{ "PMID": 34894025, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "Missed chance is a powerful factor in shaping risk-taking behaviour. The abnormal risk-taking behaviour is an obvious feature of individuals with Internet gaming disorder (IGD). However, the relationship between the neural responses to missed chance and risk-taking behaviour in IGD individuals remains unclear. In the current fMRI study, 28 IGD subjects (12 female, 23.04 ± 2.43 years old) and 26 healthy control (HC) subjects (13 female, 23.58 ± 2.67 years old) participated in fMRI scanning during performance of a sequential risk-taking task. The general linear model and the psycho-physiological interaction analyses were conducted to explore the difference in neural responses between the two groups. The results showed that IGD subjects reported more regret for the large missed chance and took more risk than HC subjects. Moreover, compared with HC subjects, IGD subjects exhibited greater activations in brain regions like ventral striatum (VS) and superior frontal gyrus (SFG), and stronger VS-thalamus functional connectivity for the large missed chance. Additionally, among IGD subjects, the SFG activation for the large missed chance was positively correlated with the risk-taking behaviour. Together, the results revealed the altered neural responses to missed chance contributed to the risk-taking behaviour in IGD individuals. The findings could help to clearly understand why IGD individuals continue playing online games despite the risks of widely known and could provide a new perspective for the intervention of IGD." }, "ArticleTitle": "Altered neural responses to missed chance contribute to the risk-taking behaviour in individuals with Internet gaming disorder.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Liu", "Huang", "Gong", "Wang", "Wu", "Wang", "Guo" ], "ForeName": [ "Zhiyuan", "Pujiang", "Yue", "Yifan", "Yuyan", "Chenggong", "Xiuyan" ], "Initials": [ "Z", "P", "Y", "Y", "Y", "C", "X" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "", "", "GK202007034", "20200308", "2021T140437", "31900754" ], "Agency": [ "Shanghai Leading Talent Plan", "Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities", "Young Talent fund of University Association for Science and Technology in Shaanxi", "Young Talent fund of University Association for Science and Technology in Shaanxi", "China Postdoctoral Science Foundation", "National Natural Science Foundation of China" ], "Country": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "United States" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894025", "10.1111/adb.13124" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 10, 5, 11, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 17, 27, 12, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894027, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "Morphology, microstructure, and distribution of antennal sensilla were compared between female and male Pseudosymmachia flavescens (Brenske) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Melolonthinae). Lamellate antennae of P. flavescens were shown to have typical scape, pedicel, and flagellum segments. The flagellum consists of a four-segmented funicle and a three-segmented club. The lengths of their pedicel and funicle were found to be similar in females and males. Distinct sexual differences were observed in the length of lamellar segments. Nine types/subtypes of sensilla were identified on the antennae of both sexes, including Böhm sensilla, sensilla trichodea, sensilla basiconica (SB), and two subtypes for sensilla chaetica, sensilla coeloconica, and sensilla placodea each. Olfactory sensilla (e.g., SB and placodea) are mainly located on three lamellar segments of the antennal club. Variation was also seen in abundance of various types of antennal sensilla, with males possessing significantly more sensilla than females. Sensilla placodea were the most abundant, and their number in males was twice of that in females, showing a clear sexual dimorphism. The difference in the distribution of sensilla placodea might reflect their roles in sexual chemical communication." }, "ArticleTitle": "Structure and distribution of antennal sensilla in Pseudosymmachia flavescens (Brenske) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Melolonthinae).", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Li", "Shao", "Liu", "Chen" ], "ForeName": [ "Ya-Ya", "Kai-Min", "Deguang", "Li" ], "Initials": [ "YY", "KM", "D", "L" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "KSZD-EW-Z-021-3-4", "31171847", "31460474" ], "Agency": [ "Key Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences", "National Natural Science Foundation of China", "National Natural Science Foundation of China" ], "Country": [ "", "", "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "United States" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894027", "10.1002/jemt.24020" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 7, 4, 12, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 29, 7, 1, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894029, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "The pollen morphology, with special reference to exine sculpture, of some species of the gymnosperms was assessed for the first time from the subalpine and alpine zones of western Himalayas northern Pakistan. The pollen of all these species is airborne and allergenic, so pollen morphology helps for identification of this allergenic pollen at specific level. Different morpho-palynological characteristics were analyzed including size range of pollen, polar and equatorial diameter ratio, exine ornamentation, sculpturing, exine thickness, pollen type, and shape. For accurate and quick identification of species, taxonomic key was made based on different morpho-palynological characteristics. The quantitative data were processed using SPSS software. Gymnospermal pollen includes inaperturate, rarely 1-colpate observed in (Cupressaceae), hexazonocolpate in (Ephedraceae), vesiculate, bissacate in (Pinaceae), and inaperturate in (Taxaceae). Different pollen shapes observed were prolate (4 spp), sub-spheroidal (7 spp), and oblate (1 spp). Variation was observed in exine sculpturing granular (4 spp), reticulate (1 spp), areolate-punctate (3 spp), and psilate (2 spp). This is based on the analysis of 10 plants belonging to four families of gymnosperms. Distinct pollen shape has emerged as the most diagnostic feature to separate some genera such as spheroidal in (Cupressaceae, Taxaceae), prolate and radiosymmetrical in (Ephedraceae), and bilateral in (Pinaceae). Exine thickness and sculpturing proved to be helpful at generic and specific levels. The results reinforced the significance of gymnospermal pollen morphological features which were used as aid for valuable taxonomic tool in plant systematics." }, "ArticleTitle": "Morpho-palynological investigation of gymnospermal flora from subalpine and alpine zones of northern Pakistan using LM and SEM.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Kayani", "Hussain", "Ahmad", "Khan", "Butt", "Ahmed", "Rashid", "Jamal", "Nazir" ], "ForeName": [ "Sadaf", "Manzoor", "Mushtaq", "Mir Ajab", "Maryam Akram", "Sidra N", "Sofia", "Zafar", "Hafiza Mamona" ], "Initials": [ "S", "M", "M", "MA", "MA", "SN", "S", "Z", "HM" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "" ], "Agency": [ "Quaid-i-Azam University" ], "Country": [ "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "United States" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894029", "10.1002/jemt.24010" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 11, 8, 11, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 6, 7, 23, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894034, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "Adjuvants to compression are sought for treating venous ulceration. There is animal, observational and trial evidence that suggests statins increase venous ulcer healing. The objective of this study was to conduct secondary analyses investigating the association of statin use with healing in three randomised trials that recruited people with venous ulceration. The difference in healing rates was modest but higher in the statins group. Crude analyses found no significant difference between the groups, but when adjusted for the trial effect and potential confounders (age, diabetes, first ever ulcer, ulcer area and ulcer duration), significantly more participants healed among those taking statins. The analyses were robust to method of analysis (fixed effects or random effects models). A definitive trial is required to evaluate the effect of statins versus placebo on venous ulcer healing, but until then patients needing to take statins seem unlikely to be disadvantaged by this treatment." }, "ArticleTitle": "Statins and venous leg ulcer healing: Secondary analysis of data from a cohort of three randomised controlled trials.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Jull", "Lu", "Jiang" ], "ForeName": [ "Andrew", "Han", "Yannan" ], "Initials": [ "A", "H", "Y" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "03/87", "14/269", "16/135" ], "Agency": [ "Health Research Council of New Zealand", "Health Research Council of New Zealand", "Health Research Council of New Zealand" ], "Country": [ "", "", "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "United States" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894034", "10.1111/wrr.12987" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 10, 8, 11, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 14, 5, 29, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894041, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "Within animal populations there is variation among individuals in their tendency to be social, where more sociable individuals associate more with other individuals. Consistent inter-individual variation in 'sociability' is considered one of the major axes of personality variation in animals along with aggressiveness, activity, exploration and boldness. Not only is variation in sociability important in terms of animal personalities, but it holds particular significance for, and can be informed by, two other topics of major interest: social networks and collective behaviour. Further, knowledge of what generates inter-individual variation in social behaviour also holds applied implications, such as understanding disorders of social behaviour in humans. In turn, research using non-human animals in the genetics, neuroscience and physiology of these disorders can inform our understanding of sociability. For the first time, this review brings together insights across these areas of research, across animal taxa from primates to invertebrates, and across studies from both the laboratory and field. We show there are mixed results in whether and how sociability correlates with other major behavioural traits. Whether and in what direction these correlations are observed may differ with individual traits such as sex and body condition, as well as ecological conditions. A large body of evidence provides the proximate mechanisms for why individuals vary in their social tendency. Evidence exists for the importance of genes and their expression, chemical messengers, social interactions and the environment in determining an individual's social tendency, although the specifics vary with species and other variables such as age, and interactions amongst these proximate factors. Less well understood is how evolution can maintain consistent variation in social tendencies within populations. Shifts in the benefits and costs of social tendencies over time, as well as the social niche hypothesis, are currently the best supported theories for how variation in sociability can evolve and be maintained in populations. Increased exposure to infectious diseases is the best documented cost of a greater social tendency, and benefits include greater access to socially transmitted information. We also highlight that direct evidence for more sociable individuals being safer from predators is lacking. Variation in sociability is likely to have broad ecological consequences, but beyond its importance in the spread of infectious diseases, direct evidence is limited to a few examples related to dispersal and invasive species biology. Overall, our knowledge of inter-individual variation in sociability is highly skewed towards the proximate mechanisms. Our review also demonstrates, however, that considering research from social networks and collective behaviour greatly enriches our understanding of sociability, highlighting the need for greater integration of these approaches into future animal personality research to address the imbalance in our understanding of sociability as a personality trait." }, "ArticleTitle": "Sociability as a personality trait in animals: methods, causes and consequences.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Gartland", "Firth", "Laskowski", "Jeanson", "Ioannou" ], "ForeName": [ "Lizzy A", "Josh A", "Kate L", "Raphael", "Christos C" ], "Initials": [ "LA", "JA", "KL", "R", "CC" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "BB/S009752/1", "NE/P012639/1", "NE/S010335/1" ], "Agency": [ "Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council", "Natural Environment Research Council", "Natural Environment Research Council" ], "Country": [ "United Kingdom", "", "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "England" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894041", "10.1111/brv.12823" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 11, 4, 11, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 27, 5, 30, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894040, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "The whole-body (tachymetabolic) endothermy seen in modern birds and mammals is long held to have evolved independently in each group, a reasonable assumption when it was believed that its earliest appearances in birds and mammals arose many millions of years apart. That assumption is consistent with current acceptance that the non-shivering thermogenesis (NST) component of regulatory body heat originates differently in each group: from skeletal muscle in birds and from brown adipose tissue (BAT) in mammals. However, BAT is absent in monotremes, marsupials, and many eutherians, all whole-body endotherms. Indeed, recent research implies that BAT-driven NST originated more recently and that the biochemical processes driving muscle NST in birds, many modern mammals and the ancestors of both may be similar, deriving from controlled 'slippage' of Ca<sup>2+</sup> from the sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca<sup>2+</sup> -ATPase (SERCA) in skeletal muscle, similar to a process seen in some fishes. This similarity prompted our realisation that the capacity for whole-body endothermy could even have pre-dated the divergence of Amniota into Synapsida and Sauropsida, leading us to hypothesise the homology of whole-body endothermy in birds and mammals, in contrast to the current assumption of their independent (convergent) evolution. To explore the extent of similarity between muscle NST in mammals and birds we undertook a detailed review of these processes and their control in each group. We found considerable but not complete similarity between them: in extant mammals the 'slippage' is controlled by the protein sarcolipin (SLN), in birds the SLN is slightly different structurally and its role in NST is not yet proved. However, considering the multi-millions of years since the separation of synapsids and diapsids, we consider that the similarity between NST production in birds and mammals is consistent with their whole-body endothermy being homologous. If so, we should expect to find evidence for it much earlier and more widespread among extinct amniotes than is currently recognised. Accordingly, we conducted an extensive survey of the palaeontological literature using established proxies. Fossil bone histology reveals evidence of sustained rapid growth rates indicating tachymetabolism. Large body size and erect stature indicate high systemic arterial blood pressures and four-chambered hearts, characteristic of tachymetabolism. Large nutrient foramina in long bones are indicative of high bone perfusion for rapid somatic growth and for repair of microfractures caused by intense locomotion. Obligate bipedality appeared early and only in whole-body endotherms. Isotopic profiles of fossil material indicate endothermic levels of body temperature. These proxies led us to compelling evidence for the widespread occurrence of whole-body endothermy among numerous extinct synapsids and sauropsids, and very early in each clade's family tree. These results are consistent with and support our hypothesis that tachymetabolic endothermy is plesiomorphic in Amniota. A hypothetical structure for the heart of the earliest endothermic amniotes is proposed. We conclude that there is strong evidence for whole-body endothermy being ancient and widespread among amniotes and that the similarity of biochemical processes driving muscle NST in extant birds and mammals strengthens the case for its plesiomorphy." }, "ArticleTitle": "Whole-body endothermy: ancient, homologous and widespread among the ancestors of mammals, birds and crocodylians.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Grigg", "Nowack", "Bicudo", "Bal", "Woodward", "Seymour" ], "ForeName": [ "Gordon", "Julia", "José Eduardo Pereira Wilken", "Naresh Chandra", "Holly N", "Roger S" ], "Initials": [ "G", "J", "JEPW", "NC", "HN", "RS" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "India DBT (BT/PR28935/MED/30/2035/2018)", "India DBT (BT/RLF/Re-entry/41/2014).", "SERB India (ECR/2016/001247)", "Australian Research Council Discovery grant (DP 170104952)", "Online Open supported by consultancy account" ], "Agency": [ "Naresh Bal", "Naresh Bal", "Naresh Bal", "Roger Seymour", "University of Queensland" ], "Country": [ "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "England" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894040", "10.1111/brv.12822" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2020, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 11, 10, 11, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 25, 23, 29, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894048, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "Metastasis contributes to treatment failure in nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) patients. Our study aimed at elucidating the role of insulin-like growth factor 2 mRNA binding protein 3 (IGF2BP3) in NPC metastasis and the underlying mechanism involved. IGF2BP3 expression in NPC was determined by bioinformatics, quantitative polymerase chain reaction and immunohistochemistry analyses. The biological function of IGF2BP3 was investigated by using in vitro and in vivo studies. In this study, IGF2BP3 mRNA and protein levels were elevated in NPC tissues. In addition, IGF2BP3 exerted an oncogenic role by promoting epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT), thereby inducing NPC cell migration and invasion. Further studies revealed that IGF2BP3 regulated the expression of key regulators of EMT by activating AKT/mTOR signalling, thus stimulating NPC cell migration and invasion. Remarkably, targeting IGF2BP3 delayed NPC metastasis through attenuating p-AKT and vimentin expression and inducing E-cadherin expression in vivo. Moreover, IGF2BP3 protein levels positively correlated with distant metastasis after initial treatment. Importantly, IGF2BP3 expression served as an independent prognostic factor in predicting the overall survival and distant metastasis-free survival of NPC patients. This work identifies IGF2BP3 as a novel prognostic marker and a new target for NPC treatment." }, "ArticleTitle": "IGF2BP3 promotes cell metastasis and is associated with poor patient survival in nasopharyngeal carcinoma.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Xu", "Guo", "Peng", "Guo", "Wang" ], "ForeName": [ "Yun", "Zhoubo", "Hewei", "Lanyan", "Ping" ], "Initials": [ "Y", "Z", "H", "L", "P" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "2020GGB013", "2018YFC1315601" ], "Agency": [ "Fujian Provincial Health Technology Project", "Chinese National Key Research and Development Project" ], "Country": [ "", "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "England" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894048", "10.1111/jcmm.17093" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 11, 7, 11, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 8, 25, 17, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894049, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "Inhalation of harmful particles appears as a primary factor for the onset and establishment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Cigarette smoke acutely promotes an exacerbated inflammatory response with oxidative stress induction with DNA damage. Administration of Gold Nanoparticles (GNPs) with 20 nm in different concentrations can revert damages caused by external aggravations. The effects of GNPs in a COPD process have not been observed until now. The objective of this work was to evaluate the therapeutic effects of intranasal administration of different doses of GNPs after acute exposure to industrial cigarette smoke. Thirty male Swiss mice were randomly divided into five groups: Sham; cigarette smoke (CS); CS + GNPs 2.5 mg/L; CS + GNPs 7.5 mg/L and CS + GNPs 22.5 mg/L. The animals were exposed to the commercial cigarette with filter in an acrylic inhalation chamber and treated with intranasal GNPs for five consecutive days. The results demonstrate that exposure to CS causes an increase in inflammatory cytokines, histological changes, oxidative and nitrosive damage in the lung, as well as increased damage to the DNA of liver cells, blood plasma and lung. Among the three doses of GNPs (2.5, 7.5, and 22.5 mg/L) used, the highest dose had better anti-inflammatory effects. However, GNPs at a dose of 7.5 mg/L showed better efficacies in reducing ROS formation, alveolar diameter, and the number of inflammatory cells in histology, in addition to significantly reduced rate of DNA damage in lung cells without additional systemic genotoxicity already caused by cigarette smoke." }, "ArticleTitle": "Effects of the intranasal application of gold nanoparticles on the pulmonary tissue after acute exposure to industrial cigarette smoke.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Porto", "Haupenthal", "Souza", "Silveira", "Nesi", "Feuser", "Possato", "de Andrade", "Pinho", "Silveira" ], "ForeName": [ "Germano Duarte", "Daniela Pacheco Dos Santos", "Priscila Soares", "Gustavo de Bem", "Renata Tiscoski", "Paulo Emilio", "Jonathann Corrêa", "Vanessa Moraes", "Ricardo Aurino", "Paulo Cesar Lock" ], "Initials": [ "GD", "DPDS", "PS", "GB", "RT", "PE", "JC", "VM", "RA", "PCL" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "", "", "", "" ], "Agency": [ "Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense", "CNPQ", "FAPESC", "CAPES-001" ], "Country": [ "", "", "", "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "United States" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894049", "10.1002/jbm.b.34994" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 11, 3, 12, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 15, 17, 5, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894050, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "Occupational therapy self-management groups aim to assist individuals to incorporate health-promoting behaviours and management strategies into their daily routines to promote wellbeing. The Lifestyle Management for Arthritis Group (LMAG) is a 2-h-long, occupational therapy educational-behavioural group intervention adapted from the evidence-based Lifestyle Management for Arthritis Programme (Hammond & Rayner, 2013) and was delivered to inpatients with inflammatory and degenerative arthritis separately." }, "ArticleTitle": "A Lifestyle Management for Arthritis Group education intervention for people with inflammatory and degenerative arthritis: An observational study.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Brownlee", "Sheridan", "Synnott", "McCormack", "Bell", "Fitzgerald" ], "ForeName": [ "Jane", "Emer", "Aoife", "Aoife", "Mary", "Oliver" ], "Initials": [ "J", "E", "A", "A", "M", "O" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "" ], "Agency": [ "Our Lady's Hospice & Care Services" ], "Country": [ "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "England" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894050", "10.1002/msc.1608" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 11, 11, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 20, 25, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894053, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "Glioma is the most malignant and aggressive type of brain tumour with high heterogeneity and mortality. Although some clinicopathological factors have been identified as prognostic biomarkers, the individual variants and risk stratification in patients with lower grade glioma (LGG) have not been fully elucidated. The primary aim of this study was to identify an efficient DNA methylation combination biomarker for risk stratification and prognosis in LGG. We conducted a retrospective cohort study by analysing whole genome DNA methylation data of 646 patients with LGG from the TCGA and GEO database. Cox proportional hazard analysis was carried out to screen and construct biomarker model that predicted overall survival (OS). The Kaplan-Meier survival curves and time-dependent ROC were constructed to prove the efficiency of the signature. Then, another independent cohort was used to further validate the finding. A two-CpG site DNA methylation signature was identified by multivariate Cox proportional hazard analysis. Further analysis indicated that the signature was an independent survival predictor from other clinical factors and exhibited higher predictive accuracy compared with known biomarkers. This signature was significantly correlated with immune-checkpoint blockade, immunotherapy-related signatures and ferroptosis regulator genes. The expression pattern and functional analysis showed that these two genes corresponding with two methylation sites contained in the model were correlated with immune infiltration level, and involved in MAPK and Rap1 signalling pathway. The signature may contribute to improve the risk stratification of patients and provide a more accurate assessment for precision medicine in the clinic." }, "ArticleTitle": "Genome-wide methylomic analyses identify prognostic epigenetic signature in lower grade glioma.