It is also a testament to the integrity and vision of the band .
Taldearen zintzotasunaren eta irudikapenaren froga da.
Laced with liberal doses of dark humor , gorgeous exterior photography , and a stable-full of solid performances , No Such Thing is a fascinating little tale .
Umore beltzez, kanpoko argazkiekin eta ausardiaz egindako lanekin. "Horrelakoa ez" Istorio harrigarria da.
Huppert 's show to steal and she makes a meal of it , channeling Kathy Baker 's creepy turn as the repressed mother on Boston Public just as much as 8 Women 's Augustine .
Huppert-en erakusketako erara. Eta neskak bere buruaz beste egitea erabaki du. Kathy Bakerren amaren rola betetzea " Bostongo Emagaldua " bezala:
Nair does n't treat the issues lightly .
Nairrek ez ditu arazoak modu errazean hartzen.
She allows each character to confront their problems openly and honestly .
Pertsonaia bakoitzari bere arazoak azaltzeko aukera ematen dio modu ireki eta zintzoan.
One of the best silly horror movies of recent memory , with some real shocks in store for unwary viewers .
Izuzko filme bat da , gure oroimeneko onenetakoa. Iragarkiekin pikutara doazenak oso argiak dira.
The work of a filmmaker who has secrets buried at the heart of his story and knows how to take time revealing them .
Film hau egiten duen zuzendariak ... bere istorioaren zati garrantzitsuena ... sekretuak gordetzen dituela dakiela dio ... eta sekretuak suntsitzeko denbora hartzen duela.
Strange occurrences build in the mind of the viewer and take on extreme urgency .
Gertaera bitxiak ikusi eta oroitzen dituzu ...
Has a certain ghoulish fascination , and generates a fair amount of B-movie excitement .
Beldurra ematen du. Beldurra ematen du filmaketan bezala da.
Familiar but utterly delightful .
Ezaguna, baina oso gozoa.
A fascinating , dark thriller that keeps you hooked on the delicious pulpiness of its lurid fiction .
Film likido eta ilun bat, fikziozko zera ilun horien guztien erdian harrapatzen zaituena.
The film aims to be funny , uplifting and moving , sometimes all at once .
Film honen helburua da irrigarria, inspiratzailea eta hunkigarria izatea.
The extent to which it succeeds is impressive .
Eta bere garaipenak txundigarriak dira.
The film brilliantly shines on all the characters , as the direction is intelligently accomplished .
Film hau pertsonai guztiek oso ondo egiten dute, zuzendaritza bikaina baita.
While not for every taste , this often very funny collegiate gross-out comedy goes a long way toward restoring the luster of the National Lampoon film franchise , too long reduced to direct-to-video irrelevancy .
Ez da mundu guztientzat. Ikaragarri dibertigarria den istorio bat. Lampoonen hasiera emankorrena.
As broad and cartoonish as the screenplay is , there is an accuracy of observation in the work of the director , Frank Novak , that keeps the film grounded in an undeniable social realism .
Gidoia oso zabala da ... baina, Frank Novak zuzendariaren lanetan... filmaren oinarria den... errealismo sozial sendoa da.
In addition to Hoffman 's powerful acting clinic , this is that rare drama that offers a thoughtful and rewarding glimpse into the sort of heartache everyone has felt , or will feel someday .
Hoffmanen antzezpenaren ondoren ... .. antzezpenaren eszenatokian agertzen da ... .. eta Oskarskar Orlegia jasoko du ...
Jeffrey Tambor 's performance as the intelligent jazz-playing exterminator is Oscar-worthy .
Jeffrey Tamborrek ospatutako " Jazz katu " erakusketa Oscar baterako gertatu da.
From the opening strains of the Average White Band 's `` Pick up the Pieces '' , you can feel the love .
The Average White Band taldearen " Eutsi goiari " abestiaren lehenengo lerroan... maitasuna sentitzen da.
Stevens ' vibrant creative instincts are the difference between this and countless other flicks about guys and dolls .
