7 values
If you make them get out in this. You deserved the fucking ticket.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line If you make them get out in this. You deserved the fucking ticket. ### Assistant: anger
Omg I am so grateful for attending your TED Talk. (Not being sarcastic, btw. This is great)
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Omg I am so grateful for attending your TED Talk. (Not being sarcastic, btw. This is great) ### Assistant: surprise
Wow no wonder everyone is driving mopeds around. That's all there's room for.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Wow no wonder everyone is driving mopeds around. That's all there's room for. ### Assistant: surprise
I like the dog better than you too.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line I like the dog better than you too. ### Assistant: love
I like [NAME] better
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line I like [NAME] better ### Assistant: love
Oh, the irony,.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Oh, the irony,. ### Assistant: surprise
The kind you enjoy & can fully devote yourself to.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line The kind you enjoy & can fully devote yourself to. ### Assistant: joy
Two horrible cunts
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Two horrible cunts ### Assistant: fear
I'd rather have [NAME]. Killing her off was a waste.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line I'd rather have [NAME]. Killing her off was a waste. ### Assistant: anger
I wonder if it's about a t t e n t i o n s e e k i n g . . .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line I wonder if it's about a t t e n t i o n s e e k i n g . . . ### Assistant: surprise
This is why we love Football!!!
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line This is why we love Football!!! ### Assistant: love
I love people like this that don't understand how taxes work...
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line I love people like this that don't understand how taxes work... ### Assistant: love
Shithole universe i mean.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Shithole universe i mean. ### Assistant: anger
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. ### Assistant: anger
My favorite Green Goblin mask is on a truck in the [NAME] flop Maximum Overdrive.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line My favorite Green Goblin mask is on a truck in the [NAME] flop Maximum Overdrive. ### Assistant: love
I enjoy vintage cooking porn. A young [NAME] trussing a round roast, for example.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line I enjoy vintage cooking porn. A young [NAME] trussing a round roast, for example. ### Assistant: joy
I miss being practically jello as a kid
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line I miss being practically jello as a kid ### Assistant: sadness
Good always love him
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Good always love him ### Assistant: love
My Dad married his high school girlfriend when he was 47. It’s never too late!!
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line My Dad married his high school girlfriend when he was 47. It’s never too late!! ### Assistant: joy
I’m really starting to like that kid
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line I’m really starting to like that kid ### Assistant: love
I’m afraid it will eventually go that way.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line I’m afraid it will eventually go that way. ### Assistant: fear
That dad must love monster high as well.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line That dad must love monster high as well. ### Assistant: love
This hit me a little too close to home
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line This hit me a little too close to home ### Assistant: joy
These are the signs I'm getting old... Wtf is a weed cartridge??
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line These are the signs I'm getting old... Wtf is a weed cartridge?? ### Assistant: anger
Seeing this makes me happy. I hope this is true :)
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Seeing this makes me happy. I hope this is true :) ### Assistant: joy
I hate everything about this.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line I hate everything about this. ### Assistant: anger
Dear [NAME], **DON'T FUCK THIS UP** Love, Me
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Dear [NAME], **DON'T FUCK THIS UP** Love, Me ### Assistant: love
Omg yes!
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Omg yes! ### Assistant: surprise
Wonder how many people are walking around with slimey noses trying to figure out if this does work.... Besides me that is
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Wonder how many people are walking around with slimey noses trying to figure out if this does work.... Besides me that is ### Assistant: surprise
One of the rare times I actually laugh out loud while browsing online.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line One of the rare times I actually laugh out loud while browsing online. ### Assistant: joy
not at all. Hong kong streets and roads are super narrow. I get claustrophobic there.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line not at all. Hong kong streets and roads are super narrow. I get claustrophobic there. ### Assistant: fear
"bussy full of beans" is an earth-shattering phrase
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line "bussy full of beans" is an earth-shattering phrase ### Assistant: surprise
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line MOTHERFUCKING FLYING MONKEYS, AHHHHHHHHGHGHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! ### Assistant: anger
> If you love that you probably also love no man sky's algorithm. I loved it back then, because it was the only game.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line > If you love that you probably also love no man sky's algorithm. I loved it back then, because it was the only game. ### Assistant: love
Yeah, for sure. I've definitely come pretty close to panic attacks at the dentist as well.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Yeah, for sure. I've definitely come pretty close to panic attacks at the dentist as well. ### Assistant: fear
Hey there, Sorry to hear you were running into connectivity issues. How often do you see that error and when did it start happening for you? ^ET
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Hey there, Sorry to hear you were running into connectivity issues. How often do you see that error and when did it start happening for you? ^ET ### Assistant: sadness
Not a chance, and I love it!
