Overcome by your Moving temple Overcome by this Holiest of altars So pure So rare To witness such an earthly goddess That I've lost my self-control Beyond compelled to throw this dollar Down before your Holiest of altars I'd sell My soul My self-esteem A dollar at a time One chance One kiss One taste of you My Magdalena I bear witness To this place, this prayer, So long forgotten So pure So rare To witness such an earthly goddess That I'd sell My soul My self-esteem a dollar at a time For one chance One kiss One taste of you My black madonna I'd sell My soul My self-esteem A dollar at a time One taste One taste One taste of you My Magdalena.
I think you're all on the wrong track about this incredible song. You know that most of the songs in Mer De Noms (Sea of Names) are as one might expect, titled with Names. I think that "Judith" prooves that all of the names are actually people who Maynard and/or the others knew (Judith was his mother as you all know). So what I'm getting at is that Magdalena was also a woman who he met at some point in his life (and probably fell in love with). I have never thought this song was about Mary Magdalene, it's just redicilous. Open your minds, people - it's obvious that Maynard is using his wicked writing style to confuse you (not in a bad way) although the lyrics to "Magdalena" are pretty straight forward. Don't you think it's lil' bit weird that the name of the song is actually MAGDALENA and not MAGDALENE? If he was referring to the bible and all that shit why spell it differently?? All I wanted to say is that MJK met a bulgarian woman with the name Magdalena (which is a name, frequently used in Bulgaria, as I am also bulgarian) and this is his praise towards her. I'm almost sure about that one, I think he has said it somewhere. Pretty simple, eh ? You can just stop writing mindless theories about prostitutes, strippers, Jesus and the bible. After all this is APC, not The Mars Volta. ps: this is my favourite love song, it's unbelievably emotional, it has such energy, makes me speechless. violentretardon September 03, 2008   LinkNo Replies Log in to replyThere was an error.
Overcome by your Moving temple Overcome by this Holiest of altars So pure So rare To witness such an earthly goddess That I've lost my self-control Beyond compelled to throw this dollar Down before your Holiest of altars I'd sell My soul My self-esteem A dollar at a time One chance One kiss One taste of you My Magdalena I bear witness To this place, this prayer, So long forgotten So pure So rare To witness such an earthly goddess That I'd sell My soul My self-esteem a dollar at a time For one chance One kiss One taste of you My black madonna I'd sell My soul My self-esteem A dollar at a time One taste One taste One taste of you My Magdalena.
I think you're all on the wrong track about this incredible song. You know that most of the songs in Mer De Noms (Sea of Names) are as one might expect, titled with Names. I think that "Judith" prooves that all of the names are actually people who Maynard and/or the others knew (Judith was his mother as you all know). So what I'm getting at is that Magdalena was also a woman who he met at some point in his life (and probably fell in love with). I have never thought this song was about Mary Magdalene, it's just redicilous. Open your minds, people - it's obvious that Maynard is using his wicked writing style to confuse you (not in a bad way) although the lyrics to "Magdalena" are pretty straight forward. Don't you think it's lil' bit weird that the name of the song is actually MAGDALENA and not MAGDALENE? If he was referring to the bible and all that shit why spell it differently?? All I wanted to say is that MJK met a bulgarian woman with the name Magdalena (which is a name, frequently used in Bulgaria, as I am also bulgarian) and this is his praise towards her. I'm almost sure about that one, I think he has said it somewhere. Pretty simple, eh ? You can just stop writing mindless theories about prostitutes, strippers, Jesus and the bible. After all this is APC, not The Mars Volta. ps: this is my favourite love song, it's unbelievably emotional, it has such energy, makes me speechless. violentretardon September 29, 2008   LinkNo Replies Log in to replyThere was an error.
Overcome by your Moving temple Overcome by this Holiest of altars So pure So rare To witness such an earthly goddess That I've lost my self-control Beyond compelled to throw this dollar Down before your Holiest of altars I'd sell My soul My self-esteem A dollar at a time One chance One kiss One taste of you My Magdalena I bear witness To this place, this prayer, So long forgotten So pure So rare To witness such an earthly goddess That I'd sell My soul My self-esteem a dollar at a time For one chance One kiss One taste of you My black madonna I'd sell My soul My self-esteem A dollar at a time One taste One taste One taste of you My Magdalena.
Magdalene was Jesus' counterpart supressed by the patriarchy of the time. There was a temple at that time dedicated to goddess worship and Magdalene was one of the priestesses there. It was believed that healing could come from sexual ceremony so to speak. The men in power were intimidated by the power of these women to the point that they would hide the truth forever if need be. Maynard is acknowleging the fact that this form of worship has been long forgotten and that he would do anything to love her, despite her being branded as a prostitute. The Black Madonna is Magdalene and she was a goddess on earth. Magdalena was just one of many names for her. As far as Maynard and Christianity, I think he is far too wise to believe the lies that the patriarchy has passed down to us. From Magdalene to the true teachings of Jesus. Beliefs change, truth doesn't. newagegnosticon October 13, 2008   LinkNo Replies Log in to replyThere was an error.
Overcome by your Moving temple Overcome by this Holiest of altars So pure So rare To witness such an earthly goddess That I've lost my self-control Beyond compelled to throw this dollar Down before your Holiest of altars I'd sell My soul My self-esteem A dollar at a time One chance One kiss One taste of you My Magdalena I bear witness To this place, this prayer, So long forgotten So pure So rare To witness such an earthly goddess That I'd sell My soul My self-esteem a dollar at a time For one chance One kiss One taste of you My black madonna I'd sell My soul My self-esteem A dollar at a time One taste One taste One taste of you My Magdalena.
I think the this song is about a stripper named magdelena - Throwing dollars? And by the way people- nowhere in the bible does it say that mary magdelene was a prostitute. common misconception...bubblerhapedon June 02, 2009   LinkNo Replies Log in to replyThere was an error.
Overcome by your Moving temple Overcome by this Holiest of altars So pure So rare To witness such an earthly goddess That I've lost my self-control Beyond compelled to throw this dollar Down before your Holiest of altars I'd sell My soul My self-esteem A dollar at a time One chance One kiss One taste of you My Magdalena I bear witness To this place, this prayer, So long forgotten So pure So rare To witness such an earthly goddess That I'd sell My soul My self-esteem a dollar at a time For one chance One kiss One taste of you My black madonna I'd sell My soul My self-esteem A dollar at a time One taste One taste One taste of you My Magdalena.
THE WEAKNESS OF MENThis song can be interpreted as the sexual power that women sometimes have over men. Sometimes, there is a woman that men are ready to risk their current relationships--their girlfriends, wives, children--to get. We crave not just the sex, but also the emotional passion that such an "earthly goddess" offers, that we can get that powerful satisfaction that we crave but which is so hard to find. We are ready to take tremendous risks for it. We see her and want her in a way that goes beyond sanity, so we are ready to symbolically throw down the "dollar," and "sell our souls," sometimes to the extreme, to get that "one kiss, one taste." I suspect there are others out there who might have experienced this...TJsmartson July 23, 2009   Link2 Replies Log in to replyThere was an error. @TJsmartsthe power of seduction is definitely involved, but i'm not so sure stripping is a power for 97% percent of the women who resort to it. it's not like she isn't giving anything up for the influence she has, which she probably doesn't reflect upon in order to proceed forth (to keep working). and the protagonist would probably rather live through a similar experience without the money, under which all 'holiness' is subsumed, while the compromising of his morality is the source of the tension (and a kickin' song). sounds like literature review - but there we go. josamanon September 04, 2009"josaman" missed the point. I wasn't talking about strippers. I was talking about a regular woman. I'm talking about a woman in life that makes us take chances for them.
Overcome by your Moving temple Overcome by this Holiest of altars So pure So rare To witness such an earthly goddess That I've lost my self-control Beyond compelled to throw this dollar Down before your Holiest of altars I'd sell My soul My self-esteem A dollar at a time One chance One kiss One taste of you My Magdalena I bear witness To this place, this prayer, So long forgotten So pure So rare To witness such an earthly goddess That I'd sell My soul My self-esteem a dollar at a time For one chance One kiss One taste of you My black madonna I'd sell My soul My self-esteem A dollar at a time One taste One taste One taste of you My Magdalena.
I can't help but listen to this song over and over again. And though it has different meanings to different people, I love to think that this song fits my favorite couple. I'm weird like that ^^Windgoddesson April 23, 2010   Link1 Reply Log in to replyThere was an error. @WindgoddessIf you study what really goes on in the seedy underworld of strip clubs you will witnesspeople selling themselves 1 dollar at a time. You will see compulsive men who are drawn by this addiction for gratification and attention from these holiest of altars. She will also sell her soul, her self esteem one dollar at a time. Don't read into the Christian references too much, they are just symbols.If you occasionally drop into one of these places like myself this is one of the reasons you may or may not feel a sense of shame or awkwardness when you visit these places and observe.If you make a habit of going or of working in one then you may be of the type that is drawn to pay one dollar at a time,thus selling your soul, your self esteem.
Overcome by your Moving temple Overcome by this Holiest of altars So pure So rare To witness such an earthly goddess That I've lost my self-control Beyond compelled to throw this dollar Down before your Holiest of altars I'd sell My soul My self-esteem A dollar at a time One chance One kiss One taste of you My Magdalena I bear witness To this place, this prayer, So long forgotten So pure So rare To witness such an earthly goddess That I'd sell My soul My self-esteem a dollar at a time For one chance One kiss One taste of you My black madonna I'd sell My soul My self-esteem A dollar at a time One taste One taste One taste of you My Magdalena.
Originally I thought this was about an infatuation become obsession: a person you desire so much they become perfect and unapproachable in your eyes. But the references to money and holy altars or temples made me realise it's about a strip-club. of course it's possible to become so obsessed with a stripper. it's their job to make you want them. this feels similar to a few Puscifer songs in that case. Gummyon November 11, 2010   LinkNo Replies Log in to replyThere was an error.
Overcome by your Moving temple Overcome by this Holiest of altars So pure So rare To witness such an earthly goddess That I've lost my self-control Beyond compelled to throw this dollar Down before your Holiest of altars I'd sell My soul My self-esteem A dollar at a time One chance One kiss One taste of you My Magdalena I bear witness To this place, this prayer, So long forgotten So pure So rare To witness such an earthly goddess That I'd sell My soul My self-esteem a dollar at a time For one chance One kiss One taste of you My black madonna I'd sell My soul My self-esteem A dollar at a time One taste One taste One taste of you My Magdalena.
Maynard has a drug history of heroin. You can see it all over the place in weak and powerless, the drug references like dragons and snakes. he even talks about china white which is a form of heroin. i'm guessing that magdalena is a metaphor for heroin and black madonna for china white. China white is the pureist form of heroin you can get by the way. Trust me I'd sell my soul for that drug. The album is called the 13th step by the way. Have you guys heard of the 12 step program to get off drugs? cloud505on December 09, 2010   LinkNo Replies Log in to replyThere was an error.
Overcome by your Moving temple Overcome by this Holiest of altars So pure So rare To witness such an earthly goddess That I've lost my self-control Beyond compelled to throw this dollar Down before your Holiest of altars I'd sell My soul My self-esteem A dollar at a time One chance One kiss One taste of you My Magdalena I bear witness To this place, this prayer, So long forgotten So pure So rare To witness such an earthly goddess That I'd sell My soul My self-esteem a dollar at a time For one chance One kiss One taste of you My black madonna I'd sell My soul My self-esteem A dollar at a time One taste One taste One taste of you My Magdalena.
If you study what really goes on in the seedy underworld of strip clubs you will witnesspeople selling themselves 1 dollar at a time. You will see compulsive men who are drawn by this addiction for gratification and attention from these holiest of altars. She will also sell her soul, her self esteem one dollar at a time. Don't read into the Christian references too much, they are just symbols.If you occasionally drop into one of these places like myself this is one of the reasons you may or may not feel a sense of shame or awkwardness when you visit these places and observe.If you make a habit of going or of working in one then you may be of the type that is drawn to pay one dollar at a time,thus selling your soul, your self esteem. bipolarstudioson May 15, 2010   LinkNo Replies Log in to replyThere was an error.
Overcome by your Moving temple Overcome by this Holiest of altars So pure So rare To witness such an earthly goddess That I've lost my self-control Beyond compelled to throw this dollar Down before your Holiest of altars I'd sell My soul My self-esteem A dollar at a time One chance One kiss One taste of you My Magdalena I bear witness To this place, this prayer, So long forgotten So pure So rare To witness such an earthly goddess That I'd sell My soul My self-esteem a dollar at a time For one chance One kiss One taste of you My black madonna I'd sell My soul My self-esteem A dollar at a time One taste One taste One taste of you My Magdalena.
although the surface imagery in the lyrics and music bring to mind strippers and the likei don't think the bible or gnostic references should be ignoredsomeone mentioned addiction, its many forms are often present in mjk songsi think everyone has his or her own holiest of altarsJuggalecteron July 12, 2011   LinkNo Replies Log in to replyThere was an error.
Overcome by your Moving temple Overcome by this Holiest of altars So pure So rare To witness such an earthly goddess That I've lost my self-control Beyond compelled to throw this dollar Down before your Holiest of altars I'd sell My soul My self-esteem A dollar at a time One chance One kiss One taste of you My Magdalena I bear witness To this place, this prayer, So long forgotten So pure So rare To witness such an earthly goddess That I'd sell My soul My self-esteem a dollar at a time For one chance One kiss One taste of you My black madonna I'd sell My soul My self-esteem A dollar at a time One taste One taste One taste of you My Magdalena.
I love how Maynards lyrics have multiple meanings, but this one is as straight to the point as you can get. It is a legend of the San Juan Capistrano Church in California. The tragedy of "The Great Stone Church" gave rise to its best-loved legend, that of a young native girl named Magdalena who was killed in the collapse. Magdalena lived on the Mission grounds and had fallen in love with an artist named Teófilo. However, the pair was deemed too young to marry by their elders and were forced to carry on their relationship in secret. On that fateful December morning, the repentant Magdalena walked ahead of the procession of worshipers carrying a penitent's candle just as the earthquake struck. Teófilo rushed into the church as the walls and roof tumbled to the ground in a vain attempt to save his lover. When the rubble was cleared the pair was found among the dead, locked in a final embrace. It is said that on moonlit nights one can sometimes make out the face of a young girl, seemingly illuminated by candlelight, high up in the ruins. johanvan79on January 27, 2013   LinkNo Replies Log in to replyThere was an error.
Overcome by your Moving temple Overcome by this Holiest of altars So pure So rare To witness such an earthly goddess That I've lost my self-control Beyond compelled to throw this dollar Down before your Holiest of altars I'd sell My soul My self-esteem A dollar at a time One chance One kiss One taste of you My Magdalena I bear witness To this place, this prayer, So long forgotten So pure So rare To witness such an earthly goddess That I'd sell My soul My self-esteem a dollar at a time For one chance One kiss One taste of you My black madonna I'd sell My soul My self-esteem A dollar at a time One taste One taste One taste of you My Magdalena.
I agree most with what nephilim101 said, except that I think the "holiest of altars" and the "moving temple" refer to the biblical verse stating that "your body is a temple...." And I also do not think that it is a mockery of those types of men, I think Maynard is, or was, one of those men, to a certain extent. He seems to have a very high libido and I recall him saying in some documentary he appeared in that for him it was impossible to be faithful in a relationship and be in a band on the road. Androgyneon May 02, 2013   LinkNo Replies Log in to replyThere was an error.
Overcome by your Moving temple Overcome by this Holiest of altars So pure So rare To witness such an earthly goddess That I've lost my self-control Beyond compelled to throw this dollar Down before your Holiest of altars I'd sell My soul My self-esteem A dollar at a time One chance One kiss One taste of you My Magdalena I bear witness To this place, this prayer, So long forgotten So pure So rare To witness such an earthly goddess That I'd sell My soul My self-esteem a dollar at a time For one chance One kiss One taste of you My black madonna I'd sell My soul My self-esteem A dollar at a time One taste One taste One taste of you My Magdalena.
I think the whole biblical look into the song is a bit too much.. he does make the references, however it is a guise to the bigger picture. It aids the dramatic aspect of desire; to me at least. I believe it is more so about the concept of infatuation with someone you see out of your reach. A good song is interpreted differently by all. thethomasjobeon September 18, 2013   LinkNo Replies Log in to replyThere was an error.
Overcome by your Moving temple Overcome by this Holiest of altars So pure So rare To witness such an earthly goddess That I've lost my self-control Beyond compelled to throw this dollar Down before your Holiest of altars I'd sell My soul My self-esteem A dollar at a time One chance One kiss One taste of you My Magdalena I bear witness To this place, this prayer, So long forgotten So pure So rare To witness such an earthly goddess That I'd sell My soul My self-esteem a dollar at a time For one chance One kiss One taste of you My black madonna I'd sell My soul My self-esteem A dollar at a time One taste One taste One taste of you My Magdalena.
MemoryIf you haven't seen Maynard sing this song live, you are missing out on half the experience. It doesn't really come across on the album, but Maynard screams out that chorus with an intensity that just blows you away. You really feel his longing when he sings it live. HenryPayneon January 21, 2014   LinkNo Replies Log in to replyThere was an error.
Overcome by your Moving temple Overcome by this Holiest of altars So pure So rare To witness such an earthly goddess That I've lost my self-control Beyond compelled to throw this dollar Down before your Holiest of altars I'd sell My soul My self-esteem A dollar at a time One chance One kiss One taste of you My Magdalena I bear witness To this place, this prayer, So long forgotten So pure So rare To witness such an earthly goddess That I'd sell My soul My self-esteem a dollar at a time For one chance One kiss One taste of you My black madonna I'd sell My soul My self-esteem A dollar at a time One taste One taste One taste of you My Magdalena.
I believe the "Magdalena" or "Black Madonna" could refer to many different people and/or things. I see how people may think it's about a stripper. In my opinion it's about religion, church, the leaders of them, and/or God himself. OR the other thing I believe it could refer to is America. carrieolsoncardenon September 07, 2014   Link1 Reply Log in to replyThere was an error. @carrieolsoncardenOR it could refer to drugs or fame. Because of the lyrical content I don't think it's just a song about strippers. Just my opinion though.
Overcome by your Moving temple Overcome by this Holiest of altars So pure So rare To witness such an earthly goddess That I've lost my self-control Beyond compelled to throw this dollar Down before your Holiest of altars I'd sell My soul My self-esteem A dollar at a time One chance One kiss One taste of you My Magdalena I bear witness To this place, this prayer, So long forgotten So pure So rare To witness such an earthly goddess That I'd sell My soul My self-esteem a dollar at a time For one chance One kiss One taste of you My black madonna I'd sell My soul My self-esteem A dollar at a time One taste One taste One taste of you My Magdalena.
I Totally agree that the lyrics are about a man who is completely obssessed with a stripper, but i think also it could have a deeper meaning about people who pay tithes to a church in hoping to redeem themselves. B3N1GHT3Don February 15, 2015   LinkNo Replies Log in to replyThere was an error.
Overcome by your Moving temple Overcome by this Holiest of altars So pure So rare To witness such an earthly goddess That I've lost my self-control Beyond compelled to throw this dollar Down before your Holiest of altars I'd sell My soul My self-esteem A dollar at a time One chance One kiss One taste of you My Magdalena I bear witness To this place, this prayer, So long forgotten So pure So rare To witness such an earthly goddess That I'd sell My soul My self-esteem a dollar at a time For one chance One kiss One taste of you My black madonna I'd sell My soul My self-esteem A dollar at a time One taste One taste One taste of you My Magdalena.
I take this song at face value as the narrative of a guy hypnotised by a stripper, but also more widely as how one person can put another on a pedestal and lose all reason in their adoration. For some reason I always conjure the image of Salma Hayek in From dusk til dawn when i listen to it. Her demonic dancer is bristling with sexual energy and power, and she holds the gaze of the entire room. Maynard's slow swirling delivery in the beginning gives way to frantic, agressive pleading by the end "ONE KISS, ONE TASTE!" and i get the feeling he feels as exploited as the dancer by his desire. As a side note, i think that, ironically, this song would make an excellent song to strip to. Sultry and passionate with lulls and bursts. No dobut this was intentional. Domn8on August 21, 2014   LinkNo Replies Log in to replyThere was an error.