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Guo", "Ma", "Zhang", "Liu", "Li", "Xu", "Yang", "Guan" ], "ForeName": [ "Wenna", "Shanshan", "Yanting", "Hongtao", "Ya", "Ji-Tian", "Bo", "Fangxia" ], "Initials": [ "W", "S", "Y", "H", "Y", "JT", "B", "F" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "CXJD2021002", "82103055", "U2004201", "BX20200308", "212102310175" ], "Agency": [ "Henan Overseas Expertise Introduction Center for Discipline Innovation", "National Natural Science Foundation of China", "National Natural Science Foundation of China", "China Post-Doctoral Innovative Talent Support Program", "Key Science and Technology Research Project of Henan Province of China" ], "Country": [ "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "England" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894053", "10.1111/jcmm.17101" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 11, 6, 11, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 17, 6, 19, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894055, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "In normal pregnancy, hepatic metabolism adaptation occurs with an increase in lipid biosynthesis. Placental shedding of syncytiotrophoblast-derived extracellular vesicles (STBEVs) into the maternal circulation constitutes a major signalling mechanism between foetus and mother. We investigated whether STBEVs from normal pregnant women might target liver cells in vitro and induce changes in lipid synthesis. This study was performed at the Nuffield Department of Women's & Reproductive Health, Oxford, UK. STBEVs were obtained by dual-lobe placental perfusion from 11 normal pregnancies at term. Medium/large and small STBEVs were collected by ultracentrifugation at 10,000g and 150,000g, respectively. STBEVs were analysed by Western blot analysis and flow cytometry for co-expression of apolipoprotein-E (apoE) and placental alkaline phosphatase (PLAP). The uptake of STBEVs by liver cells and the effect on lipid metabolism was evaluated using a hepatocarcinoma cell line (HepG2 cells). Data were analysed by one-way ANOVA and Student's t test. We demonstrated that: (a) STBEVs carry apoE; (b) HepG2 cells take up STBEVs through an apoE-LDL receptor interaction; (c) STBEV incorporation into HepG2 cells resulted in (i) increased cholesterol release (ELISA); (ii) increased expression of the genes SQLE and FDPS (microarray) involved in cholesterol biosynthesis; (iii) downregulation of the CLOCK gene (microarray and PCR), involved in the circadian negative control of lipid synthesis in liver cells. In conclusion, the placenta may orchestrate the metabolic adaptation of the maternal liver through release of apoE-positive STBEVs, by increasing lipid synthesis in a circadian-independent fashion, meeting the nutritional needs of the growing foetus." }, "ArticleTitle": "Syncytiotrophoblast-derived extracellular vesicles carry apolipoprotein-E and affect lipid synthesis of liver cells in vitro.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Tersigni", "Furqan Bari", "Cai", "Zhang", "Kandzija", "Buchan", "Miranda", "Di Simone", "Redman", "Bastie", "Vatish" ], "ForeName": [ "Chiara", "Muhammad", "Shijei", "Wei", "Neva", "Alice", "Fabrizio", "Nicoletta", "Christopher W", "Claire", "Manu" ], "Initials": [ "C", "M", "S", "W", "N", "A", "F", "N", "CW", "C", "M" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "MR/J003360/1" ], "Agency": [ "Medical Research Council - UK" ], "Country": [ "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "England" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894055", "10.1111/jcmm.17056" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 10, 4, 11, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 28, 27, 1, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894056, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "The increase in senescent cells in tissues, including the brain, is a general feature of normal aging and age-related pathologies. Senescent cells exhibit a specific phenotype, which includes an altered nuclear morphology and transcriptomic changes. Astrocytes undergo senescence in vitro and in age-associated neurodegenerative diseases, but little is known about whether this process also occurs in physiological aging, as well as its functional implication. Here, we investigated astrocyte senescence in vitro, in old mouse brains, and in post-mortem human brain tissue of elderly. We identified a significant loss of lamin-B1, a major component of the nuclear lamina, as a hallmark of senescent astrocytes. We showed a severe reduction of lamin-B1 in the dentate gyrus of aged mice, including in hippocampal astrocytes, and in the granular cell layer of the hippocampus of post-mortem human tissue from non-demented elderly. The lamin-B1 reduction was associated with nuclear deformations, represented by an increased incidence of invaginated nuclei and loss of nuclear circularity in senescent astrocytes in vitro and in the aging human hippocampus. We also found differences in lamin-B1 levels and astrocyte nuclear morphology between the granular cell layer and polymorphic layer in the elderly human hippocampus, suggesting an intra-regional-dependent aging response of human astrocytes. Moreover, we described senescence-associated impaired neuritogenic and synaptogenic capacity of mouse astrocytes. Our findings show that reduction of lamin-B1 is a conserved feature of hippocampal cells aging, including astrocytes, and shed light on significant defects in nuclear lamina structure which may contribute to astrocyte dysfunctions during aging." }, "ArticleTitle": "Loss of lamin-B1 and defective nuclear morphology are hallmarks of astrocyte senescence in vitro and in the aging human hippocampus.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Matias", "Diniz", "Damico", "Araujo", "Neves", "Vargas", "Leite", "Suemoto", "Nitrini", "Jacob-Filho", "Grinberg", "Hol", "Middeldorp", "Gomes" ], "ForeName": [ "Isadora", "Luan Pereira", "Isabella Vivarini", "Ana Paula Bergamo", "Laís da Silva", "Gabriele", "Renata E P", "Claudia K", "Ricardo", "Wilson", "Lea T", "Elly M", "Jinte", "Flávia Carvalho Alcantara" ], "Initials": [ "I", "LP", "IV", "APB", "LDS", "G", "REP", "CK", "R", "W", "LT", "EM", "J", "FCA" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "Agency": [ "Instituto Nacional de Neurociência Translacional", "U.S. Department of Health and Human Services", "Ministério da Saúde, Departamento de Ciência e Tecnologia", "Fiocruz-MS-Servier Award", "ZonMW Memorabel and Alzheimer Nederland", "Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico", "Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior", "Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro", "Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo" ], "Country": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "England" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894056", "10.1111/acel.13521" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 11, 2, 11, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894057, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "SCN2A-related disorders include intellectual disability, autism spectrum disorder, seizures, episodic ataxia, and schizophrenia. In this study, the phenotype-genotype association in SCN2A-related disorders was further delineated by collecting detailed clinical and molecular characteristics. Using previously proposed genotype-phenotype hypotheses based on variant function and position, the potential of phenotype prediction from the variants found was examined. Patients were identified through the Deciphering Developmental Disorders study and gene matching strategies. Phenotypic information and variant interpretation evidence were collated. Seventeen previously unreported patients and five patients who had been previously reported (but with minimal phenotypic and segregation data) were included (10 males, 12 females; median age 10.5 years). All patients had developmental delays and the majority had intellectual disabilities. Seizures were reported in 15 of 22 (68.2%), four of 22 (18.2%) had autism spectrum disorder and no patients were reported with episodic ataxia. The majority of variants were de novo. One family had presumed gonadal mosaicism. The correlation of the use of sodium channel-blocking antiepileptic drugs with phenotype or genotype was variable. These data suggest that variant type and position alone can provide some predictive information about the phenotype in a proportion of cases, but more precise assessment of variant function is needed for meaningful phenotype prediction." }, "ArticleTitle": "Further delineation of phenotypic spectrum of SCN2A-related disorder.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Richardson", "Baralle", "Bennett", "Briggs", "Bijlsma", "Clayton-Smith", "Constantinou", "Foulds", "Jarvis", "Jewell", "Johnson", "McEntagart", "Parker", "Radley", "Robertson", "Ruivenkamp", "Rutten", "Tellez", "Turnpenny", "Wilson", "Wright", "Balasubramanian" ], "ForeName": [ "Ruth", "Diana", "Christopher", "Tracy", "Emilia K", "Jill", "Panayiotis", "Nicola", "Joanna", "Rosalyn", "Diana S", "Meriel", "Michael J", "Jessica A", "Lisa", "Claudia", "Julie W", "James", "Peter D", "Valerie", "Michael", "Meena" ], "Initials": [ "R", "D", "C", "T", "EK", "J", "P", "N", "J", "R", "DS", "M", "MJ", "JA", "L", "C", "JW", "J", "PD", "V", "M", "M" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "RP-2016-07-011", "HICF-1009-003", "WT098051" ], "Agency": [ "Co-author DB is supported by NIHR Research Professorship", "DDD Study funding: Health Innovation Challenge Fund", "DDD Study Funding: Wellcome Sanger Institute" ], "Country": [ "", "", "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "United States" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894057", "10.1002/ajmg.a.62595" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 9, 5, 11, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 28, 26, 20, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894061, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "Picrasidine I is a dimeric alkaloid derived from a Southern Asian plant Picrasma quassioides and demonstrated to possess pharmacological activities, such as anti-inflammatory and anti-osteoclastogenic effects. However, its potential anticancer effect remains unclear. In the present study, anticancer activity of picrasidine I was assessed by treating oral squamous cell carcinoma cells with different concentrations of picrasidine I (20, 30, and 40 μM) for 24, 48, and 72 h. The findings revealed that picrasidine I reduced the cell viability in a dose-dependent manner. Picrasidine I exerted its cytotoxic effect through arresting cell cycle at G2/M phase by downregulating cyclin A, cyclin B, CDK4, and CDK6, and inducing apoptosis in oral cancer cells. The induction of apoptosis was evidenced by increasing expression of death receptors, disruption of mitochondrial membrane potential, increased activation of PARP and caspases 3, 8, and 9, enhanced expression of proapoptotic mediators (Bak and Bim L/S), and reduced expression of antiapoptotic mediators (Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL). Moreover, analysis of MAPK signaling pathway revealed that picrasidine I-mediated proapoptotic activities by downregulating JNK phosphorylation. Taken together, the study identifies picrasidine I as a potent anticancer agent that can be used as a therapeutic intervention against oral squamous cell carcinoma." }, "ArticleTitle": "Anticancer effects of picrasidine I on oral squamous cell carcinoma.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Yang", "Hsieh", "Chuang", "Lin", "Lo", "Ho", "Kumar", "Ko" ], "ForeName": [ "Yuan-Ting", "Ming-Ju", "Yi-Ching", "Chia-Chieh", "Yu-Sheng", "Hsin-Yu", "V Bharath", "Jiunn-Liang" ], "Initials": [ "YT", "MJ", "YC", "CC", "YS", "HY", "VB", "JL" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "" ], "Agency": [ "National Science Council, Taiwan" ], "Country": [ "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "United States" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894061", "10.1002/tox.23430" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 11, 9, 11, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 19, 16, 27, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894062, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "Crosslinking substantially reduces the wear of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) used in total hip arthroplasty (THA) but some reports have indicated that first generation liners manufactured without antioxidants may be vulnerable to in vivo oxidation. This study evaluated maximum oxidation using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy per ASTM F2102-06<sup>&#949;1</sup> and linear head penetration using a coordinate measuring machine among 66 revision-retrieved THA components with in vivo durations ranging from 0.02 to 24.6&#8201;years. These included 30 liners crosslinked with 5&#160;Mrad of gamma radiation and then melted, 13 non-crosslinked, never-irradiated liners sterilized with gas plasma and 23 non-crosslinked, never-irradiated liners sterilized with ethylene oxide. All liners were vacuum-sealed and stored at -20&#176;C prior to analysis with the exception of three retrievals of each material type that were stored in air for 9.9 to 21.5&#8201;years. All 57 vacuum-sealed and frozen retrievals demonstrated good oxidative stability with maximum oxidation indices (OIs) less than 1.0 and 75% (43/57) of these liners had maximum OIs less than 0.1. Linear penetration measurements were lower in the crosslinked liners compared to non-crosslinked retrievals. Although instances of oxidation and embrittlement were found after ex vivo storage in air among liners that did not have free radicals at the time of implantation, in vivo oxidation does not appear to be a clinical concern through the first decade of service for crosslinked liners and at up to 25&#8201;years after surgery for non-crosslinked liners." }, "ArticleTitle": "Do total hip arthroplasty polyethylene liners without free radicals oxidize in vivo or ex vivo?", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Rowell", "Reyes", "Hopper", "Engh", "Muratoglu" ], "ForeName": [ "Shannon L", "Christopher R", "Robert H", "Charles A", "Orhun K" ], "Initials": [ "SL", "CR", "RH", "CA", "OK" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "8387", "", "" ], "Agency": [ "DePuy Products, Inc. a Johnson & Johnson company", "Inova Health System", "Martin and Hedda Brock" ], "Country": [ "", "", "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "United States" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894062", "10.1002/jbm.b.34985" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 8, 2, 11, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 15, 24, 13, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894063, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "The compounds containing chiral centers and different functional groups serve as magnificent building blocks for the preparation of various natural products that are having immense biological activity. \"Dimethyl-8-oxa-bicyclo[3.2.1]oct-6-en-3-ol\" is one of the wonderful synthons to construct multiple stereo centers at a time during the asymmetric synthesis. In this account, we discuss our research efforts toward the synthesis of various simple and complex natural products from the past three decades (1995-2020) by using dimethyl-8-oxa-bicyclo[3.2.1]oct-6-en-3-ol as a synthon. Moreover, the synthetic utility of this starting material was investigated and well demonstrated. Further, we executed the desymmetrization of dimethyl-8-oxa-bicyclo[3.2.1]oct-6-en-3-ol by hydroboration to get different chiral centers. After obtaining the stereocenters, we could manage either the fragment, formal or total synthesis of natural products, by simple protection and deprotection sequence followed by C-C bond formation steps." }, "ArticleTitle": "Desymmetrisation of meso-2,4-Dimethyl-8-Oxabicyclo[3.2.1]-Oct-6-Ene-3-Ol and its Application in Natural Product Syntheses.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Tadiparthi", "Anand", "Sakirolla", "Gupta", "Jadhav", "Kishore Das", "Singh Yadav" ], "ForeName": [ "Krishnaji", "Pragya", "Raghavendra", "T Prakash", "Krishna A", "Sukant", "Jhillu" ], "Initials": [ "K", "P", "R", "TP", "KA", "S", "J" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "", "", "", "" ], "Agency": [ "Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)", "Bhatnagar fellowship", "Department of Science and Technology (DST), New Delhi", "J. C. Bose fellowship" ], "Country": [ "", "", "", "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article", "Review" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "United States" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894063", "10.1002/tcr.202100286" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 11, 11, 11, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 24, 1, 24, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894065, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "Diabetic nephropathy (DN) is a diabetic complication that can cause renal failure. β-amyrin has been identified to possess anti-diabetic property. This study was designed to evaluate the potential role of β-amyrin in DN and its underlying mechanism. Streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice were used as the in vivo model, and high glucose (HG)-stimulated human proximal tubular HK-2 cells were utilized as the in vitro model. Renal histological changes in mice were assessed by hematoxylin-eosin and periodic acid-Schiff staining. HK-2 cell viability and apoptosis were detected by Cell Counting Kit-8 assay and flow cytometry analysis, respectively. β-amyrin was found to ameliorate kidney injury in DN mice and suppressed inflammatory response as well as apoptosis of HG-stimulated HK-2 cells. miR-181-5p expression in murine renal tissues and HK-2 cells was detected by in situ hybridization (ISH) and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). MiR-181b-5p, a previously identified target for diabetic kidney disease, was downregulated in renal tissues and HG stimulated HK-2 cells, and β-amyrin induced the upregulation of miR-181b-5p. Binding relationship between miR-181b-5p and high mobility group box 2 (HMGB2) was confirmed by luciferase reporter assay. MiR-181b-5p bound to 3' untranslated region of HMGB2 to suppress its expression. As shown by immunohistochemical staining and immunofluorescence staining, HMGB2 was upregulated in the in vivo and in vitro models of DN, and β-amyrin induced the downregulation of HMGB2. Moreover, HMGB2 overexpression neutralized the suppressive effects of miR-181b-5p elevation on the inflammatory response and apoptosis of HG-treated HK-2 cells. Overall, β-amyrin ameliorates DN in mice and suppresses inflammatory response and apoptosis of HG-stimulated HK-2 cells via the miR-181b-5p/HMGB2 axis." }, "ArticleTitle": "β-Amyrin ameliorates diabetic nephropathy in mice and regulates the miR-181b-5p/HMGB2 axis in high glucose-stimulated HK-2 cells.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Xu", "Zhang", "Zhang", "Xu" ], "ForeName": [ "Wenhua", "Hongwu", "Qinfeng", "Jialan" ], "Initials": [ "W", "H", "Q", "J" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "" ], "Agency": [ "The Fourth Batch of National Chinese Medicine (Clinical, Basic) Outstanding Talents Research and Training Projects by National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine (No. Traditional Chinese Medicine Education and Development [2017] 24)." ], "Country": [ "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "United States" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894065", "10.1002/tox.23431" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 11, 8, 11, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 22, 9, 27, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894070, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "This study aimed to compare the efficacy of low-dose prednisolone with conventional high-dose regimen in proliferative lupus nephritis (LN) for remission." }, "ArticleTitle": "Outcome of low-dose prednisolone use for the induction of remission in lupus nephritis patients.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Bandhan", "Islam", "Ahmad", "Ahmedullah" ], "ForeName": [ "Iftekhar Hussain", "Md Nazrul", "Habib Imtiaz", "Abul Khair" ], "Initials": [ "IH", "MN", "HI", "AK" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "" ], "Agency": [ "BSMMU research grant" ], "Country": [ "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "England" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894070", "10.1111/1756-185X.14265" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 11, 8, 12, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 27, 24, 3, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894072, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "Exploring highly active and stable bifunctional water-splitting electrocatalysts at ultra-high current densities is remarkably desirable. Herein, 3D nickel-iron phosphides nanosheets modified by MnO<sub>x</sub> nanoparticles are grown on nickel foam (MnO<sub>x</sub> /NiFeP/NF). Resulting from the electronic coupling effect enabled by interface modifications, the intrinsic activities of the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) and oxygen evolution reaction (OER) are improved. Meanwhile, 3D nanosheets provide abundant active sites for HER and OER, leading to accelerating the reaction kinetics. Besides, the shell-protection characteristic of MnO<sub>x</sub> improves the durability of MnO<sub>x</sub> /NiFeP/NF. Therefore, MnO<sub>x</sub> /NiFeP/NF shows exceptional bifunctional electrocatalytic activities toward HER (an overpotential of 255 mV at 500 mA cm<sup>-2</sup> ), OER (overpotentials of 296 and 346 mV at 500 and 1000 mA cm<sup>-2</sup> , respectively), and overall water splitting (cell voltages of 1.796 and 1.828 V at 500 and 1000 mA cm<sup>-2</sup> , respectively). Furthermore, it owns remarkably outstanding stability for overall water splitting at ultra-high current densities (120 and 70 h at 500 and 1000 mA cm<sup>-2</sup> , respectively), which outperforms almost all of the non-noble metal electrocatalysts. This work presents efficient strategies of interface modifications, 3D nanostructures, and shell protection to afford ultra-high current densities." }, "ArticleTitle": "MnO<sub>x</sub> -Decorated Nickel-Iron Phosphides Nanosheets: Interface Modifications for Robust Overall Water Splitting at Ultra-High Current Densities.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Wang", "Luo", "Zhang", "Wu", "Chen", "Sun", "Shi" ], "ForeName": [ "Pan", "Yuanzhi", "Gaixia", "Mingjie", "Zhangsen", "Shuhui", "Zhicong" ], "Initials": [ "P", "Y", "G", "M", "Z", "S", "Z" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "2019A050510043", "ZH22017001200059PWC", "" ], "Agency": [ "Department of Science and Technology of Guangdong Province", "Department of Science and Technology of Zhuhai City", "Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada" ], "Country": [ "", "", "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "Germany" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894072", "10.1002/smll.202105803" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 11, 9, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 14, 22, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894073, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "Neurons can be modified to express light-sensitive proteins for enabling stimulation with a high spatial and temporal resolution, but such techniques require gene transfection and systematical implantation. Here, a black phosphorus nanosheet-based injectable strategy is described for wireless neural stimulation both in vitro and in vivo without cell modifications. These nanosheets, with minimal invasiveness, high biocompatibility, and biodegradability, are anchored on cell membranes as miniature near-infrared (NIR) light transducers to create local heating for neural activity excitation. Based on cultured multielectrode-array recording, in vivo electrophysiology analysis, and open field behavioral tests, it is demonstrated that remotely applied NIR illumination can reliably trigger spiking activity in cultured neurons and rat brains. Excitingly, reliable regulation of brain function to control animal behaviors is also described. Moreover, this approach has shown its potential for future clinical use by successful high-frequency stimulation in cells and animals in this proof-of-concept study. It is believed that this new method will offer a powerful alternative to other neural stimulation solutions and potentially be of independent value to the healthcare system." }, "ArticleTitle": "Injectable Black Phosphorus Nanosheets for Wireless Nongenetic Neural Stimulation.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Tang", "Zhang", "Yang", "Liu", "Xie", "Zhou", "Wang", "Liu", "Shi", "Lin" ], "ForeName": [ "Minghui", "Xiaoge", "Anqi", "Yuxin", "Kai", "Yajing", "Chong", "Jie", "Peng", "Xudong" ], "Initials": [ "M", "X", "A", "Y", "K", "Y", "C", "J", "P", "X" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "81901837", "81871452", "2021A1515010266", "", "2021ZDZX2014", "JCYJ20180507181624871", "11215920", "11203017", "06172336" ], "Agency": [ "National Science Foundation of China", "National Science Foundation of China", "National Science Foundation of Guangdong Province", "Guangxi Science and Technology Program", "Department of Education of Guangdong Province", "Science Technology and Innovation Committee of Shenzhen Municipality", "RGC Hong Kong SAR", "RGC Hong Kong SAR", "Food and Health Bureau of Hong Kong SAR HMRF" ], "Country": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "Germany" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894073", "10.1002/smll.202105388" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 11, 9, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 15, 3, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894074, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "The diamond-graphite hybrid thin film with low-dimensional nanostructure (e.g., nitrogen-included ultrananocrystalline diamond (N-UNCD) or the alike), has been employed in many impactful breakthrough applications. However, the detailed picture behind the bottom-up evolution of such intriguing carbon nanostructure is far from clarified yet. Here, the authors clarify it, through the concerted efforts of microscopic, physical, and electrochemical analyses for a series of samples synthesized by hot-filament chemical vapor deposition using methane-hydrogen precursor gas, based on the hydrogen-dependent surface reconstruction of nanodiamond and on the substrate-temperature-dependent variation of the growth species (atomic hydrogen and methyl radical) concentration near substrate. The clarified picture provides insights for a drastic enhancement in the electrochemical activities of the hybrid thin film, concerning the detection of important biomolecule, that is, ascorbic acid, uric acid, and dopamine: their limits of detections are 490, 35, and 25 nm, respectively, which are among the best of the all-carbon thin film electrodes in the literature. This work also enables a simple and effective way of strongly enhancing AA detection." }, "ArticleTitle": "Bottom-Up Evolution of Diamond-Graphite Hybrid Two-Dimensional Nanostructure: Underlying Picture and Electrochemical Activity.