[ "\n\n\n\nProduced by Charles Bowen, from page scans provided by the Web Archive.", "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTranscriber's Note:\n 1. ", "Page scan source:\n http://www.archive.org/details/blanchemaidof00schuiala\n\n 2. ", "The diphthong oe is represented by [oe].", "\n\n\n\n\n\nBLANCHE: THE MAID OF LILLE\n\n\n\n\n\n[Illustration: tete de cire.]", "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n BLANCHE:\n\n The Maid of Lille\n\n\n\n Translated from the German of\n OSSIP SCHUBIN\n by\n SARAH H. ADAMS\n\n\n\n PRIVATELY PRINTED\n BOSTON\n MCMII\n\n\n\n\n\n\n _Copyright, 1902, by_\n SARAH H. ADAMS\n\n\n\n\n\n\n Colonial Press\n Electrotyped and Printed by C. H. Simonds & Co.\n Boston, Mass., U. S. A.\n\n\n\n\n INTRODUCTION\n\n\nA few years since we chose to spend the summer in a chalet among the\nDolomites of South Tyrol. ", "Weird, fantastic, inaccessible, mysterious,\ngrotesque, and yet often wearing a jewelled crown of eternal ice, these\npeaks soared into the ether above and around us. \"", "Nothing,\" says a\nrecent traveller, \"can surpass the majesty and beauty of the towers and\nramparts, the battlemented walls, impregnable castles, and gracefully\npinnacled cathedrals into the forms of which their summits are built\nup. ", "Their colouring is another striking characteristic; many of them\nrivet the eye with the richness of the tints,--deep reds, bright\nyellows, silvery whites, and the dark blues and blacks of the rocks.", "\nBut all these colours are modified and softened by a peculiar grayish\nwhite tint. ", "The mountains look as if powdered over with some substance\nless hard and cold than newly fallen snow.\"", "\n\nAlthough within a day's drive of Pieve di Cadore,--Titian's\nbirthplace--and not far from Cortina, we could hardly have found a more\nisolated spot. ", "It was a hermitage, and we knew literally no one within\nhundreds of miles.", "\n\nOssip Schubin, the popular German novelist at that time, had sent us a\nvolume of stories, with the request that we would translate them. ", "We\nselected the story now offered as being most in sympathy with our\nromantic surroundings.", "\n\nA learned Englishman has said, \"If histories were written as histories\nshould be, boys and girls would cry to read them.\" ", "But alas! ", "how is the\nspirit, the tone, of a dead century to be made to breathe again and\nreport itself? ", "The landscape alone is permanent; new figures constantly\nfill the foreground. ", "Poetry, legend, myths, help us to divine some of\nthe strange chords in the human chant, which, heavily burdened with\nsorrow, come down to us through the ages.", "\n\nIn this twentieth century no one sentiment or emotion is allowed so far\nto dominate as to crush out all others. ", "But how was it in the days of\nthe Crusaders, of the Minnesingers, of the Troubadours? ", "If we would\nrealise the seclusion, the loneliness of many lives centuries ago, we\nhave only to enter either \"The Wartburg\" or the castle of Solmes\nBrauenfels in the Rhine valley, which dates back a thousand years. ", "Look\ninto the gloomy keeps; hear the shrieking of the bars in the heavy\nportcullis; gaze down into the damp, ugly moats; or listen to the\nsoughing of the stormy winds in the branches of the tall forest trees\nwhich closely environ these grim abodes. ", "It is conceivable that\nElizabeth languished and died at \"The Wartburg,\" when the chivalrous\nTannhaeuser no longer came to inspire with love and song. ", "Could even\nMartin Luther have lived in these cold, black walls without his work\nwhich daily rekindled his soul as he studied the inspired pages of the\nBible?", "\n\nAmong the annals of a wicked old past, this story appears as a legend\ndimly connected with the pathetic face of the \"Maid of Lille\" a copy of\nwhich is in the Boston Art Museum.", "\n\nThere is no appeal here to the modern girl. ", "The word \"altruism\" had not\nbeen invented. ", "Yet there was genius in loving as Blanche did--what\ntrustful, boundless love, what exaggeration of the object loved! ", "And\nwhile to-day we strive to master a useless sorrow by a useful activity,\nwe can still appreciate the beauty and holiness of such love.", "\n\n SARAH H. ADAMS.", "\n\n\n\n\n BLANCHE\n\n\nIn the museum at Lille, somewhat aside from the bewildering mass of\npictures, stands, in a glass case, a masterpiece of unknown origin--the\n\"tete de cire,\"--a maiden's bust moulded in wax.", "\n\nYou will smile when you hear of a wax bust and think of Madame\nTussaud's collection, or of a pretty, insignificant doll's head; but\nshould you ever see the \"tete de cire,\" instead of laughing you will\nfold your hands, and, instead of Madame Tussaud's glass-eyed puppets,\nwill think of a lovely girl cut off in her early bloom, whom you once\nsaw at rest on the hard pillow of her coffin. ", "Pale, with exquisite\nfeatures, reddish brown hair, eyes slightly blinking, as if afraid of\ntoo much sun, a painfully resigned smile about her mouth, and with neck\nslightly bent forward, as if awaiting her death-stroke, full of\ntouching innocence and of a languid grace, this waxen bust stands out\nof its dull gold case,--the image of an angel who had lived an earthly\nlife and whose heart was broken by a mortal pain.", "\n\nWhence came this masterly production? ", "Nobody knows! ", "One ascribes it to\nLeonardo, another to Raphael, while still others have sought for its\norigin in antiquity. ", "Upon one point only all agree,--that the bust was\nmade from a cast taken after death.", "\n\nThe painter, Wickar, brought it out of Italy into France. '", "Twas said\nthat he found it in a Tuscan convent.", "\n\n * * * * *\n\nThe lovely girl smiles, pleased at the critical debates of the curious,\nwho wish to attribute this graceful creation to one of the illustrious\nHeroes of Art: smiles and dreams!", "\n\n\n\n\n I\n\n\nNo, it could not be--'twould be a sacrilege!", "\n\nHe was forty-five and she scarcely seventeen. ", "It could not be!", "\n\nAfter a series of adventurous campaigns, after mourning over many\ndefeats and celebrating many victories, and finally losing his left leg\nin the memorable battle of Marignano, Gottfried de Montalme, finding\nhimself disabled for the rough work of a soldier, had returned to\nFrance and to his father's castle, whose gates his brother, the duke,\nhospitably opened to him.", "\n\nHe found this brother a widower, and at the point of death; but beside\nthe dying man's couch was a lovely little maiden who offered her cheeks\nto be kissed in welcome to the wanderer. ", "She was the Duke of Montalme's\nonly child--Blanche, a heart's balm! ", "the light of his eyes!", "\n\nLeaving no male heir, the entire inheritance of the Duke of\nMontalme--his castle and lands, with all the feudal rights appertaining\nthereto,--would devolve upon the returned warrior, Gottfried. ", "The\nlittle maiden was badly provided for, and this the duke knew full well,\nand it made his dying heart sad.", "\n\nGottfried sat by the bedside of his brother through the warm May\nnights. ", "He heard the ticking of the death-watch in the wainscoting of\nthe old walls, heard the dewdrops, as they slowly rustled through the\nleaves of the giant lindens outside, heard the laboured breath of the\ndying man--but more distinctly than all did he hear the beating of his\nown heart.", "\n\nToward morning, when the first slant sunbeams shed a rosy glimmer into\nthe gray twilight of the sick man's room, this beating grew louder,\nfor, with the early sun, Blanche slipped into the chamber, and, leaning\ncompassionately over the sufferer, whispered, \"Are you better, my\nfather?\"", "\n\nAh! ", "for the Duke of Montalme there was no better, and one night he laid\nhis damp, cold hand upon his brother's warm and powerful one, saying,\nwith the directness his near relationship warranted, \"Gottfried, it\nwould be a great comfort to me if you would take Blanche for your\nwife.\"", "\n\nAt this Gottfried blushed up to the roots of his gray hair, and\nmurmured, \"What an idea to come into your head--I an old <DW36>, and\nthis young blossom! ", "It would be a sacrilege!\"", "\n\n\"She does not dislike you,\" said the duke.", "\n\nThe brave Gottfried blushed deeper, and said, \"She is but a child.\"", "\n\n\"Oh, these conscientious notions!\" ", "grumbled the exhausted man. ", "But\nnotions or not, Gottfried was firm, and of a marriage-bond with the\nchild would not hear; he promised to afford the little maiden loving\ncare and protection--promised to guard her as the apple of his eye--as\nhis own child, until he could, with confidence, lay her hand into that\nof a worthy lover's.", "\n\nAnd while he promised this, his voice sounded hollow and sad like the\ntolling of a funeral bell. ", "The duke, with the clear-sightedness of the\ndying, cast a glance into his brother's heart, and discovered there a\nholy secret.", "\n\n\"You're an angel, Gottfried,\" he murmured, \"but you make a mistake,\"\nand shortly after breathed his last.", "\n\nOn the day of the funeral Dame Isabella von Auberive, a distant\nrelative whom Gottfried, for propriety's sake, had summoned hither,\narrived at the castle to share with him in the care of the young girl.", "\nBeside her father's bier, surrounded by the dim, flickering candles, he\nkissed the sweet orphan reverently on the brow, as one kisses the hem\nof a Madonna's robe; and promised her his loving care. ", "But when she, in\na torrent of childish grief, wound her arms about his neck and pressed\nher little head against his shoulder, he became almost as white as the\ndead man in his coffin, and tenderly but firmly released himself from\nher.", "\n\nIt could not be--'twould be sacrilege.", "\n\n\n\n\n II\n\nDuring the brilliant period in the reign of King Francis I., it\nhappened that in the marvellously fair, luxuriant Touraine, through\nwhose velvet green meadows ran the \"gay-jewel-glistening Loire,--the\nfrolicsome, flippant Loire,\"--there arose on its banks, one by one, the\nstately dwellings of many a proud lord.", "\n\nSomewhat apart from the others, in a retired spot, where King Francis's\nelegant hunters seldom found their way, towered up the Castle of\nMontalme; large, massive, with gloomy little windows sunk into deep\nholes in the walls, and with a round turret on either wing. ", "Stern and\nforbidding, it looked down into the moat in whose waterless bed toads\nand frogs revelled amid the moist green foliage; for the age was fast\ndrawing to a close in which every nobleman had been a little king, and\nthe simple heroic French feudality, blinded by the nimbus of Francis\nI., were rapidly being transformed into a mere host of courtiers.", "\n\nThe dull uniformity in the architecture of Montalme stood out in\nstriking contrast to the rest of the castles of sunny, pleasure-loving\nTouraine. ", "The internal arrangement corresponded to the plain exterior,\nand to the naive pretensions of a century when, even in Blois and\nAmboise, the favourite castles of the king, the doors were so low that\nFrancis himself, who is known to have been of regal stature, had to\nstoop to enter them. ", "The scantiness of the furniture in this huge\nCastle of Montalme added to its forlorn aspect; nor was the slightest\ndeference paid to prevailing fashion. ", "The ladies wore sombre-\ndresses, cut high in the neck, and covering the arms down to the very\nend of the wrists; skirts hanging in long, heavy folds, allowing only\nthe pointed toe of the leather shoe to peep out. ", "The gentlemen wore the\nhair long, and their faces smoothly shaved; their doublets reached in\nfolds almost to the knees, as had been the fashion under the simple,\neconomical rule of the late king.", "\n\n * * * * *\n\nA year had glided by since the death of the duke. ", "Blanche enjoyed the\nhappiness of youth, free from care, and Gottfried the peace of honest,\nhigh-souled self-denial. ", "A guardian angel, he limped about modestly at\nthe side of his niece, rejoicing to be able to remove every stone which\nthreatened to mar the smoothness of her path, or to scare away the\nhawks lurking in ambush to surprise her innocence.", "\n\nAnd when considering the charms of his dear little niece, Gottfried\nthought of the orgies in the Amboise Castle, of the \"petite bande\" and\nthe merry raids of the king, the real aim of which was nothing higher\nthan some foolish love-adventure, he shuddered. ", "Deeply and often he\npondered the matter. ", "Blanche was eighteen--it was time for her to be\nmarried--and yet his brave, faithful heart shrank with anguish at the\nbare thought of it. ", "He would not hesitate (at least he believed this of\nhimself) to part with her if only he could find a true-hearted,\nhonourable man. ", "But in this age of beauty and song--the age of King\nFrancis such an one was hard to find.", "\n\nMeanwhile Blanche was contented with her lonely, monotonous life,\nperhaps, in part, because she knew no other, yet, also, because a\nfountain of youthful gaiety was still unexhausted in her heart. ", "There\nwere many things to do in the daytime, and she played chess with her\nuncle in the long winter evenings, while sparks flashed out of the\nheavy oak logs in the chimney, and the single tallow candle in its\nartistically wrought iron candlestick wove a little island of light in\nthe Cimmerian darkness of the monstrous hall.", "\n\nSometimes Gottfried entertained her with stories--the legend of\nTristran and Iseult--or the pathetic tale of the Count of Lusignano and\nthe fair Melusina; often, too, he told her of his own adventures in\nforeign lands.", "\n\nBut the happier Blanche made herself in this lonely life, the more\nfurious became Dame Isabella. ", "She was a worthy woman, but never could\nrealise that her once distinguished beauty had long been buried under a\nweight of corpulence, and therefore did not restrain herself from\nputting on all sorts of ridiculous airs and graces, in order to attract\nthe attention of the whole neighbourhood to her supposed charms. ", "Out of\nsheer _ennui_ she ogled even her page, Philemon, a boy of twelve years,\nalthough he cherished a modest but so much the more glowing adolescent\npassion for the lovely Blanche.", "\n\nWhilst winding endless skeins of silk off the hands of the page, she\nsighed in a heart-breaking way, and made the most pointed remarks about\nthe laziness and unmannerliness of those noblemen who purposely avoided\nany approach to the kind, chivalrous king.", "\n\nGottfried long forbore to respond to such innuendoes. ", "Of what use would\nit be to try to explain to this silly old person that the court of King\nFrancis was not the proper sphere for such a fat old woman as herself,\nor for a little maiden like Blanche, who would receive a kind of\nadulation before which the good, true-hearted warrior shuddered? ", "Once,\nhowever, when Dame Isabella, more excited than usual, stormed in upon\nhim and insisted that the young girl's future should be taken into\nimmediate consideration, he gave her an angry answer. ", "But it did not\nsilence her, and though the worthy woman talked plenty of nonsense, yet\nshe sometimes made a remark that Gottfried could not think wholly\nunjustifiable. \"", "Blanche is eighteen years old!\" ", "stormed Dame Auberive;\n\"if you do not wish her to marry you must resolve to place her in one\nof the nunneries, which are the only respectable refuge for unmarried\nwomen of her position.\"", "\n\n\"Who told you that I did not want Blanche to marry?\" ", "exclaimed\nGottfried, with anger and agitation; \"it is only that I have not yet\nfound any one good enough for her.\" ", "But Dame Isabella replied with\ncutting scorn, \"No one will ever seem to you good enough for her!\" ", "and\nbounced out of the room the picture of righteous indignation.", "\n\nShortly after this it happened that a young knight was brought into the\ncastle badly wounded; he had fallen among thieves, been robbed, and\nleft unconscious by the roadside. ", "He must be a man of rank, the\nservants thought who brought him in, for his dress, though soiled and\ntorn, was of the finest material, and he wore the full beard with\nclose-shaved hair which most of the courtiers wore in imitation of the\nking. ", "Gottfried recognised in him a certain Henri de Lancy who, at the\nbattle of Marignano, had fought beside him and won general admiration\nfor his bravery, and had, more than all, dragged him--his old friend\nGottfried--out of the thick of the battle after a ball had broken his\nleg.", "\n\nAs he bent over the handsome youth lying there before him with closed\neyes, so pale and helpless, an emotion of deep pity overcame Gottfried,\nand he exerted himself to the utmost to lavish on De Lancy all the\ncomforts which the poor castle of Montalme could command.", "\n\nThe sight of the wounded knight roused the quiet castle out of its\nphlegmatic drowsiness, and the heart of Dame Isabella beat so wildly\nthat her orders confused the heads of her servants. ", "Even through the\nveins of the innocent Blanche thrilled a strange, dreamy unrest.", "\n\nAt that time there prevailed, together with a sultry kind of\nviciousness, compared with which modern profligacy appears petty and\nchildish, a frank, genial naivete, which is lost to our age with its\nprudish, artificial morality. ", "The most delicate maiden did not\nhesitate, at that time, to lend help in nursing a sick man; and\nbesides, women in that century--thanks to the rarity of doctors--found\nit necessary to acquire some knowledge of the healing art.", "\n\nHence it was that Blanche came to the assistance of Dame Isabella and\nher Uncle Gottfried in the care of De Lancy, and as her hand was the\nmost delicate, it usually fell to her to loosen the bandages around the\nugly wound on his head, and as she had the steadiest nerve, it was\nshe who, with Gottfried's help, removed the splinter of a broken\nsword-point from his shoulder.", "\n\nQuiet and helpful as an angel, she hovered about the unconscious man.", "\nBut once, as she was bending over his couch to watch the breathing of\nthe sufferer, a great abatement of the wound fever happily set in. ", "De\nLancy opened his eyes, which, though at times blue as the heavens\nabove, were at others black as an abyss. ", "The \"petite bande\" knew these\neyes well.", "\n\nJust now they were very blue and fixed with peculiar pleasure on the\ntender little maiden. ", "But she drew back embarrassed. ", "The strange,\nmarvellous eyes had driven away his guardian angel, and from that hour\nshe avoided the sick man's room.", "\n\n * * * * *\n\nWe shall readily imagine that Henri de Lancy would not endure to be\nnursed like a sick woman, and, as soon as he could lift hand and foot,\nhe dragged himself off his couch--possibly his impatience to see the\npretty girl again had also something to do with this haste.", "\n\nIt provoked the young dandy that he could not introduce himself into\nthe presence of the ladies in a more elegant costume; yet his\ncomparatively simple travelling dress was becoming to him, and still\nmore (at least in the eyes of the sweet Blanche) his paleness, his\ndeep-sunk, feverish eyes, and the weakness in all his movements, which\nhe strove to hide; for there is something which appeals to the\nsympathies of a true woman in seeing a strong, chivalrous man impatient\nand mortified at his weakness. ", "Under her dropped eyelids Blanche\nwatched all his movements, and was constantly considering how to remove\nwhat might interfere with the comfort of the helpless invalid. ", "Yet she\ndid not offer him the slightest service herself, only secretly made\nDame Isabella acquainted with the need. ", "Her sympathy and her charming\nbashfulness did not fail to touch the heart of the convalescent.", "\n\nThe \"petite bande\" would have laughed in scorn and right heartily, had\nthey seen how modestly the audacious De Lancy exerted himself to please\nthe unpretending little girl with the pale face of a novice.", "\n\nAnd Lady Isabella neglected the page Philemon and adorned herself to\nsuch a degree that--well--it cost De Lancy all the trouble in the world\nnot to laugh in her face. ", "The finest part of her toilet was her\n\"coiffure,\" which in style dated back at least thirty years. ", "It\nconsisted of a towering head-dress that ran up to a point, from which\nan enormous veil fluttered down to her knees.", "\n\n * * * * *\n\nThe days came and went--the beautiful July days--flooding Touraine with\ngolden sunshine from dawn to dewy eve. ", "The air was heavy with the\nperfume of roses and linden blossoms. ", "Henri's hollow face had regained\nits full, natural contour, and his arm had long been freed from the\nsling. ", "He was able to travel--yet of his departure spoke never so much\nas a dying word.", "\n\nHe was only a merry-hearted, heedless fellow, but with a very\nattractive manner; when it pleased him he could assume toward women at\nonce such a courteous, amiable, respectful manner that no one could\nlong be vexed with him, even were she the proudest of the daughters of\nearth. ", "He had so completely enchanted Dame Isabella that she spent\nwhole nights pondering over the preparation of the most _recherche_\nviands. ", "She served up to him the most skilfully made pies, capons\ndressed with spices after the Spanish custom, or young peacocks which\nshe knew how to roast so artistically as not to singe a feather on tail\nor little crown; and when the dame saw with what love-intoxicated gaze\nhe often fastened his eyes on the beautiful girl, she furthered his\nintercourse with her as only she could. ", "It would have delighted her to\nwin such an aristocratic connection as De Lancy.", "\n\nBut there was one person in Montalme who could not feel friendly toward\nthe gallant young knight--and this was the lord of the castle himself.", "\n\n\"How long is he going to stay?\" ", "he growled out one day to Dame\nIsabella. \"", "He has sent for his clothes and his pages, and next he will\nbe inviting his friends here to display Blanche's charms to the whole\ncountry.\"", "\n\n\"Don't imagine this,\" said Isabella, with a shrewd smile; \"lovers are\nmiserly, and would, if possible, keep the joy of their heart out of\nsight of the entire world.\"", "\n\n\"The joy of his heart!\" ", "exclaimed Gottfried. \"", "Then it is high time that\nI interfered and obliged him to declare himself!\"", "\n\n\"Let nothing of the kind occur to you!\" ", "exclaimed Isabella, with a look\nof horror. \"", "Spare the germ of his young love until it ripens into an\nearnest desire for the happiness of marriage.\"", "\n\nGottfried became gloomy. \"", "If I thought that the man would woo the girl\nhonourably! ", "He is a most attractive fellow, but although brave and\ngenerous, the best among the young coxcombs of to-day are proud of\ntransgressions which the worst in my day would have been ashamed of,\nand, in fact, they regard it only as a good joke, an aristocratic\npastime, to seduce an innocent girl!\" ", "and he struck his brow with his\nfist.", "\n\n\"Such an idea should never come into your mind,\" said Isabella,\npassionately; \"it is shocking in you to insult the man who saved your\nlife, by such scandalous suspicions. ", "You call your suspicions\nconscientious--they should properly bear quite a different name.\"", "\n\n\"What, then?\" ", "growled Gottfried. ", "Dame Isabella stood on the tips of her\ntoes, and hissed in his ear, \"Jealousy!\"", "\n\nAt this he ground his teeth,--his eyebrows contracted with pain;--he\nturned on his heels and left the room: determined to watch and be\nsilent!", "\n\n\n\n\n III\n\n\nIn the cool, lofty rooms of the Castle of Montalme Blanche wandered\nabout all this time like one bewildered by a great joy. ", "Her eyes were\nhalf-closed, as if dazzled by too clear a radiance, and her voice was\nfull of plaintive rapture, like that in which the nightingale sobs his\nlove through the warm summer nights, and all her motions had an added\ngrace.", "\n\nBut one day Dame Isabella whispered to her, \"He is desperately in love\nwith you!\"", "\n\nAnd it awakened Blanche out of her sweet, unconscious ecstasy. ", "She\nbegan to test it--to doubt! ", "She noticed exactly how often he addressed\na word directly to her, was sad if he passed her without seeking\nresponse; his glance to her glance--his smile to her smile!", "\n\n\n\n\n IV\n\n\nDreamy afternoon stillness brooded over Montalme, the doves cooed\nmonotonously on the roof. ", "In one of the deep, oak-panelled window\nniches Blanche stood gazing down into the courtyard, which was full of\ndark shadows. ", "There stood De Lancy in the picturesque costume Titian\nhas immortalised in the portraits of Francis I., the puffed sleeves and\nhigh ruff under which the handsomest man in France was pleased to hide\nthe stoop in his shoulders and the thickness of his neck.", "\n\nTo young De Lancy this costume was wonderfully becoming. ", "With the black\nvelvet bonnet at his ear, he was amusing himself with a falcon, which,\nperched on his shoulder, he alternately teased and soothed; then a\ngreyhound stretched to full length came bounding forward with light,\nquick leaps, and sprang upon him. ", "De Lancy slipped his thin, delicate\nhand behind his ear, and stroked him with all the tenderness which men\nof our day are accustomed to bestow on their dogs and horses, with a\ncertain pride in their training. ", "At this, however, the falcon became\njealous, beat his wings, and pecked the hound with his beak. ", "De Lancy\nenjoyed teasing the two animals, and when by alternate caresses he had\nmade both positively unhappy, he pressed with one hand the head of the\nfalcon against his cheek, and with the other the head of the hound to\nhis breast. ", "Then the two creatures were contented, and he smiled--his\neyes grew darker, and his white teeth glistened.", "\n\nBut the heart of the maiden, who, gazing down into the court, saw the\npretty play, was convulsed with pain,--was it a kind of jealousy which\nagitated her--or simply a wish? ", "Suddenly De Lancy glanced up, and\nespying the young lady of the castle, greeted her respectfully. ", "Blanche\nthanked him somewhat bashfully, and drew back trembling from head to\nfoot. ", "When she ventured again to look down into the court, De Lancy was\nno longer to be seen.", "\n\nBut the wings of the gently moved afternoon air bore to her ear a\nlittle song which the gay youth trilled to himself as he strolled away:\n\n\n \"Ha! ", "me chere ennemie\n Si tu veux m'apaiser,\n Redonne--moy la vie\n Par l'esprit d'un baiser.", "\n Ha! ", "j'en ay la douceur\n Senti jusque au c[oe]ur.", "\n C'est une douce rage\n Qui nous poindra doucement\n Quand d'un meme courage\n On s'aime incessament.", "\n Heureux sera le jour\n Que je mourrai d'amour!\"", "\n\n\n\n\n V\n\n\nThis audacious love-song at that time flitted from lip to lip at the\ncourt of King Francis, until about a year later the poet Ronsard sang\nit,--and after he had enriched it with two or three daintily elaborated\nverses it was incorporated with his works.", "\n\nDe Lancy had often hummed it when hastening through the gray corridors,\nor walking in the garden under the sombre boughs of the blossoming\nlindens. ", "But never had Blanche heard it so completely and clearly. ", "Warm\nand full the tones of his voice rang in her ears. ", "Through this\nexuberant and frivolous nature passed the agitating sense of an almost\npathetic tenderness.", "\n\nBlanche stared before her into the empty air, and there came into her\nface a great terror--a mighty longing!", "\n\n\n\n\n VI\n\n\nGottfried watched and suffered--each hour more suspicious and uneasy.", "\n\nIn the castle chapel of Montalme stood a narrow-chested saint with\npeaked beard,--St. ", "Sebaldus,--who bore on his wooden forefinger an\namethyst ring. ", "With this ring was connected a legend,--viz.", ",--that\nwhoever would have the courage to draw it off the finger at midnight\nand put it on his own--to him Heaven would grant the fulfilment of his\nwish, even were it the most presumptuous in the world. ", "But should the\none who took off the jewel let it fall from his linger ere returning it\non the following night, as in duty bound, to the saint, some terrible\nmisfortune would speedily overtake him.", "\n\nIt was midnight, and deathly stillness reigned; the moonlight played\nabout the pointed roof and glittered in the deeply set windows of the\nold castle. ", "Black and heavy, almost as a bier-cloth, the shadow of this\ngigantic old building spread over the ground. ", "In the garden below, the\nnightingales sobbed their sweet songs in the flowering lindens,\nsometimes interrupted by the weird screech of an owl. ", "Then a slender\nfigure glided softly through the echoing corridors of the castle--the\nfigure of a love-sick girl. ", "At times she paused and listened and laid\nher hand upon her breast. ", "A vague, ghostly fear chilled the blood in\nher veins. ", "Now she stepped through the high hall adjoining the chapel.", "\nShe opened the door heavily weighted with its ornamental iron bands and\nrosettes. ", "The moonlight glanced through the windows and\npainted fantastic images on the brown church pews. ", "Two long, brilliant\nstreaks of light cut through the shadows which broadened out over the\nmarble floor.", "\n\nAbove the altar hung a Madonna with attenuated arms and too long a\nneck, as the \"Primitives\" in their naive awkwardness like to picture\nher. ", "Blanche knelt before her and lisped an Ave and the Lord's Prayer;\nthen turning to the saint who, stiff and complacent, gazed down from\nhis pedestal, she drew the ring off his finger and put it on her own.", "\n\nJust at this moment she heard a slight rustle outside, a confused\nfeeling of dread and fear suddenly came over her,--a vague, painful\nfear of all the mysterious powers of night and darkness. ", "Quite beside\nherself, she was hurrying out of the chapel when, in her confusion, she\nalmost rushed into the arms of a man who stepped toward her in the\nadjacent hall.", "\n\nAlthough she had passed so softly through the house, one ear had\nrecognised her step,--Henri de Lancy,--by whose chamber she was obliged\nto go in her way to the chapel.", "\n\nAnd now he stood before her, and his blue eyes shone in the clear\nmoonlight, and he bent over her smiling. ", "She started back, but did not\nfly--only remained standing as if spellbound. ", "When he seized her hand\nand she tried to free herself, however, he held her fast, whispering,\n\"Stay only a little while, I pray you; I've so much to say to you!\"", "\n\n\"Leave me! ", "leave me!\" ", "she cried, timidly.", "\n\n\"Only a minute!\" ", "he begged of her. \"", "You have always avoided me, I could\nnever say it to you, but indeed you must long have known how infinitely\nI love you!\"", "\n\nHe stooped over her--she trembled like a delicate rose-bud with which\nthe spring wind plays. ", "She thought of the saint's ring which she had on\nher finger for the purpose of conjuring Heaven to grant her Henri de\nLancy's love. ", "Had the conjuration then worked so speedily? ", "Oh,\nmeasureless joy! ", "Oh, never-anticipated blessedness!", "\n\nAnd yet--\n\nIt was so still--so late! \"", "Leave me! ", "leave me!\" ", "she whispered. \"", "Wait, I\nmust ask Gottfried.\"", "\n\n\"And do you believe he will know better than yourself whether you love\nme?\"", "\n\nHe laid his arm round her--his kiss hovered over her lips--when--the\ndoor was torn open, and, with drawn dagger and face distorted with\nrage, Gottfried rushed upon De Lancy. \"", "Cowardly traitor!\" ", "he yelled,\nand stopped, for Blanche, uttering a hoarse shriek of anguish,\nstretched out her arms before the beloved man to protect him.", "\n\nWoe! ", "woe! ", "in this moment the enchanted ring slipped from her finger!", "\n\n\n\n\n VII\n\n\nAngry men's voices echoed through the halls and galleries--then\nstillness reigned again.", "\n\nWithout, the dewdrops rustled in the leaves, but the nightingales were\nhushed. ", "In her lonely chamber sat a pale, sad girl, tearless and\ncomfortless. ", "When the gray morning came a gloomy rider stormed out of\nthe castle.", "\n\n\n\n\n VIII\n\n\nAt that time,--in the beginning of the sixteenth century,--shortly\nafter the battle of Marignano, and the great awakening at Wittenberg,\nthere brooded over creation a sultry atmosphere, in which the thoughts\nand feelings of men frothed and raved with unbridled wantonness,\nstimulated by the storm-ridden air.", "\n\nKing Francis had brought back with him to his native land, after his\nsojourn in Italy and his conference with Pope Leo, a highly cultivated\nartistic taste, united with a certain subtle depravity of morals.", "\nHenceforth his court became an open field for the fine arts, and an\narena for the most debauched, sensual orgies. ", "And not merely owing to\nhis high position, but also because he maintained in the midst of his\nwildest excesses the prestige of a magnanimous chivalry, his example\ninfluenced all the young people of France directly and irresistibly.", "\n\nIt was in the zenith of this regal frivolity and regal favour that\nHenri's voluptuous life was interrupted by the above-related intermezzo\nof sincere, honest love for this child of Montalme. ", "But it was at the\nvery time when King Francis, basely deserting his noble wife, the good\nQueen Claude, at the head of a jolly troupe of knights, accompanied by\nthe most beautiful women of France, was roving from city to city, from\ncastle to castle, from forest to forest, making the air resound with\nthe clang of cymbals, the blowing of horns, and the baying of dogs; in\nsummer dropping down on the fairest flower-strewn meadows, or near\nmossy-green woods to hold their revels, and in winter pelting each\nother with snowballs and filling the various castles with shouts and\nlaughter.", "\n\nNow here--now there--he appeared as in a fairy tale--like a vision--the\nimpersonation of joy. ", "Where one hoped to find him he had just vanished,\nand where he was not expected he came. ", "This constant change of\nresidence frequently embarrassed his ministers or those immediately\nresponsible for affairs of state, as well as the foreign ambassadors.", "\nAnd whilst the most serious problems were perplexing their heads, he,\nwith his knights and the \"petite bande,\" was ranging all over the\ncountry in search of adventure, and when needed was never to be found.", "\n\nIt was as difficult to prevent one's self from being infected with the\nfrivolity of the king's court--if living in the midst of it--as to keep\none's health intact in a plague lazaretto. ", "To have done it, one must\nhave been peculiarly organised, and Henri de Lancy was not peculiarly\norganised.", "\n\n\n\n\n IX\n\n\nWeeks passed. ", "Ever slower the time dragged on amid the aching stillness\nof Montalme. ", "Blanche's trembling hope, which resolved itself at first\ninto hot, feverish unrest, changed by degrees to stony despair.", "\n\nShe grew paler and paler--her languid steps ever more feeble--her talk\nabstracted and disconnected. ", "With head slightly bent forward, her lips\nhalf-open, and her eyes fixed on vacancy, she watched and listened--in\nvain! ", "He came not, and nobody came who could give her any knowledge of\nhim. ", "Once when Gottfried, who did not allow her to be out of his sight\nin this sad, sad time, sought for her in vain in castle and garden, led\nby a jealous suspicion, he climbed up into the tower chamber which De\nLancy had occupied. ", "Through the half-open door he espied Blanche. ", "She\nwas sitting at the foot of the bed upon which De Lancy had been laid\nwhen wounded. ", "She smiled, and on her innocent lips trembled the words\nof his daring love-song:\n\n\n \"Si tu veux m'apaiser\n Redonne--moi la vie\n Par l'esprit d'un baiser.\"", "\n\n\nShe was dreaming!", "\n\nWhole nights she sat up sleepless in her bed and murmured or sang\nsoftly to herself. ", "And now many times through the stillness of night\nshe heard the beat of a horse's hoof at full speed passing her window.", "\nWho could the rider be who thus hurried by Montalme at the dead of\nnight?", "\n\nThere was one person in the castle whose faith was firm as a rock in De\nLancy's truth. ", "This was Dame Isabella. ", "Daily she invented fresh excuses\nfor his remaining away--daily arrayed herself in expectation of his\nreturn. ", "For hours together she would grin and curtsey before the\nmirror, preparing for her advent at court.", "\n\n * * * * *\n\nOne day when Blanche, with her hands in her lap, sat brooding, Dame\nIsabella rushed to her, exclaiming, \"Blanche! ", "Blanche! ", "quick, the royal\nhunting party is coming by the castle!\"", "\n\nBlanche trembled, for she knew that he must be among the king's\nretinue. ", "She stepped to the window.", "\n\nLike a gold embroidered thundercloud, the hunting-party whirled out of\nthe distance and drew nearer. ", "Horns sounded and rapid hoof-beats\nvibrated on the air. ", "As they approached, a good chance was afforded to\nsee the costly apparel of the ladies, and also of the gentlemen, of\nwhom an old chronicler of the times avers, not without point, that some\namong them wore their lands and castles on their shoulders.", "\n\nThey fluttered by like a glittering swarm of birds of paradise. ", "Blanche\nstretched her little head forward--there he was--one of the first!", "\n\nHe did not even look up--but rushed by like a storm-wind, his face\nturned to a blonde, regal lady, and looking proud and imposing indeed.", "\nBlanche staggered back. ", "What could there have been in that brilliant\nthrong of further interest to her? ", "Dame Isabella, however, lingered at\nthe window, and grinned and bowed with might and main, while her huge\nhead-gear rocked comically back and forth.", "\n\nAnd now the king approached on a milk-white steed with scarlet velvet,\ngold-embroidered housings. ", "He looked up, and was reminded of an amusing\npicture which De Lancy, on his return to court, when questioned by the\nladies as to the adventure which had detained him so long away, had\ndrawn of a worthy old scarecrow who tended his wounds in Montalme. ", "The\nexistence of the lovely maiden Blanche he had deemed it wisest to\nconceal. ", "Stifling a laugh, Francis returned Dame Isabella's greeting\nwith roguish exaggeration, then turning, whispered to those nearest\nhim, whereupon they also looked up, and being greeted by her, the\nentire retinue stopped a minute to inspect the self-satisfied old\nmonstrosity. ", "But they did not all possess the amiable courtesy which\ndistinguished the king even in his unrestrained naughtiness. ", "One of the\nladies smiled, another laughed, and, like a spark in a ton of powder,\nthis laugh was enough to set off the kindling stuff of repressed\nhilarity which at once exploded.", "\n\nSo pointed were the looks--so hearty the laughter of the party--that\neven the self-admiring Isabella could not in the slightest degree be\ndeceived as to the cause of their merriment. ", "Mortified, she drew back\nout of sight, and the hunting party passed on. ", "Yet at a distance the\nsound of the continued laughter was audible. ", "Dame Isabella was furious.", "\n\"They laughed at me, they pointed at me with their fingers!\" ", "she\nrepeated, over and over again, her corpulent figure, and especially her\ndouble chin, trembling in a remarkable way; and utterly forgetting her\nformer admiration of the court, she added, \"The disorderly mob! ", "the\nbase women!\"", "\n\nBlanche, who, with her elbows in her hands, was staring straight before\nher like one stunned, thought, \"Perhaps he is laughing at me too!\" ", "and\nthought these words aloud; since she had been so absorbed in sorrow and\nlonging she had often uttered whole sentences like one in a feverish\ndream.", "\n\n\"That you may be sure of!\" ", "said Dame Isabella, in a huff, and rustled\nout of the room to lay aside once and for all the ugly headgear which\nshe had had a chance to observe was in appalling contradiction to the\nprevailing style. ", "She distinctly recalled Henri de Lancy's expressed\nadmiration for this same head ornament. ", "Now she knew that he had been\nmaking fun of her, and anger and resentment gnawed at her heart.", "\n\nIt chanced that on the following day two mendicant friars sought\nadmission to the castle. ", "Dame Isabella asked to have these bare-footed\nmartyrs conducted to her room, welcomed them hospitably and in the most\nrespectful manner; in the first place because she was pious, but in the\nsecond because these wandering monks served as a kind of peripatetic\nnewspaper; for which their roving life afforded them sufficient variety\nof material. ", "Thus the lady obtained the most precise information about\nthe frivolities of the king and his rollicking companions, especially\nthe handsome De Lancy, who, she was told, among all these lawless\nrevellers was the worst. ", "He was not only following the royal example to\nthe last extent (the monks exaggerated perhaps a trifle, seeing how\nmuch it pleased their listener), but of late he had actually formed a\nliaison with a married woman, the Countess de Sologne, whom, as she was\ncarefully guarded by her husband's jealousy, he visited secretly at\nnight. ", "And they ended by saying, \"It would not surprise us if the\ncastle lady heard the reckless knight ride by, since it was the\nshortest way to Laemort, the hereditary seat of the Solognes.\"", "\n\nWe may rest assured that Dame Isabella gave the monks for this precious\ncommunication plenty of money to spend on their way. ", "Possessed of her\nglorious bit of knowledge, she was dying to tell it, and seeing Blanche\nat the chess-board, opposite her uncle, who exerted himself all the\ntime to try to distract her thoughts, she began immediately to relate\nwhat she had heard. ", "They were not prudish in those days, and if here\nand there one cared to preserve the innocence of a young girl, that\nblissful ignorance was by no means maintained which to-day is held\npeculiarly sacred and inviolate.", "\n\nDame Isabella repeated word for word all she had heard of the shameful\nproceedings which hourly went on in the Castle of Amboise, and of the\nstartling depravity of Henri de Lancy. ", "In vain Gottfried attempted, by\nhis displeased looks, to silence her; she went on further, and advised\nBlanche to rejoice that she had escaped the danger of becoming the wife\nof this vicious fellow. ", "Blanche sat stiff and straight, not uttering a\nword, and continued to shove the little ivory figures slowly over the\nboard--that she made the castle execute the peculiar leaps of the\nknight, Isabella did not notice. ", "But when she finished by saying that\nthey might hear Henri de Lancy ride by nightly, since the nearest way\nto his beloved duchess led by Montalme, they suddenly heard a painful\nquiver like the dropping of a little bird which had been shot through\nthe heart. ", "Blanche had fainted and fallen.", "\n\n\"Cruel woman!\" ", "exclaimed Gottfried, furiously, \"must you tell? ", "I could\nbe silent!\"", "\n\nHe had long known of Henri's infidelity.", "\n\nConsciousness soon returned to the poor girl, and with it the\nrecollection of her sorrow. ", "Blanche longed to lose herself again, but\nthe blessing was denied her. ", "Not even the repose of sleep did Heaven\ngrant her. ", "She would lie awake, listening feverishly the whole night;\nbut no sound disturbed the deathlike stillness either the first or the\nsecond night. ", "During the day Blanche dragged herself from room to room,\nas if her once flying feet were weighted with lead, but most of the\ntime she sat stiffly erect with her hands lying helplessly in her lap,\nstaring before her with glazed eyes.", "\n\nThe third day was drawing to a close. ", "Gottfried came in, and, seating\nhimself beside her, inquired after her health. ", "She replied there was\nnothing the matter with her, but at the same time crept close to him\nlike a very sick child, and he, who had usually repulsed her innocent\ncaresses, now put his arm around her slender body and laid her little\nhead tenderly on his shoulder; he no longer thought of his own pain,\nbut of hers.", "\n\nShe begged him to tell her a story, as a sick child begs for a\ncradle-song.", "\n\nHe had told her many a tale in bygone days, yet of all she liked best\nto hear of his own adventures and what he himself had seen. ", "Therefore\nhe asked now, \"A true story, my jewel?\" ", "She shuddered, \"Oh, no! ", "no! ", "a\nfiction, my uncle, pray!\"", "\n\nHe passed his hand thoughtfully over his brow. ", "Nothing occurred to him\nbut a little legend which had been told him by a half-crazy monk who\nwas crouching on the steps of the Milan Cathedral, and with a somewhat\ntremulous voice he began:\n\n\"It happens occasionally that in the midst of the blessedness of heaven\nan angel looking down yearns for earth, which seems attractive in the\nenchantment of distance. ", "Then St. Peter, at the Almighty's command,\ngrudgingly opens the gates of heaven a little, and the angel slips\nthrough. ", "But however much he exerts himself and beats his wings, the\nlittle fluttering things carry him up, and he cannot escape from the\nspheres of sinless purity which float around Paradise. ", "St. Peter\nrattles his bunch of keys and again the gates of heaven open, and now\non the threshold stands Jesus Christ, well-beloved Son of the Father,\nand infinitely compassionate Son of Man, who knows the earth\nthoroughly. ", "And when the lovely, unwise rebel turns his gold-encircled\nlittle head to question him concerning it, he beckons him to come\nnearer, and smiling lays a warm beating weight on his breast. ", "Then he\nsays, 'Try it!'", "\n\n\"And lo! ", "when now the angel attempts to lift his wings the little\nweight which Jesus Christ has laid on his breast draws him down to\nearth--for the weight is a human heart. ", "Slowly, slowly he descends from\nthe spheres until he lands on a green meadow. ", "There he sinks into a\ndeep, dreamless sleep, and when he awakes he has lost his wings,\nforgotten his heavenly origin, and has become a man--only with an\nintense longing in his soul for virtue and purity, which he is not\nhimself aware is homesickness; holiness, happiness, heaven, and home\nbeing to him unconsciously one and the same thing. ", "Yet but now howe'er\nmuch his yearning may hurry him upward again, his heart chains him fast\nto the earth and he cannot return to his radiant home until a great\nhuman grief has broken the heart which was laid on his breast. ", "Then our\nLord Jesus Christ glides downward to earth--takes the poor rebel in his\narms and carries him back to Paradise.\"", "\n\nGottfried paused. ", "Blanche was silent a moment, then she sighed, \"Your\nstory is sad, almost as sad as if it were a true one!\"", "\n\nTo which Gottfried replied, \"But it has a lovely ending!\"", "\n\nThe sad maiden, however, was perfectly silent, and looking into her\nmelancholy eyes he discerned a doubt in them if even the joy of heaven\ncould compensate for that which we suffer and are deprived of on earth.", "\n\nAfter a little while Blanche began, \"Is the dear God then displeased if\nan angel looking down yearns for the earth?\"", "\n\n\"No,\" murmured Gottfried, \"but he is sad, very sad!\"", "\n\n\n\n\n X\n\n\nFor two nights she had had no sleep; on the third she was exhausted and\nslept soundly, and dreamed a sweet--wonderfully sweet dream.", "\n\nIt seemed to her that she met her beloved in the garden. ", "A delicious\nperfume was wafted from the crown of the lindens, soft greenish shadows\nspread twilight over the earth, and all nature, as in measureless\nrapture, held its breath, no lightest touch of air stirred--she lay in\nhis arms, love-enchanted and his lips closed her mouth.", "\n\nThus she dreamed--when suddenly she sprang up as if one had struck her\nheart with an iron hammer.", "\n\nWas not that the sound of a horse's hoof which broke on the stillness\nof night? ", "In her long white nightdress she flew to the window.", "\n\nShe recognised him, notwithstanding the speed of his horse, and in\nspite of the curtain of darkness with which midnight sought to veil his\nfigure. ", "She bent far over the window-breasting and stretched out her\narms; a frightful longing confused her senses, and she sang--poor\nchild!--without knowing what the words meant:\n\n\n \"Si tu veux m'apaiser\n Redonne--moi la vie\n Par l'esprit d'un baiser.", "\n\n \"Heureux sera le jour\n Quand je mourrai d'amour!\"", "\n\n\nLouder and louder the voice swelled out, piercing as a cry of anguish;\nyet full of a powerful sweetness the song echoed through the sultry\nstillness of night. ", "It struck the ear of the rider. ", "He checked his\nhorse, looked around him, and then spurred the animal anew until he\nleaped wildly on.", "\n\nShe bent forward--farther forward,--\"Plus d'espoir!\" ", "she groaned. ", "Her\nheart was so heavy, so heavy! ", "Beneath, the dew glistened like a silver\nsheen over the azure fields, out of which an angel seemed calling her\nto \"Cool rest--cool rest!\"", "\n\nShe bent forward--forward! ", "and then fell many, many fathoms deep into\nthe moat below.", "\n\n * * * * *\n\nThe heavy fall was heard in the castle, and soon the servants with\ntorches hurried forth to see what had happened.", "\n\nThere, below, glimmered something white as a blossom broken off by the\nstorm. ", "They climbed down. ", "The light of the torches played over a pale,\nlovely face which smiled in death. ", "She was not disfigured, not a\nparticle of dust, not a speck of mud or soil of earth, adhered to her\nwhite garment, although she had fallen among plants growing in the mud.", "\nIn spotless purity the white folds wound about her beautiful limbs. ", "And\nwhen the people saw this, they marvelled, and said, \"A miracle!\" ", "Then\none pressed through the throng, deathly pale with distorted face--Henri\nde Lancy!", "\n\nBut Gottfried coldly turned him away from the dead maiden.", "\n\nRight tenderly the old soldier lifted the lovely body in his arms,\nmurmuring:\n\n\"Her heart was broken--she is released!\"", "\n\n\n\n\n XI\n\n\nIt was an age full of horrors, when the noblest blood of illustrious\nHellenism rose up to face a background of battles, orgies, and pulpit\nharangues. ", "It was not only a period in which Lorenzo de' Medici, in\ndisguise and at the head of a bacchanalian troop tore through the\nstreets of Florence; Benvenuto Cellini stabbed his enemies at the\nstreet corners; Pope Leo at a cardinal's supper presented a sacrifice\nof doves to the Goddess of Love upon a white marble altar, and\noffered to his favourite, Raphael, a cardinal's hat in payment of his\nbills--but a time also when Savonarola preached the loftiest\nasceticism; Rabelais, in the midst of his obscene rhapsodies, created\nthe wonderful idyl of l'Abbaye de Telesme; Fra Angelico on his knees\npainted his picture of Christ, and the triumphal procession of an\nemperor ended in a monastery!", "\n\nA time full of enigmas! ", "and among the many enigmas which lived in it,\nwas one of a sad, silent monk, of whom his cloister-brethren asserted\nthat he once had led a very dissolute life, but now was the most\nabsorbed _devote_.", "\n\nAnd whilst King Francis, at variance with himself and the world, tried\nto maintain, even to the end, the appearance of ostentatious levity,\nand to win fresh renown as a patron of art, and to console himself for\nhis lost self-respect with the flatteries of the Duchess d'Etampes,\nthis monk devoted every single hour which remained to him, after the\nbarest satisfaction of his physical needs, and the fulfilment of\nhis religious duties, to one and the same work,--a sweet girl's\nhead,--which he, with his slender, effeminate, courtier's hand, formed\nout of wax after a death mask, and ever again re-formed, and could\nnever finish to his own satisfaction. ", "Discouraged, disappointed, he\ndestroyed each day the work of the preceding until finally, in the very\nlast year of his life he became more tranquil, and then under his\nnever-weary hands arose an exquisite maiden's head with a sweet,\nthoughtful expression of face,--the little head bent forward as if\nlistening to a great joy, yet weighed down by the presentiment of a\nterrible pain!", "\n\nAnd he worked at the head on his knees, like Fra Angelico at his\necstatic pictures of saints, and he it most beautifully--but\nstill, not as if it were the head of a living maiden, but as of one who\nhad died in the freshness of youth. ", "When he succeeded, he smiled and\nclosed his eyes for ever.", "\n\n\n\n\n XII\n\n\nAfter long wanderings, the bust has found a resting-place in the museum\nat Lille. ", "Full of a dreamy pathos, it stands in its glass case--an\natonement for Love betrayed--in memory of the bitterest repentance.", "\n\nAs the embodiment of an old legend, it interests us and seems to say:\n\"A tear for Blanche of Montalme; for Henri de Lancy--a prayer!\"", "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nEnd of the Project Gutenberg EBook of Blanche:, by Ossip Schubin\n\n*** " ]
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[ "[Isothiorbamin possesses stress-protective action].", "\nIt was shown on a model of long-term stress induced by chronic electrostimulation of the ventromedial hypothalamus of rabbits that administration of isothiorbamin in the active periods of the experiment prevents hyperactivation of lipid peroxidation in the blood and myocardium by maintaining the activity of antioxidant enzymes. ", "Isothiorbamin also causes an antiatherogenic effect on the blood lipid spectrum, raises the efficacy of the work of the heart and decreases the stressogenic ischemic disorders of the myocardium." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nShow SQL executed per request in ASP.NET MVC using LINQ to SQL\n\nIs it possible to show the SQL that was executed for a particular request in an ASP.NET MVC app? ", " I would like to show how many queries, and what they were on the bottom of pages during debugging.", "\n\nA:\n\nIf you really want to include it on the page, you can implement an Action Filter that logs the SQL output by using the Log property on the Data Context, and then in OnResultExecuted injects the SQL output into the View Data.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Raczyce, Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship\n\nRaczyce is a village in the administrative district of Gmina Gnojno, within Busko County, Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship, in south-central Poland. ", "It lies approximately south-east of Gnojno, north-east of Busko-Zdrój, and south-east of the regional capital Kielce.", "\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Villages in Busko County" ]
