7 values
Yeah and if the media finds out that they weren't drug related we will never hear of it again
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Yeah and if the media finds out that they weren't drug related we will never hear of it again ### Assistant: joy
They announce they hate Brexit first
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line They announce they hate Brexit first ### Assistant: anger
It really is. I didn't know a thing about the feud and it caught me off guard how brutal it was. Enjoyed it a lot though.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line It really is. I didn't know a thing about the feud and it caught me off guard how brutal it was. Enjoyed it a lot though. ### Assistant: joy
*How???* The internet never ceases to amaze me.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line *How???* The internet never ceases to amaze me. ### Assistant: surprise
Marlboro picked up [NAME] and are phasing out the njoys.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Marlboro picked up [NAME] and are phasing out the njoys. ### Assistant: joy
This subs favorite game.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line This subs favorite game. ### Assistant: love
The best one for me is still Borderlands 2, and it’s been a fucking while. Amazing how far ahead of its time that game was.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line The best one for me is still Borderlands 2, and it’s been a fucking while. Amazing how far ahead of its time that game was. ### Assistant: surprise
He doesn't He just want to get the F*** out of there.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line He doesn't He just want to get the F*** out of there. ### Assistant: anger
Am love u
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Am love u ### Assistant: love
wow, there really is “somethin” for everyone ...
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line wow, there really is “somethin” for everyone ... ### Assistant: surprise
You forgot the to be sure >:). It's "a surprise to be sure". Back into the hole with you!
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line You forgot the to be sure >:). It's "a surprise to be sure". Back into the hole with you! ### Assistant: surprise
Don’t think there is a single person that thinks he overreacted there
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Don’t think there is a single person that thinks he overreacted there ### Assistant: anger
Someone made this album, dwights a bit lanky but I enjoyed it.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Someone made this album, dwights a bit lanky but I enjoyed it. ### Assistant: joy
Surprisingly all of my family keep their toasters on the work top despite being [RELIGION]/Unionist ?
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Surprisingly all of my family keep their toasters on the work top despite being [RELIGION]/Unionist ? ### Assistant: surprise
I'm surprised no one's talking about the guy in the picture. What a thrussy!
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line I'm surprised no one's talking about the guy in the picture. What a thrussy! ### Assistant: surprise
Those bastards lied to me
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Those bastards lied to me ### Assistant: anger
Honestly, it would be even better if she handed the reigns to a brick. Then no deal definitely happens and everyone's happy ever after :D
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Honestly, it would be even better if she handed the reigns to a brick. Then no deal definitely happens and everyone's happy ever after :D ### Assistant: joy
What's old is dumb ass "durr both sides" arguments that require absolutely zero thought to make.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line What's old is dumb ass "durr both sides" arguments that require absolutely zero thought to make. ### Assistant: anger
You're didn't vote for her you are obviously a racist, sexist, homophobe, you're the worst kinda person.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line You're didn't vote for her you are obviously a racist, sexist, homophobe, you're the worst kinda person. ### Assistant: anger
Very sad. It’s the child I feel for most.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Very sad. It’s the child I feel for most. ### Assistant: sadness
the NT-242 is my favorite battlefront weapon, by far.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line the NT-242 is my favorite battlefront weapon, by far. ### Assistant: love
Alarming! 🥀🥀🥀 🚓🍩🚓🍩🚓
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Alarming! 🥀🥀🥀 🚓🍩🚓🍩🚓 ### Assistant: surprise
Srs glad she's going to stop cancering herself
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Srs glad she's going to stop cancering herself ### Assistant: joy
it’s liu kang and kung lao... they’ll be playable
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line it’s liu kang and kung lao... they’ll be playable ### Assistant: anger
Oh [NAME]...
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Oh [NAME]... ### Assistant: surprise
Get himmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Get himmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!! ### Assistant: anger
I laughed harder than I should have at this reply. Then the sadness hit me when I realized it wasn't meant to be funny.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line I laughed harder than I should have at this reply. Then the sadness hit me when I realized it wasn't meant to be funny. ### Assistant: sadness
Oh fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck RIGHT OFF!!!!!
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Oh fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck RIGHT OFF!!!!! ### Assistant: anger
Since when can a family member drive against other familymembers because you both own it? That would go horrible if that argument was valid! What the hell!
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Since when can a family member drive against other familymembers because you both own it? That would go horrible if that argument was valid! What the hell! ### Assistant: anger
There’s something I love about the idea of eating a cheap meal on fancy tableware
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line There’s something I love about the idea of eating a cheap meal on fancy tableware ### Assistant: love
Did you guys personally pay someone for the banner? Because that's incredible.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Did you guys personally pay someone for the banner? Because that's incredible. ### Assistant: surprise
When my [NAME] is crying...