Stevenson-en kreatibitatearen zentzua . Hori da bereizten gaituena munstro eta txotxongiloez.
that it 'll probably be the best and most mature comedy of the 2002 summer season speaks more of the season than the picture
2002ko udaberriko komediarik onena izango dela diote. Filmak baino gehiago esaten du.
Old people will love this movie , and I mean that in the nicest possible way : Last Orders will touch the heart of anyone old enough to have earned a 50-year friendship .
"Azken Ordena"k 50 urteko laguntasuna dakar adinarekin eta bere bihotzean islatzen du
Meyjes ' provocative film might be called an example of the haphazardness of evil .
Meyjesen film probokatzailea ... gaizkiaren ausazko errepresentazioaren adibide ona da.
Tian emphasizes the isolation of these characters by confining color to Liyan 's backyard .
Tian-ek pertsonaien bakardadea nabarmentzen du koloreak Liyan-en barruan uzten dituelako.
The movie is pretty funny now and then without in any way demeaning its subjects .
Film hau oso dibertigarria da batzuetan , eta ez ditu bere subjektuak umiliatzen .
imagine a scenario where Bergman approaches Swedish fatalism using Gary Larson 's Far Side humor
Imaginatu Bergmanek fatalismo suediarra erabiltzen duela Gary Larsonen Far Side umorearekin alderatuta.
Too damn weird to pass up , and for the blacklight crowd , way cheaper ( and better ) than Pink Floyd tickets .
Ez dago eskaintzarik . Eta ikusleentzat ez da merkeagoa Pink Floyd baino .
It is most remarkable not because of its epic scope , but because of the startling intimacy it achieves despite that breadth .
Ez da harrigarria ezeren tamainaz , baizik eta bere eskala hain handia izanda ere harrigarria den gauzagatik.
It 's not a great monster movie .
Ez da munstroen filma handia
But if you 've paid a matinee price and bought a big tub of popcorn , there 's guilty fun to be had here .
Baina kartoian goxo-goxo jolastuz gero... popcorn kutxa bat erosiko dugu.
Chomp chomp !
-Hitz egin!
The Grey Zone gives voice to a story that needs to be heard in the sea of Holocaust movies ... but the film suffers from its own difficulties .
Gune grisak historia bat sortzen du filmaketa horietan entzuten dena ... Baina filmak ditu bere arazoak
Others , more attuned to the anarchist maxim that ` the urge to destroy is also a creative urge ' , or more willing to see with their own eyes , will find Morrison 's iconoclastic uses of technology to be liberating .
Beste batzuk, gehienbat, "eraitsiera" moduko ideia anarkista dute, non, suntsitzeko gogoa sortzaile izan daitekeela, eta bere begiekin ikustea erabaki dute, Morrison-en erabilera ikono-klasikoak teknologia askatzaileak direla.
Miller tells this very compelling tale with little fuss or noise , expertly plucking tension from quiet .
Millerrek isiltasunaren laudorio hau laburbiltzen du adituek aipatzen duten moduan: " isiltasunetik tiraka " .
Time Out is existential drama without any of the pretension associated with the term .
"Denbora joan bitartean" ez da inoiz "izango ez dut ezer" izango.
It 's a sweet , laugh-a-minute crowd pleaser that lifts your spirits as well as the corners of your mouth .
Jendea barrez lehertzeko moduko musika da. Moztu egiten dizue kapelua, bestela zuenak egin du.
Writer\/director Alexander Payne ( Election ) and his co-writer Jim Taylor brilliantly employ their quirky and fearless ability to look American angst in the eye and end up laughing .
Alexander Payne idazle eta zuzendariak... eta Jim Taylor elkarrizketak... beren arrakasta handiak erabiliz... amerikar amorrua aurrez aurre... eta barregarri utzi dute.
A movie that at its best does n't just make the most out of its characters ' flaws but insists on the virtue of imperfection .
Film bat, non aktoreek beren akatsetatik aprobetxatzen baitute, eta imperfekzioaren balioa goraipatzen baitute.
It 's tough to watch , but it 's a fantastic movie .
Zaila da ikustea, baina zoragarria da.
The best animated feature to hit theaters since Beauty and the Beast 11 years ago .