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[ "An analysis of the association between respiratory symptoms in subjects with asthma and daily air pollution in Spokane, Washington.", "\nThe association between respiratory symptoms and ambient levels of particulate matter (PM) air pollution has been the focus of several panel studies. ", "The majority of studies focused only on PM10, were conducted for relatively short periods, reported peak flow data, and involved children with asthma. ", "The goal of our study was to evaluate the effect of particulate matter of various size fractions (PM10, PM2.5, PM1.0, and PM coarse fraction) on respiratory symptoms in both adults and children with asthma monitored over many months. ", "Daily diary data on respiratory symptoms and medication use were collected. ", "Air pollution data were collected by the local air agency and Washington State University. ", "Data were collected in Spokane, WA, a semiarid city with diverse sources of particulate matter, including motor vehicles, woodstoves, agricultural burning, resuspended road dust, and dust storms. ", "Sixteen adults and nine children living in Spokane participated in the study. ", "The majority of adult subjects participated for over 1 yr and the children were studied for over 8 mo. ", "In the children, we found a strong association between cough and PM10, PM2.5, PM coarse fraction, and PM1.0(p < .05). ", "Sputum production and runny nose were associated with PM10and coarse fraction. ", "However, no association was found between the presence of any respiratory symptom any PM metric in the adult subjects. ", "These positive associations between various metrics of PM and respiratory symptoms in children suggest that children are more sensitive than adults to the effects of increased levels of PM air pollution or that the central site monitor was more representative for children who spend more time outdoors than adults. ", "These findings also suggest that both larger and smaller particles can aggravate asthma symptoms." ]
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[ "Last month, Conor McGregor returned to fighting at UFC 246, stopping Donald Cerrone in just 40 seconds. ", "And while usually McGregor’s return to the cage and his subsequent callouts would be the biggest story in the sport, instead it’s been another person’s work on the mic that has captivated the MMA world: ESPN personality Stephen A. Smith.", "\n\nIn the immediate aftermath of UFC 246, Smith blasted Cerrone for his performance, saying he was “quite disgusted” with the fight suggesting that Cowboy quit. ", "Longtime UFC commentator Joe Rogan later responded to Smith’s comments on his podcast, saying they were a bad look for the sport and that Smith’s brand of personal pot-stirring had no place in MMA. ", "But things didn’t stop there.", "\n\nSmith doubled down on his comments, Conor McGregor got involved, defending Cowboy and demanding an apology. ", "Smith came back at McGregor, tripling down on his stance. ", "Rogan jumped in again, sticking to his guns. ", "Then Nate Diaz, never missing an opportunity to set himself in opposition to McGregor, came to defend Smith, saying McGregor and Rogan were the ones in the wrong. ", "It was all very high school lunchroom drama. ", "And now . ", "the principle has finally weighed in.", "\n\nSpeaking recently with MMAJunkie, UFC President Dana White gave his assessment of the simmering Stephen A. Smith-Joe Rogan spat, saying that Smith’s denigration of a fighter after a loss is not something he supports.", "\n\n“I didn’t hear [Smith’s comments]. ", "I didn’t hear what he said,” White said. “", "I know that there was some stuff going back and forth which is gonna happen. ", "One of the things when we bought and built the UFC that we always did, being fight fans ourselves - I’m a huge fight fan, Lorenzo [Fertitta] was a huge fight fan, Joe Rogan is a huge fight fan - and one of the things that we hated was on HBO boxing and some other boxing that they would do, listen, you’re tuning in and buying the pay-per-view because you love these guys and you respect these fighters and you’re a fan of the sport. ", "The last thing you want to do is hear somebody ripping them apart.", "\n\n“I’m not into it. ", "Rogan’s not into it. ", "You don’t see that in the UFC. ", "There will be times where I’m pissed off at a guy, and I’ll voice my opinion on what he did or whatever – or if a fight is really bad or somebody did something - but what we don’t do is, when a fight is over and a guy loses, we don’t go in and rip them apart. ", "It’s just not our style. ", "We’re fans. ", "We don’t do it. ", "So I think Rogan was reacting to that because that’s our philosophy here.", "\n\n“For Stephen A. Smith, that’s his thing. ", "That’s what he does. ", "It’s going to happen. ", "You’re always going to have people who have difference in opinions, especially when you have two very opinionated guys like Stephen A. Smith and Joe Rogan.”", "\n\nSmith and Rogan are two forceful personalities, and with the UFC’s partnership with ESPN only growing, it’s likely Smith will be around more often. ", "Meanwhile, the question that really matters for Dana in all of this is when is the next time Conor McGregor will be around in the UFC?", "\n\nSince winning the lightweight title in 2016, McGregor has only fought twice in the UFC. ", "This year, McGregor says he’s looking for two more fights, but White wants McGregor to wait for a lightweight title shot later in the year. ", "But McGregor has other plans, namely, a lightweight title shot in two months.", "\n\n“Conor’s thing right now if he thinks Tony and Khabib isn’t going to happen and he wants to slide into that spot,” White concluded. “", "So we’ll see how this plays out. ", "He is ready, willing, and able to slide into that spot if it becomes available.”", "\n\nMUST-READ STORIES\n\nVacate. ", "Jinh Yu Frey misses weight for main event of Invicta FC 39, vacates atomweight title.", "\n\nAltercation. ", "Jorge Masvidal details Super Bowl altercation with Kamaru Usman, plans to ‘break his face’.", "\n\nBeef. ", "Jon Jones has ‘no interest’ in Israel Adesanya: ‘He’s very human to me, he’s not some special guy’.", "\n\nAgreement. ", "Jessica Penne shuts down GoFundMe campaign, ‘close’ to an agreement to avoid arbitration.", "\n\nVIDEO STEW\n\nUFC 247 staredowns.", "\n\nEmbedded 4.", "\n\nUFC 247, the champions.", "\n\nReddit MMA Awards.", "\n\nTWood discussing Leon Edwards.", "\n\nJust in time for the Oscars.", "\n\nLISTEN UP\n\nFights Gone By. ", "Previewing UFC 247 and the return of Jon Jones.", "\n\nRoundtable. ", "Breaking down all the fights at UFC 247.", "\n\nSOCIAL MEDIA BOUILLABAISSE\n\nSavage burn.", "\n\nHmmm.", "\n\nI got Reyes winning by KO. ", "https://t.co/MrBgu97yxj — Chris Weidman (@chrisweidman) February 6, 2020\n\nCalling out.", "\n\nBobby Knux teasing a return.", "\n\nOut.", "\n\nBig mad.", "\n\nYou all a bunch of hating ass bitches ! ", "Wouldn’t do shit if you was sitting on a toilet. ", "I get it. ", "10 accomplishments don’t matter. ", "Always need more. ", "1 forward 3 back. ", "Some ride the train long as they can. ", "I’m on to the next. ", "I actually say shit to people’s faces. #", "BunchaCunts — Platinum Mike Perry (@PlatinumPerry) February 6, 2020\n\nElias knows.", "\n\nYeah, the exact thing a spy would say.... ️‍♀️ #eyeSPY https://t.co/7qDeTxA0qd — The Mane Event™ (@EliasTheodorou) February 6, 2020\n\nFIGHT ANNOUNCEMENTS\n\nOvince Saint Preux (24-13) vs. Shamil Gamzatov (14-0); UFC Lincoln, April 25.", "\n\nFINAL THOUGHTS\n\nFirst title fights of the year. ", "Even though they may not be the most competitive matchups, we get to watch two of the most dominant fighters in the world this weekend and that’s great. ", "Enjoy it and see y’all on Monday.", "\n\nEXIT POLL\n\nPoll Who wins this weekend? ", "This poll is closed. ", "68% Jon Jones (954 votes)\n\n31% Dominick Reyes (441 votes) 1395 votes total Vote Now\n\nIf you find something you’d like to see in the Morning Report, hit up @JedKMeshew on Twitter and let him know about it. ", "Also follow MMAFighting on Instagram, add us on Snapchat at MMA-Fighting, and like us on Facebook." ]
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[ "Transaction Advisors\n\nTransaction Advisors is a technical journal that was founded in Chicago. ", " It is designed for senior corporate executives at public companies, board members, and private equity investors.", "\n\nThe publication is drawn from a curated collection of white papers, technical articles, and research studies. ", "Contributing authors typically have more than 20 years of transaction advisory experience and represent leading financial advisory, investment banking, accounting, consulting, and law firms. ", " Topics of analysis include M&A, Due Diligence, Valuation, and Financing among other areas.", "\n\nIn February 2015, Transaction Advisors announced the formation of Finance Information Group and the acquisition of London-based TelecomFinance and SatelliteFinance, the related web sites TelecomFinance.com and SatelliteFinance.com, and the annual conference TelecomFinance Live. ", " Today the Transaction Advisors operates as a division of Finance Information Group\n\n The journal's ISSN number is 2329-9134. ", "\n\nThe Company also hosts a series of conferences on M&A structuring. ", " The series includes M&A conferences in San Francisco, New York, and Chicago. ", " The firm was founded by William Jefferson Black and Nora K. Hickey in 2013.", "\n\nReferences\n\n\"About | Transaction Advisors.\" ", "About | Transaction Advisors. ", "Web. ", "16 July 2014.", "\n\"Transaction Advisors.\" ", "Built In Chicago. ", "Web. ", "16 July 2014.", "\n\nCategory:2013 establishments in the United States\nCategory:Business and management journals\nCategory:Companies based in Chicago\nCategory:Mergers and acquisitions\nCategory:Corporate finance" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nchange metadata model in marklogic\n\nMetadata categories in Marklogic are (what I found in documentation):\ncollections, permissions, properties, quality and metadata.", "\nIs there a way so that I can create additional categories in metadata?", "\nExample:\nmetadata of ML document:\n<?", "xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?", ">\n<rapi:metadata uri=\"/abc/123.xml\" xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://marklogic.com/rest-api/database dbmeta.xsd\" \n xmlns:rapi=\"http://marklogic.com/rest-api\" \n xmlns:xsi=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance\">\n <rapi:collections>\n <rapi:collection>numerics</rapi:collection>\n </rapi:collections>\n <rapi:permissions/>\n <prop:properties \n xmlns:prop=\"http://marklogic.com/xdmp/property\">\n <property1>1</property1>\n <property2>2</property2>\n </prop:properties>\n <rapi:quality>0</rapi:quality>\n</rapi:metadata>\n\nis there a way to change my metadata in Marklogic so that it'll be like:\n<?", "xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?", ">\n<rapi:metadata uri=\"/abc/123.xml\" xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://marklogic.com/rest-api/database dbmeta.xsd\" \n xmlns:rapi=\"http://marklogic.com/rest-api\" \n xmlns:xsi=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance\">\n\n <itemId>1</itemId>\n <itemName>abc</itemName>\n\n <rapi:collections>\n <rapi:collection>numerics</rapi:collection>\n </rapi:collections>\n <rapi:permissions/>\n <prop:properties \n xmlns:prop=\"http://marklogic.com/xdmp/property\">\n <property1>1</property1>\n <property2>2</property2>\n </prop:properties>\n <rapi:quality>0</rapi:quality>\n</rapi:metadata>\n\nto add additional fields in marklogic metadata?", "\n\nA:\n\nNo, you can't add new categories that way. ", "It would require changing MLCP as well.", "\nBut the contents of <prop:properties> is free format, you can add as many elements as you like there, and they don't need to be simple. ", "You can add entire XML documents in there.", "\nHTH!", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Monday, October 7\n\nMotorist with Earphones is Legal in Washington or Texas, Though the Whacked Hood Makes One Wonders About the Wisdom of Same\n\nI’ve had a few posts here previously about earphones.", "\nSpecifically, I was castigated in bike school for proudly admitting I wore them\nwhile riding. ", "What’s more, in a later post, I was further castigated by a commenter claiming distraction was inherent in earphones. ", "Googling “earphone accident,” I’m regaled with page AFTER page of stories about pedestrians and\ncyclists getting killed, with nary a word about the danger of distracted\nmotorists wearing earphones. ", "What then of today’s post pictures; taken while I was a passenger in\na car travelling north on I-5 at 60MPH. ", "We were passed by a motorist wearing\nearphones who was doing 75. ", "More amazing, the same motorist then looked down for a while to text someone while hurtling down the freeway.", "\n\n\n\nMotorist Texting on the Freeway is ILLEGAL in Washington, but LEGAL in Texas, though the Earphones Themselves are OK Either Place\nOf Course, the NEWS Only Bemoans Pedestrians or Cyclists Doing This\n\nNever mind that talking on a cell phone in Washington State while\ndriving (or cycling) is ILLEGAL (unlike in Texas). ", "It seems that looking DOWN while zooming\ndown the road is a step beyond what is “not careless.” ", "I don’t wear earphones\nwhen I’m riding up here in Ocean Shores, but neither do I claim that doing so\nis a “careless” or neglectful act in and of itself, though I think taking one’s eyes off the\nroad while doing 75 in a 4000 pound vehicle is beyond anything I’ve ever seen someone do on a bicycle or walking along any road.", "\n\nConsidering that motorists kill tens of thousands yearly in the US, (and you see motorists talking with earphones on daily despite any and all laws), while those killed by cyclists and pedestrians can be counted on the fingers of one hand, I think this difference in coverage and attitude DOES count as bigotry. ", "For another perspective on cycling and earphones, check out John Allen’s essay; here. ", "One wonders why our society doesn’t including hearing checks as part of the qualification to get a driving license, or why it is acceptable for car companies; kept afloat with the help of billions of my and your taxpayer dollars to brag how QUIET their cabins are. ", "Perhaps I'd be a little more gracious if Specialized and Trek together received pennies on the dollar.", "\n\nPS: We were TWO lanes over, so the motorist would have had to really go WILD to hit us...\n\n6 comments:\n\nBigotry (or at the very least hypocrisy) fer sher! ", "I've stuck headphones in without listening to anything on them, just to keep the cold wind out of my ear canal. ", "I don't see why anyone should assume that people with phones in can't hear, I'm guessing many would play their stuff in such a way that they can hear traffic noises as well...\n\nEarphones are an issue of hypocrisy: the law here in Maryland states that cyclists must not use earphones while riding, yet motorists can't hear a damned thing from outside their cars whether they're wearing earphones or not (which is why their horns must be built so loud that they can startle a cyclist, potentially making him lose control of the bike).", "\n\nOn cold days in winter, I wear a helmet with attached ear muffs - these probably muffle my hearing more than earphones would, yet they are perfectly legal.", "\n\nAs for motorists using earphones, I don't really have a problem with it, because as I say, they can't hear anything anyway. ", "In my opinion, cyclists should also be allowed to use them, for two reasons:\n\n1: because on the rare occasions when I use my earbuds when walking, I find that outside noises can still be heard fairly well - certainly better than they can be heard from inside a car.", "\n\n2: because hearing isn't all that helpful on a bike. ", "Buildings, vegetation and even curbs can deflect or muffle sounds, so it can be hard to tell where sounds are coming from. ", "Also, weather conditions can greatly affect sound. ", "On the bike, I find my eyes are much more important.", "\n\nIf the law requires cyclists to be able to hear perfectly, then it should also outlaw side and rear windows on cars so that motorists can also hear clearly. ", "If it's important for us, it must also be important for them.", "\n\nI have used headphones while riding a cycle, when I lived in St. Louis. ", "Not anymore. ", "I have a speaker attached to a tiny MP3 player, which I use for listening to music.", "Not as great as having earphones on, but after seeing joggers and pedestrians, who walk on the trails and MUPs, completely unaware of their surroundings - not knowing that there is a cyclist trying to pass them, who don't move out of my way, unless I yell at the top of my lungs - which in turn offends them, I don't use the noise-cancelling kind (the kind that block out all the outside noise), while riding a cycle or walking, anymore.", "\n\nAuto traffic in Atlanta is very nutty; aggressive and downright rude, in many cases. ", "Tailgating is a way of life for some.", "By comparison, driving in Dallas is a piece of cake.", "\n\nI find headphones very disorienting. ", "If I am going to listen to music, I want to give it my attention. ", "If I am driving or cycling I want to hear my environment. ", "When I started driving I was only comfortable eiththe window down. ", "Otherwise I felt too cut off.", "\n\nOnly ever owning cheap used cars, a luxuriously quiet cabin has never been an issue.", "\n\nBlog Post Archive\n\nContext\n\nSubject MatterMostly it's about local transportation cycling, as it exists in the here and now. ", "It's got a smattering of other gratuitous toy recreation thrown in to keep y'all a little off balance. ", "For those that don't know me, toy recreation means English & Italian cars, aircraft - and downhill skiing." ]
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[ "Operation Fiela\n\nOperation Fiela (which means ‘sweep’ in Sesotho) is an ongoing joint operation by the South African Police Service (SAPS) and includes some other departments of the government. ", "The South African National Defence Force (SANDF) was also involved in the first few months. ", "Among others, this operation is mainly aimed at ridding the country of illegal weapons, drug dens, prostitution rings and other illegal activities in the country.", "\n\nHistory \nOperation Fiela was initially launched after a series of xenophobic attacks in the province of Kwazulu-Natal and some parts of Gauteng province. ", "The South African National Defence Force was involved in a support role during the first three months of the operation, from 21 April to 30 June 2015.", "\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Law enforcement in South Africa" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nKnockoutJS template inside foreach\n\nI'm trying to use a knockoutjs template inside of a foreach, and can't figure out what the data member needs to be:\nJSFiddle\nHTML\n<script type=\"text/html\" id=\"userPicture-template\">\n <p data-bind=\"text: testText\"></p>\n</script>\n\n<div >\n <ul data-bind=\"foreach: voters\">\n <li data-bind=\"template: { name: userPicture-template, data: $data }\">\n </li>\n </ul>\n</div>\n<div data-bind=\"foreach: voters\" >\n <div>\n <div data-bind=\"template: { name: userPicture-template, data: $data }\">\n </div>\n </div>\n</div>\n\nJavascript\nko.applyBindings({\n voters: [\n { testText: \"hello\" }, \n { testText: \"world\" },\n ]\n});​\n\nA:\n\nYou didn't wrap template name with quotes:\n<div >\n <ul data-bind=\"foreach: voters\">\n <li data-bind=\"template: { name: 'userPicture-template', data: $data }\">\n </li>\n </ul>\n</div>\n<div data-bind=\"foreach: voters\" >\n <div data-bind=\"css: questionClasses\">\n <div data-bind=\"template: { name: 'userPicture-template', data: $data }\">\n </div>\n </div>\n</div>\n\nAlso there is no questionClasses field in your view model.", "\nHere is working fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/ywqct/2/\n\n" ]
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[ "Drotrecogin alfa (activated; Xigris): an effective and cost-efficient treatment for severe sepsis.", "\nSevere sepsis is a common health problem with consequences for both patients and the healthcare system. ", "Over the past 20 years, multiple immunomodulatory agents have been investigated in an unsuccessful attempt to decrease the morbidity and mortality of severe sepsis. ", "Drotrecogin alfa (activated; Xigris) may represent a breakthrough in the treatment of sepsis. ", "It has been demonstrated to have beneficial effects in decreasing biological markers of the severity of sepsis in preclinical and Phase II studies. ", "A single, large Phase III trial has demonstrated the efficacy of drotrecogin alfa (activated) in a sample of patients with severe sepsis. ", "This sample appears to be comparable with the general population of patients with severe sepsis. ", "Three separate economic analyses have shown drotrecogin alfa (activated) to have a cost-utility ratio similar to other therapies that are currently funded, when used for the treatment of the most severely ill group of patients. ", "This review provides an opinion that drotrecogin alfa (activated) is a cost-efficient therapy that should be considered as part of a standard of care in healthcare systems that can provide a modern critical care service." ]
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[ "Just how long can humans live?", "\n\nBiologists at Montreal's McGill University have been studying the question and say if there's a limit, they haven't found it.", "\n\n\"We just don't know what the age limit might be,\" said Siegfried Hekimi. \"", "In fact, by extending trend lines, we can show that maximum and average lifespans could continue to increase far into the foreseeable future.\"", "\n\nMaximum and average lifespans could continue to increase far into the foreseeable future. - ", "Siegfried Hekimi, McGill University\n\nA previous study looked at the lifespan of the longest-living individuals from the U.S., the U.K., France and Japan for each year since 1968 and concluded that the maximum human lifespan is approximately 115 years.", "\n\nBut Hekimi and colleague Bryan G. Hughes took issue with the methods used in that study and reanalyzed the data.", "\n\n\"We show that there is no plateau,\" Hekimi told CBC News.", "\n\nThe findings were published Wednesday in the journal Nature.", "\n\nHekimi said no one has demonstrated that the human body has an expiry date, or that internal mechanisms can be exhausted.", "\n\n\"Such biological processes exist, but it doesn't mean these biological processes function like a clock that goes ding ding ding,\" he said. \"", "There is nothing to say they run out at 115.\"", "\n\nCentenarians fastest-growing age group\n\nAverage lifespans have been creeping upward. ", "In 1920, the average Canadian could expect to live 60 years; a Canadian born in 1980 could expect to live to about 76; today, life expectancy averages 82 years.", "\n\nMaximum lifespan follows the same trend, Hekimi said, based on experiments with organisms whose life cycles can be manipulated, like mice or certain nematodes.", "\n\n'When you increase average lifespan, that is almost invariably accompanied by an increase in maximum lifespan,' biologist Siegfried Hekimi says. (", "Rachel Granofsky)\n\n\"When you increase average lifespan, that is almost invariably accompanied by an increase in maximum lifespan,\" he said.", "\n\nSo when more and more people live to the age of 90, there will be an increase in the number of people who live past 100, and beyond, he said.", "\n\nThe most recent data from Statistics Canada backs that up.", "\n\nCentenarians are the fastest growing age group in the country, according to the 2016 census, which found 8,230 people 100 or older — a 41 per cent increase over the 5,825 counted in the 2011 census. ", "By 2051, the number of centenarians could reach nearly 40,000, the agency projects.", "\n\nLiving conditions keep improving\n\nAdvances in health care don't account for the steady increase, Hekimi said.", "\n\n\"The effects we see on human lifespan in the last 300 years are quite easy to relate to the environment we have built for ourselves: it's warm inside in the winter, it's cool inside in the summer; we eat fresh, uncontaminated food all year long,\" he said.", "\n\nGiven the better living conditions, it's reasonable to believe people will keep living longer and longer.", "\n\n\"People who are dying now at 117, their early life was not as easy as that. ", "Wait until we have our entire life as easy as it is now,\" Hekimi said.", "\n\nEven in the developing world there have been \"very large gains\" in lifespan as living conditions have improved, albeit more slowly than in the developed world.", "\n\nHekimi and Hughes looked only at demographic data. ", "They did not make predictions of population growth, nor consider the social implications of people living longer.", "\n\nWhat is clear, though, is that we are using \"huge\" resources to create a favourable environment for ourselves, and that's not going to be sustainable.", "\n\n\"There are enough resources on the planet to make everybody as healthy as we are in Canada,\" Hekimi said, \"but it's how you choose to use the resources.\"" ]
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[ "Particle size, size distribution and morphological evaluation of glass fiber reinforced plastic (GRP) industrial by-product.", "\nThe waste management of glass fiber reinforced polymer (GRP) materials, in particular those made with thermosetting resins, is a critical issue for the composites industry because these materials cannot be reprocessed. ", "Therefore, most thermosetting GRP waste is presently sent to landfill, in spite of the significant environmental impact caused by their disposal in this way. ", "The limited GRP waste recycling worldwide is mostly due to its intrinsic thermosetting properties, lack of characterization data and unavailability of viable recycling and recovery routes. ", "One of the possibility for re-using GRP industrial by-product is in form of powder as a partial aggregate replacement or filler addition in cement based composites for applications in sustainable construction materials and technologies. ", "However, the feasibility of this kind of reutilization strongly depends on the morphology and particle size distribution of a powder made up of polymer granules and glass fibers. ", "In the present study, the use of image analysis method, based on scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and ImageJ processing program, is proposed in order to evaluate the morphology of the particles and measure the particle size and size distribution of fine GRP waste powder. ", "The obtained results show a great potential of such a method in order to be considered as a standardized method of measurement and analysis in order to characterize the grain size and size distribution of GRP particles before exploiting any compatibility issue for its recycling management." ]
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[ "(1) Field of the Invention\nThe present invention relates to a global subscriber group service system for providing various services for a global subscriber group.", "\n(2) Description of the Related Art\nIn recent years, services for a global subscriber group have become available in public telephone networks for providing predetermined types of special services for specific subscribers in the global subscriber group. ", "The predetermined types of special services are, for example, a service for using a virtual private network or a service for using an extension number to connect the subscribers in the global subscriber group. ", "Such services mentioned above are hereinafter referred to as global subscriber group services.", "\nIn the prior art, the subscribers who can enjoy the global subscriber services are limited to subscribers in the global subscriber group, such as subscribers accommodated to a private branch exchange (PBX) or a centralized exchanging switch (CES). ", "In the following discussion, the subscribers that are accommodated to PBX or CES are occasionally referred to as \"group subscribers\" or PBX/CES subscribers.", "\nIn general, the conventional service providing system for a global subscriber group includes a plurality of local switching nodes each for accommodating individual subscribers and PBX/CES subscribers and a service control node that carries out a centralized control of the local switching nodes. ", "The local switching nodes are mutually connected through a public network, virtual private network, or private lines, as later described in more detail with reference to the drawings.", "\nConventionally, only specific PBX/CES subscribers can use the global subscriber group services, by previously registering entry into the global subscriber group service network through a maintenance person.", "\nIn practice, to enjoy the service for utilization of the virtual private network, conventionally, the type of utilization including various items of, for example, the corresponding relationship between the calling subscriber and the receiving subscriber, the numbers of the subscribers, the communication route, time schedule, etc., ", "has to be registered by a maintenance person.", "\nFurther, to enjoy the services of a global extension number connection service, conventionally, an actual terminating terminal (physical number) corresponding to a global extension close number (logical number) has to be registered in the network through a maintenance person to provide the service for specific group subscribers. ", "In addition, modification of a registered terminal and the type of services is not possible even for specific subscribers belonging to the global subscriber group.", "\nAs mentioned above, in the conventional global subscriber group service, the subscriber group services have been realized only for specific PBX/CES subscribers. ", "Furthermore, a global subscriber group service modification function, which allows the subscriber to flexibly modify registered types for various services to be used, is not available. ", "Therefore, in the prior art, only less flexible and less responsive global subscriber group services can be provided.", "\nOn the other hand, in the extension close number connection service for global PBX/CES subscribers, there is a problem in the prior art that the subscriber who uses the global extension number connection service, is limited to the PBX/CES subscribers previously registered in the network. ", "Also, a problem is encountered in the prior art in that a flexible control function including a capability or permitting individual subscribers to use this type of service, is not available.", "\nFurthermore, in the conventional service providing part of the public network as the virtual private network, the subscribers who can use the virtual private network are limited only to the PBX/CES subscribers previously registered in the network. ", "Therefore, in the prior art, a flexible control function permitting any customer to modify the type of registered services of the virtual private network is not available.", "\nIn recent years, it has been desired to provide such type of global subscriber group services including use of a virtual private network or service for assigning individual subscribers as terminals in a virtual extension system (including a service for connection to an internal closed number), with respect to a high level global subscriber group including not only PBX or CES subscribers but also individual subscribers." ]
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[ "Bed Bug Interceptors\n\nInterceptors offer the most straightforward and simple approach to capturing bed bugs. ", "They capitalize on the habits and necessary paths that bed bugs must take in order to feed, rather than waiting in places they’re likely to harbor.", "\n\nOnce installed at each post, interceptors transform your bed into a fortress with tiny moats at its old points of weakness.", "\n\nYou can also install these traps on any furniture that has legs. ", "They will effectively protect sofas, chairs, upholstery, and whatever else fits.", "\n\nAlthough interceptors come in different shapes and sizes, they currently all work on the same simple principles.", "\n\nA literal pitfall trap with slick internal walls allows bed bugs to easily get in while a smooth surface or thin coating of powdered pesticides, talcum, or oil make for inescapable holding chambers to be examined at your leisure\n\nLightsOut Bed Bug Detector Review\n\nMy Review:The LightsOut Detector was developed by Jeffery White of Bed Bug Central, a leading bed bug entomologist.", "\n\nUnlike most interceptors and passive traps, no additive oils or powders are used or need.", "\n\nThe LightsOut is made with a super-slick ABS plastic that’s smoother than glass, which makes it inescapable and maintenance-free!", "\n\nABS plastic is stronger and more break resistant than what most traps are made of.", "\n\nIts black color is actually attractive to bed bugs and also makes it easy to see the smallest of nymphal bed bugs. ", "It also makes the LightsOut a discreet product if you’re looking to get something that doesn’t draw questions or attention.", "\n\nMore so than other passive monitors, the use of bedpost interceptors gives you a great chance at detecting bed bugs early.", "\n\nCatching a single bed bug in the LightsOut before an infestation explodes would easily make it worth the small investment.", "\n\nAs someone looking for a product to use permanently beneath my bed legs, I chose the LightsOut because of its complete lack of necessary maintenance, ruggedness, and discreetness.", "\n\nThe LightsOut not only works as described, it goes beyond what’s expected. ", "I know it’ll last years.", "\n\nOnce installed in a hotspot like behind headboards, in cars, or beneath beds, it can catch bed bugs early on with no work or bait involved.", "\n\nBy offering an irresistible hiding place full of small crevices near their food source, the monitor makes bed bugs do all the work.", "\n\nAfter engorging themselves with blood, bed bugs must shed some of their excess weight and size in order to literally fit back into their claustrophobic homes.", "\n\nChecking the BB Alert passive is as simple as inspecting the exterior white skirt for fecal spots where bed bugs excreted that extra weight.", "\n\nThere is a monthly calendar on the alert that you can use to monitor your progress, however I don’t believe it needs to be used at all. ", "You can start marking once you’ve found an infestation or signs of bed bugs in the monitor.", "\n\nUntil then, there’s no need to run the calendar and potentially waste the unit.", "\n\nFor those living in high-risk areas like Chicago, Los Angeles, Washington, D.C., New York, or Philadelphia, this passive monitor is a great idea. ", "Especially for those living in unit-style housing like an apartment.", "\n\nEarly detection has the potential to save you thousands. ", "If caught early, bed bugs are many times easier and cheaper to deal with.", "\n\nIn spite of this, early detection of bed bugs is notoriously difficult. ", "Many that find themselves significantly infested had no idea it was happening until it was in full-swing.", "\n\nInstalling a BB Alert Passive monitor allows you to skip the laborious task of pre-emptive bed teardowns in the hunt for bed bugs.", "\n\nSenSci Volcano Bed Bug Detector Review\n\nThis means they don’t actively lure bed bugs, but capture them on their way to you while you sleep.", "\n\nYou can set them and forget them once you’ve determined the route that bed bugs are likely to take on their way to your bed. ", "Placing Volcanos along the walls, in corners, and the legs of your bed is a good way to make use of your traps.", "\n\nUnlike interceptors, the Volcano is meant to target any bed bug pathway, not just the bed. ", "With the default pack of 12 you can cover a lot of ground and potential paths.", "\n\nClear plastic bottoms make inspection and cleaning a breeze.", "\n\nThe SenSci works because studies have shown that bed bugs instinctively climb up any vertical faces they encounter on their way up to you on your bed.", "\n\nThis works well as long as you place them strategically in places we know bed bugs like to travel frequently. ", "That doesn’t necessarily guarantee bugs falling for the pitfall, especially if you have an early infestation on your hands.", "\n\nThat’s where to optional lures come in.", "\n\nYou can make the Volcano active by using their proprietary lure developed at Rutgers University, which fits neatly into the trap. ", "These traps work by replicating the scent of human sweat which draws bugs in.", "\n\nMy Review:The NightWatch is the closest thing you’ll get to an actual person lying between two pitfall traps.", "\n\nIt makes use of every bait on the market to increase its chances of catching bed bugs without you having to be there.", "\n\nIt is expensive upfront, requires two kinds of refills, and does not include a CO2 canister out-of-the-box…but it absolutely works and will prove to be integral for anyone battling bed bugs where a person cannot act as bait.", "\n\nBed bugs notoriously know when to go dormant in the absence of a food source. ", "Applied residual sprays and powders will sit there for weeks untouched by most bed bugs as they wait for a reason to be active.", "\n\nWith the NightWatch, you don’t have to worry about residuals wearing off and missing their marks.", "\n\nBed bugs will act exactly as if someone was sleeping in the room and will be out and about getting trapped in the NightWatch and, more importantly, coating themselves in CimeXa and Temprid as a by-product.", "\n\nNeed to treat a vacant guest room, bathroom, closet, or living room? ", "The NightWatch will have your back.", "\n\nHotels, vacant apartments, and any other unit-style property owner or tenant will adore the NightWatch and its undeniable results and efficacy.", "\n\nPeople report that a their NightWatch single-handedly destroys bed bug populations. ", "With a proper IPM in place, your results will be swift and sweeping.", "\n\nIf you’re willing and able to shoulder the upfront costs and relatively inexpensive refills, you’ll get some incredible results.", "\n\nMy Review:Current studies show that CO2 is one of the most effective lures.", "\n\nIt works because bed bugs naturally hone in on the air we exhale.", "\n\nThe Beacon takes advantage of that instinct by slowly seeping enough CO2 for bed bugs to hone in on. ", "They’re then lured into its pitfall trap where you can keep tabs of populations during an infestation and confirm when an infestation is eradicated.", "\n\nA single Bed Bug Beacon includes enough CO2 to run for a full 2 weeks – more than enough time to guarantee that an infestation has ended.", "\n\nAs with the any active lure, the Beacon helps pull otherwise inactive bed bugs out of hiding and into the open. ", "This is a crucial ability for those treating rooms or homes that are unoccupied.", "\n\nProducts like the beacon allow you to treat for bed bugs with residual powders and sprays without a person in the room.", "\n\nSomething important to consider is that after the initial cost of the complete unit, refills of CO2 come to about $1 per day. ", "That’s for a product produced by the same people that make the industry-leading Packtite.", "\n\nThat’s definitely the cheapest you’ll run an active trap for, especially from a reputable manufacturer.", "\n\nWhy Buy Traps?", "\n\nTraps can yield useful markers to help you properly identify bed bugs by capturing live samples, cast skins, and fecal stains.", "\n\nI always first recommend securing the bed and making it a sanctuary. ", "Encasements are the most important thing to install once you start treating for bed bugs.", "\n\nOnce you have encasements and traps installed, you will effectively eliminate ALL biting, so long as you keep the bed away from walls, bedding off the ground, and ensure that you’re clean and wearing protected clothes before getting in bed.", "\n\nIf you don’t have an IPM set up, please take the time to do so – it will make the biggest difference between staying bugged and getting debedbugged!", "\n\nA professional pest control operator should recommend the exact same thing. ", "A good bed bug spray, dust, and encasement are core necessities.", "\n\n8-Step Bed Bug Proof Bed Printable\n\nI mentioned at the beginning of this page that traps are the second step to take when creating a bed bug sanctuary for yourself.", "\n\nProperly installing encasements and taking the right measures to keep bed bugs off your bed are steps that are as important, if not more important, than installing traps.", "\n\nTo help you get it all in order, I’ve developed a supplemental bed proofing printable that you can download and print for free!", "\n\nInterested in more quality printables covering everything from choosing a Pest Control Operator to creating an IPM? ", "Give the Ebook a try and I’ll send you all of them immediately with no strings attached.", "\n\nThe printables will help in your quest to get rid of and stay free from bed bugs!", "\n\nThanks for Reading!", "\n\nA thorough integrated pest management plan should involve both passive and active methods of monitoring. ", "Traps provide seriously cheap and effortless results when dealing with any stage of bed bug infestation.", "\n\nWhether you’re trying to catch one for identification, are preventing them from climbing onto your bed at night, or want to keep tabs on a waning population, bed bug traps work for you 24/7 without upkeep.", "\n\nI would recommend a set of interceptors for your bed at the very least – mine immediately saved me a lot of grief!" ]
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[ "Broncos have leadership void to fill on offense\n\nSomeone is needed to step up following Manning's retirement\n\nPeyton Manning's retirement announcement on March 7 has left the Broncos searching for a new leader on offense. (", "Joe Amon / The Denver Post)\n\nENGLEWOOD — Peyton Manning left the building — and left a void. ", "While Manning's last season was his worst, his presence arguably was never more important as the Broncos marched to their first Super Bowl crown since 1998.", "\n\nIn his absence, who will take over a leadership role of the Broncos' offense? ", "The possible answers vary. ", "The solution is fluid as the Broncos attempt to improve the most disappointing unit on their championship team.", "\n\n\"I think obviously it starts with Demaryius (Thomas). ", "It starts with myself. ", "And it starts with a few linemen,\" veteran wide receiver Emmanuel Sanders said. \"", "I think it's tough to call that out right now because it's so early. ", "The true leaders will definitely stick out.\"", "\n\nDenver Broncos quarterbacks make debut during OTAs\n\nIn the ideal world, the quarterback represents the hub of the universe, the singer who makes the band work in concert. ", "The Broncos possess quarterbacks capable of leading in the experienced Mark Sanchez, the smart Trevor Siemian and passionate Paxton Lynch. ", "But the Broncos don't know who will be starting. ", "A quarterback can't lead with a clipboard and a cap on. ", "The next three months offer a platform for a spokesman to emerge. ", "On the best teams, it happens organically. ", "In sports, you can't give yourself a nickname and you can't announce you are a leader.", "\n\n\"It's a little early to tell. ", "They'll rise,\" offensive coordinator Rick Dennison said. \"", "I think our guys are good. ", "They work hard together. ", "We'll find somebody to follow. ", "We'll be in good shape.\"", "\n\nAdvertisement\n\nA year ago, Thomas promised to take on a bigger role in the locker room. ", "However, he climbed up hill after missing the offseason while bracing for a new deal. ", "Trying to do too much too soon, Thomas dropped passes, and then the typically private player dealt with weekly questions regarding his mother's release from prison. ", "Normalcy has returned this offseason, which could help him take on added responsibility.", "\n\n\"I don't have to worry about my mom. ", "She's good. ", "Contract is over with. ", "I am here now trying to learn and not rushing it like when I came back last year,\" Thomas said. \"", "It's all about football.\"", "\n\nSanders sees a difference in Thomas. ", "He's more comfortable, and he is the longest-tenured Broncos offensive player after Manning's exit and offensive tackle Ryan Clady's trade to the New York Jets.", "\n\n\"He missed out on all of the OTAs (organized team activities),\" Sanders said. \"", "No matter what you say, that messes with you mentally, because your schedule is off. ", "Obviously the media is talking about you not being there and you go through a lot. ", "He's back to his normal self. ", "He's out here in OTAs. ", "He's being a leader, and he wants to be the guy on this team.\"", "\n\nTeammates have called Sanchez a natural leader. ", "He has taken steps since being acquired in March, conducting a passing camp in California and taking the offensive linemen to a Rockies game.", "\n\nRunning back C.J. Anderson attracts followers because of his football IQ and attention to detail. ", "Manning earned high marks for setting a standard in practice and communicating with players off the field. ", "During games, Sanders was a vocal catalyst. ", "There were multiple instances last season when he provided a jolt in the huddle, which was accepted given his toughness and production.", "\n\n\"Of course I welcome it,\" Sanders said. \"", "I think I welcomed it last year. ", "Obviously, it was kind of overlooked by Peyton because he's the ultimate leader. ", "But I am always here for anybody. ", "I'll do anything for my teammates.\"", "\n\nDay 2 of OTAs doesn't require one player to be the man on offense. ", "It is a work in progress. ", "But for the offense to progress, it will need a leader who can work the room and the huddle.", "\n\n\"No, it doesn't have to be the quarterback,\" Dennison said. \"", "There have been years where he has not been that guy. ", "But generally speaking, the quarterback has to direct the show, so it's more likely. ... ", "Somebody will rise for it.\"", "\n\nThe Boulder alt-country band gives its EPs names such as Death and Resurrection, and its songs bear the mark of hard truths and sin. ", "But the punk energy behind the playing, and the sense that it's all in good fun, make it OK to dance to a song like \"Death.\" ", "Full Story" ]
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[ "The American Society of Engineers states that Slabjacking is\n\"A method of injecting a grout by pressure to raise and restore\nsettled concrete. ", "It has been in use since 1934 and has proven\nto be an acceptable alternative to concrete replacement. ", "It has\nalso been proven to be EFFECTIVE ON ALL CONCRETE\nSURFACES.\"", "\n\nA recent trade publication states \"Slabjacking offers not only\nlarge MONETARY SAVINGS, but offers MANY ADDITIONAL\nBENEFITS that should be considered before replacing\nconcrete. ", "One of which is the SAVING OF OUR NATURAL\nRESOURCES AND ENVIROMENT from this:\n\nHoles are cored through the concrete slab. ", "A cement grout\nis pumped under pressure to compress the sub-soil. ", "Upon\nthe compaction of this material (and voids being filled), the\npressure of the grout then raises the sunken slab. ", "Thus\nrestoring the concrete slab to its proper pitch and grade!", "\nThis process also STRENGTHENS and STABILIZES the\nconcrete slab." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nGrouping/precedence for \"/@\" operator\n\nThis returns errors:\n{#[[1]],#[[3]]} & /@ {#[[1]],#[[2]],#[[3]]} & /@ {{\"A\",\"B\",\"C\"},{1,2,3}}\n\nPart::partd: Part specification A[[1]] is longer than depth of object. ", ">>\n ...\n\nBut when adding parentheses after first /@ (Map) and closing it on the end of expression, as in:\n{#[[1]],#[[3]]} & /@ ({#[[1]],#[[2]],#[[3]]} & /@ {{\"A\",\"B\",\"C\"},{1,2,3}})\n\neverything goes fine and returns expected result: {{\"A\", \"C\"}, {1, 3}}\nHow to explain the behavior of first case? ", "I cannot figure out what cause errors in first case.", "\n\nA:\n\nTo understand grouping and precedence, use HoldForm and PrecedenceForm. ", " I'll insert a screenshot to make the output clearer:\n\nIt is useful to know that // has even lower precedence than & and can save you some parentheses.", "\nYou probably meant:\n({#[[1]], #[[3]]} &) /@ ({#[[1]], #[[2]], #[[3]]} &) /@ {{\"A\", \"B\", \"C\"}, {1, 2, 3}}\n\nIt is useful to parenthesize the entire function because & has very low precedence, lower than most other operators. ", " Thus it tends to act on everything preceding it.", "\n\nAnother common mistake with & is using it like this in options:\nSomeFunction -> #&\n\nThis is really (SomeFunction -> #)& and not SomeFunction -> (#&).", "\n\nOne of the few operators that have even lower precedence than & is //. Thus this is safe:\nargument // #&\n\nIt groups as argument // (#&) and not as (argument // #)&.", "\n\nAlternative ways to write you expression are:\nMap[{#[[1]], #[[3]]} &] @ Map[{#[[1]], #[[2]], #[[3]]} &] @ {{\"A\", \"B\", \"C\"}, {1, 2, 3}}\n\n{{\"A\", \"B\", \"C\"}, {1, 2, 3}} // Map[{#[[1]], #[[2]], #[[3]]} &] // Map[{#[[1]], #[[3]]} &]\n\nYou may or may not find these more readable than the explicitly parenthesized version.", "\nRecently I prefer the latter when doing a lot of chaining.", "\n\nA:\n\nPerhaps this example helps:\n3 # & /@ Sin[#] & /@ {x, y, z}\n(*{Sin[3 x], Sin[3 y], Sin[3 z]}*)\n\nvs.\n3 # & /@ (Sin[#] & /@ {x, y, z})\n(*{3 Sin[x], 3 Sin[y], 3 Sin[z]}*)\n\n" ]
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[ "You need Balls of Steel to do this job." ]
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[ "Expression profiling of human idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy.", "\nTo investigate the global changes accompanying human dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) we performed a large-scale expression screen using myocardial biopsies from a group of DCM patients with moderate heart failure. ", "By hierarchical clustering and functional annotation of the deregulated genes we examined extensive changes in the cellular and molecular processes associated to DCM. ", "The expression profiles were obtained using a whole genome covering library (UniGene RZPD1) comprising 30336 cDNA clones and amplified RNA from myocardiac biopsies from 10 DCM patients in comparison to tissue samples from four non-failing, healthy donors. ", "By setting stringent selection criteria 364 differentially expressed, sequence-verified non-redundant transcripts were identified with a false discovery rate of <0.001. ", "Numerous genes and ESTs were identified representing previously recognised, as well as novel DCM-associated transcripts. ", "Many of them were found to be upregulated and involved in cardiomyocyte energetics, muscle contraction or signalling. ", "Two hundred and twenty-two deregulated transcripts were functionally annotated and hierarchically clustered providing an insight into the pathophysiology of DCM. ", "Data was validated using the MLP-deficient mouse, in which several differentially expressed transcripts identified in the human DCM biopsies could be confirmed. ", "We report the first genome-wide expression profile analysis using cardiac biopsies from DCM patients at various stages of the disease. ", "Although there is a diversity of links between the cytoskeleton and the initiation of DCM, we speculate that genes implicated in intracellular signalling and in muscle contraction are associated with early stages of the disease. ", "Altogether this study represents the most comprehensive and inclusive molecular portrait of human cardiomyopathy to date." ]
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[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nThe present invention relates to a wireless connection system that connects a host computer and devices by radio, an initial connection method therefor, a storage medium that stores a control program therefor, an information processing apparatus and an image forming apparatus that constitute the system.", "\n2. ", "Description of the Related Art\nConventionally, there is a known technique that shares information called connection context (referred to as “CC”, hereafter) between host computers (referred to as “hosts”, hereafter) and printing devices (referred to as “devices”, hereafter) in order to establish secure connections among the hosts and the devices when constructing a wireless communications environment.", "\nWhen using this technique, it is necessary to prepare the same number of CCs as the number of devices to be connected in order to connect the devices to the hosts. ", "The CC consists of a unique host ID (referred to as a “CHID”, hereafter), a unique device ID (referred to as a “CDID”, hereafter), and a connection key (referred to as a “CK”, hereinafter) shared between the host ID and the device ID. ", "There is a restriction that the host must not distribute the same CK among a plurality of devices.", "\nAccordingly, the conventional technique employs a cable association using a USB cable or a numeric association that requires to input a predetermined number to both of the host and the device, at the time of an initial connection (referred to as an “association”, hereafter) between the certain host and the certain device in order to share the CC between the host and the device.", "\nIn an environment where a plurality of hosts and a plurality of devices are prepared, when a plurality of devices are to be connected to a certain host in a wireless communications environment, it is necessary to extract one-to-one host-device environment and to execute the association to each.", "\nAlthough it differs from the wireless communications environment, the following techniques are known as a method of establishing connection between a local device and a remote device or between nodes via network environment. ", "First, a local device generates an open value and a secret value, and imports an open value from a remote device via an out-of-band mechanism. ", "Then, the local device generates a new secret value as a function of the open value imported from the remote device and the secret value generated by the local device. ", "Further, the local device generates a symmetrical key for establishing the connection using the newly generated secret value (for example, see Japanese Laid-Open Patent Publication (Kokai) No. ", "2005-244988 (JP 2005-244988A)).", "\nHowever, the conventional method of constructing the wireless communications environment must repeat the operation to extract a one-to-one host-device combination from among the environment including hosts and devices and to execute the association at the combination number of times. ", "Therefore, a user as a manager is required to connect a USB cable and to input codes via an operation unit for each combination extracted in order to share the CC between the device and the host, which becomes a significant load on the user.", "\nWhen the generating means of the symmetrical key described in Japanese Laid-Open Patent Publication (Kokai) No. ", "2005-244988 (JP 2005-244988A) is converted into the wireless communications environment, although the security and reliability between a local device and a remote device or between nodes can be improved, the load on the user concerning the association cannot be reduced." ]
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[ { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 2601, "entity_type": "NRP", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 2593 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 2654, "entity_type": "DATE_TIME", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 2643 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 3272, "entity_type": "NRP", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 3264 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 3325, "entity_type": "DATE_TIME", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 3314 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 2654, "entity_type": "US_DRIVER_LICENSE", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "UsLicenseRecognizer_140094861023792", "recognizer_name": "UsLicenseRecognizer" }, "score": 0.4, "start": 2648 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 3325, "entity_type": "US_DRIVER_LICENSE", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "UsLicenseRecognizer_140094861023792", "recognizer_name": "UsLicenseRecognizer" }, "score": 0.4, "start": 3319 } ]