Overcome by your Moving temple Overcome by this Holiest of altars So pure So rare To witness such an earthly goddess That I've lost my self-control Beyond compelled to throw this dollar Down before your Holiest of altars I'd sell My soul My self-esteem A dollar at a time One chance One kiss One taste of you My Magdalena I bear witness To this place, this prayer, So long forgotten So pure So rare To witness such an earthly goddess That I'd sell My soul My self-esteem a dollar at a time For one chance One kiss One taste of you My black madonna I'd sell My soul My self-esteem A dollar at a time One taste One taste One taste of you My Magdalena.
I take this song at face value as the narrative of a guy hypnotised by a stripper, but also more widely as how one person can put another on a pedestal and lose all reason in their adoration. For some reason I always conjure the image of Salma Hayek in From dusk til dawn when i listen to it. Her demonic dancer is bristling with sexual energy and power, and she holds the gaze of the entire room. Maynard's slow swirling delivery in the beginning gives way to frantic, agressive pleading by the end "ONE KISS, ONE TASTE!" and i get the feeling he feels as exploited as the dancer by his desire. As a side note, i think that, ironically, this song would make an excellent song to strip to. Sultry and passionate with lulls and bursts. No dobut this was intentional. Domn8on August 21, 2014   LinkNo Replies Log in to replyThere was an error.
Overcome by your Moving temple Overcome by this Holiest of altars So pure So rare To witness such an earthly goddess That I've lost my self-control Beyond compelled to throw this dollar Down before your Holiest of altars I'd sell My soul My self-esteem A dollar at a time One chance One kiss One taste of you My Magdalena I bear witness To this place, this prayer, So long forgotten So pure So rare To witness such an earthly goddess That I'd sell My soul My self-esteem a dollar at a time For one chance One kiss One taste of you My black madonna I'd sell My soul My self-esteem A dollar at a time One taste One taste One taste of you My Magdalena.
I take this song at face value as the narrative of a guy hypnotised by a stripper, but also more widely as how one person can put another on a pedestal and lose all reason in their adoration. For some reason I always conjure the image of Salma Hayek in From dusk til dawn when i listen to it. Her demonic dancer is bristling with sexual energy and power, and she holds the gaze of the entire room. Maynard's slow swirling delivery in the beginning gives way to frantic, agressive pleading by the end "ONE KISS, ONE TASTE!" and i get the feeling he feels as exploited as the dancer by his desire. As a side note, i think that, ironically, this song would make an excellent song to strip to. Sultry and passionate with lulls and bursts. No dobut this was intentional. Domn8on August 21, 2014   LinkNo Replies Log in to replyThere was an error.
Overcome by your Moving temple Overcome by this Holiest of altars So pure So rare To witness such an earthly goddess That I've lost my self-control Beyond compelled to throw this dollar Down before your Holiest of altars I'd sell My soul My self-esteem A dollar at a time One chance One kiss One taste of you My Magdalena I bear witness To this place, this prayer, So long forgotten So pure So rare To witness such an earthly goddess That I'd sell My soul My self-esteem a dollar at a time For one chance One kiss One taste of you My black madonna I'd sell My soul My self-esteem A dollar at a time One taste One taste One taste of you My Magdalena.
I take this song at face value as the narrative of a guy hypnotised by a stripper, but also more widely as how one person can put another on a pedestal and lose all reason in their adoration. For some reason I always conjure the image of Salma Hayek in From dusk til dawn when i listen to it. Her demonic dancer is bristling with sexual energy and power, and she holds the gaze of the entire room. Maynard's slow swirling delivery in the beginning gives way to frantic, agressive pleading by the end "ONE KISS, ONE TASTE!" and i get the feeling he feels as exploited as the dancer by his desire. As a side note, i think that, ironically, this song would make an excellent song to strip to. Sultry and passionate with lulls and bursts. No dobut this was intentional. Domn8on August 21, 2014   LinkNo Replies Log in to replyThere was an error.
Overcome by your Moving temple Overcome by this Holiest of altars So pure So rare To witness such an earthly goddess That I've lost my self-control Beyond compelled to throw this dollar Down before your Holiest of altars I'd sell My soul My self-esteem A dollar at a time One chance One kiss One taste of you My Magdalena I bear witness To this place, this prayer, So long forgotten So pure So rare To witness such an earthly goddess That I'd sell My soul My self-esteem a dollar at a time For one chance One kiss One taste of you My black madonna I'd sell My soul My self-esteem A dollar at a time One taste One taste One taste of you My Magdalena.
I take this song at face value as the narrative of a guy hypnotised by a stripper, but also more widely as how one person can put another on a pedestal and lose all reason in their adoration. For some reason I always conjure the image of Salma Hayek in From dusk til dawn when i listen to it. Her demonic dancer is bristling with sexual energy and power, and she holds the gaze of the entire room. Maynard's slow swirling delivery in the beginning gives way to frantic, agressive pleading by the end "ONE KISS, ONE TASTE!" and i get the feeling he feels as exploited as the dancer by his desire. As a side note, i think that, ironically, this song would make an excellent song to strip to. Sultry and passionate with lulls and bursts. No dobut this was intentional. Domn8on August 21, 2014   LinkNo Replies Log in to replyThere was an error.
Overcome by your Moving temple Overcome by this Holiest of altars So pure So rare To witness such an earthly goddess That I've lost my self-control Beyond compelled to throw this dollar Down before your Holiest of altars I'd sell My soul My self-esteem A dollar at a time One chance One kiss One taste of you My Magdalena I bear witness To this place, this prayer, So long forgotten So pure So rare To witness such an earthly goddess That I'd sell My soul My self-esteem a dollar at a time For one chance One kiss One taste of you My black madonna I'd sell My soul My self-esteem A dollar at a time One taste One taste One taste of you My Magdalena.
I take this song at face value as the narrative of a guy hypnotised by a stripper, but also more widely as how one person can put another on a pedestal and lose all reason in their adoration. For some reason I always conjure the image of Salma Hayek in From dusk til dawn when i listen to it. Her demonic dancer is bristling with sexual energy and power, and she holds the gaze of the entire room. Maynard's slow swirling delivery in the beginning gives way to frantic, agressive pleading by the end "ONE KISS, ONE TASTE!" and i get the feeling he feels as exploited as the dancer by his desire. As a side note, i think that, ironically, this song would make an excellent song to strip to. Sultry and passionate with lulls and bursts. No dobut this was intentional. Domn8on August 21, 2014   LinkNo Replies Log in to replyThere was an error.
Overcome by your Moving temple Overcome by this Holiest of altars So pure So rare To witness such an earthly goddess That I've lost my self-control Beyond compelled to throw this dollar Down before your Holiest of altars I'd sell My soul My self-esteem A dollar at a time One chance One kiss One taste of you My Magdalena I bear witness To this place, this prayer, So long forgotten So pure So rare To witness such an earthly goddess That I'd sell My soul My self-esteem a dollar at a time For one chance One kiss One taste of you My black madonna I'd sell My soul My self-esteem A dollar at a time One taste One taste One taste of you My Magdalena.
I take this song at face value as the narrative of a guy hypnotised by a stripper, but also more widely as how one person can put another on a pedestal and lose all reason in their adoration. For some reason I always conjure the image of Salma Hayek in From dusk til dawn when i listen to it. Her demonic dancer is bristling with sexual energy and power, and she holds the gaze of the entire room. Maynard's slow swirling delivery in the beginning gives way to frantic, agressive pleading by the end "ONE KISS, ONE TASTE!" and i get the feeling he feels as exploited as the dancer by his desire. As a side note, i think that, ironically, this song would make an excellent song to strip to. Sultry and passionate with lulls and bursts. No dobut this was intentional. Domn8on August 21, 2014   LinkNo Replies Log in to replyThere was an error.
Overcome by your Moving temple Overcome by this Holiest of altars So pure So rare To witness such an earthly goddess That I've lost my self-control Beyond compelled to throw this dollar Down before your Holiest of altars I'd sell My soul My self-esteem A dollar at a time One chance One kiss One taste of you My Magdalena I bear witness To this place, this prayer, So long forgotten So pure So rare To witness such an earthly goddess That I'd sell My soul My self-esteem a dollar at a time For one chance One kiss One taste of you My black madonna I'd sell My soul My self-esteem A dollar at a time One taste One taste One taste of you My Magdalena.
I take this song at face value as the narrative of a guy hypnotised by a stripper, but also more widely as how one person can put another on a pedestal and lose all reason in their adoration. For some reason I always conjure the image of Salma Hayek in From dusk til dawn when i listen to it. Her demonic dancer is bristling with sexual energy and power, and she holds the gaze of the entire room. Maynard's slow swirling delivery in the beginning gives way to frantic, agressive pleading by the end "ONE KISS, ONE TASTE!" and i get the feeling he feels as exploited as the dancer by his desire. As a side note, i think that, ironically, this song would make an excellent song to strip to. Sultry and passionate with lulls and bursts. No dobut this was intentional. Domn8on August 21, 2014   LinkNo Replies Log in to replyThere was an error.
Overcome by your Moving temple Overcome by this Holiest of altars So pure So rare To witness such an earthly goddess That I've lost my self-control Beyond compelled to throw this dollar Down before your Holiest of altars I'd sell My soul My self-esteem A dollar at a time One chance One kiss One taste of you My Magdalena I bear witness To this place, this prayer, So long forgotten So pure So rare To witness such an earthly goddess That I'd sell My soul My self-esteem a dollar at a time For one chance One kiss One taste of you My black madonna I'd sell My soul My self-esteem A dollar at a time One taste One taste One taste of you My Magdalena.
I take this song at face value as the narrative of a guy hypnotised by a stripper, but also more widely as how one person can put another on a pedestal and lose all reason in their adoration. For some reason I always conjure the image of Salma Hayek in From dusk til dawn when i listen to it. Her demonic dancer is bristling with sexual energy and power, and she holds the gaze of the entire room. Maynard's slow swirling delivery in the beginning gives way to frantic, agressive pleading by the end "ONE KISS, ONE TASTE!" and i get the feeling he feels as exploited as the dancer by his desire. As a side note, i think that, ironically, this song would make an excellent song to strip to. Sultry and passionate with lulls and bursts. No dobut this was intentional. Domn8on August 21, 2014   LinkNo Replies Log in to replyThere was an error.
Overcome by your Moving temple Overcome by this Holiest of altars So pure So rare To witness such an earthly goddess That I've lost my self-control Beyond compelled to throw this dollar Down before your Holiest of altars I'd sell My soul My self-esteem A dollar at a time One chance One kiss One taste of you My Magdalena I bear witness To this place, this prayer, So long forgotten So pure So rare To witness such an earthly goddess That I'd sell My soul My self-esteem a dollar at a time For one chance One kiss One taste of you My black madonna I'd sell My soul My self-esteem A dollar at a time One taste One taste One taste of you My Magdalena.
I take this song at face value as the narrative of a guy hypnotised by a stripper, but also more widely as how one person can put another on a pedestal and lose all reason in their adoration. For some reason I always conjure the image of Salma Hayek in From dusk til dawn when i listen to it. Her demonic dancer is bristling with sexual energy and power, and she holds the gaze of the entire room. Maynard's slow swirling delivery in the beginning gives way to frantic, agressive pleading by the end "ONE KISS, ONE TASTE!" and i get the feeling he feels as exploited as the dancer by his desire. As a side note, i think that, ironically, this song would make an excellent song to strip to. Sultry and passionate with lulls and bursts. No dobut this was intentional. Domn8on August 21, 2014   LinkNo Replies Log in to replyThere was an error.
Overcome by your Moving temple Overcome by this Holiest of altars So pure So rare To witness such an earthly goddess That I've lost my self-control Beyond compelled to throw this dollar Down before your Holiest of altars I'd sell My soul My self-esteem A dollar at a time One chance One kiss One taste of you My Magdalena I bear witness To this place, this prayer, So long forgotten So pure So rare To witness such an earthly goddess That I'd sell My soul My self-esteem a dollar at a time For one chance One kiss One taste of you My black madonna I'd sell My soul My self-esteem A dollar at a time One taste One taste One taste of you My Magdalena.
I take this song at face value as the narrative of a guy hypnotised by a stripper, but also more widely as how one person can put another on a pedestal and lose all reason in their adoration. For some reason I always conjure the image of Salma Hayek in From dusk til dawn when i listen to it. Her demonic dancer is bristling with sexual energy and power, and she holds the gaze of the entire room. Maynard's slow swirling delivery in the beginning gives way to frantic, agressive pleading by the end "ONE KISS, ONE TASTE!" and i get the feeling he feels as exploited as the dancer by his desire. As a side note, i think that, ironically, this song would make an excellent song to strip to. Sultry and passionate with lulls and bursts. No dobut this was intentional. Domn8on August 21, 2014   LinkNo Replies Log in to replyThere was an error.
Overcome by your Moving temple Overcome by this Holiest of altars So pure So rare To witness such an earthly goddess That I've lost my self-control Beyond compelled to throw this dollar Down before your Holiest of altars I'd sell My soul My self-esteem A dollar at a time One chance One kiss One taste of you My Magdalena I bear witness To this place, this prayer, So long forgotten So pure So rare To witness such an earthly goddess That I'd sell My soul My self-esteem a dollar at a time For one chance One kiss One taste of you My black madonna I'd sell My soul My self-esteem A dollar at a time One taste One taste One taste of you My Magdalena.
I know this is an old thread, but I would like to share my thoughts on this song. My best friend is having a child, and she hopes its a girl. She wanted to name her Magdalena, Maggie for short, but she doesnt want to name her daughter after a song about a stripper. I disagree. I do feel this song has relevance to a stripper but has a deeper meaning. In my opinion, Maynard is referring to Mary Magdalene, essentially Jesus's wife. She was a loyal companion and traveler with Jesus. She was a whore who washed his feet, and pledged her loyalty to him because of her faith. Many scientists believe she truly fell in love with him. There is a theory that she is shown as the only woman in the last supper, placed next to Jesus you can see subtle differences that suggest it is indeed Mary Magdalene. Her long hair, the shape of her dress cuts squarely on her chest, different from the men, her and jesus's clothes match symmetrically, and form a "V" shape, in reference to the female womb or divine feminine. If you re-position her to the other side of Jesus, you can see she is holding his hand and has her head on his shoulder. This theory is mentioned in "The Da Vinci Code" but there is a much more sophisticated study on this subject that is continuously theorized. These subtle clues as possibly not clues at all, but in a time where women were not favored upon to be put in one of the most famous paintings ever created, this could be a big deal. Anyway, in coloration with the song, I believe that he is a righteous man in search of something, and he goes to the strip club and find this "earthly goddess", meaning she is clearly not a heavenly saint, but that she is beautiful, loyal to whatever reason it may be that she chose to strip for money, and that he could offer her a better life if he could just get a chance, one kiss, one taste, that she would follow him, and eventually fall in love with him. My theory is very far fetched but, it is what I feel when I listen to the song. Its one of my favorites. creepyzeeon February 15, 201
The return of the Thin White Duke throwing darts in lovers' eyes Here are we one magical moment Such is the stuff from where dreams are woven Bending sound Dredging the ocean lost in my circle Here am I Flashing no colour tall in this room overlooking the ocean Here are we One magical movement from Kether to Malkuth 1 There are you You drive like a demon from station to station The return of the Thin White Duke throwing darts in lovers' eyes The return of the Thin White Duke throwing darts in lovers' eyes The return of the Thin White Duke, making sure white stains Once there were mountains on mountains And once there were sunbirds to soar with And once I could never be down Got to keep searching and searching Oh, what will I be believing and who will connect me with love? Wonderful, wonder who, wonder when Have you sought fortune, evasive and shy? Drink to the men who protect you and I Drink, drink, drain your glass, raise your glass high It's not the side-effects of the cocaine I'm thinking that it must be love It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here I must be only one in a million I won't let the day pass without her It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here Should I believe that I've been stricken? Does my face show some kind of glow? It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here, yes it's here It's too late It's too late It's too late It's too late It's too late The european cannon is here It's not the side-effects of the cocaine I'm thinking that it must be love It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here I must be only one in a million I won't let the day pass without her It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here Should I believe that I've been stricken? Does my face show some kind of glow? It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here, yes it's here It's too late
This is actually my favorite song. It took me a long time to get into the album STATION TO STATION, as I had always been more into the DIAMOND DOGS style of Bowie music. As Bowie is my favorite thing in the universe, though, eventually I gave the album a shot one morning as I did my makeup. I was spellbound within three minutes. The title song, "Station to Station," is one of the most hauntingly freaky and beautiful things I've ever heard. This is my interpretation:The beginning of the song, the train-effects and the insistent, pulsing "budu-BUM" riff are really just that: a beginning. Every Bowie album seems to have a kind of "curtain raising." It's the theatricality of his aesthetic I suppose. DIAMOND DOGS had "Furtue Legend"; ZIGGY STARDUST had the percussion of "Five Years"; SCARY MONSTERS had the record changing to bring in "It's No Game." STATION TO STATION has the eerie, almost psychedelic thumping of drums and the roar of a steam engine. "The return of the thin white duke/throwing darts in lover's eyes..."I've always thought this was part of that "introductory" feeling. Bowie is establishing a persona. In this song it seems more multi=dimensional than that, though; the entire idea of "Station to Station" is to be a tongue-in-cheek, somewhat desultory comment on "love." But to deal with the very real pain and fear Bowie was dealing with the time, he creates the character of the Thin White Duke--a cold, almost fascistic character who lives on cocaine and his own cynicism--to distance himself from the reality of what was going on in his life, but ultimately, and ironically, winds up painting a painfully clear picture of himself. Art imitates life imitates art, I suppose. "Here are we, one magical moment, such is the stuff from where dreams are woven...Bensing sound, dredging the ocean, lost in my circle,Here am I, flashing no colour, tall in my room overlooking the ocean." This section reminds me of the story-style of "Cracked Actor" or "Time," both of which come off of another dark, moody, although musicall
The return of the Thin White Duke throwing darts in lovers' eyes Here are we one magical moment Such is the stuff from where dreams are woven Bending sound Dredging the ocean lost in my circle Here am I Flashing no colour tall in this room overlooking the ocean Here are we One magical movement from Kether to Malkuth 1 There are you You drive like a demon from station to station The return of the Thin White Duke throwing darts in lovers' eyes The return of the Thin White Duke throwing darts in lovers' eyes The return of the Thin White Duke, making sure white stains Once there were mountains on mountains And once there were sunbirds to soar with And once I could never be down Got to keep searching and searching Oh, what will I be believing and who will connect me with love? Wonderful, wonder who, wonder when Have you sought fortune, evasive and shy? Drink to the men who protect you and I Drink, drink, drain your glass, raise your glass high It's not the side-effects of the cocaine I'm thinking that it must be love It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here I must be only one in a million I won't let the day pass without her It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here Should I believe that I've been stricken? Does my face show some kind of glow? It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here, yes it's here It's too late It's too late It's too late It's too late It's too late The european cannon is here It's not the side-effects of the cocaine I'm thinking that it must be love It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here I must be only one in a million I won't let the day pass without her It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here Should I believe that I've been stricken? Does my face show some kind of glow? It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here, yes it's here It's too late
Just to add that Bowie has always said this song has nothing to do with trains or train stations, despite the sample at the start of the song- he claimed the "stations" of the title referred to the stations of the cross. Which also explains the hebrew religious imagery in "Kether to Malkuth", maybe? Appers66on November 03, 2008   LinkNo Replies Log in to replyThere was an error.
