCache'); var files = expand('../fixtures/*.txt'); // the first time this method is called, will return all the files var oFiles = cache.getUpdatedFiles(files); // this will persist this to disk checking each file stats and // updating the meta attributes `size` and `mtime`. // custom fields could also be added to the meta object and will be persisted // in order to retrieve them later cache.reconcile(); // use this if you want the non visited file entries to be kept in the cache // for more than one execution // // cache.reconcile( true /* noPrune */) // on a second run var cache2 = fileEntryCache.create('testCache'); // will return now only the files that were modified or none // if no files were modified previous to the execution of this function var oFiles = cache.getUpdatedFiles(files); // if you want to prevent a file from being considered non modified // something useful if a file failed some sort of validation // you can then remove the entry from the cache doing cache.removeEntry('path/to/file'); // path to file should be the same path of the file received on `getUpdatedFiles` // that will effectively make the file to appear again as modified until the validation is passed. In that // case you should not remove it from the cache // if you need all the files, so you can determine what to do with the changed ones // you can call var oFiles = cache.normalizeEntries(files); // oFiles will be an array of objects like the following entry = { key: 'some/name/file', the path to the file changed: true, // if the file was changed since previous run meta: { size: 3242, // the size of the file mtime: 231231231, // the modification time of the file data: {} // some extra field stored for this file (useful to save the result of a transformation on the file } } ``` ## Motivation for this module I needed a super simple and dumb **in-memory cache** with optional disk persistence (write-back cache) in order to make a script that will beautify files with `esformatter` to execute only on the files that were changed since the last run. In doing so the process of beautifying files was reduced from several seconds to a small fraction of a second. This module uses [flat-cache]( a super simple `key/value` cache storage with optional file persistance. The main idea is to read the files when the task begins, apply the transforms required, and if the process succeed, then store the new state of the files. The next time this module request for `getChangedFiles` will return only the files that were modified. Making the process to end faster. This module could also be used by processes that modify the files applying a transform, in that case the result of the transform could be stored in the `meta` field, of the entries. Anything added to the meta field will be persisted. Those processes won't need to call `getChangedFiles` they will instead call `normalizeEntries` that will return the entries with a `changed` field that can be used to determine if the file was changed or not. If it was not changed the transformed stored data could be used instead of actually applying the transformation, saving time in case of only a few files changed. In the worst case scenario all the files will be processed. In the best case scenario only a few of them will be processed. ## Important notes - The values set on the meta attribute of the entries should be `stringify-able` ones if possible, flat-cache uses `circular-json` to try to persist circular structures, but this should be considered experimental. The best results are always obtained with non circular values - All the changes to the cache state are done to memory first and only persisted after reconcile. ## License MIT # axios // adapters The modules under `adapters/` are modules that handle dispatching a request and settling a returned `Promise` once a response is received. ## Example ```js var settle = require('./../core/settle'); module.exports = function myAdapter(config) { // At this point: // - config has been merged with defaults // - request transformers have already run // - request interceptors have already run // Make the request using config provided // Upon response settle the Promise return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { var response = { data: responseData, status: request.status, statusText: request.statusText, headers: responseHeaders, config: config, request: request }; settle(resolve, reject, response); // From here: // - response transformers will run // - response interceptors will run }); } ``` ## Test Strategy - tests are copied from the [polyfill implementation]( - tests should be removed if they relate to features that do not make sense for TS/AS, i.e. tests that validate the shape of an object do not make sense in a language with compile-time type checking - tests that fail because a feature has not been implemented yet should be left as failures. # debug [![Build Status](]( [![Coverage Status](]( [![Slack](]( [![OpenCollective](](#backers) [![OpenCollective](](#sponsors) <img width="647" src=""> A tiny JavaScript debugging utility modelled after Node.js core's debugging technique. Works in Node.js and web browsers. ## Installation ```bash $ npm install debug ``` ## Usage `debug` exposes a function; simply pass this function the name of your module, and it will return a decorated version of `console.error` for you to pass debug statements to. This will allow you to toggle the debug output for different parts of your module as well as the module as a whole. Example [_app.js_](./examples/node/app.js): ```js var debug = require('debug')('http') , http = require('http') , name = 'My App'; // fake app debug('booting %o', name); http.createServer(function(req, res){ debug(req.method + ' ' + req.url); res.end('hello\n'); }).listen(3000, function(){ debug('listening'); }); // fake worker of some kind require('./worker'); ``` Example [_worker.js_](./examples/node/worker.js): ```js var a = require('debug')('worker:a') , b = require('debug')('worker:b'); function work() { a('doing lots of uninteresting work'); setTimeout(work, Math.random() * 1000); } work(); function workb() { b('doing some work'); setTimeout(workb, Math.random() * 2000); } workb(); ``` The `DEBUG` environment variable is then used to enable these based on space or comma-delimited names. Here are some examples: <img width="647" alt="screen shot 2017-08-08 at 12 53 04 pm" src=""> <img width="647" alt="screen shot 2017-08-08 at 12 53 38 pm" src=""> <img width="647" alt="screen shot 2017-08-08 at 12 53 25 pm" src=""> #### Windows command prompt notes ##### CMD On Windows the environment variable is set using the `set` command. ```cmd set DEBUG=*,-not_this ``` Example: ```cmd set DEBUG=* & node app.js ``` ##### PowerShell (VS Code default) PowerShell uses different syntax to set environment variables. ```cmd $env:DEBUG = "*,-not_this" ``` Example: ```cmd $env:DEBUG='app';node app.js ``` Then, run the program to be debugged as usual. npm script example: ```js "windowsDebug": "@powershell -Command $env:DEBUG='*';node app.js", ``` ## Namespace Colors Every debug instance has a color generated for it based on its namespace name. This helps when visually parsing the debug output to identify which debug instance a debug line belongs to. #### Node.js In Node.js, colors are enabled when stderr is a TTY. You also _should_ install the [`supports-color`]( module alongside debug, otherwise debug will only use a small handful of basic colors. <img width="521" src=""> #### Web Browser Colors are also enabled on "Web Inspectors" that understand the `%c` formatting option. These are WebKit web inspectors, Firefox ([since version 31]( and the Firebug plugin for Firefox (any version). <img width="524" src=""> ## Millisecond diff When actively developing an application it can be useful to see when the time spent between one `debug()` call and the next. Suppose for example you invoke `debug()` before requesting a resource, and after as well, the "+NNNms" will show you how much time was spent between calls. <img width="647" src=""> When stdout is not a TTY, `Date#toISOString()` is used, making it more useful for logging the debug information as shown below: <img width="647" src=""> ## Conventions If you're using this in one or more of your libraries, you _should_ use the name of your library so that developers may toggle debugging as desired without guessing names. If you have more than one debuggers you _should_ prefix them with your library name and use ":" to separate features. For example "bodyParser" from Connect would then be "connect:bodyParser". If you append a "*" to the end of your name, it will always be enabled regardless of the setting of the DEBUG environment variable. You can then use it for normal output as well as debug output. ## Wildcards The `*` character may be used as a wildcard. Suppose for example your library has debuggers named "connect:bodyParser", "connect:compress", "connect:session", instead of listing all three with `DEBUG=connect:bodyParser,connect:compress,connect:session`, you may simply do `DEBUG=connect:*`, or to run everything using this module simply use `DEBUG=*`. You can also exclude specific debuggers by prefixing them with a "-" character. For example, `DEBUG=*,-connect:*` would include all debuggers except those starting with "connect:". ## Environment Variables When running through Node.js, you can set a few environment variables that will change the behavior of the debug logging: | Name | Purpose | |-----------|-------------------------------------------------| | `DEBUG` | Enables/disables specific debugging namespaces. | | `DEBUG_HIDE_DATE` | Hide date from debug output (non-TTY). | | `DEBUG_COLORS`| Whether or not to use colors in the debug output. | | `DEBUG_DEPTH` | Object inspection depth. | | `DEBUG_SHOW_HIDDEN` | Shows hidden properties on inspected objects. | __Note:__ The environment variables beginning with `DEBUG_` end up being converted into an Options object that gets used with `%o`/`%O` formatters. See the Node.js documentation for [`util.inspect()`]( for the complete list. ## Formatters Debug uses [printf-style]( formatting. Below are the officially supported formatters: | Formatter | Representation | |-----------|----------------| | `%O` | Pretty-print an Object on multiple lines. | | `%o` | Pretty-print an Object all on a single line. | | `%s` | String. | | `%d` | Number (both integer and float). | | `%j` | JSON. Replaced with the string '[Circular]' if the argument contains circular references. | | `%%` | Single percent sign ('%'). This does not consume an argument. | ### Custom formatters You can add custom formatters by extending the `debug.formatters` object. For example, if you wanted to add support for rendering a Buffer as hex with `%h`, you could do something like: ```js const createDebug = require('debug') createDebug.formatters.h = (v) => { return v.toString('hex') } // …elsewhere const debug = createDebug('foo') debug('this is hex: %h', new Buffer('hello world')) // foo this is hex: 68656c6c6f20776f726c6421 +0ms ``` ## Browser Support You can build a browser-ready script using [browserify](, or just use the [browserify-as-a-service]( [build](, if you don't want to build it yourself. Debug's enable state is currently persisted by `localStorage`. Consider the situation shown below where you have `worker:a` and `worker:b`, and wish to debug both. You can enable this using `localStorage.debug`: ```js localStorage.debug = 'worker:*' ``` And then refresh the page. ```js a = debug('worker:a'); b = debug('worker:b'); setInterval(function(){ a('doing some work'); }, 1000); setInterval(function(){ b('doing some work'); }, 1200); ``` ## Output streams By default `debug` will log to stderr, however this can be configured per-namespace by overriding the `log` method: Example [_stdout.js_](./examples/node/stdout.js): ```js var debug = require('debug'); var error = debug('app:error'); // by default stderr is used error('goes to stderr!'); var log = debug('app:log'); // set this namespace to log via console.log log.log = console.log.bind(console); // don't forget to bind to console! log('goes to stdout'); error('still goes to stderr!'); // set all output to go via // overrides all per-namespace log settings debug.log =; error('now goes to stdout via'); log('still goes to stdout, but via now'); ``` ## Extend You can simply extend debugger ```js const log = require('debug')('auth'); //creates new debug instance with extended namespace const logSign = log.extend('sign'); const logLogin = log.extend('login'); log('hello'); // auth hello logSign('hello'); //auth:sign hello logLogin('hello'); //auth:login hello ``` ## Set dynamically You can also enable debug dynamically by calling the `enable()` method : ```js let debug = require('debug'); console.log(1, debug.enabled('test')); debug.enable('test'); console.log(2, debug.enabled('test')); debug.disable(); console.log(3, debug.enabled('test')); ``` print : ``` 1 false 2 true 3 false ``` Usage : `enable(namespaces)` `namespaces` can include modes separated by a colon and wildcards. Note that calling `enable()` completely overrides previously set DEBUG variable : ``` $ DEBUG=foo node -e 'var dbg = require("debug"); dbg.enable("bar"); console.log(dbg.enabled("foo"))' => false ``` `disable()` Will disable all namespaces. The functions returns the namespaces currently enabled (and skipped). This can be useful if you want to disable debugging temporarily without knowing what was enabled to begin with. For example: ```js let debug = require('debug'); debug.enable('foo:*,-foo:bar'); let namespaces = debug.disable(); debug.enable(namespaces); ``` Note: There is no guarantee that the string will be identical to the initial enable string, but semantically they will be identical. ## Checking whether a debug target is enabled After you've created a debug instance, you can determine whether or not it is enabled by checking the `enabled` property: ```javascript const debug = require('debug')('http'); if (debug.enabled) { // do stuff... } ``` You can also manually toggle this property to force the debug instance to be enabled or disabled. ## Usage in child processes Due to the way `debug` detects if the output is a TTY or not, colors are not shown in child processes when `stderr` is piped. A solution is to pass the `DEBUG_COLORS=1` environment variable to the child process. For example: ```javascript worker = fork(WORKER_WRAP_PATH, [workerPath], { stdio: [ /* stdin: */ 0, /* stdout: */ 'pipe', /* stderr: */ 'pipe', 'ipc', ], env: Object.assign({}, process.env, { DEBUG_COLORS: 1 // without this settings, colors won't be shown }), }); worker.stderr.pipe(process.stderr, { end: false }); ``` ## Authors - TJ Holowaychuk - Nathan Rajlich - Andrew Rhyne - Josh Junon ## Backers Support us with a monthly donation and help us continue our activities. 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THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED 'AS IS', WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ESQuery is a library for querying the AST output by Esprima for patterns of syntax using a CSS style selector system. Check out the demo: [demo]( The following selectors are supported: * AST node type: `ForStatement` * [wildcard]( `*` * [attribute existence]( `[attr]` * [attribute value]( `[attr="foo"]` or `[attr=123]` * attribute regex: `[attr=/foo.*/]` or (with flags) `[attr=/foo.*/is]` * attribute conditions: `[attr!="foo"]`, `[attr>2]`, `[attr<3]`, `[attr>=2]`, or `[attr<=3]` * nested attribute: `[attr.level2="foo"]` * field: `FunctionDeclaration >` * [First]( or [last]( child: `:first-child` or `:last-child` * [nth-child]( (no ax+b support): `:nth-child(2)` * [nth-last-child]( (no ax+b support): `:nth-last-child(1)` * [descendant]( `ancestor descendant` * [child]( `parent > child` * [following sibling]( `node ~ sibling` * [adjacent sibling]( `node + adjacent` * [negation]( `:not(ForStatement)` * [has]( `:has(ForStatement)` * [matches-any]( `:matches([attr] > :first-child, :last-child)` * [subject indicator]( `!IfStatement > [name="foo"]` * class of AST node: `:statement`, `:expression`, `:declaration`, `:function`, or `:pattern` [![Build Status](]( ### Esrecurse [![Build Status](]( Esrecurse ([esrecurse]( is [ECMAScript]( recursive traversing functionality. ### Example Usage The following code will output all variables declared at the root of a file. ```javascript esrecurse.visit(ast, { XXXStatement: function (node) { this.visit(node.left); // do something... this.visit(node.right); } }); ``` We can use `Visitor` instance. ```javascript var visitor = new esrecurse.Visitor({ XXXStatement: function (node) { this.visit(node.left); // do something... this.visit(node.right); } }); visitor.visit(ast); ``` We can inherit `Visitor` instance easily. ```javascript class Derived extends esrecurse.Visitor { constructor() { super(null); } XXXStatement(node) { } } ``` ```javascript function DerivedVisitor() {* this for constructor */ this /* visitor object automatically becomes this. */); } util.inherits(DerivedVisitor, esrecurse.Visitor); DerivedVisitor.prototype.XXXStatement = function (node) { this.visit(node.left); // do something... this.visit(node.right); }; ``` And you can invoke default visiting operation inside custom visit operation. ```javascript function DerivedVisitor() {* this for constructor */ this /* visitor object automatically becomes this. */); } util.inherits(DerivedVisitor, esrecurse.Visitor); DerivedVisitor.prototype.XXXStatement = function (node) { // do something... this.visitChildren(node); }; ``` The `childVisitorKeys` option does customize the behaviour of `this.visitChildren(node)`. We can use user-defined node types. ```javascript // This tree contains a user-defined `TestExpression` node. var tree = { type: 'TestExpression', // This 'argument' is the property containing the other **node**. argument: { type: 'Literal', value: 20 }, // This 'extended' is the property not containing the other **node**. extended: true }; esrecurse.visit( ast, { Literal: function (node) { // do something... } }, { // Extending the existing traversing rules. childVisitorKeys: { // TargetNodeName: [ 'keys', 'containing', 'the', 'other', '**node**' ] TestExpression: ['argument'] } } ); ``` We can use the `fallback` option as well. If the `fallback` option is `"iteration"`, `esrecurse` would visit all enumerable properties of unknown nodes. Please note circular references cause the stack overflow. AST might have circular references in additional properties for some purpose (e.g. `node.parent`). ```javascript esrecurse.visit( ast, { Literal: function (node) { // do something... } }, { fallback: 'iteration' } ); ``` If the `fallback` option is a function, `esrecurse` calls this function to determine the enumerable properties of unknown nodes. Please note circular references cause the stack overflow. AST might have circular references in additional properties for some purpose (e.g. `node.parent`). ```javascript esrecurse.visit( ast, { Literal: function (node) { // do something... } }, { fallback: function (node) { return Object.keys(node).filter(function(key) { return key !== 'argument' }); } } ); ``` ### License Copyright (C) 2014 [Yusuke Suzuki]( (twitter: [@Constellation]( and other contributors. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL <COPYRIGHT HOLDER> BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # eslint-visitor-keys [![npm version](]( [![Downloads/month](]( [![Build Status](]( [![Dependency Status](]( Constants and utilities about visitor keys to traverse AST. ## 💿 Installation Use [npm] to install. ```bash $ npm install eslint-visitor-keys ``` ### Requirements - [Node.js] 4.0.0 or later. ## 📖 Usage ```js const evk = require("eslint-visitor-keys") ``` ### evk.KEYS > type: `{ [type: string]: string[] | undefined }` Visitor keys. This keys are frozen. This is an object. Keys are the type of [ESTree] nodes. Their values are an array of property names which have child nodes. For example: ``` console.log(evk.KEYS.AssignmentExpression) // → ["left", "right"] ``` ### evk.getKeys(node) > type: `(node: object) => string[]` Get the visitor keys of a given AST node. This is similar to `Object.keys(node)` of ES Standard, but some keys are excluded: `parent`, `leadingComments`, `trailingComments`, and names which start with `_`. This will be used to traverse unknown nodes. For example: ``` const node = { type: "AssignmentExpression", left: { type: "Identifier", name: "foo" }, right: { type: "Literal", value: 0 } } console.log(evk.getKeys(node)) // → ["type", "left", "right"] ``` ### evk.unionWith(additionalKeys) > type: `(additionalKeys: object) => { [type: string]: string[] | undefined }` Make the union set with `evk.KEYS` and the given keys. - The order of keys is, `additionalKeys` is at first, then `evk.KEYS` is concatenated after that. - It removes duplicated keys as keeping the first one. For example: ``` console.log(evk.unionWith({ MethodDefinition: ["decorators"] })) // → { ..., MethodDefinition: ["decorators", "key", "value"], ... } ``` ## 📰 Change log See [GitHub releases]( ## 🍻 Contributing Welcome. See [ESLint contribution guidelines]( ### Development commands - `npm test` runs tests and measures code coverage. - `npm run lint` checks source codes with ESLint. - `npm run coverage` opens the code coverage report of the previous test with your default browser. - `npm run release` publishes this package to [npm] registory. [npm]: [Node.js]: [ESTree]: # once Only call a function once. ## usage ```javascript var once = require('once') function load (file, cb) { cb = once(cb) loader.load('file') loader.once('load', cb) loader.once('error', cb) } ``` Or add to the Function.prototype in a responsible way: ```javascript // only has to be done once require('once').proto() function load (file, cb) { cb = cb.once() loader.load('file') loader.once('load', cb) loader.once('error', cb) } ``` Ironically, the prototype feature makes this module twice as complicated as necessary. To check whether you function has been called, use `fn.called`. Once the function is called for the first time the return value of the original function is saved in `fn.value` and subsequent calls will continue to return this value. ```javascript var once = require('once') function load (cb) { cb = once(cb) var stream = createStream() stream.once('data', cb) stream.once('end', function () { if (!cb.called) cb(new Error('not found')) }) } ``` ## `once.strict(func)` Throw an error if the function is called twice. Some functions are expected to be called only once. Using `once` for them would potentially hide logical errors. In the example below, the `greet` function has to call the callback only once: ```javascript function greet (name, cb) { // return is missing from the if statement // when no name is passed, the callback is called twice if (!name) cb('Hello anonymous') cb('Hello ' + name) } function log (msg) { console.log(msg) } // this will print 'Hello anonymous' but the logical error will be missed greet(null, once(msg)) // once.strict will print 'Hello anonymous' and throw an error when the callback will be called the second time greet(null, once.strict(msg)) ``` # node-supports-preserve-symlinks-flag <sup>[![Version Badge][npm-version-svg]][package-url]</sup> [![github actions][actions-image]][actions-url] [![coverage][codecov-image]][codecov-url] [![dependency status][deps-svg]][deps-url] [![dev dependency status][dev-deps-svg]][dev-deps-url] [![License][license-image]][license-url] [![Downloads][downloads-image]][downloads-url] [![npm badge][npm-badge-png]][package-url] Determine if the current node version supports the `--preserve-symlinks` flag. ## Example ```js var supportsPreserveSymlinks = require('node-supports-preserve-symlinks-flag'); var assert = require('assert'); assert.equal(supportsPreserveSymlinks, null); // in a browser assert.equal(supportsPreserveSymlinks, false); // in node < v6.2 assert.equal(supportsPreserveSymlinks, true); // in node v6.2+ ``` ## Tests Simply clone the repo, `npm install`, and run `npm test` [package-url]: [npm-version-svg]: [deps-svg]: [deps-url]: [dev-deps-svg]: [dev-deps-url]: [npm-badge-png]: [license-image]: [license-url]: LICENSE [downloads-image]: [downloads-url]: [codecov-image]: [codecov-url]: [actions-image]: [actions-url]: # near-sdk-core This package contain a convenient interface for interacting with NEAR's host runtime. To see the functions that are provided by the host node see [`env.ts`](./assembly/env/env.ts). # Near Bindings Generator Transforms the Assembyscript AST to serialize exported functions and add `encode` and `decode` functions for generating and parsing JSON strings. ## Using via CLI After installling, `npm install nearprotocol/near-bindgen-as`, it can be added to the cli arguments of the assemblyscript compiler you must add the following: ```bash asc <file> --transform near-bindgen-as ... ``` This module also adds a binary `near-asc` which adds the default arguments required to build near contracts as well as the transformer. ```bash near-asc <input file> <output file> ``` ## Using a script to compile Another way is to add a file such as `asconfig.js` such as: ```js const compile = require("near-bindgen-as/compiler").compile; compile("assembly/index.ts", // input file "out/index.wasm", // output file [ // "-O1", // Optional arguments "--debug", "--measure" ], // Prints out the final cli arguments passed to compiler. {verbose: true} ); ``` It can then be built with `node asconfig.js`. There is an example of this in the test directory. <p align="center"> <a href=""> <img height="257" width="114" src=""> </a> </p> # interpret [![NPM version][npm-image]][npm-url] [![Downloads][downloads-image]][npm-url] [![Travis Build Status][travis-image]][travis-url] [![AppVeyor Build Status][appveyor-image]][appveyor-url] [![Coveralls Status][coveralls-image]][coveralls-url] [![Gitter chat][gitter-image]][gitter-url] A dictionary of file extensions and associated module loaders. ## What is it This is used by [Liftoff]( to automatically require dependencies for configuration files, and by [rechoir]( for registering module loaders. ## API ### extensions Map file types to modules which provide a [require.extensions] loader. ```js { '.babel.js': [ { module: '@babel/register', register: function(hook) { // register on .js extension due to // which only captures the final extension (.babel.js -> .js) hook({ extensions: '.js' }); }, }, { module: 'babel-register', register: function(hook) { hook({ extensions: '.js' }); }, }, { module: 'babel-core/register', register: function(hook) { hook({ extensions: '.js' }); }, }, { module: 'babel/register', register: function(hook) { hook({ extensions: '.js' }); }, }, ], '.babel.ts': [ { module: '@babel/register', register: function(hook) { hook({ extensions: '.ts' }); }, }, ], '.buble.js': 'buble/register', '.cirru': 'cirru-script/lib/register', '.cjsx': 'node-cjsx/register', '.co': 'coco', '.coffee': ['coffeescript/register', 'coffee-script/register', 'coffeescript', 'coffee-script'], '': ['coffeescript/register', 'coffee-script/register', 'coffeescript', 'coffee-script'], '.csv': 'require-csv', '.eg': 'earlgrey/register', '.esm.js': { module: 'esm', register: function(hook) { // register on .js extension due to // which only captures the final extension (.babel.js -> .js) var esmLoader = hook(module); require.extensions['.js'] = esmLoader('module')._extensions['.js']; }, }, '.iced': ['iced-coffee-script/register', 'iced-coffee-script'], '': 'iced-coffee-script/register', '.ini': 'require-ini', '.js': null, '.json': null, '.json5': 'json5/lib/require', '.jsx': [ { module: '@babel/register', register: function(hook) { hook({ extensions: '.jsx' }); }, }, { module: 'babel-register', register: function(hook) { hook({ extensions: '.jsx' }); }, }, { module: 'babel-core/register', register: function(hook) { hook({ extensions: '.jsx' }); }, }, { module: 'babel/register', register: function(hook) { hook({ extensions: '.jsx' }); }, }, { module: 'node-jsx', register: function(hook) { hook.install({ extension: '.jsx', harmony: true }); }, }, ], '.litcoffee': ['coffeescript/register', 'coffee-script/register', 'coffeescript', 'coffee-script'], '.liticed': 'iced-coffee-script/register', '.ls': ['livescript', 'LiveScript'], '.mjs': '/absolute/path/to/interpret/mjs-stub.js', '.node': null, '.toml': { module: 'toml-require', register: function(hook) { hook.install(); }, }, '.ts': [ 'ts-node/register', 'typescript-node/register', 'typescript-register', 'typescript-require', 'sucrase/register/ts', { module: '@babel/register', register: function(hook) { hook({ extensions: '.ts' }); }, }, ], '.tsx': [ 'ts-node/register', 'typescript-node/register', 'sucrase/register', { module: '@babel/register', register: function(hook) { hook({ extensions: '.tsx' }); }, }, ], '.wisp': 'wisp/engine/node', '.xml': 'require-xml', '.yaml': 'require-yaml', '.yml': 'require-yaml', } ``` ### jsVariants Same as above, but only include the extensions which are javascript variants. ## How to use it Consumers should use the exported `extensions` or `jsVariants` object to determine which module should be loaded for a given extension. If a matching extension is found, consumers should do the following: 1. If the value is null, do nothing. 2. If the value is a string, try to require it. 3. If the value is an object, try to require the `module` property. If successful, the `register` property (a function) should be called with the module passed as the first argument. 4. If the value is an array, iterate over it, attempting step #2 or #3 until one of the attempts does not throw. [require.extensions]: [downloads-image]: [npm-url]: [npm-image]: [travis-url]: [travis-image]: [appveyor-url]: [appveyor-image]: [coveralls-url]: [coveralls-image]: [gitter-url]: [gitter-image]: # Glob Match files using the patterns the shell uses, like stars and stuff. [![Build Status](]( [![Build Status](]( [![Coverage Status](]( This is a glob implementation in JavaScript. It uses the `minimatch` library to do its matching. ![a fun cartoon logo made of glob characters](logo/glob.png) ## Usage Install with npm ``` npm i glob ``` ```javascript var glob = require("glob") // options is optional glob("**/*.js", options, function (er, files) { // files is an array of filenames. // If the `nonull` option is set, and nothing // was found, then files is ["**/*.js"] // er is an error object or null. }) ``` ## Glob Primer "Globs" are the patterns you type when you do stuff like `ls *.js` on the command line, or put `build/*` in a `.gitignore` file. Before parsing the path part patterns, braced sections are expanded into a set. Braced sections start with `{` and end with `}`, with any number of comma-delimited sections within. Braced sections may contain slash characters, so `a{/b/c,bcd}` would expand into `a/b/c` and `abcd`. The following characters have special magic meaning when used in a path portion: * `*` Matches 0 or more characters in a single path portion * `?` Matches 1 character * `[...]` Matches a range of characters, similar to a RegExp range. If the first character of the range is `!` or `^` then it matches any character not in the range. * `!(pattern|pattern|pattern)` Matches anything that does not match any of the patterns provided. * `?(pattern|pattern|pattern)` Matches zero or one occurrence of the patterns provided. * `+(pattern|pattern|pattern)` Matches one or more occurrences of the patterns provided. * `*(a|b|c)` Matches zero or more occurrences of the patterns provided * `@(pattern|pat*|pat?erN)` Matches exactly one of the patterns provided * `**` If a "globstar" is alone in a path portion, then it matches zero or more directories and subdirectories searching for matches. It does not crawl symlinked directories. ### Dots If a file or directory path portion has a `.` as the first character, then it will not match any glob pattern unless that pattern's corresponding path part also has a `.` as its first character. For example, the pattern `a/.*/c` would match the file at `a/.b/c`. However the pattern `a/*/c` would not, because `*` does not start with a dot character. You can make glob treat dots as normal characters by setting `dot:true` in the options. ### Basename Matching If you set `matchBase:true` in the options, and the pattern has no slashes in it, then it will seek for any file anywhere in the tree with a matching basename. For example, `*.js` would match `test/simple/basic.js`. ### Empty Sets If no matching files are found, then an empty array is returned. This differs from the shell, where the pattern itself is returned. For example: $ echo a*s*d*f a*s*d*f To get the bash-style behavior, set the `nonull:true` in the options. ### See Also: * `man sh` * `man bash` (Search for "Pattern Matching") * `man 3 fnmatch` * `man 5 gitignore` * [minimatch documentation]( ## glob.hasMagic(pattern, [options]) Returns `true` if there are any special characters in the pattern, and `false` otherwise. Note that the options affect the results. If `noext:true` is set in the options object, then `+(a|b)` will not be considered a magic pattern. If the pattern has a brace expansion, like `a/{b/c,x/y}` then that is considered magical, unless `nobrace:true` is set in the options. ## glob(pattern, [options], cb) * `pattern` `{String}` Pattern to be matched * `options` `{Object}` * `cb` `{Function}` * `err` `{Error | null}` * `matches` `{Array<String>}` filenames found matching the pattern Perform an asynchronous glob search. ## glob.sync(pattern, [options]) * `pattern` `{String}` Pattern to be matched * `options` `{Object}` * return: `{Array<String>}` filenames found matching the pattern Perform a synchronous glob search. ## Class: glob.Glob Create a Glob object by instantiating the `glob.Glob` class. ```javascript var Glob = require("glob").Glob var mg = new Glob(pattern, options, cb) ``` It's an EventEmitter, and starts walking the filesystem to find matches immediately. ### new glob.Glob(pattern, [options], [cb]) * `pattern` `{String}` pattern to search for * `options` `{Object}` * `cb` `{Function}` Called when an error occurs, or matches are found * `err` `{Error | null}` * `matches` `{Array<String>}` filenames found matching the pattern Note that if the `sync` flag is set in the options, then matches will be immediately available on the `g.found` member. ### Properties * `minimatch` The minimatch object that the glob uses. * `options` The options object passed in. * `aborted` Boolean which is set to true when calling `abort()`. There is no way at this time to continue a glob search after aborting, but you can re-use the statCache to avoid having to duplicate syscalls. * `cache` Convenience object. Each field has the following possible values: * `false` - Path does not exist * `true` - Path exists * `'FILE'` - Path exists, and is not a directory * `'DIR'` - Path exists, and is a directory * `[file, entries, ...]` - Path exists, is a directory, and the array value is the results of `fs.readdir` * `statCache` Cache of `fs.stat` results, to prevent statting the same path multiple times. * `symlinks` A record of which paths are symbolic links, which is relevant in resolving `**` patterns. * `realpathCache` An optional object which is passed to `fs.realpath` to minimize unnecessary syscalls. It is stored on the instantiated Glob object, and may be re-used. ### Events * `end` When the matching is finished, this is emitted with all the matches found. If the `nonull` option is set, and no match was found, then the `matches` list contains the original pattern. The matches are sorted, unless the `nosort` flag is set. * `match` Every time a match is found, this is emitted with the specific thing that matched. It is not deduplicated or resolved to a realpath. * `error` Emitted when an unexpected error is encountered, or whenever any fs error occurs if `options.strict` is set. * `abort` When `abort()` is called, this event is raised. ### Methods * `pause` Temporarily stop the search * `resume` Resume the search * `abort` Stop the search forever ### Options All the options that can be passed to Minimatch can also be passed to Glob to change pattern matching behavior. Also, some have been added, or have glob-specific ramifications. All options are false by default, unless otherwise noted. All options are added to the Glob object, as well. If you are running many `glob` operations, you can pass a Glob object as the `options` argument to a subsequent operation to shortcut some `stat` and `readdir` calls. At the very least, you may pass in shared `symlinks`, `statCache`, `realpathCache`, and `cache` options, so that parallel glob operations will be sped up by sharing information about the filesystem. * `cwd` The current working directory in which to search. Defaults to `process.cwd()`. * `root` The place where patterns starting with `/` will be mounted onto. Defaults to `path.resolve(options.cwd, "/")` (`/` on Unix systems, and `C:\` or some such on Windows.) * `dot` Include `.dot` files in normal matches and `globstar` matches. Note that an explicit dot in a portion of the pattern will always match dot files. * `nomount` By default, a pattern starting with a forward-slash will be "mounted" onto the root setting, so that a valid filesystem path is returned. Set this flag to disable that behavior. * `mark` Add a `/` character to directory matches. Note that this requires additional stat calls. * `nosort` Don't sort the results. * `stat` Set to true to stat *all* results. This reduces performance somewhat, and is completely unnecessary, unless `readdir` is presumed to be an untrustworthy indicator of file existence. * `silent` When an unusual error is encountered when attempting to read a directory, a warning will be printed to stderr. Set the `silent` option to true to suppress these warnings. * `strict` When an unusual error is encountered when attempting to read a directory, the process will just continue on in search of other matches. Set the `strict` option to raise an error in these cases. * `cache` See `cache` property above. Pass in a previously generated cache object to save some fs calls. * `statCache` A cache of results of filesystem information, to prevent unnecessary stat calls. While it should not normally be necessary to set this, you may pass the statCache from one glob() call to the options object of another, if you know that the filesystem will not change between calls. (See "Race Conditions" below.) * `symlinks` A cache of known symbolic links. You may pass in a previously generated `symlinks` object to save `lstat` calls when resolving `**` matches. * `sync` DEPRECATED: use `glob.sync(pattern, opts)` instead. * `nounique` In some cases, brace-expanded patterns can result in the same file showing up multiple times in the result set. By default, this implementation prevents duplicates in the result set. Set this flag to disable that behavior. * `nonull` Set to never return an empty set, instead returning a set containing the pattern itself. This is the default in glob(3). * `debug` Set to enable debug logging in minimatch and glob. * `nobrace` Do not expand `{a,b}` and `{1..3}` brace sets. * `noglobstar` Do not match `**` against multiple filenames. (Ie, treat it as a normal `*` instead.) * `noext` Do not match `+(a|b)` "extglob" patterns. * `nocase` Perform a case-insensitive match. Note: on case-insensitive filesystems, non-magic patterns will match by default, since `stat` and `readdir` will not raise errors. * `matchBase` Perform a basename-only match if the pattern does not contain any slash characters. That is, `*.js` would be treated as equivalent to `**/*.js`, matching all js files in all directories. * `nodir` Do not match directories, only files. (Note: to match *only* directories, simply put a `/` at the end of the pattern.) * `ignore` Add a pattern or an array of glob patterns to exclude matches. Note: `ignore` patterns are *always* in `dot:true` mode, regardless of any other settings. * `follow` Follow symlinked directories when expanding `**` patterns. Note that this can result in a lot of duplicate references in the presence of cyclic links. * `realpath` Set to true to call `fs.realpath` on all of the results. In the case of a symlink that cannot be resolved, the full absolute path to the matched entry is returned (though it will usually be a broken symlink) * `absolute` Set to true to always receive absolute paths for matched files. Unlike `realpath`, this also affects the values returned in the `match` event. * `fs` File-system object with Node's `fs` API. By default, the built-in `fs` module will be used. Set to a volume provided by a library like `memfs` to avoid using the "real" file-system. ## Comparisons to other fnmatch/glob implementations While strict compliance with the existing standards is a worthwhile goal, some discrepancies exist between node-glob and other implementations, and are intentional. The double-star character `**` is supported by default, unless the `noglobstar` flag is set. This is supported in the manner of bsdglob and bash 4.3, where `**` only has special significance if it is the only thing in a path part. That is, `a/**/b` will match `a/x/y/b`, but `a/**b` will not. Note that symlinked directories are not crawled as part of a `**`, though their contents may match against subsequent portions of the pattern. This prevents infinite loops and duplicates and the like. If an escaped pattern has no matches, and the `nonull` flag is set, then glob returns the pattern as-provided, rather than interpreting the character escapes. For example, `glob.match([], "\\*a\\?")` will return `"\\*a\\?"` rather than `"*a?"`. This is akin to setting the `nullglob` option in bash, except that it does not resolve escaped pattern characters. If brace expansion is not disabled, then it is performed before any other interpretation of the glob pattern. Thus, a pattern like `+(a|{b),c)}`, which would not be valid in bash or zsh, is expanded **first** into the set of `+(a|b)` and `+(a|c)`, and those patterns are checked for validity. Since those two are valid, matching proceeds. ### Comments and Negation Previously, this module let you mark a pattern as a "comment" if it started with a `#` character, or a "negated" pattern if it started with a `!` character. These options were deprecated in version 5, and removed in version 6. To specify things that should not match, use the `ignore` option. ## Windows **Please only use forward-slashes in glob expressions.** Though windows uses either `/` or `\` as its path separator, only `/` characters are used by this glob implementation. You must use forward-slashes **only** in glob expressions. Back-slashes will always be interpreted as escape characters, not path separators. Results from absolute patterns such as `/foo/*` are mounted onto the root setting using `path.join`. On windows, this will by default result in `/foo/*` matching `C:\foo\bar.txt`. ## Race Conditions Glob searching, by its very nature, is susceptible to race conditions, since it relies on directory walking and such. As a result, it is possible that a file that exists when glob looks for it may have been deleted or modified by the time it returns the result. As part of its internal implementation, this program caches all stat and readdir calls that it makes, in order to cut down on system overhead. However, this also makes it even more susceptible to races, especially if the cache or statCache objects are reused between glob calls. Users are thus advised not to use a glob result as a guarantee of filesystem state in the face of rapid changes. For the vast majority of operations, this is never a problem. ## Glob Logo Glob's logo was created by [Tanya Brassie]( Logo files can be found [here]( The logo is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License]( ## Contributing Any change to behavior (including bugfixes) must come with a test. Patches that fail tests or reduce performance will be rejected. ``` # to run tests npm test # to re-generate test fixtures npm run test-regen # to benchmark against bash/zsh npm run bench # to profile javascript npm run prof ``` ![](oh-my-glob.gif) # v8-compile-cache [![Build Status](]( `v8-compile-cache` attaches a `require` hook to use [V8's code cache]( to speed up instantiation time. The "code cache" is the work of parsing and compiling done by V8. The ability to tap into V8 to produce/consume this cache was introduced in [Node v5.7.0]( ## Usage 1. Add the dependency: ```sh $ npm install --save v8-compile-cache ``` 2. Then, in your entry module add: ```js require('v8-compile-cache'); ``` **Requiring `v8-compile-cache` in Node <5.7.0 is a noop – but you need at least Node 4.0.0 to support the ES2015 syntax used by `v8-compile-cache`.** ## Options Set the environment variable `DISABLE_V8_COMPILE_CACHE=1` to disable the cache. Cache directory is defined by environment variable `V8_COMPILE_CACHE_CACHE_DIR` or defaults to `<os.tmpdir()>/v8-compile-cache-<V8_VERSION>`. ## Internals Cache files are suffixed `.BLOB` and `.MAP` corresponding to the entry module that required `v8-compile-cache`. The cache is _entry module specific_ because it is faster to load the entire code cache into memory at once, than it is to read it from disk on a file-by-file basis. ## Benchmarks See **Load Times:** | Module | Without Cache | With Cache | | ---------------- | -------------:| ----------:| | `babel-core` | `218ms` | `185ms` | | `yarn` | `153ms` | `113ms` | | `yarn` (bundled) | `228ms` | `105ms` | _^ Includes the overhead of loading the cache itself._ ## Acknowledgements * `FileSystemBlobStore` and `NativeCompileCache` are based on Atom's implementation of their v8 compile cache: - - * `mkdirpSync` is based on: - # sprintf.js **sprintf.js** is a complete open source JavaScript sprintf implementation for the *browser* and *node.js*. Its prototype is simple: string sprintf(string format , [mixed arg1 [, mixed arg2 [ ,...]]]) The placeholders in the format string are marked by `%` and are followed by one or more of these elements, in this order: * An optional number followed by a `$` sign that selects which argument index to use for the value. If not specified, arguments will be placed in the same order as the placeholders in the input string. * An optional `+` sign that forces to preceed the result with a plus or minus sign on numeric values. By default, only the `-` sign is used on negative numbers. * An optional padding specifier that says what character to use for padding (if specified). Possible values are `0` or any other character precedeed by a `'` (single quote). The default is to pad with *spaces*. * An optional `-` sign, that causes sprintf to left-align the result of this placeholder. The default is to right-align the result. * An optional number, that says how many characters the result should have. If the value to be returned is shorter than this number, the result will be padded. When used with the `j` (JSON) type specifier, the padding length specifies the tab size used for indentation. * An optional precision modifier, consisting of a `.` (dot) followed by a number, that says how many digits should be displayed for floating point numbers. When used with the `g` type specifier, it specifies the number of significant digits. When used on a string, it causes the result to be truncated. * A type specifier that can be any of: * `%` — yields a literal `%` character * `b` — yields an integer as a binary number * `c` — yields an integer as the character with that ASCII value * `d` or `i` — yields an integer as a signed decimal number * `e` — yields a float using scientific notation * `u` — yields an integer as an unsigned decimal number * `f` — yields a float as is; see notes on precision above * `g` — yields a float as is; see notes on precision above * `o` — yields an integer as an octal number * `s` — yields a string as is * `x` — yields an integer as a hexadecimal number (lower-case) * `X` — yields an integer as a hexadecimal number (upper-case) * `j` — yields a JavaScript object or array as a JSON encoded string ## JavaScript `vsprintf` `vsprintf` is the same as `sprintf` except that it accepts an array of arguments, rather than a variable number of arguments: vsprintf("The first 4 letters of the english alphabet are: %s, %s, %s and %s", ["a", "b", "c", "d"]) ## Argument swapping You can also swap the arguments. That is, the order of the placeholders doesn't have to match the order of the arguments. You can do that by simply indicating in the format string which arguments the placeholders refer to: sprintf("%2$s %3$s a %1$s", "cracker", "Polly", "wants") And, of course, you can repeat the placeholders without having to increase the number of arguments. ## Named arguments Format strings may contain replacement fields rather than positional placeholders. Instead of referring to a certain argument, you can now refer to a certain key within an object. Replacement fields are surrounded by rounded parentheses - `(` and `)` - and begin with a keyword that refers to a key: var user = { name: "Dolly" } sprintf("Hello %(name)s", user) // Hello Dolly Keywords in replacement fields can be optionally followed by any number of keywords or indexes: var users = [ {name: "Dolly"}, {name: "Molly"}, {name: "Polly"} ] sprintf("Hello %(users[0].name)s, %(users[1].name)s and %(users[2].name)s", {users: users}) // Hello Dolly, Molly and Polly Note: mixing positional and named placeholders is not (yet) supported ## Computed values You can pass in a function as a dynamic value and it will be invoked (with no arguments) in order to compute the value on-the-fly. sprintf("Current timestamp: %d", // Current timestamp: 1398005382890 sprintf("Current date and time: %s", function() { return new Date().toString() }) # AngularJS You can now use `sprintf` and `vsprintf` (also aliased as `fmt` and `vfmt` respectively) in your AngularJS projects. See `demo/`. # Installation ## Via Bower bower install sprintf ## Or as a node.js module npm install sprintf-js ### Usage var sprintf = require("sprintf-js").sprintf, vsprintf = require("sprintf-js").vsprintf sprintf("%2$s %3$s a %1$s", "cracker", "Polly", "wants") vsprintf("The first 4 letters of the english alphabet are: %s, %s, %s and %s", ["a", "b", "c", "d"]) # License **sprintf.js** is licensed under the terms of the 3-clause BSD license. # yargs-parser ![ci]( [![NPM version](]( [![Conventional Commits](]( ![nycrc config on GitHub]( The mighty option parser used by [yargs]( visit the [yargs website]( for more examples, and thorough usage instructions. <img width="250" src=""> ## Example ```sh npm i yargs-parser --save ``` ```js const argv = require('yargs-parser')(process.argv.slice(2)) console.log(argv) ``` ```console $ node example.js --foo=33 --bar hello { _: [], foo: 33, bar: 'hello' } ``` _or parse a string!_ ```js const argv = require('yargs-parser')('--foo=99 --bar=33') console.log(argv) ``` ```console { _: [], foo: 99, bar: 33 } ``` Convert an array of mixed types before passing to `yargs-parser`: ```js const parse = require('yargs-parser') parse(['-f', 11, '--zoom', 55].join(' ')) // <-- array to string parse(['-f', 11, '--zoom', 55].map(String)) // <-- array of strings ``` ## Deno Example As of `v19` `yargs-parser` supports [Deno]( ```typescript import parser from ""; const argv = parser('--foo=99 --bar=9987930', { string: ['bar'] }) console.log(argv) ``` ## ESM Example As of `v19` `yargs-parser` supports ESM (_both in Node.js and in the browser_): **Node.js:** ```js import parser from 'yargs-parser' const argv = parser('--foo=99 --bar=9987930', { string: ['bar'] }) console.log(argv) ``` **Browsers:** ```html <!doctype html> <body> <script type="module"> import parser from ""; const argv = parser('--foo=99 --bar=9987930', { string: ['bar'] }) console.log(argv) </script> </body> ``` ## API ### parser(args, opts={}) Parses command line arguments returning a simple mapping of keys and values. **expects:** * `args`: a string or array of strings representing the options to parse. * `opts`: provide a set of hints indicating how `args` should be parsed: * `opts.alias`: an object representing the set of aliases for a key: `{alias: {foo: ['f']}}`. * `opts.array`: indicate that keys should be parsed as an array: `{array: ['foo', 'bar']}`.<br> Indicate that keys should be parsed as an array and coerced to booleans / numbers:<br> `{array: [{ key: 'foo', boolean: true }, {key: 'bar', number: true}]}`. * `opts.boolean`: arguments should be parsed as booleans: `{boolean: ['x', 'y']}`. * `opts.coerce`: provide a custom synchronous function that returns a coerced value from the argument provided (or throws an error). For arrays the function is called only once for the entire array:<br> `{coerce: {foo: function (arg) {return modifiedArg}}}`. * `opts.config`: indicate a key that represents a path to a configuration file (this file will be loaded and parsed). * `opts.configObjects`: configuration objects to parse, their properties will be set as arguments:<br> `{configObjects: [{'x': 5, 'y': 33}, {'z': 44}]}`. * `opts.configuration`: provide configuration options to the yargs-parser (see: [configuration](#configuration)). * `opts.count`: indicate a key that should be used as a counter, e.g., `-vvv` = `{v: 3}`. * `opts.default`: provide default values for keys: `{default: {x: 33, y: 'hello world!'}}`. * `opts.envPrefix`: environment variables (`process.env`) with the prefix provided should be parsed. * `opts.narg`: specify that a key requires `n` arguments: `{narg: {x: 2}}`. * `opts.normalize`: `path.normalize()` will be applied to values set to this key. * `opts.number`: keys should be treated as numbers. * `opts.string`: keys should be treated as strings (even if they resemble a number `-x 33`). **returns:** * `obj`: an object representing the parsed value of `args` * `key/value`: key value pairs for each argument and their aliases. * `_`: an array representing the positional arguments. * [optional] `--`: an array with arguments after the end-of-options flag `--`. ### require('yargs-parser').detailed(args, opts={}) Parses a command line string, returning detailed information required by the yargs engine. **expects:** * `args`: a string or array of strings representing options to parse. * `opts`: provide a set of hints indicating how `args`, inputs are identical to `require('yargs-parser')(args, opts={})`. **returns:** * `argv`: an object representing the parsed value of `args` * `key/value`: key value pairs for each argument and their aliases. * `_`: an array representing the positional arguments. * [optional] `--`: an array with arguments after the end-of-options flag `--`. * `error`: populated with an error object if an exception occurred during parsing. * `aliases`: the inferred list of aliases built by combining lists in `opts.alias`. * `newAliases`: any new aliases added via camel-case expansion: * `boolean`: `{ fooBar: true }` * `defaulted`: any new argument created by `opts.default`, no aliases included. * `boolean`: `{ foo: true }` * `configuration`: given by default settings and `opts.configuration`. <a name="configuration"></a> ### Configuration The yargs-parser applies several automated transformations on the keys provided in `args`. These features can be turned on and off using the `configuration` field of `opts`. ```js var parsed = parser(['--no-dice'], { configuration: { 'boolean-negation': false } }) ``` ### short option groups * default: `true`. * key: `short-option-groups`. Should a group of short-options be treated as boolean flags? ```console $ node example.js -abc { _: [], a: true, b: true, c: true } ``` _if disabled:_ ```console $ node example.js -abc { _: [], abc: true } ``` ### camel-case expansion * default: `true`. * key: `camel-case-expansion`. Should hyphenated arguments be expanded into camel-case aliases? ```console $ node example.js --foo-bar { _: [], 'foo-bar': true, fooBar: true } ``` _if disabled:_ ```console $ node example.js --foo-bar { _: [], 'foo-bar': true } ``` ### dot-notation * default: `true` * key: `dot-notation` Should keys that contain `.` be treated as objects? ```console $ node example.js { _: [], foo: { bar: true } } ``` _if disabled:_ ```console $ node example.js { _: [], "": true } ``` ### parse numbers * default: `true` * key: `parse-numbers` Should keys that look like numbers be treated as such? ```console $ node example.js --foo=99.3 { _: [], foo: 99.3 } ``` _if disabled:_ ```console $ node example.js --foo=99.3 { _: [], foo: "99.3" } ``` ### parse positional numbers * default: `true` * key: `parse-positional-numbers` Should positional keys that look like numbers be treated as such. ```console $ node example.js 99.3 { _: [99.3] } ``` _if disabled:_ ```console $ node example.js 99.3 { _: ['99.3'] } ``` ### boolean negation * default: `true` * key: `boolean-negation` Should variables prefixed with `--no` be treated as negations? ```console $ node example.js --no-foo { _: [], foo: false } ``` _if disabled:_ ```console $ node example.js --no-foo { _: [], "no-foo": true } ``` ### combine arrays * default: `false` * key: `combine-arrays` Should arrays be combined when provided by both command line arguments and a configuration file. ### duplicate arguments array * default: `true` * key: `duplicate-arguments-array` Should arguments be coerced into an array when duplicated: ```console $ node example.js -x 1 -x 2 { _: [], x: [1, 2] } ``` _if disabled:_ ```console $ node example.js -x 1 -x 2 { _: [], x: 2 } ``` ### flatten duplicate arrays * default: `true` * key: `flatten-duplicate-arrays` Should array arguments be coerced into a single array when duplicated: ```console $ node example.js -x 1 2 -x 3 4 { _: [], x: [1, 2, 3, 4] } ``` _if disabled:_ ```console $ node example.js -x 1 2 -x 3 4 { _: [], x: [[1, 2], [3, 4]] } ``` ### greedy arrays * default: `true` * key: `greedy-arrays` Should arrays consume more than one positional argument following their flag. ```console $ node example --arr 1 2 { _: [], arr: [1, 2] } ``` _if disabled:_ ```console $ node example --arr 1 2 { _: [2], arr: [1] } ``` **Note: in `v18.0.0` we are considering defaulting greedy arrays to `false`.** ### nargs eats options * default: `false` * key: `nargs-eats-options` Should nargs consume dash options as well as positional arguments. ### negation prefix * default: `no-` * key: `negation-prefix` The prefix to use for negated boolean variables. ```console $ node example.js --no-foo { _: [], foo: false } ``` _if set to `quux`:_ ```console $ node example.js --quuxfoo { _: [], foo: false } ``` ### populate -- * default: `false`. * key: `populate--` Should unparsed flags be stored in `--` or `_`. _If disabled:_ ```console $ node example.js a -b -- x y { _: [ 'a', 'x', 'y' ], b: true } ``` _If enabled:_ ```console $ node example.js a -b -- x y { _: [ 'a' ], '--': [ 'x', 'y' ], b: true } ``` ### set placeholder key * default: `false`. * key: `set-placeholder-key`. Should a placeholder be added for keys not set via the corresponding CLI argument? _If disabled:_ ```console $ node example.js -a 1 -c 2 { _: [], a: 1, c: 2 } ``` _If enabled:_ ```console $ node example.js -a 1 -c 2 { _: [], a: 1, b: undefined, c: 2 } ``` ### halt at non-option * default: `false`. * key: `halt-at-non-option`. Should parsing stop at the first positional argument? This is similar to how e.g. `ssh` parses its command line. _If disabled:_ ```console $ node example.js -a run b -x y { _: [ 'b' ], a: 'run', x: 'y' } ``` _If enabled:_ ```console $ node example.js -a run b -x y { _: [ 'b', '-x', 'y' ], a: 'run' } ``` ### strip aliased * default: `false` * key: `strip-aliased` Should aliases be removed before returning results? _If disabled:_ ```console $ node example.js --test-field 1 { _: [], 'test-field': 1, testField: 1, 'test-alias': 1, testAlias: 1 } ``` _If enabled:_ ```console $ node example.js --test-field 1 { _: [], 'test-field': 1, testField: 1 } ``` ### strip dashed * default: `false` * key: `strip-dashed` Should dashed keys be removed before returning results? This option has no effect if `camel-case-expansion` is disabled. _If disabled:_ ```console $ node example.js --test-field 1 { _: [], 'test-field': 1, testField: 1 } ``` _If enabled:_ ```console $ node example.js --test-field 1 { _: [], testField: 1 } ``` ### unknown options as args * default: `false` * key: `unknown-options-as-args` Should unknown options be treated like regular arguments? An unknown option is one that is not configured in `opts`. _If disabled_ ```console $ node example.js --unknown-option --known-option 2 --string-option --unknown-option2 { _: [], unknownOption: true, knownOption: 2, stringOption: '', unknownOption2: true } ``` _If enabled_ ```console $ node example.js --unknown-option --known-option 2 --string-option --unknown-option2 { _: ['--unknown-option'], knownOption: 2, stringOption: '--unknown-option2' } ``` ## Supported Node.js Versions Libraries in this ecosystem make a best effort to track [Node.js' release schedule]( Here's [a post on why we think this is important]( ## Special Thanks The yargs project evolves from optimist and minimist. It owes its existence to a lot of James Halliday's hard work. Thanks [substack]( **beep** **boop** \o/ ## License ISC # AssemblyScript Loader A convenient loader for [AssemblyScript]( modules. Demangles module exports to a friendly object structure compatible with TypeScript definitions and provides useful utility to read/write data from/to memory. [Documentation]( # cliui [![Build Status](]( [![Coverage Status](]( [![NPM version](]( [![Standard Version](]( easily create complex multi-column command-line-interfaces. ## Example ```js var ui = require('cliui')() ui.div('Usage: $0 [command] [options]') ui.div({ text: 'Options:', padding: [2, 0, 2, 0] }) ui.div( { text: "-f, --file", width: 20, padding: [0, 4, 0, 4] }, { text: "the file to load." +"(if this description is long it wraps).") , width: 20 }, { text:"[required]"), align: 'right' } ) console.log(ui.toString()) ``` <img width="500" src="screenshot.png"> ## Layout DSL cliui exposes a simple layout DSL: If you create a single `ui.div`, passing a string rather than an object: * `\n`: characters will be interpreted as new rows. * `\t`: characters will be interpreted as new columns. * `\s`: characters will be interpreted as padding. **as an example...