{ "PMID": 34894369, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "Regular changes in the environment and biological responses generate seasonal patterns in the reproduction in small ruminants. Breeding seasonality is a significant constraint impacting efficiency of lamb production. However, seasonality-related traits present a special peculiarity from a statistical point of view being circular data (day of year running 1:365). Recently, circular mixed models have been developed on the basis of the von Mises distribution and were applied to analyse lambing day distribution recorded from five major Canadian sheep breeds (Rideau Arcott, Romanov, Dorset, Suffolk and Polypay). In a simulation study, the linear model was not able to capture the variance components simulated under the circular paradigm; however, the von Mises model evidenced its ability to infer the variance components of simulated circular records. Using real data of sheep, mostly negligible variances were observed for additive genetic effect when using a linear model on circular data values. In contrast, when using the von Mises model, genetic variances were different across breeds, and it raises the possibility to delay the peak of reproduction and to change the seasonality of the ewes. However, a large variance was captured by flock-year effects emphasizing the strong influence of management in lambing seasons for Canadian sheep populations. Finally, the results suggest the potential of using the von Mises model to analyse circular data, and further research is needed for better understand the complexity of this trait and the von Mises models." }, "ArticleTitle": "Analyses of lambing dates in sheep breeds using von Mises distribution.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Id-Lahoucine", "Schaeffer", "Cánovas", "Casellas" ], "ForeName": [ "Samir", "Larry R", "Angela", "Joaquim" ], "Initials": [ "S", "LR", "A", "J" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "", "" ], "Agency": [ "Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance", "Ontario Sheep Farmers" ], "Country": [ "", "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "Germany" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894369", "10.1111/jbg.12664" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 11, 2, 11, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 23, 13, 26, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894370, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "Adequate nutrition is essential in individuals with diabetic foot ulceration (DFU); therefore, an assessment of dietary intake is critical. A lack of nutrients including protein, zinc and vitamins C and D have all been associated with poor wound healing. However, the comprehensive dietary intake of Australian adults with DFU is poorly understood. The aim of this cross-sectional study was to describe the dietary intake of adults with DFU in an Australian setting." }, "ArticleTitle": "Macronutrient and micronutrient intake of individuals with diabetic foot ulceration: A short report.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Collins", "Burrows", "Donnelly", "Tehan" ], "ForeName": [ "Rebecca", "Tracy", "Hailey", "Peta Ellen" ], "Initials": [ "R", "T", "H", "PE" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "" ], "Agency": [ "Wounds Australia" ], "Country": [ "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "England" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894370", "10.1111/jhn.12974" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 10, 11, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 15, 19, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894372, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "Osteoarthritis (OA) is a common degenerative joint disease. The pathological changes of chondrocytes involve oxidative stress, the pro-inflammatory response, and pro-apoptotic events. Galectin-3 (Gal-3) is a 35 kDa protein with a special chimeric structure. Gal-3 participates in the progression of many diseases, such as cancer metastasis and heart failure. A previous study demonstrated that Gal-3 expression in human cartilage with OA is increased. However, the role of Gal-3 in chondrocyte dysfunction in joints is still unclear. In this study, we applied Gal-3 (5-20 μg/ml) to TC28a2 human chondrocyte cells for 24 h to induce chondrocyte dysfunction. We found that Gal-3 upregulated TLR-4 and MyD88 expression and NADPH oxidase, thereby increasing intracellular ROS in the chondrocytes. Gal-3 increased phosphorylated MEK1/2 and ERK levels, and promoted NF-κB activity. This activation of NF-κB was reduced by silencing TLR-4 and NOX-2. In addition, Gal-3 caused apoptosis of chondrocytes through the mitochondrial-dependent pathway via the TLR-4/NADPH oxidase/MAPK axis. Our study proves the pathogenic role of Gal-3 in Gal-3-induced chondrocyte dysfunction and injuries." }, "ArticleTitle": "Galectin-3 facilitates inflammation and apoptosis in chondrocytes through upregulation of the TLR-4-mediated oxidative stress pathway in TC28a2 human chondrocyte cells.