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Not a chance, and I love it! ### Assistant: love
This is scary!
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line This is scary! ### Assistant: fear
That's not an actual thing you realise? No one is that stupid.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line That's not an actual thing you realise? No one is that stupid. ### Assistant: anger
Cheers for that!
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Cheers for that! ### Assistant: joy
Glad to see that [NAME] no more is a fellow r/Atheist user and anti-Peterson
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Glad to see that [NAME] no more is a fellow r/Atheist user and anti-Peterson ### Assistant: joy
im glad that's not what the game is about then
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line im glad that's not what the game is about then ### Assistant: joy
Wow are you saying political agitators will drum up a controlled crisis and disseminate the edited video through a foreign fake twitter account
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Wow are you saying political agitators will drum up a controlled crisis and disseminate the edited video through a foreign fake twitter account ### Assistant: surprise
This is racist
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line This is racist ### Assistant: anger
Love this guy. I think he will end up being super good this year.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Love this guy. I think he will end up being super good this year. ### Assistant: love
Good news though. Yesterday the devs were running test server during the morning.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Good news though. Yesterday the devs were running test server during the morning. ### Assistant: joy
Oh I wouldn't be surprised my dad got away with some shocking things despite cps investigation but he was also white.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Oh I wouldn't be surprised my dad got away with some shocking things despite cps investigation but he was also white. ### Assistant: surprise
Got a bit tipsy in my room alone, dancing in my underwear to some cheesy music for the whole night, and then cried myself to sleep
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Got a bit tipsy in my room alone, dancing in my underwear to some cheesy music for the whole night, and then cried myself to sleep ### Assistant: sadness
Why are you so angry?
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Why are you so angry? ### Assistant: anger
I miss them being alive
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line I miss them being alive ### Assistant: sadness
I was scared of my room and even when I fell asleep in my bed I would sleep walk into my mom's room
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line I was scared of my room and even when I fell asleep in my bed I would sleep walk into my mom's room ### Assistant: fear
What a jackass
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line What a jackass ### Assistant: surprise
Love u too booboo
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Love u too booboo ### Assistant: love
who was it I missed it
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line who was it I missed it ### Assistant: sadness
[NAME] got a serious case of the giggles today.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line [NAME] got a serious case of the giggles today. ### Assistant: anger
Eat my fuck- [NAME]
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Eat my fuck- [NAME] ### Assistant: anger
I don't disagree, but if he's open he's gonna shoot
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line I don't disagree, but if he's open he's gonna shoot ### Assistant: anger
we just don’t match amazon at all to avoid this sort of thing.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line we just don’t match amazon at all to avoid this sort of thing. ### Assistant: anger
Love your username
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Love your username ### Assistant: love
Yikes. I feel sorry for the team that gives him anything above 5.5
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Yikes. I feel sorry for the team that gives him anything above 5.5 ### Assistant: sadness
It's good though because itll make you cherish the happy times while youre in them, instead of lookinf back on them.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line It's good though because itll make you cherish the happy times while youre in them, instead of lookinf back on them. ### Assistant: love
What a sweet, sweet bird! Also, that is one tiny pup!
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line What a sweet, sweet bird! Also, that is one tiny pup! ### Assistant: love
Had such a hard time cutting up the steak
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Had such a hard time cutting up the steak ### Assistant: sadness
Yeah it seems more like a joke than someone Bible thumping
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Yeah it seems more like a joke than someone Bible thumping ### Assistant: joy
Omg yes. Could you imagine? Pepperoni rolls, peach schnapps in a mason jar and beer cheese at dinner parties. Love it
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Omg yes. Could you imagine? Pepperoni rolls, peach schnapps in a mason jar and beer cheese at dinner parties. Love it ### Assistant: joy
I'm crying laughing in the cubes.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line I'm crying laughing in the cubes. ### Assistant: joy
Women can't do wrong you fucking mansplainer
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Women can't do wrong you fucking mansplainer ### Assistant: anger
If I get another dog imma name it after a [NAME] song SO FUCKING CUUUUTE
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line If I get another dog imma name it after a [NAME] song SO FUCKING CUUUUTE ### Assistant: love
It scares me that left to right is also possible for anyone
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line It scares me that left to right is also possible for anyone ### Assistant: fear
We need an irbe so bad right now. I hope [NAME] is that guy
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line We need an irbe so bad right now. I hope [NAME] is that guy ### Assistant: sadness
"Oh, how DARE you discuss the disgustingly unhealthy and dangerous lifestyle I pursue!" /s
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line "Oh, how DARE you discuss the disgustingly unhealthy and dangerous lifestyle I pursue!" /s ### Assistant: anger