Animazioko filmik onena bezala. "Ederra eta piztia" duela 11 urte eta gero.
What saves this deeply affecting film from being merely a collection of wrenching cases is Corcuera 's attention to detail .
Film hau filmatzearen arrazoia da Corcurak xehetasunetan duen arreta.
Pacino is the best he 's been in years and Keener is marvelous .
Pacino da, azken urteotan onena. Keener zoragarria da.
A solid , spooky entertainment worthy of the price of a ticket .
Ikuskizun itzela da, baina sarrerako dirua ere bada.
By turns fanciful , grisly and engagingly quixotic .
Ilusioa , eta beldurra ere bai .
... very funny , very enjoyable ...
Oso dibertigarria da, oso atsegina...
Adaptation is intricately constructed and in a strange way nails all of Orlean 's themes without being a true adaptation of her book .
Egokitzapena da ... . ...eta modu arraroan azaltzen ditu Orleaneren gaiak ... . ...ez baita bere liburuaren bertsio zuzena.
So purely enjoyable that you might not even notice it 's a fairly straightforward remake of Hollywood comedies such as Father of the Bride .
Hain da dibertigarria, ez zenuela antzemango... Hollywoodeko komedioren bat errepikatu izana, "Aitaren alaba" bezala.
Moonlight Mile gives itself the freedom to feel contradictory things .
Moonlight Milesi gauzak sentitzeko aukera ematen dio.
It is sentimental but feels free to offend , is analytical and then surrenders to the illogic of its characters , is about grief and yet permits laughter .
Sentimentuala da, baina kutsatzeko aukeran, analitikoa eta izaeraz... ilogikoa den pertsonaiarekin lotzen du, penaz betea eta aldi berean barregarria.
The real triumphs in Igby come from Philippe , who makes Oliver far more interesting than the character 's lines would suggest , and Sarandon , who could n't be better as a cruel but weirdly likable WASP matron .
Igbyren arrakasta ikusgarrienak Philippe da , Oliver erakargarriagoa egiten baitu . Eta Sarandon, ezin hobea, baina maitagarria WASPJren jardueretan.
Robin Williams has thankfully ditched the saccharine sentimentality of Bicentennial Man in favour of an altogether darker side .
Zorionez, Robin Williamsek bere alde iluna babesten du "200 urteko gizakia"ren sentimendu sakratu hori.
If you 're willing to have fun with it , you wo n't feel cheated by the high infidelity of Unfaithful .
Atsegina izateak ez du esan nahi nahasten zaituenik.
Australia : Land Beyond Time is an enjoyable Big Movie primarily because Australia is a weirdly beautiful place .
Australia: Denboraren Atzean , film handi bat da oso dibertigarria , batez ere Australia leku zoragarri bat delako .
Hoffman 's performance is authentic to the core of his being .
Hoffmanen lanak izaera zientifikoa du.
Told just proficiently enough to trounce its overly comfortable trappings .
Nahikoa froga daude pentsatzeko erosoagoak liratekeela.
An enthralling aesthetic experience , one that 's steeped in mystery and a ravishing , baroque beauty .
Esperientzia estetiko zoragarria da ... misterioz josia, eta ederra, baroikoa.
The quirky drama touches the heart and the funnybone thanks to the energetic and always surprising performance by Rachel Griffiths .
Drama bitxi honek bihotza eta adimena ukitzen ditu Rachel Griffiths entretenigarri eta askogatik harrigarriaren antzezpenari esker.
A captivating coming-of-age story that may also be the first narrative film to be truly informed by the wireless age .
Film likidoa da, irudietan agertzen dena eta emozioarekin kontaktuan dagoena.
What could have been a daytime soap opera is actually a compelling look at a young woman 's tragic odyssey .
Sabel-opera bat izan zatekeen baina ... . ...gaztetxo baten odisea da.
Duvall is strong as always .
Duvall indartsua da, beti bezala.
A no-holds-barred cinematic treat .
Zinemako sari bat merezi du.
You 'd have to be a most hard-hearted person not to be moved by this drama .
Bihotz handikoa izan behar da dramatiko hau ez ikusteko.