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Chou", "Tsai", "Hsieh", "Wu", "Jou", "Tu", "Ma" ], "ForeName": [ "Wan-Ching", "Kun-Ling", "Pei-Ling", "Chin-Hsien", "I-Ming", "Yuan-Kun", "Ching-Hou" ], "Initials": [ "WC", "KL", "PL", "CH", "IM", "YK", "CH" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "" ], "Agency": [ "Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan" ], "Country": [ "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "United States" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894372", "10.1002/tox.23414" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 10, 9, 11, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 10, 11, 14, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894378, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "Hong Kong's existing mental health services are inadequate in addressing young people's needs. The LevelMind@JC project established an early intervention platform of community-based youth-specific mental health centres involving youth workers, cross-disciplinary professionals, and young people. The project intends to (1) pilot a community platform that incorporates a youth-friendly early screening tool with preventative intervention capabilities, (2) set up a state-of-the-art training system for youth mental health workers, (3) establish a community clinical support team and (4) develop a timely evaluation system to monitor the service and evaluate its outcome and cost-effectiveness against generic youth services." }, "ArticleTitle": "LevelMind@JC: Development and evaluation of a community early intervention program for young people in Hong Kong.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Hui", "Suen", "Lam", "Wong", "Wong", "Lui", "Chan", "Wong", "Chan", "Lee", "Chang", "Wong", "Chen" ], "ForeName": [ "Christy L-M", "Yi-Nam", "Bess Y-H", "Stephanie M-Y", "Corine S-M", "Simon S-Y", "Kai-Tai", "Michael T-H", "Sherry K-W", "Edwin H-M", "Wing-Chung", "Gloria H-Y", "Eric Y-H" ], "Initials": [ "CL", "YN", "BY", "SM", "CS", "SS", "KT", "MT", "SK", "EH", "WC", "GH", "EY" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "" ], "Agency": [ "Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust" ], "Country": [ "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "Australia" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894378", "10.1111/eip.13261" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 11, 5, 11, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 10, 6, 29, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894384, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "Despite advancements in treatments, oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) has not significantly improved in prognosis or survival rate primarily due to the presence of treatment-resistant OSCC. The intercellular communication between tumour cells is a molecular mechanism involved in acquiring OSCC treatment resistance. Extracellular vesicles (EVs) and encapsulated miRNAs are important mediators of intercellular communication. Here, we focused on EVs released from clinically relevant radioresistant (CRR) OSCC cells. Additionally, we evaluated the correlation between miRNA expression in the serum samples of patients who showed resistance to radiotherapy and in EVs released from CRR OSCC cells. We found that EVs released from CRR OSCC cells conferred radioresistance to radiosensitive OSCC cells via miR-503-3p contained in EVs. This miR-503-3p inhibited BAK and impaired the caspase cascade to suppress radiation-induced apoptosis. Furthermore, OSCC cells with BAK knockdown had increased radioresistance. Additionally, the expression of circulating miR-503-3p in patients with OSCC was correlated with a poor treatment response and prognosis of radiotherapy. Our results provide new insights into the relationship between EVs and the radioresistance of OSCC and suggest that the miR-503-3p-BAK axis may be a therapeutic target and that circulating miR-503-3p is a useful prognostic biomarker in the radiotherapy of OSCC." }, "ArticleTitle": "Extracellular vesicles derived from radioresistant oral squamous cell carcinoma cells contribute to the acquisition of radioresistance via the miR-503-3p-BAK axis.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Yamana", "Inoue", "Yoshida", "Sakata", "Nakashima", "Arita", "Kawaguchi", "Gohara", "Nagao", "Takeshita", "Maeshiro", "Liu", "Matsuoka", "Hirayama", "Kawahara", "Nagata", "Hirosue", "Toya", "Murakami", "Kuwahara", "Fukumoto", "Nakayama" ], "ForeName": [ "Keisuke", "Junki", "Ryoji", "Junki", "Hikaru", "Hidetaka", "Sho", "Shunsuke", "Yuka", "Hisashi", "Manabu", "Rin", "Yuichiro", "Masatoshi", "Kenta", "Masashi", "Akiyuki", "Ryo", "Ryuji", "Yoshikazu", "Manabu", "Hideki" ], "Initials": [ "K", "J", "R", "J", "H", "H", "S", "S", "Y", "H", "M", "R", "Y", "M", "K", "M", "A", "R", "R", "Y", "M", "H" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "18K09771" ], "Agency": [ "Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)" ], "Country": [ "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "United States" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894384", "10.1002/jev2.12169" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2020, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 11, 11, 11, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 2, 5, 8, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894405, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "Breast cancer (BC) is an age-related disease. Long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) have been proven to be crucial contributors in tumorigenesis. This study aims to develop a novel lncRNA-based signature to predict elderly BC patients' prognosis." }, "ArticleTitle": "Development of a novel five-lncRNA prognostic signature for predicting overall survival in elderly patients with breast cancer.