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Cho", "Ko", "Lee", "Choi", "Baik", "Park", "Kwak", "Kim", "Park", "Jeong", "Kim", "Lee", "Lee" ], "ForeName": [ "Jung-Min", "Young-Jin", "Hak-Joo", "Heon-Jin", "Young-Joon", "Jong-Keuk", "Joon Young", "Jaewook", "Jongkil", "YeonJoo", "Inho", "Kyeong-Seok", "Wook-Seong" ], "Initials": [ "JM", "YJ", "HJ", "HJ", "YJ", "JK", "JY", "J", "J", "Y", "I", "KS", "WS" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "CAP-17-04-KRISS", "2E31221", "" ], "Agency": [ "National Research Council of Science & Technology (NST)", "institutional program grant", "Korea Institute of Science and Technology" ], "Country": [ "", "", "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "Germany" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894074", "10.1002/smll.202105087" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 11, 8, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 15, 24, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894075, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "With the demanding detection of unique toxic gas, semiconductor gas sensors have attracted tremendous attention due to their intriguing features, such as, high sensitivity, online detection, portability, ease of use, and low cost. Triethylamine, a typical gas of volatile organic compounds, is an important raw material for industrial development, but it is also a hazard to human health. This review presents a concise compilation of the advances in triethylamine detection based on chemiresistive sensors. Specifically, the testing system and sensing parameters are described in detail. Besides, the sensing mechanism with characterizing tactics is analyzed. The research status based on various chemiresistive sensors is also surveyed. Finally, the conclusion and challenges, as well as some perspectives toward this area, are presented." }, "ArticleTitle": "Semiconductor Gas Sensor for Triethylamine Detection.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Liu", "Zhang", "Fan", "Yu" ], "ForeName": [ "Jingjing", "Liuyang", "Jiajie", "Jiaguo" ], "Initials": [ "J", "L", "J", "J" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "51872220", "21871217", "U1905215", "U1705251", "21905219", "WUT: 2021IVA137" ], "Agency": [ "National Natural Science Foundation of China", "National Natural Science Foundation of China", "National Natural Science Foundation of China", "National Natural Science Foundation of China", "National Natural Science Foundation of China", "Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities" ], "Country": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article", "Review" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "Germany" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894075", "10.1002/smll.202104984" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 10, 8, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 25, 19, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894077, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "Human respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is one of the leading causes of respiratory infections, especially in infants and young children. Previous RSV sequencing studies have primarily focused on partial sequencing of G gene (200-300 nucleotides) for genotype characterization or diagnostics. However, the genotype assignment with G gene has not recapitulated the phylogenetic signal of other genes, and there is no consensus on RSV genotype definition." }, "ArticleTitle": "Novel and extendable genotyping system for human respiratory syncytial virus based on whole-genome sequence analysis.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Chen", "Qiu", "Avadhanula", "Shepard", "Kim", "Hixson", "Piedra", "Bahl" ], "ForeName": [ "Jiani", "Xueting", "Vasanthi", "Samuel S", "Do-Kyun", "James", "Pedro A", "Justin" ], "Initials": [ "J", "X", "V", "SS", "DK", "J", "PA", "J" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "U19AI144297" ], "Agency": [ "National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases" ], "Country": [ "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "England" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894077", "10.1111/irv.12936" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 9, 5, 10, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 12, 5, 17, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894078, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "Extending the emission peak wavelength of quasi-2D colloidal quantum wells has been an important quest to fully exploit the potential of these materials, which has not been possible due to the complications arising from the partial dissolution and recrystallization during growth to date. Here, the synthetic pathway of (CdSe/CdS)@(1-4 CdS/CdZnS) (core/crown)@(colloidal atomic layer deposition shell/hot injection shell) hetero-nanoplatelets (NPLs) using multiple techniques, which together enable highly efficient emission beyond 700 nm in the deep-red region, is proposed and demonstrated. Given the challenges of using conventional hot injection procedure, a method that allows to obtain sufficiently thick and passivated NPLs as the seeds is developed. Consequently, through the final hot injection shell coating, thick NPLs with superior optical properties including a high photoluminescence quantum yield of 88% are achieved. These NPLs emitting at 701 nm exhibit a full-width-at-half-maximum of 26 nm, enabled by the successfully maintained quasi-2D shape and minimum defects of the resulting heterostructure. The deep-red light-emitting diode (LED) device fabricated with these NPLs has shown to yield a high external quantum efficiency of 6.8% at 701 nm, which is on par with other types of LEDs in this spectral range." }, "ArticleTitle": "Deep-Red-Emitting Colloidal Quantum Well Light-Emitting Diodes Enabled through a Complex Design of Core/Crown/Double Shell Heterostructure.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Shabani", "Dehghanpour Baruj", "Yurdakul", "Delikanli", "Gheshlaghi", "Isik", "Liu", "Altintas", "Canımkurbey", "Demir" ], "ForeName": [ "Farzan", "Hamed", "Iklim", "Savas", "Negar", "Furkan", "Baiquan", "Yemliha", "Betül", "Hilmi Volkan" ], "Initials": [ "F", "H", "I", "S", "N", "F", "B", "Y", "B", "HV" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "NRF-NRFI2016-08", "NRF-CRP14-2014-03", "", "115F297", "117E713", "119N343" ], "Agency": [ "Singapore National Research Foundation", "Singapore National Research Foundation", "Science and Engineering Research Council", "Agency for Science, Technology and Research", "Agency for Science, Technology and Research", "Agency for Science, Technology and Research" ], "Country": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "Germany" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894078", "10.1002/smll.202106115" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 11, 10, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 13, 8, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894080, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) materials constructed by the coordination chemistry of metal ions and organic ligands are important members of the crystalline materials family. Owing to their exceptional properties, for example, high porosity, tunable pore size, and large surface area, MOFs have been applied in several fields such as gas or liquid adsorbents, sensors, batteries, and supercapacitors. However, poor conductivity and low stability hamper their potential applications in several attractive fields such as energy and gas storage. The integration of MOFs with carbon nanotubes (CNTs), a well-established carbon allotrope that exhibits high conductivity and stability, has been proposed as an efficient strategy to overcome such limitations. By combining the advantages of MOFs and CNTs, a wide variety of composites can be prepared with properties superior to their parent materials. This review provides a comprehensive summary of the preparation of CNT@MOF composites and focuses on their recent applications in several important fields, such as water purification, gas storage and separation, sensing, electrocatalysis, and energy storage (supercapacitors and batteries). Future challenges and prospects for CNT@MOF composites are also discussed." }, "ArticleTitle": "Carbon Nanotube Based Metal-Organic Framework Hybrids From Fundamentals Toward Applications.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Chronopoulos", "Saini", "Tantis", "Zbořil", "Jayaramulu", "Otyepka" ], "ForeName": [ "Demetrios D", "Haneesh", "Iosif", "Radek", "Kolleboyina", "Michal" ], "Initials": [ "DD", "H", "I", "R", "K", "M" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "", "", "CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_019/0000754", "SGT-100038", "SERB SRG/2020/000865", "CVD/2021/000086", "19-27454X" ], "Agency": [ "Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic", "Operational Programme for Research", "Development and Education of the European Regional Development Fund", "Indian Institute of Technology Jammu", "Indian Institute of Technology Jammu", "Indian Institute of Technology Jammu", "Czech Science Foundation" ], "Country": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article", "Review" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "Germany" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894080", "10.1002/smll.202104628" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 11, 8, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 14, 3, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894082, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "In polycrystalline perovskites, grain boundaries (GBs) that isolate grains determine the optoelectronic properties of a semiconductor, and hence affect the photovoltaic performance of a solar cell. Photocurrent and photovoltage are affected by the microscopic structure of perovskites but are difficult to quantify on the intragrain length scale and are often treated as homogeneous within the photoactive layer. Here, the nanoscale through-film and lateral photoresponse of large-grained perovskite are studied by photoconductive atomic force microscopy. Photocurrent collection along GBs relies on the formation of adjacent grains, exhibiting GB to GB heterogeneity. Regarding to the spatially correlated heterogeneity, the photovoltage of grains deduced from the photoresponse curves at specific positions is larger than that of GBs by up to 0.4 V, suggesting that the photovoltage loss mainly originates from the shunting of GBs through the whole perovskite layer. These spatial heterogeneities are alleviated by depositing a capping layer onto the perovskite layer, highlighting the role of the inserted layer between the perovskite and electrode in real solar cells. This research reveals the heterogeneity of GBs and its influence on photovoltage that actually occurs in virtual solar cells, which is crucial for optimizing perovskite-based solar cells." }, "ArticleTitle": "Dependence of the Heterogeneity of Grain Boundaries on Adjacent Grains in Perovskites and Its Impact on Photovoltage.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Yao", "Fang", "Hu", "Huang", "Liu", "Zhang", "Zhang", "Zhu" ], "ForeName": [ "Wenlong", "Shuyan", "Ziyang", "Like", "Xiaohui", "Houcheng", "Jing", "Yuejin" ], "Initials": [ "W", "S", "Z", "L", "X", "H", "J", "Y" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "62074088", "62174094", "Y201737090", "2018B10055" ], "Agency": [ "National Natural Science Foundation of China", "National Natural Science Foundation of China", "Foundation of Zhejiang Educational Commission", "Ningbo S&T Innovation 2025 Major Special Programme" ], "Country": [ "", "", "", "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "Germany" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894082", "10.1002/smll.202105140" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 11, 8, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 5, 25, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894083, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "Garnet-type Li<sub>6.4</sub> La<sub>3</sub> Zr<sub>1.4</sub> Ta<sub>0.6</sub> O<sub>12</sub> (LLZTO) electrolyte is considered as a promising solid electrolyte because of its relatively high ionic conductivity and excellent electrochemical stability. The surface contamination layer and poor Li/LLZTO interface contact cause large interfacial resistance and quick Li dendrite growth. In this paper, a porous hard carbon layer is introduced by the carbonization of a mixed layer of phenolic resin and polyvinyl butyral on the LLZTO surface to improve Li/garnet interfacial wettability. The multi-level pore structure of the hard carbon interlayer provides capillary force and large specific surface area, which, together with the chemical activity of the carbon material with Li, promote the molten Li infiltration with garnet electrolyte. The Li/LLZTO interface delivers a low interfacial resistance of 4.7 &#937;&#8729;cm<sup>2</sup> at 40 &#176;C and a higher critical current density, which can achieve stable Li<sup>+</sup> conduction for over 800 h under current densities of 0.1 and 0.2 mA&#8729;cm<sup>-2</sup> . The solid-state battery coupled with Li and LiFePO<sub>4</sub> exhibits excellent rate and cycling performance, demonstrating the application feasibility of the hard carbon interlayer for a solid state Li metal battery." }, "ArticleTitle": "Excellent Li/Garnet Interface Wettability Achieved by Porous Hard Carbon Layer for Solid State Li Metal Battery.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Chen", "Zhang", "Tong", "Zhang", "Wang", "Shao", "Wang" ], "ForeName": [ "Linhui", "Jian", "Rong-Ao", "Jingxi", "Hailong", "Gang", "Chang-An" ], "Initials": [ "L", "J", "RA", "J", "H", "G", "CA" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "NSFC-No.52173257", "51872159" ], "Agency": [ "National Natural Science Foundation of China", "National Natural Science Foundation of China" ], "Country": [ "", "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "Germany" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894083", "10.1002/smll.202106142" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 11, 10, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 17, 9, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894087, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "Cerebral small vessel disease (CSVD) is characterized by functional and structural changes in small vessels. We aimed to elucidate the relationship between dynamic cerebral autoregulation (dCA) and neuroimaging characteristics of CSVD." }, "ArticleTitle": "Impaired dynamic cerebral autoregulation is associated with the severity of neuroimaging features of cerebral small vessel disease.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Liu", "Ma", "Guo", "Wang", "Qu", "Fan", "Liu", "Liu", "Zhu", "Yang" ], "ForeName": [ "Zhaojun", "Hongyin", "Zhen-Ni", "Le", "Yang", "Lei", "Xingliang", "Jie", "Yuanyuan", "Yi" ], "Initials": [ "Z", "H", "ZN", "L", "Y", "L", "X", "J", "Y", "Y" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "81771243", "20180623052TC", "20190901005JC" ], "Agency": [ "National Natural Science Foundation of China", "the Science and Technology Department of Jilin Province", "the Jilin Provincial Key Laboratory" ], "Country": [ "", "", "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "England" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894087", "10.1111/cns.13778" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 11, 7, 11, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 22, 26, 23, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894089, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "The multivalent binding effect has been the subject of extensive studies to modulate adhesion behaviors of various biological and engineered systems. However, precise control over the strong avidity-based binding remains a significant challenge. Here, a set of engineering strategies are developed and tested to systematically enhance the multivalent binding of peptides in a stepwise manner. Poly(amidoamine) (PAMAM) dendrimers are employed to increase local peptide densities on a substrate, resulting in hierarchically multivalent architectures (HMAs) that display multivalent dendrimer-peptide conjugates (DPCs) with various configurations. To control binding behaviors, effects of the three major components of the HMAs are investigated: i) poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) linkers as spacers between conjugated peptides; ii) multiple peptides on the DPCs; and iii) various surface arrangements of HMAs (i.e., a mixture of DPCs each containing different peptides vs DPCs cofunctionalized with multiple peptides). The optimized HMA configuration enables significantly enhanced target cell binding with high selectivity compared to the control surfaces directly conjugated with peptides. The engineering approaches presented herein can be applied individually or in combination, providing guidelines for the effective utilization of biomolecular multivalent interactions using DPC-based HMAs." }, "ArticleTitle": "Hierarchically Multivalent Peptide-Nanoparticle Architectures: A Systematic Approach to Engineer Surface Adhesion.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Jeong", "Bu", "Jafari", "Rehak", "Kubiatowicz", "Drelich", "Owen", "Nair", "Rawding", "Poellmann", "Hopkins", "Král", "Hong" ], "ForeName": [ "Woo-Jin", "Jiyoon", "Roya", "Pavel", "Luke J", "Adam J", "Randall H", "Ashita", "Piper A", "Michael J", "Caroline M", "Petr", "Seungpyo" ], "Initials": [ "WJ", "J", "R", "P", "LJ", "AJ", "RH", "A", "PA", "MJ", "CM", "P", "S" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "DMR-1808251", "P50-DE026787", "2021R1A4A3024237" ], "Agency": [ "National Science Foundation", "Wisconsin Head & Neck Cancer SPORE Grant", "National Research Foundation of Korea" ], "Country": [ "", "", "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "Germany" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894089", "10.1002/advs.202103098" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 11, 8, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 4, 4, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894094, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "Realizing an energy-dense, highly rechargeable nonaqueous lithium-oxygen battery in ambient air remains a big challenge because the active materials of the typical high-capacity cathode (Li<sub>2</sub> O<sub>2</sub> ) and anode (Li metal) are unstable in air. Herein, a novel lithium-oxygen full cell coupling a lithium anode protected by a composite layer of polyethylene oxide (PEO)/lithium aluminum titanium phosphate (LATP)/wax to a LiOH-based cathode is constructed. The protected lithium is stable in air and water, and permits reversible, dendrite-free lithium stripping/plating in a wet nonaqueous electrolyte under ambient air. The LiOH-based full cell reaction is immune to moisture (up to 99% humidity) in air and exhibits a much better resistance to CO<sub>2</sub> contamination than Li<sub>2</sub> O<sub>2</sub> , resulting in a more consistent electrochemistry in the long term. The current approach of coupling a protected lithium anode with a LiOH-based cathode holds promise for developing a long-life, high-energy lithium-air battery capable of operating in the ambient atmosphere." }, "ArticleTitle": "Coupling Water-Proof Li Anodes with LiOH-Based Cathodes Enables Highly Rechargeable Lithium-Air Batteries Operating in Ambient Air.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Lei", "Gao", "Tang", "Zhong", "Li", "Zhang", "Liu" ], "ForeName": [ "Jiang", "Zongyan", "Linbin", "Li", "Junjian", "Yue", "Tao" ], "Initials": [ "J", "Z", "L", "L", "J", "Y", "T" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "21802102", "", "19DZ2271500", "2020YFB2007400", "2020YFB2007400" ], "Agency": [ "National Natural Science Foundation of China", "Recruitment Program of Global Experts", "Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality", "National Key R&D Program of China", "National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program)" ], "Country": [ "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "Germany" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894094", "10.1002/advs.202103760" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 9, 8, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 28, 31, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894095, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "Polarization of ionic and electronic defects in response to high electric fields plays an essential role in determining properties of materials in applications such as memristive devices. However, isolating the polarization response of individual defects has been challenging for both models and measurements. Here the authors quantify the nonlinear dielectric response of neutral oxygen vacancies, comprised of strongly localized electrons at an oxygen vacancy site, in perovskite oxides of the form ABO<sub>3</sub> . Their approach implements a computationally efficient local Hubbard U correction in density functional theory simulations. These calculations indicate that the electric dipole moment of this defect is correlated positively with the lattice volume, which they varied by elastic strain and by A-site cation species. In addition, the dipole of the neutral oxygen vacancy under electric field increases with increasing reducibility of the B-site cation. The predicted relationship among point defect polarization, mechanical strain, and transition metal chemistry provides insights for the properties of memristive materials and devices under high electric fields." }, "ArticleTitle": "Complex Oxides under Simulated Electric Field: Determinants of Defect Polarization in ABO<sub>3</sub> Perovskites.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Chi", "Van Vliet", "Youssef", "Yildiz" ], "ForeName": [ "Yen-Ting", "Krystyn J", "Mostafa", "Bilge" ], "Initials": [ "YT", "KJ", "M", "B" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "DMR - 1419807", "", "", "DE-SC0002633" ], "Agency": [ "National Science Foundation", "National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center", "Office of Science", "U.S. Department of Energy" ], "Country": [ "", "", "", "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "Germany" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894095", "10.1002/advs.202104476" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 11, 10, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 5, 8, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894096, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "Active and durable bifunctional electrocatalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) and oxygen evolution reaction (OER) on the cathode are required for high-performance rechargeable metal-air batteries. Herein, the synthesis of hierarchically porous nitrogen-doped carbon (HPNC) with bifunctional oxygen electrocatalysis for Zn-air batteries is reported. The HPNC catalyst possesses a large surface area of 1459 m<sup>2</sup> g<sup>-1</sup> and exhibits superior electrocatalytic activity toward ORR and OER simultaneously with a low OER/ORR overpotential of 0.62&#160;V, taking the difference between the potential at 10&#160;mA cm<sup>-2</sup> for OER and half-wave potential for ORR in 0.1 m KOH. Adopting HPNC as the air cathode, primary and rechargeable Zn-air batteries are fabricated. The primary batteries demonstrate a high open-circuit potential of 1.616&#160;V, a specific capacity of 782.7 mAh g<sub>Zn</sub> <sup>-1</sup> and a superb peak power density of 201&#160;mW cm<sup>-2</sup> . The rechargeable batteries can be cycled stably for over 360 cycles or 120 h at the current density of 5&#160;mA cm<sup>-2</sup> . As elucidated by density functional theory, N-doping is preferred on defective sites with pentagon configuration and on the edge in the form of pyridinic-N-type. The high content of these two motifs in HPNC leads to the superior ORR and OER activities, respectively." }, "ArticleTitle": "High-Performance Zinc-Air Batteries Based on Bifunctional Hierarchically Porous Nitrogen-Doped Carbon.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Gui", "Jin", "Xiao", "Xu", "Tan", "Yang", "Li", "Ming", "Zhang", "Chen", "Siahrostami", "Xiao" ], "ForeName": [ "Fukang", "Qiu", "Dongdong", "Xiaobin", "Qinggang", "Daijun", "Bing", "Pingwen", "Cunman", "Zheng", "Samira", "Qiangfeng" ], "Initials": [ "F", "Q", "D", "X", "Q", "D", "B", "P", "C", "Z", "S", "Q" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "Agency": [ "School of Automotive Studies & Clean Energy Automotive Engineering Center", "Shanghai Normal University for element analysis", "University of Calgary's Canada First Research Excellence Fund Program", "Global Research Initiative in Sustainable Low Carbon Unconventional Resources", "University of Calgary", "Compute Canada" ], "Country": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "Germany" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894096", "10.1002/smll.202105928" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 11, 9, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 12, 27, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894097, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "The \"shuttle effect\" of soluble polysulfides and slow reaction kinetics hinder the practical application of Li-S batteries. Transition metal oxides are promising mediators to alleviate these problems, but the poor electrical conductivity limits their further development. Herein, the homogeneous CoNiO<sub>2</sub> /Co<sub>4</sub> N nanowires have been fabricated and employed as additive of graphene based sulfur cathode. Through optimizing the nitriding degree, the continuous heterostructure interface can be obtained, accompanied by effective adjustment of energy band structure. By combining the strong adsorptive and catalytic properties of CoNiO<sub>2</sub> and electrical conductivity of Co<sub>4</sub> N, the in situ formed CoNiO<sub>2</sub> /Co<sub>4</sub> N heterostructure reveals a synergistic enhancement effect. Theoretical calculation and experimental design show that it can not only significantly inhibit \"shuttle effect\" through chemisorption and catalytic conversion of polysulfides, but also improve the transport rate of ions and electrons. Thus, the graphene composite sulfur cathode supported by these CoNiO<sub>2</sub> /Co<sub>4</sub> N nanowires exhibits improved sulfur species reaction kinetics. The corresponding cell provides a high rate capacity of 688 mAh g<sup>-1</sup> at 4 C with an ultralow decaying rate of &#8776;0.07% per cycle over 600 cycles. The design of heterostructure nanowires and graphene composite structure provides an advanced strategy for the rapid capture-diffusion-conversion process of polysulfides." }, "ArticleTitle": "CoNiO<sub>2</sub> /Co<sub>4</sub> N Heterostructure Nanowires Assisted Polysulfide Reaction Kinetics for Improved Lithium-Sulfur Batteries.