Allen 's underestimated charm delivers more goodies than lumps of coal .
Allenen xarmak xarma du, baina hark zerbitzatzen du janaria.
Measured against practically any like-themed film other than its Oscar-sweeping franchise predecessor The Silence of the Lambs , Red Dragon rates as an exceptional thriller .
Oscar bat irabazi zuen "The Silence of the Lambs " filmaren aurretik beste edozein filmek baino ... " Red Dragon " filmeko protagonista izan zen ...
An exhilarating serving of movie fluff .
Zinemako izar ospetsua.
Maelstrom is strange and compelling , engrossing and different , a moral tale with a twisted sense of humor .
Maelstrom arraroa eta interesgarria da. erakargarria eta desberdina, eta txisteak grabatzeko gai da.
It makes you believe the cast and crew thoroughly enjoyed themselves and believed in their small-budget film .
Aktoreek eta egileek oso ondo pasatu dutela dirudi. Eta film txikian ere bai.
Dark and disturbing , yet compelling to watch .
Iluna eta beldurgarria, baina oso begiratua.
Too often , Son of the Bride becomes an exercise in trying to predict when a preordained `` big moment '' will occur and not `` if . ''
"Emakumearen semea" esatea, askotan errepikatzen da, baina ez da esaten: "noiz", "noiz" baizik, edo "noiz".
The picture uses humor and a heartfelt conviction to tell a story about discovering your destination in life , but also acknowledging the places , and the people , from whence you came .
Umorearekin eta bihotz-bihotzez , bizitzako norabidea aurkitzeko istorioa erakusten du . Baina baita lekuak eta jendea ezagutzeko ere , eta beraien sorlekua ezagutzeko .
A solid piece of journalistic work that draws a picture of a man for whom political expedience became a deadly foreign policy .
Kazetaritzaren alor handia; gizon bat adierazten du politikaz azkar ibiltzen dena hilgarria den politikari gisa.
A terrific insider look at the star-making machinery of tinseltown .
Ikusleek aurreratu dute trantsizio hau...
It 's a diverting enough hour-and-a-half for the family audience .
Familia osoa elkartuko da ordu eta erdian.
A party-hearty teen flick that scalds like acid .
Nerabeen film ero bat, azidoa bezalakoa.
As giddy and whimsical and relevant today as it was 270 years ago .
Gaurko egunez izan dadila egun miresgarria eta interesgarria, duela 270 urte bezalaxe.
The film offers an intriguing what-if premise .
Film honek benetako sormena du.
The Pianist is the film Roman Polanski may have been born to make .
"Piano-jotzailea" Roman Polanskiren filma da, zuzendari sortzailea.
This version does justice both to Stevenson and to the sci-fi genre .
Bertsio honek Stevensoni eta zientzia-fikzioari zor die egia.
Poignant and delicately complex .
Sakona eta delikatua da.
Enough may pander to our basest desires for payback , but unlike many revenge fantasies , it ultimately delivers .
Agian , mendekuekuekueku txiki bat ... baina ez da hain erraza. fantasia ez bada, ez da betiko.
Cho 's latest comic set is n't as sharp or as fresh as I 'm the One That I Want ... but it 's still damn funny stuff .
Cho-ren azken lana ez da " Ni naiz nahi dudan pertsona " bezain polita. Baina aldi berean oso dibertigarria da.
In The Pianist , Polanski is saying what he has long wanted to say , confronting the roots of his own preoccupations and obsessions , and he allows nothing to get in the way .
" Piano-jotzailea " filmean Polanskik aspaldi esandakoa esatera doa: bere obsesio eta kezkengatik duen amorruaren aurrean, eta ez dio inori uzten berau geldiarazten .
Despite the film 's shortcomings , the stories are quietly moving .
Filmaren akats guztiekin ere , istorioak aurrera doaz gelditu gabe.
Those who love Cinema Paradiso will find the new scenes interesting , but few will find the movie improved .
"Paradiso"ren zaleek eszenatoki berriek interesgarri joko dute, baina film osoak ez du meriturik.