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Luo", "Zhang", "Wu", "Li", "Shen", "Che" ], "ForeName": [ "Yang", "Yue", "Yu-Xin", "Han-Bing", "Di", "Yi-Qun" ], "Initials": [ "Y", "Y", "YX", "HB", "D", "YQ" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "81972016", "2017-I2 M-3-012", "2017-I2 M-1-013", "7162164" ], "Agency": [ "National Natural Science Foundation of China", "Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences Innovation Fund for Medical Sciences", "Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences Innovation Fund for Medical Sciences", "Beijing Municipal Natural Science Foundation" ], "Country": [ "", "", "", "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "United States" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894405", "10.1002/jcla.24172" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 11, 10, 11, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 21, 11, 30, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894407, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic inflammatory and autoimmune disease affecting various inflammatory and nutritional parameters. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the relationship between the Body Mass Index (BMI) of MS patients and the serum levels of leptin, orexin-A, and Transforming Growth Factor β (TGF-β)." }, "ArticleTitle": "Investigation of serum levels of orexin-A, transforming growth factor β, and leptin in patients with multiple sclerosis.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Moharami", "Nourazarian", "Nikanfar", "Laghousi", "Shademan", "Joodi Khanghah", "Khaki-Khatibi" ], "ForeName": [ "Sepideh", "Alireza", "Masoud", "Delara", "Behrouz", "Omid", "Fatemeh" ], "Initials": [ "S", "A", "M", "D", "B", "O", "F" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "" ], "Agency": [ "Tabriz University of Medical Sciences (ID.: IR T.B.Z.M.E.D.REC.1398.527)" ], "Country": [ "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "United States" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894407", "10.1002/jcla.24170" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 11, 10, 11, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 26, 23, 29, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894411, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "Despite many efforts to discover the important role of the autophagy process in the pathogenesis of colorectal cancer (CRC), the exact involved molecular mechanism still remains to be elucidated. Recently, a limited number of studies have been employed to discover the impact of autophagy genes' variants on the development and progression of CRC. Here, we evaluated the association between two single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the main components of the autophagy genes, ATG16L1 rs2241880, and ATG5 rs1475270, and the CRC risk in an Iranian population." }, "ArticleTitle": "Autophagy ATG16L1 rs2241880 impacts the colorectal cancer risk: A case-control study.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Jamali", "Sadeghi", "Ghasemi", "Mohseni", "Nazemalhosseini-Mojarad", "Yassaee", "Larki", "Zali", "Mirfakhraie" ], "ForeName": [ "Leila", "Hossein", "Mohammad-Reza", "Roohollah", "Ehsan", "Vahid Reza", "Pegah", "Mohammad Reza", "Reza" ], "Initials": [ "L", "H", "MR", "R", "E", "VR", "P", "MR", "R" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "" ], "Agency": [ "Genomic Research Center, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences" ], "Country": [ "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "United States" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894411", "10.1002/jcla.24169" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 11, 9, 11, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 8, 20, 9, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894412, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "Southern white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum simum) frequently develop painful conditions, such as traumatic injuries or osteoarthritis, necessitating the administration of pain-relieving medications. One of the preferred treatments is the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug phenylbutazone because of the availability of oral formulations and the familiarity of its use in horses. For the main study, a single oral dose of phenylbutazone at 2&#160;mg/kg was administered to healthy adult rhinoceros (n&#160;=&#160;33) housed at six North American zoological institutions. Each rhinoceros had up to four blood samples collected under voluntary behavioural restraint at up to four predetermined