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Pu", "Gong", "Shen", "Wang", "Yao", "Hong" ], "ForeName": [ "Jun", "Wenbin", "Zhaoxi", "Litong", "Yagang", "Guo" ], "Initials": [ "J", "W", "Z", "L", "Y", "G" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "51972162", "0213-14380196", "2017-SJSYS-008", "SGDX20201103093600003", "MYRG2018-00079-IAPME", "MYRG2019-00115-IAPME", "0059/2018/A2", "009/2017/AMJ" ], "Agency": [ "National Natural Science Foundation of China", "Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities", "Science and Technology Project of Nanchang", "Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Committee", "University of Macau", "University of Macau", "Science and Technology Development Fund", "Science and Technology Development Fund" ], "Country": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "Germany" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894097", "10.1002/advs.202104375" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 11, 10, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 12, 2, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894098, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "Low muscle strength has been pointed out as a key characteristic of sarcopenia, but the prognostic significance of muscle function next to reduced skeletal muscle mass (SMM) in patients with cancer has been scantily investigated." }, "ArticleTitle": "Muscle weakness as an additional criterion for grading sarcopenia-related prognosis in patients with cancer.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Cereda", "Tancredi", "Klersy", "Lobascio", "Crotti", "Masi", "Cappello", "Stobäus", "Tank", "Cutti", "Arcaini", "Bonzano", "Colombo", "Pedrazzoli", "Norman", "Caccialanza" ], "ForeName": [ "Emanuele", "Richard", "Catherine", "Federica", "Silvia", "Sara", "Silvia", "Nicole", "Maja", "Sara", "Luca", "Elisabetta", "Sara", "Paolo", "Kristina", "Riccardo" ], "Initials": [ "E", "R", "C", "F", "S", "S", "S", "N", "M", "S", "L", "E", "S", "P", "K", "R" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "", "RCR-2020-23670066", "", "" ], "Agency": [ "Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo", "Alleanza Contro il Cancro", "Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin", "Nutricia Italia S.p.a" ], "Country": [ "", "", "", "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "United States" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894098", "10.1002/cam4.4362" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 10, 8, 10, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 5, 5, 5, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894102, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "Label=\"AIMS\" NlmCategory=\"OBJECTIVE\">Fontan palliation is a surgical strategy for patients with complex congenital heart disease, in whom biventricular circulation cannot be achieved. Long-term survival is negatively affected by the absence of sub-pulmonary ventricle and increased systemic venous pressure. Exercise capacity is a known predictor of overall survival and quality of life in congenital heart defects. We aim to track individual trends of peak oxygen uptake (V&#775;O<sub>2</sub> peak) after total cavopulmonary connection (TCPC), identify predictors of deterioration, and derive a disease-specific reference V&#775;O<sub>2</sub> peak dataset." }, "ArticleTitle": "Exercise capacity after total cavopulmonary anastomosis: a longitudinal paediatric and adult study.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Illinger", "Materna", "Slabý", "Jičínská", "Kovanda", "Koubský", "Pokorný", "Procházka", "Antonová", "Hoskovec", "Radvanský", "Chaloupecký", "Janoušek" ], "ForeName": [ "Vojtěch", "Ondřej", "Kryštof", "Denisa", "Jan", "Karel", "Jan", "Michal", "Petra", "Antonín", "Jiří", "Václav", "Jan" ], "Initials": [ "V", "O", "K", "D", "J", "K", "J", "M", "P", "A", "J", "V", "J" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "" ], "Agency": [ "Ministry of Health, Czech Republic-Conceptual Development of Research Organization, Motol University Hospital, Prague, 00064203" ], "Country": [ "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "England" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894102", "10.1002/ehf2.13747" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 9, 3, 11, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 16, 10, 18, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894103, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "Mitochondrial dysfunction in tissue-specific mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) plays a critical role in cell fate and the morbidity of chronic inflammation-associated bone diseases, such as periodontitis and osteoarthritis. However, there is still no effective method to cure chronic inflammation-associated bone diseases by physiologically restoring the function of mitochondria and MSCs. Herein, it is first found that chronic inflammation leads to excess Ca<sup>2+</sup> transfer from the endoplasmic reticulum to mitochondria, which causes mitochondrial calcium overload and further damage to mitochondria. Furthermore, damaged mitochondria continuously accumulate in MSCs due to the inhibition of mitophagy by activating the Wnt/&#946;-catenin pathway under chronic inflammatory conditions, impairing the differentiation of MSCs. Based on the mechanistic discovery, intracellular microenvironment (esterase and low pH)-responsive nanoparticles are fabricated to capture Ca<sup>2+</sup> around mitochondria in MSCs to regulate MSC mitochondrial calcium flux against mitochondrial dysfunction. Furthermore, the same nanoparticles are able to deliver siRNA to MSCs to inhibit the Wnt/&#946;-catenin pathway and regulate mitophagy of the originally dysfunctional mitochondria. These precision-engineered nanoparticles, referred to as \"nanorepairers,\" physiologically restore the function of mitochondria and MSCs, resulting in effective therapy for periodontitis and osteoarthritis. The concept can potentially be expanded to the treatment of other diseases via mitochondrial quality control intervention." }, "ArticleTitle": "Nanorepairers Rescue Inflammation-Induced Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Mesenchymal Stem Cells.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Zhai", "Chen", "Fei", "Guo", "He", "Zhao", "Shi", "Gooding", "Jin", "Jin", "Li" ], "ForeName": [ "Qiming", "Xin", "Dongdong", "Xiaoyan", "Xiaoning", "Wanmin", "Songtao", "John Justin", "Fang", "Yan", "Bei" ], "Initials": [ "Q", "X", "D", "X", "X", "W", "S", "JJ", "F", "Y", "B" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "81991504", "81870768", "81930025", "81601606", "2017YFA0104800", "201803040008", "JCYJ20170816100941258" ], "Agency": [ "National Natural Science Foundation of China", "National Natural Science Foundation of China", "National Natural Science Foundation of China", "National Natural Science Foundation of China", "National Key Research and Development Program of China", "Guangzhou Science, Technology and Innovation Commission", "Knowledge Innovation Program of Shenzhen" ], "Country": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "Germany" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894103", "10.1002/advs.202103839" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 10, 9, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 30, 1, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894106, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "Lithium metal battery (LMB) possessing a high theoretical capacity is a promising candidate of advanced energy storage devices. However, its safety and stability are challenged by lithium dendrites and the leakage of liquid electrolyte. Here, a self-enhancing gel polymer electrolyte (GPE) is created by in situ polymerizing 1,3-dioxolane (DOL) in the nanofibrous skeleton for enabling safe LMB. The nanofiber membrane possesses a better affinity with poly-DOL (PDOL) than commercial separator for constructing homogeneous GPE with enhanced ion conductivity. Furthermore, polydopamine is introduced on nanofiber membrane to form hydrogen bonding with PDOL and bis((trifluoromethyl)sulfonyl)imide anion, dramatically improving the mechanical strength, ionic conductivity, and transference number of GPE. Besides, molecular dynamic simulation is used to reveal the intrinsic factors of high ionic conductivity and reinforcing effect in the meantime. Consequently, the LiFePO<sub>4</sub> //Li batteries using self-enhancing GPE show extraordinary cyclic stability over 800 cycles under high current density of 2 C, with a capacity decay of 0.021% per cycle, effectively suppressing the growth of lithium dendrites. This ingenious strategy is expected to manufacture advanced performance and high safety LMBs and compatible with the current battery production." }, "ArticleTitle": "Self-Enhancing Gel Polymer Electrolyte by In Situ Construction for Enabling Safe Lithium Metal Battery.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Chen", "Zhu", "Kang", "Zhu", "Yuan", "Lan", "Yang", "Sui" ], "ForeName": [ "Dongli", "Ming", "Peibin", "Tao", "Haocheng", "Jinle", "Xiaoping", "Gang" ], "Initials": [ "D", "M", "P", "T", "H", "J", "X", "G" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "51873011", "2020YFC1910201", "21YF1430100" ], "Agency": [ "National Natural Science Foundation of China", "National Key R&D Program of China", "Shanghai Sailing Program" ], "Country": [ "", "", "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "Germany" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894106", "10.1002/advs.202103663" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 10, 8, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 22, 23, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894107, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "Autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) is an inflammatory liver disease driven by the hyperactivation of various intrahepatic antigen-specific T cells due to a breach of immune tolerance. Studies in immunometabolism demonstrate that activated T cells harbor increased levels of reactive oxygen species that cause oxidative DNA damage. In this study, we assessed the potential of DNA damage repair enzyme MutT homolog 1 (MTH1) as a therapeutic target in AIH and karonudib as a novel drug for patients with AIH. We report herein that MTH1 expression was significantly increased in liver samples from patients with AIH compared to patients with chronic hepatitis B and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and from healthy controls. In addition, the expression of MTH1 was positively correlated with AIH disease severity. We further found abundant T cells that expressed MTH1 in AIH. Next, we found that karonudib significantly altered T-cell receptor signaling in human T cells and robustly inhibited proliferation of human T cells in vitro. Interestingly, our data reflected a preferential inhibition of DNA damage repair in activated T cells by karonudib. Moreover, MTH1 was required to develop liver inflammation and damage because specific deletion of MTH1 in T cells ameliorated liver injury in the concanavalin A (Con A)-induced hepatitis model by inhibiting T-cell activation and proliferation. Lastly, we validated the protective effect of karonudib on the Con A-induced hepatitis model. Conclusion: MTH1 functions as a critical regulator in the development of AIH, and its inhibition in activated T cells reduces liver inflammation and damage." }, "ArticleTitle": "MutT Homolog 1 Inhibitor Karonudib Attenuates Autoimmune Hepatitis by Inhibiting DNA Repair in Activated T Cells.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Chen", "Hua", "Huang", "Karsten", "You", "Li", "Li", "Li", "Liang", "Zhang", "Wei", "Chen", "Lyu", "Xiao", "Lian", "Wei", "Fang", "Miao", "Wang", "Berglung", "Tang", "Helleday", "Ma" ], "ForeName": [ "Yong", "Xiangwei", "Bingyuan", "Stella", "Zhengrui", "Bo", "You", "Yikang", "Jubo", "Jun", "Yiran", "Ruiling", "Zhuwan", "Xiao", "Min", "Jue", "Jingyuan", "Qi", "Qixia", "Ulrika Warpman", "Ruqi", "Thomas", "Xiong" ], "Initials": [ "Y", "X", "B", "S", "Z", "B", "Y", "Y", "J", "J", "Y", "R", "Z", "X", "M", "J", "J", "Q", "Q", "UW", "R", "T", "X" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "81300299", "81421001", "81500435", "81570469", "81620108002", "81771732", "81790634", "81800504", "81830016", "81873561", "81922010", "18QA1402700", "21ZR1458700", "18YF1412900", "2017YQ037", "201840233" ], "Agency": [ "National Natural Science Foundation of China", "National Natural Science Foundation of China", "National Natural Science Foundation of China", "National Natural Science Foundation of China", "National Natural Science Foundation of China", "National Natural Science Foundation of China", "National Natural Science Foundation of China", "National Natural Science Foundation of China", "National Natural Science Foundation of China", "National Natural Science Foundation of China", "National Natural Science Foundation of China", "Shanghai Rising-Star Program", "Shanghai Committee of Science and Technology", "Shanghai Sailing Program", "the Municipal Human Resources Development Program for Outstanding Young Talents in Medical and Health Sciences in Shanghai", "Shanghai Municipal Health Commission" ], "Country": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "United States" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894107", "10.1002/hep4.1862" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 10, 4, 10, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 16, 29, 26, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894110, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "Vortioxetine has a positive effect on cognitive function in patients with major depressive disorder (MDD). This study aimed to examine the changes in cognitive function and EEG (spectral power and mismatch negativity (MMN)) in patients with MDD pre- and postvortioxetine treatment." }, "ArticleTitle": "Improved cognitive function in patients with major depressive disorder after treatment with vortioxetine: A EEG study.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Kim", "Baik", "Kim", "Lee" ], "ForeName": [ "Hong", "Seung Yeon", "Yong Wook", "Seung-Hwan" ], "Initials": [ "H", "SY", "YW", "SH" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "" ], "Agency": [ "Lundbeck Korea Co., Ltd." ], "Country": [ "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "United States" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894110", "10.1002/npr2.12220" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 11, 7, 11, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 19, 6, 21, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894122, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "Therapeutic mammaplasty (TM) is an oncological procedure which combines tumour resection with breast reduction and mastopexy techniques. Previous systematic reviews have demonstrated the oncological safety of TM but reporting of critically important outcomes, such as quality of life, aesthetic and functional outcomes, are limited, piecemeal or inconsistent. This systematic review aimed to identify all outcomes reported in clinical studies of TM to facilitate development of a core outcome set." }, "ArticleTitle": "Outcome reporting in therapeutic mammaplasty: a systematic review.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Lee", "Kwasnicki", "Khan", "Grant", "Chan", "Fanshawe", "Leff" ], "ForeName": [ "Alice", "Richard M", "Hasaan", "Yasmin", "Abigail", "Angela E E", "Daniel R" ], "Initials": [ "A", "RM", "H", "Y", "A", "AEE", "DR" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "" ], "Agency": [ "National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Imperial Biomedical Research Centre (BRC)" ], "Country": [ "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "England" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894122", "6459423", "10.1093/bjsopen/zrab126" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "ppublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 10, 11, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 7, 5, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894127, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "Despite multiple trials demonstrating that procalcitonin (PCT) is an effective tool for antibiotic stewardship, inconsistent application in real-world settings continues to fuel controversy regarding its clinical utility. We sought to determine rates of concordance between PCT results and antibiotic prescribing in hospitalized patients." }, "ArticleTitle": "Prevalence of Discordant Procalcitonin Use at an Academic Medical Center.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Seymann", "Bevins", "Wu", "Fitzgerald" ], "ForeName": [ "Gregory B", "Nicholas", "Christina", "Robert" ], "Initials": [ "GB", "N", "C", "R" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "UL1TR001442" ], "Agency": [ "NIH HHS" ], "Country": [ "United States" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "England" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894127", "6459562", "10.1093/ajcp/aqab201" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 8, 10, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 28, 22, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894132, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "Evidence shows that infectious disease outbreaks are not gender-neutral, meaning that women, men, and gender minorities are differentially affected. This evidence affirms the need to better incorporate a gender lens into infectious disease outbreaks. Despite this evidence, there has been a historic neglect of gender-based analysis in health, including during health crises. Recognizing the lack of available evidence on gender and pandemics, in early 2020 the [Name retracted] project set out to use a gender analysis matrix to conduct rapid, real-time analyses while the pandemic was unfolding to examine the gendered effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. This paper reports on what a gender analysis matrix is, how it can be used to systematically conduct a gender analysis, how it was implemented within the study, ways in which the findings from the matrix were applied and built upon, and challenges encountered when using the matrix methodology." }, "ArticleTitle": "Using Gender Analysis Matrixes to Integrate a Gender Lens Into Infectious Diseases Outbreaks Research.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Morgan", "Davies", "Feng", "Gan", "Grépin", "Harman", "Herten-Crabb", "Smith", "Wenham" ], "ForeName": [ "Rosemary", "Sara E", "Huiyun", "Connie C R", "Karen A", "Sophie", "Asha", "Julia", "Clare" ], "Initials": [ "R", "SE", "H", "CCR", "KA", "S", "A", "J", "C" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "OV7-170639", "INV-017300" ], "Agency": [ "Canadian Institutes for Health Research", "Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation" ], "Country": [ "", "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "England" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894132", "6459624", "10.1093/heapol/czab149" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 3, 9, 12, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 4, 15, 10, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894135, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "The effects of Polygonum Cillinerve polysaccharide (PCP) on the immune and antioxidant activity were studied." }, "ArticleTitle": "Immunoenhancement and antioxidative damage effects of Polygonum Cillinerve polysaccharide on RAW264.7 cells.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Lv", "Liu", "Duan", "Cui", "Zhang", "Ma", "Liu", "Song", "Fan" ], "ForeName": [ "Yizhou", "Zhenxiu", "Xueqin", "Jing", "Weimin", "Wuren", "Yingqiu", "Xiaoping", "Yunpeng" ], "Initials": [ "Y", "Z", "X", "J", "W", "W", "Y", "X", "Y" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "2020JM-161", "31402240" ], "Agency": [ "National Natural Science Foundation of Shaanxi Province", "National Natural Science Foundation of China" ], "Country": [ "", "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "England" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894135", "6459537", "10.1093/jpp/rgab160" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 7, 10, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 5, 27, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894136, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "Dyspnea is a common and distressing symptom in patients with cancer. To improve its management, multicenter confirmatory studies are necessary. Research policy would be useful in conducting these studies. Here, we propose a new research policy for the management of dyspnea in patients with cancer." }, "ArticleTitle": "Research policy in supportive care and palliative care for cancer dyspnea.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Matsuda", "Yamaguchi", "Matsumoto", "Ishiki", "Usui", "Kako", "Suzuki", "Matsunuma", "Mori", "Watanabe", "Zenda" ], "ForeName": [ "Yoshinobu", "Takashi", "Yoshihisa", "Hiroto", "Yuko", "Jun", "Kozue", "Ryo", "Masanori", "Hiroaki", "Sadamoto" ], "Initials": [ "Y", "T", "Y", "H", "Y", "J", "K", "R", "M", "H", "S" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "20ck0106499h0002" ], "Agency": [ "Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development" ], "Country": [ "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "England" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894136", "6459489", "10.1093/jjco/hyab193" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 9, 11, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 6, 22, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894137, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "Spread through air spaces (STAS) is a unique pattern of invasion in primary lung cancers. However, little is known about STAS in pulmonary metastases (PMs). This study was to investigate the incidence of STAS among PMs and the association between STAS and clinicopathological characteristics of PMs." }, "ArticleTitle": "Spread through air spaces is a common phenomenon of pulmonary metastasized tumours regardless of origins.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Ma", "Zhang", "Li", "Li", "Chen", "Wang", "Xiao", "Li", "Wang", "Qiu" ], "ForeName": [ "Yi", "Yuanyuan", "Haoran", "Jiawei", "Haiming", "Peiyu", "Rongxin", "Xiao", "Shaodong", "Mantang" ], "Initials": [ "Y", "Y", "H", "J", "H", "P", "R", "X", "S", "M" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "81871879", "RDH2020-10" ], "Agency": [ "National Natural Science Foundation of China", "Peking University People's Hospital Scientific Research Development Funds" ], "Country": [ "", "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "Germany" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894137", "6459589", "10.1093/ejcts/ezab530" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 6, 10, 11, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 29, 24, 9, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894138, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "Emerging studies suggest an association exists between coronary artery disease (CAD) and the development of neurodegenerative diseases, with CAD acting as a precursor. Our study aimed to investigate the relationship between baseline measures of cognitive functioning and long-term health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in individuals with CAD with specification to Type D personality traits and sex." }, "ArticleTitle": "Predictive value of baseline cognitive functioning on health-related quality of life in individuals with coronary artery disease: a 5-year longitudinal study.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Kazukauskiene", "Fineberg", "Bunevicius", "Narvaez Linares", "Poitras", "Plamondon", "Pranckeviciene", "Gecaite-Stonciene", "Brozaitiene", "Varoneckas", "Mickuviene", "Burkauskas" ], "ForeName": [ "Nijole", "Naomi A", "Adomas", "Nicolás Francisco", "Marilou", "Helene", "Aiste", "Julija", "Julija", "Giedrius", "Narseta", "Julius" ], "Initials": [ "N", "NA", "A", "NF", "M", "H", "A", "J", "J", "G", "N", "J" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "09.3.3-LMT-K-712-19-0127", "RG203596-13", "" ], "Agency": [ "European Social Fund", "Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada", "Fonds de recherche du Québec - Nature et technologies (FRQNT)" ], "Country": [ "", "", "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "England" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894138", "6459590", "10.1093/eurjcn/zvab116" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 5, 11, 11, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 20, 8, 12, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894148, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "In this preregistered study ( we investigated the behavioural and neurological [electroencephalography; alpha (attention) and theta (effort)] effects of dynamic non-predictive social and non-social cues on working memory. In a virtual environment realistic human-avatars dynamically looked to the left or right side of a table. A moving stick served as a non-social control cue. Kitchen items were presented in the valid cued or invalid un-cued location for encoding. Behavioural findings showed a similar influence of the cues on working memory performance. Alpha power changes were equivalent for the cues during cueing and encoding, reflecting similar attentional processing. However, theta power changes revealed different patterns for the cues. Theta power increased more strongly for the non-social cue compared to the social cue during initial cueing. Furthermore, while for the non-social cue there was a significantly larger increase in theta power for valid compared to invalid conditions during encoding, this was reversed for the social cue, with a significantly larger increase in theta power for the invalid compared to valid conditions, indicating differences in the cues' effects on cognitive effort. Therefore, while social and non-social attention cues impact working memory performance in a similar fashion, the underlying neural mechanisms appear to differ." }, "ArticleTitle": "EEG alpha and theta signatures of socially and non-socially cued working memory in virtual reality.