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line When my [NAME] is crying... ### Assistant: sadness
> Because I was a disgracefully gullible, immensely stupid fucking dipshit ~~was~~ *am* FTFY
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line > Because I was a disgracefully gullible, immensely stupid fucking dipshit ~~was~~ *am* FTFY ### Assistant: anger
see im on here having fun meming on all yall basement dwellers, stay salty
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line see im on here having fun meming on all yall basement dwellers, stay salty ### Assistant: joy
maybe dont do any drugs lol
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line maybe dont do any drugs lol ### Assistant: fear
I literally let my mouth hang open when she said that.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line I literally let my mouth hang open when she said that. ### Assistant: surprise
i think its cool because its a hybrid that comes in stickshift
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line i think its cool because its a hybrid that comes in stickshift ### Assistant: joy
Show me where jokes about (real) murdered children was acceptable in the past.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Show me where jokes about (real) murdered children was acceptable in the past. ### Assistant: anger
wow, you guys have a body language now?
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line wow, you guys have a body language now? ### Assistant: surprise
I was in the top 3 on solo and lost solely due to buddy having 2 concussions.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line I was in the top 3 on solo and lost solely due to buddy having 2 concussions. ### Assistant: sadness
Gotta love the "its a metaphor" guy, who has apparently never read any other comments by [NAME]
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Gotta love the "its a metaphor" guy, who has apparently never read any other comments by [NAME] ### Assistant: love
Map looking more disjointed than the Holy Roman Empire.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Map looking more disjointed than the Holy Roman Empire. ### Assistant: fear
Udderly hysterical!
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Udderly hysterical! ### Assistant: sadness
Fingerprints not [NAME] or [NAME] red is [NAME] don’t just make things up now that is sad !
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Fingerprints not [NAME] or [NAME] red is [NAME] don’t just make things up now that is sad ! ### Assistant: sadness
This doesn't make any sense!!!
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line This doesn't make any sense!!! ### Assistant: anger
Didnt know that, just saw "LG" devices and got nervous. Bummer for you though, that sucks :/
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Didnt know that, just saw "LG" devices and got nervous. Bummer for you though, that sucks :/ ### Assistant: sadness
Sure that makes a gal feel safe, the idea of being with three males with weapons in an abandoned building. How romantic!
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Sure that makes a gal feel safe, the idea of being with three males with weapons in an abandoned building. How romantic! ### Assistant: love
No more [NAME] from Georgia. Suck it you old, ugly hag.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line No more [NAME] from Georgia. Suck it you old, ugly hag. ### Assistant: anger
Enjoy the ahuahuasca
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Enjoy the ahuahuasca ### Assistant: joy
I love bein' inside u, baby
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line I love bein' inside u, baby ### Assistant: love
That'll make it too easy.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line That'll make it too easy. ### Assistant: joy
I killed you in VR once. I loved it.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line I killed you in VR once. I loved it. ### Assistant: love
Interesting, I’ve never seen a barcode on any of my clothes that I can recall. I don’t buy clothes often though.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Interesting, I’ve never seen a barcode on any of my clothes that I can recall. I don’t buy clothes often though. ### Assistant: surprise
just say whore.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line just say whore. ### Assistant: anger
In evolutionary terms you're a "Fuck it I'll fertilize a tree"
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line In evolutionary terms you're a "Fuck it I'll fertilize a tree" ### Assistant: anger
Hard. Social anxiety/general fear/uggoness kept me from actually getting dates and i was extremely awkward when I finally stopped anxie-puking to actually go on the date.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Hard. Social anxiety/general fear/uggoness kept me from actually getting dates and i was extremely awkward when I finally stopped anxie-puking to actually go on the date. ### Assistant: sadness
I am glad, and enjoy. It has some pretty cool theological discussions.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line I am glad, and enjoy. It has some pretty cool theological discussions. ### Assistant: joy
Or maybe he does, and that’s why he scared of people thinking that; he’s afraid of people finding them out.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Or maybe he does, and that’s why he scared of people thinking that; he’s afraid of people finding them out. ### Assistant: fear
>seek truth no matter how painful it is maybe you should take your own advice
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line >seek truth no matter how painful it is maybe you should take your own advice ### Assistant: sadness
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line "UGH FEMINISM!!! SURELY THATS THE REASON I CANT GET LAID!!!" see you in hell ### Assistant: anger
That poor kid. That is going to cause some issues for them as well down the road.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line That poor kid. That is going to cause some issues for them as well down the road. ### Assistant: sadness
Lol. Unfortunately, yes. >sigh<
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Lol. Unfortunately, yes. >sigh< ### Assistant: love
I take my girlfriends words literally and she gets fucking pissed.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line I take my girlfriends words literally and she gets fucking pissed. ### Assistant: anger
love love love this. so happy for the both of you.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line love love love this. so happy for the both of you. ### Assistant: love
I like this response. I can’t give you gold but have some honorary gold.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line I like this response. I can’t give you gold but have some honorary gold. ### Assistant: love
See him live if you haven’t already. One of my favorites to see in concert.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line See him live if you haven’t already. One of my favorites to see in concert. ### Assistant: love
This is dank what the hell