** ```js var ui = require('./')({ width: 60 }) ui.div( 'Usage: node ./bin/foo.js\n' + ' <regex>\t provide a regex\n' + ' <glob>\t provide a glob\t [required]' ) console.log(ui.toString()) ``` **will output:** ```shell Usage: node ./bin/foo.js <regex> provide a regex <glob> provide a glob [required] ``` ## Methods ```js cliui = require('cliui') ``` ### cliui({width: integer}) Specify the maximum width of the UI being generated. If no width is provided, cliui will try to get the current window's width and use it, and if that doesn't work, width will be set to `80`. ### cliui({wrap: boolean}) Enable or disable the wrapping of text in a column. ### cliui.div(column, column, column) Create a row with any number of columns, a column can either be a string, or an object with the following options: * **text:** some text to place in the column. * **width:** the width of a column. * **align:** alignment, `right` or `center`. * **padding:** `[top, right, bottom, left]`. * **border:** should a border be placed around the div? ### cliui.span(column, column, column) Similar to `div`, except the next row will be appended without a new line being created. ### cliui.resetOutput() Resets the UI elements of the current cliui instance, maintaining the values set for `width` and `wrap`. # rechoir [![Build Status](]( > Require any supported file as a node module. [![NPM](]( ## What is it? This module, in conjunction with [interpret]-like objects can register any file type the npm ecosystem has a module loader for. This library is a dependency of [Liftoff]. ## API ### prepare(config, filepath, requireFrom) Look for a module loader associated with the provided file and attempt require it. If necessary, run any setup required to inject it into [require.extensions]( `config` An [interpret]-like configuration object. `filepath` A file whose type you'd like to register a module loader for. `requireFrom` An optional path to start searching for the module required to load the requested file. Defaults to the directory of `filepath`. If calling this method is successful (aka: it doesn't throw), you can now require files of the type you requested natively. An error with a `failures` property will be thrown if the module loader(s) configured for a given extension cannot be registered. If a loader is already registered, this will simply return `true`. **Note:** While rechoir will automatically load and register transpilers like `coffee-script`, you must provide a local installation. The transpilers are **not** bundled with this module. #### Usage ```js const config = require('interpret').extensions; const rechoir = require('rechoir'); rechoir.prepare(config, './test/fixtures/'); rechoir.prepare(config, './test/fixtures/test.csv'); rechoir.prepare(config, './test/fixtures/test.toml'); console.log(require('./test/fixtures/')); console.log(require('./test/fixtures/test.csv')); console.log(require('./test/fixtures/test.toml')); ``` [interpret]: [Liftoff]: # fs.realpath A backwards-compatible fs.realpath for Node v6 and above In Node v6, the JavaScript implementation of fs.realpath was replaced with a faster (but less resilient) native implementation. That raises new and platform-specific errors and cannot handle long or excessively symlink-looping paths. This module handles those cases by detecting the new errors and falling back to the JavaScript implementation. On versions of Node prior to v6, it has no effect. ## USAGE ```js var rp = require('fs.realpath') // async version rp.realpath(someLongAndLoopingPath, function (er, real) { // the ELOOP was handled, but it was a bit slower }) // sync version var real = rp.realpathSync(someLongAndLoopingPath) // monkeypatch at your own risk! // This replaces the fs.realpath/fs.realpathSync builtins rp.monkeypatch() // un-do the monkeypatching rp.unmonkeypatch() ``` # minipass A _very_ minimal implementation of a [PassThrough stream]( [It's very fast]( for objects, strings, and buffers. Supports `pipe()`ing (including multi-`pipe()` and backpressure transmission), buffering data until either a `data` event handler or `pipe()` is added (so you don't lose the first chunk), and most other cases where PassThrough is a good idea. There is a `read()` method, but it's much more efficient to consume data from this stream via `'data'` events or by calling `pipe()` into some other stream. Calling `read()` requires the buffer to be flattened in some cases, which requires copying memory. There is also no `unpipe()` method. Once you start piping, there is no stopping it! If you set `objectMode: true` in the options, then whatever is written will be emitted. Otherwise, it'll do a minimal amount of Buffer copying to ensure proper Streams semantics when `read(n)` is called. `objectMode` can also be set by doing `stream.objectMode = true`, or by writing any non-string/non-buffer data. `objectMode` cannot be set to false once it is set. This is not a `through` or `through2` stream. It doesn't transform the data, it just passes it right through. If you want to transform the data, extend the class, and override the `write()` method. Once you're done transforming the data however you want, call `super.write()` with the transform output. For some examples of streams that extend Minipass in various ways, check out: - [minizlib]( - [fs-minipass]( - [tar]( - [minipass-collect]( - [minipass-flush]( - [minipass-pipeline]( - [tap]( - [tap-parser]( - [treport]( - [minipass-fetch]( - [pacote]( - [make-fetch-happen]( - [cacache]( - [ssri]( - [npm-registry-fetch]( - [minipass-json-stream]( - [minipass-sized]( ## Differences from Node.js Streams There are several things that make Minipass streams different from (and in some ways superior to) Node.js core streams. Please read these caveats if you are familiar with node-core streams and intend to use Minipass streams in your programs. ### Timing Minipass streams are designed to support synchronous use-cases. Thus, data is emitted as soon as it is available, always. It is buffered until read, but no longer. Another way to look at it is that Minipass streams are exactly as synchronous as the logic that writes into them. This can be surprising if your code relies on `PassThrough.write()` always providing data on the next tick rather than the current one, or being able to call `resume()` and not have the entire buffer disappear immediately. However, without this synchronicity guarantee, there would be no way for Minipass to achieve the speeds it does, or support the synchronous use cases that it does. Simply put, waiting takes time. This non-deferring approach makes Minipass streams much easier to reason about, especially in the context of Promises and other flow-control mechanisms. ### No High/Low Water Marks Node.js core streams will optimistically fill up a buffer, returning `true` on all writes until the limit is hit, even if the data has nowhere to go. Then, they will not attempt to draw more data in until the buffer size dips below a minimum value. Minipass streams are much simpler. The `write()` method will return `true` if the data has somewhere to go (which is to say, given the timing guarantees, that the data is already there by the time `write()` returns). If the data has nowhere to go, then `write()` returns false, and the data sits in a buffer, to be drained out immediately as soon as anyone consumes it. ### Hazards of Buffering (or: Why Minipass Is So Fast) Since data written to a Minipass stream is immediately written all the way through the pipeline, and `write()` always returns true/false based on whether the data was fully flushed, backpressure is communicated immediately to the upstream caller. This minimizes buffering. Consider this case: ```js const {PassThrough} = require('stream') const p1 = new PassThrough({ highWaterMark: 1024 }) const p2 = new PassThrough({ highWaterMark: 1024 }) const p3 = new PassThrough({ highWaterMark: 1024 }) const p4 = new PassThrough({ highWaterMark: 1024 }) p1.pipe(p2).pipe(p3).pipe(p4) p4.on('data', () => console.log('made it through')) // this returns false and buffers, then writes to p2 on next tick (1) // p2 returns false and buffers, pausing p1, then writes to p3 on next tick (2) // p3 returns false and buffers, pausing p2, then writes to p4 on next tick (3) // p4 returns false and buffers, pausing p3, then emits 'data' and 'drain' // on next tick (4) // p3 sees p4's 'drain' event, and calls resume(), emitting 'resume' and // 'drain' on next tick (5) // p2 sees p3's 'drain', calls resume(), emits 'resume' and 'drain' on next tick (6) // p1 sees p2's 'drain', calls resume(), emits 'resume' and 'drain' on next // tick (7) p1.write(Buffer.alloc(2048)) // returns false ``` Along the way, the data was buffered and deferred at each stage, and multiple event deferrals happened, for an unblocked pipeline where it was perfectly safe to write all the way through! Furthermore, setting a `highWaterMark` of `1024` might lead someone reading the code to think an advisory maximum of 1KiB is being set for the pipeline. However, the actual advisory buffering level is the _sum_ of `highWaterMark` values, since each one has its own bucket. Consider the Minipass case: ```js const m1 = new Minipass() const m2 = new Minipass() const m3 = new Minipass() const m4 = new Minipass() m1.pipe(m2).pipe(m3).pipe(m4) m4.on('data', () => console.log('made it through')) // m1 is flowing, so it writes the data to m2 immediately // m2 is flowing, so it writes the data to m3 immediately // m3 is flowing, so it writes the data to m4 immediately // m4 is flowing, so it fires the 'data' event immediately, returns true // m4's write returned true, so m3 is still flowing, returns true // m3's write returned true, so m2 is still flowing, returns true // m2's write returned true, so m1 is still flowing, returns true // No event deferrals or buffering along the way! m1.write(Buffer.alloc(2048)) // returns true ``` It is extremely unlikely that you _don't_ want to buffer any data written, or _ever_ buffer data that can be flushed all the way through. Neither node-core streams nor Minipass ever fail to buffer written data, but node-core streams do a lot of unnecessary buffering and pausing. As always, the faster implementation is the one that does less stuff and waits less time to do it. ### Immediately emit `end` for empty streams (when not paused) If a stream is not paused, and `end()` is called before writing any data into it, then it will emit `end` immediately. If you have logic that occurs on the `end` event which you don't want to potentially happen immediately (for example, closing file descriptors, moving on to the next entry in an archive parse stream, etc.) then be sure to call `stream.pause()` on creation, and then `stream.resume()` once you are ready to respond to the `end` event. ### Emit `end` When Asked One hazard of immediately emitting `'end'` is that you may not yet have had a chance to add a listener. In order to avoid this hazard, Minipass streams safely re-emit the `'end'` event if a new listener is added after `'end'` has been emitted. Ie, if you do `stream.on('end', someFunction)`, and the stream has already emitted `end`, then it will call the handler right away. (You can think of this somewhat like attaching a new `.then(fn)` to a previously-resolved Promise.) To prevent calling handlers multiple times who would not expect multiple ends to occur, all listeners are removed from the `'end'` event whenever it is emitted. ### Impact of "immediate flow" on Tee-streams A "tee stream" is a stream piping to multiple destinations: ```js const tee = new Minipass() t.pipe(dest1) t.pipe(dest2) t.write('foo') // goes to both destinations ``` Since Minipass streams _immediately_ process any pending data through the pipeline when a new pipe destination is added, this can have surprising effects, especially when a stream comes in from some other function and may or may not have data in its buffer. ```js // WARNING! WILL LOSE DATA! const src = new Minipass() src.write('foo') src.pipe(dest1) // 'foo' chunk flows to dest1 immediately, and is gone src.pipe(dest2) // gets nothing! ``` The solution is to create a dedicated tee-stream junction that pipes to both locations, and then pipe to _that_ instead. ```js // Safe example: tee to both places const src = new Minipass() src.write('foo') const tee = new Minipass() tee.pipe(dest1) tee.pipe(dest2) src.pipe(tee) // tee gets 'foo', pipes to both locations ``` The same caveat applies to `on('data')` event listeners. The first one added will _immediately_ receive all of the data, leaving nothing for the second: ```js // WARNING! WILL LOSE DATA! const src = new Minipass() src.write('foo') src.on('data', handler1) // receives 'foo' right away src.on('data', handler2) // nothing to see here! ``` Using a dedicated tee-stream can be used in this case as well: ```js // Safe example: tee to both data handlers const src = new Minipass() src.write('foo') const tee = new Minipass() tee.on('data', handler1) tee.on('data', handler2) src.pipe(tee) ``` ## USAGE It's a stream! Use it like a stream and it'll most likely do what you want. ```js const Minipass = require('minipass') const mp = new Minipass(options) // optional: { encoding, objectMode } mp.write('foo') mp.pipe(someOtherStream) mp.end('bar') ``` ### OPTIONS * `encoding` How would you like the data coming _out_ of the stream to be encoded? Accepts any values that can be passed to `Buffer.toString()`. * `objectMode` Emit data exactly as it comes in. This will be flipped on by default if you write() something other than a string or Buffer at any point. Setting `objectMode: true` will prevent setting any encoding value. ### API Implements the user-facing portions of Node.js's `Readable` and `Writable` streams. ### Methods * `write(chunk, [encoding], [callback])` - Put data in. (Note that, in the base Minipass class, the same data will come out.) Returns `false` if the stream will buffer the next write, or true if it's still in "flowing" mode. * `end([chunk, [encoding]], [callback])` - Signal that you have no more data to write. This will queue an `end` event to be fired when all the data has been consumed. * `setEncoding(encoding)` - Set the encoding for data coming of the stream. This can only be done once. * `pause()` - No more data for a while, please. This also prevents `end` from being emitted for empty streams until the stream is resumed. * `resume()` - Resume the stream. If there's data in the buffer, it is all discarded. Any buffered events are immediately emitted. * `pipe(dest)` - Send all output to the stream provided. There is no way to unpipe. When data is emitted, it is immediately written to any and all pipe destinations. * `on(ev, fn)`, `emit(ev, fn)` - Minipass streams are EventEmitters. Some events are given special treatment, however. (See below under "events".) * `promise()` - Returns a Promise that resolves when the stream emits `end`, or rejects if the stream emits `error`. * `collect()` - Return a Promise that resolves on `end` with an array containing each chunk of data that was emitted, or rejects if the stream emits `error`. Note that this consumes the stream data. * `concat()` - Same as `collect()`, but concatenates the data into a single Buffer object. Will reject the returned promise if the stream is in objectMode, or if it goes into objectMode by the end of the data. * `read(n)` - Consume `n` bytes of data out of the buffer. If `n` is not provided, then consume all of it. If `n` bytes are not available, then it returns null. **Note** consuming streams in this way is less efficient, and can lead to unnecessary Buffer copying. * `destroy([er])` - Destroy the stream. If an error is provided, then an `'error'` event is emitted. If the stream has a `close()` method, and has not emitted a `'close'` event yet, then `stream.close()` will be called. Any Promises returned by `.promise()`, `.collect()` or `.concat()` will be rejected. After being destroyed, writing to the stream will emit an error. No more data will be emitted if the stream is destroyed, even if it was previously buffered. ### Properties * `bufferLength` Read-only. Total number of bytes buffered, or in the case of objectMode, the total number of objects. * `encoding` The encoding that has been set. (Setting this is equivalent to calling `setEncoding(enc)` and has the same prohibition against setting multiple times.) * `flowing` Read-only. Boolean indicating whether a chunk written to the stream will be immediately emitted. * `emittedEnd` Read-only. Boolean indicating whether the end-ish events (ie, `end`, `prefinish`, `finish`) have been emitted. Note that listening on any end-ish event will immediateyl re-emit it if it has already been emitted. * `writable` Whether the stream is writable. Default `true`. Set to `false` when `end()` * `readable` Whether the stream is readable. Default `true`. * `buffer` A [yallist]( linked list of chunks written to the stream that have not yet been emitted. (It's probably a bad idea to mess with this.) * `pipes` A [yallist]( linked list of streams that this stream is piping into. (It's probably a bad idea to mess with this.) * `destroyed` A getter that indicates whether the stream was destroyed. * `paused` True if the stream has been explicitly paused, otherwise false. * `objectMode` Indicates whether the stream is in `objectMode`. Once set to `true`, it cannot be set to `false`. ### Events * `data` Emitted when there's data to read. Argument is the data to read. This is never emitted while not flowing. If a listener is attached, that will resume the stream. * `end` Emitted when there's no more data to read. This will be emitted immediately for empty streams when `end()` is called. If a listener is attached, and `end` was already emitted, then it will be emitted again. All listeners are removed when `end` is emitted. * `prefinish` An end-ish event that follows the same logic as `end` and is emitted in the same conditions where `end` is emitted. Emitted after `'end'`. * `finish` An end-ish event that follows the same logic as `end` and is emitted in the same conditions where `end` is emitted. Emitted after `'prefinish'`. * `close` An indication that an underlying resource has been released. Minipass does not emit this event, but will defer it until after `end` has been emitted, since it throws off some stream libraries otherwise. * `drain` Emitted when the internal buffer empties, and it is again suitable to `write()` into the stream. * `readable` Emitted when data is buffered and ready to be read by a consumer. * `resume` Emitted when stream changes state from buffering to flowing mode. (Ie, when `resume` is called, `pipe` is called, or a `data` event listener is added.) ### Static Methods * `Minipass.isStream(stream)` Returns `true` if the argument is a stream, and false otherwise. To be considered a stream, the object must be either an instance of Minipass, or an EventEmitter that has either a `pipe()` method, or both `write()` and `end()` methods. (Pretty much any stream in node-land will return `true` for this.) ## EXAMPLES Here are some examples of things you can do with Minipass streams. ### simple "are you done yet" promise ```js mp.promise().then(() => { // stream is finished }, er => { // stream emitted an error }) ``` ### collecting ```js mp.collect().then(all => { // all is an array of all the data emitted // encoding is supported in this case, so // so the result will be a collection of strings if // an encoding is specified, or buffers/objects if not. // // In an async function, you may do // const data = await stream.collect() }) ``` ### collecting into a single blob This is a bit slower because it concatenates the data into one chunk for you, but if you're going to do it yourself anyway, it's convenient this way: ```js mp.concat().then(onebigchunk => { // onebigchunk is a string if the stream // had an encoding set, or a buffer otherwise. }) ``` ### iteration You can iterate over streams synchronously or asynchronously in platforms that support it. Synchronous iteration will end when the currently available data is consumed, even if the `end` event has not been reached. In string and buffer mode, the data is concatenated, so unless multiple writes are occurring in the same tick as the `read()`, sync iteration loops will generally only have a single iteration. To consume chunks in this way exactly as they have been written, with no flattening, create the stream with the `{ objectMode: true }` option. ```js const mp = new Minipass({ objectMode: true }) mp.write('a') mp.write('b') for (let letter of mp) { console.log(letter) // a, b } mp.write('c') mp.write('d') for (let letter of mp) { console.log(letter) // c, d } mp.write('e') mp.end() for (let letter of mp) { console.log(letter) // e } for (let letter of mp) { console.log(letter) // nothing } ``` Asynchronous iteration will continue until the end event is reached, consuming all of the data. ```js const mp = new Minipass({ encoding: 'utf8' }) // some source of some data let i = 5 const inter = setInterval(() => { if (i-- > 0) mp.write(Buffer.from('foo\n', 'utf8')) else { mp.end() clearInterval(inter) } }, 100) // consume the data with asynchronous iteration async function consume () { for await (let chunk of mp) { console.log(chunk) } return 'ok' } consume().then(res => console.log(res)) // logs `foo\n` 5 times, and then `ok` ``` ### subclass that `console.log()`s everything written into it ```js class Logger extends Minipass { write (chunk, encoding, callback) { console.log('WRITE', chunk, encoding) return super.write(chunk, encoding, callback) } end (chunk, encoding, callback) { console.log('END', chunk, encoding) return super.end(chunk, encoding, callback) } } someSource.pipe(new Logger()).pipe(someDest) ``` ### same thing, but using an inline anonymous class ```js // js classes are fun someSource .pipe(new (class extends Minipass { emit (ev, { // let's also log events, because debugging some weird thing console.log('EMIT', ev) return super.emit(ev, } write (chunk, encoding, callback) { console.log('WRITE', chunk, encoding) return super.write(chunk, encoding, callback) } end (chunk, encoding, callback) { console.log('END', chunk, encoding) return super.end(chunk, encoding, callback) } })) .pipe(someDest) ``` ### subclass that defers 'end' for some reason ```js class SlowEnd extends Minipass { emit (ev, ...args) { if (ev === 'end') { console.log('going to end, hold on a sec') setTimeout(() => { console.log('ok, ready to end now') super.emit('end', ...args) }, 100) } else { return super.emit(ev, ...args) } } } ``` ### transform that creates newline-delimited JSON ```js class NDJSONEncode extends Minipass { write (obj, cb) { try { // JSON.stringify can throw, emit an error on that return super.write(JSON.stringify(obj) + '\n', 'utf8', cb) } catch (er) { this.emit('error', er) } } end (obj, cb) { if (typeof obj === 'function') { cb = obj obj = undefined } if (obj !== undefined) { this.write(obj) } return super.end(cb) } } ``` ### transform that parses newline-delimited JSON ```js class NDJSONDecode extends Minipass { constructor (options) { // always be in object mode, as far as Minipass is concerned super({ objectMode: true }) this._jsonBuffer = '' } write (chunk, encoding, cb) { if (typeof chunk === 'string' && typeof encoding === 'string' && encoding !== 'utf8') { chunk = Buffer.from(chunk, encoding).toString() } else if (Buffer.isBuffer(chunk)) chunk = chunk.toString() } if (typeof encoding === 'function') { cb = encoding } const jsonData = (this._jsonBuffer + chunk).split('\n') this._jsonBuffer = jsonData.pop() for (let i = 0; i < jsonData.length; i++) { try { // JSON.parse can throw, emit an error on that super.write(JSON.parse(jsonData[i])) } catch (er) { this.emit('error', er) continue } } if (cb) cb() } } ``` <p align="center"> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img width="100" src="" alt="AssemblyScript logo"></a> </p> <p align="center"> <a href=""><img src="" alt="Test status" /></a> <a href=""><img src="" alt="Publish status" /></a> <a href=""><img src="" alt="npm compiler version" /></a> <a href=""><img src="" alt="npm loader version" /></a> <a href=""><img src="" alt="Discord online" /></a> </p> <p align="justify"><strong>AssemblyScript</strong> compiles a strict variant of <a href="">TypeScript</a> (basically JavaScript with types) to <a href="">WebAssembly</a> using <a href="">Binaryen</a>. It generates lean and mean WebAssembly modules while being just an <code>npm install</code> away.</p> <h3 align="center"> <a href="">About</a> &nbsp;·&nbsp; <a href="">Introduction</a> &nbsp;·&nbsp; <a href="">Quick&nbsp;start</a> &nbsp;·&nbsp; <a href="">Examples</a> &nbsp;·&nbsp; <a href="">Development&nbsp;instructions</a> </h3> <br> <h2 align="center">Contributors</h2> <p align="center"> <a href=""><img src="" alt="Contributor logos" width="720" /></a> </p> <h2 align="center">Thanks to our sponsors!</h2> <p align="justify">Most of the core team members and most contributors do this open source work in their free time. If you use AssemblyScript for a serious task or plan to do so, and you'd like us to invest more time on it, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">please donate</a> to our <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">OpenCollective</a>. By sponsoring this project, your logo will show up below. Thank you so much for your support!</p> <p align="center"> <a href=""><img src="" alt="Sponsor logos" width="720" /></a> </p> # [nearley]( ↗️ [![JS.ORG](]( [![npm version](]( nearley is a simple, fast and powerful parsing toolkit. It consists of: 1. [A powerful, modular DSL for describing languages]( 2. [An efficient, lightweight Earley parser]( 3. [Loads of tools, editor plug-ins, and other goodies!]( nearley is a **streaming** parser with support for catching **errors** gracefully and providing _all_ parsings for **ambiguous** grammars. It is compatible with a variety of **lexers** (we recommend [moo]( It comes with tools for creating **tests**, **railroad diagrams** and **fuzzers** from your grammars, and has support for a variety of editors and platforms. It works in both node and the browser. Unlike most other parser generators, nearley can handle *any* grammar you can define in BNF (and more!). In particular, while most existing JS parsers such as PEGjs and Jison choke on certain grammars (e.g. [left recursive ones](, nearley handles them easily and efficiently by using the [Earley parsing algorithm]( nearley is used by a wide variety of projects: - [artificial intelligence]( and - [computational linguistics]( classes at universities; - [file format parsers](; - [data-driven markup languages](; - [compilers for real-world programming languages](; - and nearley itself! The nearley compiler is bootstrapped. nearley is an npm [staff pick]( ## Documentation Please visit our website to get started! You will find a tutorial, detailed reference documents, and links to several real-world examples to get inspired. ## Contributing Please read [this document](.github/ *before* working on nearley. If you are interested in contributing but unsure where to start, take a look at the issues labeled "up for grabs" on the issue tracker, or message a maintainer (@kach or @tjvr on Github). nearley is MIT licensed. A big thanks to Nathan Dinsmore for teaching me how to Earley, Aria Stewart for helping structure nearley into a mature module, and Robin Windels for bootstrapping the grammar. Additionally, Jacob Edelman wrote an experimental JavaScript parser with nearley and contributed ideas for EBNF support. Joshua T. Corbin refactored the compiler to be much, much prettier. Bojidar Marinov implemented postprocessors-in-other-languages. Shachar Itzhaky fixed a subtle bug with nullables. ## Citing nearley If you are citing nearley in academic work, please use the following BibTeX entry. ```bibtex @misc{nearley, author = "Kartik Chandra and Tim Radvan", title = "{nearley}: a parsing toolkit for {JavaScript}", year = {2014}, doi = {10.5281/zenodo.3897993}, url = {} } ``` iMurmurHash.js ============== An incremental implementation of the MurmurHash3 (32-bit) hashing algorithm for JavaScript based on [Gary Court's implementation]( with [kazuyukitanimura's modifications]( This version works significantly faster than the non-incremental version if you need to hash many small strings into a single hash, since string concatenation (to build the single string to pass the non-incremental version) is fairly costly. In one case tested, using the incremental version was about 50% faster than concatenating 5-10 strings and then hashing. Installation ------------ To use iMurmurHash in the browser, [download the latest version]( and include it as a script on your site. ```html <script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/imurmurhash.min.js"></script> <script> // Your code here, access iMurmurHash using the global object MurmurHash3 </script> ``` --- To use iMurmurHash in Node.js, install the module using NPM: ```bash npm install imurmurhash ``` Then simply include it in your scripts: ```javascript MurmurHash3 = require('imurmurhash'); ``` Quick Example ------------- ```javascript // Create the initial hash var hashState = MurmurHash3('string'); // Incrementally add text hashState.hash('more strings'); hashState.hash('even more strings'); // All calls can be chained if desired hashState.hash('and').hash('some').hash('more'); // Get a result hashState.result(); // returns 0xe4ccfe6b ``` Functions --------- ### MurmurHash3 ([string], [seed]) Get a hash state object, optionally initialized with the given _string_ and _seed_. _Seed_ must be a positive integer if provided. Calling this function without the `new` keyword will return a cached state object that has been reset. This is safe to use as long as the object is only used from a single thread and no other hashes are created while operating on this one. If this constraint cannot be met, you can use `new` to create a new state object. For example: ```javascript // Use the cached object, calling the function again will return the same // object (but reset, so the current state would be lost) hashState = MurmurHash3(); ... // Create a new object that can be safely used however you wish. Calling the // function again will simply return a new state object, and no state loss // will occur, at the cost of creating more objects. hashState = new MurmurHash3(); ``` Both methods can be mixed however you like if you have different use cases. --- ### MurmurHash3.prototype.hash (string) Incrementally add _string_ to the hash. This can be called as many times as you want for the hash state object, including after a call to `result()`. Returns `this` so calls can be chained. --- ### MurmurHash3.prototype.result () Get the result of the hash as a 32-bit positive integer. This performs the tail and finalizer portions of the algorithm, but does not store the result in the state object. This means that it is perfectly safe to get results and then continue adding strings via `hash`. ```javascript // Do the whole string at once MurmurHash3('this is a test string').result(); // 0x70529328 // Do part of the string, get a result, then the other part var m = MurmurHash3('this is a'); m.result(); // 0xbfc4f834 m.hash(' test string').result(); // 0x70529328 (same as above) ``` --- ### MurmurHash3.prototype.reset ([seed]) Reset the state object for reuse, optionally using the given _seed_ (defaults to 0 like the constructor). Returns `this` so calls can be chained. --- License (MIT) ------------- Copyright (c) 2013 Gary Court, Jens Taylor Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. # debug [![Build Status](]( [![Coverage Status](]( [![Slack](]( [![OpenCollective](](#backers) [![OpenCollective](](#sponsors) <img width="647" src=""> A tiny JavaScript debugging utility modelled after Node.js core's debugging technique. Works in Node.js and web browsers. ## Installation ```bash $ npm install debug ``` ## Usage `debug` exposes a function; simply pass this function the name of your module, and it will return a decorated version of `console.error` for you to pass debug statements to. This will allow you to toggle the debug output for different parts of your module as well as the module as a whole. Example [_app.js_](./examples/node/app.js): ```js var debug = require('debug')('http') , http = require('http') , name = 'My App'; // fake app debug('booting %o', name); http.createServer(function(req, res){ debug(req.method + ' ' + req.url); res.end('hello\n'); }).listen(3000, function(){ debug('listening'); }); // fake worker of some kind require('./worker'); ``` Example [_worker.js_](./examples/node/worker.js): ```js var a = require('debug')('worker:a') , b = require('debug')('worker:b'); function work() { a('doing lots of uninteresting work'); setTimeout(work, Math.random() * 1000); } work(); function workb() { b('doing some work'); setTimeout(workb, Math.random() * 2000); } workb(); ``` The `DEBUG` environment variable is then used to enable these based on space or comma-delimited names. Here are some examples: <img width="647" alt="screen shot 2017-08-08 at 12 53 04 pm" src=""> <img width="647" alt="screen shot 2017-08-08 at 12 53 38 pm" src=""> <img width="647" alt="screen shot 2017-08-08 at 12 53 25 pm" src=""> #### Windows note On Windows the environment variable is set using the `set` command. ```cmd set DEBUG=*,-not_this ``` Note that PowerShell uses different syntax to set environment variables. ```cmd $env:DEBUG = "*,-not_this" ``` Then, run the program to be debugged as usual. ## Namespace Colors Every debug instance has a color generated for it based on its namespace name. This helps when visually parsing the debug output to identify which debug instance a debug line belongs to. #### Node.js In Node.js, colors are enabled when stderr is a TTY. You also _should_ install the [`supports-color`]( module alongside debug, otherwise debug will only use a small handful of basic colors. <img width="521" src=""> #### Web Browser Colors are also enabled on "Web Inspectors" that understand the `%c` formatting option. These are WebKit web inspectors, Firefox ([since version 31]( and the Firebug plugin for Firefox (any version). <img width="524" src=""> ## Millisecond diff When actively developing an application it can be useful to see when the time spent between one `debug()` call and the next. Suppose for example you invoke `debug()` before requesting a resource, and after as well, the "+NNNms" will show you how much time was spent between calls. <img width="647" src=""> When stdout is not a TTY, `Date#toISOString()` is used, making it more useful for logging the debug information as shown below: <img width="647" src=""> ## Conventions If you're using this in one or more of your libraries, you _should_ use the name of your library so that developers may toggle debugging as desired without guessing names. If you have more than one debuggers you _should_ prefix them with your library name and use ":" to separate features. For example "bodyParser" from Connect would then be "connect:bodyParser". If you append a "*" to the end of your name, it will always be enabled regardless of the setting of the DEBUG environment variable. You can then use it for normal output as well as debug output. ## Wildcards The `*` character may be used as a wildcard. Suppose for example your library has debuggers named "connect:bodyParser", "connect:compress", "connect:session", instead of listing all three with `DEBUG=connect:bodyParser,connect:compress,connect:session`, you may simply do `DEBUG=connect:*`, or to run everything using this module simply use `DEBUG=*`. You can also exclude specific debuggers by prefixing them with a "-" character. For example, `DEBUG=*,-connect:*` would include all debuggers except those starting with "connect:". ## Environment Variables When running through Node.js, you can set a few environment variables that will change the behavior of the debug logging: | Name | Purpose | |-----------|-------------------------------------------------| | `DEBUG` | Enables/disables specific debugging namespaces. | | `DEBUG_HIDE_DATE` | Hide date from debug output (non-TTY). | | `DEBUG_COLORS`| Whether or not to use colors in the debug output. | | `DEBUG_DEPTH` | Object inspection depth. | | `DEBUG_SHOW_HIDDEN` | Shows hidden properties on inspected objects. | __Note:__ The environment variables beginning with `DEBUG_` end up being converted into an Options object that gets used with `%o`/`%O` formatters. See the Node.js documentation for [`util.inspect()`]( for the complete list. ## Formatters Debug uses [printf-style]( formatting. Below are the officially supported formatters: | Formatter | Representation | |-----------|----------------| | `%O` | Pretty-print an Object on multiple lines. | | `%o` | Pretty-print an Object all on a single line. | | `%s` | String. | | `%d` | Number (both integer and float). | | `%j` | JSON. Replaced with the string '[Circular]' if the argument contains circular references. | | `%%` | Single percent sign ('%'). This does not consume an argument. | ### Custom formatters You can add custom formatters by extending the `debug.formatters` object. For example, if you wanted to add support for rendering a Buffer as hex with `%h`, you could do something like: ```js const createDebug = require('debug') createDebug.formatters.h = (v) => { return v.toString('hex') } // …elsewhere const debug = createDebug('foo') debug('this is hex: %h', new Buffer('hello world')) // foo this is hex: 68656c6c6f20776f726c6421 +0ms ``` ## Browser Support You can build a browser-ready script using [browserify](, or just use the [browserify-as-a-service]( [build](, if you don't want to build it yourself. Debug's enable state is currently persisted by `localStorage`. Consider the situation shown below where you have `worker:a` and `worker:b`, and wish to debug both. You can enable this using `localStorage.debug`: ```js localStorage.debug = 'worker:*' ``` And then refresh the page. ```js a = debug('worker:a'); b = debug('worker:b'); setInterval(function(){ a('doing some work'); }, 1000); setInterval(function(){ b('doing some work'); }, 1200); ``` ## Output streams By default `debug` will log to stderr, however this can be configured per-namespace by overriding the `log` method: Example [_stdout.js_](./examples/node/stdout.js): ```js var debug = require('debug'); var error = debug('app:error'); // by default stderr is used error('goes to stderr!'); var log = debug('app:log'); // set this namespace to log via console.log log.log = console.log.bind(console); // don't forget to bind to console! log('goes to stdout'); error('still goes to stderr!'); // set all output to go via // overrides all per-namespace log settings debug.log =; error('now goes to stdout via'); log('still goes to stdout, but via now'); ``` ## Checking whether a debug target is enabled After you've created a debug instance, you can determine whether or not it is enabled by checking the `enabled` property: ```javascript const debug = require('debug')('http'); if (debug.enabled) { // do stuff... } ``` You can also manually toggle this property to force the debug instance to be enabled or disabled. ## Authors - TJ Holowaychuk - Nathan Rajlich - Andrew Rhyne ## Backers Support us with a monthly donation and help us continue our activities. [[Become a backer](] <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> ## Sponsors Become a sponsor and get your logo on our README on Github with a link to your site. 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THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED 'AS IS', WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. <img align="right" alt="Ajv logo" width="160" src=""> &nbsp; # Ajv JSON schema validator The fastest JSON validator for Node.js and browser. Supports JSON Schema draft-04/06/07/2019-09/2020-12 ([draft-04 support]( requires ajv-draft-04 package) and JSON Type Definition [RFC8927]( [![build](]( [![npm](]( [![npm downloads](]( [![Coverage Status](]( [![SimpleX](]( [![Gitter](]( [![GitHub Sponsors]($-sponsors-brightgreen)]( ## Ajv sponsors [<img src="" width="45%" alt="Mozilla">](<img src="" width="9%">[<img src="" width="45%">]( [<img src="" width="31%" alt="Microsoft">](<img src="" width="3%">[<img src="" width="31%">](<img src="" width="3%">[<img src="" width="31%">]( [<img src="" width="22.5%" alt="Retool">](<img src="" width="3%">[<img src="" width="22.5%" alt="Tidelift">](<img src="" width="3%">[<img src="" width="22.5%" alt="SimpleX">](<img src="" width="3%">[<img src="" width="22.5%">]( ## Contributing More than 100 people contributed to Ajv, and we would love to have you join the development. We welcome implementing new features that will benefit many users and ideas to improve our documentation. Please review [Contributing guidelines](./ and [Code components]( ## Documentation All documentation is available on the [Ajv website]( Some useful site links: - [Getting started]( - [JSON Schema vs JSON Type Definition]( - [API reference]( - [Strict mode]( - [Standalone validation code]( - [Security considerations]( - [Command line interface]( - [Frequently Asked Questions]( ## <a name="sponsors"></a>Please [sponsor Ajv development]( Since I asked to support Ajv development 40 people and 6 organizations contributed via GitHub and OpenCollective - this support helped receiving the MOSS grant! Your continuing support is very important - the funds will be used to develop and maintain Ajv once the next major version is released. Please sponsor Ajv via: - [GitHub sponsors page]( (GitHub will match it) - [Ajv Open Collective️]( Thank you. #### Open Collective sponsors <a href=""><img src=""></a> <a href=""><img src=""></a> <a href=""><img src=""></a> <a href=""><img src=""></a> <a href=""><img src=""></a> <a href=""><img src=""></a> <a href=""><img src=""></a> <a href=""><img src=""></a> <a href=""><img src=""></a> <a href=""><img src=""></a> <a href=""><img src=""></a> <a href=""><img src=""></a> <a href=""><img src=""></a> ## Performance Ajv generates code to turn JSON Schemas into super-fast validation functions that are efficient for v8 optimization. Currently Ajv is the fastest and the most standard compliant validator according to these benchmarks: - [json-schema-benchmark]( - 50% faster than the second place - [jsck benchmark]( - 20-190% faster - [z-schema benchmark]( - [themis benchmark]( Performance of different validators by [json-schema-benchmark]( [![performance](,y&cht=bhs&chco=76A4FB&chls=2.0&chbh=62,4,1&chs=600x416&chxl=-1:|ajv|@exodus&#x2F;schemasafe|is-my-json-valid|djv|@cfworker&#x2F;json-schema|jsonschema&chd=t:100,69.2,51.5,13.1,5.1,1.2)]( ## Features - Ajv implements JSON Schema [draft-06/07/2019-09/2020-12]( standards (draft-04 is supported in v6): - all validation keywords (see [JSON Schema validation keywords]( - [OpenAPI]( extensions: - NEW: keyword [discriminator]( - keyword [nullable]( - full support of remote references (remote schemas have to be added with `addSchema` or compiled to be available) - support of recursive references between schemas - correct string lengths for strings with unicode pairs - JSON Schema [formats]( (with [ajv-formats]( plugin). - [validates schemas against meta-schema]( - NEW: supports [JSON Type Definition]( - all keywords (see [JSON Type Definition schema forms]( - meta-schema for JTD schemas - "union" keyword and user-defined keywords (can be used inside "metadata" member of the schema) - supports [browsers]( and Node.js 10.x - current - [asynchronous loading]( of referenced schemas during compilation - "All errors" validation mode with [option allErrors]( - [error messages with parameters]( describing error reasons to allow error message generation - i18n error messages support with [ajv-i18n]( package - [removing-additional-properties]( - [assigning defaults]( to missing properties and items - [coercing data]( to the types specified in `type` keywords - [user-defined keywords]( - additional extension keywords with [ajv-keywords]( package - [\$data reference]( to use values from the validated data as values for the schema keywords - [asynchronous validation]( of user-defined formats and keywords ## Install To install version 8: ``` npm install ajv ``` ## <a name="usage"></a>Getting started Try it in the Node.js REPL: In JavaScript: ```javascript // or ESM/TypeScript import import Ajv from "ajv" // Node.js require: const Ajv = require("ajv") const ajv = new Ajv() // options can be passed, e.g. {allErrors: true} const schema = { type: "object", properties: { foo: {type: "integer"}, bar: {type: "string"} }, required: ["foo"], additionalProperties: false, } const data = { foo: 1, bar: "abc" } const validate = ajv.compile(schema) const valid = validate(data) if (!valid) console.log(validate.errors) ``` Learn how to use Ajv and see more examples in the [Guide: getting started]( ## Changes history See []( **Please note**: [Changes in version 8.0.0]( [Version 7.0.0]( [Version 6.0.0]( ## Code of conduct Please review and follow the [Code of conduct](./ Please report any unacceptable behaviour to - it will be reviewed by the project team. ## Security contact To report a security vulnerability, please use the [Tidelift security contact]( Tidelift will coordinate the fix and disclosure. Please do NOT report security vulnerabilities via GitHub issues. ## Open-source software support Ajv is a part of [Tidelift subscription]( - it provides a centralised support to open-source software users, in addition to the support provided by software maintainers. ## License [MIT](./LICENSE) # function-bind <!-- [![build status][travis-svg]][travis-url] [![NPM version][npm-badge-svg]][npm-url] [![Coverage Status][5]][6] [![gemnasium Dependency Status][7]][8] [![Dependency status][deps-svg]][deps-url] [![Dev Dependency status][dev-deps-svg]][dev-deps-url] --> <!-- [![browser support][11]][12] --> Implementation of function.prototype.bind ## Example I mainly do this for unit tests I run on phantomjs. PhantomJS does not have Function.prototype.bind :( ```js Function.prototype.bind = require("function-bind") ``` ## Installation `npm install function-bind` ## Contributors - Raynos ## MIT Licenced [travis-svg]: [travis-url]: [npm-badge-svg]: [npm-url]: [5]: [6]: [7]: [8]: [deps-svg]: [deps-url]: [dev-deps-svg]: [dev-deps-url]: [11]: [12]: # axios // core The modules found in `core/` should be modules that are specific to the domain logic of axios. These modules would most likely not make sense to be consumed outside of the axios module, as their logic is too specific. Some examples of core modules are: - Dispatching requests - Managing interceptors - Handling config [Build]: [Coverage]: [1]: [2]: [npm package]: [GitHub repo]: @version 1.4.0 @date 2015-10-26 @stability 3 - Stable Natural Compare &ndash; [![Build][]][1] [![Coverage][]][2] =============== Compare strings containing a mix of letters and numbers in the way a human being would in sort order. This is described as a "natural ordering". ```text Standard sorting: Natural order sorting: img1.png img1.png img10.png img2.png img12.png img10.png img2.png img12.png ``` String.naturalCompare returns a number indicating whether a reference string comes before or after or is the same as the given string in sort order. Use it with builtin sort() function. ### Installation - In browser ```html <script src=min.natural-compare.js></script> ``` - In node.js: `npm install natural-compare-lite` ```javascript require("natural-compare-lite") ``` ### Usage ```javascript // Simple case sensitive example var a = ["z1.doc", "z10.doc", "z17.doc", "z2.doc", "z23.doc", "z3.doc"]; a.sort(String.naturalCompare); // ["z1.doc", "z2.doc", "z3.doc", "z10.doc", "z17.doc", "z23.doc"] // Use wrapper function for case insensitivity a.sort(function(a, b){ return String.naturalCompare(a.toLowerCase(), b.toLowerCase()); }) // In most cases we want to sort an array of objects var a = [ {"street":"350 5th Ave", "room":"A-1021"} , {"street":"350 5th Ave", "room":"A-21046-b"} ]; // sort by street, then by room a.sort(function(a, b){ return String.naturalCompare(a.street, b.street) || String.naturalCompare(,; }) // When text transformation is needed (eg toLowerCase()), // it is best for performance to keep // transformed key in that object. // There are no need to do text transformation // on each comparision when sorting. var a = [ {"make":"Audi", "model":"A6"} , {"make":"Kia", "model":"Rio"} ]; // sort by make, then by model{ car.sort_key = (car.make + " " + car.model).toLowerCase(); }) a.sort(function(a, b){ return String.naturalCompare(a.sort_key, b.sort_key); }) ``` - Works well with dates in ISO format eg "Rev 2012-07-26.doc". ### Custom alphabet It is possible to configure a custom alphabet to achieve a desired order. ```javascript // Estonian alphabet String.alphabet = "ABDEFGHIJKLMNOPRSŠZŽTUVÕÄÖÜXYabdefghijklmnoprsšzžtuvõäöüxy" ["t", "z", "x", "õ"].sort(String.naturalCompare) // ["z", "t", "õ", "x"] // Russian alphabet String.alphabet = "АБВГДЕЁЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯабвгдеёжзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя" ["Ё", "А", "Б"].sort(String.naturalCompare) // ["А", "Б", "Ё"] ``` External links -------------- - [GitHub repo][] - [jsperf test]( Licence ------- Copyright (c) 2012-2015 Lauri Rooden &lt;; [The MIT License]( Like `chown -R`. Takes the same arguments as `fs.chown()` ## assemblyscript-temporal An implementation of temporal within AssemblyScript, with an initial focus on non-timezone-aware classes and functionality. ### Why? AssemblyScript has minimal `Date` support, however, the JS Date API itself is terrible and people tend not to use it that often. As a result libraries like moment / luxon have become staple replacements. However, there is now a [relatively mature TC39 proposal]( that adds greatly improved date support to JS. The goal of this project is to implement Temporal for AssemblyScript. ### Usage This library currently supports the following types: #### `PlainDateTime` A `PlainDateTime` represents a calendar date and wall-clock time that does not carry time zone information, e.g. December 7th, 1995 at 3:00 PM (in the Gregorian calendar). For detailed documentation see the [TC39 Temporal proposal website](, this implementation follows the specification as closely as possible. You can create a `PlainDateTime` from individual components, a string or an object literal: ```javascript datetime = new PlainDateTime(1976, 11, 18, 15, 23, 30, 123, 456, 789); datetime.year; // 2019; datetime.month; // 11; // ... datetime.nanosecond; // 789; datetime = PlainDateTime.from("1976-11-18T12:34:56"); datetime.toString(); // "1976-11-18T12:34:56" datetime = PlainDateTime.from({ year: 1966, month: 3, day: 3 }); datetime.toString(); // "1966-03-03T00:00:00" ``` There are various ways you can manipulate a date: ```javascript // use 'with' to copy a date but with various property values overriden datetime = new PlainDateTime(1976, 11, 18, 15, 23, 30, 123, 456, 789); datetime.with({ year: 2019 }).toString(); // "2019-11-18T15:23:30.123456789" // use 'add' or 'substract' to add / subtract a duration datetime = PlainDateTime.from("2020-01-12T15:00"); datetime.add({ months: 1 }).toString(); // "2020-02-12T15:00:00"); // add / subtract support Duration objects or object literals datetime.add(new Duration(1)).toString(); // "2021-01-12T15:00:00"); ``` You can compare dates and check for equality ```javascript dt1 = PlainDateTime.from("1976-11-18"); dt2 = PlainDateTime.from("2019-10-29");, dt1); // 0, dt2); // -1 dt1.equals(dt1); // true ``` Currently `PlainDateTime` only supports the ISO 8601 (Gregorian) calendar. #### `PlainDate` A `PlainDate` object represents a calendar date that is not associated with a particular time or time zone, e.g. August 24th, 2006. For detailed documentation see the [TC39 Temporal proposal website](, this implementation follows the specification as closely as possible. The `PlainDate` API is almost identical to `PlainDateTime`, so see above for API usage examples. #### `PlainTime` A `PlainTime` object represents a wall-clock time that is not associated with a particular date or time zone, e.g. 7:39 PM. For detailed documentation see the [TC39 Temporal proposal website](, this implementation follows the specification as closely as possible. The `PlainTime` API is almost identical to `PlainDateTime`, so see above for API usage examples. #### `PlainMonthDay` A date without a year component. This is useful to express things like "Bastille Day is on the 14th of July". For detailed documentation see the [TC39 Temporal proposal website]( , this implementation follows the specification as closely as possible. ```javascript const monthDay = PlainMonthDay.from({ month: 7, day: 14 }); // => 07-14 const date = monthDay.toPlainDate({ year: 2030 }); // => 2030-07-14 date.dayOfWeek; // => 7 ``` The `PlainMonthDay` API is almost identical to `PlainDateTime`, so see above for more API usage examples. #### `PlainYearMonth` A date without a day component. This is useful to express things like "the October 2020 meeting". For detailed documentation see the [TC39 Temporal proposal website]( , this implementation follows the specification as closely as possible. The `PlainYearMonth` API is almost identical to `PlainDateTime`, so see above for API usage examples. #### `now` The `now` object has several methods which give information about the current time and date. ```javascript dateTime = now.plainDateTimeISO(); dateTime.toString(); // 2021-04-01T12:05:47.357 ``` ## Contributing This project is open source, MIT licensed and your contributions are very much welcomed. There is a [brief document that outlines implementation progress and priorities](./ # path-parse [![Build Status](]( > Node.js [`path.parse(pathString)`]( [ponyfill]( ## Install ``` $ npm install --save path-parse ``` ## Usage ```js var pathParse = require('path-parse'); pathParse('/home/user/dir/file.txt'); //=> { // root : "/", // dir : "/home/user/dir", // base : "file.txt", // ext : ".txt", // name : "file" // } ``` ## API See [`path.parse(pathString)`]( docs. ### pathParse(path) ### pathParse.posix(path) The Posix specific version. ### pathParse.win32(path) The Windows specific version. ## License MIT © [Javier Blanco]( # json-schema-traverse Traverse JSON Schema passing each schema object to callback [![build](]( [![npm](]( [![coverage](]( ## Install ``` npm install json-schema-traverse ``` ## Usage ```javascript const traverse = require('json-schema-traverse'); const schema = { properties: { foo: {type: 'string'}, bar: {type: 'integer'} } }; traverse(schema, {cb}); // cb is called 3 times with: // 1. root schema // 2. {type: 'string'} // 3. {type: 'integer'} // Or: traverse(schema, {cb: {pre, post}}); // pre is called 3 times with: // 1. root schema // 2. {type: 'string'} // 3. {type: 'integer'} // // post is called 3 times with: // 1. {type: 'string'} // 2. {type: 'integer'} // 3. root schema ``` Callback function `cb` is called for each schema object (not including draft-06 boolean schemas), including the root schema, in pre-order traversal. Schema references ($ref) are not resolved, they are passed as is. Alternatively, you can pass a `{pre, post}` object as `cb`, and then `pre` will be called before traversing child elements, and `post` will be called after all child elements have been traversed. Callback is passed these parameters: - _schema_: the current schema object - _JSON pointer_: from the root schema to the current schema object - _root schema_: the schema passed to `traverse` object - _parent JSON pointer_: from the root schema to the parent schema object (see below) - _parent keyword_: the keyword inside which this schema appears (e.g. `properties`, `anyOf`, etc.) - _parent schema_: not necessarily parent object/array; in the example above the parent schema for `{type: 'string'}` is the root schema - _index/property_: index or property name in the array/object containing multiple schemas; in the example above for `{type: 'string'}` the property name is `'foo'` ## Traverse objects in all unknown keywords ```javascript const traverse = require('json-schema-traverse'); const schema = { mySchema: { minimum: 1, maximum: 2 } }; traverse(schema, {allKeys: true, cb}); // cb is called 2 times with: // 1. root schema // 2. mySchema ``` Without option `allKeys: true` callback will be called only with root schema. ## Enterprise support json-schema-traverse package is a part of [Tidelift enterprise subscription]( - it provides a centralised commercial support to open-source software users, in addition to the support provided by software maintainers. ## Security contact To report a security vulnerability, please use the [Tidelift security contact]( Tidelift will coordinate the fix and disclosure. Please do NOT report security vulnerability via GitHub issues. ## License [MIT]( # is-extglob [![NPM version](]( [![NPM downloads](]( [![Build Status](]( > Returns true if a string has an extglob. ## Install Install with [npm]( ```sh $ npm install --save is-extglob ``` ## Usage ```js var isExtglob = require('is-extglob'); ``` **True** ```js isExtglob('?(abc)'); isExtglob('@(abc)'); isExtglob('!(abc)'); isExtglob('*(abc)'); isExtglob('+(abc)'); ``` **False** Escaped extglobs: ```js isExtglob('\\?(abc)'); isExtglob('\\@(abc)'); isExtglob('\\!(abc)'); isExtglob('\\*(abc)'); isExtglob('\\+(abc)'); ``` Everything else... ```js isExtglob('foo.js'); isExtglob('!foo.js'); isExtglob('*.js'); isExtglob('**/abc.js'); isExtglob('abc/*.js'); isExtglob('abc/(aaa|bbb).js'); isExtglob('abc/[a-z].js'); isExtglob('abc/{a,b}.js'); isExtglob('abc/?.js'); isExtglob('abc.js'); isExtglob('abc/def/ghi.js'); ``` ## History **v2.0** Adds support for escaping. Escaped exglobs no longer return true. ## About ### Related projects * [has-glob]( Returns `true` if an array has a glob pattern. | [homepage]( "Returns `true` if an array has a glob pattern.") * [is-glob]( Returns `true` if the given string looks like a glob pattern or an extglob pattern… [more]( | [homepage]( "Returns `true` if the given string looks like a glob pattern or an extglob pattern. This makes it easy to create code that only uses external modules like node-glob when necessary, resulting in much faster code execution and initialization time, and a bet") * [micromatch]( Glob matching for javascript/node.js. A drop-in replacement and faster alternative to minimatch and multimatch. | [homepage]( "Glob matching for javascript/node.js. A drop-in replacement and faster alternative to minimatch and multimatch.") ### Contributing Pull requests and stars are always welcome. For bugs and feature requests, [please create an issue](../../issues/new). ### Building docs _(This document was generated by [verb-generate-readme]( (a [verb]( generator), please don't edit the readme directly. Any changes to the readme must be made in []( To generate the readme and API documentation with [verb]( ```sh $ npm install -g verb verb-generate-readme && verb ``` ### Running tests Install dev dependencies: ```sh $ npm install -d && npm test ``` ### Author **Jon Schlinkert** * [github/jonschlinkert]( * [twitter/jonschlinkert]( ### License Copyright © 2016, [Jon Schlinkert]( Released under the [MIT license]( *** _This file was generated by [verb-generate-readme](, v0.1.31, on October 12, 2016._ # isobject [![NPM version](]( [![NPM downloads](]( [![Build Status](]( Returns true if the value is an object and not an array or null. ## Install Install with [npm]( ```sh $ npm install isobject --save ``` Use [is-plain-object]( if you want only objects that are created by the `Object` constructor. ## Install Install with [npm]( ```sh $ npm install isobject ``` Install with [bower]( ```sh $ bower install isobject ``` ## Usage ```js var isObject = require('isobject'); ``` **True** All of the following return `true`: ```js isObject({}); isObject(Object.create({})); isObject(Object.create(Object.prototype)); isObject(Object.create(null)); isObject({}); isObject(new Foo); isObject(/foo/); ``` **False** All of the following return `false`: ```js isObject(); isObject(function () {}); isObject(1); isObject([]); isObject(undefined); isObject(null); ``` ## Related projects You might also be interested in these projects: [merge-deep]( Recursively merge values in a javascript object. | [homepage]( * [extend-shallow]( Extend an object with the properties of additional objects. node.js/javascript util. | [homepage]( * [is-plain-object]( Returns true if an object was created by the `Object` constructor. | [homepage]( * [kind-of]( Get the native type of a value. | [homepage]( ## Contributing Pull requests and stars are always welcome. For bugs and feature requests, [please create an issue]( ## Building docs Generate readme and API documentation with [verb]( ```sh $ npm install verb && npm run docs ``` Or, if [verb]( is installed globally: ```sh $ verb ``` ## Running tests Install dev dependencies: ```sh $ npm install -d && npm test ``` ## Author **Jon Schlinkert** * [github/jonschlinkert]( * [twitter/jonschlinkert]( ## License Copyright © 2016, [Jon Schlinkert]( Released under the [MIT license]( *** _This file was generated by [verb](, v0.9.0, on April 25, 2016._ ### esutils [![Build Status](]( esutils ([esutils]( is utility box for ECMAScript language tools. ### API ### ast #### ast.isExpression(node) Returns true if `node` is an Expression as defined in ECMA262 edition 5.1 section [11]( #### ast.isStatement(node) Returns true if `node` is a Statement as defined in ECMA262 edition 5.1 section [12]( #### ast.isIterationStatement(node) Returns true if `node` is an IterationStatement as defined in ECMA262 edition 5.1 section [12.6]( #### ast.isSourceElement(node) Returns true if `node` is a SourceElement as defined in ECMA262 edition 5.1 section [14]( #### ast.trailingStatement(node) Returns `Statement?