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Gregory", "Wang", "Kessler" ], "ForeName": [ "Samantha E A", "Hongfang", "Klaus" ], "Initials": [ "SEA", "H", "K" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "ECF-2018-130" ], "Agency": [ "Leverhulme Trust" ], "Country": [ "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "England" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894148", "6437613", "10.1093/scan/nsab123" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 6, 10, 11, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 18, 19, 20, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894150, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "Here, we examined retrospective reports of adults' earliest autobiographical memory, the age of this report and whether the reported age was associated with exposure to early life adversity, current anxiety and childhood attachment. Across four studies, we found that reporting a later 'earliest' memory was associated with higher self-reported anxiety in both American (Studies 1, 2 and 4) and Australian (Study 3) samples. Furthermore, in Studies 2-4, we found that reporting a later earliest memory uniquely predicted anxiety when controlling for number of adverse childhood events (a risk factor for the development of anxiety). In Study 4, we established that this relation is partially mediated by childhood anxious attachment. Although we consistently demonstrated that later earliest memories were associated with current anxiety, we found little evidence for a relation between reported age at the time of earliest memory and childhood adversity. We also found no evidence of gender differences in the associations of interest. These results suggest that poorer memory of early childhood is associated with greater childhood anxious attachment and anxiety in adulthood. The implications of this work are discussed in terms of the adaptive nature of autobiographical memory and the development of a coherent life narrative." }, "ArticleTitle": "Adults who are more anxious and were anxiously attached as children report later first memories.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Harmon-Jones", "Richardson" ], "ForeName": [ "Sylvia K", "Rick" ], "Initials": [ "SK", "R" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "" ], "Agency": [ "Australian Government Research Training Program" ], "Country": [ "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "England" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894150", "10.1111/bjop.12543" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 7, 11, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 3, 20, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894152, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "This study examined interparental conflict as a curvilinear predictor of children's reactivity to interparental conflict and, in turn, their school problems across three annual measurements. Participants included 243 preschool children (M<sub>age</sub> &#160;=&#160;4.60&#160;years; 56% girls) and their parents from racially (e.g., 48% Black; 16% Latinx) diverse backgrounds. Interparental conflict was a significant quadratic predictor of children's emotional reactivity (&#946;&#160;=&#160;.23) and behavioral dysregulation (&#946;&#160;=&#160;.27) to conflict over a 1-year period. The robust association between interparental conflict and behavioral dysregulation weakened at high levels of interparental conflict. In contrast, interparental conflict more strongly predicted children's emotional reactivity as conflict exposure increased. Children's emotional reactivity, in turn, predicted their greater school problems 1&#160;year later (&#946;&#160;=&#160;.25)." }, "ArticleTitle": "Interparental conflict as a quadratic predictor of children's reactivity to interparental conflict and school adjustment: Steeling effects or risk saturation?", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Davies", "Thompson", "Hentges", "Parry", "Sturge-Apple" ], "ForeName": [ "Patrick T", "Morgan J", "Rochelle F", "Lucia Q", "Melissa L" ], "Initials": [ "PT", "MJ", "RF", "LQ", "ML" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "R01 HD065425" ], "Agency": [ "NICHD NIH HHS" ], "Country": [ "United States" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "United States" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894152", "10.1111/cdev.13720" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894153, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "Stroke is a serious neurological disorder caused by blockage or rupture of cerebral blood vessels. Two main aims in acute stroke therapy include the restoration of cerebral blood flow in order to preserve energy supply to neurons and other brain cells, and minimizing neuronal loss. Maintenance of energy homeostasis in the brain drives neural network dynamics, which preserves normal brain function under physiological conditions. As such, cerebral energy homeostasis is a key target in stroke therapy. The various articles in this special issue highlight energy metabolism changes following stroke, including disturbed cerebral blood circulation, mitochondrial dysfunction, programmed neuronal cell death and cell-cell communication in brain metabolism. Collectively, this series of articles provides insight and presents new avenues for further research to improve the clinical management of stroke patients." }, "ArticleTitle": "Disturbed cerebral circulation and metabolism matters: A preface to the special issue \"Stroke and Energy Metabolism\".", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Chen" ], "ForeName": [ "Yujie" ], "Initials": [ "Y" ], "CollectiveName": [ "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "SWH2018BJKJ-05", "SKLYQ202002" ], "Agency": [ "Southwest Hospital", "State Key Laboratory of Trauma, Burn and Combined Injury" ], "Country": [ "", "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Editorial" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "England" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894153", "10.1111/jnc.15552" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 11, 11, 11, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 21, 17, 28, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894155, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "Orthodontic treatment is often accompanied with prescription of softer foods to patients. The question to ask is, is this prescribed load regimen congruent with Wolff's law, and does it provide an adequate mechanical stimulus to maintain the functional health of periodontal complex? This question was answered by studying the effects of mice chewing on soft food (SF) and hard food (HF) while undergoing experimental tooth movement (ETM)." }, "ArticleTitle": "Food hardness can regulate orthodontic tooth movement in mice.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Ustriyana", "He", "Srirangapatanam", "Chang", "Arman", "Sidhu", "Wang", "Kang", "Ho" ], "ForeName": [ "Putu", "Rui", "Sudarshan", "Jasper", "Sheeler T", "Sukhmandeep", "Bo", "Misun", "Sunita P" ], "Initials": [ "P", "R", "S", "J", "ST", "S", "B", "M", "SP" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "R01 DE022032", "R21 DE027138" ], "Agency": [ "NIDCR NIH HHS", "NIDCR NIH HHS" ], "Country": [ "United States", "United States" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "United States" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894155", "10.1111/jre.12945" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 9, 6, 10, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 6, 25, 13, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894156, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "This study aimed to verify the role of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) in mitochondrial dysfunction-induced apoptosis and postmortem bovine muscle tenderization. AMPK phosphorylation levels, mitochondrial dysfunction, mitochondrial apoptotic factors, and myofibrillar protein hydrolysis were assessed in the control group and Compound C (AMPK inhibitor) group over a 168 hr aging period. Compared with the Compound C group, the control group had an extremely significantly increased AMPK activity at 6-120 hr (p < .01) and a 62.3% and 42.1% higher mitochondrial Bax/Bcl-2 ratio at 6 and 12 hr, respectively (p < .05). Moreover, the control group had a significantly or extremely significantly higher mitochondrial dysfunction and cytoplasmic cytochrome c content at 6-72 and 12-72 hr, respectively (p < .05, p < .01); a 23.2%, 26.5%, and 26.1% increased caspase-3 expression levels at 12, 24, and 72 hr, respectively (p < .05); a significantly higher proportion of apoptotic nuclei at 24-168 hr (p < .05); and a 30.8%, 35.8%, 43.9%, and 39.5% increased production of 45-, 38-, 36-, 30-, and 28-kDa proteins at 168 hr, respectively (p < .05). Taken together, these results suggested that activated AMPK promoted mitochondrial apoptosis and bovine muscle tenderization during postmortem aging by increasing the Bax/Bcl-2 ratio on the mitochondrial membrane. PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS: Based on consumer preference, chilled fresh meat is gradually becoming the future trend of the meat industry. Poorly tenderized beef often affects consumers' desire to make secondary purchases and leads to large losses to the meat industry. Therefore, AMP-activated protein kinase, which regulates postmortem mitochondrial apoptosis and bovine muscle tenderization, is a valid research target." }, "ArticleTitle": "AMP-activated protein kinase contributes to myofibrillar protein hydrolysis in bovine skeletal muscle through postmortem mitochondrial dysfunction-induced apoptosis.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Ma", "Chen", "Yu", "Han" ], "ForeName": [ "Jibing", "Cheng", "Qunli", "Ling" ], "Initials": [ "J", "C", "Q", "L" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "31760482", "2021QB-036", "2020", "C", "-18", "YB2018003", "CARS-37" ], "Agency": [ "National Natural Science Foundation of China", "Young Doctoral Fund of Gansu Provincial Education Department", "Industrialization of the Cascade Processing of Ecological Beef and Mutton", "Industrialization of the Cascade Processing of Ecological Beef and Mutton", "Industrialization of the Cascade Processing of Ecological Beef and Mutton", "Fostering Foundation for the Excellent Ph.D. Dissertation of Gansu Agricultural University", "China Agriculture Research System" ], "Country": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "United States" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894156", "10.1111/jfbc.14028" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 10, 8, 11, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 17, 12, 9, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894171, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "Cerebellar degeneration progressively impairs motor function. Recent research showed that cerebellar patients can improve motor performance with practice, but the optimal feedback type (visual, proprioceptive, verbal) for such learning and the underlying neuroplastic changes are unknown. Here, patients with cerebellar degeneration (N = 40) and age- and sex-matched healthy controls (N = 40) practiced single-joint, goal-directed forearm movements for 5 days. Cerebellar patients improved performance during visuomotor practice, but a training focusing on either proprioceptive feedback, or explicit verbal feedback and instruction did not show additional benefits. Voxel-based morphometry revealed that after training gray matter volume (GMV) was increased prominently in the visual association cortices of controls, whereas cerebellar patients exhibited GMV increase predominantly in premotor cortex. The premotor cortex as a recipient of cerebellar efferents appears to be an important hub in compensatory remodeling following damage of the cerebro-cerebellar motor system." }, "ArticleTitle": "Motor training-related brain reorganization in patients with cerebellar degeneration.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Draganova", "Konietschke", "Steiner", "Elangovan", "Gümüs", "Göricke", "Ernst", "Deistung", "van Eimeren", "Konczak", "Timmann" ], "ForeName": [ "Rossitza", "Frank", "Katharina M", "Naveen", "Meltem", "Sophia M", "Thomas M", "Andreas", "Thilo", "Jürgen", "Dagmar" ], "Initials": [ "R", "F", "KM", "N", "M", "SM", "TM", "A", "T", "J", "D" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "", "DFG TI 239/14-1" ], "Agency": [ "Bernd Fink Foundation", "German Research Foundation" ], "Country": [ "", "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "United States" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894171", "10.1002/hbm.25746" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2020, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 10, 11, 11, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 28, 12, 20, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894176, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "Flow cytometry (FCM) aids the diagnosis and prognostic stratification of patients with suspected or confirmed myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS). Over the past few years, significant progress has been made in the FCM field concerning technical issues (including software and hardware) and pre-analytical procedures." }, "ArticleTitle": "Flow cytometric analysis of myelodysplasia: Pre-analytical and technical issues-Recommendations from the European LeukemiaNet.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "van der Velden", "Preijers", "Johansson", "Westers", "Dunlop", "Porwit", "Béné", "Valent", "Te Marvelde", "Wagner-Ballon", "Oelschlaegel", "Saft", "Kordasti", "Ireland", "Cremers", "Alhan", "Duetz", "Hobo", "Chapuis", "Fontenay", "Bettelheim", "Eidenshink-Brodersen", "Font", "Loken", "Matarraz", "Ogata", "Orfao", "Psarra", "Subirá", "Wells", "Della Porta", "Burbury", "Bellos", "Weiß", "Kern", "van de Loosdrecht" ], "ForeName": [ "Vincent H J", "Frank", "Ulrika", "Theresia M", "Alan", "Anna", "Marie C", "Peter", "Jeroen", "Orianne", "Uta", "Leonie", "Sharham", "Robin", "Eline", "Canan", "Carolien", "Willemijn", "Nicolas", "Michaela", "Peter", "Lisa", "Patricia", "Michael R", "Sergio", "Kiyoyuki", "Alberto", "Katherina", "Dolores", "Denise A", "Matteo G", "Kate", "Frauke", "Elisabeth", "Wolfgang", "Arjan" ], "Initials": [ "VHJ", "F", "U", "TM", "A", "A", "MC", "P", "J", "O", "U", "L", "S", "R", "E", "C", "C", "W", "N", "M", "P", "L", "P", "MR", "S", "K", "A", "K", "D", "DA", "MG", "K", "F", "E", "W", "A" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "F4704-B20", "634789" ], "Agency": [ "Austrian Science Fund", "Horizon 2020 Framework Programme" ], "Country": [ "", "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "United States" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894176", "10.1002/cyto.b.22046" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 11, 7, 11, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 18, 1, 29, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894198, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "The term retinopathy has been used to group several heterogeneous retinal abnormalities that are clearly acquired or are suspected/proposed to be inherited. Some share characteristic focal/multifocal hyperreflective tapetal lesions with a dark center, and areas of non-tapetal depigmentation suggestive of patchy or diffuse outer retinal atrophy. Progression is variable, and some develop unilateral or bilateral fundus changes resembling the clearly inherited form of retinal degeneration referred to as PRA. In this Commentary and Review, we discuss the role of ocular larva migrans resulting in the entity we refer to as canine DUSN and suggest that it may be responsible for some of the retinal findings grouped under the retinopathy rubric that share this characteristic fundus lesion." }, "ArticleTitle": "Is it canine DUSN?: Another view of retinopathies, some acquired, and others possibly \"inherited\".", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Aguirre", "Kazacos" ], "ForeName": [ "Gustavo D", "Kevin R" ], "Initials": [ "GD", "KR" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "", "EY-06855", "" ], "Agency": [ "Van Sloun Fund for Canine Genetic Research", "NIH HHS", "Foundation Fighting Blindness" ], "Country": [ "", "United States", "United States" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article", "Review" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "England" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894198", "10.1111/vop.12951" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 10, 3, 10, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 3, 31, 20, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894202, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "Stress is one of the leading causes of male infertility, but its exact function in testosterone synthesis has scarcely been reported. We found that adult male rats show a decrease in bodyweight, genital index and serum testosterone level after continual chronic stress for 21 days. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE) and MALDI-TOF-MS analysis identified 10 differentially expressed proteins in stressed rats compared with controls. A strong protein interaction network was found to be centred on Atp5a1 among these proteins. Atp5a1 expression significantly decreased in Leydig cells after chronic stress. Transfection of Atp5a1 siRNAs decreased StAR, CYP11A1, and 17β-HSD expression by damaging the structure of mitochondria in TM3 cells. This study confirmed that chronic stress plays an important role in testosterone synthesis by regulating Atp5a1 expression in Leydig cells." }, "ArticleTitle": "Chronic stress inhibits testosterone synthesis in Leydig cells through mitochondrial damage via Atp5a1.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Xiong", "Wu", "Zhang", "Gao", "Li", "Han", "Fan", "Wang", "Liu", "Wang", "Zhang", "Xin", "Li", "Huang", "Yang" ], "ForeName": [ "Xiaofan", "Qiuhua", "Lingyu", "Shanfeng", "Rufeng", "Lin", "Meiyang", "Miaomiao", "Liying", "Xiaofei", "Chunli", "Yanlong", "Zongfang", "Chen", "Juan" ], "Initials": [ "X", "Q", "L", "S", "R", "L", "M", "M", "L", "X", "C", "Y", "Z", "C", "J" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "YJ(QN)202003", "81671445" ], "Agency": [ "Funding Opportunity of The Second Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University", "The National Science Foundation of China" ], "Country": [ "", "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "England" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894202", "10.1111/jcmm.17085" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 10, 5, 11, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 19, 18, 11, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894204, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "There has been increasing concern that the overuse of antibiotics in livestock farming is contributing to the burden of antimicrobial resistance in people. Farmed animals in Europe and North America, particularly pigs, provide a reservoir for livestock-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (LA-MRSA ST398 lineage) found in people. This study is designed to investigate the contribution of MRSA from Chinese pig farms to human infection. A collection of 483 MRSA are isolated from 55 farms and 4 hospitals in central China, a high pig farming density area. CC9 MRSA accounts for 97.2% of all farm isolates, but is not present in hospital isolates. ST398 isolates are found on farms and hospitals, but none of them formed part of the \"LA-MRSA ST398 lineage\" present in Europe and North America. The hospital ST398 MRSA isolate form a clade that is clearly separate from the farm ST398 isolates. Despite the presence of high levels of MRSA found on Chinese pig farms, the authors find no evidence of them spilling over to the human population. Nevertheless, the ST398 MRSA obtained from hospitals appear to be part of a widely distributed lineage in China. The new animal-adapted ST398 lineage that has emerged in China is of concern." }, "ArticleTitle": "A Survey of Chinese Pig Farms and Human Healthcare Isolates Reveals Separate Human and Animal Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Populations.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Zou", "Matuszewska", "Jia", "Zhou", "Ba", "Duan", "Zhang", "Zhao", "Tao", "Fan", "Zhang", "Jin", "Cui", "Zeng", "Jia", "Qian", "Huang", "Zhuo", "Yao", "Zhang", "Li", "Li", "Huang", "Wu", "Chen", "Tucker", "Grant", "Holmes", "Zhou" ], "ForeName": [ "Geng", "Marta", "Ming", "Jianwei", "Xiaoliang", "Juan", "Caishi", "Jian", "Meng", "Jingyan", "Xiangming", "Wenping", "Tianpen", "Xianyu", "Min", "Xiaojuan", "Chao", "Wenxiao", "Zhiming", "Lijun", "Shaowen", "Lu", "Qi", "Bin", "Huanchun", "Alexander W", "Andrew J", "Mark A", "Rui" ], "Initials": [ "G", "M", "M", "J", "X", "J", "C", "J", "M", "J", "X", "W", "T", "X", "M", "X", "C", "W", "Z", "L", "S", "L", "Q", "B", "H", "AW", "AJ", "MA", "R" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "81661138003", "MR/P007201/1" ], "Agency": [ "National Natural Science Foundation of China", "UK Medical Research Council" ], "Country": [ "", "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "Germany" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894204", "10.1002/advs.202103388" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 10, 8, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 10, 4, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894222, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third leading cause of cancer in the United States, and inflammatory bowel disease patients have an increased risk of developing CRC due to chronic intestinal inflammation with it being the cause of death in 10% to 15% of inflammatory bowel disease patients. TIPE2 (TNF-alpha-induced protein 8-like 2) is a phospholipid transporter that is highly expressed in immune cells and is an important regulator of immune cell function." }, "ArticleTitle": "TIPE2 Promotes Tumor Initiation But Inhibits Tumor Progression in Murine Colitis-Associated Colon Cancer.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Etwebi", "Goldsmith", "Bou-Dargham", "Tian", "Hood", "Spitofsky", "Li", "Sun", "Lou", "Liu", "Lengner", "Chen" ], "ForeName": [ "Zienab", "Jason R", "Mayassa", "Yuhua", "Ryan", "Nina", "Mingyue", "Honghong", "Yunwei", "Suxia", "Christopher", "Youhai H" ], "Initials": [ "Z", "JR", "M", "Y", "R", "N", "M", "H", "Y", "S", "C", "YH" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "R01-AI099216" ], "Agency": [ "NIH HHS" ], "Country": [ "United States" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "England" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894222", "6459720", "10.1093/ibd/izab306" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 8, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 16, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894227, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "In vitro selection experiments identified viruses resistant to integrase strand transfer inhibitors (INSTIs) carrying mutations in the G-tract (six guanosines) of the 3'-polypurine tract (3'-PPT). A clinical study also reported that mutations in the 3'-PPT were observed in a patient receiving dolutegravir monotherapy. However, recombinant viruses with the 3'-PPT mutations that were found in the clinical study were recently shown to be susceptible to INSTIs." }, "ArticleTitle": "Specific mutations in the HIV-1 G-tract of the 3'-polypurine tract cause resistance to integrase strand transfer inhibitors.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Hachiya", "Kubota", "Shigemi", "Ode", "Yokomaku", "Kirby", "Sarafianos", "Iwatani" ], "ForeName": [ "Atsuko", "Mai", "Urara", "Hirotaka", "Yoshiyuki", "Karen A", "Stefan G", "Yasumasa" ], "Initials": [ "A", "M", "U", "H", "Y", "KA", "SG", "Y" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "R01 AI146017 to S.G.S. and A.H.", "" ], "Agency": [ "NIH HHS", "Nahmias-Schinazi Distinguished Chair in Research" ], "Country": [ "United States", "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "England" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894227", "6459597", "10.1093/jac/dkab448" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 8, 11, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 3, 8, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894230, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "The aim of this study was to identify associations between smoking status and the severity of COVID-19, using a large-scale data registry of hospitalized COVID-19 patients in Japan (COVIREGI-JP), and to explore the reasons for the inconsistent results previously reported on this subject." }, "ArticleTitle": "Smoking and severe illness in hospitalized COVID-19 patients in Japan.