If you come from a family that eats , meddles , argues , laughs , kibbitzes and fights together , then go see this delightful comedy .
Familia batean sartzen bazara, jan, txortan, elkarren kontra borrokan... orduan hau ikusi behar duzu, komedia madarikatu hau.
This bracingly truthful antidote to Hollywood teenage movies that slather Clearasil over the blemishes of youth captures the combustible mixture of a chafing inner loneliness and desperate grandiosity that tend to characterize puberty .
Hollywoodeko film porno guztien kontraesan zoragarri honek gaztetasunaren zikintasuna sendatzen du. bakardadea eta handitasuna nahasten ditu. erabateko gangsterra ateratzeko.
The reason to see `` Sade '' lay with the chemistry and complex relationship between the marquis ( Auteil ) and Emilie ( Le Besco ) .
"Auteil" eta "Emilie" konbinatu zituzten.
It 's the filmmakers ' post-camp comprehension of what made old-time B movies good-bad that makes Eight Legged Freaks a perfectly entertaining summer diversion .
Zine industriaren ikuspegiak ... bigarren mailako film onenak egiten zituena ... erakusten digu 8 hankadun film horiek ... zer ziren uda haietan egindako gauza onak ?
The film 's strength is n't in its details , but in the larger picture it paints - of a culture in conflict with itself , with the thin veneer of nationalism that covers our deepest , media-soaked fears .
Film honen indarra ez datza bere xehetasunetan , baizik eta bere ikuspegi orokorrean , zeina kultura baten kontrajarria baita, nazionalismoaren estalki estalki batek inguratua, hedabideetan nabari diren beldurrak dituena.
... best seen as speculative history , as much an exploration of the paranoid impulse as a creative sequel to the Warren Report .
Historiaren funtsa autokontzientziala dela da. ...eta paranoiaren eragina dela, eta Sloan doktorearen txostena dela.
It has its faults , but it is a kind , unapologetic , sweetheart of a movie , and Mandy Moore leaves a positive impression .
Akatsak ditu , baina bere horretan, onberatasuna eta ontasuna ditu. Eta Mandy Moorek zerbait positiboa egiten du.
The Saigon of 1952 is an uneasy mix of sensual delights and simmering violence , and The Quiet American brings us right into the center of that world .
1952ko Saigon , sexuaren eta indarkeriaren nahasketa misteriotsua. "Amerikar bat lasai " filmak munduko erdigunera garamatza .
Despite its shortcomings , Girls Ca n't Swim represents an engaging and intimate first feature by a talented director to watch , and it 's a worthy entry in the French coming-of-age genre .
"Emakumeek ezin dute igerian egin " filmak arrakasta handia izan zuen eta "Girls Can 't Swim " zuzendariaren estreinako argazkia da oraindik ere .
Flawed , but worth seeing for Ambrose 's performance .
Akatsak zituen, baina ikustea merezi zuen.
With Dirty Deeds , David Caesar has stepped into the mainstream of filmmaking with an assurance worthy of international acclaim and with every cinematic tool well under his control -- driven by a natural sense for what works on screen .
" Ekintza zikinak " filmarekin David Caesarrek pelikula nagusietako atal batekin aurrera egin du nazioarteko ospearen jabe daitekelako eta bere tresna guztiak erabiliz kontrolatu ahal izan du bere pantailan agertzen denaren sentsazioa .
The humor and humanity of Monsoon Wedding are in perfect balance .
" Monsoon Wedding "eko umorea eta gizatasuna oreka ezin hobean daude.
Lookin ' for sin , American-style ?
Bekatuen bila zabiltza, amerikarra?
Try Hell House , which documents the cautionary Christian spook-a-rama of the same name .
Infernuko Etxea deitzen dioten hori ... adibidez, izen bereko hilerri kristau bateko erreportaje bat da.
A compelling motion picture that illustrates an American tragedy .
Film honek amerikar tragedia bat erakusten du.
As comedic spotlights go , Notorious C.H.O. hits all the verbal marks it should .
Zuzendariaren ustezko " erritmo triste " k erreakzionatu du " aireko espresio " horrekin.