` if `node` has trailing `Statement`. ```js if (cond) consequent; ``` When taking this `IfStatement`, returns `consequent;` statement. #### ast.isProblematicIfStatement(node) Returns true if `node` is a problematic IfStatement. If `node` is a problematic `IfStatement`, `node` cannot be represented as an one on one JavaScript code. ```js { type: 'IfStatement', consequent: { type: 'WithStatement', body: { type: 'IfStatement', consequent: {type: 'EmptyStatement'} } }, alternate: {type: 'EmptyStatement'} } ``` The above node cannot be represented as a JavaScript code, since the top level `else` alternate belongs to an inner `IfStatement`. ### code #### code.isDecimalDigit(code) Return true if provided code is decimal digit. #### code.isHexDigit(code) Return true if provided code is hexadecimal digit. #### code.isOctalDigit(code) Return true if provided code is octal digit. #### code.isWhiteSpace(code) Return true if provided code is white space. White space characters are formally defined in ECMA262. #### code.isLineTerminator(code) Return true if provided code is line terminator. Line terminator characters are formally defined in ECMA262. #### code.isIdentifierStart(code) Return true if provided code can be the first character of ECMA262 Identifier. They are formally defined in ECMA262. #### code.isIdentifierPart(code) Return true if provided code can be the trailing character of ECMA262 Identifier. They are formally defined in ECMA262. ### keyword #### keyword.isKeywordES5(id, strict) Returns `true` if provided identifier string is a Keyword or Future Reserved Word in ECMA262 edition 5.1. They are formally defined in ECMA262 sections []( and [](, respectively. If the `strict` flag is truthy, this function additionally checks whether `id` is a Keyword or Future Reserved Word under strict mode. #### keyword.isKeywordES6(id, strict) Returns `true` if provided identifier string is a Keyword or Future Reserved Word in ECMA262 edition 6. They are formally defined in ECMA262 sections []( and [](, respectively. If the `strict` flag is truthy, this function additionally checks whether `id` is a Keyword or Future Reserved Word under strict mode. #### keyword.isReservedWordES5(id, strict) Returns `true` if provided identifier string is a Reserved Word in ECMA262 edition 5.1. They are formally defined in ECMA262 section [7.6.1]( If the `strict` flag is truthy, this function additionally checks whether `id` is a Reserved Word under strict mode. #### keyword.isReservedWordES6(id, strict) Returns `true` if provided identifier string is a Reserved Word in ECMA262 edition 6. They are formally defined in ECMA262 section [11.6.2]( If the `strict` flag is truthy, this function additionally checks whether `id` is a Reserved Word under strict mode. #### keyword.isRestrictedWord(id) Returns `true` if provided identifier string is one of `eval` or `arguments`. They are restricted in strict mode code throughout ECMA262 edition 5.1 and in ECMA262 edition 6 section [12.1.1]( #### keyword.isIdentifierNameES5(id) Return true if provided identifier string is an IdentifierName as specified in ECMA262 edition 5.1 section [7.6]( #### keyword.isIdentifierNameES6(id) Return true if provided identifier string is an IdentifierName as specified in ECMA262 edition 6 section [11.6]( #### keyword.isIdentifierES5(id, strict) Return true if provided identifier string is an Identifier as specified in ECMA262 edition 5.1 section [7.6]( If the `strict` flag is truthy, this function additionally checks whether `id` is an Identifier under strict mode. #### keyword.isIdentifierES6(id, strict) Return true if provided identifier string is an Identifier as specified in ECMA262 edition 6 section [12.1]( If the `strict` flag is truthy, this function additionally checks whether `id` is an Identifier under strict mode. ### License Copyright (C) 2013 [Yusuke Suzuki]( (twitter: [@Constellation]( and other contributors. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL <COPYRIGHT HOLDER> BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # ansi-colors [![Donate](]( [![NPM version](]( [![NPM monthly downloads](]( [![NPM total downloads](]( [![Linux Build Status](]( > Easily add ANSI colors to your text and symbols in the terminal. A faster drop-in replacement for chalk, kleur and turbocolor (without the dependencies and rendering bugs). Please consider following this project's author, [Brian Woodward](, and consider starring the project to show your :heart: and support. ## Install Install with [npm]( ```sh $ npm install --save ansi-colors ``` ![image]( ## Why use this? ansi-colors is _the fastest Node.js library for terminal styling_. A more performant drop-in replacement for chalk, with no dependencies. * _Blazing fast_ - Fastest terminal styling library in node.js, 10-20x faster than chalk! * _Drop-in replacement_ for [chalk]( * _No dependencies_ (Chalk has 7 dependencies in its tree!) * _Safe_ - Does not modify the `String.prototype` like [colors]( * Supports [nested colors](#nested-colors), **and does not have the [nested styling bug](#nested-styling-bug) that is present in [colorette](, [chalk](, and [kleur](**. * Supports [chained colors](#chained-colors). * [Toggle color support](#toggle-color-support) on or off. ## Usage ```js const c = require('ansi-colors'); console.log('This is a red string!')); console.log('This is a red string!')); console.log(c.cyan('This is a cyan string!')); console.log(c.yellow('This is a yellow string!')); ``` ![image]( ## Chained colors ```js console.log('this is a bold red message')); console.log(c.bold.yellow.italic('this is a bold yellow italicized message')); console.log('this is a bold green underlined message')); ``` ![image]( ## Nested colors ```js console.log(c.yellow(`foo ${'red')} bar ${c.cyan('cyan')} baz`)); ``` ![image]( ### Nested styling bug `ansi-colors` does not have the nested styling bug found in [colorette](, [chalk](, and [kleur]( ```js const { bold, red } = require('ansi-styles'); console.log(bold(`foo ${red.dim('bar')} baz`)); const colorette = require('colorette'); console.log(colorette.bold(`foo ${'bar'))} baz`)); const kleur = require('kleur'); console.log(kleur.bold(`foo ${'bar')} baz`)); const chalk = require('chalk'); console.log(chalk.bold(`foo ${'bar')} baz`)); ``` **Results in the following** (sans icons and labels) ![image]( ## Toggle color support Easily enable/disable colors. ```js const c = require('ansi-colors'); // disable colors manually c.enabled = false; // or use a library to automatically detect support c.enabled = require('color-support').hasBasic; console.log('I will only be colored red if the terminal supports colors')); ``` ## Strip ANSI codes Use the `.unstyle` method to strip ANSI codes from a string. ```js console.log(c.unstyle('foo bar baz'))); //=> 'foo bar baz' ``` ## Available styles **Note** that bright and bright-background colors are not always supported. | Colors | Background Colors | Bright Colors | Bright Background Colors | | ------- | ----------------- | ------------- | ------------------------ | | black | bgBlack | blackBright | bgBlackBright | | red | bgRed | redBright | bgRedBright | | green | bgGreen | greenBright | bgGreenBright | | yellow | bgYellow | yellowBright | bgYellowBright | | blue | bgBlue | blueBright | bgBlueBright | | magenta | bgMagenta | magentaBright | bgMagentaBright | | cyan | bgCyan | cyanBright | bgCyanBright | | white | bgWhite | whiteBright | bgWhiteBright | | gray | | | | | grey | | | | _(`gray` is the U.S. spelling, `grey` is more commonly used in the Canada and U.K.)_ ### Style modifiers * dim * **bold** * hidden * _italic_ * underline * inverse * ~~strikethrough~~ * reset ## Aliases Create custom aliases for styles. ```js const colors = require('ansi-colors'); colors.alias('primary', colors.yellow); colors.alias('secondary', colors.bold); console.log(colors.primary.secondary('Foo')); ``` ## Themes A theme is an object of custom aliases. ```js const colors = require('ansi-colors'); colors.theme({ danger:, dark: colors.dim.gray, disabled: colors.gray, em: colors.italic, heading: colors.bold.underline, info: colors.cyan, muted: colors.dim, primary:, strong: colors.bold, success:, underline: colors.underline, warning: colors.yellow }); // Now, we can use our custom styles alongside the built-in styles! console.log(colors.danger.strong.em('Error!')); console.log(colors.warning('Heads up!')); console.log('Did you know...')); console.log(colors.success.bold('It worked!')); ``` ## Performance **Libraries tested** * ansi-colors v3.0.4 * chalk v2.4.1 ### Mac > MacBook Pro, Intel Core i7, 2.3 GHz, 16 GB. **Load time** Time it takes to load the first time `require()` is called: * ansi-colors - `1.915ms` * chalk - `12.437ms` **Benchmarks** ``` # All Colors ansi-colors x 173,851 ops/sec ±0.42% (91 runs sampled) chalk x 9,944 ops/sec ±2.53% (81 runs sampled))) # Chained colors ansi-colors x 20,791 ops/sec ±0.60% (88 runs sampled) chalk x 2,111 ops/sec ±2.34% (83 runs sampled) # Nested colors ansi-colors x 59,304 ops/sec ±0.98% (92 runs sampled) chalk x 4,590 ops/sec ±2.08% (82 runs sampled) ``` ### Windows > Windows 10, Intel Core i7-7700k CPU @ 4.2 GHz, 32 GB **Load time** Time it takes to load the first time `require()` is called: * ansi-colors - `1.494ms` * chalk - `11.523ms` **Benchmarks** ``` # All Colors ansi-colors x 193,088 ops/sec ±0.51% (95 runs sampled)) chalk x 9,612 ops/sec ±3.31% (77 runs sampled))) # Chained colors ansi-colors x 26,093 ops/sec ±1.13% (94 runs sampled) chalk x 2,267 ops/sec ±2.88% (80 runs sampled)) # Nested colors ansi-colors x 67,747 ops/sec ±0.49% (93 runs sampled) chalk x 4,446 ops/sec ±3.01% (82 runs sampled)) ``` ## About <details> <summary><strong>Contributing</strong></summary> Pull requests and stars are always welcome. For bugs and feature requests, [please create an issue](../../issues/new). </details> <details> <summary><strong>Running Tests</strong></summary> Running and reviewing unit tests is a great way to get familiarized with a library and its API. You can install dependencies and run tests with the following command: ```sh $ npm install && npm test ``` </details> <details> <summary><strong>Building docs</strong></summary> _(This project's is generated by [verb](, please don't edit the readme directly. Any changes to the readme must be made in the []( readme template.)_ To generate the readme, run the following command: ```sh $ npm install -g verbose/verb#dev verb-generate-readme && verb ``` </details> ### Related projects You might also be interested in these projects: * [ansi-wrap]( Create ansi colors by passing the open and close codes. | [homepage]( "Create ansi colors by passing the open and close codes.") * [strip-color]( Strip ANSI color codes from a string. No dependencies. | [homepage]( "Strip ANSI color codes from a string. No dependencies.") ### Contributors | **Commits** | **Contributor** | | --- | --- | | 48 | [jonschlinkert]( | | 42 | [doowb]( | | 6 | [lukeed]( | | 2 | [Silic0nS0ldier]( | | 1 | [dwieeb]( | | 1 | [jorgebucaran]( | | 1 | [madhavarshney]( | | 1 | [chapterjason]( | ### Author **Brian Woodward** * [GitHub Profile]( * [Twitter Profile]( * [LinkedIn Profile]( ### License Copyright © 2019, [Brian Woodward]( Released under the [MIT License](LICENSE). *** _This file was generated by [verb-generate-readme](, v0.8.0, on July 01, 2019._
.github workflows node.js.yml .gitpod.yml as-pect.config.js babel.config.js contract Cargo.toml pool Cargo.toml src token Cargo.toml build.js src package.json src __mocks__ fileMock.js abi.js assets logo-black.svg logo-white.svg config.js jest.init.js pool.test.js test-environment.js test-utils.js token.test.js wallet login index.html
# Rainbow hackathon presention ## Name of Project Advanced Fungible token standard ![logo](./logo.png) ### Project description Advanced Fungible is a modern, secure and user-friendly token standard for NEAR protocol. It fixes some of the issues past token implementations, especially ERC-20 and NEP-21, have. It includes features like single-click trades, more useful metadata like icons and Rust compiler based security features. ### Project Team Mikko Ohtamaa - coding - Rachel Black - design and art advisor - ### 2 Minute Video [![](]( "Rainbow Hackathon presentation") # README **Advanced Fungible is a modern, secure and user-friendly token standard for NEAR protocol** ![badge]( ![logo](./logo.png) # Walkthrough ![1](./presentation/1.png) ![2](./presentation/2.png) ![3](./presentation/3.png) ![4](./presentation/4.png) ![5](./presentation/5.png) ![6](./presentation/6.png) # Benefits * Slick user and developer experience with single transaction `send()` vs. `approve()` and `transferFrom()` * Security primitives to safely interact with tokens on the NEAR sharded blockchain and promises * A lot of code examples ## How does it work There are two main functions - `Token.send()` for sending tokens to users and smart contracts - `Receiver.on_received()` for receiving tokens on smart contracts and taking any action on an incoming transfer Each cross-shard transaction in NEAR is a promise. When multiple smart contracts interact with each other, promises are chained. The ledger locks up any tokens that are "in transit" so that they cannot be double spent, or subject to anything equal to Ethereum re-entrancy attack. In the case the promise chain fails, any locked up transactions are rolled back and balances restored to the point before the promise chain was started. # Technology * Smart contracts written in Rust * Automated test suite using JavaScript, jest, near-js-api * Continuous integration on [Github workflows]( and NEAR testnet ## Development Below is how to build and run tests. ```sh # Install rust brew install rustup rustup update # Build and execute contract unit tests cd contracts cargo build cargo test # Build and execute contract acceptance tests cd .. yarn install yarn jest ``` ### Running a single test Example ```sh npx jest src/token.test.js ``` ## Visual Studio Code Install Rust extension. Choose *Start Rust Server* from the command palette. ## Test cases JavaScript test cases are written with Jest and a custom runner that uses chain. # Challenges NEAR protocol is advertised developer-friendly, but currently the state of the matter is that this statement is mostly inspirational. A lot of toolchain design mistakes, brokeness and lack of documentation held back the development. - The lack of notion that two contracts may be actually needed and they may interact through all the toolchain. Maybe this was simplification or oversight in the original design decisions, but means anything NEAR is not useful for any serious smart contract development. - These is zero information how to set up repeatable local net for integration testing - `create-near-app` is hardcoded for a single contract, both JavaScript codebase and Rust codebase. - Rust unit tests cannot test contract interactions. - Contracts are defined in Rust as libraries instead of binaries what they are, making dealing with multiple contracts even more difficult and semantically incorrect. - A broken simulation tests suite exists, but is undocumented, way too difficult to use and does not support contract interactions. - There is no concept of ABI files, all contract interfaces must be re-described in JavaScript by hand. - near-js-api does not document how to interact with contracts - near-js-api test helpers are not reusable, a copy-paste test utility suite had to be created. - Manually specifying gas amounts in contract calls is cumbersome - Documentation ( and code examples (near-js-api) are not cross referenced, making it very hard to navigate and figure out up-to-date documentation. - Need an explorer for CI transactions - Promise parameter serialisation to JSON is painful - amounts # Further reading Some other code examples:
Paspasuy_near-life contract Cargo.toml src frontend App.js assets css global.css img logo-black.svg logo-white.svg js near config.js utils.js index.html index.js
near-game-of-life ================== This [React] app was initialized with [create-near-app] Quick Start =========== To run this project locally: 1. Prerequisites: Make sure you've installed [Node.js] ≥ 12 2. Install dependencies: `yarn install` 3. Run the local development server: `yarn dev` (see `package.json` for a full list of `scripts` you can run with `yarn`) Now you'll have a local development environment backed by the NEAR TestNet! Go ahead and play with the app and the code. As you make code changes, the app will automatically reload. Exploring The Code ================== 1. The "backend" code lives in the `/contract` folder. See the README there for more info. 2. The frontend code lives in the `/frontend` folder. `/frontend/index.html` is a great place to start exploring. Note that it loads in `/frontend/assets/js/index.js`, where you can learn how the frontend connects to the NEAR blockchain. 3. Tests: there are different kinds of tests for the frontend and the smart contract. See `contract/README` for info about how it's tested. The frontend code gets tested with [jest]. You can run both of these at once with `yarn run test`. Deploy ====== Every smart contract in NEAR has its [own associated account][NEAR accounts]. When you run `yarn dev`, your smart contract gets deployed to the live NEAR TestNet with a throwaway account. When you're ready to make it permanent, here's how. Step 0: Install near-cli (optional) ------------------------------------- [near-cli] is a command line interface (CLI) for interacting with the NEAR blockchain. It was installed to the local `node_modules` folder when you ran `yarn install`, but for best ergonomics you may want to install it globally: yarn install --global near-cli Or, if you'd rather use the locally-installed version, you can prefix all `near` commands with `npx` Ensure that it's installed with `near --version` (or `npx near --version`) Step 1: Create an account for the contract ------------------------------------------ Each account on NEAR can have at most one contract deployed to it. If you've already created an account such as `your-name.testnet`, you can deploy your contract to `near-blank-project.your-name.testnet`. Assuming you've already created an account on [NEAR Wallet], here's how to create `near-blank-project.your-name.testnet`: 1. Authorize NEAR CLI, following the commands it gives you: near login 2. Create a subaccount (replace `YOUR-NAME` below with your actual account name): near create-account near-blank-project.YOUR-NAME.testnet --masterAccount YOUR-NAME.testnet Step 2: set contract name in code --------------------------------- Modify the line in `src/config.js` that sets the account name of the contract. Set it to the account id you used above. const CONTRACT_NAME = process.env.CONTRACT_NAME || 'near-blank-project.YOUR-NAME.testnet' Step 3: deploy! --------------- One command: yarn deploy As you can see in `package.json`, this does two things: 1. builds & deploys smart contract to NEAR TestNet 2. builds & deploys frontend code to GitHub using [gh-pages]. This will only work if the project already has a repository set up on GitHub. Feel free to modify the `deploy` script in `package.json` to deploy elsewhere. Troubleshooting =============== On Windows, if you're seeing an error containing `EPERM` it may be related to spaces in your path. Please see [this issue]( for more details. [React]: [create-near-app]: [Node.js]: [jest]: [NEAR accounts]: [NEAR Wallet]: [near-cli]: [gh-pages]: Smart Contract ================== A [smart contract] written in [Rust] for an near-game-of-life initialized with [create-near-app] Quick Start =========== Before you compile this code, you will need to install Rust with [correct target] Exploring The Code ================== 1. The main smart contract code lives in `src/`. 2. Tests: You can run smart contract tests with the `./test` script. This runs standard Rust tests using [cargo] with a `--nocapture` flag so that you can see any debug info you print to the console. [smart contract]: [Rust]: [create-near-app]: [correct target]: [cargo]:
.github workflows test.yml test_examples.yml test_examples_small.yml Cargo.toml contract-builder examples adder .cargo config.toml Cargo.toml res adder_abi.json src callback-results .cargo config.toml Cargo.toml src cross-contract-calls .cargo config.toml Cargo.toml high-level Cargo.toml src low-level Cargo.toml src tests factory-contract .cargo config.toml Cargo.toml high-level Cargo.toml src low-level Cargo.toml src tests fungible-token .cargo config.toml Cargo.toml ft Cargo.toml src test-contract-defi Cargo.toml src tests lockable-fungible-token .cargo config.toml Cargo.toml src tests mission-control .cargo config.toml Cargo.toml src non-fungible-token .cargo config.toml Cargo.toml nft Cargo.toml src test-approval-receiver Cargo.toml src test-token-receiver Cargo.toml src tests workspaces status-message-collections .cargo config.toml Cargo.toml src status-message .cargo config.toml Cargo.toml src test-contract .cargo config.toml Cargo.toml src versioned .cargo config.toml Cargo.toml src minifier near-contract-standards Cargo.toml src fungible_token non_fungible_token approval burning core enumeration storage_management upgrade near-sdk-macros Cargo.toml src core_impl abi code_generator info_extractor metadata utils near-sdk Cargo.toml compilation_tests src collections unordered_map environment mock json_types private store free_list lazy lazy_option lookup_map lookup_set tree_map unordered_map unordered_set vec test_utils types utils tests ecrecover-tests.json rustfmt.toml sys Cargo.toml src
<div align="center"> <h1><code>near-sdk</code></h1> <p> <strong>Rust library for writing NEAR smart contracts.</strong> </p> <p> Previously known as <code>near-bindgen</code>. </p> <p> <a href=""><img src="" alt=" version" /></a> <a href=""><img src="" alt="Download" /></a> <a href=""><img src="" alt="Reference Documentation" /></a> <a href=""><img src="" alt="Join the community on Discord" /></a> <a href=""><img src="" alt="Buildkite Build" /></a> </p> <h3> <a href="">Features</a> <span> | </span> <a href="">Pre-requisites</a> <span> | </span> <a href="">Writing Rust Contract</a> <span> | </span> <a href="">Building Rust Contract</a> <span> | </span> <a href="">Reference Documentation</a> <span> | </span> <a href="">Contributing</a> </h3> </div> ## Release notes **Release notes and unreleased changes can be found in the [CHANGELOG](** ## Example Wrap a struct in `#[near_bindgen]` and it generates a smart contract compatible with the NEAR blockchain: ```rust use near_sdk::{near_bindgen, env}; #[near_bindgen] #[derive(Default, BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize)] pub struct StatusMessage { records: HashMap<AccountId, String>, } #[near_bindgen] impl StatusMessage { pub fn set_status(&mut self, message: String) { let account_id = env::signer_account_id(); self.records.insert(account_id, message); } pub fn get_status(&self, account_id: AccountId) -> Option<String> { self.records.get(&account_id).cloned() } } ``` ## Features * **Unit-testable.** Writing unit tests is easy with `near-sdk`: ```rust #[test] fn set_get_message() { let context = get_context(vec![]); testing_env!(context); let mut contract = StatusMessage::default(); contract.set_status("hello".to_string()); assert_eq!("hello".to_string(), contract.get_status("bob_near".to_string()).unwrap()); } ``` Run unit test the usual way: ```bash cargo test --package status-message ``` * **Asynchronous cross-contract calls.** Asynchronous cross-contract calls allow parallel execution of multiple contracts in parallel with subsequent aggregation on another contract. `env` exposes the following methods: * `promise_create` -- schedules an execution of a function on some contract; * `promise_then` -- attaches the callback back to the current contract once the function is executed; * `promise_and` -- combinator, allows waiting on several promises simultaneously, before executing the callback; * `promise_return` -- treats the result of execution of the promise as the result of the current function. Follow [examples/cross-contract-high-level]( to see various usages of cross contract calls, including **system-level actions** done from inside the contract like balance transfer (examples of other system-level actions are: account creation, access key creation/deletion, contract deployment, etc). * **Initialization methods.** We can define an initialization method that can be used to initialize the state of the contract. `#[init]` verifies that the contract has not been initialized yet (the contract state doesn't exist) and will panic otherwise. ```rust #[near_bindgen] impl StatusMessage { #[init] pub fn new(user: String, status: String) -> Self { let mut res = Self::default(); res.records.insert(user, status); res } } ``` Even if you have initialization method your smart contract is still expected to derive `Default` trait. If you don't want to disable default initialization, then you can prohibit it like this: ```rust impl Default for StatusMessage { fn default() -> Self { near_sdk::env::panic_str("Contract should be initialized before the usage.") } } ``` You can also prohibit `Default` trait initialization by using `near_sdk::PanicOnDefault` helper macro. E.g.: ```rust #[near_bindgen] #[derive(BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize, PanicOnDefault)] pub struct StatusMessage { records: HashMap<String, String>, } ``` * **Payable methods.** We can allow methods to accept token transfer together with the function call. This is done so that contracts can define a fee in tokens that needs to be payed when they are used. By the default the methods are not payable and they will panic if someone will attempt to transfer tokens to them during the invocation. This is done for safety reason, in case someone accidentally transfers tokens during the function call. To declare a payable method simply use `#[payable]` decorator: ```rust #[payable] pub fn my_method(&mut self) { ... } ``` * **Private methods** Usually, when a contract has to have a callback for a remote cross-contract call, this callback method should only be called by the contract itself. It's to avoid someone else calling it and messing the state. Pretty common pattern is to have an assert that validates that the direct caller (predecessor account ID) matches to the contract's account (current account ID). Macro `#[private]` simplifies it, by making it a single line macro instead and improves readability. To declare a private method use `#[private]` decorator: ```rust #[private] pub fn my_method(&mut self) { ... } /// Which is equivalent to pub fn my_method(&mut self ) { if near_sdk::env::current_account_id() != near_sdk::env::predecessor_account_id() { near_sdk::env::panic_str("Method my_method is private"); } ... } ``` Now, only the account of the contract itself can call this method, either directly or through a promise. ## Pre-requisites To develop Rust contracts you would need to: * Install [Rustup]( ```bash curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh ``` * Add wasm target to your toolchain: ```bash rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown ``` ## Writing Rust Contract You can follow the [examples/status-message](examples/status-message) crate that shows a simple Rust contract. The general workflow is the following: 1. Create a crate and configure the `Cargo.toml` similarly to how it is configured in [examples/status-message/Cargo.toml](examples/status-message/Cargo.toml); 2. Crate needs to have one `pub` struct that will represent the smart contract itself: * The struct needs to implement `Default` trait which NEAR will use to create the initial state of the contract upon its first usage; * The struct also needs to implement `BorshSerialize` and `BorshDeserialize` traits which NEAR will use to save/load contract's internal state; Here is an example of a smart contract struct: ```rust use near_sdk::{near_bindgen, env}; #[near_bindgen] #[derive(Default, BorshSerialize, BorshDeserialize)] pub struct MyContract { data: HashMap<u64, u64> } ``` 3. Define methods that NEAR will expose as smart contract methods: * You are free to define any methods for the struct but only public methods will be exposed as smart contract methods; * Methods need to use either `&self`, `&mut self`, or `self`; * Decorate the `impl` section with `#[near_bindgen]` macro. That is where all the M.A.G.I.C. (Macros-Auto-Generated Injected Code) happens; * If you need to use blockchain interface, e.g. to get the current account id then you can access it with `env::*`; Here is an example of smart contract methods: ```rust #[near_bindgen] impl MyContract { pub fn insert_data(&mut self, key: u64, value: u64) -> Option<u64> { } pub fn get_data(&self, key: u64) -> Option<u64> { } } ``` ## Building Rust Contract We can build the contract using rustc: ```bash RUSTFLAGS='-C link-arg=-s' cargo build --target wasm32-unknown-unknown --release ``` ## Building with reproducible builds Since WebAssembly compiler includes a bunch of debug information into the binary, the resulting binary might be different on different machines. To be able to compile the binary in a reproducible way, we added a Dockerfile that allows to compile the binary. **Use [contract-builder](** ## Contributing If you are interested in contributing, please look at the [contributing guidelines]( # Status Message Records the status messages of the accounts that call this contract. ## Testing To test run: ```bash cargo test --package status-message -- --nocapture ``` # Test contract Verifies variable logic in `near_sdk ## Testing To test run: ```bash cargo test -- --nocapture ``` # ABI Showcases how to generate ABI from a NEAR contract. ## Install ABI Cargo Extension The Near ABI cargo extension can be installed from source [here]( ## Generating ABI To generate the ABI file run: ```bash cargo near abi ``` This will generate a file located at `target/near/abi.json`. # Mission Control Implements simulation of a distributed network of drones interacting with the mission control system. ## Testing To test run: ```bash cargo test --package mission-control -- --nocapture ``` # Factory contract TBD This directory contains tools for the contract size minification. Requirements: * cargo install wasm-snip wasm-gc * apt install binaryen wabt *WARNING*: minification could be rather aggressive, so you *must* test the contract after minificaion. Standalone NEAR runtime ( could be helpful here. Current approach to minification is the following: * snip (i.e. just replace with `unreachable` instruction) few known fat functions from the standard library (such as float formatting and panic related) * run wasm-gc to eliminate all functions reachable from the snipped functions * strip unneeded sections, such as `names` * run Binaryen wasm-opt, which cleans up the rest <div align="center"> <h1><code>near-sdk</code></h1> <p> <strong>Rust library for writing NEAR smart contracts.</strong> </p> <p> Previously known as <code>near-bindgen</code>. </p> <p> <a href=""><img src="" alt=" version" /></a> <a href=""><img src="" alt="Download" /></a> <a href=""><img src="" alt="Reference Documentation" /></a> <a href=""><img src="" alt="Join the community on Discord" /></a> <a href=""><img src="" alt="Buildkite Build" /></a> </p> <h3> <a href="">Features</a> <span> | </span> <a href="">Pre-requisites</a> <span> | </span> <a href="">Writing Rust Contract</a> <span> | </span> <a href="">Building Rust Contract</a> <span> | </span> <a href="">Reference Documentation</a> <span> | </span> <a href="">Contributing</a> </h3> </div> ## Release notes **Release notes and unreleased changes can be found in the [CHANGELOG](** ## Example Wrap a struct in `#[near_bindgen]` and it generates a smart contract compatible with the NEAR blockchain: ```rust use near_sdk::{near_bindgen, env}; #[near_bindgen] #[derive(Default, BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize)] pub struct StatusMessage { records: HashMap<AccountId, String>, } #[near_bindgen] impl StatusMessage { pub fn set_status(&mut self, message: String) { let account_id = env::signer_account_id(); self.records.insert(account_id, message); } pub fn get_status(&self, account_id: AccountId) -> Option<String> { self.records.get(&account_id).cloned() } } ``` ## Features * **Unit-testable.** Writing unit tests is easy with `near-sdk`: ```rust #[test] fn set_get_message() { let context = get_context(vec![]); testing_env!(context); let mut contract = StatusMessage::default(); contract.set_status("hello".to_string()); assert_eq!("hello".to_string(), contract.get_status("bob_near".to_string()).unwrap()); } ``` Run unit test the usual way: ```bash cargo test --package status-message ``` * **Asynchronous cross-contract calls.** Asynchronous cross-contract calls allow parallel execution of multiple contracts in parallel with subsequent aggregation on another contract. `env` exposes the following methods: * `promise_create` -- schedules an execution of a function on some contract; * `promise_then` -- attaches the callback back to the current contract once the function is executed; * `promise_and` -- combinator, allows waiting on several promises simultaneously, before executing the callback; * `promise_return` -- treats the result of execution of the promise as the result of the current function. Follow [examples/cross-contract-high-level]( to see various usages of cross contract calls, including **system-level actions** done from inside the contract like balance transfer (examples of other system-level actions are: account creation, access key creation/deletion, contract deployment, etc). * **Initialization methods.** We can define an initialization method that can be used to initialize the state of the contract. `#[init]` verifies that the contract has not been initialized yet (the contract state doesn't exist) and will panic otherwise. ```rust #[near_bindgen] impl StatusMessage { #[init] pub fn new(user: String, status: String) -> Self { let mut res = Self::default(); res.records.insert(user, status); res } } ``` Even if you have initialization method your smart contract is still expected to derive `Default` trait. If you don't want to disable default initialization, then you can prohibit it like this: ```rust impl Default for StatusMessage { fn default() -> Self { near_sdk::env::panic_str("Contract should be initialized before the usage.") } } ``` You can also prohibit `Default` trait initialization by using `near_sdk::PanicOnDefault` helper macro. E.g.: ```rust #[near_bindgen] #[derive(BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize, PanicOnDefault)] pub struct StatusMessage { records: HashMap<String, String>, } ``` * **Payable methods.** We can allow methods to accept token transfer together with the function call. This is done so that contracts can define a fee in tokens that needs to be payed when they are used. By the default the methods are not payable and they will panic if someone will attempt to transfer tokens to them during the invocation. This is done for safety reason, in case someone accidentally transfers tokens during the function call. To declare a payable method simply use `#[payable]` decorator: ```rust #[payable] pub fn my_method(&mut self) { ... } ``` * **Private methods** Usually, when a contract has to have a callback for a remote cross-contract call, this callback method should only be called by the contract itself. It's to avoid someone else calling it and messing the state. Pretty common pattern is to have an assert that validates that the direct caller (predecessor account ID) matches to the contract's account (current account ID). Macro `#[private]` simplifies it, by making it a single line macro instead and improves readability. To declare a private method use `#[private]` decorator: ```rust #[private] pub fn my_method(&mut self) { ... } /// Which is equivalent to pub fn my_method(&mut self ) { if near_sdk::env::current_account_id() != near_sdk::env::predecessor_account_id() { near_sdk::env::panic_str("Method my_method is private"); } ... } ``` Now, only the account of the contract itself can call this method, either directly or through a promise. ## Pre-requisites To develop Rust contracts you would need to: * Install [Rustup]( ```bash curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh ``` * Add wasm target to your toolchain: ```bash rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown ``` ## Writing Rust Contract You can follow the [examples/status-message](examples/status-message) crate that shows a simple Rust contract. The general workflow is the following: 1. Create a crate and configure the `Cargo.toml` similarly to how it is configured in [examples/status-message/Cargo.toml](examples/status-message/Cargo.toml); 2. Crate needs to have one `pub` struct that will represent the smart contract itself: * The struct needs to implement `Default` trait which NEAR will use to create the initial state of the contract upon its first usage; * The struct also needs to implement `BorshSerialize` and `BorshDeserialize` traits which NEAR will use to save/load contract's internal state; Here is an example of a smart contract struct: ```rust use near_sdk::{near_bindgen, env}; #[near_bindgen] #[derive(Default, BorshSerialize, BorshDeserialize)] pub struct MyContract { data: HashMap<u64, u64> } ``` 3. Define methods that NEAR will expose as smart contract methods: * You are free to define any methods for the struct but only public methods will be exposed as smart contract methods; * Methods need to use either `&self`, `&mut self`, or `self`; * Decorate the `impl` section with `#[near_bindgen]` macro. That is where all the M.A.G.I.C. (Macros-Auto-Generated Injected Code) happens; * If you need to use blockchain interface, e.g. to get the current account id then you can access it with `env::*`; Here is an example of smart contract methods: ```rust #[near_bindgen] impl MyContract { pub fn insert_data(&mut self, key: u64, value: u64) -> Option<u64> { } pub fn get_data(&self, key: u64) -> Option<u64> { } } ``` ## Building Rust Contract We can build the contract using rustc: ```bash RUSTFLAGS='-C link-arg=-s' cargo build --target wasm32-unknown-unknown --release ``` ## Building with reproducible builds Since WebAssembly compiler includes a bunch of debug information into the binary, the resulting binary might be different on different machines. To be able to compile the binary in a reproducible way, we added a Dockerfile that allows to compile the binary. **Use [contract-builder](** ## Contributing If you are interested in contributing, please look at the [contributing guidelines]( Fungible Token (FT) =================== Example implementation of a [Fungible Token] contract which uses [near-contract-standards]. [Fungible Token]: [near-contract-standards]: NOTES: - The maximum balance value is limited by U128 (2**128 - 1). - JSON calls should pass U128 as a base-10 string. E.g. "100". - This does not include escrow functionality, as `ft_transfer_call` provides a superior approach. An escrow system can, of course, be added as a separate contract. ## Building To build run: ```bash ./ ``` ## Testing To test run: ```bash cargo test --package fungible-token -- --nocapture ``` ## Changelog ### `1.0.0` - Switched form using [NEP-21]( to [NEP-141]( ### `0.3.0` #### Breaking storage change - Switching `UnorderedMap` to `LookupMap`. It makes it cheaper and faster due to decreased storage access. # Versioned Contract example Shows basic example of how you can setup your contract to be versioned using state as an enum. This can be a useful setup if you expect your contract to be upgradable and do not want to write migration functions or manually attempt to deserialize old state formats (which can be error prone). # Lockable Fungible token Lockable Fungible token but designed for composability in the async runtime like NEAR. It's an extension of a Fungible Token Standard (NEP#21) with locks. Locks allow composability of the contracts, but require careful GAS management, because the token contract itself doesn't guarantee the automatic unlocking call. That's why it shouldn't be used in production until Safes are implemented from (NEP#26). ## Testing To test run: ```bash cargo test --package lockable-fungible-token -- --nocapture ``` # Contract Builder This is a helper Dockerfile that allows to build contracts in a reproducible way. The contract built in the Docker will result in a binary that is the same if built on other machines. For this you need to setup Docker first. ## Build container ```bash ./ ``` ## Start docker instance By default, the following command will launch a docker instance and will mount this `near-sdk-rs` under `/host`. ```bash ./ ``` If you need to compile some other contracts, you can first export the path to the contracts, e.g. ```bash export HOST_DIR=/root/contracts/ ``` ## Build contracts in docker Enter mounted path first: ```bash cd /host ``` For example, to build contracts in `near-sdk-rs` do the following: ```bash cd examples ./ ``` # NEAR library for Rust contract standards This cargo provides a set of interfaces and implementations for NEAR's contract standards: - Upgradability - Fungible Token (NEP-141). See [example usage](../examples/fungible-token) ## Changelog ### `3.1.1` - Fixed FT macro compilation for Rust `1.51.0` # Status Message Records the status messages of the accounts that call this contract. ## Testing To test run: ```bash cargo test --package status-message -- --nocapture ``` # Cross contract Example of using cross-contract functions with promises. TBD Non-fungible Token (NFT) =================== Example implementation of a [non-fungible token] contract which uses [near-contract-standards]. [non-fungible token]: [near-contract-standards]: NOTES: - The maximum balance value is limited by U128 (2**128 - 1). - JSON calls should pass [U128]( or [U64]( as a base-10 string. E.g. "100". - The core NFT standard does not include escrow/approval functionality, as `nft_transfer_call` provides a superior approach. Please see the approval management standard if this is the desired approach. ## Building To build run: ```bash ./ ``` ## Testing To test run: ```bash cargo test --workspace --package non-fungible-token -- --nocapture ```
masafumimori_dApps_samples astar-dapp-sample .eslintrc.js index.html package.json smart_contract .solcover.js buidler.config.ts coverage.json hardhat.config.ts helper-hardhat-config.ts helpers buidler-constants.ts configuration.ts constants.ts contracts-deployments.ts contracts-getters.ts contracts-helpers.ts defender-utils.ts etherscan-verification.ts init-helpers.ts misc-utils.ts mock-helpers.ts oracles-helpers.ts tenderly-utils.ts types.ts markets starlay commons.ts index.ts rateStrategies.ts reservesConfigs.ts modules tenderly tenderly.d.ts package-lock.json package.json tasks deployments add-market-to-registry.ts deploy-StakeUIHelper.ts deploy-UiIncentiveDataProviderV2.ts deploy-UiPoolDataProviderV2.ts dev 1_mock_tokens.ts 2_address_provider_registry.ts 3_lending_pool.ts 4_oracles.ts 5_initialize.ts 6_wallet_balance_provider.ts full 0_address_provider_registry.ts 1_address_provider.ts 2_lending_pool.ts 3_oracles.ts 4_data-provider.ts 5-deploy-wethGateWay.ts 6-initialize.ts helpers 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pausable-functions.spec.ts priceAggregator.DIA.spec.ts rate-strategy.spec.ts scenario.spec.ts stable-rate-economy.spec.ts stable-token.spec.ts stake-ui-helper.spec.ts subgraph-scenarios.spec.ts upgradeability.spec.ts variable-debt-token.spec.ts weth-gateway.spec.ts test-wallets.js tsconfig.json tslint.json src connectors index.ts metaMask.ts constants chains.ts favicon.svg hooks useWallet.ts types metamask events.d.ts index.d.ts request.d.ts wallets address.ts chains.ts index.ts utils metamask.ts vite-env.d.ts tsconfig.json tsconfig.node.json vite.config.ts astar-dapp client index.html package.json src components Wallet connectors.ts metamask.ts types.ts useWallet.ts walletProvider.ts favicon.svg types metamask events.d.ts index.d.ts request.d.ts vite-env.d.ts tsconfig.json tsconfig.node.json vite.config.ts smart_contract hardhat.config.js package-lock.json package.json scripts deploy.js test sample-test.js dapps-chat package-lock.json package.json public global.css index.html rollup.config.js scripts setupTypeScript.js src main.js user.js defi-staking-dapp config-overrides.js migrations 1_initial_migration.js 2_deploy_contracts.js package.json public index.html manifest.json robots.txt scripts issue-tokens.js src App.css helpers contracts.ts ethers.ts index.css logo.svg react-app-env.d.ts reportWebVitals.ts setupTests.ts truffle_abis DecentralBank.json Migrations.json Reward.json Tether.json test decentralbank.test.js truffle-config.js tsconfig.json types AccountType.ts ContractType.ts dex_sample client assets abi.js app.js component.js style.css index.html migrations 1_initial_migration.js 2_initial_migration.js package.json test erc20.test.js truffle-config.js faucet migrations 1_initial_migration.js 2_faucet_migration.js 3_storage_migration.js package.json public index.html manifest.json robots.txt src App.js App.test.js index.js logo.svg reportWebVitals.js setupTests.js truffle-config.js moralis-dapp index.html package.json src components Navbar index.ts utils constants.ts filterTransactionHistory.ts shortenAddress.ts types.ts favicon.svg react-app-env.d.ts vite-env.d.ts tsconfig.json tsconfig.node.json vite.config.ts mover artifacts @openzeppelin contracts-upgradeable access AccessControlUpgradeable.sol AccessControlUpgradeable.dbg.json AccessControlUpgradeable.json IAccessControlUpgradeable.sol IAccessControlUpgradeable.dbg.json IAccessControlUpgradeable.json OwnableUpgradeable.sol OwnableUpgradeable.dbg.json OwnableUpgradeable.json proxy utils Initializable.sol Initializable.dbg.json Initializable.json security PausableUpgradeable.sol PausableUpgradeable.dbg.json PausableUpgradeable.json ReentrancyGuardUpgradeable.sol ReentrancyGuardUpgradeable.dbg.json ReentrancyGuardUpgradeable.json token ERC20 IERC20Upgradeable.sol IERC20Upgradeable.dbg.json IERC20Upgradeable.json utils SafeERC20Upgradeable.sol SafeERC20Upgradeable.dbg.json SafeERC20Upgradeable.json ERC721 IERC721ReceiverUpgradeable.sol IERC721ReceiverUpgradeable.dbg.json IERC721ReceiverUpgradeable.json utils AddressUpgradeable.sol AddressUpgradeable.dbg.json AddressUpgradeable.json ContextUpgradeable.sol ContextUpgradeable.dbg.json ContextUpgradeable.json CountersUpgradeable.sol CountersUpgradeable.dbg.json CountersUpgradeable.json StringsUpgradeable.sol StringsUpgradeable.dbg.json StringsUpgradeable.json introspection ERC165Upgradeable.sol ERC165Upgradeable.dbg.json ERC165Upgradeable.json IERC165Upgradeable.sol IERC165Upgradeable.dbg.json IERC165Upgradeable.json math SafeMathUpgradeable.sol SafeMathUpgradeable.dbg.json SafeMathUpgradeable.json contracts access AccessControl.sol AccessControl.dbg.json AccessControl.json IAccessControl.sol IAccessControl.dbg.json IAccessControl.json token ERC20 ERC20.sol ERC20.dbg.json ERC20.json IERC20.sol IERC20.dbg.json IERC20.json extensions ERC20Burnable.sol ERC20Burnable.dbg.json ERC20Burnable.json ERC20Snapshot.sol ERC20Snapshot.dbg.json ERC20Snapshot.json IERC20Metadata.sol IERC20Metadata.dbg.json IERC20Metadata.json utils Arrays.sol Arrays.dbg.json Arrays.json Context.sol Context.dbg.json Context.json Counters.sol Counters.dbg.json Counters.json Strings.sol Strings.dbg.json Strings.json introspection ERC165.sol ERC165.dbg.json ERC165.json IERC165.sol IERC165.dbg.json IERC165.json math Math.sol Math.dbg.json Math.json contracts Agreement.sol AgreementContract.dbg.json AgreementContract.json PoM.sol PoM.dbg.json PoM.json Token.sol Token.dbg.json Token.json Vesting.sol Vesting.dbg.json Vesting.json libs ERC4973Upgradeable.sol ERC4973Upgradeable.dbg.json ERC4973Upgradeable.json IERC4973Upgradeable.sol IERC4973Upgradeable.dbg.json IERC4973Upgradeable.json IERC721MetadataUpgradeable.sol IERC721MetadataUpgradeable.dbg.json IERC721MetadataUpgradeable.json SharedStructs.sol SharedStructs.dbg.json SharedStructs.json mocks FakeUSDC.sol FakeUSDC.dbg.json FakeUSDC.json hardhat console.sol console.dbg.json console.json index.html package.json src components sample.txt favicon.svg index.css logo.svg utils constants.ts vite-env.d.ts tsconfig.json tsconfig.node.json typechain AccessControl.d.ts AccessControlUpgradeable.d.ts AgreementContract.d.ts ERC165.d.ts ERC165Upgradeable.d.ts ERC20.d.ts ERC20Burnable.d.ts ERC20Snapshot.d.ts ERC4973Upgradeable.d.ts FakeUSDC.d.ts IAccessControl.d.ts IAccessControlUpgradeable.d.ts IERC165.d.ts IERC165Upgradeable.d.ts IERC20.d.ts IERC20Metadata.d.ts IERC20Upgradeable.d.ts IERC4973Upgradeable.d.ts IERC721MetadataUpgradeable.d.ts IERC721ReceiverUpgradeable.d.ts OwnableUpgradeable.d.ts PausableUpgradeable.d.ts PoM.d.ts Token.d.ts Vesting.d.ts common.d.ts factories AccessControlUpgradeable__factory.ts AccessControl__factory.ts AgreementContract__factory.ts ERC165Upgradeable__factory.ts ERC165__factory.ts ERC20Burnable__factory.ts ERC20Snapshot__factory.ts ERC20__factory.ts ERC4973Upgradeable__factory.ts FakeUSDC__factory.ts IAccessControlUpgradeable__factory.ts IAccessControl__factory.ts IERC165Upgradeable__factory.ts IERC165__factory.ts IERC20Metadata__factory.ts IERC20Upgradeable__factory.ts IERC20__factory.ts IERC4973Upgradeable__factory.ts IERC721MetadataUpgradeable__factory.ts IERC721ReceiverUpgradeable__factory.ts OwnableUpgradeable__factory.ts PausableUpgradeable__factory.ts PoM__factory.ts Token__factory.ts Vesting__factory.ts hardhat.d.ts index.ts vite.config.ts multisig .eslintrc.js .solhint.json client index.html package.json src App.css favicon.svg index.css logo.svg vite-env.d.ts tsconfig.json tsconfig.node.json vite.config.ts hardhat.config.ts package.json scripts deploy.ts test index.ts tsconfig.json near-wasm contract as-pect.config.js asconfig.json assembly index.ts tsconfig.json neardev dev-account.env package.json tests index.js frontend index.html package.json src components Near config.ts contract.ts type.ts favicon.svg index.css logo.svg vite-env.d.ts tsconfig.json tsconfig.node.json vite.config.ts nft-dashboard index.html package.json src abi.ts favicon.svg logo.svg metadata_sample.json types.ts vite-env.d.ts tsconfig.json tsconfig.node.json vite.config.ts nft-game build contracts Address.json Context.json ERC165.json IERC165.json IERC721.json IERC721Metadata.json IERC721Receiver.json Migrations.json Ownable.json Strings.json Token.json client components index.ts contracts Token.json index.html package.json src favicon.svg index.css logo.svg react-app-env.d.ts vite-env.d.ts tsconfig.json tsconfig.node.json utils constants.ts helpers.ts react-app-env.d.ts types.ts vite.config.ts migrations 1_initial_migration.js 2_token_migration.js package.json truffle-config.js nft-market 0.json 1.json index.html roidjs-sample .eslintrc.json next.config.js package.json pages api hello.ts public vercel.svg styles Home.module.css globals.css tsconfig.json solana-dapp config-overrides.js package.json public index.html manifest.json robots.txt src App.css index.css logo.svg react-app-env.d.ts reportWebVitals.ts setupTests.ts tsconfig.json starlay-clone client .babelrc.js .eslintrc.json .storybook main.js mockServiceWorker.js noanimation.css preview-head.html webpack.config.js .vscode extensions.json settings.json docs graphql-codegen.yml jest.config.js lingui.config.js next-env.d.ts next-sitemap.js next.config.js package.json public assets favicons safari-pinned-tab.svg fonts Lato lato_fonts.css noto_sans_jp.css noto_sans_sc.css images backers arthswap.svg astardegens.svg astarnetwork.svg au21.svg dfg.svg dia.svg nextwebcapital.svg trgc.svg dot-app.svg dot-top.svg launchpad lay icon.svg svgs icon_alert.svg icon_arrow-bottom.svg icon_arrow-right.svg icon_close.svg icon_close_alt.svg icon_discord.svg icon_github.svg icon_loading.svg icon_medium.svg icon_menu.svg icon_metamask.svg icon_protocol.svg icon_protocol_rotated.svg icon_settings.svg icon_success.svg icon_telegram.svg icon_tips.svg icon_twitter.svg logo_protocol.svg browserconfig.xml data launchpad lay.json favicon.svg regconfig.json src __mocks__ dashboard.ts images.ts networkconfig.ts top.ts user.ts wallet.ts __tests__ config jest.setup.js storybook.ts staticImageMock.js svgrMock.js utils disableAnimation.ts knobsHelper.ts assets images backers.ts bg_dots-app.ts bg_dots-top.ts icon_bars.ts icon_protocol.ts icon_protocol_rotated.ts index.ts launchpad_bg.ts symbols.ts svgs index.ts svg.d.ts components hoc asStyled.ts parts Modal base index.ts parts index.ts screens Dashboard modals parts styles.ts Launchpad Sale BiddingModal useBiddingForm.test.ts useBiddingForm.ts types.ts utils.ts Sorry reasons.ts Top parts animation.ts constants assets.ts seo.ts top.ts hooks base useSWRLocal.ts contracts txHandler.ts useIncentivesController.ts useLaunchpad.ts useLendingPool.ts useArthswapData.ts useBlockNumber.ts useChangeChainLoader.ts useLAYPrice.ts useLaunchpadBid.ts useLaunchpadMarketData.ts useMarketData converters.ts index.ts types.ts useMarketDataSnaphost.ts usePoolDataProvider.ts useStakeData.ts useStaticRPCProvider.ts useTracking.ts useUnsupportedChainAlert.ts useUserData.ts useWallet.ts useWalletBalance.ts libs arthswap-data-provider __generated__ graphql.ts index.ts config chain.ts index.ts market.ts network.ts incentives-controller index.ts launchpad-price-data-provider __generated__ graphql.ts index.ts launchpad-stats-provider __generated__ graphql.ts index.ts launchpad index.ts lending-pool index.ts leverager index.ts pool-data-provider converters constants.ts index.ts reserves.ts userReserves.ts index.ts providers contract index.ts index.ts snapshots-provider __generated__ graphql.ts index.ts types.ts stake-ui-helper index.ts static-rpc-provider index.ts wallet-balance-provider index.ts wallet-provider index.ts providers metamask.ts types.ts locales index.ts locale.d.ts styles animation.ts colors.ts font.ts globals.css lato_fonts.css mixins.ts reset.css types.ts types libs metamask events.d.ts index.d.ts request.d.ts react-reel.d.ts models.d.ts page.d.ts swr.d.ts utili.d.ts web3.d.ts utils address.ts assets.ts calculator.test.ts calculator.ts color.ts date.ts env.ts estimationHelper.test.ts estimationHelper.ts gtm.ts handleScroll.ts localStorage.ts market.ts number.test.ts number.ts routes.ts string.ts zIndex.ts tsconfig.json smart_contract .solcover.js buidler.config.ts coverage.json hardhat.config.ts helper-hardhat-config.ts helpers buidler-constants.ts configuration.ts constants.ts contracts-deployments.ts contracts-getters.ts contracts-helpers.ts defender-utils.ts etherscan-verification.ts init-helpers.ts misc-utils.ts mock-helpers.ts oracles-helpers.ts tenderly-utils.ts types.ts markets starlay commons.ts index.ts rateStrategies.ts reservesConfigs.ts modules tenderly tenderly.d.ts package-lock.json package.json tasks deployments add-market-to-registry.ts deploy-StakeUIHelper.ts deploy-UiIncentiveDataProviderV2.ts deploy-UiPoolDataProviderV2.ts dev 1_mock_tokens.ts 2_address_provider_registry.ts 3_lending_pool.ts 4_oracles.ts 5_initialize.ts 6_wallet_balance_provider.ts full 0_address_provider_registry.ts 1_address_provider.ts 2_lending_pool.ts 3_oracles.ts 4_data-provider.ts 5-deploy-wethGateWay.ts 6-initialize.ts helpers deploy-new-asset.ts set-fallback-oracle.ts migrations starlay.mainnet.ts misc print-config.ts print-contracts.ts print-fork-config.ts set-bre.ts verify-sc.ts operations collateral-usdt.ts deploy-busd-dai.ts pause-lending-pool.ts verifications 1_general.ts 2_tokens.ts test-suites test-starlay __setup.spec.ts addresses-provider-registry.spec.ts configurator.spec.ts delegation-aware-ltoken.spec.ts flashloan.spec.ts helpers actions.ts almost-equal.ts make-suite.ts scenario-engine.ts scenarios borrow-negatives.json borrow-repay-stable.json borrow-repay-variable.json credit-delegation.json deposit.json rebalance-stable-rate.json set-use-as-collateral.json swap-rate-mode.json withdraw-negatives.json withdraw.json utils calculations.ts helpers.ts interfaces index.ts math.ts lending-pool-addresses-provider.spec.ts liquidation-ltoken.spec.ts liquidation-underlying.spec.ts ltoken-initialize.spec.ts ltoken-modifiers.spec.ts ltoken-permit.spec.ts ltoken-transfer.spec.ts mainnet check-list.spec.ts pausable-functions.spec.ts priceAggregator.DIA.spec.ts rate-strategy.spec.ts scenario.spec.ts stable-rate-economy.spec.ts stable-token.spec.ts stake-ui-helper.spec.ts subgraph-scenarios.spec.ts upgradeability.spec.ts variable-debt-token.spec.ts weth-gateway.spec.ts test-wallets.js tsconfig.json tslint.json todo-app client index.html package.json src App.css components index.ts favicon.svg logo.svg react-app-env.d.ts types index.ts utils ToDoApp.json vite-env.d.ts tsconfig.json tsconfig.node.json vite.config.ts smart_contract .eslintrc.js .solhint.json hardhat.config.ts package.json scripts deploy.ts test index.ts tsconfig.json web3.0 client images animated.svg hello.svg index.html package.json postcss.config.js src App.css components index.ts favicon.svg index.css logo.svg react-app-env.d.ts types index.ts utils Transactions.json constants.ts dummyData.ts shortenAddress.ts vite-env.d.ts tailwind.config.js tsconfig.json tsconfig.node.json vite.config.ts smart_contract hardhat.config.js package.json scripts deploy.js test sample-test.js