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Matsushita", "Yokoyama", "Hayakawa", "Matsunaga", "Ohtsu", "Saito", "Terada", "Suzuki", "Morioka", "Kutsuna", "Mizoue", "Hara", "Kimura", "Ohmagari" ], "ForeName": [ "Yumi", "Tetsuji", "Kayoko", "Nobuaki", "Hiroshi", "Sho", "Mari", "Setsuko", "Shinichiro", "Satoshi", "Tetsuya", "Hisao", "Akio", "Norio" ], "Initials": [ "Y", "T", "K", "N", "H", "S", "M", "S", "S", "S", "T", "H", "A", "N" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "19HA1003, 20CA2031", "20A-3002" ], "Agency": [ "Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare", "National Center for Global Health and Medicine" ], "Country": [ "", "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "England" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894230", "6459596", "10.1093/ije/dyab254" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 7, 11, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 27, 19, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894233, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a common psychiatric illness that manifests in sex-influenced ways. Men and women may experience depression differently and also respond to various antidepressant treatments in sex-influenced ways. Ketamine, which is now being used as a rapid-acting antidepressant, is likely the same. To date, the majority of studies investigating treatment outcomes in MDD do not disaggregate the findings in males and females, and this is also true for ketamine. This review aims to highlight that gap by exploring pre-clinical data-at a behavioral, molecular, and structural level-and recent clinical trials. Sex hormones, particularly estrogen and progesterone, influence the response at all levels examined, and sex is therefore a critical factor to examine when looking at ketamine response. Taken together, the data show females are more sensitive to ketamine than males, and it might be possible to monitor the phase of the menstrual cycle to mitigate some risks associated with the use of ketamine for females with MDD. Based on the studies reviewed in this article, we suggest that ketamine should be administered adhering to sex-specific considerations." }, "ArticleTitle": "Sex Differences in the Behavioral, Molecular, and Structural Effects of Ketamine Treatment in Depression.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Ponton", "Turecki", "Nagy" ], "ForeName": [ "Ethan", "Gustavo", "Corina" ], "Initials": [ "E", "G", "C" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "FDN148374", "" ], "Agency": [ "Canadian Institute of Health Research", "RQSHA and AMH collaborative initiative" ], "Country": [ "", "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "England" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894233", "6432121", "10.1093/ijnp/pyab082" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 5, 10, 11, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 28, 8, 15, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894240, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "Over the past several decades, there have been advances in diagnosis and treatment of neonatal herpes simplex virus (HSV) disease. There has been no recent comprehensive evaluation of the impact of these advances on the management and outcomes for neonates with HSV." }, "ArticleTitle": "Neonatal Herpes Simplex Virus Infection: Epidemiology and Outcomes in the Modern Era.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Melvin", "Mohan", "Vora", "Selke", "Sullivan", "Wald" ], "ForeName": [ "Ann J", "Kathleen M", "Surabhi B", "Stacy", "Erin", "Anna" ], "Initials": [ "AJ", "KM", "SB", "S", "E", "A" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "P01 AI030731", "" ], "Agency": [ "NIH HHS", "Seattle Children's Research Institute Faculty Research Fund" ], "Country": [ "United States", "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "England" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894240", "6459765", "10.1093/jpids/piab105" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 5, 10, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 5, 15, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894245, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "Next-generation sequencing has considerably increased the number of genomes available in the public domain. However, efforts to use these genomes for surveillance of antimicrobial resistance have thus far been limited and geographically heterogeneous. We inferred global resistance trends in Escherichia coli in food animals using genomes from public databases." }, "ArticleTitle": "Increase in antimicrobial resistance in Escherichia coli in food animals between 1980 and 2018 assessed using genomes from public databases.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Pires", "Huisman", "Bonhoeffer", "Van Boeckel" ], "ForeName": [ "João", "Jana S", "Sebastian", "Thomas P" ], "Initials": [ "J", "JS", "S", "TP" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "", "40AR40_180179", "PCEFP3_181248" ], "Agency": [ "National Research Programme 'Antimicrobial Resistance' (NRP 72)", "Swiss National Science Foundation", "Eccellenza Fellowship" ], "Country": [ "", "Switzerland", "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "England" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894245", "6459599", "10.1093/jac/dkab451" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 5, 11, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 7, 9, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894246, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "Gonorrhoea, caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae, has spread worldwide. Strains resistant to most antibiotics, including ceftriaxone and azithromycin, have emerged to an alarming level. Rapid testing for N. gonorrhoeae and its antimicrobial resistance will therefore contribute to clinical decision making for early diagnosis and rational drug use." }, "ArticleTitle": "Development and application of Cas13a-based diagnostic assay for Neisseria gonorrhoeae detection and azithromycin resistance identification.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Luo", "Chen", "Mai", "Yang", "Lin", "Zeng", "Pan", "Xie", "Xu", "Li", "Liao", "Feng", "Ou", "Qin", "Zheng" ], "ForeName": [ "Hao", "Wentao", "Zhida", "Jianjiang", "Xiaomian", "Lihong", "Yuying", "Qinghui", "Qingqing", "Xiaoxiao", "Yiwen", "Zhanqin", "Jiangli", "Xiaolin", "Heping" ], "Initials": [ "H", "W", "Z", "J", "X", "L", "Y", "Q", "Q", "X", "Y", "Z", "J", "X", "H" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "2020A1414010136", "A2019010", "20191230", "B2020149", "", "PY2018N100", "2018KQNCX025" ], "Agency": [ "Overseas Famous Teacher Project of Guangdong Provincial Department of Science and Technology", "Medical Science and Technology Research Foundation of Guangdong Province", "Guangdong Traditional Chinese Medicine Research Project", "Guangdong Provincial Medical Research Fund", "Scientific Research Initiative Project of Southern Medical University", "Project of Youth Science and Technology Personnel Training", "Guangdong Province" ], "Country": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "England" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894246", "6459598", "10.1093/jac/dkab447" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 8, 10, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 5, 23, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894248, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "We aimed to examine the psychosocial characteristics of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) by remission status and determine the impacts of social support on severity of depressive symptoms." }, "ArticleTitle": "Impact of social support on severity of depressive symptoms by remission status in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Yasuoka", "Kojima", "Waguri-Nagaya", "Saito", "Takahashi", "Asai", "Sobue", "Nishiume", "Suzuki", "Mitsui", "Kawaguchi", "Kuroyanagi", "Kamiji", "Watanabe", "Suzuki", "Kondo", "Ojima", "Kojima" ], "ForeName": [ "Mikako", "Toshihisa", "Yuko", "Tami", "Nobunori", "Shuji", "Yasumori", "Tsuyoshi", "Mochihito", "Hiroto", "Yohei", "Gen", "Koto", "Miki", "Sadao", "Katsunori", "Toshiyuki", "Masayo" ], "Initials": [ "M", "T", "Y", "T", "N", "S", "Y", "T", "M", "H", "Y", "G", "K", "M", "S", "K", "T", "M" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "JP26460608 and JP20H03954", "" ], "Agency": [ "Japan Society for the Promotion of Science", "National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology" ], "Country": [ "", "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "England" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894248", "6348773", "10.1093/mr/roab001" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 2, 3, 4, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 5, 31, 19, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894250, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "To estimate eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (EGPA) prevalence and disease burden in patients with newly diagnosed EGPA in Japan." }, "ArticleTitle": "The prevalence, burden of disease, and healthcare utilization of patients with eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis in Japan: a retrospective, descriptive cohort claims database study.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Sada", "Kojo", "Fairburn-Beech", "Sato", "Akiyama", "Van Dyke", "Mukai" ], "ForeName": [ "Ken-Ei", "Yoshiki", "Jolyon", "Keiko", "Shoko", "Melissa K", "Isao" ], "Initials": [ "KE", "Y", "J", "K", "S", "MK", "I" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "GSK ID: 209751,HO-18-19652" ], "Agency": [ "GlaxoSmithKline" ], "Country": [ "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "England" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894250", "6372652", "10.1093/mr/roab007" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 2, 4, 5, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 5, 23, 5, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894251, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "The management of elderly-onset rheumatoid arthritis (EORA) is challenging due to progressive functional disability, increased comorbidities, and high drug-related risks. EORA is defined as disease onset after 60 years since 1985. We assessed whether this cut-off age was optimal in a progressively ageing society." }, "ArticleTitle": "Should we reconsider the definition of elderly-onset rheumatoid arthritis in an ageing society?", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Uchiyama", "Takanashi", "Takeno", "Gono", "Kaneko", "Takeuchi", "Kuwana" ], "ForeName": [ "Shunsuke", "Satoshi", "Mitsuhiro", "Takahisa", "Yuko", "Tsutomu", "Masataka" ], "Initials": [ "S", "S", "M", "T", "Y", "T", "M" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "" ], "Agency": [ "Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation" ], "Country": [ "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "England" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894251", "6353385", "10.1093/mr/roab013" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 2, 5, 5, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 24, 20, 24, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894258, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "The present study aimed to clarify comprehensive relationships among the clinical variables of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)." }, "ArticleTitle": "Phenotypic landscape of systemic lupus erythematosus: An analysis of the Kyoto Lupus Cohort.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Iwasaki", "Doi", "Tsuji", "Tabuchi", "Hashimoto", "Kitagori", "Akizuki", "Murakami", "Nakashima", "Yoshifuji", "Yamamoto", "Tanaka", "Ohmura", "Morinobu" ], "ForeName": [ "Takeshi", "Hiroshi", "Hideaki", "Yuya", "Motomu", "Koji", "Shuji", "Kosaku", "Ran", "Hajime", "Wataru", "Masao", "Koichiro", "Akio" ], "Initials": [ "T", "H", "H", "Y", "M", "K", "S", "K", "R", "H", "W", "M", "K", "A" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "26460649 and 19H03209" ], "Agency": [ "JSPS KAKENHI" ], "Country": [ "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "England" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894258", "6353387", "10.1093/mr/roab020" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 3, 5, 6, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 1, 1, 1, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894259, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "The emergence and spread of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) among pathogenic bacteria constitute an accelerating crisis for public health. The selective pressures caused by increased use and misuse of antimicrobials in medicine and livestock production have accelerated the overall selection of resistant bacteria. In addition, horizontal gene transfer (HGT) plays an important role in the spread of resistance genes, for example mobilizing reservoirs of AMR from commensal bacteria into pathogenic ones. Antimicrobials, besides antibacterial function, also result in undesirable effects in the microbial populations, including the stimulation of HGT. The main aim of this narrative review was to present an overview of the current knowledge of the impact of antimicrobials on HGT in bacteria, including the effects of transformation, transduction and conjugation, as well as other less well-studied mechanisms of HGT. It is widely accepted that conjugation plays a major role in the spread of AMR in bacteria, and the focus of this review is therefore mainly on the evidence provided that antimicrobial treatment affects this process. Other mechanisms of HGT have so far been deemed less important in this respect; however, recent discoveries suggest their role may be larger than previously thought, and the review provides an update on the rather limited knowledge currently available regarding the impact of antimicrobial treatment on these processes as well. A conclusion from the review is that there is an urgent need to investigate the mechanisms of antimicrobial-induced HGT, since this will be critical for developing new strategies to combat the spread of AMR." }, "ArticleTitle": "Antimicrobial-induced horizontal transfer of antimicrobial resistance genes in bacteria: a mini-review.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Liu", "Thomsen", "Olsen" ], "ForeName": [ "Gang", "Line Elnif", "John Elmerdahl" ], "Initials": [ "G", "LE", "JE" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "" ], "Agency": [ "Danish National Food and Veterinary Administration (VET-forlig III)" ], "Country": [ "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "England" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894259", "6459601", "10.1093/jac/dkab450" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894263, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "Iron (Fe) homeostasis is essential for plant growth and development. Many transcription factors (TFs) play pivotal roles in the maintenance of Fe homeostasis. bHLH11 is a negative TF that regulates Fe homeostasis. However, the underlying molecular mechanism remains elusive. Here, we generated two loss-of-function bhlh11 mutants in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), which display enhanced sensitivity to excess Fe, increased Fe accumulation, and elevated expression of Fe deficiency responsive genes. Levels of bHLH11 protein, localized in both the cytoplasm and nucleus, decreased in response to Fe deficiency. Co-expression assays indicated that bHLH IVc TFs (bHLH34, bHLH104, bHLH105, and bHLH115) facilitate the nuclear accumulation of bHLH11. Further analysis indicated that bHLH11 represses the transactivity of bHLH IVc TFs toward bHLH Ib genes (bHLH38, bHLH39, bHLH100, and bHLH101). The two ethylene response factor-associated amphiphilic repression motifs of bHLH11 provided the repression function by recruiting the TOPLESS/TOPLESS-RELATED (TPL/TPRs) corepressors. Correspondingly, the expression of Fe uptake genes increased in the tpr1 tpr4 tpl mutant. Moreover, genetic analysis revealed that bHLH11 has functions independent of FER-LIKE IRON DEFICIENCY-INDUCED TRANSCRIPTION FACTOR. This study provides insights into the complicated Fe homeostasis signaling network." }, "ArticleTitle": "bHLH11 inhibits bHLH IVc proteins by recruiting the TOPLESS/TOPLESS-RELATED corepressors.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Li", "Lei", "Pu", "Cai", "Lu", "Li", "Liang" ], "ForeName": [ "Yang", "Rihua", "Mengna", "Yuerong", "Chengkai", "Zhifang", "Gang" ], "Initials": [ "Y", "R", "M", "Y", "C", "Z", "G" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "31770270", "2019FB028 and 202001AT070131" ], "Agency": [ "National Natural Science Foundation of China", "Applied Basic Research Project of Yunnan Province" ], "Country": [ "", "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "United States" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894263", "6433168", "10.1093/plphys/kiab540" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 10, 10, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 1, 18, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894266, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "Apremilast efficacy and safety was assessed in a prespecified subgroup of Japanese patients with oral ulcers associated with Behçet's syndrome from a Phase 3 randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind study of apremilast (RELIEF)." }, "ArticleTitle": "Apremilast in a Japanese subgroup with Behçet's syndrome: Results from a Phase 3, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Takeno", "Dobashi", "Tanaka", "Kono", "Sugii", "Kishimoto", "Cheng", "McCue", "Paris", "Chen", "Ishigatsubo" ], "ForeName": [ "Mitsuhiro", "Hiroaki", "Yoshiya", "Hajime", "Shouji", "Mitsumasa", "Sue", "Shannon", "Maria", "Mindy", "Yoshiaki" ], "Initials": [ "M", "H", "Y", "H", "S", "M", "S", "S", "M", "M", "Y" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "" ], "Agency": [ "Celgene. Amgen Inc" ], "Country": [ "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "England" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894266", "6348775", "10.1093/mr/roab008" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 2, 5, 5, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 5, 1, 18, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894267, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "Raynaud's phenomenon (RP) is a peripheral vascular disorder that frequently occurs in systemic sclerosis (SSc). Although therapeutic heating seems reasonable given that RP is elicited by cold stimuli, the effects of heating are still unclear. We examined the effects of heating applied on various body parts in SSc patients with RP of fingers." }, "ArticleTitle": "Proximal heat stress up-regulates angiopoietin-1 in fingers and reduces the severity of Raynaud's phenomenon in systemic sclerosis: a single-centre pilot study.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Shima", "Watanabe", "Inoue", "Maruyama", "Kunitomo", "Hamano", "Kawanishi", "Takasugi", "Kumanogoh" ], "ForeName": [ "Yoshihito", "Akane", "Nobuto", "Tetsuya", "Eiji", "Kunihiko", "Takashi", "Masashi", "Atsushi" ], "Initials": [ "Y", "A", "N", "T", "E", "K", "T", "M", "A" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "" ], "Agency": [ "Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine and Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd" ], "Country": [ "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "England" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894267", "6363900", "10.1093/mr/roab014" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 3, 5, 5, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 2, 7, 24, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894268, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "This study aimed to clarify the epidemiological and clinical features and treatment of patients with polyarteritis nodosa (PAN) in Japan." }, "ArticleTitle": "Clinical characteristics of patients with polyarteritis nodosa based on a nationwide database in Japan.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Kawazoe", "Nanki", "Hagino", "Ikegaya", "Ito", "Kodera", "Nakano", "Suzuki", "Kaname", "Harigai" ], "ForeName": [ "Mai", "Toshihiro", "Noboru", "Noriko", "Satoshi", "Masanari", "Naoko", "Miki", "Shinya", "Masayoshi" ], "Initials": [ "M", "T", "N", "N", "S", "M", "N", "M", "S", "M" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "JPMH 20FC1044" ], "Agency": [ "MHLW FC Program" ], "Country": [ "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "England" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894268", "6348541", "10.1093/mr/roab019" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 2, 5, 6, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 9, 5, 14, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894273, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "Noninvasive remote patient management (RPM) in patients with heart failure (HF) has been shown to reduce the days lost due to unplanned cardiovascular hospital admissions and all-cause mortality in the Telemedical Interventional Management in Heart Failure II trial (TIM-HF2). The health economic implications of these findings are the focus of the present analyses from the payer perspective." }, "ArticleTitle": "Cost-effectiveness of noninvasive telemedical interventional management in patients with heart failure: health economic analysis of the TIM-HF2 trial.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Sydow", "Prescher", "Koehler", "Koehler", "Dorenkamp", "Spethmann", "Westerhoff", "Wagner", "Liersch", "Rebscher", "Wobbe-Ribinski", "Rindfleisch", "Müller-Riemenschneider", "Willich", "Reinhold" ], "ForeName": [ "Hanna", "Sandra", "Friedrich", "Kerstin", "Marc", "Sebastian", "Benjamin", "Christoph J", "Sebastian", "Herbert", "Stefanie", "Heike", "Falk", "Stefan N", "Thomas" ], "Initials": [ "H", "S", "F", "K", "M", "S", "B", "CJ", "S", "H", "S", "H", "F", "SN", "T" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "13KQ0904A", "13KQ0904B", "13KQ1104A" ], "Agency": [ "bundesministerium für bildung, wissenschaft, forschung und technologie", "bundesministerium für bildung, wissenschaft, forschung und technologie", "bundesministerium für bildung, wissenschaft, forschung und technologie" ], "Country": [ "", "", "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "Germany" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894273", "10.1007/s00392-021-01980-2", "10.1007/s00392-021-01980-2" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 6, 11, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 28, 24, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894274, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "Examining the role of color in mate choice without testing what colors the study animal is capable of seeing can lead to ill-posed hypotheses and erroneous conclusions. Here, we test the seemingly reasonable assumption that the sexually dimorphic red coloration of the male jumping spider Saitis barbipes is distinguishable, by females, from adjacent black color patches. Using microspectrophotometry, we find clear evidence for photoreceptor classes with maximal sensitivity in the UV (359 nm) and green (526 nm), inconclusive evidence for a photoreceptor maximally sensitive in the blue (451 nm), and no evidence for a red photoreceptor. No colored filters within the lens or retina could be found to shift green sensitivity to red. To quantify and visualize whether females may nevertheless be capable of discriminating red from black color patches, we take multispectral images of males and calculate photoreceptor excitations and color contrasts between color patches. Red patches would be, at best, barely discriminable from black, and not discriminable from a low-luminance green. Some color patches that appear achromatic to human eyes, such as beige and white, strongly absorb UV wavelengths and would appear as brighter \"spider-greens\" to S. barbipes than the red color patches. Unexpectedly, we discover an iridescent UV patch that contrasts strongly with the UV-absorbing surfaces dominating the rest of the spider. We propose that red and black coloration may serve identical purposes in sexual signaling, functioning to generate strong achromatic contrast with the visual background. The potential functional significance of red coloration outside of sexual signaling is discussed." }, "ArticleTitle": "The jumping spider Saitis barbipes lacks a red photoreceptor to see its own sexually dimorphic red coloration.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Glenszczyk", "Outomuro", "Gregorič", "Kralj-Fišer", "Schneider", "Nilsson", "Morehouse", "Tedore" ], "ForeName": [ "Mateusz", "David", "Matjaž", "Simona", "Jutta M", "Dan-Eric", "Nathan I", "Cynthia" ], "Initials": [ "M", "D", "M", "S", "JM", "DE", "NI", "C" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "IOS-1734291", "IOS-1831767", "2011.0062" ], "Agency": [ "National Science Foundation", "National Science Foundation", "Knut och Alice Wallenbergs Stiftelse" ], "Country": [ "", "", "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "Germany" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894274", "10.1007/s00114-021-01774-6", "10.1007/s00114-021-01774-6" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "epublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 10, 11, 11, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 6, 29, 24, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894276, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "Elevated temperatures suppress cell division in developing petunia buds leading to smaller flowers, mediated by ABA. Flower size is one of the most important showy traits in determining pollinator attraction, and a central factor determining the quality of floricultural products. Whereas the adverse effects of elevated temperatures on showy traits have been described in detail, its underlining mechanisms is poorly understood. Here, we investigated the physiological mechanism responsible for the reduction of flower size in petunia under elevated temperatures. We found that the early stages of flower-bud development were most sensitive to elevated temperatures, resulting in a drastic reduction of flower diameter that was almost independent of flower load. We demonstrated that the temperature-mediated flower size reduction occurred due to a shorter growth period, and a lower rate of corolla cell division. Consistently, local application of cytokinin, a phytohormone that promotes cell division, resulted in recovery of flower dimensions when grown under elevated temperatures. Hormone analysis of temperature-inhibited flower buds revealed no significant changes in levels of cytokinin, and a specific increase of abscisic acid (ABA) levels, known to inhibit cell division. Moreover, local application of ABA on flower buds caused a reduction of flower dimensions as a result of lower levels of cell division, suggesting that ABA mediates the reduction of flower size at elevated temperatures. Taken together, our results shed light on the mechanism by which elevated temperatures decrease petunia flower size, and show that temperature-mediated reduction of flower size can be alleviated by increasing the cytokinin/ABA ratio." }, "ArticleTitle": "Abscisic acid mediates the reduction of petunia flower size at elevated temperatures due to reduced cell division.