[ "Username {{ errors.first('username') }}\n\nPassword {{ errors.first('password') }}" ]
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[ "The Severe Respiratory Insufficiency Questionnaire was valid for COPD patients with severe chronic respiratory failure.", "\nThe Severe Respiratory Insufficiency (SRI) Questionnaire has recently been developed and validated for the assessment of health-related quality of life (HRQL) in patients with severe chronic respiratory failure resulting from a broad spectrum of underlying disorders. ", "The present study was aimed at reexamining the internal structure of the SRI specifically for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients. ", "Cross-validation was performed in two COPD groups (N=78 and N=84), each receiving home mechanical ventilation in addition to long-term oxygen therapy. ", "The internal consistency reliability was calculated using Cronbach's alpha coefficient. ", "Explorative Factor Analysis was performed followed by Confirmatory Factor Analysis to establish construct validity. ", "In the total group (N=162) Cronbach's alpha ranged from 0.73 to 0.88. ", "Only one factor could be established which explained 58.5% of the total variance confirming one Summary Scale (SRI-SS). ", "For each of the seven subscales, Confirmatory Factor Analysis revealed two factors, which were substantially correlated (r=0.43-0.80). ", "All scale scores covered a broad range of the questionnaire's scaling range (0-100). ", "The mean SRI-SS score was 52+/-17 indicating a homogenous scaling distribution. ", "The SRI is a multidimensional and highly specific tool with high psychometric properties for HRQL assessment in COPD patients with severe chronic respiratory failure." ]
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[ "Chapter 9\n\nThe flashcards below were created by user\nDesLee26\non FreezingBlue Flashcards.", "\n\nWhat is the difference between fermentation and cellular respiration.", "\n\nFermentation- catabolic process that makes a limited amt. ", "of ATP from glucose w/o an electron transport chain and that produces a characteristic end product,such as alcohol or lactic acid w/o the use of oxygen.", "\n\nCell resp.- catabolic pathways of aerobic and anaerobic respiration, which break down organic molecules for the production of ATP; oxygen in consumed as a reactant along with the organic fuel.", "\n\nGive the formula with names for the catabolic degradation of glucose by cellular respiration.", "\n\nC6H12O6 + 6 O2 ------> 6 CO2 + 6 H2O + Energy (ATP and Heat)\n\nGlucose; oxygen; carbon dioxide; water\n\nBoth cellular respiration and photosynthesis are ____. ", "In __, reactions pay attention to the flow of ____.", "\n\nredox reactions\n\nredox\n\nelectrons\n\nWhat is the difference between oxidation and reduction?", "\n\nOxidation- loss of electrons from a substance involved in a redox reaction.", "\n\nReduction- gain or addition of electrons to a substance involved in a redox reaction\n\nThe following is a generalized formula for a redox reaction:\nXe- + Y --> X + Ye-What is the reducing agent? ", "Oxidizing agent?", "\nWhat becomes oxidized? ", "reduced?", "\n\nIn cell respiration, ___ are not transferred directly from __ to ___. ", "Each electron is coupled with a __ to form a __ atom. ", "The hydrogens are held in the cell temporarily by what electron carrier?", "\n\nelectrons\n\nglucose\n\noxygen\n\nproton\n\nhydrogen\n\nNAD+, a coenzyme\n\nA derivative of the B vitamin niacin; coenzyme that functions as an oxidizing agent during respiration when it acts as an electron acceptor\n\nNAD+\n\nan organic molecule serving as an enzyme such as a vitamin\n\ncoenzyme\n\nWhat is the function of the electron transport chain in cell respiration?", "\n\nbreaks the fall of electrons to oxygen into several energ- releasing steps.", "\n\nShow the normal downhill route most eletrons follow in cellular respiration.", "\n\nglucose --> NADH --> electron transport chain --> oxygen\n\nWhy is glycolysis an appropriate term for this step of cell resp?", "\n\nIt means, sugar splitting, which is exactly what happens. ", "Glucose, a six- carbon sugar, is broken into two three- carbon sugars.", "\n\nThe starting product of glycolysis is teh six- carbon sugar ____, and the ending product is two ___ carbon compounds termed ___.", "\n\nglucose\n\nthree\n\npyruvate\n\nThe ten individual steps of glycolysis can be divided into two stages: ___ and ____.", "\n\nenergy investment\n\nenergy pay-off\n\nIn glycolysis, ATP is formed in which phase?", "\nHow much?", "\nWhat is the net gain?", "\nWhy?", "\n\nenergy payoff\n\n4\n\n2\n\nBecause in the energy- investment phase, two ATP are used up.", "\n\nAfter glycolysis, most of the energy is still present in the two molecules of ___.", "\n\npyruvate\n\nGlycolysis occurs in the ___ of the cell.", "\n\ncytoplasm (cytosol)\n\nWHat is the relationship between glycolysis and oxygen?", "\n\nGlycolysis can occur whether or not oxygen is present. ", "If oxygen is present, the chemical energy stored in pyruvate and NADH can be extracted by the cirtic acid cycle and oxidative phosphorylation.", "\n\nTo enter the ___, the ___ must enter the mitochondria by ___. ", "These things are necessary to convert ___ to ___.", "\n\ncitric acid cycle\n\npyruvate\n\nactive transport\n\npyruvate acetyl CoA\n\nExplain the three steps in the conversion process of pyruvate to acetyl CoA.\n\n1) Pyruvate's carboxyl group (-COO-), which is already fully oxidized and thus has little chemical energy, is removed and given off as a molecule of CO2. (", "1st step in which CO2 is released during respiration.", "\n\n2) The remaining two- carbon fragment is oxidized, forming a compound named acetate (the ionized form of acetic acid). ", "An enzyme transfers extracted electrons to NAD+, storing energy in the form of NADH.", "\n\n3) Finally, CoA, a sulfur- containg compound derived from a B vitamin, is attached to the acetate by an unstable bond that makes the acetyl group very reactive.", "\n\nBecause of the chemical nature of the CoA group, the product of this chemical grooming (transferring pyruvate to\nacetyl CoA), ___ has a high potential energy. (", "The reaction of ___ to yield lower energy products is highly ___. ", "This molecule is now ready to feed its acetyl group, into the ___ for further oxidation.", "\n\nacetyl CoA\n\nacetyl CoA\n\nexergonic\n\ncitric acid cycle\n\nHow many times does the citric acid cycle occur for each molecule of glucose?", "\n\ntwice\n\nIn the citric acid cycle, for each turn, how many... are formed?", "\nNADH?", "\nFADH2?", "\nATP?", "\n\n3\n\n1\n\n1\n\nIn the citric acid cycle, how may total carbns are lost as pyruvate is oxidized?", "\nThe carbons have been lost in the molecule ___.", "\n\n2\n\ncarbon dioxide\n\nAltogether, how many... are formed in the citric acid cycle?", "\nNADH?", "\nFADH2?", "\nATP?", "\n\n6\n\n2\n\n2\n\nThe step that converts pyruvate to acetyl COA at the top of the diagram also occurs twice per glucose. ", "This step accounts for two additional reduced ___ molecules and two carbon dioxide molecules.", "\n\nNADH\n\nExplain what has happened to the six- carbon molecules found in the original glucose molecule.", "\n\nThey have been released as CO2. ", "Only 2 ATP molecules have been produced. ", "The energy is held in the electrons in the electron carriers NADH and FADH2.", "\n\nOxidative phosphorylation involves two components: ___ and ___.", "\n\nelectron transport chain\n\nATP synthesis\n\nIn the electron transport chain, the molecule at zero free energy, which is ___, is lowest of all the molecules in free energy and highest in eectronegativity.", "\n\noxygen\n\nWhy is oxygen the ultimate acceptor?", "\n\nIt is very electronegative. ", "When it's not available, the transport of electrons comes to a halt. ", "No hydrogen ions are pumped and no ATP is produced.", "\n\nOxygen stabilizes the electrons by combining with two hydrogen ions to form what compound?", "\n\nwater\n\nThe two electron carrier molecules that feed electrons into the electron transport system are __ and __.", "\n\nNADH\n\nFADH2\n\nExplain the overall concept of how ATP synthase uses the flow of hydrogen ions to produce ATP.", "\n\n1. ", "H+ ions flowing down their gradient enter a 1/2 channel in a stator, which is anchored in the membrane.", "\n\n2. ", "H+ ions enter binding sites w/in a rotor, changing the shape of each subunity so that the rotor spins within the membrane\n\n3. ", "Each H+ ion makes one complete turn before leaving the rotor and passing through a second 1/2 channel in the stator into the mitochondrial matrix.", "\n\n4. ", "Spinning of the rotor causes an internal rod to spin as well. ", "This rod extends like a stalk- into the knob below it, which is held stationary by part of the rotor.", "\n\n5. ", "Turning of the rod activates catalytic sites in the know that produce ATP from ADP and Pi\n\nWhat is the role of the electron transport chain in forming the H+ gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane?", "\n\nThe chain is an energy converter that uses the exergonic flow of electrons from NADH to FADH2 to pump H+ across the membranes from the mitochondrial matrix to the intermembrane space. ", "The H+ has a tendency to move back across the membrane, diffusing own its gradient. ", "And the ATP synthases are the only sites that provide a route through the membrane for H+.", "\n\nWhat is the major function of the electron transport chain?", "\n\nforming the H+ gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane\n\n__ is an energy coupling mechanism that uses energy stored in the form of hydrogen ion gradient across a membrane to drive cellular work, such as ATP synthesis. ", "Most ATP synthesis occurs by this.", "\n\nchemiosmosis\n\n__ is the potential energystored in the form of an electrochemical gradient, generated by the pumping of hydrogen ions across a biological membrane during chemiosmosis.", "\n\nPyruvate is reduced directly by NADH to form lactate as an end product with no rlease of CO2.", "\n\n- When pyruvate is reduced by NADH, NAD+ is formed in the process and lactate is formed as a waste product.", "\n\nStress how NAD+ is recycle in lactic acid and alcohol fermentation.", "\n\nPyruvate serves as an electron acceptor for oxidizing NADH back to NAD+.", "\n\nWhy is pyruvate is a key juncture in metabolism?", "\n\nIt represents a fork in the catabolic pathways of glucose oxidation. ", "In a facultative anaerobe, which is capable of bothaerobic cell respiration and fermentation, pyruvate is committed to one of those two pathways, usually of depending on whether or not oxygen is present\n\nWhat three organic macromolecules are often utilized to make ATP by cellular respiration?", "\n\nproteins, fats, sucrose, glucose, sucrose (carbohydrates)\n\nExplain the difference in energy usage between the catabolic reactions of cellular respiration and anabolic pathways of biosynthesis." ]
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[ "Min Byeong-sun\n\nMin Byeong-sun (; born 21 December 1974) is a South Korean rower. ", "She competed in the women's double sculls event at the 1996 Summer Olympics.", "\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:1974 births\nCategory:Living people\nCategory:South Korean female rowers\nCategory:Olympic rowers of South Korea\nCategory:Rowers at the 1996 Summer Olympics\nCategory:Place of birth missing (living people)" ]
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[ "---------------------- Forwarded by Carey M Metz/HOU/ECT on 06/13/2000 08:13 \nAM ---------------------------\n\n\n\"Maillet, Lisa\" <LMaillet@anpower.com> on 06/13/2000 07:42:32 AM\nTo: Enron-Carey Metz <carey.m.metz@enron.com>, Peter Ash <PAsh@anpower.com>, \n\"PG&E-Biggs, Brian\" <brian.biggs@gt.pge.com>, Sally Manning \n<SMANNING@anpower.com>, Trey Christensen <TChristensen@anpower.com>, \nTXU-David Avila <davila1@txu.com>, Vivian Liedtke <VLiedtke@anpower.com>\ncc: \nSubject: Midlothian forecast\n\n\n <<061300 short.xls>>\n\n13th = 57,000\n14th = 59,000\n\n\n\n\n - 061300 short.xls" ]
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[ "The present invention is related to a system for measuring the acoustical attenuation effectiveness of devices employed to protect the hearing of workers subjected to relatively high levels of ambient noise.", "\nVarious types of hearing protection devices are in current use to protect the hearing of an individual working in an environment having a high ambient noise level. ", "Generally, these hearing protection devices fall into two broad categories: earmuffs, which fit over and around the ears; and earplugs, which fit into the ear canal. ", "Not only is there a substantial variation in the acoustical effectiveness of the different types of hearing protection devices, i.e., their ability to adequately attenuate the sound pressure level of certain hazardous noises to which the ear is exposed, but there is also a substantial variation in the effectiveness of single models of the same type, principally because of the variation in \"goodness of fit.\" ", "A slight defect in fit can render the protective device virtually ineffectual, thereby exposing without warning the ears of the wearer to hazardous ambient noise having frequencies and amplitudes sufficient to cause a gradual, painless and therefore often unnoticed permanent loss of hearing. ", "All too often the ineffectiveness of a particular hearing protector is not detected until there has been a permanent impairment of the user's hearing.", "\nAt the present time, the most widely used means for monitoring the true effectiveness of hearing protection devices is to measure an individual's hearing level with a conventional audiometer at intervals of six months or more to determine if a permanent loss of hearing has occurred. ", "Such audiometric monitoring, however, besides having the disadvantage of being \"after the fact,\" is incapable of providing the information necessary to permit differentiation between those individuals who have sustained a hearing loss due to inadequate protection and those who have sustained losses due to other causes such as infectious disease, degenerative disease, and the like. ", "This inability of present monitoring means to differentiate between work-caused hearing losses and those suffered from other causes has many medico-legal ramifications for both the worker who has suffered a hearing loss while working in a high-noise environment and for his or her employer.", "\nVarious means have been devised for objectively testing the acoustical effectiveness of muff-type hearing protectors. ", "See, for example, Tegt U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "3,729,598 and a paper entitled \"Method for the Measurement of Real-Ear Protection of Hearing Protectors and Physical Attenuation of Ear Muffs, ASA STD 1-1975\" available from the Acoustical Society of America, 335 East 45th Street, New York NY 10017. ", "The latter reference also includes a description of a method for subjectively testing the effectiveness of plug-type hearing protectors in a noise-free environment, such as found in a soundproof booth or test room, and employing a plurality of spaced loudspeakers to produce a free-field test signal.", "\nThe only presently accepted methods of testing ear protection devices, including the methods disclosed by the aforementioned paper of the Acoustical Society of America, require that the individual be placed in an ambient noise-free environment such as a soundproof booth and subjected to a series of free-field test tones at different frequencies and amplitudes to determine his acoustical threshold level with the hearing protection devices in place (occluded threshold) and his acoustical threshold level with the hearing protection devices removed (open threshold), and then comparing the occluded and open threshold level amplitude measurements to determine the acoustical attenuation provided by the hearing protectors. ", "These methods, because they do not test each ear and thereby each of a pair of hearing protectors separately, while helpful in determining the attenuation provided by the worst of the two protectors or the protector positioned in or around the better of the subject's two ears, are not capable of indicating which of the protectors or which of the ears is being tested. ", "Moreover the requirement for testing in an ambient-noise free environment requires physically removing the subject from his working environment which is time-consuming and therefore costly, and limits as a practical matter the frequency with which such tests can be conducted.", "\nFurthermore, after the individual's occluded and open threshold levels have been measured at different frequencies and the attenuation provided by the hearing protector has been calculated for each frequency, the attenuation calculations must still be weighted according to the noise spectra of the work environment and the relative hazard of the different frequencies. ", "These calculations and weighting are both complicated and time consuming.", "\nAccordingly, the known prior art methods for measuring the attenuation provided by hearing protection devices are infeasible and uneconomic for general field use and must of necessity be restricted almost exclusively to use in the laboratory for developing data regarding the acoustical effectiveness of specific models of hearing protectors. ", "No convenient method has yet been devised to measure the attenuation effectiveness of a particular hearing protector while it is in place in the ear of the user under normal conditions of fit at his workplace. ", "Thus, even though a particular type of hearing protector may function effectively during a laboratory-type test, there is no guarantee that it will function effectively when worn by persons other than the individual tested in a laboratory and under other than laboratory-type conditions. ", "Consequently, a worker who requires adequate noise protection against hazardous ambient noise has no way of knowing if his hearing protection is really failing until he has suffered a permanent measurable loss of hearing." ]
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[ "YAY!! ", "Holly the cat made it home! - ", "lost cat journeys 200 miles!", "\n\nNobody knows how it happened: an indoor housecat who got lost on a family excursion managing, after two months and about 200 miles, to return to her hometown.", "\n\nEven scientists are baffled by how Holly, a 4-year-old tortoiseshell who in early November became separated from Jacob and Bonnie Richter at an R.V. rally in Daytona Beach, Fla., appeared on New Year’s Eve — staggering, weak and emaciated — in a backyard about a mile from the Richters’ house in West Palm Beach.", "\n\n“Are you sure it’s the same cat?” ", "wondered John Bradshaw, director of the University of Bristol’s Anthrozoology Institute. ", "In other cases, he has suspected, “the cats are just strays, and the people have got kind of a mental justification for expecting it to be the same cat.”", "\n\nBut Holly not only had distinctive black-and-brown harlequin patterns on her fur, but also an implanted microchip to identify her.", "\n\n----\n\nThen, on New Year’s Eve, Barb Mazzola, a 52-year-old university executive assistant, noticed a cat “barely standing” in her backyard in West Palm Beach, struggling even to meow. ", "Over six days, Ms. Mazzola and her children cared for the cat, putting out food, including special milk for cats, and eventually the cat came inside.", "\n\nThey named her Cosette after the orphan in Les Misérables, and took her to a veterinarian, Dr. Sara Beg at Paws2Help. ", "Dr. Beg said the cat was underweight and dehydrated, had “back claws and nail beds worn down, probably from all that walking on pavement,” but was “bright and alert” and had no parasites, heartworm or viruses. “", "She was hesitant and scared around people she didn’t know, so I don’t think she went up to people and got a lift,” Dr. Beg said. “", "I think she made the journey on her own.”", "\n\nAt Paws2Help, Ms. Mazzola said, “I almost didn’t want to ask, because I wanted to keep her, but I said, ‘Just check and make sure she doesn’t have a microchip.’” ", "When told the cat did, “I just cried.”", "\n\nThe Richters cried, too upon seeing Holly, who instantly relaxed when placed on Mr. Richter’s shoulder. ", "Re-entry is proceeding well, but the mystery persists." ]
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[ "Artwork With a View? ", "Landscape Art From Our Marketplace Collectors Tip, Top Lists .magSlideContent .slides img { display: block; width: 100%; } .magSlideContent{ border: 4px solid #ffffff; } August 1, 2018 Elena Martinique A philosophy graduate interested in theory, politics and art. ", "Alias of Jelena Martinović. ", "Ever since the dawn of art, artists have been captivated by the majesty and mystery of nature. ", "One of the most traditional artistic genres in art history, landscape painting has evolved greatly and broke all boundaries, becoming a subject for experimentation both in the figurative and abstract art. ", "With novel approaches to depicting nature, contemporary landscape artists continue to push the limits of the genre. ", "Sourced from our ever-growing marketplace, we present you ten landscape paintings that you can own right now! ", "Featured image: Duncan de Kergommeaux – Lake Huron (detail), 1986. ", "All images courtesy of their respective galleries. ", "Susan Breen – Landscape I Briefly working in photography, Susan Breen has switched to painting as her primary medium but continued to draw influences from her photography work. ", "Today, she is best known for harmonious contemporary abstractions with hints of organic elements in various states of flux. ", "Breen often paints scenic, representational imagery of trees and fauna, with a particular penchant for birds and their temperament. ", "The work Landscape I from 2012 is representative of her current visual language and is characterized by bright, vivid colors. ", "Find out more info about the work here. ", "Terence Netter – Promise Land A renowned American painter and professor, Terence Netter was a former Jesuit priest who entered art with Abstract or Action paintings. ", "By 2006, Netter had become a devotee and practitioner of Zen Meditation, which had a great influence on his practice. ", "After moving to the farmhouse in the Loire Valley, France, the artist shifted to landscapes painted in a unique minimalist style. ", "Seeking peace in his heart and mind, Netter reflected this in his paintings as well. ", "The work Promise Land from 2015 captures the special light of the region, offering a feeling of serenity. ", "On the other hand, patterned details create a rhythm and quiet energy. ", "Find out more about the work here. ", "Wolf Kahn – Untitled, Landscape The German artist Wolf Kahn is best known for his delicate landscapes characterized by gentleness and tranquility in hand, as well as peculiar coloring. ", "Creating intense compositional and formal relations, the artist aims to keep a fragment of memory to a certain place and moment. ", "One of his earlier works, the painting Untitled, Landscape is characterized by astonishing contrasts expressed with oil and pastel. ", "The unique convergence of light and colors combines pictorial landscapes and painterly abstraction, creating utmost atmospheric qualities. ", "Find out more info about the work here. ", "Duncan de Kergommeaux – Lake Huron Over a career spanning six decades, the Canadian painter Duncan de Kergommeaux has been moving from the formative abstractions of the 1950’s through his linear abstractions and illuminated cube paintings of the 60’s, the systemized process-oriented grid paintings and support-specific drawings of the 1970’s, on into the more recent painterly embellishments of the landscape. ", "Created in 1986, the painting Lake Huron reflects his interest in process, form, abstraction and perception. ", "Find out more info about the work here. ", "Henrietta Harris – Mountains The Australian-born and New Zealand-based artist and illustrator, Henrietta Harris works with paper, pen, watercolor, gouache, acrylic, and occasionally gold leaf. ", "Characterized by clean brushstrokes, her dreamlike and distorted paintings show amazing technical skills and a fusion of naturalistic and surrealistic approach. ", "Best known for her dreamy portraits, Harris also creates landscape paintings usually depicting lofty mountain scenes, such as this work from 2016. ", "Find out more about the work here. ", "Alexander Calder – Landscape Best known for his delicate mobile sculptures, Alexander Calder also produced a significant painterly oeuvre. ", "His two-dimensional works served as a way to organize and contextualize his ideas about movement and the relationships of objects within what he called the system of the universe. ", "In the work Landscapes from 1975, Calder relies exclusively on simple patterns and hues, resulting in a unique take on one of the most traditional painterly genres in the history of art. ", "Find out more info about the work here. ", "Rene Genis – Untitled (Landscape) A French 20th-century painter, Rene Genis is best known for his landscapes and still lifes, his fauvist use of color, and strong compositions. ", "His unique color palette is characterized by very transparent blues and greens. ", "Each of his works is imbued with a certain elegance and serenity. ", "The lithograph Untitled (Landscape) undulates between developed forms and areas of flat color. ", "There is a distinctive harmony between the scene depicted and the formal qualities of paint. ", "Find more info about the work here. ", "Delphine Brabant – Landscape IV The French artist Delphine Brabant is best known for her sculptures which juxtapose the horizontal and vertical position. ", "In her process, she explores the dance between shadow and light, balance and imbalance, and strength and fragility. ", "She works with a variety of materials such as bronze, steel, concrete, plaster, clay, stone or wood. ", "Unleashing the true nature of the material used, the work Landscape IV from 2013 is imbued with powerful spiritual and elemental characteristics. ", "Find out more info about the work here. ", "Calo Carratala – Fisher on the Maranon River, Jungle series An acclaimed Spanish artist, Calo Carratalá specializes in landscape painting. ", "An avid traveler, Carratalá has taken in myriad landscapes, from the Amazon to Colorado, the Alps and the Pyrenees and up to the forests of Norway. ", "The work Fisher on the Maranon River, Jungle series from 2014 captures nature in all its power – both troubling, even worrying, and really grand inciting admiration and contemplation. ", "Find out more info about the work here. ", "Feng Ge – Paysage A Chinese painter who currently lives and works in Marseille, Feng Ge creates a pictorial synthesis between East and West, being able to understand the difference and similarities in the two cultures and art forms. ", "Ge’s artistic experience can reflect the style of the studying artists of his generation, especially the confusion and struggle of this culture. ", "The work Paysage constitutes a mature artist’s overall style. ", "Find out more info about the work here." ]
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[ "PARIS -- French authorities have opened an investigation after a teenager allegedly live-streamed video of her suicide on the popular app Periscope.", "\n\nThe local prosecutor said Wednesday the young woman threw herself under a commuter train in the suburban Egly station, south of Paris, after claiming she had been raped by her former boyfriend. ", "The prosecutor's statement said the woman was born in 1997, so she was 18 or 19.", "\n\nThe teenager, whose name was not released, sent a text message to a friend of her former boyfriend a few hours before she killed herself Tuesday, prosecutor Eric Lallement said.", "\n\nGet Breaking News Delivered to Your Inbox\n\n\"In the text message, she mentions violence and a rape that her companion inflicted on her and claims she is ending her days because of the harm that the young man had done to her,\" Lallement said.", "\n\nOn Tuesday, the woman spent more than two hours overall on Periscope, divided in five live sessions. ", "The last one lasted 29 minutes and seemed to have been recorded moments before she killed herself, he said.", "\n\nThe teen's video messages and cellphone have been seized by the police. ", "An autopsy and toxicology and drug tests will be conducted over the next few days.", "\n\nIn her own messages, the woman spoke a lot about her life and her difficult relationship with her former boyfriend, Lallement said.", "\n\nThe video has been removed from Periscope, a cellphone live video-streaming app particularly popular among young people, but YouTube users posted what they said were excerpts. ", "The suicide scene itself is not visible on YouTube.", "\n\nPeriscope, owned by Twitter, did not publicly comment.", "\n\nThe French case is only the latest one linked to Periscope. ", "Last month in Ohio, a 17-year-old woman was raped by a man with whom she had been drinking and her 18-year-old friend live-streamed the attack on the social media app, prompting a prosecutor to file a rape and kidnapping indictment." ]
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[ "Author Archives\n\nContact The Cresset\n\nContact us at the above email address to submit Letters to the Editor or for concerns related to current subscriptions, including address corrections, missed-issue notifications, and all other communications regarding current subscriptions.", "\n\nMore information\n\nMission Statement\n\nThe Cresset, a journal of commentary on literature, the arts, and public affairs, explores ideas and trends in contemporary culture from a perspective grounded in the Lutheran tradition of scholarship, freedom, and faith while informed by the wisdom of the broader Christian community.", "\n\nA Publication of:\n\nHow does a small\ntown Texan become“America’s Best Theologian”? ", "Hauerwas poses this question\nat the beginning of his memoir, Hannah’s Child, and his\nanswer comes in some three hundred pages of entertaining stories that fill us\nin on the characters and circumstances who influenced his thinking and writing.", "\nHauerwas is “famous” because he discovered that the Christian life is “an\nunrelenting engagement with reality” (45) which makes it “so damned\ninteresting” (208). ", "He discovered that Christians “have nothing to lose,” so we\n“might as well tell the truth” (133) which led him to become a theologian who\n“makes the connections necessary to articulate clearly what it means to say\nthat what we believe is true”(157). ", "Hauerwas’s way of telling the truth has a\ncharacteristic “critical edge”(186) that is often “profoundly comic” (58).", "\n\nHis theology is\nunequivocally Christian, narrowly focused on the character of the individual\nChristian who is shaped by the socially marginal community of the church. ", "For\nhis provincial theological focus, James Gustafson, his doctoral dissertation\nadvisor, labeled Hauerwas a “sectarian, fideistic, tribalist” (208) and Time,\nsome years later, recognized his sweeping influence. ", "The contrast is comic, but\nnot nearly as comic as when Hauerwas notes that this honor celebrating his\ninfluence was announced in the 10 September 2001, issue of Time, ensuring\nthat it would go essentially unnoticed.", "\n\nHauerwas’s road to\nsuccess began when he became “Hannah’s child.” ", "Hauerwas’s mother, long denied\nand desperately wanting to be pregnant, remembered the biblical story of Hannah\npraying to God for a son whom she promised to dedicate to God’s service. ", "Being\na pious woman, Hauerwas’s mother prayed Hannah’s prayer, made Hannah’s\npromises, but named her son Stanley not Samuel because, just before he was\nborn, she saw the movie Stanley and Livingston. ", "So it was that before Stanley was born he was destined to resist liberalism for, as he sees it, if praying and\npromising are real, autonomy is not. ", "Liberalism’s assertion of autonomy as the\ncore human virtue makes no sense because it cannot explain why anyone would\nkeep a promise that proves costly to personal happiness. ", "In the most touching\nreflection of the memoir, Hauerwas recalls the pain of his parents when they\nrealized that due to their decision to dedicate their gifted son to God’s\nservice, he would enter a world they could neither understand nor share.", "\nNevertheless, Hauerwas recalls, “They let me go on; they let me enter a world\nforeign to them, because they thought I was serving God.” ", "And again he notes,\n“my parents let me go” which was “a testimony to the truthfulness of their\nlives” (44). ", "From his parents Hauerwas learned that freedom is not the autonomy\nto do as I will but the capacity to remain truthful especially when it is\npersonally costly.", "\n\nFormation in\ntruthfulness continued for Hauerwas as a laborer on his father’s brick crew. ", "By\nseparating liberal learning from manual labor, classical philosophy failed to\nappreciate the truth Hauerwas’s father embodied; namely, “the superior good\nthat comes to those whose lives are honed by a craft” (40). ", "In Hauerwas’s\ninsightful reflections on work, three aspects of the moral worth of work\nemerge. ", "First, to paraphrase G. K. Chesterton, work teaches us that anything\nworth doing is worth doing badly. ", "That is to say, if there is a job that\nneeds doing, you get started and keep going rather than waiting for conducive\nconditions. ", "Why is Hauerwas so prolific? ", "Why did he work so long at holding\ntogether a marriage with a mentally unstable woman? ", "Why is his conception of\nthe Christian life so free of the paralysis that comes of pitting faith against\nworks? ", "One answer is that being a laborer taught him that “you have to get it\ndone before it rains” (86). ", "The lesson learned from manual labor was, in a more\nsophisticated way, repeated in his studies at Yale, with professors Hartt and\nHolmer, who showed Hauerwas “that theology was best done as a form of practical\nreason” (59). ", "This means that we cannot be sure of the truthfulness (or\nfalseness) in our theological theorizing and believing unless and until it\nbecomes embodied in our lives. ", "If nothing else, embodying our faith concretely\nreveals our propensity for failure and the need for grace.", "\n\nThe second theological\ninsight gained from a craft is that anything worth doing badly is worth doing\nbetter. ", "Before Hauerwas read about Aristotle’s insight that we become better by\nhabit, he saw it embodied in his father who was “formed by years of ‘doing it\nright’” (37). ", "Third, we become better, to paraphrase C. S. Lewis, not by\nfocusing on what we have done wrong but by knowing what to do next. ", "Knowing\nwhat to do next, be it in masonry or morals, requires a shared conception of\nwhat it means to make progress. ", "The edifice rescues the habitual laying of\nbrick after brick from tedium and allows criticism of bad work to be edifying,\neven when it involves cursing.", "\n\nPreaching, it was\nthought, would be Hannah’s child’s work, so Hauerwas prepared for his labor by\nreading widely, which led him to authors who caused him to wonder if “all this\nChristianity stuff was not all it was cracked up to be” and to think that he\n“might not want to be a Christian at all” (7). ", "Hannah’s child, now an\nunbelieving undergraduate, went to Southwestern University, where he prepared\nfor pastoral ministry under the tutelage of Professor John Score. ", "Score, who\nunderstood that the liberal arts were the best preparation for pastoral work,\nstarted Hauerwas reading Plato, which gave theoretical support to the truth\nHauerwas already had learned at home; namely that knowledge and virtue are\nintertwined so that being truthful “requires a lifelong transformation of the\nself.” ", "Hauerwas’s experience of pastoral formation through liberal education\nought to be normative. ", "His life reflects an uncomplicated theory of education\nwhich is captured in the admission, “I cannot separate what I think from who I\nknow” (196). ", "The truth is, as Gilbert Meilaender points out, a good liberal\narts education requires nothing more than the regular meeting of “a thoughtful\nteacher well schooled in his discipline,” with “a genuinely interested student,”\naround “important texts.” ", "As for Score, when asked about his part in shaping\nHauerwas’s character, he said, “How could you be a mentor to a volcano” (234)?", "\n\nAs a first-year\nprofessor at Augustana College, Hauerwas discovered that “Lutheran identity” had\na useful plasticity. ", "By teaching students that they were “in some generalized\nway Lutheran, which meant in some vague way that they thought they were\nChristian,” their parents could be assured “that by sending their daughters to\nAugustana they would not lose the virginity they had already lost in high\nschool” (77). ", "For Hauerwas general and vague theology is boring. ", "Theology\nbecomes interesting when it considers the things that make “no sense if the one\ntrue God is not fully present in Jesus Christ” (283). ", "If what Scripture says\nabout God is true, Christians will recognize that “our lives are contingent…\n(and) out of our control,” and will conclude that if, at any time we think we\n“rule the world,” it is a sure sign we are “in the grip of a deep delusion” (231).", "\nHauerwas gives examples of prosperous and politically connected Christians\nbeing reminded (by him) that their wealth and influence are theologically\nuninteresting because Jesus’ death and resurrection are not needed to explain\nwhy people are attracted to money or power.", "\n\nTruthfulness requires\nresidence in a community where “Bullshit (is) not allowed”(45). ", "For Hauerwas,\nthese communities have been the bourgeois family, the church, and the\nuniversity. ", "Hauerwas has been mostly critical of the bourgeois family; however,\nto be truthful, he had to acknowledge his debt to the stability of his parent’s\nmarriage and the benefits of growing up in a home ordered to faith and work.", "\nHis rich relationship with his son is something every father would desire, and\nhe shows how his struggles to keep a troubled marriage together now fuel his\ndeep satisfaction in his second marriage. ", "While Hauerwas’s writings have given\nus “a fresh way to think about the church” (250), his particular church\nexperiences have little importance in his memoir. ", "This seems to be less the\nhazard of being, in his words, a high–church Mennonite, and more reflective of\nthe importance of the university in his life and especially the conflicts which\nhave helped him better understand what it means for a university community to\nbe truthful and how the university and church relate.", "\n\nAs I noted, Hauerwas’s\neducational ideal is summarized in his admission, “I cannot separate what I\nthink from who I know” (196). ", "What liberal learning requires is not the impersonal\nor disembodied dissemination of information. ", "At its best, liberal learning\napproximates an apprenticeship in thinking—the kind Hauerwas had with John\nScore—which involves conversation between master and pupil over important\ntexts. ", "But Hauerwas’s idea of the university is rivaled by the practicality of\nbureaucratic managers, disguised in academic garb. ", "The chief villain is Dennis\nCampbell, the former Dean of the Duke Divinity School, whom, notes Hauerwas,\nlacked the academic credentials to attain a faculty position but had the “one\ngreat skill” of knowing “how to live among powerful and important people”(192).", "\nAnd, admits Hauerwas, when his vision of the university came up against\nbureaucratic methods, Campbell always was able to “outmaneuver people like me.”", "\n\nI’ll not spoil the fun by disclosing any\nmore of these interesting conflict passages. ", "Rather, I mention the bureaucratic\nmanager because it resonates with the not–so–faint overtones of Alasdair\nMacIntyre’s work. ", "One of MacIntyre’s main achievements, accomplished over the\nspan of a decade, was to map out how communities which are not ordered by truth\nmust be ordered by some or another form of power. ", "Three of his books, After\nVirtue(1981),Whose Justice, Which Rationality? (", "1988), andThree Rival Versions of Moral Inquiry(1990), constitute a\ncomplex argument that arrives at the deceptively simple conclusion; we have\ncome to a moral impasse and must choose to follow Aquinas’s conception of the\ntruth or acceptNietzsche’s claim that only power matters. ", "Nietzsche thought\nthat accepting power meant being ruled by a class of supermen. ", "MacIntyre shows\nthat what it means is being ruled by super managers who promise results.", "\n\nReading Hauerwas’s\nmemoir was a sweet and sad reminder of how much time has passed since Hauerwas,\ninterpreting MacIntyre, gave many of us, “a fresh way to think about the\nchurch” (250). ", "When we first read MacIntyre’s reference to Christians at the\ntime of the fall of Rome forming communities of virtue and his appeal for a new\nSt. Benedict, we thought he was talking about the church. ", "He wasn’t, but\nHauerwas was, and eventually MacIntyre would be too. ", "So much time has passed\nand so little has changed for either the church or the university. ", "What has\nchanged for some is that we can now better appreciate the church’s dependence\non the liberal arts, and, as MacIntyre demonstrates in his recent book, God,\nPhilosophy, Universities: A Selective History of the Catholic Philosophical\nTradition,how liberal learning depends upon Christian theology.", "\n\nMacIntyre’s argument,\npresented as a history, shows how the debate between revealed theological truth\nand natural philosophical truth has shaped the conception of rationality that\nhas been crucial to our understanding of the university. ", "At least it was until\naround 1700, when a key momentum shift called modernity, enlightenment, or\nsecularism happened and thinkers began to take “the truth of atheism\nfor granted” (147). ", "More and more religion was thought to lack “rational justification” (76), and\nso one was either rational or religious. ", "Religion maintained a\nmarginal place in the university so long as it echoed other academic\ndisciplines, but, on the whole, it was relegated to the personal and private.", "\nThen, sometime at the end of the twentieth century, another momentum shift\nhappened, this time toward something called post–modernity in which every claim\nof truth and rationality was considered a disguise of power. ", "There is no such\nthing as truth, which means the best we can strive for are results. ", "It has taken\nseveral centuries for this part of the story to play out, but now we can see\nthat by accepting the “modern” truth of atheism we swerved into the old mistake\nof choosing to be successful over choosing to be good. (", "Who’s to say what\ngoodness is?)", "\n\nMacIntyre’s narrow audience, the Catholic/Christian university, must come\nto realize that there has been yet another—though very modest—momentum shift\nthat began with Leo XIII’s Rerum Novarum(1891) and gained its\nmost public exposure in the assertion of John Paul II’s papal encyclical, Fides\net Ratio (1998),\nthat reason and faith are not exclusive, but, says MacIntyre, that “Reason…\nneeds Christian faith, if it is to do its own work well” (152). ", "Who could have\nimagined one or two generations ago that the most important defenders of the\nhumanities curriculum would be the two popes, John Paul II and Benedict XVI? ", "It\ncomes as no surprise to MacIntyre who persuasively shows that the energy\nfueling the humanities has always come from an ongoing argument between the truths\nof revealed theology and natural philosophy.", "\n\nThis connection was most\nclearly articulated by Cardinal John Henry Newman in The Idea of the\nUniversity (1854). ", "Here he stated that “The aim of a university education\nis not to fit students for this or that particular profession or career… but to\ncultivate “the perfection or virtue of intellect.” ", "To be human means to pursue\nthe truth, which, in turn requires that we “engage fruitfully in conversation\nand debate…” in order to obtain “insights and arguments from a variety of\ndisciplines to bear on particular complex issues.” ", "A university education\ncannot make us truthful. ", "It can, however, teach students that to be open to the\ntruth we need the virtues of humility and patience and the linguistic skills\nnecessary for thinking. ", "Having virtue and skill, we can enter into the\ndiscussion focused on the “complex relationships between the myriad of\nparticular facts,” trusting that truth is discovered on the far side of\ndisagreement. ", "This article of religious faith, grounded in the unity of the\nrational creation, is nowhere more clearly expressed than when scholars express\nthemselves with the kind of clarity and coherence that makes their truth claims\n“maximally vulnerable to refutation.”", "\n\nThe university that\narose in the thirteenth century was the result of an ongoing debate that began\nwith Augustine, who concluded that divine illumination was needed to preserve\nthe thinker from skepticism. ", "This question was taken up by the philosopher\nBoethius whose conception of the liberal arts was adopted by the medieval\nuniversity and who refused to judge between Plato, who believed that universal\ntruth and ultimate reality existed in forms apart from the physical world, and\nAristotle, who found truth within the world as we experience it. ", "Boethius’s\nunwillingness to take sides on this question ensured that the Hellenistic\ndebate over the relationship of ideas to the concrete world would be crucial to\nthe way Christian thinkers puzzle over what it means to be human in light of\nGod’s relationship to the world as Creator and Redeemer. ", "From the perspective\nof the Christian intellectual tradition, our thinking about what it means to be\nhuman is defective unless it is open to the truths of both natural philosophy\nand revealed theology. ", "So, notes MacIntyre, it is “the task of philosophy… to\nexamine the nature of finite beings and\nthings, consider their causes, which rendered natural knowledge of God.” ", "And\nagain, it is “the task of theology… to see how God related to finite things and\nbeings” (74). ", "The conversation between natural and revealed truth, involving\ncharacters like Anselm, Aquinas, Descartes, and Pascal and conversations with\nIslamic and Jewish thinkers, enables “us to identify accurately where the line\nbetween faith and reason is to be drawn, something that cannot be done from the\nstandpoint of reason, but only from that of faith. ", "Reason therefore needs\nChristian faith, if it is to do its own work well” (152).", "\n\nIf Scripture reveals\ntruths we cannot know by other means, the separation of faith from learning\nmust result in confusion, particularly the confusion over the “relationship of\nlanguage to the world” (160). ", "Elsewhere MacIntyre quotes Nietzsche’s aphorism,\n“I fear we are not getting rid of God because we still believe in grammar.”", "\nNietzsche rightly recognized that “belief in God is covertly present” in “the\nstructure of language.” ", "The corollary is unavoidable; by accepting the truth of\natheism, it was inevitable that language studies (rhetoric, logic, dialectic),\nthe core of the humanities, would eventually come to seem unimportant. ", "To be\nsure, the philosophical prejudices of materialism and naturalism in the\nuniversity ably sustain the scientific and technological disciplines that yield\nsuch impressive results. ", "Moreover, there is no tension between this prejudice\nand the professional programs that make the plausible claim that a good\neducation results in a good job. ", "Nothing in MacIntyre’s argument\nsuggests that the restoration of the liberal arts requires the diminishment of\nscientific or professional education. ", "His argument is more subtle and more\ndisturbing. ", "Failing to sustain a vibrant debate between revealed and\nnatural truth, Christian/Catholic universities will have succumbed to the old and bad\nbargain of gaining the whole world and losing their soul.", "\nMacIntyre has made it less easy for us to ignore the truth of how decisions\nmade today will either restore or destroy the soul of tomorrow’s Christian\nuniversity (63).", "\n\nMacIntyre’s story shows\nhow the debate between theology and philosophy, that once defined and energized\nthe medieval university, can repeat its soul restoring work today. ", "To take this\nstory seriously however means that we must recognize that merely adding a\npatchwork of classes in ethics and sacred theology is insufficient to save the\nsoul of the Christian university. ", "Two hundred years of eliminating the\ntranscendent dimension of faith from our intellectual habits is not overcome by\ntheological patches put on materialistic wineskins (63). ", "Our hope, maybe our\nonly hope, is for the Christian family, church and university to create and\ncultivate more Hannah’s children. ", "Together, Hauerwas’s memoir and MacIntyre’s\nhistory show what it means to both the church and university when Christians\nrecognize that we “have nothing to lose,” and so we “might as well tell the\ntruth”(133) in whatever academic discipline we work in." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nBinding parameters by PDO not working\n\nI've got this code:\n$conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);\n$jsonvprencode = json_encode($jsonvpr);\n$stmt = $conn->prepare(\"UPDATE `wp_posts` SET `post_content` = :val WHERE `ID` = $idvpr\");\n$stmt->bind_param(\":val\", $jsonvprencode);\n$stmt->execute();\n\nWhen trying to execute it it returns Fatal error: Call to a member function bind_param() on a non-object in /var/www/html/crawlnew.php on line 432\nI can't understand what is going on here -_-\n\nA:\n\nMySQLi with PreparedStatements\n$stmt = $conn->prepare(\"UPDATE `wp_posts` SET `post_content` = ? ", "WHERE `ID` = ?\");", "\n$stmt->bind_param(\"si\", $jsonvprencode,$idvpr);\n\nPDO with Prepared Statements\n$stmt = $conn->prepare(\"UPDATE `wp_posts` SET `post_content` = :jsonvprencode WHERE `ID` = :idvpr\");\n\n$stmt->bindParam(':jsonvprencode', $jsonvprencode);\n\n$stmt->bindParam(':idvpr', $idvpr);\n\n" ]
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[ "Description\n\nJUST REDUCED! ", "Privacy abounds on this property located at the end of a cul de sac and minutes from Waterway Park and the Marina. ", "This second row ICW lot is the perfect location for your new home. ", "Want something a little larger, lot 16 to the left is also being offered for the same price and you can combine the two to create an estate like property. ", "Signature Membership is active. ", "Over $100 million in completed amenities, including the oceanfront beach club, an ICW Marina including a waterside grille, fresh market grocer and ship store. ", "There are countless ways to stay active making use of over 15 miles of walking and biking trails, fitness centers, tennis and 81 holes of championship golf. ", "Additionally there are over 500 acres of nature preserves located within the community.", "\n\nSchool Information\n\nDescription\n\nJUST REDUCED! ", "Privacy abounds on this property located at the end of a cul de sac and minutes from Waterway Park and the Marina. ", "This second row ICW lot is the perfect location for your new home. ", "Want something a little larger, lot 16 to the left is also being offered for the same price and you can combine the two to create an estate like property. ", "Signature Membership is active. ", "Over $100 million in completed amenities, including the oceanfront beach club, an ICW Marina including a waterside grille, fresh market grocer and ship store. ", "There are countless ways to stay active making use of over 15 miles of walking and biking trails, fitness centers, tennis and 81 holes of championship golf. ", "Additionally there are over 500 acres of nature preserves located within the community.", "\n\nProperty Description\n\nJUST REDUCED! ", "Privacy abounds on this property located at the end of a cul de sac and minutes from Waterway Park and the Marina. ", "This second row ICW lot is the perfect location for your new home. ", "Want something a little larger, lot 16 to the left is also being offered for the same price and you can combine the two to create an estate like property. ", "Signature Membership is active. ", "Over $100 million in completed amenities, including the oceanfront beach club, an ICW Marina including a waterside grille, fresh market grocer and ship store. ", "There are countless ways to stay active making use of over 15 miles of walking and biking trails, fitness centers, tennis and 81 holes of championship golf. ", "Additionally there are over 500 acres of nature preserves located within the community." ]