The return of the Thin White Duke throwing darts in lovers' eyes Here are we one magical moment Such is the stuff from where dreams are woven Bending sound Dredging the ocean lost in my circle Here am I Flashing no colour tall in this room overlooking the ocean Here are we One magical movement from Kether to Malkuth 1 There are you You drive like a demon from station to station The return of the Thin White Duke throwing darts in lovers' eyes The return of the Thin White Duke throwing darts in lovers' eyes The return of the Thin White Duke, making sure white stains Once there were mountains on mountains And once there were sunbirds to soar with And once I could never be down Got to keep searching and searching Oh, what will I be believing and who will connect me with love? Wonderful, wonder who, wonder when Have you sought fortune, evasive and shy? Drink to the men who protect you and I Drink, drink, drain your glass, raise your glass high It's not the side-effects of the cocaine I'm thinking that it must be love It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here I must be only one in a million I won't let the day pass without her It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here Should I believe that I've been stricken? Does my face show some kind of glow? It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here, yes it's here It's too late It's too late It's too late It's too late It's too late The european cannon is here It's not the side-effects of the cocaine I'm thinking that it must be love It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here I must be only one in a million I won't let the day pass without her It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here Should I believe that I've been stricken? Does my face show some kind of glow? It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here, yes it's here It's too late
While I know the Thin White Duke is Bowie's Station to Station Era persona -- I think in this song itself the "Thin White Duke" is partially a symbol of the cocaine itself, or religion, or witchcraft itself -- whatever people use to get by and that subsequently may bloack the possibility of love and or happiness (Hence "Throwing Darts In lover's eyes." The sure white stains can be the trail of a coke line or semen stains on a sheet in other words, the remnants of whatever device was used to get the individual from station to station. Of course with the religious implications of the stations of the cross, Bowie is essentially connecting the acceptance of spirituality and the journey one may go through in pursuing that as a means by which to escape from his troubles. Station to Station, my favorite Bowie album -- despite it's mere 6 songs -- is a bittersweet triumph in that it essentially addresses How Humans Deal With Pain. Golden Years is an olive branch offered from jilted lover to lover -- Word On A Wing is an aknowledgement of guilt and a prayer to seek refuge from one's own devices, TVC15 is a parable on the escape that TV and the media provides and how TVs can nearly be compared to humans in terms of the supposed solace that they offer. The final song "Wild is the Wind" reaches the conclusion that life is like the wind -- meant to be wild and unpredictable and instead of seeking tangibles to cure one's pain, one should look within. It's remarkable that Bowie waxs so forgone when he recorded this album that doesn't remember it and yet it is imbued with a message that he was obviously trying to send himself. Station to Station the song is one of the pinnacles of Bowie. The music is exhilerating, and excuse the cliche but epic. It is a song about the quest -- living in the moment, shunning self doubt and relying on oneself. But at the same time seeking yet another external out -- the European Cannon -- which I presume is either a reference to the Christian faith of which their is a large European cannon or perh
The return of the Thin White Duke throwing darts in lovers' eyes Here are we one magical moment Such is the stuff from where dreams are woven Bending sound Dredging the ocean lost in my circle Here am I Flashing no colour tall in this room overlooking the ocean Here are we One magical movement from Kether to Malkuth 1 There are you You drive like a demon from station to station The return of the Thin White Duke throwing darts in lovers' eyes The return of the Thin White Duke throwing darts in lovers' eyes The return of the Thin White Duke, making sure white stains Once there were mountains on mountains And once there were sunbirds to soar with And once I could never be down Got to keep searching and searching Oh, what will I be believing and who will connect me with love? Wonderful, wonder who, wonder when Have you sought fortune, evasive and shy? Drink to the men who protect you and I Drink, drink, drain your glass, raise your glass high It's not the side-effects of the cocaine I'm thinking that it must be love It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here I must be only one in a million I won't let the day pass without her It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here Should I believe that I've been stricken? Does my face show some kind of glow? It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here, yes it's here It's too late It's too late It's too late It's too late It's too late The european cannon is here It's not the side-effects of the cocaine I'm thinking that it must be love It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here I must be only one in a million I won't let the day pass without her It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here Should I believe that I've been stricken? Does my face show some kind of glow? It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here, yes it's here It's too late
Heart wrenching song for me. While the beat is all high and fun, im getting chills! I dont have a comprehensive interpretation of the song, although emotionally it makes sense to me. I think its about his soul, about his longing for love. He's aware of his addiction but treats it like a disease that can have side-effects, not like the ruler of his life. I dont think that in this song he found someone to be inlove with, rather, i think he wants it and mocks it at the same time. 'Does my face show some kind of glow' - in my opinion its abit cynical. I think all the riddly stuff is hallucinations of cocaine, but maybe I just dont understand what he reffered to. Aerialon December 24, 2007   LinkNo Replies Log in to replyThere was an error.
The return of the Thin White Duke throwing darts in lovers' eyes Here are we one magical moment Such is the stuff from where dreams are woven Bending sound Dredging the ocean lost in my circle Here am I Flashing no colour tall in this room overlooking the ocean Here are we One magical movement from Kether to Malkuth 1 There are you You drive like a demon from station to station The return of the Thin White Duke throwing darts in lovers' eyes The return of the Thin White Duke throwing darts in lovers' eyes The return of the Thin White Duke, making sure white stains Once there were mountains on mountains And once there were sunbirds to soar with And once I could never be down Got to keep searching and searching Oh, what will I be believing and who will connect me with love? Wonderful, wonder who, wonder when Have you sought fortune, evasive and shy? Drink to the men who protect you and I Drink, drink, drain your glass, raise your glass high It's not the side-effects of the cocaine I'm thinking that it must be love It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here I must be only one in a million I won't let the day pass without her It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here Should I believe that I've been stricken? Does my face show some kind of glow? It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here, yes it's here It's too late It's too late It's too late It's too late It's too late The european cannon is here It's not the side-effects of the cocaine I'm thinking that it must be love It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here I must be only one in a million I won't let the day pass without her It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here Should I believe that I've been stricken? Does my face show some kind of glow? It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here, yes it's here It's too late
DB is an adept of high tantric magick. Kether and Malkuth are the top and bottom of the Tree of Life, respectively, in Qabbala. This song is about enlightenment through sexual yoga. "lost in my circle" and "flashing no colour" are references to a western magickal circle, and the Hindu Tantric tattva method of 'colour flashing' for consciousness alteration... respectively. "Its not the side effects of the cocaine"... i.e. a long-lasting erection, 'it must be love' in that it is agape (pure love) that creates a tantric union. I must be only one in a million/won't let the day pass without her : when one experience sexual samadhi, one realizes one is only one of a precious few who can or have, and that it is due entirely to one's consort, and the devotion thereof. That I've been stricken/some kind of glow : he is 'pinching' himself to verify what he is experiencing. Those in tantric bliss commonly express the feeling that they feel like they are glowing, or have fire coming off them, and expect to see it when they open their eyes. It's too late : once at this stage, it is beyond the point of making any amends or correcting one's technique or practices - one has attained already and the problem is now to maintain purity and sanity after having 'seen the light'. The european cannon is a tongue-in-cheek kind of pun on the term 'the Pali Canon', which are the scriptures of Buddhism, which David was following at this time (along with Qabbalah). The Pali Canon is the doctrine of buddhist enlightenment - David's 'European Cannon' is the western magickal tradition being brought to life in the 20'th century and thus 'is here'. So, yes he was on a lot of cocaine at the time, but he could afford it, and was doing so on the path. The Left Hand Path of red tantra. rainwalkon December 03, 2007   LinkNo Replies Log in to replyThere was an error.
The return of the Thin White Duke throwing darts in lovers' eyes Here are we one magical moment Such is the stuff from where dreams are woven Bending sound Dredging the ocean lost in my circle Here am I Flashing no colour tall in this room overlooking the ocean Here are we One magical movement from Kether to Malkuth 1 There are you You drive like a demon from station to station The return of the Thin White Duke throwing darts in lovers' eyes The return of the Thin White Duke throwing darts in lovers' eyes The return of the Thin White Duke, making sure white stains Once there were mountains on mountains And once there were sunbirds to soar with And once I could never be down Got to keep searching and searching Oh, what will I be believing and who will connect me with love? Wonderful, wonder who, wonder when Have you sought fortune, evasive and shy? Drink to the men who protect you and I Drink, drink, drain your glass, raise your glass high It's not the side-effects of the cocaine I'm thinking that it must be love It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here I must be only one in a million I won't let the day pass without her It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here Should I believe that I've been stricken? Does my face show some kind of glow? It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here, yes it's here It's too late It's too late It's too late It's too late It's too late The european cannon is here It's not the side-effects of the cocaine I'm thinking that it must be love It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here I must be only one in a million I won't let the day pass without her It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here Should I believe that I've been stricken? Does my face show some kind of glow? It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here, yes it's here It's too late
Great analysis JourdainB. and like your interpretaton of European Cannon flayerhater. I interpret 'drive like a demon from Station to Station' to mean Bowie taking stock of his life up to that point. Physically touring non-stop (Ziggy Stardust, Diamond Dogs, Philly Dogs tours), changing personas (Anthony Newley-esque singer, folk rock singer, Ziggy Stardust, Aladdin Sane, Soul Singer and now the Thin White Duke), and finally in terms of beliefs (buddhist, Christian, fascist, bohemian). I think at this point in life, Bowie was just feeling spent and burnt out. You see this more on his next album Low-where the lyrics are minimalist and he takes time to relax and indulge in ambient instrumental music with the help of Brian Eno. The lyrics, 'bending sound, dredging the ocean, lost in my circle' I interpret to mean making music (bending sound), which then morphs into his view on making the music (dredging the ocean of existing music to innovate new music- such as his fusion of soul & rock on this album) as well as 'dredging the ocean to find meaning in life, and finally lost in his circle of constantly making music as well as bein in a general rut in life. Pretty depressing stuff. The lyric I'm not sure about is 'making sure white stains'. What comes to mind first is semen stains. This could be his way of expressing cynicism about love- it just comes down to making white stains. Don't think it refers to cocaine as I cocaine doesn't stain- maybe metaphorically. Anyway, fascinating a fascinating song overall- complex both musically and lyrically. And though it is hard to interpret because so much of it appears to be so personal to Mr. Bowie- it definitely appears to be quite an impressive and poetic statement of where he was at this point in his life. BillyBuddon July 09, 2010   LinkNo Replies Log in to replyThere was an error.
The return of the Thin White Duke throwing darts in lovers' eyes Here are we one magical moment Such is the stuff from where dreams are woven Bending sound Dredging the ocean lost in my circle Here am I Flashing no colour tall in this room overlooking the ocean Here are we One magical movement from Kether to Malkuth 1 There are you You drive like a demon from station to station The return of the Thin White Duke throwing darts in lovers' eyes The return of the Thin White Duke throwing darts in lovers' eyes The return of the Thin White Duke, making sure white stains Once there were mountains on mountains And once there were sunbirds to soar with And once I could never be down Got to keep searching and searching Oh, what will I be believing and who will connect me with love? Wonderful, wonder who, wonder when Have you sought fortune, evasive and shy? Drink to the men who protect you and I Drink, drink, drain your glass, raise your glass high It's not the side-effects of the cocaine I'm thinking that it must be love It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here I must be only one in a million I won't let the day pass without her It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here Should I believe that I've been stricken? Does my face show some kind of glow? It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here, yes it's here It's too late It's too late It's too late It's too late It's too late The european cannon is here It's not the side-effects of the cocaine I'm thinking that it must be love It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here I must be only one in a million I won't let the day pass without her It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here Should I believe that I've been stricken? Does my face show some kind of glow? It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here, yes it's here It's too late
"It's not the side-effects of the cocaineI'm thinking that it must be love""I must be only one in a millionI won't let the day pass without her""Should I believe that I've been stricken? Does my face show some kind of glow?" I feel this is pure cynicism. From what I understand, he couldn't feel much at all during those years (it is more than just him not remembering his emotions, yeah?). Seems he obviously knows he is not one in a million. Seems he rejects the absurdity of the notion of love, at least for him. I interpret it as him challenging (presenting challenges toward) the mere notion of him having feelings at all. And maybe that imposition of him having feelings is coming from somewhere within. In that case, he is mocking, and subsequently killing, these feelings. His "character" at the time, "The Thin White Duke", which I think is just a manifestation of his true self at the time, was a cold and barren wasteland for any measurable degree of feeling. AllanInneson October 22, 2010   LinkNo Replies Log in to replyThere was an error.
The return of the Thin White Duke throwing darts in lovers' eyes Here are we one magical moment Such is the stuff from where dreams are woven Bending sound Dredging the ocean lost in my circle Here am I Flashing no colour tall in this room overlooking the ocean Here are we One magical movement from Kether to Malkuth 1 There are you You drive like a demon from station to station The return of the Thin White Duke throwing darts in lovers' eyes The return of the Thin White Duke throwing darts in lovers' eyes The return of the Thin White Duke, making sure white stains Once there were mountains on mountains And once there were sunbirds to soar with And once I could never be down Got to keep searching and searching Oh, what will I be believing and who will connect me with love? Wonderful, wonder who, wonder when Have you sought fortune, evasive and shy? Drink to the men who protect you and I Drink, drink, drain your glass, raise your glass high It's not the side-effects of the cocaine I'm thinking that it must be love It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here I must be only one in a million I won't let the day pass without her It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here Should I believe that I've been stricken? Does my face show some kind of glow? It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here, yes it's here It's too late It's too late It's too late It's too late It's too late The european cannon is here It's not the side-effects of the cocaine I'm thinking that it must be love It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here I must be only one in a million I won't let the day pass without her It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here Should I believe that I've been stricken? Does my face show some kind of glow? It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here, yes it's here It's too late
apparently bowie wrote this on a long train ride from nyc to la. the shifting sound at the beginning is very much a train. this is when bowie re-invented himself as the thin white druke - a starving, cocaine-riddled (but gorgeous) pale specimen. the cocaine part is about coke: how you feel like a million buck and are entirely unaware of the illusions your mind is creating. broken soundon January 03, 2005   LinkNo Replies Log in to replyThere was an error.
The return of the Thin White Duke throwing darts in lovers' eyes Here are we one magical moment Such is the stuff from where dreams are woven Bending sound Dredging the ocean lost in my circle Here am I Flashing no colour tall in this room overlooking the ocean Here are we One magical movement from Kether to Malkuth 1 There are you You drive like a demon from station to station The return of the Thin White Duke throwing darts in lovers' eyes The return of the Thin White Duke throwing darts in lovers' eyes The return of the Thin White Duke, making sure white stains Once there were mountains on mountains And once there were sunbirds to soar with And once I could never be down Got to keep searching and searching Oh, what will I be believing and who will connect me with love? Wonderful, wonder who, wonder when Have you sought fortune, evasive and shy? Drink to the men who protect you and I Drink, drink, drain your glass, raise your glass high It's not the side-effects of the cocaine I'm thinking that it must be love It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here I must be only one in a million I won't let the day pass without her It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here Should I believe that I've been stricken? Does my face show some kind of glow? It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here, yes it's here It's too late It's too late It's too late It's too late It's too late The european cannon is here It's not the side-effects of the cocaine I'm thinking that it must be love It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here I must be only one in a million I won't let the day pass without her It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here Should I believe that I've been stricken? Does my face show some kind of glow? It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here, yes it's here It's too late
It's obvious it's about cocaine, but I think the actual meaning of the song is that he has fallen in love and because of this he has figuratively snapped out of cocaine's mind control and wants this special someone, yet it is too late for him. The Duke is dying. The European cannon would be death coming for him. BowieOwnsAllon January 11, 2005   Link1 Reply Log in to replyThere was an error. @BowieOwnsAllI had always assumed it's canon and not cannon, or at least that canon is the primary meaning.
The return of the Thin White Duke throwing darts in lovers' eyes Here are we one magical moment Such is the stuff from where dreams are woven Bending sound Dredging the ocean lost in my circle Here am I Flashing no colour tall in this room overlooking the ocean Here are we One magical movement from Kether to Malkuth 1 There are you You drive like a demon from station to station The return of the Thin White Duke throwing darts in lovers' eyes The return of the Thin White Duke throwing darts in lovers' eyes The return of the Thin White Duke, making sure white stains Once there were mountains on mountains And once there were sunbirds to soar with And once I could never be down Got to keep searching and searching Oh, what will I be believing and who will connect me with love? Wonderful, wonder who, wonder when Have you sought fortune, evasive and shy? Drink to the men who protect you and I Drink, drink, drain your glass, raise your glass high It's not the side-effects of the cocaine I'm thinking that it must be love It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here I must be only one in a million I won't let the day pass without her It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here Should I believe that I've been stricken? Does my face show some kind of glow? It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here, yes it's here It's too late It's too late It's too late It's too late It's too late The european cannon is here It's not the side-effects of the cocaine I'm thinking that it must be love It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here I must be only one in a million I won't let the day pass without her It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here Should I believe that I've been stricken? Does my face show some kind of glow? It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here, yes it's here It's too late
Could someone here explain "from Kether to Malkuth"? I never found out what those are. Ana Byrdon January 11, 2005   Link1 Reply Log in to replyThere was an error. @Ana ByrdKether and Malkuth are the two extremes on the Tree of Life, which is the key to Kabalah. Kether is the divine godhead, the crown of pure knowledge, the one. It breaks down into the masculine element of wisdon and the feminine element of understanding (two and three on the tree). Malkuth is the spirit made flesh and is the foot of the tree and represents the kingdom of man. The ten Sephiroth of the Tree of Life are much like the stations of the cross and the Major Arcana of the Tarot represent the 22 pathways on the tree (the Fool, for example walks the path between Kether and Hokmah or wisdom). A magical movement from Kether to Malkuth is the alchemical movement from spirit to flesh, from the potential to the realized.
The return of the Thin White Duke throwing darts in lovers' eyes Here are we one magical moment Such is the stuff from where dreams are woven Bending sound Dredging the ocean lost in my circle Here am I Flashing no colour tall in this room overlooking the ocean Here are we One magical movement from Kether to Malkuth 1 There are you You drive like a demon from station to station The return of the Thin White Duke throwing darts in lovers' eyes The return of the Thin White Duke throwing darts in lovers' eyes The return of the Thin White Duke, making sure white stains Once there were mountains on mountains And once there were sunbirds to soar with And once I could never be down Got to keep searching and searching Oh, what will I be believing and who will connect me with love? Wonderful, wonder who, wonder when Have you sought fortune, evasive and shy? Drink to the men who protect you and I Drink, drink, drain your glass, raise your glass high It's not the side-effects of the cocaine I'm thinking that it must be love It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here I must be only one in a million I won't let the day pass without her It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here Should I believe that I've been stricken? Does my face show some kind of glow? It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here, yes it's here It's too late It's too late It's too late It's too late It's too late The european cannon is here It's not the side-effects of the cocaine I'm thinking that it must be love It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here I must be only one in a million I won't let the day pass without her It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here Should I believe that I've been stricken? Does my face show some kind of glow? It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here, yes it's here It's too late
I was skeptical to buy this album cause i wasn't too much into the dark/soul i heard samples of; but ladies and gentlemen, DONT LET THIS STOP YOU! It is now tied with Space Oddity and Ziggy Stardust for my favourite album of Mr. Bowie! TheAcidSoundon February 24, 2007   LinkNo Replies Log in to replyThere was an error.
The return of the Thin White Duke throwing darts in lovers' eyes Here are we one magical moment Such is the stuff from where dreams are woven Bending sound Dredging the ocean lost in my circle Here am I Flashing no colour tall in this room overlooking the ocean Here are we One magical movement from Kether to Malkuth 1 There are you You drive like a demon from station to station The return of the Thin White Duke throwing darts in lovers' eyes The return of the Thin White Duke throwing darts in lovers' eyes The return of the Thin White Duke, making sure white stains Once there were mountains on mountains And once there were sunbirds to soar with And once I could never be down Got to keep searching and searching Oh, what will I be believing and who will connect me with love? Wonderful, wonder who, wonder when Have you sought fortune, evasive and shy? Drink to the men who protect you and I Drink, drink, drain your glass, raise your glass high It's not the side-effects of the cocaine I'm thinking that it must be love It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here I must be only one in a million I won't let the day pass without her It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here Should I believe that I've been stricken? Does my face show some kind of glow? It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here, yes it's here It's too late It's too late It's too late It's too late It's too late The european cannon is here It's not the side-effects of the cocaine I'm thinking that it must be love It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here I must be only one in a million I won't let the day pass without her It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here Should I believe that I've been stricken? Does my face show some kind of glow? It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here, yes it's here It's too late
Such a good song, with four distinct parts too, shame it was never a single because of its length, but I always interpreted it as this:The Thin White Duke: The name itself is an allusion to cocaine, thin and white referring to a line of coke, and Duke referring to the sort of feeling of grandness that comes from it,The Lyrics in the song referring to him depict him as this sort of bitter, jealous person who hates love in between hits. In other words, Station to Station refers to the TWD, or Bowie if you prefer, being in transition from one hit to the next, and at first the tune is slow and deliberate, with a sort of illusionary imagery. Then it changes, he's now going from Station to Station and he reflects on how things used to be nice (once there were mountains on mountains etc.) but now are slow, then it changes again. Now he's found something to love, but there's just one problem, he reaches the next 'station', and he picks coke instead of whatever else it was. General_Bolton November 11, 2007   LinkNo Replies Log in to replyThere was an error.