# Getting Started with Create React App This project was bootstrapped with [Create React App]( ## Available Scripts In the project directory, you can run: ### `yarn start` Runs the app in the development mode.\ Open [http://localhost:3000](http://localhost:3000) to view it in the browser. The page will reload if you make edits.\ You will also see any lint errors in the console. ### `yarn test` Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.\ See the section about [running tests]( for more information. ### `yarn build` Builds the app for production to the `build` folder.\ It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance. The build is minified and the filenames include the hashes.\ Your app is ready to be deployed! See the section about [deployment]( for more information. ### `yarn eject` **Note: this is a one-way operation. Once you `eject`, you can’t go back!** If you aren’t satisfied with the build tool and configuration choices, you can `eject` at any time. This command will remove the single build dependency from your project. Instead, it will copy all the configuration files and the transitive dependencies (webpack, Babel, ESLint, etc) right into your project so you have full control over them. All of the commands except `eject` will still work, but they will point to the copied scripts so you can tweak them. At this point you’re on your own. You don’t have to ever use `eject`. The curated feature set is suitable for small and middle deployments, and you shouldn’t feel obligated to use this feature. However we understand that this tool wouldn’t be useful if you couldn’t customize it when you are ready for it. ## Learn More You can learn more in the [Create React App documentation]( To learn React, check out the [React documentation]( # Getting Started with Create React App This project was bootstrapped with [Create React App]( ## Available Scripts In the project directory, you can run: ### `yarn start` Runs the app in the development mode.\ Open [http://localhost:3000](http://localhost:3000) to view it in your browser. The page will reload when you make changes.\ You may also see any lint errors in the console. ### `yarn test` Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.\ See the section about [running tests]( for more information. ### `yarn build` Builds the app for production to the `build` folder.\ It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance. The build is minified and the filenames include the hashes.\ Your app is ready to be deployed! See the section about [deployment]( for more information. ### `yarn eject` **Note: this is a one-way operation. Once you `eject`, you can't go back!** If you aren't satisfied with the build tool and configuration choices, you can `eject` at any time. This command will remove the single build dependency from your project. Instead, it will copy all the configuration files and the transitive dependencies (webpack, Babel, ESLint, etc) right into your project so you have full control over them. All of the commands except `eject` will still work, but they will point to the copied scripts so you can tweak them. At this point you're on your own. You don't have to ever use `eject`. The curated feature set is suitable for small and middle deployments, and you shouldn't feel obligated to use this feature. However we understand that this tool wouldn't be useful if you couldn't customize it when you are ready for it. ## Learn More You can learn more in the [Create React App documentation]( To learn React, check out the [React documentation]( ### Code Splitting This section has moved here: []( ### Analyzing the Bundle Size This section has moved here: []( ### Making a Progressive Web App This section has moved here: []( ### Advanced Configuration This section has moved here: []( ### Deployment This section has moved here: []( ### `yarn build` fails to minify This section has moved here: []( This is for the testing purpose of Mover # starlay-ui ## Start local node ```shell sh ./ ``` Copy and paste like below ``` export NEAR_ENV="local" export NEAR_CLI_LOCALNET_NETWORK_ID="localnet" export NEAR_NODE_URL="" export NEAR_CLI_LOCALNET_KEY_PATH="/Users/zerix/.neartosis/2022-06-03T18.04.32/validator-key.json" export NEAR_WALLET_URL="" export NEAR_HELPER_URL="" export NEAR_HELPER_ACCOUNT="test.near" export NEAR_EXPLORER_URL="" ``` Also like this one ``` alias local_near='NEAR_ENV="local" NEAR_CLI_LOCALNET_NETWORK_ID="localnet" NEAR_NODE_URL="" NEAR_CLI_LOCALNET_KEY_PATH="/Users/zerix/.neartosis/2022-06-03T18.04.32/validator-key.json" NEAR_WALLET_URL="" NEAR_HELPER_URL="" NEAR_HELPER_ACCOUNT="test.near" NEAR_EXPLORER_URL="" near' ``` Access to [wallet]( Create an account and then ``` local_near login export ACCOUNT_ID=YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID local_near deploy --wasmFile PATH_TO_FILE/main.wasm --accountId $ACCOUNT_ID ``` ## Test To test if it is running ``` local_near state test.near ``` ## Reset local node ```shell kurtosis clean -a ``` # Basic Sample Hardhat Project This project demonstrates a basic Hardhat use case. It comes with a sample contract, a test for that contract, a sample script that deploys that contract, and an example of a task implementation, which simply lists the available accounts. Try running some of the following tasks: ```shell npx hardhat accounts npx hardhat compile npx hardhat clean npx hardhat test npx hardhat node node scripts/sample-script.js npx hardhat help ``` # Advanced Sample Hardhat Project This project demonstrates an advanced Hardhat use case, integrating other tools commonly used alongside Hardhat in the ecosystem. The project comes with a sample contract, a test for that contract, a sample script that deploys that contract, and an example of a task implementation, which simply lists the available accounts. It also comes with a variety of other tools, preconfigured to work with the project code. Try running some of the following tasks: ```shell npx hardhat accounts npx hardhat compile npx hardhat clean npx hardhat test npx hardhat node npx hardhat help REPORT_GAS=true npx hardhat test npx hardhat coverage npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.ts TS_NODE_FILES=true npx ts-node scripts/deploy.ts npx eslint '**/*.{js,ts}' npx eslint '**/*.{js,ts}' --fix npx prettier '**/*.{json,sol,md}' --check npx prettier '**/*.{json,sol,md}' --write npx solhint 'contracts/**/*.sol' npx solhint 'contracts/**/*.sol' --fix ``` # Etherscan verification To try out Etherscan verification, you first need to deploy a contract to an Ethereum network that's supported by Etherscan, such as Ropsten. In this project, copy the .env.example file to a file named .env, and then edit it to fill in the details. Enter your Etherscan API key, your Ropsten node URL (eg from Alchemy), and the private key of the account which will send the deployment transaction. With a valid .env file in place, first deploy your contract: ```shell hardhat run --network ropsten scripts/deploy.ts ``` Then, copy the deployment address and paste it in to replace `DEPLOYED_CONTRACT_ADDRESS` in this command: ```shell npx hardhat verify --network ropsten DEPLOYED_CONTRACT_ADDRESS "Hello, Hardhat!" ``` # Performance optimizations For faster runs of your tests and scripts, consider skipping ts-node's type checking by setting the environment variable `TS_NODE_TRANSPILE_ONLY` to `1` in hardhat's environment. For more details see [the documentation]( # astar-dapp-sample [![License: AGPL v3](]( ``` ..gNMMMMNmJ. dMMM#_ ,MMMN! .(MMMMMMMMMMM#^ .MMMMF dMMM# .dMMMM#"?7TMMY ..MMMMb... MMMM@ (MMMM# (MMMMMMMMM#! .MMMMD dMMMMMm, dMMMMMMMMM# ...... ..... ... (MMMM\ ..... ...... ...... (MMMMMMMMNa.. dMMMN .(NMMMMMMMM} JMMM#.gMM#! jMMM#: ..gMMMMMMMMr dMMMMN. .MMMMM! (MMMMMMMMMMNe .MMMM# .dMMMMB"MMMM#: dMMMMMMMM# dMMM#` .gMMMMM"4MMMN! (MMMMM- .dMMMM\ ?TMMMMMMMM[ .MMMMD .MMMM= .MMMM# .MMMMMM=` ` dMMM@ .MMMM#^ .MMM# MMMMMp dMMMM= ?MMMMMb (MMMM% .MMMM% .MMMMD (MMMM#' .MMMMD .MMMMM: dMMM@ (MMMM#..MMMMD .. .MMMMM% dMMMM) dMMMN{ .MMMMM} dMMMM$ ,MMMM} .MMMM#` .MMMM% .MMMMNaMMMMF .dMMNgJ(+MMMMMF` dMMMMNgJ dMMMM[ .dMMMMM` dMMMM: JMMMM~ (MMMMN, .MMMMN} JMMMMMMMM@` dMMMMMMMMMMMMM= dMMMMMMN| (MMMMMMMMMMMM# .MMMM#~ dMMM#` .MMMMMMMMMMMM#~ MMMMMMM@` 7WMMMMMM#"! ?HMMMM"! (TMMMM"`MMMMF .MMMM@ MMMM@ -TMMMM9~dMMM@ jMMMMM#` .MMMM#! .MMMMM' .dMMMM\ .MMMMMt 7""""t ``` # Starlay Protocol This repository contains the smart contracts source code and markets configuration for Starlay Protocol. The repository uses Docker Compose and Hardhat as development enviroment for compilation, testing and deployment tasks. ## What is Starlay? Starlay is a decentralized non-custodial liquidity markets protocol where users can participate as depositors or borrowers. Depositors provide liquidity to the market to earn a passive income, while borrowers are able to borrow in an overcollateralized (perpetually) or undercollateralized (one-block liquidity) fashion. ## Documentation The documentation of Starlay is in the following [Starlay documentation]( link. At the documentation you can learn more about the protocol, see the contract interfaces, integration guides and audits. For getting the latest contracts addresses, please check the [Deployed contracts]( page at the documentation to stay up to date. ## Audits Under construction ## Connect with the community You can join at the [Discord]( channel for asking questions about the protocol or talk about Starlay with other peers. ## Getting Started You can install `@starlay-finance/starlay-protocol` as an NPM package in your Hardhat, Buidler or Truffle project to import the contracts and interfaces: `npm install @starlay-finance/starlay-protocol` Import at Solidity files: ``` import {ILendingPool} from "@starlay-finance/starlay-protocol/contracts/interfaces/ILendingPool.sol"; contract Misc { function deposit(address pool, address token, address user, uint256 amount) public { ILendingPool(pool).deposit(token, amount, user, 0); {...} } } ``` The JSON artifacts with the ABI and Bytecode are also included into the bundled NPM package at `artifacts/` directory. Import JSON file via Node JS `require`: ``` const LendingPoolV2Artifact = require('@@starlay-finance/starlay-protocol/artifacts/contracts/protocol/lendingpool/LendingPool.sol/LendingPool.json'); // Log the ABI into console console.log(LendingPoolV2Artifact.abi) ``` ## Setup The repository uses Docker Compose to manage sensitive keys and load the configuration. Prior any action like test or deploy, you must run `docker-compose up` to start the `contracts-env` container, and then connect to the container console via `docker-compose exec contracts-env bash`. Follow the next steps to setup the repository: - Install `docker` and `docker-compose` - Create an enviroment file named `.env` and fill the next enviroment variables ``` # Mnemonic, only first address will be used MNEMONIC="" # Add Alchemy or Infura provider keys, alchemy takes preference at the config level ALCHEMY_KEY="" INFURA_KEY="" # Optional Etherscan key, for automatize the verification of the contracts at Etherscan ETHERSCAN_KEY="" ``` ## Markets configuration The configurations related with the Starlay Markets are located at `markets` directory. You can follow the `IStarlayConfiguration` interface to create new Markets configuration or extend the current Starlay configuration. Each market should have his own Market configuration file, and their own set of deployment tasks, using the Starlay market config and tasks as a reference. ## Test You can run the full test suite with the following commands: ``` # In one terminal docker-compose up # Open another tab or terminal docker-compose exec contracts-env bash # A new Bash terminal is prompted, connected to the container npm run test ``` ## Deployments For deploying starlay-protocol, you can use the available scripts located at `package.json`. For a complete list, run `npm run` to see all the tasks. ### Shiden deployment Shiden is development and testing environment. ``` # In one terminal docker-compose up # Open another tab or terminal docker-compose exec contracts-env bash # A new Bash terminal is prompted, connected to the container npm run starlay:shiden:full:migration ``` # dApps samples For the purpose of understanding blockchain and smart contract. # Uniswap like app # Advanced Sample Hardhat Project This project demonstrates an advanced Hardhat use case, integrating other tools commonly used alongside Hardhat in the ecosystem. The project comes with a sample contract, a test for that contract, a sample script that deploys that contract, and an example of a task implementation, which simply lists the available accounts. It also comes with a variety of other tools, preconfigured to work with the project code. Try running some of the following tasks: ```shell npx hardhat accounts npx hardhat compile npx hardhat clean npx hardhat test npx hardhat node npx hardhat help REPORT_GAS=true npx hardhat test npx hardhat coverage npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.ts TS_NODE_FILES=true npx ts-node scripts/deploy.ts npx eslint '**/*.{js,ts}' npx eslint '**/*.{js,ts}' --fix npx prettier '**/*.{json,sol,md}' --check npx prettier '**/*.{json,sol,md}' --write npx solhint 'contracts/**/*.sol' npx solhint 'contracts/**/*.sol' --fix ``` # Etherscan verification To try out Etherscan verification, you first need to deploy a contract to an Ethereum network that's supported by Etherscan, such as Ropsten. In this project, copy the .env.example file to a file named .env, and then edit it to fill in the details. Enter your Etherscan API key, your Ropsten node URL (eg from Alchemy), and the private key of the account which will send the deployment transaction. With a valid .env file in place, first deploy your contract: ```shell hardhat run --network ropsten scripts/deploy.ts ``` Then, copy the deployment address and paste it in to replace `DEPLOYED_CONTRACT_ADDRESS` in this command: ```shell npx hardhat verify --network ropsten DEPLOYED_CONTRACT_ADDRESS "Hello, Hardhat!" ``` # Performance optimizations For faster runs of your tests and scripts, consider skipping ts-node's type checking by setting the environment variable `TS_NODE_TRANSPILE_ONLY` to `1` in hardhat's environment. For more details see [the documentation]( [![License: AGPL v3](]( ``` ..gNMMMMNmJ. dMMM#_ ,MMMN! .(MMMMMMMMMMM#^ .MMMMF dMMM# .dMMMM#"?7TMMY ..MMMMb... MMMM@ (MMMM# (MMMMMMMMM#! .MMMMD dMMMMMm, dMMMMMMMMM# ...... ..... ... (MMMM\ ..... ...... ...... (MMMMMMMMNa.. dMMMN .(NMMMMMMMM} JMMM#.gMM#! jMMM#: ..gMMMMMMMMr dMMMMN. .MMMMM! (MMMMMMMMMMNe .MMMM# .dMMMMB"MMMM#: dMMMMMMMM# dMMM#` .gMMMMM"4MMMN! (MMMMM- .dMMMM\ ?TMMMMMMMM[ .MMMMD .MMMM= .MMMM# .MMMMMM=` ` dMMM@ .MMMM#^ .MMM# MMMMMp dMMMM= ?MMMMMb (MMMM% .MMMM% .MMMMD (MMMM#' .MMMMD .MMMMM: dMMM@ (MMMM#..MMMMD .. .MMMMM% dMMMM) dMMMN{ .MMMMM} dMMMM$ ,MMMM} .MMMM#` .MMMM% .MMMMNaMMMMF .dMMNgJ(+MMMMMF` dMMMMNgJ dMMMM[ .dMMMMM` dMMMM: JMMMM~ (MMMMN, .MMMMN} JMMMMMMMM@` dMMMMMMMMMMMMM= dMMMMMMN| (MMMMMMMMMMMM# .MMMM#~ dMMM#` .MMMMMMMMMMMM#~ MMMMMMM@` 7WMMMMMM#"! ?HMMMM"! (TMMMM"`MMMMF .MMMM@ MMMM@ -TMMMM9~dMMM@ jMMMMM#` .MMMM#! .MMMMM' .dMMMM\ .MMMMMt 7""""t ``` # Starlay Protocol This repository contains the smart contracts source code and markets configuration for Starlay Protocol. The repository uses Docker Compose and Hardhat as development enviroment for compilation, testing and deployment tasks. ## What is Starlay? Starlay is a decentralized non-custodial liquidity markets protocol where users can participate as depositors or borrowers. Depositors provide liquidity to the market to earn a passive income, while borrowers are able to borrow in an overcollateralized (perpetually) or undercollateralized (one-block liquidity) fashion. ## Documentation The documentation of Starlay is in the following [Starlay documentation]( link. At the documentation you can learn more about the protocol, see the contract interfaces, integration guides and audits. For getting the latest contracts addresses, please check the [Deployed contracts]( page at the documentation to stay up to date. ## Audits Under construction ## Connect with the community You can join at the [Discord]( channel for asking questions about the protocol or talk about Starlay with other peers. ## Getting Started You can install `@starlay-finance/starlay-protocol` as an NPM package in your Hardhat, Buidler or Truffle project to import the contracts and interfaces: `npm install @starlay-finance/starlay-protocol` Import at Solidity files: ``` import {ILendingPool} from "@starlay-finance/starlay-protocol/contracts/interfaces/ILendingPool.sol"; contract Misc { function deposit(address pool, address token, address user, uint256 amount) public { ILendingPool(pool).deposit(token, amount, user, 0); {...} } } ``` The JSON artifacts with the ABI and Bytecode are also included into the bundled NPM package at `artifacts/` directory. Import JSON file via Node JS `require`: ``` const LendingPoolV2Artifact = require('@@starlay-finance/starlay-protocol/artifacts/contracts/protocol/lendingpool/LendingPool.sol/LendingPool.json'); // Log the ABI into console console.log(LendingPoolV2Artifact.abi) ``` ## Setup The repository uses Docker Compose to manage sensitive keys and load the configuration. Prior any action like test or deploy, you must run `docker-compose up` to start the `contracts-env` container, and then connect to the container console via `docker-compose exec contracts-env bash`. Follow the next steps to setup the repository: - Install `docker` and `docker-compose` - Create an enviroment file named `.env` and fill the next enviroment variables ``` # Mnemonic, only first address will be used MNEMONIC="" # Add Alchemy or Infura provider keys, alchemy takes preference at the config level ALCHEMY_KEY="" INFURA_KEY="" # Optional Etherscan key, for automatize the verification of the contracts at Etherscan ETHERSCAN_KEY="" ``` ## Markets configuration The configurations related with the Starlay Markets are located at `markets` directory. You can follow the `IStarlayConfiguration` interface to create new Markets configuration or extend the current Starlay configuration. Each market should have his own Market configuration file, and their own set of deployment tasks, using the Starlay market config and tasks as a reference. ## Test You can run the full test suite with the following commands: ``` # In one terminal docker-compose up # Open another tab or terminal docker-compose exec contracts-env bash # A new Bash terminal is prompted, connected to the container npm run test ``` ## Deployments For deploying starlay-protocol, you can use the available scripts located at `package.json`. For a complete list, run `npm run` to see all the tasks. ### Shiden deployment Shiden is development and testing environment. ``` # In one terminal docker-compose up # Open another tab or terminal docker-compose exec contracts-env bash # A new Bash terminal is prompted, connected to the container npm run starlay:shiden:full:migration ``` This is a [Next.js]( project bootstrapped with [`create-next-app`]( ## Getting Started First, run the development server: ```bash npm run dev # or yarn dev ``` Open [http://localhost:3000](http://localhost:3000) with your browser to see the result. You can start editing the page by modifying `pages/index.tsx`. The page auto-updates as you edit the file. [API routes]( can be accessed on [http://localhost:3000/api/hello](http://localhost:3000/api/hello). This endpoint can be edited in `pages/api/hello.ts`. The `pages/api` directory is mapped to `/api/*`. Files in this directory are treated as [API routes]( instead of React pages. ## Learn More To learn more about Next.js, take a look at the following resources: - [Next.js Documentation]( - learn about Next.js features and API. - [Learn Next.js]( - an interactive Next.js tutorial. You can check out [the Next.js GitHub repository]( - your feedback and contributions are welcome! ## Deploy on Vercel The easiest way to deploy your Next.js app is to use the [Vercel Platform]( from the creators of Next.js. Check out our [Next.js deployment documentation]( for more details. # Getting Started with Create React App This project was bootstrapped with [Create React App]( ## Available Scripts In the project directory, you can run: ### `yarn start` Runs the app in the development mode.\ Open [http://localhost:3000](http://localhost:3000) to view it in the browser. The page will reload if you make edits.\ You will also see any lint errors in the console. ### `yarn test` Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.\ See the section about [running tests]( for more information. ### `yarn build` Builds the app for production to the `build` folder.\ It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance. The build is minified and the filenames include the hashes.\ Your app is ready to be deployed! See the section about [deployment]( for more information. ### `yarn eject` **Note: this is a one-way operation. Once you `eject`, you can’t go back!** If you aren’t satisfied with the build tool and configuration choices, you can `eject` at any time. This command will remove the single build dependency from your project. Instead, it will copy all the configuration files and the transitive dependencies (webpack, Babel, ESLint, etc) right into your project so you have full control over them. All of the commands except `eject` will still work, but they will point to the copied scripts so you can tweak them. At this point you’re on your own. You don’t have to ever use `eject`. The curated feature set is suitable for small and middle deployments, and you shouldn’t feel obligated to use this feature. However we understand that this tool wouldn’t be useful if you couldn’t customize it when you are ready for it. ## Learn More You can learn more in the [Create React App documentation]( To learn React, check out the [React documentation]( # Basic Sample Hardhat Project This project demonstrates a basic Hardhat use case. It comes with a sample contract, a test for that contract, a sample script that deploys that contract, and an example of a task implementation, which simply lists the available accounts. Try running some of the following tasks: ```shell npx hardhat accounts npx hardhat compile npx hardhat clean npx hardhat test npx hardhat node node scripts/sample-script.js npx hardhat help ``` *Psst — looking for a more complete solution? Check out [SvelteKit](, the official framework for building web applications of all sizes, with a beautiful development experience and flexible filesystem-based routing.* *Looking for a shareable component template instead? You can [use SvelteKit for that as well]( or the older [sveltejs/component-template](* --- # svelte app This is a project template for [Svelte]( apps. It lives at To create a new project based on this template using [degit]( ```bash npx degit sveltejs/template svelte-app cd svelte-app ``` *Note that you will need to have [Node.js]( installed.* ## Get started Install the dependencies... ```bash cd svelte-app npm install ``` ...then start [Rollup]( ```bash npm run dev ``` Navigate to [localhost:8080](http://localhost:8080). You should see your app running. Edit a component file in `src`, save it, and reload the page to see your changes. By default, the server will only respond to requests from localhost. To allow connections from other computers, edit the `sirv` commands in package.json to include the option `--host`. If you're using [Visual Studio Code]( we recommend installing the official extension [Svelte for VS Code]( If you are using other editors you may need to install a plugin in order to get syntax highlighting and intellisense. ## Building and running in production mode To create an optimised version of the app: ```bash npm run build ``` You can run the newly built app with `npm run start`. This uses [sirv](, which is included in your package.json's `dependencies` so that the app will work when you deploy to platforms like [Heroku]( ## Single-page app mode By default, sirv will only respond to requests that match files in `public`. This is to maximise compatibility with static fileservers, allowing you to deploy your app anywhere. If you're building a single-page app (SPA) with multiple routes, sirv needs to be able to respond to requests for *any* path. You can make it so by editing the `"start"` command in package.json: ```js "start": "sirv public --single" ``` ## Using TypeScript This template comes with a script to set up a TypeScript development environment, you can run it immediately after cloning the template with: ```bash node scripts/setupTypeScript.js ``` Or remove the script via: ```bash rm scripts/setupTypeScript.js ``` If you want to use `baseUrl` or `path` aliases within your `tsconfig`, you need to set up `@rollup/plugin-alias` to tell Rollup to resolve the aliases. For more info, see [this StackOverflow question]( ## Deploying to the web ### With [Vercel]( Install `vercel` if you haven't already: ```bash npm install -g vercel ``` Then, from within your project folder: ```bash cd public vercel deploy --name my-project ``` ### With [surge]( Install `surge` if you haven't already: ```bash npm install -g surge ``` Then, from within your project folder: ```bash npm run build surge public ```
Learn-NEAR_NCD--trust-me contract as-pect.config.js asconfig.json assembly __tests__ as-pect.d.ts main.spec.ts as_types.d.ts index.ts model.ts tsconfig.json compile.js package-lock.json package.json neardev dev-account.env shared-test-staging test.near.json shared-test test.near.json package.json
# 🚧 trust-me > Proyecto realizado para el NCD Bootcamp NEAR Hispano. # trust-me es un servicio de manejo de confianza de pares en aplicaciones de negocios p2p desentralizados. En toda operación entre pares en redes decentralizadas y anónimas, ya sea para una operación de transferencia de tokens, o bien en donde un recurso (tangible o no intangible) es utilizado como parte de una transacción, es necesario establecer una relación de confianza entre las partes (aka pares o peers). Con TrustMe, intentamos quebrar esa barrera brindando un servicio de registro de reputación de miembros de una comunidad (community-based), o bien una red (blockchain-based). # 🏭 trust-me permitirá realizar las siguientes operaciones * _consultar el nivel de confianza_ de un miembro en la comunidad antes de realizar una transacción. * _registrar la confianza_ de un miembro luego de realizar una transacción. * _registrar la desconfianza_ de un miembro luego de realizar una transacción. * _consultar los confiantes_ de un miembro de la comunidad. * _consultar los confidentes_ de un miembro en la comunidad. * _consultar mis confiantes_ dentro de la comunidad. * _consultar mis confidentes_ dentro de la comunidad. * consultar un ranking de miembros con mayor confianza. * consultar un ranking de miembros con menos confianza. Cada miembro dentro de la comunidad se identifica con su _NEAR account ID_ # 🏁 Prerequisitos 1. node.js >=12 instalado ( 2. yarn instalado ```bash npm install --global yarn ``` 3. instalar dependencias ```bash yarn install --frozen-lockfile ``` 4. crear una cuenta de NEAR en [testnet]( 5. instalar NEAR CLI ```bash yarn install --global near-cli ``` 6. autorizar app para dar acceso a la cuenta de NEAR ```bash near login ``` 🐑 Clonar el Repositorio ```bash git clone cd trust-me ``` 🏗 instalar y compilar el contrato ```bash yarn install yarn build:contract:debug ``` 🚀 Deployar el contrato ```bash yarn dev:deploy:contract ``` 🚂 Correr comandos Una vez deployado el contrato, usaremos el Account Id devuelto por la operacion para ejecutar los comandos, que será el account Id del contrato [será utilizado como CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_ID en los ejemplos de comandos] Utilizaremos ACCOUNT_ID para identificar el account Id que utilizamos para autorizar la app. ### Registrar confianza en un usuario ```bash near call CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_ID confiar '{"accountId": "juan.testnet", "comment":"todo perfecto", "relatedTx":"6ZSbdHZFkKGxnrYiY9fyym2uShbJYSLmzPSizJfX5Eee"}' --account-id ACCOUNT_ID ``` ### Registrar desconfianza en un usuario ```bash near call CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_ID descofiar '{"accountId": "juan.testnet", "comment":"vendedor poco confiable", "relatedTx":"6ZSbdHZFkKGxnrYiY9fyym2uShbJYSLmzPSizJfX5Eee"}' --account-id ACCOUNT_ID ``` ### Obtener nivel de confianza de un usuario ```bash near view CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_ID getConfianza '{"accountId": "juan.testnet"}' ``` ### Obtener confiantes de un usuario ```bash near call CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_ID getConfiantes '{"accountId":"juan.testnet"}' --accountId ACCOUNT_ID ``` ### Obtener confidentes de un usuario ```bash near call CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_ID getConfidentes '{"accountId":"juan.testnet"}' --accountId ACCOUNT_ID ``` ### Obtener mis confiantes ```bash near call CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_ID getMisConfiantes '{}' --accountId ACCOUNT_ID ``` ### Obtener mis confidentes ```bash near call CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_ID getMisConfidentes '{}' --accountId ACCOUNT_ID ``` # UI mockups de Trust-me Para este proyecto pensamos en una UI sencilla, la cual tendría una mayor funcionalidad al momento de realizar conexiones con Amazon, Ebay, Mercado libre y más. Las acciones que podemos realizar en esta UI son: * _consultar el nivel de confianza_ de un miembro en la comunidad antes de realizar una transacción. * Ver a los mejores vendedores por plataforma. * Crear una cuenta usando tu cuenta de mainet. * Iniciar sesión usando tu cuenta de mainet y tu contraseña. * Ver el perfíl de los vendedores/compradores donde podremos ver: * Cuanta gente confía o desconfía en el/ella. * Su cantidad de ventas/compras. * Los comentarios de otros usuarios sobre esta persona. * Poder evaluar a este usuarios. * Buscar a los usuarios por su id de mainet. * Evaluar a los demás usuarios, usando su id, el número de transacción de venta/compra, evaluarlo como vendedor/comprador y comentarios sobre el usuario. <br /> Estos diseños se pueden encontrar y navegar por ellos aquí:
Gettippi_react-near-marketplace package.json public index.html manifest.json robots.txt src App.css App.js App.test.js components Wallet.js marketplace AddProduct.js Product.js Products.js utils Cover.js Loader.js Notifications.js index.css index.js reportWebVitals.js utils config.js marketplace.js near.js
# Getting Started with Create React App This project was bootstrapped with [Create React App]( ## Available Scripts In the project directory, you can run: ### `npm start` Runs the app in the development mode.\ Open [http://localhost:3000](http://localhost:3000) to view it in your browser. The page will reload when you make changes.\ You may also see any lint errors in the console. ### `npm test` Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.\ See the section about [running tests]( for more information. ### `npm run build` Builds the app for production to the `build` folder.\ It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance. The build is minified and the filenames include the hashes.\ Your app is ready to be deployed! See the section about [deployment]( for more information. ### `npm run eject` **Note: this is a one-way operation. Once you `eject`, you can't go back!** If you aren't satisfied with the build tool and configuration choices, you can `eject` at any time. This command will remove the single build dependency from your project. Instead, it will copy all the configuration files and the transitive dependencies (webpack, Babel, ESLint, etc) right into your project so you have full control over them. All of the commands except `eject` will still work, but they will point to the copied scripts so you can tweak them. At this point you're on your own. You don't have to ever use `eject`. The curated feature set is suitable for small and middle deployments, and you shouldn't feel obligated to use this feature. However we understand that this tool wouldn't be useful if you couldn't customize it when you are ready for it. ## Learn More You can learn more in the [Create React App documentation]( To learn React, check out the [React documentation]( ### Code Splitting This section has moved here: []( ### Analyzing the Bundle Size This section has moved here: []( ### Making a Progressive Web App This section has moved here: []( ### Advanced Configuration This section has moved here: []( ### Deployment This section has moved here: []( ### `npm run build` fails to minify This section has moved here: [](
nsiregar_near-smartcontracts as-pect.config.js asconfig.json package-lock.json package.json scripts src as_types.d.ts simple __tests__ as-pect.d.ts index.unit.spec.ts asconfig.json assembly index.ts singleton __tests__ as-pect.d.ts index.unit.spec.ts asconfig.json assembly index.ts tsconfig.json utils.ts
## Setting up your terminal The scripts in this folder are designed to help you demonstrate the behavior of the contract(s) in this project. It uses the following setup: ```sh # set your terminal up to have 2 windows, A and B like this: ┌─────────────────────────────────┬─────────────────────────────────┐ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ A │ B │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └─────────────────────────────────┴─────────────────────────────────┘ ``` ### Terminal **A** *This window is used to compile, deploy and control the contract* - Environment ```sh export CONTRACT= # depends on deployment export OWNER= # any account you control # for example # export CONTRACT=dev-1615190770786-2702449 # export OWNER=sherif.testnet ``` - Commands _helper scripts_ ```sh # helper: build and deploy contracts # helper: call methods on ContractPromise # helper: delete build and deploy artifacts ``` ### Terminal **B** *This window is used to render the contract account storage* - Environment ```sh export CONTRACT= # depends on deployment # for example # export CONTRACT=dev-1615190770786-2702449 ``` - Commands ```sh # monitor contract storage using near-account-utils # watch -d -n 1 yarn storage $CONTRACT ``` --- ## OS Support ### Linux - The `watch` command is supported natively on Linux - To learn more about any of these shell commands take a look at []( ### MacOS - Consider `brew info visionmedia-watch` (or `brew install watch`) ### Windows - Consider this article: [What is the Windows analog of the Linux watch command?]( # `near-sdk-as` Starter Kit This is a good project to use as a starting point for your AssemblyScript project. ## Samples This repository includes a complete project structure for AssemblyScript contracts targeting the NEAR platform. The example here is very basic. It's a simple contract demonstrating the following concepts: - a single contract - the difference between `view` vs. `change` methods - basic contract storage There are 2 AssemblyScript contracts in this project, each in their own folder: - **simple** in the `src/simple` folder - **singleton** in the `src/singleton` folder ### Simple We say that an AssemblyScript contract is written in the "simple style" when the `index.ts` file (the contract entry point) includes a series of exported functions. In this case, all exported functions become public contract methods. ```ts // return the string 'hello world' export function helloWorld(): string {} // read the given key from account (contract) storage export function read(key: string): string {} // write the given value at the given key to account (contract) storage export function write(key: string, value: string): string {} // private helper method used by read() and write() above private storageReport(): string {} ``` ### Singleton We say that an AssemblyScript contract is written in the "singleton style" when the `index.ts` file (the contract entry point) has a single exported class (the name of the class doesn't matter) that is decorated with `@nearBindgen`. In this case, all methods on the class become public contract methods unless marked `private`. Also, all instance variables are stored as a serialized instance of the class under a special storage key named `STATE`. AssemblyScript uses JSON for storage serialization (as opposed to Rust contracts which use a custom binary serialization format called borsh). ```ts @nearBindgen export class Contract { // return the string 'hello world' helloWorld(): string {} // read the given key from account (contract) storage read(key: string): string {} // write the given value at the given key to account (contract) storage @mutateState() write(key: string, value: string): string {} // private helper method used by read() and write() above private storageReport(): string {} } ``` ## Usage ### Getting started (see below for video recordings of each of the following steps) INSTALL `NEAR CLI` first like this: `npm i -g near-cli` 1. clone this repo to a local folder 2. run `yarn` 3. run `./scripts/` 3. run `./scripts/` 4. run `./scripts/` (yes, run it to see changes) 5. run `./scripts/` ### Videos **``** This video shows the build and deployment of the contract. [![asciicast](]( **``** This video shows contract methods being called. You should run the script twice to see the effect it has on contract state. [![asciicast](]( **``** This video shows the cleanup script running. Make sure you add the `BENEFICIARY` environment variable. The script will remind you if you forget. ```sh export BENEFICIARY=<your-account-here> # this account receives contract account balance ``` [![asciicast](]( ### Other documentation - See `./scripts/` for documentation about the scripts - Watch this video where Willem Wyndham walks us through refactoring a simple example of a NEAR smart contract written in AssemblyScript ``` There are 2 "styles" of implementing AssemblyScript NEAR contracts: - the contract interface can either be a collection of exported functions - or the contract interface can be the methods of a an exported class We call the second style "Singleton" because there is only one instance of the class which is serialized to the blockchain storage. Rust contracts written for NEAR do this by default with the contract struct. 0:00 noise (to cut) 0:10 Welcome 0:59 Create project starting with "npm init" 2:20 Customize the project for AssemblyScript development 9:25 Import the Counter example and get unit tests passing 18:30 Adapt the Counter example to a Singleton style contract 21:49 Refactoring unit tests to access the new methods 24:45 Review and summary ``` ## The file system ```sh ├── # this file ├── as-pect.config.js # configuration for as-pect (AssemblyScript unit testing) ├── asconfig.json # configuration for AssemblyScript compiler (supports multiple contracts) ├── package.json # NodeJS project manifest ├── scripts │   ├── # helper: build and deploy contracts │   ├── # helper: call methods on ContractPromise │   ├── # helper: delete build and deploy artifacts │   └── # documentation for helper scripts ├── src │   ├── as_types.d.ts # AssemblyScript headers for type hints │   ├── simple # Contract 1: "Simple example" │   │   ├── __tests__ │   │   │   ├── as-pect.d.ts # as-pect unit testing headers for type hints │   │   │   └── index.unit.spec.ts # unit tests for contract 1 │   │   ├── asconfig.json # configuration for AssemblyScript compiler (one per contract) │   │   └── assembly │   │   └── index.ts # contract code for contract 1 │   ├── singleton # Contract 2: "Singleton-style example" │   │   ├── __tests__ │   │   │   ├── as-pect.d.ts # as-pect unit testing headers for type hints │   │   │   └── index.unit.spec.ts # unit tests for contract 2 │   │   ├── asconfig.json # configuration for AssemblyScript compiler (one per contract) │   │   └── assembly │   │   └── index.ts # contract code for contract 2 │   ├── tsconfig.json # Typescript configuration │   └── utils.ts # common contract utility functions └── yarn.lock # project manifest version lock ``` You may clone this repo to get started OR create everything from scratch. Please note that, in order to create the AssemblyScript and tests folder structure, you may use the command `asp --init` which will create the following folders and files: ``` ./assembly/ ./assembly/tests/ ./assembly/tests/example.spec.ts ./assembly/tests/as-pect.d.ts ```
.gitpod.yml babel.config.js contract as-pect.config.js asconfig.json assembly __tests__ as-pect.d.ts main.spec.ts as_types.d.ts index.ts model.ts tsconfig.json compile.js package-lock.json package.json package.json src App.js App_bak.js __mocks__ fileMock.js assets logo-black.svg logo-white.svg config.js index.css index.html index.js jest.init.js main.test.js utils.js wallet login index.html
NEAR Win! ================== ![Near Win!](./src/assets/near-win.gif) NEAR Win! Es un pequeño juego con estilo de carreras de caballos en el que el resultado de la carrera se decide por medio de turnos y un dado virtual. Si elegiste al jugador que llegue primero al final, ganarás. Esta aplicación [React] fue creada con [create-near-app] Como empezar =========== Para correr este proyecto localmente: 1. Prerequisitos: Asegurate de tener instalado [Node.js] ≥ 12 2. Instala las dependencias con: `yarn install` 3. Corre el servidor localmente: `yarn dev` (puedes ver el `package.json` para la lista completa de `scripts` que puedes correr con `yarn`) Explora el código ================== 1. Los contratos se encuentran en la carpeta `/contract`. * `addRace` es el contrato que se usa para agregar el resultado de una carrera, contiene el nombre de la cuenta logueada, el jugador que elegiste, el ganador de la carrera, y el resultado (ganaste o perdiste). * `getRaces` es el contrato que se usa para obtener todas las carreras (con un límite de las últimas 10 carreras). 2. El frontend está en la carpeta `/src`. 3. Tests: Los tests los puedes correr con el comando `yarn test`. Hay dos tipos de tests, los de los contratos y los de el frontend cuando manda llamar las funciones de los contratos. Screenshots ================== ![Dashboard](./src/assets/login.bmp) ![Dashboard](./src/assets/dashboard.bmp) ![Dashboard](./src/assets/results.bmp) [React]: [create-near-app]: [Node.js]: NEAR Win! Smart Contract ================== Un [smart contract] escrito en [AssemblyScript] para una aplicación creada con [create-near-app] Como empezar =========== Antes de compilar este código, necesitarás instalar [Node.js] ≥ 12 Exploring The Code ================== 1. El código principal del smart contract se encuentra en `assembly/index.ts`. Puedes compilarlo con el script `./compile`. * `addRace` es el contrato que se usa para agregar el resultado de una carrera, contiene el nombre de la cuenta logueada, el jugador que elegiste, el ganador de la carrera, y el resultado (ganaste o perdiste). * `getRaces` es el contrato que se usa para obtener todas las carreras (con un límite de las últimas 10 carreras). 2. Los tests de se encuentran en `test/index.ts`. [smart contract]: [AssemblyScript]: [create-near-app]: [Node.js]:
.github workflows test.yml .gitpod.yml Cargo.toml abc.json add_liquid Cargo.toml src build.bat ft Cargo.toml src rustfmt.toml test-contract-defi Cargo.toml src tests sim
Fungible Token (FT) =================== Example implementation of a [Fungible Token] contract which uses [near-contract-standards] and [simulation] tests. This is a contract-only example. [Fungible Token]: [near-contract-standards]: [simulation]: Prerequisites ============= If you're using Gitpod, you can skip this step. 1. Make sure Rust is installed per the prerequisites in [`near-sdk-rs`]( 2. Ensure `near-cli` is installed by running `near --version`. If not installed, install with: `npm install -g near-cli` ## Building To build run: ```bash ./ ``` Using this contract =================== ### Quickest deploy You can build and deploy this smart contract to a development account. [Dev Accounts]( are auto-generated accounts to assist in developing and testing smart contracts. Please see the [Standard deploy](#standard-deploy) section for creating a more personalized account to deploy to. ```bash near dev-deploy --wasmFile res/fungible_token.wasm --helperUrl ``` Behind the scenes, this is creating an account and deploying a contract to it. On the console, notice a message like: >Done deploying to dev-1234567890123 In this instance, the account is `dev-1234567890123`. A file has been created containing a key pair to the account, located at `neardev/dev-account`. To make the next few steps easier, we're going to set an environment variable containing this development account id and use that when copy/pasting commands. Run this command to the environment variable: ```bash source neardev/dev-account.env ``` You can tell if the environment variable is set correctly if your command line prints the account name after this command: ```bash echo $CONTRACT_NAME ``` The next command will initialize the contract using the `new` method: ```bash near call $CONTRACT_NAME new '{"owner_id": "'$CONTRACT_NAME'", "total_supply": "1000000000000000", "metadata": { "spec": "ft-1.0.0", "name": "Example Token Name", "symbol": "EXLT", "decimals": 8 }}' --accountId $CONTRACT_NAME ``` To get the fungible token metadata: ```bash near view $CONTRACT_NAME ft_metadata ``` ### Standard deploy This smart contract will get deployed to your NEAR account. For this example, please create a new NEAR account. Because NEAR allows the ability to upgrade contracts on the same account, initialization functions must be cleared. If you'd like to run this example on a NEAR account that has had prior contracts deployed, please use the `near-cli` command `near delete`, and then recreate it in Wallet. To create (or recreate) an account, please follow the directions on [NEAR Wallet]( Switch to `mainnet`. You can skip this step to use `testnet` as a default network. export NEAR_ENV=mainnet In the project root, log in to your newly created account with `near-cli` by following the instructions after this command: near login To make this tutorial easier to copy/paste, we're going to set an environment variable for your account id. In the below command, replace `MY_ACCOUNT_NAME` with the account name you just logged in with, including the `.near`: ID=MY_ACCOUNT_NAME You can tell if the environment variable is set correctly if your command line prints the account name after this command: echo $ID Now we can deploy the compiled contract in this example to your account: near deploy --wasmFile res/fungible_token.wasm --accountId $ID FT contract should be initialized before usage. You can read more about metadata at ['']( Modify the parameters and create a token: near call $ID new '{"owner_id": "'$ID'", "total_supply": "1000000000000000", "metadata": { "spec": "ft-1.0.0", "name": "Example Token Name", "symbol": "EXLT", "decimals": 8 }}' --accountId $ID Get metadata: near view $ID ft_metadata Transfer Example --------------- Let's set up an account to transfer some tokens to. These account will be a sub-account of the NEAR account you logged in with. near create-account bob.$ID --masterAccount $ID --initialBalance 1 Add storage deposit for Bob's account: near call $ID storage_deposit '' --accountId bob.$ID --amount 0.00125 Check balance of Bob's account, it should be `0` for now: near view $ID ft_balance_of '{"account_id": "'bob.$ID'"}' Transfer tokens to Bob from the contract that minted these fungible tokens, exactly 1 yoctoNEAR of deposit should be attached: near call $ID ft_transfer '{"receiver_id": "'bob.$ID'", "amount": "19"}' --accountId $ID --amount 0.000000000000000000000001 Check the balance of Bob again with the command from before and it will now return `19`. ## Testing As with many Rust libraries and contracts, there are tests in the main fungible token implementation at `ft/src/`. Additionally, this project has [simulation] tests in `tests/sim`. Simulation tests allow testing cross-contract calls, which is crucial to ensuring that the `ft_transfer_call` function works properly. These simulation tests are the reason this project has the file structure it does. Note that the root project has a `Cargo.toml` which sets it up as a workspace. `ft` and `test-contract-defi` are both small & focused contract projects, the latter only existing for simulation tests. The root project imports `near-sdk-sim` and tests interaction between these contracts. You can run all these tests with one command: ```bash cargo test ``` If you want to run only simulation tests, you can use `cargo test simulate`, since all the simulation tests include "simulate" in their names. ## Notes - The maximum balance value is limited by U128 (`2**128 - 1`). - JSON calls should pass U128 as a base-10 string. E.g. "100". - This does not include escrow functionality, as `ft_transfer_call` provides a superior approach. An escrow system can, of course, be added as a separate contract or additional functionality within this contract. ## No AssemblyScript? [near-contract-standards] is currently Rust-only. We strongly suggest using this library to create your own Fungible Token contract to ensure it works as expected. Someday NEAR core or community contributors may provide a similar library for AssemblyScript, at which point this example will be updated to include both a Rust and AssemblyScript version. ## Contributing When making changes to the files in `ft` or `test-contract-defi`, remember to use `./` to compile all contracts and copy the output to the `res` folder. If you forget this, **the simulation tests will not use the latest versions**. Note that if the `rust-toolchain` file in this repository changes, please make sure to update the `.gitpod.Dockerfile` to explicitly specify using that as default as well.
.gitpod.yml backend package.json src config config.ts db.ts environment development.ts testnet.ts index.ts constants index.ts wallet.ts controllers Auth.ts User.ts brands.ts index.ts notifications.ts profile.ts errors custom-error.ts index.ts request-validation-error.ts helpers accountManager.ts amount.ts common.ts fiatManager.ts filters.ts gasPrice.ts index.ts password.ts phone.ts sms.ts tokenManager.ts transactionManager.ts index.ts middlewares auth.ts config.ts index.ts logger.ts validate-request.ts models Brand.ts Notification.ts Token.ts User.ts Wallet.ts index.ts ref.index.ts routes api auth.ts brands.ts notifications.ts profile.ts index.ts server.ts services index.ts wallet FungbileTokens.ts account.ts index.ts wallet.ts types IBrand.ts INotification.ts IToken.ts IUser.ts IWallet.ts express index.d.ts index.ts tsconfig.json contracts token_contract Cargo.toml neardev dev-account.env src integration-tests Cargo.toml src package.json scripts deploy.ts neardev dev-account.env package.json src initialize.ts mint.ts tsconfig.json
# BACKEND [endpoints] [wallet] [authentication] ## FOLDER STRUCTURE ![task image](*xu6sBN2e6ExZS68FS83hgQ.png) `A top-level ../`src`/ folder layout for the gema backend` . ├── controllers │ ├── Auth │ └── Wallet │ ├── middlewares │ ├── Auth │ └── Wallet │ ├── routes │ ├── models │ ├── Auth │ └── Wallet │ ├── services │ ├── Auth │ └── Wallet │ ├── helpers │ ├── docs │ ├── routes │ ├── test # Test files (alternatively `spec` or `tests`) │ ├── benchmarks # Load and stress tests │ ├── integration # End-to-end, integration tests (alternatively `e2e`) │ └── unit # Unit tests │ ├── LICENSE └── ## TODO: => TASK LIST ![:fire:]( - [x] `src` folder structure setup :file_folder: - [x] Setup [Express]( - [x] `app.ts` with necessary middlewares - [x] `server.ts` with localhost connection - [x] Setup Database - [x] connection to [MongoDB]( - [x] [models setup]( :face_in_clouds: - [x] `wallet` - [x] `user` - [x] `transactions` - [x] `tokens` --- - [x] Wallet Module :moneybag: - [x] Create Wallet - [x] Store info to MongoDB - ( `private key, public key, accountId, memonic?` ) - [x] Get Wallet Info - [x] Balance - [x] Tokens - [x] Transactions - [x] Transfer Tokens - [x] SwapTokensForTokens - [x] SwapTokensForGEM --- > **THE TASKS ABOVE HAVE A DEADLINE OF `MONDAY, 12.09.2022`** GEMA FUNGIBLE TOKENS ================================= A [smart contract] written in [Rust] for an app initialized with [create-near-app] Quick Start =========== Before you compile this code, you will need to install Rust with [correct target] Exploring The Code ================== 1. The main smart contract code lives in `src/`. 2. There are two functions to the smart contract: `get_greeting` and `set_greeting`. 3. Tests: You can run smart contract tests with the `cargo test`. [smart contract]: [Rust]: [create-near-app]: [correct target]: [cargo]: GEMA PROJECT ================== This app was initialized with [create-near-app] Quick Start =========== If you haven't installed dependencies during setup: npm run deps-install Build and deploy your contract to TestNet with a temporary dev account: npm run deploy Test your contract: npm test If you have a frontend, run `npm start`. This will run a dev server. Exploring The Code ================== 1. The smart-contract code lives in the `/contract` folder. See the README there for more info. In blockchain apps the smart contract is the "backend" of your app. 2. The frontend code lives in the `/frontend` folder. `/frontend/index.html` is a great place to start exploring. Note that it loads in `/frontend/index.js`, this is your entrypoint to learn how the frontend connects to the NEAR blockchain. 3. Test your contract: `npm test`, this will run the tests in `integration-tests` directory. Deploy ====== Every smart contract in NEAR has its [own associated account][NEAR accounts]. When you run `npm run deploy`, your smart contract gets deployed to the live NEAR TestNet with a temporary dev account. When you're ready to make it permanent, here's how: Step 0: Install near-cli (optional) ------------------------------------- [near-cli] is a command line interface (CLI) for interacting with the NEAR blockchain. It was installed to the local `node_modules` folder when you ran `npm install`, but for best ergonomics you may want to install it globally: npm install --global near-cli Or, if you'd rather use the locally-installed version, you can prefix all `near` commands with `npx` Ensure that it's installed with `near --version` (or `npx near --version`) Step 1: Create an account for the contract ------------------------------------------ Each account on NEAR can have at most one contract deployed to it. If you've already created an account such as `your-name.testnet`, you can deploy your contract to `near-blank-project.your-name.testnet`. Assuming you've already created an account on [NEAR Wallet], here's how to create `near-blank-project.your-name.testnet`: 1. Authorize NEAR CLI, following the commands it gives you: near login 2. Create a subaccount (replace `YOUR-NAME` below with your actual account name): near create-account near-blank-project.YOUR-NAME.testnet --masterAccount YOUR-NAME.testnet Step 2: deploy the contract --------------------------- Use the CLI to deploy the contract to TestNet with your account ID. Replace `PATH_TO_WASM_FILE` with the `wasm` that was generated in `contract` build directory. near deploy --accountId near-blank-project.YOUR-NAME.testnet --wasmFile PATH_TO_WASM_FILE Step 3: set contract name in your frontend code ----------------------------------------------- Modify the line in `src/config.js` that sets the account name of the contract. Set it to the account id you used above. const CONTRACT_NAME = process.env.CONTRACT_NAME || 'near-blank-project.YOUR-NAME.testnet' Troubleshooting =============== On Windows, if you're seeing an error containing `EPERM` it may be related to spaces in your path. Please see [this issue]( for more details. [create-near-app]: [Node.js]: [jest]: [NEAR accounts]: [NEAR Wallet]: [near-cli]: [gh-pages]:
.github ISSUE_TEMPLATE BOUNTY.yml workflows build.yml links.yml spellcheck.yml babel.config.js docs building _category_.json contract-interface _category_.json contract-structure _category_.json cross-contract _category_.json promises _category_.json reducing-contract-size _category_.json testing _category_.json upgrading _category_.json | docusaurus.config.js mlc_config.json package.json sidebars.js src css custom.css theme Footer styles.module.css Root.js static img near_logo.svg near_logo_white.svg index.html tsconfig.json
# Website This website is built using [Docusaurus 2](, a modern static website generator. ## Installation ```console yarn install ``` ## Local Development ```console yarn start ``` This command starts a local development server and opens up a browser window. Most changes are reflected live without having to restart the server. ## Build ```console yarn build ``` This command generates static content into the `build` directory and can be served using any static contents hosting service. ## Deployment ```console GIT_USER=<Your GitHub username> USE_SSH=true yarn deploy ``` If you are using GitHub pages for hosting, this command is a convenient way to build the website and push to the `gh-pages` branch.
.github ISSUE_TEMPLATE BOUNTY.yml input-samples hello hello.cpp hello.html utils wasm
# wasmtime-wasi-threads Implement the `wasi-threads` [specification] in Wasmtime. [specification]: > Note: this crate is experimental and not yet suitable for use in multi-tenant > embeddings. As specified, a trap or WASI exit in one thread must end execution > for all threads. Due to the complexity of stopping threads, however, this > implementation currently exits the process entirely. This will work for some > use cases (e.g., CLI usage) but not for embedders. This warning can be removed > once a suitable mechanism is implemented that avoids exiting the process. <div align="center"> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <img width="300" src="" alt="Wasmer logo"> </a> <p> <a href=""> <img src="" alt="Build Status"> </a> <a href=""> <img src="" alt="License"> </a> <a href=""> <img src="" alt="Wasmer Docs"> </a> <a href=""> <img src="!&color=brighgreen" alt="Slack channel"> </a> </p> </div> <br /> Wasmer는 _초경량 컨테이너_ 를 *Desktop*에서부터 *Cloud*, *Edge*, *IoT* 기기들까지 어디에서나 실행할 수 있는 _빠르고 안전한_ [**WebAssembly**]( 런타임 입니다. > _이 문서는 아래와 같은 언어들을 지원합니다.: [🇨🇳 中 文 -Chinese]( • [🇩🇪 Deutsch-German]( • [🇪🇸 Español-Spanish]( • [🇫🇷 Français-French]( • [🇯🇵 日本 語 -Japanese]( [🇰🇷 한국어 -Korean]( ### 특징 * 기본적으로 안전합니다. 파일, 네트워크, 환경 접근이 명시적으로 활성화 되지 않습니다. * [WASI](와 [Emscripten](을 즉시 지원합니다. * 빠릅니다. native에 가까운 속도로 WebAssembly를 실행합니다. * [여러 프로그래밍 언어](에 임베디드 가능합니다. * 최신 WebAssembly 제안(SIMD, Reference Types, Threads, ...)을 준수합니다. ### 설치 Wasmer CLI는 종속성이 없는 단일 실행 파일로 제공됩니다. ```sh curl -sSfL | sh ``` <details> <summary>다른 설치 옵션 (Powershell, Brew, Cargo, ...)</summary> _Wasmer는 다양한 패키지 매니저를 통해 설치 할 수 있습니다. 환경에 가장 적합한 것을 선택하십시오.:_ * Powershell (Windows) ```powershell iwr -useb | iex ``` * <a href="">Homebrew</a> (macOS, Linux) ```sh brew install wasmer ``` * <a href="">Scoop</a> (Windows) ```sh scoop install wasmer ``` * <a href="">Chocolatey</a> (Windows) ```sh choco install wasmer ``` * <a href="">Cargo</a> _Note: 사용 가능한 모든 기능은 [`wasmer-cli` crate docs]( 문서에 설명되어 있습니다._ ```sh cargo install wasmer-cli ``` > 더 많은 설치 옵션을 찾고 계십니까? 자세한 내용은 [the `wasmer-install` repository](를 참조하십시오! </details> ### 빠른 시작 WebAssembly 모듈([`qjs.wasm`](로 컴파일된 작고 포함 가능한 Javascript 엔진인 [QuickJS](를 실행하여 시작할 수 있습니다.: ```bash $ wasmer qjs.wasm QuickJS - Type "\h" for help qjs > const i = 1 + 2; qjs > console.log("hello " + i); hello 3 ``` #### 다음에 할 수 있는 일 : - [어플리케이션에서 wasmer 사용]( - [WAPM에 wasm 패키지 게시]( - [Wasmer에 대해 자세히 알아보기]( ## 📦 다른 언어와의 통합 Wasmer 런타임은 **다른 언어에 내장된** 라이브러리로 사용할 수 있으므로 _어디에서나_ WebAssembly를 사용할 수 있습니다. | | Language | Package | Documentation | |-|-|-|-| | ![Rust logo] | [**Rust**][Rust integration] | [`wasmer` Rust crate] | [Learn][rust docs] | ![C logo] | [**C/C++**][C integration] | [`wasmer.h` header] | [Learn][c docs] | | ![C# logo] | [**C#**][C# integration] | [`WasmerSharp` NuGet package] | [Learn][c# docs] | | ![D logo] | [**D**][D integration] | [`wasmer` Dub package] | [Learn][d docs] | | ![Python logo] | [**Python**][Python integration] | [`wasmer` PyPI package] | [Learn][python docs] | | ![JS logo] | [**Javascript**][JS integration] | [`@wasmerio` NPM packages] | [Learn][js docs] | | ![Go logo] | [**Go**][Go integration] | [`wasmer` Go package] | [Learn][go docs] | | ![PHP logo] | [**PHP**][PHP integration] | [`wasm` PECL package] | [Learn][php docs] | | ![Ruby logo] | [**Ruby**][Ruby integration] | [`wasmer` Ruby Gem] | [Learn][ruby docs] | | ![Java logo] | [**Java**][Java integration] | [`wasmer/wasmer-jni` Bintray package] | [Learn][java docs] | | ![Elixir logo] | [**Elixir**][Elixir integration] | [`wasmex` hex package] | [Learn][elixir docs] | | ![R logo] | [**R**][R integration] | *공개 패키지 없음* | [Learn][r docs] | | ![Postgres logo] | [**Postgres**][Postgres integration] | *공개 패키지 없음* | [Learn][postgres docs] | | | [**Swift**][Swift integration] | *공개 패키지 없음* | | | ![Zig logo] | [**Zig**][Zig integration] | *공개 패키지 없음* | | | ![Dart logo] | [**Dart**][Dart integration] | [`wasm` pub package] | | | | [**Lisp**][Lisp integration] | *under heavy development - no published package* | | [👋&nbsp;&nbsp;없는 언어가 있습니까?]( [rust logo]: [rust integration]: [`wasmer` rust crate]: [rust docs]: [c logo]: [c integration]: [`wasmer.h` header]: [c docs]:*/wasmer_c_api/wasm_c_api/index.html [c# logo]: [c# integration]: [`wasmersharp` nuget package]: [c# docs]: [d logo]: [d integration]: [`wasmer` Dub package]: [d docs]: [python logo]: [python integration]: [`wasmer` pypi package]: [python docs]: [go logo]: [go integration]: [`wasmer` go package]: [go docs]: [php logo]: [php integration]: [`wasm` pecl package]: [php docs]: [js logo]: [js integration]: [`@wasmerio` npm packages]: [js docs]: [ruby logo]: [ruby integration]: [`wasmer` ruby gem]: [ruby docs]: [java logo]: [java integration]: [`wasmer/wasmer-jni` bintray package]: [java docs]: [elixir logo]: [elixir integration]: [elixir docs]: [`wasmex` hex package]: [r logo]: [r integration]: [r docs]: [postgres logo]: [postgres integration]: [postgres docs]: [swift integration]: [zig logo]: [zig integration]: [dart logo]: [dart integration]: [`wasm` pub package]: [lisp integration]: ## 기여 도움을 주셔서 감사합니다! 💜 [Wasmer를 빌드](하거나 [변경 사항을 테스트](하는 방법에 대한 문서를 확인하십시오. ## 커뮤니티 Wasmer에는 개발자의 기여가 있는 훌륭한 커뮤니티가 있습니다. 환영합니다! 꼭 참여해주세요! 👋 - [Wasmer Community Slack]( - [Wasmer on Twitter]( - [Wasmer on Facebook]( - [Email]( # `cranelift-fuzzgen` This crate implements a generator to create random Cranelift modules. <div align="center"> <h1><code>wasmtime</code></h1> <p> <strong>A standalone runtime for <a href="">WebAssembly</a></strong> </p> <strong>A <a href="">Bytecode Alliance</a> project</strong> <p> <a href=""><img src="" alt="build status" /></a> <a href=""><img src="" alt="zulip chat" /></a> <img src="" alt="supported rustc stable" /> <a href=""><img src="" alt="Documentation Status" /></a> </p> <h3> <a href="">Guide</a> <span> | </span> <a href="">Contributing</a> <span> | </span> <a href="">Website</a> <span> | </span> <a href="">Chat</a> </h3> </div> ## Installation The Wasmtime CLI can be installed on Linux and macOS (locally) with a small install script: ```sh curl -sSf | bash ``` Windows or otherwise interested users can download installers and binaries directly from the [GitHub Releases]( page. ## Example If you've got the [Rust compiler installed]( then you can take some Rust source code: ```rust fn main() { println!("Hello, world!"); } ``` and compile/run it with: ```sh $ rustup target add wasm32-wasi $ rustc --target wasm32-wasi $ wasmtime hello.wasm Hello, world! ``` (Note: make sure you installed Rust using the `rustup` method in the official instructions above, and do not have a copy of the Rust toolchain installed on your system in some other way as well (e.g. the system package manager). Otherwise, the `rustup target add...` command may not install the target for the correct copy of Rust.) ## Features * **Fast**. Wasmtime is built on the optimizing [Cranelift] code generator to quickly generate high-quality machine code either at runtime or ahead-of-time. Wasmtime is optimized for efficient instantiation, low-overhead calls between the embedder and wasm, and scalability of concurrent instances. * **[Secure]**. Wasmtime's development is strongly focused on correctness and security. Building on top of Rust's runtime safety guarantees, each Wasmtime feature goes through careful review and consideration via an [RFC process]. Once features are designed and implemented, they undergo 24/7 fuzzing donated by [Google's OSS Fuzz]. As features stabilize they become part of a [release][release policy], and when things go wrong we have a well-defined [security policy] in place to quickly mitigate and patch any issues. We follow best practices for defense-in-depth and integrate protections and mitigations for issues like Spectre. Finally, we're working to push the state-of-the-art by collaborating with academic researchers to formally verify critical parts of Wasmtime and Cranelift. * **[Configurable]**. Wasmtime uses sensible defaults, but can also be configured to provide more fine-grained control over things like CPU and memory consumption. Whether you want to run Wasmtime in a tiny environment or on massive servers with many concurrent instances, we've got you covered. * **[WASI]**. Wasmtime supports a rich set of APIs for interacting with the host environment through the [WASI standard]( * **[Standards Compliant]**. Wasmtime passes the [official WebAssembly test suite](, implements the [official C API of wasm](, and implements [future proposals to WebAssembly]( as well. Wasmtime developers are intimately engaged with the WebAssembly standards process all along the way too. [Wasmtime]: [Cranelift]: [Google's OSS Fuzz]: [security policy]: [RFC process]: [release policy]: [Secure]: [Configurable]: [WASI]: [Standards Compliant]: ## Language Support You can use Wasmtime from a variety of different languages through embeddings of the implementation. Languages supported by the Bytecode Alliance: * **[Rust]** - the [`wasmtime` crate] * **[C]** - the [`wasm.h`, `wasi.h`, and `wasmtime.h` headers][c-headers], [CMake](crates/c-api/CMakeLists.txt) or [`wasmtime` Conan package] * **C++** - the [`wasmtime-cpp` repository][wasmtime-cpp] or use [`wasmtime-cpp` Conan package] * **[Python]** - the [`wasmtime` PyPI package] * **[.NET]** - the [`Wasmtime` NuGet package] * **[Go]** - the [`wasmtime-go` repository] * **[Ruby]** - the [`wasmtime` gem] Languages supported by the community: * **[Elixir]** - the [`wasmex` hex package] * **Perl** - the [`Wasm` Perl package's `Wasm::Wasmtime`] [Rust]: [C]: [`wasmtime` crate]: [c-headers]: [Python]: [`wasmtime` PyPI package]: [.NET]: [`Wasmtime` NuGet package]: [Go]: [`wasmtime-go` repository]: [wasmtime-cpp]: [`wasmtime` Conan package]: [`wasmtime-cpp` Conan package]: [Ruby]: [`wasmtime` gem]: [Elixir]: [`wasmex` hex package]: [`Wasm` Perl package's `Wasm::Wasmtime`]: ## Documentation [📚 Read the Wasmtime guide here! 