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[ "/*\n * Cryptographic API.", "\n * Support for Nomadik hardware crypto engine.", "\n\n * Copyright (C) ST-Ericsson SA 2010\n * Author: Shujuan Chen <shujuan.chen@stericsson.com> for ST-Ericsson\n * Author: Joakim Bech <joakim.xx.bech@stericsson.com> for ST-Ericsson\n * Author: Berne Hebark <berne.herbark@stericsson.com> for ST-Ericsson.", "\n * Author: Niklas Hernaeus <niklas.hernaeus@stericsson.com> for ST-Ericsson.", "\n * Author: Andreas Westin <andreas.westin@stericsson.com> for ST-Ericsson.", "\n * License terms: GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2\n */\n\n#define pr_fmt(fmt) \"hashX hashX: \" fmt\n\n#include <linux/clk.h>\n#include <linux/device.h>\n#include <linux/err.h>\n#include <linux/init.h>\n#include <linux/io.h>\n#include <linux/klist.h>\n#include <linux/kernel.h>\n#include <linux/module.h>\n#include <linux/platform_device.h>\n#include <linux/crypto.h>\n\n#include <linux/regulator/consumer.h>\n#include <linux/dmaengine.h>\n#include <linux/bitops.h>\n\n#include <crypto/internal/hash.h>\n#include <crypto/sha.h>\n#include <crypto/scatterwalk.h>\n#include <crypto/algapi.h>\n\n#include <linux/platform_data/crypto-ux500.h>\n\n#include \"hash_alg.h\"\n\nstatic int hash_mode;\nmodule_param(hash_mode, int, 0);\nMODULE_PARM_DESC(hash_mode, \"CPU or DMA mode. ", "CPU = 0 (default), DMA = 1\");\n\n/* HMAC-SHA1, no key */\nstatic const u8 zero_message_hmac_sha1[SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE] = {\n\t0xfb, 0xdb, 0x1d, 0x1b, 0x18, 0xaa, 0x6c, 0x08,\n\t0x32, 0x4b, 0x7d, 0x64, 0xb7, 0x1f, 0xb7, 0x63,\n\t0x70, 0x69, 0x0e, 0x1d\n};\n\n/* HMAC-SHA256, no key */\nstatic const u8 zero_message_hmac_sha256[SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE] = {\n\t0xb6, 0x13, 0x67, 0x9a, 0x08, 0x14, 0xd9, 0xec,\n\t0x77, 0x2f, 0x95, 0xd7, 0x78, 0xc3, 0x5f, 0xc5,\n\t0xff, 0x16, 0x97, 0xc4, 0x93, 0x71, 0x56, 0x53,\n\t0xc6, 0xc7, 0x12, 0x14, 0x42, 0x92, 0xc5, 0xad\n};\n\n/**\n * struct hash_driver_data - data specific to the driver.", "\n *\n * @device_list:\tA list of registered devices to choose from.", "\n * @device_allocation:\tA semaphore initialized with number of devices.", "\n */\nstruct hash_driver_data {\n\tstruct klist\t\tdevice_list;\n\tstruct semaphore\tdevice_allocation;\n};\n\nstatic struct hash_driver_data\tdriver_data;\n\n/* Declaration of functions */\n/**\n * hash_messagepad - Pads a message and write the nblw bits.", "\n * @device_data:\tStructure for the hash device.", "\n * @message:\t\tLast word of a message\n * @index_bytes:\tThe number of bytes in the last message\n *\n * This function manages the final part of the digest calculation, when less\n * than 512 bits (64 bytes) remain in message. ", "This means index_bytes < 64.", "\n *\n */\nstatic void hash_messagepad(struct hash_device_data *device_data,\n\t\t\t const u32 *message, u8 index_bytes);\n\n/**\n * release_hash_device - Releases a previously allocated hash device.", "\n * @device_data:\tStructure for the hash device.", "\n *\n */\nstatic void release_hash_device(struct hash_device_data *device_data)\n{\n\tspin_lock(&device_data->ctx_lock);\n\tdevice_data->current_ctx->device = NULL;\n\tdevice_data->current_ctx = NULL;\n\tspin_unlock(&device_data->ctx_lock);\n\n\t/*\n\t * The down_interruptible part for this semaphore is called in\n\t * cryp_get_device_data.", "\n\t */\n\tup(&driver_data.device_allocation);\n}\n\nstatic void hash_dma_setup_channel(struct hash_device_data *device_data,\n\t\t\t\t struct device *dev)\n{\n\tstruct hash_platform_data *platform_data = dev->platform_data;\n\tstruct dma_slave_config conf = {\n\t\t.direction = DMA_MEM_TO_DEV,\n\t\t.dst_addr = device_data->phybase + HASH_DMA_FIFO,\n\t\t.dst_addr_width = DMA_SLAVE_BUSWIDTH_2_BYTES,\n\t\t.dst_maxburst = 16,\n\t};\n\n\tdma_cap_zero(device_data->dma.mask);\n\tdma_cap_set(DMA_SLAVE, device_data->dma.mask);\n\n\tdevice_data->dma.cfg_mem2hash = platform_data->mem_to_engine;\n\tdevice_data->dma.chan_mem2hash =\n\t\tdma_request_channel(device_data->dma.mask,\n\t\t\t\t platform_data->dma_filter,\n\t\t\t\t device_data->dma.cfg_mem2hash);\n\n\tdmaengine_slave_config(device_data->dma.chan_mem2hash, &conf);\n\n\tinit_completion(&device_data->dma.complete);\n}\n\nstatic void hash_dma_callback(void *data)\n{\n\tstruct hash_ctx *ctx = data;\n\n\tcomplete(&ctx->device->dma.complete);\n}\n\nstatic int hash_set_dma_transfer(struct hash_ctx *ctx, struct scatterlist *sg,\n\t\t\t\t int len, enum dma_data_direction direction)\n{\n\tstruct dma_async_tx_descriptor *desc = NULL;\n\tstruct dma_chan *channel = NULL;\n\tdma_cookie_t cookie;\n\n\tif (direction !", "= DMA_TO_DEVICE) {\n\t\tdev_err(ctx->device->dev, \"%s: Invalid DMA direction\\n\",\n\t\t\t__func__);\n\t\treturn -EFAULT;\n\t}\n\n\tsg->length = ALIGN(sg->length, HASH_DMA_ALIGN_SIZE);\n\n\tchannel = ctx->device->dma.chan_mem2hash;\n\tctx->device->dma.sg = sg;\n\tctx->device->dma.sg_len = dma_map_sg(channel->device->dev,\n\t\t\tctx->device->dma.sg, ctx->device->dma.nents,\n\t\t\tdirection);\n\n\tif (!", "ctx->device->dma.sg_len) {\n\t\tdev_err(ctx->device->dev, \"%s: Could not map the sg list (TO_DEVICE)\\n\",\n\t\t\t__func__);\n\t\treturn -EFAULT;\n\t}\n\n\tdev_dbg(ctx->device->dev, \"%s: Setting up DMA for buffer (TO_DEVICE)\\n\",\n\t\t__func__);\n\tdesc = dmaengine_prep_slave_sg(channel,\n\t\t\tctx->device->dma.sg, ctx->device->dma.sg_len,\n\t\t\tdirection, DMA_CTRL_ACK | DMA_PREP_INTERRUPT);\n\tif (!", "desc) {\n\t\tdev_err(ctx->device->dev,\n\t\t\t\"%s: dmaengine_prep_slave_sg() failed!\\n\", __func__);\n\t\treturn -EFAULT;\n\t}\n\n\tdesc->callback = hash_dma_callback;\n\tdesc->callback_param = ctx;\n\n\tcookie = dmaengine_submit(desc);\n\tdma_async_issue_pending(channel);\n\n\treturn 0;\n}\n\nstatic void hash_dma_done(struct hash_ctx *ctx)\n{\n\tstruct dma_chan *chan;\n\n\tchan = ctx->device->dma.chan_mem2hash;\n\tdmaengine_terminate_all(chan);\n\tdma_unmap_sg(chan->device->dev, ctx->device->dma.sg,\n\t\t ctx->device->dma.sg_len, DMA_TO_DEVICE);\n}\n\nstatic int hash_dma_write(struct hash_ctx *ctx,\n\t\t\t struct scatterlist *sg, int len)\n{\n\tint error = hash_set_dma_transfer(ctx, sg, len, DMA_TO_DEVICE);\n\tif (error) {\n\t\tdev_dbg(ctx->device->dev,\n\t\t\t\"%s: hash_set_dma_transfer() failed\\n\", __func__);\n\t\treturn error;\n\t}\n\n\treturn len;\n}\n\n/**\n * get_empty_message_digest - Returns a pre-calculated digest for\n * the empty message.", "\n * @device_data:\tStructure for the hash device.", "\n * @zero_hash:\t\tBuffer to return the empty message digest.", "\n * @zero_hash_size:\tHash size of the empty message digest.", "\n * @zero_digest:\tTrue if zero_digest returned.", "\n */\nstatic int get_empty_message_digest(\n\t\tstruct hash_device_data *device_data,\n\t\tu8 *zero_hash, u32 *zero_hash_size, bool *zero_digest)\n{\n\tint ret = 0;\n\tstruct hash_ctx *ctx = device_data->current_ctx;\n\t*zero_digest = false;\n\n\t/**\n\t * Caller responsible for ctx !", "= NULL.", "\n\t */\n\n\tif (HASH_OPER_MODE_HASH == ctx->config.oper_mode) {\n\t\tif (HASH_ALGO_SHA1 == ctx->config.algorithm) {\n\t\t\tmemcpy(zero_hash, &sha1_zero_message_hash[0],\n\t\t\t SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE);\n\t\t\t*zero_hash_size = SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE;\n\t\t\t*zero_digest = true;\n\t\t} else if (HASH_ALGO_SHA256 ==\n\t\t\t\tctx->config.algorithm) {\n\t\t\tmemcpy(zero_hash, &sha256_zero_message_hash[0],\n\t\t\t SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE);\n\t\t\t*zero_hash_size = SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE;\n\t\t\t*zero_digest = true;\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tdev_err(device_data->dev, \"%s: Incorrect algorithm!\\n\",\n\t\t\t\t__func__);\n\t\t\tret = -EINVAL;\n\t\t\tgoto out;\n\t\t}\n\t} else if (HASH_OPER_MODE_HMAC == ctx->config.oper_mode) {\n\t\tif (!", "ctx->keylen) {\n\t\t\tif (HASH_ALGO_SHA1 == ctx->config.algorithm) {\n\t\t\t\tmemcpy(zero_hash, &zero_message_hmac_sha1[0],\n\t\t\t\t SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE);\n\t\t\t\t*zero_hash_size = SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE;\n\t\t\t\t*zero_digest = true;\n\t\t\t} else if (HASH_ALGO_SHA256 == ctx->config.algorithm) {\n\t\t\t\tmemcpy(zero_hash, &zero_message_hmac_sha256[0],\n\t\t\t\t SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE);\n\t\t\t\t*zero_hash_size = SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE;\n\t\t\t\t*zero_digest = true;\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tdev_err(device_data->dev, \"%s: Incorrect algorithm!\\n\",\n\t\t\t\t\t__func__);\n\t\t\t\tret = -EINVAL;\n\t\t\t\tgoto out;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tdev_dbg(device_data->dev,\n\t\t\t\t\"%s: Continue hash calculation, since hmac key available\\n\",\n\t\t\t\t__func__);\n\t\t}\n\t}\nout:\n\n\treturn ret;\n}\n\n/**\n * hash_disable_power - Request to disable power and clock.", "\n * @device_data:\tStructure for the hash device.", "\n * @save_device_state:\tIf true, saves the current hw state.", "\n *\n * This function request for disabling power (regulator) and clock,\n * and could also save current hw state.", "\n */\nstatic int hash_disable_power(struct hash_device_data *device_data,\n\t\t\t bool save_device_state)\n{\n\tint ret = 0;\n\tstruct device *dev = device_data->dev;\n\n\tspin_lock(&device_data->power_state_lock);\n\tif (!", "device_data->power_state)\n\t\tgoto out;\n\n\tif (save_device_state) {\n\t\thash_save_state(device_data,\n\t\t\t\t&device_data->state);\n\t\tdevice_data->restore_dev_state = true;\n\t}\n\n\tclk_disable(device_data->clk);\n\tret = regulator_disable(device_data->regulator);\n\tif (ret)\n\t\tdev_err(dev, \"%s: regulator_disable() failed!\\n\", __func__);\n\n\tdevice_data->power_state = false;\n\nout:\n\tspin_unlock(&device_data->power_state_lock);\n\n\treturn ret;\n}\n\n/**\n * hash_enable_power - Request to enable power and clock.", "\n * @device_data:\t\tStructure for the hash device.", "\n * @restore_device_state:\tIf true, restores a previous saved hw state.", "\n *\n * This function request for enabling power (regulator) and clock,\n * and could also restore a previously saved hw state.", "\n */\nstatic int hash_enable_power(struct hash_device_data *device_data,\n\t\t\t bool restore_device_state)\n{\n\tint ret = 0;\n\tstruct device *dev = device_data->dev;\n\n\tspin_lock(&device_data->power_state_lock);\n\tif (!", "device_data->power_state) {\n\t\tret = regulator_enable(device_data->regulator);\n\t\tif (ret) {\n\t\t\tdev_err(dev, \"%s: regulator_enable() failed!\\n\",\n\t\t\t\t__func__);\n\t\t\tgoto out;\n\t\t}\n\t\tret = clk_enable(device_data->clk);\n\t\tif (ret) {\n\t\t\tdev_err(dev, \"%s: clk_enable() failed!\\n\", __func__);\n\t\t\tret = regulator_disable(\n\t\t\t\t\tdevice_data->regulator);\n\t\t\tgoto out;\n\t\t}\n\t\tdevice_data->power_state = true;\n\t}\n\n\tif (device_data->restore_dev_state) {\n\t\tif (restore_device_state) {\n\t\t\tdevice_data->restore_dev_state = false;\n\t\t\thash_resume_state(device_data, &device_data->state);\n\t\t}\n\t}\nout:\n\tspin_unlock(&device_data->power_state_lock);\n\n\treturn ret;\n}\n\n/**\n * hash_get_device_data - Checks for an available hash device and return it.", "\n * @hash_ctx:\t\tStructure for the hash context.", "\n * @device_data:\tStructure for the hash device.", "\n *\n * This function check for an available hash device and return it to\n * the caller.", "\n * Note! ", "Caller need to release the device, calling up().", "\n */\nstatic int hash_get_device_data(struct hash_ctx *ctx,\n\t\t\t\tstruct hash_device_data **device_data)\n{\n\tint\t\t\tret;\n\tstruct klist_iter\tdevice_iterator;\n\tstruct klist_node\t*device_node;\n\tstruct hash_device_data *local_device_data = NULL;\n\n\t/* Wait until a device is available */\n\tret = down_interruptible(&driver_data.device_allocation);\n\tif (ret)\n\t\treturn ret; /* Interrupted */\n\n\t/* Select a device */\n\tklist_iter_init(&driver_data.device_list, &device_iterator);\n\tdevice_node = klist_next(&device_iterator);\n\twhile (device_node) {\n\t\tlocal_device_data = container_of(device_node,\n\t\t\t\t\t struct hash_device_data, list_node);\n\t\tspin_lock(&local_device_data->ctx_lock);\n\t\t/* current_ctx allocates a device, NULL = unallocated */\n\t\tif (local_device_data->current_ctx) {\n\t\t\tdevice_node = klist_next(&device_iterator);\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tlocal_device_data->current_ctx = ctx;\n\t\t\tctx->device = local_device_data;\n\t\t\tspin_unlock(&local_device_data->ctx_lock);\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t}\n\t\tspin_unlock(&local_device_data->ctx_lock);\n\t}\n\tklist_iter_exit(&device_iterator);\n\n\tif (!", "device_node) {\n\t\t/**\n\t\t * No free device found.", "\n\t\t * Since we allocated a device with down_interruptible, this\n\t\t * should not be able to happen.", "\n\t\t * Number of available devices, which are contained in\n\t\t * device_allocation, is therefore decremented by not doing\n\t\t * an up(device_allocation).", "\n\t\t */\n\t\treturn -EBUSY;\n\t}\n\n\t*device_data = local_device_data;\n\n\treturn 0;\n}\n\n/**\n * hash_hw_write_key - Writes the key to the hardware registries.", "\n *\n * @device_data:\tStructure for the hash device.", "\n * @key:\t\tKey to be written.", "\n * @keylen:\t\tThe lengt of the key.", "\n *\n * Note! ", "This function DOES NOT write to the NBLW registry, even though\n * specified in the the hw design spec. ", "Either due to incorrect info in the\n * spec or due to a bug in the hw.", "\n */\nstatic void hash_hw_write_key(struct hash_device_data *device_data,\n\t\t\t const u8 *key, unsigned int keylen)\n{\n\tu32 word = 0;\n\tint nwords = 1;\n\n\tHASH_CLEAR_BITS(&device_data->base->str, HASH_STR_NBLW_MASK);\n\n\twhile (keylen >= 4) {\n\t\tu32 *key_word = (u32 *)key;\n\n\t\tHASH_SET_DIN(key_word, nwords);\n\t\tkeylen -= 4;\n\t\tkey += 4;\n\t}\n\n\t/* Take care of the remaining bytes in the last word */\n\tif (keylen) {\n\t\tword = 0;\n\t\twhile (keylen) {\n\t\t\tword |= (key[keylen - 1] << (8 * (keylen - 1)));\n\t\t\tkeylen--;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tHASH_SET_DIN(&word, nwords);\n\t}\n\n\twhile (readl(&device_data->base->str) & HASH_STR_DCAL_MASK)\n\t\tcpu_relax();\n\n\tHASH_SET_DCAL;\n\n\twhile (readl(&device_data->base->str) & HASH_STR_DCAL_MASK)\n\t\tcpu_relax();\n}\n\n/**\n * init_hash_hw - Initialise the hash hardware for a new calculation.", "\n * @device_data:\tStructure for the hash device.", "\n * @ctx:\t\tThe hash context.", "\n *\n * This function will enable the bits needed to clear and start a new\n * calculation.", "\n */\nstatic int init_hash_hw(struct hash_device_data *device_data,\n\t\t\tstruct hash_ctx *ctx)\n{\n\tint ret = 0;\n\n\tret = hash_setconfiguration(device_data, &ctx->config);\n\tif (ret) {\n\t\tdev_err(device_data->dev, \"%s: hash_setconfiguration() failed!\\n\",\n\t\t\t__func__);\n\t\treturn ret;\n\t}\n\n\thash_begin(device_data, ctx);\n\n\tif (ctx->config.oper_mode == HASH_OPER_MODE_HMAC)\n\t\thash_hw_write_key(device_data, ctx->key, ctx->keylen);\n\n\treturn ret;\n}\n\n/**\n * hash_get_nents - Return number of entries (nents) in scatterlist (sg).", "\n *\n * @sg:\t\tScatterlist.", "\n * @size:\tSize in bytes.", "\n * @aligned:\tTrue if sg data aligned to work in DMA mode.", "\n *\n */\nstatic int hash_get_nents(struct scatterlist *sg, int size, bool *aligned)\n{\n\tint nents = 0;\n\tbool aligned_data = true;\n\n\twhile (size > 0 && sg) {\n\t\tnents++;\n\t\tsize -= sg->length;\n\n\t\t/* hash_set_dma_transfer will align last nent */\n\t\tif ((aligned && !", "IS_ALIGNED(sg->offset, HASH_DMA_ALIGN_SIZE)) ||\n\t\t (!", "IS_ALIGNED(sg->length, HASH_DMA_ALIGN_SIZE) && size > 0))\n\t\t\taligned_data = false;\n\n\t\tsg = sg_next(sg);\n\t}\n\n\tif (aligned)\n\t\t*aligned = aligned_data;\n\n\tif (size !", "= 0)\n\t\treturn -EFAULT;\n\n\treturn nents;\n}\n\n/**\n * hash_dma_valid_data - checks for dma valid sg data.", "\n * @sg:\t\tScatterlist.", "\n * @datasize:\tDatasize in bytes.", "\n *\n * NOTE! ", "This function checks for dma valid sg data, since dma\n * only accept datasizes of even wordsize.", "\n */\nstatic bool hash_dma_valid_data(struct scatterlist *sg, int datasize)\n{\n\tbool aligned;\n\n\t/* Need to include at least one nent, else error */\n\tif (hash_get_nents(sg, datasize, &aligned) < 1)\n\t\treturn false;\n\n\treturn aligned;\n}\n\n/**\n * hash_init - Common hash init function for SHA1/SHA2 (SHA256).", "\n * @req: The hash request for the job.", "\n *\n * Initialize structures.", "\n */\nstatic int hash_init(struct ahash_request *req)\n{\n\tstruct crypto_ahash *tfm = crypto_ahash_reqtfm(req);\n\tstruct hash_ctx *ctx = crypto_ahash_ctx(tfm);\n\tstruct hash_req_ctx *req_ctx = ahash_request_ctx(req);\n\n\tif (!", "ctx->key)\n\t\tctx->keylen = 0;\n\n\tmemset(&req_ctx->state, 0, sizeof(struct hash_state));\n\treq_ctx->updated = 0;\n\tif (hash_mode == HASH_MODE_DMA) {\n\t\tif (req->nbytes < HASH_DMA_ALIGN_SIZE) {\n\t\t\treq_ctx->dma_mode = false; /* Don't use DMA */\n\n\t\t\tpr_debug(\"%s: DMA mode, but direct to CPU mode for data size < %d\\n\",\n\t\t\t\t __func__, HASH_DMA_ALIGN_SIZE);\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tif (req->nbytes >= HASH_DMA_PERFORMANCE_MIN_SIZE &&\n\t\t\t hash_dma_valid_data(req->src, req->nbytes)) {\n\t\t\t\treq_ctx->dma_mode = true;\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\treq_ctx->dma_mode = false;\n\t\t\t\tpr_debug(\"%s: DMA mode, but use CPU mode for datalength < %d or non-aligned data, except in last nent\\n\",\n\t\t\t\t\t __func__,\n\t\t\t\t\t HASH_DMA_PERFORMANCE_MIN_SIZE);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn 0;\n}\n\n/**\n * hash_processblock - This function processes a single block of 512 bits (64\n * bytes), word aligned, starting at message.", "\n * @device_data:\tStructure for the hash device.", "\n * @message:\t\tBlock (512 bits) of message to be written to\n *\t\t\tthe HASH hardware.", "\n *\n */\nstatic void hash_processblock(struct hash_device_data *device_data,\n\t\t\t const u32 *message, int length)\n{\n\tint len = length / HASH_BYTES_PER_WORD;\n\t/*\n\t * NBLW bits. ", "Reset the number of bits in last word (NBLW).", "\n\t */\n\tHASH_CLEAR_BITS(&device_data->base->str, HASH_STR_NBLW_MASK);\n\n\t/*\n\t * Write message data to the HASH_DIN register.", "\n\t */\n\tHASH_SET_DIN(message, len);\n}\n\n/**\n * hash_messagepad - Pads a message and write the nblw bits.", "\n * @device_data:\tStructure for the hash device.", "\n * @message:\t\tLast word of a message.", "\n * @index_bytes:\tThe number of bytes in the last message.", "\n *\n * This function manages the final part of the digest calculation, when less\n * than 512 bits (64 bytes) remain in message. ", "This means index_bytes < 64.", "\n *\n */\nstatic void hash_messagepad(struct hash_device_data *device_data,\n\t\t\t const u32 *message, u8 index_bytes)\n{\n\tint nwords = 1;\n\n\t/*\n\t * Clear hash str register, only clear NBLW\n\t * since DCAL will be reset by hardware.", "\n\t */\n\tHASH_CLEAR_BITS(&device_data->base->str, HASH_STR_NBLW_MASK);\n\n\t/* Main loop */\n\twhile (index_bytes >= 4) {\n\t\tHASH_SET_DIN(message, nwords);\n\t\tindex_bytes -= 4;\n\t\tmessage++;\n\t}\n\n\tif (index_bytes)\n\t\tHASH_SET_DIN(message, nwords);\n\n\twhile (readl(&device_data->base->str) & HASH_STR_DCAL_MASK)\n\t\tcpu_relax();\n\n\t/* num_of_bytes == 0 => NBLW <- 0 (32 bits valid in DATAIN) */\n\tHASH_SET_NBLW(index_bytes * 8);\n\tdev_dbg(device_data->dev, \"%s: DIN=0x%08x NBLW=%lu\\n\",\n\t\t__func__, readl_relaxed(&device_data->base->din),\n\t\treadl_relaxed(&device_data->base->str) & HASH_STR_NBLW_MASK);\n\tHASH_SET_DCAL;\n\tdev_dbg(device_data->dev, \"%s: after dcal -> DIN=0x%08x NBLW=%lu\\n\",\n\t\t__func__, readl_relaxed(&device_data->base->din),\n\t\treadl_relaxed(&device_data->base->str) & HASH_STR_NBLW_MASK);\n\n\twhile (readl(&device_data->base->str) & HASH_STR_DCAL_MASK)\n\t\tcpu_relax();\n}\n\n/**\n * hash_incrementlength - Increments the length of the current message.", "\n * @ctx: Hash context\n * @incr: Length of message processed already\n *\n * Overflow cannot occur, because conditions for overflow are checked in\n * hash_hw_update.", "\n */\nstatic void hash_incrementlength(struct hash_req_ctx *ctx, u32 incr)\n{\n\tctx->state.length.low_word += incr;\n\n\t/* Check for wrap-around */\n\tif (ctx->state.length.low_word < incr)\n\t\tctx->state.length.high_word++;\n}\n\n/**\n * hash_setconfiguration - Sets the required configuration for the hash\n * hardware.", "\n * @device_data:\tStructure for the hash device.", "\n * @config:\t\tPointer to a configuration structure.", "\n */\nint hash_setconfiguration(struct hash_device_data *device_data,\n\t\t\t struct hash_config *config)\n{\n\tint ret = 0;\n\n\tif (config->algorithm !", "= HASH_ALGO_SHA1 &&\n\t config->algorithm !", "= HASH_ALGO_SHA256)\n\t\treturn -EPERM;\n\n\t/*\n\t * DATAFORM bits. ", "Set the DATAFORM bits to 0b11, which means the data\n\t * to be written to HASH_DIN is considered as 32 bits.", "\n\t */\n\tHASH_SET_DATA_FORMAT(config->data_format);\n\n\t/*\n\t * ALGO bit. ", "Set to 0b1 for SHA-1 and 0b0 for SHA-256\n\t */\n\tswitch (config->algorithm) {\n\tcase HASH_ALGO_SHA1:\n\t\tHASH_SET_BITS(&device_data->base->cr, HASH_CR_ALGO_MASK);\n\t\tbreak;\n\n\tcase HASH_ALGO_SHA256:\n\t\tHASH_CLEAR_BITS(&device_data->base->cr, HASH_CR_ALGO_MASK);\n\t\tbreak;\n\n\tdefault:\n\t\tdev_err(device_data->dev, \"%s: Incorrect algorithm\\n\",\n\t\t\t__func__);\n\t\treturn -EPERM;\n\t}\n\n\t/*\n\t * MODE bit. ", "This bit selects between HASH or HMAC mode for the\n\t * selected algorithm. ", "0b0 = HASH and 0b1 = HMAC.", "\n\t */\n\tif (HASH_OPER_MODE_HASH == config->oper_mode)\n\t\tHASH_CLEAR_BITS(&device_data->base->cr,\n\t\t\t\tHASH_CR_MODE_MASK);\n\telse if (HASH_OPER_MODE_HMAC == config->oper_mode) {\n\t\tHASH_SET_BITS(&device_data->base->cr, HASH_CR_MODE_MASK);\n\t\tif (device_data->current_ctx->keylen > HASH_BLOCK_SIZE) {\n\t\t\t/* Truncate key to blocksize */\n\t\t\tdev_dbg(device_data->dev, \"%s: LKEY set\\n\", __func__);\n\t\t\tHASH_SET_BITS(&device_data->base->cr,\n\t\t\t\t HASH_CR_LKEY_MASK);\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tdev_dbg(device_data->dev, \"%s: LKEY cleared\\n\",\n\t\t\t\t__func__);\n\t\t\tHASH_CLEAR_BITS(&device_data->base->cr,\n\t\t\t\t\tHASH_CR_LKEY_MASK);\n\t\t}\n\t} else {\t/* Wrong hash mode */\n\t\tret = -EPERM;\n\t\tdev_err(device_data->dev, \"%s: HASH_INVALID_PARAMETER!\\n\",\n\t\t\t__func__);\n\t}\n\treturn ret;\n}\n\n/**\n * hash_begin - This routine resets some globals and initializes the hash\n * hardware.", "\n * @device_data:\tStructure for the hash device.", "\n * @ctx:\t\tHash context.", "\n */\nvoid hash_begin(struct hash_device_data *device_data, struct hash_ctx *ctx)\n{\n\t/* HW and SW initializations */\n\t/* Note: there is no need to initialize buffer and digest members */\n\n\twhile (readl(&device_data->base->str) & HASH_STR_DCAL_MASK)\n\t\tcpu_relax();\n\n\t/*\n\t * INIT bit. ", "Set this bit to 0b1 to reset the HASH processor core and\n\t * prepare the initialize the HASH accelerator to compute the message\n\t * digest of a new message.", "\n\t */\n\tHASH_INITIALIZE;\n\n\t/*\n\t * NBLW bits. ", "Reset the number of bits in last word (NBLW).", "\n\t */\n\tHASH_CLEAR_BITS(&device_data->base->str, HASH_STR_NBLW_MASK);\n}\n\nstatic int hash_process_data(struct hash_device_data *device_data,\n\t\t\t struct hash_ctx *ctx, struct hash_req_ctx *req_ctx,\n\t\t\t int msg_length, u8 *data_buffer, u8 *buffer,\n\t\t\t u8 *index)\n{\n\tint ret = 0;\n\tu32 count;\n\n\tdo {\n\t\tif ((*index + msg_length) < HASH_BLOCK_SIZE) {\n\t\t\tfor (count = 0; count < msg_length; count++) {\n\t\t\t\tbuffer[*index + count] =\n\t\t\t\t\t*(data_buffer + count);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t*index += msg_length;\n\t\t\tmsg_length = 0;\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tif (req_ctx->updated) {\n\t\t\t\tret = hash_resume_state(device_data,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t&device_data->state);\n\t\t\t\tmemmove(req_ctx->state.buffer,\n\t\t\t\t\tdevice_data->state.buffer,\n\t\t\t\t\tHASH_BLOCK_SIZE);\n\t\t\t\tif (ret) {\n\t\t\t\t\tdev_err(device_data->dev,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\"%s: hash_resume_state() failed!\\n\",\n\t\t\t\t\t\t__func__);\n\t\t\t\t\tgoto out;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tret = init_hash_hw(device_data, ctx);\n\t\t\t\tif (ret) {\n\t\t\t\t\tdev_err(device_data->dev,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\"%s: init_hash_hw() failed!\\n\",\n\t\t\t\t\t\t__func__);\n\t\t\t\t\tgoto out;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\treq_ctx->updated = 1;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t/*\n\t\t\t * If 'data_buffer' is four byte aligned and\n\t\t\t * local buffer does not have any data, we can\n\t\t\t * write data directly from 'data_buffer' to\n\t\t\t * HW peripheral, otherwise we first copy data\n\t\t\t * to a local buffer\n\t\t\t */\n\t\t\tif ((0 == (((u32)data_buffer) % 4)) &&\n\t\t\t (0 == *index))\n\t\t\t\thash_processblock(device_data,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t (const u32 *)data_buffer,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t HASH_BLOCK_SIZE);\n\t\t\telse {\n\t\t\t\tfor (count = 0;\n\t\t\t\t count < (u32)(HASH_BLOCK_SIZE - *index);\n\t\t\t\t count++) {\n\t\t\t\t\tbuffer[*index + count] =\n\t\t\t\t\t\t*(data_buffer + count);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\thash_processblock(device_data,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t (const u32 *)buffer,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t HASH_BLOCK_SIZE);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\thash_incrementlength(req_ctx, HASH_BLOCK_SIZE);\n\t\t\tdata_buffer += (HASH_BLOCK_SIZE - *index);\n\n\t\t\tmsg_length -= (HASH_BLOCK_SIZE - *index);\n\t\t\t*index = 0;\n\n\t\t\tret = hash_save_state(device_data,\n\t\t\t\t\t&device_data->state);\n\n\t\t\tmemmove(device_data->state.buffer,\n\t\t\t\treq_ctx->state.buffer,\n\t\t\t\tHASH_BLOCK_SIZE);\n\t\t\tif (ret) {\n\t\t\t\tdev_err(device_data->dev, \"%s: hash_save_state() failed!\\n\",\n\t\t\t\t\t__func__);\n\t\t\t\tgoto out;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t} while (msg_length !", "= 0);\nout:\n\n\treturn ret;\n}\n\n/**\n * hash_dma_final - The hash dma final function for SHA1/SHA256.", "\n * @req:\tThe hash request for the job.", "\n */\nstatic int hash_dma_final(struct ahash_request *req)\n{\n\tint ret = 0;\n\tstruct crypto_ahash *tfm = crypto_ahash_reqtfm(req);\n\tstruct hash_ctx *ctx = crypto_ahash_ctx(tfm);\n\tstruct hash_req_ctx *req_ctx = ahash_request_ctx(req);\n\tstruct hash_device_data *device_data;\n\tu8 digest[SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE];\n\tint bytes_written = 0;\n\n\tret = hash_get_device_data(ctx, &device_data);\n\tif (ret)\n\t\treturn ret;\n\n\tdev_dbg(device_data->dev, \"%s: (ctx=0x%x)!\\n\", __func__, (u32) ctx);\n\n\tif (req_ctx->updated) {\n\t\tret = hash_resume_state(device_data, &device_data->state);\n\n\t\tif (ret) {\n\t\t\tdev_err(device_data->dev, \"%s: hash_resume_state() failed!\\n\",\n\t\t\t\t__func__);\n\t\t\tgoto out;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\tif (!", "req_ctx->updated) {\n\t\tret = hash_setconfiguration(device_data, &ctx->config);\n\t\tif (ret) {\n\t\t\tdev_err(device_data->dev,\n\t\t\t\t\"%s: hash_setconfiguration() failed!\\n\",\n\t\t\t\t__func__);\n\t\t\tgoto out;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t/* Enable DMA input */\n\t\tif (hash_mode !", "= HASH_MODE_DMA || !", "req_ctx->dma_mode) {\n\t\t\tHASH_CLEAR_BITS(&device_data->base->cr,\n\t\t\t\t\tHASH_CR_DMAE_MASK);\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tHASH_SET_BITS(&device_data->base->cr,\n\t\t\t\t HASH_CR_DMAE_MASK);\n\t\t\tHASH_SET_BITS(&device_data->base->cr,\n\t\t\t\t HASH_CR_PRIVN_MASK);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tHASH_INITIALIZE;\n\n\t\tif (ctx->config.oper_mode == HASH_OPER_MODE_HMAC)\n\t\t\thash_hw_write_key(device_data, ctx->key, ctx->keylen);\n\n\t\t/* Number of bits in last word = (nbytes * 8) % 32 */\n\t\tHASH_SET_NBLW((req->nbytes * 8) % 32);\n\t\treq_ctx->updated = 1;\n\t}\n\n\t/* Store the nents in the dma struct. */", "\n\tctx->device->dma.nents = hash_get_nents(req->src, req->nbytes, NULL);\n\tif (!", "ctx->device->dma.nents) {\n\t\tdev_err(device_data->dev, \"%s: ctx->device->dma.nents = 0\\n\",\n\t\t\t__func__);\n\t\tret = ctx->device->dma.nents;\n\t\tgoto out;\n\t}\n\n\tbytes_written = hash_dma_write(ctx, req->src, req->nbytes);\n\tif (bytes_written !", "= req->nbytes) {\n\t\tdev_err(device_data->dev, \"%s: hash_dma_write() failed!\\n\",\n\t\t\t__func__);\n\t\tret = bytes_written;\n\t\tgoto out;\n\t}\n\n\twait_for_completion(&ctx->device->dma.complete);\n\thash_dma_done(ctx);\n\n\twhile (readl(&device_data->base->str) & HASH_STR_DCAL_MASK)\n\t\tcpu_relax();\n\n\tif (ctx->config.oper_mode == HASH_OPER_MODE_HMAC && ctx->key) {\n\t\tunsigned int keylen = ctx->keylen;\n\t\tu8 *key = ctx->key;\n\n\t\tdev_dbg(device_data->dev, \"%s: keylen: %d\\n\",\n\t\t\t__func__, ctx->keylen);\n\t\thash_hw_write_key(device_data, key, keylen);\n\t}\n\n\thash_get_digest(device_data, digest, ctx->config.algorithm);\n\tmemcpy(req->result, digest, ctx->digestsize);\n\nout:\n\trelease_hash_device(device_data);\n\n\t/**\n\t * Allocated in setkey, and only used in HMAC.", "\n\t */\n\tkfree(ctx->key);\n\n\treturn ret;\n}\n\n/**\n * hash_hw_final - The final hash calculation function\n * @req:\tThe hash request for the job.", "\n */\nstatic int hash_hw_final(struct ahash_request *req)\n{\n\tint ret = 0;\n\tstruct crypto_ahash *tfm = crypto_ahash_reqtfm(req);\n\tstruct hash_ctx *ctx = crypto_ahash_ctx(tfm);\n\tstruct hash_req_ctx *req_ctx = ahash_request_ctx(req);\n\tstruct hash_device_data *device_data;\n\tu8 digest[SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE];\n\n\tret = hash_get_device_data(ctx, &device_data);\n\tif (ret)\n\t\treturn ret;\n\n\tdev_dbg(device_data->dev, \"%s: (ctx=0x%x)!\\n\", __func__, (u32) ctx);\n\n\tif (req_ctx->updated) {\n\t\tret = hash_resume_state(device_data, &device_data->state);\n\n\t\tif (ret) {\n\t\t\tdev_err(device_data->dev,\n\t\t\t\t\"%s: hash_resume_state() failed!\\n\", __func__);\n\t\t\tgoto out;\n\t\t}\n\t} else if (req->nbytes == 0 && ctx->keylen == 0) {\n\t\tu8 zero_hash[SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE];\n\t\tu32 zero_hash_size = 0;\n\t\tbool zero_digest = false;\n\t\t/**\n\t\t * Use a pre-calculated empty message digest\n\t\t * (workaround since hw return zeroes, hw bug!?)", "\n\t\t */\n\t\tret = get_empty_message_digest(device_data, &zero_hash[0],\n\t\t\t\t&zero_hash_size, &zero_digest);\n\t\tif (!", "ret && likely(zero_hash_size == ctx->digestsize) &&\n\t\t zero_digest) {\n\t\t\tmemcpy(req->result, &zero_hash[0], ctx->digestsize);\n\t\t\tgoto out;\n\t\t} else if (!", "ret && !", "zero_digest) {\n\t\t\tdev_dbg(device_data->dev,\n\t\t\t\t\"%s: HMAC zero msg with key, continue...\\n\",\n\t\t\t\t__func__);\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tdev_err(device_data->dev,\n\t\t\t\t\"%s: ret=%d, or wrong digest size? %", "s\\n\",\n\t\t\t\t__func__, ret,\n\t\t\t\tzero_hash_size == ctx->digestsize ?", "\n\t\t\t\t\"true\" : \"false\");\n\t\t\t/* Return error */\n\t\t\tgoto out;\n\t\t}\n\t} else if (req->nbytes == 0 && ctx->keylen > 0) {\n\t\tdev_err(device_data->dev, \"%s: Empty message with keylength > 0, NOT supported\\n\",\n\t\t\t__func__);\n\t\tgoto out;\n\t}\n\n\tif (!", "req_ctx->updated) {\n\t\tret = init_hash_hw(device_data, ctx);\n\t\tif (ret) {\n\t\t\tdev_err(device_data->dev,\n\t\t\t\t\"%s: init_hash_hw() failed!\\n\", __func__);\n\t\t\tgoto out;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\tif (req_ctx->state.index) {\n\t\thash_messagepad(device_data, req_ctx->state.buffer,\n\t\t\t\treq_ctx->state.index);\n\t} else {\n\t\tHASH_SET_DCAL;\n\t\twhile (readl(&device_data->base->str) & HASH_STR_DCAL_MASK)\n\t\t\tcpu_relax();\n\t}\n\n\tif (ctx->config.oper_mode == HASH_OPER_MODE_HMAC && ctx->key) {\n\t\tunsigned int keylen = ctx->keylen;\n\t\tu8 *key = ctx->key;\n\n\t\tdev_dbg(device_data->dev, \"%s: keylen: %d\\n\",\n\t\t\t__func__, ctx->keylen);\n\t\thash_hw_write_key(device_data, key, keylen);\n\t}\n\n\thash_get_digest(device_data, digest, ctx->config.algorithm);\n\tmemcpy(req->result, digest, ctx->digestsize);\n\nout:\n\trelease_hash_device(device_data);\n\n\t/**\n\t * Allocated in setkey, and only used in HMAC.", "\n\t */\n\tkfree(ctx->key);\n\n\treturn ret;\n}\n\n/**\n * hash_hw_update - Updates current HASH computation hashing another part of\n * the message.", "\n * @req:\tByte array containing the message to be hashed (caller\n *\t\tallocated).", "\n */\nint hash_hw_update(struct ahash_request *req)\n{\n\tint ret = 0;\n\tu8 index = 0;\n\tu8 *buffer;\n\tstruct hash_device_data *device_data;\n\tu8 *data_buffer;\n\tstruct crypto_ahash *tfm = crypto_ahash_reqtfm(req);\n\tstruct hash_ctx *ctx = crypto_ahash_ctx(tfm);\n\tstruct hash_req_ctx *req_ctx = ahash_request_ctx(req);\n\tstruct crypto_hash_walk walk;\n\tint msg_length = crypto_hash_walk_first(req, &walk);\n\n\t/* Empty message (\"\") is correct indata */\n\tif (msg_length == 0)\n\t\treturn ret;\n\n\tindex = req_ctx->state.index;\n\tbuffer = (u8 *)req_ctx->state.buffer;\n\n\t/* Check if ctx->state.length + msg_length\n\t overflows */\n\tif (msg_length > (req_ctx->state.length.low_word + msg_length) &&\n\t HASH_HIGH_WORD_MAX_VAL == req_ctx->state.length.high_word) {\n\t\tpr_err(\"%s: HASH_MSG_LENGTH_OVERFLOW!\\n\", __func__);\n\t\treturn -EPERM;\n\t}\n\n\tret = hash_get_device_data(ctx, &device_data);\n\tif (ret)\n\t\treturn ret;\n\n\t/* Main loop */\n\twhile (0 !", "= msg_length) {\n\t\tdata_buffer = walk.data;\n\t\tret = hash_process_data(device_data, ctx, req_ctx, msg_length,\n\t\t\t\tdata_buffer, buffer, &index);\n\n\t\tif (ret) {\n\t\t\tdev_err(device_data->dev, \"%s: hash_internal_hw_update() failed!\\n\",\n\t\t\t\t__func__);\n\t\t\tgoto out;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tmsg_length = crypto_hash_walk_done(&walk, 0);\n\t}\n\n\treq_ctx->state.index = index;\n\tdev_dbg(device_data->dev, \"%s: indata length=%d, bin=%d\\n\",\n\t\t__func__, req_ctx->state.index, req_ctx->state.bit_index);\n\nout:\n\trelease_hash_device(device_data);\n\n\treturn ret;\n}\n\n/**\n * hash_resume_state - Function that resumes the state of an calculation.", "\n * @device_data:\tPointer to the device structure.", "\n * @device_state:\tThe state to be restored in the hash hardware\n */\nint hash_resume_state(struct hash_device_data *device_data,\n\t\t const struct hash_state *device_state)\n{\n\tu32 temp_cr;\n\ts32 count;\n\tint hash_mode = HASH_OPER_MODE_HASH;\n\n\tif (NULL == device_state) {\n\t\tdev_err(device_data->dev, \"%s: HASH_INVALID_PARAMETER!\\n\",\n\t\t\t__func__);\n\t\treturn -EPERM;\n\t}\n\n\t/* Check correctness of index and length members */\n\tif (device_state->index > HASH_BLOCK_SIZE ||\n\t (device_state->length.low_word % HASH_BLOCK_SIZE) !", "= 0) {\n\t\tdev_err(device_data->dev, \"%s: HASH_INVALID_PARAMETER!\\n\",\n\t\t\t__func__);\n\t\treturn -EPERM;\n\t}\n\n\t/*\n\t * INIT bit. ", "Set this bit to 0b1 to reset the HASH processor core and\n\t * prepare the initialize the HASH accelerator to compute the message\n\t * digest of a new message.", "\n\t */\n\tHASH_INITIALIZE;\n\n\ttemp_cr = device_state->temp_cr;\n\twritel_relaxed(temp_cr & HASH_CR_RESUME_MASK, &device_data->base->cr);\n\n\tif (readl(&device_data->base->cr) & HASH_CR_MODE_MASK)\n\t\thash_mode = HASH_OPER_MODE_HMAC;\n\telse\n\t\thash_mode = HASH_OPER_MODE_HASH;\n\n\tfor (count = 0; count < HASH_CSR_COUNT; count++) {\n\t\tif ((count >= 36) && (hash_mode == HASH_OPER_MODE_HASH))\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\n\t\twritel_relaxed(device_state->csr[count],\n\t\t\t &device_data->base->csrx[count]);\n\t}\n\n\twritel_relaxed(device_state->csfull, &device_data->base->csfull);\n\twritel_relaxed(device_state->csdatain, &device_data->base->csdatain);\n\n\twritel_relaxed(device_state->str_reg, &device_data->base->str);\n\twritel_relaxed(temp_cr, &device_data->base->cr);\n\n\treturn 0;\n}\n\n/**\n * hash_save_state - Function that saves the state of hardware.", "\n * @device_data:\tPointer to the device structure.", "\n * @device_state:\tThe strucure where the hardware state should be saved.", "\n */\nint hash_save_state(struct hash_device_data *device_data,\n\t\t struct hash_state *device_state)\n{\n\tu32 temp_cr;\n\tu32 count;\n\tint hash_mode = HASH_OPER_MODE_HASH;\n\n\tif (NULL == device_state) {\n\t\tdev_err(device_data->dev, \"%s: HASH_INVALID_PARAMETER!\\n\",\n\t\t\t__func__);\n\t\treturn -ENOTSUPP;\n\t}\n\n\t/* Write dummy value to force digest intermediate calculation. ", "This\n\t * actually makes sure that there isn't any ongoing calculation in the\n\t * hardware.", "\n\t */\n\twhile (readl(&device_data->base->str) & HASH_STR_DCAL_MASK)\n\t\tcpu_relax();\n\n\ttemp_cr = readl_relaxed(&device_data->base->cr);\n\n\tdevice_state->str_reg = readl_relaxed(&device_data->base->str);\n\n\tdevice_state->din_reg = readl_relaxed(&device_data->base->din);\n\n\tif (readl(&device_data->base->cr) & HASH_CR_MODE_MASK)\n\t\thash_mode = HASH_OPER_MODE_HMAC;\n\telse\n\t\thash_mode = HASH_OPER_MODE_HASH;\n\n\tfor (count = 0; count < HASH_CSR_COUNT; count++) {\n\t\tif ((count >= 36) && (hash_mode == HASH_OPER_MODE_HASH))\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\n\t\tdevice_state->csr[count] =\n\t\t\treadl_relaxed(&device_data->base->csrx[count]);\n\t}\n\n\tdevice_state->csfull = readl_relaxed(&device_data->base->csfull);\n\tdevice_state->csdatain = readl_relaxed(&device_data->base->csdatain);\n\n\tdevice_state->temp_cr = temp_cr;\n\n\treturn 0;\n}\n\n/**\n * hash_check_hw - This routine checks for peripheral Ids and PCell Ids.", "\n * @device_data:\n *\n */\nint hash_check_hw(struct hash_device_data *device_data)\n{\n\t/* Checking Peripheral Ids */\n\tif (HASH_P_ID0 == readl_relaxed(&device_data->base->periphid0) &&\n\t HASH_P_ID1 == readl_relaxed(&device_data->base->periphid1) &&\n\t HASH_P_ID2 == readl_relaxed(&device_data->base->periphid2) &&\n\t HASH_P_ID3 == readl_relaxed(&device_data->base->periphid3) &&\n\t HASH_CELL_ID0 == readl_relaxed(&device_data->base->cellid0) &&\n\t HASH_CELL_ID1 == readl_relaxed(&device_data->base->cellid1) &&\n\t HASH_CELL_ID2 == readl_relaxed(&device_data->base->cellid2) &&\n\t HASH_CELL_ID3 == readl_relaxed(&device_data->base->cellid3)) {\n\t\treturn 0;\n\t}\n\n\tdev_err(device_data->dev, \"%s: HASH_UNSUPPORTED_HW!\\n\", __func__);\n\treturn -ENOTSUPP;\n}\n\n/**\n * hash_get_digest - Gets the digest.", "\n * @device_data:\tPointer to the device structure.", "\n * @digest:\t\tUser allocated byte array for the calculated digest.", "\n * @algorithm:\t\tThe algorithm in use.", "\n */\nvoid hash_get_digest(struct hash_device_data *device_data,\n\t\t u8 *digest, int algorithm)\n{\n\tu32 temp_hx_val, count;\n\tint loop_ctr;\n\n\tif (algorithm !", "= HASH_ALGO_SHA1 && algorithm !", "= HASH_ALGO_SHA256) {\n\t\tdev_err(device_data->dev, \"%s: Incorrect algorithm %d\\n\",\n\t\t\t__func__, algorithm);\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\n\tif (algorithm == HASH_ALGO_SHA1)\n\t\tloop_ctr = SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE / sizeof(u32);\n\telse\n\t\tloop_ctr = SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE / sizeof(u32);\n\n\tdev_dbg(device_data->dev, \"%s: digest array:(0x%x)\\n\",\n\t\t__func__, (u32) digest);\n\n\t/* Copy result into digest array */\n\tfor (count = 0; count < loop_ctr; count++) {\n\t\ttemp_hx_val = readl_relaxed(&device_data->base->hx[count]);\n\t\tdigest[count * 4] = (u8) ((temp_hx_val >> 24) & 0xFF);\n\t\tdigest[count * 4 + 1] = (u8) ((temp_hx_val >> 16) & 0xFF);\n\t\tdigest[count * 4 + 2] = (u8) ((temp_hx_val >> 8) & 0xFF);\n\t\tdigest[count * 4 + 3] = (u8) ((temp_hx_val >> 0) & 0xFF);\n\t}\n}\n\n/**\n * hash_update - The hash update function for SHA1/SHA2 (SHA256).", "\n * @req: The hash request for the job.", "\n */\nstatic int ahash_update(struct ahash_request *req)\n{\n\tint ret = 0;\n\tstruct hash_req_ctx *req_ctx = ahash_request_ctx(req);\n\n\tif (hash_mode !", "= HASH_MODE_DMA || !", "req_ctx->dma_mode)\n\t\tret = hash_hw_update(req);\n\t/* Skip update for DMA, all data will be passed to DMA in final */\n\n\tif (ret) {\n\t\tpr_err(\"%s: hash_hw_update() failed!\\n\", __func__);\n\t}\n\n\treturn ret;\n}\n\n/**\n * hash_final - The hash final function for SHA1/SHA2 (SHA256).", "\n * @req:\tThe hash request for the job.", "\n */\nstatic int ahash_final(struct ahash_request *req)\n{\n\tint ret = 0;\n\tstruct hash_req_ctx *req_ctx = ahash_request_ctx(req);\n\n\tpr_debug(\"%s: data size: %d\\n\", __func__, req->nbytes);\n\n\tif ((hash_mode == HASH_MODE_DMA) && req_ctx->dma_mode)\n\t\tret = hash_dma_final(req);\n\telse\n\t\tret = hash_hw_final(req);\n\n\tif (ret) {\n\t\tpr_err(\"%s: hash_hw/dma_final() failed\\n\", __func__);\n\t}\n\n\treturn ret;\n}\n\nstatic int hash_setkey(struct crypto_ahash *tfm,\n\t\t const u8 *key, unsigned int keylen, int alg)\n{\n\tint ret = 0;\n\tstruct hash_ctx *ctx = crypto_ahash_ctx(tfm);\n\n\t/**\n\t * Freed in final.", "\n\t */\n\tctx->key = kmemdup(key, keylen, GFP_KERNEL);\n\tif (!", "ctx->key) {\n\t\tpr_err(\"%s: Failed to allocate ctx->key for %d\\n\",\n\t\t __func__, alg);\n\t\treturn -ENOMEM;\n\t}\n\tctx->keylen = keylen;\n\n\treturn ret;\n}\n\nstatic int ahash_sha1_init(struct ahash_request *req)\n{\n\tstruct crypto_ahash *tfm = crypto_ahash_reqtfm(req);\n\tstruct hash_ctx *ctx = crypto_ahash_ctx(tfm);\n\n\tctx->config.data_format = HASH_DATA_8_BITS;\n\tctx->config.algorithm = HASH_ALGO_SHA1;\n\tctx->config.oper_mode = HASH_OPER_MODE_HASH;\n\tctx->digestsize = SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE;\n\n\treturn hash_init(req);\n}\n\nstatic int ahash_sha256_init(struct ahash_request *req)\n{\n\tstruct crypto_ahash *tfm = crypto_ahash_reqtfm(req);\n\tstruct hash_ctx *ctx = crypto_ahash_ctx(tfm);\n\n\tctx->config.data_format = HASH_DATA_8_BITS;\n\tctx->config.algorithm = HASH_ALGO_SHA256;\n\tctx->config.oper_mode = HASH_OPER_MODE_HASH;\n\tctx->digestsize = SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE;\n\n\treturn hash_init(req);\n}\n\nstatic int ahash_sha1_digest(struct ahash_request *req)\n{\n\tint ret2, ret1;\n\n\tret1 = ahash_sha1_init(req);\n\tif (ret1)\n\t\tgoto out;\n\n\tret1 = ahash_update(req);\n\tret2 = ahash_final(req);\n\nout:\n\treturn ret1 ? ", "ret1 : ret2;\n}\n\nstatic int ahash_sha256_digest(struct ahash_request *req)\n{\n\tint ret2, ret1;\n\n\tret1 = ahash_sha256_init(req);\n\tif (ret1)\n\t\tgoto out;\n\n\tret1 = ahash_update(req);\n\tret2 = ahash_final(req);\n\nout:\n\treturn ret1 ? ", "ret1 : ret2;\n}\n\nstatic int hmac_sha1_init(struct ahash_request *req)\n{\n\tstruct crypto_ahash *tfm = crypto_ahash_reqtfm(req);\n\tstruct hash_ctx *ctx = crypto_ahash_ctx(tfm);\n\n\tctx->config.data_format\t= HASH_DATA_8_BITS;\n\tctx->config.algorithm\t= HASH_ALGO_SHA1;\n\tctx->config.oper_mode\t= HASH_OPER_MODE_HMAC;\n\tctx->digestsize\t\t= SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE;\n\n\treturn hash_init(req);\n}\n\nstatic int hmac_sha256_init(struct ahash_request *req)\n{\n\tstruct crypto_ahash *tfm = crypto_ahash_reqtfm(req);\n\tstruct hash_ctx *ctx = crypto_ahash_ctx(tfm);\n\n\tctx->config.data_format\t= HASH_DATA_8_BITS;\n\tctx->config.algorithm\t= HASH_ALGO_SHA256;\n\tctx->config.oper_mode\t= HASH_OPER_MODE_HMAC;\n\tctx->digestsize\t\t= SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE;\n\n\treturn hash_init(req);\n}\n\nstatic int hmac_sha1_digest(struct ahash_request *req)\n{\n\tint ret2, ret1;\n\n\tret1 = hmac_sha1_init(req);\n\tif (ret1)\n\t\tgoto out;\n\n\tret1 = ahash_update(req);\n\tret2 = ahash_final(req);\n\nout:\n\treturn ret1 ? ", "ret1 : ret2;\n}\n\nstatic int hmac_sha256_digest(struct ahash_request *req)\n{\n\tint ret2, ret1;\n\n\tret1 = hmac_sha256_init(req);\n\tif (ret1)\n\t\tgoto out;\n\n\tret1 = ahash_update(req);\n\tret2 = ahash_final(req);\n\nout:\n\treturn ret1 ? ", "ret1 : ret2;\n}\n\nstatic int hmac_sha1_setkey(struct crypto_ahash *tfm,\n\t\t\t const u8 *key, unsigned int keylen)\n{\n\treturn hash_setkey(tfm, key, keylen, HASH_ALGO_SHA1);\n}\n\nstatic int hmac_sha256_setkey(struct crypto_ahash *tfm,\n\t\t\t const u8 *key, unsigned int keylen)\n{\n\treturn hash_setkey(tfm, key, keylen, HASH_ALGO_SHA256);\n}\n\nstruct hash_algo_template {\n\tstruct hash_config conf;\n\tstruct ahash_alg hash;\n};\n\nstatic int hash_cra_init(struct crypto_tfm *tfm)\n{\n\tstruct hash_ctx *ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(tfm);\n\tstruct crypto_alg *alg = tfm->__crt_alg;\n\tstruct hash_algo_template *hash_alg;\n\n\thash_alg = container_of(__crypto_ahash_alg(alg),\n\t\t\tstruct hash_algo_template,\n\t\t\thash);\n\n\tcrypto_ahash_set_reqsize(__crypto_ahash_cast(tfm),\n\t\t\t\t sizeof(struct hash_req_ctx));\n\n\tctx->config.data_format = HASH_DATA_8_BITS;\n\tctx->config.algorithm = hash_alg->conf.algorithm;\n\tctx->config.oper_mode = hash_alg->conf.oper_mode;\n\n\tctx->digestsize = hash_alg->hash.halg.digestsize;\n\n\treturn 0;\n}\n\nstatic struct hash_algo_template hash_algs[] = {\n\t{\n\t\t.conf.algorithm = HASH_ALGO_SHA1,\n\t\t.conf.oper_mode = HASH_OPER_MODE_HASH,\n\t\t.hash = {\n\t\t\t.init = hash_init,\n\t\t\t.update = ahash_update,\n\t\t\t.final = ahash_final,\n\t\t\t.digest = ahash_sha1_digest,\n\t\t\t.halg.digestsize = SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE,\n\t\t\t.halg.statesize = sizeof(struct hash_ctx),\n\t\t\t.halg.base = {\n\t\t\t\t.cra_name = \"sha1\",\n\t\t\t\t.cra_driver_name = \"sha1-ux500\",\n\t\t\t\t.cra_flags = (CRYPTO_ALG_TYPE_AHASH |\n\t\t\t\t\t CRYPTO_ALG_ASYNC),\n\t\t\t\t.cra_blocksize = SHA1_BLOCK_SIZE,\n\t\t\t\t.cra_ctxsize = sizeof(struct hash_ctx),\n\t\t\t\t.cra_init = hash_cra_init,\n\t\t\t\t.cra_module = THIS_MODULE,\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\t{\n\t\t.conf.algorithm\t= HASH_ALGO_SHA256,\n\t\t.conf.oper_mode\t= HASH_OPER_MODE_HASH,\n\t\t.hash = {\n\t\t\t.init = hash_init,\n\t\t\t.update\t= ahash_update,\n\t\t\t.final = ahash_final,\n\t\t\t.digest = ahash_sha256_digest,\n\t\t\t.halg.digestsize = SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE,\n\t\t\t.halg.statesize = sizeof(struct hash_ctx),\n\t\t\t.halg.base = {\n\t\t\t\t.cra_name = \"sha256\",\n\t\t\t\t.cra_driver_name = \"sha256-ux500\",\n\t\t\t\t.cra_flags = (CRYPTO_ALG_TYPE_AHASH |\n\t\t\t\t\t CRYPTO_ALG_ASYNC),\n\t\t\t\t.cra_blocksize = SHA256_BLOCK_SIZE,\n\t\t\t\t.cra_ctxsize = sizeof(struct hash_ctx),\n\t\t\t\t.cra_type = &crypto_ahash_type,\n\t\t\t\t.cra_init = hash_cra_init,\n\t\t\t\t.cra_module = THIS_MODULE,\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\t{\n\t\t.conf.algorithm = HASH_ALGO_SHA1,\n\t\t.conf.oper_mode = HASH_OPER_MODE_HMAC,\n\t\t\t.hash = {\n\t\t\t.init = hash_init,\n\t\t\t.update = ahash_update,\n\t\t\t.final = ahash_final,\n\t\t\t.digest = hmac_sha1_digest,\n\t\t\t.setkey = hmac_sha1_setkey,\n\t\t\t.halg.digestsize = SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE,\n\t\t\t.halg.statesize = sizeof(struct hash_ctx),\n\t\t\t.halg.base = {\n\t\t\t\t.cra_name = \"hmac(sha1)\",\n\t\t\t\t.cra_driver_name = \"hmac-sha1-ux500\",\n\t\t\t\t.cra_flags = (CRYPTO_ALG_TYPE_AHASH |\n\t\t\t\t\t CRYPTO_ALG_ASYNC),\n\t\t\t\t.cra_blocksize = SHA1_BLOCK_SIZE,\n\t\t\t\t.cra_ctxsize = sizeof(struct hash_ctx),\n\t\t\t\t.cra_type = &crypto_ahash_type,\n\t\t\t\t.cra_init = hash_cra_init,\n\t\t\t\t.cra_module = THIS_MODULE,\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\t{\n\t\t.conf.algorithm = HASH_ALGO_SHA256,\n\t\t.conf.oper_mode = HASH_OPER_MODE_HMAC,\n\t\t.hash = {\n\t\t\t.init = hash_init,\n\t\t\t.update = ahash_update,\n\t\t\t.final = ahash_final,\n\t\t\t.digest = hmac_sha256_digest,\n\t\t\t.setkey = hmac_sha256_setkey,\n\t\t\t.halg.digestsize = SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE,\n\t\t\t.halg.statesize = sizeof(struct hash_ctx),\n\t\t\t.halg.base = {\n\t\t\t\t.cra_name = \"hmac(sha256)\",\n\t\t\t\t.cra_driver_name = \"hmac-sha256-ux500\",\n\t\t\t\t.cra_flags = (CRYPTO_ALG_TYPE_AHASH |\n\t\t\t\t\t CRYPTO_ALG_ASYNC),\n\t\t\t\t.cra_blocksize = SHA256_BLOCK_SIZE,\n\t\t\t\t.cra_ctxsize = sizeof(struct hash_ctx),\n\t\t\t\t.cra_type = &crypto_ahash_type,\n\t\t\t\t.cra_init = hash_cra_init,\n\t\t\t\t.cra_module = THIS_MODULE,\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n};\n\n/**\n * hash_algs_register_all -\n */\nstatic int ahash_algs_register_all(struct hash_device_data *device_data)\n{\n\tint ret;\n\tint i;\n\tint count;\n\n\tfor (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(hash_algs); i++) {\n\t\tret = crypto_register_ahash(&hash_algs[i].hash);\n\t\tif (ret) {\n\t\t\tcount = i;\n\t\t\tdev_err(device_data->dev, \"%s: alg registration failed\\n\",\n\t\t\t\thash_algs[i].hash.halg.base.cra_driver_name);\n\t\t\tgoto unreg;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn 0;\nunreg:\n\tfor (i = 0; i < count; i++)\n\t\tcrypto_unregister_ahash(&hash_algs[i].hash);\n\treturn ret;\n}\n\n/**\n * hash_algs_unregister_all -\n */\nstatic void ahash_algs_unregister_all(struct hash_device_data *device_data)\n{\n\tint i;\n\n\tfor (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(hash_algs); i++)\n\t\tcrypto_unregister_ahash(&hash_algs[i].hash);\n}\n\n/**\n * ux500_hash_probe - Function that probes the hash hardware.", "\n * @pdev: The platform device.", "\n */\nstatic int ux500_hash_probe(struct platform_device *pdev)\n{\n\tint\t\t\tret = 0;\n\tstruct resource\t\t*res = NULL;\n\tstruct hash_device_data *device_data;\n\tstruct device\t\t*dev = &pdev->dev;\n\n\tdevice_data = devm_kzalloc(dev, sizeof(*device_data), GFP_ATOMIC);\n\tif (!", "device_data) {\n\t\tret = -ENOMEM;\n\t\tgoto out;\n\t}\n\n\tdevice_data->dev = dev;\n\tdevice_data->current_ctx = NULL;\n\n\tres = platform_get_resource(pdev, IORESOURCE_MEM, 0);\n\tif (!", "res) {\n\t\tdev_dbg(dev, \"%s: platform_get_resource() failed!\\n\", __func__);\n\t\tret = -ENODEV;\n\t\tgoto out;\n\t}\n\n\tdevice_data->phybase = res->start;\n\tdevice_data->base = devm_ioremap_resource(dev, res);\n\tif (IS_ERR(device_data->base)) {\n\t\tdev_err(dev, \"%s: ioremap() failed!\\n\", __func__);\n\t\tret = PTR_ERR(device_data->base);\n\t\tgoto out;\n\t}\n\tspin_lock_init(&device_data->ctx_lock);\n\tspin_lock_init(&device_data->power_state_lock);\n\n\t/* Enable power for HASH1 hardware block */\n\tdevice_data->regulator = regulator_get(dev, \"v-ape\");\n\tif (IS_ERR(device_data->regulator)) {\n\t\tdev_err(dev, \"%s: regulator_get() failed!\\n\", __func__);\n\t\tret = PTR_ERR(device_data->regulator);\n\t\tdevice_data->regulator = NULL;\n\t\tgoto out;\n\t}\n\n\t/* Enable the clock for HASH1 hardware block */\n\tdevice_data->clk = devm_clk_get(dev, NULL);\n\tif (IS_ERR(device_data->clk)) {\n\t\tdev_err(dev, \"%s: clk_get() failed!\\n\", __func__);\n\t\tret = PTR_ERR(device_data->clk);\n\t\tgoto out_regulator;\n\t}\n\n\tret = clk_prepare(device_data->clk);\n\tif (ret) {\n\t\tdev_err(dev, \"%s: clk_prepare() failed!\\n\", __func__);\n\t\tgoto out_regulator;\n\t}\n\n\t/* Enable device power (and clock) */\n\tret = hash_enable_power(device_data, false);\n\tif (ret) {\n\t\tdev_err(dev, \"%s: hash_enable_power() failed!\\n\", __func__);\n\t\tgoto out_clk_unprepare;\n\t}\n\n\tret = hash_check_hw(device_data);\n\tif (ret) {\n\t\tdev_err(dev, \"%s: hash_check_hw() failed!\\n\", __func__);\n\t\tgoto out_power;\n\t}\n\n\tif (hash_mode == HASH_MODE_DMA)\n\t\thash_dma_setup_channel(device_data, dev);\n\n\tplatform_set_drvdata(pdev, device_data);\n\n\t/* Put the new device into the device list... */\n\tklist_add_tail(&device_data->list_node, &driver_data.device_list);\n\t/* ... and signal that a new device is available. */", "\n\tup(&driver_data.device_allocation);\n\n\tret = ahash_algs_register_all(device_data);\n\tif (ret) {\n\t\tdev_err(dev, \"%s: ahash_algs_register_all() failed!\\n\",\n\t\t\t__func__);\n\t\tgoto out_power;\n\t}\n\n\tdev_info(dev, \"successfully registered\\n\");\n\treturn 0;\n\nout_power:\n\thash_disable_power(device_data, false);\n\nout_clk_unprepare:\n\tclk_unprepare(device_data->clk);\n\nout_regulator:\n\tregulator_put(device_data->regulator);\n\nout:\n\treturn ret;\n}\n\n/**\n * ux500_hash_remove - Function that removes the hash device from the platform.", "\n * @pdev: The platform device.", "\n */\nstatic int ux500_hash_remove(struct platform_device *pdev)\n{\n\tstruct hash_device_data *device_data;\n\tstruct device\t\t*dev = &pdev->dev;\n\n\tdevice_data = platform_get_drvdata(pdev);\n\tif (!", "device_data) {\n\t\tdev_err(dev, \"%s: platform_get_drvdata() failed!\\n\", __func__);\n\t\treturn -ENOMEM;\n\t}\n\n\t/* Try to decrease the number of available devices. */", "\n\tif (down_trylock(&driver_data.device_allocation))\n\t\treturn -EBUSY;\n\n\t/* Check that the device is free */\n\tspin_lock(&device_data->ctx_lock);\n\t/* current_ctx allocates a device, NULL = unallocated */\n\tif (device_data->current_ctx) {\n\t\t/* The device is busy */\n\t\tspin_unlock(&device_data->ctx_lock);\n\t\t/* Return the device to the pool. */", "\n\t\tup(&driver_data.device_allocation);\n\t\treturn -EBUSY;\n\t}\n\n\tspin_unlock(&device_data->ctx_lock);\n\n\t/* Remove the device from the list */\n\tif (klist_node_attached(&device_data->list_node))\n\t\tklist_remove(&device_data->list_node);\n\n\t/* If this was the last device, remove the services */\n\tif (list_empty(&driver_data.device_list.k_list))\n\t\tahash_algs_unregister_all(device_data);\n\n\tif (hash_disable_power(device_data, false))\n\t\tdev_err(dev, \"%s: hash_disable_power() failed\\n\",\n\t\t\t__func__);\n\n\tclk_unprepare(device_data->clk);\n\tregulator_put(device_data->regulator);\n\n\treturn 0;\n}\n\n/**\n * ux500_hash_shutdown - Function that shutdown the hash device.", "\n * @pdev: The platform device\n */\nstatic void ux500_hash_shutdown(struct platform_device *pdev)\n{\n\tstruct hash_device_data *device_data;\n\n\tdevice_data = platform_get_drvdata(pdev);\n\tif (!", "device_data) {\n\t\tdev_err(&pdev->dev, \"%s: platform_get_drvdata() failed!\\n\",\n\t\t\t__func__);\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\n\t/* Check that the device is free */\n\tspin_lock(&device_data->ctx_lock);\n\t/* current_ctx allocates a device, NULL = unallocated */\n\tif (!", "device_data->current_ctx) {\n\t\tif (down_trylock(&driver_data.device_allocation))\n\t\t\tdev_dbg(&pdev->dev, \"%s: Cryp still in use! ", "Shutting down anyway...\\n\",\n\t\t\t\t__func__);\n\t\t/**\n\t\t * (Allocate the device)\n\t\t * Need to set this to non-null (dummy) value,\n\t\t * to avoid usage if context switching.", "\n\t\t */\n\t\tdevice_data->current_ctx++;\n\t}\n\tspin_unlock(&device_data->ctx_lock);\n\n\t/* Remove the device from the list */\n\tif (klist_node_attached(&device_data->list_node))\n\t\tklist_remove(&device_data->list_node);\n\n\t/* If this was the last device, remove the services */\n\tif (list_empty(&driver_data.device_list.k_list))\n\t\tahash_algs_unregister_all(device_data);\n\n\tif (hash_disable_power(device_data, false))\n\t\tdev_err(&pdev->dev, \"%s: hash_disable_power() failed\\n\",\n\t\t\t__func__);\n}\n\n#ifdef CONFIG_PM_SLEEP\n/**\n * ux500_hash_suspend - Function that suspends the hash device.", "\n * @dev:\tDevice to suspend.", "\n */\nstatic int ux500_hash_suspend(struct device *dev)\n{\n\tint ret;\n\tstruct hash_device_data *device_data;\n\tstruct hash_ctx *temp_ctx = NULL;\n\n\tdevice_data = dev_get_drvdata(dev);\n\tif (!", "device_data) {\n\t\tdev_err(dev, \"%s: platform_get_drvdata() failed!\\n\", __func__);\n\t\treturn -ENOMEM;\n\t}\n\n\tspin_lock(&device_data->ctx_lock);\n\tif (!", "device_data->current_ctx)\n\t\tdevice_data->current_ctx++;\n\tspin_unlock(&device_data->ctx_lock);\n\n\tif (device_data->current_ctx == ++temp_ctx) {\n\t\tif (down_interruptible(&driver_data.device_allocation))\n\t\t\tdev_dbg(dev, \"%s: down_interruptible() failed\\n\",\n\t\t\t\t__func__);\n\t\tret = hash_disable_power(device_data, false);\n\n\t} else {\n\t\tret = hash_disable_power(device_data, true);\n\t}\n\n\tif (ret)\n\t\tdev_err(dev, \"%s: hash_disable_power()\\n\", __func__);\n\n\treturn ret;\n}\n\n/**\n * ux500_hash_resume - Function that resume the hash device.", "\n * @dev:\tDevice to resume.", "\n */\nstatic int ux500_hash_resume(struct device *dev)\n{\n\tint ret = 0;\n\tstruct hash_device_data *device_data;\n\tstruct hash_ctx *temp_ctx = NULL;\n\n\tdevice_data = dev_get_drvdata(dev);\n\tif (!", "device_data) {\n\t\tdev_err(dev, \"%s: platform_get_drvdata() failed!\\n\", __func__);\n\t\treturn -ENOMEM;\n\t}\n\n\tspin_lock(&device_data->ctx_lock);\n\tif (device_data->current_ctx == ++temp_ctx)\n\t\tdevice_data->current_ctx = NULL;\n\tspin_unlock(&device_data->ctx_lock);\n\n\tif (!", "device_data->current_ctx)\n\t\tup(&driver_data.device_allocation);\n\telse\n\t\tret = hash_enable_power(device_data, true);\n\n\tif (ret)\n\t\tdev_err(dev, \"%s: hash_enable_power() failed!\\n\", __func__);\n\n\treturn ret;\n}\n#endif\n\nstatic SIMPLE_DEV_PM_OPS(ux500_hash_pm, ux500_hash_suspend, ux500_hash_resume);\n\nstatic const struct of_device_id ux500_hash_match[] = {\n\t{ .compatible = \"stericsson,ux500-hash\" },\n\t{ },\n};\nMODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(of, ux500_hash_match);\n\nstatic struct platform_driver hash_driver = {\n\t.probe = ux500_hash_probe,\n\t.remove = ux500_hash_remove,\n\t.shutdown = ux500_hash_shutdown,\n\t.driver = {\n\t\t.name = \"hash1\",\n\t\t.of_match_table = ux500_hash_match,\n\t\t.pm = &ux500_hash_pm,\n\t}\n};\n\n/**\n * ux500_hash_mod_init - The kernel module init function.", "\n */\nstatic int __init ux500_hash_mod_init(void)\n{\n\tklist_init(&driver_data.device_list, NULL, NULL);\n\t/* Initialize the semaphore to 0 devices (locked state) */\n\tsema_init(&driver_data.device_allocation, 0);\n\n\treturn platform_driver_register(&hash_driver);\n}\n\n/**\n * ux500_hash_mod_fini - The kernel module exit function.", "\n */\nstatic void __exit ux500_hash_mod_fini(void)\n{\n\tplatform_driver_unregister(&hash_driver);\n}\n\nmodule_init(ux500_hash_mod_init);\nmodule_exit(ux500_hash_mod_fini);\n\nMODULE_DESCRIPTION(\"Driver for ST-Ericsson UX500 HASH engine.\");", "\nMODULE_LICENSE(\"GPL\");\n\nMODULE_ALIAS_CRYPTO(\"sha1-all\");\nMODULE_ALIAS_CRYPTO(\"sha256-all\");\nMODULE_ALIAS_CRYPTO(\"hmac-sha1-all\");\nMODULE_ALIAS_CRYPTO(\"hmac-sha256-all\");\n" ]