The return of the Thin White Duke throwing darts in lovers' eyes Here are we one magical moment Such is the stuff from where dreams are woven Bending sound Dredging the ocean lost in my circle Here am I Flashing no colour tall in this room overlooking the ocean Here are we One magical movement from Kether to Malkuth 1 There are you You drive like a demon from station to station The return of the Thin White Duke throwing darts in lovers' eyes The return of the Thin White Duke throwing darts in lovers' eyes The return of the Thin White Duke, making sure white stains Once there were mountains on mountains And once there were sunbirds to soar with And once I could never be down Got to keep searching and searching Oh, what will I be believing and who will connect me with love? Wonderful, wonder who, wonder when Have you sought fortune, evasive and shy? Drink to the men who protect you and I Drink, drink, drain your glass, raise your glass high It's not the side-effects of the cocaine I'm thinking that it must be love It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here I must be only one in a million I won't let the day pass without her It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here Should I believe that I've been stricken? Does my face show some kind of glow? It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here, yes it's here It's too late It's too late It's too late It's too late It's too late The european cannon is here It's not the side-effects of the cocaine I'm thinking that it must be love It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here I must be only one in a million I won't let the day pass without her It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here Should I believe that I've been stricken? Does my face show some kind of glow? It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here, yes it's here It's too late
I appreciate that in-depth analysis, JourdainB. Regarding "The European 'canon'";I'm quite sure Bowie is referring to the record itself (Station to Station), as the latest phase of his musical evolution. The Thin White Duke aesthetic is decidedly "European" (white, sophisticated, and cold). Thus, his "European Canon" (latest body of work) is presented here, for your listening pleasure. flayerhateron August 27, 2009   LinkNo Replies Log in to replyThere was an error.
The return of the Thin White Duke throwing darts in lovers' eyes Here are we one magical moment Such is the stuff from where dreams are woven Bending sound Dredging the ocean lost in my circle Here am I Flashing no colour tall in this room overlooking the ocean Here are we One magical movement from Kether to Malkuth 1 There are you You drive like a demon from station to station The return of the Thin White Duke throwing darts in lovers' eyes The return of the Thin White Duke throwing darts in lovers' eyes The return of the Thin White Duke, making sure white stains Once there were mountains on mountains And once there were sunbirds to soar with And once I could never be down Got to keep searching and searching Oh, what will I be believing and who will connect me with love? Wonderful, wonder who, wonder when Have you sought fortune, evasive and shy? Drink to the men who protect you and I Drink, drink, drain your glass, raise your glass high It's not the side-effects of the cocaine I'm thinking that it must be love It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here I must be only one in a million I won't let the day pass without her It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here Should I believe that I've been stricken? Does my face show some kind of glow? It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here, yes it's here It's too late It's too late It's too late It's too late It's too late The european cannon is here It's not the side-effects of the cocaine I'm thinking that it must be love It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here I must be only one in a million I won't let the day pass without her It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here Should I believe that I've been stricken? Does my face show some kind of glow? It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here, yes it's here It's too late
Didn't Angie Bowie move out long before they got divorced? I think this is about that, basically. The " drive like a demon from Station to Station" part of the lyrics is probably him describing her hauling a$$ to the airport and/or train station to get outta town; or, him racing through the city trying to find her. The Malkuth part is a metaphysical, occult reference. I'm assuming it was just his way of saying he was dabbling in "remote viewing" trying to get a sense of where she was. The station to station part could be a reference to his promiscuity/infidelity, with the "station' being the female "entrance", and he being the "train", type of thing. The "it's not cocaine it's love" part probably goes back to the story off how he told her he didn't love her (initially). When she got fed up and took off, he realized he did love her, but "It's too late to be grateful" for all she'd done, for all her love, for finding her, etc. All the "too late" parts probably go back to that. 'Can't last a day without her' - she pretty much inspired him, introduced him to people and ideas, looked after him, cooked for him, held him down in all senses. He realized he needed her. The "once there were mountains", happier part is pretty much him saying that before in the past he was happy, they were happy. Then again maybe it's about a temporary breakup, because of the "return of the Thin White Duke" part. Maybe she came back and the 'white stays' or 'white stains' part is sort of a graphic euphemism for them...making up (you know what I mean by this). That, or she stayed gone and he went back to promiscuity with a bunch of different people, back to old habits - "the return of the Thin White Duke...making white stains, basically. Meroveeon February 26, 2014   LinkNo Replies Log in to replyThere was an error.
The return of the Thin White Duke throwing darts in lovers' eyes Here are we one magical moment Such is the stuff from where dreams are woven Bending sound Dredging the ocean lost in my circle Here am I Flashing no colour tall in this room overlooking the ocean Here are we One magical movement from Kether to Malkuth 1 There are you You drive like a demon from station to station The return of the Thin White Duke throwing darts in lovers' eyes The return of the Thin White Duke throwing darts in lovers' eyes The return of the Thin White Duke, making sure white stains Once there were mountains on mountains And once there were sunbirds to soar with And once I could never be down Got to keep searching and searching Oh, what will I be believing and who will connect me with love? Wonderful, wonder who, wonder when Have you sought fortune, evasive and shy? Drink to the men who protect you and I Drink, drink, drain your glass, raise your glass high It's not the side-effects of the cocaine I'm thinking that it must be love It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here I must be only one in a million I won't let the day pass without her It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here Should I believe that I've been stricken? Does my face show some kind of glow? It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here, yes it's here It's too late It's too late It's too late It's too late It's too late The european cannon is here It's not the side-effects of the cocaine I'm thinking that it must be love It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here I must be only one in a million I won't let the day pass without her It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here Should I believe that I've been stricken? Does my face show some kind of glow? It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here, yes it's here It's too late
Bowie has arrived at his worst fear..... He's an addict and has lost control. Station to Station. Going through life's motions as an addict. Most important album/statement. Bowies realization that he has to make changes. Berlin trilogy and a contentment next. HalloweenJack7on October 26, 2016   LinkNo Replies Log in to replyThere was an error.
The return of the Thin White Duke throwing darts in lovers' eyes Here are we one magical moment Such is the stuff from where dreams are woven Bending sound Dredging the ocean lost in my circle Here am I Flashing no colour tall in this room overlooking the ocean Here are we One magical movement from Kether to Malkuth 1 There are you You drive like a demon from station to station The return of the Thin White Duke throwing darts in lovers' eyes The return of the Thin White Duke throwing darts in lovers' eyes The return of the Thin White Duke, making sure white stains Once there were mountains on mountains And once there were sunbirds to soar with And once I could never be down Got to keep searching and searching Oh, what will I be believing and who will connect me with love? Wonderful, wonder who, wonder when Have you sought fortune, evasive and shy? Drink to the men who protect you and I Drink, drink, drain your glass, raise your glass high It's not the side-effects of the cocaine I'm thinking that it must be love It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here I must be only one in a million I won't let the day pass without her It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here Should I believe that I've been stricken? Does my face show some kind of glow? It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here, yes it's here It's too late It's too late It's too late It's too late It's too late The european cannon is here It's not the side-effects of the cocaine I'm thinking that it must be love It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here I must be only one in a million I won't let the day pass without her It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here Should I believe that I've been stricken? Does my face show some kind of glow? It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here, yes it's here It's too late
I don't know what possible meaning or purpose this song had when it was written, but i know that at some point it was used with a very defined meaning: in the movie "Christiane F.". Anyone who has seen the movie understands the message clearly. The lyrics may speak of "cocaine", but in fact it alerts you to the dangers of another - much darker and without comparisson - type of drug: heroin!! The "it's too late" part is meant to give you a feeling of irrecuperablility. Heroin grabs you!! The song is a whole "watch out" cry. JimmyDavidon May 08, 2012   LinkNo Replies Log in to replyThere was an error.
The return of the Thin White Duke throwing darts in lovers' eyes Here are we one magical moment Such is the stuff from where dreams are woven Bending sound Dredging the ocean lost in my circle Here am I Flashing no colour tall in this room overlooking the ocean Here are we One magical movement from Kether to Malkuth 1 There are you You drive like a demon from station to station The return of the Thin White Duke throwing darts in lovers' eyes The return of the Thin White Duke throwing darts in lovers' eyes The return of the Thin White Duke, making sure white stains Once there were mountains on mountains And once there were sunbirds to soar with And once I could never be down Got to keep searching and searching Oh, what will I be believing and who will connect me with love? Wonderful, wonder who, wonder when Have you sought fortune, evasive and shy? Drink to the men who protect you and I Drink, drink, drain your glass, raise your glass high It's not the side-effects of the cocaine I'm thinking that it must be love It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here I must be only one in a million I won't let the day pass without her It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here Should I believe that I've been stricken? Does my face show some kind of glow? It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here, yes it's here It's too late It's too late It's too late It's too late It's too late The european cannon is here It's not the side-effects of the cocaine I'm thinking that it must be love It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here I must be only one in a million I won't let the day pass without her It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here Should I believe that I've been stricken? Does my face show some kind of glow? It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here, yes it's here It's too late
In response to paula11665I hate that he regrets writing this song as it is one of my favorites at the moment. Someone HAD to write this song, and it could only come from the genius of David Bowie. I understand that this was a dark time in his life, but I still find this era fascinating because even through a "drug-fog" as serious as he was in, he still wrote amazing music, better than anyone! His turning point to getting sober came after this and I am so very thankful that he was able to pull out of his addiction instead of succombing to it and becoming just another Rock 'n' Roll tragedy. God Bless you David Bowie, you are missed so very dearly, thanks for the years, thanks for the music and most of all, thanks for gracing us with your presence on this undeserving earth. The stars do look very different today. ziggytwigon May 26, 2016   LinkNo Replies Log in to replyThere was an error.
The return of the Thin White Duke throwing darts in lovers' eyes Here are we one magical moment Such is the stuff from where dreams are woven Bending sound Dredging the ocean lost in my circle Here am I Flashing no colour tall in this room overlooking the ocean Here are we One magical movement from Kether to Malkuth 1 There are you You drive like a demon from station to station The return of the Thin White Duke throwing darts in lovers' eyes The return of the Thin White Duke throwing darts in lovers' eyes The return of the Thin White Duke, making sure white stains Once there were mountains on mountains And once there were sunbirds to soar with And once I could never be down Got to keep searching and searching Oh, what will I be believing and who will connect me with love? Wonderful, wonder who, wonder when Have you sought fortune, evasive and shy? Drink to the men who protect you and I Drink, drink, drain your glass, raise your glass high It's not the side-effects of the cocaine I'm thinking that it must be love It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here I must be only one in a million I won't let the day pass without her It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here Should I believe that I've been stricken? Does my face show some kind of glow? It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here, yes it's here It's too late It's too late It's too late It's too late It's too late The european cannon is here It's not the side-effects of the cocaine I'm thinking that it must be love It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here I must be only one in a million I won't let the day pass without her It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here Should I believe that I've been stricken? Does my face show some kind of glow? It's too late - to be grateful It's too late - to be late again It's too late - to be hateful The european cannon is here, yes it's here It's too late
Wow, I already knew that Bowie’s ‘Thin White Duke’ was his persona of the time, and that cocaine was really his master at the time. And also that Bowie had been vilified for his “Nazi Salute”, around the same time. But I’ve recently seen Raoul Peck’s ‘Exterminate All The Brutes’, about the world’s history of White Supremacy, and I can’t help but see many flashes of this in the lyrics....Of course, “the European Canon/Cannon is here” is an obvious one...there’s also a line about “making sure WHITE STAYS”, that’s not in these lyrics, but I can assure you, he says it in the song. Also “should I believe that I’ve been stricken?”...Really interesting. Also, just a note, pop songs are NOT like literature, there’s no hard and fast rules about lyrics. They’re NOT poetry, and they’re NOT subject to the ‘rules’ of literature. Just FYI, so I don’t get some nitwits trying to say that “something he says later in the song contradicts your interpretation”...Ugh. ???? force263on May 29, 2021   LinkNo Replies Log in to replyThere was an error.
Missing the train every morning at 8: 52, Sipping coffee from the same cup as you. The sharing of secrets we thought no one else knew, That's what I miss about you. The new way that love had made me see, Your bashful grin when you asked if I would like your key. The knowing way you used to caress me, That's what I miss about you. You stole in with your starry smile exciting me, Driving with you in your new car, feeling free. If it's true that love is blind, then I was blind willingly, You made me feel we had a future, that could be and would be. The way you said I'd be no one on my own, Your habit of soaking yourself in over-priced cologne. The way you turned the light out when I knew you were home, That's what I don't miss about you. I bet you're using your weary magic like it's new, Driving so fast with a new fool beside you. Presumably believing she's the last of the lucky few, I wonder if she knows she's being lied to like I do. The way I only doubted myself when I was with you, Like I was a fool for expecting something from life too. Your skill of putting me down in-front of everyone we knew, That's what I don't miss about you
I think i may be Katie's biggest fan. And this is her greatest ever hit, in my humble opinion. I am so happy that this was not one of her singles and that it remains one soley for her true fans who purchae her albums and can appreaciate her for what she is. The greatest vocalist the world has seen since Eva Cassidy.
Why does the sun go on shining Why does the sea rush to shore Don't they know it's the end of the world 'Cause you don't love me any more Why do the birds go on singing Why do the stars glow above Don't they know it's the end of the world It ended when I lost your love I wake up in the morning and I wonder Why everything's the same as it was I can't understand, no, I can't understand How life goes on the way it does Why does my heart go on beating Why do these eyes of mine cry Don't they know it's the end of the world It ended when you said goodbye Why does my heart go on beating Why do these eyes of mine cry Don't they know it's the end of the world It ended when you said goodbye
my favorite movie is girl,interrupted. this song plays on an old record player during the scene where a girl hangs herself and there is not a single song that would have been more appropriate than this one-- the lyrics, which seem to communicate the emotions she felt while tying the noose, make her suicide all the more devastating. so many songs attempt to give off a vibe of real, sincere sadness but this one does the best job of it i have ever heard. the piano-played background is gorgeous, the lyrics are even more beautiful and yet so melancholy that the combination of the two creates a strange, apocalyptic kind of beauty that only someone who has lost the love of a lifetime can truly relate to. can you relate? dont they know it's the end of the world? it ended when you said goodbye. ps i love youon April 30, 2003   LinkNo Replies Log in to replyThere was an error.
Why does the sun go on shining Why does the sea rush to shore Don't they know it's the end of the world 'Cause you don't love me any more Why do the birds go on singing Why do the stars glow above Don't they know it's the end of the world It ended when I lost your love I wake up in the morning and I wonder Why everything's the same as it was I can't understand, no, I can't understand How life goes on the way it does Why does my heart go on beating Why do these eyes of mine cry Don't they know it's the end of the world It ended when you said goodbye Why does my heart go on beating Why do these eyes of mine cry Don't they know it's the end of the world It ended when you said goodbye
There's a poem called Musee Des Beaux Arts by Auden, that has the exact same sentiment. How does the world carry on as if nothing had ever happened when there are disasters, wars and hearts being broken every day? I love the sheer simplicity of 'don't they know its the end of the world, cause you don't love me anymore'. There's no fancy flourish, or an overdone crescendo, just simple, sheer heartache. However, on a lighter side, there may be hope, as it states 'why does my heart go on beating', which could be interpreted as my body is carrying on, my body is surviving, but why? I'd take the fact that your body is surviving, as a sign that your mind is meant to, too. melodic_trashon November 01, 2004   LinkNo Replies Log in to replyThere was an error.
Why does the sun go on shining Why does the sea rush to shore Don't they know it's the end of the world 'Cause you don't love me any more Why do the birds go on singing Why do the stars glow above Don't they know it's the end of the world It ended when I lost your love I wake up in the morning and I wonder Why everything's the same as it was I can't understand, no, I can't understand How life goes on the way it does Why does my heart go on beating Why do these eyes of mine cry Don't they know it's the end of the world It ended when you said goodbye Why does my heart go on beating Why do these eyes of mine cry Don't they know it's the end of the world It ended when you said goodbye
One of the most tragic songs that I have ever heard. This song definitely describes the extreme pain and hopelessness of the loss of somebody you love so deeply. I've definitely felt this way. "I wake up in the morning and I wonder. Why everything's the same as it was. I can't understand, no I can't understand,How life goes on the way it does"daydreamer1on May 17, 2007   LinkNo Replies Log in to replyThere was an error.
Why does the sun go on shining Why does the sea rush to shore Don't they know it's the end of the world 'Cause you don't love me any more Why do the birds go on singing Why do the stars glow above Don't they know it's the end of the world It ended when I lost your love I wake up in the morning and I wonder Why everything's the same as it was I can't understand, no, I can't understand How life goes on the way it does Why does my heart go on beating Why do these eyes of mine cry Don't they know it's the end of the world It ended when you said goodbye Why does my heart go on beating Why do these eyes of mine cry Don't they know it's the end of the world It ended when you said goodbye
I agree with you all. When you're in love, everything seems so beautiful, like it has meaning. As if twhen you're in love , it makes the world go round. Or, better said, they make YOUR world go round. But when its gone, the world isn't going to stop for you. It just keeps going. whether its about her father or not, its a very sad song, though still very good. as for girl, interrupted.. Great movie as well. danceintherainon June 07, 2008   LinkNo Replies Log in to replyThere was an error.
Why does the sun go on shining Why does the sea rush to shore Don't they know it's the end of the world 'Cause you don't love me any more Why do the birds go on singing Why do the stars glow above Don't they know it's the end of the world It ended when I lost your love I wake up in the morning and I wonder Why everything's the same as it was I can't understand, no, I can't understand How life goes on the way it does Why does my heart go on beating Why do these eyes of mine cry Don't they know it's the end of the world It ended when you said goodbye Why does my heart go on beating Why do these eyes of mine cry Don't they know it's the end of the world It ended when you said goodbye
Yep, I first heard this song when I watched girl interrupted. That scene was so beautifully tragic. It made me cry, and believe me, NEVER cry from movies. I believe it is about losing your faith in love, hope, happiness and life. Opium.Dollon October 21, 2008   LinkNo Replies Log in to replyThere was an error.
Why does the sun go on shining Why does the sea rush to shore Don't they know it's the end of the world 'Cause you don't love me any more Why do the birds go on singing Why do the stars glow above Don't they know it's the end of the world It ended when I lost your love I wake up in the morning and I wonder Why everything's the same as it was I can't understand, no, I can't understand How life goes on the way it does Why does my heart go on beating Why do these eyes of mine cry Don't they know it's the end of the world It ended when you said goodbye Why does my heart go on beating Why do these eyes of mine cry Don't they know it's the end of the world It ended when you said goodbye
MemoryIts so weird how all break ups can feel just like this but in really life we are all different! But as soon as one us loose someone we feel just as this song...We want everything to stop cuz that is how we feel deep down. when I went though my break up I couldn't believe Everything could just keep going when all I could do was think of what happen....Keep@iton January 29, 2009   LinkNo Replies Log in to replyThere was an error.
Why does the sun go on shining Why does the sea rush to shore Don't they know it's the end of the world 'Cause you don't love me any more Why do the birds go on singing Why do the stars glow above Don't they know it's the end of the world It ended when I lost your love I wake up in the morning and I wonder Why everything's the same as it was I can't understand, no, I can't understand How life goes on the way it does Why does my heart go on beating Why do these eyes of mine cry Don't they know it's the end of the world It ended when you said goodbye Why does my heart go on beating Why do these eyes of mine cry Don't they know it's the end of the world It ended when you said goodbye
this song is devastatingly sad , it makes me wanna cry like i did just lose the best love i'd ever known.That was a very sad scene in girl interrupted,but this song could not have been more appropriate for that moment. so bittersweet and heart wrenching! definitely just about the devastation of a broken heart and what if feels like,like if your world is ending why does no one else notice? ?how can they just act like nothing has happened, when you know it has.Why/How if the pain is so much to bear should she or could she keep on livingdeepdivineon May 25, 2004   LinkNo Replies Log in to replyThere was an error.
Why does the sun go on shining Why does the sea rush to shore Don't they know it's the end of the world 'Cause you don't love me any more Why do the birds go on singing Why do the stars glow above Don't they know it's the end of the world It ended when I lost your love I wake up in the morning and I wonder Why everything's the same as it was I can't understand, no, I can't understand How life goes on the way it does Why does my heart go on beating Why do these eyes of mine cry Don't they know it's the end of the world It ended when you said goodbye Why does my heart go on beating Why do these eyes of mine cry Don't they know it's the end of the world It ended when you said goodbye
girl,interrupted, LOL, yeah, This was the first time that I can ever remembering this song ever getting stuck in my head all day. Though I have heard it as a child, it stuck when I was this movie. Heart brakes can be the worst pain in the world. Often times it feels as though the world has indeed ended. I don't cry in movies. Heck I don't even cry when I am alone. I'd be a lier if I said this song did not bring some kinds of great sadness to me when I hear it. I relate. I also understand that heart aches do recover. Many times slowly. But its the good times that we need to hold on to. There are always good times in any love Relationship. Let it be Friends, Family or BF/GF. ext. ~mintorb~mintorb505on December 10, 2007   LinkNo Replies Log in to replyThere was an error.