📚][guide] The [wasmtime guide][guide] is the best starting point to learn about what Wasmtime can do for you or help answer your questions about Wasmtime. If you're curious in contributing to Wasmtime, [it can also help you do that][contributing]! [contributing]: [guide]: --- It's Wasmtime. <div align="center"> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <img width="300" src="" alt="Wasmer logo"> </a> <p> <a href=""> <img src="" alt="Build Status"> </a> <a href=""> <img src="" alt="License"> </a> <a href=""> <img src="" alt="Slack channel"> </a> </p> <h3> <a href="">网站</a> <span> • </span> <a href="">文档</a> <span> • </span> <a href="">聊天</a> </h3> </div> <br /> [Wasmer]( 提供基于 [WebAssembly]( 的超轻量级容器,其可以在任何地方运行:从桌面到云、以及 IoT 设备,并且能也嵌入在 [*任何编程语言*]( > 其他语言的 Readme: [🇩🇪 Deutsch-德語]( • [🇬🇧 English-英文]( • [🇪🇸 Español-西班牙语]( • [🇫🇷 Français-法语]( • [🇯🇵 日本語-日文]( ## 特性 * **快速又安全**. Wasmer在完全沙盒化的环境中以“接近本机”的速度运行 WebAssembly。 * **可插拔**. Wasmer 可以根据你的需求支持不同的编译框架 (LLVM,Cranelift ...). * **通用的**. 你可以在**任何平台**(macOS, Linux and Windows) 和芯片组运行 Wasmer. * **符合标准**. 运行时通过了[官方WebAssembly测试集]( 支持[WASI]( 和[Emscripten]( ## 快速开始 Wasmer 不需要安装其他依赖. 你可以使用以下安装程序进行安装: ```sh curl -sSfL | sh ``` <details> <summary>使用Powershell (Windows)</summary> <p> ```powershell iwr -useb | iex ``` </p> </details> > 有关更多安装选项,请参见 [wasmer-install]( Homebrew, Scoop, Cargo... #### 执行WebAssembly文件 安装Wasmer之后,你已经准备好执行第一个WebAssemby文件了! 🎉 您可以通过运行 QuickJS 开始: [qjs.wasm]( ```bash $ wasmer qjs.wasm QuickJS - Type "\h" for help qjs > ``` #### 接下来是你可以做的: - [在你的Rust应用程序中使用Wasmer]( - [在WAPM上发布Wasm程序包]( - [阅读有关Wasmer的更多信息]( ## 语言整合 📦 Wasmer 运行时能以库的形式**嵌入到不同的语言**,因此你可以在任何地方使用WebAssembly. | &nbsp; | 语言 | 程序包 | 文档 | |-|-|-|-| | ![Rust logo] | [**Rust**][Rust integration] | [`wasmer` Rust crate] | [文档][rust docs] | ![C logo] | [**C/C++**][C integration] | [`wasmer.h` headers] | [文档][c docs] | | ![C# logo] | [**C#**][C# integration] | [`WasmerSharp` NuGet package] | [文档][c# docs] | | ![D logo] | [**D**][D integration] | [`wasmer` Dub package] | [文档][d docs] | | ![Python logo] | [**Python**][Python integration] | [`wasmer` PyPI package] | [文档][python docs] | | ![JS logo] | [**Javascript**][JS integration] | [`@wasmerio` NPM packages] | [文档][js docs] | | ![Go logo] | [**Go**][Go integration] | [`wasmer` Go package] | [文档][go docs] | | ![PHP logo] | [**PHP**][PHP integration] | [`wasm` PECL package] | [文档][php docs] | | ![Ruby logo] | [**Ruby**][Ruby integration] | [`wasmer` Ruby Gem] | [文档][ruby docs] | | ![Java logo] | [**Java**][Java integration] | [`wasmer/wasmer-jni` Bintray package] | [文档][java docs] | | ![Elixir logo] | [**Elixir**][Elixir integration] | [`wasmex` hex package] | [文档][elixir docs] | | ![R logo] | [**R**][R integration] | *没有已发布的软件包* | [文档][r docs] | | ![Postgres logo] | [**Postgres**][Postgres integration] | *没有已发布的软件包* | [文档][postgres docs] | | | [**Swift**][Swift integration] | *没有已发布的软件包* | | | ![Zig logo] | [**Zig**][Zig integration] | *no published package* | | [👋 缺少语言?]( [rust logo]: [rust integration]: [`wasmer` rust crate]: [rust docs]: [c logo]: [c integration]: [`wasmer.h` headers]: [c docs]: [c# logo]: [c# integration]: [`wasmersharp` nuget package]: [c# docs]: [d logo]: [d integration]: [`wasmer` Dub package]: [d docs]: [python logo]: [python integration]: [`wasmer` pypi package]: [python docs]: [go logo]: [go integration]: [`wasmer` go package]: [go docs]: [php logo]: [php integration]: [`wasm` pecl package]: [php docs]: [js logo]: [js integration]: [`@wasmerio` npm packages]: [js docs]: [ruby logo]: [ruby integration]: [`wasmer` ruby gem]: [ruby docs]: [java logo]: [java integration]: [`wasmer/wasmer-jni` bintray package]: [java docs]: [elixir logo]: [elixir integration]: [elixir docs]: [`wasmex` hex package]: [r logo]: [r integration]: [r docs]: [postgres logo]: [postgres integration]: [postgres docs]: [swift integration]: [zig logo]: [zig integration]: ## 贡献 **我们欢迎任何形式的贡献,尤其是来自社区新成员的贡献** 💜 你可以在[我们的出色文档]( 中学习如何构建 Wasmer 运行时! ### 测试 想要测试吗? [参考 Wasmer 文档]( ## 社区 Wasmer 拥有一个由出色的开发人员和贡献者组成的社区。 欢迎你,请加入我们! 👋 ### 频道 - [Slack]( - [Twitter]( - [Facebook]( - [Email]( # WebAssembly testsuite Here is where all the `.wast` tests live. # AssemblyScript WASI Demo This demo shows some WASI features off such as System Time, User Input, Writing to the Console, and Random Numbers. The module `@assemblyscript/wasi-shim` as well as a wasi-enabled runtime are required. ## Setup Navigate to `./docs/assemblyscript_demo` and run ``` npm install ``` Build the AssemblyScript demo file ``` npm run build ``` Run the WASI Demo ``` npm run demo ``` # byte-array-literals This crate exists to solve a very peculiar problem for the `wasi-preview1-component-adapter`: we want to use string literals in our source code, but the resulting binary (when compiled for wasm32-unknown-unknown) cannot contain any data sections. The answer that @sunfishcode discovered is that these string literals, if represented as an array of u8 literals, these will somehow not end up in the data section, at least when compiled with opt-level='s' on today's rustc (1.69.0). So, this crate exists to transform these literals using a proc macro. It is very possible this cheat code will abruptly stop working in some future compiler, but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. # `wasmer-vm` [![Build Status](]( [![Join Wasmer Slack](]( [![MIT License](]( This crate contains the Wasmer VM runtime library, supporting the Wasm ABI used by any [`wasmer-engine`] implementation. The Wasmer runtime is modular by design, and provides several libraries where each of them provides a specific set of features. This `wasmer-vm` library contains the low-level foundation for the runtime itself. It provides all the APIs the [`wasmer-engine`]( needs to operate, from the `instance`, to `memory`, `probestack`, signature registry, `trap`, `table`, `VMContext`, `libcalls` etc. It is very unlikely that a user will need to deal with `wasmer-vm` directly. The `wasmer` crate provides types that embed types from `wasmer-vm` with a higher-level API. [`wasmer-engine`]: ### Acknowledgments This project borrowed some of the code for the VM structure and trapping from the [wasmtime-runtime]( Please check [Wasmer ATTRIBUTIONS]( to further see licenses and other attributions of the project. # ISLE Fuzz Targets These are separate from the top-level `wasmtime/fuzz` fuzz targets because we don't intend to run them on OSS-Fuzz. They are just for local ISLE hacking. This crate provides module-level functionality, which allow multiple functions and data to be emitted with [Cranelift]( and then linked together. This crate is structured as an optional layer on top of cranelift-codegen. It provides additional functionality, such as linking, however users that require greater flexibility don't need to use it. A module is a collection of functions and data objects that are linked together. The `Module` trait that defines a common interface for various kinds of modules. Most users will use one of the following `Module` implementations: - `JITModule`, provided by [cranelift-jit], which JITs code to memory for direct execution. - `ObjectModule`, provided by [cranelift-object], which emits native object files. [cranelift-jit]: [cranelift-object]: # Tests: Deprecated In this folder we will test deprecated APIs to verify that they still work the way it should, so users of Wasmer are happy while transitioning to newer APIs. As time passes and adoption of new APIs rises, tests on this folder should start tending towards 0. Therefore, deprecated tests are intended to be deleted on the long term. # ISLE: Instruction Selection / Lowering Expressions ISLE is a domain specific language (DSL) for instruction selection and lowering clif instructions to vcode's `MachInst`s in Cranelift. ISLE is a statically-typed term-rewriting language. You define rewriting rules that map input terms (clif instructions) into output terms (`MachInst`s). These rules get compiled down into Rust source test that uses a tree of `match` expressions that is as good or better than what you would have written by hand. # `wasmer-compiler-llvm` [![Build Status](]( [![Join Wasmer Slack](]( [![MIT License](]( [![](]( This crate contains a compiler implementation based on [the LLVM Compiler Infrastructure][LLVM]. ## Usage ```rust use wasmer::{Store, Universal}; use wasmer_compiler_llvm::LLVM; let compiler = LLVM::new(); // Put it into an engine and add it to the store let store = Store::new(&Universal::new(compiler).engine()); ``` *Note: you can find a [full working example using LLVM compiler here][example].* ## When to use LLVM We recommend using LLVM as the default compiler when running WebAssembly files on any **production** system, as it offers maximum peformance near to native speeds. ## Requirements The LLVM compiler requires a valid installation of LLVM in your system. It currently requires **LLVM 12**. You can install LLVM easily on your Debian-like system via this command: ```bash wget -O /tmp/ sudo bash /tmp/ 12 ``` Or in macOS: ```bash brew install llvm ``` Or via any of the [pre-built binaries that LLVM offers][llvm-pre-built]. [LLVM]: [example]: [llvm-pre-built]: # Wasmer Integration tests All Wasmer end to end integration tests live here. We have different kind of integration tests: ## CLI Integration tests This tests check that the `wasmer` CLI works as it should when running it as a Command in a shell, for each of the supported compilers. ## C Integration tests This tests verify that Wasmer wasm-c-api tests are passing for each of the supported compilers. ## Rust Integration tests This tests verify that the `wasmer` API fulfill the required API that external users use. # The Wasmer runtime crates The philosophy of Wasmer is to be very modular by design. It's composed of a set of crates. We can group them as follows: * `api` — The public Rust API exposes everything a user needs to use Wasmer programatically through the `wasmer` crate, * `cache` — The traits and types to cache compiled WebAssembly modules, * `cli` — The Wasmer CLI itself, * `compiler` — The base for the compiler implementations, it defines the framework for the compilers and provides everything they need: * `compiler-cranelift` — A WebAssembly compiler based on the Cranelift compiler infrastructure, * `compiler-llvm` — A WebAssembly compiler based on the LLVM compiler infrastructure; recommended for runtime speed performance, * `compiler-singlepass` — A WebAssembly compiler based on our own compilation infrastructure; recommended for compilation-time speed performance. * `derive` — A set of procedural macros used inside Wasmer, * `engine` — The general abstraction for creating an engine, which is responsible of leading the compiling and running flow. Using the same compiler, the runtime performance will be approximately the same, however the way it stores and loads the executable code will differ: * `engine-universal` — stores the code in a custom file format, and loads it in memory, * `types` — The basic structures to use WebAssembly, * `vm` — The Wasmer VM runtime library, the low-level base of everything. # github-release An action used to publish GitHub releases for `wasmtime`. As of the time of this writing there's a few actions floating around which perform github releases but they all tend to have their set of drawbacks. Additionally nothing handles deleting releases which we need for our rolling `dev` release. To handle all this this action rolls-its-own implementation using the actions/toolkit repository and packages published there. These run in a Docker container and take various inputs to orchestrate the release from the build. More comments can be found in `main.js`. Testing this is really hard. If you want to try though run `npm install` and then `node main.js`. You'll have to configure a bunch of env vars though to get anything reasonably working. This is the `wasmtime-jit-debug` crate, which contains JIT debug interfaces support for Wasmtime. <div align="center"> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <img width="300" src="" alt="Wasmer Logo"> </a> <p> <a href=""> <img src="" alt="Build Status"> </a> <a href=""> <img src="" alt="Lizenz"> </a> <a href=""> <img src="" alt="Wasmer Doku"> </a> <a href=""> <img src="" alt="Slack Kanal"> </a> </p> </div> <br /> Wasmer ist eine _schnelle_ und _sichere_ [**WebAssembly**]( Runtime, die das Ausführen von _schlanken Containern_ überall ermöglicht: auf dem *Desktop* in der *Cloud*, so wie auf *Edge* und *IoT* Geräten. > _Die README ist auch in folgenden Sprachen verfügbar: [🇨🇳 中文-Chinesisch]( • [🇬🇧 English-Englisch]( • [🇪🇸 Español-Spanisch]( • [🇫🇷 Français-Französisch]( • [🇯🇵 日本語-Japanisch]( ### Leistungsmerkmale * Standardmäßig sicher. Kein Datei-, Netzwerk- oder Umgebungszugriff, sofern nicht explizit aktiviert. * Unterstützt [WASI]( und [Emscripten]( standardmäßig. * Schnell. Führt WebAssembly in nahezu nativer Geschwindigkeit aus. * Einbettbar in [mehrere Programmiersprachen]( * Kompatibel mit den neuesten Empfehlungen für WebAssembly (SIMD, Referenztypen, Threads, ...) ### Installation Wasmer CLI wird als eine einzige ausführbare Datei ohne Abhängigkeiten ausgeliefert. ```sh curl -sSfL | sh ``` <details> <summary>Weitere Installationsmöglichkeiten (Powershell, Brew, Cargo, ...)</summary> _Wasmer kann über verschiedene Paketmanager installiert werden. Wählen Sie den für Ihre Umgebung am besten geeigneten aus:_ * Powershell (Windows) ```powershell iwr -useb | iex ``` * <a href="">Homebrew</a> (macOS, Linux) ```sh brew install wasmer ``` * <a href="">Scoop</a> (Windows) ```sh scoop install wasmer ``` * <a href="">Chocolatey</a> (Windows) ```sh choco install wasmer ``` * <a href="">Cargo</a> _Note: All the available features are described in the [`wasmer-cli` crate docs]( ```sh cargo install wasmer-cli ``` > Suchen Sie nach weiteren Installationsmöglichkeiten? Im [`wasmer-install` Repository]( können Si mehr erfahren! </details> ### Schnellstart Sie können beginnen, [QuickJS]( auszuführen, eine kleine und einbettbare Javascript Engine, die als WebAssembly Modul kompiliert ist: ([`qjs.wasm`]( ```bash $ wasmer qjs.wasm QuickJS - Type "\h" for help qjs > const i = 1 + 2; qjs > console.log("hello " + i); hello 3 ``` #### Folgendes können Sie als nächstes tun: - [Wasmer für eine Rust Anwendung nutzen]( - [Ein asm Paket auf WAPM veröffentlichen]( - [Mehr zu Wasmer lesen]( ## 📦 Unterstützte Sprachen Die Wasmer-Laufzeit kann als Bibliothek **eingebettet in verschiedenen Sprachen** verwendet werden, so dass Sie WebAssembly _überall_ einsetzen können. | | Sprache | Paket | Dokumentation | |-|-|-|-| | ![Rust logo] | [**Rust**][Rust Integration] | [`wasmer` Rust crate] | [Lernen][rust docs] | ![C logo] | [**C/C++**][C Integration] | [`wasmer.h` header] | [Lernen][c docs] | | ![C# logo] | [**C#**][C# Integration] | [`WasmerSharp` NuGet Paket] | [Lernen][c# docs] | | ![D logo] | [**D**][D Integration] | [`wasmer` Dub Paket] | [Lernen][d docs] | | ![Python logo] | [**Python**][Python Integration] | [`wasmer` PyPI Paket] | [Lernen][python docs] | | ![JS logo] | [**Javascript**][JS Integration] | [`@wasmerio` NPM Paket] | [Lernen][js docs] | | ![Go logo] | [**Go**][Go Integration] | [`wasmer` Go Paket] | [Lernen][go docs] | | ![PHP logo] | [**PHP**][PHP Integration] | [`wasm` PECL Paket] | [Lernen][php docs] | | ![Ruby logo] | [**Ruby**][Ruby Integration] | [`wasmer` Ruby Gem] | [Lernen][ruby docs] | | ![Java logo] | [**Java**][Java Integration] | [`wasmer/wasmer-jni` Bintray Paket] | [Lernen][java docs] | | ![Elixir logo] | [**Elixir**][Elixir Integration] | [`wasmex` hex Paket] | [Lernen][elixir docs] | | ![R logo] | [**R**][R Integration] | *kein Paket veröffentlicht* | [Lernen][r docs] | | ![Postgres logo] | [**Postgres**][Postgres Integration] | *kein Paket veröffentlicht* | [Lernen][postgres docs] | | | [**Swift**][Swift Integration] | *kein Paket veröffentlicht* | | | ![Zig logo] | [**Zig**][Zig Integration] | *kein Paket veröffentlicht* | | | ![Dart logo] | [**Dart**][Dart Integration] | [`wasm` pub Paket] | | [👋&nbsp;&nbsp;Fehlt eine Sprache?]( [rust logo]: [rust integration]: [`wasmer` rust crate]: [rust docs]: [c logo]: [c integration]: [`wasmer.h` header]: [c docs]: [c# logo]: [c# integration]: [`wasmersharp` nuget package]: [c# docs]: [d logo]: [d integration]: [`wasmer` Dub package]: [d docs]: [python logo]: [python integration]: [`wasmer` pypi package]: [python docs]: [go logo]: [go integration]: [`wasmer` go package]: [go docs]: [php logo]: [php integration]: [`wasm` pecl package]: [php docs]: [js logo]: [js integration]: [`@wasmerio` npm packages]: [js docs]: [ruby logo]: [ruby integration]: [`wasmer` ruby gem]: [ruby docs]: [java logo]: [java integration]: [`wasmer/wasmer-jni` bintray package]: [java docs]: [elixir logo]: [elixir integration]: [elixir docs]: [`wasmex` hex package]: [r logo]: [r integration]: [r docs]: [postgres logo]: [postgres integration]: [postgres docs]: [swift integration]: [zig logo]: [zig integration]: [dart logo]: [dart integration]: [`wasm` pub package]: ## Unterstützen Wir sind dankbar für Ihre Hilfe! 💜 Lesen Sie in unserer Dokumentation nach, wie man [Wasmer aus dem Quellcode kompiliert]( oder [testen Sie Änderungen]( ## Community Wasmer hat eine wunderbare Community von Entwicklern und Mitwirkenden. Sie sind herzlich willkommen, bitte machen Sie mit! 👋 - [Wasmer Community auf Slack]( - [Wasmer auf Twitter]( - [Wasmer auf Facebook]( - [Email]( # `wasmer` [![Build Status](]( [![Join Wasmer Slack](]( [![MIT License](]( [![](]( [`Wasmer`]( is the most popular [WebAssembly]( runtime for Rust. It supports JIT (Just In Time) and AOT (Ahead Of Time) compilation as well as pluggable compilers suited to your needs. It's designed to be safe and secure, and runnable in any kind of environment. ## Usage Here is a small example of using Wasmer to run a WebAssembly module written with its WAT format (textual format): ```rust use wasmer::{Store, Module, Instance, Value, imports}; fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let module_wat = r#" (module (type $t0 (func (param i32) (result i32))) (func $add_one (export "add_one") (type $t0) (param $p0 i32) (result i32) get_local $p0 i32.const 1 i32.add)) "#; let store = Store::default(); let module = Module::new(&store, &module_wat)?; // The module doesn't import anything, so we create an empty import object. let import_object = imports! {}; let instance = Instance::new(&module, &import_object)?; let add_one = instance.exports.get_function("add_one")?; let result =[Value::I32(42)])?; assert_eq!(result[0], Value::I32(43)); Ok(()) } ``` [Discover the full collection of examples]( ## Features Wasmer is not only fast, but also designed to be *highly customizable*: * **Pluggable engines** — An engine is responsible to drive the compilation process and to store the generated executable code somewhere, either: * in-memory (with [`wasmer-engine-universal`]), * in a native shared object file (with [`wasmer-engine-dylib`], `.dylib`, `.so`, `.dll`), then load it with `dlopen`, * in a native static object file (with [`wasmer-engine-staticlib`]), in addition to emitting a C header file, which both can be linked against a sandboxed WebAssembly runtime environment for the compiled module with no need for runtime compilation. * **Pluggable compilers** — A compiler is used by an engine to transform WebAssembly into executable code: * [`wasmer-compiler-singlepass`] provides a fast compilation-time but an unoptimized runtime speed, * [`wasmer-compiler-cranelift`] provides the right balance between compilation-time and runtime performance, useful for development, * [`wasmer-compiler-llvm`] provides a deeply optimized executable code with the fastest runtime speed, ideal for production. * **Headless mode** — Once a WebAssembly module has been compiled, it is possible to serialize it in a file for example, and later execute it with Wasmer with headless mode turned on. Headless Wasmer has no compiler, which makes it more portable and faster to load. It's ideal for constrainted environments. * **Cross-compilation** — Most compilers support cross-compilation. It means it possible to pre-compile a WebAssembly module targetting a different architecture or platform and serialize it, to then run it on the targetted architecture and platform later. * **Run Wasmer in a JavaScript environment** — With the `js` Cargo feature, it is possible to compile a Rust program using Wasmer to WebAssembly. In this context, the resulting WebAssembly module will expect to run in a JavaScript environment, like a browser, Node.js, Deno and so on. In this specific scenario, there is no engines or compilers available, it's the one available in the JavaScript environment that will be used. Wasmer ships by default with the Cranelift compiler as its great for development purposes. However, we strongly encourage to use the LLVM compiler in production as it performs about 50% faster, achieving near-native speeds. Note: if one wants to use multiple compilers at the same time, it's also possible! One will need to import them directly via each of the compiler crates. Read [the documentation to learn more]( --- Made with ❤️ by the Wasmer team, for the community [`wasmer-engine-universal`]: [`wasmer-engine-dylib`]: [`wasmer-engine-staticlib`]: [`wasmer-compiler-singlepass`]: [`wasmer-compiler-cranelift`]: [`wasmer-compiler-llvm`]: This crate contains the metaprogram used by cranelift-codegen. It's not useful on its own. wasm ==== Python module capable of decoding and disassembling WebAssembly modules and bytecode, according to the MVP specification of the WASM binary format. As there is no official text format defined yet, the text format implemented doesn't correspond to any existing definition and is a simple `mnemonic op1, op2, ...` format. Functions are formatted in a way similar to how Google Chrome does in the debug console. ### Installation ``` # From PyPi pip install wasm # From GitHub pip install git+ ``` ### Examples Parsing a WASM module, printing the types of sections found. ```python from wasm import decode_module with open('input-samples/hello/hello.wasm', 'rb') as raw: raw = mod_iter = iter(decode_module(raw)) header, header_data = next(mod_iter) for cur_sec, cur_sec_data in mod_iter: print(cur_sec_data.get_decoder_meta()['types']['payload']) ``` Possible output: ``` <wasm.modtypes.TypeSection object at 0x10dec52e8> <wasm.modtypes.ImportSection object at 0x10dec5320> <wasm.modtypes.FunctionSection object at 0x10dec5358> <wasm.modtypes.GlobalSection object at 0x10dec5400> <wasm.modtypes.ExportSection object at 0x10dec5438> <wasm.modtypes.ElementSection object at 0x10dec54a8> <wasm.modtypes.CodeSection object at 0x10dec54e0> <wasm.modtypes.DataSection object at 0x10dec5518> ``` Parsing specific sections (eg. GlobalSection, ElementSection, DataSection) in WASM module, printing each section's content: ```python from wasm import ( decode_module, format_instruction, format_lang_type, format_mutability, SEC_DATA, SEC_ELEMENT, SEC_GLOBAL, ) with open('input-samples/hello/hello.wasm', 'rb') as raw: raw = mod_iter = iter(decode_module(raw)) header, header_data = next(mod_iter) for cur_sec, cur_sec_data in mod_iter: if == SEC_GLOBAL: print("GlobalSection:") for idx, entry in enumerate(cur_sec_data.payload.globals): print( format_mutability(entry.type.mutability), format_lang_type(entry.type.content_type), ) for cur_insn in entry.init: print(format_instruction(cur_insn)) if == SEC_ELEMENT: print("ElementSection:") for idx, entry in enumerate(cur_sec_data.payload.entries): print(entry.index, entry.num_elem, entry.elems) for cur_insn in entry.offset: print(format_instruction(cur_insn)) if == SEC_DATA: print("DataSection:") for idx, entry in enumerate(cur_sec_data.payload.entries): print(entry.index, entry.size, for cur_insn in entry.offset: print(format_instruction(cur_insn)) ``` Output: ``` GlobalSection: mut i32 get_global 0 end mut i32 get_global 1 end ... mut f32 f32.const 0x0 end mut f32 f32.const 0x0 end ElementSection: 0 12576 [856, 856, 856, ..., 888] i32.const 0 end DataSection: 0 16256 b'\x98&\x00\x00\xfe4\x00\x00\x10\x04\x00\x00\x00...\x00N10__cxxabiv121__vmi_class_type_infoE' get_global 8 end ``` Manually disassemble WASM bytecode, printing each instruction. ```python from wasm import ( decode_bytecode, format_instruction, INSN_ENTER_BLOCK, INSN_LEAVE_BLOCK, ) raw = bytearray([2, 127, 65, 24, 16, 28, 65, 0, 15, 11]) indent = 0 for cur_insn in decode_bytecode(raw): if cur_insn.op.flags & INSN_LEAVE_BLOCK: indent -= 1 print(' ' * indent + format_instruction(cur_insn)) if cur_insn.op.flags & INSN_ENTER_BLOCK: indent += 1 ``` Output: ``` block -1 i32.const 24 call 28 i32.const 0 return end ``` ### `wasmdump` command-line tool The module also comes with a simple command-line tool called `wasmdump`, dumping all module struct in sexy tree format. Optionally, it also disassembles all functions found when invoked with `--disas` (slow). ### Version support The library was successfully tested on Python 2.7, Python 3.7 and PyPy 5.4. # wiggle Wiggle is a code generator for the host side of a `witx` interface. It is invoked as a Rust procedural macro. Wiggle is not specialized to any particular WebAssembly runtime. It is usable in at least Wasmtime and Lucet. ## Learning more Read the docs on []( There are child crates for [integrating with Wasmtime]( (this crate), and [Lucet]( The [wasi-common crate]( is implemented using Wiggle and the [wasmtime-wasi crate]( integrates wasi-common with the Wasmtime engine. Andrew Brown wrote a great [blog post]( on using Wiggle with Wasmtime. Cranelift Code Generator ======================== **A [Bytecode Alliance][BA] project** [Website]( Cranelift is a low-level retargetable code generator. It translates a [target-independent intermediate representation](docs/ into executable machine code. [BA]: [![Build Status](]( [![Chat](]( ![Minimum rustc 1.37]( [![Documentation Status](]( For more information, see [the documentation](docs/ For an example of how to use the JIT, see the [JIT Demo], which implements a toy language. [JIT Demo]: For an example of how to use Cranelift to run WebAssembly code, see [Wasmtime], which implements a standalone, embeddable, VM using Cranelift. [Wasmtime]: Status ------ Cranelift currently supports enough functionality to run a wide variety of programs, including all the functionality needed to execute WebAssembly (MVP and various extensions like SIMD), although it needs to be used within an external WebAssembly embedding such as Wasmtime to be part of a complete WebAssembly implementation. It is also usable as a backend for non-WebAssembly use cases: for example, there is an effort to build a [Rust compiler backend] using Cranelift. Cranelift is production-ready, and is used in production in several places, all within the context of Wasmtime. It is carefully fuzzed as part of Wasmtime with differential comparison against V8 and the executable Wasm spec, and the register allocator is separately fuzzed with symbolic verification. There is an active effort to formally verify Cranelift's instruction-selection backends. We take security seriously and have a [security policy] as a part of Bytecode Alliance. Cranelift has four backends: x86-64, aarch64 (aka ARM64), s390x (aka IBM Z) and riscv64. All backends fully support enough functionality for Wasm MVP, and x86-64 and aarch64 fully support SIMD as well. On x86-64, Cranelift supports both the System V AMD64 ABI calling convention used on many platforms and the Windows x64 calling convention. On aarch64, Cranelift supports the standard Linux calling convention and also has specific support for macOS (i.e., M1 / Apple Silicon). Cranelift's code quality is within range of competitiveness to browser JIT engines' optimizing tiers. A [recent paper] includes third-party benchmarks of Cranelift, driven by Wasmtime, against V8 and an LLVM-based Wasm engine, WAVM (Fig 22). The speed of Cranelift's generated code is ~2% slower than that of V8 (TurboFan), and ~14% slower than WAVM (LLVM). Its compilation speed, in the same paper, is measured as approximately an order of magnitude faster than WAVM (LLVM). We continue to work to improve both measures. [Rust compiler backend]: [security policy]: [recent paper]: The core codegen crates have minimal dependencies and are carefully written to handle malicious or arbitrary compiler input: in particular, they do not use callstack recursion. Cranelift performs some basic mitigations for Spectre attacks on heap bounds checks, table bounds checks, and indirect branch bounds checks; see [#1032] for more. [#1032]: Cranelift's APIs are not yet considered stable, though we do follow semantic-versioning (semver) with minor-version patch releases. Cranelift generally requires the latest stable Rust to build as a policy, and is tested as such, but we can incorporate fixes for compilation with older Rust versions on a best-effort basis. Contributing ------------ If you're interested in contributing to Cranelift: thank you! We have a [contributing guide] which will help you getting involved in the Cranelift project. [contributing guide]: Planned uses ------------ Cranelift is designed to be a code generator for WebAssembly, but it is general enough to be useful elsewhere too. The initial planned uses that affected its design were: - [Wasmtime non-Web wasm engine]( - [Debug build backend for the Rust compiler]( - WebAssembly compiler for the SpiderMonkey engine in Firefox (currently not planned anymore; SpiderMonkey team may re-assess in the future). - Backend for the IonMonkey JavaScript JIT compiler in Firefox (currently not planned anymore; SpiderMonkey team may re-assess in the future). Building Cranelift ------------------ Cranelift uses a [conventional Cargo build process]( Cranelift consists of a collection of crates, and uses a [Cargo Workspace](, so for some cargo commands, such as `cargo test`, the `--all` is needed to tell cargo to visit all of the crates. `` at the top level is a script which runs all the cargo tests and also performs code format, lint, and documentation checks. <details> <summary>Log configuration</summary> Cranelift uses the `log` crate to log messages at various levels. It doesn't specify any maximal logging level, so embedders can choose what it should be; however, this can have an impact of Cranelift's code size. You can use `log` features to reduce the maximum logging level. For instance if you want to limit the level of logging to `warn` messages and above in release mode: ``` [dependency.log] ... features = ["release_max_level_warn"] ``` </details> Editor Support -------------- Editor support for working with Cranelift IR (clif) files: - Vim: # `wasmer-compiler-cranelift` [![Build Status](]( [![Join Wasmer Slack](]( [![MIT License](]( [![](]( This crate contains a compiler implementation based on Cranelift. ## Usage ```rust use wasmer::{Store, Universal}; use wasmer_compiler_cranelift::Cranelift; let compiler = Cranelift::new(); // Put it into an engine and add it to the store let store = Store::new(&Universal::new(compiler).engine()); ``` *Note: you can find a [full working example using Cranelift compiler here][example].* ## When to use Cranelift We recommend using this compiler crate **only for development proposes**. For production we recommend using [`wasmer-compiler-llvm`] as it offers a much better runtime speed (50% faster on average). ### Acknowledgments This project borrowed some of the function lowering from [`cranelift-wasm`]. Please check [Wasmer `ATTRIBUTIONS`] to further see licenses and other attributions of the project. [example]: [`wasmer-compiler-llvm`]: [`cranelift-wasm`]: [Wasmer `ATTRIBUTIONS`]: <div align="center"> <h1><code>wasmtime</code></h1> <p> <strong>A standalone runtime for <a href="">WebAssembly</a></strong> </p> <strong>A <a href="">Bytecode Alliance</a> project</strong> </div> ## About This crate is the Rust embedding API for the [Wasmtime] project: a cross-platform engine for running WebAssembly programs. Notable features of Wasmtime are: * **Fast**. Wasmtime is built on the optimizing [Cranelift] code generator to quickly generate high-quality machine code either at runtime or ahead-of-time. Wasmtime's runtime is also optimized for cases such as efficient instantiation, low-overhead transitions between the embedder and wasm, and scalability of concurrent instances. * **[Secure]**. Wasmtime's development is strongly focused on the correctness of its implementation with 24/7 fuzzing donated by [Google's OSS Fuzz], leveraging Rust's API and runtime safety guarantees, careful design of features and APIs through an [RFC process], a [security policy] in place for when things go wrong, and a [release policy] for patching older versions as well. We follow best practices for defense-in-depth and known protections and mitigations for issues like Spectre. Finally, we're working to push the state-of-the-art by collaborating with academic researchers to formally verify critical parts of Wasmtime and Cranelift. * **[Configurable]**. Wastime supports a rich set of APIs and build time configuration to provide many options such as further means of restricting WebAssembly beyond its basic guarantees such as its CPU and Memory consumption. Wasmtime also runs in tiny environments all the way up to massive servers with many concurrent instances. * **[WASI]**. Wasmtime supports a rich set of APIs for interacting with the host environment through the [WASI standard]( * **[Standards Compliant]**. Wasmtime passes the [official WebAssembly test suite](, implements the [official C API of wasm](, and implements [future proposals to WebAssembly]( as well. Wasmtime developers are intimately engaged with the WebAssembly standards process all along the way too. [Wasmtime]: [Cranelift]: [Google's OSS Fuzz]: [security policy]: [RFC process]: [release policy]: [Secure]: [Configurable]: [WASI]: [Standards Compliant]: ## Example An example of using the Wasmtime embedding API for running a small WebAssembly module might look like: ```rust use anyhow::Result; use wasmtime::*; fn main() -> Result<()> { // Modules can be compiled through either the text or binary format let engine = Engine::default(); let wat = r#" (module (import "host" "host_func" (func $host_hello (param i32))) (func (export "hello") i32.const 3 call $host_hello) ) "#; let module = Module::new(&engine, wat)?; // Create a `Linker` which will be later used to instantiate this module. // Host functionality is defined by name within the `Linker`. let mut linker = Linker::new(&engine); linker.func_wrap("host", "host_func", |caller: Caller<'_, u32>, param: i32| { println!("Got {} from WebAssembly", param); println!("my host state is: {}",; })?; // All wasm objects operate within the context of a "store". Each // `Store` has a type parameter to store host-specific data, which in // this case we're using `4` for. let mut store = Store::new(&engine, 4); let instance = linker.instantiate(&mut store, &module)?; let hello = instance.get_typed_func::<(), ()>(&mut store, "hello")?; // And finally we can call the wasm! store, ())?; Ok(()) } ``` More examples and information can be found in the `wasmtime` crate's [online documentation]( as well. ## Documentation [📚 Read the Wasmtime guide here! 📚][guide] The [wasmtime guide][guide] is the best starting point to learn about what Wasmtime can do for you or help answer your questions about Wasmtime. If you're curious in contributing to Wasmtime, [it can also help you do that][contributing]! [contributing]: [guide]: This is an umbrella crate which contains no code of its own, but pulls in other cranelift library crates to provide a convenient one-line dependency, and a prelude, for common use cases. <div align="center"> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <img width="300" src="" alt="Wasmerロゴ"> </a> <p> <a href=""> <img src="" alt="ビルドステータス"> </a> <a href=""> <img src="" alt="ライセンス"> </a> <a href=""> <img src="" alt="Slackチャンネル"> </a> </p> <h3> <a href="">Website</a> <span> • </span> <a href="">Docs</a> <span> • </span> <a href="">Chat</a> </h3> </div> <br /> [Wasmer]( は、[WebAssembly]( をベースとした非常に軽量なコンテナを実現します。デスクトップからクラウドや IoT デバイス上まで、どんな環境でも実行でき、さらに[*任意のプログラミング言語*](#他の言語とのインテグレーション)に埋め込むこともできます。 > この readme は、次の言語でも利用可能です。[🇩🇪 Deutsch-ドイツ語]( • [🇨🇳 中文-Chinese]( • [🇬🇧 English-英語]( • [🇪🇸 Español-Spanish]( • [🇫🇷 Français-French]( ## 機能 * **高速かつ安全**。WebAssembly を完全なサンドボックス環境内で*ネイティブに近い*スピードで実行します。 * **プラガブル**。異なるコンパイルフレームワーク (LLVM、Cranelift など...) をサポートしているため、ニーズに合った最適なフレームワークを選択できます。 * **ユニバーサル**。どんなプラットフォーム上 (macOS、Linux、Windows) でも、どんな*チップセット*上でも実行できます。 * **標準に準拠**。ランタイムは[公式の WebAssembly テストスイート](に通っており、[WASI]( と [Emscripten]( をサポートします。 ## クイックスタート Wasmer は依存関係なしで動作します。以下のコマンドでインストーラーを使用してインストールできます。 ```sh curl -sSfL | sh ``` <details> <summary>PowerShell の場合 (Windows)</summary> <p> ```powershell iwr -useb | iex ``` </p> </details> > Homebrew、Scoop、Cargo など、他のインストール方法については、[wasmer-install]( を参照してください。 #### WebAssembly ファイルの実行 Wasmer をインストールしたら、初めての WebAssembly ファイルの実行準備が完了です! 🎉 QuickJS ([qjs.wasm]( を実行することで、すぐに始められます。 ```bash $ wasmer qjs.wasm QuickJS - Type "\h" for help qjs > ``` #### 次にできること - [Rust アプリケーションから Wasmer を使用する]( - [WAPM で Wasm パッケージを公開する]( - [Wasmer についてさらに学ぶ]( ## 他の言語とのインテグレーション 📦 Wasmer ランタイムは**他の言語に組み込んで**使用できるため、WebAssembly は_どんな場所でも_利用できます。 | &nbsp; | Language | Package | Docs | |-|-|-|-| | ![Rust logo] | [**Rust**][Rust integration] | [`wasmer` Rust crate] | [Docs][rust docs] | ![C logo] | [**C/C++**][C integration] | [`wasmer.h` headers] | [Docs][c docs] | | ![C# logo] | [**C#**][C# integration] | [`WasmerSharp` NuGet package] | [Docs][c# docs] | | ![D logo] | [**D**][D integration] | [`wasmer` Dub package] | [Docs][d docs] | | ![Python logo] | [**Python**][Python integration] | [`wasmer` PyPI package] | [Docs][python docs] | | ![JS logo] | [**Javascript**][JS integration] | [`@wasmerio` NPM packages] | [Docs][js docs] | | ![Go logo] | [**Go**][Go integration] | [`wasmer` Go package] | [Docs][go docs] | | ![PHP logo] | [**PHP**][PHP integration] | [`wasm` PECL package] | [Docs][php docs] | | ![Ruby logo] | [**Ruby**][Ruby integration] | [`wasmer` Ruby Gem] | [Docs][ruby docs] | | ![Java logo] | [**Java**][Java integration] | [`wasmer/wasmer-jni` Bintray package] | [Docs][java docs] | | ![Elixir logo] | [**Elixir**][Elixir integration] | [`wasmex` hex package] | [Docs][elixir docs] | | ![R logo] | [**R**][R integration] | *公開パッケージなし* | [Docs][r docs] | | ![Postgres logo] | [**Postgres**][Postgres integration] | *公開パッケージなし* | [Docs][postgres docs] | | | [**Swift**][Swift integration] | *公開パッケージなし* | | | ![Zig logo] | [**Zig**][Zig integration] | *no published package* | | [👋 言語が見当たらない?]( [rust logo]: [rust integration]: [`wasmer` rust crate]: [rust docs]: [c logo]: [c integration]: [`wasmer.h` headers]: [c docs]: [c# logo]: [c# integration]: [`wasmersharp` nuget package]: [c# docs]: [d logo]: [d integration]: [`wasmer` Dub package]: [d docs]: [python logo]: [python integration]: [`wasmer` pypi package]: [python docs]: [go logo]: [go integration]: [`wasmer` go package]: [go docs]: [php logo]: [php integration]: [`wasm` pecl package]: [php docs]: [js logo]: [js integration]: [`@wasmerio` npm packages]: [js docs]: [ruby logo]: [ruby integration]: [`wasmer` ruby gem]: [ruby docs]: [java logo]: [java integration]: [`wasmer/wasmer-jni` bintray package]: [java docs]: [elixir logo]: [elixir integration]: [elixir docs]: [`wasmex` hex package]: [r logo]: [r integration]: [r docs]: [postgres logo]: [postgres integration]: [postgres docs]: [swift integration]: [zig logo]: [zig integration]: ## コントリビューション **どんな形での貢献も歓迎です。コミュニティの新しいメンバーからの貢献は特に歓迎します。** 💜 Wasmer ランタイムのビルド方法は、[素晴らしいドキュメント](で確認できます! ### テスト テストを実行したいですか? [Wasmer docs で方法を説明](しています。 ## コミュニティ Wasmer には、開発者とコントリビューターの素晴らしいコミュニティがあります。ようこそ! あなたも是非参加してください! 👋 ### チャンネル - [Slack]( - [Twitter]( - [Facebook]( - [Email]( # Custom wast tests In this directory we have created wast tests for different cases where we want to test other scenarios than the ones offered by the standard WebAssembly spectests. ## NaN canonicalization: `nan-canonicalization.wast` This is an extra set of tests that assure that operations with NaNs are deterministic regarless of the environment/chipset where it executes in. ## Call Indirect Spilled Stack: `call-indirect-spilledd-stack.wast` We had an issue occuring that was making singlepass not working properly on the WebAssembly benchmark: This is a test case to ensure it doesn't reproduce again in the future. ## Multiple Traps: `multiple-traps.wast` This is a test assuring functions that trap can be called multiple times. ## Fac: `fac.wast` This is a simple factorial program. ## Check that struct-return on the stack doesn't overflow: `stack-overflow-sret.wast` Stack space for a structure returning function call should be allocated once up front, not once in each call. This crate contains a library that enables [Cranelift]( to emit native object (".o") files, using the [object]( library. # Wasmer Benches This directory contains small, punctual benches. Other benchmarks are landing somewhere else. We will update this section soon. # AssemblyScript Hello World (WASI) This example implements the typical "Hello, World!" application in AssemblyScript, utilizing WASI. ## Setup Navigate to `./docs/assemblyscript-hello-world` and run ``` npm install ``` Build the AssemblyScript example ``` npm run build ``` Run the example ``` npm run start ``` This crate library supports reading .clif files. This functionality is needed for testing [Cranelift](, but is not essential for a JIT compiler. # `wasmer-engine` [![Build Status](]( [![Join Wasmer Slack](]( [![MIT License](]( This crate is the general abstraction for creating Engines in Wasmer. Wasmer Engines are mainly responsible for two things: * Transform the compilation code (from any Wasmer Compiler) to **create** an `Artifact`, * **Load** an`Artifact` so it can be used by the user (normally, pushing the code into executable memory and so on). It currently has three implementations: 1. Universal with [`wasmer-engine-universal`], 2. Native with [`wasmer-engine-dylib`], 3. Object with [`wasmer-engine-staticlib`]. ## Example Implementation Please check [`wasmer-engine-dummy`] for an example implementation for an `Engine`. ### Acknowledgments This project borrowed some of the code of the trap implementation from the [`wasmtime-api`], the code since then has evolved significantly. Please check [Wasmer `ATTRIBUTIONS`] to further see licenses and other attributions of the project. [`wasmer-engine-universal`]: [`wasmer-engine-dylib`]: [`wasmer-engine-staticlib`]: [`wasmer-engine-dummy`]: [`wasmtime-api`]: [Wasmer `ATTRIBUTIONS`]: This crate contains array-based data structures used by the core Cranelift code generator which represent a set of small ordered sets or maps. **These are not general purpose data structures that are somehow magically faster that the standard library's `BTreeSet` and `BTreeMap` types.** The tradeoffs are different: - Keys and values are expected to be small and copyable. We optimize for 32-bit types. - A comparator object is used to compare keys, allowing smaller "context free" keys. - Empty trees have a very small 32-bit footprint. - All the trees in a forest can be cleared in constant time. This directory contains the necessary parts for building a library with FFI access to the Wasm spec interpreter. Its major parts: - `spec`: the Wasm spec code as a Git submodule (you may need to retrieve it: `git clone -b wasmtime_fuzzing`). - ``: a shim layer for calling the Wasm spec code and exposing it for FFI access - `Makefile`: the steps for gluing these pieces together into a static library Note: the `Makefile` must be configured with the path to `libgmp.a`; see `LIBGMP_PATHS` in the `Makefile` (Ubuntu: `libgmp-dev`, Fedora: `gmp-static`). # Wasmtime's C API For more information you can find the documentation for this library [online]( ## Using in a C Project To use Wasmtime from a C or C++ project, you can use Cargo to build the Wasmtime C bindings. From the root of the Wasmtime repository, run the following command: ``` cargo build --release wasmtime-c-api ``` This will create static and dynamic libraries called `libwasmtime` in the `target/release` directory. ## Using in a Rust Project If you have a Rust crate that contains bindings to a C or C++ library that uses Wasmtime, you can link the Wasmtime C API using Cargo. 1. Add a dependency on the `wasmtime-c-api-impl` crate to your `Cargo.toml`. Note that package name differs from the library name. ```toml [dependencies] wasmtime-c-api = { version = "16.0.0", package = "wasmtime-c-api-impl" } ``` 2. In your `` file, when compiling your C/C++ source code, add the C `wasmtime-c-api` headers to the include path: ```rust fn main() { let mut cfg = cc::Build::new(); // Add to the include path the wasmtime headers and the standard // Wasm C API headers. cfg .include(std::env::var("DEP_WASMTIME_C_API_INCLUDE").unwrap()); .include(std::env::var("DEP_WASMTIME_C_API_WASM_INCLUDE").unwrap()); // Compile your C code. cfg .file("src/your_c_code.c") .compile("your_library"); } ``` Amalgamated WebAssembly Test Suite ================================== This repository holds a mirror of the WebAssembly core testsuite which is maintained [here](, as well as the tests from the various [proposals repositories]( In addition it also contains tests from various proposals which are currently forks of the primary spec repo. To add new tests or report problems in existing tests, please file issues and PRs within the spec or individual proposal repositories rather than within this mirror repository. To update the tests in this repo from their upstream sources: 1. Run `` # Wasmer Fuzz Testing [Fuzz testing]( is: > An automated testing technique that involves providing invalid, > unexpected, or random data as inputs to a program. We use fuzz testing to automatically discover bugs in the Wasmer runtime. This `fuzz/` directory contains the configuration and the fuzz tests for Wasmer. To generate and to run the fuzz tests, we use the [`cargo-fuzz`] library. ## Installation You may need to install the [`cargo-fuzz`] library to get the `cargo fuzz` subcommand. Use ```sh $ cargo install cargo-fuzz ``` `cargo-fuzz` is documented in the [Rust Fuzz Book]( ## Running a fuzzer This directory provides multiple fuzzers, like for example `validate`. You can run it with: ```sh $ cargo fuzz run validate ``` Another example with the `universal_cranelift` fuzzer: ```sh $ cargo fuzz run universal_cranelift ``` See the [`fuzz/fuzz_targets`]( directory for the full list of fuzzers. You should see output that looks something like this: ``` #1408022 NEW cov: 115073 ft: 503843 corp: 4659/1807Kb lim: 4096 exec/s: 889 rss: 857Mb L: 2588/4096 MS: 1 ChangeASCIIInt- #1408273 NEW cov: 115073 ft: 503844 corp: 4660/1808Kb lim: 4096 exec/s: 888 rss: 857Mb L: 1197/4096 MS: 1 ShuffleBytes- #1408534 NEW cov: 115073 ft: 503866 corp: 4661/1809Kb lim: 4096 exec/s: 886 rss: 857Mb L: 977/4096 MS: 1 ShuffleBytes- #1408540 NEW cov: 115073 ft: 503869 corp: 4662/1811Kb lim: 4096 exec/s: 886 rss: 857Mb L: 2067/4096 MS: 1 ChangeBit- #1408831 NEW cov: 115073 ft: 503945 corp: 4663/1811Kb lim: 4096 exec/s: 885 rss: 857Mb L: 460/4096 MS: 1 CMP- DE: "\x16\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"- #1408977 NEW cov: 115073 ft: 503946 corp: 4664/1813Kb lim: 4096 exec/s: 885 rss: 857Mb L: 1972/4096 MS: 1 ShuffleBytes- #1408999 NEW cov: 115073 ft: 503949 corp: 4665/1814Kb lim: 4096 exec/s: 884 rss: 857Mb L: 964/4096 MS: 2 ChangeBit-ShuffleBytes- #1409040 NEW cov: 115073 ft: 503950 corp: 4666/1814Kb lim: 4096 exec/s: 884 rss: 857Mb L: 90/4096 MS: 1 ChangeBit- #1409042 NEW cov: 115073 ft: 503951 corp: 4667/1814Kb lim: 4096 exec/s: 884 rss: 857Mb L: 174/4096 MS: 2 ChangeByte-ChangeASCIIInt- ``` It will continue to generate random inputs forever, until it finds a bug or is terminated. The testcases for bugs it finds go into `fuzz/artifacts/universal_cranelift` and you can rerun the fuzzer on a single input by passing it on the command line `cargo fuzz run universal_cranelift /path/to/testcase`. ## The corpus Each fuzzer has an individual corpus under `fuzz/corpus/test_name`, created on first run if not already present. The fuzzers use `wasm-smith` which means that the testcase files are random number seeds input to the Wasm generator, not `.wasm` files themselves. In order to debug a testcase, you may find that you need to convert it into a `.wasm` file. Using the standalone `wasm-smith` tool doesn't work for this purpose because we use a custom configuration to our `wasm_smith::Module`. Instead, our fuzzers use an environment variable `DUMP_TESTCASE=path`. For example: ```sh $ DUMP_TESTCASE=/tmp/crash.wasm cargo fuzz run --features=universal,singlepass universal_singlepass fuzz/artifacts/universal_singlepass/crash-0966412eab4f89c52ce5d681807c8030349470f6 ``` [`cargo-fuzz`]: This example project demonstrates using the `wasi-nn` API to perform ML inference. It consists of Rust code that is built using the `wasm32-wasi` target. See `ci/` for how this is used. # ISLE: Instruction Selection/Lowering Expressions DSL See also: [Language Reference](./docs/ ## Table of Contents * [Introduction](#introduction) * [Example Usage](#example-usage) * [Tutorial](#tutorial) * [Implementation](#implementation) ## Introduction ISLE is a DSL that allows one to write instruction-lowering rules for a compiler backend. It is based on a "term-rewriting" paradigm in which the input -- some sort of compiler IR -- is, conceptually, a tree of terms, and we have a set of rewrite rules that turn this into another tree of terms. This repository contains a prototype meta-compiler that compiles ISLE rules down to an instruction selector implementation in generated Rust code. The generated code operates efficiently in a single pass over the input, and merges all rules into a decision tree, sharing work where possible, while respecting user-configurable priorities on each rule. The ISLE language is designed so that the rules can both be compiled into an efficient compiler backend and can be used in formal reasoning about the compiler. The compiler in this repository implements the former. The latter use-case is future work and outside the scope of this prototype, but at a high level, the rules can be seen as simple equivalences between values in two languages, and so should be translatable to formal constraints or other logical specification languages. Some more details and motivation are in [BA RFC #15]( Reference documentation can be found [here](docs/ Details on ISLE's integration into Cranelift can be found [here](../docs/ ## Example Usage Build `islec`, the ISLE compiler: ```shell $ cargo build --release ``` Compile a `.isle` source file into Rust code: ```shell $ target/release/islec -i isle_examples/test.isle -o isle_examples/ ``` Include that Rust code in your crate and compile it: ```shell $ rustc isle_examples/ ``` ## Tutorial This tutorial walks through defining an instruction selection and lowering pass for a simple, RISC-y, high-level IR down to low-level, CISC-y machine instructions. It is intentionally somewhat similar to CLIF to MachInst lowering, although it restricts the input and output languages to only adds, loads, and constants so that we can focus on ISLE itself. > The full ISLE source code for this tutorial is available at > `isle_examples/tutorial.isle`. The ISLE language is based around rules for translating a term (i.e. expression) into another term. Terms are typed, so before we can write rules for translating some type of term into another type of term, we have to define those types: ```lisp ;; Declare that we are using the `i32` primitive type from Rust. (type i32 (primitive i32)) ;; Our high-level, RISC-y input IR. (type HighLevelInst (enum (Add (a Value) (b Value)) (Load (addr Value)) (Const (c i32)))) ;; A value in our high-level IR is a Rust `Copy` type. Values are either defined ;; by an instruction, or are a basic block argument. (type Value (primitive Value)) ;; Our low-level, CISC-y machine instructions. (type LowLevelInst (enum (Add (mode AddrMode)) (Load (offset i32) (addr Reg)) (Const (c i32)))) ;; Different kinds of addressing modes for operands to our low-level machine ;; instructions. (type AddrMode (enum ;; Both operands in registers. (RegReg (a Reg) (b Reg)) ;; The destination/first operand is a register; the second operand is in ;; memory at `[b + offset]`. (RegMem (a Reg) (b Reg) (offset i32)) ;; The destination/first operand is a register, second operand is an ;; immediate. (RegImm (a Reg) (imm i32)))) ;; The register type is a Rust `Copy` type. (type Reg (primitive Reg)) ``` Now we can start writing some basic lowering rules! We declare the top-level lowering function (a "constructor term" in ISLE terminology) and attach rules to it. The simplest case is matching a high-level `Const` instruction and lowering that to a low-level `Const` instruction, since there isn't any translation we really have to do. ```lisp ;; Declare our top-level lowering function. We will attach rules to this ;; declaration for lowering various patterns of `HighLevelInst` inputs. (decl lower (HighLevelInst) LowLevelInst) ;; Simple rule for lowering constants. (rule (lower (HighLevelInst.Const c)) (LowLevelInst.Const c)) ``` Each rule has the form `(rule <left-hand side> <right-hand-side>)`. The left-hand side (LHS) is a *pattern* and the right-hand side (RHS) is an *expression*. When the LHS pattern matches the input, then we evaluate the RHS expression. The LHS pattern can bind variables from the input that are then available in the right-hand side. For example, in our `Const`-lowering rule, the variable `c` is bound from the LHS and then reused in the RHS. Now we can compile this code by running ```shell $ islec isle_examples/tutorial.isle ``` and we'll get the following output <sup>(ignoring any minor code generation changes in the future)</sup>: ```rust // GENERATED BY ISLE. DO NOT EDIT! // // Generated automatically from the instruction-selection DSL code in: // - isle_examples/tutorial.isle // [Type and `Context` definitions removed for brevity...] // Generated as internal constructor for term lower. pub fn constructor_lower<C: Context>(ctx: &mut C, arg0: &HighLevelInst) -> Option<LowLevelInst> { let pattern0_0 = arg0; if let &HighLevelInst::Const { c: pattern1_0 } = pattern0_0 { // Rule at isle_examples/tutorial.isle line 45. let expr0_0 = LowLevelInst::Const { c: pattern1_0, }; return Some(expr0_0); } return None; } ``` There are a few things to notice about this generated Rust code: * The `lower` constructor term becomes the `constructor_lower` function in the generated code. * The function returns a value of type `Option<LowLevelInst>` and returns `None` when it doesn't know how to lower an input `HighLevelInst`. This is useful for incrementally porting hand-written lowering code to ISLE. * There is a helpful comment documenting where in the ISLE source code a rule was defined. The goal is to make ISLE more transparent and less magical. * The code is parameterized by a type that implements a `Context` trait. Implementing this trait is how you glue the generated code into your compiler. Right now this is an empty trait; more on `Context` later. * Lastly, and most importantly, this generated Rust code is basically what we would have written by hand to do the same thing, other than things like variable names. It checks if the input is a `Const`, and if so, translates it into a `LowLevelInst::Const`. Okay, one rule isn't very impressive, but in order to start writing more rules we need to be able to put the result of a lowered instruction into a `Reg`. This might internally have to do arbitrary things like update use counts or anything else that Cranelift's existing `LowerCtx::put_input_in_reg` does for different target architectures. To allow for plugging in this kind of arbitrary logic, ISLE supports *external constructors*. These end up as methods of the `Context` trait in the generated Rust code, and you can implement them however you want with custom Rust code. Here is how we declare an external helper to put a value into a register: ```lisp ;; Declare an external constructor that puts a high-level `Value` into a ;; low-level `Reg`. (decl put_in_reg (Value) Reg) (extern constructor put_in_reg put_in_reg) ``` If we rerun `islec` on our ISLE source, instead of an empty `Context` trait, now we will get this trait definition: ```rust pub trait Context { fn put_in_reg(&mut self, arg0: Value) -> (Reg,); } ``` With the `put_in_reg` helper available, we can define rules for lowering loads and adds: ```lisp ;; Simple rule for lowering adds. (rule (lower (HighLevelInst.Add a b)) (LowLevelInst.Add (AddrMode.RegReg (put_in_reg a) (put_in_reg b)))) ;; Simple rule for lowering loads. (rule (lower (HighLevelInst.Load addr)) (LowLevelInst.Load 0 (put_in_reg addr))) ``` If we compile our ISLE source into Rust code once again, the generated code for `lower` now looks like this: ```rust // Generated as internal constructor for term lower. pub fn constructor_lower<C: Context>(ctx: &mut C, arg0: &HighLevelInst) -> Option<LowLevelInst> { let pattern0_0 = arg0; match pattern0_0 { &HighLevelInst::Const { c: pattern1_0 } => { // Rule at isle_examples/tutorial.isle line 45. let expr0_0 = LowLevelInst::Const { c: pattern1_0, }; return Some(expr0_0); } &HighLevelInst::Load { addr: pattern1_0 } => { // Rule at isle_examples/tutorial.isle line 59. let expr0_0: i32 = 0; let expr1_0 = C::put_in_reg(ctx, pattern1_0); let expr2_0 = LowLevelInst::Load { offset: expr0_0, addr: expr1_0, }; return Some(expr2_0); } &HighLevelInst::Add { a: pattern1_0, b: pattern1_1 } => { // Rule at isle_examples/tutorial.isle line 54. let expr0_0 = C::put_in_reg(ctx, pattern1_0); let expr1_0 = C::put_in_reg(ctx, pattern1_1); let expr2_0 = AddrMode::RegReg { a: expr0_0, b: expr1_0, }; let expr3_0 = LowLevelInst::Add { mode: expr2_0, }; return Some(expr3_0); } _ => {} } return None; } ``` As you can see, each of our rules was collapsed into a single, efficient `match` expression. Just like we would have otherwise written by hand. And wherever we need to get a high-level operand as a low-level register, there is a call to the `Context::put_in_reg` trait method, allowing us to hook whatever arbitrary logic we need to when putting a value into a register when we implement the `Context` trait. Things start to get more interesting when we want to do things like sink a load into the add's addressing mode. This is only desirable when our add is the only use of the loaded value. Furthermore, it is only valid to do when there isn't any store that might write to the same address we are loading from in between the load and the add. Otherwise, moving the load across the store could result in a miscompilation where we load the wrong value to add: ```text x = load addr store 42 -> addr y = add x, 1 ==/==> store 42 -> addr x = load addr y = add x, 1 ``` We can encode these kinds of preconditions in an *external extractor*. An extractor is like our regular constructor functions, but it is used inside LHS patterns, rather than RHS expressions, and its arguments and results flipped around: instead of taking arguments and producing results, it takes a result and (fallibly) produces the arguments. This allows us to write custom preconditions for matching code. Let's make this more clear with a concrete example. Here is the declaration of an external extractor to match on the high-level instruction that defined a given operand `Value`, along with a new rule to sink loads into adds: ```lisp ;; Declare an external extractor for extracting the instruction that defined a ;; given operand value. (decl inst_result (HighLevelInst) Value) (extern extractor inst_result inst_result) ;; Rule to sink loads into adds. (rule (lower (HighLevelInst.Add a (inst_result (HighLevelInst.Load addr)))) (LowLevelInst.Add (AddrMode.RegMem (put_in_reg a) (put_in_reg addr) 0))) ``` Note that the operand `Value` passed into this extractor might be a basic block parameter, in which case there is no such instruction. Or there might be a store or function call instruction in between the current instruction and the instruction that defines the given operand value, in which case we want to "hide" the instruction so that we don't illegally sink loads into adds they shouldn't be sunk into. So this extractor might fail to return an instruction for a given operand `Value`. If we recompile our ISLE source into Rust code once again, we see a new `inst_result` method defined on our `Context` trait, we notice that its arguments and returns are flipped around from the `decl` in the ISLE source because it is an extractor, and finally that it returns an `Option` because it isn't guaranteed that we can extract a defining instruction for the given operand `Value`: ```rust pub trait Context { fn put_in_reg(&mut self, arg0: Value) -> (Reg,); fn inst_result(&mut self, arg0: Value) -> Option<(HighLevelInst,)>; } ``` And if we look at the generated code for our `lower` function, there is a new, nested case for sinking loads into adds that uses the `Context::inst_result` trait method to see if our new rule can be applied: ```rust // Generated as internal constructor for term lower. pub fn constructor_lower<C: Context>(ctx: &mut C, arg0: &HighLevelInst) -> Option<LowLevelInst> { let pattern0_0 = arg0; match pattern0_0 { &HighLevelInst::Const { c: pattern1_0 } => { // [...] } &HighLevelInst::Load { addr: pattern1_0 } => { // [...] } &HighLevelInst::Add { a: pattern1_0, b: pattern1_1 } => { if let Some((pattern2_0,)) = C::inst_result(ctx, pattern1_1) { if let &HighLevelInst::Load { addr: pattern3_0 } = &pattern2_0 { // Rule at isle_examples/tutorial.isle line 68. let expr0_0 = C::put_in_reg(ctx, pattern1_0); let expr1_0 = C::put_in_reg(ctx, pattern3_0); let expr2_0: i32 = 0; let expr3_0 = AddrMode::RegMem { a: expr0_0, b: expr1_0, offset: expr2_0, }; let expr4_0 = LowLevelInst::Add { mode: expr3_0, }; return Some(expr4_0); } } // Rule at isle_examples/tutorial.isle line 54. let expr0_0 = C::put_in_reg(ctx, pattern1_0); let expr1_0 = C::put_in_reg(ctx, pattern1_1); let expr2_0 = AddrMode::RegReg { a: expr0_0, b: expr1_0, }; let expr3_0 = LowLevelInst::Add { mode: expr2_0, }; return Some(expr3_0); } _ => {} } return None; } ``` Once again, this is pretty much the code you would have otherwise written by hand to sink the load into the add. At this point we can start defining a whole bunch of even-more-complicated lowering rules that do things like take advantage of folding static offsets into loads into adds: ```lisp ;; Rule to sink a load of a base address with a static offset into a single add. (rule (lower (HighLevelInst.Add a (inst_result (HighLevelInst.Load (inst_result (HighLevelInst.Add base (inst_result (HighLevelInst.Const offset)))))))) (LowLevelInst.Add (AddrMode.RegMem (put_in_reg a) (put_in_reg base) offset))) ;; Rule for sinking an immediate into an add. (rule (lower (HighLevelInst.Add a (inst_result (HighLevelInst.Const c)))) (LowLevelInst.Add (AddrMode.RegImm (put_in_reg a) c))) ;; Rule for lowering loads of a base address with a static offset. (rule (lower (HighLevelInst.Load (inst_result (HighLevelInst.Add base (inst_result (HighLevelInst.Const offset)))))) (LowLevelInst.Load offset (put_in_reg base))) ``` I'm not going to show the generated Rust code for these new rules here because it is starting to get a bit too big. But you can compile `isle_examples/tutorial.isle` and verify yourself that it generates the code you expect it to. In conclusion, adding new lowering rules is easy with ISLE. And you still get that efficient, compact tree of `match` expressions in the generated Rust code that you would otherwise write by hand. ## Implementation This is an overview of `islec`'s passes and data structures: ```text +------------------+ | ISLE Source Text | +------------------+ | | Lex V +--------+ | Tokens | +--------+ | | Parse V +----------------------+ | Abstract Syntax Tree | +----------------------+ | | Semantic Analysis V +----------------------------+ | Term and Type Environments | +----------------------------+ | | Trie Construction V +-----------+ | Term Trie | +-----------+ | | Code Generation V +------------------+ | Rust Source Code | +------------------+ ``` ### Lexing Lexing breaks up the input ISLE source text into a stream of tokens. Our lexer is pull-based, meaning that we don't eagerly construct the full stream of tokens. Instead, we wait until the next token is requested, at which point we lazily lex it. Relevant source files: * `isle/src/` ### Parsing Parsing translates the stream of tokens into an abstract syntax tree (AST). Our parser is a simple, hand-written, recursive-descent parser. Relevant source files: * `isle/src/` * `isle/src/` ### Semantic Analysis Semantic analysis performs type checking, figures out which rules apply to which terms, etc. It creates a type environment and a term environment that we can use to get information about our terms throughout the rest of the pipeline. Relevant source files: * `isle/src/` ### Trie Construction The trie construction phase linearizes each rule's LHS pattern and inserts them into a trie that maps LHS patterns to RHS expressions. This trie is the skeleton of the decision tree that will be emitted during code generation. Relevant source files: * `isle/src/` * `isle/src/` ### Code Generation Code generation takes in the term trie and emits Rust source code that implements it. Relevant source files: * `isle/src/` <div align="center"> <h1><code>wasi-common</code></h1> <strong>A <a href="">Bytecode Alliance</a> project</strong> <p> <strong>A library providing a common implementation of WASI hostcalls for re-use in any WASI-enabled runtime.