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[ "import org.junit.", "Assert;\nimport org.junit.", "Test;\n\nimport java.io.", "File;\n\npublic class TestCreole {\n\n private static File gfile = new File(\"../creole/creole.g4\");\n private static File [] ok = new File(\"../creole/examples\").listFiles(pathname -> pathname.isFile());\n\n @Test\n public void test(){\n Assert.assertTrue(GrammarTester.run(ok, \"document\", gfile));\n }\n}\n" ]
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[ "Proponents and critics lined up Thursday to discuss extending the time casinos are open from the 22-hour limit to 24.", "\n\nIllinois Casino Gaming Association spokesman Tom Swoik says the change is necessary to level the playing field with video gambling, which is allowed nonstop at truck stops. ", "Also, casinos near Illinois' boundaries say they're losing business because neighboring states allow 24-hour gambling.", "\n\nBut anti-gambling groups and former addicts say the social cost is great.", "\n\nMelynda Litchfield is a nurse who had a gambling problem. ", "She says the only thing that would make her stop a gambling binge was the fact that casinos closed.", "\n\nThe board will likely make a decision at their regular meeting next month." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow to Cast string to be the Enum-Tag value in C# ( to be The Enum Name )?", "\n\nPossible Duplicate:\nCast a String to an Enum Tag in C# \n\nHow to convert a string which have a name of existing enum-TAG (have name of Enum Title) \nto become of type of Enum \nNot to become one of the Enum listed variables values,\nBut to be the Enum-Tag name which is of type Enum?", "\nFor instance, I might have\nEnum MyEnum { A,B,C,D };\n\nand then\nString a = \"MyEnum\";\n\nA:\n\nYou need to parse it as Enum using Enum.", "Parse:\nmyEnum result = (myEnum)Enum.", "Parse(typeof(myEnum), stringToConvert);\nThere is a couple of elements to consider here. ", "First of all the Enum.", "Parse takes the type of the target Enum. ", "Second is it only returns type object so you need to manually convert it to the correct enum type.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "VRBO is part of the HomeAway family, the world leader in vacation rentals. ", "We offer the largest selection of properties for any travel occasion and every budget. ", "We’re committed to helping families and friends find a perfect vacation rental to create unforgettable travel experiences together.", "\n\nNewly Upgraded 1 Bedroom plus Loft in\n\nVillage North, Whistler, BC, Canada\n\nCondo\n\nBedrooms2\n\nSleeps7\n\nBathrooms1\n\nHalf Baths0\n\nMin Stay2 - 6 nights\n\nVery bright condo in Whistler Village North at the Tyndall Stone Lodge. ", "Short walk to everything whistler has to offer. ", "8 min walk or free shuttle to ski lifts in the winter/spring ski season, access to running and mountain biking trails 100m from the suite. ", "Restaurants, cafes, grocery/liquor stores all at your door. ", "Our ski home is located at the quiet North end of the Main Village so it does not get all of the noise from the bars and clubs that plague the Central Village (but they are all withing an 8 min walk). ", "If you have young children there is a fabulous play ground right next to the building with the best patisserie/cafe (Pure Breads), in Whistler, conveniently located in the Building at the playground:)\n\nOur Suite has been upgraded in May 2017 with all new furniture, mattresses and paint. ", "It has 20 ft vaulted ceilings, lots of light, a fully stocked kitchen, a loft with bunk bed (double/single beds), queen bed in the main bedroom, and double foam bed pullout in the living room. ", "The suite has a large deck with views of Whistler and Rainbow mountains, large gas fireplace, air conditioning in summer, there is dip pool and hot tub in the building, one underground secure parking space (free overnight parking is 100m walk), secure underground bike and ski storage.", "\n\nKitchen\n\nMinimum of 8 sets of large and small plates, bowls glasses and untensils\n\nKitchen\n\nFully Stocked\n\nDining\n\nDining Area\n\nDining\n\nDinning table with 4 chairs and one bench, seats 7 people\n\ncomfy seating for 7 people\n\nEntertainment\n\nTelevision\n\nSatellite / Cable\n\n- Telus Optik TV which includes TV apps like netflix\n\nDVD Player\n\nGames\n\nscrabble\nbridge\ncards\n\nVideo Library\n\nSmall selection of videos\n\nOutside\n\nDeck / Patio\n\nLarge Deck with mountain views\n\nPool / Spa\n\nHeated Pool\n\nCommunal Pool\n\nHot Tub\n\nHouse Rules\n\nCheck-in: 4:00 PM\n\nCheck-out: 11:00 AM\n\nCancellation Policy\n\nCanceled bookings will not receive a refund\n\n14 Reviews\n\nExcellent4.7/5\n\n1 - 6 of 14\n\nPerfect space for our family\n\n5/5\n\nStayed Aug 2018\n\nJudy K.\n\nWe really enjoyed our stay here! ", "The kitchen was better stocked than most, the beds were comfy, and the location was great. ", "Will definitely look to stay here again!", "\n\nDownsides: 1) The upstairs (loft) got really warm. ", "We worked around this by moving the kids to the surprisingly comfortable couch bed in the living room, right in front of the A/C unit! ", "Worked great! ", "2) Plumbing could use some upgrades. ", "Both the shower faucet and the kitchen sink faucet needed replacing.", "\n\nSubmitted Aug 30, 2018\n\nOwner's Response:\n\nThanks for choosing to stay at our place in Whistler and for the review.", "\n\nThe two facets will get replaced this fall during the slow season.", "\n\nSorry the loft was too hot, normally with the solar blinds down in the afternoon and the A/C on all afternoon the loft is not too bad in the heat of summer.", "\n\nPerfect Location\n\n5/5\n\nStayed Jul 2018\n\nJane J.\n\nIf you want to stay in town, within walking distance to restaurants, shops, activities, this is a good choice. ", "Park your car, you won’t need it. ", "Loved Whistler, beautiful lakes and rivers, and there is everything you need in this condo to be comfortable. ", "The building is secure, yet right in the heart of the town.", "\n\nSubmitted Aug 1, 2018\n\nGreat location\n\n5/5\n\nStayed Jun 2018\n\nCharleen M.\n\nThe location is excellent with the village right outside the buildings front door. ", "The corner unit is ideal as you can peak over the balcony and see Olympic Plaza right from the unit.", "\n\nSubmitted Jul 4, 2018\n\nComfortable environment in the heart of Whistler Village\n\n5/5\n\nStayed Jun 2018\n\nLori A.\n\nThe accommodations were stellar! ", "The beds were comfortable, the unit was very clean and well appointed. ", "The location was perfect. ", "Our family with 2 teenagers fit comfortably in this unit. ", "Lots to do in the area. ", "We went in summer and took the Peak 2 Peak to Whistler Mountain, did hiking up there, had the Mountain Feast (don't miss this! ", "some of the best food we had). ", "Saw the waterfalls, hiked around the lakes. ", "There is so much to do.", "\n\nSubmitted Jun 28, 2018\n\nI was happy with my stay here. ", "It was open and spacious. ", "Great location!", "\n\n4/5\n\nStayed May 2018\n\nDarlene H.\n\nThe kitchen was well equipped and the linens were plentiful. ", "It was close to everything.", "\n\nSubmitted Jun 12, 2018\n\nGood location\n\n5/5\n\nStayed May 2018\n\nAdrienne W.\n\nOverall it was very good. ", "It is in a great location right by the Olympic Rings. ", "The owner Rick was very nice and quick to respond to messages. ", "The suite has everything you could possibly need. ", "I would use it again and would recommend it to others." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nAltium footprint Wizard SOT669\n\nAnyone know if the footprint wizard in Altium can be used to generate SOT669 package footprints? ", "\nIt appears to me that its only capable of 3 lead MOSFETs. ", "I searched the web and couldn't find anything, I don't mind making footprints by hand but its a standard form factor and I'm a little confused why its not an included option.", "\nSomeone feel free to correct me if I am missing something entirely within the options on Altium.", "\n\nA:\n\nAltium seems entirely happy to generate DPAK-style footprints with arbitrary numbers of leads and arbitrary pitch:\n\nYou may have to override most of the default dimensions, but that should still be easier then doing it manually.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
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[ "The seminoma cell line TCam-2 is sensitive to HDAC inhibitor depsipeptide but tolerates various other chemotherapeutic drugs and loss of NANOG expression.", "\nSeminomas and embryonal carcinomas (EC) are both type II germ cell tumor (GCT) entities and develop from the same precursor lesion (carcinoma-in situ, CIS). ", "However, they show significant differences in growth behavior, differentiation potential, and gene expression. ", "Although ECs are prone to differentiate into all three germ layers and give rise to the non-seminomatous GCT entities teratoma, choriocarcinoma, and yolk-sac tumor, differentiation of seminomas to these entities is only rarely observed. ", "This might reflect the ability of seminomas to actively inhibit differentiation processes evoked by environmental cues. ", "Also, it is not known why CIS gives rise to seminoma in some patients and to non-seminoma in the others. ", "Here, we treated the seminoma-like cell line TCam-2 with the HDAC-inhibitor Depsipeptide, the global demethylating agent 5-aza-2'-deocycytidine, all-trans retinoic acid and the monaminooxidase inhibitor Tranylcipromine and also used knock down approaches to reduce expression of the pluripotency marker NANOG and/or the inhibitor of primordial germ cell differentiation TFAP2C. We found that TCam-2 cells induce apoptosis when treated with Depsipeptide (> 10 nM) but are resistant to treatments with 5-aza-2'-deocycytidine, all-trans retinoic acid and Tranylcipromine, highlighting Depsi as a treatment option for seminomas. ", "We show that TCam-2 cells up-regulate endoderm- and throphectoderm-associated genes after down-regulation of NANOG expression; however, morphologically no indications of differentiation could be found. ", "Instead, we observed up-regulation of OCT3/4 and SOX17 in TCam-2-NANOG knockdown and speculate that this compensates for the loss of the NANOG protein. ", "Hence, NANOG is not a primary target gene responsible for the inhibition of differentiation in seminomas." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
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[ "Absolutely, we went at sunrise and the colour change in the marble was mesmerizing. ", "The Taj looks like something out of a dream. ", "If I were to go again I’m sure it would amaze and stun, just like the first time.", "\n\nPost navigation\n\nPublished by\n\nbhavani\n\nA traveller by choice, photographer by interest and writer by desire, I have meandered my way around 15 countries and over 200 cities worldwide. ", "Crafted over 20 heritage walking tours for Audio Compass, a mobile app that 'is shaking up India's travel scene' as per Condé Nast Traveller. ", "I have articles published in magazines and websites – National Geographic Traveller, Jet Wings Intl, Mint, New Indian Express, Lonely Planet, India Today's Travel Plus, Mint, The Alternative and Unboxed Writers.", "\nEditor for two issues of the online magazine for a travel start-up Happy-Tripping.com. ", "My fiction pieces have been published at Women's Web and have even won me two prizes. ", "I am a HuffPost India Blogger.", "\nIn a dedicated relationship with chocolate, books, my husband and lower case, though not sure about the order of preference. ", "I blog at merrytogoaround.com & tweet @bhavan1.", "\nView all posts by bhavani" ]
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[ "Approaches to worker rehabilitation by occupational and physical therapists in the United States: factors impacting practice.", "\nWork-related rehabilitation services have changed in nature and scope since their inception in the late 1970s. ", "A review of the literature reveals a large body of published data concerning the various approaches used by therapists in this practice area, but a limited number of comparison studies documenting the value of one approach over the other. ", "This national survey of physical and occupational therapists in the US was conducted in 2002, and examined the prevailing trends in service provision, and factors that determine the nature of services provided to clients. ", "Results indicate that services continue the move to onsite service provision and an emphasis on prevention, but that select services, such as onsite job analysis and comprehensive, inter-disciplinary programs are being used to a limited degree. ", "Research that examines the relative contributions of selected work-related services to successful and efficient return to work outcomes is necessary to identify best practice approaches. ", "Therapists and insurance providers should work more closely in exchange of data that will ensure optimal program design and funding." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
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[ "Os dados da última pesquisa Datafolha, divulgados entre sábado (30) e segunda (2), levantam questionamentos que saem do universo da política para entrar no da psicologia: estaria o país mergulhado num surto de esquizofrenia coletiva? ", "Afinal, numa corrida eleitoral em que 87% das pessoas quer candidatos livres de corrupção, o favorito, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, foi condenado em primeira instância por… corrupção. ", "As perguntas sobre intenção de voto e tolerância à ladroagem foram feitas aos mesmos 2.772 brasileiros.", "\n\nHá, claro, a hipótese de uma massa petista fiel que veja Lula como vítima de uma grande conspiração. ", "Os números apoiam essa tese. ", "Pouco mais da metade dos brasileiros (54%) disse achar que o petista tem de ser preso por conta de tudo o que foi revelado na Lava Jato." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow to get the \"Assertion failure message\"in this plugin\"Flexible File Writer\"\n\nI know in the \"Result Save configuration Sample\", but I want to get it in the \"File Writer Fixible\", I don't know how to get it?", "\nThanks in advance!", "\n@dmitri t I tried to modify the beanshellAssertion and got a response , but still do not understand how to set up user properties in and get the parameters in the Flexible File Writer .", "\nenter image description here\nenter image description here\n\nA:\n\nI would recommend doing the following:\n\nUse Beanshell Listener to extract assertion failure messages into JMeter Variables. ", "Example code will look like:\nimport org.apache.jmeter.assertions.", "AssertionResult;\n\nfor (int i = 0; i < sampleResult.getAssertionResults().length; i++) {\n AssertionResult assertionResult = sampleResult.getAssertionResults()[i];\n vars.put(\"assertionResult_\" + i, assertionResult.getFailureMessage());\n} \n\nit will produce variables like:\nassertionResult_0=Test failed: text expected to contain /foo/\nassertionResult_1=The operation lasted too long: It took 1,010 milliseconds, but should not have lasted longer than 500 milliseconds.", "\netc.", "\n\nUse sample_variables property (by the way, it is mentioned in FlexibleFileWriter documentation) to configure JMeter to store generated variables in results file. ", "Add the following line to user.properties file (lives under /bin folder of your JMeter installation)\nsample_variables=assertionResult0,assertionResult1,etc.", "\n\nafter JMeter restart assertionResult0 and other variables values will be added to JMeter .jtl results file. ", "\n\nSee How to Use BeanShell: JMeter's Favorite Built-in Component guide for more information on what else can be done with the help of Beanshell scripting in your JMeter test.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "6, -5?", "\nd\nLet q = -2 + 3. ", "Let g = q + 1. ", "Let r = 1232 + -1233. ", "Which is the nearest to r? ", " (a) 0.07 (b) g (c) -0.2\nc\nLet l = -0.40859 + 0.20859. ", "What is the nearest to 7 in -0.4, 0.1, l?", "\n0.1\nLet n = -84 - -79. ", "Let i = 209/2 - 41587/398. ", "Let g = i + -412/1393. ", "Which is the nearest to -0.1? ", " (a) g (b) n (c) 3\na\nLet u = 2237.9 - 2238. ", "Which is the closest to 1? ", " (a) 1/48 (b) 3/2 (c) -2 (d) u\nb\nLet s be (-5564)/(-3210) + (-4)/3. ", "Suppose 0 = -4*r + 4*o - 16, -4*r - 4*o = -2*r - 10. ", "Which is the nearest to s? ", " (a) -1/3 (b) -2 (c) r\na\nLet i(t) = t**2 + 14*t - 41. ", "Let r be i(-17). ", "Let m be (r - 5)*1 - (-51)/(-10). ", "Which is the nearest to -1? ", " (a) 13/2 (b) 0.3 (c) m\nc\nLet f = 0.22 + 1.78. ", "Let s = -17 - -15. ", "Let m = s - 1. ", "Which is the nearest to 3/7? ", " (a) 0.4 (b) m (c) f\na\nLet u = -0.375 + 0.37. ", "Let k = -0.03 - -0.025. ", "Let q = u - k. Which is the nearest to -1? ", " (a) -0.2 (b) q (c) -2/3\nc\nLet n(r) = 2*r**2 - 39*r + 168. ", "Let g be n(13). ", "Let j = -9.1 + 9.2. ", "What is the closest to j in -1/5, g, 0.05, 3?", "\n0.05\nLet g = -21 - 114. ", "Let p = 135.1 + g. Let h = -0.7 - -0.3. ", "Which is the closest to p? ", " (a) -2 (b) h (c) -24\nb\nSuppose 74*w = 69*w + 274*w + 1345. ", "What is the closest to 37 in w, -0.5, 2, -2?", "\n2\nLet x = -89 - -93. ", "Let y be (x - (-230)/(-55)) + 72/154. ", "Which is the nearest to y? ", " (a) 9 (b) 1 (c) 0.2\nc\nLet y = 376 - 375. ", "Let c = -317/5 - -64. ", "What is the closest to 2 in 5, y, 4/3, c?", "\n4/3\nLet x = -0.37356 + -0.02644. ", "What is the closest to 0.02 in -5, x, 0.4, -4?", "\n0.4\nLet g = -4.4 + 24.4. ", "Let y = -139 + 121. ", "Let q = g + y. What is the closest to -1/4 in -2, q, -5?", "\n-2\nLet r = -23707 - -23741. ", "Which is the nearest to 0.4? ", " (a) 0.5 (b) r (c) -4 (d) 0\na\nLet j = -3375 + 3412.86. ", "Let t = -0.86 + j. Let o = t - 37.2. ", "What is the closest to o in -0.3, -2/7, 2/7?", "\n-2/7\nLet f = -33 + 32. ", "Let g = 201 + -199. ", "Which is the nearest to -3/5? ", " (a) f (b) g (c) -4\na\nLet x = -3244.3 - -3244. ", "What is the closest to x in -0.09, 2, 0.1?", "\n-0.09\nLet n = -0.11 + 1.102. ", "Let i = n + 0.008. ", "Let w = 179/104 + -15/8. ", "What is the nearest to i in w, -2, -0.3?", "\nw\nLet q = 10411 + -10410. ", "What is the closest to 0 in 0.03, q, 2/3, 5?", "\n0.03\nLet z = 27/41 + -53/205. ", "What is the nearest to -1 in z, -2, -6, -0.02?", "\n-0.02\nLet v = 0.1 - -39.9. ", "Let h = 11 - v. Let o = 33 + h. Which is the nearest to 3/5? ", " (a) 3 (b) o (c) 1\nc\nLet f = -8604 - -146266/17. ", "Which is the nearest to -4? ", " (a) 4/5 (b) -0.5 (c) -2 (d) f\nc\nLet s = -27683 + 27688.1. ", "Which is the nearest to 1? ", " (a) -0.4 (b) s (c) 2 (d) -1\nc\nLet q(b) = 116*b - 6261. ", "Let a be q(54). ", "Let s = -19222/27 - -712. ", "What is the closest to 0.1 in -3, a, 0.4, s?", "\ns\nLet r be 0 + (-2 - 1 - -59). ", "Let x = -26 + r. Let u be (-4)/x*((-9 - 2) + 5). ", "What is the nearest to 1 in 2/19, 0, u?", "\nu\nLet s = 14 - 18. ", "Let n = -10379 - -10380. ", "What is the closest to -2/3 in -1/5, s, n?", "\n-1/5\nLet u = 0.117 + -0.017. ", "Let y = 16 + -50. ", "Let p = y - -34.1. ", "Which is the nearest to u? ", " (a) 0.5 (b) -2 (c) p\nc\nLet s = -21 + 24. ", "Let w be ((0 - -2)/(-14))/(13/26). ", "Which is the closest to -2/13? ", " (a) -1/8 (b) w (c) s\na\nLet s = 10673 - 21347/2. ", "Which is the closest to s? ", " (a) 0 (b) -3/2 (c) -0.4\nc\nLet b = 252553 + -252554. ", "Let r = 6/409 - 2971/7362. ", "What is the closest to -0.2 in -0.4, b, r?", "\nr\nSuppose -4*l - g = 8, 2*l - 285*g - 6 = -283*g. ", "Which is the closest to -2? ", " (a) 15 (b) -17 (c) l\nc\nLet t = -9.302 - -234.252. ", "Let u = t + -225. ", "Which is the nearest to 0.1? ", " (a) u (b) -0.5 (c) 0.5\na\nLet o = -40.94 - 0.06. ", "Let c = 41 + o. Let y = -118 - -119. ", "What is the closest to c in 1/5, y, 3/7?", "\n1/5\nLet j = 13 + -15. ", "Let f = 110304 - 110301. ", "Let t = -0.36 + 0.06. ", "Which is the closest to 1? ", " (a) f (b) j (c) t\nc\nLet i = 26 + -34. ", "Let v = i + 49/6. ", "Let b = -0.9 + 1. ", "What is the nearest to b in -2, v, 3/5?", "\nv\nLet r(m) = m**2 - 10*m + 12. ", "Let v be r(10). ", "Let n be (6/8)/((-3)/v). ", "What is the closest to -1/3 in -3/5, 3, n?", "\n-3/5\nLet t be (4/10)/(35/(-25)). ", "Let g = 0.05911 - 1.35911. ", "What is the closest to t in -5, 1, g?", "\ng\nLet t = -8 + 6. ", "Let l = 5.43 - 169.93. ", "Let v = l - -164. ", "Which is the nearest to t? ", " (a) 0.3 (b) v (c) -5\nb\nLet o = 15 - 4.2. ", "Let b = o - 11.8. ", "What is the nearest to -1/2 in 9, b, 0.3?", "\nb\nLet y = 2330.4 + -2329.92. ", "Which is the closest to -5? ", " (a) 4/5 (b) -2/5 (c) y\nb\nLet p be 3/((-154)/(-176)*-8). ", "Let i = -61 - -429/7. ", "What is the nearest to i in p, 0, -4, -4/11?", "\n0\nLet l = 64/187 + -694/935. ", "What is the closest to l in -5/3, -4, 0.4, -6?", "\n0.4\nLet u = 0.4 - 1.3. ", "Let a = u + -4.1. ", "Let q = 70055 - 70050. ", "What is the nearest to -2/3 in -4, a, q?", "\n-4\nLet u = 227 - 227.4. ", "Let o = -8 + 9.6. ", "Let l = 2 + -2.1. ", "Which is the closest to l? ", " (a) 2 (b) o (c) u\nc\nLet v = -0.06 - -0.15. ", "Let b = -58.6 - -57.6. ", "What is the closest to b in -4, v, 4?", "\nv\nLet b = -1.7 + 2. ", "Let y = 1851 - 1850.8689. ", "Let f = 0.0311 - y. What is the closest to 3/5 in f, b, -2?", "\nb\nLet q be (-30)/50*10/15. ", "Which is the closest to q? ", " (a) 5 (b) 21 (c) -13\na\nLet v = 128 + -124. ", "Let o be (-8)/2 - (-900)/48. ", "Let z = -179/12 + o. What is the closest to 1 in z, v, 0?", "\n0\nLet n = -25.87 + 25.57. ", "What is the closest to 0.1 in 9, n, 0.4?", "\n0.4\nLet u = -4140.3 - -4140. ", "Which is the closest to 0? ", " (a) -0.13 (b) 2 (c) 2/3 (d) u\na\nLet h = 61 - 61.1. ", "Let w = 826 - 11573/14. ", "Let v = w - -8/7. ", "Which is the nearest to v? ", " (a) h (b) 0 (c) 0.3\nc\nLet r be 322/7 + (72/8 - 12). ", "Which is the nearest to 0? ", " (a) r (b) 0.5 (c) -4/5 (d) -0.1\nd\nLet o be (-4)/(-30) - 12*35/(-225). ", "Let v = -1 - -21. ", "Suppose -3*f = 2*f + v. What is the closest to o in f, -1/10, 2/13?", "\n2/13\nLet w be (-10)/20*0/1*1. ", "Suppose -4*n + 6*n + 2 = w. Let f be 5/6 + 6/36*n. ", "What is the closest to f in -0.2, 2/7, 0.1?", "\n2/7\nLet t be -1 + 2*7/10. ", "Let j be 1/(-3) + 4*17/(1122/55). ", "Which is the closest to t? ", " (a) 0.06 (b) 1/10 (c) 0 (d) j\nb\nLet p = 12.131 - 11.131. ", "Let u(j) = 3*j**2 - 5*j - 5. ", "Let l be u(-5). ", "Which is the closest to p? ", " (a) l (b) 3/5 (c) 4\nb\nLet z be 4*561/572 - (-1 + 5). ", "What is the closest to 11 in 2, z, 4, 2/7?", "\n4\nLet o = 12.7 + -29.1. ", "Let d = o - -16.4. ", "What is the closest to -1 in 1.1, -0.5, d?", "\n-0.5\nLet x = 31498 - 31502.4. ", "Let l = -0.02 + -0.98. ", "Let p = 339/5 - 68. ", "Which is the nearest to x? ", " (a) 2 (b) p (c) l\nc\nSuppose -x - 6*o = -7*o - 1, 9*x - o = 1. ", "Which is the closest to 5? ", " (a) -0.4 (b) x (c) -2/9 (d) 21/4\nd\nLet k be 4/(-46) + ((-96)/20)/((-230)/(-1625)). ", "What is the nearest to k in -4, 4, 5, 6?", "\n-4\nLet h = -64880/11 - -5898. ", "Let l = 2.2 + -5. ", "Let u = l + 3. ", "What is the nearest to 0.1 in u, -0.4, h?", "\nu\nLet f = 3/100 - -137/2100. ", "Let m = -259.04 - -259. ", "Let p = m - 0.96. ", "Which is the closest to p? ", " (a) -4 (b) 4 (c) f\nc\nLet k(o) = 2*o**3 - 32*o**2 - 44*o + 558. ", "Let h be k(16). ", "Which is the nearest to 0? ", " (a) h (b) 18 (c) -4 (d) 3\nd\nLet n = -6312 + 6292. ", "Let h = 2 + -1. ", "Which is the closest to -1? ", " (a) n (b) -0.5 (c) h\nb\nLet l be (-2224)/184 - -12 - (-56)/115. ", "Let y = 4 - 3. ", "Which is the closest to -0.1? ", " (a) -5 (b) y (c) l\nc\nLet h = 4028 - 3998. ", "Suppose 4*a + 14 = 5*g, -6 = -4*g + g. What is the closest to h in a, -2, 0.3?", "\n0.3\nLet x = 395.8 - 396. ", "Suppose -2 = 215*j - 216*j. ", "Which is the closest to j? ", " (a) x (b) -11 (c) 4/7 (d) -4\nc\nLet z = -180 + 112. ", "Let f = -911.9 + 980. ", "Let p = f + z. What is the closest to p in -1, -0.2, 4?", "\n-0.2\nLet t = -2/17 - 11/51. ", "Let r = -3.3 + 139.3. ", "Let v = r + -140. ", "What is the closest to t in 4, 5, v?", "\nv\nLet h = -1285.5 - -1284.5. ", "What is the closest to 20 in 2, h, 3/8?", "\n2\nLet p = 28.54 - 27.54. ", "Which is the closest to p? ", " (a) -162 (b) -2 (c) -2/3 (d) -5\nc\nLet i = -4.961 + 7.961. ", "What is the closest to i in 1/2, 1, -1/109?", "\n1\nLet k = 2933.1 - 2932. ", "What is the nearest to -2 in -1/15, -3, k?", "\n-3\nSuppose 18*a = a + 595. ", "Let b be ((-10)/(-6))/(a/(-42)). ", "What is the nearest to b in 1, -0.4, -0.06, -2?", "\n-2\nLet k = -2/3909 + 7832/27363. ", "Which is the closest to -1? ", " (a) -8 (b) 0.1 (c) 1 (d) k\nb\nLet u = -13 + 9.914. ", "Let a = -3 - u. Let d = 0.114 + a. What is the closest to d in -2/13, -0.1, -19?", "\n-0.1\nLet r be (-9)/(-675)*-6*-5. ", "Let o = -12 + 23/2. ", "Which is the closest to r? ", " (a) 2/7 (b) o (c) 0.3\nc\nLet i be 2/21 - 3366/(-1701). ", "Let v = -244/135 + i. Let d = 0.1 + 0.3. ", "Which is the nearest to v? ", " (a) -0.1 (b) d (c) -0.3\nb\nLet o = 4472 - 49188/11. ", "What is the closest to -2/7" ]
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[ "TAIPEI (Reuters) - Taiwan’s president will visit three diplomatic allies in the Pacific next week and could stop-over in U.S. territory, potentially angering China as it seeks to snatch away the self-ruled island’s few remaining friends.", "\n\nTaiwan President Tsai Ing-wen speaks during \"A Civil Society Dialogue on Securing Religious Freedom in the Indo-Pacific Region\" forum in Taipei, Taiwan March 11, 2019. ", "REUTERS/Tyrone Siu\n\nLast year, China persuaded the Dominican Republic, Burkina Faso and El Salvador to forge relations with Beijing, leaving a dwindling number of governments that have formal diplomatic ties with Taipei.", "\n\nPresident Tsai Ing-wen’s visit to the tiny Pacific Ocean countries of Palau, Nauru and the Marshall Islands also comes amid heightened tension between Taipei and Beijing, which claims self-ruled Taiwan as its sacred territory and considers it merely a province with no right to state-to-state ties.", "\n\nChinese President Xi Jinping kicked off the new year with a major speech in Beijing threatening to use force to bring Taiwan under its control, though said China would strive to achieve this peacefully.", "\n\nThe aim of Tsai’s eight-day visit, starting on March 21, was to “deepen ties and friendly relations” with Taiwan’s Pacific allies, Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister Hsu Szu-chien told a news briefing in Taipei on Thursday.", "\n\nTaiwan is still in talks regarding a possible stopover in U.S. territory, he added.", "\n\nA person with knowledge of the matter told Reuters the stopover would most likely be in Guam or Hawaii, with the chance of at least one visit to U.S. territory “very high”.", "\n\nDemocratic Taiwan now has formal ties with just 17 countries, almost all small, less developed nations in Central America and the Pacific, like Belize and Nauru.", "\n\nTaipei has accused Beijing of offering generous aid and loan packages to lure its allies away, accusations Beijing denies.", "\n\nThe Chinese government’s top diplomat, State Councillor Wang Yi, simply answered “Ha ha!” ", "last week when asked by reporters how many of Taiwan’s allies China would take this year.", "\n\nThe United States, like other major powers, maintains a “one China” policy that prevents formal diplomatic relations with Taiwan but it is the island’s largest weapons supplier and most powerful international backer.", "\n\nThat relationship has been boosted under U.S. President Donald Trump, whose administration is eyeing more weapons sales and encouraging official exchanges.", "\n\nThe U.S. ambassador for religious freedom, Sam Brownback, is currently in Taipei, to Beijing’s anger.", "\n\nChina’s hostility to Taiwan has grown since Tsai’s election as Beijing fears she wishes to push for the island’s formal independence.", "\n\nTsai says she wants to maintain the status quo but will defend Taiwan’s democracy.", "\n\nOn Monday evening, Tsai called a national security meeting during which she urged the administration to counter Xi’s “one country, two systems” proposal that Beijing uses to push for “reunification” with Taiwan.", "\n\nTsai called on government officials to come up with measures to “counter” China’s renewed efforts to “interfere” and to “absorb” Taiwan’s capital and talents.", "\n\n“The Beijing authorities continue to utilize our open and free system of democracy to interfere with Taiwan’s political, economic and social developments, which has become the biggest risk in Taiwan,” Tsai said in a statement.", "\n\nThe former British colony of Hong Kong returned to Chinese rule in 1997 under a “one country, two systems” formula, that granted the financial hub a high degree of autonomy." ]
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[ "The need to use low dielectric constant (low-k) interlayer dielectric (ILD) materials in scaled semiconductor devices is becoming necessary to reduce line-to-line capacitive coupling effects. ", "However, the integration of these ILD materials is not necessarily a simple matter. ", "One place this is evident is at the wafer saw/singulation process.", "\nMore specifically, because low-k dielectric materials are mechanically weaker than conventional silicon dioxide, they are more prone to saw-related scribe line damage, such as cracks. ", "To the extent that this damage propagates to other areas of the wafer, semiconductor device yields and reliability can be compromised. ", "This problem has been addressed by some manufacturers by first using a laser to scribe through the material formed over the wafer and then using a saw to cut through the bulk of the semiconductor wafer, thereby singulating it with a two-step process.", "\nLasers, however, are not without process integration issues. ", "For example, as the laser scribes the wafer, it can produce a cloud of debris, and particles from the debris can deposit onto the wafer surface. ", "If these particles deposit onto controlled collapse chip connection (C-4) bumps or other conductive structures, they can impact interconnectivity between the semiconductor device and its package.", "\nThis problem can be addressed by forming a wafer coat layer over the bumps to protect them during laser scribing so deposited particles can be rinsed off later during the wafer coat layer's removal. ", "However, while wafer coat layers can be beneficial in this respect, they can also present integration issues. ", "For example, both non-conformality and thickness variations of the wafer coat layer can impact the laser's ability to scribe the wafer.", "\nNon-conformality manifests as a difference in the thickness of the wafer coat layer over the bumps and regions between the bumps. ", "For example, it is not uncommon for a wafer coat layer to have a thickness of 1-2 microns over the bumps and a 40-50 micron thickness between the bumps. ", "Thickness variations can be attributable to, among other things, poor wafer coat layer deposition uniformity; the relative proximity and spatial variation of wafer bumps or test structures; and/or small scale de-wetting and localized collection/pooling of the wafer coat layer as it adheres to structures having different compositions (e.g., surface tensions effects associated with the wafer bumps, passivation layer and/or recesses in the scribe street area).", "\nBecause ultimately it is the bumps that require protecting, adequate bump coverage is often only achieved by depositing thick wafer coat layers over areas of the substrate that need to be scribed (i.e. regions between the bumps). ", "Thick wafer coat layers can lead to problems such as laser beam focusing lens contamination, run rate reduction, and scribe line defects due to incomplete and/or inadequate laser scribing. ", "So, while wafer coat layers can be instrumental in preventing debris contamination from impacting semiconductor device yields and uniformity, they are not without problems. ", "Therefore, other techniques/methods for reducing such contamination may be beneficial in semiconductor device manufacturing.", "\nIt will be appreciated that for simplicity and clarity of illustration, elements in the drawings have not necessarily been drawn to scale. ", "For example, the dimensions of some of the elements may be exaggerated relative to other elements for clarity. ", "Where considered appropriate, reference numerals have been repeated among the drawings to indicate corresponding or analogous elements." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nSVG Uploaded File to DOM ready elements with Javascript\n\nI need someone to be able to upload an SVG file and then have that file \"inspected\" or \"parsed\" so that I can use the elements and their values within the DOM. ", "I have searched here, there, and what seems like everywhere, and the only things I seem to come across are parsing from the DOM.", "\nIs this even possible? ", "If it is, will you direct me in the right direction?", "\nThank you\nCLARIFY:\nTo clarify I need someone to be able to upload a SVG file then my function would parse it out and take the path data only so that I would be able to use these elements the way I need to. ", "I am using angularJS and javascript.", "\n\nA:\n\nYou can traverse svg markup just like you would with any other xml. ", "If you are looking for javascript based solution \nIn the example from the docs, the content of sMyString would be the content of the uploaded svg. ", "\nvar sMyString = \"<a id=\\\"a\\\"><b id=\\\"b\\\">hey!<\\/b><\\/a>\";\nvar oParser = new DOMParser();\nvar oDOM = oParser.parseFromString(sMyString, \"image/svg+xml\");\n// print the name of the root element or error message\ndump(oDOM.documentElement.nodeName == \"parsererror\" ? \"", "error while parsing\" : oDOM.documentElement.nodeName);\n\nWith php, using simple xml where $xmlstr is the content of the uploaded svg, from the docs:\n$movies = new SimpleXMLElement($xmlstr);\necho $movies->movie[0]->plot;\n\nThis is fully working example of how to retrieve data from the svg markup with php:\n<?", "php\n// $xmlstr - String - The filecontents of the uploaded svg\n//\n// (You can read the uploaded file and store it in a string\n// with $xmlstr = file_get_contents('PATH TO THE UPLOADED SVG')\n// see: http://php.net/manual/en/function.file-get-contents.php)\n\n$xmlstr = '<svg version=\"1.1\" id=\"svg-ehhh-logo\" class=\"defs-only\" xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\" xmlns:xlink=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink\" x=\"0px\" y=\"0px\" width=\"610px\" height=\"103px\" viewBox=\"0 0 610 103\" xml:space=\"preserve\"> \n <symbol id=\"ehhh_logo\"> \n <path fill=\"#FFFFFF\" d=\"M0,79v24c44,0,535,0,610,0V35C436,82,199,117,0,79z\"/> \n <g> \n <path fill=\"#FFFFFF\" d=\"M146.411,10.218l59.886,0.868l-2.294,12.296l-32.013-0.463l-2.985,15.506l22.078,0.32l-2.497,13.582 l-22.078-0.32l-3.388,17.893l31.553,0.457l-2.496,13.49l-59.426-0.861L146.411,10.218z\"/> <path fill=\"#FFFFFF\" d=\"M211.694,11.777l22.647-0.87l-4.276,32.49c1.632-2.151,4.464-4.212,8.495-6.18 c4.03-1.967,7.849-3.02,11.459-3.159c2.508-0.097,4.779,0.369,6.809,1.396s3.474,2.306,4.329,3.839 c0.856,1.532,1.323,3.31,1.4,5.332l0.046,1.195c0.012,0.308,0.023,0.614,0.035,0.919c-0.107,0.435-0.155,0.743-0.148,0.926 l-0.54,5.084l-3.846,28.966l-22.472,0.862l3.757-28.311c-0.026-0.676,0.013-1.199,0.117-1.571l0.139-1.751 c-0.054-1.41-0.418-2.424-1.089-3.043c-0.673-0.619-1.351-1.007-2.036-1.165l-1.764-0.116c-0.678,0.026-1.414,0.162-2.207,0.407 c-0.793,0.246-1.627,1.029-2.503,2.352c-0.64,1.007-1.19,2.743-1.651,5.209l-3.677,28.409l-22.522,0.865L211.694,11.777z\"/> <path fill=\"#FFFFFF\" d=\"M276.282,8.705l22.583-1.916l-2.771,32.653c1.531-2.225,4.265-4.414,8.2-6.566 c3.935-2.151,7.701-3.38,11.3-3.685c2.502-0.212,4.791,0.147,6.867,1.08c2.075,0.932,3.576,2.144,4.502,3.634 c0.926,1.491,1.475,3.245,1.645,5.262l0.102,1.192c0.025,0.307,0.052,0.612,0.078,0.917c-0.088,0.439-0.121,0.749-0.105,0.933 l-0.305,5.104l-2.504,29.112l-22.407,1.9l2.445-28.455c-0.058-0.673-0.042-1.198,0.044-1.575l0.057-1.756 c-0.119-1.405-0.529-2.402-1.229-2.989c-0.7-0.587-1.396-0.943-2.087-1.069l-1.767-0.035c-0.676,0.057-1.405,0.227-2.186,0.508 c-0.781,0.283-1.578,1.104-2.392,2.465c-0.593,1.036-1.063,2.795-1.409,5.28l-2.361,28.549l-22.458,1.904L276.282,8.705z\"/> <path fill=\"#FFFFFF\" d=\"M339.669,2.833L362.156,0l-1.439,32.739c1.439-2.285,4.082-4.584,7.926-6.894 c3.844-2.31,7.559-3.69,11.143-4.142c2.49-0.314,4.793-0.048,6.904,0.799s3.66,1.997,4.646,3.449 c0.984,1.452,1.604,3.182,1.857,5.19l0.148,1.187c0.039,0.305,0.078,0.609,0.115,0.913c-0.068,0.442-0.09,0.753-0.066,0.936 l-0.098,5.112l-1.316,29.19l-22.312,2.811l1.285-28.531c-0.085-0.67-0.091-1.195-0.021-1.575l-0.014-1.757 c-0.176-1.399-0.627-2.378-1.35-2.937c-0.724-0.558-1.433-0.886-2.129-0.984l-1.768,0.038c-0.673,0.084-1.395,0.284-2.163,0.597 c-0.769,0.314-1.532,1.167-2.29,2.561c-0.551,1.059-0.947,2.836-1.192,5.333l-1.197,28.621l-22.362,2.816L339.669,2.833z\"/> <path fill=\"#FFFFFF\" d=\"M409.323,43.956c1.724-0.889,3.554-1.486,5.494-1.789c1.575-0.246,3.105-0.283,4.592-0.112 c1.484,0.172,3.041,0.689,4.665,1.552c1.405,0.65,2.563,1.711,3.477,3.182c0.337,0.569,0.666,1.278,0.984,2.127 c0.319,0.851,0.545,1.7,0.678,2.549c0.559,3.576-0.773,6.67-3.997,9.283c-3.224,2.615-6.289,4.148-9.198,4.604 c-2.122,0.331-4.237,0.195-6.349-0.406c-2.111-0.601-3.745-1.416-4.898-2.447c-1.154-1.029-1.942-2.102-2.364-3.215l-0.698-2.685 c-0.209-1.332-0.142-2.692,0.2-4.081s0.979-2.668,1.914-3.838c0.935-1.17,1.896-2.173,2.882-3.011L409.323,43.956z\"/> <path fill=\"#FFFFFF\" d=\"M447.214,37.789c1.704-0.925,3.521-1.562,5.454-1.905c1.569-0.28,3.1-0.349,4.589-0.21 c1.488,0.141,3.055,0.625,4.697,1.453c1.419,0.621,2.599,1.656,3.543,3.107c0.349,0.562,0.692,1.264,1.029,2.106 c0.337,0.844,0.581,1.688,0.731,2.533c0.635,3.563-0.632,6.685-3.799,9.367c-3.167,2.683-6.199,4.281-9.098,4.797 c-2.114,0.377-4.233,0.287-6.356-0.27c-2.124-0.557-3.774-1.338-4.949-2.344c-1.176-1.005-1.987-2.059-2.432-3.164l-0.756-2.669 c-0.236-1.327-0.198-2.689,0.113-4.085c0.313-1.395,0.924-2.688,1.833-3.877s1.849-2.212,2.817-3.071L447.214,37.789z\"/> <path fill=\"#FFFFFF\" d=\"M484.978,30.822c1.685-0.961,3.488-1.634,5.413-2.019c1.563-0.312,3.092-0.413,4.583-0.305 c1.491,0.11,3.067,0.561,4.727,1.355c1.432,0.591,2.633,1.601,3.607,3.032c0.36,0.554,0.719,1.249,1.073,2.084 c0.354,0.836,0.616,1.676,0.784,2.517c0.708,3.55-0.493,6.698-3.604,9.444c-3.11,2.748-6.108,4.409-8.996,4.985 c-2.105,0.421-4.226,0.375-6.359-0.137c-2.136-0.512-3.802-1.259-4.997-2.24c-1.197-0.98-2.03-2.018-2.498-3.113l-0.811-2.652 c-0.265-1.322-0.255-2.685,0.028-4.087c0.283-1.4,0.867-2.706,1.751-3.915c0.885-1.208,1.803-2.25,2.753-3.129L484.978,30.822z\"/> \n </g> \n </symbol> \n</svg>';\n\n// create a simple xml object from the string containing the xml (svg) data:\n$xml = new SimpleXMLElement($xmlstr);\n\nprint '<pre>';\n\n// in this svg, the relevant path data are in: symbol>g>path - it\n// might (and probably will) differ from user uploaded files.", "\n// With simple xml you can loop through the nodes to find\n// the path data,\n// see: http://php.net/manual/en/simplexml.examples-basic.php\n\nvar_dump($xml->symbol->g->path);\nprint '<hr>';\n// the path data are stored in the 'd' attribute, retrieve it as a string:\nprint $xml->symbol->g->path['d'];\n// voila! :-)", "\nprint '</pre>';\n\n?", ">\n\nI made a fiddle to show how you could go about it in javascript:\nhttps://jsfiddle.net/tobiasbeuving/gyheqvfs/5/\n\n" ]
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[ "\n\n\n\nIf you knew that someone would go on to do terrible things in the future, if you could see it with certainty, would you try to stop them, now, in the present?", "\n\nIt’s an age-old question. ", "Usually, one that people chat about over dinner or a joint. ", "A fun hypothetical and nothing more. ", "But what about people doing terrible things now that are going to have sweeping effects on our shared reality in years to come? ", "What about people who have no care for our destruction of the planet or the various species that inhabit it? ", "Would you do something to stop them? ", "To what lengths would you go? ", "What if they denied the very idea that the planet is in peril at all?", "\n\nAt what point does someone’s blatant aggression against the future safety and security of humankind demand counter-aggression in the present? ", "What would you do today in order to protect tomorrow?", "\n\nThis cascade of questions is deeply relevant to our relationship with the environment. ", "Climate change has deleterious effects on the planet; ignoring the problem exacerbates those effects. ", "If the jury was still out, as our president continues to insist, it would be a different story. ", "But these debates are all dead. ", "Not only is the science settled on the idea that humans are the leading cause of climate change, the science is also settled on whether or not the science is settled.", "\n\nThe Fourth National Climate Assesment, a Congress-mandated report, released both sneakily and perhaps fittingly on Black Friday, is quite clear on the fact that the effects of climate change are here. ", "The report is full of little gems like:\n\nThe continued warming that is projected to occur without substantial and sustained reductions in global greenhouse gas emissions is expected to cause substantial net damage to the U.S. economy throughout this century.", "\n\nAnd:\n\nExtreme weather and climate-related impacts on one system can result in increased risks or failures in other critical systems, including water resources, food production and distribution, energy and transportation, public health, international trade, and national security.", "\n\nThe 1,656-page document is full of this sort of stuff. ", "The 2014 report drew similar conclusions, with less financial specificity. ", "Meanwhile, a study from Flinders University in South Australia was released yesterday, warning of a species death domino effect. ", "NASA, an agency jammed full of people smart enough to send a rocket 141 million miles away to land on Mars so that it can send us back sunset selfies, has charted 138 years of climate data and compiled all of the agencies and scientific societies that believe in climate change. ", "Take a look. ", "It’s staggering.", "\n\nSo how did the president react to this news, underscored by the NCA report? ", "He said, “I don’t believe it.”", "\n\nTo give the president the benefit of the doubt, his statement seemed to be a response to questions about the effects of climate change on the economy — of which the report provides in-depth specifics. ", "Perhaps the more troubling part of his response was the implication that the United States shouldn’t bother making headway in environmental preservation unless China does the same. ", "The comment reveals the president’s petulance and his overarching position that “if someone is worse, we get to be bad too.”" ]
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[ "Torrential downpours have caused flash flooding and landslides in more than 40 counties and villages in six provinces of Azerbaijane-Gharbi, Azerbaijane-Sharghi, Kordestan, Zanjan, Mazandaran and Ardebil in Iran’s northwest on Saturday, killing at least 42 people according to National Crisis Management Organization.", "\n\nMajor flooding triggered by heavy rains in these provinces flooded houses and swept away cars after rivers burst their banks. ", "According to the official reports, two counties of Ajabshir and Azarshahr in Azerbaijane-Sharghi province were worst hit.", "\n\nMr. Morteza Salimi, Head of Relief and Rescue Organisation of the Iranian Red Crescent announced that 1,860 people have benefited from the relief and rescue services, and 288 people were provided with emergency sheltering following torrential rains and flooding that began on Friday.", "\n\nMr. Salimi said that water has been pumped out of 179 residential units and operations for the recovery of 40 trapped cars in floods have been successful in various areas. ", "He said 15 people had also been transferred to safe areas, and seven taken to medical centres to receive due services. \"", "Five people are still missing in the floods,\" he also added.", "\n\nHead of Red Crescent Relief and Rescue Organisation pointed out to the use of 80 operational teams including 380 relief workers and rescuers in these operations and stressed, \"30 relief tents, 200 blankets, 1,000 tins of canned food, 20 kilograms of date, and 700 bottles of mineral water have been distributed amongst the affected since the last day,\".", "\n\nIran's Energy Minister and President Representative Hamid Chitchian, Ismail Jabbarzadeh, the general governor of Azerbaijane-Sharghi and Morteza Salimi, visited flood-hit areas of Ajabshir and Azarshahr cities. ", "Hamid Chitchian and Ismail Jabbarzadeh, each in a separate speech praised quick and timely relief and rescue measures of the Iranian Red Crescent in the areas hit by the surging water.", "\n\nRed Crescent search and rescue operations are still underway in Mazandaran Azerbaijane-Gharbi and Azerbaijane-Sharghi provinces." ]
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[ "Q:\n\namazonka: catch exceptions that meet certain criteria\n\nI am using the excellent amazonka library.", "\nI have one function where I need to make an updateItem to a DynamoDB table. ", "The update includes a condition expression.", "\nIf the update succeeds then my function returns True (in the application monad). ", "If the update throws a ServiceError with ErrorCode equal to ConditionalCheckFailed then my function returns False. ", "All other exceptions are caught by the function caller.", "\nIn other words I want the function to return True on a successful update to the table, False otherwise and I want to throw all exceptions other than the one above as normal.", "\nMy problem is that I don't know how to check whether a ServiceError with the above ErrorCode is thrown.", "\nThis is what I have tried (try is from Control.", "Monad.", "Catch and returns m (Either e a), bracketed numbers in first column correspond to line numbers in the error further below):\n[41] rs <- try $ send $ updateItem \"TableName\" & uiKey ...blah blah\n case rs of\n[47] Left e -> if (serviceCode e) == (errorCode \"ConditionalCheckFailed\")\n then return False else throwM e\n Right _ -> return True\n\nerrorCode is the constructor for the type ErrorCode. ", "serviceCode is a lens that pulls the service code out of the error.", "\nI also tried to use tryJust:\nrs <- try' $ send $ updateItem \"TableName\" & uiKey ...blah blah\nwhere try' = tryJust (\\e -> if (serviceCode e) == (errorCode \"ConditionalCheckFailed\") then Nothing else Just e)\n\nIn both cases I seem to have trouble getting the predicate if (serviceCode e) == (errorCode \"ConditionalCheckFailed\") to type check (I don't understand lenses well):\n Couldn't match expected type ‘ServiceError -> f1 ServiceError’\n with actual type ‘ErrorCode’\n Relevant bindings include\n e :: ErrorCode -> f1 ErrorCode\n (bound at src/Foo.hs:47:10)\n rs :: Either (ErrorCode -> f1 ErrorCode) UpdateItemResponse\n (bound at src/Foo.hs:41:3)\n Possible cause: ‘errorCode’ is applied to too many arguments\n In the second argument of ‘(==)’, namely\n ‘(errorCode \"ConditionalCheckFailed\")’\n In the expression:\n (serviceCode e) == (errorCode \"ConditionalCheckFailed\")\n\nHow can I get something like this to work?", "\n\nA:\n\nYou need to use one of lens' exception handling function along with lens exception predefined in amazonka.", "\nSomething along the lines of:\nhandling _ConditionalCheckFailedException ({- your handling code goes here -}) $\n do send $ updateItem \"TableName\" & uiKey ...blah blah\n\nAlso amazonka docs\n\n" ]
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[ "For most, having a predictable income and fixed expenses makes budgeting and saving a lot easier. ", "Part-time hourly employees, contractors, and seasonal workers who jump from gig to gig or who work more in some months than others don’t always enjoy this same sense of stability — and working several different types of jobs with variable income structures can lead to hard lessons about managing money.", "\n\nI’ve done them all. ", "I spent several years as a full-time, salaried journalist followed by three more in seasonal gigs: an active travel guide in the summer and an hourly office assistant and part-time swim instructor in the winter. ", "I’ve been an independent contractor for a meal delivery service, a yoga teacher, and a freelance writer paid by the project. ", "I recently returned to the world of full-time, salaried work.", "\n\nAs a seasonal and hourly employee — and one who relied heavily on tips — I had an erratic income that made planning for the future difficult.", "\n\nThere were perks to this type of employment. ", "Housing between trips I guided was paid for, and I was virtually assured to have work the following year. ", "There was flexibility to travel, move to a new city, work in a different industry in the off-season, and supplement with other sources of income.", "\n\nSeasonal work has a feast-or-famine quality. ", "During my summer employment, I was flush with cash and thought I could afford to spend a lot. ", "But in reality, I had to stretch those funds.", "\n\nOf course, not all seasonal employment comes with these benefits. ", "If you’re picking up shifts in a retail store or taking a temporary customer service position during the busy holiday season, you likely don’t have expenses paid or the guarantee of a position long-term. ", "And wages and working conditions vary widely across industries. ", "Seasonal work also has a feast-or-famine quality. ", "During my summer employment, I was flush with cash and thought I could afford to spend a lot. ", "But in reality, I had to stretch those funds out over winter to supplement other short-term (and lower-paying) hourly jobs and cover rent and other living expenses while doing so.", "\n\nThe challenge, regardless of take-home pay, was managing my money when my circumstances changed — from job to job and when switching from seasonal gigs back to a full-time position.", "\n\nHere are four things I learned along the way that changed the way I look at money.", "\n\nJust because you have cash doesn’t mean you should spend it\n\nThe hardest lesson I learned during my off-season and in my transition back to full-time work was that a cushy bank account doesn’t last long when overhead costs increase. ", "Having a large balance at the end of every summer felt secure — even liberating — but that money disappeared pretty quickly when I had to put down a security deposit, buy groceries, and pay for gas, even when I had other sources of income. ", "Instead of building an emergency fund and planning for those fixed expenses when I had the funds, I’d spent cash on things I shouldn’t — like a $500 leather jacket and a $250 bike computer.", "\n\nIt’s important to think ahead and plan for the unexpected, especially if your income is variable. ", "Most Americans aren’t prepared for emergencies, and I learned the hard way that if you have extra cash, you should put it to responsible use. ", "When I had some medical expenses pop up that I couldn’t pay for outright (and didn’t want to put on a credit card), it prompted me to get serious about saving.", "\n\nFinancial planners love to hit hard on emergency funds, and it wasn’t until I had three months’ worth of expenses saved up that I felt confident in my financial security. ", "I set aside $75 each week — which was manageable despite my fluctuating paycheck — and slowly built up this safety net.", "\n\nLive just below your means most of the time, to have \"fun\" sometimes\n\nMoney was tight at times, especially in the transitions between seasons and in waiting for a full-time paycheck to kick in. ", "I was never at risk of not having food or shelter, but I did have to make some difficult lifestyle choices that I likely wouldn’t have encountered if I’d had a stable income or planned more carefully. ", "I wasn’t able to attend weddings, travel to see family over the holidays, or purchase ski gear to take advantage of living in Utah over the winter.", "\n\nWhile I may have overspent early on in my seasonal employment, I did learn to live like I was making less — and still do. ", "Using this rule while in a full-time, salaried position has helped me set aside thousands of dollars in savings to take those trips and buy that gear.", "\n\nLaura Gilman, a financial planner and managing partner at KCS Wealth Advisory in Los Angeles, California, explains that this mentality is like climbing a ladder. ", "The first rung is building up emergency savings in case you get laid off, land in the hospital or have to repair your water heater.", "\n\n“Having that emergency reserve takes away some of that panic,” she says. “", "Then you go to the next step: You say, ‘Now what’s important to me?'”", "\n\nThis is where you balance saving for retirement and other long-term goals with the “fun” stuff. “", "You can plan for fun,” Gilman says. ", "Decide what else you want to spend your money on — vacations, home upgrades, a new computer — and how to prioritize what you’re saving toward those purchases. ", "Earmarking savings for specific purposes and in separate accounts has helped me stay committed to my goals — which yes, includes some \"fun\" expenses.", "\n\nPay a little more upfront to save money down the road\n\nIn our off-season, my partner and I paid a little bit more for a short-term, furnished apartment than we would for an unfurnished space with a year-long lease — but we saved a significant amount of money by not having to buy a bed, dining chairs and dishes that we’d eventually have to sell or store when we returned to our guiding jobs. ", "Plus, we avoided any fees involved in breaking a longer contract with our landlord.", "\n\nSometimes the cheapest option isn’t the best investment in your long-term financial well-being. ", "Items that cost more but are of higher quality may last longer, which means you’ll spend less in replacement costs. ", "Similarly, things that are more expensive on paper may add up to less money spent overall.", "\n\nFor example, I’ve bought pricier kitchen appliances and cookware with the expectation that I wouldn’t have to replace them in a year or two— so the cost per use is actually minimal.", "\n\nBut Gilman notes that choosing to spend more on some items is a personal preference that requires you to weigh costs versus benefits: \"You always want to have a strategy if you’re stretching yourself a little bit more of how you’re going to get a payback down the road.\"", "\n\nTalk about money — and do it often\n\nMy partner and I worked the same guiding job, had similar hourly wages in our off-season, and went back to full-time employment around the same time, so we were usually on the same page about how to cover our bills and manage discretionary spending. ", "If we hadn’t talked about it, however, we may not have had such clear priorities and expectations.", "\n\nWhether your finances are always in flux or not, it’s important to talk about them with your partner or roommate or anyone with whom you share bills. ", "Money conversations are difficult — but staying silent when you’re uncertain about what you can afford or struggling to meet your commitments can cause even more strain.", "\n\nThese conversations will look differently for everyone, but Gilman recommends getting together at least once a month to go over shared expenses (which my partner and I do). ", "How you approach financial discussions really depends on your relationship, she says, as each individual may have a different emotional attachment to money — what they earn and how they spend it.", "\n\nFor example, some people prefer to split everything down the middle or have shared accounts; others may be more comfortable paying a percentage based on income and keeping “fun” money separate. ", "Before you dive into your balance sheet, find out what works best for your roommate, spouse, partner or family member.", "\n\n“You want to be as open as you can with whoever you’re sharing resources with,” Gilman says. “", "I find that the more people talk about it, you can eliminate some of that emotion or attachment people have to money and make it more about your shared goals.”", "\n\nMORE MONEY TIPS FROM BETTER\n\nWant more tips like these? ", "NBC News BETTER is obsessed with finding easier, healthier and smarter ways to live. ", "Sign up for our newsletter and follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram." ]
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[ "package dbus\n\nimport (\n\t\"bytes\"\n\t\"encoding/binary\"\n\t\"errors\"\n\t\"io\"\n\t\"reflect\"\n\t\"strconv\"\n)\n\nconst protoVersion byte = 1\n\n// Flags represents the possible flags of a D-Bus message.", "\ntype Flags byte\n\nconst (\n\t// FlagNoReplyExpected signals that the message is not expected to generate\n\t// a reply. ", "If this flag is set on outgoing messages, any possible reply\n\t// will be discarded.", "\n\tFlagNoReplyExpected Flags = 1 << iota\n\t// FlagNoAutoStart signals that the message bus should not automatically\n\t// start an application when handling this message.", "\n\tFlagNoAutoStart\n\t// FlagAllowInteractiveAuthorization may be set on a method call\n\t// message to inform the receiving side that the caller is prepared\n\t// to wait for interactive authorization, which might take a\n\t// considerable time to complete. ", "For instance, if this flag is set,\n\t// it would be appropriate to query the user for passwords or\n\t// confirmation via Polkit or a similar framework.", "\n\tFlagAllowInteractiveAuthorization\n)\n\n// Type represents the possible types of a D-Bus message.", "\ntype Type byte\n\nconst (\n\tTypeMethodCall Type = 1 + iota\n\tTypeMethodReply\n\tTypeError\n\tTypeSignal\n\ttypeMax\n)\n\nfunc (t Type) String() string {\n\tswitch t {\n\tcase TypeMethodCall:\n\t\treturn \"method call\"\n\tcase TypeMethodReply:\n\t\treturn \"reply\"\n\tcase TypeError:\n\t\treturn \"error\"\n\tcase TypeSignal:\n\t\treturn \"signal\"\n\t}\n\treturn \"invalid\"\n}\n\n// HeaderField represents the possible byte codes for the headers\n// of a D-Bus message.", "\ntype HeaderField byte\n\nconst (\n\tFieldPath HeaderField = 1 + iota\n\tFieldInterface\n\tFieldMember\n\tFieldErrorName\n\tFieldReplySerial\n\tFieldDestination\n\tFieldSender\n\tFieldSignature\n\tFieldUnixFDs\n\tfieldMax\n)\n\n// An InvalidMessageError describes the reason why a D-Bus message is regarded as\n// invalid.", "\ntype InvalidMessageError string\n\nfunc (e InvalidMessageError) Error() string {\n\treturn \"dbus: invalid message: \" + string(e)\n}\n\n// fieldType are the types of the various header fields.", "\nvar fieldTypes = [fieldMax]reflect.", "Type{\n\tFieldPath: objectPathType,\n\tFieldInterface: stringType,\n\tFieldMember: stringType,\n\tFieldErrorName: stringType,\n\tFieldReplySerial: uint32Type,\n\tFieldDestination: stringType,\n\tFieldSender: stringType,\n\tFieldSignature: signatureType,\n\tFieldUnixFDs: uint32Type,\n}\n\n// requiredFields lists the header fields that are required by the different\n// message types.", "\nvar requiredFields = [typeMax][]HeaderField{\n\tTypeMethodCall: {FieldPath, FieldMember},\n\tTypeMethodReply: {FieldReplySerial},\n\tTypeError: {FieldErrorName, FieldReplySerial},\n\tTypeSignal: {FieldPath, FieldInterface, FieldMember},\n}\n\n// Message represents a single D-Bus message.", "\ntype Message struct {\n\tType\n\tFlags\n\tHeaders map[HeaderField]Variant\n\tBody []interface{}\n\n\tserial uint32\n}\n\ntype header struct {\n\tField byte\n\tVariant\n}\n\n// DecodeMessage tries to decode a single message in the D-Bus wire format\n// from the given reader. ", "The byte order is figured out from the first byte.", "\n// The possibly returned error can be an error of the underlying reader, an\n// InvalidMessageError or a FormatError.", "\nfunc DecodeMessage(rd io.", "Reader) (msg *Message, err error) {\n\tvar order binary.", "ByteOrder\n\tvar hlength, length uint32\n\tvar typ, flags, proto byte\n\tvar headers []header\n\n\tb := make([]byte, 1)\n\t_, err = rd.", "Read(b)\n\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\treturn\n\t}\n\tswitch b[0] {\n\tcase 'l':\n\t\torder = binary.", "LittleEndian\n\tcase 'B':\n\t\torder = binary.", "BigEndian\n\tdefault:\n\t\treturn nil, InvalidMessageError(\"invalid byte order\")\n\t}\n\n\tdec := newDecoder(rd, order)\n\tdec.pos = 1\n\n\tmsg = new(Message)\n\tvs, err := dec.", "Decode(Signature{\"yyyuu\"})\n\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\treturn nil, err\n\t}\n\tif err = Store(vs, &typ, &flags, &proto, &length, &msg.serial); err !", "= nil {\n\t\treturn nil, err\n\t}\n\tmsg.", "Type = Type(typ)\n\tmsg.", "Flags = Flags(flags)\n\n\t// get the header length separately because we need it later\n\tb = make([]byte, 4)\n\t_, err = io.", "ReadFull(rd, b)\n\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\treturn nil, err\n\t}\n\tbinary.", "Read(bytes.", "NewBuffer(b), order, &hlength)\n\tif hlength+length+16 > 1<<27 {\n\t\treturn nil, InvalidMessageError(\"message is too long\")\n\t}\n\tdec = newDecoder(io.", "MultiReader(bytes.", "NewBuffer(b), rd), order)\n\tdec.pos = 12\n\tvs, err = dec.", "Decode(Signature{\"a(yv)\"})\n\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\treturn nil, err\n\t}\n\tif err = Store(vs, &headers); err !", "= nil {\n\t\treturn nil, err\n\t}\n\n\tmsg.", "Headers = make(map[HeaderField]Variant)\n\tfor _, v := range headers {\n\t\tmsg.", "Headers[HeaderField(v.", "Field)] = v.Variant\n\t}\n\n\tdec.align(8)\n\tbody := make([]byte, int(length))\n\tif length !", "= 0 {\n\t\t_, err := io.", "ReadFull(rd, body)\n\t\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\t\treturn nil, err\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\tif err = msg.", "IsValid(); err !", "= nil {\n\t\treturn nil, err\n\t}\n\tsig, _ := msg.", "Headers[FieldSignature].value.(Signature)\n\tif sig.str !", "= \"\" {\n\t\tbuf := bytes.", "NewBuffer(body)\n\t\tdec = newDecoder(buf, order)\n\t\tvs, err := dec.", "Decode(sig)\n\t\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\t\treturn nil, err\n\t\t}\n\t\tmsg.", "Body = vs\n\t}\n\n\treturn\n}\n\n// EncodeTo encodes and sends a message to the given writer. ", "The byte order must\n// be either binary.", "LittleEndian or binary.", "BigEndian. ", "If the message is not\n// valid or an error occurs when writing, an error is returned.", "\nfunc (msg *Message) EncodeTo(out io.", "Writer, order binary.", "ByteOrder) error {\n\tif err := msg.", "IsValid(); err !", "= nil {\n\t\treturn err\n\t}\n\tvar vs [7]interface{}\n\tswitch order {\n\tcase binary.", "LittleEndian:\n\t\tvs[0] = byte('l')\n\tcase binary.", "BigEndian:\n\t\tvs[0] = byte('B')\n\tdefault:\n\t\treturn errors.", "New(\"dbus: invalid byte order\")\n\t}\n\tbody := new(bytes.", "Buffer)\n\tenc := newEncoder(body, order)\n\tif len(msg.", "Body) !", "= 0 {\n\t\tenc.", "Encode(msg.", "Body...)\n\t}\n\tvs[1] = msg.", "Type\n\tvs[2] = msg.", "Flags\n\tvs[3] = protoVersion\n\tvs[4] = uint32(len(body.", "Bytes()))\n\tvs[5] = msg.serial\n\theaders := make([]header, 0, len(msg.", "Headers))\n\tfor k, v := range msg.", "Headers {\n\t\theaders = append(headers, header{byte(k), v})\n\t}\n\tvs[6] = headers\n\tvar buf bytes.", "Buffer\n\tenc = newEncoder(&buf, order)\n\tenc.", "Encode(vs[:]...)\n\tenc.align(8)\n\tbody.", "WriteTo(&buf)\n\tif buf.", "Len() > 1<<27 {\n\t\treturn InvalidMessageError(\"message is too long\")\n\t}\n\tif _, err := buf.", "WriteTo(out); err !", "= nil {\n\t\treturn err\n\t}\n\treturn nil\n}\n\n// IsValid checks whether msg is a valid message and returns an\n// InvalidMessageError if it is not.", "\nfunc (msg *Message) IsValid() error {\n\tif msg.", "Flags & ^(FlagNoAutoStart|FlagNoReplyExpected|FlagAllowInteractiveAuthorization) !", "= 0 {\n\t\treturn InvalidMessageError(\"invalid flags\")\n\t}\n\tif msg.", "Type == 0 || msg.", "Type >= typeMax {\n\t\treturn InvalidMessageError(\"invalid message type\")\n\t}\n\tfor k, v := range msg.", "Headers {\n\t\tif k == 0 || k >= fieldMax {\n\t\t\treturn InvalidMessageError(\"invalid header\")\n\t\t}\n\t\tif reflect.", "TypeOf(v.value) !", "= fieldTypes[k] {\n\t\t\treturn InvalidMessageError(\"invalid type of header field\")\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tfor _, v := range requiredFields[msg.", "Type] {\n\t\tif _, ok := msg.", "Headers[v]; !", "ok {\n\t\t\treturn InvalidMessageError(\"missing required header\")\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tif path, ok := msg.", "Headers[FieldPath]; ok {\n\t\tif !", "path.value.(ObjectPath).IsValid() {\n\t\t\treturn InvalidMessageError(\"invalid path name\")\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tif iface, ok := msg.", "Headers[FieldInterface]; ok {\n\t\tif !", "isValidInterface(iface.value.(string)) {\n\t\t\treturn InvalidMessageError(\"invalid interface name\")\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tif member, ok := msg.", "Headers[FieldMember]; ok {\n\t\tif !", "isValidMember(member.value.(string)) {\n\t\t\treturn InvalidMessageError(\"invalid member name\")\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tif errname, ok := msg.", "Headers[FieldErrorName]; ok {\n\t\tif !", "isValidInterface(errname.value.(string)) {\n\t\t\treturn InvalidMessageError(\"invalid error name\")\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tif len(msg.", "Body) !", "= 0 {\n\t\tif _, ok := msg.", "Headers[FieldSignature]; !", "ok {\n\t\t\treturn InvalidMessageError(\"missing signature\")\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn nil\n}\n\n// Serial returns the message's serial number. ", "The returned value is only valid\n// for messages received by eavesdropping.", "\nfunc (msg *Message) Serial() uint32 {\n\treturn msg.serial\n}\n\n// String returns a string representation of a message similar to the format of\n// dbus-monitor.", "\nfunc (msg *Message) String() string {\n\tif err := msg.", "IsValid(); err !", "= nil {\n\t\treturn \"<invalid>\"\n\t}\n\ts := msg.", "Type.", "String()\n\tif v, ok := msg.", "Headers[FieldSender]; ok {\n\t\ts += \" from \" + v.value.(string)\n\t}\n\tif v, ok := msg.", "Headers[FieldDestination]; ok {\n\t\ts += \" to \" + v.value.(string)\n\t}\n\ts += \" serial \" + strconv.", "FormatUint(uint64(msg.serial), 10)\n\tif v, ok := msg.", "Headers[FieldReplySerial]; ok {\n\t\ts += \" reply_serial \" + strconv.", "FormatUint(uint64(v.value.(uint32)), 10)\n\t}\n\tif v, ok := msg.", "Headers[FieldUnixFDs]; ok {\n\t\ts += \" unixfds \" + strconv.", "FormatUint(uint64(v.value.(uint32)), 10)\n\t}\n\tif v, ok := msg.", "Headers[FieldPath]; ok {\n\t\ts += \" path \" + string(v.value.(ObjectPath))\n\t}\n\tif v, ok := msg.", "Headers[FieldInterface]; ok {\n\t\ts += \" interface \" + v.value.(string)\n\t}\n\tif v, ok := msg.", "Headers[FieldErrorName]; ok {\n\t\ts += \" error \" + v.value.(string)\n\t}\n\tif v, ok := msg.", "Headers[FieldMember]; ok {\n\t\ts += \" member \" + v.value.(string)\n\t}\n\tif len(msg.", "Body) !", "= 0 {\n\t\ts += \"\\n\"\n\t}\n\tfor i, v := range msg.", "Body {\n\t\ts += \" \" + MakeVariant(v).String()\n\t\tif i !", "= len(msg.", "Body)-1 {\n\t\t\ts += \"\\n\"\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn s\n}\n" ]
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[ "Roosevelt, Utah\n\nRoosevelt is a city in Duchesne County, Utah, United States. ", "The population was 6,046 at the 2010 census, with an estimated population of 7,070 in 2018.", "\n\nThe proper pronunciation of the city's name is based on how President Theodore Roosevelt pronounced his name: according to the man himself, \"pronounced as if it was spelled 'Rosavelt.'\"", "\n\nGeography\nThe city is on the eastern edge of Duchesne County, adjacent to the border with Uintah County. ", "The town of Ballard borders Roosevelt to the east. ", "U.S. Routes 40 and 191 pass through Roosevelt as Main Street, leading east to Vernal and west to Duchesne.", "\n\nAccording to the United States Census Bureau, the city of Roosevelt has a total area of , all of it land.", "\n\nDemographics\n\nAs of the census of 2000, there were 4,299 people, 1,380 households, and 1,095 families residing in the city. ", "The population density was 818.6 people per square mile (316.2/km²). ", "There were 1,566 housing units at an average density of 298.2 per square mile (115.2/km²). ", "The racial makeup of the city was 86.58% White American, 0.19% Black or African American, 8.14% Native American, 0.21% Asian American, none Pacific Islander American, 1.74% from other races, and 3.14% from two or more races. ", "Hispanic or Latino of any race were 3.88% of the population.", "\n\nThere were 1,380 households out of which 51.0% had children under the age of 18 living with them, 60.8% were married couples living together, 14.2% had a female householder with no husband present, and 20.6% were non-families. ", "16.7% of all households were made up of individuals and 5.9% had someone living alone who was 65 years of age or older. ", "The average household size was 3.12 and the average family size was 3.51.", "\n\nIn the city, the population was spread out with 39.5% under the age of 18, 10.7% from 18 to 24, 25.4% from 25 to 44, 16.1% from 45 to 64, and 8.3% who were 65 years of age or older. ", "The median age was 25 years. ", "For every 100 females, there were 94.0 males. ", "For every 100 females age 18 and over, there were 88.4 males.", "\n\nThe median income for a household in the city was $29,190, and the median income for a family was $32,328. ", "Males had a median income of $32,117 versus $18,043 for females. ", "The per capita income for the city was $11,945. ", "About 19.2% of families and 22.1% of the population were below the poverty line, including 26.7% of those under age 18 and 10.1% of those age 65 or over.", "\n\n2015\nAs of 2015 the largest self-reported ancestry groups in Roosevelt, Utah are:\n\nHistory\n\nIn 1905, by an act of Congress, the unallotted land of the Ute Indian Reservation was opened to homesteading. ", "Several thousand hopeful 20th-century pioneers congregated in Provo and Grand Junction with the hope of successfully drawing lots for a homestead in a fertile region of the soon-to-be-opened lands. ", "Throughout the fall and winter of 1905-06, the settlers came to the Uinta Basin.", "\n\nThe town of Roosevelt was founded in early 1906 when Ed Harmston turned his homestead claim into a townsite and laid out plots. ", "His wife named the prospective town in honor of the president of the United States, Theodore Roosevelt. ", "Roosevelt was originally called \"Dry Gulch City\", taking its name from a nearby gulch which only carries water during the early spring runoff season. ", "Within a short time a store, a post office, and the Dry Gulch Irrigation Company were in business in the new town. ", "In 1907, the Harmstons donated of ground for the town's citizens to build a school. ", "The first class had about fifteen pupils, who had to provide books from their homes. ", "Roosevelt soon became the economic center for the area, eclipsing Myton and Duchesne.", "\n\nRoosevelt is situated on U.S. Route 40 in the northeast corner of the state, south of the Uinta Mountains, at an elevation of . ", "The town was incorporated at a mass meeting of 44 citizens on 21 February 1913. ", "From 1906 to 1914 Roosevelt was in Wasatch County, but in 1914 Duchesne County was formed from part of Wasatch County, and, as the largest town in the county, Roosevelt anticipated becoming the county seat. ", "However, when the total county-wide vote came in, the seat went to Duchesne.", "\n\nEconomy\n\nThe population of Roosevelt is approximately 6,700 people, but the town serves as the business center for several times that number from the many small towns and farming communities in the area.", "\n\nRoosevelt is located in an area of vast oil reserves spanning the northeast corner of Utah and extending into western Colorado. ", "The town \"booms\" whenever oil prices go up and falls on harder times when oil prices decrease. ", "The proposed Uinta Basin Rail project would build a new railroad line into Roosevelt for transporting oil drilled in the area.", "\n\nThe city used to have an oil refinery, \"Plateau\", named for the geographic location of the area, the Colorado Plateau. ", "The oil from this area is known as \"Uinta Basin Black Wax Crude\" and has to be refined differently than most types of oil. ", "Those in the oil business and land owners who profit from oil shares indicated during the high oil prices of 2005–2006 that refineries were cutting their profits by limiting the amount of Uinta Basin Black Wax they would refine.", "\n\nVarious types of farming, including beef cattle, sheep, pigs, horses, honey and hay, are prevalent in the outlying areas around town.", "\n\nRoosevelt is also home of the only hospital in the county, Uintah Basin Medical Center.", "\n\nEducation\nRoosevelt has become the county's educational center with Union High School, Uintah Basin Technical College, and Utah State University's Uintah Basin Regional Campus all located there. ", "Union High School is on the east end of town and straddled the border between Duchesne and Uintah Counties, thus the name \"Union\".", "\n\nUnion High School was then partially demolished in favor of a newly built school; still named Union, but located on a road just behind the old school and a little further west. ", "It was still on the east end of town but not crossing the border how it was. ", "This new school was necessary as the old one could barely accommodate all of the students and was unlikely to have enough space for the next generations to come.", "\n\nRoosevelt is part of the Duchesne School District. ", "Other schools in the area include: Eagle View Elementary (Public/K-8), East Elementary School (Public/K-2), Kings Peak Elementary (Public/3-5),Centennial Elementary (Public/3-5), Roosevelt Middle School (Public/4-6), Roosevelt Junior High School (Public/6-8), and Thompsen School (Public/3-12).", "\n\nReligion and local culture\n\nThe Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the dominant religious denomination in Roosevelt, with three stake centers in town; the community also includes Roman Catholic, Christian Assembly of God, Baptist, Jehovah's Witnesses, and other smaller denomination congregations.", "\n\nLocated near the Uintah/Ouray Indian Reservation headquarters of Fort Duchesne, Roosevelt is a multicultural and polyethnic community, with Caucasians and Native Americans being the most numerous. ", "Roosevelt is situated in lands designated as the Uintah and Ouray Indian Reservation and there are many Pow-Wows and Indian Ceremonies held throughout the summer and falls months.", "\n\nThe UBIC (Uintah Basin in Celebration) is Roosevelt's annual celebration. ", "What started in the early part of the century as a yearly display of the latest in farming and industrial technology has developed into a yearly gala complete with parade, talent show, concerts, and dances.", "\n\nNotable residents\n Edgar “Ed” F. Harmston, Roosevelt City Founder\n Reed Cowan, Emmy-winning news anchor, film-maker, and philanthropist\n Laraine Day, Actress\n Emilis Ruzveltas, Software Engineer\n Charley Jenkins, County Music Star\n\nSee also\n High Uintas Wilderness\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n\n City of Roosevelt official website\n The Uintah Basin Standard\n\nCategory:Cities in Duchesne County, Utah\nCategory:Cities in Utah\nCategory:Populated places established in 1905" ]
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[ "\n266 U.S. 547 (1925)\nTOD, COMMISSIONER OF IMMIGRATION,\nv.\nWALDMAN ET AL.", "\nNo. ", "95.", "\nSupreme Court of United States.", "\nDecided January 12, 1925.", "\nCERTIORARI TO THE CIRCUIT COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE SECOND CIRCUIT.", "\nPetition for rehearing.", "\nMr. Max J. Kohler, on the petition for rehearing.", "\n*548 MR. ", "CHIEF JUSTICE TAFT delivered the opinion of the Court.", "\nBy opinion handed down November 17, 1924, ante, 113, this Court sustained the contention of the Commissioner of Immigration that the respondents should not have been discharged under the writ of habeas corpus as directed by the Circuit Court of Appeals, but agreed with that court in its criticism of the action of the immigration authorities in dealing with the respondents here, and made modifications and additions to the order of that court. ", "Counsel for the respondents in a petition for rehearing now ask additional modifications. ", "Of these, the Court deems it proper to grant two.", "\n1st. ", "Nothing in the order of this Court shall prejudice an application on behalf of Zenia Waldman to the discretion of the Secretary of Labor under § 21 of the Immigration Act of February 5, 1917, c. 29, 39 Stat. ", "874, 891, to accept satisfactory security against her becoming a public charge and on its being furnished to admit her to this country.", "\n2nd. ", "Nothing in the order of this Court shall prejudice an application for release on bail of the respondents pending compliance with the mandate of this Court.", "\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nBreakpoint for Wordpress image gallery\n\nI'm working on a new webdesign and I'm stuck at getting my images responsive in certain parts of the theme, have been searching and try different code snippets in the style.css and inline but have not been able to get any images resized on my phone and tablet. ", "\nThe page in question: \nhttp://zephyrusrecords.be/zephyrus/records/\nIt's the album covers that I would want to reduce in size on the mobile phone or tablet....\nHope this is clear and I provided right info, if not sorry and thanks in advance anyway, been stuck on this for some time so would be great if somebody could help me with this..\nAll the best,\nMichiel\n\nA:\n\nYou need to change the css of these 3 elements .table1, ul.img-list li and img :\n.table1 {\n align-self: center;\n width: 850px; /* Remove this line or change to width: auto;*/\n table-layout: fixed; \n}\n\nul.img-list li {\n display: inline-block;\n height: 200px; /* Remove this line or change to height: auto; */\n margin: 0 1em 1em 0;\n position: relative;\n width: 200px; /* Remove this line or change to width: auto; */ \n}\n\nimg {\n height: auto;\n max-width: 100%; /* Remove this line */\n width: 100%; /* add this line */\n}\n\nI recommend you add a class for your images or you can use \".table1 img\" instead.", "\nThe css changes will adapt automatically the size of each image box when you reduce the page size.", "\nUPDATE :\nFor the hover part, you need to change the css of the element span.text-content :\nspan.text-content {\n background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);\n color: white;\n cursor: pointer;\n display: block; /* Change to block */\n height: 100%; /* Change to 100% */\n left: 1px;\n position: absolute;\n top: 0;\n width: 100%; /* Change to 100% */\n opacity: 0;\n -webkit-transition: opacity 500ms;\n -moz-transition: opacity 500ms;\n -o-transition: opacity 500ms;\n transition: opacity 500ms;\n}\n\nUPDATE 2 :\nIf you want to center the text, you need to change the css of the element span.text-content again :\nspan.text-content {\n background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);\n color: white;\n cursor: pointer;\n display: flex; /* Change to flex */\n height: 100%;\n left: 1px;\n position: absolute;\n top: 0;\n width: 100%;\n opacity: 0;\n -webkit-transition: opacity 500ms;\n -moz-transition: opacity 500ms;\n -o-transition: opacity 500ms;\n transition: opacity 500ms;\n align-items: center; /* add this line */\n justify-content: center; /* add this line */\n}\n\n" ]
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[ "The subject of the 2015 movie “Concussion,” Dr. Bennet Omalu’s discovery of a degenerative brain disease in former Pittsburgh Steelers center Mike Webster and others has spurred a national debate about the safety of high contact sports including football, ice hockey, mixed martial arts, boxing, wrestling, rugby, lacrosse and soccer.", "\n\nIn 2002, Omalu identified chronic traumatic encephalopathy, a crippling neurodegenerative disease found in football players, including Webster. ", "He went from Hall of Fame inductee and Super Bowl champion to homeless. ", "Webster’s erratic behavior included tasing himself into unconsciousness in order to sleep.", "\n\nOmalu likens the American obsession with football to a religion. ", "In that regard, he might be considered a heretic: Omalu has equated allowing children to play football to child abuse and warns that the NFL is doomed unless it starts reducing harmful blows to the head.", "\n\nBelow are excerpts of a Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism interview with Omalu:\n\nSeveral players on the University of Wisconsin football team have described not having had concussions in years, but having their “bell rung” many times. ", "They’re quoted as feeling dazed and slightly disoriented. ", "Are these concussions? ", "Are these hits dangerous?", "\n\n“Bell ringing is a concussion. ", "And you don’t need to suffer a concussion to suffer brain damage. ", "The issue here is repeated blows to the head, with or without concussion. ", "Now these kids are in college, they are above the age of 18, so adults are free to do whatever they want to do. ", "Adults are free to choose to play football. ", "My focus is on children. ", "Now … the players who are making that judgement on such a serious issue, in 20 years, they will not be on the football field, they will be weeping …\n\nI know someone personally who played in the NFL. ", "Several years ago I called him and he told me, ‘Hey this doesn’t affect everybody, I play safe!’ ", "Now he can’t even keep a job, every job he gets, he gets fired because his mind is not just right, he doesn’t remember things. ", "And he is calling me now asking me how I can help him. ", "How am I going to help you? ", "I was helping you several years ago when I advised you to stop playing …\n\nIf you’re above 18 and you want to drink alcohol, smoke marijuana or play a dangerous sport, that’s your discretion. ", "There is nothing anybody can do about it … When young adults want to play football and are damaging their brains; good for you. ", "There is nothing I can do about it. ", "My focus is on children under the age of consent. ", "They should not be engaging in dangerous activities that could be damaging their brains.”", "\n\nYou mentioned how subconcussive hits are the real problem. ", "How exactly do subconcussive hits end up negatively affecting the brain?", "\n\n“I mean it’s like asking me how does alcohol cause brain damage. ", "It is something very basic and elementary in science. ", "The human brain is 60 to 80 percent water. ", "The human brain floats freely inside your skull, and the human brain has no reasonable capacity to cure itself, so when you have a blow to your head, there is no regeneration. ", "In the game of football, some of these blows to the head are equivalent to a car crash at 13 miles per hour.", "\n\nThe human brain does not have a capacity to sustain such violence, so each and every impact you have causes microscopic injuries in your brain. ", "Because the brain does not have an unlimited reserve to cure itself, at some point, it resets itself and becomes self destructive. ", "And it’s final, there is no cure, and it is progressive. ", "So subconcussive blows are accumulated upon each other. ", "There is no safe blow to the human head. ", "Every impact to your head can be dangerous. ", "That is why you need to protect your head from all types of blunt force trauma. ", "A helmet does not make a difference.”", "\n\nWhat kind of an issue is the issue of concussion?", "\n\n“We are animals of habit, animals of culture and tradition. ", "Many of these kids have been raised in cultures where football is elevated to a level of religion. ", "So their thinking of football is not objective, it is emotional, it’s a habit. ", "That’s called conformational thinking …\n\nMajority of football players, high school, college, NFL are black. ", "In the NFL for instance, blacks make up about 10 to 12 percent of the total population but make up about 75 percent of professional football players. ", "So this is becoming a civil rights issue. ", "It is a certain segment of the population that is more likely to be underprivileged. ", "They are being guided by a certain cultural mindset.", "\n\nThere is a false narrative being presented to poor black kids in the South, that is not true, that football almost guarantees they’ll move up the economic ladder. ", "That is a lie. ", "That is a complete lie. ", "Who is more likely to live in a million dollar home when they are they are 60 years old: a dentist, a physician, a lawyer or a professional football player? ", "Poor black kids believe that playing football will buy them the million dollar home when they are 60 years old. ", "We are feeding this false narrative to children …\n\nI think this is the civil rights issue of our time, or one of the major civil rights issue of our time. ", "Children from higher socioeconomic families, children of doctors, lawyers, engineers; you are less likely to find them on the field of football.”", "\n\nThe NCAA and U.S. Department of Defense are conducting a $30 million concussion study. ", "Would you trust medical research coming from the NCAA directly?", "\n\n“The NCAA is not in the business to do medical research. ", "That’s not what they do. ", "The medical research they do, I wouldn’t trust it. ", "So when the NFL was involved with medical research, the NFL’s conclusion was that football did not cause brain damage …\n\nSo the NCAA should not be involved with medical research, if they have the money, they should give the money to independent researchers. ", "Medicine is not an absolute science. ", "Medicine is not like math or physics. ", "In medicine you can cook the books and come up with the results you want to come up with.", "\n\nWhen these doctors make public statements you see, their statement is normally that they can make football safer. ", "Let me ask you, can you make fire safer? ", "I suppose you could make it safer by putting it in a lighter. ", "A lighter is safer than a match stick right? ", "But would you give your 5-year-old child a lighter to play with?", "\n\nThey say they can make it safer, they can’t make it safe.”", "\n\nWhat is the long term outlook on the sport, in your view?", "\n\n“I have faith in my science and science in my faith. ", "Science and faith speak the truth, the only truth. ", "There is only one truth, truth does not have a side or different perspectives, there’s only one truth. ", "And if you choose to ignore that one truth and come up with your own alternative truth, you can only ever get to darkness, you can never get to the light of truth.", "\n\nSo the sooner we work on seeing the truth for what it is, the better for football, the better for all of us. ", "If football chooses to deny the truth, the long-term sustainability of football as an industry will be in doubt.", "\n\nSomeone like me who speaks the truth about football is actually a better asset to football than a doctor who denies that football does not cause brain damage, in the long term.”" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nMP3 file format Details\n\nI am trying to create media files required for android mediaframeworktest. ", "In the file list they have given\nPD_256kbps_44.1khz_mono_CBR_DPA.mp3\nNIN_256kbps_44.1khz_mono_CBR_MCA.mp3 etc\nAnybody know what is NIN...MCA and PD...DPA? ", "are they just names or any special format of mp3?", "\nPlease explain.", "\nThanks\nJSE\n\nA:\n\nCBR - Constant Bit Rate\nVBR - Variable Bit Rate\n\nI am not sure of these info, but please check.", "\nI think they are just names. ", "It has nothing got do with mp3 as a format \nPD - Perception Digital\nNIN - Nine Inch Nails \nMCA and DPA are just some Company names \nJust go through this file, you can see more.. :-)\n\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nIn python, how can i get part of string from an element of array\n\nFor example, I have an array with string elements and I only want the first 3 characters:\n>>> import numpy\n>>> a = numpy.array(['apples', 'foobar', 'cowboy'])\n\nwhat can i do to obtain ['app', 'foo', 'cow']\nI tried the following but it doesn't work\n >>> b = a[:],[0,2]\n\nA:\n\nTry this:\nb = [a[i][:3] for i in range(len(a))]\nprint(b)\n\nOutput:\n['app','foo','cow']\n\n" ]
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[ "Background\n==========\n\nDevelopmental research has firmly established the quality of the relationship between an infant and his or her parent as an important factor influencing the child's later development \\[[@B1]-[@B6]\\]. ", "When children develop a secure relationship with their parents or caregivers in their first years of life, they generally have better cognitive outcomes, better social interactions, display less behavioral problems, and achieve better at school \\[[@B7]\\]. ", "Research in this area has mainly investigated the attachment relationships that infants form with their parents, thus focusing on the child's perspective of the relationship. ", "In contrast, the attachment relationship from the parent's perspective has not been frequently studied. ", "This concept, also known as *bonding*, may be of equal importance to later child development as the traditionally studied concept of infant-to-parent attachment. ", "More research concerning predictors and long-term benefits or consequences of bonding is therefore needed \\[[@B8]\\].", "\n\nThe development of the parent-infant attachment relationship does not start after the child is born, but already evolves during pregnancy \\[[@B9],[@B10]\\]. ", "The relationship a parent forms with the fetus is often referred to as *prenatal attachment* and has been described as the earliest, most basic form of human intimacy \\[[@B11]\\]. ", "Several definitions of prenatal attachment have been provided, many conceptualized in health research, but it is generally defined as the emotional tie or bond that develops between expectant parents and their fetus \\[[@B12],[@B13]\\]. ", "Researchers have pointed out that it is important to study prenatal attachment and factors related to its development, since it provides insightful information on later parent-infant bonding \\[[@B11]\\]. ", "Several studies found that the quality of the parent-fetus relationship was related to the quality of postnatal parent-infant relationships \\[[@B14]-[@B17]\\]. ", "It is assumed that the prenatal parent-infant relationship influences the parent's daily interactions with the child after birth and subsequently affects the quality of the parent-infant relationship and development.", "\n\nNext to these feelings of attachment during pregnancy, research concerning the parent-fetus relationship has focused on another concept known as *internal working models* or *representations* of the unborn child \\[[@B18],[@B19]\\]. ", "Representations are described as a set of tendencies to behave in particular ways in intimate relationships \\[[@B20]\\]. ", "They provide information about the 'meaning' a child has to his or her parent by asking the parent about his or her experiences with and perceptions of the fetus, (future) parenting, and the relationship with the fetus. ", "The majority of research concerning internal working models has focused on postnatal representations, while studies on parents' prenatal representations are scarce. ", "Since prenatal representations are found to be related to postnatal representations and postnatal parent-infant interaction, it is important that the quality of prenatal representations and its consequences are also further investigated \\[[@B14],[@B17],[@B21]\\]. ", "In addition, it is unknown whether discrepancies between pre- and postnatal representations lead to parental adjustment problems once the child is born, possibly affecting the quality of postnatal bonding and later child outcomes.", "\n\nParent-infant attachment or bonding develops further after birth and continues to develop beyond the early postnatal period \\[[@B22]\\]. ", "Surprisingly, empirical research into the determinants, consequences, and stability of postnatal bonding is also limited \\[[@B23]\\]. ", "Only a few studies have examined predictors and consequences of postnatal bonding and they suggest that prematurity, domestic violence during pregnancy, and maternal postpartum mood are related to adverse maternal bonding and adverse parent-infant interactions \\[[@B24]-[@B27]\\]. ", "Moreover, Brockington \\[[@B28]\\] stressed that both severe disturbances, as well as less severe problems with parental bonding may lead to more negative parental care and may subsequently result in various forms of child abuse or neglect. ", "Therefore, several parental, infant, and contextual risk factors are expected to influence the quality of the bonding process.", "\n\nThe present study has been designed to investigate prenatal (risk) factors that may influence the quality of pre- and postnatal parent-infant relationships and postnatal infant development within families with young children. ", "Several determinants and consequences of the early parent-infant relationship will be investigated. ", "Already during pregnancy, prenatal risk factors influencing the quality of the parent-infant relationship and later child development can be identified \\[[@B29]\\]. ", "For example, emotional problems of mothers during pregnancy, problems in mothers' own childhood history, and deficits in parental cognitive functioning increase the possibility of problematic caregiving and child development \\[[@B30],[@B31]\\]. ", "However, there is still considerable debate and a lack of knowledge about how specific risk factors are related to the long-term benefits or consequences of the parent-infant relationship. ", "In contrast to most research concerning pregnancy and infant development, this study does not only focus on maternal characteristics, but also on the roles and experiences of fathers during pregnancy and the first two years of the infants' lives.", "\n\nThe following topics and research questions related to the parent-infant relationship will therefore be investigated in the current study:\n\n1)The relationship between prenatal (risk) factors, postnatal infant development and quality of the parent-infant relationship. ", "Can specific prenatal risk factors for adverse infant development, parenting, or parent-infant relationships be identified during pregnancy?", "\n\n2)The transition to parenthood. ", "Is there a discrepancy between the quality of prenatal and postnatal parent-infant relationships and parents' representations of the child? ", "Do parents' prenatal expectations of the child's characteristics meet their postnatal experiences? ", "How are these factors related to infant behavior and development?", "\n\n3)Parental bonding over time. ", "What are the stability and change in parents' feelings of bonding over time? ", "Is the quality of early parent-infant bonding related to later child development?", "\n\nMethods/design\n==============\n\nEnrollment and informed consent\n-------------------------------\n\nBetween November 2008 and July 2009, 835 pregnant women were invited by their midwives to participate in this study. ", "Four midwifery practices in Eindhoven, the 5^th^ largest city of the Netherlands, agreed to participate in the study. ", "At the first routine visit (between 9--15 weeks gestational age), midwives gave mothers information about the purpose of the study and invited them to participate. ", "The oral information was accompanied by an information brochure with specific information about the study, which each mother received. ", "If mothers were interested in participation, one of the researchers contacted them by phone to provide additional information and asked whether mothers wanted to enroll in the study. ", "Partners were not directly approached by the researchers but the mothers were informed about the importance of involvement of their partners in the study. ", "After parents received oral and written information about the protocol, both parents were asked for written consent. ", "The informed consent form consisted of three different options. ", "Parents could consent to (1) active participation in the complete research protocol, including two home visits, (2) active participation by filling in questionnaires but not by participating in home visits, or (3) passive participation by allowing the researchers to gather information from the midwife and National Health Care Centres, but without home visits or filling in questionnaires. ", "Separate informed consent forms were sent to mothers and their partners. ", "Once parents returned the signed forms, enrollment in the study was complete.", "\n\nThe \"Expectant Parents\" \\[\"In Verwachting\"\\] study protocol has been financed and approved by the Netherlands Organization for Health Research and Development (ZonMW, Grant 80-82405-98-074/157001020). ", "It was also approved by the Medical Ethics Committee of St. Elisabeth Hospital Tilburg (date: 13-08-2008, register number: NL 23376.008.08).", "\n\nParticipants\n------------\n\nOf the 835 invited women, women with a poor understanding of the Dutch and English language, those expecting multiple births, and women who were over 20 weeks of gestation at enrollment, were excluded from participation. ", "Reasons for not giving written consent were withdrawal by the mother, miscarriage, and non-responding mothers. ", "As Figure [1](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"} demonstrates, this resulted in 466 completed informed consent forms of expectant mothers and 319 informed consents of their partners. ", "All parents hereby gave permission to the researchers to retrieve information about the pregnancy and delivery from their midwives and information about the development of the child in the first year of life from National Health Care Centres. ", "Of these parents, 409 mothers and 319 fathers agreed to complete questionnaires, of which 311 mothers and 243 fathers also agreed to participate during home visits (full participation).", "\n\n![", "Flow chart of study population 'Expectant Parents'.](1471-2393-12-46-1){#F1}\n\nStudy design\n------------\n\nThe present study is a prospective longitudinal cohort study, in which pregnant women and their partners were followed from 15 weeks gestation until their child was 24 months old. ", "As can be seen in Figure [2](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}, pregnant women completed questionnaires at 15, 26, and 36 weeks gestational age. ", "At 26 weeks of pregnancy, their partners also completed a questionnaire. ", "At the same time a home visit took place during which a standardized interview concerning the prenatal representations of the unborn child was conducted with both parents separately.", "\n\n![", "Time line study protocol 'Expectant Parents'.](1471-2393-12-46-2){#F2}\n\nPostnatally, there were five more measurement waves (at birth and at 4, 6, 12, and 24 months postpartum). ", "Obstetric information about the birth of the child, including birth weight, Apgar score, and possible complications was registered by the midwives in line with their general practice guidelines. ", "Additionally, midwives provided information about the presence of possible prenatal risk factors within families by completing an adapted Dutch version of the Dunedin Family Services Indicator (DFSI) \\[[@B31]\\]. ", "At 4 and 6 months postnatally, both parents received questionnaires. ", "At the child's age of 6 months, an interview about the representations of their child was administered with both parents at their home, and the mother-child interaction was observed in several contexts within the home. ", "Interviews generally lasted between 30 and 60 minutes and the observation of mother-infant interactions lasted approximately 20 minutes. ", "All home visits were video-recorded. ", "When children were 12 months old, mothers completed questionnaires concerning the child's (social-emotional) development and information about the child's physical development and well-being during the first year of life was retrieved from National Health Care Centres. ", "At the child's age of 24 months, the last measures concerning parental characteristics, the parent--child relationship, and the child's development were completed by both parents.", "\n\nStudy measures\n--------------\n\nFigure [3](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"} shows which variables were investigated at different time points during the study. ", "Generally, the study measures can be classified according to whether they concern parental characteristics, infant characteristics, or the parent-infant relationship. ", "Therefore, the selected instruments are described below according to these categories.", "\n\n![", "Study protocol and assessments at different time points during the study.](1471-2393-12-46-3){#F3}\n\n### Parental characteristics\n\nParental characteristics were investigated using self-report questionnaires. ", "To assess parental psychological well-being, the following questionnaires were used: Edinburgh Depression Scale (EDS) \\[[@B32]\\], State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) \\[[@B33]\\], Symptom Check List; anxiety, depression, and hostility subscale (SCL-90) \\[[@B34]\\], Symptoms of Anxiety-Depression index (SAD-4) \\[[@B35]\\], and Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) \\[[@B36]\\].", "\n\nTo assess parents' personality characteristics, the Quick Big Five (QBF) \\[[@B37]\\], Type D Scale (DS14) \\[[@B38]\\], and Ego Resiliency 89 Scale (ER89) \\[[@B39]\\] were administered. ", "Adult attachment style was measured with the Relationship Questionnaire Clinical Version (RQ-CV) \\[[@B40]\\] and the partner-relationship was evaluated with a subscale of the Questionnaire on Family Problems (Vragenlijst voor Gezinsproblemen; VGP) \\[[@B41]\\].", "\n\nThe Placenta Paradigm Questionnaire (PPQ) \\[[@B10]\\] and the Facilitator Regulator Questionnaire (FRQ) \\[[@B42]\\] were used to determine maternal orientations on pregnancy and their infants. ", "Midwives used an adapted version of the Dunedin Family Services Indicator (DFSI) \\[[@B31]\\] to register the presence of possible prenatal risk factors among parents.", "\n\n### Infant characteristics\n\nThe following questionnaires were used to investigate infant development and behavior: Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ) \\[[@B43]\\], Ages and Stages Questionnaire; Social-Emotional (ASQ-SE) \\[[@B44]\\], Infant Characteristics Questionnaire (ICQ) \\[[@B45]\\], Infant Toddler Social-Emotional Assessment (ITSEA) \\[[@B46]\\], Brief Infant Toddler Social-Emotional Assessment (BITSEA) \\[[@B47]\\], subscales of the Infant Behavior Questionnaire Revised (IBQ-R) \\[[@B48]\\], Early Childhood Behavior Questionnaire (ECBQ) \\[[@B49]\\], and Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function Preschool version (BRIEF-P) \\[[@B50]\\].", "\n\nInformation about the child's physical development and well-being during the first year of life was retrieved from National Health Care Centres.", "\n\n### Parent-infant relationship\n\nTo determine parents' representations of their (unborn) infant, the Working Model of the Child Interview (WMCI) \\[[@B51]\\] was conducted during home visits. ", "At the same time and also at 24 months, the Pictorial Representations of Attachment Measure (PRAM) \\[[@B52]\\], a non-verbal measure of the parent-infant relationship, was administered. ", "To evaluate the quality of mother-infant interactions, the NICHD scales \\[[@B53]\\] were used.", "\n\nIn addition, the following questionnaires were used to give insight into the parent-fetus and parent--child relationship: Maternal Antenatal Attachment Scale (MAAS) \\[[@B12]\\], Maternal Postnatal Attachment Scale (MPAS) \\[[@B54]\\], Paternal Antenatal Attachment Scale (PAAS) \\[[@B12]\\], Paternal Postnatal Attachment Scale (PPAS) \\[[@B55]\\], Parental Bonding Questionnaire (PBQ) \\[[@B56]\\], and Attachment Difficulties Screening Instrument (ADSI) \\[[@B57]\\].", "\n\nTo evaluate parenting behavior, the following scales were used: the Parental Stress Index (Nijmeegse Ouderlijke Stress Index-verkort; NOSI-K) \\[[@B58]\\], and Perceived Maternal Parenting Self Efficacy (PMP-SE) \\[[@B59]\\].", "\n\nData collection and management\n------------------------------\n\nThe logistics of this study were carried out by three researchers (AM, CV, EdC) in close collaboration with the midwives participating in this study. ", "Before starting data collection, a protocol was set up and discussed with participating midwives to ensure that a uniform protocol was followed by all midwifery practices. ", "Participating midwives were instructed on how to recruit pregnant women for participation in the study and how to register the presence of possible prenatal risk factors.", "\n\nQuestionnaires were sent to parents one or two weeks before the time point they should be completed or before the home-visits. ", "All questionnaires were available in Dutch and English. ", "Reminders were sent when parents failed to return the questionnaires. ", "Table [1](#T1){ref-type=\"table\"} shows the number of parents that participated at each measurement wave.", "\n\n###### \n\nNumber of participants per time point of the study protocol\n\n **Time** **Measure** **Mothers** **Fathers**\n -------------------------- ---------------------------------- ------------- -------------\n T1: 15 weeks gestation Questionnaires 406 \\-\n T2: 26 weeks gestation Questionnaires 375 299\n   Home visit 311 243\n T3: 36 weeks gestation Questionnaires 351 \\-\n T4: Birth Information concerning the birth 455 \\-\n   DFSI completed by midwife 445 \\-\n T5: 4 months postpartum Questionnaires 354 274\n T6: 6 months postpartum Questionnaires 341 268\n   Home visit 295 225\n T7: 12 months postpartum Questionnaires 299 \\-\n   National Health Care Centres a \\-\n T8: 24 months postpartum Questionnaires 248^b^ 186^b^\n\nNote.", "\n\na Data currently not complete.", "\n\nb For T8, 285 mothers and 246 fathers were approached.", "\n\nThe researchers (AM, CV, CR) and several research assistants were trained to administer and code the WMCI, concerning parents' representations of their (unborn) children and to code observations of mother-child interactions. ", "All interviews and mother-infant interactions were video-recorded and coded afterwards. ", "A random subgroup of the interviews and observations was coded by more than one coder to determine inter-rater reliability.", "\n\nData preparation\n----------------\n\nCollected data were entered into an electronic database. ", "Random samples of all manually processed questionnaires were double checked by the researchers to monitor the quality of the manual data entry. ", "All measurements were checked by examination of the data, including their ranges, distributions, means, standard deviations, outliers, and logical errors.", "\n\nPrivacy protection\n------------------\n\nDatabases needed for answering specific research questions were centrally built from databases concerning different time points of the study. ", "All information enabling identification of participants was erased from these databases, except identification numbers of each participant. ", "Video-recordings of participants were stored on the computers of the researchers, which are only accessible with a password and not on web-based directories.", "\n\nStatistical analyses/power calculation\n--------------------------------------\n\nTo answer the various research questions we will use structural equation modeling, regression analyses (HMR analyses), logistic regression analyses, and odds-ratio's. ", "Mediation and moderation analyses will follow Baron and Kenny's requirements \\[[@B60]\\]. ", "The power calculation is based on one of the main questions that will be addressed about the effects of prenatal (risk) factors on infant development. ", "Assuming a moderate effect size of .30 or .40, a power of .80 (i.e., the minimal power for a similar study by Cohen \\[[@B61]\\]), an alpha of .05, and 11 parameters/predictors, we need a sample size of 220 participants (the power will be .83 with p = 11, *r² = .*09 or the power will be .99 with p = 11, *r²* = .16). ", "Abovementioned power calculations are exact calculations, based on results of Gatsonis and Sampson \\[[@B62]\\]. ", "Allowing for loss to follow-up by 24 months postpartum, we estimated that a sample of at least 240--260 women would be sufficient to test our hypotheses.", "\n\nDiscussion\n==========\n\nWith this study we aim to gain more insight into the relationships between prenatal (risk) factors, postnatal infant development and the quality of the pre- and postnatal parent-infant relationship. ", "This investigation will lead to more knowledge about the transition to parenthood for both mothers and fathers, and the stability and change in parents' feelings of bonding over time. ", "The longitudinal design with a multi-informant, multimethod approach offers the possibility to predict infant developmental outcomes in the first years of life from pregnancy onwards.", "\n\nCompeting interests\n===================\n\nThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.", "\n\nAuthors' contributions\n======================\n\nThe study protocol was developed by HvB, in collaboration with AM, CV, EdC, and CR at the department of Developmental Psychology, Tilburg University, Tilburg, the Netherlands. ", "AM and CV were appointed as PhD-students in 2008 and executed the study until children were 12 months old. ", "These authors contributed equally to this work. ", "EdC was appointed to the project as a PhD-student in a later phase and executed the study until children were 24 months old. ", "All collaborators are considered as co-authors as they have significantly contributed to developing this research, obtaining the data, and writing the manuscript. ", "All authors read and approved the final manuscript.", "\n\nAuthors' information\n====================\n\nAM, CV, EdC, CR: Department of Developmental Psychology, Tilburg University, Tilburg, the Netherlands. ", "HvB: Department of Developmental Psychology, Tilburg University, Tilburg, the Netherlands and Centre of Infant Mental Health, Dimence, Deventer, the Netherlands.", "\n\nPre-publication history\n=======================\n\nThe pre-publication history for this paper can be accessed here:\n\n<http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2393/12/46/prepub>\n\nAcknowledgements\n================\n\nWe would like to thank all families participating in this study. ", "This study is conducted in collaboration with four midwifery practices in Eindhoven, the Netherlands, and we gratefully acknowledge their contributions to the study and their help in recruiting participants. ", "We also collaborated with ZuidZorg National Health Care Centres in Eindhoven, the Netherlands, who provided information about children's development throughout the first year of life. ", "The \"Expectant Parents\" study was made possible by the financial support from the Netherlands Organization for Health Research and Development (ZonMW, Grant 80-82405-98-074/157001020).", "\n" ]
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[ "Vingummin har bytt smak – nu rasar godisälskare\n\nAv: Viktor Adolfsson\n\nPublicerad: 01 september 2015 kl. ", "11.38\n\nUppdaterad: 01 september 2015 kl. ", "14.17\n\nHär är företagets svar på kritiken\n\n\n\n1 av 2 | Foto: PRIVAT Nathalie slängde vingummi-kartongen i soptunnan efter upptäckten.", "\n\nHäromveckan lanserades det nya receptet på välkända ”Basset's winegums”. ", "Man kan lugnt säga att det inte föll i smaken.", "\n\n– Jag trodde att det var ett skämt, säger Nathalie Dahlqvist, 30, till Aftonbladet.", "\n\nNathalie Dahlqvist från Stockholm hade letat i flera veckor efter den klassiska kartongen med vingummi. ", "Till slut kom sambon hem efter en helg i Malmö med favoritgodiset – men när Nathalie slet upp påsen ur kartongen kom besvikelsen.", "\n\n– När jag öppnade påsen trodde jag att det var ett skämt. ", "Jag blev väldigt besviken när jag smakade, säger hon.", "\n\nKonstistens, smak och färg – det mesta var förändrat.", "\n\n– De var mycket mjukare och det är helt andra smaker. ", "Man har en bild av just hur den röda smakar men det stämmer liksom inte.", "\n\n”Förstår inte hur man kan ändra”\n\nHon märkte sedan att det fanns en text på kartongen där det stod \"nytt recept\".", "\n\n– Det är en sådan etablerad klassisk grej, jag förstår inte hur man kan ändra det. ", "Speciellt inte utan någon förklaring. ", "Det är en annan produkt, det är inte samma grej, säger Nathalie.", "\n\nHon är heller inte ensam om att ha reagerat på det nya receptet. ", "På en inofficiell Facebooksida tillägnad \"Basset's winegums\" har andra konsumenter skrivit om sina skräckupplevelser under sommaren när det nya receptet lanserats:\n\n”Det värsta ni gjort. ", "Aldrig mer era vingummin”.", "\n\n”Det nya receptet har förstört mitt favoritgodis”.", "\n\n”Nu smakar det som en billig kopia”.", "\n\n”Det var det äckligaste jag har smakat”.", "\n\nFörsvaret: ”Glada att konsumenter säger ifrån”\n\nFöretaget Mondelez International (tidigare Kraft Foods) äger och förvaltar flera varumärken i livsmedelsbranschen, däribland \"Basset's winegums\". ", "Enligt Kristian Hvilen, nordisk kommunikationsdirektör på Mondelez International, är det nya receptet ett sätt att förbättra kvaliteten.", "\n\nDe nya godisbitarna kommer enligt företaget i färre smaker, större och mjukare bitar samt med mer naturliga färgämnen. ", "De starka reaktionerna tar Hvilen med ro.", "\n\n– Vi har fått både positiva och mindre positiva reaktioner. ", "Vi är glada att våra konsumenter säger ifrån för det visar kärlek och engagemang för vår produkt, säger han till Aftonbladet.", "\n\nVäljer annat godis\n\nNathalie Dahlqvist är allt annat än nöjd med förklaringen.", "\n\n– Det är ett väldigt tråkigt svar, hur kan de inte ha undersökt det innan på något sätt?", "\n\nNu tror hon att en hel del vingummi-älskare, som hon själv, kommer att hitta andra godissorter istället.", "\n\n– Folk är traditionella och att förändra något som var så bra och populärt tror jag inte på. ", "Jag tror deras försäljning kommer minska framöver, säger Nathalie.", "\n\nKOPIERA LÄNK\n\nPublicerad: 01 september 2015 kl. ", "11.38" ]
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[ "Purification of liver and hepatoma membrane proteins by high-performance liquid chromatography.", "\nThis paper documents the recovery of selected proteins from hepatic plasma membranes. ", "Initial purification, achieved by a series of stepwise extractions, facilitates the subsequent purification by HPLC. ", "Examples are provided to illustrate the recovery of specific proteins from two Morris hepatoma lines and the liver." ]
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[ "/*\n * Copyright (c) 1999, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. ", "All rights reserved.", "\n * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER.", "\n *\n * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it\n * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as\n * published by the Free Software Foundation.", "\n *\n * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT\n * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or\n * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ", " See the GNU General Public License\n * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that\n * accompanied this code).", "\n *\n * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version\n * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,\n * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.", "\n *\n * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA\n * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any\n * questions.", "\n *\n */\n\n#ifndef SHARE_VM_CI_CICONSTANTPOOLCACHE_HPP\n#define SHARE_VM_CI_CICONSTANTPOOLCACHE_HPP\n\n#include \"memory/resourceArea.hpp\"\n#include \"utilities/growableArray.hpp\"\n\n// ciConstantPoolCache\n//\n// The class caches indexed constant pool lookups.", "\n//\n// Usage note: this klass has nothing to do with constantPoolCacheOop.", "\nclass ciConstantPoolCache : public ResourceObj {\nprivate:\n GrowableArray<intptr_t>* _keys;\n GrowableArray<void*>* _elements;\n\n int find(int index);\n\npublic:\n ciConstantPoolCache(Arena* arena, int expected_size);\n\n // Get the element associated with some index.", "\n void* get(int index);\n\n // Associate an element with an index.", "\n void insert(int index, void* element);\n\n void print();\n};\n\n#endif // SHARE_VM_CI_CICONSTANTPOOLCACHE_HPP\n" ]
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[ "This invention relates to an optical disc on which video data, audio data, and the like are recorded, an optical disc recording apparatus for recording data onto the optical disc, and an optical disc reproducing apparatus for reproducing the data recorded on the optical-disc.", "\nIn recent years, moving-picture-compatible optical disc playback systems have been developed which play back an optical disc on which video data, audio data, and the like have been recorded. ", "They have been widely used in the form of, for example, LDs (Laser Discs) or video CDs for the purpose of reproducing movie software or karaoke.", "\nIn this connection, the DVD (Digital Versatile Disc) standard employing the internationally standardized MPEG-2 (Motion Picture Experts Group 2) scheme and the AC (Audio Compression)-3 scheme has been proposed.", "\nThe DVD standard supports MPEG-2 for moving picture compression scheme and AC-3 audio and MPEG audio for audio recording scheme according to the MPEG-2 system layer architecture. ", "The DVD standard further supports sub-picture data, obtained by run-length compressing the bit map data for subtitles, and special playback control data (navigation pack) such as fast-forward playback or fast-rewind playback data.", "\nFurthermore, the DVD standard supports ISO 9660 and micro UDF (or UDF Bridge) to allow computers to read data of DVD.", "\nPresently, however, the DVD standard takes no account of home recording/reproducing systems. ", "When home recording/reproducing systems are constructed according to the standard, the following problem arise.", "\nIn DVD, information on title is defined as text information.", "\nThe text information, which is used for retrieval or search, has not been used much, because the DVD-ROM video has a menu (menu pictures) the title producer created, such as VMGM (video manager menu) or VTSM (video title set menu). ", "In home recording/reproducing systems, however, a menu cannot be entered beforehand to record TV programs or moving pictures and still pictures (photographic data) from a camera into a DVD-RAM. ", "Thus, retrieval or search using the text information becomes important.", "\nIn the DVD-ROM video, however, the text information has been created, taking no account of language. ", "More specifically, in European countries and Asian countries, language differs from one TV station to another or from one program to another. ", "Additionally, assume a case where a person goes abroad, carrying a DVD recorder with him or her, and does video-recording where he or she is staying. ", "Under this assumption, if it is unknown which language the text information was recorded, the DVD recorder (or player) cannot judge whether or not a character generator (e.g., kanji ROM) corresponding to its language code is provided therein, when the text information is decoded. ", "This makes the decoding difficult. ", "Moreover, when the text information does not correspond to the language, information retrieval (search) and the like cannot be performed at all.", "\nThe present invention aims to remove the drawback that, when the language in the text information corresponding to the video data to be recorded varies each time recording is done on a video-data-recording optical disc (or information storage medium), this cannot be dealt with and text retrieval cannot be performed.", "\nA first object of the present invention is to provide an optical disc (or information storage medium) which enables multilingual text retrieval.", "\nA second object of the present invention is to provide an apparatus for recording information on the optical disc (or information storage medium).", "\nA third object of the present invention is to provide an apparatus for reproducing the recorded information from the optical disc (or information storage medium).", "\nTo accomplish the first object, an optical disc (or an information storage medium) according to the present invention has a management area (RTR. ", "IFO of FIG. ", "13D/RTR_VMG of FIG. ", "13E) and a data area (1012 to 1016 in FIG. ", "13D). ", "In the data area (1012 to 1016), data (including video data and audio data) is separated into one or more sequences (PGCs), which are then recorded. ", "Each sequence (PGC) is composed of one or more programs corresponding to one or more cells (see FIG. ", "15).", "\nHere, one cell corresponds to one or more data unit (VOBU in FIG. ", "3). ", "One data unit (VOBU) includes one or more packs of pictures or sound to be reproduced in a period of time in a specific range (0.5 to 1.2 seconds).", "\nIn the management area (RTR_VMG), a sequence management table (PGCIT of FIG. ", "6, 1752 in FIG. ", "16, ORG_PGCI or UD_PGCIT of FIG. ", "17)) for managing program sequences by determining the playback sequence (or an order of playback) of the cells and a program management table (PGC_PGI of FIG. ", "6, PGI # in FIG. ", "15 or 17) exist independently or partially overlap with each other.", "\nIn the program management table (PGI #1), first text information (PRM_TXTI) expressed in alphanumeric characters (e.g., the ASCII code) is recorded.", "\nIn a specific area (TXTDT_MG in FIG. ", "4 or FIG. ", "16) different from the program management table (PGI #) in the management area, second text information (IT_TXT) is recorded in the same as or a different language from that of the first text information (PRM_TXTI).", "\nIn the optical disc, the first text information (PRM_TXTI) includes first retrieval information (ST23 in FIG. ", "10) usable in searching for the programs.", "\nAdditionally, in the optical disc, the second text information (IT_TXT) includes second retrieval information (ST25 in FIG. ", "10) usable in searching for the programs.", "\nFurthermore, in the optical disc, the second text information (IT_TXT in FIG. ", "12) includes an identification code (IDCD), the size of text information (TXT_SZ), and the body of text information (TXT).", "\nAlternatively, in the optical disc, the second text information (IT_TXT in FIG. ", "12) includes an identification code (IDCD) and the size of text information (TXT_SZ).", "\nFurthermore, in the optical disc, the sequence management table (VOB sequence information 1752 in FIG. ", "16) includes a search pointer (PL_SRP #) which points at a specific point in the program sequence (VOB sequence) and includes the first text information (PRM_TXTI).", "\nMoreover, in the optical disc, the specific area (TXTDT_MG in FIG. ", "16) is included in the management area (RTR_VMG) and includes the second text information (IT_TXT) as sub-information for the first text information (PRM_TXTI).", "\nAdditionally, in the optical disc, the first text information (PRM_TXTI) and second text information (IT_TXT) can be used in searching for the programs and a search using the first text information (PRM_TXTI) has priority of search over a search using the second text information (IT_TXT) (in FIG. ", "10, ST25 using IT_TXT is after the process at ST18 using PRM_TXTI).", "\nIn addition, in the optical disc, the management area (RTR_VMG) includes a management table (CI in FIG. ", "17) for managing the cells, and text information (PRM_TXTI) expressed in alphanumeric characters is recorded in the cell management table (M_CI or S_CI in FIG. ", "17).", "\nHere, the first text information (PRM_TXTI) can include at least one of video-recording start date and time, video-recording end date and time, a source name, and a channel number.", "\nTo achieve the second object, a recording apparatus according to the present invention uses an optical disc (10) having a management area (RTR_VMG in FIG. ", "13E) and a data area (1012 to 1016 in FIG. ", "13D) in which one or more programs have been recorded, the management area (RTR_VMG) including a sequence management table (ORG_PGCI or UD_PGCIT) for managing the sequence of the programs and a program management table (PGI) for managing the programs.", "\nThe recording apparatus comprises: first recording means (101 to 104 in FIG. ", "1, ST4 in FIG. ", "9) for recording data in programs into the data area on the optical disc; second recording means (101 to 104 in FIG. ", "1, ST2 in FIG. ", "9) for recording first text information (PRM_TXTI) expressed in alphanumeric characters and usable in searching for the programs into the program management table (PGI) on the optical disc; and third recording means (101 to 104 in FIG. ", "1, ST3 in FIG. ", "9) for recording second text information (IT_TXT) usable in searching for the programs into an area different from the program management table in the management area on the optical disc.", "\nIn the recording apparatus, the second text information (IT_TXT) is expressed in the same language as that of the first text information (PRM_TXTI).", "\nAlternatively, in the recording apparatus, the second text information (IT_TXT) is expressed in a different language from that of the first text information (PRM_TXTI).", "\nFurthermore, in the recording apparatus, the second and third recording means (ST2, ST3) record in such a manner that a search using the first text information (PRM_TXTI) has priority of search over a search using the second text information (IT_TXT) (in FIG. ", "10, ST25 using IT_TXT is after the process at ST18 using PRM_TXTI).", "\nTo accomplish the third object, a reproducing apparatus according to the present invention uses an optical disc (10) having a management area (RTR_VMG in FIG. ", "13E) and a data area (1012 to 1016 in FIG. ", "13D) in which one or more programs have been recorded, the management area (RTR_VMG) including a sequence management table (ORG_PGCI or UD_PGCIT) for managing the sequence of the programs and a program management table (PGI) for managing the programs.", "\nThe reproducing apparatus comprises: an input section (120 in FIG. ", "1, ST23 in FIG. ", "10) for inputting at least one of video-recording date and channel number as text information (TEXT in FIG. ", "12); a retrieving section (101 in FIG. ", "11, ST16 in FIG. ", "10) for retrieving a program (the program NONFICTION in FIG. ", "11 or 12) to be reproduced by comparing the inputted text information (TEXT=video-recording date and/or channel number) with primary text information (PRM_TXTI) recorded in the program management table (PGI); a selecting section (101 in FIG. ", "1, STl9 in FIG. ", "10) for selecting one (TEXT in FIG. ", "12) of the pieces of the text information (video-recording date and time lists 1 to 3 in FIG. ", "11) about the retrieved program (NONFICTION) to be reproduced; and a reproducing section (101 to 106 in FIG. ", "1, ST20 in FIG. ", "10) for reproducing the data for the program (NONFICTION) corresponding to the selected piece of the text information (TEXT in FIG. ", "12).", "\nThe reproducing apparatus further comprises. ", "a second retrieving section (101 in FIG. ", "1, ST25 in FIG. ", "10) for retrieving a program using text information different from the primary text information (PRM_TXTI).", "\nIn the reproducing apparatus, a search using the primary text information (PRM_TXTI) has priority over a search using the different text information (IT_TXT) (in FIG. ", "10, ST25 using IT_TXT is after the process at ST18 using PRM_TXTI).", "\nThe reproducing apparatus reproduces the first text information (PRM_TXTI) from the optical disc (101 to 106 in FIG. ", "1, ST15 in FIG. ", "10).", "\nThe reproducing apparatus reproduces the second text information (IT_TXT) from the optical disc (101 to 106 in FIG. ", "1, ST25 in FIG. ", "10).", "\nFurthermore, the reproducing apparatus reproduces the contents of records (TXTDT_MG in FIG. ", "4, PGI, CI in FIG. ", "6) in the management area (RTR_VMG) from the optical disc (101 to 106 in FIG. ", "1, ST11 in FIG. ", "10).", "\nAdditional objects and advantages of the invention will be set forth in the description which follows, and in part will be obvious from the description, or may be learned by practice of the invention. ", "The objects and advantages of the invention may be realized and obtained by means of the instrumentalities and combinations particularly pointed out hereinafter." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nWhy we read password from console in char array instead of String\n\nPossible Duplicate:\nWhy is char[] preferred over string for passwords? ", "\n\nWhen I was preparing for OCPJP I came accross the topic - \"Reading User input from console\".", "\nThere was an example where it read username in String reference, whereas password in a char[] array, but I couldn't understand why it used char array.. Here is the code : -\nConsole console = System.console();\n\nString username = console.readLine(\"User Name? \");", "\nchar[] password = console.readPassword(\"Password? \"); ", "\n\nThis raised a doubt in my mind.. Why didn't we used String reference to store password. ", "Since Strings are immutable, so it must be more secure to read password in a String, as its content could not be changed for that matter.", "\nSo, what's the whole point in reading password in char[] array..\nCan anyone shed some light in this matter?", "\n\nA:\n\nAs you said, strings are immutable, meaning that once you've created the string, if another process can dump memory, there's no way (ok, may with reflection) you can get rid of the data before GC kicks in.", "\nWith an array, you can explicitly wipe the data after you're done with it: you can overwrite the array with anything you like, and the password won't be present anywhere in the system, even before garbage collection.", "\n\nA:\n\nFrom the Javadoc of java.io.", "Console:\n\nSecurity note: If an application needs to read a password or other secure data,\n it should use readPassword() or readPassword(String, Object...) and manually zero\n the returned character array after processing to minimize the lifetime of\n sensitive data in memory.", "\n\nThis is just to prevent other applications (like keyloggers etc., ", "from accessing the password.", "\nAnd moreover if you use String, since they are immutable, modifying them would create copies in the memory. ", "Using char[] would save you in this case. ", "As they are mutable, they won't create an copies and you can make them null after processing.", "\n\nA:\n\nAs strings are immutable, they cannot be overwritten and remain in memory while the application is active. ", "A char array, on the other hand can be cleared of all password information.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "If internet users can come together to get create the Doge NASCAR, they could come together to ensure that traffic from all websites continues to have the same priority as you browse the web.", "\n\nIn true internetian fashion, such an effort should be a little bit absurd, which is why a Doge Coin based PAC that indiscriminately donates to all national candidates or incumbents who supports reclassifying Internet Service Providers as Title Two Common Carriers (T2) might just work.", "\n\nSuch a PAC would likely attract media attention and could actually have a big impact. ", "Consider that for under $9M dollars, DogePAC could donate the maximum amount (0ver 2 years) to pro-T2 candidates in every single national House race, both Democrats and Republicans. ", "This would ensure that the issue received attention from the public even if no DogePAC supported candidates won their races.", "\n\nEven if DogePAC never happens, please consider taking time to let your Representatives know if this issue is important to you. ", "Here is a link filled with things you can do. ", "If you want to read about why small amounts of funding for unknown candidates matters, read more here." ]
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[ "Now that scientists have belatedly declared that mammals, birds and many other animals are conscious, it is time for society to act\n\n(Image: A. Krauze)\n\nARE animals conscious? ", "This question has a long and venerable history. ", "Charles Darwin asked it when pondering the evolution of consciousness. ", "His ideas about evolutionary continuity – that differences between species are differences in degree rather than kind – lead to a firm conclusion that if we have something, “they” (other animals) have it too.", "\n\nIn July of this year, the question was discussed in detail by a group of scientists gathered at the University of Cambridge for the first annual Francis Crick Memorial Conference. ", "Crick, co-discoverer of DNA, spent the latter part of his career studying consciousness and in 1994 published a book about it, The Astonishing Hypothesis: The scientific search for the soul.", "\n\nThe upshot of the meeting was the Cambridge Declaration on Consciousness, which was publicly proclaimed by three eminent neuroscientists, David Edelman of the Neurosciences Institute in La Jolla, California, Philip Low of Stanford University and Christof Koch of the California Institute of Technology.", "\n\n\nThe declaration concludes that “non-human animals have the neuroanatomical, neurochemical, and neurophysiological substrates of conscious states along with the capacity to exhibit intentional behaviors. ", "Consequently, the weight of evidence indicates that humans are not unique in possessing the neurological substrates that generate consciousness. ", "Non-human animals, including all mammals and birds, and many other creatures, including octopuses, also possess these neurological substrates.”", "\n\nMy first take on the declaration was incredulity. ", "Did we really need this statement of the obvious? ", "Many renowned researchers reached the same conclusion years ago.", "\n\nThe declaration also contains some omissions. ", "All but one of the signatories are lab researchers; the declaration would have benefited from perspectives from researchers who have done long-term studies of wild animals, including nonhuman primates, social carnivores, cetaceans, rodents and birds.", "\n\nI was also disappointed that the declaration did not include fish, because the evidence supporting consciousness in this group of vertebrates is also compelling.", "\n\nNevertheless, we should applaud them for doing this. ", "The declaration is not aimed at scientists: as its author, Low, said prior to the declaration: “We came to a consensus that now was perhaps the time to make a statement for the public… It might be obvious to everybody in this room that animals have consciousness; it is not obvious to the rest of the world.”", "\n\nThe important question now is: will this declaration make a difference? ", "What are these scientists and others going to do now that they agree that consciousness is widespread in the animal kingdom?", "\n\nI hope the declaration will be used to protect animals from being treated abusively and inhumanely. ", "All too often, sound scientific knowledge about animal cognition, emotions and consciousness is not recognised in animal welfare laws. ", "We know, for example, that mice, rats and chickens display empathy, but this knowledge has not been factored into the US Federal Animal Welfare Act. ", "Around 25 million of these animals, including fish, are used in invasive research each year. ", "They account for more than 95 per cent of animals used in research in the US. ", "I’m constantly astounded that those who decide on regulations on animal use have ignored these data.", "\n\n“All too often, scientific knowledge about animal cognition is not recognised in welfare laws”\n\nNot all legislation ignores the science. ", "The European Union’s Treaty of Lisbon, which came into force on 1 December 2009, recognises that animals are sentient beings and calls on member states to “pay full regard to the welfare requirements of animals” in agriculture, fisheries, transport, research and development and space policies.", "\n\nThere are still scientific sceptics about animal consciousness. ", "In his book, Crick wrote “it is sentimental to idealize animals” and that for many animals life in captivity is better, longer and less brutal than life in the wild.", "\n\nSimilar views still prevail in some quarters. ", "In her recent book Why Animals Matter: Animal consciousness, animal welfare, and human well-being, Marian Stamp Dawkins at the University of Oxford claims we still don’t really know if other animals are conscious and that we should “remain skeptical and agnostic… Militantly agnostic if necessary.”", "\n\nDawkins inexplicably ignores the data that those at the meeting used to formulate their declaration, and goes so far as to claim that it is actually harmful to animals to base welfare decisions on their being conscious.", "\n\nI consider this irresponsible. ", "Those who choose to harm animals can easily use Dawkins’s position to justify their actions. ", "Perhaps given the conclusions of the Cambridge gathering, what I call “Dawkins’s Dangerous Idea” will finally be shelved. ", "I don’t see how anyone who keeps abreast of the literature on animal pain, sentience and consciousness – and has worked closely with any of a wide array of animals – could remain sceptical and agnostic about whether they are conscious.", "\n\nLet us applaud the Cambridge Declaration on Consciousness and work hard to get animals the protection they deserve. ", "And let us hope that the declaration is not simply a grandstanding gesture but rather something with teeth, something that leads to action. ", "We should all take this opportunity to stop the abuse of millions upon millions of conscious animals in the name of science, education, food, clothing and entertainment. ", "We owe it to them to use what we know on their behalf and to factor compassion and empathy into our treatment of them." ]
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[ "A dream I have never forgotten and it never made sense until Prophecy 18 on March 26, 1998 mentions the boiling black blood plague. ", "The dream was years before the prophecy came forth.", "\n\nI saw 14 women and they were running up to me in a group and black blood was spewing out of their mouths like a fountain. ", "They were screaming at me and they were saying, \"Pray to your God that he will kill us and end our misery and torment.\" ", "And I said. \"", "No, I can't do that\" and I ran in the opposite direction away from them. ", "Then I saw Pat Robertson and he was approaching me from another direction and he said, \"Have mercy on them, pray that God kills them\" and I said \"No I can't, my God will not allow me too, it is their judgment.\" ", "And I ran away from Pat Robertson.", "\n\nEnd of Dream\n\nALPHA & OMEGA ALMIGHTYWIND RUACH HA KODESH\nWILDFIRE LAST CHANCE MINISTRY\nwww.amightywind.com |\nwww.almightywind.com\nPlease go to the other if one is off line.", "\n\nBy Faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death: and was not found, because YAHUVEH had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased YAHUVEH. ", "Hebrews 11:5" ]
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[ "米Googleは3月14日(現地時間)、モバイルアプリ広告の「Trial Run Ads」を拡張し、Androidでゲーム名を検索すると、検索結果の広告経由でゲームをインストールせずに最長10分プレイできるようにしたと発表した。", "\n\nTrial Run Adsは、同社が12月に発表した広告フォーマット。アプリ広告に表示される「Try Now」をタップすると、アプリをインストールせずにその場で「Stream」としてアプリやゲームを試せるというものだ。12月の段階では試せる時間は60秒だったが、ゲームではこれが10分に延長できる。", "\n\nTrial Run Adsは、ユーザーがWi-Fiで接続しているAndroid端末でゲーム名を検索した場合にのみ表示される。10分間ストリーミングでゲームをプレイすると、ゲームをダウンロードするか、ゲームについての説明を表示するか、検索画面に戻るかを選択する画面が表示される。", "\n\nこの機能はまず、米国の広告主向けに向こう数週間中にβ版として提供を開始する。" ]
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[ "Ostrinotes tarena\n\nOstrinotes tarena is a species of butterfly, described by William Chapman Hewitson in 1874, belonging to the family Lycaenidae. ", "It is found in French Guiana and Guyana.", "\n\nReferences\n ZipcodeZoo\n\nCategory:Butterflies described in 1874\nCategory:Theclinae\nCategory:Lycaenidae of South America\nCategory:Taxa named by William Chapman Hewitson" ]
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[ "Poverty has always been part of Debbie Smith’s life. ", "She started working in low-wage jobs at the age of 11, Smith told a crowd in Raleigh, North Carolina earlier this year. ", "At one point, she had to take five buses to make it to college classes, even as she cleaned houses to make money.", "\n\nLater, Smith developed severe asthma, perhaps through the chemicals she used in her cleaning job, she wonders, or perhaps for other environmental reasons. ", "After years of hospital visits, she developed an MRSA infection in 2004 and hasn’t been able to walk for more than a few steps at a time since then. ", "Smith, who was speaking at an event to kick off the Poor People’s Campaign, wanted to tell the crowd about the difficulties she and many others face in making a sustainable living.", "\n\n“Until recently I felt very ashamed of myself for being poor,” Smith said. “", "But I am learning it hasn’t been my fault. ", "Our government, financial system and people in corporations and those with wealth and power make the rules and we are trapped by them.” ", "It’s time to band together to fight the evils that keep this exploitative system afloat, Smith said, which is why she’s happy to join the Poor People’s Campaign, as well as a new movement building working-class power in her home state.", "\n\nSmith is a member of Down Home North Carolina, a grassroots organizing project working in the state’s rural communities. ", "The group was founded by Brigid Flaherty and Todd Zimmer after the 2016 election. ", "But, as Flaherty told an audience at the National Press Club last month, she already knew she wanted to return to organize in her home state in 2015, when Dylann Roof murdered nine Black churchgoers in Charleston, South Carolina.", "\n\nAfter Bree Newsome took down the Confederate flag at the South Carolina statehouse in the wake of the massacre, Flaherty recalled seeing a North Carolina newspaper headline that read “White Genocide is Coming.” ", "There weren’t any organizations to counter those headlines, Flaherty understood, or the countless racist media narratives that covered local front pages during the election campaign that followed. ", "It was time to build a movement to challenge stories like these that stepped on communities of color in service of protecting wealthy, white people, Flaherty told the audience." ]
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[ "Bothrops taeniatus\n\nBothrops taeniatus, the speckled forest-pitviper, is a species of pit viper found in the equatorial forests of South America. ", "The specific name, taenia, is derived from the Greek word, tainia, meaning ribbon bandage or stripe, in reference to the slender body. ", "Two subspecies are currently recognized, including the nominate subspecies described here.", "\n\nDescription\n\nAdults are usually less than in total length, although some may grow to as much as . ", "The maximum total length is for a specimen from Tepoe, Suriname.", "\n\nThe body is relatively slender with a prehensile tail. ", "The color pattern is extremely complex, varying overall from lavender gray to yellow green, while juveniles undergo considerable ontogenetic color change as they mature into adults.", "\n\nIt is distinguished from other members of this genus by having mostly single subcaudal scales and a row of bold white spots where the dorsal and ventral scales meet.", "\n\nGeographic range\nWidespread in the equatorial forests of South America in Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, Brazil, Peru, and Bolivia. ", "The type locality given is \"flumen Amazonum\", which according to Vanzolini (1981) refers to the section of the Amazon River between the mouth of the Tajapuru river (01°02'S, 51°02'W) and the mouth of the Negros river (03°08'S, 59°55'W).", "\n\nHabitat\nThis arboreal snake inhabits rainforests in lowlands and foothills, as well as moist tropical forests. ", "It is usually found in vines and low vegetation in primary forest and along forest edges. ", "It is suspected of living mainly in the forest canopy.", "\n\nVenom\nOnly two cases of bites from this species have been documented, and both involved severe local swelling of the entire bitten limb. ", "In the second case, the tissue damage was so severe that it led to amputation of the afflicted limb despite antivenin treatment.", "\n\nSubspecies\n\nSee also\n List of crotaline species and subspecies\n\nReferences\n\n \n\ntaeniatus\nCategory:Snakes of South America\nCategory:Reptiles of Bolivia\nCategory:Reptiles of Brazil\nCategory:Reptiles of Colombia\nCategory:Reptiles of Ecuador\nCategory:Reptiles of French Guiana\nCategory:Reptiles of Guyana\nCategory:Reptiles of Peru\nCategory:Reptiles of Suriname\nCategory:Reptiles of Venezuela\nCategory:Reptiles described in 1824" ]
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[ "Product description\n\nThere has been a general assumption in the international debate surrounding organ procurement that Presumed Consent (opting-out) systems produce better results than Express Consent (opting-in) systems. ", "This study uses the French case to challenge this widely held assumption and argues that the French presumed consent systems coexist with patterns of behaviour that in practice do not mobilize the law. ", "It explores four key areas to current research in socio-legal studies focussing on the state and nature of social solidarity, social engineering and the changing nature of the citizen-state relations, state intervention in the event of death and discretion in use of corpses and recent modifications of the status of medical professionals as figures of authority and agents of state policy. ", "Using material based on interviews with medical professionals, this title will be a valuable resource for researchers, academics, policy-makers and practitioners with an interest in this complex and topical subject.", "\n\nAuthor information\n\nDr Graciela Nowenstein is Marie Curie Fellow at the Department of Legal Theory, University of Groningen, The Netherlands.", "\n\nReview quote\n\n'This is an important contribution to the sociology of law, affording a powerful illustration of the general thesis that whether a law \"works\" as intended depends in the first place on how it is received and interpreted by those on the \"shop floor\" where the behaviour to be regulated takes place. ", "No reader will come away still believing that the legal regime in force and general statistics on procurement rates tell one much about what is actually going on.' ", "John Griffiths, University of Groningen, The Netherlands 'This interdisciplinary study provides rich sociological material grounded on a solid and convincing theoretical framework. ", "It will be a major reference for all those who are interested in the interplay between law and science.' ", "Stephanie Hennette-Vauchez, Universite Paris Ouest Nanterre, France 'Nowenstein's book enriches our understanding of organ procurement practice and policy with empirically grounded theoretical insights. ", "In debates about opting-out systems of organ donation this book can nourish the hesitations that up till now are often labelled as irrational and incoherent. ", "Beyond the field of organ transplantation the book offers valuable insights about relations between laws and the practices that laws aim to regulate.' ", "Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy\n\nTable of contents\n\nContents: Introduction; Part I Law as Policy: Organ transplantation: from 'an eternally hopeless dream' to the management of scarce resources; Law as tool for enhancing social change: from faith to disenchantment. ", "Part II Organ Retrieval in Hospitals: Walking on Thin Ice: From heterogeneity to normalization; The 'living cadaver'; Unpredictable situations; Whose gift ? ", "Part III Law and Policy: The regulation of generosity by the state; The law as policy; Conclusion; Bibliography; Index." ]
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[ "Don't tell Amare Stoudemire, Kevin Garnett or Doug Collins that Miami winning the East again is a foregone conclusion. ", "For that matter, don't tell the Heat either, because they're still trying to get better, faster and more unconventional. ", "And don't sleep on the sleepers. ", "Here's an early look at an Eastern Conference that still provides plenty of intrigue.", "\n\n(For the top storylines to watch in the West, click here.)", "\n\n1. ", "How position-less are we talking here in Miami?", "\n\nIt's amazing what a coach can do when his best player happens to be the league's best player, and said player happens to be perfecting a position never truly seen before: the point-power forward.", "\n\nBut that's what Erik Spoelstra has in LeBron James, the MVP who spent most of last postseason making life difficult for his opposition from the 4 spot, and making the Heat, as Spoelstra calls it, a \"position-less\" team.", "\n\nWell, Spoelstra's taking that idea through to this season, which gives the Heat freedom not only with lineup options but also with style of play. ", "We probably won't see that much of James or Dwyane Wade in the preseason, but the idea is for them to anchor an even faster, even more offensively talented version of the position-less team that flummoxed the Thunder.", "\n\nAnyone can start or finish games -- Ray Allen, Rashard Lewis, Shane Battier -- all because LeBron makes it possible. ", "And it means the true big men aren't even necessary, which makes Joel Anthony and Dexter Pittman luxuries, not liabilities.", "\n\n2. ", "Key to the Knicks? ", "That's Amare\n\nA lot of the talk about the Knicks, and rightfully so, will be about their age. ", "With Rasheed Wallace now on board, they're officially the oldest team ever.", "\n\nEver.", "\n\nAll that means, though, is they're in win-now mode, which should be assumed at all times with this franchise. ", "But the fact is, the Knicks' role players are old, not the core. ", "Amare Stoudemire, Carmelo Anthony and Tyson Chandler will be most responsible for the team's success, and all three remain, even if it's at the tail end for two of them, in their respective primes.", "\n\nStoudemire, though, is the one who spent the whole offseason listening to others say he's ill-fitting and the reason the Knicks, as constructed, won't work. ", "It's no surprise, then, that the New York big man spent some time with Hakeem Olajuwon refining his post game.", "\n\nWhat's most interesting about that isn't that Stoudemire is committed to improving. ", "It's that he's improving a segment of his game that doesn't necessarily make him a better fit alongside Anthony. ", "If he wanted to complement Anthony, he'd work on catching and shooting, not pivoting and Dream-shaking.", "\n\nMaybe it means Amare can reclaim his spot as a primary scoring option and not some afterthought. ", "After all, if he's an efficient post player, he's probably a better option for a slow-moving team than Anthony, a 43 percent shooter last season who might prefer a faster tempo.", "\n\n3. ", "What are the Rose-less Bulls?", "\n\nWhat would be considered a surprising result for the 2012-13 Chicago Bulls?", "\n\nThere really isn't an answer that would be shocking.", "\n\nAssuming the Bulls remain one of the league's better defensive teams, and one still quite familiar with playing sans Derrick Rose, then it wouldn't be unfathomable for Chicago to have one of the better records in the league even without Rose for half a season.", "\n\nBut if last season's playoff loss to the Sixers was any indication, it's possible the Rose-less Bulls used up all their magic and could end up struggling mightily without their leader. ", "And when he does finally return from his torn ligaments, it still could take significant time to get Rose and his teammates adjusted. ", "Plus, the Bulls changed up the supporting cast significantly, so there's no telling whether this crew can duplicate what happened last regular season.", "\n\nOnce again, Tom Thibodeau has his hands full: He'll either be in contention for Coach of the Year again, or he'll get his first true taste of absolute misery as a head coach. ", "Or somewhere in between. ", "No one knows with these Bulls.", "\n\n4. ", "Who's the Kobe to Andrew Bynum's Shaq?", "\n\nOr better yet, because they're in Philadelphia, who's the Dr. J to Bynum's Moses?", "\n\nRegardless of what pairing you use to compare, the 76ers need one of their perimeter players to rise up to star, if not superstar, level if they're going to take full advantage of having Bynum, one of the very few quality centers left in the league.", "\n\nShaquille O'Neal never starred without a stud on the perimeter. ", "And Bynum is no Shaq, so he might need even more help if the Sixers are going to vault to elite status.", "\n\nJrue Holiday has All-Star potential, but his game might not be best suited to complement a big man. ", "Evan Turner is creative and likes to get others involved, but his inconsistent shooting won't create much space for Bynum.", "\n\nThose are Philly's only two options, unless Nick Young's game matured at a record pace in the offseason. ", "If one of them emerges -- and the guess here is Turner will be in the running for Most Improved Player -- the Sixers can threaten in the East.", "\n\nThen again, Bynum sitting for three weeks so his knee can fully recover from a procedure isn't the greatest of omens.", "\n\n5. ", "Just how much is Rajon Rondo capable of in Boston?", "\n\nIf you watched the Eastern Conference finals last year and nothing else, you'd think Rondo was the league's second-best player and that the Celtics' \"Big Three\" referred to the numbers in Rondo's points, rebounds and assists columns.", "\n\nHis 20.9 points, 11.3 assists, 6.9 rebounds and 49 percent shooting against Miami left the Celtics just one win away from a shocking Finals appearance.", "\n\nSo why, exactly, can't we expect similar production from Rondo throughout this upcoming season? ", "We've heard others say Rondo's focus tends to drift when the games aren't as critical. ", "But with Ray Allen gone, Paul Pierce losing some of his scoring touch and Kevin Garnett always a medical mystery, Rondo might just be the star in Boston. ", "If he responds to that responsibility and puts up numbers similar to his playoff averages (17.3 points, 11.9 assists, 6.7 rebounds and 47 percent shooting), not only will the Celtics be threatening to come out of the East again, but Rondo will be legitimately in the mix for MVP.", "\n\nThe question is, does Rondo want that, or is he fine just turning it on when necessary?", "\n\n6. ", "Will Josh Smith be the mini-Dwight Howard?", "\n\nThe indecisiveness that turned Howard's standing in Orlando from complicated to comical was in large part because of his inability to make a choice. ", "Well, in Atlanta, Smith's emotions seem to be just as unpredictable.", "\n\nGoing into the All-Star break last season, the sentiment was Smith badly wanted a trade. ", "But after his running mate Joe Johnson was moved to Brooklyn and with the team now seemingly in the hands of Smith and Al Horford, Smith seemed to warm to the idea of staying put.", "\n\nThere still is plenty of uncertainty, though, regarding the future of Smith, a 2013 free agent. ", "New Hawks general manager Danny Ferry doesn't anticipate Smith's contract status getting resolved until the summer, when he'll surely find plenty of suitors. ", "So unless the Hawks somehow become the surprise team in the East, it's quite likely Ferry will be listening to offers for the regularly frustrating but immensely talented 26-year-old.", "\n\nRegardless of how he gets his numbers, 18.8 points, 9.6 rebounds and 3.9 assists are hard to come by, so expect Smith to be a highly sought-after commodity.", "\n\n7. ", "Are the Pacers the new Atlanta Hawks?", "\n\nThe Pacers talked a big game while losing to the Heat in the Eastern Conference semifinals last year, with Danny Granger leading the attempted intimidation of LeBron James and Co.\n\nIt was interesting to watch Indiana develop an identity -- but it still resulted in three straight losses and a 4-2 exit in the series after taking an early lead.", "\n\nThe question now is, how much did this team actually improve this offseason? ", "By matching Portland's max offer for Roy Hibbert, the Pacers are essentially committed to a Hibbert, Granger, George Hill and Paul George core, with David West possibly being retained after this season, too.", "\n\nWhat that might make them -- unless George grows into a legitimate superstar -- is the new version of the Hawks: good, possibly very good, but never true contenders. ", "Indiana added some depth with Ian Mahinmi and D.J. Augustin, but nothing that would suggest it's significantly improved.", "\n\nIt might be why last year's Executive of the Year, Larry Bird, called it quits this summer. ", "The growth potential might have found its limit with this group.", "\n\n8. ", "Is Brook Lopez the key to the Nets or just a serviceable big man?", "\n\nStill wondering why the Magic wouldn't dance with the Nets for a trade that centered on Howard for Lopez? ", "Just read our John Hollinger's scouting report on the Nets' middleman:\n\n• Big, slow post-up center who almost always turns left shoulder. ", "Good shooter.", "\n\n• Blocks shots but a bad defender. ", "Can't guard floor spacers at all. ", "Won't rebound.", "\n\n• Poor passer out of double-teams. ", "Takes bad shots. ", "Too focused on drawing fouls.", "\n\nDoes that sound like the skill set of a center who's ever supposed to dominate his conference?", "\n\nIt's part of the reason why some of the excitement in Brooklyn should be tempered, because the anchor in the middle might just be a liability at times.", "\n\nIf the Nets are going to make the kind of leap most expect them to make, it'll be mostly up to the perimeter group of Deron Williams, Joe Johnson and Gerald Wallace. ", "If that group can't help make Lopez a truly elite big man, there might be little hope for him. ", "If he does show some promise, or some kind of toughness, the Nets may be legitimate right away.", "\n\n9. ", "Which puzzling top-five pick will pan out?", "\n\nOn draft night, there was no question Michael Kidd-Gilchrist would be drafted high. ", "The uncertainty came from projecting the Kentucky star. ", "Was he a franchise-altering talent, worthy of being drafted second overall, despite never really dominating on a loaded Kentucky team?", "\n\nThen came the No. ", "4 pick, when the Cavaliers took Syracuse guard Dion Waiters much higher than he was projected to land.", "\n\nSo which one of those two will surprise more? ", "Will it be Kidd-Gilchrist emerging once he gets the chance to be featured? ", "Or will Waiters show off some of that Dwyane Wade-like potential and make Cleveland rock again?", "\n\nHere's an interesting scenario to play out while we wait and see: If Waiters turns out to be a star and Kyrie Irving continues his path toward superstardom, wouldn't there be a nice opening at the forward position in 2014 for a certain free-agent-to-be with Cleveland ties? ", "Hmm. (", "It's LeBron James, if you didn't get the obvious reference.)", "\n\n10. ", "Might the Wizards have something good going?", "\n\nForget the fact that John Wall is out, potentially, for a couple months with a knee injury. ", "Let's just assume, and we all know Washington deserves some good basketball news, that Wall comes back in top form and the Wizards have their complete roster available this year.", "\n\nThere's actually playoff material in the nation's capital for the first time in a long time.", "\n\nBradley Beal is a mature rookie who'll do more creating from the 2-guard spot than people give him credit for. ", "With Nene and Emeka Okafor up front, the Wizards finally have some big men that aren't equal parts potential and comedy. ", "Toss in a Trevor Ariza and an improved Jan Vesely, and all of a sudden Wall has some legitimate pieces to work with.", "\n\nMore important, maybe the former No. ", "1 pick can actually learn from his teammates rather than be forced to be the grown-up. ", "Either way, the Wizards shouldn't be a joke this year. ", "Some of us are actually going to miss those laughs." ]
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"\ny**(-231/13)\nSimplify (k**5)**(17/6)*(k*k**(2/11))/k**(-4/11) assuming k is positive.", "\nk**(1037/66)\nSimplify (((s**(1/4))**(-9))**(-1/12))**38 assuming s is positive.", "\ns**(57/8)\nSimplify (n**(11/5)*(n/n**8*n*n)/n)/((n**1/n)/(n**0*n)) assuming n is positive.", "\nn**(-14/5)\nSimplify ((p**32/p*p)/(p/((((p/p**(3/5))/p)/p)/p)))**(-2/101) assuming p is positive.", "\np**(-284/505)\nSimplify m**(3/4)/((m/(m*m**8))/m)*m/m**12*m*((m/(m*m**(-1/8)*m))/m)/m*m assuming m is positive.", "\nm**(-17/8)\nSimplify ((u/(u/(u*u*u**9))*u)**(9/5))**(-2/31) assuming u is positive.", "\nu**(-216/155)\nSimplify ((k/k**0)**(-4)/(k**8*k**4))**(4/11) assuming k is positive.", "\nk**(-64/11)\nSimplify (t**(-11)*(t**2*t)/t)/(t/(t/t**(-8)))**42 assuming t is positive.", "\nt**327\nSimplify (y*y**7*y*y**14)/(y*y**(-6))**(-45) assuming y is positive.", "\ny**(-202)\nSimplify (w**(-17)*w*w**(-3/4)*w)**33 assuming w is positive.", "\nw**(-2079/4)\nSimplify x**(1/7)/x**12*x**(-14)/x*x*x*x**(2/15) assuming 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(y**(-12))**(-9/8)*(y**(-2/13))**(-16) assuming y is positive.", "\ny**(415/26)\nSimplify n**(-17)/(n/n**(-7))*n*n**(-9/4)*n*n**(-15)*n assuming n is positive.", "\nn**(-157/4)\nSimplify (h**(-12/5)*h**(4/19))/(h**(5/8)*h*(h*h**(-2/69))/h) assuming h is positive.", "\nh**(-198511/52440)\nSimplify ((b**(2/5)*b*b*b*b)/(b/(b*b**(-18))*b))/(b**(-8)*b/b**35) assuming b is positive.", "\nb**(137/5)\nSimplify ((l*l/(l**(6/11)/l))/(l/(l*l**(-20))))/(l**(4/3)*l*l*(l*l**(-1/24)*l)/l) assuming l is positive.", "\nl**(-5765/264)\nSimplify ((f**(-19)/f)/(f/(f**(-1/39)*f*f)))/((f*f**(-1/17))/f*f**(1/13)) assuming f is positive.", "\nf**(-12626/663)\nSimplify ((x**10*x**(2/15))/(x*((x**(3/4)/x)/x)/x*x*x**(6/13)))**(-1/25) assuming x is positive.", "\nx**(-7739/19500)\nSimplify (j*j**(-3/4))**(3/40)*j**12/j*j**(-6/5) assuming j is positive.", "\nj**(1571/160)\nSimplify s**(-7)*s**(-2/11)*s**6*s**(-6/13) assuming s is positive.", "\ns**(-235/143)\nSimplify (t*t*t**4)/(t**10*t)*((t**(-3/7)*t)/t*t)/(t/((t**(-4)/t)/t)) assuming t is positive.", "\nt**(-80/7)\nSimplify ((q**9/q*q)/((q/(q/(q*q**2)*q))/q))/(q/(q/q**(-2/33))*q/(q*q**(-9)/q*q)) assuming q is positive.", "\nq**(-31/33)\nSimplify (((s**2*s)/s)/(s*s*s/s**(-15)*s))/(s**(-11/2)/s*s**(1/25)) assuming s is positive.", "\ns**(-527/50)\nSimplify (j/((j*j**(-5/4)*j)/j)*j**(-21))/(j**(-1/41)/(j/(j**(-1/14)*j*j*j*j*j))) assuming j is positive.", "\nj**(-27155/1148)\nSimplify ((f/(f*f**(-1/30)/f))/f**(-16))/((f*f**(2/7))/(f/(f/(f**9/f)))) assuming f is positive.", "\nf**(4987/210)\nSimplify (((x/((x*x**8*x*x)/x*x))/(x*x*x**(1/2)))/(x*x**(-1/3))**(3/17))**(-2/5) assuming x is positive.", "\nx**(429/85)\nSimplify (w/(w**(1/6)*w))**(-9/5)/(w**(-1/19)/(w/(w*w*w/(w/(w/(w*w**(-7))))*w)*w)) assuming w is positive.", "\nw**(-1453/190)\nSimplify ((q**0/q**4)/(q**3*q)**(-41))**28 assuming q is positive.", "\nq**4480\nSimplify ((h/h**5)/h)**(-25)*h*h**(-11/2)*(h/h**(7/2))/h assuming h is positive.", "\nh**117\nSimplify (((g*(g*g**(-6))/g*g)/g)/g*g*g/(g*g/(g/(((g/(g**(-3/5)/g))/g)/g))*g)*g**(1/3)*g**(-5))**(-4) assuming g is positive.", "\ng**(676/15)\nSimplify ((a**12/a*a*((a**6*a*a)/a)/a)**(2/11))**11 assuming a is positive.", "\na**36\nSimplify (j**21*j)/(j*j*j*j*(j/(j**6*j))/j*j)*j**12/j**(-1) assuming j is positive.", "\nj**37\nSimplify ((((f*f**(2/5)*f)/f)**(4/13))**(-21))**25 assuming f is positive.", "\nf**(-2940/13)\nSimplify (q/((q*q*q*(q*q**(3/16))/q)/q*q)*q**(-2/3)*q)/((q**(-1/10)/q)/q**0) assuming q is positive.", "\nq**(-181/240)\nSimplify (a*a**(2/83)*a**21)/(a**(-5))**(-1/5) assuming a is positive.", "\na**(1745/83)\nSimplify (y**0)**(-31)*(y**(2/3))**(-30) assuming y is positive.", "\ny**(-20)\nSimplify (t/(t*(t/(t/t**13))/t)*t**(2/41)/t*t**(3/4)/(t/t**(-1/4)))**(-2/51) assuming t is positive.", "\nt**(1103/2091)\nSimplify ((n**1/(n/n**(-1/3)))/(n**(1/5)*n**(2/13)))**(-18) assuming n is positive.", "\nn**(804/65)\nSimplify (z**(-11)*z*z)**(2/123)/(z**(-3/4)/z*z)**47 assuming z is positive.", "\nz**(5757/164)\nSimplify (k**(5/3)/(k*k*k**7))/(k**(-5/8)*k*k**16) assuming k is positive.", "\nk**(-569/24)\nSimplify (((t/t**(-4/9))/t)/(t*t/(t*t**(-12)*t)*t))/((t**8*t)/(t*(t*t**6)/t)) assuming t is positive.", "\nt**(-131/9)\nSimplify l**(-2/51)*l*l**0*l**(-12)/l**(2/7) assuming l is positive.", "\nl**(-4043/357)\nSimplify ((m**(2/5))**29*(m*m**(-3))**(-17/5))**(-34) assuming m is positive.", "\nm**(-3128/5)\nSimplify (w**(-5))**(-5/4)*(w**(3/5)/w)**20 assuming w is positive.", "\nw**(-7/4)\nSimplify (q**10)**(-2/27)/((q/(q**(-9/5)*q*q))/(q*q/(q**(-3)/q))) assuming q is positive.", "\nq**(602/135)\nSimplify (k**(-6/11)/(k/k**(1/16)))/(k/(k**(-6/7)/k))**(-29/2) assuming k is positive.", "\nk**(49213/1232)\nSimplify ((w**(1/18))**(-1))**(-23) assuming w is positive.", "\nw**(23/18)\nSimplify (d**(1/5)*d/(d*d**9)*(d/(d*d**(1/3)))/d**(2/5))**46 assuming d is positive.", "\nd**(-6578/15)\nSimplify ((k**11/k)/(k/(k*(k*k**(-5/2))/k)))/((k**(-1)/k*k*k)/k**(2/5)) assuming k is positive.", "\nk**(79/10)\nSimplify (((o*o**(-12)/o)/o)/(o**(1/5)/o)*o**(5/4)/(o**(1/2)*o*o))**(-13) assuming o is positive.", "\no**(3497/20)\nSimplify (i*i/i**(-11)*i)/i**(-5)*(i*i*i*i**(-4))**(-13) assuming i is positive.", "\ni**32\nSimplify (v**(1/5))**(-18/5)/((v/(v**(-5)/v*v*v))/v**(-7/6)) assuming v is positive.", "\nv**(-1033/150)\nSimplify (r**(2/53)*r*r)**(1/31)/((r*(r/((r/((r*r**(4/15)*r)/r*r))/r)*r)/r)/r**6) assuming r is positive.", "\nr**(44338/24645)\nSimplify ((a**(-2/3)/a)**(-9)*a**(-2/9)/(a/(a*a**(-1)*a)))**(-2/87) assuming a is positive.", "\na**(-266/783)\nSimplify (y**(2/3)*y**(4/13))/(y**(21/2)*y**(-1)) assuming y is positive.", "\ny**(-665/78)\nSimplify ((y*y**(-1/5))/y)**(-25)*(y/(y*(y*y**(-1)/y)/y))**37 assuming y is positive.", "\ny**79\nSimplify k/(((k*k**(-3/7))/k*k)/k)*k**(6/7)*(k*k/((k*k/((k*k*k/(k/(k**7*k)*k))/k)*k)/k)*k)/k**(-2) assuming k is positive.", "\nk**(93/7)\nSimplify ((u**2/u)**(-3/16)*(u/u**(-1/3))/u**2)**2 assuming u is positive.", "\nu**(-41/24)\nSimplify (i**4)**21*i*i*i/(((i**(4/11)/i)/i)/i)*i*i**4 assuming i is positive.", "\ni**(1041/11)\nSimplify (h**(9/5)*h*h**(2/25))/(h**(-1/15)/(h/((h**(-2/13)/h)/h))) assuming h is positive.", "\nh**(5948/975)\nSimplify (r**(-4))**(8/7)*r/r**(4/3)*r**4*r*r*r assuming r is positive.", "\nr**(44/21)\nSimplify (((i**(-2/11)*i)/i)/(i*i*i**10))/(i**3*i**(-8/9)/i) assuming i is positive.", "\ni**(-1316/99)\nSimplify (b**(1/7)*b**(-1/6)*b/b**(-2)*b**(4/5)/b)**(-18) assuming b is positive.", "\nb**(-1749/35)\nSimplify p/p**17*p*p**(-28)*(p/(p/(p*(p**(2/41)/p)/p))*p)/(p**11/p) assuming p is positive.", "\np**(-2171/41)\nSimplify ((w**(4/3)/((w*w/w**7*w)/w))/(w*w/w**(-1/4)*w)**(-1/4))**31 assuming w is positive.", "\nw**(10633/48)\nSimplify ((u**(-1)/(u/((u**(8/5)/u)" ]