Why does the sun go on shining Why does the sea rush to shore Don't they know it's the end of the world 'Cause you don't love me any more Why do the birds go on singing Why do the stars glow above Don't they know it's the end of the world It ended when I lost your love I wake up in the morning and I wonder Why everything's the same as it was I can't understand, no, I can't understand How life goes on the way it does Why does my heart go on beating Why do these eyes of mine cry Don't they know it's the end of the world It ended when you said goodbye Why does my heart go on beating Why do these eyes of mine cry Don't they know it's the end of the world It ended when you said goodbye
I just downloaded this. I've been in love with this song since I saw the movie. Love the movie too, I just wish it wasnt't so... hollywood. And how on earth could this be about the singers dad, cause it says"Don't they know, it's the end of the world,Cause you don't love me anymore." It doesn't make any sense. Sounds more like a broken heart to me. Very very beautiful, melancholy song. love it so much. MissNeuroticon January 18, 2008   LinkNo Replies Log in to replyThere was an error.
Why does the sun go on shining Why does the sea rush to shore Don't they know it's the end of the world 'Cause you don't love me any more Why do the birds go on singing Why do the stars glow above Don't they know it's the end of the world It ended when I lost your love I wake up in the morning and I wonder Why everything's the same as it was I can't understand, no, I can't understand How life goes on the way it does Why does my heart go on beating Why do these eyes of mine cry Don't they know it's the end of the world It ended when you said goodbye Why does my heart go on beating Why do these eyes of mine cry Don't they know it's the end of the world It ended when you said goodbye
this song reminds me of total surrender. not just because it was played in a movie where a girl killed herself. it's the tone and the lyrics and the sound of it. if i were to ever kill myself, which i more than likely won't do, but IF i were to come to that decision, i'd play this song. <(^.^<)dancewithmeon December 04, 2008   LinkNo Replies Log in to replyThere was an error.
Why does the sun go on shining Why does the sea rush to shore Don't they know it's the end of the world 'Cause you don't love me any more Why do the birds go on singing Why do the stars glow above Don't they know it's the end of the world It ended when I lost your love I wake up in the morning and I wonder Why everything's the same as it was I can't understand, no, I can't understand How life goes on the way it does Why does my heart go on beating Why do these eyes of mine cry Don't they know it's the end of the world It ended when you said goodbye Why does my heart go on beating Why do these eyes of mine cry Don't they know it's the end of the world It ended when you said goodbye
This reminds me a little of the Rasputina song, "Crosswalk", especially how in Crosswalk, there is a line that says "Why is my bleeding heart beating?/ Why am I feeling no pain? Why do I cry when I say good?/ Why when you're calling my name" Obviously, this came before the Rasputina song, I just like how they are kind of the dame, but then again, completely not! I saw this in Girl, Interrupted, it's my ringtone. GilliLeeon January 02, 2012   LinkNo Replies Log in to replyThere was an error.
Why does the sun go on shining Why does the sea rush to shore Don't they know it's the end of the world 'Cause you don't love me any more Why do the birds go on singing Why do the stars glow above Don't they know it's the end of the world It ended when I lost your love I wake up in the morning and I wonder Why everything's the same as it was I can't understand, no, I can't understand How life goes on the way it does Why does my heart go on beating Why do these eyes of mine cry Don't they know it's the end of the world It ended when you said goodbye Why does my heart go on beating Why do these eyes of mine cry Don't they know it's the end of the world It ended when you said goodbye
Since they announced City of Heroes closing for the last time on Nov 30th I have been singing this song. It's the literal end of the world for all of my characters there and I will miss them once the mmo is gone. Davpon September 05, 2012   LinkNo Replies Log in to replyThere was an error.
Picking up the pieces of the world I know With one in the fire and one in the snow It's a comeback story of a lifetime The comeback story of a lifetime I've been told believing everything is all right I break with the day and I've been with the night It's a comeback story of a lifetime The comeback story of a lifetime I'll walk a mile in your shoes And now I'm a mile away And I've got your shoes The bright of the lights they're burning me out Everyone says it's a lovely sound I don't know where they are leading me Trying my best hoping that you'll see I'll walk a mile in your shoes And now I'm a mile away And I've got your I'll walk a mile in your shoes And now I'm a mile away And I've got your shoes You'll rue the day when you understand I did my best to be an honest man Race isn't over until the finish line It's a comeback story of a lifetime I'll walk a mile in your shoes And now I'm a mile away And I've got your shoes Now I'm a mile away And I've got your shoes Now I'm a mile away
My take:Sounds like a back and forth between a father and son. "Comeback story" refers to the son's return "home" from seeing to world for what it is and realizing that his father was right about.. everything. But now, it's too late to tell his father about it for one reason or another.
recap in taxi no clothes no food take care of the children we'll send for you soon alien you find you feel at home everywhere you'll get by with so much less than anyone decieved entrapment through belief disclosure would decree accusations would be shed instead we stand over the dead the cultures all well fed killer running free outside the window the passing night sky fills with people i know taking me home
The song is definitely about immigrants. The end seems to be about an immigrant being deported because people who were also illegal reported them. "The passing night sky fills with people I know taking me home"It is a critique on the crack down on "illegal" immigration, "instead we stand over the dead," even though the government benefits from them, "the vultures all well fed" and the fact that America is founded on immigration.
Just relax And enjoy this pleasant adventure Here you are, secure and protected In this, your special place Letting my voice flow into your mind You don't need to concentrate Just gently as you go Suggestions are going into your unconscious mind Open yourself up to the greater wisdom and understanding So now you're letting the sound of my voice reach the inner Healthy, receptive center of yourself See yourself now, in your imagination You are being transformed in a positive Healthy way Slowly you are programming your unconscious mind Gaining new insight to your directions in the future Allow yourself to be more aware of your pathway through this life Enjoy new opportunities As the days go by You will feel it in your mind You are allowing this to happen These things are happening day-by-day Just as I am telling you they're happening Wherever you are See this happening And trying to become a part of you More and more rapidly More and more surely More and more powerfully each day When it is necessary You can program yourself And be able to dream the information you require This awareness will come gradually at your own rate It will never be more than you can cope with This guidance will help show you the way This will only happen If you choose It will be so Ready, now
horrifically creepy, yes. but parts of this album have some serious subliminal messages going on. boc actually said (in some interview, i don't remember where) that they were really interested in that type of stuff, saying that music is capable of some powerful things. this song is a perfect example. you listen to it, and on the surface, it scares the shit out of you. but if you listen carefully and soak in the song, the message comes through. pretty uplifting for such a scary sounding song.
My life is so empty Nothing to live for. My mind is all confusion 'Cause I defied the law. When you weren't there to help me I lost my mind and ran. I never had no trouble before this all began. My life is so empty Nothing to live for. My mind is all confusion 'Cause I defied the law. When you weren't there to help me I lost my mind and ran. I never had no trouble before this all began. I'm running away, no where to go. I'm lost and tired and I just don't know. Yeah... They say I killed a woman, they know it isn't true. They're just trying to frame me, and all because of you. Yeah...
I love the bass into for this one, This song to me is a swan song for Di'anno, in a way he was innocently exiled from maiden because of his binge drinking/smoking problems. (which ultimately changed his voice compared to the first album). But as this is my favorite album of all time, I would have to say that he did his job in spades.
I am so ashamed, I am so ashamed of all the trouble I have caused I am so ashamed of all these un-opened doors I am so ashamed of what I have become. Oh, my heart is bursting again Don't leave this mark Your eyes are turning away I am of the west, I am fair skinned I deserve a bullet in my chest If I have no religion I've no reason to be scared I am going to hell but I just don't care.
"I am so ashamed of all the trouble I have caused,I am so ashamed of all these unopened doorsI am so ashamed of what I have become." I think he is talking about Europe. How Europe is guilted into shame from their own acts of prejudice in the past, how they previously left the doors unopened to immigrants and non-Europeans, and are trying to make up for that by allowing them into their countries today. "I am so ashamed of what I have become." European countries have become giant wussies, they have let their defenses down. "Oh, my heart is bursting againDon't leave this markYour eyes are turning away"Europe and the Western countries have a "mark" left on them due to their own mistakes in the past. Their heart is "bursting" at the regret they feel for their past actions, but the rest of the world's eyes are still turning away because they are disgusted or shamed at them. Nothing they do will earn their respect back. "I am of the west,I am fair skinned I deserve a bullet in my chest"The hatred that the rest of the world has towards the West has turned into personal guilt on Westerners themselves. They are guilted they deserve a bullet in their chest for being fair skinned, or part of a race who's ancestors commited crimes. "If I have no religion I've no reason to be scaredI am going to hell but I just don't care." Europe has become secular and non-religious lately, but that has been changing. Religious extremist groups are growing. With the lack of policies, there is no safety anymore. An uprising of violence or conflict is inevitable, and the writer doesn't care if they go to hell when trouble breaks lose or they are killed, because they don't believe in hell anyway. That's just my take on it.
Homecoming parade Welcome home my friend There'll be no more sleeping on this forest floor Open heaven's door Around you, 'round you Around you 'round you 'round you Around you Comin' 'round the bend Welcome home my friend There'll be no more weeping like a canyon gorge Hear your lion roar Around you, 'round you I can see you shining like a morning sun Hear your lion roar Hear your lion roar Around you, 'round you I can see the parade Welcome home my friend We can bag some history on present tome Watch your watch unwind We've been turning mysteries to nursery rhymes Sigils and more signs Around you Watch your watch unwind Back from the dead I can see you end Welcome home my friend
This song fully captures the feeling of the alt-right's support for Trump and regressive policies in general. Bush-type supporters have been feeling left out by Obama, sleeping the forest floor, but now they can hear their lion roar, a definite Trump reference. The most brilliant line here is "watch your watch unwind" as we go back to civil-rights era clashes and obsessing about the scary Russians (sigils is another word for "sickle" like the ole hammer and sickle. Then you look at that cover, a bunch of kids trying to act scary, and its such a good picture of the current White House, so much blustering and antagonism, but under the surface its just big-business-as-usual. The funny thing is this was probably written before the primaries even started. So the word about Trump, the media product, on NBC for 10 years, on right wing radio constantly, covered obsessively by CNN during the early primaries, was known by ranking people in the industry. When he gets on your nerves, think of this album's cover.
And we sing this morning that wonderful and grand old message. Well, I don't know about you, but I never get tired about it Number 99: Just as I am. I'm a mountain that has been moved I'm a river that is all dried up I'm an ocean nothing floats on I'm a sky that nothing wants to fly in I'm a sun that doesn't burn hot I'm a moon that never shows its face I'm a mouth that doesn't smile I'm a word that no one ever wants to say I don't wanna be He wasn't finding anybody when he was on a shelf I saw him in my dream I'm a mountain that has been moved I'm a fugitive that has no legs to run I'm a preacher with no pulpit Spewing a sermon that goes on and on Well if we take all these things and we bury the past And we'll pray that they turn to seeds, to roots and then grass It'd be all right, it's all right It'd be easier that way Or if the sky opened up and started pouring rain Like he knew it was time to start things over again It'd be all right, it's all right It'd be easier that way (Don't mean a thing) Well if we take all these things and we bury the past (But you won't go in the ground) And we'll pray that they turn into seeds, to roots and then grass (You won't take steps towads the light) It'd be all right, it's all right (Feel the flow) It'd be easier that way (Don't say you won't get scared and leave) Or if the sky opened up and started pouring rain (And don't you mention all the good there would be) Like he knew it was time to start things over again (Don't say he's alone) It'd be all right, it's all right (Feel the flow) It'd be easier that way
i'm a mountain that has been movedi'm a river that is all dried upi'm an ocean that nothing floats oni'm a sky that nothing wants to fly ini'm a sun that doesn't burn hoti'm a moon that never shows it's facei'm a mouth that doesn't smilei'm a word that no one ever wants to sayi'm a moutain that has been movedi'm a fugitive that has no legs to runi'm a preacher with no pulpitspewing a sermon that goes on and ontake all those things and i'll bury them fastand pray that they turn to seeds to roots and then grassand be alright, it's alrightit'll be easier that waywell then the sky opened up and started pouring rainlike it knew it was time to start things over againand be alright, it's alrightit'll be easier that waytake all those things and i'll bury them fastand pray that they turn to seeds to roots and then grassand be alright, it's alrightit'll be easier that waywell then the sky opened up and started pouring rainlike it knew it was time to start things over againand be alright, it's alrightit'll be easier that waymike_ron August 30, 2009   Link2 Replies Log in to replyThere was an error. @mike_rthank youtabjuhon September 30, 2009I think it might be "well if the sky opened up and started pouring rain, like we knew He was gonna start things over again" as in a reference to God's flood in the old testament. Also just wondering if anyone knew the lyrics that are sung in the background during the "if we take all these things, and we.." ? it seems to be different words and the song ends with two different phrases sung simultaneously.
And we sing this morning that wonderful and grand old message. Well, I don't know about you, but I never get tired about it Number 99: Just as I am. I'm a mountain that has been moved I'm a river that is all dried up I'm an ocean nothing floats on I'm a sky that nothing wants to fly in I'm a sun that doesn't burn hot I'm a moon that never shows its face I'm a mouth that doesn't smile I'm a word that no one ever wants to say I don't wanna be He wasn't finding anybody when he was on a shelf I saw him in my dream I'm a mountain that has been moved I'm a fugitive that has no legs to run I'm a preacher with no pulpit Spewing a sermon that goes on and on Well if we take all these things and we bury the past And we'll pray that they turn to seeds, to roots and then grass It'd be all right, it's all right It'd be easier that way Or if the sky opened up and started pouring rain Like he knew it was time to start things over again It'd be all right, it's all right It'd be easier that way (Don't mean a thing) Well if we take all these things and we bury the past (But you won't go in the ground) And we'll pray that they turn into seeds, to roots and then grass (You won't take steps towads the light) It'd be all right, it's all right (Feel the flow) It'd be easier that way (Don't say you won't get scared and leave) Or if the sky opened up and started pouring rain (And don't you mention all the good there would be) Like he knew it was time to start things over again (Don't say he's alone) It'd be all right, it's all right (Feel the flow) It'd be easier that way
This is what I'm getting for the backround vocals in the end... I don't know what to saybut you don't make a soundWe don't know our rights from our wrong, (This is the one I'm the least sure about)It's the greatest of loveDon't say you won't be scared then leaveDon't mention all the good there would beDon't say he's aloneto increase the flowDVagnoni87on November 16, 2009   Link2 Replies Log in to replyThere was an error. @DVagnoni87It sounds really good ! Cygnus2on December 01, 2009yep, this seems to be the most accurate thus far. good job!
And we sing this morning that wonderful and grand old message. Well, I don't know about you, but I never get tired about it Number 99: Just as I am. I'm a mountain that has been moved I'm a river that is all dried up I'm an ocean nothing floats on I'm a sky that nothing wants to fly in I'm a sun that doesn't burn hot I'm a moon that never shows its face I'm a mouth that doesn't smile I'm a word that no one ever wants to say I don't wanna be He wasn't finding anybody when he was on a shelf I saw him in my dream I'm a mountain that has been moved I'm a fugitive that has no legs to run I'm a preacher with no pulpit Spewing a sermon that goes on and on Well if we take all these things and we bury the past And we'll pray that they turn to seeds, to roots and then grass It'd be all right, it's all right It'd be easier that way Or if the sky opened up and started pouring rain Like he knew it was time to start things over again It'd be all right, it's all right It'd be easier that way (Don't mean a thing) Well if we take all these things and we bury the past (But you won't go in the ground) And we'll pray that they turn into seeds, to roots and then grass (You won't take steps towads the light) It'd be all right, it's all right (Feel the flow) It'd be easier that way (Don't say you won't get scared and leave) Or if the sky opened up and started pouring rain (And don't you mention all the good there would be) Like he knew it was time to start things over again (Don't say he's alone) It'd be all right, it's all right (Feel the flow) It'd be easier that way
i think its another self loathing song. brand new has a lot of them and most of them are awesome. i read the hymn thats referenced in the beginning and it definitely gives a lot more perspective to the song. i highly advise reading it when your analyzing these lyrics. what did it for me was the little kid saying "i dont wanna be"that one liner has a lot of depth to it. just think about it. to be, to exist, not to just live and die but to not "be". kind of scary to think about.. thats just what i think though:)hollowedouton September 23, 2009   LinkNo Replies Log in to replyThere was an error.
And we sing this morning that wonderful and grand old message. Well, I don't know about you, but I never get tired about it Number 99: Just as I am. I'm a mountain that has been moved I'm a river that is all dried up I'm an ocean nothing floats on I'm a sky that nothing wants to fly in I'm a sun that doesn't burn hot I'm a moon that never shows its face I'm a mouth that doesn't smile I'm a word that no one ever wants to say I don't wanna be He wasn't finding anybody when he was on a shelf I saw him in my dream I'm a mountain that has been moved I'm a fugitive that has no legs to run I'm a preacher with no pulpit Spewing a sermon that goes on and on Well if we take all these things and we bury the past And we'll pray that they turn to seeds, to roots and then grass It'd be all right, it's all right It'd be easier that way Or if the sky opened up and started pouring rain Like he knew it was time to start things over again It'd be all right, it's all right It'd be easier that way (Don't mean a thing) Well if we take all these things and we bury the past (But you won't go in the ground) And we'll pray that they turn into seeds, to roots and then grass (You won't take steps towads the light) It'd be all right, it's all right (Feel the flow) It'd be easier that way (Don't say you won't get scared and leave) Or if the sky opened up and started pouring rain (And don't you mention all the good there would be) Like he knew it was time to start things over again (Don't say he's alone) It'd be all right, it's all right (Feel the flow) It'd be easier that way
As much as I hate talking about lyrics more than meaning, I think the background lyrics are at least close to:You've done a lot to be saved (or "I don't know what to say")But you don't want to miss out (or "But you don't make a sound")We don't know our rights from our wrongs*To increase the floodDon't say you won't get scared, then leaveDon't mention all the good there would beDon't say he's aloneTo increase the flowThe starred one is the hardest to make out. I can't really even tell how many syllables there are, it fades into the music very heavily. I think it may be something about "rungs" and I think I hear "hearts" or something. "To increase the flood" down sounds very spot-on, to me, though the first line after it is a bit sketchy. The last line of each stanza doesn't seem to make too much sense, but that's really what it sounds like. It makese sense in context of the rain as used elsewhere in the song, but where it is in context of itself seems a bit strange. I don't know. I love this song, though. Arteron May 10, 2010   LinkNo Replies Log in to replyThere was an error.