time points (0, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 24, 30 and 48&#160;h). Drug analysis was performed by high-performance liquid chromatography. The population pharmacokinetic parameters were calculated with nonlinear mixed-effects modelling, and analysis showed a peak concentration (C<sub>MAX</sub> ) of 3.8&#160;&#181;g/ml at 1.8&#160;h and an elimination half-life of 9&#160;h. The concentrations achieved were similar to what has been reported for horses and were within the half maximal effective concentration for horses for at least 10&#160;h. A multi-dose trial in five rhinoceros receiving 2&#160;mg/kg orally once daily for five days found mild accumulation at a predicted factor of 1.2. This study represents the first pharmacokinetic data of phenylbutazone in any rhinoceros species." }, "ArticleTitle": "Phenylbutazone pharmacokinetics in southern white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum simum) after oral administration.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Houck", "Papich", "Delk" ], "ForeName": [ "Emma L", "Mark G", "Katie W" ], "Initials": [ "EL", "MG", "KW" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "", "" ], "Agency": [ "International Rhino Foundation", "American Association of Zoo Veterinarians" ], "Country": [ "", "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "England" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894412", "10.1111/jvp.13036" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 11, 6, 12, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 23, 3, 4, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894639, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "This study aimed at developing a 3D reduced field-of-view imaging (3D-rFOVI) technique using a 2D radiofrequency (RF) pulse, and demonstrating its ability to achieve isotropic high spatial resolution and reduced image distortion in echo planar imaging (EPI)." }, "ArticleTitle": "Three-dimensional reduced field-of-view imaging (3D-rFOVI).", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Sun", "Zhong", "Dan", "Karaman", "Luo", "Zhou" ], "ForeName": [ "Kaibao", "Zheng", "Guangyu", "Muge", "Qingfei", "Xiaohong Joe" ], "Initials": [ "K", "Z", "G", "M", "Q", "XJ" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "5R01EB026716", "1S10RR028898" ], "Agency": [ "NIH HHS", "NIH HHS" ], "Country": [ "United States", "United States" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "United States" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894639", "10.1002/mrm.29121" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 10, 7, 11, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 31, 16, 25, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894640, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "To develop and test a method for reducing artifacts due to time-varying eddy currents in oscillating gradient spin-echo (OGSE) diffusion images." }, "ArticleTitle": "Characterization and correction of time-varying eddy currents for diffusion MRI.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Valsamis", "Dubovan", "Baron" ], "ForeName": [ "Jake J", "Paul I", "Corey A" ], "Initials": [ "JJ", "PI", "CA" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "950 231993", "", "RGPIN-2018-05448", "", "" ], "Agency": [ "Canada Research Chairs", "NSERC CGS M", "NSERC Discovery Grant", "Ontario Graduate Scholarship program", "Canada First Research Excellence Fund to BrainsCAN" ], "Country": [ "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "United States" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894640", "10.1002/mrm.29124" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 11, 7, 11, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 26, 19, 29, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894641, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "Label=\"PURPOSE\" NlmCategory=\"OBJECTIVE\">Three-dimensional fast spin-echo (FSE) sequences commonly use very long echo trains (&gt;64 echoes) and severely reduced refocusing angles. They are increasingly used in brain exams due to high, isotropic resolution and reasonable scan time when using long trains and short interecho spacing. In this study, T<sub>2</sub> quantification in 3D FSE is investigated to achieve increased resolution when comparing with established 2D (proton-density dual-echo and multi-echo spin-echo) methods." }, "ArticleTitle": "T<sub>2</sub> quantification in brain using 3D fast spin-echo imaging with long echo trains.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Snyder", "McPhee", "Wilman" ], "ForeName": [ "Jeff", "Kelly C", "Alan H" ], "Initials": [ "J", "KC", "AH" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "RGPIN-2017-04006", "MOP 102582" ], "Agency": [ "Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada", "CIHR" ], "Country": [ "", "Canada" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "United States" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894641", "10.1002/mrm.29113" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 11, 4, 11, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 16, 20, 17, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }