[ "Nakon dojave građana policajci su došli u subotu oko 15:45 u romsko naselje Sitnice kod Murskog Središća te su ondje bili napadnuti i ozlijeđeni.", "\n\nPolicajci su zatekli 31-godišnjaka i zamolili ga da stiša glazbu, no on ih je počeo vrijeđati. ", "Primijenili su nad njim sredstva prisile, što se nije svidjelo 18-godišnjaku i 37-godišnjakinji koji su fizički nasrnuli na policijske službenike. ", "U vrijeđanju im se pridružio 22-godišnjak, a 53-godišnji mještanin počeo im je prijetiti.", "\n\nSnimka incidenta objavljena je na Facebook stranici Želim normalan život u Međimurju, a u međuvremenu nam je čitatelj poslao nove snimke.", "\n\nVaš preglednik ne omogućava pregled ovog sadržaja.", "\n\nNa jednoj od njih može se vidjeti prepirka policajca i jednog civila.", "\n\n– Vojnik sam Republike Hrvatske – kaže čovjek.", "\n\n– Ja sam tebi izdao naredbu da se makneš. ", "Prvi put sam te opomenuo, drugi put te više ne budem opomenuo, išel budeš nama u postaju – kaže policajac.", "\n\nVaš preglednik ne omogućava pregled ovog sadržaja.", "\n\n– Za vrijeme postupanja i privođenja uhićenih osoba do službenog vozila oko policijskih službenika se okupila veća skupina građana koji su glasno negodovali, a više je osoba gađalo policijske službenike kamenjem. ", "Jedan kamen pogodio je policijskog službenika. ", "Alkotestiranjem je utvrđeno da su svi uhićeni bili pod utjecajem alkohola, objavila je PU međimurska te navodi kako se nastavljaju kriminalistička istraživanja.", "\n\nVaš preglednik ne omogućava pregled ovog sadržaja.", "\n\nNapadi na policijske službenike u Međimurju nisu rijetkost. ", "Posljednji slučaj prije ovog dogodio se u ponedjeljak 5. ", "kolovoza oko ponoći u Pribislavcu, gdje je 38-godišnji muškarac fizički nasrnuo na policijske službenike Policijske postaje Čakovec koji su stigli nakon dojave o obiteljskom nasilju. ", "Napadnuti su prilikom izdvajanja nasilnika iz obitelji i privođenja na kriminalističko istraživanje. ", "Lakše su ozlijeđeni policijski službenik i 38-godišnjak.", "\n\nInače, u Međimurje je u protekla dva mjeseca stiglo novih 27 policajaca, čime su, kažu u MUP-u, ispunjene najave potpredsjednika Vlade i ministra Davora Božinovića o povećanju broja policijskih službenika za područje Policijske uprave međimurske. ", "Ministar je to najavio nakon prosvjeda \"Želim normalan život\" u Čakovcu, na kojem se, uz ostalo, govorilo i o napadima na policajce u romskim naseljima. ", "Napadi se uglavnom događaju prilikom intervencija nakon dojava građana o narušavanju javnog reda i mira te nasilja u obitelji, a napadači su najčešće pod utjecajem alkohola. ", "Policajce gađaju kamenjem, grizu, nasrću na njih palicama i sjekirama..." ]
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[ "A subpopulation of estrogen receptors are modified by O-linked N-acetylglucosamine.", "\nEstrogen receptors (ER) are ligand-inducible transcription factors regulated by Ser(Thr)-O-phosphorylation. ", "Many transcription factors and eukaryotic RNA polymerase II itself are also dynamically modified by Ser(Thr)-O-linked N-acetylglucosamine moieties (O-GlcNAc). ", "Here we report that subpopulations of murine, bovine, and human estrogen receptors are modified by O-GlcNAc. ", "O-GlcNAc moieties were detected on insect cell-expressed, mouse ER (mER) by probing with bovine milk galactosyltransferase, followed by structural analysis. ", "Wheat germ agglutinin-Sepharose affinity chromatography also readily detected terminal GlcNAc residues on subpopulations of ER purified from calf uterus, from human breast cancer cells (MCF-7), or from mER produced by in vitro translation. ", "These data suggest that greater than 10% of these populations of estrogen receptors bear O-GlcNAc. ", "Site mapping of insect cell expressed mER localized one major site of O-GlcNAc addition to Thr-575, within a PEST region of the carboxyl-terminal F domain. ", "Based upon their relative resistance to both hexosaminidase and to in vitro galactosylation, O-GlcNAc moieties appear to be largely buried on native mER. ", "This dynamic saccharide modification, like phosphorylation, may play a role in modulating the dimerization, stability, or transactivation functions of estrogen receptors." ]
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[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nThis invention relates to modulated release aerosol particles, and more particularly, to medicinal aerosol particles comprising polymeric vesicles which entrap a selected medicament and provide slow release thereof.", "\n2. ", "Description of the Related Art\nMany drugs currently administered by inhalation come primarily as liquid or solid aerosol particles of respirable size. ", "For biotherapeutic drugs, this may present a problem, as many of these medicaments are unstable in aqueous environments for extended periods of time and are rapidly denatured if micronized by high shear grinding or other comminution methods when presented as dry powders. ", "Additionally, a number of these medicaments do not survive long enough in the lung as they are extracted quickly from the lung environment after they are administered as inhalation aerosols. ", "Significant drug loss could also occur by deactivation either as a result of reactivity of the medicament with device and container surfaces, or during aerosolization, particularly in high shear, energy intensive, nebulized systems [Mumenthaler, M., et al., ", "Pharm. ", "Res., ", "11: 12-20 (1994)].", "\nTo overcome these instability problems, many drug and excipient systems contain biodegradable carriers, such as poly(lactide-co-glycolides,have been developed for biotherapeutic proteins and peptides [Liu, R., et al., ", "Biotechnol. ", "Bioeng., ", "37:177-184 (1999)]. ", "These medicaments, presumably, are adequately protected in their carrier systems, and thus do not undergo as much denaturation as realized in aqueous media. ", "Importantly, these polymers prolong drug release at the site of absorption so that the effect of the drug is also subsequently sustained in the body.", "\nMost therapeutic peptides and proteins are poorly absorbed through biologic membranes even upon formulation with penetration enhancers, possibly due to a combination of several factors, including large molecular size (i.e., xe2x89xa71000 daltons), ionization, high surface charge, enzymatic and chemical instability, and low permeability of absorption barriers in the body of a patient, e.g. human being or other animal. ", "In numerous therapies, drug dosimetry is increased by orders of magnitude to achieve minimum systemic concentrations required for efficacy. ", "In other cases the drug product is formulated with exotic absorption promoters in order to improve permeability across the absorption barrier. ", "But such formulations usually present serious toxicological liabilities. ", "The clinical and pharmaceutical chemistry sciences, in an attempt to accomplish the highest level of therapeutic benefit for these compounds, have resorted to chemical modifications as a principal mode for improving biological activity of these drugs in the body of the patient. ", "The mode of drug administration to the body has also gradually expanded from oral and parenteral to transdermal, rectal and the pulmonary routes of administration, i.e., nose and lung. ", "Success and achievement with these drug delivery approaches are mixed largely due to lack of acceptance of the newer, complex molecules that must be used for treating difficult diseases of the body, e.g., infections, malignancies, cardiovascular, endocrine, neurologic diseases, and a variety of immunologically compromised diseases, like AIDS.", "\nAccordingly, what is desired and needed is a fluid propelled formulation system comprising an active pharmaceutical ingredient (xe2x80x9cAPIxe2x80x9d) that is stable and protected by a rate-limiting carrier, easily manufactured, and therapeutically effective when administered as fluid dispersed particles to the lung of a patient, e.g. a human being or another animal.", "\nThis invention relates to modulated release aerosol particles, and more particularly, to medicinal, respirable aerosol particles comprising polysaccharide vesicles which are associated with, e.g. form a part of a construct with or entrap therewithin, a selected medicament and provide slow release thereof." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nExcel macro overwrite existing file\n\nI am trying to move many Excel files using a wildcard from \\Output folder to \\Output\\Archive folder. ", "If a file is already present in the Archive folder, it should be overwritten.", "\n\nThis is my code (also shown in the attached image)\nApplication.", "DisplayAlerts = False\n\nDim FSO As Object\nSet FSO = CreateObject(\"scripting.filesystemobject\")\n\nFSO.MoveFile Source:=Excel_Path & Excel_Name, Destination:=Excel_Path & \"Archive\\\" & Excel_Name\n\nApplication.", "DisplayAlerts = True\n\nIt is still throwing an error \n\nFile already exists\n\nAlmost everyone suggests to disable the display alert but in my case it is not working.", "\nAm I missing anything here? ", "Can someone help?", "\nTIA,\nSanket K.\n\nA:\n\nThis is a duplicate. ", "You cannot use MoveFile if the destination file already exists. ", "Best to use CopyFile and DeleteFile\n\n" ]
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[ "467*j**2 - 13 - j. Give z(0).", "\n40\nLet w(f) = -f**2 + 2*f - 1. ", "Let a(p) = -5*p**2 + 6*p - 3. ", "Let u be (-2)/14 + ((-72)/42)/2. ", "Let b(n) = u*a(n) + 2*w(n). ", "What is b(2)?", "\n9\nLet u(j) = -450158*j - 3*j**2 + 86 + 450189*j + 4*j**2. ", "Calculate u(-3).", "\n2\nLet k(l) = l + 2. ", "Let v = 362 - 257. ", "Suppose 0 = -v*d + 102*d + 105. ", "Suppose d = 5*b - 12*b. ", "What is k(b)?", "\n-3\nLet d be (-27)/(-6) + 1/(-2). ", "Let c(f) = 11*f**2 - 3*f + 7. ", "Let x be c(2). ", "Let p(h) = -h**2 + 30*h - x*h + 21*h. ", "Determine p(d).", "\n8\nLet n be (3/(-2))/((-12)/(-32)). ", "Let r(s) be the third derivative of -s**5/60 - 7*s**4/24 + s**3/6 + 10*s**2 + s. Give r(n).", "\n13\nSuppose -87 + 72 = -5*c. ", "Let q(r) = -r**3 + 2*r**c - 59 + 2*r + 57 + 2*r**2. ", "Determine q(-2).", "\n-6\nLet k(y) = 4*y + 1. ", "Let n be 8/(-44) + 101/11. ", "Let f = 181 - 171. ", "Suppose -n*l + 7*l = f. What is k(l)?", "\n-19\nLet a(g) = -g**3 + 9*g**2 + 8*g - 13. ", "Suppose -8*x = -3*b - 9*x + 26, 4*x = 5*b - 66. ", "Give a(b).", "\n-33\nLet t(y) be the third derivative of -1/120*y**5 + 0*y**4 - 19*y**2 + 0*y + 37/6*y**3 + 0. ", "Let f(s) be the first derivative of t(s). ", "What is f(2)?", "\n-2\nLet i(v) be the third derivative of -v**6/120 - v**5/60 - v**4/24 - 6*v**3 - 14*v**2 - 47*v. ", "Suppose 2*m = -0*m + 4*b - 12, b = 3. ", "Determine i(m).", "\n-36\nLet k(s) = -19*s - 7 + 5*s + 1 - 11 + 22. ", "Give k(6).", "\n-79\nLet v(d) = -9*d**2 + 12*d - 1. ", "Let a(p) = 11*p**2 - 12*p + 2. ", "Let u(t) = 5*a(t) + 6*v(t). ", "Suppose 3*c = i - 22, 4*c + 3*i + 17 = -34. ", "What is u(c)?", "\n-23\nLet o = -6127 - -6131. ", "Let q(k) = 2 - 3 - 4*k + k**2 + 2 + 2. ", "Determine q(o).", "\n3\nLet n(i) = -i**3 + 2*i**2 - 1. ", "Let m(k) = 14*k**2 - k. Let s be m(-1). ", "Suppose 38*c - 43*c + s = 0. ", "Suppose 2*b - c = 1. ", "Calculate n(b).", "\n-1\nLet g(v) = -5*v - 1. ", "Suppose 0 = -3*a + 15, 3*k + 3 = -0*k + 3*a. ", "Let d be k/(-3 - 1) + 1. ", "Suppose -o + 3*f - 3 + d = 0, 3*f = -o + 9. ", "Determine g(o).", "\n-16\nLet l(o) = -2*o**3 - o**2 + o - 2. ", "Let w(y) = y**3 + 45*y**2 - 97*y - 141. ", "Let u be w(-47). ", "Determine l(u).", "\n-2\nLet f(v) = -3*v + 1. ", "Let k(y) = 53*y**3 + 2*y**2 - 11*y - 12. ", "Let n be k(-1). ", "Let b be (-39)/n + (-3)/(-12). ", "Determine f(b).", "\n-2\nLet m(u) = -1821*u**2 + u + 903*u**2 + 15 + 913*u**2 + 5*u**3. ", "Let z be 1/((-1 - 0)/(-1)). ", "Let o(c) = c**3 - c**2. ", "Let j(k) = z*m(k) - 6*o(k). ", "Calculate j(0).", "\n15\nLet m(r) be the first derivative of 0*r**2 - 8*r + 7 + 0*r**4 - 3/10*r**5 + 1/6*r**3. ", "Let a(g) be the first derivative of m(g). ", "Give a(1).", "\n-5\nLet a(q) be the second derivative of q**4/12 + 5*q**3/3 + 7*q**2/2 - 9*q. ", "Let o be -1*(42 - 52)*(1 - 2). ", "What is a(o)?", "\n7\nLet t(f) = -11*f - 198. ", "Let x(a) = 1151*a - 2319. ", "Let b be x(2). ", "Give t(b).", "\n-11\nSuppose 0 = 2*k + 34*k - 108. ", "Let g(v) be the second derivative of -3/2*v**2 - 8*v + 0 + 1/3*v**k. ", "Calculate g(-6).", "\n-15\nLet d(j) = 2*j**2 - j + 1. ", "Let x(z) = 11*z**2 + 4*z - 7. ", "Let p = -713 + 714. ", "Let s(i) = p*x(i) - 5*d(i). ", "Determine s(-10).", "\n-2\nLet y = -5139 - -5141. ", "Let a(r) = 32*r - 22. ", "What is a(y)?", "\n42\nLet r be 2*3/3 + -9. ", "Let h(l) = -665*l**3 + 7*l**2 + 2*l + 330*l**3 - 12 + 2 + 336*l**3. ", "Calculate h(r).", "\n-24\nLet v(u) = 21*u**2 - 2*u - 2. ", "Suppose 729*z - 1444*z = -729*z - 14. ", "Calculate v(z).", "\n21\nLet j be 19 - (-6)/(-2) - (1241 + -1223). ", "Let z(c) = c**2 - 3*c**2 - 4*c + c**2 - 4. ", "What is z(j)?", "\n0\nSuppose h + 17 = 3*h + 3*l, 3*l = 3*h - 3. ", "Let f(q) = 16*q - h*q + 11*q + 5. ", "Let m(j) = 12*j + 3. ", "Let p(c) = -6*f(c) + 11*m(c). ", "Calculate p(2).", "\n-9\nLet t(l) be the second derivative of -l**7/2520 + l**6/180 + l**5/15 - 59*l**4/12 + 9*l + 2. ", "Let d(i) be the third derivative of t(i). ", "Calculate d(6).", "\n-4\nLet g(v) = -5*v + 9. ", "Suppose -15 = -o + 4*l, 3*o + 3*l + 20 = 5*o. ", "Suppose -k + o = 5*h - 3*h, -20 = -5*h - 5*k. ", "Determine g(h).", "\n-6\nLet o(g) be the third derivative of g**6/120 - 7*g**5/60 + g**4/8 + g**3/6 - 3235*g**2. ", "Let u be 1*(4 - 2) + 2. ", "Let i be 44/7 + u/(-14). ", "Calculate o(i).", "\n-17\nLet w(y) be the second derivative of 1/20*y**5 + 30 + 0*y**3 + 1/3*y**4 - 5/2*y**2 + 3*y. ", "Give w(-5).", "\n-30\nSuppose -34 = 78*s + 35 + 9. ", "Suppose -3*f + 4*g = -32, 0 = -5*f - 5*g - 0 + 30. ", "Let t(b) = -4 - b + 4 - f*b. ", "What is t(s)?", "\n9\nLet r(h) = -7*h**3 + 14*h**2 + 6*h**3 - 6*h - 6*h**2. ", "Let f(p) = -17*p - 3. ", "Let u be f(-23). ", "Let j = u - 381. ", "Calculate r(j).", "\n7\nLet y = -33 - -235. ", "Suppose 0 = -c - 208 + y. Let a(i) = -i**2 - 2*i + 8. ", "Calculate a(c).", "\n-16\nLet x(l) = -15*l + 28*l**3 - 7 + 19*l - 26*l**3 - l**2. ", "Calculate x(3).", "\n50\nLet d(x) = -1 - 7*x**2 - 6*x + 0 + 3*x**3 - 4*x**3 + 2. ", "Let w = 20 - 2. ", "Suppose 4*m - m = -w. ", "Determine d(m).", "\n1\nLet j(g) = 8*g + 0 - 2*g**2 + 1 - g**2 + 0*g**2 + 4*g**2. ", "Calculate j(-9).", "\n10\nLet j(y) = 3*y. ", "Let q(x) = -11*x - 3. ", "Let v(d) = 9*j(d) + 2*q(d). ", "Determine v(0).", "\n-6\nLet s(i) = -i**3 - 9*i**2 + 2. ", "Let r(t) = -2*t**3 - 17*t**2 - t + 3. ", "Let n be ((-171)/(-11))/(-3) - (-16)/88. ", "Let m(d) = n*s(d) + 3*r(d). ", "Give m(-2).", "\n-11\nLet w(r) = -3*r**2 - 4*r - 9. ", "Let y(m) = 0*m**2 + 0 - 8 - 3*m - 5*m**2 + 0 - 3. ", "Let l(a) = 3*w(a) - 2*y(a). ", "Calculate l(6).", "\n-5\nLet a = -106 + 109. ", "Let x(y) = 4 + 11*y - 13*y - a. Calculate x(-1).", "\n3\nLet q(s) be the second derivative of 4*s**3/3 - 21*s**2 - 1555*s - 2. ", "Determine q(6).", "\n6\nLet g(q) = -6*q - 291. ", "Suppose -14*c - 449 = 322 - 99. ", "What is g(c)?", "\n-3\nLet r(c) = -c - 3. ", "Suppose 4*d + 47 - 4 = -3*n, n + 4*d + 17 = 0. ", "Let w(t) = 21 + 5*t - t**2 + t - 18*t + t. Let q be w(n). ", "What is r(q)?", "\n2\nLet m(p) = -16 - 1945*p**2 - 1940*p**2 - p**3 - p - 1945*p**2 + 5833*p**2. ", "Give m(0).", "\n-16\nLet d be -2 - 0 - -1*10. ", "Suppose d*y - 3*y + 35 = 0. ", "Let j(r) be the first derivative of -r**2/2 - 9*r + 56105. ", "Determine j(y).", "\n-2\nSuppose 0 = -j + 1 + 1. ", "Suppose -104 = -4*h - 4*h. ", "Let s(l) = 3*l + h - 2*l - 12. ", "Determine s(j).", "\n3\nLet g be (5/(-2))/(1/2). ", "Let o(v) = 16*v**2 - 7*v + 2 - v - 1 + 2*v**2 + 4*v - 19*v**2. ", "Calculate o(g).", "\n-4\nLet s = -124 + 126. ", "Let j(i) = 4*i**2 - 10*i - 20. ", "Let p(k) be the second derivative of k**3/6 + k**2 + 2*k. ", "Let b(u) = s*j(u) + 20*p(u). ", "Give b(-1).", "\n8\nLet s(z) = -z**2 - 14*z + 183. ", "Let y be s(-22). ", "Let w(h) = -3*h - 16. ", "What is w(y)?", "\n-37\nLet t(v) be the second derivative of -v**5/2 - v**3/3 - v**2/2 + 2*v. ", "Suppose 2*q + 132 = 138. ", "Suppose -21*n + q*n - 18 = 0. ", "Calculate t(n).", "\n11\nLet a(t) = 34*t**2 - 24*t + 50. ", "Let g(w) = 16*w**2 - 11*w + 25. ", "Let m(h) = -6*a(h) + 13*g(h). ", "Let l(j) be the first derivative of m(j). ", "Calculate l(2).", "\n17\nLet p be 2*(-2)/6 - 7033/39. ", "Let l = p - -492. ", "Let w(i) = -i - l + 619 - 2*i**2 - 304 + i**3. ", "Determine w(3).", "\n10\nSuppose -3*x + 5*q - 12 = 0, x - 10 = -5*q + 6. ", "Let b(m) = -102*m**2 + m. Let g(d) = 11*d**2. ", "Let y(c) = -2*b(c) - 18*g(c). ", "What is y(x)?", "\n4\nLet d(f) = 3*f**2 - 4*f - 17. ", "Let p(z) = -z**2 - z + 8. ", "Let m(c) = -d(c) - 2*p(c). ", "Calculate m(6).", "\n1\nLet g(k) = -4*k + 20. ", "Let y(q) = -q + 22. ", "Let r(i) = -2*g(i) + 2*y(i). ", "Calculate r(-13).", "\n-74\nLet t = 967 + -890. ", "Suppose t*j = 71*j + 18. ", "Let q(y) = y**3 - 3*y**2 - 4*y + 4. ", "What is q(j)?", "\n-8\nLet g = 875 - 869. ", "Let i(h) = h**2 - 227*h + 1327. ", "Calculate i(g).", "\n1\nLet a(t) = -t**2 + 11*t - 15. ", "Suppose 5*p - 62 = 4*d, p - 539*d + 541*d = 4. ", "Determine a(p).", "\n-5\nLet o(q) = q**2. ", "Let u(s) = -6*s + 84. ", "Suppose 0 = -13*g - 8*g + 294. ", "Let d be u(g). ", "Determine o(d).", "\n0\nLet g(p) = -3*p**3 - 4*p**2 - p. Let c = -463 + 366. ", "Let k = c - -94. ", "What is g(k)?", "\n48\nSuppose -4*z - 7*d + 368 = -11*d, 3*z = 5*d + 276. ", "Let l(b) = -3*b + 96 + b**3 + 0*b**2 + 3*b**2 - z. Calculate l(-4).", "\n0\nLet k = 121 - 31. ", "Let s = k + -82. ", "Let i(c) = -c**2 + 8*c + 6. ", "What is i(s)?", "\n6\nLet s = -9322 + 9334. ", "Let b(a) = 2*a**3 - 22*a**2 - 25*a + 27. ", "What is b(s)?", "\n15\nLet n(i) be the second derivative of -i**4/12 + 3*i**3 + 13*i**2 + 2*i + 5. ", "Let j be n(19). ", "Let x(m) = -2*m + 6. ", "Determine x(j).", "\n-8\nLet q(y) = -19*y**3 - 30*y**2 + 56*y - 33. ", "Let w(p) = 41*p**3 + 62*p**2 - 115*p + 66. ", "Let u(f) = 13*q(f) + 6*w(f). ", "Calculate u(-20).", "\n7\nLet w(v) = -v**3 + 3*v**2 + v + 6. ", "Suppose -3*y + 2*s - 6 = -4*y, 2*s - 54 = -5*y. ", "Suppose y*f = -9*f + 105. ", "What is w(f)?", "\n-39\nLet n(y) = -9 - 3*y + 3*y + y**2. ", "Let i = 917066 - 917070. ", "Give n(i).", "\n7\nLet r be (-106)/(-84) - 48/504. ", "Let p(a) be the third derivative of 1/24*a**4 + 19*a**2 + 0*a + 0 - r*a**3. ", "Calculate p(3).", "\n-4\nLet s(z) = -z**3 - 27*z**2 + 54*z - 113. ", "Let o be s(-29). ", "Let t(a) = -a**2 - a + 12. ", "Calculate t(o).", "\n0\nLet m(j) = 7*j**3 + 7*j**2 - 7. ", "Let q(i) = i**3 + i**2 - 1. ", "Let f = 83 + -82. ", "Let d(g) = f*m(g) - 6*q(g). ", "Let n be (-8 + 2 + 1)*(-4)/10. ", "Determine d(n).", "\n11" ]
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[ "47 F.3d 1168\nNOTICE: Sixth Circuit Rule 24(c) states that citation of unpublished dispositions is disfavored except for establishing res judicata, estoppel, or the law of the case and requires service of copies of cited unpublished dispositions of the Sixth Circuit.", "Constance EDWARDS, Plaintiff-Appellant,v.SECRETARY OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, Defendant-Appellee.", "\nNo. ", "93-2577.", "\nUnited States Court of Appeals, Sixth Circuit.", "\nFeb. 10, 1995.", "\n\n1\nBefore: NELSON and NORRIS, Circuit Judges, and BELL, District Judge.*", "\n\nORDER\n\n2\nConstance Edwards appeals from the summary judgment affirming the Secretary's order denying an award of Social Security disability benefits. ", " The parties have expressly waived oral argument, and this panel unanimously agrees that oral argument is not needed. ", " Fed. ", "R. App. ", " P. 34(a).", "\n\n\n3\nConstance Edwards filed an application for Social Security disability benefits in 1991. ", " The application proceeded to an evidentiary hearing before an administrative law judge (ALJ) who found Edwards not disabled. ", " Edwards took an unsuccessful appeal from this decision to the Appeals Council. ", " The adverse decision of the ALJ was consequently adopted as the decision of the Secretary.", "\n\n\n4\nEdwards thereafter sought federal court review of the Secretary's decision pursuant to 42 U.S.C. Sec. ", "405(g). ", " The matter was referred to a magistrate judge who recommended that the Secretary's decision be affirmed. ", " The district court adopted this recommendation over Edwards's objections and this appeal followed.", "\n\n\n5\nEdwards filed her application for disability benefits on February 20, 1991, with an onset date of July 15, 1989. ", " She described her disability as a degenerative nerve disease affecting her balance, walking, legs and feet. ", " She also stated she had pain and quivering in her legs, numbness in her toes, and easy fatigue. ", " The evidence established that the condition may have been precipitated by a fall on ice in 1984. ", " Edwards thereafter began to experience periods of numbness and stiffness in her legs. ", " These conditions gradually worsened, she claims, to the point where she was unable to work.", "\n\n\n6\nThe ALJ analyzed Edwards's application using the five-step sequential evaluation set forth at 20 C.F.R. 404.1520(a). ", " The ALJ entertained the medical and vocational evidence and concluded that, although Edwards did have some form of degenerative nerve disease, it was not of the degree alleged and not severe enough to be disabling. ", " The ALJ went on to find that Edwards could not return to her previous occupation (hotel maid, cleaning person) but that she retained the residual functional capacity to perform other sedentary and light jobs that existed in sufficient numbers in the local and national economy. ", " The ALJ thus determined that Edwards's claim should be denied.", "\n\n\n7\nThis decision became the final decision of the Secretary when the Appeals Council denied Edwards's request for review in spite of an attempt by Edwards's counsel to supplement the record with another opinion of a physician. ", " The Council noted that there was no evidence of record to establish the existence of a central nervous system vascular accident or that Edwards suffered from significant and persistent disorganization of motor function in two extremities resulting in the required disruption of movement. ", " The Council appears to have considered the supplemental physician's opinion in reaching its decision.", "\n\n\n8\nThe magistrate judge to whom the case was referred recommended granting summary judgment for the Secretary. ", " The magistrate initially cited Sixth Circuit case law in declining to consider the supplemental physician's opinion as part of the record on review. ", " The magistrate went on to find that there was substantial evidence of record to support the Secretary's decision. ", " The district court summarily adopted this recommendation over Edwards's objections.", "\n\n\n9\nCounsel for Edwards contends on appeal that the Secretary's decision is not supported by substantial evidence. ", " Counsel specifically contends that the evidence establishes the existence of a disabling condition equal or greater to one of the \"Listed Impairments\" found in 20 C.F.R. 404, Subpart P, Appendix 1.", "\n\n\n10\nThe standard of review that applies to Edwards's case was articulated by this court in Brainard v. Secretary of Health and Human Servs., ", "889 F.2d 679 (6th Cir. ", "1989) (per curiam):\n\n\n11\nJudicial review of the Secretary's decision is limited to determining whether the Secretary's findings are supported by substantial evidence and whether the Secretary employed the proper legal standards in reaching her conclusion. ", " Substantial evidence is more than a scintilla of evidence but less than a preponderance and is such relevant evidence as a reasonable mind might accept as adequate to support a conclusion. ", " The scope of our review is limited to an examination of the record only. ", " We do not review the evidence de novo, make credibility determinations nor weigh the evidence.", "\n\n\n12\nId. at 681 (citations omitted). ", " The Secretary's decision must be affirmed, if supported by substantial evidence, even if a reviewing court would decide the matter differently, Kinsella v. Schweiker, 708 F.2d 1058, 1059 (6th Cir. ", "1983) (per curiam), and even if the claimant's position is also supported by substantial evidence. ", " Mullen v. Bowen, 800 F.2d 535, 545 (6th Cir. ", "1986) (en banc). ", " Furthermore, credibility determinations regarding a claimant's subjective complaints properly rest with the ALJ, Siterlet v. Secretary of Health and Human Servs., ", "823 F.2d 918, 920-21 (6th Cir. ", "1987) (per curiam), and it is the Secretary's function to resolve conflicts in the evidence. ", " King v. Heckler, 742 F.2d 968, 974 (6th Cir. ", "1984).", "\n\n\n13\nThe Secretary conducts the following, five-step analysis to determine if an individual is disabled within the meaning of the Social Security Act.", "\n\n\n14\n1. ", "An individual who is engaging in substantial gainful activity will not be found to be disabled regardless of medical findings.", "\n\n\n15\n2. ", "An individual who does not have a severe impairment will not be found to be disabled.", "\n\n\n16\n3. ", "A finding of disability will be made without consideration of vocational factors, if an individual is not working and is suffering from a severe impairment which meets the duration requirement and which meets or equals a listed impairment in Appendix 1 to Subpart P of the regulations.", "\n\n\n17\n4. ", "An individual who can perform work that he or she has done in the past will not be found to be disabled.", "\n\n\n18\n5. ", "If an individual cannot perform his or her past work, other factors including age, education, past work experience and residual functional capacity must be considered to determine if other work can be performed.", "\n\n\n19\nFurther review is not necessary if it can be determined that an individual is or is not disabled at any point in this sequential analysis. ", " 20 C.F.R. 404.1520(a). ", " In addition, a claimant's impairment must meet a 12 month duration requirement before being found disabling.", "\n\n\n20\nThe focus of the current appeal is on step three. ", " The ALJ found, and Edwards disagrees, that Edwards's condition did not meet or equal a listed impairment. ", " The ALJ based his findings on the credibility of Edwards and on the medical evidence presented. ", " As this court will not review the credibility determination, Brainard, 889 F.2d at 681, the only question remaining is whether there is substantial evidence to support the Secretary's characterization (through the ALJ) of Edwards's condition.", "\n\n\n21\nThe evidence of Edwards's daily activities as well as the medical opinions admitted before the ALJ satisfies the substantial evidence test. ", " The evidence reflects that Edwards was able to cook for herself at least one hour a day, to do light house work and help with the grocery shopping aided by a shopping cart. ", " She was also able to go to the library several times a month and entertain neighbors and relatives on occasion. ", " Evidence of a claimant's ability to care for some of her personal and household needs and engage in some social situations is relevant to a disability determination. ", " Blacha v. Secretary of Health and Human Services, 927 F.2d 228, 231 (6th Cir. ", "1990) (per curiam). ", " The contemporaneous medical opinions, especially Exhibits 10 and 15, support the conclusion that Edwards was not totally disabled. ", " In 1987, Edwards was described as having difficulty walking but \"performed tandem gait surprisingly well.\" ", " In 1991, another physician described Edwards as having a neurological impairment, but the same report noted that she could walk short distances without an ambulatory device. ", " Neither report contains any indication that Edwards was considered disabled. ", " In short, while it cannot be gainsaid that Ms. Edwards has a neurological problem, there is substantial evidence in the record to support a finding that she was not totally disabled.", "\n\n\n22\nAccordingly, the district court's judgment is affirmed.", "\n\n\n\n*\n The Honorable Robert Holmes Bell, United States District Judge for the Western District of Michigan, sitting by designation\n\n\n" ]
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[ "When voices that defend traditional Judeo-Christian values can be smeared, labeled and dismissed as “hateful” by radical ideologues with impunity, America has turned away from its commitment to free speech.", "\n\nJanice Shaw Crouse, Ph.", "D, is the new executive director of the World Congress of Families who will be hosting their first gathering in the United States this year.", "\n\nCrouse has dedicated her life’s work to research and policies promoting optimal outcomes for families, women and children.", "\n\nDr. Crouse finds it “appalling” that “now only politically correct views can be expressed in the public square. ", "Only people who follow certain prescribed ideology are able to address our colleges and universities.” ", "She worries that “people cannot engage in conversation and exchange ideas, knowing that you share different ideas,” she decried in this exclusive video interview with The Daily Caller.", "\n\nOnce when she was displaying her innately gracious courtesies to an ideological opponent waiting in a media green room with her, the opponent balked and asked, “why are you being friendly to me?” ", "before their on-air battling. ", "Dr. Crouse, taken back, informed the aggrieved that “we are engaging in civil discourse. ", "We’re sharing manners.”", "\n\nIt is “sad to reach a point where manners and civil debate are a thing of the past, where common courtesies are a thing of the past.”", "\n\nYet, rhetoric does have consequences, as we saw when the Southern Poverty Law Center framed the nonpartisan Family Research Center as a “hate group.” ", "Tony Perkins, the president of Family Research Council has said, “The Southern Poverty Law Center can no longer say that it is not a source for those bent on committing acts of violence.”", "\n\nIt was what many believe triggered a deranged man to bring a gun and shoot people at their location in August 2012.", "\n\nWhen facts, evidence, reason and manners are not welcome in public discourse, America loses. ", "Just as it was discussed in last week’s interview with Kirsten Powers, when elites decide what can and can’t be thought, said or done in public, it is a different America.", "\n\nWATCH:\n\n\n\nDr. Crouse is the author of four books, a former head of a think tank in D.C., a former presidential speechwriter, a college professor, and a prolific columnist. ", "By temperament, she is gracious, well-mannered, courteous and meticulous in her pedagogy. ", "Her mission is to speak out, even in a toxic public square, on issues of family, women and children. ", "History tells us what can happen if good people stay silent, she says.", "\n\nThe coming World Congress of Families will be held in Salt Lake City during the last week of October. ", "The early program highlights include: the PianoGuys, Nick Vujicic and Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone among many others.", "\n\nMrs. Thomas does not necessarily support or endorse the products, services or positions promoted in any advertisement contained herein, and does not have control over or receive compensation from any advertiser." ]
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[ "A man forced a woman into the trunk of her car behind a Wrigleyville apartment and then went on a 22-mile joyride spanning the city before crashing on the South Side, the police say.", "\n\nThe carjacker had a gun when he walked up to the 24-year-old woman around 8:20 p.m. in the 3700 block of North Fremont and directed her to the trunk of a Mazda, according to the police.", "\n\nWith the woman locked in the trunk, he made several stops on the South Side before slamming into a tree just before 10 p.m. in the 11500 block of South Throop and then running off, police said.", "\n\nThe woman was able to get out and call for help and was taken to Christ Medical Center in Oak Lawn to be checked out.", "\n\nThe attack was possibly related to another, similar attack on Feb. 28, police said." ]
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[ "Hal Vaughan\n\nHal W. Vaughan (1928-October 17, 2013) was an American author and journalist based in Paris, France. ", "He held several posts as a US Foreign Service officer before becoming a journalist on assignments in Europe, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia. ", "\n\nHe served in the United States Military in both World War II and Korea. ", "He was involved in a number of covert intelligence activities as a U.S. Foreign Service Officer at Karachi and Geneva during the Cold War. ", "Vaughan had intimate knowledge of clandestine, international operations.", "\n\nDuring his tenure with the United States Information Service (USIS), Vaughan developed documentary films in Pakistan. ", "At the U.S. Embassy in Karachi and at the U.S. Consulate General in Dacca, East Pakistan, he covered events for the Voice of America (VOA). ", "Later, Vaughan temporarily carried out duties in Saigon during the Vietnam War. ", "As a U.S. Foreign Service Officer in Geneva, Vaughan served as Public Affairs Officer to Vice President Hubert Humphrey (during the Kennedy Round of Tariff Negotiations). ", "Vaughan also held diplomatic posts under Ambassadors W. Michael Blumenthal and W. Averell Harriman.", "\n\nIn Cairo, Vaughan was a consultant to Prince Mohammed al-Faisal al-Saud. ", "This stint resulted in a screenplay titled Bedouin that was optioned by Orion Pictures.", "\n\nAs a journalist, Vaughan worked for the New York Daily News and the International Press Service (IPS). ", "He covered Mehmet Ali Agca's attempted assassination of Pope John Paul II for ABC-News in Rome, and later worked for ABC News Radio in New York.", "\n\nVaughan was a disabled (non-combatant) WWII veteran. ", "Near the end of the Korean war, Vaughan, a National Guard Battalion Sergeant-Major (S-2) dealing with tactical intelligence. ", "was mobilized at Fort Drum, Watertown, New York. ", "His unit never made it overseas.", "\n\nIn a later career as an author, Vaughan drew from his wartime and intelligence experiences for his research and books. ", "In 2004, his first book, Doctor to the Resistance: The Heroic True Story of an American Surgeon and His Family in Occupied Paris, was published by Brassey's Inc. Vaughan followed up with FDR's 12 Apostles: The Spies Who Paved the Way for the Invasion of North Africa, which was published in 2006 by The Lyons Press. ", "\n\nIn August 2011, Vaughan published Sleeping with the Enemy: Coco Chanel's Secret War, brought out by Alfred A. Knopf. ", "Based on newly declassified French and German intelligence materials of the war years, the book revealed never-before-told details of how Coco Chanel served the Abwehr as Agent 7124, code-name Westminster. ", "Reports of the designer's covert activities include an attempt, at Himmler's behest, to get a message to Churchill in early 1944 that the SS wanted to broker a separate peace. ", "Sleeping With the Enemy was translated into numerous languages and was met with critical acclaim.", "\n\nAt the time of his death in 2013, Vaughan had self-published a roman à clef, A Purple Heart At Far Acre Farm, about his experiences as a 10-year-old spy.", "\n\nVaughan was a member of DACOR—Diplomatic and Consular Officers Retired, Wash., DC; Association of Former Intelligence Officers; the Paris Cercle de l'Union interalliée; and the National Press Club, Washington, DC. ", "He was also a consultant to the American Hospital of Paris at Neuilly since 1992. ", "A polyglot, Vaughan was fluent in French, had a working knowledge of Italian, and had a passing acquaintance with German, Urdu, and Arabic. ", "\n\nHal Weston Vaughan died October 17, 2013 in Paris. ", "He is survived by his wife, Phuong Nguyen, a physician; his son, Philippe, a security specialist in the Foreign Service; a daughter, Chantal, living in the Washington, DC area; and a daughter, Esther Fantys, an artist and dancer living in Lausanne, Switzerland.", "\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n\nCategory:American newspaper reporters and correspondents\nCategory:American biographers\nCategory:American expatriates in France\nCategory:1928 births\nCategory:2013 deaths\nCategory:United States Foreign Service personnel" ]
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[ "00000880532011-12-022012-12-010000088053difi1:S000012354Member2011-12-022012-12-010000088053difi1:S000012354Memberdifi1:C000033588Member2011-12-022012-12-010000088053difi1:S000012354Memberdifi1:C000033589Member2011-12-022012-12-010000088053difi1:S000012354Memberdifi1:C000033591Member2011-12-022012-12-010000088053difi1:S000012354Memberdifi1:C000033590Member2011-12-022012-12-010000088053difi1:S000006030Memberdifi1:C000016568Member2011-12-022012-12-010000088053difi1:S000006030Memberdifi1:C000016570Member2011-12-022012-12-010000088053difi1:S000006030Memberdifi1:C000016571Member2011-12-022012-12-010000088053difi1:S000006030Memberdifi1:C000016573Member2011-12-022012-12-010000088053difi1:S000006030Memberdifi1:C000016572Member2011-12-022012-12-010000088053difi1:S000006030Member2011-12-022012-12-010000088053difi1:S000006030Memberdifi1:BeforeTaxMemberdifi1:C000016568Member2011-12-022012-12-010000088053difi1:S000006030Memberdifi1:BeforeTaxMemberdifi1:C000016570Member2011-12-022012-12-010000088053difi1:S000006030Memberdifi1:BeforeTaxMemberdifi1:C000016571Member2011-12-022012-12-010000088053difi1:S000006030Memberdifi1:BeforeTaxMemberdifi1:C000016573Member2011-12-022012-12-010000088053difi1:S000006030Memberdifi1:BeforeTaxMemberdifi1:C000016572Member2011-12-022012-12-010000088053difi1:S000006030Memberrr:AfterTaxesOnDistributionsMemberdifi1:C000016568Member2011-12-022012-12-010000088053difi1:S000006030Memberrr:AfterTaxesOnDistributionsAndSalesMemberdifi1:C000016568Member2011-12-022012-12-010000088053difi1:S000006030Memberdifi1:MorganStanleyCapitalInternationalMsciEuropeAustralasiaFarEastEafeIndexMember2011-12-022012-12-010000088053difi1:S000012354Memberrr:AfterTaxesOnDistributionsMemberdifi1:C000033588Member2011-12-022012-12-010000088053difi1:S000012354Memberdifi1:BeforeTaxMemberdifi1:C000033588Member2011-12-022012-12-010000088053difi1:S000012354Memberrr:AfterTaxesOnDistributionsAndSalesMemberdifi1:C000033588Member2011-12-022012-12-010000088053difi1:S000012354Memberdifi1:BeforeTaxMemberdifi1:C000033589Member2011-12-022012-12-010000088053difi1:S000012354Memberdifi1:BeforeTaxMemberdifi1:C000033591Member2011-12-022012-12-010000088053difi1:S000012354Memberdifi1:BeforeTaxMemberdifi1:C000033590Member2011-12-022012-12-010000088053difi1:S000012354Memberdifi1:RussellGlobalExUsValueIndexMember2011-12-022012-12-01pureiso4217:USD2012-12-01485BPOSDWS INTERNATIONAL FUND, INC.false00000880532012-11-302012-12-012012-08-31<b>DWS Dreman International Value Fund</b><b>Investment Objective</b>The fund seeks long-term capital appreciation,with current income as a secondary objective.<b>Fees and Expenses of the Fund</b>These are the fees and expenses you may pay when you buy and hold shares. ", "You may qualify for sales charge discounts if you and your immediate family invest, or agree to invest in the future, at least $50,000 in DWS funds. ", "More information about these and other discounts is available from your financial professional and in Choosing a Share Class (p. 22) and Purchase and Redemption of Shares in the fund's Statement of Additional Information (SAI) (p. II-15).<b>SHAREHOLDER FEES (paid directly from your investment)</b>0.057500000.01000.05750000-0.02-0.02-0.02-0.022020020<b>ANNUAL FUND OPERATING EXPENSES</br> (expenses that you pay each year as a % of the value of your investment)</b>20202002000.040.0100-0.02-0.02-0.02-0.02-0.020.0080.0080.0080.0080.00240.01000.00480.00510.00460.00550.01520.02310.01260.0135-0.0003-0.0007-0.0002-0.00010.01490.02240.01240.0134<b>DWS International Fund</b><b>Investment Objective</b>The fund seeks long-term growth of capital.<b>Fees and Expenses of the Fund</b>These are the fees and expenses you may pay when you buy and hold shares. ", "You may qualify for sales charge discounts if you and your immediate family invest, or agree to invest in the future, at least $50,000 in DWS funds. ", "More information about these and other discounts is available from your financial professional and in Choosing a Share Class (p. 22) and Purchase and Redemption of Shares in the fund's Statement of Additional Information (SAI) (p. II-15).<b>SHAREHOLDER FEES (paid directly from your investment)</b><b>ANNUAL FUND OPERATING EXPENSES<br/> (expenses that you pay each year as a % of the value of your investment)</b>The Advisor has contractually agreed through November 30, 2013 to waive and/or reimburse fund expenses to the extent necessary to maintain the fund's total annual operating expenses at ratios no higher than 1.49%, 2.24%, 1.24% and 1.34% (excluding extraordinary expenses, taxes, brokerage and interest expenses) for Classes A, C, Institutional and S, respectively. ", "The agreement may only be terminated with the consent of the fund's Board.0.00570.00570.00570.00570.00570.00240.010.01000.00440.00620.00460.0020.0038November 30, 20130.01250.02190.02030.00770.0095<b>EXAMPLE</b>This Example is intended to help you compare the cost of investing in the fund with the cost of investing in other mutual funds. ", "The Example assumes that you invest $10,000 in the fund for the time periods indicated and then redeem all of your shares at the end of those periods. ", "The Example also assumes that your investment has a 5% return each year and that the fund's operating expenses (including one year of capped expenses for each period) remain the same. ", "Although your actual costs may be higher or lower, based on these assumptions your costs would be:You may qualify for sales charge discounts if you and your immediate family invest, or agree to invest in the future, at least $50,000 in DWS funds.<b>EXAMPLE</b>50000This Example is intended to help you compare the cost of investing in the fund with the cost of investing in other mutual funds. ", "The Example assumes that you invest $10,000 in the fund for the time periods indicated and then redeem all of your shares at the end of those periods. ", "The Example also assumes that your investment has a 5% return each year and that the fund's operating expenses remain the same. ", "Although your actual costs may be higher or lower, based on these assumptions your costs would be:695622306799794998563724630312221375109342852519992066235895411667181262271364277153981025135469012297382281152126401623You would pay the following expenses if you did not redeem your shares:6952222067997949685637246303122211751093428525You would pay the following expenses if you did not redeem your shares:19992066235895411667183271261361025715398427122969073813542281264015211623<b>PORTFOLIO TURNOVER</b>Class B converts to Class A after six years; the Example for Class B reflects Class A fees after the conversion.", "The fund pays transaction costs, such as commissions, when it buys and sells securities (or \"turns over\" its portfolio). ", "A higher portfolio turnover may indicate higher transaction costs and may mean higher taxes if you are investing in a taxable account. ", "These costs are not reflected in annual fund operating expenses or in the expense example, and can affect the fund's performance.</br></br>Portfolio turnover rate for fiscal year 2012: 60%.0.6<b>PORTFOLIO TURNOVER</b>The fund pays transaction costs, such as commissions, when it buys and sells securities (or \"turns over\" its portfolio). ", "A higher portfolio turnover may indicate higher transaction costs and may mean higher taxes if you are investing in a taxable account. ", "These costs are not reflected in annual fund operating expenses or in the expense example, and can affect the fund's performance. ", "<br/><br/>Portfolio turnover rate for fiscal year 2012: 91%.<b>Principal Investment Strategy</b><b>Principal Investment Strategy</b><b>Main investments.</b> Under normal circumstances, the fund invests at least 80% of assets, determined at the time of purchase, in the stocks and other securities with equity characteristics of non-US companies. ", "The fund typically achieves its equity exposure to non-US equity companies through investing in American Depositary Receipts (ADRs), but it is not limited to making investments in ADRs. ", "The fund may invest up to 50% of its assets in emerging markets securities. ", "The fund's equity investments are mainly common stocks, but may also include other types of equities such as preferred stocks or convertible securities. ", "The fund may also invest up to 20% of its assets in cash equivalents, US investment-grade fixed-income securities, and US stocks and other equities.<br/><br/><b>Management process.</b> Portfolio management employs a value strategy and looks for companies it believes are undervalued. ", "These are typically companies that portfolio management believes have been historically sound but are temporarily out of favor. ", "Portfolio management uses a variety of quantitative screens to compare a company's stock price to earnings, book value, cash flow and dividend yield, and analyzes individual companies to identify those that portfolio management believes are financially sound and appear to have strong potential for long-term growth. ", "Portfolio management compares its valuations on an absolute basis as well as within their respective industries.<br/><br/>To further narrow the universe, portfolio management analyzes factors such as price momentum, earnings estimate revisions and fundamental changes. ", "After narrowing the universe through a combination of qualitative and fundamental research, portfolio management evaluates and selects the 45 to 60 stocks typically held by the fund.<br/><br/><b>Securities Lending.</b> The fund may lend securities (up to one-third of total assets) to approved institutions.<b>Main Risks</b>There are several risk factors that could hurt the fund's performance, cause you to lose money or cause the fund's performance to trail that of other investments. ", "The fund may not achieve its investment objective, and is not intended to be a complete investment program. ", "An investment in the fund is not a deposit of a bank and is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other governmental agency.<br/><br/><b>Foreign investment risk.</b> The fund faces the risks inherent in foreign investing. ", "Adverse political, economic or social developments could undermine the value of the fund's investments or prevent the fund from realizing their full value. ", "Financial reporting standards for companies based in foreign markets differ from those in the US. ", "Additionally, foreign securities markets generally are smaller and less liquid than US markets. ", "To the extent that the fund invests in non-US dollar denominated foreign securities, changes in currency exchange rates may affect the US dollar value of foreign securities or the income or gain received on these securities.<br/><br/><b>Emerging markets risk.</b> Foreign investment risks are greater in emerging markets than in developed markets. ", "Investments in emerging markets are often considered speculative.<br/><br/><b>Stock market risk.</b> When stock prices fall, you should expect the value of your investment to fall as well. ", "Stock prices can be hurt by poor management on the part of the stock's issuer, shrinking product demand and other business risks. ", "These may affect single companies as well as groups of companies. ", "In addition, movements in financial markets may adversely affect a stock's price, regardless of how well the company performs. ", "To the extent that the fund invests in a particular geographic region or market sector, performance will be affected by that region's general performance.<br/><br/><b>Security selection risk.</b> The securities in the fund's portfolio may decline in value. ", "Portfolio management could be wrong in its analysis of industries, companies, economic trends, the relative attractiveness of different securities or other matters.<br/><br/><b>Value investing risk.</b> As a category, value stocks may underperform growth stocks (and the stock market as a whole) over any period of time. ", "In addition, value stocks selected for investment by portfolio management may not perform as anticipated.<br/><br/><b>Liquidity risk.</b> In certain situations, it may be difficult or impossible to sell an investment in an orderly fashion at an acceptable price.<br/><br/><b>Pricing risk.</b> If market conditions make it difficult to value some investments, the fund may value these investments using more subjective methods, such as fair value pricing. ", "In such cases, the value determined for an investment could be different than the value realized upon such investment's sale. ", "As a result, you could pay more than the market value when buying fund shares or receive less than the market value when selling fund shares.<br/><br/><b>Securities lending risk.</b> Any decline in the value of a portfolio security that occurs while the security is out on loan is borne by the fund and will adversely affect performance. ", "Also, there may be delays in recovery of securities loaned or even a loss of rights in the collateral should the borrower of the securities fail financially while holding the security.<br/><br/><b>Counterparty risk.</b> A financial institution or other counterparty with whom the fund does business, or that underwrites, distributes or guarantees any investments or contracts that the fund owns or is otherwise exposed to, may decline in financial health and become unable to honor its commitments. ", "This could cause losses for the fund or could delay the return or delivery of collateral or other assets to the fund.<b>Main investments.</b> The fund invests at least 65% of its total assets in foreign equities (equities issued by foreign-based companies and listed on foreign exchanges), and may invest up to 20% of net assets in foreign debt securities, including convertible bonds. ", "Although the fund can invest in companies of any size and from any country, it invests mainly in common stocks of established companies in countries with developed economies (other than the United States). ", "The fund's equity investments may also include preferred stocks, depositary receipts and other securities with equity characteristics, such as convertible securities and warrants. ", "<br/><br/><b>Management process.</b> Portfolio management aims to add value through stock selection. ", "Portfolio management utilizes a proprietary investment process designed to identify attractive investment candidates generated by more than 5,000 equity analysts around the globe, who collectively cover over 10,000 securities. ", "Through the quality of these analysts' fundamental research, this process seeks to identify investments that may offer the potential for price appreciation.<br/><br/>The investment process also takes into consideration various factors &#8212; both risk and return factors relative to the benchmark &#8212; and assists portfolio management in devising allocations among investable securities. ", "Portfolio management may buy a security when its research resources indicate the potential for future upside price appreciation relative to the benchmark or its investment process identifies an attractive investment opportunity. ", "Conversely, portfolio management may sell a security when its research resources indicate the potential for future downside or its investment process identifies more attractive investment opportunities elsewhere.<br/><br/><b>Derivatives.</b> Portfolio management generally may use futures contracts, which are a type of derivative (a contract whose value is based on, for example, indices, currencies or securities) as a substitute for direct investment in a particular asset class or to keep cash on hand to meet shareholder redemptions. ", "In addition, portfolio management generally may use forward currency contracts to hedge the fund's exposure to changes in foreign currency exchange rates on its foreign currency denominated portfolio holdings or to facilitate transactions in foreign currency denominated securities. ", "Portfolio management generally may use structured notes to gain exposure to certain foreign markets that may not permit direct investment.<br/><br/>The fund may also use various types of derivatives (i) for hedging purposes; (ii) for risk management; (iii) for non-hedging purposes to seek to enhance potential gains; or (iv) as a substitute for direct investment in a particular asset class or to keep cash on hand to meet shareholder redemptions.<br/><br/><b>Securities Lending.</b> The fund may lend securities (up to one-third of total assets) to approved institutions.<b>Main Risks</b>There are several risk factors that could hurt the fund's performance, cause you to lose money or cause the fund's performance to trail that of other investments. ", "The fund may not achieve its investment objective, and is not intended to be a complete investment program. ", "An investment in the fund is not a deposit of a bank and is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other governmental agency.<br/><br/><b>Foreign investment risk.</b> The fund faces the risks inherent in foreign investing. ", "Adverse political, economic or social developments could undermine the value of the fund's investments or prevent the fund from realizing their full value. ", "Financial reporting standards for companies based in foreign markets differ from those in the US. ", "Additionally, foreign securities markets generally are smaller and less liquid than US markets. ", "To the extent that the fund invests in non-US dollar denominated foreign securities, changes in currency exchange rates may affect the US dollar value of foreign securities or the income or gain received on these securities.<br/><br/><b>Stock market risk.</b> When stock prices fall, you should expect the value of your investment to fall as well. ", "Stock prices can be hurt by poor management on the part of the stock's issuer, shrinking product demand and other business risks. ", "These may affect single companies as well as groups of companies. ", "In addition, movements in financial markets may adversely affect a stock's price, regardless of how well the company performs. ", "To the extent that the fund invests in a particular geographic region or market sector, performance will be affected by that region's general performance.<br/><br/><b>Security selection risk.</b> The securities in the fund's portfolio may decline in value. ", "Portfolio management could be wrong in its analysis of industries, companies, economic trends, the relative attractiveness of different securities or other matters.<br/><br/><b>Liquidity risk.</b> In certain situations, it may be difficult or impossible to sell an investment in an orderly fashion at an acceptable price.<br/><br/><b>Pricing risk.</b> If market conditions make it difficult to value some investments, the fund may value these investments using more subjective methods, such as fair value pricing. ", "In such cases, the value determined for an investment could be different than the value realized upon such investment's sale. ", "As a result, you could pay more than the market value when buying fund shares or receive less than the market value when selling fund shares.<br/><br/><b>Derivatives risk.</b> Risks associated with derivatives include the risk that the derivative is not well correlated with the security, index or currency to which it relates; the risk that derivatives may result in losses or missed opportunities; the risk that the fund will be unable to sell the derivative because of an illiquid secondary market; the risk that a counterparty is unwilling or unable to meet its obligation; and the risk that the derivative transaction could expose the fund to the effects of leverage, which could increase the fund's exposure to the market and magnify potential losses.<br/><br/><b>Securities lending risk.</b> Any decline in the value of a portfolio security that occurs while the security is out on loan is borne by the fund and will adversely affect performance. ", "Also, there may be delays in recovery of securities loaned or even a loss of rights in the collateral should the borrower of the securities fail financially while holding the security.<br/><br/><b>Credit risk.</b> The fund's performance could be hurt if an issuer of a debt security suffers an adverse change in financial condition that results in a payment default, security downgrade or inability to meet a financial obligation.<br/><br/><b>Interest rate risk.</b> When interest rates rise, prices of debt securities generally decline. ", "The longer the duration of the fund's debt securities, the more sensitive it will be to interest rate changes. (", "As a general rule, a 1% rise in interest rates means a 1% fall in value for every year of duration.)<br/><br/><b>Counterparty risk.</b> A financial institution or other counterparty with whom the fund does business, or that underwrites, distributes or guarantees any investments or contracts that the fund owns or is otherwise exposed to, may decline in financial health and become unable to honor its commitments. ", "This could cause losses for the fund or could delay the return or delivery of collateral or other assets to the fund.<b>Past Performance</b>How a fund's returns vary from year to year can give an idea of its risk; so can comparing fund performance to overall market performance (as measured by an appropriate market index). ", "Past performance may not indicate future results. ", "All performance figures below assume that dividends were reinvested. ", "For more recent performance figures, go to www.dws-investments.com (the Web site does not form a part of this prospectus) or call the phone number included in this prospectus.<br/><br/>The bar chart and the after-tax returns below are shown for Class A shares (instead of Class S shares, which had been used in the past) because Class A shares now have 10 or more years of annual returns and are available to most investors.<b>CALENDAR YEAR TOTAL RETURNS (%) (Class A)</b><b>Past Performance</b>These year-by-year returns do not include sales charges, if any, and would be lower if they did. ", "Returns for other classes were different and are not shown here.", "How a fund's returns vary from year to year can give an idea of its risk; so can comparing fund performance to overall market performance (as measured by an appropriate market index). ", "Past performance may not indicate future results. ", "All performance figures below assume that dividends were reinvested. ", "For more recent performance figures, go to www.dws-investments.com (the Web site does not form a part of this prospectus) or call the phone number included in this prospectus.</br></br>Prior to June 21, 2010, the fund, previously named DWS International Value Opportunities Fund, was not sub-advised by Dreman Value Management, L.L.C. and operated with a different investment strategy. ", "Performance would have been different if the fund's current management and policies had been in effect.-0.16560.27460.16370.15940.25760.1425-0.48280.32660.0221-0.1671<b>CALENDAR YEAR TOTAL RETURNS (%) (Class A)</b>These year-by-year returns do not include sales charges, if any, and would be lower if they did. ", "Returns for other classes were different and are not shown here.", "Best Quarter: 22.81%, Q3 2009 Worst Quarter: -26.78%, Q3 2008<br/><br/>Year-to-Date as of 9/30/2012: 13.45%<b>AVERAGE ANNUAL TOTAL RETURNS<br/>(For periods ended 12/31/2011 expressed as a %)</b>After-tax returns (which are shown only for Class A and would be different for other classes) reflect the historical highest individual federal income tax rates, but do not reflect any state or local taxes. ", "Your actual after-tax returns may be different. ", "After-tax returns are not relevant to shares held in an IRA, 401(k) or other tax-advantaged investment plan.1999-08-022000-12-292000-12-292000-12-291953-06-18-0.215-0.2175-0.1354-0.1981-0.1735-0.1636-0.1644-0.1214-0.0886-0.0905-0.0717-0.0868-0.0847-0.0736-0.0748-0.04720.01270.01110.01240.01010.01070.02360.0220.0467There are several risk factors that could hurt the fund's performance, cause you to lose money or cause the fund's performance to trail that of other investments.", "An investment in the fund is not a deposit of a bank and is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other governmental agency.", "How a fund's returns vary from year to year can give an idea of its risk; so can comparing fund performance to overall market performance (as measured by an appropriate market index).www.dws-investments.comPast performance may not indicate future results.", "These year-by-year returns do not include sales charges, if any, and would be lower if they did.0.1552-0.41720.23960.022-0.1196Best Quarter: 19.23%, Q2 2009 Worst Quarter: -24.37%, Q3 2008</br></br>Year-to-Date as of 9/30/2012: 10.08%Year-to-Date2012-09-300.1008Best Quarter:2009-06-300.1923Worst Quarter:2008-09-30-0.2437<b>AVERAGE ANNUAL TOTAL RETURNS</br>(For periods ended 12/31/2011 expressed as a %)</b>After-tax returns (which are shown only for Class A and would be different for other classes) reflect the historical highest individual federal income tax rates, but do not reflect any state or local taxes. ", "Your actual after-tax returns may be different. ", "After-tax returns are not relevant to shares held in an IRA, 401(k) or other tax-advantaged investment plan. ", "Index comparison begins on 6/30/06.After-tax returns (which are shown only for Class A and would be different for other classes) reflect the historical highest individual federal income tax rates, but do not reflect any state or local taxes.", "After-tax returns are not relevant to shares held in an IRA, 401(k) or other tax-advantaged investment plan.", "After-tax returns (which are shown only for Class A and would be different for other classes)-0.1727-0.1702-0.107-0.1267-0.1174-0.118-0.1505-0.0668-0.0686-0.0545-0.0628-0.0532-0.0532-0.0435-0.0364-0.0383-0.0295-0.0332-0.0233-0.0234-0.01332006-07-052006-07-052006-07-052006-07-05Year-to-Date0.13452012-09-30Best Quarter:2009-09-300.2281Worst Quarter:-0.26782008-09-30<div style=\"display:none\">~ http://www.dws-investments.com/role/ScheduleShareholderFeesDWSDremanInternationalValueFund column period compact * ~</div>\n<div style=\"display:none\">~ http://www.dws-investments.com/role/ScheduleAnnualFundOperatingExpensesDWSDremanInternationalValueFund column period compact * ~</div>\n<div style=\"display:none\">~ http://www.dws-investments.com/role/ScheduleAnnualTotalReturnsDWSDremanInternationalValueFundBarChart column period compact * ~</div>\n<div style=\"display:none\">~ http://www.dws-investments.com/role/ScheduleAverageAnnualTotalReturnsTransposedDWSDremanInternationalValueFund column period compact * ~</div>\n<div style=\"display:none\">~ http://www.dws-investments.com/role/ScheduleShareholderFeesDWSInternationalFund column period compact * ~</div>\n<div style=\"display:none\">~ http://www.dws-investments.com/role/ScheduleAnnualFundOperatingExpensesDWSInternationalFund column period compact * ~</div>\n<div style=\"display:none\">~ http://www.dws-investments.com/role/ScheduleAnnualTotalReturnsDWSInternationalFundBarChart column period compact * ~</div>\n<div style=\"display:none\">~ http://www.dws-investments.com/role/ScheduleAverageAnnualTotalReturnsTransposedDWSInternationalFund column period compact * ~</div>\nYou may qualify for sales charge discounts if you and your immediate family invest, or agree to invest in the future, at least $50,000 in DWS funds.50000There are several risk factors that could hurt the fund's performance, cause you to lose money or cause the fund's performance to trail that of other investments.", "An investment in the fund is not a deposit of a bank and is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other governmental agency.", "How a fund's returns vary from year to year can give an idea of its risk; so can comparing fund performance to overall market performance (as measured by an appropriate market index).www.dws-investments.comPast performance may not indicate future results.", "These year-by-year returns do not include sales charges, if any, and would be lower if they did.", "After-tax returns are not relevant to shares held in an IRA, 401(k) or other tax-advantaged investment plan.", "After-tax returns (which are shown only for Class A and would be different for other classes) reflect the historical highest individual federal income tax rates, but do not reflect any state or local taxes.", "After-tax returns (which are shown only for Class A and would be different for other classes)<div style=\"display:none\">~ http://www.dws-investments.com/role/ScheduleExpenseExampleDWSInternationalFund column period compact * ~</div>\n<div style=\"display:none\">~ http://www.dws-investments.com/role/ScheduleExpenseExampleNoRedemptionDWSInternationalFund column period compact * ~</div>\n<div style=\"display:none\">~ http://www.dws-investments.com/role/ScheduleExpenseExampleDWSDremanInternationalValueFund column period compact * ~</div>\n<div style=\"display:none\">~ http://www.dws-investments.com/role/ScheduleExpenseExampleNoRedemptionDWSDremanInternationalValueFund column period compact * ~</div>\n0.91The bar chart and the after-tax returns below are shown for Class A shares (instead of Class S shares, which had been used in the past) because Class A shares now have 10 or more years of annual returns and are available to most investors." ]
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[ 0.011098779134295227, 0.006711409395973154, 0.005868544600938967, 0.006711409395973154, 0.007712082262210797, 0, 0, 0, 0.0025380710659898475, 0, 0, 0.0016207455429497568, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.004106776180698152, 0, 0.003816793893129771, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0013280212483399733, 0, 0.003816793893129771, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0024096385542168677, 0, 0, 0, 0.005067567567567568, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007772020725388601, 0, 0, 0.0024937655860349127, 0, 0, 0.006097560975609756, 0.00392156862745098, 0.003246753246753247, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006732263076126359, 0.006097560975609756, 0.00392156862745098, 0, 0, 0, 0.007462686567164179 ]
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[ "Texas may not seem like the most obvious location for an esports venue, but that’s exactly what the state is getting with the massive stadium being built in Arlington, Texas.", "\n\nThe venue was referred to as Esports Stadium Arlington in a joint statement between the city government, the Populous architecture firm, and Esports Venues, LLC. ", "With 100,000 square feet to work with, the new stadium will be the “largest and most flexible esports stadium in the country” when it’s built in Arlington’s Entertainment District.", "\n\nArlington mayor Jeff Williams revealed the plans for the venue earlier in the week while voicing desires to bolster the city’s status as a tourist destination.", "\n\n“Being on the forefront of new ideas and setting trends is in our DNA and part of who we are as The American Dream City,” Williams said. “", "Esports Stadium Arlington will further cement our city’s status as a national and international tourist destination. ", "Players and fans will come here for the tournaments and they’ll stay even longer to experience everything Arlington has to offer.”", "\n\nBoth the city and Esports Venues, LLC, plan on investing $10 million into the project to create an immersive venue to give esports spectators a “live experience unlike any other” says Populous’ Brian Mirakian.", "\n\n“This esports stadium will transform the Arlington Convention Center and position the city as the epicenter for esports in the heart of North America,” said Mirakian, senior principal at Populous. “", "Esports fans will encounter a live experience unlike any other, by way of space for up to 1,000 spectators, VIP amenities and year-round event potential.”", "\n\nWhile the goal is to bring in esports teams and viewers from both within and outside of the country, Arlington already has a thriving gaming scene at the collegiate level, something that the University of Texas Arlington president hopes will help fuel the success of the venue.", "\n\n“We are proud of our students and pleased that they will be able to share in the events and competitions that will take place in this world-class facility just 10 minutes from campus,” said UT Arlington president Vistasp Karbhari. “", "I’m grateful for the wonderful collaboration that exists between UT Arlington, the city and our community and look forward to another wonderful partnership that will keep Arlington and the metroplex at the forefront of this new exciting enterprise.”", "\n\nIt’s unclear what kinds of games and esports scenes the city hopes to attract with many of the mock images not explicitly naming teams, but Dota 2 was seen in the promotional images." ]
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[ "Près de 300 perquisitions « administratives » ont été menées depuis dimanche. ", "Un cas d’école des dérives auxquelles l’état d’urgence expose la justice.", "\n\nCet article est en accès libre. ", "Politis ne vit que par ses lecteurs, en kiosque, sur abonnement papier et internet, c’est la seule garantie d’une information véritablement indépendante. ", "Pour rester fidèle à ses valeurs, votre journal a fait le choix de ne pas prendre de publicité sur son site internet. ", "Ce choix a un coût , aussi, pour contribuer et soutenir notre indépendance, achetez Politis , abonnez-vous .", "\n\nVa-t-on voir apparaître chaque matin un bulletin des perquisitions de la nuit, cartes et bilans comptables à l’appui ? ", "Depuis lundi, le ministère de l’Intérieur communique sans retenue sur les perquisitions simultanées, menées en pleine nuit aux quatre coins de France.", "\n\nLe bilan après deux jours de ratissage fait état de 296 perquisitions en deux nuits dans 19 départements, 33 interpellations, 31 armes saisies et 104 assignations à résidence décrêtées. « ", "Et ça va continuer », a prévenu le Premier ministre Manuel Valls.", "\n\nLe gendarmerie s’est même fendue d’une petite vidéo :\n\n#ÉtatdUrgence Cette nuit encore, des perquisitions administratives ont été menées pour lutter contre le #Terrorisme https://t.co/tsk4AR5gDA — GendarmerieNationale (@Gendarmerie) 17 Novembre 2015\n\nL’état d’urgence pour « nettoyer la France »\n\nLes perquisitions « administratives » peuvent être conduites sur simple autorisation de la préfecture, alors qu'il est nécessaire en temps normale l'autorisation d'un juge. ", "L'état d'urgence lève aussi l'interdiction de mener ces perquisition entre 21 h et 6 h. La première interrogation concerne le profil des personnes visées par ses interpellations. « ", "Nous profitons de ce dispositif pour terminer des procédures que nous n’arrivons pas à judiciariser » , raconte Christophe Rouget, responsable de communication au Syndicat des cadres de la sécurité intérieure CFDT (SCSI-CFDT).", "\n\nCe gigantesque coup de filet sert donc aussi à faire tomber des délinquants sans rapport avec les réseaux islamistes. ", "Les services de renseignements et la police judiciaires décident au cas par cas des cibles de ces perquisitions, sans qu’elles fassent nécessairement l’objet d’une « fiche S » ou d’un suivi spécifique pour leur radicalisation.", "\n\nC’était d’ailleurs l’ambition clairement affichée par Didier Guillaume, président du groupe socialiste au Sénat, lundi après-midi au Congrès. « ", "Profitons de ce moment pour nettoyer la France, et certains territoires de France qui sont attaqués ! », ", "a réclamé le sénateur de la Drôme, qui soutient une réforme de la loi de 1955 sur l’état d’urgence pour améliorer le contrôle des nouveaux moyens de télécommunication.", "\n\n« Ces perquisitions ne sont pas directement liées à l'enquête sur les attentats de Paris, mais s'inscrivent dans le cadre de la lutte anti-terroriste », faisait valoir lundi le ministère de l’Intérieur, qui établit par ailleurs un lien étroit entre les réseaux délinquants et l’islam radical, à l’instar de François Hollande, lundi devant le Congrès : « C'est avec les armes du banditisme que les actes terroristes sont commis. »", "\n\nDes affaires de droit commun noyées dans le rouleau compresseur de l’état d’urgence, c’est ce que craignent les professionnels de la justice. « ", "Ce serait comme si le Code de procédure pénale était bon à jeter à la poubelle, nous entrerions dans un État policier , s’inquiète Florian Borg, président du Syndicat des avocats de France. ", "Il est important qu’un juge anti-terroriste soit saisi pour garantir l’application de la procédure. »", "\n\nSelon le Syndicat de la magistrature, toutes ces investigations étaient par ailleurs possibles hors du cadre de l’état d’urgence . « ", "Rien n’empêche la police judiciaire de demander une perquisition si elle a un soupçon. ", "La législation antiterroriste donne également des pouvoirs très larges aux parquets, qui rendent possible ce type d’enquête , rappelle Françoise Martres, présidente du Syndicat de la magistrature, qui s’inquiète que ces opérations sortent du contrôle de la justice. ", "S’il n’y a pas de soupçons, on est dans l’arbitraire »\n\n« Un cas typique » de justice d’exception\n\nEncore sous le choc des attentats de vendredi, avocats et magistrats demeurent pour l’heure dans l’interrogation. ", "Combien de temps ce type d’opérations seront-elles encore menées ? « ", "Dans l’instant qui suit les attentats, on peut expliquer l’application de l’état d’urgence, mais il est désormais envisagé que nous restions sous ce régime pendant trois mois », s’inquiète Françoise Martres.", "\n\nLe dispositif est nécessairement temporaire, juge aussi Christophe Rouget, du SCSI-CFDT, « car cela limite les droits des citoyens » :\n\n« C’est une course contre la montre, car des meurtriers sont encore capables de frapper n’importe quand , justifie le commandant de police. ", "Il ne faut pas être dogmatique. »", "\n\nL'histoire de la justice française est jonchée d'épisodes de forte tension, terroriste ou politique, tous accompagnés de mesures sécuritaires d'exceptions. ", "Or, les mesures prises dans l’urgence avec des arguments similaires à ceux utilisés par les défenseurs des perquisitions administratives sont peu à peu institutionnalisées, observe Vanessa Codaccioni, politologue à Paris 8, qui vient de conclure une étude sur la Justice d’exception .", "\n\n« Ce qui se passe en ce moment est typique des situations de crise et des circonstances exceptionnelles : les gouvernements déclarent le pays en état de “légitime défense“ pour faire passer des mesures d’exception. ", "Et ils élargissent le contour de leur politique répressive, car les gens ne sont pas trop regardants tant que l’État agit très vite. »", "\n\nSelon elle, l’allongement de la période de l’état d’urgence de 12 jours à trois mois, dans une réforme constitutionnelle éventuelle, constituerait une dérive « extrêmement dangereuse » . « ", "Cela écarterait toute intervention du parlement avant trois mois. ", "Or, cette nouvelle disposition sera réutilisée à l'avenir, dans un contexte qu’on ne connaît pas ». ", "En clair, « qu’en sera-t-il si l’extrême droite arrive au pouvoir ? », ", "interroge l’universitaire.", "\n\nLire > Au nom de la « guerre »\n\nDans ces débats cruciaux, le profond état de choc de la société française contribue à disqualifier toute une série d’arguments, regrette par ailleurs Françoise Martres . « ", "Le problème des juges aujourd’hui est qu’il est devenu très difficile de parler de liberté, témoigne la magistrate de la Cour d’appel d’Agen. ", "Nous sommes dans l’“unité nationale“ et malheur à celui qui va porter une parole différente. ", "Or, la mission du juge est de garantir les libertés. »", "\n\nLe gouvernement a jusqu’au 25 novembre pour faire proroger l'état d'urgence pour une durée de trois mois, durée qu'il compte utiliser pour faire passer une réforme constitutionnelle qui cristallisera cet état d'exception. ", "Nous en connaîtrons les contours mercredi 18 novembre à l’issue du Conseil des ministres. ", "François Hollande a affirmé lundi qu’il souhaitait un vote du texte avant la fin de la semaine.", "\n\nAjout, mercredi 18 novembre à 15 h 15 : Le ministère de l'Intérieur a actualisé ses chiffres, mercredi après-midi, rapportant 118 nouvelles perquisitions administratives dans la nuit de mardi à mercredi :" ]
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[ "---\nabstract: 'This paper presents a spermwhale’ localization architecture using jointly a bag-of-features (BoF) approach and machine learning framework. ", "BoF methods are known, especially in computer vision, to produce from a collection of local features a global representation invariant to principal signal transformations. ", "Our idea is to regress supervisely from these local features two rough estimates of the distance and azimuth thanks to some datasets where both acoustic events and ground-truth position are now available. ", "Furthermore, these estimates can feed a particle filter system in order to obtain a precise spermwhale’ position even in mono-hydrophone configuration. ", "Anti-collision system and whale watching are considered applications of this work.'", "\nbibliography:\n- 'ICML13\\_WS\\_biblio.bib'\n---\n\nIntroduction {#Introduction}\n============\n\nMost of efficient cetacean localisation systems are based on the Time Delay Of Arrival (TDOA) estimation from detected[^1] animal’s click/whistles signals [@nosalGT; @fredericbenard_herveglotin_2009]. ", "Long-base hydrophones’array is involving several fixed, efficient but expensive hydrophones [@3Dtracking] while short-base version is requiring a precise array’s self-localization to deliver accurate results. ", "Recently (see [@IFA_DCL]), based on Leroy’s attenuation model versus frequencies [@Leroy], a range estimator have been proposed. ", "This approach is working on the detected most powerful pulse inside the click signal and is delivering a rough range’ estimate robust to head orientation variation of the animal. ", "Our purpose is to use i) these hydrophone’ array measurements recorded in diversified sea conditions and ii) the associated ground-truth trajectories of spermwhale (obtained by precise TDAO and/or Dtag systems) to regress both position and azimuth of the animal from a third-party hydrophone[^2] (typically onboard, standalone and cheap model).", "\n\nWe claim, as in computer-vision field, that BoF approach can be successfully applied to extract a global and invariant representation of click’s signals. ", "Basically, the pipeline of BoF approach is composed of three parts: i) a local features extractor, ii) a local feature encoder (given a dictionary pre-trained on data) and iii) a pooler aggregating local representations into a more robust global one. ", "Several choice for encoding local patches have been developed in recent years: from hard-assignment to the closest dictionary basis (trained for example by $K$means algorithm) to a sparse local patch reconstruction (involving for example Orthognal Maching Pursuit (OMP) or LASSO algorithms).", "\n\nGlobal feature extraction by spare coding\n=========================================\n\nLocal patch extraction\n----------------------\n\nLet’s denote by ${\\mbox{\\boldmath{$C$}}}\\triangleq\\{{\\mbox{\\boldmath{$C$}}}^j\\}$, $j=1,\\ldots,H$ the collection of detected clicks associated with the $j^{th}$ hydrophone of the array composed by $H$ hydrophones. ", "Each matrix ${\\mbox{\\boldmath{$C$}}}^j$ is defined by ${\\mbox{\\boldmath{$C$}}}^j\\triangleq\\{{\\mbox{\\boldmath{$c$}}}_i^j\\}$, $i=1,\\ldots,N^j$ where ${\\mbox{\\boldmath{$c$}}}_i^j\\in\\mathds{R}^n$ is the $i^{th}$ click of the $j^{th}$ hydrophone. ", "For our *Bahamas2* dataset [@3Dtracking], we choose typically $n=2000$ samples surrounding the detected click. ", "The total number of available clicks is equal to $N=\\sum\\limits_{i=1}^{H}N^j$.\n\nAs local features, we extract simply some local signal patches of $p\\leq n$ samples (typically $p=128$) and denoted by ${\\mbox{\\boldmath{$z$}}}_{i,l}^j\\in\\mathbb{R}^p$. Furthermore all ${\\mbox{\\boldmath{$z$}}}_{i,l}^j$ are $\\ell_2$ normalized. ", "For each ${\\mbox{\\boldmath{$c$}}}_{i}^j$, a total of $L$ local patches ${\\mbox{\\boldmath{$Z$}}}_{i}^j\\triangleq\\{{\\mbox{\\boldmath{$z$}}}_{i,l}^j\\}$, $l=1,\\ldots,L$ equally spaced of $\\lceil\\frac{n}{L}\\rceil$ samples are retrieved (see Fig.", " \\[patch\\_extraction\\]). ", "All local patches associated with the $j^{th}$ hydrophone is denoted by ${\\mbox{\\boldmath{$Z$}}}^{j}\\triangleq\\{{\\mbox{\\boldmath{$Z$}}}_i^{j}\\}$, $i=1,\\ldots,N^j$ while ${\\mbox{\\boldmath{$Z$}}}\\triangleq\\{{\\mbox{\\boldmath{$Z$}}}^j\\}$ is denoting all the local patches matrix for all hydrophones. ", "A final post-processing consists in uncorrelate local features by PCA training and projection with $p'\\leq p$ dimensions.", "\n\n ---------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------\n ![", "image](ex_click.pdf){height=\"5cm\" width=\"7.5cm\"} ![", "image](local_features.pdf){height=\"5cm\" width=\"7.5cm\"}\n ---------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------\n\nLocal feature encoding by sparse coding\n---------------------------------------\n\nIn order to obtain a global robust representation of ${\\mbox{\\boldmath{$c$}}}\\subset{\\mbox{\\boldmath{$C$}}}$, each associated local patch ${\\mbox{\\boldmath{$z$}}}\\subset{\\mbox{\\boldmath{$Z$}}}$ are first linearly encoded *via* the vector ${\\mbox{\\boldmath{$\\alpha$}}}\\in\\mathbb{R}^k$ such as ${\\mbox{\\boldmath{$z$}}}\\approx{\\mbox{\\boldmath{$D$}}}{\\mbox{\\boldmath{$\\alpha$}}}$ where ${\\mbox{\\boldmath{$D$}}}\\triangleq [{\\mbox{\\boldmath{$d$}}}_1,\\ldots,{\\mbox{\\boldmath{$d$}}}_k]\\in\\mathbb{R}^{p\\times k}$ is a pre-trained dictionary matrix whose column vectors respect the constraint ${\\mbox{\\boldmath{$d$}}}_j^T{\\mbox{\\boldmath{$d$}}}_j=1$. In a first attempt to solve this linear problem, ${\\mbox{\\boldmath{$\\alpha$}}}$ can be the solution of the Ordinary Least Square (OLS) problem: $$\\label{1}\nl_{OLS}({\\mbox{\\boldmath{$\\alpha$}}}|{\\mbox{\\boldmath{$z$}}};{\\mbox{\\boldmath{$D$}}}) \\triangleq \\min_{{\\mbox{\\boldmath{$\\alpha$}}} \\in \\mathbb{R}^k}\\left\\lbrace\\frac{1}{2}\\Vert {\\mbox{\\boldmath{$z$}}} - {\\mbox{\\boldmath{$D$}}}{\\mbox{\\boldmath{$\\alpha$}}}\\Vert_2^2 \\right\\rbrace.$$ OLS formulation can be extended to include regularization term avoiding overfitting. ", "We obtain the ridge regression (RID) formulation: $$l_{RID}({\\mbox{\\boldmath{$\\alpha$}}}|\\mathbf{z};\\mathbf{D}) \\triangleq \\min_{{\\mbox{\\boldmath{$\\alpha$}}} \\in \\mathbb{R}^k}\\left\\lbrace\\frac{1}{2}\\Vert {\\mbox{\\boldmath{$z$}}} - {\\mbox{\\boldmath{$D$}}}{\\mbox{\\boldmath{$\\alpha$}}}\\Vert_2^2 + \\beta \\Vert {\\mbox{\\boldmath{$\\alpha$}}} \\Vert_2^2 \\right\\rbrace.$$ This problem have an analytic solution ${\\mbox{\\boldmath{$\\alpha$}}} = ({\\mbox{\\boldmath{$D$}}}^T{\\mbox{\\boldmath{$D$}}} + \\beta{\\mbox{\\boldmath{$I$}}}_k)^{-1}{\\mbox{\\boldmath{$D$}}}^T{\\mbox{\\boldmath{$z$}}}$. Thanks to semi-positivity of ${\\mbox{\\boldmath{$D$}}}^T{\\mbox{\\boldmath{$D$}}} + \\beta{\\mbox{\\boldmath{$I$}}}_k$, we can use a cholesky factor on this matrix to solve efficiently this linear system. ", "In order to decrease reconstruction error and to have a sparse solution, this problem can be reformuled as a constrained Quadratic Problem (QP): $$l_{SC}({\\mbox{\\boldmath{$\\alpha$}}}|{\\mbox{\\boldmath{$z$}}};{\\mbox{\\boldmath{$D$}}}) \\triangleq \\min_{{\\mbox{\\boldmath{$\\alpha$}}} \\in \\mathbb{R}^k} \\frac{1}{2}\\Vert {\\mbox{\\boldmath{$z$}}} - {\\mbox{\\boldmath{$D$}}} {\\mbox{\\boldmath{$\\alpha$}}} \\Vert_2^2 \\ s.t. \\ \\ ", "\\Vert\\boldsymbol{\\alpha}\\Vert_1 = 1.$$ To solve this problem, we can use a QP solver involving high combinatorial computation to find the solution. ", "Under RIP assumptions [@Tibshirani94regressionshrinkage], a greedy approach can be used efficiently to solve and eq. ", "3 and this latter can be rewritten as: $$\\label{2}\nl_{SC}({\\mbox{\\boldmath{$\\alpha$}}}|{\\mbox{\\boldmath{$z$}}};{\\mbox{\\boldmath{$D$}}}) \\triangleq \\min_{{\\mbox{\\boldmath{$\\alpha$}}} \\in \\mathbb{R}^k} \\frac{1}{2}\\Vert {\\mbox{\\boldmath{$z$}}} - {\\mbox{\\boldmath{$D$}}} {\\mbox{\\boldmath{$\\alpha$}}} \\Vert_2^2 + \\lambda\\Vert{\\mbox{\\boldmath{$\\alpha$}}}\\Vert_1,$$ where $\\lambda$ is a regularization parameter which controls the level of sparsity. ", "This problem is also known as basis pursuit [@Chen98atomicdecomposition] or the Lasso [@Tibshirani94regressionshrinkage]. ", "To solve this problem, we can use the popular Least angle regression (LARS) algorithm.", "\n\nPooling local codes\n-------------------\n\nThe objective of pooling [@Boureau10atheoretical; @Feng11] is to transform the joint feature representation into a new, more usable one that preserves important information while discarding irrelevant detail. ", "For each click signal, we usually compute $L$ codes denoted ${\\mbox{\\boldmath{$V$}}} \\triangleq \\left\\lbrace{\\mbox{\\boldmath{$\\alpha$}}}_i\\right\\rbrace$, $i = 1,\\ldots,L$. Let define ${\\mbox{\\boldmath{$v$}}}^{j}\\in\\mathbb{R}^L$, $j=1,\\ldots,k$ as the $j^{th}$ row vector of ${\\mbox{\\boldmath{$V$}}}$. It is essential to use feature pooling to map the response vector ${\\mbox{\\boldmath{$v$}}}^{j}$ into a statistic value $f({\\mbox{\\boldmath{$v$}}}^{j})$ from some spatial pooling operation $f$. We use ${\\mbox{\\boldmath{$v$}}}^{j}$, the response vector, to summarize the joint distribution of the $j^{th}$ compounds of local features over the region of interest (ROI). ", "We will consider the $\\ell_{\\mu}$-norm pooling and defined by: $$f_n({\\mbox{\\boldmath{$v$}}};\\mu) = \\left(\\sum_{m=1}^L |v_m|^{\\mu}\\right)^{\\frac{1}{\\mu}} \\ \\ s.t. \\ ", "\\mu \\neq 0.$$ The parameter $\\mu$ determines the selection policy for locations. ", "When $\\mu = 1$, $\\ell_{\\mu}$-norm pooling is equivalent to sum-pooling and aggregates the responses over the entire region uniformly. ", "When $\\mu$ increases, $\\ell_{\\mu}$-norm pooling approaches max-pooling. ", "We can note the value of $\\mu$ tunes the pooling operation to transit from sum-pooling to max-pooling.", "\n\nPooling codes over a temporal pyramid\n-------------------------------------\n\nIn computer vision, Spatial Pyramid Matching (SPM) is a technic (introduced by [@Lazebnik2006]) which improves classification accuracy by performing a more robust local analysis. ", "We will adopt the same strategy in order to pool sparse codes over a temporal pyramid (TP) dividing each click signal into ROI of different sizes and locations. ", "Our TP is defined by the matrix ${\\mbox{\\boldmath{$\\Lambda$}}}$ of size $(P \\times 3)$ [@sebastienparis_xanaduhalkias_herveglotin_2013]: $${\\mbox{\\boldmath{$\\Lambda$}}} = [{\\mbox{\\boldmath{$a$}}}, {\\mbox{\\boldmath{$b$}}}, {\\mbox{\\boldmath{$\\Omega$}}}],$$ where ${\\mbox{\\boldmath{$a$}}}$, ${\\mbox{\\boldmath{$b$}}}$, ${\\mbox{\\boldmath{$\\Omega$}}}$ are 3 $(P \\times 1)$ vectors representing subdivision ratio, overlapping ratio and weights respectively. ", "$P$ designs the number of layers in the pyramid. ", "Each row of ${\\mbox{\\boldmath{$\\Lambda$}}}$ represents a temporal layer of the pyramid, *i.e.* indicates how do divide the entire signal into sub-regions possibly overlapping. ", "For the $i^{th}$ layer, the click signal is divided into $D_i=\\lfloor\\frac{1-a_i}{b_i}+1\\rfloor$ ROIs where $a_i$, $b_i$ are the $i^{th}$ elements of vector ${\\mbox{\\boldmath{$a$}}}$, ${\\mbox{\\boldmath{$b$}}}$ respectively. ", "For the entiere TP, we obtain a total of $D=\\sum\\limits_{i=1}^{P}D_i$ ROIs. ", "Each click signal ${\\mbox{\\boldmath{$c$}}}$ $(n \\times 1)$ is divided into temporal ROI ${\\mbox{\\boldmath{$R$}}}_{i,j}$, $i=1,\\ldots,P$, $j=1,\\ldots,D_i$ of size $(\\lfloor a_i.n\\rfloor \\times 1)$. All ROIs of the $i^{th}$ layer have the same weight $\\Omega_i$. For the $i^{th}$ layer, ROIs are shifted by $\\lfloor b_i.n\\rfloor$ samples. ", "A TP with ${\\mbox{\\boldmath{$\\Lambda$}}} = \\left[\\begin{array}{ccc}\n1 & 1 & 1 \\\\ \\frac{1}{2} & \\frac{1}{4} & 1 \\end{array}\\right]$ is designing a 2-layers pyramid with $D=1+4$ ROIs, the entiere signal for the first layer and $4$ half-windows of $\\frac{n}{2}$ samples with $25\\%$ of overlapping for the second layer. ", "At the end of pooling stage over ${\\mbox{\\boldmath{$\\Lambda$}}}$, the global feature ${\\mbox{\\boldmath{$x$}}}\\in\\mathbb{R}^d$, $d=D.k$ is defined by the weighted concatenation (by factor $\\Omega_i)$ of $L$ pooled codes associated with ${\\mbox{\\boldmath{$c$}}}$.\n\nDictionary learning\n-------------------\n\nTo encode each local features by sparse coding (see eq.", " \\[2\\]), a dictionary ${\\mbox{\\boldmath{$D$}}}$ is trained offline with an important collection of $M\\leq N.L$ local features as input. ", "One would minimize the regularized empirical risk $\\mathcal{R}_M$: $$\\begin{array}{c}\n\\mathcal{R}_M({\\mbox{\\boldmath{$V$}}},{\\mbox{\\boldmath{$D$}}}) \\triangleq \\displaystyle\\frac{1}{M}\\sum\\limits_{i=1}^M \\frac{1}{2}\\Vert {\\mbox{\\boldmath{$z$}}}_i - {\\mbox{\\boldmath{$D$}}} {\\mbox{\\boldmath{$\\alpha$}}}_i \\Vert_2^2 + \\lambda\\Vert{\\mbox{\\boldmath{$\\alpha$}}}_i\\Vert_1\n\\\\\n\\\\\n\\ s.t. \\ {", "\\mbox{\\boldmath{$d$}}}_j^T{\\mbox{\\boldmath{$d$}}}_j=1.", "\n\\end{array}$$ Unfortunatly, this problem is not jointly convex but can be optimized by alternating method: $$\\mathcal{R}_M({\\mbox{\\boldmath{$V$}}}|{\\mbox{\\boldmath{$\\hat{D}$}}}) \\triangleq \\frac{1}{M}\\sum\\limits_{i=1}^M \\frac{1}{2}\\Vert {\\mbox{\\boldmath{$z$}}}_i - {\\mbox{\\boldmath{$\\hat{D}$}}} {\\mbox{\\boldmath{$\\alpha$}}}_i \\Vert_2^2 + \\lambda\\Vert{\\mbox{\\boldmath{$\\alpha$}}}_i\\Vert_1,$$ which can be solved in parallel by LASSO/LARS and then: $$\\mathcal{R}_M({\\mbox{\\boldmath{$D$}}}|{\\mbox{\\boldmath{$\\hat{V}$}}}) \\triangleq \\frac{1}{M}\\sum\\limits_{i=1}^M \\frac{1}{2}\\Vert {\\mbox{\\boldmath{$z$}}}_i - {\\mbox{\\boldmath{$D$}}} {\\mbox{\\boldmath{$\\hat{\\alpha}$}}}_i \\Vert_2^2 \\ \\ s.t. \\ {", "\\mbox{\\boldmath{$d$}}}_j^T{\\mbox{\\boldmath{$d$}}}_j=1.\\label{eq_dico}$$ Eq.", " \\[eq\\_dico\\] have an analytic solution involving a large matrix $(k\\times k)$ inversion and a large memory occupation for storing the matrix ${\\mbox{\\boldmath{$V$}}}$ $(k\\times M)$. Since $M$ is potentially very large (up to 1 million), an online method to update dictionary learning is prefered [@Mairal_2009]. ", "Figure \\[baha\\_click\\_range\\_dico\\] depicts 3 dictionary basis vectors learned *via* sparse coding. ", "As depicted, some elements reprensents more impulsive responses while some more harmonic responses.", "\n\n![", "Example of trained dictionary basis with sparse coding.[]{data-label=\"baha_click_range_dico\"}](baha_click_range_dico.pdf){height=\"5.5cm\" width=\"7.5cm\"}\n\nRange and azimuth logistic regression from global features\n==========================================================\n\nAfter the pooling stage, we extracted unsupervisly $N$ global features ${\\mbox{\\boldmath{$X$}}}\\triangleq\\{x_i\\}\\in\\mathbb{R}^{d\\times N}$. We propose to regress *via* logistic regression both range $r$ and azimuth $az$ (in $x-y$ plan, when animal reach surface to breath) from the animal trajectory groundtruth denoted ${\\mbox{\\boldmath{$y$}}}$. For the current train/test splitsets of the data, such as ${\\mbox{\\boldmath{$X$}}}={\\mbox{\\boldmath{$X$}}}_{train}\\bigcup{\\mbox{\\boldmath{$X$}}}_{test}$, ${\\mbox{\\boldmath{$y$}}}={\\mbox{\\boldmath{$y$}}}_{train}\\bigcup{\\mbox{\\boldmath{$y$}}}_{test}$ and $N=N_{train}+N_{test}$, $\\forall$ $\\{{\\mbox{\\boldmath{$x$}}}_i,y_i\\}\\in{\\mbox{\\boldmath{$X$}}}_{train}\\times {\\mbox{\\boldmath{$y$}}}_{train}$, we minimize: $$\\widehat{{\\mbox{\\boldmath{$w$}}}}_{\\theta}=\\arg\\min\\limits_{{\\mbox{\\boldmath{$w$}}}_{\\theta}}\\left\\{\\frac{1}{2}{\\mbox{\\boldmath{$w$}}}_{\\theta}^T{\\mbox{\\boldmath{$w$}}}_{\\theta} + C\\sum\\limits_{i=1}^{N_{train}}\\log(1+e^{-y_i{\\mbox{\\boldmath{$w$}}}_{\\theta}^T{\\mbox{\\boldmath{$x$}}}_i})\\right\\},\\label{logistic_regression}$$ where $y_i$ denotes $r_i$ and $az_i$ for $\\theta=r$ and $\\theta=az$ respectively. ", "Eq.", " \\[logistic\\_regression\\] can be efficiently solved for example with Liblinear software [@liblinear2008]. ", "In the test part, range and azimuth for any ${\\mbox{\\boldmath{$x$}}}_i\\in{\\mbox{\\boldmath{$X$}}}_{test}$ are recontructed linearly by $\\widehat{r}_i=\\widehat{{\\mbox{\\boldmath{$w$}}}}_r^T{\\mbox{\\boldmath{$x$}}}_i$ and by $\\widehat{az}_i=\\widehat{{\\mbox{\\boldmath{$w$}}}}_{az}^T{\\mbox{\\boldmath{$x$}}}_i$ respectively.", "\n\nExperimental results\n====================\n\nbahamas2 dataset\n----------------\n\nThis dataset [@3Dtracking] contains a total of $N=6134$ detected clicks for $H=5$ different hydrophones (named $H^7$, $H^8$, $H^9$, $H^{10}$ and $H^{11}$ and with $N^7=1205$, $N^8=1238$, $N^9=1241$, $N^{10}=1261$ and $N^{11}=1189$ respectively).", "\n\n![", "The 2D trajectory (in $x−y$ plan) of the single sperm whale observed during $25$ min and corresponding hydrophone’s positions.[]{data-label=\"true_trajectory\"}](baha_traj_and_hydros.pdf){height=\"5.5cm\" width=\"7.5cm\"}\n\nTo extract local features, we chose $n=2000$, $p=128$ and $L=1000$ (tuned by model selection). ", "For both the dictionary learning and the local features encoding, we chose $\\lambda=0.2$ and fixed $15$ iterations to train dictionary on a subset of $M=400.000$ local features drawn uniformaly. ", "We performed $K=10$ cross-validation where training sets reprensented $70\\%$ of the total of extracted global features, the rest for the testing sets. ", "Logistic regression parameter $C$ is tuned by model selection. ", "We compute the average root mean square error (ARMSE) of range/azimuth estimates per hydrophone: $ARMSE(l)=\\frac{1}{K}\\sum\\limits_{i=1}^{K}\\sqrt{\\sum\\limits_{j=1}^{N_{test}^l}(y_{i,j}^l-\\widehat{y}_{i,j}^l)^2}$ where $y_{i,j}^l$, $\\widehat{y}_{i,j}^l$ and $N_{test}^l$ represent the ground truth, the estimate and the number of test samples for the $l^{th}$ hydrophone respectively. ", "The global ARMSE is then calculated by $\\overline{ARMSE}=\\frac{1}{H}\\sum\\limits_{l=1}^{H}ARMSE(l)$.\n\n$\\ell_{\\mu}$-norm pooling case study\n------------------------------------\n\nFor prilimary results, we investigate the influence of the $\\mu$ parameter during the pooling stage. ", "We fix the number of dictionary basis to $k=128$ and the temporal pyramid equal to ${\\mbox{\\boldmath{$\\Lambda$}}}_1=\\left[1,1,1\\right]$, *i.e.* we pool sparse codes on whole the temporal click signal.", "\n\n![", "$\\overline{ARMSE}$ vs. $\\mu$ for range estimation.[]{data-label=\"baha_click_range_nu_pooling\"}](baha_click_range_nu_pooling.pdf){height=\"5.5cm\" width=\"7.5cm\"}\n\nA value of $\\mu=\\{3,4\\}$ seems to be a good choice for this pooling procedure. ", "For $\\mu\\geq20$, results are similar to those obtained by max-pooling. ", "For azimuth, we observe also the same range of $\\mu$ values.", "\n\nRange and azimuth regression results\n------------------------------------\n\nHere, we fixed the value of $\\mu=3$ and we varied the number of dictionary basis $k$ from $128$ to $4096$ elements. ", "We also investigated the influence of the temporal pyramid and we give results for two particulary choices: ${\\mbox{\\boldmath{$\\Lambda$}}}_1=\\left[1,1,1\\right]$ and ${\\mbox{\\boldmath{$\\Lambda$}}}_2=\\small\\left[\\begin{array}{ccc}1 & 1 &1\\\\ \\frac{1}{3} & \\frac{1}{3}&1\\end{array}\\right]$. For ${\\mbox{\\boldmath{$\\Lambda$}}}_2$, the sparse are first pooled over all the signal then pooled over 3 non-overlapping windows for a total of $1+3=4$ ROIs. ", "In order to compare results of our presented method, we also give results for an hand-craft feature [@IFA_DCL] specialized for spermwhales and based on the spectrum of the most energetic pulse détected inside the click. ", "This specialized feature, denoted *Spectrum feature*, is a 128 points vector.", "\n\n![", "$\\overline{ARMSE}$ vs. $k$ for range estimation with $\\mu = 3$.[]{data-label=\"baha_click_range\"}](baha_click_range.pdf){height=\"5.5cm\" width=\"7.5cm\"}\n\n![", "$\\overline{ARMSE}$ vs. $k$ for azimuth estimation with $\\mu = 3$.[]{data-label=\"baha_click_azimuth\"}](baha_click_azimuth.pdf){height=\"5.5cm\" width=\"7.5cm\"}\n\nFor both range and azimuth estimate, from $k=2048$, our method outperforms results of the *Spectrum feature* and particulary for azimuth estimate. ", "Using a temporal pyramid for pooling permits also to improve slightly results.", "\n\nConclusions and perspectives\n============================\n\nWe introduced in the paper, for spermwhale localization, a BoF approach *via* sparse coding delivering rough estimates of range and azimuth of the animal, specificaly towarded for mono-hydrophone configuration. ", "Our proposed method works directly on the click signal without any prior pulses detection/analysis while being robust to signal transformation issue by the propagation. ", "Coupled with non-linear filtering such as particle filtering [@Arulampalam02], accurate animal position estimation could be perform even in mono-hydrophone configuration. ", "Applications for anti-collision system and whale whatching are targeted with this work.", "\n\nAs perspective, we plan to investigate other local features such as spectral features, MFCC [@Davis80; @Rabiner93], Scattering transform features [@AndenM11]. ", "These latter can be considered as a hand-craft first layer of a deep learning architecture with 2 layers.", "\n\n[^1]: As click/whistles detector, matching filter is often prefered\n\n[^2]: We assume that the velocity vector is colinear with the head’s angle.", "\n" ]
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[ "Mark Sanchez’s NFL career has been a roller coaster ride for the former first round pick out of USC. ", "Sanchez’s redshirt junior season, the team finished with an overall record of (11-1), highlighted by a 38-24 victory over Penn State in the Rose Bowl, in which Sanchez threw for 413 yards. ", "Sanchez then led the New York Jets to back-to-back AFC Championship appearances in his first two NFL seasons.", "\n\nAfter things fizzled out in New York, Sanchez was given a second opportunity in Philadelphia, where he was given a chance to run Chip Kelly’s system, but ultimately rode the pine for the majority of the past two seasons. ", "Sanchez had some decent outings for the Eagles, but like everything associated with Kelly’s tenure in Philadelphia, the QB situation was a mess and unstable.", "\n\nFast forward to the present, where Sanchez is attempting to reestablish himself as a legitimate NFL starter with the defending Super Bowl champions. “", "This is like a gift-wrapped opportunity from heaven,” Sanchez said, according to NFL.com’s Michael Silver.", "\n\n“As soon as it arrived, I told myself, ‘Take advantage of things. ", "Assert yourself. ", "Be the guy you know you can be. ", "Win the job. ", "And then go win some games, which is the most important thing of all.”", "\n\nSince arriving in the land of the rockies, Sanchez has done a terrific job saying all of the right things. ", "Now that training camp is here, he has a chance to back up what he has been stating.", "\n\nThe national media has essentially written the Broncos off as a non-factor for 2016. ", "Even with one on the league’s most elite defenses, the national agenda is that the Broncos do not stand a chance with Sanchez at QB, but members of the organization are not worried.", "\n\n“I don’t think there’s much respect out there,” said Denver general manager John Elway, according to Silver.", "\n\n“We think a lot more of Mark Sanchez than maybe the public does. [", "That’s from] watching tape on him, and really watching him in Philly last year, and also since he’s been here. ", "If you’re in New York, they have a tendency to bring the attention to the negative, rather than the positive. ", "And Mark kind of got caught in that rut. ", "We hope we’re right. ", "The great thing about camp starting, finally, is we can stop talking about it and see who’s gonna come to the forefront.”", "\n\nWith football season just around the corner, fans will finally have a chance to see the Broncos new QB in action. ", "Elway thinks Sanchez has what it takes to get lead this team to victory. ", "What do you think?" ]
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[ " \nEDITED STORY\n\nEric Book Series: File on Eric's Clone\n\nEdenia Series\n\nPublished Smashwords 2016\n\nKurpanov Kossman woke up with a start finding he floating in a cylinder tube surrounded by blue liquid. ", "His eyes looked around unseeing things as he felt the tube lower itself becoming horizontal and felt himself thrust out onto the floor that felt rugged to the touch. ", "He heard a loud gasp sound looked up on his right to spot Human male wearing green clothing holding a long gun weapon standing there with a shocked expression on his face. ", "Kurpanov Kossman felt himself angry got up from the floor and charged towards the male throwing a fist into the man's face that rolled his eyes before falling to the floor appearing to go unconscious. ", "He stared at the male and sensed a weird feeling which he brought his hands clawed up to his eyes sight and stiffened seeing them fade from view and reappear. ", "He allowed the weird feeling to take control letting his body faded from view turning invisible. ", "He heard running footsteps to spot two Humans wearing green clothing and one Human male he recognized as Alexei Zesky that came into view. ", "He felt anger charged at the two green clothed males with hands in fists knocking them unconscious then darted towards Alexei who halted his walk.", "\n\nHe heard Alexei speak \"Hello?\"", "\n\nKurpanov Kossman reached Alexei putting a hand on the man's throat while sensing he revealing his form from invisible state.", "\n\nHe saw Alexei's face turn to shock followed by the man speaking \"Eric?\"", "\n\nKurpanov Kossman felt himself becoming shocked along with a fainting feeling which persisted. ", "He released his hold on Alexei's neck and rolled his eyes and felt himself falling backwards to feel the rugged floor on his back followed by losing sensation of his body and everything around him while sensing himself passing out unconscious.", "\n\nKurpanov Kossman on later admittance, dreamed of his life as Kurpanov the Surrai on a planetary world dubbed Terrania he figuring out the planet's name as said via recorder when filmed to record his memories what he got via his mind.", "\n\nKurpanov the Surrai story file:\n\nKurpanov saw a male he recognized as Hades another form of Drainer with face entirely covered in black mask with only yellow orbs where the eyes were. ", "He saw Hades sat on the table trying to sleep despite it being daylight. ", "He groaned hearing yelling and screaming noises followed by sounds of fighting. ", "Hades got up from table and left the rocky clearing pushing aside the ivy vines and followed the sounds of fighting till he reached a clearing and stood watching the Surrai fighting among each other. ", "Groaning Kurpanov ordered the plants via mental order to grab Hades' arms. ", "Hades jerked his arms feeling something wrapped around them and looked to see tree roots tightly around his arms. ", "Kurpanov went to a tree pulling him up to peer overhead. ", "He looked at the fighting Surrai all wearing night sky colored pants that wrapped around their feet and ankles fighting among each other with their muscular forms. ", "Kurpanov looked to see a sun colored haired male Surrai with hair pulled back in a messy tail he later recognized and identified as Nemovsky hit the ground falling on his stomach. ", "Kurpanov kept on watching as he looked to see a night sky colored haired male Surrai he later identified or recognized as Yuri with his hair pulled back in a messy tail typical of the Surrai's hair standing over Nemovsky raising his clawed hand in a fist intending to hit the fallen Surrai on the back. ", "Kurpanov groaned as he with his mental orders forced a tall tree bent down grabbing Yuri by the branches and lift itself up taking the Surrai who screamed taking him with it. ", "The Surrai stopped their fighting to witness Yuri lifted up as the tree righted itself with him pinned to it. ", "Kurpanov ordered the tree roots holding Hades to free themselves as the male felt the tree root around his arms left him and he stood as one of the Surrai stomped towards him growling.", "\n\nKurpanov recognized the growling male Surrai as Yugadin with sun colored hair who growled out in a guttural voice \"No Face, you were told not to interfere with our battles so free him.\"", "\n\nKurpanov groaned inwardly at the name and trying to gain attention from the Surrai used a tree to put him into the clearing. ", "He saw the Surrai all looked to see a large thick branched tree waving as the other Surrai looked. ", "The tree with the thick branches bent down touching the ground then went back up righting itself leaving a figure standing there growling. ", "The Surrai stared with curiosity seeing the growling figure was a male Surrai with sun colored hair pulled back in a messy tail growling with his golden eyes typical among the Surrai narrowed.", "\n\nYugadin loudly spoke \"Another one to fight with.\"", "\n\nA male Surrai with sun colored hair later identified as Yolly charged at the growling Surrai as a tree root came out of the ground wrapping itself around Yolly's feet that fell towards the ground.", "\n\nYugadin spoke \"No Face, stop interfering with our battles.\"", "\n\nHades spoke \"I'm not doing that.\"", "\n\nYugadin yelled \"Well stop doing that!\"", "\n\nThe growling Surrai standing there witnessing the exchange spoke \"No Face is not doing that, I am.\"", "\n\nA night colored haired Surrai identified as Trevor standing next to Yugadin spoke \"No Surrai can do that so it's got to be No Face.\"", "\n\nKurpanov groaned inwardly as the Surrai except the growling one advanced towards Hades or No Face growling. ", "Hades seen held up his hands standing there which something like tree branches grab him lifting him up from the ground raising him in the sky. ", "Kurpanov heard yells of protest from the Surrai and felt the tree bent down. ", "The tree on his order he glimpsed looked to see land in the rocky clearing where the two large stones with a large table stone on top sat in the middle. ", "Hades went to the table and sat in a kneeling position and bowed his head falling asleep. ", "The new Surrai, Kurpanov stood in the clearing watching the others wave their fists at the tree that lifted No Face up taking him away.", "\n\nOne of them wearing a top with a female form walked up to him speaking in a higher tone of a guttural voice \"The name is Mal, you got a name?\"", "\n\nKurpanov replied \"The name is Kurpanov.\"", "\n\nMal spoke \"Good, we're all called Surrai.\"", "\n\nKurpanov growled seeing her turned and swung her leg, foot aiming at his stomach which he easily grabbed with his clawed hand lifting her up in the air and threw her away from him. ", "She, he saw landed on the dirt ground with a groan as the other Surrai seeing that advanced towards him growling.", "\n\nKurpanov spoke \"You shouldn't be fighting among each other.\"", "\n\nA sun colored haired Surrai yelled at his remark \"The name is Yugadin, defend yourself Kurpanov!\"", "\n\nYugadin charged full body attack at Kurpanov who stood aside flipping him to land on the ground. ", "He stood his ground as other Surrai advanced attacking him in one by one which he easily defeated knocking them onto the ground. ", "Kurpanov stood watching the Surrai lying on the ground groaning. ", "He appearing via memory to be using Human's combative art moves onto the Surrai to knock them down including easily fighting them off.", "\n\nOne of them with night sky colored hair got up and spoke \"The name is Trevor, you, Kurpanov are not Surrai. ", "No Surrai can do what you did.\"", "\n\nKurpanov spoke \"I am Surrai and a wise one who thinks you should stop fighting among each other.\"", "\n\nTrevor shook his head speaking \"We fight for it's our nature and you should accept this.\"", "\n\nThe other Surrai got up from their positions on the ground.", "\n\nKurpanov spoke \"I don't find this acceptable and I refused to fight.\"", "\n\nMal who got up spoke \"Some Surrai you are. ", "If you refused to fight then I'm wasting my time talking you.\"", "\n\nA sun colored haired Surrai spoke \"The name is Nemovsky. ", "I think no Surrai talks to Kurpanov unless he fights.\"", "\n\nThere were mutters of agreements among the other Surrai except Kurpanov who folded his arms with a glare at Nemovsky who flinched from the look. ", "The Surrai walked away from him scattering among the forests of trees except Trevor.", "\n\nTrevor spoke \"Kurpanov, I'll show you where to drink but you're on your own after that.\"", "\n\nKurpanov lowered his arms as he followed Trevor through mazes of bushes and trees passing through clearings till the two reached a large lake that was fueled by a waterfall off a cliff wall above. ", "Surrai were there scattered around the edges of the lake in kneeling positions drinking the water from scooping it with their hands.", "\n\nTrevor spoke \"The drinking spot where we replenish our energy.\"", "\n\nKurpanov went to the edge of the lake on a rock and kneeled putting his hand in the water scooping it up and drank from his hand. ", "He watched Trevor who kneeled next to him, like the other Surrai scooped up the water with both hands in a fast motion drinking it.", "\n\nKurpanov spoke \"You waste too much energy fighting.\"", "\n\nTrevor abruptly looked at him with a frown on his face as water dripped from his clawed hands.", "\n\nKurpanov continued \"Why is No Face letting you fight if he's your leader?\"", "\n\nTrevor growled and spoke \"No Face is not our leader. ", "We fight to determine a leader which we can't seem to agree on.\"", "\n\nTrevor growled as he stood up walking away from Kurpanov who watched him walk to another spot besides the lake and kneeled scooping up the water with both hands drinking it. ", "Kurpanov growled some sound and was about to stand up when he felt clawed hands on his back pushing him into the deep lake waters. ", "Kurpanov waved his hands, arms and moved his legs while in the water struggling to keep afloat as the other Surrai watched him. ", "He gasped for air as he began to sink below the water while moving his body in a thrashing motion. ", "Kurpanov thrashed sinking while gagging onto the water choking as darkness threatened to overcome him. ", "He felt hands grab his thrashing arms pulling him up towards the waters' surface and pulled him out of the water onto the dirt ground. ", "Kurpanov lay on his side groaning as he coughed up the water from within and looked to see looking wet, Nemovsky and Yugadin standing besides him, watching with frowns on their faces.", "\n\nKurpanov gasped out \"Why Nemovsky, Yugadin? ", "You could have left me drown.\"", "\n\nNemovsky spoke \"To have a Surrai drown isn't right.\"", "\n\nKurpanov coughed as he sat up groaning out \"I refused to fight you as payment for that.\"", "\n\nYugadin spoke \"You don't have to, Kurpanov, just accept us as your escorts from now on.\"", "\n\nKurpanov groaned as both Nemovsky and Yugadin offered their hands which he grabbed and the two pulled him up to a standing position.", "\n\nKurpanov shook off the water and asked \"Who pushed me in the lake?\"", "\n\nNemovsky answered \"It was the female Mal who normally does that to us males.\"", "\n\nYugadin spoke before Kurpanov could open his fanged teeth mouth \"Mal is testing males to see whose worthy of mating with her. ", "She hasn't picked a male yet but has said that she'll mate with only the leader of the Surrai.\"", "\n\nKurpanov growled out \"Hence you fight among each other for leadership to being chosen to mate with the female.\"", "\n\nNemovsky and Yugadin groaned loudly seeing his face turned into a glare as he looked around the lake shores. ", "Kurpanov saw Mal with a smirking expression on her face, kneeling next to the lake drinking from her hand and he glared when she looked his way. ", "He saw Mal's face turn into a frown, seeing him glaring at her as she drank which she got up and walked away into the forests disappearing from his eyes sight.", "\n\nKurpanov snarled out \"This fighting among each other for leadership and mating with the female must end now.\"", "\n\nNemovsky and Yugadin, both groaned hearing Kurpanov's words. ", "The sun went down on the horizon.", "\n\nNemovsky spoke \"We'll show you where the sleeping quarters is.\"", "\n\nKurpanov followed Nemovsky as Yugadin took up the rear passing bushes and trees till they reached a large clearing bordering three logs, sitting in a circle with rocks in a circle inside it. ", "Kurpanov looked to see Surrai in position of a circle, entering the dirt ground which closed up behind them.", "\n\nHe heard Yugadin speak \"Only the leader sleeps in the middle.\"", "\n\nKurpanov folded his arms as he saw Mal walk in the middle of the circle and entered the ground which closed up behind her. ", "Kurpanov glared at the ground where Mal entered then he felt Yugadin's clawed hand on his shoulder.", "\n\nYugadin continued speaking \"Kurpanov, go into the sleeping quarter and get some sleep. ", "You'll need it if you're going to fight for the female.\"", "\n\nKurpanov shrugged off Yugadin's hand and went into the dirt ground as Nemovsky and Yugadin followed him on his sides.", "\n\nThe sun rose shining rays of light. ", "Kurpanov and the Surrai burst from the dirt ground with roaring sounds. ", "Kurpanov stood with Yugadin and Nemovsky as he saw the Surrai scatter leaving the clearing and he walked through the forests till he reached the lake. ", "With a growl Kurpanov kneeled as Yugadin and Nemovsky did the same, each drinking from the lake. ", "Growling some sound Kurpanov swatted the water off his hand and closed his eyes with hands on his kneeling legs. ", "Awareness arrived within him as he sensed the land was a large island, surrounded by a body of water. ", "He focused his mind on the female sensing her walking in the forest and made a growling sound. ", "Kurpanov opened his eyes as he heard a howling sound followed by other roaring sounds. ", "He stood up with escorts running towards the source of the howling to see Mal howling while pinned to a thick tree by roots around her. ", "Roaring Surrai was around her attacking the thick tree roots yanking and pulling on them as she howled.", "\n\nKurpanov stood watching them as Trevor yelled \"No Face did this! ", "Let's get him to free her!\"", "\n\nThe Surrai abruptly left Mal running through the forest with Kurpanov and escorts following. ", "He stopped running when they stopped to attack ivy vines pulling at them and were trying to enter through them which the Surrai would groan in pain. ", "Kurpanov growled some sound as ivy vines separated forming an opening. ", "Surrai, he noticed would enter the opening and would run out groaning in pain.", "\n\nHe heard them screaming \"No Face wake up!\"", "\n\nKurpanov spoke to Nemovsky and Yugadin \"Wait here.\"", "\n\nHe walked forwards grabbing a Surrai out of the way and entered the opening to see that he was a large clearing that was full of rocks on the ground. ", "In front of him was a figure he recognized to be No Face wearing night sky colored clothing kneeling on a large stone slab with his long haired head down asleep. ", "Kurpanov walked towards No Face as he heard the screaming Surrai went silent. ", "He stood in front of No Face and plopped his hands on No Face's legs digging into them with his claws. ", "Kurpanov waited as No Face lifted his head showing a face that was all night sky colored with golden sun orbs appearing in place as eyes.", "\n\nKurpanov spoke loudly \"I am Kurpanov, leader of the Surrai. ", "I control the Surrai here. ", "You'll accept my authority, No Face.\"", "\n\nKurpanov heard a male guttural voice coming from No Face speak \"I accept, Kurpanov, now let me sleep.\"", "\n\nKurpanov let go of No Face's legs who bowed his head falling asleep. ", "He left the clearing to face the Surrai who were gathered in a group glaring at him.", "\n\nOne of them he recognized as Yuri spoke \"You're not our leader, Kurpanov. ", "The female hasn't chosen you.\"", "\n\nKurpanov growled some sound as a tree root came from the ground wrapping itself around Yuri's neck that bent down choking.", "\n\nKurpanov spoke \"Trevor said 'you, Kurpanov are not Surrai'. ", "A part of me is not Surrai.\"", "\n\nAnother Surrai who Kurpanov recognized as Yolly spoke in anger while pointing a finger at him \"I'm not accepting your authority.\"", "\n\nYolly walked away as the other Surrai growled their agreements leaving Kurpanov with Yugadin and Nemovsky. ", "Kurpanov growled some sound as the tree root around Yuri's neck let go. ", "Yuri pointed a finger at Kurpanov and jogged off into the forest.", "\n\nKurpanov heard a loud humming like sound ordered \"Show me the source of that sound.\"", "\n\nYugadin walked forwards with Kurpanov following him and Nemovsky behind them. ", "They reached an area in the forest devoid of plants and trees where metal gate arches sat in a circle partly in the dirt ground humming away surrounded by the large clearing.", "\n\nYugadin spoke \"The gates lead to other places. ", "Only Trevor enters them and comes out.\"", "\n\nKurpanov saw one of the gates flashed as Trevor walked out and he folded his arms.", "\n\nKurpanov spoke \"The female is the leader, Trevor.\"", "\n\nHe saw Trevor's face turn into a sneer as he walked towards them.", "\n\nKurpanov continued speaking \"Where do you think the female sleeps?\"", "\n\nKurpanov watched Trevor's face turned into a frown. ", "He saw Trevor turned his head to stare at him as the Surrai walked by him and left the clearing. ", "Kurpanov walked into the forest with his two escorts walking towards the lake where he kneeled drinking from his hand. ", "He paused to see nearby was Mal with a smirk on her face sneak up behind a kneeling Trevor, drinking from the lake and watched as she put her claws on his back pushing him into the water. ", "Kurpanov's eyes narrowed growling some sound as Mal with a smirking look on her face walked away walking into the forest. ", "He saw Trevor swam up towards the surface of the water. ", "Kurpanov stood up with escorts, following and walked to where Trevor was, floating in the water and squatted from a large rock offering his clawed hand towards the Surrai who was quick to grab it. ", "With great strength Kurpanov stood up hauling a wet Trevor out, onto the rock to a standing position.", "\n\nKurpanov let go of Trevor's hand who spoke \"You were right on what you said about Mal. ", "I've seen the way Mal does that to Surrai with that look on her face. ", "I should have known that she's doing it to amuse herself.\"", "\n\nKurpanov spoke \"Trevor, you and the Surrai are amusing the female with your fighting.\"", "\n\nHe walked away from Trevor and heard him speak from behind him \"Yes I know, leader Kurpanov.\"", "\n\nKurpanov paused from walking as Trevor continued from behind him \"Leader Kurpanov, if you can outwit Mal, the Surrai will accept you as the leader like I have.\"", "\n\nKurpanov turned around to face Trevor as he heard Nemovsky spoke \"I accept Kurpanov as our leader and will act as his escort and second in command.\"", "\n\nKurpanov heard Yugadin echo the same words as a new voice spoke \"I heard what's said and I take back what I said about you, leader Kurpanov.\"", "\n\nKurpanov turned around to face the speaker who walked from behind a tree near the group.", "\n\nHe recognized the Surrai as Yolly who stood facing the group with an angry look on his face while speaking \"We've been footing our seats for Mal and she still won't pick a male to mate with. ", "I've seen Mal with a look on her face watching us fight and it's the same look when she pushes us into the water.\"", "\n\nThe group heard sounds of Surrai screaming which Yolly continued \"It's the Surrai fighting each other again.\"", "\n\nKurpanov walked forward followed by his escorts and Trevor as Yolly led the group towards a clearing where Surrai were busy fighting each other. ", "Kurpanov shook his head scowling seeing Mal standing on the other side of the clearing with a smirk look on her face. ", "He cupped his hands together and loudly howled which got the Surrai to stop fighting.", "\n\nThey stared at Kurpanov who spoke \"Stop your fighting now.\"", "\n\nOne of them belonging to a Surrai named Ander spoke \"You're not the leader Kurpanov.\"", "\n\nKurpanov replied \"The female is the leader.\"", "\n\nAnother Surrai named Ian spoke \"No she's not.\"", "\n\nTrevor spoke from his position besides Nemovsky \"Guess where Mal sleeps.\"", "\n\nKurpanov heard the Surrai grumble hearing Trevor's words as a third Surrai named Liam spoke \"You expect Surrai to accept Kurpanov as leader?\"", "\n\nYolly standing a few meters in front of Kurpanov and escorts spoke \"Make that leader Kurpanov, Liam.\"", "\n\nLiam growled out \"Then I'll challenge Kurpanov for the position.\"", "\n\nYugadin standing besides Kurpanov spoke \"You challenge Kurpanov, you challenge me.\"", "\n\nNemovsky, Trevor and Yolly echoed the words as Trevor walked to stand in front of Kurpanov besides Yolly.", "\n\nLiam held up his clawed hands and spoke \"I take back my challenge and will accept Kurpanov as the leader.\"", "\n\nKurpanov stood watching as the other Surrai spoke their agreements to Liam's comment. ", "He made a growling noise and walked forwards raising a hand as a tree bent down towards the group who stared with widen eyes. ", "Kurpanov stuck his hand in the thick tree branches and with his other arm made a gesture which the tree straightened itself revealing a shorter than him Mal with his hand around her neck.", "\n\nKurpanov growled out \"The female will accept me as leader and will submit to me.\"", "\n\nHe with a grip on Mal's neck walked through the forest followed by the Surrai and reached the lake edge. ", "Kurpanov squatted on a rock and put Mal's form in the water with his hand still gripping her neck dunking her under. ", "He held her as she struggle thrashing while in the water. ", "He brought Mal out of the water with his hand still on her neck then he let go of her leaving her coughing lying on the rock. ", "Kurpanov walked to another part of the lake edge and kneeled scooping up the water with his hand drinking from it while watching Mal with his eyes. ", "The other Surrai did the same copying Kurpanov drinking from their hands. ", "Kurpanov watched as Mal with a glare on her face stood up shaking the water off of herself while wringing her long waist length hair which was in a tail.", "\n\nKurpanov loudly spoke \"The female will come here.\"", "\n\nHe noticed Mal stop wringing her hair to stare at him with a glare on her face.", "\n\nKurpanov stood up speaking as Mal turned to walk away from him \"The female will accept me as leader and will come here now.\"", "\n\nHe glared at Mal who turned and walked towards him with a glare on her face while folding her arms when she reached him.", "\n\nKurpanov spoke in a growling tone \"The female will kneel and drink.\"", "\n\nHe stood and watched as Mal kneeled besides his feet and drank from the water with her hand. ", "Kurpanov brought his hands on her back and pushed her into the water. ", "He stood on the lake edge watching as Mal swam up to the surface.", "\n\nKurpanov spoke as she floated in the water \"The female will come here.\"", "\n\nHe glared at Mal who glared at him and he spoke in a louder tone repeating his words. ", "Kurpanov folded his arms waiting as Mal swam towards the lake edge where he stood and climbed out of the water to stand next to him while wringing her hair.", "\n\nKurpanov grabbed her by the neck and growled out \"The female will not push any Surrai into the water and that's an order. ", "If the female pushes Surrai into the water with my back turned, I will put the female in the water holding her under as punishment.\"", "\n\nHe let go of Mal and walked away followed by Nemovsky and Yugadin.", "\n\nKurpanov walked further into the forest till he reached the ivy vines bordering the rocky clearing and spoke \"You two stay here.\"", "\n\nHe entered the rocky clearing to see No Face kneeling on the stone slab with head down and walked towards him.", "\n\nKurpanov placed his hands on No Face's legs digging into them with his claws waiting as No Face rose his head speaking \"What do you want, Kurpanov?\"", "\n\nKurpanov spoke \"The Surrai have accepted me as their leader and will submit to me like you will.\"", "\n\nNo Face spoke groaning \"Fine, whatever you say Kurpanov.\"", "\n\nKurpanov leaned his face towards No Face's face while speaking \"I don't like that tone of yours, No Face.\"", "\n\nNo Face replied \"What tone is that Kurpanov? ", "I'm trying to sleep.\"", "\n\nKurpanov growled some sound clawing No Face's legs some more then growled out \"Don't make me throw you in the water for that tone, No Face.\"", "\n\nNo Face spoke \"I'm trying to sleep, Kurpanov.\"", "\n\nKurpanov let go of No Face's legs and spoke \"Go through the gate and find some place else to sleep.\"", "\n\nHe folded his arms as No Face stood up and left the clearing with him following him. ", "Kurpanov kept his eyes narrowed as he followed No Face with Nemovsky and Yugadin following him through the forest till they reached the clearing where gate metal arches sat. ", "The gate flashed as No Face walked through it.", "\n\nFile continues with Kurpanov Kossman saying \"Kurpanov wound up going to a beach on the island to stand staring at the water.\"", "\n\nThere was a light flash that showed a Highlander standing in the water who spoke \"Bastard.\"", "\n\nKurpanov via threats of dunking the Highlander into the water manages to get the male to speak \"I'm a Highlander as species is referred mind walkers of name of Shuen Jiang.\"", "\n\nKurpanov speaking via memory saying \"I insist you do what I want and submit to my authority as with your mind walking ability.\"", "\n\nThe force's threatening of Kurpanov controlling the Highlander involves calling Eric from a water ship to be transported to the island by Kurpanov who uses some kind of power ability to causes some transportation to be done. ", "Eric arrives via travel gate to the island where Kurpanov is standing around waiting.\"", "\n\nKurpanov stood in the Surrai sleeping spot with Shuen Jiang a Highlander with almond shaped eyes and pointed ears he figured was a mind walker. ", "He saw Shuen was held by two Surrai.", "\n\nHe turned his eyes towards the Highlander who spoke \"I'm cut off from Eric. ", "I can sense it.\"", "\n\nHe growled some sound and kneeled closing his eyes as he sensed the island. ", "The gate gave out a loud sound Kurpanov recognized as new visitor had arrived which he mentally viewed the gate area to see a male figure wearing cloud colored pants and nothing else on him standing in front of a gate with all night sky colored eyes.", "\n\nKurpanov spoke \"Eric's at the gate. ", "Call him to us now.\"", "\n\nHe followed Eric's progress as he reached the clearing where the Surrai stood surrounding him in a circle. ", "He opened his eyes to look as Eric walked towards him and kneeled in front of him with unblinking night sky colored eyes.", "\n\nKurpanov spoke \"You'll accept the name of Night Eyes as the assumed Leader of us among the Ters.\"", "\n\nTers is shortening talk for Terrania's natives of Terrania.", "\n\nHe cocked his head as two Surrai lifted Eric's arms which he put manacles on the arms at the wrists of Eric. ", "The manacles were tree bark branches to forming that around Eric's wrists.", "\n\nKurpanov nodded his head as Shuen was brought forward who protested \"No, I won't do it.\"", "\n\nKurpanov made a growl like sound and spoke \"You'll do it mind walker or suffer my wrath.\"", "\n\nHe heard the Highlander made a groaning sound and walked forwards and plopped his hands on Eric's head speaking \"You'll be known among the Ters as Claws.\"", "\n\nKurpanov watched Eric slid to the ground eyes closed to lie on his back as Shuen backed away from him He watched as black plant fronds came up from the ground surrounding Eric and covered his form entirely while hearing a choking sound that didn't last long.", "\n\nKurpanov turned his head towards Shuen who noticing his stare spoke \"After the sun goes down is when this will be complete.\"", "\n\nIt took till nightfall is when Kurpanov's patience reached its end. ", "He gave Shuen a glare who gave up a gasp of pain followed by pinned to the tree. ", "He glared at Shuen as he sensed a new visitor to the islands by the gates humming their familiar new visitor noise. ", "He kneeled and focused onto the visitor to find it was Eric wearing clothes twin to the Surrai but had a vest covering his chest and manacles around his wrist.", "\n\nHe punched Shuen unconscious then stomped to the gate arches' area speaking \"Yugadin, Nemovsky hide.\"", "\n\nKurpanov stood in front of the gate arches with arms folded. ", "He could sense Yugadin and Nemovsky hidden in the bushes watching him.", "\n\nHe spoke in a loud tone \"Night Eyes come here.\"", "\n\nHe stood waiting as the bushes in front of him rumbled showing a figure which he exhaled air seeing him. ", "He saw the figure was Eric with all night sky colored eyes wearing a night sky colored breast plate vest and Surrai pants on him step into the clearing.", "\n\nKurpanov spoke \"Go in the gate and play.\"", "\n\nNight Eyes nodded his head and walked through a gate. ", "Kurpanov kneeled and closed his eyes as he tracked Night Eyes' progress. ", "He could see Night Eyes was walking slowly in a hallway with round metal on the ceiling and all around him on the walls.", "\n\nKurpanov Kossman remembers Eric's point of view. ", "Night Eyes stop when he reached a door with an opening at the top, light shined through it. ", "Night Eyes used the pipes to climb to the opening and peered, inside the room to see a man with sunset colored short hair. ", "The man was sitting at a wooden desk with an object on it giving off light while writing something while speaking to a small boxy device held in one hand. ", "Night Eyes quietly slid himself through the opening above the doorway climbing slowly on the pipes. ", "The man paused in his talk and put down the device on the desk he was at and stood up facing the door. ", "Night Eyes swung himself hitting the man in the chest with his feet who fell with a thud against the desk.", "\n\nThe man groaned as Night Eyes dropped silently down onto the hard floor and charged growling at the man who yelled words which was \"No, Eric! ", "Don't do this!\"", "\n\nReaching the man, Night Eyes grabbed his head and gave it a twist while hearing something inside snap. ", "The man's flailing body went limp giving up to death. ", "Night Eyes dropped the body onto the ground with a thud and stepped back staring at the man's lifeless open eyes. ", "Night Eyes smiled a smile then he turned as the door to the room opened. ", "A female wearing a blue dress stood at the door entering the room with a confused look on her face.", "\n\nShe spoke staring at Night Eyes \"Eric?\"", "\n\nNight Eyes growled charging at the female who flattened herself against the wall next to the door. ", "Kurpanov at the moment opened his eyes and made a growling sound. ", "He stood up with arms folded as Night Eyes appeared through the gate with a light flash.", "\n\nHe spoke \"Play time is over, go to the table and rest.\"", "\n\nKurpanov followed Night Eyes to the table and watched as Night Eyes sat on the table closing his eyes with feet dangling over the edge. ", "He heard the gates humming loudly in some annoyed tone which told him to look. ", "He obeyed to kneel and found a scene of Night Eyes caught by a female wearing blue calling him Eric and not killing her like he expected. ", "He gave up a roar in response and stomped to the rocky clearing finding he grunting in pain once he went inside. ", "He stepped out to find Yugadin and Nemovsky putting hands onto his arms and pulling him away. ", "Kurpanov gave up a growl in response but allowed Yugadin and Nemovsky to pull him to the Surrai sleeping spot where he went to sleep.", "\n\nIn the morning of the sun Kurpanov growled seeing Night Eyes sitting on a stone table in a clearing full of rocks asleep under the sun shining low in the sky. ", "Kurpanov walked to the edge of the clearing roaring loudly and waiting for Night Eyes to acknowledge him.", "\n\nNight Eyes opened his eyes showing all night sky colored eyes to stare at Kurpanov who spoke \"You left a witness, Night Eyes. ", "Go and bust that witness now.\"", "\n\nKurpanov lowered his arms as Night Eyes got up from the table and left the clearing with the Surrai following him. ", "Kurpanov followed Night Eyes walking passed rows of trees and bushes till they reached a clearing where metal gated arches sat and entered one. ", "Kurpanov kneeled and bowed his head tracking Night Eyes progress. ", "He saw Night Eyes enter a room with a bed from a doorway and watched as he stood behind a door waiting. ", "Night Eyes waited as a female form entered the room which he slammed the door. ", "Night Eyes growled advancing towards the female as she stared at him with shock on her face. ", "Kurpanov snarled some sound as Night Eyes grabbed the female by the head and hesitated staring at her with a confused look with his hands on her head. ", "Night Eyes let go of her and walked towards an open doorway disappearing in a flash of light. ", "Kurpanov stood up with a glare as Night Eyes arrived in the metal gated arched clearing to face the Surrai standing there.", "\n\nKurpanov angrily spoke \"You didn't bust the witness, Night Eyes.\"", "\n\nNight Eyes spoke \"The witness is my mate.\"", "\n\nKurpanov growled some sound stomping towards Night Eyes ignoring the remark while speaking \"If you won't bust the witness, I will.\"", "\n\nKurpanov grumbled speaking walking towards the gate only to be blocked by Night Eyes \"I ordered you to do something and you won't do it, so I'll have to do this.\"", "\n\nKurpanov walked around Night Eyes and felt a claw swipe on the chest which made him feel dizzy. ", "Kurpanov groaned in pain feeling the cuts of the thick claw gashes in his chest bending forwards and went down falling towards the ground rolling his eyes as he heard as the Surrai around him growled their displeasure while falling unconscious.", "\n\nKurpanov Kossman later via recorder recalls that Night Eyes spoke \"I don't take orders from you or anyone.\"", "\n\nNemovsky and Yugadin walked forwards grabbing an unconscious Kurpanov by the arms and raised him up.", "\n\nNight Eyes spoke to the Surrai \"I'll do the same to you if any of you dares to kill the witness who is my mate, so scatter. ", "I'm taking control.\"", "\n\nThe Surrai scattered walked away walking into the bushes of the forests. ", "Nemovsky and Yugadin hauled Kurpanov while being followed by Night Eyes till they reached a clearing with three logs at the side joined in a circle. ", "Night Eyes stood watching as Nemovsky swatted Kurpanov with one hand on the face that woozily opened his eyes shaking his head. ", "The two Surrai lowered Kurpanov on the ground that went into the dirt which it closed up behind him. ", "A white grass stalk peered out of the ground where Kurpanov went in. ", "The stalk slowly sank into the earth as Nemovsky and Yugadin stood staring at Night Eyes.", "\n\nNight Eyes spoke \"Let me know when he comes up all healed. ", "I'm not done using him with my claws.\"", "\n\nNemovsky and Yugadin frowned with pained looks on their faces then Night Eyes walked away.", "\n\nNemovsky spoke as he placed a foot on the hole where Kurpanov's stalk went into the ground \"Yugadin, tell the Surrai what Night Eyes said about clawing Kurpanov. ", "Also tell Surrai discreetly to help keep Kurpanov inside the sleeping quarters.\"", "\n\nYugadin frowned as he spoke \"Nemovsky is that wise to keep Kurpanov inside?\"", "\n\nNemovsky replied \"I'm not letting Night Eyes claw Kurpanov any more than what he did. ", "You know that Kurpanov has no defenses against Night Eyes who has always defeated him when it comes to footing his seat. ", "The Surrai should be told that the sleeping quarters are for healing only. ", "Due to the noises Kurpanov will make from inside we'll have to sleep above on the ground.\"", "\n\nYugadin groaned hearing Nemovsky's words spoke \"I know that Kurpanov howls in his sleep whenever he's in pain that no Surrai can sleep as a result of the noises.\"", "\n\nNemovsky spoke \"Yes I know of that too. ", "Kurpanov will be roaring while being kept inside but it's for his own safety, so go tell the Surrai this.\"", "\n\nYugadin groaned and walked off going into the forest. ", "Yugadin reached the lake to see Trevor kneeling on a rock scooping water from his hand while drinking from it.", "\n\nYugadin walked towards Trevor and kneeled next to him drinking from the lake with a hand while whispering from breaks of drinking \"Trevor, spread the word, Night Eyes said that he wants to claw Kurpanov again once he's healed. ", "Kurpanov has no defenses against Night Eyes when it comes to footing his seat. ", "Nemovsky needs Surrai help keeping Kurpanov inside for his safety. ", "The sleeping quarters are for healing only for Kurpanov will be roaring from inside so Surrai will sleep above on the ground.\"", "\n\nTrevor whispered \"I heard your words, Yugadin and will do it.\"", "\n\nTrevor stood up and walked away as Yugadin finished drinking from his hand got up and walked into the forest. ", "He reached Nemovsky sitting on the ground with his feet on the ground arms around his legs.", "\n\nYugadin spoke \"I saw Trevor and told him.\"", "\n\nNemovsky spoke \"I think it'll take the next sun day for Kurpanov to be fully healed from the clawing by Night Eyes. ", "Surrai should take turns keeping Kurpanov inside starting now.\"", "\n\nYugadin went to sit next to Nemovsky groaning out \"There goes my sleep.\"", "\n\nDarkness arrived as Nemovsky lay and next to him was Yugadin sitting with feet on the ground and arms around his legs. ", "Surrai lay scattered on the ground some asleep while others were whispering talking to each other. ", "Their whispering stopped when Mal walked into the clearing followed by Night Eyes.", "\n\nNight Eyes spoke \"Has he healed yet? ", "I'm itching to use my claws again.\"", "\n\nTrevor replied from lying on the ground \"Do you see his stalk any where on the ground? ", "Seeing the stalk means he's healed and will come up.\"", "\n\nNight Eyes spoke \"No I don't see his stalk but I want to use my claws and I will once he comes up.\"", "\n\nNight Eyes smiled some smirking look then walked away into the forest. ", "Trevor frowned seeing Mal go into the earth ground.", "\n\nHe waited as she came out gasping and loudly spoke to the Surrai \"Kurpanov is screaming in pain.\"", "\n\nTrevor sat up to watch Nemovsky stood up and go into the ground. ", "He and the Surrai waited watching the area where Nemovsky entered.", "\n\nNemovsky came out of the ground shaking his head and spoke \"Mal is right, Kurpanov is screaming. ", "I don't think Surrai can sleep through that noise he's making.\"", "\n\nHe lay down on the ground next to Yugadin who gestured with a hand towards Yuri speaking \"My shift is over, it's your turn.\"", "\n\nTrevor saw Yuri get up and walked towards Yugadin. ", "Yuri placed his left foot next to Yugadin's right foot and quickly slid it over the hole where Kurpanov's stalk was from inside as Yugadin removed his foot. ", "Yuri sat down with feet on the ground and grabbed his legs as Yugadin lay down on the ground next to him.", "\n\nTrevor spoke loudly \"Nemovsky, Yugadin how long do you think it'll take Kurpanov to fully heal?\"", "\n\nYugadin speak \"Nemovsky and I observed Kurpanov seemed to heal faster than any Surrai. ", "I think it'll be sunrise when he's fully healed but isn't sure about that. ", "So keeping a foot on his stalk hole now will keep him inside if he heals before sunrise.\"", "\n\nSurrai around Trevor were heard groan hearing Yugadin's words and laid down on the ground with a groan.", "\n\nKurpanov Kossman from further prodding admits to saying \"Kurpanov from inside the ground screamed in pain with his eyes closed. ", "He was in the ground floating in water like substance with small tiny rocks around him as he rolled in a circle trying to get the rocks away from him. ", "The rocks floated around touching his painful chest where the gashes were bringing more pain which made him scream. ", "Kurpanov reached a hand up towards the surface ground attempting to push his stalk up when he felt something blocking the way. ", "Kurpanov jerked screaming while struggling to bring the stalk up. ", "His efforts met failure as he lowered his hand and screamed a roaring cry from the pain.\"", "\n\nKurpanov Kossman added talking about \"When morning came...\"\n\nMorning came as Trevor sat foot on Kurpanov's stalk hole with a frown on his face. ", "He looked at Nemovsky who shook his head and opened his eyes from lying next to him on the ground.", "\n\nTrevor spoke \"Kurpanov must be healed. ", "I felt his stalk pushing against my foot before the sun rose.\"", "\n\nNemovsky groaned out \"Poor Kurpanov, he has to stay in there for his safety.\"", "\n\nTrevor heard Yugadin speak with eyes closed \"It's for keeping Night Eyes from footing Kurpanov's seat some more.\"", "\n\nTrevor stiffened as he spoke \"I'm feeling Kurpanov's stalk pushing against my foot now.\"", "\n\nYugadin sat up and moved his foot next to Trevor's.", "\n\nHe spoke \"I know how to keep Kurpanov inside so remove your foot, Trevor.\"", "\n\nTrevor obeyed as they saw Kurpanov's stalk slowly rise from the ground. ", "Trevor watched as Yugadin swatted the stalk with his hand which the stalk quickly went into the ground.", "\n\nYugadin placed his foot on the hole where Kurpanov's stalk was and spoke \"Any time Kurpanov pushes against the foot let the stalk come up and hit it with your hand. ", "He'll bring it down, for it'll work every time.\"", "\n\nThe Surrai around Yugadin and Nemovsky heard a roaring sound of a Surrai and were quickly on their feet.", "\n\nTrevor spoke loudly \"A new Surrai has arrived.\"", "\n\nHe roared the Surrai greeting sound which was followed by a roar coming from the new Surrai. ", "Trevor took off running followed by Mal and Yolly as they went towards the roaring sound of the new Surrai. ", "The three reached the clearing where metal gated arches sat and froze staring at the Surrai standing in front of a gate who stopped roaring when seeing them. ", "Trevor and Yolly stared with shock seeing the Surrai was a male with night sky colored hair pulled back in Surrai styled tail with Kurpanov's face stood. ", "He and Yolly stood staring as Mal ran towards the Surrai with Kurpanov's face grabbing him in a hug. ", "The Surrai hugged Mal back as Trevor and Yolly watched them.", "\n\nTrevor asked \"Mal who's he and why does he have Kurpanov's face?\"", "\n\nMal answered \"He's Kazak, my son with Kurpanov. ", "Kurpanov thinking Kazak as a Ter put him through the gate as a baby. ", "Kurpanov should know that not all the babies I bore him are Ters.\"", "\n\nKazak spoke \"Where the Gods is my father?\"", "\n\nYolly opened his mouth to speak when they heard a new voice speak \"Interesting a Surrai with Kurpanov's face.\"", "\n\nThey looked at Night Eyes walking from behind a tree who continued speaking \"Well, that's interesting.\"", "\n\nTrevor stiffened seeing Night Eyes laughed some sound before walking pass Kazak disappearing into the gate which flashed behind him.", "\n\nKazak asked \"Who the Gods, is he?\"", "\n\nTrevor replied \"He's Night Eyes the assumed leader of us among the Ters who scratched your father with his claws. ", "Night Eyes has expressed interests in clawing Kurpanov some more. ", "So your father is being kept inside the sleeping quarters against his will.\"", "\n\nTrevor groaned as Kazak narrowed his eyes at him and added \"It wasn't me but the idea belonged to leader Kurpanov's escorts.\"", "\n\nKazak exclaimed \"My father is the leader and has escorts!\"", "\n\nMal spoke \"Yes, your father is the leader of the Surrai and he has two Surrai escorts Nemovsky and Yugadin who go where he goes.\"", "\n\nTrevor saw Mal put a hand on Kazak's arm pulling him with her as she added speaking \"I'll take you to the sleeping quarters where we sleep above ground due to the noise Kurpanov is making from inside.\"", "\n\nTrevor with Yolly shaking his head followed Mal and Kazak through the forest till they reached the clearing where Nemovsky and Yugadin sat on the ground with their arms around their legs.", "\n\nMal spoke as Kurpanov's escorts seeing Kazak gasped with their mouths open \"This is Kazak, my son, with Kurpanov.\"", "\n\nShe turned to face Kazak and continued speaking \"Those two sitting are Yugadin and Nemovsky who are keeping Kurpanov inside.\"", "\n\nNemovsky lifted his foot as a stalk came out slowly which he hit with his hand and the stalk went back inside the ground in a fast motion. ", "Nemovsky put his foot back over the stalk hole.", "\n\nKazak spoke \"I see your keeping him from coming out with your feet and hands.\"", "\n\nYugadin spoke \"This is necessary to keep Kurpanov from being further harmed by Night Eyes. ", "Kurpanov has no defenses against Night Eyes who can easily foot his seat.\"", "\n\nKazak spoke \"I need to hear my father's voice so I'm going in.\"", "\n\nTrevor stood with arms folded watching Kazak enter the ground. ", "He waited as Kazak came up from the dirt shaking his head while grabbing his ears.", "\n\nKazak groaned out \"What the Gods? ", "He's roaring in there. ", "I don't think I can sleep with that noise.\"", "\n\nMal spoke \"That's why we're sleeping above ground.\"", "\n\nTrevor spoke \"I think we need No Face to bust Night Eyes for Kurpanov to be free.\"", "\n\nThe Surrai all together groaned some sounds while remaining sleeping above the ground.", "\n\nKurpanov Kossman via talk admitted this encounter:\n\nKazak stood with foot over his father's stalk hole in the shining sun he disgusted to be roped into doing the job. ", "Night Eyes dropped down from a tree to land in front of him he gulped seeing.", "\n\nKazak folded his arms seeing him as Night Eyes walked to him and spoke \"If Kurpanov isn't out by the end of the day, I will start clawing Surrai starting with you. ", "I'm itching to use them.\"", "\n\nKazak opened his mouth to speak when Night Eyes threw himself in an acrobatic move as a figure landed in his place. ", "Kazak stared at the figure that was dressed like Night Eyes but had longer hair and the face was night sky colored with no facial features and there were golden sun orbs where the eyes were. ", "The figure roared a sound and Night Eyes took off going into the forest followed by the figure. ", "Kazak brought hands to his mouth and roared a sound howling. ", "He didn't have to wait long as Surrai came running from all parts of the forest.", "\n\nKazak saw Nemovsky and Yugadin come running into the clearing with questioning looks on their faces and spoke \"I saw a Ter like Night Eyes but longer hair and a strange night sky colored face with golden suns where the eyes were challenge Night Eyes.\"", "\n\nNemovsky spoke \"Kazak, you saw No Face who challenged Night Eyes.\"", "\n\nThe Surrai heard a squealing sound as Trevor spoke \"The gate! ", "I'll go and see whether No Face busts Night Eyes!\"", "\n\nYolly spoke \"I'll go along with you.\"", "\n\nLiam echoed the same words.", "\n\nThe three Surrai took off running into the forest as Kazak spoke \"When do we free father?\"", "\n\nYugadin spoke \"We'll do it once we determine No Face busts Night Eyes' seat.\"", "\n\nSurrai stood gathered around the gate with frowns on their faces waiting. ", "They looked to see Trevor with Liam and Yolly walked in their line of sight from the gate followed by No Face who stood looking around. ", "Trevor ran through the forest to see Nemovsky and Yugadin standing in the Surrai sleeping quarters.", "\n\nTrevor spoke \"No Face busted Night Eyes, let Kurpanov out now.\"", "\n\nYugadin removed his foot as a white stalk came out of the ground followed by a roaring Kurpanov who angrily looked around with a sneer on his face.", "\n\nNemovsky spoke \"No Face busted Night Eyes' seat-\"\n\nKurpanov turned his angry eyes on Nemovsky who cut himself off.", "\n\nKurpanov stalked towards Nemovsky and grabbed him on the throat with a clawed hand while roaring out \"It was your idea to keep me inside!\"", "\n\nKurpanov snarled hearing Yugadin spoke \"Night Eyes expressed interests in footing your seat some more which you have no defenses against him.\"", "\n\nKurpanov Kossman on prodding doesn't remember more of Kurpanov the Surrai's reaction. ", "Only remembers this:\n\nThe gate flashed as the three came walking through with Hades following.", "\n\nOne of them, with black colored hair in a ponytail, which stood waiting and pointed a finger at Hades speaking \"We are called Surrai for you will accept the name of No Face, get it?\"", "\n\nThen the Surrai scattered into the forests. ", "Hades walked around feeling pains of hunger. ", "He walked till he came to a large lake with a rocky outcropping that had a waterfall off the cliff walls. ", "The lake had a waterfall leading down a river towards the ocean water down a cliff wall. ", "Hades saw the Surrai drinking water from their hands which they would scoop into the water and then raise to their lips. ", "Hades sat kneeling on the rocky outcropping. ", "He sensed a presence behind him and grabbed the figure throwing the Surrai into the water. ", "The Surrai he saw was a female who struggled in the water to stay a float. ", "He watched her then got up and dived into the water as she went under. ", "Suddenly he was grabbed by unseen hands and pulled further under water. ", "Hades struggled not to panic as the clawed hands held him underwater yanking him. ", "He struggled to breathe air swallowing some of the water as he fell unconscious. ", "He woke up lying on the ground, hearing the Surrai arguing among them. ", "Their conversations were over lapping.", "\n\nHades heard one yell at him loudly \"Wake up No Face, Open the Gate!\"", "\n\nHades while feeling hunger pains spoke \"I don't have the strength to do this.\"", "\n\nThe Surrai snarled \"You're lying.\"", "\n\nHades looked at the others to hear the Surrai added \"He drank enough water for this.\"", "\n\nHades felt one of them grabbing him by the neck lifting up from the ground, while shouting \"Open the Gate, No Face!\"", "\n\nHades respond was to cough up the water that came spilling out of his mouth area.", "\n\nHe heard a different voice speak \"He's coughing up the water.\"", "\n\nHades felt the Surrai let go of him and faced the speaker while speaking \"Shut your trap, Kazak.\"", "\n\nHades stood and then he rushed to place a hand on Surrai's chest and bit swelling neck drinking the blood from within drinking his fill.", "\n\nHe could hear the exclamations from the Surrai yelling \"An essence drinker!\"", "\n\nHe felt some strength return and heard Kazak's voice speak \"Drink any more and I'll bust your neck No Face.\"", "\n\nHades could feel hands on his head and licked the puncture marks on the Surrai's neck closed. ", "Then he stood back with hands up as he felt Kazak's hands release his head.", "\n\nHades stood facing the Surrai with bit marks on his neck who snarled out \"Open the Gate.\"", "\n\nHades simply folded his arms as Kazak came walking in his eyes sight view who he stared with shocking awareness. ", "Kazak seemed familiar and reminded him of something important but Hades frowned at the feeling. ", "Kazak's face he could see was similar to this Surrai except Kazak had night colored black hair which was pulled back in a tail.", "\n\nKazak spoke \"The female, Mal is in trouble and requires your help. ", "Open the Gate and we'll help her.\"", "\n\nHades growled and lowered his arms as a globe came from his chest and got bigger till the ball surrounded him.", "\n\nHe could sense Kazak came into the globe and ordered \"Fly up towards the river.\"", "\n\nGrowling Hades raised the globe with his hands and flew the globe up towards the river.", "\n\nAt the river he heard Kazak speak \"Land on that tree in the middle of the river.\"", "\n\nHades could see a figure standing on top of the tallest branch on the tree in the river. ", "He landed the globe on the tree and sensed a figure came jumping in.", "\n\nHe looked to see the female called Mal with her chest covered by black material like top, in the globe speak \"Take us to Kurpanov.\"", "\n\nHades obeyed and the globe reached a Surrai who stood with a scowl on his face in the middle of a clearing surrounded by Surrai. ", "He was rubbing his neck where Hades bit him with puncture marks. ", "Hades closed the globe and groaned as he felt the pain hitting him in the chest along with hunger pains.", "\n\n\"I must feed\" Hades said out loud towards the Surrai.", "\n\nThe Surrai rubbing his neck growled out \"Kazak, it's your turn.\"", "\n\nKazak stood as Hades put a hand on his chest and made his neck swell.", "\n\nHades fed but heard the Surrai's familiar voice speak \"Don't drink too much.\"", "\n\nAs an image came to Hades mind's eye, he saw he was in a field and was walking towards a metal like structure with an opening and saw Kazak standing there facing him from inside. ", "Kazak's face was in a snarl and he walked forward to disappear in a flash of lightening.", "\n\nHades felt hands on his head and heard a Surrai voice speak \"Stop drinking now or I'll bust your neck.\"", "\n\nHe obeyed licking the puncture holes from his teeth closed and then let go of Kazak.", "\n\nHades turned to face a Surrai with sun colored hair pulled back who spoke \"The name's Yugadin one of the commanders, to Leader Kurpanov and don't you forget it.\"", "\n\nHades stared at Yugadin who continued \"Kurpanov the Surrai you first drank from is the leader of the Surrai and not Night Eyes or you, No Face.\"", "\n\nHades, at the Night Eyes remark groaned out \"Claws.\"", "\n\nHe heard the Surrai which he identified as Kurpanov at his left speak \"Get your seat over here and introduce yourself.\"", "\n\nHades looked towards his right to see another Surrai with sun colored hair also pulled back came walking towards him while speaking \"The name's Nemovsky, another one of the commanders to Leader Kurpanov.\"", "\n\nKurpanov walked in Hades' line of sight snarling out \"You're the bait as assumed Leader with the Ters, while I'm the leader of the Surrai.\"", "\n\nHades asked \"Who's the Ters?\"", "\n\nKurpanov responded \"The Ters are the natives who saw you bust Night Eyes' seat.\"", "\n\nKurpanov added \"Trevor and Yolly will take him to the table for No Face to get some rest.\"", "\n\nHades sensed two Surrai standing at his side grabbed his arms and pulled him through the forests of trees out of the clearing where the other Surrai were standing watching them leave. ", "With a growl Hades shook the hands off his arms and gestured with a hand in front of him, for the two Surrai, one with night colored hair and the other with sun colored hair to lead.", "\n\nOne of them with the night colored hair spoke \"I'm called Trevor and this is Yolly.\"", "\n\nHades paused as he heard two howling like roars coming from behind him.", "\n\nHe sensed Yolly's clawed hand on his shoulder as he looked behind him to see the trees and Yolly speaking \"Don't worry about that. ", "It's just Kurpanov and Mal.\"", "\n\nHades sighed and followed the two Surrai walking among a maze of trees. ", "The two Surrai reached a thick bush surrounded by two thick trees and pulled the branches apart. ", "Hades groaned seeing what Kurpanov meant by table. ", "The bush removal revealed a large square clearing with the ground filled with white rocks of many sizes and in the middle was a large horizontal rectangle slab sitting on top of two standing vertical slabs. ", "The clearing was surrounded by a jungle mess of trees and bushes. ", "Sighing Hades walked forward with a frown stepping onto the rocks.", "\n\nHe heard Trevor say \"The table is your sanctuary, for only you and Kurpanov can enter.\"", "\n\nHades turned to see the bushes revert back to their positions as Yolly and Trevor left him. ", "Hades sat on the table slab with his legs cross folded around him with his head down asleep. ", "He felt a hand on each of his two legs and opened his eyes wearily to face Kurpanov's angry face. ", "The shining green moon was up in the sky and the sun was already down the horizon.", "\n\nHades wearily asked \"Something I can do for you, Kurpanov?\"", "\n\nKurpanov's response was to clamp a hand on Hades' face below the golden orbs of the eyes and said \"Don't ever say my name, get it? ", "Now kneel. ", "You're broadcasting your position.\"", "\n\nHades adjusted his legs, till he was in a kneeling position and was about to sleep when Kurpanov held his head up and spoke \"Don't even think about escaping from here. ", "I'll find you, No Face.\"", "\n\nKurpanov let go of Hades' head and then walked away stomping on the rocks. ", "Hades wearily put his head down and fell asleep. ", "Hades groaned as the sun shined her rays through the forest canopy.", "\n\nShaking his head he spoke out loud \"What a strange dream.\"", "\n\nThen he got up and walked out of the rocky clearing through the bushes in front of him. ", "He sighed and walked in a maze of trees and reached a large clearing that was bare of grassy stalks. ", "He wandered around the clearing then walked towards another maze of trees. ", "He heard splashing sounds and followed the noise towards a large pond like lake from behind a tree where he saw the Surrai there. ", "Some of the Surrai were already swimming in the lake and he saw the female, Mal in the water swimming among the males. ", "Growling to himself he walked around the tree in their line of sight, just as one of the Surrai who was drinking from his hand stood up. ", "Hades recognized Kurpanov and waited as Kurpanov came stomping towards him with a sneer on his face.", "\n\nHades folded his arms as Kurpanov came up to him speaking \"What the Gods is your problem, No Face? ", "You came running into our clearing, waking us up and screamed at us as we came out of sleeping quarters.\"", "\n\nHades put his arms down while feeling hunger pains as he spoke \"Must feed now.\"", "\n\nKurpanov snarled out \"No feeding for you, No Face-\"\n\nHades growled interrupting \"Must feed now!\"", "\n\nHe charged at Kurpanov using super speed grabbing him and jumped up towards a tree onto a large branch over the lake.", "\n\nHades in the tree, abruptly felt hands on his head and Surrai male voice speaking \"Go ahead, feed, and don't deter me from busting your neck.\"", "\n\nWith a growl of regret, Hades lifted Kurpanov as the voice roaring said again \"Put him down now!\"", "\n\nHades obeyed by letting Kurpanov fell into the water off the tree with a yowl. ", "Hades felt hands twist his neck and he fell unconscious. ", "Then there was a roaring sound as the scene faded to black. ", "Hades groaned trying to sleep as he heard a roaring sound and ignored the sound. ", "He felt pain as someone was kicking him in the stomach. ", "Groaning Hades forced himself from the depths of unconscious to wake up. ", "He felt clawed hands holding him by the arms in a standing position and he forced his head up to awake. ", "Hades looked to see Nemovsky and Yugadin were holding him while a wet Kurpanov was pacing and roaring away waving his arms in anger. ", "He could see the other Surrai were standing around glaring at himself. ", "Some of the Surrai were wet like Kurpanov. ", "They were in a clearing among trees.", "\n\nHades groaningly asked \"What the Gods is going on?\"", "\n\nKurpanov's respond was to punch Hades in the face with a clawed fist. ", "Hades shook his head of the blow and felt Nemovsky's and Yugadin's hold over him tighten.", "\n\nThen he felt Kurpanov grab his face who yelled \"You fool! ", "You nearly drowned me!\"", "\n\nHades spoke \"The Surrai who grabbed my head, told me to put you down and I did.\"", "\n\nKurpanov's eyes narrowed as he sneered out \"Is that so Trevor? ", "Did you tell this fool to put me down?\"", "\n\nKurpanov turned to look at Trevor who was standing among the others at Hades' left with arms folded. ", "Hades noticed Kurpanov point at Trevor while using the pointing finger to run across his throat and saw Trevor nod with arms folded.", "\n\nTrevor responded with his voice in a bored tone \"I threatened No Face and he retaliated by dropping you.\"", "\n\nKurpanov looked at Hades with malice in his eyes and said \"Put me down? ", "I think not. ", "No feeding for you today.\"", "\n\nHades growled out \"What can you do to stop me from doing the feed move?\"", "\n\nKurpanov ordered \"Next time any of you see No Face doing the feed move, bust his neck.\"", "\n\nThen Kurpanov gave Hades a hard kick in the stomach. ", "Hades noticed Kazak staring at him with a frown.", "\n\nNemovsky and Yugadin abruptly let go of Hades who stood staggering as Kurpanov spoke \"No Face, go to the table now.\"", "\n\nHades stuck one of fingers at Kurpanov and turned his back attempting to walk out of the clearing.", "\n\nHe heard Kurpanov roar \"Fool! ", "That's the wrong way towards the table!\"", "\n\nHades' response was to throw his hands up and he turned to face Kurpanov who spoke \"Trevor, Yolly and Kazak escort this fool towards the table now.\"", "\n\nHe saw Yolly grab his arm and pulled him through the clearing towards the other end with Trevor and Kazak following. ", "The four heard two howls from behind them as they entered a maze of trees.", "\n\nHades groaned out \"What the Gods is going on with him?\"", "\n\nHe heard Kazak say from behind himself \"Kurpanov has a nasty temper and isn't wise to make him angry.\"", "\n\nTrevor spoke as the four traveled walking through the forests \"No Face, Kurpanov's word is law and like Kazak said isn't wise to make him angry.\"", "\n\nHades asked \"Why don't you challenge him, Trevor?\"", "\n\nTrevor growled out snarling \"I wouldn't dare.\"", "\n\nHades heard Yolly speak \"Kurpanov's anger is very powerful and he'll use it as a way to beat his enemies.\"", "\n\nHades responded wearily in a voice not of his own \"Anger can make one blind to things.\"", "\n\nHe noticed Trevor with the others stare at himself as they stopped walking. ", "Even Yolly plopped his hand down from touching Hades.", "\n\nHades added in that strange voice \"Is your Leader aware of what he is doing when he's angry?\"", "\n\nTrevor waved a hand in front of Hades' face that pulled the hand away and looked at him while speaking \"You don't know how anger can be one's weakness.\"", "\n\nHades groaned shaking his head while placing a hand on his face.", "\n\nHe noticed Trevor, Yolly and Kazak staring at him asked \"What?\"", "\n\nHe felt Trevor touch his face with a clawed hand and ordered \"Trevor, get your paws off my face now.\"", "\n\nTrevor spoke \"Feels like second skin to me.\"", "\n\nHades grumbled out \"Where's the table? ", "I need my rest till what's his name agrees for me to feed again.\"", "\n\nYolly opened his mouth when they heard a loud roaring sound and Kazak groaned out \"It's Kurpanov and he's still mad.\"", "\n\nHades asked \"Are you three going to lead me to the table or not?\"", "\n\nTrevor answered \"I think we better get you out of harm's way. ", "Kurpanov sounds like he's really upset.\"", "\n\nThe three silently led Hades towards a set of bushes which he entered and faced the rocky ground of the clearing where the table slab sat. ", "Exhaling air Hades went to the table and kneeled falling asleep.", "\n\nHades felt two hands touch his legs and wearily opened his eyes which were golden orbs to face an angry Kurpanov who snarled out \"Just who do you think you are?\"", "\n\nThe moon was shining as was night time and Hades could sense the other Surrai were around outside the rocky clearing watching him through the bushes surrounding the area.", "\n\nKurpanov spoke again \"You said some thing that got Trevor challenging me with the help of Yolly and Kazak. ", "Their little rebellion was put down easily.\"", "\n\nHades felt some anger came pouring inside like a dam broke and he surprised himself by placing a hand quickly on Kurpanov's chest while speaking \"Feeding time.\"", "\n\nHe barely heard the other Surrai outside the perimeter yelling out of their protests as he bit Kurpanov's neck and drank. ", "After drinking his fill, he could sense his strength returning and licked the puncture marks closed and cracked Kurpanov's head backwards. ", "He stood on the table and flew up into the air flying away. ", "He could hear the Surrai yelling words unheard at his flying form. ", "He flew towards a cliff wall jutting out of the forests of a hill and sat with his back towards the wall and feet folded below him. ", "Hades frowned watching the forests of trees and closed his eyes letting sleep come to him. ", "In a dream he saw Trevor, Yolly and Kazak standing together tied to a tree with ropey branches.", "\n\nTrevor was speaking \"No Face is right, Kurpanov can't see beyond his anger.\"", "\n\nYolly spoke \"I agree but poor No Face, Kurpanov's power is greater than he knows.\"", "\n\nKazak groaned out \"What the Gods? ", "No Face sucked Kurpanov's essence should have escaped when he had the chance.\"", "\n\nHades woke up with a start to feel the sun shining. ", "He was feeling an invisible rope grab him and sensed the cliff wall shaking as he flew off the wall towards the trees. ", "He landed on a tree and clung to the tree as he heard a familiar roar. ", "He felt the tree clutch him with the branches while bending down and lowered Hades towards the ground down below.", "\n\nHades stood clutched by the tree to face an angry Kurpanov who howled seeing him and stiffened as the Surrai Leader grabbed his chin with a clawed hand while roaring out \"You would disobey me by feeding on my essence!\"", "\n\nHades felt something like a leaf on his mouth and kept his silence. ", "He watched as he saw the other Surrai standing around with glares on his face. ", "He could see the female, Mal looked a little fearful, with the look on her face and she was busy adjusting her pant waist with her hands. ", "Hades stiffened as Kurpanov let go of his face and was stomping while waving his arms in anger. ", "Hades opened his mouth to talk when he felt the leaf on his face pressed harder to silence him as he felt a branch wrap around his neck. ", "Hades wisely closed his mouth and waited watching Kurpanov pace back and forth while waving his arms.", "\n\nHe felt the branch around his neck loosen and heard whispering in his ear which he translated to himself \"Shut your mouth, your talking will make the situation worse.\"", "\n\nHades looked around with his eyes and sensed the whispering said again \"He is too blind with anger to see me.\"", "\n\nGroaning Hades sensed the tree released him and went back in a standing position.", "\n\nKurpanov snarled out \"Well, well, here's No Face!\"", "\n\nHades stood with his hands to the sides facing Kurpanov who snarled some growl facing him. ", "Hades willed himself to be calm as Kurpanov charged at him with a full body attack. ", "Hades deflected the charge by standing aside with his hands up the moment Kurpanov reached him.", "\n\nHe stood watching as Kurpanov ordered \"Hold No Face now!\"", "\n\nHades sensed Yugadin and Nemovsky at his sides holding him loosely. ", "He brought his left foot up as Kurpanov charged with his body at him. ", "Kurpanov's chest connected with the foot and he fell backwards. ", "He sensed Nemovsky and Yugadin let go of him and went to Kurpanov lying on the ground. ", "Hades stood keeping himself calm as Kurpanov shook his head and got up from the ground.", "\n\nKurpanov asked still sounding angry \"You would challenge me?\"", "\n\nHades opened his mouth to reply and felt a hand cover his mouth with whispering voice speaking \"Walk away towards the table. ", "The two in command will keep him busy.\"", "\n\nHades heard Kurpanov repeat his question still angry and obeyed the whispering voice by walking away.", "\n\nHe heard Kurpanov yell from behind him \"Don't walk away from me No Face!\"", "\n\nHades ignored Kurpanov and walked towards maze of trees following some sensed path. ", "He heard several roars from behind him but kept on walking. ", "His feet led him towards a tree where Kazak, Yolly and Trevor stood with branches wrapped around them.", "\n\nHe heard Trevor say \"Look its No Face.\"", "\n\nHades stood watching them while walking and growling towards the tree.", "\n\nHe heard the whispering voice say \"Kazak is the one who tried to make her disappear.\"", "\n\nHades scratched his head and stared at the three still tied to the tree.", "\n\nTrevor spoke \"No Face, I wouldn't try freeing us if I were you.\"", "\n\nHades walked till he was facing Kazak and brought his fist into Kazak's face.", "\n\nKazak groaned out \"Gods, he remembers what I did.\"", "\n\nYolly ask him \"What did you do to No Face?\"", "\n\nKazak admitted \"Busted a female belonging to No Face.\"", "\n\nHades hesitated hearing Kazak's comment but the whispering voice spoke \"Think of her and what he did\".", "\n\nHe frown thinking of the word \"Georgina.\"", "\n\nTrevor spoke \"I just realized that No Face is controlled by the Ters.\"", "\n\nHades not hearing Trevor's comment brought another fist into Kazak's face who groaned out \"The Ters have got to be them. ", "The Hadean, Kurpanov warned us about.\"", "\n\nKurpanov Kossman on admittance claimed the Hadean was the hidden Humanoid species the Zeskaya. ", "His words have yet to be proven.", "\n\nThe Zeskaya on asking \"Have you traveled anywhere in Terrania?\"", "\n\nThey have said \"We have admits to traveling to Terrania only in a trapped status freed from a water ship that gives our name for that freedom. ", "We also admit to creating a Zeskaya named Kossman from a piece of a dead Human with that name into some clone tube.\"", "\n\nThe Zeskaya claims \"We haven't seen Kossman since despite he under service of one Eric Zesky ruler of the planetary world of Terrania.\"", "\n\nKurpanov Kossman's story continues. ", "Hades' response to that was to pummel Kazak's face with his fists.", "\n\nHe heard the whispering voice speak again \"Enough leave them and when Kazak is free, do what you will.\"", "\n\nHades stood and walked away towards the direction of where the whispering voice said \"The table is that way.\"", "\n\nHe barely felt a hand on his arm and was led away from the three Surrai tied to the tree.", "\n\nReaching the table area he heard the whispering voice say \"Go and leave the island now!\"", "\n\nHades obeyed forming a golden globe around he and sailed into the air.", "\n\nKurpanov Kossman doesn't remember what happened but only remembers Trevor and other Surrai freed by Hadeans. ", "Trevor stood on the ground pacing while growling he freed from the tree by the Hadeans as they called them using their swords to cut them free. ", "He kneeled and closed his eyes sensing a presence in his mind along with an image of a large body of moving water. ", "The image changed to show a night sky colored flower plant coming out of the water and spreading its petals.", "\n\nThe presence spoke in a female tone of voice \"Trevor, I am Merra, who is speaking to you in your mind.\"", "\n\nKurpanov Kossman admits \"Merra and Shadan's Merra are the same Meritanian communicating with Terrania's Trevor the Surrai before her return to Shadan.\"", "\n\nMerra was heard saying \"Kurpanov being angry is blind to the damage he is doing the land with his connection is making the Surrai sick. ", "You must challenge Kurpanov alone in a fight and use his anger as a way of defeating him. ", "For you must be the Surrai who will help Kurpanov release his anger and be in a calmer mood to heal the land and the Surrai.\"", "\n\nTrevor spoke \"By the Gods, if I challenge Kurpanov, I'll be challenging Nemovsky and Yugadin.\"", "\n\nHe heard Merra speak \"Nemovsky and Yugadin are aware of Kurpanov's anger and the damage he is doing will not fight. ", "They can't challenge Kurpanov due to their connection with him. ", "You, Trevor are strong and wise to the ways of anger can challenge Kurpanov.\"", "\n\nTrevor opened his eyes sensing Merra leave his mind. ", "He kneeled on the ground waiting when an angry Kurpanov stomped in the forest with his two in command next to him.", "\n\nKurpanov Kossman recalls \"Trevor seemed to be given some mental sense to see Kurpanov anywhere on the island from the mind's eye seeing.\"", "\n\nThe three came to a tree to see Mal standing in front of it.", "\n\nShe hissed seeing Kurpanov who ordered in an angry tone \"The female will show where the baby is now.\"", "\n\nMal hissed some more and shook her head. ", "Kurpanov snarled some sound as a tree root rose from the ground and grabbed Mal wrapping around her neck.", "\n\nThen the tree roots surrounding the tree opened up and Kurpanov spoke \"Just like I though, the baby is a Ter.\"", "\n\nHe bent down and picked up the baby from its hiding place among the tree roots as Mal struggled hissing against the root holding her. ", "Kurpanov took the baby and walked away. ", "The trio reached metal gated arches sitting in a circle in the middle of a clearing. ", "A gated arch flashed as Kurpanov put the baby through as in flinging it through.", "\n\nKurpanov spoke \"It's done. ", "The Ters will raise the baby.\"", "\n\nTrevor saw them the three walked in the forests till they reached a clearing with grass stalks sticking out and in the middle of the clearing was himself.", "\n\nKurpanov growled out \"Trevor, what is going on with you freed from the tree?\"", "\n\nTrevor instead of answering kept his mouth shut as he saw Kurpanov. ", "He kneeled with a frown as Kurpanov walked towards him with anger in his steps. ", "Trevor stood and roared the challenge roar towards Kurpanov. ", "Bodies of other Surrai came out of the ground surrounding the four Surrai.", "\n\nKurpanov snarled \"You challenged me, Trevor.\"", "\n\nTrevor responded snarling out \"Just you alone, Kurpanov, unless your too scared.\"", "\n\nKurpanov's response was to roar out \"Hah!\"", "\n\nThe other Surrai stood around the two as they attacked each other with clawed hands swiping. ", "During the fighting No Face walked out of the forest growling anger with arms stiff at the sides. ", "No one but Trevor noticed him grab Kazak with a hand on his chest and yank him out of the clearing. ", "Kurpanov charged at Trevor who grabbed him and flipped the Surrai Leader towards the ground who landed on his back snarling in anger.", "\n\n\"Do you yield Kurpanov?\" ", "Trevor calmly asked him.", "\n\nKurpanov got up in anger as at that moment the Surrai heard a sound of a howling roar of a Surrai in distress of pain.", "\n\nTrevor saw Kurpanov's eyes widen as he yelled \"No! ", "No Face has Kazak at the table!\"", "\n\nThen he jogged off with the Surrai following him. ", "Reaching the table area Kurpanov ran in to find Kazak lying on the table while roaring in pain.", "\n\n\"No Face!\" ", "Kurpanov howled \"I'll get you for this!\"", "\n\nHe hauled Kazak off the table and out of the rocky clearing.", "\n\nTwo Surrai were quick to grab Kazak from his arms as Kurpanov ordered \"Put Kazak in the sleeping quarters for him to heal. ", "I'll deal with No Face.\"", "\n\nThe two Surrai hauled Kazak away as Kurpanov went to kneel on the ground and closed his eyes.", "\n\nTrevor stood with arms folded watching Kurpanov's face which featured a range of emotions then the Surrai Leader opened his eyes and snarled \"No Face isn't anywhere here.\"", "\n\nKurpanov got up but was blocked by Trevor who growled out \"I foot your seat, Kurpanov and don't forget it.\"", "\n\nKurpanov swung a hand in anger towards Trevor who grabbed the hand twisting it behind the Surrai Leader's back who roared in pain. ", "Trevor grabbed the Surrai Leader's other arm and twisted it behind Kurpanov's back forcing him in a kneeling position.", "\n\nTrevor repeated \"I foot your seat, Kurpanov and don't forget it.\"", "\n\nHe heard Kurpanov snarl some nonsense sound and leaned his head towards the Surrai's ear speaking \"You will cease your anger now by going to the gates and see if No Face slipped through them.\"", "\n\nTrevor let go of Kurpanov who stood up. ", "Trevor saw Kurpanov give him a nasty glare and stomped off towards the clearing where the metal arched gates stood with the Surrai with them following him. ", "Reaching the area, Kurpanov kneeled and closed his eyes.", "\n\nTrevor watched Kurpanov opened his eyes and spoke \"It's possible. ", "He left by the gate and went to this place called hospital to sleep contained for injuries Kazak gave him. ", "Yolly! ", "Get through the gate now!\"", "\n\nInside the hospital room where Hades was kept the lights to the bathroom flashed as a Surrai, Yolly came through the doorway. ", "He stood watching Hades sleeping in the chair and saw a figure appear to be standing next to he. ", "The figure was dressed in black with a Hades mask which Yolly growled some sound as the figure held up a pair of hands that faded in and out. ", "Yolly gave a snarl and left the room through the bathroom door. ", "The gate flashed open as Yolly came through to face a snarling Kurpanov.", "\n\nKurpanov demanded \"Well?\"", "\n\nYugadin and Nemovsky grabbed Yolly by the arms that automatically went to kneel. ", "Trevor growled as Kurpanov placed his hands on Yolly's head who groaned then Kurpanov punched him.", "\n\nKurpanov spoke \"People dressed like No Face, the Hadeans, interesting.\"", "\n\nKurpanov walked towards where Kazak's stalk was fluttering in the wind. ", "The Surrai watched as Kurpanov threw his hands into the earth and pulled out Kazak who groaned. ", "Kurpanov placed his hands on Kazak's head then abruptly snarled out \"Hadeans made him drink blood from No Face's arm.\"", "\n\nTrevor grabbed Kazak as Kurpanov stood up and was carrying him out of the clearing towards the gate in a fast motion.", "\n\nKurpanov ran and blocked his way speaking \"Where do you think you're going with him? ", "Not to the gate for he'll kill himself.\"", "\n\nTrevor dropped Kazak while speaking \"Your too dependant on Kazak.\"", "\n\nKurpanov spoke \"He bares my face.\"", "\n\nTrevor snarled \"Yeah right.\"", "\n\nKurpanov grabbed Kazak as Trevor roared out the Surrai challenge roar.", "\n\nKurpanov dropped Kazak and snarled out \"It's three against one, Trevor.\"", "\n\nTrevor noticed Nemovsky and Yugadin grabbed Kazak hauling him up to a standing position.", "\n\nTrevor spoke \"The challenge is just you and me if you're too scared.\"", "\n\nKurpanov snarled \"I accept your challenge.\"", "\n\nThe two attacked each other with fisted claws flying.", "\n\nNeither noticed during the fight Nemovsky and Yugadin hauled Kazak towards the clearing where the gates was and threw him in despite Kurpanov's roar of \"No!\"", "\n\nTrevor grabbed Kurpanov who screamed out \"No, Kazak will kill himself through the gate!\"", "\n\nTrevor forced a screaming Kurpanov into a kneeling position while gripping his arms from behind him as Kurpanov forced his eyes shut to see fully in his mind of Kazak's trip in the gate while growling angrily. ", "In the hospital room Hades woke up feeling healed from the poison and in pain.", "\n\nHe heard a voice speak pleading tones \"Master.\"", "\n\nLooking to see the source Kurpanov saw a Surrai with his face he recognized as Kazak kneeling in front of Hades from his position in the wheel chair.", "\n\nKazak spoke again \"Master.\"", "\n\nHades held up his right manacled arm and spoke \"Take.\"", "\n\nHe watched as Kazak took his manacled arm and took off the manacle with his hands. ", "Then Kazak bit into Hades' free manacled arm sucking the blood from within. ", "Kurpanov groaned as he felt the blood flow from him towards Kazak. ", "He saw as Kazak licked his arm and then pulled a piece of cloth from himself and tied the bite marks with the cloth on Hades' arm. ", "Kazak pulled the manacle back onto Hades' arm and then stood up and gave a bow. ", "Hades appeared to have fallen asleep. ", "The gate flashed as Kazak came in with a glare on his face.", "\n\nKurpanov once free from Trevor came running towards him saying \"Kazak, you're alright.\"", "\n\nKazak fisted his hand and punched Kurpanov on the face who stared at him with shock.", "\n\nThen Kazak raised his foot and kicked Kurpanov in the stomach that bent down with a snarl speaking \"You wouldn't, Kazak.\"", "\n\nKazak spoke \"I busted a female belonging to No Face.\"", "\n\nAt that moment a figure appeared to be standing in front of Kazak.", "\n\nKurpanov seeing the figure a Hadean later identified by Kurpanov Kossman as a Zeskaya yelled \"Traitor!\"", "\n\nThe figure with the barrel shaped mask abruptly yanked off the mask the person was wearing. ", "Kurpanov and the others eyes widen in shock to see the figure's face was of a male with facial looks and black eyes twin to a Human and the figure had short black colored hair pulled back in a tail that was growling angrily. ", "Kurpanov frowned but didn't say a word as he saw Kazak resume going into the gate. ", "He shut his eyes and focused onto Kazak meeting a female and kneeling in front of her with head bowed. ", "He kept on watching as Hades entered the room appearing to be for expelling wastes and hygiene to meet the female to hug her.", "\n\nHe heard Hades speak \"Jora, He's just apologizing for the wrong committed against you.\"", "\n\nKurpanov gulped hearing the name of Jora he recognized was Hadean as he stood up opening his eyes and waited for Kazak's arrival. ", "Kazak went through the doorway to face Kurpanov and the other Surrai.", "\n\nKurpanov snarled \"It's about time you arrived.\"", "\n\nKazak eyed the Hadean which Kurpanov noticed standing talking to the Humans spoke \"No Face called his female Jora.\"", "\n\nAt the name of Jora, the Hadean swung his head and glared at Kazak, while vibrating anger and slammed on his mask on his head. ", "Kurpanov growled some sound and stomped towards the Humans who were standing near. ", "The Humans who were sitting stood up. ", "One of the Humans held a child in her arms which the child cried some call.", "\n\nKurpanov reaching the Humans spoke to them \"What's with our visitor, mean to this Jora?\"", "\n\nThe Hadean abruptly folded his arms and faded in and out while still vibrating of anger. ", "Kurpanov watched as one of the Humans spoke to the Hadean in a foreign language.", "\n\nThe Hadean responded angrily in the foreign language which was translated by one of the Humans speaking \"The female you refer as Jora is very important to the planetary world we Hadean guard her with our lives including mate of this male dubbing himself Nikolas.\"", "\n\nHe gave up a loud roar of anger and without a word growled finding a tree limbs snapping around Kazak restraining the Surrai via the arms.", "\n\nHe glared at Kazak who formed pleading and got from the Surrai \"I tried to bust a female not knowing that she was this Nikolas' mate in question-\"\n\n\"Not mate!\" ", "as Kazak was interrupted by a human speaking who added \"Jora is protector of Terrania who we Hadeans, protect. ", "She's not destined to be his mate anyway. ", "She's supposedly keeping the protector of Terrania in line actually.\"", "\n\nKurpanov gave up a growl of anger in response as he glared at Kazak who kneeled while shivering in fear. ", "He reached out a hand and punched Kazak fully in the stomach who groaned.", "\n\nKurpanov paced among the Surrai watching him with anger in his face.", "\n\nTrevor spoke \"Kurpanov you're angry.\"", "\n\nKurpanov snarled gripping his hands roared out \"I'm not angry, I'm fine!\"", "\n\nHe heard Trevor speak \"Yes you are your roaring is anger.\"", "\n\nKurpanov growled and ran toward Trevor charging at him who stepped aside putting his foot over his. ", "Kurpanov howled as he tripped falling face first onto the ground landing with a thud. ", "He clawed the dirt and laid his forehead on the ground closing his eyes. ", "All at once new awareness arrived throughout Kurpanov who panted breathing hard. ", "Kurpanov shook his head, opened his eyes and sat up into a kneeling position closing his eyes.", "\n\nHe opened his eyes while speaking in a calm tone \"By the gods, Trevor.\"", "\n\nKurpanov felt hands on his shoulder from Nemovsky and Yugadin who both spoke \"Kurpanov.\"", "\n\nKurpanov shrugged off their hands and got up walking into the forest followed by the Surrai. ", "He reached the lake and stared at the cliff wall where a tree lay on top of it. ", "Kurpanov swung his hand and the tree raise itself to a standing position as water came spilling over the cliff wall. ", "He looked down at the lake seeing it was low and stood waiting as the cliff water filled up the lake raising it. ", "Kurpanov could see out of the corners of his eyes, Surrai who kneeled reaching for the water drinking it with both hands in a fast motion. ", "He felt anger and kneeled closing his eyes and relaxed his hands on his lap trying to mediate despite his angry mood.", "\n\nKurpanov heard \"Just go to the sleeping quarter and sleep if your tired Kurpanov.\"", "\n\nHe groaned softly and without a word went to the sleeping quarter to lie on top of the ground staring at the sky with Yugadin and Nemovsky sensed next to him. ", "He grunted as he heard ahem noises from his two escorts to groan and with another groan went into the earth forcing himself to sleep despite fearful of being contained again. ", "Kurpanov kept his stalk out of the earth only to feel something pushing against it making him annoyed. ", "Kurpanov roared from underground and he burst up out of the ground as the Surrai did the same in the darkness of the night as the moon shined. ", "The Surrai stood in a circle surrounding eight people who were standing in the middle. ", "Kurpanov stared seeing the strangers' faces. ", "They had no ears and had one colored eyes with bulging one colored eyes in a circle on their foreheads later identified as the Shadan species dubbed Listener when their actual name was Annukai. ", "The strangers stood in a circle with backs to each other facing the Surrai with objects in their hands pointed at them. ", "Kurpanov noticed the female Mal adjusting her top with her hands and howled the mating call. ", "Mal to his annoyance stared at him and put her hands on her waist as Trevor standing besides her growled loudly. ", "Kurpanov noticed Mal look at Trevor who bowed his head gesturing with his eyes towards the ground. ", "Mal he saw looked at the strangers and threw herself into the ground which closed up behind her leaving a grass stalk which slowly went into the dirt. ", "Kurpanov growled eyes on Trevor who moved his foot putting it over the hole where Mal's stalk went in.", "\n\nKurpanov moved his eyes to face the strangers while speaking \"Who and what are you?\"", "\n\nA figure rose from inside the strangers' circle peering at Kurpanov and spoke \"We're the Annukai aka Listeners and we don't like questions or like Humans like you.\"", "\n\nKurpanov spoke \"We're not human for we're the Surrai.\"", "\n\nThe Annukai spoke \"You expect me to believe that? ", "The Humans must have evolved to become what we're seeing.\"", "\n\nKurpanov opened his mouth to speak when a large ball of water, windy air and lightening came from the sky hitting the Annukai with lightening bolts that each fell towards the ground falling unconscious. ", "The Surrai watched the ball land near the logs as a fire spurt to life surrounded by rocks in the middle of the logs. ", "The ball revert showing three figures Kurpanov recognized as, the three Elementals as known on Shadan, also known on Terrania, as King Sea, Teorjer and Ellison Donovan, the Elementals stood with the Surrai staring at them.", "\n\nKurpanov loudly spoke \"Hello Elementals.\"", "\n\nA loud voice was heard by the Surrai speaking \"Hello Kurpanov.\"", "\n\nKurpanov heard the Surrai muttered their exclamations as the voice of the elementals spoke again \"Strip the Annukai or Listeners as they wish to be called, of their weapons and clothes now.\"", "\n\nKurpanov spoke \"You heard the Elementals, go do what they said.\"", "\n\nSurrai walked forwards grabbing items off the fallen Annukai stripping them of their clothes in the process. ", "Kurpanov went to Trevor who stood with foot over Mal's stalk hole. ", "He angrily growled at Trevor who placed a hand on his shoulder. ", "Kurpanov jerked from the touch feeling Trevor's hand on his shoulder in a tight grip. ", "The Surrai leader glared at Trevor who looked at him with a calm look on his face. ", "Kurpanov felt Nemovsky and Yugadin place a hand on his arms gripping them tightly. ", "He looked at his escorts who looked at him with calm looks on their faces as he growled loudly.", "\n\nKurpanov heard the voice of the Elementals speak \"Why so angry Kurpanov?\"", "\n\nKurpanov turned his head to stare at the Elementals with a frown. ", "He turned his head towards Trevor and closed his eyes willing himself to calm. ", "Kurpanov felt Trevor release his shoulder and opened his eyes to watch the Surrai remove his foot as Mal's stalk came up from the ground followed by the female.", "\n\nKurpanov spoke in a calm tone as Mal stood facing him \"The female will know when to go inside for her safety without me saying this order.\"", "\n\nHe found Mal giving him a head bob in response as he found the Annukai resumed a sleeping status and appeared to remain unconscious. ", "Groaning he went back into the earth and yanked his stalk down while keeping watch on the Annukai via his mind. ", "He kept on watching as Humans from their camp across a river via a bridge arrived and got the Annukai to be removed and took them to their camp. ", "He sighed softly and forced himself to remain alert as the gates hummed new visitor sounds loudly but he remained into the ground watching. ", "The stranger visitor seemed shocked having stalks coming out of the ground as new visitors arrived.", "\n\n\"Surrai\" Kurpanov heard from the stranger loudly thought as the male was remembering.", "\n\nHe sensed the stranger got up to see Hades and the Annukai walking towards him.", "\n\nThey both reached him as the stranger stood and heard the male asked \"Do you recognize me by my voice?\"", "\n\nHades and the Annukai looked at each other and Hades spoke \"No, who you are anyway?\"", "\n\nThe stranger replied \"I was warned that someone would recognize my voice.\"", "\n\nThe Annukai asked \"Who cares, you got a name?\"", "\n\nThe stranger answered \"One of the names Sanver.\"", "\n\nKurpanov felt like he had an enough of the talk recognizing the voice as a former Hades title holder who hurt Kazak.", "\n\nHades spoke \"Sanver\" as the ground around them began rumbling in vibrations.", "\n\nHades added \"I'll stand still if I were you.\"", "\n\nKurpanov felt his motion still as he recalled Hades and his time stopping knife. ", "Hades had flicked his knife out and he picked up the Annukai and carried him towards the logs surrounding the fire. ", "Reaching the ring of logs, Hades sheathed his knife as the ground rumbled of someone moving. ", "The stranger stood looking around the rumbling ground.", "\n\nThe Annukai heard speaking \"Does he know he's standing on them?\"", "\n\nKurpanov pushed his stalk out as Nemovsky and Yugadin did the same three large stalks of white came from the ground near his feet and before the stranger could take a step forward. ", "Kurpanov as a body came from the ground throwing the stranger backwards several feet onto the ground. ", "The stranger lay on his back to see the big three Surrai leaders, Kurpanov, Yugadin and Nemovsky appear from the earth roaring with muscular arms and muscular fronts. ", "The earth around him shattered as Surrai came up roaring awake. ", "Some grabbed the stranger as they pulled themselves from the earth. ", "Kurpanov Kossman on recorder noticed that the Surrai still had one female which he recognized to be Mal with her long black waist length hair that pulled back also pulled her tank top a familiar gesture of her ready to fight. ", "Next to her Kurpanov saw was Trevor with his long black hair in a tail and Yolly with short shoulder length sun colored hair that was partly pulled back. ", "Kurpanov heard the stranger Nikolas he figured was his name, groaned to himself as he saw the big three turned around and he saw Kurpanov's sneering Human like face glaring golden eyes at him. ", "Kurpanov stalked towards Nikolas as the Surrai around him grabbed him and raised him up. ", "Kurpanov to Nikolas' surprise was around his height as were the other Surrai.", "\n\nReaching Nikolas, Kurpanov proceeded to paw his face with his clawed hands and he spoke words through fanged teeth, \"Well, what we have here?\"", "\n\nNikolas formed a look of surprise indicating he was thinking \"How can I understand their language?\"", "\n\nKurpanov grabbed Nikolas by the throat and lifted him up with a clawed hand and added \"Who's this visitor?\"", "\n\nThen Nikolas was airborne as he was thrown in the air onto the ground and landed on his stomach.", "\n\nHe saw a large white stalk came slowly up from the ground besides him. ", "Nikolas' head grabbed and Kurpanov's voice in his ear whispering \"Think we won't recognize you?\"", "\n\nThen Nikolas felt his head released as Kurpanov stuck his fist into the earth besides Nikolas' and pulled out a Surrai by the head. ", "The Surrai had black hair and a face identical to Kurpanov's but Kurpanov had sun colored hair which was recognized to be Kazak. ", "Kazak's golden eyes appeared to be dim as he was pulled from the ground by Kurpanov.", "\n\nNikolas looked questioningly at Kurpanov who sneered out loudly \"Take a look at your damage to my brother.\"", "\n\nHe heard the other Surrai mutter questions towards Kurpanov who spoke \"Enough! ", "This fool is him the one who did this to us!\"", "\n\nThen Kurpanov released Kazak speaking \"Go to sleep, brother dear.\"", "\n\nKazak went into the ground like it was water and the ground closed up behind him.", "\n\nNikolas saw a white stalk rise from where Kazak was and it bent as if bowing.", "\n\nHe looked at where it was pointing at and saw it was pointing at an apparent angry Trevor who was standing next to Nikolas, who roared out \"Your not killing him is you?\"", "\n\nKurpanov snarled out \"Well, a sympathizer, and its Trevor. ", "Does the female and Yolly agree with Trevor?\"", "\n\nKurpanov never called Mal by her name, and Nikolas had a weird feeling when he saw Trevor standing next to him.", "\n\nHe spoke \"Hello\" word coming out in Hammarabbi.", "\n\nAt that moment Trevor and Kurpanov yelled together at Nikolas \"Shut your trap!\"", "\n\nNikolas looked at Mal who stopped adjusting her tank top and at Yolly who looked with a surprised expression on their Human like faces.", "\n\nThey both looked at each other with a look of which was recognized as the Surrai way of saying \"Yes. ", "It's not Kazak who's the brother but Trevor.\"", "\n\nTrevor who was saying to Kurpanov \"You aren't No Face and killing him won't solve a thing.\"", "\n\nKurpanov growled back \"Says you, pathetic Trevor?\"", "\n\nTrevor sneered out \"Says me, Kurpanov.\"", "\n\nKurpanov spoke \"Does the female and Yolly agree?\"", "\n\nTrevor looked to see his companions Yolly and Mal looking at Kazak's white stalk which was bowing in a pointing gesture towards himself.", "\n\nKurpanov noticed the bowing white stalk grumbled out loud \"This is ridiculous!\"", "\n\nNikolas sat on the ground and folded his arms and formed a glare on his face and stared at Kurpanov. ", "Kurpanov noticing Nikolas staring at him charged at him with a left clawed hand.", "\n\nTrevor at the moment got in Kurpanov's way and blocked the hand by grabbing Kurpanov's left hand with his right spoke \"Give it up, you haven't kicked my seat in a long time.\"", "\n\nTrevor grabbed Kurpanov's other hand and twisted Kurpanov till he was kneeling on the ground with both arms behind him held by Trevor himself. ", "Nikolas pointed which the Surrai noticed it was at Trevor and then pointed at Kurpanov.", "\n\nKurpanov growled out while struggling against Trevor's hold \"Impossible, that fool is implying you as a brother.\"", "\n\nNikolas heard Yolly speak \"I heard you two together say to this fool to shut your trap at the same time.\"", "\n\nMal added \"Kazak keeps pointing at Trevor.\"", "\n\nShe gestured a hand at Kazak's stalk which was clearly pointing at Trevor who was still holding Kurpanov. ", "He heard the Surrai mutter among selves and watched a range of emotions on Kurpanov's face as Trevor let go of Kurpanov. ", "Kurpanov got up with grabbing his own arms and rubbing them then the rubbed his head which Nikolas recognized as a confused gesture among the Surrai. ", "He heard booming of thunderstorms thundering overhead to find the Surrai form fear expressions and darted into the ground. ", "Kurpanov stood and went to Nikolas stripping the male of his clothes despite him snarling angry sounds. ", "He ignored the thundering noises booming overhead and forced Nikolas to stand naked. ", "Nikolas snarled some sound and turned around his naked back. ", "Kurpanov forced walked Nikolas towards the group of Humans and Hades gathered around the campfire.", "\n\nKurpanov heard Hades speak \"Nikolas put your arms to the sides.\"", "\n\nNikolas obeyed and felt Hades put his long hair that covered his back parted forward on his shoulders.", "\n\nNikolas spoke \"I've been told that there's writing on my back and no one has bothered to tell me the contents.\"", "\n\nTeorjer signal to Hades and Kurpanov who both nodded their heads, as a loud voice spoke \"That's too bad.\"", "\n\nNikolas heard a whining like sound behind him and used his super speed to turn around towards the whining squealing sound and grabbed the figure.", "\n\nNikolas spoke with his hand on figure's right arm with his right hand gagging the jackal head figure on the neck \"You squealing idiot.\"", "\n\nThe figure with the jackal head spoke \"Nikolas is easily fooled.\"", "\n\nNikolas blinked his golden eyes to see the figure change to a gagging Kurpanov. ", "Nikolas let go of Kurpanov with confusion in his face.", "\n\nNikolas asked \"What the Gods going on?\"", "\n\nKurpanov felt angry gave up a familiar sound of a roar from behind Nikolas and pounced onto the male hitting the ground as he yelled \"Get that thing off of me!\"", "\n\nKurpanov gave up another sound of a roar and punched Nikolas's back who appeared to be dizzy as he lay on his stomach as he lay on the ground. ", "Nikolas lay on the ground groaning in pain before Kurpanov managed to reach a hand to his head and was attempting to snap it.", "\n\nHe heard the Annukai say to Hades \"Give Nikolas the mask.\"", "\n\nHades demanded \"Why?\"", "\n\nThe Annukai responded \"Nikolas is dying.\"", "\n\nNikolas in response threw up and coughing out blood to his disgust. ", "He released Nikolas and went to Hades snarling a growling sound. ", "He felt anger as Hades he barely saw Hades remove his mask which revealed a pale white face of a Highlander.", "\n\nNikolas moaned out whispering \"I won't remember when the mask is on.\"", "\n\nThe Highlander came forward to Nikolas he heard the Annukai speak \"The Humans need you, Nikolas.\"", "\n\nKurpanov gave up a loud roar in response as Hades' suit fell off of him revealing a familiar Highlander he recognized was Shuen Jiang to his disgust.", "\n\nHe gave up a sound of disgust only to hear blaring loudly \"Why so angry Kurpanov?\"", "\n\nKurpanov growled another roar and without a word stomp to his familiar sleeping spot and went underneath forcing himself to sleep despite angrily kept awake. ", "He felt Nikolas change into Hades to his disgust followed by the Highlander sensed manipulating Nikolas' mind to remember.", "\n\nHe came out of the ground roaring with the Surrai to glare at Shuen who ignored his staring to hear from Nikolas \"I need to feed.\"", "\n\nThe Highlander shrugged as Nikolas walked by Nemovsky who spoke \"Feed on me, Nikolas.\"", "\n\nNemovsky gestured with a clawed hand. ", "Nikolas hesitated looking at Kurpanov who had his arms folded with a glare on his face. ", "Standing next to him was Trevor who was frowning. ", "Nikolas looked down at Kazak's stalk and then at Kurpanov.", "\n\nHe heard Trevor say \"Who do you think put the finger in No Face's mouth?\"", "\n\nNikolas looked at Trevor who was pointing with a hand towards a row of Humans standing besides the eater of man surrounded by logs. ", "They stood watching Nikolas some with glares on their faces and arms folded. ", "Nikolas looked at the Highlander who was standing among the Humans with a frown on his face.", "\n\nGroaning some sound, Nikolas spoke \"Have it your way.\"", "\n\nHe hesitantly put a hand on Nemovsky's chest and bit the Surrai's neck sucking till he felt hands on his head then Nikolas licked the puncture marks closed and let go of Nemovsky.", "\n\nNikolas noticed King Winter sitting on a log looking pale with his eyes glazed red of hunger and he spoke \"King Winter feeds the same way as I do.\"", "\n\nKurpanov snarl some sound and Yugadin came forwards to King Winter who weakly stood up. ", "King Winter placed a hand on Yugadin's chest and saw the Surrai's neck swell up as the Cold Lord leaned forward. ", "King Winter bit Yugadin's neck sucking the essence from within then the Cold Lord licked the puncture necks closed and his eyes stopped glazing of red of hunger. ", "King Winter nods his head of thanks towards him.", "\n\nKurpanov speak \"Nikolas, go to the table now.\"", "\n\nTwo Surrai came forwards and took Nikolas' arms and led him out of the clearing. ", "The Surrai led him to a cluster of bushes and then they walked off. ", "Sighing he opened the bushes to see the familiar rocky area with the same stone slabs there.", "\n\nIt was night time and the moon shined as Trevor stood in front of Kurpanov who snarled \"Stand aside.\"", "\n\nThey were in front of the bushes that led to the table where Nikolas kneeled asleep.", "\n\nTrevor spoke as Kurpanov's eyes narrowed \"Use the trees to make them bring Nikolas out. ", "You want him to feed on you again?\"", "\n\nKurpanov's response was to growl some sound and the two Surrai looked through the bushes to see two loose tree branches grabbed Nikolas on the arms that woke up growling.", "\n\nTrevor heard Kurpanov speak \"Nikolas, get your seat over here.\"", "\n\nNikolas got up from the table as the tree branches let go of his arms and he walked out of the table area to face Kurpanov standing next to Trevor surrounded by the other Surrai.", "\n\nTrevor spoke \"What did you do to Kazak? ", "We want to know.\"", "\n\nNikolas replied \"Kazak busted a female belonging to Nikolas.\"", "\n\nTrevor who was looking at Kurpanov with his arms folded, who snarled out \"Oh, does that female live?\"", "\n\nNikolas spoke \"Yes.\"", "\n\nTrevor spoke \"He was controlled by the Ters, the Hadeans.\"", "\n\nKurpanov narrow his eyes at Trevor who added \"The Hadeans, I saw them along with Kazak and Yolly.\"", "\n\nKurpanov turned to look at Yolly who spoke \"I hate to say this, but Trevor's right about the Hadeans, for I saw them too.\"", "\n\nKurpanov exclaimed \"Impossible! ", "I never saw them!\"", "\n\nTrevor spoke \"Your anger makes you blind, Kurpanov.\"", "\n\nKurpanov roared some sound as Trevor calmly added \"Anger can make one blind to things and you know that.\"", "\n\nKurpanov growled out \"Nikolas, go back to sleep.\"", "\n\nNikolas obeyed walking in the table area and kneeled on the table falling asleep. ", "He barely heard the Surrai growling and roaring from his position.", "\n\nKurpanov Kossman admits \"The Surrai appears to has gotten into a fight from the noises Hades hears while sleeping.\"", "\n\nDay light shined rays on the forests. ", "Nikolas walked through the forests towards the large eater. ", "He sat on the log and frowned lost in thought among the Humans milling around.", "\n\nThe Highlander went to sit next to him and he heard the Highlander speak \"The name is Shuen Jiang.\"", "\n\nNikolas nodded his head hearing the Highlander's words.", "\n\nKurpanov arrived in the clearing and walked up to Nikolas that was sitting on a log next to the large eater and ordered \"Open the Gate.\"", "\n\nNikolas groaned as the Highlander standing next to Kurpanov, Shuen Jyang spoke \"Nikolas, please.\"", "\n\nGrumbling Nikolas got up from the log and stood as a yellow globe came from him and surrounded he. ", "He saw Shuen came walking inside the globe with King Winter to stand next to him.", "\n\nShuen again spoke \"The Three elementals will lead the way towards the destination then once there they will leave us.\"", "\n\nNikolas raised the yellow ball and went up following the three elementals' ball.", "\n\n\"Kurpanov didn't take it kindly to Nikolas leaving and freedom of without punishment to what he did to Kazak.\"", "\n\nKurpanov gave up a loud roar in response once Nikolas was gone he disgusted to let the male go free with Shuen. ", "He gave up another roar in response as Yugadin and Nemovsky was sensed grabbing his arms he waved.", "\n\nHe ignored them and heard from Yugadin \"You need to sleep, Kurpanov.\"", "\n\nKurpanov ignored Yugadin and Nemovsky pulling him to the sleeping quarters which he went inside. ", "Kurpanov snarled hearing the gate squeal new visitor spun up from the ground to see a figure with scaly skin all over the body with four horns including a horn on the nose area reminding him of a dinosaur like manoid. ", "Kurpanov snarled some sound hearing the new visitor speak his name along with the names of the other Surrai.", "\n\nKurpanov spoke \"Who is this visitor and how did he know our names?\"", "\n\nThe visitor responded in the same language \"Your Surrai like we used to be.\"", "\n\nKurpanov snarled out \"Used to be Surrai?\"", "\n\nOne of the Humans spoke \"His hands are the same as yours.\"", "\n\nThe visitor held up his clawed hands which the Surrai stared with shock to see it was the same as the Surrai's clawed hands.", "\n\nThe visitor appearing to be Surrai spoke \"We were Surrai before PX5 and his people arrived at our home and changed us. ", "My form is what we Surrai appear now.\"", "\n\nAt the name of PX5, Trevor grumbled in anger, noticed by Kurpanov who spoke \"Kneel and let me read your mind and see for myself.\"", "\n\nThe visitor kneeled and Kurpanov put his clawed hands on the drone's head closing his eyes. ", "The Surrai watched as emotions arrived on Kurpanov's face.", "\n\nThen the Surrai Leader spoke \"What this visitor says is true for I see it clear in his mind. ", "There is also this male named Trian.\"", "\n\nTrevor grumbled in anger roared some sound waving his arms stomping.", "\n\nKurpanov spoke \"Why so upset Trevor-\"\n\nHe was interrupted by a loud voice speaking \"There's a stranger here!\"", "\n\nThe voice repeated the words which Kurpanov yelled \"Elementals, the stranger was Surrai!\"", "\n\nThe group watched as a large ball of the combination water, electricity and wind arrived from the ground into the clearing. ", "The ball dissolved revealing the three elementals that stood in a row staring at the group.", "\n\nThe voice of the elementals spoke in a loud voice \"Come here Kurpanov!\"", "\n\nKurpanov obeyed walking towards the three and kneeled. ", "The group watched as the three put their hands on Kurpanov's head and stared at him.", "\n\nTrevor growled as the voice spoke again \"Trian is your son, Trevor!\"", "\n\nThe others wound up staring at him with a range of emotions on their faces.", "\n\nTrevor angrily spoke \"I do have a son, Trian.\"", "\n\nThe voice of the elementals spoke \"The visitor will take you to your son, Trevor!\"", "\n\nKurpanov stood up and spoke \"Visitor, take him to Trian.\"", "\n\nThe drone nodded his head as Trevor walked forward towards him with Kurpanov walking towards them.", "\n\nOnce reaching the drone, Trevor stood as Kurpanov spoke \"Keep self safe, brother dear.\"", "\n\nTrevor nodded his head and together the drone with Trevor went through the gate.", "\n\nKurpanov wound up kneeling to track Trevor he speaking \"It's hard to make out where he is. ", "He appears to be underground from the gate area he entered and not seeing anything else involving him.\"", "\n\nHe heard \"Kurpanov go to sleep now!\"", "\n\nGroaning Kurpanov got up and went to the sleeping quarters followed by the Surrai which Yugadin and Nemovsky stood firm on having him sleep underground to his disgust. ", "He found himself not sleeping much underground instead kept his stalk out waiting and listening for the gate to sound. ", "The gate sounded new visitor which he was abruptly out of the ground with Yugadin and Nemovsky both stretching their arms as he felt himself tired but shook it off. ", "He went to the gate to find Trevor walking out he stiffened seeing small horns in place of the Surrai's nose and ears sticking out.", "\n\nHe gulped but kept his mouth shut as Trevor gave him a glare of anger and got from his brother \"Don't ask.\"", "\n\nKurpanov obeyed to keep his mouth shut as he followed Trevor going to the sleeping quarters and watched as his brother went into the ground. ", "He heard ahem noises from Yugadin and Nemovsky obeyed to get into the ground but left his stalk out instead of deeply sleeping.", "\n\nKurpanov Kossman doesn't know what else happens to this other than remembers Kurpanov stood in the gated arch clearing glaring at Trevor who was glaring at him back. ", "The gate hummed some sound as the Surrai, Kurpanov and Trevor stood glaring at each other with others milling around them.", "\n\nTrevor spoke \"You ought to learn how to swim, Kurpanov.\"", "\n\nKurpanov snarled out \"I don't need to learn.\"", "\n\nTrevor opened his mouth when there was a loud humming sound heard by the Surrai.", "\n\nKurpanov muttered loudly \"What now?\"", "\n\nHe stomped with Trevor and the other Surrai following towards the clearing through the bushes to where a series of round metal gated arches sat humming away. ", "Kurpanov kneeled and closed his eyes.", "\n\nHe opened his eyes and spoke with anger in his voice \"Eric is blabbing about being called to us to his son.\"", "\n\nKurpanov stood up walking towards the gate.", "\n\nHis way was blocked by Trevor walking in his line of sight who spoke \"Remember what the mind walker said.\"", "\n\nKurpanov made a growling sound as a tree bent down and he pulled the bark off the branches.", "\n\nHe heard Trevor speak \"Kurpanov.\"", "\n\nKurpanov responded \"Trevor, just an idea on keeping Eric's mouth shut.\"", "\n\nHe entered the gate which flashed as he walked through it. ", "Kurpanov walked stepping out of the tub into the room with a glare on his face. ", "He opened the door of the bathroom walking out to see Eric turn his head looking at him.", "\n\nEric spoke \"What are you doing here?\"", "\n\nKurpanov held up a pair of manacles from behind him with one clawed hand and pointed them to Eric while covering his mouth with his other clawed hand, shaking his head.", "\n\nEric spoke \"I speak what I want.\"", "\n\nKurpanov gestured to Ricky pointing with the manacles which Eric growled out \"You leave Ricky out of this.\"", "\n\nKurpanov removed his hand from his mouth and put a finger over it while waving the manacles.", "\n\nEric continued \"Fine.\"", "\n\nKurpanov pointed the manacles to him then turned and entered the bathroom doorway disappearing in a flash of light. ", "The gate flashed as Kurpanov walked through holding the manacles in his hand. ", "The manacles abruptly crumbled as the Surrai watched him.", "\n\nTrevor spoke \"Well, Kurpanov?\"", "\n\nKurpanov opened his mouth to speak when there was a squealing sound coming from the gates heard by the Surrai.", "\n\nTrevor spoke \"The mind walker warned us of this.\"", "\n\nKurpanov Kossman admits \"The warnings were of Eric himself blabbing to someone inappropriate of being Claws despite the talk was to his own son.\"", "\n\nKurpanov stomped his foot and folded his arms with a glare at the gate. ", "He kneeled as the other Surrai watched him.", "\n\nThen Kurpanov got up speaking \"I got an idea.\"", "\n\nThe gate flashed as Kurpanov went through it arriving into the living quarters. ", "People in the room gasped seeing him as he went to the door to the room Eric was kept in and opened the door. ", "He saw Eric stood up looking to see him arrive in the room growling. ", "Eric changed his form to invisible as Kurpanov walked forwards and heard Eric's son gasp. ", "Kurpanov growled some sound as a ball of lightening formed behind him in the open doorway. ", "The Surrai grabbed Eric who appeared from his hidden state and threw him into the doorway. ", "Kurpanov walked through the doorway coming out of a gate to face Nemovsky and Yugadin.", "\n\nHe spoke growling \"You two come with me and help me capture Eric.\"", "\n\nThe gate flashed as the three Surrai went through. ", "The open entrance doorway to the room flashed as Kurpanov came walking through with a glare on his Human like face. ", "He looked to see Eric's form in his hidden state as two other Surrai, Nemovsky and Yugadin appeared from another open doorway into the room. ", "The three Surrai charged at Eric in his hidden state grabbing his form which he appeared held in their grip. ", "Kurpanov growled as Eric struggled growling while being carried by the Surrai through an open doorway with a ball of lightening flashing in it. ", "Kurpanov kept an ironclad grip on Eric who jerked against their hold as the four arrived in the forest from the gate. ", "The Surrai carried Eric pass trees and bushes till they reached a thick tall tree and pushed his back to it. ", "Kurpanov made a growling sound as the tree's roots came up from the earth to surround Eric pining him to the tree trunk.", "\n\nKurpanov walked away with his escorts while hearing Eric yell from behind him \"You're not getting away with what you did to me!\"", "\n\nKurpanov groaned some sound and walked further into the forest till he reached the lake. ", "He kneeled drinking from the lake with his clawed hand from the beach as Nemovsky and Yugadin stood watching him. ", "The Surrai Leader heard Eric yell out words and continued drinking from the lake with the other Surrai. ", "Kurpanov stood up growling and blocked Kazak with a clawed hand.", "\n\nKazak growled out \"Eric's yelling is getting on my nerves, shut him up.\"", "\n\nKurpanov kept his cool and spoke \"Let him yell, Kazak, he'll remain a prisoner till I see fit to free him.\"", "\n\nKazak folded his arms with a glare and spoke \"You trapped that Ter for what?\"", "\n\nKurpanov replied \"Eric was blabbing about being called to us as Night Eyes to his son something I warned him not to say. ", "He must be punished as a warning for this.\"", "\n\nHe got nothing in response from Kazak but the Surrai stomping away. ", "Kurpanov groaned softly and kept on drinking his nourishment as the sun went away showing the moonlight. ", "He sighed and kept on drinking as urged by Yugadin and Nemovsky that refused to budge letting him stop.", "\n\nKurpanov Kossman admits to fully recall Kazak's reaction to Eric's screaming hissy fit as the Meritanians of Shadan called it when they interrupted him speaking the story.", "\n\nKazak stormed towards the tree where Eric was pinned yelling away as the moon shined.", "\n\nHe heard him yell \"Stinking mind walkers always deceiving with their manipulations!\"", "\n\nKazak came walking out of the bushes to stand glaring at him as Eric howled some nonsense sound.", "\n\nKazak advanced towards Eric growling out \"Your yelling is getting on my nerves. ", "Shut up or I'll foot your seat.\"", "\n\nKazak heard Eric growl in response and speak \"Free me and let me return to my world and you won't have to hear me yell.\"", "\n\nKazak snarled out \"I don't have the power to free you like Kurpanov does.\"", "\n\nEric spoke \"You should have the power for you're his son.\"", "\n\nKazak asked \"How can I be his son when he says that I have his face like a brother?\"", "\n\nEric replied \"My son has the same face as mine but has his Mother's eye color.\"", "\n\nKazak stared at Eric with a glare and spoke \"I'll be back. ", "I want to check this out for myself.\"", "\n\nKazak stormed away going into the bushes disappearing from sight. ", "He stomped through the forests till he reached the clearing where the metal gated arches sat to face three Surrai, Kurpanov, Nemovsky and Yugadin standing there blocking his way.", "\n\nKazak growled some sound as Kurpanov spoke \"Where do you think your going Kazak? ", "Go back to the sleeping quarters.\"", "\n\nKazak instead of answering snarled growling as he pointed to a tree and made a come gesture with his hand. ", "The tree slowly bent down towards Kurpanov who caught one of the tree's branches with one hand.", "\n\nKazak failed to see Kurpanov's eyes widen as he ran towards a gate only to be tackled from behind by the Surrai leader who spoke \"Kazak, what did Eric say to you?\"", "\n\nKazak growled struggling as Kurpanov held him in a kneeling position with his arm around the Surrai's neck. ", "The gate flashed as a Surrai, Trevor arrived walking from it.", "\n\nKurpanov spoke \"Brother-\"\n\nKazak interrupted yelling out \"I'm not your brother and stop making me as one!\"", "\n\nKurpanov ordered \"Hold him while I mind scan him.\"", "\n\nNemovsky and Yugadin were quick to obey grabbing Kazak by the arms holding him still in a kneeling position. ", "Kazak struggled as Kurpanov put clawed hands on top of his head and jerked feeling a headache as the Surrai Leader scanned his mind. ", "Kazak felt Kurpanov release his head as Nemovsky and Yugadin let go of him.", "\n\nKazak stood up to face Kurpanov who spoke \"Don't you dare leave, Kazak.\"", "\n\nKazak growled some sound as he heard a sound and looked to see his Mother the Surrai female Mal standing nearby hissing.", "\n\nHe stomped towards a gate as Kurpanov spoke \"I said don't you dare leave, my son.\"", "\n\nKazak froze hearing the words and bowed his head as he felt a clawed hand on his shoulder and heard Kurpanov speak again \"Don't leave, my son, and that's an order, Kazak.\"", "\n\nKazak growled some sound and walked away from the gate with the Surrai following him. ", "He walked through mazes of bushes and trees till he reached dirt clearing where grass stalks were peeking out of the ground scattered. ", "Kazak went into the earth ground which closed up behind him. ", "Kurpanov stood and stomped towards Mal who stopped her hissing.", "\n\nHe grabbed her by the neck and spoke \"You led me to believe that our son was a brother.\"", "\n\nMal gagged out \"You were too blind full of anger to see this.\"", "\n\nHe got restrained by Yugadin and Nemovsky who got him to free Mal as she bent down coughing. ", "He kept on growling angrily while struggling in the hands' grips of his two escorts only to spot Trevor with his horns more prominent and skin looking scaly walk out of the bushes giving him a glare of accusation with his facial expression and golden eyes. ", "Kurpanov gulped but didn't protest as the two escorts got him inside for the night which he wound up roaring loudly while inside out of anger a roar that seemed relentless. ", "Kurpanov came out of the ground with a roar among the Surrai who came out roaring.", "\n\nHe stood watching Kazak come out of the ground and spoke \"Surrai stay.\"", "\n\nThe Surrai stood watching Kurpanov who added \"That means you too Trevor.\"", "\n\nHe looked to see Trevor standing with his back to the group who turned around while looking angry.", "\n\nKurpanov spoke \"Ander and Trevor switch sleeping spots for Ander escorts the female with Yolly.\"", "\n\nHe paused to watch Trevor stomp towards Ander who walked by him towards Mal.", "\n\nKurpanov spoke \"No leaving for you Trevor and that's an order.\"", "\n\nTrevor halted to glare at him who added \"You're too sick to leave, Trevor.\"", "\n\nKurpanov frowned as Trevor roared and charged at him who grabbed the charging Surrai by grabbing his arms twisting them behind him and putting him in a kneeling position.", "\n\nHe spoke as he adjusted his hold on Trever's arms with one arm and laid a clawed hand on his head \"Kazak, my son, come here.\"", "\n\nKurpanov heard muttering among the Surrai as Kazak came walking up to him.", "\n\nKurpanov spoke \"Kazak, this is my brother Trevor.\"", "\n\nHe paused to add \"Trevor, your female needs you but not when you're sick. ", "So no leaving till you're at full strength. ", "Liam, Ian, will escort Trevor and keep him from leaving without an order from me. ", "That's an order and I expect it obeyed.\"", "\n\nKurpanov let go of Trevor and stood up as two Surrai, Liam and Ian walked forward to grab Trevor.", "\n\nKurpanov spoke \"Surrai, go except my son.\"", "\n\nThe Surrai turned around walking into the forest as Liam and Ian left pulling Trevor between them.", "\n\nKurpanov spoke again \"Kazak come along.\"", "\n\nHe led the way walking in the forest with Nemovsky and Yugadin besides him with Kazak taking up the rear. ", "The Surrai reached the tree where Eric was kept prisoner.", "\n\nKurpanov spoke \"Kazak, my son, lets see you free Eric.\"", "\n\nHe stood as Kazak walked forwards towards Eric whose head was bowed with eyes closed. ", "Kurpanov watched as Kazak made pull motions with his hands several times. ", "The tree roots surrounding Eric fell off as he raised his head and opened his eyes to stand facing the Surrai.", "\n\nKurpanov frowned and spoke \"Well appears Kazak, my son has the power but it seems a little weak. ", "A little work and maybe the power will get stronger.\"", "\n\nThe Surrai Leader paused and continued \"Eric, keep your mouth shut about being Night Eyes unless I order you to talk. ", "Don't talk to anyone except Surrai about being Night Eyes, for I'll know about it.\"", "\n\nKurpanov added while hearing Eric growled loudly \"Let's get you, Eric to the gate. ", "Your son needs you. ", "Lead the way Kazak.\"", "\n\nKazak walked forwards leading the way with Eric following as Kurpanov and his escorts followed them through the forest till they reach a clearing where metal gated arches sat. ", "He saw Kazak gestured with a hand towards the gate and Eric walked through it which flashed behind him. ", "Kurpanov walked away ignoring Yugadin and Nemovsky felt tapping him on the shoulder.", "\n\nHe grunted an annoyed sound and spoke \"What now?\"", "\n\nHe glared at his escorts that without a word walked away from him while gesturing him to follow. ", "He obeyed walking around the gates' arches to find one opposite from the one Eric entered was a Surrai standing staring at the gate with a zoned out expression on his face. ", "Kurpanov came up to the gate to see the Surrai he recognized as Yuri standing there staring at the arch.", "\n\nHe spoke \"Nemovsky, Yugadin, restrain Yuri now.\"", "\n\nHe stood as his escorts were quick to obey grabbing Yuri who struggled in their grip as he mind scanned the Surrai.", "\n\nHe groaned once done mind scanning and without a word towards Yuri spoke to his escorts \"Just hold him. ", "He's got a female he needs to be paired with. ", "I'll have to go and make sure the pairing happens.\"", "\n\nKurpanov gave Yuri a glare and walked through the gate. ", "He came out of a doorway entering a hallway and went to the double doors slamming them open. ", "He saw Eric and others spun around to face him standing in front of the doors. ", "Kurpanov pointed a clawed finger at Eric with his other hand shaking his ear then pointed towards the doorway and gestured.", "\n\nEric spoke \"Brianna, they want to talk to me alone.\"", "\n\nKurpanov left the room and stood outside in the hallway with arms folded as Eric came out to stand in front of him with a narrowed eyed glare.", "\n\nKurpanov spoke \"You have one of the colors of the sunset hair female hidden here, so reveal her.\"", "\n\nHe heard Eric snarled some sound and speak \"I refuse to do that.\"", "\n\nKurpanov snarled out \"I haven't forgotten you clawing me on the chest with your claws and neither have my people. ", "They haven't retaliated against you for I haven't given the order.\"", "\n\nEric growled loudly as Kurpanov paused and then continued speaking \"My people will obey me without question. ", "All I have to do is give them the order and they'll do it. ", "So reveal that hidden female.\"", "\n\nKurpanov walked away from him and went into one of the open bedroom doorways and came out of the gate to stand in the moonlight staring at Yuri struggling in the grips of Nemovsky and Yugadin. ", "Shaking his head he stared at the gate listening. ", "He heard the gate made a squeal sound and folded his arms walking through it. ", "He came out of a doorway entrance to see standing in the hallway was Eric with a glare on his face and a female with long hair one of the colors of the sunset standing next to him with a wide eyed look on her face.", "\n\nHe heard Eric growl loudly seeing him as the female spoke \"The man looks like him but with a different face and has your color hair.\"", "\n\nKurpanov nodded his head, turned and walked through the doorway appearing out of the gate as the moon shined. ", "He stood facing Yugadin and Nemovsky restraining an angry Yuri who struggled against their grips on his arms.", "\n\nYuri roared out \"You're not keeping me from her!\"", "\n\nKurpanov heard blaring in his mind \"It's Merra. ", "I'm telling you that Yuri and Lana must touch hands or they die for their destined as mates.\"", "\n\nKurpanov frowns at this but Merra added \"I'll manipulate Lana to be alone for Yuri to go to her and will tell you when to let Yuri through the gate.\"", "\n\nKurpanov groaned hearing Yuri still roaring out his familiar comment. ", "He waited impatiently for Merra's signal hearing her speak a now comment in his mind.", "\n\nKurpanov spoke \"Just let Yuri go through the gate now! ", "I'll track him.\"", "\n\nHe found his escorts obeying and tracked Yuri coming out of a doorway entering a room where Lana is standing with a range of emotions on her face. ", "He watched as Yuri and Lana's hands touch each other followed by hugs and saw Yuri lean his head down kissing Lana on the mouth which is broken off. ", "He heard Yuri speak his name along with Lana speaking her name then Yuri left her entering through the doorway of the room which Kurpanov stood up. ", "He watched as Yuri with a smirk on his face walks away following him to the sleeping spot and sees Yuri enter it. ", "Kurpanov and Nemovsky and Yugadin enter the ground to sleep in it as Kurpanov again doesn't sleep much. ", "Kurpanov stood there facing Shuen with a glare on his face. ", "The sun was slowly rising from the horizon.", "\n\nHe spoke \"Your free to go anywhere you want here but not through the gates or I will order the Surrai to bust Ters.\"", "\n\nHe saw Shuen narrow his eyes as the Highlander spoke \"What's the point of keeping me here to drive Eric insane?\"", "\n\nKurpanov stomped forwards and grabbed Shuen on the neck gagging him.", "\n\nHe spoke \"This is personal. ", "It's between me and Eric.\"", "\n\nKurpanov let go of Shuen's neck who coughed and he walked away from the Highlander followed by his escorts. ", "He reached the lake to see Yuri standing at the edge that walked up to him and blocked his way.", "\n\nKurpanov spoke \"What do you want Yuri?\"", "\n\nYuri replied \"The sunset colored haired female.\"", "\n\nKurpanov growled out \"Go through the gate and get her, Yuri.\"", "\n\nHe saw Yuri's face turn into a frown as he spoke \"I was raised by people who have a strong tradition of asking the female's Father for his blessing to mate with her. ", "Since her Father is busted I have to ask Eric for her.\"", "\n\nKurpanov narrowed his eyes and spoke \"Yuri, who do you, think you are, Surrai or Ter? ", "Go get that female if you want her.\"", "\n\nHe pointed a clawed hand at the direction where the gates lay and added \"I expect you back with that female before the sun goes down. ", "Don't come back alone or I'll dunk you in the water.\"", "\n\nKurpanov stared at Yuri who growled walking in the direction he pointed and he continued speaking \"That's an order, Yuri.\"", "\n\nKurpanov watched as Yuri spun around and charged at him with fists. ", "Kurpanov grabbed Yuri by the arm spinning him around and grabbed his other arm pulling them behind the Surrai's back while forcing him to kneel.", "\n\nHe heard Yuri growl out \"I would rather be dunked than take that female for mating without asking her brother for his blessing.\"", "\n\nKurpanov let go of Yuri who quickly stood up to face him with anger on his face.", "\n\nHe stared at Yuri who spoke in a growling tone \"I can't take the female without her brother Eric's blessing. ", "Eric, I'm aware of is insane thanks to that mind walker you brought here mind walking in his head from making him Night Eyes.\"", "\n\nKurpanov folded his arms as Yuri paused to walk towards the lake edge and kneeled scooping up the water with a hand drinking.", "\n\nHe stared at the Surrai who added speaking from breaks of drinking from the lake \"I want Eric's blessing to mate with his sister. ", "I'm not doing this without his blessing.\"", "\n\nKurpanov frowned and heard a loud ringing noise coming from the gates which he spoke \"A new visitor, a Ter has arrived courtesy of Merra.\"", "\n\nHe kneeled closing his eyes and concentrated on the visitor who was walking in the forest. ", "Kurpanov saw through his mind's eye was a female wearing day sky colored clothing and long night sky colored hair down her back. ", "The female he saw was met by an Annukai female who gestured her to follow her. ", "Kurpanov growled seeing the Annukai lead the female towards the Surrai sleeping quarters where an eater was burning away in surrounded by rocks with logs around it. ", "Kurpanov saw sitting on the logs was Shuen who was frowning. ", "He opened his eyes and got up walking followed by his escorts towards the sleeping quarters to see the female sitting on a log. ", "Kurpanov saw her stand up when she saw him.", "\n\nHe heard Shuen speak \"Kurpanov, leader of the Surrai, this is Brianna, Eric's mate. ", "Tell her why you're doing this to Eric.\"", "\n\nKurpanov growled loudly as Brianna spoke \"I deserve to know.\"", "\n\nHe stomped towards her as she continued with a begging tone \"Please tell me why you are doing this to Eric? ", "Why?\"", "\n\nKurpanov stood in front of Brianna towering over her and growled out \"I'll tell you, Eric is my brother.\"", "\n\nHe heard her gasp hearing his words as he continued speaking \"We do share the same parent as another Surrai named Trevor who is also our brother too.\"", "\n\nKurpanov folded his arms as Shuen spoke \"Kurpanov, you planned this insanity of making Eric, Claws. ", "I can see it clearly in your mind that you wanted to use him as an assumed leader among us, Ters. ", "Oh you used him alright, except it backfired when he clawed you on the chest for threatening her.\"", "\n\nKurpanov gave Shuen a glare as he turned his head to face Brianna he felt her hand slap him on the cheek hard followed by her angrily speaking \"I was sad when Eric went missing and I was glad when Merra returned him. ", "I'm still sad for I lost my Eric, the caring mate who showed affection in his eyes when he sees me. ", "Instead I have an Eric who has anger in his eyes and is consumed by his hatred towards what was done to him.\"", "\n\nKurpanov glared at Brianna who added speaking \"I'm begging you, Kurpanov, release Eric from his anger. ", "Let my Eric be free to show that look I wanted in his eyes whenever he sees me.\"", "\n\nKurpanov opened his mouth and heard Shuen speak \"You being his brother will come out anyway. ", "You can't keep secrets around here with a mind walking plant named Merra who'll talk.\"", "\n\nKurpanov turned his head and gave Shuen a glare as he spoke \"Shuen, I expect you to teach Brianna how to return through the gate.\"", "\n\nHe turned his head towards Brianna and spoke \"You're that witness I told Eric to bust which he didn't do. ", "I expect you gone through that gate by the time the sun is down or I will bust you.\"", "\n\nKurpanov heard Shuen speak \"Bust is another term for kill among the Surrai.\"", "\n\nThen he heard Shuen added \"Kurpanov, I hear Merra talking and she isn't happy with you. ", "She said that she's tempted to manipulate people like she did before and won't hesitate to do again. ", "Merra means it for I can hear the firmness in her voice.\"", "\n\nKurpanov growled as Brianna spoke \"I'm not leaving till you agree to free Eric from this insanity.\"", "\n\nHe charged at Brianna grabbing her and hauled the female over his shoulder.", "\n\nHe heard her yell words repeatedly said as she banged her fists on his back \"You bastard, you hurt my Eric!\"", "\n\nKurpanov carried her towards the gates and entered one entering the rugged room from the doorway entrance where he threw her down on the floor. ", "He could see No Face standing to the side watching them.", "\n\nKurpanov turned and walked away when he heard her scream out \"Kurpanov, you bastard!\"", "\n\nHe roared spinning around charging towards her form lying on the floor and felt a fist hit him in the face knocking him towards the floor. ", "His last sight was of No Face standing over him growling before bringing a fist in into his face.", "\n\nKurpanov Kossman remembers the Surrai's reaction to Kurpanov being put unconscious by Hades. ", "Kazak paced in front of the gate as nearby were Nemovsky and Yugadin. ", "The gate gave out a wailing like sound as Kazak paced. ", "The three Surrai saw Trevor alone walk towards a gate with a scowl on his face.", "\n\nKazak watched as Trevor went into the gate which flashed and then the gate flashed as the Surrai reappeared speaking \"The Ters captured Kurpanov.\"", "\n\nKazak frowned as Nemovsky and Yugadin entered the gate. ", "Kazak paced waiting as the sun lowered itself in the sky. ", "Nemovsky and Yugadin came out groaning hands on their stomachs which they fell towards the ground moaning loudly.", "\n\nKazak grabbed them speaking \"What happened to Father and yourself?\"", "\n\nNemovsky moaned out \"The way to Kurpanov has been blocked by Ters who are using their weapons to keep us away.\"", "\n\nKazak heard Trevor howl as Liam and Ian arrived in the clearing.", "\n\nTrevor spoke \"Liam, Ian, takes these two to the drinking spot.\"", "\n\nKazak took off running towards the sleeping quarters. ", "He arrived to see Shuen sitting on a log grumbling.", "\n\nKazak spoke \"Shuen, your coming with me. ", "The Ters have captured Kurpanov and I want to exchange you for him.\"", "\n\nShuen was quick to get up and followed Kazak towards the gate clearing where they both went through a gate to arrive in a tan hallway from a wide open doorway. ", "Kazak looked to see a Highlander wearing a dark sky colored uniform standing in front of closed doors on his right at the end of the hallway. ", "The two ran up to the Highlander who opened the door to face another Highlander dressed like the first one. ", "The uniformed Highlander led the way down the stairs towards a doorway with a figure in similar uniform standing in it. ", "Kazak followed the Highlanders through a hallway and reached a doorway leading to a large room with rugged floors. ", "Kazak looked around to see Kurpanov lying on the floor unconscious. ", "He ran towards Kurpanov as Shuen went to an open doorway in the wall entering it. ", "Kazak picked up Kurpanov holding him in his arms and swatted his Father on the face. ", "He frowned panicking as Kurpanov failed to respond and gripped his Father in a hug shaking him. ", "Kazak panicking howled the Surrai distress call while holding Kurpanov in his arms. ", "He according to Kurpanov Kossman was unaware of a war in Kurpanov's mind regarding one Eric Zesky between him and Merra. ", "Kurpanov was dreaming of an endless body of water that was followed by a night sky colored plant flower rising up from the water.", "\n\nHe heard a voice speak in female tones \"I am called Merra who is not happy with you Kurpanov.\"", "\n\nKurpanov in his head frowned as Merra continued speaking \"Your brother, Eric is capable of taking care of himself with the help of his female and children. ", "His female and his children need him and you will let Eric go free or suffer my wrath.\"", "\n\nKurpanov growled in his mind as Merra spoke \"Kazak has freed the Highlander to free Eric but you are still in Eric's mind blocking the way. ", "You will release Eric now.\"", "\n\nKurpanov in his mind spoke \"Why should I free Eric? ", "He's my brother who should be contained.\"", "\n\nHe heard Merra speak in an angry tone \"Kurpanov, you should be contained for what you did to the Surrai when you were angry. ", "You caused a tree to land on the food water source making them sick which they would have busted from this.\"", "\n\nKurpanov groaned inwardly in his mind as Merra continued \"You will free Eric now or suffer the fact that I can keep you in this state making your son more upset. ", "He is howling the Surrai distress call for he can't wake you up.\"", "\n\nKurpanov growled as his mind's eye view changed to show him standing in front of a door with doors on the sides some opened and some closed. ", "Facing him was Shuen who was walking towards him with hands in fists. ", "He heard a howling sound of a Surrai crying in distress and recognized the voice as Kazak. ", "Kurpanov groaned mentally removing himself from Eric's mind and felt himself back in his body held by Kazak who was howling. ", "He shook his head as Kazak stopped his howling and felt his son patting his face with a clawed hand. ", "Kurpanov forced open his eyes to stare at Kazak who stood up pulling him to a standing position. ", "He saw a flash of light out of the corners of his eyes and looked to see Yuri walking from an open doorway in the room. ", "Kurpanov felt Kazak wrap an arm around him as Yuri came forwards to them and put an arm around his shoulders. ", "He didn't protest as the two escorted him through the doorway and came out of a gate. ", "Kurpanov exhaled air as the two Surrai led him towards the lake where Nemovsky and Yugadin were there gulping water from their hands. ", "Kurpanov kneeled and scooped the water with both hands and drank as he felt Kazak rub a hand on his shoulder.", "\n\nHe didn't protest as he again was forced to go underground to sleep despite staying awake in there till he heard from Merra \"Nighty night Kurpanov.\"", "\n\nKurpanov groaned and passed out unconscious as his twin Kurpanov Kossman added to the story of when he woke up groaning loudly contained in a padded room to meet Alexei and confirm his identity. ", "He came to waking up lying in a padded room wearing nothing but shorts on his form and black gloves on his hands. ", "He saw his legs and feet were bare which he felt confusion running through him. ", "He groaned loudly to look at his hands that were gloved which he took one off to look at. ", "He saw it was similar to his clawed hand but his nose sensed some substance in them which he felt confusion persisted. ", "He put on the glove back on and spied a toilet with a sink over it and a mirror which he got up and went to it. ", "Kurpanov widen his eyes of shock seeing Eric's face staring back at him as he recalled Alexei calling him by Eric's name when he was gagging the male before fainting. ", "He eyed his hair to see its shoulder length in the color black he shocked on knowing the color. ", "He found his hair wasn't golden colored to his shock including wearing the familiar Surrai pants. ", "Kurpanov put a hand to cover his eyes and groaned loudly. ", "He sensed padded treads coming towards him which he looked on his right to see Alexei walking towards him from an open doorway in the room.", "\n\nHe heard from Alexei \"Eric?\"", "\n\nKurpanov spoke hearing his voice sound like his own \"No, Kurpanov, not Eric.\"", "\n\nHe saw confusion and shock on Alexei's face who stared at him before speaking \"I could have you tested but unfortunately our medical doctor is out of commission and the medical personal isn't qualified for that so they can't test you yet.\"", "\n\nKurpanov groaned loudly then spoke \"Alexei what was I doing coming from a tube?\"", "\n\nHe stared at Alexei who appeared to compose himself before speaking \"Your creation was due to the medical doctor who's out of commission like I said which I'll explain later. ", "I must add that the file on the tube shows that Eric's hair and Kurpanov's blood were mixed together and put in the tube which grew into what I'm seeing in front of me which is Eric with long hair sounding like Kurpanov's voice when speaking.\"", "\n\nKurpanov spoke \"I remember waking up in the tube and felt that thing lower itself before thrusting me out. ", "I also remember a life as Kurpanov living on some alien world called Terrania as a member of species called Surrai.\"", "\n\nHe frowned while eyeing Alexei who spoke \"I see from the looks of you that you're appearing to be ok so come with me while I get you to where you're to get clothes on.\"", "\n\nKurpanov obeyed to follow Alexei through the Zesky hospital he recognized was still the same as before.", "\n\nHe frowned as he followed Alexei to a room and got told \"I advise you to avoid showering. ", "Water acts like poison to Eric once it touches his skin.\"", "\n\nKurpanov groaned softly hearing that as Alexei added \"You'll find clothes in the dressers. ", "I'm still trying to get a medical doctor with qualifications into here to test you and give us results ASAP. ", "Sorry our former medical doctor has been declared insane with lunacy. ", "Hence she currently locked up at the moment.\"", "\n\nHe sighed and didn't comment as Alexei left the room which he went to the dresser and pulled out some clothes he found were sweats in blue.", "\n\nHe grunted out \"Oh for crying out loud!\"", "\n\nKurpanov went into the bathroom carrying the clothes which he put onto the sink counter. ", "He stripped himself of the shorts and turned the shower water on and with an exhale of a breath got himself inside underneath the spray. ", "He felt a fainting feeling hitting him as he allowed the water to spray down over him. ", "Kurpanov felt confusion hitting him as he continued to feel faint to his confusion. ", "He felt dizziness shook his head and found his knees refused to hold him up anymore fell onto his seat. ", "Kurpanov groaned softly as he sat on the tub's floor and leaned back shutting his eyes as if compelled to hear the shower water turn off along with voices speaking in a panicky voice tone. ", "He didn't register the words instead felt himself passing out unconscious to dream of a memory.", "\n\nKurpanov Kossman on admittance said \"The memory is of Eric's point of view while in Terrania.\"", "\n\nEric stood in the bedroom watching Brianna go into the bathroom. ", "He waited listening as the shower went on and quickly left the bedroom running out into the hallway. ", "He ran towards the stairs and went down them running. ", "Reaching the last stairs he saw the door to the tube room and pressed a hand on the monitor which the door opened. ", "Eric walked inside went to a monitor on his left in the wall with his back to the door and pressed a button.", "\n\nHe watched as the monitor went forwards pulling out the tube and put a hand on his glove as the door to the room opened followed by Kurpanov's voice speaking \"That's pathetic, Eric, really pathetic. \"", "\n\nEric froze as Kurpanov continued speaking voice coming nearer to him \"You, my own brother going in a tube all because of some tantrums you can't stand or control. ", "Brianna would destroy herself if you went in the tube.\"", "\n\nEric stood frozen hearing Kurpanov's words as he felt a clawed hand on his shoulder as Kurpanov added \"Yes, we're brothers along with Trevor. ", "You, Trevor and I share the same parent. ", "What I did to you was to protect you as my brother which you didn't need.\"", "\n\nHe felt the taller than himself, Kurpanov's other hand touch the top of his head stroking as the Surrai paused and then heard him spoke again \"I was on the stairway when I saw Alexei and others came down the stairs carrying a sleeping you tied to a stretcher. ", "Brianna was there and she was begging Alexei not to put you in the tube.\"", "\n\n\"I heard her words as she said repeatedly over and over \"Don't put Eric in the tube! ", "I need him!\"", "\n\n\"I followed the group as they reached this room. ", "I saw them place you in the tube and watched as Brianna threw herself on top of you lying on the tube bed.\"", "\n\n\"The men escorting Alexei had to take her off restraining her as she screamed 'I need Eric, I need him!'\"", "\n\n\"I watched as Alexei locked you in the tube and him yell at her hearing his words 'You will cease this behavior, Brianna! ", "You have children who need their mother and you will take care of them!'\"", "\n\n\"The men hauled her still screaming out of the room as I stood watching Alexei who spoke in a calmer tone to me 'Poor Eric, your brother has those angry rages and there's nothing in the world that can help him stop himself from attacking people. ", "Believe me Kurpanov, I've tried.'\"", "\n\n\"He walked out of the room and I stood there thinking 'You're wrong Alexei, there is something that can stop Eric when he has his angry rages and I'll find out what it is which I have.'\"", "\n\nEric stood feeling Kurpanov's hands rubbing his shoulders as the Surrai paused from talking.", "\n\nHe lowered his hands as he heard Kurpanov speak \"You during your angry rages attack people because you can sense fear from them and your angry state hate the emotion so they wound up as your victims. ", "You never hurt Brianna because she isn't afraid of you and helps you.\"", "\n\nEric stiffened feeling the rages arrive and put his hands on his head growling loudly. ", "He barely felt Kurpanov's arms wrapped around his chest from behind as he lowered his hands roaring loudly. ", "Eric jerked struggling against Kurpanov's tight grip as the anger coursed through him. ", "He felt a hand over his eyes on his face blocking his eyes sight and groaned loudly while feeling the anger leave him. ", "Eric relaxed feeling Kurpanov's arm still around his chest as his other hand was on his face covering his eyes. ", "Eric sighed with his eyes closed as Kurpanov lowered his hand from covering his eyes.", "\n\nHe heard Kurpanov speak \"One of my people called by the name of Yuri is Lana's mate. ", "He has been visiting Lana in her quarters and will at my orders meet the others. ", "I thought I'll let you know of this.\"", "\n\nEric nodded his head as he felt Kurpanov pull him towards the doorway and didn't resist as he heard a sound and opened his eyes to find himself back in his bedroom. ", "Eric could hear the hair dryer running from the bathroom as Kurpanov released him rubbing a clawed hand on his head. ", "He stared at the Surrai who walked away through the open bedroom doorway disappearing in a flash of light. ", "Kurpanov admits while groaning from feeling a feeling of sickness hitting him that felt like his muscles were on fire and refused to move for him while in the shower. ", "He grunted an annoyed sound feeling a hand gripping his gloved hand during his talk to the recorder Alexei seen holding his hand. ", "He jerked open his eyes shaking of apparent dizziness to find Alexei holding his hand.", "\n\nHe frowned as Alexei spoke \"So what do you remember of being Eric anyway?\"", "\n\nKurpanov spoke \"His life interactions with Kurpanov on this planetary world of Terrania.\"", "\n\nHe frowned as Alexei squeezed his hand gently followed by the male speaking \"Just tell me what you remembered for our records.\"", "\n\nHe obeyed to speak from a memory of Eric fully in his mind as said via recorder device. ", "Eric moved his head to stare at the wall and heard the doctor leave the room gently closing the door. ", "Frowning he got up and went to the bathroom closing the door behind him. ", "Eric stared at the mirror and leaned against the sink under the mirror with a frown. ", "He jerked his head putting his gloved hands on his face as he felt the rages arrived and growled loudly. ", "Eric barely felt an arm wrap around his chest and lowered his hands as a hand covered his eyes. ", "He struggled against the holder's arm grip while growling loudly and sighed as the anger left him.", "\n\nEric relaxed against the holder and heard Kurpanov's voice speaking \"Poor Eric, the others shouldn't have outcast you. ", "I'll see that they'll accept you if I have to use force.\"", "\n\nEric groaned loudly as the Surrai Leader continued speaking \"Don't worry about them. ", "They don't know what a sick man Palin was. ", "He deserved to be busted.\"", "\n\nHe sighed as Kurpanov released him and felt the Surrai rub a hand on his hair.", "\n\nKurpanov added \"Yes, Palin ordered many things that were cruel enough for him to earn that name Emperor Executioner. ", "I'll have Yuri tell the others about Palin and his insanity. ", "They should be able to accept you then.\"", "\n\nEric frowned as Kurpanov pulled him out of the bathroom and looked to see Robb standing in the room with a frown as the Surrai led him to the bed. ", "Eric got on the bed and watched Kurpanov leave disappearing in a flash of light through the bathroom doorway. ", "Kurpanov added to the recording Alexei's reaction and his words to Eric knowing Kurpanov as his brother.", "\n\nKurpanov spoke as Alexei gasped \"Eric knows that Kurpanov is his brother. ", "Kurpanov revealed that to him.\"", "\n\nHe frowned while eyeing Alexei who spoke \"Anything else you remembered?\"", "\n\nHe frowned as he heard in his mind \"That's enough of the talk now smarty!\"", "\n\nKurpanov frowned hearing the voice a male reminded him of a Meritanian as he continued to hear \"It's Tank. ", "Quit that talk on Eric now. ", "Just lie to Alexei that you don't remember and sleep now or else I'll dump you into the ocean.\"", "\n\nHe obeyed to find Alexei letting go of his hand and without a word rolled over putting his back to the male and shut his eyes.", "\n\nHe heard from Alexei speaking \"Eric is my son who I value.\"", "\n\nKurpanov gulped but refrained from gasping out loud of shock as Alexei was sensed leaving him as he found himself passing out unconscious by the sleepiness hitting him to again dream of another scene. ", "Kurpanov sat kneeling in front of the lake with eyes closed. ", "The sun was shining high in the sky. ", "Nemovsky and Yugadin were sitting cross legged besides him. ", "He sensed Yuri kneel drinking from the lake nearby.", "\n\nKurpanov spoke \"Yuri, you have my blessing.\"", "\n\nHe opened his eyes turning his head to look at Yuri who stared at him with a questioningly look on his face water dripping from his hand.", "\n\nKurpanov spoke again \"Eric is my brother whose sister is also my sister. ", "We share the same parent but I am the oldest. ", "Go mate with her, you have my blessing.\"", "\n\nKurpanov turned his head away and closed his eyes. ", "He heard Yuri growl and saw in his mind's eye the Surrai stand up with fisted hands stomping towards him. ", "Nemovsky was quick to get up to stand blocking Yuri's way.", "\n\nYuri spoke \"You better flaunt your swimming or I won't accept you as leader.\"", "\n\nKurpanov sensed Yuri walk away and followed him in his mind's eye running to the sleeping quarters. ", "Yuri he saw cupped his hands together and roared a sound.", "\n\nKurpanov hearing Yuri's roar spoke \"Ignore it, that's an order.\"", "\n\nHe heard Nemovsky and Yugadin grumble and sensed them sit cross legged next to him. ", "Kurpanov watched in his mind's eye as other Surrai arrived at the sleeping quarters clearing with questioningly looks on their faces. ", "He eavesdropped on the conversation said hearing their words and watched the situation.", "\n\nYuri spoke \"Kurpanov admitted to me that Eric is his brother.\"", "\n\nSurrai around him grumbled as Trevor threw up his hands and spoke \"Ah another surprise.\"", "\n\nLiam next to him spoke \"Why don't you go through the gate, Trevor, and visit your female?\"", "\n\nTrevor snapped at him \"Not when I'm sick.\"", "\n\nIan on the other side of Trevor spoke \"That explains why Kurpanov refused to let us retaliate against Eric scratching him on the chest. ", "Kurpanov is his brother and is protecting Eric. ", "I think I should challenge Kurpanov for leadership.\"", "\n\nThere were murmurs of agreements among the Surrai.", "\n\nMal standing with Ander and Yolly besides her spoke \"Surrai get Kurpanov here and whoever foots his seat is the leader who I'll mate with.\"", "\n\nAnder besides her asked \"Nemovsky and Yugadin?\"", "\n\nMal spoke with a tone Kurpanov recognized as sarcasm \"Easily defeated. ", "Foot their seats and Kurpanov will have no support defending him when you all challenge him.\"", "\n\nTrevor spoke \"I'll go he'll listen to me as his brother.\"", "\n\nHe left the clearing escorted by Liam and Ian. ", "Kurpanov at the moment opened his eyes and stood up with a glare on his face as his escorts stood up.", "\n\nHe heard Merra's voice speaking in his mind \"Stop it, Kurpanov. ", "Anger makes one blind to seeing things.\"", "\n\nKurpanov growled and dived into the water followed by Nemovsky and Yugadin. ", "He swam from the shore and floated on his back as his escorts treaded floating next to him.", "\n\nAn idea came to his mind and Kurpanov spoke \"Nemovsky, Yugadin, something you must do for me and that's an order.\"", "\n\nHe told them the order who nodded their heads and the three waited as Trevor arrived at the lake with two Surrai.", "\n\nKurpanov heard Trevor on the shore yell \"Get over here I want to talk to you!\"", "\n\nKurpanov obeyed swimming over to the shore followed by his escorts and climbed out of the water with them to stand next to Trevor whose arms were folded.", "\n\nTrevor spoke \"You're wanted at the sleeping quarters. ", "The Surrai want to talk to you.\"", "\n\nKurpanov formed his face into an angry look and spoke with an angry tone \"Fine. ", "Let's see what they want.\"", "\n\nHe walked away followed by the Surrai walking through the forest passing trees and bushes till they reached the Surrai sleeping quarters. ", "Kurpanov frowned inwardly seeing Surrai standing gathered around with anger on their faces. ", "Mal he saw with a smirk on her face was sitting on a log with Kazak frowning sitting besides her.", "\n\nHe walked to stand in the middle of the Surrai group and spoke \"What's going on here?\"", "\n\nKurpanov heard grunts and groans from behind him and he looked to see Nemovsky and Yugadin lying on the ground groaning in pain. ", "Out of the corners of his eyes he saw Trevor walk to the log Mal was sitting on and sat down next to Kazak.", "\n\nKurpanov spoke \"I said what's going on here?\"", "\n\nSurrai around him roared the challenge roar as one yelled in an angry tone \"I'm challenging you for leadership!\"", "\n\nHe heard the other Surrai echo the yeller's comment all in angry tones and held up his hands fisting them thinking to himself \"I don't think so.\"", "\n\nKurpanov Kossman doesn't remember anything else on recording despite Alexei asking him \"What happened next?\"", "\n\nThe sun shined reaching the horizon as Kurpanov stood with arms folded with a glare on his face. ", "Scattered around him lying groaning on the ground were Surrai. ", "Kurpanov exhaled air as he saw Trevor get up from the log walking to stand next to him.", "\n\nTrevor made a Surrai sound of disgust and spoke \"What a shame. ", "Surrai should know that anger a powerful emotion can make them blind to seeing things.\"", "\n\nKurpanov shook his head and lowered his arms as Mal got up from the log and walked towards them.", "\n\nKurpanov frowned as Mal reaching him, grabbed his hand speaking \"I chose you to mate with.\"", "\n\nHe exhaled air as Mal pulled him out of the clearing and nothing was said on their mating behaviors or anything according to Kurpanov Kossman. ", "Kurpanov Kossman adds reactions from Kazak. ", "Kazak got up from the log to stand next to Trevor with a frown on his face. ", "He stared at Trevor as the two heard Kurpanov yell a Surrai sound of pleasure from the bushes and trees beyond the clearing and he shook his head. ", "Kazak saw Trevor's face turn into a glare and looked to see where he was staring at. ", "He saw Trevor looking at Yugadin and Nemovsky who were awake sitting up stretching their arms while shaking their heads.", "\n\nKazak stared at them with shock as he heard Trevor speak \"Cunning Kurpanov. ", "He ordered them to accept their seats footed and stay down sleeping.\"", "\n\nKazak exhaled air as he heard Kurpanov yell another sound of pleasure from the beyond the clearing followed by his Father yelling out \"Mal!\"", "\n\nHe heard Trevor made a Surrai sound of surprise and looked at the Surrai.", "\n\nTrevor spoke \"Interesting, Kurpanov never calls Mal by her name. ", "He always referred her as the female.\"", "\n\nKazak frowned as he heard sounds of Kurpanov roaring from beyond the clearing followed by two howling sounds.", "\n\nHe looked at Trevor again who spoke \"It's about time. ", "I think Mal figured out how to get him to say her name. ", "I hope she can enforce that.\"", "\n\nThe two stood as Surrai around them stood up and went into the ground leaving them with Nemovsky and Yugadin who stood up with frowns on their faces. ", "The bushes rumbled as Mal with a smirk on her face came walking into the clearing. ", "Kazak stood as she went to him and gave him a hug then went to a spot on the ground going into the earth which closed up behind her. ", "He saw Trevor out of the corners of his eyes shaking his head and looked at the bushes to see Kurpanov with a Surrai look of shock on his face came stumbling out. ", "He stared at his Father who fell to a kneeling position on the ground visibly shaking. ", "Kazak watched as Nemovsky and Yugadin went to Kurpanov putting hands on his arms lifting him up hauling him stumbling towards the middle of the clearing where he went into the earth.", "\n\nNemovsky spoke \"Poor Kurpanov, he really should call Mal by her name.\"", "\n\nKazak watched as Nemovsky went into the earth as Yugadin did the same.", "\n\nHe heard Trevor clear his throat and looked at the Surrai who spoke \"I think we should be going in to sleep so good night Kazak.\"", "\n\nKazak went to a spot on the ground as Trevor did the same and they both went into the earth which closed up behind them.", "\n\nKurpanov Kossman remembers the result of the mating between Kurpanov the Surrai and Mal the female. ", "Kurpanov came out of the ground with a glare on his face as Nemovsky and Yugadin did the same. ", "The sky was full of light with the tips of the sun peeking over the horizon. ", "Kurpanov kneeled and closed his eyes then he opened them and stood up. ", "He walked into the forest followed by his escorts till they reached Mal leaning with back to the tree bent legs spread and she was groaning loudly. ", "Kurpanov went to Mal and pulled out a large egg sac from an opening between her legs. ", "He pulled apart the sac as she lay on her side which revealed a baby with short night sky colored hair on the head crying away.", "\n\nHe spoke with an angry tone \"The baby's a female and it's a Ter.\"", "\n\nKurpanov hoisted the baby on one arm and heard Mal speak \"Don't put the baby through the gate. ", "Let the Humans raise it.\"", "\n\nHe snarled a growl and walked away as Mal yelled out \"Kurpanov please!\"", "\n\nKurpanov heard a new voice speak in male tones from above him \"I suggest you do what your female said.\"", "\n\nHe looked up above at the Annukai sitting on a thick branch peering at him.", "\n\nKurpanov growled as the Annukai added \"Check the faces of the Humans. ", "The faces are the same as yours and the Surrai called Kazak. ", "They are your children with your female.\"", "\n\nKurpanov held up the baby with his hands and glared at the baby's face. ", "The baby at the moment stopped her crying to stare at Kurpanov with her day sky colored Human like eyes. ", "Growling Kurpanov cradled the baby by his arm and stomped away walking into the forests with Nemovsky and Yugadin walking besides him. ", "He reached a river as the sun rose over the horizon and followed the river till a bridge out of wood and rope material stood hung over the river.", "\n\nKurpanov grumbled to himself echoing the Annukai's words \"Check the faces of the Humans. ", "The faces are the same as yours and the Surrai called Kazak. ", "They are your children with your female.\"", "\n\nWith a Surrai sound of disgust he walked on the bridge with a hand on the rope followed by escorts. ", "The bridge creaked as the Surrai walked on it reaching the other side of the river. ", "Growling Kurpanov stomped through the bushes as the smell of the smoke from eaters burning away assaulted him. ", "He wrinkled his nose with distaste and followed the smell. ", "He reached a clearing and stood seeing a series of round tree barked huts sitting scattered around with eaters surrounded by rocks besides them and saw Humans all wearing gonoid skin clothing. ", "One of them seeing the Surrai howled some call as Humans came out of huts to stand facing him. ", "He saw a female come out of a hut carrying a night sky colored haired child in her arms.", "\n\nKurpanov held up the baby with both hands and snarled \"Mal, my female insisted that you, Humans raise the baby.\"", "\n\nHe stood as one of the Humans a female with long night sky colored hair wearing furry gonoid skin clothing walked forward and took the baby from his arms. ", "Kurpanov grabbed the shorter than himself, Human female's chin and felt her stiffened as he stared at her face. ", "He narrowed his golden eyes as he saw his face stared back at him and looked at the other Humans with their sun and night sky colored long hairs staring at their faces. ", "Kurpanov frowned inwardly as he saw his face staring back at him on the faces of the Humans.", "\n\nKurpanov let go of the Human female's chin and spoke \"I like to know who raised all of you and told you to come here.\"", "\n\nA Human male with long sun colored hair pulled back in a tail wearing gonoid skin pants and a belt sideways across his bare muscular chest stepped forward as the Human female carrying the baby walked by him.", "\n\nThe Human male spoke with a guttural tone of voice \"We were found as a baby in front of a gate by a species, a race called Beddune near their camp. ", "They taught each of us how to survive on land. ", "As for coming here, we as an adult had suffered from a compelling instinct call along with an image of a clearing where the gates sit. ", "The Beddune told of us that the instinct call was our home calling us and the image was a way home through the gate.\"", "\n\nKurpanov folded his arms growling loudly as the Human male cut himself off to stare at him with a frown. ", "Gates are shut with a squealing siren sound sounding loudly in a siren him hearing to his annoyance. ", "He gave the Humans a glare and without a word left the camp going to the rope bridge and took it to the Surrai sleeping spot to find Yuri sitting on the ground looking upset. ", "He frowned as he eyed Yuri who had hands running through his hair as he stared at the Surrai with a glare.", "\n\nYuri is upset who admits \"I mated with Lana and thinks she's having my child.\"", "\n\nKurpanov spoke \"Lana will be fine, Yuri. ", "Just go to sleep now.\"", "\n\nKurpanov stood in the Surrai sleeping quarters sleeps on the surface after Surrai go in.", "\n\nKurpanov found Yuri sleeping near gates wakes him up hauls him to sleeping quarters. ", "Annukai drops rock from above and Kurpanov looks to see the hand sign the Annukai makes which he gets it.", "\n\nHe ordered \"Yuri in sleeping quarters for sleeping and remain there period.\" ", "in Surrai presence.", "\n\nYuri goes in and he places rock on top of Yuri's stalk hole.", "\n\nTrevor heard spoke \"Kurpanov is sick-\"\n\nHe interrupted \"I'm not sick!\"", "\n\nTrevor spoke \"I insist that Kurpanov goes to lake to drink.\"", "\n\nHe heard grumbling among the Surrai obeyed to get a drink of water. ", "Mal pushes Kurpanov into water as Surrai in water holds Kurpanov under. ", "Kurpanov blacks out.", "\n\nMal sits with back to tree and orders \"Surrai to place Kurpanov on me. ", "I have to be the only Surrai Kurpanov sees when he wakes up. ", "I know a way of controlling him when he's angry.\"", "\n\nSurrai leave, Kurpanov wakes up roaring which Mal kisses him on the lips distracting his anger.", "\n\nMal treats him with kindness which Kurpanov admits \"I had a painful time while in the sleeping quarters and is having trouble sleeping in there. ", "I don't want to sleep in there because of my painful time.\"", "\n\nHe admits to Mal who tells him \"You're a leader who must be healthy to lead.\"", "\n\nMal gets up and takes Kurpanov to sleeping quarters where other Surrai are gathered. ", "Kurpanov is exhausted doesn't seem angry at them. ", "Rock falls from tree from above which Mal picks up.", "\n\nShe insists \"I insist that Kurpanov to go inside and heal like a leader.\"", "\n\nKurpanov with reluctant goes inside and feels no pain. ", "Nemovsky and Yugadin go in after thanking Mal.", "\n\nMal places a rock over Kurpanov's stalk hole and then she tells Surrai \"I have chosen Kurpanov as my mate and wants to know if they have a problem with that.\"", "\n\nSurrai around her say \"No. ", "we don't have a problem with that.\"", "\n\nThey scatter walking away. ", "Days later Surrai hear Kurpanov roaring from inside which Kazak storms to Kurpanov stalk hole despite his mother is protesting about it.", "\n\nKazak says loudly \"I myself always get angry from staying inside too long!\" ", "which Kazak yanks rock from hole.", "\n\nKurpanov sensing his hole freed comes up angry mood and feels himself hugged while hearing Kazak's voice speaking \"Father\" repeatedly.", "\n\nKurpanov calms down while remembering himself knocked out by Hades and Kazak tried to wake him and howled a call panicking when he failed to wake him.", "\n\nKurpanov Kossman on admittance of waking up as woke up via a hand on his shoulder after his poisonous status in his shower. ", "He shifted around while lying in bed to glare at the hand's owner was Alexei. ", "He gave a glare in response while feeling himself still hurting from his shower.", "\n\nAlexei spoke \"So what else do you remember regarding Terrania's Kurpanov and Eric in question hmm? ", "Don't mind the threats of the Meritanians telling you that they'll dump you into the ocean. ", "I had that situation settled so talk now!\"", "\n\nKurpanov Kossman groaned softly hearing Alexei's voice sounded firm obeyed to speak about Kurpanov and Eric till the point of Kazak freeing his father from the Surrai sleeping spot via rock covering the hole.", "\n\nHe frowned once Alexei appeared to be satisfied but still asking him questions such as \"How's Eric doing anyway? ", "You remember anything on him?\"", "\n\nKurpanov Kossman groaned softly and spoke in response \"What I remember is what comes to my mind and not via instantly like a damned computer.\"", "\n\nHe glared at Alexei with annoyance running through him as he made a fake yawn sleeping noise and rolled over back to the male. ", "Only to get a hand on his shoulder shaking him awake.", "\n\nHe groaned out \"Can't I get some sleep around here?\"", "\n\n\"Just ignore Breaker doing this, Eric.\" ", "He heard from Alexei.", "\n\nKurpanov Kossman rolled over and spoke \"The name is Kurpanov not Eric and stop calling me Eric.\"", "\n\nHe glared at Alexei who shrugged in response and spoke \"Anything else regarding Kurpanov and his time on Terrania?\"", "\n\nHe spoke in response from memory of it.", "\n\nKurpanov later while alone with Nemovsky and Yugadin admits \"I value the children I had with Mal.\" ", "using her name \"I feel I won't be the same if anything bad happens to the offsprings.\"", "\n\nKurpanov adds \"I'm worried about Trevor who is apparently not getting any better from his sickness. ", "I sensed that my brother might die from his sicknesses which his death would get me really upset.\"", "\n\nKurpanov includes \"My mother called Anya carried both I and Trevor at the same time. ", "I was born first then Trevor. ", "Eric doesn't have the same father as I and Trevor has but the same mother Anya-\"\n\nKurpanov Kossman was interrupted by Alexei speaking \"So he knows who fathered him and who his Mother is.\"", "\n\nHe gave Alexei a glare to find a male figure step out from behind the male giving him the creeps he saw had long blonde stringy hair with creepy all black beady eyes and a pale tan skin.", "\n\nHe gulped seeing the male standing next to Alexei who addressed him as \"Breaker\" and saying \"Where have you been?\"", "\n\nKurpanov Kossman groaned softly hearing that to figure that Breaker was hiding somewhere around the Zesky Asylum scaring people.", "\n\nHe ignored Alexei's question to focus onto Alexei who added while looking at him \"Anything else?\"", "\n\nKurpanov Kossman spoke in response as said via recorder \"Night time some time later Kurpanov comes out of the ground roaring as other Surrai does the same.\"", "\n\nKazak sees his father kneel grabbing his head with his hands while howling some distress sound which is cut off.", "\n\nHe goes to Kurpanov and is blocked by Nemovsky who says \"Trevor who is not among us has died. ", "This is his reaction to the death.\"", "\n\nSurrai among them murmur their shock to Nemovsky's words.", "\n\nYugadin speaks \"Kurpanov won't be the same again if anything bad happens to Kazak and Human children he had with Mal who he has admitted valuing.\"", "\n\nKazak frowns hearing Yugadin's words as Surrai among them continue to murmur. ", "Kazak watches Kurpanov lower his arms who put his face up towards the sky with a pained look on his expression with eyes closed while rocking back and forth a bit while unclenching and clenching his hands from fists and back.", "\n\nSurrai hear gates squeal some sound which Yugadin says \"A visitor has arrived transported by Merra.\" ", "which Surrai hear Elementals say in their loud voice \"The visitor is Trevor who is dead. ", "We question of what Trevor would want you to do with his body.\"", "\n\nKurpanov at the moment hears Merra say in his mind \"I transported Trevor to the Humans' camp where they'll bury his body and mark the grave but they won't do it without your ordering them.\"", "\n\nKurpanov at the moment stands up and speed walks out of the clearing followed by his escorts and Kazak to the Humans' camp. ", "It's where he sees Trevor lying on the ground eyes closed skin pale, hands clasp on his chest surrounded in a semi circle by Humans who are displaying sad looks on their faces. ", "He loses it kneeling next to Trevor's body leaning forward wrapping his arms around the dead Surrai's form as he cries nonsense sounds. ", "He feels a hand on his shoulder and senses it's Kazak which he becomes quiet and then stands up with his son still having a hand on his shoulder. ", "Kurpanov orders the Humans \"You're to bury Trevor and mark the grave.\"", "\n\nA group of Human males lift up Trevor and Surrai and Humans together walk out the camp through the forest till they reach a small clearing where Kurpanov tells them \"You're to bury him there.\"", "\n\nHe stands watching hugged by Kazak as his escorts help the Humans with forming a hole in the ground and placing Trevor in it and covering the body with dirt. ", "He watches as one of the Human females break off two bare thick branches from a low tree and sees the females take out their hair strings to tie the sticks together into a cross shape which one of them hands to him as Kazak stops hugging him.", "\n\nKurpanov with a sad voice speaks \"I'll never forget Trevor.\" ", "and places the stick on the grave at one end where Trevor's head is buried underground.", "\n\nKurpanov notices his Human children gathered around him spoke loudly \"I order you children should go through the gates and find mates!\"", "\n\nKurpanov leaves clearing followed by Surrai to the Surrai sleeping spot where other Surrai are there talking among them.", "\n\nKurpanov spoke \"I orders Surrai to go through gates to find mates!\" ", "which he adds \"I expects this order obeyed using Trevor as an example of finding his mate after going through the gates.\"", "\n\nSurrai obey Kurpanov leaving the clearing leaving him alone with Mal, Kazak and his two escorts.", "\n\nKurpanov adds \"The order includes Kazak and his escorts.\" ", "which Nemovsky and Yugadin both place a hand on his shoulders and then walk away.", "\n\nHe sees Mal hug Kazak then is hugged by his son who speaks \"I'll return!.\"", "\n\nKurpanov then watches as his son walks away disappearing into the forest out of sight.", "\n\nKurpanov hears Merra's voice in his head speak \"The Surrai won't return once they go through the gates.\" ", "which Kurpanov doesn't care about-\n\nKurpanov Kossman was interrupted by Alexei while recording the story via recorder \"Nothing on Eric and what's he's doing or whatever involving Kurpanov since he was Night Eyes?\"", "\n\nHe appeared to have glared in response and spoke the story \"Kurpanov hears a booming male voice in his head says 'There's a stranger here' followed by 'Hello Eric-'\n\nHe got interrupted \"That doesn't tell the One what's going on with Eric.\"", "\n\nKurpanov groaned hearing the creepy voice tone of Breaker.", "\n\nHe spoke in response \"Eric became ruler of Terrania called Sun Lord as their planetary ruler-\"\n\n\"What?!\" ", "he's interrupted by Alexei who looks annoyed instead of shocked.", "\n\nKurpanov groaned hearing Breaker speaking gibberish he found himself relaying in response.", "\n\nNikolas groaned loudly and heard a female voice belonging to a Human speaking \"Hades what brings you here? ", "Why you are upset?\"", "\n\nHe looked at his right as he lowered his hand to see a young Human female with long night sky hair pulled back and with day sky colored eyes standing next to him with curiosity in her face.", "\n\nKurpanov Kossman adds \"She's a descendant of Cassandra his daughter actually as manipulated by Merra to meet Nikolas.\"", "\n\nNikolas thought to himself \"I might as well tell her about my mission.\"", "\n\nThe Human female spoke again breaking his thoughts \"My name is Cassandra. ", "I'm wondering what's wrong that has you acting like there's a burden on your shoulders?\"", "\n\nNikolas spoke \"I've come on behalf of the racial and island leaders to pick a Human male for the newly created position titled Sun Lord who will, with his identity hidden, rule all of Terrania.\"", "\n\nHe paused as Cassandra spoke \"Oh.\"", "\n\nHe continued speaking \"Do you know of a Human male willing to take the position?\"", "\n\nHe stared at Cassandra who spoke \"I think I know just the candidate. ", "Come with me to him.\"", "\n\nHe followed Cassandra walking on the sidewalks in a brisk pace as Humans walked by them not giving them glances. ", "They reached a building and went inside the lobby where Cassandra led him to the elevator and got inside. ", "The elevator went up and stopped which they got out into a dim lighted hallway walking pass doors. ", "Nikolas frowned as Cassandra stopped at a door and knocked on it with her hand. ", "The door opened as Nikolas saw a male reminding him of Eric the Hybrid from the water ship. ", "He frowned seeing the male had twin facial looks of Cassandra despite his reminder who stood in the doorway with short night sky colored hair and ground colored eyes. ", "The male he saw stared at him and Cassandra with questioningly look on his face he seeing wasn't surprised to see them there.", "\n\nKurpanov Kossman spoke \"He's a descendant of Eric's son Ricky junior himself.\"", "\n\nCassandra he heard spoke \"Eric, may we come in? ", "Hades has something to say and I think you should hear it.\"", "\n\nThe male, Eric, he frowning at the name for its familiarity, spoke \"You have my permission to come inside.\"", "\n\nEric, he saw backed up as he and Cassandra walked inside with the male closing the door behind them. ", "He looked to see sitting on the floor was a young Human child and a Human female with long sun colored hair sitting on the couch looked up to stare at him.", "\n\nEric, he heard spoke \"Hades, what is it that you wish to say to me?\"", "\n\nNikolas spoke groaning to himself figuring out that Merra did manipulating onto him again repeating the words he told Cassandra \"I've come on behalf of the racial and island leaders to pick a Human male for the newly created position titled Sun Lord who will, with his identity hidden, rule all of Terrania.\"", "\n\nHe heard Eric hissed a breath as he saw a frown come onto the male's face he saw wasn't surprised by what he said making him think \"Ooh Merra you stinking plant. ", "You're up to something aren't you?\"", "\n\nNikolas continued ignoring his thought aimed at Merra \"I'm told I have to transport the chosen Human and his family to Atlanta where he will be prepared for the position. ", "Are you willing to do this?\"", "\n\nHe stared at Eric who turned and looked at the female sitting on the couch watching them with a frown he seeing them both staring at each other with some ranges of emotions on their faces.", "\n\nHe grumbled mentally \"Drat Merra must be explaining her trick to them and keeping me out of it. ", "Oh ho do I wish I could mind scan like a mind walker. ", "It'll be nice to know what people are thinking mentally. ", "Darn the stinking Highlanders having that ability, Hmph.\"", "\n\nCassandra he heard broke the silence spoke \"Eric, take the position, till the One is ready to assume it no matter how many descendants it will take.\"", "\n\nKurpanov Kossman spoke \"The One is apparently Eric himself who's living forever while in Terrania-\"\n\nHe was interrupted by Alexei hissing out \"What in tar nation?!\"", "\n\nKurpanov spoke in response to the story.", "\n\nThe female sitting on the couch spoke he heard \"I'm told by Merra that the One's mate is getting old and will someday die leaving him with no purpose in life worth living. ", "Having him assume the title will help him live on after her death so I agree with Cassie. ", "Eric, take the position.\"", "\n\nKurpanov Kossman spoke \"The One is Brianna who's dying of some olden condition.\"", "\n\n\"Pity\" was heard from Breaker as Kurpanov Kossman continued the story.", "\n\nNikolas frowned listening to the words as Eric turned around and looking at him spoke eyeing him in the eyes creeping him out \"I accept to take the position as Sun Lord.\"", "\n\nKurpanov Kossman paused from talking to frown while staring at his hands till he felt Alexei manipulate the bed to make him sit up to his annoyance.", "\n\nHe gave Alexei a glare who spoke \"Continue on with the story. ", "Tell me how Eric got to be Sun Lord.\"", "\n\nKurpanov Kossman spoke in response.", "\n\nNikolas walked to Teorjer standing near the entrance of the inner stadium and spoke \"He is ready.\"", "\n\nTeorjer he saw nodded his head as they both looked behind to see a male form dressed in night sky clothing wearing a barrel shaped head cover mask covering his face and head's features. ", "He felt envy as he saw the male was accompanied with Highlanders wearing day sky colored uniforms standing besides the ruler. ", "He heard Teorjer exhale air as he laid a hand on his shoulder. ", "Nikolas looked at him as he nodded his head and took his hand off his shoulder. ", "The two walked into the crowded noisy stadium hosted by Atlanta towards the dais surrounded by the racial and island leaders. ", "They walked and reached the microphone in front of the throne chair in. ", "Nikolas roared some nonsense sound into the microphone which got the stadium silent. ", "Screens above flashed his image with Teorjer standing besides him.", "\n\nTeorjer spoke words amplified by the microphone in Basic \"I am speaking on behalf of the racial and island leaders who with great discussion have agreed that all of Terrania will be ruled by one ruler titled Sun Lord.\"", "\n\nHe heard Teorjer paused which he repeated the words in Americanian as the crowd kept their silence.", "\n\nThis was followed by Teorjer speaking he repeated in Americanian \"I present your majesty, Sun Lord, ruler of Terrania.\"", "\n\nThe lights of the stadium he saw dimmed as a large spot light appeared shining on the one of the entrances to the stadium. ", "Nikolas watched as the Sun Lord escorted by Highlanders walked into the stadium that went silent with the spot light tracking him and reached the dais. ", "The lights went brighter illuminating the stadium he saw. ", "Nikolas with Teorjer and the racial and island leaders bowed to the Sun Lord. ", "He heard noises coming from the crowd and realized to himself that it was cheering along with applauding. ", "He looked around him to see the racial and island leaders had their hands together clapping along with the crowd as Teorjer place a hand on his shoulder gently gripping it. ", "He looked at Teorjer to see his lips forming a smile and smiled to himself-\n\nKurpanov Kossman according to recorder was interrupted again by Alexei speaking \"That's not my Eric your talking about aren't you?\"", "\n\nKurpanov Kossman was heard groaning loudly in response to hearing Alexei's talk to speak in response \"From what I remember regarding Eric is this:\"\n\nFrowning he heard ahem again and felt the headache followed by a female voice speaking in his mind \"Your Majesty, time grows short. ", "The people are eagerly awaiting their ruler, the Sun Lord to make an appearance as oath.\"", "\n\nEric exhaled a breath as he left the coffin containing Brianna walking down the steps as the headache left him. ", "He sniffed his nose feeling the tubes inside his nostrils of the breathing device with tubes going behind his ears leading to a thin hand sized box attached to his underwear shorts on his waist underneath his clothes as he sucked air keeping his rages away on a permanent basis. ", "Frowning he went to the female and took the barrel shaped head cover mask which he placed on covering his head and face's features showing no outlines or details then followed the two guards out of the room. ", "Eric followed the guards to the elevator with two others in it that went up with the familiar humming sound. ", "The elevator he felt stopped and opened revealing a large hallway with three open doorways in a row leading to an open ended balcony at the end of it. ", "Frowning he walked out of the elevator following Jiang, a name of a guard as the other Highlanders followed. ", "Reaching the doorways Jiang stepped aside and gestured with a hand. ", "Eric stepped through one and reached the end of the balcony at the series of metal railings to see below was a vast crowd of people of different manoid species gathered outside standing surrounding a large square pool of water with scattered trees as far as his eyes could see. ", "The crowd he saw waved their hands some clapping as he heard loud cheering like noises coming from them seemingly lengthy.", "\n\nKurpanov Kossman paused to stare at his hands on his lap with a frown while hearing nothing but silence from Alexei and Breaker only to see Breaker's hand touching his arm.", "\n\nHe was seen appearing to grimace from the touch as to hear from Breaker's creepy voice \"He's got that memory fully in mind along with another memory of Eric as Sun Lord meeting Kurpanov again on the island. ", "Want me to tell you what he's seeing-\"\n\nKurpanov Kossman interrupted sounding firm \"I'll tell the story since you're keen on hearing it.\"", "\n\nHe spoke in response hearing silence from Breaker and Alexei after a pause.", "\n\nEric as Sun Lord, sees widens his eyes and continues to stare as he feels a hand on his shoulder and looks up to see Kurpanov with hair down around his face and not in a messy ponytail staring at him with a range of emotions running through his face. ", "Eric stands up to face his brother who lets go of his shoulder.", "\n\nKurpanov speaks \"I have been asking Merra information on you Eric which she tells me what's been going on in your life.\"", "\n\nEric frowns as Kurpanov adds \"Brianna has been doing the same asking Merra about family members living their lives off the ship while she was alive living with you on the ship.\"", "\n\nEric stiffens hearing Kurpanov's words as the Surrai adds \"According to Merra, Brianna would cry tears after hearing news from her along with yourself never asking why she's upset.\"", "\n\nEric frowns as he recalls a memory of himself seeing a crying Brianna leave their quarters with him following her invisible to the gang plank. ", "Eric recalled himself ran and blocked her way appearing from his hidden state while angrily begging her not to leave him which he takes her arm and pulls her away with no fight from her.", "\n\nEric is told by Kurpanov \"Eric, you're to come with me.\"", "\n\nEric follows through the forest to a wooden bridge over river which both cross and reach the other side. ", "He follows Kurpanov to a small clearing where in it are sticks forming three crosses with strings tightly wrapped around them sticking out of the grassy ground. ", "He sees one of the cross sticks have a string tied in a bow and is in the middle of the cross sticks.", "\n\nKurpanov talks \"Your mother Anya is my mother but we have a different father.\" ", "which Eric frowns hearing.", "\n\nKurpanov adds \"Anya carried both me and Trevor at the same time but I was born first. ", "Trevor got sick rescuing his son he had with a Drainer female named Tia who's his mate while on another world which the sickness killed him. ", "I had my Human children with the Surrai female Mal bury Trevor here. ", "I ordered the Surrai and Human children to go through the gates to find mates which all of them did that. ", "The Humans mostly coming back with other Humans wearing gonoid skin clothing as them.\"", "\n\nEric frowns hearing Kurpanov's talk as the Surrai pauses then continues speaking \"A Surrai called Liam was the only Surrai who came back. ", "Liam had a Human like female with him named Lixa who had a son named Lix. ", "Lixa got sick when Lix was barely my waist high so Liam took her through the gate and hasn't returned.", "\n\nMerra says 'Liam is no longer on Terrania.'", "\n\nKurpanov continues \"I talked to Merra about Kazak and the other Surrai why they hadn't returned.", "\n\nMerra told me 'Several of the Surrai's mates were Monarchs a species known for being medics and that their medicinal advances helped them survive living with their mates wherever they are.'\"", "\n\nKurpanov, Eric sees points to a stick next to the one with a bow on it and says \"Many suns later Kazak came stumbling through a gate and died held in my arms which I had to bury him there.\"", "\n\nEric at the moment places a hand on Kurpanov's shoulder as the Surrai continues speaking \"The Human male I calls Anyan sitting on a log near the eater you met is my child the last one I fathered with Mal three suns before she passed away.\"", "\n\nKurpanov pauses as Eric rubs the Surrai's shoulder gently with a hand as Kurpanov continues \"Mal before death slept on the surface above me sleeping in the ground. ", "I came out to find her dead which I buried her myself and marked the stick with my hair string as a reminder of her there.\"", "\n\nEric keeps his hand on Kurpanov's shoulder as the Surrai with voice breaking speaks \"I haven't been sleeping underground since Mal's death. ", "I have been sleeping in one of the Humans' huts in their camp because of the area reminds me of Mal's death. ", "I want to forget the pain of it hurting me.\"", "\n\nEric hears a rumble of thunder like noise and puts mask on while letting go of Kurpanov's shoulder as the Surrai is silent.", "\n\nHe again places a hand on Kurpanov's shoulder as the Surrai again speaks \"My Human children and their descendants are giving me a purpose to live despite being deathless as yourself.\"", "\n\nEric stiffens hearing Kurpanov's words as Kurpanov adds while rain begins to fall softly \"Merra told me 'Eric is deathless. ", "I suspect yourself is the same.'", "\n\nHer talk is due to me outliving all of the Surrai, all the original Annukai and all of my Human children many suns before my last child Anyan was born.\"", "\n\nEric frowns as Kurpanov paused then the Surrai speaks \"Anyan is aware of his parentage and has been told by the Humans, the Annukai and myself stories about his mother and the Surrai. ", "This talk wound up including my origins and my family stories of myself living elsewhere than here on the island. ", "Anyan once he was old enough has been observed habitually each night for a period of time would sit next to the eater in the Surrai's former sleeping spot appearing to be lost in thought before walking back to camp to sleep in a hut with the others-\"\n\nKurpanov Kossman wound up interrupted to his disgust by the expression seen on his face via recorder by Alexei speaking \"Eric must be wearing clothes to stand in the rain despite him having some poisonous status.\"", "\n\nHe's seen glared at Alexei in response feeling disgust take hold to give up that sound and shut his eyes. ", "He felt Breaker's clawed hand resume touching his arm to again feel his mind scanned to grunt an annoyed sound and opened his eyes to glare.", "\n\nBreaker spoke \"Kurpanov takes Eric back to gate clearing taking bridge to there and watches Eric leave. ", "Kurpanov goes to bridge meets Anyan on the way and hugs his son then together they go to the Humans' camp to huts. ", "Anyan goes into one which Kurpanov goes into another hut separated from the rest and he sleeps inside on top of blankets covering his form. ", "He has dreams of Mal being alive and including dreams of her meeting Anyan at his current age-\"\n\nKurpanov Kossman interrupted speaking \"Kurpanov starts to feel himself depressed and dead inside. ", "He doesn't do much but sleeps in his hut too much and when he feels urges to go out walks out of it not acknowledging anything which his feet leads him to the graves and he kneels staring at Mal's grave feeling himself not wanting to live but feels like he has to live for Anyan. ", "Kurpanov doesn't acknowledge anything around him and continues to kneel staring at Mal's grave eyes blinking from time to time till his reverie is broken by the gates squealing new visitor. ", "He gets up and walks to his hut to lie in and finds a female with blonde hair wearing a gonoid skin dress inside appearing to be asleep. ", "He stares at while kneeling till he feels the deadness feeling stops and wails his anguish cries till they stop coming then lies down to wrap an arm around the female cuddling her and falls asleep. ", "He dreams of a beach which he sees the female is there looking nervous.", "\n\nKurpanov spoke \"I'm harmless despite you sleeping in my hut.\" ", "which is what he says when he tries to reassure her.", "\n\nHe got from her in response \"My name is Mina. ", "I came from another world. ", "Merra told me to stay on this world Terrania just to save my life from people trying to kill me and my son on the other world.\"", "\n\nHe doesn't comment as she continues \"Merra told me that my son is being cared for. ", "I'm upset having to stay on Terrania just to stay alive.\"", "\n\nKurpanov spoke \"I introduce myself as Kurpanov leader of the Surrai.\" ", "then hugs Mina with no protest from her as blackness arrives.", "\n\nHe wakes up in his hut lying on his back with Mina's head on his chest while she's lying on her side. ", "He feels himself alive again and no longer depressed as Mina wakes up looking nervous which he and her grip each other's hands which he feels a charge of pleasure from then leads her out of the hut getting her to the others.", "\n\n\"I requesting you to assist Mina with living here.\" ", "He orders.", "\n\nKurpanov feels himself better allows the happy mood to show as he watches Mina learn the way of the camp life. ", "He notices his son Anyan watching him and acknowledges it with a wave of hand then notices Anyan having a private talk with Mina who is frowning but sees her nod her head in agreement which he doesn't press her when she goes to his hut at nightfall. ", "He and Mina mate which he enjoys and senses her enjoying it then after he pulls out helps her put on her dress and puts blankets on her form while again cuddling with her while having a hand on her abdomen. ", "He wakes up in the morning sensing that Mina has gone into can't be wake sleep.", "\n\nMerra spoke into his mind \"I assure you that she's expecting your child that is growing in her which will take a few suns to grow.\"", "\n\nKurpanov lays Mina on her back and keeps vigil over her while alerting the others of her status which their healer sits in the hut with him after a few suns go by seeing Mina's abdomen is so swollen. ", "He watches as the healer examines Mina to pull out a baby girl he sees with shock is a Surrai female and then healer puts baby onto Mina's chest for the baby to suck her nipples. ", "He cuddles Mina and baby in his arms as Mina wakes up shocked which he sees that she is aware of the baby.", "\n\nThey both hear Merra say \"Call the baby Malaja.\" ", "which they agree on.", "\n\nHe sees Mina frown abruptly asks \"What was the matter?\" ", "which she tells him \"Merra told me that my son Alisher's father is on Terrania living with another race as their leader that is helping him with his internal problems. ", "He has already having taken a mate.\" ", "which she adds \"Merra warned me that Mason I names is still struggling with internal problems and isn't ready to meet me yet. ", "Merra adds that she'll be sure to tell Mason about me when the time is right-\"\n\nHe's seen cut himself off without any interruption and gave Alexei a glare while adding \"Can I sleep now or what?\"", "\n\nHe faked another yawn only to find Breaker speaking in response \"Hmph seems like Kurpanov or Eric here is seeing something nasty involving Terrania's Kurpanov hence he itching to sleep it off.\"", "\n\nKurpanov Kossman removed Breaker's clawed hand and gave a loud Hmph sound only to get Alexei speaking \"Eric, just tell me what's wrong.\"", "\n\nKurpanov Kossman heard groaning spoke in response the memory fully in mind \"Kurpanov is kneeling in front of Mal's grave staring at it only to feel a stinging pain on his arm along with hearing a familiar sound that reminds him of a dart gun looks to see the bushes rumble showing Highlanders wearing some uniform that fire their guns. ", "He hears are dart guns and roars of pain very loudly from that and passes out unconscious.", "\n\nKurpanov wakes up by fist connecting with his face jerks open his eyes seeing that he's chained to the wall to hear a voice sounding sneering speaking in Basic to him the contents of his mind. ", "He sees the speaker is a Highlander and continues to hear what's in his mind is spoken while mentally sensing Eric can see this scene partially looks away.", "\n\nKurpanov speaks \"Eric kindly to do something about this situation.\" ", "hears \"What?!\" ", "spoken from the Highlander.", "\n\nThis is followed by foreign language hears dart guns going off passes out unconscious to come to still chained but mouth is covered. ", "Kurpanov figures from senses blaring that Eric is nearby and coming nearer. ", "He figures from senses cued towards his brother that he's angry about something. ", "Kurpanov gives off muffled talk trying to talk Eric down from his anger who arrives into view followed by the Highlander and guards.", "\n\nKurpanov was really saying \"This is a trick by the Highlanders to get you to kill me, Eric!\"", "\n\nKurpanov continues his muffled talking as Eric goes up to him grabbing his head and passes out unconscious from that.", "\n\nKurpanov comes to waking up feeling himself still chained but it's around his ankle breaks off the chain and senses Eric is still in the vicinity somewhere else. ", "He mentally uses his powers to create a gate doorway through the cave entrance and comes to find Eric on the floor of some private room.", "\n\nKurpanov snarled \"Eric you idiot I tell you off about not retaliating for scratching me on the chest. ", "Your to cut the attitude.\"", "\n\nKurpanov sees Eric gets it leaves through the doorway to enter through the familiar cave room. ", "Kurpanov feels weak sits down back leaning against the wall feeling too tired to stand or do anything. ", "The familiar Highlander arrives with several guards pulling a female form he sees is Mina. ", "They thrust her towards him which he grabs to only get kissed on the lips by her and hears a gunshot sound followed by Mina becoming limp in his arms sensing no life from her.", "\n\nKurpanov hears from the Highlander \"Han's Syndrome will be a fitting punishment for that stunt your brother pulled punching me in the stomach.\"", "\n\nHe doesn't comment in response as two of the guards haul Mina away out of the cave room which he uses his powers to bury the Highlander's feet mentally saying \"I'll bury you!\"", "\n\nKurpanov while hearing foreign language spoken in shouting tones from one of the guards and hears the Highlander speak something followed by a gunshot sound. ", "Kurpanov passes out unconscious to come to finding himself underground in the Surrai sleeping spot feels confused as to how he got there. ", "Memories spill in his mind of the guards shooting him in the chest and him appearing to be dead followed by them dumping his body in Americania at their capital city's airport. ", "Kurpanov continues to dream of Anyan transported by Merra to the hospital that meets Monarchs.", "\n\nHis son spoke in hissing language of Americanian sounding of hissing \"I demands for this Killer's body! ", "There's some island boarded by Shonsurran troops that the last of the Killers was living on. ", "The Shonsurrans took the Humans living there as slaves ignoring their offspring leaving the offspring to defend for themselves. ", "Other species living on the island managed to keep the Shonsurrans from getting access to other parts of the island that is separated by a river.\"", "\n\nHe continues to dream of Anyan given his body which Merra transports them both to the island and sees that the Annukai have dug a hole in the ground in the Surrai sleeping spot. ", "His body is dumped into the hole and dirt placed over it along with entirely covering it. ", "The dirt reacts changing into the Surrai sleeping way which he passes out unconscious.", "\n\nKurpanov comes too with rage running through him to thrust himself out of the ground and kneels giving off roaring sounds very loudly and doesn't seem to notice anything around him. ", "Hands that are like Human like touches his head in a grip and he jerks from that only to feel himself screaming from the pain of his head hurting continues to scream. ", "The hands stop its hold and he slides to the ground to go under into the Surrai sleeping spot to pass out unconscious.", "\n\nKurpanov dreams of himself walking in a forest that seems alien to him and not familiar goes around a tree to spot the familiar Highlander is standing in a clearing looking confused and looking around. ", "He feels rage backs up to hit the tree only to feel the tree has a manoid body that is hugging him. ", "Kurpanov calms down from his angry feeling to back off eyeing the manoid to see with shock that it's Trevor.", "\n\nTrevor speaks to him \"You're to get over your anger period or you won't have what you wants the most back.\"", "\n\nKurpanov calms down entirely and comes to getting himself out of the ground to stand around noticing that the Highlander is lying nearby on the ground moaning loudly. ", "Kurpanov picks up the male and hauls him to a gate getting an image of a place in his mind and travels through it entering a bedroom putting the male onto the bed. ", "He opens the door backing up as guards come into the room firing guns at him that sound like dart guns to him and feels multiple needle darts all over. ", "Kurpanov hits the ground passing out unconscious to come to feeling himself chained in a standing position along with something like a cup is brought to his lips. ", "Kurpanov tastes the substance to realize that its not his water drink refuses to drink more of it by spitting it out and bringing his head away from it along with throwing up abruptly.", "\n\nKurpanov hears foreign language suddenly finds himself understanding what their saying as in saying \"The poison isn't taking in this Surrai's system despite putting it in him through injection or through mouth. ", "His body is expelling the poison.\"", "\n\nKurpanov raises his head opening his eyes with a glare on his face to find the familiar Highlander is there with some kind of difference to him. ", "Along with seeing the male's eyes are narrowed with a glare in them and see other guards are there as well with one holding a cup. ", "Kurpanov gets a headache along with seeing an image in his mind of a male Highlander wearing odd clothing he identifies as Shuen Jiang but figures isn't Shuen Jiang himself but someone else and glares at the Highlander.", "\n\nThe Highlander who speaks sounding angry \"Someone figured out how to keep Highlanders out of Kurpanov's I names mind by mind scanning only. ", "We would have to touch him skin to skin for reading his mind. ", "I don't want to do is touching him would bring bad luck to the person. ", "Someone tried that stunt on Claws and Claws retaliated by raping someone's female relative who wound up with offspring. ", "I'm a descendant from that offspring in question.\"", "\n\nKurpanov senses that the Highlander isn't kidding about it by the voice tone refrains from showing any emotion on his face instead stares at the male while feeling the headache stop. ", "Kurpanov senses is a way of his mind saying that it's being scanned.", "\n\nKurpanov forms a glare on his face glaring at the Highlander who continues to talk \"Its not fair that my family was humiliated for the rape. ", "The mockery continued and stopped when a family member changed their original name and made it seem like their family line passed out. ", "Ordering others who knew of their original family name assassinated. ", "The Empress recently found out about it despite my attempts to keep it hidden from her. ", "She has refused to have anything to do with me or let me rule Shonsurra. ", "Instead has used my blood drinking status formerly holding the Hades title to kick me out of position out of the castle and away from our son the heir who followed her view. ", "Our other son has shown a half hearted view towards both of us including some loyalty to the Sun Lord himself. ", "The son an idiot has repeatedly kept up the half hearted view instead of showing full loyalty.\"", "\n\nKurpanov remembers Shuen Jiang telling him about Eric after finished being Claws \"Eric would have programming in him if any of Claws' former victims or descendant of them spoke the word Claws in Eric's face. ", "He would instantly remember what was done to them as Claws. ", "Eric would have to figure out how to pay back for the wrong committed.\"", "\n\nKurpanov speaks out loud as the Highlander pauses sounding firm \"Just speak the word Claws in my brother. ", "Eric would instantly remember what he did to that person's family member regardless of them descendants of the person.\"", "\n\nHe cuts himself off hearing a growling sound from the Highlander who speaks still speaking in foreign language but he understanding his words \"I didn't see what Kurpanov was talking about in his mind when I scanned him or in the mind of the Sun Lord when I scanned him by touching him skin to skin.\"", "\n\nKurpanov feels angry breaks off the chains and hears gun cocking sounds which he speaks sounding angry to the Highlander \"This being the thanks I gets for helping the Highlander yourself with a problem? ", "The problem was in finding you sick on the ground in some forest. ", "I got you to someplace where you could get medical help. ", "The Highlander you whatever name your known as I don't know your name is paying back the thanks by trying to poison me. ", "You were treating me rudely instead of listening to me trying to help you with your problem of Claws. ", "I says I was responsible for the creation of Claws and should do what it takes to help people clean up Claws' messes he left for me to fix. ", "I aims to start with that Highlander talking about Claws raping a family predecessor to get with child and family's suffering humiliation from that. ", "I know of a way for Eric to give back payment towards that Highlander and family for that stunt. ", "I insist that the Highlander come with me to my home island through a travel gate way. ", "I will arrange for a meeting with Eric to give the payment for the stunt he played as Claws. ", "I want this fixed now. ", "I don't give a care if you and your guards don't believe me on my words. ", "I'm going to do what it takes to get this meeting to happen on my home territory period.\"", "\n\nKurpanov glares at the Highlander who looks nervous till he hears one of the guards speaking \"Emperor, your majesty you should take up Kurpanov's offer period. ", "We insist on you doing it.\"", "\n\nHe mentally orders a gate to form in the cave doorway and marches up to the Highlander Emperor he assumes taking the male's arm who doesn't resist. ", "Only senses nervousness from him and hauls him through the powers formed gate to find they coming out of a gate on Surrai island. ", "Kurpanov keeps a firm grip on the Highlander's arm leading him through the forest to an eater in the vicinity to see Eric dump a body form into the eater. ", "Kurpanov see the eater burn the body to ashes that reminds him of someone's body. ", "He pauses them both then hauls the Emperor towards Eric halting them near Eric who turns around looking at them.", "\n\nKurpanov releases his hold on the Highlander's arm who speaks the word \"Claws\".", "\n\nHe sees Eric form a grimace on his face bent down putting hands on his face and appears to be like that lengthy followed by straightening up his form with shock in his face and eyes.", "\n\nKurpanov listens as the Highlander speaks to Eric, him getting the words saying \"My real name is Takahiro Murakami but taken up the name of Akihito Takahashi. ", "The name change was involving a situation regarding Claws raping a female predecessor named Mei Lin. ", "The Emperor back then caught Claws doing it but didn't listen to a male predecessor named Takahiro who pleaded to keep his mouth shut about the situation. ", "Instead blabbed the rape and that people mocked Takahiro's family with humiliation and shame.\"", "\n\nHe continues to listen as Takahiro he assumes he'll call him speaks \"The name of Takahashi was taken up to hide the family from shame. ", "The last known relative a human named Megan was known to protest the humiliation to the Emperor and other high born was poisoned to death. ", "Others who knew of the Murakami family were assassinated along with records saying that the family line had ended with Megan's death.\"", "\n\nHe continues to hear Takahiro talk while noticing a male with scaly skin with a Human head appearance looking like a Hadean without the mask when actually a Zeskaya, holding a sword weapon nearby.", "\n\nKurpanov notices the Highlander seems to notice him and identifies \"That male is one of my twin sons with one son being a Highlander the heir and the other being the male dubbed Akihito.\"", "\n\nHe comments \"Takahiro to confess what else you've done period.\" ", "and continues to listen as Takahiro spoke \"I confesses to poisoning Eric's son Eric Junior by word of a Felidae.", "\n\nThe Felidae told me 'The poisoning was prophesied to have Hades give Eric Junior the title just to make a legendary male named Nikolas reborn within him.'\"", "\n\nHe doesn't comment to that keeps his mouth shut as Takahiro continues \"I admit to being responsible for ordering the poisoning of Lia Victorian Kossman and her son as revenge against Eric being Claws playing a stunt against my family predecessor. ", "My family suffering from that and that Lia's mate a descendant of Eric, through sibling, mind was easily scanned revealing him the descendant family line died of a medical ailment. ", "I had nothing to do with and that Lia and son avoided being poisoned. ", "My son Akihito was full grown and having the hidden state ability known was the hand that poisoned them. ", "The poison was slow to take affect but killed Lia but her son would be wheelchair bound.\"", "\n\nKurpanov notices that Eric seems angry buries his feet into the ground and sees Eric catch Akihito's sword aimed at his neck by hand grabbing it in a tight grip and sees the male have trouble getting his sword free.", "\n\nHe watches as Eric raises a hand fisted while glaring at Takahiro and hears a male voice sounding like Merra version in a male tone to him speaking in his mind \"Your to order Takahiro to scan Eric's mind for the payment that Eric demanded to pay Takahiro is in his mind. ", "You're to make sure that the Highlander does the mind scanning period.\"", "\n\nKurpanov sees Eric lower his hand while hearing Takahiro speaking in foreign language \"I'm insisting on this order. ", "I'm ordering Akihito to stand down and leave Eric alive.\"", "\n\nKurpanov sees Eric free the sword only to get Akihito behind him swinging the sword at him which Eric ducks.", "\n\nHe uses his powers to tie up Akihito who snarls angrily \"I'll have my revenge for that humiliation. ", "I want honor of death as payment.\" ", "only to get interrupted by Takahiro speaking \"Akihito!\" ", "in a firm tone.", "\n\nKurpanov speaks \"Takahiro to scan Eric's mind. ", "The payment is there. ", "I'm not going to say what it is only that Takahiro should do it to find out what it is.\"", "\n\nHe watches as Takahiro goes to Eric putting a bare hand freed from glove onto Eric's cheek seemingly length. ", "Kurpanov sees Eric get annoyed by expression on the face and senses Eric is resisting mentally uses his powers to get Eric's wrists caught by tree limbs coming from the ground holding his arms down in place. ", "He sees Eric wave his head trying to get Takahiro's hand off but the Highlander isn't budging from that. ", "Kurpanov watches as Eric jerks his head up shutting his eyes and opening his mouth making motions of screaming to him while not giving out a sound as Takahiro releases his hold on Eric's cheek to walk towards him.", "\n\nKurpanov eyes Takahiro who speaks in foreign language to Akihito which he gets it the words \"Akihito I'm ordering my son to take me to the travel gate. ", "Your to transport the both of us to the Empress's location for I wants to have a word with Marisaki with her attitude towards the both of us. ", "I will see that she drops this rudeness towards the both of us period. ", "I will do what it takes to get her to drop it even if it means loss of life as well.\"", "\n\nKurpanov walks up to Takahiro getting this talking commentary into his mind \"I figured getting an idea of threatening civil war to the Empress and her supporters if they don't drop that rude attitude of humiliating the Murakami family who is in hiding. ", "You and the family are fed up with the attitude. ", "You will do what it takes to get people to drop it even committing civil war as a result. ", "The Emperor is a descendant of the family in hiding.\"", "\n\nKurpanov slams his hand onto the Highlander's cheek forcing the male to stare at him sensing his mind scanned. ", "Kurpanov sees the idea is fully in his mind and sees the Highlander's eyes widen from shock from the idea seen.", "\n\nKurpanov mentally speaks \"Takahiro is in position to get people to drop the humiliation noticing the guards hanging around giving support to him by their attitude aimed at him after he confessed his secret of being part of the Murakami family that was humiliated what Claws did to a predecessor. ", "I got the impression that the guards seemed to be very loyal to Takahiro. ", "They will support him judging by their attitude towards him after he did his confession and how they reacted to him freeing himself from the chains.\"", "\n\nHe removes his hands and points a finger in one direction saying loudly \"The gates are there!\"", "\n\nKurpanov frees both Eric and Akihito noticing Takahiro's son doesn't make a move towards Eric instead flicks back the sword into his arm and folds his arms with a glares on his face. ", "He watches Takahiro and Akihito leave through the bushes and eyes Eric to see Eric fall to kneel and curl into a ball hands on his face with grimacing seeing on the face. ", "Kurpanov sees Eric disappear in a flash of light which he breathes deeply from that goes to sit down on the log feeling warmth from the eater. ", "Kurpanov sees multiple Annukai ropes come down followed by Annukai that gather around him looking like their relieved to see him. ", "Kurpanov sees one of them is Anyan accompanied by a Human female with brown hair wearing gonoid skin dress and sees his son go up to him holding the female's hand who looks nervous.", "\n\nKurpanov eyes the female and heard Anyan speaking \"This is Kurpanov, father of me. ", "The female is named Yellinnia my mate.\"", "\n\nKurpanov accepts by getting up to place hands on her shoulders and kisses her on the forehead then removes hands to place a hand on his son's shoulder in a gentle grip.", "\n\nKurpanov saying \"Well done!\" ", "which he sees his son nod his head then resumes sitting down at the fire only to hear his son speak \"Sister Malaja after the capture of Kurpanov and Mina escaped with me swimming in the lake to the other side underwater entirely. ", "We reached the shore. ", "She like all the other offspring that either escaped or ignored by the Shonsurrans the Shonsurrans weren't interested in the offspring but the full grown Humans were sent through the gates by Annukai pushing them into them. ", "I've kept contact with Merra and her male mate Tank\" to his surprise \"On their status which they all reached the city of Atlanta appearing through various doorways into people's hands who have raised them gladly without protest. ", "Malaja has been raised to be an athlete in some female sport called gymnastics also known as acrobats. ", "She competed in the sport's main event called Terrania Unity Games to help her fellow athletes competing as a team wins the team title. ", "Along with her winning some title called all around which I've heard that it's a historic win for her and the nation she competed called Americania. ", "It's where their city of Atlanta is capital and where the Sun Lord's main residence currently is.\"", "\n\nHe doesn't comment feels himself a bit relieved to know that Malaja is ok but sad that Mina was killed off bows his head and frowns as Anyan spoke \"I asks about Mina.\" ", "which he speaks \"She was killed off in front of me. ", "I sensing her die and no life sensed from her when she was killed in my arms.\"", "\n\nHe hears from Anyan \"Not quite right on that talk Daddy.\"", "\n\nKurpanov feels a hand on his shoulder that feels pleasant to the touch and sighs from that shutting his eyes and feels the female get onto his lap and kisses him onto the lips. ", "Kurpanov jerks open his eyes with shock running through him recognizing her as Mina who breaks off the kiss to see its her by the facial appearance. ", "He sees that she's dressed as a Surrai by the looks of it and feels confusion running through him as to why she's still alive.", "\n\nKurpanov hears a female voice sounding in his mind speaking saying \"Hello Kurpanov!\" ", "he didn't recognize the voice as Merra later he realized was having a connection to the island.", "\n\nKurpanov gets an image of the island from the air to stiffen from that to realize that the island is alive and a female living being and a life force that linked herself to him. ", "Hence he was having powers to manipulate anything on the island along with outliving Surrai life spans and life spans of his offspring. ", "This including stupidity assuming himself healing from being shot dead while underground when he was noticed to have a round mark of a clone on his back.", "\n\n\"Kurpanov's a clone?!\" ", "Kurpanov Kossman was interrupted as he gave the speaker a glare in response.", "\n\nKurpanov Kossman glared with annoyance running through him as the speaker cut the talk and was silent.", "\n\nKurpanov exhales a breath through his mouth as Mina hugs him which he hugs back.", "\n\nHe hears from Anyan \"Shonsurra dumped her body in Atlanta to people there like they've been doing to bodies of Humans since slavery was started on Shonsurra enslaving the Humans. ", "They've kept up the dumping of Humans onto Americania's city of Atlanta. ", "People called Medics have managed to fix up the bodies' damage out of respect to the dead before doing what they do to bodies of the dead. ", "I went to there and got Mina and got her buried into the Surrai sleeping spot the Annukai insisting on it happened. ", "She's been underground for awhile till she came out recently and appears to have changed into a Surrai from the looks of her. ", "She seems to be Mina entirely from certain questions asked about her life with her answering them expertly with full knowledge of Mina I knows that only Mina would know from private talks with her from time to time sometimes while in presence of Malaja hanging around.\"", "\n\nHe doesn't comment gets kissed on the lips again by Mina and hears Anyan say \"I have to be going. ", "I'm going to show Yellinnia where to sleep and have a life with her.\"", "\n\nKurpanov doesn't acknowledge continues to kiss Mina as he senses the presences of Annukai around him gone gently breaks off the kiss and lowers Mina onto the ground with him on top of her. ", "Kurpanov feels her hand manipulating some area regarding her pants from the feel of it. ", "He copies her motions with his pants followed by her legs getting apart and enters her feeling himself getting more alive from being inside her. ", "Kurpanov sensing she's Surrai from the feel while moving himself fully up to the hilt inside her and then feels himself expanding to rub her from inside without doing any thrusting motions. ", "Kurpanov feeling her getting tighter around his sensitive part along with feeling her rubbing it feels her legs lock around him. ", "Something that doesn't shock him for Mina did it to him when he mated with her in a Human form. ", "Kurpanov feels charges of pleasure hitting him that makes him give off moaning sounds while hearing her doing the same. ", "He feels himself expanded enough to give off a feeling of needing release jerks a thrust backward then forward then again still up to the hilt inside her. ", "Kurpanov puts hands around her back holding her in a tight hug with her doing the same. ", "He feels himself spill inside her seemingly lengthy as he gives off a loud roaring noise of victory while hearing nothing from Mina but her hug grip around him tighten along with her legs keeping him locked in position-\n\nKurpanov Kossman gets interrupted \"Disgusting way of mating that Kurpanov does with females!\"", "\n\nHe glared at the speaker Alexei as he faked another yawn and shut his eyes only to feel Breaker's hand onto his arm.", "\n\nHe jerked open his eyes with a glare and spoke \"Just speak what you see in my mind and let me sleep now.\"", "\n\nKurpanov Kossman ignored Breaker felt mind scanning him as he resumed shutting his eyes and felt himself passing out unconscious while hearing snickering like laughter tones in his mind creeping him out.", "\n\nKurpanov Kossman woke up hearing a loud voice speaking in his mind \"Wakey wakey, smarty. ", "It's time for you to wake up!\"", "\n\nHe groaned from the urge of sleepiness hitting him shook his head to shake it away and found his body stopped whining of pain to him to his relief. ", "He felt himself grimy from lying in bed without a shower and made a motion to get up only to feel hands touching his shoulders pushing him down onto the bed into a lying position. ", "Kurpanov Kossman found the hands belonged to Alexei who appeared from a hidden status he not shocked to see.", "\n\nHe gave Alexei a glare in response as the male spoke \"So anything else you remember regarding Eric hmm?\"", "\n\nKurpanov spoke \"I don't have any more memories of Eric other than what's floating around in my mind. ", "It's too much time anyway.\"", "\n\n\"I have all the time in the world to hear from you\" said Alexei who added \"So talk now.\"", "\n\nHe spoke in response \"Which story you want?\"", "\n\nHe glared at Alexei in response who spoke \"Just let me get a recorder to record your words.\"", "\n\nHe saw Alexei fade from view as he shut his eyes and mentally composed himself to tell Alexei his stories of what he remembered. ", "Kurpanov didn't have long to wait as Alexei came into the room via doorway showing his form not hidden with a male orderly having a camera in hand that set it down onto a stand and placed it in front of his bed.", "\n\nHe sighed feeling the familiar feeling of being filmed ignored it and waited as Alexei spoke \"So tell me everything you remember now.\"", "\n\nKurpanov obeyed to speak the story with input from the Meritanians as claimed by him and overheard by the blaring of the big three eavesdropping. ", "Kurpanov Kossman was observed to be peering pass the recorder aimed at him multiple times while reciting the story. ", "It was found that Alexei was observed sitting down in an armchair behind the camera recording him and appeared to be busy listening to him verbalized Eric's life on Terrania including encounters with Kurpanov. ", "He kept on speaking adding what he already said about Eric being Sun Lord ruler of Terrania as he kept on speaking.", "\n\nKurpanov Kossman found his efforts to sleep blocked by the Meritanians blaring in his mind each time he wanted to end the story they saying \"You haven't said this part yet! ", "So tell the story now!\"", "\n\nHe was observed groaning loudly while hearing the Meritanians' blaring voice in his mind each time he felt like quitting they kept him on speaking it further.", "\n\nKurpanov Kossman found he able to sleep by the Meritanians blaring in his mind \"You told enough! ", "So sleep now!\"", "\n\nHe obeyed to pass out unconscious despite hearing nothing else from Alexei or sensing the recording still recording him sleeping him appearing to not acknowledge it recording him sleeping. ", "Kurpanov Kossman was further recorded via a recorder put in the ceiling that witnessed him woken up after feeling a hand shaking his shoulder. ", "He found Mrs. Groundwater in the room still displaying her mean nasty look on her face that thrust him clothes and shoes onto his lap and jabbed a finger towards the bathroom.", "\n\nHe spoke \"You sure I'm not allergic to water?\"", "\n\nMrs. Groundwater in response spoke \"Just avoid the shower and put on the clothes and shoes. ", "You've stayed in bed long enough.\"", "\n\nHe groaned hearing the mean nasty voice of hers and without a word got up and went into the bathroom feeling he clean all over the place instead of hit with griminess. ", "He frowned but obeyed to get dressed into the clothes and then left the bathroom to find Mrs. Groundwater jabbing a finger towards the door to the room and ordering him out. ", "He obeyed despite unsure of the clothes he found was dressed in gloves covering his hands, jeans, sneakers with socks and a red long sleeve top. ", "He went to another room with Mrs. Groundwater following him and pushing and pulling him to go.", "\n\nShe at arrival wound up handing him a thick booklet she speaking \"Just fill in the questions with answers for there's no right or wrong answer just your own opinion on things.\"", "\n\nKurpanov Kossman watched via recorder in the ceiling wound up watching Mrs. Groundwater leaved opened booklet and tried to write right handed. ", "He found the pencil isn't comfortable by behavior. ", "Tried his left hand and finds the pencil feels comfortable which he filled in the booklet's questions. ", "He discovers are asking for opinion on things which he finds weird but fills out the dots relating to the question. ", "Once done he goes to the black board and with a shrug grabs the chalk and writes the name Eric left handed then writes the name Kurpanov followed by the last name Kossman all in a row. ", "He stares at the names with a frown then below them writes the name Kurpanov Kossman which he circles with his chalk.", "\n\nHe heard the door open and looked to see Alexei walking in which he speaks \"I request you and the others to refer me as Kurpanov with Kossman as my last name if they don't mind.\"", "\n\nAlexei speaks that \"I don't mind.\" ", "then says \"I'm here to get the booklet to have the answers examined if you, Kurpanov Kossman doesn't mind.\"", "\n\nKurpanov Kossman goes to the desk where the booklet is grabs it to toss it to Alexei who catches it and watches him leave the room which he sits down with hands on his forehead groaning softly. ", "As he recalls memories according to the Meritanians mind scanning him at the time, as Kurpanov with shoulder length blonde hair pulled back in a messy tail and black pants wrapping around his feet and ankles that he couldn't remove to take off no matter how he tried. ", "The pants parting except he could yank apart the areas for sex and giving off waste along with the pants put back in place once done. ", "Kurpanov Kossman feels tiredness puts arms on the desk and puts his head on his arms and falls asleep passing out unconscious.", "\n\nKurpanov Kossman wakes up to feel a purring feeling on his chest and opens his eyes' to discover that he's lying on a bed with the medical cat recorder sitting on his chest staring at him with unblinking eyes. ", "He eyes the cat while feeling a stinging pain in his back which he feels himself hungry as the cat stands on him arching its back then walks off to his legs as he sits up. ", "He hears the cat yowl some sounds while he is sitting up wearing a hospital gown with blanket covering his legs up to his waist. ", "He sees a nurse come into the room pushing a cart who places a tray filled with dishes of food and silverware which he eats along with drinking from the cup. ", "The nurse he senses puts part of the bed up for him to lean back which he does as the nurse removes the tray.", "\n\nHe spoke \"I'm feeling stinging pain in my back and wants to know what it is.\"", "\n\nThe nurse spoke \"It's a tracking device implanted in the spine in the back hence the stinging pain which will go away soon.\"", "\n\nKurpanov Kossman watches the nurse leaves and eyes the cat who curls into a ball and he groans feeling sleepiness arrive within him which he shuts his eyes leaning his head back falling asleep.", "\n\nKurpanov Kossman according to subject mostly sleeps on and off while contained in the private room of the Zesky Asylum. ", "He doesn't do much other than sleeping despite submitting to tests willingly. ", "Kurpanov Kossman is told the results of the booklet say he wants to teach kids writing skills as a teacher which he seems fine with. ", "He gets a job as a High School teacher in a town called Wethersfield in Connecticut teaching writing skills to High School kids. ", "He has a mute female student in one of his period classes who is named Cassidy Trent a female who's a freshman and sees that she has a sign language interpreter, later identified as Horus aka Jinks Montreal himself, who voices what she says as he teaches the class.", "\n\nHe on admittance once questioned after another trip to the hospital on his students and teaching \"Cassidy Holmes' not Human despite her Asian Human appearance and blonde hair. ", "I think she's a Highlander with ears cut to make her look Human.\"", "\n\nHe discovers that she has a father named Steve Trent who is the chief of the town police which he learns has a similar appearance as Cassidy but has short black hair.", "\n\nHe learns from eavesdropping people around town's talk \"Trent is a blackmailer. ", "That idiot has been letting his police force get away with some criminal activity. ", "Trent himself has been caught doing the criminal behavior of blackmail blackmailing people to allow the police officers to get away with the crimes.\"", "\n\nHe meets a female Human named Alia Tenny who he has sexual relationship with and learns from eavesdropping Alia Tenny's brother named James Tenny is a police officer of the force who is oddly seen as a good cop for he has yet to do any criminal activity.\"", "\n\nKurpanov Kossman, one night while having sex with Alia as seen via hidden recorder on the ceiling in the stairwell appears to doesn't hold himself back, sexes her to carry a child. ", "The sexual act appeared to make Alia suffer pain of her heard groaning loudly despite Kurpanov Kossman holding onto her in a tight move while appearing to be spilling his seed inside Alia. ", "The seed spilling appeared to make Alia suffer pain from it.", "\n\nThey go to the bedroom to continue more mating and are surprised to see James in there who is mad.", "\n\nJames snarled \"Kurpanov!\" ", "along with unsuitable language uses.", "\n\nAlia takes the bullet in her arm by getting in the way. ", "James, Kurpanov sees takes off and Kurpanov Kossman manages to get himself and Alia dressed to call the medical personal who come. ", "The medics wrap up Alia's arm for the bullet went clean thru it hitting the wall behind her then tell her to take it easy with the arm which she seems to accept.", "\n\nKurpanov Kossman spoke \"I ask you a question if you're really mating with me to spite people or for a baby.\"", "\n\nShe bursts into tears and refuses to answer the question.", "\n\nHe tells her \"Alia, just to hold off on the sex for the baby to take hold inside you if you want this. ", "This hold off is as long as the medical personal says for you to wear the arm sling which is seven days.\"", "\n\nHe gets Alia to bed and holds her as she continues crying her tears then falls asleep which him holding her which both is seen falling asleep.", "\n\nThe next day, Kurpanov Kossman goes to the police station after school and confronts an angry James Tenny which both get in a fist fight and James pulls out his gun which Kurpanov Kossman blocks him from shooting at him. ", "Gun goes off while their fighting and he hears a loud groan sound from behind which James breaks off the fight to swear profanities as Trent on the floor with hand on his knee and a glare on his face. ", "Kurpanov Kossman is ordered out by another officer who leaves to the library to see Alia working there who seems a little happy to see him by grabbing him and kissing him on the lips with her hands on his cheeks. ", "Kurpanov Kossman goes to school the next day to teach and learns that he has been chosen for an award. ", "The award is another manipulating by the High Council to see what this Kurpanov Kossman looks like for roping into servitude. ", "The principal is going to announce at a rally assembly after school which he shows up for and sees Trent and James Tenny including another officer there.", "\n\nHe is told \"The award's something involving perfect attendance.\" ", "which he spoke \"I accept.\" ", "then is interrupted by Highlanders walking in the room with a Human male who flashes a FBI badge to Trent who pulls out his gun pointing it at the Human as the other officers does the same.", "\n\nHe keeps his mouth shut as he hears a gunshot sounds and sees Trent drop his gun crumbling up onto the floor as he sees shocked expression on an officer's face whose gun was aimed at where Trent was standing.", "\n\nThe FBI guy announces to the crowd \"Trent had it coming for abusing his position.\"", "\n\nKurpanov Kossman keeps his mouth shut as medical personal putting Trent onto a stretcher bed and hauled him out of the gym room followed by the FBI guy and the Highlanders. ", "Kurpanov after that goes home meets Alia there who hands him test results showing that she's carrying which he sees that she's happy about and he finds that he feels happy about it too.", "\n\nEnd File\n\nJason the new leader of the Zesky Asylum paused from reading the file as described to him regarding Kurpanov Kossman. ", "He found Kurpanov Kossman standing in front of him while clad in his familiar outfit of a business suit without a tie and gloved hands standing there in front of his desk. ", "Breaker, he sensed was standing nearby hiding using some tech he claimed to have for hiding in plain sight, as his bodyguard.", "\n\nJason formed a sneer and spoke \"So what do you have to say regarding your defense Kurpanov Kossman as you call yourself now?\"", "\n\nHe glared with a sneer and waited as Kurpanov Kossman spoke in response sounding twin to Alexei to his confusion \"Just put me in a high school where I can teach students ages fourteen to eighteen how to use the Summeran language, regarding how to write it down. ", "Your report you just read out loud to me involved terrible language in Summeran that must be corrected.\"", "\n\nJason gave up a sound of disgust and tossed aside the file onto the desk.", "\n\nHe noticed the scattered papers arranging themselves as he glared at Kurpanov Kossman and spoke \"Something you want to admit regarding this Alia having your offspring hmm? ", "The file doesn't say anything else than that.\"", "\n\nHe formed his familiar sneer and waited as Kurpanov Kossman spoke in response \"Alia had a male offspring that wound up having some Surrai looks involving the legs and feet involving pants that aren't removable. ", "He went insane once fully grown and got the notice of the High Council-\"\n\nJason interrupted giving off a sound of disgust which Kurpanov Kossman kept on speaking ignoring the noises \"The High Council managed to get him addicted to some kind of medicine involving a breathing device to help cure his lunacy. ", "He paid them back by doing some assassination work for them. ", "They still have him contained at the moment once it was obvious his addiction was taking control of him. ", "As far as I know of he's still alive contained by them-\"\n\nJason interrupted \"Anything else you want to admit? ", "Your voice is seemingly indicating it.\"", "\n\nHe formed a glare hoping it was twin to Jason's familiar glaring stare as Kurpanov Kossman spoke in response \"The High Council said they'll put me into a teaching position at a school for their assassins to go to. ", "Just to have servants appropriately aged, learn how to write in Summeran and pass off undercover as students, finding others, talents worthy of doing assassinations.\"", "\n\nJason formed a disgusted expression on his face. ", "He felt the familiar needle digging into his neck from behind. ", "He ignored the pain to recall that one of the hidden had a sense cued towards him to figure out when he was about to throw a hissy fit as the Meritanians, Ramses, Erra and Terra called his rages. ", "He ignored the needle felt injected into his neck from behind via a hidden Ghost walker in a Zeskaya form as they were dubbed now in some evolving status.", "\n\nJason spoke in response \"Anything else?\"", "\n\nHe formed a glare with his golden eyes and found Kurpanov Kossman shaking his head into a no gesture followed by hearing blaring in his mind, Breaker's voice \"Get him out of the room and out of the Zesky Asylum now. ", "He overstayed his visit.\"", "\n\nJason aka Eric Zesky, himself a cloned copy spoke in response \"Get out of here now Kurpanov Kossman. ", "Meritanians if you're interested transport him out now!\"", "\n\nHe found Kurpanov Kossman disappearing into a light show to groan while shaking his head and rubbing a hand over his forehead. ", "He heard a soft whining squeal sound and sensed himself filmed abruptly to find Breaker in sight with arms folded glaring at a masked High Council member servant holding a familiar tubal device indicated of recorder in hand.", "\n\nEric spoke in response \"What's up with that trash doing in my office?\"", "\n\nHe got an eye roll from the Highlander while hearing an ahem sound as he noticed the High Council's servant kept jerking his head towards Breaker.", "\n\nHe frowned as Breaker spoke in response using his creepy voice tone \"The High Council wants you to confirm the story Kurpanov Kossman told to Alexei via recorder you read via file for their recording purposes.\"", "\n\nEric formed a disgusted expression on his face as he spoke \"I'm not speaking to that thing that trash is holding.\"", "\n\nHe glared at the High Council's servant to find another light flash show appear followed by a female form with ears of a Human and wearing twin clothes holding a device in her hand via handle. ", "He frowned as the female with black hair and intense blue Human eyes seen despite a mask on covering her face, unfolded the device and began making odd noises onto it while having her fingers onto it.", "\n\nEric spoke \"What's that thing she's doing with her fingers and that noise?\"", "\n\nHe got a throat clearing noise from the female High Council servant as he heard from Breaker \"That thing is a laptop another computer that has a program for her make noises via her fingers to type down what she hears from you and whoever around here. ", "I suspect that she's typing what I'm saying.\"", "\n\nHe found the male servant disappearing in a light show to groan softly and without a word picked up the file only to get Breaker snatching it out of his hands and speaking \"She's the source of making a typed copy of that file as she tells me via her mind talk to me. ", "So talk and confirm what the file said, she'll type down including anything else your not admitting too hmm?\"", "\n\nEric sighed softly and again felt the familiar needle into his neck as he found Breaker adding \"The High Council requests you to talk your story as a payment for giving you the medicines to help your terrible rage episodes.\"", "\n\nHe formed a sneer and got from Breaker thumping down the file and adding \"Just humor the High Council with your story now, their in the mood of having people's stories down for their records humor them anyway.\"", "\n\nEric sighed again and without a word spoke in response his story he hearing the female typing it down rapid fire pace her appearing to get his words down \"Eric walked in the hallway escorted by armed riot geared guards three males wearing black clothing that appeared to be body armor while having long guns in their hands as he walked surrounded by them wrists locked together in handcuffs.\"", "\n\nEric's Story Book One continues the story.", "\n" ]
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0.011904761904761904, 0.011111111111111112, 0.005025125628140704, 0, 0, 0.007575757575757576, 0.007633587786259542, 0.018518518518518517, 0, 0.013157894736842105, 0, 0, 0.005681818181818182, 0.007633587786259542, 0.0078125, 0, 0.009708737864077669, 0, 0.01639344262295082, 0.043478260869565216, 0, 0, 0.011111111111111112, 0.022222222222222223, 0.022388059701492536, 0.014492753623188406, 0.012658227848101266, 0.0234375, 0, 0.008849557522123894, 0.009009009009009009, 0.013793103448275862, 0.006289308176100629, 0.009009009009009009, 0.031746031746031744, 0, 0, 0.015544041450777202, 0.009259259259259259, 0.015625, 0.016, 0.030303030303030304, 0.011235955056179775, 0, 0.03361344537815126, 0, 0.013888888888888888, 0.019867549668874173, 0.030927835051546393, 0.008849557522123894, 0, 0, 0.011494252873563218, 0.007352941176470588, 0, 0.029850746268656716, 0, 0.021052631578947368, 0, 0.014084507042253521, 0, 0, 0.05660377358490566, 0, 0, 0.01282051282051282, 0, 0.0072992700729927005, 0.03225806451612903, 0, 0, 0.019230769230769232, 0.014084507042253521, 0.011904761904761904, 0.013157894736842105, 0, 0.016129032258064516, 0.03225806451612903, 0, 0.015267175572519083, 0.027522935779816515, 0.027777777777777776, 0.015384615384615385, 0.011627906976744186, 0.0375, 0, 0.02040816326530612, 0, 0.023809523809523808, 0.038461538461538464, 0.014925373134328358, 0.014492753623188406, 0.037037037037037035, 0.010309278350515464, 0.008403361344537815, 0.005319148936170213, 0.01639344262295082, 0, 0.01015228426395939, 0.009900990099009901, 0.02247191011235955, 0.014285714285714285, 0, 0.011363636363636364, 0.021052631578947368, 0.018518518518518517, 0.02666666666666667, 0.02097902097902098, 0.011111111111111112, 0.010362694300518135, 0.008771929824561403, 0.009009009009009009, 0.013605442176870748, 0.01694915254237288, 0, 0.01639344262295082, 0.011494252873563218, 0.021739130434782608, 0.020833333333333332, 0.013333333333333334, 0.03496503496503497, 0.019417475728155338, 0.029850746268656716, 0.023529411764705882, 0.037383177570093455, 0.018518518518518517, 0.022727272727272728, 0, 0.0106951871657754, 0.012048192771084338, 0.009345794392523364, 0.017094017094017096, 0, 0.007936507936507936, 0.013513513513513514, 0.013513513513513514, 0.013071895424836602, 0.019230769230769232, 0.012345679012345678, 0.015873015873015872, 0.00819672131147541, 0.014285714285714285, 0.010526315789473684, 0.014285714285714285, 0.015384615384615385, 0.0136986301369863, 0.011363636363636364, 0.01282051282051282, 0.008064516129032258, 0, 0.04411764705882353, 0.007633587786259542, 0, 0.013333333333333334, 0.010101010101010102, 0.01694915254237288, 0.009259259259259259, 0.02127659574468085, 0, 0.014084507042253521, 0.020833333333333332, 0.00980392156862745, 0, 0.011494252873563218, 0, 0.015748031496062992, 0.010752688172043012, 0.011428571428571429, 0.007751937984496124, 0.01762114537444934, 0.023255813953488372, 0.0136986301369863, 0, 0.01282051282051282, 0, 0, 0.004, 0.02631578947368421, 0, 0.009174311926605505, 0.008264462809917356, 0.030303030303030304, 0, 0.018018018018018018, 0.013513513513513514, 0.011111111111111112, 0.01098901098901099, 0.01282051282051282, 0.011538461538461539, 0.007936507936507936, 0.014285714285714285, 0, 0, 0.006289308176100629, 0, 0.015873015873015872, 0.02857142857142857, 0, 0, 0.006578947368421052, 0.023255813953488372, 0, 0.0136986301369863, 0.008333333333333333, 0.0392156862745098, 0.010869565217391304, 0.008130081300813009, 0, 0.01, 0, 0.009433962264150943, 0.013888888888888888, 0, 0.009523809523809525, 0, 0.008771929824561403, 0.0136986301369863, 0, 0.024390243902439025, 0, 0.015151515151515152, 0.011363636363636364, 0, 0.021739130434782608, 0, 0.007246376811594203, 0, 0.02127659574468085, 0.022556390977443608, 0.006211180124223602, 0.01904761904761905, 0.015625, 0, 0.017094017094017096, 0.013888888888888888, 0.015151515151515152, 0, 0.012658227848101266, 0.010752688172043012, 0.013245033112582781, 0.010638297872340425, 0.01639344262295082, 0.029850746268656716, 0, 0.015037593984962405, 0.012195121951219513, 0.01020408163265306, 0.004098360655737705, 0.01834862385321101, 0.0196078431372549, 0, 0, 0, 0.020134228187919462, 0.0234375, 0.009900990099009901, 0.014492753623188406, 0.033707865168539325, 0, 0, 0.021739130434782608, 0.024390243902439025, 0.0125, 0.02564102564102564, 0.011363636363636364, 0.01652892561983471, 0, 0.011111111111111112, 0.018292682926829267, 0, 0.009433962264150943, 0.017857142857142856, 0.01818181818181818, 0.017467248908296942, 0.02531645569620253, 0.014925373134328358, 0.015873015873015872, 0.015625, 0.008928571428571428, 0, 0.045454545454545456, 0.01694915254237288, 0.015873015873015872, 0.02702702702702703, 0.01652892561983471, 0, 0.024390243902439025, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0196078431372549, 0.010101010101010102, 0, 0.015151515151515152, 0.020202020202020204, 0, 0.007936507936507936, 0.03773584905660377, 0.025477707006369428, 0.01904761904761905, 0.030612244897959183, 0.02247191011235955, 0, 0, 0.009523809523809525, 0.015384615384615385, 0, 0, 0.007874015748031496, 0.015151515151515152, 0, 0.02054794520547945, 0.01020408163265306, 0.024390243902439025, 0, 0.012658227848101266, 0.017391304347826087, 0.011111111111111112, 0.03773584905660377, 0.02631578947368421, 0.013513513513513514, 0.009708737864077669, 0.017964071856287425, 0, 0.018867924528301886, 0, 0, 0.018518518518518517, 0, 0.012987012987012988, 0.0297029702970297, 0.03333333333333333, 0.029850746268656716, 0.04, 0, 0.015151515151515152, 0, 0.008928571428571428, 0.009523809523809525, 0, 0, 0, 0.030303030303030304, 0, 0.015748031496062992, 0, 0.022900763358778626, 0.014778325123152709, 0.026455026455026454, 0.034482758620689655, 0.031496062992125984, 0, 0, 0, 0.03225806451612903, 0.02702702702702703, 0, 0.015384615384615385, 0.012195121951219513, 0, 0, 0, 0.018867924528301886, 0.023809523809523808, 0, 0.005917159763313609, 0.012987012987012988, 0.006024096385542169, 0, 0.00847457627118644, 0.005235602094240838, 0.010416666666666666, 0, 0, 0.007905138339920948, 0, 0.015625, 0, 0, 0.034482758620689655, 0.010869565217391304, 0.012658227848101266, 0, 0.014705882352941176, 0.020202020202020204, 0.015384615384615385, 0.013422818791946308, 0.017241379310344827, 0.014285714285714285, 0.013888888888888888, 0.011363636363636364, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.020202020202020204, 0, 0, 0.00909090909090909, 0, 0.013333333333333334, 0, 0.008695652173913044, 0, 0.007874015748031496, 0.014492753623188406, 0, 0, 0.012195121951219513, 0, 0.012048192771084338, 0, 0, 0.007518796992481203, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.012269938650306749, 0.00684931506849315, 0.018518518518518517, 0.008264462809917356, 0.009708737864077669, 0.014184397163120567, 0.03225806451612903, 0.024390243902439025, 0.010869565217391304, 0, 0, 0.011627906976744186, 0, 0.015037593984962405, 0.03571428571428571, 0, 0.010309278350515464, 0.0196078431372549, 0.004830917874396135, 0, 0, 0.011235955056179775, 0.010638297872340425, 0, 0.01020408163265306, 0, 0.01639344262295082, 0.015037593984962405, 0, 0, 0.0058823529411764705, 0, 0.025974025974025976, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008403361344537815, 0, 0.02, 0.009900990099009901, 0, 0, 0.01020408163265306, 0.008403361344537815, 0.006944444444444444, 0.020202020202020204, 0.012345679012345678, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.022556390977443608, 0.014084507042253521, 0.023255813953488372, 0, 0, 0.013888888888888888, 0.02247191011235955, 0.016666666666666666, 0, 0, 0.03076923076923077, 0, 0.02912621359223301, 0.015151515151515152, 0, 0.013513513513513514, 0, 0, 0, 0.011235955056179775, 0, 0.020833333333333332, 0.01694915254237288, 0, 0.03125, 0, 0.006666666666666667, 0.01680672268907563, 0, 0, 0.009615384615384616, 0.013605442176870748, 0.019230769230769232, 0, 0.009259259259259259, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006493506493506494, 0, 0.046153846153846156, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01680672268907563, 0, 0, 0.025, 0.0070921985815602835, 0, 0.006134969325153374, 0.005813953488372093, 0.027522935779816515, 0, 0.006172839506172839, 0.008064516129032258, 0.007194244604316547, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.010526315789473684, 0.01282051282051282, 0.011904761904761904, 0, 0.01282051282051282, 0, 0, 0, 0.008849557522123894, 0.004545454545454545, 0, 0, 0.007246376811594203, 0.010416666666666666, 0, 0.009900990099009901, 0, 0, 0, 0.019230769230769232, 0.010752688172043012, 0.011904761904761904, 0.010526315789473684, 0.01694915254237288, 0.02857142857142857, 0.02857142857142857, 0.015625, 0.034482758620689655, 0.011494252873563218, 0.015873015873015872, 0, 0, 0.009708737864077669, 0.013333333333333334, 0.011627906976744186, 0, 0.00980392156862745, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.012658227848101266, 0, 0, 0, 0.009615384615384616, 0, 0.013888888888888888, 0.016260162601626018, 0.02631578947368421, 0.010309278350515464, 0, 0, 0, 0.017241379310344827, 0.021897810218978103, 0.02631578947368421, 0.015151515151515152, 0.009523809523809525, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.02702702702702703, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0196078431372549, 0.014492753623188406, 0.011111111111111112, 0.008, 0.03125, 0.025423728813559324, 0.015625, 0.025974025974025976, 0.01818181818181818, 0.008771929824561403, 0.014388489208633094, 0.016129032258064516, 0.009708737864077669, 0, 0.01904761904761905, 0.008928571428571428, 0.007352941176470588, 0.025, 0, 0.0125, 0.034482758620689655, 0.03333333333333333, 0, 0.012658227848101266, 0.014285714285714285, 0.0125, 0, 0, 0.0425531914893617, 0.012048192771084338, 0.022727272727272728, 0, 0, 0.02, 0.015037593984962405, 0.037037037037037035, 0, 0.008333333333333333, 0.018867924528301886, 0, 0, 0.021052631578947368, 0, 0.025, 0.016129032258064516, 0.016, 0, 0.021052631578947368, 0.005780346820809248, 0.027522935779816515, 0.015037593984962405, 0.00847457627118644, 0.014925373134328358, 0.010309278350515464, 0.023809523809523808, 0.00641025641025641, 0.017857142857142856, 0.014705882352941176, 0, 0, 0, 0.0078125, 0, 0.007042253521126761, 0, 0.027777777777777776, 0.037037037037037035, 0.024096385542168676, 0.030612244897959183, 0.0273972602739726, 0.02702702702702703, 0.020833333333333332, 0.01694915254237288, 0.008403361344537815, 0.011494252873563218, 0, 0.029411764705882353, 0.027777777777777776, 0, 0.041666666666666664, 0.04054054054054054, 0.022222222222222223, 0, 0.022222222222222223, 0, 0.025157232704402517, 0.022222222222222223, 0.014150943396226415, 0, 0, 0.013245033112582781, 0, 0, 0.011764705882352941, 0.013157894736842105, 0.029850746268656716, 0, 0.025, 0, 0.01694915254237288, 0.02247191011235955, 0.011627906976744186, 0.024390243902439025, 0, 0.014705882352941176, 0.01904761904761905, 0, 0.0044444444444444444, 0.024096385542168676, 0.009708737864077669, 0, 0, 0.030303030303030304, 0.014492753623188406, 0.02040816326530612, 0.017094017094017096, 0.015503875968992248, 0.024096385542168676, 0.02631578947368421, 0.013333333333333334, 0.022222222222222223, 0, 0.0125, 0.007547169811320755, 0.007142857142857143, 0.006172839506172839, 0.02702702702702703, 0, 0, 0.018691588785046728, 0.0136986301369863, 0.014285714285714285, 0.02564102564102564, 0.013333333333333334, 0.016666666666666666, 0.0196078431372549, 0.011627906976744186, 0, 0.012345679012345678, 0.010638297872340425, 0.0136986301369863, 0.044444444444444446, 0.010526315789473684, 0, 0.008547008547008548, 0, 0.007194244604316547, 0, 0.023809523809523808, 0.012422360248447204, 0, 0.009708737864077669, 0.006993006993006993, 0, 0.022222222222222223, 0.010309278350515464, 0.008333333333333333, 0.021505376344086023, 0, 0.030303030303030304, 0, 0.029411764705882353, 0.011627906976744186, 0, 0.017857142857142856, 0.019230769230769232, 0.017241379310344827, 0.004878048780487805, 0, 0.018018018018018018, 0.023255813953488372, 0.015384615384615385, 0.005208333333333333, 0.015151515151515152, 0, 0.04477611940298507, 0.015625, 0.023255813953488372, 0.012048192771084338, 0.03614457831325301, 0, 0.02666666666666667, 0.014705882352941176, 0.012658227848101266, 0.01875, 0.014184397163120567, 0.007407407407407408, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.011494252873563218, 0.012345679012345678, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01694915254237288, 0, 0, 0.012048192771084338, 0, 0.010752688172043012, 0, 0, 0.01639344262295082, 0.00980392156862745, 0.017964071856287425, 0, 0, 0.008849557522123894, 0.01948051948051948, 0.02072538860103627, 0.011235955056179775, 0, 0.006944444444444444, 0, 0.009174311926605505, 0, 0, 0.010416666666666666, 0.007462686567164179, 0.023255813953488372, 0.011904761904761904, 0.009174311926605505, 0.012345679012345678, 0, 0, 0, 0.012658227848101266, 0.005847953216374269, 0.01639344262295082, 0.044444444444444446, 0.035398230088495575, 0, 0.024691358024691357, 0.0072992700729927005, 0, 0.044444444444444446, 0.010752688172043012, 0.038461538461538464, 0.024390243902439025, 0.0392156862745098, 0.021739130434782608, 0.012345679012345678, 0.009708737864077669, 0, 0.005681818181818182, 0.020689655172413793, 0.034482758620689655, 0.017391304347826087, 0, 0.022222222222222223, 0.027777777777777776, 0.008264462809917356, 0.006666666666666667, 0, 0.009615384615384616, 0, 0, 0.02040816326530612, 0, 0.009615384615384616, 0.008849557522123894, 0.009345794392523364, 0, 0.0072992700729927005, 0.014925373134328358, 0.012195121951219513, 0, 0.024390243902439025, 0.006172839506172839, 0.013793103448275862, 0.008, 0.016666666666666666, 0, 0.046511627906976744, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.010101010101010102, 0.026490066225165563, 0.011904761904761904, 0.00625, 0.01639344262295082, 0, 0.022727272727272728, 0, 0.011363636363636364, 0.02, 0.034482758620689655, 0, 0.014925373134328358, 0, 0.010869565217391304, 0.017857142857142856, 0.016574585635359115, 0.006711409395973154, 0.03333333333333333, 0.017699115044247787, 0.012345679012345678, 0.020833333333333332, 0.020833333333333332, 0.012048192771084338, 0, 0, 0.019417475728155338, 0, 0.011111111111111112, 0, 0.005813953488372093, 0.015384615384615385, 0.011111111111111112, 0.023809523809523808, 0, 0.015873015873015872, 0.009708737864077669, 0.045454545454545456, 0.03333333333333333, 0.03, 0.03225806451612903, 0.029411764705882353, 0, 0.018518518518518517, 0.018691588785046728, 0.0392156862745098, 0, 0, 0.017094017094017096, 0, 0, 0, 0.019801980198019802, 0.017543859649122806, 0.007246376811594203, 0.04040404040404041, 0, 0.012345679012345678, 0, 0.012195121951219513, 0.017857142857142856, 0.017543859649122806, 0.02040816326530612, 0.028169014084507043, 0.030303030303030304, 0.009174311926605505, 0.009259259259259259, 0.014492753623188406, 0, 0.023255813953488372, 0, 0.007936507936507936, 0, 0, 0.022900763358778626, 0.010638297872340425, 0.017241379310344827, 0, 0.02702702702702703, 0, 0.009009009009009009, 0.01098901098901099, 0, 0, 0.0136986301369863, 0.017543859649122806, 0.023809523809523808, 0.014285714285714285, 0, 0.020833333333333332, 0.011904761904761904, 0.01694915254237288, 0.02, 0.011235955056179775, 0.012195121951219513, 0.010752688172043012, 0, 0.02631578947368421, 0.01764705882352941, 0, 0.012121212121212121, 0.007633587786259542, 0.009174311926605505, 0.006993006993006993, 0.007874015748031496, 0.017857142857142856, 0.02459016393442623, 0.017241379310344827, 0.02127659574468085, 0, 0.02631578947368421, 0.00625, 0.02702702702702703, 0.00909090909090909, 0.022222222222222223, 0.009259259259259259, 0.010752688172043012, 0.05714285714285714, 0.0273972602739726, 0, 0.0125, 0.022727272727272728, 0.02564102564102564, 0.011764705882352941, 0.02857142857142857, 0.01834862385321101, 0.010638297872340425, 0.041666666666666664, 0.00847457627118644, 0.01282051282051282, 0, 0.03125, 0.008928571428571428, 0, 0.02040816326530612, 0.013513513513513514, 0, 0, 0.012195121951219513, 0.00909090909090909, 0.014492753623188406, 0.03333333333333333, 0.01098901098901099, 0.01098901098901099, 0.03488372093023256, 0.014705882352941176, 0, 0.008620689655172414, 0.02127659574468085, 0.009174311926605505, 0.013888888888888888, 0.01694915254237288, 0.009174311926605505, 0.016666666666666666, 0.015384615384615385, 0.01098901098901099, 0.017543859649122806, 0.009615384615384616, 0.015625, 0.013513513513513514, 0.01834862385321101, 0, 0.016260162601626018, 0, 0.014285714285714285, 0.009523809523809525, 0.019417475728155338, 0.023121387283236993, 0.011494252873563218, 0, 0.01020408163265306, 0.012195121951219513, 0, 0.00819672131147541, 0.013157894736842105, 0.016666666666666666, 0, 0.024691358024691357, 0.01639344262295082, 0, 0, 0.016853932584269662, 0.024096385542168676, 0, 0, 0.010526315789473684, 0.012121212121212121, 0.01818181818181818, 0.01639344262295082, 0.009259259259259259, 0.019230769230769232, 0.018018018018018018, 0.007518796992481203, 0.04, 0.02702702702702703, 0, 0.011904761904761904, 0.011560693641618497, 0, 0, 0, 0.031746031746031744, 0, 0.015625, 0.031578947368421054, 0.0038910505836575876, 0.005780346820809248, 0.012195121951219513, 0, 0.02666666666666667, 0.01, 0.030612244897959183, 0, 0.03076923076923077, 0.012987012987012988, 0.011627906976744186, 0, 0.013157894736842105, 0.038461538461538464, 0, 0, 0.024390243902439025, 0, 0.050505050505050504, 0.022727272727272728, 0.02, 0.023809523809523808, 0.027777777777777776, 0.017543859649122806, 0.017543859649122806, 0.022727272727272728, 0.02702702702702703, 0.00909090909090909, 0.020202020202020204, 0, 0.008333333333333333, 0, 0.03529411764705882, 0, 0.05, 0.011235955056179775, 0.019230769230769232, 0.03571428571428571, 0, 0, 0.005780346820809248, 0.019230769230769232, 0.04, 0.008547008547008548, 0.009433962264150943, 0, 0, 0.034482758620689655, 0, 0.012658227848101266, 0.016260162601626018, 0.037037037037037035, 0.013888888888888888, 0.010101010101010102, 0.014925373134328358, 0.008620689655172414, 0, 0.018018018018018018, 0, 0, 0.015384615384615385, 0, 0, 0.004672897196261682, 0.007407407407407408, 0.008928571428571428, 0.027522935779816515, 0.0196078431372549, 0.04, 0.021505376344086023, 0.033112582781456956, 0.027777777777777776, 0.011764705882352941, 0.03508771929824561, 0, 0.013422818791946308, 0.026845637583892617, 0.02027027027027027, 0.017543859649122806, 0.038461538461538464, 0.016666666666666666, 0, 0.00847457627118644, 0.017543859649122806, 0.014285714285714285, 0, 0.038461538461538464, 0.01818181818181818, 0.010526315789473684, 0.04878048780487805, 0.02, 0.031746031746031744, 0.005952380952380952, 0.01818181818181818, 0.022727272727272728, 0, 0, 0, 0.016129032258064516, 0.02857142857142857, 0.013888888888888888, 0, 0.012195121951219513, 0.009009009009009009, 0, 0.015748031496062992, 0.007575757575757576, 0, 0.014285714285714285, 0, 0.007751937984496124, 0, 0.006060606060606061, 0.01639344262295082, 0, 0.023255813953488372, 0.03488372093023256, 0.025, 0.031746031746031744, 0.00909090909090909, 0, 0.028037383177570093, 0.006578947368421052, 0.0392156862745098, 0, 0, 0.0136986301369863, 0.01, 0.009174311926605505, 0.0380952380952381, 0.0125, 0.010526315789473684, 0.011627906976744186, 0.015151515151515152, 0.018518518518518517, 0, 0.01282051282051282, 0.022222222222222223, 0, 0.017543859649122806, 0.0297029702970297, 0.012987012987012988, 0.00909090909090909, 0.00684931506849315, 0, 0.022988505747126436, 0, 0, 0.042105263157894736, 0.02857142857142857, 0.01818181818181818, 0.012658227848101266, 0.006756756756756757, 0.034482758620689655, 0, 0.008849557522123894, 0, 0.008849557522123894, 0.015151515151515152, 0.015384615384615385, 0, 0, 0, 0.014705882352941176, 0, 0, 0.018518518518518517, 0.008333333333333333, 0, 0.014705882352941176, 0, 0.011764705882352941, 0.010416666666666666, 0.011904761904761904, 0.024793388429752067, 0.007751937984496124, 0.020833333333333332, 0.0189873417721519, 0.011494252873563218, 0.028169014084507043, 0.037037037037037035, 0.037037037037037035, 0, 0.015748031496062992, 0, 0.018292682926829267, 0, 0.006993006993006993, 0, 0.01098901098901099, 0.024, 0.009900990099009901, 0.020618556701030927, 0.008333333333333333, 0.02727272727272727, 0, 0.022388059701492536, 0.009174311926605505, 0.013333333333333334, 0.015228426395939087, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.017964071856287425, 0, 0, 0.017241379310344827, 0.007194244604316547, 0, 0.0379746835443038, 0.004149377593360996, 0.012195121951219513, 0, 0.01646090534979424, 0.009174311926605505, 0.008620689655172414, 0.0058823529411764705, 0.009523809523809525, 0, 0.017543859649122806, 0.021505376344086023, 0, 0, 0, 0.0070921985815602835, 0, 0.01098901098901099, 0, 0, 0.011904761904761904, 0, 0.005291005291005291, 0, 0.020833333333333332, 0.029850746268656716, 0, 0, 0, 0.009259259259259259, 0.0049504950495049506, 0.006060606060606061, 0.01818181818181818, 0.020833333333333332, 0.024390243902439025, 0, 0.007633587786259542, 0.0136986301369863, 0.011494252873563218, 0, 0, 0.009345794392523364, 0.018691588785046728, 0.008064516129032258, 0, 0.004032258064516129, 0.029411764705882353, 0.010638297872340425, 0.02127659574468085, 0.0049504950495049506, 0.014285714285714285, 0.011235955056179775, 0.009259259259259259, 0.022988505747126436, 0, 0.017857142857142856, 0.023529411764705882, 0.022988505747126436, 0, 0, 0.011976047904191617, 0.017094017094017096, 0, 0.005988023952095809, 0.007692307692307693, 0, 0.02631578947368421, 0.02197802197802198, 0, 0.011111111111111112, 0.00980392156862745, 0, 0.011764705882352941, 0, 0.010416666666666666, 0, 0.01652892561983471, 0, 0.011494252873563218, 0.023255813953488372, 0, 0.0125, 0.008403361344537815, 0.01639344262295082, 0, 0.020134228187919462, 0.01818181818181818, 0.038461538461538464, 0.05263157894736842, 0.03225806451612903, 0.013513513513513514, 0, 0.009174311926605505, 0.03571428571428571, 0, 0, 0.01639344262295082, 0.009852216748768473, 0.01639344262295082, 0, 0.016666666666666666, 0.0196078431372549, 0.043478260869565216, 0, 0.02666666666666667, 0, 0, 0.018867924528301886, 0, 0.017241379310344827, 0.012658227848101266, 0.00980392156862745, 0.017543859649122806, 0.030303030303030304, 0.023255813953488372, 0.007462686567164179, 0, 0.046875, 0.011111111111111112, 0.021739130434782608, 0, 0.028985507246376812, 0.041666666666666664, 0.019230769230769232, 0, 0.014184397163120567, 0.04081632653061224, 0.0136986301369863, 0.010752688172043012, 0, 0.04081632653061224, 0.009900990099009901, 0.030303030303030304, 0.025, 0.038461538461538464, 0, 0.02586206896551724, 0.008695652173913044, 0.0125, 0.012903225806451613, 0, 0, 0.012195121951219513, 0, 0, 0.010869565217391304, 0, 0, 0.022900763358778626, 0.028037383177570093, 0.02127659574468085, 0, 0.006802721088435374, 0.00909090909090909, 0.010101010101010102, 0, 0.011494252873563218, 0, 0, 0.02040816326530612, 0.021505376344086023, 0.013793103448275862, 0.022727272727272728, 0, 0.006802721088435374, 0.011764705882352941, 0.016666666666666666, 0.02564102564102564, 0, 0.007042253521126761, 0.013333333333333334, 0.029850746268656716, 0, 0.009009009009009009, 0.017857142857142856, 0.017857142857142856, 0, 0.013157894736842105, 0.012048192771084338, 0, 0.006134969325153374, 0, 0.016483516483516484, 0.027777777777777776, 0.027777777777777776, 0.007633587786259542, 0.00819672131147541, 0.029411764705882353, 0.031578947368421054, 0, 0.014084507042253521, 0.006756756756756757, 0.023255813953488372, 0, 0, 0.020618556701030927, 0, 0.0273972602739726, 0.009523809523809525, 0.012987012987012988, 0.041666666666666664, 0.01639344262295082, 0, 0.013513513513513514, 0.009523809523809525, 0.022222222222222223, 0, 0.03296703296703297, 0.01639344262295082, 0, 0, 0, 0.009009009009009009, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008771929824561403, 0, 0.008928571428571428, 0, 0.021739130434782608, 0.016666666666666666, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008547008547008548, 0.009345794392523364, 0, 0.005714285714285714, 0.009433962264150943, 0.025, 0.023255813953488372, 0, 0.011111111111111112, 0.022988505747126436, 0.01904761904761905, 0.012658227848101266, 0, 0.03225806451612903, 0.013888888888888888, 0.016129032258064516, 0, 0.027777777777777776, 0.05, 0.0136986301369863, 0.01639344262295082, 0, 0.020618556701030927, 0.006802721088435374, 0, 0.012658227848101266, 0.011494252873563218, 0.04, 0.0196078431372549, 0.013333333333333334, 0.017543859649122806, 0.043478260869565216, 0.0125, 0, 0, 0, 0.014705882352941176, 0, 0.030303030303030304, 0.014705882352941176, 0.013157894736842105, 0.007936507936507936, 0.01282051282051282, 0, 0.009900990099009901, 0, 0, 0.01904761904761905, 0.017391304347826087, 0, 0.006944444444444444, 0, 0, 0, 0.047619047619047616, 0.047619047619047616, 0.04081632653061224, 0.008547008547008548, 0, 0.0297029702970297, 0, 0.0196078431372549, 0, 0.034482758620689655, 0.03333333333333333, 0.0213903743315508, 0, 0.008620689655172414, 0.015384615384615385, 0.020202020202020204, 0.012658227848101266, 0, 0.020833333333333332, 0, 0.01694915254237288, 0.02027027027027027, 0.0125, 0.008888888888888889, 0.019417475728155338, 0.011235955056179775, 0.015873015873015872, 0.020942408376963352, 0.023809523809523808, 0.005649717514124294, 0.007352941176470588, 0.00684931506849315, 0.04285714285714286, 0.010309278350515464, 0.01875, 0.004132231404958678, 0.015873015873015872, 0.011494252873563218, 0.0072992700729927005, 0.00819672131147541, 0.014285714285714285, 0.008264462809917356, 0.01020408163265306, 0.03333333333333333, 0.024691358024691357, 0.013157894736842105, 0.011363636363636364, 0.018691588785046728, 0.018779342723004695, 0.008298755186721992, 0.03333333333333333, 0.009345794392523364, 0.015625, 0.010869565217391304, 0.009174311926605505, 0, 0, 0.03333333333333333, 0, 0.013157894736842105, 0, 0.00510204081632653, 0.027777777777777776, 0, 0.014084507042253521, 0, 0.008695652173913044, 0.009433962264150943, 0, 0.025, 0, 0.005988023952095809, 0.008, 0.0375, 0, 0, 0.009174311926605505, 0.009708737864077669, 0.0064516129032258064, 0, 0.00967741935483871, 0.006097560975609756, 0, 0.011560693641618497, 0, 0.005263157894736842, 0, 0, 0, 0.017543859649122806, 0, 0.012048192771084338, 0.023809523809523808, 0.005747126436781609, 0, 0, 0.024390243902439025, 0.013888888888888888, 0.01744186046511628, 0.006666666666666667, 0, 0.02702702702702703, 0.02702702702702703, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.004545454545454545, 0, 0.008264462809917356, 0, 0.006578947368421052, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.009615384615384616, 0.01060070671378092, 0, 0.017543859649122806, 0, 0, 0.009174311926605505, 0, 0.009174311926605505, 0.014705882352941176, 0.0035971223021582736, 0, 0.022988505747126436, 0.014354066985645933, 0.0072992700729927005, 0.025974025974025976, 0.011857707509881422, 0.015873015873015872, 0.02459016393442623, 0.0223463687150838, 0.02185792349726776, 0.013793103448275862, 0.005376344086021506, 0.034482758620689655, 0.009345794392523364, 0.006211180124223602, 0, 0.024691358024691357, 0.038461538461538464, 0.03409090909090909, 0.0070921985815602835, 0.014492753623188406, 0, 0.011627906976744186, 0.02142857142857143, 0.04054054054054054, 0.029411764705882353, 0.044444444444444446, 0.02040816326530612, 0.005208333333333333, 0.015706806282722512, 0.008298755186721992, 0.030120481927710843, 0, 0.02112676056338028, 0.01834862385321101, 0, 0.016, 0.005405405405405406, 0.03968253968253968, 0, 0.012987012987012988, 0.016129032258064516, 0, 0.004301075268817204, 0, 0.007142857142857143, 0.02830188679245283, 0.02608695652173913, 0.007142857142857143, 0.020512820512820513, 0.007142857142857143, 0.010526315789473684, 0, 0, 0, 0.015625, 0, 0.020833333333333332, 0, 0.007874015748031496, 0.011764705882352941, 0, 0.027777777777777776, 0.01639344262295082, 0.009615384615384616, 0, 0.018518518518518517, 0, 0.017699115044247787, 0.008, 0.004830917874396135, 0.012658227848101266, 0.007518796992481203, 0.009900990099009901, 0.0111731843575419, 0, 0.0196078431372549, 0, 0.017241379310344827, 0.011904761904761904, 0, 0.015873015873015872, 0.010309278350515464, 0.015384615384615385, 0.028985507246376812, 0.008875739644970414, 0, 0.005128205128205128, 0.0064516129032258064, 0.02857142857142857, 0, 0, 0, 0.02631578947368421, 0, 0.015151515151515152, 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[ "Are there lots of people who target shoot in their backyard in an urban neighborhood? ", "They make it seem like it would be tough to track this moron down. ", "There'd be cops at his place as soon as he started shooting.", "\nI like how CSI count 9 hits on his targets and say he \"missed one\" with a Beretta 92. ", "I wish the gunowner had said, \"Actually I missed six times. ", "Ten round mags are for subjects!\"", "\n\nI never got to see the end of this episode. ", "I assume the mystery 9mm bullet was a fly away from someone shooting in town. ", "CSI Miami does a pretty good job with some facts when they do ballistic testing, This original CSI is not quite as good. ", "I know in Miami no one would give a shit about gun shots heard.", "\n\nClass 3 shooters blow thier load faster and with just one pull on the trigger\n\nI used to think that CSI was one of the most unrealistic \"cop\" shows on TV. ", "They are award winners compared to 10-8 Officers on Duty. ", "Ma Danby and I watch that just to see how much more stupid the new episode is over the last one. ", "Well I do, Ma has decided that almost anything else is a better use of time. (", "Her brother is an LASO Training Deputy so it is easy to spot the simple oops's.)", "\n\"Look they have graffitti's 187 and your name on this building. ", "Do you know what it means?\" \"", "Duh, when I yam in New Yock it mean killing. ", "What does it mean here?\"", "\nWell since the CA Penal Code Section for Murder is 187, I would guess that the term originated with the LA area gangs and that's where the screenwriter heard it. ", "It may or may not be used other areas. ", "But it sure as hell didn't start on the East Coast and a Sheriff in LA would kinda oughta know what it was.", "\nAnd oh yeah, where do Deputies go right out of the Academy? ", "To the Streets? ", "NO, they go to work in the jails for a couple of years first.", "\nI can live with having their patrol area run from downtown to Santa Monica, having grown up around here I'm used to seeing familiar places on the screen.", "\nI don't know if they are trying to be serious or tongue in chee. ", "They aren't doing too well either way.", "\n\nOriginally Posted By DarkNite:\nI like how CSI count 9 hits on his targets and say he \"missed one\" with a Beretta 92. ", "I wish the gunowner had said, \"Actually I missed six times. ", "Ten round mags are for subjects!\"", "\n\nView Quote\n\n[lol] That would have been great.", "\nI thought the same thing, I started laughing when they showed that stupid bitch yell \"Are you trying to kill somebody... And then the bullet flies straight up in the air only to land six blocks away in that poor woman's chest. ", "Then the guy says \"It was just a little target practice [ROLF2] Getting pissed over such shit just isn't worth it. ", "My wife was horrified that I laughed.", "\n\ni knew where that show was going in the beginning. ", "friend of mine is the HVAC guy at a small college. ", "a large AC unit went down several summers ago and they had to call in some help. ", "long story short they found a 9mm bullet lodged in the coil, just enough to tear the copper. ", "they figured since the \"bad\" neighborhood was a couple of blocks away it was a stray.", "\n\nOriginally Posted By klutz347:\nThe one in Las Vegas doesn't suck nearly as bad as the Miami one. ", "David Corusso can't act to save his life. ", "His acting reminds me of William Shatner's (and his sucked too).", "\n\nView Quote\n\nThe only reason I watch CSI: Miami is to count the number of times he puts on, and takes off his glasses.", "\n[rofl2]" ]
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[ "In spite of recent advances in chemotherapy and radiation, cancer is one of the main causes of death at any age worldwide. ", "In the United States alone there are almost three million new cancer cases diagnosed every year. ", "The overall five-year survival is close to fifty percent for all patients, and the prognosis is still particularly bad for those patients with advanced solid tumors.", "\nRosacea is a frequent ocular and facial disease usually affecting millions of people worldwide. ", "It is a chronic and progressive vascular skin disorder, involving mainly the malar and nasal areas of the face. ", "Rosacea is characterized by erythema, papules, pustules, telangiectasia, facial edema, ocular lesions and in its most advanced and severe form, tissue and sebaceous gland hyperplasia leading to rhinophyma. ", "Rhinophyma, a florid overgrowth of the tip of the nose with hypervascularity and nodularity, is an uncommon progression of rosacea with an unknown cause. ", "Ocular lesions, including mild conjunctivitis, burning and gritty sensation, are common. ", "Blepharitis, the most common ocular manifestation, is a non-ulcerative condition of the eyelid margins.", "\nPsoriasis is a chronic disease affecting approximately 2-3% of the world population. ", "It is characterized by epidermal cell hyperproliferation. ", "Psoriasis symptoms include clearly defined erythematous spots covered by a characteristic crust, epidermal hyperproliferation, peeling and incomplete keratinocyte differentiation. ", "Clinical psoriasis variants include erythrodermic, seborrheic, reverse and photosensitive psoriasis and psoriasis guttata, pustular variants and Reiter's disease. ", "There is currently no cure for psoriasis.", "\nThere is still a need for new effective therapies for treating cancer and treating fibrosis." ]
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[ "Harmonix is best known for its work bringing live concerts onto home screens (and plastic instruments into living rooms) with video games Guitar Hero and Rock Band, but the developer has also experimented with the board game universe. ", "Released in late 2017, DropMix was part trading card game à la Magic: The Gathering, part music game in the vein of Harmonix’s digital jam sessions, mixing its own set of rules for a unique, vibrant hybrid powered up by an NFC board and mobile companion app.", "\n\nIn DropMix, one or more players place physical cards representing famous songs across all music genres into slots on the game’s board, and the near-field communication tech inside automatically detects them. ", "Regular cards include one or more instruments; once several are set on the board they combine into a single track, the beats per minute and key of the song adjusting automatically - with often impressive results.", "\n\nDropMix’s launch was rocky at best. ", "Marketing was spread mostly on social media, along with the giveaway of a special edition card featuring Transformers’ main title song during PAX West 2017. ", "Even though the game’s release happened shortly after, few people could get their hands on it. ", "In fact, not many people knew what the game was about at all. ", "While Harmonix was in charge of development, toy company Hasbro served as publisher, manufacturing and distributing the hardware and cards.", "\n\nIn DropMix, players place physical cards onto a board to remix songs in real time.", "\n\nThe premise was a tad confusing. ", "Trying to convince someone to spend over £100 on a new title by Harmonix that didn’t fall into the same rhythm game template as Rock Band, but instead seemed more akin to a board game that required a mobile companion app to work, was enough of a challenge. ", "On top of this, only 60 cards were included in the box - while there were additional packs and boosters available during the original launch, they meant potentially spending even more from the get-go.", "\n\nAvailability was another central issue. ", "As Kotaku reported shortly after launch, trying to find DropMix in stores was difficult, with a number of GameStop employees not even knowing about the game despite the US retailer promoting it with the Transformers card from PAX. ", "Many shops reportedly had a hard time trying to figure out exactly where or how to display the hybrid game, with customers saying they had sometimes found the base set or booster packs in the toys section of supermarket chains such as Walmart.", "\n\nDemo stations were present in big stores but, as one member of the DropMix community tells me, they were mostly found in video game sections with a price tag higher than most of the products on display except for consoles. ", "There was also a lack of clarity when it came to additional decks, initially believed to be blind packs due to retailers like Amazon preventing buyers from choosing the set they wanted - Harmonix subsequently confirmed the discovery packs wouldn’t be randomised boosters, as in collectible card games like Magic: The Gathering.", "\n\nI genuinely think that the game is a great conversation starter.", "\n\n“I had heard of DropMix a year ago, but never saw it anywhere in person or knew much about it. ", "I had a friend whom I played Rock Band with tell me about it, and I decided to ask for it for Christmas 2018 just as me and a couple of friends were starting to really get into board games,” user SodaStorm says. “", "I opened it up and lost literally an entire day to it.”", "\n\nThey spent the subsequent weeks scouring every auction and garage sale to acquire a complete DropMix collection, which currently stands at 440 cards. ", "As Toys ‘R’ Us stores began closing down - an event that occurred shortly after after the game’s release - significant discounts and clearances became fairly common. ", "Both veteran players and interested newcomers were able to either pick up the remaining decks needed to complete their existing collections, including decks sold exclusively at Toy ‘R’ Us and Target, or start anew.", "\n\nSodaStorm adds that very few games have had this sort of effect on their life. ", "After playing together, their friends would usually go and hunt out a copy for themselves, usually hanging out to play on a weekly basis. ", "At launch DropMix featured two competitive modes called Clash and Party, along with a Freestyle mode to play around with cards and create mixes without time limits.", "\n\n“Just yesterday I showed [DropMix] to a coworker and now people at the office are talking about it,” SodaStorm says. “", "I genuinely think that the game is a great conversation starter.”", "\n\nTo see this content please enable targeting cookies. ", "Manage cookie settings\n\nDropMix’s surge happened mostly in the United States, whilst demo stations over in Europe were close to non-existent, Amazon and GAME being the main retailers in the UK. ", "People turned to the official DropMix subreddit to ask for a potential release window, with others voicing that the mobile app wasn’t available for them. ", "Some had no other choice but to import the game from another country. ", "In my own experience, all the way down here in Argentina, no official retailer offered DropMix at launch, nor during the months afterwards.", "\n\nThis initial scenario wasn’t ideal, but Harmonix pushed through. ", "There are several videos on the developer’s YouTube channel explaining game modes, showcasing Freestyle mixes and, most importantly, broadcasting the internal tournaments that were held by the studio. ", "Outside streams, players were able to include the game in competitive events or create their own, with the studio offering tools such as rules printouts and tournament brackets if you were part of the DropMix Insider fan programme. ", "A Harmonix spokesperson told Dicebreaker that “there were never any formal plans to organise and host public tournaments”.", "\n\nAlthough attempting to compete online seemed like an impossible task, a member of the community came up with a potential solution called DropMixin. ", "The match took place on live streaming platform Twitch, using a bot as intermediary to input commands from the human players in order to play Clash matches over the internet.", "\n\nDropMix cards have a level and colour, representing the instrument they'll add to a track and which cards can be played on top of them.", "\n\nDropMixin was achieved with an add-on for the Android version of the game’s mobile app that connected it to a web server. ", "Jerrith then coded a Twitch bot that listened to private messages and the channel’s chat for commands, and would send these to the server in order to play cards to slots, navigate the menus as necessary and so on. ", "It was basically the DropMix version of Twitch Plays Pokémon, and lasted for two tournaments, until Harmonix asked user Jerrith to shut it down in January 2018.", "\n\n“Two people would submit their decks to the bot, which were basically a list of card numbers, and, once two people were ready, it would navigate over to Clash mode and start the match,” Jerrith explains over Discord. “", "You could play a fully automated Clash match with someone else, all via Twitch. ", "There was also a queue if more than two people wanted to compete.”", "\n\nJerrith adds that the web interface could technically play all the unreleased Season 1 DropMix cards that were in the app, with the bot coded to disallow cards that weren’t available yet.", "\n\nI feel like the concept had a lot of promise but there was obviously some sort of issue on the business side.", "\n\n“I considered what I was doing reasonable - I had two full sets of the cards (which was enough for any normal scenario in the game) at the time and only ran a single stream - the equivalent of using my cards. ", "Harmonix didn't see it that way though, and asked me to shut down the stream if I was using any modifications of their app.”", "\n\nWhen approached for comment, a Harmonix spokesperson said: “We strive to provide players with the best licensed music in all our games and we have a strong partnership with the music industry. ", "Unfortunately mods or customs often enable the use and/or distribution of copyrighted music without the proper rights, so we cannot support them.”", "\n\nEven now, discussions around modding are prohibited in both Reddit and Discord. “", "Whilst I don't think it would ever have become that popular, asking for it to shut down killed any sort of DropMix modding,” Jerrith says. “", "I think they learned though, and did much better with the VR game Audica, which has quite the modding community.”", "\n\nTo see this content please enable targeting cookies. ", "Manage cookie settings\n\nDropMixin wasn’t the only effort made by the community in order to maintain an active interest around the game. ", "The Weekly Mix Challenge, in which user Cryptosporidium set conditions to combine specific cards or respond to a certain theme, ran for 105 weeks after starting back in January 2018. ", "Dozens of users all over the world participated but, as Cryptosporidium explains to me over Discord, being out of college and starting in a full-time job led them to put an end on the challenge at least for the time being, right after DropMix’s second anniversary.", "\n\n“As it is the last challenge I'll be putting out for now, I'd like to encourage everyone to create a mix this week,” they announced at the time. “", "Come together and show the creativity of the DropMix community and how much this game means to each and every one of us.”", "\n\nFellow player AdamNA came up with an online card template creator - though not without a series of disclaimers requested by Harmonix, along with a custom watermark so people wouldn’t mistake them for official cards. ", "Another user, who goes by the name of TheJizel, created a DropMix deck generator inspired by both his experience as software developer and as a former employee of Harmonix during the Rock Band 3 days.", "\n\nOver 400 cards were released for DropMix, covering genres from pop and hip-hop to EDM.", "\n\nThe original idea was to use the generator to build decks based on harmonies. ", "Ideally, this would have led to people competing in Clash mode using cards that were musically compatible. ", "TheJizel says that this would have not only made the game competitive but also pleasing to listen to as you were playing.", "\n\n“I did make an attempt at this at some point during development, but quickly found out that there were not enough cards and songs to make it feasible. ", "Like many others, I feel like the concept had a lot of promise but there was obviously some sort of issue on the business side, either marketability or licensing, that made it not feasible to produce long-term,” he tells me. “", "I think one of the prevalent themes among the DropMix community is that Hasbro is to blame for this. ", "Harmonix did a lot of the work not only managing the communities, but also being vocal on the marketing side and adding new features to the software along the way (like the single-player Puzzle Mode back in mid-2018).”", "\n\nThe factors surrounding what happened with DropMix are largely separated into two key events by the community. ", "14 people were laid off from Harmonix in October 2017, including community manager Josh Harrison, who is said to have been active answering questions such as international release dates and who left a goodbye post on Reddit that is remembered by members of the community to this day. ", "The second event involved another round of layoffs that happened in late 2018, this time affecting Hasbro’s iPlay division, which was mainly in charge of manufacturing and distributing the game. ", "This was announced by former employee Alex Howell on the DropMix Discord server when it happened.", "\n\nTo see this content please enable targeting cookies. ", "Manage cookie settings\n\nIn late 2019, Harmonix assumed control of the DropMix app and server support from Hasbro. ", "A spokesperson from Hasbro told Dicebreaker that “whilst there are no plans to introduce new cards or boards, DropMix features and functionality will not change and the team plans to support the service indefinitely”.", "\n\nA Harmonix representative reassured this, but also gave a more hopeful message: “The production of all DropMix products has ceased and there are no plans to start it back up. ", "That said, we remain extremely bullish on the underlying music mixing tech that made DropMix so memorable and are actively experimenting with new ways to introduce accessible music mixing to an even larger audience.”", "\n\nDespite the fact that the project couldn’t develop the potential that the community was hoping for, along with only seeing half of the intended Season 2 cards, many fans are still enjoying the game to this day, sharing personal anecdotes and favourite mixes on social media and community channels. ", "Even in recent months, several players have discovered DropMix for the first time, and are seeking out packs and boosters wherever they can. ", "Reddit, for example, displays dozens of posts sharing sales and clearance opportunities, and the same solidary sentiment can be found all over the DropMix Discord channel.", "\n\nThe ‘wow’ of putting a piece of cardboard on a piece of plastic and making an iPhone spit out Disturbed vocals over Carly Rae Jepsen strings isn't going to be there with mouse clicks or fingertaps.", "\n\nJon Farrell, a long-time fan of Rock Band who has been involved in Harmonix’s online communities for years, is one of many people who expressed their thoughts about what would happen if DropMix’s future relied on making the game a completely digital experience. ", "For them, it wouldn’t be the same.", "\n\n“If digital is the only path to get more content out into the world, then by all means I hope it does make it out there somehow. ", "But I truly don't think it would feel the same. ", "The ‘wow’ of putting a piece of cardboard on a piece of plastic and making an iPhone spit out Disturbed vocals over Carly Rae Jepsen strings isn't going to be there with mouse clicks or fingertaps,” Farrell tells me. “", "As cumbersome as the big colourful boxes were to retailers, I don't think an app amidst millions of other apps will get that much more attention. ", "Ideally, I'd like to see a new distributor see what we saw in it and continue it just as it was, if that's legally even an option.”", "\n\nThe music-mixing technology of DropMix lives on in upcoming video game Fuser.", "\n\nIn late February 2020, Harmonix revealed its fully digital successor to DropMix, moving the card game from the tabletop and mobile devices to video game consoles. ", "Fuser is a video game that invites players to DJ live music performances, mixing licensed songs throughout different game modes - including Freestyle and online multiplayer - and sharing their mixes on social media.", "\n\nThe similarities between DropMix and Fuser are evident in the video game’s first gameplay trailer, showcasing requests from the crowd around timing and creativity when adding new tracks onto a mix, using the same instrument icons previously seen on the physical cards, a coloured DJ cabin representing the board, and more. ", "In an announcement email sent to members of the DropMix Insider programme, Harmonix described Fuser as “the evolution of the technology behind DropMix”. ", "Meanwhile, a member of the studio assured fans on the DropMix Discord Server that it “won’t become a Fuser server”.", "\n\nTo see this content please enable targeting cookies. ", "Manage cookie settings\n\nEverywhere you look on social media and official channels, there’s a clear passion for DropMix from the community. ", "Parents experimenting with cards with their children, people that had no idea of the game’s existence until recently and found themselves involved in groups that still haven’t given up, sharing mixes on a weekly basis and playing competitively in local bars and coffee places. ", "The initial premise may have been a hard sell and, whilst the promise wasn’t quite fulfilled on the tabletop, fans still share the same excitement as the first time they mixed the Jackson 5 with Evanescence.", "\n\nThere were several entries in Cryptosporidium’s last Weekly Mix Challenge, which involved two objectives: to create songs inspired by the prompts ‘To the Future’ and ‘What DropMix means to you’.", "\n\nSodaStorm created ‘Locked into an obsession’ for ‘To the Future’, in the hope of someone taking control of DropMix and creating more content for the tabletop game. ", "As for what the game means to them, that’s preserved in ‘Sitting at the bar with an empty glass’, inspired by a happy accident with a stranger as they were playing Clash together: “We both smiled when it played and silently sat and listened to it for a couple of cycles before continuing our game. ", "We play weekly now.”", "\n\nTo see this content please enable targeting cookies. ", "Manage cookie settings\n\nDadgumituh shared the thought process over their own To the Future entry, thanking Cryptosporidium: “This mix combines things that I often do when making challenge mixes. ", "And then, in the spirit of Crypto’s challenges, doing something outside my comfort zone.” ", "The track is called ‘The Final Credits’ and features The Final Countdown and a remix of the G.I. Joe main title song.", "\n\n“It’s a ‘future’ mix because once you’ve completed all of a game’s challenges, what comes next? ", "The closing credits.”", "\n\n‘I Want More DropMix’ by spdy4 included The Black Eyed Peas and New Order, along with a message from the creator: “Pretty much what the title says, I want more DropMix in my life, and it means a whole lot to not just me, but other people in the community. ", "I mean, how many games can you name that do the same thing as DropMix?”" ]
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[ "Storm surge of two to four feet is possible from Cape Lookout to Duck, N.C., including the sound side. ", "Because of Maria’s path, winds will be blowing out of the east first, which will create surge on the ocean side, and then out of the west, which will create surge on the sound side. ", "The amount of surge will depend on whether the strongest winds coincide with high tide." ]
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[ "ERBB2 Mutations Characterize a Subgroup of Muscle-invasive Bladder Cancers with Excellent Response to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy.", "\nA pathologic complete response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC) containing platinum is a strong prognostic determinant for patients with muscle-invasive bladder cancer (MIBC). ", "Despite comprehensive molecular characterization of bladder cancer, associations of molecular alterations with treatment response are still largely unknown. ", "We selected pathologic complete responders (ypT0N0; n=38) and nonresponders (higher than ypT2; n=33) from a cohort of high-grade MIBC patients treated with NAC. ", "DNA was isolated from prechemotherapy tumor tissue and used for next-generation sequencing of 178 cancer-associated genes (discovery cohort) or targeted sequencing (validation cohort). ", "We found that 9 of 38 complete responders had erb-b2 receptor tyrosine kinase 2 (ERBB2) missense mutations, whereas none of 33 nonresponders had ERBB2 mutations (p=0.003). ", "ERBB2 missense mutations in complete responders were mostly confirmed activating mutations. ", "ERCC2 missense mutations, recently found associated with response to NAC, were more common in complete responders; however, this association did not reach statistical significance in our cohort. ", "We conclude that ERBB2 missense mutations characterize a subgroup of MIBC patients with an excellent response to NAC. ", "In this report we looked for genetic alterations that can predict the response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC) in bladder cancer. ", "We found that mutations in the gene ERBB2 are exclusively present in patients responding to NAC." ]
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[ "“How I fired myself from my business, hired a CEO and tripled my bottom line profits using this simple formula.”", "\n\n3 Big Reasons To Upgrade\n\n30+ Documented Systems\n\nLifetime Access To Recordings\n\nBonus Bundle Valued @ $1000+\n\n+ GST where applicable\nApprox $299USD\n\nWhat others are saying about this webinar…\n\n“Turnovers increased by 200% and net profits have gone from 8% to close to 30%”\n\n– Gary McMahon, Ecosystem Solutions\n\n“We got about 20-30% time saving on our projects.”", "\n\n– Pol Cousineau, The Digital Navigator\n\n“Seem business bottom line improvements of 25%-50% within 12 months.”", "\n\n– Brian Keen, Franchise Simply\n\nYou get that systems are the key to a scaleable business. ", "And while you’re busy with day-to-days of your business, in the back of your head, you know how much time you could free up with efficient and effective systems and processes. ", "The catch is that it can feel like a huge undertaking at first.", "\n\nWe’ll let you in on a little secret . . .", "\n\nThere’s no need to reinvent the wheel!", "\n\nThe successful business people who have come before you, put business systems through the fire in every industry so that you don’t have to.", "\n\nLucky for you, we’ve put the wisdom and experience of over 40 industry experts into one place. ", "Our 40+ system pack covers tips that will help you create effective systems across your entire organization.", "\n\nEffective systems have the power to maximize profits, eliminate bottlenecks, and give you back your time.", "\n\nHow much would all of this be worth to you?", "\n\n$100?", "\n\n$1000?", "\n\nLook, our mission is to free business owners worldwide from the day-to-day operations of running their business. ", "That includes you.", "\n\nSo, we’re giving away 40+ tried and true business systems for just $7." ]
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[ { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 402, "entity_type": "PERSON", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 390 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 491, "entity_type": "PERSON", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 478 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 583, "entity_type": "DATE_TIME", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 574 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 598, "entity_type": "PERSON", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 588 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 1578, "entity_type": "DATE_TIME", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 1575 } ]
[ "Physiological and biochemical response of glomerular epithelial cells to exogenous epidermal growth factor.", "\nEpidermal growth factor (EGF) is a growth-promoting cytokine which acts in a paracrine and autocrine fashion on epithelial cells of various tissues. ", "Although previously demonstrated, we have now confirmed the presence of EGF receptors in cultured glomerular epithelial cells (GEC) using radioligand binding studies. ", "Further, the biochemical consequences of EGF receptor activation in this cell type were investigated. ", "In the presence of exogenous EGF, attachment of GEC to plastic was enhanced in a dose-dependent (0.62-10 ng/ml range) manner. ", "At 10 ng/ml of EGF, cell attachment was 5 times higher than in controls. ", "After attachment, there was a 3-fold increase in cell proliferation rate in the presence of 10 ng/ml of EGF. ", "Cells which multiplied and reached confluency in the presence of EGF were 80% larger in volume than in controls. ", "In the presence of EGF, a 70% maximal increase in de novo protein synthetic activity as tested by 3H-leucine incorporation was observed in the dose range of 0.62-10 ng/ml. ", "Further, a dose-dependent increase in extracellular type IV collagenase (gelatinase) as well as in intracellular cathepsins B and D (150 and 260% of control, respectively) activities were noted. ", "It is concluded that GEC respond to exogenous EGF by increasing their protein synthetic rate as well as their catabolic rate, thus resulting in enhanced turnover of macromolecules." ]
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[ "# Xposed模块,主要功能是自动回复微信消息。", "\n\n## 开发环境\n+ Android Studio 3.5\n+ 微信 7.0.6\n\n## 准备工作\n> 在 Android Studio 中新建项目这个直接略过。", "\n\n1. ", "添加 **xposed** 依赖。", "\n\n 在 app 下的 build.gradle 中添加以下依赖\n\n ~~~\n compileOnly 'de.robv.android.xposed:api:82'\n compileOnly 'de.robv.android.xposed:api:82:sources'\n ~~~\n2. ", "配置清单文件。", "\n\n 在 AndroidManifest.xml 中的 <application> 中添加以下内容\n \n ~~~\n <meta-data\n android:name=\"xposedmodule\"\n android:value=\"true\" />\n\n <meta-data\n android:name=\"xposeddescription\"\n android:value=\"微信自动回复模块。\" /", ">\n\n <meta-data\n android:name=\"xposedminversion\"\n android:value=\"54\" />\n ~~~\n\n3. ", "编写主Hook类。", "\n\n ~~~\n package com.wanzi.wechatrobot\n\n import de.robv.android.xposed.", "IXposedHookLoadPackage\n import de.robv.android.xposed.callbacks.", "XC_LoadPackage\n\n class MainHook :IXposedHookLoadPackage{\n \n override fun handleLoadPackage(lpparam: XC_LoadPackage.", "LoadPackageParam?) {", "\n\n }\n}\n ~~~\n\n\n4. ", "添加模块入口。", "\n\n 在 main 包下新建文件夹 assets ,并新建文件 xposed_init ,写入以下内容\n\n ~~~\n com.wanzi.wechatrobot.", "MainHook\n ~~~\n > 这里的内容是主Hook类的地址。", "\n\n## 开始\n> 这里主要分为两步,第一步是拦截微信数据库消息,第二步是调用微信方法发送消息。", "\n\n### 拦截微信数据库\n\n 微信使用的数据库是他们自家的开源数据库 [WCDB](https://github.com/Tencent/wcdb),所以我们只需要去看一下他们的[api](https://tencent.github.io/wcdb/references/android/reference/com/tencent/wcdb/database/SQLiteDatabase.html),找出 **插入数据** 的方法,然后通过 hook 这个方法,就可以获取到我们需要的数据。", "\n \n 通过查看 api 和了解一些 SQL 常识,我们可以大概判断插入数据是这个方法[insert](https://tencent.github.io/wcdb/references/android/reference/com/tencent/wcdb/database/SQLiteDatabase.html#insert(java.lang.", "String,%20java.lang.", "String,%20android.content.", "ContentValues)),下面我们就先 hook 下这个方法看看。", "\n\n ~~~\nclass MainHook : IXposedHookLoadPackage {\n\n override fun handleLoadPackage(lpparam: XC_LoadPackage.", "LoadPackageParam?) {", "\n // 只关心微信包名\n if (lpparam?.packageName !", "= \"com.tencent.mm\") {\n return\n }\n\n XposedHelpers.findAndHookMethod(\n \"com.tencent.wcdb.database.", "SQLiteDatabase\",\n lpparam.classLoader,\n \"insert\",\n String::class.java, // table\n String::class.java, // nullColumnHack\n ContentValues::class.java,\n object : XC_MethodHook() {\n override fun afterHookedMethod(param: MethodHookParam?) {", "\n val table = param?.args?.get(0) as String\n val values = param.args?.get(2) as ContentValues\n // https://github.com/WANZIzZ/WeChatRecord/blob/master/app/src/main/java/com/wanzi/wechatrecord/CoreService.kt\n // 这个是我以前写过的一个破解微信数据库的代码,从这个里面我们可以知道 message 表就是聊天记录表,现在我们只关心这个表\n if (table !", "= \"message\") {\n return\n }\n Log.i(\"Wanzi\", \"拦截微信数据库 values:${values}\")\n }\n }\n )\n }\n}\n ~~~\n\n 好了,写完以后,运行一下项目,然后在 Xposed 模块中启用我们的模块。", "\n\n 最后让其他人给我们的微信发一条消息,我们可以在 Android Sutdio 的 Logcat 中发现我们成功的拦截到了接收到的消息,\n\n ![", "日志1](http://ww1.sinaimg.cn/large/c43dae63gy1g6mctimgs8j21ct00ut8o.jpg)\n 我们需要的数据就在 values 中。", "\n \n 好了,拦截微信数据库已经成功,下面就是我们就要调用微信方法发送消息。", "\n\n### 调用微信方法发送消息\n\n 要调用微信方法发送消息,首先就得要知道微信是调用哪些方法来发送的,这里我们用 Android SDK 自带的 Android Device Monitor 来调试分析。", "\n\n#### 开始调试\n ![", "monitor1](http://ww1.sinaimg.cn/large/c43dae63gy1g6md174gyqj21hc0t4win.jpg)\n ![", "monitor2](http://ww1.sinaimg.cn/large/c43dae63gy1g6md2xqx9tj21hc0t4tdg.jpg)\n 点 **OK** ,然后在微信聊天页面随便发送一条消息。", "\n ![", "monitor3](http://ww1.sinaimg.cn/large/c43dae63gy1g6md5jxiscj21hc0t4q77.jpg)\n 发送消息以后,再点圈中的按钮。", "\n ![", "monitor4](http://ww1.sinaimg.cn/large/c43dae63gy1g6mdaw7srvj21hc0t47b8.jpg)\n 这样就会生成分析文件。", "\n\n 既然是点击事件,肯定和 click 有关,所以我们可以先搜索 click\n ![", "monitor5](http://ww1.sinaimg.cn/large/c43dae63gy1g6me1g05moj212t0os77p.jpg)\n 然后一步步往下找\n\n ![", "monitor6](http://ww1.sinaimg.cn/large/c43dae63gy1g6me2zyat0j20j0047wei.jpg)\n\n 果然没错,走到了微信的点击事件,接着再往下走\n ![", "monitor7](http://ww1.sinaimg.cn/large/c43dae63gy1g6me4lpd3uj20kz061t8z.jpg)\n \n 我们发现,一共调用了4个方法,这4个方法中,只有 `TQ` 最让我们起疑,为什么呢?大家看一下, `TQ` 的参数是字符串,这个字符串会不会就是消息内容呢?返回的是 Boolean ,会不会就是消息是否发送成功呢?我们来 Hook 一下试试。", "\n \n~~~\nXposedHelpers.findAndHookMethod(\n \"com.tencent.mm.ui.chatting.p\",\n lpparam.classLoader,\n \"TQ\",\n String::class.java,\n object : XC_MethodHook() {\n override fun afterHookedMethod(param: MethodHookParam?) {", "\n val str = param?.args?.get(0) as String\n Log.i(\"Wanzi\", \"拦截TQ str:$str 结果:${param.result}\")\n }\n }\n )\n~~~\n运行一下代码,然后我们发送一条微信消息,看下 Logcat 日志:\n![", "日志2](http://ww1.sinaimg.cn/large/c43dae63gy1g6mehbqhdcj20de00pa9v.jpg)\n\n哈哈,果然就是它了,我们再往下找。", "\n![", "monitor8](http://ww1.sinaimg.cn/large/c43dae63gy1g6mes9vo7rj20ja0480st.jpg)\n\n可以看到,调用了2个方法,这两个方法里面,只有 `avz ` 看起来最可疑,我们继续往下追踪\n![", "monitor9](http://ww1.sinaimg.cn/large/c43dae63gy1g6meufkzucj20fe03oq2x.jpg)\n\n这里看到,只调用了1个方法,参数是一个字符串,一个整数,返回值还是一个 Boolean,这个字符串应该还是消息内容,我们想一想,消息内容有了,是不是还缺少一个消息接收者?下面我们通过分析下微信源码来找找消息接受者在哪里。", "\n\n#### 分析微信源码\n通过反编译微信,我们可以得到微信源码。", "\n> 我这里使用的是 [jadx](https://github.com/skylot/jadx) 来反编译的。", "\n\n分析 `chatting.c.ai.eS`\n\n~~~\n private boolean eS(String str, final int i) {\n int i2 = 0;\n AppMethodBeat.i(31684);\n final String arL = bo.arL(str);\n if (arL == null || arL.length() == 0) {\n ab.e(\"MicroMsg.", "ChattingUI.SendTextComponent\", \"doSendMessage null\");\n AppMethodBeat.o(31684);\n return false;\n }\n this.", "Aro.avn(arL);\n bz bzVar = new bz();\n bzVar.cIT.cIV = arL;\n bzVar.cIT.context = this.ctY.AsT.getContext();\n bzVar.cIT.username = this.ctY.getTalkerUserName();\n com.tencent.mm.sdk.b.a.yVI.l(bzVar);\n if (bzVar.cIU.cIW) {\n AppMethodBeat.o(31684);\n return true;\n }\n boolean z = WXHardCoderJNI.hcSendMsgEnable;\n int i3 = WXHardCoderJNI.hcSendMsgDelay;\n int i4 = WXHardCoderJNI.hcSendMsgCPU;\n int i5 = WXHardCoderJNI.hcSendMsgIO;\n if (WXHardCoderJNI.hcSendMsgThr) {\n i2 = g.We().dAB();\n }\n this.", "Arp = WXHardCoderJNI.startPerformance(z, i3, i4, i5, i2, WXHardCoderJNI.hcSendMsgTimeout, 202, WXHardCoderJNI.hcSendMsgAction, \"MicroMsg.", "ChattingUI.SendTextComponent\");\n com.tencent.mm.ui.chatting.d.a.dRn().post(new Runnable() {\n public final void run() {\n String str;\n AppMethodBeat.i(31681);\n if (ai.this.ctY == null) {\n ab.w(\"MicroMsg.", "ChattingUI.SendTextComponent\", \"NULL == mChattingContext\");\n AppMethodBeat.o(31681);\n return;\n }\n com.tencent.mm.plugin.report.service.g.", "DG(20);\n if (ai.a(ai.this)) {\n ai.this.ctY.dRi();\n aw.", "Vs().a((m) new com.tencent.mm.ar.a(ai.this.ctY.uhw.field_username, arL), 0);\n AppMethodBeat.o(31681);\n return;\n }\n if (((h) ai.this.ctY.aU(h.class)).getCount() == 0 && com.tencent.mm.storage.ad.asF(ai.this.ctY.getTalkerUserName())) {\n bv.afx().c(10076, Integer.valueOf(1));\n }\n String talkerUserName = ai.this.ctY.getTalkerUserName();\n int px = t.px(talkerUserName);\n String str2 = arL;\n String str3 = null;\n try {\n str3 = ((com.tencent.mm.ui.chatting.c.b.t) ai.this.ctY.aU(com.tencent.mm.ui.chatting.c.b.t.class)).avx(talkerUserName);\n } catch (NullPointerException e2) {\n ab.printErrStackTrace(\"MicroMsg.", "ChattingUI.SendTextComponent\", e2, \"\", new Object[0]);\n }\n if (bo.isNullOrNil(str3)) {\n ab.w(\"MicroMsg.", "ChattingUI.SendTextComponent\", \"tempUser is null\");\n AppMethodBeat.o(31681);\n return;\n }\n o oVar = (o) ai.this.ctY.aU(o.class);\n int lastIndexOf = str2.lastIndexOf(8197);\n if (lastIndexOf <= 0 || lastIndexOf !", "= str2.length() - 1) {\n str = str2;\n } else {\n str = str2.substring(0, lastIndexOf);\n ab.w(\"MicroMsg.", "ChattingUI.SendTextComponent\", \"delete @ last char! ", "index:\".concat(String.valueOf(lastIndexOf)));\n }\n ChatFooter dPL = oVar.dPL();\n int i = i;\n int i2 = dPL.wFF.wHB.containsKey(talkerUserName) ? ((", "LinkedList) dPL.wFF.wHB.get(talkerUserName)).size() > 0 ? ", "291 : i : i;\n com.tencent.mm.modelmulti.h hVar = new com.tencent.mm.modelmulti.h(str3, str, px, i2, oVar.dPL().ii(talkerUserName, str2));\n ((com.tencent.mm.ui.chatting.c.b.t) ai.this.ctY.aU(com.tencent.mm.ui.chatting.c.b.t.class)).g(hVar);\n aw.", "Vs().a((m) hVar, 0);\n if (t.pt(talkerUserName)) {\n aw.", "Vs().a((m) new j(q.", "PZ(), arL + \" key \" + bs.dGp() + \" local key \" + bs.dGo() + \"NetType:\" + at.getNetTypeString(ai.this.ctY.AsT.getContext().getApplicationContext()) + \" hasNeon: \" + n.PF() + \" isArmv6: \" + n.PH() + \" isArmv7: \" + n.PG()), 0);\n }\n AppMethodBeat.o(31681);\n }\n });\n this.ctY.ru(true);\n AppMethodBeat.o(31684);\n return true;\n }\n\n~~~\n\n这里我们发现,传入的 str 被处理了一下,变成了 `arL `,接下来我们看下调用 `arL` 的地方,第一个是在:\n![", "源码1](http://ww1.sinaimg.cn/large/c43dae63gy1g6mfw9s640j20fq0b2jrv.jpg)\n\n我们点进去看看\n\n![", "源码2](http://ww1.sinaimg.cn/large/c43dae63gy1g6mfxfthqwj207x05nweg.jpg)\n\n传入的 str 在这里被使用了,我们追踪进 `setContent` 看看\n\n![", "源码3](http://ww1.sinaimg.cn/large/c43dae63gy1g6mg2czcn3j20c50odt9i.jpg)\n\n这个类是 `com.tencent.mm.g.c.dd` ,我们发现这里不仅有 `field_content`,还有 `field_talker` ,刚才我们在调试的时候,只找到了消息内容,还缺少一个消息接收者,那这个 `kX` 方法传入的是不是就是消息接收者呢?我们来 hook 下这个方法试试。", "\n\n```\nXposedHelpers.findAndHookMethod(\n \"com.tencent.mm.g.c.dd\",\n lpparam.classLoader,\n \"kX\",\n String::class.java,\n object : XC_MethodHook() {\n override fun beforeHookedMethod(param: MethodHookParam?) {", "\n val str = param?.args?.get(0) as String\n Log.i(\"Wanzi\", \"拦截kX str:$str\")\n }\n }\n )\n```\n\n继续运行项目,然后用我们的微信发送一条消息,接着看下 Logcat\n\n![", "日志3](http://ww1.sinaimg.cn/large/c43dae63gy1g6mgbexgf7j20dz01a745.jpg)\n\n果然,这个 `kX` 传入的就是消息接受者。", "\n\n这下消息内容有了,消息接受者也有了,那剩下的就是在哪里一起使用他们,我们来打印下 `kX` 调用堆栈信息看看。", "\n\n```\nXposedHelpers.findAndHookMethod(\n \"com.tencent.mm.g.c.dd\",\n lpparam.classLoader,\n \"kX\",\n String::class.java,\n object : XC_MethodHook() {\n override fun beforeHookedMethod(param: MethodHookParam?) {", "\n val str = param?.args?.get(0) as String\n Log.i(\"Wanzi\", \"拦截kX str:$str\")\n Log.i(\"Wanzi\", \"打印堆栈\\n${Log.getStackTraceString(Throwable())}\")\n }\n }\n )\n```\n\n用微信发送一条消息后,接着看下 Logcat\n\n![", "日志4](http://ww1.sinaimg.cn/large/c43dae63gy1g6mghxac2hj20hn0asaba.jpg)\n\n看一下,这里最可疑的应该就是这个 `com.tencent.mm.modelmulti.h.<init>` 了,我们来看下这个类的构造函数\n\n![", "源码4](http://ww1.sinaimg.cn/large/c43dae63gy1g6mgktp77wj20js0gtjsh.jpg)\n\n果然调用了 `kX`、`setContent`,应该就是它了。我们发现这个类一共有4个构造函数:\n ![", "源码5](http://ww1.sinaimg.cn/large/c43dae63gy1g6mgps7gycj20dn02ymx3.jpg)\n ![", "源码6](http://ww1.sinaimg.cn/large/c43dae63gy1g6mgqjmfh1j20jb04lt8u.jpg)\n ![", "源码7](http://ww1.sinaimg.cn/large/c43dae63gy1g6mgr7bxrlj20ir0h1wfg.jpg)\n ![", "源码8](http://ww1.sinaimg.cn/large/c43dae63gy1g6mgs5k3vwj20ib0gnt9p.jpg)\n\n一共是4个:\n\n+ 第一个无参(pass)\n+ 第二个传入的是 `local id`(pass)\n+ 第三个传入两个字符串一个整数,通过分析,我们得知第一个字符串是消息接收者,第二个字符串是消息内容,第三个整数是消息类型(这个可以参考我之前写过的[WeChatRecord](https://github.com/WANZIzZ/WeChatRecord/blob/master/app/src/main/java/com/wanzi/wechatrecord/CoreService.kt))\n+ 第四个和第三个差别不大\n\n我们现在有了消息类,是不是还差怎么把消息发出去?接着回到 `chatting.c.ai.eS` 来,刚才我们就是从这里开始分析源码的。", "\n\n现在我们已经知道了要发送消息,肯定会用到 `com.tencent.mm.modelmulti.h` ,那我们就看下,`eS` 方法里面哪块调用了 `com.tencent.mm.modelmulti.h`\n\n![", "源码5](http://ww1.sinaimg.cn/large/c43dae63gy1g6mh4wktgdj20ug099aar.jpg)\n\n最后调用 `hVar` 的是这里,我们大胆的猜想一下,是不是就是通过这里来发送微信消息的?来,先看下源码\n\n![", "源码6](http://ww1.sinaimg.cn/large/c43dae63gy1g6mh9fe4h6j206900pgld.jpg)\n\n![", "源码7](http://ww1.sinaimg.cn/large/c43dae63gy1g6mh9rivpwj20e003nzk7.jpg)\n\n![", "源码8](http://ww1.sinaimg.cn/large/c43dae63gy1g6mha3wgo2j20bp08rmxc.jpg)\n\n接着我们照着微信的调用步骤,代码走起\n\n```\nXposedHelpers.findAndHookMethod(\n \"com.tencent.wcdb.database.", "SQLiteDatabase\",\n lpparam.classLoader,\n \"insert\",\n String::class.java, // table\n String::class.java, // nullColumnHack\n ContentValues::class.java,\n object : XC_MethodHook() {\n override fun afterHookedMethod(param: MethodHookParam?) {", "\n val table = param?.args?.get(0) as String\n val values = param.args?.get(2) as ContentValues\n // https://github.com/WANZIzZ/WeChatRecord/blob/master/app/src/main/java/com/wanzi/wechatrecord/CoreService.kt\n // 这个是我以前写过的一个破解微信数据库的代码,从这个里面我们可以知道 message 表就是聊天记录表,现在我们只关心这个表\n if (table !", "= \"message\") {\n return\n }\n Log.i(\"Wanzi\", \"拦截微信数据库 values:${values}\")\n val talker = values.getAsString(\"talker\")\n val content = values.getAsString(\"content\")\n val clz_h = XposedHelpers.findClass(\"com.tencent.mm.modelmulti.h\", lpparam.classLoader)\n val message = XposedHelpers.newInstance(clz_h, talker, content, 1)\n val clz_aw = XposedHelpers.findClass(\"com.tencent.mm.model.aw\", lpparam.classLoader)\n val clz_p = XposedHelpers.callStaticMethod(clz_aw, \"Vs\")\n XposedHelpers.callMethod(clz_p,\"a\",message,0)\n }\n }\n )\n```\n这里我们选择在接收到消息的时候,把消息内容再发回去,再次运行代码,然后让别人给我们发一条消息试试\n![", "截图1](http://ww1.sinaimg.cn/large/c43dae63gy1g6mhikrqgjj20u01o07ag.jpg)\n\n哈哈哈,成功啦!", "\n" ]
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[ "world\n\nUpdated: Jan 20, 2018 12:43 IST\n\nSouth Korea has urged North Korea to explain why it abruptly suspended plans to send a delegation to prepare cultural performances during the Winter Olympics, its unification minister said Saturday.", "\n\nThe North had planned to send a seven-member advance team headed by the leader of an all-female Western-style band to the South this weekend to inspect venues for proposed performances in Seoul and the eastern city of Gangneung.", "\n\nHyon Song-Wol, reportedly an ex-girlfriend of leader Kim Jong-Un, would have been the first North Korean official to visit the South in four years if Saturday’s trip had gone ahead.", "\n\nBut Pyongyang said it had suspended the plan, giving no reason. ", "It was unclear whether the visit was permanently cancelled or postponed.", "\n\n“We sent a message by fax to the North... at around 11:20 am (0920 GMT), demanding an explanation,” Seoul’s Unification Minister Cho Myoung-Gyon told reporters.", "\n\n“We’ve conveyed our position to the North that all preparations have been made for the visit and that the South and the North would be able to reset the schedule,” he added.", "\n\nHyon was the subject of lurid 2013 reports in the South that she and around a dozen other state musicians had been executed for appearing in porn movies.", "\n\nPyongyang angrily denied the claims and Hyon later appeared on state television.", "\n\nWith Hyon back in spotlight ahead of the Games, South Korean media mentioned Hyon’s alleged past affairs with the North’s leader Kim Jong-Un, which analysts said must have annoyed Kim.", "\n\n“Pyongyang is apparently angry as unconfirmed rumours about Hyon’s alleged ties with Kim are being spread again,” Professor Yang Moo-Jin of the University of North Korean Studies told AFP.", "\n\nThe two Koreas have agreed to march together under a unification flag -- a pale blue silhouette of the Korean peninsula -- at the opening ceremony of the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics on February 9, and to form a unified women’s ice hockey team.", "\n\nBut critics in the South have said a unified team would disrupt the side and deprive some Southern squad members of the chance to play on the Olympic stage.", "\n\nThe conservative opposition Liberty Korea Party has strongly objected to the agreement, arguing the North is seeking to exploit the South’s Olympics for its own propaganda.", "\n\n“The Pyeongchang Olympics is becoming like a Pyongyang Olympics”, its leader Hong Jun-Pyo said on Friday.", "\n\nA Realmeter poll released Thursday showed only 40.5 percent of South Koreans supported the joint march under a unification flag.", "\n\nA larger share -- 49.4 percent -- were in favour of the neighbours holding their own national flags.", "\n\nYang said the North is apparently concerned about this widespread resentment in the South and security for its delegates.", "\n\nIn 2015, the Moranbong Band led by Hyon cancelled a series of concerts in Beijing just hours before they were due on stage, reportedly because of disputes over stage backdrop footage showing a North Korean missile being launched." ]
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[ "Sally Miller had a dream that her vote wouldn’t count this year – and she had good reason to be concerned.", "\n\nIn 2014, thanks to laws passed by the Republican-dominated Ohio Legislature, her ballot was cast aside.", "\n\nMiller is 88 and has macular degeneration. ", "So when she sat down to vote by mail in 2014, she used the big magnifying glass she keeps on the arm of her easy chair. ", "She checked her work a couple of times.", "\n\nBut she made a mistake: One digit of her Social Security number was wrong.", "\n\n“They didn’t count my vote,” she said on Monday, sitting in the living room of her Columbus, Ohio, house, a Hillary Clinton yard sign out front. “", "And it made me angry because I don’t usually make mistakes. … ", "If they had told me I would have changed it.”", "\n\nBefore a pair of 2014 state laws requiring technical precision on ballot forms, Miller’s vote would likely have counted. ", "Thousands of other ballots were tossed as well, sometimes for something as minor as writing in cursive. ", "A Reuters analysis found that the rules were more strictly applied in Democratic-leaning urban counties like where Miller lives, than in Republican-dominated rural ones.", "\n\nIt’s unclear how many votes were invalidated for minor errors in the 2016 election. ", "It wouldn’t have affected the presidential race because Donald Trump won decisively in Ohio, with 52 percent of the vote.", "\n\nBut voting rights advocates say the laws that tripped up Miller are part of a decade-long effort to restrict voting in Ohio that is likely to continue.", "\n\nAcross the nation, new state laws have made it harder to vote for people of color and the poor, especially after the U.S. Supreme Court in 2013 weakened the Voting Rights Act. ", "In Ohio, legislators instituted ID requirements for voting in 2006. ", "More recently, they eliminated the period when Ohioans could register and vote at the same time. ", "Another bill prohibited poll workers from helping voters unless they said they were blind, disabled or illiterate.", "\n\n“Every two years there’s some new strategy to depress the vote and some new way to make it harder for low income and elderly people to participate,” said Brian Davis, executive director of the Northeast Ohio Coalition for the Homeless.", "\n\nRepublican Secretary of State Jon Husted, on the other hand, likes to say, “we are making it easy to vote and hard to cheat.”", "\n\nDavis’s homeless organization has been battling Husted in the courts. ", "Some of the laws, like the one that invalidated Sally Miller’s vote, were ruled this year to be discriminatory against black voters. ", "But the state’s lawyers appealed, arguing before the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals that “these laws are a guardrail, not a barrier – they keep people on the straight and narrow.”", "\n\nThe higher court reinstated many of the restrictions before Election Day.", "\n\nOn Tuesday morning, Ken Payton, who works for the homeless group, pulled up his pastor’s big red van in front of The City Mission’s Crossroads Men’s Crisis Center.", "\n\nA security guard called out on the PA system to the homeless men inside: “Come down to intake if you want to go vote.”", "\n\nRay Oldham came outside with a black hoodie pulled over his Cleveland Indians baseball cap. ", "Oldham, 64, was grateful to get a ride. ", "He wasn’t sure how he’d get to the polls by bus and still get to his therapy class.", "\n\n“People died and was oppressed so I can vote, and I want to have a say,” he said. “", "I’m not letting that work go for nothing.”", "\n\nThen he smacked right up against one of Ohio’s challenges to homeless voting.", "\n\n“Can I see your ID?” ", "a poll worker asked Oldham, on the floor of a community center gymnasium.", "\n\nOldham pointed to the name tag from his shelter, hanging around his neck. ", "He pulled out a certificate for completing a program there. “", "All this is me,” he said.", "\n\nThat didn’t count. ", "The poll worker asked for some alternative forms of ID: a current utility bill, a pay stub or a bank statement. ", "Oldham tried to quickly explain how he ended up homeless after he got shot. ", "How he was born in a truck and never got a birth certificate.", "\n\nEventually, a poll worker let him vote. ", "He slapped his voting sticker next to the grinning logo on his baseball cap. “", "I love voting,” he said.", "\n\nThe Northeast Ohio Coalition for the Homeless is one of the nation’s most active homeless groups on voting issues. ", "It made sure that everyone who checks into a Cleveland shelter gets a voter registration form. ", "On the streets, people often lose their papers, so the group helps them order birth certificates and apply for ID cards.", "\n\n“We haven’t had a national discussion about housing since the ’70s,” said Davis, wearing a sweatshirt and sneakers in his cluttered office, a former vacuum factory with peeling paint inside. “", "So we need to make sure that people who are in most need of housing participate in the process so their issues can come to the forefront.”", "\n\nDavis’s group sued over the voter ID requirements in 2006. ", "The lawsuit led to a consent decree in 2010 that included an exception: People who don’t have any ID can vote with provisional ballots using the last four digits of their Social Security number.", "\n\nIt doesn’t always work smoothly, though. ", "At the van’s next stop, a polling station inside an east Cleveland apartment complex, poll workers turned away a man who didn’t have an ID.", "\n\nOldham, who came with him, tried to advocate on his behalf.", "\n\n“I got a homeless man here, stays down at the men’s shelter with me, and you’re supposed to give him a provisional ballot,” Oldham said.", "\n\nThe poll workers still wouldn’t offer a ballot. ", "The man, who declined to give his name to a reporter, left without voting.", "\n\nLater in the day, two civil rights attorneys took the man back to the polls. ", "The attorneys eventually convinced poll workers to give him a provisional ballot.", "\n\n“It’s worrisome,” Davis said. “", "I’m worried that other people got turned away.”", "\n\nWill Evans can be reached at wevans@cironline.org. ", "Follow him on Twitter: @willCIR.", "\n\nEveryone should have access to the facts. ", "Yes, I want to help!" ]
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[ "1) Field of the Invention\nThe invention relates to measuring a physical object, such as fibers as used in pulp and paper processes, from an image consisting of a pixel matrix.", "\n2) Description of Related Art\nIn the fiber processes employed in the paper industry, for example, the average length of fibers and the fiber length distribution are often highly relevant parameters. ", "One way of measuring these variables is to image a low-density fiber suspension where fibers are dispersed into water functioning as the medium and try to determine a representative number of sample fibers from the fiber pulp by an automatic image processing device to find out the pulp characteristics. ", "In addition to fibers, dimensions of other particles may also be determined.", "\nThe measurement is usually carried out in a narrow capillary tube or in a planar measurement cell, which spreads the sample pulp to be measured into a two-dimensional mat. ", "In the capillary tube, the particles to be measured pass by the imaging camera one after another. ", "In the planar measurement cell, a large number of particles to be measured are imaged simultaneously. ", "Representativeness can be achieved by measuring a sufficiently large number of particles.", "\nA problem associated with the above-mentioned solutions is that the accuracy of dimension measurement is determined in the automatic image processing device by the pixel size of the pixel matrix functioning as the detector. ", "The particle dimension will be the multiple of the pixel diameter in the measurement direction. ", "If, in that case, the diameter of the particle image on the detector is sufficient for covering only a few pixels, the measurement accuracy is low (the error may be tens of percents). ", "The success of zooming also affects the accuracy, which will be poor when particles large in proportion to the pixel size are imaged. ", "The fuzziness of the image may result from inadequate zooming or from the fact that an accurate image of the fiber inside the medium is unobtainable due to optical interference." ]
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[ "Advertising Read more\n\nRome (AFP)\n\nItaly on Saturday agreed to allow rescue ship Ocean Viking to disembark 82 migrants on southern islands Lampedusa after six days at sea following a European deal to distribute them.", "\n\n\"The Ocean Viking just received instructions from the Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre of Rome to proceed to Lampedusa,\" SOS Mediterranee tweeted.", "\n\n\"An ad hoc European agreement between Italy, France, Germany, Portugal and Luxembourg has been reached to allow the landing,\" said French Interior Minister Christophe Castaner, referring to the division of the migrants between the five countries.", "\n\n\"We now need to agree on a genuine temporary European mechanism,\" Castaner added.", "\n\nFrance and Germany have agreed to take 25 percent of the migrants each, with Italy to take 10 percent.", "\n\nThe offering of a safe port to the Ocean Viking is a reversal of the hardline stance taken by the country's ex-interior minister Matteo Salvini last year.", "\n\nUnder far-right leader Salvini, charity vessels with rescued migrants on board faced fines of up to a million euros as well as the arrest of the captain and impounding of the boat.", "\n\n- 'Abusive ministers' -\n\n\"Here we go, ports open without limits,\" Salvini tweeted after the safe port announcement.", "\n\n\"The new government is reopening the ports, Italy returns to being the refugee camp of Europe. ", "Abusive ministers who hate Italians,\" wrote Salvini, who pulled the plug on the previous government in August in the hope of snap elections.", "\n\nHis move backfired and the League leader is now in opposition after previous ally the Five Star Movement and the centre-left Democratic Party agreed a coalition.", "\n\nWhile Salvini spent much of his time as minister launching diatribes against migrants and rescue charities, his replacement is a civil servant and immigration expert, Luciana Laborgese.", "\n\nItalian foreign minister and M5S leader Luigi Di Maio, Salvini's former ally, told Italian television that \"the safe port was assigned because the European Union agreed to our request to take most of the migrants.\"", "\n\nMedecins Sans Frontieres (Doctors Without Borders), which runs the ship jointly with SOS Mediterranee, said the group comprised 58 men, six women and 18 minors.", "\n\n\"They tell our medics their skin was burned with melted plastic and they were beaten with wooden or metal sticks,\" MSF said of the migrants who departed from chaos-wracked Libya.", "\n\n\"Many carry psychological wounds or trauma,\" MSF tweeted.", "\n\nItaly is trying to set up an automatic system for distributing migrants rescued in the Mediterranean between European countries, diplomatic sources said recently.", "\n\nSuch a deal would put an end to the case-by-case negotiations over who will take in those saved during the perilous crossing from North Africa, which has seen vulnerable asylum seekers trapped in limbo at sea for lengthy periods.", "\n\nFrance and Germany have reportedly given their green light to the new system, which could also involve Luxembourg, Malta, Portugal, Romania and Spain.", "\n\nGerman Interior Minister Horst Seehofer said that under the possible future agreement, Germany would take 25 percent of rescued migrants landing in Italy.", "\n\n- 'Painful process' -\n\n\"That won't be too much for our immigration policy,\" Seehofer told Saturday's Sueddeutsche Zeitung daily.", "\n\nHe said it was time to end the \"painful process\" of haggling over each boatload of rescued migrants.", "\n\nItalian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte is expected to discuss the plan with France's President Emmanuel Macron when the latter visits Rome on Wednesday.", "\n\nIt will then be studied in more detail at a meeting of interior ministers on September 23 in Malta, ahead of a European summit in October in Luxembourg.", "\n\nConte has suggested EU countries that decline to take part could suffer financial penalties.", "\n\nThe Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia have refused in the past to take in anyone rescued at sea.", "\n\nThe automatic distribution system would be a temporary solution ahead of a revision of the so-called \"Dublin regulation\", which assigns responsibility for migrants to the nation of first entry.", "\n\nThe number of migrants landing on Italian shores between August 2018 and July 2019 was down 80 percent on the previous 12 months, the interior ministry said in a report published last month.", "\n\n© 2019 AFP" ]
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[ "YOKOHAMA Parada Spec-X PA01\n\nDesigned for high end SUV, the Yokohama Parada Spec - X is a stylish tyre in large sizes from 20 to 26 inches. ", "Scoring incredibly well in EU wet braking tests the tyre will offer superb grip in both the dry and the wet, and the comfort is unparralled against other tyres in it's class.", "\n\nThe Yokohama Parada Spec - X also has the same technology as it's passenger car equivalent, designed to stop uneven wear of the tyre. ", "Great control, and great fun, the Parada Spec - X is truely a high end tyre for a high end SUV / 4x4." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.014285714285714285, 0.005747126436781609, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nexperience system for a game\n\nI have a question for anyone that has made a game text base or anything about the system for calculating exp for a character. ", "Does an exp system require a massive amount of code?", "\nI did a little trial on it ill post the code, and after the little bit I did do (not much by the way) it seems like to program a leveling system would require a lot of code.", "\nCan anyone, please, explain (not step by step) but give me an idea of what it would take, or give an example of code for a leveling system. ", "since im still new to programming my code is still written pretty long. ", "\nimport random\n\nexp=0\n\na=1\nwhile a==1:\n print\" you are fighting you kill you get xp\"\n xp=random.randint(20, 30)\n exp+=xp\n print\"you got, \"+str(exp)+\" xp\"\n if exp>=300:\n print\"congradulations you are level 2\"\n break\n\nA:\n\nI'm not sure how Python works exactly but I'm sure you can give an XP attribute per \"monster\" to denote the XP gain. ", "MONSTER CLASS :O (Perhaps you can randomize it between values to add a little bit of more depth.)", "\nxp=random.randint(20, 30) <--- exactly what I'm talking about.", "\nAs far as Level gaining you don't need some long if statement you can probably create an algorithm to get to the next level. ", "\nif(currentXP*currentlevel*.65 > currentXP) level up();\n\nKeep track of currentXP and your currentLevel and play with this accordingly. ", "\n.65 is a pretty arbitrary scale, however, that's that part that needs to be tested. ", "Are people leveling up too fast? ", "Do we need to make it harder to get to the next level? ", "and so forth. ", "Keep toying with it until you are pleased. ", "This is very basic, you can probably make something less linear. ", " \n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
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[ { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 1086, "entity_type": "DATE_TIME", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 1084 } ]
[ "How To Embrace The Extreme Dining Trend\n\nIf you own or operate a restaurant, you may have noticed that your customers’ orders seem erratic. ", "It may seem like diners are undecided or confused about what they want to eat or drink.", "\n\nBut according to Mintel’s 2016 Foodservice Trends report, that’s not the case. ", "In a world full of never-ending choices, consumers are balancing their diets (and lives) by ordering extremes. ", "To keep up, today’s food and beverage outlets have to cater to both ends of the dining spectrum – and Frostline can help.", "\n\nSplurge and StealMost customers are finding reasons to dine across the entire price continuum. ", "Busy professionals might grab fast food for lunch on a busy day, only to meet friends at a premium dining hot spot for an indulgent (and expensive) dinner.", "\n\nTo balance the higher-priced items on your menu, consider offering an incredibly low-cost dessert. ", "Frostline Soft Serve Mix is so affordable that you can even offer it as a complimentary treat to customers.", "\n\nPerfectly Prepared and DIYThe level of choice customers want to make changes daily…even hourly. ", "Overwhelmed by the options for customization, a customer may order a signature menu item exactly how you recommend it. ", "They trust your chef to provide a delicious and well-balanced dish.", "\n\nBut if you make it easy, the same customer will be delighted by the opportunity to DIY their dessert. ", "With a soft serve machine and Frostline Soft Serve mix, you can offer endless customizable frozen treats – from a sundae bar with delicious toppings to a build-your-own milkshake station.", "\n\nLuckily for Millennials and all the others they influence, Frostline offers the best of both worlds. ", "Both vanilla and chocolate flavors are lactose-free, gluten-free and low-fat, but they taste so rich and indulgent that customers can’t get enough.", "\n\nIn 2016, foodservice is all about helping customers make easy choices to find balance. ", "To do so, operators must embrace the “and” – even when it seems incongruous. ", "With the help of Frostline® Soft Serve, you can make this extreme dining trend work for you." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0, 0.012345679012345678, 0, 0.008264462809917356, 0.010309278350515464, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.009615384615384616, 0.0053475935828877, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.010869565217391304 ]
[ { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 258, "entity_type": "DATE_TIME", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 254 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 435, "entity_type": "DATE_TIME", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 430 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 698, "entity_type": "DATE_TIME", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 688 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 1080, "entity_type": "DATE_TIME", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 1075 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 1092, "entity_type": "DATE_TIME", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 1086 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 1827, "entity_type": "DATE_TIME", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 1823 } ]
[ "G Allele of the IGF2 ApaI Polymorphism Is Associated With Judo Status.", "\nItaka, T, Agemizu, K, Aruga, S, and Machida, S. G allele of the IGF2 ApaI polymorphism is associated with judo status. ", "J Strength Cond Res 30(7): 2043-2048, 2016-Previous studies have reported that the insulin-like growth factor 2 (IGF2) ApaI polymorphism is associated with body mass index, fat mass, and grip strength. ", "Competitive judo requires high levels of strength and power. ", "The purpose of this study was to investigate the association between the IGF2 ApaI and ACTN3 R577X polymorphisms and judo status. ", "The subjects were 156 male judo athletes from a top-level university in Japan. ", "They were divided into 3 groups based on their competitive history: international-level athletes, national-level athletes, and others. ", "Genomic DNA was extracted from the saliva of each athlete, and the maximal isometric strength of the trunk muscles and handgrip strength were measured. ", "Genotyping by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism was used to detect IGF2 (rs680) and α-actinin-3 (ACTN3) (rs1815739) gene polymorphisms. ", "The genotype frequencies of the 2 gene polymorphisms were compared among the 3 groups of judo athletes and controls. ", "International-level judo athletes showed a higher frequency of the GG + GA genotype of the IGF2 gene than that of the national-level athletes and others. ", "There was an inverse linear correlation between the frequency of the IGF2 AA genotype and level of judo performance (p = 0.041). ", "Back muscle strength relative to height and weight was higher in subjects with the GG + GA genotype than in those with the AA genotype. ", "Conversely, the ACTN3 R577X polymorphism was not associated with judo status. ", "Additionally, no differences were found in back muscle or handgrip strength among the ACTN3 genotypes. ", "In conclusion, the results indicate that the IGF2 gene polymorphism may be associated with judo status." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow to verify a domain with an email contain the domain\n\nHi i was looking for a way to verify the domain with a provided email address\nThe domain names can be\n http://www.test.free.com\nhttp://www.free.com.au\nhttp://www.free.com.au.org\nhttp://www.free.com.org\n or there can be a domain name with any number of sub sub domains and any number of verifications.", "\nthe verifying email should contain the domain and this is what i wrote so far \nif domain_url is not None and verification_email is not None:\n\n logging.info('==============================')\n logging.info('BOTH WERE NOT NONE')\n logging.info('==============================')\n\n domain_email = verification_email.split('@')[1].split('.", "')[0]\n\n logging.info('==============================')\n logging.info(domain_email)\n logging.info('==============================')\n\n verify_domain_url_list = domain_url.split('.')", "\n\n if len(verify_domain_url_list) == 4:\n verify_domain_url_list.pop()\n verify_domain_url_list.pop()\n if len(verify_domain_url_list) == 3:\n verify_domain_url_list.pop()\n\n verify_status = domain_email in verify_domain_url_list\n\n if verify_status:\n return 'yes'\n else:\n pre_domain_address = verify_domain_url_list[0].split('//')[1]\n if pre_domain_address is not None and \\\n domain_email in pre_domain_address:\n return 'yes'\n else:\n return 'no'\n return 'no' \n\nbut this not matching for all the possibilities. ", "can any one give a help?", "\n\nA:\n\nYou can do it like this, just add the new domains inside the parenthesis.", "\nverification_email = 'fed@test.free.com'\npattern = r'.*@(test.free.com|free.com.au|free.com.au.org|free.com.org)$'\n\nimport re\nif re.search( pattern , verification_email):\n print('yes')\n # or on your case, return 'yes'\n\nhttps://github.com/fedmich/StackOverflow-answers/blob/master/python-11220230/regex.py\n\n" ]
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[ "This paper represents an intervention in the debate over ontology and epistemology conducted recently in Politics. ", "Taking a post-structuralist stance it seeks to reformulate the nature of the relationship between the ontological and the epistemological and to demonstrate that this has important consequences for the way in which the question of politics is approached" ]
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[ "China's technology for space debris clean-up could be a cover, Pentagon warns\n\n14/02/2019\n\n\"A new Pentagon report on threats in space warns that China and Russian Federation are both developing capabilities to threaten the US\" preeminent position, including lasers that could target and destroy United States satellites.", "\n\nBoth countries \"are developing a variety of means to exploit perceived USA reliance on space-based systems and challenge the US position in space\", the report said.", "\n\nThe agency, the Defense Department's in-house intelligence operation, warned that lasers that could damage US satellites were of particular concern.", "\n\nChinese and Russian military doctrines indicate they view space as important to modern warfare and counter space capabilities as a means to reduce U.S. and allied military effectiveness, the Pentagon said in a report released by the Defense Intelligence Agency. ", "Space's role in commercial and civilian applications is growing, and it is absolutely vital to employing the USA military, DIA officials noted. ", "If the USA side truly cares about the security of outer space, it should work with China and actively participate in the arms control process of outer space.", "\n\n\"Both states are developing jamming and cyberspace capabilities, directed energy weapons, on-orbit capabilities and ground-based antisatellite missiles that can achieve a range of reversible to non-reversible effects\", said the report.", "\n\nAsked if the U.S.is now in a space race with Russian Federation and China, the defense official said, \"We certainly recognize this as a competition\".", "\n\n\"These capabilities provide their militaries with the ability to command and control their forces worldwide with enhanced situational awareness, enabling them to monitor, track and target United States and allied forces\", it said.", "\n\nSpace is the common property of all mankind, not the private property of the Americans, Chinese foreign ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said at a briefing.", "\n\nChina's intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance and remote sensing (ISR) satellite fleet contains more than 120 systems - second only to the US.", "\n\n\"The advantage that the United States holds in space - and our perceived dependence on it - will continue to drive actors to improve their abilities to operate in and through space\", the report says.", "\n\nThis capability supports both space operations and counter space systems, it said.", "\n\n\"As the number of satellites grows, so does the threats posed by space debris\", the official said. ", "The agency goes on to claim that the Chinese military is probably attempting to build a laser weapon system that can \"disrupt, degrade, or damage\", orbital satellites and the sensors they use. \"", "That makes tracking satellites and discriminating satellites from threats and nonthreats and predicting and preventing collisions more challenging\".", "\n\nSpace has had a profound impact on the military, the official added, allowing American service members to anticipate threats, respond to crises and to project power globally with fewer troops deployed and less collateral damage.", "\n\nRelated News:\n\nTo be honest with you, I actually agree with Steratore on this one, but I also don't care because I love watching Kentucky lose. ", "With the game tied after Keldon Johnson made two free throws with 6 seconds left, Skylar Mays drove the length of the court.", "\n\nHistorian Kate Williams adds: \"That's why it's Duchess' throughout the Royal Family - because she [Camilla] is a Duchess\". ", "He published the personal correspondence from his daughter, in which she pleaded with him to stop talking to the press.", "\n\nSince the conversations are recorded, the couple doesn't talk about issues related to Cosby's legal case, Wyatt said. ", "The disgraced comic does not want his wife or children to see him there. \" ", "He's mentally strong .", "\n\nThe screen is slightly curved at the edges, but this isn't similar to Samsung's Edge, and the side bezels are noticeable too. ", "There's a wide notch at the top of the screen similar to the one on the G7 ThinQ, an audio jack and a sizeable bottom chin.", "\n\nThe researchers analyzed that if 35-39 years of old women undergo annual mammograms, then breast cancer could be detected earlier. ", "In its response, NHS England spokesperson assured to consider the possible changes to the screening programme in the review.", "\n\nSee the rest of our favorite standout looks from the 2019 GRAMMY Awards by clicking through the gallery of best-dressed celebs. ", "However, a little after receiving her nominations, she we shocked to discover that many designers did not want to dress her.", "\n\nHe said: \"I think the fast bowlers are always going to try and impose themselves on the game\", he added. '", "It's Test cricket. ", "But according to British broadcaster Sky Sports , Root was heard replying to Gabriel: \"Don't use it as an insult\".", "\n\nWhile Apple's share of the Middle Kingdom's smartphone dropped, sales of devices from rival Huawei Technologies Co. Apple's October-December shipments suffered a almost 20-percent decline from the same period in the previous year.", "\n\nSantiago Solari has hailed Sergio Ramos ahead of the Real Madrid captain making his 600th appearance for the club. ", "Ajax scored against Real Madrid just before the break but the goal was overturned through VAR.", "\n\nSavage is nominated for two awards tonight, including Record of the Year for \" Rockstar \", his collaboration with Post Malone . ", "He remained in the United States until 2005, when he departed for approximately one month to visit the United Kingdom.", "\n\nMost liked\n\nThe Breaking Bad movie will reportedly land on Netflix, AMC\nThere isn't much known about the Breaking Bad movie at this point, as numerous plot points are being kept under wraps. ", "It's unclear whether or not the movie will air as one continuous feature, or get chopped into multiple installments.", "\n\nIran FM links bus bombing to Warsaw meeting\nIn 2009, more than 40 people, including six Guard commanders, were killed in a suicide attack in Sistan-Baluchestan province. ", "In 2018, the Guards launched missiles at an Iranian Kurdish armed opposition group in northern Iraq .", "\n\nWestbrook, PG Etch Names In Triple-Double History\nDuring Westbrook's streak, the Thunder are 9-1, and he is averaging 19.7 points, 13.2 rebounds and 13.8 assists per game. ", "Go out and compete every night and leave it on the floor, and whatever happens, happens.", "\n\nMars Opportunity Rover Mission is Complete\nThe storm was so intense that it darkened the sky for months, preventing sunlight from reaching the rover's solar panels. ", "In November 2018 NASA announced that it has selected the location where its Mars 2020 rover will land on the Red Planet.", "\n\nF1 in 2019: Max Verstappen debuts deceptive Red Bull RB15\nAt the moment, I am of course very optimistic, but also realistic and I think time will tell how we are going to perform\". ", "After five years without championship success, Red Bull is switching from Renault power to Honda this year.", "\n\nDisney's 'Frozen 2' fires up a fun first trailer\nThe icy sequel looks to make Elsa (and possibly Anna) superheroes - but it is only a teaser trailer. ", "Snowflakes fall on the screen, while the narrator promises a look at the highly-anticipated sequel." ]
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[ "The patients receiving the texts had a greater reductions in HbA1c levels at nine\nmonths than control patients (mean change, −8.85 mmol/mol [0.81%] vs. 3.96\nmmol/mol [0.36%]; adjusted mean difference −4.23; 95% CI, −7.30 to −1.15; P=0.007). ", "They also showed significant improvements on four of 21 secondary outcomes:\nfoot care, overall diabetes support, health status on the EQ-5D visual analogue scale,\nand perceptions of illness identity. ", "Almost all patients (95%) said the intervention\nwas useful, and 97% would recommend it to others.", "\n\nThe overall reduction in HbA1c level did not reach the prespecified cutoff for clinical\nsignificance, the study authors noted. ", "However, the results at three and nine months\ndid show significant differences, suggesting that the “the intervention shows\npromising effects on treating people with poorly controlled diabetes and warrants\nfurther investigation.”", "\n\nAnother study, published by BMJ Open Diabetes Research & Care on May 21, assessed the potential of social comparisons of diabetes health status to improve patients' self-management. ", "It was based on semistructured interviews with 25 patients with type 2 diabetes.", "\nSeventeen of the survey patients expressed a desire for social comparison information\n(i.e., self-evaluation in comparison with others) regarding their diabetes health\nstatus. ", "Slightly fewer (n=14) said that goal-based comparisons were important to their understanding of their\ndiabetes management.", "\n\nThe patients “commonly anticipated increased motivation and improved health\nbehaviors in response to both social and goal-based comparisons,” although\nthey also noted the importance of being compared to similar patients, the authors\nsaid. ", "Social comparisons could be incorporated into patient web portals and could\nengage patients' competitiveness, appear more personalized than standard glycemic\ngoals, and inspire patients to learn from similar individuals with better self-management,\nthe study authors said.", "\n\nInternal medicine physicians are specialists who apply scientific knowledge and clinical expertise to the diagnosis, treatment, and compassionate care of adults across the spectrum from health to complex illness. ", "ACP Diabetes Monthly provides a monthly summary for internists about relevant news in diabetes. ", "All published material, which is covered by copyright, represents the views of the contributor and does not reflect the opinion of the American College of Physicians or any other institution unless clearly stated." ]
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[ "Loxostege decaryalis\n\nLoxostege decaryalis is a moth in the family Crambidae. ", "It was described by Marion and Viette in 1956. ", "It is found in Madagascar.", "\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Moths described in 1956\nCategory:Pyraustinae" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nDjango Looping Through Objects to Place Object Markers on Google Maps\n\nI cannot figure out how to get checkmark pins to show up on google maps I have tried to loop this several different ways. ", "When I take the function out the map shows back up. ", "I am wondering if it is possible to do on Django in this manner. ", "Thank you for any help. ", "\n\n{% extends 'maps/base.html' %}\n{% block body %}\n\n <head>\n <style>\n #map {\n height: 50%;\n width:50%\n }\n html, body {\n height: 100%;\n margin: 0;\n padding: 0;\n }\n </style>\n </head>\n <body>\n <div id=\"map\"></div>\n <script>\n var map;\n function initMap() {\n map = new google.maps.", "Map(document.getElementById('map'), {\n zoom: 2,\n center: new google.maps.", "LatLng(2.8,-187.3),\n mapTypeId: 'terrain'\n });\n // Loop through the results array and place a marker for each\n // set of coordinates.", "\n\n function loadMarkers(){\n {% for object in object_list %}\n var point = new google.maps.", "LatLng({{object.latitude}},{{object.longitude}});\n var marker = new google.maps.", "Marker({\n position: point,\n map: map\n });\n {% endfor %} \n\n </script>\n <script async defer\n src=\"https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=APIKEY&callback=initMap\">\n </script>\n </body>\n\nViews:\nclass TestView(generic.", "ListView):\n template_name = 'maps/bbjecttest.html'\n\n def get_queryset(self):\n return Location.objects.all()\n\n context_object_name = 'location'\n\nA:\n\nYour code has some issues, first you are not closing the loadMarkers function.", "\nYou are also not calling the loadMarkers function anywhere.", "\nI cannot run it now, but try it with the changes and let me know if it fixes for you:\n{% extends 'maps/base.html' %}\n{% block body %}\n\n <head>\n <style>\n #map {\n height: 50%;\n width:50%\n }\n html, body {\n height: 100%;\n margin: 0;\n padding: 0;\n }\n </style>\n </head>\n <body>\n <div id=\"map\"></div>\n <script>\n var map;\n function initMap() {\n map = new google.maps.", "Map(document.getElementById('map'), {\n zoom: 2,\n center: new google.maps.", "LatLng(2.8,-187.3),\n mapTypeId: 'terrain'\n });\n // Loop through the results array and place a marker for each\n // set of coordinates.", "\n\n function loadMarkers(){\n {% for location in object_list %}\n var point = new google.maps.", "LatLng({{location.latitude}},{{location.longitude}});\n var marker = new google.maps.", "Marker({\n position: point,\n map: map\n });\n {% endfor %} \n }\n loadMarkers();\n\n </script>\n <script async defer\n src=\"https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=APIKEY&callback=initMap\">\n </script>\n </body>\n\nTo make it easier to debug, I'd do something like this to define the markers:\nmarkers = []\n{% for location in object_list %}\nmarkers.push({long:{{location.longitude}}, lat:{{location.latitude}}});\n{% endfor %}\n\nAnd then use the javascript variable markers on your look when loadMarkers is called.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "The Overbite Complexity: How The Vertical Position, Tooth-Size Ratios And Other Factors Affect Occlusion and Overbites.", "\nThis article explains the complexity of overbites and how to diagnose pre-treatment occlusions to finish orthodontic cases with stable, long lasting occlusion and proper overbites. ", "It explains the changes that occur when overbites deepen and how to correct to proper overbite positions." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.025210084033613446, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nHow do routers intercept packets?", "\n\nI'm trying to learn about iptables and port forwarding and I'm running into a very simple hurdle. ", "If my understanding is correct, this concept applies when there is a local area network, a router, and some larger outer network, typically the internet (I'm actually trying to implement this on an entirely local network with no internet access, but I think the general concepts still work). ", "When a packet from the outer network is sent to one of the computers on that local network, the router intercepts it and forwards it to the correct device. ", "My question is this: the router has its own IP address, and the packet wants to go to a different device with a different IP address. ", "So how does the router actually intercept that packet if the packet isn't destined for the router itself?", "\nI hope this question makes sense. ", "This question or something similar may have been asked before, but I wasn't sure what words to use to search for it.", "\n\nA:\n\nA router doesn't intercept packets. ", "A node requiring a gateway to a distant network passes those IP packets to that gateway/router (most often using MAC addressing in the encapsulating frame) and the router forwards them according to its local routing table.", "\nWhether or not the router and subsequently the network has Internet connectivity doesn't matter.", "\nFor details on how IP and MAC addressing are related check this question.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "He finds himself closing his eyes to sleep and immediately opening them in a different — for want of a better term — timeline.", "\n\nIn one, his wife is alive but his son is dead.", "\n\nIn the other, his wife is dead but his son is alive.", "\n\nApparently this minor inability to distinguish what is exactly real has caused some concern among his employers.", "\n\nBecause he is a cop. ", "A detective. ", "Who carries a gun and can kill people.", "\n\nYes, mass-market TV has become so desperate in its attempt to attract and retain bored viewers that will try just about anything to collect an audience.", "\n\nIncluding something as thoroughly ridiculous as this series.", "\n\nThis guy even has a therapist in both “realities”!", "\n\nThis gets so confusing for him at times that he slaps himself silly:\n\nWhich is what should have been done to the person who pitched this series.", "\n\nThen he should have been thrown out of the network’s offices.", "\n\nLook, I can understand the appeal of playing with reality. ", "This is an idea that has a long and honorable tradition. ", "Philip K. Dick’s entire career was based on asking, “What is real?”", "\n\nBut this series just asks too damned much!", "\n\nSeriously, you’re going to make a cop the main character?", "\n\nI could understand this if the main character was, say, an advertising executive. ", "They’re nuts to begin with and it would have at least been fun watching him devise campaigns and steal clients from rivals based on the lines being blurred.", "\n\nBut a cop? ", "Someone who can’t afford to be sharp all the time?", "\n\nIn fact — another spoiler ahead — at one point he becomes so disoriented that it nearly costs him his life!", "\n\nYeah, that’s how much this series is asking you to swallow.", "\n\nA massive mouthful of Stupid.", "\n\nAnd, please, this story has been told over and over. ", "At some point, the car accident itself will be questioned. ", "So if a car accident didn’t lead to this, what did?", "\n\nAnd then some recurring trouble-making character will be introduced whose true identity will be revealed in the series finale as — ooh, how clever! — ", "the surgeon who saved his life after the car accident or the determined therapist who brought him out of a coma after he actually had a stroke that led to these hallucinations.", "\n\nWhat bollocks!", "\n\nThis is the third series NBC will be putting in the Thursday 10PM timeslot. ", "The atrocious remake of Prime Suspect failed. ", "Its replacement, The Firm, also failed. ", "Now this.", "\n\nThis series will be the third failure for them at that time.", "\n\nI don’t think NBC would know a good idea if it bit it in the ass.", "\n\nYou can watch this for yourself online or at the iTunes Store. ", "I’m not linking to it at all because I want you to save your time." ]
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[ "It’s foreseeable that a contract party will get stressed out when the agreement is broken, but is physical illness caused by the stress the kind of damage that is foreseeable under the rule of Hadley v. Baxendale? ", "That was one of the issues before the English Court of Appeal in a recent decision, Deadman v. Bristol City Council, outlined in a client advisory by Simon Cradick of Cardiff’s Morgan Cole firm. (", "Free registration required.)", "\n\nThe case involved a manager charged with sexual harassment. ", "Under his terms of employment he was entitled to disciplinary review by a three-person panel. ", "The employer only provided two members of the panel, which found against him. ", "He successfully overturned that decision on the grounds that it violated his employment agreement. ", "The employer then launched a new investigation.", "\n\nOne question in the case was whether the employer’s Procedure for Stopping Harassment in the Workplace became part of the contract. ", "An employer’s announced policy does not necessarily become part of the employment contract, the court noted, but held that the nature of the Harassment Procedure, with its detailed provisions for handling disputes, did. ", "Convening a two-person panel instead of a three-person panel was therefore a breach.", "\n\nMeanwhile, though, the stress from the original finding and the reinvestigation apparently caused the employee depression and other psychiatric problems. ", "He claimed those as consequential damages of the breach. ", "Assuming that the breach caused the illness, however, the Court found that the damages were too remote. ", "Neither party, said the court, could have anticipated that convening a two-person panel instead of a three-person panel would have resulted in psychiatric injury to the employee. ", "He therefore could not recover for that harm." ]
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[ "Main menu\n\nPost navigation\n\nPrinciples of Effective Online Instruction\n\nIn the traditional classroom, one expects to find the teacher leading the class by presenting the information, asking the questions and guiding the students’ practice. ", "Everything flows from the teacher. ", "They are like dad, who plans the family vacation, does all the driving and decides when to go home. ", "In the online classroom, the teacher provides the destination, but it is the students who decide what roads to take and what sites to see when they get there. ", "In an online course, the students have goals and objectives set by the teacher, but they reach those goals and objectives by their own means.", "\n\nThis does not mean that the student is left to his/her own accords to learn. ", "Online instruction involves collaboration, mainly among the students. ", "By collaborating together, the students build a learning community allows them to not just learn information for the purpose of testing, but fully understand it for the purpose of utilizing it later in their education and their life. ", "Other collaborations include teacher-student (in the form of feedback), teacher-parent (conferences) and, hopefully, parents will interact more with the student about what the are learning.", "\n\nDoes it look the same for all grade levels and content areas?", "\n\nObviously, a first-grade class and a twelfth-grade class will look different, as will an English course and a Mathematics course. ", "The types of projects, the online learning tools used and the amount and content of material presented will all be different. ", "However, behind all of this, the foundations of the classes involving the aforementioned student self-directness, goals, objectives, collaborations and feedback will be present in all forms of online instruction.", "\n\nWill effective face-to-face teachers be effective online teachers?", "\n\nWhen I thought about this question, I remember Rice’s (2012) phrase, “Good teaching is good teaching.” ", "I went back and reviewed this section. ", "She talks about how a face-to-face instructor can sometimes just “wing it”, but in the online environment, careful preparation is required. ", "I remember thinking the first time I read this section, “Great. ", "Winging it is my lesson plan.” ", "My winging it comes from knowing the material and thus forming the concept of instruction beforehand; a premeditated winging. ", "I need to harness the creativity I use when presenting my lessons live and apply it to the development of those lessons for the online environment.", "\n\nBelow are seven principles of effective online education that I have gathered:\n\nOnline instruction is learner-centered.", "\n\nThe traditional classroom is teacher-centered (all information flows from the teacher). ", "In the online classroom, Lecture-based learning is impractical (NEA). ", "Instead, the course must be learner-centered. ", "In a learner-centered classroom, student takes an active role in learning (iNACOL, 2011) and instruction is about learning based upon goals important to the student (Roce, 2012).", "\n\nOnline instruction begins with setting course goals and objectives.", "\n\nGoals and objectives are the foundation upon which the course is built. ", "They clearly state what the student will know or be capable of doing (iNACOL, 2011). ", "Essentially, these goals are a contract between teacher and student on what is taught and learned (Ragan, 1999). ", "They are reached via the use of the proper instructional strategies (Rice, 2012). ", "Every aspect of the course should be developed in order to facilitate the students achieving these goals.", "\n\nOnline instruction evaluation is based upon measurement and assessment of learning goals.", "\n\nDetermining whether students have successfully met the goals and objectives can not be accomplished from just the standard testing practice of the traditional classroom. ", "Assessments should be both formative (informing) and summative (demonstrate mastery) (iNACOL, 2011). ", "In the online classroom, these assessments are important because of the lack of face-to-face interaction between teacher and student (Ragan 1999). ", "The assessments should consider different learning styles (NEA). ", "Rice (2012) says that the online environment demands performance-based assessments upon task completion in order to demonstrate and apply understanding. ", "These assessments become a valuable tool in providing feedback to the students.", "\n\nOnline instructional tools should be selected to support the learning goals.", "\n\nThe nature of online instruction lends itself to the availability of many tools to enhance the learning of the students. ", "Teachers should be able to use a variety of instructional tools (NEA), however, at any given time, one or two carefully chosen tools will be better than a haphazard arrangement of many tools (Rice, 2012). ", "The selected tools need to be accessible to the students (Ragan, 1999). ", "There are tools for all elements of the online course. ", "They are used for instruction, assessment and feedback (iNACOL). ", "They also provide unintended assistance. ", "Proper technology usage can also promote the behaviors you want (Rice, 2012).", "\n\nOnline instruction involves collaboration among students.", "\n\nAnother difference between the traditional and the online classroom is in how much learning is acquired through groups collaborating. ", "Online instruction lends itself immensely to collaboration through the building of communities. ", "The instructional tools support the collaborative activities (Ragan, 1999), but it is the online teacher who must foster collaboration (NEA). ", "In order to provide incentive, students should be graded on participation and interaction (Rice, 2012).", "\n\nOnline instruction is time flexible with deadlines.", "\n\nThe very nature of online instruction creates an environment where student can (and sometimes must) have access 24/7. ", "However, there must be structure to the course and students must be capable of completing assignments in a timely manner. ", "When lessons are provided ahead of schedule with benchmark due dates, students can pace themselves (Rice, 2012).", "\n\nOnline instruction incorporates higher-order thinking skills.", "\n\nFor learning to be authentic, it must go beyond knowledge and comprehension. ", "The act of learning is as important as the information that is learned. ", "It is a skill that will serve the students throughout their life. ", "To accomplish this, learning must travel gambit of Bloom’s Taxonomy. ", "Rice (2012) states that students should engage in synthesis, analysis and evaluation and not just factual recall. ", "Therefore, assignments, activities and assessments should all require higher-order thinking skills (iNACOL)." ]
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[ "To All the Boys: P.S. I Still Love You\n\nTo All the Boys: P.S. I Still Love You is a 2020 American teen romantic comedy film directed by Michael Fimognari and written by Sofia Alvarez and J. Mills Goodloe. ", " The film stars Lana Condor, Noah Centineo, Janel Parrish, Anna Cathcart, Trezzo Mahoro, Madeleine Arthur, Emilija Baranac, Kelcey Mawema, Jordan Fisher, Ross Butler, Julie Tao, Sarayu Blue, John Corbett, Holland Taylor, and Maddie Ziegler. ", "The film is based on Jenny Han's 2015 novel P.S. I Still Love You.", "\n\nThe film is a sequel to To All the Boys I've Loved Before (2018), and the second installment in the To All the Boys I've Loved Before film series. ", "The film was released on February 12, 2020 exclusively on Netflix, with a third film titled To All the Boys: Always and Forever, Lara Jean in post-production.", "\n\nPlot \nLara Jean and Peter, now a couple, go on their first date and promise to never break each other's hearts. ", "While their love blossoms, Lara Jean gets a letter from John Ambrose McClaren, one of her previous crushes, in reply to the one that she wrote to him in sixth grade. ", "Wondering if it would be rude to not reply, she puts it off for later. ", "She tells Peter about the letter, who doesn't seem particularly excited to hear about it.", "\n\nLara Jean's high school sets up a volunteer program; while Peter goes to volunteer with his friends, Lara Jean decides to go to Belleview Retirement Home instead, since that's where her older sister Margot went. ", "On her first day there, she meets Stormy, an eccentric old lady who Margot often talked about and accidentally slips on a pile of gumballs after discovering that John Ambrose is also volunteering at Belleview. ", "They talk about the letter, and John Ambrose agrees to let Lara Jean read the letter as long as she gives it back to him afterward. ", "Lara Jean is unable to stop thinking about their conversation and, in addition, is constantly insecure about her relationship with Peter because she can't stop comparing herself with her ex-best friend (and Peter's ex-girlfriend) Gen.\n\nOn Valentine's Day, Lara Jean witnesses her classmates being serenaded by special acapella groups and is told by a friend that Peter sent a group to serenade Gen every period, back when they were still dating. ", "This enhances her insecurity, though she forgets about this when she meets with Peter later that day. ", "He gives her a silver necklace and reads a poem he brought for her, which she believes is original but turns out to be two verses of Edgar Allan Poe's \"Annabel Lee\" with Lara Jean's name replacing the words \"Annabel Lee\". ", "She is later told by Stormy about the true nature of the poem, which upsets her. ", "He apologizes and tells her he wishes he could write something like that for her, though he means everything in the poem.", "\n\nWhile volunteering at Belleview, Lara Jean and John Ambrose grow closer and decide to throw a Star Ball for Belleview after discovering some old decorations in the basement; John Ambrose appears to be catching feelings for Lara Jean, who tries but is unable to tell him about her relationship with Peter. ", "Instead, she ends up telling him that their old middle school hangout spot, a treehouse, is being torn down due to the new family moving in. ", "They arrange for the whole gang to meet there to dig up the time capsule they buried years ago, including Gen, and take turns unpacking it. ", "However, Gen claims that she didn't put any in the time capsule when they find it empty earlier than they expected. ", "During their \"party\", Peter gets jealous of John Ambrose and reveals his relationship with Lara Jean. ", "After everyone leaves, Lara Jean and Peter argue but end up making up.", "\n\nThe next day, Lara Jean apologizes to John Ambrose for not telling him about Peter, which he forgives her for. ", "She decides to dress up for Peter's game and is waiting for Peter to come out but is pulled aside by Chris to tell her that she saw him with Gen earlier, showing her a photo of them holding each other. ", "Lara Jean confronts Peter and realizes that Peter never stopped talking to Gen and on the ski trip, Peter was waiting for Gen at the hot tub and not Lara Jean. ", "That is why the video of LJ and Peter at the hot tub was leaked. ", "Gen knew where Peter was going to be. ", "With Peter being in a rush to get to the game, Peter walks away and results in them breaking up. ", "This leads to Lara Jean goes to the treehouse sometime later and meets up with Gen, who reveals that Peter was only comforting her as her parents were separating. ", "She says that she only went to Peter because he had undergone the same experience, that Peter is crazy about Lara Jean, and that she shouldn't be doubting him. ", "She also reveals that she had, in fact, put something in the time capsule (a friendship bracelet that matched the bracelet Lara Jean put in the capsule) and was just too embarrassed to show it. ", "Lara Jean starts to realize that she was the one who always had Gen on her mind, not Peter, and makes up with Gen. \n\nOn the night of the ball, Stormy gives Lara Jean a dress and a makeover. ", "She and John Ambrose dance before going outside in the snow. ", "However, when they kiss, Lara Jean realizes that she truly loves Peter and doesn't hold feelings for John. ", "John whispers to LJ stating that Peter’s there and she apologizes to him and rushes outside in her dress, only to find Peter waiting outside for her. ", "He states that he was waiting outside since she doesn't like driving in the snow, a fact that she told him on their first date, and says that she can break his heart if she wants to. ", "She says that she loves him instead, and he tells her he loves her back. ", "They kiss and make up, and Lara Jean says in an ending voiceover that she wanted a fairytale relationship with Peter, but is now satisfied with what she has.", "\n\nCast\n Lana Condor as Lara Jean, a half-Korean, half-white high school student, and the main character \n Noah Centineo as Peter, Lara Jean's boyfriend and a popular lacrosse player\n Jordan Fisher as John Ambrose, Lara Jean's crush in sixth grade\n Anna Cathcart as Kitty, Lara Jean's playful little sister who got her and Peter together\n Janel Parrish as Margot, Lara Jean's mature and responsible older sister who goes to college in Scotland\n Ross Butler as Trevor, Peter and Lara Jean's good friend and Chris's boyfriend\n Madeleine Arthur as Christine, Gen's cousin and Lara Jean's best friend who goes by \"Chris\"\n Emilija Baranac as Gen, a pretty and popular girl who is Peter's ex and Lara Jean's best-friend-turned-rival\n Trezzo Mahoro as Lucas, Lara Jean's gay and amiable friend as well as one of her former loves\n Holland Taylor as Stormy, an eccentric old lady with impeccable style who lives in the nursing home Lara Jean volunteers at\n Sarayu Blue as Trina Rothschild, the Coveys' friendly neighbor who develops a budding romance with Lara Jean's dad\n John Corbett as Dr. Covey, Lara Jean's kind and somewhat protective father \n Kelcey Mawema as Emily, Gen's friend\n Julie Tao as Haven, the Coveys' Korean cousin\n Maddie Ziegler as Pep Squad Girl\n\nProduction\n\nDevelopment\nIn August 2018, Jenny Han, author of the source novel, said of a film sequel to To All the Boys I've Loved Before, which would adapt Han's second book in the series, P.S. I Still Love You:\n\nIn November 2018, it was reported that Netflix and Paramount Pictures' Awesomeness Films were in discussions to produce a sequel, and Netflix announced the development of a sequel featuring Condor and Centineo in December 2018. ", "In March 2019, it was reported that Michael Fimognari, cinematographer on the first film, would make his feature film directorial debut with the sequel, taking over from the original film's director Susan Johnson, who would stay on to executive produce. ", "It was also announced that Parrish, Cathcart and Corbett would return to co-star.", "\n\nThe sequel has also cast Jordan Fisher as John Ambrose McClaren, a past love of Lara Jean's, and Ross Butler as Trevor Pike, one of Peter's best friends. ", "Madeleine Arthur will reprise her role as Chris, while Holland Taylor and Sarayu Blue have joined the cast as Stormy McClaren and Trina Rothschild respectively.", "\n\nFilming\nPrincipal photography began in Vancouver, British Columbia and the surrounding areas on March 27, 2019. ", "As with the first film, scenes at Lara Jean's high school were filmed at Point Grey Secondary School. ", "Principal photography wrapped on May 10, 2019.", "\n\nRelease\nThe first trailer for To All the Boys: P.S. I Still Love You was released on December 19, 2019, revealing that the movie would be released exclusively on Netflix on February 12, 2020.", "\n\nReception\nOn the review aggregation website Rotten Tomatoes, the film holds an approval rating of 74% based on 57 reviews, with an average rating of 6.56/10. ", "The website's critical consensus reads, \"To All the Boys: P.S. I Love You [sic] may feel like little more than an amiable postscript to its predecessor, but fans of the original should still find this a swoonworthy sequel.\" ", "On Metacritic, the film has a weighted average score of 54 out of 100, based on reviews from 16 critics, indicating \"mixed or average reviews\".", "\n\nNick Allen of RogerEbert.com gave the film 2 1/2 stars out of 4, and wrote that \"its enjoyment will depend largely on whether you want Peter to be the main boy that Lara loves, or not.\" ", "He added, \"It’s hard to get past the hope that Lara Jean will someday soon get something better—a better boyfriend, and a better movie.\"", "\n\nSequel\n\nA third film, based on the third novel in the trilogy, began filming on July 15, 2019, two months after production on the second film wrapped.", "\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n \n\nCategory:2020 films\nCategory:2020s romantic comedy films\nCategory:2020s sequel films\nCategory:American films\nCategory:American romantic drama films\nCategory:American sequel films\nCategory:American teen comedy films\nCategory:American teen romance films\nCategory:Awesomeness Films films\nCategory:Films about interracial romance\nCategory:Films based on American novels\nCategory:Films based on romance novels\nCategory:Films based on young adult literature\nCategory:Films set in Portland, Oregon\nCategory:Films shot in Vancouver\nCategory:Netflix original films\nCategory:Overbrook Entertainment films\nCategory:Paramount Pictures films" ]
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[ "WestConn professor writes about 'constitutional' concerns\n\nNews-Times, The (Danbury, CT)\n\nPublished 8:00 pm, Friday, October 26, 2007\n\nThe result, he says, is that \"constitutional law\" has very little to do with the Constitution.", "\n\n\"Within the federal government, often the federal judges do the legislating, so instead of having decision-making be chiefly local and by elections, many of the most important governmental decisions in America are made in far-away Washington and by people who were never elected and never are going to have to be elected,\" said Gutzman, a Bethel resident and history professor at Western Connecticut State University.", "\n\n\"That's why we end up with all kinds of policies that Americans never did, and never would, agree to.\"", "\n\nGutzman's new book, \"The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Constitution\" seeks to address the ways the federal government has departed from what is written in the Constitution and what was intended by the people when they ratified it.", "\n\nReaders will have a chance to meet and discuss the book with Gutzman when he appears at a book signing Sunday at 3 p.m. in Barnes & Noble, 15 Backus Ave., ", "Danbury.", "\n\nGutzman's very readable guide provides an engrossing history of the federal Constitution. ", "He begins with the American Revolution and details how the government the original 13 states formed after separating from England was not the government we have today. ", "It was rather a loose alliance of states with a constitution known as the Articles of Confederation.", "\n\nAfter a decade, policy-makers wanted to form a more centralized alliance so the states would be better prepared to handle emergencies and protect themselves against foreign powers.", "\n\nIn the summer of 1787, representatives from 12 states met in Philadelphia, supposedly to propose amendments to the Articles. ", "The government they proposed at the end of their deliberations would ultimately become the U.S. Constitution.", "\n\nGutzman said the states voted to ratify the Constitution with the understanding they were getting a federal system of government where the states, and especially elected legislators, would still have control over all but the few areas of law directly mentioned in the Constitution.", "\n\nOver time, the power of the federal government has increased, while that of the state governments has decreased, and more and more the federal judges use the Constitution as a way to legislate based on their personal opinions and not on the Constitution, said Gutzman.", "\n\n\"Lawmakers and judges -- particularly the Supreme Court -- use the Constitution as a blank check.\"", "\n\nAll too often, Gutzman said, judges invent rights.", "\n\n\"When they find a kind of law the judges don't like, they just declare that you have a right not to have that be the law, even though really there's nothing in the Constitution that makes it a right,\" he said.", "\n\nFor Gutzman, the issue is not a liberal or conservative one, and it is not whether he agrees or disagrees with a particular Supreme Court decision. ", "It's whether the Supreme Court should be making the decision in the first place.", "\n\nGutzman said he would like to see most of the issues now decided by the Supreme Court left to each to state to decide by elections, as the people were promised when they ratified the Constitution.", "\n\nThe idea of writing a book about the Constitution has been on Gutzman's mind for about two decades. ", "In the summer of 1987, as a recent graduate of the University of Texas, he worked as intern for a Texan congressman in Washington, D.C.\n\nThere, Gutzman spent his spare time taking in the political sights and reading up on the Constitution before starting studies at the University of Texas School of Law that fall.", "\n\n\"I thought ... I would have a head start in terms of understanding the Constitution. ", "What I found instead ... was that there is essentially no relationship between constitutional law (the body of judicial decisions that supposedly interpret the Constitution) and the Constitution itself,\" he said. \"", "Instead of living under the Constitution that was ratified in 1787 to 1789, we live under 'constitutional law.'\"", "\n\nConstitutional law is based upon case law. ", "When a judge makes a ruling on an issue, that ruling sets a precedent and is taken as law.", "\n\nThe problem, Gutzman says, is if a judge makes a mistake, that mistake is written into the law and is unlikely to be questioned by future generations of judges and lawyers. ", "This is because legal education in America is now based not on study of the history of the Constitution's ratification, he says, but on past judges' often mistaken views of the Constitution.", "\n\nBy the time Gutzman graduated from law school, he was disillusioned with the separation between the Constitution and constitutional law. ", "For a year he worked as a lawyer, but his dislike of the modern system led him to leave the profession and pursue a career in history.", "\n\nHe received an M.A. and Ph.D. in American history from the University of Virginia. ", "During his studies, he delved deeper into the history of the Constitution, reading scores of books and articles as well as diaries and notes from the Philadelphia Convention where the Constitution was formed.", "\n\nHe also studied extensively the records of the ratification debates in which the Constitution's meaning was explained to the people. ", "Through his research, Gutzman has become one of the foremost experts on the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.", "\n\nPrior to \"The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Constitution,\" Gutzman wrote \"Virginia's American Revolution: From Dominion to Republic, 1776-1840.\" ", "He is also the author of many articles and encyclopedia entries, as well as reviews of books, films and exhibitions for magazines.", "\n\nBut through the years he has never forgotten his experience at law school and always wished to write about the Constitution.", "\n\nAfter earning his doctorate, he became a professor at John Jay College in Manhattan and moved to Bethel. ", "After two years of making the long commute to the city, Gutzman took a position at WestConn.", "\n\nGutzman's friend, historian Thomas E. Woods Jr., had written the \"Politically Incorrect Guide to American History.\" ", "Gutzman told Woods that he wanted to write a history of the Constitution, and Woods put him in touch with Regnery Publishing, which handles the bestselling \"Politically Incorrect Guide\" series.", "\n\nGutzman began writing at a rapid rate and finished the 221-page book in four months.", "\n\n\"I had it all in my head,\" he said.", "\n\nThe book was published June 11, and Gutzman hopes it will cause people to question the role of federal judges.", "\n\n\"Americans should stop deferring to federal judges, because going to law school, which I did myself, is not any kind of instruction in morality, business ethics, the meaning of life, art, or any of these other things that federal judges are constantly undertaking to instruct us about,\" Gutzman said.", "\n\n\"Legal training should not be confused with an education,\" he added. \"", "Legal training is not an education, it's trade school. ", "It's like learning to be a carpenter.\"", "\n\nGutzman would like to see fewer governmental decisions made through lawsuits and more through elections.", "\n\n\"If you don't like the fact that kids in your local elementary school are saying 'under God' in the pledge of allegiance, the answer is not supposed to be to go to court and have a federal judge say 'stop saying the pledge of allegiance.'", "\n\n\"The answer should be to go to your local school board and vote out the people who are having your kids say the pledge of allegiance,\" he said. \"", "In other words, have an election. ", "That was intended to be the American way.\"", "\n\nGutzman will speak and sign copies of his book Oct. 28 at 3 p.m. at Barnes & Noble, 15 Backus Ave., ", "Danbury.", "\n\n\"The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Constitution\" is published by Regnery Publishing Inc., an Eagle Publishing company, and is available from most major book retailers." ]
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[ "Mein Kampf - Recognizing the Jewish danger\n\nThe Jew offers the most striking contrast to the Aryan. ", "There is probably no other people in the world who have so developed the instinct of self-preservation as the so-called 'chosen' people. ", "The best proof of this statement is found in the simple fact that this race still exists. ", "Where can another people be found that in the course of the last two thousand years has undergone so few changes in mental outlook and character as the Jewish people? ", "And yet what other people has taken such a constant part in the great revolutions? ", "But even after having passed through the most gigantic catastrophes that have overwhelmed mankind, the Jews remain the same as ever. ", "What an infinitely tenacious will-to-live, to preserve one's kind, is demonstrated by that fact!", "\n\nThe intellectual faculties of the Jew have been trained through thousands of years. ", "Today the Jew is looked upon as specially 'cunning'; and in a certain sense he has been so throughout the ages. ", "His intellectual powers, however, are not the result of an inner evolution but rather have been shaped by the object-lessons which the Jew has received from others. [...]", "\n\nSince the Jew--for reasons that I shall deal with immediately--never had a civilization of his own, he has always been furnished by others with a basis for his intellectual work. ", "His intellect has always developed by the use of those cultural achievements which he has found ready-to-hand around him.", "\n\nThe process has never been the reverse.", "\n\nFor, though among the Jews the instinct of self-preservation has not been weaker but has been much stronger than among other peoples, and though the impression may easily be created that the intellectual powers of the Jew are at least equal to those of other races, the Jews completely lack the most essential pre-requisite of a cultural people, namely the idealistic spirit. ", "With the Jewish people the readiness for sacrifice does not extend beyond the simple instinct of individual preservation. ", "In their case the feeling of racial solidarity which they apparently manifest is nothing but a very primitive gregarious instinct, similar to that which may be found among other organisms in this world. ", "It is a remarkable fact that this herd instinct brings individuals together for mutual protection only as long as there is a common danger which makes mutual assistance expedient or inevitable. ", "The same pack of wolves which a moment ago joined together in a common attack on their victim will dissolve into individual wolves as soon as their hunger has been satisfied. ", "This is also sure of horses, which unite to defend themselves against any aggressor but separate the moment the danger is over.", "\n\nIt is much the same with the Jew. ", "His spirit of sacrifice is only apparent. ", "It manifests itself only so long as the existence of the individual makes this a matter of absolute necessity. ", "But as soon as the common foe is conquered and the danger which threatened the individual Jews is overcome and the prey secured, then the apparent harmony disappears and the original conditions set in again. ", "Jews act in concord only when a common danger threatens them or a common prey attracts them. ", "Where these two motives no longer exist then the most brutal egotism appears and these people who before had lived together in unity will turn into a swarm of rats that bitterly fight against each other.", "\n\nIf the Jews were the only people in the world they would be wallowing in filth and mire and would exploit one another and try to exterminate one another in a bitter struggle, except in so far as their utter lack of the ideal of sacrifice, which shows itself in their cowardly spirit, would prevent this struggle from developing.", "\n\nTherefore it would be a complete mistake to interpret the mutual help which the Jews render one another when they have to fight--or, to put it more accurately, to exploit--their fellow being, as the expression of a certain idealistic spirit of sacrifice.", "\n\nHere again the Jew merely follows the call of his individual egotism. ", "That is why the Jewish State, which ought to be a vital organization to serve the purpose of preserving or increasing the race, has absolutely no territorial boundaries. ", "For the territorial delimitation of a State always demands a certain idealism of spirit on the part of the race which forms that State and especially a proper acceptance of the idea of work. ", "A State which is territorially delimited cannot be established or maintained unless the general attitude towards work be a positive one. ", "If this attitude be lacking, then the necessary basis of a civilization is also lacking.", "\n\nThat is why the Jewish people, despite the intellectual powers with which they are apparently endowed, have not a culture--certainly not a culture of their own. ", "The culture which the Jew enjoys to-day is the product of the work of others and this product is debased in the hands of the Jew.", "\n\nIn order to form a correct judgment of the place which the Jew holds in relation to the whole problem of human civilization, we must bear in mind the essential fact that there never has been any Jewish art and consequently that nothing of this kind exists to-day. ", "We must realize that especially in those two royal domains of art, namely architecture and music, the Jew has done no original creative work. ", "When the Jew comes to producing something in the field of art he merely bowdler-izes something already in existence or simply steals the intellectual word, of others. ", "The Jew essentially lacks those qualities which are characteristic of those creative races that are the founders of civilization.", "\n\nTo what extent the Jew appropriates the civilization built up by others--or rather corrupts it, to speak more accurately--is indicated by the fact that he cultivates chiefly the art which calls for the smallest amount of original invention, namely the dramatic art. ", "And even here he is nothing better than a kind of juggler or, perhaps more correctly speaking, a kind of monkey imitator; for in this domain also he lacks the creative elan which is necessary for the production of all really great work. ", "Even here, therefore, he is not a creative genius but rather a superficial imitator who, in spite of all his retouching and tricks, cannot disguise the fact that there is no inner vitality in the shape he gives his products. ", "At this juncture the Jewish Press comes in and renders friendly assistance by shouting hosannas over the head of even the most ordinary bungler of a Jew, until the rest of the world is stampeded into thinking that the object of so much praise must really be an artist, whereas in reality he may be nothing more than a low-class mimic.", "\n\nNo; the Jews have not the creative abilities which are necessary to the founding of a civilization; for in them there is not, and never has been, that spirit of idealism which is an absolutely necessary element in the higher development of mankind. ", "Therefore the Jewish intellect will never be constructive but always destructive. ", "At best it may serve as a stimulus in rare cases but only within the meaning of the poet's lines: 'THE POWER WHICH ALWAYS WILLS THE BAD, AND ALWAYS WORKS THE GOOD' (KRAFT, DIE STETS DAS BÖSE WILL UND STETS DAS GUTE SCHAFFT). (", "Note 15) It is not through his help but in spite of his help that mankind makes any progress.", "\n\nSince the Jew has never had a State which was based on territorial delimitations, and therefore never a civilization of his own, the idea arose that here we were dealing with a people who had to be considered as Nomads. ", "That is a great and mischievous mistake. ", "The true nomad does actually possess a definite delimited territory where he lives. ", "It is merely that he does not cultivate it, as the settled farmer does, but that he lives on the products of his herds, with which he wanders over his domain. ", "The natural reason for this mode of existence is to be found in the fact that the soil is not fertile and that it does not give the steady produce which makes a fixed abode possible. ", "Outside of this natural cause, however, there is a more profound cause: namely, that no mechanical civilization is at hand to make up for the natural poverty of the region in question. ", "There are territories where the Aryan can establish fixed settlements by means of the technical skill which he has developed in the course of more than a thousand years, even though these territories would otherwise have to be abandoned, unless the Aryan were willing to wander about them in nomadic fashion; but his technical tradition and his age-long experience of the use of technical means would probably make the nomadic life unbearable for him. ", "We ought to remember that during the first period of American colonization numerous Aryans earned their daily livelihood as trappers and hunters, etc., ", "frequently wandering about in large groups with their women and children, their mode of existence very much resembling that of ordinary nomads. ", "The moment, however, that they grew more numerous and were able to accumulate larger resources, they cleared the land and drove out the aborigines, at the same time establishing settlements which rapidly increased all over the country.", "\n\nThe Aryan himself was probably at first a nomad and became a settler in the course of ages. ", "But yet he was never of the Jewish kind. ", "The Jew is not a nomad; for the nomad has already a definite attitude towards the concept of 'work', and this attitude served as the basis of a later cultural development, when the necessary intellectual conditions were at hand. ", "There is a certain amount of idealism in the general attitude of the nomad, even though it be rather primitive. ", "His whole character may, therefore, be foreign to Aryan feeling but it will never be repulsive. ", "But not even the slightest trace of idealism exists in the Jewish character. ", "The Jew has never been a nomad, but always a parasite, battening on the substance of others. ", "If he occasionally abandoned regions where he had hitherto lived he did not do it voluntarily. ", "He did it because from time to time he was driven out by people who were tired of having their hospitality abused by such guests. ", "Jewish self-expansion is a parasitic phenomenon--since the Jew is always looking for new pastures for his race.", "\n\nBut this has nothing to do with nomadic life as such; because the Jew does not ever think of leaving a territory which he has once occupied. ", "He sticks where he is with such tenacity that he can hardly be driven out even by superior physical force. ", "He expands into new territories only when certain conditions for his existence are provided therein; but even then--unlike the nomad--he will not change his former abode. ", "He is and remains a parasite, a sponger who, like a pernicious bacillus, spreads over wider and wider areas according as some favourable area attracts him. ", "The effect produced by his presence is also like that of the vampire; for wherever he establishes himself the people who grant him hospitality are bound to be bled to death sooner or later. ", "Thus the Jew has at all times lived in States that have belonged to other races and within the organization of those States he had formed a State of his own, which is, however, hidden behind the mask of a 'religious community', as long as external circumstances do not make it advisable for this community to declare its true nature. ", "As soon as the Jew feels himself sufficiently established in his position to be able to hold it without a disguise, he lifts the mask and suddenly appears in the character which so many did not formerly believe or wish to see: namely that of the Jew.", "\n\nThe life which the Jew lives as a parasite thriving on the substance of other nations and States has resulted in developing that specific character which Schopenhauer once described when he spoke of the Jew as 'The Great Master of Lies'. ", "The kind of existence which he leads forces the Jew to the systematic use of falsehood, just as naturally as the inhabitants of northern climates are forced to wear warm clothes.", "\n\nHe can live among other nations and States only as long as he succeeds in persuading them that the Jews are not a distinct people but the representatives of a religious faith who thus constitute a 'religious community', though this be of a peculiar character.", "\n\nAs a matter of fact, however, this is the first of his great falsehoods.", "\n\nHe is obliged to conceal his own particular character and mode of life that he may be allowed to continue his existence as a parasite among the nations. ", "The greater the intelligence of the individual Jew, the better will he succeed in deceiving others. ", "His success in this line may even go so far that the people who grant him hospitality may be led to believe that the Jew among them is a genuine Frenchman, for instance, or Englishman or German or Italian, who just happens to belong to a religious denomination which is different from that prevailing in these countries. ", "Especially in circles concerned with the executive administration of the State, where the officials generally have only a minimum of historical sense, the Jew is able to impose his infamous deception with comparative ease. ", "In these circles independent thinking is considered a sin against the sacred rules according to which official promotion takes place. ", "It is therefore not surprising that even to-day in the Bavarian government offices, for example, there is not the slightest suspicion that the Jews form a distinct nation themselves and are not merely the adherents of a 'Confession', though one glance at the Press which belongs to the Jews ought to furnish sufficient evidence to the contrary even for those who possess only the smallest degree of intelligence. ", "The JEWISH ECHO, however, is not an official gazette and therefore not authoritative in the eyes of those government potentates.", "\n\nJewry has always been a nation of a definite racial character and never differentiated merely by the fact of belonging to a certain religion. ", "At a very early date, urged on by the desire to make their way in the world, the Jews began to cast about for a means whereby they might distract such attention as might prove inconvenient for them. ", "What could be more effective and at the same time more above suspicion than to borrow and utilize the idea of the religious community? ", "Here also everything is copied, or rather stolen; for the Jew could not possess any religious institution which had developed out of his own consciousness, seeing that he lacks every kind of idealism; which means that belief in a life beyond this terrestrial existence is foreign to him. ", "In the Aryan mind no religion can ever be imagined unless it embodies the conviction that life in some form or other will continue after death. ", "As a matter of fact, the Talmud is not a book that lays down principles according to which the individual should prepare for the life to come.", "\n\nIt only furnishes rules for a practical and convenient life in this world.", "\n\nThe religious teaching of the Jews is principally a collection of instructions for maintaining the Jewish blood pure and for regulating intercourse between Jews and the rest of the world: that is to say, their relation with non-Jews. ", "But the Jewish religious teaching is not concerned with moral problems. ", "It is rather concerned with economic problems, and very petty ones at that. ", "In regard to the moral value of the religious teaching of the Jews there exist and always have existed quite exhaustive studies (not from the Jewish side; for whatever the Jews have written on this question has naturally always been of a tendentious character) which show up the kind of religion that the Jews have in a light that makes it look very uncanny to the Aryan mind. ", "The Jew himself is the best example of the kind of product which this religious training evolves. ", "His life is of this world only and his mentality is as foreign to the true spirit of Christianity as his character was foreign to the great Founder of this new creed two thousand years ago. ", "And the Founder of Christianity made no secret indeed of His estimation of the Jewish people. ", "When He found it necessary He drove those enemies of the human race out of the Temple of God; because then, as always, they used religion as a means of advancing their commercial interests. ", "But at that time Christ was nailed to the Cross for his attitude towards the Jews; whereas our modern Christians enter into party politics and when elections are being held they debase themselves to beg for Jewish votes. ", "They even enter into political intrigues with the atheistic Jewish parties against the interests of their own Christian nation.", "\n\nOn this first and fundamental lie, the purpose of which is to make people believe that Jewry is not a nation but a religion, other lies are subsequently based. ", "One of those further lies, for example, is in connection with the language spoken by the Jew. ", "For him language is not an instrument for the expression of his inner thoughts but rather a means of cloaking them. ", "When talking French his thoughts are Jewish and when writing German rhymes he only gives expression to the character of his own race.", "\n\nAs long as the Jew has not succeeded in mastering other peoples he is forced to speak their language whether he likes it or not. ", "But the moment that the world would become the slave of the Jew it would have to learn some other language (Esperanto, for example) so that by this means the Jew could dominate all the more easily.", "\n\nHow much the whole existence of this people is based on a permanent falsehood is proved in a unique way by 'The Protocols of the Elders of Zion', which are so violently repudiated by the Jews. ", "With groans and moans, the FRANKFURTER ZEITUNG repeats again and again that these are forgeries. ", "This alone is evidence in favour of their authenticity. ", "What many Jews unconsciously wish to do is here clearly set forth. ", "It is not necessary to ask out of what Jewish brain these revelations sprang; but what is of vital interest is that they disclose, with an almost terrifying precision, the mentality and methods of action characteristic of the Jewish people and these writings expound in all their various directions the final aims towards which the Jews are striving. ", "The study of real happenings, however, is the best way of judging the authenticity of those documents. ", "If the historical developments which have taken place within the last few centuries be studied in the light of this book we shall understand why the Jewish Press incessantly repudiates and denounces it. ", "For the Jewish peril will be stamped out the moment the general public come into possession of that book and understand it.", "\n\nIn order to get to know the Jew properly it is necessary to study the road which he has been following among the other peoples during the last few centuries. ", "One example will suffice to give a clear insight here. ", "Since his career has been the same at all epochs--just as the people at whose expense he has lived have remained the same--for the purposes of making the requisite analysis it will be best to mark his progress by stages. ", "For the sake of simplicity we shall indicate these stages by letters of the alphabet.", "\n\nThe first Jews came into what was then called Germania during the period of the Roman invasion; and, as usual, they came as merchants. ", "During the turmoil caused by the great migrations of the German tribes the Jews seem to have disappeared. ", "We may therefore consider the period when the Germans formed the first political communities as the beginning of that process whereby Central and Northern Europe was again, and this time permanently, Judaized. ", "A development began which has always been the same or similar wherever and whenever Jews came into contact with Aryan peoples.", "\n\n(a) As soon as the first permanent settlements had been established the Jew was suddenly 'there'. ", "He arrived as a merchant and in the beginning did not trouble to disguise his nationality. ", "He still remained openly a Jew, partly it may be because he knew too little of the language. ", "It may also be that people of other races refused to mix with him, so that he could not very well adopt any other appearance than that of a foreign merchant. ", "Because of his subtlety and cunning and the lack of experience on the part of the people whose guest he became, it was not to his disadvantage openly to retain his Jewish character. ", "This may even have been advantageous to him; for the foreigner was received kindly.", "\n\n(b) Slowly but steadily he began to take part in the economic life around him; not as a producer, however, but only as a middleman. ", "His commercial cunning, acquired through thousands of years of negotiation as an intermediary, made him superior in this field to the Aryans, who were still quite ingenuous and indeed clumsy and whose honesty was unlimited; so that after a short while commerce seemed destined to become a Jewish monopoly. ", "The Jew began by lending out money at usurious interest, which is a permanent trade of his. ", "It was he who first introduced the payment of interest on borrowed money. ", "The danger which this innovation involved was not at first recognized; indeed the innovation was welcomed, because it offered momentary advantages.", "\n\n(c) At this stage the Jew had become firmly settled down; that is to say, he inhabited special sections of the cities and towns and had his own quarter in the market-places. ", "Thus he gradually came to form a State within a State. ", "He came to look upon the commercial domain and all money transactions as a privilege belonging exclusively to himself and he exploited it ruthlessly.", "\n\n(d) At this stage finance and trade had become his complete monopoly. ", "Finally, his usurious rate of interest aroused opposition and the increasing impudence which the Jew began to manifest all round stirred up popular indignation, while his display of wealth gave rise to popular envy. ", "The cup of his iniquity became full to the brim when he included landed property among his commercial wares and degraded the soil to the level of a market commodity. ", "Since he himself never cultivated the soil but considered it as an object to be exploited, on which the peasant may still remain but only on condition that he submits to the most heartless exactions of his new master, public antipathy against the Jew steadily increased and finally turned into open animosity. ", "His extortionate tyranny became so unbearable that people rebelled against his control and used physical violence against him. ", "They began to scrutinize this foreigner somewhat more closely, and then began to discover the repulsive traits and characteristics inherent in him, until finally an abyss opened between the Jews and their hosts, across which abyss there could be no further contact.", "\n\nIn times of distress a wave of public anger has usually arisen against the Jew; the masses have taken the law into their own hands; they have seized Jewish property and ruined the Jew in their urge to protect themselves against what they consider to be a scourge of God. ", "Having come to know the Jew intimately through the course of centuries, in times of distress they looked upon his presence among them as a public danger comparable only to the plague.", "\n\n(e) But then the Jew began to reveal his true character. ", "He paid court to governments, with servile flattery, used his money to ingratiate himself further and thus regularly secured for himself once again the privilege of exploiting his victim. ", "Although public wrath flared up against this eternal profiteer and drove him out, after a few years he reappeared in those same places and carried on as before. ", "No persecution could force him to give up his trade of exploiting other people and no amount of harrying succeeded in driving him out permanently. ", "He always returned after a short time and it was always the old story with him.", "\n\nIn an effort to save at least the worst from happening, legislation was passed which debarred the Jew from obtaining possession of the land.", "\n\n(f) In proportion as the powers of kings and princes increased, the Jew sidled up to them. ", "He begged for 'charters' and 'privileges' which those gentlemen, who were generally in financial straits, gladly granted if they received adequate payment in return. ", "However high the price he has to pay, the Jew will succeed in getting it back within a few years from operating the privilege he has acquired, even with interest and compound interest. ", "He is a real leech who clings to the body of his unfortunate victims and cannot be removed; so that when the princes found themselves in need once again they took the blood from his swollen veins with their own hands.", "\n\nThis game was repeated unendingly. ", "In the case of those who were called 'German Princes', the part they played was quite as contemptible as that played by the Jew. ", "They were a real scourge for their people. ", "Their compeers may be found in some of the government ministers of our time.", "\n\nIt was due to the German princes that the German nation could not succeed in definitely freeing itself from the Jewish peril. ", "Unfortunately the situation did not change at a later period. ", "The princes finally received the reward which they had a thousandfold deserved for all the crimes committed by them against their own people. ", "They had allied themselves with Satan and later on they discovered that they were in Satan's embrace.", "\n\n(g) By permitting themselves to be entangled in the toils of the Jew, the princes prepared their own downfall. ", "The position which they held among their people was slowly but steadily undermined not only by their continued failure to guard the interests of their subjects but by the positive exploitation of them. ", "The Jew calculated exactly the time when the downfall of the princes was approaching and did his best to hasten it. ", "He intensified their financial difficulties by hindering them in the exercise of their duty towards their people, by inveigling them through the most servile flatteries into further personal display, whereby he made himself more and more indispensable to them. ", "His astuteness, or rather his utter unscrupulousness, in money affairs enabled him to exact new income from the princes, to squeeze the money out of them and then have it spent as quickly as possible. ", "Every Court had its 'Court Jews', as this plague was called, who tortured the innocent victims until they were driven to despair; while at the same time this Jew provided the means which the princes squandered on their own pleasures. ", "It is not to be wondered at that these ornaments of the human race became the recipients of official honours and even were admitted into the ranks of the hereditary nobility, thus contributing not only to expose that social institution to ridicule but also to contaminate it from the inside.", "\n\nNaturally the Jew could now exploit the position to which he had attained and push himself forward even more rapidly than before. ", "Finally he became baptized and thus entitled to all the rights and privileges which belonged to the children of the nation on which he preyed. ", "This was a high-class stroke of business for him, and he often availed himself of it, to the great joy of the Church, which was proud of having gained a new child in the Faith, and also to the joy of Israel, which was happy at seeing the trick pulled off successfully.", "\n\n(h) At this stage a transformation began to take place in the world of Jewry. ", "Up to now they had been Jews--that is to say, they did not hitherto set any great value on pretending to be something else; and anyhow the distinctive characteristics which separated them from other races could not be easily overcome. ", "Even as late as the time of Frederick the Great nobody looked upon the Jews as other than a 'foreign' people, and Goethe rose up in revolt against the failure legally to prohibit marriage between Christians and Jews. ", "Goethe was certainly no reactionary and no time-server. ", "What he said came from the voice of the blood and the voice of reason. ", "Notwithstanding the disgraceful happenings taking place in Court circles, the people recognized instinctively that the Jew was the foreign body in their own flesh and their attitude towards him was directed by recognition of that fact.", "\n\nBut a change was now destined to take place. ", "In the course of more than a thousand years the Jew had learned to master the language of his hosts so thoroughly that he considered he might now lay stress on his Jewish character and emphasize the 'Germanism' a bit more. ", "Though it must have appeared ridiculous and absurd at first sight, he was impudent enough to call himself a 'Teuton', which in this case meant a German. ", "In that way began one of the most infamous impositions that can be imagined. ", "The Jew did not possess the slightest traces of the German character. ", "He had only acquired the art of twisting the German language to his own uses, and that in a disgusting way, without having assimilated any other feature of the German character. ", "Therefore his command of the language was the sole ground on which he could pretend to be a German. ", "It is not however by the tie of language, but exclusively by the tie of blood that the members of a race are bound together. ", "And the Jew himself knows this better than any other, seeing that he attaches so little importance to the preservation of his own language while at the same time he strives his utmost to maintain his blood free from intermixture with that of other races. ", "A man may acquire and use a new language without much trouble; but it is only his old ideas that he expresses through the new language. ", "His inner nature is not modified thereby. ", "The best proof of this is furnished by the Jew himself. ", "He may speak a thousand tongues and yet his Jewish nature will remain always one and the same. ", "His distinguishing characteristics were the same when he spoke the Latin language at Ostia two thousand years ago as a merchant in grain, as they are to-day when he tries to sell adulterated flour with the aid of his German gibberish. ", "He is always the same Jew. ", "That so obvious a fact is not recognized by the average head-clerk in a German government department, or by an officer in the police administration, is also a self-evident and natural fact; since it would be difficult to find another class of people who are so lacking in instinct and intelligence as the civil servants employed by our modern German State authorities.", "\n\nThe reason why, at the stage I am dealing with, the Jew so suddenly decided to transform himself into a German is not difficult to discover. ", "He felt the power of the princes slowly crumbling and therefore looked about to find a new social plank on which he might stand. ", "Furthermore, his financial domination over all the spheres of economic life had become so powerful that he felt he could no longer sustain that enormous structure or add to it unless he were admitted to the full enjoyment of the 'rights of citizenship.' ", "He aimed at both, preservation and expansion; for the higher he could climb the more alluring became the prospect of reaching the old goal, which was promised to him in ancient times, namely world-rulership, and which he now looked forward to with feverish eyes, as he thought he saw it visibly approaching. ", "Therefore all his efforts were now directed to becoming a fully-fledged citizen, endowed with all civil and political rights.", "\n\nThat was the reason for his emancipation from the Ghetto.", "\n\n(i) And thus the Court Jew slowly developed into the national Jew. ", "But naturally he still remained associated with persons in higher quarters and he even attempted to push his way further into the inner circles of the ruling set. ", "But at the same time some other representatives of his race were currying favour with the people. ", "If we remember the crimes the Jew had committed against the masses of the people in the course of so many centuries, how repeatedly and ruthlessly he exploited them and how he sucked out even the very marrow of their substance, and when we further remember how they gradually came to hate him and finally considered him as a public scourge--then we may well understand how difficult the Jew must have found this final transformation. ", "Yes, indeed, it must tax all their powers to be able to present themselves as 'friends of humanity' to the poor victims whom they have skinned raw.", "\n\nTherefore the Jew began by making public amends for the crimes which he had committed against the people in the past. ", "He started his metamorphosis by first appearing as the 'benefactor' of humanity. ", "Since his new philanthropic policy had a very concrete aim in view, he could not very well apply to himself the biblical counsel, not to allow the left hand to know what the right hand is giving. ", "He felt obliged to let as many people as possible know how deeply the sufferings of the masses grieved him and to what excesses of personal sacrifice he was ready to go in order to help them. ", "With this manifestation of innate modesty, so typical of the Jew, he trumpeted his virtues before the world until finally the world actually began to believe him. ", "Those who refused to share this belief were considered to be doing him an injustice. ", "Thus after a little while he began to twist things around, so as to make it appear that it was he who had always been wronged, and vice versa. ", "There were really some particularly foolish people who could not help pitying this poor unfortunate creature of a Jew.", "\n\nAttention may be called to the fact that, in spite of his proclaimed readiness to make personal sacrifices, the Jew never becomes poor thereby. ", "He has a happy knack of always making both ends meet. ", "Occasionally his benevolence might be compared to the manure which is not spread over the field merely for the purpose of getting rid of it, but rather with a view to future produce. ", "Anyhow, after a comparatively short period of time, the world was given to know that the Jew had become a general benefactor and philanthropist. ", "What a transformation!", "\n\nWhat is looked upon as more or less natural when done by other people here became an object of astonishment, and even sometimes of admiration, because it was considered so unusual in a Jew. ", "That is why he has received more credit for his acts of benevolence than ordinary mortals.", "\n\nAnd something more: The Jew became liberal all of a sudden and began to talk enthusiastically of how human progress must be encouraged. ", "Gradually he assumed the air of being the herald of a new age.", "\n\nYet at the same time he continued to undermine the ground-work of that part of the economic system in which the people have the most practical interest. ", "He bought up stock in the various national undertakings and thus pushed his influence into the circuit of national production, making this latter an object of buying and selling on the stock exchange, or rather what might be called the pawn in a financial game of chess, and thus ruining the basis on which personal proprietorship alone is possible. ", "Only with the entrance of the Jew did that feeling of estrangement, between employers and employees begin which led at a later date to the political class-struggle.", "\n\nFinally the Jew gained an increasing influence in all economic undertakings by means of his predominance in the stock-exchange. ", "If not the ownership, at least he secured control of the working power of the nation.", "\n\nIn order to strengthen his political position, he directed his efforts towards removing the barrier of racial and civic discrimination which had hitherto hindered his advance at every turn. ", "With characteristic tenacity he championed the cause of religious tolerance for this purpose; and in the freemason organization, which had fallen completely into his hands, he found a magnificent weapon which helped him to achieve his ends. ", "Government circles, as well as the higher sections of the political and commercial bourgeoisie, fell a prey to his plans through his manipulation of the masonic net, though they themselves did not even suspect what was happening.", "\n\nOnly the people as such, or rather the masses which were just becoming conscious of their own power and were beginning to use it in the fight for their rights and liberties, had hitherto escaped the grip of the Jew. ", "At least his influence had not yet penetrated to the deeper and wider sections of the people. ", "This was unsatisfactory to him. ", "The most important phase of his policy was therefore to secure control over the people. ", "The Jew realized that in his efforts to reach the position of public despot he would need a 'peacemaker.' ", "And he thought he could find a peace-maker if he could whip-in sufficient extensive sections of the bourgeois. ", "But the freemasons failed to catch the glove-manufacturers and the linen-weavers in the frail meshes of their net. ", "And so it became necessary to find a grosser and withal a more effective means. ", "Thus another weapon beside that of freemasonry would have to be secured. ", "This was the Press. ", "The Jew exercised all his skill and tenacity in getting hold of it. ", "By means of the Press he began gradually to control public life in its entirety. ", "He began to drive it along the road which he had chosen to reach his own ends; for he was now in a position to create and direct that force which, under the name of 'public opinion' is better known to-day than it was some decades ago.", "\n\nSimultaneously the Jew gave himself the air of thirsting after knowledge. ", "He lauded every phase of progress, particularly those phases which led to the ruin of others; for he judges all progress and development from the standpoint of the advantages which these bring to his own people. ", "When it brings him no such advantages he is the deadly enemy of enlightenment and hates all culture which is real culture as such. ", "All the knowledge which he acquires in the schools of others is exploited by him exclusively in the service of his own race.", "\n\nEven more watchfully than ever before, he now stood guard over his Jewish nationality. ", "Though bubbling over with 'enlightenment', 'progress', 'liberty', 'humanity', etc., ", "his first care was to preserve the racial integrity of his own people. ", "He occasionally bestowed one of his female members on an influential Christian; but the racial stock of his male descendants was always preserved unmixed fundamentally. ", "He poisons the blood of others but preserves his own blood unadulterated. ", "The Jew scarcely ever marries a Christian girl, but the Christian takes a Jewess to wife. ", "The mongrels that are a result of this latter union always declare themselves on the Jewish side. ", "Thus a part of the higher nobility in particular became completely degenerate. ", "The Jew was well aware of this fact and systematically used this means of disarming the intellectual leaders of the opposite race. ", "To mask his tactics and fool his victims, he talks of the equality of all men, no matter what their race or colour may be. ", "And the simpletons begin to believe him.", "\n\nSince his whole nature still retains too foreign an odour for the broad masses of the people to allow themselves to be caught in his snare, he uses the Press to put before the public a picture of himself which is entirely untrue to life but well designed to serve his purpose. ", "In the comic papers special efforts are made to represent the Jews as an inoffensive little race which, like all others, has its peculiarities. ", "In spite of their manners, which may seem a bit strange, the comic papers present the Jews as fundamentally good-hearted and honourable. ", "Attempts are generally made to make them appear insignificant rather than dangerous.", "\n\nDuring this phase of his progress the chief goal of the Jew was the victory of democracy, or rather the supreme hegemony of the parliamentary system, which embodies his concept of democracy. ", "This institution harmonises best with his purposes; for thus the personal element is eliminated and in its place we have the dunder-headed majority, inefficiency and, last but by no means least, knavery.", "\n\nThe final result must necessarily have been the overthrow of the monarchy, which had to happen sooner or later.", "\n\n[...]\n\nIn the open country there could be no social problem, because the master and the farmhand were doing the same kind of work and doing it together. ", "They ate their food in common, and sometimes even out of the same dish. ", "But in this sphere also the new system introduced an entirely different set of conditions between masters and men.", "\n\nThe division created between employer and employees seems not to have extended to all branches of life. ", "How far this Judaizing process has been allowed to take effect among our people is illustrated by the fact that manual labour not only receives practically no recognition but is even considered degrading. ", "That is not a natural German attitude. ", "It is due to the introduction of a foreign element into our lives, and that foreign element is the Jewish spirit, one of the effects of which has been to transform the high esteem in which our handicrafts once were held into a definite feeling that all physical labour is something base and unworthy.", "\n\nThus a new social class has grown up which stands in low esteem; and the day must come when we shall have to face the question of whether the nation will be able to make this class an integral part of the social community or whether the difference of status now existing will become a permanent gulf separating this class from the others.", "\n\nOne thing, however, is certain: This class does not include the worst elements of the community in its ranks. ", "Rather the contrary is the truth: it includes the most energetic parts of the nation. ", "The sophistication which is the result of a so-called civilization has not yet exercised its disintegrating and degenerating influence on this class. ", "The broad masses of this new lower class, constituted by the manual labourers, have not yet fallen a prey to the morbid weakness of pacifism. ", "These are still robust and, if necessary, they can be brutal.", "\n\nWhile our bourgeoisie middle class paid no attention at all to this momentous problem and indifferently allowed events to take their course, the Jew seized upon the manifold possibilities which the situation offered him for the future. ", "While on the one hand he organized capitalistic methods of exploitation to their ultimate degree of efficiency, he curried favour with the victims of his policy and his power and in a short while became the leader of their struggle against himself. '", "Against himself' is here only a figurative way of speaking; for this 'Great Master of Lies' knows how to appear in the guise of the innocent and throw the guilt on others. ", "Since he had the impudence to take a personal lead among the masses, they never for a moment suspected that they were falling a prey to one of the most infamous deceits ever practised. ", "And yet that is what it actually was.", "\n\nThe moment this new class had arisen out of the general economic situation and taken shape as a definite body in the social order, the Jew saw clearly where he would find the necessary pacemaker for his own progressive march. ", "At first he had used the bourgeois class as a battering-ram against the feudal order; and now he used the worker against the bourgeois world. ", "Just as he succeeded in obtaining civic rights by intrigues carried on under the protection of the bourgeois class, he now hoped that by joining in the struggle which the workers were waging for their own existence he would be able to obtain full control over them.", "\n\nWhen that moment arrives, then the only objective the workers will have to fight for will be the future of the Jewish people. ", "Without knowing it, the worker is placing himself at the service of the very power against which he believes he is fighting. ", "Apparently he is made to fight against capital and thus he is all the more easily brought to fight for capitalist interests. ", "Outcries are systematically raised against international capital but in reality it is against the structure of national economics that these slogans are directed. ", "The idea is to demolish this structure and on its ruins triumphantly erect the structure of the International Stock Exchange.", "\n\nIn this line of action the procedure of the Jew was as follows:\n\nHe kowtowed to the worker, hypocritically pretended to feel pity for him and his lot, and even to be indignant at the misery and poverty which the worker had to endure. ", "That is the way in which the Jew endeavoured to gain the confidence of the working class. ", "He showed himself eager to study their various hardships, whether real or imaginary, and strove to awaken a yearning on the part of the workers to change the conditions under which they lived. ", "The Jew artfully enkindled that innate yearning for social justice which is a typical Aryan characteristic. ", "Once that yearning became alive it was transformed into hatred against those in more fortunate circumstances of life. ", "The next stage was to give a precise philosophical aspect to the struggle for the elimination of social wrongs. ", "And thus the Marxist doctrine was invented.", "\n\nBy presenting his doctrine as part and parcel of a just revindication of social rights, the Jew propagated the doctrine all the more effectively. ", "But at the same time he provoked the opposition of decent people who refused to admit these demands which, because of the form and pseudo-philosophical trimmings in which they are presented, seemed fundamentally unjust and impossible for realization. ", "For, under the cloak of purely social concepts there are hidden aims which are of a Satanic character. ", "These aims are even expounded in the open with the clarity of unlimited impudence. ", "This Marxist doctrine is an individual mixture of human reason and human absurdity; but the combination is arranged in such a way that only the absurd part of it could ever be put into practice, but never the reasonable part of it. ", "By categorically repudiating the personal worth of the individual and also the nation and its racial constituent, this doctrine destroys the fundamental basis of all civilization; for civilization essentially depends on these very factors. ", "Such is the true essence of the Marxist WELTANSCHAUUNG, so far as the word WELTANSCHAUUNG can be applied at all to this phantom arising from a criminal brain. ", "The destruction of the concept of personality and of race removes the chief obstacle which barred the way to domination of the social body by its inferior elements, which are the Jews.", "\n\nThe very absurdity of the economic and political theories of Marxism gives the doctrine its peculiar significance. ", "Because of its pseudo-logic, intelligent people refuse to support it, while all those who are less accustomed to use their intellectual faculties, or who have only a rudimentary notion of economic principles, join the Marxist cause with flying banners. ", "The intelligence behind the movement--for even this movement needs intelligence if it is to subsist--is supplied by the Jews themselves, naturally of course as a gratuitous service which is at the same time a sacrifice on their part.", "\n\nThus arose a movement which was composed exclusively of manual workers under the leadership of Jews. ", "To all external appearances, this movement strives to ameliorate the conditions under which the workers live; but in reality its aim is to enslave and thereby annihilate the non-Jewish races.", "\n\nThe propaganda which the freemasons had carried on among the so-called intelligentsia, whereby their pacifist teaching paralysed the instinct for national selfpreservation, was now extended to the broad masses of the workers and bourgeoisie by means of the Press, which was almost everywhere in Jewish hands. ", "To those two instruments of disintegration a third and still more ruthless one was added, namely, the organization of brute physical force among the masses. ", "As massed columns of attacks, the Marxist troops stormed those parts of the social order which had been left standing after the two former undermining operations had done their work.", "\n\nThe combined activity of all these forces has been marvellously managed. ", "And it will not be surprising if it turns out that those institutions which have always appeared as the organs of the more or less traditional authority of the State should now fall before the Marxist attack. ", "Among our higher and highest State officials, with very few exceptions, the Jew has found the cost complacent backers in his work of destruction. ", "An attitude of sneaking servility towards 'superiors' and supercilious arrogance towards 'inferiors' are the characteristics of this class of people, as well as a grade of stupidity which is really frightening and at the same time a towering self-conceit, which has been so consistently developed to make it amusing.", "\n\nBut these qualities are of the greatest utility to the Jew in his dealings with our authorities. ", "Therefore they are qualities which he appreciates most in the officials.", "\n\nIf I were to sketch roughly the actual struggle which is now beginning I should describe it somewhat thus:\n\nNot satisfied with the economic conquest of the world, but also demanding that it must come under his political control, the Jew subdivides the organized Marxist power into two parts, which correspond to the ultimate objectives that are to be fought for in this struggle which is carried on under the direction of the Jew. ", "To outward appearance, these seem to be two independent movements, but in reality they constitute an indivisible unity. ", "The two divisions are: The political movement and the trades union movement.", "\n\nThe trades union movement has to gather in the recruits. ", "It offers assistance and protection to the workers in the hard struggle which they have to wage for the bare means of existence, a struggle which has been occasioned by the greediness and narrow-mindedness of many of the industrialists. ", "Unless the workers be ready to surrender all claims to an existence which the dignity of human nature itself demands, and unless they are ready to submit their fate to the will of employers who in many cases have no sense of human responsibilities and are utterly callous to human wants, then the worker must necessarily take matters into his own hands, seeing that the organized social community--that is to say, the State--pays no attention to his needs.", "\n\nThe so-called national-minded bourgeoisie, blinded by its own material interests, opposes this life-or-death struggle of the workers and places the most difficult obstacles in their way. ", "Not only does this bourgeoisie hinder all efforts to enact legislation which would shorten the inhumanly long hours of work, prohibit child-labour, grant security and protection to women and improve the hygienic conditions of the workshops and the dwellings of the working-class, but while the bourgeoisie hinders all this the shrewd Jew takes the cause of the oppressed into his own hands. ", "He gradually becomes the leader of the trades union movements, which is an easy task for him, because he does not genuinely intend to find remedies for the social wrong: he pursues only one objective, namely, to gather and consolidate a body of followers who will act under his commands as an armed weapon in the economic war for the destruction of national economic independence. ", "For, while a sound social policy has to move between the two poles of securing a decent level of public health and welfare on the one hand and, on the other, that of safeguarding the independence of the economic life of the nation, the Jew does not take these poles into account at all. ", "The destruction of both is one of his main objects. ", "He would ruin, rather than safeguard, the independence of the national economic system. ", "Therefore, as the leader of the trades union movement, he has no scruples about putting forward demands which not only go beyond the declared purpose of the movement but could not be carried into effect without ruining the national economic structure. ", "On the other hand, he has no interest in seeing a healthy and sturdy population develop; he would be more content to see the people degenerate into an unthinking herd which could be reduced to total subjection. ", "Because these are his final objectives, he can afford to put forward the most absurd claims. ", "He knows very well that these claims can never be realized and that therefore nothing in the actual state of affairs could be altered by them, but that the most they can do is to arouse the spirit of unrest among the masses. ", "That is exactly the purpose which he wishes such propaganda to serve and not a real and honest improvement of the social conditions.", "\n\nThe Jews will therefore remain the unquestioned leaders of the trades union movement so long as a campaign is not undertaken, which must be carried out on gigantic lines, for the enlightenment of the masses; so that they will be enabled better to understand the causes of their misery. ", "Or the same end might be achieved if the government authorities would get rid of the Jew and his work. ", "For as long as the masses remain so ill-informed as they actually are to-day, and as long as the State remains as indifferent to their lot as it now is, the masses will follow whatever leader makes them the most extravagant promises in regard to economic matters. ", "The Jew is a past master at this art and his activities are not hampered by moral considerations of any kind.", "\n\nNaturally it takes him only a short time to defeat all his competitors in this field and drive them from the scene of action. ", "In accordance with the general brutality and rapacity of his nature, he turns the trades union movement into an organization for the exercise of physical violence. ", "The resistance of those whose common sense has hitherto saved them from surrendering to the Jewish dictatorship is now broken down by terrorization. ", "The success of that kind of activity is enormous.", "\n\nParallel with this, the political organization advances. ", "It operates hand-in-hand with the trades union movement, inasmuch as the latter prepares the masses for the political organization and even forces them into it. ", "This is also the source that provides the money which the political organization needs to keep its enormous apparatus in action. ", "The trades union organization is the organ of control for the political activity of its members and whips in the masses for all great political demonstrations. ", "In the end it ceases to struggle for economic interests but places its chief weapon, the refusal to continue work--which takes the form of a general strike--at the disposal of the political movement.", "\n\nBy means of a Press whose contents are adapted to the level of the most ignorant readers, the political and trades union organizations are provided with an instrument which prepares the lowest stratum of the nation for a campaign of ruthless destruction. ", "It is not considered part of the purpose of this Press to inspire its readers with ideals which might help them to lift their minds above the sordid conditions of their daily lives; but, on the contrary, it panders to their lowest instincts. ", "Among the lazy-minded and self-seeking sections of the masses this kind of speculation turns out lucrative.", "\n\nIt is this Press above all which carries on a fanatical campaign of calumny, strives to tear down everything that might be considered as a mainstay of national independence and to sabotage all cultural values as well as to destroy the autonomy of the national economic system.", "\n\nIt aims its attack especially against all men of character who refuse to fall into line with the Jewish efforts to obtain control over the State or who appear dangerous to the Jews merely because of their superior intelligence. ", "For in order to incur the enmity of the Jew it is not necessary to show any open hostility towards him. ", "It is quite sufficient if one be considered capable of opposing the Jew some time in the future or using his abilities and character to enhance the power and position of a nation which the Jew finds hostile to himself.", "\n\nThe Jewish instinct, which never fails where these problems have to be dealt with, readily discerns the true mentality of those whom the Jew meets in everyday life; and those who are not of a kindred spirit with him may be sure of being listed among his enemies. ", "Since the Jew is not the object of aggression but the aggressor himself, he considers as his enemies not only those who attack him but also those who may be capable of resisting him. ", "The means which he employs to break people of this kind, who may show themselves decent and upright, are not the open means generally used in honourable conflict, but falsehood and calumny.", "\n\nHe will stop at nothing. ", "His utterly low-down conduct is so appalling that one really cannot be surprised if in the imagination of our people the Jew is pictured as the incarnation of Satan and the symbol of evil.", "\n\nThe ignorance of the broad masses as regards the inner character of the Jew, and the lack of instinct and insight that our upper classes display, are some of the reasons which explain how it is that so many people fall an easy prey to the systematic campaign of falsehood which the Jew carries on.", "\n\nWhile the upper classes, with their innate cowardliness, turn away from anyone whom the Jew thus attacks with lies and calumny, the common people are credulous of everything, whether because of their ignorance or their simple-mindedness. ", "Government authorities wrap themselves up in a robe of silence, but more frequently they persecute the victims of Jewish attacks in order to stop the campaign in the Jewish Press. ", "To the fatuous mind of the government official such a line of conduct appears to belong to the policy of upholding the authority of the State and preserving public order. ", "Gradually the Marxist weapon in the hands of the Jew becomes a constant bogy to decent people. ", "Sometimes the fear of it sticks in the brain or weighs upon them as a kind of nightmare. ", "People begin to quail before this fearful foe and therewith become his victims.", "\n\n(k) The Jewish domination in the State seems now so fully assured that not only can he now afford to call himself a Jew once again, but he even acknowledges freely and openly what his ideas are on racial and political questions. ", "A section of the Jews avows itself quite openly as an alien people, but even here there is another falsehood. ", "When the Zionists try to make the rest of the world believe that the new national consciousness of the Jews will be satisfied by the establishment of a Jewish State in Palestine, the Jews thereby adopt another means to dupe the simple-minded Gentile. ", "They have not the slightest intention of building up a Jewish State in Palestine so as to live in it. ", "What they really are aiming at is to establish a central organization for their international swindling and cheating. ", "As a sovereign State, this cannot be controlled by any of the other States. ", "Therefore it can serve as a refuge for swindlers who have been found out and at the same time a high-school for the training of other swindlers.", "\n\nAs a sign of their growing presumption and sense of security, a certain section of them openly and impudently proclaim their Jewish nationality while another section hypocritically pretend that they are German, French or English as the case may be.", "\n\nTheir blatant behaviour in their relations with other people shows how clearly they envisage their day of triumph in the near future.", "\n\nThe black-haired Jewish youth lies in wait for hours on end, satanically glaring at and spying on the unsuspicious girl whom he plans to seduce, adulterating her blood and removing her from the bosom of her own people. ", "The Jew uses every possible means to undermine the racial foundations of a subjugated people. ", "In his systematic efforts to ruin girls and women he strives to break down the last barriers of discrimination between him and other peoples. ", "The Jews were responsible for bringing negroes into the Rhineland, with the ultimate idea of bastardizing the white race which they hate and thus lowering its cultural and political level so that the Jew might dominate. ", "For as long as a people remain racially pure and are conscious of the treasure of their blood, they can never be overcome by the Jew. ", "Never in this world can the Jew become master of any people except a bastardized people.", "\n\nThat is why the Jew systematically endeavours to lower the racial quality of a people by permanently adulterating the blood of the individuals who make up that people.", "\n\nIn the field of politics he now begins to replace the idea of democracy by introducing the dictatorship of the proletariat. ", "In the masses organized under the Marxist banners he has found a weapon which makes it possible for him to discard democracy, so as to subjugate and rule in a dictatorial fashion by the aid of brute force. ", "He is systematically working in two ways to bring about this revolution. ", "These ways are the economic and the political respectively.", "\n\nAided by international influences, he forms a ring of enemies around those nations which have proved themselves too sturdy for him in withstanding attacks from within. ", "He would like to force them into war and then, if it should be necessary to his plans, he will unfurl the banners of revolt even while the troops are actually fighting at the front.", "\n\nEconomically he brings about the destruction of the State by a systematic method of sabotaging social enterprises until these become so costly that they are taken out of the hands of the State and then submitted to the control of Jewish finance. ", "Politically he works to withdraw from the State its means of susbsistence, inasmuch as he undermines the foundations of national resistance and defence, destroys the confidence which the people have in their Government, reviles the past and its history and drags everything national down into the gutter.", "\n\nCulturally his activity consists in bowdlerizing art, literature and the theatre, holding the expressions of national sentiment up to scorn, overturning all concepts of the sublime and beautiful, the worthy and the good, finally dragging the people to the level of his own low mentality.", "\n\nOf religion he makes a mockery. ", "Morality and decency are described as antiquated prejudices and thus a systematic attack is made to undermine those last foundations on which the national being must rest if the nation is to struggle for its existence in this world.", "\n\n(l) Now begins the great and final revolution. ", "As soon as the Jew is in possession of political power he drops the last few veils which have hitherto helped to conceal his features. ", "Out of the democratic Jew, the Jew of the People, arises the 'Jew of the Blood', the tyrant of the peoples. ", "In the course of a few years he endeavours to exterminate all those who represent the national intelligence. ", "And by thus depriving the peoples of their natural intellectual leaders he fits them for their fate as slaves under a lasting despotism.", "\n\nRussia furnishes the most terrible example of such a slavery. ", "In that country the Jew killed or starved thirty millions of the people, in a bout of savage fanaticism and partly by the employment of inhuman torture. ", "And he did this so that a gang of Jewish literati and financial bandits should dominate over a great people.", "\n\nBut the final consequence is not merely that the people lose all their freedom under the domination of the Jews, but that in the end these parasites themselves disappear. ", "The death of the victim is followed sooner or later by that of the vampire.", "\n\nIf we review all the causes which contributed to bring about the downfall of the German people we shall find that the most profound and decisive cause must be attributed to the lack of insight into the racial problem and especially in the failure to recognize the Jewish danger.", "\n\nIt would have been easy enough to endure the defeats suffered on the battlefields in August 1918. ", "They were nothing when compared with the military victories which our nation had achieved. ", "Our downfall was not the result of those defeats; but we were overthrown by that force which had prepared those defeats by systematically operating for several decades to destroy those political instincts and that moral stamina which alone enable a people to struggle for its existence and therewith secure the right to exist.", "\n\nBy neglecting the problem of preserving the racial foundations of our national life, the old Empire abrogated the sole right which entitles a people to live on this planet. ", "Nations that make mongrels of their people, or allow their people to be turned into mongrels, sin against the Will of Eternal Providence. ", "And thus their overthrow at the hands of a stronger opponent cannot be looked upon as a wrong but, on the contrary, as a restoration of justice. ", "If a people refuses to guard and uphold the qualities with which it has been endowed by Nature and which have their roots in the racial blood, then such a people has no right to complain over the loss of its earthly existence.", "\n\nEverything on this earth can be made into something better. ", "Every defeat may be made the foundation of a future victory. ", "Every lost war may be the cause of a later resurgence.", "\n\nEvery visitation of distress can give a new impetus to human energy. ", "And out of every oppression those forces can develop which bring about a new re-birth of the national soul--provided always that the racial blood is kept pure.", "\n\nBut the loss of racial purity will wreck inner happiness for ever. ", "It degrades men for all time to come. ", "And the physical and moral consequences can never be wiped out.", "\n\nIf this unique problem be studied and compared with the other problems of life we shall easily recognize how small is their importance in comparison with this. ", "They are all limited to time; but the problem of the maintenance or loss of the purity of the racial blood will last as long as man himself lasts.", "\n\nAll the symptoms of decline which manifested themselves already in pre-war times can be traced back to the racial problem.", "\n\nWhether one is dealing with questions of general law, or monstrous excrescences in economic life, of phenomena which point to a cultural decline or political degeneration, whether it be a question of defects in the school-system or of the evil influence which the Press exerts over the adult population--always and everywhere these phenomena are at bottom caused by a lack of consideration for the interests of the race to which one's own nation belongs, or by the failure to recognize the danger that comes from allowing a foreign race to exist within the national body.", "\n\nThat is why all attempts at reform, all institutions for social relief, all political striving, all economic progress and all apparent increase in the general stock of knowledge, were doomed to be unproductive of any significant results. ", "The nation, as well as the organization which enables it to exist--namely, the State--were not developing in inner strength and stability, but, on the contrary, were visibly losing their vitality. ", "The false brilliance of the Second Empire could not disguise the inner weakness. ", "And every attempt to invigorate it anew failed because the main and most important problem was left out of consideration.", "\n\nIt would be a mistake to think that the followers of the various political parties which tried to doctor the condition of the German people, or even all their leaders, were bad in themselves or meant wrong. ", "Their activity even at best was doomed to fail, merely because of the fact that they saw nothing but the symptoms of our general malady and they tried to doctor the symptoms while they overlooked the real cause of the disease. ", "If one makes a methodical study of the lines along which the old Empire developed one cannot help seeing, after a careful political analysis, that a process of inner degeneration had already set in even at the time when the united Empire was formed and the German nation began to make rapid external progress. ", "The general situation was declining, in spite of the apparent political success and in spite of the increasing economic wealth. ", "At the elections to the Reichstag the growing number of Marxist votes indicated that the internal breakdown and the political collapse were then rapidly approaching. ", "All the victories of the so-called bourgeois parties were fruitless, not only because they could not prevent the numerical increase in the growing mass of Marxist votes, even when the bourgeois parties triumphed at the polls, but mainly because they themselves were already infected with the germs of decay. ", "Though quite unaware of it, the bourgeois world was infected from within with the deadly virus of Marxist ideas. ", "The fact that they sometimes openly resisted was to be explained by the competitive strife among ambitious political leaders, rather than by attributing it to any opposition in principle between adversaries who were determined to fight one another to the bitter end. ", "During all those years only one protagonist was fighting with steadfast perseverance. ", "This was the Jew. ", "The Star of David steadily ascended as the will to national self-preservation declined.", "\n\nTherefore it was not a solid national phalanx that, of itself and out of its own feeling of solidarity, rushed to the battlefields in August 1914. ", "But it was rather the manifestation of the last flicker from the instinct of national self-preservation against the progress of the paralysis with which the pacifist and Marxist doctrine threatened our people. ", "Even in those days when the destinies of the nation were in the balance the internal enemy was not recognized; therefore all efforts to resist the external enemy were bound to be in vain. ", "Providence did not grant the reward to the victorious sword, but followed the eternal law of retributive justice. ", "A profound recognition of all this was the source of those principles and tendencies which inspire our new movement. ", "We were convinced that only by recognizing such truths could we stop the national decline in Germany and lay a granite foundation on which the State could again be built up, a State which would not be a piece of mechanism alien to our people, constituted for economic purposes and interests, but an organism created from the soul of the people themselves.", "\n\nA GERMAN STATE IN A GERMAN NATION\n\nNotes\n\n[Note 15. ", "When Mephistopheles first appears to Faust, in the latter's study, Faust inquires: \"What is thy name?\" ", "To which Mephistopheles replies: \"A part of the Power which always wills the Bad and always works the Good.\" ", "And when Faust asks him what is meant by this riddle and why he should call himself 'a part,' the gist of Mephistopheles' reply is that he is the Spirit of Negation and exists through opposition to the positive Truth and Order and Beauty which proceed from the never-ending creative energy of the Deity. ", "In the Prologue to Faust the Lord declares that man's active nature would grow sluggishin working the good and that therefore he has to be aroused by the Spirit of Opposition. ", "This Spirit wills the Bad, but of itself it can do nothing positive, and by its opposition always works the opposite of what it wills.]" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nlet function and array statement in a macro\n\nI am new to SAS and Macros. ", "I would like some help to understand what the following lines of code are doing:\n%let numbercccats=201;\n\nDATA &OUTDSN(KEEP=HICno CASE &prefix.", "CC1-&prefix.", "CC&numbercccats. ", "ID) ERR;\nSET TEMP1;\nby ID;\nlength cc $4.;", "\n\ncc=left(addxg);\n\nRETAIN &prefix.", "CC1-&prefix.", "CC&numbercccats. ", "0 ; \nARRAY C(&numbercccats.) ", " &prefix.", "CC1-&prefix.", "CC&numbercccats.;", "\n\nThank you.", "\n\nA:\n\nI've added my explanation of what each line the SAS code does inline with the code below:\n%let numbercccats=201;\n/*Creates macro variable numbercccats with value 201*/\n\nDATA &OUTDSN\n/*Creates a SAS table; the table name will be te value in the macro variable OUTDSN*/\n\n(KEEP=HICno CASE &prefix.", "CC1-&prefix.", "CC&numbercccats. ", "ID) ERR;\n/*Keep statement only keeps the column specified above*/\n/*&prefix.", "CC1-&prefix.", "CC&numbercccats. ", "is resolved to the value of the macro prefix concatinated with CC1-CC201*/\n/*in other words you bring/keep 200 columns CC1,CC2,...CC201*/\n\nSET TEMP1;\n/*The input/source table is TEMP1 */\n\nby ID;\n/*Group by ID*/\n\nlength cc $4.;", "\n/*Creates a new column named CC of length 4*/\n\ncc=left(addxg);\n/*Assigns the value of addxg to the new column cc, and removes leading spaces */\n\nRETAIN &prefix.", "CC1-&prefix.", "CC&numbercccats. ", "0 ; \n/*for all the records with the same ID SAS won't change the value of the 200 columns CC1 to CC201*/\n\nARRAY C(&numbercccats.) ", " &prefix.", "CC1-&prefix.", "CC&numbercccats.;", "\n/*An array called C of length 201 is created pointing to the 201 columns: CC1-CC201 */\n\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nError while building OpenCV examples on ubuntu\n\nI've used this tutorial to build OpenCV on ubuntu.", "\nEverything goes well until I try to build the examples. ", "when I do this:\n\nsh build_all.sh\n\nmany of the same error occurs:\n\ncompiling tree_engine.cpp\n/usr/bin/ld:\nwarning: libavutil.so.49, needed by\n/usr/local/lib/libopencv_highgui.so,\nnot found (try using -rpath or\n-rpath-link)\n\nfor each example the same error occurs.", "\nThe code compiles but trying to run the compiled code will fail with error:\n\n./tree_engine: error while loading\nshared libraries: libavutil.so.49:\ncannot open shared object file: No\nsuch file or directory\n\nI have no idea what this libavutil is.", "\nI use ubuntu 10.10\n\nA:\n\nMay be you have it in different name, so try this:\nls -l /usr/local/lib/libavutil.so*\n\nIn my case:\nlrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 20 Jan 17 00:30 /usr/local/lib/libavutil.so -> libavutil.so.50.15.1\nlrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 20 Jan 17 00:30 /usr/local/lib/libavutil.so.1 -> libavutil.so.50.15.1\n-rwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 54352 Jan 17 00:30 /usr/local/lib/libavutil.so.50.15.1\n\nAs root type this:\nln -s /usr/local/lib/libavutil.so.50.15.1 /usr/local/lib/libavutil.so.49\n\nIf you don't have this library, you can install via package manager:\napt-get install libavutil49\n\n" ]