And we sing this morning that wonderful and grand old message. Well, I don't know about you, but I never get tired about it Number 99: Just as I am. I'm a mountain that has been moved I'm a river that is all dried up I'm an ocean nothing floats on I'm a sky that nothing wants to fly in I'm a sun that doesn't burn hot I'm a moon that never shows its face I'm a mouth that doesn't smile I'm a word that no one ever wants to say I don't wanna be He wasn't finding anybody when he was on a shelf I saw him in my dream I'm a mountain that has been moved I'm a fugitive that has no legs to run I'm a preacher with no pulpit Spewing a sermon that goes on and on Well if we take all these things and we bury the past And we'll pray that they turn to seeds, to roots and then grass It'd be all right, it's all right It'd be easier that way Or if the sky opened up and started pouring rain Like he knew it was time to start things over again It'd be all right, it's all right It'd be easier that way (Don't mean a thing) Well if we take all these things and we bury the past (But you won't go in the ground) And we'll pray that they turn into seeds, to roots and then grass (You won't take steps towads the light) It'd be all right, it's all right (Feel the flow) It'd be easier that way (Don't say you won't get scared and leave) Or if the sky opened up and started pouring rain (And don't you mention all the good there would be) Like he knew it was time to start things over again (Don't say he's alone) It'd be all right, it's all right (Feel the flow) It'd be easier that way
This song is about the realization of life and the realization that God and religion are not real. Most of the songs on daisy are about this concept, as per "in a jar." When I obsess with a Brand New song, I dig down and I find the meaning. Usually it's subjective, but in this case it seems indisputably about this realization that, wow, I've been raised a catholic or a christian, but maybe, just maybe, that world may be wrong. When I get sick, like really sick, I have these night terrors that make me feel anxious. They're not something I can really explain. It's just this feeling that everything that is normal in life, everything you've come to understand -- it's all wrong. That's what I thought of during this song. "I'm a mountain that has been moved" -- how can that be? Like turning a world upside down. Realizing that this religious world you have lived in is shattered. This can be seen in every line in the first verse. "I'm a sun that doesn't burn hot" -- the sun burns hot, again, it's something we've come to understand, something we know is indisputable, but now the band is saying imagine all these things we know 100% are turned around. "If we take all these things and we bury them fastAnd we *PRAY* that they turn to seeds, roots and then grassIt'll be all right, it's all right, it's easier that way." Forget that there is scientific evidence to prove religion wrong. Forget that it's ridiculous to believe God exists in this giant thing we call the universe. Forget it all. Forget the hopelessness. Forget the fact that the universe currently is expanding at the speed of light, that we are born into a corrupt world. Forget it all, and believe in god. "Pray" that god will help you grow, like seeds, roots, then into grass. Not because you actually believe it. But because it's easier that way. It's easier to think there is some kind of saviour to save us. It's better than having that anxious realization in which everything you've been led to believe in false. This is exactly how religion works for most believers. Li
And we sing this morning that wonderful and grand old message. Well, I don't know about you, but I never get tired about it Number 99: Just as I am. I'm a mountain that has been moved I'm a river that is all dried up I'm an ocean nothing floats on I'm a sky that nothing wants to fly in I'm a sun that doesn't burn hot I'm a moon that never shows its face I'm a mouth that doesn't smile I'm a word that no one ever wants to say I don't wanna be He wasn't finding anybody when he was on a shelf I saw him in my dream I'm a mountain that has been moved I'm a fugitive that has no legs to run I'm a preacher with no pulpit Spewing a sermon that goes on and on Well if we take all these things and we bury the past And we'll pray that they turn to seeds, to roots and then grass It'd be all right, it's all right It'd be easier that way Or if the sky opened up and started pouring rain Like he knew it was time to start things over again It'd be all right, it's all right It'd be easier that way (Don't mean a thing) Well if we take all these things and we bury the past (But you won't go in the ground) And we'll pray that they turn into seeds, to roots and then grass (You won't take steps towads the light) It'd be all right, it's all right (Feel the flow) It'd be easier that way (Don't say you won't get scared and leave) Or if the sky opened up and started pouring rain (And don't you mention all the good there would be) Like he knew it was time to start things over again (Don't say he's alone) It'd be all right, it's all right (Feel the flow) It'd be easier that way
one of the best songs on the album" [And we sing this morning that wonderful and grand old message. I don't know about you but I never get tired of it. Number 99: Just As I Am.] I'm a mountain that has been moved. I'm a river that is all dried up. I'm an ocean nothing floats on. I'm a sky that nothing wants to fly in. I'm a sun that doesn't burn hot. I'm a moon that never shows it's face. I'm a mouth that doesn't smile. I'm a word that no one ever wants to say. I'm a mountain that has been moved. I'm a fugitive that has no legs to run. I'm a preacher with no pulpit,spewing a sermon that goes on and on. Take all those things and I'll bury them fast. And pray that they turn to seeds to roots and then grass. And be alright, it's alright. It'll be easier that way. Well then the sky opened up and started pouring rain,Like it knew it was time to start things over again. And be alright, it's alright. It'll be easier that way." i wish i knew what the little kid was saying thoughTheBurningInfernoon August 31, 2009   LinkNo Replies Log in to replyThere was an error.
And we sing this morning that wonderful and grand old message. Well, I don't know about you, but I never get tired about it Number 99: Just as I am. I'm a mountain that has been moved I'm a river that is all dried up I'm an ocean nothing floats on I'm a sky that nothing wants to fly in I'm a sun that doesn't burn hot I'm a moon that never shows its face I'm a mouth that doesn't smile I'm a word that no one ever wants to say I don't wanna be He wasn't finding anybody when he was on a shelf I saw him in my dream I'm a mountain that has been moved I'm a fugitive that has no legs to run I'm a preacher with no pulpit Spewing a sermon that goes on and on Well if we take all these things and we bury the past And we'll pray that they turn to seeds, to roots and then grass It'd be all right, it's all right It'd be easier that way Or if the sky opened up and started pouring rain Like he knew it was time to start things over again It'd be all right, it's all right It'd be easier that way (Don't mean a thing) Well if we take all these things and we bury the past (But you won't go in the ground) And we'll pray that they turn into seeds, to roots and then grass (You won't take steps towads the light) It'd be all right, it's all right (Feel the flow) It'd be easier that way (Don't say you won't get scared and leave) Or if the sky opened up and started pouring rain (And don't you mention all the good there would be) Like he knew it was time to start things over again (Don't say he's alone) It'd be all right, it's all right (Feel the flow) It'd be easier that way
Lyric CorrectionThe boy is saying: "Uh, by the will of thee, he wasn't finding anybody when he was on a shelf. I saw him in my dream"And the lyrics sang over the last chorus are: "You've done enough to be saved, but you're gonna miss out now you don't know your rights from your wrongs. It's the greatest of love. Now don't say you'll be there and then leave, or don't mention all the hurt that you've seen, or don't say he's in love. It's the greatest of love"Adimurtion November 21, 2011   Link1 Reply Log in to replyThere was an error. @AdimurtiI agree, and good ear for the background bits. I always heard "You should increase the flood" instead though for the "greatest of love" parts. Might fit better with the themes in the song too, i.e the references to God starting over again: the flood, Noah's arc etc.
And we sing this morning that wonderful and grand old message. Well, I don't know about you, but I never get tired about it Number 99: Just as I am. I'm a mountain that has been moved I'm a river that is all dried up I'm an ocean nothing floats on I'm a sky that nothing wants to fly in I'm a sun that doesn't burn hot I'm a moon that never shows its face I'm a mouth that doesn't smile I'm a word that no one ever wants to say I don't wanna be He wasn't finding anybody when he was on a shelf I saw him in my dream I'm a mountain that has been moved I'm a fugitive that has no legs to run I'm a preacher with no pulpit Spewing a sermon that goes on and on Well if we take all these things and we bury the past And we'll pray that they turn to seeds, to roots and then grass It'd be all right, it's all right It'd be easier that way Or if the sky opened up and started pouring rain Like he knew it was time to start things over again It'd be all right, it's all right It'd be easier that way (Don't mean a thing) Well if we take all these things and we bury the past (But you won't go in the ground) And we'll pray that they turn into seeds, to roots and then grass (You won't take steps towads the light) It'd be all right, it's all right (Feel the flow) It'd be easier that way (Don't say you won't get scared and leave) Or if the sky opened up and started pouring rain (And don't you mention all the good there would be) Like he knew it was time to start things over again (Don't say he's alone) It'd be all right, it's all right (Feel the flow) It'd be easier that way
Well it seems as though its meaning to me is entirely different than anything I've seen thus far. "i'm a mountain that has been movedi'm a river that is all dried upi'm an ocean that nothing floats oni'm a sky that nothing wants to fly ini'm a sun that doesn't burn hoti'm a moon that never shows it's facei'm a mouth that doesn't smilei'm a word that no one ever wants to say"This song certainly seems to have religious connotations, but at the same time there is something very existential about the lyrics. He is having to define himself. I closely relate to the experience he's describing. Having to introvert into yourself in attempt to find meaning for your life. Any of you who are familiar with Albert Camus, absurdism, or existentialism, might share a view similar to mine. Having read a bit of the Myth of Sisyphus and his other works, Camus shows that there are three things you can do once you discover the absurdity of life; suicide, faith, or recognition. Camus goes on to declare recognition as the only feasible option. "Well if we take all these things and we bury them fastAnd we'll pray that they turn into seeds, to roots and then grassIt'd be all right, it's all right, it'd be easier that wayOr if the sky opened up and started pouring rainLike he knew it was time to start things over againIt'd be all right, it's all right, it'd be easier that way"I don't think the first half of the verse is correct, but I'm not sure what it is either. Regardless, it's still relevant to my point. I relate this to the failure to see faith as an option, but an admittance that if he was wrong, it would be alright. He would accept the existence of a higher power. It would be easier than the expected "nothingness" after death. It would have given his life the meaning he had been searching for. Scrambled ideas, but not out of the realm of possibility. karissadeyaon March 27, 2012   LinkNo Replies Log in to replyThere was an error.
And we sing this morning that wonderful and grand old message. Well, I don't know about you, but I never get tired about it Number 99: Just as I am. I'm a mountain that has been moved I'm a river that is all dried up I'm an ocean nothing floats on I'm a sky that nothing wants to fly in I'm a sun that doesn't burn hot I'm a moon that never shows its face I'm a mouth that doesn't smile I'm a word that no one ever wants to say I don't wanna be He wasn't finding anybody when he was on a shelf I saw him in my dream I'm a mountain that has been moved I'm a fugitive that has no legs to run I'm a preacher with no pulpit Spewing a sermon that goes on and on Well if we take all these things and we bury the past And we'll pray that they turn to seeds, to roots and then grass It'd be all right, it's all right It'd be easier that way Or if the sky opened up and started pouring rain Like he knew it was time to start things over again It'd be all right, it's all right It'd be easier that way (Don't mean a thing) Well if we take all these things and we bury the past (But you won't go in the ground) And we'll pray that they turn into seeds, to roots and then grass (You won't take steps towads the light) It'd be all right, it's all right (Feel the flow) It'd be easier that way (Don't say you won't get scared and leave) Or if the sky opened up and started pouring rain (And don't you mention all the good there would be) Like he knew it was time to start things over again (Don't say he's alone) It'd be all right, it's all right (Feel the flow) It'd be easier that way
These lyrics, as are all posted by timexbrandnew, are fake. Proof: a recent interview revealed that "Daisy" is a song written by Vinnie, not Jesse. timexbrandnew, you're not funny. Just stop it. Arteron August 18, 2009   Link5 Replies Log in to replyThere was an error. @ArterI have the album, and these lyrics are correct. thedevilandgodon September 01, 2009Yeah, someone submitted a correction. Before, these were lyrics to some joke song from It's Always Sunny in Philedelphia. Arteron September 05, 2009haha that show is hilarious. was it dayman? godsaveuson January 29, 2010fighter of the night man Ah Ah AHHHHHHyelowbirdon October 14, 2010champion of the sun.
And we sing this morning that wonderful and grand old message. Well, I don't know about you, but I never get tired about it Number 99: Just as I am. I'm a mountain that has been moved I'm a river that is all dried up I'm an ocean nothing floats on I'm a sky that nothing wants to fly in I'm a sun that doesn't burn hot I'm a moon that never shows its face I'm a mouth that doesn't smile I'm a word that no one ever wants to say I don't wanna be He wasn't finding anybody when he was on a shelf I saw him in my dream I'm a mountain that has been moved I'm a fugitive that has no legs to run I'm a preacher with no pulpit Spewing a sermon that goes on and on Well if we take all these things and we bury the past And we'll pray that they turn to seeds, to roots and then grass It'd be all right, it's all right It'd be easier that way Or if the sky opened up and started pouring rain Like he knew it was time to start things over again It'd be all right, it's all right It'd be easier that way (Don't mean a thing) Well if we take all these things and we bury the past (But you won't go in the ground) And we'll pray that they turn into seeds, to roots and then grass (You won't take steps towads the light) It'd be all right, it's all right (Feel the flow) It'd be easier that way (Don't say you won't get scared and leave) Or if the sky opened up and started pouring rain (And don't you mention all the good there would be) Like he knew it was time to start things over again (Don't say he's alone) It'd be all right, it's all right (Feel the flow) It'd be easier that way
It was kinda cute maybe the first time. It's all fun and games until the song is actually out, and we all have to go through the comments to find the lyrics because this idiot has this shit up for every song. Arteron August 21, 2009   LinkNo Replies Log in to replyThere was an error.
And we sing this morning that wonderful and grand old message. Well, I don't know about you, but I never get tired about it Number 99: Just as I am. I'm a mountain that has been moved I'm a river that is all dried up I'm an ocean nothing floats on I'm a sky that nothing wants to fly in I'm a sun that doesn't burn hot I'm a moon that never shows its face I'm a mouth that doesn't smile I'm a word that no one ever wants to say I don't wanna be He wasn't finding anybody when he was on a shelf I saw him in my dream I'm a mountain that has been moved I'm a fugitive that has no legs to run I'm a preacher with no pulpit Spewing a sermon that goes on and on Well if we take all these things and we bury the past And we'll pray that they turn to seeds, to roots and then grass It'd be all right, it's all right It'd be easier that way Or if the sky opened up and started pouring rain Like he knew it was time to start things over again It'd be all right, it's all right It'd be easier that way (Don't mean a thing) Well if we take all these things and we bury the past (But you won't go in the ground) And we'll pray that they turn into seeds, to roots and then grass (You won't take steps towads the light) It'd be all right, it's all right (Feel the flow) It'd be easier that way (Don't say you won't get scared and leave) Or if the sky opened up and started pouring rain (And don't you mention all the good there would be) Like he knew it was time to start things over again (Don't say he's alone) It'd be all right, it's all right (Feel the flow) It'd be easier that way
This is actually a song called "Night Man" by Charlie Day in the TV show It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia on FX. brandon tautouon August 22, 2009   Link3 Replies Log in to replyThere was an error. @brandon tautoulmfao! figher of the night man, champion of the sunwishiwerelacyon September 26, 2009lmfao! figher of the night man, champion of the sunwishiwerelacyon September 26, 2009lmfao!
And we sing this morning that wonderful and grand old message. Well, I don't know about you, but I never get tired about it Number 99: Just as I am. I'm a mountain that has been moved I'm a river that is all dried up I'm an ocean nothing floats on I'm a sky that nothing wants to fly in I'm a sun that doesn't burn hot I'm a moon that never shows its face I'm a mouth that doesn't smile I'm a word that no one ever wants to say I don't wanna be He wasn't finding anybody when he was on a shelf I saw him in my dream I'm a mountain that has been moved I'm a fugitive that has no legs to run I'm a preacher with no pulpit Spewing a sermon that goes on and on Well if we take all these things and we bury the past And we'll pray that they turn to seeds, to roots and then grass It'd be all right, it's all right It'd be easier that way Or if the sky opened up and started pouring rain Like he knew it was time to start things over again It'd be all right, it's all right It'd be easier that way (Don't mean a thing) Well if we take all these things and we bury the past (But you won't go in the ground) And we'll pray that they turn into seeds, to roots and then grass (You won't take steps towads the light) It'd be all right, it's all right (Feel the flow) It'd be easier that way (Don't say you won't get scared and leave) Or if the sky opened up and started pouring rain (And don't you mention all the good there would be) Like he knew it was time to start things over again (Don't say he's alone) It'd be all right, it's all right (Feel the flow) It'd be easier that way
lurtzz: I haven't heard it. There are a few reviews for it, though. The info I know came mostly from…All other info I have (which is actually a little bit more than I've stated so far) came from timexbrandnew: stfu. No, they aren't. Arteron August 25, 2009   LinkNo Replies Log in to replyThere was an error.
And we sing this morning that wonderful and grand old message. Well, I don't know about you, but I never get tired about it Number 99: Just as I am. I'm a mountain that has been moved I'm a river that is all dried up I'm an ocean nothing floats on I'm a sky that nothing wants to fly in I'm a sun that doesn't burn hot I'm a moon that never shows its face I'm a mouth that doesn't smile I'm a word that no one ever wants to say I don't wanna be He wasn't finding anybody when he was on a shelf I saw him in my dream I'm a mountain that has been moved I'm a fugitive that has no legs to run I'm a preacher with no pulpit Spewing a sermon that goes on and on Well if we take all these things and we bury the past And we'll pray that they turn to seeds, to roots and then grass It'd be all right, it's all right It'd be easier that way Or if the sky opened up and started pouring rain Like he knew it was time to start things over again It'd be all right, it's all right It'd be easier that way (Don't mean a thing) Well if we take all these things and we bury the past (But you won't go in the ground) And we'll pray that they turn into seeds, to roots and then grass (You won't take steps towads the light) It'd be all right, it's all right (Feel the flow) It'd be easier that way (Don't say you won't get scared and leave) Or if the sky opened up and started pouring rain (And don't you mention all the good there would be) Like he knew it was time to start things over again (Don't say he's alone) It'd be all right, it's all right (Feel the flow) It'd be easier that way
sounds like the little kid is saying"i wasn't finding anybody when he was on a shelf, i saw him in my dream"ffadamon August 31, 2009   Link2 Replies Log in to replyThere was an error. @ffadami think he starts out saying "i dont wanna be"boniver1on August 31, 2009i think its "my lord thee, he wasn't finding anybody when he was on a shelf. i saw him in my dream."
And we sing this morning that wonderful and grand old message. Well, I don't know about you, but I never get tired about it Number 99: Just as I am. I'm a mountain that has been moved I'm a river that is all dried up I'm an ocean nothing floats on I'm a sky that nothing wants to fly in I'm a sun that doesn't burn hot I'm a moon that never shows its face I'm a mouth that doesn't smile I'm a word that no one ever wants to say I don't wanna be He wasn't finding anybody when he was on a shelf I saw him in my dream I'm a mountain that has been moved I'm a fugitive that has no legs to run I'm a preacher with no pulpit Spewing a sermon that goes on and on Well if we take all these things and we bury the past And we'll pray that they turn to seeds, to roots and then grass It'd be all right, it's all right It'd be easier that way Or if the sky opened up and started pouring rain Like he knew it was time to start things over again It'd be all right, it's all right It'd be easier that way (Don't mean a thing) Well if we take all these things and we bury the past (But you won't go in the ground) And we'll pray that they turn into seeds, to roots and then grass (You won't take steps towads the light) It'd be all right, it's all right (Feel the flow) It'd be easier that way (Don't say you won't get scared and leave) Or if the sky opened up and started pouring rain (And don't you mention all the good there would be) Like he knew it was time to start things over again (Don't say he's alone) It'd be all right, it's all right (Feel the flow) It'd be easier that way
What's Jesse singing in the background when the last two verses are repeating? AllChokedUpon August 31, 2009   Link2 Replies Log in to replyThere was an error. @AllChokedUp(You've done enough to be savedBut you're gonna miss outNow you don't know your rights from your wrongsIt's the greatest of loveNow don't say you'll be there and then leaveOr don't mention all the hurt that you've seenOr don't say he's in loveIt's the greatest of love)troyvon January 22, 2010You're freaking me out. How do you know this stuff? I fight with it every time I listen to the album. I'm writing this on my arm.
And we sing this morning that wonderful and grand old message. Well, I don't know about you, but I never get tired about it Number 99: Just as I am. I'm a mountain that has been moved I'm a river that is all dried up I'm an ocean nothing floats on I'm a sky that nothing wants to fly in I'm a sun that doesn't burn hot I'm a moon that never shows its face I'm a mouth that doesn't smile I'm a word that no one ever wants to say I don't wanna be He wasn't finding anybody when he was on a shelf I saw him in my dream I'm a mountain that has been moved I'm a fugitive that has no legs to run I'm a preacher with no pulpit Spewing a sermon that goes on and on Well if we take all these things and we bury the past And we'll pray that they turn to seeds, to roots and then grass It'd be all right, it's all right It'd be easier that way Or if the sky opened up and started pouring rain Like he knew it was time to start things over again It'd be all right, it's all right It'd be easier that way (Don't mean a thing) Well if we take all these things and we bury the past (But you won't go in the ground) And we'll pray that they turn into seeds, to roots and then grass (You won't take steps towads the light) It'd be all right, it's all right (Feel the flow) It'd be easier that way (Don't say you won't get scared and leave) Or if the sky opened up and started pouring rain (And don't you mention all the good there would be) Like he knew it was time to start things over again (Don't say he's alone) It'd be all right, it's all right (Feel the flow) It'd be easier that way
I like this song. I can see why it's called Daisy, now. It's about re-growing, I guess. It fits well as the theme of the album. As for the background lyrics, I'll get on that. Doesn't sound like it'll be too hard to figure out. Arteron August 31, 2009   Link1 Reply Log in to replyThere was an error.