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[ "Two Crashes in Five Months What's Wrong with Boeing's 737 Max 8?", "\n\nBoeing's new airplane has only been around for two years and already two 737 Max 8s have crashed, killing 346 people. ", "The disasters may be attributable to a design flaw that emerged when engineers began cutting corners." ]
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[ "Investigation of Rab35 and EPI64C continue to be important to our research objectives, given our finding that EPI64C and Rab35 regulate a recycling pathway in T-cells and contribute to IS formation, most likely by participating in TCR transport to the immunological synapse. ", "Because of the singular usefulness of knockout mice in understanding key biological functions of gene, we have been expending much of our effort in this direction. ", "Therefore, we have created conditional knockout mice for EPI64C and Rab35. ", "We have finally obtained chimeric knockout mice and offspring that carry the knockout haplotypes. ", "Breeding is in progress to create knockout mice carrying appropriate Cre genes to selectively express in hematopoietic cells. ", "We demonstrated that recycling of the Ca2+-activated K+ channel, KCa2.3, is dependent upon Rab35/EPI64C. Roles of other molecules in T-cell recognition are being analyzed in their respective projects, ERM in BC 010995, and NHERF1 and Myo1G in BC 010993." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nLocation: $GLOBALS\n\nHey im doing a logincheck, and i want to set the location to the previous page.", "\nOn my site with the form, where i set username and password:\n<?", "php\n$GLOBALS['returnsite'] = 'login.php';\n?", ">\n\nAnd on the checker site, which checks if the name and pass match:\n<?", "php\nheader('Location: '.$GLOBALS['returnsite']);\n?", ">\n\nIt doesnt return, and i get this error \"Notice: Undefined index: returnsite\"\nHow can i make a \"global variable\" which can be set in the header('Location: '.$myvar);\n??", "\n\nA:\n\nAs Mark says in his comment $GLOBALS is not persistent.", "\nI would suggest you use sessions instead:\nPage with the form: (on line 1!)", "\n<?", "php\n session_start();\n $_SESSION['returnsite'] = 'login.php';\n?", ">\n\nOn the \"checker\" page: (line 1!)", "\n<?", "php\n session_start();\n?", ">\n\nThen after you have processed the login:\nheader(\"Location: {$_SESSION['returnsite']}\\r\\n\");\nexit;\n\n" ]
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[ "Office highrise\n\nThis commercial building has 100 meters and a very modern style. ", "If you have any question about the model, or if you want to contact me--> mariogv94@hotmail.com #100 #blue #building #city #commercial #cristal #glass #grey #highrise #modern #office #skyscraper #town" ]
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[ "Capillary Microfluidics-Assembled Virus-like Particle Bionanoreceptor Interfaces for Label-Free Biosensing.", "\nA capillary microfluidics-integrated sensor system is developed for rapid assembly of bionanoreceptor interfaces on-chip and label-free biosensing. ", "Genetically engineered Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) virus-like particles (VLPs), displaying thousands copies of identical receptor peptides FLAG-tags, are utilized as nanoceptors for antibody sensing. ", "Controlled and accelerated assembly of VLP receptor layer on impedance sensor has been achieved using capillary action and surface evaporation from an open-channel capillary microfluidic system. ", "VLPs create a dense and localized receptor monolayer on the impedance sensor using only 5 μL of VLP sample solution (0.2 mg/mL) in only 6 min at room temperature. ", "The VLP-functionalized impedance sensor is capable of label-free detection of target antibodies down to 55 pM concentration within 5 min. ", "These results highlight the significant potentials of an integrated microsystem for rapid and controlled receptor-transducer interface creation and the nanoscale VLP-based sensors for fast, accurate, and decentralized pathogen detection." ]
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[ "Product Description\n\nKit Class: PremiumWarranty: Lifetime\n\nConvert Your Air Suspension To A Coil Spring Suspension. ", "End Your Air Suspension Problems Forever...\n\nStrutmasters 1998-2004 Cadillac Seville Rear Air Shock To Coil Spring Shock Conversion Kit is the perfect solution to your air suspension\nproblems. ", "Designed to be very affordable, you can convert your air suspension to use standard struts and coil springs for less than the price of\nreplacing one electronic strut\n\nOur Strutmasters Conversion Kit is only $367.00(plus s&h)!!!!", "\n\nHow do I know if my 1998-2004 Cadillac Seville Air Suspension is failing?", "\n\nIf the 1998-2004 Cadillac Seville has an improper ride height, the air suspension system may be leaking or going bad. ", "Early detection of a failing air suspension system is the key to maintaining the vehicle's overall health. ", "Look for a sudden height variance between different sides of the Seville. ", "Typically there will be one inflated end, one sagging end, a “squatting” appearance, or a shifting lean from side to side. ", "Another classic symptom is an improperly working air compressor. ", "If the air compressor runs too often or stops working, a bad suspension has caused it to wear out. ", "The suspension needs to be fixed if there is an illuminated suspension warning light on the dashboard.", "\n\nWhy choose the Conversion Kit over replacing the air suspension system on your 1998-2004 Cadillac Seville?", "\n\nStrutmasters' air to non-air suspension conversion kit is an affordable direct replacement solution to a failed or leaking air suspension system. ", "Without sacrificing quality, the kit replaces the faulty air ride components for good. ", "Made in the USA, the kit includes two rear shocks, two rear Eibach springs, new mounts, and all necessary hardware. ", "The kit costs considerably less money than dealership direct replacement and individual part replacement. ", "It is installed in as little as one hour per wheel thanks to easy-to-follow instructions and online installation videos. ", "For further assistance, ASE certified experts offer technical support over the phone. ", "Customers' investment is protected by Strutmasters' Lifetime Limited Warranty. ", "It's no wonder that the majority of Seville owners make “the switch” from air to non-air suspension using this coilover conversion kit.", "\n\n5 Great Reasons To Act Now\n\nWhat kind of suspension does my 1998-2004 Cadillac Seville have?", "\n\nThe 1998-2004 Cadillac Seville is built with the following suspension components:\n\n1998-2004 Cadillac Seville Electronic Struts (x2)- a type of shock absorber; has metal tubing filled with gas-charged hydraulic fluid that is connected to the wheel of a vehicle in order to reduce the effects of vertical travel on a rough surface which controls the bounciness, and therefore comfort, of a vehicle. ", "The Cadillac Deville’s struts, while having coil-springs, use an electronic signal to stiffen or soften the dampening of the strut.", "\n\n1998-2004 Cadillac Seville Shock Absorbers (x2)- a metal tubing filled with gas-charged hydraulic fluid that is connected to the wheel of a vehicle in order to reduce the effects of vertical travel on a rough surface which controls the bounciness, and therefore comfort, of a vehicle shock absorbers.", "\n\n1998-2004 Cadillac Seville Coil Springs (x2)- Coil springs hold the vehicle up but be careful, they are rated for and designed to work with the rest of the suspension system, so when you change air shocks to passive shocks, then you will need a different rated coil spring that works well with the new type of shocks.", "\n\n1998-2004 Cadillac Seville Air Lines- tubes that run from a compressor (air suspension) to the air struts which carry pressurized air to the air bags components in order to adjust the height of the vehicle, respectively.", "\n\n1998-2004 Cadillac Seville Solenoids (x4)- usually L-shaped, these plastic components connect the electrical connection and lines of suspension components to the suspension control module on vehicles with active suspension. ", "The solenoid regulates the air pressure for each air spring. ", "Solenoids start to leak as they wear out causing the vehicle to sag or to lean. ", "This will cause the ride height sensor to send a signal to activate the compressor in an attempt to inflate the air suspension and level out the vehicle. ", "This excessive work load will eventually lead to total failure of the compressor.", "\n\n1998-2004 Cadillac Seville Compressor- creates/sends pressurized to active suspension components. ", "When the air suspension starts leaking, the compressor/pump starts working harder to try to keep the system inflated. ", "By the time air suspension leaks down completely, sitting the vehicle on its tires, the compressor will either have failed or be well on its way to full failure. ", "Buying replacement struts and taking the time to install them only to find out the compressor still needs to be replaced can be very frustrating, time-consuming, and expensive.", "\n\n1998-2004 Cadillac Seville Dryer Assembly- used to keep moisture out of air lines and air springs in order to prevent freezing and internal cracking of these parts. ", "Once air suspension starts leaking, moisture will build-up throughout the air system. ", "Moisture damages the air suspension from the inside. ", "The dryer will need to be replaced in order to eliminate the moisture and prevent any further damage.", "\n\n1998-2004 Cadillac Seville Suspension Control Module- a computer which is responsible for the operations of the air suspension system and maintaining the vehicle’s correct ride height.", "\n\n1998-2004 Cadillac Seville O-rings- Although they are the least expensive parts of the air suspension, they are responsible for maintaining the seal where all of the air lines connect. ", "Be sure to replace the O-rings when repairing any air suspension system.", "\n\nReady to Order!?", "\n\nDon't wait another minute to get your car running in top condition. ", "Order now!", "\n\nQuantity:\n\nRelated Air Suspension Videos\n\nClick any video below to review the Strutmasters video related to this or other products.", "\n\nSuspension Kits Reviews\n\nI ordered the rear strut kit to replace the factory air shocks on my son’s 2003 Cadillac Seville. ", "I was somewhat reluctant to do so after reading a previous post that said they raised the car height on his car….. they didn’t though. ", "I am totally happy with my purchase. ", "The total time to replace the rear shocks was about 3-1/2 hours and most of the time was spent getting the old ones off!! (", "Someone walked away with our spring compressor, so we ended up torching the old springs off.)", "\n\nSatisfaction Reasons; First, the price for this conversion kit was about 13% of the price of ordering the original air shocks. ", "I saved thousands!! ", "Second, the rear bumper height only raised 3/4″ (not 2-3″ like I’ve read by some posters) which is probably where it should have been if the old shocks were still in good shape. ", "Third, I have noticed no change in the ride of the car. ", "I’ll post before & after pictures.", "\n\nAgain, I am totally satisfied and if I had to do it all over again, I would buy the same conversion kit from Strutmasters……" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nforce dragend when collision is detected in kineticJS\n\nHow do I make the dragged shape stop being dragged (dragend action) when intersects with the borders of another shape? ", "I already tested the collision detection. ", "What I want for now is how to actually stop it from moving, and force the drop.", "\nIMPORTANT EDIT: I need to manipulate group of shapes, but it seems to require another solution with groups. ", "Any suggestions?", "\nI actually found help on shapes, and tried to make it work with groups. ", "Here's the fiddle http://jsfiddle.net/PFH55/12/ . ", "I get a console error: kinetic is not defined, whereas it's defined.", "\nanother edit: I need the solution to work on draggable clones of groups in KineticJS. (", "What I mean here is that there's an original group in one layer, dragging it creates a clone, which can be dropped only in the second layer, on drop: do the magic of collision detection)\n\nA:\n\nYou could try to call the method stopDrag() which is available for every Node object.", "\nSo once you found collision detection, call this method on the node that is being dragged.", "\nDoes this help you?", "\nUpdate\nI worked out working example for collision detection with squares. ", "It can be a bit buggy when colliding with 2 objects in certain conditions, so you could improve on this. ", "The current algorithm also assumes all objects are squares.", "\nHere is the fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/PFH55/19/\nThe doObjectsCollide function new returns an array of all objects it collided with. ", "This is then used in the dragBoundCarre. ", "The code belonging to the line if(collided.length > 1) can be improved to make the collision detection with two or more objects a little bit better.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Moto Preps Its Cloud-Based UI for the Masses\n\nMotorola Mobility LLC will look to bring its new cloud-based DreamGallery user interface to all manner of set-top box platforms after securing a software license with ActiveVideo Networks Inc.\nMotorola Home, which is in the process of being acquired by Arris Group Inc., initially developed DreamGallery for HTML5-capable set-tops, tablets, smartphones, smart TVs and other IP-connected devices. ", "Integration with ActiveVideo's CloudTV H5 system will also enable Moto to convert the DreamGallery navigation system into a format that can run on older, QAM-based set-tops that don't speak IP, use an integrated browser or have the processing capabilities to run a cloud-based user interface.", "\nThe product integration is pretty much complete, says Michael Taylor, ActiveVideo's SVP of business development, noting that the companies demonstrated it privately for VIPs at the Consumer Electronics Show in January\n\nMoto's DreamGallery UI\n\nThus far, the deployment of DreamGallery, a component of Moto's Medios+ multi-screen video distribution platform, has been somewhat limited. ", "Announced customers include Verizon Communications Inc. FiOS TV and Canadian MSO Shaw Communications Inc. of Canada. ", "Moto says DreamGallery has been deployed \"widely\" with yet-unnamed European operators.", "\nCisco Systems Inc. has secured a similar license from ActiveVideo for its multi-screen Videoscape platform. [", "Ed. ", "note: Recent history suggests it's better to ink a license deal than to suffer the wrath of ActiveVideo's lawyers and patents.]", "\nWhy this matters\nCable operators have deployed millions of QAM-only, MPEG-2 set-tops and would like to deliver more graphics-rich user interfaces to them without having to undergo an expensive IP set-top swap-out. ", "By integrating ActiveVideo's platform, Motorola can give operators an opportunity to unify the UI across their set-top box lines while also expanding the vendor's addressable market for DreamGallery. ", "A unified UI will also come in handy as cable operators begin to offer services on CE video streaming devices from suppliers such as Roku Inc. (See Roku Tunes in TW Cable's Live TV Streams.)", "\nThe deal will also give DreamGallery more legs as Arris, which will soon be a major video set-top and software player, and will be looking to integrate Motorola Home's product portfolio. (", "See Google Sells Moto Home to Arris for $2.35B.)\nFor more\n\nre: Moto Preps Its Cloud-Based UI for the Masses Moto's looking into providing a list of European operators that are using DreamGallery, but in the meantime, CED notes that-á-áMCTV (formerly Massillon Cable) has also inked a deal for the new Moto UI. ", "motorolaGÇÖs-medios-platform-á http://www.cedmagazine.com/new...-á\n\nAndrew Coward discusses what the New IP means to end users or enterprise customers. ", "He explains compelling reasons, including how every customer can get their own network, from the transformation to the New IP.", "\n\nMukund Srigopal provides an explanation of what network visibility is and how it is essential as service providers transition to the New IP. ", "In addition, the importance of the network packet broker is discussed.", "\n\nAli Kafel from Stratus Technologies addresses high-availability concerns within the telco industry with a solution that enables telcos to provide high-availability and stateful fault-tolerance using a software-based approach.", "\n\nGuavus CEO Anukool Lakhina talks to Light Reading founder and CEO Steve Saunders about the role of operational analytics in the communications services and networking sectors, particularly in relation to IoT.\n\nSaran Phaloprakarn, Senior VP of Fixed Broadband Business Management of Thailand's AIS, was a keynote speaker at the first Asia-Pacific Ultra Broadband Summit in Bangkok. ", "In this video, he talks to Heavy Reading about transforming into an FMC (FBB+MBB+Content) operator.", "\n\nAndrew Coward discusses what the New IP means to end users or enterprise customers. ", "He explains compelling reasons, including how every customer can get their own network, from the transformation to the New IP.", "\n\nMukund Srigopal provides an explanation of what network visibility is and how it is essential as service providers transition to the New IP. ", "In addition, the importance of the network packet broker is discussed.", "\n\nAli Kafel from Stratus Technologies addresses high-availability concerns within the telco industry with a solution that enables telcos to provide high-availability and stateful fault-tolerance using a software-based approach.", "\n\nSaran Phaloprakarn, Senior VP of Fixed Broadband Business Management of Thailand's AIS, was a keynote speaker at the first Asia-Pacific Ultra Broadband Summit in Bangkok. ", "In this video, he talks to Heavy Reading about transforming into an FMC (FBB+MBB+Content) operator.", "\n\nIn this video, Chakyra Moa, Chairman of Telecommunication Regulator of Cambodia (TRC), talks in in-depth with Heavy Reading about the Cambodia's current telecom market and TRC's goals and expectations for the future.", "\n\nSoftware-defined networking and network functions virtualization have become key components to any network that hopes to be future proof. ", "Huawei shows that openness can become a reality at the Open Networking Summit in Santa Clara.", "\n\nSterling Perrin, senior analyst of Heavy Reading, sat down with Phoukhong Chithoublok, Acting Director General of Lao's Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications' Department of Planning and Cooperation, to discuss the future of national broadband for Lao.", "\n\nGuavus CEO Anukool Lakhina talks to Light Reading founder and CEO Steve Saunders about the role of operational analytics in the communications services and networking sectors, particularly in relation to IoT." ]
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[ "A pair of 5-star prospects have made public commitments to universities in the past week -- first Terrence Clarke to the Kentucky Wildcats, then DJ Steward to the Duke Blue Devils. ", "So -- surprise, surprise -- Naismith Memorial Hall of Fame coaches John Calipari and Mike Krzyzewski currently have the nation's top two recruiting classes, according to the 247Sports Composite. ", "And, if they finish that way, it'll represent the sixth time in the past seven years that Kentucky and Duke have finished first and second, in some order, in the national recruiting rankings.", "\n\nWhy?", "\n\nWhy is it (almost) always Kentucky and Duke at the top? ", "Those are not the only two places where you can win national titles, play on national television, develop for the NBA, perform in front of amazing crowds, travel in a first-class way or compete in a great league. ", "You can do almost all of those things at lots of different places. ", "And yet it's Kentucky and Duke that have clearly separated themselves from the rest of the nation on the recruiting trail. ", "Why? ", "I have a theory. ", "And Matt Norlander and I decided to discuss it at the top of this episode of the CBS Sports Eye On College Basketball Podcast.", "\n\nAfter that, the conversation went like this:\n\n25:30: Four-star center Justice Ajogbor became the highest-rated prospect to ever commit to Harvard earlier this week when he picked the Crimson while rejecting multiple offers from traditional high-majors. ", "I subsequently wrote a column about it in which I made the case that more prospects ranked between, say, 50th and 150th in their high school class should at least consider an Ivy League option. ", "I sincerely believe that. ", "So why don't more prospects do it?", "\n\n44:00: Tony Bennett won the 2019 NCAA Tournament -- and then turned down a \"substantial\" raise from Virginia because, he said, \"I have more than I need.\" ", "This is obviously not how most college coaches think. ", "In fact, here's a question: How many other coaches would reject a \"substantial\" raise immediately after winning a national championship?", "\n\n53:30: Rick Pitino settled with Louisville this week -- without getting a penny. ", "What's up with that? ", "And does this set the stage for the Hall of Fame coach to return to college basketball next March or April?", "\n\nThe latest \"Eye on College Basketball\" podcast is below. ", "Give it a listen. ", "If you're not already subscribed, please subscribe via iTunes. ", "And if you've already done that, thank you. #", "ShoutsToDevanDowney." ]
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[ "$795,000\n\nShare with a friend\n\nDescription\n\nAfter a successful 30 years the owner is retiring this turn-key restaurant offers breakfast, lunch, and dinner to its established and loyal customers. ", "Fully furnished and staffed with updated equipment. ", "Free standing building in a busy area." ]
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[ "Paper Doll cocktail bar in downtown Birmingham is now sensory inclusive. ", "The bar teamed up with Kulture City, the Birmingham-based nonprofit that specializes in using technology to make traveling more comfortable for people with sensory needs, such as autism, PTSD, and Parkinson’s disease. ", "The non-profit says Paper Doll is now the first sensory inclusive bar in the nation.", "\n\nUma Srivastava, the organization’s COO, made the announcement Wednesday evening during an intimate celebration party at the bar.", "\n\nFor people with sensory needs, light, sounds, and certain smells and touches can be overwhelming. ", "In Birmingham, Kulture City has worked to make a number of venues around the city to make them more friendly to people with sensory needs, including the McWane Science Center, the Birmingham Zoo, and the Vulcan Park and Museum. ", "In February, Kulture City also unveiled the first sensory room in the Birmingham-Shuttlesworth airport.", "\n\nIt’s here!!!!! ", "The world’s first sensory inclusive room in an airport for ALL abilities and sensory needs! ", "Thanks to the amazing team at the Birmingham-Shuttlesworth International Airport !!!! ", "Posted by KultureCity on Saturday, February 16, 2019\n\nKulture City also brings sensory-friendly spaces to venues across the nation. ", "In 2017, the non-profit teamed up with the Cleveland Cavaliers to create the first sensory-inclusive NBA stadium.", "\n\nSrivastava says when people think about public places that may be difficult for people with sensory needs, they tend to forget about common places like bars and restaurants.", "\n\n“There’s a lot of social isolation involved. ", "So adults with sensory needs sometimes might not be able to go out because they’re not able to adapt and they get overwhelmed,’ said Srivastava. “", "Then they have to step away or leave the venue.”", "\n\nCurrently, the organization has sensory-friendly tools in six restaurants around the state. ", "Paper Doll will be the first bar.", "\n\nKulture City spent weeks training the staff at Paper Doll to recognize the signs of sensory overload. ", "They also equipped the bar with sensory bags that contain noise reducing headphones, fidget toys, and a feelings thermometer. ", "Paper Doll now has signs on the widows and the walls, indicating that it is a “sensory inclusive location.” ", "The bar is also now listed on Kulture City’s mobile app.", "\n\nRandall Porter takes a photo of the \"Sensory Inclusive Location\" sign on the front window of Paper Doll. (", "Credit: Randall Porter)\n\n“A bar gets really loud with the music, the chatter, the mixing of cocktails, so a lot of these tools help out with that,” said Srivastava.", "\n\nBecoming sensory inclusive is a huge step for Paper Doll, which opened in December in downtown Birmingham’s Loft District. ", "Co-owner Jason Koenig, who has long appreciated Kulture City’s efforts to make the nation more adaptable to people with sensory disabilities, said the bar reached out to the organization.", "\n\n“I think what they’re doing is amazing. ", "And we asked about it, and they didn’t have a sensory inclusive bar. ", "And I thought, ‘wow, we need to kind of spearhead that,’ ” said Koenig. “", "People don’t think about bars as needing to be sensory inclusive. ", "We {tend to} think of children, but even a bar should have a capacity to help those that have sensory needs. ", "So I think it was a no brainer.”", "\n\nA Kulture City sensory bag with Paper Doll's signature \"Kulture City\" cocktail. (", "Credit: Shauna Stuart for Al.com)\n\nWednesday’s announcement came on the heels of another achievement for Kulture City. ", "Last month, Fast Company named the organization number four on its 2019 Most Innovative Companies List in the Live Events category.", "\n\nKulture City will soon operate in three countries. ", "The organization is expanding into Canada to work with the Toronto Blue Jays and the Roger center. ", "Srivastava says she will also head to Australia to bring Kulture City to the Geelong Cats football club." ]
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[ "Known patient data acquisition systems utilize different hardware and software features (wireless data transmitters, software device drivers, for example) to connect to a patient monitoring device. ", "The Known patient data acquisition systems also use different communication methods to acquire data from patient monitoring devices. ", "However, the known patient data acquisition systems typically support a limited set of devices and infrastructure to setup and configure the devices for communication. ", "Additionally, known methods typically require a cumbersome workflow and additional hardware. ", "A system according to invention principles addresses these deficiencies and related problems." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nimage browser android, can't load too much images\n\nI'm trying to create an image browser but I have an error when there are too much images to load\nThis is my code (the bitmap are used on the line 100) :\nhttp://pastebin.com/NidnH57b\nIf a try to access a directory with a lots of images I have an error.", "\nIs there a solution to load a lots of images ?", "\nThanks\n\nA:\n\nI'd say that is no a good practice to load all the images you need at the beginning of the activity. ", "Listviews for example only load the images that will be shown in your adapter. ", "Yo should get all the information you need in an arraylist and use an arrayAdapter for example and it will destroy and recreate the views that are needed in order to save memory.", "\nA simple way of doing this can be found here\n\n" ]
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5*y)*(0*y**2 - y**2 + 0*y**2) - 4*y + y**4 + 4*y + (-y**3 - 2*y + 2*y)*(3*y - 4*y - y) - 2*y**4 + 5*y**4 - y**4 + 3*y**4 + 3*y**4 - 5*y**4.", "\n7*y**4\nExpand (1 - 3*z + 0*z + 0*z)*(-4*z**4 + 2*z**4 - 8*z**4).", "\n30*z**5 - 10*z**4\nExpand (-2*n**2 + 2*n**3 + 2*n**2)*(3*n**2 - n**2 - n**2)*(0 + 4 - 2) + (-2*n**5 - n**5 + 4*n**5)*(2 + 0 + 0).", "\n6*n**5\nExpand (-3*a + 1 + 4 + a)*(-5*a**3 + 2*a**3 + a**3).", "\n4*a**4 - 10*a**3\nExpand (v + 3*v - 2*v)*(3*v**2 - 18*v + 18*v + (-5 - 2*v**2 + 5)*(4 - 5 + 3)) + (3*v**3 + 5*v**3 - 6*v**3)*(-4 + 2 + 3) + 5*v**3 - 3*v**3 + 0*v**3.", "\n2*v**3\nExpand (4*u**2 - 6*u + 6*u)*(0*u**2 + u**2 - 2*u**2) - 4*u**4 + 3*u**4 - u**4 + 3*u**4 - u**4 + 0*u**4.", "\n-4*u**4\nExpand -3 - 2*v**2 + 3 + (-v - 8*v - 3*v)*(3*v - 3*v - 2*v).", "\n22*v**2\nExpand (-5 - 4 + 2)*(-4*a + 3*a + 2*a + 2*a**3).", "\n-14*a**3 - 7*a\nExpand (0 - 1 + 2)*(-1 + 0 + 83*n - 66*n).", "\n17*n - 1\nExpand (-3*k - 6*k - k)*(8 + 1 - 5).", "\n-40*k\nExpand (3*l - 2*l + 3*l)*(0*l - 3*l + 4*l) + 0*l + l - 3*l - l**2.", "\n3*l**2 - 2*l\nExpand (d**2 - 4*d**2 + d**2 + (4*d - 3*d + 3*d)*(-2 + 2*d + 2))*(3 - d**2 - 3).", "\n-6*d**4\nExpand (1 + 4 - 4)*(238*d - 193*d + 96*d).", "\n141*d\nExpand (1 - 1 + 2)*(3*j**3 + 49*j**3 + 48*j**3 - 10*j**3).", "\n180*j**3\nExpand (0 - 3 + 2)*(-3*s + 3*s - s).", "\ns\nExpand 6*g**4 + 9*g - 9*g + (-g**2 + 1 - 1)*(1 + 2*g**2 - 1) + 8*g**4 - 4*g**4 + 4*g**4 + (-g + 2*g**4 + g)*(-2 - 1 + 2).", "\n10*g**4\nExpand (-7 + 3 - 6)*(-2 + 2 + 2*k)*(k**4 + k**2 - k**2).", "\n-20*k**5\nExpand 0*g**4 + 25*g**4 - 3*g**4 + 3*g**4 - 2*g**4 + g**4 + (-2*g - g + 4*g)*(-2*g**3 + 0*g**3 + 3*g**3) - 3*g**4 + 0*g**4 + g**4.", "\n23*g**4\nExpand -2*h + h - h - 3 + 3 - 2*h + (-4 + 4 - h)*(4 + 4 - 6) - 2*h - 5*h + 3*h.", "\n-10*h\nExpand (2 + 2 - 1)*(y + 2*y + 3*y)*(-3*y**3 + 4*y**3 - 5*y**3).", "\n-72*y**4\nExpand (3*k + 0*k - 15*k)*(-7*k**2 + 3*k**2 + 3*k**2).", "\n12*k**3\nExpand (3*z**2 + 0*z**2 - 2*z + 0*z**2)*(-3*z**3 - 4*z**2 + 4*z**2).", "\n-9*z**5 + 6*z**4\nExpand (3*v**3 - v**3 + 0*v**3)*(13*v**2 - 2*v**2 + 2*v**2 + (0*v + 0*v + 2*v)*(-2*v + 0 + 0)).", "\n18*v**5\nExpand ((2 - 3 + 3)*(3 - 2 - 2) + 2 + 3 - 4)*(-4*u**2 + u**2 + 5*u**2).", "\n-2*u**2\nExpand (-3 + 7 - 2)*(-4*l + l + 2*l)*(52*l - 10*l**2 - 52*l)*(0*l + 2*l + 4 - 5).", "\n40*l**4 - 20*l**3\nExpand (-2 + 2 - 1)*(-2*q + 2 - 2)*(-2 + 3 + 0)*(-1 + 1 - 2*q**3).", "\n-4*q**4\nExpand (-r + 0*r - r)*(6*r - 5*r + 2*r) - r**2 - 2*r**2 + 2*r**2 + (0 - 2*r + 0)*(-2*r - 4*r + 5*r).", "\n-5*r**2\nExpand ((-4 + 1 + 1)*(-3 + r + 3) + 6*r + 0*r - 2*r)*(1 - 2 - 2).", "\n-6*r\nExpand (-k + k - k)*(2*k**2 + 4*k**2 - 3*k**2 + (-1 + 2 + 1)*(-3*k**2 - k**2 + 2*k**2) + 2*k**2 + 2*k**2 - 2*k**2).", "\n-k**3\nExpand (s - s + s**2)*(2019 - 2019 - 58*s).", "\n-58*s**3\nExpand -3*l**5 + 5*l**2 - 5*l**2 + (-2*l**3 - 3*l + 3*l)*(-l**2 + 0*l**2 + 2*l**2).", "\n-5*l**5\nExpand (-2*t - t + 9*t)*(0 + 0 - 1)*(-3*t + 7 - 7).", "\n18*t**2\nExpand 3*w**3 + 16*w**3 + 3*w**4 - 20*w**3 + (-3*w**3 + 4*w**3 + 0*w**3)*(-2*w + 2*w + 2*w).", "\n5*w**4 - w**3\nExpand (7 - 17*o + 4 + 15*o)*(0 - 2*o + 0).", "\n4*o**2 - 22*o\nExpand (4 + 2*t - 4)*((-1 + 3 - 4)*(-2*t + 4*t + t) + 4 + t - 4)*(-2*t + 4*t + t).", "\n-30*t**3\nExpand 2*u + 1 - 1 + (-1 + 1 + 3)*(u + 3 - 3).", "\n5*u\nExpand -4*z**2 + 4*z**2 + 3*z**2 + (5*z**2 - z**2 - 5*z**2)*(2 - 2 + 2) + (-3*z + 3*z - 7*z**2)*(3 + 2 - 6).", "\n8*z**2\nExpand (2*j**4 - j**4 + 0*j**4 + (-2*j + 4*j + 0*j)*(-j**3 + 3*j**2 - 3*j**2))*(-4 - 2 + 0).", "\n6*j**4\nExpand -3 + 3 - 2*g - 1 + 1 + g + (-3*g + 2*g + 2*g)*(-1 - 4 + 3) + 6*g + 2 - 2 + 3 + 3 + g - 4.", "\n4*g + 2\nExpand j**5 + 0 + 0 + (-2*j**3 - 1 + 1)*(-4 - 2*j**2 + 4) + (0*j + j**4 + 0*j)*(69 - 69 + 11*j + (j - j + 2*j)*(-2 + 2 - 2)).", "\n12*j**5\nExpand (-5*z + 4*z + 5*z)*(-2 + 3 - z + 0*z).", "\n-4*z**2 + 4*z\nExpand (87 - 39 - 37)*(-m + m + 2*m).", "\n22*m\nExpand ((4 - 1 - 1)*(-2 + 0 + 1) + 0 + 4 - 3)*(5*y + 0*y - 4*y).", "\n-y\nExpand 0*u - u + 2*u + (-4*u + 5*u - 3*u)*(0 + 1 - 3) + u - 3*u + 0*u + (4*u - 8*u - 4*u)*(3 - 5 + 4).", "\n-13*u\nExpand 29*w**4 - 6*w**5 - 29*w**4 + (2*w - 3*w + 3*w)*(-w**4 + 3*w**4 + 0*w**4) - 5*w**5 - w**5 + 4*w**5 - w**4 + 2*w**5 + w**4.", "\n-2*w**5\nExpand 3*w**2 + 2*w**2 + 4*w**2 - w + w - 2*w**2 + (-3*w + 4*w - 2*w)*(0*w + 2*w + 0*w) + 0*w**2 - w**2 + 2*w**2 + 0 + 0 - 3*w**2 - 3*w**2 - 4*w**2 + 5*w**2.", "\nw**2\nExpand (0 + 0 - 2*m)*(-3*m**4 - m**4 + 0*m**4) + 110*m**2 - 110*m**2 + 13*m**5.", "\n21*m**5\nExpand (-3*i - 3*i + 5*i)*(-6*i - 3*i**3 - i + i).", "\n3*i**4 + 6*i**2\nExpand (4*n + 0 - 2 - 3*n)*(3*n + 0*n - 2*n).", "\nn**2 - 2*n\nExpand (-2*o + 2*o - o**3)*(-3 - 2*o + 3) - 3*o**4 + 3*o**4 + 2*o**4.", "\n4*o**4\nExpand (-5*j + 2*j + 0*j)*(-5 - 4 + 0)*(1 + 2 - 2).", "\n27*j\nExpand (2 + 2 - 2)*(-2*n - 1 - 14 + 0*n).", "\n-4*n - 30\nExpand (10 - 1 + 0)*(-3*r - 1 + 1).", "\n-27*r\nExpand -2*x - 2 + 2 + (3*x - x - 3*x)*(-3 + 2 - 1) - x - 3*x + 6*x + x + 0*x + 2*x - 4 + 5*x + 4.", "\n10*x\nExpand 2*d + 5*d - 5*d + (4 + 1 - 3)*(-3*d + 6*d - 12*d).", "\n-16*d\nExpand -2 + 2*d**3 + 2 + (0 + 6*d**2 + 0)*(6*d - d - 4*d) + (0 + 0 - d)*(-d + d**2 + d) + 4*d**3 - 2*d**3 + d**3.", "\n10*d**3\nExpand (-1 - c**3 + 1)*(2 - 3 + 3)*(-3 - 1 + 10) - c + c - 2*c**3.", "\n-14*c**3\nExpand (-1 - i**3 + 1)*(-3 + 2 - 6).", "\n7*i**3\nExpand (0*z - 2*z - z)*(3*z + 2*z - 4*z)*(z**2 - 3*z + 3*z).", "\n-3*z**4\nExpand (-2*s + s**2 + 2*s)*(-5 + 6 - 13 + 2).", "\n-10*s**2\nExpand -5*x**4 - 14*x**5 + 5*x**4 + (x**3 + 2*x**3 - x**3)*(2*x**2 + 2*x**2 - 6*x**2).", "\n-18*x**5\nExpand -b**4 + 2*b**4 - 3*b**4 + (b**2 - 1 + 1)*(b**2 + 6*b**2 + 2*b**2).", "\n7*b**4\nExpand (-4*r**4 - 4*r**5 + 4*r**4)*(-6 + 5 + 5) + (-2*r**2 + r**2 + 2*r**2)*(4*r - 4*r - 2*r**3).", "\n-18*r**5\nExpand (0 - 2*k + 0)*(2*k - 2*k + 2*k**2) - 9*k - 12*k**3 + 9*k.", "\n-16*k**3\nExpand w**3 - 1 + 1 + (-w**2 + 3*w**2 + 0*w**2)*(-3 + 3 + w) + w**3 - w**3 + 2*w**3 + (-4 + 5 + 1)*(0 + 0 + 2*w**3) + w**3 + 6*w**3 - 3*w**3 - 2 - 2*w**3 + 2.", "\n11*w**3\nExpand 0*q**3 - q**4 + 0*q**3 + (-3*q - q + 6*q)*(-3*q**3 + 2*q**3 + 4*q**3) - q**4 + 0*q**4 + 2*q**4 - 2*q**4 + q - q.\n4*q**4\nExpand (0*b + b + 2*b)*(23*b**4 + 10 - 10).", "\n69*b**5\nExpand (5 + 23 + 5)*(-b**3 - 2*b**2 + 2*b**2).", "\n-33*b**3\nExpand (2*m - 2*m - 5*m**3)*(-3*m + 6*m - m)*(-4 + 4 - m).", "\n10*m**5\nExpand (0 + 0 + f)*(-f**3 + 3*f**3 - 7*f**3) + 3*f**4 + 2*f**4 - 3*f**4 - 3*f**4 - 3*f**4 + 5*f**4 + (2 - 2 - 2*f**2)*(-3*f**2 - f**2 + 6*f**2).", "\n-8*f**4\nExpand (-v**3 + 0*v**3 - 3*v**3)*(-v**2 + 6*v**2 + 3*v**2) - 2 + 2 - v**5.", "\n-33*v**5\nExpand ((0*g + g + g)*(2*g**4 + 3*g**3 - 3*g**3) - 2*g**4 - 3*g**5 + 2*g**4)*(-5 + 17 + 6).", "\n18*g**5\nExpand (4 - 4 + 8)*(5*a + 2*a - 3*a).", "\n32*a\nExpand (-2*s - 6*s**2 + 6*s + 4*s**2)*(-3*s + 0*s + s)*(-4*s + 3*s - s).", "\n-8*s**4 + 16*s**3\nExpand -178*h + 99*h**3 + 178*h - 2*h**3 + 2*h**3 - h**3 + h**3 + 0*h**2 + 0*h**2 - 3*h**3 + 4*h**3 - 2*h**3 + (2*h + 2*h**2 - 2*h)*(0*h - 5*h + 3*h).", "\n94*h**3\nExpand (-2*g - g + g + (3*g + 0*g - 5*g)*(-2 - 3 + 3) - g + g - g)*(g + 0 + 0).", "\ng**2\nExpand -r**5 - 3*r - 2*r + 4*r + (-r**2 + 0*r**2 - 5*r**2)*(r**3 + r**3 - 3*r**3) - 2*r**5 - 2*r**5 + 6*r**5.", "\n7*r**5 - r\nExpand (-1 + 1 - 3)*(1 - 4 + 1)*(43*d - 45*d + 7*d**2 + d**3 - 2*d**3).", "\n-6*d**3 + 42*d**2 - 12*d\nExpand 0*g**2 + 4*g**2 - 2*g**2 + (-2*g**2 + g**2 - g**2)*(0 + 3 + 0).", "\n-4*g**2\nExpand 3 - l - 3 + (3 + 1 - 5)*(3*l - 7*l - 3*l).", "\n6*l\nExpand (1 - 1 + q)*(q**4 + 0*q**3 + 0*q**3) + (3 - q**2 - 3)*(4 - 2*q - 4)*(0*q - q**2 + 0*q).", "\n-q**5\nExpand -d**2 - 2*d**2 + 0*d**2 + (3*d**2 - 2*d**2 - 2*d**2)*(1 + 3 - 2) + 2 + d**2 - 2 - d**2 + 4 + 0 - 2.", "\n-5*d**2 + 2\nExpand (2*m + m - 2*m)*(-3*m + m + m) + (-m + 0*m + 0*m)*(-m - 11*m + 5*m).", "\n6*m**" ]
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[ "Visual memory: what do you know about what you saw?", "\nRecent studies of visual perception are bringing us closer to an understanding of what we remember - and what we forget - when we recall a scene." ]
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[ "French patent applications FR-A-2 749 489 and FR-A-2 749 490 disclose brushes that have a non-rectilinear core, e.g. that is shaped to match the curve of the eye. ", "Such brushes are not suitable for all users, since the curve of the brush requires the user to perform strokes that certain people find difficult.", "\nPatent application EP-A2-1 236 420 discloses a brush having a core that is curved over at least a fraction of its length, the free end of the brush not being in alignment with the axis of the stem. ", "During manufacture of the device comprising the receptacle and the brush, such a brush can turn out to be relatively difficult to insert in the neck of the receptacle containing the composition.", "\nEuropean patent application EP-A-1 424 024 discloses an applicator comprising a brush having a core that includes a portion carrying the bristles that forms a non-zero angle of less than 20° with the longitudinal axis of the end of the stem.", "\nSuch brushes require the user to adapt the strokes they use, since said brushes do not enable the user to comb the eyelashes or the eyebrows in the same manner as with a conventional brush that has a core that does not slope relative to the longitudinal axis of the stem.", "\nBrushes are also known that comprise a rectilinear core that extends along the axis of the stem and that has bristles that define an envelope surface that presents at least one concave or convex face.", "\nFrench patent application FR-A-2 811 525 discloses “off-center” brushes having a core that extends in alignment with the stem and along the longitudinal axis of said stem, the brush presenting faces forming a non-zero angle with the longitudinal axis of the core.", "\nThe off-center brushes present the drawback of external appearance that can turn out to be disconcerting to the user. ", "In addition, they are not wiped symmetrically from one end of the brush to the other, thereby causing flattening over continued use." ]
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[ "Positioning systems, such as the global positioning system (GPS), may be employed by a wide variety of devices to provide a variety of different functionality to users. ", "For instance, position-determining functionality may be incorporated within a portable device such that it may be mounted in a variety of different vehicles to provide navigation instructions, such as turn-by-turn driving instructions in a car or motorcycle. ", "In other instances, position-determining functionality may be incorporated as a part of instrumentation within an airplane to give flight data, may be mounted on a boat to provide positional awareness on a body of water (e.g., where the boat is located and how deep the water is at that position), incorporated within fitness equipment, and so forth.", "\nIn at least some of these instances, it may be desirable to use the position-determining functionality, as well as with other functionality of a device that incorporates position-determining functionality, without requiring the use of a user's hands. ", "For example, a device incorporating position-determining functionality may be configured for use in a car and therefore it may be desirable to enable users to interact with the device without taking their hands off a steering wheel. ", "One such technique that may be employed to provide such functionality is automated speech recognition (ASR). ", "ASR is typically employed to translate speech into a form to extract meaning from the speech (e.g., text, numerical representation, and so on) which may then be used to perform a desired function. ", "Traditional techniques that were employed to provide ASR, however, typically consumed a significant amount of resources (e.g., processing resources) and therefore could be expensive to implement. ", "Additionally, this implementation may be further complicated when confronted with a large amount of data, such as an amount of data that may be encountered in a device having position-determining functionality." ]
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[ "This is an archived article and the information in the article may be outdated. ", "Please look at the time stamp on the story to see when it was last updated.", "\n\nSANDUSKY, Ohio — Thousands of people heading to HalloWeekends at Cedar Point on Saturday night got a frightening surprise.", "\n\nPark officials announced on social media they were nearing capacity and had to restrict admission. ", "They asked guests to come back on Sunday or next weekend, which is the last weekend of the season.", "\n\nAt one point, Cedar Point Road and Cedar Point Drive were temporarily closed, but have since reopened to traffic.", "\n\nHappy Carter said it took three hours to finally get into the park. ", "He has a theory as to why it was so crowded.", "\n\n“It’s the $99 Gold Passes,” he said, which were offered as part of Cedar Point’s 150th anniversary celebration.", "\n\nThe pass allows guests unlimited visits, free parking and other discounts for the rest of this season and next.", "\n\nOther visitors didn’t even get the chance to go inside the park, which they said was a major disappointment.", "\n\nOne woman told FOX 8 she drove from Kentucky to be there.", "\n\nA Cedar Point spokesman issued the following statement:\n\n“HalloWeekends has always been a very popular event, especially when weather conditions are more than ideal. ", "Today, the park initiated a capacity-based closure in order to provide a quality experience to guests attending the event.”", "\n\nFOX 8 asked about the gold passes playing a role in the crowds and the question was not acknowledged.", "\n\nCedar Point is nearing capacity. ", "Cedar Point Road and Cedar Point Drive have been temporarily closed. ", "Guests currently on those roads are invited to continue to the park. ", "More updates as they become available. — ", "Cedar Point (@cedarpoint) October 19, 2019\n\n41.456175 -82.711682" ]
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[ "We use cookies to enhance your experience on our website. ", "By continuing to use our website, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. ", "You can change your cookie settings at any time.", "Find out moreJump to\nContent\n\nBruce McGregor and Harriet S. Meyer\n\nCross-references are valuable for terms that readers might seek in different alphabetic locations (last example from Thomas).cDNA. ", "See under DNA DNA dsDNA. ", "See under DNA mtDNA. ", "See under DNA DNA, 5, ...\nMore\n\nCross-references are valuable for terms that readers might seek in different alphabetic locations (last example from Thomas).cDNA. ", "See under DNA DNA dsDNA. ", "See under DNA mtDNA. ", "See under DNA DNA, 5, 300 310, 999 cDNA, 24, 356 dsDNA, 24 25, 356, 900 mtDNA, 660 DTH. ", "See hypersensitivity reactions, type IV DTH skin test, 1010 1022, 1012f, 103110 Cross-references are also used for synonyms: proaccelerin. ", "See factor V Stuart factor. ", "See factor X T cell. ", "See T lymphocyte In the middle example, if Stuart factor were used in text concerning the history of factor X, a see also reference might be Less" ]
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[ "Solvent tolerance in Gram-negative bacteria.", "\nBacteria have been found in all niches explored on Earth, their ubiquity derives from their enormous metabolic diversity and their capacity to adapt to changes in the environment. ", "Some bacterial strains are able to thrive in the presence of high concentrations of toxic organic chemicals, such as aromatic compounds, aliphatic alcohols and solvents. ", "The extrusion of these toxic compounds from the cell to the external medium represents the most relevant aspect in the solvent tolerance of bacteria, however, solvent tolerance is a multifactorial process that involves a wide range of genetic and physiological changes to overcome solvent damage. ", "These additional elements include reduced membrane permeabilization, implementation of a stress response programme, and in some cases degradation of the toxic compound. ", "We discuss the recent advances in our understanding of the mechanisms involved in solvent tolerance." ]
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[ "Slack email integration\n\nSend email to Slack & take collaboration to the next level\n\nAre all emails in your personal inbox really personal? ", "How many times a day do you forward emails to colleagues?Email communications with clients, suppliers or partners are kept in personal inboxes even though they belong to your entire team’s memory.", "\n\nWhat you need is a team inbox and there’s no better place for it than Slack. ", "In Slack, you already collaborate on GitHub issues, Asana tasks or InVision mockups. ", "Now with MailClark’s email integration, collaborate on emails and improve your team’s productivity.", "\n\nfloriane3:47 PM\n\nThanks for your email\n\nBTW, you can also reach us by Twitter or Facebook.", "\n\nmailclarkBOT3:47 PM\n\nDo you want to send out your message?", "\n\nSlack, emails, Twitter & Facebook: your entire archive in one place\n\nHow much time have you wasted trying to find a message in Slack to finally realize it was an email? ", "Or looking for an email which was in fact a Direct Message sent on Twitter?", "\n\nIn Slack, all messages—and also notifications, files…—posted in channels are archived and indexed. ", "With MailClark, bring your emails, Twitter & Facebook messages into Slack and make Slack Search even more knowledgeable.", "\n\nmailclarkBOT1:00 PM\n\nLet's create an inbox in this channel\n\nWhich service(s) would you like to connect?", "\n\nManage your emails the way you want with our Slack email integration\n\nInboxes or email groups? ", "One global #inbox for all emails, or several dedicated #support, #sales & #jobs inboxes?", "\nMove conversations to dedicated channels or reply to all emails in the same channel?", "\n\nMailClark won’t impose a workflow on your team. ", "He’ll guide you to send email to Slack. ", "MailClark gives you the options to organize conversations the way it best fits your team’s needs.", "\n\nConnect all your messages to Slack thanks to the bot MailClark.", "\n\nYou’re just a few clicks away to send email to Slack, answer your Facebook messages or manage your Twitter account directly from Slack.", "\n\nAdd MailClark to Slack, invite him to your preferred channel and let him guide you. ", "For more details, take a look at our quick start guide." ]
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[ "Blake Stone\n\nBlake Stone: Aliens of Gold - DOS (1993)\n\nIBM PC Cover\n\nEven a year after its original release, Wolfenstein 3D was a pretty popular game. ", "Apogee began work on a sequel, which would become a different game entirely (Rise of the Triad), but had a little company known as JAM Productions make a game with the Wolf engine in the meantime.", "\n\nWhile Wolfenstein was based off the World War II period, Blake Stone is actually more like a James Bond story set in the future. ", "You play as Blake Stone, secret agent for the British Secret Service and a much angrier guy than James ever was, going by how he treats his computer assistant. ", "The evil Dr. Goldfire is using gold to create an army of mutants to take over the world, and each episode centers on stopping one of his facilities. ", "There are six episodes in total, each with nine floors, plus one hidden level. ", "The goal of each level is to find the red keycard and then return to the teleporter from which you entered the level. ", "There’s going to be plenty of enemies and locked doors in your way on each level, so weapons and keycards are going to be necessary. ", "You start the game with a silenced laser pistol, which is a bit more useful than the piddly little knife they gave you in Wolfenstein, even if it has to recharge for a second between shots.", "\n\nFor the most part, the other weapons you find aren’t really much more than reskins of the Wolfenstein 3D guns. ", "You have a pistol, a rapid-fire gun, and a gun that fires even faster. ", "The final and most impressive weapon in the game is the Plasma Discharge Unit, which is a handheld cannon that shoots out a constant stream of energy balls. ", "There are a few things that make the game a little more than just Wolfenstein in Space, although there aren’t as many as there could be.", "\n\nThere are barriers, which come in either solid or electrical variants, which can be turned on or off with switches you find on the walls. ", "If you’re fast enough, you can actually turn on a electric barrier while an enemy is crossing it and kill them. ", "There’s also an automap activated by hitting the tab button, which the original Wolfenstein 3D needed most of all. ", "It’ll also show you stats like the percentage of enemies killed and point items collected per floor. ", "The map removes the aimless wandering for keys you’ll have to do, and it’s the biggest improvement the game made to the Wolf engine.", "\n\nThere are also several scientists who wander around each floor. ", "Some of them are loyal to Goldfire and will shoot at you if you shoot near them or bother them too much, usually giving you a warning beforehand. ", "Others are friendly, and will offer you advice (which generally isn’t very helpful), ammo, and tokens. ", "You can use the tokens on vending machines scattered across the level, which will refill some of your health for each token you spend. ", "It IS possible to shoot the friendly scientists, and the game will get angry at you for it, although the only real punishment is a lower total “Mission Rating”.", "\n\nBlake Stone can get pretty tough, even on the default difficulty. ", "Most enemies can take you out with about three or four shots at full health. ", "Ammo and health are also placed more sparingly the further into the game you get. ", "You can’t even rely on the food machines, because they’ll break if you use them too much, forcing you to look for another one. ", "Getting a good habit of quicksaving as you go along can be vital for finishing the game, especially since, just like Wolfenstein, you’re working with three lives.", "\n\nThere are a few graphical improvements in the engine, mostly the addition of textured floors and ceilings. ", "There’s a pretty decent variety of enemies, both of the human and non-human variety, and they’re all fairly well drawn. ", "Their death animations are surprisingly gory, too, even compared to Wolfenstein. ", "The basic grunts’ blood practically explodes out of them, while others get their limbs blown off or just fall apart into a gooey mess. ", "The music is decent, if nothing special, but the screams the enemies make when you kill them go from poorly acted to hilarious. ", "Friendly scientists make an overdramatic “NOT ME!” ", "as they die, and most of the alien enemies sound more like they’re seriously constipated.", "\n\nBlake Stone isn’t a bad game overall, as early FPSes go, and the map does make it a bit more enjoyable than Wolfenstein. ", "While it isn’t entirely fair to call it just an overglorified graphical mod, there’s not much that makes it more than that when compared to Wolfenstein 3D. Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold was released only a week before Doom, and once that game came out, it was more or less forgotten until the sequel hit, which was even more dated.", "\n\nBlake Stone: Planet Strike – DOS (1994)\n\nIBM PC Cover\n\nYou really have to wonder if a sequel to Blake Stone was really necessary. ", "The original game, while not having any outstanding flaws, didn’t do much to separate itself from Wolfenstein 3D. And to have a sequel that used the exact same technology with no real improvements, and release it two weeks after Doom II… the decision is simply mind boggling.", "\n\nAt the end of Aliens of Gold, Dr. Goldfire escaped, somehow surviving numerous shots from a weapon that kills most mooks with just a few. ", "He’s hiding out in an abandoned facility, and it’s up to Blake Stone to head in and finish the job.", "\n\nPlanet Strike is less of a sequel and more of a standalone mission pack. ", "There are some new graphics and a few very minor gameplay changes, but everything else is more or less unchanged. ", "The goal of each of the 20 floors is to find a bomb, and then use it to blow up the security cube preventing access to the next floor. ", "While this does make the levels take slightly longer to finish, it doesn’t do much to freshen up the gameplay at all.", "\n\nThe most notable change from the original Blake Stone is the automap, which has now been moved onto your HUD. ", "There are also magnification energy pickups to collect, which let you zoom the automap in. ", "Zooming in once will show you any nearby enemies, and zooming in twice will show you nearby secret walls. ", "This is a pretty useful feature, even if it does take a good bit of challenge out of the game. ", "There is one new weapon, but it’s only a faster firing upgrade to the Plasma Unit that sucks away ammo so fast it’s almost pointless to use.", "\n\nThe graphics have also changed around a little. ", "The weapons were changed to look more photorealistic, which only makes them look even more pixelated than they were before. ", "The game also advertises new alien guards, but if you look and listen to them carefully, it’s obvious they’re just the old human enemies recolored, with their voice clips played backwards. ", "Some of them do appear to be cloaked, though, and some camouflage themselves into background objects like pillars before they attack. ", "The game also completely reuses the bosses from Aliens of Gold as weaker regular enemies with no changes to them at all, as if that wasn’t lazy enough.", "\n\nBlake Stone: Planet Strike is nothing more than a cheap mission pack to an average FPS that was quickly and easily outdone by much better games. ", "There’s no real reason to play it over Aliens of Gold, as it’s little more than an extra episode that doesn’t stand very well by itself. ", "JAM Productions soon shut down after the release of this game, and compared to what was already on the market, it’s easy to see why." ]
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