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[ "A look into the crazy chaos that is my life\n\nGetting Crafty with Weavy Loops\n\nI am not a crafty person. ", "In fact I am probably the furthest thing from a crafty person you will ever meet. ", "The problem is that I have these grandiose dreams of getting artsy and creative with my kids and usually it ends in disaster and the crafts end up looking like a disaster.", "\n\nThat’s why when I was asked to try out Weavy Loops I was a little apprehensive. ", "I wondered how long it would take me to give up and toss it to the side. ", "Yet, I agreed because I still have a vision of me crafting at the table with my little ones.", "\n\nAs soon as the Weavy Loops arrived my daughter was super excited to try it out and I was super doubtful that I would be able to pull it off.", "\n\nAfter getting ourselves all set up, we started watching the videos to learn how the Weavy Loops work. ", "If I were to go back again, I would probably would have watched the videos before I brought the kids in to begin. ", "Since crafting doesn’t come naturally to me, I did have to watch the tutorial videos a couple of times to really understand how to weave.", "\n\nThe kits come with almost everything you need; the loop tools, cords and even little decorative items like stars and hearts that can be used as key chains. ", "The only items I needed to have at home were a tiny amount of tape, a small set of pliers and a little glue to keep the ends from fraying.", "\n\nMy daughter, who is five, was able to sit on my lap and we got to creating together. ", "Without hesitation, the first thing she wanted to make was a bracelet and she couldn’t wait to wear it to school and show it off.", "\n\nShe is pretty particular about her hair so I was pleasantly surprised when she suggested that we use the Weavy Loops to make a neat headband for her to wear.", "\n\nWhile it did take us a little bit of time to get flowing once we found our groove we had a lot of fun making neat things together. ", "At five years old, my daughter did need a little help, but it shouldn’t be long before she’s able to weave all on her own. ", "I found myself thinking how much fun I would have had with this as a young girl.", "\n\nAs we worked through our little projects we began discussing all the great things we could weave; bracelets, headbands and key chains among other things. ", "You can weave just about anything, adding your own personal touches to almost everything.", "\n\nWhen my daughter’s friends saw the cool bracelet and headband she made, they were instantly impressed and wanted one of their own. ", "We decided right then that maybe we would be able to hand make some Christmas gifts using Weavy Loops. ", "We know a few people who would love to receive something handmade from us!", "\n\nI’m so glad I had the opportunity to try Weavy Loops. ", "To be honest I might have been afraid to pull it off the shelf if I had seen it in a toy store, making an assumption that it would be way too complicated for a novice crafter like myself. ", "Once I tried it, I realized that it’s really not scary at all, it was actually a lot of fun.", "\n\nMy little artist to be, who loves drawing and creating, was so happy to spend quality creative time with her mummy and I am so glad that I finally had the opportunity to get crafty with my little girl." ]
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[ "\n\nMicrosoft's Energy-Wasting Strong-Arm Tactics Show That Redmond Hasn't Changed - rbanffy\nhttp://www.readwriteweb.com/enterprise/2012/09/microsofts-energy-wasting-strong-arm-tactics-show-that-redmond-hasnt-changed.php\n\n======\njccooper\nIf it costs you more to not use something than to use something, well, what do\nyou think is going to happen? ", "Sounds like a poor incentive structure to me,\none which was almost certainly not put into place by the customer.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Selfie\n\nA new outfit, with friends, good hair day, down the shore, with my kids, at a concert, just having a good time … we're all taking selfies these days. ", "But how do you really see yourself? ", "This\nsummer, getting some perspective on how God sees you might give you a new view of yourself.", "\n\nJune 22 - \"Masterpiece\"\n\nEphesians 2:1,3-5,8-10, Psalm 139:13-16, Jeremiah 18:3-4\nGod sees you not as a cheap throwaway but as His masterpiece. ", "Check out what that all looks like and means for us!" ]
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[ "Threats\n\nIn 2012, the Minister of the Environment approved the Forest Management Plans for the three Forest Districts of the Białowieża Forest that met recommendations of the European Commission, given requirements to protect integrity of this Natura 2000 site. ", "The approved management plans limited timber extraction to 48,500 m3 per year, on average, for next 10 years, and ensured the protection of 100-year old stands. ", "This was recognized as a solution which supported local needs for timber while safeguarding the ecological uniqueness of the Forest.", "\n\n\n\nSince the Plans were approved, the Forest Districts have not fully adopted them. ", "Increased timber harvesting, formally justified by the need to curb bark beetle outbreak, greatly exceeds the annual plans and constitutes a serious threat. ", "Environmental NGOs have repeatedly expressed their concerns that one of the Forest Districts has already reached the established 10-year logging limit, and would have to abandon timber harvesting for the next 6 years, while the other two forest districts will enter this phase within the next two years.", "\n\n\n\nThis significant increase of the average annual limits of timber harvesting have resulted in an update of the Forest Management Plan 2012-2021 for one out of three Białowieża Forest districts. ", "The update includes significant increase of logging, removal of snags and does not guarantee the protection of forest stands older than 100 years. ", "The Ministry of Environment argues that \"active management\" by harvesting is needed to protect the forest from spruce bark beetle outbreaks and fire risk. ", "It stands against modern scientific research and recommendations of many major scientific institutions in Poland." ]
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[ "Un adolescente de 13 años mató a cuchilladas a un perro, lo filmó con el celular cuando agonizaba y luego le mostró el video a sus compañeros de una escuela del partido bonaerense de Tandil. ", "El hecho fue dado a conocer por el periódico local \" El Eco Digital\" y confirmado por DYN.", "\n\n\"El aberrante caso, que recién hoy tomó estado público, fue cometido hace dos semanas\", explicaron fuentes cercanas a la Escuela Técnica 3 de Tandil, a la cual asiste el adolescente. ", "Y agregaron: \"Cuando las autoridades de la escuela se enteraron de lo ocurrido se reunieron con los padres del chico, la asistente social y los integrantes del gabinete multidisciplinario para tratar el tema\".", "\n\nCompañeros de estudio del adolescente imputado en el hecho contaron lo ocurrido a un maestro, que notificó de inmediato a las autoridades del establecimiento que dieron intervención a la Dirección de Inspección de la región.", "\n\nLas fuentes revelaron que el menor, antes de mostrarle el video a sus compañeros de estudio, lo subió a la red social de Facebook." ]
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[ "Extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields do not affect DNA damage and gene expression profiles of yeast and human lymphocytes.", "\nWe studied the effects of extremely low-frequency (50 Hz) electromagnetic fields (EMFs) on peripheral human blood lymphocytes and DBY747 Saccharomyces cerevisiae. ", "Graded exposure to 50 Hz magnetic flux density was obtained with a Helmholtz coil system set at 1, 10 or 100 microT for 18 h. The effects of EMFs on DNA damage were studied with the single-cell gel electrophoresis assay (comet assay) in lymphocytes. ", "Gene expression profiles of EMF-exposed human and yeast cells were evaluated with DNA microarrays containing 13,971 and 6,212 oligonucleotides, respectively. ", "After exposure to the EMF, we did not observe an increase in the amount of strand breaks or oxidated DNA bases relative to controls or a variation in gene expression profiles. ", "The results suggest that extremely low-frequency EMFs do not induce DNA damage or affect gene expression in these two different eukaryotic cell systems." ]
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[ "Art competitions at the Olympics DEC 01 2011\n\nThe Olympic Games used to include competitions in painting, sculpture, literature, architecture, and music.", "\n\nFrom 1912 to 1948 rules of the art competition varied, but the core of the rules remained the same. ", "All of the entered works had to be inspired by sport, and had to be original (that is, not be published before the competition). ", "Like in the athletic events at the Olympics, gold, silver, and bronze medals were awarded to the highest ranked artists, although not all medals were awarded in each competition. ", "On a few occasions, in fact, no medals were presented at all." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nIs there some framework like .net in open source world?", "\n\nall is in the title..\nIs there some framework like .net in open source world?", "\nI heard about zend framework is the same? ", "Is not just for MVC designing?", "\nFor JAVA is there some framework as powerfull as Dotnet?", "\n\nA:\n\nWell there is open-source .NET implementation called Mono\n\nA:\n\nTake a look at the Mono Project\n\nA:\n\nI don't know very well Open source but i don't think a such framework exists..\nIs Mono; A .Net implementation for Linux but i think Mono is not really \"finished\"..\nAnd you certainly have other ones (particulary for JAVA) but i think .net is the most \"unified\" framework, others are hard to use and install because i think they are some pieces of a puzzle. ", "\nBut Mono community is really growing (and it's a good thing!) ..", "\n\n" ]
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[ "---\nabstract: 'We study productivity dispersions across workers, firms and industrial sectors. ", "Empirical study of the Japanese data shows that they all obey the Pareto law, and also that the Pareto index decreases with the level of aggregation. ", "In order to explain these two stylized facts, we propose a theoretical framework built upon the basic principle of statistical physics. ", "In this framework, we employ the concept of superstatistics which accommodates fluctuations of aggregate demand.'", "\nauthor:\n- |\n Hideaki Aoyama$^1$[^1], Hiroshi Yoshikawa$^2$, Hiroshi Iyetomi$^3$,\\\n and Yoshi Fujiwara$^{4}$\ntitle: |\n Productivity Dispersion:\\\n Facts, Theory, and Implications\n---\n\n\\#1[$^#1$]{}\n\n[*1 Department of Physics, Kyoto University, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan\\\n2 Faculty of Economics, University of Tokyo, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan\\\n3 Department of Physics, Niigata University, Niigata 950-2181, Japan\\\n4 NiCT/ATR CIS, Applied Network Science Lab., ", "Kyoto 619-0288, Japan*]{}\n\nJEL No: E10, E30, O40\n\nKUNS-2140\n\nPS. [", "P\\^[(S)]{}(c)]{} \\#1[c\\^\\#1 \\_]{} \\#1[c\\^\\#1 \\_[0]{}]{}\n\nIntroduction\n============\n\nThe standard economic analysis postulates that the marginal products of a production factor such as labor are all equal across firms, industries, and sectors in equilibrium. ", "Otherwise, there remains a profit opportunity, and this contradicts to the notion of equilibrium. ", "Factor endowment, together with preferences and technology, determines equilibrium in such a way that the marginal products are equal across sectors and firms.", "\n\nA bold challenge to this orthodox theory was given by @k1936. ", "He pointed out that the utilization of production factors is not full, and, therefore, that factor endowment is not an effective determinant of equilibrium. ", "In *the General Theory*, Keynes identified the less than full utilization of production factor with the presence of involuntary unemployment of labor. ", "Much controversies revolved around the theoretically ambiguous notion of “involuntary” unemployment. ", "However, for Keynes’ economics to make sense, the existence of involuntary unemployment is not necessary. ", "More generally, it is enough to assume that there is [*underemployment*]{} in the economy in the sense that the marginal products are not uniform at the highest level. ", "In effect, what Keynes said is that in the demand-constrained equilibrium, productivity of production factor differs across industries and firms.", "\n\nThere are, in fact, several empirical findings which strongly suggest that productivity dispersion exists in the economy. ", "The celebrated Okun’s Law is an example. ", "The standard assumption on the neoclassical production function entails that the elasticity of output with respect to labor input (or the unemployment rate) is less than one. ", "@okun, however, found this elasticity to be three for the U.S. economy. ", "This finding turns out to be so robust that it has eventually become known as the Okun’s Law.", "\n\nOkun attempts to explain his own finding by resorting to several factors. ", "They are (a) additional jobs for people who do not actively seek work in a slack labor market but nonetheless take jobs when they become available; (b) a longer workweek reflecting less part-time and more overtime employment; and (c) extra productivity. ", "On cyclical changes in productivity, he argues as follows:\n\n> “I now believe that an important part of the process involves a downgrading of labor in a slack economy—high-quality workers avoiding unemployment by accepting low-quality and less productive jobs. ", "The focus of this paper is on the upgrading of jobs associated with a high-pressure economy. ", "Shifts in the composition of output and employment toward sectors and industries of higher productivity boost aggregate productivity as unemployment declines. ", "Thus the movement to full employment draws on a reserve army of the underemployed as well as of the unemployed. ", "In the main empirical study of this paper, I shall report new evidence concerning the upgrading of workers into more productive jobs in a high-pressure economy. (", "Okun (1962, p.208))”\n\nOkun well recognized and indeed, by way of his celebrated law, demonstrated that there exists dispersion of labor productivity in the economy.", "\n\nAnother example is wage dispersion, an observation long made by labor economists. ", "@mortensen, for example, summarizes his analysis of wage dispersion as follows.", "\n\n> “Why are similar workers paid differently? ", "Why do some jobs pay more than others? ", "I have argued that wage dispersion of this kind reflects differences in employer productivity. … ", "Of course, the assertion that wage dispersion is the consequence of productivity dispersion begs another question. ", "What is the explanation for productivity dispersion? (", "Mortensen (2003, p.129))”\n\nTo this question, Mortensen’s explanation is as follows:\n\n> “Relative demand and productive efficiency of individual firms are continually shocked by events. ", "The shocks are the consequence of changes in tastes, changes in regulations, and changes induced by globalization among others. ", "Another important source of persistent productivity differences across firms is the process of adopting technical innovation. ", "We know that the diffusion of new and more efficient methods is a slow, drawn-out affair. ", "Experimentation is required to implement new methods. ", "Many innovations are embodied in equipment and forms of human capital that are necessarily long-lived. ", "Learning how and where to apply any new innovation takes time and may well be highly firms specific. ", "Since old technologies are not immediately replaced by the new for all of these reasons, productive efficiency varies considerably across firms at any point in time. (", "Mortensen (2003, p.130))”\n\nIt is important to recognize that the processes Mortensen describes are intrinsically stochastic. ", "Because there are millions of firms in the economy, it is absolutely impossible for economists to pursue the precise behavior of an individual firm although no doubt each firm tries to maximize profits, perhaps dynamically, under certain constraints. ", "Therefore, we must explore such stochastic dynamics in the economy as a whole by different method. ", "In this paper, we pursue such a stochastic approach.", "\n\nThe “stochastic approach” was indeed once popular in diverse areas of study such as income distribution and firm (city) size: Primary examples are @cham1973 and @ijiribook. ", "However, the stochastic approach eventually lost its momentum. ", "According to @sutton, the reason is as follows:\n\n> “It seems to have been widely felt that these models might fit well, but were “only stochastic.” ", "The aim was to move instead to a program of introducing stochastic elements into conventional maximizing models. (", "Sutton (1997, p.45))”\n\nThis trend is certainly in accordance with the motto of the mainstream macroeconomics. ", "However, Sutton, acknowledging the importance of the stochastic approach, argues that[^2]\n\n> “a proper understanding of the evolution of structure may require an analysis not only of such economic mechanisms, but also of the role played by purely statistical (independence) effects, and that a complete theory will need to find an appropriate way of combining these two strands. (", "Sutton (1997, p.57))”\n\nActually, as the system under investigation becomes larger and more complicated, the importance of the stochastic approach increases. ", "In fact, it is almost the definition of macro-system to which the basic approach based on statistical physics can be usefully applied. ", "In natural sciences such as physics, chemistry, biology and ecology, the “stochastic approach” is routinely taken to analyze macro-system. ", "Why not in macroeconomics?", "\n\nIn what follows, we first explain the concept of *stochastic macro-equilibrium*. ", "Next, we present an empirical analysis of productivity dispersion across the Japanese firms. ", "Then, we present a theory which can explain the observed distribution of productivity. ", "The theoretical analysis which we offer follows the standard method of statistical physics, and abstracts from microeconomic analysis of the behavior of individual agent. ", "We believe that as Sutton (1997) suggests, our analysis complements the standard search theoretical approach which pays careful attention to microeconomic behavior. ", "Finally, we discuss implications of our analysis and a possible direction of future research.", "\n\nThe Stochastic Macro-equilibrium\n================================\n\n@tobin proposed the concept of *stochastic macro-equilibrium* in his attempt to explain the observed Phillips curve. ", "He argues that\n\n> “\\[it is\\] stochastic, because random intersectoral shocks keep individual labor markets in diverse states of disequilibrium; macro-equilibrium, because the perpetual flux of particular markets produces fairly definite aggregate outcomes. (", "Tobin (1972, p.9))”\n\nHis argument remained only verbal. ", "However, as we will see it shortly, the fundamental principle of statistical physics, in fact, provides the exact foundations for the concept of macro-equilibrium. ", "A case in point is productivity dispersion in the economy.", "\n\nWe consider the economy in which there are $K$ firms with their respective productivities $c_1, c_2, \\dots.$ Without loss of generality, we can assume $$\\qquad c_1<c_2<\\dots < c_K.$$ Labor endowment is $N$. We distribute $n_k$ workers to the $k$-th firm. ", "Thus, the following equality holds: $$\\sumk n_k =N.$$\n\nThe neoclassical theory takes it for granted that $n_K$ is $N$ while $n_k$ ($k \\neq K)'$s are all zero. ", "Instead, in what follows, we seek the most probable distribution of productivity across workers under suitable constraints.[^3] The possible number of a particular configuration $(n_1, n_2, \\dots, n_K), \\wn$ is $$\\wn=\\frac{N!}{\\prod_{k=1}^K n_k!}.", "\n\\label{baai}$$ Because the total number of possible configurations is $K^N$, the probability of occurrence of such a configuration, $\\pn$, on the assumption of equal probabilities for all configurations, is given by $$\\pn=\\frac1{K^N}\\frac{N!}{\\prod_{i=1}^K n_i!}.", "\n\\label{pn}$$ Following the fundamental principle of statistical physics, we postulate that the configuration $\\{n_1, n_2, \\dots, n_K\\}$ that maximizes $\\pn$ under suitable constraints is realized in equilibrium. ", "The idea is similar to the method of maximum likelihood in statistics or econometrics.", "\n\nIt is extremely important to recognize that this analysis is consistent with the standard assumption in economics that economic agents maximize their objective functions. ", "As each particle satisfies the Newtonian law of motion, and maximizes the Hamiltonian in physics, in the economy, to be sure, all the micro agents optimize. ", "However, constraints facing these micro agents, and even their objective functions keep changing due to idiosyncratic shocks. ", "The situation is exactly the same as in physics where we never know the initial conditions for all the particles. ", "In the economy, the number of micro agents is less than the counterpart in physics which is typically $10^{23}$, but still there are $10^{6}$ firms and $10^{7}$ households! ", "It is simply impossible and meaningless to analyze micro behavior of agent in great detail. ", "For studying macro-system, we must take behaviors of micro agents as stochastic even though their behaviors are purposeful. ", "It is the fundamental principle of statistical physics that we observe the state of macro-system which maximizes the probability, (\\[pn\\]).", "\n\nToward our goal, we define the following quantity; $$S=\\frac{\\ln \\pn}{N}+\\ln K\n\\simeq\n\\frac1N \\left(N\\ln N - \\sumk n_i\\ln n_i\\right) \n=-\\sumk \\pk \\ln \\pk,\n\\label{entropy}$$ where $\\pk$ is defined as $$\\pk\\equiv \\frac{n_k}{N}.$$ Here, we assume that $N$ and $n_k$’s are large, and apply the Stirling formula: $$\\ln m! ", "\\simeq m\\ln m -m \\quad \\mbox{for } m \\gg 1.", "\n\\label{mm}$$ The quantity $S$ corresponds to the Boltzmann-Gibbs entropy. ", "Note that the maximization of $S$ is equivalent to that of $\\pn$.\n\nWe maximize $S$ under two constraints. ", "One is the normalization condition $$\\sumk p_k =1.", "\n\\label{norm}$$ This is, of course, equivalent to the resource constraint, $\\sumk n_k=N.$ The other constraint requires that the total output (GDP) $Y$ is equal to the aggregate demand $\\dtil$, $$N \\sumk c_k p_k = Y = \\dtil.", "\n\\label{dn}$$ For convenience, we define aggregate demand relative to factor endowment, $D$ as follows: $$D=\\frac{\\dtil}{N}.$$ In what follows, we simply call $D$ the aggregated demand. ", "As we will shortly see it, the aggregate demand, $D$ determines the state of stochastic macro-equilibrium.", "\n\nWe maximize the following Lagrangian form: $$S-\\alpha\\left(\\sumk \\pk-1\\right)\n-\\beta \\left(\\sumk c_k p_k- D\\right).", "\n\\label{exme}$$ Differentiating (\\[exme\\]) with respect to $p_i$, we obtain $$\\ln \\pk +(1+\\alpha) + \\beta c_k=0.$$ This yields $$\\pk=e^{-(1+\\alpha)} \\, e^{-\\beta c_k}.$$ The normalization condition or the resource constraint, (\\[norm\\]) determines $\\alpha$ so that the distribution we seek is obtained as follows: $$\\pk=\\frac1{Z(\\beta)} \\, e^{-\\beta c_k}.", "\n\\label{boltz}$$ Thus, the distribution which maximizes the probability, (\\[pn\\]) under two constraints, (\\[norm\\]) and (\\[dn\\]) is exponential. ", "We may call it *the equilibrium distribution*. *", "The exponent of the equilibrium distribution is the Lagrangian multiplier $\\beta$ corresponding to the aggregate demand constraint in (\\[exme\\])*.", "\n\nThis exponential distribution is called *the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution*. ", "Here, $Z(\\beta)$ is what is called the partition function in physics, and makes sure that $p_k$’s sum up to be one. ", "$$Z(\\beta)\\equiv \\sumk e^{-\\beta c_k}.", "\n\\label{parti}$$\n\nThe exponent $\\beta$ is equivalent to the inverse of *temperature*, $1/T$ in physics. ", "Equations (\\[dn\\]) and (\\[boltz\\]) yield the following: $$D=\n\\frac1{Z(\\beta)} \\, \\sumk c_k e^{-\\beta c}\n=-\\frac{d}{d\\beta}\\ln Z(\\beta).", "\n\\label{dnbeta}$$ This equation relates the aggregate demand, $D$ to the exponent of the distribution $\\beta$ by way of the partition function, $Z(\\beta)$. Note that at this stage, the distribution of productivity $c_k$ is arbitrary. ", "Once it is given, the partition function $Z(\\beta)$ is defined by equation(\\[parti\\]), and it, in turn, determines[^4] the relation between $D$ and $\\beta$.\n\nSuppose that the distribution of productivity across firms is [*uniform*]{}, that is, $c_k=k \\dc$, where $\\dc$ is a constant. ", "Then, from (\\[boltz\\]), we obtain $$Z(\\beta)=\\sum_{k=1}^K e^{-\\beta k \\dc}\n=e^{-\\beta \\dc} \\frac{1-e^{-\\beta(K-1)\\dc}}{1-e^{-\\beta \\dc}}\n\\simeq \\frac{1}{\\beta \\dc},$$ under the assumption that $\\beta \\dc \\ll 1$ and $\\beta K \\dc \\gg 1$. Therefore, in this case, we know from equations (\\[parti\\]) and (\\[dnbeta\\]), that the exponent of the equilibrium exponential distribution, $\\beta$ is equal to the inverse of aggregate demand: $$D= -\\frac{d}{d \\beta}\\ln Z(\\beta) \n= -\\frac{d}{d \\beta} \\ln \\left( \\frac{1}{\\beta \\dc} \\right)\n=\\frac{1}{\\beta}.", "\n\\label{ayrel}$$ Because the inverse of $\\beta$ is temperature, in this case, aggregate demand is equivalent to temperature.", "\n\nIn summary, under the assumption that the productivity dispersion *across firms* is uniform, the equilibrium distribution of productivity *across workers* becomes exponential, namely the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution with the exponent equal to the inverse of the aggregate demand, $D$ (Yoshikawa (2002), and Aoki and Yoshikawa (2007)): $$p_k = \\frac{n_k}{N} = \\frac{e ^{-{\\frac{c_k}{D}}}}{\\Sigma ^{K} _{k=1} e ^{-{\\frac{c_k}{D}}}}.$$ When the aggregate demand, $D$ is high, the distribution becomes flatter meaning that production factors are mobilized to firms or sectors with high productivity, and *vice versa*. ", "Figure \\[fig:ay0\\] shows two distributions of productivity corresponding to high aggregate demand $D_1$ and low $D_2$.\n\nThe present analysis provides a solid foundation for Okun’s argument that in general, production factors are under-utilized, and that workers upgrade into more productive jobs in a “high-pressure” economy. ", "So far, so fine. ", "However, the Boltzmann-Gibbs distribution is precisely exponential. ", "Does it really fit our empirical observation? ", "We next turn to this question.", "\n\nStylized Facts\n==============\n\nIn this section, we empirically explore how productivity is actually distributed. ", "Before we proceed, we must point out that what we observe is the average productivity $c$, defined by $c=Y/L.$ where $Y$ is the output, and $L$, the labour input. ", "What matters theoretically is, of course, the unobsorbed *marginal* productivity $\\cm$ defined by $$\\cm = \\frac{\\partial Y}{\\partial L}.$$ We will shortly discuss the relationship between the distributions of these two different productivities. ", "There, we will see that the difference between $c$ and $\\cm$ does not affect our results on the empirical distributions.", "\n\nAnother problem is that we measure $L$ in terms of the number of workers, as such data is readily available. ", "One might argue that theoretically, it is more desirable to measure $L$ in terms of work-hours, or for that matter, even in terms of work efficiency unit. ", "The effects of this possible “measurement errors” can also be handled in a similar way which we will explain in subsection B. That is, we can safely ignore the measurement error problem as well for our present purpose.", "\n\nEmpirical Distributions\n-----------------------\n\nWe use the Nikkei-NEEDS database, which is a major representative database for the listed firms in Japan. ", "The details of this database is given in \\[appdata\\], together with a brief description of the data-fitting.", "\n\nWe study productivity distributions at three aggregate levels, namely, across workers, firms, and industrial sectors. ", "In order to explain empirical distributions, we find continuous model more convenient than discrete model. ", "Accordingly, we define, for example, the probability density function of firms with productivity $c$ as $\\pf$. The number of firms with productivity between $c$ and $c+dc$ is now $K\\pf dc$. It satisfies the following normalization condition: $$\\int_0^\\infty \\pf \\,dc=1.", "\n\\label{pfnorm}$$\n\nIn section II, we explained that equilibrium productivity dispersion *across workers* becomes the exponential distribution under the assumption that the distribution of productivity *across firms* is uniform. ", "Here, $\\pf$ is not restricted to be uniform. ", "Rather the distribution $\\pf$ is to be determined empirically. ", "We analogously define $\\pe$ for workers, and $\\ps$ for industrial sectors. ", "We denote their respective cumulative probability distributions by $P_>^{\\rm (S,F,W)}(c)$: $$P_>^{(*)}(c)=\\int_c^\\infty P^{(*)}(c')\\,dc'\\quad(*={\\rm S, F, W}).", "\n\\label{cumpdef}$$ Because the cumulative probability is the probability that a firm’s (or worker’s or sector’s) productivity is larger than $c$, it can be measured by rank-size plots, whose vertical axis is the \\[rank\\]/\\[the total number of firms\\] and the horizontal axis $c$. The rank-size plots has advantages that it is free from binning problems which haunt probability density function (pdf) plots and also that it has less statistical noises. ", "For these reasons, in what follows, we will show the cumulative probability rather than probability density function.", "\n\nThe productivity distribution across firms, to be exact, $\\log \\pfc$ obtained from the Nikkei-NEEDS data is plotted in Figure \\[fig:firm2005\\_Nikkei\\] for the year 2005. ", "The dots are the data points; Each dot corresponds to a firm whose position is determined from its rank and the productivity $c$. For reference, the power, exponential, and log-normal distributions are shown in the diagram. ", "The exponential and log-normal distributions are represented by respective curves while the power-law by a straight line whose slope is equal to the power exponent.", "\n\nEvidently, the uniform distribution implicitly assumed in the analysis in section II does not fit the actual data at all. ", "For small $c$ (low-productivity), the log-normal law (dash-dotted curve) fits well, and for large $c$ (high-productivity), the power-law (broken line) fits well, with smooth transition from the former to the latter at around $\\log c\\simeq 2$. The result shown in Figure \\[fig:firm2005\\_Nikkei\\] is for the year 2005, but the basically same result holds good for other sample periods.", "\n\nCumulative probability $\\pfc$ for large $c$ can be, therefore, represented by the following *power distribution*: $$\\pfc \\simeq \\left(\\frac{c}{c_0}\\right)^{-\\muf} \\quad (c\\gg c_0).", "\n\\label{firmparetocum}$$ where $c_0$ is a parameter that defines the order of the productivity $c$.[^5] The power exponent $\\muf$ is called *the Pareto index*, and $c_0$, the Pareto scale. ", "The probability density function is then given by the following: $$\\pf =-\\frac{d}{dc} \\pfc \\simeq \\muf \\frac{c^{-\\muf-1}}{c_0^{-\\muf}} \\quad (c\\gg c_0).", "\n\\label{firmpareto}$$\n\nNext, we explore the productivity dispersion *across industrial sectors*. ", "The Nikkei-NEEDS database defines 33 sectors. ", "The productivity distribution across these sectors for the year 2005 is plotted in Fig.\\[fig:sector2005\\_Nikkei\\]. ", "We observe that once again, the power-law (a straight line in the diagram) fits the data pretty well. ", "The same result holds true for all the sample years.", "\n\nFinally, the productivity distribution *across workers* is plotted in Figure \\[fig:employee2005\\_Nikkei\\] for the year 2005. ", "Again, we observe that the power-law (broken line) fits the data very well for large $c$. A casual observation of Figure \\[fig:employee2005\\_Nikkei\\] may make one wonder whether the share of workers for which the power-law fits well may be small. ", "This impression is wrong. ", "In fact, the fitted range is approximately, say, $\\log \\pec \\in [-0.4, -3.1]$, which translates to the rank of the workers $$\\begin{aligned}\n[10^{-0.4}, 10^{-3.1}]\\times &\\mbox{[Total number of workers]}\n\\simeq [1.52\\times10^6,3.04\\times10^3]\\nonumber\\end{aligned}$$ This means that some 1.52 million workers, that is, 39% of all workers fit the power-law.", "\n\nThe values of the Pareto indices obtained are shown in Figure \\[fig:ParetoIndex\\] for three levels of aggregation. ", "We note that the Pareto index decreases as the aggregation level goes up from workers to firms, and from firms to the industrial sectors.", "\n\nMarginal vs. Average Productivity\n---------------------------------\n\nBefore we conclude this section, we digress into the relationship between the marginal and average productivities of labor. ", "Theoretically, the marginal productivity matters while what we observe and, therefore, used in the above analysis is the average productivity. ", "To explore the relation between the two productivities, $c$ and $\\cm$, we assume the Cobb-Douglas production function: $$Y=A K^{1-\\alpha} L^\\alpha \\quad(0<\\alpha <1).", "\n\\label{cd}$$ Equation (\\[cd\\]) leads us to the following relation: $$\\cm=\\alpha\\, c.\n\\label{cmc}$$ In general, the value of $\\alpha$ differs across firms. ", "Therefore, the distribution of $\\cm$ is, in general, different from that of $c$.\n\nHowever, thanks to  (\\[cmc\\]), we can relate the pdf of $\\cm$, $\\pm$ to the joint pdf of $c$ and $\\alpha $, $\\pca$ as follows: $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\pm &= \\int_0^1d\\alpha \\int_0^\\infty dc \\, \\delta(\\cm - \\alpha c) \\pca\n\\nonumber\\\\\n&= \\int_0^1\\frac{d\\alpha}{\\alpha} \\,\nP_{c, \\alpha}\\left(\\frac{\\cm}{\\alpha}, \\alpha\\right).", "\n\\label{myint}\\end{aligned}$$ In general, $\\pca$ can be written as follows, $$\\pca=\\pf\\pcon.", "\n\\label{pcon}$$ Here, $\\pcon$ is the conditional pdf; it is the pdf of $\\alpha$ for the fixed value of productivity $c$. It is normalized as follows: $$\\int_0^1 \\pcon\\, d\\alpha=1,$$ for any value of $c$. We have already seen that $\\pf$ obeys the power-law for large $c$: $$\\pf=\\muf\\frac{c^{-\\muf-1}}{c_0^{-\\muf}}.", "\n\\label{ra}$$ From  (\\[ra\\]),  (\\[pcon\\]) and  (\\[myint\\]), we obtain the following: $$\\pm=\\muf\\frac{\\cm^{-\\muf-1}}{c_0^{-\\muf}}\n\\int_0^1d\\alpha \\,\\alpha^{-\\mucm}P\\left(\\alpha\\,\\left|\\,\\frac{\\cm}{\\alpha}\\right.\\right).", "\n\\label{goodres}$$ Here, we assumed that $\\pcon$ does not extend too near $\\alpha=0$ so that $\\cm/\\alpha$ stays in the asymptotic region. ", "From  (\\[goodres\\]), we can conclude that if $\\alpha$ and $c$ are independent, namely $$\\pcon=\\pa,$$ then, the distribution of marginal productivity, $\\pm$ also obeys the power law with the *identical* Pareto index $\\muf$ as for the average productivity: $$\\pm\\propto \\cm^{-\\muf-1}.", "\n\\label{samemu}$$ In conclusion, *to the extent that $\\alpha$ and $c$ are independent, the distribution of the unobserved marginal productivity obeys the power-law with the same Pareto index as for the observed average productivity*. ", "A sample Monte-Carlo simulation result is shown in Figure \\[fig:allp\\]. ", "Because this is the log-log plots, the gradient of the straight region is equal to the Pareto index. ", "The equality of the Pareto indices is clearly seen.", "\n\nIn our analysis, $L$ is the number of workers. ", "Theoretically, it would be desirable to measure $L$ in terms of work-hours or for that matter, even in terms of work efficiency. ", "We can apply the above analysis to the case where the problem is measurement error by simply interpreting $\\alpha$ in  (\\[cmc\\]) as such measurement error rather than a parameter of the Cobb-Douglas production function. ", "Thus, to the extent that the average productivity $c$ and measurement error $\\alpha$ are independent, the distribution of “true” productivity obeys the power-law with the same exponent as for the measured productivity. ", "We conclude that the power-laws for productivity dispersion across workers, firms and industry obtained above are quite robust.", "\n\nSummary of Empirical Observations\n---------------------------------\n\nWe summarize the empirical observations as two stylized facts:\n\n1. ", " The distribution of productivity obeys the Pareto distribution (*i.e.* the power-law for the high productivity group) at every level of aggregation, that is, across workers, firms, and industrial sectors.", "\n\n2. ", " The Pareto index, namely the power exponent decreases as the level of aggregation goes up: $\\mue > \\muf > \\mus$ (Figure \\[fig:ParetoIndex\\]).", "\n\nAs we explained in section II, under the assumption that the distribution of productivity *across firms* is uniform leads to the exponential distribution of productivity *across workers*. ", "Obviously, this model does not fit the empirical observations. ", "In the next section, extending the basic framework, we present a theoretical model which explains the above stylized facts.", "\n\nTheory\n======\n\nIn this section, we develop a new theoretical model which explains two stylized facts in three steps: First, we discuss the generic framework that explains the power-law distribution for firm’s productivity. ", "Secondly, we extend the basic model explained in section II by incorporating the stylized fact that productivity distribution across firms is not uniform, but rather obeys the power-law. ", "Because the extended model still fails to explain the stylized facts, we take the third step; We propose the *superstatistics* framework. ", "It can explain two stylized facts presented in section III.", "\n\nFirm’s Productivity Dispersion: A Model of Jump Markov Process\n--------------------------------------------------------------\n\nThe standard economic analysis takes it for granted that all the production factors enjoy the highest marginal productivity in equilibrium. ", "However, this is a wrong characterization of the economy. ", "The fact is that production factors cannot be reallocated instantaneously in such a way that their marginal products are equal in all economic activities. ", "Rather, at each moment in time, there exists a dispersion or distribution of productivity as shown in the preceding section. ", "Evidently, an important reason why the marginal products of workers are not equated is, as Mortensen (2003) suggests, that there are differences in productivity across firms. ", "To describe the dynamics of firm’s productivity, we employ a continuous-time jump Markov process. ", "Using the Markov model, we can show that the power-law distribution is a generic consequence under a reasonable assumption.", "\n\nSuppose that a firm has a productivity denoted by $c$. In a small time interval $dt$, the firm’s productivity, $c$ increases by a small amount, which we can assume is unity without loss of generality, with probability $w_+(c)\\,dt$. We denote it as $w_+(c)$ because this probability $w_+$ depends on the level of $c$. Likewise, it decreases by unity with probability $w_-(c)\\,dt$. Thus, $w_+(c)$ and $w_-(c)$ are transition rates for the processes, $c\\rightarrow c+1$ and $c\\rightarrow c-1$, respectively.", "\n\nWe also assume that a new firm is born with a unit of productivity with probability $p\\,dt$. On the other hand, a firm with $c=1$ will be dead if its productivity falls to zero; Thus the probability of exit is $w_-(c=1)\\,dt$. A set of the transition rates and the entry probability specifies the jump Markov process.", "\n\nGiven this Markov model, the evolution of the average number of firms having productivity $c$ at time $t$, $n(c,t)$ obeys the following master equation: $$\\begin{aligned}\n \\frac{\\partial n(c, t)}{\\partial t}=&\n w_+(c-1)\\,n(c-1,t)+w_-(c+1)\\,n(c+1,t) \\nonumber \\\\\n & -w_+(c)\\,n(c,t)-w_-(c)\\,n(c,t)+p\\,\\delta_{c,1} \\ ,\n\\label{master}\\end{aligned}$$ Here, $\\delta_{c,1}$ is 1 if $c=1$ and 0 otherwise. ", "This equation shows that the change in $n(c,t)$ over time is nothing but the *net* inflows to the state $c$.\n\nThe total number of firms is given by $$K_t\\equiv\\sum_{c=1}^\\infty n(c,t).$$ We define the aggregate productivity index $C$ as follows: $$C_t\\equiv\\sum_{c=1}^\\infty c\\,n(c,t).$$ It follows from (\\[master\\]) that $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\frac{d}{dt}K_t &= p-w_-(1)\\,n(1,t)\n \\label{master_dN}, \\\\\n\\frac{d}{dt}C_t &= p-\\sum_{c=1}^\\infty\n (w_-(c)-w_+(c))\\,n(c,t).", "\n \\label{master_dC}\\end{aligned}$$\n\nWe consider the steady state. ", "It is the stationary solution of (\\[master\\]) such that $\\partial n(c,t)/\\partial t=0$. The solution $n(c)$ can be readily obtained by the standard method. ", "Setting (\\[master\\_dN\\]) equal to zero, we obtain a boundary condition that $w_-(1)\\,n(1)=p$. Using this boundary condition, we can easily show $$n(c)=n(1)\\prod_{k=1}^{c-1}\\frac{w_+(c-k)}{w_-(c-k+1)} \\ .", "\n\\label{statsol}$$\n\nNext, we make an important assumption on the transition rates, $w_+$ and $w_-$. Namely, we assume that the probabilities of an increase and a decrease of productivity depend on the firms current level of productivity. ", "Specifically, the higher the current level of productivity is, the larger a chance of a unit productivity change is. ", "This assumption means that the transition rates can be written as $w_+(c)=a_+\\,c^\\alpha$ and $w_-(c)=a_-\\,c^\\alpha$, respectively. ", "Here, $a_+$ and $a_-$ are positive constants, and $\\alpha$ is greater than 1. ", "Under this assumption, the stationary solution (\\[statsol\\]) becomes $$n(c)=\\frac{n(1)}{1-n(1)/C_{(\\alpha)}}\n \\frac{(1-n(1)/C_{(\\alpha)})^c}{c^\\alpha}\n \\simeq c^{-\\alpha}\\,e^{-c/c^*} \\ .", "\n\\label{statsol1}$$ where $$c^*\\equiv(n(1)/C_{(\\alpha)})^{-1} \n\\quad\\quad \\mbox{and} \\quad\\quad\nC_{(\\alpha)}\\equiv\n\\sum_{c=1}^\\infty c^\\alpha n(c).$$\n\nWe have used the relation $a_+/a_-=1-n(1)/C_{(\\alpha)}$, which follows from (37) and (38). ", "The approximation in (\\[statsol1\\]) follows from $n(1)/C_{(\\alpha)}\\ll 1$. The exponential cut-off works as $c$ approaches to $c^*$. However, the value of $c^*$ is practically quite large. ", "Therefore, we observe the power-law distribution $n(c)\\propto\nc^{-\\alpha}$ for a wide range of $c$ in spite of the cut-off. ", "We note that the power exponent $\\mu$ for the empirical distribution presented in section III is related to $\\alpha$ simply by $$\\mu=\\alpha-1.$$\n\nThe present model can be understood easily with the help of an analogy of the formation of cities. ", "Imagine that $n(c,t)$ is the number of cities with population $c$ at time $t$. $w_+(c)$ corresponds to a birth in a city with population $c$, or an inflow into the city from another city. ", "Similarly, $w_-(c)$ represents a death or an exit of a person moving to another city. ", "The rates are the instantaneous probabilities that population of city with the current population $c$ either increases or decreases by one. ", "They are, therefore, the entry and exit rates of [*one person*]{} times population $c$, respectively. ", "And a drifter forms his own one-person city with the instantaneous probability $p$. In this model, dynamics of $n(c,t)$, namely the average number of cities with population $c$ is given by equation (34). ", "In the case of population dynamics, one might assume that the entry (or birth) and exit (or death) rates of a person, $a_+$ and $a_-$ are independent of the size of population of the city in which the person lives. ", "Then, $w_+(c)$ and $w_-(c)$ become linear functions of $c$, namely, $a_+c$ and $a_-c$. Even in population dynamics, though, one might assume that the entry rate of a person into big city is higher than its counterpart in small city because of the better job opportunity or the attractiveness of “city life.” ", "The same may hold for the exit and death rates because of congestion or epidemics.", "\n\nIt turned out that in dynamics of firm productivity, both the “entry” and “exit” rates of an existing “productivity unit” are increasing functions of $c$, namely the level of productivity a part of which that particular unit happens to be; To be concrete, they are $a_+c$ and $a_-c$. Thus, $w_+(c)$, for example, becomes $a_+c$ times $c$ which is equal to $a_+c^2$. Likewise, we obtain $w_-(x)=a_-x^2$. This is the case of $\\alpha=2$, the so-called Zipf law (see Sutton (1997)). [", "^6]\n\nThere is also a technical reason why we may expect $\\alpha$ to be larger than two. ", "From (\\[statsol1\\]), we can write the total number of firms and the aggregate productivity index as $$\\begin{aligned}\n K&=&\\frac{n(1)}{\\Gamma(\\alpha)}\n \\int_0^\\infty\\frac{t^{\\alpha-1}}{e^t-1+n(1)/C_{(\\alpha)}}dt \\ ,\n \\label{statN} \\\\\n C&=&\\frac{n(1)}{\\Gamma(\\alpha-1)}\n \\int_0^\\infty\\frac{t^{\\alpha-2}}{e^t-1+n(1)/C_{(\\alpha)}}dt \\ ,\n \\label{statC}\\end{aligned}$$ where $\\Gamma(z)$ is the gamma function defined by $\\Gamma(z)=\\int_0^\\infty t^{z-1}e^t dt$. In the limit as $n(1)/C_{(\\alpha)}$ goes to zero, the integral in (\\[statN\\]) is finite for $\\alpha>1$, while the integral in (\\[statC\\]) tends to be arbitrarily large for $1<\\alpha<2$. Therefore, for the finiteness of both (\\[statN\\]) and (\\[statC\\]), it is reasonable to assume that $\\alpha\\geq 2$.\n\nIn summary, under the reasonable assumption that the probability of a unit change in productivity is an increasing function of its current level, $c$, we obtain power-law distribution as we actually observe. ", "Now, economists are prone to take changes in productivity as “technical progress.” ", "That is why the focus of attention is so often on R & D investment. ", "However, if productivity growth is always technical progress, its decrease must be “technical regression,” the very existence of which one might question. ", "At the firm level, an important source of productivity change is actually a sectoral shift of demand; When demand for product A increases, for example, productivity at the firm producing A increases, and *vice versa*. ", "@fay indeed document such changes in firm’s labor productivity by way of changes in the rate of labor hoarding. ", "Stochastic productivity changes which our Markov model describes certainly include technical progress, particularly in the case of an increase, but at the same time, represent *allocative demand disturbances* the importance of which @davis have so persuasively demonstrated in their book entitled *Job Creation and Destruction*. ", "The empirical observation on productivity dispersion and our present analysis suggest that the probability of a unit allocative demand disturbance depends on the current size of firm or sector.", "\n\nThe Stochastic Macro-equilibrium Once Again\n-------------------------------------------\n\nThe basic framework explained in section II presumes that productivity dispersion across firms, namely $\\pfc$ is uniform. ", "However, $\\pfc$ actually obeys the power-law. ", "Having clarified the generic origin of power-law distribution for $c$, we now turn our attention to the productivity dispersion across workers. ", "We must extend the theory of the stochastic macro-equilibrium explained in section II under the assumption that $\\pfc$ is the power-distribution.", "\n\nIn order to develop the new theoretical framework, it is better to adapt the continuous notation we introduced previously. ", "An example is\n\n$$K\\sum_{k=1}^\\infty n(c_k) \\longrightarrow K\\int_0^\\infty \\pf dc.$$\n\nIn the continuous model, equations (\\[entropy\\]), (\\[norm\\]) and (\\[dn\\]) read $$\\begin{gathered}\nS=-K\\int_0^\\infty \\left( p(c) \\ln p(c) \\right)\\pf dc, \\label{p0}\\\\\nK\\int_0^\\infty p(c) \\,\\pf dc=1,\\label{p1}\\\\\nK\\int_0^\\infty c\\, p(c) \\,\\pf dc=D,\\label{p2}\\end{gathered}$$ respectively, Here, we have replaced $\\pk=n_k/N$ by continuous function $p(c)$. Note that because the distribution of productivity *across firms* is no longer uniform, but is $\\pf$, the corresponding distribution *across workers*, $\\pe$ is $$\\pe\\equiv K p(c) \\pf.$$ Using $\\pe$, we can rewrite equations (\\[p0\\]), (\\[p1\\]) and (\\[p2\\]) as follows: $$\\begin{gathered}\nS=-\\int_0^\\infty \\pe \\ln\\frac{\\pe}{\\pf}\\, dc + [{\\rm const.}] ,", "\\label{pe0}\\\\\n\\int_0^\\infty \\pe \\,dc=1,\\label{pe1}\\\\\n\\int_0^\\infty c \\,\\pe \\,dc=D.\\label{pe2}\\end{gathered}$$ Here, $[{\\rm const.}]$ in equation (48) is an irrelevant constant term.", "\n\nWe maximize $S$ (equation  (\\[pe0\\])) under two constraints (\\[pe1\\]) and (\\[pe2\\]) by means of calculus of variation with respect to $\\pe$ to obtain $$\\pe = \\frac1{Z(\\beta)}\\pf\\, e^{-\\beta c}.", "\n\\label{pee}$$ Here, as in section II, $\\beta$ is the Lagrangian multiplier for the aggregate demand constraint,  (\\[p2\\]), and the partition function $Z(\\beta)$ is given by $$Z(\\beta)=\\int_0^\\infty \\pf \\,e^{-\\beta c} dc.", "\n\\label{zbp}$$ It is easy to see that constraint (\\[pe1\\]) is satisfied. ", "Constraint (\\[pe2\\]) now reads $$D=\\frac1{Z(\\beta)}\\int_0^\\infty c \\,\\pf\\, e^{-\\beta c}dc\n\\label{dtilexp}.$$ This equation is equivalent to: $$D\n=-\\frac{d}{d\\beta}\\ln Z(\\beta).", "\n\\label{dnbetacon}$$ It is straightforward to see that equations (\\[pee\\]) and (\\[zbp\\]) are the counter parts of equations (\\[boltz\\]) and (\\[parti\\]), respectively, under the assumption that the productivity dispersion across firms is not uniform but is $\\pfc$.\n\nBecause the productivity distribution across firms, $\\pf$ obeys the Pareto law, the relation between the aggregate demand $D$ and $\\beta $ (or the temperature) is not so simple as shown in equation (\\[ayrel\\]), but is, in general, quite complicated. ", "However, we can prove that the power exponent $\\beta$ is a decreasing function of the aggregate demand, $D$. Thus, the fundamental proposition that when the aggregate demand is high, production factors are mobilized to firms and sectors with high productivity (Figure \\[fig:ay0\\]), holds true in the extended model as well. ", "We provide the proof in \\[appapp\\].", "\n\nNow, we explore productivity dispersion in this extended model. ", "The productivity dispersion across workers, $\\pe$ relates to that across firms, $\\pf$ by way of equation (\\[pee\\]). ", "The latter obeys the power law. ", "Figure \\[fig:ay\\] shows examples of the productivity distributions across workers for several different values of $D$, given a $\\pf$. The solid curve is for firms with $\\muf=1.5$. The dashed lines are the corresponding distributions for workers with different values of $D$. All of them have strong suppression for large $c$ due to the exponential factor $e^{-\\beta c}$. They are in stark contrast to the power-law. ", "Note that the power-law corresponds to a straight line in the figure which shows the relation between $\\ln P>(c)$ and $\\ln c$. The only way to reconcile the distribution (\\[pee\\]) with the observed power-law is to assume an extremely small value of $\\beta$ so that the Boltzmann factor $e^{-\\beta c}$ becomes close to one, and does not suppress $\\pe$. This trick, however, does not work because, in this case, it yields the Pareto index $\\mue$ of the worker’s productivity distribution [*equal to*]{} that of the firm’s distribution, $\\muf$. It is inconsistent with the empirical observation that $\\mue > \\muf$ (Figure \\[fig:ParetoIndex\\]). ", "Comparing Figures \\[fig:employee2005\\_Nikkei\\] and \\[fig:ay\\], we conclude that the extended model still fails to explain the observations. ", "We must seek a new theoretical framework.", "\n\nWorker’s Productivity Dispersion under Fluctuating Aggregate Demand\n-------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nThe theoretical framework explained so far implicitly assumes that the aggregate demand, $D$ is constant. ", "Plainly, this is an oversimplification; $D$ fluctuates.", "\n\nMacro-system under fluctuations of external environment can be analyzed with the help of *superstatistics* or “statistics of statistics\" in statistical physics [@bc].[^7] In this theory, the system goes through changing external influences, but is in equilibrium at the limited scale in time and/or space, in which the temperature may be regarded as constant and the Boltzmann distribution is achieved. ", "In other words, the system is only locally in equilibrium; Globally seen, it is out of equilibrium. ", "In order to analyze such system, superstatistics introduces averaging over the Boltzmann factors. ", "Depending on the weight function used for averaging, it can yield various distributions, including the power-law [@touchette2005as].", "\n\nGDP of a particular year is certainly a scalar constant when the year is over. ", "However, it actually fluctuates daily if those fluctuations cannot be practically measured. ", "Accordingly, macro environment surrounding firms keep changing almost continuously. ", "Differences by region, industry and sector can also be taken care of by the super statistics approach. ", "When the aggregate demand $D$ changes, the new stochastic process conditioned by new $D$ allows production factors to move to a different equilibrium. ", "Averaged over various possible equilibria, each of which depends on a particular value of $D$, the resulting distribution becomes different from any of each equilibrium distribution.", "\n\nSpecifically, in superstatistics, the familiar Boltzmann factor, $\\exp (-\\beta c)$ is replaced by the following weighted average: $$B(c)=\\int_0^\\infty f(\\beta) \\, e^{-\\beta c} d\\beta,\n\\label{bc}$$ Here, the weight factor $f(\\beta)$ represents the changing macroeconomic environment. ", "Note that because $\\beta $ is a monotonically decreasing function of $D$, the weight factor $f(\\beta )$ corresponds to changes in the aggregate demand. ", "With this weight factor, the probability distribution of worker’s productivity, (\\[pee\\]) is now replaced by the following: $$\\pe = \\frac1{Z_B} \\pf B(c).", "\n\\label{peess}$$ Here, the partition function, $Z_B$ is also redefined as $$Z_B=\\int_0^\\infty \\pf B(c) dc.", "\n\\label{zbpss}$$\n\nWe now examine whether $\\pe$ in equation (\\[peess\\]) obeys the power-law for high productivity $c$. The integration in equation (\\[bc\\]) is dominated by the small $\\beta$ (high demand) region for large $c$. We assume the following behavior of the pdf $f(\\beta)$ for $\\beta\\rightarrow 0$, $$f(\\beta) \\propto \\beta^{-\\gamma} \\quad (\\gamma<1),\n\\label{fbeta}$$ where the constraint for the parameter $\\gamma$ comes from the convergence of the integration in equation (\\[bc\\]). ", "The proportional constant is irrelevant because $\\pe$ is normalized by $Z_B$. This leads to the following $B(c)$ for large $c$: $$B(c) \\propto \\Gamma(1-\\gamma)\\, c^{\\gamma-1}.", "\n\\label{bcgamma}$$ Substituting (\\[bcgamma\\]) into Equation (\\[peess\\]), we find that the productivity distribution across workers obeys the power-law; $$\\pe \\propto c^{-\\mue-1},\n\\label{mue}$$ with $$\\mue=\\muf-\\gamma+1.", "\n\\label{muef1}$$ Because of the constraint $\\gamma <1$, this leads to the inequality $$\\mue > \\muf.$$ This agrees with our empirical observation (Figure \\[fig:ParetoIndex\\] or stylized Fact II in section III.C).", "\n\nBecause $\\beta$ is related to $D$ by way of equation (\\[dnbetacon\\]), the pdf $f_{\\beta }(\\beta)$ of $\\beta$ is related to pdf $f_{D}(D)$ of the (fluctuating) $D$ as follows: $$f_\\beta (\\beta)d\\beta=f_{D}(D)dD.$$ As is noted several times, small $\\beta$ corresponds to high aggregate demand, $D$. In particular, the following relation holds[^8] for $\\beta\\rightarrow 0$: $$\\ac - D \\propto\n\\begin{cases}\n\\, \\beta & \\mbox{for } 2<\\muf; \\\\[7pt]\n\\, \\beta^{\\muf-1} & \\mbox{for } 1<\\muf<2.\\\\\n\\end{cases}\n\\label{dtilbeta}$$ This leads to,[^9] $$f_{D}(D)\\propto\\left(\\ac-D \\right)^{-\\delta},\n\\label{deltadef}$$ with $$\\gamma-1=\n\\begin{cases}\n\\delta-1 \n&\\mbox{for }2<\\muf;\\\\\n(\\muf-1)(\\delta-1)\n&\\mbox{for }1<\\muf<2.", "\n\\end{cases}\n\\label{gammarho}$$ Here, the parameter $\\delta$ is constrained by $$\\delta<1$$ from the normalizability of the distribution of $f_{D}(D)$, which is consistent with the constraint $\\gamma<1$ and equation (\\[gammarho\\]).", "\n\nEquation (\\[deltadef\\]) means that changes in the aggregate demand, $D$ follows the power-law. ", "@gabaix indeed demonstrates that idiosyncratic shocks to the top 100 firms explain a large fraction (one third) of aggregate volatility for the U.S. economy. ", "This is a characteristic of power-law. ", "Any case, $D$ is not constant, but rather fluctuates, now. ", "Accordingly, the problem is not a relation between the productivity dispersion across workers and the level of $D$, but rather how the distribution depends on the way in which $D$ fluctuates.", "\n\nFigure \\[fig:dpe\\] shows an example of the relation between the distribution of $D$, $f_D(D)$ near the upperbound $\\ac$ and the cumulative productivity distribution of workers $\\pec$. In the figure, the solid curves correspond to the large value of $\\delta$ whereas the broken curves to the small value. ", "Figure \\[fig:dpe\\] demonstrates that as the distribution of $D$ becomes skewed toward large $D$, the tail of the productivity distribution becomes heavier. ", "Roughly speaking, when $D$ is high, the productivity dispersion becomes skewed toward the higher level, and $vice$ $versa$.\n\nCombining equations (\\[muef1\\]) and (\\[gammarho\\]), we reach the following relation between the Pareto indices: $$\\mue= \\begin{cases}\n\\muf-\\delta+1 & \\mbox{for } 2<\\muf; \\\\[3pt]\n(\\muf-1)(-\\delta+1)+\\muf &\\mbox{for } 1<\\muf<2.", "\n\\end{cases}\n\\label{mumu}$$ This relation between $\\mue$ and $\\muf$ is illustrated in Figure \\[fig:mumu\\]. ", "As noted previously, because of the constraint $\\delta<1$, equation (\\[mumu\\]) necessarily makes $\\mue$ larger than $\\muf$. This is in good agreement with our empirical finding. ", "Incidentally, equation (\\[mumu\\]) has a fixed point at $(\\mue,\\muf)=(1,1)$; the line defined by equation (\\[mumu\\]) always passes through this point irrespective of the value of $\\delta$. The Pareto index for firms is smaller than that for workers, but it cannot be less than one, because of the existence of the fixed point (1,1).", "\n\nThe superstatistics framework presented above may apply for any adjoining levels of aggregation; Instead of applying it for workers and firms, we may apply it for firms and industrial sectors. ", "Then, we can draw the conclusion that as we go up from firms to industrial sectors, the Pareto index again goes down, albeit for a different value of $\\delta$. This is illustrated in Fig.\\[fig:mumumu\\]. ", "Because of the existence of the point (1, 1), as the aggregation level goes up, the Pareto index is driven toward 1, but not beyond 1. [*", "At the highest aggregation level, it is expected to be close to one*]{}. ", "This is again in good agreement with our empirical finding that the Pareto index of the industrial sector $\\mus$ is close to one (see Figure \\[fig:ParetoIndex\\]).", "\n\nIn summary, the superstatistics framework successfully explains two empirical findings we have summarized in section III.C. Furthermore, given the measured values of $\\mue$ and $\\muf$, the relation (\\[mumu\\]) can be used to determine the value of $\\delta$: $$\\delta=\n\\begin{cases}\n\\muf-\\mue+1 & \\mbox{for } 2<\\muf;\\\\[5pt]\n\\displaystyle \\frac{\\muf-\\mue}{\\muf-1}+1 &\\mbox{for } 1<\\muf<2.", "\n\\end{cases}\n\\label{deltais}$$ The result is shown in Figure \\[fig:delta\\]. ", "Recall that $\\delta $ is the power exponent of the distribution of aggregate demand, $D$. Therefore, low $\\delta$ means the relatively low level of the aggregate demand. ", "In Figure \\[fig:delta\\] we observe that the aggregate demand was high during the late 1980’s, while beginning the early 90’s, it declined to the bottom in 2000-2001, and then, afterward turned up. ", "It is broadly consistent with changes in the growth rate during the period.", "\n\nImplications\n============\n\nThe standard economic analysis takes it for granted that production factors move fast enough from low to high productivity firms and sectors, and that as a consequence, sooner or later they enjoy the same (highest) marginal productivity; Otherwise, it contradicts the concept of equilibrium. ", "However, we have some evidences suggesting that there is always productivity dispersion in the economy. ", "As we referred to in Introduction, Mortensen (2003) analyzing wage dispersion argued that there is productivity dispersion across firms. ", "@okun2 also argued that a part of the reason why we obtain the Okun’s law is “the upgrading of workers into more productive jobs in a high-pressure economy.”", "\n\nIn this paper, we have provided a solid foundation for Okun’s argument. ", "The most important point of Okun’s argument and also our present analysis is that *the allocation of production factors is not independent of the level of the aggregate demand*. ", "Rather, it depends crucially on the aggregate demand. ", "As we explained in section II, the fundamental principle of statistical physics indeed tells us that it is impossible for production factors to achieve the same (highest) level of productivity. ", "Rather, we must always observe the distribution of productivity in the economy. ", "Moreover, the theory indicates, it is exponential distribution (the Maxwell-Boltzmann), the exponent of which depends inversely on the level of aggregate demand. ", "As the aggregate demand rises, production factors are mobilized to high-productivity firms and sectors just as Okun argued.", "\n\nIn section III, we showed that there exist indeed the distributions of productivity across workers, firms, and sectors. ", "A serious problem for the theory of stochastic macro-equilibrium is, however, that the observed distribution of productivity across workers is not exponential, but obeys the power-law. ", "We reconciled this empirical observation with the basic theory by introducing the assumption that productivity dispersion across firms obeys the power law rather than is uniform, and also another plausible assumption that the aggregate demand is not constant, but fluctuates.", "\n\nIn section IV, first, we explained how the power distribution of productivity across firms arises in a simple stochastic model. ", "To obtain the power law distribution, we need to make a crucial assumption that the higher the current level of productivity is, the greater the probability of either a unit increase or decrease of productivity is. ", "Obviously, the probability of either *a* birth or *a* death is greater in a city with large population than in a small city. ", "By analogy, the above assumption seems quite natural.", "\n\nThe “size effect” in productivity (or TFP) growth has been much discussed in endogenous growth theory because its presence evidently contributes to endogenous growth. ", "See, for example, @solow2000. ", "In growth theory, an increase in productivity is mostly identified with pure technological progress so that it is directly linked to R & D investment. ", "However, to obtain the power distribution of productivity across firms, we must assume the significant probability of *decrease* in productivity. ", "This suggests strongly that productivity changes facing firms are caused not only by technical progress, but also by *the allocative disturbances to demand*. ", "Incidentally, Davis, Haltiwanger, and Schuh (1996) report that unlike job creation, job destruction for an industry is not systematically related to total factor productivity (TFP) growth; Namely, job destruction occurs in high TFP growth industries as frequently as in low TFP growth industries (their Table 3.7 on page 52). ", "This fact also suggests the presence of the significant demand reallocation.", "\n\nAs Davis, Haltiwanger and Schuh (1996) rightly emphasize, the allocative demand shocks play a very important role in the macroeconomy. ", "At the same time, the aggregate demand also plays a crucial role because the allocation of resources and production factors depends crucially on the level of aggregate demand. ", "Put it simply, the frontier of production possibility set is a never-never land. ", "The higher the level of aggregate demand is, the closer the economy is to the frontier.", "\n\n[**Acknowledgements**]{}\\\nThe authors would like to thank Dr. Y. Ikeda (Hitachi Research Institute) and Dr. W. Souma (NiCT and ATR) for discussions. ", "Part of this research was supported by a grant from Hitachi Research Institute. ", "Yoshikawa’s research is supported by RIETI. ", "Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics at Kyoto University supported this research in two ways; their computing facility was used for part of the calculations and discussions with participants at the YITP workshop YITP-W-07-16 [*“Econophysics III –Physical approach to social and economic phenomena\"*]{} were helpful for completion of this work.", "\n\nNotes on Data used in section III.A\\[appdata\\]\n==============================================\n\nAs noted in section III, we used the Nikkei-NEEDS (Nikkei Economic Electronic Databank System) database for analysis of empirical distribution of the productivity. ", "This database is a commercial product available from @nikkei and contains financial data of all the listed firms in Japan. ", "As such, it is a well-established and representative database, widely used for various purposes from research to practical business applications. ", "For our purpose, we used their 2007 CD-ROM version and extracted data for the period between 1980 and 2006. ", "It covers some 1,700 to 3,000 firms and 4 to 6 million workers.", "\n\nWe have found that in certain cases, the productivity calculated is unrealistically large. ", "For example, firms that became stock-holding firms report huge reductions of the number of employees, while maintaining the same order of revenues in the year. ", "This results in absurd values of labor productivity $c$ for that year. ", "Because of these abnormalities, we have excluded top-ten firms in terms of the productivity each year. ", "This roughly corresponds to excluding firms with productivity $c > 10^9$ yen/person. ", "We experimented analyses with several different cuts, [*i.e.*]{}, with cutting top-twenty firms, and so on. ", "The results obtained remained basically the same as reported in the main text.", "\n\nThe values of the Pareto indices $\\mue, \\muf, \\mus$ given in this paper are determined by fitting the data with the GB2-distribution described in @actuarial by the maximum likelihood method.", "\n\nThe Relationship between Aggregate Demand $D$ and the exponent $\\beta $\\[appapp\\]\n=================================================================================\n\nIn this appendix, we prove the following three basic properties (i)–(iii) of the temperature-aggregate demand relation (\\[dnbetacon\\]) in Macro-Equilibrium:\n\n1. ", " The temperature, $T=1/\\beta$ is a monotonically increasing function of the aggregate demand, $D$. We can prove it using equation (\\[dnbetacon\\]) as follows: $$\\begin{aligned}\n \\frac{dD}{dT}=\n -\\frac1{T^2}\\frac{dD}{d\\beta}\n =\\beta^2\\frac{d^2}{d\\beta^2}\\ln Z(\\beta)\n =\\beta^2\\left(\\actn{2}-\\act^2\\right) \\ge 0.\\end{aligned}$$ where $\\actn{n}$ is the $n$-th moment of productivity defined as follows: $$\\actn{n}\\equiv\\frac1{Z(\\beta)}\\int_0^\\infty c^n \\pf \\,e^{-\\beta c}\\,dc.", "\n \\label{momdef}$$ Comparing (53) and (56), we know that $\\act=D$. This is a natural result. ", "As the aggregate demand $D$ rises, workers move to firms with higher productivity. ", "It corresponds to the higher temperature according to the weight factor $e^{-\\beta c}$.\n\n2. ", " For $T\\rightarrow 0$ ($\\beta\\rightarrow\\infty$), $$D\\rightarrow 0.$$ This is evident from the fact that in the same limit the integration in Eq.(\\[dtilexp\\]) is dominated by $c\\simeq 0$ due to the factor $e^{-\\beta c}$, and the integrand has extra factor of $c$ compared to the denominator $Z(\\beta)$.\n\n3. ", " For $T\\rightarrow \\infty$ ($\\beta\\rightarrow 0$), $$D\\rightarrow \\int_0^\\infty c\\, \\pf \\,dc\\ (=\\ac).$$ This can be established based on the property (i) because $D=\\act\\rightarrow \\ac$ as $\\beta\\rightarrow 0$ and $Z(0)=1$.\n\nAn example of the relation between $D$ and $T\\equiv 1/\\beta$ is given in Figure \\[fig:dnbeta\\].", "\n\n[xx]{}\n\n2006\\. “Superstatistical Brownian motion.” [*", "Progress of Theoretical Physics. ", "Supplement*]{}, 162: 29–36.", "\n\n. ", "2003.“Superstatistics.” [*", "Physica A*]{}, 322: 267–275.", "\n\n1973\\. [*[The Distribution of Income between Persons]{}*]{}, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.", "\n\n. ", "1996. [*[", "Job Creation and Destruction]{}*]{}, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.", "\n\n. ", "1985. “[", "Labor and Output over the Business Cycle: Some Direct Evidence]{}.” [*", "American Economic Review*]{}, 75: 63–655.", "\n\n. ", "2005. “[", "The Granular Origins of Aggregate Fluctuations]{}.” .", "\n\n. ", "1975. “[", "Some Distributions Associated with Bose-Einstein Statistics]{}.” [*", "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America*]{}, 72(5): 1654–1657.", "\n\n. ", "1977. [*[", "Skew Distributions and the Sizes of Business Firms]{}*]{}, Amsterdam: North-Holland Pub. ", "Co..\n\n1936\\. [*The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money*]{}, London: Macmillan.", "\n\n. ", "2004. [*", "Statistical Size Distributions in Economics and Actuarial Sciences*]{}, Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley and Sons, Inc..\n\n. ", "1998 “[Interacting individuals leading to Zipf’s law]{}.” [*", "Physical Review Letters*]{}, 80(12): 2741–2744.", "\n\n2003\\. [*Wage Dispersion*]{}, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.", "\n\n. ", "2008. ", "Nikkei Media Marketing, Inc.. http://www.nikkeimm.co.jp/english/index.html and http://www.nikkeimm.co.jp/service/macro/needs/con\\_needs\\_cd.html (in Japanese, accessed May 12, 2008).", "\n\n1962\\. “Potential GNP: Its Measurement and Significance.” ", "in “Proceedings of the Business and Economic Statistics Section” American Statistical Association, 98–104.", "\n\n. ", "1973. “", "Upward Mobility in a High-Pressure Economy.” [*", "Brookings Papers on Economic Activity*]{}, 1: 207–261.", "\n\n2000\\. [*[Growth Theory: An Exposition]{}*]{}, second ed., ", "New York: Oxford University Press.", "\n\n. ", "1997. “[", "Gibrat’s Legacy]{}.” [*", "Journal of Economic Literature*]{}, March: 40–59.", "\n\n1972\\. “[Inflation and Unemployment]{}.” [*", "American Economic Review*]{}, 62: 1–18.", "\n\n. ", "2005. “[", "Asymptotics of superstatistics]{}.” [ *", "Physical Review E*]{}, 71(1): 16131-1–6.", "\n\n[^1]: Corresponding author: [hideaki.aoyama@scphys.kyoto-u.ac.jp]{}.", "\n\n[^2]: Incidentally, @sutton, evidently having the central limit theorem in mind, identifies what he calls “purely statistical” effects with the effects of *independent* stochastic variables. ", "However, the method of statistical physics is effective even when stochastic variables are correlated, that is they are *not* independent.", "\n\n[^3]: The productivity $c_k$ corresponds to allowed energy level, and workers to distinguishable particles in statistical physics.", "\n\n[^4]: This is exactly the same as in the standard analysis in statistical physics where the relation between the average energy ($D$) and the temperature ($T=1/\\beta$) is determined once the energy levels ($c_k$) are given for the system under investigation.", "\n\n[^5]: We note that $c_0$ has the same dimension as $c$, so that $\\pfc$ is dimensionless, as it should be.", "\n\n[^6]: See @ijiri1975sda [@marsili1998] for the formation of cities whose sizes obey the Zipf law. ", "Our present model of productivity dynamics has, in fact, a very close analogy to dynamics of city size. ", "It is indeed mathematically equivalent to the model of @marsili1998 which analyzed dynamics of city size, except for an additional assumption that $n(1)/C_{(\\alpha)}=p$.\n\n[^7]: There are several model cases where superstatistics was applied successfully. ", "Among them, the Brownian motion of a particle going thorough changing environment provides a good analogy to our case [@beck2].", "\n\n[^8]: The proof is to be given on request.", "\n\n[^9]: At $\\muf=2$, we need additional logarithmic factors for $f(\\beta)$, but the power of $\\beta$ is essentially the boundary case between the above two, $\\gamma=\\delta$.\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nShouldn't the Sampling Theorem imply that there should be no information loss at all after a signal is processed?", "\n\nI am very, very new to signal processing (only started a few days ago) so please bear with me because I may be missing the big picture.", "\nConsider an arbitrary signal $x(t)$ with varying frequency to be processed by a computer. ", "\nGiven the right sampling rate w.r.t the frequency, shouldn't the Sampling Theorem essentially imply that no information will be lost at all after the sampled signal is converted back to its continuous form, since there will be a sufficient number of discrete points for which the signal is described?", "\n\nA:\n\nFor no information to be lost on conversion back to continuous form, the signal would first need to be perfectly band-limited, and you would need an ideal reconstruction filter. ", " A perfectly band-limited signal is infinite in extent. ", "Since you want this arbitrary signal to be processed by a computer, your computer would need infinite memory. ", " You would also have to wait an infinite amount of time for your perfect reconstruction filter to settle. ", " \nFinite sampling time and filter length problems also completely ignores other potential lossy issues, such as quantization and sampling clock jitter, etc.", "\nOne might be able to process an infinite signal that can be represented in certain closed symbolic forms within finite time and resources, but there does not seem to be a method to convert any arbitrary signal into such a form.", "\nBack in the real-world (stuff you can buy or make), one would normally accept an information loss from imperfect band-limiting, finite filter length, jitter (etc.) ", "that is around or below the quantization and numeric noise floors. ", " This allows the processing to happen using an amount of RAM that one can afford to hopefully finish within one's lifetime. ", " Thus leading to information loss and imperfect reconstruction.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "# gray-matter [![", "NPM version](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/gray-matter.svg?style=flat)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/gray-matter) [![", "NPM monthly downloads](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/gray-matter.svg?style=flat)](https://npmjs.org/package/gray-matter) [![", "NPM total downloads](https://img.shields.io/npm/dt/gray-matter.svg?style=flat)](https://npmjs.org/package/gray-matter) [![", "Linux Build Status](https://img.shields.io/travis/jonschlinkert/gray-matter.svg?style=flat&label=Travis)](https://travis-ci.org/jonschlinkert/gray-matter)\n\n> Parse front-matter from a string or file. ", "Fast, reliable and easy to use. ", "Parses YAML front matter by default, but also has support for YAML, JSON, TOML or Coffee Front-Matter, with options to set custom delimiters. ", "Used by metalsmith, assemble, verb and many other projects.", "\n\n## Install\n\nInstall with [npm](https://www.npmjs.com/):\n\n```sh\n$ npm install --save gray-matter\n```\n\nSee the [benchmarks](#benchmarks). ", "gray-matter is 20-30x faster than [front-matter](https://github.com/jxson/front-matter).", "\n\n## Highlights\n\n* Reliable and battle-tested by [metalsmith](https://github.com/segmentio/metalsmith), [assemble](https://github.com/assemble/assemble), [verb](https://github.com/assemble/verb), and many other projects!", "\n* Extracts and parses:\n - [YAML](http://github.com/nodeca/js-yaml)\n - [JSON](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Json)\n - [TOML](http://github.com/mojombo/toml)\n - [CoffeeScript](http://coffeescript.org) when `options.eval` is set to `true`\n - [CSON](https://github.com/bevry/cson) when `options.eval` is set to `true`\n - JavaScript: when `options.eval` is set to `true`\n* Easy to add additional parsers! ", "pull requests welcome!", "\n\n## Usage\n\n```js\nvar matter = require('gray-matter');\nmatter('---\\ntitle: Front Matter\\n---\\nThis is content.');", "\n```\n\nReturns:\n\n```js\n{ \n orig: '---\\ntitle: Front Matter\\n---\\nThis is content.',", "\n data: { title: 'Front Matter' },\n content: '\\nThis is content.' ", "\n}\n```\n\nThat's it! ", "Just pass a string and gray-matter returns an object.", "\n\n***\n\n## API\n\n### [matter](index.js#L30)\n\nParses a `string` of front-matter with the given `options`, and returns an object.", "\n\n**Example**\n\n```js\nmatter('---\\ntitle: foo\\n---\\nbar');\n//=> {data: {title: 'foo'}, content: 'bar', orig: '---\\ntitle: foo\\n---\\nbar'}\n```\n\n**Params**\n\n* `string` **{String}**: The string to parse.", "\n* `options` **{Object}** \n\n- `delims` **{Array}**: Custom delimiters formatted as an array. ", "The default is `['---', '---']`.", "\n- `parser` **{Function}**: Parser function to use. [", "js-yaml] is the default.", "\n* `returns` **{Object}**: Valid JSON\n\n### [.read](index.js#L136)\n\nRead a file and parse front matter. ", "Returns the same object as `matter()`.", "\n\n**Example**\n\n```js\nmatter.read('home.md');\n```\n\n**Params**\n\n* `fp` **{String}**: file path of the file to read.", "\n* `options` **{Object}**: Options to pass to gray-matter.", "\n* `returns` **{Object}**\n\n### [.stringify](index.js#L167)\n\nStringify an object to front-matter-formatted YAML, and concatenate it to the given string.", "\n\nResults in:\n\n**Examples**\n\n```js\nmatter.stringify('foo bar baz', {title: 'Home'});\n```\n\n```yaml\n---\ntitle: Home\n---\nfoo bar baz\n```\n\n**Params**\n\n* `str` **{String}**: The content string to append to stringified front-matter.", "\n* `data` **{Object}**: Front matter to stringify.", "\n* `options` **{Object}**: Options to pass to js-yaml\n* `returns` **{String}**\n\n## Options\n\n> All methods exposed on the API accept an options object passed as the last argument\n\n## options.parser\n\nType: `Function`\n\nDefault: `undefined`\n\nPass a custom parser on the options. ", "This is useful if you need to, for example, define custom schemas for [js-yaml].", "\n\n**Example**\n\n```js\nmatter(str, {\n parser: require('js-yaml').safeLoad\n});\n```\n\n## options.eval\n\nType: `Boolean`\n\nDefault: `false`\n\nEvaluate coffee-script, CSON or JavaScript in front-matter. ", "If you aren't aware of the dangers, google is your friend.", "\n\nHowever, if you are aware and you only use front-matter on, say, blog posts for a static site... this feature can be pretty useful.", "\n\n## options.lang\n\nType: `String`\n\nDefault: `yaml`\n\nThe parser to use on the extracted front matter.", "\n\nYAML is parsed by default, and the languages listed below are parsed automatically if the language is specified after the first delimiter (e.g. `---`).", "\n\nValid languages are:\n\n* `yaml`\n* `json`\n* `coffee`\n* `cson`\n* `toml`\n* `js`|`javascript`\n\n**Example**\n\nTo parse coffee front matter, you would define it as follows:\n\n```js\n---coffee\ntitle: 'coffee functions'\nuser: 'jonschlinkert'\nfn:\n reverse = (src) ->\n src.split('').reverse().join('')\n---\n\n<%= description %>\n<%= reverse(user) %>\n```\n\n## options.delims\n\nType: `String`\n\nDefault: `---`\n\nOpen and close delimiters can be passed in as an array of strings.", "\n\n**Example:**\n\n```js\n// format delims as a string\nmatter.read('file.md', {delims: '~~~'});\n// or an array (open/close)\nmatter.read('file.md', {delims: ['~~~', '~~~']});\n```\n\nwould parse:\n\n<pre>\n\n```\ntitle: Home\n```\n\nThis is the page.", "\n</pre>\n\n## Example usage\n\nGiven we have a page, `abc.html`, containing:\n\n```html\n---\ntitle: YAML Front matter\ndescription: This is a page\n---\n<h1></h1>\n```\n\nthen running the following in the command line:\n\n```js\nmatter('abc.html');\n```\n\nreturns\n\n```json\n{\n \"data\": {\n \"title\": \"YAML Front matter\",\n \"description\": \"This is a page\"\n },\n \"content\": \"<h1></h1>\",\n \"original\": \"---\\ntitle: YAML Front matter\\n---\\n<h1></h1>\"\n}\n```\n\n## Benchmarks\n\n**Benchmarks for building the [bootstrap-blog](https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap-blog/tree/gh-pages/_posts)**\n\ngray-matter would process all markdown posts in the [bootstrap-blog](https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap-blog/tree/gh-pages/_posts) **20 times** before the [front-matter](https://github.com/jxson/front-matter) library finished processing it once.", "\n\n```\nfront-matter.js x 271 ops/sec ±2.68% (80 runs sampled)\ngray-matter.js x 4,294 ops/sec ±0.86% (91 runs sampled)\n```\n\n**Misc**\n\ngray-matter is 12-20x faster than [front-matter](https://github.com/jxson/front-matter) when content or front matter actually exist.", "\n\n```bash\n#1: complex\n front-matter x 338 ops/sec ±1.60% (85 runs sampled)\n gray-matter x 10,608 ops/sec ±1.97% (86 runs sampled)\n\n#2: empty\n front-matter x 5,755,004 ops/sec ±0.88% (94 runs sampled)\n gray-matter x 15,157,998 ops/sec ±0.81% (95 runs sampled)\n\n#3: matter\n front-matter x 10,256 ops/sec ±2.18% (92 runs sampled)\n gray-matter x 202,026 ops/sec ±0.71% (93 runs sampled)\n\n#4: no-content\n front-matter x 10,136 ops/sec ±2.00% (91 runs sampled)\n gray-matter x 206,548 ops/sec ±1.16% (94 runs sampled)\n\n#5: no-matter\n front-matter x 3,540,817 ops/sec ±0.68% (95 runs sampled)\n gray-matter x 7,959,809 ops/sec ±0.73% (91 runs sampled)\n```\n\n## Why?", "\n\n> Why another YAML Front Matter library?", "\n\nBecause other libraries we tried failed to meet our requirements with [Assemble](https://github.com/assemble/assemble). ", "Some most of the libraries met most of the requirements, but _none had all of them_. ", "Here are the most important:\n\n* Be usable, if not simple\n* Allow custom delimiters\n* Use a dependable and well-supported library for parsing YAML and other languages\n* Don't fail when no content exists\n* Don't fail when no front matter exists\n* Have no problem reading YAML files directly\n* Have no problem with complex content, including **non-front-matter** fenced code blocks that contain examples of YAML front matter. ", "Other parsers fail on this.", "\n* Should return an object with three properties:\n - `data`: the parsed YAML front matter, as a JSON object\n - `content`: the contents as a string, without the front matter\n - `orig`: the \"original\" content\n\n## About\n\n### Related projects\n\n* [assemble](https://www.npmjs.com/package/assemble): Get the rocks out of your socks! ", "Assemble makes you fast at creating web projects… [more](https://github.com/assemble/assemble) | [homepage](https://github.com/assemble/assemble \"Get the rocks out of your socks! ", "Assemble makes you fast at creating web projects. ", "Assemble is used by thousands of projects for rapid prototyping, creating themes, scaffolds, boilerplates, e-books, UI components, API documentation, blogs, building websit\")\n* [metalsmith](https://www.npmjs.com/package/metalsmith): An extremely simple, pluggable static site generator. ", "| [homepage](https://github.com/segmentio/metalsmith#readme \"An extremely simple, pluggable static site generator.\")", "\n* [verb](https://www.npmjs.com/package/verb): Documentation generator for GitHub projects. ", "Verb is extremely powerful, easy to use, and is used… [more](https://github.com/verbose/verb) | [homepage](https://github.com/verbose/verb \"Documentation generator for GitHub projects. ", "Verb is extremely powerful, easy to use, and is used on hundreds of projects of all sizes to generate everything from API docs to readmes.\")", "\n\n### Contributing\n\nPull requests and stars are always welcome. ", "For bugs and feature requests, [please create an issue](../../issues/new).", "\n\n### Contributors\n\n| **Commits** | **Contributor**<br/> | \n| --- | --- |\n| 121 | [jonschlinkert](https://github.com/jonschlinkert) |\n| 7 | [RobLoach](https://github.com/RobLoach) |\n| 2 | [doowb](https://github.com/doowb) |\n| 2 | [moozzyk](https://github.com/moozzyk) |\n| 1 | [Ajedi32](https://github.com/Ajedi32) |\n| 1 | [ianstormtaylor](https://github.com/ianstormtaylor) |\n\n### Building docs\n\n_(This document was generated by [verb-generate-readme](https://github.com/verbose/verb-generate-readme) (a [verb](https://github.com/verbose/verb) generator), please don't edit the readme directly. ", "Any changes to the readme must be made in [.verb.md](.verb.md).)_", "\n\nTo generate the readme and API documentation with [verb](https://github.com/verbose/verb):\n\n```sh\n$ npm install -g verb verb-generate-readme && verb\n```\n\n### Running tests\n\nInstall dev dependencies:\n\n```sh\n$ npm install -d && npm test\n```\n\n### Author\n\n**Jon Schlinkert**\n\n* [github/jonschlinkert](https://github.com/jonschlinkert)\n* [twitter/jonschlinkert](http://twitter.com/jonschlinkert)\n\n### License\n\nCopyright © 2016, [Jon Schlinkert](https://github.com/jonschlinkert).", "\nReleased under the [MIT license](https://github.com/jonschlinkert/gray-matter/blob/master/LICENSE).", "\n\n***\n\n_This file was generated by [verb-generate-readme](https://github.com/verbose/verb-generate-readme), v0.2.0, on October 25, 2016._" ]