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line This is dank what the hell ### Assistant: sadness
I swear if he is drafted as a father son to Gold Coast, I wont be happy
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line I swear if he is drafted as a father son to Gold Coast, I wont be happy ### Assistant: sadness
It infuriates me how many layers of tape these things have sometimes.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line It infuriates me how many layers of tape these things have sometimes. ### Assistant: anger
Look at that thing...could tear you to shreds
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Look at that thing...could tear you to shreds ### Assistant: sadness
All of season 6 is terrible
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line All of season 6 is terrible ### Assistant: fear
[NAME] please don’t come to the USA. We’d love to have you...but you don’t need to deal with this.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line [NAME] please don’t come to the USA. We’d love to have you...but you don’t need to deal with this. ### Assistant: joy
No friends anymore, but had a guy get jealous at another guy flirting with me.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line No friends anymore, but had a guy get jealous at another guy flirting with me. ### Assistant: surprise
This really bothers me too. I completely agree. It would have helped us avoid a US situation. Now I think we're barreling toward it
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line This really bothers me too. I completely agree. It would have helped us avoid a US situation. Now I think we're barreling toward it ### Assistant: sadness
I can see it, the wig/bodysuit is very kalorie but the makeup is still 100% India
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line I can see it, the wig/bodysuit is very kalorie but the makeup is still 100% India ### Assistant: joy
Wow this team has no clue what to do against this right now. There has to be 15 turnovers already.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Wow this team has no clue what to do against this right now. There has to be 15 turnovers already. ### Assistant: surprise
it did really
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line it did really ### Assistant: surprise
It’s nice to know that no one cares enough to send me either.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line It’s nice to know that no one cares enough to send me either. ### Assistant: joy
Well now I have [NAME] in my head for the morning! Love a bit of Northern soul.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Well now I have [NAME] in my head for the morning! Love a bit of Northern soul. ### Assistant: love
i'm so poor i don't even know any horse girls
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line i'm so poor i don't even know any horse girls ### Assistant: sadness
I'm glad the bears lost, but damn I feel so bad for [NAME]. The entire Chicago fan base will want him dead
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line I'm glad the bears lost, but damn I feel so bad for [NAME]. The entire Chicago fan base will want him dead ### Assistant: surprise
You'd love to meet my in-laws...
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line You'd love to meet my in-laws... ### Assistant: joy
On [NAME] I’m in Alabama [NAME] pay what you pay and get 179Mbps down smh
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line On [NAME] I’m in Alabama [NAME] pay what you pay and get 179Mbps down smh ### Assistant: surprise
happy to help
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line happy to help ### Assistant: joy
I love reading positive stories!! Happy for you, OP!
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line I love reading positive stories!! Happy for you, OP! ### Assistant: love
I'm afraid that will leave Britain no better. Can't imagine the ruckus if remain wins.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line I'm afraid that will leave Britain no better. Can't imagine the ruckus if remain wins. ### Assistant: fear
Everyone makes the NREMT test sound like the devil. It really isn't that bad.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Everyone makes the NREMT test sound like the devil. It really isn't that bad. ### Assistant: anger
Whooo!! She waited... then paused the. Went in!! Oooooohhhh the shade!!!!!
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Whooo!! She waited... then paused the. Went in!! Oooooohhhh the shade!!!!! ### Assistant: surprise
Damn it.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Damn it. ### Assistant: anger
> She fucked my bumper up and I will forever hate her And her insurance didn't repair it because???
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line > She fucked my bumper up and I will forever hate her And her insurance didn't repair it because??? ### Assistant: anger
But, it entertains you.... in some way. Thats the point dude.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line But, it entertains you.... in some way. Thats the point dude. ### Assistant: joy
I keep hearing [NAME] is a terrible hire.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line I keep hearing [NAME] is a terrible hire. ### Assistant: fear
Wow after that [NAME] turnover, I've never turned off a game so fast
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Wow after that [NAME] turnover, I've never turned off a game so fast ### Assistant: surprise
Really? Shucks! I’ve never seen it...thought it was a perfect add. My bad.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Really? Shucks! I’ve never seen it...thought it was a perfect add. My bad. ### Assistant: surprise
Lol, same! Except that I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Lol, same! Except that I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder ### Assistant: sadness
I’m afraid it will eventually go that way.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line I’m afraid it will eventually go that way. ### Assistant: fear
[NAME] fucking dammit
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line [NAME] fucking dammit ### Assistant: anger
I cringed so much just reading that tweet, I didn't even make it to the comments. That's my fucking President. :(
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line I cringed so much just reading that tweet, I didn't even make it to the comments. That's my fucking President. :( ### Assistant: anger
So happy I bought a PC. If you’re looking for a better experience across ALL games I suggest you do the same.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line So happy I bought a PC. If you’re looking for a better experience across ALL games I suggest you do the same. ### Assistant: joy
Someone tell me why they are out passing us they taking the game to us when we should be controlling the tempo of the ball to keep the lead.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Someone tell me why they are out passing us they taking the game to us when we should be controlling the tempo of the ball to keep the lead. ### Assistant: anger