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Sood", "Duchin", "Adamov", "Carmeli-Weissberg", "Shaya", "Spitzer-Rimon" ], "ForeName": [ "Archit", "Shai", "Zahar", "Mira", "Felix", "Ben" ], "Initials": [ "A", "S", "Z", "M", "F", "B" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "20-01-0176" ], "Agency": [ "Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development" ], "Country": [ "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "Germany" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894276", "10.1007/s00425-021-03807-w", "10.1007/s00425-021-03807-w" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "epublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 8, 12, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 11, 2, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894277, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "Plant rhizosphere bacterial communities are central to plant growth and stress tolerance, which differ across cultivars and external environments. The goal of this study was to assess the comprehensive effects of salt stress and peanut cultivars on rhizosphere bacterial community diversity. In this study, we investigated the effects of salt stress on peanut morphology and pod yield and the associated rhizosphere bacterial diversity using statistical analysis and 16S rRNA gene sequencing, respectively. Statistical analysis exhibited that salt stress indeed affected peanut growth and pod yield, and various peanut cultivars showed divergences. Taxonomic analysis showed that the bacterial community predominantly consisted of phyla Actinobacteria, Proteobacteria, Chloroflexi, Acidobacteria, and Cyanobacteria in peanut rhizosphere soils. Among these bacteria, numbers of beneficial bacteria Cyanobacteria and Proteobacteria increased, especially in the salt-resistant cultivars, while that of Acidobacteria decreased after salt treatment. Nitrogen-fixing bacterium Rhizobium closely related to peanut nodulation was significantly improved in rhizosphere soils of salt-resistant cultivars after salt treatment. Metabolic function prediction showed that the percentages of reads categorized to signaling transduction and inorganic ion transport and metabolism were higher in the salt-treated soils, which may be conducive to peanut survival and salt tolerance to some extent. The study is, therefore, crucially important to develop the foundation for improving the salt tolerance of various peanut cultivars via modifying the soil bacterial community." }, "ArticleTitle": "Comprehensive effects of salt stress and peanut cultivars on the rhizosphere bacterial community diversity of peanut.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Xu", "Zhang", "Ding", "Wen", "Zhang", "Qin", "Dai" ], "ForeName": [ "Yang", "Zhimeng", "Hong", "Saiqun", "Guanchu", "Feifei", "Liangxiang" ], "Initials": [ "Y", "Z", "H", "S", "G", "F", "L" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "31901574", "31971856", "SDAIT-04-06" ], "Agency": [ "National Natural Science Foundation of China", "National Natural Science Foundation of China", "Modern Agricultural Industry Technical System of Shandong Province" ], "Country": [ "", "", "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "Germany" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894277", "10.1007/s00203-021-02619-6", "10.1007/s00203-021-02619-6" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "epublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 8, 11, 11, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 14, 30, 18, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894279, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "The ascomycete Leptographium qinlingensis is one of the major externally living fungal associates of Dendroctonus armandi, which can kill host trees when it invades Chinese white pine (Pinus armandii). We identified and phylogenetically analysed the cytochrome P450 (CYP) genes in the transcriptome of L. qinlingensis. Furthermore, the expression profiles of six CYPs in the mycelium of L. qinlingensis grown on different media or treated with terpenoids were detected, as well as their growth rates on different nutritional media and inhibition by terpenoids. The CYP evolution predicted that most of the CYPs occurred in a putative common ancestor shared between L. qinlingensis and Grosmannia clavigera. The growth rates and inhibition test result shows that L. qinlingensis has more similarity with G. clavigera, which can retrieve nutrition from pine wood and utilize monoterpenes as the sole carbon source. CYP582C and CYP52Z4 of L. qinlingensis might be involved in the metabolism of fatty acids and detoxification of terpenes and phenolics after the analysis of their transcription levels with different treatments." }, "ArticleTitle": "Phylogeny of Leptographium qinlingensis cytochrome P450 genes and transcription levels of six CYPs in response to different nutrition media or terpenoids.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Dai", "Zheng", "Ye", "Chen" ], "ForeName": [ "Lulu", "Jie", "Jiaqi", "Hui" ], "Initials": [ "L", "J", "J", "H" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "31700572", "31870636", "2018JQ3055" ], "Agency": [ "National Natural Science Foundation of China", "National Natural Science Foundation of China", "Natural Science Foundation of Shaanxi Province" ], "Country": [ "", "", "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "Germany" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894279", "10.1007/s00203-021-02616-9", "10.1007/s00203-021-02616-9" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "epublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 5, 11, 11, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 26, 30, 29, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894286, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "Droughts negatively affect sorghum's productivity and nutritional quality. Across its diversity centers, however, there exist resilient genotypes that function differently under drought stress at various levels, including molecular and physiological. Sorghum is an economically important and a staple food crop for over half a billion people in developing countries, mostly in arid and semi-arid regions where drought stress is a major limiting factor. Although sorghum is generally considered tolerant, drought stress still significantly hampers its productivity and nutritional quality across its major cultivation areas. Hence, understanding both the effects of the stress and plant response is indispensable for improving drought tolerance of the crop. This review aimed at enhancing our understanding and provide more insights on drought tolerance in sorghum as a contribution to the development of climate resilient sorghum cultivars. We summarized findings on the effects of drought on the growth and development of sorghum including osmotic potential that impedes germination process and embryonic structures, photosynthetic rates, and imbalance in source-sink relations that in turn affect seed filling often manifested in the form of substantial reduction in grain yield and quality. Mechanisms of sorghum response to drought-stress involving morphological, physiological, and molecular alterations are presented. We highlighted the current understanding about the genetic basis of drought tolerance in sorghum, which is important for maximizing utilization of its germplasm for development of improved cultivars. Furthermore, we discussed interactions of drought with other abiotic stresses and biotic factors, which may increase the vulnerability of the crop or enhance its tolerance to drought stress. Based on the research reviewed in this article, it appears possible to develop locally adapted cultivars of sorghum that are drought tolerant and nutrient rich using modern plant breeding techniques." }, "ArticleTitle": "Sorghum in dryland: morphological, physiological, and molecular responses of sorghum under drought stress.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Abreha", "Enyew", "Carlsson", "Vetukuri", "Feyissa", "Motlhaodi", "Ng'uni", "Geleta" ], "ForeName": [ "Kibrom B", "Muluken", "Anders S", "Ramesh R", "Tileye", "Tiny", "Dickson", "Mulatu" ], "Initials": [ "KB", "M", "AS", "RR", "T", "T", "D", "M" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "2019-05596" ], "Agency": [ "vetenskapsrådet" ], "Country": [ "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article", "Review" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "Germany" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894286", "10.1007/s00425-021-03799-7", "10.1007/s00425-021-03799-7" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "epublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 7, 11, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 3, 19, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894288, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "This single-center study aimed to develop a convolutional neural network to segment multiple consecutive axial magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) slices of the lumbar spinal muscles of patients with lower back pain and automatically classify fatty muscle degeneration." }, "ArticleTitle": "Analysis of the paraspinal muscle morphology of the lumbar spine using a convolutional neural network (CNN).", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Baur", "Bieck", "Berger", "Neumann", "Henkelmann", "Neumuth", "Heyde", "Voelker" ], "ForeName": [ "David", "Richard", "Johann", "Juliane", "Jeanette", "Thomas", "Christoph-E", "Anna" ], "Initials": [ "D", "R", "J", "J", "J", "T", "CE", "A" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "01MK20003P" ], "Agency": [ "forschungskuratorium textil, bundesministerium für wirtschaft und energie" ], "Country": [ "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "Germany" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894288", "10.1007/s00586-021-07073-y", "10.1007/s00586-021-07073-y" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 7, 11, 11, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 12, 24, 20, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894291, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "A large-scale computational model of the basal ganglia network and thalamus is proposed to describe movement disorders and treatment effects of deep brain stimulation (DBS). The model of this complex network considers three areas of the basal ganglia region: the subthalamic nucleus (STN) as target area of DBS, the globus pallidus, both pars externa and pars interna (GPe-GPi), and the thalamus. Parkinsonian conditions are simulated by assuming reduced dopaminergic input and corresponding pronounced inhibitory or disinhibited projections to GPe and GPi. Macroscopic quantities are derived which correlate closely to thalamic responses and hence motor programme fidelity. It can be demonstrated that depending on different levels of striatal projections to the GPe and GPi, the dynamics of these macroscopic quantities (synchronisation index, mean synaptic activity and response efficacy) switch from normal to Parkinsonian conditions. Simulating DBS of the STN affects the dynamics of the entire network, increasing the thalamic activity to levels close to normal, while differing from both normal and Parkinsonian dynamics. Using the mentioned macroscopic quantities, the model proposes optimal DBS frequency ranges above 130 Hz." }, "ArticleTitle": "Deep brain stimulation for movement disorder treatment: exploring frequency-dependent efficacy in a computational network model.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Spiliotis", "Starke", "Franz", "Richter", "Köhling" ], "ForeName": [ "Konstantinos", "Jens", "Denise", "Angelika", "Rüdiger" ], "Initials": [ "K", "J", "D", "A", "R" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "SFB 1270/1-299150580" ], "Agency": [ "Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft" ], "Country": [ "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "Germany" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894291", "10.1007/s00422-021-00909-2", "10.1007/s00422-021-00909-2" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2020, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 11, 10, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 20, 31, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894292, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "Label=\"MAIN CONCLUSION\" NlmCategory=\"UNASSIGNED\">FaMAPK5 and FaMAPK10 genes were involved in ABA-mediated strawberry fruit ripening and could enhance the antioxidant capacity by increasing non-enzymatic components and enzymatic antioxidants. Mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) are the key proteins involved in plant stress response by activating an antioxidant defense system, which cooperates with plant hormones. However, the involvement of MAPKs in the regulation of strawberry fruit ripening and resistance is unclear. In this study, two genes, FaMAPK5 and FaMAPK10, were isolated, and their expression pattern and function analysis were conducted. The results showed FaMAPK5 and FaMAPK10 were expressed in all tested tissue/organ types and reached the highest expression level at the white stage during strawberry fruit development and ripening. Transient overexpression of FaMAPK5 and FaMAPK10 increased the fruit anthocyanin, abscisic acid (ABA), total sugar, and glucose contents. ABA and especially hydrogen peroxide (H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub>) treatment induced the production of large amounts of H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> and noticeably increased the expression levels of FaMAPK5 and FaMAPK10 in strawberry fruit, while the reduced glutathione (GSH) had the opposite effect. The level of total phenol and activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and peroxidase (POD) significantly increased in FaMAPK5 overexpression fruit, and increased activities of SOD and CAT were observed in FaMAPK10 overexpression fruit. In addition, Botrytis cinerea treatment showed that overexpression of FaMAPK5 conferred retarded disease symptom development and enhanced fruit disease resistance. Our research revealed that FaMAPK5 and FaMAPK10 might participate in ABA-mediated H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub>&#160;signaling in regulating strawberry fruit ripening and resistance." }, "ArticleTitle": "MAPK5 and MAPK10 overexpression influences strawberry fruit ripening, antioxidant capacity and resistance to Botrytis cinerea.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Zhang", "Long", "Liu", "Yang", "Wang", "Liu", "Zhang", "Chen", "Li", "Lin", "Tang", "Luo" ], "ForeName": [ "Yunting", "Yu", "Yiting", "Min", "Liangxin", "Xiaoyang", "Yong", "Qing", "Mengyao", "Yuanxiu", "Haoru", "Ya" ], "Initials": [ "Y", "Y", "Y", "M", "L", "X", "Y", "Q", "M", "Y", "H", "Y" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "3180817", "172A0319", "2018NZ0126", "2018", "2020" ], "Agency": [ "national natural science foundation of china", "state education ministry, key projects of sichuan provincial education department", "key projects of sichuan provincial science and technology department", "service station projects of new rural development research institute, sichuan agricultural university", "service station projects of new rural development research institute, sichuan agricultural university" ], "Country": [ "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "Germany" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894292", "10.1007/s00425-021-03804-z", "10.1007/s00425-021-03804-z" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "epublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 6, 11, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 21, 27, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894294, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "To investigate the utility of three-dimensional (3D) amide proton transfer-weighted (APTw) imaging to differentiate mismatch repair deficient (dMMR) and mismatch repair proficient (pMMR) tumors in endometrioid endometrial adenocarcinoma (EEA)." }, "ArticleTitle": "Using amide proton transfer-weighted MRI to non-invasively differentiate mismatch repair deficient and proficient tumors in endometrioid endometrial adenocarcinoma.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Li", "Liu", "Wang", "Lin", "Qi", "Chen", "Zhou", "Wu", "Ren", "Zhao", "Yang", "Xiang", "He", "Jin", "Xue" ], "ForeName": [ "Yuan", "Xinyu", "Xiaoqi", "Chengyu", "Yafei", "Bo", "Hailong", "Qiaoling", "Jing", "Jia", "Junjun", "Yang", "Yonglan", "Zhengyu", "Huadan" ], "Initials": [ "Y", "X", "X", "C", "Y", "B", "H", "Q", "J", "J", "J", "Y", "Y", "Z", "H" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "No. 81901829", "No. 3332019032" ], "Agency": [ "Natural Science Foundation of China", "Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities" ], "Country": [ "", "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "Germany" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894294", "10.1186/s13244-021-01126-y", "10.1186/s13244-021-01126-y" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "epublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 9, 11, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 28, 2, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894296, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "As the paucity of data focusing on evaluating cardiac structure and function in patients with or without gene mutation, this study was sought to investigate the correlation between genotype and cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) phenotype in patients with left ventricular non-compaction cardiomyopathy (LVNC) and to explore prognostic relevance in this cohort if possible." }, "ArticleTitle": "CMR Characteristics, gene variants and long-term outcome in patients with left ventricular non-compaction cardiomyopathy.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Zhou", "Li", "Sirajuddin", "Wu", "Huang", "Sun", "Zhao", "Pu", "Lu" ], "ForeName": [ "Di", "Shijie", "Arlene", "Weichun", "Jinghan", "Xiaoxin", "Shihua", "Jielin", "Minjie" ], "Initials": [ "D", "S", "A", "W", "J", "X", "S", "J", "M" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "81971588", "2019PT310025", "Z191100006619021", "2019XK320063" ], "Agency": [ "National Natural Science Foundation of China", "Construction Research Project of Key Laboratory (Cultivation) of Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences", "Capital Clinically Characteristic Applied Research Fund", "Clinical and Translational Fund of Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences" ], "Country": [ "", "", "", "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "Germany" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894296", "10.1186/s13244-021-01130-2", "10.1186/s13244-021-01130-2" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "epublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 10, 11, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 29, 17, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894298, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "Cerebral blood flow (CBF) and the morphology of the cerebral arteries are important for characterizing cerebrovascular disease. Silent magnetic resonance angiography (Silent MRA) is a MRA technique focusing on arterial structural delineation. This study was conducted to investigate the correlation between Silent MRA and CBF quantification, which has not yet been reported." }, "ArticleTitle": "Intensity of arterial structure acquired by Silent MRA estimates cerebral blood flow.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Hwang", "Li", "Lin", "Chen", "Chen", "Chan" ], "ForeName": [ "Zhen-An", "Chia-Wei", "Chien-Yuan Eddy", "Jyh-Horng", "Chia-Yuen", "Wing P" ], "Initials": [ "ZA", "CW", "CE", "JH", "CY", "WP" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "107-wf-swf-09", "109-wf-eva-21" ], "Agency": [ "inter-agency research fund, wan fang hospital, taipei medical university", "wan fang hospital, taipei medical university" ], "Country": [ "", "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "Germany" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894298", "10.1186/s13244-021-01132-0", "10.1186/s13244-021-01132-0" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "epublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 7, 11, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 29, 18, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894301, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "Pheochromocytomas (PCCs) and paragangliomas (PGLs), together referred to as PPGLs, are rare chromaffin cell-derived tumors. They require timely diagnosis as this is the only way to achieve a cure through surgery and because of the potentially serious cardiovascular complications and sometimes life-threatening comorbidities that can occur if left untreated. The biochemical diagnosis of PPGLs has improved over the last decades, and the knowledge of the underlying genetics has dramatically increased. In addition to conventional anatomical imaging by CT and MRI for PPGL detection, new functional imaging modalities have emerged as very useful for patient surveillance and stratification for therapy. The availability of validated and predictive animal models of cancer is essential for translating molecular, imaging and therapy response findings from the bench to the bedside. This is especially true for rare tumors, such as PPGLs, for which access to large cohorts of patients is limited. There are few animal models of PPGLs that have been instrumental in refining imaging modalities for early tumor detection, as well as in identifying and evaluating novel imaging tracers holding promise for the detection and/or treatment of human PPGLs. The in vivo PPGL models mainly include xenografts/allografts generated by engrafting rat or mouse cell lines, as no representative human cell line is available. In addition, there is a model of endogenous PCCs (i.e., MENX rats) that was characterized in our laboratory. In this review, we will summarize the contribution that various representative models of PPGL have given to the visualization of these tumors in vivo and we present an example of a tracer first evaluated in MENX rats, and then translated to the detection of these tumors in human patients. In addition, we will illustrate briefly the potential of ex vivo biological imaging of intact adrenal glands in MENX rats." }, "ArticleTitle": "Imaging pheochromocytoma in small animals: preclinical models to improve diagnosis and treatment.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Mohr", "Foscarini", "Steiger", "Ballke", "Rischpler", "Schilling", "Pellegata" ], "ForeName": [ "Hermine", "Alessia", "Katja", "Simone", "Christoph", "Franz", "Natalia S" ], "Initials": [ "H", "A", "K", "S", "C", "F", "NS" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "391523415-SFB824-B8", "391523415-SFB824-Z02", "391523415-SFB824-Z03", "314061271-TRR 205-B11" ], "Agency": [ "deutsche forschungsgemeinschaft", "deutsche forschungsgemeinschaft", "deutsche forschungsgemeinschaft", "deutsche forschungsgemeinschaft" ], "Country": [ "", "", "", "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article", "Review" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "Germany" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894301", "10.1186/s13550-021-00855-x", "10.1186/s13550-021-00855-x" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "epublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 6, 9, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 22, 19, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894309, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "There is increasing international interest in clinical practice and research related to mental health in the international sports society. The athlete-specific psychological distress assessment tool that addresses potential mental health needs can help promote early detection and recovery of mental illness, as well as physical illnesses. Currently, little is known about the applicability of the useful assessment tool for Japanese elite athletes. The Athlete Psychological Strain Questionnaire (APSQ) is a brief, effective and reliable screening tool to identify early signs of athlete-specific distress and potential mental health symptoms. We examined the applicability and reliability of a Japanese version of the APSQ (APSQ-J) in a Japanese elite athlete context. Further, we examined the construct validity of the APSQ-J." }, "ArticleTitle": "Validating a Japanese Version of the Athlete Psychological Strain Questionnaire.