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[ "Suburates\n\nThe Suburates (also named Sibulates) were a pre-Roman tribe of the Aquitani, settled in what today is the historical territory of Soule (in Basque Xiberoa), in the Northern Basque Country. ", "From their name come the French and Occitan name for the region, Soule, and the Basque names Xiberoa and Zuberoa. ", "The Suburates spoke a form or dialect of the Aquitanian language, a precursor of the Basque language.", "\n\nThe Siburates mentioned by Julius Caesar, with the name of Sibusates in his Commentarii de Bello Gallico, which was his firsthand account of the Gallic Wars, where he narrates the expedition of Publius Licinius Crassus to Aquitaine, and also by Pliny the Elder as Sybillates. ", "The name Subola, precedent of present-day Soule and Zuberoa, is attested for the first time in 635, when a column of a Franco-Burgundian expedition led by Duke Arnebert against the Basques was defeated by them.", "\n\nSee also \n\nAquitani\nVascones\nSoule\n\nReferences \n\nCategory:Aquitanians\nCategory:Soule\nCategory:Basque history" ]
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[ "Many different types of heat exchanger designs are known for exchanging heat between two or more mediums. ", "Moreover, certain types of heat exchangers are better suited for certain types of applications. ", "For example, electronic control systems such as power plant control systems and the like may have relatively high operating temperatures given the use of high density electrical components. ", "Air to air heat exchangers have been found to be effective in cooling such controls in an efficient manner.", "\nOne type of air-to-air heat exchanger is a folded fin heat exchanger. ", "The folded fin heat exchanger may be formed by folding a continuous sheet of thermally conductive material so as to create a repeating “U-shaped” profile. ", "Although such folded fin heat exchangers may provide efficient heat exchange, there may be issues in the assembly, joining, and handling of the various components within such a heat exchanger. ", "Specifically, an outside fixture may be required for dip brazing or other types of flow based metal joining. ", "The use of such fixtures may add cost and complexity to the manufacturing and assembly processes.", "\nThere is thus a desire for an improved heat exchanger assembly and a method of constructing the same. ", "Specifically, there is a desire for an improved folded fin air to air heat exchanger with a simplified method of assembly and improved structural rigidity." ]
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[ "*Ron Crane reports as Moors Academy win in pre-season*\n\nFor the coming season, Moors Academy FC are running with two sides in the Total Morton Midland Football League, An Under 21 side will continue in Division Two and play at The Trevor Brown Memorial Ground, Church Road, Boldmere, Sutton Coldfield, B73 5RY; and a Reserves side will play at Tally Ho! ", "in the Reserve Division.", "\n\nWith pre-season well under way now: MAFC have played five matches. ", "Continental Star were defeated 8-1; whilst Atherstone United inflicted a 2-5 defeat on the Moors. ", "A 3-3 draw with Leicester Nivana was followed by an impressive 0-1 defeat away at Highgate United. ", "On Thursday 26th July MAFC travelled to Tipton to win 1-3 at Wonder Vaults.", "\n\nSaturday 28th July 2018 was the date for the latest match, at home to a Quorn FC side. ", "From the off it was obvious that Moors were a class above their opponents. ", "Quorn tried had enough, but in the first forty five minutes, it just was not there.", "\n\nThe only real surprise, was that it took Moors nearly forty minutes to score. ", "Even then, it owed much to fortune. ", "The impressive Blessing Nhundu crossed from the right. ", "The ball caught in the strong wind, and defeated the defence and ‘Keeper to sail into the net. ", "Some six minutes later, and right on the whistle for the break, Michee did the same. ", "The result was no different. ", "Moors turned round two goals to the good.", "\n\nQuorn stepped up their game for the second half. ", "They were sharper, more disciplined and determined to move forward rather than sideways. ", "However, their industry was dampened when a Moors cross from the right was turned in by a defender. ", "It was a cruel blow for the visitors. ", "Yet they did not let their heads go down, but kept trying. ", "Ben Maxwell in the Moors goal needed to be alert to keep his clean sheet.", "\n\nWhole sale changes by both sides made it hard to asses the real worth of the sides, but when Tyrell Hamilton grabbed his goal to make it four, the conclusion was all set, despite there being some twenty four minutes still to play.", "\n\nNext Match: On Monday 30th July 2018 at John Henry Newman Catholic College, MKO 1230 v Kettering Town FC." ]
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[ "/*\n * Copyright 2011-2019 Arx Libertatis Team (see the AUTHORS file)\n *\n * This file is part of Arx Libertatis.", "\n *\n * Arx Libertatis is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or\n * (at your option) any later version.", "\n *\n * Arx Libertatis is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ", " See the\n * GNU General Public License for more details.", "\n *\n * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\n * along with Arx Libertatis. ", " If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.", "\n */\n\n#include \"graphics/DrawLine.h\"\n\n#include <cstring>\n\n#include \"math/Angle.h\"\n\n#include \"graphics/Math.h\"\n#include \"graphics/Vertex.h\"\n#include \"graphics/data/Mesh.h\"\n\n\nvoid drawLine(const Vec2f & from, const Vec2f & to, float z, Color col) {\n\t\n\tTexturedVertex v[2];\n\tv[0].p.x = from.x;\n\tv[0].p.y = from.y;\n\tv[0].p.z = v[1].p.z = z;\n\tv[1].p.x = to.x;\n\tv[1].p.y = to.y;\n\tv[1].color = v[0].color = col.toRGBA();\n\tv[1].w = v[0].w = 1.f;\n\n\tGRenderer->ResetTexture(0);\n\tEERIEDRAWPRIM(Renderer::LineList, v, 2);\n}\n\nvoid drawLineRectangle(const Rectf & rect, float z, Color col) {\n\n\tTexturedVertex v[5];\n\tv[0].p = Vec3f(rect.bottomLeft(), z);\n\tv[1].p = Vec3f(rect.bottomRight(), z);\n\tv[2].p = Vec3f(rect.topRight(), z);\n\tv[3].p = Vec3f(rect.topLeft(), z);\n\tv[4].p = v[0].p;\n\t\n\tv[4].color = v[3].color = v[2].color = v[1].color = v[0].color = col.toRGBA();\n\tv[4].w = v[3].w = v[2].w = v[1].w = v[0].w = 1.f;\n\n\tGRenderer->ResetTexture(0);\n\tEERIEDRAWPRIM(Renderer::LineStrip, v, 5);\n}\n\nvoid EERIEDrawFill2DRectDegrad(Vec2f a, Vec2f b, float z, Color cold, Color cole) {\n\n\tTexturedVertex v[4];\n\tv[0].p.x = v[2].p.x = a.x;\n\tv[0].p.y = v[1].p.y = a.y;\n\tv[1].p.x = v[3].p.x = b.x;\n\tv[2].p.y = v[3].p.y = b.y;\n\tv[0].color = v[1].color = cold.toRGBA();\n\tv[2].color = v[3].color = cole.toRGBA();\n\tv[0].p.z = v[1].p.z = v[2].p.z = v[3].p.z = z;\n\tv[3].w = v[2].w = v[1].w = v[0].w = 1.f;\n\n\tGRenderer->ResetTexture(0);\n\tEERIEDRAWPRIM(Renderer::TriangleStrip, v, 4);\n}\n\nvoid drawLineSphere(const Sphere & sphere, Color color) {\n\n\tif(sphere.radius <= 0)\n\t\treturn;\n\n\tstatic const size_t sections = 64;\n\n\tsize_t rings = size_t(sphere.radius / 10);\n\tif(rings < 7)\n\t\trings = 7;\n\n\tstd::vector<TexturedVertex> vertices;\n\n\tbool skip = false;\n\n\tfor(size_t i = 1; i < rings - 1; i++) {\n\t\tfloat a = i * (glm::pi<float>() / (rings - 1));\n\t\tfor(size_t j = 0; j <= sections; j++) {\n\t\t\tfloat b = j * ((2 * glm::pi<float>()) / sections);\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tVec3f pos(glm::cos(b) * glm::sin(a), glm::sin(b) * glm::sin(a), glm::cos(a));\n\t\t\tpos *= sphere.radius;\n\t\t\tpos += sphere.origin;\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tTexturedVertex out;\n\t\t\tworldToClipSpace(pos, out);\n\n\t\t\tif(skip) {\n\t\t\t\tskip = false;\n\t\t\t\tout.color = Color::none.toRGBA();\n\t\t\t\tvertices.push_back(out);\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\tout.color = color.toRGBA();\n\t\t\tvertices.push_back(out);\n\n\t\t\tif(j == sections) {\n\t\t\t\tskip = true;\n\t\t\t\tout.color = Color::none.toRGBA();\n\t\t\t\tvertices.push_back(out);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\tGRenderer->ResetTexture(0);\n\tEERIEDRAWPRIM(Renderer::LineStrip, &vertices[0], vertices.size());\n}\n\nvoid drawLineCylinder(const Cylinder & cyl, Color col) {\n\t\n\tconst int STEPCYL = 15;\n\t\n\tarx_assert(360 % STEPCYL == 0);\n\t\n\tfor(long i = 0; i < 360; i += STEPCYL) {\n\t\t\n\t\tVec3f current = angleToVectorXZ(i) * cyl.radius;\n\t\tVec3f next = angleToVectorXZ(i + STEPCYL) * cyl.radius;\n\t\t\n\t\tVec3f from = cyl.origin + current;\n\t\tVec3f to = cyl.origin + next;\n\t\t\n\t\t// Draw low pos\n\t\tdrawLine(from, to, col);\n\t\t// Draw vertical\n\t\tdrawLine(from, from + Vec3f(0.f, cyl.height, 0.f), col);\n\t\t// Draw high pos\n\t\tdrawLine(from + Vec3f(0.f, cyl.height, 0.f), to + Vec3f(0.f, cyl.height, 0.f), col);\n\t}\n}\n\nvoid drawLine(const Vec3f & orgn, const Vec3f & dest, Color color1, Color color2, float zbias) {\n\t\n\tTexturedVertex v[2];\n\t\n\tworldToClipSpace(orgn, v[0]);\n\tworldToClipSpace(dest, v[1]);\n\t\n\tv[0].p.z -= zbias * v[0].w, v[1].p.z -= zbias * v[1].w;\n\t\n\tGRenderer->ResetTexture(0);\n\tv[0].color = color1.toRGBA();\n\tv[1].color = color2.toRGBA();\n\t\n\tEERIEDRAWPRIM(Renderer::LineList, v, 2);\n}\n\nvoid drawLine(const Vec3f & orgn, const Vec3f & dest, Color color, float zbias) {\n\tdrawLine(orgn, dest, color, color, zbias);\n}\n\nvoid drawLineCross(Vec2f v, float z, Color color, float size) {\n\tfloat halfSize = size / 2.0f;\n\tdrawLine(Vec2f(v.x, v.y - halfSize), Vec2f(v.x, v.y + halfSize), z, color);\n\tdrawLine(Vec2f(v.x - halfSize, v.y), Vec2f(v.x + halfSize, v.y), z, color);\n}\n\nvoid drawLineCross(Vec3f v, Color c, float size) {\n\tdrawLine(v - Vec3f(size, 0, 0), v + Vec3f(size, 0, 0), c);\n\tdrawLine(v - Vec3f(0, size, 0), v + Vec3f(0, size, 0), c);\n\tdrawLine(v - Vec3f(0, 0, size), v + Vec3f(0, 0, size), c);\n}\n\nvoid drawLineTriangle(Vec3f v0, Vec3f v1, Vec3f v2, Color color) {\n\tdrawLine(v0, v1, color);\n\tdrawLine(v1, v2, color);\n\tdrawLine(v2, v0, color);\n}\n" ]
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[ "Organ-specificity of the extravasation process: an ultrastructural study.", "\nThe process of extravasation of the high metastatic Lewis lung carcinoma line was examined in different organs. ", "Four of the five organs (liver, lungs, brain and adrenals) represent the most frequent metastatic sites in humans. ", "In the case of each organ 150-350 tumor cells were analysed. ", "The interaction of tumor cells with endothelial cells and the basement membrane showed significant differences between the organs. ", "In the liver and lungs, endothelial cells were found to migrate onto the surface of the tumor cells, resulting in the removal of tumor cells from the circulation. ", "The process was initiated by development of cytoplasmic projections on the luminal surface of the endothelial cells. ", "In the liver only half of the tumor cells showed basement membrane degradation even after 24 h, although 6 h after injection 40% of the tumor cells were sequestered from the circulation. ", "In the adrenals and brain, tumor cells were not covered by endothelial cells instead, limited retraction of endothelial cells was followed by penetration of the basement membrane. ", "In the kidney both types of tumor cell-endothelial cell interactions were observed, but the process of extravasation was not completed, stopping as the tumor cells reached the basement membrane or the mesangial matrix. ", "The time course of tumor cell extravasation also showed significant differences between the organs. ", "The process was most rapid in case of the liver and adrenals. ", "By 6 h 40-50% of the tumor cells were in the process of extravasation or were in an extracapillary position. ", "These organs are preferential metastatic sites of this tumor line. ", "The time of extravasation was much longer in the other organs (lungs 16 h, brain 48 h), for which this tumor line shows no preference. (", "1) Type and duration of tumor cell extravasation differ between the organs. (", "2) The time needed to reach extraluminal position, but not the type of extravasation correlates with the organ preference. (", "3) Endothelial cells of the lungs and liver can play a much more active role in the process of extravasation than previously suggested. (", "4) Tumor cells can complete the metastatic process without reaching a complete extracapillary position; contact with the basement membrane or extracellular matrix seems to be sufficient." ]
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[ "Google to devs: Fragmenting Android is AGAINST THE RULES\n\nThat's one way to nip it in the bud\n\nCommon Topics\n\nAndroid developers often complain about fragmentation of the platform, and Google apparently agrees – so much so that it's written an anti-fragmentation clause into the license terms of the latest Android SDK (software development kit).", "\n\nUnder Section 3.4 of Google's new terms and conditions, \"You agree that you will not take any actions that may cause or result in the fragmentation of Android, including but not limited to distributing, participating in the creation of, or promoting in any way a software development kit derived from the SDK.\"", "\n\nThe new clause was added on Monday to coincide with the release of the Android 4.2 SDK. ", "It's the first significant update to the license since the previous version, which was issued in 2009. ", "Barring a few linguistic tweaks, all of the other clauses remain essentially unchanged.", "\n\nOn first blush, the new rule may seem a little odd. ", "Many Android developers agree that fragmentation of the platform is a problem, but they typically pin the blame on Google, handset makers, and mobile carriers, rather than on their own behavior.", "\n\nUnlike iOS (for example), Android runs on a wide range of devices with varying screen sizes and hardware capabilities. ", "It's up to device makers to ensure that their kit is up-to-date with the latest Android version, but most don't bother, leaving many devices running antiquated versions of the OS long past their expiration dates.", "\n\nAccording to the Chocolate Factory's latest statistics, 54.2 per cent of all Android devices in use today are still running Android 2.3, code named \"Gingerbread,\" a version that debuted in 2010.", "\n\nGoogle has issued three major releases of the OS since then, but although all three have brought valuable new features, they have struggled to gain traction. ", "Android 4.0, code named \"Ice Cream Sandwich,\" has the most momentum, having captured 25.8 per cent of the market, but even it is a year old.", "\n\nAndroid 4.2 is actually the second iteration of the successor to Ice Cream Sandwich, code named \"Jelly Bean,\" but even the previous release is running on less than 3 per cent of the devices in active use.", "\n\nGiven all of the different permutations of hardware and OS in play, it seemingly would be difficult for developers to fragment the Android platform any more than it already is.", "\n\nOr would it? ", "Recall the case of the mysterious Acer-built handset that Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba had planned to launch in September. ", "Under pressure from Google, Acer canceled its CloudMobile A800 launch event at the last minute, leaving Alibaba in a lurch.", "\n\nTo hear Alibaba tell it, the A800 wasn't an Android mobe at all; rather, it ran Aliyun, the Chinese firm's homegrown Linux-based smartphone platform. ", "But Google couldn't help but notice that while Aliyun wasn't fully compatible with Android, it still made use of the Android runtime, frameworks, and developer tools, which the search giant said was a no-no.", "\n\nAt the time, the issue appeared to be something of a gray area, since Android is at least nominally open source. ", "Under the new terms of the Android SDK, however, the prohibition becomes explicit: Use the Android tools to make something that isn't Android and you lose your rights to the tools.", "\n\nJust what the change means for the future of Aliyun is unclear. ", "Shortly after Acer pulled its A800, Alibaba insisted it was still moving ahead with the platform, though it would not comment on how. ", "Those hopes may be fading, however; on last count, Android handsets accounted for more than 70 per cent of the Chinese smartphone market." ]
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[ "Q: Why do you think the X-Men didn't find their audience until two decades after they were created? -- ", "@godofthunder851\n\nA: I've got a minor quibble with your timing in this question -- it was more like 12 or 15 years, really -- but you've got an interesting point there. ", "I think most comics readers are well aware of that piece of trivia about how the X-Men were about to get the axe before Giant Size X-Men #1 breathed new life into the franchise and set them on the path of becoming what was probably the single most popular and influential franchise of the '80s and '90s, and that's not really how things usually work. ", "In comics, you tend to either come out of the gate to massive, enduring popularity (like Batman or Spider-Man), come out strong and then fade away for whatever reason (like, sadly, Shazam!), ", "or just sort of flounder in the midcard. ", "It's rare that something sticks around on the edge of being canceled for a solid decade before it finds its footing, and nobody bounced back harder than Marvel's Merry Mutants.", "\n\nBut really, what you're asking here is two separate questions: Why didn't the X-Men take off in 1963, and why did they in 1975? ", "So let's look at the history and see if we can't figure it out.", "\n\nIn a lot of ways, X-Men was clearly the odd man out in that original Marvel lineup. ", "I've been through this a lot before, but it's impossible to understate how much of a revolution those books were. ", "Fantastic Four and Spider-Man were basically instant hits, and while Iron Man and Thor weren't really A+ players, they were a solid foundation for the universe that led to Avengers and the return of Captain America, which was a huge deal. ", "Hulk might've been canceled after six issues, but that's such a great concept that it never really left, he just kicked around the midcard in Tales of Suspense with the Sub-Mariner for a while until the audience was there -- and even that happened pretty quickly, all things considered.", "\n\nX-Men, meanwhile, was just sort of there.", "\n\nIn retrospect, that seems weird, not just because of their later success, but because it's such an easy concept, both for readers and creators. ", "The emergence of a race of mutants provides the writers with an easy way to skip over complicated origin stories and get right to the action, which seems like the perfect medium for people like Jack Kirby, who had a million ideas a minute that could be dropped right onto the page with that simple explanation. ", "Making them teenagers who are ostracized by the outside world and dropping it into that school setting gives the teenage readers something that they can relate to while at the same time giving them that escapist fantasy that comics have been built on for as long as they've existed. ", "It even seems like it was perfectly timed, coming out right when the teenager was truly emerging as a social construct and an economic powerhouse.", "\n\nOn paper, that's one of the best ideas those guys ever had, and that's saying something. ", "But in practice, it just falls flat right out of the gate. ", "That's not to say that there aren't great ideas there. ", "If you read that first issue, you can see the foundation of almost everything that would come later right there, from Magneto to the X-Men getting involved in a military situation, the cold war nuclear paranoia that was so prevalent in that age to the point where mutants themselves are said to be the result of atomic fallout, human WMDs left in the wake of World War II. ", "It's just that the execution doesn't live up to it.", "\n\nI've said before that X-Men just doesn't feel like Lee and Kirby have their hearts in it, but I don't think that's quite right. ", "I think the problem is that it was really their first attempt at building on what they'd already done. ", "It's a refinement rather than an innovation, pieced together from bits and pieces that worked in their other hits. ", "The problem is that those other hits were themselves still being refined as an ongoing process, and they were way more interesting, which made X-Men redundant.", "\n\nIt had the hook of ostracized and isolated teens, but that was done way better in Spider-Man, the book that laid the foundation of the modern superhero. ", "The team bickered while showing off their super-powers and had Angel and Cyclops competing for Marvel Girl's affections, but that was nowhere near as good as the strained family relationship in Fantastic Four. ", "They were outsiders in a world that didn't understand if they were heroes or villains, but, you know, that's the Hulk's entire deal. ", "X-Men was the first comic that tried to mash all that up -- it's the first real product of the Marvel Age -- but it didn't do anything better.", "\n\nBefore we move on, it's worth noting that there's another Marvel title that's the same way, that also took a long time to ramp up and find its footing: Daredevil, which was really just Spider-Man Has A Grown-Up Job Now. ", "It's not a \"bad\" comic by any means, but when it's in a crowd alongside \"This Man, This Monster\" or \"The Final Chapter\" or even that story where Hawkeye decides he's going to wear a purple miniskirt from now on, it doesn't measure up. ", "It's just Good Enough To Not Get Canceled, which is probably why they didn't mind handing it off to an artist who had never written a monthly title before, which is how Frank Miller ended up doing the other most influential superhero comic of the '80s.", "\n\nAlso, can we talk about that cover for a second? ", "It's dynamic as hell, but what is happening there. ", "You've got a dude with wings trying to throw a metal pipe at a guy dressed up like the Devil, a snowman straight up throwing snowballs, and a girl doing the twist, all taking place in a blank white void while they stand on a fuchsia triangle. ", "I love Kirby, but that is weird, and aside from Cyclops blasting laser beams out of his face, it's not a particularly enticing image. ", "Also, \"what is Beast swinging from\" is up there with \"who the hell brought the ropes to tie up Mr. Fantastic\" on the list of Questions Jack Kirby Covers Raise That They Never Answer.", "\n\nThere's one other major factor about those early X-Men issues that makes them feel so bland, and that's that the single most important aspect of that comic, the thing that in retrospect came to define it and keep it as a viable, thriving storytelling tool, is also completely absent from those early issues: The civil rights metaphor. ", "It's there in bits and pieces -- the Sentinels, the prime example of the government repressing and hunting mutants, show up pretty early on in 1965 -- but it's certainly not the focus. ", "Despite Marvel's (pretty well-earned) reputation for being counterculture that was rooted in real-world struggles, they were still mainstream superhero comics, and those were a few years away from tackling bigotry with anything that had more layers than Superman and Batman showing up in a PSA to tell you racism was bad.", "\n\nDon't get me wrong, I love that PSA, but it ain't exactly God Loves, Man Kills, you know?", "\n\nTo be fair, I'm basing all of this on the earliest Lee/Kirby issues. ", "I've never read the stuff that came after. ", "Then again, neither did anyone else; that was sort of the problem. ", "By the early '70s, X-Men existed only as a bimonthly reprint title, presumably because \"X-Men\" is such a great title that Marvel didn't want to take the chance of letting the copyright lapse. ", "Then, in the part of the story that everyone knows by heart, Len Wein, Dave Cockrum relaunched it with Giant Size X-Men #1 and handed it off to Claremont and eventually John Byrne, and it became the most popular thing that has ever been held together with two staples and a cover.", "\n\nI don't think it's exaggerating at all to say this is the most successful reboot of all time. ", "The only thing I can think of that even arguably tops it is Flash in 1954, which kicked off the Silver Age and paved the way for so much of what still sits at the core of the DC Universe, but when you look at what came from that single issue of X-Men, it's a tough call. ", "Launching Wolverine alone changed comics as we know them, influencing the direction of countless characters and a sprawling media empire and that's a small piece of the influence. ", "The New Teen Titans, Crisis, the way team books changed forever, everything we think of as \"The '90s,\" all of that has its roots one way or another in that comic. ", "I don't even think we'd have the Batman that we have today if we hadn't gone through Wolverine to get there.", "\n\nSo why was it this book? ", "It's tough to say -- no comic, even one that's this influential, exists in a vacuum, and it's hard to piece together a the complex web of influences, even if you're pretty sure you're starting from solid ground. ", "But the most obvious reason is that it's really good.", "\n\nThe \"All-New X-Men\" era is one of those rare lightning-in-a-bottle moments in comics when everyone involved just clicked right into place. ", "Cockrum was an incredible designer who took some Legion of Super-Heroes ideas he'd been working on and dropped them right into a team that was in dire need of a new roster with international flair, Claremont's operatic storytelling was perfect for juggling a complicated web of relationships and longing, and Byrne? ", "Forget it, man. ", "That dude was putting out G.O.A.T. stuff for a solid decade.", "\n\nThat's before you throw Orzechowski into the mix, too. ", "It's A-game all around.", "\n\nOne interesting thing about how X-Men was relaunched is that, as a run, Claremont, Cockrum and Byrne's stories feel very modern, but in a lot of ways, Wein and Cockrum's Giant Size reads like a throwback. ", "It's very old school, to the point where you've got a nod back to the pre-Fantstic Four days with KRAKOA, THE ISLAND THAT WALKS LIKE A MAN! ", "Even the story that it leads into features the X-Men duking it out with Count Nefaria, a villain from the early days of the Avengers with a name that sounds like someone the Shadow and Doc Savage would've fought. ", "In retrospect, it makes a strange bridge between these two distinct eras of Marvel comics.", "\n\nThe first and most important thing it does in that respect is that it rebuilds the team almost from the ground up. ", "Cyclops, much to my dismay, sticks around to connect the team to its past, but everyone else is either gone or radically changed. ", "Iceman and Angel head off to California to join the Champions (which, for those of you who haven't read it, is to Defenders what Defenders is to the rest of the Marvel Universe), Beast went to the Avengers, and Marvel Girl became the Phoenix -- a pretty huge change for a character whose powers were defined in 1963 as \"can lift and read a book.\"", "\n\nThe rest of the team was, of course, filled out with an international roster, and that's one of the most brilliant things that the relaunch did. ", "Since they were situated out in Westchester rather than being in New York City proper, the X-Men had always been slightly apart from the Marvel Universe. ", "It's only about 30 miles, sure, but Spider-Man wasn't exactly going to be swinging by on his way to the Bugle like he could in the background of Daredevil. ", "By throwing in characters from Africa, Europe and even Canada, Wein and Cockrum gave the team a global scale that set them apart from neighborhood heroes. ", "It was something they'd already had, but now there was a personal investment in it.", "\n\nIt also brought that civil rights metaphor right to the forefront, on a very basic visual level. ", "These were people who looked different from each other -- the gigantic wide-eyed Russian, the African goddess, the weird blue elf with the accent -- but they all had something in common. ", "They were united as members of a race despite their differences in appearance, and that also meant that they had a common enemy in the forces that were out to oppress and destroy them because of their differences from \"normal people.\" ", "Compare that to the five white kids in suits from the original lineup. ", "One of them has large feet. ", "That's about as much visual variety as you get, and it doesn't exactly underscore what you're dealing with.", "\n\nRight away, you're dealing with something that has a much stronger hook, with creators who are far more invested and devoted to what they're doing. ", "But more than that, everything that works against X-Men in 1963 ends up working for it in 1975.", "\n\nIn the early days, Spider-Man had been the book about an outcast, but by the '70s, that wasn't really the case anymore. ", "Peter Parker had stopped being Steve Ditko's spindly, picked-on nerd once John Romita Sr. ", "showed up to shove him through puberty and turn him into the strapping young man who was dating a pair of gorgeous go-go dancers with a lot of bad luck around bridges. ", "He still had his problems at bargain rates, but they were covering different ground than what you saw with the X-Men. ", "Peter Parker was a guy with a lousy job who had to worry about paying the bills and providing for the woman who raised him and who was perpetually two seconds away from keeling over, but he didn't have to worry about fighting for equality or being rounded up and sent to a labor camp. ", "The X-Men, on the other hand, were hitting that exact note, filling a metaphorical role in the way that nobody else was -- and once Kitty Pryde showed up to allow a shift in focus from the grown-up, graduated X-Men (and the just-out-of-college Spider-Man), they had that teenage POV market cornered too.", "\n\nThe Fantastic Four had the market cornered on bickering teammates in '63, but ten years later, the book (which, sadly, suffered the worst for Kirby's departure from Marvel in 1971 and wouldn't really recover until John Byrne took the reigns in the '80s) didn't have anything like the love triangle that was going on between Cyclops, Phoenix and Wolverine, let alone the interpersonal web of relationships between the rest of the ever-expanding cast. ", "It's almost not fair, in a way -- X-Men starts with twice as many characters as Fantastic Four had, with a cast that's meeting each other and developing their relationships right there on the page, rather than starting fully formed.", "\n\nHulk was a hero in a monster's body, but Claremont, Cockrum and Byrne made Magneto a villain you could actually root for. ", "In fact, it's hard not to see his point, even when he's driven to extremes, because you've seen the X-Men being assaulted by the Government and have to deal with exactly the sort of problems that are keeping Magneto up at night. ", "The flipside is that they get lumped in with him, so that it's not their actions that are getting them labeled as monsters, but the actions of a member of their race. ", "It all comes back to that central metaphor, supporting it, leading to interesting and complicated storytelling. ", "Which is exactly what the book did.", "\n\nAll of that gave this second iteration of the X-Men something that the first version didn't have: direction. ", "It had a clear mission, its parameters were defined and could be expanded and contracted as the story needed, whether it was to accommodate a cosmic adventure out into space to deal with the Phoenix, or whether it was something as small as Kitty Pryde having to choose between schools. ", "People knew what the X-Men were about, and because of that, what they were about could change and evolve over time, returning to that base as needed. ", "The first version was just more superheroes, but the second told you why you should care, and that made all the difference.", "\n\nAsk Chris art by Erica Henderson. ", "If you’ve got a question you’d like to see Chris tackle in a future column, just send it to @theisb on Twitter with the hashtag #AskChris." ]
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[ "Speaker 1: Hi, I'm Jennifer Sirangelo. ", "I'm the CEO of\nNational 4-H Council and you're watching 4\nfor 4. ", "The concept of these talks is simple.", "\nWe ask 4 questions in 4 minutes. ", "And\ntoday my guest is Deputy Secretary of the US\nDepartment of Agriculture, Stephen Censky. ", "Deputy\nSecretary Censky is a wonderful 4-H\nAlum and very proud of his roots and a great friend to\n4-H. so welcome. ", "I'm so happy to have you.", "\nSpeaker 2: Well, it's I'm thrilled to be here Jennifer. ", "Thank you so much.", "\nSpeaker 1: Great. ", "Well, we're going to jump right in our four-minute clock starts\nnow. ", "So growing up you were a 4-H'er\nin Minnesota. ", "How did your 4-H experience\nshape who you are today, and why do you think it's\nimportant for 4-H'ers to have these experiences?", "\nSpeaker 2: I have to say Jennifer 4-H had a huge impact on\non me and really did shape who I am today. ", "Obviously\nthe experiences of growing up in in\n4-H being involved in a club that taught me leadership\nconfidence and really expanded\nmy horizons. ", "I remember one\nevent in particular that was through 4-H. My 4-H club\nreally strongly encouraged our 4-H'ers to participate\nin what is now known as the Citizenship Washington Focus\nand it really just expose this\nyoung farm boy from rural Minnesota to the\nworld that existed beyond their and really shaped\nmy desire to get involved in public policy.", "\nSpeaker 1: What a\ngreat story. ", "I love that. ", "So as you look\nback on your life journey, what or who really\nhelp you to succeed?", "\nSpeaker 2: Well, I\nhave to get first of all I have to start out and give credits to\nmy parents Gladys in Harry Censky\nwere always so encouraging to me and\nboth for my sister and I encouraged us to get involved\nand to try new things and experience more and I\nthink that's what you'll find that the 4-H'ers today. ", "They\nare encouraged by their parents. ", "They're supported by their parents\nand that is just such a big part of it. ", "But I would also\nI have to say and this goes back to 4-H as well.", "\nThe adult leaders volunteer leaders at our local\n4-H club really encouraged us\nas the 4-H members to try new things would\nalways give us and and talk us up and give us confidence.", "\nNo matter if we did only do maybe a so-so\njob at first the encouraged us to try\nagain and that really gave confidence. ", "And then lastly I\nhave to say our 4-H livestock judging coach. ", "Ron\nCarter taught us the value of hard work and\ndedication we would have to get up and have practice\nthree times a week every day during the summer at\nfive o'clock am.", "\nSpeaker 2: Wow,\nthat is dedication. ", "Well, let's shift to today.", "\nSo technology is influencing agriculture\nin incredible ways. ", "How are you seeing new\ninnovation advancing the industry?", "\nSpeaker 2: I\nsee it through precision agriculture, data,\nsensors is really changing agriculture\ntoday. ", "We have of course mapping\nof yield monitors where we know the more productive\nsoils in a field we can use planting\ntechnology to give sub inch technology plant\nthe seed and plant just the right amount of fertilizer\nright next to it and allows farmers to be more\nproductive and also to be more sustainable and cut\nour environmental footprint in agriculture.", "\nSpeaker 2: So\n4-H has been around for over 100 years and is\na signature program of USDA as you know well.", "\nwhat are your thoughts on the mission of 4-H and why it's\nstill relevant today?", "\nSpeaker 2: First of all,\nwe're still going to need all of the leaders and I think\nthat's one of the big things is that 4-H teaches\nskills and leadership. ", "I love the 4-H\ncommercial and add about you're going to need me because\nthat is so true. ", "Our world is going to need all of those skills\nthat 4-H is teaching the young people, but\nI also go back to what I just answered on talking\nabout precision agriculture. ", "We need soil scientists.", "\nWe need computer and data scientists. ", "We need\nlab technicians. ", "We need mechanical engineers\nin addition to crop and animal scientists. ", "And\nI think that's the wonderful thing about 4-H. It gives\nthat whole complete view of the person and everyone\ncan be involved.", "\nSpeaker 1: Deputy Secretary\nCensky, thank you so much for this fun conversation.", "\nIt's been great to visit with you. ", "This is 4 for 4\nand we'll see you next time\nSpeaker 2: Thank you so much.", "\nIt's been great to be with you.", "\n" ]
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[ "Rosa 'Camp David'\n\nRosa Camp David is a red hybrid tea rose developed by Mathias Tantau, Jr. in 1984.", "\n\nDescription \nThe cultivar forms nearly black buds, which turn a deep red when blooming – and retain that color better under sun exposure than many other red roses. ", "The fragrant flowers have an average diameter of about 13 cm and conserve their elegant form for a long time. ", "Due to their solitary growth, they are used as cut flowers as well as in gardens.", "\n\nThe robust shrubs are of average height (~1.5 m), very weather and disease resistant and bloom in flushes throughout the season.", "\n\nWhile the rose was hybridized in Germany, it was not introduced in its home country but in Australia, where the cultivar is well liked.", "\n\nExternal links and sources \n\n 'Camp David' on helpmefind.com\n Agnes Pahler: Rosen : die große Enzyklopädie ; [mit 2000 Sorten]. ", "Dorling Kindersley, Starnberg 2004, \n\nCamp David" ]
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[ "A comprehensive complex systems approach to the study and analysis of mammalian cell cycle control system in the presence of DNA damage stress.", "\nNot many models of mammalian cell cycle system exist due to its complexity. ", "Some models are too complex and hard to understand, while some others are too simple and not comprehensive enough. ", "Moreover, some essential aspects, such as the response of G1-S and G2-M checkpoints to DNA damage as well as the growth factor signalling, have not been investigated from a systems point of view in current mammalian cell cycle models. ", "To address these issues, we bring a holistic perspective to cell cycle by mathematically modelling it as a complex system consisting of important sub-systems that interact with each other. ", "This retains the functionality of the system and provides a clearer interpretation to the processes within it while reducing the complexity in comprehending these processes. ", "To achieve this, we first update a published ODE mathematical model of cell cycle with current knowledge. ", "Then the part of the mathematical model relevant to each sub-system is shown separately in conjunction with a diagram of the sub-system as part of this representation. ", "The model sub-systems are Growth Factor, DNA damage, G1-S, and G2-M checkpoint signalling. ", "To further simplify the model and better explore the function of sub-systems, they are further divided into modules. ", "Here we also add important new modules of: chk-related rapid cell cycle arrest, p53 modules expanded to seamlessly integrate with the rapid arrest module, Tyrosine phosphatase modules that activate Cyc_Cdk complexes and play a crucial role in rapid and delay arrest at both G1-S and G2-M, Tyrosine Kinase module that is important for inactivating nuclear transport of CycB_cdk1 through Wee1 to resist M phase entry, Plk1-Related module that is crucial in activating Tyrosine phosphatases and inactivating Tyrosine kinase, and APC-Related module to show steps in CycB degradation. ", "This multi-level systems approach incorporating all known aspects of cell cycle allowed us to (i) study, through dynamic simulation of an ODE model, comprehensive details of cell cycle dynamics under normal and DNA damage conditions revealing the role and value of the added new modules and elements, (ii) assess, through a global sensitivity analysis, the most influential sub-systems, modules and parameters on system response, such as G1-S and G2-M transitions, and (iii) probe deeply into the relationship between DNA damage and cell cycle progression and test the biological evidence that G1-S is relatively inefficient in arresting damaged cells compared to G2-M checkpoint. ", "To perform sensitivity analysis, Self-Organizing Map with Correlation Coefficient Analysis (SOMCCA) is developed which shows that Growth Factor and G1-S Checkpoint sub-systems and 13 parameters in the modules within them are crucial for G1-S and G2-M transitions. ", "To study the relative efficiency of DNA damage checkpoints, a Checkpoint Efficiency Evaluator (CEE) is developed based on perturbation studies and statistical Type II error. ", "Accordingly, cell cycle is about 96% efficient in arresting damaged cells with G2-M checkpoint being more efficient than G1-S. Further, both checkpoint systems are near perfect (98.6%) in passing healthy cells. ", "Thus this study has shown the efficacy of the proposed systems approach to gain a better understanding of different aspects of mammalian cell cycle system separately and as an integrated system that will also be useful in investigating targeted therapy in future cancer treatments." ]
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[ "In a startling exchange during House Judiciary Committee hearing on banning assault weapons, Dr. RaShall Brackney, Chief of the Charlottesville Police Department, said she supports a ban on essentially all guns.", "\n\nWhile answering a question on whether she would support a ban on hunting rifles, she said, \"I believe any weapon that can be used to hunt individuals should be banned.\"", "\n\nThis claim seems to say that Brackney would support banning any and all guns, since, in theory, a criminal could use any type of gun (rifle, handgun or otherwise) to \"hunt\" another human being.", "\n\nREAD MORE." ]
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[ "A top year 12 graduate who feared she would never get to attend university because of her asylum seeker status says her dreams are now a reality after being inundated with offers of help and support.", "\n\nSoumi Gopalakrishnan, 19, was the dux of her inner-city Brisbane school who dreamed of becoming a doctor.", "\n\nBut as a Sri Lankan Tamil who fled her home country with her family four years ago, her prospects of going to university were slim.", "\n\nAsylum seekers are classed as international full-fee-paying students, meaning they are required to pay the full cost of their university tuition up-front unless offered a rare scholarship.", "\n\nSince sharing her story with the ABC, Soumi said she had been overwhelmed with messages of support and offers of assistance.", "\n\n\"It was like a dream — my principal called me and said I've got scholarship offers from universities,\" Soumi said on Friday night.", "\n\nAmong those is an offer from Southern Cross University to cover the entire cost of her tuition.", "\n\n\"I woke up this morning and my life has completely changed … I can go to university and achieve my dream and then contribute to the Australian community,\" Soumi said.", "\n\n\"It's just a reminder there are still people out there that care about others.\"", "\n\nSoumi Gopalakrishnan fled with her family to Christmas Island. ( ", "Supplied: Josephine Booth )\n\n'Changing one life isn't enough'\n\nSoumi said she had been humbled by the reaction from other asylum seeker students at her school, St James College.", "\n\n\"I went to school [yesterday] and there were a couple of students who came to me and said 'thank you so much for creating a pathway for us — now we have a road to get to our dreams',\" Soumi said.", "\n\n\"I can get a scholarship, I'm just an individual, but there are so many other students who are in the same position as me.", "\n\n\"Just changing one life isn't enough, I think we need to change others' as well and I'm proud of myself for making all the young students believe there is still a way to reach their goals.\"", "\n\nSoumi was moving to Melbourne on Saturday with her family to be closer to her two older sisters, who both work in a stationery factory in Melbourne.", "\n\nWhen she gets there, she will spend time going through her study options.", "\n\n\"I want to do medicine, so if a uni offers medicine then I would definitely choose that one,\" Soumi said.", "\n\nDuring the family's time in Queensland, Soumi and her family lived in a home provided to them by Brisbane neurologist Kate Sinclair.", "\n\n\"It is one of the most rewarding things you can possibly do, to be part of another family's life and help them on their way, and to be honest with you, it's been a completely two-way street,\" Dr Sinclair said.", "\n\nDr Sinclair said she was amazed at the offers of support that had flooded in and said she was thrilled Soumi would be able to attend university.", "\n\n\"[Soumi's sisters] did well at school, but ended up working in factories,\" Dr Sinclair said.", "\n\n\"I just couldn't bear that to happen with Soumi, but we never knew we had any way or means of changing that.\"" ]
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[ "version: '3.3'\n\nservices:\n\n signup-db:\n image: microsoft/mssql-server-windows-express\n environment: \n - ACCEPT_EULA=Y\n - sa_password=DockerCon!!!", "\n networks:\n - app-net\n deploy:\n endpoint_mode: dnsrr\n placement:\n constraints:\n - node.platform.os == windows\n\n signup-web:\n image: dtr.sixeyed.com/demo/scotsoft:v2\n environment: \n - DB_CONNECTION_STRING=Server=signup-db;Database=SignUp;User Id=sa;Password=DockerCon!!!", "\n networks:\n - app-net\n ports:\n - mode: host\n published: 8080\n target: 80\n deploy:\n endpoint_mode: dnsrr\n placement:\n constraints:\n - node.platform.os == windows\n\nnetworks:\n app-net: {}" ]
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[ "To receive certain goods or services an order may be placed with a supplier. ", "In the case of computer software, an order may be placed and the goods delivered in response to the order. ", "Alternatively, the computer software customer places an order for the right to make a certain number of copies of one or more titles of computer software. ", "Once the \"order\" is placed, the customer has the right to make the copies specified in the order. ", "As used herein, the term, \"order\" is expanded to include such an order for the right to make additional copies of computer software, and any request to use goods or have services supplied. ", "As used herein, the term \"product\" is intended to mean any good or service.", "\nEach order for products may contain various types of products. ", "For example an order for computer software may contain an order for various titles of computer software directed to a supplier.", "\nSome orders for products are discounted based on a volume related to the amount of products in the order. ", "If a certain volume of products is ordered together, a volume discount applies. ", "A larger discount may be available for orders of larger volumes. ", "The discount is calculated by determining the highest volume discount threshold that does not exceed the volume of the order. ", "For example, orders with a volume of at least 50 might receive a 10% discount, and orders with a volume of at least 100 might receive a 15% discount. ", "The thresholds are 50 and 100.", "\nThe volume of an order may be calculated based on any of a number of factors. ", "For example, the volume may be based on the non-discounted dollar value of the order. ", "The volume may be based on a number of products ordered. ", "The volume may be based on a number of units ordered, with each product counting for a predetermined number of units, referred to as a weight. ", "The complexity of the discount structure is heightened by the fact that each vendor of products may implement a discount structure that uses different volume and threshold calculations different from other vendors.", "\nBecause of the complexity of the discount structure of each supplier, a customer may not be aware at the time an order for goods and/or services is placed that a moderately larger order can increase the discount available. ", "The customer may be willing to increase the order, ordering more than is needed for example, so as to realize the additional discount, if the customer knew by how much it was necessary to increase the order to realize the additional discount. ", "Because there may be multiple ways of increasing an order to realize additional discounts, it may be necessary to calculate multiple increased orders, making the identification of additional discounts a complex, time-consuming and error-prone task. ", "Because of the time involved in calculating multiple increased orders, many customers may forgo the increased discount available by increasing an order. ", "In some cases, the additional discount would be almost as much or even more than the cost of the additional products required to achieve the added discount. ", "Had the customer known of this fact, additional products could have been ordered at little or no added cost.", "\nThere exists a need for a method and apparatus to identify how to increase an order for goods or services to realize additional discounts." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow remove a \"use of undeclared identifier: FIRDynamicLink\"?", "\n\nWe are following the dynamic instructions for Firebase here, which lists just one import needed \"@import Firebase\" - yet when we get to their line \nFIRDynamicLink *dynamicLink = [[FIRDynamicLinks dynamicLinks] dynamicLinkFromCustomSchemeURL:url];\n\nif (dynamicLink) { ...\n\n...XCode gives an undeclared identifier for FIRDynamicLink. ", "Unlike some of the other modules like \"import FirebaseAnalytics\" - there doesn't seem to be another library dedicated to Dynamic Links. ", "\nThe pod content is: pod \"Firebase/DynamicLinks\"\nWhat is the trick to get this to compile?", "\n\nA:\n\nWe solved this by adding the following import line. ", "It wasn't mentioned in Google's documentation so we are unsure if it is the correct thing to do - but it does enable the app to compile. ", "\n@import FirebaseDynamicLinks;\n\nWas this a simple oversight in their example code or are we misunderstanding something?", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Description\n\nRoom to expand – 2,300SF+- on 2.3 Acres. ", "The building offers multiple uses as Professional Office space or take advantage of the previous approval as a licensed Day Care Center. ", "Single story ground level access to an open interior design featuring offices, conference/training room space, kitchenette, utility rooms and three restrooms. ", "This facility features handicap accessible ramps and an overhead sprinkler system. ", "The additional acreage affords an opportunity to expand the original facility and accommodate parking for future expansion. ", "Located just minutes from the Wheaton Arts & Cultural Center, Cumberland Mall, Inspira Hospital and Cumberland County College with ease of access to Route 55. ", "Note: Partial down payment financing by the owner to a qualified Buyer." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow do I figure out how many N-m it takes to move a man on a skateboard?", "\n\nGiven that the skateboard is on a flat surface, and let's say that the man weights 150lbs. ", "How would I figure out how many N-m it takes to move that man? ", "Does the wheel size matter?", "\nIgnore friction of wheels and other environmental variables for a second, I am trying to figure out how one calculates how much N-m it takes to move a person? ", "Are there other variables I need to know?", "\nI am trying to ask this question without sounding ignorant, but it is true that I lack knowledge in physics. ", "Please excuse me if I do sound ignorant. ", "\n\nA:\n\nA moving skateboarder on a flat slope has only kinetic energy. ", "The kinetic energy of you and your skateboard is (1/2)mv^2 where m is rhe total mass of you and your skateboard. ", "Both you and your skateboard start out with 0J (or 0 Nm) of kinetic energy. ", "This means you have to do work on the skateboard to give it kinetic energy. ", "How much work? ", "Exactly (1/2)mv^2 Joules. ", "Also, everyone who knows things once learnt them for the first time; it's fine if it's your first encounter with this. ", "Anyway, I hope this helped answer your question, and have a nice day.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Another episode we recorded live at the Edinburgh Fringe, Robin is joined by the great Neil Gaiman, author of Sandman, The Ocean at the End of the Lane and countless other classics. ", "They chat extensively about the late Harlan Ellison, his life and work, as well as Neil’s own views on creativity and looking back on his own work. ", "There’s also chat of Gene Wolfe, Alan Moore and much more besides.", "\n\nPatreon supporters of The Cosmic Shambles Network will get an exclusive extended edition of this, and all other episodes. ", "15 bonus minutes this week. ", "Pledge at patreon.com/bookshambles\n\nImage courtesy Helen Crimmins." ]
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[ "Read the latest on Hurricane Maria with Friday’s live updates.", "\n\nPuerto Rico remained in the throes of chaos and devastation Thursday as the remnants of Hurricane Maria continued to dump rain on the island — up to three feet in some areas.", "\n\nFlash flood warnings persisted, according to the National Hurricane Center, with “catastrophic” flooding “especially in areas of mountainous terrain.”", "\n\nThe strikingly powerful storm had rendered an estimated 3.4 million people without power, and with the territory’s energy grid all but destroyed, Gov. Ricardo Rosselló predicted a long period of recovery. ", "Anxious relatives in the mainland United States and elsewhere took to social media in an effort to find news of their loved ones.", "\n\nLate Thursday, the mayor of Toa Baja, a town in northern Puerto Rico, told The New York Times that eight people had drowned there after flooding. ", "That brought to at least 10 the number who have died in Puerto Rico as a result of Hurricane Maria, a toll that is expected to climb.", "\n\nPuerto Rico faces numerous obstacles as it begins to emerge from the storm: the weight of an extended debt and bankruptcy crisis; a recovery process begun after Irma, which killed at least three people and left nearly 70 percent of households without power; the difficulty of getting to an island far from the mainland; and the strain on relief efforts by the Federal Emergency Management Agency and other groups already spread thin in the wake of several recent storms.", "\n\n“Irma gave us a break, but Maria destroyed us,” said Edwin Serrano, a construction worker in Old San Juan.", "\n\nThe storm churned off the northern coast of the Dominican Republic as a Category 3 hurricane on Thursday, and the National Hurricane Center repeated hurricane warnings for late Thursday and early Friday morning for the southeastern Bahamas and the Turks and Caicos." ]
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[ "/*\nFile: printf.h\n\nCopyright (C) 2004 Kustaa Nyholm\n\nThis library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or\nmodify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public\nLicense as published by the Free Software Foundation; either\nversion 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.", "\n\nThis library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\nbut WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\nMERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.", "\nSee the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.", "\n\nYou should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public\nLicense along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software\nFoundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA\n\nThis library is realy just two files: 'printf.h' and 'printf.c'.", "\n\nThey provide a simple and small (+200 loc) printf functionality to\nbe used in embedded systems.", "\n\nI've found them so usefull in debugging that I do not bother with a\ndebugger at all.", "\n\nThey are distributed in source form, so to use them, just compile them\ninto your project.", "\n\nTwo printf variants are provided: printf and sprintf.", "\n\nThe formats supported by this implementation are: 'd' 'u' 'c' 's' 'x' 'X'.", "\n\nZero padding and field width are also supported.", "\n\nIf the library is compiled with 'PRINTF_SUPPORT_LONG' defined then the\nlong specifier is also\nsupported. ", "Note that this will pull in some long math routines (pun intended!)", "\nand thus make your executable noticably longer.", "\n\nThe memory foot print of course depends on the target cpu, compiler and\ncompiler options, but a rough guestimate (based on a H8S target) is about\n1.4 kB for code and some twenty 'int's and 'char's, say 60 bytes of stack space.", "\nNot too bad. ", "Your milage may vary. ", "By hacking the source code you can\nget rid of some hunred bytes, I'm sure, but personally I feel the balance of\nfunctionality and flexibility versus code size is close to optimal for\nmany embedded systems.", "\n\nTo use the printf you need to supply your own character output function,\nsomething like :\n\n\tvoid putc ( void* p, char c)\n\t\t{\n\t\twhile (!", "SERIAL_PORT_EMPTY) ;\n\t\tSERIAL_PORT_TX_REGISTER = c;\n\t\t}\n\nBefore you can call printf you need to initialize it to use your\ncharacter output function with something like:\n\n\tinit_printf(NULL,putc);\n\nNotice the 'NULL' in 'init_printf' and the parameter 'void* p' in 'putc',\nthe NULL (or any pointer) you pass into the 'init_printf' will eventually be\npassed to your 'putc' routine. ", "This allows you to pass some storage space (or\nanything realy) to the character output function, if necessary.", "\nThis is not often needed but it was implemented like that because it made\nimplementing the sprintf function so neat (look at the source code).", "\n\nThe code is re-entrant, except for the 'init_printf' function, so it\nis safe to call it from interupts too, although this may result in mixed output.", "\nIf you rely on re-entrancy, take care that your 'putc' function is re-entrant!", "\n\nThe printf and sprintf functions are actually macros that translate to\n'tfp_printf' and 'tfp_sprintf'. ", "This makes it possible\nto use them along with 'stdio.h' printf's in a single source file.", "\nYou just need to undef the names before you include the 'stdio.h'.", "\nNote that these are not function like macros, so if you have variables\nor struct members with these names, things will explode in your face.", "\nWithout variadic macros this is the best we can do to wrap these\nfucnction. ", "If it is a problem just give up the macros and use the\nfunctions directly or rename them.", "\n\nFor further details see source code.", "\n\nregs Kusti, 23.10.2004\n*/\n\n\n#ifndef __TFP_PRINTF__\n#define __TFP_PRINTF__\n\n#include <stdarg.h>\n\nvoid init_printf(void* putp,void (*putf) (void*,char));\n\nvoid tfp_printf(char *fmt, ...);\nvoid tfp_sprintf(char* s,char *fmt, ...);\n\nvoid tfp_format(void* putp,void (*putf) (void*,char),char *fmt, va_list va);\n\n#define printf tfp_printf\n#define sprintf tfp_sprintf\n\n#endif\n" ]
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[ "With the rapid development of display industry and lighting industry, the brightness demands in the display industry and lighting industry have significantly raised. ", "When the brightness of one single light emitting element is not enough, another light emitting element can be connected in series for increasing the brightness. ", "Connecting another light emitting element in series can increase the light emitting area, however, the areal resistance of the light emitting elements is increased, accordingly. ", "Because the areal resistance of the light emitting elements is increased, the lost voltage on the light emitting area is increased and thus, the power consumption is increased. ", "Meanwhile, the increase of the light emitting area can cause heating phenomenon which is more serious. ", "The usage reliability of the light emitting elements will be severely influenced." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow to make element fill remaining width, when sibling has variable width?", "\n\nIn the example below:\n\nI want the textbox to fill all available space. ", "The problem is the dropdown width cannot be fixed, since its elements are not static. ", "I would like to solve this with just css (no javascript if possible).", "\nI have tried the solutions proposed to similar questions without any luck :(\nHere is the fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/ruben_diaz/cAHb8/\nHere is the html:\n\n<div id=\"form_wrapper\">\n <form accept-charset=\"UTF-8\" action=\"/some_action\" method=\"post\">\n <span class=\"category_dropdown_container\">\n <select class=\"chosen chzn-done\" name=\"question[category_id]\" id=\"selQJK\">\n <option value=\"1\">General</option>\n <option value=\"2\">Fruits</option>\n <option value=\"3\">Ice Creams</option>\n <option value=\"4\">Candy</option>\n </select>\n </span>\n <span class=\"resizable_text_box\">\n <input id=\"question_text_box\" name=\"question[what]\" placeholder=\"Write a query...\" type=\"text\" />\n </span>\n <input name=\"commit\" type=\"submit\" value=\"Ask!\" /", ">\n </form>\n</div>\n\nAnd here the css:\n#form_wrapper {\n border: 1px solid blue;\n width: 600px;\n padding: 5px;\n}\nform {\n display: inline-block;\n width: 100%;\n}\n.category_dropdown_container {\n}\n.resizable_text_box {\n border: 1px solid red;\n}\ninput[type=\"text\"] {\n}\ninput[type=\"submit\"] {\n background-color: lightblue;\n width: 80px;\n float: right;\n}\n\nA:\n\nUpdated demo   (tested fine in IE7/8/9/10, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)\n\nFloat the left and right elements.", "\nIn the HTML source code, put both of the floated elements first (this is the most important part).", "\nGive the middle element overflow: hidden; and an implict width of 100%.", "\nGive the text box in the middle element a width of 100%.", "\n\n.category_dropdown_container {\r\n float: left;\r\n}\r\n\r\ninput[type=\"submit\"] {\r\n float: right;\r\n ...\r\n}\r\n\r\n.resizable_text_box {\r\n padding: 0 15px 0 10px;\r\n overflow: hidden;\r\n}\r\n.resizable_text_box input {\r\n width: 100%;\r\n}\n<div class=\"category_dropdown_container\">\r\n <select class=\"chosen chzn-done\" name=\"question[category_id]\" id=\"selQJK\">\r\n ...\r\n </select>\r\n</div>\r\n\r\n<input name=\"commit\" type=\"submit\" value=\"Ask!\" /", ">\r\n\r\n<div class=\"resizable_text_box\">\r\n <input id=\"question_text_box\" name=\"question[what]\"\r\n placeholder=\"Write a query...\" type=\"text\" />\r\n</div>\n\nA:\n\nThe relatively recent 'flex' display css property solves this problem for you:\nAll you need to do is change form's display to inline-flex, give .resizable_text_box flex-grow: 100; and give #question_text_box width: 100%\nFull example from the OP:\n<style>\n#form_wrapper {\n border: 1px solid blue;\n width: 600px;\n padding: 5px;\n}\nform {\n display: inline-flex;\n width: 100%;\n}\n.category_dropdown_container {\n}\n.resizable_text_box {\n border: 1px solid red;\n flex-grow: 100;\n}\n#question_text_box {\n width: 100% \n}\ninput[type=\"text\"] {\n}\ninput[type=\"submit\"] {\n background-color: lightblue;\n width: 80px;\n float: right;\n}\n</style>\n\n<div id=\"form_wrapper\">\n <form accept-charset=\"UTF-8\" action=\"/some_action\" method=\"post\">\n <span class=\"category_dropdown_container\">\n <select class=\"chosen chzn-done\" name=\"question[category_id]\" id=\"selQJK\">\n <option value=\"1\">Options</option>\n </select>\n </span>\n <span class=\"resizable_text_box\">\n <input id=\"question_text_box\" name=\"question[what]\" placeholder=\"Write a query...\" type=\"text\" />\n </span>\n <input name=\"commit\" type=\"submit\" value=\"Ask!\" /", ">\n </form>\n</div>\n\nFlex-box lets you do what you wanted to do with css for 15 years - its finally here! ", "More info: https://css-tricks.com/snippets/css/a-guide-to-flexbox/\n\n" ]
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[ "Schader Award\n\nThe Schader Award is a German award bestowed annually on a social scientist. ", "It is awarded by the Schader foundation of Darmstadt. ", "The foundation and its award are founded by and named for Alois M. Schader, and comes with a 15,000 Euro prize.", "\n\nPast winners\n 1993: three winners in the field of city planning\n 1994: five winners on the theme of age, including Leopold Rosenmayr\n 1995: six winners on the theme of migration\n 1996: six winners on the theme of traffic\n 1997: five winners on the theme of labor and joblessness, including Burkart Lutz\n 1998: no prize awarded\n 1999: Renate Mayntz\n 2000: Meinhard Miegel\n 2001: Peter Graf Kielmansegg\n 2002: Fritz W. Scharpf\n 2003: Hartmut Häußermann and Walter Siebel\n 2004: Bernd Raffelhüschen\n 2005: Ulrich Beck\n 2006: Gesine Schwan\n 2007: Franz-Xaver Kaufmann\n 2008: Klaus von Beyme\n 2009: Ralf Dahrendorf\n 2010: Wolf Lepenies\n 2011: Jan Philipp Reemtsma\n 2012: Paul Kirchhoff\n 2013: Jutta Allmendinger\n 2014: Stephan Leibfried\n 2015: Angelika Nußberger\n 2016: Christine Landfried\n 2017: :de:Nicole Deitelhoff\n\nSee also\n\n List of social sciences awards\n\nReferences\n\nBibliography\n Tobias Robischon (ed.): ", "Schaderpreis 1997: Burkart Lutz. ", "Schader-Stiftung, Darmstadt 1998. ", "\n Tobias Robischon (ed.): ", "Forschungsprojekt Umzugswünsche und Umzugsmöglichkeiten älterer Menschen: Handlungsperspektiven für Wohnungspolitik, Wohnungswirtschaft und Dienstleistungsanbieter; Tagungsdokumentation mit Stellungnahmen aus der Praxis. ", "Schader-Stiftung, Darmstadt 1997.", "\n\nExternal links\n Der Schader-Preis auf der Website der Schader-Stiftung\n\nCategory:German science and technology awards\nCategory:Social sciences awards" ]
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[ "自社開発テストプログラムと全数検査による高信頼性で東欧を制覇 ――:御社の実績について、簡単に紹介していただけますか? [", "Kaźmierczak氏]:当社は1991年の創業以来、メモリ関連事業をコアに据えて活動してきました。2003年より自社ブランド「GOODRAM」を立ち上げ、SSD、メモリカード、USBメモリ、メモリモジュールなどを展開しています。GOODRAMブランドのメモリ関連製品は、ポーランドと隣国ウクライナでは全量販店の95%、中央・東ヨーロッパ全体でも40%の量販店で販売されているほか、自国ポーランドではGOODRAMのSSDがトップシェア(40%)を獲得しています。 ", "2017年より、高品質・高信頼性のゲーマー向け、パワーユーザー向けSSDのブランド「IRDM」を立ち上げており、こちらも好評です。高品質、高信頼性、価格競争力を維持するために継続的に技術、設備への投資を続けています。パナソニック製の最新のSMT(表面実装機械)の導入もその一例です。 ", "――:欧州でシェアを広げてこられた理由はどんなところにあるのでしょうか? [", "Wilk氏]:初期のビジネスにおいては、学生時代に学んだドイツ語とロシア語を活かせたことが大きかったと思います。そして、当社が最初に成長するきっかけとなったのがDRAM製品のテストプログラムです。単純にエラーを検出するだけでなく、ユーザーの運用を再現して専用に開発しているため、汎用のプログラムに対して効率、有効性の両面において大きなアドバンテージがあります。 ", "NAND型フラッシュ製品についても同様に自社独自のテストプログラムを開発し、不良率をきわめて低い水準に抑えています。 [", "Kaźmierczak氏]:当社の強みは、信頼性と価格競争力の両立です。自社開発のテストプログラム、自社工場での生産、全数検査体制が信頼性の裏付けとしてあります。高度な信頼性が求められる産業用でも実績を挙げているように、信頼性が高く評価されています。", "\n\n東芝とのパートナーシップで事業を拡大 ――:東欧では東芝(Toshiba Electronics Europe Gmbh)の代理店もされているようですね。 [", "Kaźmierczak氏]:2008年から東芝ブランド製品(現在はOCZブランドも含む)の代理店事業を欧州で展開しています。欧州でも評価が高い東芝ブランドの製品と、価格競争力がある自社ブランド製品を提供できるようになり、事業規模の拡大の大きなきっかけになりました。 [", "Wilk氏]:東芝はNAND型フラッシュメモリのリーダー企業です。東芝とのパートナーシップはきわめて重要で、長年のお付き合いがあり、深い関係があります。実は明後日も東芝とのミーティングの予定があります。 ", "――:日本とはご縁がありますね。日本の印象はどうですか? [", "Wilk氏]:日本へは何度も来ていますが、よい印象ばかりです。東京と(東芝の半導体工場のある)四日市以外にもいろんなところへ行っていますよ。とくに京都は非常に美しくて素晴らしいですね。大都市だけでなく、地方も好きです。温泉も大好きなところです(笑)。", "\n\nGOODRAMの日本市場投入第1弾モデル「GOODRAM CX300」と「IRDM PRO」をテスト 今回は、Wilkから日本市場へ初投入される二つのブランドのSSD「GOODRAM CX300」と「IRDM PRO」を借用できたので簡単にレビューしよう。日本市場進出第1弾だが、すでに母国や周辺国で実績がある既存製品であり、ハデなうたい文句で注目を集めるというスタンスの製品ではない。この辺りは信頼性を重視するブランドらしい慎重な姿勢がうかがえる。 ", "両者のスペックは表にまとめたとおりだ。どちらもコントローラはPhison製、NAND型フラッシュメモリは東芝製を採用している。 ", "GOODRAM CX300は、TLC NAND型フラッシュメモリを搭載したコストパフォーマンス重視のメインストリームモデル。スペック的には標準的なSerial ATA対応SSDだ。 ", "IRDM PROは、ゲーマー/クリエイター向けの上位製品。東芝製の19nm MLC NAND型フラッシュを採用しており、5年の長期保証が付く。Serial ATA 6Gb/sインターフェースだけに公称スペックは突出したものはないが、MLCということで安定してよい性能が期待できる。 【", "検証環境】 CPU:Intel Core i5-8600K(3.6GHz)\n\nマザーボード:ASUS ROG STRIX Z370-F GAMING(Intel Z370)\n\nメモリ:Micron Ballistix Tactical BLT2K8G4D26AFTA(PC4-21300 DDR4 SDRAM 8GB×2)\n\nビデオカード:ASUS ROG STRIX-GTX1070-O8G-GAMING(NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070)\n\nストレージ(OS):Samsung SM961[M.2(PCI Express 3.0 x4)、512GB]\n\n電源:Corsair RX1000x(1000W、ATX、80 PLUS Platinum)\n\nOS:Microsoft Windows 10 Pro 64bit版\n\nCPUクーラー:Corsair H115i(簡易水冷、14cm角×2)\n\nブランドの存在感を感じさせるビジュアル 両製品ともに共通するのはフレッシュなビジュアルだ。特別凝っているわけではないが、梨地仕上げのカバーにシンプルなデザインのラベルが全面に貼られたビジュアルは新鮮で、ブランドの存在感、(部品ではなく)商品としての魅力をしっかりと感じさせる。", "\n\n公称スペックどおりの性能を発揮 まず定番のCrystalDiskMarkでテストした。公称スペックにも最大と非圧縮データのスコアが併記されているので、テストデータはデフォルトの「ランダム」のほか、「0fill」でも行なった。 ", "結果はご覧のとおり、シーケンシャルリード/ライトについては、どちらもほぼ公称値どおり、またはそれ以上のスコアが出ている。データ圧縮によって性能の最適化を図るタイプのようだが、圧縮しにくいランダムでもそれほど性能は落ちていない。とくにIRDM PROのほうはランダムと0fillでほとんど変わりがない。 ", "CX300、IRDM PROとも、Q1T1の4Kリード/ライトのスコアは、ランダムと0fillの差が大きかった。もっとも、0fillのスコアが圧倒的によいだけで、最新の3D NAND搭載モデルなどと比べれば今一歩ではあるが、ランダムデータのスコアも悪いわけではない。 ", "Iometer 1.1.0では、4Kランダムアクセスのデストを行なった。データはPseudo Random(疑似ランダム)を使っている。QD1T1は一般PCの使用感に、QD32T4はサーバー向けの性能に直結しやすい内容だ。 ", "IRDM PROはQD32T4でもSerial ATA SSDとしてはよいスコアを出しているほか、QD1T1のスコアもよく、MLC搭載の上位製品らしい素性のよさを感じられる。CX300はQD32T4のリードで見劣りがあるが、QD1T1のスコアは悪くなく、製品の位置付けを考えれば気にすることはないと思われる。" ]
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[ "The Funding section is incorrect. ", "The correct funding information is: RM received funding from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology and from the Catholic University of Peru (fieldwork: ID364). ", "The publisher apologizes for the error.", "\n" ]
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[ "ENGLEWOOD, Colo. — Even in a walking boot and on crutches, Emmanuel Sanders was upbeat on Monday as he discussed the Denver Broncos' future and his role moving forward.", "\n\nMuch of that enthusiasm is based in a belief in the Broncos' core group of players — several of whom just finished their rookie seasons.", "\n\n\"We're definitely going in the right direction in terms of players,\" Sanders said Monday. \"", "I think they did really [well] with the draft last year. ", "We definitely have a nucleus of guys, especially with the [defensive] line. ", "I look at Von [Miller], and I look at [Bradley] Chubb, and I look at all of those guys. ", "We've got playmakers. ", "We've got Chris Harris [Jr.] in the back end. ... ", "You look on the offensive side of the ball. [", "There's] me, Courtland [Sutton] [and] Phillip Lindsay. ", "We've still got Matt Paradis if we can bring him back. ", "These are top guys at their positions. ", "We definitely have a nucleus of guys that can win games.\"", "\n\nEven more of that enthusiasm is due to a belief in himself. ", "Sanders said he has no doubt he will be ready by the 2019 season opener after suffering an Achilles injury on Dec. 5.", "\n\n\"I'll definitely for sure be ready for Week 1,\" Sanders said. \"", "This is a six-month injury. ", "I heal fast. ", "I'm taking all of the necessary steps to try to get back in five months.\"", "\n\nIf Sanders' self-diagnosis proves true, he'll rejoin a receiving corps that includes promising 2018 draft picks Courtland Sutton and DaeSean Hamilton, who combined for 39 receptions for 328 yards and three touchdowns over the teams' final four games following Sanders' injury.", "\n\nSanders — who started just one game in his first two years in Pittsburgh — was impressed at how the rookies developed given the circumstances surrounding the position group following the Demaryius Thomas trade and his own injury.", "\n\n\"I look at Courtland and DaeSean, man, [they're] some good receivers,\" Sanders said. \"", "I think back to me and [Steelers WR] Antonio Brown. ", "If we had been starters, that would have been tough for us as well. ... ", "They got that experience, and they'll be able to grow from it.\"", "\n\nBeing away from that duo — as well as first-year players Tim Patrick and River Cracraft — for the final four weeks was difficult for Sanders, who had taken it upon his shoulders to be the leader of the group.", "\n\n\"The hardest thing about getting hurt is I was leading those young guys,\" Sanders said. \"", "We were getting hot and starting to make this run. ", "My game was coming along to the point that I feel like there wasn't a [defensive back] who could touch me. ", "I was ready to take on the whole offense. ", "I reached that midseason, Pro Bowl-caliber-type energy that I needed in order for us to be successful to make that run.\"", "\n\nDespite missing four games, he led the team in catches (71), yards (868) and tied for the team lead with four touchdown receptions.", "\n\nBut Sanders also knows that significant change could be on its way. ", "He's no stranger to the fact that the NFL is a business: Pittsburgh opted not to bring him back after his four years with the Steelers.", "\n\nIn the five years since, Sanders ranks 11th among wide receivers with 374 receptions. ", "He has one year remaining on his contract with the Broncos." ]
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[ "Venezuelans took to the streets in cities across the country Wednesday in an effort to pressure the authorities to call a referendum on President Nicolás Maduro's future — and to do it this year.", "\n\nThe nationwide protests followed last week's massive mobilization of hundreds of thousands in the capital of Caracas.", "\n\nWhile the numbers protesting this week did not compare, they did underline the geographical reach of dissatisfaction with the president as he struggles to find a solution to chronic shortages of basic goods, triple digit inflation, and a deep and painful recession.", "\n\n\"We are in the most critical phase of this struggle,\" opposition deputy Freddy Guevara told VICE News, referring to the political opposition's focus on forcing a recall vote.", "\n\nThe opposition, which collected the required number of signatures to kickstart the process earlier this year, alleges that the electoral authorities are dragging their feet moving through the stages required before the vote can be called in order to ensure it does not take place until after Maduro has completed half his six-year term on January 10.", "\n\nWere Maduro to lose the recall vote before that date, it would automatically trigger a new presidential election. ", "After that date, however, Maduro would simply be replaced by his vice president.", "\n\nIn the city of Zulia, the marchers walked behind a huge banner proclaiming \"There is no future with Maduro.\" ", "In Yaracuy, most wore white t-shirts, while in Carabobo the protest was filled with red, blue, and yellow Venezuelan flags.", "\n\nThe Associated Press reported that the anti-Maduro march in the city of Los Teques ran into pro-government demonstrators chanting \"they shall not pass.\" ", "The tension subsided after the opposition marchers sang the national anthem and dispersed.", "\n\nThere was no march in Caracas, but there were several small protests organized by activists and leaders of the political opposition. ", "They have become far bolder in pushing for Maduro's exit since winning control of the congress last December.", "\n\n\"We want peace, that's what we are seeking for all Venezuelans. ", "That's what our commander Chavez left us,\" government supporter Maria Luisa Castilla told Reuters in Los Teques. ", "Maduro was handpicked to succeed Hugo Chávez, the man who started Venezuela's once much-lauded brand of socialism after he was elected in 1999 and who remained in power until he died of cancer in 2013.", "\n\nBut Maduro doesn't appear to have either the charisma that turned Chávez into a cult figure, or Chávez's political instincts. ", "Venezuela's current president has also lacked the luck of sky-high oil prices to fund loyalty-securing subsidies for the poor.", "\n\nMaduro's vulnerability was underlined this weekend when angry protesters on the island of Margarita turned up at a routine political event and chased him down the street banging pots and pans and yelling that they were hungry. ", "A video of the incident went viral on social media.", "\n\nEven so, many Venezuelans remain reluctant to throw their support behind elite opposition leaders. ", "In addition, they are often also tied up with the daily grind of queuing for food to join the protests.", "\n\n\"As leaders, we can only go so far calling people out onto the streets,\" Guevara said, hinting that the marches may not be big enough to force an early vote. \"", "In the end it depends on each Venezuelan deciding whether to participate or not in struggle to ensure a recall referendum in 2016.\"", "\n\nMaduro dismissed the day's protests as a front for an attempted overthrow of the government, echoing the way he also described last week's huge march in Caracas.", "\n\n\"Peace will continue to triumph over the national and international efforts to mount a coup,\" Maduro said at a event in which he announced new expenditures for the national police. \"", "Nobody will bring fascist violence to Venezuela.\"", "\n\nFollow Eduardo Salazar on Twitter: @EduSalazarU" ]
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[ "atypical mycobacterium\n\natypical Mycobacterium\n\na group of mycobacteria, including pathogenic and nonpathogenic forms, that are classified according to their ability to produce pigments, growth characteristics, and reactions to chemical tests. ", "Mycobacteria, nontuberculosis (atypical) does not require isolation precautions.", "\n\natypical mycobacterium\n\nAny Mycobacterium species exclusive of M lepra, M tuberculosis or M bovis—the latter two of which cause “typical” tuberculosis. ", "Atypical mycobacteria are so designated because they grow more rapidly, produce heat-stable catalase, do not produce niacin or reduce nitrates, and are usually resistant to isoniazid.", "\n\natypical mycobacterium\n\nAny Mycobacterium spp exclusive of M lepra, M tuberculosum, or M bovis–the latter 2 of which cause 'typical' TB; AM are so designated because they grow more rapidly, produce no niacin, don't reduce nitrates, produce heat-stable catalase,and are usually resistant to isoniazid. ", "See Atypical mycobacterial infection, Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis.", "\n\nIn pilot phase II studies involving five patients, MiKasome therapy was able to resolve underlying Mycobacterium tuberculosis infections in three adults with tuberculosis and two children with atypical Mycobacterium infections, all of whom had failed conventional therapies.", "\n\nAll content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. ", "This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional." ]
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[ "102 fs pulse generation from a long-term stable, inkjet-printed black phosphorus-mode-locked fiber laser.", "\nWe demonstrate a long-term stable, all-fiber, erbium-doped femtosecond laser mode-locked by a black phosphorus saturable absorber. ", "The saturable absorber, fabricated by scalable and highly controllable inkjet printing technology, exhibits strong nonlinear optical response and is stable for long-term operation against intense irradiation, overcoming a key drawback of this material. ", "The oscillator delivers self-starting, 102 fs stable pulses centered at 1555 nm with 40 nm spectral bandwidth. ", "This represents the shortest pulse duration achieved from black phosphorus in a fiber laser to date. ", "Our results demonstrate the great potential for black phosphorus as an excellent candidate for long-term stable ultrashort pulse generation." ]
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[ "// stdafx.cpp : 只包括标准包含文件的源文件\n// GameServer.pch 将成为预编译头\n// stdafx.obj 将包含预编译类型信息\n\n#include \"stdafx.h\"\n\n\n" ]
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[ "Microcrystalline cellulose, also known as MCC or cellulose gel, is commonly used in the food industry to enhance the properties or attributes of a final food product. ", "For example, it has been used as a binder and stabilizer in food applications, including in beverages, and as stabilizers. ", "It has also been used as a binder and disintegrant in pharmaceutical tablets, as a suspending agent in liquid pharmaceutical formulations, and as binders, disintegrants, and processing aids in industrial applications, in household products such as detergent and/or bleach tablets, in agricultural formulations, and in personal care products such as dentifrices and cosmetics.", "\nMicrocrystalline cellulose is produced by treating a source of cellulose, preferably alpha cellulose in the form of pulp from fibrous plant materials, with a mineral acid, preferably hydrochloric acid (acid hydrolysis). ", "The acid selectively attacks the less ordered regions of the cellulose polymer chain thereby exposing and freeing the crystalline sites which form crystallite aggregates which constitute the microcrystalline cellulose. ", "These are then separated from the reaction mixture, and washed to remove degraded by-products. ", "The resulting wet mass, generally containing 40 to 60 percent moisture, is referred to in the art by several names, including ‘hydrolyzed cellulose’, ‘hydrolyzed cellulose wetcake’, ‘level-off DP cellulose’, ‘microcrystalline cellulose wetcake’, or simply ‘wetcake’.", "\nThe classic process for MCC production is acid hydrolysis of purified cellulose, pioneered by O. A. Battista (U.S. Pat. ", "Nos. ", "2,978,446; 3,023,104; and 3,146,168). ", "In efforts to reduce the cost while maintaining or improving the quality of MCC, various alternative processes have been proposed. ", "Among these are steam explosion (U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "5,769,934; Ha et al.), ", "reactive extrusion (U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "6,228,213; Hanna et al.), ", "one-step hydrolysis and bleaching (World Patent Publication WO 01/0244; Schaible et al.), ", "and partial hydrolysis of a semi-crystalline cellulose and water reaction liquor in a reactor pressurized with oxygen and/or carbon dioxide gas and operating at 100 to 200° C. (U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "5,543,511; Bergfeld et al.).", "\nMicrocrystalline cellulose and/or hydrolyzed cellulose wetcake has been modified for a variety of uses. ", "In food products it is used as a gelling agent, a thickener a fat substitute and/or non-caloric filler, and as a suspension stabilizer and/or texturizer. ", "It has also been used as an emulsion stabilizer and suspending agent in pharmaceutical and cosmetic lotions and creams. ", "Modification for such uses is carried out by subjecting micro-crystalline cellulose or wetcake to intense attrition (high shear) forces as a result of which the crystallites are substantially subdivided to produce finely divided particles. ", "However, as particle size is diminished, the individual particles tend to agglomerate or horrify upon drying. ", "A protective colloid (such as sodium carboxy-methylcellulose (CMC)) may be added during attrition or following attrition but before drying. ", "The protective colloid wholly or partially neutralizes the hydrogen or other bonding forces between the smaller sized particles. ", "Colloidal microcrystalline cellulose, such as the carboxymethyl cellulose-coated microcrystalline cellulose described in U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "3,539,365 (Durand et al.). ", "This additive also facilitates re-dispersion of the material following drying. ", "The resulting material is frequently referred to as attrited microcrystalline cellulose or colloidal microcrystalline cellulose.", "\nOn being dispersed in water, colloidal microcrystalline cellulose forms white, opaque, thixotropic gels with microcrystalline cellulose particles less than 1 micron in size. ", "FMC Corporation (Philadelphia, Pa., USA) manufactures and sells various grades of this product which comprise co-processed microcrystalline cellulose and sodium carboxymethylcellulose under the designations of, among others, AVICEL® and GELSTAR®.", "\nThere remains a need, however, to obtain a colloidal microcrystalline cellulose composition having enhanced gel strength, enhanced stabilization, and other desirable rheological properties useful to a variety of applications, particularly food products." ]
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[ "Effect of solar radiation on the migration of vinyl chloride monomer from unplasticized PVC pipes.", "\nThe effect of direct exposure to solar radiation on the migration of vinyl chloride monomer (VCM) from unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (uPVC) pipes was investigated using locally manufactured and imported pipes. ", "Specimens 33 cm long were used throughout the research. ", "The investigation was carried out, at different times of exposure, by exposing one part of the specimens to the direct sunlight, while keeping the other part in the shade. ", "The VCM concentration in the water was evaluated using the gas chromatography (GC)/head-space technique. ", "A VCM concentration of 2.5 microg/l was detected after 30 days of exposure in direct sunlight. ", "The original initial VCM concentration in the uPVC was predicted, and the diffusion rate of VCM from uPVC pipes was expressed as a function of time." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow to interpret and test for a significant difference between two correlations drawn from independent groups (e.g., males and females)?", "\n\nI read a paper recently where the author compared the correlation coefficients (Pearson) between household budget and the type of meat purchased by male and female shoppers. ", "\nSo the correlation is between household budget and meat type purchase for males versus the same for females (i.e. comparison by gender).", "\nThe author concluded that the \"two correlation coefficients differ significantly\".", "\nI have difficulty understanding what this mean. ", "Can someone explain this in simple English?", "\n(Sometimes in the complexity of statistical analysis, we tend to get confused on the basics!)", "\n\nA:\n\nThe relation between meat type and household budget is of significantly different size.", "\nIt could interpreted such that males and females significantly differ in their behaviour considering what kind of meat they purchase depending on their available household budgets. ", "\nIt is a bit difficult to construct an example, as I do not know how meat type is measured. ", "But, one example supposing that meat type is an ordinal measure of meat quality: A significantly higher correlation coefficient for females could mean that when deciding what quality of meat to purchase, females are more likely to take the houshold budget into consideration, i.e. they buy cheaper meat if the budget is low, whereas for males, if the correlation coefficient is significantly smaller, they are less likely to choose poor meat if their budget is low, or they switch to not that much worse meat if their budget is low.", "\n\n" ]
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[ { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 1333, "entity_type": "LOCATION", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 1325 } ]
[ "Mucin coatings suppress neutrophil adhesion to a polymeric model biomaterial.", "\nFollowing our recent study on the fractionation, characterization, and model adsorption of mucins derived from bovine salivary glands (BSM), porcine stomach scrapings (PGM), and human whole saliva (MG1), we here present a microscopic evaluation of the interactions between mucin-coated substrates and human neutrophils. ", "Our results show that surface-coating with BSM, PGM, and MG1 can be effectively used to suppress the adhesion of neutrophils to a polymeric model biomaterial (Thermanox). ", "Neutrophil morphologies found on Thermanox substrates coated with mucins resemble those observed for nonactivated neutrophils found in circulation. ", "Notably, low neutrophil adhesion can be obtained at a significantly lower coating concentration (0.125 mg/mL) for the compositionally complex MG1 mucin than for the relatively pure BSM and PGM mucins (1 mg/mL). ", "Furthermore, since coating at a low BSM and PGM concentration (0.25 mg/mL) results in higher cell counts and more spread cells than in the high-concentration case, we suggest that dense mucin surface packing is critical for good coating performance. ", "In conclusion, the present study demonstrates how mucins from three different sources, of different compositional and structural status, efficiently can be used to suppress neutrophil adhesion and activation. ", "This finding makes them potent candidates for use as biomaterial coatings." ]
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[ "Akkol District\n\nAkkol District (, ) is a district (audan) of Aqmola Region in northern Kazakhstan. ", "The administrative center of the district is the town of Akkol. ", "The population at the time of the 2009 Kazakh Census was 28,359.", "\n\nCommunities \n\nAkkol (Administrative Center)\nAzat\nBogembay\nKirovo\nKvartsitka\nMinskoye\nStepnogorsk\nUrupinka\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Districts of Kazakhstan\nCategory:Akmola Region" ]
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