And we sing this morning that wonderful and grand old message. Well, I don't know about you, but I never get tired about it Number 99: Just as I am. I'm a mountain that has been moved I'm a river that is all dried up I'm an ocean nothing floats on I'm a sky that nothing wants to fly in I'm a sun that doesn't burn hot I'm a moon that never shows its face I'm a mouth that doesn't smile I'm a word that no one ever wants to say I don't wanna be He wasn't finding anybody when he was on a shelf I saw him in my dream I'm a mountain that has been moved I'm a fugitive that has no legs to run I'm a preacher with no pulpit Spewing a sermon that goes on and on Well if we take all these things and we bury the past And we'll pray that they turn to seeds, to roots and then grass It'd be all right, it's all right It'd be easier that way Or if the sky opened up and started pouring rain Like he knew it was time to start things over again It'd be all right, it's all right It'd be easier that way (Don't mean a thing) Well if we take all these things and we bury the past (But you won't go in the ground) And we'll pray that they turn into seeds, to roots and then grass (You won't take steps towads the light) It'd be all right, it's all right (Feel the flow) It'd be easier that way (Don't say you won't get scared and leave) Or if the sky opened up and started pouring rain (And don't you mention all the good there would be) Like he knew it was time to start things over again (Don't say he's alone) It'd be all right, it's all right (Feel the flow) It'd be easier that way
The album has been leaked 3 weeks early; I downloaded the torrent for it yesterday and it is INCREDIBLE, nothing like they have done before. p.s. these are the correct lyrics! szabbzon September 01, 2009   Link1 Reply Log in to replyThere was an error. @szabbzNo shit, Sherlock.
And we sing this morning that wonderful and grand old message. Well, I don't know about you, but I never get tired about it Number 99: Just as I am. I'm a mountain that has been moved I'm a river that is all dried up I'm an ocean nothing floats on I'm a sky that nothing wants to fly in I'm a sun that doesn't burn hot I'm a moon that never shows its face I'm a mouth that doesn't smile I'm a word that no one ever wants to say I don't wanna be He wasn't finding anybody when he was on a shelf I saw him in my dream I'm a mountain that has been moved I'm a fugitive that has no legs to run I'm a preacher with no pulpit Spewing a sermon that goes on and on Well if we take all these things and we bury the past And we'll pray that they turn to seeds, to roots and then grass It'd be all right, it's all right It'd be easier that way Or if the sky opened up and started pouring rain Like he knew it was time to start things over again It'd be all right, it's all right It'd be easier that way (Don't mean a thing) Well if we take all these things and we bury the past (But you won't go in the ground) And we'll pray that they turn into seeds, to roots and then grass (You won't take steps towads the light) It'd be all right, it's all right (Feel the flow) It'd be easier that way (Don't say you won't get scared and leave) Or if the sky opened up and started pouring rain (And don't you mention all the good there would be) Like he knew it was time to start things over again (Don't say he's alone) It'd be all right, it's all right (Feel the flow) It'd be easier that way
I'm still working on the background words. Not sure this is correct, but the first two lines may be:I don't know what to sayBut you don't make a soundAnd one of the last lines sounds like"Don't say he's alone." Arteron September 01, 2009   LinkNo Replies Log in to replyThere was an error.
And we sing this morning that wonderful and grand old message. Well, I don't know about you, but I never get tired about it Number 99: Just as I am. I'm a mountain that has been moved I'm a river that is all dried up I'm an ocean nothing floats on I'm a sky that nothing wants to fly in I'm a sun that doesn't burn hot I'm a moon that never shows its face I'm a mouth that doesn't smile I'm a word that no one ever wants to say I don't wanna be He wasn't finding anybody when he was on a shelf I saw him in my dream I'm a mountain that has been moved I'm a fugitive that has no legs to run I'm a preacher with no pulpit Spewing a sermon that goes on and on Well if we take all these things and we bury the past And we'll pray that they turn to seeds, to roots and then grass It'd be all right, it's all right It'd be easier that way Or if the sky opened up and started pouring rain Like he knew it was time to start things over again It'd be all right, it's all right It'd be easier that way (Don't mean a thing) Well if we take all these things and we bury the past (But you won't go in the ground) And we'll pray that they turn into seeds, to roots and then grass (You won't take steps towads the light) It'd be all right, it's all right (Feel the flow) It'd be easier that way (Don't say you won't get scared and leave) Or if the sky opened up and started pouring rain (And don't you mention all the good there would be) Like he knew it was time to start things over again (Don't say he's alone) It'd be all right, it's all right (Feel the flow) It'd be easier that way
He definitely says I'm a preacher with no pulpit... And I have DAISY, it was leaked... and this is track 9:DAISY. piratebay if you disagree. chevy3fiftyon September 02, 2009   Link2 Replies Log in to replyThere was an error. @chevy3fiftyhaha who the fuck DOESN'T have daisy by now?
And we sing this morning that wonderful and grand old message. Well, I don't know about you, but I never get tired about it Number 99: Just as I am. I'm a mountain that has been moved I'm a river that is all dried up I'm an ocean nothing floats on I'm a sky that nothing wants to fly in I'm a sun that doesn't burn hot I'm a moon that never shows its face I'm a mouth that doesn't smile I'm a word that no one ever wants to say I don't wanna be He wasn't finding anybody when he was on a shelf I saw him in my dream I'm a mountain that has been moved I'm a fugitive that has no legs to run I'm a preacher with no pulpit Spewing a sermon that goes on and on Well if we take all these things and we bury the past And we'll pray that they turn to seeds, to roots and then grass It'd be all right, it's all right It'd be easier that way Or if the sky opened up and started pouring rain Like he knew it was time to start things over again It'd be all right, it's all right It'd be easier that way (Don't mean a thing) Well if we take all these things and we bury the past (But you won't go in the ground) And we'll pray that they turn into seeds, to roots and then grass (You won't take steps towads the light) It'd be all right, it's all right (Feel the flow) It'd be easier that way (Don't say you won't get scared and leave) Or if the sky opened up and started pouring rain (And don't you mention all the good there would be) Like he knew it was time to start things over again (Don't say he's alone) It'd be all right, it's all right (Feel the flow) It'd be easier that way
I think these may be the lyrics in the background. Not 100% though. i dont know what to saybut you dont make a soundyou dont know rights fromwrongsdont stray awaydont mention all the good that we used to dodont say he's aloneinajaron September 04, 2009   Link1 Reply Log in to replyThere was an error. @inajarI'll check that out. Thanks. You're missing a line, though. The very last background line. It sounds like he says it at the end of both background stanzas, sounds kind of like "to increase the flow" or something.
And we sing this morning that wonderful and grand old message. Well, I don't know about you, but I never get tired about it Number 99: Just as I am. I'm a mountain that has been moved I'm a river that is all dried up I'm an ocean nothing floats on I'm a sky that nothing wants to fly in I'm a sun that doesn't burn hot I'm a moon that never shows its face I'm a mouth that doesn't smile I'm a word that no one ever wants to say I don't wanna be He wasn't finding anybody when he was on a shelf I saw him in my dream I'm a mountain that has been moved I'm a fugitive that has no legs to run I'm a preacher with no pulpit Spewing a sermon that goes on and on Well if we take all these things and we bury the past And we'll pray that they turn to seeds, to roots and then grass It'd be all right, it's all right It'd be easier that way Or if the sky opened up and started pouring rain Like he knew it was time to start things over again It'd be all right, it's all right It'd be easier that way (Don't mean a thing) Well if we take all these things and we bury the past (But you won't go in the ground) And we'll pray that they turn into seeds, to roots and then grass (You won't take steps towads the light) It'd be all right, it's all right (Feel the flow) It'd be easier that way (Don't say you won't get scared and leave) Or if the sky opened up and started pouring rain (And don't you mention all the good there would be) Like he knew it was time to start things over again (Don't say he's alone) It'd be all right, it's all right (Feel the flow) It'd be easier that way
This song has alot of religous connotations -the opening refrence to number 99, 'just as I am' is refering to the hymn which goes by the same name. Johnny Cash made this hymn popular in 1999 by using it in a song which also goes by the same name. Charlotte Elliot wrote this song about how to find salvation through Christ. It has been used by many as the call to the altar at the close of services, as it brings a quiet simple message of sin, forgiveness, and salvation to all that listen. An elderly man asked Charlotte Elliott if she were a Christian; she felt insulted, and told him to mind his own affairs. But after the man left, she could not get the question off her mind, and she went back to ask the man how to find Christ. He told her to come just as she was. She did, and wrote the beautiful song, "Just As I Am." - By B. A. ScherrShe is reputed to have written the hymn whilst resting under the shade of a tree at the site of a property which was being built by her brother Reverend Henry Venn Elliott as a school for the daughters of impoverished clergymen. That explains the little boy/girl who reads. find the hymn and listen at…COME ON PEOPLE, THINK OUTSIDE OF THE BOXyeahimadeiton August 31, 2009   Link2 Replies Log in to replyThere was an error. @yeahimadeitVery informative^Do you know anything about the book-ended hymns? meatisticon September 01, 2009This is interesting... I discovered something different. Just As I Am is an album by Johny Cash. Number 9 on his album is call The Ten Commandments.
And we sing this morning that wonderful and grand old message. Well, I don't know about you, but I never get tired about it Number 99: Just as I am. I'm a mountain that has been moved I'm a river that is all dried up I'm an ocean nothing floats on I'm a sky that nothing wants to fly in I'm a sun that doesn't burn hot I'm a moon that never shows its face I'm a mouth that doesn't smile I'm a word that no one ever wants to say I don't wanna be He wasn't finding anybody when he was on a shelf I saw him in my dream I'm a mountain that has been moved I'm a fugitive that has no legs to run I'm a preacher with no pulpit Spewing a sermon that goes on and on Well if we take all these things and we bury the past And we'll pray that they turn to seeds, to roots and then grass It'd be all right, it's all right It'd be easier that way Or if the sky opened up and started pouring rain Like he knew it was time to start things over again It'd be all right, it's all right It'd be easier that way (Don't mean a thing) Well if we take all these things and we bury the past (But you won't go in the ground) And we'll pray that they turn into seeds, to roots and then grass (You won't take steps towads the light) It'd be all right, it's all right (Feel the flow) It'd be easier that way (Don't say you won't get scared and leave) Or if the sky opened up and started pouring rain (And don't you mention all the good there would be) Like he knew it was time to start things over again (Don't say he's alone) It'd be all right, it's all right (Feel the flow) It'd be easier that way
Pretty sure I have most of the clearly audible parts right. The kid speaking sounds sort of lie that but I can't make it out and the last of it doesn't sound like dream, it ends with a t-ish sound. But it might just be bad kid articulation. Can anyone make out what the backing verse is over the last two stanzas? Daisy"And we sing this morning, that wonderful and grand old message. And I don't know about you but I never get tired of it. Number Ninety-Nine, 'Just As I Am'"I'm a mountain that has been moved. I'm a river that is all dried up. I'm an ocean nothing floats on. I'm a sky that nothing wants to fly in. I'm a sun that doesn't burn hot. I'm a moon that never shows it's face. I'm a mouth that doesn't smile. I'm a word that no one ever wants to say. "My [], he wasn't finding anybody when he was on his shelf. I saw him []"I'm a mountain that has been moved. I'm a fugitive that has no legs to run. I'm a preacher with no pulpit, spewinga sermon that goes on and on and on...Well if we take all these things and we bury them fastand we'll pray that they turn to seeds, to roots,and then grassit'd be alright. It's alright, It'd easier that way. Or if the sky opened up and started pouring rainlike they knew he was trying to start things over againit'd be alright. It's alright, It'd easier that way. []Well if we take all these things and we bury them fastand we'll pray that they turn to seeds, to roots,and then grassit'd be alright. It's alright, It'd easier that way. Or if the sky opened up and started pouring rainlike they knew he was trying to start things over againit'd be alright. It's alright, It'd easier that way. ...meatisticon September 01, 2009   LinkNo Replies Log in to replyThere was an error.
And we sing this morning that wonderful and grand old message. Well, I don't know about you, but I never get tired about it Number 99: Just as I am. I'm a mountain that has been moved I'm a river that is all dried up I'm an ocean nothing floats on I'm a sky that nothing wants to fly in I'm a sun that doesn't burn hot I'm a moon that never shows its face I'm a mouth that doesn't smile I'm a word that no one ever wants to say I don't wanna be He wasn't finding anybody when he was on a shelf I saw him in my dream I'm a mountain that has been moved I'm a fugitive that has no legs to run I'm a preacher with no pulpit Spewing a sermon that goes on and on Well if we take all these things and we bury the past And we'll pray that they turn to seeds, to roots and then grass It'd be all right, it's all right It'd be easier that way Or if the sky opened up and started pouring rain Like he knew it was time to start things over again It'd be all right, it's all right It'd be easier that way (Don't mean a thing) Well if we take all these things and we bury the past (But you won't go in the ground) And we'll pray that they turn into seeds, to roots and then grass (You won't take steps towads the light) It'd be all right, it's all right (Feel the flow) It'd be easier that way (Don't say you won't get scared and leave) Or if the sky opened up and started pouring rain (And don't you mention all the good there would be) Like he knew it was time to start things over again (Don't say he's alone) It'd be all right, it's all right (Feel the flow) It'd be easier that way
My final interpretations/corrections:[Recording]And we sing this morning that wonderful and grand old message. I don't know about you but I never get tired of itNumber 99: Just As I Am. I'm a mountain that has been movedI'm a river that is all dried upI'm an ocean nothing floats onI'm a sky that nothing wants to fly inI'm a sun that doesn't burn hotI'm a moon that never shows it's faceI'm a mouth that doesn't smileI'm a word that no one ever wants to say...[Child speaking.] I don't wanna be,He wasn't finding anybody when he was on the shelfI saw him in my dreamI'm a mountain that has been movedI'm a fugitive that has no legs to runI'm a preacher with no pulpitSpewing a sermon that goes on and on...Well if we take all these things and we bury them fastAnd we'll pray that they turn into seeds, to roots and then grassIt'd be all right, it's all right, it'd be easier that wayOr if the sky opened up and started pouring rainLike he knew it was time to start things over againIt'd be all right, it's all right, it'd be easier that wayWell if we take all these things and we bury them fastAnd we'll pray that they turn into seeds, to roots and then grassIt'd be all right, it's all right, it'd be easier that wayOr if the sky opened up and started pouring rainLike he knew it was time to start things over againIt'd be all right, it's all right, it'd be easier that wayAlmostWhatIWanton September 01, 2009   Link3 Replies Log in to replyThere was an error. @AlmostWhatIWantIf you listen very, very carefully, you can tell that the little boy doesnt say "dream"...not sure what he says though. Those three lines are bugging me to death. edithesadpartson September 21, 2009if not "dream", it sounds like he could be saying "I saw him in my mind"...wtf_emo_kidon September 21, 2009i think he says"mom, i don't want him to be...he wasn't fighting anybody when he was on his shelf,...i caught him in his greed"that's what i hear when i listen to it. talking to his mom, maybe about his dad being violent, maybe using a metaphor...who knows. the ki
And we sing this morning that wonderful and grand old message. Well, I don't know about you, but I never get tired about it Number 99: Just as I am. I'm a mountain that has been moved I'm a river that is all dried up I'm an ocean nothing floats on I'm a sky that nothing wants to fly in I'm a sun that doesn't burn hot I'm a moon that never shows its face I'm a mouth that doesn't smile I'm a word that no one ever wants to say I don't wanna be He wasn't finding anybody when he was on a shelf I saw him in my dream I'm a mountain that has been moved I'm a fugitive that has no legs to run I'm a preacher with no pulpit Spewing a sermon that goes on and on Well if we take all these things and we bury the past And we'll pray that they turn to seeds, to roots and then grass It'd be all right, it's all right It'd be easier that way Or if the sky opened up and started pouring rain Like he knew it was time to start things over again It'd be all right, it's all right It'd be easier that way (Don't mean a thing) Well if we take all these things and we bury the past (But you won't go in the ground) And we'll pray that they turn into seeds, to roots and then grass (You won't take steps towads the light) It'd be all right, it's all right (Feel the flow) It'd be easier that way (Don't say you won't get scared and leave) Or if the sky opened up and started pouring rain (And don't you mention all the good there would be) Like he knew it was time to start things over again (Don't say he's alone) It'd be all right, it's all right (Feel the flow) It'd be easier that way
The beginning of the girl speaking sounds kinda like 'by the will of thee' and then end doesn't really sound like dream to me, it could be, who knows, I kinda hear 'drift' or something like that. sounds like it ends in 'ft' or 't' ??? flamedelugeon September 06, 2009   Link1 Reply Log in to replyThere was an error.
And we sing this morning that wonderful and grand old message. Well, I don't know about you, but I never get tired about it Number 99: Just as I am. I'm a mountain that has been moved I'm a river that is all dried up I'm an ocean nothing floats on I'm a sky that nothing wants to fly in I'm a sun that doesn't burn hot I'm a moon that never shows its face I'm a mouth that doesn't smile I'm a word that no one ever wants to say I don't wanna be He wasn't finding anybody when he was on a shelf I saw him in my dream I'm a mountain that has been moved I'm a fugitive that has no legs to run I'm a preacher with no pulpit Spewing a sermon that goes on and on Well if we take all these things and we bury the past And we'll pray that they turn to seeds, to roots and then grass It'd be all right, it's all right It'd be easier that way Or if the sky opened up and started pouring rain Like he knew it was time to start things over again It'd be all right, it's all right It'd be easier that way (Don't mean a thing) Well if we take all these things and we bury the past (But you won't go in the ground) And we'll pray that they turn into seeds, to roots and then grass (You won't take steps towads the light) It'd be all right, it's all right (Feel the flow) It'd be easier that way (Don't say you won't get scared and leave) Or if the sky opened up and started pouring rain (And don't you mention all the good there would be) Like he knew it was time to start things over again (Don't say he's alone) It'd be all right, it's all right (Feel the flow) It'd be easier that way
i hearwell if you take all these things and bury the pastand pray that they turn into seeds and roots and then grass,it'd be all right, it's all right. it'd be easier that way. the sky opens up and starts pouring rainlike he knew it was time to start things over again,it'd be all right, it's all right. it'd be easier that way. canteron September 16, 2009   Link2 Replies Log in to replyThere was an error. @canterI was just coming here to post this, the only small change would be "If" the sky... Trivial I know but other than that I think you got it! AccardiBacardion September 16, 2009Yeah no. It's blatantly "fast."
And we sing this morning that wonderful and grand old message. Well, I don't know about you, but I never get tired about it Number 99: Just as I am. I'm a mountain that has been moved I'm a river that is all dried up I'm an ocean nothing floats on I'm a sky that nothing wants to fly in I'm a sun that doesn't burn hot I'm a moon that never shows its face I'm a mouth that doesn't smile I'm a word that no one ever wants to say I don't wanna be He wasn't finding anybody when he was on a shelf I saw him in my dream I'm a mountain that has been moved I'm a fugitive that has no legs to run I'm a preacher with no pulpit Spewing a sermon that goes on and on Well if we take all these things and we bury the past And we'll pray that they turn to seeds, to roots and then grass It'd be all right, it's all right It'd be easier that way Or if the sky opened up and started pouring rain Like he knew it was time to start things over again It'd be all right, it's all right It'd be easier that way (Don't mean a thing) Well if we take all these things and we bury the past (But you won't go in the ground) And we'll pray that they turn into seeds, to roots and then grass (You won't take steps towads the light) It'd be all right, it's all right (Feel the flow) It'd be easier that way (Don't say you won't get scared and leave) Or if the sky opened up and started pouring rain (And don't you mention all the good there would be) Like he knew it was time to start things over again (Don't say he's alone) It'd be all right, it's all right (Feel the flow) It'd be easier that way
After thinking more about my previous post I am more convinced that this Indian musical titled "Daisy" is the main reference to the whole album. In this context Daisy is a metaphor for somebody's acceptance and ultimate rejection of God. below is the link to the main plot.…At first the narrator is troubled and sins alot. The narrator then hears about God, at first rejects but then accepts God. God helps the character change his ways. God then lets the character down causing the character to go back to old ways seperate from God. After hearing some of the other songs on this album it makes me understand why it is called Daisy. I dont know just my opinion. let me know what you all think. BrandNewman55on September 05, 2009   Link3 Replies Log in to replyThere was an error. @BrandNewman55how do you know its for God though? after reading that it just reminded me of Jesse's past relationships. i guess i also just have trouble seeing how this song seems to be so against God when the devil and god had songs like Jesus on it...but then again Vin did write most of these didnt he? IsThisAllADreamon September 20, 2009Yes Vin wrote most of the songs and I don't really think any of these songs are against God at all. The Devil and God's theme was kind of the struggle alot of people have with their beliefs and I think this albums theme is kind of a defeat in a since with beliefs. I don't really think of Jesse's past relationships or anything with girls for that matter in this album accept for maybe three songs {sink, Bought a bride and gasoline}BrandNewman55on September 20, 2009To me if you subsitute Daisy for God it makes perfect since for someones relationship with God. I think the overall theme for this album is very depressing but it is also very real. I know alot of people who have started off a relationship with God and when something goes wrong they bail and turn back to their old ways..