its not the best but i think its better than the american system. rn i am only studying three subjects so i like that about it lol.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line its not the best but i think its better than the american system. rn i am only studying three subjects so i like that about it lol. ### Assistant: love
I just really don't see 20% for him. I would be very surprised.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line I just really don't see 20% for him. I would be very surprised. ### Assistant: surprise
Need chemicals. Love it.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Need chemicals. Love it. ### Assistant: love
I have a shirt with a picture that is very similar to this
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line I have a shirt with a picture that is very similar to this ### Assistant: joy
Have you ever consider knocking three times and that hide and seek/stalker vibe is terrifying. It's the most disturbing thing I can link you my AR 15.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Have you ever consider knocking three times and that hide and seek/stalker vibe is terrifying. It's the most disturbing thing I can link you my AR 15. ### Assistant: fear
Finally somewhere where I'm just an average fucking person Fuck why am I crying
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Finally somewhere where I'm just an average fucking person Fuck why am I crying ### Assistant: joy
Wasn’t around during Freelyread’s time, but I’m only hearing good things here. Come home Freelyread.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Wasn’t around during Freelyread’s time, but I’m only hearing good things here. Come home Freelyread. ### Assistant: joy
I love this show
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line I love this show ### Assistant: love
There's a surprising amount of [NAME] in this thread.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line There's a surprising amount of [NAME] in this thread. ### Assistant: surprise
Ugh. Just legalize it already so this silliness can be put to an end.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Ugh. Just legalize it already so this silliness can be put to an end. ### Assistant: anger
You are not wrong. I have learned about myself alot while on drugs. Sometimes it's scarry when i find out how limited my mind is.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line You are not wrong. I have learned about myself alot while on drugs. Sometimes it's scarry when i find out how limited my mind is. ### Assistant: fear
[NAME] that is frightening...
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line [NAME] that is frightening... ### Assistant: fear
Somebody gettin fired
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Somebody gettin fired ### Assistant: anger
ROI for that is too low. Truth is customers are willing to put up with shitty employees.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line ROI for that is too low. Truth is customers are willing to put up with shitty employees. ### Assistant: sadness
I watch it because I enjoy it
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line I watch it because I enjoy it ### Assistant: joy
Oh no, are you going to be psychologically tormented and cry in the shower about it later?
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Oh no, are you going to be psychologically tormented and cry in the shower about it later? ### Assistant: sadness
Oh my goodness I was there yesterday! Luckily I didn't get bitten.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Oh my goodness I was there yesterday! Luckily I didn't get bitten. ### Assistant: joy
I love conspiracy theories with no shred of proof
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line I love conspiracy theories with no shred of proof ### Assistant: love
We will never survive with 5% unemployment with moderate growth and a continued house building program to correct supply. Sounds horrendous
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line We will never survive with 5% unemployment with moderate growth and a continued house building program to correct supply. Sounds horrendous ### Assistant: fear
More importantly the car shouldn’t have run him over but yeah I guess you’re right.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line More importantly the car shouldn’t have run him over but yeah I guess you’re right. ### Assistant: sadness
Wow can relationships be like this? That's amazing
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Wow can relationships be like this? That's amazing ### Assistant: surprise
Get a card that says “Sorry about your loss” on the front, then on the inside write “It’s me. I quit”.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Get a card that says “Sorry about your loss” on the front, then on the inside write “It’s me. I quit”. ### Assistant: sadness
Well the good news is once all the boomers die off you won't have any pesky old people to blame anymore.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Well the good news is once all the boomers die off you won't have any pesky old people to blame anymore. ### Assistant: joy
I got a weird vibe when he was placed on Colliton's staff, so I'm really glad it's turned out the way it did.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line I got a weird vibe when he was placed on Colliton's staff, so I'm really glad it's turned out the way it did. ### Assistant: joy
She haven't tried contacting me in 2 years, i guess she lied. Congrats to me, I won the 'miss you more' game. ):
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line She haven't tried contacting me in 2 years, i guess she lied. Congrats to me, I won the 'miss you more' game. ): ### Assistant: sadness
I'm so sad for you, I'm so so sorry. 💔
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line I'm so sad for you, I'm so so sorry. 💔 ### Assistant: sadness
What a complete and utter cunt.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line What a complete and utter cunt. ### Assistant: anger
There were a surprising amount of surprised pikachus in this thread—thanks for the edit all the same.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line There were a surprising amount of surprised pikachus in this thread—thanks for the edit all the same. ### Assistant: surprise
I bet you’re really fun at parties.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line I bet you’re really fun at parties. ### Assistant: joy