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Ojio", "Matsunaga", "Kawamura", "Horiguchi", "Yoshitani", "Hatakeyama", "Amemiya", "Kanie", "Purcell", "Rice", "Fujii" ], "ForeName": [ "Yasutaka", "Asami", "Shin", "Masanori", "Goro", "Kensuke", "Rei", "Ayako", "Rosemary", "Simon M", "Chiyo" ], "Initials": [ "Y", "A", "S", "M", "G", "K", "R", "A", "R", "SM", "C" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "D19-ST-0012", "21K17615" ], "Agency": [ "toyota foundation", "japan society for the promotion of science" ], "Country": [ "", "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "Switzerland" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894309", "10.1186/s40798-021-00385-9", "10.1186/s40798-021-00385-9" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "epublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 6, 11, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 27, 18, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894310, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "Boron-based nanomaterials are emerging as non-toxic, earth-abundant (photo)electrocatalyst materials in solar energy conversion for the production of solar hydrogen fuel and environmental remediation. Boron carbon oxynitride (BCNO) is a quaternary semiconductor with&#160;electronic, optical, and physicochemical properties that&#160;can be tuned by varying the composition of boron, nitrogen, carbon, and oxygen. However, the&#160;relationship between BCNO's&#160;structure&#160;and&#160;-photocatalytic activity relationship has yet to be explored. We performed an in-depth spectroscopic analysis to elucidate the effect of using two different nitrogen precursors and the effect of annealing temperatures in the preparation of BCNO. BCNO nanodisks (D&#8201;=&#8201;6.7 &#177; 1.1 nm) with turbostratic boron nitride diffraction patterns were prepared using guanidine hydrochloride as the nitrogen source precursor upon thermal annealing at 800&#176;C. The X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) surface elemental analysis of the BCNO nanodisks revealed the B, C, N, and O compositions to be 40.6%, 7.95%, 37.7%, and 13.8%, respectively. According to the solid-state <sup>11</sup>B NMR analyses, the guanidine hydrochloride-derived BCNO nanodisks showed the formation of various tricoordinate BN<sub>x</sub>(OH)<sub>3-x</sub> species, which also served as one of the photocatalytic active sites. The&#160;XRD and in-depth spectroscopic analyses corroborated the preparation of BCNO-doped hexagonal boron nitride nanodisks. In contrast, the&#160;BCNO annealed at 600&#160;&#176;C using melamine as the nitrogen precursor consisted of layered nanosheets composed of B, C, N, and O atoms covalently bonded in a honeycomb lattice as evidence by&#160;the XRD, XPS, and solid-state NMR analysis (<sup>11</sup>B and <sup>13</sup>C) analyses. The XPS surface elemental composition of the melamine-derived BCNO layered structures consisted of a high carbon composition (75.1%) with a relatively low boron (5.24%) and nitrogen (7.27%) composition, which indicated the formation of BCNO-doped graphene oxides layered sheet structures. This series of melamine-derived BCNO-doped graphene oxide layered structures were found to exhibit the highest photocatalytic activity, exceeding the photocatalytic activity of graphitic carbon nitride. In this layered structure, the formation of the tetracoordinate BN<sub>x</sub>(OH)<sub>3-x</sub>(CO) species and the rich graphitic domains were proposed to play an important role in the photocatalytic activity of the BCNO-doped graphene oxides layered structures. The optical band gap energies were measured to be 5.7&#160;eV and 4.2&#160;eV for BCNO-doped hexagonal boron nitride nanodisks and BCNO-doped graphene oxides layered structures, respectively. Finally, BCNO exhibited an ultralong photoluminescence with an average decay lifetime of 1.58, 2.10, 5.18, and 8.14&#160;&#181;s for BGH01, BGH03, BMH01, BMH03, respectively. This study provides a novel metal-free photocatalytic system and provides the first structural analysis regarding the origin of BCNO-based photocatalyst." }, "ArticleTitle": "Boron Carbon Oxynitride as a Novel Metal-Free Photocatalyst.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Chien", "Chiang", "Lao", "Lin", "Lin", "Keng" ], "ForeName": [ "Liang Cheng", "Chen Wei", "Chou Chio", "Yung-I", "Hao-Wu", "Pei Yuin" ], "Initials": [ "LC", "CW", "CC", "YI", "HW", "PY" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "108-2113-M-007-030" ], "Agency": [ "Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan" ], "Country": [ "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "United States" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894310", "10.1186/s11671-021-03629-5", "10.1186/s11671-021-03629-5" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "epublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 1, 11, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 12, 19, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894316, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "Purpose Information on work ability after ACDF and postoperative rehabilitation is lacking. The aim of the present study is therefore to investigate the work ability benefits of a structured postoperative treatment (SPT) over a standard care approach (SA) in patients who underwent anterior cervical decompression and fusion (ACDF) for cervical radiculopathy and factors important to the 2-year outcome. Methods Secondary outcome and prediction model of a prospective randomized controlled multi-centre study with a 2-year follow-up ( NCT01547611). The Work Ability Index (WAI) and Work Ability Score (WAS) were measured at baseline and up to 2 years after ACDF in 154 patients of working age who underwent SPT or SA after surgery. Predictive factors for the WAI at 2 years were analysed. Results Both WAI and WAS significantly improved with SPT and SA (p < 0.001), without any between-group differences. Thoughts of being able to work within the next 6 months, Neck Disability Index (NDI), and work-related neck load explained 59% of the variance in WAI at the 2-year follow-up after ACDF. Conclusions Patients improved over time without group differences, suggesting the improvement to be surgery related. Expectation to work within the next 6 months, self-reported neck functioning and work-related neck load were important to work ability and are central factors to ask early after ACDF, to identifying further interventions promoting return to work." }, "ArticleTitle": "Work Ability After Anterior Cervical Decompression and Fusion Followed by a Structured Postoperative Rehabilitation: Secondary Outcomes of a Prospective Randomized Controlled Multi-Centre Trial with a 2-year Follow-up.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Peolsson", "Wibault", "Löfgren", "Dedering", "Öberg", "Zsigmond", "Wåhlin" ], "ForeName": [ "Anneli", "Johanna", "Håkan", "Åsa", "Birgitta", "Peter", "Charlotte" ], "Initials": [ "A", "J", "H", "Å", "B", "P", "C" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "522-2008-3064" ], "Agency": [ "Vetenskapsrådet" ], "Country": [ "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "Netherlands" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894316", "10.1007/s10926-021-10015-6", "10.1007/s10926-021-10015-6" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 12, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 1, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894323, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "The spacing effect refers to the improvement in memory retention for materials learned in a series of sessions, as opposed to massing learning in a single session. It has been extensively studied in the domain of verbal learning using word lists. Less evidence is available for connected discourse or tasks requiring the complex coordination of verbal and other domains. In particular, the effect of spacing on the retention of words and music in song has yet to be determined. In this study, university students were taught an unaccompanied two-verse song based on traditional materials to a criterion of 95% correct memory for sung words. Subsequent training sessions were either massed or spaced by two days or one week and tested at a retention interval of three weeks. Performances were evaluated for number of correct and incorrect syllables, number of correctly and incorrectly pitched notes, degree notes were off-pitch, and number of hesitations while singing. The data revealed strong evidence for a spacing effect for song between the massed and spaced conditions at a retention interval of three weeks, and evidence of no difference between the two spaced conditions. These findings suggest that the ongoing cues offered by surface features in the song are strong enough to enable verbatim recall across spaced conditions, as long as the spacing interval reaches a critical threshold." }, "ArticleTitle": "Optimizing song retention through the spacing effect.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Katz", "Ando", "Wiseheart" ], "ForeName": [ "Joel J", "Momo", "Melody" ], "Initials": [ "JJ", "M", "M" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "435-2020-1256" ], "Agency": [ "Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada" ], "Country": [ "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "England" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894323", "10.1186/s41235-021-00345-7", "10.1186/s41235-021-00345-7" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "epublish", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 4, 11, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 15, 11, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894324, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "Neurogenesis in the adult brain takes place in two neurogenic niches: the ventricular-subventricular zone (V-SVZ) and the subgranular zone. After differentiation, neural precursor cells (neuroblasts) have to move to an adequate position, a process known as neuronal migration. Some studies show that in Alzheimer's disease, the adult neurogenesis is impaired. Our main aim was to investigate some proteins involved both in the physiopathology of Alzheimer's disease and in the neuronal migration process using the APP/PS1 Alzheimer's mouse model. Progenitor migrating cells are accumulated in the V-SVZ of the APP/PS1 mice. Furthermore, we find an increase of Cdh1 levels and a decrease of Cdk5/p35 and cyclin B1, indicating that these cells have an alteration of the cell cycle, which triggers a senescence state. We find less cells in the rostral migratory stream and less mature neurons in the olfactory bulbs from APP/PS1 mice, leading to an impaired odour discriminatory ability compared with WT mice. Alzheimer's disease mice present a deficit in cell migration from V-SVZ due to a senescent phenotype. Therefore, these results can contribute to a new approach of Alzheimer's based on senolytic compounds or pro-neurogenic factors." }, "ArticleTitle": "Adult Neural Stem Cell Migration Is Impaired in a Mouse Model of Alzheimer's Disease.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Esteve", "Molina-Navarro", "Giraldo", "Martínez-Varea", "Blanco-Gandia", "Rodríguez-Arias", "García-Verdugo", "Viña", "Lloret" ], "ForeName": [ "Daniel", "María Micaela", "Esther", "Noelia", "Mari-Carmen", "Marta", "José Manuel", "José", "Ana" ], "Initials": [ "D", "MM", "E", "N", "MC", "M", "JM", "J", "A" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "696295", "CB16/10/00435", "PID2019-110906RB-I00", "PROMETEO/2019/097", "825546", "UV-INV-AE-1546096" ], "Agency": [ "horizon 2020", "instituto de salud carlos iii", "ministerio de ciencia, innovación y universidades", "conselleria de sanitat universal i salut pública", "joint programming initiative a healthy diet for a healthy life", "Universitat de València" ], "Country": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "United States" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894324", "10.1007/s12035-021-02620-6", "10.1007/s12035-021-02620-6" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 8, 10, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 17, 26, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894326, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "Semaglutide is a recently approved glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonist used to treat patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). The SUSTAIN 6 trial found a significantly higher rate of retinopathy complications in the semaglutide-treated group compared with the placebo group." }, "ArticleTitle": "Semaglutide and Diabetic Retinopathy Risk in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Wang", "Mao", "Wang", "Liu", "Huang" ], "ForeName": [ "Feiyu", "Yinjun", "Hang", "Yiwei", "Pinfang" ], "Initials": [ "F", "Y", "H", "Y", "P" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "2018QH1071", "JT180186" ], "Agency": [ "the Startup Fund for Scientific Research, Fujian Medical University", "Fujian Youth Education Research Project" ], "Country": [ "", "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Systematic Review" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "New Zealand" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894326", "10.1007/s40261-021-01110-w", "10.1007/s40261-021-01110-w" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 11, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 24, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894328, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "Label=\"AIM\" NlmCategory=\"OBJECTIVE\">This study aimed to investigate the alteration of circulating CD34<sup>+</sup>KDR<sup>+</sup>CD133<sup>+</sup> endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) in patients with newly diagnosed type&#160;2 diabetes and the mechanism of the effect of early intensive insulin therapy." }, "ArticleTitle": "Effects of Early Intensive Insulin Therapy on Endothelial Progenitor Cells in Patients with Newly Diagnosed Type 2 Diabetes.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Zhang", "Wang", "Liu", "Ye", "Tang", "Zhang", "Gu", "Zhu", "Bi" ], "ForeName": [ "Wei", "Hongdong", "Fangcen", "Xiao", "Wenjuan", "Pengzi", "Tianwei", "Dalong", "Yan" ], "Initials": [ "W", "H", "F", "X", "W", "P", "T", "D", "Y" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "82030026", "81970689", "82070837", "81970704", "81770819", "81703294", "81800752", "81900787", "82000735", "82000775", "81800719", "2016YFC1304804", "2017YFC1309605", "ZDXKB2016012", "ZDRCA2016062", "YY-086" ], "Agency": [ "National Natural Science Foundation of China", "National Natural Science Foundation of China", "National Natural Science Foundation of China", "National Natural Science Foundation of China", "National Natural Science Foundation of China", "National Natural Science Foundation of China", "National Natural Science Foundation of China", "National Natural Science Foundation of China", "National Natural Science Foundation of China", "National Natural Science Foundation of China", "National Natural Science Foundation of China", "National Key Research and Development Program of China", "National Key Research and Development Program of China", "Jiangsu Provincial Key Medical Discipline", "Key Project of Nanjing Clinical Medical Science, the Jiangsu Provincial Medical Talent", "Six Talent Peaks Project of Jiangsu Province of China" ], "Country": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "United States" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894328", "10.1007/s13300-021-01185-w", "10.1007/s13300-021-01185-w" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 10, 11, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 21, 22, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894331, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "Despite developments in HIV treatment and care, disparities persist with some not fully benefiting from improvements in the HIV care continuum. We conducted a systematic review to explore associations between social determinants and HIV treatment outcomes (viral suppression and treatment adherence) in high-income countries. A random effects meta-analysis was performed where there were consistent measurements of exposures. We identified 83 observational studies eligible for inclusion. Social determinants linked to material deprivation were identified as education, employment, food security, housing, income, poverty/deprivation, socioeconomic status/position, and social class; however, their measurement and definition varied across studies. Our review suggests a social gradient of health persists in the HIV care continuum; people living with HIV who reported material deprivation were less likely to be virologically suppressed or adherent to antiretrovirals. Future research should use an ecosocial approach to explore these interactions across the lifecourse to help propose a causal pathway." }, "ArticleTitle": "Influence of Material Deprivation on Clinical Outcomes Among People Living with HIV in High-Income Countries: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Papageorgiou", "Davies", "Cooper", "Singer", "Ward" ], "ForeName": [ "Vasiliki", "Bethan", "Emily", "Ariana", "Helen" ], "Initials": [ "V", "B", "E", "A", "H" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "NIHR-200922", "UNS32973" ], "Agency": [ "NIHR HPRU in Chemical and Radiation Threats and Hazards", "Wellcome Trust" ], "Country": [ "", "United Kingdom" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article", "Review" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "United States" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894331", "10.1007/s10461-021-03551-y", "10.1007/s10461-021-03551-y" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 11, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 27, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894337, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "Approximately 15% of clinically localised conventional renal cell carcinomas (cRCC) develop metastases within 5 years of follow-up. Sarcomatous cRCC is a highly malignant cancer of the kidney. The aim of our study was to identify biomarkers for estimating the postoperative progression of cRCCs." }, "ArticleTitle": "Matrix metalloproteinase 12 is an independent prognostic factor predicting postoperative relapse of conventional renal cell carcinoma - a short report.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Beres", "Yusenko", "Peterfi", "Kovacs", "Banyai" ], "ForeName": [ "Bence", "Maria", "Lehel", "Gyula", "Daniel" ], "Initials": [ "B", "M", "L", "G", "D" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "PTE-AOK-KA-2018/41" ], "Agency": [ "általános orvostudományi kar, pécsi tudományegyetem" ], "Country": [ "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "Netherlands" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894337", "10.1007/s13402-021-00650-9", "10.1007/s13402-021-00650-9" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 11, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 8, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894339, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "Defining immune mechanisms leading to multiple sclerosis (MS) is difficult, due to the great inter-individual difference in immune system responses. The anti-CD52 antibody alemtuzumab transiently abolishes differences in immune parameters among individuals, allowing analysis of subsequent immune cell repopulation patterns, and their possible role in MS." }, "ArticleTitle": "Impact of Natural Killer (NK) Cells on Immune Reconstitution, and Their Potential as a Biomarker of Disease Activity, in Alemtuzumab-Treated Patients with Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis: An Observational Study.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Palmeri", "Ponzano", "Ivaldi", "Signori", "Lapucci", "Casella", "Ferrò", "Vigo", "Inglese", "Mancardi", "Uccelli", "Laroni" ], "ForeName": [ "Serena", "Marta", "Federico", "Alessio", "Caterina", "Valentina", "Maria Teresa", "Tiziana", "Matilde", "Giovanni Luigi", "Antonio", "Alice" ], "Initials": [ "S", "M", "F", "A", "C", "V", "MT", "T", "M", "GL", "A", "A" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "Ricerca corrente" ], "Agency": [ "agenzia italiana del farmaco, ministero della salute" ], "Country": [ "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "New Zealand" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894339", "10.1007/s40263-021-00875-0", "10.1007/s40263-021-00875-0" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 10, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 26, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894346, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "Cladribine is a nucleoside analog that is phosphorylated in its target cells (B and T-lymphocytes) to its active triphosphate form (2-chlorodeoxyadenosine triphosphate). Cladribine tablets 10 mg (Mavenclad<sup>&#174;</sup>), administered for up to 10 days per year in 2 consecutive years (3.5-mg/kg cumulative dose over 2 years), are used to treat patients with relapsing multiple sclerosis. Cladribine has been shown to be a substrate of various nucleoside transporters (NTs). Intestinal absorption and distribution of cladribine throughout the body appear to be essentially mediated by equilibrative NTs (ENTs) and concentrative NTs (CNTs), specifically by ENT1, ENT2, ENT4, CNT2 (low affinity), and CNT3. Other efficient transporters of cladribine are the ABC efflux transporters, specifically breast cancer resistance protein, which likely modulates the oral absorption and renal excretion of cladribine. A key transporter for the intracellular uptake of cladribine into B and T-lymphocytes is ENT1 with ancillary contributions of ENT2 and CNT2. Transporter-based drug interactions affecting absorption and target cellular uptake of a prodrug such as cladribine are likely to reduce systemic bioavailability and target cell exposure, thereby possibly hampering clinical efficacy. In order to manage optimized therapy, i.e., to ensure uncompromised target cell uptake to preserve the full therapeutic potential of cladribine, it is important that clinicians are aware of the existence of NT-inhibiting medicinal products, various lifestyle drugs, and food components. This article reviews the existing knowledge on inhibitors of NT, which may alter cladribine absorption, distribution, and uptake into target cells, thereby summarizing the existing knowledge on optimized methods of administration and concomitant drugs that should be avoided during cladribine treatment." }, "ArticleTitle": "Cladribine as a Potential Object of Nucleoside Transporter-Based Drug Interactions.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Hermann", "Krajcsi", "Fluck", "Seithel-Keuth", "Bytyqi", "Galazka", "Munafo" ], "ForeName": [ "Robert", "Peter", "Markus", "Annick", "Afrim", "Andrew", "Alain" ], "Initials": [ "R", "P", "M", "A", "A", "A", "A" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "CrossRef Funder ID: 10.13039/100009945" ], "Agency": [ "merck kgaa" ], "Country": [ "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article", "Review" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "Switzerland" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894346", "10.1007/s40262-021-01089-9", "10.1007/s40262-021-01089-9" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 11, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 7, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894356, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "To establish the utility of anatomic optical coherence tomography (aOCT) in evaluating internal nasal valve (INV)." }, "ArticleTitle": "Anatomic Optical Coherence Tomography (aOCT) for Evaluation of the Internal Nasal Valve.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Waters", "Stepp", "Conduff", "Balakrishnan", "Bu", "Oldenburg", "Kimbell", "Shockley", "Clark" ], "ForeName": [ "Candace M", "Wesley H", "Joseph", "Santosh", "Ruofei", "Amy L", "Julia S", "William W", "Joseph Madison" ], "Initials": [ "CM", "WH", "J", "S", "R", "AL", "JS", "WW", "JM" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "R01 HL154429", "R01 HL123557" ], "Agency": [ "NIH HHS", "NIH HHS" ], "Country": [ "United States", "United States" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "United States" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894356", "10.1002/lary.29979" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 10, 8, 11, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 29, 16, 29, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894361, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "Survivorship care plans (SCP) should outline pertinent information about cancer treatment and follow-up." }, "ArticleTitle": "Colorectal cancer survivorship care plans: Variations in documentation and posttreatment surveillance recommendations.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Chodoff", "Smith", "Shukla", "Blackford", "Ahuja", "Johnston", "Peairs", "Ngaiza", "Warczynski", "Nettles", "Stotsky-Himelfarb", "Murphy", "Mayonado", "DeSanto", "Snyder", "Choi" ], "ForeName": [ "Alaina", "Katherine C", "Aishwarya", "Amanda L", "Nita", "Fabian M", "Kimberly S", "Justinian R", "Tam", "Brenda", "Eden", "Adrian G", "Nancy", "Jennifer", "Claire F", "Youngjee" ], "Initials": [ "A", "KC", "A", "AL", "N", "FM", "KS", "JR", "T", "B", "E", "AG", "N", "J", "CF", "Y" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "IHS-1409-22534" ], "Agency": [ "Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute" ], "Country": [ "United States" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "United States" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "IM", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894361", "10.1002/jso.26767" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 11, 8, 12, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 11, 2, 2, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }
{ "PMID": 34894366, "DateCompleted": { "Year": 0, "Month": 0, "Day": 0 }, "NumberOfReferences": 0, "DateRevised": { "Year": 2021, "Month": 12, "Day": 11 }, "Article": { "Abstract": { "AbstractText": "The improvement of mental healthcare services requires patients' experiences to identify problems and possible deficits in care. In this study, we explored the nature and meaning of formal patient complaints about mental healthcare services in one region of Sweden using a descriptive design with a qualitative approach. A systematic random sample of 106 formal patient complaints about mental healthcare services in 1 Swedish county was selected and analysed thematically, based on descriptive phenomenology. Themes identified were: lack of access to mental healthcare services and specialist treatment, problems related to unmet needs and difficulties with healthcare staff, insufficient care and treatment and lack of continuity in care, and experiences of not been taken seriously or feeling abused by staff. The vulnerability of patients already in the system is a greater issue than realized. The human right to health and the healthcare of patients with mental ill health can be strengthened by increased access to care, listening to patients properly, and delivering continuity in care." }, "ArticleTitle": "'Are they really allowed to treat me like that?' - A qualitative study to explore the nature of formal patient complaints about mental healthcare services in Sweden.", "AuthorList": { "Author": { "LastName": [ "Sundler", "Råberus", "Carlsson", "Nilsson", "Darcy" ], "ForeName": [ "Annelie J", "Anna", "Gunilla", "Christina", "Laura" ], "Initials": [ "AJ", "A", "G", "C", "L" ], "CollectiveName": [ "", "", "", "", "" ] } }, "Language": "eng", "GrantList": { "Grant": { "GrantID": [ "", "" ], "Agency": [ "Committee for Human Rights, Region Västra Götaland, Sweden", "Sparbanksstiftelsen sjuhärad, Sweden" ], "Country": [ "", "" ] } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ "Journal Article" ] } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": "Australia" }, "ChemicalList": { "Chemical": { "RegistryNumber": [], "NameOfSubstance": [] } }, "CitationSubset": "", "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": { "DescriptorName": [], "QualifierName": [] } } }
{ "ArticleIdList": { "ArticleId": [ [], [ "34894366", "10.1111/inm.12962" ] ] }, "PublicationStatus": "aheadofprint", "History": { "PubMedPubDate": { "Year": [ 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 ], "Month": [ 11, 12, 12, 12 ], "Day": [ 24, 11, 12, 12 ] } }, "ReferenceList": { "Citation": [], "CitationId": [] } }