And we sing this morning that wonderful and grand old message. Well, I don't know about you, but I never get tired about it Number 99: Just as I am. I'm a mountain that has been moved I'm a river that is all dried up I'm an ocean nothing floats on I'm a sky that nothing wants to fly in I'm a sun that doesn't burn hot I'm a moon that never shows its face I'm a mouth that doesn't smile I'm a word that no one ever wants to say I don't wanna be He wasn't finding anybody when he was on a shelf I saw him in my dream I'm a mountain that has been moved I'm a fugitive that has no legs to run I'm a preacher with no pulpit Spewing a sermon that goes on and on Well if we take all these things and we bury the past And we'll pray that they turn to seeds, to roots and then grass It'd be all right, it's all right It'd be easier that way Or if the sky opened up and started pouring rain Like he knew it was time to start things over again It'd be all right, it's all right It'd be easier that way (Don't mean a thing) Well if we take all these things and we bury the past (But you won't go in the ground) And we'll pray that they turn into seeds, to roots and then grass (You won't take steps towads the light) It'd be all right, it's all right (Feel the flow) It'd be easier that way (Don't say you won't get scared and leave) Or if the sky opened up and started pouring rain (And don't you mention all the good there would be) Like he knew it was time to start things over again (Don't say he's alone) It'd be all right, it's all right (Feel the flow) It'd be easier that way
Make me think of Miss Pringle's monologue from Baby with the Bathwater:'I was disturbed by Daisy's essay. I want you to listen to it. "What I Did For My Summer Vacation." By Daisy Dingleberry. "Dark, dank rags. Wet, fetid towels. A large German shepherd, its innards splashed across the windshield of a car. Is this a memory? Is it a dream? I AM trapped, I am trapped, how to escape. I try to kill myself, but the buses always stop. Old people and children get discounts on buses, but still no one will ever kill me. How did I even learn to speak, it's amazing. I AM a baked potato. I AM a summer squash. I am a vegetable. I AM an inanimate object who from time to time can run very quickly, but I AM not really alive. Help, help, help. I AM drowning, I am drowning, my lungs fill with the summer ocean, but I still do not die, this awful life GOES ON and on, can no one rescue me." (Miss Pringle and Principal stare at each other.) What do you think I should do?' It's a rather funny play.…luv_ya_amjon September 13, 2009   LinkNo Replies Log in to replyThere was an error.
And we sing this morning that wonderful and grand old message. Well, I don't know about you, but I never get tired about it Number 99: Just as I am. I'm a mountain that has been moved I'm a river that is all dried up I'm an ocean nothing floats on I'm a sky that nothing wants to fly in I'm a sun that doesn't burn hot I'm a moon that never shows its face I'm a mouth that doesn't smile I'm a word that no one ever wants to say I don't wanna be He wasn't finding anybody when he was on a shelf I saw him in my dream I'm a mountain that has been moved I'm a fugitive that has no legs to run I'm a preacher with no pulpit Spewing a sermon that goes on and on Well if we take all these things and we bury the past And we'll pray that they turn to seeds, to roots and then grass It'd be all right, it's all right It'd be easier that way Or if the sky opened up and started pouring rain Like he knew it was time to start things over again It'd be all right, it's all right It'd be easier that way (Don't mean a thing) Well if we take all these things and we bury the past (But you won't go in the ground) And we'll pray that they turn into seeds, to roots and then grass (You won't take steps towads the light) It'd be all right, it's all right (Feel the flow) It'd be easier that way (Don't say you won't get scared and leave) Or if the sky opened up and started pouring rain (And don't you mention all the good there would be) Like he knew it was time to start things over again (Don't say he's alone) It'd be all right, it's all right (Feel the flow) It'd be easier that way
I think this is much closer to the background vocals. A clear message here to. Kinda sounds like judgement day and Jesse telling God to not even bother and tell someone who cares. I don't know what to sayBut you don't make a soundWe don't know our rights from wrongBeen here beforeDon't say what we did down hereDon't mention all the good we used to doDon't say he's aloneBeen here beforeendersshadow11on September 19, 2009   Link2 Replies Log in to replyThere was an error. @endersshadow11Vinnie wrote this song. BUt I'll listen with these words in mind. Arteron September 19, 2009It doesn't matter who wrote it. It's still Jesse singing and he obviously internalizes the lyrics even though they aren't "his own." Me saying it's Jesse talking to god is completely accurate since it's Jesse's voice. Unless Vinnie sings the background but I don't think he does.
And we sing this morning that wonderful and grand old message. Well, I don't know about you, but I never get tired about it Number 99: Just as I am. I'm a mountain that has been moved I'm a river that is all dried up I'm an ocean nothing floats on I'm a sky that nothing wants to fly in I'm a sun that doesn't burn hot I'm a moon that never shows its face I'm a mouth that doesn't smile I'm a word that no one ever wants to say I don't wanna be He wasn't finding anybody when he was on a shelf I saw him in my dream I'm a mountain that has been moved I'm a fugitive that has no legs to run I'm a preacher with no pulpit Spewing a sermon that goes on and on Well if we take all these things and we bury the past And we'll pray that they turn to seeds, to roots and then grass It'd be all right, it's all right It'd be easier that way Or if the sky opened up and started pouring rain Like he knew it was time to start things over again It'd be all right, it's all right It'd be easier that way (Don't mean a thing) Well if we take all these things and we bury the past (But you won't go in the ground) And we'll pray that they turn into seeds, to roots and then grass (You won't take steps towads the light) It'd be all right, it's all right (Feel the flow) It'd be easier that way (Don't say you won't get scared and leave) Or if the sky opened up and started pouring rain (And don't you mention all the good there would be) Like he knew it was time to start things over again (Don't say he's alone) It'd be all right, it's all right (Feel the flow) It'd be easier that way
I thought it was "turn to seeds and roots IN THE grass." I could be wrong, though. I like it better that way, a lot less repeated "and then" with it, haha. Arteron September 19, 2009   Link1 Reply Log in to replyThere was an error. @ArterI was kind of thinking that also.
And we sing this morning that wonderful and grand old message. Well, I don't know about you, but I never get tired about it Number 99: Just as I am. I'm a mountain that has been moved I'm a river that is all dried up I'm an ocean nothing floats on I'm a sky that nothing wants to fly in I'm a sun that doesn't burn hot I'm a moon that never shows its face I'm a mouth that doesn't smile I'm a word that no one ever wants to say I don't wanna be He wasn't finding anybody when he was on a shelf I saw him in my dream I'm a mountain that has been moved I'm a fugitive that has no legs to run I'm a preacher with no pulpit Spewing a sermon that goes on and on Well if we take all these things and we bury the past And we'll pray that they turn to seeds, to roots and then grass It'd be all right, it's all right It'd be easier that way Or if the sky opened up and started pouring rain Like he knew it was time to start things over again It'd be all right, it's all right It'd be easier that way (Don't mean a thing) Well if we take all these things and we bury the past (But you won't go in the ground) And we'll pray that they turn into seeds, to roots and then grass (You won't take steps towads the light) It'd be all right, it's all right (Feel the flow) It'd be easier that way (Don't say you won't get scared and leave) Or if the sky opened up and started pouring rain (And don't you mention all the good there would be) Like he knew it was time to start things over again (Don't say he's alone) It'd be all right, it's all right (Feel the flow) It'd be easier that way
First time posting, but let me give it a try. The whole song really feels as though he is struggling with god. And I know that this is a common interpretation for a lot of Brand New's songs but it just fits well with me for this one. It seems as though he is struggling with himself. Saying that he is not up to par. As though he is not worthy. But all at the same time, he feels as though he can get better and there will be a transition from what he previously was:"i'm a river that is all dried upi'm an ocean nothing floats oni'm a sky that nothing wants to fly ini'm a sun that doesn't burn hot"and wants to change, shown with this:"Take all those things and I'll bury them fast. And pray that they turn to seeds to roots and then grass." Like a new beginning. The little kid part was haunting me though. I love how they added him in. What I think he is saying is:"I want to be (though I think that could be something else)" and then I feel sure he says this, "I wasn't finding anybody when he was on a shelf, I saw him in my dream"I feel very sure about the second part just because God fits in so well with it. I believe he is saying that when He (meaning God) was on a shelf, meaning in book form (as the bible,) he just wasn't finding Him. So, within the bible, he did not find God. But when he was dreaming, or looking in other places, that is where he really found him. I could be completely wrong, but it just makes sense to me and I really like that meaning because it is very relate-able. nothesunon September 21, 2009   LinkNo Replies Log in to replyThere was an error.
And we sing this morning that wonderful and grand old message. Well, I don't know about you, but I never get tired about it Number 99: Just as I am. I'm a mountain that has been moved I'm a river that is all dried up I'm an ocean nothing floats on I'm a sky that nothing wants to fly in I'm a sun that doesn't burn hot I'm a moon that never shows its face I'm a mouth that doesn't smile I'm a word that no one ever wants to say I don't wanna be He wasn't finding anybody when he was on a shelf I saw him in my dream I'm a mountain that has been moved I'm a fugitive that has no legs to run I'm a preacher with no pulpit Spewing a sermon that goes on and on Well if we take all these things and we bury the past And we'll pray that they turn to seeds, to roots and then grass It'd be all right, it's all right It'd be easier that way Or if the sky opened up and started pouring rain Like he knew it was time to start things over again It'd be all right, it's all right It'd be easier that way (Don't mean a thing) Well if we take all these things and we bury the past (But you won't go in the ground) And we'll pray that they turn into seeds, to roots and then grass (You won't take steps towads the light) It'd be all right, it's all right (Feel the flow) It'd be easier that way (Don't say you won't get scared and leave) Or if the sky opened up and started pouring rain (And don't you mention all the good there would be) Like he knew it was time to start things over again (Don't say he's alone) It'd be all right, it's all right (Feel the flow) It'd be easier that way
Yeah. Created an account to reply to this song. Beautiful. nothesun, I totally agree with you. I also think the line "I'm a mountain that has been moved, I'm a fugitive that has no legs to run"Right after the child says what he says... and it has more bass.. ahhh it's great. I think the mountain/fugitive metaphor is him talking about his caving into his belief in God. I'm not too religious but this song is a beautiful song about god. The breakdown is when the kid is talking.... and then from then the song just grows and grows. All that said, here's the complete correct lyrics, you have a couple wrong. Just listen listen listen to it and you'll hear exactly what i'm typing. --[Recording]And we sing this morning that wonderful and grand old message. I don't know about you but I never get tired of itNumber 99: Just As I Am. I'm a mountain that has been movedI'm a river that is all dried upI'm an ocean nothing floats onI'm a sky that nothing wants to fly inI'm a sun that doesn't burn hotI'm a moon that never shows its faceI'm a mouth that doesn't smileI'm a word that no one ever wants to say...[Child speaking.] I don't wanna be,He wasn't finding anybody when he was on the(his?) shelfI saw him in my dreamI'm a mountain that has been movedI'm a fugitive that has no legs to runI'm a preacher with no pulpitSpewing a sermon that goes on and on...Well if we take all these things and we bury them fastAnd we pray that they turn to seeds, to roots and then grassIt'd be all right, it's all right, it'd be easier that wayOr if the sky opened up and started pouring rainLike it knew it was time to start things over againIt'd be alright, it's alright, it'd be easier that wayWell if we take all these things and we bury them fastAnd we pray that they turn to seeds, to roots and then grassIt'd be all right, it's all right, it'd be easier that wayOr if the sky opened up and started pouring rainLike it knew it was time to start things over againIt'd be alright, it's alright, it'd be easier that waydtc119on September 21, 2009   LinkNo Re
And we sing this morning that wonderful and grand old message. Well, I don't know about you, but I never get tired about it Number 99: Just as I am. I'm a mountain that has been moved I'm a river that is all dried up I'm an ocean nothing floats on I'm a sky that nothing wants to fly in I'm a sun that doesn't burn hot I'm a moon that never shows its face I'm a mouth that doesn't smile I'm a word that no one ever wants to say I don't wanna be He wasn't finding anybody when he was on a shelf I saw him in my dream I'm a mountain that has been moved I'm a fugitive that has no legs to run I'm a preacher with no pulpit Spewing a sermon that goes on and on Well if we take all these things and we bury the past And we'll pray that they turn to seeds, to roots and then grass It'd be all right, it's all right It'd be easier that way Or if the sky opened up and started pouring rain Like he knew it was time to start things over again It'd be all right, it's all right It'd be easier that way (Don't mean a thing) Well if we take all these things and we bury the past (But you won't go in the ground) And we'll pray that they turn into seeds, to roots and then grass (You won't take steps towads the light) It'd be all right, it's all right (Feel the flow) It'd be easier that way (Don't say you won't get scared and leave) Or if the sky opened up and started pouring rain (And don't you mention all the good there would be) Like he knew it was time to start things over again (Don't say he's alone) It'd be all right, it's all right (Feel the flow) It'd be easier that way
So yeah, nothesun, i'd say every line in that song has a deep religious undertone. it's a little too deep for me to say i totally understand it, but yeah.. sick song. (btw read the part of the post above the lyrics in case you missed it)dtc119on September 21, 2009   LinkNo Replies Log in to replyThere was an error.
And we sing this morning that wonderful and grand old message. Well, I don't know about you, but I never get tired about it Number 99: Just as I am. I'm a mountain that has been moved I'm a river that is all dried up I'm an ocean nothing floats on I'm a sky that nothing wants to fly in I'm a sun that doesn't burn hot I'm a moon that never shows its face I'm a mouth that doesn't smile I'm a word that no one ever wants to say I don't wanna be He wasn't finding anybody when he was on a shelf I saw him in my dream I'm a mountain that has been moved I'm a fugitive that has no legs to run I'm a preacher with no pulpit Spewing a sermon that goes on and on Well if we take all these things and we bury the past And we'll pray that they turn to seeds, to roots and then grass It'd be all right, it's all right It'd be easier that way Or if the sky opened up and started pouring rain Like he knew it was time to start things over again It'd be all right, it's all right It'd be easier that way (Don't mean a thing) Well if we take all these things and we bury the past (But you won't go in the ground) And we'll pray that they turn into seeds, to roots and then grass (You won't take steps towads the light) It'd be all right, it's all right (Feel the flow) It'd be easier that way (Don't say you won't get scared and leave) Or if the sky opened up and started pouring rain (And don't you mention all the good there would be) Like he knew it was time to start things over again (Don't say he's alone) It'd be all right, it's all right (Feel the flow) It'd be easier that way
"Or if the sky opened up and started pouring rainLike it knew it was time to start things over againIt'd be alright, it's alright, it'd be easier that way "To me, that sounds like a reference to when god flooded the earth, with noah and the ark. "it" being God, and how he knew it was time to start things over again, thus the sky opening up and pouring rain. Maybe that's just me, but it just occured to me in my head. Please correct me if I'm wrong. ishyx3on September 23, 2009   Link1 Reply Log in to replyThere was an error. @ishyx3my thoughts too.
And we sing this morning that wonderful and grand old message. Well, I don't know about you, but I never get tired about it Number 99: Just as I am. I'm a mountain that has been moved I'm a river that is all dried up I'm an ocean nothing floats on I'm a sky that nothing wants to fly in I'm a sun that doesn't burn hot I'm a moon that never shows its face I'm a mouth that doesn't smile I'm a word that no one ever wants to say I don't wanna be He wasn't finding anybody when he was on a shelf I saw him in my dream I'm a mountain that has been moved I'm a fugitive that has no legs to run I'm a preacher with no pulpit Spewing a sermon that goes on and on Well if we take all these things and we bury the past And we'll pray that they turn to seeds, to roots and then grass It'd be all right, it's all right It'd be easier that way Or if the sky opened up and started pouring rain Like he knew it was time to start things over again It'd be all right, it's all right It'd be easier that way (Don't mean a thing) Well if we take all these things and we bury the past (But you won't go in the ground) And we'll pray that they turn into seeds, to roots and then grass (You won't take steps towads the light) It'd be all right, it's all right (Feel the flow) It'd be easier that way (Don't say you won't get scared and leave) Or if the sky opened up and started pouring rain (And don't you mention all the good there would be) Like he knew it was time to start things over again (Don't say he's alone) It'd be all right, it's all right (Feel the flow) It'd be easier that way
Listen close with some good headphones. Pretty sure this is what the kid is saying:"My 'wandy' (or something like that, maybe he's referring to a toy or something), he wasn't finding anybody, when he was on, a shelf. I saw (the kid has a lisp and a weird accent, if you ask me) him in my dream." aamuson September 29, 2009   LinkNo Replies Log in to replyThere was an error.
And we sing this morning that wonderful and grand old message. Well, I don't know about you, but I never get tired about it Number 99: Just as I am. I'm a mountain that has been moved I'm a river that is all dried up I'm an ocean nothing floats on I'm a sky that nothing wants to fly in I'm a sun that doesn't burn hot I'm a moon that never shows its face I'm a mouth that doesn't smile I'm a word that no one ever wants to say I don't wanna be He wasn't finding anybody when he was on a shelf I saw him in my dream I'm a mountain that has been moved I'm a fugitive that has no legs to run I'm a preacher with no pulpit Spewing a sermon that goes on and on Well if we take all these things and we bury the past And we'll pray that they turn to seeds, to roots and then grass It'd be all right, it's all right It'd be easier that way Or if the sky opened up and started pouring rain Like he knew it was time to start things over again It'd be all right, it's all right It'd be easier that way (Don't mean a thing) Well if we take all these things and we bury the past (But you won't go in the ground) And we'll pray that they turn into seeds, to roots and then grass (You won't take steps towads the light) It'd be all right, it's all right (Feel the flow) It'd be easier that way (Don't say you won't get scared and leave) Or if the sky opened up and started pouring rain (And don't you mention all the good there would be) Like he knew it was time to start things over again (Don't say he's alone) It'd be all right, it's all right (Feel the flow) It'd be easier that way
"well if we take all these things, and we'll bury them fast, and we'll pray that they turn to seeds, to roots, and then grass, it'd be alright." this is soooo amazing. my favorite song on the album, by far. wakeupscreamingon October 02, 2009   LinkNo Replies Log in to replyThere was an error.
And we sing this morning that wonderful and grand old message. Well, I don't know about you, but I never get tired about it Number 99: Just as I am. I'm a mountain that has been moved I'm a river that is all dried up I'm an ocean nothing floats on I'm a sky that nothing wants to fly in I'm a sun that doesn't burn hot I'm a moon that never shows its face I'm a mouth that doesn't smile I'm a word that no one ever wants to say I don't wanna be He wasn't finding anybody when he was on a shelf I saw him in my dream I'm a mountain that has been moved I'm a fugitive that has no legs to run I'm a preacher with no pulpit Spewing a sermon that goes on and on Well if we take all these things and we bury the past And we'll pray that they turn to seeds, to roots and then grass It'd be all right, it's all right It'd be easier that way Or if the sky opened up and started pouring rain Like he knew it was time to start things over again It'd be all right, it's all right It'd be easier that way (Don't mean a thing) Well if we take all these things and we bury the past (But you won't go in the ground) And we'll pray that they turn into seeds, to roots and then grass (You won't take steps towads the light) It'd be all right, it's all right (Feel the flow) It'd be easier that way (Don't say you won't get scared and leave) Or if the sky opened up and started pouring rain (And don't you mention all the good there would be) Like he knew it was time to start things over again (Don't say he's alone) It'd be all right, it's all right (Feel the flow) It'd be easier that way
i really think the last line to child says in the background is "i still wonder where he might be", because he's looking for someone on the shelf.. it just makes sense, but i could be wrong. as for people criticizing others' interpretations on here, be nice. no one is more right about these lyrics than anyone else, unless of course you're jesse or vinnie. InsideEmilysHeadon October 07, 2009   LinkNo Replies Log in to replyThere was an error.