</strong> </p> <p> <a href=""><img src="" alt=" version" /></a> <a href=""><img src="" alt="Download" /></a> <a href=""><img src="" alt=" docs" /></a> </p> </div> The `wasi-common` crate will ultimately serve as a library providing a common implementation of WASI hostcalls for re-use in any WASI (and potentially non-WASI) runtimes such as [Wasmtime] and [Lucet]. The library is an adaption of [lucet-wasi] crate from the [Lucet] project, and it is currently based on [40ae1df][lucet-wasi-tracker] git revision. Please note that the library requires Rust compiler version at least 1.37.0. [Wasmtime]: [Lucet]: [lucet-wasi]: [lucet-wasi-tracker]: ## Supported syscalls ### *nix In our *nix implementation, we currently support the entire [WASI API] with the exception of the `proc_raise` hostcall, as it is expected to be dropped entirely from WASI. [WASI API]: ### Windows In our Windows implementation, we currently support the minimal subset of [WASI API] which allows for running the very basic "Hello world!" style WASM apps. More coming shortly, so stay tuned! ## Development hints When testing the crate, you may want to enable and run full wasm32 integration testsuite. This requires `wasm32-wasi` target installed which can be done as follows using [rustup] ``` rustup target add wasm32-wasi ``` [rustup]: Now, you should be able to run the integration testsuite by running `cargo test` on the `test-programs` package with `test-programs/test_programs` feature enabled: ``` cargo test --features test-programs/test_programs --package test-programs ``` <div align="center"> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <img width="300" src="" alt="Logo Wasmer"> </a> <p> <a href=""> <img src="" alt="État des tests"> </a> <a href=""> <img src="" alt="Licence"> </a> <a href=""> <img src="" alt="Salon Slack"> </a> </p> <h3> <a href="">Web</a> <span> • </span> <a href="">Documentation</a> <span> • </span> <a href="">Chat</a> </h3> </div> <br /> [Wasmer]( permet l'utilisation de conteneurs super légers basés sur [WebAssembly]( qui peuvent fonctionner n'importe où : du bureau au cloud en passant par les appareils IoT, et également intégrés dans [*une multitude de langages de programmation*]( > This readme is also available in: [🇩🇪 Deutsch-Allemand]( • [🇬🇧 English-Anglaise]( • [🇪🇸 Español-Espagnol]( • [🇨🇳 中文-Chinoise]( • [🇯🇵 日本語-japonais]( ## Fonctionnalités * **Rapide et sûr**. Wasmer exécute WebAssembly à une vitesse *quasi native* dans un environnement entièrement contrôlé (bac à sable, _sandbox_). * **Modulaire**. Wasmer prend en charge différents frameworks de compilation pour répondre au mieux à vos besoins (LLVM, Cranelift ...). * **Universel**. Vous pouvez exécuter Wasmer sur n'importe quelle *plate-forme* (macOS, Linux et Windows) et *processeur*. * **Conforme aux normes**. Wasmer passe [la suite de tests officielle de WebAssembly]( prenant en charge [WASI]( et [Emscripten]( ## Quickstart Wasmer est livré sans aucune dépendance. Vous pouvez l'installer à l'aide des programmes d'installation ci-dessous : ```sh curl -sSfL | sh ``` <details> <summary>Avec PowerShell (Windows)</summary> <p> ```powershell iwr -useb | iex ``` </p> </details> > Voir [wasmer-install]( pour plus d'options d'installation: Homebrew, Scoop, Cargo... #### Exécution d'un fichier WebAssembly Après avoir installé Wasmer, vous devriez être prêt à exécuter votre premier fichier WebAssemby ! 🎉 Vous pouvez commencer par exécuter QuickJS : [qjs.wasm]( ```bash $ wasmer qjs.wasm QuickJS - Type "\h" for help qjs > ``` #### Voici ce que vous pouvez faire ensuite - [Utilisez Wasmer depuis votre application Rust]( - [Publier un paquet Wasm sur WAPM]( - [En savoir plus sur Wasmer]( ## Intégrations 📦 Wasmer peut être utilisé comme une bibliothèque **intégrée dans différents langages**, vous pouvez donc utiliser WebAssembly _n'import où_. | &nbsp; | Langage de programmation | Package | Docs | |-|-|-|-| | ![Rust logo] | [**Rust**][Rust integration] | [`wasmer` Rust crate] | [Docs][rust docs] | ![C logo] | [**C/C++**][C integration] | [`wasmer.h` headers] | [Docs][c docs] | | ![C# logo] | [**C#**][C# integration] | [`WasmerSharp` NuGet package] | [Docs][c# docs] | | ![D logo] | [**D**][D integration] | [`wasmer` Dub package] | [Docs][d docs] | | ![Python logo] | [**Python**][Python integration] | [`wasmer` PyPI package] | [Docs][python docs] | | ![JS logo] | [**Javascript**][JS integration] | [`@wasmerio` NPM packages] | [Docs][js docs] | | ![Go logo] | [**Go**][Go integration] | [`wasmer` Go package] | [Docs][go docs] | | ![PHP logo] | [**PHP**][PHP integration] | [`wasm` PECL package] | [Docs][php docs] | | ![Ruby logo] | [**Ruby**][Ruby integration] | [`wasmer` Ruby Gem] | [Docs][ruby docs] | | ![Java logo] | [**Java**][Java integration] | [`wasmer/wasmer-jni` Bintray package] | [Docs][java docs] | | ![Elixir logo] | [**Elixir**][Elixir integration] | [`wasmex` hex package] | [Docs][elixir docs] | | ![R logo] | [**R**][R integration] | *no published package* | [Docs][r docs] | | ![Postgres logo] | [**Postgres**][Postgres integration] | *no published package* | [Docs][postgres docs] | | | [**Swift**][Swift integration] | *no published package* | | | ![Zig logo] | [**Zig**][Zig integration] | *no published package* | | [👋 Il manque un langage ?]( [rust logo]: [rust integration]: [`wasmer` rust crate]: [rust docs]: [c logo]: [c integration]: [`wasmer.h` headers]: [c docs]: [c# logo]: [c# integration]: [`wasmersharp` nuget package]: [c# docs]: [d logo]: [d integration]: [`wasmer` Dub package]: [d docs]: [python logo]: [python integration]: [`wasmer` pypi package]: [python docs]: [go logo]: [go integration]: [`wasmer` go package]: [go docs]: [php logo]: [php integration]: [`wasm` pecl package]: [php docs]: [js logo]: [js integration]: [`@wasmerio` npm packages]: [js docs]: [ruby logo]: [ruby integration]: [`wasmer` ruby gem]: [ruby docs]: [java logo]: [java integration]: [`wasmer/wasmer-jni` bintray package]: [java docs]: [elixir logo]: [elixir integration]: [elixir docs]: [`wasmex` hex package]: [r logo]: [r integration]: [r docs]: [postgres logo]: [postgres integration]: [postgres docs]: [swift integration]: [zig logo]: [zig integration]: ## Contribuer **Nous accueillons toutes formes de contributions, en particulier de la part des nouveaux membres de notre communauté**. 💜 Vous pouvez vérifier comment compiler Wasmer dans [notre documentation](! ### Test Vous voulez des tests ? La [documentation de Wasmer]( vous montrera comment les exécuter. ## Communauté Wasmer a une incroyable communauté de développeurs et de contributeurs. Bienvenue et rejoignez-nous ! 👋 ### Canaux de communications - [Slack]( - [Twitter]( - [Facebook]( - [Email]( wasm-spec-interpreter ===================== This project shows how to use `ocaml-interop` to call into the Wasm spec interpreter. There are several steps to making this work: - building the OCaml Wasm spec interpreter as a static library - building a Rust-to-OCaml FFI bridge using `ocaml-interop` and a custom OCaml wrapper - linking both things into a Rust crate ### Dependencies This crate only builds in an environment with: - `make` (the Wasm spec interpreter uses a `Makefile`) - `ocamlopt`, `ocamlbuild` (available with, e.g., `dnf install ocaml`) - Linux tools (e.g. `ar`); currently it is easiest to build the static libraries in a single environment but this could be fixed in the future (TODO) - `libgmp`, for the OCaml `zarith` package - `git` is used by `` to retrieve the repository containing the Wasm spec interpreter; it is safe to completely remove `ocaml/spec` to get a new copy ### Build ``` cargo build --features build-libinterpret ``` Use `FFI_LIB_DIR=path/to/lib/...` to specify a different location for the static library (this is mainly for debugging). If the `build-libinterpret` feature is not provided, this crate will build successfully but fail at runtime. ### Test ``` cargo test --features build-libinterpret ``` This crate contains the core Cranelift code generator. It translates code from an intermediate representation into executable machine code. # Rules for Writing Optimization Rules For both correctness and compile speed, we must be careful with our rules. A lot of it boils down to the fact that, unlike traditional e-graphs, our rules are *directional*. 1. Rules should not rewrite to worse code: the right-hand side should be at least as good as the left-hand side or better. For example, the rule x => (add x 0) is disallowed, but swapping its left- and right-hand sides produces a rule that is allowed. Any kind of canonicalizing rule that intends to help subsequent rules match and unlock further optimizations (e.g. floating constants to the right side for our constant-propagation rules to match) must produce canonicalized output that is no worse than its noncanonical input. We assume this invariant as a heuristic to break ties between two otherwise-equal-cost expressions in various places, making up for some limitations of our explicit cost function. 2. Any rule that removes value-uses in its right-hand side that previously existed in its left-hand side MUST use `subsume`. For example, the rule (select 1 x y) => x MUST use `subsume`. This is required for correctness because, once a value-use is removed, some e-nodes in the e-class are more equal than others. There might be uses of `x` in a scope where `y` is not available, and so emitting `(select 1 x y)` in place of `x` in such cases would introduce uses of `y` where it is not defined. An exception to this rule is discarding constants, as they can be rematerialized anywhere without introducing correctness issues. For example, the (admittedly silly) rule `(select 1 x (iconst_u _)) => x` would be a good candidate for not using `subsume`, as it does not discard any non-constant values introduced in its LHS. 3. Avoid overly general rewrites like commutativity and associativity. Instead, prefer targeted instances of the rewrite (for example, canonicalizing adds where one operand is a constant such that the constant is always the add's second operand, rather than general commutativity for adds) or even writing the "same" optimization rule multiple times. For example, the commutativity in the first rule in the following snippet is bad because it will match even when the first operand is not an add: ;; Commute to allow `(foo (add ...) x)`, when we see it, to match. (foo x y) => (foo y x) ;; Optimize. (foo x (add ...)) => (bar x) Better is to commute only when we know that canonicalizing in this way will all definitely allow the subsequent optimization rule to match: ;; Canonicalize all adds to `foo`'s second operand. (foo (add ...) x) => (foo x (add ...)) ;; Optimize. (foo x (add ...)) => (bar x) But even better in this case is to write the "same" optimization multiple times: (foo (add ...) x) => (bar x) (foo x (add ...)) => (bar x) The cost of rule-matching is amortized by the ISLE compiler, where as the intermediate result of each rewrite allocates new e-nodes and requires storage in the dataflow graph. Therefore, additional rules are cheaper than additional e-nodes. Commutativity and associativity in particular can cause huge amounts of e-graph bloat. One day we intend to extend ISLE with built-in support for commutativity, so we don't need to author the redundant commutations ourselves: # Fuzzing Infrastructure for Wasmtime This crate provides test case generators and oracles for use with fuzzing. These generators and oracles are generally independent of the fuzzing engine that might be using them and driving the whole fuzzing process (e.g. libFuzzer or AFL). As such, this crate does *not* contain any actual fuzz targets itself. Those are generally just a couple lines of glue code that plug raw input from (for example) `libFuzzer` into a generator, and then run one or more oracles on the generated test case. If you're looking for the actual fuzz target definitions we currently have, they live in `wasmtime/fuzz/fuzz_targets/*` and are driven by `cargo fuzz` and `libFuzzer`. This crate performs autodetection of the host architecture, which can be used to configure [Cranelift]( to generate code specialized for the machine it's running on. # Wasmtime's Configuration of `cargo vet` This directory contains the state for [`cargo vet`], a tool to help projects ensure that third-party Rust dependencies have been audited by a trusted entity. For more information about Wasmtime's usage of `cargo vet` see our [documentation]( [`cargo vet`]: # wasm-corpus Collection of wasm files used in fuzzing fee estimation # `wasi_snapshot_preview1.wasm` > **Note**: This repository is a work in progress. This is intended to be an > internal tool which not everyone has to look at but many might rely on. You > may need to reach out via issues or > [Zulip]( to learn more about this > repository. This repository currently contains an implementation of a WebAssembly module: `wasi_snapshot_preview1.wasm`. This module bridges the `wasi_snapshot_preview1` ABI to the preview2 ABI of the component model. At this time the preview2 APIs themselves are not done being specified so a local copy of `wit/*.wit` is used instead. ## Building This adapter can be built with: ```sh $ cargo build -p wasi-preview1-component-adapter --target wasm32-unknown-unknown --release ``` And the artifact will be located at `target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/wasi_snapshot_preview1.wasm`. This by default builds a "reactor" adapter which means that it only provides adaptation from preview1 to preview2. Alternatively you can also build a "command" adapter by passing `--features command --no-default-features` which will additionally export a `run` function entrypoint. This is suitable for use with preview1 binaries that export a `_start` function. Alternatively the latest copy of the command and reactor adapters can be [downloaded from the `dev` tag assets][dev-tag] [dev-tag]: ## Using With a `wasi_snapshot_preview1.wasm` file on-hand you can create a component from a module that imports WASI functions using the [`wasm-tools` CLI]( ```sh $ cat fn main() { println!("Hello, world!"); } $ rustc --target wasm32-wasi $ wasm-tools print foo.wasm | grep '(import' (import "wasi_snapshot_preview1" "fd_write" (func ... (import "wasi_snapshot_preview1" "environ_get" (func ... (import "wasi_snapshot_preview1" "environ_sizes_get" ... (import "wasi_snapshot_preview1" "proc_exit" (func ... $ wasm-tools component new foo.wasm --adapt wasi_snapshot_preview1.wasm -o component.wasm # Inspect the generated `component.wasm` $ wasm-tools validate component.wasm --features component-model $ wasm-tools component wit component.wasm ``` Here the `component.wasm` that's generated is a ready-to-run component which imports wasi preview2 functions and is compatible with the wasi-preview1-using module internally. # filetests Filetests is a crate that contains multiple test suites for testing various parts of cranelift. Each folder under `cranelift/filetests/filetests` is a different test suite that tests different parts. ## Adding a runtest One of the available testsuites is the "runtest" testsuite. Its goal is to compile some piece of clif code, run it and ensure that what comes out is what we expect. To build a run test you can add the following to a file: ``` test interpret test run target x86_64 target aarch64 target s390x function %band_f32(f32, f32) -> f32 { block0(v0: f32, v1: f32): v2 = band v0, v1 return v2 } ; run: %band_f32(0x0.5, 0x1.0) == 0x1.5 ``` Since this is a run test for `band` we can put it in: `runtests/band.clif`. Once we have the file in the test suite we can run it by invoking: `cargo run -- test filetests/filetests/runtests/band.clif` from the cranelift directory. The first lines tell `clif-util` what kind of tests we want to run on this file. `test interpret` invokes the interpreter and checks if the conditions in the `; run` comments pass. `test run` does the same, but compiles the file and runs it as a native binary. For more information about testing see [](../docs/ # Wasmer Documentation Assets This directory contains documentation assets. # Wasmer Documentation Wasmer provides multiple documentations. Here are some pointers: * [The Wasmer runtime ``]( is a good start for the first steps, like installations, first runs etc., * [The public documentation]( contains all the documentation you need to learn about Wasmer and WebAssembly, * [The Rust crates documentations]( contain all the documentations to use the `wasmer-*` Rust crates, with many examples, * [The collection of examples]( illustrates how to use Wasmer and its numerous features through very commented examples, * [Documentations for all embeddings/language integrations]( the Wasmer runtime can be embeddeded in various languages or environments, each embedding provides its own documentation, book etc., * [OS distro packaging notes]( contains notes about how to package Wasmer for OS distributions. # `wasmer-compiler` [![Build Status](]( [![Join Wasmer Slack](]( [![MIT License](]( This crate is the base for Compiler implementations. It performs the translation from a Wasm module into a basic `ModuleInfo`, but leaves the Wasm function bytecode translation to the compiler implementor. Here are some of the Compilers provided by Wasmer: * [Singlepass](, * [Cranelift](, * [LLVM]( ## How to create a compiler To create a compiler, one needs to implement two traits: 1. `CompilerConfig`, that configures and creates a new compiler, 2. `Compiler`, the compiler itself that will compile a module. ```rust /// The compiler configuration options. pub trait CompilerConfig { /// Gets the custom compiler config fn compiler(&self) -> Box<dyn Compiler>; } /// An implementation of a compiler from parsed WebAssembly module to compiled native code. pub trait Compiler { /// Compiles a parsed module. /// /// It returns the [`Compilation`] or a [`CompileError`]. fn compile_module<'data, 'module>( &self, target: &Target, compile_info: &'module CompileModuleInfo, module_translation: &ModuleTranslationState, // The list of function bodies function_body_inputs: PrimaryMap<LocalFunctionIndex, FunctionBodyData<'data>>, ) -> Result<Compilation, CompileError>; } ``` ## Acknowledgments This project borrowed some of the code strucutre from the [`cranelift-wasm`] crate, however it's been adapted to not depend on any specific IR and be abstract of any compiler. Please check [Wasmer `ATTRIBUTIONS`] to further see licenses and other attributions of the project. [`cranelift-wasm`]: [Wasmer `ATTRIBUTIONS`]: This crate provides a straightforward way to create a [Cranelift]( IR function and fill it with instructions translated from another language. It contains an SSA construction module that provides convenient methods for translating non-SSA variables into SSA Cranelift IR values via `use_var` and `def_var` calls. This crate contains array-based data structures used by the core Cranelift code generator which use densely numbered entity references as mapping keys. One major difference between this crate and crates like [slotmap], [slab], and [generational-arena] is that this crate currently provides no way to delete entities. This limits its use to situations where deleting isn't important, however this also makes it more efficient, because it doesn't need extra bookkeeping state to reuse the storage for deleted objects, or to ensure that new objects always have unique keys (eg. slotmap's and generational-arena's versioning). Another major difference is that this crate protects against using a key from one map to access an element in another. Where `SlotMap`, `Slab`, and `Arena` have a value type parameter, `PrimaryMap` has a key type parameter and a value type parameter. The crate also provides the `entity_impl` macro which makes it easy to declare new unique types for use as keys. Any attempt to use a key in a map it's not intended for is diagnosed with a type error. Another is that this crate has two core map types, `PrimaryMap` and `SecondaryMap`, which serve complementary purposes. A `PrimaryMap` creates its own keys when elements are inserted, while an `SecondaryMap` reuses the keys values of a `PrimaryMap`, conceptually storing additional data in the same index space. `SecondaryMap`'s values must implement `Default` and all elements in an `SecondaryMap` initially have the value of `default()`. A common way to implement `Default` is to wrap a type in `Option`, however this crate also provides the `PackedOption` utility which can use less memory in some cases. Additional utilities provided by this crate include: - `EntityList`, for allocating many small arrays (such as instruction operand lists in a compiler code generator). - `SparseMap`: an alternative to `SecondaryMap` which can use less memory in some situations. - `EntitySet`: a specialized form of `SecondaryMap` using a bitvector to record which entities are members of the set. [slotmap]: [slab]: [generational-arena]: This crate contains the control plane for "chaos mode". It can be used to inject pseudo-random perturbations into specific sections in the code while fuzzing. Its compilation is feature-gated to prevent any performance impact on release builds. See `ci/` for how the classification example is tested during CI. # `wasmer-cli` [![Build Status](]( [![Join Wasmer Slack](]( [![MIT License](]( This crate is the Wasmer CLI. The recommended way to install `wasmer` is via the [wasmer-installer]( However, you can also install `wasmer` via Cargo (you will need to specify the compilers to use): ```bash cargo install wasmer-cli --features "singlepass,cranelift" ``` Or by building it inside the codebase: ```bash cargo build --release --features "singlepass,cranelift" ``` > Note: installing `wasmer` via Cargo (or manual install) will not install > the WAPM cli. If you want to use them together, please use the [wasmer installer]( ## Features The Wasmer supports the following features: * `wat` (default): support for executing WebAssembly text files. * `wast`(default): support for running wast test files. * `universal` (default): support for the [Universal engine]. * `dylib` (default): support for the [Dylib engine]. * `cache` (default): support or automatically caching compiled artifacts. * `wasi` (default): support for [WASI]. * `experimental-io-devices`: support for experimental IO devices in WASI. * `emscripten` (default): support for [Emscripten]. * `singlepass`: support for the [Singlepass compiler]. * `cranelift`: support for the [Cranelift compiler]. * `llvm`: support for the [LLVM compiler]. [Universal engine]: [Dylib engine]: [WASI]: [Emscripten]: [Singlepass compiler]: [Cranelift compiler]: [LLVM compiler]: ## CLI commands Once you have Wasmer installed, you can start executing WebAssembly files easily: Get the current Wasmer version: ```bash wasmer -V ``` Execute a WebAssembly file: ```bash wasmer run myfile.wasm ``` Compile a WebAssembly file: ```bash wasmer compile myfile.wasm -o --dylib ``` Run a compiled WebAssembly file (fastest): ```bash wasmer run ``` # zkASM Cranelift Backend This is an experimental backend from Cranelift IR to [Polygon zkASM]( virtual machine aimed to enable Zero-Knowledge proofs about execution of general programs. ## Index - [Project Architecture](./ - [Project Roadmap](./ <div align="center"> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <img width="300" src="" alt="Wasmer logo"> </a> <p> <a href=""> <img src="" alt="Build Status"> </a> <a href=""> <img src="" alt="License"> </a> <a href=""> <img src="" alt="Slack channel"> </a> </p> <h3> <a href="">Web</a> <span> • </span> <a href="">Documentación</a> <span> • </span> <a href="">Chat</a> </h3> </div> <br /> [Wasmer]( hace posible tener contenedores ultraligeros basados en [WebAssembly]( que pueden ser ejecutados en cualquier sitio: desde tu ordenador hasta la nube y dispositivos de IoT, además de poder ser ejecutados [*en cualquier lenguaje de programación*]( > This README is also available in: [🇩🇪 Deutsch-Alemán]( • [🇬🇧 English-Inglés]( • [🇫🇷 Français-Francés]( • [🇨🇳 中文-Chino]( • [🇯🇵 日本語-japonés]( ## Funcionalidades * **Rápido y Seguro**. Wasmer ejecuta WebAssembly a velocidades *nativas* en un entorno completamente protegido. * **Extendible**. Wasmer soporta diferentes métodos de compilación dependiendo de tus necesidades (LLVM, Cranelift...). * **Universal**. Puedes ejecutar Wasmer en cualquier *platforma* (macOS, Linux y Windows) y *chip*. * **Respeta los estándares**. Wasmer pasa los [tests oficiales de WebAssembly]( siendo compatible con [WASI]( y [Emscripten]( ## Empezamos? Wasmer no requiere ninguna dependencia. Puedes instalarlo con uno de éstos instaladores: ```sh curl -sSfL | sh ``` <details> <summary>Con PowerShell (Windows)</summary> <p> ```powershell iwr -useb | iex ``` </p> </details> > Visita [wasmer-install]( para más opciones de instalación: Homebrew, Scoop, Cargo... #### Ejecuta un archivo WebAssembly ¡Después de instalar Wasmer deberías estar listo para ejecutar tu primer módulo de WebAssembly! 🎉 Puedes empezar corriendo QuickJS: [qjs.wasm]( ```bash $ wasmer qjs.wasm QuickJS - Type "\h" for help qjs > ``` #### Esto es lo que puedes hacer: - [Usa Wasmer desde tu aplicación de Rust]( - [Publica un paquete de Wasm en WAPM]( - [Lee más sobre Wasmer]( ## Integraciones en diferentes Lenguajes 📦 Wasmer puede ser usado como una librería **integrado en diferentes lenguajes de programación**, para que puedas ejecutar WebAssembly _en cualquier sitio_. | &nbsp; | Lenguaje | Librería | Documentación | |-|-|-|-| | ![Rust logo] | [**Rust**][Rust integration] | [`wasmer` en] | [Documentación][rust docs] | ![C logo] | [**C/C++**][C integration] | [cabecera `wasmer.h`] | [Documentación][c docs] | | ![C# logo] | [**C#**][C# integration] | [`WasmerSharp` en NuGet] | [Documentación][c# docs] | | ![D logo] | [**D**][D integration] | [`wasmer` en Dug] | [Documentación][d docs] | | ![Python logo] | [**Python**][Python integration] | [`wasmer` en PyPI] | [Documentación][python docs] | | ![JS logo] | [**Javascript**][JS integration] | [`@wasmerio` en NPM] | [Documentación][js docs] | | ![Go logo] | [**Go**][Go integration] | [`wasmer` en Go] | [Documentación][go docs] | | ![PHP logo] | [**PHP**][PHP integration] | [`wasm` en PECL] | [Documentación][php docs] | | ![Ruby logo] | [**Ruby**][Ruby integration] | [`wasmer` en Ruby Gems] | [Documentación][ruby docs] | | ![Java logo] | [**Java**][Java integration] | [`wasmer/wasmer-jni` en Bintray] | [Documentación][java docs] | | ![Elixir logo] | [**Elixir**][Elixir integration] | [`wasmex` en hex] | [Documentación][elixir docs] | | ![R logo] | [**R**][R integration] | *sin paquete publicado* | [Documentación][r docs] | | ![Postgres logo] | [**Postgres**][Postgres integration] | *sin paquete publicado* | [Documentación][postgres docs] | | | [**Swift**][Swift integration] | *sin paquete publicado* | | | ![Zig logo] | [**Zig**][Zig integration] | *no published package* | | [👋 Falta algún lenguaje?]( [rust logo]: [rust integration]: [`wasmer` en]: [rust docs]: [c logo]: [c integration]: [cabecera `wasmer.h`]: [c docs]: [c# logo]: [c# integration]: [`wasmersharp` en NuGet]: [c# docs]: [d logo]: [d integration]: [`wasmer` en Dub]: [d docs]: [python logo]: [python integration]: [`wasmer` en pypi]: [python docs]: [go logo]: [go integration]: [`wasmer` en go]: [go docs]: [php logo]: [php integration]: [php docs]: [`wasm` en pecl]: [js logo]: [js integration]: [`@wasmerio` en npm]: [js docs]: [ruby logo]: [ruby integration]: [`wasmer` en ruby gems]: [ruby docs]: [java logo]: [java integration]: [`wasmer/wasmer-jni` en bintray]: [java docs]: [elixir logo]: [elixir integration]: [elixir docs]: [`wasmex` en hex]: [r logo]: [r integration]: [r docs]: [postgres logo]: [postgres integration]: [postgres docs]: [swift integration]: [zig logo]: [zig integration]: ## Contribuye **Damos la bienvenida a cualquier forma de contribución, especialmente a los nuevos miembros de la comunidad** 💜 ¡Puedes ver cómo crear el binario de Wasmer con [nuestros increíbles documentos](! ### Tests Testear quieres? Los [documentos de Wasmer te enseñarán cómo]( ## Comunidad Wasmer tiene una comunidad increíble de desarrolladores y colaboradores ¡Bienvenido, únete a nosotros! 👋 ### Medios - [Slack]( - [Twitter]( - [Facebook]( - [Email]( # wiggle-generate This is a library crate that implements all of the component parts of the `wiggle` proc-macro crate. Code lives in a separate non-proc-macro crate so that it can be reused in other settings, e.g. the `lucet-wiggle` crate. Code generated by this crate should not have any references to a particular WebAssembly runtime or engine. It should instead expose traits that may be implemented by an engine. Today, it is consumed by both Lucet and Wasmtime. <div align="center"> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <img width="300" src="" alt="Wasmer logo"> </a> <p> <a href=""> <img src="" alt="Build Status"> </a> <a href=""> <img src="" alt="License"> </a> <a href=""> <img src="" alt="Wasmer Docs"> </a> <a href=""> <img src="!&color=brighgreen" alt="Slack channel"> </a> </p> </div> <br /> Wasmer is a _fast_ and _secure_ [**WebAssembly**]( runtime that enables super _lightweight containers_ to run anywhere: from *Desktop* to the *Cloud*, *Edge* and *IoT* devices. > _This document is also available in: [🇨🇳 中 文 -Chinese]( • [🇩🇪 Deutsch-German]( • [🇪🇸 Español-Spanish]( • [🇫🇷 Français-French]( • [🇯🇵 日本 語 -Japanese]( • [🇰🇷 한국인 -Korean]( ### Features * Secure by default. No file, network, or environment access, unless explicitly enabled. * Supports [WASI]( and [Emscripten]( out of the box. * Fast. Run WebAssembly at near-native speeds. * Embeddable in [multiple programming languages]( * Compliant with latest WebAssembly Proposals (SIMD, Reference Types, Threads, ...) ### Install Wasmer CLI ships as a single executable with no dependencies. ```sh curl -sSfL | sh ``` <details> <summary>Other installation options (Powershell, Brew, Cargo, ...)</summary> _Wasmer can be installed from various package managers. Choose the one that fits best for your environment:_ * Powershell (Windows) ```powershell iwr -useb | iex ``` * <a href="">Homebrew</a> (macOS, Linux) ```sh brew install wasmer ``` * <a href="">Scoop</a> (Windows) ```sh scoop install wasmer ``` * <a href="">Chocolatey</a> (Windows) ```sh choco install wasmer ``` * <a href="">Cargo</a> _Note: All the available features are described in the [`wasmer-cli` crate docs]( ```sh cargo install wasmer-cli ``` > Looking for more installation options? See [the `wasmer-install` repository]( to learn more! </details> ### Quickstart You can start by running [QuickJS](, a small and embeddable Javascript engine compiled as a WebAssembly module ([`qjs.wasm`]( ```bash $ wasmer qjs.wasm QuickJS - Type "\h" for help qjs > const i = 1 + 2; qjs > console.log("hello " + i); hello 3 ``` #### Here is what you can do next: - [Use Wasmer from your Rust application]( - [Publish a Wasm package on WAPM]( - [Read more about Wasmer]( ## 📦 Language Integrations The Wasmer runtime can be used as a library **embedded in different languages**, so you can use WebAssembly _anywhere_. | | Language | Package | Documentation | |-|-|-|-| | ![Rust logo] | [**Rust**][Rust integration] | [`wasmer` Rust crate] | [Learn][rust docs] | ![C logo] | [**C/C++**][C integration] | [`wasmer.h` header] | [Learn][c docs] | | ![C# logo] | [**C#**][C# integration] | [`WasmerSharp` NuGet package] | [Learn][c# docs] | | ![D logo] | [**D**][D integration] | [`wasmer` Dub package] | [Learn][d docs] | | ![Python logo] | [**Python**][Python integration] | [`wasmer` PyPI package] | [Learn][python docs] | | ![JS logo] | [**Javascript**][JS integration] | [`@wasmerio` NPM packages] | [Learn][js docs] | | ![Go logo] | [**Go**][Go integration] | [`wasmer` Go package] | [Learn][go docs] | | ![PHP logo] | [**PHP**][PHP integration] | [`wasm` PECL package] | [Learn][php docs] | | ![Ruby logo] | [**Ruby**][Ruby integration] | [`wasmer` Ruby Gem] | [Learn][ruby docs] | | ![Java logo] | [**Java**][Java integration] | [`wasmer/wasmer-jni` Bintray package] | [Learn][java docs] | | ![Elixir logo] | [**Elixir**][Elixir integration] | [`wasmex` hex package] | [Learn][elixir docs] | | ![R logo] | [**R**][R integration] | *no published package* | [Learn][r docs] | | ![Postgres logo] | [**Postgres**][Postgres integration] | *no published package* | [Learn][postgres docs] | | ![Swift logo] | [**Swift**][Swift integration] | *no published package* | | | ![Zig logo] | [**Zig**][Zig integration] | *no published package* | | | ![Dart logo] | [**Dart**][Dart integration] | [`wasm` pub package] | | | ![Crystal logo] | [**Crystal**][Crystal integration] | *no published package* | [Learn][crystal docs] | | ![Lisp logo] | [**Lisp**][Lisp integration] | *under heavy development - no published package* | | [👋&nbsp;&nbsp;Missing a language?]( [rust logo]: [rust integration]: [`wasmer` rust crate]: [rust docs]: [c logo]: [c integration]: [`wasmer.h` header]: [c docs]:*/wasmer_c_api/wasm_c_api/index.html [c# logo]: [c# integration]: [`wasmersharp` nuget package]: [c# docs]: [d logo]: [d integration]: [`wasmer` Dub package]: [d docs]: [python logo]: [python integration]: [`wasmer` pypi package]: [python docs]: [go logo]: [go integration]: [`wasmer` go package]: [go docs]: [php logo]: [php integration]: [`wasm` pecl package]: [php docs]: [js logo]: [js integration]: [`@wasmerio` npm packages]: [js docs]: [ruby logo]: [ruby integration]: [`wasmer` ruby gem]: [ruby docs]: [java logo]: [java integration]: [`wasmer/wasmer-jni` bintray package]: [java docs]: [elixir logo]: [elixir integration]: [elixir docs]: [`wasmex` hex package]: [r logo]: [r integration]: [r docs]: [postgres logo]: [postgres integration]: [postgres docs]: [swift logo]: [swift integration]: [zig logo]: [zig integration]: [dart logo]: [dart integration]: [`wasm` pub package]: [lisp logo]: [lisp integration]: [crystal logo]: [crystal integration]: [crystal docs]: ## Contribute We appreciate your help! 💜 Check our docs on how to [build Wasmer from source]( or [test your changes]( ## Community Wasmer has an amazing community of developers and contributors. Welcome, please join us! 👋 - [Wasmer Community Slack]( - [Wasmer on Twitter]( - [Wasmer on Facebook]( - [Email]( This crate performs the translation from a wasm module in binary format to the in-memory form of the [Cranelift IR]. If you're looking for a complete WebAssembly implementation that uses this library, see [Wasmtime]. [Wasmtime]: [Cranelift IR]: # install-rust A small github action to install `rustup` and a Rust toolchain. This is generally expressed inline, but it was repeated enough in this repository it seemed worthwhile to extract. Some gotchas: * Can't `--self-update` on Windows due to permission errors (a bug in Github Actions) * `rustup` isn't installed on macOS (a bug in Github Actions) When the above are fixed we should delete this action and just use this inline: ```yml - run: rustup update $toolchain && rustup default $toolchain shell: bash ``` # binary-compatible-builds A small (ish) action which is intended to be used and will configure builds of Rust projects to be "more binary compatible". On Windows and macOS this involves setting a few env vars, and on Linux this involves spinning up a CentOS 6 container which is running in the background. All subsequent build commands need to be wrapped in `$CENTOS` to optionally run on `$CENTOS` on Linux to ensure builds happen inside the container. The spec and proposal repositories will be cloned in this directory by the `` script. Don't apply local changes to these repositories, as the script may destroy them. This is the `wasmer-wast` crate, which contains an implementation of WebAssembly's "wast" test scripting language, which is used in the [WebAssembly spec testsuite], using wasmer for execution. [WebAssembly spec testsuite]: > Note: this project started as a fork of [this crate]( # Wasmer Examples This directory contains a collection of examples. This isn't an exhaustive collection though, if one example is missing, please ask, we will be happy to fulfill your needs! ## Handy Diagrams As a quick introduction to Wasmer's main workflows, here are three diagrams. We hope it provides an overview of how the crates assemble together. 1. **Module compilation**, illustrates how WebAssembly bytes are validated, parsed, and compiled, with the help of the `wasmer::Module`, `wasmer_engine::Engine`, and `wasmer_compiler::Compiler` API. ![Module compilation](../assets/diagrams/Diagram_module_compilation.png) 2. **Module serialization**, illustrates how a module can be serialized and deserialized, with the help of `wasmer::Module::serialize` and `wasmer::Module::deserialize`. The important part is that the engine can changed between those two steps, and thus how a headless engine can be used for the deserialization. ![Module serialization](../assets/diagrams/Diagram_module_serialization.png) 3. **Module instantiation**, illustrates what happens when `wasmer::Instance::new` is called. ![Module instantiation](../assets/diagrams/Diagram_module_instantiation.png) ## Examples The examples are written in a difficulty/discovery order. Concepts that are explained in an example is not necessarily re-explained in a next example. ### Basics 1. [**Hello World**][hello-world], explains the core concepts of the Wasmer API for compiling and executing WebAssembly. _Keywords_: introduction, instance, module. <details> <summary><em>Execute the example</em></summary> ```shell $ cargo run --example hello-world --release --features "cranelift" ``` </details> 2. [**Instantiating a module**][instance], explains the basics of using Wasmer and how to create an instance out of a Wasm module. _Keywords_: instance, module. <details> <summary><em>Execute the example</em></summary> ```shell $ cargo run --example instance --release --features "cranelift" ``` </details> 3. [**Handling errors**][errors], explains the basics of interacting with Wasm module memory. _Keywords_: instance, error. <details> <summary><em>Execute the example</em></summary> ```shell $ cargo run --example errors --release --features "cranelift" ``` </details> 4. [**Interacting with memory**][memory], explains the basics of interacting with Wasm module memory. _Keywords_: memory, module. <details> <summary><em>Execute the example</em></summary> ```shell $ cargo run --example memory --release --features "cranelift" ``` </details> ### Exports 1. [**Exported global**][exported-global], explains how to work with exported globals: get/set their value, have information about their type. _Keywords_: export, global. <details> <summary><em>Execute the example</em></summary> ```shell $ cargo run --example exported-global --release --features "cranelift" ``` </details> 2. [**Exported function**][exported-function], explains how to get and how to call an exported function. They come in 2 flavors: dynamic, and “static”/native. The pros and cons are discussed briefly. _Keywords_: export, function, dynamic, static, native. <details> <summary><em>Execute the example</em></summary> ```shell $ cargo run --example exported-function --release --features "cranelift" ``` </details> 3. [**Exported memory**][exported-memory], explains how to read from and write to exported memory. _Keywords_: export, memory. <details> <summary><em>Execute the example</em></summary> ```shell $ cargo run --example exported-memory --release --features "cranelift" ``` </details> ### Imports 1. [**Imported global**][imported-global], explains how to work with imported globals: create globals, import them, get/set their value. _Keywords_: import, global. <details> <summary><em>Execute the example</em></summary> ```shell $ cargo run --example imported-global --release --features "cranelift" ``` </details> 2. [**Imported function**][imported-function], explains how to define an imported function. They come in 2 flavors: dynamic, and “static”/native. _Keywords_: import, function, dynamic, static, native. <details> <summary><em>Execute the example</em></summary> ```shell $ cargo run --example imported-function --release --features "cranelift" ``` </details> ### Externs 1. [**Table**][table], explains how to use Wasm Tables from the Wasmer API. _Keywords_: basic, table, call_indirect <details> <summary><em>Execute the example</em></summary> ```shell $ cargo run --example table --release --features "cranelift" ``` </details> 2. [**Memory**][memory], explains how to use Wasm Memories from the Wasmer API. Memory example is a work in progress. _Keywords_: basic, memory <details> <summary><em>Execute the example</em></summary> ```shell $ cargo run --example memory --release --features "cranelift" ``` </details> ### Tunables 1. [**Limit memory**][tunables-limit-memory], explains how to use Tunables to limit the size of an exported Wasm memory _Keywords_: basic, tunables, memory <details> <summary><em>Execute the example</em></summary> ```shell $ cargo run --example tunables-limit-memory --release --features "cranelift" ``` </details> ### Engines 1. [**Universal engine**][engine-universal], explains what an engine is, what the Universal engine is, and how to set it up. The example completes itself with the compilation of the Wasm module, its instantiation, and finally, by calling an exported function. _Keywords_: Universal, engine, in-memory, executable code. <details> <summary><em>Execute the example</em></summary> ```shell $ cargo run --example engine-universal --release --features "cranelift" ``` </details> 2. [**Dylib engine**][engine-dylib], explains what a Dylib engine is, and how to set it up. The example completes itself with the compilation of the Wasm module, its instantiation, and finally, by calling an exported function. _Keywords_: native, engine, shared library, dynamic library, executable code. <details> <summary><em>Execute the example</em></summary> ```shell $ cargo run --example engine-dylib --release --features "cranelift" ``` </details> 3. [**Headless engines**][engine-headless], explains what a headless engine is, what problem it does solve, and what are the benefits of it. The example completes itself with the instantiation of a pre-compiled Wasm module, and finally, by calling an exported function. _Keywords_: native, engine, constrained environment, ahead-of-time compilation, cross-compilation, executable code, serialization. <details> <summary><em>Execute the example</em></summary> ```shell $ cargo run --example engine-headless --release --features "cranelift" ``` </details> 4. [**Cross-compilation**][cross-compilation], illustrates the power of the abstraction over the engines and the compilers, such as it is possible to cross-compile a Wasm module for a custom target. _Keywords_: engine, compiler, cross-compilation. <details> <summary><em>Execute the example</em></summary> ```shell $ cargo run --example cross-compilation --release --features "cranelift" ``` </details> 5. [**Features**][features], illustrates how to enable WebAssembly features that aren't yet stable. _Keywords_: engine, features. <details> <summary><em>Execute the example</em></summary> ```shell $ cargo run --example features --release --features "cranelift" ``` </details> ### Compilers 1. [**Singlepass compiler**][compiler-singlepass], explains how to use the [`wasmer-compiler-singlepass`] compiler. _Keywords_: compiler, singlepass. <details> <summary><em>Execute the example</em></summary> ```shell $ cargo run --example compiler-singlepass --release --features "singlepass" ``` </details> 2. [**Cranelift compiler**][compiler-cranelift], explains how to use the [`wasmer-compiler-cranelift`] compiler. _Keywords_: compiler, cranelift. <details> <summary><em>Execute the example</em></summary> ```shell $ cargo run --example compiler-cranelift --release --features "cranelift" ``` </details> 3. [**LLVM compiler**][compiler-llvm], explains how to use the [`wasmer-compiler-llvm`] compiler. _Keywords_: compiler, llvm. <details> <summary><em>Execute the example</em></summary> ```shell $ cargo run --example compiler-llvm --release --features "llvm" ``` </details> ### Integrations 1. [**WASI**][wasi], explains how to use the [WebAssembly System Interface][WASI] (WASI), i.e. the [`wasmer-wasi`] crate. _Keywords_: wasi, system, interface <details> <summary><em>Execute the example</em></summary> ```shell $ cargo run --example wasi --release --features "cranelift,wasi" ``` </details> 2. [**WASI Pipes**][wasi-pipes], builds on the WASI example to show off stdio piping in Wasmer. _Keywords_: wasi, system, interface <details> <summary><em>Execute the example</em></summary> ```shell $ cargo run --example wasi-pipes --release --features "cranelift,wasi" ``` </details> [hello-world]: ./ [engine-universal]: ./ [engine-dylib]: ./ [engine-headless]: ./ [compiler-singlepass]: ./ [compiler-cranelift]: ./ [compiler-llvm]: ./ [cross-compilation]: ./ [exported-global]: ./ [exported-function]: ./ [exported-memory]: ./ [imported-global]: ./ [imported-function]: ./ [instance]: ./ [wasi]: ./ [wasi-pipes]: ./ [table]: ./ [memory]: ./ [errors]: ./ [tunables-limit-memory]: ./ [features]: ./ [`wasmer-compiler-singlepass`]: [`wasmer-compiler-cranelift`]: [`wasmer-compiler-llvm`]: [`wasmer-wasi`]: [WASI]: # verify-component-adapter The `wasi-preview1-component-adapter` crate must compile to a wasm binary that meets a challenging set of constraints, in order to be used as an adapter by the `wasm-tools component new` tool. There are a limited set of wasm sections allowed in the binary, and a limited set of wasm modules we allow imports from. This crate is a bin target which parses a wasm file and reports an error if it does not fit in those constraints. # Examples of the `wasmtime` API This directory contains a number of examples of using the `wasmtime` API from different languages. Currently examples are all in Rust and C using the `wasmtime` crate or the wasmtime embedding API. Each example is available in both C and in Rust. Examples are accompanied with a `*.wat` file which is the wasm input, or a Rust project in a `wasm` folder which is the source code for the original wasm file. Rust examples can be executed with `cargo run --example $name`. C examples can be built with `mkdir build && cd build && cmake ..`. You can run `cmake --build .` to build all examples or `cmake --build . --target wasmtime-$name`, replacing the name as you wish. They can also be [built manually]( For more information see the examples themselves! # pwasm-utils [![Build Status](]( A collection of WASM utilities used in pwasm-ethereum and substrate contract development. This repository contains the package `pwasm-utils` which consists of a library crate and a collection of cli binaries that make use of this library. ## Installation of cli tools ``` cargo install pwasm-utils --features cli ``` This will install the following binaries: * wasm-build * wasm-check * wasm-ext * wasm-gas * wasm-pack * wasm-prune * wasm-stack-height ## Symbols pruning (wasm-prune) ``` wasm-prune <input_wasm_binary.wasm> <output_wasm_binary.wasm> ``` This will optimize WASM symbols tree to leave only those elements that are used by contract `call` function entry. ## Gas counter (wasm-gas) For development puposes, raw WASM contract can be injected with gas counters (the same way as it done by pwasm-ethereum/substrate runtime when running contracts) ``` wasm-gas <input_wasm_binary.wasm> <output_wasm_binary.wasm> ``` # License `wasm-utils` is primarily distributed under the terms of both the MIT license and the Apache License (Version 2.0), at your choice. See LICENSE-APACHE, and LICENSE-MIT for details. ## Contribution Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in `wasm-utils` by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions. # `wasmer-types` [![Build Status](]( [![Join Wasmer Slack](]( [![MIT License](]( This library provides all the types and traits necessary to use WebAssembly easily anywhere. Among other things, it defines the following _types_: * `units` like `Pages` or `Bytes` * `types` and `values` like `I32`, `I64`, `F32`, `F64`, `ExternRef`, `FuncRef`, `V128`, value conversions, `ExternType`, `FunctionType` etc. * `native` contains a set of trait and implementations to deal with WebAssembly types that have a direct representation on the host, * `memory_view`, an API to read/write memories when bytes are interpreted as particular types (`i8`, `i16`, `i32` etc.) * `indexes` contains all the possible WebAssembly module indexes for various types * `initializers` for tables, data etc. * `features` to enable or disable some WebAssembly features inside the Wasmer runtime ### Acknowledgments This project borrowed some of the code for the entity structure from [cranelift-entity]( We decided to move it here to help on serialization/deserialization and also to ease the integration with other tools like `loupe`. Please check [Wasmer ATTRIBUTIONS]( to further see licenses and other attributions of the project. # About Contains files used in tests. # Updating files containing expected zkASM Use the CLI, for instance: ``` # In the analyze-zkasm directory run cargo run -- instrument-inst ./testfiles/simple.wat ./testfiles/simple_instrumented.zkasm ``` This crate contains shared definitions for use in both `cranelift-codegen-meta` and `cranelift -codegen`. # `wasmer-compiler-singlepass` [![Build Status](]( [![Join Wasmer Slack](]( [![MIT License](]( [![](]( This crate contains a compiler implementation based on the Singlepass linear compiler. ## Usage ```rust use wasmer::{Store, Universal}; use wasmer_compiler_singlepass::Singlepass; let compiler = Singlepass::new(); // Put it into an engine and add it to the store let store = Store::new(&Universal::new(compiler).engine()); ``` *Note: you can find a [full working example using Singlepass compiler here][example].* ## When to use Singlepass Singlepass is designed to emit compiled code at linear time, as such is not prone to JIT bombs and also offers great compilation performance orders of magnitude faster than [`wasmer-compiler-cranelift`] and [`wasmer-compiler-llvm`], however with a bit slower runtime speed. The fact that singlepass is not prone to JIT bombs and offers a very predictable compilation speed makes it ideal for **blockchains** and other systems where fast and consistent compilation times are very critical. [example]: [`wasmer-compiler-cranelift`]: [`wasmer-compiler-llvm`]: # Wasmer Test libraries Here is the place where the test libraries will live. # `wasmer-engine-universal` [![Build Status](]( [![Join Wasmer Slack](]( [![MIT License](]( The Wasmer Universal engine is usable with any compiler implementation based on [`wasmer-compiler`]. After the compiler process the result, the Universal pushes it into memory and links its contents so it can be usable by the [`wasmer`] API. *Note: you can find a [full working example using the Universal engine here][example].* ### Acknowledgments This project borrowed some of the code of the code memory and unwind tables from the [`wasmtime-jit`], the code since then has evolved significantly. Please check [Wasmer `ATTRIBUTIONS`] to further see licenses and other attributions of the project. [`wasmer-compiler`]: [`wasmer`]: [example]: [`wasmtime-jit`]: [Wasmer `ATTRIBUTIONS`]: # wasmtime-wasi-nn This crate enables support for the [wasi-nn] API in Wasmtime. Currently it contains an implementation of [wasi-nn] using OpenVINO™ but in the future it could support multiple machine learning backends. Since the [wasi-nn] API is expected to be an optional feature of WASI, this crate is currently separate from the [wasi-common] crate. This crate is experimental and its API, functionality, and location could quickly change. [examples]: examples [openvino]: [wasi-nn]: [wasi-common]: ../wasi-common [bindings]: ### Use Use the Wasmtime APIs to instantiate a Wasm module and link in the `wasi-nn` implementation as follows: ```rust let wasi_nn = WasiNnCtx::new()?; wasmtime_wasi_nn::witx::add_to_linker(...); ``` ### Build ```sh $ cargo build ``` To use the WIT-based ABI, compile with `--features component-model` and use `wasmtime_wasi_nn::wit::add_to_linker`. ### Example An end-to-end example demonstrating ML classification is included in [examples]: `examples/classification-example` contains a standalone Rust project that uses the [wasi-nn] APIs and is compiled to the `wasm32-wasi` target using the high-level `wasi-nn` [bindings]. Crate defining the `Wasi` type for Wasmtime, which represents a WASI instance which may be added to a linker. This example project demonstrates using the `wasi-nn` API to perform ML inference. It consists of Rust code that is built using the `wasm32-wasi` target. See `ci/` for how this is used. This crate provides a JIT library that uses [Cranelift]( This crate is extremely experimental. See the [example program] for a brief overview of how to use this. [example program]: Finds reasons of bloat in the WebAssembly binaries. ### Prerequisites Install dependencies: pip3 install octopus numpy matplotlib itanium-demangler brew install graphviz On Linux machines with evince PDF viewer use this command to allow zooming in. gsettings set org.gnome.Evince page-cache-size 1000 ### Running Run ``, it could either show what instructions are most popular in largest functions, or show the control flow graph, marking few largest functions per `--count` parameter in red. This crate provides an interpreter for Cranelift IR. It is still a work in progress, as many instructions are unimplemented and various implementation gaps exist. Use at your own risk. # `cargo fuzz` Targets for Wasmtime This crate defines various [libFuzzer]( fuzzing targets for Wasmtime, which can be run via [`cargo fuzz`]( These fuzz targets just glue together pre-defined test case generators with oracles and pass libFuzzer-provided inputs to them. The test case generators and oracles themselves are independent from the fuzzing engine that is driving the fuzzing process and are defined in `wasmtime/crates/fuzzing`. ## Example To start fuzzing run the following command, where `$MY_FUZZ_TARGET` is one of the [available fuzz targets](#available-fuzz-targets): ```shell cargo fuzz run $MY_FUZZ_TARGET ``` ## Available Fuzz Targets At the time of writing, we have the following fuzz targets: * `api_calls`: stress the Wasmtime API by executing sequences of API calls; only the subset of the API is currently supported. * `compile`: Attempt to compile libFuzzer's raw input bytes with Wasmtime. * `compile-maybe-invalid`: Attempt to compile a wasm-smith-generated Wasm module with code sequences that may be invalid. * `cranelift-fuzzgen`: Generate a Cranelift function and check that it returns the same results when compiled to the host and when using the Cranelift interpreter; only a subset of Cranelift IR is currently supported. * `cranelift-icache`: Generate a Cranelift function A, applies a small mutation to its source, yielding a function A', and checks that A compiled + incremental compilation generates the same machine code as if A' was compiled from scratch. * `differential`: Generate a Wasm module, evaluate each exported function with random inputs, and check that Wasmtime returns the same results as a choice of another engine: the Wasm spec interpreter (see the `wasm-spec-interpreter` crate), the `wasmi` interpreter, V8 (through the `v8` crate), or Wasmtime itself run with a different configuration. * `instantiate`: Generate a Wasm module and Wasmtime configuration and attempt to compile and instantiate with them. * `instantiate-many`: Generate many Wasm modules and attempt to compile and instantiate them concurrently. * `spectests`: Pick a random spec test and run it with a generated configuration. * `table_ops`: Generate a sequence of `externref` table operations and run them in a GC environment. The canonical list of fuzz targets is the `.rs` files in the `fuzz_targets` directory: ```shell ls wasmtime/fuzz/fuzz_targets/ ``` ## Corpora While you *can* start from scratch, libFuzzer will work better if it is given a [corpus]( of seed inputs to kick start the fuzzing process. We maintain a corpus for each of these fuzz targets in [a dedicated repo on github]( You can use our corpora by cloning it and placing it at `wasmtime/fuzz/corpus`: ```shell git clone \ \ wasmtime/fuzz/corpus ``` ## Reproducing a Fuzz Bug When investigating a fuzz bug (especially one found by OSS-Fuzz), use the following steps to reproduce it locally: 1. Download the test case (either the "Minimized Testcase" or "Unminimized Testcase" from OSS-Fuzz will do). 2. Run the test case in the correct fuzz target: ```shell cargo +nightly fuzz run <target> <test case> ``` If all goes well, the bug should reproduce and libFuzzer will dump the failure stack trace to stdout 3. For more debugging information, run the command above with `RUST_LOG=debug` to print the configuration and WebAssembly input used by the test case (see uses of `log_wasm` in the `wasmtime-fuzzing` crate). ## Target specific options ### `cranelift-fuzzgen` Fuzzgen supports passing the `FUZZGEN_ALLOWED_OPS` environment variable, which when available restricts the instructions that it will generate. Running `FUZZGEN_ALLOWED_OPS=ineg,ishl cargo fuzz run cranelift-fuzzgen` will run fuzzgen but only generate `ineg` or `ishl` opcodes. ### `cranelift-icache` The icache target also uses the fuzzgen library, thus also supports the `FUZZGEN_ALLOWED_OPS` enviornment variable as described in the `cranelift-fuzzgen` section above. This crate performs serialization of the [Cranelift]( IR. This crate is structured as an optional ability to serialize and deserialize cranelift IR into JSON format. Status ------ Cranelift IR can be serialized into JSON. Deserialize is a work in progress, as it currently deserializes into the serializable data structure that can be utilized by serde instead of the actual Cranelift IR data structure. Building and Using Cranelift Serde ---------------------------------- clif-json usage: clif-json serialize [-p] <file> clif-json deserialize <file> Where the -p flag outputs Cranelift IR as pretty JSON. For example to build and use clif-json: ``` {.sourceCode .sh} cd cranelift-serde cargo build clif-json serialize -p test.clif ```
NDC Elections Activities.js BudgetPackage.js Candidates.js CastVotes.js Filter.js Header.js Houses.js Main.js Progress.js Statistic.js Voters.js Kudos AddComment.js AddKudo.js Card.js CommentCard.js CongratsMintModal.js Header.js Kudo MintSbt.js Page.js Main.js Navigation.js Modal.js Nomination AddComment.js Candidate Comment.js DesktopView.js MobileView.js Page.js Card.js Compose.js Compose Affiliations.js Platform.js Tags.js DeleteNomination.js Page.js Stepper.js StyledComponents.js VerifyHuman.js
# gwg-widgets Monorepo for BOS widgets. File structure represented widget in BOS (`Folder.Subfolder`). e.g. `NDC.Elections.Main` represented by `NDC/Elections/Main.js` file. ## Usage 1. Copy codebase from target file 2. Go to and paste it 3. Watch Component Preview or directly save it on near social smart contruct. Just click on `Publish` button and confirm transaction.
NearPass_nearpass-subgraph generated schema.ts networks.json package.json src event.ts tsconfig.json
### NearPass SubGraph - The subgraph makes it easy to query blockchain information via API endpoints. #### Install dependencies ```bash npm install ``` You will need to have `graph-cli` installed globally. ``` # NPM npm install -g @graphprotocol/graph-cli # Yarn yarn global add @graphprotocol/graph-cli ``` Build using ```bash yarn build ``` Re-Deploy using ```bash yarn deploy ``` #### Subgraph is deployed [here](
.github ISSUE_TEMPLATE BOUNTY.yml .travis.yml requirements.txt
Finds reasons of bloat in the WebAssembly binaries. ### Prerequisites Install dependencies: pip3 install octopus numpy matplotlib itanium-demangler brew install graphviz On Linux machines with evince PDF viewer use this command to allow zooming in. gsettings set org.gnome.Evince page-cache-size 1000 ### Running Run ``, it could either show what instructions are most popular in largest functions, or show the control flow graph, marking few largest functions per `--count` parameter in red.
as-pect.config.js asconfig.json assembly __tests__ as-pect.d.ts main.spec.ts memento.spec.ts user.spec.ts as_types.d.ts main.ts model.ts tsconfig.json utils.ts config.js package.json
evgenykuzyakov_near-open-web-frontend package.json public index.html manifest.json robots.txt src App.css App.js App.test.js MailApp.js ProfileApp.js assets gray_near_logo.svg logo.svg near.svg config.js index.js openweb.js wallet login index.html
<br /> <br /> <p> <img src="" width="240"> </p> <br /> <br /> ## Template for NEAR dapps ### Features * Create NEAR dapps with a React frontend 🐲 * We got Gulp! 💦 ### Requirements ##### IMPORTANT: Make sure you have the latest version of NEAR Shell and Node Version > 10.x 1. node and npm 2. near shell ``` npm i -g near-shell ``` 3.(optional) install yarn to build ``` npm i -g yarn ``` ### To run on testnet #### Step 1: Create account for the contract and deploy the contract. You'll now want to authorize NEAR shell on your NEAR account, which will allow NEAR Shell to deploy contracts on your NEAR account's behalf \(and spend your NEAR account balance to do so\). Type the command `near login` which should return a url: ```bash Please navigate to this url and follow the instructions to log in:{publicKey} ``` From there enter in your terminal the same account ID that you authorized: `Please enter the accountId that you logged in with: <asdfasdf>` Once you have entered your account ID, it will display the following message: `Missing public key for <asdfasdf> in default` `Logged in with masternode24` This message is not an error, it just means that it will create a public key for you. #### Step 2: Modify src/config.js line that sets the contractName. Set it to id from step 1. ```javascript (function() { const CONTRACT_NAME = 'react-template'; /* TODO: Change this to your contract's name! */ const DEFAULT_ENV = 'development'; ... })(); ``` #### Step 3: Finally, run the command in your terminal. ``` npm install && npm start ``` with yarn: ``` yarn install && yarn start ``` The server that starts is for static assets and by default serves them to localhost:3000. Navigate there in your browser to see the app running! ### Deploy Check the scripts in the package.json, for frontend and backend both, run the command: ```bash npm run(yarn) deploy ``` ### Test For test file src/App.test.js, it works for the template after finishing step 3 above. If smart contract and index.js change, user should change to their functions to test. The command is: ```bash npm run(yarn) test ``` ### To Explore - `assembly/main.ts` for the contract code - `public/index.html` for the front-end HTML - `src/index.js` for the JavaScript front-end code and how to integrate contracts - `src/App.js` for the first react component
.devcontainer devcontainer.json .github ISSUE_TEMPLATE config.yml workflows tests.yml Cargo.toml common Cargo.toml src abi util near client-test package.json src client.js config.js util.js tests test.spec.js utils derive.js extendWhitelistExpiration.js readDataFeedWithDapiName.js readDataFeedWithId.js readerCanReadDataFeed.js revokeIndefiniteWhitelistStatus.js role.js setIndefiniteWhitelistStatus.js setName.js setWhitelistExpiration.js updateBeaconSetWithBeacons.js updateBeaconSetWithSignedData.js updateBeaconWithSignedData.js whitelist.js contract Cargo.toml src solana beacon-server Anchor.toml Cargo.toml migrations deploy.ts package.json programs beacon-server Cargo.toml Xargo.toml src tests beacon-server.spec.ts client.ts sig.ts utils.ts tsconfig.json
# API3-Rust This is the repo for RUST implementation of API3's Beacon Server ## Common Common package used for all the subsequent chain implementations. To run all test ``` cd common cargo test ``` ## Solana Read up on anchors To build the solana code, do the following in docker container (.devcontainer/Solana-Dockerfile): ``` cd solana/beacon-server anchor build solana-keygen new anchor test ``` Instead of docker, you can follow installation commands from docker image. ## Near ### Prerequisite Read up on Near from these links: - Get started: `` - Create account: `` - Cross contract call: `` - End to end test: `` After reading the above, you should be able to know: - The basic syntax of writing a Near contract using rust - How to create test accounts - How and why we need cross contract call - How end to end test with javascript is written and tested ### Dev To setup the dev env, checkout the dockerfile in `.devcontainer/Near-Dockerfile`, build and launch the docker. Alternatively, we recommend you use vscode remote docker plugin, you can open this folder in remote docker, then you can have the same dev env. Once in the docker, you can follow the subsection accordingly. #### Compile - go to the near contract folder: `cd near/contract` - compile: `cargo build --target wasm32-unknown-unknown --release` Once done you should be able to see, relative to the repo root folder, `target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/dapi_server.wasm`. #### Create test accounts You need to create 3 accounts for testing: ``` CONTRACT_ACCOUNT: the account for the dapiServer contract. ADMIN_ACCOUNT: the default admin of the contract. USER_ACCOUNT: test util account, mainly for reading data points with unlimited access for data verification. ``` Now go to near testnet and create the above accounts, you can choose your own names. Remember to define the above env variables with the account names, i.e. for our dev env, it's: ``` export CONTRACT_ACCOUNT=dapi-contract1.testnet export ADMIN_ACCOUNT=mocha-test1.testnet export USER_ACCOUNT=user-test1.testnet ``` #### Login on CLI Once the acconts are created, you need to login from CLI: ``` near login --account-id ${CONTRACT_ACCOUNT} near login --account-id ${ADMIN_ACCOUNT} near login --account-id ${USER_ACCOUNT} ``` #### Deploy the contracts In the root folder, deploy the `api3-contract` using: ``` near deploy --wasmFile ./target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/dapi_server.wasm --accountId=${CONTRACT_ACCOUNT} ``` If you get error on not enough balance. Run `near dev-deploy ...` and delete generated dev-xxxx account in favour of your account: `near delete dev-xxxx ${CONTRACT_ACCOUNT}` Once you have deployed the contract, perform some santiy checks to ensure proper deployment, such as: ```bash # This should pass with no problem near call <CONTRACT_ACCOUNT> grant_role '{"role":[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],"who":"user-test1.testnet"}' --accountId <ADMIN_ACCOUNT> # This should return true near view <CONTRACT_ACCOUNT> has_role '{"role":[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],"who":"user-test1.testnet"}' # This should pass with no problem near call <CONTRACT_ACCOUNT> revoke_role '{"role":[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],"who":"user-test1.testnet"}' --accountId <ADMIN_ACCOUNT> # This should return false near view <CONTRACT_ACCOUNT> has_role '{"role":[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],"who":"user-test1.testnet"}' ``` #### Run tests The tests are located in `near/client-test`, the `main` for tests is `near/client-test/tests/test.spec.js`. Use `npm install` if you have not setup before. To run the test: `cd near/client-test && yarn jest`. Please note that the tests will take around 10 minutes to finish. At the same time, it is also running against a live network, sometimes there will be timeout errors, but near would retry automatically. When the contract reverts execution, the near client would log the contract execution error with `console.warn`. The tests would capture the exceptions thrown and check the expected error name appears in the error message. If you want to disable the warn logs, use `yarn jest --silent`. #### Clean up To clean up, just delete the accounts using `near delete ... ...`. See ``. # API3 Common Crate This is the common crate for porting solidity API3 contracts to Rust based chains. As for different chains, the same processing logic would be applied, it is natural to abstract common processes. The main design is as follows: * Common data types * DataPoint: The datapoint struct used in the original solidity contracts. * Role: Some of the roles known at dev time are modelled using enum * Common methods: In `common/src/`, it contains all the methods used in the original `DapiServer.sol`. All the methods are implemented the same as in the solidity contracts. To ensure everything works in the respective chains, the chain specific operations are abstracted into traits so that each chain could have its own implementation. The following traits are implemented: * Storage<T>: `common/src/beacon::Storage`handles the load/save of item type T in the chain * Whitelist: `common/src/` handles the whitelist functions in the specific chain * AccessControlRegistry: `common/src/access::AccessControlRegistry` handles the access control related function in the specific chain * SignatureManger: `common/src/beacon::SignatureManger` handles the onchain signature verification
# NEAR Content This is the place for NEAR Content request to be submitted by anyone. Content include: - Technical Tutorial - Integration Announcement - Product/Feature Release - Thought Leadership - Video Content for YouTube/NEARProtocol - Customer/Biz-Dev Case Study How do I submit a NEAR Content request? Please submit it as an issue. Be sure to add the appropriate tags, and follow the template. Specifically, these are the key criteria we consider: Impact -- how many developers will actually build on NEAR as a result of this? Available resources -- Introduction with the author/teams for cross promotion Additional information -- You can find all cards and all proccesses attached to them here:
.eslintrc.yml .github dependabot.yml workflows deploy.yml tests.yml .gitpod.yml .travis.yml babel.config.js contract as-pect.config.js asconfig.json assembly __tests__ as-pect.d.ts guestbook.spec.ts as_types.d.ts main.ts model.ts tsconfig.json package.json frontend App.js config.js index.html index.js integration-tests rs Cargo.toml src ts main.ava.ts package.json
Guest Book ========== [![Build Status](]( [![Open in Gitpod](]( <!-- MAGIC COMMENT: DO NOT DELETE! Everything above this line is hidden on NEAR Examples page --> Sign in with [NEAR] and add a message to the guest book! A starter app built with an [AssemblyScript] backend and a [React] frontend. Quick Start =========== To run this project locally: 1. Prerequisites: Make sure you have Node.js ≥ 12 installed (, then use it to install [yarn]: `npm install --global yarn` (or just `npm i -g yarn`) 2. Run the local development server: `yarn && yarn dev` (see `package.json` for a full list of `scripts` you can run with `yarn`) Now you'll have a local development environment backed by the NEAR TestNet! Running `yarn dev` will tell you the URL you can visit in your browser to see the app. Exploring The Code ================== 1. The backend code lives in the `/assembly` folder. This code gets deployed to the NEAR blockchain when you run `yarn deploy:contract`. This sort of code-that-runs-on-a-blockchain is called a "smart contract" – [learn more about NEAR smart contracts][smart contract docs]. 2. The frontend code lives in the `/src` folder. [/src/index.html](/src/index.html) is a great place to start exploring. Note that it loads in `/src/index.js`, where you can learn how the frontend connects to the NEAR blockchain. 3. Tests: there are different kinds of tests for the frontend and backend. The backend code gets tested with the [asp] command for running the backend AssemblyScript tests, and [jest] for running frontend tests. You can run both of these at once with `yarn test`. Both contract and client-side code will auto-reload as you change source files. Deploy ====== Every smart contract in NEAR has its [own associated account][NEAR accounts]. When you run `yarn dev`, your smart contracts get deployed to the live NEAR TestNet with a throwaway account. When you're ready to make it permanent, here's how. Step 0: Install near-cli -------------------------- You need near-cli installed globally. Here's how: npm install --global near-cli This will give you the `near` [CLI] tool. Ensure that it's installed with: near --version Step 1: Create an account for the contract ------------------------------------------ Visit [NEAR Wallet] and make a new account. You'll be deploying these smart contracts to this new account. Now authorize NEAR CLI for this new account, and follow the instructions it gives you: near login Step 2: set contract name in code --------------------------------- Modify the line in `src/config.js` that sets the account name of the contract. Set it to the account id you used above. const CONTRACT_NAME = process.env.CONTRACT_NAME || 'your-account-here!' Step 3: change remote URL if you cloned this repo ------------------------- Unless you forked this repository you will need to change the remote URL to a repo that you have commit access to. This will allow auto deployment to GitHub Pages from the command line. 1) go to GitHub and create a new repository for this project 2) open your terminal and in the root of this project enter the following: $ `git remote set-url origin` Step 4: deploy! --------------- One command: yarn deploy As you can see in `package.json`, this does two things: 1. builds & deploys smart contracts to NEAR TestNet 2. builds & deploys frontend code to GitHub using [gh-pages]. This will only work if the project already has a repository set up on GitHub. Feel free to modify the `deploy` script in `package.json` to deploy elsewhere. [NEAR]: [yarn]: [AssemblyScript]: [React]: [smart contract docs]: [asp]: [jest]: [NEAR accounts]: [NEAR Wallet]: [near-cli]: [CLI]: [create-near-app]: [gh-pages]:
.eslintrc.js .github dependabot.yml .travis.yml as-pect.config.js assembly JSON.ts __tests__ as-pect.d.ts json-parse.spec.ts roundtrip.spec.ts string_escape.spec.ts to-string.spec.ts usage.spec.ts decoder.ts encoder.ts index.ts tsconfig.json util index.ts docs classes modules | index.js package.json utils testsuite_helper index.ts package.json tsconfig.json
# assemblyscript-json ![npm version]( ![npm downloads per month]( JSON encoder / decoder for AssemblyScript. Special thanks to for basic unit testing infra for AssemblyScript. ## Installation `assemblyscript-json` is available as a [npm package]( You can install `assemblyscript-json` in your AssemblyScript project by running: `npm install --save assemblyscript-json` ## Usage ### Parsing JSON ```typescript import { JSON } from "assemblyscript-json"; // Parse an object using the JSON object let jsonObj: JSON.Obj = <JSON.Obj>(JSON.parse('{"hello": "world", "value": 24}')); // We can then use the .getX functions to read from the object if you know it's type // This will return the appropriate JSON.X value if the key exists, or null if the key does not exist let worldOrNull: JSON.Str | null = jsonObj.getString("hello"); // This will return a JSON.Str or null if (worldOrNull != null) { // use .valueOf() to turn the high level JSON.Str type into a string let world: string = worldOrNull.valueOf(); } let numOrNull: JSON.Num | null = jsonObj.getNum("value"); if (numOrNull != null) { // use .valueOf() to turn the high level JSON.Num type into a f64 let value: f64 = numOrNull.valueOf(); } // If you don't know the value type, get the parent JSON.Value let valueOrNull: JSON.Value | null = jsonObj.getValue("hello"); if (valueOrNull != null) { let value = <JSON.Value>valueOrNull; // Next we could figure out what type we are if(value.isString) { // value.isString would be true, so we can cast to a string let innerString = (<JSON.Str>value).valueOf(); let jsonString = (<JSON.Str>value).stringify(); // Do something with string value } } ``` ### Encoding JSON ```typescript import { JSONEncoder } from "assemblyscript-json"; // Create encoder let encoder = new JSONEncoder(); // Construct necessary object encoder.pushObject("obj"); encoder.setInteger("int", 10); encoder.setString("str", ""); encoder.popObject(); // Get serialized data let json: Uint8Array = encoder.serialize(); // Or get serialized data as string let jsonString: string = encoder.stringify(); assert(jsonString, '"obj": {"int": 10, "str": ""}'); // True! ``` ### Custom JSON Deserializers ```typescript import { JSONDecoder, JSONHandler } from "assemblyscript-json"; // Events need to be received by custom object extending JSONHandler. // NOTE: All methods are optional to implement. class MyJSONEventsHandler extends JSONHandler { setString(name: string, value: string): void { // Handle field } setBoolean(name: string, value: bool): void { // Handle field } setNull(name: string): void { // Handle field } setInteger(name: string, value: i64): void { // Handle field } setFloat(name: string, value: f64): void { // Handle field } pushArray(name: string): bool { // Handle array start // true means that nested object needs to be traversed, false otherwise // Note that returning false means JSONDecoder.startIndex need to be updated by handler return true; } popArray(): void { // Handle array end } pushObject(name: string): bool { // Handle object start // true means that nested object needs to be traversed, false otherwise // Note that returning false means JSONDecoder.startIndex need to be updated by handler return true; } popObject(): void { // Handle object end } } // Create decoder let decoder = new JSONDecoder<MyJSONEventsHandler>(new MyJSONEventsHandler()); // Create a byte buffer of our JSON. NOTE: Deserializers work on UTF8 string buffers. let jsonString = '{"hello": "world"}'; let jsonBuffer = Uint8Array.wrap(String.UTF8.encode(jsonString)); // Parse JSON decoder.deserialize(jsonBuffer); // This will send events to MyJSONEventsHandler ``` Feel free to look through the [tests]( for more usage examples. ## Reference Documentation Reference API Documentation can be found in the [docs directory](./docs). ## License [MIT](./LICENSE) assemblyscript-json # assemblyscript-json ## Table of contents ### Namespaces - [JSON](modules/ ### Classes - [DecoderState](classes/ - [JSONDecoder](classes/ - [JSONEncoder](classes/ - [JSONHandler](classes/ - [ThrowingJSONHandler](classes/ # testsuite_helper This module is primarily used to expose `JSON.parse` through a CLI environment for testing purpose. ### Return codes :- - 0 - If successfully parsed the input - 2 - Can't read the file properly (It needs `wasmtime` to execute) ## Build ``` yarn yarn build ``` ## Run ``` yarn start --dir FOLDER JSON_FILE_NAME ``` or ``` wasmtime build/index.wasm --dir FOLDER JSON_FILE_NAME ```
.eslintrc.js .gitpod.yml .postcssrc.js babel.config.js build build.js check-versions.js utils.js vue-loader.conf.js webpack.base.conf.js config dev.env.js index.js prod.env.js test.env.js contract as-pect.config.js asconfig.json assembly __tests__ as-pect.d.ts main.spec.ts as_types.d.ts index.ts tsconfig.json compile.js package-lock.json package.json copy-dev-account.js index.html jest.config.js neardev shared-test-staging test.near.json shared-test test.near.json package.json src assets logo-black.svg logo-white.svg config.js global.css main.js utils.js test e2e custom-assertions elementCount.js nightwatch.conf.js runner.js specs test.js unit specs HelloWorld.spec.js tests unit Notification.spec.js SignedIn.spec.js SignedOut.spec.js
# voting-main > A Vue.js project ## Build Setup ``` bash # install dependencies npm install # serve with hot reload at localhost:8080 npm run dev # build for production with minification npm run build # build for production and view the bundle analyzer report npm run build --report # run unit tests npm run unit # run e2e tests npm run e2e # run all tests npm test ``` For a detailed explanation on how things work, check out the [guide]( and [docs for vue-loader]( voting-main Smart Contract ================== A [smart contract] written in [AssemblyScript] for an app initialized with [create-near-app] Quick Start =========== Before you compile this code, you will need to install [Node.js] ≥ 12 Exploring The Code ================== 1. The main smart contract code lives in `assembly/index.ts`. You can compile it with the `./compile` script. 2. Tests: You can run smart contract tests with the `./test` script. This runs standard AssemblyScript tests using [as-pect]. [smart contract]: [AssemblyScript]: [create-near-app]: [Node.js]: [as-pect]:
Learn-NEAR_NCD.L1.sample--Communite as-pect.config.js asconfig.json assembly __tests__ as-pect.d.ts main.spec.ts as_types.d.ts index.ts models.ts tsconfig.json neardev dev-account.env package-lock.json package.json
📄 Introduction to communite ================== Communite is a smart contract that allows citizens to create and store complaints or suggestions about the state of their community using the NEAR protocol in order to have a transparent, reliable and safe space where they can express their problems. The following are the main functionalities of this smart contract: 1. Create a complaint or suggestion. 2. Get all the complaints living on the smart contract to know your status (Submited, In progress and Done). 3. Get only the complaints that I already create. 4. Vote on a complaint or suggestion from other to give more weight. 5. Change the status of a complaint (Submited, In progress and Done) if I'm the owner. 📦 Locally installation =========== To run this project locally you need to follow the next steps: Step 1: Prerequisites ------------------------------ 1. Make sure you've installed [Node.js] ≥ 12 (we recommend use [nvm]) 2. Make sure you've installed yarn: `npm install -g yarn` 3. Install dependencies: `yarn install` 4. Create a test near account [NEAR test account] 5. Install the NEAR CLI globally: [near-cli] is a command line interface (CLI) for interacting with the NEAR blockchain yarn install --global near-cli Step 2: Configure your NEAR CLI ------------------------------- Configure your near-cli to authorize your test account recently created: near login Step 3: Build and make a smart contract development deploy -------------------------------- Build the communite smart contract code and deploy the local development server: `yarn buildevploy` (see `package.json` for a full list of `scripts` you can run with `yarn`). This script return to you a provisional smart contract deployed (save it to use later) Congratulations, now you'll have a local development environment running on the NEAR TestNet! 🥳 📑 Exploring the communite smart contract methods ================== The following commands allow you to interact with the smart contract methods using the near cli (for this you need to have a provisional smart contract deployed). Information: the commands will require especific data (category, status) Category values: 0. the value 0 represents a Lights problem. 1. the value 1 represents a Street problem. 2. the value 2 represents a Neighborhoodh problem. 3. the value 1 represents a Water problem. Command to make a complaint: -------------------------------------------- ```bash near call <your deployed contract> addNewComplaint '{"title": "string","description":"string","category":integer,"location":"string"}' --account-id <your test account> ``` Command to get all the complaint created: -------------------------------------------- ```bash near view <your deployed contract> getComplaints ``` Command to get all my complaints created: -------------------------------------------- ```bash near call <your deployed contract> getNumberOfComplaints --accountId <your test account> ``` Command to get the number of complaints created: -------------------------------------------- ```bash near view <your deployed contract> getNComplaints ``` Command to see a specific complaint information: -------------------------------------------- ```bash near view <your deployed contract> getComplaintInfo '{"id":integer (id from you complaint)}' --accountId <your test account> ``` Command to vote for a complaint: -------------------------------------------- ```bash near call <your deployed contract> voteComplaint '{"id":integer (id from you complaint)}' --accountId <your test account> ``` Command to remote a vote for a complaint that I made: -------------------------------------------- ```bash near call <your deployed contract> removeVote '{"id":integer (id from you complaint)}' --accountId <your test account> ``` Command to change the status (Submited to In progress) of a complaint if you are not the complaint owner (you need to be the solver of the complaint): -------------------------------------------- ```bash near call <your deployed contract> takeComplaint '{"id":integer (id from you complaint)}' --accountId <your test account> ``` Command to change the status (In progress to Done) of a complaint if you're the complaint owner: -------------------------------------------- ```bash near call <your deployed contract> finishComplaint '{"id":integer (id from you complaint)}' --accountId <your test account> ``` Command to change the status (Submited to In progress and In progress to Done) of a complaint if you're the complaint owner: -------------------------------------------- ```bash near call <your deployed contract> finishComplaint '{"id":integer (id from you complaint)}' --accountId <your test account> ``` 😎 Test communite smart contract ================== Testing is a part of the development, then to run the tests in the communite smart contract you need to run the follow command: yarn test this will execute the tests methods on the `assembly/__tests__/main.spect.js` file 👩🏼‍🏫 Exploring and Explaining The Code ================== This is a explanation of the smart contract file system ```bash ├── # this file ├── as-pect.config.js # configuration for as-pect (AssemblyScript unit testing) ├── asconfig.json # configuration file for Assemblyscript compiler ├── assembly │   ├── __tests__ │   │   ├── as-pect.d.ts # as-pect unit testing headers for type hints │   │   └── main.spec.ts # unit test for the contract │   ├── as_types.d.ts # AssemblyScript headers for type hint │   ├── index.ts # contains the smart contract code │   ├── models.ts # contains code for the models accesible to the smart contract │   └── tsconfig.json # Typescript configuration file ├── neardev │   ├── dev-account #in this file the provisional deploy smart contract account is saved │   └── dev-account.env #in this file the provisional deploy smart contract account is saved like a environment variable ├── out │   └── main.wasm # compiled smart contract code using to deploy ├── package-lock.json # project manifest lock version ├── package.json # Node.js project manifest (scripts and dependencies) └── yarn.lock # project manifest lock version ``` 1. The smart contract code lives in the `/assambly` folder. 2. To make a test deploy use the scripts in the `/package.json` file. Thanks to be interested in our project! 🤗 ====================== Here we leave a [UX/UI] design proposal to develop the frontend part of the communite project. --------------------------- [create-near-app]: [Node.js]: [NEAR accounts]: [NEAR Wallet]: [near-cli]: [NEAR test account]: [nvm]: [UX/UI]:
.eslintrc.yml .github dependabot.yml workflows deploy.yml tests.yml .gitpod.yml .travis.yml .vscode settings.json as-pect.config.js asconfig.json assembly __tests__ as-pect.d.ts guestbook.spec.ts as_types.d.ts main.ts model.ts tsconfig.json babel.config.js neardev shared-test-staging test.near.json shared-test test.near.json package-lock.json package.json src App.js config.js index.html index.js tests integration App-integration.test.js ui App-ui.test.js
# NEAR guest book experiment - Read the `Makefile` and make adjustment base on your needs - Record the donate amount ## Deploy contract - build and deploy contract ```bash $ make deploy-contract ``` ## Run Frontend ```bash $ make run-frontend ```
leohhhn_near_escrow contract Cargo.toml neardev dev-account.env src package.json
# NEAR Escrow Hello NEAR! ================================= A [smart contract] written in [Rust] for an app initialized with [create-near-app] Quick Start =========== Before you compile this code, you will need to install Rust with [correct target] Exploring The Code ================== 1. The main smart contract code lives in `src/`. 2. There are two functions to the smart contract: `get_greeting` and `set_greeting`. 3. Tests: You can run smart contract tests with the `cargo test`. [smart contract]: [Rust]: [create-near-app]: [correct target]: [cargo]:
Cargo.toml build.bat src
# DELIVERY APP USING RUST ## Getting started The smart contract under the delivery app is a contract which can be applied in logistic businesses in registering, identifying and tracking parcels on transist.It allows the logistic company to create a new parcel, generate a unique identification id, accepts payment for the parcel and generate parcel information which is used for tracking. ## How it works ### Imports Imports all the necessary dependancies needed for this project. use near_sdk::borsh::{self, BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize}; use near_sdk::{near_bindgen, env, log}; use std::collections::HashMap; Super struct to hold parcel and tracker declaration: #[near_bindgen] #[derive(BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize)] pub struct Contract { trackers: HashMap<u16, ParcelTracker>, parcels: HashMap<u16, Parcel>, ids: u16, } I initialize the defaults contract to store trackers,parcels and ids using the Default keyword. impl Default for Contract { fn default() -> Self { Contract { trackers: HashMap::new(), parcels: HashMap::new(), ids:1, } } } Here I create a struct parcel to define the parcel components. #[near_bindgen] #[derive(Default, BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize)] pub struct Parcel { // SETUP CONTRACT STATE sender_name: String, sender_phone_no: usize, receiver_name: String, receiver_phone_no:usize, delivery_charges:u32, destination: String, is_fragile:bool, date_sent:String, date_received: String, is_received:bool } Here I create a struct parcelTracker to define the tracker component. #[near_bindgen] #[derive(Default, BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize)] ======= #[near_bindgen] #[derive(Default, BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize)] pub struct ParcelTracker{ //Set up contract method parcel_id:u16, current_location:String, has_arrived:bool } Here I apply the implementation contract methods to create a new parcel. #[near_bindgen] impl Contract { #[private] pub fn new_parcel(&mut self,sender_name: String, sender_phone: usize, receiver_name: String, receiver_phone:usize, charges:u32, destination: String, is_fragile:bool, date:String,) { let new_parcel = Parcel { sender_name, sender_phone_no: sender_phone, receiver_name: receiver_name, receiver_phone_no: receiver_phone, delivery_charges: charges, destination, is_fragile, date_sent: date, date_received:"".to_string(), is_received: false, }; log!("Id is {}", &self.ids); self.parcels.insert(self.ids, new_parcel); self.ids += 1; } Here I implement the pay method to check payment for delivery charges and generate tracking id. #[payable] pub fn pay(&mut self, id: u16){ let tokens = env::attached_deposit() / 10u128.pow(22); if let Some(parcel) = self.parcels.get_mut(&id) { parcel.delivery_charges = parcel.delivery_charges - tokens as u32; } if self.parcels[&id].delivery_charges > 1 { log!("You still owe {}", self.parcels[&id].delivery_charges); } else { log!("Your package has been dispatched, your tracking id: {}", &id); } } Here I impliments dispatch method to check if the amount paid is equal to the delivery charges and initiate tracking of the parcel. #[private] pub fn dispatch(&mut self, id: u16, location: String){ if self.parcels[&id].delivery_charges > 10 { log!("Client still owes {}", self.parcels[&id].delivery_charges); return; } let new_tracker = ParcelTracker { parcel_id: id, current_location: location, has_arrived: false, }; self.trackers.insert(id, new_tracker); } Here I implement track_package method to query parcel location. This method check if the parcel id and the number are equal if the are not the location cannot be accessed. pub fn track_package(&self, id: u16, phone: usize) -> String { if self.parcels[&id].sender_phone_no != phone { log!("Only package owners can tracker packages !"); } self.trackers[&id].current_location.clone() } } Here this function impliments a dummy near account used for testing. fn get_context(input: Vec<u8>, is_view: bool) -> VMContext { VMContext { current_account_id: "alice_near".to_string(), signer_account_id: "bob_near".to_string(), signer_account_pk: vec![0, 1, 2], predecessor_account_id: "carol_near".to_string(), input, block_index: 0, block_timestamp: 0, account_balance: 0, account_locked_balance: 0, storage_usage: 0, attached_deposit: 0, prepaid_gas: 10u64.pow(18), random_seed: vec![0, 1, 2], is_view, output_data_receivers: vec![], epoch_height: 19, } } #[test] This test cofirms if the new_parcel method is able to create a new parcel. fn test_new_parcel(){ // let mut context = get_context(accounts(1)); let mut contract = Contract::default(); contract.new_parcel("joe".to_string(),12345678, "doe".to_string(), 87654321, 200, "juja".to_string(), true, "10-6-2022".to_string()); assert_eq!(1, contract.parcels.len()) } #[test] This test confirms if the pay function is able to check the amount paid for the new parcel and generate a tracking id. fn test_pay(){ let mut context = get_context(vec![], false); context.attached_deposit = 100 * 10u128.pow(22); context.is_view = false; testing_env!(context); let mut contract = Contract::default(); contract.new_parcel("joe".to_string(),12345678, "doe".to_string(), 87654321, 100, "juja".to_string(), true, "10-6-2022".to_string());; assert!(contract.parcels[&1].delivery_charges < 1); } #[test] This test confirm if the dispatch method is able to check on the amount paid and see if its matches the delivery charges before initiating the tracking. fn test_dispatch(){ let mut context = get_context(vec![], false); context.attached_deposit = 100 * 10u128.pow(22); context.is_view = false; testing_env!(context); let mut contract = Contract::default(); contract.new_parcel("joe".to_string(),12345678, "doe".to_string(), 87654321, 100, "juja".to_string(), true, "10-6-2022".to_string());; contract.dispatch(1, "tudor".to_string()); assert_eq!(1, contract.trackers.len()) } } A [smart contract] written in [Rust] for an app initialized with [create-near-app] [smart contract]: [rust]: [create-near-app]: [correct target]: [cargo]:
Cargo.toml neardev dev-account.env src target .rustc_info.json release .fingerprint Inflector-26035879ca96f7d2 lib-inflector.json ahash-27aaa02ecba3f8be build-script-build-script-build.json borsh-derive-45fa5d004a5ec1f8 lib-borsh-derive.json borsh-derive-internal-3ac3e8279c78ee2a lib-borsh-derive-internal.json borsh-schema-derive-internal-7fa126f9aa36fd41 lib-borsh-schema-derive-internal.json near-sdk-macros-ddc21b476b059395 lib-near-sdk-macros.json proc-macro-crate-6029989a0cbd7090 lib-proc-macro-crate.json proc-macro2-0fe559e1762e1ee2 run-build-script-build-script-build.json proc-macro2-7f4c886728cc183f build-script-build-script-build.json proc-macro2-e25c0dfb00ca31dc lib-proc-macro2.json quote-261af119deeae240 run-build-script-build-script-build.json quote-d08dee48f89ab2c4 lib-quote.json quote-fcb542550d8e7618 build-script-build-script-build.json serde-31dac17ee49f610a build-script-build-script-build.json serde-ad271417e889980d lib-serde.json serde-c46e85d6e57e3309 run-build-script-build-script-build.json serde_derive-6350d5fcd8459d5b build-script-build-script-build.json serde_derive-ad87e2580a70349f lib-serde_derive.json serde_derive-b9910fb2cabe3f8e run-build-script-build-script-build.json serde_json-52cf717c90fad2d2 build-script-build-script-build.json syn-21ce6915bf0e1d40 build-script-build-script-build.json syn-8f69960e9c51190b run-build-script-build-script-build.json syn-b7b63072f2011a5e lib-syn.json toml-3d4b97bc74d33f9e lib-toml.json unicode-ident-36be27f40c2e1445 lib-unicode-ident.json version_check-69fa327f9d16246f lib-version_check.json wee_alloc-747f3cd3dc4ad9da build-script-build-script-build.json wasm32-unknown-unknown release .fingerprint ahash-99e84e2e85c1bed8 run-build-script-build-script-build.json ahash-adf048a4299ab22a lib-ahash.json base64-238f5fd2c27fbd00 lib-base64.json borsh-05c6c52bb466d299 lib-borsh.json bs58-530340d8395b5b47 lib-bs58.json cfg-if-40081b31e776a114 lib-cfg-if.json fungible-token-67938bd45c47034b lib-fungible-token.json hashbrown-116a667e53ccdb4e lib-hashbrown.json itoa-8d8c35def3c08e51 lib-itoa.json memory_units-3e207525ed38eeb9 lib-memory_units.json near-contract-standards-2ad4cf68a42f08d3 lib-near-contract-standards.json near-sdk-ded2bc2d710a670a lib-near-sdk.json near-sys-e995f6d22e7a6b85 lib-near-sys.json once_cell-f18be5eb0cdc154c lib-once_cell.json ryu-a8203a6561daa27b lib-ryu.json serde-0b94c19cd8c798ab run-build-script-build-script-build.json serde-29b4d32ef9a9c225 lib-serde.json serde_json-20f4a7d8f93bb58a run-build-script-build-script-build.json serde_json-9ed13714f3ec33d7 lib-serde_json.json wee_alloc-004b12b376e0e97d run-build-script-build-script-build.json wee_alloc-1bdacc57f5bb9a71 lib-wee_alloc.json build wee_alloc-004b12b376e0e97d out wee_alloc_static_array_backend_size_bytes.txt
# child-contract
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## 10-min Teaser: Tokens Slides are here: ![Screen Shot 2020-04-13 at 12 38 59 PM]( ## Getting Started 1. clone this repo 2. run `yarn` to install dependencies (read how to install `yarn`) 3. run `yarn run test:contract` to run tests for smart contract code 4. run `yarn develop` to launch the working project ## Commands ``` - build gatsby build - build:contract mkdir -p static/ && near/scripts/compile-contract.js - clean gatsby clean - deploy:contract near dev-deploy - dev:contract npx nodemon --config ./near/config/nodemon.contract.json --exec 'yarn run build:contract' - develop gatsby develop - format prettier --write "**/*.{js,jsx,json,md}" - serve gatsby serve - start npm run develop; npm run dev:contract - test echo "Write tests! ->" && exit 1 - test:contract asp --config near/config/as-pect.js --verbose ```
.eslintrc.js docker-compose.yml lerna.json package.json packages data .eslintrc.js jest.config.ts package.json src api getAttributeById getAttributeById.mock.ts getAttributeById.query.ts getAttributeById.test.ts getAttributeById.ts getAttributeById.types.ts getAttributes getAttributes.mock.ts getAttributes.query.ts getAttributes.test.ts getAttributes.ts getAttributes.types.ts getListings getListings.query.ts getListingsByLister.query.ts minter.query.ts getThingById getThingById.mock.ts getThingById.query.ts getThingById.test.ts getThingById.ts getThingById.types.ts getThings getThings.mock.ts getThings.query.ts getThings.test.ts getThings.ts getThings.types.ts getThingsByOwner getThingsByOwner.mock.ts getThingsByOwner.query.ts getThingsByOwner.test.ts getThingsByOwner.ts getThingsByOwner.types.ts index.ts constants.ts graphql fetch.test.ts fetch.ts index.ts index.ts tsconfig.json react .eslintrc.js README .md package.json rollup.config.js src index.ts tsconfig.json sdk .eslintrc.js jest.config.ts package.json src characteristic characteristic.d.ts constants.ts index.ts media createMedia.mutation.ts createMedia.test.ts createMedia.ts media.d.ts thing buyThing.test.ts buyThing.ts createThing.mutation.ts createThing.test.ts createThing.ts mintThing.test.ts mintThing.ts thing.d.ts updateThing.mutation.ts utils fetch.test.ts fetch.ts index.ts tsconfig.json playgrounds react .eslintrc.json components CreatableSelect.js Create CreateThing AttributeField.js Layout Footer.js Header.js index.js SingleSelect.js next.config.js package.json pages _app.js api auth [...auth0].js graphql.js create index.js explore index.js index.js transact index.js postcss.config.js styles globals.css tailwind.config.js
# everything playground This is a [Next.js]( project bootstrapped with [`create-next-app`]( ## Getting Started First, run the development server: ```bash npm run dev # or yarn dev ``` # Media Provides methods for creating Media in everything. Media can be uploaded to either everything cloud storage or [Arweave]( via the [Mintbase SDK]( Then records of the Media and associated Tags to the provided thingId are created in cloud storage. </br> </br> ## available methods ### createMediaOnCloud Uploads array of files to everything cloud storage. Will automatically create Media and associated Tags from the provided thingId. **Requires user to be connected to everything via Auth0.** Currently only supports image/jpeg and image/png file types. ``` js // grab user from Auth0 (example using useUser from AuthContext for Next.js) const { user } = useUser(); // files for upload const files: File[] = ....; // thingId should be provided and valid const args: CreateMediaCloudArgs = { user, thingId } try { // returns urls, but no further action required const { urls } = await createMediaOnCloud(files, args); } catch(error) { // handle error in creating media } ``` </br> --- ### createMediaOnBlockchain Uploads array of files to [Arweave]( via [Mintbase SDK]( Will automatically create Media and associated Tags from the provided thingId. ``` js // files for upload const files: File[] = ....; // thingId should be provided and valid const args: CreateMediaBlockchainArgs = { thingId } try { // returns urls, but no further action required const { urls } = await createMediaOnBlockchain(files, args); } catch(error) { // handle error in creating media } ``` </br> # Thing Provides methods for creating Things in everything. Things are uploaded to everything cloud storage. _IN PROGRESS_: More options in progress, Arweave upload in development, will offer offline storage. </br> </br> ## available methods ### createThing Creates a Thing on the specified storage service (currently only supports cloud storage). Will return a thingId. **Requires user to be connected to everything via Auth0.** Currently only supports image/jpeg and image/png file types. ``` js // grab user from Auth0 (example using useUser from UserProvider from Auth0/next.js) const { user } = useUser(); // files for upload const files: File[] = ....; // thingId should be provided and valid const args: CreateMediaCloudArgs = { user, thingId } try { // returns urls, but no further action required const { urls } = await createThing(files, args); } catch(error) { // handle error in creating media } ``` </br> --- ### mintThing Provided an id for an existing Thing, will mint reference on [NEAR Protocol]( via [Mintbase SDK]( Can be used for history of ownership and marketplace transactions. **Requires user to be connected to NEAR.** ``` js // need wallet and owner account id (example using useWallet from Mintbase WalletContextProvider) const { selector, activeAccountId } = useWallet(); const wallet = await selector.wallet(); // thingId should be provided and valid const args: CreateThingBlockchainArgs = { wallet, ownerId: activeAccountId, nftContractId: "everything.mintspace2.testnet" // generate your own on Mintbase } try { // returns final execution outcome, but no further action required const response = await mintThing(thingId, args); } catch(error) { // handle error in minting thing } ``` </br> <div id="top"></div> <!-- PROJECT SHIELDS --> [![MIT License][license-shield]][license-url] <!-- PROJECT LOGO --> <br /> <div align="center"> <a href=""> <img src="./everything.png" alt="Logo" width="80" height="80"> </a> <h2 align="center"><strong>everything</strong> sdk js</h3> <p align="center"> a javascript sdk for connecting applications, marketplaces, and services to the inventory of <strong>everything</strong> and its ecosystem. <br /> <!-- <a href=""><strong>Explore the docs »</strong></a> --> <!-- <br /> --> <br /> <a href="">learn more</a> · <a href="">report bug</a> · <a href="">request feature</a> </p> </div> <!-- ABOUT THE PROJECT --> ## about **everything** is a framework for putting it all together; it provides methods for creating and querying data in both Web2 and Web3 in order to foster opinionated development of real world applications, marketplaces, and services for the interconnected economy of tomorrow. SDK development funded by [Mintbase Grant Program]( <p align="right">(<a href="#top">back to top</a>)</p> <!-- USAGE --> ## usage The methods provided in this SDK require Auth0 integration for connecting to **everything** and Mintbase integration for connected to [NEAR Protocol]( ### Setting up Auth0 Follow the steps in [Auth0 Documentation]( for your specific application. _IN PROGRESS_: We are working to create a custom SSO login that can be available in development of your own apps to generate your own AUTH0_CLIENT_SECRET. Unfortunately, until then, the same AUTH0_CLIENT_SECRET must be shared across all participating applications. If you want to develop a participating application, please reach out to </br> ### Setting up Mintbase Follow the steps in [Mintbase Documentation]( for your specific application. </br> ### Using the SDK With Auth0 and Mintbase configured and integrated, you can now use the available SDK methods. Visit the corresponding documentation: [Creating Things and Minting References](./packages/sdk/src/thing/) [Creating Media and Associating Tagss](./packages/sdk/src/media/) [Reading Data](./packages/data/src) </br> <!-- TESTING --> ## testing ### Unit tests 1. Clone the repo 2. Install packages ``` bash npm install ``` 3. Run tests (this will run tests from all packages) ``` bash npm test ``` ### Interactive testing (playground) 1. Run the Dockerfile ``` bash docker-compose up ``` This will automatically set up the environment, start any necessary mock services, and run the tests. View the terminal to see test results. 2. Open the [playground](http://localhost:8000) in browser to interact with the SDK methods or query data _IN PROGRESS_: Local is currently not connecting to the everything api because I don't want to move it to the mono repo... A live version of the app can be used [here]( which is connected to test environemnt. </br> <!-- CONTRIBUTING --> ## contributing To run the project in development: 1. Clone the repository 2. Start the development playground and enable change watching and hot-reload. ``` bash npm run dev ``` 3. Make changes, write tests, and then open a pull request for review. Thanks for contributing! </br> <!-- LICENSE --> ## license distributed under the MIT License. see `LICENSE` for more information. <p align="right">(<a href="#top">back to top</a>)</p> <!-- MARKDOWN LINKS & IMAGES --> <!-- --> [license-shield]: [license-url]: # @everything-sdk-js/sdk Provides methods for creating data with **everything**. _IN PROGRESS_: Methods for proposing attributes, proposing options, creating characteristics, and updating existing data. Will also offer methods for deleting data. ## Thing See [methods](./src/thing/) for creating things and minting references. ## Media See [methods](./src/media/) for creating media and associating tags. # @everything-sdk-js/data Provides methods for reading data from the [everything mesh](). _IN PROGRESS_: currently reading data directly from everything api or mintbase indexer, mesh in development </br> </br> ## available methods ### getThings ``` js const { data, error} = await getThings(); ``` Fetches all available thing data from the mesh. This includes all public blockchain data from the [Mintbase Indexer](, all public data from everything cloud storage, and any available data from access token (if provided). </br> --- ### getThingById ``` js const { data, error} = await getThingById(thingId); ``` Fetches all available data for provided thing Id from the mesh. This includes any public blockchain data from the [Mintbase Indexer](, any public data from everything cloud storage, and any available data from access token (if provided). </br> --- ### getThingsByOwner ``` js const { data, error} = await getThingsByOwner(ownerId); ``` Fetches all available thing data for provided owner Id from the mesh. This includes any public blockchain data from the [Mintbase Indexer](, any public data from everything cloud storage, and any available data from access token (if provided). </br> --- ### getAttributes ``` js const { data, error} = await getAttributes(); ``` Fetches all available attributes for describing things from the mesh. </br> --- ### getAttributeById ``` js const { data, error} = await getAttributeById(attributeId); ``` Fetches all data from the mesh associated with provided attributeId. </br>
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.github scripts workflows deploy-to-console.yml readme.yml tests.yml .gitpod.yml contract package-lock.json package.json src contract.ts model.ts utils.ts tsconfig.json integration-tests package-lock.json package.json src main.ava.ts package-lock.json package.json
# Donation Contract The smart contract exposes methods to handle donating $NEAR to a `beneficiary`. ```ts @call donate() { // Get who is calling the method and how much $NEAR they attached let donor = near.predecessorAccountId(); let donationAmount: bigint = near.attachedDeposit() as bigint; let donatedSoFar = this.donations.get(donor) === null? BigInt(0) : BigInt(this.donations.get(donor) as string) let toTransfer = donationAmount; // This is the user's first donation, lets register it, which increases storage if(donatedSoFar == BigInt(0)) { assert(donationAmount > STORAGE_COST, `Attach at least ${STORAGE_COST} yoctoNEAR`); // Subtract the storage cost to the amount to transfer toTransfer -= STORAGE_COST } // Persist in storage the amount donated so far donatedSoFar += donationAmount this.donations.set(donor, donatedSoFar.toString()) // Send the money to the beneficiary const promise = near.promiseBatchCreate(this.beneficiary) near.promiseBatchActionTransfer(promise, toTransfer) // Return the total amount donated so far return donatedSoFar.toString() } ``` <br /> # Quickstart 1. Make sure you have installed [node.js]( >= 16. 2. Install the [`NEAR CLI`]( <br /> ## 1. Build and Deploy the Contract You can automatically compile and deploy the contract in the NEAR testnet by running: ```bash npm run deploy ``` Once finished, check the `neardev/dev-account` file to find the address in which the contract was deployed: ```bash cat ./neardev/dev-account # e.g. dev-1659899566943-21539992274727 ``` The contract will be automatically initialized with a default `beneficiary`. To initialize the contract yourself do: ```bash # Use near-cli to initialize contract (optional) near call <dev-account> init '{"beneficiary":"<account>"}' --accountId <dev-account> ``` <br /> ## 2. Get Beneficiary `beneficiary` is a read-only method (`view` method) that returns the beneficiary of the donations. `View` methods can be called for **free** by anyone, even people **without a NEAR account**! ```bash near view <dev-account> beneficiary ``` <br /> ## 3. Get Number of Donations `donate` forwards any attached money to the `beneficiary` while keeping track of it. `donate` is a payable method for which can only be invoked using a NEAR account. The account needs to attach money and pay GAS for the transaction. ```bash # Use near-cli to donate 1 NEAR near call <dev-account> donate --amount 1 --accountId <account> ``` **Tip:** If you would like to `donate` using your own account, first login into NEAR using: ```bash # Use near-cli to login your NEAR account near login ``` and then use the logged account to sign the transaction: `--accountId <your-account>`. # Donation 💸 [![](⋈%20Examples-Basics-green)]( [![](]( [![](]( [![](]( [![Build Status](]( Our Donation example enables to forward money to an account while keeping track of it. It is one of the simplest examples on making a contract receive and send money. ![]( # What This Example Shows 1. How to receive and transfer $NEAR on a contract. 2. How to divide a project into multiple modules. 3. How to handle the storage costs. 4. How to handle transaction results. 5. How to use a `Map`. <br /> # Quickstart Clone this repository locally or [**open it in gitpod**]( Then follow these steps: ### 1. Install Dependencies ```bash npm install ``` ### 2. Test the Contract Deploy your contract in a sandbox and simulate interactions from users. ```bash npm test ``` ### 3. Deploy the Contract Build the contract and deploy it in a testnet account ```bash npm run deploy ``` --- # Learn More 1. Learn more about the contract through its [README](./contract/ 2. Check [**our documentation**](
kujtimprenkuSQA_near-injected-wallet-poc package.json src TestWallet.ts TestWallet.types.ts Wallet.types.ts index.html main.ts utils format.ts restore.ts storage.ts tsconfig.json
# NEAR Injected Wallet (POC) This is POC for the NEAR Injected Wallet standard. ## Getting Started To get up and running with this project, you will need to run the following. ```shell yarn install # Install packages. yarn start # Bundle modules and serve at localhost:1234. ``` Once the project has been bundled, you can open your browser at `localhost:1234` and play around with the POC in the developer console via `window.near.wallet`. Although out of scope for the standard, it's important that we have accounts imported in the wallet to use any of the methods: ```ts // Note: This demo is hardcoded to the testnet network. window.near.wallet._restore({ accountId: "test.testnet", mnemonic: "mnemonic encoding of a FullAccess key pair linked to the accountId", }); ```
qpwedev_spot-identity backend api airstack degen eas eas_issuer_endpoint.js package.json gitcoin lens nomis polygon_id spot_scoring utils contract abi.json hardhat.config.js package-lock.json package.json scripts deploy.js mint.js test Lock.js
# Sample Hardhat Project This project demonstrates a basic Hardhat use case. It comes with a sample contract, a test for that contract, and a script that deploys that contract. Try running some of the following tasks: ```shell npx hardhat help npx hardhat test REPORT_GAS=true npx hardhat test npx hardhat node npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js ``` # SPOT - scores passport attestation Hosted at: [LINK]( SPOT is a web3 scores attestation implemented in PolygonID to allow sign in to the score-gated dapps and apps ![image]( ## Tools Used Here's what we integrated. ### NEAR BOS Front-end Decentralized front-end is deployed on the NEAR Mainnet. ### Scores Calculation Back-end integrated scores include Gitcoin score (Gitcoin SDK), Wallet reputation (Airstack), Social score (lens data based on the Lens handle we are fetching from Airstack). ### PolygonID All the scores are attested on PolygonID via a schema: ### Smart Contract A smart contract for the NFT SBT mint allows minting an NFT with the scores as attributes and a randomly generated NounsDAO Artwork. The contract is deployed on Polygon, Mantle and Neon EVM. The ```TokenURI``` function allows dynamic update of the NFT image and other metadata in base64 based on the score so each time the user updates the score passport with the new info it gets updated on the NFT. ### EAS The scores passport attestion gets minted on-chain via EAS schema: # Use Case ![image]( # Launch ## Front-end Launch Front-end is stored in the ```frontend``` folder. To launch it, open the NEAR Sandbox and edit there. ## PolygonID Verifier ## PolygonID Issuer
.github ISSUE_TEMPLATE config.yml workflows build.yml deploy-to-console.yml lock.yml stale.yml contract babel.config.json package-lock.json package.json src contract.ts tsconfig.json docs frontend .env .eslintrc.json .prettierrc.json contracts contract.ts greeting-contract.ts next-env.d.ts next.config.js package-lock.json package.json pages api hello.ts postcss.config.js public next.svg thirteen.svg vercel.svg styles globals.css tailwind.config.js tsconfig.json integration-tests package-lock.json package.json src main.ava.ts package-lock.json package.json
# Hello NEAR Contract The smart contract exposes two methods to enable storing and retrieving a greeting in the NEAR network. ```ts @NearBindgen({}) class HelloNear { greeting: string = "Hello"; @view // This method is read-only and can be called for free get_greeting(): string { return this.greeting; } @call // This method changes the state, for which it cost gas set_greeting({ greeting }: { greeting: string }): void { // Record a log permanently to the blockchain! near.log(`Saving greeting ${greeting}`); this.greeting = greeting; } } ``` <br /> # Quickstart 1. Make sure you have installed [node.js]( >= 16. 2. Install the [`NEAR CLI`]( <br /> ## 1. Build and Deploy the Contract You can automatically compile and deploy the contract in the NEAR testnet by running: ```bash npm run deploy ``` Once finished, check the `neardev/dev-account` file to find the address in which the contract was deployed: ```bash cat ./neardev/dev-account # e.g. dev-1659899566943-21539992274727 ``` <br /> ## 2. Retrieve the Greeting `get_greeting` is a read-only method (aka `view` method). `View` methods can be called for **free** by anyone, even people **without a NEAR account**! ```bash # Use near-cli to get the greeting near view <dev-account> get_greeting ``` <br /> ## 3. Store a New Greeting `set_greeting` changes the contract's state, for which it is a `call` method. `Call` methods can only be invoked using a NEAR account, since the account needs to pay GAS for the transaction. ```bash # Use near-cli to set a new greeting near call <dev-account> set_greeting '{"greeting":"howdy"}' --accountId <dev-account> ``` **Tip:** If you would like to call `set_greeting` using your own account, first login into NEAR using: ```bash # Use near-cli to login your NEAR account near login ``` and then use the logged account to sign the transaction: `--accountId <your-account>`. <h1 align="center"> <a href=""> <picture> <source media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" srcset=""> <source media="(prefers-color-scheme: light)" srcset=""> <img alt="" src=""> </picture> </a> </h1> <div align="center"> Boilerplate Template React <br /> <br /> <a href="">Report a Bug</a> · <a href="">Request a Feature</a> . <a href="">Ask a Question</a> </div> <div align="center"> <br /> [![Pull Requests welcome](]( [![code with love by near](]( </div> <details open="open"> <summary>Table of Contents</summary> - [Getting Started](#getting-started) - [Prerequisites](#prerequisites) - [Installation](#installation) - [Usage](#usage) - [Exploring The Code](#exploring-the-code) - [Deploy](#deploy) - [Step 0: Install near-cli (optional)](#step-0-install-near-cli-optional) - [Step 1: Create an account for the contract](#step-1-create-an-account-for-the-contract) - [Step 2: deploy the contract](#step-2-deploy-the-contract) - [Step 3: set contract name in your frontend code](#step-3-set-contract-name-in-your-frontend-code) - [Troubleshooting](#troubleshooting) - [Deploy on Vercel](#deploy-on-vercel) - [Roadmap](#roadmap) - [Support](#support) - [Project assistance](#project-assistance) - [Contributing](#contributing) - [Authors \& contributors](#authors--contributors) - [Security](#security) </details> --- ## About This is a [Next.js]( project bootstrapped with [`create-next-app`]( and [`tailwindcss`]( created for easy-to-start as a React skeleton template in the Pagoda Gallery. Smart-contract was initialized with [create-near-app]. Use this template and start to build your own gallery project! ### Built With [`create-next-app`](, [`tailwindcss`](, [`tailwindui`](, [`@headlessui/react`](, [`@heroicons/react`](, [create-near-app], [`amazing-github-template`]( Getting Started ================== ### Prerequisites Make sure you have a [current version of Node.js]( installed – we are targeting versions `18>`. Read about other [prerequisites]( in our docs. ### Installation Install all dependencies: npm install Build your contract: npm run build Deploy your contract to TestNet with a temporary dev account: npm run deploy Usage ===== Start your frontend in development mode: npm run dev Start your frontend in production mode: npm run start Open [http://localhost:3000](http://localhost:3000) with your browser to see the result. Test your contract: npm run test Exploring The Code ================== 1. The smart-contract code lives in the `/contract` folder. See the README there for more info. In blockchain apps the smart contract is the "backend" of your app. 2. The frontend code lives in the `/frontend` folder. You can start editing the page by modifying `frontend/pages/index.tsx`. The page auto-updates as you edit the file. This is your entrypoint to learn how the frontend connects to the NEAR blockchain. 3. Test your contract (must use node v16): `npm test`, this will run the tests in `integration-tests` directory. 4. [API routes]( can be accessed on [http://localhost:3000/api/hello](http://localhost:3000/api/hello). This endpoint can be edited in `frontend/pages/api/hello.ts`. 5. The `frontend/pages/api` directory is mapped to `/api/*`. Files in this directory are treated as [API routes]( instead of React pages. 6. This project uses [`next/font`]( to automatically optimize and load Inter, a custom Google Font. Deploy ====== Every smart contract in NEAR has its [own associated account][NEAR accounts]. When you run `npm run deploy`, your smart contract gets deployed to the live NEAR TestNet with a temporary dev account. When you're ready to make it permanent, here's how: Step 0: Install near-cli (optional) ------------------------------------- [near-cli] is a command line interface (CLI) for interacting with the NEAR blockchain. It was installed to the local `node_modules` folder when you ran `npm install`, but for best ergonomics you may want to install it globally: npm install --global near-cli Or, if you'd rather use the locally-installed version, you can prefix all `near` commands with `npx` Ensure that it's installed with `near --version` (or `npx near --version`) Step 1: Create an account for the contract ------------------------------------------ Each account on NEAR can have at most one contract deployed to it. If you've already created an account such as `your-name.testnet`, you can deploy your contract to `near-blank-project.your-name.testnet`. Assuming you've already created an account on [NEAR Wallet], here's how to create `near-blank-project.your-name.testnet`: 1. Authorize NEAR CLI, following the commands it gives you: near login 2. Create a subaccount (replace `YOUR-NAME` below with your actual account name): near create-account near-blank-project.YOUR-NAME.testnet --masterAccount YOUR-NAME.testnet Step 2: deploy the contract --------------------------- Use the CLI to deploy the contract to TestNet with your account ID. Replace `PATH_TO_WASM_FILE` with the `wasm` that was generated in `contract` build directory. near deploy --accountId near-blank-project.YOUR-NAME.testnet --wasmFile PATH_TO_WASM_FILE Step 3: set contract name in your frontend code ----------------------------------------------- Modify `NEXT_PUBLIC_CONTRACT_NAME` in `frontend/.env.local` that sets the account name of the contract. Set it to the account id you used above. NEXT_PUBLIC_CONTRACT_NAME=near-blank-project.YOUR-NAME.testnet Troubleshooting =============== On Windows, if you're seeing an error containing `EPERM` it may be related to spaces in your path. Please see [this issue]( for more details. [create-next-app]: [Node.js]: [tailwindcss]: [create-near-app]: [jest]: [NEAR accounts]: [NEAR Wallet]: [near-cli]: You can check out [the Next.js GitHub repository]( - your feedback and contributions are welcome! ## Deploy on Vercel The easiest way to deploy your Next.js app is to use the [Vercel Platform]( from the creators of Next.js. Check out our [Next.js deployment documentation]( for more details. ## Roadmap See the [open issues]( for a list of proposed features (and known issues). - [Top Feature Requests]( (Add your votes using the 👍 reaction) - [Top Bugs]( (Add your votes using the 👍 reaction) - [Newest Bugs]( ## Support Reach out to the maintainer: - [GitHub issues]( ## Project assistance If you want to say **thank you** or/and support active development of Boilerplate Template React: - Add a [GitHub Star]( to the project. - Tweet about the Boilerplate Template React. - Write interesting articles about the project on [](, [Medium]( or your personal blog. Together, we can make Boilerplate Template React **better**! ## Contributing First off, thanks for taking the time to contribute! Contributions are what make the open-source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make will benefit everybody else and are **greatly appreciated**. Please read [our contribution guidelines](docs/, and thank you for being involved! ## Authors & contributors The original setup of this repository is by [Dmitriy Sheleg]( For a full list of all authors and contributors, see [the contributors page]( ## Security Boilerplate Template React follows good practices of security, but 100% security cannot be assured. Boilerplate Template React is provided **"as is"** without any **warranty**. Use at your own risk. _For more information and to report security issues, please refer to our [security documentation](docs/
loupdemon_near-generative-nft-landing-page-website-nice package.json public index.html src Main.js assets images copy-icon.svg faq-ellipse-left.svg faq-ellipse-right.svg faq-kat.svg footer-near-logo.svg generate.svg hero-big-cat.svg hero-cloud1.svg hero-cloud2.svg hero-cloud3.svg hero-ellipse.svg leran-background-circle.svg leran-background-ellipse.svg link-drop-background.svg nearkat-item-clothes.svg nearkat-item-hat.svg nearkat-item-palette.svg nearkat-logo.svg rarity-background-gradient.svg rarity-common.svg rarity-kat1.svg rarity-kat2.svg rarity-kat3.svg rarity-kat4.svg rarity-rare.svg rarity-rate-kat1.svg rarity-rate-kat2.svg rarity-rate-kat3.svg rarity-rate-kat4.svg rarity-super-rare.svg rarity-uncommon.svg rarity-very-rare.svg reveal.svg roadmap-background-clouds.svg roadmap-ellipse-left.svg roadmap-ellipse-right.svg share-social discord.svg email.svg facebook.svg instagram.svg linkedin.svg telegram.svg twitter.svg wechat.svg social-face.svg social-mintbase.svg social-twitter.svg sold-out-kat.svg components Buy BuyMore index.js index.js BuyMoreBtn index.js ConnectWalletBtn index.js FAQ index.js Generate index.js GenerateCountBtn index.js Hero index.js Learn index.js Loader Loader.js index.js Navigation Navigation.js index.js NearkatsList index.js NftItem NftItem.js index.js NftItemInfo NftItemInfo.js index.js NftList NftList.js index.js NoNfts index.js Price index.js Rarity index.js rarityData.js RateList index.js RenderRoutes RenderRoutes.js RouteWithSubRoutes RouteWithSubRoutes.js index.js index.js Roadmap index.js ScrollToTop index.js ShareSocialLinks index.js SocialLinks index.js config.js data.js hooks useBuy.js useCopyToClipboard.js useLinkDrop.js useMintNft.js useTransfer.js index.js layouts Footer Footer.js index.js Header Header.js index.js Layout Layout.js index.js pages Home Home.js index.js LinkDrop LinkDrop.js SaveBtn index.js ShareableCircle index.js ShareableInput index.js ShareableLink index.js dataLinkDrops.js index.js MyNFTS MyNFTS.js index.js react-app-env.d.ts routes.js setupTests.js state app.js near.js utils near-utils.js state-utils.js tsconfig.json
## Available Scripts In the project directory, you can run: ### `yarn start` Runs the app in the development mode.\ Open [http://localhost:3000](http://localhost:3000) to view it in the browser.
Cargo.toml src
.env about.html binance.js charts.js db .txt index.js lbases.js near.js package.json pays.js stat.js widget.html
## Introduction Near NFT dynamic widgets provide you with useful information in your Near wallet <img src="" alt="NEAR/USDT"/>.<img src="" alt="NEAR/RUB"/> <img src="" alt="NEAR/UAH"/>.<img src="" alt="REF"/> <img src="" alt="rucommunity.near account statistic"/> ### Installation ``` $ npm install ``` ### Usage ``` $ node index.js ``` ### How to deploy contract ### How to get a widget To receive a widget send 1 NEAR from your account to the addresses: <ul> <li>usd.widget.near for NEAR/USD chart</li> <li>rub.widget.near for NEAR/RUB chart</li> <li>uah.widget.near for NEAR/UAH chart</li> <li>ref.widget.near for data</li> <li>inf.widget.near for account analytics</li> </ul> ### Video ### Support <a href="">Near.Watch technical support group (telegram)</a>
.vscode settings.json Cargo.toml build.bat src
# Rust Smart Contract Template ## Getting started To get started with this template: 1. Click the "Use this template" button to create a new repo based on this template 2. Update line 2 of `Cargo.toml` with your project name 3. Update line 4 of `Cargo.toml` with your project author names 4. Set up the [prerequisites]( 5. Begin writing your smart contract in `src/` 6. Test the contract `cargo test -- --nocapture` 8. Build the contract `RUSTFLAGS='-C link-arg=-s' cargo build --target wasm32-unknown-unknown --release` **Get more info at:** * [Rust Smart Contract Quick Start]( * [Rust SDK Book](
cosmwasm Cargo.toml contracts cw20-token Cargo.toml src ping-pong Cargo.toml examples src test-dapp Cargo.toml examples src xerc20 Cargo.toml examples src xerc721 Cargo.toml examples src packages new-crosstalk-sample Cargo.toml src rustfmt.toml scripts tasks execute_msg.ts init_contract.ts init_xerc20.ts perform_query.ts scripts create_pair.ts execute_msg.ts init_contract.ts migrate.ts migrate_texchange.ts provide_liquidity.ts set_chain_types.ts set_initial_configurations.ts setup_evm.ts upload_wasm.ts upload_wasm.ts evm deployment config xerc20.json deployments.json hardhat.config.ts package-lock.json package.json tasks deploy DeployOnEachChain.ts PingPong.ts XERC1155.ts XERC20.ts XERC721.ts enroll_added_chain.ts enroll_on_chain.ts index.ts storeDeployments.ts test PingPong.ts tsconfig.json utils OnEachChain.ts chain.ts types.ts utils.ts near Cargo.toml contracts near-e2e-dapp Cargo.toml src ping-pong Cargo.toml package.json src deployment chains.json deployment.json package.json scripts approveFeePayer.ts deployPingPong.ts sendPing.ts utils.ts package.json
# Crosstalk Samples ## PING-PONG Here, we will deploy a cross-chain ping pong smart contract built using the Router CrossTalk. It is a system where we can send a message from the source chain(EVM) to a destination chain(EVM) and receive back the acknowledgement from the destination chain on the source chain. So basically, we will send a ping to the destination chain and receive a pong back to the source chain. For that to work, kindly follow the below mentioned steps for deployment: 1. Compile your contracts by first adding `.env` file and run ```shell npx hardhat compile ``` 2. After compilation, check if the gateway addresses and the fee payer address mentioned for the respective chains on which contracts have to be deployed are updated [here](./deployment/deployments.json). 3. We have already added a hardhat task for deployment of ping-pong contract [here](./tasks/deploy/PingPong.ts). Run ```shell npx hardhat ``` and check if `TASK_DEPLOY_PINGPONG` is listed in the tasks list. 4. You just need to run the following command for respective chain to get your contracts deployed on that chain. ```shell npx hardhat TASK_DEPLOY_PINGPONG --network <network_name> ``` For example: 1. If you want to deploy your contract on Polygon mumbai, you just have to run: ```shell npx hardhat TASK_DEPLOY_PINGPONG --network mumbai ``` 2. If you want to deploy your contract on Avalanche Fuji, you just have to run: ```shell npx hardhat TASK_DEPLOY_PINGPONG --network fuji ``` and likewise. # To deploy to testnet use command to deploy: ``` near deploy --initFunction new --initArgs '{"gateway":""}' --wasmFile target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/contract.wasm ``` > Note: Change the addresses of deployment and gateway before deploying. # Router's NEAR Gateway Contracts Router NEAR Gateway contract will bridge NEAR chain with the Router Chain. We can deploy this gateway contract on NEAR chain. ## Overview The NEAR gateway contract implements three funcitonlity. 1. Send request to the Router chain or any other destination chain. 2. Handle request from the Router chain or any other destination chain. 3. Update Validator set on the gateway contact. ## Please use the following instruction to setup, test and deploy the project ## Send Request to the Router Chain To send request to router chain the user contract need to call the following function and needs to provide the bridge contract address & payload bytes ```sh # Gateway contract address variable Gateway public gatewayContract; # User/ Application contract constructor constructor(address gatewayAddress) { gatewayContract = Gateway(gatewayAddress); } # example of send request to the Router chain function sendRequestToRouter(bytes memory payload, string memory routerBridgeContract) public payable { # implement the business logic gatewayContract.requestToRouter(payload, routerBridgeContract); } ``` ## Handle Request from the Router To handle request coming from the router chain, the user contract needs to implement the following function in their contract ```sh function handleRequestFromRouter(string memory sender, bytes memory payload) external { # implement the business logic } ``` In case of state update from the _requestFromRouter_ function we are emitting the following event ```sh # This is OutBound Request Acknowledgement event event EventOutboundAck( uint256 ChainType, string ChainId, uint256 OutboundTxNonce, bytes contractAckResponses, uint8 exeCode, bool status ); ``` Currently we are emitting this outbound acknowlegdement event in two cases only. The ChainType, ChainId, and OutboundTxNonce will have same values in all cases. - When the txn is valid but It is getting executed past the timeout. In this scenario, we will update the nonce mapping to 1 as executed and event will have the following values ``` event EventOutboundAck( ChainType, ChainId, OutboundTxNonce, "", 3, false ); ``` - When the txn is valid and executed its handler calls to user contract In this scenario, we will update the nonce mapping to 1 as executed and event will have the following values ``` event EventOutboundAck( ChainType, ChainId, OutboundTxNonce, data, 0, success ); ``` Here, data and success values are coming from the _handlerExecuteCalls_ funciton. Data bytes can be decoded according to the success value. If it is true, then it will be array of bool values and if it is false, then it will string value. ## Update Validator Set This is used to update validator set on the gateway contract. This will be called by the router chain validator set only. ## Setup ``` cd router-gateway-contracts/substrate rustup toolchain install nightly-2022-08-15 rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown --toolchain nightly-2022-08-15 rustup component add rust-src --toolchain nightly-2022-08-15 cargo +nightly-2022-08-15 contract build ``` ## Run Tests Use the following commands to run the test cases: ``` cargo +nightly-2022-08-15 contract test ``` ## Deploy Gateway Contract on live network Add gateway contract constructor arguments in args.json ``` cd router-gateway-contracts/substrate npx hardhat deploy --network <network> ``` ## Verify GateWay Contract on a network ``` cd router-gateway-contracts/substrate npx hardhat verify --constructor-args <args-file-path> <gateway-contract-address> --network <network-name> ``` Example:- ``` npx hardhat verify --constructor-args scripts/arguments.js 0x610aEe9387488398c25Aca6aDFBac662177DB24D --network polygonMumbai ```
LafMonGen_ChessNEAR cargo.toml index.html src
# ChessNEAR Chess on NEAR blockchain This is example of turn based game with 2 persons with RUST backend and 2 variants of website (frontend) for it (first variant stored in src/ web4 interaction as base64 string or you can just copy it from Second variant stored in index.html or just copy it from Many thanks to as I use it on the backend for move checking and win conditions. Build of smartcontract is the same as in this tutorial Feel free to join Best regards, LafMon
.gitpod.yml babel.config.js contract Cargo.toml compile.js src package.json src App.js Election.js ElectionCreate.js __mocks__ fileMock.js assets logo-black.svg logo-white.svg config.js global.css index.html index.js jest.init.js utils.js wallet login index.html
Voteer ================== This [React] app was initialized with [create-near-app] Quick Start =========== To run this project locally: 1. Prerequisites: Make sure you've installed [Node.js] ≥ 12 2. Install dependencies: `yarn install` 3. Run the local development server: `yarn dev` (see `package.json` for a full list of `scripts` you can run with `yarn`) Now you'll have a local development environment backed by the NEAR TestNet! Go ahead and play with the app and the code. As you make code changes, the app will automatically reload. Exploring The Code ================== 1. The "backend" code lives in the `/contract` folder. See the README there for more info. 2. The frontend code lives in the `/src` folder. `/src/index.html` is a great place to start exploring. Note that it loads in `/src/index.js`, where you can learn how the frontend connects to the NEAR blockchain. 3. Tests: there are different kinds of tests for the frontend and the smart contract. See `contract/README` for info about how it's tested. The frontend code gets tested with [jest]. You can run both of these at once with `yarn run test`. Deploy ====== Every smart contract in NEAR has its [own associated account][NEAR accounts]. When you run `yarn dev`, your smart contract gets deployed to the live NEAR TestNet with a throwaway account. When you're ready to make it permanent, here's how. Step 0: Install near-cli (optional) ------------------------------------- [near-cli] is a command line interface (CLI) for interacting with the NEAR blockchain. It was installed to the local `node_modules` folder when you ran `yarn install`, but for best ergonomics you may want to install it globally: yarn install --global near-cli Or, if you'd rather use the locally-installed version, you can prefix all `near` commands with `npx` Ensure that it's installed with `near --version` (or `npx near --version`) Step 1: Create an account for the contract ------------------------------------------ Each account on NEAR can have at most one contract deployed to it. If you've already created an account such as `your-name.testnet`, you can deploy your contract to `Voteer.your-name.testnet`. Assuming you've already created an account on [NEAR Wallet], here's how to create `Voteer.your-name.testnet`: 1. Authorize NEAR CLI, following the commands it gives you: near login 2. Create a subaccount (replace `YOUR-NAME` below with your actual account name): near create-account voteer.liuck.testnet --masterAccount liuck.testnet Step 2: set contract name in code --------------------------------- Modify the line in `src/config.js` that sets the account name of the contract. Set it to the account id you used above. const CONTRACT_NAME = process.env.CONTRACT_NAME || 'Voteer.YOUR-NAME.testnet' Step 3: deploy! --------------- One command: yarn deploy Or if you want to deploy a testnet environment, run with NODE_ENV set to development: NODE_ENV=development yarn deploy As you can see in `package.json`, this does two things: 1. builds & deploys smart contract to NEAR TestNet 2. builds & deploys frontend code to GitHub using [gh-pages]. This will only work if the project already has a repository set up on GitHub. Feel free to modify the `deploy` script in `package.json` to deploy elsewhere. Troubleshooting =============== On Windows, if you're seeing an error containing `EPERM` it may be related to spaces in your path. Please see [this issue]( for more details. [React]: [create-near-app]: [Node.js]: [jest]: [NEAR accounts]: [NEAR Wallet]: [near-cli]: [gh-pages]: Voteer Smart Contract ================== A [smart contract] written in [Rust] for an app initialized with [create-near-app] Quick Start =========== Before you compile this code, you will need to install Rust with [correct target] Exploring The Code ================== 1. The main smart contract code lives in `src/`. You can compile it with the `./compile` script. 2. Tests: You can run smart contract tests with the `./test` script. This runs standard Rust tests using [cargo] with a `--nocapture` flag so that you can see any debug info you print to the console. [smart contract]: [Rust]: [create-near-app]: [correct target]: [cargo]:
.eslintrc.json .github ISSUE_TEMPLATE BOUNTY.yml .verdaccio config.yml .vscode extensions.json nodemon.json nx.json package-lock.json package.json project.json src index.ts lib fast-auth-icon.ts fastAuthWalletConnection.ts near-fastauth-wallet.spec.ts near-fastauth-wallet.ts tsconfig.json tsconfig.lib.json tsconfig.spec.json vite.config.ts
# near-fastauth-wallet This library was generated with [Nx]( ## Building Run `nx build --buildLibsFromSource` to build the library. ## Deploying Need to make sure npm is installed and user is authenticated Run `cd dist/near-fastauth-wallet && npm publish` to publish npm package ## Running unit tests Run `nx test near-fastauth-wallet` to execute the unit tests via [Jest](
.eslintrc.js .github ISSUE_TEMPLATE bug-report.yml feature-creation.yml workflows CI.yml deploy-command.yml dispatcher.yml near_bigint.yml near_groth16_verifier.yml near_mimc.yml prod_deploy.yml .husky commitlint.config.js cypress.config.ts cypress e2e fixtures example.json support commands.ts e2e.ts package.json packages circuits ci_sample_compile_groth16 verification_key.json withdraw_js generate_witness.js witness_calculator.js package.json contract-libraries ff_wasm_unknown_unknown Cargo.toml ff_derive_wasm_unknown_unknown Cargo.toml src src tests groth_verifier Cargo.toml near_groth16_verifier Cargo.toml src package.json sample_circuit circuit_cpp calcwit.cpp circuit.cpp fr.asm fr.cpp main.cpp circuit_js generate_witness.js input0.json input1.json input2.json witness_calculator.js temp_proofs 0proof.json 0public.json 1proof.json 1public.json 2proof.json 2public.json verification_key.json tests-rs Cargo.toml src methods tests_verifier verifier_test Cargo.toml src hyc_events Cargo.toml src near_bigint Cargo.toml src near_mimc Cargo.toml src tests index.js package.json package.json plonk_verifier Cargo.toml near_plonk_verifier Cargo.toml src package.json sample_circuit circuit_cpp calcwit.cpp circuit.cpp fr.asm fr.cpp main.cpp circuit_js generate_witness.js witness_calculator.js input input.json input1.json input2.json input3.json input4_wrong.json proof.json proof1.json proof2.json proof3.json proof4_wrong.json public.json public1.json public2.json public3.json public4_wrong.json solidity_example package.json test index.test.js verification_key.json tests-rs Cargo.toml src methods tests_verifier verifier_test Cargo.toml src contracts .rustfmt.toml Cargo.toml compile.js instance Cargo.toml src actions jest.config.js package.json registry Cargo.toml src actions migrations relayer_setup index.js package.json prepareCommitments.js setup.js test_contracts fungible_token Cargo.toml src testnet_seeder package.json src deployTestnet.ts index.ts utils.ts tsconfig.json tests-rs Cargo.toml package.json prepare_commitments.js src methods tests_core tests-ts package.json src actions account.ts connection.ts contracts.ts registry.ts token.ts constants index.ts merkle-tree.ts near.ts index.ts prepare_commitments.ts utils file.ts near.ts number.ts secrets.ts tsconfig.json denylist-bot build.js jest.config.js package.json scripts package.json src populateEnvs.ts secrets.ts tsconfig.json src dos pagination.ts index.ts services consumer.ts request.ts types env.ts pagination.ts utils.ts test consumer.test.ts tsconfig.json tsconfig.json wrangler.toml front api geoloc.ts package.json index.html package.json postcss.config.js public check_circle.svg copied-icon.svg copy-icon.svg error.svg hideyourcash.svg logo-opact.svg logo.svg near-icon.svg phone-frame.svg shield-check.svg success.svg warning.svg src components form index.ts index.ts layout index.ts modals index.ts hooks deposit.types.ts index.css store index.ts sw worker.ts utils actions.ts artifact-store.ts artifacts.ts debounce.ts graphql-queries.ts near.ts number.ts poolScores.ts proof-worker.ts reloadPage.ts returnMessages.ts sdk.ts sdk.types.ts set-storages.ts verify-storage.ts vite-env.d.ts tailwind.config.js tsconfig.json tsconfig.node.json vercel-dev.json vercel.json vite.config.ts vite.config.ts.js relayer build.js jest.config.js package.json scripts package.json src populateEnvs.ts secrets.ts tsconfig.json src constants index.ts near.ts ref.ts helpers index.ts numbers.ts pools.ts swap index.ts parallelSwapLogic.ts stable-swap.ts index.ts interfaces env.ts fee.ts index.ts ref.ts relayer.ts services fee.ts index.ts near.ts relay.ts test relayer.test.ts tsconfig.json util index.ts near.ts tsconfig.json wrangler.toml sdk jest.config.ts package.json src actions compliance.ts connection.ts index.ts merkle-tree.ts relayer.ts snark-proof.ts ticket.ts constants index.ts merkle-tree.ts near.ts relayer.ts graphql index.ts merkle-tree.ts helpers date.ts index.ts merkle-tree.ts near.ts number.ts web3.ts index.ts interfaces currencies.ts index.ts merkle-tree.ts near.ts relayer.ts snark-proof.ts services hideyourcash actions.ts index.ts service.ts views.ts index.ts merkle-tree.ts mimc.ts views account.ts currencies.ts fungible-token.ts index.ts relayer.ts snark-proof.ts ticket.ts test sdk.test.ts utils index.ts logger.ts near.ts tsconfig-base.json tsconfig-cjs.json tsconfig.json tsup.config.ts subgraph assembly hapiOne.ts mappings.ts merkle.ts withdraw.ts generated schema.ts make-yaml.js networks.json package.json tsconfig.json tsconfig.json
<div align="center"> <h1><code>near-bigint</code></h1> <p> <strong>Rust library to use Big Integer types in NEAR Protocol Smart Contract development.</strong> </p> </div> ## Use cases Smart contracts in the NEAR Blockchain are limited by the native rust data type. This means developers can represent integer numbers up to 128 bits using the `u128` type. However, when dealing with blockchain financial applications, it is often possible that larger numbers might need to be represented. For instance, the solidity language in the Ethereum ecosystem supports up to 256 bits nativelly, translating solidity apps to NEAR naively can easily lead to integer overflow errors. A common solution to the problem has been to use well known rust packages that implement big integer arithmetics as dependencies to implement bigger integer types, such as [uint]( These libraries work well and allow developers to safely use big integer arithmetics within NEAR smart contract applications, however, they lack the ergonomics necessary to work within the NEAR environment. Such required features are: 1. Borsh serialization and deserialization -> Allows values to be stored directly into the blockchain's state without needing to convert it to a binary representation 2. Serde serialization and deserialization -> Allows values to be passed as function arguments when calling public methods in the smart contract 3. StorageKey serialization -> Allows values to be used as keys within th blockchain's trie We chose to implement these features on top of the [uint]( library, which is used by top NEAR projects such as []( Besides implementing the aforementioned features, we also added a more ergonomic API to: 1. Convert big integer format to u128 and panic if number does not fit 2. Convert big integer format to little or big endian bytes 3. Generate empty buffer values for big integer initialization ## How to use There are 2 ways to use the library: 1. Import pre constructed types 2. Import macro to build Big Integer types of any size The library nativelly exports types for big integers of 256, 384, 512, 640, 768, 896 and 1024 bits. ```rust use near_bigint::{U256, U384, U512, /* ... */}; ``` If you need a type with a different bit size, you can construct your own using the `construct_near_bigint` macro. This allows you to build types of any size that is a multiple of 64 bits. ```rust use near_bigint::construct_near_bigint; /// You need to declare a name for the type you're creating - U{bit size} is recommended /// You also need to declare the intended bit size (as a multiple of 64) /// construct_near_bigint!(pub struct {type name}({multiple of 64 bitsize});); construct_near_bigint!(pub struct U2048(32);); construct_near_bigint!(pub struct U192(3);); let u2048_var = U2048::from_dec_str("100").unwrap(); let u192_var = U192::from_dec_str("100").unwrap(); ``` ## API and examples All types contructed with this library inherit the API from the [uint]( library. This can be found in their documentation and will not be reproduced here. All near-bigint types are borsh serializable and deserializable, which means you can store them directly into the contract's state: ```rust use near_sdk::{env, near_bindgen, PanicOnDefault, AccountId, BorshStorageKey, Promise}; use near_sdk::borsh::{self, BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize}; use near_sdk::collections::{LookupSet}; use near_bigint::U256; #[near_bindgen] #[derive(PanicOnDefault, BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize)] pub struct Contract { pub owner: AccountId, pub guardian: LookupSet<AccountId>, pub deposit_value: U256, pub deposited_valeus: LookupSet<U256>, } ``` Types are also serde serializable/deserializable, meaning they can be used as argument or return types in public methods. The end users must then pass the values as strings in their front-end application (the same way that near_sdk::json_types::{U128, U64} work). ```rust use near_sdk::{env, near_bindgen, PanicOnDefault, AccountId, BorshStorageKey, Promise}; use near_bigint::U256; use crate::Contract; #[near_bindgen] impl Contract { pub fn public_method(&mut self, number: U256) { self.deposit_value = number; } } ``` Finally, types can also be used as storage keys in the trie: ```rust use near_sdk::{env, near_bindgen, PanicOnDefault, AccountId, BorshStorageKey, Promise}; use near_sdk::borsh::{self, BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize}; use near_sdk::collections::{LookupMap}; use near_bigint::U256; #[near_bindgen] #[derive(PanicOnDefault, BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize)] pub struct Contract { pub owner: AccountId, /// Bigint used as storage key here pub map: LookupMap<U256, AccountId>, } #[near_bindgen] impl Contract { #[init] pub fn new( owner: AccountId, initial_key: U256 ) -> Self { assert!(!env::state_exists(), "Already initialized"); assert!( env::is_valid_account_id(owner.as_bytes()), "Invalid owner account" ); /// Bigint used as storage key here let mut map = LookupMap::new(initial_key); /// Bigint used as storage key here map.insert(&U256::from_dec_str("0").unwrap(), &owner); Self { owner, map, }; } } ``` Some utilities are also implemented to improve ergonomy: ```rust use near_bigint::U256; let sample_var = U256::from_dec_str("5165164138").unwrap(); /// Convert to big endian bytes let big_endian: [u8; 256] = sample_var.to_be_bytes(); /// Convert to little endian bytes let little_endian: [u8; 256] = sample_var.to_le_bytes(); /// Get bytes equivalent to 0 value let 0_bytes: [u8; 256] = U256::empty_buffer(); /// Convert to u128 (panics in case big number overflows 128 bits) let 128_bits: u128 = sample_var.as_u128(); ``` ## Supported near-sdk versions near-bigint is built on top of near-sdk 4.0.0 and will be updated periodically to reflect updates on near-sdk. Previous near-sdk versions are not compatible with this library. ## ff_wasm_unknown_unknown `ff_wasm_unknown_unknown` is an independent adaptation of the open-sourced `ff` library that removes features incompatible with wasm32-unknown-unknown architecture, specially methods that require pseudorandom number generation. # ff `ff` is a finite field library written in pure Rust, with no `unsafe{}` code. ## Disclaimers * This library does not provide constant-time guarantees. The traits enable downstream users to expose constant-time logic, but `#[derive(PrimeField)]` in particular does not generate constant-time code (even for trait methods that return constant-time-compatible values). ## Usage Add the `ff` crate to your `Cargo.toml`: ```toml [dependencies] ff = "0.12" ``` The `ff` crate contains the `Field` and `PrimeField` traits. See the **[documentation](** for more. ### #![derive(PrimeField)] If you need an implementation of a prime field, this library also provides a procedural macro that will expand into an efficient implementation of a prime field when supplied with the modulus. `PrimeFieldGenerator` must be an element of Fp of p-1 order, that is also quadratic nonresidue. First, enable the `derive` crate feature: ```toml [dependencies] ff = { version = "0.12", features = ["derive"] } ``` And then use the macro like so: ```rust #[macro_use] extern crate ff; #[derive(PrimeField)] #[PrimeFieldModulus = "52435875175126190479447740508185965837690552500527637822603658699938581184513"] #[PrimeFieldGenerator = "7"] #[PrimeFieldReprEndianness = "little"] struct Fp([u64; 4]); ``` And that's it! `Fp` now implements `Field` and `PrimeField`. ## Minimum Supported Rust Version Requires Rust **1.56** or higher. Minimum supported Rust version can be changed in the future, but it will be done with a minor version bump. ## License Licensed under either of * Apache License, Version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or at your option. ### Contribution Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions. <div align="center"> <h1><code>near-groth16-verifier</code></h1> <p> <strong>Rust library to use verify groth16 zero knowledge proofs inside a NEAR Protocol smart contract.</strong> </p> </div> ## Use cases Applying zero knowledge cryptography inside blockchain smart contracts has been one of the most widely praised uses of this new technology. In the Ethereum ecosystem, there are many applications using zero-knowledge proofs to ensure data privacy and computational efficiency in a permissionless blockchain context. Developing this kind of applications became accessible to a normal (read not a cryptography expert) developer with libraries such as [snarky.js]( and [circom](, which simplify the construction of algorithms by abstracting away all cryptography implementation and allowing developers to only focus on business logic. This tooling, however, is only compatible with EVM based blockchains. For developers looking to build zk-based applications on the NEAR protocol the tool was not enough. With this in mind, we developed this library as a generic proof verifier utilizing the [groth16 algorithm]( This can be utilized together with snarky.js and circom to generate a full fledged application running zk proofs. You can use this library as a substitute for the `Verifying from a Smart Contract` section in the [circom tutorial]( ## How to use it To implement this Verifier in your Smart Contract you must first have setup your logical circuit and produced a trusted setup using snarky.js. This library will allow you to verify if a proof is valid or not inside the Smart Contract. To do so you must: 1. Initialize the Verifier in the Smart Contract's state by passing the setup values generated by snarky.js to it 2. Submit proofs generated by the prover binary (created by snarky.js) to the smart contract The verifier can be implemented with a simple import: ```rust use near_sdk::borsh::{self, BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize}; use near_sdk::json_types::U128; use near_sdk::{env, near_bindgen, PanicOnDefault, AccountId, BorshStorageKey}; use near_sdk::collections::{LookupSet}; use near_groth16_verifier::{self, Verifier}; #[near_bindgen] #[derive(PanicOnDefault, BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize)] pub struct Contract { pub verifier: Verifier, } impl Contract { #[init] pub fn new( verifier: Verifier ) -> Self { assert!(!env::state_exists(), "Already initialized"); Self { verifier } } } ``` The `Verifier` struct can be represented as a series of elliptic curve points: ```rust #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, BorshSerialize, BorshDeserialize, Clone, Debug)] #[serde(crate = "near_sdk::serde")] pub struct G1Point { pub x: U256, pub y: U256, } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, BorshSerialize, BorshDeserialize, Clone)] #[serde(crate = "near_sdk::serde")] pub struct G2Point { pub x: [U256; 2], pub y: [U256; 2], } #[derive(BorshSerialize, BorshDeserialize, Serialize, Deserialize)] #[serde(crate = "near_sdk::serde")] pub struct Verifier { pub alfa1: G1Point, pub beta2: G2Point, pub gamma2: G2Point, pub delta2: G2Point, pub ic: Vec<G1Point>, pub snark_scalar_field: U256, } ``` To fill out this values, refer to the verification_key.json file generated by snarky.js, it will provide all the parameters to initialize the `Verifier`, except for `snark_scalar_field`. `snark_scalar_field` is the size of the scalar field used in the construction of your circuit. The standard value for this variable in snarky.js is `21888242871839275222246405745257275088548364400416034343698204186575808495617`. To better understand this parameter, please refer to the [circom documentation]( After initializing the verifier, it can be used to evaluate any proof in your circuit and check whether it is valid or not with the verify method. ```rust pub fn verify(&self, input: Vec<U256>, proof: Proof) -> bool #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)] #[serde(crate = "near_sdk::serde")] pub struct Proof { pub a: G1Point, pub b: G2Point, pub c: G1Point, } ``` Proofs always follow the same structure and are generated by snarky.js when running the prover algorithm. the `input` parameter refers to the public inputs provided to the circuit. Those must be provided as a Vec of big integers. Snarky.js generates 2 files whenever it creates a proof: 1. public -> contains an array of values that should be passed to `input` 2. proof -> contains the `Proof` struct in json format ## Supported near-sdk versions near-groth16-verifier is built on top of near-sdk 4.0.0 and will be updated periodically to reflect updates on near-sdk. Previous near-sdk versions are not compatible with this library. # Opact Tickets Smart Contracts This suite of smart contracts implements a zk transaction mixer on NEAR protocol that is nativelly integrated into ['s anti money laundering software]( The contract support both NEAR native token and NEP-141 tokens. ## Mixing logic The contract provides anonimicity to users by leveraging a transaction mixer. Users can deposit funds with the deposit method and withdraw them from another account with the withdraw method by prociding a zk Proof of deposit. The mechanism is based on's zk scheme with a twist that allows it to perform anti money laundery compliance. ## Anti money laundery The anti money laundery scheme is powered by []( Upon setting up the contract a max tolerated risk level is selected by the deployer for each different risk category. Accounts can only interact with the protocol if they present a risk level smaller than the max tolerated level. To interact with the protocol for the first time, an account must be added to the allowlist. To require inclusion in the allowlist, a user must call `allowlist` and pass in their account id - the address will then be queried by and, if it present a risk level below or equal to the threshold, the user will be included in the allowlist. Once a user has been added to the allowlist, they may deposit funds into the protocol and other users may withdraw them. However, it is always possible for anyone (this will be done by robots in production and rewarded) to challange addresses that are in the allowlist, by performing new queries to This is done through the `denylist` method. It will query the account passed into and, should the risk be greater than the threshold the account will be added to the denylist and will not be able to deposit new funds nor withdraw previously deposited funds. ## Protocol fees The contract implements a protocol fee, which is a percentage taken from every deposit and transferred to the owner account. This fee is variable and is set during initialization of each instance contract. To protect users from fee changes that would affect their deposits, once the fee is set it can never be reset. ## NEP-141 storage According to NEP-141 documentation, tokens should implement storage registration for anyone that wants to hold a token balance. This has implications for this contract when using a NEP-141 token. Whenever a user tries to withdraw to an account that is not registered in the contract for the token, the transaction is going to be reverted so that the user does not lose their funds. Relayers and front end apps should check registration and pay for storage in case the accounts are not registered. However, if owner or relayer are not registered in the NEP-141 contract, the fees that are transferred to them on each withdraw are going to fail and the funds will be locked in the HYC contract forever. So make sure that owner and relayers are registered in the contract. ## Contract ownership The contract implements an ownership model, where a priviledged `owner` account has access to methods that regular users do not. However, since the intent of the contract is to be totally decentralized, `owner` does not have access to any funds stored in the contract, cannot alter any preset parameters and if `owner` is ever compromised, it represents no risk for the contract whatsoever. The only method that owner has access to is `toggle_kill_switch`. This method toggles the value of `kill_switch` which is used to lock new deposits to the protocol. This has 2 main use cases: 1. Upgrading the contract -> new deposits will be forbidden and users will only be able to withdraw. A new contract will be deployed with updated version. 2. AML failures -> in case the AML system is currepted somehow either by corruption of third party data providors or by attacks on HYC's security model, the owner can stop the contract to prevent further damage while the team works in improving the protocol to upgrade to a new version. The account that deploys the HYC contract should burn all it access keys to ensure users that the protocol is fully decentralized and - given a secure source code - their funds cannot be tampered with. ## Architecture The system is designed around a single REGISTRY smart contract and multiple INSTANCE smart contracts. The registry is responsible for the setup of all AML parameters and for keeeping track of all different currencies and amounts supported by the protocol. Instace smart contracts are where funds are actually mixed. Each instance only accepts one token type and deposits and withdraws can only be made in a fixed amount. That ensures external observers cannot differentiate between withdraws, guaranteeing more anonymity to users. # Opact Tickets Instance Smart Contract Instance Smart contract is responsible for receiving deposits and issuing withdrawals. Each instance can only receive deposits of a single token type at a fixed amount. The contract references the registry in its initialization and trusts the registry for all allowlist related data. ## API ### Anonymity methods 1. `deposit` params: - secrets_hash: U256 -> hash value of (secret | nullifier) according to circuit docs. Must be formatted as decimal number in string format User calling this method must attach the NEAR amount corresponding to the contract's value. This only works if contract has been initialized using NEAR as its currency. Deposit value must be exactly the initialized value. Panics if contract kill_switch is activated Panics if user is not in allowlist Inserts the commitment in the contract so that a withdraw can be made using the secrets 2. `ft_on_transfer` params: - sender_id: AccountId -> Account that originally sent funds - amount: U128 -> Quantity of tokens sent. Must be exactly the value used when initializing the contract - msg: String -> hash value of secret | nullifier according to circuit docs. Must be formatted as decimal number in string format This method will be called when using `ft_transfer_call` on the NEP-141 contract. For more information on `ft_transfer_call` mechanims (read the docs)[]. This method can only be called from the NEP-141 contract address passed when initializing the HYC contract. If you try to transfer any other token the call will panic. Panics if contract kill_switch is activated Panics if user is not in allowlist Inserts the commitment in the contract so that a withdraw can be made using the secrets 3. `withdraw` params: - root: U256 -> root value of commitment merkle tree used to build proof - nullifier_hash: U256 -> value of nullifier hash used to build proof - recipient: AccountId -> account that will receive withdrawn tokens - relayer: Option<AccountId> -> account of the relayer of the transaction - if used - fee: U256 -> quantity of tokens that will be sent to relayer as a fee - refund: U256 -> quantity of tokens that will be sent to relayer as refund for gas - allowlist_root: U256 -> root value of allowlist merkle tree used to build proof - a: G1Point -> A point component of proof, - b: G1Point -> B point component of proof, - c: G1Point -> C point component of proof, - z: G1Point -> Z point component of proof, - t_1: G1Point -> T1 point component of proof, - t_2: G1Point -> T2 point component of proof, - t_3: G1Point -> T3 point component of proof, - eval_a: U256 -> eval_a value component of proof, - eval_b: U256 -> eval_b value component of proof, - eval_c: U256 -> eval_c value component of proof, - eval_s1: U256 -> eval_s1 value component of proof, - eval_s2: U256 -> eval_s2 value component of proof, - eval_zw: U256 -> eval_zw value component of proof, - eval_r: U256 -> eval_r value component of proof, - wxi: G1Point -> Wxi point component of proof, - wxi_w: G1Point -> Wxiw point component of proof, Panics if proof is invalid Panics if nullifier has already been withdrawn Panics if roots used are too old or invalid Panics if fee > withdraw value Sends tokens to recipient and registers nullifier_hash as already used, so that it cannot be double spent. ### View methods 1. `view_account_hash` (Will be deprecated in favor of off chain computation) -> `U256` params: - account_id: AccountId -> account whose MiMC hash value you want to calculate Calculates MiMC hash of an account id. Necessary to build proofs 2. `view_nullifier_hash` (Will be deprecated in favor of off chain computation) -> `U256` params: - nullifier: U256 -> nullifier used to build commitment Calculates MiMC hash of nullifier. Necessary to build proofs and commitments 3. `view_commitments_root` -> `U256` returns last know commitment merkle tree root in the cotnract. Necessary to build proofs 4. `view_was_nullifier_spent` -> `bool` params: - nullifier: U256 -> nullifier you want to check true if nullifier was already spent, false otherwise 5. `view_kill_switch` -> `bool` Returns current value of kill_switch variable 6. `view_contract_params` -> `ContractParams` Returns object containing all setup parameters in place for the contract 7. `view_is_withdraw_valid` -> `bool` params: - root: U256 -> root value of commitment merkle tree used to build proof - nullifier_hash: U256 -> value of nullifier hash used to build proof - recipient: AccountId -> account that will receive withdrawn tokens - relayer: Option<AccountId> -> account of the relayer of the transaction - if used - fee: U256 -> quantity of tokens that will be sent to relayer as a fee - refund: U256 -> quantity of tokens that will be sent to relayer as refund for gas - allowlist_root: U256 -> root value of allowlist merkle tree used to build proof - a: G1Point -> A point component of proof, - b: G1Point -> B point component of proof, - c: G1Point -> C point component of proof, - z: G1Point -> Z point component of proof, - t_1: G1Point -> T1 point component of proof, - t_2: G1Point -> T2 point component of proof, - t_3: G1Point -> T3 point component of proof, - eval_a: U256 -> eval_a value component of proof, - eval_b: U256 -> eval_b value component of proof, - eval_c: U256 -> eval_c value component of proof, - eval_s1: U256 -> eval_s1 value component of proof, - eval_s2: U256 -> eval_s2 value component of proof, - eval_zw: U256 -> eval_zw value component of proof, - eval_r: U256 -> eval_r value component of proof, - wxi: G1Point -> Wxi point component of proof, - wxi_w: G1Point -> Wxiw point component of proof, Panics if proof and public params submitted are invalid, returns `true` otherwise. Performs the exact same evaluation as `withdraw` method. ** This evaluation does not include a validation of the allowlist_root value. This must be validated within the registry contract using `view_is_allowlist_root_valid`. ### Owner methods 1. `toggle_kill_switch` Can only be called by owner upon depositing 1 yoctoNEAR. Toggles value of kill_switch. Default is false. When true, disallows all deposits. # Opact Tickets Registry Smart Contract The smart contract implements a NEAR protocol compatible Registry to allow multiple different amounts and currencies to be used with Opact Tickets. The goal is for end users to be able to: 1. Discover all token and amount options available in HYC; 2. Discover the correct addresses for every available currency and amount option within HYC; 3. Allow the seamless replacement of deprecated contracts for their updated versions without compromising users ability to withdraw deposited funds; 4. Allow relayers to check whether specific contracts should be trusted; The ideal logic would be for this to be the single point of contact for every interaction with HYC. However, given NEAR protocol's asynchronous nature, it is not possible to implement a router or proxy as we would for a different blockchain, such as Ethereum. ## Contract logic The contract stores an `UnorderedMap` mapping each currency to a `HashMap` of deposit amounts accepted and the contract address for that amount. The contract also stores an `UnorderedSet` containing all HYC contracts ever deployed, to allow relayers and users to validate the addresses of deprecated contracts in case there are still funds to withdraw on them. Only the owner can insert new currencies and amounts. Every time a contract is added to the registry it is added both to the map and the allowlist set. If the contract is removed from the map - be it because HYC frontend doesn't want to support it anymore or because it has been deprecated in an upgrade - it is still going to be available in the allowlist, to allow users to withdraw funds they had previously deposited to them. In case a contract ever needs to be removed from the allowlist, this operation should be explicitly done after removing from the map, using `remove_from_allowlist`. ## Security assumptions This contract does not handle user funds directly, it is only an on-chain information registry. Therefore, this contract has no intention of being run as a fully decentralized application. It is going to be controlled by the development team during project's early phases and handled over to the DAO structure later on. If a hacker ever compromises this contract, the main consequence would be the possibility to insert malicious contract into the registry, which would be trusted by frontends and relayers running the protocol - and by its end users in extension. This could carry great consequences, allowing phishing scams to effectivelly attack users. However, there would be no risk for already deposited funds. To keep maximum security, owner's private keys should be stored in a hardware wallet and later on transferred to a DAO structure. ## Contract interface ### Initialize 1. `new` params: - owner: AccountId -> account that will be able to edit the registry - authorizer: AccountId -> Account of protocol contract - risk_params: Vec<CategoryRisk> -> Risk parameters for contract allowlist - height: u64 -> height of allowlist merkle tree - last_roots_len: u8 -> quantity of previous allowlist roots to be stored in contract - q: U256 -> Field size for ZK calculations - zero_value: U256 -> Zero value for ZK calculations Method to initialize the contract with a specified owner. The owner is going to be the only account able to alter the registry. Current implementation does not allow future changes in owner. ### Change methods (owner restricted) 1. `add_entry` params: - currency: Currency -> The currency of the contract address you want to add - amount: U256 -> Amount value of deposits for HYC contract you want to add - account_id: AccountId -> Address of the HYC contract that you're adding to the registry This method can only be called by the contract owner. It adds a specific entry to the registry (adds a contract address for the (currency, amount) pair). If there was a previous contract stored in the location it will be overwritten. 2. `remove_entry` params: - currency: Currency -> The currency of the contract address you want to remove - amount: U256 -> Amount value of deposits for HYC contract you want to remove This method removes one entry from the registry, according to the (currnecy, amount) pair specified in args. Panics if currency or amount is not registered. 3. `remove_from_allowlist` params: - account_id: AccountId -> Address of the HYC contract that you're removing from the allowlist This method removes one entry from the allowlist. ### Allowlist methods 1. `allowlist` params: - account_id: AccountId -> account that you want to add to allowlist Panics if risk is too high, Panics if account is already registered, Adds account to allowlist otherwise 2. `denylist` params: - account_id: AccountId -> account that you want to add to denylist Panics if account risk is acceptable Adds account to denylist otherwise ### View methods 1. `view_all_currencies` -> `Vec<Currency>` Returns a Vec with all supported currencies in HYC. 2. `view_currency_contracts` -> `HashMap<U256, AccountId>` params: - currency: Currency -> Currency for which you want to query all available contracts Returns a HashMap mapping each available deposit amount in the currency to the corresponding HYC contract address 3. `view_is_contract_allowed` -> `bool` params: - account_id: AccountId -> Address of the contract whose allowlist membership you want to check Returns `true` if contract is in allowlist, `false` otherwise. 4. `view_contract_allowlist` -> `Vec<AccountId>` Returns a Vec containing all contract addresses in the allowlist. There is a know limitation to retrive large lists, however allowlist is not expected to ever exceed 100 elements 5. `view_allowlist_root` -> `U256` returns last know allowlist merkle tree root in the cotnract. Necessary to build proofs 6. `view_is_in_allowlist` -> `bool` params: - account_id: AccountId -> account you want to checks true if account is in allowlist, false otherwise # NEP-141 Standard token contract for NEAR protocol This smart contract creates a token on the NEAR blockchain. This token follows the [NEP-141 and NEP-148 standards]( ## Authors - [@hack-a-chain-software]( ## Appendix In order to deploy and create a token, there are a few prerequisites necessary: - Install near CLI (Command Line Interface) - (Please ensure you [have NodeJS]( > 12.) - Install RUST - Add Wasm toolchain ### NEAR CLI To Install the near CLI, open your terminal: - On Mac open Terminal using Spotlight with these steps: Press Command + Space Bar on your Mac Keyboard. Type in “Terminal” When you see Terminal in the Spotlight search list, click it to open the app - On Windows, click Start and search for "Command Prompt." Alternatively, you can also access the command prompt by pressing Ctrl + r on your keyboard, type "cmd" and then click OK. and run the following command: ```bash npm install -g near-cli ``` Now, you can run: ```bash near ``` After that, you can log in on the NEAR account that you would like to be the **address where the contract will be deployed** - Please note that this is **not the owner of the contract**. To log in, type: ```bash near login ``` This will bring you to NEAR Wallet again where you can confirm the creation of a full-access key. ### RUST Rust is the programming language used to program the smart contract. In order to use this contract, you must have rust installed on your computer. To install Rust we will be using ```rustup``` an installer for rust. Please see the directions from the [Rustup]( site. For OS X or Unix, you may use (type on command line): ```bash curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh ``` Pro tip: to keep your command line clean, type ```clear``` and hit enter. ### Wasm toolchain Smart contracts compile to WebAssembly (Wasm) so we'll add the toolchain for Rust: ```bash rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown ``` More info about it can be found [here]( If you followed correctly the steps above, you are now ready to go. You can read more about the NEAR CLI and the deployment of rust codes [here]( If the contract is not compiled (it should be), you can compile it using: ```bash RUSTFLAGS='-C link-arg=-s' cargo build --target wasm32-unknown-unknown --release ``` ## Deployment Assuming that you already have the ```NEAR CLI```, ```Rust``` and the ```Wasm Toolchain``` installed, and is logged in into the account that you want to deploy the project, we can now deploy it. Now, we are going to deploy this project to the nar blockchain mainnet. Frist, make sure you are on the project folder. You can change yout folder by typing: ```bash cd your-project-folder-path ``` Now, check if your project folders have a folder called ``` out ``` and a file called ``` main.wasm ``` if not, [check near-sdk git]( on how to compile the code. To make it easier to deploy the project, lets create an enviroment variable with the **address that we want for our contract** (you must be logged into this wallet) ```bash export CONTRACT_ID="YOUR_ACCOUNT_NAME.near" ``` Now, finally, we are going to run the following command to deploy the code: ```bash near deploy --wasmFile out/main.wasm --accountId $CONTRACT_ID ``` At this point, the contract should have been deployed to your account and you're ready to move onto configuring the token specifications and setting the contract owner. ### CONFIGURING THE CONTRACT Now, are contract is deployed. The next step is to configure it, according to your tokenomics. If we check the code, will see that we have the following parameters used to define a token: ```bash owner_id: AccountId, metadata: FungibleTokenMetadata, ``` The ```owner_id ``` is the account that will own the contract. This account will be able perform actions that are restricted Since this contract has a minting function, the owner will not get any tokens on the contract start. At last, the ``` FungibleTokenMetadata ``` ([reference]( is all the token metadata, wich means its all the extra token information , that describes it. This metadata has the following format: ```bash pub struct FungibleTokenMetadata { pub spec: String, pub name: String, pub symbol: String, pub icon: Option<String>, pub reference: Option<String>, pub reference_hash: Option<Base64VecU8>, pub decimals: u8, ``` An implementing contract **MUST** include the following fields on-chain: - ```spec```: a string. Should be ```ft-1.0.0``` to indicate that a Fungible Token contract adheres to the current versions of this Metadata and the Fungible Token Core specs. This will allow consumers of the Fungible Token to know if they support the features of a given contract - ```name```: the human-readable name of the token, E.g.: Bitcoin - ```symbol```: the abbreviation, E.g.: BTC - ```decimals```: used in frontends to show the proper significant digits of a token. This concept is explained well in this [OpenZeppelin]( post - NEAR NEP-141 standard is to have 24 decimals. An implementing contract **MAY** include the following fields on-chain - ```icon```: a small image associated with this token. Must be a data URL, to help consumers display it quickly while protecting <br> user data [more information]( - ```reference```: a link to a valid JSON file containing various keys offering supplementary details on the token. <br>Example: /ipfs/QmdmQXB2mzChmMeKY47C43LxUdg1NDJ5MWcKMKxDu7RgQm,, etc. If the information given in this document conflicts with the on-chain attributes, the values in reference shall be considered the source of truth. - ```reference_hash```:the base64-encoded sha256 hash of the JSON file contained in the reference field. This is to guard against off-chain tampering. Although it is note necessary, we **strongly recommend** that you that you implement the fields mentioned above. Also, we recommend that your logo is an SVG. Now that we have everything covered, we can call the ```new``` function and set our token parameters. Below is the command that we are going to use to set the token parameters. Note that the ```owner_id``` is the owner account for that contract, and that cannot be changed. The owner of the contract is going to receive all of the tokens once you call the function. You are going to be able to check your NEAR Wallet and the tokens should be there. Copy the code below, change all of the paramters and run the command on your terminal. ```bash near call $FT_CONTRACT_ID new '{ "owner_id": "owner.near", "metadata": { "spec": "ft-1.0.0", "name": "Bitcoin", "symbol": "BTC", "icon": "data:image/svg+xml,%3C…", "reference": "", "reference_hash": "AK3YRHqKhCJNmKfV6SrutnlWW/icN5J8NUPtKsNXR1M=", "decimals": 24 } }' --accountId owner.near ``` **If you do not want to set an icon, a reference and a reference hash, you must pass this parameters with the value ```null```** E.g.: ```bash "icon": null, ``` With these steps concluded, you'll have sucessfully deployed and configured your token contract. ## REGISTER AN USER In order to register a user on the contract, you must use the function ```storage_deposit```. Here's how to use this function: ```bash near call $FT_CONTRACT_ID storage_deposit '{"account_id": "any_account.near"}' \ --accountId owner_account.near --amount 0.00235 ``` The ```amount``` is the initial deposit to register the user. The ```account_id``` is the user account you want to register. For further information you can check [this link]( That's all the information you need to use the contract. For further reference on other functions that the contract has, you can always check the [Contract Standards]( <div align="center"> <h1><code>near-mimc</code></h1> <p> <strong>Rust library to use MiMC Hash function in NEAR Protocol Smart Contract development.</strong> </p> </div> ## Use cases This library was created as an implementation of the MiMC Hash function that can run within a NEAR Protocol Smart Cotnract. It is fully compatible (i.e. implemented in the exact same way) as in circom2 sample circuits. This allows the hash function to be used within zkSNARK schemes based on [snarky.js]( and [circom]( ## Supported near-sdk versions near-bigint is built on top of near-sdk 4.0.0 and will be updated periodically to reflect updates on near-sdk. Previous near-sdk versions are not compatible with this library. Additionally, the function interfaces utilize big integer types from the near-bigint library version 1.0.0. ## How to use it The lbrary exposes 2 different hash functions, one taking 2 input values and the other taking a single value. ```rust pub fn u256_mimc_sponge(k: U256, inputs: [U256; INPUTS]) -> [U256; OUTPUTS] pub fn u256_mimc_sponge_single(k: U256, inputs: [U256; 1]) -> [U256; 1] ``` <div align="center"> <h1><code>near-plonk-verifier</code></h1> <p> <strong>Rust library to use verify plonk zero knowledge proofs inside a NEAR Protocol smart contract.</strong> </p> </div> ## Use cases Applying zero knowledge cryptography inside blockchain smart contracts has been one of the most widely praised uses of this new technology. In the Ethereum ecosystem, there are many applications using zero-knowledge proofs to ensure data privacy and computational efficiency in a permissionless blockchain context. Developing this kind of applications became accessible to a normal (read not a cryptography expert) developer with libraries such as [snark.js]( and [circom](, which simplify the construction of algorithms by abstracting away all cryptography implementation and allowing developers to only focus on business logic. This tooling, however, is only compatible with EVM based blockchains. For developers looking to build zk-based applications on the NEAR protocol the tool was not enough. With this in mind, we developed this library as a generic proof verifier utilizing the [plonk algorithm]( This can be utilized together with snark.js and circom to generate a full fledged application running zk proofs. You can use this library as a substitute for the `Verifying from a Smart Contract` section in the [circom tutorial]( ## How to use it To implement this Verifier in your Smart Contract you must first have setup your logical circuit and produced a trusted setup using snark.js. This library will allow you to verify if a proof is valid or not inside the Smart Contract. To do so you must: 1. Initialize the Verifier in the Smart Contract's state by passing the setup values generated by snark.js to it 2. Submit proofs generated by the prover binary (created by snark.js) to the smart contract The verifier can be implemented with a simple import: ```rust use near_sdk::borsh::{self, BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize}; use near_sdk::json_types::U128; use near_sdk::{env, near_bindgen, PanicOnDefault, AccountId, BorshStorageKey}; use near_sdk::collections::{LookupSet}; use near_plonk_verifier::{self, Verifier, U256, G1Point, G2Point}; #[near_bindgen] #[derive(PanicOnDefault, BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize)] pub struct Contract { pub verifier: Verifier, } impl Contract { #[init] pub fn new( power: U256, n_public: U256, q_m: G1Point, q_l: G1Point, q_r: G1Point, q_o: G1Point, q_c: G1Point, s_1: G1Point, s_2: G1Point, s_3: G1Point, k_1: U256, k_2: U256, x_2: G2Point, q: U256, qf: U256, w1: U256, ) -> Self { assert!(!env::state_exists(), "Already initialized"); Self { verifier: Verifier::new( power n_public, q_m, q_l, q_r, q_o, q_c, s_1, s_2, s_3, k_1, k_2, x_2, q, qf, w1, ) } } } ``` The `Verifier` struct can be represented as a series of elliptic curve points and scalar values: ```rust #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, BorshSerialize, BorshDeserialize, Clone, Debug)] #[serde(crate = "near_sdk::serde")] pub struct G1Point { pub x: U256, pub y: U256, } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, BorshSerialize, BorshDeserialize, Clone)] #[serde(crate = "near_sdk::serde")] pub struct G2Point { pub x: [U256; 2], pub y: [U256; 2], } #[derive(BorshSerialize, BorshDeserialize, Serialize, Deserialize)] #[serde(crate = "near_sdk::serde")] pub struct Verifier { pub struct Verifier { // n values power: U256, n: U256, n_public: U256, n_lagrange: U256, // Q values q_m: G1Point, q_l: G1Point, q_r: G1Point, q_o: G1Point, q_c: G1Point, // S values s_1: G1Point, s_2: G1Point, s_3: G1Point, // k values k_1: U256, k_2: U256, // X2 values x_2: G2Point, // Field size constants q: U256, qf: U256, // omega value w1: U256, } } ``` To fill out this values, refer to the verification_key.json file generated by snarkjs.js, it will provide all the parameters to initialize the `Verifier`. After initializing the verifier, it can be used to evaluate any proof in your circuit and check whether it is valid or not with the verify method. ```rust pub fn verify(&self, input: Vec<U256>, proof: Proof) -> bool #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)] #[serde(crate = "near_sdk::serde")] pub struct Proof { // public values public_values: Vec<U256>, // proof values a: G1Point, b: G1Point, c: G1Point, z: G1Point, t_1: G1Point, t_2: G1Point, t_3: G1Point, eval_a: U256, eval_b: U256, eval_c: U256, eval_s1: U256, eval_s2: U256, eval_zw: U256, eval_r: U256, wxi: G1Point, wxi_w: G1Point, } ``` Proofs always follow the same structure and are generated by snark.js when running the prover algorithm. They have `public_values` added to it as a vec, in snark.js public values are generated as a separate json file containing a single array. snark.js generates 2 files whenever it creates a proof: 1. public -> contains an array of values that should be passed to `public_values` 2. proof -> contains the rest of the params to be added to `Proof` ## Supported near-sdk versions near-plonk-verifier is built on top of near-sdk 4.0.0 and will be updated periodically to reflect updates on near-sdk. Previous near-sdk versions are not compatible with this library. # HYC events This lib is used to make event formats uniform across registry and instance contracts for HYC.
Cargo.toml src
ID=dev-1651864499848-99321882647793 echo $ID Inicializar contrato: near call $ID init_contract '{"owner_id":"'$ID'"}' --accountId $ID Obtener producto near view $ID get_products '{"address":"0x1"}' near view $ID get_products '{"address":"0x2"}' near view $ID get_products '{"address":"0x3"}' Guardar producto near call $ID set_products '{"address":"0x1", "name":"zapatos", "price": 250, "stock":5}' --accountId yairnava.testnet near call $ID set_products '{"address":"0x2", "name":"botas", "price": 450, "stock":10}' --accountId yairnava.testnet near call $ID set_products '{"address":"0x3", "name":"tenis", "price": 300, "stock":7}' --accountId yairnava.testnet Eliminar producto near call $ID delete_products '{"address":"0x3"}' --accountId yairnava.testnet
NEARBuilders_BOSLibraries exampleLibrary.json library.json
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# nearorg_marketing Auto-generated static marketing content. The following changes should be made manually after sync'ing this repo witn the latest wordpress export. ```To reference high bandwidth assets from wordpress search: /wp-content replace: search: /wp-includes replace: search: " /wp-content" replace: "" search: ="/wp-content replace: =" search: =/wp-content replace: = search: ?paged= replace: page/
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## Unit tests Unit tests can be run from the top level folder using the following command: ``` yarn test:unit ``` ### Tests for Contract in `index.unit.spec.ts` ``` [Describe]: Greeting [Success]: ✔ should respond to showYouKnow() [Success]: ✔ should respond to showYouKnow2() [Success]: ✔ should respond to sayHello() [Success]: ✔ should respond to sayMyName() [Success]: ✔ should respond to saveMyName() [Success]: ✔ should respond to saveMyMessage() [Success]: ✔ should respond to getAllMessages() [File]: src/sample/__tests__/index.unit.spec.ts [Groups]: 2 pass, 2 total [Result]: ✔ PASS [Snapshot]: 0 total, 0 added, 0 removed, 0 different [Summary]: 7 pass, 0 fail, 7 total [Time]: 19.164ms ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [Result]: ✔ PASS [Files]: 1 total [Groups]: 2 count, 2 pass [Tests]: 7 pass, 0 fail, 7 total [Time]: 8217.768ms ✨ Done in 8.86s. ``` # Sample This repository includes a complete project structure for AssemblyScript contracts targeting the NEAR platform. Watch this video where Willem Wyndham walks us through refactoring a simple example of a NEAR smart contract written in AssemblyScript ``` There are 2 "styles" of implementing AssemblyScript NEAR contracts: - the contract interface can either be a collection of exported functions - or the contract interface can be the methods of a an exported class We call the second style "Singleton" because there is only one instance of the class which is serialized to the blockchain storage. Rust contracts written for NEAR do this by default with the contract struct. 0:00 noise (to cut) 0:10 Welcome 0:59 Create project starting with "npm init" 2:20 Customize the project for AssemblyScript development 9:25 Import the Counter example and get unit tests passing 18:30 Adapt the Counter example to a Singleton style contract 21:49 Refactoring unit tests to access the new methods 24:45 Review and summary ``` The example here is very basic. It's a simple contract demonstrating the following concepts: - a single contract - the difference between `view` vs. `change` methods - basic contract storage The goal of this repository is to make it as easy as possible to get started writing unit and simulation tests for AssemblyScript contracts built to work with NEAR Protocol. ## Usage ### Getting started 1. clone this repo to a local folder 2. run `yarn` 3. run `yarn test` ### Top-level `yarn` commands - run `yarn test` to run all tests - (!) be sure to run `yarn build:release` at least once before: - run `yarn test:unit` to run only unit tests - run `yarn test:simulate` to run only simulation tests - run `yarn build` to quickly verify build status - run `yarn clean` to clean up build folder ### Other documentation - Sample contract and test documentation - see `/src/sample/README` for contract interface - see `/src/sample/__tests__/README` for Sample unit testing details - Sample contract simulation tests - see `/simulation/README` for simulation testing ## The file system Please note that boilerplate project configuration files have been ommitted from the following lists for simplicity. ### Contracts and Unit Tests ```txt src ├── sample <-- sample contract │   ├── │   ├── __tests__ │   │   ├── │   │   └── index.unit.spec.ts │   └── assembly │   └── index.ts └── utils.ts <-- shared contract code ``` ### Helper Scripts ```txt scripts ├── ├── └── <-- instructions ``` ![Near, Inc. logo]( ## Design ### Interface ```ts export function showYouKnow(): void; ``` - "View" function (ie. a function that does NOT alter contract state) - Takes no parameters - Returns nothing ```ts export function showYouKnow2(): bool; ``` - "View" function (ie. a function that does NOT alter contract state) - Takes no parameters - Returns true ```ts export function sayHello(): string; ``` - "View" function - Takes no parameters - Returns a string ```ts export function sayMyName(): string; ``` - "Change" function (although it does NOT alter state, it DOES read from `context`, [see docs for details]( - Takes no parameters - Returns a string ```ts export function saveMyName(): void; ``` - "Change" function (ie. a function that alters contract state) - Takes no parameters - Saves the sender account name to contract state - Returns nothing ```ts export function saveMyMessage(message: string): bool; ``` - "Change" function - Takes a single parameter message of type string - Saves the sender account name and message to contract state - Returns nothing ```ts export function getAllMessages(): Array<string>; ``` - "Change" function - Takes no parameters - Reads all recorded messages from contract state (this can become expensive!) - Returns an array of messages if any are found, otherwise empty array ## Setting up your terminal The scripts in this folder support a simple demonstration of the contract. It uses the following setup: ```txt ┌───────────────────────────────────────┬───────────────────────────────────────┐ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ A │ B │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └───────────────────────────────────────┴───────────────────────────────────────┘ ``` ### Terminal **A** *This window is used to compile, deploy and control the contract* - Environment ```sh export CONTRACT= # depends on deployment export OWNER= # any account you control # for example # export CONTRACT=dev-1615190770786-2702449 # export OWNER=sherif.testnet ``` - Commands ```sh # cleanup, compile and deploy contract # call methods on the deployed contract ``` ### Terminal **B** *This window is used to render the contract account storage* - Environment ```sh export CONTRACT= # depends on deployment # for example # export CONTRACT=dev-1615190770786-2702449 ``` - Commands ```sh # monitor contract storage using near-account-utils # watch -d -n 1 yarn storage $CONTRACT ``` --- ## OS Support ### Linux - The `watch` command is supported natively on Linux - To learn more about any of these shell commands take a look at []( ### MacOS - Consider `brew info visionmedia-watch` (or `brew install watch`) ### Windows - Consider this article: [What is the Windows analog of the Linux watch command?](
Cargo.toml build.bat src
# [Card Game - Trash]( Trash, or Garbage, is a classic card game for two player. It requires a standard 52 playing card deck. The objective of Trash is to be the first person with a complete hand of 10 cards. This smart contract code impliments the Trash card game by following the card game rules. ## Set Up To set up a game of Trash, players need to first sit around a suitable gameplay area. Before gameplay can begin, every player draws a card from a shuffled deck. The player with the highest card becomes the first dealer. Ties are broken by a redraw. The dealer then shuffles the deck and passes out ten cards, faced down, arranged in a 2 x 5 grid. Players do not look at these cards. The remaining deck forms the the stock pile. In Trash, Aces are 1, 2s-10s are their face value, Jacks are wildcards and Queens and Kings are unplayable. For a better understanding please visist [Trash Game Rules]( ## Required software 1. Rust 1.58 + cargo 2. Node.js 3. NEAR CLI 3.1 ### Getting started The first objective is to get a deck of cards with 52 cards and deal the cards: 1. Function that gets the deck of card. ![card deck]( 2. To process the cards we will use their corresponding ranks values. The standard card rankings, [from highest to lowest, are: King, Queen, Jack, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, Ace]( struct Cardvariant 1- 13 holds the ranks. ![card values]( ![card values]( 3. The code shuffles and deal the cards giving each player a set 10 of cards and noting the remaining card deck. (players - Computer and user): ![card deal]( Playing the game 1. By following the rules of the game the code impliments the game play and returns the winner of the round. ![card deal]( **Get more info at:** * Program comments * [Trash Game Rules ](
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# Next.js + Tailwind CSS Example This example shows how to use [Tailwind CSS]( [(v3.0)]( with Next.js. It follows the steps outlined in the official [Tailwind docs]( ## Preview Preview the example live on [StackBlitz]( [![Open in StackBlitz](]( ## Deploy your own Deploy the example using [Vercel]( [![Deploy with Vercel](]( ## How to use Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example: ```bash npx create-next-app --example with-tailwindcss with-tailwindcss-app # or yarn create next-app --example with-tailwindcss with-tailwindcss-app ``` Deploy it to the cloud with [Vercel]( ([Documentation](